Boh, ktorý je bohatý v milosrdenstve



Ak máte dnes večer večný život, ak my máme večný život, potom sme vždy boli, pretože je len jedna forma večného života. My sme vždy boli. A ten dôvod, že sme boli je to, že sme časťou Boha. A Boh je to jediné, čo je večné. A ako Melchisedek prijal desatiny od Abraháma, a to bolo pridelené jeho pravnukovi Lévimu, ktorý bol ešte len v bedrách Abrahámových, ktorý zaplatil desatiny, pretože on bol ešte len v bedrách Abrahámových, keď on stretol Melchisedeka. Chcem o tom hovoriť niektoré ráno na tom druhom mieste. Kto je tento Melchisedek? No, všimnite si to. Po celý ten čas, Boh poznal tohoto chlapca, ktorý prichádzal. On vedel všetko.

No, my sme časťou Boha. Vy ste ňou vždy boli.  Vy si to nepamätáte, pretože ste boli len atribútom v Bohu. Boli ste len v Jeho mysli. Samotné vaše meno, ak ono kedy bolo v tej Knihe života, bolo tam zapísané pred založením sveta. On vedel čím ste.

1 Môžete si sadnúť. [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] Bol som tak trochu pohnutý vo svojom vnútri, keď som prichádzal a videl som brata Mooreho a všetkých tu na pódiu, priateľov, ktorých poznám tak veľa rokov. Je to pravdaže privilégium vidieť ich tu dnes večer. Cítim sa taký malý, aby som sa tu postavil a hovoril s takými teológmi, ktorí sú za mnou a možno oni ma opravia, keď sa pomýlim. Dúfam, že tak.

2Sme dnes večer veľmi šťastní, že tu máme určitú osobu, sestru Rose. Išli sme dolu… Bol som dnes s Bratom Shoresom a jeho asistentom na malom obede. A na ceste dolu, brat Williams povedal, že sestra Rose je veľmi chorá. A išli sme ju na chvíľu pozrieť, pokľakli sme. A ona mala vysokú horúčku a bola skutočne chorá. Len pár slov modlitby a Pán ku nám prehovoril a povedal, „Ona bude uzdravená a zajtra večer bude tam." A ona je dnes večer tu, sedí rovno tu. Je to tak.

3 Sestra Rose, postav sa na chvíľu, tak aby oni... Sme vďační Pánovi. Ona bola pripútaná na lôžko. Ona povedala, "Ten diabol ma jednoducho všetkým ubíja. Prišla som sem a zrútila som sa s tým, "nejaký druh choroby hrdla a tak ďalej" Ale Pán ju cez to previedol, tak z toho sme šťastní. Ďakujeme drahému Pánovi.

4 No, mali sme nádherné chvíle. A zajtra večer, no, my ideme do Ramada. A nezabudnite teraz, zajtra večer to nebude tu, bude to v Ramada. A ten zjazd sa začne nasledujúci večer. Museli so mnou zaistiť ešte jeden večer, viete.

5 Tak včera večer som zašiel tak ďaleko poza mieru, že som si urobil taký malý prísľub, že zo začiatku roku, že ja jednoducho zosekám tie posolstvá z troch alebo štyroch, piatich hodín na možno tridsať alebo štyridsať minút. A ako som vám povedal včera večer, moja manželka v nedeľu poznamenala, povedala, "Skutočne sa ti dobre darilo." Tak potom som samozrejme včera večer musel prísť a zruinovať to (Vidíte?) za asi... Hovoril som päťdesiatpäť minút namiesto tridsať, včera večer.

6 Ako som včera večer išiel dolu, Billy povedal, "O čom budeš hovoriť?"

7 Povedal som, "No, mám tu zapísaných zopár malých poznámok a nejaké miesta Písma. Ja neviem, niektoré z nich, štyri alebo päť rozličných posolstiev." Povedal som, " Uvidím, keď sa tam dostanem a zistím čo sa deje."

8 Povedal, "Sľúbil si modliť sa za všetkých tých chorých ľudí."

Povedal som, "To áno. Koľko máš modlitebných kariet?

Povedal, Dvesto."

Povedal som, "Bude lepšie keď s nimi začnem dnes večer."

9 A on povedal, "No pamätaj, máš len pätnásť minút na to, aby si hovoril." Povedal, "Ten zvyšok z nich si si vyčerpal včera večer." [Brat Branham a zhromaždenie sa smejú -- pozn.prekl.] Budeme sa musieť poponáhľať, však?

10 Dobre, dali sme vám sľub, že sa budeme modliť za tých ľudí, ktorí majú modlitebné karty a pravdaže sme tomu sľubu zaviazaní. Nemôžeme všetkých previesť cez tieto modlitebné rady, a ani ja by som nebol schopný vyvolať ich jednotlivo z publika. Dokonca, hoci by mi to Duch Svätý dal, ja by som jednoducho nemohol stáť a urobiť to. Je to jednoducho na mňa príliš veľa. Ale my sme všetci s tými vecami oboznámení. Vieme, že Boh je stále Bohom. To nie je to, čo uzdravuje. To je to, čo len buduje vieru, aby nám to dovolilo poznať, že sme v Jeho prítomnosti.

11 A my sa budeme dnes večer modliť za všetkých tých chorých ľudí, za všetkých, ktorí dostali modlitebné karty, aby sa za nich modlilo. A potom, zajtra večer, tam v Ramada, pokúsime sa ich rozdať trochu viac a začneme sa za nich modliť tam, pretože mám stále ešte zajtrajší večer. A myslím, že mám jeden večer na tom kongrese, možno tiež raňajky. To závisí na tom, ako sa veci ukážu.

12 Je tam jeden z tých, jeden z tých rečníkov, ktorý sa ešte nikdy neukázal, až doteraz, myslím že nie. Brat Humburg, alebo je to...[Nejaký brat hovorí "Amburgy." -- pozn.prekl.] Amburgy, Amburgy, Kash Amburgy. Tak celé som to zle zrozumel, to je nemecké meno. Myslím, že je to nemecké meno. Tak ja to možno musím trochu... ako to my nazývame: odpáliť za neho - prepáčte za výraz.

13 Tak jednako máme nádherný čas v Pánovi. Pre vás všetkých, ak sú tu nejakí cudzí dnes večer, my sme samozrejme radi, že vás tu máme a dôverujeme, že Pán vás požehná. Modlím sa, aby tu v tejto budove neboli žiadni chorí ľudia, keď budeme dnes večer odchádzať, aby náš Pán zostúpil vo Svojej veľkej moci a uzdravil všetkých, ktorí sú chorí a strápení.

14 Tu pred nejakým časom som zvykol brať jednotlivcov na špeciálne pohovory, niektoré z tých ťažkých prípadov, cez ktoré sme sa nemohli dostať. Potom sa to zbudovalo tak rýchlo, až to jednoducho muselo byť, Pán to stále žehnal, až sme ich mali tristo alebo štyristo, ktorí na to čakali a tak potom to zraňovalo pocity ľudí, pretože oni čakali. Možno na to čakali dlhý čas, museli ste čakať možno rok alebo dva, tak aby ste ku tomu prišli (Vidíte?) jednoducho medzi zhromaždeniami, aby ste ich vzali na pohovory. A my sme len sedeli a čakali na Pána až kým nám On povedal presne o tom prípade.

15 Bez pochyby sú tu ľudia, ktorí tu sedia dnes večer, ktorí boli na tých špeciálnych pohovoroch. Sú tu? Nech vidíme, že zodvihnete svoje ruky. Na tých špeciálnych pohovoroch, áno sedia tu, tak--a viete, že to je v poriadku. My sme len čakali, aby sme uvideli čo Pán povie, čo za prípad to je... A potom som to tu musel pred nejakým časom zastaviť. Povedal som Billymu, že už viac nemôžeme mať súkromné pohovory.

16Vidíte, práve mi minulo dvadsaťpäť, nedávno, druhý krát a som na ceste ku tomu tretiemu razu. A tak ako trochu zostárnete, no, vy ne... Nejako nemôžete držať krok tak, ako ste zvykli. Vaše kroky sú kratšie. A vy... Pravdaže, brat Moore ešte nič o tom nevie. On... Myslím, že sme približne rovnako starí.

17 Ale veľa vody pretieklo riekou odkedy ty a ja a brat Brown sme sem prišli prvý krát s bratom Outlawom a bratom Garciom a bratom Fullerom. Som zvedavý, či tí ľudia sú tu dnes večer? Brat Garcia, brat Fuller, brat Outlaw, sú tu? Zodvihnite svoje ruky ak ste tu. Áno, tam je brat Fuller, myslím, ak sa nemýlim. Brat Outlaw je tam. Brat Garcia, verím, že hoci on opustil Phoenix... Myslím, že to je tak. On opustil Phoenix a býva v Californii. No, to boli pravdaže ohromné dni a ja stále verím tomu istému posolstvu, ktoré som mal vtedy: "Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Myslím, že to bolo asi... No, Becky bola malé dieťa. To je asi devätnásť rokov.

18 A teraz, ona je veľké, staré, tučné škaredé dievča, ktoré niekde tam sedí, devätnásťročné. Kde si, Becky? Chlapče, ona mi za toto dá. Pamätám sa, keď som ju nosil na rukách. Dnes večer by to bola pre mňa poriadna robota.

19 Pamätám sa na jeden večer v zbore brata Garciu, ona bola taký malý človiečik. A ja som povedal, "Dnes večer máme medzinárodné zhromaždenie." Povedal som, "Hovorím ku tým, čo hovoria španielsky." A ja som povedal, "Moja žena je Nemka." Povedal som, "Ja som Ír." A povedal som, "A moje malé dievča je Indiánka," a to bola Becky.

20 Tak, keď som odchádzal zadnými dverami, bolo tam malé mexické dievča, povedalo, "Brat Branham?"

Povedal som "Áno drahá, čo by si chcela?"

Povedala, "Nemyslíš, že tvoje dieťa je trocha bledé na to, aby bola Indiánkou?" Ona je blondína, viete.

A ja som povedal, "Jednoducho Indiánka v akcii."

21 No, my sme vďační, že sme tu znova dnes večer. No, predtým ako sa priblížime ku Slovu, priblížme sa ku Nemu, pretože On je Slovo. Keď je Slovo zamanifestované, to je On vo vás.

22 Ako sme včera večer hovorili na tému "Semeno nezhody," cenili ste si to Pánove požehnanie? Pravdaže, ja som si to cenil, že som vám mohol priniesť to posolstvo. A my vidíme čím sú tie semená.

23No, je tu dnes večer nejaká špeciálna požiadavka, skrátka niečo špeciálne? Možno niektorí z vás, ktorí budú v tejto modlitebnej rade, povedzte, "Bože, buď mi milosrdný. Keď prídem, aby sa za mňa modlili, nech moja viera povstane, aby sa stretla s tými okolnosťami." A možno niekto má niekoho koho miluje, kto je chorý, a niečo, zodvihli by ste svoju ruku tak, že by Boh jednoducho pozrel dolu a povedal... No, ak--ak to... Vy viete aký pocit to vo mne vyvoláva keď sa tam dívam. Len sa pozrite na tú potrebu, ktorá je tu. Bratia kazatelia, len sa na to pozrite. Vidíte? No, ak to spôsobuje, že ja sa takto cítim, čo to spôsobuje nášmu otcovi? Isteže. No, modlime sa.

