Nespoliehaj sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť



Dnes posielame naše deti do škôl, aby mali nejaké znalosti. Potom, ako prejdú cez základnú školu, posielame ich na strednú školu, aby mali lepšie vedomosti. Ak tú školu skončia, niektoré deti majú také šťastie, že sa dostanú na vysokú školu, ktorú prejdú, aby si doplnili svoje vzdelanie a rozšírili vedomosti. Veľakrát, aby ste získali prácu, musíte mať minimálne vedomosti strednej školy alebo vysokej, a tak ďalej.

Ale nám tu múdry Šalamún hovorí, „Nespoliehajte sa na to, nie na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť; neučte sa tie veci.“ Možno sa divíme, ako mohol napísať niečo také, pretože sú to zvyčajne naše moderné znalosti, ktoré sú považované za múdrosť človeka, čo je však v protiklade s Božím Slovom. Myslím, že to je to, čo sa snažil Šalamún poradiť svojim synom; nie, aby boli negramotní, ale aby sa nespoliehali na svoju rozumnosť.

1Zostaňme teraz na chvíľu stáť a modlime sa. Koľkí z vás majú nejakú prosbu v srdci, že chcete, aby Boh urobil pre vás niečo špeciálne na tomto zhromaždení? Skloňme teraz k Nemu svoje hlavy.

2Nebeský Otče, sme privilegovaní ľudia, že sa tu môžeme spolu zhromaždiť v Mene Pána Ježiša v tomto slobodnom kraji, kde Ťa môžeme chváliť podľa nášho svedomia, ako dosiaľ. A modlíme sa, Otče, aby to takto bolo dlho. A nech využijeme túto veľkú výsadu, ktorú máme. A nech celé svoje srdcia odovzdáme do služby dnešného večera, aby sme Ťa chválili a aby sme mohli povedať, „Boh bol dnes večer v našom strede a žehnal Svoje deti.“ Zachráň každú stratenú dušu, ktorá tu dnes je, Pane. A nech sa môže každý odpadlík vrátiť do domu Božieho. Modlím sa za každú chorú osobu, aby bola uzdravená, aby postihnutí mohli kráčať, slepí vidieť a hluchí počuť, a nech by bola chvála a sláva vzdávaná Ježišovi Kristovi medzi Jeho ľuďmi. Nech je to dlho v našej pamäti, že sme sa mohli spolu zhromaždiť a prosiť v Ježišovom Mene za tieto požehnania. Amen.

Môžete si sadnúť.

3Nejako sa zdá, že vždy, keď prichádzam do Ramada Inn, akoby som išiel domov, pretože som tam skutočne veľa ráz, až si myslím, že ma ľudia už začínajú poznať. A som za to rád, pretože som tam našiel milú skupinu ľudí v tomto Ramada Inn. Jedni v Tucsone, jedni tu, oni k nám boli vždy milí, nechali nás mať zhromaždenia. Nebolo to dávno, čo som slúžil v Ramada Inn a ten manažér tam ma ani nenechal, aby som zaplatil za prenájom budovy. Je to od neho skutočne milé. Keď prechádzam cez tieto krajiny, spomínam si na tých, ktorí sú dobrí v domácnosti Božej.

4No, od nedeľného večera, alebo skôr popoludnia sme strávili s Pánom skutočne pekný čas, alebo aspoň ja. Prežíval som nádherný čas, radujúci sa z Jeho požehnania a obecenstva Svätého Ducha a s Jeho ľuďmi.

5Rád si na to spomínam, keď spolu chválime Boha. Vy ste atribútom Božím, časť Boha, keď sa stávate synom a dcérou Božou. Potom je Boh vo vás, snažiaci sa učiniť Svoju vôľu, len ak Ho to necháte urobiť.

6Takže dúfame, že dnes večer zabudne každá osoba na veci, ktoré sa udiali v posledných dňoch, všetko nechá ležať bokom a len plne oddá svoje srdce teraz do služby; nie len do tohto večera, ale aj do nasledujúcich zhromaždení. Nepochybne sa tu zhromaždilo veľa zástupcov rôznych skupín. Vidím tu niektorých dnes večer na pódiu, zoskupujúcich sa na zhromaždenie, ktoré sa začína zajtra. A chcem požiadať ľudí, ktorí tu práve sú kvôli tomu prebudeniu, ktoré sme práve mali, že ak je to možné, rád by som bol, aby ste tu prenocovali a boli na zajtrajšom zhromaždení. Máme tu na zozname niektorých skvelých rečníkov. Jeden brat však nemohol prísť, ale myslím, že ich tu máme dosť, ktorí tu zaujmú jeho miesto. Chcem tu byť na všetkých týchto zhromaždeniach, aby som sa radoval z obecenstva.

7Viete, vystúpime tu hore ako kazatelia, hovoríme a vždy dávame ľuďom všetko, čo je v nás. Raz som kázal na tému, kde Ježiš povedal, „Hľa, ľalia, ani nepracuje ani nepradie, ale hovorím vám, že ani Šalamún v celej svojej sláve nebol tak odiaty ako jedna z nich.“ A zisťujeme, že ľalia musí rásť, deň aj noc, priasť aj pracovať, aby bola žiarivá. Ale ona sama z toho nemá žiadne požehnanie. Iba sa otvorí a okoloidúci zacíti tú vôňu. Včela získava med priamo zo srdca. Všetko, čo vyrobí, odovzdá. A moje posolstvo som nazval, Reverend Pani Ľalia, je to trochu zvláštny text.

8Takže, kazatelia sa oddávajú ľuďom a je ozaj dobré len sedieť a počúvať ostatných. Ako keď sa zohrievate pri ohni, radi sedíme pri ohni niekoho iného a zohrievať naše srdcia Evanjeliom, keď naši bratia kážu ľuďom. A som vďačný za túto príležitosť, že to môžem robiť. A dúfam, že dnes večer...

9Billy mi povedal, že rozdal kompletne všetky modlitebné karty. No nemôžeme tu hore vyvolať modlitebný rad, jedine, ak by sme museli. Vidíte, museli by ste ísť tade okolo a cez tú tmavú halu a tadiaľto vyjsť hore. O všetko by ste sa potkýňali, kým by ste sa tu dostali. A postihnutí a chromí sú v zlom stave na to, aby sem vyšli.

10Ale nevieme, čo náš Pán môže urobiť. Môže tu priamo dnes večer padnúť medzi nás a uzdraviť každého jedného, každú chorobu. Také niečo by som videl radšej, ako všetky moje modlitebné rady, ktoré som mal za celý svoj život, len vidieť suverenitu Božiu padajúcu doprostred Jeho poslušných detí. Vždy to tak mám rád.

11Zvyčajne, ak máme s ľuďmi nejaký osobný kontakt, ako keď na nich vzkladáme svoje ruky, môže byť, že... nemyslím, že veľa ľudí to robí, povedia, „Taký a taký kazateľ na mňa položil ruky, sláva Bohu!“ To spôsobí, že ľudia začnú hľadieť na toho kazateľa.

12Avšak ak tu len môžeš stáť, kázať Slovo a nechať Svätého Ducha, aby uzdravil každého jedného, to je skutočne len z milosti Božej. Potom Boh dostáva chválu a slávu. Nie je žiaden tieň ničoho pre niekoho. To je dôvod, prečo toľkých nedostávam, jedine, že by... Teraz, posledný večer sme sa snažili modliť sa za čo najviac ľudí, ako sme mohli. Ale vzkladanie rúk...

13Býva to zvyčajne večer, keď Duch Svätý prichádza medzi nás a manifestuje Samého Seba, robí Samého Seba známym medzi nami. A tým, myslím, že je to skutočné, keď môže prísť v suverenite. Nemôžem teraz povedať, „Tento muž, alebo tamtá žena, alebo toto dieťa.“ Svätý Duch sa pohybuje v budove a hovorí k tomu, ku komu chce hovoriť. Vidíte, to je suverénne. A to prináša známosť, pretože to je zasľúbenie Božie, prináša to známosť suverénneho Boha a tiež to k nám prináša Jeho Prítomnosť. Môžeme to vidieť a radovať sa! A bez ohľadu na to...

14Povieš, „Dobre, mal som ochromenú ruku. Bol som tam minulý večer a vôbec sa to nezlepšilo.“ To s tým nemá nič spoločné. S tebou to je už vybavené. Už sa viac nepozeráš na svoju ruku, pozeráš sa na zasľúbenie. A z toho dôvodu nemôžeš povedať, „Dobre, brat taký a taký sa nemodlil modlitbu viery, alebo to a to.“ Prítomnosť Pánova ti dala vieru, a potom On poslal Svoje Slovo a uzdravil ťa.

15Teraz, minulý večer som znova porušil svoj sľub. Dnes sa ho však budem snažiť dodržať, pokiaľ budem môcť. Niekto povedal, „Ty si sa minulý večer nedržal svojho textu.“ Nie, nedržal; pretože... hneď vám poviem prečo. Išiel som kázať na tému... práve som zabudol, čo to bolo... Boh Bohatý v Milosrdenstve.

16A musel som vysvetliť, ako Pavol, keď tam hovoril, povediac, „My, ktorí sme v dávnych časoch,“ raz, kedysi, „boli sme mŕtvi a v hriechu a v prestúpeniach; ale Boh nás oživil, vzkriesil.“ Vidíte? Predtým, ako niečo mohlo byť oživené, muselo tam byť niečo, cez čo by to bolo oživené. To je pravda.

17Takže, vidíte, ak ste boli v Božom predzvedení, potom sa stávate časťou Boha. A jediný spôsob, akým sa môžeš stať synom Božím alebo dcérou Božou, musíš byť časťou Boha a On nie je bez teba kompletný. Nemôže byť. To je pravda, pretože On je ten jediný Zdroj Večného Života a On je Bohom a Sám je Jediný Večný Život. Vidíte? Takže ak ste boli Jeho časťou, to znamená, že ste atribútom, alebo Jeho myslením na začiatku. A to, že On na teba na počiatku myslel, to spôsobuje to potiahnutie ku Nemu. To je to, prečo to potrebuje byť oživené. Niektorí z nich nebudú nikdy oživení; oni toto jednoducho nemajú, to je všetko.

18To je, ako by ste položili zrno kukurice na zem... Je jedno, aké by to bolo pekné, ak to nemá ten zárodok života, to jednoducho nikdy nemôže byť oživené. Ale prv tam musí byť zárodok života.

19A spomínal som ten malý príbeh o orlovi, ako chodil medzi sliepkami a kuratami, lebo tam bol vyliahnutý a tam sa narodil, lenže nikdy sa tam necítil ako kura. A viete, keď priletela jeho mama a kričala, on počul ten hlas, ktorý pre neho znel nesmierne príjemne, lebo pamätajte, on bol od počiatku orlom. Musel len nájsť samého seba, zistiť, kde je jeho postavenie.

20Takto je to s každým kresťanom. Nebol si narodený pre tento svet. Bol si stvorený na obraz Boží, aby si bol synom Božím. A nepatríš do tamtoho kuracieho dvora. Si orlom.

21Tak som pokračoval s tým „orlom“ a nedokázal som dostať svoje nohy naspäť na zem, takže som... Lietal som príliš dlho, takže som zabudol, čo bolo mojím textom, a stratil som svoje poznámky a všetko možné. Mal som hrozný čas. Ale to je to, o čom to bolo, o tom „orlovi“.

22A teraz, nech ten Boh Orol... Viete, Boh prirovnáva Svojich prorokov ku orlom. A Samého Seba tiež nazýva Orlom; On je Jehova Orol, Otec Orol.

23A dôvod, prečo to robí, je ten, že orol dokáže letieť oveľa vyššie, ako ktorýkoľvek iný vták, pretože je inak stvorený ako ostatné vtáky. On si svoje hniezdo nestavia na zemi ako sliepky, a tak ďalej, ale letí vysoko, aby si tam postavil svoje hniezdo.

24Ďalšia zaujímavá vec je, že je to špeciálne stavaný vták. Ak by sa teraz jastrab alebo vrana či kaňa alebo nejaký iný vták pokúšali nasledovať ho do neba, ony by sa rozpadli; jednoducho na to nie sú stavané. Musí to byť špeciálny jedinec, aby tam išiel. Jeho perie je pevnejšie ako perie hocijakého iného vtáka.

25A jeho oko je ostrejšie, ako majú iné vtáky. A čím vyššie vyletí, tým ďalej dovidí. No keď sa iný vták dostane tak vysoko, ako len dokáže, je slepý ako netopier. A to je spôsob, akým... Keď oni opustia svoje vyznanie, potom o tom nič nevedia. „Dni zázrakov pominuli.“ Prečo? Jednoducho to nemôžu vidieť.

26Ale orli môžu ísť hore do nebies a stále ďalej. Čo však dobrého ti to dá, ak sa tam hore dostaneš a nemôžeš to vidieť? Ó, som tak rád, že môžem byť jedným z nich, byť teraz združený s celým hniezdom.

27Otvorme si teraz Starý Zákon do Knihy Prísloví, písaných Šalamúnom, jedným z najmúdrejších ľudí sveta okrem nášho Pána Ježiša. Lenže On nebol presne ako Šalamún, lebo Šalamún bol človek narodený zo ženy a bol splodený z pozemského otca, Dávida. Ale Ježiš bol Synom narodeným z panny a nebol celkom človekom; ale bol Bohom, Boh-Človek, ale bol viac ako človek, bol Človek plus. Vidíte? No Šalamún bol len človekom, ako si ty alebo ja, a prosil Boha o múdrosť aby riadil kráľovstvo. A mal dar múdrosti, čím bol najbystrejším človekom, aký bol kedy známy okrem Pána. Napísal Príslovia a myslím, že sú veľmi dobré.

28Takže otočme si v Knihe Prísloví do 1. kapitoly, alebo teda do 2. kapitoly a začneme čítať prvých pár veršov z Prísloví 2, začneme veršom 1. Príslovia 2, prvý verš, Šalamún dáva rady svojim synom, „Môj synu, ak prijmeš...“ Prepáčte.

29Sú to Príslovia 3:1. Prepáčte. Práve som sa pozrel tu ponad moju knihu a zistil som, že sú to Príslovia 3 a nie 1 alebo 2. Takže Príslovia 3:1.

Môj synu, nezabudni môjho naučenia, a tvoje srdce nech pozoruje na moje prikázania,

lebo ti pridajú dlhosti dní a rokov života i pokoja.

Nech ťa neopustia milosrdenstvo a pravda; priviaž si ich na svoje hrdlo; napíš si ich na tabuľu svojho srdca,

a tak nájdi milosť a výborný rozum v očiach Boha i ľudí.

Nadej sa na Hospodina celým svojím srdcom a nespoliehaj sa na svoju rozumnosť.

Poznávaj ho na všetkých svojich cestách, a on bude urovnávať tvoje stezky.

30Ó, myslím, že toto je tá najlepšia časť Písma! Ako titul pre text chcem teraz vziať z 5. verša, Nespoliehaj na svoju rozumnosť.

31No, je to totiž veľmi zvláštny text pre deň, v ktorom žijeme, pretože dnes sa dôraz kladie hlavne na vzdelanie a na naše vlastné znalosti vecí. Je to deň učenia. Ale zisťujeme, že toto zvláštne vyhlásenie, ako v iných Písmach, má vždy svoje miesto, a musíme len dôverovať Bohu, že nám dá vidieť, kde to miesto je.

32Dnes posielame naše deti do škôl, aby mali nejaké znalosti. Potom, ako prejdú cez základnú školu, posielame ich na strednú školu, aby mali lepšie vedomosti. Ak tú školu skončia, niektoré deti majú také šťastie, že sa dostanú na vysokú školu, ktorú prejdú, aby si doplnili svoje vzdelanie a rozšírili vedomosti. Čo získavajú... Veľakrát, aby ste získali prácu, musíte mať minimálne vedomosti strednej školy alebo vysokej, a tak ďalej.

33Ale nám tu múdry Šalamún hovorí, „Nespoliehajte sa na to, nie na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť; neučte sa tie veci.“ Možno sa divíme, ako mohol napísať niečo také, pretože sú to zvyčajne naše moderné znalosti, ktoré sú považované za múdrosť človeka, čo je však v protiklade s Božím Slovom. Myslím, že to je to, čo sa snažil Šalamún poradiť svojim synom; nie, aby boli negramotní, ale aby sa nespoliehali na svoju rozumnosť.

34A myslím, že dnes to bude dobrá výzva, keď povieme našim synom a synom Božím, že je úplne v poriadku mať vzdelanie, nemám nič proti tomu; ale keď je to vzdelanie v protiklade so Slovom Božím, potom sa spoliehaj na Slovo a nechaj svoje vzdelanie tak kvôli Slovu. Vzdelanie je v poriadku a pomôže ti k lepšej práci, možno tým získaš lepšie postavenie medzi intelektuálnymi ľuďmi, to je všetko v poriadku. To bude pre teba veľká pomoc vo financiách a v živobytí, môže ti to trochu zlepšiť život.

35Ale pamätaj jednu vec, môj synu, musíš zomrieť. Bez ohľadu na to, koľko vzdelania si mal, koľko vedomostí si dokázal nahromadiť, musíš sa postaviť tvárou v tvár smrti, pretože je napísané, „Ľudia musia zomrieť a potom je súd.“ A Boh, keď... Smrť nie je taká zlá, ale ten príchod na súd, to je tá zlá časť. Takže musíš zomrieť a potom je súd. A Boh nebude vyšetrovať, ako si bol vyškolený, keď si bol tu na Zemi, koľko znalostí si vedel nahromadiť, či si bol bakalár umenia, alebo aký bol tvoj stupeň vzdelania, dokonca aj ako kazateľ. To sa od teba nebude vyžadovať.

36Ale to, čo bude od teba vyžadované, je to, čo si urobil so svojou znalosťou Božieho Slova. To je tá požiadavka. Tvoje vzdelanie je fajn, ale Slovo Božie je Život. „Moje Slovo je Život,“ a poznať Ho je Život. A On povedal, „Poznajte Ho.“ On je Slovo. Takže jediný spôsob, ako Ho môžete poznať, je cez Jeho Slovo, pretože On je tým Slovom. To je tá jediná cesta, ako Ho môžete poznať, cez Jeho Slovo.

37Niekto by mohol vystúpiť a povedať, „Toto je Boh,“ alebo „tamto je Boh,“ alebo „toto je správne,“ a „tamto je správne,“ ale my sa len vraciame k Slovu, pretože Ono je pravdou.

38A Slovo je ako Severka, je to skutočná hviezda. Bez ohľadu na to, akým spôsobom sa svet vznáša, Severka je vždy sústredená so Zemou. Nastavte si kompas na Severku. Je to vždy v strede Zeme. Ostatné hviezdy plávajú okolo aj s naším svetom, ale Severka je stabilná.

39No, kompas je Svätý Duch a tvoje stanovisko je Severka, takže Svätý Duch ti bude vždy poukazovať na Slovo. Svätý Duch ťa nikdy nebude viesť do niečoho iného, len do Slova Božieho. Takže ako môže človek prijať vyznanie, keď to je v protiklade so Slovom Božím, a potom stále hovoriť, že má Svätého Ducha? Svätý Duch na to nebude poukazovať. Je potrebný Svätý Duch, aby ťa nasmeroval na Slovo, lebo On je Slovom. On je Slovom a to môže jedine... Ako magnet v kompase je nastavený presne na severný pól, to je jediný spôsob, ako môže správne ukazovať. A keď je Svätý Duch tým Autorom a Pisateľom a Oživovateľom Slova, ako to môže osobu smerovať na niečo iné okrem Slova?

40Takže keď osoba, ktorá má Svätého Ducha prijme niečo, čo je v protiklade so Slovom Božím, to ukazuje, že to nie je ten skutočný, pravý Svätý Duch. Vidíte? To môže byť duch, bezpochyby, ale to nie je Svätý Duch Kristov. Viete, veľakrát si ľudia vezmú ducha niekoho iného; a to môže poukazovať na nejakú skupinu ľudí, na nejakú vec, ale to nebude poukazovať na Krista. Ale Svätý Duch bude vždy smerovať na Krista a Kristus je Slovom.

41V Biblii to zreteľne vidíme. Alebo aspoň ja. Môžem sa síce mýliť v mojej mysli, ale ja si tak nemyslím; pretože to je to, „Nespoliehaj na svoje vlastné porozumenie vecí.“ Ak sa budeš spoliehať na svoje vlastné znalosti, potom si zaviazaný zísť zo správnej cesty. Tiež sa nemôžeš spoliehať na vedomosti niekoho iného, keď ide o Život. Aby si našiel Život, musíš sa spoliehať na Slovo. Ono je Životom.

42Vidíme to už na začiatku. Očividne, Boh dal prvej rodine na Zemi Slovo, ktorým by žili. Len Jeho Slovo, len cez Neho mohli žiť. Nemám teraz na mysli jedenie, a tak ďalej. Ale oni mali žiť cez Jeho Slovo večne. A tak dlho, ako sa držali toho Slova, žili večne. Ale prvá fráza toho Slova, ktorá bola nesprávne umiestnená, spôsobila, že celá reťaz sa pretrhla a kompletná ľudská rasa bola uvrhnutá do hriechu. Vidíte, všimnite si to.

43Eva, ktorá bola bezpochyby inteligentnou osobou; hneď prvá po Adamovi, ktorý bol synom Božím. A Eva súc na mieste, kde nebol žiaden hriech, nebolo tam miesta pre hriech, ona tam istotne musela mať nádhernú predstavu o tom, kým bol Boh. Lebo každé popoludnie ona a jej manžel chodili v príjemnom chládku tej záhrady a večer sa rozprávali tvárou v tvár s Bohom. Čo za nerozumná vec to je, keď sa osoba, ktorá chodí tvárou v tvár s Bohom každý deň, jednoducho obráti k uvažovaniu o niečom, čo ju odviedlo od Slova Božieho!

44Stále takých máme. Ľahko sa nechajú odviesť od Slova Božieho potom, ako sedia v Prítomnosti Božej. Vidiac Slovo Božie kázané, Slovo Božie zamanifestované, opilcov a hriešnikov, ako prichádzajú k oltáru a sú premenení a stávajú sa novými stvoreniami v Kristovi, mužov a ženy zlej povesti; a potom sa otočia od tej požehnanej veci, ktorá ich viedla do Života, a odvrátia sa k nejakému typu vyznania, aby sa stali populárnejšími a dostali sa do toho, čo nazývajú lepšou triedou ľudí.

45Veď vy ste práve v tej najlepšej triede ľudí, aká je: synovia a dcéry Božie. Ó, túto spoločnosť mám radšej, ako keby som mal byť so všetkými kráľmi a vladármi a všetkým možným. Ukážte mi tú prostú skupinu ľudí, že či budú vedieť rozoznať pravú ruku od ľavej! Pokiaľ poznajú Boha, milujú Ho a slúžia Mu, to je pre mňa celebrita Neba. Áno!

46No, zisťujeme, že Eva bola ľahko prehovorená satanom od Slova Božieho a spoliehala sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť, pretože satan pre ňu niečo naprojektoval, čo nebolo v súlade s jej skutočnou rozumnosťou Božou. Ale od nepriateľa, satana, jej bolo niečo povedané a ona tomu uverila.

47Teraz nachádzame výsledky toho. Uvrhlo to celú ľudskú rasu do smrti, pretože prvá matka na Zemi sa spoliehala na svoje vlastné chápanie, čo bolo v protiklade so Slovom Božím, a to spôsobilo, že celá ľudská rasa bola uvrhnutá do smrti. Už tomu teraz veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn. prekl.] To je Slovo. No, žena je vždy...

48Žena je v Biblii typom na cirkev. A nejaká cirkev dnes môže prijať hromadu dogiem alebo vyznaní a uviesť celé zhromaždenie do totálneho oddelenia od Boha. Ľudia, ktorí tieto veci prijímajú namiesto Slova Božieho, sú presne ako Eva. A deje sa to stále a stále, dokiaľ sa komplet celá generácia neodvráti od Slova Božieho.

49A keď je Slovo zamanifestované a zjavené, oni to nepríjmu, neurobia to, lebo sa príliš opierajú o svoje znalosti. „Táto cirkev tu bola postavená. Je to prenádherné miesto. Je to veľká organizácia. Je tam kopec členov. Prečo by sme nemali k takému niečomu patriť aj my? Budem tomu dôverovať.“ Nedôveruj svojej vlastnej rozumnosti, ale dôveruj Slovu Pánovmu.

50No, nakoniec to končí v zahynutí celej ľudskej rasy, ako som už povedal a hovorím to ľuďom, ktorí si zakladajú na svojej vlastnej rozumnosti, na svojich dogmách a vyznaniach, a tak ďalej, tvrdia, že, „Slovo Božie nie je celkom pravda, lebo niečo z toho je inšpirované a niečo nie.“ Ako môžeš mať vieru v Bibliu, ak časť z toho je inšpirovaná a časť nie? Ak je jeden citát zlý, potom je celá vec zlá. Všetko to musí byť pravda, dokonalá pravda.

51A niektoré z tých takzvaných, ale skutočne prevrátených biblických škôl učiacich ľudí známosti, keď sa tam zhromaždia a sadne si tam tá rada ľudí a povedia, „No pozrite, ak sú dni zázrakov, tak potom skončili za dní apoštolov.“ A veľa z ľudí, ktorí sú pod biskupom alebo nejakými vysoko postavenými ľuďmi, si povedia, „Dobre, stačí, ak s ním len budem súhlasiť, bezpochyby budem na zozname tých, ktorí môžu zaujať jeho miesto.“ Vidíte, potom sa spoliehate sa svoju vlastnú rozumnosť, namiesto toho, aby si stál na nohách na Slove Božom. To je to, čo tieto veci zapríčiňuje.

52Raz nedávno, niekto... Riešil som daň z príjmu. A povedali mi, „Predpokladám, že tvoji správcovia majetku nie sú ničím iným, jedine bábkami.“

53Povedal som, „Ak som mal nejakého správcu, ktorý mal iný názor a nepostavil sa a (je mi jedno, kto o tom hovorí) nevyjadril svoj pohľad na danú vec, jednoducho som ho vyhodil zo správy.“ Hoci to bolo v protiklade k môjmu presvedčeniu, aj tak som chcel, aby vyjadril, čo si myslí, že je správne. To je to, prečo som ho tam mal, aby som videl, čo o tom povie. Ale takých máme.

54Všimnite si, Ježiš povedal v sv. Jánovi 10, „Moje ovce poznajú Môj Hlas.“ Ten Hlas je samozrejme Jeho Slovo, keď ho On hovorí. „Moje ovce poznajú Môj Hlas. Môj Hlas im bol dokázaný, že je pravdivý. Bolo preukázané, že to je Môj Hlas.“ Všimnite si teraz, oni nie sú vystavené tomu, aby nasledovali nejaký iný hlas. Oni to nebudú robiť. „Moje ovce poznajú Môj Hlas a nebudú nasledovať cudzieho.“ Inými slovami, nebudú rozumieť teologickému učeniu, ktoré vyučuje niečo, čo je v protiklade so Slovom Božím. Ovce tomu nerozumejú o nič viac, ako ten orol minulý večer, on jednoducho nemohol porozumieť tomu kvokaniu sliepok. Nerozumie tomu, pretože to je orol. A tak isto je to so skutočným znovuzrodeným dieťaťom Božím, ono rozumie len veciam, ktoré sú od Boha.

55Niekto teraz povie, „Dobre, pozrime sa, myslím, že môžeš robiť toto a toto. Nemyslím, že toto je práve ten spôsob. Verím, že dni zázrakov pominuli. Neverím, že je niečo ako Božské Uzdravenie. Neverím tomu.“ Ale skutočný znovuzrodený kresťan tomu vôbec nerozumie. A ako môže človek veriaci v Boha, čítajúci Bibliu a vidiaci, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, vôbec prijať niečo také, jednoducho tomu nerozumiem.

Takže oni sa nespoliehajú na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť.

56Presne ako dieťa. Vezmite malé dieťa a nech sa narodí a nechajte ho, nech sa raz oprie o prsia svojej matky a pije to teplé mlieko, nech sa jeho malá hlavička oprie o prsia jeho matky, hoci má len pár hodín. A deň-dva odvtedy ho vezmite od jeho mamy a presuňte ho na hruď inej, cudzej matky a ono bude kopať svojimi malými nohami do vzduchu a jačať. To nie je jeho mama. Už niečo vie, pretože je časťou svojej matky a príroda mu už zaobstarala spôsob, ako spoznať svoju vlastnú mamu.

57A ak príroda poskytla spôsob pre dieťa spoznať vlastnú matku, z ktorej bolo narodené, o čo viac to poskytne synovi Božiemu, ktorý bol narodený Duchom Božím. On pozná svoju Mamu! Pozná ju, pretože bol narodený zo Slova a rozumie Mu. Len ho dajte na cudzie miesto a on sa istotne bude snažiť dostať sa odtiaľ čo najrýchlejšie, ako môže. Lebo sa nespolieha...

Niekto povie, „Počkaj, drahý, toto je teraz tvoja matka.“

58To nie je jeho matka, pretože on vie, ako spoznať, že je časťou svojej matky. To je jeho mama a nikto nemôže zaujať jej miesto namiesto nej. On pozná svoju mamu. Všimnite si, ako to tak skutočne je. Boh urobil všetko podľa svojho druhu.

59Aj dobytok podľa svojho druhu. Veľakrát by sme mohli hore-dole viesť celé hromady dobytka s malými teľatami a ja som sa vždy zvykol diviť, ako môžu poznať vlastnú mamu, keď zostupujú dole z vrchu a ten dobytok je celý zmiešaný na kope. Krava, ktorá je s teľaťom, no, možno malé hladné teľa sa môže kŕmiť od inej matky, ak je skutočne hladné; ale keď ich na tej prérii zastavíme, tá mama začne prechádzať cez celý ten dav kráv a teliat, dokiaľ nenájde svoje vlastné, a vtedy to teľa uteká od tej druhej matky. Pozná jej skučanie a kvílenie. A ona narieka za svojím teľaťom aj s inými matkami tak, že možno ani samého seba nemôžeš počuť, ale to malé teľa bude hľadať to určité volanie svojej matky, pretože je jej časťou.

60A znovuzrodený kresťan z neba je časťou tohto Slova. Presne tak. Nebude nasledovať inú mamu. Je časťou Slova a stále zostáva so Slovom. „Ak trúba vydáva neistý zvuk, kto sa môže pripraviť do boja?“ povedal Pavol. On pozná zvuk Slova. A všimnite si, ako ich tá predurčená ruka Božia vedie. Vie, že bol určený a že bol v pravde Evanjelia. Vie, že bol narodený Božím Duchom, a vie, že Duch Boží nemôže zaprieť Slovo Božie, a preto nenasleduje cudzieho. Všimnite si, ako...

61Práve som si všimol poznámku, ktorú som si tu predtým zapísal. Minul som ju, ale práve som si všimol Písmo, ktoré sme čítali, tak som sa k tomu znova vrátil. Všimnite si, ako Jeho vlastná predurčená ovca nasleduje Jeho práve v dňoch najväčších teológov, akí kedy žili na zemi. Oni sa od toho oddeľujú, pretože Ho poznajú. Vedia, čo Slovo zasľúbilo na ten deň. Vedeli, aký mal byť Mesiáš, keď prišiel. A Šimon Peter k Nemu prišiel, ktorý bol vtedy len „Šimonom“.

62A Andrej sa mu predtým pokúšal povedať, „Tento muž je Mesiáš.“ Šimon bol, samozrejme, trochu tvrdohlavý a nechcel ísť.

63Ale keď on vstúpil do Prítomnosti Ježiša, keď Ježiš povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon a si syn Jonášov.“ Teraz vieme, že Ježiš povedal svojim apoštolom, že ich poznal, a to ešte pred založením sveta. Oni boli Jeho atribútmi, atribútmi Jeho myšlienok. Preto v ňom ležalo semeno a on vedel, čo Slovo povedalo, a že bolo zasľúbené, že Mesiáš bude prorokom. A keď to uvidel, hneď skončil s rybárčením. Vedel, že odhodí svoje siete a stane sa rybárom ľudí. Lebo...

64No, stáli tam však ostatní, ktorí videli tú istú vec, no posudzovali to ako „zlého ducha“. To boli teológovia, pretože to nebolo podľa chute ich teologického učenia. Čiže to hneď zavrhli, lebo sa spoliehali na svoje vlastné vedomosti a na ich doktorov; keď Ježiš Kristus prišiel vo vyplnení Slova zasľúbenia, oni boli vtedy príliš slepí na to, aby to videli. Držali sa toho, čo povedal kňaz a čo hovorí cirkev namiesto toho, čo hovorí Boh.

65Ale Ježiš ich teraz za to pokarhal, povediac, „Skúmajte Písma! Tvrdíte, že v nich máte večný život, a ony sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Tieto Písma, ktoré vám hovorím, aby ste skúmali, sú tie, ktoré vám povedia, kým Som.“

66Lenže oni sa nespoliehali na to, čo povedalo Slovo, ale na to, aké boli ich vedomosti. Spoliehali sa na svoju rozumnosť. A Písmo nám hovorí, že boli zahalení. Opona ich vlastnej teológie ich držala v slepote.

Povieš, „Brat Branham, k čomu mieriš?“

67Práve sa idem k tomu dostať. Táto istá vec sa deje aj dnes, že muži a ženy sa príliš spoliehajú na istú cirkev, ku ktorej sa pridali a ku ktorej patria, bez ohľadu na to, čo o tom hovorí Božie Slovo. Stále v tom pokračujú a držia sa svojej vlastnej rozumnosti a ignorujú Božie Slovo, akoby nikdy nebolo napísané. To je neoplodnené semeno ľudského života. Má to fyzický život, ale nie duchovný život, cez ktorý by to bolo oživené. Opona bola na ich tvárach.

68Všimnite si teraz, oni mali svoje vlastné myšlienky o tom, čo je Boh, a vlastné predstavy o tom, čo by mal byť Mesiáš! Ale Slovo povedalo, čo bude Mesiáš! Ale, vidíte, oni mali svoje vlastné poznatky o tom, čo to bude. Bezpochyby veľkňaz povedal, „Všetci kňazi, ktorí sú podo mnou, teraz, keď Mesiáš príde... Postavíme tu obrovský chrám. Všetko to postavíme. A Biblia hovorí, 'Svižne pôjde do Svojho chrámu' a všetky tieto veci. Keď príde, Mesiáš tu vystúpi, všetci ho rozpoznajú a povie, 'Ja som Mesiáš. Dorazil som. Ja som tým Mesiášom, ktorého ste hľadali.'“ Ale nakoniec prišiel úplne iným spôsobom, akým si oni mysleli, preto Ho nerozpoznali. Nevedeli, kým je. Ale Jeho...

69Ó, čo ak by tu nejaký pokrytec vystúpil a povedal, „Ja som Mesiáš. Som doktor taký-a-taký?“ Oni by ho prijali.

70Ale keď prídete k Mužovi so zvláštnym narodením a bez nejakej školy, do ktorej chodil, bez semináru, bez karty obecenstva; ale predsa bol výkladom zamanifestovaného Božieho Slova. „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, vám hovoria, kým som. Ak nerobím tie skutky, ktoré sú zasľúbené, že budem robiť, potom Mi neverte.“

71A nemôžeme to aplikovať na tento deň? Keď prichádza Svätý Duch, vtedy to chcú aplikovať na nejaký iný vek, kedy prišiel v akcii a demonštrácii Svojej moci Večného Života, ľudia to chcú nazývať „divokým fanatizmom.“ Prečo? Spoliehajú sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť a nie na Slovo Pánovo. Dobre viete, že to je pravda.

72Identifikácia, že Boží vlastný výklad je manifestáciou zasľúbenia.

73Chcem to teraz povedať tak, že to bude zreteľnejšie. Keď hovorí Slovo, On nepotrebuje žiadneho muža ani ženu, ani nikoho iného, kto by hovoril, čo to znamená. Keď povedal... Dobre, povieš, „Boh tým myslel toto.“ Boh tým myslel presne to, čo povedal, že tým myslel. Vidíte?

74A ako On vykladá vlastné Slovo? Tým, že ho vyplňuje. Biblia povedala, „Panna počne,“ a počala. Nepotrebovalo to žiadne vykladanie. Boh povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a bolo. To nepotrebovalo žiadne vykladanie.

75Boh tiež povedal, že v posledných dňoch vyleje Svätého Ducha na každé telo. A On to urobil. Nie je potrebné žiadne vyloženie. Jediné, čo to vyžaduje, je prijatie, niekoho, kto by prijal to, čo Boh urobil. Nepotrebuje to žiaden výklad. Boh vykladá Svoje vlastné Slovo. On zasľúbil veci, ktoré teraz vidíme, deň čo deň, čo urobí v posledných dňoch.

76Ľudia sa dnes (tak, ako to bolo predtým) spoliehajú na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť. „Môj pastor povedal, že to je 'fanatizmus.'“ Biblia hovorí, že to tak bude. Takže na koho rozumnosť sa ideš spoliehať?

77Biblia zasľúbila v posledných dňoch, že „Laodicejský cirkevný vek bude bohatý a budú mať dostatok vlastného majetku, 'Som bohatý. Nemám žiadne potreby. Som ako kráľovná.' A ona je bohatá.“ A On povedal, „Nevieš, že si mizerný.“ To je celý cirkevný vek, cirkev! „Laodicejská cirkev, si nahá, slepá, úbohá a mizerná a nevieš o tom.“ Sediaca vo svojom bohatstve, desaťtisíce krát desaťtisíce a tisíce členov, takmer celé bohatstvo sveta v rukách. Všetko to skladajú dohromady s katolíckou cirkvou a protestantmi, spájajú sa dokopy a majú celé bohatstvo sveta.

78Sme takmer rozbití v tejto krajine. Požičiavame dane, ktoré budú zaplatené o štyridsať rokov, tak mi to povedali, tak to bolo povedané v Life Line. Dane, ktoré teraz míňame, budú zaplatené o štyridsať rokov neskôr. Môj malý vnuk, ak Pán dá, dane, ktoré bude platiť, keď bude mať štyridsať rokov, my ich práve teraz utrácame. Posielame ich na pomoc cudzím, našim Indiánom a ľuďom trpiacim hladom; skúšajúci kúpiť spoločnosť. Nemôžeš kúpiť obecenstvo. Nemôžeš si kúpiť priateľa. Nie, ale to je práve to, čo robíme. To je spôsob, akým sme organizovaní, len vymáhať od ľudí dane za všetko, čo sa dá, dane, dane, dane. A nedostaneme sa z vojny bez toho, aby sme mali dlhy aspoň sto rokov dopredu, predpokladám, do čoho nás uvrhli politici. Ale nemali by sme ísť takto ďalej. Nie je dôvod, prečo by sme to mali takto robiť.

79Ale cirkvi sú stále bohatšie. „Takmer celé bohatstvo sveta,“ hovorí Biblia, „leží v katolíckej cirkvi.“ To je to, prečo ju Rusko exkomunikovalo. Boli to práve tie korene komunizmu, pretože cirkev učila byť niečím, čo nebolo viac ako zvyšok sveta.

80Keď sme boli hore vo Fínsku a ten malý chlapec tam bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych, stáli tam Ruskí vojaci na stráži a povedali, „Prijmeme Boha, ktorý dokáže vzkriesiť z mŕtvych.“

81Postavili sme denominácie a školy, budovy, ale zlyhali sme v tom, čo Ježiš povedal, „Kážte Evanjelium.“ My sa však snažíme vzdelávať svet. Ale On nikdy nepovedal, „Vzdelávajte svet; tí, ktorí sú vzdelaní, budú spasení.“ Musíte sa znova narodiť, naplnení Svätým Duchom. To je ten dôvod, prečo sme všade tak mizerne upadli. Vidíte, máme majetok, máme veci.

82Ale čo sa stane? A keď sa táto Svetová Rada Cirkví zhromažďuje a dávajú sa dokopy, nedokážete vidieť, kto to ide viesť? Neviete to vy, metodisti a presbyteriáni pochopiť a zvyšok z vás, dokonca ani letniční? Hovoríte, že sa s tým nespájate. Ale buď sa s tým budete spájať, alebo musíte rozbiť denomináciu. Jedno alebo druhé. Je to pred vami, musíte sa rozhodnúť. Je to vnucovanie, znamenie šelmy. To je presne to, čo to je. Denominacionalizmus je absolútne (môžem to dokázať Bibliou) znamením šelmy. „Ona bola prostitútkou; mala dcéry prostitútky.“ A my vieme, že to je pravda. Organizované náboženstvo je v protiklade so Slovom Božím a už len v princípe to je antikrist. Nie je to celé antikrist; ale v princípoch, ten systém je antikrist, pretože je proti Božiemu Slovu. Každý organizovaný systém je taký.

83Tu to je, vidíte, spoliehate sa na rozumnosť niekoho iného, namiesto toho, aby ste sa držali Božej rozumnosti cez to, čo On hovorí. To je dôvod, prečo to je nesprávne. Chlapci chodia na semináre, kde získajú dobré vzdelanie, a do týchto takzvaných biblických škôl. Ale možno majú v srdci Božie volanie. A chodia tam a sú príliš oboznámení len s jednostranným pohľadom, „Tak-a-tak povedal Biskup Taký-a-taký. Tento povedal toto. Tamten povedal tamto. Tá rada to odsúhlasila, takže tak to má byť.“

84Nestaraj sa o to, čo niekto hovorí! Ježiš povedal, „Nech je slovo každého človeka lžou a Moje Pravdou. Je dôležité, koho slová sú pravdou, Moje sú Pravdou!“

85A ako teraz vieme, že čo je pravda? Keď Biblia vyhlasuje, že niečo sa stane, a to sa ide stať, to sa udeje presne takým spôsobom.

86No, Biblia hovorí, „V nej bolo bohatstvo sveta, zlato, striebro.“

87No, ak sme teraz na zlatom štandarde a porušíme ho, čo sa teraz ide stať? Čo sa udeje? Viete, bohatí ľudia tohto národa, tieto veľké fabriky a whisky a tabak, a tak ďalej, to nevydrží, ak by sme zmenili našu menu, takže jediná vec, ktorú budeme musieť urobiť, je vypožičať to. A je len jedno miesto, kde to môžeme požičať. A toto keď urobíme, predáme im všetky naše rodné práva. To je pravda. A čo potom urobíte? Už ste tým systémom vlastnení. Už neexistuje nič, čo s tým môžete urobiť.

88Ó, ľudia, nemyslite si, že ja... možno si myslíte, že som blázon. Ale keď bude môj hlas umlčaný smrťou, tieto pásky budú stále hrať a vtedy rozpoznáte, že to, čo som povedal, sa stalo. Bol by som najhlúpejším človekom, keby som zaujal postoj, ktorý som zaujal, a bol by som proti Bohu, ak by som sa vo svojom myslení a povolaní mýlil. Tá vec by bola proti Bohu. Ale zaujal som ten postoj, pretože to vidím tu v Slove. Je to Božie Slovo. A potom vidím, že to je preukázané a dokázané, že to je pravdou. To je výklad, ktorý Boh dáva Svojmu Slovu. Boží výklad Jeho Slova je to, ako Ho preukazuje a robí pravdivým.

89Prečo boli tí farizeovia slepí? Čo ich zaslepilo? Pretože neprijali zjavenie a potvrdenie Slova.

90A to je dôvod, prečo je dnes toľko slepých cirkví. Je to preto, že nebudú akceptovať zjavenie, ktoré bolo preukázané. Ak to Slovo tak hovorí a potom je to zjavené a na to dokázané, oni to stále neprijímajú.

91To je dôvod, prečo títo Židia, Židia tohoto dňa to neprijmú. Nemôžete im ani hovoriť o Kristovi, pretože tá záclona je stále na ich tvárach a zaslepuje ich.

92A táto cirkev, nemôžete im hovoriť o Plnom Evanjeliu a Božej moci, pretože boh tohoto sveta ich zaslepil pre pravdy Božie a oni sa spoliehajú na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť. Keď prídu ženy do cirkvi s ostrihanými vlasmi, pretože ich pastori im povedali, „To nič, to je v poriadku. Ten človek je blázon.“ Ale Biblia povedala, že to nie je správne, ak to robí. Potom Boh odmietol odpovedať na jej modlitbu. A iné ženy urobia ešte tú hanbu, že sa snažia byť kazateľkami, tým urobia dvojitú chybu. Biblia však povedala, že by to nemali robiť, nič z toho. Ale tá cirkevná organizácia to prijme a ordinujú ju a pošlú ju kázať. Spoliehajú sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť!

93Stačí, že jedno Slovo Božie je zle umiestnené alebo zle pochopené alebo neprijaté, a hneď to pretrhne celú reťaz. „Človek nebude žiť len na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“

94Prečo je to tak, vy ženy, počujete ma kázať proti týmto veciam o nosení šortiek a maľovaní, strihaní vlasov a všetkým týmto veciam a každý rok, keď sa sem znova vrátim, stále ste v tom istom stave. Je to preto, že sa spoliehate na svoje vlastné porozumenie namiesto Slova Pánovho.

95A vy, pastori, prečo nevyčistíte svoje cirkvi? Pretože idete do vášho denominačného vyznania namiesto Slova Pánovho. Tak je. Nespoliehajte sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť. Áno, nespoliehajte sa na svoju rozumnosť, ale na Slovo Pánovo.

96Oni by to prijali, pretože by neprijali preukázanie. Ježiš prichádza s Evanjeliom presne tak, ako povedal, že príde. A veľakrát...

97Ján bol trochu zmätený, keď bol uvrhnutý do žalára a keď sa tam dostal... On predtým kázal o Príchode Mesiáša, ktorý má vejačku vo Svojej ruke a prečistí Svoje humno, ale plevy bude páliť neuhasiteľným ohňom a zhromaždí svoju pšenicu do sypárne. Duch Boží z neho vytryskoval ako z fontány. A keď potom videl Ježiša prichádzajúceho na scénu, toho mierneho a prostého chlapíka, ako Ho odtláčajú a ako musel bojovať o život. No, oni...

