Testing Sermon




Testing Sermon

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1 Stirring message that Brother Pearry gave us just then from the Word of God. How true it is that "We limit God and time God; and He's Eternal, we can't do that." So tonight we're facing something else now, is communion.

2Three years I waited for a church to come in Tucson, but it's here. Yeah, we're--we're here. So we thank the Lord, He just let us wait till we can appreciate it now.

3 Now, there's one thing that I'd want to say just before we start the communion, is this, that I believe that we have seen enough in our day that we live in, that we ought to really give (every) all of our being to God. We--we should really serve God. I believe that He has blessed us with the direct answer to Scripture. As Brother Pearry gave it a few moments ago, that we--we are--we're at that time. We're not blind, we--we--we see that we're here, we--we've arrived.

4And we also can look around and see that the way that the human mind is leaving the people. That, we--we can't stay too much longer, we'd be in a complete insane institution, the whole world would be. See? So we--we're at the end time.

5 Now, as Brother Pearry ended up there, seeing these things are true, see that they are true, they're not myth. They're not just something that we imagine. They're something that's been directly given to us by the Word of God and manifested publicly before us, that we know we are here. We--we don't know how long now, because again we come back to a watch, you see, what time it is. But we are... we know we--we're here, we're at the time. Whether God's time, I'd imagine...