24Drahý Ježišu, približujeme sa teraz ku veľkému trónu milosti, skrze toto všedostačujúce Meno. "Pretože nie je iné meno dané medzi ľuďmi, skrze ktoré máme byť spasení, ale len skrze toto Meno Pána Ježiša." A my prichádzame v Jeho Mene. A modlíme sa nebeský Otče, aby si nás prijal dnes večer ako Tvoje milované deti. A odpusť našu neveru Pane. Pomôž tomu, aby to mohlo byť, že budeme dnes večer úplne veriť každému Slovu Božiemu, za všetky veci, na ktoré máme potrebu.

25Ty vieš, čo je pod týmito rukami, ktoré sa zodvihli; je tam choroba, pod niektorými z nich sú možno domáce problémy, pod niektorými sú finančné problémy; niektorí sú slabí, niekto možno odpadol, niekto je hriešnik. Akákoľvek je tá potreba, Ty si viac než rovný súper každému nepriateľovi. Tak my sa modlíme, Pane, aby sme dnes večer mohli rozpoznať, že naši nepriatelia, každý jeden už bol porazený, až do samotnej smrti. A že my sme viac než premožitelia v Tom, ktorý nás miloval a dal samého seba za nás, umyl nás vo svojej Krvi.

26Modlíme sa Pane, aby všetka nevera, všetka pochybnosť, všetko znepokojenie, všetko čo sa Bohu nepáči, aby to od nás odišlo, aby Duch Svätý mohol mať prvenstvo v našich srdciach. Nech On hovorí ku nám tajomnými spôsobmi. Nech On hovorí ku nám vo Svojej moci. Nech On vzkriesi tých, ktorí sú duchovne mŕtvi, nech navráti zdravie tým, ktorí sú chorí a strápení, pozdvihne zoslabnuté kolená, unavené ruky, ktoré sú zvesené. Nech to je čas radosti.

27Nech sa to prelomí dnes večer, Pane, aby to opustilo toto miesto a vošlo do Ramada Inn a začalo jednu z najväčších konferencií, ktorá sa kedy v tomto meste odohrala. Pane, zatiaľ čo sme zhromaždení spolu a modlíme sa... Ty si povedal, "Ak ľudia, ktorí sú nazvaní Mojim menom, sa zhromaždia spolu a budú sa modliť, potom Ja vypočujem z neba." Bože, modlíme sa, aby to tak dnes večer bolo.

28Teraz Otče, ako budeme čítať tvoje Slovo, nikto Ho nemôže vykladať okrem Teba, Ty si Svoj vlastný vykladač a my sa modlíme, aby si nám vyložil tie veci, ktoré budeme dnes večer čítať. Pretože to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

29No, ak si viacerí z vás radi značia miesta Písma, ktoré kazateľ číta… A ja by som rád kvôli vám, ak by ste boli radi, aby sme sa obrátili k Efežanom.

30A minulú nedeľu som hovoril na tému Efežanov, ako tá kniha Józuu bola knihou Efežanov starej zmluvy a ako ona bola knihou vykúpenia.

31A vykúpenie má dve rozdielne časti: „vyjsť z" a „vojsť do." Najprv, vy musíte vyjsť. Niektorí ľudia chcú doniesť svet zo sebou, ale vy musíte vyjsť zo sveta, aby ste vošli do Krista. Musíte vyjsť z nevery, aby ste vošli do viery. Na vašej ceste nemôže byť ani jedna vec. Aby ste mali skutočne pravdivú vieru, vy musíte absolútne opustiť všetko, čo je proti Božiemu Slovu, čo je poza ním, aby ste vošli do viery.

32A to bola kniha Efežanov starej zmluvy: Józua. Kde Mojžiš reprezentoval zákon, ktorý nemohol nikoho spasiť, ale milosť mohla a tu „Jozua" je to isté slovo ako Ježiš, „Jehova Spasiteľ."

33A teraz zisťujeme, že sme prišli ku ďalším Efežanom, ku ďalšiemu Efezu. Teraz, kde to je vo všetkých našich intelektuálnych denomináciách a tak ďalej, a všetky naše vzdelávacie programy prišli ku svojmu Jordánu, potom my musíme mať znovu Efežanov. Musíme mať exodus „vyjsť" a „vojsť" kvôli vytrhnutiu.

34No, dnes večer budeme čítať z druhej kapitoly Efežanom. Práve som povedal, že tak by ste sa mohli dostať do toho bodu, alebo sa obrátiť do tej kapitoly.

Aj vás, ktorí ste boli mŕtvi vo svojich previneniach a vo svojich hriechoch,

ktorých ste kedysi chodili podľa veku tohoto sveta, podľa kniežaťa mocností povetria, ducha to, ktorý teraz pôsobí v synoch neposlušnosti,

medzi ktorými sme kedysi aj my všetci obcovali v žiadostiach svojho tela robiac to, čo sa zachcievalo telu a mysliam, a boli sme prírodou deťmi hnevu ako aj ostatní.

Ale Bôh súc bohatý v milosrdenstve pre mnohú svoju lásku, ktorou nás zamiloval, aj keď sme boli mŕtvi v previneniach, spolu nás oživil s Ním,... (alebo)... oživil nás spolu s Kristom, (milosťou ste spasení)

35Chcem odtiaľto zobrať niekoľko, alebo časť z toho verša, "ale Boh... Boh, ktorý je bohatý v milosrdenstve."

36Chcem, aby ste si všimli tu toho proroka, skôr apoštola, Pavla, ktorý, ako sa on zmienil o tomto, ako, "On vás oživil, ktorí ste raz boli mŕtvi. On vás oživil, ktorí ste boli raz mŕtvi, mŕtvi v hriechu a previneniach, ktorí ste chodili za vecami toho sveta, za žiadosťou tela a vyplňovali ste žiadosti mysle."

37Čo zapríčinilo túto zmenu? Vidíte? A čo spôsobilo, že „raz ste boli mŕtvi,“ a teraz ste oživení? "Oživený" znamená "učinený živým." Bola tam zmena zo smrti do života. Nie je žiadna iná vec, ktorá by sa mohla stať nejakej osobe, tak veľká, ako ju zmeniť zo smrti do života. Človek, ak on zomieral, telesne, a mohol by byť uzdravený telesne, to by bola veľká vec, ale nie je nič tak veľké ako keď on je duchovne mŕtvy a Boh ho oživil do Života.

38„Vy, raz v minulosti, mŕtvi“... Boli ste mŕtvi. Dokonca mnohí tu dnes večer, raz ste sa mohli pozrieť nazad a vedeli ste, že ste boli mŕtvi. Ale teraz, prečo nie ste dnes večer mŕtvi ako ste boli vtedy? Vy si tak zaslúžite byť, pretože ste boli hriešnikom, „ale Boh, ktorý je bohatý v milosrdenstve.“ To je tá vec, „Boh, ktorý bol bohatý.“ Všetky tieto veci, ktorými sme boli, „ale Boh“! To urobilo tú zmenu rovno tam: Boh, ktorý je bohatý v milosrdenstve.

39Ó, som tak rád za to, že On je bohatý v milosrdenstve. Ak by On bol bohatý len v peniazoch, ak by On bol bohatý len v materiálnych veciach, v ktorých On je, ale jednako tá najväčšia vec je byť bohatý v milosrdenstve. Ó, aké veľké slovo to je, že raz sme boli mŕtvi.

40A raz večer sme hovorili o tom, ako semeno musí zomrieť. A všetko okolo toho génu života musí nie len zomrieť ale zhniť. Ak to nezhnije, to nemôže žiť. A “zhniť” - to znamená "je s tým úplne koniec, skončilo to." A až kým sa dostaneme na miesto, že naše vlastné nápady a naše vlastné myslenie kompletne skončilo a je od nás odhnité, potom ten zárodok života môže začať žiť.

41No, teraz, my môžeme... mohol by som tu vložiť len trochu učenia, ktoré ja ne... Ak tomu neveríte, v poriadku. To je v poriadku. Ja tomu verím. Ja verím, že človek, keď sa on narodil na tento svet, keď ste malým dieťaťom, ktoré sa narodilo na tento svet, vy by ste tu nemohli byť bez Božieho predzvedenia, pretože On je nekonečný a pozná všetky veci. A keď to malé dieťa sa narodí na svet, niečo v tom dieťati je. Ak on raz bude mať život, je tam v tom dieťati niečo malé, k čomu on príde skôr či neskôr. To malé semeno je v ňom. No, ak vezmete... Písmo to jasne predkladá.

42No, ak máte dnes večer večný život, ak my máme večný život, potom sme vždy boli, pretože je len jedna forma večného života. My sme vždy boli. A ten dôvod, že sme boli je to, že sme časťou Boha. A Boh je to jediné, čo je večné.

43A ako Melchisedek prijal desatiny od Abraháma, a to bolo pridelené jeho pravnukovi Lévimu, ktorý bol ešte len v bedrách Abrahámových, ktorý zaplatil desatiny, pretože on bol ešte len v bedrách Abrahámových, keď on stretol Melchisedeka. Chcem o tom hovoriť niektoré ráno na tom druhom mieste. Kto je tento Melchisedek? No, všimnite si to. Po celý ten čas, Boh poznal tohoto chlapca, ktorý prichádzal. On vedel všetko.

44No, my sme časťou Boha. Vy ste ňou vždy boli. Vy si to nepamätáte, pretože ste boli len atribútom v Bohu. Boli ste len v Jeho mysli. Samotné vaše meno, ak ono kedy bolo v tej Knihe života, bolo tam zapísané pred založením sveta. On vedel čím ste.

45 Ja len toto hovorím, nie preto aby som namiešal náuku, ale aby som to narovnal, aby sme sa mohli dostať z tohoto strachu a vystrašenia: vy neviete kto ste. Vy nie že budete, ale teraz ste synovia Boží. Vidíte, vždy ste boli synovia Boží.Vidíte?

46Pretože, keď vás Boh mal na počiatku vo Svojej mysli, vy musíte byť, nejaká časť z vás, váš Život, ktorý je teraz vo vás musel byť u Boha tam predtým... No keď vy--predtým ako ste sa kedy stali materiálnou bytosťou tu na zemi, predtým tam bolo niečo, ale Boh, boli ste jedným z Jeho atribútov. On vedel aké bude vaše meno. On vedel akú farbu vlasov budete mať. On vedel o vás všetko. Tá jediná vec, ktorá sa stala je, že keď vy súc hriešnikom...

47Mnohí z vás môžu mať spolu so mnou na tejto myšlienke obecenstvo. Keď ste boli malým chlapcom alebo malým dievčaťom, chodili ste okolo a tam boli určité veci, ktoré len... kde to netrápilo tie iné deti, zdalo sa, akoby tam bolo niečo vo vás čo kričalo. Tam bol niekde Boh, jednako vy ste boli hriešnikom. Pamätáte si to? Pravdaže. No, čo to bolo? To bola vtedy tá malá forma života vo vás.

48A potom po krátkom čase ste počuli Evanjelium. Možno ste išli do cirkvi a vzali ste toto a tamto a išli ste z denominácie do denominácie. Ale jedného dňa, vy súc časťou Boha, museli ste byť časťou Slova. A keď ste počuli Slovo, viete odkiaľ pochádzate, vedeli ste, čo je Pravdou. Vždy ste boli, to semeno bolo vždy vo vás. To Slovo videlo Slovo, ktoré bolo vo vás, To, ktoré bolo pred založením sveta, videlo to Slovo a vás, že prídete ku Tomu.

49Ako môj malý orlí príbeh, o tom, ako sa ten malý orol vyliahol pod sliepkou. A ten malý chodil s tými kurencami, on, tá sliepka kotkodákala a on jej kotkodákaniu nerozumel. A tie malé kurence, ich diéta, ktorú oni mali v tej slepačej ohrade, on tomu nerozumel ako to oni robili. Ale tam bolo niečo v ňom, čo sa zdalo byť rozdielne od toho, čím boli tie kurence, pretože on bol od počiatku orol. Je to tak. Jedného dňa ho jeho mama išla hľadať, a keď on počul výkrik toho orla, to bolo rozdielne od toho kvokania tej sliepky.