98Ján tomu nemohol porozumieť, tak poslal niektorých svojich učeníkov, aby zistili, či je Ježiš skutočne ten. Čo za zneuctenie Pána Ježiša! Potom, ako tam ten prorok stál vo vode, so Slovom Božím, povediac, „Poznám Ho, lebo som videl Svätého Ducha ako holubicu, Boh zostúpil z Nebies ako holubica a vstúpil do neho a počul som Hlas z Nebies, ktorý povedal, 'Toto je Môj Milovaný Syn,'“ a Ján povedal, „Choďte a opýtajte sa Ho, či je On skutočne tým, alebo máme hľadať iného.“

99Ale Ježiš mu nikdy neposlal knihu o tom, ako sa správať vo väzení alebo o tom, do akej cirkvi sa má pridať. Ale povedal, „Sledujte na chvíľu a pozorujte, čo sa stane, a potom choďte za Jánom a povedzte mu, čo ste videli a robili.“ Pretože skutky, ktoré činil, preukazovali to, že je Mesiáš, Syn Boží. „Blahoslavený ten, ktorý sa nepohoršil na Mne.“

100Ale mnohí sa urazili. Veľa ľudí sa tak ľahko pohoršuje na Slove Božom. Je to protikladné, chcú sa spoliehať na svoje vlastné vedomosti. Nechcú vziať Slovo Pánovo. A musia ísť len tou cestou, akou boli učení, že majú ísť. A tá cesta, ktorej sú učení, ich cirkvi sa na to spoliehajú. Bez ohľadu na to, či Boh zasľúbil, že bude pršať, že ráno musí pršať, a cirkev by povedala, „To je nezmysel,“ oni by verili cirkvi namiesto toho, aby verili Bohu. Prečo to tak je? Preto, lebo sú narodení z cirkvi.

101Ale človek, ktorý je narodený z Boha, je Semeno Božie. A to Božie semeno je Slovo Božie, a to je jediné, z čoho môže žiť. To je jeho Životom.

102No, oni sa spoliehali na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť a nechceli sa spoliehať na Božie Slovo. Poznali to lepšie. Bolo to v Písme. Nazvali toho Človeka „zlým duchom“. Prečo? Ich kňaz povedal, „Každý, kto bude počúvať kázanie toho Človeka, bude vykopnutý zo synagógy.“

103Keď ten muž, ktorý bol predtým slepý a náhle Ježišom uzdravený, dokonca jeho rodičia boli šťastní z toho uzdravenia, ale báli sa vyznať, že to bol Ježiš, ktorý to urobil. Áno.

Povedali, „Je toto váš syn?“

Povedali, „Áno.“

Povedali, „A kto ho dal do poriadku?“

104Na to im povedali, „Nevieme,“ povedali, „Už má svoje roky, spýtajte sa ho. Vie hovoriť aj za seba.“

105Bolo to preto, lebo im bolo nahovorené, že každý, kto sa spolieha na Kristovu rozumnosť namiesto svojej vlastnej rozumnosti, bude vystrčený z cirkvi. No, nie je to dnes to isté? Asi sa vás pýtam veľmi jasnú otázku. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] To je pravda. Je to tá istá vec. Je im jedno, čo Boh robí, vždy to musí byť podľa ich rozumnosti, bez ohľadu na to, čo On preukazuje, že je pravda. Ale ten človek mal odpoveď.

Pýtali sa ho, „Kto ťa uzdravil?“

On povedal, „Ježiš zvaný Nazaretský.“

Povedali, „On je hriešnik. Nevieme, odkiaľ prišiel.“

106On povedal, „To je zvláštne. Predpokladá sa, že vy ste tými vodcami tejto hodiny. A tu je Človek, ktorý otvoril moje oči, čo sa od počiatku sveta nestalo. A vy mi teraz hovoríte, že neviete, odkiaľ prišiel.“ Ó!

107Spoliehali sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť namiesto Slova Pánovho. Lebo Izaiáš povedal, „Slepí budú vidieť, kuľhaví poskočia ako jeleň a opustení budú jasať.“ Ale vidíte, že sa spoliehali na svoje znalosti a nie na Slovo; ich vlastný systém ich k tomu priviedol.

108Všimnite si teraz, že cirkvi dnešného dňa robia to isté. V ich denominačných systémoch si vyformovali super rasu rozumnosti. Majú také vedomosti, že nechcú mať s nikým nič spoločné, nikoho, kto by tam prišiel, jedine, že by patril do ich skupiny.

109Viem, čo hovorím; žijem v Tucsone v Arizone. Prišiel som tam pred troma rokmi a stretol som sa tam s radou cirkví a povedal som, „Nikdy som sem neprišiel, aby som tu založil cirkev. Prišiel som mať s vami obecenstvo. Prišiel som vám pomôcť. Som misionár, evanjelista.“

Povedali, „Prichádzaš tu, aby si tu založil cirkev?“

110Povedal som, „Nie, pane. Prišiel som tu... Ak chcem cirkev, jednu mám v Indiane.“ Povedal som, „Prišiel som sem, pretože Pán ma sem priviedol cez videnie. Zostanem tu teraz na chvíľu, pokiaľ ma nebude viesť inde, ale neprišiel som tu založiť cirkev. Prišiel som pomôcť svojim bratom.“

111Toto bolo pred troma rokmi. A pritom som nikdy nebol pozvaný ani na jedno miesto. Prečo? Lebo hneď potom mali stretnutie a povedali, že ak ma tam nejaký človek nechá kázať, oni toho kazateľa exkomunikujú. Vidíte? Prečo? Spoliehanie sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť! Istotne, toto je tá ich takzvaná super rasa rozumnosti.

112A ak by si svoje meno nedal do ich knihy, budeš stratený. Jeden kazateľ mi toto povedal. „Ó,“ poviete, „to bol nejaký šarlatán.“ Nie, bol to letničný.

113Jack Moore a ja sme tam sedeli a počúvali ho v Dallase v Texase. Povedal, že musel vymazať jeho meno z ich knihy.

Povedal som, „Prečo?“

“Pretože mal s tebou obecenstvo.“

Povedal som, „V poriadku, daj to meno preč.“

Povedal, „Dobre, ale on je potom stratený.“

Povedal som, „Stratený?“

“Ó,“ povedal, „áno, ak tam jeho meno nie je!“

114Povedal som, „Chceš povedať, že ty si okresným presbyterom a takému niečomu veríš?“

Povedal, „Áno.“

115Povedal som, „Zlož telefón, pane. Ty, ty... To nie je milosť Božia, rozumieš?“

116“Lebo v jednom Duchu sme všetci pokrstení v jedno telo a stávame sa členmi toho tela.“ Nestaraj sa o to, akú máš značku, to s tým nemá nič spoločné. Kresťanom sa rozhodne stávaš narodením. To je jediný spôsob, ako ním môžeš byť; nie prihlásením sa alebo vyznaniami, nie vyvolaním toho, alebo recitovaním tamtoho alebo niečím takým, nie vzdelaním alebo teológiou. Si kresťanom, keď si znovuzrodený a nemôžeš sa znova narodiť, jedine, žeby si bol vyvoleným na to, aby si sa znovuzrodil. „Lebo nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, keby ho nepritiahol Môj Otec, a všetko, čo Mi Otec dal, príde.“ Amen. „Znovu ho vzkriesim v posledný deň.“

117Tieto veľké takzvané Biblické školy, ktoré máme, sa spoliehajú na svoje vlastné poznatky. Ó! Nestarajú sa o to, čo Slovo hovorí, a môžu si to sami sebe tak zreteľne vysvetliť, že tomu nakoniec uveria a ich druh ľudí tomu uverí, že „Dni zázrakov pominuli. Nie je nič také ako prorok, proroci, apoštolovia. Nie je nič také, ako dary uzdravenia, a tak ďalej. Všetko to skončilo v biblických dňoch.“ Oni vedia spôsobiť to, že tomu nakoniec sami uveria.

118Viete, Biblia povedala, „Môžeš veriť lži a byť skrze to odsúdený.“ Vidíte, to je presne pravda. Tie ich formy, bez ohľadu na to, čo Slovo hovorí, oni sa opierajú o svoje vlastné vedomosti. Oni sa na to spoliehajú, veria tomu, myslia si, že to je pravda. Lži môžeš veriť stále, stále, stále a stále až dokiaľ sa to nestane pre teba pravdou. Tak je.

119Ale ako vieme, či to je pravda alebo nie? Boh dokazuje, že to je pravda, pretože to je v Jeho Slove a On to preukazuje. On tomu robí Svoj vlastný výklad.

120Ako to však robia, ako sa do toho dostanú? Dostanú sa do toho cez ich kultúru, ich vzdelanie a cez to, aký majú doktorát, a tak ďalej, a že prišli z istého seminára a tam sa naučili tieto veci.

121Ale pozrite, priatelia, počúvajte. Nikde v Biblii nás nikto neprosí, aby sme niečomu rozumeli. Nežiada sa od nás, aby sme tomu rozumeli. Žiada sa, aby sme tomu verili. Verili čím? Vierou. Ak tomu rozumieš, to potom anuluje tvoju vieru. Nemusíš tomu rozumieť, ale napriek tomu tomu môžeš veriť. Ak dokážem porozumieť Boha, potom by som Mu nemusel veriť. Ale ja nerozumiem Boha. Nikto nerozumie Boha. Neviem pochopiť Božie Slovo, ale prijímam Ho. Verím Mu. Nežiada sa odo mňa, aby som tomu rozumel.

122Nemal som nikdy kvôli tomu nejaký seminár, aby som mal o tom nejaké veľké vedomosti. Ja len viem, že Biblia hovorí, že „Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“ A hľadám Ho v tej istej kategórii. Viem, že zasľúbil, čo bude robiť v posledných dňoch, hľadám, kedy to urobí, a On to robí. To je pravda. On zasľúbil Milosť, tak ja ju hľadám a prijímam ju. Zasľúbil uzdravenie, verím Mu a akceptujem ho a prijímam ho.

123Nechcem vám teraz vziať veľa z vášho času, ale chcem sa vás len spýtať jednu vec, ak so mnou vydržíte aspoň minútu, zvážiť aspoň niektorých z tých, ktorí sa nespoliehali na svoju rozumnosť; niektoré postavy Biblie, aspoň zopár, ktorí sa neopierali o svoje vlastné znalosti navzdory tomu, aká bola rozumnosť veku, v ktorom žili.

124Zoberme napríklad Noacha. Noach žil v dni veľkého vedeckého bádania. V Noachových dňoch pravdepodobne stavali pyramídy, ktoré nemohli znova reprodukovať. No, my dnes nemáme nič, s čím by sme to mohli robiť, nič, s čím by sme mohli dvíhať hore tie obrovské balvany. Dnes to nemôžu. V tých dňoch mali dokonca typ chemikálie, mohli namočiť odev do farbiva a spôsobiť tým, že dodnes bude vyzerať úplne prirodzene. Mali tekutinu na balzamovanie, z ktorej mohli urobiť múmiu; dnes také niečo nemôžeme urobiť. Máme... veľa umenia, ktoré sme stratili. Deň, v ktorom on žil, bol vekom vedy.

125Ježiš sa o tom zmienil, že rovnaký druh veku sa znova navráti, predtým, ako sa On vráti naspäť, „Lebo ako bolo v dňoch Noeho.“ Uveríte tomu, nie? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn. prekl.] Veríte, že to Ježiš povedal? [“Amen.“] Veríte, že sme sa navrátili späť do toho veku? [“Amen.“] Toto je v Knihe Lukáša v 17. kapitole a 29. verši.

126A v Lukášovi 17:30 hovorí, „A tak, ako bolo vo dňoch Lotových, keď Anjel Pánov...“

127No, On čítal tú istú Bibliu, ako my. A keď... Vráťme sa naspäť a zistime, aký druh dňa bol pred Noachovým dažďom. Vráťme sa a postrehnime, aký typ dňa bol predtým, ako bol svet zničený vo dňoch Lotových. Sledujme, o čom to bolo, a budete vedieť, o čom Ježiš hovoril.

128“Vo dňoch Noeho jedli, pili, ženili sa a vydávali až do chvíle, keď Noe vstúpil do korábu a prišla potopa, ktorá ich všetkých vzala preč.“

129Vo dňoch Lotových, predtým, ako bol svet... Oheň spálil pohanský svet, Sodomanov. Tam boli homosexuáli, zvrátenia a všetko možné. Veľké... Bolo to moderné Los Angeles; a nie len moderné Los Angeles, ale celé Spojené Štáty; a nie len to, ale celý svet. Istotne tam bolo veľa prevrátenia! Človek stratil svoj prirodzený zdroj života a svoje naturálne znalosti základných zmyslov a stali sa prevrátenými zlým duchom, ktorý zmenil celý smer ich prirodzeného života a stali sa posadnutými démonmi. Ak to nebol obraz na dni Noeho, potom neviem, čo to je, myslím v dňoch Lotových. V dňoch Noeho tiež jedli, pili, ženili sa a vydávali, tiež sa plnili rozvodné súdy a všetko toto.

130Ale pamätajte, predtým, ako bol svet zničený, Abrahám bol poslaný na zem a bolo mu dané zasľúbenie syna. A Abrahám stretol Boha v rôznych štádiách, ako typ cirkvi, ktorá stretla Boha. A tesne pred zničením a pred návratom toho zasľúbeného syna, vlastne jeho príchodom, syn, ktorý bol zasľúbený, prišiel a Boh zostúpil na zem a zamanifestoval sa v ľudskom tele, v človeku, v troch mužoch. A oni prišli dolu k Lotovi; prišli najprv k Abrahámovi a sadli si. A Abrahám mal predtým zmenené meno z „Abram“ na „Abrahám“; „Sáraj“ na „Sára“.

131A tento človek, ktorý hovoril, Elohim, keď On prišiel dolu k nemu a prehovoril, čo povedal? Povedal, „Kde je tvoja žena Sára?“

Povedal, „Je v stane za tebou.“

132Povedal, „Navštívim ťa podľa času života.“ A ona sa v tom stane za Ním zasmiala. A On povedal, „Prečo sa Sára smiala?“ Vidíte? On bol schopný na mieste vziať Sáre život za to, že sa smiala Jeho Slovu, ale On to jednoducho nemohol urobiť, pretože ona bola časťou Abraháma.

133A dnes, Ježiš povedal v Lukášovi v 17. kapitole a 30. verši, že „Tak, ako bolo vo dňoch Lotových, tak bude aj v čase konca, keď Syn človeka...“

134No, pamätajte teraz, „Syn človeka“ je prorok. Jehova nazval Ezechiela „synom človeka.“ Ježiš prišiel v troch menách: Syn človeka, Syn Dávidov a Syn Boží. Seba nazýval „Synom človeka,“ takže ľudia mohli pochopiť, že On bol tým prorokom, ktorého Pán Boh vzbudí.

135Všimnite si teraz, čo potom zasľúbil? Syn človeka znovu zjaví Samého Seba tesne pred tým časom, predtým, ako padne oheň. A to bol posledný znak, ktorý Abrahám videl predtým, ako prišiel zasľúbený syn; a on sa premenil na mladého muža a ona na mladú ženu. Predtým... No všimnite si, Písmo o tom konkrétne hovorí, musíme to vyhliadať.

136A teraz, keď vidíme svet v prevrátení a všetky tie veci, ktoré sa dnes dejú, akou cestou sa to rúti, ako môžeme potom povedať, že toto je pravda a nepovedať, že to druhé je pravda? Pretože niekto... Vy sa spoliehate na svoje vlastné vedomosti a nie na rozumnosť Kniežaťa Života, ktorý bol tou osobou, ktorá tam bola pri tej bráne v Sodome. Všimnime si teraz, nespoliehame sa na svoju rozumnosť.

137Noe sa však na svoju rozumnosť nespoliehal. Bol to veľký vek vedy, ale on sa nedržal rozumnosti svojho veku. Ale spoliehal sa na zasľúbenie Božie, a pohyboval sa mocou Božou a pripravil archu, aby zachránil svoj dom. Bolo to absolútne proti racionálnemu zmýšľaniu; nebola by tam žiadna voda, nikdy by nebola. Ale on vedel, že ak Boh povedal, že bude, tak bude. Čiže sa nespoliehal na svoje vedomosti, ale vierou sa pohyboval Slovom Božieho zasľúbenia. Duch ním pohyboval a on to robil.

138Abrahám, on sa nespoliehal na svoju rozumnosť ľudského života. Veď sa oženil so svojou ženou ako sedemnásťročný. A tu on bol, sedemdesiat rokov starý so šesťdesiatpäť ročnou ženou, čiže desať rokov mladšou. Ale Abrahám sa nedržal svojej rozumnosti, keď mu Boh povedal, že mu vzbudí syna zo Sáry. Ale on bral všetky vedecké dôkazy, ktoré boli v protiklade so Slovom Božím, a všetko učenie mimo Božieho Slova akoby vôbec nebolo. A vzdával Bohu chválu, chválil Ho. Ani nepovažoval za vhodné pozrieť sa na vlastné telo alebo smrť Sárinho tela alebo na svoje telo. On neuvažoval nad ničím, len sa držal zasľúbenia Božieho. Nespoliehal sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť. Nespoliehal sa na dôvody.

139“No,“ povieš, „brat Branham, to je dôvod, prečo Boh neuzdraví chorého, lebo máme dnes veľa dobrých doktorov.“

140Biblia povedala, „Zavrhujeme uvažovanie.“ My neuvažujeme. Viera neuvažuje. Viera verí a akceptuje. Všimnite si to.

141Tak on namiesto nevery veril; a bral veci, ktoré neboli, akoby boli, čo bolo absolútne proti nejakým úvahám. Ale on to nijako nezvažoval. Len tomu veril. Neboli žiadne dôvody, ktoré by mohli dokázať, že to dieťa sa môže narodiť. Tá žena bola asi dvadsať rokov po prechodoch a jeho telo bolo, akoby bolo mŕtve. A keď mal sto rokov, čiže dvadsaťpäť rokov po tom, stále vzdával Bohu chválu, čo bolo proti ktorémukoľvek typu rozumovania. Ale vierou vedel, že Boh dodrží Svoje Slovo. Nespoliehal sa na svoju rozumnosť.

142Čo ak by sa Mojžiš spoliehal na svoje vlastné znalosti, keď mu Boh povedal, že mal vziať faraóna... alebo teda vyviesť deti Izraelove z faraónovej zeme? Čo ak by sa držal svojho rozumu, keď tam bol pri tom ohnivom stĺpe, keď Boh povedal, „Choď tam a Ja budem s tebou?“ Čo ak by sa spoliehal na svoju rozumnosť, keď ich priviedol k Červenému moru a boli tam pri vode, pričom im Boh sľúbil zasľúbenú zem? Veď keby sa držal svojej známosti, povedal by, „Ako sa tadiaľ dostaneme? Nemáme času, aby sme postavili most, a tu je armáda práve za nami. Sú tu hory na oboch stranách a je tu voda pred nami, Červené more.“

143No, ak by sa na to spoliehal, zdvihol by ruky, utekal by a padol pred nohami faraóna povediac, „Odpusť mi, faraón. Urobil som zle.“

144Ale on sa nespoliehal na svoj rozum. Ale sa modlil, pričom mu Boh povedal, aby vykročili vpred a more sa otvorí, čo bolo proti hocijakým úvahám. Ale on sa nedržal svojich znalostí.

145Čo ak by Jozue, keď tam išiel s ďalšími desiatimi denomináciami, chodil a videl tú zasľúbenú zem Božiu, čo ak by sa s nimi vrátil a povedal, „No, počkajte na chvíľu. Je to pravda. Veď sme oproti nim len ako lúčne koníky a oni sú obri. Ako tú zem vôbec zaujmeme? Dokonca ani nemáme meče; máme len to, čo vieme zodvihnúť. Ako si vôbec môžeme dovoliť ísť a zaujať tú zem? Ó, to je nemožné. Aj počtom nás prevyšujú, päťdesiat mužov proti jednému. Oni sú trénovaní vojaci a my nie sme ničím, iba skupinou pastierov a miesičov blata z Egypta. Ako? Nemáme ani štíty ani nič, ako tam môžeme ísť?“

146Rozumovanie by v tom prípade určite dokázalo, že to nedokážu urobiť. Žiaden vojak, ako bol on, alebo Mojžiš, sa nemohol spoliehať na svoj rozum. Ich vedomosti, oni sa na ne nespoliehali. Ale vedeli, že Boh povedal, „Dal som vám tú zem. Choďte a zaujmite ju!“

147Nespoliehaj sa na svoju rozumnosť. Ak sa na ňu dnes spoliehaš, keď si chorý, možno sedíš na vozíčku, zomieraš na rakovinu, srdcový problém a doktor povedal, že ideš zomrieť, no, ak sa spoliehaš na svoj rozum, tak naozaj zomrieš. Ale na to sa nespoliehaj. Istotne nie.

148A čo s tými múrami Jericha, kde hovorili, že sa na ich vrchu môžu pretekať na vozoch, tie obrovské múry? Boh povedal, „Vyjdite hore a pochodujte toľko krát a trúbte na trúby a kričte a na to tie múry padnú.“ To bolo absolútne bláznivé pre telesnú myseľ. Ale Jozue vediac, aké hrubé sú tie múry, pretože istotne postavil predtým v Egypte veľa takých múrov. Poznal ten cement, ktorý bol navrchu, a aký bol pevný, keď vedel udržať preteky na vozoch a dokonca domy, ktoré tam stáli. Ale on jednoducho veril, že Boh povedal pravdu, a bol poslušný Jeho Slovu a potom tie múry padli. Žiadne spoliehanie sa na svoju rozumnosť.

149Čo keď vtedy bojoval v tej bitke a, ako som kázal v nedeľu, a slnko zapadalo a nepriateľ bol na ceste. V tú noc by sa spojili s inými a prišli by s inou posilou a istotne by zabili veľa z jeho mužov. Ak by teraz povedal, „Potrebujeme viac denného svetla. Potrebujeme viac Slnka. V poriadku, počkajte na chvíľu. Boh dal takýto poriadok a slnko sa točí, čiže svet sa točí. Dobre, takže ak by som povedal slnku, aby stálo... No, ak by sa svet teraz zastavil, to by potom stratil gravitáciu, čiže by som padol?“

150On nepočúval svoj vlastný rozum. Jediné, čo povedal, bolo, „Slnko, stoj! A mesiac, ty zostaň, kde si.“ A ono ho to poslúchlo. Nedržal sa svojho rozumovania, ale spoliehal sa na zasľúbenie Božie, „Daroval som vám tú zem, tak choďte a zaujmite ju!“

151On ti dal zasľúbenie Svätého Ducha. Môžeš Ho obdržať práve na tomto zhromaždení, práve teraz.

152Nespoliehaj sa na, „Vieš, som unavený. Poviem ti, príliš som sa naložil na večeru. Strašne by som nechcel, aby ma John toto videl robiť.“ Ach, je to len to, že sa spoliehaš na vlastnú rozumnosť.

153„Lebo vám patrí to zasľúbenie a deťom vašich detí a všetkým na široko-ďaleko, koľkýchkoľvek si povolá náš Boh.“

154„Doktor povedal, že zomriem. Urobil vyšetrenie a povedal, že to je rakovina alebo čokoľvek to je. Musím zomrieť.“ Nespoliehaj sa na túto rozumnosť. Boh je Hospodin, tvoj Boh, ktorý uzdravuje všetky choroby. Takže na tie vedomosti sa nespoliehaj, nie na tú ľudskú rozumnosť. Drž sa Božej rozumnosti.

155A čo Samson, tam na tom poli, keď k nemu bežalo tisíce ľudí a Filištíni? A on tam len stál, drobný trpaslík s kučeravými vlasmi, asi takto vysoký. On ne... No, on nebol nijakým šermiarom, pretože to nevedel; nemal žiaden tréning, žiaden vojenský tréning. Bol len ako bábovka s kučeravými vlasmi so siedmimi vrkočmi, ktoré mu takto viseli dolu, mamičkin miláčik, ktorý tam stál a prichádzalo k nemu tisíc Filištínov. Pozrel sa dolu a našiel starú vybielenú osliu čeľusť a zodvihol ju.

156A čo ak by povedal, „Pozrime sa, teraz, veľa s touto čeľusťou neurobím, keď majú na hlavách tie helmy... Všetci z nich majú kopije, majú drôtené brnenie a ich helmy vážia tak 15 libier na kus [asi 7kg – pozn.prekl.], sú to všetko veľkí chlapi. Ó, tá čeľusť by sa rozpadla na kúsky, ak by som ňou udrel jednu z ich heliem.“

157Lenže on sa na svoju rozumnosť nespoliehal. On len vzal to, čo bolo v jeho ruke a začal tým biť Filištínov. A ako ich tam všetkých tisícich porazil, stále tam mal v ruke tú osliu čeľusť. Amen.

158Nestarám sa o to, čo hovorí teológia, nespoliehaj sa na to. Drž sa Slova Božieho, „Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ On tomu istotne veril.

159Čo ak by Dávid počúval Sams-... Saulovu teológiu? Stál tam chvastajúci sa Goliáš a všetci sa ho báli; dokonca Saul, o hlavu vyšší od celej armády. Goliáš povedal, „Vyjdite niekto a bojujte so mnou. Netreba, aby sme všetci pomreli. Ak ťa ja zabijem, vy všetci nám budete slúžiť. A ak ma on zabije, nuž, my budeme slúžiť vám.“ Pretože on si bol tým istý. To je spôsob, akým to diabol rád robí, keď vlastní celý seminár a všetkých tých ľudí, to je to, keď on prichádza, vidíte.

160Malý Dávid za dávna, keď tam išiel s kúskom ovčej kože, ktorá visela na ňom; rumenný, zhrbený, maličký chlapík asi okolo sto libier, alebo stodesať [okolo 50kg – pozn.prekl.] Povedal, „Chceš mi povedať, že armády živého Boha so zmluvou obriezky tu budú stáť a nechajú týchto neobrezaných Filištínov, aby hanili armády živého Boha?“

161Saul povedal, „Poď sem, chlapče.“ Povedal, „Obdivujem tvoju odvahu, ale dni zázrakov pominuli. Už nemáme niečo také, vidíš. A nech ti niečo poviem, akú spoločenskú kartu by si mi mohol ukázať? Nemáš ani zbroj. Nemáš nič, len prak vo svojej ruke. Vidíte? Nemáš ani PhDr. alebo titul doktora práv. Ako to chceš urobiť? No, tento človek je skutočný bojovník. On je doktorom teológie, doktorom filozofie... On má veľa titulov, mohol by nimi vytapetovať stenu. A kto si ty? Iba pastier, ovčiar.“

162On povedal, „Ale chcem ti niečo povedať.“ Povedal, „Vieš čo?“ Povedal, „Zháňal som raz ovce môjho otca, a,“ povedal, „prišiel lev a schmatol jednu z nich a rýchlo utekal. A vieš, zobral som ten malý prak a išiel som po ňom a zrazil som ho. Zobral som tú ovečku z jeho tlamy a vstal, keď som to urobil. Zobral som nôž a na mieste som ho zabil.“ Povedal, „Takže som išiel naspäť. A znovu prišiel medveď pre tú ovcu, uchmatol ju a bežal preč. Rovnako som aj jeho zabil.“ Povedal, „No, Boh... Nie moje PhDr., nie moja rozumnosť. Neviem ti povedať, ako som to urobil. Neviem, ako sa to stalo. Ale Boh,“ amen, „Boh, ktorý ma vyslobodil z ruky toho medveďa a leva, o čo viac ma On vytrhne z ruky tohto neobrezaného Filištína!“

163Kňaz Saul povedal, „No, verím, že máš povolanie. Poviem ti, ak by si tu prišiel, naučil by som ťa, ako bojovať, vidíš. A vieš, som doktor, takže by si si mal na seba dať moje brnenie. Chcem ťa do toho vystrojiť.“ Dávid tam len stál a dali mu PhDr. a titul doktora práv a všetko to, až sa ten úbohý malý chlapec nemohol ani pohnúť. Nevedel ako.

164On povedal, „Nikdy som sa v tomto neosvedčil. Táto cirkevná vesta mi nesedí. Daj to dole. Nechaj ma ísť s tým, s čím mi Boh pomôže.“ Toto bola viera v Moc Božiu. A on sa nedržal vlastného rozumu. Nespoliehal sa na to, čo povedal niekto iný. On sa spoliehal na vieru, pretože vedel, že ak ho Boh vyslobodil z rúk medveďa, o čo viac ho zachráni pred tými Filištínmi!

165Ak ťa Boh miluje dostatočne na to, že ťa vyslobodil z hriechu a naplnil Svätým Duchom, čo sa deje s vami, vy úbohí mäkkí slabosi po celej krajine, či vás On o to viac nevyslobodí z vašich utrpení, keď zasľúbil, že to urobí? Božie Slovo tak hovorí. On to urobí. Istotne, tak, ako aj jeho vyslobodil z ich ruky.

166Ó, každý jeden z prorokov, čo ak by sa spoliehali na rozumnosť svojho dňa? Nikdy by nešli k tým kňazom a veľkňazom a nenazvali by ich „pokrytcami“ a všetkým možným. Nikdy by neprorokovali v protiklade s nimi. Boli by ako niektorí z tých dnešných prorokov, súhlasili by, nosili by pekné oblečenie a boli v kráľovských palácoch.

167Čo ak by sa Ján pokúšal spoliehať na svoju rozumnosť? Ale on len smele vykročil.

168Oni povedali, „No, počkaj chvíľku, Ján, nekáž teraz na tému Manželstvo a Rozvod.

169On vstúpil do paláca Herodesovho a povedal, „Nie je to zákonné, aby si ju mal.“ Áno.

Povedal, „Vieš, kto to je? To je...“

„Nestarám sa o to, kto to je.“ On sa nespoliehal na to.

170Povedal, „No, vieš, že nemáš veľa. Si len tam dole na tej púšti. Asociácia ťa neprijme, ak budeš takto konať.“ On sa nestaral o nejaké asociácie. Nespoliehal sa na svoju rozumnosť, ale na rozumnosť Božiu. Istotne.

171Ale bol jeden človek, ktorý staval na svojej vlastnej rozumnosti a jeho meno bolo Judáš Iškariotský. Ó, on... Neviem pochopiť, ako mohol niečo také urobiť. Kráčal s Kristom tvárou v tvár presne, ako Eva na začiatku. Videl to preukázanie, pozeral sa do tváre Božej tak, ako Eva v tej záhrade. Ona sa pozerala na Krista v tej kráse záhrady večer. A Judáš tiež sedel v tej krásnej záhrade v Getsemane a na rôznych miestach a pozeral sa presne na toho istého Krista; počul Ho učiť, videl Ho dokázaného Jeho vlastným Slovom; videl Ho preukázaného, že je prorokom, o ktorom hovoril Mojžiš, že Boh vzbudí. A povedal im v Písme, kým On bol a všetko o tom. Videli to Bohom dokázané, že On tým bol a pritom sa spoliehal na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť.

172Ó! Mohol to vôbec urobiť? Bolo to preto, pretože v prvom rade to tam nikdy nemal. On nebol tým predurčeným semenom. Bol synom zatratenia, narodený zo zatratenia a vracajúci sa znova späť do zatratenia. Všimnite si to teraz. Ale on vyšiel von a možno mal myšlienku vo svojom rozumovaní. Mohol si myslieť, že Ježiš... Istotne mal k Nemu rešpekt, „No, možno Ho predám za tých tridsať strieborných. A ak to urobím, zarobím nejaké peniaze a môžem s nimi niečo urobiť. Veď On je schopný zachrániť Samého Seba.“ Vidíte, on nevedel, že v Písme bol určený na to, aby zaujal to miesto.

173A dokonca ani dnes si ľudia neuvedomujú, v akom stave to žijú. Je to určené, v tejto Laodicejskej cirkvi, že budú v takom stave, keď vystrčia Krista von. A On tam stojí vonku, klope, snaží sa dostať sa dovnútra. [Brat Branham klope na kazateľňu. – pozn. prekl.] Hoci nikde nie je žiadna spolupráca. On preukazuje Svoje Slovo v tomto dni rovnako, ako to robil v každom veku, a oni len od toho odchádzajú. Spoliehajú sa na svoju rozumnosť, to je všetko, čo robia.

174Alebo možno povedzme, že rozmýšľal. Možno ak by predal Krista za tridsať strieborných, možno by mal dobré obecenstvo s nejakými veľkými denomináciami toho dňa, napríklad farizejmi alebo sadúcejmi. Povedal by, „No, počkajte. On sa dokáže postarať aj Sám o Seba. Videl som Ho už vo veľkých bojoch, dobre viem, že sa dokáže o Seba postarať aj Sám. Takže môžem si aj zarobiť nejaké peniaze, niečo trochu do dôchodku, takpovediac. A okrem toho môžem dobre vychádzať s týmito dnešnými cirkvami, ak im Ho zradím.“ Vidíte? Ale on sa držal svojho porozumenia namiesto porozumenia, ktoré bolo preukázané Slovom Božím a on urobil Ježišovi presne to, čo Písmo hovorilo, že urobí.

175A dnes sa tento cirkevný svet jednoducho odvrátil od Krista v týchto dňoch presne tak, ako to bolo v Knihe Zjavenia povedané, že sa to stane. Je to znova duch Judášov vo forme cirkvi. „Majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci Slovo.“ Vidíte? To je pravda. Čo to má za následok? Smrť, presne, ako sa to stalo pri Eve. A to platí pre všetkých, ktorí sa snažia prevrátiť Božie Slovo, a pre tých, ktorí sa spoliehajú na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť. Dnes dokonca nepredávajú za tridsať strieborných, ale možno sa stanú nejakým veľkým funkcionárom alebo budú mať nejaké veľké seminárne prežitie. Síce to nie je hodné iba tridsiatich strieborných, oni to aj tak predajú; predajú svoju rozumnosť Božiu pre také niečo.

176Aký rozdiel to bol oproti veľkému učenému Pavlovi, ktorý mal dostatok vedomosti, aby sa s tým mohol vychvaľovať. Ale on povedal, „Všetko moje rozumovanie som dal nabok. Stretol som Ohnivý Stĺp jedného dňa na ceste dolu do Damašku.“ A povedal, „Nikdy som k vám neprišiel s dokonalosťou reči, pretože by ste dôverovali v múdrosť človeka. Ale prišiel som k vám v moci a demonštrácii Svätého Ducha, aby ste sa spoliehali na Slovo Božie.“ Amen. Povedal, „Ak by zostúpil anjel z neba a kázal by niečo iné, nech je prekliaty,“ Galaťanom 1:8. To je pravda. On nikdy...

177Tá žena tam pri tej studni, ona bola nemorálna. Vedela, že cirkvi ju exkomunikovali. Ale ona sa nikdy nedržala nejakých svojich vedomostí. Keď Ho tam pri tej studni stretla, toho, ktorý jej povedal o všetkých hriechoch, ktoré urobila, hneď utekala do mesta. Taká žena nemala právo urobiť niečo také, ísť a niečo povedať, pretože bola prostitútka. Ale keď stretla Ježiša, nikdy sa nespoliehala na rozumnosť iných ľudí v tých dňoch. Ona prišla povediac, „Poďte a vidzte Človeka, ktorý mi povedal veci, ktoré som urobila. Nie je práve On Mesiáš?“ Nikdy sa nespoliehala na svoj rozum. Nie.

178Panna Mária, keď sa stretla s Anjelom Gabrielom, ktorý jej povedal, že ide mať dieťa, nepoznajúc muža. Ó. Ona sa nikdy nedržala svojej rozumnosti, že žena nemôže mať dieťa bez toho, žeby mala manžela. Ona sa na to nespoliehala. Ale povedala, „Hľa, som dievka Pánova, nech sa mi stane podľa Tvojho Slova.“ Nepovedala, „Ako to urobím? A kedy to urobím? Ako sa to vôbec všetko stane?“

179Anjel povedal, „Svätý Duch ťa zatôni; a to Sväté, čo je splodené v tebe, bude nazvané Synom Božím.“

180Ona povedala, „Hľa, som dievka Pánova.“ Ona nad tým nijako neuvažovala, nepovedala, že sa to tak nemôže stať. Ona len povedala, „Hľa, som dievka Pánova.“ To je pravda. Všimnite si to.

181Tá žena s krvotokom, doktor jej povedal, „Nie je žiadna nádej.“ Ona strávila celý svoj život s doktormi a nikto z nich jej nebol schopný pomôcť. Ale na to sa ona nespoliehala. Keď Ježiš... Ona kráčala tým davom a povedala, „Verím, že ak sa len dotknem rúcha toho Človeka, budem v poriadku.“ A tak išla.

182„No, počkaj, doktor povedal, 'Nemôžeš byť uzdravená.'“ Ona mala krvotok roky a roky. Bolo to s ňou stále horšie a čoraz viac bola slabšia. Lekári sa jej už vzdali. To bola celá rozumnosť, ktorú mali.

183Ale ona povedala vierou! Žiadne Písmo jej nepovedalo, aby to urobila. Ale povedala, „Ak sa len dotknem lemu Jeho rúcha, budem v poriadku,“ a prešmykla sa tadiaľ a dotkla sa Ho. A išla naspäť a sadla si.

184Ježiš sa obzrel dookola a povedal, „Kto sa Ma dotkol?“ A díval sa dookola, až dokiaľ ju nenašiel a povedal jej o jej krvotoku.

185A v tom momente to cítila v jej tele. Nemohla to vtedy dokázať, ale cítila to v tele, že krvotok sa zastavil. Nikdy neuvažovala, „Ak ju doktor odmietol, akoby jej mohlo pomôcť niečo iné?“ Ona to nikdy nezvažovala, len vykročila vierou.

186Teraz Biblia hovorí, „To je ten veľkňaz, ktorého sa môžeme dotknúť s našimi slabosťami.“ Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.]

Neuvažuj, povediac, „Ó, to je...“

On povedal, „On je tým aj dnes. On je práve teraz Veľkňazom, ktorý môže byť dotknutý pocitom našich slabostí. Ten istý včera, dnes i naveky!“

187Čo si myslíte, keď som raz bol baptistickým kazateľom a Anjel Pánov ma stretol a poveril ma ísť robiť to, čo práve robím? No, môj pastor povedal, „Ty si sa zbláznil. Asi to bude len nočná mora.“

Povedal som, „Lepšie urobíš, ak mi hneď zoberieš kartu obecenstva.“

188Potom povedal, „Ako to vôbec môžeš, veď si ani nedokončil základnú školu a kázať okolo sveta? Ako sa môžeš modliť za kráľov a monarchov, keď ani nevieš svoju gramatiku správne použiť?“

189Ja som však nedôveroval vo svoju gramatiku. Nedôveroval som v schopnosti, ktoré som mal. Bol som poverený. Haleluja! Ale ja som nijako nezačal hneď uvažovať. Ak by som počúval dôvody, pravdepodobne by pred rokmi umreli tisíce ľudí. Ale Posolstvo som niesol presne tak, ako On povedal, okolo sveta.

190A pôjdem zase znova, z Božej milosti; nie z logických dôvodov, ale z poverenia. Haleluja. Nespoliehal som... Povieš, „Máš päťdesiatpäť rokov.“ Ak by som ich mal aj deväťdesiatpäť, to by stále nič nemenilo na veci. On je stále tým istým Bohom, ktorý bol aj s Abrahámom. Áno. Žiadne spoľahnutie na vlastné rozumovanie.

191A po tom znaku, ktorý vyšiel navonok, a následne ten Hlas, vtedy ma začali cirkvi odmietať a zavreli dvere, kvôli ich náukam, pričom ani jedna z nich si netrúfla postaviť sa predo mňa a povedať, čo je správne a čo nie. Vyzval som ich všetkých. Ó. Nechcem sa chváliť, ale viem, na čom som. To je pravda. Ale čo oni urobili? Čo urobili? Zabuchli každé dvere. „A čo teraz urobíš?“

192V iný deň, hore na tom vrchu, keď som tam stál, povedal som, „Pane, mám len jedny dvere do celého národa, pokiaľ viem, a to je Phoenix, Arizona. To je jediné, čo mám.“ A tak som schádzal z hory a tak zrozumiteľne, ako som koho kedy počul hovoriť, Hlas povedal, „Čo sa to s tebou deje? Nasleduj Mňa.“ Nie moje vlastné znalosti. Budem sa spoliehať na Jeho zasľúbenie.

193Ó, priateľu, nespoliehaj sa na logické dôvody. Potom môžeš vykríknuť s Eddiem Perronetom:

Nech znie Sláva Ježišovmu Menu!

Nech anjeli padnú na svoju tvár;

Prineste ten kráľovský diadém,

A korunujte Pána všetkých;

Korunujte Ho, Pána všetkých.

194To je pravda. Nedrž sa toho, čo si ty myslíš, alebo čo si niekto iný myslí. Vierou akceptuj zasľúbenie Božie. Urobíš to? Nie je to o tom, či to niekto iný urobil, alebo či to oni neurobili, ale čo ty? Čo urobíš s Ježišom zvaným Kristus, ktorý sa aj v tomto dni dal poznať ako ten istý, aký bol v predošlých dňoch? Veríte mu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.]

Modlime sa.

195Pane Ježišu, Kráľ kráľov, Pán pánov, Boh bohov, Boh všetkých panovníkov; Prvý a Posledný; Alfa a Omega; začiatok i koniec, hviezda jasná a ranná, Ruža Sáronská, Ľalia údolia, koreň a rod Dávidov; príď, Pane Bože, Ten istý včera, dnes aj naveky!

196Požehnaj zástup Tvojich ľudí, Pane. Toto... [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn. prekl.] začne sa to od zajtra. Mali sme tu teraz len malé zhromaždenie, ale požehnal si nás. Urobil si sa známym medzi nami. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si v tom pokračoval. Požehnaj nás dnes večer. Pomôž nám teraz. Sme núdzni ľudia.

197A, Pane, Ty vieš, že nerád vyčítam ľuďom, ale ako môžem uhasiť ten svätý oheň? Nerád to robím, Pane. Poznáš môj život, moje srdce. Musím to urobiť. A modlím sa, Bože, aby si mi v tom pomohol. Len mi daj milosť a nedaj mi spoliehať sa na moju vlastnú rozumnosť, ale daj mi spoliehať sa na Tvoje zasľúbenie. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

198Chcem, aby ste teraz všetci boli úctiví na pár minút. Bezpochyby sú v tomto dave ľudia, muži a ženy, ktorí tu sedia a sú chorí. Ktorí sú tu chorí a postihnutí, zdvihnite svoje ruky a povedzte, „Potrebujem Boha.“ Práve teraz iba zdvihnite svoje ruky, povediac, „Potrebujem Boha.“

199No, nepoznám tu z vás veľa ľudí. Poznám týchto troch chlapcov, ktorí tu sedia. Poznám pána Daucha a jeho manželku, tam sedia. A myslím, že toto je sestra Moorová. Nie som si istý. Je to pravda, sestra Moorová? Okrem toho, hádam poznám už len brata Mikea tu na pódiu. Dokiaľ dovidím, tak, už ďalších nepoznám.

200Ale Nebeský Otec zasľúbil, že v tomto dni preukáže Samého Seba, v tomto veku, tak ako to bolo v Sodome. Zasľúbil to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Zamanifestuje sa. Veríte tomu? [„Amen.“]

201A ak sa teraz budete modliť, tak vierou! Neskúšajte nejako nad tým uvažovať, „Ako sa Ho môžem dotknúť ako Veľkňaza?“

202No, Biblia povedala v Novom Zákone, „On je práve teraz Veľkňazom. On je ďalej Veľkňazom podľa poriadku Melchisedeka. On je navždy Veľkňazom. Okrem Neho nieto iného Veľkňaza. Žiaden prostredník medzi Bohom a ľuďmi, jedine Človek Kristus.“ To je pravda. On je ten jediný, Ten istý včera, dnes až naveky.

203No, ak On zostáva stále tým istým Veľkňazom a Biblia povedala, „Môže byť dotknutý pocitom našich slabostí,“ ako tá malá žena, ktorá sa dotkla Jeho rúcha, tvoja viera sa rovnako môže dotknúť dnes večer a On bude konať tým istým spôsobom, v ľudskom tele, ako to robil, keď bol v ľudskom tele pri tom Abrahámovom dube. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] On zasľúbil, že to urobí. Modlite sa, každý, kto má potrebu. A ja...

204Je to tak, ako som aj povedal, dar nie je niečo, ako keď vezmeš nôž a chceš s tým toto rozrezať, môžeš to rozrezať; alebo toto môžeš prerezať takto, alebo čokoľvek chceš urobiť. To nie je dar Boží. Vidíte? Nie.

205Dar Boží je niečo, že nejako vieš, ako sa dať nabok z cesty. A dary a povolania sú predurčením Božím. „Dary a povolania sú dokonca bez pokánia.“ S tým sa narodíš. Malý rýchlostný stupeň, do ktorého sa sám navlečieš, ale nemôžeš stúpiť na ten pedál. Vidíte? Boh to musí viesť. A ty sa sám musíš dať nabok z cesty.

206Tvoja viera to môže riadiť, nie moja; tvoja. Moja to len dá nabok z cesty. A ty len veríš z celého srdca, že Ježiš Kristus dnes žije.

207Nespoliehaj sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť, povieš, „V poriadku, ja som vo vážnom stave, brat. Ty ma nepoznáš. Som na vozíčku. Som...“

208Nestarám sa, čo si, ale sledujem, či Boh nezostúpi a neurobí presne to, čo robil, keď tu bol na Zemi vo fyzickom tele. On to vie urobiť v mojom tele, v tvojom tele, spolu, ako Mu veríme. On to urobí, pretože zasľúbil, že tak urobí.

209Neopieraj sa len o to, čo niekto iný hovorí, „Ó, to je mentálna telepatia,“ tak to nazvali. Povedali, že Ježiš je to isté. Hovorili, že to je veštec, „diabol.“ Ale On bol Synom Božím, pretože bol podľa zasľúbeného Božieho Slova.

