Čas žatvy



Rozmýšľame o tomto, že On sám teraz hovorí, že: "Ja som ten chlieb života." Ako by mohol byť tento človek chlebom života? To nás zaujíma. "Moje telo je chlieb," povedal. A tak, ako tento človek mohol byť chlebom? To je trochu divné, ale nebuďte z toho zmätení. Ľudia v jeho čase boli z toho zmätení. Oni nevedeli, akoby priamo tento človek mohol byť skutočne chlebom. Tiež v ev. Jána 1, je nám to podané takto, že "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh ... A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." Tak, Slovo sa stalo chlebom. Slovo a chlieb tu musí byť to isté, pretože Ježiš je Slovo a On je chlieb.

Ako On mohol byť chlebom a Slovom? Všetko ... Telesná myseľ bude z toho zmätená. Ale my dúfame, dnes ráno, že nie je medzi nami telesná myseľ, že môžeme porozumieť, čo sa nám tu Otec snaží podať. Vidíme, že tieto slová vyvolávajú neporozumenie, ale súčasne je to Biblická pravda.

Ale jedného dňa On začal hovoriť, a povedal: "Ja a Otec sme jedno."

"Ó, ty sa robíš rovný Bohu. Vidíte? Ó! Nechceme mať nič viacej spoločného s týmto človekom."

A všetky tieto ďalšie veci, ktoré On začal hovoriť: "Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka."Čo myslíte, čo si mysleli doktori, ktorí tam stáli? Čo myslíte, čo si ktokoľvek mohol myslieť, keď len normálne uvažoval? "Vy musíte jesť moje telo a piť moju krv."

Oni povedali: "Tento človek je vampír, nie kazateľ. Stráňte sa toho človeka, on je blázon. Stráňte sa ho."

Ale to bola pravda. Vidíte? To bola pravda. "Ak to nebudete jesť, zahyniete. Všetci pomriete, ak to nebudete jesť."

A to isté je dnes. Chlieb a víno je len symbol, nedajte sa usadiť tými telesnými vecami. Vy musíte jesť Krista, ktorý je Slovom, skrze ktoré žijete, každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza, celou Bibliou, od Genesis do Zjavenia.

1Ďakujem, brat Williams. Dobré ráno, priatelia. Je to privilégium, že tu dnes ráno môžem byť, a že to môžem takto zahájiť, to stále na mňa pôsobí, že sa cítim menší. A bol som veľmi vďačný, že som mal možnosť sem prísť, dnes ráno do Phoenixu.

2Pamätám sa, keď som prvý krát prišiel do Phoenixu, mal som sedemnásť rokov. On sa samozrejme od vtedy rozrástol. Ako dnes ráno, keď sme prichádzali do Phoenixu, ťažko by sme mohli povedať, kedy sme opustili Tucson a vošli do Phoenixu. Je to skoro spojené. Postavili toľko nových objektov. Miesta, na ktoré sme chodievali sem za mesto, a kde po púšti behali osly, teraz tu stoja motely a (desať centové) obchody, a tak ďalej. A, samozrejme, to mi ukazuje, že starnem.

3A potom som si tu sadol ku svojmu dobrému bratovi, bratovi Waldezovi, a povedal som : "No, brat ..." Rozprávali sme sa, a ja som povedal: "No, samozrejme, starnem." Povedal som: "Vidím, že mi pribúda míľ." Povedal som: "Počkaj, keď budeš taký starý ako ja." Alebo niečo také. A bol som prekvapený, keď som sa dozvedel, že je odo mňa o dvanásť rokov starší. Potom som sa cítil oveľa lepšie. Povedal som: "Brat Valdez, chcem sa ťa ... Ako dlho kážeš evanjelium?"

On povedal: "Päťdesiat rokov."

4 No, ja som bol vtedy ešte len malý chlapec, keď on už kázal. Tak som povedal: "Bol by som rád, keby si ty kázal dnes ráno, brat Waldez. Ja som mladý. Som veľmi nerád, keď to tu mám zahájiť a snažiť sa hovoriť a moji starší ..."

5A on sa začal smiať a povedal: "Čo si myslíš, že kvôli čomu som sem prišiel?"

6Som veľmi vďačný za brata Valdeza. Hovoril mi, že si tu ku nemu môžem prísť domov oddýchnuť. To je skutočne milé. Cením si to. Pozval ma, aby som k ním niekedy prišiel a navštívil ich. A to je tu pri New River. Neviem či niekto z vás vie, kde to je, alebo nie. Som si istý, že keď za tým stojí Valdez, tak je to v poriadku.

7Stále keď prídem na konferenciu, väčšinou niekoho stretnem, kto bol na zhromaždení uzdravený, alebo niečo také. A keď som tu dnes ráno stál pri stole, stretol som jednu drahú sestru, ktorá tam sedí, nazýva sa Erba; prišla sem z Michiganu. Jej syn je hlásateľom tu na tejto kresťanskej stanici. A ona mi rozprávala, že voľakedy bola na zhromaždení vo Flint, v Michigane. Mala modlitebnú kartu a snažila sa prísť, aby som sa za ňu modlil, ale sa jej to nepodarilo. A bola veľmi vážne chorá. A práve teraz tu, dnes ráno, verím že Boh uzdravil tú ženu, keď stála tu na boku.

8Povedal som: "Čo je to teraz za čas. Bolo to asi pred okolo dvanástimi alebo štrnástimi rokmi, a teraz v meste, ktoré sa nazýva Phoenix. Phoenix, to je niečo, čo bolo postavené z ruín." Povedal som: "No, to isté sa dnes ráno stalo tebe. Verím, že Boh ťa dnes ráno postavil, zo zruinovaného zdravia do dobrého zdravia."

9Minulý večer som práve počúval, mal som toľko telefonátov. Ja som teraz váš sused, bývam v Tucsone, a mal som toľko telefonátov, že som sa nemohol vybrať za nimi za všetkými, tak som sa modlil za nich cez telefón. A oni potom museli nechať len svoje čísla.

10A bola tam jedna pani, osemdesiat sedem ročná, kresťanka. Chvíľami strácala zdravý rozum. Bola na ulici, kričala a volala políciu, že jej niekto vzal dieťa. Osemdesiat sedem ročná. Vidíte? Stratila zdravý rozum. A to bola drahá, stará žena. Nikdy v živote som ju nepoznal. A tak Billy mi zazvonil a povedal: "Choď sa hneď modliť, tá pani je vo vážnom stave, a myslia si, že zomiera." Povedal: "Stratila vedomie."

11Potom som len odložil slúchadlo a odišiel som do izby a modlil som sa. Ona za chvíľu zaspala. Keď sa zobudila bola celkom zdravá, zjedla celú večeru, kura a za tým všetko, zmrzlinu a zákusok.

12Vidíte, Boh je suverénny. On je taký skutočný, On môže ... Nemusíte tam byť; len som toto prosil.

13Myslím, že dnes ráno tu náš vedúci, alebo niekto, alebo možno to bol brat Valdez, ktorý vo svojej modlitbe povedal: "Nemáme, lebo neprosíme. Neprosíme, lebo neveríme."

14Cením si ten spev tu týchto mladých ľudí. Brat Valdez, my starí ľudia, sme si všimli úprimnosť toho mladého muža, ktorý tu vydával svedectvo, že pozná Ježiša.

15Vieme, že mnohokrát sme videli tieto kvartetá a spev ... toto sú

slová iného kazateľa. Brat Valdez povedal: "Niekedy to nestojí za nič." Pretože to vyzerá, že dnes z toho robia divadlo, namiesto svätosti a úprimnosti, ktorú letniční voľakedy mali.

16A úprimnosť týchto chlapcov, cením si to. Nech vás Pán žehná, chlapci. A bol som ...

17Nie som veľmi za televízorom, ako viete. Som skutočne proti tomu. A v Tucsone mám prenajaté miesto, až kým nebudeme mať hotové naše miesto, kde by sme si založili svoj dom, ak Pán dá. A tá pani, ktorá nám prenajíma svoj dom, je to milá kresťanská priateľka, ale má v dome televízor. No, ja mám malé deti, a viete aké sú deti, oni bežia ku televízoru. Tak, pred pár dňami, práve keď som prišiel domov z cesty, kde som bol s bratom Stromeisom ... Neviem či je tu dnes ráno brat Stromeis, alebo nie, on je vedúcim jedného zhromaždenia v Tucsone. Moja mladá dcéra, ktorá sedí tam vzadu, ma zavolala, aby som sa prišiel pozrieť. Povedala: "Ideme pozerať televízor, budú spievať nejaké kvartetá." Alebo niečo také.

18No, ja som veľmi dobrý kritik, je mi to ľúto, ale nemôžem byť iný, len taký, aký som. Keby som robil niečo proti svojej povahe, bol by som pokrytec. A nechcel by som byť taký, pred ľuďmi. Chcem byť len tým, čím som, a potom viete ako stojíme. A hádam kritizujem trochu priveľa.

19Ale mal som to proste v srdci, aby som to kritizoval, pretože podľa mňa to vyzeralo ako nejaký Hollywood, len samé žarty. Nevyzeralo to vôbec sväto, ako by malo. A oni spievali tieto piesne v rock'n'rolovom rytme, a na nohách mali zlaté topánky. Či sa z evanjelia stalo divadlo? Aha ... ak je to tak, ja s tým nechcem mať nič spoločného. Ja chcem niečo, čo je skutočné a pravé, a také to chceme zachovať.

20Myslím, že tu tieto dva mikrofóny sú do prenosu, bratia ... Počujete ma teraz lepšie?

21Na budúcu sobotu ráno, ak Pán dá, budem mať veľké privilégium, že prvý krát budem môcť hovoriť na zhromaždení vo Flagstaff, v Arizone. Ten brat tu, zabudol som ako sa volá, je vedúcim. [Niekto hovorí: "Chester Earl." -- pozn.prekl.] Chester Earl, brat Chester Earl. Mal som práve príležitosť stretnúť ho dnes ráno, práve keď som si podával ruky s tým milým evanjelistom z Indii - s bratom z Indii. A on povedal, že na budúcu sobotu ráno mám tam hovoriť. Všetci ste srdečne pozvaní, aby ste navštívili toto zhromaždenie. Dúfame, že nás Pán požehná.

22A potom nasledujúci pondelok večer, v Tucsone, je banket. Pán mi dal tú česť, aby som hovoril na ... tam na tom bankete, 21. decembra, v Tucsone. Samozrejme ste srdečne pozvaní, aby ste navštívili ten banketový večer.

23A potom ako ohlásil brat Williams, že znovu budem tu, na taký malý úvod, predtým ako začne konferencia.

24A tak ... Či to tu robí spätnú väzbu, brat Williams? Čo hovorí? Je to teraz lepšie? Je to lepšie. Dobre.

25Samozrejme dúfam, že mnohí z vás si nájdete čas, aby ste prišli na jedno, alebo každý večer, i cez deň, na tieto zhromaždenia. Začína to sedemnásteho, v ... Nedeľu popoludní? [Niekto hovorí: "O pol druhej." -- pozn.prekl.] O pol druhej. O pol druhej, v nedeľu popoludní. Chcem tiež povedať, ak bude vôľa Pánova, budem sa na týchto zhromaždeniach modliť za chorých, a budem robiť všetko, čo budem môcť, aby som vám pomohol.

26A bratia kazatelia, ktorí sú tu dnes ráno, z okolia Phoenixu. Dôvod, prečo som prišiel sem do tejto haly ... Stále keď prídem, zvyknem si robiť trochu prehľad a chodím okolo po zboroch, do každého zboru. Potom som zistil, že to je trochu ťažko, pretože niektoré tie zbory sú trochu malé. A samozrejme, že nechceme vynechať žiadneho brata, pretože jeho zbor je malý, a potom je to ťažko, ľudia sa tam nespracú. Tak ak ... Myslel som, že by sme sa stretli na jednom mieste, a ja sám sa o to postarám, a že sa tu stretneme a budeme mať zhromaždenie, len jednoduché evanjelizačné zhromaždenie, a že sa budeme modliť za chorých a tak ďalej. Prv ...

27Možno keď si zastanem tu za tento, tento tu je lepší? [Niekto hovorí: "Nie, to je ku magnetofónu." -- pozn.prekl.] To je ku magnetofónu. Dobre.

28Možno to bude trochu lepšie, keď som to urobil takto. A chcem, aby moji bratia tu z cirkví, pastori tu vo Phoenixe, aby vedeli, že to je dôvod, prečo sme to takto urobili, že sme prišli tu do tejto haly, a takto môžeme byť všetci spolu na jednom mieste. A nemusíte ísť ku všetkým tým bratom, videli ste ich tu stáť dnes ráno, je ich tak veľa, a možno, že to nie je ani polovica z nich. Tak ich tu všetkých ani nemôžete mať, za tých pár dní, čo to tu máme, pred konferenciou.

29A som si istý, že na tej konferencii prežijeme krásne chvíle. Budete počuť veľkých rečníkov. Toto je brat Cash, Cash Hamburg. Koľkí ste ho už počuli? On je skutočný tajfún. Prepáčte, nemal som to tak povedať. To je brat, ale, ó, raz som s ním bol. Viete, neviem či ma budete ešte počúvať, keď budete počuť takéhoto muža. On môže kázať a vôbec sa ani nenadychuje. Neviem ako to robí, ale samozrejme veľa vydychuje. Bol som s ním nedávno v New Yorku na mojej konferencii, a on chcel, aby som s ním išiel po zhromaždení na večeru. A išiel som na to miesto, a bol som skoro hotový odísť, keď brat ... On kázal hore dole, a všade okolo, každému kto tam bol. On je celkom - má v sebe taký charakter.

30A som si istý, že tiež budete mať radosť z brata z Californie. Ako sa volá? Nemôžem si spomenúť jeho meno - je jedným z rečníkov. Tiež som zabudol ako sa volá. Ale on je mocný rečník a bude sa vám páčiť. Budú tu asi veľkí rečníci takí ako, viete, brat Roberts a mnohí veľkí mužovia tohoto času.

31Tak, som vďačný, keď myslím na to miesto Písma, ktoré mi tu teraz prišlo na myseľ. Dávid sa raz díval na Pánovu truhlu, ktorá bola v stane, a povedal ... Sedel vtedy s prorokom Nátanom. A tak on povedal: "Či je to dobre, že ja bývam tu v dome, že bývam v cedrovom dome a truhla zmluvy môjho Pána býva pod stanom?"

32A prorok mu povedal: "Dávid, urob všetko čo je v tvojom srdci, pretože Boh je s tebou." To bolo všetko, čo mu vedel povedať.

33Ale tej noci Pán stretol proroka a povedal: "Choď a povedz môjmu sluhovi Dávidovi, že som ho vzal z pastviska z poza oviec, a učinil som mu meno, ako meno tých veľkých mužov," nie najväčšie meno, nie najvýznamnejšie meno, ale započítal ho s tými veľkými mužmi, ktorí boli v tom čase na zemi.

34A rozmýšľal som: "Pre Dávida to tam bola Božia milosť." A rozmýšľal som: "Ja by som to mohol prirovnať ku sebe. Keď som našiel to privilégium v tomto čase, v ktorom žijeme, v koncových dňoch svetovej histórie, že som započítaný medzi takých mužov, akých tu máme na týchto zhromaždeniach." Nech vás Pán bohato žehná.

35Môj dobrý priateľ, brat Valdez povedal: "Brat Branham, ja musím odísť, myslím, o trištvrte na desať, alebo o štvrť na jedenásť." Povedal: "Sadnem si tam na koniec, nechcem ťa vyrušovať, keď budeš hovoriť." On bol predtým na tých zhromaždeniach.

36Ja som trochu pomalý, a viete, keď hovorím musím rozmýšľať. A zapísal som si tu miesta Písma, a poznámky, možno, ale potom sa musím vrátiť a rozmýšľať, čo mi povedal Pán, aby som povedal, viete, musím čakať na Neho. A som trochu pomalý, a tak dúfam, že vás tu dnes ráno nebudem držať príliš dlho.

37Opýtal som sa brata Williamsa. Povedal som: "Brat Williams, koľko mám času?" Povedal som: "Mám tu miesto Písma, z ktorého chcem hovoriť, ktoré mi zaberie okolo tridsať minút, alebo tak nejako, a všetkých rozpustiť a ísť domov." A povedal som: "Ale rád by som mal krátku lekciu, ak je to možné." A myslím, že by na nej bolo dnes niečo pre vás, niečo čo by ste si mohli odniesť so sebou domov, a rozmýšľať nad tým.

38Určite by som dnes ráno nevstával o pol štvrtej, ani dvadsať minút pred štvrtou, aby som sa pripravil sem prísť, len aby ma ľudia videli. Nestarám sa o to, aby ma ľudia videli. Idem sem, rozmýšľal som včera o niektorých miestach Písma, ktoré som si zapísal, kvôli niečomu, za čo som sa úprimne modlil, a myslím, že možno to, skrze to, že to môže niekomu pomôcť. Ja ... Nemáme čas na divadlo a na scenáre. Musíme sa pustiť do práce. Verím, že Ježišov príchod je veľmi blízko.

39A teraz, oni toto nahrávajú, a možno že niekomu sa môže dostať táto páska. Chcem povedať, že niekedy som ... že mnohokrát ma úplne zle pochopia. A mnohokrát mi ľudia volajú a pýtajú sa: "Brat Branham, toto bolo to svetlo, ktoré si tam spomenul?" A niekedy niečo povieme, ale vy musíte vedieť ku tomu pristúpiť podľa terminológie, že čo som tým chcel povedať.

40A niekedy hovorím veci, ktoré sa trochu líšia od toho, čo možno niekto z vás verí - (Chcem, aby ste to teraz jasne porozumeli.) - čo niekto verí. Ale ja mám posolstvo, ja ne ... od Pána, a takto to cítim. Niektorým sa môže zdať, že je to od diabla. Iným sa môže zdať, že je to nezmysel. Ale pre mňa je to život. Nemám v úmysle líšiť sa, keď hovorím veci, ktoré sa líšia, alebo trochu rania ľudí, alebo sa ich dotknú. Nemyslím to v takom svetle. Ak by som to tak myslel, potom by som bol pokrytec. Hovorím to vo svetle približovania sa ku Bohu. Hovorím to vo svetle ... aby ľudia lepšie poznali Boha. A nehovorím to preto, že to je niečo, čo som sám vymyslel. To je niečo, čo mi bolo dané od Boha.

41A teraz, keď sa stane, že budem hovoriť niečo, na niektorej z týchto konferencií, čo by ranilo ľudí, alebo ... Poviete: "Ja to tak neverím."

42No, často poukazujem na toto prosté pravidlo. Moja žena, ktorá tam teraz sedí a počúva, ona vie, že nerobím veľa formalít. Ako keď jete kura a narazíte na kosť. Žiadny kurací labužník, nikdy neodhodí kura, preto že narazil na kosť. Odhodí len tú kosť, a ďalej pokračuje v jedení. Tak isto je to, keď jem čerešňový koláč. Keď narazím na kôstku, [Anglicky tiež - semeno. -- pozn.prekl.] neodhodím koláč, odhodím len kôstku. Tak ..

43A to čo tu poviem, vám sa môže zdať ... a na všetkých mojich zhromaždeniach, vám sa môže zdať, že je to kôstka (semeno), dobre, položte to len nabok a ... No, nechajte to pre mňa, neviem koľko vy z toho zjete. Tak potom, len pokračujte a jedzte to, čo si myslíte, že je dobré. A ja budem ...

44Verím, že Boh požehná svoje Slovo. Ja pevne verím Slovu a jedine Slovu. Jedine Slovu. A to je posolstvo, ktoré mi dal Pán.

45Líšime sa jeden od druhého. Všimol som si dnes ráno, stoja tu moji bratia, misionári, evanjelisti a pastori, je ich tu možno sto, alebo aj viac. Každý z nich je viac kvalifikovaný, než ja, aby sa sem postavil a hovoril. Som o tom presvedčený. Ale, viete, každý jeden z nás ... jeden nemôže zastávať miesto druhého. Jeden nemôže zobrať posolstvo druhého. Viete, máme rôzne spôsoby.

46Boh je suverénny. Keď On ... Kto mohol povedať Bohu, ako má stvoriť tie veci tam na počiatku, keď tam nebolo nikoho, jedine On sám. Vidíte? A ak my máme večný život, existuje len jedna forma večného života, a to je Boh. Tak ak máme večný život, už vtedy sme boli s Bohom, boli sme časťou Boha. Boli sme Jeho atribútmi. Teraz sme Jeho atribútmi. A ... pretože "Na počiatku bolo Slovo." A slovo, to je vyjadrená myšlienka. Tak my sme boli Jeho myšlienkami, potom sme boli vyjadrení do formy slova a stali sme sa tým, čím sme. Preto naše mená, možno nie tie, ktoré máme teraz, ale naše mená boli zapísané do Baránkovej knihy života pred založením sveta. Vidíte? A ak to tam nebolo, tak to tam ani nikdy nebude. A Ježiš prišiel, aby vykúpil všetkých tých, ktorých mená boli zapísané v tej knihe. Vidíte? On ich poznal.

47"Hrnčiar," ako je nám povedané v liste Rimanom 8, "kto môže povedať hrnčiarovi? Či hlina môže povedať: Urob ma takto a takto?" Vidíte? Nemôže. Boh musí prejaviť všetky svoje atribúty. A tak On musí urobiť jednu nádobu na nečesť, a druhú na česť, aby ukázal že tá je vyššie postavená, samozrejme. No, ale On je suverénny. Vidíte? Nikto mu nemôže povedať, čo má robiť.

48A On nás stvoril rôznych. Aj - Biblia nám hovorí, že hviezdy sú rôzne a líšia sa jedna od druhej. Viete v nebi je rôznorodosť, medzi anjelmi, anjelskými bytosťami; sú anjeli, sú cherubíni, sú serafíni a oni sa tam líšia. Aj my všetci sa líšime. A Boh má vysoké hory, má pláne, prérie, trávu, púšť, vodu. Vidíte? On má rôznorodosť. On je Boh rozmanitosti. A pozrite sa tu dnes ráno na jeho ľudí. Niektorí z nás sú bieli, niektorí čierni, niektorí hnedí, niektorí žltí, niektorí červení. Vidíte? To sú jeho ľudia. On je Boh rozmanitosti. A myslím, že tak isto je to s jeho služobníkmi.

49A teraz skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy a pomodlime sa. Chcem povedať toto, prv ako budeme čítať Slovo. Viem, že ak by som trochu dlho hovoril, a ak budete musieť vstať a vyjsť, chápem to, úplne to chápem. No, modlime sa. A teraz, keď sa budeme modliť a skloníme svoje hlavy do prachu, z ktorého nás Boh vzal, je tu niekto, kto by bol rád spomenutý v modlitbe? Zodvihni len ruku. On vie presne, čo je v tvojom srdci, za tou rukou.

50Drahý nebeský Otče, s vážnosťou predstupujeme pred Teba, so sklonenými hlavami do prachu, z ktorého si nás vzal. A rozmýšľame pri tom vo svojich mysliach, že Ty si jednej noci povedal Abrahámovi, či by mohol spočítať piesok, ktorý bol na brehu mora. A potom si mu povedal, aby sa pozrel na hviezdy, a či by ich mohol spočítať. Samozrejme, to bolo nemožné. A potom si mu povedal, že jeho semeno bude nespočetné, tak ako piesok na morskom brehu, a ako hviezdy, ktoré svietia na nebesiach. Naše mysle, naše rozmýšľa- nie - rozmýšľame vo svojich mysliach, lepšie povedané, keď skláňame svoje hlavy do piesku, z ktorého pochádzame; vtedy naše srdcia hľadia do neba, kde ideme. Od piesku ku hviezdam, keď sme Abrahámovým semenom. Keď sme zomreli v Kristovi, sme Abrahámovým semenom, a s ním dedičmi podľa zasľúbenia.

51A dnes ráno sme sem prišli, aby sme mali obecenstvo pri prirodzených pokrmoch života, ktoré sme jedli, aby sme to dali nabok z cesty. A teraz sme žiadostiví po Tebe, aby si nám dal tú nebeskú mannu, tú potravu, ktorá nám dá silu do života, ktorý je v nás. Ako keď krv teraz roznáša túto potravu, aby posilnila telo, aby vytvorila viacej buniek, aby nás postavila silných na tento deň, nech môžeme prijať Krista, aby sa On mohol dnes ráno dostať do nášho ducha, skrze Slovo, a posilnil nás ohľadne hodiny, v ktorej žijeme. Pretože deň pokročil a padajú večerné tiene, to večerné svetlo je tu a my zakrátko budeme počuť zavolanie, aby sme vystúpili vyššie, a chceme byť pripravení na tú hodinu. A tak nám pomôž, Otče.

52A žiadny človek nebol hodný, aby otvoril tú knihu, alebo aby uvoľnil jej pečate; ale Baránok, ktorý bol zabitý od založenia sveta, prišiel a zobral tú knihu a uvoľnil tie pečate. Ó, Baránok Boží, príď dnes ráno a otvor nám tú knihu, a dovoľ nám spolu s Tebou nazrieť do nej, Pane, aby sme videli čo máme robiť, aby sme boli pripravení na túto hodinu. Požehnaj každý zbor, požehnaj tie nadchádzajúce zhromaždenia, každé jedno, a naše prosté zhromaždenie, aby splývalo s tými ďalšími. A keď z tadeto dnes odídeme, aby sme mohli povedať, ako tí, ktorí prišli z Emaus: "Či nehoreli naše srdcia, keď hovoril s nami na ceste." Udeľ nám to, Otče. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

53Pre vás, ktorí by ste si to radi otvorili, väčšinou si to chcete čítať spolu s kazateľom, keď on číta, aby ste našli z kade hovorí, ak máte Biblie, otvorte si ev. Matúša 4. kapitolu.

54A teraz podám svoj text, prv ako začnem hovoriť; viac menej to chcem tak nejako učiť, a hovoriť o tom, keď to budeme preberať. A nejako som dal tomuto názov, neviem prečo, dávam tomuto názov: "Čas Žatvy."

55A budeme čítať miesto Písma, aby sme na ňom založili túto myšlienku, aby sme z tadeto zobrali súvislosť ku nášmu textu. Budeme čítať ev. Matúša, 4. kapitolu, časť z nej. Toto je v tom, keď bol Ježiš pokúšaný. Potom, keď bol naplnený Duchom Svätým, bol zavedený na púšť.

Vtedy bol Ježiš zavedený hore na púšť od Ducha, aby bol pokúšaný od diabla.

A keď sa bol postil štyridsať dní a štyridsať nocí, napokon zlačnel.

A pristúpiac k nemu pokušiteľ riekol mu: Ak si Syn Boží, povedz aby sa tieto kamene stali chlebami.

A on odpovedajúc riekol: Je napísané: Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom slove, ktoré vychádza skrze ústa Božie.

Vtedy ho pojal diabol do svätého mesta a postavil ho na vrch, na krídlo chrámu

a povedal mu: Ak si Syn Boží, hoď sa dolu, lebo veď je napísané, že svojim anjelom prikáže o tebe, a vezmú ťa na ruky, aby si neuderil svojej nohy o kameň.

A Ježiš mu riekol: Zase je napísané: Nebudeš pokúšať Pána, svojho Boha!

Opäť ho pojal diabol na vrch, veľmi vysoký, a ukázal mu všetky kráľovstvá sveta a ich slávu

a povedal mu: Toto všetko ti dám, ak padneš a pokloníš sa mi.

Vtedy mu povedal Ježiš: Odídi, satane, lebo je napísané: Pánovi svojmu Bohu, sa budeš klaňať a jemu samému budeš svätoslúžiť!

56Znovu sa chcem trochu vrátiť ku štvrtému veršu.

Ale on odpovedajúc riekol: Je napísané: Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom slove, ktoré vychádza skrze ústa Božie.

57No, za tému by som rád zobral to: "Každé Slovo, ktoré vychádza skrze ústa Božie." Majte to na mysli, kým budeme hovoriť.

58Ježiš raz povedal, v ev. Jána 6:48, myslím, že to je to, poznačil som si to dnes ráno. "Ja som chlieb života." Toto bolo počas sviatku Veľkej noci, keď Židia jedli svoj košer (nekvasený chlieb) na slávnostnú pamiatku manny, ktorá padala na púšti, a pili tam z prameňa, ktorý predstavoval tú skalu, ktorá bola na púšti, a prežívali významné chvíle. A Ježiš práve v strede toho zvolal. Povedal: "Ja som chlieb života. Vaši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti, za štyridsať rokov, a oni sú všetci mŕtvi. Ale ja som ten chlieb, ktorý prichádza od Boha z neba. Kto bude z neho jesť, ten nezomrie." A ohľadne tej skaly povedal: "Ja som tá skala, ktorá bola na púšti. Ja som tá skala, z ktorej pili vaši otcovia."

59"Ako?" Oni povedali: "Ty nemáš viac ako päťdesiat rokov a hovoríš, že si videl Abraháma? Teraz vieme, že máš diabla a že blázniš."

60A Ježiš povedal: "Prv ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM." Vidíte, "JA SOM", to bol ten ohnivý stĺp, ktorý bol v tom kríku, ktorý sa rozprával s Mojžišom. A keby ste rozobrali tie podstatné mená a zámená, nie: "Ja som bol. Ja budem." "JA SOM" je prítomný čas, stále.

61Rozmýšľame o tomto, že On sám teraz hovorí, že: "Ja som ten chlieb života." Ako by mohol byť tento človek chlebom života? To nás zaujíma. "Moje telo je chlieb," povedal. A tak, ako tento človek mohol byť chlebom? To je trochu divné, ale nebuďte z toho zmätení. Ľudia v jeho čase boli z toho zmätení. Oni nevedeli, akoby priamo tento človek mohol byť skutočne chlebom. Tiež v ev. Jána 1, je nám to podané takto, že "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh ... A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." Tak, Slovo sa stalo chlebom. Slovo a chlieb tu musí byť to isté, pretože Ježiš je Slovo a On je chlieb.

62Ako On mohol byť chlebom a Slovom? Všetko ... Telesná myseľ bude z toho zmätená. Ale my dúfame, dnes ráno, že nie je medzi nami telesná myseľ, že môžeme porozumieť, čo sa nám tu Otec snaží podať. Vidíme, že tieto slová vyvolávajú neporozumenie, ale súčasne je to Biblická pravda. Vidíte?

63"No, ako tento človek môže byť chlebom?" To bol ich problém. Myslím že Jozefus, mnohí historici ... keď som to čítal.

64No, píšem knihu, svoje komentáre na prvé štyri kapitole Zjavenia, dúfam, že to zakrátko budem mať. Bude to veľká kniha. Potom budem mať brožúru každého cirkevného veku.

65A čítal som históriu cirkvi. Už som to mal na mysli, zdá sa mi, že to bol Jozefus, ktorý, alebo niektorý z tých včasných pisateľov, no nech to bol ktokoľvek, on povedal, že tento Ježiš z Nazaretu, ktorý chodil a uzdravoval nemocných, povedal že jeho učeníci Ho vykopali a zjedli jeho telo. Vidíte? Mali komúniu (večeru Pánovu). Oni si mysleli, že oni vykopali Jeho telo a zjedli ho. My jeme komúniu, alebo prijímame komúniu (večeru Pánovu), ako symbol jeho tela, pretože On bol Slovo.

66No, vidíte, je to neporozumené. Ale pri tom je to podľa Písma. A Ježiš povedal: "Všetky Písma sa musia vyplniť." Vidíte? No, my stále chceme obsekať svoje myšlienky od všetkého, čo je nezhodné s týmto Písmom. Nikdy, nikdy, v žiadnom prípade neopustite Písmo, za nič, ani jedno Slovo z neho. Stojte presne na tom, čo hovorí to Písmo.

67No, Boh jedného dňa bude musieť súdiť ľudí. A ak bude súdiť ľudí podľa cirkvi, podľa ktorej cirkvi to bude? Oni hovoria: "Podľa katolíckej cirkvi." Dobre, potom, podľa ktorej katolíckej cirkvi? Vidíte? Pretože oni sa medzi sebou líšia viac, ako s nami. Vidíte? Oni sa líšia, jedna ... Je ich veľa rôznych smerov, Rímska, Ortodoxná (Pravoslávna) a Jufenite a, ó, medzi nimi je veľa rôznych skupín. A oni sú jedna proti druhej, tak podľa ktorej z týchto katolíckych cirkví? Keby ich súdil podľa protestantskej cirkvi, podľa ktorej protestantskej cirkvi? Všetky sa medzi sebou líšia.

68Ale On bude súdiť svet, a On musí mať nejaké merítko, podľa ktorého bude súdiť svet, inak by bol nespravodlivý, keby nás nechal teraz takto ísť a žiť si tento život bez nejakého merítka, podľa ktorého máme byť súdení. Kto by mal pravdu? Ako by ste mohli povedať, čo je správne? Musí byť nejaké merítko.

69A On povedal, vo svojej Biblii, že bude súdiť svet podľa Ježiša Krista. A tu čítame, že Ježiš je Slovo. V liste Židom 13: 8, je povedané, že On je ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky. A tak, On bude súdiť cirkev podľa toho, aký je ich postoj voči Kristovi, ktorý je Slovom. "Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom slove, ktoré vychádza skrze ústa Božie." Nie ktoré vychádza z úst človeka, nie ktoré vychádza zo seminára, nie ktoré vychádza z cirkvi, ale ktoré vychádza z úst Božích. Človek musí žiť na tom, a jedine na tom; nie na ľudskom výklade, ale na vlastnom Božom Slove!

70 "Dobre," poviete, "tu je chyba." Ak je, za to je zodpovedný Boh. On mi to priniesol. Vidíte? Toto je to, čo musím prijímať, tu je presne to čo On povedal.

71No, ak toto robí ľuďom taký problém, to že Človek je Chlebom a je Slovom, vojdime do toho a preskúmajme to. Pozrime sa na to, pretože všetky Písma sú pravda, a nemôžu byť zrušené. Každé Písmo sa vyplní. Nezáleží na tom ako divne to vyzerá, ono sa vždy vyplní.

72Čo keby brat Williams alebo niekto tu z bratov, náš pra - pra - praotec, keby obaja dnes ráno mohli povstať na scéne a povedzme, že by uvideli televízor. A možno niekto dávno v ich čase prorokoval a povedal: "Príde čas, keď budete môcť počuť hlas na celom svete."

73Oni by povedali: "Nevšímajte si toho biedneho človeka, stratil rozum."

74"A príde čas keď farba bude prenášaná rovno po vzduchu." Už to tu je. "A zvrtnú malým gombíkom a po celom svete budete vidieť, ako sa pohybujú ľudia, a všetko, hneď na obrazovke."

75"Dobre," oni by povedali, "chudák človek!" Vidíte? Ale teraz to máme, rovno tu dnes ráno v tejto miestnosti.

76A chcem, aby ste si to uvedomili, prv ako pôjdeme ďalej, že Boh je v tejto miestnosti. Autor tohoto Slova je tu. Tak, to nezáleží na tom ako ste oblečení, alebo na akom životnom stupni žijete, alebo v akom dome bývate, alebo na akom aute jazdíte, alebo koľko máte vzdelania. Boh sa díva na vaše srdce. A On sa díva do môjho srdca. A my sme súdení podľa svojho srdca, ani nie z našich slov. Naše srdce nás súdi. "Čím je preplnené srdce, to hovoria ústa." Ak to nie je tak, je to pokrytectvo.

77No, teraz do tejto miestnosti prichádzajú ľudské bytosti, postavy ľudských bytostí, prechádzajú cez toto miesto, z celého sveta, hlasy spevy, sú práve teraz v tejto miestnosti. Ale, (vidíte?) vy ste ohraničení, vo svojich zmysloch, že môžete vidieť len určité percento. Ale teraz môžete zobrať kryštál, alebo elektrónku, alebo čokoľvek čo je to v televízore, a zapnúť to, a tým prijímačom, ktorý môže odchýliť všetky tie vlny v étery, a odchýliť ich, aby to sústredil do nejakého kanálu a zachytil tých ľudí; niekoho v Austrálii, v Južnej Afrike, alebo kdekoľvek ... v Indi, alebo kdekoľvek sú. Môžete tu stáť pri obrazovke, a vidieť ešte aj farbu šiat, ktoré majú oblečené, farbu stromov, a každý ich pohyb. Len zapnite televízor a uvidíte, či to tak nie je.

78Potom to niekde musí byť, bolo to skryté pred našimi očami, to isté, čo tu práve teraz prechádza. Prechádzalo to stadeto, keď Abrahám počul, ako Boh povedal: "Pozri sa na hviezdy." Bolo to tu, keď Eliáš sedel na vrchu Karmel. Bolo to tu, keď tu bol Adam, ale oni to len teraz objavili.

79A tak isto je tu Boh a anjeli. A jedného dňa to bude až takou skutočnosťou, ako je televízia alebo niečo inšie, pretože Duch nás prenesie do toho nesmrteľného života. Potom budeme rozumieť. Tak potom, hovoríme z jeho Slova.

80Pokúsime sa uvidieť Boha. Boha, toho veľkého Stvoriteľa. Skúsme hovoriť na príklade prírody, pozrime sa na Neho prv v prírode, aby sme to preniesli naspäť do Slova. Príroda funguje presne podľa Slova, pretože Boh stvoril prírodu. Keď vidíte ako funguje príroda, zistíte že takým spôsobom ... To bola moja prvá Biblia, keď som zistil ako príroda ... keď som v prírode našiel Boha. A pšenica je prírodným produktom, chlieb, robí sa z nej chlieb, ktorým sa živí to prirodzené telo. Príroda skrýva v sebe mnohé tajomstvá. My ... Keď som prvý krát hľadal Boha, pozoroval som prírodu. Videl som, že tam niečo musí byť. A teraz, ja nemám žiadne vzdelanie, preto hovorím veľa z prírody. A to je ... Nesnažím sa podporovať nevzdelanosť. Ale vám chcem povedať, že na to, aby ste poznali Boha nemusíte byť vzdelaní.

81Ján Krstiteľ, Kristov predchodca, keď vystúpil z púšte, bolo nám povedané, že odišiel na púšť, keď mal deväť rokov a bol tam, pretože jeho práca bola dôležitá. Jeho otec bol kňaz. A v tej určitej línii kňažstva, alebo denominácii, ó, jeho otec povedal: "No, Ján vieš, ty máš predstaviť Mesiáša. Vieš, ale tu ten a ten brat, presne pasuje na Mesiáša." A tak Ján musel z tade odísť, odišiel na púšť, aby bol sám, pretože to musel vybrať Boh a nie človek. Kto bude Mesiáš. Tak, on tam odišiel keď mal asi deväť rokov.

82A všimnite si, keď on vystúpil, keď mal tridsať rokov, jeho kázne neboli ako kázne teológa. On nepoužíval veľké nafúkané slová, ale to bolo všetko z prírody. On povedal tým cirkevným ľuďom v tom čase, povedal: "Vy plemeno hadie." To bolo to, čo videl na púšti, hadov. Nenávidel hadov. Oni boli jedovaté. Vo svojich zuboch mali smrteľný jed, a on to povedal o tých cirkvách v tom čase. "Vy plemeno jedovatých hadov, kto vás varoval, aby ste utiekli pred budúcim hnevom? Nezačínajte hovoriť: My patríme do tohoto a my sme Jesseniti, alebo my sme takí a takí. Alebo, my patríme ku metodistom, baptistom, presbyteriánom, alebo do čohokoľvek. Nezačínajte hovoriť, že to máte, pretože ja vám hovorím, že Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi." Vidíte?

83A tiež: "Sekera." To je to, čo používal na púšti. "Sekera je priložená na koreň stromu. A každý strom, ktorý nenesie dobré ovocie bude zoťatý a hodený na oheň." Vidíte? On nezotínal strom, ktorý rodil ovocie, pretože on žil z ovocia toho stromu. Ale strom ktorý nerodil ovocie! Ó, mohli by ste zobrať celé Písmo, ono je tak inšpirované, že všetko čo tam je, pasuje okolo Ježiša Krista. Vidíte? "Každý strom, ktorý neprináša dobré ovocie je zoťatý a hodený do ohňa," a tak ďalej. Vidíte? On používal svoje posolstvo z prírody.

84A chceme sa teraz na to pozrieť, lebo sme našli, že On povedal: "Ja som chlieb. A človek bude žiť na každom Slove, a Ja som Slovo." Vidíte? A tak chceme ísť naspäť do prírody. Vidím, že mnohokrát to musím robiť.

85A v prírode sa všetko riadi tým istým pravidlom. Nájdite si čas a pozorujte všetci vtáci sa zhromaždia, odchádzajú a idú von do poľa a idú jesť. Pozorujte všetok dobytok, keď je vonku, roztrúsení po poli, jedia. Spustite do vody udicu, ryby budú brať. Ale keď sa dobytok ... keď sa vtáci stiahnu do stromov, a dobytok sa zhromaždí niekde v rohu, môžete vytiahnuť udicu, ryby nebudú brať, pretože v prírode sa riadi všetko stále tým istým pravidlom.

86A tak isto je to so Slovom Božím, ono má spojitosť. Boh všetko čo robí, robí stále v tej istej línii. On na počiatku rozhodol, keď človek s Ním stratil svoje obecenstvo, že ho spasí skrze preliatu krv nevinného Baránka. A On nikdy nezmenil svoju metódu. My sme sa snažili, aby to ľudia dosiahli pomocou vzdelania, vstúpením do nejakej denominácie, vyprosením, nabitím, alebo krikom. To stále zostáva nezmenené, preliata krv je to jediné, kde sa Boh stretáva s veriacim.

87Nie, nemôžeme urobiť jednu Svetovú Radu Cirkví, a každý sa tam s Ním stretne. To nikdy nebude fungovať; to nikdy nefungovalo a nikdy nebude. Takto som proti tomu systému. Boh má systém. Počuli ste, že dnes bolo povedané: "Všetky cirkvi sa schádzajú spolu, bude Svetová Rada Cirkví. A Ježiš sa modlil za to, že my všetci máme byť jedno." Dobre, no, (vidíte?) to je telesná myseľ, bez poznania Ducha.

88Ježiš povedal: "Aby oni boli jedno, Otče, ako Ty a Ja sme jedno." Nie nato, aby nejaký človek bol nad niečím, to nebude nikdy fungovať; jedna denominácia chce zavládnuť nad druhou, a jeden človek nad druhým. Ale aby ste mohli byť jedno s Bohom, ako Kristus a Boh boli jedno. To hovorí tá modlitba. On bol Slovo, a Ježiš sa modlil, aby sme my mohli byť Slovom, aby sme odzrkadľovali Jeho. To má byť odpoveď na Jeho modlitbu.

89Vidíte, ako to Satan spochybňuje v telesných mysliach? Ale Ježiš sa tak vôbec nemodlil, že sa máme všetci spolu zísť a mať všetci nejaké vyznanie a tak ďalej. Stále keď to robia, odchádzajú ďalej a ďalej od Boha.

90On chce, aby sme boli jedno s Bohom, a Boh je Slovo. Každý jednotlivec, vo svojom srdci, musí byť jedno s Bohom.

91Boh ... Vieme, že toto, že všetky tieto veci sa takto prejavujú. Takto máme niekedy hľadať Boha, pozorovať prírodu. Ročné obdobia, obeh zeme, to dokazuje Boha. Tam som prvý krát na to prišiel, ako sa život v prírode na jar objavuje, žije svoj život, produkuje semeno, zomiera a ide do zeme, a znovu sa vracia vo vzkriesení, proste obieha dookola. Mohli by sme pri tom stráviť hodiny.

92Ale aha, ako sa to líši od toho, ako to ... tu je náš brat misionár, v Indii. Narazil som na mnohých, po svete, oni veria v prevtelenie. Hovoria, že tu zomriete ako človek a prídete naspäť ako vták, alebo ako zviera. Vidíte, to nesúhlasí s prírodou.

93Príroda hovorí, že také semeno, aké vošlo do zeme, že také isté semeno znovu vyrastie. Vidíte? Ten istý Ježiš, ktorý zostúpil do hrobu, je ten istý Ježiš, ktorý prišiel naspäť. Haleluja! A toto telo, keď ono padne do zeme, ono nepríde naspäť ako mucha, alebo niečo iné, ono príde naspäť ako muž, alebo žena. Vidíme to v prírode, ako to je, musí to prejsť cez studené zimy, a zhniť a tak ďalej, ale ten život je zachovaný, ak je v tom nejaký život.

94 Ale ak tam, ak to semeno nemalo v sebe zárodok, ono nikdy znovu nevyrastie; nemôže vyrásť, nie je v ňom nič, čo by ho oživilo. A ak sa staneme len formálnym kresťanom ... Vo svete sú dve cirkvi, telesná cirkev a duchovná cirkev. Oni sa všetci nazývajú kresťania. Ale telesná cirkev nemôže vstať. Ona má teraz svoje povstávanie vo Svetovej Rade Cirkví.

95Ale kresťan povstáva, aby sa stretol s Kristom, pretože to je nevesta, ktorá sa má s Ním stretnúť. V tom je medzi nimi rozdiel. Príroda skrýva v sebe pre nás tieto tajomstvá, a my ich môžeme vidieť, keď ich pozorujeme. A vidíme, že kresťanstvo hovorí pravdu o smrti, pohrabe a vzkriesení.

96Potom keď existuje pšeničný chlieb, o ktorom, vieme, že všetci z neho žijeme, a vieme, že existuje len jeden spôsob, ako môžeme žiť, a to, prijímať do svojho tela mŕtve substancie. Nijako inak nemôžete žiť.

97Nedávno ma stretol jeden vegetarián - povedal: "Brat Branham, mal som v tebe veľkú dôveru, až kým som ťa nepočul, ako si hovoril, že na raňajky si jedol vajcia na slanine." A povedal: "Ako môže pobožný muž jesť niečo takéto?"

Vidíte? Povedal som: "No, čo je na tom zlého?"

98Všetky veci sú nečisté, ale sa posväcujú Slovom Božím a modlitbou. Biblia hovorí: "Keď budeš dobrým sluhom Ježiša Krista, budeš toto bratom pripomínať. (Vidíte?) Všetky veci sú posvätené a nič nie je na zahodenie, ak sa to prijíma s ďakovaním." l. Timotejovi 3. No vidíme, že je to pravda. A tak som povedal, že my ...

Povedal som: "No, či ty tiež nemusíš jesť niečo mŕtve?"

"Ó, nie, vôbec!"

99Povedal som: "V každom prípade, ak žiješ, musíš žiť z mŕtvych substancií. Keď ješ chlieb, to zomrela pšenica. Keď ješ zeleninu, ona zomrela. Čokoľvek ješ, ešte aj mlieko, piješ baktériu ... " Môžeš žiť jedine pomocou mŕtvej substancie.

100A potom, ak niečo muselo zomrieť, aby sme tak mohli telesne žiť, o čo viac muselo zomrieť niečo, aby sme mohli žiť večne! Na to bola potrebná smrť. Chlieb ... Vidíme, že Ježiš povedal: "Ja som chlieb." A máme pšeničný chlieb a On nebol takým chlebom, a tak musia byť dva druhy života, ktoré sa živia chlebom. To nás bude do toho viesť. Nemôže byť ... On nebol pšenicou; a On nebol Slovom, On bol telo, a tak musia byť dva druhy života. Vieme, že pšenica zomiera, aby sme žili telesne, ako som povedal. Ježiš, chlieb Slova, zomrel, aby sme mohli žiť večne. On bol chlieb Slova. No, všimnite si, pamätajte na to. Aby sme dokázali že Ježišove slová sú pravda, vidíme ako sa to deje v tomto - v prírode.

101Poďme teraz do Písma, aby sme si znovu overili, aby sme to mali podložené Písmom, prv ako sa dostaneme ku nášmu hlavnému textu. V záhrade, Boh dal svojej prvej rodine Božie Slovo, aby ním žili, každým slovom. Tá prvá rodina, ktorá bola postavená tu na zemi, dostala večný život, ktorý mali dovtedy, dokiaľ stáli v Božom Slove.

102To bol Jeho plán. On hovorí: "Ja som Boh a Ja sa nemením." To je stále jeho plán. On nikdy nezamenil svoj plán za vyznanie, alebo organizáciu, alebo ľudské nariadenia, ktorými by človek žil, ale každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.

103No poďme naspäť do knihy Genesis, ktorá je počiatkom. "Genesis" znamená počiatok. Vidíme, že Boh dal svojej rodine večný život, pokiaľ oni stáli v tomto Slove a žili týmto Slovom. Ale keď to oni porušili, len jedno ohnivo v tej reťazi zasľúbení, prišla na nich smrť, čo tiež bolo zasľúbené.

104To je reťaz. Visíte na nej nad peklom, a ona je tým jediným, čo vás cez to prenesie. Keď sa veriaci začne pretvarovať za veriaceho a žije na jednom slove, ktoré je nezhodné s týmto Slovom, presekáva svoje obecenstvo s Bohom. Jedno ohnivo prelomilo ... A pamätajte, vaša viera v Slovo je ako reťaz. Reťaz je taká silná, aké je silné jej najslabšie ohnivo. Je to tak. Taká je jej najväčšia sila, pretože udrží len toľko. A ak je v Slove niečo, o čom pochybujete, niečo čo ste počuli inak, že oni povedali: "Ó, to bolo pre apoštolov, a to platilo v tých dávnych dňoch," keď Písmo hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, nemajte v tom slabosť! Posilnite to a držte to, a zaviňte do toho svoj život, pretože to je to jediné, čo vás bude držať nad plameňmi pekla. Je to tak.

105Keď Adam a Eva, tá prvá rodina, porušili túto reťaz ... Pamätajte, oni neporušili vetu, oni neporušili tri slová; jedno Slovo! Človek bude visieť nad peklom na každom Slove, na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích. Tam je rozhodnuté o jeho večnom mieste určenia. Aha, on bude visieť na tej reťazi, alebo bude visieť na vyznaní; alebo ak je do tej reťazi zamiešané vyznanie, tam je to slabé ohnivo, a je po vás. Tam bolo to slabé ohnivo pri Adamovi a Eve. To slabé ohnivo, "istotne", on povedal: "Boh ..." Ale Boh to istotne povedal! A keď to Boh povedal, Boh to tak myslel. A On trvá na svojom Slove, v ktorom hovorí: "Toho dňa, ktorého by si z neho jedol, toho dňa zomrieš." Toho dňa, ktorého prijmeš do seba niečo iné okrem čistého Božieho Slova, do svojej duši, toho dňa si oddelený od Boha.

106No toto je veľmi silné, ale počúvajte pozorne. Všimnite si. Jedno slovo, jedno slovo na začiatku Biblii, Boh povedal, že jedno Slovo oddelilo človeka od tej reťazi večného života.

107To je ako keď sa držíte človeka a visíte na ňom, držíte sa ho za nohy a on má ruky v nebi a preseknete ho na polovicu, odlomíte mu palec, alebo čokoľvek na čom visíte. Visíte na tej najspodnejšej časti, a kdekoľvek pretrhnete tú reťaz, je po vás. Pamätajte na to.

108Pamätajte, Biblia hovorí: "Nech je každé slovo postavené na ústach troch svedkov." Za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme, pri tých troch Ježišových pokušeniach; dnes sú tri pokušenia kazateľov, na čom oni upadajú; tri pokušenia cirkvi, a kde oni upadajú; tri pokušenia organizácii, kde ona upadá; tri pokušenia jednotlivcov, a kde oni upadajú. Všetko to prebieha v troch; ako ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým; Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý. Všetko je dokonalé v troch.

109Všimnite si, Boh na začiatku, samá prvá vec, ktorú dal svojím deťom, aby ňou žili, bolo jeho Slovo. Zistili sme, že je to pravda. Potom v strede Biblii, počujeme Ježiša, ktorý prichádza a hovorí, že človek bude žiť na každom slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích. A potom v Zjavení 22:18, znovu sám Ježiš hovorí, povedal: "Ja svedčím o týchto veciach. Keby niekto pridal do tohoto jedno slovo, ale odňal jedno Slovo z tejto Knihy, bude mu odňatý diel z Knihy Života."

110No, vidíte? To nie je náš dobrý život; to je len niečo, čo s tým ide. To nie je vernosť našej cirkvi; to ide s tým. Ale to hlavné je zostávať v tom Slove. Nejesť nič okrem toho Slova. Stáť v ňom. On je Slovo. A teraz sa chceme na to dobre pozrieť.

111Čo? Toto je inakší chlieb pre stvorenie, aby ním žilo. No, pšenica je chlebom života, ak to nie je skrížené zrno, ono ... zahrabte ho a ono znovu vyrastie. Musí to byť dobré zrelé zrno. Vadné zrná nevyrastú. To všetci vieme. Sedí tu brat Sothmann, pestovateľ pšenici z Kanady, on vie, že keď chcete očakávať úrodu, nedáte do zeme vadné zrno. Pretože chrobák alebo baktéria, alebo čokoľvek je v tom zrne, ho zjedia - prv z neho vyjedia ten život.

112Vedeli ste, že práve tie chrobáky, ktoré zničia vás, ktoré zjedia vaše telo, sú už teraz v ňom? Jób povedal: "Hoci moje červy zničia toto telo ..." Dajú vás do truhly a zapečatia ju, vzduchotesne uzavrú, a stále tie červy, ktoré sú vo vás, vás zjedia.

113 Zistíte, že mäso a múka, a dužina, a nechajte to nejaký čas stáť, dostanú sa do toho chrobáky, zavrite to. Ako je to? Tie chrobáky sú v tom od začiatku. Je to tam od začiatku.

114No, toto zrno musí byť dobré. Nemôže byť poškodené, skazené, a tak ďalej. Musí to byť čistokrvné zrno. Nemôže byť krížené, pretože, keď vyrastie, a vy ho znovu zasadíte, s vašou pšenicou je koniec, pretože krížené zrno znovu nevyrastie. Ono nemôže znovu vyrásť. Keď ste ho skrížili, odstránili ste z neho život.

115A to sa stalo s cirkvami. Oni sú skrížené so svetom, a preto, každé prebudenie ktoré nastáva, potom už v tom nemôžete mať prebudenie. Každá organizácia, ktorá sa kedy zorganizovala, v tej chvíli zomrela a nikdy viacej nepovstane, pretože ona do svojho systému zorganizovala svet, preto to už nikdy nepovstalo. Nikde v histórii nevidíme, žeby nejaká cirkev, ktorá sa zorganizovala, niekedy znovu povstala. Ona tam zomrela. Prečo? Skrížili ste to.

116Neustanovujte nad tým nejakého biskupa. Nech nad tým stojí Duch Svätý. Vidíte? Duch Svätý bol poslaný, aby držal kúkoľ a všetko ďalej od toho; nie to čo si myslí biskup, alebo dozorcovia, a tak ďalej. Je potrebný Duch Svätý, aby udržiaval cirkev v jej stave. On bol tým dokonalým Slovom, ako to budeme vidieť.

117Adam sa mohol rozhodnúť pre Slovo a žiť, alebo neveriť jednému Slovu a zomrieť.

118My sa tak isto môžeme rozhodnúť, pretože musíme byť ... Ak Boh postavil Adama na Slove, a jedine na Slove, či potom nás bude stavať na vyznaní, na nejakom vyznaní, potom by Boh bol nespravodlivý vo svojom súde, to nepasuje ku jeho svätosti, ani ku jeho suverenite. Ale ku jeho suverenite pasuje, vidieť, že každého človeka stavia na ten istý základ. A On je Boh a nemení sa. Čo Boh urobil prvý krát, On to naveky robí tak isto. On nikdy nemení svoj program. Jediné čo robí, že to viacej zdôrazňuje, ale nikdy to nemení. Tá istá vec stále pokračuje.

119 No, Adam mal možnosť rozhodnúť sa. A keby sa bol držal Slova, bol by žil. Keď sa nedržal Slova, zomrel.

120A my máme tú istú možnosť. Keď zostaneme v Slove, budeme žiť. "Človek bude žiť každým slovom ..." Ale ak nezostaneme, zomrieme, duchovne zomrieme. Ó, ďalej môžeme robiť hluk, samozrejme, kopať dookola a kričať a predvádzať sa, ale, to nie je život. To nie je život. Som misionár. Počul som pohanov, kopali dookola a kričali hlasnejšie, ako by sme my dokázali, a vyznávali, že poznajú bohov, a takéto veci. Oni nemajú život. "Sú mŕtvi hoci žijú." Biblia tak hovorí. Vidíme, že nám je daná táto možnosť, aby sme sa rozhodli.

121Ale Eva urobila kompromis jednému Satanovmu slovu, a potom zomrela.

122A keby Boh na začiatku mohol vo svojej milosti a milosrdenstve prejsť bez povšimnutia okolo všetkých tých utrpení, ktoré sa diali, všetka smrť malých detí, a všetko, a vojny, a nepokoje, a križovanie, a všetko čo sa dialo; Keby to bol mohol obísť, keby mu to suverénnosť jeho slova dovolila obísť, potom by bol nespravodlivý, keby to neobišiel i potom. Rozumiete? On to nemôže obísť. On to nijako neobišiel pri Adamovi. A On to nijako neobíde pri tebe, ani pri mne. Musíme pochopiť, že to je jedine Slovo. On povedal: "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvo, a moje pravda."

123Dívame sa práve, že v akom dni žijeme. V čase žatvy.

124Potom Boh, keď Adam upadol (bol skúšaný Slovom a upadol), Boh pokračoval, vo svojom stvorení, snažil sa nájsť človeka, ktorý by žil každým slovom. On sa snažil nájsť človeka ... to znamená, žiť Slovom na svoj vek. No, vidíte, Boh rozsial svoje Slovo, pretože On mohol...

125On je nekonečný a On je všadeprítomný ... Vševedúci, preto On vie všetko. On nemôže byť prítomný na každom mieste. Ale tým, že je vševedúci, vie o všetkom, potom môže byť všade prítomný. Pretože, to je spôsob ako nás predurčil, tým že dopredu vedel, nie preto, že rozhodol, že táto osoba bude spasená a táto bude zatratená. Ale On vedel kto bude zatratený a kto bude spasený. Vidíte? A tak, skrze to, že dopredu vedel, mohol predurčiť. A On robí, aby sa všetko dialo na Jeho slávu. To je to, čo robia Jeho atribúty, ukazujú Jeho slávu. Jedna nádoba na česť a druhá na nečesť, ale to je Boh, ktorý to učinil. "Nie je to vecou toho, kto chce, ani toho, kto beží, ale vecou Boha, ktorý sa zmilováva." Vidíte?

126"Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne," povedal Ježiš, "keby ho nepritiahol Otec. A všetci, ktorých mi Otec dal (minulý čas), prídu ku mne." - do Slova. Ako by oni mohli prísť, ak by neboli predurčení aby prišli? A všetci, ktorí Ho prijali, On im dal moc, aby sa stali synmi Božími." Vidíte, pretože ich mená boli v knihe, On prišiel vykúpiť to čo bolo v knihe.

127V Zjavení nachádzame, keď boli otvorené pečate, tam bola Kniha. A Ten, ktorý sedel na tróne, Boh, ju držal vo svojej pravej ruke. A nebolo ničoho, nikoho, na nebi ani na zemi ani nikde, kto by bol hodný prísť a zobrať tú Knihu, alebo len pozrieť na ňu. Ján plakal veľkým ... pretože tam bola celá Kniha vykúpenia.

128Raz večer na zhromaždení, jeden brat a sestra z Assembly of God spievali tú pieseň: "Som zvedavý, či ma Ján videl, keď videl zhromaždené všetky národy. Či ma tam videl?" Samozrejme že videl, ak je tvoje meno v Knihe. A keď ...

129Jánove meno bolo tiež v nej, a on plakal, pretože nebolo nikoho, kto by sa jej mohol dotknúť. A potom jeden zo starších prišiel a povedal: "Neplač, Ján, pretože zvíťazil Lev z pokolenia Júdovho."

130A Ján sa díval dookola, aby uvidel Leva, a z poza závesov prichádza Baránok, Baránok, ktorý bol zabitý pred založením sveta. Potom uvidel vystupovať zakrvaveného Baránka, a prišiel a zobral tú Knihu z Jeho pravice a zavolal všetko, čo bolo zapísané v tej Knihe. To je úplná Kniha vykúpenia. A toto je to. Kniha vykúpenia. On vykúpil všetko, čo bolo v tej Knihe. Nie to, čo bolo pomimo tej Knihy. Všetko, čo malo začiatok má aj koniec. Ale ak máte večný život, nikdy ste nemali začiatok a nemôžete mať koniec, pretože ste synovia a dcéry Božie. Ste atribútmi jeho myšlienok a jeho Slova. Nemáte koniec života, ak je vaše meno v tej Knihe. Baránok to prišiel vykúpiť. Nie všetkých, ktorí vyznávajú, že sú kresťania, nie všetkých, ktorí sa snažia dobre a sväte žiť; ale tých, ktorých mená sú tam zapísané, On vykúpil tých, a jedine tých, ktorých mená boli v tej Knihe.

131No zistili sme, že Satan spôsobil, že Adam upadol, na tom jednom slove. A Boh pokračoval teraz ďalej, vo svojom stvorení, a snažil sa nájsť jedného človeka, ktorý by žil každým Slovom. Jeho prvý človek sklamal. A tento človek bude žiť vo svojom čase, vo svojom veku, v ktorom žil.

132No, vidíte? Sú rôzne veky, o ktorých Boh od začiatku prorokoval, ktoré pôjdu jeden za druhým. Preto On mohol povedať koniec od začiatku, pretože On všetko vedel. On urobil všetko skrze Ježiša Krista, a pre Neho, a pre Jeho vlastné potešenie.

133Dobre si teraz všimnite. Nech vám toto neunikne. Čo keby bol Mojžiš prišiel a priniesol Noeho posolstvo? To by nefungovalo. Nemohlo by. Nie .

134Čo keby bol Ježiš priniesol Mojžišove posolstvo? To by nefungovalo.

135Čo keby sme my prišli, a snažili by sme sa priniesť posolstvo metodistov, posolstvo baptistov, alebo posolstvo letničných? To by nefungovalo. Oni boli dobré; dokážeme to za chvíľu, pomocou Slova. Oni boli v poriadku vo svojom veku. Ale ten vek pominul. My musíme nájsť, čo hovorí Písmo na dnes. Na tento deň, to je to čím má žiť človek na svoj vek.

On sa snažil nájsť človeka, ktorý by žil celým Slovom.

136Prvé čo On urobil, skúsil Noeho. Noe Ho sklamal; opil sa, sklamal.

137Mojžiš, to veľké, mocné, majstrovské dielo Božie, on ho skúsil a on sklamal. On oslávil seba samého, a nebolo mu dovolené, aby vošiel do zasľúbenej zemi.

138Potom prišiel Dávid, a on mal odzrkadľovať Jeho ... to veľké milénium, v Dávidovi, a On chcel ukázať, aký bude Jeho kráľ. A Boh prisahal, že skrze Dávida, On vzbudí ... vzbudí jeho syna, aby sedel na jeho tróne. A Dávid bol taký statočný človek, že až bol "mužom podľa Božieho srdca." A Dávid robil dobre. On vybil všetkých Filištínov a porúcal ich oltáre, a stál v Slove. A nakoniec, pekná žena ho vyviedla z rovnováhy, a on porušil prikázanie, stratil Slovo, spáchal cudzoložstvo. Vidíte? Muž podľa Jeho vlastného srdca. Vidíte? A ešte aj tak Ho Dávid sklamal.

139Mojžiš Ho sklamal, všetci ostatní Ho sklamali, ale ich životy len odzrkadľovali Toho, ktorý mal prísť.

140V knihe Zjavenia, ktorú píšem, jeden človek, ktorý ju prekladá, či dáva jej správnu gramatiku ... Moja gramatika je biedna, mám dobrého odborníka, aby dal tomu správnu gramatiku, dal tam správne ku sebe podstatné mená a zámená. Kým ja neviem, aký je rozdiel medzi podstatným menom a zámenom. Ale on vie, a on ich dáva ... Viem, to jedno čo viem, že Boh mi to dal, a ja to len píšem. Viete. A oni to musia tak uložiť, že ak sa to dostane vzdelaným ľuďom a iným, oni vedia ako to napísať, aby tomu rozumeli. A vtedy mi ten pisateľ povedal, ten gramatik - muž, ktorý v tom opravuje gramatiku, povedal mi: "Ale brat Branham, v Pergamskom cirkevnom veku sme našli, že Ježiš tam povedal: Tomu kto zvíťazí dám rannú hviezdu. Dá mu rannú hviezdu?" On povedal: "No ako on môže dostať rannú hviezdu, keď Ježiš povedal, že On je ranná hviezda?"

141Vidíte? Všetky tie semená Abrahámove sú odzrkadlené vo hviezdach. Oni sa líšia jedna od druhej a my sa budeme líšiť jeden od druhého. A Ježiš je tou rannou hviezdou. Najjasnejšia zo všetkých. Ale v Zjavení, v 1. kapitole sme Ho našli, že vo svojej ruke mal sedem hviezd. On to vykladá a povedal: "Týchto sedem hviezd je sedem anjelov do siedmych zborov, alebo do siedmych cirkevných vekov, ktoré prídu."

142Potom povedal: "Ako to potom môže byť, že oni dostanú rannú hviezdu?"

143Povedal som: "Hviezdy, ktoré boli v Jeho ruke, boli len hviezdy, ktoré odzrkadľovali tú ranú hviezdu. Vidíte? Lebo posol na daný deň mal Slovo." A On je Slovo; on mal len časť Slova na ten deň. A ľudia, ktorí sú hotoví vyjsť zo svetových systémov a svetských vecí, a chodiť s Ním, vidia odzrkadlenie rannej hviezdy, cez posla na ten vek. Ako to On odzrkadľoval cez Noeho a cez Mojžiša, a tak ďalej, ako On odzrkadľoval Starý Zákon. A nakoniec oni všetci prišli ku tomu Jednému. A tak to bude na konci cirkevných vekov, všetko to príde naspäť ku Ježišovi, lebo On je Slovo.

My, ako kresťania len odzrkadľujeme Jeho. Mesiac len odzrkadľuje slnko, počas jeho neprítomnosti. A veriaci len odzrkadľuje Syna Božieho, počas neprítomnosti Syna Božieho. To je svetlo Biblie. Písmo, ktoré sa potvrdilo v našich životoch, Slovo, ktoré svieti v temnosti. Vy ste sviecami postavenými na vrchu. To nie je slnko; to je svieca. Svieca len zastupuje miesto slnka, vydáva len určité množstvo svetla. My sme Božie deti, sme synovia a dcéry Božie, jedine podľa miery Ducha. On Ho mal bez miery. My sme svietiace hviezdy, všetci spolu vydávame pre svet svetlo, ale On je celým slnkom, ktoré zrkadlí svetlo každej hviezdy. Haleluja! Ja Mu verím. Bože pomôž mojej nevere!

144Nakoniec prišiel Tento dokonalý. No, On prišiel, aby bol pokúšaný vo všetkom, tak ako my. Biblia hovorí, že bol. On bol pokúšaný ako Noe. Bol pokúšaný ako Mojžiš. Bol pokúšaný ako všetci ostatní. Keby sme mali čas, aby sme to rozobrali, aby ste to videli, ale nemáme, pretože vám nechcem zabrať príliš veľa času. Ale, keby sme to rozobrali, ukázal by som vám, že On bol tak isto pokúšaný.

145Satan nemení svoje taktiky, ani Boh, len veky sa menia. Ale čo ... Satan sa dostal, už tam vtedy, ku tej prvej Božej rodine, na zemi. Tu to je, brat, sestra. Neprehliadni toto. Ako Satan dostal tú prvú rodinu? On to nijako nemohol prelomiť, jedine ich naviesť, aby porušili Slovo, lebo oni boli ohradení Slovom. Keby len mohol nájsť jednu medzeru!

146Takto on dostal každú cirkev v každom veku, každého veriaceho, len urobiť medzeru. "Dobre, ja verím, že Biblia má pravdu, ale tomu neverím." Ó, a už mu to ide. Príliš zle, ale tam sa mu to podarilo.

"Každým slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích!"

147No v krátkosti to teraz uzavrieme. On nakoniec, Tento, ktorý mal prísť, prišiel a musel byť pokúšaný, presne tak ako boli pokúšaní tí ostatní. No, všimnite si ako zrazu Satan vedie každý svoj útok, presne ako to stále robil. Snaží sa Mu dať prirodzený chlieb, tak ako to urobil pri Eve. "Ak budeš jesť toto. Zober si toto." Alebo niečo iné. On to dosiahol.

148A to urobil každej organizácii, to urobil každému jednotlivcovi, on sa vám snaží dať prirodzené veci, na ktoré sa môžete pozerať. A to vás odstavuje nabok! "Dobre, pozri sa na túto veľkú cirkev! Aha, sú ich v nej milióny! Naša cirkev je najväčšia cirkev v meste. Dobre, naša ... my máme ... Starosta chodí do našej cirkvi. Pozri sa na to všetko! Náš pastor má titul D.D., L.D., Ph.D. To, dobre to ... on musí byť najchytrejší človek." Katolícky kňaz ho môže kedykoľvek pokryť svojimi titulmi. On má okolo šesťdesiat rôznych kníh, ktoré musí poznať, tak ako vy Bibliu, aby získal hodnosť kňaza. A tak neporovnávajte kto má aké vzdelanie.

149Takto sa to svet stále snaží porovnávať. Neporovnávajte to podľa vecí tohoto sveta. Neporovnávajte to podľa cirkví. Porovnávajte to podľa Biblii! To je to, čo robíme dnes. To sa deje s nami, letničné cirkvi. To sa deje s našimi kvartetami a spevmi, a tak ďalej, ktoré máme, snažíme sa správať ako Hollywood. Hollywood sa leskne; evanjelium žiari. A je veľký rozdiel medzi leskom a žiarou. Hollywood sa leskne oblečením, a Rikmi a Riketami (mená svetsky skazených ľudí) a odrazmi. Ale Boh pokorne žiari pokorou veriaceho, a nezáleží na tom, aký je nevzdelaný. On žiari pokorou, v Hollywode nič nesvieti.