50A tak je to s každým znovuzrodeným veriacim. Môžete počúvať všetku teológiu, ktorú chcete a všetky ľuďmi vytvorené rozpory, ale keď sa tam zablysne to Slovo, potom tam je niečo, čo sa toho uchopí... vy prichádzate... "Vy, ktorí ste raz boli mŕtvi v hriechu, to je život, ktorý On oživil." Najprv tam musí byť život, aby to oživil. Boh, skrze svoje predzvedenie, vedel všetko. A my sme boli predurčení, aby sme boli synmi a dcérami Božími. "Vy, ktorí ste raz boli mŕtvi v hriechu a previneniach, v ktorých sme my kedysi obcovali, ale On nás oživil."

51Pozrite na Pavla, keď bol Pavol veľký teológ. Ale keď sa on stretol tvárou v tvár s tým Slovom, Ježišom, to ho oživilo. On rýchlo prišiel do života, pretože on bol určený, aby tým bol. On bol časťou Slova, a keď to Slovo uvidelo Slovo, to bola jeho prirodzenosť. Všetko to kvokanie tých sliepok v tých ortodoxných cirkvách nemalo na neho žiaden efekt; on videl Slovo. To bolo časťou neho. On bol orlom. Nebol kuraťom; on len bol s nimi v tej slepačej ohrade. Ale on bol od počiatku orol.

52Počul som podobný malý príbeh, dúfam, že to nezneje svätokrádežne, o malom káčerovi, ktorý sa raz vyliahol pod sliepkou. On nemohol rozumieť. Smiešne vyzerajúce malé stvorenie, zvláštne stvorenie, on tomu prachu a tomu všetkému nerozumel. Oni sa hrali v tej slepačej ohrade. Ale jedného dňa tá stará sliepka viedla tie mláďatá poza tú ohradu a on zacítil vodu. No, on sa vychytil ku tej vode tak rýchlo, ako len mohol. Prečo? On nikdy pred tým pri žiadnom rybníku nebol. Nikdy pred tým nebol vo vode. Ale on bol od počiatku káčerom. Jediná vec, ktorú on musel urobiť, bola to, aby prišiel ku sebe.

53To je tá istá vec, ako je to s veriacim. Niečo je v ňom, že keď on stretáva Boha tvárou v tvár, on prichádza ku sebe. To semeno je v ňom a ono je oživené. Ó, je to tak a on letí preč od vecí toho sveta. Oni sa pre neho stávajú mŕtve. Ó, pamätám sa, život nás všetkých bol v minulosti vo veciach toho sveta. Ale raz sme prišli do kontaktu s tou skutočnou vecou, s niečim čo nás oživilo, malé semeno, ktoré prišlo do života, potom všetky veci toho sveta rovno tam odhnili. Viac sme po tom nemali túžbu.

54"Ten kto sa narodil z Boha nehreší. Ctiteľ, ktorý bol raz očistený, nemá viac svedomia hriechu, viac netúži hrešiť. Otázka hriechu skončila. Stávate sa časťou Boha v Kristovi. Kristus zomrel, aby vás vykúpil.

55 No, pomyslite o tom všetkom, čím by sme boli, ak by to nezáležalo na Bohu. Ale Boh vo svojom bohatom milosrdenstve, ako nás vykúpil, dnes večer. Kde by sme boli dnes večer, ak by to nezáležalo na Bohu, ktorý je bohatý v milosrdenstve naproti nám?

56Raz bol ten svet tak hriešny, že človek zapríčinil, aby na zem prišlo porušenie, až sa dokonca Boh zarmútil nad tým, že On kedy učinil človeka. Celá hlava bola boľavo zhnitá, celé telo, a Boh sa dokonca zarmútil nad tým, že učinil človeka. Tak On povedal, "Zničím človeka, ktorého som stvoril." On ich zničí, pretože on nemá nič len bandu porušenosti.

57A celá ľudská rasa by bola v tom čase zničená, ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve by nenechal zahynúť nevinného s vinným. A On vyšiel a pripravil cestu pre tých, ktorí chceli vojsť, ktorí chceli činiť to, čo je správne. On spravil cestu milosti pre tých, ktorí túžili po milosti, a On pripravil archu. Inými slovami, On dal nejaké krídla Svojím orlom, aby oni mohli preletieť ponad súdom a nie utopiť sa s tými kurencami. Ale On spravil cestu úniku v dňoch Noeho. Toto zapríčinilo, že On to urobil, pripravil to, pretože On bol bohatý v milosrdenstve.

58 Ale potom, čo On pripravil cestu pre ľudí a oni to potom odmietajú... No dôvod, že to oni odmietajú, je to, že tam v nich nie je nič, čo by to prijalo. Nie je tam nič, čo by to prijalo. Moja matka zvykla hovoriť "Nemôžeš dostať krv z repy pretože v repe žiadna krv nie je." Tak ak tam nie je žiadna forma života, ktorá by To prijala, potom To nemôže byť prijaté.

59To je ten dôvod, že farizejovia sa mohli pozrieť rovno do tváre Ježiša a nazvali Ho Belzebúb, pretože v nich nebolo nič, čo by Ho prijalo. "Ale všetkých, ktorých Mi Otec dal," On povedal, "prídu ku Mne." Existuje nejaký spôsob, ktorým to bude predstavené.

60Môžete hovoriť ľudom niečo na uliciach, hovoriť im o Pánovi, vysmejú sa vám rovno do tváre. No, ale od nás sa očakáva, že to budeme jednako robiť. Ale počúvajte, "Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne, ak ho najprv nepotiahne môj Otec." Boh musí spraviť to potiahnutie. Tam musí byť život. "A všetkých, ktorých Mi On dal, prídu ku Mne."

61On pripravil zaopatrenie pre tých, ktorí chcú byť vykúpení. On pripravil zaopatrenie pre tých, ktorí chcú byť uzdravení. A potom, pretože On toto urobil, to Ho činí bohatým v milosrdenstve, tak ako On vždy bol bohatý v milosrdenstve. To musí byť, ak toto odmietnete, nezostáva nič, len súd, pretože hriech musí byť odsúdený.

62Faraón, keď on vošiel do toho mora ako napodobovateľ, vidiac, že on tam mohol vojsť tak, ako to spravil Mojžiš... Mojžiš so svojou armádou a faraón so svojou armádou, obaja mohli v mori zahynúť, vyzeralo to tak. Ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve, spravil cestu úniku pre židovské deti (Prečo?), pretože oni išli v línii svojej povinnosti, oni išli v Slove.

63No, to je ten jediný spôsob ako získať milosrdenstvo, a to je nasledovať inštrukcie, ktoré nám Boh dal, aby sme v nich kráčali. To je ten jediný spôsob, ktorým On môže preukázať milosrdenstvo, to je to, keď Ho my nasledujeme v tom, čo On povedal, aby sme robili.

64Ako pred nedávnom ten krátky rozhovor s jedným kazateľom, ktorý povedal, že ja som vtedy učil apoštolskú náuku. Myslím, že som o tom hovoril včera alebo predvčerom, alebo niekedy, o tom ako on povedal, "Ty sa pokúšaš vsunúť do tohoto veku apoštolské učenie." On povedal, "Apoštolský vek skončil s apoštolmi."

A ja som sa ho spýtal, "Dobre, veríš Slovu?"

On povedal, "Áno."

65Ja som povedal, "Zjavenie 22:18 hovorí, že, ́Ktokoľvek vezme jedno Slovo z Tohoto, alebo pridá jedno slovo ku Tomu...́ nie že dve slová; jedno Slovo, vezme jedno Slovo...

Povedal, "Verím tomu."

66Povedal som, "Potom ti môžem povedať, kde bol daný apoštolský vek, kde apoštolské požehnania boli dané cirkvi; teraz ty mi povedz, kde to Boh skrze Slovo z cirkvi vzal. Nemôžeš to urobiť, nie je to tam." Povedal som, "No pamätáš sa, že Peter na deň letníc, on bol ten, ktorý predstavil apoštolský vek. A on im všetkým povedal, ́Čiňte pokánie a pokrstite sa v meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov a prijmete dar, Ducha Svätého. Pretože to zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti a pre všetkých, ktorí sú široko-ďaleko, toľkých koľkýchkoľvek si Pán náš Boh povolá."

67No, ak chcete počúvať kotkodákanie nejakej denominačnej sliepky a žiť tam vo veciach toho sveta, potom to ukazuje, že tam je niečo zlé. Pretože to je Slovo. "Ktokoľvek chce, nech príde." A ak máte vôľu prísť, mali by ste prísť. Ale ak nemáte to chcenie, potom ste v žalostnom stave. Ale ak máte vôľu, aby ste prišli, poďte, nasledujte ten Boží recept.

68A On nikdy nezlyhá vyplniť to, čo On zasľúbil. Kedysi som bol mladý a teraz som starý, nikdy som Ho nevidel v Jeho Slove zlyhať. Pretože On môže urobiť všetko okrem toho, že by zlyhal. On nemôže zlyhať. Boh to nemôže. Je to pre Boha nemožné, aby zlyhal a zostal Bohom. On to musí vyplniť.

69No, Faraónova armáda sa to pokúšala napodobniť, pretože oni neboli povolaní a nemali ten život. Do toho... To zasľúbenie nebolo dané faraónovi. Nebolo mu dané to zasľúbenie ohľadne zasľúbenej zeme.

70A napodobňovateľ, ktorý sa pokúša nasledovať skutočného veriaceho, ktorý je ku tomu povolaný, on si len robí z toho posmech. To je to, čo sa deje s našim náboženským systémom dnes. Je príliš veľa ľudí, ktorí sa pokúšajú napodobniť Ducha Svätého, príliš veľa ľudí sa pokúša napodobniť ten krst, príliš veľa ľudí sa pokúša napodobniť apoštolský vek. To je pre veriacich a len pre nich. Boh spravil cestu, On, ktorý je bohatý v milosrdenstve, aby Jeho deti nezahynuli. On pre nich spravil cestu.

71No, faraón sa ich pokúšal ďalej prenasledovať a on sa utopil v tých istých vodách, ktoré zachránili Mojžiša a jeho skupinu. No, Mojžiš sa neutopil, pretože Boh je bohatý v milosrdenstve ku tým, ktorí idú po Jeho pripravenej ceste. Amen.

72Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? Dnes večer, ľudia, ktorí neveria v Božské uzdravenie, ľudia, ktorí neveria v krst Duchom Svätým, ako oni môžu niečo prijať? Boh je bohatý v milosrdenstve ku tým, ktorí Ho chcú nasledovať, nie podľa nejakého vyznania, ale podľa Boha.

73Boh je Slovo; Ono prebývalo medzi nami, aby On mohol priniesť tie ďalšie atribúty Božie. To telo, Ježiš, bol telom Božím, jeden atribút. Mojžiš Ho videl ako prechádzal, Jeho chrbát, žiaden človek nevidel Jeho tvár. Ale teraz sme Ho videli, hľadeli sme na Neho, vidíme Ho ako tú Obeť. No, vidíte, On bol atribútom Božím, ako bol ukázaný, to Slovo. To je to, čím On bol.

74A keď veriaci prichádza ku Bohu, on sa stáva Božím atribútom Jeho Slova; on je použitý, aby zamanifestoval Slovo, ktoré je zasľúbené na ten deň. Vidíte? Je to tak. Boh, bohatý v milosrdenstve nás nikdy nezanechá bez svedectva. On je bohatý v milosrdenstve.