210No, ako som už povedal, nie je to naše poverenie, aby sme to museli robiť, vyjsť a vzkladať ruky na ľudí. Ale pokladali sme na nich ruky minulý večer. Ale jediná vec, ktorú musíš mať, je viera a potom rozpoznanie. Vierou to akceptuješ, vierou. Nie niečím, že...

Nehovor, „No, ako sa to môže vôbec stať?“

211Ak by som ti povedal, ako sa to môže stať, potom by ďalej nebola žiadna viera. Neviem, ako sa to deje, ale verím tomu. Neviem, ako Boh zachraňuje hriešnika, ale On to robí. Neviem, ako Boh robí všetky ostatné veci, ale ja to prijímam. On to robí a to je ten spôsob. Pretože, ja to neviem vysvetliť. No, dobre, ja... To nikdy nebude vysvetlené. Nikto to nemôže. Ale ak by sa to dalo, potom by nebolo viacej viery.

212Nevidím, ako môže byť Boh a Kristus tou istou Osobou, ale Oni sú. Písmo tak povedalo. Nemôžeš to vysvetliť, ale Oni sú. „Môj Otec je vo Mne. Nie som to Ja, ktorý robím tie skutky; je to Môj Otec vo Mne. Ak tie skutky nečiním, potom to ukazuje, že nie som z Neho. Ale ak robím Jeho skutky, potom On svedčí o Sebe, že Ja som z Neho.“

213No, je to aj teraz tá istá vec, presne to isté. On je tým istým včera, dnes i naveky, len ak budeš veriť.

214Je tu teraz muž, ktorý tu práve sedí predo mnou, ten s tmavými vlasmi. Má hodinky na ruke a tmavý oblek. Tiež má okuliare. Ak sa tam dobre pozriete, môžete ho vidieť so zatvorenými očami, ako sa modlí. Nepoznám toho človeka. Nebeský Otec vie, že ho nepoznám. Ale chcem sa naňho pozrieť aspoň na chvíľu, pretože vyzerá dosť úprimne, ako tu sedí. Odkedy som sa o tom zmienil, tento človek zavrel oči a začal sa modliť. Je pre mňa cudzím. Nepoznám ho. Ale Boh toho muža pozná a môže mi ho zjaviť. Ak je to zasľúbenie v Biblii pravdivé, On mi môže zjaviť, prečo má ten muž zavreté oči a o čom sa modlí. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.]

215Veríš tomu, pane? Ak len otvoríš svoje oči, ako tu sedíš, pozri sa sem. Veríš tomu? V poriadku. Vieš, že ťa nepoznám. Sme si navzájom neznámi. Ale Boh ťa pozná. No, on začal plakať. Pretože ja mu môžem povedať, že Boh mu ide práve zodpovedať jeho prosbu, vidíte, pretože to bolo to, čo ho zasiahlo, to Svetlo; temnota sa premenila na Svetlo. Vidíte?

216No, ten muž sa modlí za niekoho iného, a to je jeho chlapec, ktorý tam sedí vedľa neho. Je to jeho syn. To je pravda. Ten malý chlapec trpí nejakou žalúdkovou ťažkosťou a tiež má niečo s črevami. To je pravda. Tak je.

217Oni nie sú odtiaľto. Nie si z Arizony. Si z Kalifornie. Správne. A si kazateľ a patríš do Zborov Božích. To je pravda. Reverend McKeig je tvoje meno, alebo reverend Keig, áno. Je to pravda? Ak je, zamávaj takto rukou. Tvoj chlapec bude o chvíľu v poriadku. Vidíš? Je to tvoja viera!

218A čo teraz? Je tu človek so zodvihnutými rukami, on ma nepozná a rovnako ani ja jeho. Ale čo to bolo? On sa dotkol toho Veľkňaza. Vidíte, nespoliehal sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť. Ale čo teraz musí urobiť, čo teraz robí? Musí veriť, že to, čo mu bolo povedané je pravda, pretože vie, že ma nepozná. To je pravda.

219Tu sedí žena práve predo mnou, ktorá má tiež sklonenú hlavu. Trpí rakovinou. Taktiež prišla z Kalifornie. Dúfam, že toto neprehliadne. Slečna Adamsová. Tak sa volá. V živote som ju nevidel. Áno, to je pravda.

220Tam obďaleč sedí jedna pani. Môžem na ňu ukázať, ale vidím Svetlo, ako visí nad ňou. Nachádza sa veľmi hlboko v problémoch. Jedna vec je, že mala nejaké ťažkosti s krkom. A ďalšia vec, má duchovné problémy, obáva sa všetkých tých ťažkostí. Tiež má aj domáce problémy. Jej dcéra utiekla z domova. To je pravda. Je to pravda, však? Má zdvihnutú ruku. Pani Millerová. To je pravda. Veríš? Boh ju pošle naspäť, uzdraví tvoje telo. No, nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Je pre mňa absolútne cudzia.

221Je tu ďalšia pani, čo tu sedí. Nie je odtiaľto, tiež je z Kalifornie. Má rakovinu, ktorá je na prsiach. Bola operovaná na jeden prsník, ale to potom prešlo na druhý. To je pravda. Pani Calvinová. To je pravda. Veríš, že Boh ťa dá do poriadku? Veríš tomu. Som pre teba cudzí. Nepoznám ťa. To je pravda. Vidíte? Má rakovinu.

Takže môžete vidieť, že Boh je prítomný!

222Vedľa nej sedí iná pani, je to pani Harrisová. Vôbec ju nepoznám. Ale keď Duch zasiahol túto ženu, tiež má ľútosť. A prišla z Kalifornie. To je pravda. Má nejaký problém s ramenom. Tak je. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví. Ak je to pravda, pozdvihni ruku, aby mohlo publikum vidieť; úplne neznáma.

223Nespoliehajte sa na svoju rozumnosť. Čo to môže urobiť? Nemôžete to vysvetliť. Je to paradox. Je to poza nejaké vysvetlenie. Spýtajte sa týchto ľudí, nikdy som ich v živote nevidel, nikdy som o nich nič nevedel. Len to prešlo cez toto zhromaždenie.

224Ale pozrite sa teraz, nespoliehajte sa na svoje porozumenie. Ale spoliehajte sa na to, čo On zasľúbil, že urobí; ak to nie je ten istý Duch, ktorý tu prebýval v ľudskom tele, ktorý vedel, že Sára sa v tom stane zasmiala poza tým Mužom. Je to pravda? A predtým, ako bol svet zničený ohňom, On zasľúbil, že keď Syn človeka znovu zjaví Samého Seba podobným spôsobom, ako Syn človeka zjaví Samého Seba, ako bude tu dnes večer s nami, ako to robil vtedy. Tak v akej hodine potom žijeme? Veľmi blízko zničenia.

225Priateľu, nestoj tu už dlhšie ako hriešnik. Prijmi Ježiša Krista, zatiaľ čo si v Jeho Prítomnosti. Viem, že to je tradičné u kazateľov, aby im spravili nejaké prosby a rozprávali príbehy o matke, ktorá už zomrela, a o tých, ktorí sú už preč. To je úplne v poriadku. Ale náš základ nie je v našej matke, ktorá už je mŕtva. Moja matka je tiež mŕtva, aj otec. Ale my pristupujeme, inteligentne, prijímame to na základe, že Boh sa manifestuje v Ježišovi Kristovi, aby odňal hriechy sveta. My prichádzame a veríme pokániu. A zatiaľ čo On preukazoval Svoje Slovo...

226Nestarám sa, do ktorej cirkvi chodíš, metodisti, baptisti, katolíci, presbyteriáni, alebo či to nie je vôbec žiadna cirkev. Ak pripustíš, že si to porozumel inak a vieš, že si nebol nikdy skutočne znovuzrodený, ale chceš byť, a chceš to práve teraz prijať, to zasľúbenie. Nemusíš byť hneď teraz naplnený, ale budeš, keď... ako tie zhromaždenia budú pokračovať. Chceš to prijať na tom základe, tak sa postav na svoje nohy a dovoľ mi teraz pomodliť sa za teba, tam, kde stojíš. Každý, kto vie, že...

227Nespoliehaj sa na niečo vlastné, dobre, povieš, „Hovoril som v jazykoch.“ No, to s tým nemá nič do činenia. Ale ja tiež verím v hovorenie v jazykoch.

228Ale videl som čarodejnice, démonov a všetko možné, ako hovorili v jazykoch a vykladali to. Tak je to. Spýtajte sa misionárov tam dole, môžeme zistiť, brat Creech vie, že to je pravda. Videl som ich hovoriť v jazykoch, piť krv z ľudskej lebky a vyvolávať diablov. Istotne. Videl som, ako bola položená ceruzka, ktorá sa zrazu zodvihla a písala v neznámych jazykoch; a tá čarodejnica alebo čarodejník tam stáli a vykladali to.

229Takže hovorenie v jazykoch nie je znakom, že máš Svätého Ducha. A ak hovoríš v jazykoch a popieraš toto Slovo, potom je niekde chyba. Presne tak. Nespoliehaj sa na svoju rozumnosť.

230Niekto by povedal, „Dobre, ja som to vykrikoval.“ Ja tiež. Ale na to sa nespoliehaj.

231Videl som všetky druhy démonskej moci kričať a vrieskať. Videl som moslimov kričať a ziapať, dokiaľ sa nedostali tak ďaleko, že im mohli cez kožu prepichávať triesky. V Indii som ich videl vrieskať a skákať hore dole, ako vzali gule plné vody s hákmi, ako si ich prepichli cez kožu a kráčali po horúcom uhlí a nič sa im nestalo, a pritom zapierali Ježiša Krista.

232Vidíte, nedržte sa svojho rozumovania, ale Slova Božieho. Ak sa tvoj život nevie vyrovnať s touto Bibliou a veriť každému Slovu, ktoré sa tam nachádza, a chceš tomu veriť a chceš, aby Boh pracoval cez teba, pretože chceš byť časťou Božou, postav sa a povedz, „Práve teraz to prijímam, brat.“ Ďakujem. Ďakujem. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Výborne. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Nech vám to Boh udelí, všetkým úprimným. Povieš... Len stojte, len stojte...

233Povieš, „Som členom cirkvi, brat Branham, ale skutočne som letničným, ale keď príde k tomu, aby som niečo povedal, verím, že celé toto Slovo je Pravdou, ja to len nedokážem urobiť, ale chcem to činiť. Pomôž mi, modli sa za mňa. Chcem sa postaviť a povedať, ale...“ Povieš, „Dobre, pozrite sa, vy, čo tu sedíte, svedčil som v cirkvi, že to tak je.“ Ale vieš, hlboko v tvojom srdci nie si. Boh tiež vie, že nie si, takže prečo by si sa nepostavil? Nespoliehaj na svoju rozumnosť, ale drž sa Slova.

234Budete ešte chvíľu stáť? Chce ešte niekto stáť? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, aj teba. „Bože, pomôž mi.“ Nech vás všetkých Boh žehná. Tak je to dobré. Len stojte.

235Povieš, „Urobí mi to niečo dobré?“ Len raz sa postav a uvidíš, či áno. „Chcem, brat Branham, chcem byť na poriadku. Chcem byť na poriadku.“

236Nehovorím ti teraz, aby si hneď opustil svoju cirkev. Nie. Zostaň tam, kde si, a buď skutočne Duchom Svätým naplnenou osobou v tej cirkvi. Povieš, „No, neviem, čo na to povie môj pastor.“ On si ťa tak bude ceniť, ak je to skutočne muž Boží. To je pravda.

237„Nech svieti tvoje svetlo pred ľuďmi, aby videli tvoje dobré skutky a oslavovali tvojho Otca.“

238Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech vás oboch Pán bohate žehná, aj teba, brat, teba tiež. Nech Boh žehná každého jedného. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, ty tam dole.

239Vy, ktorí teraz stojíte, ak sa cítite lepšie tým, že stojíte, zdvihnite ruky a tým povedzte ostatným, že sa cítite lepšie, potom, ako ste sa postavili. Vidíte, každá ruka. Vidíte, ste úprimní. Stojíte, hovoriac, „Budem tak svedkom.“

240„Ten, ktorý sa tu za Mňa postaví, Ja sa tam zaňho tiež postavím. Ten, ktorý sa za Mňa bude hanbiť pred ľuďmi, za toho sa aj Ja budem hanbiť pred Mojím Otcom a svätými Anjelmi.“ Nehanbite sa za Neho. Nespoliehajte sa na svoje úvahy. Len sa držte Slova Božieho. „Ten, ktorý Ma vyzná pred ľuďmi, toho aj Ja vyznám pred Mojím Otcom a svätými Anjelmi.“

241Bude ešte niečo predtým, ako sa pomodlíme? Skloňme teraz naše hlavy. Boh ti žehnaj, sestra. Iste. Nech ťa Boh žehná, aj teba, brat. Istotne. Bude ešte niekto, zatiaľ čo skloníme naše hlavy? Nech ťa Boh žehná, aj teba. V poriadku, stále stojíte. Počkáme aspoň na chvíľu, len na okamih. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Boh ti žehnaj. Niekto by povedal, „Znamená to vôbec niečo, keď len tak povieš, 'Nech ťa Boh žehná'?“ Áno, tým ti vyslovujem moje požehnanie. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

242Niektorí z vás, ktorí tam stojíte pri tej stene, ktorí nemáte miesta na sedenie, mohli by ste zodvihnúť ruku a povedať, „Ja, Bože, som to ja“? Boh ti žehnaj, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná, teba tiež, aj teba sestra, teba tiež, môj brat a ty moja sestra.

243Ó, Svätý Duch sa tak sladko pohybuje v publiku. Môžete To cítiť? Pán ti žehnaj, mladý muž tam na pódiu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, tam v rohu. Boh ti žehnaj, mladý muž. Áno.

244Ó, Svätý Duch, pohybuj sa teraz čerstvo v našich srdciach. Ukáž nám naše chyby, Pane. My ne-... Nebudeme sa spoliehať na našu rozumnosť, na naše usudzovanie. Ale budeme sa držať Teba, pretože vieme, že stojíme v Tvojom Božsky potvrdenom zasľúbení na dnes. Dal si sa medzi nami poznať poza akékoľvek úvahy. Nemôžeme nad tým uvažovať, ani to vysvetliť. Ale Ty si práve prišiel teraz do nášho stredu a ukázal si, že si medzi nami, a tí muži a ženy tomu veria a prijímajú to.

245Bože, vezmi každého jedného do náručia a ukry ich v Skale vekov, dokým neprejdú ohne. Chystáme sa na oheň, Pane. Vieme to. Sme späť v Sodome. „Ale všetci tí spravodliví nezomrú s vinnými.“ Ty zavoláš Svoje deti, Pane. Povedal si Lotovi, „Choď odtiaľto. Choď preč.“ Modlím sa, Bože, aby každý, ktorý je dnes večer v tomto stave, bez ohľadu na to, či stojí alebo...

246Bože, oni by neriskovali ísť dole po jednosmernej ulici, zlým smerom. Neriskovali by ísť na červené svetlo, ak by boli v správnom nastavení, pretože by ich mohli zabiť. Takže ako by mohla nejaká osoba riskovať svoje Večné určenie, len hádať, predpokladať, odvážiť sa riskovať bez skutočnej autority, pretože patria do nejakej cirkvi alebo denominácie? A oni to skutočne nedokážu porozumieť, nevedia pochopiť, že Slovo Božie môže byť dnes tak, ako bolo vtedy, a ako sa tieto zasľúbenia môžu zamanifestovať. „Vek apoštolov je preč.“ Pomôž im, Otče. Odovzdávam Ti ich v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

247Ďakujem, môj brat, sestra. Som tak rád, že vás môžem nazývať svojím bratom a sestrou.

248Pamätajte, Boh ma bude v deň súdu brať za zodpovednosť za každé jedno slovo. Za všetko, čo som dnes večer kázal, sa budem musieť zodpovedať. Som si toho plne vedomý. Odkedy som bol malým chlapcom a ako som kázal toto Evanjelium, a potom bol odvrhnutým?

249Koľkí z vás tu sú teraz chorí alebo postihnutí a chcete, aby sa za vás modlilo? Zodvihnite svoje ruky. Urobili by ste pre mňa ešte niečo? Položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého. Navzájom položte na seba ruky. Každý teraz skloňte svoje hlavy, aj tí, ktorí sú tu na pódiu.

250Drahý Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista a Jeho Prítomnosti, preukázanej Prítomnosti! Práve to Slovo, ktoré bolo teraz kázané, potvrdilo, že Ty si tým istým tak ako včera, aj dnes, tak aj naveky. Nech sa teraz Svätý Duch povznesie na tento dav ľudí. Mnohí z nich sem prišli a prijali Ťa ako Spasiteľa, veľa odpadnutých Ťa prijalo a navrátilo sa späť. Ó, Bože, modlím sa v Mene Ježiša Krista, aby si uzdravil každú osobu. Povedal si, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria; budú vzkladať ruky na chorých a budú sa mať dobre.“ Zasľúbil si to, Pane, a Tvoje veriace deti majú ruky položené jeden na druhého.

251Satan, si porazený. Vyjdi z týchto ľudí v Mene Ježiša Krista. Nechaj tých ľudí ísť do Kráľovstva Božieho v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

252Všetci, ktorí veria, že Ježiš Kristus je aj teraz vaším Uzdravovateľom rovnako ako Spasiteľom, a chcete Ho prijať na tom istom základe, postavte sa na svoje nohy povediac, „Práve teraz akceptujem Ježiša ako môjho Uzdravovateľa, rovnako ako Spasiteľa.“ Nádhera! Chvála Pánovi! Vďaka Pánovi! Pozdvihnime teraz naše ruky a spievajme Mu.

Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť,

Chvála Baránkovi zabitému za hriešnikov;

Vzdajte Mu chválu, všetci ľudia,

Lebo Jeho Krv očistila každé poškvrnenie.

253Ó, necítite sa dobre? Zamávajte svojimi rukami. Ó! Spievajme Mu znovu.

Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť,

Chvála Baránkovi za... (Pamätajte, ten Baránok je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.)

Vzdajte Mu chválu, všetci ľudia,

Lebo Jeho Krv očistila každé poškvrnenie.

254Milujete to? [Zhromaždenie kričí, „Haleluja!“ - pozn. prekl.] Amen. Nakloňme sa a potrasme si ruky. Toto je rozpustenie zhromaždenia, začiatok toho. Povedzte, „Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat, pútnik. Nech ťa Boh žehná.“ To je fajn. To je dobré. Nádherné! Veríte teraz, že budeme mať ďalšie veľké zhromaždenie po tomto? [“Amen.“] Ďakujeme Bohu za toto ohromné zhromaždenie, teraz budeme mať ešte väčšie. Všetci, ktorí tomu veria, nech povedia, „Amen.“ [“Amen.“]

Moja viera sa pozerá na Teba,

Ty, Baránok (pozrite sa teraz Naňho) Golgoty,

Ó, Božský Spasiteľ;

Počuj ma teraz, zatiaľ čo sa modlím,

Vezmi preč každý môj hriech,

Nechaj ma od tohto dňa,

byť cele Tvoj!

Keď kráčam blúdivým životom,

a hromadia sa bôle okolo mňa,

buď mojím Vodcom;

Premeň tmu v deň,

Zotri strach zo smútku,

Nechaj ma od tohto dňa,

byť cele Tvoj!

255Amen! Zhromaždenie povedalo, „Amen.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Haleluja!

Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť,

Chvála Baránkovi zabitého za hriešnikov;

Vzdajte Mu chválu, všetci ľudia,

Lebo Jeho Krv očistila každé poškvrnenie.

Aké nádherné!

256Dobre, skloňme teraz naše hlavy pre požehnanie. Neviem, kto bol vybraný na to, aby toto urobil. Brat Johnny Manadal z Kalifornie, zatiaľ čo skloníme naše hlavy. Ešte nezabudnite, zajtra večer bude prvé, to je začiatok. Zajtra večer bude zhromaždenie práve tu, v tejto hale o sedem tridsať.

257Nech vás Boh žehná. Radovali ste sa z Prítomnosti Božej? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Amen. Tak skloňme teraz naše hlavy, zatiaľ čo nás brat Johnny rozpustí.

1 Let us remain standing, just a moment now, for prayer. How many in here has a request on their heart, that you would that God would do something special for you in this convention? Let's bow our heads now to Him.

2Heavenly Father, we are a privileged people to be assembled together here in the Name of the Lord Jesus, in a free country where we can worship You according to the dictates of our conscience, as yet. And we pray, Father, that this will long be. And now may we take advantage of this great privilege we have. And may we put our whole heart into the service tonight, to worship You, that it might be said, that, "God was in our midst tonight, blessing His people." Save every lost soul that's in here tonight, Lord. And every backslider, may they come back to the house of God. I pray for every sick person, may be healed, the afflicted might walk, and the blind see, the deaf hear, praise and glory be given to Jesus Christ among His people. May it be long remembered, Lord, because that we have assembled ourselves together and asked in Jesus' Name for these blessings. Amen.

Be seated.

3 Somehow, in coming to the Ramada Inn, always seems like coming back home, in a way, because I've been here so much till I--I think they just must begin to know me. And I'm glad of that, because I've found a fine bunch of people at these Ramada Inn's. The one in Tucson and one here, they had been very kind to us, letting us have the services. Not long ago, I had a service of my own, down in Ramada Inn, and the manager wouldn't even let me pay for the rent of the building. That's really nice. I remember that when I'm crossing the countries, too, now, those who are good to the household of God.

4 Now we've had, since Sunday night, or Sunday afternoon, rather, some great times in the Lord, or at least I have. I've had a wonderful time enjoying His blessings, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and with His people.

5I--I like to remember, that, together we are worshiping God. You are an attribute of God, part of God, when you become the son and daughter of God. And God is in you, willing His will, if you will let Him do it.

6So we hope, tonight, that every person will forget about the things that's been the days, and laying everything aside, and just put our hearts right into the service now; not only to this night, but in the coming convention. No doubt many delegates has gathered. I do see some of the extras tonight on the platform, gathering for the convention that starts tomorrow. And I ask the people who are here for the revival that we've just had, that, if it's all possible, I wish you would stay over for the convention. We're going to have some fine speakers listed. One brother could not come, and, but we got many will be here to take his place. I want to be in the complete convention myself, to enjoy this fellowship.

7 You know, we get up here as ministers, and we speak, and we're always giving out to the people everything that's in us. I preached a subject one time, where Jesus said, "Behold a lily, how they neither--neither toil nor spin, and yet I say unto you that Solomon in all of his glory was not arrayed like one." And I find out, the lily has to grow, day and night, spin, toil, and to make itself radiant. But it gets no blessing out of it, itself. He opens up himself, and--and the by-passer smells the perfume from him. The bee gets the honey right out of the heart. He gives everything out that he toils to take in. And I call my message, Reverend Mister Lily, that's kind of an odd text.

8But--but it is, ministers give themselves out to the people, and it's good then just to sit down and--and listen to others. Like warming by the fire, we like to sit under each other's fire blaze and warm our hearts with the Gospel that our brethren is preaching to the people. And I am grateful to have this opportunity to do that. And now I'm trusting tonight...

9 Billy told me that he gave out prayer cards, totally. And we couldn't get a prayer line up here if we had to. See, you'd have to go out around through there, and through a dark hall, and come up this way. You'd stumble over everything, to get in here. And the afflicted and crippled would be in an awful shape, doing it.

10But we don't know what our Lord may do. He may fall right among us, tonight, and--and heal every one that's here, every sickness. Oh, I would rather see that than all the prayer lines I ever had in my life, just--just to see the sovereignty of God fall among His obedient children. I--I always like that.

11 Usually, if you have any personal contact with the people, like of laying on of hands, it could be, I don't think too many would do that, well, they would say, "A certain-certain minister laid his hands upon me, and, glory to God!" That makes the people look at that minister then.

12But if you can just stand here, preach the Word, and let the Holy Spirit heal every one, then there it's absolutely just the grace of God. And then God gets all praise, glory. There's not a shadow of nothing for no one else. That's the way I, in my ministry, the reason I don't get to too many, unless... Now, last night, we tried to pray for as many as we could. But laying on of hands...

13 It's usually in the nights, just maybe the Holy Spirit come right among us and go to manifesting Himself, making Himself known among us. And then by that, I think, it's real, when He can maybe in sovereignty, see. I can't say now, "This man, or this woman, or that child," see. The Holy Spirit moves out on the building and speaks to whomever He will speak. See, that's sovereign. And then that brings the knowledge, because it's a promise of God, and that brings the knowledge of God sovereign, and also brings His Presence down among us. We should see it and rejoice! And no matter...

14You say, "Well, I was crippled in my hand. I was there last night. I--I--I didn't get any better." That don't have anything to do with it. To you, it's already finished. You're not looking at your hand then, you're looking at a promise, you see. And therefore, you can't say, "Well, Brother So-and-so didn't pray the prayer of faith, or so-and-so." It's the Presence of the Lord gave you faith, you see, and then He sent His Word and healed them.

15 Now, last night I--I broke my promise again. I'm going to sure try to keep it tonight, if I can. And now somebody said, "You didn't stay on your text last night." No, I--I didn't; because, I'll tell you why. I was going to preach on a subject, now I forget just what: But God Rich In Mercy.

16And I got to trying to explain how that Paul, speaking there, said, "We who were in past times," one time, some other time than now, "we were dead, and in sin and trespasses; who God has quickened, made alive." Now, see, before anything can be quickened, there has to be something there to be quickened by. That's right.

17 So, you see, if you were in the foreknowledge of God, then you are becoming a part of God. And the only way you can be a son of God or a daughter of God, you had to be a part of God, and God isn't complete without you. Has to be. That's right, 'cause there is One, only one resource of Eternal Life, and that is God, and Him alone has Eternal Life. See? Now, and you were a part of Him, insomuch that you're an attribute, or in His thinking in the beginning. And that, because He thought of you in the beginning, it gives that little tug towards Him. That's what has to be quickened. Some of them will never be quickened; they just don't have it, that's all.

18Just like if you put a grain of corn in the ground, didn't have... Ever how pretty it was, if it didn't have the germ of life in it, it can never be quickened. But the germ of life has to be there first.

19 And I got that little story about that eagle, walking with the hens and the chickens because he was hatched out and born there, but he never did feel just like them chickens. And, you know, when his mammy come by and hollered, he heard a voice that sounded awful good to him, because, remember, he was an eagle, to begin with. He just had to come to find himself, to find his place.

20That's the way every believer is. You wasn't born for this world. You was created in the image of God, to be a son of God. And you don't belong in this chicken yard out here. You're a eagle.

21And you know, I got on that "eagle" and I couldn't get my feet back on the ground, so I just got... I went too long, and then I forget what my text was, and lost my notes and everything else. I was having an awful time. But that's what it was, it was just on that "eagle."

22 Now may that Eagle, God! You know, God likens His prophets to eagles. And He calls Himself an eagle; He is Jehovah Eagle, Papa Eagle.

23And the reason He does that, an eagle can fly higher than any bird there is, and because he is made different from any other bird. Now, he does not build his nest on the ground like chickens and so forth, but he goes high to build his nest.

24And another thing, that, he is a special built bird. Now if a--if a hawk, or a crow, or a buzzard, or any other bird would try to follow him up in the heavens, he would disintegrate; he is not made for it. He has to be, a special person to go up there. His feathers are tighter than any other bird.

25And--and his eye is sharper than any other bird. And the higher he goes, the further he can see. Well, some of them birds, when they get as high as they're supposed to be, they're as blind as a bat. And that's the way with... Well, when they leave that creed, they don't know nothing about It then. "Days of miracles is passed," why? They can't see It.

26But eagles can go into the heavens, and heavens of Heaven up there. What good does it do to get up There if you can't see? Oh, I'm so glad to be one of them, and associated with a whole nestful of them now.

27 Let us turn in the Old Testament, to the Book of the Proverbs, written by Solomon, one of the wisest men in the world, outside of our Lord Jesus. But He wasn't exactly like Solomon, insomuch that Solomon was a man borned of a woman and was begotten by an earthly father, David. But Jesus was a virgin-born Son, and was not altogether a man; but He was God, the God-Man, and He was more than a man, He was a Man, plus. See? But Solomon was just a man like you and I, and he asked God for wisdom, to run his kingdom. And he had a gift of wisdom, the smartest man that we've ever known of outside of our Lord. He wrote the Proverbs, and I think they are very good.

28And we're going to turn now to the Book of Proverbs, the 1st chapter, and, or the 2nd chapter, rather, and the first few verses of the Proverbs, of 2, beginning with 1. Proverbs 2, beginning with 1, the continuation of Solomon advising his sons, "My son, if thou will receive..." I am sorry.

29It's Proverbs 3:1. I'm sorry. I looked over here on--on my book, and I see that it is Proverbs 3 instead of 1 or 2. I'm sorry. Proverbs 3:1.

My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:

For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall be... shall they add to thee.

Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the tables of thine heart:

So shall thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thy own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path.

30Oh, I think that's the most beautiful Scripture! Now I want to take for a text, out of the--the 5th verse, Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding.

31 Now this is a--a very strange text for the day that we're living in, because the emphasis today is certainly laid upon education and upon our own understanding of things, the day of--of learning. But we find out here that this strange statement, like other Scriptures, it has its place, and we trust that God will let us see where the place is.

32Today we send our children to the school, to have understanding. Then after they are through the grammar schools, we send them to high school for a better understanding of knowledge. Then after they are through there, some children are even fortunate enough to go to college, and go through college to complete their education and their understanding of knowledge. What they are acquired of by... Many times, to get a job, you have to have at least a high school understanding, or a college education, or so forth.

33 Yet, the wise Solomon told us that, "not to lean to it, not to our own understanding; learn not of these things." Because, we wonder why that he would say such a thing as this, for it's because that usually our modern understanding is usually the wisdom of man, which is contrary to the Word of God. I think that's what that Solomon was trying to advise his sons, was not to be illiterate, but not to lean to their understanding.

34And I think it would be a good exhortation today, if we said to our sons and to the sons of God, that, it's all right to have an education, there is nothing against that; but when that education is contrary to the Word of God, then lean to the Word and let your education go, see, because, the Word. And education will stand and will give you a good job, probably a good standing amongst intellectual people, but, that's all right, which will probably be a great help to you, help you in your financial and your--your livelihood, make living maybe a little better for you.

35 But remember one thing, my son, you've got to die. No matter how much education you got, how much culture you are able to accumulate, you've yet got to face death, because it is written, that, "Men must die, and after that the Judgment." And God, when... Death is not so bad, but coming to the Judgment is the bad part. Now, you can die, "but after that the Judgment." And God is not going to inquire of you how much schooling you got when you were here on earth, how much knowledge you accumulated, whether you've got your Bachelor of Art, or whatever degree you might have been, even as a minister. It's not going to be required of you.

36But it's going to be required, of you, what you did about the understanding of God's Word. That's where the requirement comes, because That. Your education is fine, but the Word of God is Life. "My Word is Life," and to know It is Life. And He, He said, "Know Him." He is the Word. So you can only know Him by the Word, for He is the Word. That's the only way you'll know Him, is by His Word.

37 Somebody could come up and say, "this is God," or "that's God," or "this is God," or "this is right," and "that's right," but we come back to the Word, which is the Truth.

38And the Word is just like the--the North star, it's a true star. No matter which a way the world is floating, that North star is centered with the earth. You set your compass to the North star. It's always in the center of the earth. Other stars float around with the world, but the North star stays stable.

39Now the compass is the Holy Spirit, and (the) your--your tie post would be the North Star, so the Holy Spirit will always point towards the Word. The Holy Spirit will never lead you to anything else but the Word of God. So how could a man accept a creed, when it's contrary to the Word, and then still say he has the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost would point you away from that. It takes the Holy Spirit to point you to the Word, for He is the Word. He is the Word, and It can only... As the--as the magnet in the compass is only set towards the North Pole, that's the only way it can draw. And when the Holy Spirit is the Author and Writer, and the quickener of the Word, how can It point the person to anything else but the Word?

40 So when a person says they have the Holy Ghost, and accept something contrary to the Word, it shows that ain't the genuine Holy Ghost they got. See? It may be a ghost, I wouldn't dispute that, but it--it isn't the Holy Ghost of Christ. Now, you know, many times, they take one another's spirits; and so that might point, in like a group of man, to a certain thing, but it won't--it won't point to Christ. But the Holy Spirit always points to Christ, and Christ is the Word.

41We see this so plainly in the Bible. Or, I do. Maybe I might be wrong, but, in my thinking, but I don't think so; because, that, this: "Lean not to your own understanding of things." If you lean to your own understanding, then you're bound to get off of the right road. You can't lean to anyone else's understanding, when it comes to Life. To find Life, you've got to lean to the Word. That's Life.

42 We see this, from the beginning. It's so plainly made known to us, from the beginning, that God gave His first family on earth His Word, to live by. Only His Word, was to live by. Now, that's not through eating the food, and so forth. But His Word they were to live by, Eternally. And as long as they kept that Word, they lived Eternally. But the first little phrase of that Word was misplaced, the whole chain broke, and the human race plunged into death. See, now we notice.

43Eve, which was no doubt an intelligent person; the first right off of Adam, who was the--the son of God. And Eve, certainly being in that spot where there had been no sin, no place for sin, she certainly must have had a wonderful conception of what God was. Because, every afternoon, she and her husband walked in the cool of the garden, in the evening, and talked face to face with God. What a--an unreasonable thing that a person who would walk face to face with God, each day, and then would turn to the reasoning of something that reasoned her away from the Word of God!

44 We still got them. They so easily be reasoned away from the Word of God, after sitting in the Presence of God. Seeing the Word of God preached, the Word of God made manifest, drunkards and sinners come to the altar and be converted and made new creatures in Christ, people of ill fame made ladies and gentlemen; and then to turn from that blessed Thing that led them to this Life, and then be perverted off after some kind of a creed, to become more popular or--or get into what they will call a better class of people.

45Why, you're in the best class that there is: sons and daughters of God. Well, I like that company better than I would with all the kings and potentates, and everything else. Give me that humble bunch of people, if they don't know their right hand from their left! As long as they know God, and love Him and serve Him, that's the celebrity of Heaven, to me. Yes, sir!

46 Now, but we find that Eve was easily persuaded by Satan, from the Word of God, and she leaned on her own understanding, because Satan had projected something to her which wasn't to her real understanding of God. But she had something else told to her by the enemy, Satan, and she believed it.

47Now we find the results of this. It plunged the whole human race to death, because the first mother on the earth, leaned to her own understanding, contrary to the Word of God, and plunged the whole human race to death. Now do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's the Word. Well, a woman is always...

48Church, in the Bible, is typed to woman. And a church today can accept a bunch of dogmas or creeds, and plunge the whole congregation in a separation from God. Those people who adopt those things, in the stead of the Word of God, are just like Eve. And it's been done over and over, till it's got this whole generation plunged away from the Word of God.

49 And when the Word is made manifest, the Word is revealed, they won't accept It, because they won't do it, because they lean to their own understanding. "This church was built here. It's a beautiful place. It's a great organization. It's a member of a great body of people. Why shouldn't we belong to that? I'll trust in it." Trust not in your own understanding, but trust in the Word of the Lord!

50Now--now it ended, finally, in death to the whole race, as I said, same as now, to the many people who rely upon their own understanding, their dogmas and creeds, and so forth, claiming, "The Word of God is not altogether true, that some of It is inspired and some is not." How can you have faith in a Bible, if part of It is inspired and part of it's not? If one, if one quotation is wrong, then the whole thing might be wrong. It's all got to be right, exactly right.

51 And some of these so-called, perverted, Bible schools teaching man's knowledge, accumulation, where they get together and sit in a council of people, and say, "Now look, if the days of miracles, it ended in the days of the apostles." And many men under the bishop or the high men, would sit there and say, "Well, if I can just agree with him, no doubt but I might be in line next for his position." See, then you lean to your own understanding, instead of standing on your two feet for the Word of God. That's what causes these things.

52 Sometime ago, someone... I was in a dispute on the income tax. And they said to me, said, "Why, your trustees are nothing but puppets, I suppose."

53I said, "If I had a trustee on the board, that had a different idea, and wouldn't stand up and (I don't care who is speaking about it) would express his own views of it, I'd throw him off the board." Yes, sir. Though it was contrary to my belief, I want him to express what he thinks is right. That's what I got him there for, see what he says about it. But we have that.

54 Notice, Jesus said, in Saint John 10, "My sheep know My Voice." A Voice, of course, is His Word, when He is speaking. "My sheep know My Voice. My Voice has been proven to them, to be true. It's been vindicated that it is My Voice." Now, now notice, they are not subject to following any other voice. They won't. "My sheep know My Voice, and a stranger they will not follow." In other words, they will not understand a theological voice that's teaching contrary to the Word. The sheep don't understand that no more than the eagle, last night, could understand the clucking of the hen. They don't understand it, because he was an eagle. And that's the same thing with a genuine born-again child of God, they understand only the things that are of God.

55Now somebody say, "Well, now look, you could do this, I think. It's, I believe that it isn't this way. I believe that the days of miracles is passed. I don't believe that that's Divine healing. I don't believe This." Now a genuine born-again Christian, that'll never stop in his ears, he don't understand it at all. And how could a man that believes in God, and can read the Bible and see that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, will ever accept such a thing as that, I don't understand it.

So they do not lean to their own understanding.

56 Just like a--a baby. You take a little baby, and let him be born and let him once lean upon his mother's bosom, nurse from her, the warm milk, lean his little head upon her bosom, though he is just a few hours old. In a day or two from then, take him away from his mother and give him over on the breast of a strange mother, he'll kick them little feet up in the air and yell. It's not his mother. See, he has already had a something about him, because he is a part of this mother, yet nature has provided him a way to know his own mama.

57And if nature has provided a way for a baby to know its mother, from where it's born from, how much more has he a son of God that's born by the Spirit of God. He knows his Mama! He knows, because he was born of the Word, and he understands the Word. Put him in a strange place, he certainly is out of--out of place, he'll get out of there as quick as he can. Because he has, he doesn't lean...

Somebody say, "Now wait, dear, this is your mama now."

58It's not his mama, because he has a way of knowing that he is part of this mother. That's his mother, no one else can ever take her place. He knows his own mother. Notice, how is, how it is really so. God has made everything after its kind.

59 The cattle after their kind. Many time in bringing a round-up down, we'd bring the whole herds of cattle and the little calves, I used to wonder how they would ever know their own mama. Now, they, they coming down out of the mountains, the cattle all mixed together. A--a--a cow that is with the calf, maybe a little hungry calf might nurse a little from the other mother, if he's real hungry; but when we stop them, out on the prairie, that mama starts through that crowd of cows and calves till she finds her own, and the calf is running for its mother. It knows that certain little whine and her bawl. And she is bawling for that calf, and other mothers are bawling till you can't even hear yourself think, but that little calf will find that certain call of its mother, because it's part of the mother.

60 And a born-again Christian from Heaven, he is a part of this Word. Right. Another mama he will not follow. He is a part of the Word. He stays with the Word. "If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who can prepare hisself for battle?" said Paul. He knows the sound of the Word. Notice how--how this is, the predestinated hand of God following them through. He knows that he was ordained, he was in the Gospel Truth. He knowed that he was born by the Spirit of God. He knows that the Spirit of God cannot deny the Word of God, so therefore a stranger he will not follow. Notice how...

61 I was looking back here on a note that I had wrote down here. I--I passed by it, but I just happened to see the Scripture reading, thought I'd refer back to it again. Notice how His Own predestinated sheep followed Him, right in the days of the greatest theologians that we ever had. They come right out, because they knew Him. They knew what the Word had promised for that day. They knowed what the Messiah was to be like when He came. And Simon Peter came to Him, which was only "Simon" then.

62And Andrew had tried to tell him about that. "This Man is the Messiah." Well, Simon, of course, he was maybe a little hardheaded, and he wouldn't go.

63But when he walked up into the Presence of Jesus, when Jesus said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas." Now we know that Jesus told His apostles that He knew them, and he, "before the foundation of the world." They were the attributes of His thoughts. Therefore, being that seed laying in him, and he knew that the Word said and had been promised that the Messiah would be a prophet. And when he seen that, he was through with fishing. He knew then that he would drop his nets, because he would go--go and become a fisher of men. For...

64 Now, there stood others standing there, who seen the same thing done, and classed it a "evil spirit." That was the theologians, because it wasn't in the taste of their theological teaching. And they turned it down, because they leaned to their own understanding, by their doctors; when, Jesus Christ came in the fulfillment of the Word of promise, and they were too blind to see it. They leaned upon what the priests said, and upon what the church said, instead of upon what God said.

65Now Jesus rebuked them for it. He said, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you claim you have Everlasting Life. And They are They that testify of Me. These Scriptures that I'm asking you to search, they tell you who I am."

66But they wouldn't lean to what the Word said, but they leaned to what their understanding was. They leaned to their own understanding. And the Scripture tells us that they were veiled. The veil of their own theology had them blinded.

You say, "Brother Branham, what are you getting at?"

67 I'm just getting to this. That thing is occuring again, till, men and women and people will lean to a certain church that they have joined and belonged to, no matter what the Word of God says about it. They go right on with that, leaning to their own understanding, and ignoring the Word of God, as if It hadn't (never) even been written. It's un-germitized seed of human life. It's got the physical life, but no spiritual life in it to be quickened. The veil was over their face.

68Now notice, they had their own thoughts of what God should be, they had their own ideas of what Messiah should be. But the Word said what the Messiah should be! Now, see, they had their own understanding of what He would be. No doubt but what the high priest said, "All my priests under me, now when the Messiah comes... We've built a great temple here. We've done all of this. And the Bible said, 'He'll quickly come to His temple,' and all these things. When He does, the Messiah will come right up here and recognize Himself with us, and say, 'I am the Messiah. I have arrived. I am that Messiah that you've been looking for.'" Well, when He did come, He come in such a different way from what they thought it was, they didn't recognize Him. They didn't know Who He was. But His...

69 Oh, if, what if some hypocrite would have walked up there and said, "I am the Messiah. I am Doctor So-and-so"? They would have accepted it.

70But when you come to a Man that was born with a darkened birth behind Him, no education of any school He ever went to, to learn, no seminary did He have, no fellowship card; but He was the interpretation of God's Word, made manifest. "The works, that I do, tell you Who I am. If I do not the works that was promised I'd do, then believe Me not."

71And could we not apply that to this day? When the Holy Ghost comes, that they want to apply to some other age, when He comes in the action and the demonstrations of His power of Eternal Life, the people want to call it a--a "wild fanaticism." Why? They are leaning to their own understanding, and not to the Word of the Lord. You know that's right.

72 The identification, that God, Own interpretation is the manifestation of the promise.

73Maybe I'll say it, make it a little plainer. When God speaks the Word, He doesn't need any man or any woman, or no one else, to say what That means. When He said... Well, you say, "God meant this." God means just what He says He means. See?

74Now how does He interpret His Own Word? By fulfilling It. The Bible said, "A virgin shall conceive," she did. That don't need any interpretation. God said, "Let there be light," and there was. That don't need any interpretation.

75God said, also, that in these last days, "He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh," and He's done it. That don't need any interpretation. That only needs an acception, somebody to accept what God has done. It doesn't need an interpretation. God interprets His Own Word. God promised the things that we see, day by day, that He would do it in the last day.

76 People today, like it was then, they lean upon their own understanding. "My pastor says that that's 'fanaticism.'" But the Bible said it would happen. Whose understanding you going to lean upon?

77The Bible promised in the last days, that, "The Laodicea Church Age would get so rich, and get so in suffic--... or in a sufficiency of their own, 'I am rich. I have need of nothing. I set as a queen.'" And she is rich. And He said, "Thou knowest it not that you are miserable." Now that's the entire church age, the church! "To the church of Laodicea, you are naked, blind, poor, miserable, and don't know it." Sitting in her riches, ten thousands times ten thousands, and thousands of members, wealth of the world in her hand, almost. Putting it all together, to date, with the Catholic church and the Protestants, together, as they're going together, they got the wealth of the world.

78 We are busted in this nation, just about. We are borrowing on tax that'll be paid in forty years from now, they tell me, so they said on Life Line. Taxes, we're spending now, will be paid forty years from now. My little grandson, if Jesus tarries, the taxes that he will pay when he is forty years old, we are spending on it now. Sending to foreign aid, and our own Indians and things starving to death; trying to buy fellowship. You don't buy fellowship. You don't buy a friend. No, but that's what we are doing. That's the way we are set up, taxing people to everything they can get onto, tax, tax, tax. And we'll not be out of war debt for--for hundreds of years yet, I suppose, that we been throwed into by politicians. And now we shouldn't be that way. There is no reason for us to be that way.

79But the churches, themself, has become rich. "Pretty near the wealth of the world," says the Bible, "lays in the Catholic church." That's why Russia run her out, why Russia excommunicate... That's, was the very grass roots of communism, because the church taught to be something, there wasn't no more from the rest of the world.

80 When we was up there in Finland, that little boy was raised from the dead. There stood them Russian soldiers at attention, and they said, "We will receive a God that can raise up the dead."

81We have made denominations, and schools and--and buildings, and failed to do what Jesus told us to do, was "Preach the Gospel." We've tried to educate the world. He never said, "Educate the world; he that's educated shall be saved." You've got to be born again, filled with the Spirit. That's the reason we have so miserably failed, everywhere. See, we got the wealth, we got the thing.

82Now what will happen? And when this church, World Council of Churches, goes together, can't you see who is going to do the leading? Can't you Methodists and Presbyterians understand that, the rest of you, even to Pentecostals? You say you're not going in. You'll either go in or you'll bust up the denomination. You'll do one or the other. It's right before you, got to do it. It's a forcing, the mark of the beast. And that's what it is, exactly. Denominationalism absolutely (I can prove it by the Bible) is the mark of the beast. "She was a whore; she had prostitute daughters." And we know that that is the Truth. Organized religion, it's contrary to the Word, and it's antichrist in its principles. Not everything in there is antichrist; but in its principles, it's system is antichrist, because it's against the Word of God. Every organized system is that way.