150Všimnite si, on skúšal svoju starú taktiku na Ježišovi, to isté čo urobil Mojžišovi, to isté čo urobil tým ostatným. On to skúšal. On to bude skúšať na tebe, aby ťa doviedol do toho, aby si prijal niečo veľké, čo sa leskne.

151To mi pripomína, keď som zvykol poľovať na mývali. [medvedík čistotný -- pozn.prekl.] Zobral som si ... Tata, môj otec, užíval tabak. Neviem, či všetci poznáte nejaké z tých starých kovových štítkov, ktoré sa používali na zakrútenie tabaku. Zobral som to a našiel som si brvno a vyvŕtal som do neho dieru, hneď tam pri potoku, kde behali mývali. A potom som tam vyvŕtal dieru a pripichol som tam tento štítok z tabaku. A potom som v takomto uhle zatĺkol nejaké klince. A mývali sa stále naťahujú za niečím, čo sa leskne, a keď vyšiel mesiac, a on tam pobehoval, on to tam uvidel a strčil tam ruku, aby to zobral. A nemohol ju vytiahnuť.

152On je, ako niektorí členovia cirkvi. Aj keď vie že je chytený, nechce sa uvoľniť. "Keby som to urobil, vylúčili by ma z organizácii." To je proste jeho smrť, nič sa nedá robiť. No dobre. Všimnite si. On sa toho drží, nechce sa toho pustiť. A teraz Satan skúšal tú istú taktiku na Ježišovi, ktorú vyskúšal na tých ostatných. On chcel, aby On jedol niečo iné, okrem zasľúbeného chleba Slova. Pretože Ježiš povedal: "Je napísané, človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe." Vidíte? On chcel, aby poslúchal jeho. Hoci to vyzeralo celkom dobre, vyzeralo to, akoby si mohol pripraviť jedenie, a On by to mohol urobiť. Vy máte ...

153Vy sa tiež môžete stále správať tak, ako chcete. Môžete to zobrať, alebo to nechať tak, čokoľvek chcete. Keby ten mýval mal dosť rozumu, aby to pustil a zavrel ruku, mohol by ju znovu vytiahnuť; ale on to nechcel urobiť, on sa tam jednoducho chytil. A takto je to tiež s mnohými, tak zvanými, kresťanmi. Oni o tom nič nechcú počuť, nechcú prísť a počúvať. Oni s tým nechcú mať nič. Idú potom ďalej a držia sa toho. Vidíte? Uvidíte, čo sa stane.

154No, všimnite si. Oni sa Ho snažili doviesť do toho, aby jedol niečo iné okrem chleba života, na ktorom má žiť každý človek. Ale Ježiš stál na Otcovom Slove. Ó, on nenarazil teraz na Evu, on nenarazil na Mojžiša, on nenarazil na žiadneho z tých ostatných. On narazil na Toho, ktorý odzrkadľoval každé Slovo. Vidíte? On ... preto On bol Slovom. Ale Ježiš stál na Slove, odmietol jeho doktrínu z teologického seminára. Tak veru. Jeho nové svetlo, jeho viac prežitia. On to nemohol vtisnúť Ježišovi, ako to vtisol Eve, aby jej ukázal: "Ó istotne, Boh ..."

155"Ó, Boh istotne bude za týmto, ak sa budeme môcť dať dokopy a urobíme celosvetovú radu cirkví. Istotne, Boh bude za tým. On chce jednotu, On chce bratstvo." S Ním, nie zo svetom; bratstvo s Ním, aby sme uctievali Jeho. Za to On zomrel, aby ste uctievali Jeho. Ako stále, keď nemôže dostať ...

No vidíme, že sa mu to nepodarilo. Ježiš vyšiel na neho hneď s tým: "Tak hovorí Pán." Amen.

156No, keď on vidí, že veriaci ... Pozorujte, veriaci teraz prichádza v týchto istých kategóriách, každý jeden z vás. Keď on vidí, že ste rozhodnutý stáť na tom, čo hovorí Biblia ... "Áno, ja verím Biblii. Nepripájam sa ku žiadnemu vyznaniu ani ku ničomu takému. Ja zostanem s Bibliou." A tak, ako stále, ak vás nemôže odviesť od toho, aby ste verili - aby ste opustili skutočnú pravdu a neverili Slovu. Chcem, aby ste si všimli, čo urobil Ježišovi, ako druhé, ak vás nemôže dostať. Poviete: "Ja sa nepripojím ku žiadnemu vyznaniu. Ja sa nepripojím. Narodil som sa voľný, zostanem pri tom. Urobím toto, to, alebo tamto." Vidíte? Pripoj sa do cirkvi, a ty príď a pripoj sa, jedno alebo druhé. Ak ťa nemôže naviesť, aby si to urobil, potom ti urobí niečo iné. Ó, brat, dávaj na toto pozor.

157Ak sa mu to nepodarí, potom ťa pošle do svojho vlastného seminára, aby ťa učili jeho vlastní teológovia. Vidíte? Kde Satan vykladá (Slovo.) "Ó, dni zázrakov pominuli. Tí ľudia tam dole ... to je banda fanatikov. To už nie je." Vidíte? On ťa tam pošle.

158Ó, ty môžeš povedať: Počkaj chvíľu, brat Branham! Počkaj teraz chvíľu" Áno. Počkajme len chvíľu. Vidíte? Vy teraz hovoríte: "Či nevieš, že máme byť (vyučení)? Či nemáme byť?" Nie, veru. Nie.

159Ale Ježiš povedal: "Keď príde On, ten Duch pravdy, (Vidíte?) On vám pripomenie tieto veci, ktoré som vás učil, Slovo. A On vám tiež ukáže veci, ktoré majú prísť." Existuje teraz skutočná Duchom naplnená cirkev, ktorá stojí na Slove a odzrkadľuje Slovo, Boha na zemi. Vidíte? On nepotrebuje žiadneho teológa, pretože Jeho Slovo nepodlieha žiadnemu ľudskému výkladu. On vykladá svoje Slovo, tým že ho potvrdzuje a dokazuje, že ono je pravda.

160Keď ti metodistická cirkev povedala, že nemôžeš prijať Ducha Svätého, tak ako oni na Letnice, bral si na to nejaký ohľad? Samozrejme, že nie. Ty si išiel ďalej a jednako si prijal Ducha Svätého. Vidíte? Pretože ...

161Raz večer som sa rozprával o trojici s baptistickým kazateľom, povedal som mu, že to bola len terminológia. A tak sme zistili, povedal, ďalší kazateľ zo seminára, on povedal: No, pán Branham, vy sa snažíte naviesť ľudí, aby verili náboženstvo apoštolov."

Povedal som: "Samozrejme, to je to jediné."

A on povedal: "Pane, kde ste chodili do školy?"

162Povedal som: "Na svojich kolenách, brat môj. Nie do ... Vidíte? Tam to dostanete, nie teológia, ale kolenológia." Povedal som: "Tam som našiel Jeho."

163A on povedal: "Pán Branham, krst Duchom Svätým, ako ho oni prijali na Letnice, vy chcete povedať, že to je na dnes?"

164Povedal som: "pane, Biblia hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Povedal som: "To bol Ježiš Kristus, ktorý prišiel na Letnice." Tak veru, Ten istý.

165"Ešte chvíľu ... budem prosiť Otca a On vám dá iného potešiteľa, ktorým je Duch Svätý. Ešte chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte, pretože budem s vami, i vo vás, do skonania, do konca sveta."

166Povedal som: "Áno. To je On, ktorý prišiel na Letnice. Tak veru. On prišiel, žil v nich, všimnite si, vo forme osoby Ducha Svätého, Ježiš Kristus v osobe Ducha Svätého, keď rozumieme Božstvo."

167No, všimnite si. Satan nepotreboval jeho teológiu. A tento človek mi povedal: Pán Branham," povedal, "Chcem aby ste vedeli, že ja mám takú a takú školu a my sme vyučení."

Povedal som: "Po celý čas počúvam váš program." Vidíte?

On povedal: "My sme tam vyučení." Povedal: "Krst Duchom Svätým bol len pre učeníkov."

168Povedal som: "Biblia povedala, že tam vo vrchnej dvorane ich bolo 120." A povedal som: "No, kto má pravdu, vy alebo Slovo?"

169A povedal som: "A potom tiež, keď Filip išiel a kázal Samaritánom a pokrstil ich vo meno Ježiša Krista, ale Duch Svätý ešte na nich neprišiel, pretože Peter mal kľúče. Tak on poslal hore do Jeruzalema a zavolal Petra, ktorý prišiel a kládol na nich ruky, a prišiel na nich Duch Svätý. Biblia povedala, že Duch Svätý ..."

170Povedal som: "Potom Peter, s tým videním, s kľúčmi išiel do domu Kornélia, Skutky 10:49, A kým ešte hovoril tieto slová, zostúpil na nich Duch Svätý. Lebo ich počuli hovoriť v jazykoch, a prorokovať, a velebiť Boha. Vtedy povedal Peter, Či môžeme zabrániť vode, aby títo neboli pokrstený, keď vidíme že prijali Ducha Svätého, tak ako aj my na počiatku?" A rozkázal ich pokrstiť v mene Pána Ježiša Krista."

171Nachádzame, o tridsať rokov neskoršie, že Pavel pochodil horné kraje Efezu, našiel nejakých baptistov, ktorí mali veľké prebudenie. Diali sa veľké veci. Oni kričali, chválili Pána. A Pavel navštívil ten zbor, do ktorého chodilo okolo dvadsať ľudí, kde chodili na zhromaždenie Akvila a Priscilla kde Apollo, obrátený zákonník, dokazoval pomocou Biblie, že Ježiš je Kristus. A oni mali veľkú radosť, a veľké zhromaždenie. Pavel tam prechádzal, on tam prišiel po tom, keď on ... Pán ho vypustil z väzenia, lebo vyhnal ducha, diabla z veštice. A on tam potom prechádzal, v práci Pánovej a išiel tam, aby počul to zhromaždenie. A povedal: "Tento človek, je veľký človek, to je dobre, ale." Povedal: "Prijali ste Ducha Svätého po tom, keď ste uverili?" On veril, že ste to prijali, keď ste uverili. Ale on povedal: "Dostali ste Ducha Svätého po tom, keď ste uverili?" On povedal: "My ani nevieme, či je Svätý Duch."

172Povedal: "A na čo ste tedy pokrstení?" To bola otázka. On povedal: "My sme boli pokrstení ... ten istý, ktorý pokrstil Ježiša. Ján. Boli sme pokrstení na krst Jánov." Vidíte? On povedal: "Ján krstil len na pokánie, nie na odpustenie hriechov." Ján ... pretože Baránok nebol ešte zabitý. On povedal: "Ján krstil na pokánie a hovoril, aby ste uverili v toho, ktorý mal prísť, v Ježiša Krista." "A keď to počuli dali sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista. A Pavel vzložil na nich ruky, a prišiel na nich Duch Svätý a prorokovali a hovorili v jazykoch." Tridsať rokov po tom.

A povedal som: "Okrem toho, veríš Biblii?"

On povedal: "Samozrejme."

173Povedal som: "Peter na Letnice, keď sa všade rozliehal ten hlas, a oni všetci kričali a chválili Boha, oni povedali: Mužovia a bratia, čo máme robiť, aby sme boli spasení? Peter povedal: Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista, na odpustenie hriechov a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého, lebo vám patrí to zasľúbenie a vašim deťom, a všetkým na široko ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh. Nebo a zem pominú, ale to Slovo nikdy nesklame!"

174Vy letniční ste si nevšímali, čo hovorili metodisti, baptisti alebo presbyteriáni. Vy ste vedeli, že to platí pre každú generáciu a tlačili ste sa do toho. Skutočne. No, nezastaňte len na tom, tlačte sa naďalej. Vidíte?

175Tam metodisti spravili chybu, oni sa tlačili do posvätenia, ale zastali. Luteráni sa tlačili do ospravedlnenia a zastali. Vidíte? Potom to zorganizovali, a tam to zomrelo. Na tom to skončilo. To bolo všetko. Dávajte teraz pozor, ponáhľame sa to prebrať. "Keď príde ten Duch pravdy, On vás naučí všetko, čokoľvek som vás učil," ó, "pripomenie vám všetko, čo som vám povedal, všetko vám pripomenie. A On vám ukáže budúce veci. On potvrdí každé Slovo, bude potvrdzovať Slovo, že ho budú nasledovať znamenia." Všetko, čo On zasľúbil, čo Boh zasľúbil v Biblii, ak sa uvoľníte od každého vyznania a od všetkého iného, a budete sa držať Slova, Boh je zaviazaný postarať sa o Svoje Slovo. A tak, keď oni toto urobili, Slovo sa samé potvrdzuje.

176On nepotrebuje aby niekto hovoril: "No, dni zázrakov pominuli."

177Ktorý človek mi chce povedať, že dni zázrakov pominuli, keď som bol raz slepý? Haleluja. Raz som ležal a doktori mi dávali tri minúty života, a dnes žijem. Ako mi oni môžu povedať niečo iné? Predtým vlažný člen zboru, a teraz naplnený Duchom Svätým. Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. Sám Duch, ktorý je Slovom, vykladá, že ono je pravda. Ak sa niekto odváži povstať a zobrať to. On ho Sám vykladá. Skúste Ho raz, a uvidíte či to nie je pravda. Nevšímajte si, čo hovorí niekto druhý. Robte to, čo Boh povedal.

178"Dobre," poviete, "Ja toto robím." Ale čo s týmto druhým? Každé Slovo. Jedno slovo pretrhne reťaz.

179Tam cirkvi stále sklamali, práve na tej reťazi. Oni to organizujú, dávajú to dokopy a robia veľkú denomináciu. Títo ľudia sa dávajú dokopy, svätý otec taký a taký, Dr. biskup taký a taký. A čo je to prvé, čo z toho máte? Tu to je. Hneď tam ste zomreli. Dokážeme to pomocou prírody a pomocou Slova, za chvíľu, ak Pán dá. Dobre.

180"Pripomenie." On potvrdzuje každé Slovo, a my skrze to žijeme. Haleluja! Žijeme skrze to! "Človek bude žiť na každom slove, na každom potvrdenom slove. Ježiš povedal: "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Budú nasledovať tých, ktorý veria!" Chyťte sa toho; Boh to potvrdzuje, že je to pravda.

181Kde, semináre a teológovia, inšpirovaní Satanom, hovoria: "Na to sa nemôžeš spoliehať. To je pre apoštolov. Tie dni pominuli. Také niečo neexistuje. To platilo len pre apoštolov, aby to vtedy potvrdilo evanjelium. Dnes máme vyučených ľudí.

182Oni boli vtedy viac vyučení, než ako my teraz. Ukážte mi nejakú cirkev, ktorá by sa mohla rovnať s tým Sanhedrinom, keď ich pra-pra-pra-pra-prastarí otcovia museli byť kňazmi, pred nimi. Jedno vykrútenie slova na tom zvitku, alebo, och, oni by ich za to ukameňovali. Oni museli presne na tom stáť. Ale oni si nevšimli to skutočné jadro Slova, keď to prišlo, ten život. Preto boli odsúdení a nazvaní, že robia skutky Satana.

183Vidíte, to neodzrkadľuje Slovo Božie, keď vám nejaký študent seminára povie: "Duch Svätý nie je na dnes. A tieto veci, všetko to Božské uzdravovanie, bolo na iný čas." Vidíte? To neodzrkadľuje Boha, to odzrkadľuje vyznanie. To odzrkadľuje náuku, ktorá nepochádza z Biblie.

184Židom 13:8 hovorí: "On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Ev. Jána 14:12 hovorí: "Ten, kto verí vo mňa, skutky ktoré ja činím, bude aj on činiť." No, ako z tade odstránite to Slovo, ako pridáte niečo na to miesto? Porušíte reťaz života. Človek žije na chlebe, jedine na chlebe, on večne žije na tom chlebe. Telesne, on žije na tomto chlebe. Sú dva chleby. Duch Svätý, Duch Svätý vo vás hovorí: "amen" na každé slovo Božie, ak je to Duch Svätý. No, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. No toto je štipľavé.

185Mama nám zvykla dávať ricínový olej, keď som bol malý. A ešte teraz ho nemôžem cítiť. Vidíte? Vyrastali sme v chudobe, a mama varila mastné kože a vytápala z nich masť. Dostávali sme ich od jednej starej sestry menom Goodmanová, ktorá mala pekáreň tam dole, a piekla šunky a také veci, a vykrajovala ich. Mäso sme obrali a to mastné sme brali na pečenie nášho obilného chleba. A mali sme biednu stravu, nie divu, že sme trpeli podvýživou a tak ďalej, na pelagru. Ale mama potom, každú sobotu večer ... Nemali sme poriadnu stravu, tak ona nás každého nútila, aby sme zjedli veľkú porciu ricínového oleju. A ja som si držal nos a kričal: "Mama, mne je z toho zle." Ona vravela: "Ak by ti z toho nebolo zle, nič by ti to nepomohlo." Tak možno to bude takto fungovať. No, ako ...

186Opýtam sa vás niečo. Ako môže muž alebo žena tvrdiť, že sú naplnení Duchom Svätým, ktorý je Slovom (Je to tak?) a ako môžete byť telom toho Ducha Svätého, ktorého ste sa stali časťou, aby ste odzrkadľovali evanjelium nášho veku, a pri tom zapierať Slovo, ktoré On napísal?

187Nestarám sa o to, aký ste dobrý. Aha, môžem vás zobrať do Afriky, ku Hotentótom, a ukázať vám život, ktorého sa kresťania nemôžu ani dotknúť. Ak by boli prichytení v cudzoložstve; ak by nejaká žena, prv ako by sa vydala, mladá žena, ona musí byť prv vyšetrená či je panna. Ak by bola nájdená vinná, musí povedať, ktorý muž to urobil a obidvoch ich zabijú. Čo keby sa to tak urobilo v Spojených štátoch, kto by pochoval všetkých tých mŕtvych. Vidíte? Tak tu to máte. Vidíte? A to sú pohania. Vidíte tú morálku? Vidíte? Tak podľa toho to nemôžete overovať. Náš brat z Indie vám tu teraz môže povedať, že vraj Mohamedáni žijú oveľa lepším životom, o akom my ani nemyslíme.

188Ale čo to je? To je Slovo ktoré overuje. Tí farizejovia boli dvakrát pokornejší ako Ježiš. On chodil okolo trhal ich cirkvi, a vyhadzoval ich von, a bil ich, a všetko takéto.

189A tento pobožný starý kňaz, viete, aha, kto bol ... Keby som mal dnes ráno proti Nemu zhromaždenie, povedal by som: "Kto prišiel ku vám, keď ste boli chorí, aby sa za vás modlil? Ten pobožný starý kňaz. Kto požičal tvojmu otcovi peniaze, keď sa mu nič neurodilo? Ten pobožný starý kňaz. Kto sa za teba modlil, aby posvätil tvoj život Bohu do služby? Ten pobožný starý kňaz. Kto ťa prišiel navštíviť, keď si bol vo vezení? Ten pobožný starý kňaz. A tento mladý odpadlík, ktorý sa nazýva Ježiš, čo on robí? Nazval tvojho pastora hadom. Vidíš?" Vidíte? To nie je podľa ovocia.

190To je podľa Slova. "Človek nebude žiť na samom ovocí, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích."

191A On bol to Slovo. Oni to jednoducho prehliadli. To bolo to čo On mal robiť. Oni to nemohli vidieť, pretože neboli určení, aby to videli. Povedal: "Vy nemôžete prísť ku mne." Pozrite sa na tých biednych Židov, ich oči boli zaslepené. Skutočne, On to urobil. On sám ich zaslepil.

192Predstavte si, ako je to, keď je niekto zaslepený. Račej ďakujte Bohu za zrak, aký ste dostali na Písmo.

193No, všimnite si. No, On bol toto Slovo. No, po tomto, On bol skúšaný. Ježiš je skúšaný. Teraz cez toto prechádzame.

194Pozrite sa, to neodzrkadľuje Slovo, keď niekto hovorí: "No to bolo na iný vek." Pretože Biblia hovorí, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Akoby Duch Svätý vo vás mohol povedať, že ste naplnení Duchom Svätým?"

195No, môžem sa vás trochu dotknúť? Nevadí vám to? Zodvihnite ruky. Nebudete na mňa nahnevaní? Ak ste, tak musíte byť.

196Ako môžete povedať, vy ženy s ostrihanými vlasmi, že ste naplnené Duchom Svätým? Jedno Slovo. "Ó, ja som hovorila v jazykoch." To na tom nič nemení. Ja som videl čarodejníkov hovoriť v jazykoch, vykladať, kričať v duchu, tancovať v duchu.

197Ako vy muži môžete hovoriť, že ste hlavou domu, a necháte svoju ženu chodiť v šortkách, a správať sa tak ako sa správa, a hovoríte si že ste kresťania?

198Ako môžete vy pastori predstúpiť pred Boha s niečím takým, bez toho, aby ste povstali a protestovali proti tomu? Nemôžete ich donútiť, aby vás poslúchli. Ale kážte proti tomu, nebudete dlho patriť do toho seminára, alebo to tej skupiny. Budete musieť inde nadviazať spoluprácu. Dostaneme sa do toho, za chvíľu, ak Pán dá. Vidíte?

199Ale tu to máte. Nemám v úmysle dotknúť sa vás. Milujem vás. Preto to hovorím. Keby ste sa plavili dole po rieke, a ja by som videl, že sa potopíte, bol by som biedny kamarát, keby som hovoril: "No, buď dobrou osobou, drahá." Radšej ich varujte. To je v poriadku. Povedzte im to!

200Ako som povedal raz večer, že keď som kresťan, musím byť zidentifikovaný s každým Biblickým charakterom. Musel som stáť s Noem a kázať s ním v tých dňoch a varovať ľudí. Je to tak. Musel som stáť sám s Eliášom na hore Karmel. Musel som stáť na Golgote a byť s Ním ukrižovaný sebe samému a svojím vlastným predstavám. Ale potom som s Ním znovu vstal na Veľkú Noc, a zvíťazil nad všetkým. Nad všetkou svetskou telesnosťou, v Ňom som sa postavil nad to.

201Všimnite si, to potom neodzrkadľuje Slovo, nie, to ho nepotvrdzuje. No, ale keď veríte Slovu, Boh sa bude potvrdzovať, ako to robil tu v Ježišovi.

202Chlieb Slova bol stále na to, aby sa ním človek živil. "A človek nebude žiť samým chlebom, takýmto chlebom, ale každým Slovom." Tak to je chlieb Slova, zapamätajte si to. Toto je tento chlieb, ktorým sa živila cirkev cez všetky veky, to musela byť skrytá manna, len pre toho kto zvíťazil. Tak je to povedané v Zjavení. No nemám čas, aby sme to celé rozoberali, pretože by to zabralo možno ďalších tridsať minút. Ale, pozrite, keď tá svätá manna padala z neba, čo bolo obrazom na Ducha Svätého. S tým budete súhlasiť.

203Boh povedal Mojžišovi, aby išiel a zobral plný omer manny a dal to do svätyni svätých. Pretože, keby to nedali do svätyni svätých, bolo by to zhnilo. Je to tak? Dostali by sa do toho červíky. No, on povedal: "Ale daj to do svätyni svätých, v tomto omere, aby každá generácia, ktorá príde podľa tohoto kňazstva, keď sa stane, že nejaký muž bude kňazom, aby slúžil Slovom, prvá vec, ktorú urobí, potom keď bude ordinovaný, že tam vojde a zoberie za hrsť tej originálnej manny a zje to.

204To malo reprezentovať to Svetlo v Jeho ruke, v tom novom cirkevnom veku, odzrkadľovať Jeho Svetlo, tá manna. A jedine človek, ktorý dokonale zvíťazil, človek, ktorý sa posadil a odhodil nabok všetko ostatné okrem Slova ... A Slovo je tou mannou. Ó, to je Ježiš. "Človek bude žiť na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." To je tá skrytá manna pre víťaza. Ó, to tam ležalo pre každé kňazstvo, ktoré nasledovalo.

205Teologické školy, už dávno, vymenili túto požehnanú vec za misku šošovice. Je to presne tak. Tak veru.

206Ako to urobil Ezav. No, Ezav, morálne, bol lepší človek ako Jakob, ale on si nevážil svoje právo prvorodenstva, ktorým bolo Slovo. Koľkí to viete? Tie práva prvorodenstva, to bolo Slovo, zasľúbenie, staršiemu synovi. Ale on bol dobrý človek, morálny človek, ako dnes takzvaní kresťania, dobrý človek. On neklamal. Nekradol. Bol dobrý ku svojmu otcovi. On všetko toto robil. Ale, vidíte, jeho právo prvorodenstva, on povedal, že on sa o to nestará. "Aký je v tom rozdiel. Ja som aj tak Izraelita. Vidíte? Ja aj tak do toho patrím." Ale to bolo jeho právo prvorodenstva, na ktorom záležalo. Vidíte? Telesne bol úplne v poriadku, ale duchovne bol úplne vedľa.

207Tak je to dnes, misa s kašou, cirkev a svet zmiešané spolu, zo všetkého niečo; bingo večierky [hazardná hra -- pozn.prekl.], tance, všetky rôzne zábavy, v zbore; nakrátko ostrihané ženy, ktoré chodia v šortkách.

Dobre, poviete: "Brat Branham, čo taká maličkosť?"

208To je jedno zo Slov, lebo Biblia povedala, že pre ženu je to zlé, aby si strihala vlasy. Je to tak. Ak to robí, ako tam vojde? Vidíte? Opýtajte sa len, každý kazateľ vám povie, že Slovo to hovorí. Vidíte? Ona hanobí svoju hlavu; ona hanobí svojho muža. Mala by byť rozvedená. Presne tak. "Lebo tá, ktorá si bude strihať vlasy, nech sa ostrihá dohola, oholí." Vidíte? Ak to chce robiť. Nie len ostrihaná, Boh to tak nechce. To je ten Pán, ktorý v tom stojí. Neberte to na ľahko. Alebo ich ostrihať dohola, alebo ich nechať rásť, to je to čo povedal Boh. Každý kazateľ evanjelia vie, že je to pravda, či to poviete alebo nie. Ale to je pravda. Vidíte? Dobre, čo z toho, keď budete robiť všetko to ostatné, a toto obídete?

209Čo? Do vás vchádza trochu svetského správania, snažíte sa správať tak trochu, ako ostatné cirkvi. To je presne to, kde sa Izrael dostal do problémov. Tam oni zomreli, tam sa Adam dostal do problémov, tam sa všetci ostatní dostali do problémov. Len jedno Slovo, a všetko to odníma, len jeden bod. Kaša, zmiešané so svetom! Niečo zo sveta, niečo z Hollywoodu, niečo z cirkvi, niečo z teológie, a čo máte?

210Všimnite si, ak sa to tu Satanovi nepodarí, potom skúsi na vás svoju druhú metódu - aby ste neverili Slovu, on bude ... a aby ste išli na seminár. On skúsi ďalšiu metódu. No tu musíte byť veľmi opatrní, seďte len ďalších päť minút pri tejto časti, ak chcete. Potom vám on ponúkne niečo nadprirodzené. Vrátim sa ku tomuto všetkému, prv ako zakončíme. On urobí ... Vidíte? Ak vás nemôže odviesť od Slova: "Nie, ja budem stáť na Slove." Potom vám ponúkne niečo nadprirodzené.

211On povedal: "Poviem ti niečo. Zastaň si sem a skoč dole z chrámu, a znovu sa tu postavíš. Pozri, ukáž ľuďom, že môžeš urobiť niečo nadprirodzené."

212Chlapče, on ich tam dostal. No, dávajte na toto pozor. Dávajte pozor, keď sa dostanete na koniec, tam prichádza toto pokušenie. Možno, že dal niekomu z vás hovoriť v jazykoch, aby ste si mysleli že to máte. Vidíte? Alebo, vás dokonca mohol nechať prorokovať, a pritom to bolo nezhodné so Slovom. Videl som ako ľudia vstali a prorokovali, a bolo to tak nezhodné so Slovom, ako východ so západom. Vidíte? Žijete skrze Slovo. Tie nadprirodzené dary, Satan ich môže dávať plnými hrsťami. Skutočne. To nič neznamená.

213Či nepovedal Ježiš: "Mnohí prídu ku mne v ten deň a povedia: Pane, či som neprorokoval v tvojom mene? V tvojom mene som vyháňal démonov. Činil som mocné skutky. Bol som veľkým človekom v organizácii. Robil som všetko toto." On povie: Odstúpte odo Mňa, činitelia neprávosti."

214Čo je to neprávosť? To je niečo, o čom viete, že je to pravda, a uznáte to, a nerobíte to vo svojom srdci. Keď viete, že Biblia učí určitú vec, a vy to nerobíte, to je neprávosť. A Dávid povedal: "Keby som skryl neprávosť vo svojom srdci, Boh by ani nevypočul moju modlitbu." Je to pravda? Je to v Biblii? No, samozrejme, nemôžete sa na to hnevať. Vidíte? Ježiš povedal že: "Mnohí prídu ku mne v ten deň a povedia: Konal som všetko toto, a Ja im poviem: Odstúpte odo mňa, činitelia neprávosti."

215Tak isto ako urobil Adam. Adam povedal: "Pane, urobil som toto, urobil som tamto." Ale jedno Slovo. Vidíte? Jedno Slovo to spôsobilo. To úplne stačilo, neposlúchnuť len jedno Slovo.

216 Áno, možno to proroctvo nie je zhodné so Slovom. Ale teraz, keď dostal tento nadprirodzený dar, nechal sa strhnúť tým rozruchom, tým leskom. "Sláva Bohu. Modlil som sa za toho a toho, oni vstali a mohli chodiť! Haleluja. Môžem hovoriť v jazykoch. A iný to vykladal. To je ohromné, je to pravda."

217Pavel povedal: "Môžem hovoriť ľudskými jazykmi aj anjelskými, a pri tom nič nie som. Môžem mať vieru, že by som hory prenášal, a stále nič nie som." Je to pravda?

218Ale, pozrite, on vám toto ponúkne. Ó, letniční ľudia, ja vás milujem, inak by som s vami nebol. Tam ste urobili chybu. Vidíte? Pozorujte Slovo, nie dar. Pozorujte Darcu, aby ste videli odkiaľ to pochádza. Rozumiete? On je celý unesený, tancuje v duchu. Chlapče ... [prázdne miesto na páske. -- pozn.prekl.] ... jediná vec. On mal okolo seba toľko ľudí, každý ho volá, tu a tam, a on zabúda na Slovo.

219Ó, vy ste veľmi populárni, kým stojíte pomimo Slova. Ale keď raz vojdete do Slova, dívajte sa kto bude potom s vami spolupracovať. Vidíte? Pozorujte, čo potom z toho vysvitne. Vojdeme do tohoto, v ďalšom štádiu prírody, za chvíľu. Pozrite, dávajte pozor, kto vás potom bude chcieť? Nikto. "Ó, ruky preč od toho!" Ako určité združenie sa tu spolu zišlo pred niekoľkými týždňami a označili ma, každý kazateľ, z plného evanjelia, ktorý chodí do mesta, ktorý by ma prijal v meste, aby som sa modlil za ich chorých, bude úplne vylúčený z toho združenia. Dobre, pretože sa modlím za chorých. No dobre. "Nepočúvajte to!" Vidíte? A Slovo je potvrdzované.

220To je to isté, čo urobili nášmu Pánovi. To je to isté, čo urobili každému, v každom veku. To je to, čo urobili Lutherovi, Wesleyovi, a všetkým. To je to, čo urobili vám na začiatku, a teraz ste sa obrátili naspäť do toho istého válova, z ktorého ste vyšli. Všimnite si, stále to bolo tak isto. To neprestalo, Satan to stále robí tak isto. A teraz je on unášaný rozruchom okolo toho lesku, a tak ďalej, že až, ó, že už viac nedáva vôbec pozor na Slovo. "Ó, brat, brat taký a taký povedal to a to a ja, a ja tam musím ísť, ja ..." Vidíte? On je tak unášaný, že si ani nevšíma, či je to zhodné so Slovom alebo nie, v tom nie je žiadny rozdiel. "Tí ostatní povedali, že je to v poriadku, tak v tom nie je žiadny rozdiel." Denominácie hovoria: "Človeče, ty to máš, nedaj si to nikým vyhovoriť!" Ty máš, ale čo? Vidíte?

221Všimnite si, Satan mal stále, aj vtedy ... Sledujte to tu na tomto jednom mieste, on sa zakrýva Slovom. Aj pri tomto nadprirodzenom, na čo sa snažil naviesť Ježiša, aby to urobil, to nadprirodzené. Vidíte? To bolo, mal nadprirodzené ... Čo keby ho bol Ježiš poslúchol? Vidíte? On povedal: "No, počkaj. Ty chceš stáť v Slove, však? Ty chceš stáť v Slove?" Povedal: "Je napísané, že svojim anjelom prikáže o tebe, a vezmú ťa na ruky, aby si si neuderil svojej nohy o kameň." Ale On si neudieral svoje nohy o kameň. Vidíte? Dívajte sa. Čo keby sa On bol na to postavil? On ... Všimli ste si, ja som nepovedal, že on citoval Slovo; on sa ním zakryl, ako keď sa dáva zmrzlina do oblátky, zakryl sa s tým, vybielil to. Vidíte? To nebolo na správnom mieste.

222To je to, čo sa oni snažia dnes hovoriť, snažia sa to vybieliť, ale to vám nemôže pasovať s ostatným Písmom. To musí byť všetko: "Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Vidíte? Nezáleží na tom, za koľko Slova sa chcete skryť, to neznamená ...

223To musí byť citované presne tak, ako to On povedal. Potom, keď je to citované správne, On to bude potvrdzovať v tvojom živote, že je to tak. "Takto budú všetci ľudia vedieť, že ste písanými epištolami, čítanými od Boha." Písanými epištolami je Biblia. Je to tak? Epištolou je Biblia. A vy ste písanou Bibliou, odzrkadľujete jeho Slovo, to je znovu dokonalý človek, v Bohu.

Ale Ježiš povedal: "Zase je napísané."

224Ale všimnite si, Eva na tomto istom úseku, bola uchvátená svojim nadprirodzeným zrozumením, mala teologické poznanie. Mala najvyššie vzdelanie vo všetkej teológii v tom čase, v tom kraji. Vidíte? Ona bola tak uchvátená, ona to nevedela. Ona vedela, že má niečo, čo Adam nikdy nemal. Možno by bola schopná hneď teraz nad ním vládnuť, pretože ona o tom vedela viac, ako Adam. Dívajte sa, čo robia dnes ich Adamovia. Ona poznala dobré od zlého, pekné vzdelanie o pravde. Je to tak. Ona mala pekné vzdelanie o pravde, to čo predtým nevedela, a to bola Božia pravda. Ale ona bola mŕtva, lebo porušila Slovo. Ona získala vzdelanie. No dobre.

225A tak seminár vám dáva teologické poznanie, že môžete citovať každý charakter Starého alebo Nového Zákona. Ale, dajte si pozor čo robíte, či to práve tam nenarušuje to Slovo, keď to robíte. Hovoríte: "Dobre, to je pre nich." Nie, to je pre teba, pre kohokoľvek. Vidíte? Buďte opatrní. "Ó, to bolo voľakedy pre cirkev." On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky! Ona mala pekné vzdelanie, ale tiež bola mŕtva v hriechu a v prestúpení.

226A teraz Satanova tretia metóda. Rýchlo to preberieme, pretože nechceme zabrať viac času pokiaľ je to možné, možno ďalších pätnásť, dvadsať minút, ak tu chcete byť tak dlho. Všimnite si potom jeho tretiu metódu, alebo jeho tretie pokušenie. Ak tie predošlé zlyhali, táto nezlyhá. Vidíte? On vám teraz ponúkne postavenie v cirkvi, ako to urobil Ježišovi. "Dám Ti svet. Budeš kráľom, urobím ťa ním. Oni všetky patria mne, a tak ti ich dám."

227Kto môže urobiť človeka kazateľom? Kto môže dať človekovi dar, tým že položia na neho ruky? "Boh to ustanovil v cirkvi ..." Vidíte ako oni prekrúcajú Slovo? Ako Eva teraz, so svojím novým poznaním, vedomosťou, ona strhla Adama na svoju stranu. Mohla robiť to, čo chcela. Vidíte? Akonáhle naviedla Adama, aby to prijal.

228Ale keď on prišiel ku Ježišovi, On to neprijal. On povedal: "Odíď odo mňa, Satan." Inými slovami, nech to nepoviem zle, ale len pridám ku tomu toto. "Je napísané, každý človek bude žiť na každom Slove Božom; nie na vašich ponukách: urobím ťa hlavným dozorcom, presbyterom, alebo diakonom, alebo ti dám hrať na piane, sestra. Vidíte? Všetky tieto ponuky: Ty si veľmi populárna osoba, a my potrebujeme v našej cirkvi tvoj talent." Vidíte? Poďte do Slova.

229Ona mohla ním kerovať, alebo ho učiť, tak isto ako dnešný zber úrody. Tak to oni robia dnes, aby ste sa stali D.D., štátnym presbyterom, dozorcom, okresným tajomníkom, alebo niečím takým.

230Aké rozdielne od Ježiša! On stál na Slove. A teraz, za ďalších niekoľko minút, chcem dokázať, že všetky tieto veci sú pravda. Dobre? Pomocou prírody i pomocou Slova, budem to dávať dohromady. Toto dokazuje, že On bol Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom, na chlieb. On bol Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom. Pretože, čo On odzrkadľoval? Jedine Slovo.

231Keď ste vy písanou epištolou, odzrkadľujete jedine Slovo; nie to, čo hovorí seminár, nie to čo niekto druhý hovorí, nie to, čo si o tom myslí pani Jonesová, nie to čo si o tom myslí Dr. taký a taký, ale to, čo Boh o tom povedal. "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom, a moje pravdou! Ktokoľvek by zrušil jedno z týchto najmenších prikázaní a učil by tak ľudí! Ktokoľvek by odňal jedno Slovo z tejto knihy, alebo pridal do toho jedno slovo! Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." Žiť večne na tom Slove!

232Tak ako tam musíte mať nejakú mŕtvu látku, z ktorej by ste žili, tu musíte mať Krista, aby ste skrze Neho žili, inak zomriete. A čo je Kristus? "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami."

233A vy ste tak isto písanou epištolou, jedna na jeden vek, druhá na druhý vek, podľa svetla na tú hodinu; ale oni to nedokážu vidieť. Vy odzrkadľujete len To.

234Ostatní sa chytili, hoci na jednom, sklamali len v jednom bode; ale On nie. A ako som povedal, v Zjavení 22: 18, On povedal: "Ktokoľvek by pridal ku tomuto!"

235A teraz dávajte dobrý pozor. Matúš 24:24 naráža na to, ako to že oni ... Ježiš povedal: "Že by to, v týchto posledných dňoch, zviedlo aj vyvolených." Pozorujte tie duchy. "V posledných dňoch ..." Písmo sa musí vyplniť. Veríte tomu? No, to bolo: "Že by v tých posledných dňoch, i vyvolení, predurčení, vyvolení do toho, boli zvedení ..." Je to tak dokonale, je to tak podľa Písma, vyzerá to pekne a čisto, že na tom nemôžete vidieť žiadnu chybu, no predsa, len vyvolení tomu uniknú. To je to, čo povedal Ježiš. Veríte tomu? "Zviedlo by to aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné."

236"Prečo? To je presne podľa Písma, veď to môžete vidieť na svoje oči." Ale, vidíte, nie je to tak. Ježiš ... Tí farizejovia poznali to Písmo, tak dokonale, ako to len mohlo byť, ale podľa ich vlastného výkladu.

237Ako oni vedeli, že On nebol falošný? Lebo Boh potvrdil každé Slovo, ktoré On pre Neho zasľúbil na ten vek. To bol dôvod, že oni poznali, že On je Mesiáš. Vidíte?

238No, všimnite si: "Keby to bolo možné," v týchto dňoch. Len jedno Slovo, stačilo jedno Slovo. To bolo všetko, čo musel Satan urobiť Adamovi, oklamať ho len na jednom Slove. To je všetko, čo on musí urobiť dnes, prekrútiť len jednu vec. To je všetko, to je všetko, čo potrebuje. No, viete že je to pravda. Pridať alebo odobrať jedno Slovo, to je úplná prehra. Každý kúsok, každé Slovo Božie! Zamyslite sa teraz nad výkladom zo seminárov, všetky sa medzi sebou navzájom líšia.

239Niekde musí byť pravda, a toto je ona, Biblia. Ježiš povedal ...

240Vy hovoríte: "No, brat Branham, oni najkrajšie uctievajú Boha."

241Ježiš povedal: "Nadarmo ma ctia, učiac náuky, ktoré sú ľudskou teológiou, a nie Slovom." Ľudskou teológiou. To je výklad jeho vlastnej predstavy o Slove.

242Ako som povedal, Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. On si sám vykladá každé Slovo. Vidíte? Nepotrebujete nikoho, aby vám ho vykladal, Boh vám ho vykladá, keď ste ochotní prijať to. Vidíte? To je život, to je sám život.

243Ježiš povedal: "Nadarmo ma ctia." Oni skutočne uctievajú Boha. Kain, na začiatku, skutočne uctieval Boha. "Ale nadarmo ma ctia." Čo to znamená, nadarmo? To, že je to na nič.

244Oni mohli povedať: "No, ja robím toto. Tancujem v duchu. Hovorím v jazykoch, prorokujem. Kážem evanjelium." Ale ti chýba, aby si si nechala rásť vlasy, zanedbáte jednu vec a vidíte čo sa deje, hneď tam vás Duch opustí. To sa stalo našim cirkvám - zanedbali.

245"Nadarmo ma ctia. Ó, to je nádherné uctievanie. Ale nadarmo ma ctia učiac učenia, ktoré sú nariadeniami ľudí."

246Tí farizejovia boli vyučení teológovia. Neodvážte sa povedať, že dnes nemáme nič, ku čomu by sme ich prirovnali. Nie, skutočne. Oni poznali jedno slovo, každé slovo, presne tak ako bolo napísané, ale ich uctievanie bolo nadarmo. Predstavte si to. "Nadarmo." Veľké, pekné školy a semináre a učitelia, a mladí ľudia, a všetko takéto, ale stratení!

247Tak isto ako na púšti, On povedal: "Oni všetci na púšti jedli mannu, z tej duchovnej skaly, všetci pili z tej duchovnej skaly, som chcel povedať, a všetci tam jedli mannu." A Ježiš povedal: "A pomreli, každý jeden." "Zomrieť" znamená, byť naveky odlúčený. Prečo? Pretože oni nedokázali veriť zasľúbeniam Božím.

248Ó, nerád vás tu takto držím, ale musím to povedať. Pozrite, nezaberiem tým veľa času. Každý jeden z tých ľudí vyšiel pod Ohnivým Stĺpom, vyšli na púšť, verili Bohu, pochodovali vpred. Ale keď prišli a uvideli prekážku, keď tých desať prišlo naspäť a povedali: My nebudeme môcť zaujať tú zem. Ó, tam sú obri. Oni sú toto, to i tamto. Oni ... Nedokážeme to. To je nemožné."

249Ale čo urobil Kálef a Józue? Oni tíšili ľud. Oni povedali: "My sme viac ako schopní zaujať ju." Prečo? Tí ľudia hľadel na to, čo mohli vidieť, (Vidíte?) hľadeli na to, čo mohli vidieť. Ale Kálef a Jozue hľadeli na zasľúbenie Božie. Boh povedal: "Ja som vám dal tú zem. Choďte a zaujmite tu!"

250No, Židom 6. kapitola, ak to môžem citovať: "Lebo je nemožné, pre tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení a ochutnali Ducha Svätého, moci budúceho veku, keby znovu odpadli. Zapreli, odstúpili."

251Ako tí ľudia, ktorí prišli rovno tam a jedli hrozná tam z tej druhej zeme, stáli tam; a keď prišlo ku tomu, aby ďalej cez to nasledovali Slovo, povedali: "My to nedokážeme." A pomreli na púšti.

252Tam sme sa dostali. Ochutnali sme dobré Slovo Božie. Ale, plné zasľúbenie: "Nie, nie, my to nedokážeme, pretože Dr. taký a taký, alebo niekto iný povedal, že to nedokážeme. To je pre apoštolov. To bolo na iný deň." A tam zomierate.

253Vidíte, celé Písmo spolu súvisí, každé Slovo v ňom spolu súvisí. A nemôže byť vyložené žiadnou ľudskou teóriou, žiadnym systémom, ani ničím. Ono je zjavené jedine skrze Ducha Svätého. Ježiš povedal: "Ďakujem ti, Otče, že si skryl tieto veci pred múdrymi a rozumnými a zjavil si ich nemluvňatám, takým, ktoré sa budú učiť."

254A teraz poďme rýchlo tu ku tejto ďalšej myšlienke, ak môžeme. "Nadarmo ma ctia." Tí farizejovia, učení, ó, morálne v poriadku; ale Ježiš ich nazval "diablami." Oni boli vyučení teológovia, Ježiš povedal: "Vy ste diabli a budete činiť skutky svojho otca." Povedal: "Ozdobujete hroby prorokov, ale vaši otcovia, vtedy v tom istom čase ..." Tí proroci vystúpili, aby roztrhali tie náboženské systémy. To je to, čo oni urobili.

255Proroci ... Ku komu prichádza Slovo, ku teológovi alebo ku prorokovi? Nie ku teológom zo školy. On prichádza ku prorokovi, stále. Boh nikdy nemení svoj systém, nikdy. Stále to tak bolo, stále. Nie ku skupine; ku jednotlivcovi! Nikdy nie ku skupine; ku jednotlivcovi. Tak veru. Ku prorokovi. A oni povedali ...

256Ježiš povedal: "Vy ozdobujete hroby prorokov, a vaši otcovia ich pripravili o život." A oni robia presne to isté, oslepení Satanovým seminárom. Vidíte?

257A teraz, letniční, nestrkajte nos do tej Svetovej Rady Cirkví. No, vy kazatelia tu, vy budete písať na vedenie, tým ľuďom. No, nemusíte písať Assemblies [názov určitej letničnej organizácie. -- pozn.prekl.] a mnohým z nich, pretože oni dali nabok tú vec, oni nechcú mať s tým nič spoločného. A vy, bratia baptisti, tiež, nestrkajte tam svoju hlavu. Či nevidíte, že to je presne znamenie šelmy, ktoré prichádza? Viete kto to všetko prehltne, ak viete niečo o Písme. Ak sa vo vás odzrkadľuje Slovo, držte sa ďalej od toho. Vaša denominácia vojde do toho. A vy to budete musieť urobiť, alebo opustiť svoju denomináciu. Nemôžete byť denomináciou a zostať tam, pretože musíte buď vojsť, alebo zostať vonku.

258Potom, už nie ste viac organizáciou, potom sa ukážete. Presne tak. Nech vás Boh žehná, ak to urobíte. Ťažko povedať koľkí to urobia. Ale niektorí to urobia, bez pochyby. Tak veru.

259Zvedení, a Ježiš ich nazval "diablami." No, ale keď tam Ježiš stál (Čo?), každé pokušenie, On ho pokarhal Slovom a stál tam v Slove. Boh Ho potvrdil.

260Ako tam, vtedy večer, keď som kázal o Michelangelovi. Koľkí ste boli niekedy vo Forest Lawn a videli ste tam sochu Mojžiša, od Michelangela? Bolo to zarážajúce, keď som tam prvý krát prišiel a videl to. Michelangelo strávil skoro celý svoj život na tvorbe ... On mal vo svojej mysli, ako má Mojžiš vyzerať. A on ho chcel spraviť prv ako zomrie. A strávil pri tom roky a roky, odrezával, tu odštiepal, a tu odlamoval, a tu hladil. Až, nakoniec jedného dňa, keď to dokončil, po mnohých rokoch, on tam takto stál, s handrou v ruke. Zastal si ďalej a pozeral sa na to. Videnie, ktoré bolo v jeho mysli, od vtedy ako prvý krát počul o Mojžišovi, že to má tak vyzerať. Tam to bolo, vystavené pred ním, on bol tak inšpirovaný svojou vlastnou prácou, že zobral kladivo a udrel ho do nohy a zvolal: "Hovor, Mojžiš!" On si myslel, že Mojžiš bude hovoriť, tak bol podobný tomu, čo mal vo svojej mysli. A tá vada je stále tam na tej nohe. Tá socha je celá dokonalá, až na ten úlomok z tej nohy, z pravej nohy. Pozrite sa na to vo Forest Lawn, keď vojdete do dverí, to je reprodukcia toho Michelangelovho Mojžiša, jeho majstrovské dielo, ono spečatilo jeho život.

261Boh je veľký sochár, skutočne. On učinil človeka na Svoj obraz, aby Ho odzrkadľoval, a On je Slovo. A čo On urobil? On skúsil Adama; on sklamal, Mojžiš sklamal, všetci ostatní sklamali. Ale tu je jeden dokonalý. Haleluja. Čo to bolo? Nič menej, ako sám Boh v tele, odzrkadlené Slovo; v Ňom prebývala plnosť Božstva telesne; nie prorok, hoci On bol prorok; nie človek, hoci On bol človek.

262Židia, nenárokujte si Ho ako svojho. On nebol ani žid ani pohan. On bol Boh. Vidíte? Vy ste tým, čím je vaša krv. Vidíte? A samozrejme, vy ste telo. A Mária, samozrejme, Mária nemala žiadny pomer s Duchom Svätým, ktorý by jej dal vzrušenie. Boh Otec stvoril gén, alebo vajíčko v Márii, a tiež bunku krvi, a to bola Božia krv.

263Krv pochádza z mužského pohlavia. A tak to nebola žiadna ... Ten hemoglobín je v krvi. To musí pochádzať od otca, pretože dieťa nemôže ani dostať matkinu chorobu, ako TBC. On to môže zdediť z matkinho dychu, ale chcem povedať, že to nemôže zdediť, ale to môže vdýchnuť a tak to dostať. Ale ono to nemôže dostať od matky, pretože ono je od toho slobodné, ono nie je z krvi svojej matky.

264No, ale Ježiš nebol z krvi žida ani pohana. On bol z krvi, ktorú stvoril sám Jehova. On bol Božou krvou. Biblia povedala, že sme spasení Božou krvou. Nie krvou žida, ani krvou pohana, to by bolo všetko zo sexu, ale toto bola Božia krv.

265Všimnite si teraz, keď On videl toho dokonalého, On Ho udrel, skazil Ho. Izaiáš povedal: "On bol smrteľne ranený za naše prestúpenia, zdrtený za našu neprávosť." Čo On bol? On bol to dokonalé Slovo, odzrkadlené ako chlieb, na ktorom má žiť každý človek. On bol tou pšenicou Božieho Slova, ktoré mohlo byť dané do zeme a dané do štyroch evanjelií, do 66 kníh. A človek bude žiť na tom, a jedine na tom, a na každom Slove z toho. Amen. To bolo Michelangelove majstrovské dielo. A keď Boh mohol uzrieť Seba odzrkadleného v človeku, On mal toho dokonalého človeka, stvoreného na Svoj vlastný obraz. Ó, čo za človeka! On musel za nás všetkých zomrieť. (Mohli by sme sa pri tom zastaviť, ale ideme ďalej.) On musel za nás všetkých zomrieť. A On zomrel, Ten dokonalý; aby sme sa my, nedokonalí, v Ňom mohli stať dokonalými, tým že máme účasť (živíme sa) na každom Slove jeho Biblii. No, potom Ho On znovu vzkriesil, na naše ospravedlnenie, aby sme mali právo, ako vzkriesený Ježiš, On je teraz tu, aby nám poskytol každé Slovo Božie, aby sme ním žili.

266No, teraz rýchlo, potom zakončíme. No, druhá Eva, nevesta.

267No, prvý ženích, Adam; musel byť prenesený cez dlhú líniu prorokov, a tak ďalej, potom prišiel náš dokonalý, a potom musel zomrieť, aby sa stal chlebom pre tých ostatných.

268No, a čo s Evou? S ňou sa musí stať to isté. Ale keď Ježiš príde ... Pamätajte, Eva bola žena. Cirkev je stále predstavovaná v Biblii ako žena, pretože ona je nevesta. No, pozrite sa, čo ona urobila. Ona sa ho snažila nahovoriť na svoju náuku. Kým On kázal to, čo si oni mysleli, bol veľkým človekom.

269Ale jedného dňa On začal hovoriť, a povedal: "Ja a Otec sme jedno."

270"Ó, ty sa robíš rovný Bohu. Vidíte? Ó! Nechceme mať nič viacej spoločného s týmto človekom."

271A všetky tieto ďalšie veci, ktoré On začal hovoriť: "Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka."Čo myslíte, čo si mysleli doktori, ktorí tam stáli? Čo myslíte, čo si ktokoľvek mohol myslieť, keď len normálne uvažoval? "Vy musíte jesť moje telo a piť moju krv."

272Oni povedali: "Tento človek je vampír, nie kazateľ. Stráňte sa toho človeka, on je blázon. Stráňte sa ho."

273Ale to bola pravda. Vidíte? To bola pravda. "Ak to nebudete jesť, zahyniete. Všetci pomriete, ak to nebudete jesť."

274A to isté je dnes. Chlieb a víno je len symbol, nedajte sa usadiť tými telesnými vecami. Vy musíte jesť Krista, ktorý je Slovom, skrze ktoré žijete, každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza, celou Bibliou, od Genesis do Zjavenia.

275No, druhá Eva, pozorujte ju. Ona bola znovu stvorená, ako On, v deň letníc, naplnená Duchom, a vychovaná na Slove. Amen. Začínam sa cítiť nábožne. Cítim sa dobre. Tá prvá cirkev, tá prvá Eva, ktorá mala byť Kristovou nevestou ... Koľkí môžete na to povedať amen? Ona mala byť Kristovou nevestou. Narodila sa v Letniciach, nie v Nicei, v Ríme; nie v Londýne, v Anglicku; ani nie v Spojených štátoch; ani v Nemecku pri Lutherovi, ani v Anglicku pri Wesleyovi, ani v Spojených štátoch pri letničných, tak zvaných. Ona sa narodila na deň letníc. Bola naplnená Duchom. A bola naplnená Duchom, a vychovaná na Slove, na každom Slove, ktoré vychádzalo z úst Božích. Ešte i čo sa týka Judáša ... A, ó, oni museli proste zobrať všetko, Slovo za Slovom, skutočná rozkvitnutá rastlina na Božej zemi, ktorá reprezentovala Jeho, ďalší strom nevesty.

276Jeho zasľúbené Slovo v nej odzrkadľovalo Jeho. Oni si to museli všimnúť na Petrovi a na nich. Oni nechodili do seminára, a oni to poznali. Oni nechodili do žiadnej Biblickej školy, na žiadny teologický seminár. Oni nemali vzdelanie, pretože sa nevedeli ani podpísať. Biblia povedala, že boli nevedomí a neučení." Ale čo sa stalo? Oni si museli všimnúť, že oni boli s Ježišom, lebo On bol v nich, odzrkadľoval svoje zasľúbenie. Haleluja! Sláva Bohu! To je to, čo potrebujeme v tomto veku. Jeho Slovo v nej odzrkadľovalo Jeho, v cirkvi. Ona mala žiť každým Slovom, ktoré vychádzalo z úst Božích.

277Ale potom, tak ako Eva, ona odpadla od Slova, v Nicei, v Ríme, kde bola zorganizovaná prvá organizácia, všeobecná kresťanská cirkev. Je tu nejaký Biblický bádateľ? Je tu nejaký teológ, ktorý vie, že je to pravda? Prvá organizácia povstala v Nicei, v Ríme. Boh nikdy nemal organizáciu, ani nikdy nebude mať. To je ovládané človekom. Tam oni všetci ...

278Ja som kresťan. "Do ktorej cirkvi patríš?" Je len jedna. Ja som Branham, 55 rokov, nikdy som sa nepripojil do rodiny, ja som sa do nej narodil. Takto ste narodení do kráľovstva Božieho, a ste odzrkadlením jeho Slova.

279Všimnite si, Eva prišla ku svojmu pádu. A tak druhá Eva prišla ku svojmu pádu v Nicei, v Ríme, dala do toho denomináciu, vyznanie, prijala dogmy namiesto Slova; odložila pohanské modly, ako Jupitera, a tak ďalej a na ich miesto postavila Pavla a Barnabáša. Zobrala boha slnka a boha mesiaca, Aštartu, boha mesiaca, s okrúhlou oblátkou a urobila ju matkou boha slnka, ktorým bol Jupiter. A zmenila narodeniny Ježiša z apríla, kde sa celá príroda ... Kde sa On narodil pod znakom barana, pretože On bol baránok, a premenila to na narodeniny boha slnka, v tom slnečnom, kde ono robí jeden deň ... Je len asi minúta rozdiel v tom dni, keď ono prechádza 25. decembra, narodeniny boha slnka, nie Syna Božieho. A každý sa hrá na Mikuláša, a ozdobujú stromčeky, pohanstvo, a takéto veci, a potom hovoria, že sú kresťania?

Čo sa deje s kresťanskou cirkvou?

280Povstane ešte niekedy niekto medzi nami, kto bude môcť kázať Slovo a povedať pravdu, a Boh to potvrdí a dokáže ľuďom, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky? Nepotrebujeme seminár. Nepotrebujeme teológa. Potrebujeme proroka. Tak veru. Boh to tiež zasľúbil.

281Eva potom prišla ku svojmu úpadku, a tak aj cirkev; odovzdala sa denominácii, pod vládu ľudí, aby ňou vládol človek, nebola už viac ovládaná Duchom. Odišla preč od Slova a prijala dogmy. Kto na to môže povedať "amen"? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." -- pozn.prekl.] Skutočne. Ale či viete, že my protestanti sme prijali toľko dogiem, koľko aj oni, keď sme niečo pridali do tohoto Slova, alebo z neho odobrali? Satan ju dostal tou istou starou technikou, ktorou dostal aj Evu: kompromisom. Tam sa mu to podarilo. Prijať niečo, čo nie je zhodné so Slovom, vyznanie alebo denomináciu.

282Ten originál vošiel v mučeníctve do zeme. Rímske mlynské kamene zomleli tú pšenicu z letníc na prach, a pálili ich na hraniciach a hádzali ich levom. Oni vošli do zeme ako ostatná pšenica. Je to tak. Ale On ju začína znovu v reformácii privádzať k životu, tú istú, druhý krát.

283Ako to urobil s druhým Adamom. Keď Adam odpadol, On začal privádzať k životu druhého Adama. A keď druhý Adam odpadol, potom bol zobratý hore. Prvý Adam odpadol do hriechu a zostal tam. Druhý Adam odpadol, aby vykúpil človeka z hriechu, a bol zobratý hore.

284No, prvá cirkev odpadla v Nicei, v Ríme, prvá, na jednom Slove pravdy z Biblie, tam kde Rímska cirkev pridala svoje dogmy a vyznania. Potom prichádza prostý kňaz, ktorý sa nazýval Martin Luther, ktorý povedal: "Toto nie je komúnia, toto nie je telo Kristovo. To je košer. A človek ... spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." A hodil to na zem, a protestoval proti tomu. Tu máte tú prvú hviezdu, ktorá svietila po Tyatírskom veku. Tak veru, ospravedlnení vierou! On, ten veľký sochár začal pracovať na majstrovskom diele nevesty, ktorá bude odzrkadľovať Jeho Slovo.

285Ale čo urobili Luteráni po smrti Luhtera? Vyhoveli Satanovi a urobili z toho denomináciu a zomreli. Ona po tomto už nikdy nič neurobila, bol s ňou koniec, stala sa len veľkou masou ľudí. Dobre.

286Potom ju Boh znovu zodvihol vo dňoch Johna Wesleya, aby odzrkadľovala ďalšiu pravdu. Čo ona urobila? On povedal: "Posvätenie je druhým dielom milosti." A čo Boh urobil? On to požehnal. A on protestoval proti Anglikánskej cirkvi, a Cwingliho cirkvi, a proti všetkým ostatným, a proti všetkým legalistom, a všetkým Kalvínom, či Kalvinistom, a protestoval proti tomu. A povedal: "Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." povedal Luther. "A druhým dielom milosti je posvätenie." A to je pravda. Je to tak. Vidíte?

287Čo on potom urobil? To isté. Po smrti Wesleya a Asburyho a ostatných, urobili to isté čo pri Lutherovi, zorganizovali to a zomreli. Pozrite sa na to teraz.

288Išiel som, tu nedávno, aby som sa modlil v nemocnici za jednu ženu, ktorá mala ísť na operáciu. Išiel som tam. Povedala: "Brat Branham, zavolala som ťa. Ty ma nepoznáš, ale pomodlil by si sa za mňa? Ráno mám ísť na operáciu."

Povedal som: "Samozrejme, sestra."

289Sedel tam jeden muž, žena a chlapec, asi osemnásť ročný chlapec, a oni ma napätie pozorovali. Obrátil som sa ku nim a povedal som im: "Prepáčte, budem sa ..."

Ona povedala: "Zatiahni záves!"

Opýtal som sa: "Vy nie ste kresťania?"

Ona povedala: "My sme metodisti!"

290Povedal som: "To som sa nepýtal. Pýtal som sa ... Ak ste len metodisti, tak zatiahnem záves. Ak ste kresťania, nebudete chcieť, aby som ho zatiahol." Tak, ó, je to tak.

291Je veľký rozdiel byť metodistom, alebo baptistom, alebo presbyteriánom, a byť kresťanom; nie byť cambelitom, ale byť kresťanom. Rozumiete?

292Čo ona urobila? To isté. Čo sa potom stalo? Boh zobral malú skupinu tu dole na juhu, obyčajného farebného muža, škuľavého. A čo urobil? Vylial prinavrátenie darov a oni sa stali letniční. A mnohí z vás, ktorí pamätáte na staré časy, ako brat Valdez, ktorý tam sedí, skúsený vekom, kázal, keď som ja mal päť rokov. On si pamätá tých letničných na začiatku. Chlapče, tých ľudí by ste nenahovorili do organizácie, oni vyšli z tej ohavnosti. A oni mali Božie posolstvo.

293Ale čo oni urobili? To isté čo ostatní, zorganizovali to. Teraz majú okolo tridsať alebo štyridsať rôznych organizácií, jednotári, vyznávači dvojice, vyznávači trojice. Och joj, pre milosrdenstvo, nikdy v živote som niečo také nepočul! Čo ste urobili? Hneď na mieste ste zomreli. Ďalej už nemôžete ísť. Vaša organizácia toto neprijme. Zobrali ste svojho človeka: "Tento človek, ak neverí tak ako my, nepustite ho tam. Naše obecenstvo to nebude trpieť." Ó!

294Pozrite, ponáhľame sa. Musí prísť pravé semeno. Ono proste musí existovať, pretože On prichádza pre nevestu, ktorá je bez vrásky a bez poškvrny. On prichádza pre to, pre Slovom potvrdenú nevestu. Ó, ona bude taká malá, drobná skupinka. Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, kde bolo zachránených osem duší (Je to tak?), tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Koľko? Ja neviem.

295Ale, vidíte, nevesta sa bude skladať zo všetkých cez tie veky, ktorí verili Slovu na svoj vek. To nie je len táto posledná skupina. "Boh to všetko zoberie z tadeto." Ó, nie.

296To bude také malé, budú z toho prekvapení. Oni sa stratia, ani nebudete vedieť, že sú preč. Čo keby On zobral päťsto ľudí v týchto posledných dňoch? Ani by ste to nevedeli. V priebehu dvoch alebo troch dní by zobral päťsto ľudí. Vo svete sa stratí toľko ľudí, a ani neviete kde sú, viac o nich už nepočuť. Tajomný príchod Ježiša Krista, ona bude zobratá preč.

297A tí ostatní budú ďalej kázať, presne ako vo dňoch Noeho: "Sláva Bohu, my to máme. Haleluja!" - a zapečatení na smrť. To hovorí Biblia, a to nemôže sklamať.

298Tak ako Noe, Mojžiš, Dávid, odzrkadľovali príchod tohoto dokonalého Ženícha; tak Luther, Wesley, a letniční odzrkadľovali príchod dokonalej Nevesty.

299Všimnite si, stále keď sa prejavila, čo urobila? Stále, táto cirkev, tak ako to urobila Eva, ona nasilu nútila svojich Adamov, aby verili jej novému svetlu, jej plánu, a na tom zomrela. "My budeme, naša skupina sa dá dokopy. (Vidíte?) Ó, naše nové požehnania z toho, čo sme našli." - a tak ďalej.

300Čo toto všetko Eve prinieslo? Máme teraz už len málo času. Čo toto všetko Eve prinieslo, cez tú prvú matku cirkev, cez prvú nevestu pre prvého Adama? Čo jej toto urobilo? Dobre teraz počúvajte, nebudete s týmto súhlasiť. Ale to prinieslo semeno hada. Presne.

301Jej prvý syn nebol Adamov syn. Ak bol, mal by právo prvorodenstva. Biblia v liste Júdu hovorí, že Enoch bol siedmy od Adama. Je to tak? A on začal od: "Adam splodil svojho syna Seta." A čo s Kainom, ktorý mal právo prvorodenstva? On nebol Adamov syn. Set ... a Set splodil Jareda, a tak ďalej až po Adama, ktorý bol ďalej, až po ... "ktorý bol siedmy od Adama." Potom ak by bol Kain jeho syn, o tom nieto ani jedno miesto v Biblii, ani v Lukášovi, kde On znovu na to poukazuje, On nikde nehovorí, že Kain bol Adamov syn. Ak nebol, čí to bol syn? A ak bol Adamov syn, bol by jeho prvorodený, ktorý mal všetky práva prvorodenstva. Ó!

302To je tá telesná cirkev (Či to nevidíte?), ktorá prijala niečo, a to bolo cudzoložstvo namiesto Slova. Letniční ľudia ... nech vás Boh žehná. No dobre, čo to prinieslo Eve? Semeno hada. Čo to prinieslo v týchto posledných dňoch, skrze denomináciu? Znovu to prinieslo semeno hada, odmietanie Slova. Čo on obetoval? Ovocie a také veci, nie krv. Ó.

303Skrze zjavenie Slova, ešte predtým ako bolo napísané Slovo Božie: "Ábel skrze vieru obetoval Bohu väčšiu obeť než Kain, ktorou to vierou dostal svedectvo, že je spravodlivý." Cez neho sa odzrkadľovalo Slovo, cez jeho obeť.

304Kain išiel a priniesol ovocie poľa, on si myslel, že Eva jedla jablko. Väčšina teologických seminárov to teraz zmenila na marhuľu. To bolo cudzoložstvo. A každý, kto pozná Bibliu to vie. Skutočne, to bolo to.

305Všimnite si, semeno hada bolo prinesené cez prvú Evu, keď odstúpila od Slova. Druhá Eva urobila to isté v Nicei, v Ríme. A čo priniesla? Množstvo denominačných detí. Je to tak. Ó, morálne dobrí; skutočne, fajní. Ale čo s tým? Mŕtvi, cez svoje vyznania.

306Tak isto teraz. Kainove zjavenie slova urobilo to isté čo tieto. Čo? Je jej zasľúbené. Na konci času, čo je zasľúbené teraz tejto Eve? Dobre teraz počúvajte, končím. Čo je zasľúbené tejto Eve na konci času? Bohatá Laodicea, veľké meno, veľká osoba, bohatá. "Ale mŕtva, a nahá, a nevie o tom." V tom skončil tento cirkevný vek.

307Ale ona zapiera Slovo. Aby sa na nej vyplnil Matúš 24:24, ona chce vojsť s množstvom hluku, a s množstvom tohoto a s množstvom sociálnych vplyvov a s takýmito vecami, snaží sa hovoriť: "Dobre, my máme moc! Chvála Bohu. Haleluja! My máme moc!" Majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci jej moc, také blízke, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených ... Ako môže niekto tancovať v Duchu a hovoriť v jazykoch, a zapierať Slovo Božie, ktoré je pravda. Ako to môže byť Duch Svätý? To sa nemôže stať.

308"Každé Slovo!" Keď Boh niečo hovorí, to je presne to, čo On tým myslí. Nedávajte tomu žiadny iný výklad. Biblia hovorí, že "Ono sa nedeje z vlastného rozlúštenia." Hovorte to tak, ako to On povedal.

309Všimnite si, falošná moc. To je presne to, čo chcel dať Satan Ježišovi, prišiel tam a chcel Ho naviesť na to, aby sa predviedol. Ľudia to robia, aj Svetová rada, všetci. "Kto s ním môže bojovať," (hovorí Biblia) "s týmto obrazom šelmy, ktorý má povstať?" Keby sme mali čas, vošli by sme do toho (ale nemáme). Všimnite si Ježiša, druhého Adama Slova, v jej dňoch ... Dívajte sa, teraz vo dňoch tejto cirkvi to bude také blízke. Tým posledným cirkevným vekom je Laodicea.

310Koľkí môžete na to povedať Amen? Čo ona robí? Ako sa ona dostáva do toho hrozného stavu? Vlažná, bez Boha. A čo urobila?

311No, Adam videl, že Eva úmyselne ... alebo nie úmyselne, ale v nevedomosti bola zvedená, a Adam vyšiel s ňou aby ju mohol vykúpiť. Je to tak? Biblia hovorí: "Adam nebol zvedený." Preto je žene zakázané kázať evanjelium. Vidíte? Adam sa nedopustil prestúpenia, ale Eva áno. A tak preto ona nemôže učiť. Vidíte? Alebo si nárokovať nejakú autoritu nad mužom, a tak ďalej. To hovorí Slovo.

312Vy hovoríte: "No, toto ..." Nestarám sa o to, čo hovorí toto, alebo čo hovorí tamto. Jedná sa o to, čo hovorí Slovo, brat, sestra. Snažím sa vám to ukázať, vidíte, to je to, čo hovorí Slovo. My žijeme skrze Slovo, nie skrze niečo, čo hovorí nejaký dôkaz, alebo niečo telesné, alebo nejaké prežitie. To s tým nemá nič spoločného. Žiadny druh prežitia nebude fungovať, ak zapiera Slovo. "Mnohí prídu ku mne a povedia: ja som prorokoval, vyháňal som démonov; hovoril som v jazykoch, robil som všetky tieto veci, kázal som evanjelium; som doktor teológie. On povie: Činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal." Keď viete, že Slovo toto hovorí, a potom kvôli nejakej organizácii, alebo kvôli niečomu, nejakému systému, robíte kompromis. Ó, môj priateľ, dovoľ aby som ťa varoval, ako drahý brat, ktorý ťa miluje. Počúvajte pozorne.