75Zisťujeme, že Boh bol tak milosrdný k Mojžišovi tam v tom mŕtvom mori— skôr v červenom mori. Vtedy, keď On povedal tu v Exodus 19:4, On povedal, "Ja som vás niesol na krídlach orla, priviedol Som vás k Sebe. Niesol som vás na krídlach orla a priniesol Som vás k Sebe." V strede toho mora boli tiež iní ľudia, ktorí sa to snažili napodobniť. Ale čo? "On ich niesol na krídlach orla."

76No, Boh vždy prirovnáva Svojich prorokov ku orlom. A čo to bolo? Mojžiš bol Jeho poslom. A oni nasledovali Mojžiša, a to boli tie krídla orla, na ktorých boli oni nesení, pretože on niesol v sebe Božie posolstvo. A tí ľudia to nasledovali. Oni nasledovali Boha, ako oni nasledovali Mojžiša s Jeho posolstvom vyslobodenia. A Biblia povedala, že "On--oni nezahynuli s tými, ktorí neverili." Pretože Boh bol bohatý v milosrdenstve naproti nim, pretože oni nasledovali Jeho prikázania. Boh chce, aby sme nasledovali Jeho prikázania.

77Mohli by sme to isté povedať o Kórachovi a o Dátanovi a ich bande neveriacich ľudí, ako sa to oni pokúšali napodobniť. Oni sa snažili niečo do Božieho programu doložiť. Nepáčil sa im program jedného muža. Oni to nemali radi. Oni museli mať niečo, čo by spravili. Kórach povedal, "No, je tu viac svätých mužov než len ty, Mojžiš. Ty konáš, ako by si bol tou jedinou plážou na--alebo skôr jediným kameňom na pláži." A povedal, "Nemal by si to robiť. Je tu viac takých mužov."

78A Mojžiš vedel, že on mal niesť tieto deti do zasľúbenej zeme, pretože to zasľúbenie bolo dané jemu. A on ich musel niesť do zasľúbenej zeme.

79A dnes Duch Svätý je tu, aby potvrdzoval Božie Slovo, a to je to krídlo, na ktorom sa máme niesť, nie na nejakej ľuďmi zostrojenej teológii. Ale my sa nesieme na krídlach orla do zasľúbenej zeme.

80A tu oni išli, aby tam vyviedli skupinu kureniec, Kórach si myslel, viete, že príde a napodobní to, toho orla. A keď to oni urobili, Boh povedal, "Oddeľ sa od nich," a On ten svet pohltil. On by pohltil celú tú vec, celé stvorenie, ale Boh bol bohatý v milosrdenstve ku tým, ktorí sa snažili nasledovať Jeho Slovo. Vždy je to Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve. Mnohí z nich prešli na Mojžišovu stranu a Boh otvoril zem a pohltil neveriaceho. On, ten neveriaci večne zahynie.

81Tí, ktorí neverili, hoci oni vyšli a nejaký čas kráčali, ale oni, Ježiš povedal, "Oni sú, každý jeden, mŕtvy." A mŕtvy je "úplne zničený." Oni sú mŕtvi. Len pomyslite na nich. Oni vyšli, videli zázraky Božie, videli veľkú Božiu ruku, radovali sa z manny a vyšli tam a počúvali muža menom Balaám, ktorý prevrátil cestu Božiu skrze to, že učil proti Slovu, "My sme všetci bratia, tak sa len dajme všetci dokopy."

82Dnes to je ďalší Balaámov systém, ktorý povstáva, "Dajme sa všetci dokopy." To nebude fungovať. Kráčajme s tým Orlom, s Orlom Jehovom. Vy ste orlíčatá.

83Tam boli len traja, ktorí boli spasení z celej tej skupiny; Mojžiš, Kálef a Józua. Ten zvyšok z nich zahynul na púšti; Ježiš tak povedal v svätom Jánovi v 6-tej kapitole. Boh, v milosrdenstve, by ich nenechal zahynúť so zvyškom tých neveriacich. Oni všetci zomreli rovno tam na púšti a sú mŕtvi. Boh zachránil Mojžiša a tých veriacich orlov, pretože oni mali rešpekt ku Jeho Slovu.

84A dnes priateľu, ten jediný spôsob, ktorým my kedy môžeme mať zaľúbenie u Boha... Boh je dnes bohatý v milosrdenstve, ale my musíme rešpektovať to, čo On o tom povedal. Nemôžete zobrať to, čo niekto iný povedal. Musíte zobrať to, čo Boh povedal. On povedal, "Nech každé ľudské slovo je lož a Moje pravdou."

85Dnes nám bolo povedané, že všetko čo musíte urobiť, na mnohých miestach, je pripojiť sa do cirkvi, mať vyznanie alebo niečo také; alebo vysloviť modlitbu, alebo zapísať vaše meno do knihy, alebo byť pofŕkaný alebo pokrstený určitým spôsobom, alebo niečo také. To je všetko, čo musíte urobiť. Ale to je nesprávne.

86Aby ste boli orlom Božím, vy musíte nasledovať Slovo deň za dňom. Musíte pokračovať v kŕmení sa na Slove.

87No, nachádzame ich po tomto čase, že znova reptajú, oslabení vo viere potom, čo im Boh preukázal milosrdenstvo. A nachádzame ich ako reptajú pred Bohom a keď to robili, zomierali na uštipnutie hadov. No, oni si to zaslúžili. Iste si to zaslúžili. Každý, kto by chybil ohľadne Božieho Slova a robil tieto veci, ktoré oni robili, by si zaslúžil zomrieť. Každý jeden z nich si zaslúžil zomrieť na púšti.

88Ale keď oni boli takí chorí, že dokonca doktor Mojžiš a ani nikto z nich nemohol nič ohľadne toho urobiť a oni zomierali po tisícoch, ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve, On spravil cestu úniku pre tých, ktorí Mu verili. On pripravil na to protijed skrze vztýčenie medeného hada. Boh vo Svojom bohatom... Boh pripravil cestu úniku tak, aby Jeho veriace deti mohli byť uzdravené.

89Boh sa zaujíma o všetko, čo je nesprávne, o všetko to, na čo očakávate. Na každom chodníku života sa o vás Boh zaujíma. Vy ste Jeho dieťa a On je bohatý v milosrdenstve. On to chce pre vás robiť.

90Ľudia neskôr zhrešili skrze to, že zobrali tú istú vec, ktorou Boh učinil pre nich zmierenie, skrze medeného hada, ktorý reprezentoval už odsúdený hriech a oni z toho daru urobili modlu. A to znovu zhrešilo. "Boh sa s nikým nebude deliť o Svoju slávu." Preto my nemôžeme mať nijakých dvoch, troch, štyroch bohov. Je len jeden Boh. On sa s nikým iným nebude o Svoju slávu deliť. On Je Boh, On Sám (Vidíte?), tak ako pohania majú mnohých bohov. My máme Jedného Boha a On sa nebude s nikým deliť o Svoju slávu ani nedovolí, aby nejaká modla bola pred Ním. Dokonca hoci On pripravil zmierenie pre ľudí, a to bolo Božie Slovo, to bolo v poriadku, ale keď oni z toho spravili modlu, vtedy sa dostali do problémov.

91No, to je tá istá vec, myslím, ktorá sa prihodila našim cirkevným vekom. Boh nám poslal posolstvo Martina Luthera s jeho posolstvom, Johna Wesleyho, posolstvo Letničných, ale čo sme my s tým urobili? Tá istá vec, ktorú oni urobili s tým medeným hadom, my sme z toho spravili modlu, „Ja patrím do tohoto a ja patrím do tohoto." Vidíte, vy patríte do niečoho bez úprimnosti, ktorá je spojená so skutočným zbožným uctievaním Slova.

92Čo sa stalo? Biblia… Bolo nám v Biblii povedané, že ten prorok tú modlu vzal a zničil ju. Haleluja!.

93To, čo my potrebujeme na scéne dnes, je prorok, ktorý zničí tú modlu denominácií, ktoré si myslia, že pôjdu do neba na základe toho, že patria do nejakého vyznania alebo nejakej denominácie: je potrebné, aby to bolo zničené a spálené, a odvrhnuté. Boh je plný milosrdenstva. On je bohatý v milosrdenstve. V tom dni, v ktorom sme všetci boli tam v chaose temnosti... ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve nám poslal skutočného pravého Ducha Svätého s Jeho vlastným výkladom ku Tomu, rovno tu v tejto budove, každý večer. Boh, bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve, zisťujeme, aký je On nádherný. Tak veru.

94No, všetko o čom oni rozmýšľali, že by mohli urobiť, bolo len ísť ku tomu hadovi alebo ku tej malej veci, ktorú tam Boh učinil, Mojžiš ju urobil, zavesil na žrď a oni mohli byť uzdravení bez akejkoľvek úprimnosti. Oni sa len postavili a pozreli na to. A oni z toho urobili modlu a Boh tam poslal proroka a zničil to.

95No všetci, ktorí sa odmietli pozrieť na toho hada na púšti, zahynuli. Tak, Boh robí cestu, ale ak vy sa odmietate na to dívať, ak sa postavíte na druhej strane tej ulice, ak sa budete držať nejakého vyznania a odmietnete sa pozrieť rovno do Slova a pozrieť sa či je to správne alebo nie, všetci, ktorí sa odmietli pozrieť, oni zahynuli. A Boh je Bohom, ktorý sa nikdy nemení. A všetci, ktorí sa odmietli pozrieť, zahynuli. Tak je to dnes, tá istá vec.

96Potom tí ľudia neskôr hrešili, a ako to oni vždy robili a spravili z toho modlu, pokúšali sa získať uzdravenie bez úprimnosti, a oni patrili do niečoho, a tým spôsobom to my robíme dnes. A teraz, vidíme potom, že ten rozdiel toho bol, že Boh…

97To bolo dobré zmierenie, dobrý znak na ten čas. Na ten čas, to bolo všetko v poriadku. Ale to bolo len na ten čas, na tú púť. To je všetko, kde to bude fungovať, len na tej ceste.

98 A to posolstvo, ktoré priniesol Martin Luther o ospravedlnení bolo v poriadku na Lutherov vek. To je to pokiaľ to zašlo.

99 Posvätenie bolo dobré vo veku Wesleya. To je to pokiaľ to zašlo.

100 Potom prichádzame do letničného veku. A navrátenie darov je veľmi dobrá vec, to bolo dobré v tom veku, ale my teraz ideme poza to. My sme poza tým, to je tak isté, ako že je svet. My máme byť poza touto vecou, pretože sme s tým urobili to isté, čo oni urobili pred tým: urobili z toho modlu. „Ja patrím do tohoto systému. Ja patrím do toho systému."

101Boh pošle niekoho, kto tú vec rozbije a roztrhá to na kusy a potvrdí Svoje Slovo, to plné Slovo. Všimnite si. Chvála buď Bohu. No, vidíme, že to je pravda. Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve.

102 Potom, keď toto prorok zničil, to ich zanechalo bez akéhokoľvek znaku uzdravenia, zmierenia, pretože ich modla bola zničená. Ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve im urobil ďalší. A čo to On urobil? On rozrušil vodu v tom rybníku pri chráme a mnohí prišli a boli uzdravení skrze to, že vstúpili do tejto vody. Ježiš prišiel dolu ku tomu istému rybníku a videl človeka, ktorý tam ležal veľa rokov, čakajúc na rozrušenie vody. Vidíte, Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve. Hoci oni urobili z tej veci modlu, hoci to prorok musel roztrhať, Boh pre nich urobil inú cestu, pretože On je bohatý v milosrdenstve. On chcel, aby oni boli uzdravení, a On urobil cestu pre ich uzdravenie.