83 There you are, see, and you lean to somebody else's own under-... their understanding, instead of leaning to God's understanding, by what God said about it. That's the reason it's wrong. Boys go off to seminaries who has good education, off to these Bible schools, so-called. And maybe they got--got a call of God in their heart. And they get out there and they are so indocumated with one view, that, "So-and-so said it, Bishop So-and-so. This one said it. That one said it. The council of men agreed, this way it should be."

84Don't care what anybody says! Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth. Matter whose it is, Mine be the Truth!"

85Now how do we know what's Truth? When the Bible declares that something will happen, that something is going to take place, and it happens that way.

86Now, the Bible said, "In her was the--the wealth of the world; gold, silver."

87Now if we're on the gold standard, and we are broke, now what is going to happen? What is going to happen? You know, the rich people of this nation, these big factories, and whiskey men and tobacco men, and so forth like that, is not going to stand to change the currency, so the only thing we'll have to do is borrow it. And there is only one place we can borrow it. And when we do, we sell our birthrights out to it. That's right. Then what are you going to do? You are owned by it, that system. There is nothing else, you can do.

88 Oh, people, don't think I... You may think I'm crazy. But when my voice is silenced in death, these tapes will still be playing, and you'll recognize that what I've said has come to pass. I would be a most silly person to take the stand that I have took, to even against this thing, I--I would be--I would be against God, I would be against everything that's God, if I (if I had) was wrong in my thinking and my calling. The thing would be against God. But I have took my stand because I see it here in the Word. It's God's Word. Then I see it being vindicated, proven that it's the Truth. That's the interpretation that God gives of His Word. God's Own interpretation of His Word is how He vindicates It and makes It true.

89 Why were these Pharisees blind? What made them so blind? Because they would not accept revelation or vindication of the Word.

90And that's the reason today that the churches are blind, is because they won't accept revelation that's being vindicated. If the Word says so, and it's revealed, and then it's proven, still they won't accept It.

91That's the reason these Jews, the Jews till this day, will not. You cannot talk to them about Christ, because the veil is still over their face, blinded.

92And the church, you can't talk to them about the full Gospel and the power of God, because the god of this world has blinded them from the truths of God, and they lean to their own understanding. When women come into the church and bob off their hair, because their pastors tells them, "Oh, that's all right. That man is crazy." But the Bible said she has done wrong when she does it, God refused to answer her prayer. And some of them women make another disgrace, and try to be a preacher, then she has done a double thing. The Bible said she should not do that, none of it. But the church organization will receive it, and ordain her and send her out. They're leaning to their own understanding!

93 One Word of God misplaced, or misconstrued, or It not accepted, breaks the whole Chain. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

94Why is it, women, you hear me preach against these things, of wearing shorts, and paints, and--and hair-do's of this here bobbed hair, and all that kind of stuff, and then every year when I come back you're still sitting in the same condition? Is because you're leaning to your own understanding instead of the Word of the Lord.

95And, pastors, why don't you clean up your church? Because you're going to your denominational creed instead of the Word of the Lord. Right. Lean not to your own understanding. Well, lean not to your own understanding, but upon the Word of the Lord.

96 They would not accept it, because they would not accept vindication. Jesus come with a--a Gospel, just exactly the way He said He would come. Even many times...

97John was a little bit confused when he was throwed into prison, and he--he got down there... And he had preached that there was "Coming in the Messiah, Whose fan was in His hand; He would thoroughly purge His floor, and burn the chaff with unquenchable fire, and gather the wheat into the garner." The Spirit of God bringing forth, gulching out of him like a--like a fountain. And then when he seen Jesus come on the scene, the little, meek, lowly sort of a Fellow being pushed around, run here, for His life, and over there. Why, they didn't...

98John couldn't understand it, so he sent some of his disciples to find out from Jesus if He really was the One. What a dishonor to Jesus! After that prophet standing there in the water, with the Word of God, said, "I knew Him, because I seen the--the Holy Spirit, like a dove, God descending from Heaven like a dove and going into Him, and I heard a Voice from Heaven, saying, 'This is My beloved Son,'" and then John says, "Go, ask Him if really He was the One, or--or--or, 'Do we look for another?'"

99 Now Jesus never sent him a book on how to behave in prison, or what church he should have joined. But He said, "Stay around a little while and watch what happens, and then go show John the things that you have seen and done," because that His works that He did vindicated Him to be the Messiah, the Son of God. "Blessed is he who is not offended in Me."

100So many have become offended. So many people get offended so easy at the Word of God. It--it's contrary, they want to lean to their own understanding. They don't want to take the Word of the Lord. And they have to go just the way that--that they had been taught to go. And the way that they are taught, their church leans upon it. No matter if God promised He would--He would rain, have rain in the morning, and the church said "that's nonsense," they would believe the church instead of God. Because why? They are born of the church.

101But a man that's born of God, is of the Seed of God. And the Seed of God is the Word of God, and he only lives by That. That's his Life.

102 Now, they leaned onto their own understanding, but they didn't want to lean on God's Word. They knowed better. It was in the Scripture. They called it an "evil spirit," that Man. Cause why? Their priest said, "Anybody that goes to hear this Man preach, they'll be put out of the synagogue."

103When a man was healed that was blind once, by Jesus. Even his parents, so happy about the healing, but they was afraid to confess that it was Jesus that did it. Yeah.

He said--he said, "Is this your son?"

Said, "Yes."

Said, "Who made him well?"

104Said, "I--I don't know." Said, "He is of age, you ask him. He, he can talk for himself."

105Because, it had been said, that, "Any man that leaned to His, Christ's understanding," instead of their understanding, "would be put out of their church." Now isn't that just the same? I ask you a pine-blank question. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's right. It's drew same thing. No matter what God does, it has to be according to their understanding, not what God vindicates to be the Truth. Now, and that man had the answer, though.

He said, "Who healed you?"

He said, "One called Jesus of Nazareth."

Said, "He is a sinner. We don't know from whence He come."

106He said, "Now that's a strange thing. You're supposed to be the leaders of this hour. And here is a Man opened my eyes, that hasn't been done since the world begin, and yet you say you don't know from whence He come." Oh, my!

107 Why? They was leaning to their own understanding instead of the Word of the Lord. Because Isaiah said, "The blind would see, the lame would leap like a hart, deserts would break forth in joy." But you see they leaned to their own understanding, not to the Word; their own system they had drawed up.

108Now notice the churches of today do the same thing. They have formed a great super race of understanding, in their denominational systems. That, they have such a super understanding, they don't want nobody else to fool with it, nobody to come in unless they belong to that group.

109Don't tell me; I live in Tucson, Arizona. I come down there three years ago, I met with the council of churches, and I said, "I never come to start a church. I come to fellowship with you. I come to help you. I'm a missionary, evangelist, whatever I do."

They said, "Are you coming here to start a church?"

110I said, "No, sir. I come here... If I want a church, I got one in Indiana." I said, "I come here because the Lord led me here in a vision. I'm going to stay for a while now, unless He leads me away, but I never come to start a church. I come to help you brethren."

111 That's been three years ago. I've never been invited to one place. Why? Because there was a get-together right after that, and said, if any man had me in their pulpit, they would ex-commute that preacher. See? Why? Leaning to their own understanding! Certainly, that is the so-called, they form their super understanding.

112Unless you put your name on their book, you'll... you're lost. A minister told me that. "Oh," you say, "that was some quack." It was a Pentecostal.

113Jack Moore and I sat there and listened at him in Dallas, Texas. He said he was, "Going to have to take a man off the book."

I said, "Why?"

"Cause he fellowshipped with you."

I said, "Well, take it off."

He said, "Well, he is lost then."

I said, "Lost?"

"Why," he said, "if his name is not on it!"

114I said, "You mean you're a district presbyter and believe that?"

He said, "That's the truth."

115I said, "Get off the phone, mister. You, you... That ain't the grace of God, that--that, see."

116 "For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body, and become members of that Body." Don't care what brand you got on you, that don't have nothing to do with it. You are absolutely a Christian by Birth. That's the only way, the only way you can be; not by joining, not by creeds, not exciting this, or reciting this, or any other thing, nor by education, theology. You're a Christian when you're born again, and you cannot be born again 'less you've been elected to be born again. "For no man can come to Me except My Father draws him, and all that My Father has given Me will come." Amen. "I'll raise him up again at the last day."

117These great so-called Bible schools we have, they'll say, lean upon their own learning. Oh, my. They, no matter what the Word says, they can so plainly explain it, oh, to their ownselves, make their ownselves believe it, and their own kind believe it, that, "The days of miracles is passed. There is no such thing as prophet, prophets, apostles. There is no such a thing as gifts of healing, and so forth. It all ended back in the Bible days." They can make themselves believe that.

118 You know, the Bible said, "You can believe a lie and be damned by it." See, that's exactly the Truth. They form, no matter what the Word of God says, they lean to their own understanding. They, they lean on it, they believe it, they think it's the Truth. You can keep believing a lie, over and over and over, till it's the Truth to you. That's right.

119But how do we know whether it's Truth or not? God proves it's Truth, 'cause it's in His Word and He vindicates It. He does His Own interpretation of It.

120How do they do, get to this? They do it by their culture, their education, of their understandings of the--the degree of doctor's degree, and so forth, that they have come from some certain seminary and learn these things.

121 But look, friends, listen. Nowhere in the Bible are we asked to understand. We're not asked to understand It. We're asked to believe It. Believe It by what? By faith. If you understand It, then that makes faith annulled. You can't understand It, but you believe It anyhow. If I could understand God, I wouldn't have to believe God. I do not understand God. No man understands God. I cannot understand the Word of God, but I accept It. I believe It. I am not asked to understand It.

122I don't, went to no seminary and all this great understanding of man's knowledge on That. I just know that the Bible says That, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever," and I look for Him in that same category. I know He promised what He would do in this day, I look for Him to do it and He does it. That's right. He promised grace, I looked for it and I received it. He promised healing, I believe it and I accepted it, and I received it.

123 Now don't want to take too much of your time, but I want to ask one thing if you'll bear with me a minute, to consider some of those who did not lean on their own understanding; some characters of the Bible, just for a few, that leaned not to their own understanding, regardless of what the understanding of their age was.

124Let's take, for instance, Noah. Noah lived in a day of great scientific research. In the days of Noah, they probably built the pyramids, that they cannot reproduce again. Now we haven't got nothing to do it with, nothing to lift the boulders up there. They could not, today. Them days, they had some kind of a chemical they could put in dye and make the clothes look natural till today. They had an embalming fluid that they could make a mummy; we could not make one, today, if we had to. We've... a lot of the arts that we have lost. The day that he lived, in a smart scientific age.

125Jesus referred to it, that that same kind of an age would return again before He come back, "For as it was in the days of Noah." Now you will believe, that, won't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe that Jesus said that? ["Amen."] Do you believe we have returned to that age? ["Amen."] Now that is in the Book of Luke, the 17th chapter and the 29th verse.

126 Now in Luke 17: 30, He said, "And as it was in the days of Lot, when the Angel of the Lord..."

127Now, He was reading the same Bible we are. And when He... Go back and find out what kind of day it was before Noah's rain. Go back and find out what kind of a day it was before the world was destroyed in the days of Lot. Find out what it was, and you see what Jesus was talking about.

128"In the days of Noah, they was eating, drinking, marrying, and given in marriage; knew it not until Noah entered into the ark, and the flood come, taken them all away."

129In the days of Lot, just before the world was... fire burned the Gentile world, the Sodomites, there were homosexuals, perversions, everything in the world. A great... It was a modern Los Angeles; not a modern only Los Angeles, but a United States; not only in United States, but a world. It sure was perversion! Man lost their natural source of life and their natural understandings of common sense, become perverted by an evil spirit that changed the whole course of their natural life, and they were possessed with demon spirits. If that ain't the picture of the days of Noah, I don't know it, and in the days of Lot, I mean. In days of Noah, also, eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage, divorce courts filling, and everything, just like it was.

130 But, remember, before the world was destroyed, Abraham was sent on the face of the earth and was given a promise of a son. And Abraham met God in many stages, as a type of the church has met God. But just before the destruction and the promised son returned, or came, rather, the son had been promised, came, God came down and was manifested in human flesh, in a man, three men. And they come down to Lot; come first to Abraham, and they sit down. And Abraham had had his name changed from Abram to Abraham; Sarai to Sarah.

131And this Man, the Speaker, Elohim, when He came down to speak to him, what did He say? He said, "Where is your wife, Sarah?"

Said, "She is in the tent, behind You."

132Said, "I will visit you according to the time of life." And she laughed in the tent, behind Him. And He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" See? Now He would have took the life of Sarah right there, for laughing at His Word; but He could not do it, because Sarah was a part of Abraham.

133 And today, Jesus said in Luke the 17th chapter and the 30th verse, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the end time when the Son of man..."

134Now remember, "Son of man" is a prophet. Jehovah called Ezekiel a "son of man." Jesus come in three names: Son of man, Son of David, Son of God. He called Hisself "Son of man" so that the people would understand, for He was that Prophet that the Lord God would raise up.

135Now notice, then He promised what? The Son of man would reveal Himself again just before that time, before the fire. And that was the last sign that Abraham saw before the promised son arrived; and he turned back to a young man, and she to a young woman. Before... Now notice, the Scripture specifically says that, now we must look for that.

136And then if we see the world in perversion and the things that's in it today, carried on the way it is, then how can we say that's right and don't say this other is right? Because, somebody, you're leaning on their understanding, and not the understanding of the Prince of Life Who was that Person that was there at the gate with them at Sodom. Now, we notice, we lean not to our own understanding.

137 Noah did not lean to his understanding. It was a great scientific age, but he didn't lean to his understanding of his day. But he leaned on the promise of God, and moved by the power of God, and prepared an ark in the saving of his house. When, it was absolutely contrary to common sense; there was no water up there, never had been. But he knew, if God said there would be, there would be. So he leaned not to his own understanding, but by faith he moved by the Word of God's promise. The Spirit moved him, and he did it.

138Abraham, he did not lean to his understanding about human life. He had married his wife at about seventeen years old. Here he was, seventy-five years old, and she was sixty-five years old, being ten years younger. But Abraham did not lean to his understanding, when God said that He would give him a son by Sarah. But he called anything, any scientific proof that was contrary to God's Word, any learning outside of God's Word, as though it wasn't so. And he give God praise, strong, giving Him praise. He did not even consider looking at his own body or the deadness of Sarah's body, or--or his body. He did not consider anything, but leaned upon the promise of God. He leaned not upon his own understanding. He leaned not upon reasons.

139 "Why," you say, "Brother Branham, it's reason that God wouldn't heal the sick, we've got so many fine doctors."

140The Bible said, "We cast down reasonings." We don't reason. Faith don't reason. Faith believes and accepts. Notice.

141But he believed instead of unbelieving; and called the things, which were not, as though they were, which was absolutely against any reasoning. But he didn't reason. He just believed it. There was no reasons could prove that that baby could be born. That woman was about twenty years past menopause, and his body was as good as dead. And when he was a hundred years old, twenty-five years later, he still was giving God praise, against any kind of an understanding. But by faith, he knowed that God would keep His Word. He leaned not to his own understanding.

142 What if Moses would have leaned to his own understanding, when God told him that he was to--to take Pharaoh... or the children of Israel out of Pharaoh's hand? What if he would have leaned to his own understanding, when he was there by the Pillar of Fire, when God said, "Go down and I'll be with you"? What if he would have leaned to his understanding when he brought them to the Red Sea, and there they was at the water, and here God had promised them the promised land? What if he would have leaned to his own understanding, "How am I going to get across there? We haven't time to build a bridge. Here is the army coming right behind us. Here is the mountains on either side. Here is the water in front of us, the Red Sea"?

143Now, if he had leaned to his own understanding, he'd throwed up his hands and run, fell at the feet of Pharaoh, said, "Pharaoh, forgive me, I did wrong."

144But he leaned not to his own understanding. But he prayed, and God told him to step forward, and the sea opened up, which was against all reasonings. But he leaned not to his own understanding.

145 What if Joshua, when he went over there with the other ten denominations, and walked over there and seen that promised land of God, and would have come back with them and said, "Now wait a minute. It is true. We looked like grasshoppers. They are giants. How can we ever take them? We don't even have swords; just what we've picked up. How can we ever go in and take that land? Why, it's totally impossible. They outnumber us, fifty men to one. They are trained soldiers, and we're nothing but just a bunch of sheepherders and mud-daubers out of Egypt. How? We don't even have shield and things, how will we ever take it?"

146Why, understanding would sure prove that they could not do it. Any military man like he was, or Moses, could not have leaned on their own understanding. But their understanding, they leaned not on. But they knowed that God said, "I have given you that land. Go take it!"

147 Lean not to your own understanding. If you lean on your own understanding today when you are sick, maybe sitting in a wheel chair, dying with cancer, heart trouble, and the doctor says you're going to die, if you lean to that understanding, you'll die. But don't lean to that understanding. Certainly not.

148What about at the walls of Jericho, that they say they could run a chariot race around the top of them, them great big walls? God said, "Go up there and march around it so many times, and sound a trumpet and all of you let out a shout, and the wall is going to fall down." Well, that was absolutely would be silly to the carnal mind. But Joshua, knowing how thick those walls was, 'cause he had built plenty of walls down in Egypt. He knowed the cement that was in them, how tight they were, to hold them chariot races on top, and even houses built on top of it. But he didn't lean to his own understanding. He believed what God said was the truth, and obeyed His Word, and the walls fell down. Leaning not to his own understanding.

149 What if he was fighting that battle, and, as I was preaching on Sunday, and then the sun was going down, the enemy was routed. That night they would get together and they would come with another force, kill plenty of his men. Now what if he would have said, "I need some daylight. I've got to have some more sunlight. Well, now wait a minute. God set this order, and the sun turns so the world turns. Now let's see, if I would say for the sun to stop... Maybe if the world stops now, then it'd loses its gravitation, I'll fall"?

150He didn't listen to his understanding. Only thing he said, was, "Sun, stand still; and, moon, you stay where you are," and it obeyed him. He didn't lean to his own understanding. But he leaned to the promise of God, "I have given you that land; go get it."

151 He has give you the promise of the Holy Ghost. You can get It in this convention. You can get It now.

152Don't lean to, "You know, I'm tired. I tell you, I eat too much supper. I--I--I'd hate for John to see me doing this." Oh, for goodness sake! You're leaning to your own understanding.

153"The promise is unto you, and your children's children, to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."

154"The doctor said I'm going to die. He examined me, and said I had this cancer, I had this, or whatever it was. I've got to die." Don't lean to that understanding. God is the Lord thy God Who heals all thy diseases. So don't lean to that understanding, no man's understanding. Lean to God's understanding.

155 What of Samson, out in the field, when the Philistines, a thousand men run up on him? And there he was standing there, a little bitty, curly-headed shrimp, about that high. He didn't; well, he wasn't a swordsman, 'cause he didn't know; he had no training, military training. He was just a little old curly-headed sissy, like, with seven locks hanging down, mama's boy, standing out there, and here come a thousand Philistines. Well, he didn't have nothing in his hand. He looked down, and he found an old, bleached-out, white jawbone of a mule, and he picked it up.

156Now said, "Let's see, now, I won't do much with this, because them helmets on their head is... Them Philistines, all them soldiers, they've all got spears. They've all got coats of mail. And their helmets weigh about fifteen pounds apiece, great big men, all out. Well, if I'd ever hit with this old brittle jawbone of the mule, upon one of them helmets, why, it would burst to pieces. That's it"?

157He didn't lean to his understanding. He just took what was in his hand, and started beating Philistines. And after he had beat down a thousand of them, he still had the jawbone in his hand. Amen.

158 I don't care what man's theology says, don't lean to that. Lean to the Word of God, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." Certainly, he believed it.

159What if David would have listened to Sams-... Saul's theology? There stood Goliath out there with his big boast, and all everybody scared; Saul, head and shoulders above all the army. Goliath said, "Somebody come out and fight me. There is no need of--of all of us dying. If I kill you, then you all serve us. And if you kill me, why, we'll serve you," 'cause he had the edge on him. That's the way the devil likes to do, when he has got his whole seminary out, and all of them, when he's coming along, see.

160Little old David walking around there, a piece of sheepskin on him; ruddy, stoop-shouldered, a little bitty guy about a hundred pounds, a hundred and ten. He said, "Do you mean to tell me that the armies of the living God, that's circumcised to a covenant, will stand there and let that uncircumcised Philistine defy the armies of the living God?"

161 Saul said, "Come here, boy." He said, "I admire your courage, but the days of miracles is passed. We don't have no such a thing as that, see. And let me tell you something, what fellowship card can you show, see? You ain't even got an armor. You ain't got nothing but a slingshot in your hand. See? You haven't got a Ph.D. or LL.D. How you going to do this? Why, that man is a warrior. Why, he's--he's a D.D., double L, Ph.D., LL.Q. Why, he has got so many degrees, he could plaster a wall with them. And who are you? A sheepherder."

162He said, "But I want to tell you something." He said, "You know what?" Said, "I was herding my father's sheep out there, and," said, "a lion come in and grabbed one of them, and run out. And you know, I took this little slingshot and went after him, and knocked him down. I took the--the lamb out of his mouth, and he rose up against me when I did. I just took the knife and killed him." Said, "I went on back. And here come a bear in, after that sheep, and grabbed him and run out. I slew him, too." He said, "Now the God... Not my Ph.D., not my own understanding. I can't tell you how I do it. I don't know how it's done. But the God," amen, "the God that delivered me out of the paw of the bear and the lion, how much more will He deliver me out of the hand of that uncircumcised Philistine!"

163 A bishop, Saul, said, "You know, I believe you got a calling, boy. I'll tell you, if you'd come over here, I'll learn you how to duel, see. And I'll tell you, I'm--I'm the doctor, so you put on my armor. I want to dress you up." David stood there, and they give him a Ph.D., an LL.D., and all that, and--and the poor little fellow couldn't even move. He didn't know how.

164He said, "I never proved this. That ecclesiastical vest don't fit me. Take the thing off. Let me go with what God helped me with." That was faith in the power of God. And he--he didn't lean to his own understanding. He didn't lean to what somebody else said. He leaned to faith. Because, he knowed if God had saved him from the bear's paw, how much more would He save him from that Philistine!

165Well, if God loved you well enough to bring you up out of sin and to fill you with the Holy Ghost, what's the matter with you poor spineless weaklings around the country, won't He much more deliver you from your affliction when He promised He would do it? God's Word said so. He'll do it. Sure, He delivered him out of the hand.

166 Oh, every one of the prophets, what if they would have leaned to their own understanding in their age? They'd have never walked up to them priests and high priests, and called them "whited walls" and everything else. They'd never prophesied contrary to them. They'd have been like some of them modern prophets, would agreed, wore fine clothes, and been in kings' palaces.

167What if John would have tried to lean to his own understanding? But he walked right up.

168They said, "Now, wait a minute, John, don't you preach on Marriage And Divorce."

169He walked right up to Herod's place, and he said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." Yes, sir.

Say, "Well, you know who that is? That's the proc-..."

"I don't care who it is." He didn't lean.

170Said, "Now you know you haven't got much. You're down here on this wilderness. The association won't receive you, if you go to acting like that." He didn't care about any association. He didn't lean to his own understanding, but to the understanding of God. Sure.

171 There was one man who did lean to his own understanding, and his name was Judas Iscariot. Oh, he... I--I don't see how he could have done it. He had walked face to face with Christ, just like Eve did in the beginning. He had seen the vindication, he had looked at God in the face, like Eve did in the cool of the evening. Eve looked at Christ, in the cool of the evening, in the garden. And Judas had sat in the cool of the evening, in the garden of Gethsemane and many places, and had looked at the same Christ; had heard Him teach, prove Himself by the Word, vindicated to be the Prophet that Moses had spoke of would be raised up. And told them in the Scripture Who He was, and all about it. They had seen it proved by God, that He was, and then he leaned to his own understanding.

172 Uh! Could he do it? It was because he never had it down here, in the first place. He wasn't a germitized seed. He was the son of perdition, born out of perdition, returned back to perdition. Now we notice. But he went out, and maybe he might have had an idea of his understanding. He might have thought that Jesus... He had so much respect for Him, "Now, you know, I might sell Him for thirty pieces of silver. And if I do, I'll have some money, and I can do something with that. And He is able to deliver Himself." See, he didn't know, in the Scripture, that he had raised up to take that same place.

173And neither does the people today realize what condition that they are in. It's ordained for this Laodicea church to be in this condition, putting Christ on the outside. And Him knocking, trying to get back in. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] No cooperation nowhere, though. Vindicating His Word in the day now, like He did in every day, and they walk right away from it. Leaning to their own understanding, that's--that's all there is to it.

174 Or, maybe, let's say this that--that he thought. Maybe if he did sell Christ for thirty pieces of silver, why, that he would have a--a fellowship with some of the great denominations of that day, the Pharisees and Sadducees. He would say, "Now wait, He can take care of Hisself. I've seen Him in great battles; I--I know that--that He can take care of Himself. So I might make some money, kind of a--a little retirement, as it was. And then, again, I might have a great standing with these churches today, if I would betray Him to them." See? But he leaned to his own understanding, instead of the understanding that that was the vindicated Word of God, and he did to Jesus just what the Scriptures said he would do.

175And, today, the church world has turned Christ out in this last days, just exactly like the Book of Revelation said they would do it. It's the spirit of Judas again, in form of church, "Having a form of godliness, but denying the Word." See? That's right. Now, oh, my, what did it result in? Death, just like it did to Eve. And it does to all others who tries to pervert the Word of God and lean to their own understanding. Even now they sell, not for thirty pieces of silver, but maybe become, oh, some great officer, some seminary experience. Wasn't even worth thirty pieces of silver, but they sell it anyhow; sell their understanding of God, out, for such a thing as that.

176 How different from the great learned Saint Paul, who had all the knowledge he could brag about. But he said, "I've turned the whole thing, of my reasonings, down. I met a Pillar of Fire one day, on the road down to Damascus." And he said, "I never come to you with excellency of speech, because, if I did, you would trust in the wisdom of man. But I come to you in the power and demonstrations of the Holy Ghost, that you--you will lean upon the Word of God." Amen. Said, "If an Angel from Heaven come, preaching any other thing, let him be accursed," Galatians 1:8. That's right. No, sir. He never.

177The little woman at the well, she was immoral. But she knowed that the churches had excommunicated her. And, but she never leaned upon her own understanding. When she met this One at the well, Who told her all the sins that she had done, she run into the city. Now it wasn't right for a woman to do that, to go in and say anything, 'cause she was a prostitute. But when she had met Jesus, she never leaned to the understanding of the people, them days. She come, said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" She never leaned upon her understanding. No.

178 The virgin Mary, when the Angel Gabriel met her and told her that she was going to have a baby, without knowing a man. Whew! Never been. She never leaned upon her own understanding, that a woman could not have a baby without having a--a husband. She didn't lean upon that. But she said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to Your Word." She didn't say, "How am I going to do it? And when will I do it? And how is this all going to take place?"

179The Angel said, "The Holy Ghost shall overshadow thee; and that Holy Thing will be born of thee shall be called the Son of God."

180She said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." She didn't take her reasoning, say it couldn't be done. She just said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." That's right. Notice.

181 The--the woman that had the blood issue, the doctor told her, said, "There is no hopes." She had spent all of her living, with the physicians, and none of them could help her. And she didn't lean upon that. When Jesus... She walked through the crowd, and she said, "I believe if I can touch that Man's garments, I'll be made well." She goes over.

182"Now wait, the doctor said, 'You can't get well.'" She had had this blood issue for years and years. She got weaker all the time, and worse. The doctors had give her up. That's all the understanding they had.

183But she said, by faith! There is no Scripture telling her to do that. But she said, "If I could touch the border of His garment, I'll be made well," and she slipped around and touched Him. She walked back, sit down.

184Jesus turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" Looked around till He found her. He told her of her blood issue.

185And she felt at that moment, in her own body. She couldn't prove it then, but she felt in her own body that her blood issue stopped. She never reasoned, "If the doctor had turned her down, how could anything else help her?" She never went to reason, but she went to faith.

186 Now the Bible said, "That He is the High Priest, today, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Don't go to reason, say, "Oh, that's..."

He said, "Today He is that. He is right now a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. The same yesterday, today, and forever!"

187What do you think when I was out there as a Baptist preacher, and that Angel of the Lord met me out there and commissioned me to go do this that I'm doing? Why, my pastor said, "You've gone crazy. Why, you had a nightmare, you."

I said, "You better take my fellowship card right now."

188Now, he said, "How can you, with not even a grammar school education, preach around the world? How can you ever pray for kings and potentates, and you--you--you can't even use your grammar right?"

189I wasn't trusting in my grammar. I wasn't trusting in any ability I had. I was commissioned. Hallelujah! And I didn't go to reasons. If I had have listened to reasons, there would probably have been thousands of people died, years ago. But I carried a Message exactly like He said, around and around the world.

190 And I'm going again, by the grace of God; not by reasons, but by a commission. Hallelujah. I leaned not... You say, "You're fifty-five years old." If I was ninety-five, that don't mean a thing. He is still the same God that He was with Abraham. Yes, sir. Lean not to your own understandings.

191And after the sign went forth, and the Voice following, and the churches begin to turn me down and close their doors, upon Doctrine, that any of them is daresn't to stand before me to say It's right or wrong. I challenge any of them. Uh-huh. Not to be smart, but I know where I'm at. That's right. What did they do? What did they do? They shut every door. "Now what are you going to do?"

192 The other day, up on the mountain, I was standing there. I said, "Lord, I got one open door in the whole nation, as far as I know, that's Phoenix, Arizona. The only one I got." And I started down off the mountain. Just as plain as I ever heard anybody speak, said, "What's that to thee? Follow thou Me." Then, not upon my own understanding. I'll lean upon His promise.

193Oh, friend, don't lean upon reasons. Then you cry out, with Eddie Perronet of old:

All hail the power of Jesus' Name!

Let Angels prostrate fall;

Bring forth the royal diadem,

And crown Him Lord of all;

Crown Him Lord of all.

194That's right. Don't lean upon what you think, what somebody else thinks. By faith accept the promise of God. Will you do it? Now it isn't whether somebody else did it, whether they didn't do it, but what about you? What will you do with this Jesus called the Christ, that makes Hisself known in this day, the same as He did in that day? Do you believe Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Let us pray.

195 Lord Jesus, King of kings, Lord of lords, God of gods, God of all potentates; the First, the Last; the Alpha, Omega; the Beginning and the Ending; the Bright and Morning Star, the Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, Root and Offspring of David; come, Lord God, the same yesterday, today, and forever!

196Bless this crowd of people, Lord. This... [] just getting ready to start tomorrow. We've had a little meeting here, and You have blessed us in it. You've made Yourself known to us. I pray, God, that You will continue to make Yourself known to us. Bless us tonight. Help us now. We are needy people.

197And, Lord, Thou knowest I don't like to scold people, but how can I hush that holy burning? I don't like to do that, Lord. You know my life, my heart. I must do it. And I pray, God, that You will help me to do it. Just give me grace, and never let me lean to my own understanding, but let me lean upon Thy promise. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

198 I want you, everyone, to be real reverent just for a few minutes. In this crowd of people, there is men and women sitting here, no doubt, who are sick. How many is sick and afflicted in here, raise up your hands, just say, "I am in need of God"? Just raise up your hand right now, "I'm in need of God."

199Now, I don't know very many people. I know these three boys sitting right here. I know Mr. Dauch and his wife sitting there. I think, I think this is Sister Moore. I'm not sure. Is that right, Sister Moore? Outside of that, I guess that does it, for Brother Mike and the platform. That's as far, as I see, that I know.

200But the Heavenly Father Who promised, and in this day He would vindicate Himself in this age, just exactly the way He did at Sodom. Did He promise it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Manifest Himself! Do you believe that? ["Amen."]

201 Now if you will pray, and by faith! Now don't try to reason, "How can I touch Him as the High Priest?"

202Now, the Bible said, the New Testament, "He is the High Priest right now. He continues the High Priest after the order of Melchisedec. He is the High Priest forever. There is no other High Priest but Him. No other mediator between God and men, but the Man Christ." That's right. He is the only One, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

203Now if He remains that same High Priest, and the Bible said, "We can touch Him by the feeling of our infirmities," like that little woman did that touched His garment, your faith can touch Him tonight and He'll act the same way, in human flesh, like He did when He was in human flesh there at--at Abraham's oak. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He promised He would do it. Now just pray, anybody that has a need. And I--I...

204 It's like I said, a gift is not something that's like you take a knife, and if you want to cut this with it, you can cut it; or you cut this, you can cut it, or whatever you want to. That's not a gift of God. See? No.

205A gift of God is some way you have of getting yourself out of the way. And gifts and callings are the predestination of God. "Gifts and callings are even without repentance." You are born with it. A little gear that you pull yourself over in, but you cannot step on the pedal. See? God has to operate it. You have to get yourself out of the way.

206Your faith can operate it, not mine; yours. Mine just takes it out of the way. You believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ lives today.

207 Don't lean to your own understanding, you say, "Well, now look, I--I'm in serious shape, brother. You don't know me. I've been in this wheel chair. I've been..."

208I don't care what you've been, and see if God won't come down and do exactly like He did when He was here on earth in a physical body. He'll do it in your body, in my body, together as a unit believing in Him. He'll do it because He promised He would do it.

209Now don't lean to what somebody says, "Oh, that's--that's mental telepathy," that they call It. Said Jesus was the same thing. They said He was a fortuneteller, "a devil." But He was the Son of God, because He was according to the promised Word of God.

210 Now, as I said, our--our places, we don't have to have that, to come up and lay hands on people. We laid hands on them last night. But the only thing you have to have is faith, and then recognize. By faith you accept it, by faith. Not--not by anything that...

Don't say, "Well, now how can it be done?"

211If I could tell you how it was done, then it wouldn't be no more faith. I don't know how it's done. I don't know, but I believe it. I--I don't know how--how God saves a sinner, but He does it. I don't know how God does any of these things, but I accept it. He, He does it, and that's the way. Because, I can't explain it. Now, well, I... Never will be explained. No one can. Because, if you do, then it is no more faith.

212I don't see how God and Christ could be the same Person, but They were. Scripture said. Well, you can't explain it, but, They were. "My Father is in Me. It's not Me doeth the works; it's My Father in Me. If I do not His works, then that shows I'm not of Him. But if I do His works, then He testifies Himself that I am of Him."

213Well, it's the same thing now, exactly the same thing. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, if you will believe.

214 Now there is a man sitting right here before me, he's got dark hair. Got a watch on his arm; a dark suit. He is wearing glasses. If you can look right here, you see him sitting with his eyes closed, praying. I don't know that man. The Heavenly Father knows I don't know him. But I'm just going to look to him just for a minute, 'cause he looks like he's so sincere, sitting there. Ever since I made mention, the man just closed his eyes and started praying. The man is a stranger to me, that's, to my hands. I don't know him. God knows that man, and He can reveal to me. If that promise is true in the Bible, He can reveal to me what that man has got his eyes closed for, and what he is praying about. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

215Do you believe it, sir? If you'll open your eyes, you're sitting right here, look right here. Do you believe that? All right. Now you know I don't know you. We are strangers to each other. But God knows you. Now he started crying, weeping. Because, I can tell him now that God is going to answer his request, see, because that was what struck him just then, that Light; from darkness, changed to Light. See?

216 Now, the man, he is praying for somebody else, and that's this little boy sitting over here by him. That's his son. That's right. Now, that little boy is suffering with a--a stomach disorder, and also something wrong with his intestines. That's right. That's right.

217They're not from here. You're not from Arizona. You're from California. Right. And you're a minister, and your fellowship is with the Assemblies of God. That's true. Rev. McKeig is your name, or, Rev. Keig, that's right. Is that true? Wave your hands like this. Now your little boy is going to get well. See? Your faith!

218Now what? Now there is the man with his hands up, he doesn't know me, I don't know him. But what was it? He touched the High Priest. Now, see, he couldn't lean to his own understanding. Now what he's got to do, what does he do now? He has got to believe that what was told him, the truth, 'cause he knows he knows not me. That's right.

219 Here, here sits a woman sitting right down here in front of me, also, she has got her head bowed. She is suffering with a cancer. She also comes from California. I hope she don't miss this. Miss Adams. That's her name. I never seen her in my life. Yeah, that is true.

220There is a lady sitting right back out here. I can't just put my, just point to her, but I see the Light hanging over her. She is deeply in trouble. She has got trouble with her neck, for one thing. And another thing, she--she's got a--a spiritual troubles, worry she is troubling about. And she has got a domestic trouble; her daughter just run away. That's right. That's true, isn't it? She's got her hand up. Mrs. Miller. That is right. You believe? God will send her back, heal your body. Now, I never seen her in my life. She is completely a total stranger.

221Here's a lady sitting here, the audience. She--she is not from here, she also is from California. She has got cancer, and the cancer is on her breast. She has been operated on one breast, and it's went to the other. Right. Miss Calvin. That is right. You believe that God will make you well? You believe it. I'm a stranger to you, lady. I don't know you. That's true. See? She's cancer.

That you might know that God is present!

222 There is a lady sitting right next to her. Her name is Mrs. Harris. She is a total stranger to me. But when the Spirit struck this woman, she also in sympathy with her. And she comes from California. That's right. And she has got trouble with her shoulder. That's right. You believe that God will heal you. If that's true, raise up your hand so that the people can see; total stranger.

223Lean not to your own understanding. What can do that? You can't explain that. That's a paradox. It's beyond explaining. Ask those people; I never seen them in my life, never knowed nothing about them. It could just go on through the meeting.

224But, now look, don't lean to your own understanding. But lean to what He promised, that He would do that; if that isn't the same Spirit that was dwelling in human flesh, that knowed that Sarah laughed in the tent, behind the Man. Is that right? And He promised, just before the world was destroyed with fire, when the Son of man would reveal Himself again in like manner, as the--the Son of man (prophetic) would reveal Hisself in human flesh like He is here with us tonight, as He did then. Now what hour are we living in? Just near the destruction.

225 Friend, don't stand in here, no longer, a sinner. Accept Jesus Christ while you're in His Presence. Now, I know, usually it's customary for ministers to make pleas and tell stories, about mother that's dead and gone on. That's all right. But we don't come upon the basis of our mother being dead. My mother is dead, too; my father, also. But we come up, intelligently, accepting upon the basis of God manifesting Himself in Jesus Christ, to take away the sins of the world. We come and believe upon the Atonement. And while He has vindicated His Word...

226I don't care what church you've gone to, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, or no church at all. If you will admit that you have understood it different, and know that you really never have been born again, but you want to be, and want to accept it now, the promise now. You might not be filled now, but you will be filled when the... as the meetings goes on. You want to accept it upon those basis, would you stand up to your feet and let me just offer prayer for you right where you're standing. Everyone in here that knows...

227 Don't lean on your own, well, say, "I've spoke in tongues." Now, that don't have nothing to do with it. I believe in speaking in tongues, too.

228But I've seen witches, devils, and everything else, speak in tongues and interpret it. That's right. Ask missionaries down here, we can find out, Brother Creech, and you know that's right. I've seen them speak in tongues, and drink blood out of a human skull, call on the devil. Sure. I've seen them lay a pencil down, and it would get up and write in unknown tongues; and a witch, or, the wizard stand there, interpret it.

229So speaking in tongues is no sign you got the Holy Ghost. If that, and if you speak in tongues and deny this Word, there is something wrong somewhere. Right, uh-huh, right. Don't lean to your own understanding.

230Somebody now, you say, "Well, I shouted it." I do too. But don't lean to that.

231I've seen all kinds of demon powers shout and scream. I've seen Mohammedans shout and scream till, they worked theirself in such a place, they could run splinters through their hands. In India, I've seen them scream and jump up-and-down, take balls of water, with hooks in it, and push it through their skin and walk on hot fire coals, right, denying Jesus Christ.

232 See, don't lean to your own understanding, but upon the Word of God. If your life doesn't cope, with this Bible, to believe every Word that's in There; and you want to believe it, and want God to work His will through you, because you can be a part of God, will you stand and say, "I will accept it right now, brother." Thank you. Thank you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. Wonderful. God bless you. May God grant to you, all these sincere. You say... Just--just keep standing, just...

233You say, "I'm a church member, Brother Branham, but really I'm a Pentecostal; but when it really comes to really saying I can believe all that Word is the Truth, I just can't do it, but I--I want to do it. You help me, you pray for me. I want to stand up and say, 'I--I... '" You say, "Well, look, sitting here, or I have testified in this church, that I was." But you know, down in your heart, you're not. God knows you're not, too, see, so why not just stand. Don't lean to your own understanding, but lean to His Word.

234 Will you stand, some more? Anybody else wants to stand? God bless you. God bless you. God bless you, you. "God, help me." God bless you all. That's good. Just keep standing.

235Say, "Will that do me any good?" Stand up one time, see if it does. Really mean it, "I want, Brother Branham, I want to be right. I want to be right."

236Now, I'm not saying leave your church. No, sir. Stay right there where you're at, just be a real Holy Ghost filled person in that church. You say, "Well, I don't know what my pastor will say." He'll appreciate you if you are, if he's a man of God. That's right.

237"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify their Father."

238God bless you. Well, God bless both of you, and you; and you, brother, you. God bless you, each one. God bless you. God bless you down here.

239 Now you that raised up, if you feel better after raising up, just raise your hands to tell others that you feel better about it after you raised up. See, every hand. Sure, you do. See, you're sincere. You're standing up, say, "I'll be a witness."

240"He that will stand for Me here, I will stand for him there. He that's ashamed of Me here before these men, I'll be ashamed of him before My Father and the holy Angels." Don't be ashamed of Him. Don't lean upon your own reasoning. Lean upon the Word of God. "He that will confess Me before men, him will I confess before My Father and the holy Angels."

241Will there be some more, just before we pray? Let us bow our heads then. God bless you, sister. Sure. God bless you, and you, brother. Certainly. Would be another one, just while we have our heads bowed? God bless you, you. Now, that's right, you're still standing. We'll just wait a moment, just a moment. God bless you, brother. God bless you. Say, "Does it mean anything, say, 'God bless you'?" That's pronouncing my blessings to you. God bless you.

242 Some of you that's standing around the wall, where you have no room to sit down, would you just raise your hand, say, "Me, God, it's me"? God bless you, brother. God bless you, and you; and you, sister; and you, my brother; and you, my sister.

243Oh, the Holy Spirit is so sweetly moving over the audience. Can you feel That? God bless you, young man up here on the platform. God bless you, over in the corner. God bless you, young fellow. Yes.

244O Holy Spirit, move freshly in our hearts now. Show us our wrongs, Lord. We don't... We won't lean to our own understanding, our own reasoning. But we lean upon You, because we know that we're standing in Your Divine, vindicated promise of today. You have made Yourself known beyond any, beyond any reasoning. We could not reason nor explain it. But You've come right down here in our midst now, and made known to us that You are here, and men and women are believing that and accepting it.

245God, take each one of them into Your bosom, and hide them in the Rock of Ages until the fires are passed. We are fixing to be burned, Lord. We know it. We are back in Sodom. "But the righteous shall not perish with the guilty." You will call Your children, Lord. You told Lot, "Get out of there. Get out." I pray, God, that each one that's in that condition tonight, that's out there, not sure where they're standing...

246God, they wouldn't take a chance on going down a one-way street, the wrong way. They wouldn't take a chance on running a redlight, if they're in their right mind, because they might get killed. Then how could a person take chance on their Eternal destination, just guessing, presuming, adventuring without really authority to adventure, because they belong to a church or a denomination? And really they can't, they can't understand how that the Word of God could be today as it was then, how these promises might be made manifest. "The apostolic age to be gone." Help them, Father. I commit them to You in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

247 Thank you, my brother, sister. I'm so glad to call you my brother, sister.

248Remember, God will make me answer for every word, at the Day of the Judgment. Everything that I preached tonight, I got to answer for it. I am conscious of that. And what have I done since a little boy, preached this Gospel, and then be a castaway?

249Now how many of you is sick and afflicted, here tonight, and you want to be prayed for? Raise up your hand. Now will you just do one more thing for me? Lay your hands over on one another. Lay your hands on each other. Everybody bow your head now, and just like you was in church, up here on the platform.

250Dear God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, and of His Presence, a vindicated Presence! The very Word that's been preached, has been confirmed that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let the Holy Spirit of God sweep over this crowd of people just now. Many of them has come and accepted You as their Saviour, many backsliders has accepted You and come back. O God, I pray that in the Name of Jesus Christ, that You will heal every person. You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." You promised it, Lord, and the believing children have their hands laid upon one another.

251Satan, you are defeated. Come out of these people, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let them people go, for the Kingdom of God's sake, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

252 All that believe that Jesus Christ now is your Healer, as well as your Saviour, and you want to accept Him upon them same grounds, stand to your feet, say, "I now accept Jesus as my Healer, as well as my Saviour." Wonderful! Praise the Lord! Thank the Lord! Now let's raise our hands and sing to Him.

I will praise Him, I will praise Him,

Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory, all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

253Oh, don't you feel good? Wave your hands. Oh, my! Let's sing it again.

I will praise Him, I will praise Him,

Praise the Lamb for... (Remember, "same yesterday, today, and forever," that Lamb is.)

Give Him glory, all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

254 You love that? [Congregation shouts, "Hallelujah!"--Ed.] Amen. Let's reach over and shake hands with somebody. This is breaking of the meeting, starting the convention. Say, "God bless you, brother, pilgrim. God bless you." That's fine. That's good. Wonderful! Now do you believe we're going to have a great convention after this? ["Amen."] We thank God for a great meeting, now we're going to have a great convention. All that believe it, say, "Amen." ["Amen."]

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb (let's look to Him now) of Calvary,

O Saviour Divine;

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my sin away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

While life's dark maze I tread,

And griefs around me spread,

Be Thou my Guide;

Bid darkness turn to day,

Wipe sorrow's fears away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

255Amen! The congregation said, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Hallelujah!

Oh, praise Him,

Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory, all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

How wonderful!