313No, ten prvý Adam vyšiel von s Evou, pretože ona bola zvedená. Ale tu v tejto Laodicei bol niekto, ktorého ona poznala inak. Tak veru. Pretože Ho vystrčila von zo svojej postele - zo svojej izby. On bol vonku, klepal, chcel vojsť znovu dovnútra. Ale ona bola vzdelaná, vysoko postavená.

314Ona bola ... ó. "Nepotrebujem nikoho," povedala. Ale nevedela, že je nahá, mizerná. To je cirkev, ktorá by zviedla aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Všimnite si, ona mala moc, falošnú moc. Ona zobrala časť Slova, nezobrala to ostatné z neho.

315Aké je to najväčšie klamstvo, ktoré bolo kedy povedané? Ono má v sebe 99% pravdy. Keby niekto povedal: "William Branham, tento určitý deň, bol tam v Houstone, v Texase, taký opitý, že až." To je klamstvo. Vidíte? "Ó." Poviete: "No, On bol vo Phoenixe, v Arizone. Kázal tam kresťanským obchodníkom. Kázal na určitú tému, bolo tam toľko ľudí, počúvali až do pol jedenástej. A viete, čo urobil o pol jedenástej? Načiahol sa, zobral si pohárik pálenky a vypil ju." No, to je klamstvo. To ostatné z toho je všetko pravda. Vidíte? To musí vyzerať presne ako pravda, aby to niekoho zviedlo.

316Tak to ľudia robia dnes. Oni majú toľko pravdy, že by zviedli aj vyvolených ... ale stačí len jedno slovo. A dokázal som vám to pomocou Biblie.

317Všimnite si, On s ňou nevyšiel. Ona vystrčila von Jeho, Slovo, odmietla Ho. No toto je poľutovania hodný znak, keď sa dostávame ku koncu.

318Presne tak ako to bolo v Babylone, človek sa nezastavil na ničom, čo chcel dosiahnuť. On sa proste nezastavil. Ako vo dňoch Noeho, bez ohľadu na to ako veľmi Noe kázal a varoval ich, oni si z toho nič nerobili. Vo dňoch keď Achab, on si musel upiecť svoj vlastný chlieb a poslať samého seba do pekla. Ako Achab a Jezábeľ, oni ... Ale, to je na tom, že oni si nemysleli že hrešia. Oni si mysleli, že robia dobre.

319Viete, Ježiš povedal: "Stane sa, že vás zabijú a budú si myslieť, že tým konajú Bohu službu." Počkajte keď vyjde táto moja nová kniha. Oni raz v noci strieľali na niektorých ľudí, za to že hovorili, že to je zle, aby sa spájala katolícka cirkev s protestantmi. Tri rany preleteli cez dom môjho priateľa - len tak tak, že ich netrafili. Počkajte, keď sa táto kniha dostane do obehu. Oni si nemyslia že hrešia; oni si myslia že robia dobre. Oni si myslia, že to robia pre Boha, nevedia o tom.

320Židia zabili Ježiša, a mysleli si že robia správne, pretože ich cirkevná náuka hovorila, že On je falošný. Ó, hovorila im, že On ... Oni ukrižovali práve ten chlieb, na ktorom mali žiť.

321No, potom: "Ktorýkoľvek Ho prijali, aby bol ich životom, večným životom, oni žili skrze Neho, a On im dal moc, aby sa stali Jeho časťou, synmi Božími." Je to tak?

322Oni mali radi divý hrach, smrť v hrnci, zo školy svojich teológov. Oni nechceli Ježiša, chlieb života. Oni Ho nechceli. Oni Ho vystrčili von z cirkvi. Oni to museli urobiť. Nestarám sa o to čo oni robia.

323Vy hovoríte: "Ty si myslíš, že to zmeníš, brat Branham?" Nie. Ale ja hovorím ku vyvoleným.

324 Oni Ho vystrčili von. Prečo? Oni zobrali svoju kašu, zmiešanú so svetom, nejaké teórie o niečom, a zmiešali to spolu, a urobili kašu z teologického seminára. A odmietli Eliášovu múku, aby to uzdravila.

325Či to oni vtedy urobili? Eliáš mal nejakú múku. Tou múkou bol Kristus, obeť múky, každé zrnko muselo byť rovnako zomleté. Každé muselo byť rovnaké, zomleté. A on to tam nasypal, a to uzdravilo ich chorobu, alebo ich smrť v hrnci.

326Ale dnes oni majú smrť v hrnci, a nechcú Eliášovu múku, Krista, chlieb, Slovo. "Nie. To je bludárstvo!" Oni to nechcú. Choď a jedz to, a istotne zomrieš ako ten svet. V tom hrnci je jed. Oni nechcú prijať túto múku (nie veru) do svojich teologických hrncov. Oni to nechcú. Oni vás z tade vylúčia, oni nechcú mať s Ním nič spoločného.

327No, tá druhá Eva, chlebové zrno, to boli letnice, prešla cez to isté, ako prvý Adamov chlieb, odišla do smrti, pod Rímske mlynské kamene, v čase prenasledovania, mučeníctva.

328Ale, jej sestra, ktorá sa stala smilnicou, (Či to hovorí Biblia? Je to tak) čo ona urobila? Ona vyšla rovno do sveta a rodila deti. Kto na to môže povedať amen? Zjavenie 17 "Tá smilnica a jej dcéry," nie muži. Ženy, cirkvi. Urobili denomináciu, čo z nej urobilo smilnicu? Odmietla Slovo a prijala denomináciu. Stala sa smilnicou. Čo urobili jej deti? Oni boli pobehlice, a to je to isté. Urobili to isté, odmietli Slovo a prijali denomináciu. "Jej deti," dcéry, cirkvi, pozrite sa na ne.

329No, dovoľte že vám toto poviem v proroctve. Budete rozumieť? Tá veľká panika v rodine už skoro skončila. Oni sa všetky spolu schádzajú. Tá stará matka vezme znovu naspäť svoje deti. Oni sú aj tak všetky rovnaké. Oni chcú byť jedno. To je čas pre Cirkev a Boha, pre Cirkev a Slovo, aby sa práve teraz stali jedno, pretože toto je to, pre čo On prichádza. Nie pre žiadnu takúto skupinu. Nie veru.

330Tu má byť pšeničné zrno. No pozorujte prírodu, a na tejto myšlienke zakončíme. Pozorujte prírodu. Človek sadí pšenicu.

331Napísali knihu, hádam ste ju všetci čítali, možno niektorí z vás teológov, nazýva sa "Mlčiaci Boh." Myslím, že ju môžete dostať v knižnici ... kde predávajú knihy - v kníhkupectve. Mlčiaci Boh, hovoria tam ako ... nejaký neveriaci tam hovorí: "Ako môžete vôbec očakávať, že existuje Boh, ktorý si sedel v Dobe Temna a díval sa ako zabíjali malé deti, upaľovali ich; ženy, ich dlhé vlasy im namáčali do smoly a pálili ich; uväzovali ich ku volom, jednu ruku ku jednému a druhú ku druhému a roztrhávali ich, pretože nechceli pobozkať krucifix; a všetko takéto? Povedal: "Ako by mohol Boh, ak by nejaký bol, sedieť a pozerať sa na to, ako upaľovali tie malé deti?" Vidíte, to je prirodzená, telesná myseľ. Vidíte?

332Pozrite sa. Viete, že pšenica, keď ide do zeme, že tam musí ležať a zhniť? To musela urobiť letničná cirkev, ležať tam a vojsť do zeme a zomrieť. To muselo zhniť, aby to znovu mohlo zrodiť život. Je to tak? No dávajte pozor, toto sú moje záverečné myšlienky. Aby sme to všetko zhrnuli, pozorujte prírodu. Koľkí veríte, že Boh v prírode postupuje obdobne, ako vo všetkom?

333On ... Pozrite sa, On urobil so svetom ... On vykupuje svet tak isto, ako vykupuje človeka. Čo robí človek, keď uverí? On uverí, potom je pokrstený; potom je očistený krvou, posvätený, a to bolo Wesleyove posolstvo; potom je naplnený ohňom Ducha Svätého, ktorý odníma od neho svet, a je naplnený Duchom, ktorý je Slovom. Veríte tomu? No sledujte to. Boh tak isto vykúpi svoj svet.

Koľkí máte na páske "Budúci dom Nevesty a Ženícha?" Vidíte, hovoril som to tam. Pán mi to dal. Povedal som vám to tak, ako mi to On dal.

334Pozrite, prvé čo sa stalo, svet bol odsúdený, v čase Adamovho odpadnutia od Slova. Keď Noe kázal, to prinieslo ospravedlnenie, a Boh pokrstil zem vodou. Potom ďalej prišiel Syn a vylial na ňu svoju krv, aby ju posvätil, aby si urobil na ňu nárok; potom nakoniec, to obnovenie sa dokoná ohňom, ktorý spáli každý zárodok, všetko; bude šľahať tisíce míľ vysoko do vzduchu.

335A čo potom? "Videl som nové nebo a novú zem, lebo prvé nebo a prvá zem pominuli. A videl som to sväté mesto, nový Jeruzalem, zostupujúce od Boha z neba, ozdobené ako nevestu jej mužovi, prichádzajúce dole na zem. Potom Boh a človek ...

336Tak isto to bolo s Ježišom. Pozrite. Keď bol pokrstený vo vode a vykonal svoje prípravy; On bol od začiatku posvätený od Otca. Potom On zodvihol ruky a tu na baránka prichádza holubica. Čo robil Boh, keď tam dal tú holubicu? On si urobil nárok na tú časť života, ktorá bola časťou zeme. Ježiš jedol potravu ako aj my, prirodzený chlieb. Ale teraz si Boh robil na to nárok, nič to nemôže zadržať. Smrť to nemohla zadržať. Povedal: "Zborte tento chrám a Ja ho znovu postavím."

337A teraz keď sa muž a žena úplne vydajú Bohu, nie v nejakom odriekaní vyznania, nie tým že prežijú nejakú emóciu, ale keď sa skutočne to Slovo a on stávajú jedno; Boh spasil tú osobu, posvätil ho od vecí toho sveta, obnovil ho a oddelil od nich všetky veci toho sveta, ohňom Ducha Svätého, a žije v tej osobe, odzrkadľuje Seba samého, ten dokonalý muž alebo žena, ktorí žijú tým Slovom. Vidíte? To je tá očistená zem. On tak isto použije zem, On ju vykupuje.

338Pozrite, pšeničné zrno padá do zeme. No, Ježiš bol to pšeničné zrno, ktoré padlo do zeme, potom keď sa stalo dokonalé, ono malo v sebe život. Mojžiš nevstal. Adam nevstal. Nikto z tých ostatných nevstal. Ale tento dokonalý, ktorý odzrkadľoval Slovo vo všetkom, žil každým Slovom! Koľkí môžete na to povedať amen? On žil každým Slovom. Čo sa stalo? Oni Ho položili do hrobu. Ale po troch dňoch, Ho on otvoril a znovu vyšiel. Vidíte?

339No, cirkev znovu prichádza ku tomuto. Vidíte? Prichádza ku Tomu dokonalému, aby znovu nastalo vytrhnutie. No, čo sa stalo potom, keď cirkev padla do zeme v Nicei, v Ríme, do prvej organizácii? Môže niekto povedať "amen", že je to pravda? Čo ona urobila? Ona znovu začala vystupovať v predbežnom vzkriesení; On to skúsil cez Luthera, tak isto ako to urobil cez Noeho. Ale čo on urobil? Odpadol od Slova, urobil organizáciu. Čo to spôsobilo?

340 To je tak, ako keď vyrastá pšeničné zrno. Keď to zrno vyrastá, čo je to prvé, čo sa ukazuje? Dva maličké výhonky. Dobre teraz počúvajte. Čo vyrastá teraz pri tom prirodzenom? Budeme pozorovať to prirodzené s tým duchovným, prirodzený chlieb s tým duchovným chlebom. Čo sa deje? "Ako tento človek môže byť chlebom? Dávajte pozor.

341Keď cirkev vyrastala, ona bola malým lístkom. No to sa vôbec nepodobá na zrno, ktoré vošlo do zeme, ale to je nositeľom toho života. Vidíte? No, čo sa deje? Ten človek hovorí: "Ó, mám dobré pole s pšenicou." Nie, nemáš. Teoreticky má. Čo sa stalo? Ďalej potom prišiel Cwingli, to bolo ďalšie hnutie, ktoré povstalo po Lutherovi. Stále to ešte nebolo to. To je steblo. Potom tá stopka vypustila mnoho lístkov, povstali takí, ako Kalvín a tak ďalej. Nakoniec povstala Anglikánska cirkev, všetky steblá. Vidíte, všetky presne rovnaké, to isté.

342Čo sa potom stalo? Pšenica sa mení, a to zrno sa mení, a všetko sa mení. Prišiel klas. Nazývate to klas? No, keď to prišlo, pozrite sa, čo na tom visí, malý peľ. To sa teraz podobá trochu viac na to originálne zrno, ktoré vošlo do zeme, než ako to steblo. Je to tak? No, Wesleyove posolstvo bolo bližšie ku Biblii než Lutherove. To viete. Je to tak? Čo je teraz všetok ten malý peľ? To boli Wesleyovi Metodisti, Nazaréni, Pútnici svätosti, Zjednotení bratia, všetci títo v čase posvätenia. A čo potom z toho vyšlo? To, nakoniec, čo sa s tým stalo? Zorganizovali sa a zomreli!

343Čo z toho vyšlo? Letniční. Vy hovoríte: "Ó, brat!"

344No, s úctou, a hovorím toto s Božou láskou. A nech ten veľký Otec, o ktorom som vám povedal na začiatku, že je tu prítomný, všadeprítomný ... Ak toto hovorím v zaujatosti, potom ma On bude súdiť. Ak to hovorím v pravde, On ma požehná. On spraví, že to uvidíte, ak ste určení do života.

345Keď sa na pšeničnom steble začína ukazovať to prvé malé zrnko pšenici, ono vyzerá presne ako zrno. Je to tak? Ale čo to je? To nie je zrno. To je Matúš 24:24, "tak blízke, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." Všimnite si, to vyzerá presne ako zrno. Ale odtrhnite to a sadnite si a zoberte si zväčšovacie sklo a začnite to rozoberať. To je len šupka na zrne, alebo pšeničná šupka. Ona ho len chránila, ale ona vyzerá presne ako zrno. No, koľkí viete, že je to pravda, zodvihnite ruky. Skutočne. Ale to je šupka.

346No, letniční bratia, nerozumejte ma zle, ale toto je pravda. Nemôžete poprieť prírodu. A príroda vo všetkom vyjadruje Boha, ktorý ju stvoril.

347No pozrite sa na túto šupku. Ona vyzerá ... Čo oni robili? Hovorili v jazykoch, správali sa presne tak, ako oni na Letnice. Ale ak to prerežete, zoberte tú malú vec a preskúmajte ju, ona má v sebe veľa malých šupiek. A keď ich odhrniete, uvidíte, že na konci toho, budete musieť mať dobré sklo, aby ste to videli. Tam sa začína objavovať malý, malilinký zárodok zrna, to je tá skutočná vec. To je nositeľ. Prečo? To tam musí byť, aby to chránilo to zrno. To funguje v harmónii, ale to má chrániť to zrno. No, tam to zrno vychádza zo zeme, hore cez Luteránov, cez tie cirkvi, cez Wesleya a cez to tam, ďalej cez klasy, a teraz do šupky. No to vyzerá skoro dokonale. Nie divu, že Ježiš povedal: "To by zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." Pozrite sa len, to vyzerá ako zrno, rovno na tom mieste kde má byť zrno, ale čo sa stalo? Stalo sa s tým to isté, čo aj tí ostatní pred tým. Zorganizovali sa. Čo sa z toho stalo? Nositeľ.

348No vo dňoch, v ktorých my žijeme, každý historik tu vie, že každé prebudenie trvalo okolo tri roky, a potom z toho prebudenia povstáva organizácia. Brat, sestra, v tomto veľkom pätnásť ročnom prebudení, v ktorom žijem, mám privilégium žiť v ňom spolu s vami, z toho nepovstala žiadna organizácia. Nie je už viac organizácií. Už nebudú. To je posledná. No, Letniční tam museli byť, aby chránili toto. Kde by sme boli išli s takýmto posolstvom, ak by neboli letniční, ktorí by tomu verili? No, vráťme sa ku rieke Ohio, do roku 1933. Vidíte?

349Prepáčte mi toto, ale chcem, aby ste poznali pravdu. Nezostalo mi veľa času, vy to viete, mám Päťdesiat päť rokov. Ale tieto pásky budú žiť, keď mňa tu nebude, a vy budete vidieť, či je to pravda, alebo nie, či som pravdivý sluha, alebo falošný prorok. Nikdy som vám nepovedal nič, čo by sa nebolo stalo, tak aj toto sa stane.

350To je nositeľ. Musel byť. Ale keď táto pšenica začína rásť, tak ako cirkev bola prv nositeľom pre Ježiša, ale keď im On začal hovoriť pravdu o Bohu, oni sa od Neho oddelili. A čo sa teraz deje? Žiadna spolupráca. Prečo? Musí to tak byť, aby tak samotná pšenica mohla ležať vystavená na slnku, a tak tá duchovná pšenica môže ležať vystavená pred Synom, aby sa z nej stalo zlaté zrno Slova. Vidíte? Aby sa stala Slovom, aby sa Boh stal telom, a bol potvrdený. "Ten kto verí vo mňa, skutky ktoré ja činím aj on bude činiť." Cirkev, ktorá žije na Slove, dozrieva, nie cez organizáciu, ale v prítomnosti Slova, Syna, stáva sa (Čím?) tým istým Slovom, ktoré prišlo v deň letníc.

351No, či nás neučí Malachiáš 4, že prv ako príde ten veľký a strašný deň Pánov, že sa stane toto? Koľkí to viete? "A on prinavráti srdcia detí ku otcom," (Je to tak?) "vieru originálnych letničných otcov."

352"A v tom dni," Myslím že je to Lukáš 17:20, Ježiš povedal: "Keď sa zjaví Syn človeka," nie človek. "Syn človeka," nie nejaká organizácia. "Syn človeka," Samotné Slovo, ktoré znovu žije medzi ľuďmi! Vidíte?

353Slovo, ono samo, sa vo vás stalo telom, vy ste odzrkadlením tejto hodiny, posolstva, odzrkadlením toho. Vidíte? Vy znovu žijete, žijete život, ktorý bol v Ježišovi Kristovi. Vy ste v prítomnosti Syna. Potom pre ...

354Čo sa s tým deje? Čo sa deje s tou cirkvou? Nakoniec, počúvajte, tá šupka sa odťahuje od tej pšenice, keď sa to začína manifestovať. Čo sa stalo? Život, ktorý bol v tej šupke, z nej vyšiel a vošiel do pšenice. Ten život sa nemení. Menia sa tí nositelia, oni sa stali denomináciami; vidíte? Steblo, klas, šupka. Ale pšenica sa nemôže zmeniť. To musí byť služba presne na Slove, ako On bol na Slove, a ako prvá cirkev bola na Slove, naplnení Duchom, kŕmení Slovom; nie kŕmení denomináciou. Kŕmení Slovom!

355A teraz tu je príroda a Slovo Božie. On je ten chlieb. "Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích."

356Končím teraz, pred modlitbou. Všimnite si tu, tu prichádza to, čo chcem povedať.

357A teraz sa táto šupka musí odtiahnuť od tej pšenice, to je v Božej prozreteľnosti. Koľkí poviete "amen?" šupka sa musí odtiahnuť od pšenice, pretože ona teraz dozrieva. Je hore. No, tá šupka tam nebola, ona bola podporou, ona bola nositeľom života, potom ten život z tade vyšiel a vošiel rovno do pšenice. No, to je ten dôvod.

358Počúvajte, priatelia, v akom dni žijeme? Máme pätnásť rokov prebudenie. Koľkí na to môžete povedať "amen"? Aká organizácia z toho povstala? Žiadna. Oni sa ma snažili naviesť aby som urobil organizáciu, povedali: "Urobíš organizáciu, brat Branham, na svojej službe? To bude ..." No, nie ja, ja nehovorím o sebe. Ja hovorím o posolstve na túto hodinu, na tento deň.

259A oni odišli tu hore do Kanady a mali niekoľko bratov Pozdného dažďa. To hneď tam zomrelo. Pamätáte sa na Pozdný dážď, bratia? Kde to odišlo? Kde odišlo všetko ďalšie? Čo z toho získala tá organizácia? Milióny obrátených, z ktorých urobili otrokov pre svoje vyznanie, stali sa bohatí a stavajú budovy za milióny a milióny dolárov a takéto veci, a hovoria: "Pán prichádza," Posielajú kazateľov do seminárov a všetko možné, a vzdelávajú ich ľudskou teológiou, ako to urobil Luther, Wesley, a ostatní z nich. Stalo sa to šupkou.

360Ale, vďaka Bohu, zrno ide ďalej. Potom keď je toto pravda podľa Slova, kde žijeme, to je pravda podľa prírody, je to potvrdené, pšeničné zrno, zo všetkých strán, ako dlho ešte? Viete čo? Počujem príchod kombajnu, Svetovej Rady, ona to oddelí. Čo ona robí? Strasie ju zo stopky. Ale ona má elevátor, ktorý na ňu čaká. Ona pôjde domov, jedno ráno v niektorom z týchto dní. Ó, áno. Ak rozumiete povedzte "amen."

361Viem, že svet tomu neverí. Oni tomu nemôžu veriť. Nemôžu ... Je mi ich ľúto, pretože: "Nikto nemôže prísť, ak ho nepotiahne Otec; a všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu." Ak je jeho meno v knihe života, on samozrejme rozpozná Slovo. Musí, ono znie už dosť dlho, ono je tak dokonale potvrdené, že až je to úplná pravda.

362Nebudeme mať žiadne ďalšie organizácie, ale všetky organizácie vojdú do jednej. Čo sa s ňou robí? Ide ... Čo sa robí so slamou? Páli sa. Ježiš povedal: "Anjeli prídu zhromaždiť pšenicu do sýpky." A čo sa stane? "Steblá a slama a tŕne sa budú páliť neuhasiteľným ohňom." Vidíte? A čo sa musí prv urobiť? Vyšli anjeli a prv zviazali kúkoľ? Je to tak? Vidíte? Oni sa viažu spolu do jednej veľkej organizácii, žiadne ďalšie organizácie.

363Pšenica je tu. Vďaka Bohu, pšenica je tu. Kristus je tu. On potvrdil, že jeho Slovo je pravda. Pšenica je tu, ona teraz dozrieva, ona leží v prítomnosti Syna.

364Nikto sa toho nesmie dotknúť, všetko sa odťahuje. "My s tým nebudeme mať nič spoločného." Musíte to robiť.

365Ó, brat, vojdi do pšenice, nech tvoj život, ktorý je v tebe vyjde von do pšenice. Urobíš to? Ver Bohu. Ne ... Stoj len pri Bohu. Si si istý, že to urobíš? Čo ak niekto povie ... Nech si hovorí.

366Ako príbeh, ktorý som raz čítal. Bol jeden doktor, a bol to veľmi dobrý človek a mal rád biednych ľudí. A stále, keď ten chudák nemohol zaplatiť svoje dlhy, viete čo on robil? On to proste podpísal červeným atramentom a napísal tam: "Je ti odpustené." Nakoniec ten doktor zomrel. A keď ten doktor zomrel, jeho žena bola arogantná. Ona bola iná. Ako je dnes cirkev. Išla a všetkých ich zhromaždila. Zahájila súdny proces, všetkých dala na súd: "Zaplatíte všetky tieto účty, v každom prípade!"

367Ale ten sudca zobral niektoré z tých receptov a povedal: "Poďte sem, madam." Povedal: "Je tento červený atrament podpis vášho muža?"

Ona povedala: "Áno, pane, je."

368Povedal: "V tejto krajine neexistuje súd, ktorý by ich mohol odsúdiť. Oni sú voľní."

369Nech si ľudia hovoria, čo chcú. On podpísal svoje Slovo svojou vlastnou krvou. Nič nás nemôže o To okradnúť, brat. Sme voľní.

370Modlime sa. [V zbore niekto prináša proroctvo. -- pozn.prekl.]

[Ó, ľud môj, hovorím ti, ako dlho ... [prázdne miesto -- pozn.prekl.] "Prichádzal som ku tebe čas od času." A hovorím ti: "Ja neposielam svojich prorokov v čase pokoja, ale ich posielam v čase ťažkostí. Áno, aby oni mohli obrátiť Môj ľud naspäť ku Mne. Ó ľud Môj, ako dlho budete hovoriť amen? Ako dlho budete poslucháčmi a nie činiteľmi Môjho Slova? Hovorí Pán. Ako dlho Môj ľud? Ako dlho, až budete počúvať Moje Slovo, a necháte aby sa stalo časťou vás, až ho prijmete, áno vo svojom srdci? Áno, až sa stane časťou vás, ľudu Môj?" -- pozn.prekl.]

371Amen. No, so sklonenými hlavami - ak tomu rozumiem, raz jeden človek povstal v ich strede, vo dňoch kráľa a povedal proroctvo, kde sa majú stretnúť s nepriateľom a zničiť ich. No, ak to dobre rozumiem, je jedno miesto kde sa máte stretnúť so svojím nepriateľom, a to v Slove. Tam sa on chce s vami stretnúť. Stretnite ho tam s tým, tak hovorí Pán.

372Koľkí z vás tu, so sklonenými hlavami, (Už je za chvíľu poludnie, nemám čas, aby som volal ľudí ku oltáru, ale len toto) koľkí by ste zodvihli svoje ruky, kým máte sklonené hlavy a zavreté oči: "Ja chcem byť Jeho časťou. Ja sa chcem spojiť s Ním a s jeho Slovom. Bez ohľadu na to čo sa deje, čo hovorí svet, ja chcem byť časťou Neho," Zodvihli by ste ruku a povedali "Ja chcem?" Nech vás Boh žehná. Zdá sa, že sto percent.

373So sklonenými hlavami, zatiaľ čo premýšľate, zahmkajme teraz potichu túto pieseň. Nech sa každý modlí.

Požehnané zväzky, ktoré viažu; (to je Slovo)

Naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske;

Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí je,

ako tam to hore.

Ako Ja a môj Otec sme jedno, vy ste tiež s Ním jedno."

Keď sa rozchádzame,

robí nám to vnútornú bolesť;

Ale v srdciach budeme stále spojený,

a dúfame že sa spolu stretneme.

374Na budúcu sobotu vo Flagstaff, v Arizone, ak dá Pán, dúfam, že sa znovu s vami stretnem. Milujete Ho?

375No, chcem to takto zakončiť. Biblia povedala: "Všetci tí, ktorí v Neho uverili, a všetci, ktorí prijali to Slovo..." Vidíte? Ja nemôžem povedať kto to prijal, alebo kto to neprijal, to je na vás. Ale ak sa držíš v nejakom malom vyznaní, niekto z metodistov, z baptistov alebo z letničných, alebo ktokoľvek si, ak sa držíš niečoho, čo nie je zhodné s týmto Slovom, prosím vás, moji drahí ľudia, odvráťte sa dnes od toho, a obráťte sa ku Nemu. Nech vás ani jedno slovo nikdy neodlúči od obecenstva s Kristom. Nech vám v tomto pomôže Jeho Duch.

376Otče, Bože, títo ľudia tu sedeli dlhý čas. To mi pripomína, ako raz Pavel, keď kázal o tomto istom, to bolo evanjelium, oni celú noc sedeli a počúvali ho, jeden mladý človek spadol z okna a zabil sa. Pavel tam išiel a položil svoje telo na toho mladého človeka, a povedal: "Život sa vrátil do teba." A teraz, Otče, sú tu chorí a postihnutí, to sú tí, ktorí potrebujú modlitbu za svoje telo. Prosím, drahý Bože, nie aby čakali do ďalšieho zhromaždenia. Oni na nič nemusia čakať. To Slovo je už tu, to je Kristus. Prosím, aby si uzdravil každého jedného z nich. Nech každý jeden je úplne zdravý, Bože. Udeľ toho. Požehnaj ich, ich námahu. Oni by tu nesedeli, Pane, oni by toto nepočúvali, keby tomu neverili. No, Pane, oni zodvihli svoje ruky, oni tomu veria, nech to teraz môžu prijať do svojich sŕdc, každý kazateľ, každý jeden laik. Hriešnik, nech môže prijať Krista ... nech odpadlík príde naspäť. Udeľ toho, Otče. Prosíme tieto požehnania v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho.

On tam pred mnohými rokmi zapísal moje meno.

... prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie,

na Golgote.

377Milujete Ho? A teraz, keď znovu budeme spievať túto pieseň, načiahnite sa ponad ten stôl a potraste si s niekým ruky, a povedzte: "Drahý pútnik, som rád, že som tu dnes ráno sedel. Verím Kristovi, aj ty?" Niečo také, zatiaľ kým to znovu budeme spievať.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho;

Lebo On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

378No, od teraz a ďalej, či ideme spolu so svetom? Či kráčame s módou tohoto sveta? A ... so všetkými týmito nezmyslami, a zo všetkým týmto leskom a berieme evanjelium a robíme z neho telesný zisk, a ... Či ideme s týmto? Či je to tak? Daj mi len Ježiša, to je všetko, čo chcem. "Poznať Jeho, to je život, poznať Jeho." Milujem Ho. Či Ho nemilujete? Ó, ako Ho milujeme.

398No, odovzdávam službu bratovi Karlovi, neviem čo on ešte bude robiť.

380Nech vás Boh žehná. A dúfam, že na budúcu nedeľu vás znovu uvidím, a keby som vás nemohol uvidieť ... či na budúcu sobotu. Ak vás neuvidím vtedy, uvidíme sa v Tucsone. Ak nie vtedy, uvidíme sa tam znovu 17. Ak nie vtedy, uvidím vás v Sláve. Amen.

381A teraz brat Karl, neviem čo on chce teraz robiť, brat Williams.

1 Thank you, Brother Williams. Good morning, friends. It's a privilege to be here this morning. And to have an introductory like this, it still makes me feel smaller. And I'm... was very grateful for this opportunity to come, this morning, to Phoenix.

2I remember when I first come to Phoenix, I was about seventeen years old. It certainly has growed since that time. Out this morning where we come into Phoenix, we could hardly tell when we left Tucson and got to Phoenix. It's almost tied together, so many places has sprang up. Places where we used to go out here and even run burros on the desert, and now there is motels and ten-cent stores, and so forth. And, course, that makes me getting old.

3 And then I sit down here by the side of my good brother here, Brother Valdez, and I--I said, "Well, brother..." We was talking, and I said, "Well, course, I'm getting old." I said, "I realize that, my miles are building up." I said, "Wait till you get my age," or something like that. I was--I was surprised to know that he was about twelve years older than me. So, I, then I felt lots better then. I said, "Brother Valdez, I want you... How long you been preaching the Gospel?"

He said, "Fifty years."

4Well, I was a very small child when he was preaching. So I said, "I wish you would just take the service this morning, Brother Valdez." I said, "I--I'm a young man," I said, "I hate to kind of set up here and try to speak," I said, "my elders."

5And he just laughed, said, "What do you think I drove down here for?"

6So I'm very grateful for Brother Valdez. He was telling me about having a rest home out here. That's--that's really nice. I appreciate that. Invited me out to come and visit with them sometime. And it's out here by New River. I don't know whether any of you know where it's at, or not. I'm sure, if a Valdez is behind it, it's all right.

7 So then, every time I come to a convention, I usually meet somebody that's--that's been healed in the services or something. And when I was standing here at the table this morning, a precious sister sitting over here, the name of Erb, she comes here from Michigan. Her son is the announcer here on this Christian station. And she was telling me about being in the meeting way back in Flint, Michigan. She got a prayer card, and was trying to be prayed for, and she never did make it. And she's very seriously ill. And right here this morning, I believe God healed the woman, standing right here by the side of the place.

8I said, "What a time now! That's been about twelve, fourteen years ago, and now in the city called Phoenix, Phoenix is something that's built--built up from ruins." I said, "Well, that's the same thing happened to you this morning. God built you up, I believe, this morning, from a--a ruined health to good health."

9 I was just hearing last evening, the calls was coming, so many. I'm your neighbor now, I live in Tucson and the calls were so many I couldn't get out to get them all, so I just praying for them by phone. And they, then, they just had to leave their numbers.

10And there was a lady, eighty-seven years old, an old Christian, she had been out of her mind for a while. She was in the street, screaming, and calling the police, that somebody had taken her baby. Eighty-seven years old, see, her mind had left her. And she was a dear old woman. I never knew her in my life. And so Billy rang, and said, "Go immediately to prayer," said, "the lady is seriously, and they think she is going to die." Said, "She is just... she is beyond herself."

11Then I just hung up the receiver, and went into the room and prayed. In a few moments, she was asleep. She woke up, normally well, eat a full chicken supper, with all the ice cream and cake, behind it. Yeah.

12You see, God is sovereign. He is so real, He can... You don't have to be there; just--just ask this.

13I believe our leader here, this morning, or someone, or maybe it was Brother Valdez in his prayer, said, "We have not because we ask not. We ask not because we believe not."

14 I appreciate the singing of this young people here. Brother Valdez, us old people, were remarking of the sincerity of that young man making that testimony, that he knew Jesus.

15Now we know that we find, many times, these little quartets and singings, I... this is another minister's word, Brother Valdez said, "Sometime they come a dime a dozen." Because, they seem like, today, it's--it's become a show in the stead of the--the sacredness and sincerity that the pentecostals once possessed.

16And the sincerity of these boys, I--I appreciated that. The Lord bless you boys. And I was...

17 I'm not much on television. As you know, I'm really against it. And I'm really renting a place down in Tucson until we get our place fixed, where we'll have our home established there, the Lord willing. And the lady that rents the house, she's a fine Christian friend, but she had in the house a--a--a television. Well, I've got young children, and you know how they are, so they hurry to it. So, couple mornings ago, when I just come in from a trip with Brother Stromei... I don't know whether Brother Stromei is here this morning, or not, he is the president of the chapter at Tucson. My young daughter, which is sitting back over here, called me in to watch, said, "We're going to turn the television on, some singing quartets," or whatever it was.

18Well, now, I am a very good critic, and I--I'm sorry for that, but I--I--I can't be nothing but just what I'm made. If I do something contrary to my own makeup, I'm a hypocrite. And I wouldn't want to be that before you people. I--I want to be just what I am, and then you know how we're standing. And I--I guess I criticize a little too much.

19But I just had it in my heart to criticize that, because it just looked to me like some kind of a Hollywood put on, just a lot of carrying on. It didn't seem like the sacredness it should. And they sang those hymns in--in rock-and-roll time, and gold slippers on. And has it come that the Gospel has become a show? Why, I, if that's what it is, I--I don't want nothing to do with it. I want something that's real and genuine, and we want to keep it that way.

20Now, I--I believe that transpositions these two right here, brethren. That, you hear me better now?

21 Now, next Saturday morning, the Lord willing, I have the grand privilege of speaking at the chapter, my first time, at Flagstaff, Arizona. The brother here, I just forget his name, is the president. [A brother says, "Chester Earl."--Ed.] Chester Earl, Brother Chester Earl. Just had the opportunity to meet him this morning, when I was just shaking hands with the fine evangelist here from India, an Indian brother. And he said that next Saturday morning I'm to speak there. You are all cordially invited to attend this meeting. We hope that the Lord will bless us.

22And then the following Monday night, at Tucson, is a banquet. The Lord has give me the honor to speak to the... at the banquet down there, twenty-first day of--of December, at Tucson. You are certainly cordially invited to attend that banquet night.

23And then as Brother Williams announced that I'm to be back here again, for to kind of a little prelude before the convention starts.

24 And, so, am I getting some static there, Brother Williams? There's... What say? Is that better now? That's better. Fine.

25I certainly hope that many of you can find time to attend one, or every night and day, of the meeting. That, that starts on the seventeenth, at seven, Sunday afternoon? [Someone says, "One-thirty."--Ed.] One-thirty. One-thirty, Sunday afternoon. I want to say also, if the Lord willing, I'll be praying for the sick in--in--in those meetings, and doing all I can to help you.

26 And minister brothers here, this morning, of the Phoenix area. The reason that I come here to this hall, I... Each time I come, I usually make a little panoramic, and run around to the churches, each church. Then I find it kind of hard, because some of the churches are kind of small. And we certainly don't want to leave out any brother because his church is small, and then it makes it hard, the people can't get in. So if... I thought we'd just meet in one place and I'd take care of it myself, and we'd just meet here and have the service, just a little evangelistic service, and pray for the sick and things. Before...

27Maybe if I get over on this other, this better over here? [Someone says, "No, that, that's the tape."--Ed.] That's the tape. All right.

28 Maybe it would be a--a little better if I did it that way. And I want my brethren here, of the churches, the pastors here in Phoenix, to know that that's the reason we did this, to come here to this hall, so we could have all get together in one certain place. And you can't get to all the brethren, there is so many of them. You seen what stood this morning, and probably that's not a half of them. So you can't get them all in a few days that we have here, before, prior the convention.

29And I'm sure we're going to have a great time in the convention. You'll hear great speakers. This Brother Cash is Cash Hamburg, Hamburg. My, how many ever heard him? He certainly is a--a typhoon. Yeah. Excuse me, I oughtn't to have said it that way. That's a brother, but--but, my, I was with him one time. You know, I don't see how you ever come to hear me, when you hear a fellow like that. He can preach and it never takes his breath. I--I don't know how he does it, I... but he certainly does get a lot out. I went with him in my New York convention, recently, and he wanted to take me to--to supper after the meeting. And I went into a place, and I was about ready to get out when brother... He, he preached all up-and-down the floor, and everywhere around, to everybody there was in there. He is quite a--a character, in himself.

30 And I'm sure you'll enjoy brother from California, too. What's his name? I can't think of his name, the one is one of the speakers. I--I forget his name, too. But he's a--a forceful speaker, and you will enjoy him. There'll probably be great speakers there such as, you know, Brother Roberts and many of the great men of this day.

31So, I'm thankful to think about a Scripture comes on my mind here at this time. And at one time David was looking out upon the ark of the Lord, setting in tents. And he said... He was sitting with the prophet, Nathan, of that day. And so he said, "Is it right that I would dwell here in a house, live in a house of cedar, and the ark of the covenant of my Lord under tent?"

32And the prophet said to him, "Do all that's in your heart, David, 'cause God is with you." That's all he knew to say.

33But that night, the Lord met the prophet, and said, "Go, tell my servant, David, that I took him from that sheepcote, from following those few sheep, you know, and have made him a name like the great men," not the biggest name, not the greatest name, but numbered him with the great men that was in the earth at that time.

34And I thought, "The grace of God, to David there!" And I thought, "I could count it, myself. When I find the privilege of this day that we're living in, the closing days of the world's history, and to be numbered among such men as we have attend these meetings." And the Lord bless you, real richly.

35 Now, my good friend, Brother Valdez, said, "Brother Branham, I got to leave at, I believe, at a quarter to ten, or quarter after ten." Said, "I'm going to get over on the end, so I won't disturb--disturb you speaking." He's been in the meetings before.

36I'm--I'm kind of slow, and have to think, you know, when I'm speaking. And I write down my Scriptures here, and a note, maybe, but then I have to go back and think what the Lord told me to say, you know, have to wait for Him. And I'm kind of slow, so I hope I don't keep you too long, this morning.

37I asked Brother Williams, I said, "Brother Williams, how much time do I have?" I said, "Now, I had a Scripture here I could speak on which would take me just about thirty minutes, or something, and dismiss everyone and go home." And I said, "But I'd like to have a little lesson, if it's possible," and on what I think that would be something for you today, something that you could take home with you, to think of it.

38And I certainly wouldn't have got up this morning at three-thirty, or twenty minutes to four, and got ready to come up here, just to be seen. I--I--I don't care to be seen. I--I come here and studied yesterday upon some Scriptures I got written down, for something that I prayed sincerely over, and thought maybe that, through that, it might help somebody. I... We haven't got time for shows and sceneries. We--we must get down to business. I believe Jesus is coming pretty soon.

39 And now they're taping this, and probably someone might get the tape. And I'd like to make this statement, that sometimes I'm... many times I am really misunderstood. And many times people call me back, say, "Brother Branham, was this the light you meant that in?" And sometimes it's we say something, but you have to know, approach it by terminology that what I meant by it.

40And I say things sometime that's--that's a little contrary to maybe someone's belief, I want you to get that clear now, someone, what someone believes. But I have a--a Message, I'm not... from the Lord, that I feel that way about it. Others might feel It's from the Devil. Others might feel It's nonsense. But, to me, it's Life. And I don't mean to be different when I say things that's different, or maybe a little hurty or cutty, to people. I don't mean it in that light. I--I, if I do, then I'm a hypocrite. I--I say it in the light of progress, to God. I say it in the light of--of--of have people to know God better. And I say it not because that it's something I've made up, myself. It's something that I find from God.

41 And now if I happen to speak on something in any of these conventions, that hurts people, or... Say, "I don't believe That that way."

Well, I've often made this rude statement. And my wife sitting there listening to me, she knows there is not much formality about me. I--I... Just like when you're eating chicken, and you run into a bone. Now, no good chicken lover ever throws away the chicken because they hit a bone. He just throws away the bone, then he goes ahead eating chicken. The same thing in eating cherry pie. If I hit a seed, I--I--I never throw the pie away, I just throw the seed away. So...

42And what I say here that might seem like, in any of my meetings, that seems like a seed to you, well, you just lay that aside and, say, allow that to me not knowing as much about it as you would. So, then, you just go ahead and eat what you think that's right. And I'll...

43 I trust now that the Lord will bless His Word. I am a firm believer in the Word, and the Word only. Just the Word only, and that's the Message that the Lord has given me.

44We different, one from another. I have noticed this morning, my brethren, missionaries, evangelists, and pastors, standing here, maybe--maybe a hundred or more of them, standing here. Each one of them is more qualified to stand here and speak, than I am. I am sure of that. But, see, each one of us, one can't take the other one's place. One cannot take the other one's message. See, we have our different ways.

45 God is sovereign. When He... Who, who could tell God how to make things, in the beginning, when there was just He alone? See? And if we have Eternal Life, there is only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God. So if we have Eternal Life, we were with God right then, a part of God. We were His attribute. We are now His attribute. And, because, "In the beginning was the Word." And a word is a thought expressed. So we were His thoughts, then expressed into word and become what we are. That's the reason our names, maybe not what we have now, but our names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. See? And if it wasn't there then, it'll never be there. See? And Jesus come to redeem all those, that's, whose names were on that Book. See, He knowed.

46 "The potter," as Romans 8 tells us, "who can tell the potter? Can the clay say, 'Make me thus, thus'?" See? No. God has to display all of His attributes. And so He has to make one vessel of dishonor, and the other one to honor, to show that one up, of course. Now, but He is sovereign, you see, nobody can tell Him what to do.

47And He makes us different. Even we're told, in the Bible, that the stars different one from another, one star differents from another. You know, there is a difference in Heaven, in Angels, Angelic beings; there is Angels, there is Cherubims, there is Seraphims, and their--their difference There. And we are all different. And God has big mountains, He has plains, prairies, grass, desert, water. See, He's--He's different, He's a--He's a--a God of variety. And look at His people here this morning, some of us white, some black, some brown, some yellow, some red; see, it's--it's His people. He's a... He's--He's a God of variety, and so I think He has the same thing among His ministers.

48 Now let us bow our heads just a moment, for prayer. And I might say this now before we read the Word. I know that if I'm just a little long, and you have to get up and go out, I'll understand, see, I'll perfectly understand. Now let us pray. And while we're praying, with our heads bowed towards the dust from which God took us, is there someone here would like to be remembered in prayer, just raise your hand. He, He knows right what's in your heart, beneath that hand.

49 Dear Heavenly Father, we are solemnly approaching Thee, with our heads turned to the dust from where You have took us. And then in our minds we are thinking that You told Abraham, one night, could he "number the sands that was upon the seashores?" And then You told him to "look towards the stars," and could he "number them?" Of course, it was impossible. And You told him that his "seed would be innumerable, and as the sands on the seashore, and on the stars that light the heavens." Now our minds, our thought, our thoughts in our minds, rather, as we bow our heads towards the sand where we come from; then our hearts look towards Heaven, where we are going. From sand to stars, being Abraham's Seed! Dead in Christ, we are Abraham's Seed, and heirs with Him according to the promise."

50And we have come here this morning to fellowship around the natural foods of life, which we have taken, to get that out of the way. And now we are desirous of Thee to give us of that Heavenly Manna, that Food that would give us strength in the Life that's in us. As the blood carries away this food now, to strengthen it, to make more cells, to build us strong for the day; may we receive of Christ, that He might get into our spirits, this morning, through the Word, and--and strengthen us for the hour that we're living in. Cause, the day is far spent and the evening shadows are falling, the evening Light is here, and we are soon listening for the summons to "come on High," and we are wanting to be ready at that hour. So, help us, Father.

51And there is no man worthy to open the Book, or to loose the Seals thereof; but the Lamb, that was slain from the foundation of the world, come took the Book and loosed the Seals. O Lamb of God, come this morning, open the Book to us, and let us look in with Thee, Lord, and see what we must do to be prepared for this hour. Bless every church, bless the oncoming meetings, each one of them, and our little meeting, to join with them coming on. And when we leave here today, may we be able to say like those who came from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us, as He spake to us by the way?" Grant it, Father. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

52 Now to you that would like to turn, usually you like to read from behind a minister when he's going to read, to find out just where he is speaking from, if you have your Bibles, and will turn to Saint Matthew the 4th chapter.

53And now I'm going to give my text just before I speak; more or less, want to teach it like, and speak it as we go along. And this I have titled, somehow, I don't know why, I'm titling this: The Harvest Time.

54And we're going to take a Scripture reading, to base this thought upon, to draw from here the context of the text. We're going to read Saint Matthew the 4th chapter, a portion of it. This is in the temptations of Jesus. After He was filled with the Holy Spirit, He was led into the wilderness.

Now when Jesus was led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungered.

And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

And the devil taken him up into the holy city, and set him upon a pinnacle of the temple,

And he said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dashest thy foot against the stone.

Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God.

And again, the devil taken him unto... exceeding high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glories of them;

And he said unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou will fall down and worship me.

... Jesus said unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shall worship the Lord thy God, and him only shall thou serve.

55 I want to back up just a little bit, to the 4th verse again.

But he answered and said unto him, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

56Now for a subject, I would like to take that, "every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Now hold that in thought while we speak.

57Jesus once said, in Saint John 6:48, I believe that's right, as I jotted it down this morning, "I am the Bread of Life." This was at the feast of the Passover, when the Jews were--were eating their kosher in commemoration of the manna that fell in the wilderness, and--and they were drinking from a fountain there representing the Rock that was in the wilderness, and they were having a great time. And Jesus cried right out, in the midst, and He said, "I am the Bread of Life. Your fathers eat manna in the wilderness, for the space of forty years, and they're every one, dead. But I'm that Bread that come from God out of Heaven. If a man eat therof, he'll not die." And for the rock, He said, "I am that Rock that was in the wilderness. I am that Rock that your fathers drank from."

58"How?" They said, "You're a man not more than fifty years old, and say that You seen Abraham? Now we know that Thou has a devil and are mad."

59And Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." See, "I AM" was the Pillar of Fire that was in the bush, that talked to Moses. And if you would fix that out in its nouns and pronouns, not "I was, I will be." "I AM" is present tense, all the time.

60 We thinking of this, that Him saying, Himself now, that, "I am that Bread of Life." Now how could this Man be Bread of Life? That's what we wonder. "My body is Bread," He said. And now how could this Man be Bread? That's kind of strange, but don't be puzzled about it. People of His time got puzzled about it. They didn't know how that this Man could actually be Bread, Himself. Also in Saint John 1, it is given to us this way, that, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." So, the Word became the Bread. The Word and the Bread here would have to be the same, 'cause Jesus is the Word and He is the Bread.

61Now how could He be Bread and Word? All the... It would be puzzling, to the carnal mind. But we are hoping, this morning, that there is no carnal minds among us, that there is a spiritual mind among us, that we could understand what the Father is trying to get to us here. Seeing these words are puzzling, but, at the same time, they are Scriptural Truth, see.

62"Now how could this man be Bread?" That's what they said. That's what, I believe, Josephus, many of you historians... as I been studying it.

63 Now I'm writing a book, my commentary on the first four chapters of Revelation, hope to have it out pretty soon. It'll be a large book. Then I'll have a brochure of each church age.

64And I was studying church history. I... it was kind of in my mind, I believe it was Josephus, that, one of the early writers, anyhow, that said that, "This Jesus of Nazareth, Who went about healing the sick," said, "His disciples dug Him up and eat His body." See, they were taking the communion. They thought that they dug His body up and was eating His body. Which, we do eat the communion, or take the communion, in symbol form, of His body, 'cause He was the Word.

65Now, see, this is puzzling. And, the same time, there is Scriptures. And Jesus said, "All Scripture must be fulfilled." See? Now, we want to always cut our minds from anything contrary to that Scripture. Don't never, never, any time, leave that Scripture for anything, not one Word of It. Stay exactly with that Scripture.

66 Now, God has got to judge the people someday. And if He is going to judge the people by a church, which church will it be? They say, "The Catholic church." Well, then, which Catholic church? See? Because they are in difference with each other, worse than they are with us. See, they different, one... They're all the different forms of them, the Roman and the Orthodox, and the Jewphanite and, oh, many different tribes of them. And they certainly at one another's throats, so which one of them Catholic churches? If He does it by the Protestant church, which Protestant church? Each one differens from the other.

67But He is going to judge the world, and He has got to have some standard to judge the world by, or He would be unjust to let us go now and--and live this life without a standard to be judged by. Who would be right? Where could you tell what was right? There has to be a standard.

68 And He said, in His Bible, that He would judge the world by Jesus Christ. And we read here that Jesus is the Word. In Hebrews 13:8, said, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." So, therefore, He will judge the church by their attitude towards Christ, Who is the Word. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Not out of the mouth of man, not out of the seminary, not out of the--of the church, but, "out of the mouth of God." Man must live by That, and That alone; not man's interpretation, but God's Own Word!

69"Well," you say, "there is a mistake Here." If it is, God is responsible for it. He brought it to me, see. This is what I must take, right here is what He said.

70Now, if this is kind of puzzling, and about "a man being Bread and being Word," let's now go and search for this. Let's find out. Cause, the Scriptures are all true, and they--they cannot be ever broken. Every Scripture will be fulfilled. No matter how strange it seems, That, it'll always be fulfilled.

71 What if--if Brother Williams or--or some of the brethren here, our great-great-grandfather, both could rise on the scene, this morning, and, say, well, show them television? And maybe someone prophesied back in that, their day, and said, "There would be a time that you can hear a voice around the world."

72They would say, "Well, let the poor old fellow alone, he has lost his mind."

73"And there will be a time that color will flow right through the air. It's here right now. And they'll turn on a little button, and around the world you'll see people moving, and things, right on the screen."

74"Well," they would say, "the poor old fellow!" See? But now we have it, right in this room this morning.

75And I want to bring you conscious of that, before we approach farther, that God is in this room. The Author of this Word is here. So, it doesn't matter how you are dressed, or what degree you live in life, or what kind of a home you live in, or what type of car you drive, or how much education you've got, God looks at your heart. And He looks in my heart. And we're judged from our heart, not even our words. Our heart judges us. "From the heart speaketh the mouth." If it isn't, it's hypocrisy.

76 Now, in this room now is coming human beings, forms of human beings, passing through here, from all around the world, voices singing, is in this room right now. But, you see, you are only limited, in your senses, to a certain percent of sight. But now you can take the crystal, or the tube or whatever it's in the television, and turn it on, and with the set that could deviate that on those ether--ether waves, and deviate that, to condense it into a channel, and pick up those people; someone in Australia, South Africa, or where, India, or wherever it may be. You can stand here, on a screen, and see even the color of clothes that they got, the color of the trees, and every move they make. Just flip on the television, see if that isn't so.

77 Then, it's got to be somewhere, hid from our eyes, that same thing is passing through here now. It passed through here when Abraham heard God say, "Look up towards the stars." It was here when Elijah set on Mount Carmel. It was here when Adam was here, but they just now discovered it.

78And so is God here, and the Angels. And someday it'll be just as much reality as television or anything else is, because the Spirit will bring us into that immortal Life. Then we'll understand. So, then, we are speaking from His Word. Now, that, we're going to try...

79 God, God the great Creator, let's try to speak on the form of nature, pick Him up in nature first, to bring it back to the Word. Now, nature runs just with the Word, because God is a Creator of Nature. When you see the way nature works, the... find out that that's the way. That, that's my first Bible, was to find out how nature... found God in nature. And wheat is nature's product, bread, make bread out of it, which sustains the natural body. Nature holds many secrets. We... and that's my first time to find God, was watching nature. I seen there had to be something. And, now, I have no education, therefore I speak lots by nature. And it is... I'm not trying to support ignorance. But I'm trying to say you don't even have to have an education, to know God.

80 John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, when he came out of the wilderness. We're taught that he went in the wilderness, at the age of nine, and he stayed there because his job was important. His father was a priest. And in that certain line of priesthood, or denomination, oh, his father said, "Now, John, you know you're to introduce the Messiah. You know, that Brother So-and-here just makes perfectly the Messiah!" So John had to get away from that, he would get in the wilderness to himself, because it must be God's choosing, and not man's choosing, at all, who would be the Messiah. So, he went in there at the age of about nine years old.

81And, you notice, when he come out, at the age of thirty, his sermons wasn't as a theologian. He didn't use great swelling words, but it was all on nature. He said to them church men of that day, he said, "You generation of snakes." That's what he seen in the wilderness, snakes. He hated snakes. They were poison. In their fangs they had deathly poison, and he pronounced this upon the church of that day, "You bunch of poisoned snakes, who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Don't begin to say, 'We belong to this,' and, 'We're the--we're the Jesuites,' or 'We're the so-and-so,' or, 'We belong to the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian,' or whatever it is. Don't begin to say you have that, 'cause, I tell you, God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." See?

82 And also, "The ax," that's what he used in the wilderness, "it'll lay at the root of the tree. And every tree that don't bring forth good fruit--fruit, is hewn down and cast into the fire." See, he wouldn't cut a tree that was bringing fruit, 'cause he lived by the fruit of the tree. But, the tree that didn't bring fruit! Oh, you could just take all the Scripture, is so inspired, till everything in there fits around Jesus Christ. You see, "Every tree that bringeth forth not good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire," and so forth. You see, he--he used his message in the realm of nature.

83 And we want to face that now, being that we've found that He said, "I'm the Bread. And man shall live by every Word, and I am the Word." See? So we want to go back in nature. I notice a lot of times I have to do that.

84And nature runs on the same scale. You take the time you watch all the birds congregate, leave and go out in the field and go to eating. Watch all the cattle when they're out, scattered out in the field, eating. Drop your line in, fish will bite. But when them cattle... Them birds huddle up in the trees, and them cattle get in the corner, you might as well take your line up. They won't bite, because nature runs on the same scale all the time.

85 And so does the Word of God run in continuity. God always does everything He does on the same scale. He decided at the beginning, when man lost his fellowship with Him, He would save him by the shed blood of an innocent one. And He has never changed His method. We've tried to educate them into it, denominate them into it, and--and beg them into it, beat them into it, or shout them into it. It still remains the same, the shed Blood only is where God meets a believer.

86Not, we cannot make one World Council of churches and everybody meet. It'll never work; it never did, it never will. That's the way I'm against that system. God has got a system. You heard it said today, "All the churches come together, it's going to be a World Council of churches. And Jesus prayed for that, that we 'all might be one.'" Well, now, you see, that's carnal minded, without knowing the Spirit.

87 Jesus said, "That they might be one, Father, as You and I are one." Not for some man to be over something, it never will work; one denomination wants to take over the other, and one man over the other one. But that you might be one with God, like Christ and God was one, that's what the prayer is. That, He was the Word, and Jesus prayed that we might be the Word, reflecting Him. That's His prayer to be answered.

88See how Satan scruples it up in the carnal mind? But that wasn't Jesus' prayer, at all, that we might all congregate together and all have a certain creed and so forth. Every time they do it, they go further and further from God.

89He wants us to be one with God, and God is the Word. Each individual, in his heart, must be that one with God.

90 God knowing that, this, all these things worked out like this. Now that's how we find God sometime, is to look in nature. Seasons, rotating around, proves God. That's where I first found it, how that there is a life comes up in the spring, it lives its life, produces a seed, dies and goes into the ground, comes back in the resurrection, just revolves around. We could spend hours on it.

91But now how different that is from like, our missionary brother here, in India. I find many over there, and around the world, they believe in reincarnation, that, they, that you die here as a man and you come back as a bird or an animal. See, that doesn't speak with nature.

92Nature speaks that this same seed went in the ground, the same seed comes up again. See? The same Jesus went down, is the same Jesus come back. Hallelujah! And this body, when it falls into the ground, it'll not come back a flower or something else, it'll come back a man or a woman. We see it in nature, how it does, it has to go through the cold winters, and rot and so forth, but the life is preserved if there is any life in it.

93 But if, there, if that seed hasn't been germinatized, it'll never raise again; it can't raise, there is nothing in it to raise it. And if we just become a nominal Christian... There is two churches in the world, church natural, church spiritual, they're all called "Christians." But the church natural cannot raise. It's doing its raising now in the World Council, council of churches.

94But the Christian rises to meet Christ because It's a Bride, to go to meet Him. There is a difference in them. Nature holds these secrets, to us, and we can see them as we watch them. And we see that Christianity speaks the Truth, of death, burial, and resurrection.

95 If there is then a wheat bread that we know we all live by, and we know that there is only one way that we can ever live, is by taking dead substance into our body. You can't live no other way.

96A vegetarian met me, not long ago, he said, "Brother Branham, I had a lot of confidence in you till I heard you say you eat bacon and eggs for breakfast." See? And said, "How could a godly man eat a thing like that?"

You see, I said, "Well, what's wrong with it?"

97All things are unclean, but it's sanctified by the Word of God and prayer. The Bible said, "If thou be a good minister of Jesus Christ, thou shall remind the brother of these things. See, all things are sanctified, nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving." First Timothy... 3. Now we find that that is true. So I said, at least...

I said, "Well, don't you have to eat something dead, too?"

"Oh, no, sir!"

98I said, "If you live at all, you have to live by dead substance. If you eat bread, the wheat died. If you eat greens, it died. Whatever you did, even to milk, you drink the bacteria. You have." You can only live by dead substance.

99 And then if something had to die so we could live physically, how much more did something have to die so we could live Eternally! Death it takes, to do it. Bread! Seeing that Jesus said, "I am the Bread," and there's a wheat bread and He wasn't that kind of bread, so there must be two kinds of lives that's sustained by bread. It would lead us to that. There can't be... He isn't, He wasn't wheat; and He wasn't Word, He was flesh, so there must be two kinds of life. We know that wheat dies so we live physically, as I said. Jesus, the Word Bread, died, so we could live Eternally. He was the Word Bread. Now notice, keep that in mind. Now to prove Jesus' Words to be true, we see in this, in nature, how it goes.

100Now let's go to the Scripture, to find out again, back up into the Scripture till we get to our main text. In the garden, God gave His first family the Word of God to live by, every Word of it. The first family that was put up here on the earth, was given Eternal Life as long as they stayed with God's Word.

101That was His plan. "I am God," He says, "I change not." That's still His plan. It's never His plan for creed, or organization, or man-made rules, that man shall live by, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

102 Now to go back in Genesis, which is the beginning. Genesis means "the beginning." We find that God gave His family Eternal Life as long as they stayed in this Word and lived by this Word. But when they broke it, just one link in the chain of promises, death struck them, which was a promise also.

103It's a chain. You're hanging over hell with it, and that's the only thing that'll carry you through. When the believer becomes a make-believer and lives on one word that's contrary to this Word, he cuts his fellowship with God. One link broke! And, remember, your faith in this Word is like a chain. A chain is its strongest at its weakest link. That's right. It's the strongest, that, 'cause that's all it'll hold. And if there is something in the Word that's puzzling to you, something that you have heard different, but they said, "Thee? Oh, that was for the apostles, and them things was for days gone by," when the Scripture said Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, don't let that be a weakness! Fortify It and hold It, and wrap your life into It, because that's the only thing that'll take you over the flames of hell. That's right.

104 When this chain is broke, with Adam and Eve, the first family, now remember, they didn't break a sentence, they didn't break three Words; one Word! Man shall hang over hell by every Word, every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. That's where man's Eternal destination is determined. Why, he'll hang by that chain, or he'll hang by a creed; or if there is creed mixed into the chain, there is where the weak link is, and you're gone. That's where the weak link was with Adam and with Eve. That weak link, "surely," he said, "God..." But surely God said it! And if God said it, God meant it. And He also keeps His Word by saying, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." The day you put into you anything else besides the unadulterated Word of God, into your soul, that's the day that you're separated from God.

105Now this is very strong, but just listen close. Now notice. One Word, one Word of the first of the Bible, God said that, "One Word, separated man from its Eternal Life Chain."

106That's like taking a man and you hang him, by his feet... he's got his hands in Heaven, and you cut him half in two, break off a toe, whatever you're hanging unto. You're hanging on the very bottom part, and, you break that chain, anywhere, you're gone. Now bear that in mind.

107 Remember, the Bible said, "In the mouth of three witnesses, let every word be established." We'll get on that, in a few minutes, on the three temptations of Jesus; the three temptations of ministers, today, where they make the fall; three temptations of the church, and where they make their fall; three temptations of an organization, where it makes its fall; and the three temptations in the individuals, and where they make their fall. Now, it all runs in three's; like justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost; Father, Son, Holy Ghost. Everything is perfected in three's.

108 Now notice God, in the beginning, the very first thing He give His children to live by, was His Word. Now we find that is the truth. Then in the middle of the Bible, we hear Jesus come and say that, "Man shall live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." And then in Revelation 22:18, Jesus Himself speaking again, said, "I testify of these things. If any man shall add one word to This, or take one Word of this Book out, his part will be taken from the Book of Life."

109Now, see, it's not our good living; that just something goes with it. It isn't our--our church loyalty; that goes with it. But the main thing is, staying with that Word. Don't eat nothing else but that Word. Stay with It. He is that Word. Now we want to watch close now.

110 What is the difference in this bread, of creation, to live? Now, wheat is the bread of life, if it's not a hybrid grain, it'll... bury them and it'll come up again. It must be a good ripe grain. Defective grains won't rise. We all know that. Brother Sothmann, sitting here, a wheat raiser from Canada, knows that you don't put defective grains into the soil, to expect a crop out of it. Because, the beetle or the--or the bacteria, what it is in the grain, eats it up, eats the life out of it first.

111Did you know that the very worms that will destroy you, that will eat up your body, is in them right now? Job said, "Though my skin worm destroys this body!" Put you in a coffin and seal it up, airtight; still the worms, that's in you, will eat you up.

112You find meal and flour, and stuff, and set it up a little while, it gets a bug in it, seal it up. What is it? That bug is in there, to begin with. It's there, to start with.

113 Now, this grain must be a good grain. It must be free from fault, failures, and so forth, in it. It must be a thoroughbred grain. It can't be a hybrid grain--grain, because, when it comes up, you plant it again, and your--your wheat is done, because a hybrid grain won't grow again. It can't grow again. You take the life out of it when you hybreed it.

114And that's what's happened to the churches. They've been hybrid to the world, and that's the reason that each revival coming on, and you can't have another revival behind it. Every organization that ever organized, dies on the spot and never raises again, because it organizes the world into its systems, therefore it never did. There is no history ever shows that any church, that ever organized, ever raised again. She died there. Why? You hybrid it.

115 Don't put a bishop over it. Let the Holy Ghost stay over it. See? The Holy Ghost was sent to keep the weeds and things out; not what the bishop thinks, or the overseers, or so forth. It takes the Holy Spirit to keep that church in its condition. He was that perfect Word, as we will see.

116Adam had his choice, the Word and live, or disbelieve one Word and die.

117We have the same choice, 'cause we have to be. If God put Adam on the Word, and the Word only, then He puts us on a creed or any kind of a creed, then God is unjust in His judgment, it isn't becoming to His holiness nor His sovereignty. But it is becoming to His sovereignty to see that He puts every man on the same base. And He is God and changes not. What God does first, He forever does the same thing. He never changes His--His program. Only thing, He magnifies it, but He never changes it. The same thing continues on.

118 Now, Adam had a choice. And if he held to the Word, he lived. If he didn't hold to the Word, he died.

119And we got the same thing. We stay with the Word, we live. "Man shall live by every Word." But if we don't, we die, we spiritually die. Oh, we can still make noise, sure, kick around, and holler and carry on, but, that, that ain't--that ain't living. That isn't living. I am a missionary. I've heard heathens kick around and holler more than we could, and profess to know gods, and things like that. They're not living. "They're dead while they are living." Bible said so. Now we find that this choice is given to us.

120But he compromised to Satan's one word, then died.

121And if, the beginning, which God in His grace and mercy could have bypassed all the sufferings that we've done, all these deaths of little babies, and everything, and the wars, and internals, and crucifixions, and things that we've had; if He could have bypassed it, His sovereignty of His Word would have permitted Him to bypass it, He would have been unjust if He didn't bypass it then. Do you get it? He can't bypass it. He never bypassed it for Adam, to begin with. And He won't bypass it for you or I, to begin with. We must come to that thing, the Word only. "Let every man's word be a lie, and mine be true," He said.

122 Now we're just looking for what day we're living in, the harvest time.

123Then God, after Adam had fell (tried by the Word, and fell), God continued, in His creation, to try to find a man who would live every Word. Now look. He tried to find man, that is, live the Word for his age. Now, you see, God scattered His Word out, 'cause He could.

124He is, He is infinite, and He is--He is omnipresent. Omniscient, therefore He knows all things. He can't be present everywhere. By being omniscient, knowing all things, then He can be present everywhere. Because, that's the way He predestinates us, by foreknowledge, not because He desired that this person should be saved and this one lost. But He knew who would be lost and who would be saved. See? Therefore, by His foreknowledge, He can predestinate. And He makes everything work to His glory. That's what His attributes are doing, displaying to His glory. One vessel of honor and one of dishonor, but it's God that maketh it. "Not him that willeth or him that runneth, but God that showeth mercy." See?

125 "No man can come to Me," said Jesus, "except my Father draws him. And all that the Father hath," past tense, "given to Me, will come to Me, to the Word." How can they come unless they were, are all, they were foreordained to come? "As many as received Him, to them give He the power to become sons of God." See, 'cause their names were on the Book, He come to redeem what was on the Book.

126In Revelations, we find out, when the Seals was opened, there was a Book. And Him that sat upon the Throne, God, had It in His right hand. And there wasn't nothing, nobody, in Heaven or in earth, or anywhere, was worthy to come take the Book, or to even to look on It. John wept with great... because the whole Book of redemption was there.

127 It was at the meeting the other night, that little Assembly of God brother and sister sang that song, "I wonder if John saw me when he saw all the nations gathered. Did he see me?" Sure, he did, if your name was on that Book. And when...

128John's name was on it, too, and he wept because there was nobody that could touch It. And then one of the elders come and said, "Weep not, John, for the Lion of the Tribe of Juda has prevailed."

129And John was looking around to find a--a lion, and out from behind the curtains come a Lamb, a Lamb that had been slain since before the foundation of the world. Then he saw a bloody Lamb come out, and He come and took the Book out of the right hand of Him, and called everything what was on that Book. It's the complete Book of redemption. And this is It. The Book of redemption, He redeemed all was in that Book, not out of the Book. Anything that had a beginning has an end. But if you've got Eternal Life, you never did begin and you cannot end, because you're sons and daughters of God, attributes of His thoughts and His Word. You have no ending of Life, if your name is on that Book. The Lamb come to redeem It. Not all that profess "Christians," not all that try to live good and holy; but those whose names were written on there, He redeemed that, and that alone, whose names were on the Book.

130 Now we find out that Satan caused Adam to fall, by that one word. And God continued on now, in His creation, to try to find one man who would live by every Word. His first man failed. And this man would live his time, his age that he lived in.

131Now, see, there is different ages that God prophesied from the beginning, which would take place all down. That's the reason He could tell the end from the beginning, is because He knew all things. He made all things by Jesus Christ, and for Him, and for His Own pleasure. Notice closely now. Don't miss this.

132 What if Moses would have come bringing Noah's message? It wouldn't have worked. Couldn't. No.

133What if Jesus would have come bringing Moses' message? It wouldn't have worked.

134What if we come, trying to bring the Methodist message, Baptist message, or the Pentecostal message? It wouldn't work. They were fine; prove that in a minute, by the Word. They were alright in their age. That age is gone. We got to find out what the Scripture says for today. This day, that's what man is to live by for his age.

He tried to find a man that would live the whole Word.

135 First thing He did, He tried Noah. Noah failed Him; got drunk, he failed.

136Moses, that great mighty masterpiece of God's, He tried him and he failed. He glorified himself, and wasn't permitted to go into the promised land.

137Then come David, that He was going to reflect His--His... the great Millennium, in David, and He was going to show what His King was. And God swore by David, he would rise up the... raise up his son to sit on his throne. And David was such a gallant man, till, "he was a man after God's Own heart." And David was doing good. He smote all the Philistines and tore down the altars, and stayed with the Word. And, finally, a pretty woman upset him, and he broke the commandment, lost the Word, committed adultery. See? A man after His Own heart, see, still David failed Him.

138Moses failed Him, all the rest of them failed Him, but all their lives were just reflection of the One that was to come.