103No, potom to išlo ďalej, svet sa stával hriešnejším a hriešnejším po celý čas. A nakoniec sa ten svet stal tak hriešny, že Boh by ho mohol zničiť, On povedal v Malachiášovi 4, "aby som neprišiel a neranil tú zem kliatbou." On by to mohol urobiť, práve tú vec.

104Ale potom, Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve, On poslal Spasiteľa, Ježiša Krista. On poslal Ježiša, aby bol obojím, Spasiteľom i Uzdraviteľom. Pretože On povedal, "Ako Mojžiš pozdvihol medeného hada na púšti, tak musí byť Syn človeka pozdvihnutý," kvôli tomu istému účelu. On, to Zmierenie, to je to, čo si my nárokujeme, nič iné okrem zmierenia. Čo Ježiš vykúpil Svojou Krvou, to je to, čo si nárokujeme. A Biblia povedala, "On bol udretý pre naše prestúpenia, On bol zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola na Ňom, a Jeho sinavicami sme boli uzdravení." To je to, čo si môžeme nárokovať, to je to zmierenie, to je to, za čím stojíme, určené pre nás. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve.

105Toto malo byť večné zmierenie, pretože On sám prišiel. Boh prišiel Sám vo forme hriešneho tela, aby urobil večné zmierenie, a aby trpel v tele a vykonal to zmierenie a vrátil sa späť vo forme Ducha Svätého, aby potvrdil to zmierenie. Kde to žiaden medený had alebo rozrušená voda nemohla urobiť, to všetko ukazovalo na to dokonalé Zmierenie. Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve toto spravil.

106No, dnes, to je deň, v ktorom my žijeme, prešli sme cez tieto cirkevné veky a všetko sme z toho vyvrátili. Naši teológovia dňa od toho ďaleko zablúdili. Oni to všetko vysvetľujú, že to je na nejaký iný deň, nejaký iný vek, nejaké niečo iné, niekde dávno, pred mnohými rokmi. A Božské uzdravenie sa už asi jednoducho odohralo, sotva nájdete niekoho, kto by tomu veril. Oni si z toho robia žarty. Nie viac než asi pred dvadsiatimi rokmi, oni si z toho robili žarty. Letniční prakticky od toho odišli. Oni začali v tých ranných dňoch, ale oni od toho odišli.

107Pozrite sa ako to urobili. No, oni zdiveli do denominácie, behajú aby spôsobili, že každý bude veriť nejakému vyznaniu a tak ďalej. Okrem... namiesto prijatia Svetla, ako Svetla, ktoré prišlo, oni sa zorganizovali a urobili si vyznania, každý kto príde, urobí si nejaké učenie a stojí v tom učení. A potom z toho zobrali tak veľa preč, až sa Svätý Duch do toho nemohol dostať. Oni sa jednoducho stali ďalšou modlou ako medený had, stalo sa to modloslužbou. Každý hovoril, "Ja patrím do tohoto a ja patrím do toho." To bola modloslužba. V akom zmätku sme boli, v tom čase konca.

108Ale Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve poslal naspäť Svätého Ducha na nás a potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo tak, ako to On zasľúbil, že to bude robiť.

109Pozrite, čo On urobil, On... Ako teraz môžeme vidieť ako On zasľúbil každému veku určitú vec, ktorá sa stane. A my zisťujeme, že to sa stalo presne tak, to, čo On povedal, že bude robiť, pretože On je bohatý v milosrdenstve, aby vždy mal milosrdenstvo vyplniť každé Slovo, ktoré On zasľúbil. On to musí urobiť, a vždy, v tom poriadku, aby zostal Bohom. On vždy robí toto: Jeho Slovo sa vždy vyplňuje vo svojom čase, Jeho semeno, ktoré On zasial do tej zeme. Čo On urobil? On to tu položil do Slova a to je semeno. A zakaždým, keď ten vek prebieha, to semeno je zožaté a potom prichádza reformácia. A On to zasľúbil a On to robí.

110No, my sme si tieto veci nezaslúžili. My sme si nezaslúžili tieto požehnania Božie, pretože sme išli za vecami toho sveta, išli sme v Kainovej chybe. Kain vybudoval pekný oltár a peknú cirkev a dal na to kvety a myslel si, že to je presne to, čo to bolo; to bola hromada jabĺk, alebo hrušiek, alebo granátových jabĺk alebo čokoľvek to bolo, čo jeho otec a matka jedli v záhrade Eden, čo ich odtiaľ vyhnalo. A tak On to obetoval naspäť Bohu a Boh to odvrhol.

112A dnes, Biblia povedala v Júdovi, že oni vošli na cestu Kainovu; zahynuli v protirečení Kóreho." Odišli cestou Kainovou, postaviac oltáre, vybudovali cirkvi, denominácie, urobili to kvetnaté, veľké, viac členov než tí ostatní; nabrali do toho veci, čokoľvek čo išlo okolo a čo skákalo hore dolu, alebo potrasenie rúk, alebo boli pokrstení určitým spôsobom, alebo hovorili v jazykoch, alebo sa váľali po podlahe, oni zapísali svoje meno do knihy. Je to tak. A potom napadli tú skutočnú Pravdu, ktorá bola kázaná a zapreli to. Ako to tak môže byť? Všimnite si v akom neporiadku sme boli. Všimnite si.

113A Biblia povedala, "A oni vošli na cestu Balaáma a zahynuli v protirečení Kóreho." Zahynuli v tom protirečení... Čo bolo protirečenie Kóreho? "No, ty si myslíš, že si jediným svätým mužom?" No, Boh je... Každý z nás je svätý. Celá cirkev je tým všetkým. Každý... My všetci sme sa zhromaždili, to je to, čo sme mali urobiť." To je to, kde oni zahynuli: to. A my sme si to skutočne zaslúžili. My sme si zaslúžili, aby sme tak dopadli.

114Ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve nás z toho chaosu vytiahol a dovolil nám vidieť to pred tým, ako tu tá vec udrie. Bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve a poslal nám späť prebudenie Božského uzdravenia a opätovného príchodu moci Božej. Podľa histórie, žiadne prebudenie nikdy netrvalo viac než tri roky. Toto prebudenie sa nieslo pätnásť rokov; bolo horiacim ohňom okolo a dookola sveta. Prečo, pretože sme si to zaslúžili? Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve, nie pretože sme po tom túžili, vlastne, že by sme si to zaslúžili. Len pomyslite o tom, čo to vykonalo!

115Premýšľam o jednej z vašich sestier rovno tu vo Phoenixe, ktorú mnohí z vás poznajú, pani Hattie Waldrop; ona mala rakovinu srdca. A ona bola tu v modlitebnom rade, keď sme tu brat Moore a ja boli prvý krát, pred okolo pätnástimi, osemnástimi rokmi. A ona zomierala s rakovinou srdca a ona už mala byť dávno mŕtva. Ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve poslal na ňu svoju moc. A On zachránil jej život a ona dnes žije. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve.

116Kongresman Upshaw, veľký človek, myslím, že on bol raz prezidentom alebo niečím, Baptistov, Zhromaždenia Južných Baptistov alebo viceprezidentom alebo niečím. On robil všetko. Bol dobrým človekom. On robil všetko, čo vedel ako to robiť. Išiel ku každému doktorovi. Nikto pre neho nemohol nič urobiť. On bol pripútaný. Kazatelia sa za neho modlili. Mal na svojej hlave vyliaty galón oleja, pomazanie, od rôznych kazateľov odvšadiaľ.

117Raz večer, Los Angeles, Kalifornia, išiel som hore ku kazateľni, pozrel som sa na skupinu vozíčkárov asi dva, tri krát, aby som videl čo tam sedí, všetci hore a dolu tými uličkami, vzadu a vpredu. A potom tam ležalo skladacie lôžko, v ktorom bolo malé černošské dievča, malé černošské dievča a jej matka sedela vedľa nej. A môj brat zoraďoval ten modlitebný rad.

118A ja som sa díval, nevediac čo sa dialo. A videl som doktora so žltohnedými okuliarmi ako operuje hrdlo nejakého malého černošského dievčaťa a ono bolo paralyzované. A poobzeral som sa okolo; myslel som, "Kde je to dieťa?" Nemohol som ju vidieť.

119Po chvíli, tam dolu, bez nádeje, milé malé dievča okolo sedem alebo osem ročné, ležalo, aby bolo paralyzované po zbytok svojho života. A tam dolu bola na kolenách jej matka, modlila sa. Potom som povedal, "Tento doktor operoval tvoje malé dievča," a popísal som to.

Ona povedala, "Je to tak, pane."

120Potom sa pokúšala dostať to dieťa na pódium. Oni jej povedali, aby to nerobila. Pokúšali sa ju utíšiť. Asi v tom čase, keď ju oni utíšili, ja som pomyslel, "Dobre, dobre, dáme jej šancu a budeme sa za ňu modliť." V niekoľkých minútach... Možno ľudia, ktorí sú práve tu, tam toho večera boli.

121A ja som sa obzeral po tom poslucháčstve; videl som to malé dievča ako ide dolu, vyzeralo to akoby išla po malej úzkej ceste s bábikou v náručí a hojdala ju. Bez ohľadu na to, koľko ten doktor hovoril, že ona bude paralyzovaná po zbytok svojho života, Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve poslal dolu Ducha Svätého skrze videnie, a to malé dievča odtiaľ vstalo a ona a jej matka sa chytili za ruky a išli dolu tou uličkou a chválili Boha.

122Vzadu tam sedel starý muž, kongresman Upshaw, mnohí z vás poznajú jeho svedectvo. On bol dobrým človekom, snažil sa o to po celý svoj život, šesťdesiatšesť rokov bol invalidom na vozíku, tlačili ho do postele, chodil s barlami pod pažami, nikdy viac už nemal chodiť normálne. A tam on sedel, dívajúc sa na to. A zrazu som sa pozrel a videl som videnie. Tu on prichádza, idúc dolu z vrchu tej posluchárni, skláňal svoju hlavu, mohol chodiť tak dobre ako každý iný. Nevedel som, kto ten muž bol.

123Povedal som, „Je tu veľký muž, ktorý sedí tam vzadu. Keď bol malým chlapcom, spadol z voza na rám na sušenie sena a zranil si chrbát. Oni vyvŕtali do podlahy diery, aby zadržali tie vibrácie, keď tí ľudia prechádzali, aby to neudieralo jeho chrbát.“ Povedal som, „On sa stal veľkým mužom a je stále väčším a väčším. Sedí vo veľkom kruhu v bielom dome.“

124A potom tento muž prišiel a povedal mi, povedal, „To je kongresman Upshaw. Počul si o ňom niekedy?“

Povedal som, „Nikdy som o ňom nepočul.“

125A tak on trochu predĺžil šnúru mikrofónu tam dozadu a oni sa zhovárali, tam a späť.

126Potom som sa začal dívať dookola a uvidel som prichádzať starého kongresmana ako ide ku mne, vo videní, práve tak dokonale a normálne ako len mohol byť. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve ho potiahol z toho invalidného kresla, a on chodil bez barlí až do dňa kedy zomrel. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve! Keď doktori zlyhali, keď veda zlyhala, keď všetko ďalšie zlyhalo, Boh bol ku kongresmanovi Upshawovi bohatý v milosrdenstve.