256 All right, shall we bow our heads now for the benediction. I don't know who has been chosen to do it. Brother Johnny Manadal, from California, while we have our heads down. Now don't forget tomorrow night, that's the first, beginning. Tomorrow night, the convention will be right here, right here in this hall, at seven-thirty.

257God bless you. Have you enjoyed the Presence of God? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen. Now let's bow our head while Brother Johnny dismisses us.

1Zostaňme teraz na chvíľu stáť a modlime sa. Koľkí z vás majú nejakú prosbu v srdci, že chcete, aby Boh urobil pre vás niečo špeciálne na tomto zhromaždení? Skloňme teraz k Nemu svoje hlavy.

2Nebeský Otče, sme privilegovaní ľudia, že sa tu môžeme spolu zhromaždiť v Mene Pána Ježiša v tomto slobodnom kraji, kde Ťa môžeme chváliť podľa nášho svedomia, ako dosiaľ. A modlíme sa, Otče, aby to takto bolo dlho. A nech využijeme túto veľkú výsadu, ktorú máme. A nech celé svoje srdcia odovzdáme do služby dnešného večera, aby sme Ťa chválili a aby sme mohli povedať, „Boh bol dnes večer v našom strede a žehnal Svoje deti.“ Zachráň každú stratenú dušu, ktorá tu dnes je, Pane. A nech sa môže každý odpadlík vrátiť do domu Božieho. Modlím sa za každú chorú osobu, aby bola uzdravená, aby postihnutí mohli kráčať, slepí vidieť a hluchí počuť, a nech by bola chvála a sláva vzdávaná Ježišovi Kristovi medzi Jeho ľuďmi. Nech je to dlho v našej pamäti, že sme sa mohli spolu zhromaždiť a prosiť v Ježišovom Mene za tieto požehnania. Amen.

Môžete si sadnúť.

3Nejako sa zdá, že vždy, keď prichádzam do Ramada Inn, akoby som išiel domov, pretože som tam skutočne veľa ráz, až si myslím, že ma ľudia už začínajú poznať. A som za to rád, pretože som tam našiel milú skupinu ľudí v tomto Ramada Inn. Jedni v Tucsone, jedni tu, oni k nám boli vždy milí, nechali nás mať zhromaždenia. Nebolo to dávno, čo som slúžil v Ramada Inn a ten manažér tam ma ani nenechal, aby som zaplatil za prenájom budovy. Je to od neho skutočne milé. Keď prechádzam cez tieto krajiny, spomínam si na tých, ktorí sú dobrí v domácnosti Božej.

4No, od nedeľného večera, alebo skôr popoludnia sme strávili s Pánom skutočne pekný čas, alebo aspoň ja. Prežíval som nádherný čas, radujúci sa z Jeho požehnania a obecenstva Svätého Ducha a s Jeho ľuďmi.

5Rád si na to spomínam, keď spolu chválime Boha. Vy ste atribútom Božím, časť Boha, keď sa stávate synom a dcérou Božou. Potom je Boh vo vás, snažiaci sa učiniť Svoju vôľu, len ak Ho to necháte urobiť.

6Takže dúfame, že dnes večer zabudne každá osoba na veci, ktoré sa udiali v posledných dňoch, všetko nechá ležať bokom a len plne oddá svoje srdce teraz do služby; nie len do tohto večera, ale aj do nasledujúcich zhromaždení. Nepochybne sa tu zhromaždilo veľa zástupcov rôznych skupín. Vidím tu niektorých dnes večer na pódiu, zoskupujúcich sa na zhromaždenie, ktoré sa začína zajtra. A chcem požiadať ľudí, ktorí tu práve sú kvôli tomu prebudeniu, ktoré sme práve mali, že ak je to možné, rád by som bol, aby ste tu prenocovali a boli na zajtrajšom zhromaždení. Máme tu na zozname niektorých skvelých rečníkov. Jeden brat však nemohol prísť, ale myslím, že ich tu máme dosť, ktorí tu zaujmú jeho miesto. Chcem tu byť na všetkých týchto zhromaždeniach, aby som sa radoval z obecenstva.

7Viete, vystúpime tu hore ako kazatelia, hovoríme a vždy dávame ľuďom všetko, čo je v nás. Raz som kázal na tému, kde Ježiš povedal, „Hľa, ľalia, ani nepracuje ani nepradie, ale hovorím vám, že ani Šalamún v celej svojej sláve nebol tak odiaty ako jedna z nich.“ A zisťujeme, že ľalia musí rásť, deň aj noc, priasť aj pracovať, aby bola žiarivá. Ale ona sama z toho nemá žiadne požehnanie. Iba sa otvorí a okoloidúci zacíti tú vôňu. Včela získava med priamo zo srdca. Všetko, čo vyrobí, odovzdá. A moje posolstvo som nazval, Reverend Pani Ľalia, je to trochu zvláštny text.

8Takže, kazatelia sa oddávajú ľuďom a je ozaj dobré len sedieť a počúvať ostatných. Ako keď sa zohrievate pri ohni, radi sedíme pri ohni niekoho iného a zohrievať naše srdcia Evanjeliom, keď naši bratia kážu ľuďom. A som vďačný za túto príležitosť, že to môžem robiť. A dúfam, že dnes večer...

9Billy mi povedal, že rozdal kompletne všetky modlitebné karty. No nemôžeme tu hore vyvolať modlitebný rad, jedine, ak by sme museli. Vidíte, museli by ste ísť tade okolo a cez tú tmavú halu a tadiaľto vyjsť hore. O všetko by ste sa potkýňali, kým by ste sa tu dostali. A postihnutí a chromí sú v zlom stave na to, aby sem vyšli.

10Ale nevieme, čo náš Pán môže urobiť. Môže tu priamo dnes večer padnúť medzi nás a uzdraviť každého jedného, každú chorobu. Také niečo by som videl radšej, ako všetky moje modlitebné rady, ktoré som mal za celý svoj život, len vidieť suverenitu Božiu padajúcu doprostred Jeho poslušných detí. Vždy to tak mám rád.

11Zvyčajne, ak máme s ľuďmi nejaký osobný kontakt, ako keď na nich vzkladáme svoje ruky, môže byť, že... nemyslím, že veľa ľudí to robí, povedia, „Taký a taký kazateľ na mňa položil ruky, sláva Bohu!“ To spôsobí, že ľudia začnú hľadieť na toho kazateľa.

12Avšak ak tu len môžeš stáť, kázať Slovo a nechať Svätého Ducha, aby uzdravil každého jedného, to je skutočne len z milosti Božej. Potom Boh dostáva chválu a slávu. Nie je žiaden tieň ničoho pre niekoho. To je dôvod, prečo toľkých nedostávam, jedine, že by... Teraz, posledný večer sme sa snažili modliť sa za čo najviac ľudí, ako sme mohli. Ale vzkladanie rúk...

13Býva to zvyčajne večer, keď Duch Svätý prichádza medzi nás a manifestuje Samého Seba, robí Samého Seba známym medzi nami. A tým, myslím, že je to skutočné, keď môže prísť v suverenite. Nemôžem teraz povedať, „Tento muž, alebo tamtá žena, alebo toto dieťa.“ Svätý Duch sa pohybuje v budove a hovorí k tomu, ku komu chce hovoriť. Vidíte, to je suverénne. A to prináša známosť, pretože to je zasľúbenie Božie, prináša to známosť suverénneho Boha a tiež to k nám prináša Jeho Prítomnosť. Môžeme to vidieť a radovať sa! A bez ohľadu na to...

14Povieš, „Dobre, mal som ochromenú ruku. Bol som tam minulý večer a vôbec sa to nezlepšilo.“ To s tým nemá nič spoločné. S tebou to je už vybavené. Už sa viac nepozeráš na svoju ruku, pozeráš sa na zasľúbenie. A z toho dôvodu nemôžeš povedať, „Dobre, brat taký a taký sa nemodlil modlitbu viery, alebo to a to.“ Prítomnosť Pánova ti dala vieru, a potom On poslal Svoje Slovo a uzdravil ťa.

15Teraz, minulý večer som znova porušil svoj sľub. Dnes sa ho však budem snažiť dodržať, pokiaľ budem môcť. Niekto povedal, „Ty si sa minulý večer nedržal svojho textu.“ Nie, nedržal; pretože... hneď vám poviem prečo. Išiel som kázať na tému... práve som zabudol, čo to bolo... Boh Bohatý v Milosrdenstve.

16A musel som vysvetliť, ako Pavol, keď tam hovoril, povediac, „My, ktorí sme v dávnych časoch,“ raz, kedysi, „boli sme mŕtvi a v hriechu a v prestúpeniach; ale Boh nás oživil, vzkriesil.“ Vidíte? Predtým, ako niečo mohlo byť oživené, muselo tam byť niečo, cez čo by to bolo oživené. To je pravda.

17Takže, vidíte, ak ste boli v Božom predzvedení, potom sa stávate časťou Boha. A jediný spôsob, akým sa môžeš stať synom Božím alebo dcérou Božou, musíš byť časťou Boha a On nie je bez teba kompletný. Nemôže byť. To je pravda, pretože On je ten jediný Zdroj Večného Života a On je Bohom a Sám je Jediný Večný Život. Vidíte? Takže ak ste boli Jeho časťou, to znamená, že ste atribútom, alebo Jeho myslením na začiatku. A to, že On na teba na počiatku myslel, to spôsobuje to potiahnutie ku Nemu. To je to, prečo to potrebuje byť oživené. Niektorí z nich nebudú nikdy oživení; oni toto jednoducho nemajú, to je všetko.

18To je, ako by ste položili zrno kukurice na zem... Je jedno, aké by to bolo pekné, ak to nemá ten zárodok života, to jednoducho nikdy nemôže byť oživené. Ale prv tam musí byť zárodok života.

19A spomínal som ten malý príbeh o orlovi, ako chodil medzi sliepkami a kuratami, lebo tam bol vyliahnutý a tam sa narodil, lenže nikdy sa tam necítil ako kura. A viete, keď priletela jeho mama a kričala, on počul ten hlas, ktorý pre neho znel nesmierne príjemne, lebo pamätajte, on bol od počiatku orlom. Musel len nájsť samého seba, zistiť, kde je jeho postavenie.

20Takto je to s každým kresťanom. Nebol si narodený pre tento svet. Bol si stvorený na obraz Boží, aby si bol synom Božím. A nepatríš do tamtoho kuracieho dvora. Si orlom.

21Tak som pokračoval s tým „orlom“ a nedokázal som dostať svoje nohy naspäť na zem, takže som... Lietal som príliš dlho, takže som zabudol, čo bolo mojím textom, a stratil som svoje poznámky a všetko možné. Mal som hrozný čas. Ale to je to, o čom to bolo, o tom „orlovi“.

22A teraz, nech ten Boh Orol... Viete, Boh prirovnáva Svojich prorokov ku orlom. A Samého Seba tiež nazýva Orlom; On je Jehova Orol, Otec Orol.

23A dôvod, prečo to robí, je ten, že orol dokáže letieť oveľa vyššie, ako ktorýkoľvek iný vták, pretože je inak stvorený ako ostatné vtáky. On si svoje hniezdo nestavia na zemi ako sliepky, a tak ďalej, ale letí vysoko, aby si tam postavil svoje hniezdo.

24Ďalšia zaujímavá vec je, že je to špeciálne stavaný vták. Ak by sa teraz jastrab alebo vrana či kaňa alebo nejaký iný vták pokúšali nasledovať ho do neba, ony by sa rozpadli; jednoducho na to nie sú stavané. Musí to byť špeciálny jedinec, aby tam išiel. Jeho perie je pevnejšie ako perie hocijakého iného vtáka.

25A jeho oko je ostrejšie, ako majú iné vtáky. A čím vyššie vyletí, tým ďalej dovidí. No keď sa iný vták dostane tak vysoko, ako len dokáže, je slepý ako netopier. A to je spôsob, akým... Keď oni opustia svoje vyznanie, potom o tom nič nevedia. „Dni zázrakov pominuli.“ Prečo? Jednoducho to nemôžu vidieť.

26Ale orli môžu ísť hore do nebies a stále ďalej. Čo však dobrého ti to dá, ak sa tam hore dostaneš a nemôžeš to vidieť? Ó, som tak rád, že môžem byť jedným z nich, byť teraz združený s celým hniezdom.

27Otvorme si teraz Starý Zákon do Knihy Prísloví, písaných Šalamúnom, jedným z najmúdrejších ľudí sveta okrem nášho Pána Ježiša. Lenže On nebol presne ako Šalamún, lebo Šalamún bol človek narodený zo ženy a bol splodený z pozemského otca, Dávida. Ale Ježiš bol Synom narodeným z panny a nebol celkom človekom; ale bol Bohom, Boh-Človek, ale bol viac ako človek, bol Človek plus. Vidíte? No Šalamún bol len človekom, ako si ty alebo ja, a prosil Boha o múdrosť aby riadil kráľovstvo. A mal dar múdrosti, čím bol najbystrejším človekom, aký bol kedy známy okrem Pána. Napísal Príslovia a myslím, že sú veľmi dobré.

28Takže otočme si v Knihe Prísloví do 1. kapitoly, alebo teda do 2. kapitoly a začneme čítať prvých pár veršov z Prísloví 2, začneme veršom 1. Príslovia 2, prvý verš, Šalamún dáva rady svojim synom, „Môj synu, ak prijmeš...“ Prepáčte.

29Sú to Príslovia 3:1. Prepáčte. Práve som sa pozrel tu ponad moju knihu a zistil som, že sú to Príslovia 3 a nie 1 alebo 2. Takže Príslovia 3:1.

Môj synu, nezabudni môjho naučenia, a tvoje srdce nech pozoruje na moje prikázania,

lebo ti pridajú dlhosti dní a rokov života i pokoja.

Nech ťa neopustia milosrdenstvo a pravda; priviaž si ich na svoje hrdlo; napíš si ich na tabuľu svojho srdca,

a tak nájdi milosť a výborný rozum v očiach Boha i ľudí.

Nadej sa na Hospodina celým svojím srdcom a nespoliehaj sa na svoju rozumnosť.

Poznávaj ho na všetkých svojich cestách, a on bude urovnávať tvoje stezky.

30Ó, myslím, že toto je tá najlepšia časť Písma! Ako titul pre text chcem teraz vziať z 5. verša, Nespoliehaj na svoju rozumnosť.

31No, je to totiž veľmi zvláštny text pre deň, v ktorom žijeme, pretože dnes sa dôraz kladie hlavne na vzdelanie a na naše vlastné znalosti vecí. Je to deň učenia. Ale zisťujeme, že toto zvláštne vyhlásenie, ako v iných Písmach, má vždy svoje miesto, a musíme len dôverovať Bohu, že nám dá vidieť, kde to miesto je.

32Dnes posielame naše deti do škôl, aby mali nejaké znalosti. Potom, ako prejdú cez základnú školu, posielame ich na strednú školu, aby mali lepšie vedomosti. Ak tú školu skončia, niektoré deti majú také šťastie, že sa dostanú na vysokú školu, ktorú prejdú, aby si doplnili svoje vzdelanie a rozšírili vedomosti. Čo získavajú... Veľakrát, aby ste získali prácu, musíte mať minimálne vedomosti strednej školy alebo vysokej, a tak ďalej.

33Ale nám tu múdry Šalamún hovorí, „Nespoliehajte sa na to, nie na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť; neučte sa tie veci.“ Možno sa divíme, ako mohol napísať niečo také, pretože sú to zvyčajne naše moderné znalosti, ktoré sú považované za múdrosť človeka, čo je však v protiklade s Božím Slovom. Myslím, že to je to, čo sa snažil Šalamún poradiť svojim synom; nie, aby boli negramotní, ale aby sa nespoliehali na svoju rozumnosť.

34A myslím, že dnes to bude dobrá výzva, keď povieme našim synom a synom Božím, že je úplne v poriadku mať vzdelanie, nemám nič proti tomu; ale keď je to vzdelanie v protiklade so Slovom Božím, potom sa spoliehaj na Slovo a nechaj svoje vzdelanie tak kvôli Slovu. Vzdelanie je v poriadku a pomôže ti k lepšej práci, možno tým získaš lepšie postavenie medzi intelektuálnymi ľuďmi, to je všetko v poriadku. To bude pre teba veľká pomoc vo financiách a v živobytí, môže ti to trochu zlepšiť život.

35Ale pamätaj jednu vec, môj synu, musíš zomrieť. Bez ohľadu na to, koľko vzdelania si mal, koľko vedomostí si dokázal nahromadiť, musíš sa postaviť tvárou v tvár smrti, pretože je napísané, „Ľudia musia zomrieť a potom je súd.“ A Boh, keď... Smrť nie je taká zlá, ale ten príchod na súd, to je tá zlá časť. Takže musíš zomrieť a potom je súd. A Boh nebude vyšetrovať, ako si bol vyškolený, keď si bol tu na Zemi, koľko znalostí si vedel nahromadiť, či si bol bakalár umenia, alebo aký bol tvoj stupeň vzdelania, dokonca aj ako kazateľ. To sa od teba nebude vyžadovať.

36Ale to, čo bude od teba vyžadované, je to, čo si urobil so svojou znalosťou Božieho Slova. To je tá požiadavka. Tvoje vzdelanie je fajn, ale Slovo Božie je Život. „Moje Slovo je Život,“ a poznať Ho je Život. A On povedal, „Poznajte Ho.“ On je Slovo. Takže jediný spôsob, ako Ho môžete poznať, je cez Jeho Slovo, pretože On je tým Slovom. To je tá jediná cesta, ako Ho môžete poznať, cez Jeho Slovo.

37Niekto by mohol vystúpiť a povedať, „Toto je Boh,“ alebo „tamto je Boh,“ alebo „toto je správne,“ a „tamto je správne,“ ale my sa len vraciame k Slovu, pretože Ono je pravdou.

38A Slovo je ako Severka, je to skutočná hviezda. Bez ohľadu na to, akým spôsobom sa svet vznáša, Severka je vždy sústredená so Zemou. Nastavte si kompas na Severku. Je to vždy v strede Zeme. Ostatné hviezdy plávajú okolo aj s naším svetom, ale Severka je stabilná.

39No, kompas je Svätý Duch a tvoje stanovisko je Severka, takže Svätý Duch ti bude vždy poukazovať na Slovo. Svätý Duch ťa nikdy nebude viesť do niečoho iného, len do Slova Božieho. Takže ako môže človek prijať vyznanie, keď to je v protiklade so Slovom Božím, a potom stále hovoriť, že má Svätého Ducha? Svätý Duch na to nebude poukazovať. Je potrebný Svätý Duch, aby ťa nasmeroval na Slovo, lebo On je Slovom. On je Slovom a to môže jedine... Ako magnet v kompase je nastavený presne na severný pól, to je jediný spôsob, ako môže správne ukazovať. A keď je Svätý Duch tým Autorom a Pisateľom a Oživovateľom Slova, ako to môže osobu smerovať na niečo iné okrem Slova?

40Takže keď osoba, ktorá má Svätého Ducha prijme niečo, čo je v protiklade so Slovom Božím, to ukazuje, že to nie je ten skutočný, pravý Svätý Duch. Vidíte? To môže byť duch, bezpochyby, ale to nie je Svätý Duch Kristov. Viete, veľakrát si ľudia vezmú ducha niekoho iného; a to môže poukazovať na nejakú skupinu ľudí, na nejakú vec, ale to nebude poukazovať na Krista. Ale Svätý Duch bude vždy smerovať na Krista a Kristus je Slovom.

41V Biblii to zreteľne vidíme. Alebo aspoň ja. Môžem sa síce mýliť v mojej mysli, ale ja si tak nemyslím; pretože to je to, „Nespoliehaj na svoje vlastné porozumenie vecí.“ Ak sa budeš spoliehať na svoje vlastné znalosti, potom si zaviazaný zísť zo správnej cesty. Tiež sa nemôžeš spoliehať na vedomosti niekoho iného, keď ide o Život. Aby si našiel Život, musíš sa spoliehať na Slovo. Ono je Životom.

42Vidíme to už na začiatku. Očividne, Boh dal prvej rodine na Zemi Slovo, ktorým by žili. Len Jeho Slovo, len cez Neho mohli žiť. Nemám teraz na mysli jedenie, a tak ďalej. Ale oni mali žiť cez Jeho Slovo večne. A tak dlho, ako sa držali toho Slova, žili večne. Ale prvá fráza toho Slova, ktorá bola nesprávne umiestnená, spôsobila, že celá reťaz sa pretrhla a kompletná ľudská rasa bola uvrhnutá do hriechu. Vidíte, všimnite si to.

43Eva, ktorá bola bezpochyby inteligentnou osobou; hneď prvá po Adamovi, ktorý bol synom Božím. A Eva súc na mieste, kde nebol žiaden hriech, nebolo tam miesta pre hriech, ona tam istotne musela mať nádhernú predstavu o tom, kým bol Boh. Lebo každé popoludnie ona a jej manžel chodili v príjemnom chládku tej záhrady a večer sa rozprávali tvárou v tvár s Bohom. Čo za nerozumná vec to je, keď sa osoba, ktorá chodí tvárou v tvár s Bohom každý deň, jednoducho obráti k uvažovaniu o niečom, čo ju odviedlo od Slova Božieho!

44Stále takých máme. Ľahko sa nechajú odviesť od Slova Božieho potom, ako sedia v Prítomnosti Božej. Vidiac Slovo Božie kázané, Slovo Božie zamanifestované, opilcov a hriešnikov, ako prichádzajú k oltáru a sú premenení a stávajú sa novými stvoreniami v Kristovi, mužov a ženy zlej povesti; a potom sa otočia od tej požehnanej veci, ktorá ich viedla do Života, a odvrátia sa k nejakému typu vyznania, aby sa stali populárnejšími a dostali sa do toho, čo nazývajú lepšou triedou ľudí.

45Veď vy ste práve v tej najlepšej triede ľudí, aká je: synovia a dcéry Božie. Ó, túto spoločnosť mám radšej, ako keby som mal byť so všetkými kráľmi a vladármi a všetkým možným. Ukážte mi tú prostú skupinu ľudí, že či budú vedieť rozoznať pravú ruku od ľavej! Pokiaľ poznajú Boha, milujú Ho a slúžia Mu, to je pre mňa celebrita Neba. Áno!

46No, zisťujeme, že Eva bola ľahko prehovorená satanom od Slova Božieho a spoliehala sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť, pretože satan pre ňu niečo naprojektoval, čo nebolo v súlade s jej skutočnou rozumnosťou Božou. Ale od nepriateľa, satana, jej bolo niečo povedané a ona tomu uverila.

47Teraz nachádzame výsledky toho. Uvrhlo to celú ľudskú rasu do smrti, pretože prvá matka na Zemi sa spoliehala na svoje vlastné chápanie, čo bolo v protiklade so Slovom Božím, a to spôsobilo, že celá ľudská rasa bola uvrhnutá do smrti. Už tomu teraz veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn. prekl.] To je Slovo. No, žena je vždy...

48Žena je v Biblii typom na cirkev. A nejaká cirkev dnes môže prijať hromadu dogiem alebo vyznaní a uviesť celé zhromaždenie do totálneho oddelenia od Boha. Ľudia, ktorí tieto veci prijímajú namiesto Slova Božieho, sú presne ako Eva. A deje sa to stále a stále, dokiaľ sa komplet celá generácia neodvráti od Slova Božieho.

49A keď je Slovo zamanifestované a zjavené, oni to nepríjmu, neurobia to, lebo sa príliš opierajú o svoje znalosti. „Táto cirkev tu bola postavená. Je to prenádherné miesto. Je to veľká organizácia. Je tam kopec členov. Prečo by sme nemali k takému niečomu patriť aj my? Budem tomu dôverovať.“ Nedôveruj svojej vlastnej rozumnosti, ale dôveruj Slovu Pánovmu.

50No, nakoniec to končí v zahynutí celej ľudskej rasy, ako som už povedal a hovorím to ľuďom, ktorí si zakladajú na svojej vlastnej rozumnosti, na svojich dogmách a vyznaniach, a tak ďalej, tvrdia, že, „Slovo Božie nie je celkom pravda, lebo niečo z toho je inšpirované a niečo nie.“ Ako môžeš mať vieru v Bibliu, ak časť z toho je inšpirovaná a časť nie? Ak je jeden citát zlý, potom je celá vec zlá. Všetko to musí byť pravda, dokonalá pravda.

51A niektoré z tých takzvaných, ale skutočne prevrátených biblických škôl učiacich ľudí známosti, keď sa tam zhromaždia a sadne si tam tá rada ľudí a povedia, „No pozrite, ak sú dni zázrakov, tak potom skončili za dní apoštolov.“ A veľa z ľudí, ktorí sú pod biskupom alebo nejakými vysoko postavenými ľuďmi, si povedia, „Dobre, stačí, ak s ním len budem súhlasiť, bezpochyby budem na zozname tých, ktorí môžu zaujať jeho miesto.“ Vidíte, potom sa spoliehate sa svoju vlastnú rozumnosť, namiesto toho, aby si stál na nohách na Slove Božom. To je to, čo tieto veci zapríčiňuje.

52Raz nedávno, niekto... Riešil som daň z príjmu. A povedali mi, „Predpokladám, že tvoji správcovia majetku nie sú ničím iným, jedine bábkami.“

53Povedal som, „Ak som mal nejakého správcu, ktorý mal iný názor a nepostavil sa a (je mi jedno, kto o tom hovorí) nevyjadril svoj pohľad na danú vec, jednoducho som ho vyhodil zo správy.“ Hoci to bolo v protiklade k môjmu presvedčeniu, aj tak som chcel, aby vyjadril, čo si myslí, že je správne. To je to, prečo som ho tam mal, aby som videl, čo o tom povie. Ale takých máme.

54Všimnite si, Ježiš povedal v sv. Jánovi 10, „Moje ovce poznajú Môj Hlas.“ Ten Hlas je samozrejme Jeho Slovo, keď ho On hovorí. „Moje ovce poznajú Môj Hlas. Môj Hlas im bol dokázaný, že je pravdivý. Bolo preukázané, že to je Môj Hlas.“ Všimnite si teraz, oni nie sú vystavené tomu, aby nasledovali nejaký iný hlas. Oni to nebudú robiť. „Moje ovce poznajú Môj Hlas a nebudú nasledovať cudzieho.“ Inými slovami, nebudú rozumieť teologickému učeniu, ktoré vyučuje niečo, čo je v protiklade so Slovom Božím. Ovce tomu nerozumejú o nič viac, ako ten orol minulý večer, on jednoducho nemohol porozumieť tomu kvokaniu sliepok. Nerozumie tomu, pretože to je orol. A tak isto je to so skutočným znovuzrodeným dieťaťom Božím, ono rozumie len veciam, ktoré sú od Boha.

55Niekto teraz povie, „Dobre, pozrime sa, myslím, že môžeš robiť toto a toto. Nemyslím, že toto je práve ten spôsob. Verím, že dni zázrakov pominuli. Neverím, že je niečo ako Božské Uzdravenie. Neverím tomu.“ Ale skutočný znovuzrodený kresťan tomu vôbec nerozumie. A ako môže človek veriaci v Boha, čítajúci Bibliu a vidiaci, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, vôbec prijať niečo také, jednoducho tomu nerozumiem.

Takže oni sa nespoliehajú na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť.

56Presne ako dieťa. Vezmite malé dieťa a nech sa narodí a nechajte ho, nech sa raz oprie o prsia svojej matky a pije to teplé mlieko, nech sa jeho malá hlavička oprie o prsia jeho matky, hoci má len pár hodín. A deň-dva odvtedy ho vezmite od jeho mamy a presuňte ho na hruď inej, cudzej matky a ono bude kopať svojimi malými nohami do vzduchu a jačať. To nie je jeho mama. Už niečo vie, pretože je časťou svojej matky a príroda mu už zaobstarala spôsob, ako spoznať svoju vlastnú mamu.

57A ak príroda poskytla spôsob pre dieťa spoznať vlastnú matku, z ktorej bolo narodené, o čo viac to poskytne synovi Božiemu, ktorý bol narodený Duchom Božím. On pozná svoju Mamu! Pozná ju, pretože bol narodený zo Slova a rozumie Mu. Len ho dajte na cudzie miesto a on sa istotne bude snažiť dostať sa odtiaľ čo najrýchlejšie, ako môže. Lebo sa nespolieha...

Niekto povie, „Počkaj, drahý, toto je teraz tvoja matka.“

58To nie je jeho matka, pretože on vie, ako spoznať, že je časťou svojej matky. To je jeho mama a nikto nemôže zaujať jej miesto namiesto nej. On pozná svoju mamu. Všimnite si, ako to tak skutočne je. Boh urobil všetko podľa svojho druhu.

59Aj dobytok podľa svojho druhu. Veľakrát by sme mohli hore-dole viesť celé hromady dobytka s malými teľatami a ja som sa vždy zvykol diviť, ako môžu poznať vlastnú mamu, keď zostupujú dole z vrchu a ten dobytok je celý zmiešaný na kope. Krava, ktorá je s teľaťom, no, možno malé hladné teľa sa môže kŕmiť od inej matky, ak je skutočne hladné; ale keď ich na tej prérii zastavíme, tá mama začne prechádzať cez celý ten dav kráv a teliat, dokiaľ nenájde svoje vlastné, a vtedy to teľa uteká od tej druhej matky. Pozná jej skučanie a kvílenie. A ona narieka za svojím teľaťom aj s inými matkami tak, že možno ani samého seba nemôžeš počuť, ale to malé teľa bude hľadať to určité volanie svojej matky, pretože je jej časťou.

60A znovuzrodený kresťan z neba je časťou tohto Slova. Presne tak. Nebude nasledovať inú mamu. Je časťou Slova a stále zostáva so Slovom. „Ak trúba vydáva neistý zvuk, kto sa môže pripraviť do boja?“ povedal Pavol. On pozná zvuk Slova. A všimnite si, ako ich tá predurčená ruka Božia vedie. Vie, že bol určený a že bol v pravde Evanjelia. Vie, že bol narodený Božím Duchom, a vie, že Duch Boží nemôže zaprieť Slovo Božie, a preto nenasleduje cudzieho. Všimnite si, ako...

61Práve som si všimol poznámku, ktorú som si tu predtým zapísal. Minul som ju, ale práve som si všimol Písmo, ktoré sme čítali, tak som sa k tomu znova vrátil. Všimnite si, ako Jeho vlastná predurčená ovca nasleduje Jeho práve v dňoch najväčších teológov, akí kedy žili na zemi. Oni sa od toho oddeľujú, pretože Ho poznajú. Vedia, čo Slovo zasľúbilo na ten deň. Vedeli, aký mal byť Mesiáš, keď prišiel. A Šimon Peter k Nemu prišiel, ktorý bol vtedy len „Šimonom“.

62A Andrej sa mu predtým pokúšal povedať, „Tento muž je Mesiáš.“ Šimon bol, samozrejme, trochu tvrdohlavý a nechcel ísť.

63Ale keď on vstúpil do Prítomnosti Ježiša, keď Ježiš povedal, „Tvoje meno je Šimon a si syn Jonášov.“ Teraz vieme, že Ježiš povedal svojim apoštolom, že ich poznal, a to ešte pred založením sveta. Oni boli Jeho atribútmi, atribútmi Jeho myšlienok. Preto v ňom ležalo semeno a on vedel, čo Slovo povedalo, a že bolo zasľúbené, že Mesiáš bude prorokom. A keď to uvidel, hneď skončil s rybárčením. Vedel, že odhodí svoje siete a stane sa rybárom ľudí. Lebo...

64No, stáli tam však ostatní, ktorí videli tú istú vec, no posudzovali to ako „zlého ducha“. To boli teológovia, pretože to nebolo podľa chute ich teologického učenia. Čiže to hneď zavrhli, lebo sa spoliehali na svoje vlastné vedomosti a na ich doktorov; keď Ježiš Kristus prišiel vo vyplnení Slova zasľúbenia, oni boli vtedy príliš slepí na to, aby to videli. Držali sa toho, čo povedal kňaz a čo hovorí cirkev namiesto toho, čo hovorí Boh.

65Ale Ježiš ich teraz za to pokarhal, povediac, „Skúmajte Písma! Tvrdíte, že v nich máte večný život, a ony sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Tieto Písma, ktoré vám hovorím, aby ste skúmali, sú tie, ktoré vám povedia, kým Som.“

66Lenže oni sa nespoliehali na to, čo povedalo Slovo, ale na to, aké boli ich vedomosti. Spoliehali sa na svoju rozumnosť. A Písmo nám hovorí, že boli zahalení. Opona ich vlastnej teológie ich držala v slepote.

Povieš, „Brat Branham, k čomu mieriš?“

67Práve sa idem k tomu dostať. Táto istá vec sa deje aj dnes, že muži a ženy sa príliš spoliehajú na istú cirkev, ku ktorej sa pridali a ku ktorej patria, bez ohľadu na to, čo o tom hovorí Božie Slovo. Stále v tom pokračujú a držia sa svojej vlastnej rozumnosti a ignorujú Božie Slovo, akoby nikdy nebolo napísané. To je neoplodnené semeno ľudského života. Má to fyzický život, ale nie duchovný život, cez ktorý by to bolo oživené. Opona bola na ich tvárach.

68Všimnite si teraz, oni mali svoje vlastné myšlienky o tom, čo je Boh, a vlastné predstavy o tom, čo by mal byť Mesiáš! Ale Slovo povedalo, čo bude Mesiáš! Ale, vidíte, oni mali svoje vlastné poznatky o tom, čo to bude. Bezpochyby veľkňaz povedal, „Všetci kňazi, ktorí sú podo mnou, teraz, keď Mesiáš príde... Postavíme tu obrovský chrám. Všetko to postavíme. A Biblia hovorí, 'Svižne pôjde do Svojho chrámu' a všetky tieto veci. Keď príde, Mesiáš tu vystúpi, všetci ho rozpoznajú a povie, 'Ja som Mesiáš. Dorazil som. Ja som tým Mesiášom, ktorého ste hľadali.'“ Ale nakoniec prišiel úplne iným spôsobom, akým si oni mysleli, preto Ho nerozpoznali. Nevedeli, kým je. Ale Jeho...

69Ó, čo ak by tu nejaký pokrytec vystúpil a povedal, „Ja som Mesiáš. Som doktor taký-a-taký?“ Oni by ho prijali.

70Ale keď prídete k Mužovi so zvláštnym narodením a bez nejakej školy, do ktorej chodil, bez semináru, bez karty obecenstva; ale predsa bol výkladom zamanifestovaného Božieho Slova. „Skutky, ktoré ja činím, vám hovoria, kým som. Ak nerobím tie skutky, ktoré sú zasľúbené, že budem robiť, potom Mi neverte.“

71A nemôžeme to aplikovať na tento deň? Keď prichádza Svätý Duch, vtedy to chcú aplikovať na nejaký iný vek, kedy prišiel v akcii a demonštrácii Svojej moci Večného Života, ľudia to chcú nazývať „divokým fanatizmom.“ Prečo? Spoliehajú sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť a nie na Slovo Pánovo. Dobre viete, že to je pravda.

72Identifikácia, že Boží vlastný výklad je manifestáciou zasľúbenia.

73Chcem to teraz povedať tak, že to bude zreteľnejšie. Keď hovorí Slovo, On nepotrebuje žiadneho muža ani ženu, ani nikoho iného, kto by hovoril, čo to znamená. Keď povedal... Dobre, povieš, „Boh tým myslel toto.“ Boh tým myslel presne to, čo povedal, že tým myslel. Vidíte?

74A ako On vykladá vlastné Slovo? Tým, že ho vyplňuje. Biblia povedala, „Panna počne,“ a počala. Nepotrebovalo to žiadne vykladanie. Boh povedal, „Nech je svetlo,“ a bolo. To nepotrebovalo žiadne vykladanie.

75Boh tiež povedal, že v posledných dňoch vyleje Svätého Ducha na každé telo. A On to urobil. Nie je potrebné žiadne vyloženie. Jediné, čo to vyžaduje, je prijatie, niekoho, kto by prijal to, čo Boh urobil. Nepotrebuje to žiaden výklad. Boh vykladá Svoje vlastné Slovo. On zasľúbil veci, ktoré teraz vidíme, deň čo deň, čo urobí v posledných dňoch.

76Ľudia sa dnes (tak, ako to bolo predtým) spoliehajú na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť. „Môj pastor povedal, že to je 'fanatizmus.'“ Biblia hovorí, že to tak bude. Takže na koho rozumnosť sa ideš spoliehať?

77Biblia zasľúbila v posledných dňoch, že „Laodicejský cirkevný vek bude bohatý a budú mať dostatok vlastného majetku, 'Som bohatý. Nemám žiadne potreby. Som ako kráľovná.' A ona je bohatá.“ A On povedal, „Nevieš, že si mizerný.“ To je celý cirkevný vek, cirkev! „Laodicejská cirkev, si nahá, slepá, úbohá a mizerná a nevieš o tom.“ Sediaca vo svojom bohatstve, desaťtisíce krát desaťtisíce a tisíce členov, takmer celé bohatstvo sveta v rukách. Všetko to skladajú dohromady s katolíckou cirkvou a protestantmi, spájajú sa dokopy a majú celé bohatstvo sveta.

78Sme takmer rozbití v tejto krajine. Požičiavame dane, ktoré budú zaplatené o štyridsať rokov, tak mi to povedali, tak to bolo povedané v Life Line. Dane, ktoré teraz míňame, budú zaplatené o štyridsať rokov neskôr. Môj malý vnuk, ak Pán dá, dane, ktoré bude platiť, keď bude mať štyridsať rokov, my ich práve teraz utrácame. Posielame ich na pomoc cudzím, našim Indiánom a ľuďom trpiacim hladom; skúšajúci kúpiť spoločnosť. Nemôžeš kúpiť obecenstvo. Nemôžeš si kúpiť priateľa. Nie, ale to je práve to, čo robíme. To je spôsob, akým sme organizovaní, len vymáhať od ľudí dane za všetko, čo sa dá, dane, dane, dane. A nedostaneme sa z vojny bez toho, aby sme mali dlhy aspoň sto rokov dopredu, predpokladám, do čoho nás uvrhli politici. Ale nemali by sme ísť takto ďalej. Nie je dôvod, prečo by sme to mali takto robiť.

79Ale cirkvi sú stále bohatšie. „Takmer celé bohatstvo sveta,“ hovorí Biblia, „leží v katolíckej cirkvi.“ To je to, prečo ju Rusko exkomunikovalo. Boli to práve tie korene komunizmu, pretože cirkev učila byť niečím, čo nebolo viac ako zvyšok sveta.

80Keď sme boli hore vo Fínsku a ten malý chlapec tam bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych, stáli tam Ruskí vojaci na stráži a povedali, „Prijmeme Boha, ktorý dokáže vzkriesiť z mŕtvych.“

81Postavili sme denominácie a školy, budovy, ale zlyhali sme v tom, čo Ježiš povedal, „Kážte Evanjelium.“ My sa však snažíme vzdelávať svet. Ale On nikdy nepovedal, „Vzdelávajte svet; tí, ktorí sú vzdelaní, budú spasení.“ Musíte sa znova narodiť, naplnení Svätým Duchom. To je ten dôvod, prečo sme všade tak mizerne upadli. Vidíte, máme majetok, máme veci.

82Ale čo sa stane? A keď sa táto Svetová Rada Cirkví zhromažďuje a dávajú sa dokopy, nedokážete vidieť, kto to ide viesť? Neviete to vy, metodisti a presbyteriáni pochopiť a zvyšok z vás, dokonca ani letniční? Hovoríte, že sa s tým nespájate. Ale buď sa s tým budete spájať, alebo musíte rozbiť denomináciu. Jedno alebo druhé. Je to pred vami, musíte sa rozhodnúť. Je to vnucovanie, znamenie šelmy. To je presne to, čo to je. Denominacionalizmus je absolútne (môžem to dokázať Bibliou) znamením šelmy. „Ona bola prostitútkou; mala dcéry prostitútky.“ A my vieme, že to je pravda. Organizované náboženstvo je v protiklade so Slovom Božím a už len v princípe to je antikrist. Nie je to celé antikrist; ale v princípoch, ten systém je antikrist, pretože je proti Božiemu Slovu. Každý organizovaný systém je taký.

83Tu to je, vidíte, spoliehate sa na rozumnosť niekoho iného, namiesto toho, aby ste sa držali Božej rozumnosti cez to, čo On hovorí. To je dôvod, prečo to je nesprávne. Chlapci chodia na semináre, kde získajú dobré vzdelanie, a do týchto takzvaných biblických škôl. Ale možno majú v srdci Božie volanie. A chodia tam a sú príliš oboznámení len s jednostranným pohľadom, „Tak-a-tak povedal Biskup Taký-a-taký. Tento povedal toto. Tamten povedal tamto. Tá rada to odsúhlasila, takže tak to má byť.“

84Nestaraj sa o to, čo niekto hovorí! Ježiš povedal, „Nech je slovo každého človeka lžou a Moje Pravdou. Je dôležité, koho slová sú pravdou, Moje sú Pravdou!“

85A ako teraz vieme, že čo je pravda? Keď Biblia vyhlasuje, že niečo sa stane, a to sa ide stať, to sa udeje presne takým spôsobom.

86No, Biblia hovorí, „V nej bolo bohatstvo sveta, zlato, striebro.“

87No, ak sme teraz na zlatom štandarde a porušíme ho, čo sa teraz ide stať? Čo sa udeje? Viete, bohatí ľudia tohto národa, tieto veľké fabriky a whisky a tabak, a tak ďalej, to nevydrží, ak by sme zmenili našu menu, takže jediná vec, ktorú budeme musieť urobiť, je vypožičať to. A je len jedno miesto, kde to môžeme požičať. A toto keď urobíme, predáme im všetky naše rodné práva. To je pravda. A čo potom urobíte? Už ste tým systémom vlastnení. Už neexistuje nič, čo s tým môžete urobiť.

88Ó, ľudia, nemyslite si, že ja... možno si myslíte, že som blázon. Ale keď bude môj hlas umlčaný smrťou, tieto pásky budú stále hrať a vtedy rozpoznáte, že to, čo som povedal, sa stalo. Bol by som najhlúpejším človekom, keby som zaujal postoj, ktorý som zaujal, a bol by som proti Bohu, ak by som sa vo svojom myslení a povolaní mýlil. Tá vec by bola proti Bohu. Ale zaujal som ten postoj, pretože to vidím tu v Slove. Je to Božie Slovo. A potom vidím, že to je preukázané a dokázané, že to je pravdou. To je výklad, ktorý Boh dáva Svojmu Slovu. Boží výklad Jeho Slova je to, ako Ho preukazuje a robí pravdivým.

89Prečo boli tí farizeovia slepí? Čo ich zaslepilo? Pretože neprijali zjavenie a potvrdenie Slova.

90A to je dôvod, prečo je dnes toľko slepých cirkví. Je to preto, že nebudú akceptovať zjavenie, ktoré bolo preukázané. Ak to Slovo tak hovorí a potom je to zjavené a na to dokázané, oni to stále neprijímajú.

91To je dôvod, prečo títo Židia, Židia tohoto dňa to neprijmú. Nemôžete im ani hovoriť o Kristovi, pretože tá záclona je stále na ich tvárach a zaslepuje ich.

92A táto cirkev, nemôžete im hovoriť o Plnom Evanjeliu a Božej moci, pretože boh tohoto sveta ich zaslepil pre pravdy Božie a oni sa spoliehajú na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť. Keď prídu ženy do cirkvi s ostrihanými vlasmi, pretože ich pastori im povedali, „To nič, to je v poriadku. Ten človek je blázon.“ Ale Biblia povedala, že to nie je správne, ak to robí. Potom Boh odmietol odpovedať na jej modlitbu. A iné ženy urobia ešte tú hanbu, že sa snažia byť kazateľkami, tým urobia dvojitú chybu. Biblia však povedala, že by to nemali robiť, nič z toho. Ale tá cirkevná organizácia to prijme a ordinujú ju a pošlú ju kázať. Spoliehajú sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť!

93Stačí, že jedno Slovo Božie je zle umiestnené alebo zle pochopené alebo neprijaté, a hneď to pretrhne celú reťaz. „Človek nebude žiť len na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“

94Prečo je to tak, vy ženy, počujete ma kázať proti týmto veciam o nosení šortiek a maľovaní, strihaní vlasov a všetkým týmto veciam a každý rok, keď sa sem znova vrátim, stále ste v tom istom stave. Je to preto, že sa spoliehate na svoje vlastné porozumenie namiesto Slova Pánovho.

95A vy, pastori, prečo nevyčistíte svoje cirkvi? Pretože idete do vášho denominačného vyznania namiesto Slova Pánovho. Tak je. Nespoliehajte sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť. Áno, nespoliehajte sa na svoju rozumnosť, ale na Slovo Pánovo.

96Oni by to prijali, pretože by neprijali preukázanie. Ježiš prichádza s Evanjeliom presne tak, ako povedal, že príde. A veľakrát...

97Ján bol trochu zmätený, keď bol uvrhnutý do žalára a keď sa tam dostal... On predtým kázal o Príchode Mesiáša, ktorý má vejačku vo Svojej ruke a prečistí Svoje humno, ale plevy bude páliť neuhasiteľným ohňom a zhromaždí svoju pšenicu do sypárne. Duch Boží z neho vytryskoval ako z fontány. A keď potom videl Ježiša prichádzajúceho na scénu, toho mierneho a prostého chlapíka, ako Ho odtláčajú a ako musel bojovať o život. No, oni...