139 In the Book of Revelation, as I'm writing, one man who is translating or grammarizing... My grammar is so poor, I've got a--a good scholar to grammarize it, put the right nouns and pronouns together. Which, I don't know which is the difference between a noun and a pronoun. But, but he does, and he is putting them all... I know, only thing I know, God gives It to me and I just write It down, see. And, they, they have to put it so if it goes into schools and things, they--they know that can read it more in their way of understanding. And then the writer said to me, the grammar, the man that's grammarizing it, said to me, he said, "But, Brother Branham, we find in the Pergamos church age... That, Jesus said here, 'he that overcometh, I will give him the Morning Star.' Give him the Morning Star?" He said, "Now how could he get the Morning Star, when Jesus said, Himself, that He is the Morning Star?"

140 See, all those seeds of Abraham are reflected by stars. They different one from another, and we'll different one from another. And Jesus is that Morning Star, the brightest of all of them. But we find Him, in Revelation 1, with seven stars in His hand. He interprets that, and said, "These seven stars are the seven angels to the seven churches, or the seven church ages that's coming."

141Then he said, "How could it be then, if they got the Morning Star?"

142I said, "The stars that were in His hand were only the reflection stars from the Morning Star, see, for the messenger of that day had the Word." And He is the Word; he just had the portion for that day. And the people that's ready to come away from the world systems and world things, and walk with Him, sees the reflection of the Morning Star through the messenger of that age. As He did through Noah and through Moses, and so forth, as He reflected the Old Testament, finally they all arrived to One. And so will it at the end of the church ages, it'll all arrive back to Jesus, that He is the Word.

143 We as Christians are only reflecting Him. The moon only reflects the sun, in its absence. And the believer only reflects the Son of God, in the absence of the Son of God. It's the Light of the Bible, the Scriptures, being vindicated in our lives, the Word that makes Light in darkness. You are candles that sets upon a hill. That ain't the sun; it's a candle. The candle just takes the place of the sun, just shows a certain amount of light. We are God's children, we are sons and daughters of God, only by the Spirit with portion. He had It without a portion. We are a star that's shining, all of us together make a Light to the world, but He is the entire Son that reflects the Light to every star. Hallelujah! I believe Him. God help my unbelief!

144 Finally, this perfect One arrived. Now, He arrived to be tempted in every point just like we are. The Bible said He was. He was tempted like Noah. He was tempted like Moses. He was tempted like all the rest of them. If we had time to break that down and show you, but we haven't, 'cause I don't want to take too much of your time. But, to break it down and show you, He was tempted in the same manner.

145Satan never changes his tactic, neither does God, just changes ages. But what... Satan got in back there, to the first family of God, on earth. Here it is brother, sister. Don't fail to get this. How did Satan get the first family? He couldn't break it no other way but to get that Word broke, for they were fortified behind that Word. If he could only get one gap!

146That's how he has got every church in every age, got every believer, just pull that gap out. "Well, I--I believe the Bible is right, but I don't believe that." Oh, there he'd go. Too bad, but there he went.

"Every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God!"

147 Now closely confine this now. Now He finally, this One that would, arrived and had to be tempted just exactly like the rest of them was tempted. Now notice how striking Satan makes his every attack, just the same each time. Now he tried to give Him the natural bread, just like he did Eve. "If you will eat this, take this," or something another, he's got it.

148And that's what he does to every organization, that's what he does to every individual, he tries to give you the natural things that you can look at. And it's taking you away! "Well, look at this great big church! Why, they got so many millions in it! Our church is the biggest church in the city. Well, our, we have the mayor comes to our church. See all that! Our pastor has a--a degree of D.D., L.D., Ph.D! That, well, that, well, he is bound to be a smart man." A Catholic priest can come around and cover him over, anytime, with his degrees. He has got sixty-some-odd books he has to know as bad as much as you know the Bible, to get his degree to be a priest, so don't try to compare educations.

149 That's just like the world, is always trying to compare. Don't compare with things of the world. Don't compare with churches. Compare with the Bible! That's what we're doing today. That's what's the matter with us Pentecostal churches. That's what's the matter with our quartets and singings, and so forth, as we have, we're trying to act like Hollywood. Hollywood glitters; the Gospel glows. There is a lot of difference between a glitter and a glow. See? Hollywood glitters with clothes, and Rickies and Rickettas, and ricochets. But God humbly glows in humility of the believer, no matter how ignorant he is. He glows in humility, not shines in Hollywood.

150 Notice, he tried his old tactic on Jesus, same thing he did to Moses, same thing he did to the rest of them. He tried it. He'll try it on you, to get you accept some great big something that looks shiny.

151Reminds me when I used to hunt coons, racoons. I'd get me a... Papa, my daddy, used tobacco. I don't know whether you all ever know one of them old tags that used to be on a twist of tobacco. I would take them, get me a log and bore a hole in it, right around the creek where a coon had been running. And then I'd bore a hole in there, and stick this tobacco tag there. And then drive me some nails, angling in like this. And the coon is always reaching for something shiny. And so when the moon come up, and he run along there, he looked back there, he pushed his hand in there to get it. And he won't turn it loose.

152He is like some church members. Even he knows he is caught, he won't turn it loose. "If I do, they'll put me out of the organization." That's just his death, that's all. All right. Notice. There he holds onto it, he won't turn it loose.

153 Now Satan tried his same tactic on Jesus, that he tried on the rest of them. He tried to make Him eat something besides the promised Bread Word. Cause, Jesus said, "It's written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone.'" See? He tried to make Him obey him. Though it looked pretty good, looked like He could feed Himself, and He could have done it. You have...

154You can act any way you want to, too. You can take It or leave It, either one you want to. Now if that coon had sense enough just to, oh, close his hand back, he could pull it out again; but he won't do it, he just holds himself there. And that's the way a lot of nominal Christians does, too. They don't want to hear nothing about It, don't want to come and hear It. They want nothing about It. Go ahead and hold onto it then, see, you'll find out what happens.

155 Now notice, they tried to make Him eat something besides the Bread of Life that every man should live by. But Jesus stayed with the Father's Word. Oh, he didn't hit Eve then, he never hit Moses, he never hit any of the rest of them. He hit One was going to reflect every Word. See, He, that's the reason, He was the Word. But Jesus stayed with the Word, refused his theological seminary doctrine, yes, sir, his new light, his more experience. He couldn't push it on Jesus like he pushed it off on Eve, to show her, "Oh, surely, God..."

156"Oh, surely, God would be in this if we could get together and make a whole World Council of church. Surely, God would be. He wants unity and He wants brotherhood." With Himself, not with the world; brotherhood with Himself, worship to Himself. That's what He died for, that you would worship Him. As ever, if he can't get...

Now we find out that he failed. Jesus went right back to him, with THUS SAITH THE LORD.

157 Now when he sees that a believer... Watch the believer come in these same catagories now, each one of you. When he sees (he) you're going to stay with the Bible, "Yeah, I believe the Bible. I ain't joining no creed and thing out there. I'm going to stay with the Bible." And, as ever, if he can't get you to believe, to--to live the real Truth and to believe the Word, I want you to notice what he done to Jesus, the second time, if he ain't get you. Say, "I ain't going to join no creed. I ain't going to. I'm, I was born free, I'm going to stay with It. I'm going to do this, that, or the other." See, join the church, and you come join, and something another; he can't get you to do that, then he'll do something else to you. Oh, brother, watch this.

158 If he doesn't, then he'll send you off to his own seminary, to be taught by his own theologians, see, where Satan is the interpreter. "Oh, the days of miracles is passed. That people down there, I got, well, that's a bunch of heretics. They, they're not, see." He'll send you there.

159Oh, you may say, "Wait a minute, Brother Branham! Just a minute now!" Yeah, let's do wait just a minute, see. You say now, "Don't you no longer supposed to? Aren't we supposed to?" No, sir. No, sir.

160But Jesus said, "When He the Spirit of Truth is come, see, He will bring these things that I have taught, to your memory, the Word. And He'll also show you things to come." There is the real Spirit-filled Church now, stays with the Word, reflects the Word, God on earth. See? He doesn't need any theologian, 'cause His Word is of no private interpretation. He interprets His Own Word, by vindicating It and proving It, It's the Truth.

161When the Methodist church told you you couldn't receive the Holy Ghost like they did on the Day of Pentecost, did you pay any attention to it? Certainly not. You went right along and got the Holy Ghost, anyhow. See? Cause the...

162 I was discussing the--the trinity with a--a Baptist minister, the other night, and I told him it was only terminology. And so we come to find out, he said, another little minister there from the seminary, he said, "Well, Mister Branham, you are trying to make people believe an apostolic religion."

I said, "Certainly, the only one there is."

And he said, "Sir, where did you go to school at?"

163I said, "On my knees, my brother. Not to... See, that's where I got, not theology, but kneeology." I said, "That's where I found Him."

164And he said, "Mister Branham, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, like they got on the Day of Pentecost, you try to say that that's today?"

165I said, "The Bible said, sir, that the... that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." I said, "That was Jesus Christ that come on the Day of Pentecost." Oh, yeah.

166No, same One! "Yet a little while, I'll pray the Father, He'll send you another comforter, which is the Holy Ghost. A little while and the world won't see Me no more, Me no more; yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, to the consummation, end of the world."

167I said, "Yeah, that's Him come on the Day of Pentecost. Yes, sir. He came, lived in them, notice, in the form of the person of the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ in the person of the Holy Ghost, as we understand the Godhead."

168 Now notice, Satan didn't need his theology, theology. And this man said to me, he said, "Mister Branham," he said, "I'll give you to understand, I'm from a certain school, and we are trained."

I said, "I hear your program, all the time." See?

He said, "We are trained there." Said, "The baptism of the Holy Ghost is for the disciples only."

169I said, "The Bible said there was 'a hundred and twenty' in the upper room." And I said, "Now who is right, you or the Word?"

170And I said, "And then, also, when Philip went down and preached to the Samaritans, and he baptized them in the Name of Jesus Christ, but the Holy Ghost hadn't come upon them yet, 'cause Peter had the keys. So he sent up to Jerusalem and got Peter, who come down and layed hands upon them, and the Holy Ghost came upon them. The Bible said, 'The Holy Ghost!'"

171 I said, "Then Peter, with a vision, with the keys, went up to the house of Cornelius, Acts 10, forty-nine... 'And while he yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell upon them. For they heard them speak in tongues, and--and--and prophesy, magnifying God. Then said Peter, can we forbid water, that these should not be baptized, seeing that they received the Holy Ghost like we did at the beginning? And he commanded them to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.'"

172"We find, thirty years later, Paul passing through the upper coasts of Ephesus, finds some Baptist people who was having a great revival. Great things were going on. They shouting, praising the Lord. And Paul visited to the church where about twenty people were attending, where Aquila and Priscilla was attending the meeting; where Apollos, a converted lawyer, proving by the Bible that Jesus was the Christ. And they had great joy, and a great meeting. Paul passing by, he came by after he... the Lord delivered him out of prison; for casting a spirit out, a devil out of a fortuneteller. And then he come on up through there, in the work of the Lord, and he went to hear the meeting. And he said, 'This man is a great man, all right, but,' said, 'have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?' He believed you received It when you believed. But he said, 'Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?' He said, 'We know not whether there be any Holy Ghost.'"

173"Said, 'Then to what was you baptized?' That was the question. He said, 'We've been baptized, the same man that baptized Jesus: John. We've been baptized to John's baptism.' See? He said, 'John only baptized unto repentance, not for the remission of sins.' John... 'cause the Lamb hadn't been killed yet. He said, 'John baptized unto repentance, seeing that you should believe on Him that was to come, on Jesus Christ.' 'And when they heard this, they were baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. And Paul layed his hands upon them, and the Holy Ghost came upon them, and then they prophesied and spoke in tongues,' thirty years later."

And I said, "Besides, do you believe the Bible?"

He said, "Certainly."

174 I said, "Peter, on the Day of Pentecost, when this was all noised abroad, and they was all shouting and praising God, they said, 'Men and brethren, what can we do to be saved?' Peter said, 'Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the promise is unto you and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.' Heavens and earth will pass away, but that Word will never fail!"

175You pentecostals paid no attention to the Methodist, Baptist, or Presbyterian. You knowed That was for every generation, and you pressed into It. Certainly. Now, just don't stop pressing right there, just keep on pressing, see.

176That's where Methodists made their mistake, they pressed into sanctification but stopped. Lutheran pressed into justification and stopped. See, then it organizes it, there it dies. That's the end of it. That's all of it.

177 Watch now as we hurry up through. "When the Spirit of Truth is come, He will teach you all things, whatever I taught you," oh, my, "bearing all remembrance to you, what I've said to you, bringing to you, all remembrance. And He will show you things to come. He will vindicate every Word, confirming the Word with signs following." Everything that He promised, that God promised in the Bible, if you'll turn loose from every creed and everything else, and hold onto the Word, God is obligated to take care of His Word. And so when they did this, the Word vindicates Itself.

178He don't need somebody to say, "Well, the days of miracles is passed."

179Who is that man to tell me the days of miracles is passed, when I was once a blind man? Hallelujah. I once laid where the doctors give me three minutes to live, and I'm living today. How can they tell me any different? Once a lukewarm church member, now filled with the Holy Ghost. God don't need any interpreter. The Spirit Itself, which is the Word, interprets it to be the Truth. If a man will dare to stand out and take It. He is His Own Interpreter. Try Him one time, and find out if that isn't right. Don't pay attention to what somebody said. Do what God said do.

180"Well," you say, "I do this." Well, what about the other, every Word? One word breaks the chain.

181That's where the churches always fail, right on that chain. They organize it and get the thing together, and make a big denomination. These men get together, Holy Father So-and-so and Doctor Bishop So-and-so. And what's the first thing you have? There you are. You die right there. We'll prove it by nature and by the Word, if the Lord willing, in a few minutes. All right.

182 "Bringing to remembrance." He vindicates every Word, and we live by It. Hallelujah! Live by It! "Man shall live by every Word, every Word vindicated." Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. Shall follow them that believe!" Take a hold of It; God vindicates It, that It's the Truth.

183Where, the seminaries and theologians, inspired by Satan, say, "You can't trust It. That's for the apostles. The days is passed. There is no such thing. That was only meant for the apostles, to prove the Gospel then. We have learned people today."

184They had better learning then than we got now. Tell me any church that can come up with that, that Sanhedrin, when their great-great-great-great-grandfathers had to be priests, behind them. One crooked word in that, in that scroll, or, why, they--they'd stone them for it. They had to stay right exactly. But they missed seeing the real Kernel of the Word when It come, the Life. That's why they were condemned and called the "workers of Satan."

185 See, that don't reflect the Word of God, when a seminary student tells you, "The Holy Ghost is not for today. And these things, all that Divine healing stuff, for some other day." See, it's not a reflection from God, it's a reflection from a--a creed. It's a reflection from a doctrine that's outside the Bible.

186Hebrews 13:8 said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." Saint John 14:12, said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall He do also." Now how you going to take that Word out of there, how you going to add something in Its place? You break the chain of Life. Man lives by Bread only, the Bread, Eternally he lives by that Bread. Physically, he lives by this bread. There is the two breads. The Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is in you, says "amen" to every Word of God, if that is the Holy Ghost. Now I want to ask you something. Now this is a pinching part.

187 Mama used to give me castor oil when I was a kid. And I--I can't stand the smell of the stuff, yet. See? We was raised poor, and mama boiled meat skins and render them out. We get them down at the... from an old sister named Goodwin, that had a bakery down there, and she baked hams and things, and rendered that out. We'd get meal, and take that grease and stuff and make our cornbread. And we had poor eating, no wonder we had malnutrition and so forth, plaguery. But mom then, every Saturday night... We--we didn't get the right kind of food, so she would make us all take a big dose of castor oil. And I--I'd just hold my nose and scream, I said, "Mom, that makes me so sick." She said, "If it don't make you sick, it don't do you any good." So, so maybe that will work this a way. Now how...

188 I'm going to ask you something. How can a man or a woman who claims to be filled with the Holy Spirit, which is the Word (that right?), and how can you be the flesh of that Holy Spirit, has made you part of Him, to reflect the Gospel of your age, and deny the Word that He wrote?

189I don't care how good you are. Why, I can take you to Africa, to the--the Hottentots there, and show you a life that a Christian can't touch. Even if they would be caught in adultery; if one of the women, before she is married, a young woman, she has to be tested first for her virgincy. If she be found guilty, she has to tell what man did it, and they're both killed together. What if that happened in the United States, who would bury all the corpses, see? So, so there you are, see. And they are heathens, see the morale. See, so you can't test it by that. Our Indian brother here can tell you now, the Mohammedans probably live a lot better life than we ever think about.

190 But what is it? It's the Word that gives the test. Them Pharisees was twice as humble as Jesus. He went around tearing up their churches, and throwing them out, and beating them out, and everything like that.

191And this godly old priest, you know, why, who was... If I was having a meeting against Him, this morning; I'd say, who come to you when you were sick, pray for you? "That godly old priest." Who loaned papa that money when his crops failed? "That godly old priest." Who dedicated you to God, for a life of service? "That godly old priest." Who was it, when you was in jail, come and visits you? "That godly old priest." And this young renegade called Jesus, what does He do? Called your pastor a "snake"! See? See, it's not by the fruits.

192It's by the Word. "Man shall not live by fruit alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."

193And He was that Word. They just fail to see It. That's what He was supposed to do. They couldn't see it, because they wasn't ordained to see it. Said, "You can't come to Me." Look at them poor Jews, their eyes were blinded. Sure, He did it. He blinded them, Himself.

194Think of how it would be to be blinded. You better be thanking God for what sight you got on the Scripture. Now notice.

195 Now, He, He was this Word. Now, after this, He was tested. Jesus' testing. Now we're going through these.

196See, it doesn't reflect the Word when anybody says, "Well, That was for another age," 'cause the Bible said He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. How the Holy Spirit in you could say that you are a filled with the Holy Ghost?

197Now can I hurt you a little bit? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Is it all right? Raise your hands. You won't be mad at me? ["No."] If you do, you have to be.

198How can you women, with bobbed hair, tell me that you are filled with the Holy Ghost? One Word! "Oh, I spoke in tongues." That don't make any difference. I've seen witch doctors speak in tongues, interpret, shout in the spirit, dance in the spirit.

199How can you men call yourself the head of the house, and let your wife wear shorts and carrying on the way she is, call yourself Christians?

200How can you pastors ever face God with a thing like that, without standing up and protest it? You can't make them do it. But you get to preaching like that, you won't belong in the seminary very long or with a group. You'll have to get cooperation from somewhere else. We'll get into it, just in a moment, the Lord willing. See?

201 But there you are. Don't, I don't mean to hurt you. I love you. That's the reason. If--if you were floating down the river, and I seen you was going to drown, I'd be a poor fellow, say, "Well, be a good person, honey." You better warn them. That's right. Tell them!

202As I said the other night, if I'm a Christian, I have to be identified with every character of the Bible. I had to stand with Noah and preach with him, in the days, and warn the people. That's right. I had to stand on Mount Carmel, alone, with Elijah. I had to stand at Calvary, and be crucified to myself and my own thoughts, with Him. But then again, I raised with Him on Easter, triumphant over all things. All the carnal of the carnality of the world, raised above it, in Him.

203 Notice, it doesn't reflect the Word then, no, it doesn't vindicate It. Now, but if you believe the Word, God will vindicate It, Hisself, as He did here in Jesus.

204The Word Bread always means to be fed on. "And man shall not live by bread, like this bread, alone, but by every Word." So that's the Word Bread, keep that in mind, this is this Bread that the church through every age has fed on, has been the hidden Manna just for the overcomer only. Revelation said so. Now I don't have time to break this whole thing down, because I probably got another thirty minutes. But, look, when the holy--when the holy manna fell from Heaven, which was a type of the Holy Ghost. You'll agree on that.

205God told Moses to go out and get an omer full of it, and put it in the Holiest of holies. Cause, if they didn't put it in the Holiest of holies, it become stagnant. Is that right? The worms got into it. Now He said, "But put it in the Holiest of holies, in this omer, that every generation;" coming up, after that priesthood, when a man becomes to go to be a priest, to minister the Word, the first thing he gets to do, after he is ordained, is go in and get a handful of that original manna and eat it.

206That was to represent that Light in His hand, in the new church age, reflecting his Light, the Manna; and only the man that perfectly overcome, the man that really sets down and throws aside everything else besides the Word. And the Word is that Manna. Oh, my, it's Jesus! "Man shall live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." That's the hidden Manna for the overcomer, oh, that was laid up each--each, for each priesthood a following it.

207 The schools of theology, long ago, has swapped this blessed Thing for a mess of pottage. That's exactly right. Yes, sir.

208Like Esau did. Now, Esau, morally, was a better man than Jacob, but he didn't have respects to his birthrights which was the Word. How many knows that, the birthrights was the Word, the promise, the elder son? But he was a good man, moral man, like, oh, like the nominal Christian today, a good man. He didn't lie. He didn't steal. He was good to his daddy. He done all these things. But, you see, his birthrights, he said he didn't care about that. "What difference does that make? I'm an Israelite, anyhow. See, I--I belong to it, anyhow." But it was his birthrights that counted, see. His natural was all right, but his spiritual was all wrong.

209So is it today, the pottage, mix church and world together, some of each one; bingo parties, dances, all kinds of carrying on, in the church; short-haired women, wearing shorts.

Well, you say, "Brother Branham, what's that little thing?"

210 That's one of the Words, for the Bible said it's wrong for a woman to cut her hair. That's right. If she does, how is she going to get in? See? Just ask, any preacher will tell you the Word says that. See, "she dishonors her head," she dishonors her husband. She should be divorced. That's exactly right. "For she that will cut her hair, let her also be shorn off, shaven." See, it shows through that. Not just bobbed, God don't want it that way. That's that Mister In-between. Don't fool with it. Either cut it all off or leave it grow, that's what God said. Any minister of the Gospel knows that's the Truth, whether you'll say it or not. But that's the Truth. See? Well, what good, if you're going to do all the rest of them, and leave that go?

211What? There is just a little bit of the worldly style into you, trying to act just a little bit like the other churches. That's exactly where Israel got in trouble. That's where they die. That's where Adam got in trouble. That's where all the rest of them got in trouble. Just one Word, that's all it takes, just one point. Pottage, mixed with the world! Some of the world, some of Hollywood, some of the church, some of the theologians, and what's you got?

212 Notice, if Satan fails here, then he'll try his second scheme on you, get you to--to disbelieve the Word, he'll... and--and go to the seminary. He'll try the next, a scheme. Now here is where you want to be real careful, and just sit just for another five minutes on this part, if you will. Then he makes you a supernatural offer. I'm going to come back to all this, just before closing. He makes... See, if he can't tempt you away from the Word, "No, I'm going to stay with the Word," then he'll give you a supernatural offer.

213He said, "I'll tell you what. You get up here and dive off the temple, and bring back up. See, show the people that You can do something supernatural."

214Boy, he got them there. Now watch this, this is it. Watch when you get to the end, where this temptation come. Maybe He might let some of you speak in tongues, think you got It. See? Or he might even let you prophesy, though it not be with the Word. I've seen people stand up and prophesy, was as contrary to the Word as the East is from the West. See? It's the Word that you live by. Them supernatural gifts, Satan can just hand them out by handfuls. Certainly. That don't mean one thing.

215 Didn't Jesus say, "Many will come to Me in that day, and say, 'Lord, haven't I prophesied in Your Name? In Your Name I've cast out devils. I've done mighty works. I've been a great man in the organization. I've done all these things, these things'"? He'll say, "Depart from Me, you that work iniquity."

216What is iniquity? It's something that you know that's right, and you concede it and won't do it, in your heart. When you know that that Bible teaches a certain thing, and you won't do it, that's iniquity. And David said, "If I hide iniquity in my heart, God will not even hear my prayer." Is that Truth? Is that the Bible? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, surely you couldn't get angry with That, see. Jesus said that, "Many will come to Me in that day, and say, 'I've done all these things,' and I'll say, 'Depart, you works of iniquity.'"

217Same as did Adam. Adam said, "Lord, I did this, I did that." But one Word, see, one Word did it. That's all it takes, just disobey one Word.

218 Yes, maybe prophesy contrary to the Word. But now, time he's got this supernatural gift, he is so carried away by the noise, by the glamour of it. "Glory to God, I pray for So-and-so, they got up and walked away! Hallelujah, I can speak in tongues! And somebody interpret it, it's genuine, the truth."

219Paul said, "I can speak in tongue like men and Angels, and yet be nothing. I can have faith to move mountains, and still am nothing." Is that right? [Congregation says, "That's right."--Ed.]

220But, see, he'll offer you that. Oh, Pentecostal people, I love you, or I wouldn't be with you. There is where you failed, see. Watch the Word, not the gift. Watch the giver, see where--see where it comes from, see. He's all carried away, he's dancing in the spirit, boy... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... only thing. He's got so many people around him, and everybody calling for him, here and there, and he forgets the Word.

221 Oh, you are very popular as long as you stay away from that Word. But you get in that Word, one time, watch who is going to cooperate with you then. See? Watch what comes out then. We're going to get to this, in another stage of nature, in a moment. See, watch who--who wants you then, nobody does. "Oh, hands off of That!" Like a certain association gathered together here a few weeks ago and banded me, any minister that come to the city, full Gospel, would have me to the city to pray for their sick, would be completely excommunicated from the association. All right, 'cause I pray for the sick. All right. "Don't hear It!" Say... And there is the Word vindicated.

222That's the same thing they done with our Lord. That's the same thing they done with every man, in every age. That's what they done with Luther, Wesley, and all. That's what they done with you, in the beginning, now you turned right back in the same wallow you come out of. Notice the way, it's always been the same way. It's never failed, Satan does the same thing.

223 Now he is so carried away by the noise of glamour, and so forth, till, my, he don't even pay any attention to the Word. "Oh, brother, Brother So-and-so said so-and-so, and I got to go over here. I..." See, he's just so carried away, he don't even notice It. Whether it's Word or not Word, don't make any difference. "The rest of them said it was all right, so That don't make any different." The denomination says, "Boy, you got it, don't you let nobody tell you!" You got what? See? Notice.

224 Satan ever had, even then, watch in this one place here, he coated the Word. Even on this supernatural that he tried to get Jesus to do, the supernatural, see, being having supernatural, what if Jesus would have listened to him? See? He said, "Now wait. You want to stay with the Word, do You? You want to stay with the Word?" Said, "It's written, He'd give His Angels charge concerning this. Anytime You dash Your foot against a stone, They bear Thee up." But He wasn't dashing His foot against no stone. See? Watch. What if he would have stayed with it? He... Did you notice, I never said he quoted the Word; he coat It, coated It, like putting an icing on a cake, covered It over, whitewashed It, see, It wasn't in It's right place.

225 That's what they try to say today, trying to whitewash It, but you can't make it run with the rest of the Scripture. It's got to be everything, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." See, no matter how much Word you try to coat, that don't make...

226It's got to be quoted just the way He said It. Then, if It's quoted right, He'll vindicate It to be so in your life. "That's how all men know you're written epistles read of God." Written epistle is this "Bible." Is that right? An epistle is the Bible. And you're a written Bible reflecting His Word, that perfect man again, in God.

But Jesus said, "It is written, also." See?

227 But notice Eve at this same stage, carried away by her supernatural understanding, she had a theological experience. Her education was supreme to any theologian in the country at that time. See, she was so carried away, she didn't know it. She knew she had something that Adam never had. Perhaps she would be able to rule over him right now, because she knowed more about it, her Adam. Watch what their Adams are doing today. She knew good from evil, fine education of the Truth. That's right. She had a fine education of the Truth, that she didn't know before, and it was God's Truth. But she was dead, by breaking the Word. Yeah, she got her education, all right.

228So does the seminary give you a theological experience, that you can quote every character of the Old Testament or New. But be careful what you're doing, if it don't break that Word right there, if you do just say, "Well, it's for them." No, it's for you, whosoever will! See? See? Be careful. "Oh, that was for the church long ago." He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! She had a fine education, but she was also dead in sin and trespasses.

229 Now Satan's third scheme. We'll get to it quickly 'cause we don't want to take more time than possible, maybe another fifteen, twenty minutes, if you want to go that far. Notice his third scheme then, his, or his third temptation. If the others had failed, this one won't, see. He now offers you a position in the church, like he did Jesus. "I'll give You the world. You be the king, I'll make you. They all belong to me, so I give it to You."

230Who can make a man a minister? Who can give a man a gift by laying hands on him? "God has set in the church!" See? See how they twist the Word. Like Eve now, with her new knowing, knowledge, she had Adam at her sway. She could do what she wanted to, see, as soon as she got Adam to accept it.

231And, but when he come to Jesus, He didn't accept it. He said, "Get behind me, Satan." In other words, let me not misquote it, but just add this to it. "It's written, every man shall live by every Word of God; not by your proposition, 'I'll make you the general overseer, a presbyter, or--or deacon, or I'll let you play the piano, sister.' See, all these propositions, 'You're a very popular person, and we need your talent in our church.'" See, come to the Word!

232She could rule him, or teach him, same as today's crop. That's the way they do it today, to become a D.D., a state presbyter, overseer, district manager, or something another like that.

233 How different from Jesus! He stayed with the Word. Now, the next few minutes, I want to prove all these things true, see, by both nature and Word, bring this together. This proves He was the Word made flesh, for Bread. He was the Word made flesh. For He reflected what? The Word only.

234If you're a written epistle, you reflect only the Word; not what the seminary says, what somebody else says, what Miss Jones thinks about It, what Doctor So-and-so think about It, but what God said about It. "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth! Whosoever shall break the least of these commandments, and teach men so! Whosoever shall take one Word out of this Book, or add one word to It! Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word proceeding out of the mouth of God." Live Eternally by that Word!

235 Just as so as you have to have dead substance there to live by, you have to have Christ to live by here or you die. And what is Christ? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh dwelt among us."

236And you are the same written epistle, one for one age and one for the other, for the Light of that hour; but they fail to see it. You reflect It only.

237Others fixed, although in one, only failed in one point; but He didn't. And as I said, in Revelation 22:18, He said, "Whosoever shall add to This!"

238 Now watch real close now. Matthew 24:24 is the striking, how that they... "Almost, in this last days," Jesus said, "the very elected would be deceived by this thing." Watch the spirits. "In the last days," now that Scripture has to be fulfilled. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, that was, "In the last days, the very elected, predestinated, elected to it, would be deceived..." It's so perfectly, it's so Scriptural, and looks so pretty and clear, that you can't see a flaw in it, anyhow, only the elected will escape it. Now that's what Jesus said. Do you believe it? ["Amen."] "Would deceive the very elected if it were possible."

239"Why, it's perfectly Scriptures, you can see it in the natural eye." But, you see, that isn't it. Jesus... Them Pharisees had that Scripture just as perfect as It could be, but by their own interpretation.

240How did they know He wasn't wrong? Because God vindicated every Word that He promised to Him in that age. That's the reason they knowed He was the Messiah. See?

241 Now notice, "if it was possible," in these days. Only one Word, one Word is needed. That's all Satan had to have to Adam, just get Him on one Word. That's all he has to have today, just get one thing turned around. That's all, that's all he needs. Now, you know that's the Truth. To add one, or take one, it's total failure. Every bit, "Every Word of God!" Think now of the interpretations of the seminaries, every one different from the other.

242There has to be a Truth somewhere, and this is It, the Bible. Now Jesus said...

243You say, "Well, Brother Branham, they have the most beautiful worship."

244Jesus said, "In vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrine the theology of man, not the Word," man, his own conception of the Word being interpreted.

245 As I have said, God don't need no interpreter. He interprets every Word Himself. See, you don't need somebody to interpret It to you, God interprets it to you when you're willing to accept It. See, that's the Life, that's Life Itself.

246Jesus said, "In vain they worship Me." They actually worship God. Cain actually worshiped God, in the beginning. "But in vain do they worship Me." What's vain? "It don't do no good."

247They might say, "Well, I do this. I dance in the spirit. I, I speak in tongues. I, I prophesy. I preach the Gospel." But fail to let your hair grow out, fail on one thing, and see what happens, the Spirit will leave you right there. That's what's happened to our churches, failed.

248"In vain, worshiping Me. Oh, it's a beautiful worship. But in vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of man."

249 Those Pharisees were learned theologians. Don't you dare to say we got anything today to compare with them. No, indeedy. They knowed one word, every word, just the way it was written, but in vain they were worshiping. Think of it, "in vain," big fine schools, and seminaries, and teachers, and young man, and everything like that, but lost!

250Same as the wilderness, He said, "They all eat manna from that spiritual Rock in the wilderness, they all drink from that Rock, I mean, and they all eat manna out of it." And Jesus said, "And they're, every one, dead." Death means "Eternally separated." Why? Because they failed to believe the promise of God.

251 Oh, I hate to keep you like this, but I just have to say it. Look, I won't take a minute on this. Every one of them people come out under the Pillar of Fire, they come out in the wilderness, believing God, marched on. But when they come to see the obstacle, when the--when the ten come back and said, "We can't take the land. Oh, my, they're giants there. They're this, that, and the other. They just... We can't do it. It's impossible."

252But what did Caleb and Joshua? They stilled the people. They said, "We are more than able to take it." Why? Those people were looking what they could see, see, looking at what they could see. But Caleb and Joshua was looking at the promise of God. God said, "I have given you that land. Go get it!"

253 Now Hebrews the 6th, if I could quote it, "For it is impossible for them which were once enlightened, and have tasted of the Holy Ghost, the power of the world to come, if they shall fall away again, deny, walk away."

254Like those fellows come up there and eat the grapes from over on the other land, stood there; and when it come to following the Word, on through, they said, "We can't do it." And they died in the wilderness.

255That's where we got. We tasted a good Word of God. But, the full promise, "No, no, we can't do that, see, 'cause Doctor So-and-so or somebody else says we can't do it. That's for the apostles. That was another day." There you die.

256See, the Scripture all ties together, every Word of It ties together. And it cannot be given by any man-made theory, system, or anything. It's only revealed by the Holy Ghost. Jesus said, "Father, I thank You You've hid these things from the wise and prudent, and reveal it to babes such as will learn."

257 Quickly now let's go to this next thought here if we can. "In vain they worship Me." Those Pharisees, learned, oh, morally good; but called, by Jesus, "devils." Them learned theologians, Jesus said, "You are devils, and the works of your father you'll do." Said, "You garnish the tombs of the prophets, but your fathers back in that same time... Them prophets come forth to tear down those religious systems." That's what they done.

258Prophets! Where does the Word come, to a theologian or a prophet? [Congregation says, "Prophet."--Ed.] Not to the theologians and the school. It comes to a prophet, always. God never changes His system, never. Always has, always! Not to a group; to an individual! Never to a group; individual, yes, sir, a prophet. And they said...

259Jesus said, "You garnish the tombs of the prophets, and your fathers put them in there." And they're doing the very same thing under the blindness of Satan's seminary. See?

260 And now, Pentecost, keep your nose out of that World Council of churches. Now, you ministers here, you'll write into headquarters, to--to these people. Now, you won't have to write to--to the Assemblies and many of them, 'cause they done set the thing out, they want nothing to do with it. And you Baptist brethren, too, keep your head out of there. Don't you see that's exactly the mark of the beast coming up? You know who is going to gulp it all up, if you know anything about the Scripture. If the Words reflect Itself in you, stay away from that thing. Your denomination will run into that. And you're going to have to do it or excommunicate your denomination. You can't be a denomination and stay there, because you've got to come in or stay out.

261Then, you're no more organization, then you've showed yourself. Exactly. God bless you, if you do it. Hard to tell how many will do it. But some will, no doubt. Yes, sir.

262 Deceived, and Jesus called them "devils." Now, but when Jesus was standing there, (what) every temptation, He rebuked it with the Word, and stood there by the Word. God vindicated Him.

263Like over, the other night, I preached on Michelangelo. How many was ever at Forest Lawn and seen Moses' monument there, by Michelangelo? That was striking, when I went in there the first time and seen it. Michelangelo almost spent his lifetime, of making. In his mind, he had what--what Moses ought to look like. And he--he wanted to get--get him fixed before he died. And he spent years and years, of carving out, chipping off here, and breaking off here, and polishing here. Till, finally one day when he had it finished, after many years, he was standing there with a rag in his hand, like this. He stood back and looked at it, the vision that was in his mind, for since he was first heard of Moses, it ought to look like that. There it was, flashed before him. He got so inspired by his own work, he grabbed a hammer and struck it on the leg, and holler, "Speak, Moses!" He thought it was Moses should speak, he was so much like the thing that was in his mind. And that mar on the leg is still there. It's a perfect statue all but that chip off of the leg, the right leg. Watch it in Forest Lawn, as you go in the door, a reproduction of it. Michelangelo's Moses, his masterpiece, that, that sealed his life.

264 God is a great Sculptor, right, He made man in His image, to reflect Him, and He is the Word. And what did He do? He tried Adam; he failed, Moses failed, all the rest of them failed. But here is One perfect, hallelujah, (what was it?) nothing less than God Himself in flesh, the Word reflected in Him, brought the fulness of the Godhead bodily; not a prophet, yet He was a Prophet; not a man, yet He was a Man.

265Jews, don't try to claim Him as yours. He was neither Jew nor Gentile. He was God. See? You are what your blood is, see, and, of course, you're flesh. And Mary, of course, Mary didn't have no conception with the Holy Ghost giving her a sensation. God the Father created a germ, or--or an egg in Mary, and a Blood cell in her, also, and it was the Blood of God.

266 The blood comes from the male sex. So it was no... The hemoglobins and the blood has to come from the father, 'cause the baby can't even take its mother's disease, like TB. It could inherit it from the breath of the mother, but not inherit it, I mean, but can breathe it and--and catch it. But she cannot take it from the mother, because he, she is free from it, he's not his mother's blood.

267Now, but Jesus was not the blood of a Jew nor a Gentile, He was a creative Blood by Jehovah Himself. He was the Blood of God. The Bible said, "We're saved by the Blood of God." Not the blood of a Jew or blood of a Gentile, it would all be sex, but this was the Blood of God.

268 Notice now when He seen that perfect One, He struck Him, marred Him. Isaiah said, "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity." What was He? He was that perfect Word, reflected for Bread, that every man shall live by. He was that wheat of God's Word that could be ground and put in the four Gospels, sixty-six Books. And man shall live by That, and That alone, and every Word of It. Amen. That was Michelangelo's masterpiece. And when God could see Hisself reflected in a Man, He had that perfect Man created in His Own image. Oh, my, what a Man! He had to die for all of us. We could stay on that, but we won't. He had to die for all of us. And He died, the perfect One; that we, imperfect, could be made perfect in Him, by partaking of every Word of His Bible. Now, then He raised Him up again, for our justification, that we have a right, as a raised Jesus, that He is here now to minister to us, every Word of God, that we should live by.

269 Now, quickly now, then we're closing. Now, the second Eve bride.

270Now, the first bridegroom, Adam; had to be brought up through a long string of prophets, and so forth, then come out perfect, and then had to die in order to be Bread for the rest of them.

271Now what about Eve? She has to do the same thing. But when Jesus come... Remember, Eve was the woman. The church always is a woman represented in the Bible, 'cause she is bride. Now watch what she did. She tried to persuade Him to her doctrine. As long as she would preach just what they thought, He was a great Fellow.

272But one day He begin to speak, and said, "I and the Father are one."

273"Oh, You make Yourself equal with God, see. Oh, my! We want nothing to do with that Fellow, anymore."

274 And all these other things He had begin to say, "Except you eat the Flesh of the Son of man." What do you think a doctor would have thought, sitting in there? What do you think any man would, just common thinking? "You have to eat My Flesh and drink My Blood."

275They said, "This Man is a vampire, not a minister. Stay away from that Man, He is crazy. Stay away from Him."

276But it was the Truth. See, it was the Truth. "Except you eat It, you'll perish. You'll all die, if you don't eat It."

277That's the same thing today. The bread and wine is only a symbol, don't let that natural thing get you down. You've got to eat Christ, which is the Word that you live by, "every Word that proceedeth," the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

278 Now, the second Eve, watch her. She was created anew, like He was, at the Day of Pentecost, filled with the Spirit, and fed by the Word. Amen. Now I'm getting religious. I feel good. That first church, that first Eve, which was to be Christ's Bride. How many can say "amen" to that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] She was to be Christ's Bride. She was borned at Pentecost, not at Nicaea, Rome; not in London, England; or not in the United States; not in Germany with Luther, not in England with Wesley, not in the United States with Pentecostals, so called. She was borned on the Day of Pentecost. She was Spirit-filled. And she was Spirit filled, and Word fed, "every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Even to Judas... And, oh, they just had to take everything, just Word by Word, a real blooming plant on God's earth, representing Him, another Bride tree.

279 His Word of promise reflected Him in her. They had to take notice to Peter and them. They hadn't been to a seminary, and they knowed that. They hadn't been to any Bible school, some theological seminary. They had no education, 'cause they couldn't even write their own name. The Bible said, "They were ignorant and unlearned." But what happened? They had to take note they had been with Jesus, for there He was in them, reflecting His promise. Hallelujah! Glory to God! That's what we need in this age. His Word reflected Him in her, the church. She was alive by every Word that proceeded out of the mouth of God.

280But then, as Eve, she met her fall, on the Word, at Nicaea, Rome, where the first organization was ever organized, the universal Christian church. Is there a Bible scholar in here? Is there a... Is there a theologian in here that knows that's the truth? The first organization was at Nicaea, Rome. God never did have an organization, never will have one. That's man controlled. That's where they all...

281I'm a Christian. "What church do you belong to?" There is only one. I've been a Branham, fifty-five years, and I never did join the family, I was borned one. That's how you are borned in the Kingdom of God, and you're a reflection of His Word.

282 Notice, Eve met hers. And so did the second Eve met hers at Nicaea, Rome, gave to it a denomination, creed, accepted dogmas instead of the Word; taken down pagan idols like Jupiter and so forth, and put up Paul and Barnabas. And--and took down the sun-god and the moon-god, Ashtoreth, the moon-god, with round kosher on it, and made her being the mother of the sun-god which is Jupiter. And changed the birth day of Jesus from April, where all nature, where He was born under the ram, 'cause He was a ram, and changed that up to the sun-god's birthday in the solar there, where it makes one day... There is just only about a minute difference in the day when it passes on the twenty-fifth day of December, the sun-god's birthday, not the Son of God. And every one of us play Santa Claus, and decorate trees, a heathenism, and things like that, and then call ourselves Christians? What's the matter with the Christian church?

283Will there ever rise somebody among us, who can preach the Word and tell the Truth, and God vindicate it and prove to the people that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever? We don't need a seminary. We don't need a theologian. We need a prophet. That's right. God promised it, too.

284 Then Eve met her failure, so did the church; gave away to denomination, rules of man, to be ruled by man, not controlled by the Spirit no more. She went away from the Word, and accepted dogmas. Who can say "amen"? [Congregation says, "Amen!"--Ed.] Sure. But do you know we Protestants accept as many dogmas as they got, when we add something to this Word or take something from It? Satan got her, with his same old technique he did Eve, compromising. That's where he got it, said something different from the Word, a creed or a denomination.

285 The original went on to the ground, in martyrdom, the burrs of Rome ground that wheat from Pentecost, into the dust, and burned them at stakes and fed them to the lions. They went in like the other wheat did, that's right, but He begin to raise her again in the reformation, the same one, the second time.

286Like He did the Second Adam. After Adam fell, He begin to raise a Second Adam. And the Second Adam fell, then It was taken up. The first Adam fell in his sin and stayed there. The Second Adam fell, to redeem a man from sin, and was taken up.

287Now, the first church fell at Nicaea, Rome, first, by one Word of Truth out of the Bible, where the Roman church had added their dogmas and creeds. There come a little priest by the name of Martin Luther, who said, "This is not the communion, this is not the body of Christ. It's a kosher. And, man, 'the just shall live by faith.'" And he threw the thing on the floor, and protested it. There comes your first star shining after the Thyatira age. Yes, sir, justified by faith! He, the great Sculptor, set up to make a masterpiece Bride that would reflect His Word.

288 But what did Lutherans do after the death of Luther? They met Satan, and made a denomination out of it, and died. She never done anything else after that, she was done, just become a great mass of people. All right.

289Then God picked her up again, in the days of John Wesley, with another Truth to reflect. What did he do? He said, "Sanctification is the second work of grace." And what did God do? He blessed it. And he protested the Anglican church, and the Zwingli church, and all the rest of them, and all the legalists, and all the Calvin, or the--the Calvinists, rather, and protested it. And--and said, "'The just shall live by faith,' said Luther. And the second work of grace is sanctification." And that's Truth. That's right. See?

290 Then what did he do? Same thing, after the death of Wesley, and Asbury and them, same thing that Luther did, organize, die. Look at it now.

291Went there, here not long ago, to pray for a woman in a hospital, going under an operation. I went in there. She said, "Brother Branham, I called you. You don't know me," she said, "but would you pray for me? I've got to have an operation in the morning."

I said, "Certainly, sister."

292There was another man, a woman, and a boy, sitting there, about an eighteen-year-old boy, and they was watching me real close. And I turned around and I said, "Would you pardon me, I'm going to..."

She said, "Pull that curtain!"

I said, "Aren't you a Christian?"

She said, "We are Methodist!"

293I said, "That wasn't what I asked you. I asked you... If you're just Methodist, I'll pull the curtain. If you're a Christian, you don't want the curtain pulled." So, yeah, that's right.

294There is a lot of difference in being a Methodist, or a Baptist, or Presbyterian, and then being a Christian; not being a Campbellite, but being a Christian, see. What did she do? The same thing.

295 Then what happened? God picked up a little bunch down here in the South, a little colored man with a cross eye. And, He, what did He do? He poured out the restoration of the gifts, and it become pentecost. And many of you old-timers like Brother Valdez sitting back there, an aged sage, was preaching when I was five years old. He remembers the early Pentecost. Boy, don't you speak organization to them guys, they had come out of that nasty thing. And they had the Message of God.

296But what did they do? Same thing the others did, organized it. Now they got about thirty or forty different organizations, oneness, twoness, three's. Till, mercy, goodness, I never heard such in my life! What did you do? You died right on the spot. That's all the farther you could go. Your organization wouldn't accept This. You, you picked your man, "This man, if he don't believe with us, don't have him in there. Our fellowship won't have it." Oh!

297 Look, hurrying, there must come a true Seed. There has just got to be, because He's coming for the Bride without spot or wrinkle. He is coming for it, a Word-vindicated Bride. Oh, she'll be such a little bitty group. Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, wherein eight souls was saved," (is that right?) "so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." How many? I don't know.

298But, see, the Bride is going to be made up of all down through, that had the Word in their age. It's not just this last group, God is going to take the whole thing out of here. Oh, no.

299It'll be--be so small, it'll be surprising. They'll come up missing, you won't even know they're gone. What if He took five hundred in this last days? You would never know it. Took five hundred in a few days' time, two or three days? There is that many people comes up missing across the world, don't even know where they're at, never hear nothing about them. The secret Coming of the Lord Jesus, She'll be taken away.

300And the rest of them go right ahead preaching, just like it was in the days of Noah, "Glory to God, we got It, hallelujah," and sealed to their death. That's what the Bible says, and It can't fail.

301 As Noah, Moses, David, reflected the coming of this perfect Bridegroom; so has Luther, Wesley, and Pentecost, reflected the coming of a perfect Bride.

302Notice, each time she indicated, what did she do? Each time, this church, like Eve did, she forced her Adam's to believe her new light, her scheme, and there died with it. "We'll, well, our group will get together, see, oh, our new blessings of what we found, so forth."

303What did this all do to Eve? We just got a short time now. What did this all do to Eve, by the first mother church, the first bride to the first Adam? What did it do to her? Now listen close, you're going to disagree with This. But it produced "the seed of the serpent." Exactly.

304 Her first son was not the son of Adam. If it was, he had the birthrights. The Bible, in Jude, said that Adam... that, "Enoch was the seventh from Adam." Is that right? And he starts out, "Adam begot his son, Seth." What about Cain, which had the birthrights? He wasn't Adam's son. Seth, and Seth begot; Jared, and on down to Adam, which down to... "which was the seventh from Adam." Then if Cain was his son, there is not one place in the Bible, even in Luke when he refers back to it again, he never refers to Cain being the son of Adam. And, if he wasn't, whose son was he? And if he was the son of Adam, he was his first son, which had all the birthrights. Oh!

305There is that church carnal (can't you see it?) that accepted something, was the adultery instead of the Word. Pentecostal people, bless you. All right, what did he produce to Eve? The seed of the serpent. What has it done in this last days, by denomination? Produced the seed of the serpent, again, rejecting the Word. What did he offer? Fruits and things, not the Blood.

306 By revelation of the Word, God's Word before It was even written, "Abel by faith offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain, which testified that he was righteous," the Word reflecting Itself through him, by his offering.

307Oh, Cain went and got fruits of the field, he thought that Eve eat an apple. Most the theological seminaries has changed that now to an apricot. It was an adultery. And anybody knows that, that knows the Bible. Sure, it was.

308Notice, the serpent's seed was produced by the first Eve's getting away from the Word. The second Eve done the same thing at Nicaea, Rome. And what has she got? A bunch of denominational children. That's right. Oh, morally good; sure, fine. But what about it? Dead, through their creeds.

309 Same now. Cain's revelation of the Word done the same thing that these has. What? Promised her. At the end of time, what promises this Eve now? Listen close now, I'm closing. What promise to this Eve at the end time? Riches, Laodicea, great name, great person, rich. "But dead, and naked, and don't know it." That's what the church age ended in.

310But she denies the Word. To make Matthew 24:24 real to her, she tries to move in with a lot of noise, and a lot of this, and a lot of social standings, and things like this, trying to say, "Well, we got power! Glory to God, hallelujah, we got power!" Having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof, so close that it would deceive the very elected... How can a man dance in the Spirit and speak in tongues, and deny the Word of God being the Truth, and be the Holy Ghost? It just can't be done.

311"Every Word!" God says one thing, that's just exactly what He means. Don't interpret It no other way. The Bible says, that, "It's of no private interpretations." Say it the way He said It.

312 Notice, a false power. That's exactly what Satan wanted to give to Jesus, get up there and make Him show Hisself off. People do that, even the World Council, all of them. "Who is able to make war with him," he said, the Bible, "this image of the beast that's going to rise?" If we had time, we'd go in (but we haven't) to it. Notice Jesus, the second Word Adam, in her day, watch in the days of this church now that's going to be so close. The last church age is Laodicea. How many can say "amen" to that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What does she do? How does she go in the glorious stage? Lukewarm, without God. And what did she do?

313 Now, Adam seen Eve willfully... or not willfully, but ignorantly deceived, and Adam walked out with Eve so he could redeem her. Is that right? The Bible said, "Adam wasn't deceived." That's the reason It forbids women to preach the Gospel. See? Adam was not in the transgression, yet Eve was. So that's the reason she shouldn't teach, see, or usurp any authority over man, or so forth. That's--that's what the Word says.

314You say, "Well, this!" I don't care what this does and that does. It's what the Word says, brother, sister. I'm trying to get that to you, see, it's what the Word says. We live by the Word, not what some evidence, or some carnal something, or some experience. That don't have one thing to do with it. Any kind of an experience won't work, if it denies the Word. "Many will come to Me and say, 'I've prophesied, casted out devils. I spoke in tongues. I done all these things, preached the Gospel, and a Doctor of Divinity.' Said, 'You worker of iniquity, I didn't even know you.'" Knowing that the Word says That, and then compromise because of some organization or something, some system. Oh, my friend, let me warn you, as a dear brother that loves you. Listen closely.

315 Now, the first Adam walked out with Eve, because she was deceived. But, there had been somebody here in this Laodicea, she knowed different. Yes, sir. Because she put Him out of her bed, her room, sh-... He was on the outside, knocking, trying to get back in. Yet she had gotten culture, she was set high. She was, oh, my, "had need of nothing," she said, but didn't know that she was naked, miserable. That's the church that deceives the very elected if it was possible. Notice, she had power, false power. She took part of the Word, didn't take the rest of It.

316 What is the biggest lie that was ever told? It's got ninety-nine percent Truth in it. If somebody said "William Branham, on this certain date, was up yonder in Houston, Texas, drunk as he could be." That's a lie. See? "Oh," say, "no, he was in Phoenix, Arizona. He was preaching to Christian businessmen, he preached on a certain subject, so many people was there, they listened till about ten-thirty. And, at ten-thirty, you know what he done? Reached down and got a drink of liquor, and took it." Now there is a lie. The rest of it was all true. See, it has to look just exactly like the truth, to be deceiving.

317That's how the people does today. They have so much of the Truth, they deceive the very elected... But, one Word, that's all it takes. And I've proved that by the Bible.

318 Notice, He never walked out with her. She put Him out, the Word, rejected Him. Now this is a pitiful sight, when we get to the end.

319Just like it was in Babylon, man won't stop at anything he's trying to achieve himself. He just won't stop. Like in the days of Noah, no matter how much Noah preached and warned, didn't do a bit of good. In the days when Ahab, he must make his own bread to send his ownself to hell. That's exactly. He has to make his bread so the link will break, so it'll send his ownself to hell. Just like Ahab and Jezebel, they. But, the thing of it is, they didn't think they were sinning. They thought they were doing right.

320 You know, Jesus said, "It'll come to pass that they'll even kill you, thinking they're doing God a service." Wait till this new book of mine comes out. They shot at some people, the other night, for saying that it was wrong to unite the Roman Catholic church with the Protestant. Three shots went through a building, of a friend of mine, just barely missed them. Wait till this book gets in circulation. Don't think they are sinning; they think they're doing the right thing. They think they're--they're doing that for a cause for God, not knowing it.

321The Jews killed Jesus, thinking they were doing the right thing, because their church doctrine said He was wrong. Oh, said for them He... "They crucified the very Bread that they were supposed to live by."

322 Now, then, "As many as received Him to be their Life, Eternal Life, they lived by Him, and He gave them power to become part of Him, sons of God." Is that right?

323They like the wild gourds, death in the pottage, from the school of their theologians. They don't want Jesus, the Bread of Life. They don't want Him. They put Him out of their church. They've got to do it. I don't care what they do.

324You say, "You think you're going to change it, Brother Branham?" No, sir. But I'm speaking to the Elected.

325They put Him out. Why? They took their pottage, mixed with the world, some theories of something, and mixed it together, and made a theological seminary pottage. And they refuse the prophet Elijah's meal to cure it.

326Did they do it in that day? Elijah had some meal. That meal was Christ, the meal-offering, all ground the same. Every burr had to be the same, to grind it. And he throwed that in there, and it cured their sickness, or their death in the pot.

327But today they got death in the pot, and they don't want Elijah's Meal, Christ, the Bread, the Word. "No, sir! It's heresy!" They won't have It. Go ahead and eat it, and you'll die as sure as the world. There is poison in the pot. They won't accept this Meal (no, sir) in their theological pots. They just won't do it. Now they'll put you out of it, they don't want nothing to do with it.

328 Now the second Eve, bread grain, was Pentecost, did as the first, Adam bread, went to death under the Roman burrs, under persecution, martyrdom.

329But her sister which became a whore, (is that what the Bible says?) that's right, what did she do? She went right on out into the world and begot children. Who can say "amen" to that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Revelation 17, "The whore and her daughters," not man; women, churches. The denominated, what made her a whore? She rejected the Word and took the denomination, she become a whore. What did her children done? They were harlots, which is the same thing. Done the same thing, rejected the Word and took to the denomination. "Her children," daughters, churches, look at them.

330 Now let me say this, in prophecy. Will you understand? The big family fuss is about over. They're all coming back together. Old mother is going to take her kids back again. They're all the same, anyhow. They want to be one. It's time for the church and God, church and the Word, to get one, right here, because that's what He's coming after; not a "one" group like that. No, sir.

331A grain of wheat is to be. Now watch nature, and we're closing on this thought. Watch nature. A man plants wheat.

332They wrote a book, I guess you all have read it, probably some of you theologians, called The Silent God. I think you can get it maybe in--in your books, of--of where you sell books, bookstores. The Silent God, said how... An infidel, said, "How could you ever expect there be a God, that could sit up There during the Dark Ages and watch little children be put to death, by fire; women, their long hair stuck down in pitch, and burned; put an ox on one arm, and one another, and pull them apart, because they won't kiss a crucifix; and all those things like that"? Said, "How could a God, if there was one, sit up there and watch those little children burn?" See, that's the natural, carnal mind. See?

333 Look, do you know a wheat, when it goes into the ground, it's got to lay there and rot? That's what that pentecostal church had to do, lay there and go to the ground, and die. It had to rot, in order to bring forth Life again. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now watch, and now this is my closing thoughts. Now to wind it all up, let's take nature. How many of you believe that God works parallel in nature, to all things? ["Amen."]

334He, look, He done the world. He redeems the world the same way He redeems a man. What does a man believe? He believes, then is baptized; then he is cleansed by the blood, sanctification, which was Wesley's message; then he is filled with Holy Ghost Fire, takes the world out of him, and he is filled with the Spirit, which is the Word. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now watch what. God is going to redeem His world the same way.

335 How many got the--the--The Future Home Of The Bride And Groom, on the tape? See, I brought it out in there. The Lord gave it to me. I give it on to you as He gives it to me.

336Look, the first thing, the world was condemned, under Adam's fall from the Word. The preaching of Noah brought justification, and God baptized the earth with water; then along came the Son and dropped His Blood upon it, to sanctify it, to claim it for His Own; then in the final windup, the renovation, will be fire that will burn every germ, every thing, it'll go for thousands of miles high, in the air.

337And then what? "I saw a new Heaven and a new earth, first heaven and earth was passed away. And I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem descending from God, out of Heaven, adorned as a bride for her... adorned as a bride for her husband, see, coming down upon the earth." Then God and man...

338 Same thing with Jesus, look, when He was baptized in water, and made His preparations. He was sanctified, to begin with, by the Father; then He raised up His hands, and here come the Dove upon the Lamb. What was God doing when He put the Dove on There? He claimed that part of life. That, that was part of the earth, Jesus eat food like we have, the natural bread. But now God claims it, there ain't nothing going to hold it. Death can't hold it. Said, "Destroy this temple, I'll raise it up again."

339And when the man and woman goes into God, complete now, not under some spell, not under some emotion, but really when the Word and Him becomes one; God has saved that person, sanctified him from the things of the world, renovate everything of the world away from him, with the Fire of the Holy Ghost, and lives in that person, reflecting Himself, that perfect man or woman living by the Word. See, that's the earth that's cleansed. He'll use the earth the same way, He redeems it.

340 Now watch, a corn of wheat falls into the ground. Now, Jesus was that corn of wheat that fell into the ground, which after was made perfect, It had Life in It. Moses didn't raise. Adam didn't raise. None of the rest of them raised. But this perfect One that reflected the Word in every way, every Word He lived by! How many can say "amen" by that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Every Word He lived by. What happened? They put him in the grave. But, three days, He broke her open and come out again. See?

341Now here comes the church again, see, coming to that perfect One, for the Rapture again. Now what happened after the church fell in the ground at Nicaea, Rome, to the first organization? Can anybody say "amen," that that's right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What did she do? She come out again in a temporary resurrection, He tried through Luther the same as He did through Noah. But what did he do? He failed the Word, he organized. What did it do?

342 It's like a grain of wheat coming up. When the grain comes up, what's the first thing comes up? Two little sprouts. Now listen real close. What comes up, natural now? We're going to follow the natural with the spiritual, natural bread with the spiritual bread. What happens? "How could this Man be Bread?" Watch.

343When the church came up, she was one little leaf. Now that don't look like the grain that went in the ground, at all, but it's a carrier of the life. See? Now what happens? Now the man says, "Oh, I got a good field of wheat." Not yet. Potentially he has. What happened? The next come up was Zwingli, that was another move that come up after Luther. Still that wasn't it. It's a blade. Then the stalk put forth many blades, such as Calvin, and so forth, come up. Finally the Anglican church raised up, all blades. See, all of them just exactly alike, the same thing.

344 Then what happened? The wheat changes, and the corn changes, and everything changes. What come was a tassel. You might call it tassel. Well, when it did, look what hangs on it, little pollens. Now that looks just a little bit more like the original grain that went in, than the blade did. Is that right? Well, Wesley's message was closer to the Bible than Luther's. You know that. Is that right? What is all them little tassels now? There was the Wesleyan Methodist, Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness, United Brethren, all those under sanctification. And what come from that then? It, finally, what did it do? Organize, died!

345What come out of that was the Pentecostals. You say, "Oh, brother!"

346Now reverently, and I say this with godly love. And may the Great Father Who I've just told you, in the beginning, was present here, omnipresent. If I say this through prejudice, then He'll judge me. If I say it through Truth, He'll bless me. He'll let you see It, if you're ordained to Life.

347 When the first little grain of wheat comes out on the stalk of a wheat, it's absolutely looks like the grain. Is that right? But what is it? It isn't the grain. That's that Matthew 24:24, "so close that it would deceive the very elected if possible." Notice, it looks just like the grain. But you pull that off and sit down, and take a microscope glass and begin to pull it back. It's just the shuck on the corn, or the shuck on the wheat. It's only did to protect it, but it looks just exactly like the grain. Now how many knows that to be truth, raise your hands? Sure. But it's the shuck.

348Now, Pentecostal brethren, don't get me wrong, but this is Truth. You can't defy nature. And nature declares God in everything, its Creator.

349 Now look at that shuck. It looks... What'd they do? They spoke in tongues. They act just exactly like they did at Pentecost. But if you'll cut that, take that little thing and pull it back, it's got many little shucks in it. And when you pull it back, you see way back at the back of it, you'll have to have a good glass, look back there. There is a little teeny bud of a grain coming on, there is the real thing. It's a carrier. Why? It has to be there to protect that grain. It's working in harmony, but it's to protect that grain. Now where the grain come from the ground, up through the Lutherans, through them churches, through Wesley and through there, out through the tassels, and now down into the shuck. Now it looks just perfectly. No wonder Jesus said, "It would deceive the very elected if it was possible." Looks just like the grain, right in the place the grain ought to be, but what happened? It did the same thing that the others did before it, organized! What did it become? A carrier.

350 Now in the days that we're living, any historian here knows that any revival only lasts about three years, and then out of that revival comes an organization. Brother, sister, in this great fifteen-year revival that I have lived in, been privileged to live it with you, there hasn't been an organization come out of it. There is no more organizations. There won't be. There is the last. Now, Pentecost had to be there to protect this. Where would we have went with a Message like this if there hadn't been a Pentecostal to believe it? Now go back to the Ohio River, in 1933. See?

351Excuse this, but I want you to know the Truth. And I haven't got much time left, you know that, I'm fifty-five. But these tapes will live when I'm gone, and you'll see whether it's right, or not, if I be a true servant or a false prophet. I've never told you nothing yet but what happened, so will this happen.

352 It's a carrier. It had to be. But when that wheat begins to grow, like the church first was a carrier to Jesus, but when He begin to tell them the Truth of God, they separated from Him. Now what's happening? No cooperation. Why? It has to be that way, so that the wheat itself can lay before the sun, s-u-n, and so the spiritual wheat can lay before the S-o-n, to be turned to a golden grain of the Word, see, made Word, God made flesh, vindicated. The... "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall He also." The church that lives by that Word, rightly, not through organization, but in Presence of the Word, the Son, it becomes (what?) a very same Word that went down on the Day of Pentecost.

353 Now, doesn't Malachi 4 teach us, that before the great and terrible day of the Lord shall come, that this will take place? How many knows that? "And He will restore the hearts of the children to the fathers," is that right, "the Faith of the original pentecostal fathers."

354"And in that day," Luke 17:20, I believe it is, Jesus said, "when the Son of man is being revealed," not man. "The Son of man," not an organization. "The Son of man," the Word living Itself again among the people! See?

355The Word, Itself, made flesh in you, you are a reflection of this hour, the Message, reflection of it. See, you live again, live the Life that was in Jesus Christ. You're in the Presence of the Son. Then to the...

356What happens to it? What happens to that Church? Finally, listen, that shuck pulls away from that wheat, when it begins to be manifested. What happened? The Life that was in the shuck, went on out in the wheat. The Life won't change. The carriers change, they denominate; see, the blades, the tassel, the shuck. But the wheat can't change. It's got to be a ministry just exactly on the Word like He was on the Word, and like the first Church was on the Word, Spirit filled, Word fed; not denominational fed. Word fed!

357 Now there is nature, and the Word of God. He is that Bread. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

358Closing now, before prayer. Notice here, here comes the thing I want to say.

359Now that shuck has to pull away from that wheat, that's in God's providence. How many says "amen"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The shuck has to pull away from the wheat, 'cause it's maturing now. It's up. Now, that shuck wasn't there, it was a supporter, it was a carrier of the Life, then the Life out of there went right out into the wheat. Now, that's the reason.

360Listen, friends, what day we living in? We've had a fifteen-year revival. How many can say "amen" to that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What organization raised up? None. They tried to get me to make an organization, said, "Will you make an organization, Brother Branham, on your ministry? It'll be..." Now, not me, I ain't talking about me. I'm talking about the Message of the hour, of the day.

361 And they went up there in Canada and got a few latter-rain brethren. It died right there. Remember the latter-rain, you brothers? Where did it go to? Where did anything else go to? But what did the organization get out of it? Millions of converts, and made slaves out of them, to their creeds, become rich, and building millions and billions of dollars in buildings and things like that, and saying "the Lord is coming," sending preachers to seminaries and things, and educating them on man-made theology, like Luther, Wesley, and the rest of you. It become a shuck.

362But, thank God, the grain is going on. Then if that is true by the Word, to where we're living, that is true by nature, it's vindicated, the corn of wheat, every way, how much longer we got? You know what? I hear the coming of the combine, the World Council, she'll separate it. What does she do? Shave her off of her stalk. But She's got an elevator waiting for Her. She'll go Home, one of these mornings. Oh, yes. You understand, say "amen"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

363 I know the world don't believe that. They can't believe it. Don't... Just feel sorry for them, 'cause, "No man can come except My Father draws him; and all My Father has given Me will come." If his name is on the Book of Life, he'll certainly recognize the Word. He's got to, it's done too long. It's done vindicated so perfectly, till it's positive the Truth.

364We won't have no more organizations, but all the organizations will go into one. What is she good for? Going... For what do they do with the straw? Burn it. Jesus said, "The angels will come gather the wheat into the garner." And what will take place? "The stalks, and stubbles, and briers, will be burned with unquenchable fire." You see? And what has to be done first? The angels went forth and bound the tarriers first. Is that right? See, they're binding themselves together in one great big organization, no more organizations.

365 The wheat is here. Thanks be to God, the wheat is here. Christ is here. He proves His Word, It's the Truth. The wheat is here, it's maturing now, it's laying in the Presence of the Son.

366Not any man may touch It, it's all pulling away, "We'll have nothing to do with It." You have to do that.

367Oh, brother, get in the wheat, let your Life that's in you come out into the wheat. Will you? Believe God. Don't... Just stay with God. Are you sure you're going to make it? What if somebody said... I don't care.

368 Like a story I read, one time. There was a doctor, he was a fine man, and he loved poor people. And every time the poor couldn't pay their debts, you know what he done? He just signed it in red ink, said, "You're forgiven." Finally, the doctor died. And when the doctor died, his wife was arrogant. She was different, like the church today. She went and ground them all together. She brought lawsuit, and throwed them all in the court, "You're going to pay these bills, anyhow!"

369But the judge picked up some of the receipts, said, "Come here, madam." He said, "Is this red ink your husband's signature?"

She said, "Yes, sir, it is."

370Said, "There ain't a court in the land can sue them. They are free."

371Let them say what they want to. He signed His Word with His Own Blood. There ain't nothing can take it away from us, brother. We are free.

372Let us pray. Surely you... [A brother in the congregation gives an exhortation. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Amen.

373 Now with your heads bowed. If I understand, one raised up in the midst of them, in the days of the king, and gave a prophecy, where they should meet the enemy and destroy them. Now, if I understand that right, there is one place to meet your enemy, that's at the Word. That's where he's trying to meet you. You meet him there with THUS SAITH THE LORD.

374How many in here, with your heads bowed, (it's so close to noon, I haven't time for an altar call but just this) would raise your hands, with your heads bowed, your eyes closed, "I want to be a part of Him. I want to join myself with Him and His Word. No matter what comes or goes, what the world says, I want to be part of Him," raise your hand and say, "I do"? God bless you. A hundred percent, I believe.

375 With our heads bowed, while we're thinking, let's quietly hum this little song now. Everyone praying.

Blest be the tie that binds (that's the Word)

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred mind

Is like to that Above. ("As I and My Father are one, you are one with Him, too.")

When we asunder part,

It gives us inward pain;

But we shall still be joined in heart,

And hope to meet again.

376Next Saturday morning at Flagstaff, Arizona, the Lord willing, I hope to meet with you again. Do you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

377 Now I'm just going to leave it like that, see. The Bible said, "As many as believed Him, and as many as received the Word." See? I can't say who is or who isn't, that's up to you. But if you're holding onto some little creed, some of you Methodists, Baptists, or Pentecostals, or whoever you may be, that's holding onto something contrary to that Word, please, my dear people, turn from it, today. Won't you? Turn from it, and turn to Him. Don't let one Word ever break you from the fellowship of Christ. May His Spirit grant this.

378 Father, God, these people has set here for a long time. It reminds me of one time that Paul, preaching on this same line, it was the Gospel, they sat all night long and listened to him, a young man fell from the window and was killed. Paul went and layed his body up over the young man, and said, "Life has come back to him." Now, Father, there is sick and afflicted here, there are those who need prayer for their bodies. I pray, Dear God, not to wait till the meeting. They don't have to wait for any meeting. The Word is always here, that's Christ. I pray that You'll heal every one of them. Let every one of them be made completely whole, God. Grant it. Bless them, their efforts. They wouldn't have set here, Lord, they wouldn't have listened to This, if they hadn't have believed It. Now, Lord, they've raised their hands, they believe It, now may It receive into their hearts, every minister, every one of the laity. The sinner, may he receive Christ; the backslider come back. Grant it, Father. These blessings we ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him,

He put my name in there, many years ago.