127Rozmýšľam o sebe. Ako trochu starší chlapec, pamätám sa ako...ľudia ma dnes nazývajú “ten, ktorý nenávidí ženy.“ Dôvod toho bolo to, že keď som bol dieťa, videl som u žien toľko nemorálnosti. Nenávidel som ich. A ja to teraz nerobím, pretože viem, že niektoré z nich sú dobré. Ale ja sa pamätám ako to bolo, tak zlé, tak nemorálne. A myslel som,“Ó, nikdy nebudem v blízkosti ľudí. Nemám vzdelanie, tak ja nebudem mať žiadne.“

128Ako trochu staršie dieťa, keď som tam sedel, nemal som dokonca na sebe ani košeľu, mal som kabát takto prišpendlený so zatváracím špendlíkom a bolo v tom skutočne horúco. A učiteľka povedala,“William, nie je ti v tom kabáte horúco?“

129Povedal som,“Nie madam, ja som trochu uzimený.“ A ona ma poslala, aby som išiel ku kachliam a naložil do tých kachlí nejaké drevo a rád som to zapaľoval. A nemal som počas celej sezóny žiadnu košeľu.

130A myslel som,“ Ak by som mohol získať niekedy peniaze, aby som mohol kúpiť malú, kúpiť si – tridsiatku pušku,“ odišiel by som sem na západ a žil by som tu a poľoval po zbytok svojho života. Nechcel som mať nič dočinenia s ľuďmi. Jednoducho sa len držať stranou, pretože oni ma nemali radi a ja som sa držal od nich stranou.

131 potom zakaždým, ako som išiel do mesta, aby som sa s niekým porozprával, aby som stretol na ulici nejakých známych, ja som vedel. Povedal som,“Zdravím ťa, John, Jim! Ako sa máš?“

„Ó, ahoj.“

132 Vidíte, oni sa nechceli so mnou rozprávať, nechceli mať so mnou nič dočinenia, kvôli môjmu otcovi a kvôli tým ostatným, ktorí vyrábali whiskey. A ja som to nechcel robiť. To nebolo nič také, čo by som robil. A ja by som bol taký.

133 Ale teraz, povedal som nedávno svojej žene,“Moja stena je ovešaná najlepšími puškami, aké sa dajú kúpiť.“ Ó, a ja rozmýšľam o tých starých špinavých šatách. Dnes večer mám dva alebo tri dobré obleky. A žiadnych priateľov? Musím sa skrývať v divočine, aby som sa držal preč od ľudí. Čo sa deje, je to kvôli mojej osobnosti, je to kvôli môjmu vzdelaniu? Nie. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve ma v tom stave videl a spasil ma.

134Pamätám sa, keď som bol vedený za ruky ako slepý človek. Nemohol som vidieť. Všetko čo bolo predo mnou bolo rozmazané; bol by som slepý po zbytok svojho života. Ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve mi navrátil zrak. Mám päťdesiatpäť rokov a stále mám dobrý zrak. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve, to je tá jediná vec, čo môžem povedať.

135Raz pre cirkev nebol spôsob, ako by mohla byť uzdravená. Oni mali jeden, ale oni sa od neho odvrátili. Ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve im poslal dar Božského uzdravenia. To je Duch Svätý medzi nami, potvrdzujúci Slovo so znameniami, ktoré To nasledujú. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve!

136Mám tu dve alebo tri strany týchto poznámok, ale ja sa nebudem pokúšať na ne naraziť, pretože som si vedomý, že už je takmer čas začať modlitebný rad. Ale Boh je bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve!

137Mnohí z vás sú tu dnes večer, doktori sa vás vzdali. Sú tu ľudia, ktorí sedia v invalidných kreslách, oni by z nich zrejme nepovstali. Sú tam, aby tak zostali. Niektorí z nich, majú rôzne druhy ochrnutia, oni by z nich nikdy nemohli zísť, nie je žiaden spôsob akoby z nich zišli. Ale Boh, bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve poskytol zmierenie. Neodvrhnite to. Prijmite to. Tu je človek so srdcovým problémom, sú tu ľudia s rakovinami, s ktorými doktori nemôžu nič urobiť. Ste bez nádeje, bez nádeje, v tomto svete.

138Ale Boh, bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve, poslal dolu Ducha Svätého a rovno tu teraz potvrdzuje to Slovo, aby dokázal, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Či preto, že sme si to zaslúžili? Pretože Boh je bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve! Amen. Tak to je On, to je tá Osoba, To je Pán Ježiš. On nie je mŕtvy, ale on vstal z mŕtvych, a žije naveky.

139On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, jednoducho stále tak bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve, ako bol ku tej žene, ktorá mala krvotok. A ona sa začala tlačiť cez ten zástup. Tam nebola pre ňu žiadna nádej, doktori urobili všetko, čo mohli urobiť. Ona mala krvotok. Zomierala. A ona sa dotkla Pánovho rúcha. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve sa obrátil a povedal jej o jej stave. A ona bola z toho krvotoku uzdravená.

140Malá upadnutá prostitútka išla jedného dňa ku studni, aby nabrala trochu vody. Žiadna nádej. Ona bola od tých panien vylúčená, od tých ľudí. Jej život nebol dobrý. A ona si pomyslela, “Na čo to bude dobré, ak sa posnažím? Som odvrhnutá, nič tam pre mňa nezostalo.“ Ale ona sa pozrela a ako tam vedľa stála alebo sedela vedľa studni a tam sedel muž, ktorý jej povedal všetky veci, ktoré kedy urobila, Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve.

141Ten istý Boh dnes večer je práve tak isto bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve, ako bol v tých dňoch. Bohatý Boh. [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

142Myslím, že sme tu vydali dvesto modlitebných kariet, alebo ktoré sme vyvolali spomedzi dvesto. Zavoláme ich a necháme, aby sa ľudia zoradili. Budeme sa za nich modliť.

143 Ale pred tým ako to urobíme, niektorí sú tu noví, zbavte sa všetkých povier. Toto nie je povera. To je manifestácia Božieho zasľúbenia. To závisí od toho na čo sa dívate. Nie je žiadna cnosť v žiadnom človeku. Nie je žiadna moc v žiadnom človeku. Ale my ako veriaci máme autoritu, nie moc, ale autoritu.

144Niekto sa ma pred nedávnom spýtal, povedal, “Brat Branham, veríš, že máš moc, aby si toto robil?“

145Povedal som, “Ja nemám moc, vôbec nie, ale ja mám autoritu.“ Každý veriaci ju má. Ak to odmietnete, zostanete stáť tam, kde ste. Ale ak to prijmete, to spraví tu nesmiernu hojnosť, pretože Boh je bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve.

146Vezmite malého policajta, ktorý tu stojí na ulici, jeho šaty na ňom visia, on je tak vychudnutý. Tá čiapka mu zatlačila uši dolu. On vychádza tam, kde autá prechádzajú po ulici rýchlosťou päťdesiat míľ za hodinu s motormi, ktoré majú tristo koní. On nemá moc, aby zastavil bicykel. Je to tak. Ale len ho nechajte zapískať na píšťalku a zodvihnúť ruku a pozorujte, ako začnú škrípať brzdy. On nemá moc, ale on má autoritu. Celé mesto stojí za ním.

147A keď muž alebo žena, nestarám sa v akom stave ste, vy máte autoritu Božiu skrze zasľúbenie, pretože On je bohatý a zasľúbil to robiť nesmierne hojne. „Ak poviete tomuto vrchu pohni sa a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť, že čo ste povedali sa stane, môžete mať čo ste povedali.“ Vy nemáte moc, ale máte autoritu.

148Pamätáte, keď On mi tam povedal, povedal, „Budeš schopný zjavovať tajnosti sŕdc.“ Pretože On... Pamätáte si to? Mnohí z vás ľudí z Phoenixu? On to zasľúbil. Čo On zasľubuje, to činí.

149Tak sú tu niektorí z vás, ktorí nemajú modlitebné lístky, bezpochyby. Koľko chorých nemá modlitebné lístky, zodvihnite svoje ruky? Iste. V poriadku. Ak chcete vedieť, nie autoritu... nie moc, ale autoritu Slova, „Tie veci, ktoré ja robím, vy budete tiež robiť.“

150Ježiš zasľúbil v Lukášovi 17:30 že práve pred Jeho príchodom, že to bude ako za času Mojžiša... alebo Noeho, „Keď jedli a pili a vydávali sa a nevedeli, až do toho dňa, keď Noe vošiel do archy.“ On povedal, že tam bude ten čas. Potom on tiež povedal, „Ako to bolo vo dňoch Lóta,“ A povedal, „Toto sa stane v tom dni, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka, keď Syn človeka je zjavený v tých posledných dňoch.“

151 Tak pozrite sa čo On, ako sa Syn človeka zjavil v osobe toho anjela, ktorý bol tým Synom človeka. Absolútne. Abrahám Ho nazval, „Elohim.“ On bol ten Syn človeka. Zjavil sa práve predtým ako bol ten pohanský svet spálený. Ako to On urobil? Pre veriaceho. Pre toho, ktorý sa robí veriacim, On poslal dolu dvoch kazateľov, aby im kázali. Ale pre skutočného veriaceho, On stál chrbtom obrátený ku stanu, a povedal, „Abrahám.” On bol vtedy Abram... A niekoľko dní predtým, tamto. Ale teraz on je Abrahám. „Kde je tvoja žena Sára?“

152 Povedal, „Je v stane za Tebou.“

153Povedal, „Ja vyplním svoje zasľúbenie, ktoré som ti dal. Navštívim ťa.“

154 Ó, Abrahám mal sto rokov a Sára deväťdesiat, ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve zachoval Svoje zasľúbenie. To prinieslo to dieťa, pretože Boh je milosrdný a On je plný milosrdenstva. On je bohatý v milosrdenstve. On dodržuje Svoje zasľúbenie.

155Všimnite si, chrbtom obráteným ku stanu, Sára sa smiala a povedala, „Akoby sa tieto veci mohli stať? Ja som stará. Ako môžem mať potešenie zo svojím manželom ako mladá vydatá žena? No, on má sto rokov. Náš manželský pomer prestal pred mnohými, mnohými rokmi. Ako by toto mohlo byť?“ Ona sa ohľadne toho smiala.

156A ten anjel s... Syn človeka chrbtom obráteným ku tomu stanu, povedal, „Prečo sa Sára smiala, keď povedala, ́Ako to môže byť?́”

157Čo to bolo? Ježiš povedal vo svätom Lukášovi 17:30, že, „V tých dňoch, ako to bolo za dní Lóta,“ tá istá situácia pred tým, ako bol pohanský svet spálený, On povedal, „Syn človeka sa zjaví v tom dni. “On dal zasľúbenie, že Malachiáš 4, zasľúbil, že nám to povie. Príde posolstvo, ktoré navráti ľudí naspäť do originálneho letničného posolstva, a s tými istými požehnaniami ktoré oni mali na deň... Čo je to? To je orol s dvoma krídlami, oboje nový aj starý zákon dávajúc dohromady svoje zasľúbenia, zasľúbenia Božie, aby naplnil to, čo tie zaslúbenia Biblie povedali, že urobia. Amen.

158Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve by nenechal svojich ľudí, aby išli do tohoto denominačného, „bohatý v majetkoch a vo veciach toho sveta“ Laodicejského cirkevného veku, ale On urobil cestu úniku. Verte tomu ľudia. Nech vás Boh žehná. Amen. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve! Milosrdenstvá Božie, to je tá jediná vec po ktorej ja túžim. Nie po jeho spravodlivosti, nie po jeho zákone, ale po jeho milosrdenstve, to je to, po čom ja volám. Bože, buď mi milosrdný. My všetci to tak cítime.