98Ján tomu nemohol porozumieť, tak poslal niektorých svojich učeníkov, aby zistili, či je Ježiš skutočne ten. Čo za zneuctenie Pána Ježiša! Potom, ako tam ten prorok stál vo vode, so Slovom Božím, povediac, „Poznám Ho, lebo som videl Svätého Ducha ako holubicu, Boh zostúpil z Nebies ako holubica a vstúpil do neho a počul som Hlas z Nebies, ktorý povedal, 'Toto je Môj Milovaný Syn,'“ a Ján povedal, „Choďte a opýtajte sa Ho, či je On skutočne tým, alebo máme hľadať iného.“

99Ale Ježiš mu nikdy neposlal knihu o tom, ako sa správať vo väzení alebo o tom, do akej cirkvi sa má pridať. Ale povedal, „Sledujte na chvíľu a pozorujte, čo sa stane, a potom choďte za Jánom a povedzte mu, čo ste videli a robili.“ Pretože skutky, ktoré činil, preukazovali to, že je Mesiáš, Syn Boží. „Blahoslavený ten, ktorý sa nepohoršil na Mne.“

100Ale mnohí sa urazili. Veľa ľudí sa tak ľahko pohoršuje na Slove Božom. Je to protikladné, chcú sa spoliehať na svoje vlastné vedomosti. Nechcú vziať Slovo Pánovo. A musia ísť len tou cestou, akou boli učení, že majú ísť. A tá cesta, ktorej sú učení, ich cirkvi sa na to spoliehajú. Bez ohľadu na to, či Boh zasľúbil, že bude pršať, že ráno musí pršať, a cirkev by povedala, „To je nezmysel,“ oni by verili cirkvi namiesto toho, aby verili Bohu. Prečo to tak je? Preto, lebo sú narodení z cirkvi.

101Ale človek, ktorý je narodený z Boha, je Semeno Božie. A to Božie semeno je Slovo Božie, a to je jediné, z čoho môže žiť. To je jeho Životom.

102No, oni sa spoliehali na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť a nechceli sa spoliehať na Božie Slovo. Poznali to lepšie. Bolo to v Písme. Nazvali toho Človeka „zlým duchom“. Prečo? Ich kňaz povedal, „Každý, kto bude počúvať kázanie toho Človeka, bude vykopnutý zo synagógy.“

103Keď ten muž, ktorý bol predtým slepý a náhle Ježišom uzdravený, dokonca jeho rodičia boli šťastní z toho uzdravenia, ale báli sa vyznať, že to bol Ježiš, ktorý to urobil. Áno.

Povedali, „Je toto váš syn?“

Povedali, „Áno.“

Povedali, „A kto ho dal do poriadku?“

104Na to im povedali, „Nevieme,“ povedali, „Už má svoje roky, spýtajte sa ho. Vie hovoriť aj za seba.“

105Bolo to preto, lebo im bolo nahovorené, že každý, kto sa spolieha na Kristovu rozumnosť namiesto svojej vlastnej rozumnosti, bude vystrčený z cirkvi. No, nie je to dnes to isté? Asi sa vás pýtam veľmi jasnú otázku. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] To je pravda. Je to tá istá vec. Je im jedno, čo Boh robí, vždy to musí byť podľa ich rozumnosti, bez ohľadu na to, čo On preukazuje, že je pravda. Ale ten človek mal odpoveď.

Pýtali sa ho, „Kto ťa uzdravil?“

On povedal, „Ježiš zvaný Nazaretský.“

Povedali, „On je hriešnik. Nevieme, odkiaľ prišiel.“

106On povedal, „To je zvláštne. Predpokladá sa, že vy ste tými vodcami tejto hodiny. A tu je Človek, ktorý otvoril moje oči, čo sa od počiatku sveta nestalo. A vy mi teraz hovoríte, že neviete, odkiaľ prišiel.“ Ó!

107Spoliehali sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť namiesto Slova Pánovho. Lebo Izaiáš povedal, „Slepí budú vidieť, kuľhaví poskočia ako jeleň a opustení budú jasať.“ Ale vidíte, že sa spoliehali na svoje znalosti a nie na Slovo; ich vlastný systém ich k tomu priviedol.

108Všimnite si teraz, že cirkvi dnešného dňa robia to isté. V ich denominačných systémoch si vyformovali super rasu rozumnosti. Majú také vedomosti, že nechcú mať s nikým nič spoločné, nikoho, kto by tam prišiel, jedine, že by patril do ich skupiny.

109Viem, čo hovorím; žijem v Tucsone v Arizone. Prišiel som tam pred troma rokmi a stretol som sa tam s radou cirkví a povedal som, „Nikdy som sem neprišiel, aby som tu založil cirkev. Prišiel som mať s vami obecenstvo. Prišiel som vám pomôcť. Som misionár, evanjelista.“

Povedali, „Prichádzaš tu, aby si tu založil cirkev?“

110Povedal som, „Nie, pane. Prišiel som tu... Ak chcem cirkev, jednu mám v Indiane.“ Povedal som, „Prišiel som sem, pretože Pán ma sem priviedol cez videnie. Zostanem tu teraz na chvíľu, pokiaľ ma nebude viesť inde, ale neprišiel som tu založiť cirkev. Prišiel som pomôcť svojim bratom.“

111Toto bolo pred troma rokmi. A pritom som nikdy nebol pozvaný ani na jedno miesto. Prečo? Lebo hneď potom mali stretnutie a povedali, že ak ma tam nejaký človek nechá kázať, oni toho kazateľa exkomunikujú. Vidíte? Prečo? Spoliehanie sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť! Istotne, toto je tá ich takzvaná super rasa rozumnosti.

112A ak by si svoje meno nedal do ich knihy, budeš stratený. Jeden kazateľ mi toto povedal. „Ó,“ poviete, „to bol nejaký šarlatán.“ Nie, bol to letničný.

113Jack Moore a ja sme tam sedeli a počúvali ho v Dallase v Texase. Povedal, že musel vymazať jeho meno z ich knihy.

Povedal som, „Prečo?“

“Pretože mal s tebou obecenstvo.“

Povedal som, „V poriadku, daj to meno preč.“

Povedal, „Dobre, ale on je potom stratený.“

Povedal som, „Stratený?“

“Ó,“ povedal, „áno, ak tam jeho meno nie je!“

114Povedal som, „Chceš povedať, že ty si okresným presbyterom a takému niečomu veríš?“

Povedal, „Áno.“

115Povedal som, „Zlož telefón, pane. Ty, ty... To nie je milosť Božia, rozumieš?“

116“Lebo v jednom Duchu sme všetci pokrstení v jedno telo a stávame sa členmi toho tela.“ Nestaraj sa o to, akú máš značku, to s tým nemá nič spoločné. Kresťanom sa rozhodne stávaš narodením. To je jediný spôsob, ako ním môžeš byť; nie prihlásením sa alebo vyznaniami, nie vyvolaním toho, alebo recitovaním tamtoho alebo niečím takým, nie vzdelaním alebo teológiou. Si kresťanom, keď si znovuzrodený a nemôžeš sa znova narodiť, jedine, žeby si bol vyvoleným na to, aby si sa znovuzrodil. „Lebo nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, keby ho nepritiahol Môj Otec, a všetko, čo Mi Otec dal, príde.“ Amen. „Znovu ho vzkriesim v posledný deň.“

117Tieto veľké takzvané Biblické školy, ktoré máme, sa spoliehajú na svoje vlastné poznatky. Ó! Nestarajú sa o to, čo Slovo hovorí, a môžu si to sami sebe tak zreteľne vysvetliť, že tomu nakoniec uveria a ich druh ľudí tomu uverí, že „Dni zázrakov pominuli. Nie je nič také ako prorok, proroci, apoštolovia. Nie je nič také, ako dary uzdravenia, a tak ďalej. Všetko to skončilo v biblických dňoch.“ Oni vedia spôsobiť to, že tomu nakoniec sami uveria.

118Viete, Biblia povedala, „Môžeš veriť lži a byť skrze to odsúdený.“ Vidíte, to je presne pravda. Tie ich formy, bez ohľadu na to, čo Slovo hovorí, oni sa opierajú o svoje vlastné vedomosti. Oni sa na to spoliehajú, veria tomu, myslia si, že to je pravda. Lži môžeš veriť stále, stále, stále a stále až dokiaľ sa to nestane pre teba pravdou. Tak je.

119Ale ako vieme, či to je pravda alebo nie? Boh dokazuje, že to je pravda, pretože to je v Jeho Slove a On to preukazuje. On tomu robí Svoj vlastný výklad.

120Ako to však robia, ako sa do toho dostanú? Dostanú sa do toho cez ich kultúru, ich vzdelanie a cez to, aký majú doktorát, a tak ďalej, a že prišli z istého seminára a tam sa naučili tieto veci.

121Ale pozrite, priatelia, počúvajte. Nikde v Biblii nás nikto neprosí, aby sme niečomu rozumeli. Nežiada sa od nás, aby sme tomu rozumeli. Žiada sa, aby sme tomu verili. Verili čím? Vierou. Ak tomu rozumieš, to potom anuluje tvoju vieru. Nemusíš tomu rozumieť, ale napriek tomu tomu môžeš veriť. Ak dokážem porozumieť Boha, potom by som Mu nemusel veriť. Ale ja nerozumiem Boha. Nikto nerozumie Boha. Neviem pochopiť Božie Slovo, ale prijímam Ho. Verím Mu. Nežiada sa odo mňa, aby som tomu rozumel.

122Nemal som nikdy kvôli tomu nejaký seminár, aby som mal o tom nejaké veľké vedomosti. Ja len viem, že Biblia hovorí, že „Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.“ A hľadám Ho v tej istej kategórii. Viem, že zasľúbil, čo bude robiť v posledných dňoch, hľadám, kedy to urobí, a On to robí. To je pravda. On zasľúbil Milosť, tak ja ju hľadám a prijímam ju. Zasľúbil uzdravenie, verím Mu a akceptujem ho a prijímam ho.

123Nechcem vám teraz vziať veľa z vášho času, ale chcem sa vás len spýtať jednu vec, ak so mnou vydržíte aspoň minútu, zvážiť aspoň niektorých z tých, ktorí sa nespoliehali na svoju rozumnosť; niektoré postavy Biblie, aspoň zopár, ktorí sa neopierali o svoje vlastné znalosti navzdory tomu, aká bola rozumnosť veku, v ktorom žili.

124Zoberme napríklad Noacha. Noach žil v dni veľkého vedeckého bádania. V Noachových dňoch pravdepodobne stavali pyramídy, ktoré nemohli znova reprodukovať. No, my dnes nemáme nič, s čím by sme to mohli robiť, nič, s čím by sme mohli dvíhať hore tie obrovské balvany. Dnes to nemôžu. V tých dňoch mali dokonca typ chemikálie, mohli namočiť odev do farbiva a spôsobiť tým, že dodnes bude vyzerať úplne prirodzene. Mali tekutinu na balzamovanie, z ktorej mohli urobiť múmiu; dnes také niečo nemôžeme urobiť. Máme... veľa umenia, ktoré sme stratili. Deň, v ktorom on žil, bol vekom vedy.

125Ježiš sa o tom zmienil, že rovnaký druh veku sa znova navráti, predtým, ako sa On vráti naspäť, „Lebo ako bolo v dňoch Noeho.“ Uveríte tomu, nie? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn. prekl.] Veríte, že to Ježiš povedal? [“Amen.“] Veríte, že sme sa navrátili späť do toho veku? [“Amen.“] Toto je v Knihe Lukáša v 17. kapitole a 29. verši.

126A v Lukášovi 17:30 hovorí, „A tak, ako bolo vo dňoch Lotových, keď Anjel Pánov...“

127No, On čítal tú istú Bibliu, ako my. A keď... Vráťme sa naspäť a zistime, aký druh dňa bol pred Noachovým dažďom. Vráťme sa a postrehnime, aký typ dňa bol predtým, ako bol svet zničený vo dňoch Lotových. Sledujme, o čom to bolo, a budete vedieť, o čom Ježiš hovoril.

128“Vo dňoch Noeho jedli, pili, ženili sa a vydávali až do chvíle, keď Noe vstúpil do korábu a prišla potopa, ktorá ich všetkých vzala preč.“

129Vo dňoch Lotových, predtým, ako bol svet... Oheň spálil pohanský svet, Sodomanov. Tam boli homosexuáli, zvrátenia a všetko možné. Veľké... Bolo to moderné Los Angeles; a nie len moderné Los Angeles, ale celé Spojené Štáty; a nie len to, ale celý svet. Istotne tam bolo veľa prevrátenia! Človek stratil svoj prirodzený zdroj života a svoje naturálne znalosti základných zmyslov a stali sa prevrátenými zlým duchom, ktorý zmenil celý smer ich prirodzeného života a stali sa posadnutými démonmi. Ak to nebol obraz na dni Noeho, potom neviem, čo to je, myslím v dňoch Lotových. V dňoch Noeho tiež jedli, pili, ženili sa a vydávali, tiež sa plnili rozvodné súdy a všetko toto.

130Ale pamätajte, predtým, ako bol svet zničený, Abrahám bol poslaný na zem a bolo mu dané zasľúbenie syna. A Abrahám stretol Boha v rôznych štádiách, ako typ cirkvi, ktorá stretla Boha. A tesne pred zničením a pred návratom toho zasľúbeného syna, vlastne jeho príchodom, syn, ktorý bol zasľúbený, prišiel a Boh zostúpil na zem a zamanifestoval sa v ľudskom tele, v človeku, v troch mužoch. A oni prišli dolu k Lotovi; prišli najprv k Abrahámovi a sadli si. A Abrahám mal predtým zmenené meno z „Abram“ na „Abrahám“; „Sáraj“ na „Sára“.

131A tento človek, ktorý hovoril, Elohim, keď On prišiel dolu k nemu a prehovoril, čo povedal? Povedal, „Kde je tvoja žena Sára?“

Povedal, „Je v stane za tebou.“

132Povedal, „Navštívim ťa podľa času života.“ A ona sa v tom stane za Ním zasmiala. A On povedal, „Prečo sa Sára smiala?“ Vidíte? On bol schopný na mieste vziať Sáre život za to, že sa smiala Jeho Slovu, ale On to jednoducho nemohol urobiť, pretože ona bola časťou Abraháma.

133A dnes, Ježiš povedal v Lukášovi v 17. kapitole a 30. verši, že „Tak, ako bolo vo dňoch Lotových, tak bude aj v čase konca, keď Syn človeka...“

134No, pamätajte teraz, „Syn človeka“ je prorok. Jehova nazval Ezechiela „synom človeka.“ Ježiš prišiel v troch menách: Syn človeka, Syn Dávidov a Syn Boží. Seba nazýval „Synom človeka,“ takže ľudia mohli pochopiť, že On bol tým prorokom, ktorého Pán Boh vzbudí.

135Všimnite si teraz, čo potom zasľúbil? Syn človeka znovu zjaví Samého Seba tesne pred tým časom, predtým, ako padne oheň. A to bol posledný znak, ktorý Abrahám videl predtým, ako prišiel zasľúbený syn; a on sa premenil na mladého muža a ona na mladú ženu. Predtým... No všimnite si, Písmo o tom konkrétne hovorí, musíme to vyhliadať.

136A teraz, keď vidíme svet v prevrátení a všetky tie veci, ktoré sa dnes dejú, akou cestou sa to rúti, ako môžeme potom povedať, že toto je pravda a nepovedať, že to druhé je pravda? Pretože niekto... Vy sa spoliehate na svoje vlastné vedomosti a nie na rozumnosť Kniežaťa Života, ktorý bol tou osobou, ktorá tam bola pri tej bráne v Sodome. Všimnime si teraz, nespoliehame sa na svoju rozumnosť.

137Noe sa však na svoju rozumnosť nespoliehal. Bol to veľký vek vedy, ale on sa nedržal rozumnosti svojho veku. Ale spoliehal sa na zasľúbenie Božie, a pohyboval sa mocou Božou a pripravil archu, aby zachránil svoj dom. Bolo to absolútne proti racionálnemu zmýšľaniu; nebola by tam žiadna voda, nikdy by nebola. Ale on vedel, že ak Boh povedal, že bude, tak bude. Čiže sa nespoliehal na svoje vedomosti, ale vierou sa pohyboval Slovom Božieho zasľúbenia. Duch ním pohyboval a on to robil.

138Abrahám, on sa nespoliehal na svoju rozumnosť ľudského života. Veď sa oženil so svojou ženou ako sedemnásťročný. A tu on bol, sedemdesiat rokov starý so šesťdesiatpäť ročnou ženou, čiže desať rokov mladšou. Ale Abrahám sa nedržal svojej rozumnosti, keď mu Boh povedal, že mu vzbudí syna zo Sáry. Ale on bral všetky vedecké dôkazy, ktoré boli v protiklade so Slovom Božím, a všetko učenie mimo Božieho Slova akoby vôbec nebolo. A vzdával Bohu chválu, chválil Ho. Ani nepovažoval za vhodné pozrieť sa na vlastné telo alebo smrť Sárinho tela alebo na svoje telo. On neuvažoval nad ničím, len sa držal zasľúbenia Božieho. Nespoliehal sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť. Nespoliehal sa na dôvody.

139“No,“ povieš, „brat Branham, to je dôvod, prečo Boh neuzdraví chorého, lebo máme dnes veľa dobrých doktorov.“

140Biblia povedala, „Zavrhujeme uvažovanie.“ My neuvažujeme. Viera neuvažuje. Viera verí a akceptuje. Všimnite si to.

141Tak on namiesto nevery veril; a bral veci, ktoré neboli, akoby boli, čo bolo absolútne proti nejakým úvahám. Ale on to nijako nezvažoval. Len tomu veril. Neboli žiadne dôvody, ktoré by mohli dokázať, že to dieťa sa môže narodiť. Tá žena bola asi dvadsať rokov po prechodoch a jeho telo bolo, akoby bolo mŕtve. A keď mal sto rokov, čiže dvadsaťpäť rokov po tom, stále vzdával Bohu chválu, čo bolo proti ktorémukoľvek typu rozumovania. Ale vierou vedel, že Boh dodrží Svoje Slovo. Nespoliehal sa na svoju rozumnosť.

142Čo ak by sa Mojžiš spoliehal na svoje vlastné znalosti, keď mu Boh povedal, že mal vziať faraóna... alebo teda vyviesť deti Izraelove z faraónovej zeme? Čo ak by sa držal svojho rozumu, keď tam bol pri tom ohnivom stĺpe, keď Boh povedal, „Choď tam a Ja budem s tebou?“ Čo ak by sa spoliehal na svoju rozumnosť, keď ich priviedol k Červenému moru a boli tam pri vode, pričom im Boh sľúbil zasľúbenú zem? Veď keby sa držal svojej známosti, povedal by, „Ako sa tadiaľ dostaneme? Nemáme času, aby sme postavili most, a tu je armáda práve za nami. Sú tu hory na oboch stranách a je tu voda pred nami, Červené more.“

143No, ak by sa na to spoliehal, zdvihol by ruky, utekal by a padol pred nohami faraóna povediac, „Odpusť mi, faraón. Urobil som zle.“

144Ale on sa nespoliehal na svoj rozum. Ale sa modlil, pričom mu Boh povedal, aby vykročili vpred a more sa otvorí, čo bolo proti hocijakým úvahám. Ale on sa nedržal svojich znalostí.

145Čo ak by Jozue, keď tam išiel s ďalšími desiatimi denomináciami, chodil a videl tú zasľúbenú zem Božiu, čo ak by sa s nimi vrátil a povedal, „No, počkajte na chvíľu. Je to pravda. Veď sme oproti nim len ako lúčne koníky a oni sú obri. Ako tú zem vôbec zaujmeme? Dokonca ani nemáme meče; máme len to, čo vieme zodvihnúť. Ako si vôbec môžeme dovoliť ísť a zaujať tú zem? Ó, to je nemožné. Aj počtom nás prevyšujú, päťdesiat mužov proti jednému. Oni sú trénovaní vojaci a my nie sme ničím, iba skupinou pastierov a miesičov blata z Egypta. Ako? Nemáme ani štíty ani nič, ako tam môžeme ísť?“

146Rozumovanie by v tom prípade určite dokázalo, že to nedokážu urobiť. Žiaden vojak, ako bol on, alebo Mojžiš, sa nemohol spoliehať na svoj rozum. Ich vedomosti, oni sa na ne nespoliehali. Ale vedeli, že Boh povedal, „Dal som vám tú zem. Choďte a zaujmite ju!“

147Nespoliehaj sa na svoju rozumnosť. Ak sa na ňu dnes spoliehaš, keď si chorý, možno sedíš na vozíčku, zomieraš na rakovinu, srdcový problém a doktor povedal, že ideš zomrieť, no, ak sa spoliehaš na svoj rozum, tak naozaj zomrieš. Ale na to sa nespoliehaj. Istotne nie.

148A čo s tými múrami Jericha, kde hovorili, že sa na ich vrchu môžu pretekať na vozoch, tie obrovské múry? Boh povedal, „Vyjdite hore a pochodujte toľko krát a trúbte na trúby a kričte a na to tie múry padnú.“ To bolo absolútne bláznivé pre telesnú myseľ. Ale Jozue vediac, aké hrubé sú tie múry, pretože istotne postavil predtým v Egypte veľa takých múrov. Poznal ten cement, ktorý bol navrchu, a aký bol pevný, keď vedel udržať preteky na vozoch a dokonca domy, ktoré tam stáli. Ale on jednoducho veril, že Boh povedal pravdu, a bol poslušný Jeho Slovu a potom tie múry padli. Žiadne spoliehanie sa na svoju rozumnosť.

149Čo keď vtedy bojoval v tej bitke a, ako som kázal v nedeľu, a slnko zapadalo a nepriateľ bol na ceste. V tú noc by sa spojili s inými a prišli by s inou posilou a istotne by zabili veľa z jeho mužov. Ak by teraz povedal, „Potrebujeme viac denného svetla. Potrebujeme viac Slnka. V poriadku, počkajte na chvíľu. Boh dal takýto poriadok a slnko sa točí, čiže svet sa točí. Dobre, takže ak by som povedal slnku, aby stálo... No, ak by sa svet teraz zastavil, to by potom stratil gravitáciu, čiže by som padol?“

150On nepočúval svoj vlastný rozum. Jediné, čo povedal, bolo, „Slnko, stoj! A mesiac, ty zostaň, kde si.“ A ono ho to poslúchlo. Nedržal sa svojho rozumovania, ale spoliehal sa na zasľúbenie Božie, „Daroval som vám tú zem, tak choďte a zaujmite ju!“

151On ti dal zasľúbenie Svätého Ducha. Môžeš Ho obdržať práve na tomto zhromaždení, práve teraz.

152Nespoliehaj sa na, „Vieš, som unavený. Poviem ti, príliš som sa naložil na večeru. Strašne by som nechcel, aby ma John toto videl robiť.“ Ach, je to len to, že sa spoliehaš na vlastnú rozumnosť.

153„Lebo vám patrí to zasľúbenie a deťom vašich detí a všetkým na široko-ďaleko, koľkýchkoľvek si povolá náš Boh.“

154„Doktor povedal, že zomriem. Urobil vyšetrenie a povedal, že to je rakovina alebo čokoľvek to je. Musím zomrieť.“ Nespoliehaj sa na túto rozumnosť. Boh je Hospodin, tvoj Boh, ktorý uzdravuje všetky choroby. Takže na tie vedomosti sa nespoliehaj, nie na tú ľudskú rozumnosť. Drž sa Božej rozumnosti.

155A čo Samson, tam na tom poli, keď k nemu bežalo tisíce ľudí a Filištíni? A on tam len stál, drobný trpaslík s kučeravými vlasmi, asi takto vysoký. On ne... No, on nebol nijakým šermiarom, pretože to nevedel; nemal žiaden tréning, žiaden vojenský tréning. Bol len ako bábovka s kučeravými vlasmi so siedmimi vrkočmi, ktoré mu takto viseli dolu, mamičkin miláčik, ktorý tam stál a prichádzalo k nemu tisíc Filištínov. Pozrel sa dolu a našiel starú vybielenú osliu čeľusť a zodvihol ju.

156A čo ak by povedal, „Pozrime sa, teraz, veľa s touto čeľusťou neurobím, keď majú na hlavách tie helmy... Všetci z nich majú kopije, majú drôtené brnenie a ich helmy vážia tak 15 libier na kus [asi 7kg – pozn.prekl.], sú to všetko veľkí chlapi. Ó, tá čeľusť by sa rozpadla na kúsky, ak by som ňou udrel jednu z ich heliem.“

157Lenže on sa na svoju rozumnosť nespoliehal. On len vzal to, čo bolo v jeho ruke a začal tým biť Filištínov. A ako ich tam všetkých tisícich porazil, stále tam mal v ruke tú osliu čeľusť. Amen.

158Nestarám sa o to, čo hovorí teológia, nespoliehaj sa na to. Drž sa Slova Božieho, „Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ On tomu istotne veril.

159Čo ak by Dávid počúval Sams-... Saulovu teológiu? Stál tam chvastajúci sa Goliáš a všetci sa ho báli; dokonca Saul, o hlavu vyšší od celej armády. Goliáš povedal, „Vyjdite niekto a bojujte so mnou. Netreba, aby sme všetci pomreli. Ak ťa ja zabijem, vy všetci nám budete slúžiť. A ak ma on zabije, nuž, my budeme slúžiť vám.“ Pretože on si bol tým istý. To je spôsob, akým to diabol rád robí, keď vlastní celý seminár a všetkých tých ľudí, to je to, keď on prichádza, vidíte.

160Malý Dávid za dávna, keď tam išiel s kúskom ovčej kože, ktorá visela na ňom; rumenný, zhrbený, maličký chlapík asi okolo sto libier, alebo stodesať [okolo 50kg – pozn.prekl.] Povedal, „Chceš mi povedať, že armády živého Boha so zmluvou obriezky tu budú stáť a nechajú týchto neobrezaných Filištínov, aby hanili armády živého Boha?“

161Saul povedal, „Poď sem, chlapče.“ Povedal, „Obdivujem tvoju odvahu, ale dni zázrakov pominuli. Už nemáme niečo také, vidíš. A nech ti niečo poviem, akú spoločenskú kartu by si mi mohol ukázať? Nemáš ani zbroj. Nemáš nič, len prak vo svojej ruke. Vidíte? Nemáš ani PhDr. alebo titul doktora práv. Ako to chceš urobiť? No, tento človek je skutočný bojovník. On je doktorom teológie, doktorom filozofie... On má veľa titulov, mohol by nimi vytapetovať stenu. A kto si ty? Iba pastier, ovčiar.“

162On povedal, „Ale chcem ti niečo povedať.“ Povedal, „Vieš čo?“ Povedal, „Zháňal som raz ovce môjho otca, a,“ povedal, „prišiel lev a schmatol jednu z nich a rýchlo utekal. A vieš, zobral som ten malý prak a išiel som po ňom a zrazil som ho. Zobral som tú ovečku z jeho tlamy a vstal, keď som to urobil. Zobral som nôž a na mieste som ho zabil.“ Povedal, „Takže som išiel naspäť. A znovu prišiel medveď pre tú ovcu, uchmatol ju a bežal preč. Rovnako som aj jeho zabil.“ Povedal, „No, Boh... Nie moje PhDr., nie moja rozumnosť. Neviem ti povedať, ako som to urobil. Neviem, ako sa to stalo. Ale Boh,“ amen, „Boh, ktorý ma vyslobodil z ruky toho medveďa a leva, o čo viac ma On vytrhne z ruky tohto neobrezaného Filištína!“

163Kňaz Saul povedal, „No, verím, že máš povolanie. Poviem ti, ak by si tu prišiel, naučil by som ťa, ako bojovať, vidíš. A vieš, som doktor, takže by si si mal na seba dať moje brnenie. Chcem ťa do toho vystrojiť.“ Dávid tam len stál a dali mu PhDr. a titul doktora práv a všetko to, až sa ten úbohý malý chlapec nemohol ani pohnúť. Nevedel ako.

164On povedal, „Nikdy som sa v tomto neosvedčil. Táto cirkevná vesta mi nesedí. Daj to dole. Nechaj ma ísť s tým, s čím mi Boh pomôže.“ Toto bola viera v Moc Božiu. A on sa nedržal vlastného rozumu. Nespoliehal sa na to, čo povedal niekto iný. On sa spoliehal na vieru, pretože vedel, že ak ho Boh vyslobodil z rúk medveďa, o čo viac ho zachráni pred tými Filištínmi!

165Ak ťa Boh miluje dostatočne na to, že ťa vyslobodil z hriechu a naplnil Svätým Duchom, čo sa deje s vami, vy úbohí mäkkí slabosi po celej krajine, či vás On o to viac nevyslobodí z vašich utrpení, keď zasľúbil, že to urobí? Božie Slovo tak hovorí. On to urobí. Istotne, tak, ako aj jeho vyslobodil z ich ruky.

166Ó, každý jeden z prorokov, čo ak by sa spoliehali na rozumnosť svojho dňa? Nikdy by nešli k tým kňazom a veľkňazom a nenazvali by ich „pokrytcami“ a všetkým možným. Nikdy by neprorokovali v protiklade s nimi. Boli by ako niektorí z tých dnešných prorokov, súhlasili by, nosili by pekné oblečenie a boli v kráľovských palácoch.

167Čo ak by sa Ján pokúšal spoliehať na svoju rozumnosť? Ale on len smele vykročil.

168Oni povedali, „No, počkaj chvíľku, Ján, nekáž teraz na tému Manželstvo a Rozvod.

169On vstúpil do paláca Herodesovho a povedal, „Nie je to zákonné, aby si ju mal.“ Áno.

Povedal, „Vieš, kto to je? To je...“

„Nestarám sa o to, kto to je.“ On sa nespoliehal na to.

170Povedal, „No, vieš, že nemáš veľa. Si len tam dole na tej púšti. Asociácia ťa neprijme, ak budeš takto konať.“ On sa nestaral o nejaké asociácie. Nespoliehal sa na svoju rozumnosť, ale na rozumnosť Božiu. Istotne.

171Ale bol jeden človek, ktorý staval na svojej vlastnej rozumnosti a jeho meno bolo Judáš Iškariotský. Ó, on... Neviem pochopiť, ako mohol niečo také urobiť. Kráčal s Kristom tvárou v tvár presne, ako Eva na začiatku. Videl to preukázanie, pozeral sa do tváre Božej tak, ako Eva v tej záhrade. Ona sa pozerala na Krista v tej kráse záhrady večer. A Judáš tiež sedel v tej krásnej záhrade v Getsemane a na rôznych miestach a pozeral sa presne na toho istého Krista; počul Ho učiť, videl Ho dokázaného Jeho vlastným Slovom; videl Ho preukázaného, že je prorokom, o ktorom hovoril Mojžiš, že Boh vzbudí. A povedal im v Písme, kým On bol a všetko o tom. Videli to Bohom dokázané, že On tým bol a pritom sa spoliehal na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť.

172Ó! Mohol to vôbec urobiť? Bolo to preto, pretože v prvom rade to tam nikdy nemal. On nebol tým predurčeným semenom. Bol synom zatratenia, narodený zo zatratenia a vracajúci sa znova späť do zatratenia. Všimnite si to teraz. Ale on vyšiel von a možno mal myšlienku vo svojom rozumovaní. Mohol si myslieť, že Ježiš... Istotne mal k Nemu rešpekt, „No, možno Ho predám za tých tridsať strieborných. A ak to urobím, zarobím nejaké peniaze a môžem s nimi niečo urobiť. Veď On je schopný zachrániť Samého Seba.“ Vidíte, on nevedel, že v Písme bol určený na to, aby zaujal to miesto.

173A dokonca ani dnes si ľudia neuvedomujú, v akom stave to žijú. Je to určené, v tejto Laodicejskej cirkvi, že budú v takom stave, keď vystrčia Krista von. A On tam stojí vonku, klope, snaží sa dostať sa dovnútra. [Brat Branham klope na kazateľňu. – pozn. prekl.] Hoci nikde nie je žiadna spolupráca. On preukazuje Svoje Slovo v tomto dni rovnako, ako to robil v každom veku, a oni len od toho odchádzajú. Spoliehajú sa na svoju rozumnosť, to je všetko, čo robia.

174Alebo možno povedzme, že rozmýšľal. Možno ak by predal Krista za tridsať strieborných, možno by mal dobré obecenstvo s nejakými veľkými denomináciami toho dňa, napríklad farizejmi alebo sadúcejmi. Povedal by, „No, počkajte. On sa dokáže postarať aj Sám o Seba. Videl som Ho už vo veľkých bojoch, dobre viem, že sa dokáže o Seba postarať aj Sám. Takže môžem si aj zarobiť nejaké peniaze, niečo trochu do dôchodku, takpovediac. A okrem toho môžem dobre vychádzať s týmito dnešnými cirkvami, ak im Ho zradím.“ Vidíte? Ale on sa držal svojho porozumenia namiesto porozumenia, ktoré bolo preukázané Slovom Božím a on urobil Ježišovi presne to, čo Písmo hovorilo, že urobí.

175A dnes sa tento cirkevný svet jednoducho odvrátil od Krista v týchto dňoch presne tak, ako to bolo v Knihe Zjavenia povedané, že sa to stane. Je to znova duch Judášov vo forme cirkvi. „Majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci Slovo.“ Vidíte? To je pravda. Čo to má za následok? Smrť, presne, ako sa to stalo pri Eve. A to platí pre všetkých, ktorí sa snažia prevrátiť Božie Slovo, a pre tých, ktorí sa spoliehajú na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť. Dnes dokonca nepredávajú za tridsať strieborných, ale možno sa stanú nejakým veľkým funkcionárom alebo budú mať nejaké veľké seminárne prežitie. Síce to nie je hodné iba tridsiatich strieborných, oni to aj tak predajú; predajú svoju rozumnosť Božiu pre také niečo.

176Aký rozdiel to bol oproti veľkému učenému Pavlovi, ktorý mal dostatok vedomosti, aby sa s tým mohol vychvaľovať. Ale on povedal, „Všetko moje rozumovanie som dal nabok. Stretol som Ohnivý Stĺp jedného dňa na ceste dolu do Damašku.“ A povedal, „Nikdy som k vám neprišiel s dokonalosťou reči, pretože by ste dôverovali v múdrosť človeka. Ale prišiel som k vám v moci a demonštrácii Svätého Ducha, aby ste sa spoliehali na Slovo Božie.“ Amen. Povedal, „Ak by zostúpil anjel z neba a kázal by niečo iné, nech je prekliaty,“ Galaťanom 1:8. To je pravda. On nikdy...

177Tá žena tam pri tej studni, ona bola nemorálna. Vedela, že cirkvi ju exkomunikovali. Ale ona sa nikdy nedržala nejakých svojich vedomostí. Keď Ho tam pri tej studni stretla, toho, ktorý jej povedal o všetkých hriechoch, ktoré urobila, hneď utekala do mesta. Taká žena nemala právo urobiť niečo také, ísť a niečo povedať, pretože bola prostitútka. Ale keď stretla Ježiša, nikdy sa nespoliehala na rozumnosť iných ľudí v tých dňoch. Ona prišla povediac, „Poďte a vidzte Človeka, ktorý mi povedal veci, ktoré som urobila. Nie je práve On Mesiáš?“ Nikdy sa nespoliehala na svoj rozum. Nie.

178Panna Mária, keď sa stretla s Anjelom Gabrielom, ktorý jej povedal, že ide mať dieťa, nepoznajúc muža. Ó. Ona sa nikdy nedržala svojej rozumnosti, že žena nemôže mať dieťa bez toho, žeby mala manžela. Ona sa na to nespoliehala. Ale povedala, „Hľa, som dievka Pánova, nech sa mi stane podľa Tvojho Slova.“ Nepovedala, „Ako to urobím? A kedy to urobím? Ako sa to vôbec všetko stane?“

179Anjel povedal, „Svätý Duch ťa zatôni; a to Sväté, čo je splodené v tebe, bude nazvané Synom Božím.“

180Ona povedala, „Hľa, som dievka Pánova.“ Ona nad tým nijako neuvažovala, nepovedala, že sa to tak nemôže stať. Ona len povedala, „Hľa, som dievka Pánova.“ To je pravda. Všimnite si to.

181Tá žena s krvotokom, doktor jej povedal, „Nie je žiadna nádej.“ Ona strávila celý svoj život s doktormi a nikto z nich jej nebol schopný pomôcť. Ale na to sa ona nespoliehala. Keď Ježiš... Ona kráčala tým davom a povedala, „Verím, že ak sa len dotknem rúcha toho Človeka, budem v poriadku.“ A tak išla.

182„No, počkaj, doktor povedal, 'Nemôžeš byť uzdravená.'“ Ona mala krvotok roky a roky. Bolo to s ňou stále horšie a čoraz viac bola slabšia. Lekári sa jej už vzdali. To bola celá rozumnosť, ktorú mali.

183Ale ona povedala vierou! Žiadne Písmo jej nepovedalo, aby to urobila. Ale povedala, „Ak sa len dotknem lemu Jeho rúcha, budem v poriadku,“ a prešmykla sa tadiaľ a dotkla sa Ho. A išla naspäť a sadla si.

184Ježiš sa obzrel dookola a povedal, „Kto sa Ma dotkol?“ A díval sa dookola, až dokiaľ ju nenašiel a povedal jej o jej krvotoku.

185A v tom momente to cítila v jej tele. Nemohla to vtedy dokázať, ale cítila to v tele, že krvotok sa zastavil. Nikdy neuvažovala, „Ak ju doktor odmietol, akoby jej mohlo pomôcť niečo iné?“ Ona to nikdy nezvažovala, len vykročila vierou.

186Teraz Biblia hovorí, „To je ten veľkňaz, ktorého sa môžeme dotknúť s našimi slabosťami.“ Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.]

Neuvažuj, povediac, „Ó, to je...“

On povedal, „On je tým aj dnes. On je práve teraz Veľkňazom, ktorý môže byť dotknutý pocitom našich slabostí. Ten istý včera, dnes i naveky!“

187Čo si myslíte, keď som raz bol baptistickým kazateľom a Anjel Pánov ma stretol a poveril ma ísť robiť to, čo práve robím? No, môj pastor povedal, „Ty si sa zbláznil. Asi to bude len nočná mora.“

Povedal som, „Lepšie urobíš, ak mi hneď zoberieš kartu obecenstva.“

188Potom povedal, „Ako to vôbec môžeš, veď si ani nedokončil základnú školu a kázať okolo sveta? Ako sa môžeš modliť za kráľov a monarchov, keď ani nevieš svoju gramatiku správne použiť?“

189Ja som však nedôveroval vo svoju gramatiku. Nedôveroval som v schopnosti, ktoré som mal. Bol som poverený. Haleluja! Ale ja som nijako nezačal hneď uvažovať. Ak by som počúval dôvody, pravdepodobne by pred rokmi umreli tisíce ľudí. Ale Posolstvo som niesol presne tak, ako On povedal, okolo sveta.

190A pôjdem zase znova, z Božej milosti; nie z logických dôvodov, ale z poverenia. Haleluja. Nespoliehal som... Povieš, „Máš päťdesiatpäť rokov.“ Ak by som ich mal aj deväťdesiatpäť, to by stále nič nemenilo na veci. On je stále tým istým Bohom, ktorý bol aj s Abrahámom. Áno. Žiadne spoľahnutie na vlastné rozumovanie.

191A po tom znaku, ktorý vyšiel navonok, a následne ten Hlas, vtedy ma začali cirkvi odmietať a zavreli dvere, kvôli ich náukam, pričom ani jedna z nich si netrúfla postaviť sa predo mňa a povedať, čo je správne a čo nie. Vyzval som ich všetkých. Ó. Nechcem sa chváliť, ale viem, na čom som. To je pravda. Ale čo oni urobili? Čo urobili? Zabuchli každé dvere. „A čo teraz urobíš?“

192V iný deň, hore na tom vrchu, keď som tam stál, povedal som, „Pane, mám len jedny dvere do celého národa, pokiaľ viem, a to je Phoenix, Arizona. To je jediné, čo mám.“ A tak som schádzal z hory a tak zrozumiteľne, ako som koho kedy počul hovoriť, Hlas povedal, „Čo sa to s tebou deje? Nasleduj Mňa.“ Nie moje vlastné znalosti. Budem sa spoliehať na Jeho zasľúbenie.

193Ó, priateľu, nespoliehaj sa na logické dôvody. Potom môžeš vykríknuť s Eddiem Perronetom:

Nech znie Sláva Ježišovmu Menu!

Nech anjeli padnú na svoju tvár;

Prineste ten kráľovský diadém,

A korunujte Pána všetkých;

Korunujte Ho, Pána všetkých.

194To je pravda. Nedrž sa toho, čo si ty myslíš, alebo čo si niekto iný myslí. Vierou akceptuj zasľúbenie Božie. Urobíš to? Nie je to o tom, či to niekto iný urobil, alebo či to oni neurobili, ale čo ty? Čo urobíš s Ježišom zvaným Kristus, ktorý sa aj v tomto dni dal poznať ako ten istý, aký bol v predošlých dňoch? Veríte mu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.]

Modlime sa.

195Pane Ježišu, Kráľ kráľov, Pán pánov, Boh bohov, Boh všetkých panovníkov; Prvý a Posledný; Alfa a Omega; začiatok i koniec, hviezda jasná a ranná, Ruža Sáronská, Ľalia údolia, koreň a rod Dávidov; príď, Pane Bože, Ten istý včera, dnes aj naveky!

196Požehnaj zástup Tvojich ľudí, Pane. Toto... [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn. prekl.] začne sa to od zajtra. Mali sme tu teraz len malé zhromaždenie, ale požehnal si nás. Urobil si sa známym medzi nami. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si v tom pokračoval. Požehnaj nás dnes večer. Pomôž nám teraz. Sme núdzni ľudia.

197A, Pane, Ty vieš, že nerád vyčítam ľuďom, ale ako môžem uhasiť ten svätý oheň? Nerád to robím, Pane. Poznáš môj život, moje srdce. Musím to urobiť. A modlím sa, Bože, aby si mi v tom pomohol. Len mi daj milosť a nedaj mi spoliehať sa na moju vlastnú rozumnosť, ale daj mi spoliehať sa na Tvoje zasľúbenie. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

198Chcem, aby ste teraz všetci boli úctiví na pár minút. Bezpochyby sú v tomto dave ľudia, muži a ženy, ktorí tu sedia a sú chorí. Ktorí sú tu chorí a postihnutí, zdvihnite svoje ruky a povedzte, „Potrebujem Boha.“ Práve teraz iba zdvihnite svoje ruky, povediac, „Potrebujem Boha.“

199No, nepoznám tu z vás veľa ľudí. Poznám týchto troch chlapcov, ktorí tu sedia. Poznám pána Daucha a jeho manželku, tam sedia. A myslím, že toto je sestra Moorová. Nie som si istý. Je to pravda, sestra Moorová? Okrem toho, hádam poznám už len brata Mikea tu na pódiu. Dokiaľ dovidím, tak, už ďalších nepoznám.

200Ale Nebeský Otec zasľúbil, že v tomto dni preukáže Samého Seba, v tomto veku, tak ako to bolo v Sodome. Zasľúbil to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Zamanifestuje sa. Veríte tomu? [„Amen.“]

201A ak sa teraz budete modliť, tak vierou! Neskúšajte nejako nad tým uvažovať, „Ako sa Ho môžem dotknúť ako Veľkňaza?“

202No, Biblia povedala v Novom Zákone, „On je práve teraz Veľkňazom. On je ďalej Veľkňazom podľa poriadku Melchisedeka. On je navždy Veľkňazom. Okrem Neho nieto iného Veľkňaza. Žiaden prostredník medzi Bohom a ľuďmi, jedine Človek Kristus.“ To je pravda. On je ten jediný, Ten istý včera, dnes až naveky.

203No, ak On zostáva stále tým istým Veľkňazom a Biblia povedala, „Môže byť dotknutý pocitom našich slabostí,“ ako tá malá žena, ktorá sa dotkla Jeho rúcha, tvoja viera sa rovnako môže dotknúť dnes večer a On bude konať tým istým spôsobom, v ľudskom tele, ako to robil, keď bol v ľudskom tele pri tom Abrahámovom dube. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] On zasľúbil, že to urobí. Modlite sa, každý, kto má potrebu. A ja...

204Je to tak, ako som aj povedal, dar nie je niečo, ako keď vezmeš nôž a chceš s tým toto rozrezať, môžeš to rozrezať; alebo toto môžeš prerezať takto, alebo čokoľvek chceš urobiť. To nie je dar Boží. Vidíte? Nie.

205Dar Boží je niečo, že nejako vieš, ako sa dať nabok z cesty. A dary a povolania sú predurčením Božím. „Dary a povolania sú dokonca bez pokánia.“ S tým sa narodíš. Malý rýchlostný stupeň, do ktorého sa sám navlečieš, ale nemôžeš stúpiť na ten pedál. Vidíte? Boh to musí viesť. A ty sa sám musíš dať nabok z cesty.

206Tvoja viera to môže riadiť, nie moja; tvoja. Moja to len dá nabok z cesty. A ty len veríš z celého srdca, že Ježiš Kristus dnes žije.

207Nespoliehaj sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť, povieš, „V poriadku, ja som vo vážnom stave, brat. Ty ma nepoznáš. Som na vozíčku. Som...“

208Nestarám sa, čo si, ale sledujem, či Boh nezostúpi a neurobí presne to, čo robil, keď tu bol na Zemi vo fyzickom tele. On to vie urobiť v mojom tele, v tvojom tele, spolu, ako Mu veríme. On to urobí, pretože zasľúbil, že tak urobí.

209Neopieraj sa len o to, čo niekto iný hovorí, „Ó, to je mentálna telepatia,“ tak to nazvali. Povedali, že Ježiš je to isté. Hovorili, že to je veštec, „diabol.“ Ale On bol Synom Božím, pretože bol podľa zasľúbeného Božieho Slova.

210No, ako som už povedal, nie je to naše poverenie, aby sme to museli robiť, vyjsť a vzkladať ruky na ľudí. Ale pokladali sme na nich ruky minulý večer. Ale jediná vec, ktorú musíš mať, je viera a potom rozpoznanie. Vierou to akceptuješ, vierou. Nie niečím, že...