... first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

379You love Him? Now while we sing that again, just reach across the table and shake hands with somebody, say, "Dear pilgrim, I'm glad to set here this morning. I believe Christ. Don't you?" Something like that, when we sing again. "I..." [Brother Branham shakes hands with others--Ed.]

Purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

380 Now, from now on, are we through with the world? Are we through with the fashions of the world? And the... all of the nonsense, and all this here glamour, and taking the Gospel and making a commercial thing out of it, and--and are we through with it? Don't we? Just give me Jesus, that's all I want. "To know Him is Life, know Him." I love Him. Don't you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, how we love Him!

381Now I'm going to turn the service to Brother Carl, I don't know what else he's going to do.

382God bless you. And I hope to see you again next Sunday, and if I can't see you... or next Saturday. If I don't see you then, see you down at Tucson. If not then, I'll see you back here the seventeenth. If not then, I'll see you in Glory. Amen.

383Brother Carl now, I don't know what he wants to do right at this time, Brother Williams.

1Ďakujem, brat Williams. Dobré ráno, priatelia. Je to privilégium, že tu dnes ráno môžem byť, a že to môžem takto zahájiť, to stále na mňa pôsobí, že sa cítim menší. A bol som veľmi vďačný, že som mal možnosť sem prísť, dnes ráno do Phoenixu.

2Pamätám sa, keď som prvý krát prišiel do Phoenixu, mal som sedemnásť rokov. On sa samozrejme od vtedy rozrástol. Ako dnes ráno, keď sme prichádzali do Phoenixu, ťažko by sme mohli povedať, kedy sme opustili Tucson a vošli do Phoenixu. Je to skoro spojené. Postavili toľko nových objektov. Miesta, na ktoré sme chodievali sem za mesto, a kde po púšti behali osly, teraz tu stoja motely a (desať centové) obchody, a tak ďalej. A, samozrejme, to mi ukazuje, že starnem.

3A potom som si tu sadol ku svojmu dobrému bratovi, bratovi Waldezovi, a povedal som : "No, brat ..." Rozprávali sme sa, a ja som povedal: "No, samozrejme, starnem." Povedal som: "Vidím, že mi pribúda míľ." Povedal som: "Počkaj, keď budeš taký starý ako ja." Alebo niečo také. A bol som prekvapený, keď som sa dozvedel, že je odo mňa o dvanásť rokov starší. Potom som sa cítil oveľa lepšie. Povedal som: "Brat Valdez, chcem sa ťa ... Ako dlho kážeš evanjelium?"

On povedal: "Päťdesiat rokov."

4 No, ja som bol vtedy ešte len malý chlapec, keď on už kázal. Tak som povedal: "Bol by som rád, keby si ty kázal dnes ráno, brat Waldez. Ja som mladý. Som veľmi nerád, keď to tu mám zahájiť a snažiť sa hovoriť a moji starší ..."

5A on sa začal smiať a povedal: "Čo si myslíš, že kvôli čomu som sem prišiel?"

6Som veľmi vďačný za brata Valdeza. Hovoril mi, že si tu ku nemu môžem prísť domov oddýchnuť. To je skutočne milé. Cením si to. Pozval ma, aby som k ním niekedy prišiel a navštívil ich. A to je tu pri New River. Neviem či niekto z vás vie, kde to je, alebo nie. Som si istý, že keď za tým stojí Valdez, tak je to v poriadku.

7Stále keď prídem na konferenciu, väčšinou niekoho stretnem, kto bol na zhromaždení uzdravený, alebo niečo také. A keď som tu dnes ráno stál pri stole, stretol som jednu drahú sestru, ktorá tam sedí, nazýva sa Erba; prišla sem z Michiganu. Jej syn je hlásateľom tu na tejto kresťanskej stanici. A ona mi rozprávala, že voľakedy bola na zhromaždení vo Flint, v Michigane. Mala modlitebnú kartu a snažila sa prísť, aby som sa za ňu modlil, ale sa jej to nepodarilo. A bola veľmi vážne chorá. A práve teraz tu, dnes ráno, verím že Boh uzdravil tú ženu, keď stála tu na boku.

8Povedal som: "Čo je to teraz za čas. Bolo to asi pred okolo dvanástimi alebo štrnástimi rokmi, a teraz v meste, ktoré sa nazýva Phoenix. Phoenix, to je niečo, čo bolo postavené z ruín." Povedal som: "No, to isté sa dnes ráno stalo tebe. Verím, že Boh ťa dnes ráno postavil, zo zruinovaného zdravia do dobrého zdravia."

9Minulý večer som práve počúval, mal som toľko telefonátov. Ja som teraz váš sused, bývam v Tucsone, a mal som toľko telefonátov, že som sa nemohol vybrať za nimi za všetkými, tak som sa modlil za nich cez telefón. A oni potom museli nechať len svoje čísla.

10A bola tam jedna pani, osemdesiat sedem ročná, kresťanka. Chvíľami strácala zdravý rozum. Bola na ulici, kričala a volala políciu, že jej niekto vzal dieťa. Osemdesiat sedem ročná. Vidíte? Stratila zdravý rozum. A to bola drahá, stará žena. Nikdy v živote som ju nepoznal. A tak Billy mi zazvonil a povedal: "Choď sa hneď modliť, tá pani je vo vážnom stave, a myslia si, že zomiera." Povedal: "Stratila vedomie."

11Potom som len odložil slúchadlo a odišiel som do izby a modlil som sa. Ona za chvíľu zaspala. Keď sa zobudila bola celkom zdravá, zjedla celú večeru, kura a za tým všetko, zmrzlinu a zákusok.

12Vidíte, Boh je suverénny. On je taký skutočný, On môže ... Nemusíte tam byť; len som toto prosil.

13Myslím, že dnes ráno tu náš vedúci, alebo niekto, alebo možno to bol brat Valdez, ktorý vo svojej modlitbe povedal: "Nemáme, lebo neprosíme. Neprosíme, lebo neveríme."

14Cením si ten spev tu týchto mladých ľudí. Brat Valdez, my starí ľudia, sme si všimli úprimnosť toho mladého muža, ktorý tu vydával svedectvo, že pozná Ježiša.

15Vieme, že mnohokrát sme videli tieto kvartetá a spev ... toto sú

slová iného kazateľa. Brat Valdez povedal: "Niekedy to nestojí za nič." Pretože to vyzerá, že dnes z toho robia divadlo, namiesto svätosti a úprimnosti, ktorú letniční voľakedy mali.

16A úprimnosť týchto chlapcov, cením si to. Nech vás Pán žehná, chlapci. A bol som ...

17Nie som veľmi za televízorom, ako viete. Som skutočne proti tomu. A v Tucsone mám prenajaté miesto, až kým nebudeme mať hotové naše miesto, kde by sme si založili svoj dom, ak Pán dá. A tá pani, ktorá nám prenajíma svoj dom, je to milá kresťanská priateľka, ale má v dome televízor. No, ja mám malé deti, a viete aké sú deti, oni bežia ku televízoru. Tak, pred pár dňami, práve keď som prišiel domov z cesty, kde som bol s bratom Stromeisom ... Neviem či je tu dnes ráno brat Stromeis, alebo nie, on je vedúcim jedného zhromaždenia v Tucsone. Moja mladá dcéra, ktorá sedí tam vzadu, ma zavolala, aby som sa prišiel pozrieť. Povedala: "Ideme pozerať televízor, budú spievať nejaké kvartetá." Alebo niečo také.

18No, ja som veľmi dobrý kritik, je mi to ľúto, ale nemôžem byť iný, len taký, aký som. Keby som robil niečo proti svojej povahe, bol by som pokrytec. A nechcel by som byť taký, pred ľuďmi. Chcem byť len tým, čím som, a potom viete ako stojíme. A hádam kritizujem trochu priveľa.

19Ale mal som to proste v srdci, aby som to kritizoval, pretože podľa mňa to vyzeralo ako nejaký Hollywood, len samé žarty. Nevyzeralo to vôbec sväto, ako by malo. A oni spievali tieto piesne v rock'n'rolovom rytme, a na nohách mali zlaté topánky. Či sa z evanjelia stalo divadlo? Aha ... ak je to tak, ja s tým nechcem mať nič spoločného. Ja chcem niečo, čo je skutočné a pravé, a také to chceme zachovať.

20Myslím, že tu tieto dva mikrofóny sú do prenosu, bratia ... Počujete ma teraz lepšie?

21Na budúcu sobotu ráno, ak Pán dá, budem mať veľké privilégium, že prvý krát budem môcť hovoriť na zhromaždení vo Flagstaff, v Arizone. Ten brat tu, zabudol som ako sa volá, je vedúcim. [Niekto hovorí: "Chester Earl." -- pozn.prekl.] Chester Earl, brat Chester Earl. Mal som práve príležitosť stretnúť ho dnes ráno, práve keď som si podával ruky s tým milým evanjelistom z Indii - s bratom z Indii. A on povedal, že na budúcu sobotu ráno mám tam hovoriť. Všetci ste srdečne pozvaní, aby ste navštívili toto zhromaždenie. Dúfame, že nás Pán požehná.

22A potom nasledujúci pondelok večer, v Tucsone, je banket. Pán mi dal tú česť, aby som hovoril na ... tam na tom bankete, 21. decembra, v Tucsone. Samozrejme ste srdečne pozvaní, aby ste navštívili ten banketový večer.

23A potom ako ohlásil brat Williams, že znovu budem tu, na taký malý úvod, predtým ako začne konferencia.

24A tak ... Či to tu robí spätnú väzbu, brat Williams? Čo hovorí? Je to teraz lepšie? Je to lepšie. Dobre.

25Samozrejme dúfam, že mnohí z vás si nájdete čas, aby ste prišli na jedno, alebo každý večer, i cez deň, na tieto zhromaždenia. Začína to sedemnásteho, v ... Nedeľu popoludní? [Niekto hovorí: "O pol druhej." -- pozn.prekl.] O pol druhej. O pol druhej, v nedeľu popoludní. Chcem tiež povedať, ak bude vôľa Pánova, budem sa na týchto zhromaždeniach modliť za chorých, a budem robiť všetko, čo budem môcť, aby som vám pomohol.

26A bratia kazatelia, ktorí sú tu dnes ráno, z okolia Phoenixu. Dôvod, prečo som prišiel sem do tejto haly ... Stále keď prídem, zvyknem si robiť trochu prehľad a chodím okolo po zboroch, do každého zboru. Potom som zistil, že to je trochu ťažko, pretože niektoré tie zbory sú trochu malé. A samozrejme, že nechceme vynechať žiadneho brata, pretože jeho zbor je malý, a potom je to ťažko, ľudia sa tam nespracú. Tak ak ... Myslel som, že by sme sa stretli na jednom mieste, a ja sám sa o to postarám, a že sa tu stretneme a budeme mať zhromaždenie, len jednoduché evanjelizačné zhromaždenie, a že sa budeme modliť za chorých a tak ďalej. Prv ...

27Možno keď si zastanem tu za tento, tento tu je lepší? [Niekto hovorí: "Nie, to je ku magnetofónu." -- pozn.prekl.] To je ku magnetofónu. Dobre.

28Možno to bude trochu lepšie, keď som to urobil takto. A chcem, aby moji bratia tu z cirkví, pastori tu vo Phoenixe, aby vedeli, že to je dôvod, prečo sme to takto urobili, že sme prišli tu do tejto haly, a takto môžeme byť všetci spolu na jednom mieste. A nemusíte ísť ku všetkým tým bratom, videli ste ich tu stáť dnes ráno, je ich tak veľa, a možno, že to nie je ani polovica z nich. Tak ich tu všetkých ani nemôžete mať, za tých pár dní, čo to tu máme, pred konferenciou.

29A som si istý, že na tej konferencii prežijeme krásne chvíle. Budete počuť veľkých rečníkov. Toto je brat Cash, Cash Hamburg. Koľkí ste ho už počuli? On je skutočný tajfún. Prepáčte, nemal som to tak povedať. To je brat, ale, ó, raz som s ním bol. Viete, neviem či ma budete ešte počúvať, keď budete počuť takéhoto muža. On môže kázať a vôbec sa ani nenadychuje. Neviem ako to robí, ale samozrejme veľa vydychuje. Bol som s ním nedávno v New Yorku na mojej konferencii, a on chcel, aby som s ním išiel po zhromaždení na večeru. A išiel som na to miesto, a bol som skoro hotový odísť, keď brat ... On kázal hore dole, a všade okolo, každému kto tam bol. On je celkom - má v sebe taký charakter.

30A som si istý, že tiež budete mať radosť z brata z Californie. Ako sa volá? Nemôžem si spomenúť jeho meno - je jedným z rečníkov. Tiež som zabudol ako sa volá. Ale on je mocný rečník a bude sa vám páčiť. Budú tu asi veľkí rečníci takí ako, viete, brat Roberts a mnohí veľkí mužovia tohoto času.

31Tak, som vďačný, keď myslím na to miesto Písma, ktoré mi tu teraz prišlo na myseľ. Dávid sa raz díval na Pánovu truhlu, ktorá bola v stane, a povedal ... Sedel vtedy s prorokom Nátanom. A tak on povedal: "Či je to dobre, že ja bývam tu v dome, že bývam v cedrovom dome a truhla zmluvy môjho Pána býva pod stanom?"

32A prorok mu povedal: "Dávid, urob všetko čo je v tvojom srdci, pretože Boh je s tebou." To bolo všetko, čo mu vedel povedať.

33Ale tej noci Pán stretol proroka a povedal: "Choď a povedz môjmu sluhovi Dávidovi, že som ho vzal z pastviska z poza oviec, a učinil som mu meno, ako meno tých veľkých mužov," nie najväčšie meno, nie najvýznamnejšie meno, ale započítal ho s tými veľkými mužmi, ktorí boli v tom čase na zemi.

34A rozmýšľal som: "Pre Dávida to tam bola Božia milosť." A rozmýšľal som: "Ja by som to mohol prirovnať ku sebe. Keď som našiel to privilégium v tomto čase, v ktorom žijeme, v koncových dňoch svetovej histórie, že som započítaný medzi takých mužov, akých tu máme na týchto zhromaždeniach." Nech vás Pán bohato žehná.

35Môj dobrý priateľ, brat Valdez povedal: "Brat Branham, ja musím odísť, myslím, o trištvrte na desať, alebo o štvrť na jedenásť." Povedal: "Sadnem si tam na koniec, nechcem ťa vyrušovať, keď budeš hovoriť." On bol predtým na tých zhromaždeniach.

36Ja som trochu pomalý, a viete, keď hovorím musím rozmýšľať. A zapísal som si tu miesta Písma, a poznámky, možno, ale potom sa musím vrátiť a rozmýšľať, čo mi povedal Pán, aby som povedal, viete, musím čakať na Neho. A som trochu pomalý, a tak dúfam, že vás tu dnes ráno nebudem držať príliš dlho.

37Opýtal som sa brata Williamsa. Povedal som: "Brat Williams, koľko mám času?" Povedal som: "Mám tu miesto Písma, z ktorého chcem hovoriť, ktoré mi zaberie okolo tridsať minút, alebo tak nejako, a všetkých rozpustiť a ísť domov." A povedal som: "Ale rád by som mal krátku lekciu, ak je to možné." A myslím, že by na nej bolo dnes niečo pre vás, niečo čo by ste si mohli odniesť so sebou domov, a rozmýšľať nad tým.

38Určite by som dnes ráno nevstával o pol štvrtej, ani dvadsať minút pred štvrtou, aby som sa pripravil sem prísť, len aby ma ľudia videli. Nestarám sa o to, aby ma ľudia videli. Idem sem, rozmýšľal som včera o niektorých miestach Písma, ktoré som si zapísal, kvôli niečomu, za čo som sa úprimne modlil, a myslím, že možno to, skrze to, že to môže niekomu pomôcť. Ja ... Nemáme čas na divadlo a na scenáre. Musíme sa pustiť do práce. Verím, že Ježišov príchod je veľmi blízko.

39A teraz, oni toto nahrávajú, a možno že niekomu sa môže dostať táto páska. Chcem povedať, že niekedy som ... že mnohokrát ma úplne zle pochopia. A mnohokrát mi ľudia volajú a pýtajú sa: "Brat Branham, toto bolo to svetlo, ktoré si tam spomenul?" A niekedy niečo povieme, ale vy musíte vedieť ku tomu pristúpiť podľa terminológie, že čo som tým chcel povedať.

40A niekedy hovorím veci, ktoré sa trochu líšia od toho, čo možno niekto z vás verí - (Chcem, aby ste to teraz jasne porozumeli.) - čo niekto verí. Ale ja mám posolstvo, ja ne ... od Pána, a takto to cítim. Niektorým sa môže zdať, že je to od diabla. Iným sa môže zdať, že je to nezmysel. Ale pre mňa je to život. Nemám v úmysle líšiť sa, keď hovorím veci, ktoré sa líšia, alebo trochu rania ľudí, alebo sa ich dotknú. Nemyslím to v takom svetle. Ak by som to tak myslel, potom by som bol pokrytec. Hovorím to vo svetle približovania sa ku Bohu. Hovorím to vo svetle ... aby ľudia lepšie poznali Boha. A nehovorím to preto, že to je niečo, čo som sám vymyslel. To je niečo, čo mi bolo dané od Boha.

41A teraz, keď sa stane, že budem hovoriť niečo, na niektorej z týchto konferencií, čo by ranilo ľudí, alebo ... Poviete: "Ja to tak neverím."

42No, často poukazujem na toto prosté pravidlo. Moja žena, ktorá tam teraz sedí a počúva, ona vie, že nerobím veľa formalít. Ako keď jete kura a narazíte na kosť. Žiadny kurací labužník, nikdy neodhodí kura, preto že narazil na kosť. Odhodí len tú kosť, a ďalej pokračuje v jedení. Tak isto je to, keď jem čerešňový koláč. Keď narazím na kôstku, [Anglicky tiež - semeno. -- pozn.prekl.] neodhodím koláč, odhodím len kôstku. Tak ..

43A to čo tu poviem, vám sa môže zdať ... a na všetkých mojich zhromaždeniach, vám sa môže zdať, že je to kôstka (semeno), dobre, položte to len nabok a ... No, nechajte to pre mňa, neviem koľko vy z toho zjete. Tak potom, len pokračujte a jedzte to, čo si myslíte, že je dobré. A ja budem ...

44Verím, že Boh požehná svoje Slovo. Ja pevne verím Slovu a jedine Slovu. Jedine Slovu. A to je posolstvo, ktoré mi dal Pán.

45Líšime sa jeden od druhého. Všimol som si dnes ráno, stoja tu moji bratia, misionári, evanjelisti a pastori, je ich tu možno sto, alebo aj viac. Každý z nich je viac kvalifikovaný, než ja, aby sa sem postavil a hovoril. Som o tom presvedčený. Ale, viete, každý jeden z nás ... jeden nemôže zastávať miesto druhého. Jeden nemôže zobrať posolstvo druhého. Viete, máme rôzne spôsoby.

46Boh je suverénny. Keď On ... Kto mohol povedať Bohu, ako má stvoriť tie veci tam na počiatku, keď tam nebolo nikoho, jedine On sám. Vidíte? A ak my máme večný život, existuje len jedna forma večného života, a to je Boh. Tak ak máme večný život, už vtedy sme boli s Bohom, boli sme časťou Boha. Boli sme Jeho atribútmi. Teraz sme Jeho atribútmi. A ... pretože "Na počiatku bolo Slovo." A slovo, to je vyjadrená myšlienka. Tak my sme boli Jeho myšlienkami, potom sme boli vyjadrení do formy slova a stali sme sa tým, čím sme. Preto naše mená, možno nie tie, ktoré máme teraz, ale naše mená boli zapísané do Baránkovej knihy života pred založením sveta. Vidíte? A ak to tam nebolo, tak to tam ani nikdy nebude. A Ježiš prišiel, aby vykúpil všetkých tých, ktorých mená boli zapísané v tej knihe. Vidíte? On ich poznal.

47"Hrnčiar," ako je nám povedané v liste Rimanom 8, "kto môže povedať hrnčiarovi? Či hlina môže povedať: Urob ma takto a takto?" Vidíte? Nemôže. Boh musí prejaviť všetky svoje atribúty. A tak On musí urobiť jednu nádobu na nečesť, a druhú na česť, aby ukázal že tá je vyššie postavená, samozrejme. No, ale On je suverénny. Vidíte? Nikto mu nemôže povedať, čo má robiť.

48A On nás stvoril rôznych. Aj - Biblia nám hovorí, že hviezdy sú rôzne a líšia sa jedna od druhej. Viete v nebi je rôznorodosť, medzi anjelmi, anjelskými bytosťami; sú anjeli, sú cherubíni, sú serafíni a oni sa tam líšia. Aj my všetci sa líšime. A Boh má vysoké hory, má pláne, prérie, trávu, púšť, vodu. Vidíte? On má rôznorodosť. On je Boh rozmanitosti. A pozrite sa tu dnes ráno na jeho ľudí. Niektorí z nás sú bieli, niektorí čierni, niektorí hnedí, niektorí žltí, niektorí červení. Vidíte? To sú jeho ľudia. On je Boh rozmanitosti. A myslím, že tak isto je to s jeho služobníkmi.

49A teraz skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy a pomodlime sa. Chcem povedať toto, prv ako budeme čítať Slovo. Viem, že ak by som trochu dlho hovoril, a ak budete musieť vstať a vyjsť, chápem to, úplne to chápem. No, modlime sa. A teraz, keď sa budeme modliť a skloníme svoje hlavy do prachu, z ktorého nás Boh vzal, je tu niekto, kto by bol rád spomenutý v modlitbe? Zodvihni len ruku. On vie presne, čo je v tvojom srdci, za tou rukou.

50Drahý nebeský Otče, s vážnosťou predstupujeme pred Teba, so sklonenými hlavami do prachu, z ktorého si nás vzal. A rozmýšľame pri tom vo svojich mysliach, že Ty si jednej noci povedal Abrahámovi, či by mohol spočítať piesok, ktorý bol na brehu mora. A potom si mu povedal, aby sa pozrel na hviezdy, a či by ich mohol spočítať. Samozrejme, to bolo nemožné. A potom si mu povedal, že jeho semeno bude nespočetné, tak ako piesok na morskom brehu, a ako hviezdy, ktoré svietia na nebesiach. Naše mysle, naše rozmýšľa- nie - rozmýšľame vo svojich mysliach, lepšie povedané, keď skláňame svoje hlavy do piesku, z ktorého pochádzame; vtedy naše srdcia hľadia do neba, kde ideme. Od piesku ku hviezdam, keď sme Abrahámovým semenom. Keď sme zomreli v Kristovi, sme Abrahámovým semenom, a s ním dedičmi podľa zasľúbenia.

51A dnes ráno sme sem prišli, aby sme mali obecenstvo pri prirodzených pokrmoch života, ktoré sme jedli, aby sme to dali nabok z cesty. A teraz sme žiadostiví po Tebe, aby si nám dal tú nebeskú mannu, tú potravu, ktorá nám dá silu do života, ktorý je v nás. Ako keď krv teraz roznáša túto potravu, aby posilnila telo, aby vytvorila viacej buniek, aby nás postavila silných na tento deň, nech môžeme prijať Krista, aby sa On mohol dnes ráno dostať do nášho ducha, skrze Slovo, a posilnil nás ohľadne hodiny, v ktorej žijeme. Pretože deň pokročil a padajú večerné tiene, to večerné svetlo je tu a my zakrátko budeme počuť zavolanie, aby sme vystúpili vyššie, a chceme byť pripravení na tú hodinu. A tak nám pomôž, Otče.

52A žiadny človek nebol hodný, aby otvoril tú knihu, alebo aby uvoľnil jej pečate; ale Baránok, ktorý bol zabitý od založenia sveta, prišiel a zobral tú knihu a uvoľnil tie pečate. Ó, Baránok Boží, príď dnes ráno a otvor nám tú knihu, a dovoľ nám spolu s Tebou nazrieť do nej, Pane, aby sme videli čo máme robiť, aby sme boli pripravení na túto hodinu. Požehnaj každý zbor, požehnaj tie nadchádzajúce zhromaždenia, každé jedno, a naše prosté zhromaždenie, aby splývalo s tými ďalšími. A keď z tadeto dnes odídeme, aby sme mohli povedať, ako tí, ktorí prišli z Emaus: "Či nehoreli naše srdcia, keď hovoril s nami na ceste." Udeľ nám to, Otče. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

53Pre vás, ktorí by ste si to radi otvorili, väčšinou si to chcete čítať spolu s kazateľom, keď on číta, aby ste našli z kade hovorí, ak máte Biblie, otvorte si ev. Matúša 4. kapitolu.

54A teraz podám svoj text, prv ako začnem hovoriť; viac menej to chcem tak nejako učiť, a hovoriť o tom, keď to budeme preberať. A nejako som dal tomuto názov, neviem prečo, dávam tomuto názov: "Čas Žatvy."

55A budeme čítať miesto Písma, aby sme na ňom založili túto myšlienku, aby sme z tadeto zobrali súvislosť ku nášmu textu. Budeme čítať ev. Matúša, 4. kapitolu, časť z nej. Toto je v tom, keď bol Ježiš pokúšaný. Potom, keď bol naplnený Duchom Svätým, bol zavedený na púšť.

Vtedy bol Ježiš zavedený hore na púšť od Ducha, aby bol pokúšaný od diabla.

A keď sa bol postil štyridsať dní a štyridsať nocí, napokon zlačnel.

A pristúpiac k nemu pokušiteľ riekol mu: Ak si Syn Boží, povedz aby sa tieto kamene stali chlebami.

A on odpovedajúc riekol: Je napísané: Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom slove, ktoré vychádza skrze ústa Božie.

Vtedy ho pojal diabol do svätého mesta a postavil ho na vrch, na krídlo chrámu

a povedal mu: Ak si Syn Boží, hoď sa dolu, lebo veď je napísané, že svojim anjelom prikáže o tebe, a vezmú ťa na ruky, aby si neuderil svojej nohy o kameň.

A Ježiš mu riekol: Zase je napísané: Nebudeš pokúšať Pána, svojho Boha!

Opäť ho pojal diabol na vrch, veľmi vysoký, a ukázal mu všetky kráľovstvá sveta a ich slávu

a povedal mu: Toto všetko ti dám, ak padneš a pokloníš sa mi.

Vtedy mu povedal Ježiš: Odídi, satane, lebo je napísané: Pánovi svojmu Bohu, sa budeš klaňať a jemu samému budeš svätoslúžiť!

56Znovu sa chcem trochu vrátiť ku štvrtému veršu.

Ale on odpovedajúc riekol: Je napísané: Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom slove, ktoré vychádza skrze ústa Božie.

57No, za tému by som rád zobral to: "Každé Slovo, ktoré vychádza skrze ústa Božie." Majte to na mysli, kým budeme hovoriť.

58Ježiš raz povedal, v ev. Jána 6:48, myslím, že to je to, poznačil som si to dnes ráno. "Ja som chlieb života." Toto bolo počas sviatku Veľkej noci, keď Židia jedli svoj košer (nekvasený chlieb) na slávnostnú pamiatku manny, ktorá padala na púšti, a pili tam z prameňa, ktorý predstavoval tú skalu, ktorá bola na púšti, a prežívali významné chvíle. A Ježiš práve v strede toho zvolal. Povedal: "Ja som chlieb života. Vaši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti, za štyridsať rokov, a oni sú všetci mŕtvi. Ale ja som ten chlieb, ktorý prichádza od Boha z neba. Kto bude z neho jesť, ten nezomrie." A ohľadne tej skaly povedal: "Ja som tá skala, ktorá bola na púšti. Ja som tá skala, z ktorej pili vaši otcovia."

59"Ako?" Oni povedali: "Ty nemáš viac ako päťdesiat rokov a hovoríš, že si videl Abraháma? Teraz vieme, že máš diabla a že blázniš."

60A Ježiš povedal: "Prv ako bol Abrahám, JA SOM." Vidíte, "JA SOM", to bol ten ohnivý stĺp, ktorý bol v tom kríku, ktorý sa rozprával s Mojžišom. A keby ste rozobrali tie podstatné mená a zámená, nie: "Ja som bol. Ja budem." "JA SOM" je prítomný čas, stále.

61Rozmýšľame o tomto, že On sám teraz hovorí, že: "Ja som ten chlieb života." Ako by mohol byť tento človek chlebom života? To nás zaujíma. "Moje telo je chlieb," povedal. A tak, ako tento človek mohol byť chlebom? To je trochu divné, ale nebuďte z toho zmätení. Ľudia v jeho čase boli z toho zmätení. Oni nevedeli, akoby priamo tento človek mohol byť skutočne chlebom. Tiež v ev. Jána 1, je nám to podané takto, že "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh ... A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." Tak, Slovo sa stalo chlebom. Slovo a chlieb tu musí byť to isté, pretože Ježiš je Slovo a On je chlieb.

62Ako On mohol byť chlebom a Slovom? Všetko ... Telesná myseľ bude z toho zmätená. Ale my dúfame, dnes ráno, že nie je medzi nami telesná myseľ, že môžeme porozumieť, čo sa nám tu Otec snaží podať. Vidíme, že tieto slová vyvolávajú neporozumenie, ale súčasne je to Biblická pravda. Vidíte?

63"No, ako tento človek môže byť chlebom?" To bol ich problém. Myslím že Jozefus, mnohí historici ... keď som to čítal.

64No, píšem knihu, svoje komentáre na prvé štyri kapitole Zjavenia, dúfam, že to zakrátko budem mať. Bude to veľká kniha. Potom budem mať brožúru každého cirkevného veku.

65A čítal som históriu cirkvi. Už som to mal na mysli, zdá sa mi, že to bol Jozefus, ktorý, alebo niektorý z tých včasných pisateľov, no nech to bol ktokoľvek, on povedal, že tento Ježiš z Nazaretu, ktorý chodil a uzdravoval nemocných, povedal že jeho učeníci Ho vykopali a zjedli jeho telo. Vidíte? Mali komúniu (večeru Pánovu). Oni si mysleli, že oni vykopali Jeho telo a zjedli ho. My jeme komúniu, alebo prijímame komúniu (večeru Pánovu), ako symbol jeho tela, pretože On bol Slovo.

66No, vidíte, je to neporozumené. Ale pri tom je to podľa Písma. A Ježiš povedal: "Všetky Písma sa musia vyplniť." Vidíte? No, my stále chceme obsekať svoje myšlienky od všetkého, čo je nezhodné s týmto Písmom. Nikdy, nikdy, v žiadnom prípade neopustite Písmo, za nič, ani jedno Slovo z neho. Stojte presne na tom, čo hovorí to Písmo.

67No, Boh jedného dňa bude musieť súdiť ľudí. A ak bude súdiť ľudí podľa cirkvi, podľa ktorej cirkvi to bude? Oni hovoria: "Podľa katolíckej cirkvi." Dobre, potom, podľa ktorej katolíckej cirkvi? Vidíte? Pretože oni sa medzi sebou líšia viac, ako s nami. Vidíte? Oni sa líšia, jedna ... Je ich veľa rôznych smerov, Rímska, Ortodoxná (Pravoslávna) a Jufenite a, ó, medzi nimi je veľa rôznych skupín. A oni sú jedna proti druhej, tak podľa ktorej z týchto katolíckych cirkví? Keby ich súdil podľa protestantskej cirkvi, podľa ktorej protestantskej cirkvi? Všetky sa medzi sebou líšia.

68Ale On bude súdiť svet, a On musí mať nejaké merítko, podľa ktorého bude súdiť svet, inak by bol nespravodlivý, keby nás nechal teraz takto ísť a žiť si tento život bez nejakého merítka, podľa ktorého máme byť súdení. Kto by mal pravdu? Ako by ste mohli povedať, čo je správne? Musí byť nejaké merítko.

69A On povedal, vo svojej Biblii, že bude súdiť svet podľa Ježiša Krista. A tu čítame, že Ježiš je Slovo. V liste Židom 13: 8, je povedané, že On je ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky. A tak, On bude súdiť cirkev podľa toho, aký je ich postoj voči Kristovi, ktorý je Slovom. "Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom slove, ktoré vychádza skrze ústa Božie." Nie ktoré vychádza z úst človeka, nie ktoré vychádza zo seminára, nie ktoré vychádza z cirkvi, ale ktoré vychádza z úst Božích. Človek musí žiť na tom, a jedine na tom; nie na ľudskom výklade, ale na vlastnom Božom Slove!

70 "Dobre," poviete, "tu je chyba." Ak je, za to je zodpovedný Boh. On mi to priniesol. Vidíte? Toto je to, čo musím prijímať, tu je presne to čo On povedal.

71No, ak toto robí ľuďom taký problém, to že Človek je Chlebom a je Slovom, vojdime do toho a preskúmajme to. Pozrime sa na to, pretože všetky Písma sú pravda, a nemôžu byť zrušené. Každé Písmo sa vyplní. Nezáleží na tom ako divne to vyzerá, ono sa vždy vyplní.

72Čo keby brat Williams alebo niekto tu z bratov, náš pra - pra - praotec, keby obaja dnes ráno mohli povstať na scéne a povedzme, že by uvideli televízor. A možno niekto dávno v ich čase prorokoval a povedal: "Príde čas, keď budete môcť počuť hlas na celom svete."

73Oni by povedali: "Nevšímajte si toho biedneho človeka, stratil rozum."

74"A príde čas keď farba bude prenášaná rovno po vzduchu." Už to tu je. "A zvrtnú malým gombíkom a po celom svete budete vidieť, ako sa pohybujú ľudia, a všetko, hneď na obrazovke."

75"Dobre," oni by povedali, "chudák človek!" Vidíte? Ale teraz to máme, rovno tu dnes ráno v tejto miestnosti.

76A chcem, aby ste si to uvedomili, prv ako pôjdeme ďalej, že Boh je v tejto miestnosti. Autor tohoto Slova je tu. Tak, to nezáleží na tom ako ste oblečení, alebo na akom životnom stupni žijete, alebo v akom dome bývate, alebo na akom aute jazdíte, alebo koľko máte vzdelania. Boh sa díva na vaše srdce. A On sa díva do môjho srdca. A my sme súdení podľa svojho srdca, ani nie z našich slov. Naše srdce nás súdi. "Čím je preplnené srdce, to hovoria ústa." Ak to nie je tak, je to pokrytectvo.

77No, teraz do tejto miestnosti prichádzajú ľudské bytosti, postavy ľudských bytostí, prechádzajú cez toto miesto, z celého sveta, hlasy spevy, sú práve teraz v tejto miestnosti. Ale, (vidíte?) vy ste ohraničení, vo svojich zmysloch, že môžete vidieť len určité percento. Ale teraz môžete zobrať kryštál, alebo elektrónku, alebo čokoľvek čo je to v televízore, a zapnúť to, a tým prijímačom, ktorý môže odchýliť všetky tie vlny v étery, a odchýliť ich, aby to sústredil do nejakého kanálu a zachytil tých ľudí; niekoho v Austrálii, v Južnej Afrike, alebo kdekoľvek ... v Indi, alebo kdekoľvek sú. Môžete tu stáť pri obrazovke, a vidieť ešte aj farbu šiat, ktoré majú oblečené, farbu stromov, a každý ich pohyb. Len zapnite televízor a uvidíte, či to tak nie je.

78Potom to niekde musí byť, bolo to skryté pred našimi očami, to isté, čo tu práve teraz prechádza. Prechádzalo to stadeto, keď Abrahám počul, ako Boh povedal: "Pozri sa na hviezdy." Bolo to tu, keď Eliáš sedel na vrchu Karmel. Bolo to tu, keď tu bol Adam, ale oni to len teraz objavili.

79A tak isto je tu Boh a anjeli. A jedného dňa to bude až takou skutočnosťou, ako je televízia alebo niečo inšie, pretože Duch nás prenesie do toho nesmrteľného života. Potom budeme rozumieť. Tak potom, hovoríme z jeho Slova.

80Pokúsime sa uvidieť Boha. Boha, toho veľkého Stvoriteľa. Skúsme hovoriť na príklade prírody, pozrime sa na Neho prv v prírode, aby sme to preniesli naspäť do Slova. Príroda funguje presne podľa Slova, pretože Boh stvoril prírodu. Keď vidíte ako funguje príroda, zistíte že takým spôsobom ... To bola moja prvá Biblia, keď som zistil ako príroda ... keď som v prírode našiel Boha. A pšenica je prírodným produktom, chlieb, robí sa z nej chlieb, ktorým sa živí to prirodzené telo. Príroda skrýva v sebe mnohé tajomstvá. My ... Keď som prvý krát hľadal Boha, pozoroval som prírodu. Videl som, že tam niečo musí byť. A teraz, ja nemám žiadne vzdelanie, preto hovorím veľa z prírody. A to je ... Nesnažím sa podporovať nevzdelanosť. Ale vám chcem povedať, že na to, aby ste poznali Boha nemusíte byť vzdelaní.

81Ján Krstiteľ, Kristov predchodca, keď vystúpil z púšte, bolo nám povedané, že odišiel na púšť, keď mal deväť rokov a bol tam, pretože jeho práca bola dôležitá. Jeho otec bol kňaz. A v tej určitej línii kňažstva, alebo denominácii, ó, jeho otec povedal: "No, Ján vieš, ty máš predstaviť Mesiáša. Vieš, ale tu ten a ten brat, presne pasuje na Mesiáša." A tak Ján musel z tade odísť, odišiel na púšť, aby bol sám, pretože to musel vybrať Boh a nie človek. Kto bude Mesiáš. Tak, on tam odišiel keď mal asi deväť rokov.

82A všimnite si, keď on vystúpil, keď mal tridsať rokov, jeho kázne neboli ako kázne teológa. On nepoužíval veľké nafúkané slová, ale to bolo všetko z prírody. On povedal tým cirkevným ľuďom v tom čase, povedal: "Vy plemeno hadie." To bolo to, čo videl na púšti, hadov. Nenávidel hadov. Oni boli jedovaté. Vo svojich zuboch mali smrteľný jed, a on to povedal o tých cirkvách v tom čase. "Vy plemeno jedovatých hadov, kto vás varoval, aby ste utiekli pred budúcim hnevom? Nezačínajte hovoriť: My patríme do tohoto a my sme Jesseniti, alebo my sme takí a takí. Alebo, my patríme ku metodistom, baptistom, presbyteriánom, alebo do čohokoľvek. Nezačínajte hovoriť, že to máte, pretože ja vám hovorím, že Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi." Vidíte?

83A tiež: "Sekera." To je to, čo používal na púšti. "Sekera je priložená na koreň stromu. A každý strom, ktorý nenesie dobré ovocie bude zoťatý a hodený na oheň." Vidíte? On nezotínal strom, ktorý rodil ovocie, pretože on žil z ovocia toho stromu. Ale strom ktorý nerodil ovocie! Ó, mohli by ste zobrať celé Písmo, ono je tak inšpirované, že všetko čo tam je, pasuje okolo Ježiša Krista. Vidíte? "Každý strom, ktorý neprináša dobré ovocie je zoťatý a hodený do ohňa," a tak ďalej. Vidíte? On používal svoje posolstvo z prírody.

84A chceme sa teraz na to pozrieť, lebo sme našli, že On povedal: "Ja som chlieb. A človek bude žiť na každom Slove, a Ja som Slovo." Vidíte? A tak chceme ísť naspäť do prírody. Vidím, že mnohokrát to musím robiť.

85A v prírode sa všetko riadi tým istým pravidlom. Nájdite si čas a pozorujte všetci vtáci sa zhromaždia, odchádzajú a idú von do poľa a idú jesť. Pozorujte všetok dobytok, keď je vonku, roztrúsení po poli, jedia. Spustite do vody udicu, ryby budú brať. Ale keď sa dobytok ... keď sa vtáci stiahnu do stromov, a dobytok sa zhromaždí niekde v rohu, môžete vytiahnuť udicu, ryby nebudú brať, pretože v prírode sa riadi všetko stále tým istým pravidlom.

86A tak isto je to so Slovom Božím, ono má spojitosť. Boh všetko čo robí, robí stále v tej istej línii. On na počiatku rozhodol, keď človek s Ním stratil svoje obecenstvo, že ho spasí skrze preliatu krv nevinného Baránka. A On nikdy nezmenil svoju metódu. My sme sa snažili, aby to ľudia dosiahli pomocou vzdelania, vstúpením do nejakej denominácie, vyprosením, nabitím, alebo krikom. To stále zostáva nezmenené, preliata krv je to jediné, kde sa Boh stretáva s veriacim.

87Nie, nemôžeme urobiť jednu Svetovú Radu Cirkví, a každý sa tam s Ním stretne. To nikdy nebude fungovať; to nikdy nefungovalo a nikdy nebude. Takto som proti tomu systému. Boh má systém. Počuli ste, že dnes bolo povedané: "Všetky cirkvi sa schádzajú spolu, bude Svetová Rada Cirkví. A Ježiš sa modlil za to, že my všetci máme byť jedno." Dobre, no, (vidíte?) to je telesná myseľ, bez poznania Ducha.

88Ježiš povedal: "Aby oni boli jedno, Otče, ako Ty a Ja sme jedno." Nie nato, aby nejaký človek bol nad niečím, to nebude nikdy fungovať; jedna denominácia chce zavládnuť nad druhou, a jeden človek nad druhým. Ale aby ste mohli byť jedno s Bohom, ako Kristus a Boh boli jedno. To hovorí tá modlitba. On bol Slovo, a Ježiš sa modlil, aby sme my mohli byť Slovom, aby sme odzrkadľovali Jeho. To má byť odpoveď na Jeho modlitbu.

89Vidíte, ako to Satan spochybňuje v telesných mysliach? Ale Ježiš sa tak vôbec nemodlil, že sa máme všetci spolu zísť a mať všetci nejaké vyznanie a tak ďalej. Stále keď to robia, odchádzajú ďalej a ďalej od Boha.

90On chce, aby sme boli jedno s Bohom, a Boh je Slovo. Každý jednotlivec, vo svojom srdci, musí byť jedno s Bohom.

91Boh ... Vieme, že toto, že všetky tieto veci sa takto prejavujú. Takto máme niekedy hľadať Boha, pozorovať prírodu. Ročné obdobia, obeh zeme, to dokazuje Boha. Tam som prvý krát na to prišiel, ako sa život v prírode na jar objavuje, žije svoj život, produkuje semeno, zomiera a ide do zeme, a znovu sa vracia vo vzkriesení, proste obieha dookola. Mohli by sme pri tom stráviť hodiny.

92Ale aha, ako sa to líši od toho, ako to ... tu je náš brat misionár, v Indii. Narazil som na mnohých, po svete, oni veria v prevtelenie. Hovoria, že tu zomriete ako človek a prídete naspäť ako vták, alebo ako zviera. Vidíte, to nesúhlasí s prírodou.

93Príroda hovorí, že také semeno, aké vošlo do zeme, že také isté semeno znovu vyrastie. Vidíte? Ten istý Ježiš, ktorý zostúpil do hrobu, je ten istý Ježiš, ktorý prišiel naspäť. Haleluja! A toto telo, keď ono padne do zeme, ono nepríde naspäť ako mucha, alebo niečo iné, ono príde naspäť ako muž, alebo žena. Vidíme to v prírode, ako to je, musí to prejsť cez studené zimy, a zhniť a tak ďalej, ale ten život je zachovaný, ak je v tom nejaký život.

94 Ale ak tam, ak to semeno nemalo v sebe zárodok, ono nikdy znovu nevyrastie; nemôže vyrásť, nie je v ňom nič, čo by ho oživilo. A ak sa staneme len formálnym kresťanom ... Vo svete sú dve cirkvi, telesná cirkev a duchovná cirkev. Oni sa všetci nazývajú kresťania. Ale telesná cirkev nemôže vstať. Ona má teraz svoje povstávanie vo Svetovej Rade Cirkví.

95Ale kresťan povstáva, aby sa stretol s Kristom, pretože to je nevesta, ktorá sa má s Ním stretnúť. V tom je medzi nimi rozdiel. Príroda skrýva v sebe pre nás tieto tajomstvá, a my ich môžeme vidieť, keď ich pozorujeme. A vidíme, že kresťanstvo hovorí pravdu o smrti, pohrabe a vzkriesení.

96Potom keď existuje pšeničný chlieb, o ktorom, vieme, že všetci z neho žijeme, a vieme, že existuje len jeden spôsob, ako môžeme žiť, a to, prijímať do svojho tela mŕtve substancie. Nijako inak nemôžete žiť.

97Nedávno ma stretol jeden vegetarián - povedal: "Brat Branham, mal som v tebe veľkú dôveru, až kým som ťa nepočul, ako si hovoril, že na raňajky si jedol vajcia na slanine." A povedal: "Ako môže pobožný muž jesť niečo takéto?"

Vidíte? Povedal som: "No, čo je na tom zlého?"

98Všetky veci sú nečisté, ale sa posväcujú Slovom Božím a modlitbou. Biblia hovorí: "Keď budeš dobrým sluhom Ježiša Krista, budeš toto bratom pripomínať. (Vidíte?) Všetky veci sú posvätené a nič nie je na zahodenie, ak sa to prijíma s ďakovaním." l. Timotejovi 3. No vidíme, že je to pravda. A tak som povedal, že my ...

Povedal som: "No, či ty tiež nemusíš jesť niečo mŕtve?"

"Ó, nie, vôbec!"

99Povedal som: "V každom prípade, ak žiješ, musíš žiť z mŕtvych substancií. Keď ješ chlieb, to zomrela pšenica. Keď ješ zeleninu, ona zomrela. Čokoľvek ješ, ešte aj mlieko, piješ baktériu ... " Môžeš žiť jedine pomocou mŕtvej substancie.

100A potom, ak niečo muselo zomrieť, aby sme tak mohli telesne žiť, o čo viac muselo zomrieť niečo, aby sme mohli žiť večne! Na to bola potrebná smrť. Chlieb ... Vidíme, že Ježiš povedal: "Ja som chlieb." A máme pšeničný chlieb a On nebol takým chlebom, a tak musia byť dva druhy života, ktoré sa živia chlebom. To nás bude do toho viesť. Nemôže byť ... On nebol pšenicou; a On nebol Slovom, On bol telo, a tak musia byť dva druhy života. Vieme, že pšenica zomiera, aby sme žili telesne, ako som povedal. Ježiš, chlieb Slova, zomrel, aby sme mohli žiť večne. On bol chlieb Slova. No, všimnite si, pamätajte na to. Aby sme dokázali že Ježišove slová sú pravda, vidíme ako sa to deje v tomto - v prírode.

101Poďme teraz do Písma, aby sme si znovu overili, aby sme to mali podložené Písmom, prv ako sa dostaneme ku nášmu hlavnému textu. V záhrade, Boh dal svojej prvej rodine Božie Slovo, aby ním žili, každým slovom. Tá prvá rodina, ktorá bola postavená tu na zemi, dostala večný život, ktorý mali dovtedy, dokiaľ stáli v Božom Slove.

102To bol Jeho plán. On hovorí: "Ja som Boh a Ja sa nemením." To je stále jeho plán. On nikdy nezamenil svoj plán za vyznanie, alebo organizáciu, alebo ľudské nariadenia, ktorými by človek žil, ale každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.

103No poďme naspäť do knihy Genesis, ktorá je počiatkom. "Genesis" znamená počiatok. Vidíme, že Boh dal svojej rodine večný život, pokiaľ oni stáli v tomto Slove a žili týmto Slovom. Ale keď to oni porušili, len jedno ohnivo v tej reťazi zasľúbení, prišla na nich smrť, čo tiež bolo zasľúbené.

104To je reťaz. Visíte na nej nad peklom, a ona je tým jediným, čo vás cez to prenesie. Keď sa veriaci začne pretvarovať za veriaceho a žije na jednom slove, ktoré je nezhodné s týmto Slovom, presekáva svoje obecenstvo s Bohom. Jedno ohnivo prelomilo ... A pamätajte, vaša viera v Slovo je ako reťaz. Reťaz je taká silná, aké je silné jej najslabšie ohnivo. Je to tak. Taká je jej najväčšia sila, pretože udrží len toľko. A ak je v Slove niečo, o čom pochybujete, niečo čo ste počuli inak, že oni povedali: "Ó, to bolo pre apoštolov, a to platilo v tých dávnych dňoch," keď Písmo hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, nemajte v tom slabosť! Posilnite to a držte to, a zaviňte do toho svoj život, pretože to je to jediné, čo vás bude držať nad plameňmi pekla. Je to tak.

105Keď Adam a Eva, tá prvá rodina, porušili túto reťaz ... Pamätajte, oni neporušili vetu, oni neporušili tri slová; jedno Slovo! Človek bude visieť nad peklom na každom Slove, na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích. Tam je rozhodnuté o jeho večnom mieste určenia. Aha, on bude visieť na tej reťazi, alebo bude visieť na vyznaní; alebo ak je do tej reťazi zamiešané vyznanie, tam je to slabé ohnivo, a je po vás. Tam bolo to slabé ohnivo pri Adamovi a Eve. To slabé ohnivo, "istotne", on povedal: "Boh ..." Ale Boh to istotne povedal! A keď to Boh povedal, Boh to tak myslel. A On trvá na svojom Slove, v ktorom hovorí: "Toho dňa, ktorého by si z neho jedol, toho dňa zomrieš." Toho dňa, ktorého prijmeš do seba niečo iné okrem čistého Božieho Slova, do svojej duši, toho dňa si oddelený od Boha.

106No toto je veľmi silné, ale počúvajte pozorne. Všimnite si. Jedno slovo, jedno slovo na začiatku Biblii, Boh povedal, že jedno Slovo oddelilo človeka od tej reťazi večného života.

107To je ako keď sa držíte človeka a visíte na ňom, držíte sa ho za nohy a on má ruky v nebi a preseknete ho na polovicu, odlomíte mu palec, alebo čokoľvek na čom visíte. Visíte na tej najspodnejšej časti, a kdekoľvek pretrhnete tú reťaz, je po vás. Pamätajte na to.

108Pamätajte, Biblia hovorí: "Nech je každé slovo postavené na ústach troch svedkov." Za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme, pri tých troch Ježišových pokušeniach; dnes sú tri pokušenia kazateľov, na čom oni upadajú; tri pokušenia cirkvi, a kde oni upadajú; tri pokušenia organizácii, kde ona upadá; tri pokušenia jednotlivcov, a kde oni upadajú. Všetko to prebieha v troch; ako ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým; Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý. Všetko je dokonalé v troch.

109Všimnite si, Boh na začiatku, samá prvá vec, ktorú dal svojím deťom, aby ňou žili, bolo jeho Slovo. Zistili sme, že je to pravda. Potom v strede Biblii, počujeme Ježiša, ktorý prichádza a hovorí, že človek bude žiť na každom slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích. A potom v Zjavení 22:18, znovu sám Ježiš hovorí, povedal: "Ja svedčím o týchto veciach. Keby niekto pridal do tohoto jedno slovo, ale odňal jedno Slovo z tejto Knihy, bude mu odňatý diel z Knihy Života."

110No, vidíte? To nie je náš dobrý život; to je len niečo, čo s tým ide. To nie je vernosť našej cirkvi; to ide s tým. Ale to hlavné je zostávať v tom Slove. Nejesť nič okrem toho Slova. Stáť v ňom. On je Slovo. A teraz sa chceme na to dobre pozrieť.

111Čo? Toto je inakší chlieb pre stvorenie, aby ním žilo. No, pšenica je chlebom života, ak to nie je skrížené zrno, ono ... zahrabte ho a ono znovu vyrastie. Musí to byť dobré zrelé zrno. Vadné zrná nevyrastú. To všetci vieme. Sedí tu brat Sothmann, pestovateľ pšenici z Kanady, on vie, že keď chcete očakávať úrodu, nedáte do zeme vadné zrno. Pretože chrobák alebo baktéria, alebo čokoľvek je v tom zrne, ho zjedia - prv z neho vyjedia ten život.

112Vedeli ste, že práve tie chrobáky, ktoré zničia vás, ktoré zjedia vaše telo, sú už teraz v ňom? Jób povedal: "Hoci moje červy zničia toto telo ..." Dajú vás do truhly a zapečatia ju, vzduchotesne uzavrú, a stále tie červy, ktoré sú vo vás, vás zjedia.

113 Zistíte, že mäso a múka, a dužina, a nechajte to nejaký čas stáť, dostanú sa do toho chrobáky, zavrite to. Ako je to? Tie chrobáky sú v tom od začiatku. Je to tam od začiatku.

114No, toto zrno musí byť dobré. Nemôže byť poškodené, skazené, a tak ďalej. Musí to byť čistokrvné zrno. Nemôže byť krížené, pretože, keď vyrastie, a vy ho znovu zasadíte, s vašou pšenicou je koniec, pretože krížené zrno znovu nevyrastie. Ono nemôže znovu vyrásť. Keď ste ho skrížili, odstránili ste z neho život.

115A to sa stalo s cirkvami. Oni sú skrížené so svetom, a preto, každé prebudenie ktoré nastáva, potom už v tom nemôžete mať prebudenie. Každá organizácia, ktorá sa kedy zorganizovala, v tej chvíli zomrela a nikdy viacej nepovstane, pretože ona do svojho systému zorganizovala svet, preto to už nikdy nepovstalo. Nikde v histórii nevidíme, žeby nejaká cirkev, ktorá sa zorganizovala, niekedy znovu povstala. Ona tam zomrela. Prečo? Skrížili ste to.

116Neustanovujte nad tým nejakého biskupa. Nech nad tým stojí Duch Svätý. Vidíte? Duch Svätý bol poslaný, aby držal kúkoľ a všetko ďalej od toho; nie to čo si myslí biskup, alebo dozorcovia, a tak ďalej. Je potrebný Duch Svätý, aby udržiaval cirkev v jej stave. On bol tým dokonalým Slovom, ako to budeme vidieť.

117Adam sa mohol rozhodnúť pre Slovo a žiť, alebo neveriť jednému Slovu a zomrieť.

118My sa tak isto môžeme rozhodnúť, pretože musíme byť ... Ak Boh postavil Adama na Slove, a jedine na Slove, či potom nás bude stavať na vyznaní, na nejakom vyznaní, potom by Boh bol nespravodlivý vo svojom súde, to nepasuje ku jeho svätosti, ani ku jeho suverenite. Ale ku jeho suverenite pasuje, vidieť, že každého človeka stavia na ten istý základ. A On je Boh a nemení sa. Čo Boh urobil prvý krát, On to naveky robí tak isto. On nikdy nemení svoj program. Jediné čo robí, že to viacej zdôrazňuje, ale nikdy to nemení. Tá istá vec stále pokračuje.

119 No, Adam mal možnosť rozhodnúť sa. A keby sa bol držal Slova, bol by žil. Keď sa nedržal Slova, zomrel.

120A my máme tú istú možnosť. Keď zostaneme v Slove, budeme žiť. "Človek bude žiť každým slovom ..." Ale ak nezostaneme, zomrieme, duchovne zomrieme. Ó, ďalej môžeme robiť hluk, samozrejme, kopať dookola a kričať a predvádzať sa, ale, to nie je život. To nie je život. Som misionár. Počul som pohanov, kopali dookola a kričali hlasnejšie, ako by sme my dokázali, a vyznávali, že poznajú bohov, a takéto veci. Oni nemajú život. "Sú mŕtvi hoci žijú." Biblia tak hovorí. Vidíme, že nám je daná táto možnosť, aby sme sa rozhodli.

121Ale Eva urobila kompromis jednému Satanovmu slovu, a potom zomrela.

122A keby Boh na začiatku mohol vo svojej milosti a milosrdenstve prejsť bez povšimnutia okolo všetkých tých utrpení, ktoré sa diali, všetka smrť malých detí, a všetko, a vojny, a nepokoje, a križovanie, a všetko čo sa dialo; Keby to bol mohol obísť, keby mu to suverénnosť jeho slova dovolila obísť, potom by bol nespravodlivý, keby to neobišiel i potom. Rozumiete? On to nemôže obísť. On to nijako neobišiel pri Adamovi. A On to nijako neobíde pri tebe, ani pri mne. Musíme pochopiť, že to je jedine Slovo. On povedal: "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvo, a moje pravda."

123Dívame sa práve, že v akom dni žijeme. V čase žatvy.

124Potom Boh, keď Adam upadol (bol skúšaný Slovom a upadol), Boh pokračoval, vo svojom stvorení, snažil sa nájsť človeka, ktorý by žil každým slovom. On sa snažil nájsť človeka ... to znamená, žiť Slovom na svoj vek. No, vidíte, Boh rozsial svoje Slovo, pretože On mohol...

125On je nekonečný a On je všadeprítomný ... Vševedúci, preto On vie všetko. On nemôže byť prítomný na každom mieste. Ale tým, že je vševedúci, vie o všetkom, potom môže byť všade prítomný. Pretože, to je spôsob ako nás predurčil, tým že dopredu vedel, nie preto, že rozhodol, že táto osoba bude spasená a táto bude zatratená. Ale On vedel kto bude zatratený a kto bude spasený. Vidíte? A tak, skrze to, že dopredu vedel, mohol predurčiť. A On robí, aby sa všetko dialo na Jeho slávu. To je to, čo robia Jeho atribúty, ukazujú Jeho slávu. Jedna nádoba na česť a druhá na nečesť, ale to je Boh, ktorý to učinil. "Nie je to vecou toho, kto chce, ani toho, kto beží, ale vecou Boha, ktorý sa zmilováva." Vidíte?

126"Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne," povedal Ježiš, "keby ho nepritiahol Otec. A všetci, ktorých mi Otec dal (minulý čas), prídu ku mne." - do Slova. Ako by oni mohli prísť, ak by neboli predurčení aby prišli? A všetci, ktorí Ho prijali, On im dal moc, aby sa stali synmi Božími." Vidíte, pretože ich mená boli v knihe, On prišiel vykúpiť to čo bolo v knihe.

127V Zjavení nachádzame, keď boli otvorené pečate, tam bola Kniha. A Ten, ktorý sedel na tróne, Boh, ju držal vo svojej pravej ruke. A nebolo ničoho, nikoho, na nebi ani na zemi ani nikde, kto by bol hodný prísť a zobrať tú Knihu, alebo len pozrieť na ňu. Ján plakal veľkým ... pretože tam bola celá Kniha vykúpenia.

128Raz večer na zhromaždení, jeden brat a sestra z Assembly of God spievali tú pieseň: "Som zvedavý, či ma Ján videl, keď videl zhromaždené všetky národy. Či ma tam videl?" Samozrejme že videl, ak je tvoje meno v Knihe. A keď ...

129Jánove meno bolo tiež v nej, a on plakal, pretože nebolo nikoho, kto by sa jej mohol dotknúť. A potom jeden zo starších prišiel a povedal: "Neplač, Ján, pretože zvíťazil Lev z pokolenia Júdovho."

130A Ján sa díval dookola, aby uvidel Leva, a z poza závesov prichádza Baránok, Baránok, ktorý bol zabitý pred založením sveta. Potom uvidel vystupovať zakrvaveného Baránka, a prišiel a zobral tú Knihu z Jeho pravice a zavolal všetko, čo bolo zapísané v tej Knihe. To je úplná Kniha vykúpenia. A toto je to. Kniha vykúpenia. On vykúpil všetko, čo bolo v tej Knihe. Nie to, čo bolo pomimo tej Knihy. Všetko, čo malo začiatok má aj koniec. Ale ak máte večný život, nikdy ste nemali začiatok a nemôžete mať koniec, pretože ste synovia a dcéry Božie. Ste atribútmi jeho myšlienok a jeho Slova. Nemáte koniec života, ak je vaše meno v tej Knihe. Baránok to prišiel vykúpiť. Nie všetkých, ktorí vyznávajú, že sú kresťania, nie všetkých, ktorí sa snažia dobre a sväte žiť; ale tých, ktorých mená sú tam zapísané, On vykúpil tých, a jedine tých, ktorých mená boli v tej Knihe.

131No zistili sme, že Satan spôsobil, že Adam upadol, na tom jednom slove. A Boh pokračoval teraz ďalej, vo svojom stvorení, a snažil sa nájsť jedného človeka, ktorý by žil každým Slovom. Jeho prvý človek sklamal. A tento človek bude žiť vo svojom čase, vo svojom veku, v ktorom žil.

132No, vidíte? Sú rôzne veky, o ktorých Boh od začiatku prorokoval, ktoré pôjdu jeden za druhým. Preto On mohol povedať koniec od začiatku, pretože On všetko vedel. On urobil všetko skrze Ježiša Krista, a pre Neho, a pre Jeho vlastné potešenie.

133Dobre si teraz všimnite. Nech vám toto neunikne. Čo keby bol Mojžiš prišiel a priniesol Noeho posolstvo? To by nefungovalo. Nemohlo by. Nie .

134Čo keby bol Ježiš priniesol Mojžišove posolstvo? To by nefungovalo.

135Čo keby sme my prišli, a snažili by sme sa priniesť posolstvo metodistov, posolstvo baptistov, alebo posolstvo letničných? To by nefungovalo. Oni boli dobré; dokážeme to za chvíľu, pomocou Slova. Oni boli v poriadku vo svojom veku. Ale ten vek pominul. My musíme nájsť, čo hovorí Písmo na dnes. Na tento deň, to je to čím má žiť človek na svoj vek.

On sa snažil nájsť človeka, ktorý by žil celým Slovom.

136Prvé čo On urobil, skúsil Noeho. Noe Ho sklamal; opil sa, sklamal.

137Mojžiš, to veľké, mocné, majstrovské dielo Božie, on ho skúsil a on sklamal. On oslávil seba samého, a nebolo mu dovolené, aby vošiel do zasľúbenej zemi.

138Potom prišiel Dávid, a on mal odzrkadľovať Jeho ... to veľké milénium, v Dávidovi, a On chcel ukázať, aký bude Jeho kráľ. A Boh prisahal, že skrze Dávida, On vzbudí ... vzbudí jeho syna, aby sedel na jeho tróne. A Dávid bol taký statočný človek, že až bol "mužom podľa Božieho srdca." A Dávid robil dobre. On vybil všetkých Filištínov a porúcal ich oltáre, a stál v Slove. A nakoniec, pekná žena ho vyviedla z rovnováhy, a on porušil prikázanie, stratil Slovo, spáchal cudzoložstvo. Vidíte? Muž podľa Jeho vlastného srdca. Vidíte? A ešte aj tak Ho Dávid sklamal.

139Mojžiš Ho sklamal, všetci ostatní Ho sklamali, ale ich životy len odzrkadľovali Toho, ktorý mal prísť.

140V knihe Zjavenia, ktorú píšem, jeden človek, ktorý ju prekladá, či dáva jej správnu gramatiku ... Moja gramatika je biedna, mám dobrého odborníka, aby dal tomu správnu gramatiku, dal tam správne ku sebe podstatné mená a zámená. Kým ja neviem, aký je rozdiel medzi podstatným menom a zámenom. Ale on vie, a on ich dáva ... Viem, to jedno čo viem, že Boh mi to dal, a ja to len píšem. Viete. A oni to musia tak uložiť, že ak sa to dostane vzdelaným ľuďom a iným, oni vedia ako to napísať, aby tomu rozumeli. A vtedy mi ten pisateľ povedal, ten gramatik - muž, ktorý v tom opravuje gramatiku, povedal mi: "Ale brat Branham, v Pergamskom cirkevnom veku sme našli, že Ježiš tam povedal: Tomu kto zvíťazí dám rannú hviezdu. Dá mu rannú hviezdu?" On povedal: "No ako on môže dostať rannú hviezdu, keď Ježiš povedal, že On je ranná hviezda?"

141Vidíte? Všetky tie semená Abrahámove sú odzrkadlené vo hviezdach. Oni sa líšia jedna od druhej a my sa budeme líšiť jeden od druhého. A Ježiš je tou rannou hviezdou. Najjasnejšia zo všetkých. Ale v Zjavení, v 1. kapitole sme Ho našli, že vo svojej ruke mal sedem hviezd. On to vykladá a povedal: "Týchto sedem hviezd je sedem anjelov do siedmych zborov, alebo do siedmych cirkevných vekov, ktoré prídu."

142Potom povedal: "Ako to potom môže byť, že oni dostanú rannú hviezdu?"

143Povedal som: "Hviezdy, ktoré boli v Jeho ruke, boli len hviezdy, ktoré odzrkadľovali tú ranú hviezdu. Vidíte? Lebo posol na daný deň mal Slovo." A On je Slovo; on mal len časť Slova na ten deň. A ľudia, ktorí sú hotoví vyjsť zo svetových systémov a svetských vecí, a chodiť s Ním, vidia odzrkadlenie rannej hviezdy, cez posla na ten vek. Ako to On odzrkadľoval cez Noeho a cez Mojžiša, a tak ďalej, ako On odzrkadľoval Starý Zákon. A nakoniec oni všetci prišli ku tomu Jednému. A tak to bude na konci cirkevných vekov, všetko to príde naspäť ku Ježišovi, lebo On je Slovo.

My, ako kresťania len odzrkadľujeme Jeho. Mesiac len odzrkadľuje slnko, počas jeho neprítomnosti. A veriaci len odzrkadľuje Syna Božieho, počas neprítomnosti Syna Božieho. To je svetlo Biblie. Písmo, ktoré sa potvrdilo v našich životoch, Slovo, ktoré svieti v temnosti. Vy ste sviecami postavenými na vrchu. To nie je slnko; to je svieca. Svieca len zastupuje miesto slnka, vydáva len určité množstvo svetla. My sme Božie deti, sme synovia a dcéry Božie, jedine podľa miery Ducha. On Ho mal bez miery. My sme svietiace hviezdy, všetci spolu vydávame pre svet svetlo, ale On je celým slnkom, ktoré zrkadlí svetlo každej hviezdy. Haleluja! Ja Mu verím. Bože pomôž mojej nevere!

144Nakoniec prišiel Tento dokonalý. No, On prišiel, aby bol pokúšaný vo všetkom, tak ako my. Biblia hovorí, že bol. On bol pokúšaný ako Noe. Bol pokúšaný ako Mojžiš. Bol pokúšaný ako všetci ostatní. Keby sme mali čas, aby sme to rozobrali, aby ste to videli, ale nemáme, pretože vám nechcem zabrať príliš veľa času. Ale, keby sme to rozobrali, ukázal by som vám, že On bol tak isto pokúšaný.

145Satan nemení svoje taktiky, ani Boh, len veky sa menia. Ale čo ... Satan sa dostal, už tam vtedy, ku tej prvej Božej rodine, na zemi. Tu to je, brat, sestra. Neprehliadni toto. Ako Satan dostal tú prvú rodinu? On to nijako nemohol prelomiť, jedine ich naviesť, aby porušili Slovo, lebo oni boli ohradení Slovom. Keby len mohol nájsť jednu medzeru!

146Takto on dostal každú cirkev v každom veku, každého veriaceho, len urobiť medzeru. "Dobre, ja verím, že Biblia má pravdu, ale tomu neverím." Ó, a už mu to ide. Príliš zle, ale tam sa mu to podarilo.

"Každým slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích!"

147No v krátkosti to teraz uzavrieme. On nakoniec, Tento, ktorý mal prísť, prišiel a musel byť pokúšaný, presne tak ako boli pokúšaní tí ostatní. No, všimnite si ako zrazu Satan vedie každý svoj útok, presne ako to stále robil. Snaží sa Mu dať prirodzený chlieb, tak ako to urobil pri Eve. "Ak budeš jesť toto. Zober si toto." Alebo niečo iné. On to dosiahol.

148A to urobil každej organizácii, to urobil každému jednotlivcovi, on sa vám snaží dať prirodzené veci, na ktoré sa môžete pozerať. A to vás odstavuje nabok! "Dobre, pozri sa na túto veľkú cirkev! Aha, sú ich v nej milióny! Naša cirkev je najväčšia cirkev v meste. Dobre, naša ... my máme ... Starosta chodí do našej cirkvi. Pozri sa na to všetko! Náš pastor má titul D.D., L.D., Ph.D. To, dobre to ... on musí byť najchytrejší človek." Katolícky kňaz ho môže kedykoľvek pokryť svojimi titulmi. On má okolo šesťdesiat rôznych kníh, ktoré musí poznať, tak ako vy Bibliu, aby získal hodnosť kňaza. A tak neporovnávajte kto má aké vzdelanie.

149Takto sa to svet stále snaží porovnávať. Neporovnávajte to podľa vecí tohoto sveta. Neporovnávajte to podľa cirkví. Porovnávajte to podľa Biblii! To je to, čo robíme dnes. To sa deje s nami, letničné cirkvi. To sa deje s našimi kvartetami a spevmi, a tak ďalej, ktoré máme, snažíme sa správať ako Hollywood. Hollywood sa leskne; evanjelium žiari. A je veľký rozdiel medzi leskom a žiarou. Hollywood sa leskne oblečením, a Rikmi a Riketami (mená svetsky skazených ľudí) a odrazmi. Ale Boh pokorne žiari pokorou veriaceho, a nezáleží na tom, aký je nevzdelaný. On žiari pokorou, v Hollywode nič nesvieti.

150Všimnite si, on skúšal svoju starú taktiku na Ježišovi, to isté čo urobil Mojžišovi, to isté čo urobil tým ostatným. On to skúšal. On to bude skúšať na tebe, aby ťa doviedol do toho, aby si prijal niečo veľké, čo sa leskne.

151To mi pripomína, keď som zvykol poľovať na mývali. [medvedík čistotný -- pozn.prekl.] Zobral som si ... Tata, môj otec, užíval tabak. Neviem, či všetci poznáte nejaké z tých starých kovových štítkov, ktoré sa používali na zakrútenie tabaku. Zobral som to a našiel som si brvno a vyvŕtal som do neho dieru, hneď tam pri potoku, kde behali mývali. A potom som tam vyvŕtal dieru a pripichol som tam tento štítok z tabaku. A potom som v takomto uhle zatĺkol nejaké klince. A mývali sa stále naťahujú za niečím, čo sa leskne, a keď vyšiel mesiac, a on tam pobehoval, on to tam uvidel a strčil tam ruku, aby to zobral. A nemohol ju vytiahnuť.