159Pozoroval som. Tam je malá žena, ktorá tu sedí na konci toho sedadla. Máš modlitebný lístok pani? Nemáš. Dovoľ mi ukázať ti, že Boh je bohatý v milosrdenstve. Nedávno si tu bola skutočne nervózna, však? Skutočne to bolo zlé a s tvojimi očami sa to tiež zhoršovalo. Či to nie je tak? Je to tak. Tak oni sa zmenia. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve cez to, že sa ťa pýta, či budeš tomuto veriť. No, ty nemáš žiadnu modlitebnú kartu, nemáš nič, ale ty ju nepotrebuješ. Vidíš, to je milosť, ktorá ti to udelila.

160 Tam sedí postavou menší človek, sedí rovno tu vpredu s takým druhom... sedí rovno tu. On trpí nádorom na tele. A to tam prišlo len nedávno, nedávno. Či to nie je tak, pane? Je to tak. Ty nevieš čo to je. Ty sa toho obávaš. Je to tak. To bolo zapríčinené udrením? Máš modlitebnú lístok? Nemáš žiaden modlitebný lístok. Ty ho nepotrebuješ. Boh bohatý vo svojom milosrdenstve!

161Ó, brat, sestra, ver Bohu! Nepochybuj o Ňom. Ver Mu! Je to tak.

162Tu sedí muž, má šedý oblek, nosí okuliare. Pozri sa sem, pane. Veríš? Boh je bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve. Sedíš tam s pruhom. Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť ten pruh a spraviť že budeš v poriadku? Ty, ktorý sedíš tu na konci toho sedadla, dívaš sa na mňa. Ak veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť ten pruh, Boh to pre teba urobí, ak to ty prijmeš. Veríš tomu? Prijmeš to? V poriadku. Môžeš to mať, ak tomu budeš len veriť, mať to milosrdenstvo. Tak veru.

163Je tu pani, ktorá tu sedí, ona trpí na slabý krvný obeh v tele. Ak ona bude veriť, Boh ju uzdraví, ak tomu verí. Ja verím, že ona tomu unikne, tak iste ako čomukoľvek inému. Zmiluj sa, je moja modlitba. Sotva by som mohol vidieť tej ženy...Pani Riley, veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť ten slabý krvný obeh? Ak môžeš, prijmi to! Amen. Len ver. Boh je dobrý, či nie je Stella? Áno. Je to tak. Nikdy v živote som tú ženu nevidel. Ale Boh, vo Svojom milosrdenstve!

164Tu sedí ďalšia žena, sedí rovno tam vzadu, rovno vzadu, díva sa na mňa. Ona tiež, ona má takisto slabý krvný obeh. Ona o tom práve vtedy rozmýšľala. Nikdy v živote som tú ženu nevidel. A táto druhá žena mala tú istú vec, pozri sa na mňa. Veríš, že som Boží prorok, alebo jeho sluha? Ty máš tiež problém zo srdcom. Ak je to tak, zodvihni ruku. Ty to teraz nemáš. Boh bohatý vo Svojon milosrdenstve ukazuje, že On je živý dnes večer tu v tejto budove. Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve! Amen.

165Mohlo by byť, koľkí hriešnici a odpadlíci by povstali a povedali, „Bože, bohatý v milosrdenstve, buď mi milosrdný“? Povstaňte na svoje nohy. Budem sa za vás modliť, ak veríte, že On chce...Vy chcete teraz milosrdenstvo. Boh ťa žehnaj. Boh ťa žehnaj. Boh ťa žehnaj i teba. Odpadlík, povstaň na svoje nohy. Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve! Ste...

166Iste ste sa nestali tak necitliví v tomto stave, že nemôžete vidieť, že to je to samotné zasľúbenie na túto hodinu. Iste ste sa nestali tak zabalení do denominácie a do iných vecí, že nemôžete vidieť, že toto je zasľúbenie na túto hodinu. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve.

167Kýmkoľvek si bol, kto si sa postavil, za chvíľu sa budem modliť. Chcem, aby ste si spravili svoju cestu do nejakej dobrej cirkvi plného evanjelia a boli pokrstení kresťanským krstom, Boh vám dá Ducha Svätého.

168Je tam niekto ďalší, kto by sa postavil na svoje nohy a povedal, „Ja, ja chcem byť spomenutý. Bože pamätaj na mňa vo Svojom milosrdenstve. Nežil som tak, ako by som mal. Možno...“? Boh ťa žehnaj, pani. A Boh žehnaj teba. Boh ťa žehnaj. Boh ťa žehnaj. Boh ťa žehnaj. To je dobre. „Bože, bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve, buď mi milosrdný.“ Boh ťa žehnaj sestra. Je tam...

169Koľkí sú ešte tu, ktorí by povedali, „Ja sa postavím. Chcem, aby Boh vedel že ja chcem milosrdenstvo. Nežil som správne. Žil som tak a tak. Bol som hore a dolu, ale ja chcem Jeho milosrdenstvo.“ Boh ťa žehnaj, brat. Niekto ďalší, povedz, „Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve!“ Boh ťa žehnaj, sestra. Boh ťa žehnaj sestra. To je správne. Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve! Boh ťa žehnaj, tiež. Boh ťa žehnaj, tam vzadu. Boh ťa vidí. Len sa postav na svoje nohy.

170Poviete, „Spraví to niečo dobré brat Branham?“ Iste. Povstaňte a vidzte, aký veľký rozdiel to je.

171Ak ste skutočne vo svojom srdci úprimní, Boh je bohatý v milosrdenstve. „On nechce, aby niekto zahynul, ale aby všetci mohli prísť ku pokániu.“ Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve! Ó, Bože, buď nám milostivý.

172No, koľkí sú tu, ktorí držia tieto modlitebné karty? Aké boli? A a B, či nie? A a B. Všetci tí ľudia, ktorí majú modlitebnú kartu A, postavte sa na túto stranu a s modlitebnou kartou B sa postavte za nimi.

173Som zvedavý, či sú tu nejakí kazatelia, ktorí by sa pripravili, aby mi pomohli. Ak takí sú, prišli by ste sem hore, bol by som rád, keby ste mi tu pomohli, pretože radi sa budeme modliť a modliť sa s vami.

174Toto povedala Biblia, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Tak veru. „V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať diablov, budú hovoriť novými jazykmi.“ Urobili sme to? Skrze milosť Božiu, nie my, ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve, aby dodržal Svoje Slovo. Boh!

175No, tí ktorí sú na vozíčkoch, ak ich chcete položiť rovno sem dopredu, budeme sa za nich modliť rovno tu, nemusíte ich ťahať cez všetky tie uličky tu. Nech, v poriadku, nech prídu rovno sem. My sa pravdaže za nich budeme modliť, za každého jedného z nich. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve!

176Postavili by ste sa po pravej strane teraz, na niekoľko minút? Prišiel brat Brown s vami? [Nejaký brat hovorí, „Príde zajtra.“ -- pozn.prekl.] Príde zajtra. Nadejal som sa, že je tu. Kde, kde si brat Outlaw, kde je brat Fuller? Niektorí z tých ľudí, ktorí boli tu so mnou, keď som po prvý krát prišiel, poďme nazad. Pamätáte si tie starodávne modlitebné rady, keď sme tam zvykli stáť, až ste ma museli podopierať na jednej strane a niekto na druhej, ja som tak zoslabol?

177Koľkí boli na tých zhromaždeniach tam na počiatku? Pozrite sa sem. Pamätáte si tam, povedal som vám, že Pán Ježiš mi povedal, že ak budem úprimný, tieto veci sa stanú. Je to tak? Nikdy sme nemali niečo také, ako toto v tomto dni. Ale to sa stalo, pretože Boh je bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve a verný Svojmu zasľúbeniu. Amen! Snažím sa to ukončiť a nemôžem. Amen! Chvála Bohu! Haleluja!

„Ó som tak rád že som jeden z nich!“ Amen. Ó!

Tam sú ľudia takmer všade,

Ktorých srdcia horia Ohňom,

ktorý padol na Letnice,

Ktorý očistil a urobil ich čistými,

Ó, to horí v mojom srdci,

Ó, sláva Jeho Menu!

Som tak rád, že môžem povedať, že som jeden z nich.

178Ó, ja biedny, mizerný, biedny, slepý chudák akým som bol, a teraz skrze Jeho milosrdenstvo, Jeho bohaté milosrdenstvo môžem vidieť kráľovstvo Božie na svoje vlastné oči. Amen. Aké nádherné sú Jeho prikázania!

179Postav sa rovno môj brat na svoju barlu. Ak sa nemôžeš postaviť, v poriadku, zostaň rovno tam, pôjdeme rovno dolu a budeme sa za teba modliť.

180A teraz nech tie A a B modlitebné karty, nech sa zoradia tam na tej druhej strane a my sa budeme za nich modliť.

181 Bratia kazatelia, vy ste pravdaže, ak veríte v kladenie rúk na chorých, príďte rovno sem a postavte sa na toto pódium. Budeme sa modliť za chorých.

182No, vy ľudia, ktorí stojíte v tom rade, ak môžete veriť, že prítomnosť Božia je tu, že Duch Svätý je teraz v našom strede, činiaci presne to, čo On povedal, že bude robiť. Ak by som mal moc uzdraviť vás, ja by som to samozrejme urobil. Ak by som mal nejaký spôsob, aby som vás uzdravil, ja by som to samozrejme urobil. Ja ho nemám. Ja... Boh mi dal malý dar.

183Nie som veľmi kazateľom. Nemám dosť vzdelania, aby som bol kvalifikovaný ako kazateľ, to čo nazývame kazateľom v týchto dňoch, keď tie skúsenosti musia byť teologické skúsenosti, a to musí mať určitý doktorát a tak ďalej. Ja sa nemôžem na to kvalifikovať. Ale Boh, ktorý vidí moje srdce a vie, že ja chcem urobiť niečo pre Neho, chcem si to ceniť.

184Raz mi jeden človek povedal, „Myslím, že ty si fajn človek, pán Branham, ale ja verím, že ty si úprimne v blude. Ty si úplne mimo tej vôle. Vieš, že na konci budeš odsúdený?“

185A ja som povedal, „Pozri sa, chcem ti niečo povedať. Povedal by som, že ty by si bol v poriadku, ak by si hovoril len ohľadne tých argumentov. Ak sa mýlim, pričom neverím, že sa mýlim, ale ak by som sa mýlil a vedel by som práve teraz, že sa dožijem sto rokov a on by prišiel, aby ma odsúdil na konci cesty a povedal mi,́Ty si nezaslúžiš prísť do Môjho neba, William Branham. Choď do vonkajšej tmy.́ Viete čo? Ja by som Mu slúžil po všetky dni môjho života, až kým by som neodišiel, jednako. Pretože ja som prijal tak veľa Jeho nezaslúžených požehnaní, že On je pre mňa viac než život. On je všetko čo ja...“

186Všetko čo som ja, všetko, čo som kedy mohol dúfať, že budem, som načerpal z Jeho milosti a milosrdenstva. Bol som naničhodný, mizerný, biedny, slepý, ale skrze milosť On ma uzdravil a ja som silný a zdravý skrze milosť Božiu. Mám dobrý zrak. Jem, pijem, mám všetko, na čo mám potrebu. On nikdy nezasľúbil, že vyplní moje chcenie, ale moje potreby.