Nehovor, „No, ako sa to môže vôbec stať?“

211Ak by som ti povedal, ako sa to môže stať, potom by ďalej nebola žiadna viera. Neviem, ako sa to deje, ale verím tomu. Neviem, ako Boh zachraňuje hriešnika, ale On to robí. Neviem, ako Boh robí všetky ostatné veci, ale ja to prijímam. On to robí a to je ten spôsob. Pretože, ja to neviem vysvetliť. No, dobre, ja... To nikdy nebude vysvetlené. Nikto to nemôže. Ale ak by sa to dalo, potom by nebolo viacej viery.

212Nevidím, ako môže byť Boh a Kristus tou istou Osobou, ale Oni sú. Písmo tak povedalo. Nemôžeš to vysvetliť, ale Oni sú. „Môj Otec je vo Mne. Nie som to Ja, ktorý robím tie skutky; je to Môj Otec vo Mne. Ak tie skutky nečiním, potom to ukazuje, že nie som z Neho. Ale ak robím Jeho skutky, potom On svedčí o Sebe, že Ja som z Neho.“

213No, je to aj teraz tá istá vec, presne to isté. On je tým istým včera, dnes i naveky, len ak budeš veriť.

214Je tu teraz muž, ktorý tu práve sedí predo mnou, ten s tmavými vlasmi. Má hodinky na ruke a tmavý oblek. Tiež má okuliare. Ak sa tam dobre pozriete, môžete ho vidieť so zatvorenými očami, ako sa modlí. Nepoznám toho človeka. Nebeský Otec vie, že ho nepoznám. Ale chcem sa naňho pozrieť aspoň na chvíľu, pretože vyzerá dosť úprimne, ako tu sedí. Odkedy som sa o tom zmienil, tento človek zavrel oči a začal sa modliť. Je pre mňa cudzím. Nepoznám ho. Ale Boh toho muža pozná a môže mi ho zjaviť. Ak je to zasľúbenie v Biblii pravdivé, On mi môže zjaviť, prečo má ten muž zavreté oči a o čom sa modlí. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.]

215Veríš tomu, pane? Ak len otvoríš svoje oči, ako tu sedíš, pozri sa sem. Veríš tomu? V poriadku. Vieš, že ťa nepoznám. Sme si navzájom neznámi. Ale Boh ťa pozná. No, on začal plakať. Pretože ja mu môžem povedať, že Boh mu ide práve zodpovedať jeho prosbu, vidíte, pretože to bolo to, čo ho zasiahlo, to Svetlo; temnota sa premenila na Svetlo. Vidíte?

216No, ten muž sa modlí za niekoho iného, a to je jeho chlapec, ktorý tam sedí vedľa neho. Je to jeho syn. To je pravda. Ten malý chlapec trpí nejakou žalúdkovou ťažkosťou a tiež má niečo s črevami. To je pravda. Tak je.

217Oni nie sú odtiaľto. Nie si z Arizony. Si z Kalifornie. Správne. A si kazateľ a patríš do Zborov Božích. To je pravda. Reverend McKeig je tvoje meno, alebo reverend Keig, áno. Je to pravda? Ak je, zamávaj takto rukou. Tvoj chlapec bude o chvíľu v poriadku. Vidíš? Je to tvoja viera!

218A čo teraz? Je tu človek so zodvihnutými rukami, on ma nepozná a rovnako ani ja jeho. Ale čo to bolo? On sa dotkol toho Veľkňaza. Vidíte, nespoliehal sa na svoju vlastnú rozumnosť. Ale čo teraz musí urobiť, čo teraz robí? Musí veriť, že to, čo mu bolo povedané je pravda, pretože vie, že ma nepozná. To je pravda.

219Tu sedí žena práve predo mnou, ktorá má tiež sklonenú hlavu. Trpí rakovinou. Taktiež prišla z Kalifornie. Dúfam, že toto neprehliadne. Slečna Adamsová. Tak sa volá. V živote som ju nevidel. Áno, to je pravda.

220Tam obďaleč sedí jedna pani. Môžem na ňu ukázať, ale vidím Svetlo, ako visí nad ňou. Nachádza sa veľmi hlboko v problémoch. Jedna vec je, že mala nejaké ťažkosti s krkom. A ďalšia vec, má duchovné problémy, obáva sa všetkých tých ťažkostí. Tiež má aj domáce problémy. Jej dcéra utiekla z domova. To je pravda. Je to pravda, však? Má zdvihnutú ruku. Pani Millerová. To je pravda. Veríš? Boh ju pošle naspäť, uzdraví tvoje telo. No, nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Je pre mňa absolútne cudzia.

221Je tu ďalšia pani, čo tu sedí. Nie je odtiaľto, tiež je z Kalifornie. Má rakovinu, ktorá je na prsiach. Bola operovaná na jeden prsník, ale to potom prešlo na druhý. To je pravda. Pani Calvinová. To je pravda. Veríš, že Boh ťa dá do poriadku? Veríš tomu. Som pre teba cudzí. Nepoznám ťa. To je pravda. Vidíte? Má rakovinu.

Takže môžete vidieť, že Boh je prítomný!

222Vedľa nej sedí iná pani, je to pani Harrisová. Vôbec ju nepoznám. Ale keď Duch zasiahol túto ženu, tiež má ľútosť. A prišla z Kalifornie. To je pravda. Má nejaký problém s ramenom. Tak je. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví. Ak je to pravda, pozdvihni ruku, aby mohlo publikum vidieť; úplne neznáma.

223Nespoliehajte sa na svoju rozumnosť. Čo to môže urobiť? Nemôžete to vysvetliť. Je to paradox. Je to poza nejaké vysvetlenie. Spýtajte sa týchto ľudí, nikdy som ich v živote nevidel, nikdy som o nich nič nevedel. Len to prešlo cez toto zhromaždenie.

224Ale pozrite sa teraz, nespoliehajte sa na svoje porozumenie. Ale spoliehajte sa na to, čo On zasľúbil, že urobí; ak to nie je ten istý Duch, ktorý tu prebýval v ľudskom tele, ktorý vedel, že Sára sa v tom stane zasmiala poza tým Mužom. Je to pravda? A predtým, ako bol svet zničený ohňom, On zasľúbil, že keď Syn človeka znovu zjaví Samého Seba podobným spôsobom, ako Syn človeka zjaví Samého Seba, ako bude tu dnes večer s nami, ako to robil vtedy. Tak v akej hodine potom žijeme? Veľmi blízko zničenia.

225Priateľu, nestoj tu už dlhšie ako hriešnik. Prijmi Ježiša Krista, zatiaľ čo si v Jeho Prítomnosti. Viem, že to je tradičné u kazateľov, aby im spravili nejaké prosby a rozprávali príbehy o matke, ktorá už zomrela, a o tých, ktorí sú už preč. To je úplne v poriadku. Ale náš základ nie je v našej matke, ktorá už je mŕtva. Moja matka je tiež mŕtva, aj otec. Ale my pristupujeme, inteligentne, prijímame to na základe, že Boh sa manifestuje v Ježišovi Kristovi, aby odňal hriechy sveta. My prichádzame a veríme pokániu. A zatiaľ čo On preukazoval Svoje Slovo...

226Nestarám sa, do ktorej cirkvi chodíš, metodisti, baptisti, katolíci, presbyteriáni, alebo či to nie je vôbec žiadna cirkev. Ak pripustíš, že si to porozumel inak a vieš, že si nebol nikdy skutočne znovuzrodený, ale chceš byť, a chceš to práve teraz prijať, to zasľúbenie. Nemusíš byť hneď teraz naplnený, ale budeš, keď... ako tie zhromaždenia budú pokračovať. Chceš to prijať na tom základe, tak sa postav na svoje nohy a dovoľ mi teraz pomodliť sa za teba, tam, kde stojíš. Každý, kto vie, že...

227Nespoliehaj sa na niečo vlastné, dobre, povieš, „Hovoril som v jazykoch.“ No, to s tým nemá nič do činenia. Ale ja tiež verím v hovorenie v jazykoch.

228Ale videl som čarodejnice, démonov a všetko možné, ako hovorili v jazykoch a vykladali to. Tak je to. Spýtajte sa misionárov tam dole, môžeme zistiť, brat Creech vie, že to je pravda. Videl som ich hovoriť v jazykoch, piť krv z ľudskej lebky a vyvolávať diablov. Istotne. Videl som, ako bola položená ceruzka, ktorá sa zrazu zodvihla a písala v neznámych jazykoch; a tá čarodejnica alebo čarodejník tam stáli a vykladali to.

229Takže hovorenie v jazykoch nie je znakom, že máš Svätého Ducha. A ak hovoríš v jazykoch a popieraš toto Slovo, potom je niekde chyba. Presne tak. Nespoliehaj sa na svoju rozumnosť.

230Niekto by povedal, „Dobre, ja som to vykrikoval.“ Ja tiež. Ale na to sa nespoliehaj.

231Videl som všetky druhy démonskej moci kričať a vrieskať. Videl som moslimov kričať a ziapať, dokiaľ sa nedostali tak ďaleko, že im mohli cez kožu prepichávať triesky. V Indii som ich videl vrieskať a skákať hore dole, ako vzali gule plné vody s hákmi, ako si ich prepichli cez kožu a kráčali po horúcom uhlí a nič sa im nestalo, a pritom zapierali Ježiša Krista.

232Vidíte, nedržte sa svojho rozumovania, ale Slova Božieho. Ak sa tvoj život nevie vyrovnať s touto Bibliou a veriť každému Slovu, ktoré sa tam nachádza, a chceš tomu veriť a chceš, aby Boh pracoval cez teba, pretože chceš byť časťou Božou, postav sa a povedz, „Práve teraz to prijímam, brat.“ Ďakujem. Ďakujem. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Výborne. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Nech vám to Boh udelí, všetkým úprimným. Povieš... Len stojte, len stojte...

233Povieš, „Som členom cirkvi, brat Branham, ale skutočne som letničným, ale keď príde k tomu, aby som niečo povedal, verím, že celé toto Slovo je Pravdou, ja to len nedokážem urobiť, ale chcem to činiť. Pomôž mi, modli sa za mňa. Chcem sa postaviť a povedať, ale...“ Povieš, „Dobre, pozrite sa, vy, čo tu sedíte, svedčil som v cirkvi, že to tak je.“ Ale vieš, hlboko v tvojom srdci nie si. Boh tiež vie, že nie si, takže prečo by si sa nepostavil? Nespoliehaj na svoju rozumnosť, ale drž sa Slova.

234Budete ešte chvíľu stáť? Chce ešte niekto stáť? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, aj teba. „Bože, pomôž mi.“ Nech vás všetkých Boh žehná. Tak je to dobré. Len stojte.

235Povieš, „Urobí mi to niečo dobré?“ Len raz sa postav a uvidíš, či áno. „Chcem, brat Branham, chcem byť na poriadku. Chcem byť na poriadku.“

236Nehovorím ti teraz, aby si hneď opustil svoju cirkev. Nie. Zostaň tam, kde si, a buď skutočne Duchom Svätým naplnenou osobou v tej cirkvi. Povieš, „No, neviem, čo na to povie môj pastor.“ On si ťa tak bude ceniť, ak je to skutočne muž Boží. To je pravda.

237„Nech svieti tvoje svetlo pred ľuďmi, aby videli tvoje dobré skutky a oslavovali tvojho Otca.“

238Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech vás oboch Pán bohate žehná, aj teba, brat, teba tiež. Nech Boh žehná každého jedného. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, ty tam dole.

239Vy, ktorí teraz stojíte, ak sa cítite lepšie tým, že stojíte, zdvihnite ruky a tým povedzte ostatným, že sa cítite lepšie, potom, ako ste sa postavili. Vidíte, každá ruka. Vidíte, ste úprimní. Stojíte, hovoriac, „Budem tak svedkom.“

240„Ten, ktorý sa tu za Mňa postaví, Ja sa tam zaňho tiež postavím. Ten, ktorý sa za Mňa bude hanbiť pred ľuďmi, za toho sa aj Ja budem hanbiť pred Mojím Otcom a svätými Anjelmi.“ Nehanbite sa za Neho. Nespoliehajte sa na svoje úvahy. Len sa držte Slova Božieho. „Ten, ktorý Ma vyzná pred ľuďmi, toho aj Ja vyznám pred Mojím Otcom a svätými Anjelmi.“

241Bude ešte niečo predtým, ako sa pomodlíme? Skloňme teraz naše hlavy. Boh ti žehnaj, sestra. Iste. Nech ťa Boh žehná, aj teba, brat. Istotne. Bude ešte niekto, zatiaľ čo skloníme naše hlavy? Nech ťa Boh žehná, aj teba. V poriadku, stále stojíte. Počkáme aspoň na chvíľu, len na okamih. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Boh ti žehnaj. Niekto by povedal, „Znamená to vôbec niečo, keď len tak povieš, 'Nech ťa Boh žehná'?“ Áno, tým ti vyslovujem moje požehnanie. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

242Niektorí z vás, ktorí tam stojíte pri tej stene, ktorí nemáte miesta na sedenie, mohli by ste zodvihnúť ruku a povedať, „Ja, Bože, som to ja“? Boh ti žehnaj, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná, teba tiež, aj teba sestra, teba tiež, môj brat a ty moja sestra.

243Ó, Svätý Duch sa tak sladko pohybuje v publiku. Môžete To cítiť? Pán ti žehnaj, mladý muž tam na pódiu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, tam v rohu. Boh ti žehnaj, mladý muž. Áno.

244Ó, Svätý Duch, pohybuj sa teraz čerstvo v našich srdciach. Ukáž nám naše chyby, Pane. My ne-... Nebudeme sa spoliehať na našu rozumnosť, na naše usudzovanie. Ale budeme sa držať Teba, pretože vieme, že stojíme v Tvojom Božsky potvrdenom zasľúbení na dnes. Dal si sa medzi nami poznať poza akékoľvek úvahy. Nemôžeme nad tým uvažovať, ani to vysvetliť. Ale Ty si práve prišiel teraz do nášho stredu a ukázal si, že si medzi nami, a tí muži a ženy tomu veria a prijímajú to.

245Bože, vezmi každého jedného do náručia a ukry ich v Skale vekov, dokým neprejdú ohne. Chystáme sa na oheň, Pane. Vieme to. Sme späť v Sodome. „Ale všetci tí spravodliví nezomrú s vinnými.“ Ty zavoláš Svoje deti, Pane. Povedal si Lotovi, „Choď odtiaľto. Choď preč.“ Modlím sa, Bože, aby každý, ktorý je dnes večer v tomto stave, bez ohľadu na to, či stojí alebo...

246Bože, oni by neriskovali ísť dole po jednosmernej ulici, zlým smerom. Neriskovali by ísť na červené svetlo, ak by boli v správnom nastavení, pretože by ich mohli zabiť. Takže ako by mohla nejaká osoba riskovať svoje Večné určenie, len hádať, predpokladať, odvážiť sa riskovať bez skutočnej autority, pretože patria do nejakej cirkvi alebo denominácie? A oni to skutočne nedokážu porozumieť, nevedia pochopiť, že Slovo Božie môže byť dnes tak, ako bolo vtedy, a ako sa tieto zasľúbenia môžu zamanifestovať. „Vek apoštolov je preč.“ Pomôž im, Otče. Odovzdávam Ti ich v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

247Ďakujem, môj brat, sestra. Som tak rád, že vás môžem nazývať svojím bratom a sestrou.

248Pamätajte, Boh ma bude v deň súdu brať za zodpovednosť za každé jedno slovo. Za všetko, čo som dnes večer kázal, sa budem musieť zodpovedať. Som si toho plne vedomý. Odkedy som bol malým chlapcom a ako som kázal toto Evanjelium, a potom bol odvrhnutým?

249Koľkí z vás tu sú teraz chorí alebo postihnutí a chcete, aby sa za vás modlilo? Zodvihnite svoje ruky. Urobili by ste pre mňa ešte niečo? Položte svoje ruky jeden na druhého. Navzájom položte na seba ruky. Každý teraz skloňte svoje hlavy, aj tí, ktorí sú tu na pódiu.

250Drahý Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista a Jeho Prítomnosti, preukázanej Prítomnosti! Práve to Slovo, ktoré bolo teraz kázané, potvrdilo, že Ty si tým istým tak ako včera, aj dnes, tak aj naveky. Nech sa teraz Svätý Duch povznesie na tento dav ľudí. Mnohí z nich sem prišli a prijali Ťa ako Spasiteľa, veľa odpadnutých Ťa prijalo a navrátilo sa späť. Ó, Bože, modlím sa v Mene Ježiša Krista, aby si uzdravil každú osobu. Povedal si, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria; budú vzkladať ruky na chorých a budú sa mať dobre.“ Zasľúbil si to, Pane, a Tvoje veriace deti majú ruky položené jeden na druhého.

251Satan, si porazený. Vyjdi z týchto ľudí v Mene Ježiša Krista. Nechaj tých ľudí ísť do Kráľovstva Božieho v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

252Všetci, ktorí veria, že Ježiš Kristus je aj teraz vaším Uzdravovateľom rovnako ako Spasiteľom, a chcete Ho prijať na tom istom základe, postavte sa na svoje nohy povediac, „Práve teraz akceptujem Ježiša ako môjho Uzdravovateľa, rovnako ako Spasiteľa.“ Nádhera! Chvála Pánovi! Vďaka Pánovi! Pozdvihnime teraz naše ruky a spievajme Mu.

Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť,

Chvála Baránkovi zabitému za hriešnikov;

Vzdajte Mu chválu, všetci ľudia,

Lebo Jeho Krv očistila každé poškvrnenie.

253Ó, necítite sa dobre? Zamávajte svojimi rukami. Ó! Spievajme Mu znovu.

Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť,

Chvála Baránkovi za... (Pamätajte, ten Baránok je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.)

Vzdajte Mu chválu, všetci ľudia,

Lebo Jeho Krv očistila každé poškvrnenie.

254Milujete to? [Zhromaždenie kričí, „Haleluja!“ - pozn. prekl.] Amen. Nakloňme sa a potrasme si ruky. Toto je rozpustenie zhromaždenia, začiatok toho. Povedzte, „Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat, pútnik. Nech ťa Boh žehná.“ To je fajn. To je dobré. Nádherné! Veríte teraz, že budeme mať ďalšie veľké zhromaždenie po tomto? [“Amen.“] Ďakujeme Bohu za toto ohromné zhromaždenie, teraz budeme mať ešte väčšie. Všetci, ktorí tomu veria, nech povedia, „Amen.“ [“Amen.“]

Moja viera sa pozerá na Teba,

Ty, Baránok (pozrite sa teraz Naňho) Golgoty,

Ó, Božský Spasiteľ;

Počuj ma teraz, zatiaľ čo sa modlím,

Vezmi preč každý môj hriech,

Nechaj ma od tohto dňa,

byť cele Tvoj!

Keď kráčam blúdivým životom,

a hromadia sa bôle okolo mňa,

buď mojím Vodcom;

Premeň tmu v deň,

Zotri strach zo smútku,

Nechaj ma od tohto dňa,

byť cele Tvoj!

255Amen! Zhromaždenie povedalo, „Amen.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Haleluja!

Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť,

Chvála Baránkovi zabitého za hriešnikov;

Vzdajte Mu chválu, všetci ľudia,

Lebo Jeho Krv očistila každé poškvrnenie.

Aké nádherné!

256Dobre, skloňme teraz naše hlavy pre požehnanie. Neviem, kto bol vybraný na to, aby toto urobil. Brat Johnny Manadal z Kalifornie, zatiaľ čo skloníme naše hlavy. Ešte nezabudnite, zajtra večer bude prvé, to je začiatok. Zajtra večer bude zhromaždenie práve tu, v tejto hale o sedem tridsať.

257Nech vás Boh žehná. Radovali ste sa z Prítomnosti Božej? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Amen. Tak skloňme teraz naše hlavy, zatiaľ čo nás brat Johnny rozpustí.

LEAN NOT UNTO THY OWN UNDERSTANDING, 65-0120, Ramada Inn, Ramada Inn, Phoenix, AZ, 112 min

1 Let us remain standing, just a moment now, for prayer. How many in here has a request on their heart, that you would that God would do something special for you in this convention? Let's bow our heads now to Him.

2Heavenly Father, we are a privileged people to be assembled together here in the Name of the Lord Jesus, in a free country where we can worship You according to the dictates of our conscience, as yet. And we pray, Father, that this will long be. And now may we take advantage of this great privilege we have. And may we put our whole heart into the service tonight, to worship You, that it might be said, that, "God was in our midst tonight, blessing His people." Save every lost soul that's in here tonight, Lord. And every backslider, may they come back to the house of God. I pray for every sick person, may be healed, the afflicted might walk, and the blind see, the deaf hear, praise and glory be given to Jesus Christ among His people. May it be long remembered, Lord, because that we have assembled ourselves together and asked in Jesus' Name for these blessings. Amen.

Be seated.

3 Somehow, in coming to the Ramada Inn, always seems like coming back home, in a way, because I've been here so much till I--I think they just must begin to know me. And I'm glad of that, because I've found a fine bunch of people at these Ramada Inn's. The one in Tucson and one here, they had been very kind to us, letting us have the services. Not long ago, I had a service of my own, down in Ramada Inn, and the manager wouldn't even let me pay for the rent of the building. That's really nice. I remember that when I'm crossing the countries, too, now, those who are good to the household of God.

4 Now we've had, since Sunday night, or Sunday afternoon, rather, some great times in the Lord, or at least I have. I've had a wonderful time enjoying His blessings, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and with His people.

5I--I like to remember, that, together we are worshiping God. You are an attribute of God, part of God, when you become the son and daughter of God. And God is in you, willing His will, if you will let Him do it.

6So we hope, tonight, that every person will forget about the things that's been the days, and laying everything aside, and just put our hearts right into the service now; not only to this night, but in the coming convention. No doubt many delegates has gathered. I do see some of the extras tonight on the platform, gathering for the convention that starts tomorrow. And I ask the people who are here for the revival that we've just had, that, if it's all possible, I wish you would stay over for the convention. We're going to have some fine speakers listed. One brother could not come, and, but we got many will be here to take his place. I want to be in the complete convention myself, to enjoy this fellowship.

7 You know, we get up here as ministers, and we speak, and we're always giving out to the people everything that's in us. I preached a subject one time, where Jesus said, "Behold a lily, how they neither--neither toil nor spin, and yet I say unto you that Solomon in all of his glory was not arrayed like one." And I find out, the lily has to grow, day and night, spin, toil, and to make itself radiant. But it gets no blessing out of it, itself. He opens up himself, and--and the by-passer smells the perfume from him. The bee gets the honey right out of the heart. He gives everything out that he toils to take in. And I call my message, Reverend Mister Lily, that's kind of an odd text.

8But--but it is, ministers give themselves out to the people, and it's good then just to sit down and--and listen to others. Like warming by the fire, we like to sit under each other's fire blaze and warm our hearts with the Gospel that our brethren is preaching to the people. And I am grateful to have this opportunity to do that. And now I'm trusting tonight...

9 Billy told me that he gave out prayer cards, totally. And we couldn't get a prayer line up here if we had to. See, you'd have to go out around through there, and through a dark hall, and come up this way. You'd stumble over everything, to get in here. And the afflicted and crippled would be in an awful shape, doing it.

10But we don't know what our Lord may do. He may fall right among us, tonight, and--and heal every one that's here, every sickness. Oh, I would rather see that than all the prayer lines I ever had in my life, just--just to see the sovereignty of God fall among His obedient children. I--I always like that.

11 Usually, if you have any personal contact with the people, like of laying on of hands, it could be, I don't think too many would do that, well, they would say, "A certain-certain minister laid his hands upon me, and, glory to God!" That makes the people look at that minister then.

12But if you can just stand here, preach the Word, and let the Holy Spirit heal every one, then there it's absolutely just the grace of God. And then God gets all praise, glory. There's not a shadow of nothing for no one else. That's the way I, in my ministry, the reason I don't get to too many, unless... Now, last night, we tried to pray for as many as we could. But laying on of hands...

13 It's usually in the nights, just maybe the Holy Spirit come right among us and go to manifesting Himself, making Himself known among us. And then by that, I think, it's real, when He can maybe in sovereignty, see. I can't say now, "This man, or this woman, or that child," see. The Holy Spirit moves out on the building and speaks to whomever He will speak. See, that's sovereign. And then that brings the knowledge, because it's a promise of God, and that brings the knowledge of God sovereign, and also brings His Presence down among us. We should see it and rejoice! And no matter...

14You say, "Well, I was crippled in my hand. I was there last night. I--I--I didn't get any better." That don't have anything to do with it. To you, it's already finished. You're not looking at your hand then, you're looking at a promise, you see. And therefore, you can't say, "Well, Brother So-and-so didn't pray the prayer of faith, or so-and-so." It's the Presence of the Lord gave you faith, you see, and then He sent His Word and healed them.

15 Now, last night I--I broke my promise again. I'm going to sure try to keep it tonight, if I can. And now somebody said, "You didn't stay on your text last night." No, I--I didn't; because, I'll tell you why. I was going to preach on a subject, now I forget just what: But God Rich In Mercy.

16And I got to trying to explain how that Paul, speaking there, said, "We who were in past times," one time, some other time than now, "we were dead, and in sin and trespasses; who God has quickened, made alive." Now, see, before anything can be quickened, there has to be something there to be quickened by. That's right.

17 So, you see, if you were in the foreknowledge of God, then you are becoming a part of God. And the only way you can be a son of God or a daughter of God, you had to be a part of God, and God isn't complete without you. Has to be. That's right, 'cause there is One, only one resource of Eternal Life, and that is God, and Him alone has Eternal Life. See? Now, and you were a part of Him, insomuch that you're an attribute, or in His thinking in the beginning. And that, because He thought of you in the beginning, it gives that little tug towards Him. That's what has to be quickened. Some of them will never be quickened; they just don't have it, that's all.

18Just like if you put a grain of corn in the ground, didn't have... Ever how pretty it was, if it didn't have the germ of life in it, it can never be quickened. But the germ of life has to be there first.

19 And I got that little story about that eagle, walking with the hens and the chickens because he was hatched out and born there, but he never did feel just like them chickens. And, you know, when his mammy come by and hollered, he heard a voice that sounded awful good to him, because, remember, he was an eagle, to begin with. He just had to come to find himself, to find his place.

20That's the way every believer is. You wasn't born for this world. You was created in the image of God, to be a son of God. And you don't belong in this chicken yard out here. You're a eagle.

21And you know, I got on that "eagle" and I couldn't get my feet back on the ground, so I just got... I went too long, and then I forget what my text was, and lost my notes and everything else. I was having an awful time. But that's what it was, it was just on that "eagle."

22 Now may that Eagle, God! You know, God likens His prophets to eagles. And He calls Himself an eagle; He is Jehovah Eagle, Papa Eagle.

23And the reason He does that, an eagle can fly higher than any bird there is, and because he is made different from any other bird. Now, he does not build his nest on the ground like chickens and so forth, but he goes high to build his nest.

24And another thing, that, he is a special built bird. Now if a--if a hawk, or a crow, or a buzzard, or any other bird would try to follow him up in the heavens, he would disintegrate; he is not made for it. He has to be, a special person to go up there. His feathers are tighter than any other bird.

25And--and his eye is sharper than any other bird. And the higher he goes, the further he can see. Well, some of them birds, when they get as high as they're supposed to be, they're as blind as a bat. And that's the way with... Well, when they leave that creed, they don't know nothing about It then. "Days of miracles is passed," why? They can't see It.

26But eagles can go into the heavens, and heavens of Heaven up there. What good does it do to get up There if you can't see? Oh, I'm so glad to be one of them, and associated with a whole nestful of them now.

27 Let us turn in the Old Testament, to the Book of the Proverbs, written by Solomon, one of the wisest men in the world, outside of our Lord Jesus. But He wasn't exactly like Solomon, insomuch that Solomon was a man borned of a woman and was begotten by an earthly father, David. But Jesus was a virgin-born Son, and was not altogether a man; but He was God, the God-Man, and He was more than a man, He was a Man, plus. See? But Solomon was just a man like you and I, and he asked God for wisdom, to run his kingdom. And he had a gift of wisdom, the smartest man that we've ever known of outside of our Lord. He wrote the Proverbs, and I think they are very good.

28And we're going to turn now to the Book of Proverbs, the 1st chapter, and, or the 2nd chapter, rather, and the first few verses of the Proverbs, of 2, beginning with 1. Proverbs 2, beginning with 1, the continuation of Solomon advising his sons, "My son, if thou will receive..." I am sorry.

29It's Proverbs 3:1. I'm sorry. I looked over here on--on my book, and I see that it is Proverbs 3 instead of 1 or 2. I'm sorry. Proverbs 3:1.

My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:

For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall be... shall they add to thee.

Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the tables of thine heart:

So shall thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thy own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path.

30Oh, I think that's the most beautiful Scripture! Now I want to take for a text, out of the--the 5th verse, Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding.

31 Now this is a--a very strange text for the day that we're living in, because the emphasis today is certainly laid upon education and upon our own understanding of things, the day of--of learning. But we find out here that this strange statement, like other Scriptures, it has its place, and we trust that God will let us see where the place is.

32Today we send our children to the school, to have understanding. Then after they are through the grammar schools, we send them to high school for a better understanding of knowledge. Then after they are through there, some children are even fortunate enough to go to college, and go through college to complete their education and their understanding of knowledge. What they are acquired of by... Many times, to get a job, you have to have at least a high school understanding, or a college education, or so forth.

33 Yet, the wise Solomon told us that, "not to lean to it, not to our own understanding; learn not of these things." Because, we wonder why that he would say such a thing as this, for it's because that usually our modern understanding is usually the wisdom of man, which is contrary to the Word of God. I think that's what that Solomon was trying to advise his sons, was not to be illiterate, but not to lean to their understanding.

34And I think it would be a good exhortation today, if we said to our sons and to the sons of God, that, it's all right to have an education, there is nothing against that; but when that education is contrary to the Word of God, then lean to the Word and let your education go, see, because, the Word. And education will stand and will give you a good job, probably a good standing amongst intellectual people, but, that's all right, which will probably be a great help to you, help you in your financial and your--your livelihood, make living maybe a little better for you.

35 But remember one thing, my son, you've got to die. No matter how much education you got, how much culture you are able to accumulate, you've yet got to face death, because it is written, that, "Men must die, and after that the Judgment." And God, when... Death is not so bad, but coming to the Judgment is the bad part. Now, you can die, "but after that the Judgment." And God is not going to inquire of you how much schooling you got when you were here on earth, how much knowledge you accumulated, whether you've got your Bachelor of Art, or whatever degree you might have been, even as a minister. It's not going to be required of you.

36But it's going to be required, of you, what you did about the understanding of God's Word. That's where the requirement comes, because That. Your education is fine, but the Word of God is Life. "My Word is Life," and to know It is Life. And He, He said, "Know Him." He is the Word. So you can only know Him by the Word, for He is the Word. That's the only way you'll know Him, is by His Word.

37 Somebody could come up and say, "this is God," or "that's God," or "this is God," or "this is right," and "that's right," but we come back to the Word, which is the Truth.

38And the Word is just like the--the North star, it's a true star. No matter which a way the world is floating, that North star is centered with the earth. You set your compass to the North star. It's always in the center of the earth. Other stars float around with the world, but the North star stays stable.

39Now the compass is the Holy Spirit, and (the) your--your tie post would be the North Star, so the Holy Spirit will always point towards the Word. The Holy Spirit will never lead you to anything else but the Word of God. So how could a man accept a creed, when it's contrary to the Word, and then still say he has the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost would point you away from that. It takes the Holy Spirit to point you to the Word, for He is the Word. He is the Word, and It can only... As the--as the magnet in the compass is only set towards the North Pole, that's the only way it can draw. And when the Holy Spirit is the Author and Writer, and the quickener of the Word, how can It point the person to anything else but the Word?

40 So when a person says they have the Holy Ghost, and accept something contrary to the Word, it shows that ain't the genuine Holy Ghost they got. See? It may be a ghost, I wouldn't dispute that, but it--it isn't the Holy Ghost of Christ. Now, you know, many times, they take one another's spirits; and so that might point, in like a group of man, to a certain thing, but it won't--it won't point to Christ. But the Holy Spirit always points to Christ, and Christ is the Word.

41We see this so plainly in the Bible. Or, I do. Maybe I might be wrong, but, in my thinking, but I don't think so; because, that, this: "Lean not to your own understanding of things." If you lean to your own understanding, then you're bound to get off of the right road. You can't lean to anyone else's understanding, when it comes to Life. To find Life, you've got to lean to the Word. That's Life.

42 We see this, from the beginning. It's so plainly made known to us, from the beginning, that God gave His first family on earth His Word, to live by. Only His Word, was to live by. Now, that's not through eating the food, and so forth. But His Word they were to live by, Eternally. And as long as they kept that Word, they lived Eternally. But the first little phrase of that Word was misplaced, the whole chain broke, and the human race plunged into death. See, now we notice.

43Eve, which was no doubt an intelligent person; the first right off of Adam, who was the--the son of God. And Eve, certainly being in that spot where there had been no sin, no place for sin, she certainly must have had a wonderful conception of what God was. Because, every afternoon, she and her husband walked in the cool of the garden, in the evening, and talked face to face with God. What a--an unreasonable thing that a person who would walk face to face with God, each day, and then would turn to the reasoning of something that reasoned her away from the Word of God!

44 We still got them. They so easily be reasoned away from the Word of God, after sitting in the Presence of God. Seeing the Word of God preached, the Word of God made manifest, drunkards and sinners come to the altar and be converted and made new creatures in Christ, people of ill fame made ladies and gentlemen; and then to turn from that blessed Thing that led them to this Life, and then be perverted off after some kind of a creed, to become more popular or--or get into what they will call a better class of people.

45Why, you're in the best class that there is: sons and daughters of God. Well, I like that company better than I would with all the kings and potentates, and everything else. Give me that humble bunch of people, if they don't know their right hand from their left! As long as they know God, and love Him and serve Him, that's the celebrity of Heaven, to me. Yes, sir!

46 Now, but we find that Eve was easily persuaded by Satan, from the Word of God, and she leaned on her own understanding, because Satan had projected something to her which wasn't to her real understanding of God. But she had something else told to her by the enemy, Satan, and she believed it.

47Now we find the results of this. It plunged the whole human race to death, because the first mother on the earth, leaned to her own understanding, contrary to the Word of God, and plunged the whole human race to death. Now do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's the Word. Well, a woman is always...

48Church, in the Bible, is typed to woman. And a church today can accept a bunch of dogmas or creeds, and plunge the whole congregation in a separation from God. Those people who adopt those things, in the stead of the Word of God, are just like Eve. And it's been done over and over, till it's got this whole generation plunged away from the Word of God.

49 And when the Word is made manifest, the Word is revealed, they won't accept It, because they won't do it, because they lean to their own understanding. "This church was built here. It's a beautiful place. It's a great organization. It's a member of a great body of people. Why shouldn't we belong to that? I'll trust in it." Trust not in your own understanding, but trust in the Word of the Lord!

50Now--now it ended, finally, in death to the whole race, as I said, same as now, to the many people who rely upon their own understanding, their dogmas and creeds, and so forth, claiming, "The Word of God is not altogether true, that some of It is inspired and some is not." How can you have faith in a Bible, if part of It is inspired and part of it's not? If one, if one quotation is wrong, then the whole thing might be wrong. It's all got to be right, exactly right.

51 And some of these so-called, perverted, Bible schools teaching man's knowledge, accumulation, where they get together and sit in a council of people, and say, "Now look, if the days of miracles, it ended in the days of the apostles." And many men under the bishop or the high men, would sit there and say, "Well, if I can just agree with him, no doubt but I might be in line next for his position." See, then you lean to your own understanding, instead of standing on your two feet for the Word of God. That's what causes these things.

52 Sometime ago, someone... I was in a dispute on the income tax. And they said to me, said, "Why, your trustees are nothing but puppets, I suppose."

53I said, "If I had a trustee on the board, that had a different idea, and wouldn't stand up and (I don't care who is speaking about it) would express his own views of it, I'd throw him off the board." Yes, sir. Though it was contrary to my belief, I want him to express what he thinks is right. That's what I got him there for, see what he says about it. But we have that.

54 Notice, Jesus said, in Saint John 10, "My sheep know My Voice." A Voice, of course, is His Word, when He is speaking. "My sheep know My Voice. My Voice has been proven to them, to be true. It's been vindicated that it is My Voice." Now, now notice, they are not subject to following any other voice. They won't. "My sheep know My Voice, and a stranger they will not follow." In other words, they will not understand a theological voice that's teaching contrary to the Word. The sheep don't understand that no more than the eagle, last night, could understand the clucking of the hen. They don't understand it, because he was an eagle. And that's the same thing with a genuine born-again child of God, they understand only the things that are of God.

55Now somebody say, "Well, now look, you could do this, I think. It's, I believe that it isn't this way. I believe that the days of miracles is passed. I don't believe that that's Divine healing. I don't believe This." Now a genuine born-again Christian, that'll never stop in his ears, he don't understand it at all. And how could a man that believes in God, and can read the Bible and see that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, will ever accept such a thing as that, I don't understand it.

So they do not lean to their own understanding.

56 Just like a--a baby. You take a little baby, and let him be born and let him once lean upon his mother's bosom, nurse from her, the warm milk, lean his little head upon her bosom, though he is just a few hours old. In a day or two from then, take him away from his mother and give him over on the breast of a strange mother, he'll kick them little feet up in the air and yell. It's not his mother. See, he has already had a something about him, because he is a part of this mother, yet nature has provided him a way to know his own mama.

57And if nature has provided a way for a baby to know its mother, from where it's born from, how much more has he a son of God that's born by the Spirit of God. He knows his Mama! He knows, because he was born of the Word, and he understands the Word. Put him in a strange place, he certainly is out of--out of place, he'll get out of there as quick as he can. Because he has, he doesn't lean...

Somebody say, "Now wait, dear, this is your mama now."

58It's not his mama, because he has a way of knowing that he is part of this mother. That's his mother, no one else can ever take her place. He knows his own mother. Notice, how is, how it is really so. God has made everything after its kind.

59 The cattle after their kind. Many time in bringing a round-up down, we'd bring the whole herds of cattle and the little calves, I used to wonder how they would ever know their own mama. Now, they, they coming down out of the mountains, the cattle all mixed together. A--a--a cow that is with the calf, maybe a little hungry calf might nurse a little from the other mother, if he's real hungry; but when we stop them, out on the prairie, that mama starts through that crowd of cows and calves till she finds her own, and the calf is running for its mother. It knows that certain little whine and her bawl. And she is bawling for that calf, and other mothers are bawling till you can't even hear yourself think, but that little calf will find that certain call of its mother, because it's part of the mother.

60 And a born-again Christian from Heaven, he is a part of this Word. Right. Another mama he will not follow. He is a part of the Word. He stays with the Word. "If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who can prepare hisself for battle?" said Paul. He knows the sound of the Word. Notice how--how this is, the predestinated hand of God following them through. He knows that he was ordained, he was in the Gospel Truth. He knowed that he was born by the Spirit of God. He knows that the Spirit of God cannot deny the Word of God, so therefore a stranger he will not follow. Notice how...

61 I was looking back here on a note that I had wrote down here. I--I passed by it, but I just happened to see the Scripture reading, thought I'd refer back to it again. Notice how His Own predestinated sheep followed Him, right in the days of the greatest theologians that we ever had. They come right out, because they knew Him. They knew what the Word had promised for that day. They knowed what the Messiah was to be like when He came. And Simon Peter came to Him, which was only "Simon" then.

62And Andrew had tried to tell him about that. "This Man is the Messiah." Well, Simon, of course, he was maybe a little hardheaded, and he wouldn't go.

63But when he walked up into the Presence of Jesus, when Jesus said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas." Now we know that Jesus told His apostles that He knew them, and he, "before the foundation of the world." They were the attributes of His thoughts. Therefore, being that seed laying in him, and he knew that the Word said and had been promised that the Messiah would be a prophet. And when he seen that, he was through with fishing. He knew then that he would drop his nets, because he would go--go and become a fisher of men. For...

64 Now, there stood others standing there, who seen the same thing done, and classed it a "evil spirit." That was the theologians, because it wasn't in the taste of their theological teaching. And they turned it down, because they leaned to their own understanding, by their doctors; when, Jesus Christ came in the fulfillment of the Word of promise, and they were too blind to see it. They leaned upon what the priests said, and upon what the church said, instead of upon what God said.

65Now Jesus rebuked them for it. He said, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you claim you have Everlasting Life. And They are They that testify of Me. These Scriptures that I'm asking you to search, they tell you who I am."

66But they wouldn't lean to what the Word said, but they leaned to what their understanding was. They leaned to their own understanding. And the Scripture tells us that they were veiled. The veil of their own theology had them blinded.

You say, "Brother Branham, what are you getting at?"

67 I'm just getting to this. That thing is occuring again, till, men and women and people will lean to a certain church that they have joined and belonged to, no matter what the Word of God says about it. They go right on with that, leaning to their own understanding, and ignoring the Word of God, as if It hadn't (never) even been written. It's un-germitized seed of human life. It's got the physical life, but no spiritual life in it to be quickened. The veil was over their face.

68Now notice, they had their own thoughts of what God should be, they had their own ideas of what Messiah should be. But the Word said what the Messiah should be! Now, see, they had their own understanding of what He would be. No doubt but what the high priest said, "All my priests under me, now when the Messiah comes... We've built a great temple here. We've done all of this. And the Bible said, 'He'll quickly come to His temple,' and all these things. When He does, the Messiah will come right up here and recognize Himself with us, and say, 'I am the Messiah. I have arrived. I am that Messiah that you've been looking for.'" Well, when He did come, He come in such a different way from what they thought it was, they didn't recognize Him. They didn't know Who He was. But His...

69 Oh, if, what if some hypocrite would have walked up there and said, "I am the Messiah. I am Doctor So-and-so"? They would have accepted it.

70But when you come to a Man that was born with a darkened birth behind Him, no education of any school He ever went to, to learn, no seminary did He have, no fellowship card; but He was the interpretation of God's Word, made manifest. "The works, that I do, tell you Who I am. If I do not the works that was promised I'd do, then believe Me not."

71And could we not apply that to this day? When the Holy Ghost comes, that they want to apply to some other age, when He comes in the action and the demonstrations of His power of Eternal Life, the people want to call it a--a "wild fanaticism." Why? They are leaning to their own understanding, and not to the Word of the Lord. You know that's right.

72 The identification, that God, Own interpretation is the manifestation of the promise.

73Maybe I'll say it, make it a little plainer. When God speaks the Word, He doesn't need any man or any woman, or no one else, to say what That means. When He said... Well, you say, "God meant this." God means just what He says He means. See?

74Now how does He interpret His Own Word? By fulfilling It. The Bible said, "A virgin shall conceive," she did. That don't need any interpretation. God said, "Let there be light," and there was. That don't need any interpretation.

75God said, also, that in these last days, "He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh," and He's done it. That don't need any interpretation. That only needs an acception, somebody to accept what God has done. It doesn't need an interpretation. God interprets His Own Word. God promised the things that we see, day by day, that He would do it in the last day.

76 People today, like it was then, they lean upon their own understanding. "My pastor says that that's 'fanaticism.'" But the Bible said it would happen. Whose understanding you going to lean upon?

77The Bible promised in the last days, that, "The Laodicea Church Age would get so rich, and get so in suffic--... or in a sufficiency of their own, 'I am rich. I have need of nothing. I set as a queen.'" And she is rich. And He said, "Thou knowest it not that you are miserable." Now that's the entire church age, the church! "To the church of Laodicea, you are naked, blind, poor, miserable, and don't know it." Sitting in her riches, ten thousands times ten thousands, and thousands of members, wealth of the world in her hand, almost. Putting it all together, to date, with the Catholic church and the Protestants, together, as they're going together, they got the wealth of the world.

78 We are busted in this nation, just about. We are borrowing on tax that'll be paid in forty years from now, they tell me, so they said on Life Line. Taxes, we're spending now, will be paid forty years from now. My little grandson, if Jesus tarries, the taxes that he will pay when he is forty years old, we are spending on it now. Sending to foreign aid, and our own Indians and things starving to death; trying to buy fellowship. You don't buy fellowship. You don't buy a friend. No, but that's what we are doing. That's the way we are set up, taxing people to everything they can get onto, tax, tax, tax. And we'll not be out of war debt for--for hundreds of years yet, I suppose, that we been throwed into by politicians. And now we shouldn't be that way. There is no reason for us to be that way.

79But the churches, themself, has become rich. "Pretty near the wealth of the world," says the Bible, "lays in the Catholic church." That's why Russia run her out, why Russia excommunicate... That's, was the very grass roots of communism, because the church taught to be something, there wasn't no more from the rest of the world.

80 When we was up there in Finland, that little boy was raised from the dead. There stood them Russian soldiers at attention, and they said, "We will receive a God that can raise up the dead."

81We have made denominations, and schools and--and buildings, and failed to do what Jesus told us to do, was "Preach the Gospel." We've tried to educate the world. He never said, "Educate the world; he that's educated shall be saved." You've got to be born again, filled with the Spirit. That's the reason we have so miserably failed, everywhere. See, we got the wealth, we got the thing.

82Now what will happen? And when this church, World Council of Churches, goes together, can't you see who is going to do the leading? Can't you Methodists and Presbyterians understand that, the rest of you, even to Pentecostals? You say you're not going in. You'll either go in or you'll bust up the denomination. You'll do one or the other. It's right before you, got to do it. It's a forcing, the mark of the beast. And that's what it is, exactly. Denominationalism absolutely (I can prove it by the Bible) is the mark of the beast. "She was a whore; she had prostitute daughters." And we know that that is the Truth. Organized religion, it's contrary to the Word, and it's antichrist in its principles. Not everything in there is antichrist; but in its principles, it's system is antichrist, because it's against the Word of God. Every organized system is that way.

83 There you are, see, and you lean to somebody else's own under-... their understanding, instead of leaning to God's understanding, by what God said about it. That's the reason it's wrong. Boys go off to seminaries who has good education, off to these Bible schools, so-called. And maybe they got--got a call of God in their heart. And they get out there and they are so indocumated with one view, that, "So-and-so said it, Bishop So-and-so. This one said it. That one said it. The council of men agreed, this way it should be."