152On je, ako niektorí členovia cirkvi. Aj keď vie že je chytený, nechce sa uvoľniť. "Keby som to urobil, vylúčili by ma z organizácii." To je proste jeho smrť, nič sa nedá robiť. No dobre. Všimnite si. On sa toho drží, nechce sa toho pustiť. A teraz Satan skúšal tú istú taktiku na Ježišovi, ktorú vyskúšal na tých ostatných. On chcel, aby On jedol niečo iné, okrem zasľúbeného chleba Slova. Pretože Ježiš povedal: "Je napísané, človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe." Vidíte? On chcel, aby poslúchal jeho. Hoci to vyzeralo celkom dobre, vyzeralo to, akoby si mohol pripraviť jedenie, a On by to mohol urobiť. Vy máte ...

153Vy sa tiež môžete stále správať tak, ako chcete. Môžete to zobrať, alebo to nechať tak, čokoľvek chcete. Keby ten mýval mal dosť rozumu, aby to pustil a zavrel ruku, mohol by ju znovu vytiahnuť; ale on to nechcel urobiť, on sa tam jednoducho chytil. A takto je to tiež s mnohými, tak zvanými, kresťanmi. Oni o tom nič nechcú počuť, nechcú prísť a počúvať. Oni s tým nechcú mať nič. Idú potom ďalej a držia sa toho. Vidíte? Uvidíte, čo sa stane.

154No, všimnite si. Oni sa Ho snažili doviesť do toho, aby jedol niečo iné okrem chleba života, na ktorom má žiť každý človek. Ale Ježiš stál na Otcovom Slove. Ó, on nenarazil teraz na Evu, on nenarazil na Mojžiša, on nenarazil na žiadneho z tých ostatných. On narazil na Toho, ktorý odzrkadľoval každé Slovo. Vidíte? On ... preto On bol Slovom. Ale Ježiš stál na Slove, odmietol jeho doktrínu z teologického seminára. Tak veru. Jeho nové svetlo, jeho viac prežitia. On to nemohol vtisnúť Ježišovi, ako to vtisol Eve, aby jej ukázal: "Ó istotne, Boh ..."

155"Ó, Boh istotne bude za týmto, ak sa budeme môcť dať dokopy a urobíme celosvetovú radu cirkví. Istotne, Boh bude za tým. On chce jednotu, On chce bratstvo." S Ním, nie zo svetom; bratstvo s Ním, aby sme uctievali Jeho. Za to On zomrel, aby ste uctievali Jeho. Ako stále, keď nemôže dostať ...

No vidíme, že sa mu to nepodarilo. Ježiš vyšiel na neho hneď s tým: "Tak hovorí Pán." Amen.

156No, keď on vidí, že veriaci ... Pozorujte, veriaci teraz prichádza v týchto istých kategóriách, každý jeden z vás. Keď on vidí, že ste rozhodnutý stáť na tom, čo hovorí Biblia ... "Áno, ja verím Biblii. Nepripájam sa ku žiadnemu vyznaniu ani ku ničomu takému. Ja zostanem s Bibliou." A tak, ako stále, ak vás nemôže odviesť od toho, aby ste verili - aby ste opustili skutočnú pravdu a neverili Slovu. Chcem, aby ste si všimli, čo urobil Ježišovi, ako druhé, ak vás nemôže dostať. Poviete: "Ja sa nepripojím ku žiadnemu vyznaniu. Ja sa nepripojím. Narodil som sa voľný, zostanem pri tom. Urobím toto, to, alebo tamto." Vidíte? Pripoj sa do cirkvi, a ty príď a pripoj sa, jedno alebo druhé. Ak ťa nemôže naviesť, aby si to urobil, potom ti urobí niečo iné. Ó, brat, dávaj na toto pozor.

157Ak sa mu to nepodarí, potom ťa pošle do svojho vlastného seminára, aby ťa učili jeho vlastní teológovia. Vidíte? Kde Satan vykladá (Slovo.) "Ó, dni zázrakov pominuli. Tí ľudia tam dole ... to je banda fanatikov. To už nie je." Vidíte? On ťa tam pošle.

158Ó, ty môžeš povedať: Počkaj chvíľu, brat Branham! Počkaj teraz chvíľu" Áno. Počkajme len chvíľu. Vidíte? Vy teraz hovoríte: "Či nevieš, že máme byť (vyučení)? Či nemáme byť?" Nie, veru. Nie.

159Ale Ježiš povedal: "Keď príde On, ten Duch pravdy, (Vidíte?) On vám pripomenie tieto veci, ktoré som vás učil, Slovo. A On vám tiež ukáže veci, ktoré majú prísť." Existuje teraz skutočná Duchom naplnená cirkev, ktorá stojí na Slove a odzrkadľuje Slovo, Boha na zemi. Vidíte? On nepotrebuje žiadneho teológa, pretože Jeho Slovo nepodlieha žiadnemu ľudskému výkladu. On vykladá svoje Slovo, tým že ho potvrdzuje a dokazuje, že ono je pravda.

160Keď ti metodistická cirkev povedala, že nemôžeš prijať Ducha Svätého, tak ako oni na Letnice, bral si na to nejaký ohľad? Samozrejme, že nie. Ty si išiel ďalej a jednako si prijal Ducha Svätého. Vidíte? Pretože ...

161Raz večer som sa rozprával o trojici s baptistickým kazateľom, povedal som mu, že to bola len terminológia. A tak sme zistili, povedal, ďalší kazateľ zo seminára, on povedal: No, pán Branham, vy sa snažíte naviesť ľudí, aby verili náboženstvo apoštolov."

Povedal som: "Samozrejme, to je to jediné."

A on povedal: "Pane, kde ste chodili do školy?"

162Povedal som: "Na svojich kolenách, brat môj. Nie do ... Vidíte? Tam to dostanete, nie teológia, ale kolenológia." Povedal som: "Tam som našiel Jeho."

163A on povedal: "Pán Branham, krst Duchom Svätým, ako ho oni prijali na Letnice, vy chcete povedať, že to je na dnes?"

164Povedal som: "pane, Biblia hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Povedal som: "To bol Ježiš Kristus, ktorý prišiel na Letnice." Tak veru, Ten istý.

165"Ešte chvíľu ... budem prosiť Otca a On vám dá iného potešiteľa, ktorým je Duch Svätý. Ešte chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte, pretože budem s vami, i vo vás, do skonania, do konca sveta."

166Povedal som: "Áno. To je On, ktorý prišiel na Letnice. Tak veru. On prišiel, žil v nich, všimnite si, vo forme osoby Ducha Svätého, Ježiš Kristus v osobe Ducha Svätého, keď rozumieme Božstvo."

167No, všimnite si. Satan nepotreboval jeho teológiu. A tento človek mi povedal: Pán Branham," povedal, "Chcem aby ste vedeli, že ja mám takú a takú školu a my sme vyučení."

Povedal som: "Po celý čas počúvam váš program." Vidíte?

On povedal: "My sme tam vyučení." Povedal: "Krst Duchom Svätým bol len pre učeníkov."

168Povedal som: "Biblia povedala, že tam vo vrchnej dvorane ich bolo 120." A povedal som: "No, kto má pravdu, vy alebo Slovo?"

169A povedal som: "A potom tiež, keď Filip išiel a kázal Samaritánom a pokrstil ich vo meno Ježiša Krista, ale Duch Svätý ešte na nich neprišiel, pretože Peter mal kľúče. Tak on poslal hore do Jeruzalema a zavolal Petra, ktorý prišiel a kládol na nich ruky, a prišiel na nich Duch Svätý. Biblia povedala, že Duch Svätý ..."

170Povedal som: "Potom Peter, s tým videním, s kľúčmi išiel do domu Kornélia, Skutky 10:49, A kým ešte hovoril tieto slová, zostúpil na nich Duch Svätý. Lebo ich počuli hovoriť v jazykoch, a prorokovať, a velebiť Boha. Vtedy povedal Peter, Či môžeme zabrániť vode, aby títo neboli pokrstený, keď vidíme že prijali Ducha Svätého, tak ako aj my na počiatku?" A rozkázal ich pokrstiť v mene Pána Ježiša Krista."

171Nachádzame, o tridsať rokov neskoršie, že Pavel pochodil horné kraje Efezu, našiel nejakých baptistov, ktorí mali veľké prebudenie. Diali sa veľké veci. Oni kričali, chválili Pána. A Pavel navštívil ten zbor, do ktorého chodilo okolo dvadsať ľudí, kde chodili na zhromaždenie Akvila a Priscilla kde Apollo, obrátený zákonník, dokazoval pomocou Biblie, že Ježiš je Kristus. A oni mali veľkú radosť, a veľké zhromaždenie. Pavel tam prechádzal, on tam prišiel po tom, keď on ... Pán ho vypustil z väzenia, lebo vyhnal ducha, diabla z veštice. A on tam potom prechádzal, v práci Pánovej a išiel tam, aby počul to zhromaždenie. A povedal: "Tento človek, je veľký človek, to je dobre, ale." Povedal: "Prijali ste Ducha Svätého po tom, keď ste uverili?" On veril, že ste to prijali, keď ste uverili. Ale on povedal: "Dostali ste Ducha Svätého po tom, keď ste uverili?" On povedal: "My ani nevieme, či je Svätý Duch."

172Povedal: "A na čo ste tedy pokrstení?" To bola otázka. On povedal: "My sme boli pokrstení ... ten istý, ktorý pokrstil Ježiša. Ján. Boli sme pokrstení na krst Jánov." Vidíte? On povedal: "Ján krstil len na pokánie, nie na odpustenie hriechov." Ján ... pretože Baránok nebol ešte zabitý. On povedal: "Ján krstil na pokánie a hovoril, aby ste uverili v toho, ktorý mal prísť, v Ježiša Krista." "A keď to počuli dali sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista. A Pavel vzložil na nich ruky, a prišiel na nich Duch Svätý a prorokovali a hovorili v jazykoch." Tridsať rokov po tom.

A povedal som: "Okrem toho, veríš Biblii?"

On povedal: "Samozrejme."

173Povedal som: "Peter na Letnice, keď sa všade rozliehal ten hlas, a oni všetci kričali a chválili Boha, oni povedali: Mužovia a bratia, čo máme robiť, aby sme boli spasení? Peter povedal: Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista, na odpustenie hriechov a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého, lebo vám patrí to zasľúbenie a vašim deťom, a všetkým na široko ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh. Nebo a zem pominú, ale to Slovo nikdy nesklame!"

174Vy letniční ste si nevšímali, čo hovorili metodisti, baptisti alebo presbyteriáni. Vy ste vedeli, že to platí pre každú generáciu a tlačili ste sa do toho. Skutočne. No, nezastaňte len na tom, tlačte sa naďalej. Vidíte?

175Tam metodisti spravili chybu, oni sa tlačili do posvätenia, ale zastali. Luteráni sa tlačili do ospravedlnenia a zastali. Vidíte? Potom to zorganizovali, a tam to zomrelo. Na tom to skončilo. To bolo všetko. Dávajte teraz pozor, ponáhľame sa to prebrať. "Keď príde ten Duch pravdy, On vás naučí všetko, čokoľvek som vás učil," ó, "pripomenie vám všetko, čo som vám povedal, všetko vám pripomenie. A On vám ukáže budúce veci. On potvrdí každé Slovo, bude potvrdzovať Slovo, že ho budú nasledovať znamenia." Všetko, čo On zasľúbil, čo Boh zasľúbil v Biblii, ak sa uvoľníte od každého vyznania a od všetkého iného, a budete sa držať Slova, Boh je zaviazaný postarať sa o Svoje Slovo. A tak, keď oni toto urobili, Slovo sa samé potvrdzuje.

176On nepotrebuje aby niekto hovoril: "No, dni zázrakov pominuli."

177Ktorý človek mi chce povedať, že dni zázrakov pominuli, keď som bol raz slepý? Haleluja. Raz som ležal a doktori mi dávali tri minúty života, a dnes žijem. Ako mi oni môžu povedať niečo iné? Predtým vlažný člen zboru, a teraz naplnený Duchom Svätým. Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. Sám Duch, ktorý je Slovom, vykladá, že ono je pravda. Ak sa niekto odváži povstať a zobrať to. On ho Sám vykladá. Skúste Ho raz, a uvidíte či to nie je pravda. Nevšímajte si, čo hovorí niekto druhý. Robte to, čo Boh povedal.

178"Dobre," poviete, "Ja toto robím." Ale čo s týmto druhým? Každé Slovo. Jedno slovo pretrhne reťaz.

179Tam cirkvi stále sklamali, práve na tej reťazi. Oni to organizujú, dávajú to dokopy a robia veľkú denomináciu. Títo ľudia sa dávajú dokopy, svätý otec taký a taký, Dr. biskup taký a taký. A čo je to prvé, čo z toho máte? Tu to je. Hneď tam ste zomreli. Dokážeme to pomocou prírody a pomocou Slova, za chvíľu, ak Pán dá. Dobre.

180"Pripomenie." On potvrdzuje každé Slovo, a my skrze to žijeme. Haleluja! Žijeme skrze to! "Človek bude žiť na každom slove, na každom potvrdenom slove. Ježiš povedal: "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Budú nasledovať tých, ktorý veria!" Chyťte sa toho; Boh to potvrdzuje, že je to pravda.

181Kde, semináre a teológovia, inšpirovaní Satanom, hovoria: "Na to sa nemôžeš spoliehať. To je pre apoštolov. Tie dni pominuli. Také niečo neexistuje. To platilo len pre apoštolov, aby to vtedy potvrdilo evanjelium. Dnes máme vyučených ľudí.

182Oni boli vtedy viac vyučení, než ako my teraz. Ukážte mi nejakú cirkev, ktorá by sa mohla rovnať s tým Sanhedrinom, keď ich pra-pra-pra-pra-prastarí otcovia museli byť kňazmi, pred nimi. Jedno vykrútenie slova na tom zvitku, alebo, och, oni by ich za to ukameňovali. Oni museli presne na tom stáť. Ale oni si nevšimli to skutočné jadro Slova, keď to prišlo, ten život. Preto boli odsúdení a nazvaní, že robia skutky Satana.

183Vidíte, to neodzrkadľuje Slovo Božie, keď vám nejaký študent seminára povie: "Duch Svätý nie je na dnes. A tieto veci, všetko to Božské uzdravovanie, bolo na iný čas." Vidíte? To neodzrkadľuje Boha, to odzrkadľuje vyznanie. To odzrkadľuje náuku, ktorá nepochádza z Biblie.

184Židom 13:8 hovorí: "On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Ev. Jána 14:12 hovorí: "Ten, kto verí vo mňa, skutky ktoré ja činím, bude aj on činiť." No, ako z tade odstránite to Slovo, ako pridáte niečo na to miesto? Porušíte reťaz života. Človek žije na chlebe, jedine na chlebe, on večne žije na tom chlebe. Telesne, on žije na tomto chlebe. Sú dva chleby. Duch Svätý, Duch Svätý vo vás hovorí: "amen" na každé slovo Božie, ak je to Duch Svätý. No, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. No toto je štipľavé.

185Mama nám zvykla dávať ricínový olej, keď som bol malý. A ešte teraz ho nemôžem cítiť. Vidíte? Vyrastali sme v chudobe, a mama varila mastné kože a vytápala z nich masť. Dostávali sme ich od jednej starej sestry menom Goodmanová, ktorá mala pekáreň tam dole, a piekla šunky a také veci, a vykrajovala ich. Mäso sme obrali a to mastné sme brali na pečenie nášho obilného chleba. A mali sme biednu stravu, nie divu, že sme trpeli podvýživou a tak ďalej, na pelagru. Ale mama potom, každú sobotu večer ... Nemali sme poriadnu stravu, tak ona nás každého nútila, aby sme zjedli veľkú porciu ricínového oleju. A ja som si držal nos a kričal: "Mama, mne je z toho zle." Ona vravela: "Ak by ti z toho nebolo zle, nič by ti to nepomohlo." Tak možno to bude takto fungovať. No, ako ...

186Opýtam sa vás niečo. Ako môže muž alebo žena tvrdiť, že sú naplnení Duchom Svätým, ktorý je Slovom (Je to tak?) a ako môžete byť telom toho Ducha Svätého, ktorého ste sa stali časťou, aby ste odzrkadľovali evanjelium nášho veku, a pri tom zapierať Slovo, ktoré On napísal?

187Nestarám sa o to, aký ste dobrý. Aha, môžem vás zobrať do Afriky, ku Hotentótom, a ukázať vám život, ktorého sa kresťania nemôžu ani dotknúť. Ak by boli prichytení v cudzoložstve; ak by nejaká žena, prv ako by sa vydala, mladá žena, ona musí byť prv vyšetrená či je panna. Ak by bola nájdená vinná, musí povedať, ktorý muž to urobil a obidvoch ich zabijú. Čo keby sa to tak urobilo v Spojených štátoch, kto by pochoval všetkých tých mŕtvych. Vidíte? Tak tu to máte. Vidíte? A to sú pohania. Vidíte tú morálku? Vidíte? Tak podľa toho to nemôžete overovať. Náš brat z Indie vám tu teraz môže povedať, že vraj Mohamedáni žijú oveľa lepším životom, o akom my ani nemyslíme.

188Ale čo to je? To je Slovo ktoré overuje. Tí farizejovia boli dvakrát pokornejší ako Ježiš. On chodil okolo trhal ich cirkvi, a vyhadzoval ich von, a bil ich, a všetko takéto.

189A tento pobožný starý kňaz, viete, aha, kto bol ... Keby som mal dnes ráno proti Nemu zhromaždenie, povedal by som: "Kto prišiel ku vám, keď ste boli chorí, aby sa za vás modlil? Ten pobožný starý kňaz. Kto požičal tvojmu otcovi peniaze, keď sa mu nič neurodilo? Ten pobožný starý kňaz. Kto sa za teba modlil, aby posvätil tvoj život Bohu do služby? Ten pobožný starý kňaz. Kto ťa prišiel navštíviť, keď si bol vo vezení? Ten pobožný starý kňaz. A tento mladý odpadlík, ktorý sa nazýva Ježiš, čo on robí? Nazval tvojho pastora hadom. Vidíš?" Vidíte? To nie je podľa ovocia.

190To je podľa Slova. "Človek nebude žiť na samom ovocí, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích."

191A On bol to Slovo. Oni to jednoducho prehliadli. To bolo to čo On mal robiť. Oni to nemohli vidieť, pretože neboli určení, aby to videli. Povedal: "Vy nemôžete prísť ku mne." Pozrite sa na tých biednych Židov, ich oči boli zaslepené. Skutočne, On to urobil. On sám ich zaslepil.

192Predstavte si, ako je to, keď je niekto zaslepený. Račej ďakujte Bohu za zrak, aký ste dostali na Písmo.

193No, všimnite si. No, On bol toto Slovo. No, po tomto, On bol skúšaný. Ježiš je skúšaný. Teraz cez toto prechádzame.

194Pozrite sa, to neodzrkadľuje Slovo, keď niekto hovorí: "No to bolo na iný vek." Pretože Biblia hovorí, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Akoby Duch Svätý vo vás mohol povedať, že ste naplnení Duchom Svätým?"

195No, môžem sa vás trochu dotknúť? Nevadí vám to? Zodvihnite ruky. Nebudete na mňa nahnevaní? Ak ste, tak musíte byť.

196Ako môžete povedať, vy ženy s ostrihanými vlasmi, že ste naplnené Duchom Svätým? Jedno Slovo. "Ó, ja som hovorila v jazykoch." To na tom nič nemení. Ja som videl čarodejníkov hovoriť v jazykoch, vykladať, kričať v duchu, tancovať v duchu.

197Ako vy muži môžete hovoriť, že ste hlavou domu, a necháte svoju ženu chodiť v šortkách, a správať sa tak ako sa správa, a hovoríte si že ste kresťania?

198Ako môžete vy pastori predstúpiť pred Boha s niečím takým, bez toho, aby ste povstali a protestovali proti tomu? Nemôžete ich donútiť, aby vás poslúchli. Ale kážte proti tomu, nebudete dlho patriť do toho seminára, alebo to tej skupiny. Budete musieť inde nadviazať spoluprácu. Dostaneme sa do toho, za chvíľu, ak Pán dá. Vidíte?

199Ale tu to máte. Nemám v úmysle dotknúť sa vás. Milujem vás. Preto to hovorím. Keby ste sa plavili dole po rieke, a ja by som videl, že sa potopíte, bol by som biedny kamarát, keby som hovoril: "No, buď dobrou osobou, drahá." Radšej ich varujte. To je v poriadku. Povedzte im to!

200Ako som povedal raz večer, že keď som kresťan, musím byť zidentifikovaný s každým Biblickým charakterom. Musel som stáť s Noem a kázať s ním v tých dňoch a varovať ľudí. Je to tak. Musel som stáť sám s Eliášom na hore Karmel. Musel som stáť na Golgote a byť s Ním ukrižovaný sebe samému a svojím vlastným predstavám. Ale potom som s Ním znovu vstal na Veľkú Noc, a zvíťazil nad všetkým. Nad všetkou svetskou telesnosťou, v Ňom som sa postavil nad to.

201Všimnite si, to potom neodzrkadľuje Slovo, nie, to ho nepotvrdzuje. No, ale keď veríte Slovu, Boh sa bude potvrdzovať, ako to robil tu v Ježišovi.

202Chlieb Slova bol stále na to, aby sa ním človek živil. "A človek nebude žiť samým chlebom, takýmto chlebom, ale každým Slovom." Tak to je chlieb Slova, zapamätajte si to. Toto je tento chlieb, ktorým sa živila cirkev cez všetky veky, to musela byť skrytá manna, len pre toho kto zvíťazil. Tak je to povedané v Zjavení. No nemám čas, aby sme to celé rozoberali, pretože by to zabralo možno ďalších tridsať minút. Ale, pozrite, keď tá svätá manna padala z neba, čo bolo obrazom na Ducha Svätého. S tým budete súhlasiť.

203Boh povedal Mojžišovi, aby išiel a zobral plný omer manny a dal to do svätyni svätých. Pretože, keby to nedali do svätyni svätých, bolo by to zhnilo. Je to tak? Dostali by sa do toho červíky. No, on povedal: "Ale daj to do svätyni svätých, v tomto omere, aby každá generácia, ktorá príde podľa tohoto kňazstva, keď sa stane, že nejaký muž bude kňazom, aby slúžil Slovom, prvá vec, ktorú urobí, potom keď bude ordinovaný, že tam vojde a zoberie za hrsť tej originálnej manny a zje to.

204To malo reprezentovať to Svetlo v Jeho ruke, v tom novom cirkevnom veku, odzrkadľovať Jeho Svetlo, tá manna. A jedine človek, ktorý dokonale zvíťazil, človek, ktorý sa posadil a odhodil nabok všetko ostatné okrem Slova ... A Slovo je tou mannou. Ó, to je Ježiš. "Človek bude žiť na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." To je tá skrytá manna pre víťaza. Ó, to tam ležalo pre každé kňazstvo, ktoré nasledovalo.

205Teologické školy, už dávno, vymenili túto požehnanú vec za misku šošovice. Je to presne tak. Tak veru.

206Ako to urobil Ezav. No, Ezav, morálne, bol lepší človek ako Jakob, ale on si nevážil svoje právo prvorodenstva, ktorým bolo Slovo. Koľkí to viete? Tie práva prvorodenstva, to bolo Slovo, zasľúbenie, staršiemu synovi. Ale on bol dobrý človek, morálny človek, ako dnes takzvaní kresťania, dobrý človek. On neklamal. Nekradol. Bol dobrý ku svojmu otcovi. On všetko toto robil. Ale, vidíte, jeho právo prvorodenstva, on povedal, že on sa o to nestará. "Aký je v tom rozdiel. Ja som aj tak Izraelita. Vidíte? Ja aj tak do toho patrím." Ale to bolo jeho právo prvorodenstva, na ktorom záležalo. Vidíte? Telesne bol úplne v poriadku, ale duchovne bol úplne vedľa.

207Tak je to dnes, misa s kašou, cirkev a svet zmiešané spolu, zo všetkého niečo; bingo večierky [hazardná hra -- pozn.prekl.], tance, všetky rôzne zábavy, v zbore; nakrátko ostrihané ženy, ktoré chodia v šortkách.

Dobre, poviete: "Brat Branham, čo taká maličkosť?"

208To je jedno zo Slov, lebo Biblia povedala, že pre ženu je to zlé, aby si strihala vlasy. Je to tak. Ak to robí, ako tam vojde? Vidíte? Opýtajte sa len, každý kazateľ vám povie, že Slovo to hovorí. Vidíte? Ona hanobí svoju hlavu; ona hanobí svojho muža. Mala by byť rozvedená. Presne tak. "Lebo tá, ktorá si bude strihať vlasy, nech sa ostrihá dohola, oholí." Vidíte? Ak to chce robiť. Nie len ostrihaná, Boh to tak nechce. To je ten Pán, ktorý v tom stojí. Neberte to na ľahko. Alebo ich ostrihať dohola, alebo ich nechať rásť, to je to čo povedal Boh. Každý kazateľ evanjelia vie, že je to pravda, či to poviete alebo nie. Ale to je pravda. Vidíte? Dobre, čo z toho, keď budete robiť všetko to ostatné, a toto obídete?

209Čo? Do vás vchádza trochu svetského správania, snažíte sa správať tak trochu, ako ostatné cirkvi. To je presne to, kde sa Izrael dostal do problémov. Tam oni zomreli, tam sa Adam dostal do problémov, tam sa všetci ostatní dostali do problémov. Len jedno Slovo, a všetko to odníma, len jeden bod. Kaša, zmiešané so svetom! Niečo zo sveta, niečo z Hollywoodu, niečo z cirkvi, niečo z teológie, a čo máte?

210Všimnite si, ak sa to tu Satanovi nepodarí, potom skúsi na vás svoju druhú metódu - aby ste neverili Slovu, on bude ... a aby ste išli na seminár. On skúsi ďalšiu metódu. No tu musíte byť veľmi opatrní, seďte len ďalších päť minút pri tejto časti, ak chcete. Potom vám on ponúkne niečo nadprirodzené. Vrátim sa ku tomuto všetkému, prv ako zakončíme. On urobí ... Vidíte? Ak vás nemôže odviesť od Slova: "Nie, ja budem stáť na Slove." Potom vám ponúkne niečo nadprirodzené.

211On povedal: "Poviem ti niečo. Zastaň si sem a skoč dole z chrámu, a znovu sa tu postavíš. Pozri, ukáž ľuďom, že môžeš urobiť niečo nadprirodzené."

212Chlapče, on ich tam dostal. No, dávajte na toto pozor. Dávajte pozor, keď sa dostanete na koniec, tam prichádza toto pokušenie. Možno, že dal niekomu z vás hovoriť v jazykoch, aby ste si mysleli že to máte. Vidíte? Alebo, vás dokonca mohol nechať prorokovať, a pritom to bolo nezhodné so Slovom. Videl som ako ľudia vstali a prorokovali, a bolo to tak nezhodné so Slovom, ako východ so západom. Vidíte? Žijete skrze Slovo. Tie nadprirodzené dary, Satan ich môže dávať plnými hrsťami. Skutočne. To nič neznamená.

213Či nepovedal Ježiš: "Mnohí prídu ku mne v ten deň a povedia: Pane, či som neprorokoval v tvojom mene? V tvojom mene som vyháňal démonov. Činil som mocné skutky. Bol som veľkým človekom v organizácii. Robil som všetko toto." On povie: Odstúpte odo Mňa, činitelia neprávosti."

214Čo je to neprávosť? To je niečo, o čom viete, že je to pravda, a uznáte to, a nerobíte to vo svojom srdci. Keď viete, že Biblia učí určitú vec, a vy to nerobíte, to je neprávosť. A Dávid povedal: "Keby som skryl neprávosť vo svojom srdci, Boh by ani nevypočul moju modlitbu." Je to pravda? Je to v Biblii? No, samozrejme, nemôžete sa na to hnevať. Vidíte? Ježiš povedal že: "Mnohí prídu ku mne v ten deň a povedia: Konal som všetko toto, a Ja im poviem: Odstúpte odo mňa, činitelia neprávosti."

215Tak isto ako urobil Adam. Adam povedal: "Pane, urobil som toto, urobil som tamto." Ale jedno Slovo. Vidíte? Jedno Slovo to spôsobilo. To úplne stačilo, neposlúchnuť len jedno Slovo.

216 Áno, možno to proroctvo nie je zhodné so Slovom. Ale teraz, keď dostal tento nadprirodzený dar, nechal sa strhnúť tým rozruchom, tým leskom. "Sláva Bohu. Modlil som sa za toho a toho, oni vstali a mohli chodiť! Haleluja. Môžem hovoriť v jazykoch. A iný to vykladal. To je ohromné, je to pravda."

217Pavel povedal: "Môžem hovoriť ľudskými jazykmi aj anjelskými, a pri tom nič nie som. Môžem mať vieru, že by som hory prenášal, a stále nič nie som." Je to pravda?

218Ale, pozrite, on vám toto ponúkne. Ó, letniční ľudia, ja vás milujem, inak by som s vami nebol. Tam ste urobili chybu. Vidíte? Pozorujte Slovo, nie dar. Pozorujte Darcu, aby ste videli odkiaľ to pochádza. Rozumiete? On je celý unesený, tancuje v duchu. Chlapče ... [prázdne miesto na páske. -- pozn.prekl.] ... jediná vec. On mal okolo seba toľko ľudí, každý ho volá, tu a tam, a on zabúda na Slovo.

219Ó, vy ste veľmi populárni, kým stojíte pomimo Slova. Ale keď raz vojdete do Slova, dívajte sa kto bude potom s vami spolupracovať. Vidíte? Pozorujte, čo potom z toho vysvitne. Vojdeme do tohoto, v ďalšom štádiu prírody, za chvíľu. Pozrite, dávajte pozor, kto vás potom bude chcieť? Nikto. "Ó, ruky preč od toho!" Ako určité združenie sa tu spolu zišlo pred niekoľkými týždňami a označili ma, každý kazateľ, z plného evanjelia, ktorý chodí do mesta, ktorý by ma prijal v meste, aby som sa modlil za ich chorých, bude úplne vylúčený z toho združenia. Dobre, pretože sa modlím za chorých. No dobre. "Nepočúvajte to!" Vidíte? A Slovo je potvrdzované.

220To je to isté, čo urobili nášmu Pánovi. To je to isté, čo urobili každému, v každom veku. To je to, čo urobili Lutherovi, Wesleyovi, a všetkým. To je to, čo urobili vám na začiatku, a teraz ste sa obrátili naspäť do toho istého válova, z ktorého ste vyšli. Všimnite si, stále to bolo tak isto. To neprestalo, Satan to stále robí tak isto. A teraz je on unášaný rozruchom okolo toho lesku, a tak ďalej, že až, ó, že už viac nedáva vôbec pozor na Slovo. "Ó, brat, brat taký a taký povedal to a to a ja, a ja tam musím ísť, ja ..." Vidíte? On je tak unášaný, že si ani nevšíma, či je to zhodné so Slovom alebo nie, v tom nie je žiadny rozdiel. "Tí ostatní povedali, že je to v poriadku, tak v tom nie je žiadny rozdiel." Denominácie hovoria: "Človeče, ty to máš, nedaj si to nikým vyhovoriť!" Ty máš, ale čo? Vidíte?

221Všimnite si, Satan mal stále, aj vtedy ... Sledujte to tu na tomto jednom mieste, on sa zakrýva Slovom. Aj pri tomto nadprirodzenom, na čo sa snažil naviesť Ježiša, aby to urobil, to nadprirodzené. Vidíte? To bolo, mal nadprirodzené ... Čo keby ho bol Ježiš poslúchol? Vidíte? On povedal: "No, počkaj. Ty chceš stáť v Slove, však? Ty chceš stáť v Slove?" Povedal: "Je napísané, že svojim anjelom prikáže o tebe, a vezmú ťa na ruky, aby si si neuderil svojej nohy o kameň." Ale On si neudieral svoje nohy o kameň. Vidíte? Dívajte sa. Čo keby sa On bol na to postavil? On ... Všimli ste si, ja som nepovedal, že on citoval Slovo; on sa ním zakryl, ako keď sa dáva zmrzlina do oblátky, zakryl sa s tým, vybielil to. Vidíte? To nebolo na správnom mieste.

222To je to, čo sa oni snažia dnes hovoriť, snažia sa to vybieliť, ale to vám nemôže pasovať s ostatným Písmom. To musí byť všetko: "Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Vidíte? Nezáleží na tom, za koľko Slova sa chcete skryť, to neznamená ...

223To musí byť citované presne tak, ako to On povedal. Potom, keď je to citované správne, On to bude potvrdzovať v tvojom živote, že je to tak. "Takto budú všetci ľudia vedieť, že ste písanými epištolami, čítanými od Boha." Písanými epištolami je Biblia. Je to tak? Epištolou je Biblia. A vy ste písanou Bibliou, odzrkadľujete jeho Slovo, to je znovu dokonalý človek, v Bohu.

Ale Ježiš povedal: "Zase je napísané."

224Ale všimnite si, Eva na tomto istom úseku, bola uchvátená svojim nadprirodzeným zrozumením, mala teologické poznanie. Mala najvyššie vzdelanie vo všetkej teológii v tom čase, v tom kraji. Vidíte? Ona bola tak uchvátená, ona to nevedela. Ona vedela, že má niečo, čo Adam nikdy nemal. Možno by bola schopná hneď teraz nad ním vládnuť, pretože ona o tom vedela viac, ako Adam. Dívajte sa, čo robia dnes ich Adamovia. Ona poznala dobré od zlého, pekné vzdelanie o pravde. Je to tak. Ona mala pekné vzdelanie o pravde, to čo predtým nevedela, a to bola Božia pravda. Ale ona bola mŕtva, lebo porušila Slovo. Ona získala vzdelanie. No dobre.

225A tak seminár vám dáva teologické poznanie, že môžete citovať každý charakter Starého alebo Nového Zákona. Ale, dajte si pozor čo robíte, či to práve tam nenarušuje to Slovo, keď to robíte. Hovoríte: "Dobre, to je pre nich." Nie, to je pre teba, pre kohokoľvek. Vidíte? Buďte opatrní. "Ó, to bolo voľakedy pre cirkev." On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky! Ona mala pekné vzdelanie, ale tiež bola mŕtva v hriechu a v prestúpení.

226A teraz Satanova tretia metóda. Rýchlo to preberieme, pretože nechceme zabrať viac času pokiaľ je to možné, možno ďalších pätnásť, dvadsať minút, ak tu chcete byť tak dlho. Všimnite si potom jeho tretiu metódu, alebo jeho tretie pokušenie. Ak tie predošlé zlyhali, táto nezlyhá. Vidíte? On vám teraz ponúkne postavenie v cirkvi, ako to urobil Ježišovi. "Dám Ti svet. Budeš kráľom, urobím ťa ním. Oni všetky patria mne, a tak ti ich dám."

227Kto môže urobiť človeka kazateľom? Kto môže dať človekovi dar, tým že položia na neho ruky? "Boh to ustanovil v cirkvi ..." Vidíte ako oni prekrúcajú Slovo? Ako Eva teraz, so svojím novým poznaním, vedomosťou, ona strhla Adama na svoju stranu. Mohla robiť to, čo chcela. Vidíte? Akonáhle naviedla Adama, aby to prijal.

228Ale keď on prišiel ku Ježišovi, On to neprijal. On povedal: "Odíď odo mňa, Satan." Inými slovami, nech to nepoviem zle, ale len pridám ku tomu toto. "Je napísané, každý človek bude žiť na každom Slove Božom; nie na vašich ponukách: urobím ťa hlavným dozorcom, presbyterom, alebo diakonom, alebo ti dám hrať na piane, sestra. Vidíte? Všetky tieto ponuky: Ty si veľmi populárna osoba, a my potrebujeme v našej cirkvi tvoj talent." Vidíte? Poďte do Slova.

229Ona mohla ním kerovať, alebo ho učiť, tak isto ako dnešný zber úrody. Tak to oni robia dnes, aby ste sa stali D.D., štátnym presbyterom, dozorcom, okresným tajomníkom, alebo niečím takým.

230Aké rozdielne od Ježiša! On stál na Slove. A teraz, za ďalších niekoľko minút, chcem dokázať, že všetky tieto veci sú pravda. Dobre? Pomocou prírody i pomocou Slova, budem to dávať dohromady. Toto dokazuje, že On bol Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom, na chlieb. On bol Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom. Pretože, čo On odzrkadľoval? Jedine Slovo.

231Keď ste vy písanou epištolou, odzrkadľujete jedine Slovo; nie to, čo hovorí seminár, nie to čo niekto druhý hovorí, nie to, čo si o tom myslí pani Jonesová, nie to čo si o tom myslí Dr. taký a taký, ale to, čo Boh o tom povedal. "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom, a moje pravdou! Ktokoľvek by zrušil jedno z týchto najmenších prikázaní a učil by tak ľudí! Ktokoľvek by odňal jedno Slovo z tejto knihy, alebo pridal do toho jedno slovo! Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." Žiť večne na tom Slove!

232Tak ako tam musíte mať nejakú mŕtvu látku, z ktorej by ste žili, tu musíte mať Krista, aby ste skrze Neho žili, inak zomriete. A čo je Kristus? "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami."

233A vy ste tak isto písanou epištolou, jedna na jeden vek, druhá na druhý vek, podľa svetla na tú hodinu; ale oni to nedokážu vidieť. Vy odzrkadľujete len To.

234Ostatní sa chytili, hoci na jednom, sklamali len v jednom bode; ale On nie. A ako som povedal, v Zjavení 22: 18, On povedal: "Ktokoľvek by pridal ku tomuto!"

235A teraz dávajte dobrý pozor. Matúš 24:24 naráža na to, ako to že oni ... Ježiš povedal: "Že by to, v týchto posledných dňoch, zviedlo aj vyvolených." Pozorujte tie duchy. "V posledných dňoch ..." Písmo sa musí vyplniť. Veríte tomu? No, to bolo: "Že by v tých posledných dňoch, i vyvolení, predurčení, vyvolení do toho, boli zvedení ..." Je to tak dokonale, je to tak podľa Písma, vyzerá to pekne a čisto, že na tom nemôžete vidieť žiadnu chybu, no predsa, len vyvolení tomu uniknú. To je to, čo povedal Ježiš. Veríte tomu? "Zviedlo by to aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné."

236"Prečo? To je presne podľa Písma, veď to môžete vidieť na svoje oči." Ale, vidíte, nie je to tak. Ježiš ... Tí farizejovia poznali to Písmo, tak dokonale, ako to len mohlo byť, ale podľa ich vlastného výkladu.

237Ako oni vedeli, že On nebol falošný? Lebo Boh potvrdil každé Slovo, ktoré On pre Neho zasľúbil na ten vek. To bol dôvod, že oni poznali, že On je Mesiáš. Vidíte?

238No, všimnite si: "Keby to bolo možné," v týchto dňoch. Len jedno Slovo, stačilo jedno Slovo. To bolo všetko, čo musel Satan urobiť Adamovi, oklamať ho len na jednom Slove. To je všetko, čo on musí urobiť dnes, prekrútiť len jednu vec. To je všetko, to je všetko, čo potrebuje. No, viete že je to pravda. Pridať alebo odobrať jedno Slovo, to je úplná prehra. Každý kúsok, každé Slovo Božie! Zamyslite sa teraz nad výkladom zo seminárov, všetky sa medzi sebou navzájom líšia.

239Niekde musí byť pravda, a toto je ona, Biblia. Ježiš povedal ...

240Vy hovoríte: "No, brat Branham, oni najkrajšie uctievajú Boha."

241Ježiš povedal: "Nadarmo ma ctia, učiac náuky, ktoré sú ľudskou teológiou, a nie Slovom." Ľudskou teológiou. To je výklad jeho vlastnej predstavy o Slove.

242Ako som povedal, Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. On si sám vykladá každé Slovo. Vidíte? Nepotrebujete nikoho, aby vám ho vykladal, Boh vám ho vykladá, keď ste ochotní prijať to. Vidíte? To je život, to je sám život.

243Ježiš povedal: "Nadarmo ma ctia." Oni skutočne uctievajú Boha. Kain, na začiatku, skutočne uctieval Boha. "Ale nadarmo ma ctia." Čo to znamená, nadarmo? To, že je to na nič.

244Oni mohli povedať: "No, ja robím toto. Tancujem v duchu. Hovorím v jazykoch, prorokujem. Kážem evanjelium." Ale ti chýba, aby si si nechala rásť vlasy, zanedbáte jednu vec a vidíte čo sa deje, hneď tam vás Duch opustí. To sa stalo našim cirkvám - zanedbali.

245"Nadarmo ma ctia. Ó, to je nádherné uctievanie. Ale nadarmo ma ctia učiac učenia, ktoré sú nariadeniami ľudí."

246Tí farizejovia boli vyučení teológovia. Neodvážte sa povedať, že dnes nemáme nič, ku čomu by sme ich prirovnali. Nie, skutočne. Oni poznali jedno slovo, každé slovo, presne tak ako bolo napísané, ale ich uctievanie bolo nadarmo. Predstavte si to. "Nadarmo." Veľké, pekné školy a semináre a učitelia, a mladí ľudia, a všetko takéto, ale stratení!

247Tak isto ako na púšti, On povedal: "Oni všetci na púšti jedli mannu, z tej duchovnej skaly, všetci pili z tej duchovnej skaly, som chcel povedať, a všetci tam jedli mannu." A Ježiš povedal: "A pomreli, každý jeden." "Zomrieť" znamená, byť naveky odlúčený. Prečo? Pretože oni nedokázali veriť zasľúbeniam Božím.

248Ó, nerád vás tu takto držím, ale musím to povedať. Pozrite, nezaberiem tým veľa času. Každý jeden z tých ľudí vyšiel pod Ohnivým Stĺpom, vyšli na púšť, verili Bohu, pochodovali vpred. Ale keď prišli a uvideli prekážku, keď tých desať prišlo naspäť a povedali: My nebudeme môcť zaujať tú zem. Ó, tam sú obri. Oni sú toto, to i tamto. Oni ... Nedokážeme to. To je nemožné."

249Ale čo urobil Kálef a Józue? Oni tíšili ľud. Oni povedali: "My sme viac ako schopní zaujať ju." Prečo? Tí ľudia hľadel na to, čo mohli vidieť, (Vidíte?) hľadeli na to, čo mohli vidieť. Ale Kálef a Jozue hľadeli na zasľúbenie Božie. Boh povedal: "Ja som vám dal tú zem. Choďte a zaujmite tu!"

250No, Židom 6. kapitola, ak to môžem citovať: "Lebo je nemožné, pre tých, ktorí už raz boli osvietení a ochutnali Ducha Svätého, moci budúceho veku, keby znovu odpadli. Zapreli, odstúpili."

251Ako tí ľudia, ktorí prišli rovno tam a jedli hrozná tam z tej druhej zeme, stáli tam; a keď prišlo ku tomu, aby ďalej cez to nasledovali Slovo, povedali: "My to nedokážeme." A pomreli na púšti.

252Tam sme sa dostali. Ochutnali sme dobré Slovo Božie. Ale, plné zasľúbenie: "Nie, nie, my to nedokážeme, pretože Dr. taký a taký, alebo niekto iný povedal, že to nedokážeme. To je pre apoštolov. To bolo na iný deň." A tam zomierate.

253Vidíte, celé Písmo spolu súvisí, každé Slovo v ňom spolu súvisí. A nemôže byť vyložené žiadnou ľudskou teóriou, žiadnym systémom, ani ničím. Ono je zjavené jedine skrze Ducha Svätého. Ježiš povedal: "Ďakujem ti, Otče, že si skryl tieto veci pred múdrymi a rozumnými a zjavil si ich nemluvňatám, takým, ktoré sa budú učiť."

254A teraz poďme rýchlo tu ku tejto ďalšej myšlienke, ak môžeme. "Nadarmo ma ctia." Tí farizejovia, učení, ó, morálne v poriadku; ale Ježiš ich nazval "diablami." Oni boli vyučení teológovia, Ježiš povedal: "Vy ste diabli a budete činiť skutky svojho otca." Povedal: "Ozdobujete hroby prorokov, ale vaši otcovia, vtedy v tom istom čase ..." Tí proroci vystúpili, aby roztrhali tie náboženské systémy. To je to, čo oni urobili.

255Proroci ... Ku komu prichádza Slovo, ku teológovi alebo ku prorokovi? Nie ku teológom zo školy. On prichádza ku prorokovi, stále. Boh nikdy nemení svoj systém, nikdy. Stále to tak bolo, stále. Nie ku skupine; ku jednotlivcovi! Nikdy nie ku skupine; ku jednotlivcovi. Tak veru. Ku prorokovi. A oni povedali ...

256Ježiš povedal: "Vy ozdobujete hroby prorokov, a vaši otcovia ich pripravili o život." A oni robia presne to isté, oslepení Satanovým seminárom. Vidíte?

257A teraz, letniční, nestrkajte nos do tej Svetovej Rady Cirkví. No, vy kazatelia tu, vy budete písať na vedenie, tým ľuďom. No, nemusíte písať Assemblies [názov určitej letničnej organizácie. -- pozn.prekl.] a mnohým z nich, pretože oni dali nabok tú vec, oni nechcú mať s tým nič spoločného. A vy, bratia baptisti, tiež, nestrkajte tam svoju hlavu. Či nevidíte, že to je presne znamenie šelmy, ktoré prichádza? Viete kto to všetko prehltne, ak viete niečo o Písme. Ak sa vo vás odzrkadľuje Slovo, držte sa ďalej od toho. Vaša denominácia vojde do toho. A vy to budete musieť urobiť, alebo opustiť svoju denomináciu. Nemôžete byť denomináciou a zostať tam, pretože musíte buď vojsť, alebo zostať vonku.

258Potom, už nie ste viac organizáciou, potom sa ukážete. Presne tak. Nech vás Boh žehná, ak to urobíte. Ťažko povedať koľkí to urobia. Ale niektorí to urobia, bez pochyby. Tak veru.

259Zvedení, a Ježiš ich nazval "diablami." No, ale keď tam Ježiš stál (Čo?), každé pokušenie, On ho pokarhal Slovom a stál tam v Slove. Boh Ho potvrdil.

260Ako tam, vtedy večer, keď som kázal o Michelangelovi. Koľkí ste boli niekedy vo Forest Lawn a videli ste tam sochu Mojžiša, od Michelangela? Bolo to zarážajúce, keď som tam prvý krát prišiel a videl to. Michelangelo strávil skoro celý svoj život na tvorbe ... On mal vo svojej mysli, ako má Mojžiš vyzerať. A on ho chcel spraviť prv ako zomrie. A strávil pri tom roky a roky, odrezával, tu odštiepal, a tu odlamoval, a tu hladil. Až, nakoniec jedného dňa, keď to dokončil, po mnohých rokoch, on tam takto stál, s handrou v ruke. Zastal si ďalej a pozeral sa na to. Videnie, ktoré bolo v jeho mysli, od vtedy ako prvý krát počul o Mojžišovi, že to má tak vyzerať. Tam to bolo, vystavené pred ním, on bol tak inšpirovaný svojou vlastnou prácou, že zobral kladivo a udrel ho do nohy a zvolal: "Hovor, Mojžiš!" On si myslel, že Mojžiš bude hovoriť, tak bol podobný tomu, čo mal vo svojej mysli. A tá vada je stále tam na tej nohe. Tá socha je celá dokonalá, až na ten úlomok z tej nohy, z pravej nohy. Pozrite sa na to vo Forest Lawn, keď vojdete do dverí, to je reprodukcia toho Michelangelovho Mojžiša, jeho majstrovské dielo, ono spečatilo jeho život.

261Boh je veľký sochár, skutočne. On učinil človeka na Svoj obraz, aby Ho odzrkadľoval, a On je Slovo. A čo On urobil? On skúsil Adama; on sklamal, Mojžiš sklamal, všetci ostatní sklamali. Ale tu je jeden dokonalý. Haleluja. Čo to bolo? Nič menej, ako sám Boh v tele, odzrkadlené Slovo; v Ňom prebývala plnosť Božstva telesne; nie prorok, hoci On bol prorok; nie človek, hoci On bol človek.

262Židia, nenárokujte si Ho ako svojho. On nebol ani žid ani pohan. On bol Boh. Vidíte? Vy ste tým, čím je vaša krv. Vidíte? A samozrejme, vy ste telo. A Mária, samozrejme, Mária nemala žiadny pomer s Duchom Svätým, ktorý by jej dal vzrušenie. Boh Otec stvoril gén, alebo vajíčko v Márii, a tiež bunku krvi, a to bola Božia krv.

263Krv pochádza z mužského pohlavia. A tak to nebola žiadna ... Ten hemoglobín je v krvi. To musí pochádzať od otca, pretože dieťa nemôže ani dostať matkinu chorobu, ako TBC. On to môže zdediť z matkinho dychu, ale chcem povedať, že to nemôže zdediť, ale to môže vdýchnuť a tak to dostať. Ale ono to nemôže dostať od matky, pretože ono je od toho slobodné, ono nie je z krvi svojej matky.

264No, ale Ježiš nebol z krvi žida ani pohana. On bol z krvi, ktorú stvoril sám Jehova. On bol Božou krvou. Biblia povedala, že sme spasení Božou krvou. Nie krvou žida, ani krvou pohana, to by bolo všetko zo sexu, ale toto bola Božia krv.

265Všimnite si teraz, keď On videl toho dokonalého, On Ho udrel, skazil Ho. Izaiáš povedal: "On bol smrteľne ranený za naše prestúpenia, zdrtený za našu neprávosť." Čo On bol? On bol to dokonalé Slovo, odzrkadlené ako chlieb, na ktorom má žiť každý človek. On bol tou pšenicou Božieho Slova, ktoré mohlo byť dané do zeme a dané do štyroch evanjelií, do 66 kníh. A človek bude žiť na tom, a jedine na tom, a na každom Slove z toho. Amen. To bolo Michelangelove majstrovské dielo. A keď Boh mohol uzrieť Seba odzrkadleného v človeku, On mal toho dokonalého človeka, stvoreného na Svoj vlastný obraz. Ó, čo za človeka! On musel za nás všetkých zomrieť. (Mohli by sme sa pri tom zastaviť, ale ideme ďalej.) On musel za nás všetkých zomrieť. A On zomrel, Ten dokonalý; aby sme sa my, nedokonalí, v Ňom mohli stať dokonalými, tým že máme účasť (živíme sa) na každom Slove jeho Biblii. No, potom Ho On znovu vzkriesil, na naše ospravedlnenie, aby sme mali právo, ako vzkriesený Ježiš, On je teraz tu, aby nám poskytol každé Slovo Božie, aby sme ním žili.

266No, teraz rýchlo, potom zakončíme. No, druhá Eva, nevesta.

267No, prvý ženích, Adam; musel byť prenesený cez dlhú líniu prorokov, a tak ďalej, potom prišiel náš dokonalý, a potom musel zomrieť, aby sa stal chlebom pre tých ostatných.

268No, a čo s Evou? S ňou sa musí stať to isté. Ale keď Ježiš príde ... Pamätajte, Eva bola žena. Cirkev je stále predstavovaná v Biblii ako žena, pretože ona je nevesta. No, pozrite sa, čo ona urobila. Ona sa ho snažila nahovoriť na svoju náuku. Kým On kázal to, čo si oni mysleli, bol veľkým človekom.

269Ale jedného dňa On začal hovoriť, a povedal: "Ja a Otec sme jedno."

270"Ó, ty sa robíš rovný Bohu. Vidíte? Ó! Nechceme mať nič viacej spoločného s týmto človekom."

271A všetky tieto ďalšie veci, ktoré On začal hovoriť: "Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka."Čo myslíte, čo si mysleli doktori, ktorí tam stáli? Čo myslíte, čo si ktokoľvek mohol myslieť, keď len normálne uvažoval? "Vy musíte jesť moje telo a piť moju krv."

272Oni povedali: "Tento človek je vampír, nie kazateľ. Stráňte sa toho človeka, on je blázon. Stráňte sa ho."

273Ale to bola pravda. Vidíte? To bola pravda. "Ak to nebudete jesť, zahyniete. Všetci pomriete, ak to nebudete jesť."

274A to isté je dnes. Chlieb a víno je len symbol, nedajte sa usadiť tými telesnými vecami. Vy musíte jesť Krista, ktorý je Slovom, skrze ktoré žijete, každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza, celou Bibliou, od Genesis do Zjavenia.

275No, druhá Eva, pozorujte ju. Ona bola znovu stvorená, ako On, v deň letníc, naplnená Duchom, a vychovaná na Slove. Amen. Začínam sa cítiť nábožne. Cítim sa dobre. Tá prvá cirkev, tá prvá Eva, ktorá mala byť Kristovou nevestou ... Koľkí môžete na to povedať amen? Ona mala byť Kristovou nevestou. Narodila sa v Letniciach, nie v Nicei, v Ríme; nie v Londýne, v Anglicku; ani nie v Spojených štátoch; ani v Nemecku pri Lutherovi, ani v Anglicku pri Wesleyovi, ani v Spojených štátoch pri letničných, tak zvaných. Ona sa narodila na deň letníc. Bola naplnená Duchom. A bola naplnená Duchom, a vychovaná na Slove, na každom Slove, ktoré vychádzalo z úst Božích. Ešte i čo sa týka Judáša ... A, ó, oni museli proste zobrať všetko, Slovo za Slovom, skutočná rozkvitnutá rastlina na Božej zemi, ktorá reprezentovala Jeho, ďalší strom nevesty.

276Jeho zasľúbené Slovo v nej odzrkadľovalo Jeho. Oni si to museli všimnúť na Petrovi a na nich. Oni nechodili do seminára, a oni to poznali. Oni nechodili do žiadnej Biblickej školy, na žiadny teologický seminár. Oni nemali vzdelanie, pretože sa nevedeli ani podpísať. Biblia povedala, že boli nevedomí a neučení." Ale čo sa stalo? Oni si museli všimnúť, že oni boli s Ježišom, lebo On bol v nich, odzrkadľoval svoje zasľúbenie. Haleluja! Sláva Bohu! To je to, čo potrebujeme v tomto veku. Jeho Slovo v nej odzrkadľovalo Jeho, v cirkvi. Ona mala žiť každým Slovom, ktoré vychádzalo z úst Božích.

277Ale potom, tak ako Eva, ona odpadla od Slova, v Nicei, v Ríme, kde bola zorganizovaná prvá organizácia, všeobecná kresťanská cirkev. Je tu nejaký Biblický bádateľ? Je tu nejaký teológ, ktorý vie, že je to pravda? Prvá organizácia povstala v Nicei, v Ríme. Boh nikdy nemal organizáciu, ani nikdy nebude mať. To je ovládané človekom. Tam oni všetci ...

278Ja som kresťan. "Do ktorej cirkvi patríš?" Je len jedna. Ja som Branham, 55 rokov, nikdy som sa nepripojil do rodiny, ja som sa do nej narodil. Takto ste narodení do kráľovstva Božieho, a ste odzrkadlením jeho Slova.

279Všimnite si, Eva prišla ku svojmu pádu. A tak druhá Eva prišla ku svojmu pádu v Nicei, v Ríme, dala do toho denomináciu, vyznanie, prijala dogmy namiesto Slova; odložila pohanské modly, ako Jupitera, a tak ďalej a na ich miesto postavila Pavla a Barnabáša. Zobrala boha slnka a boha mesiaca, Aštartu, boha mesiaca, s okrúhlou oblátkou a urobila ju matkou boha slnka, ktorým bol Jupiter. A zmenila narodeniny Ježiša z apríla, kde sa celá príroda ... Kde sa On narodil pod znakom barana, pretože On bol baránok, a premenila to na narodeniny boha slnka, v tom slnečnom, kde ono robí jeden deň ... Je len asi minúta rozdiel v tom dni, keď ono prechádza 25. decembra, narodeniny boha slnka, nie Syna Božieho. A každý sa hrá na Mikuláša, a ozdobujú stromčeky, pohanstvo, a takéto veci, a potom hovoria, že sú kresťania?

Čo sa deje s kresťanskou cirkvou?

280Povstane ešte niekedy niekto medzi nami, kto bude môcť kázať Slovo a povedať pravdu, a Boh to potvrdí a dokáže ľuďom, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky? Nepotrebujeme seminár. Nepotrebujeme teológa. Potrebujeme proroka. Tak veru. Boh to tiež zasľúbil.

281Eva potom prišla ku svojmu úpadku, a tak aj cirkev; odovzdala sa denominácii, pod vládu ľudí, aby ňou vládol človek, nebola už viac ovládaná Duchom. Odišla preč od Slova a prijala dogmy. Kto na to môže povedať "amen"? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen." -- pozn.prekl.] Skutočne. Ale či viete, že my protestanti sme prijali toľko dogiem, koľko aj oni, keď sme niečo pridali do tohoto Slova, alebo z neho odobrali? Satan ju dostal tou istou starou technikou, ktorou dostal aj Evu: kompromisom. Tam sa mu to podarilo. Prijať niečo, čo nie je zhodné so Slovom, vyznanie alebo denomináciu.

282Ten originál vošiel v mučeníctve do zeme. Rímske mlynské kamene zomleli tú pšenicu z letníc na prach, a pálili ich na hraniciach a hádzali ich levom. Oni vošli do zeme ako ostatná pšenica. Je to tak. Ale On ju začína znovu v reformácii privádzať k životu, tú istú, druhý krát.

283Ako to urobil s druhým Adamom. Keď Adam odpadol, On začal privádzať k životu druhého Adama. A keď druhý Adam odpadol, potom bol zobratý hore. Prvý Adam odpadol do hriechu a zostal tam. Druhý Adam odpadol, aby vykúpil človeka z hriechu, a bol zobratý hore.

284No, prvá cirkev odpadla v Nicei, v Ríme, prvá, na jednom Slove pravdy z Biblie, tam kde Rímska cirkev pridala svoje dogmy a vyznania. Potom prichádza prostý kňaz, ktorý sa nazýval Martin Luther, ktorý povedal: "Toto nie je komúnia, toto nie je telo Kristovo. To je košer. A človek ... spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." A hodil to na zem, a protestoval proti tomu. Tu máte tú prvú hviezdu, ktorá svietila po Tyatírskom veku. Tak veru, ospravedlnení vierou! On, ten veľký sochár začal pracovať na majstrovskom diele nevesty, ktorá bude odzrkadľovať Jeho Slovo.

285Ale čo urobili Luteráni po smrti Luhtera? Vyhoveli Satanovi a urobili z toho denomináciu a zomreli. Ona po tomto už nikdy nič neurobila, bol s ňou koniec, stala sa len veľkou masou ľudí. Dobre.

286Potom ju Boh znovu zodvihol vo dňoch Johna Wesleya, aby odzrkadľovala ďalšiu pravdu. Čo ona urobila? On povedal: "Posvätenie je druhým dielom milosti." A čo Boh urobil? On to požehnal. A on protestoval proti Anglikánskej cirkvi, a Cwingliho cirkvi, a proti všetkým ostatným, a proti všetkým legalistom, a všetkým Kalvínom, či Kalvinistom, a protestoval proti tomu. A povedal: "Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." povedal Luther. "A druhým dielom milosti je posvätenie." A to je pravda. Je to tak. Vidíte?

287Čo on potom urobil? To isté. Po smrti Wesleya a Asburyho a ostatných, urobili to isté čo pri Lutherovi, zorganizovali to a zomreli. Pozrite sa na to teraz.

288Išiel som, tu nedávno, aby som sa modlil v nemocnici za jednu ženu, ktorá mala ísť na operáciu. Išiel som tam. Povedala: "Brat Branham, zavolala som ťa. Ty ma nepoznáš, ale pomodlil by si sa za mňa? Ráno mám ísť na operáciu."

Povedal som: "Samozrejme, sestra."

289Sedel tam jeden muž, žena a chlapec, asi osemnásť ročný chlapec, a oni ma napätie pozorovali. Obrátil som sa ku nim a povedal som im: "Prepáčte, budem sa ..."

Ona povedala: "Zatiahni záves!"

Opýtal som sa: "Vy nie ste kresťania?"

Ona povedala: "My sme metodisti!"

290Povedal som: "To som sa nepýtal. Pýtal som sa ... Ak ste len metodisti, tak zatiahnem záves. Ak ste kresťania, nebudete chcieť, aby som ho zatiahol." Tak, ó, je to tak.

291Je veľký rozdiel byť metodistom, alebo baptistom, alebo presbyteriánom, a byť kresťanom; nie byť cambelitom, ale byť kresťanom. Rozumiete?

292Čo ona urobila? To isté. Čo sa potom stalo? Boh zobral malú skupinu tu dole na juhu, obyčajného farebného muža, škuľavého. A čo urobil? Vylial prinavrátenie darov a oni sa stali letniční. A mnohí z vás, ktorí pamätáte na staré časy, ako brat Valdez, ktorý tam sedí, skúsený vekom, kázal, keď som ja mal päť rokov. On si pamätá tých letničných na začiatku. Chlapče, tých ľudí by ste nenahovorili do organizácie, oni vyšli z tej ohavnosti. A oni mali Božie posolstvo.

293Ale čo oni urobili? To isté čo ostatní, zorganizovali to. Teraz majú okolo tridsať alebo štyridsať rôznych organizácií, jednotári, vyznávači dvojice, vyznávači trojice. Och joj, pre milosrdenstvo, nikdy v živote som niečo také nepočul! Čo ste urobili? Hneď na mieste ste zomreli. Ďalej už nemôžete ísť. Vaša organizácia toto neprijme. Zobrali ste svojho človeka: "Tento človek, ak neverí tak ako my, nepustite ho tam. Naše obecenstvo to nebude trpieť." Ó!

294Pozrite, ponáhľame sa. Musí prísť pravé semeno. Ono proste musí existovať, pretože On prichádza pre nevestu, ktorá je bez vrásky a bez poškvrny. On prichádza pre to, pre Slovom potvrdenú nevestu. Ó, ona bude taká malá, drobná skupinka. Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, kde bolo zachránených osem duší (Je to tak?), tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Koľko? Ja neviem.

295Ale, vidíte, nevesta sa bude skladať zo všetkých cez tie veky, ktorí verili Slovu na svoj vek. To nie je len táto posledná skupina. "Boh to všetko zoberie z tadeto." Ó, nie.

296To bude také malé, budú z toho prekvapení. Oni sa stratia, ani nebudete vedieť, že sú preč. Čo keby On zobral päťsto ľudí v týchto posledných dňoch? Ani by ste to nevedeli. V priebehu dvoch alebo troch dní by zobral päťsto ľudí. Vo svete sa stratí toľko ľudí, a ani neviete kde sú, viac o nich už nepočuť. Tajomný príchod Ježiša Krista, ona bude zobratá preč.

297A tí ostatní budú ďalej kázať, presne ako vo dňoch Noeho: "Sláva Bohu, my to máme. Haleluja!" - a zapečatení na smrť. To hovorí Biblia, a to nemôže sklamať.

298Tak ako Noe, Mojžiš, Dávid, odzrkadľovali príchod tohoto dokonalého Ženícha; tak Luther, Wesley, a letniční odzrkadľovali príchod dokonalej Nevesty.

299Všimnite si, stále keď sa prejavila, čo urobila? Stále, táto cirkev, tak ako to urobila Eva, ona nasilu nútila svojich Adamov, aby verili jej novému svetlu, jej plánu, a na tom zomrela. "My budeme, naša skupina sa dá dokopy. (Vidíte?) Ó, naše nové požehnania z toho, čo sme našli." - a tak ďalej.

300Čo toto všetko Eve prinieslo? Máme teraz už len málo času. Čo toto všetko Eve prinieslo, cez tú prvú matku cirkev, cez prvú nevestu pre prvého Adama? Čo jej toto urobilo? Dobre teraz počúvajte, nebudete s týmto súhlasiť. Ale to prinieslo semeno hada. Presne.

301Jej prvý syn nebol Adamov syn. Ak bol, mal by právo prvorodenstva. Biblia v liste Júdu hovorí, že Enoch bol siedmy od Adama. Je to tak? A on začal od: "Adam splodil svojho syna Seta." A čo s Kainom, ktorý mal právo prvorodenstva? On nebol Adamov syn. Set ... a Set splodil Jareda, a tak ďalej až po Adama, ktorý bol ďalej, až po ... "ktorý bol siedmy od Adama." Potom ak by bol Kain jeho syn, o tom nieto ani jedno miesto v Biblii, ani v Lukášovi, kde On znovu na to poukazuje, On nikde nehovorí, že Kain bol Adamov syn. Ak nebol, čí to bol syn? A ak bol Adamov syn, bol by jeho prvorodený, ktorý mal všetky práva prvorodenstva. Ó!

302To je tá telesná cirkev (Či to nevidíte?), ktorá prijala niečo, a to bolo cudzoložstvo namiesto Slova. Letniční ľudia ... nech vás Boh žehná. No dobre, čo to prinieslo Eve? Semeno hada. Čo to prinieslo v týchto posledných dňoch, skrze denomináciu? Znovu to prinieslo semeno hada, odmietanie Slova. Čo on obetoval? Ovocie a také veci, nie krv. Ó.

303Skrze zjavenie Slova, ešte predtým ako bolo napísané Slovo Božie: "Ábel skrze vieru obetoval Bohu väčšiu obeť než Kain, ktorou to vierou dostal svedectvo, že je spravodlivý." Cez neho sa odzrkadľovalo Slovo, cez jeho obeť.

304Kain išiel a priniesol ovocie poľa, on si myslel, že Eva jedla jablko. Väčšina teologických seminárov to teraz zmenila na marhuľu. To bolo cudzoložstvo. A každý, kto pozná Bibliu to vie. Skutočne, to bolo to.

305Všimnite si, semeno hada bolo prinesené cez prvú Evu, keď odstúpila od Slova. Druhá Eva urobila to isté v Nicei, v Ríme. A čo priniesla? Množstvo denominačných detí. Je to tak. Ó, morálne dobrí; skutočne, fajní. Ale čo s tým? Mŕtvi, cez svoje vyznania.

306Tak isto teraz. Kainove zjavenie slova urobilo to isté čo tieto. Čo? Je jej zasľúbené. Na konci času, čo je zasľúbené teraz tejto Eve? Dobre teraz počúvajte, končím. Čo je zasľúbené tejto Eve na konci času? Bohatá Laodicea, veľké meno, veľká osoba, bohatá. "Ale mŕtva, a nahá, a nevie o tom." V tom skončil tento cirkevný vek.

307Ale ona zapiera Slovo. Aby sa na nej vyplnil Matúš 24:24, ona chce vojsť s množstvom hluku, a s množstvom tohoto a s množstvom sociálnych vplyvov a s takýmito vecami, snaží sa hovoriť: "Dobre, my máme moc! Chvála Bohu. Haleluja! My máme moc!" Majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci jej moc, také blízke, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených ... Ako môže niekto tancovať v Duchu a hovoriť v jazykoch, a zapierať Slovo Božie, ktoré je pravda. Ako to môže byť Duch Svätý? To sa nemôže stať.

308"Každé Slovo!" Keď Boh niečo hovorí, to je presne to, čo On tým myslí. Nedávajte tomu žiadny iný výklad. Biblia hovorí, že "Ono sa nedeje z vlastného rozlúštenia." Hovorte to tak, ako to On povedal.

309Všimnite si, falošná moc. To je presne to, čo chcel dať Satan Ježišovi, prišiel tam a chcel Ho naviesť na to, aby sa predviedol. Ľudia to robia, aj Svetová rada, všetci. "Kto s ním môže bojovať," (hovorí Biblia) "s týmto obrazom šelmy, ktorý má povstať?" Keby sme mali čas, vošli by sme do toho (ale nemáme). Všimnite si Ježiša, druhého Adama Slova, v jej dňoch ... Dívajte sa, teraz vo dňoch tejto cirkvi to bude také blízke. Tým posledným cirkevným vekom je Laodicea.

310Koľkí môžete na to povedať Amen? Čo ona robí? Ako sa ona dostáva do toho hrozného stavu? Vlažná, bez Boha. A čo urobila?

311No, Adam videl, že Eva úmyselne ... alebo nie úmyselne, ale v nevedomosti bola zvedená, a Adam vyšiel s ňou aby ju mohol vykúpiť. Je to tak? Biblia hovorí: "Adam nebol zvedený." Preto je žene zakázané kázať evanjelium. Vidíte? Adam sa nedopustil prestúpenia, ale Eva áno. A tak preto ona nemôže učiť. Vidíte? Alebo si nárokovať nejakú autoritu nad mužom, a tak ďalej. To hovorí Slovo.

312Vy hovoríte: "No, toto ..." Nestarám sa o to, čo hovorí toto, alebo čo hovorí tamto. Jedná sa o to, čo hovorí Slovo, brat, sestra. Snažím sa vám to ukázať, vidíte, to je to, čo hovorí Slovo. My žijeme skrze Slovo, nie skrze niečo, čo hovorí nejaký dôkaz, alebo niečo telesné, alebo nejaké prežitie. To s tým nemá nič spoločného. Žiadny druh prežitia nebude fungovať, ak zapiera Slovo. "Mnohí prídu ku mne a povedia: ja som prorokoval, vyháňal som démonov; hovoril som v jazykoch, robil som všetky tieto veci, kázal som evanjelium; som doktor teológie. On povie: Činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal." Keď viete, že Slovo toto hovorí, a potom kvôli nejakej organizácii, alebo kvôli niečomu, nejakému systému, robíte kompromis. Ó, môj priateľ, dovoľ aby som ťa varoval, ako drahý brat, ktorý ťa miluje. Počúvajte pozorne.

313No, ten prvý Adam vyšiel von s Evou, pretože ona bola zvedená. Ale tu v tejto Laodicei bol niekto, ktorého ona poznala inak. Tak veru. Pretože Ho vystrčila von zo svojej postele - zo svojej izby. On bol vonku, klepal, chcel vojsť znovu dovnútra. Ale ona bola vzdelaná, vysoko postavená.

314Ona bola ... ó. "Nepotrebujem nikoho," povedala. Ale nevedela, že je nahá, mizerná. To je cirkev, ktorá by zviedla aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Všimnite si, ona mala moc, falošnú moc. Ona zobrala časť Slova, nezobrala to ostatné z neho.

315Aké je to najväčšie klamstvo, ktoré bolo kedy povedané? Ono má v sebe 99% pravdy. Keby niekto povedal: "William Branham, tento určitý deň, bol tam v Houstone, v Texase, taký opitý, že až." To je klamstvo. Vidíte? "Ó." Poviete: "No, On bol vo Phoenixe, v Arizone. Kázal tam kresťanským obchodníkom. Kázal na určitú tému, bolo tam toľko ľudí, počúvali až do pol jedenástej. A viete, čo urobil o pol jedenástej? Načiahol sa, zobral si pohárik pálenky a vypil ju." No, to je klamstvo. To ostatné z toho je všetko pravda. Vidíte? To musí vyzerať presne ako pravda, aby to niekoho zviedlo.

316Tak to ľudia robia dnes. Oni majú toľko pravdy, že by zviedli aj vyvolených ... ale stačí len jedno slovo. A dokázal som vám to pomocou Biblie.

317Všimnite si, On s ňou nevyšiel. Ona vystrčila von Jeho, Slovo, odmietla Ho. No toto je poľutovania hodný znak, keď sa dostávame ku koncu.

318Presne tak ako to bolo v Babylone, človek sa nezastavil na ničom, čo chcel dosiahnuť. On sa proste nezastavil. Ako vo dňoch Noeho, bez ohľadu na to ako veľmi Noe kázal a varoval ich, oni si z toho nič nerobili. Vo dňoch keď Achab, on si musel upiecť svoj vlastný chlieb a poslať samého seba do pekla. Ako Achab a Jezábeľ, oni ... Ale, to je na tom, že oni si nemysleli že hrešia. Oni si mysleli, že robia dobre.

319Viete, Ježiš povedal: "Stane sa, že vás zabijú a budú si myslieť, že tým konajú Bohu službu." Počkajte keď vyjde táto moja nová kniha. Oni raz v noci strieľali na niektorých ľudí, za to že hovorili, že to je zle, aby sa spájala katolícka cirkev s protestantmi. Tri rany preleteli cez dom môjho priateľa - len tak tak, že ich netrafili. Počkajte, keď sa táto kniha dostane do obehu. Oni si nemyslia že hrešia; oni si myslia že robia dobre. Oni si myslia, že to robia pre Boha, nevedia o tom.

320Židia zabili Ježiša, a mysleli si že robia správne, pretože ich cirkevná náuka hovorila, že On je falošný. Ó, hovorila im, že On ... Oni ukrižovali práve ten chlieb, na ktorom mali žiť.

321No, potom: "Ktorýkoľvek Ho prijali, aby bol ich životom, večným životom, oni žili skrze Neho, a On im dal moc, aby sa stali Jeho časťou, synmi Božími." Je to tak?

322Oni mali radi divý hrach, smrť v hrnci, zo školy svojich teológov. Oni nechceli Ježiša, chlieb života. Oni Ho nechceli. Oni Ho vystrčili von z cirkvi. Oni to museli urobiť. Nestarám sa o to čo oni robia.

323Vy hovoríte: "Ty si myslíš, že to zmeníš, brat Branham?" Nie. Ale ja hovorím ku vyvoleným.

324 Oni Ho vystrčili von. Prečo? Oni zobrali svoju kašu, zmiešanú so svetom, nejaké teórie o niečom, a zmiešali to spolu, a urobili kašu z teologického seminára. A odmietli Eliášovu múku, aby to uzdravila.

325Či to oni vtedy urobili? Eliáš mal nejakú múku. Tou múkou bol Kristus, obeť múky, každé zrnko muselo byť rovnako zomleté. Každé muselo byť rovnaké, zomleté. A on to tam nasypal, a to uzdravilo ich chorobu, alebo ich smrť v hrnci.

326Ale dnes oni majú smrť v hrnci, a nechcú Eliášovu múku, Krista, chlieb, Slovo. "Nie. To je bludárstvo!" Oni to nechcú. Choď a jedz to, a istotne zomrieš ako ten svet. V tom hrnci je jed. Oni nechcú prijať túto múku (nie veru) do svojich teologických hrncov. Oni to nechcú. Oni vás z tade vylúčia, oni nechcú mať s Ním nič spoločného.

327No, tá druhá Eva, chlebové zrno, to boli letnice, prešla cez to isté, ako prvý Adamov chlieb, odišla do smrti, pod Rímske mlynské kamene, v čase prenasledovania, mučeníctva.

328Ale, jej sestra, ktorá sa stala smilnicou, (Či to hovorí Biblia? Je to tak) čo ona urobila? Ona vyšla rovno do sveta a rodila deti. Kto na to môže povedať amen? Zjavenie 17 "Tá smilnica a jej dcéry," nie muži. Ženy, cirkvi. Urobili denomináciu, čo z nej urobilo smilnicu? Odmietla Slovo a prijala denomináciu. Stala sa smilnicou. Čo urobili jej deti? Oni boli pobehlice, a to je to isté. Urobili to isté, odmietli Slovo a prijali denomináciu. "Jej deti," dcéry, cirkvi, pozrite sa na ne.

329No, dovoľte že vám toto poviem v proroctve. Budete rozumieť? Tá veľká panika v rodine už skoro skončila. Oni sa všetky spolu schádzajú. Tá stará matka vezme znovu naspäť svoje deti. Oni sú aj tak všetky rovnaké. Oni chcú byť jedno. To je čas pre Cirkev a Boha, pre Cirkev a Slovo, aby sa práve teraz stali jedno, pretože toto je to, pre čo On prichádza. Nie pre žiadnu takúto skupinu. Nie veru.

330Tu má byť pšeničné zrno. No pozorujte prírodu, a na tejto myšlienke zakončíme. Pozorujte prírodu. Človek sadí pšenicu.

331Napísali knihu, hádam ste ju všetci čítali, možno niektorí z vás teológov, nazýva sa "Mlčiaci Boh." Myslím, že ju môžete dostať v knižnici ... kde predávajú knihy - v kníhkupectve. Mlčiaci Boh, hovoria tam ako ... nejaký neveriaci tam hovorí: "Ako môžete vôbec očakávať, že existuje Boh, ktorý si sedel v Dobe Temna a díval sa ako zabíjali malé deti, upaľovali ich; ženy, ich dlhé vlasy im namáčali do smoly a pálili ich; uväzovali ich ku volom, jednu ruku ku jednému a druhú ku druhému a roztrhávali ich, pretože nechceli pobozkať krucifix; a všetko takéto? Povedal: "Ako by mohol Boh, ak by nejaký bol, sedieť a pozerať sa na to, ako upaľovali tie malé deti?" Vidíte, to je prirodzená, telesná myseľ. Vidíte?

332Pozrite sa. Viete, že pšenica, keď ide do zeme, že tam musí ležať a zhniť? To musela urobiť letničná cirkev, ležať tam a vojsť do zeme a zomrieť. To muselo zhniť, aby to znovu mohlo zrodiť život. Je to tak? No dávajte pozor, toto sú moje záverečné myšlienky. Aby sme to všetko zhrnuli, pozorujte prírodu. Koľkí veríte, že Boh v prírode postupuje obdobne, ako vo všetkom?

333On ... Pozrite sa, On urobil so svetom ... On vykupuje svet tak isto, ako vykupuje človeka. Čo robí človek, keď uverí? On uverí, potom je pokrstený; potom je očistený krvou, posvätený, a to bolo Wesleyove posolstvo; potom je naplnený ohňom Ducha Svätého, ktorý odníma od neho svet, a je naplnený Duchom, ktorý je Slovom. Veríte tomu? No sledujte to. Boh tak isto vykúpi svoj svet.

Koľkí máte na páske "Budúci dom Nevesty a Ženícha?" Vidíte, hovoril som to tam. Pán mi to dal. Povedal som vám to tak, ako mi to On dal.

334Pozrite, prvé čo sa stalo, svet bol odsúdený, v čase Adamovho odpadnutia od Slova. Keď Noe kázal, to prinieslo ospravedlnenie, a Boh pokrstil zem vodou. Potom ďalej prišiel Syn a vylial na ňu svoju krv, aby ju posvätil, aby si urobil na ňu nárok; potom nakoniec, to obnovenie sa dokoná ohňom, ktorý spáli každý zárodok, všetko; bude šľahať tisíce míľ vysoko do vzduchu.

335A čo potom? "Videl som nové nebo a novú zem, lebo prvé nebo a prvá zem pominuli. A videl som to sväté mesto, nový Jeruzalem, zostupujúce od Boha z neba, ozdobené ako nevestu jej mužovi, prichádzajúce dole na zem. Potom Boh a človek ...

336Tak isto to bolo s Ježišom. Pozrite. Keď bol pokrstený vo vode a vykonal svoje prípravy; On bol od začiatku posvätený od Otca. Potom On zodvihol ruky a tu na baránka prichádza holubica. Čo robil Boh, keď tam dal tú holubicu? On si urobil nárok na tú časť života, ktorá bola časťou zeme. Ježiš jedol potravu ako aj my, prirodzený chlieb. Ale teraz si Boh robil na to nárok, nič to nemôže zadržať. Smrť to nemohla zadržať. Povedal: "Zborte tento chrám a Ja ho znovu postavím."

337A teraz keď sa muž a žena úplne vydajú Bohu, nie v nejakom odriekaní vyznania, nie tým že prežijú nejakú emóciu, ale keď sa skutočne to Slovo a on stávajú jedno; Boh spasil tú osobu, posvätil ho od vecí toho sveta, obnovil ho a oddelil od nich všetky veci toho sveta, ohňom Ducha Svätého, a žije v tej osobe, odzrkadľuje Seba samého, ten dokonalý muž alebo žena, ktorí žijú tým Slovom. Vidíte? To je tá očistená zem. On tak isto použije zem, On ju vykupuje.

338Pozrite, pšeničné zrno padá do zeme. No, Ježiš bol to pšeničné zrno, ktoré padlo do zeme, potom keď sa stalo dokonalé, ono malo v sebe život. Mojžiš nevstal. Adam nevstal. Nikto z tých ostatných nevstal. Ale tento dokonalý, ktorý odzrkadľoval Slovo vo všetkom, žil každým Slovom! Koľkí môžete na to povedať amen? On žil každým Slovom. Čo sa stalo? Oni Ho položili do hrobu. Ale po troch dňoch, Ho on otvoril a znovu vyšiel. Vidíte?

339No, cirkev znovu prichádza ku tomuto. Vidíte? Prichádza ku Tomu dokonalému, aby znovu nastalo vytrhnutie. No, čo sa stalo potom, keď cirkev padla do zeme v Nicei, v Ríme, do prvej organizácii? Môže niekto povedať "amen", že je to pravda? Čo ona urobila? Ona znovu začala vystupovať v predbežnom vzkriesení; On to skúsil cez Luthera, tak isto ako to urobil cez Noeho. Ale čo on urobil? Odpadol od Slova, urobil organizáciu. Čo to spôsobilo?

340 To je tak, ako keď vyrastá pšeničné zrno. Keď to zrno vyrastá, čo je to prvé, čo sa ukazuje? Dva maličké výhonky. Dobre teraz počúvajte. Čo vyrastá teraz pri tom prirodzenom? Budeme pozorovať to prirodzené s tým duchovným, prirodzený chlieb s tým duchovným chlebom. Čo sa deje? "Ako tento človek môže byť chlebom? Dávajte pozor.

341Keď cirkev vyrastala, ona bola malým lístkom. No to sa vôbec nepodobá na zrno, ktoré vošlo do zeme, ale to je nositeľom toho života. Vidíte? No, čo sa deje? Ten človek hovorí: "Ó, mám dobré pole s pšenicou." Nie, nemáš. Teoreticky má. Čo sa stalo? Ďalej potom prišiel Cwingli, to bolo ďalšie hnutie, ktoré povstalo po Lutherovi. Stále to ešte nebolo to. To je steblo. Potom tá stopka vypustila mnoho lístkov, povstali takí, ako Kalvín a tak ďalej. Nakoniec povstala Anglikánska cirkev, všetky steblá. Vidíte, všetky presne rovnaké, to isté.

342Čo sa potom stalo? Pšenica sa mení, a to zrno sa mení, a všetko sa mení. Prišiel klas. Nazývate to klas? No, keď to prišlo, pozrite sa, čo na tom visí, malý peľ. To sa teraz podobá trochu viac na to originálne zrno, ktoré vošlo do zeme, než ako to steblo. Je to tak? No, Wesleyove posolstvo bolo bližšie ku Biblii než Lutherove. To viete. Je to tak? Čo je teraz všetok ten malý peľ? To boli Wesleyovi Metodisti, Nazaréni, Pútnici svätosti, Zjednotení bratia, všetci títo v čase posvätenia. A čo potom z toho vyšlo? To, nakoniec, čo sa s tým stalo? Zorganizovali sa a zomreli!

343Čo z toho vyšlo? Letniční. Vy hovoríte: "Ó, brat!"

344No, s úctou, a hovorím toto s Božou láskou. A nech ten veľký Otec, o ktorom som vám povedal na začiatku, že je tu prítomný, všadeprítomný ... Ak toto hovorím v zaujatosti, potom ma On bude súdiť. Ak to hovorím v pravde, On ma požehná. On spraví, že to uvidíte, ak ste určení do života.

345Keď sa na pšeničnom steble začína ukazovať to prvé malé zrnko pšenici, ono vyzerá presne ako zrno. Je to tak? Ale čo to je? To nie je zrno. To je Matúš 24:24, "tak blízke, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." Všimnite si, to vyzerá presne ako zrno. Ale odtrhnite to a sadnite si a zoberte si zväčšovacie sklo a začnite to rozoberať. To je len šupka na zrne, alebo pšeničná šupka. Ona ho len chránila, ale ona vyzerá presne ako zrno. No, koľkí viete, že je to pravda, zodvihnite ruky. Skutočne. Ale to je šupka.

346No, letniční bratia, nerozumejte ma zle, ale toto je pravda. Nemôžete poprieť prírodu. A príroda vo všetkom vyjadruje Boha, ktorý ju stvoril.

347No pozrite sa na túto šupku. Ona vyzerá ... Čo oni robili? Hovorili v jazykoch, správali sa presne tak, ako oni na Letnice. Ale ak to prerežete, zoberte tú malú vec a preskúmajte ju, ona má v sebe veľa malých šupiek. A keď ich odhrniete, uvidíte, že na konci toho, budete musieť mať dobré sklo, aby ste to videli. Tam sa začína objavovať malý, malilinký zárodok zrna, to je tá skutočná vec. To je nositeľ. Prečo? To tam musí byť, aby to chránilo to zrno. To funguje v harmónii, ale to má chrániť to zrno. No, tam to zrno vychádza zo zeme, hore cez Luteránov, cez tie cirkvi, cez Wesleya a cez to tam, ďalej cez klasy, a teraz do šupky. No to vyzerá skoro dokonale. Nie divu, že Ježiš povedal: "To by zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." Pozrite sa len, to vyzerá ako zrno, rovno na tom mieste kde má byť zrno, ale čo sa stalo? Stalo sa s tým to isté, čo aj tí ostatní pred tým. Zorganizovali sa. Čo sa z toho stalo? Nositeľ.

348No vo dňoch, v ktorých my žijeme, každý historik tu vie, že každé prebudenie trvalo okolo tri roky, a potom z toho prebudenia povstáva organizácia. Brat, sestra, v tomto veľkom pätnásť ročnom prebudení, v ktorom žijem, mám privilégium žiť v ňom spolu s vami, z toho nepovstala žiadna organizácia. Nie je už viac organizácií. Už nebudú. To je posledná. No, Letniční tam museli byť, aby chránili toto. Kde by sme boli išli s takýmto posolstvom, ak by neboli letniční, ktorí by tomu verili? No, vráťme sa ku rieke Ohio, do roku 1933. Vidíte?

349Prepáčte mi toto, ale chcem, aby ste poznali pravdu. Nezostalo mi veľa času, vy to viete, mám Päťdesiat päť rokov. Ale tieto pásky budú žiť, keď mňa tu nebude, a vy budete vidieť, či je to pravda, alebo nie, či som pravdivý sluha, alebo falošný prorok. Nikdy som vám nepovedal nič, čo by sa nebolo stalo, tak aj toto sa stane.

350To je nositeľ. Musel byť. Ale keď táto pšenica začína rásť, tak ako cirkev bola prv nositeľom pre Ježiša, ale keď im On začal hovoriť pravdu o Bohu, oni sa od Neho oddelili. A čo sa teraz deje? Žiadna spolupráca. Prečo? Musí to tak byť, aby tak samotná pšenica mohla ležať vystavená na slnku, a tak tá duchovná pšenica môže ležať vystavená pred Synom, aby sa z nej stalo zlaté zrno Slova. Vidíte? Aby sa stala Slovom, aby sa Boh stal telom, a bol potvrdený. "Ten kto verí vo mňa, skutky ktoré ja činím aj on bude činiť." Cirkev, ktorá žije na Slove, dozrieva, nie cez organizáciu, ale v prítomnosti Slova, Syna, stáva sa (Čím?) tým istým Slovom, ktoré prišlo v deň letníc.

351No, či nás neučí Malachiáš 4, že prv ako príde ten veľký a strašný deň Pánov, že sa stane toto? Koľkí to viete? "A on prinavráti srdcia detí ku otcom," (Je to tak?) "vieru originálnych letničných otcov."

352"A v tom dni," Myslím že je to Lukáš 17:20, Ježiš povedal: "Keď sa zjaví Syn človeka," nie človek. "Syn človeka," nie nejaká organizácia. "Syn človeka," Samotné Slovo, ktoré znovu žije medzi ľuďmi! Vidíte?

353Slovo, ono samo, sa vo vás stalo telom, vy ste odzrkadlením tejto hodiny, posolstva, odzrkadlením toho. Vidíte? Vy znovu žijete, žijete život, ktorý bol v Ježišovi Kristovi. Vy ste v prítomnosti Syna. Potom pre ...

354Čo sa s tým deje? Čo sa deje s tou cirkvou? Nakoniec, počúvajte, tá šupka sa odťahuje od tej pšenice, keď sa to začína manifestovať. Čo sa stalo? Život, ktorý bol v tej šupke, z nej vyšiel a vošiel do pšenice. Ten život sa nemení. Menia sa tí nositelia, oni sa stali denomináciami; vidíte? Steblo, klas, šupka. Ale pšenica sa nemôže zmeniť. To musí byť služba presne na Slove, ako On bol na Slove, a ako prvá cirkev bola na Slove, naplnení Duchom, kŕmení Slovom; nie kŕmení denomináciou. Kŕmení Slovom!

355A teraz tu je príroda a Slovo Božie. On je ten chlieb. "Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích."

356Končím teraz, pred modlitbou. Všimnite si tu, tu prichádza to, čo chcem povedať.

357A teraz sa táto šupka musí odtiahnuť od tej pšenice, to je v Božej prozreteľnosti. Koľkí poviete "amen?" šupka sa musí odtiahnuť od pšenice, pretože ona teraz dozrieva. Je hore. No, tá šupka tam nebola, ona bola podporou, ona bola nositeľom života, potom ten život z tade vyšiel a vošiel rovno do pšenice. No, to je ten dôvod.

358Počúvajte, priatelia, v akom dni žijeme? Máme pätnásť rokov prebudenie. Koľkí na to môžete povedať "amen"? Aká organizácia z toho povstala? Žiadna. Oni sa ma snažili naviesť aby som urobil organizáciu, povedali: "Urobíš organizáciu, brat Branham, na svojej službe? To bude ..." No, nie ja, ja nehovorím o sebe. Ja hovorím o posolstve na túto hodinu, na tento deň.

259A oni odišli tu hore do Kanady a mali niekoľko bratov Pozdného dažďa. To hneď tam zomrelo. Pamätáte sa na Pozdný dážď, bratia? Kde to odišlo? Kde odišlo všetko ďalšie? Čo z toho získala tá organizácia? Milióny obrátených, z ktorých urobili otrokov pre svoje vyznanie, stali sa bohatí a stavajú budovy za milióny a milióny dolárov a takéto veci, a hovoria: "Pán prichádza," Posielajú kazateľov do seminárov a všetko možné, a vzdelávajú ich ľudskou teológiou, ako to urobil Luther, Wesley, a ostatní z nich. Stalo sa to šupkou.

360Ale, vďaka Bohu, zrno ide ďalej. Potom keď je toto pravda podľa Slova, kde žijeme, to je pravda podľa prírody, je to potvrdené, pšeničné zrno, zo všetkých strán, ako dlho ešte? Viete čo? Počujem príchod kombajnu, Svetovej Rady, ona to oddelí. Čo ona robí? Strasie ju zo stopky. Ale ona má elevátor, ktorý na ňu čaká. Ona pôjde domov, jedno ráno v niektorom z týchto dní. Ó, áno. Ak rozumiete povedzte "amen."

361Viem, že svet tomu neverí. Oni tomu nemôžu veriť. Nemôžu ... Je mi ich ľúto, pretože: "Nikto nemôže prísť, ak ho nepotiahne Otec; a všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu." Ak je jeho meno v knihe života, on samozrejme rozpozná Slovo. Musí, ono znie už dosť dlho, ono je tak dokonale potvrdené, že až je to úplná pravda.

362Nebudeme mať žiadne ďalšie organizácie, ale všetky organizácie vojdú do jednej. Čo sa s ňou robí? Ide ... Čo sa robí so slamou? Páli sa. Ježiš povedal: "Anjeli prídu zhromaždiť pšenicu do sýpky." A čo sa stane? "Steblá a slama a tŕne sa budú páliť neuhasiteľným ohňom." Vidíte? A čo sa musí prv urobiť? Vyšli anjeli a prv zviazali kúkoľ? Je to tak? Vidíte? Oni sa viažu spolu do jednej veľkej organizácii, žiadne ďalšie organizácie.

363Pšenica je tu. Vďaka Bohu, pšenica je tu. Kristus je tu. On potvrdil, že jeho Slovo je pravda. Pšenica je tu, ona teraz dozrieva, ona leží v prítomnosti Syna.

364Nikto sa toho nesmie dotknúť, všetko sa odťahuje. "My s tým nebudeme mať nič spoločného." Musíte to robiť.

365Ó, brat, vojdi do pšenice, nech tvoj život, ktorý je v tebe vyjde von do pšenice. Urobíš to? Ver Bohu. Ne ... Stoj len pri Bohu. Si si istý, že to urobíš? Čo ak niekto povie ... Nech si hovorí.

366Ako príbeh, ktorý som raz čítal. Bol jeden doktor, a bol to veľmi dobrý človek a mal rád biednych ľudí. A stále, keď ten chudák nemohol zaplatiť svoje dlhy, viete čo on robil? On to proste podpísal červeným atramentom a napísal tam: "Je ti odpustené." Nakoniec ten doktor zomrel. A keď ten doktor zomrel, jeho žena bola arogantná. Ona bola iná. Ako je dnes cirkev. Išla a všetkých ich zhromaždila. Zahájila súdny proces, všetkých dala na súd: "Zaplatíte všetky tieto účty, v každom prípade!"

367Ale ten sudca zobral niektoré z tých receptov a povedal: "Poďte sem, madam." Povedal: "Je tento červený atrament podpis vášho muža?"

Ona povedala: "Áno, pane, je."

368Povedal: "V tejto krajine neexistuje súd, ktorý by ich mohol odsúdiť. Oni sú voľní."

369Nech si ľudia hovoria, čo chcú. On podpísal svoje Slovo svojou vlastnou krvou. Nič nás nemôže o To okradnúť, brat. Sme voľní.

370Modlime sa. [V zbore niekto prináša proroctvo. -- pozn.prekl.]

[Ó, ľud môj, hovorím ti, ako dlho ... [prázdne miesto -- pozn.prekl.] "Prichádzal som ku tebe čas od času." A hovorím ti: "Ja neposielam svojich prorokov v čase pokoja, ale ich posielam v čase ťažkostí. Áno, aby oni mohli obrátiť Môj ľud naspäť ku Mne. Ó ľud Môj, ako dlho budete hovoriť amen? Ako dlho budete poslucháčmi a nie činiteľmi Môjho Slova? Hovorí Pán. Ako dlho Môj ľud? Ako dlho, až budete počúvať Moje Slovo, a necháte aby sa stalo časťou vás, až ho prijmete, áno vo svojom srdci? Áno, až sa stane časťou vás, ľudu Môj?" -- pozn.prekl.]

371Amen. No, so sklonenými hlavami - ak tomu rozumiem, raz jeden človek povstal v ich strede, vo dňoch kráľa a povedal proroctvo, kde sa majú stretnúť s nepriateľom a zničiť ich. No, ak to dobre rozumiem, je jedno miesto kde sa máte stretnúť so svojím nepriateľom, a to v Slove. Tam sa on chce s vami stretnúť. Stretnite ho tam s tým, tak hovorí Pán.

372Koľkí z vás tu, so sklonenými hlavami, (Už je za chvíľu poludnie, nemám čas, aby som volal ľudí ku oltáru, ale len toto) koľkí by ste zodvihli svoje ruky, kým máte sklonené hlavy a zavreté oči: "Ja chcem byť Jeho časťou. Ja sa chcem spojiť s Ním a s jeho Slovom. Bez ohľadu na to čo sa deje, čo hovorí svet, ja chcem byť časťou Neho," Zodvihli by ste ruku a povedali "Ja chcem?" Nech vás Boh žehná. Zdá sa, že sto percent.

373So sklonenými hlavami, zatiaľ čo premýšľate, zahmkajme teraz potichu túto pieseň. Nech sa každý modlí.

Požehnané zväzky, ktoré viažu; (to je Slovo)

Naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske;

Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí je,

ako tam to hore.

Ako Ja a môj Otec sme jedno, vy ste tiež s Ním jedno."

Keď sa rozchádzame,

robí nám to vnútornú bolesť;

Ale v srdciach budeme stále spojený,

a dúfame že sa spolu stretneme.

374Na budúcu sobotu vo Flagstaff, v Arizone, ak dá Pán, dúfam, že sa znovu s vami stretnem. Milujete Ho?

375No, chcem to takto zakončiť. Biblia povedala: "Všetci tí, ktorí v Neho uverili, a všetci, ktorí prijali to Slovo..." Vidíte? Ja nemôžem povedať kto to prijal, alebo kto to neprijal, to je na vás. Ale ak sa držíš v nejakom malom vyznaní, niekto z metodistov, z baptistov alebo z letničných, alebo ktokoľvek si, ak sa držíš niečoho, čo nie je zhodné s týmto Slovom, prosím vás, moji drahí ľudia, odvráťte sa dnes od toho, a obráťte sa ku Nemu. Nech vás ani jedno slovo nikdy neodlúči od obecenstva s Kristom. Nech vám v tomto pomôže Jeho Duch.

376Otče, Bože, títo ľudia tu sedeli dlhý čas. To mi pripomína, ako raz Pavel, keď kázal o tomto istom, to bolo evanjelium, oni celú noc sedeli a počúvali ho, jeden mladý človek spadol z okna a zabil sa. Pavel tam išiel a položil svoje telo na toho mladého človeka, a povedal: "Život sa vrátil do teba." A teraz, Otče, sú tu chorí a postihnutí, to sú tí, ktorí potrebujú modlitbu za svoje telo. Prosím, drahý Bože, nie aby čakali do ďalšieho zhromaždenia. Oni na nič nemusia čakať. To Slovo je už tu, to je Kristus. Prosím, aby si uzdravil každého jedného z nich. Nech každý jeden je úplne zdravý, Bože. Udeľ toho. Požehnaj ich, ich námahu. Oni by tu nesedeli, Pane, oni by toto nepočúvali, keby tomu neverili. No, Pane, oni zodvihli svoje ruky, oni tomu veria, nech to teraz môžu prijať do svojich sŕdc, každý kazateľ, každý jeden laik. Hriešnik, nech môže prijať Krista ... nech odpadlík príde naspäť. Udeľ toho, Otče. Prosíme tieto požehnania v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho.

On tam pred mnohými rokmi zapísal moje meno.

... prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie,

na Golgote.

377Milujete Ho? A teraz, keď znovu budeme spievať túto pieseň, načiahnite sa ponad ten stôl a potraste si s niekým ruky, a povedzte: "Drahý pútnik, som rád, že som tu dnes ráno sedel. Verím Kristovi, aj ty?" Niečo také, zatiaľ kým to znovu budeme spievať.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho;

Lebo On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie

na Golgote.

378No, od teraz a ďalej, či ideme spolu so svetom? Či kráčame s módou tohoto sveta? A ... so všetkými týmito nezmyslami, a zo všetkým týmto leskom a berieme evanjelium a robíme z neho telesný zisk, a ... Či ideme s týmto? Či je to tak? Daj mi len Ježiša, to je všetko, čo chcem. "Poznať Jeho, to je život, poznať Jeho." Milujem Ho. Či Ho nemilujete? Ó, ako Ho milujeme.

398No, odovzdávam službu bratovi Karlovi, neviem čo on ešte bude robiť.

380Nech vás Boh žehná. A dúfam, že na budúcu nedeľu vás znovu uvidím, a keby som vás nemohol uvidieť ... či na budúcu sobotu. Ak vás neuvidím vtedy, uvidíme sa v Tucsone. Ak nie vtedy, uvidíme sa tam znovu 17. Ak nie vtedy, uvidím vás v Sláve. Amen.

381A teraz brat Karl, neviem čo on chce teraz robiť, brat Williams.

THE HARVEST TIME, 64-1212, Ramada Inn, Ramada Inn, Phoenix, AZ, 150 min

1 Thank you, Brother Williams. Good morning, friends. It's a privilege to be here this morning. And to have an introductory like this, it still makes me feel smaller. And I'm... was very grateful for this opportunity to come, this morning, to Phoenix.

2I remember when I first come to Phoenix, I was about seventeen years old. It certainly has growed since that time. Out this morning where we come into Phoenix, we could hardly tell when we left Tucson and got to Phoenix. It's almost tied together, so many places has sprang up. Places where we used to go out here and even run burros on the desert, and now there is motels and ten-cent stores, and so forth. And, course, that makes me getting old.

3 And then I sit down here by the side of my good brother here, Brother Valdez, and I--I said, "Well, brother..." We was talking, and I said, "Well, course, I'm getting old." I said, "I realize that, my miles are building up." I said, "Wait till you get my age," or something like that. I was--I was surprised to know that he was about twelve years older than me. So, I, then I felt lots better then. I said, "Brother Valdez, I want you... How long you been preaching the Gospel?"

He said, "Fifty years."

4Well, I was a very small child when he was preaching. So I said, "I wish you would just take the service this morning, Brother Valdez." I said, "I--I'm a young man," I said, "I hate to kind of set up here and try to speak," I said, "my elders."

5And he just laughed, said, "What do you think I drove down here for?"

6So I'm very grateful for Brother Valdez. He was telling me about having a rest home out here. That's--that's really nice. I appreciate that. Invited me out to come and visit with them sometime. And it's out here by New River. I don't know whether any of you know where it's at, or not. I'm sure, if a Valdez is behind it, it's all right.

7 So then, every time I come to a convention, I usually meet somebody that's--that's been healed in the services or something. And when I was standing here at the table this morning, a precious sister sitting over here, the name of Erb, she comes here from Michigan. Her son is the announcer here on this Christian station. And she was telling me about being in the meeting way back in Flint, Michigan. She got a prayer card, and was trying to be prayed for, and she never did make it. And she's very seriously ill. And right here this morning, I believe God healed the woman, standing right here by the side of the place.

8I said, "What a time now! That's been about twelve, fourteen years ago, and now in the city called Phoenix, Phoenix is something that's built--built up from ruins." I said, "Well, that's the same thing happened to you this morning. God built you up, I believe, this morning, from a--a ruined health to good health."

9 I was just hearing last evening, the calls was coming, so many. I'm your neighbor now, I live in Tucson and the calls were so many I couldn't get out to get them all, so I just praying for them by phone. And they, then, they just had to leave their numbers.

10And there was a lady, eighty-seven years old, an old Christian, she had been out of her mind for a while. She was in the street, screaming, and calling the police, that somebody had taken her baby. Eighty-seven years old, see, her mind had left her. And she was a dear old woman. I never knew her in my life. And so Billy rang, and said, "Go immediately to prayer," said, "the lady is seriously, and they think she is going to die." Said, "She is just... she is beyond herself."

11Then I just hung up the receiver, and went into the room and prayed. In a few moments, she was asleep. She woke up, normally well, eat a full chicken supper, with all the ice cream and cake, behind it. Yeah.

12You see, God is sovereign. He is so real, He can... You don't have to be there; just--just ask this.

13I believe our leader here, this morning, or someone, or maybe it was Brother Valdez in his prayer, said, "We have not because we ask not. We ask not because we believe not."

14 I appreciate the singing of this young people here. Brother Valdez, us old people, were remarking of the sincerity of that young man making that testimony, that he knew Jesus.

15Now we know that we find, many times, these little quartets and singings, I... this is another minister's word, Brother Valdez said, "Sometime they come a dime a dozen." Because, they seem like, today, it's--it's become a show in the stead of the--the sacredness and sincerity that the pentecostals once possessed.

16And the sincerity of these boys, I--I appreciated that. The Lord bless you boys. And I was...

17 I'm not much on television. As you know, I'm really against it. And I'm really renting a place down in Tucson until we get our place fixed, where we'll have our home established there, the Lord willing. And the lady that rents the house, she's a fine Christian friend, but she had in the house a--a--a television. Well, I've got young children, and you know how they are, so they hurry to it. So, couple mornings ago, when I just come in from a trip with Brother Stromei... I don't know whether Brother Stromei is here this morning, or not, he is the president of the chapter at Tucson. My young daughter, which is sitting back over here, called me in to watch, said, "We're going to turn the television on, some singing quartets," or whatever it was.

18Well, now, I am a very good critic, and I--I'm sorry for that, but I--I--I can't be nothing but just what I'm made. If I do something contrary to my own makeup, I'm a hypocrite. And I wouldn't want to be that before you people. I--I want to be just what I am, and then you know how we're standing. And I--I guess I criticize a little too much.

19But I just had it in my heart to criticize that, because it just looked to me like some kind of a Hollywood put on, just a lot of carrying on. It didn't seem like the sacredness it should. And they sang those hymns in--in rock-and-roll time, and gold slippers on. And has it come that the Gospel has become a show? Why, I, if that's what it is, I--I don't want nothing to do with it. I want something that's real and genuine, and we want to keep it that way.

20Now, I--I believe that transpositions these two right here, brethren. That, you hear me better now?

21 Now, next Saturday morning, the Lord willing, I have the grand privilege of speaking at the chapter, my first time, at Flagstaff, Arizona. The brother here, I just forget his name, is the president. [A brother says, "Chester Earl."--Ed.] Chester Earl, Brother Chester Earl. Just had the opportunity to meet him this morning, when I was just shaking hands with the fine evangelist here from India, an Indian brother. And he said that next Saturday morning I'm to speak there. You are all cordially invited to attend this meeting. We hope that the Lord will bless us.

22And then the following Monday night, at Tucson, is a banquet. The Lord has give me the honor to speak to the... at the banquet down there, twenty-first day of--of December, at Tucson. You are certainly cordially invited to attend that banquet night.

23And then as Brother Williams announced that I'm to be back here again, for to kind of a little prelude before the convention starts.

24 And, so, am I getting some static there, Brother Williams? There's... What say? Is that better now? That's better. Fine.

25I certainly hope that many of you can find time to attend one, or every night and day, of the meeting. That, that starts on the seventeenth, at seven, Sunday afternoon? [Someone says, "One-thirty."--Ed.] One-thirty. One-thirty, Sunday afternoon. I want to say also, if the Lord willing, I'll be praying for the sick in--in--in those meetings, and doing all I can to help you.

26 And minister brothers here, this morning, of the Phoenix area. The reason that I come here to this hall, I... Each time I come, I usually make a little panoramic, and run around to the churches, each church. Then I find it kind of hard, because some of the churches are kind of small. And we certainly don't want to leave out any brother because his church is small, and then it makes it hard, the people can't get in. So if... I thought we'd just meet in one place and I'd take care of it myself, and we'd just meet here and have the service, just a little evangelistic service, and pray for the sick and things. Before...

27Maybe if I get over on this other, this better over here? [Someone says, "No, that, that's the tape."--Ed.] That's the tape. All right.

28 Maybe it would be a--a little better if I did it that way. And I want my brethren here, of the churches, the pastors here in Phoenix, to know that that's the reason we did this, to come here to this hall, so we could have all get together in one certain place. And you can't get to all the brethren, there is so many of them. You seen what stood this morning, and probably that's not a half of them. So you can't get them all in a few days that we have here, before, prior the convention.

29And I'm sure we're going to have a great time in the convention. You'll hear great speakers. This Brother Cash is Cash Hamburg, Hamburg. My, how many ever heard him? He certainly is a--a typhoon. Yeah. Excuse me, I oughtn't to have said it that way. That's a brother, but--but, my, I was with him one time. You know, I don't see how you ever come to hear me, when you hear a fellow like that. He can preach and it never takes his breath. I--I don't know how he does it, I... but he certainly does get a lot out. I went with him in my New York convention, recently, and he wanted to take me to--to supper after the meeting. And I went into a place, and I was about ready to get out when brother... He, he preached all up-and-down the floor, and everywhere around, to everybody there was in there. He is quite a--a character, in himself.

30 And I'm sure you'll enjoy brother from California, too. What's his name? I can't think of his name, the one is one of the speakers. I--I forget his name, too. But he's a--a forceful speaker, and you will enjoy him. There'll probably be great speakers there such as, you know, Brother Roberts and many of the great men of this day.

31So, I'm thankful to think about a Scripture comes on my mind here at this time. And at one time David was looking out upon the ark of the Lord, setting in tents. And he said... He was sitting with the prophet, Nathan, of that day. And so he said, "Is it right that I would dwell here in a house, live in a house of cedar, and the ark of the covenant of my Lord under tent?"

32And the prophet said to him, "Do all that's in your heart, David, 'cause God is with you." That's all he knew to say.

33But that night, the Lord met the prophet, and said, "Go, tell my servant, David, that I took him from that sheepcote, from following those few sheep, you know, and have made him a name like the great men," not the biggest name, not the greatest name, but numbered him with the great men that was in the earth at that time.

34And I thought, "The grace of God, to David there!" And I thought, "I could count it, myself. When I find the privilege of this day that we're living in, the closing days of the world's history, and to be numbered among such men as we have attend these meetings." And the Lord bless you, real richly.

35 Now, my good friend, Brother Valdez, said, "Brother Branham, I got to leave at, I believe, at a quarter to ten, or quarter after ten." Said, "I'm going to get over on the end, so I won't disturb--disturb you speaking." He's been in the meetings before.

36I'm--I'm kind of slow, and have to think, you know, when I'm speaking. And I write down my Scriptures here, and a note, maybe, but then I have to go back and think what the Lord told me to say, you know, have to wait for Him. And I'm kind of slow, so I hope I don't keep you too long, this morning.

37I asked Brother Williams, I said, "Brother Williams, how much time do I have?" I said, "Now, I had a Scripture here I could speak on which would take me just about thirty minutes, or something, and dismiss everyone and go home." And I said, "But I'd like to have a little lesson, if it's possible," and on what I think that would be something for you today, something that you could take home with you, to think of it.

38And I certainly wouldn't have got up this morning at three-thirty, or twenty minutes to four, and got ready to come up here, just to be seen. I--I--I don't care to be seen. I--I come here and studied yesterday upon some Scriptures I got written down, for something that I prayed sincerely over, and thought maybe that, through that, it might help somebody. I... We haven't got time for shows and sceneries. We--we must get down to business. I believe Jesus is coming pretty soon.

39 And now they're taping this, and probably someone might get the tape. And I'd like to make this statement, that sometimes I'm... many times I am really misunderstood. And many times people call me back, say, "Brother Branham, was this the light you meant that in?" And sometimes it's we say something, but you have to know, approach it by terminology that what I meant by it.

40And I say things sometime that's--that's a little contrary to maybe someone's belief, I want you to get that clear now, someone, what someone believes. But I have a--a Message, I'm not... from the Lord, that I feel that way about it. Others might feel It's from the Devil. Others might feel It's nonsense. But, to me, it's Life. And I don't mean to be different when I say things that's different, or maybe a little hurty or cutty, to people. I don't mean it in that light. I--I, if I do, then I'm a hypocrite. I--I say it in the light of progress, to God. I say it in the light of--of--of have people to know God better. And I say it not because that it's something I've made up, myself. It's something that I find from God.

41 And now if I happen to speak on something in any of these conventions, that hurts people, or... Say, "I don't believe That that way."

Well, I've often made this rude statement. And my wife sitting there listening to me, she knows there is not much formality about me. I--I... Just like when you're eating chicken, and you run into a bone. Now, no good chicken lover ever throws away the chicken because they hit a bone. He just throws away the bone, then he goes ahead eating chicken. The same thing in eating cherry pie. If I hit a seed, I--I--I never throw the pie away, I just throw the seed away. So...

42And what I say here that might seem like, in any of my meetings, that seems like a seed to you, well, you just lay that aside and, say, allow that to me not knowing as much about it as you would. So, then, you just go ahead and eat what you think that's right. And I'll...

43 I trust now that the Lord will bless His Word. I am a firm believer in the Word, and the Word only. Just the Word only, and that's the Message that the Lord has given me.

44We different, one from another. I have noticed this morning, my brethren, missionaries, evangelists, and pastors, standing here, maybe--maybe a hundred or more of them, standing here. Each one of them is more qualified to stand here and speak, than I am. I am sure of that. But, see, each one of us, one can't take the other one's place. One cannot take the other one's message. See, we have our different ways.

45 God is sovereign. When He... Who, who could tell God how to make things, in the beginning, when there was just He alone? See? And if we have Eternal Life, there is only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God. So if we have Eternal Life, we were with God right then, a part of God. We were His attribute. We are now His attribute. And, because, "In the beginning was the Word." And a word is a thought expressed. So we were His thoughts, then expressed into word and become what we are. That's the reason our names, maybe not what we have now, but our names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. See? And if it wasn't there then, it'll never be there. See? And Jesus come to redeem all those, that's, whose names were on that Book. See, He knowed.

46 "The potter," as Romans 8 tells us, "who can tell the potter? Can the clay say, 'Make me thus, thus'?" See? No. God has to display all of His attributes. And so He has to make one vessel of dishonor, and the other one to honor, to show that one up, of course. Now, but He is sovereign, you see, nobody can tell Him what to do.

47And He makes us different. Even we're told, in the Bible, that the stars different one from another, one star differents from another. You know, there is a difference in Heaven, in Angels, Angelic beings; there is Angels, there is Cherubims, there is Seraphims, and their--their difference There. And we are all different. And God has big mountains, He has plains, prairies, grass, desert, water. See, He's--He's different, He's a--He's a--a God of variety. And look at His people here this morning, some of us white, some black, some brown, some yellow, some red; see, it's--it's His people. He's a... He's--He's a God of variety, and so I think He has the same thing among His ministers.

48 Now let us bow our heads just a moment, for prayer. And I might say this now before we read the Word. I know that if I'm just a little long, and you have to get up and go out, I'll understand, see, I'll perfectly understand. Now let us pray. And while we're praying, with our heads bowed towards the dust from which God took us, is there someone here would like to be remembered in prayer, just raise your hand. He, He knows right what's in your heart, beneath that hand.

49 Dear Heavenly Father, we are solemnly approaching Thee, with our heads turned to the dust from where You have took us. And then in our minds we are thinking that You told Abraham, one night, could he "number the sands that was upon the seashores?" And then You told him to "look towards the stars," and could he "number them?" Of course, it was impossible. And You told him that his "seed would be innumerable, and as the sands on the seashore, and on the stars that light the heavens." Now our minds, our thought, our thoughts in our minds, rather, as we bow our heads towards the sand where we come from; then our hearts look towards Heaven, where we are going. From sand to stars, being Abraham's Seed! Dead in Christ, we are Abraham's Seed, and heirs with Him according to the promise."

50And we have come here this morning to fellowship around the natural foods of life, which we have taken, to get that out of the way. And now we are desirous of Thee to give us of that Heavenly Manna, that Food that would give us strength in the Life that's in us. As the blood carries away this food now, to strengthen it, to make more cells, to build us strong for the day; may we receive of Christ, that He might get into our spirits, this morning, through the Word, and--and strengthen us for the hour that we're living in. Cause, the day is far spent and the evening shadows are falling, the evening Light is here, and we are soon listening for the summons to "come on High," and we are wanting to be ready at that hour. So, help us, Father.

51And there is no man worthy to open the Book, or to loose the Seals thereof; but the Lamb, that was slain from the foundation of the world, come took the Book and loosed the Seals. O Lamb of God, come this morning, open the Book to us, and let us look in with Thee, Lord, and see what we must do to be prepared for this hour. Bless every church, bless the oncoming meetings, each one of them, and our little meeting, to join with them coming on. And when we leave here today, may we be able to say like those who came from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us, as He spake to us by the way?" Grant it, Father. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

52 Now to you that would like to turn, usually you like to read from behind a minister when he's going to read, to find out just where he is speaking from, if you have your Bibles, and will turn to Saint Matthew the 4th chapter.

53And now I'm going to give my text just before I speak; more or less, want to teach it like, and speak it as we go along. And this I have titled, somehow, I don't know why, I'm titling this: The Harvest Time.

54And we're going to take a Scripture reading, to base this thought upon, to draw from here the context of the text. We're going to read Saint Matthew the 4th chapter, a portion of it. This is in the temptations of Jesus. After He was filled with the Holy Spirit, He was led into the wilderness.

Now when Jesus was led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungered.

And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

And the devil taken him up into the holy city, and set him upon a pinnacle of the temple,

And he said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dashest thy foot against the stone.

Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God.

And again, the devil taken him unto... exceeding high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glories of them;

And he said unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou will fall down and worship me.

... Jesus said unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shall worship the Lord thy God, and him only shall thou serve.

55 I want to back up just a little bit, to the 4th verse again.

But he answered and said unto him, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

56Now for a subject, I would like to take that, "every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Now hold that in thought while we speak.

57Jesus once said, in Saint John 6:48, I believe that's right, as I jotted it down this morning, "I am the Bread of Life." This was at the feast of the Passover, when the Jews were--were eating their kosher in commemoration of the manna that fell in the wilderness, and--and they were drinking from a fountain there representing the Rock that was in the wilderness, and they were having a great time. And Jesus cried right out, in the midst, and He said, "I am the Bread of Life. Your fathers eat manna in the wilderness, for the space of forty years, and they're every one, dead. But I'm that Bread that come from God out of Heaven. If a man eat therof, he'll not die." And for the rock, He said, "I am that Rock that was in the wilderness. I am that Rock that your fathers drank from."

58"How?" They said, "You're a man not more than fifty years old, and say that You seen Abraham? Now we know that Thou has a devil and are mad."

59And Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." See, "I AM" was the Pillar of Fire that was in the bush, that talked to Moses. And if you would fix that out in its nouns and pronouns, not "I was, I will be." "I AM" is present tense, all the time.

60 We thinking of this, that Him saying, Himself now, that, "I am that Bread of Life." Now how could this Man be Bread of Life? That's what we wonder. "My body is Bread," He said. And now how could this Man be Bread? That's kind of strange, but don't be puzzled about it. People of His time got puzzled about it. They didn't know how that this Man could actually be Bread, Himself. Also in Saint John 1, it is given to us this way, that, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." So, the Word became the Bread. The Word and the Bread here would have to be the same, 'cause Jesus is the Word and He is the Bread.

61Now how could He be Bread and Word? All the... It would be puzzling, to the carnal mind. But we are hoping, this morning, that there is no carnal minds among us, that there is a spiritual mind among us, that we could understand what the Father is trying to get to us here. Seeing these words are puzzling, but, at the same time, they are Scriptural Truth, see.

62"Now how could this man be Bread?" That's what they said. That's what, I believe, Josephus, many of you historians... as I been studying it.

63 Now I'm writing a book, my commentary on the first four chapters of Revelation, hope to have it out pretty soon. It'll be a large book. Then I'll have a brochure of each church age.

64And I was studying church history. I... it was kind of in my mind, I believe it was Josephus, that, one of the early writers, anyhow, that said that, "This Jesus of Nazareth, Who went about healing the sick," said, "His disciples dug Him up and eat His body." See, they were taking the communion. They thought that they dug His body up and was eating His body. Which, we do eat the communion, or take the communion, in symbol form, of His body, 'cause He was the Word.

65Now, see, this is puzzling. And, the same time, there is Scriptures. And Jesus said, "All Scripture must be fulfilled." See? Now, we want to always cut our minds from anything contrary to that Scripture. Don't never, never, any time, leave that Scripture for anything, not one Word of It. Stay exactly with that Scripture.

66 Now, God has got to judge the people someday. And if He is going to judge the people by a church, which church will it be? They say, "The Catholic church." Well, then, which Catholic church? See? Because they are in difference with each other, worse than they are with us. See, they different, one... They're all the different forms of them, the Roman and the Orthodox, and the Jewphanite and, oh, many different tribes of them. And they certainly at one another's throats, so which one of them Catholic churches? If He does it by the Protestant church, which Protestant church? Each one differens from the other.

67But He is going to judge the world, and He has got to have some standard to judge the world by, or He would be unjust to let us go now and--and live this life without a standard to be judged by. Who would be right? Where could you tell what was right? There has to be a standard.

68 And He said, in His Bible, that He would judge the world by Jesus Christ. And we read here that Jesus is the Word. In Hebrews 13:8, said, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." So, therefore, He will judge the church by their attitude towards Christ, Who is the Word. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Not out of the mouth of man, not out of the seminary, not out of the--of the church, but, "out of the mouth of God." Man must live by That, and That alone; not man's interpretation, but God's Own Word!

69"Well," you say, "there is a mistake Here." If it is, God is responsible for it. He brought it to me, see. This is what I must take, right here is what He said.

70Now, if this is kind of puzzling, and about "a man being Bread and being Word," let's now go and search for this. Let's find out. Cause, the Scriptures are all true, and they--they cannot be ever broken. Every Scripture will be fulfilled. No matter how strange it seems, That, it'll always be fulfilled.

71 What if--if Brother Williams or--or some of the brethren here, our great-great-grandfather, both could rise on the scene, this morning, and, say, well, show them television? And maybe someone prophesied back in that, their day, and said, "There would be a time that you can hear a voice around the world."

72They would say, "Well, let the poor old fellow alone, he has lost his mind."

73"And there will be a time that color will flow right through the air. It's here right now. And they'll turn on a little button, and around the world you'll see people moving, and things, right on the screen."

74"Well," they would say, "the poor old fellow!" See? But now we have it, right in this room this morning.

75And I want to bring you conscious of that, before we approach farther, that God is in this room. The Author of this Word is here. So, it doesn't matter how you are dressed, or what degree you live in life, or what kind of a home you live in, or what type of car you drive, or how much education you've got, God looks at your heart. And He looks in my heart. And we're judged from our heart, not even our words. Our heart judges us. "From the heart speaketh the mouth." If it isn't, it's hypocrisy.

76 Now, in this room now is coming human beings, forms of human beings, passing through here, from all around the world, voices singing, is in this room right now. But, you see, you are only limited, in your senses, to a certain percent of sight. But now you can take the crystal, or the tube or whatever it's in the television, and turn it on, and with the set that could deviate that on those ether--ether waves, and deviate that, to condense it into a channel, and pick up those people; someone in Australia, South Africa, or where, India, or wherever it may be. You can stand here, on a screen, and see even the color of clothes that they got, the color of the trees, and every move they make. Just flip on the television, see if that isn't so.

77 Then, it's got to be somewhere, hid from our eyes, that same thing is passing through here now. It passed through here when Abraham heard God say, "Look up towards the stars." It was here when Elijah set on Mount Carmel. It was here when Adam was here, but they just now discovered it.

78And so is God here, and the Angels. And someday it'll be just as much reality as television or anything else is, because the Spirit will bring us into that immortal Life. Then we'll understand. So, then, we are speaking from His Word. Now, that, we're going to try...

79 God, God the great Creator, let's try to speak on the form of nature, pick Him up in nature first, to bring it back to the Word. Now, nature runs just with the Word, because God is a Creator of Nature. When you see the way nature works, the... find out that that's the way. That, that's my first Bible, was to find out how nature... found God in nature. And wheat is nature's product, bread, make bread out of it, which sustains the natural body. Nature holds many secrets. We... and that's my first time to find God, was watching nature. I seen there had to be something. And, now, I have no education, therefore I speak lots by nature. And it is... I'm not trying to support ignorance. But I'm trying to say you don't even have to have an education, to know God.

80 John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, when he came out of the wilderness. We're taught that he went in the wilderness, at the age of nine, and he stayed there because his job was important. His father was a priest. And in that certain line of priesthood, or denomination, oh, his father said, "Now, John, you know you're to introduce the Messiah. You know, that Brother So-and-here just makes perfectly the Messiah!" So John had to get away from that, he would get in the wilderness to himself, because it must be God's choosing, and not man's choosing, at all, who would be the Messiah. So, he went in there at the age of about nine years old.

81And, you notice, when he come out, at the age of thirty, his sermons wasn't as a theologian. He didn't use great swelling words, but it was all on nature. He said to them church men of that day, he said, "You generation of snakes." That's what he seen in the wilderness, snakes. He hated snakes. They were poison. In their fangs they had deathly poison, and he pronounced this upon the church of that day, "You bunch of poisoned snakes, who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Don't begin to say, 'We belong to this,' and, 'We're the--we're the Jesuites,' or 'We're the so-and-so,' or, 'We belong to the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian,' or whatever it is. Don't begin to say you have that, 'cause, I tell you, God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." See?

82 And also, "The ax," that's what he used in the wilderness, "it'll lay at the root of the tree. And every tree that don't bring forth good fruit--fruit, is hewn down and cast into the fire." See, he wouldn't cut a tree that was bringing fruit, 'cause he lived by the fruit of the tree. But, the tree that didn't bring fruit! Oh, you could just take all the Scripture, is so inspired, till everything in there fits around Jesus Christ. You see, "Every tree that bringeth forth not good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire," and so forth. You see, he--he used his message in the realm of nature.

83 And we want to face that now, being that we've found that He said, "I'm the Bread. And man shall live by every Word, and I am the Word." See? So we want to go back in nature. I notice a lot of times I have to do that.

84And nature runs on the same scale. You take the time you watch all the birds congregate, leave and go out in the field and go to eating. Watch all the cattle when they're out, scattered out in the field, eating. Drop your line in, fish will bite. But when them cattle... Them birds huddle up in the trees, and them cattle get in the corner, you might as well take your line up. They won't bite, because nature runs on the same scale all the time.

85 And so does the Word of God run in continuity. God always does everything He does on the same scale. He decided at the beginning, when man lost his fellowship with Him, He would save him by the shed blood of an innocent one. And He has never changed His method. We've tried to educate them into it, denominate them into it, and--and beg them into it, beat them into it, or shout them into it. It still remains the same, the shed Blood only is where God meets a believer.

86Not, we cannot make one World Council of churches and everybody meet. It'll never work; it never did, it never will. That's the way I'm against that system. God has got a system. You heard it said today, "All the churches come together, it's going to be a World Council of churches. And Jesus prayed for that, that we 'all might be one.'" Well, now, you see, that's carnal minded, without knowing the Spirit.

87 Jesus said, "That they might be one, Father, as You and I are one." Not for some man to be over something, it never will work; one denomination wants to take over the other, and one man over the other one. But that you might be one with God, like Christ and God was one, that's what the prayer is. That, He was the Word, and Jesus prayed that we might be the Word, reflecting Him. That's His prayer to be answered.

88See how Satan scruples it up in the carnal mind? But that wasn't Jesus' prayer, at all, that we might all congregate together and all have a certain creed and so forth. Every time they do it, they go further and further from God.

89He wants us to be one with God, and God is the Word. Each individual, in his heart, must be that one with God.

90 God knowing that, this, all these things worked out like this. Now that's how we find God sometime, is to look in nature. Seasons, rotating around, proves God. That's where I first found it, how that there is a life comes up in the spring, it lives its life, produces a seed, dies and goes into the ground, comes back in the resurrection, just revolves around. We could spend hours on it.

91But now how different that is from like, our missionary brother here, in India. I find many over there, and around the world, they believe in reincarnation, that, they, that you die here as a man and you come back as a bird or an animal. See, that doesn't speak with nature.

92Nature speaks that this same seed went in the ground, the same seed comes up again. See? The same Jesus went down, is the same Jesus come back. Hallelujah! And this body, when it falls into the ground, it'll not come back a flower or something else, it'll come back a man or a woman. We see it in nature, how it does, it has to go through the cold winters, and rot and so forth, but the life is preserved if there is any life in it.

93 But if, there, if that seed hasn't been germinatized, it'll never raise again; it can't raise, there is nothing in it to raise it. And if we just become a nominal Christian... There is two churches in the world, church natural, church spiritual, they're all called "Christians." But the church natural cannot raise. It's doing its raising now in the World Council, council of churches.

94But the Christian rises to meet Christ because It's a Bride, to go to meet Him. There is a difference in them. Nature holds these secrets, to us, and we can see them as we watch them. And we see that Christianity speaks the Truth, of death, burial, and resurrection.

95 If there is then a wheat bread that we know we all live by, and we know that there is only one way that we can ever live, is by taking dead substance into our body. You can't live no other way.

96A vegetarian met me, not long ago, he said, "Brother Branham, I had a lot of confidence in you till I heard you say you eat bacon and eggs for breakfast." See? And said, "How could a godly man eat a thing like that?"

You see, I said, "Well, what's wrong with it?"

97All things are unclean, but it's sanctified by the Word of God and prayer. The Bible said, "If thou be a good minister of Jesus Christ, thou shall remind the brother of these things. See, all things are sanctified, nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving." First Timothy... 3. Now we find that that is true. So I said, at least...

I said, "Well, don't you have to eat something dead, too?"

"Oh, no, sir!"

98I said, "If you live at all, you have to live by dead substance. If you eat bread, the wheat died. If you eat greens, it died. Whatever you did, even to milk, you drink the bacteria. You have." You can only live by dead substance.

99 And then if something had to die so we could live physically, how much more did something have to die so we could live Eternally! Death it takes, to do it. Bread! Seeing that Jesus said, "I am the Bread," and there's a wheat bread and He wasn't that kind of bread, so there must be two kinds of lives that's sustained by bread. It would lead us to that. There can't be... He isn't, He wasn't wheat; and He wasn't Word, He was flesh, so there must be two kinds of life. We know that wheat dies so we live physically, as I said. Jesus, the Word Bread, died, so we could live Eternally. He was the Word Bread. Now notice, keep that in mind. Now to prove Jesus' Words to be true, we see in this, in nature, how it goes.

100Now let's go to the Scripture, to find out again, back up into the Scripture till we get to our main text. In the garden, God gave His first family the Word of God to live by, every Word of it. The first family that was put up here on the earth, was given Eternal Life as long as they stayed with God's Word.

101That was His plan. "I am God," He says, "I change not." That's still His plan. It's never His plan for creed, or organization, or man-made rules, that man shall live by, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

102 Now to go back in Genesis, which is the beginning. Genesis means "the beginning." We find that God gave His family Eternal Life as long as they stayed in this Word and lived by this Word. But when they broke it, just one link in the chain of promises, death struck them, which was a promise also.

103It's a chain. You're hanging over hell with it, and that's the only thing that'll carry you through. When the believer becomes a make-believer and lives on one word that's contrary to this Word, he cuts his fellowship with God. One link broke! And, remember, your faith in this Word is like a chain. A chain is its strongest at its weakest link. That's right. It's the strongest, that, 'cause that's all it'll hold. And if there is something in the Word that's puzzling to you, something that you have heard different, but they said, "Thee? Oh, that was for the apostles, and them things was for days gone by," when the Scripture said Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, don't let that be a weakness! Fortify It and hold It, and wrap your life into It, because that's the only thing that'll take you over the flames of hell. That's right.

104 When this chain is broke, with Adam and Eve, the first family, now remember, they didn't break a sentence, they didn't break three Words; one Word! Man shall hang over hell by every Word, every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. That's where man's Eternal destination is determined. Why, he'll hang by that chain, or he'll hang by a creed; or if there is creed mixed into the chain, there is where the weak link is, and you're gone. That's where the weak link was with Adam and with Eve. That weak link, "surely," he said, "God..." But surely God said it! And if God said it, God meant it. And He also keeps His Word by saying, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." The day you put into you anything else besides the unadulterated Word of God, into your soul, that's the day that you're separated from God.

105Now this is very strong, but just listen close. Now notice. One Word, one Word of the first of the Bible, God said that, "One Word, separated man from its Eternal Life Chain."

106That's like taking a man and you hang him, by his feet... he's got his hands in Heaven, and you cut him half in two, break off a toe, whatever you're hanging unto. You're hanging on the very bottom part, and, you break that chain, anywhere, you're gone. Now bear that in mind.

107 Remember, the Bible said, "In the mouth of three witnesses, let every word be established." We'll get on that, in a few minutes, on the three temptations of Jesus; the three temptations of ministers, today, where they make the fall; three temptations of the church, and where they make their fall; three temptations of an organization, where it makes its fall; and the three temptations in the individuals, and where they make their fall. Now, it all runs in three's; like justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost; Father, Son, Holy Ghost. Everything is perfected in three's.

108 Now notice God, in the beginning, the very first thing He give His children to live by, was His Word. Now we find that is the truth. Then in the middle of the Bible, we hear Jesus come and say that, "Man shall live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." And then in Revelation 22:18, Jesus Himself speaking again, said, "I testify of these things. If any man shall add one word to This, or take one Word of this Book out, his part will be taken from the Book of Life."

109Now, see, it's not our good living; that just something goes with it. It isn't our--our church loyalty; that goes with it. But the main thing is, staying with that Word. Don't eat nothing else but that Word. Stay with It. He is that Word. Now we want to watch close now.

110 What is the difference in this bread, of creation, to live? Now, wheat is the bread of life, if it's not a hybrid grain, it'll... bury them and it'll come up again. It must be a good ripe grain. Defective grains won't rise. We all know that. Brother Sothmann, sitting here, a wheat raiser from Canada, knows that you don't put defective grains into the soil, to expect a crop out of it. Because, the beetle or the--or the bacteria, what it is in the grain, eats it up, eats the life out of it first.

111Did you know that the very worms that will destroy you, that will eat up your body, is in them right now? Job said, "Though my skin worm destroys this body!" Put you in a coffin and seal it up, airtight; still the worms, that's in you, will eat you up.

112You find meal and flour, and stuff, and set it up a little while, it gets a bug in it, seal it up. What is it? That bug is in there, to begin with. It's there, to start with.

113 Now, this grain must be a good grain. It must be free from fault, failures, and so forth, in it. It must be a thoroughbred grain. It can't be a hybrid grain--grain, because, when it comes up, you plant it again, and your--your wheat is done, because a hybrid grain won't grow again. It can't grow again. You take the life out of it when you hybreed it.

114And that's what's happened to the churches. They've been hybrid to the world, and that's the reason that each revival coming on, and you can't have another revival behind it. Every organization that ever organized, dies on the spot and never raises again, because it organizes the world into its systems, therefore it never did. There is no history ever shows that any church, that ever organized, ever raised again. She died there. Why? You hybrid it.

115 Don't put a bishop over it. Let the Holy Ghost stay over it. See? The Holy Ghost was sent to keep the weeds and things out; not what the bishop thinks, or the overseers, or so forth. It takes the Holy Spirit to keep that church in its condition. He was that perfect Word, as we will see.

116Adam had his choice, the Word and live, or disbelieve one Word and die.

117We have the same choice, 'cause we have to be. If God put Adam on the Word, and the Word only, then He puts us on a creed or any kind of a creed, then God is unjust in His judgment, it isn't becoming to His holiness nor His sovereignty. But it is becoming to His sovereignty to see that He puts every man on the same base. And He is God and changes not. What God does first, He forever does the same thing. He never changes His--His program. Only thing, He magnifies it, but He never changes it. The same thing continues on.

118 Now, Adam had a choice. And if he held to the Word, he lived. If he didn't hold to the Word, he died.

119And we got the same thing. We stay with the Word, we live. "Man shall live by every Word." But if we don't, we die, we spiritually die. Oh, we can still make noise, sure, kick around, and holler and carry on, but, that, that ain't--that ain't living. That isn't living. I am a missionary. I've heard heathens kick around and holler more than we could, and profess to know gods, and things like that. They're not living. "They're dead while they are living." Bible said so. Now we find that this choice is given to us.

120But he compromised to Satan's one word, then died.

121And if, the beginning, which God in His grace and mercy could have bypassed all the sufferings that we've done, all these deaths of little babies, and everything, and the wars, and internals, and crucifixions, and things that we've had; if He could have bypassed it, His sovereignty of His Word would have permitted Him to bypass it, He would have been unjust if He didn't bypass it then. Do you get it? He can't bypass it. He never bypassed it for Adam, to begin with. And He won't bypass it for you or I, to begin with. We must come to that thing, the Word only. "Let every man's word be a lie, and mine be true," He said.

122 Now we're just looking for what day we're living in, the harvest time.

123Then God, after Adam had fell (tried by the Word, and fell), God continued, in His creation, to try to find a man who would live every Word. Now look. He tried to find man, that is, live the Word for his age. Now, you see, God scattered His Word out, 'cause He could.

124He is, He is infinite, and He is--He is omnipresent. Omniscient, therefore He knows all things. He can't be present everywhere. By being omniscient, knowing all things, then He can be present everywhere. Because, that's the way He predestinates us, by foreknowledge, not because He desired that this person should be saved and this one lost. But He knew who would be lost and who would be saved. See? Therefore, by His foreknowledge, He can predestinate. And He makes everything work to His glory. That's what His attributes are doing, displaying to His glory. One vessel of honor and one of dishonor, but it's God that maketh it. "Not him that willeth or him that runneth, but God that showeth mercy." See?

125 "No man can come to Me," said Jesus, "except my Father draws him. And all that the Father hath," past tense, "given to Me, will come to Me, to the Word." How can they come unless they were, are all, they were foreordained to come? "As many as received Him, to them give He the power to become sons of God." See, 'cause their names were on the Book, He come to redeem what was on the Book.

126In Revelations, we find out, when the Seals was opened, there was a Book. And Him that sat upon the Throne, God, had It in His right hand. And there wasn't nothing, nobody, in Heaven or in earth, or anywhere, was worthy to come take the Book, or to even to look on It. John wept with great... because the whole Book of redemption was there.

127 It was at the meeting the other night, that little Assembly of God brother and sister sang that song, "I wonder if John saw me when he saw all the nations gathered. Did he see me?" Sure, he did, if your name was on that Book. And when...

128John's name was on it, too, and he wept because there was nobody that could touch It. And then one of the elders come and said, "Weep not, John, for the Lion of the Tribe of Juda has prevailed."

129And John was looking around to find a--a lion, and out from behind the curtains come a Lamb, a Lamb that had been slain since before the foundation of the world. Then he saw a bloody Lamb come out, and He come and took the Book out of the right hand of Him, and called everything what was on that Book. It's the complete Book of redemption. And this is It. The Book of redemption, He redeemed all was in that Book, not out of the Book. Anything that had a beginning has an end. But if you've got Eternal Life, you never did begin and you cannot end, because you're sons and daughters of God, attributes of His thoughts and His Word. You have no ending of Life, if your name is on that Book. The Lamb come to redeem It. Not all that profess "Christians," not all that try to live good and holy; but those whose names were written on there, He redeemed that, and that alone, whose names were on the Book.

130 Now we find out that Satan caused Adam to fall, by that one word. And God continued on now, in His creation, to try to find one man who would live by every Word. His first man failed. And this man would live his time, his age that he lived in.

131Now, see, there is different ages that God prophesied from the beginning, which would take place all down. That's the reason He could tell the end from the beginning, is because He knew all things. He made all things by Jesus Christ, and for Him, and for His Own pleasure. Notice closely now. Don't miss this.

132 What if Moses would have come bringing Noah's message? It wouldn't have worked. Couldn't. No.

133What if Jesus would have come bringing Moses' message? It wouldn't have worked.

134What if we come, trying to bring the Methodist message, Baptist message, or the Pentecostal message? It wouldn't work. They were fine; prove that in a minute, by the Word. They were alright in their age. That age is gone. We got to find out what the Scripture says for today. This day, that's what man is to live by for his age.

He tried to find a man that would live the whole Word.

135 First thing He did, He tried Noah. Noah failed Him; got drunk, he failed.

136Moses, that great mighty masterpiece of God's, He tried him and he failed. He glorified himself, and wasn't permitted to go into the promised land.

137Then come David, that He was going to reflect His--His... the great Millennium, in David, and He was going to show what His King was. And God swore by David, he would rise up the... raise up his son to sit on his throne. And David was such a gallant man, till, "he was a man after God's Own heart." And David was doing good. He smote all the Philistines and tore down the altars, and stayed with the Word. And, finally, a pretty woman upset him, and he broke the commandment, lost the Word, committed adultery. See? A man after His Own heart, see, still David failed Him.

138Moses failed Him, all the rest of them failed Him, but all their lives were just reflection of the One that was to come.

139 In the Book of Revelation, as I'm writing, one man who is translating or grammarizing... My grammar is so poor, I've got a--a good scholar to grammarize it, put the right nouns and pronouns together. Which, I don't know which is the difference between a noun and a pronoun. But, but he does, and he is putting them all... I know, only thing I know, God gives It to me and I just write It down, see. And, they, they have to put it so if it goes into schools and things, they--they know that can read it more in their way of understanding. And then the writer said to me, the grammar, the man that's grammarizing it, said to me, he said, "But, Brother Branham, we find in the Pergamos church age... That, Jesus said here, 'he that overcometh, I will give him the Morning Star.' Give him the Morning Star?" He said, "Now how could he get the Morning Star, when Jesus said, Himself, that He is the Morning Star?"

140 See, all those seeds of Abraham are reflected by stars. They different one from another, and we'll different one from another. And Jesus is that Morning Star, the brightest of all of them. But we find Him, in Revelation 1, with seven stars in His hand. He interprets that, and said, "These seven stars are the seven angels to the seven churches, or the seven church ages that's coming."