84Don't care what anybody says! Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth. Matter whose it is, Mine be the Truth!"

85Now how do we know what's Truth? When the Bible declares that something will happen, that something is going to take place, and it happens that way.

86Now, the Bible said, "In her was the--the wealth of the world; gold, silver."

87Now if we're on the gold standard, and we are broke, now what is going to happen? What is going to happen? You know, the rich people of this nation, these big factories, and whiskey men and tobacco men, and so forth like that, is not going to stand to change the currency, so the only thing we'll have to do is borrow it. And there is only one place we can borrow it. And when we do, we sell our birthrights out to it. That's right. Then what are you going to do? You are owned by it, that system. There is nothing else, you can do.

88 Oh, people, don't think I... You may think I'm crazy. But when my voice is silenced in death, these tapes will still be playing, and you'll recognize that what I've said has come to pass. I would be a most silly person to take the stand that I have took, to even against this thing, I--I would be--I would be against God, I would be against everything that's God, if I (if I had) was wrong in my thinking and my calling. The thing would be against God. But I have took my stand because I see it here in the Word. It's God's Word. Then I see it being vindicated, proven that it's the Truth. That's the interpretation that God gives of His Word. God's Own interpretation of His Word is how He vindicates It and makes It true.

89 Why were these Pharisees blind? What made them so blind? Because they would not accept revelation or vindication of the Word.

90And that's the reason today that the churches are blind, is because they won't accept revelation that's being vindicated. If the Word says so, and it's revealed, and then it's proven, still they won't accept It.

91That's the reason these Jews, the Jews till this day, will not. You cannot talk to them about Christ, because the veil is still over their face, blinded.

92And the church, you can't talk to them about the full Gospel and the power of God, because the god of this world has blinded them from the truths of God, and they lean to their own understanding. When women come into the church and bob off their hair, because their pastors tells them, "Oh, that's all right. That man is crazy." But the Bible said she has done wrong when she does it, God refused to answer her prayer. And some of them women make another disgrace, and try to be a preacher, then she has done a double thing. The Bible said she should not do that, none of it. But the church organization will receive it, and ordain her and send her out. They're leaning to their own understanding!

93 One Word of God misplaced, or misconstrued, or It not accepted, breaks the whole Chain. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

94Why is it, women, you hear me preach against these things, of wearing shorts, and paints, and--and hair-do's of this here bobbed hair, and all that kind of stuff, and then every year when I come back you're still sitting in the same condition? Is because you're leaning to your own understanding instead of the Word of the Lord.

95And, pastors, why don't you clean up your church? Because you're going to your denominational creed instead of the Word of the Lord. Right. Lean not to your own understanding. Well, lean not to your own understanding, but upon the Word of the Lord.

96 They would not accept it, because they would not accept vindication. Jesus come with a--a Gospel, just exactly the way He said He would come. Even many times...

97John was a little bit confused when he was throwed into prison, and he--he got down there... And he had preached that there was "Coming in the Messiah, Whose fan was in His hand; He would thoroughly purge His floor, and burn the chaff with unquenchable fire, and gather the wheat into the garner." The Spirit of God bringing forth, gulching out of him like a--like a fountain. And then when he seen Jesus come on the scene, the little, meek, lowly sort of a Fellow being pushed around, run here, for His life, and over there. Why, they didn't...

98John couldn't understand it, so he sent some of his disciples to find out from Jesus if He really was the One. What a dishonor to Jesus! After that prophet standing there in the water, with the Word of God, said, "I knew Him, because I seen the--the Holy Spirit, like a dove, God descending from Heaven like a dove and going into Him, and I heard a Voice from Heaven, saying, 'This is My beloved Son,'" and then John says, "Go, ask Him if really He was the One, or--or--or, 'Do we look for another?'"

99 Now Jesus never sent him a book on how to behave in prison, or what church he should have joined. But He said, "Stay around a little while and watch what happens, and then go show John the things that you have seen and done," because that His works that He did vindicated Him to be the Messiah, the Son of God. "Blessed is he who is not offended in Me."

100So many have become offended. So many people get offended so easy at the Word of God. It--it's contrary, they want to lean to their own understanding. They don't want to take the Word of the Lord. And they have to go just the way that--that they had been taught to go. And the way that they are taught, their church leans upon it. No matter if God promised He would--He would rain, have rain in the morning, and the church said "that's nonsense," they would believe the church instead of God. Because why? They are born of the church.

101But a man that's born of God, is of the Seed of God. And the Seed of God is the Word of God, and he only lives by That. That's his Life.

102 Now, they leaned onto their own understanding, but they didn't want to lean on God's Word. They knowed better. It was in the Scripture. They called it an "evil spirit," that Man. Cause why? Their priest said, "Anybody that goes to hear this Man preach, they'll be put out of the synagogue."

103When a man was healed that was blind once, by Jesus. Even his parents, so happy about the healing, but they was afraid to confess that it was Jesus that did it. Yeah.

He said--he said, "Is this your son?"

Said, "Yes."

Said, "Who made him well?"

104Said, "I--I don't know." Said, "He is of age, you ask him. He, he can talk for himself."

105Because, it had been said, that, "Any man that leaned to His, Christ's understanding," instead of their understanding, "would be put out of their church." Now isn't that just the same? I ask you a pine-blank question. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's right. It's drew same thing. No matter what God does, it has to be according to their understanding, not what God vindicates to be the Truth. Now, and that man had the answer, though.

He said, "Who healed you?"

He said, "One called Jesus of Nazareth."

Said, "He is a sinner. We don't know from whence He come."

106He said, "Now that's a strange thing. You're supposed to be the leaders of this hour. And here is a Man opened my eyes, that hasn't been done since the world begin, and yet you say you don't know from whence He come." Oh, my!

107 Why? They was leaning to their own understanding instead of the Word of the Lord. Because Isaiah said, "The blind would see, the lame would leap like a hart, deserts would break forth in joy." But you see they leaned to their own understanding, not to the Word; their own system they had drawed up.

108Now notice the churches of today do the same thing. They have formed a great super race of understanding, in their denominational systems. That, they have such a super understanding, they don't want nobody else to fool with it, nobody to come in unless they belong to that group.

109Don't tell me; I live in Tucson, Arizona. I come down there three years ago, I met with the council of churches, and I said, "I never come to start a church. I come to fellowship with you. I come to help you. I'm a missionary, evangelist, whatever I do."

They said, "Are you coming here to start a church?"

110I said, "No, sir. I come here... If I want a church, I got one in Indiana." I said, "I come here because the Lord led me here in a vision. I'm going to stay for a while now, unless He leads me away, but I never come to start a church. I come to help you brethren."

111 That's been three years ago. I've never been invited to one place. Why? Because there was a get-together right after that, and said, if any man had me in their pulpit, they would ex-commute that preacher. See? Why? Leaning to their own understanding! Certainly, that is the so-called, they form their super understanding.

112Unless you put your name on their book, you'll... you're lost. A minister told me that. "Oh," you say, "that was some quack." It was a Pentecostal.

113Jack Moore and I sat there and listened at him in Dallas, Texas. He said he was, "Going to have to take a man off the book."

I said, "Why?"

"Cause he fellowshipped with you."

I said, "Well, take it off."

He said, "Well, he is lost then."

I said, "Lost?"

"Why," he said, "if his name is not on it!"

114I said, "You mean you're a district presbyter and believe that?"

He said, "That's the truth."

115I said, "Get off the phone, mister. You, you... That ain't the grace of God, that--that, see."

116 "For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body, and become members of that Body." Don't care what brand you got on you, that don't have nothing to do with it. You are absolutely a Christian by Birth. That's the only way, the only way you can be; not by joining, not by creeds, not exciting this, or reciting this, or any other thing, nor by education, theology. You're a Christian when you're born again, and you cannot be born again 'less you've been elected to be born again. "For no man can come to Me except My Father draws him, and all that My Father has given Me will come." Amen. "I'll raise him up again at the last day."

117These great so-called Bible schools we have, they'll say, lean upon their own learning. Oh, my. They, no matter what the Word says, they can so plainly explain it, oh, to their ownselves, make their ownselves believe it, and their own kind believe it, that, "The days of miracles is passed. There is no such thing as prophet, prophets, apostles. There is no such a thing as gifts of healing, and so forth. It all ended back in the Bible days." They can make themselves believe that.

118 You know, the Bible said, "You can believe a lie and be damned by it." See, that's exactly the Truth. They form, no matter what the Word of God says, they lean to their own understanding. They, they lean on it, they believe it, they think it's the Truth. You can keep believing a lie, over and over and over, till it's the Truth to you. That's right.

119But how do we know whether it's Truth or not? God proves it's Truth, 'cause it's in His Word and He vindicates It. He does His Own interpretation of It.

120How do they do, get to this? They do it by their culture, their education, of their understandings of the--the degree of doctor's degree, and so forth, that they have come from some certain seminary and learn these things.

121 But look, friends, listen. Nowhere in the Bible are we asked to understand. We're not asked to understand It. We're asked to believe It. Believe It by what? By faith. If you understand It, then that makes faith annulled. You can't understand It, but you believe It anyhow. If I could understand God, I wouldn't have to believe God. I do not understand God. No man understands God. I cannot understand the Word of God, but I accept It. I believe It. I am not asked to understand It.

122I don't, went to no seminary and all this great understanding of man's knowledge on That. I just know that the Bible says That, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever," and I look for Him in that same category. I know He promised what He would do in this day, I look for Him to do it and He does it. That's right. He promised grace, I looked for it and I received it. He promised healing, I believe it and I accepted it, and I received it.

123 Now don't want to take too much of your time, but I want to ask one thing if you'll bear with me a minute, to consider some of those who did not lean on their own understanding; some characters of the Bible, just for a few, that leaned not to their own understanding, regardless of what the understanding of their age was.

124Let's take, for instance, Noah. Noah lived in a day of great scientific research. In the days of Noah, they probably built the pyramids, that they cannot reproduce again. Now we haven't got nothing to do it with, nothing to lift the boulders up there. They could not, today. Them days, they had some kind of a chemical they could put in dye and make the clothes look natural till today. They had an embalming fluid that they could make a mummy; we could not make one, today, if we had to. We've... a lot of the arts that we have lost. The day that he lived, in a smart scientific age.

125Jesus referred to it, that that same kind of an age would return again before He come back, "For as it was in the days of Noah." Now you will believe, that, won't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe that Jesus said that? ["Amen."] Do you believe we have returned to that age? ["Amen."] Now that is in the Book of Luke, the 17th chapter and the 29th verse.

126 Now in Luke 17: 30, He said, "And as it was in the days of Lot, when the Angel of the Lord..."

127Now, He was reading the same Bible we are. And when He... Go back and find out what kind of day it was before Noah's rain. Go back and find out what kind of a day it was before the world was destroyed in the days of Lot. Find out what it was, and you see what Jesus was talking about.

128"In the days of Noah, they was eating, drinking, marrying, and given in marriage; knew it not until Noah entered into the ark, and the flood come, taken them all away."

129In the days of Lot, just before the world was... fire burned the Gentile world, the Sodomites, there were homosexuals, perversions, everything in the world. A great... It was a modern Los Angeles; not a modern only Los Angeles, but a United States; not only in United States, but a world. It sure was perversion! Man lost their natural source of life and their natural understandings of common sense, become perverted by an evil spirit that changed the whole course of their natural life, and they were possessed with demon spirits. If that ain't the picture of the days of Noah, I don't know it, and in the days of Lot, I mean. In days of Noah, also, eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage, divorce courts filling, and everything, just like it was.

130 But, remember, before the world was destroyed, Abraham was sent on the face of the earth and was given a promise of a son. And Abraham met God in many stages, as a type of the church has met God. But just before the destruction and the promised son returned, or came, rather, the son had been promised, came, God came down and was manifested in human flesh, in a man, three men. And they come down to Lot; come first to Abraham, and they sit down. And Abraham had had his name changed from Abram to Abraham; Sarai to Sarah.

131And this Man, the Speaker, Elohim, when He came down to speak to him, what did He say? He said, "Where is your wife, Sarah?"

Said, "She is in the tent, behind You."

132Said, "I will visit you according to the time of life." And she laughed in the tent, behind Him. And He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" See? Now He would have took the life of Sarah right there, for laughing at His Word; but He could not do it, because Sarah was a part of Abraham.

133 And today, Jesus said in Luke the 17th chapter and the 30th verse, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the end time when the Son of man..."

134Now remember, "Son of man" is a prophet. Jehovah called Ezekiel a "son of man." Jesus come in three names: Son of man, Son of David, Son of God. He called Hisself "Son of man" so that the people would understand, for He was that Prophet that the Lord God would raise up.

135Now notice, then He promised what? The Son of man would reveal Himself again just before that time, before the fire. And that was the last sign that Abraham saw before the promised son arrived; and he turned back to a young man, and she to a young woman. Before... Now notice, the Scripture specifically says that, now we must look for that.

136And then if we see the world in perversion and the things that's in it today, carried on the way it is, then how can we say that's right and don't say this other is right? Because, somebody, you're leaning on their understanding, and not the understanding of the Prince of Life Who was that Person that was there at the gate with them at Sodom. Now, we notice, we lean not to our own understanding.

137 Noah did not lean to his understanding. It was a great scientific age, but he didn't lean to his understanding of his day. But he leaned on the promise of God, and moved by the power of God, and prepared an ark in the saving of his house. When, it was absolutely contrary to common sense; there was no water up there, never had been. But he knew, if God said there would be, there would be. So he leaned not to his own understanding, but by faith he moved by the Word of God's promise. The Spirit moved him, and he did it.

138Abraham, he did not lean to his understanding about human life. He had married his wife at about seventeen years old. Here he was, seventy-five years old, and she was sixty-five years old, being ten years younger. But Abraham did not lean to his understanding, when God said that He would give him a son by Sarah. But he called anything, any scientific proof that was contrary to God's Word, any learning outside of God's Word, as though it wasn't so. And he give God praise, strong, giving Him praise. He did not even consider looking at his own body or the deadness of Sarah's body, or--or his body. He did not consider anything, but leaned upon the promise of God. He leaned not upon his own understanding. He leaned not upon reasons.

139 "Why," you say, "Brother Branham, it's reason that God wouldn't heal the sick, we've got so many fine doctors."

140The Bible said, "We cast down reasonings." We don't reason. Faith don't reason. Faith believes and accepts. Notice.

141But he believed instead of unbelieving; and called the things, which were not, as though they were, which was absolutely against any reasoning. But he didn't reason. He just believed it. There was no reasons could prove that that baby could be born. That woman was about twenty years past menopause, and his body was as good as dead. And when he was a hundred years old, twenty-five years later, he still was giving God praise, against any kind of an understanding. But by faith, he knowed that God would keep His Word. He leaned not to his own understanding.

142 What if Moses would have leaned to his own understanding, when God told him that he was to--to take Pharaoh... or the children of Israel out of Pharaoh's hand? What if he would have leaned to his own understanding, when he was there by the Pillar of Fire, when God said, "Go down and I'll be with you"? What if he would have leaned to his understanding when he brought them to the Red Sea, and there they was at the water, and here God had promised them the promised land? What if he would have leaned to his own understanding, "How am I going to get across there? We haven't time to build a bridge. Here is the army coming right behind us. Here is the mountains on either side. Here is the water in front of us, the Red Sea"?

143Now, if he had leaned to his own understanding, he'd throwed up his hands and run, fell at the feet of Pharaoh, said, "Pharaoh, forgive me, I did wrong."

144But he leaned not to his own understanding. But he prayed, and God told him to step forward, and the sea opened up, which was against all reasonings. But he leaned not to his own understanding.

145 What if Joshua, when he went over there with the other ten denominations, and walked over there and seen that promised land of God, and would have come back with them and said, "Now wait a minute. It is true. We looked like grasshoppers. They are giants. How can we ever take them? We don't even have swords; just what we've picked up. How can we ever go in and take that land? Why, it's totally impossible. They outnumber us, fifty men to one. They are trained soldiers, and we're nothing but just a bunch of sheepherders and mud-daubers out of Egypt. How? We don't even have shield and things, how will we ever take it?"

146Why, understanding would sure prove that they could not do it. Any military man like he was, or Moses, could not have leaned on their own understanding. But their understanding, they leaned not on. But they knowed that God said, "I have given you that land. Go take it!"

147 Lean not to your own understanding. If you lean on your own understanding today when you are sick, maybe sitting in a wheel chair, dying with cancer, heart trouble, and the doctor says you're going to die, if you lean to that understanding, you'll die. But don't lean to that understanding. Certainly not.

148What about at the walls of Jericho, that they say they could run a chariot race around the top of them, them great big walls? God said, "Go up there and march around it so many times, and sound a trumpet and all of you let out a shout, and the wall is going to fall down." Well, that was absolutely would be silly to the carnal mind. But Joshua, knowing how thick those walls was, 'cause he had built plenty of walls down in Egypt. He knowed the cement that was in them, how tight they were, to hold them chariot races on top, and even houses built on top of it. But he didn't lean to his own understanding. He believed what God said was the truth, and obeyed His Word, and the walls fell down. Leaning not to his own understanding.

149 What if he was fighting that battle, and, as I was preaching on Sunday, and then the sun was going down, the enemy was routed. That night they would get together and they would come with another force, kill plenty of his men. Now what if he would have said, "I need some daylight. I've got to have some more sunlight. Well, now wait a minute. God set this order, and the sun turns so the world turns. Now let's see, if I would say for the sun to stop... Maybe if the world stops now, then it'd loses its gravitation, I'll fall"?

150He didn't listen to his understanding. Only thing he said, was, "Sun, stand still; and, moon, you stay where you are," and it obeyed him. He didn't lean to his own understanding. But he leaned to the promise of God, "I have given you that land; go get it."

151 He has give you the promise of the Holy Ghost. You can get It in this convention. You can get It now.

152Don't lean to, "You know, I'm tired. I tell you, I eat too much supper. I--I--I'd hate for John to see me doing this." Oh, for goodness sake! You're leaning to your own understanding.

153"The promise is unto you, and your children's children, to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."

154"The doctor said I'm going to die. He examined me, and said I had this cancer, I had this, or whatever it was. I've got to die." Don't lean to that understanding. God is the Lord thy God Who heals all thy diseases. So don't lean to that understanding, no man's understanding. Lean to God's understanding.

155 What of Samson, out in the field, when the Philistines, a thousand men run up on him? And there he was standing there, a little bitty, curly-headed shrimp, about that high. He didn't; well, he wasn't a swordsman, 'cause he didn't know; he had no training, military training. He was just a little old curly-headed sissy, like, with seven locks hanging down, mama's boy, standing out there, and here come a thousand Philistines. Well, he didn't have nothing in his hand. He looked down, and he found an old, bleached-out, white jawbone of a mule, and he picked it up.

156Now said, "Let's see, now, I won't do much with this, because them helmets on their head is... Them Philistines, all them soldiers, they've all got spears. They've all got coats of mail. And their helmets weigh about fifteen pounds apiece, great big men, all out. Well, if I'd ever hit with this old brittle jawbone of the mule, upon one of them helmets, why, it would burst to pieces. That's it"?

157He didn't lean to his understanding. He just took what was in his hand, and started beating Philistines. And after he had beat down a thousand of them, he still had the jawbone in his hand. Amen.

158 I don't care what man's theology says, don't lean to that. Lean to the Word of God, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." Certainly, he believed it.

159What if David would have listened to Sams-... Saul's theology? There stood Goliath out there with his big boast, and all everybody scared; Saul, head and shoulders above all the army. Goliath said, "Somebody come out and fight me. There is no need of--of all of us dying. If I kill you, then you all serve us. And if you kill me, why, we'll serve you," 'cause he had the edge on him. That's the way the devil likes to do, when he has got his whole seminary out, and all of them, when he's coming along, see.

160Little old David walking around there, a piece of sheepskin on him; ruddy, stoop-shouldered, a little bitty guy about a hundred pounds, a hundred and ten. He said, "Do you mean to tell me that the armies of the living God, that's circumcised to a covenant, will stand there and let that uncircumcised Philistine defy the armies of the living God?"

161 Saul said, "Come here, boy." He said, "I admire your courage, but the days of miracles is passed. We don't have no such a thing as that, see. And let me tell you something, what fellowship card can you show, see? You ain't even got an armor. You ain't got nothing but a slingshot in your hand. See? You haven't got a Ph.D. or LL.D. How you going to do this? Why, that man is a warrior. Why, he's--he's a D.D., double L, Ph.D., LL.Q. Why, he has got so many degrees, he could plaster a wall with them. And who are you? A sheepherder."

162He said, "But I want to tell you something." He said, "You know what?" Said, "I was herding my father's sheep out there, and," said, "a lion come in and grabbed one of them, and run out. And you know, I took this little slingshot and went after him, and knocked him down. I took the--the lamb out of his mouth, and he rose up against me when I did. I just took the knife and killed him." Said, "I went on back. And here come a bear in, after that sheep, and grabbed him and run out. I slew him, too." He said, "Now the God... Not my Ph.D., not my own understanding. I can't tell you how I do it. I don't know how it's done. But the God," amen, "the God that delivered me out of the paw of the bear and the lion, how much more will He deliver me out of the hand of that uncircumcised Philistine!"

163 A bishop, Saul, said, "You know, I believe you got a calling, boy. I'll tell you, if you'd come over here, I'll learn you how to duel, see. And I'll tell you, I'm--I'm the doctor, so you put on my armor. I want to dress you up." David stood there, and they give him a Ph.D., an LL.D., and all that, and--and the poor little fellow couldn't even move. He didn't know how.

164He said, "I never proved this. That ecclesiastical vest don't fit me. Take the thing off. Let me go with what God helped me with." That was faith in the power of God. And he--he didn't lean to his own understanding. He didn't lean to what somebody else said. He leaned to faith. Because, he knowed if God had saved him from the bear's paw, how much more would He save him from that Philistine!

165Well, if God loved you well enough to bring you up out of sin and to fill you with the Holy Ghost, what's the matter with you poor spineless weaklings around the country, won't He much more deliver you from your affliction when He promised He would do it? God's Word said so. He'll do it. Sure, He delivered him out of the hand.

166 Oh, every one of the prophets, what if they would have leaned to their own understanding in their age? They'd have never walked up to them priests and high priests, and called them "whited walls" and everything else. They'd never prophesied contrary to them. They'd have been like some of them modern prophets, would agreed, wore fine clothes, and been in kings' palaces.

167What if John would have tried to lean to his own understanding? But he walked right up.

168They said, "Now, wait a minute, John, don't you preach on Marriage And Divorce."

169He walked right up to Herod's place, and he said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." Yes, sir.

Say, "Well, you know who that is? That's the proc-..."

"I don't care who it is." He didn't lean.

170Said, "Now you know you haven't got much. You're down here on this wilderness. The association won't receive you, if you go to acting like that." He didn't care about any association. He didn't lean to his own understanding, but to the understanding of God. Sure.

171 There was one man who did lean to his own understanding, and his name was Judas Iscariot. Oh, he... I--I don't see how he could have done it. He had walked face to face with Christ, just like Eve did in the beginning. He had seen the vindication, he had looked at God in the face, like Eve did in the cool of the evening. Eve looked at Christ, in the cool of the evening, in the garden. And Judas had sat in the cool of the evening, in the garden of Gethsemane and many places, and had looked at the same Christ; had heard Him teach, prove Himself by the Word, vindicated to be the Prophet that Moses had spoke of would be raised up. And told them in the Scripture Who He was, and all about it. They had seen it proved by God, that He was, and then he leaned to his own understanding.

172 Uh! Could he do it? It was because he never had it down here, in the first place. He wasn't a germitized seed. He was the son of perdition, born out of perdition, returned back to perdition. Now we notice. But he went out, and maybe he might have had an idea of his understanding. He might have thought that Jesus... He had so much respect for Him, "Now, you know, I might sell Him for thirty pieces of silver. And if I do, I'll have some money, and I can do something with that. And He is able to deliver Himself." See, he didn't know, in the Scripture, that he had raised up to take that same place.

173And neither does the people today realize what condition that they are in. It's ordained for this Laodicea church to be in this condition, putting Christ on the outside. And Him knocking, trying to get back in. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] No cooperation nowhere, though. Vindicating His Word in the day now, like He did in every day, and they walk right away from it. Leaning to their own understanding, that's--that's all there is to it.

174 Or, maybe, let's say this that--that he thought. Maybe if he did sell Christ for thirty pieces of silver, why, that he would have a--a fellowship with some of the great denominations of that day, the Pharisees and Sadducees. He would say, "Now wait, He can take care of Hisself. I've seen Him in great battles; I--I know that--that He can take care of Himself. So I might make some money, kind of a--a little retirement, as it was. And then, again, I might have a great standing with these churches today, if I would betray Him to them." See? But he leaned to his own understanding, instead of the understanding that that was the vindicated Word of God, and he did to Jesus just what the Scriptures said he would do.

175And, today, the church world has turned Christ out in this last days, just exactly like the Book of Revelation said they would do it. It's the spirit of Judas again, in form of church, "Having a form of godliness, but denying the Word." See? That's right. Now, oh, my, what did it result in? Death, just like it did to Eve. And it does to all others who tries to pervert the Word of God and lean to their own understanding. Even now they sell, not for thirty pieces of silver, but maybe become, oh, some great officer, some seminary experience. Wasn't even worth thirty pieces of silver, but they sell it anyhow; sell their understanding of God, out, for such a thing as that.

176 How different from the great learned Saint Paul, who had all the knowledge he could brag about. But he said, "I've turned the whole thing, of my reasonings, down. I met a Pillar of Fire one day, on the road down to Damascus." And he said, "I never come to you with excellency of speech, because, if I did, you would trust in the wisdom of man. But I come to you in the power and demonstrations of the Holy Ghost, that you--you will lean upon the Word of God." Amen. Said, "If an Angel from Heaven come, preaching any other thing, let him be accursed," Galatians 1:8. That's right. No, sir. He never.

177The little woman at the well, she was immoral. But she knowed that the churches had excommunicated her. And, but she never leaned upon her own understanding. When she met this One at the well, Who told her all the sins that she had done, she run into the city. Now it wasn't right for a woman to do that, to go in and say anything, 'cause she was a prostitute. But when she had met Jesus, she never leaned to the understanding of the people, them days. She come, said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" She never leaned upon her understanding. No.

178 The virgin Mary, when the Angel Gabriel met her and told her that she was going to have a baby, without knowing a man. Whew! Never been. She never leaned upon her own understanding, that a woman could not have a baby without having a--a husband. She didn't lean upon that. But she said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to Your Word." She didn't say, "How am I going to do it? And when will I do it? And how is this all going to take place?"

179The Angel said, "The Holy Ghost shall overshadow thee; and that Holy Thing will be born of thee shall be called the Son of God."

180She said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." She didn't take her reasoning, say it couldn't be done. She just said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." That's right. Notice.

181 The--the woman that had the blood issue, the doctor told her, said, "There is no hopes." She had spent all of her living, with the physicians, and none of them could help her. And she didn't lean upon that. When Jesus... She walked through the crowd, and she said, "I believe if I can touch that Man's garments, I'll be made well." She goes over.

182"Now wait, the doctor said, 'You can't get well.'" She had had this blood issue for years and years. She got weaker all the time, and worse. The doctors had give her up. That's all the understanding they had.

183But she said, by faith! There is no Scripture telling her to do that. But she said, "If I could touch the border of His garment, I'll be made well," and she slipped around and touched Him. She walked back, sit down.

184Jesus turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" Looked around till He found her. He told her of her blood issue.

185And she felt at that moment, in her own body. She couldn't prove it then, but she felt in her own body that her blood issue stopped. She never reasoned, "If the doctor had turned her down, how could anything else help her?" She never went to reason, but she went to faith.

186 Now the Bible said, "That He is the High Priest, today, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Don't go to reason, say, "Oh, that's..."

He said, "Today He is that. He is right now a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. The same yesterday, today, and forever!"

187What do you think when I was out there as a Baptist preacher, and that Angel of the Lord met me out there and commissioned me to go do this that I'm doing? Why, my pastor said, "You've gone crazy. Why, you had a nightmare, you."

I said, "You better take my fellowship card right now."

188Now, he said, "How can you, with not even a grammar school education, preach around the world? How can you ever pray for kings and potentates, and you--you--you can't even use your grammar right?"

189I wasn't trusting in my grammar. I wasn't trusting in any ability I had. I was commissioned. Hallelujah! And I didn't go to reasons. If I had have listened to reasons, there would probably have been thousands of people died, years ago. But I carried a Message exactly like He said, around and around the world.

190 And I'm going again, by the grace of God; not by reasons, but by a commission. Hallelujah. I leaned not... You say, "You're fifty-five years old." If I was ninety-five, that don't mean a thing. He is still the same God that He was with Abraham. Yes, sir. Lean not to your own understandings.

191And after the sign went forth, and the Voice following, and the churches begin to turn me down and close their doors, upon Doctrine, that any of them is daresn't to stand before me to say It's right or wrong. I challenge any of them. Uh-huh. Not to be smart, but I know where I'm at. That's right. What did they do? What did they do? They shut every door. "Now what are you going to do?"

192 The other day, up on the mountain, I was standing there. I said, "Lord, I got one open door in the whole nation, as far as I know, that's Phoenix, Arizona. The only one I got." And I started down off the mountain. Just as plain as I ever heard anybody speak, said, "What's that to thee? Follow thou Me." Then, not upon my own understanding. I'll lean upon His promise.

193Oh, friend, don't lean upon reasons. Then you cry out, with Eddie Perronet of old:

All hail the power of Jesus' Name!

Let Angels prostrate fall;

Bring forth the royal diadem,

And crown Him Lord of all;

Crown Him Lord of all.

194That's right. Don't lean upon what you think, what somebody else thinks. By faith accept the promise of God. Will you do it? Now it isn't whether somebody else did it, whether they didn't do it, but what about you? What will you do with this Jesus called the Christ, that makes Hisself known in this day, the same as He did in that day? Do you believe Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Let us pray.

195 Lord Jesus, King of kings, Lord of lords, God of gods, God of all potentates; the First, the Last; the Alpha, Omega; the Beginning and the Ending; the Bright and Morning Star, the Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, Root and Offspring of David; come, Lord God, the same yesterday, today, and forever!

196Bless this crowd of people, Lord. This... [] just getting ready to start tomorrow. We've had a little meeting here, and You have blessed us in it. You've made Yourself known to us. I pray, God, that You will continue to make Yourself known to us. Bless us tonight. Help us now. We are needy people.

197And, Lord, Thou knowest I don't like to scold people, but how can I hush that holy burning? I don't like to do that, Lord. You know my life, my heart. I must do it. And I pray, God, that You will help me to do it. Just give me grace, and never let me lean to my own understanding, but let me lean upon Thy promise. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

198 I want you, everyone, to be real reverent just for a few minutes. In this crowd of people, there is men and women sitting here, no doubt, who are sick. How many is sick and afflicted in here, raise up your hands, just say, "I am in need of God"? Just raise up your hand right now, "I'm in need of God."

199Now, I don't know very many people. I know these three boys sitting right here. I know Mr. Dauch and his wife sitting there. I think, I think this is Sister Moore. I'm not sure. Is that right, Sister Moore? Outside of that, I guess that does it, for Brother Mike and the platform. That's as far, as I see, that I know.

200But the Heavenly Father Who promised, and in this day He would vindicate Himself in this age, just exactly the way He did at Sodom. Did He promise it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Manifest Himself! Do you believe that? ["Amen."]

201 Now if you will pray, and by faith! Now don't try to reason, "How can I touch Him as the High Priest?"

202Now, the Bible said, the New Testament, "He is the High Priest right now. He continues the High Priest after the order of Melchisedec. He is the High Priest forever. There is no other High Priest but Him. No other mediator between God and men, but the Man Christ." That's right. He is the only One, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

203Now if He remains that same High Priest, and the Bible said, "We can touch Him by the feeling of our infirmities," like that little woman did that touched His garment, your faith can touch Him tonight and He'll act the same way, in human flesh, like He did when He was in human flesh there at--at Abraham's oak. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He promised He would do it. Now just pray, anybody that has a need. And I--I...

204 It's like I said, a gift is not something that's like you take a knife, and if you want to cut this with it, you can cut it; or you cut this, you can cut it, or whatever you want to. That's not a gift of God. See? No.

205A gift of God is some way you have of getting yourself out of the way. And gifts and callings are the predestination of God. "Gifts and callings are even without repentance." You are born with it. A little gear that you pull yourself over in, but you cannot step on the pedal. See? God has to operate it. You have to get yourself out of the way.

206Your faith can operate it, not mine; yours. Mine just takes it out of the way. You believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ lives today.

207 Don't lean to your own understanding, you say, "Well, now look, I--I'm in serious shape, brother. You don't know me. I've been in this wheel chair. I've been..."

208I don't care what you've been, and see if God won't come down and do exactly like He did when He was here on earth in a physical body. He'll do it in your body, in my body, together as a unit believing in Him. He'll do it because He promised He would do it.

209Now don't lean to what somebody says, "Oh, that's--that's mental telepathy," that they call It. Said Jesus was the same thing. They said He was a fortuneteller, "a devil." But He was the Son of God, because He was according to the promised Word of God.

210 Now, as I said, our--our places, we don't have to have that, to come up and lay hands on people. We laid hands on them last night. But the only thing you have to have is faith, and then recognize. By faith you accept it, by faith. Not--not by anything that...

Don't say, "Well, now how can it be done?"

211If I could tell you how it was done, then it wouldn't be no more faith. I don't know how it's done. I don't know, but I believe it. I--I don't know how--how God saves a sinner, but He does it. I don't know how God does any of these things, but I accept it. He, He does it, and that's the way. Because, I can't explain it. Now, well, I... Never will be explained. No one can. Because, if you do, then it is no more faith.

212I don't see how God and Christ could be the same Person, but They were. Scripture said. Well, you can't explain it, but, They were. "My Father is in Me. It's not Me doeth the works; it's My Father in Me. If I do not His works, then that shows I'm not of Him. But if I do His works, then He testifies Himself that I am of Him."

213Well, it's the same thing now, exactly the same thing. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, if you will believe.

214 Now there is a man sitting right here before me, he's got dark hair. Got a watch on his arm; a dark suit. He is wearing glasses. If you can look right here, you see him sitting with his eyes closed, praying. I don't know that man. The Heavenly Father knows I don't know him. But I'm just going to look to him just for a minute, 'cause he looks like he's so sincere, sitting there. Ever since I made mention, the man just closed his eyes and started praying. The man is a stranger to me, that's, to my hands. I don't know him. God knows that man, and He can reveal to me. If that promise is true in the Bible, He can reveal to me what that man has got his eyes closed for, and what he is praying about. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

215Do you believe it, sir? If you'll open your eyes, you're sitting right here, look right here. Do you believe that? All right. Now you know I don't know you. We are strangers to each other. But God knows you. Now he started crying, weeping. Because, I can tell him now that God is going to answer his request, see, because that was what struck him just then, that Light; from darkness, changed to Light. See?

216 Now, the man, he is praying for somebody else, and that's this little boy sitting over here by him. That's his son. That's right. Now, that little boy is suffering with a--a stomach disorder, and also something wrong with his intestines. That's right. That's right.

217They're not from here. You're not from Arizona. You're from California. Right. And you're a minister, and your fellowship is with the Assemblies of God. That's true. Rev. McKeig is your name, or, Rev. Keig, that's right. Is that true? Wave your hands like this. Now your little boy is going to get well. See? Your faith!

218Now what? Now there is the man with his hands up, he doesn't know me, I don't know him. But what was it? He touched the High Priest. Now, see, he couldn't lean to his own understanding. Now what he's got to do, what does he do now? He has got to believe that what was told him, the truth, 'cause he knows he knows not me. That's right.

219 Here, here sits a woman sitting right down here in front of me, also, she has got her head bowed. She is suffering with a cancer. She also comes from California. I hope she don't miss this. Miss Adams. That's her name. I never seen her in my life. Yeah, that is true.

220There is a lady sitting right back out here. I can't just put my, just point to her, but I see the Light hanging over her. She is deeply in trouble. She has got trouble with her neck, for one thing. And another thing, she--she's got a--a spiritual troubles, worry she is troubling about. And she has got a domestic trouble; her daughter just run away. That's right. That's true, isn't it? She's got her hand up. Mrs. Miller. That is right. You believe? God will send her back, heal your body. Now, I never seen her in my life. She is completely a total stranger.

221Here's a lady sitting here, the audience. She--she is not from here, she also is from California. She has got cancer, and the cancer is on her breast. She has been operated on one breast, and it's went to the other. Right. Miss Calvin. That is right. You believe that God will make you well? You believe it. I'm a stranger to you, lady. I don't know you. That's true. See? She's cancer.

That you might know that God is present!

222 There is a lady sitting right next to her. Her name is Mrs. Harris. She is a total stranger to me. But when the Spirit struck this woman, she also in sympathy with her. And she comes from California. That's right. And she has got trouble with her shoulder. That's right. You believe that God will heal you. If that's true, raise up your hand so that the people can see; total stranger.

223Lean not to your own understanding. What can do that? You can't explain that. That's a paradox. It's beyond explaining. Ask those people; I never seen them in my life, never knowed nothing about them. It could just go on through the meeting.

224But, now look, don't lean to your own understanding. But lean to what He promised, that He would do that; if that isn't the same Spirit that was dwelling in human flesh, that knowed that Sarah laughed in the tent, behind the Man. Is that right? And He promised, just before the world was destroyed with fire, when the Son of man would reveal Himself again in like manner, as the--the Son of man (prophetic) would reveal Hisself in human flesh like He is here with us tonight, as He did then. Now what hour are we living in? Just near the destruction.

225 Friend, don't stand in here, no longer, a sinner. Accept Jesus Christ while you're in His Presence. Now, I know, usually it's customary for ministers to make pleas and tell stories, about mother that's dead and gone on. That's all right. But we don't come upon the basis of our mother being dead. My mother is dead, too; my father, also. But we come up, intelligently, accepting upon the basis of God manifesting Himself in Jesus Christ, to take away the sins of the world. We come and believe upon the Atonement. And while He has vindicated His Word...

226I don't care what church you've gone to, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, or no church at all. If you will admit that you have understood it different, and know that you really never have been born again, but you want to be, and want to accept it now, the promise now. You might not be filled now, but you will be filled when the... as the meetings goes on. You want to accept it upon those basis, would you stand up to your feet and let me just offer prayer for you right where you're standing. Everyone in here that knows...

227 Don't lean on your own, well, say, "I've spoke in tongues." Now, that don't have nothing to do with it. I believe in speaking in tongues, too.

228But I've seen witches, devils, and everything else, speak in tongues and interpret it. That's right. Ask missionaries down here, we can find out, Brother Creech, and you know that's right. I've seen them speak in tongues, and drink blood out of a human skull, call on the devil. Sure. I've seen them lay a pencil down, and it would get up and write in unknown tongues; and a witch, or, the wizard stand there, interpret it.

229So speaking in tongues is no sign you got the Holy Ghost. If that, and if you speak in tongues and deny this Word, there is something wrong somewhere. Right, uh-huh, right. Don't lean to your own understanding.

230Somebody now, you say, "Well, I shouted it." I do too. But don't lean to that.

231I've seen all kinds of demon powers shout and scream. I've seen Mohammedans shout and scream till, they worked theirself in such a place, they could run splinters through their hands. In India, I've seen them scream and jump up-and-down, take balls of water, with hooks in it, and push it through their skin and walk on hot fire coals, right, denying Jesus Christ.

232 See, don't lean to your own understanding, but upon the Word of God. If your life doesn't cope, with this Bible, to believe every Word that's in There; and you want to believe it, and want God to work His will through you, because you can be a part of God, will you stand and say, "I will accept it right now, brother." Thank you. Thank you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. Wonderful. God bless you. May God grant to you, all these sincere. You say... Just--just keep standing, just...

233You say, "I'm a church member, Brother Branham, but really I'm a Pentecostal; but when it really comes to really saying I can believe all that Word is the Truth, I just can't do it, but I--I want to do it. You help me, you pray for me. I want to stand up and say, 'I--I... '" You say, "Well, look, sitting here, or I have testified in this church, that I was." But you know, down in your heart, you're not. God knows you're not, too, see, so why not just stand. Don't lean to your own understanding, but lean to His Word.

234 Will you stand, some more? Anybody else wants to stand? God bless you. God bless you. God bless you, you. "God, help me." God bless you all. That's good. Just keep standing.

235Say, "Will that do me any good?" Stand up one time, see if it does. Really mean it, "I want, Brother Branham, I want to be right. I want to be right."

236Now, I'm not saying leave your church. No, sir. Stay right there where you're at, just be a real Holy Ghost filled person in that church. You say, "Well, I don't know what my pastor will say." He'll appreciate you if you are, if he's a man of God. That's right.

237"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify their Father."

238God bless you. Well, God bless both of you, and you; and you, brother, you. God bless you, each one. God bless you. God bless you down here.

239 Now you that raised up, if you feel better after raising up, just raise your hands to tell others that you feel better about it after you raised up. See, every hand. Sure, you do. See, you're sincere. You're standing up, say, "I'll be a witness."

240"He that will stand for Me here, I will stand for him there. He that's ashamed of Me here before these men, I'll be ashamed of him before My Father and the holy Angels." Don't be ashamed of Him. Don't lean upon your own reasoning. Lean upon the Word of God. "He that will confess Me before men, him will I confess before My Father and the holy Angels."

241Will there be some more, just before we pray? Let us bow our heads then. God bless you, sister. Sure. God bless you, and you, brother. Certainly. Would be another one, just while we have our heads bowed? God bless you, you. Now, that's right, you're still standing. We'll just wait a moment, just a moment. God bless you, brother. God bless you. Say, "Does it mean anything, say, 'God bless you'?" That's pronouncing my blessings to you. God bless you.

242 Some of you that's standing around the wall, where you have no room to sit down, would you just raise your hand, say, "Me, God, it's me"? God bless you, brother. God bless you, and you; and you, sister; and you, my brother; and you, my sister.

243Oh, the Holy Spirit is so sweetly moving over the audience. Can you feel That? God bless you, young man up here on the platform. God bless you, over in the corner. God bless you, young fellow. Yes.

244O Holy Spirit, move freshly in our hearts now. Show us our wrongs, Lord. We don't... We won't lean to our own understanding, our own reasoning. But we lean upon You, because we know that we're standing in Your Divine, vindicated promise of today. You have made Yourself known beyond any, beyond any reasoning. We could not reason nor explain it. But You've come right down here in our midst now, and made known to us that You are here, and men and women are believing that and accepting it.

245God, take each one of them into Your bosom, and hide them in the Rock of Ages until the fires are passed. We are fixing to be burned, Lord. We know it. We are back in Sodom. "But the righteous shall not perish with the guilty." You will call Your children, Lord. You told Lot, "Get out of there. Get out." I pray, God, that each one that's in that condition tonight, that's out there, not sure where they're standing...

246God, they wouldn't take a chance on going down a one-way street, the wrong way. They wouldn't take a chance on running a redlight, if they're in their right mind, because they might get killed. Then how could a person take chance on their Eternal destination, just guessing, presuming, adventuring without really authority to adventure, because they belong to a church or a denomination? And really they can't, they can't understand how that the Word of God could be today as it was then, how these promises might be made manifest. "The apostolic age to be gone." Help them, Father. I commit them to You in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

247 Thank you, my brother, sister. I'm so glad to call you my brother, sister.

248Remember, God will make me answer for every word, at the Day of the Judgment. Everything that I preached tonight, I got to answer for it. I am conscious of that. And what have I done since a little boy, preached this Gospel, and then be a castaway?

249Now how many of you is sick and afflicted, here tonight, and you want to be prayed for? Raise up your hand. Now will you just do one more thing for me? Lay your hands over on one another. Lay your hands on each other. Everybody bow your head now, and just like you was in church, up here on the platform.

250Dear God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, and of His Presence, a vindicated Presence! The very Word that's been preached, has been confirmed that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let the Holy Spirit of God sweep over this crowd of people just now. Many of them has come and accepted You as their Saviour, many backsliders has accepted You and come back. O God, I pray that in the Name of Jesus Christ, that You will heal every person. You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." You promised it, Lord, and the believing children have their hands laid upon one another.

251Satan, you are defeated. Come out of these people, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let them people go, for the Kingdom of God's sake, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

252 All that believe that Jesus Christ now is your Healer, as well as your Saviour, and you want to accept Him upon them same grounds, stand to your feet, say, "I now accept Jesus as my Healer, as well as my Saviour." Wonderful! Praise the Lord! Thank the Lord! Now let's raise our hands and sing to Him.

I will praise Him, I will praise Him,

Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory, all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

253Oh, don't you feel good? Wave your hands. Oh, my! Let's sing it again.

I will praise Him, I will praise Him,

Praise the Lamb for... (Remember, "same yesterday, today, and forever," that Lamb is.)

Give Him glory, all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

254 You love that? [Congregation shouts, "Hallelujah!"--Ed.] Amen. Let's reach over and shake hands with somebody. This is breaking of the meeting, starting the convention. Say, "God bless you, brother, pilgrim. God bless you." That's fine. That's good. Wonderful! Now do you believe we're going to have a great convention after this? ["Amen."] We thank God for a great meeting, now we're going to have a great convention. All that believe it, say, "Amen." ["Amen."]

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb (let's look to Him now) of Calvary,

O Saviour Divine;

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my sin away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

While life's dark maze I tread,

And griefs around me spread,

Be Thou my Guide;

Bid darkness turn to day,

Wipe sorrow's fears away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

255Amen! The congregation said, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Hallelujah!

Oh, praise Him,

Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory, all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

How wonderful!

256 All right, shall we bow our heads now for the benediction. I don't know who has been chosen to do it. Brother Johnny Manadal, from California, while we have our heads down. Now don't forget tomorrow night, that's the first, beginning. Tomorrow night, the convention will be right here, right here in this hall, at seven-thirty.

257God bless you. Have you enjoyed the Presence of God? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen. Now let's bow our head while Brother Johnny dismisses us.