141Then he said, "How could it be then, if they got the Morning Star?"

142I said, "The stars that were in His hand were only the reflection stars from the Morning Star, see, for the messenger of that day had the Word." And He is the Word; he just had the portion for that day. And the people that's ready to come away from the world systems and world things, and walk with Him, sees the reflection of the Morning Star through the messenger of that age. As He did through Noah and through Moses, and so forth, as He reflected the Old Testament, finally they all arrived to One. And so will it at the end of the church ages, it'll all arrive back to Jesus, that He is the Word.

143 We as Christians are only reflecting Him. The moon only reflects the sun, in its absence. And the believer only reflects the Son of God, in the absence of the Son of God. It's the Light of the Bible, the Scriptures, being vindicated in our lives, the Word that makes Light in darkness. You are candles that sets upon a hill. That ain't the sun; it's a candle. The candle just takes the place of the sun, just shows a certain amount of light. We are God's children, we are sons and daughters of God, only by the Spirit with portion. He had It without a portion. We are a star that's shining, all of us together make a Light to the world, but He is the entire Son that reflects the Light to every star. Hallelujah! I believe Him. God help my unbelief!

144 Finally, this perfect One arrived. Now, He arrived to be tempted in every point just like we are. The Bible said He was. He was tempted like Noah. He was tempted like Moses. He was tempted like all the rest of them. If we had time to break that down and show you, but we haven't, 'cause I don't want to take too much of your time. But, to break it down and show you, He was tempted in the same manner.

145Satan never changes his tactic, neither does God, just changes ages. But what... Satan got in back there, to the first family of God, on earth. Here it is brother, sister. Don't fail to get this. How did Satan get the first family? He couldn't break it no other way but to get that Word broke, for they were fortified behind that Word. If he could only get one gap!

146That's how he has got every church in every age, got every believer, just pull that gap out. "Well, I--I believe the Bible is right, but I don't believe that." Oh, there he'd go. Too bad, but there he went.

"Every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God!"

147 Now closely confine this now. Now He finally, this One that would, arrived and had to be tempted just exactly like the rest of them was tempted. Now notice how striking Satan makes his every attack, just the same each time. Now he tried to give Him the natural bread, just like he did Eve. "If you will eat this, take this," or something another, he's got it.

148And that's what he does to every organization, that's what he does to every individual, he tries to give you the natural things that you can look at. And it's taking you away! "Well, look at this great big church! Why, they got so many millions in it! Our church is the biggest church in the city. Well, our, we have the mayor comes to our church. See all that! Our pastor has a--a degree of D.D., L.D., Ph.D! That, well, that, well, he is bound to be a smart man." A Catholic priest can come around and cover him over, anytime, with his degrees. He has got sixty-some-odd books he has to know as bad as much as you know the Bible, to get his degree to be a priest, so don't try to compare educations.

149 That's just like the world, is always trying to compare. Don't compare with things of the world. Don't compare with churches. Compare with the Bible! That's what we're doing today. That's what's the matter with us Pentecostal churches. That's what's the matter with our quartets and singings, and so forth, as we have, we're trying to act like Hollywood. Hollywood glitters; the Gospel glows. There is a lot of difference between a glitter and a glow. See? Hollywood glitters with clothes, and Rickies and Rickettas, and ricochets. But God humbly glows in humility of the believer, no matter how ignorant he is. He glows in humility, not shines in Hollywood.

150 Notice, he tried his old tactic on Jesus, same thing he did to Moses, same thing he did to the rest of them. He tried it. He'll try it on you, to get you accept some great big something that looks shiny.

151Reminds me when I used to hunt coons, racoons. I'd get me a... Papa, my daddy, used tobacco. I don't know whether you all ever know one of them old tags that used to be on a twist of tobacco. I would take them, get me a log and bore a hole in it, right around the creek where a coon had been running. And then I'd bore a hole in there, and stick this tobacco tag there. And then drive me some nails, angling in like this. And the coon is always reaching for something shiny. And so when the moon come up, and he run along there, he looked back there, he pushed his hand in there to get it. And he won't turn it loose.

152He is like some church members. Even he knows he is caught, he won't turn it loose. "If I do, they'll put me out of the organization." That's just his death, that's all. All right. Notice. There he holds onto it, he won't turn it loose.

153 Now Satan tried his same tactic on Jesus, that he tried on the rest of them. He tried to make Him eat something besides the promised Bread Word. Cause, Jesus said, "It's written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone.'" See? He tried to make Him obey him. Though it looked pretty good, looked like He could feed Himself, and He could have done it. You have...

154You can act any way you want to, too. You can take It or leave It, either one you want to. Now if that coon had sense enough just to, oh, close his hand back, he could pull it out again; but he won't do it, he just holds himself there. And that's the way a lot of nominal Christians does, too. They don't want to hear nothing about It, don't want to come and hear It. They want nothing about It. Go ahead and hold onto it then, see, you'll find out what happens.

155 Now notice, they tried to make Him eat something besides the Bread of Life that every man should live by. But Jesus stayed with the Father's Word. Oh, he didn't hit Eve then, he never hit Moses, he never hit any of the rest of them. He hit One was going to reflect every Word. See, He, that's the reason, He was the Word. But Jesus stayed with the Word, refused his theological seminary doctrine, yes, sir, his new light, his more experience. He couldn't push it on Jesus like he pushed it off on Eve, to show her, "Oh, surely, God..."

156"Oh, surely, God would be in this if we could get together and make a whole World Council of church. Surely, God would be. He wants unity and He wants brotherhood." With Himself, not with the world; brotherhood with Himself, worship to Himself. That's what He died for, that you would worship Him. As ever, if he can't get...

Now we find out that he failed. Jesus went right back to him, with THUS SAITH THE LORD.

157 Now when he sees that a believer... Watch the believer come in these same catagories now, each one of you. When he sees (he) you're going to stay with the Bible, "Yeah, I believe the Bible. I ain't joining no creed and thing out there. I'm going to stay with the Bible." And, as ever, if he can't get you to believe, to--to live the real Truth and to believe the Word, I want you to notice what he done to Jesus, the second time, if he ain't get you. Say, "I ain't going to join no creed. I ain't going to. I'm, I was born free, I'm going to stay with It. I'm going to do this, that, or the other." See, join the church, and you come join, and something another; he can't get you to do that, then he'll do something else to you. Oh, brother, watch this.

158 If he doesn't, then he'll send you off to his own seminary, to be taught by his own theologians, see, where Satan is the interpreter. "Oh, the days of miracles is passed. That people down there, I got, well, that's a bunch of heretics. They, they're not, see." He'll send you there.

159Oh, you may say, "Wait a minute, Brother Branham! Just a minute now!" Yeah, let's do wait just a minute, see. You say now, "Don't you no longer supposed to? Aren't we supposed to?" No, sir. No, sir.

160But Jesus said, "When He the Spirit of Truth is come, see, He will bring these things that I have taught, to your memory, the Word. And He'll also show you things to come." There is the real Spirit-filled Church now, stays with the Word, reflects the Word, God on earth. See? He doesn't need any theologian, 'cause His Word is of no private interpretation. He interprets His Own Word, by vindicating It and proving It, It's the Truth.

161When the Methodist church told you you couldn't receive the Holy Ghost like they did on the Day of Pentecost, did you pay any attention to it? Certainly not. You went right along and got the Holy Ghost, anyhow. See? Cause the...

162 I was discussing the--the trinity with a--a Baptist minister, the other night, and I told him it was only terminology. And so we come to find out, he said, another little minister there from the seminary, he said, "Well, Mister Branham, you are trying to make people believe an apostolic religion."

I said, "Certainly, the only one there is."

And he said, "Sir, where did you go to school at?"

163I said, "On my knees, my brother. Not to... See, that's where I got, not theology, but kneeology." I said, "That's where I found Him."

164And he said, "Mister Branham, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, like they got on the Day of Pentecost, you try to say that that's today?"

165I said, "The Bible said, sir, that the... that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." I said, "That was Jesus Christ that come on the Day of Pentecost." Oh, yeah.

166No, same One! "Yet a little while, I'll pray the Father, He'll send you another comforter, which is the Holy Ghost. A little while and the world won't see Me no more, Me no more; yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, to the consummation, end of the world."

167I said, "Yeah, that's Him come on the Day of Pentecost. Yes, sir. He came, lived in them, notice, in the form of the person of the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ in the person of the Holy Ghost, as we understand the Godhead."

168 Now notice, Satan didn't need his theology, theology. And this man said to me, he said, "Mister Branham," he said, "I'll give you to understand, I'm from a certain school, and we are trained."

I said, "I hear your program, all the time." See?

He said, "We are trained there." Said, "The baptism of the Holy Ghost is for the disciples only."

169I said, "The Bible said there was 'a hundred and twenty' in the upper room." And I said, "Now who is right, you or the Word?"

170And I said, "And then, also, when Philip went down and preached to the Samaritans, and he baptized them in the Name of Jesus Christ, but the Holy Ghost hadn't come upon them yet, 'cause Peter had the keys. So he sent up to Jerusalem and got Peter, who come down and layed hands upon them, and the Holy Ghost came upon them. The Bible said, 'The Holy Ghost!'"

171 I said, "Then Peter, with a vision, with the keys, went up to the house of Cornelius, Acts 10, forty-nine... 'And while he yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell upon them. For they heard them speak in tongues, and--and--and prophesy, magnifying God. Then said Peter, can we forbid water, that these should not be baptized, seeing that they received the Holy Ghost like we did at the beginning? And he commanded them to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.'"

172"We find, thirty years later, Paul passing through the upper coasts of Ephesus, finds some Baptist people who was having a great revival. Great things were going on. They shouting, praising the Lord. And Paul visited to the church where about twenty people were attending, where Aquila and Priscilla was attending the meeting; where Apollos, a converted lawyer, proving by the Bible that Jesus was the Christ. And they had great joy, and a great meeting. Paul passing by, he came by after he... the Lord delivered him out of prison; for casting a spirit out, a devil out of a fortuneteller. And then he come on up through there, in the work of the Lord, and he went to hear the meeting. And he said, 'This man is a great man, all right, but,' said, 'have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?' He believed you received It when you believed. But he said, 'Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?' He said, 'We know not whether there be any Holy Ghost.'"

173"Said, 'Then to what was you baptized?' That was the question. He said, 'We've been baptized, the same man that baptized Jesus: John. We've been baptized to John's baptism.' See? He said, 'John only baptized unto repentance, not for the remission of sins.' John... 'cause the Lamb hadn't been killed yet. He said, 'John baptized unto repentance, seeing that you should believe on Him that was to come, on Jesus Christ.' 'And when they heard this, they were baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. And Paul layed his hands upon them, and the Holy Ghost came upon them, and then they prophesied and spoke in tongues,' thirty years later."

And I said, "Besides, do you believe the Bible?"

He said, "Certainly."

174 I said, "Peter, on the Day of Pentecost, when this was all noised abroad, and they was all shouting and praising God, they said, 'Men and brethren, what can we do to be saved?' Peter said, 'Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the promise is unto you and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.' Heavens and earth will pass away, but that Word will never fail!"

175You pentecostals paid no attention to the Methodist, Baptist, or Presbyterian. You knowed That was for every generation, and you pressed into It. Certainly. Now, just don't stop pressing right there, just keep on pressing, see.

176That's where Methodists made their mistake, they pressed into sanctification but stopped. Lutheran pressed into justification and stopped. See, then it organizes it, there it dies. That's the end of it. That's all of it.

177 Watch now as we hurry up through. "When the Spirit of Truth is come, He will teach you all things, whatever I taught you," oh, my, "bearing all remembrance to you, what I've said to you, bringing to you, all remembrance. And He will show you things to come. He will vindicate every Word, confirming the Word with signs following." Everything that He promised, that God promised in the Bible, if you'll turn loose from every creed and everything else, and hold onto the Word, God is obligated to take care of His Word. And so when they did this, the Word vindicates Itself.

178He don't need somebody to say, "Well, the days of miracles is passed."

179Who is that man to tell me the days of miracles is passed, when I was once a blind man? Hallelujah. I once laid where the doctors give me three minutes to live, and I'm living today. How can they tell me any different? Once a lukewarm church member, now filled with the Holy Ghost. God don't need any interpreter. The Spirit Itself, which is the Word, interprets it to be the Truth. If a man will dare to stand out and take It. He is His Own Interpreter. Try Him one time, and find out if that isn't right. Don't pay attention to what somebody said. Do what God said do.

180"Well," you say, "I do this." Well, what about the other, every Word? One word breaks the chain.

181That's where the churches always fail, right on that chain. They organize it and get the thing together, and make a big denomination. These men get together, Holy Father So-and-so and Doctor Bishop So-and-so. And what's the first thing you have? There you are. You die right there. We'll prove it by nature and by the Word, if the Lord willing, in a few minutes. All right.

182 "Bringing to remembrance." He vindicates every Word, and we live by It. Hallelujah! Live by It! "Man shall live by every Word, every Word vindicated." Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. Shall follow them that believe!" Take a hold of It; God vindicates It, that It's the Truth.

183Where, the seminaries and theologians, inspired by Satan, say, "You can't trust It. That's for the apostles. The days is passed. There is no such thing. That was only meant for the apostles, to prove the Gospel then. We have learned people today."

184They had better learning then than we got now. Tell me any church that can come up with that, that Sanhedrin, when their great-great-great-great-grandfathers had to be priests, behind them. One crooked word in that, in that scroll, or, why, they--they'd stone them for it. They had to stay right exactly. But they missed seeing the real Kernel of the Word when It come, the Life. That's why they were condemned and called the "workers of Satan."

185 See, that don't reflect the Word of God, when a seminary student tells you, "The Holy Ghost is not for today. And these things, all that Divine healing stuff, for some other day." See, it's not a reflection from God, it's a reflection from a--a creed. It's a reflection from a doctrine that's outside the Bible.

186Hebrews 13:8 said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." Saint John 14:12, said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall He do also." Now how you going to take that Word out of there, how you going to add something in Its place? You break the chain of Life. Man lives by Bread only, the Bread, Eternally he lives by that Bread. Physically, he lives by this bread. There is the two breads. The Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is in you, says "amen" to every Word of God, if that is the Holy Ghost. Now I want to ask you something. Now this is a pinching part.

187 Mama used to give me castor oil when I was a kid. And I--I can't stand the smell of the stuff, yet. See? We was raised poor, and mama boiled meat skins and render them out. We get them down at the... from an old sister named Goodwin, that had a bakery down there, and she baked hams and things, and rendered that out. We'd get meal, and take that grease and stuff and make our cornbread. And we had poor eating, no wonder we had malnutrition and so forth, plaguery. But mom then, every Saturday night... We--we didn't get the right kind of food, so she would make us all take a big dose of castor oil. And I--I'd just hold my nose and scream, I said, "Mom, that makes me so sick." She said, "If it don't make you sick, it don't do you any good." So, so maybe that will work this a way. Now how...

188 I'm going to ask you something. How can a man or a woman who claims to be filled with the Holy Spirit, which is the Word (that right?), and how can you be the flesh of that Holy Spirit, has made you part of Him, to reflect the Gospel of your age, and deny the Word that He wrote?

189I don't care how good you are. Why, I can take you to Africa, to the--the Hottentots there, and show you a life that a Christian can't touch. Even if they would be caught in adultery; if one of the women, before she is married, a young woman, she has to be tested first for her virgincy. If she be found guilty, she has to tell what man did it, and they're both killed together. What if that happened in the United States, who would bury all the corpses, see? So, so there you are, see. And they are heathens, see the morale. See, so you can't test it by that. Our Indian brother here can tell you now, the Mohammedans probably live a lot better life than we ever think about.

190 But what is it? It's the Word that gives the test. Them Pharisees was twice as humble as Jesus. He went around tearing up their churches, and throwing them out, and beating them out, and everything like that.

191And this godly old priest, you know, why, who was... If I was having a meeting against Him, this morning; I'd say, who come to you when you were sick, pray for you? "That godly old priest." Who loaned papa that money when his crops failed? "That godly old priest." Who dedicated you to God, for a life of service? "That godly old priest." Who was it, when you was in jail, come and visits you? "That godly old priest." And this young renegade called Jesus, what does He do? Called your pastor a "snake"! See? See, it's not by the fruits.

192It's by the Word. "Man shall not live by fruit alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."

193And He was that Word. They just fail to see It. That's what He was supposed to do. They couldn't see it, because they wasn't ordained to see it. Said, "You can't come to Me." Look at them poor Jews, their eyes were blinded. Sure, He did it. He blinded them, Himself.

194Think of how it would be to be blinded. You better be thanking God for what sight you got on the Scripture. Now notice.

195 Now, He, He was this Word. Now, after this, He was tested. Jesus' testing. Now we're going through these.

196See, it doesn't reflect the Word when anybody says, "Well, That was for another age," 'cause the Bible said He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. How the Holy Spirit in you could say that you are a filled with the Holy Ghost?

197Now can I hurt you a little bit? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Is it all right? Raise your hands. You won't be mad at me? ["No."] If you do, you have to be.

198How can you women, with bobbed hair, tell me that you are filled with the Holy Ghost? One Word! "Oh, I spoke in tongues." That don't make any difference. I've seen witch doctors speak in tongues, interpret, shout in the spirit, dance in the spirit.

199How can you men call yourself the head of the house, and let your wife wear shorts and carrying on the way she is, call yourself Christians?

200How can you pastors ever face God with a thing like that, without standing up and protest it? You can't make them do it. But you get to preaching like that, you won't belong in the seminary very long or with a group. You'll have to get cooperation from somewhere else. We'll get into it, just in a moment, the Lord willing. See?

201 But there you are. Don't, I don't mean to hurt you. I love you. That's the reason. If--if you were floating down the river, and I seen you was going to drown, I'd be a poor fellow, say, "Well, be a good person, honey." You better warn them. That's right. Tell them!

202As I said the other night, if I'm a Christian, I have to be identified with every character of the Bible. I had to stand with Noah and preach with him, in the days, and warn the people. That's right. I had to stand on Mount Carmel, alone, with Elijah. I had to stand at Calvary, and be crucified to myself and my own thoughts, with Him. But then again, I raised with Him on Easter, triumphant over all things. All the carnal of the carnality of the world, raised above it, in Him.

203 Notice, it doesn't reflect the Word then, no, it doesn't vindicate It. Now, but if you believe the Word, God will vindicate It, Hisself, as He did here in Jesus.

204The Word Bread always means to be fed on. "And man shall not live by bread, like this bread, alone, but by every Word." So that's the Word Bread, keep that in mind, this is this Bread that the church through every age has fed on, has been the hidden Manna just for the overcomer only. Revelation said so. Now I don't have time to break this whole thing down, because I probably got another thirty minutes. But, look, when the holy--when the holy manna fell from Heaven, which was a type of the Holy Ghost. You'll agree on that.

205God told Moses to go out and get an omer full of it, and put it in the Holiest of holies. Cause, if they didn't put it in the Holiest of holies, it become stagnant. Is that right? The worms got into it. Now He said, "But put it in the Holiest of holies, in this omer, that every generation;" coming up, after that priesthood, when a man becomes to go to be a priest, to minister the Word, the first thing he gets to do, after he is ordained, is go in and get a handful of that original manna and eat it.

206That was to represent that Light in His hand, in the new church age, reflecting his Light, the Manna; and only the man that perfectly overcome, the man that really sets down and throws aside everything else besides the Word. And the Word is that Manna. Oh, my, it's Jesus! "Man shall live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." That's the hidden Manna for the overcomer, oh, that was laid up each--each, for each priesthood a following it.

207 The schools of theology, long ago, has swapped this blessed Thing for a mess of pottage. That's exactly right. Yes, sir.

208Like Esau did. Now, Esau, morally, was a better man than Jacob, but he didn't have respects to his birthrights which was the Word. How many knows that, the birthrights was the Word, the promise, the elder son? But he was a good man, moral man, like, oh, like the nominal Christian today, a good man. He didn't lie. He didn't steal. He was good to his daddy. He done all these things. But, you see, his birthrights, he said he didn't care about that. "What difference does that make? I'm an Israelite, anyhow. See, I--I belong to it, anyhow." But it was his birthrights that counted, see. His natural was all right, but his spiritual was all wrong.

209So is it today, the pottage, mix church and world together, some of each one; bingo parties, dances, all kinds of carrying on, in the church; short-haired women, wearing shorts.

Well, you say, "Brother Branham, what's that little thing?"

210 That's one of the Words, for the Bible said it's wrong for a woman to cut her hair. That's right. If she does, how is she going to get in? See? Just ask, any preacher will tell you the Word says that. See, "she dishonors her head," she dishonors her husband. She should be divorced. That's exactly right. "For she that will cut her hair, let her also be shorn off, shaven." See, it shows through that. Not just bobbed, God don't want it that way. That's that Mister In-between. Don't fool with it. Either cut it all off or leave it grow, that's what God said. Any minister of the Gospel knows that's the Truth, whether you'll say it or not. But that's the Truth. See? Well, what good, if you're going to do all the rest of them, and leave that go?

211What? There is just a little bit of the worldly style into you, trying to act just a little bit like the other churches. That's exactly where Israel got in trouble. That's where they die. That's where Adam got in trouble. That's where all the rest of them got in trouble. Just one Word, that's all it takes, just one point. Pottage, mixed with the world! Some of the world, some of Hollywood, some of the church, some of the theologians, and what's you got?

212 Notice, if Satan fails here, then he'll try his second scheme on you, get you to--to disbelieve the Word, he'll... and--and go to the seminary. He'll try the next, a scheme. Now here is where you want to be real careful, and just sit just for another five minutes on this part, if you will. Then he makes you a supernatural offer. I'm going to come back to all this, just before closing. He makes... See, if he can't tempt you away from the Word, "No, I'm going to stay with the Word," then he'll give you a supernatural offer.

213He said, "I'll tell you what. You get up here and dive off the temple, and bring back up. See, show the people that You can do something supernatural."

214Boy, he got them there. Now watch this, this is it. Watch when you get to the end, where this temptation come. Maybe He might let some of you speak in tongues, think you got It. See? Or he might even let you prophesy, though it not be with the Word. I've seen people stand up and prophesy, was as contrary to the Word as the East is from the West. See? It's the Word that you live by. Them supernatural gifts, Satan can just hand them out by handfuls. Certainly. That don't mean one thing.

215 Didn't Jesus say, "Many will come to Me in that day, and say, 'Lord, haven't I prophesied in Your Name? In Your Name I've cast out devils. I've done mighty works. I've been a great man in the organization. I've done all these things, these things'"? He'll say, "Depart from Me, you that work iniquity."

216What is iniquity? It's something that you know that's right, and you concede it and won't do it, in your heart. When you know that that Bible teaches a certain thing, and you won't do it, that's iniquity. And David said, "If I hide iniquity in my heart, God will not even hear my prayer." Is that Truth? Is that the Bible? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, surely you couldn't get angry with That, see. Jesus said that, "Many will come to Me in that day, and say, 'I've done all these things,' and I'll say, 'Depart, you works of iniquity.'"

217Same as did Adam. Adam said, "Lord, I did this, I did that." But one Word, see, one Word did it. That's all it takes, just disobey one Word.

218 Yes, maybe prophesy contrary to the Word. But now, time he's got this supernatural gift, he is so carried away by the noise, by the glamour of it. "Glory to God, I pray for So-and-so, they got up and walked away! Hallelujah, I can speak in tongues! And somebody interpret it, it's genuine, the truth."

219Paul said, "I can speak in tongue like men and Angels, and yet be nothing. I can have faith to move mountains, and still am nothing." Is that right? [Congregation says, "That's right."--Ed.]

220But, see, he'll offer you that. Oh, Pentecostal people, I love you, or I wouldn't be with you. There is where you failed, see. Watch the Word, not the gift. Watch the giver, see where--see where it comes from, see. He's all carried away, he's dancing in the spirit, boy... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... only thing. He's got so many people around him, and everybody calling for him, here and there, and he forgets the Word.

221 Oh, you are very popular as long as you stay away from that Word. But you get in that Word, one time, watch who is going to cooperate with you then. See? Watch what comes out then. We're going to get to this, in another stage of nature, in a moment. See, watch who--who wants you then, nobody does. "Oh, hands off of That!" Like a certain association gathered together here a few weeks ago and banded me, any minister that come to the city, full Gospel, would have me to the city to pray for their sick, would be completely excommunicated from the association. All right, 'cause I pray for the sick. All right. "Don't hear It!" Say... And there is the Word vindicated.

222That's the same thing they done with our Lord. That's the same thing they done with every man, in every age. That's what they done with Luther, Wesley, and all. That's what they done with you, in the beginning, now you turned right back in the same wallow you come out of. Notice the way, it's always been the same way. It's never failed, Satan does the same thing.

223 Now he is so carried away by the noise of glamour, and so forth, till, my, he don't even pay any attention to the Word. "Oh, brother, Brother So-and-so said so-and-so, and I got to go over here. I..." See, he's just so carried away, he don't even notice It. Whether it's Word or not Word, don't make any difference. "The rest of them said it was all right, so That don't make any different." The denomination says, "Boy, you got it, don't you let nobody tell you!" You got what? See? Notice.

224 Satan ever had, even then, watch in this one place here, he coated the Word. Even on this supernatural that he tried to get Jesus to do, the supernatural, see, being having supernatural, what if Jesus would have listened to him? See? He said, "Now wait. You want to stay with the Word, do You? You want to stay with the Word?" Said, "It's written, He'd give His Angels charge concerning this. Anytime You dash Your foot against a stone, They bear Thee up." But He wasn't dashing His foot against no stone. See? Watch. What if he would have stayed with it? He... Did you notice, I never said he quoted the Word; he coat It, coated It, like putting an icing on a cake, covered It over, whitewashed It, see, It wasn't in It's right place.

225 That's what they try to say today, trying to whitewash It, but you can't make it run with the rest of the Scripture. It's got to be everything, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." See, no matter how much Word you try to coat, that don't make...

226It's got to be quoted just the way He said It. Then, if It's quoted right, He'll vindicate It to be so in your life. "That's how all men know you're written epistles read of God." Written epistle is this "Bible." Is that right? An epistle is the Bible. And you're a written Bible reflecting His Word, that perfect man again, in God.

But Jesus said, "It is written, also." See?

227 But notice Eve at this same stage, carried away by her supernatural understanding, she had a theological experience. Her education was supreme to any theologian in the country at that time. See, she was so carried away, she didn't know it. She knew she had something that Adam never had. Perhaps she would be able to rule over him right now, because she knowed more about it, her Adam. Watch what their Adams are doing today. She knew good from evil, fine education of the Truth. That's right. She had a fine education of the Truth, that she didn't know before, and it was God's Truth. But she was dead, by breaking the Word. Yeah, she got her education, all right.

228So does the seminary give you a theological experience, that you can quote every character of the Old Testament or New. But be careful what you're doing, if it don't break that Word right there, if you do just say, "Well, it's for them." No, it's for you, whosoever will! See? See? Be careful. "Oh, that was for the church long ago." He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! She had a fine education, but she was also dead in sin and trespasses.

229 Now Satan's third scheme. We'll get to it quickly 'cause we don't want to take more time than possible, maybe another fifteen, twenty minutes, if you want to go that far. Notice his third scheme then, his, or his third temptation. If the others had failed, this one won't, see. He now offers you a position in the church, like he did Jesus. "I'll give You the world. You be the king, I'll make you. They all belong to me, so I give it to You."

230Who can make a man a minister? Who can give a man a gift by laying hands on him? "God has set in the church!" See? See how they twist the Word. Like Eve now, with her new knowing, knowledge, she had Adam at her sway. She could do what she wanted to, see, as soon as she got Adam to accept it.

231And, but when he come to Jesus, He didn't accept it. He said, "Get behind me, Satan." In other words, let me not misquote it, but just add this to it. "It's written, every man shall live by every Word of God; not by your proposition, 'I'll make you the general overseer, a presbyter, or--or deacon, or I'll let you play the piano, sister.' See, all these propositions, 'You're a very popular person, and we need your talent in our church.'" See, come to the Word!

232She could rule him, or teach him, same as today's crop. That's the way they do it today, to become a D.D., a state presbyter, overseer, district manager, or something another like that.

233 How different from Jesus! He stayed with the Word. Now, the next few minutes, I want to prove all these things true, see, by both nature and Word, bring this together. This proves He was the Word made flesh, for Bread. He was the Word made flesh. For He reflected what? The Word only.

234If you're a written epistle, you reflect only the Word; not what the seminary says, what somebody else says, what Miss Jones thinks about It, what Doctor So-and-so think about It, but what God said about It. "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth! Whosoever shall break the least of these commandments, and teach men so! Whosoever shall take one Word out of this Book, or add one word to It! Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word proceeding out of the mouth of God." Live Eternally by that Word!

235 Just as so as you have to have dead substance there to live by, you have to have Christ to live by here or you die. And what is Christ? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh dwelt among us."

236And you are the same written epistle, one for one age and one for the other, for the Light of that hour; but they fail to see it. You reflect It only.

237Others fixed, although in one, only failed in one point; but He didn't. And as I said, in Revelation 22:18, He said, "Whosoever shall add to This!"

238 Now watch real close now. Matthew 24:24 is the striking, how that they... "Almost, in this last days," Jesus said, "the very elected would be deceived by this thing." Watch the spirits. "In the last days," now that Scripture has to be fulfilled. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, that was, "In the last days, the very elected, predestinated, elected to it, would be deceived..." It's so perfectly, it's so Scriptural, and looks so pretty and clear, that you can't see a flaw in it, anyhow, only the elected will escape it. Now that's what Jesus said. Do you believe it? ["Amen."] "Would deceive the very elected if it were possible."

239"Why, it's perfectly Scriptures, you can see it in the natural eye." But, you see, that isn't it. Jesus... Them Pharisees had that Scripture just as perfect as It could be, but by their own interpretation.

240How did they know He wasn't wrong? Because God vindicated every Word that He promised to Him in that age. That's the reason they knowed He was the Messiah. See?

241 Now notice, "if it was possible," in these days. Only one Word, one Word is needed. That's all Satan had to have to Adam, just get Him on one Word. That's all he has to have today, just get one thing turned around. That's all, that's all he needs. Now, you know that's the Truth. To add one, or take one, it's total failure. Every bit, "Every Word of God!" Think now of the interpretations of the seminaries, every one different from the other.

242There has to be a Truth somewhere, and this is It, the Bible. Now Jesus said...

243You say, "Well, Brother Branham, they have the most beautiful worship."

244Jesus said, "In vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrine the theology of man, not the Word," man, his own conception of the Word being interpreted.

245 As I have said, God don't need no interpreter. He interprets every Word Himself. See, you don't need somebody to interpret It to you, God interprets it to you when you're willing to accept It. See, that's the Life, that's Life Itself.

246Jesus said, "In vain they worship Me." They actually worship God. Cain actually worshiped God, in the beginning. "But in vain do they worship Me." What's vain? "It don't do no good."

247They might say, "Well, I do this. I dance in the spirit. I, I speak in tongues. I, I prophesy. I preach the Gospel." But fail to let your hair grow out, fail on one thing, and see what happens, the Spirit will leave you right there. That's what's happened to our churches, failed.

248"In vain, worshiping Me. Oh, it's a beautiful worship. But in vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of man."

249 Those Pharisees were learned theologians. Don't you dare to say we got anything today to compare with them. No, indeedy. They knowed one word, every word, just the way it was written, but in vain they were worshiping. Think of it, "in vain," big fine schools, and seminaries, and teachers, and young man, and everything like that, but lost!

250Same as the wilderness, He said, "They all eat manna from that spiritual Rock in the wilderness, they all drink from that Rock, I mean, and they all eat manna out of it." And Jesus said, "And they're, every one, dead." Death means "Eternally separated." Why? Because they failed to believe the promise of God.

251 Oh, I hate to keep you like this, but I just have to say it. Look, I won't take a minute on this. Every one of them people come out under the Pillar of Fire, they come out in the wilderness, believing God, marched on. But when they come to see the obstacle, when the--when the ten come back and said, "We can't take the land. Oh, my, they're giants there. They're this, that, and the other. They just... We can't do it. It's impossible."

252But what did Caleb and Joshua? They stilled the people. They said, "We are more than able to take it." Why? Those people were looking what they could see, see, looking at what they could see. But Caleb and Joshua was looking at the promise of God. God said, "I have given you that land. Go get it!"

253 Now Hebrews the 6th, if I could quote it, "For it is impossible for them which were once enlightened, and have tasted of the Holy Ghost, the power of the world to come, if they shall fall away again, deny, walk away."

254Like those fellows come up there and eat the grapes from over on the other land, stood there; and when it come to following the Word, on through, they said, "We can't do it." And they died in the wilderness.

255That's where we got. We tasted a good Word of God. But, the full promise, "No, no, we can't do that, see, 'cause Doctor So-and-so or somebody else says we can't do it. That's for the apostles. That was another day." There you die.

256See, the Scripture all ties together, every Word of It ties together. And it cannot be given by any man-made theory, system, or anything. It's only revealed by the Holy Ghost. Jesus said, "Father, I thank You You've hid these things from the wise and prudent, and reveal it to babes such as will learn."

257 Quickly now let's go to this next thought here if we can. "In vain they worship Me." Those Pharisees, learned, oh, morally good; but called, by Jesus, "devils." Them learned theologians, Jesus said, "You are devils, and the works of your father you'll do." Said, "You garnish the tombs of the prophets, but your fathers back in that same time... Them prophets come forth to tear down those religious systems." That's what they done.

258Prophets! Where does the Word come, to a theologian or a prophet? [Congregation says, "Prophet."--Ed.] Not to the theologians and the school. It comes to a prophet, always. God never changes His system, never. Always has, always! Not to a group; to an individual! Never to a group; individual, yes, sir, a prophet. And they said...

259Jesus said, "You garnish the tombs of the prophets, and your fathers put them in there." And they're doing the very same thing under the blindness of Satan's seminary. See?

260 And now, Pentecost, keep your nose out of that World Council of churches. Now, you ministers here, you'll write into headquarters, to--to these people. Now, you won't have to write to--to the Assemblies and many of them, 'cause they done set the thing out, they want nothing to do with it. And you Baptist brethren, too, keep your head out of there. Don't you see that's exactly the mark of the beast coming up? You know who is going to gulp it all up, if you know anything about the Scripture. If the Words reflect Itself in you, stay away from that thing. Your denomination will run into that. And you're going to have to do it or excommunicate your denomination. You can't be a denomination and stay there, because you've got to come in or stay out.

261Then, you're no more organization, then you've showed yourself. Exactly. God bless you, if you do it. Hard to tell how many will do it. But some will, no doubt. Yes, sir.

262 Deceived, and Jesus called them "devils." Now, but when Jesus was standing there, (what) every temptation, He rebuked it with the Word, and stood there by the Word. God vindicated Him.

263Like over, the other night, I preached on Michelangelo. How many was ever at Forest Lawn and seen Moses' monument there, by Michelangelo? That was striking, when I went in there the first time and seen it. Michelangelo almost spent his lifetime, of making. In his mind, he had what--what Moses ought to look like. And he--he wanted to get--get him fixed before he died. And he spent years and years, of carving out, chipping off here, and breaking off here, and polishing here. Till, finally one day when he had it finished, after many years, he was standing there with a rag in his hand, like this. He stood back and looked at it, the vision that was in his mind, for since he was first heard of Moses, it ought to look like that. There it was, flashed before him. He got so inspired by his own work, he grabbed a hammer and struck it on the leg, and holler, "Speak, Moses!" He thought it was Moses should speak, he was so much like the thing that was in his mind. And that mar on the leg is still there. It's a perfect statue all but that chip off of the leg, the right leg. Watch it in Forest Lawn, as you go in the door, a reproduction of it. Michelangelo's Moses, his masterpiece, that, that sealed his life.

264 God is a great Sculptor, right, He made man in His image, to reflect Him, and He is the Word. And what did He do? He tried Adam; he failed, Moses failed, all the rest of them failed. But here is One perfect, hallelujah, (what was it?) nothing less than God Himself in flesh, the Word reflected in Him, brought the fulness of the Godhead bodily; not a prophet, yet He was a Prophet; not a man, yet He was a Man.

265Jews, don't try to claim Him as yours. He was neither Jew nor Gentile. He was God. See? You are what your blood is, see, and, of course, you're flesh. And Mary, of course, Mary didn't have no conception with the Holy Ghost giving her a sensation. God the Father created a germ, or--or an egg in Mary, and a Blood cell in her, also, and it was the Blood of God.

266 The blood comes from the male sex. So it was no... The hemoglobins and the blood has to come from the father, 'cause the baby can't even take its mother's disease, like TB. It could inherit it from the breath of the mother, but not inherit it, I mean, but can breathe it and--and catch it. But she cannot take it from the mother, because he, she is free from it, he's not his mother's blood.

267Now, but Jesus was not the blood of a Jew nor a Gentile, He was a creative Blood by Jehovah Himself. He was the Blood of God. The Bible said, "We're saved by the Blood of God." Not the blood of a Jew or blood of a Gentile, it would all be sex, but this was the Blood of God.

268 Notice now when He seen that perfect One, He struck Him, marred Him. Isaiah said, "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity." What was He? He was that perfect Word, reflected for Bread, that every man shall live by. He was that wheat of God's Word that could be ground and put in the four Gospels, sixty-six Books. And man shall live by That, and That alone, and every Word of It. Amen. That was Michelangelo's masterpiece. And when God could see Hisself reflected in a Man, He had that perfect Man created in His Own image. Oh, my, what a Man! He had to die for all of us. We could stay on that, but we won't. He had to die for all of us. And He died, the perfect One; that we, imperfect, could be made perfect in Him, by partaking of every Word of His Bible. Now, then He raised Him up again, for our justification, that we have a right, as a raised Jesus, that He is here now to minister to us, every Word of God, that we should live by.

269 Now, quickly now, then we're closing. Now, the second Eve bride.

270Now, the first bridegroom, Adam; had to be brought up through a long string of prophets, and so forth, then come out perfect, and then had to die in order to be Bread for the rest of them.

271Now what about Eve? She has to do the same thing. But when Jesus come... Remember, Eve was the woman. The church always is a woman represented in the Bible, 'cause she is bride. Now watch what she did. She tried to persuade Him to her doctrine. As long as she would preach just what they thought, He was a great Fellow.

272But one day He begin to speak, and said, "I and the Father are one."

273"Oh, You make Yourself equal with God, see. Oh, my! We want nothing to do with that Fellow, anymore."

274 And all these other things He had begin to say, "Except you eat the Flesh of the Son of man." What do you think a doctor would have thought, sitting in there? What do you think any man would, just common thinking? "You have to eat My Flesh and drink My Blood."

275They said, "This Man is a vampire, not a minister. Stay away from that Man, He is crazy. Stay away from Him."

276But it was the Truth. See, it was the Truth. "Except you eat It, you'll perish. You'll all die, if you don't eat It."

277That's the same thing today. The bread and wine is only a symbol, don't let that natural thing get you down. You've got to eat Christ, which is the Word that you live by, "every Word that proceedeth," the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

278 Now, the second Eve, watch her. She was created anew, like He was, at the Day of Pentecost, filled with the Spirit, and fed by the Word. Amen. Now I'm getting religious. I feel good. That first church, that first Eve, which was to be Christ's Bride. How many can say "amen" to that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] She was to be Christ's Bride. She was borned at Pentecost, not at Nicaea, Rome; not in London, England; or not in the United States; not in Germany with Luther, not in England with Wesley, not in the United States with Pentecostals, so called. She was borned on the Day of Pentecost. She was Spirit-filled. And she was Spirit filled, and Word fed, "every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Even to Judas... And, oh, they just had to take everything, just Word by Word, a real blooming plant on God's earth, representing Him, another Bride tree.

279 His Word of promise reflected Him in her. They had to take notice to Peter and them. They hadn't been to a seminary, and they knowed that. They hadn't been to any Bible school, some theological seminary. They had no education, 'cause they couldn't even write their own name. The Bible said, "They were ignorant and unlearned." But what happened? They had to take note they had been with Jesus, for there He was in them, reflecting His promise. Hallelujah! Glory to God! That's what we need in this age. His Word reflected Him in her, the church. She was alive by every Word that proceeded out of the mouth of God.

280But then, as Eve, she met her fall, on the Word, at Nicaea, Rome, where the first organization was ever organized, the universal Christian church. Is there a Bible scholar in here? Is there a... Is there a theologian in here that knows that's the truth? The first organization was at Nicaea, Rome. God never did have an organization, never will have one. That's man controlled. That's where they all...

281I'm a Christian. "What church do you belong to?" There is only one. I've been a Branham, fifty-five years, and I never did join the family, I was borned one. That's how you are borned in the Kingdom of God, and you're a reflection of His Word.

282 Notice, Eve met hers. And so did the second Eve met hers at Nicaea, Rome, gave to it a denomination, creed, accepted dogmas instead of the Word; taken down pagan idols like Jupiter and so forth, and put up Paul and Barnabas. And--and took down the sun-god and the moon-god, Ashtoreth, the moon-god, with round kosher on it, and made her being the mother of the sun-god which is Jupiter. And changed the birth day of Jesus from April, where all nature, where He was born under the ram, 'cause He was a ram, and changed that up to the sun-god's birthday in the solar there, where it makes one day... There is just only about a minute difference in the day when it passes on the twenty-fifth day of December, the sun-god's birthday, not the Son of God. And every one of us play Santa Claus, and decorate trees, a heathenism, and things like that, and then call ourselves Christians? What's the matter with the Christian church?

283Will there ever rise somebody among us, who can preach the Word and tell the Truth, and God vindicate it and prove to the people that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever? We don't need a seminary. We don't need a theologian. We need a prophet. That's right. God promised it, too.

284 Then Eve met her failure, so did the church; gave away to denomination, rules of man, to be ruled by man, not controlled by the Spirit no more. She went away from the Word, and accepted dogmas. Who can say "amen"? [Congregation says, "Amen!"--Ed.] Sure. But do you know we Protestants accept as many dogmas as they got, when we add something to this Word or take something from It? Satan got her, with his same old technique he did Eve, compromising. That's where he got it, said something different from the Word, a creed or a denomination.

285 The original went on to the ground, in martyrdom, the burrs of Rome ground that wheat from Pentecost, into the dust, and burned them at stakes and fed them to the lions. They went in like the other wheat did, that's right, but He begin to raise her again in the reformation, the same one, the second time.

286Like He did the Second Adam. After Adam fell, He begin to raise a Second Adam. And the Second Adam fell, then It was taken up. The first Adam fell in his sin and stayed there. The Second Adam fell, to redeem a man from sin, and was taken up.

287Now, the first church fell at Nicaea, Rome, first, by one Word of Truth out of the Bible, where the Roman church had added their dogmas and creeds. There come a little priest by the name of Martin Luther, who said, "This is not the communion, this is not the body of Christ. It's a kosher. And, man, 'the just shall live by faith.'" And he threw the thing on the floor, and protested it. There comes your first star shining after the Thyatira age. Yes, sir, justified by faith! He, the great Sculptor, set up to make a masterpiece Bride that would reflect His Word.

288 But what did Lutherans do after the death of Luther? They met Satan, and made a denomination out of it, and died. She never done anything else after that, she was done, just become a great mass of people. All right.

289Then God picked her up again, in the days of John Wesley, with another Truth to reflect. What did he do? He said, "Sanctification is the second work of grace." And what did God do? He blessed it. And he protested the Anglican church, and the Zwingli church, and all the rest of them, and all the legalists, and all the Calvin, or the--the Calvinists, rather, and protested it. And--and said, "'The just shall live by faith,' said Luther. And the second work of grace is sanctification." And that's Truth. That's right. See?

290 Then what did he do? Same thing, after the death of Wesley, and Asbury and them, same thing that Luther did, organize, die. Look at it now.

291Went there, here not long ago, to pray for a woman in a hospital, going under an operation. I went in there. She said, "Brother Branham, I called you. You don't know me," she said, "but would you pray for me? I've got to have an operation in the morning."

I said, "Certainly, sister."

292There was another man, a woman, and a boy, sitting there, about an eighteen-year-old boy, and they was watching me real close. And I turned around and I said, "Would you pardon me, I'm going to..."

She said, "Pull that curtain!"

I said, "Aren't you a Christian?"

She said, "We are Methodist!"

293I said, "That wasn't what I asked you. I asked you... If you're just Methodist, I'll pull the curtain. If you're a Christian, you don't want the curtain pulled." So, yeah, that's right.

294There is a lot of difference in being a Methodist, or a Baptist, or Presbyterian, and then being a Christian; not being a Campbellite, but being a Christian, see. What did she do? The same thing.

295 Then what happened? God picked up a little bunch down here in the South, a little colored man with a cross eye. And, He, what did He do? He poured out the restoration of the gifts, and it become pentecost. And many of you old-timers like Brother Valdez sitting back there, an aged sage, was preaching when I was five years old. He remembers the early Pentecost. Boy, don't you speak organization to them guys, they had come out of that nasty thing. And they had the Message of God.

296But what did they do? Same thing the others did, organized it. Now they got about thirty or forty different organizations, oneness, twoness, three's. Till, mercy, goodness, I never heard such in my life! What did you do? You died right on the spot. That's all the farther you could go. Your organization wouldn't accept This. You, you picked your man, "This man, if he don't believe with us, don't have him in there. Our fellowship won't have it." Oh!

297 Look, hurrying, there must come a true Seed. There has just got to be, because He's coming for the Bride without spot or wrinkle. He is coming for it, a Word-vindicated Bride. Oh, she'll be such a little bitty group. Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, wherein eight souls was saved," (is that right?) "so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." How many? I don't know.

298But, see, the Bride is going to be made up of all down through, that had the Word in their age. It's not just this last group, God is going to take the whole thing out of here. Oh, no.

299It'll be--be so small, it'll be surprising. They'll come up missing, you won't even know they're gone. What if He took five hundred in this last days? You would never know it. Took five hundred in a few days' time, two or three days? There is that many people comes up missing across the world, don't even know where they're at, never hear nothing about them. The secret Coming of the Lord Jesus, She'll be taken away.

300And the rest of them go right ahead preaching, just like it was in the days of Noah, "Glory to God, we got It, hallelujah," and sealed to their death. That's what the Bible says, and It can't fail.

301 As Noah, Moses, David, reflected the coming of this perfect Bridegroom; so has Luther, Wesley, and Pentecost, reflected the coming of a perfect Bride.

302Notice, each time she indicated, what did she do? Each time, this church, like Eve did, she forced her Adam's to believe her new light, her scheme, and there died with it. "We'll, well, our group will get together, see, oh, our new blessings of what we found, so forth."

303What did this all do to Eve? We just got a short time now. What did this all do to Eve, by the first mother church, the first bride to the first Adam? What did it do to her? Now listen close, you're going to disagree with This. But it produced "the seed of the serpent." Exactly.

304 Her first son was not the son of Adam. If it was, he had the birthrights. The Bible, in Jude, said that Adam... that, "Enoch was the seventh from Adam." Is that right? And he starts out, "Adam begot his son, Seth." What about Cain, which had the birthrights? He wasn't Adam's son. Seth, and Seth begot; Jared, and on down to Adam, which down to... "which was the seventh from Adam." Then if Cain was his son, there is not one place in the Bible, even in Luke when he refers back to it again, he never refers to Cain being the son of Adam. And, if he wasn't, whose son was he? And if he was the son of Adam, he was his first son, which had all the birthrights. Oh!

305There is that church carnal (can't you see it?) that accepted something, was the adultery instead of the Word. Pentecostal people, bless you. All right, what did he produce to Eve? The seed of the serpent. What has it done in this last days, by denomination? Produced the seed of the serpent, again, rejecting the Word. What did he offer? Fruits and things, not the Blood.

306 By revelation of the Word, God's Word before It was even written, "Abel by faith offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain, which testified that he was righteous," the Word reflecting Itself through him, by his offering.

307Oh, Cain went and got fruits of the field, he thought that Eve eat an apple. Most the theological seminaries has changed that now to an apricot. It was an adultery. And anybody knows that, that knows the Bible. Sure, it was.

308Notice, the serpent's seed was produced by the first Eve's getting away from the Word. The second Eve done the same thing at Nicaea, Rome. And what has she got? A bunch of denominational children. That's right. Oh, morally good; sure, fine. But what about it? Dead, through their creeds.

309 Same now. Cain's revelation of the Word done the same thing that these has. What? Promised her. At the end of time, what promises this Eve now? Listen close now, I'm closing. What promise to this Eve at the end time? Riches, Laodicea, great name, great person, rich. "But dead, and naked, and don't know it." That's what the church age ended in.

310But she denies the Word. To make Matthew 24:24 real to her, she tries to move in with a lot of noise, and a lot of this, and a lot of social standings, and things like this, trying to say, "Well, we got power! Glory to God, hallelujah, we got power!" Having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof, so close that it would deceive the very elected... How can a man dance in the Spirit and speak in tongues, and deny the Word of God being the Truth, and be the Holy Ghost? It just can't be done.

311"Every Word!" God says one thing, that's just exactly what He means. Don't interpret It no other way. The Bible says, that, "It's of no private interpretations." Say it the way He said It.

312 Notice, a false power. That's exactly what Satan wanted to give to Jesus, get up there and make Him show Hisself off. People do that, even the World Council, all of them. "Who is able to make war with him," he said, the Bible, "this image of the beast that's going to rise?" If we had time, we'd go in (but we haven't) to it. Notice Jesus, the second Word Adam, in her day, watch in the days of this church now that's going to be so close. The last church age is Laodicea. How many can say "amen" to that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What does she do? How does she go in the glorious stage? Lukewarm, without God. And what did she do?

313 Now, Adam seen Eve willfully... or not willfully, but ignorantly deceived, and Adam walked out with Eve so he could redeem her. Is that right? The Bible said, "Adam wasn't deceived." That's the reason It forbids women to preach the Gospel. See? Adam was not in the transgression, yet Eve was. So that's the reason she shouldn't teach, see, or usurp any authority over man, or so forth. That's--that's what the Word says.

314You say, "Well, this!" I don't care what this does and that does. It's what the Word says, brother, sister. I'm trying to get that to you, see, it's what the Word says. We live by the Word, not what some evidence, or some carnal something, or some experience. That don't have one thing to do with it. Any kind of an experience won't work, if it denies the Word. "Many will come to Me and say, 'I've prophesied, casted out devils. I spoke in tongues. I done all these things, preached the Gospel, and a Doctor of Divinity.' Said, 'You worker of iniquity, I didn't even know you.'" Knowing that the Word says That, and then compromise because of some organization or something, some system. Oh, my friend, let me warn you, as a dear brother that loves you. Listen closely.

315 Now, the first Adam walked out with Eve, because she was deceived. But, there had been somebody here in this Laodicea, she knowed different. Yes, sir. Because she put Him out of her bed, her room, sh-... He was on the outside, knocking, trying to get back in. Yet she had gotten culture, she was set high. She was, oh, my, "had need of nothing," she said, but didn't know that she was naked, miserable. That's the church that deceives the very elected if it was possible. Notice, she had power, false power. She took part of the Word, didn't take the rest of It.

316 What is the biggest lie that was ever told? It's got ninety-nine percent Truth in it. If somebody said "William Branham, on this certain date, was up yonder in Houston, Texas, drunk as he could be." That's a lie. See? "Oh," say, "no, he was in Phoenix, Arizona. He was preaching to Christian businessmen, he preached on a certain subject, so many people was there, they listened till about ten-thirty. And, at ten-thirty, you know what he done? Reached down and got a drink of liquor, and took it." Now there is a lie. The rest of it was all true. See, it has to look just exactly like the truth, to be deceiving.

317That's how the people does today. They have so much of the Truth, they deceive the very elected... But, one Word, that's all it takes. And I've proved that by the Bible.

318 Notice, He never walked out with her. She put Him out, the Word, rejected Him. Now this is a pitiful sight, when we get to the end.

319Just like it was in Babylon, man won't stop at anything he's trying to achieve himself. He just won't stop. Like in the days of Noah, no matter how much Noah preached and warned, didn't do a bit of good. In the days when Ahab, he must make his own bread to send his ownself to hell. That's exactly. He has to make his bread so the link will break, so it'll send his ownself to hell. Just like Ahab and Jezebel, they. But, the thing of it is, they didn't think they were sinning. They thought they were doing right.

320 You know, Jesus said, "It'll come to pass that they'll even kill you, thinking they're doing God a service." Wait till this new book of mine comes out. They shot at some people, the other night, for saying that it was wrong to unite the Roman Catholic church with the Protestant. Three shots went through a building, of a friend of mine, just barely missed them. Wait till this book gets in circulation. Don't think they are sinning; they think they're doing the right thing. They think they're--they're doing that for a cause for God, not knowing it.

321The Jews killed Jesus, thinking they were doing the right thing, because their church doctrine said He was wrong. Oh, said for them He... "They crucified the very Bread that they were supposed to live by."

322 Now, then, "As many as received Him to be their Life, Eternal Life, they lived by Him, and He gave them power to become part of Him, sons of God." Is that right?

323They like the wild gourds, death in the pottage, from the school of their theologians. They don't want Jesus, the Bread of Life. They don't want Him. They put Him out of their church. They've got to do it. I don't care what they do.

324You say, "You think you're going to change it, Brother Branham?" No, sir. But I'm speaking to the Elected.

325They put Him out. Why? They took their pottage, mixed with the world, some theories of something, and mixed it together, and made a theological seminary pottage. And they refuse the prophet Elijah's meal to cure it.

326Did they do it in that day? Elijah had some meal. That meal was Christ, the meal-offering, all ground the same. Every burr had to be the same, to grind it. And he throwed that in there, and it cured their sickness, or their death in the pot.

327But today they got death in the pot, and they don't want Elijah's Meal, Christ, the Bread, the Word. "No, sir! It's heresy!" They won't have It. Go ahead and eat it, and you'll die as sure as the world. There is poison in the pot. They won't accept this Meal (no, sir) in their theological pots. They just won't do it. Now they'll put you out of it, they don't want nothing to do with it.

328 Now the second Eve, bread grain, was Pentecost, did as the first, Adam bread, went to death under the Roman burrs, under persecution, martyrdom.

329But her sister which became a whore, (is that what the Bible says?) that's right, what did she do? She went right on out into the world and begot children. Who can say "amen" to that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Revelation 17, "The whore and her daughters," not man; women, churches. The denominated, what made her a whore? She rejected the Word and took the denomination, she become a whore. What did her children done? They were harlots, which is the same thing. Done the same thing, rejected the Word and took to the denomination. "Her children," daughters, churches, look at them.

330 Now let me say this, in prophecy. Will you understand? The big family fuss is about over. They're all coming back together. Old mother is going to take her kids back again. They're all the same, anyhow. They want to be one. It's time for the church and God, church and the Word, to get one, right here, because that's what He's coming after; not a "one" group like that. No, sir.

331A grain of wheat is to be. Now watch nature, and we're closing on this thought. Watch nature. A man plants wheat.

332They wrote a book, I guess you all have read it, probably some of you theologians, called The Silent God. I think you can get it maybe in--in your books, of--of where you sell books, bookstores. The Silent God, said how... An infidel, said, "How could you ever expect there be a God, that could sit up There during the Dark Ages and watch little children be put to death, by fire; women, their long hair stuck down in pitch, and burned; put an ox on one arm, and one another, and pull them apart, because they won't kiss a crucifix; and all those things like that"? Said, "How could a God, if there was one, sit up there and watch those little children burn?" See, that's the natural, carnal mind. See?

333 Look, do you know a wheat, when it goes into the ground, it's got to lay there and rot? That's what that pentecostal church had to do, lay there and go to the ground, and die. It had to rot, in order to bring forth Life again. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now watch, and now this is my closing thoughts. Now to wind it all up, let's take nature. How many of you believe that God works parallel in nature, to all things? ["Amen."]

334He, look, He done the world. He redeems the world the same way He redeems a man. What does a man believe? He believes, then is baptized; then he is cleansed by the blood, sanctification, which was Wesley's message; then he is filled with Holy Ghost Fire, takes the world out of him, and he is filled with the Spirit, which is the Word. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now watch what. God is going to redeem His world the same way.

335 How many got the--the--The Future Home Of The Bride And Groom, on the tape? See, I brought it out in there. The Lord gave it to me. I give it on to you as He gives it to me.

336Look, the first thing, the world was condemned, under Adam's fall from the Word. The preaching of Noah brought justification, and God baptized the earth with water; then along came the Son and dropped His Blood upon it, to sanctify it, to claim it for His Own; then in the final windup, the renovation, will be fire that will burn every germ, every thing, it'll go for thousands of miles high, in the air.

337And then what? "I saw a new Heaven and a new earth, first heaven and earth was passed away. And I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem descending from God, out of Heaven, adorned as a bride for her... adorned as a bride for her husband, see, coming down upon the earth." Then God and man...

338 Same thing with Jesus, look, when He was baptized in water, and made His preparations. He was sanctified, to begin with, by the Father; then He raised up His hands, and here come the Dove upon the Lamb. What was God doing when He put the Dove on There? He claimed that part of life. That, that was part of the earth, Jesus eat food like we have, the natural bread. But now God claims it, there ain't nothing going to hold it. Death can't hold it. Said, "Destroy this temple, I'll raise it up again."

339And when the man and woman goes into God, complete now, not under some spell, not under some emotion, but really when the Word and Him becomes one; God has saved that person, sanctified him from the things of the world, renovate everything of the world away from him, with the Fire of the Holy Ghost, and lives in that person, reflecting Himself, that perfect man or woman living by the Word. See, that's the earth that's cleansed. He'll use the earth the same way, He redeems it.

340 Now watch, a corn of wheat falls into the ground. Now, Jesus was that corn of wheat that fell into the ground, which after was made perfect, It had Life in It. Moses didn't raise. Adam didn't raise. None of the rest of them raised. But this perfect One that reflected the Word in every way, every Word He lived by! How many can say "amen" by that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Every Word He lived by. What happened? They put him in the grave. But, three days, He broke her open and come out again. See?

341Now here comes the church again, see, coming to that perfect One, for the Rapture again. Now what happened after the church fell in the ground at Nicaea, Rome, to the first organization? Can anybody say "amen," that that's right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What did she do? She come out again in a temporary resurrection, He tried through Luther the same as He did through Noah. But what did he do? He failed the Word, he organized. What did it do?

342 It's like a grain of wheat coming up. When the grain comes up, what's the first thing comes up? Two little sprouts. Now listen real close. What comes up, natural now? We're going to follow the natural with the spiritual, natural bread with the spiritual bread. What happens? "How could this Man be Bread?" Watch.

343When the church came up, she was one little leaf. Now that don't look like the grain that went in the ground, at all, but it's a carrier of the life. See? Now what happens? Now the man says, "Oh, I got a good field of wheat." Not yet. Potentially he has. What happened? The next come up was Zwingli, that was another move that come up after Luther. Still that wasn't it. It's a blade. Then the stalk put forth many blades, such as Calvin, and so forth, come up. Finally the Anglican church raised up, all blades. See, all of them just exactly alike, the same thing.

344 Then what happened? The wheat changes, and the corn changes, and everything changes. What come was a tassel. You might call it tassel. Well, when it did, look what hangs on it, little pollens. Now that looks just a little bit more like the original grain that went in, than the blade did. Is that right? Well, Wesley's message was closer to the Bible than Luther's. You know that. Is that right? What is all them little tassels now? There was the Wesleyan Methodist, Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness, United Brethren, all those under sanctification. And what come from that then? It, finally, what did it do? Organize, died!

345What come out of that was the Pentecostals. You say, "Oh, brother!"

346Now reverently, and I say this with godly love. And may the Great Father Who I've just told you, in the beginning, was present here, omnipresent. If I say this through prejudice, then He'll judge me. If I say it through Truth, He'll bless me. He'll let you see It, if you're ordained to Life.

347 When the first little grain of wheat comes out on the stalk of a wheat, it's absolutely looks like the grain. Is that right? But what is it? It isn't the grain. That's that Matthew 24:24, "so close that it would deceive the very elected if possible." Notice, it looks just like the grain. But you pull that off and sit down, and take a microscope glass and begin to pull it back. It's just the shuck on the corn, or the shuck on the wheat. It's only did to protect it, but it looks just exactly like the grain. Now how many knows that to be truth, raise your hands? Sure. But it's the shuck.

348Now, Pentecostal brethren, don't get me wrong, but this is Truth. You can't defy nature. And nature declares God in everything, its Creator.

349 Now look at that shuck. It looks... What'd they do? They spoke in tongues. They act just exactly like they did at Pentecost. But if you'll cut that, take that little thing and pull it back, it's got many little shucks in it. And when you pull it back, you see way back at the back of it, you'll have to have a good glass, look back there. There is a little teeny bud of a grain coming on, there is the real thing. It's a carrier. Why? It has to be there to protect that grain. It's working in harmony, but it's to protect that grain. Now where the grain come from the ground, up through the Lutherans, through them churches, through Wesley and through there, out through the tassels, and now down into the shuck. Now it looks just perfectly. No wonder Jesus said, "It would deceive the very elected if it was possible." Looks just like the grain, right in the place the grain ought to be, but what happened? It did the same thing that the others did before it, organized! What did it become? A carrier.

350 Now in the days that we're living, any historian here knows that any revival only lasts about three years, and then out of that revival comes an organization. Brother, sister, in this great fifteen-year revival that I have lived in, been privileged to live it with you, there hasn't been an organization come out of it. There is no more organizations. There won't be. There is the last. Now, Pentecost had to be there to protect this. Where would we have went with a Message like this if there hadn't been a Pentecostal to believe it? Now go back to the Ohio River, in 1933. See?

351Excuse this, but I want you to know the Truth. And I haven't got much time left, you know that, I'm fifty-five. But these tapes will live when I'm gone, and you'll see whether it's right, or not, if I be a true servant or a false prophet. I've never told you nothing yet but what happened, so will this happen.

352 It's a carrier. It had to be. But when that wheat begins to grow, like the church first was a carrier to Jesus, but when He begin to tell them the Truth of God, they separated from Him. Now what's happening? No cooperation. Why? It has to be that way, so that the wheat itself can lay before the sun, s-u-n, and so the spiritual wheat can lay before the S-o-n, to be turned to a golden grain of the Word, see, made Word, God made flesh, vindicated. The... "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall He also." The church that lives by that Word, rightly, not through organization, but in Presence of the Word, the Son, it becomes (what?) a very same Word that went down on the Day of Pentecost.

353 Now, doesn't Malachi 4 teach us, that before the great and terrible day of the Lord shall come, that this will take place? How many knows that? "And He will restore the hearts of the children to the fathers," is that right, "the Faith of the original pentecostal fathers."

354"And in that day," Luke 17:20, I believe it is, Jesus said, "when the Son of man is being revealed," not man. "The Son of man," not an organization. "The Son of man," the Word living Itself again among the people! See?

355The Word, Itself, made flesh in you, you are a reflection of this hour, the Message, reflection of it. See, you live again, live the Life that was in Jesus Christ. You're in the Presence of the Son. Then to the...

356What happens to it? What happens to that Church? Finally, listen, that shuck pulls away from that wheat, when it begins to be manifested. What happened? The Life that was in the shuck, went on out in the wheat. The Life won't change. The carriers change, they denominate; see, the blades, the tassel, the shuck. But the wheat can't change. It's got to be a ministry just exactly on the Word like He was on the Word, and like the first Church was on the Word, Spirit filled, Word fed; not denominational fed. Word fed!

357 Now there is nature, and the Word of God. He is that Bread. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

358Closing now, before prayer. Notice here, here comes the thing I want to say.

359Now that shuck has to pull away from that wheat, that's in God's providence. How many says "amen"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The shuck has to pull away from the wheat, 'cause it's maturing now. It's up. Now, that shuck wasn't there, it was a supporter, it was a carrier of the Life, then the Life out of there went right out into the wheat. Now, that's the reason.

360Listen, friends, what day we living in? We've had a fifteen-year revival. How many can say "amen" to that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] What organization raised up? None. They tried to get me to make an organization, said, "Will you make an organization, Brother Branham, on your ministry? It'll be..." Now, not me, I ain't talking about me. I'm talking about the Message of the hour, of the day.

361 And they went up there in Canada and got a few latter-rain brethren. It died right there. Remember the latter-rain, you brothers? Where did it go to? Where did anything else go to? But what did the organization get out of it? Millions of converts, and made slaves out of them, to their creeds, become rich, and building millions and billions of dollars in buildings and things like that, and saying "the Lord is coming," sending preachers to seminaries and things, and educating them on man-made theology, like Luther, Wesley, and the rest of you. It become a shuck.

362But, thank God, the grain is going on. Then if that is true by the Word, to where we're living, that is true by nature, it's vindicated, the corn of wheat, every way, how much longer we got? You know what? I hear the coming of the combine, the World Council, she'll separate it. What does she do? Shave her off of her stalk. But She's got an elevator waiting for Her. She'll go Home, one of these mornings. Oh, yes. You understand, say "amen"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

363 I know the world don't believe that. They can't believe it. Don't... Just feel sorry for them, 'cause, "No man can come except My Father draws him; and all My Father has given Me will come." If his name is on the Book of Life, he'll certainly recognize the Word. He's got to, it's done too long. It's done vindicated so perfectly, till it's positive the Truth.

364We won't have no more organizations, but all the organizations will go into one. What is she good for? Going... For what do they do with the straw? Burn it. Jesus said, "The angels will come gather the wheat into the garner." And what will take place? "The stalks, and stubbles, and briers, will be burned with unquenchable fire." You see? And what has to be done first? The angels went forth and bound the tarriers first. Is that right? See, they're binding themselves together in one great big organization, no more organizations.

365 The wheat is here. Thanks be to God, the wheat is here. Christ is here. He proves His Word, It's the Truth. The wheat is here, it's maturing now, it's laying in the Presence of the Son.

366Not any man may touch It, it's all pulling away, "We'll have nothing to do with It." You have to do that.

367Oh, brother, get in the wheat, let your Life that's in you come out into the wheat. Will you? Believe God. Don't... Just stay with God. Are you sure you're going to make it? What if somebody said... I don't care.

368 Like a story I read, one time. There was a doctor, he was a fine man, and he loved poor people. And every time the poor couldn't pay their debts, you know what he done? He just signed it in red ink, said, "You're forgiven." Finally, the doctor died. And when the doctor died, his wife was arrogant. She was different, like the church today. She went and ground them all together. She brought lawsuit, and throwed them all in the court, "You're going to pay these bills, anyhow!"

369But the judge picked up some of the receipts, said, "Come here, madam." He said, "Is this red ink your husband's signature?"

She said, "Yes, sir, it is."

370Said, "There ain't a court in the land can sue them. They are free."

371Let them say what they want to. He signed His Word with His Own Blood. There ain't nothing can take it away from us, brother. We are free.

372Let us pray. Surely you... [A brother in the congregation gives an exhortation. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Amen.

373 Now with your heads bowed. If I understand, one raised up in the midst of them, in the days of the king, and gave a prophecy, where they should meet the enemy and destroy them. Now, if I understand that right, there is one place to meet your enemy, that's at the Word. That's where he's trying to meet you. You meet him there with THUS SAITH THE LORD.

374How many in here, with your heads bowed, (it's so close to noon, I haven't time for an altar call but just this) would raise your hands, with your heads bowed, your eyes closed, "I want to be a part of Him. I want to join myself with Him and His Word. No matter what comes or goes, what the world says, I want to be part of Him," raise your hand and say, "I do"? God bless you. A hundred percent, I believe.

375 With our heads bowed, while we're thinking, let's quietly hum this little song now. Everyone praying.

Blest be the tie that binds (that's the Word)

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred mind

Is like to that Above. ("As I and My Father are one, you are one with Him, too.")

When we asunder part,

It gives us inward pain;

But we shall still be joined in heart,

And hope to meet again.

376Next Saturday morning at Flagstaff, Arizona, the Lord willing, I hope to meet with you again. Do you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

377 Now I'm just going to leave it like that, see. The Bible said, "As many as believed Him, and as many as received the Word." See? I can't say who is or who isn't, that's up to you. But if you're holding onto some little creed, some of you Methodists, Baptists, or Pentecostals, or whoever you may be, that's holding onto something contrary to that Word, please, my dear people, turn from it, today. Won't you? Turn from it, and turn to Him. Don't let one Word ever break you from the fellowship of Christ. May His Spirit grant this.

378 Father, God, these people has set here for a long time. It reminds me of one time that Paul, preaching on this same line, it was the Gospel, they sat all night long and listened to him, a young man fell from the window and was killed. Paul went and layed his body up over the young man, and said, "Life has come back to him." Now, Father, there is sick and afflicted here, there are those who need prayer for their bodies. I pray, Dear God, not to wait till the meeting. They don't have to wait for any meeting. The Word is always here, that's Christ. I pray that You'll heal every one of them. Let every one of them be made completely whole, God. Grant it. Bless them, their efforts. They wouldn't have set here, Lord, they wouldn't have listened to This, if they hadn't have believed It. Now, Lord, they've raised their hands, they believe It, now may It receive into their hearts, every minister, every one of the laity. The sinner, may he receive Christ; the backslider come back. Grant it, Father. These blessings we ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him,

He put my name in there, many years ago.

... first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

379You love Him? Now while we sing that again, just reach across the table and shake hands with somebody, say, "Dear pilgrim, I'm glad to set here this morning. I believe Christ. Don't you?" Something like that, when we sing again. "I..." [Brother Branham shakes hands with others--Ed.]

Purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

380 Now, from now on, are we through with the world? Are we through with the fashions of the world? And the... all of the nonsense, and all this here glamour, and taking the Gospel and making a commercial thing out of it, and--and are we through with it? Don't we? Just give me Jesus, that's all I want. "To know Him is Life, know Him." I love Him. Don't you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, how we love Him!

381Now I'm going to turn the service to Brother Carl, I don't know what else he's going to do.

382God bless you. And I hope to see you again next Sunday, and if I can't see you... or next Saturday. If I don't see you then, see you down at Tucson. If not then, I'll see you back here the seventeenth. If not then, I'll see you in Glory. Amen.

383Brother Carl now, I don't know what he wants to do right at this time, Brother Williams.