187A, ak by som bol v tom dni odvrhnutý a vedel by som...Nemôžem vidieť, kde by som bol. Ale, ak by som vedel, že som sa mýlil a Boh ma vybral, aby som sa mýlil, chcel by som zostať v omyle, a to preto, že chcem činiť Jeho vôľu. To je to, že ja Ho milujem až tak, že chcem, aby sa stala Jeho vôľa. No, to je veľké vyhlásenie, ale ja dúfam, že vy to rozumiete v tom spôsobe, v tom duchu v ktorom som to povedal. Vidíte, chcem činiť Jeho vôľu. Niekedy Ho za niečo prosím, On potrasie Svojou hlavou „nie,“ ja sa jednoducho tak z toho radujem, ako sa môžem radovať keby by On povedal „áno.“ Pretože my by sme vždy mali prosiť, „Nech sa stane Tvoja vôla.“ Jeho „nie” je práve tak...ak to je Jeho vôla, to je práve... To je celé oveľa lepšie, než Jeho „áno”, ak je to Jeho vôla, aby to spravil. To je to, keď Ho skutočne milujete. Amen.

188Keď sa dostávam do toho, že hovorím o Ňom, jednoducho sa nemôžem zastaviť. Ó, On je tak skutočný, tak skutočný pre mňa! Priatelia, On je všetko, čo ja som, všetko čím by som kedy bol, všetko, čo by som očakával že budem, je založené v Kristu Ježišovi, Jeho Slove.

189Som vďačný dnes večer za toho svedka Ducha Svätého, za posolstvo. Ja viem, že to možno, že možno niektorí s tým nesúhlasia, ale ako som vám povedal, ja som ku posolstvu zaviazaný. Vyšiel znak a Boh neposiela znak, len aby ukázal, že On je Boh. Posolstvo, hlas vždy nasledujú ten znak. Každý to vie.

190Ježiš prišiel so znameniami a divmi. On bol veľkým mužom, keď robil znamenia a divy, ale keď začal s tým, že si sadol a začal prinášať to posolstvo, „Ja a môj Otec sme jedno,“ ó, to bolo pre nich zlé. Vidíte? Ale hlas musel nasledovať ten znak.

191Mojžišovi boli dané dve znamenia, a každé znamenie malo hlas. Je to tak. Kázal som tu na to pred nejakým časom, niekde na Hlas Znamenia. To musí mať hlas znamenia. To je zmena. Vždy sa to tak deje. Ak sa to nedeje, potom to neprišlo od Boha.

192Ak človek vychádza so zvláštnou, divnou, službou, ktorá je nájdená v Biblii ako Pravda a ten človek stojí rovno v tej istej divnej denominačnej náuke, zabudnite na to. Nič na tom nie je! Boh nerobí takéto veci. Tá vec, je zhnitá manna, do ktorej sa dostali termiti, alebo červíky alebo akokoľvek to chcete nazvať, spred štyridsiatich, päťdesiatich rokov, stále sa pokúšajú jesť tú starú mannu, ktorá tam padala pred rokmi. A deti Izraelove na svojej púti, nová manna padala každú noc. Je to tak, nemohli by ste to zadržať.

193My nežijeme na nejakom veku, ktorý sa pominul. My jeme novú mannu, čerstvú mannu z neba, ako ideme na našej púti.

Skloňme teraz naše hlavy.

194Pane Bože, Ty si tak skutočný, Tvoja prítomnosť. Rozmýšľam o milosti Pane. Práve sme Ťa videli robiť tak veľa vecí! Počuli sme Ťa hovoriť jazykmi, videli sme Ťa, že ich vykladáš, skrze tvojich ľudí. Ó, Bože vidieť Ťa, že uzdravuješ chorých, otváraš oči slepých, spôsobuješ, že chromí chodia, hluchí počujú, nemí hovoria, aký veľký a mocný Boh si Ty!

195A potom vidíme, že Ty si toto zasľúbil v týchto posledných dňoch. Hoci máme mnoho telesných napodobenín, jednako to len ukazuje, že existuje niekde skutočný Boh, ktorý je skutočne pravdivý. A ja sa dnes večer modlím, nebeský Otče, aby sme sa stali tak vedomými si Boha, až vidíme, že Ty si tu.

196A títo ľudia v tom rade, keď oni idú cez ten rad Pane...robíme toto kvôli tomu, že sme im to sľúbili. A Ty si povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“

197Sú tu bratia kazatelia, ktorí tu stoja, mužovia, ktorých si Ty vyvolil pred založením sveta, aby boli tým, čím sú dnes večer. Ty si vedel predtým, ako bol svet, že my tu budeme stáť dnes večer, pretože Ty si nekonečný.

198Tak my prosíme Nebeský Otče, dnes večer, aby ako títo chorí ľudia, invalidi, slepí a chromí, postihnutí rakovinou, čokoľvek to môže byť, ktorí prechádzajú týmto radom, aby si mohli uvedomiť, že ten Boh, ktorý pozná tajomstvo srdca ich uzdraví, ak to oni len príjmu, len pozrú a porozumejú.

199Človek, ktorý sa pozrel na toho medeného hada, práve ako kňaz...kus medi, on by nikdy nebol uzdravený, pretože on nemal zrozumenie o tom, čo to bolo.

200A dnes Pane je to to isté. Ak sa oni dívajú na dar a rozmýšľali by o tom, možno by im to pomohlo, oni nemajú zrozumenie. To je len potvrdenie prítomnosti Božej, ktorá je tu, aby uzdravovala. Udeľ to Otče. Nech sa tak stane v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

201Chcel by som, aby tá malá klaviristka, ak by bola ochotná, muž alebo žena, ktokoľvek to môže byť, aby išla tam a zahrala tu pieseň, „Ten veľký Lekár je teraz nablízku, súcituplný Ježiš,“ ak by ona prišla, ktokoľvek, kto je klaviristom. Tak to je...

202Pamätám sa na jedno z prvých zhromaždení s uzdravovaním, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Jedno malé Amišské dievča, ktoré tam sedelo, ona hrala na klavír, „Ten veľký Lekár je teraz na blízku, súcituplný Ježiš.“ Priviedli mi tam na pódium jedno malé dieťa, ono bolo zmrzačené. A zatiaľ, čo som sa modlil, ono mi vyskočilo z náručia a bežalo dolu cez pódium. Ta matka odpadla. Stará matka si vytiahla vreckovku a začala plakať.

203A teraz to malé Amišské dievča nevediac nič o letničných, pretože ona patrila do Amišskej cirkvi, ale ona hrala. Jej dlhé vlasy sa jej rozpustili, ona povstala v Duchu a začala spievať v neznámych jazykoch, a tá...a s harmóniou tej piesne. A klávesy toho klavíra sa pohybovali hore a dolu, hrajúc, „Ten veľký Lekár je teraz na blízku, súcituplný Ježiš.“ Amen! On je ten istý včera, dnes a na veky.

204No, modlime sa teraz...Nech sa teraz každý modlí. Vy ľudia, ktorí prechádzate tým radom, keď kladieme na vás ruky, pamätajte, Ježiš povedal, „Ak budete tomu veriť, budete uzdravení.“ Veríte tomu? No, spievajme teraz všetci.

Ten veľký Lekár je teraz nablízku,

súcituplný Ježiš,

On hovorí...(zatvorme teraz naše oči ako spievame)

...srdcia do povzbudenia,

Ó, počujte hlas Ježiša.

Najsladší tón v piesni serafínov,

najsladšie Meno na smrteľníkovom jazyku,

najsladšie...(Otče Bože, pohybuj sa nad tými ľuďmi teraz)...spievaná,

Ó, Ježiš, požehnaný Ježiš.

205„Ten veľký...“ No, ako teraz tadeto prechádzate, On je tu. Vezmite moje slovo, alebo to verte sami, On je tu. Každý sa tu teraz modlite za týchto ľudí.

206[Brat Branham a kazatelia sa modlia za chorých, zatiaľ čo brat Borders vedie zhromaždenie v speve. Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

Ó, Pane ja verím, ó Pane ja verím,

všetko je možné, ó Pane ja verím.

207Všetci ktorí veria, zodvihnite takto svoju ruku, povedzte, „Ja verím.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí,“Ja verím.“ – pozn.prekl.]

208Sedí tu jeden muž. Ten dôvod, že som bol taký obšírny bol, aby som povedal, že on zomiera na rakovinu. On má barlu. Nie je na svete spôsob pre toho človeka aby žil, pomimo Boha. On má všade rakovinu, vnútornosti, a on zomrie, ak by to nebolo na milosti Božej. A ja si želám, aby som len mohol...[Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] ...slovo povzbudenia pre tohoto muža.

209 Ty, ty vieš, že doktori pre teba teraz nemôžu nič urobiť. Ty si poza tým, vidíš. A ty si...Ty máš len jednu šancu, a to je v Kristovi, vidíš. A brat ty...Ja jedného dňa zomriem tiež. Ty budeš musieť ísť, ak Ježiš bude predlievať. Ja sa tam mám s tebou stretnúť, postaviť sa tam na súde. A dnes večer...

210Vieš, ako v televízií, televízia zachytila každú chvíľu, keď sme dokonca pohli naším prstom, všetko, je to na zázname. Každé slovo, ktoré my povieme sa zaznamenáva. Tak vidíte, televízia to potvrdila. No, televízia nevyrába obraz, ona len zachytáva tie vlny do televízie. Vidíte, ona to nevyrába. Televízia bola, keď Adam chodil po zemi, televízia bola, keď Mojžiš prechádzal cez Červené more, televízia bola, keď Eliáš bol na hore Karmel, vidíte, ale oni to teraz len objavili. Vidíte? A teraz všade ja...

211Každý pohyb, ktorý spravíme a každý zvuk, to sa zaznamenáva, aby nás to stretlo na súde. Každý pohyb ktorý spravíme nás tam má stretnúť. Ja sa musím zodpovedať za slová, ktoré vám hovorím ako kazateľ. Ja to musím urobiť, pretože Boh ma za to zoberie na zodpovednosť.

212No ak by som mohol, ja by som vás uzdravil, pretože vy máte len málo času, ak by to nebolo na Bohu. Tak, ja by som išiel dolu a modlil by som sa za vás, a urobil by som všetko, čo by som vedel urobiť. Brat všetko na svete, čo by som ja mohol urobiť pre človeka, ktorý tu sedí v tom stave, ja by som to urobil.

213A dovoľ mi spýtať sa ťa. Ty si už uzdravený, pretože Ježiš povedal, že si zostal uzdravený. Vidíte, „Jeho sinavicami sme boli uzdravení.“

No, ak by si mohol, z hĺbky tvojho srdca, prijmi to, ty teraz nezomrieš, ale budeš žiť.

214No vidíte, teraz vieme, že televízia prechádza cez túto miestnosť. Vieme to. My to nevidíme. My to nemôžeme vidieť, naše oči nie sú tak utvorené, naše zmysly to nemôžu zachytiť. To vyžaduje obrazovku vyrobenú v továrni alebo čokoľvek to je, kryštálku, aby to zachytila.

215Tak je prítomný Boh. My ho nevidíme, ale vieme, že On je tu. Ježiš Kristus je Ten istý. Pozrite, On práve preukázal Samého Seba, ako sa On Sám preukazuje. No, čo sa týka uzdravovania, ak by On tu práve teraz stál, On by nemohol urobiť pre vás viac, vidíte, nič ďalšie. Ak by sa Syn Boží rovno tu postavil, ktorým On je, On je tu, ale On by nemohol urobiť pre vás viac, pretože On už zidentifikoval Samého Seba tu. Vidíte? A On je práve teraz tu, práve tak isto, aby vás uzdravil a spravil, že budete v poriadku.

216A tá malá pani mi tu povedala, povedala, „Ty si prosil o požehnanie a prorokoval alebo niečo,“ za ňu, aby ona mohla mať dieťa, ktorá sedí tu v invalidnom kresle. A jej sa to stalo a ona dostala svoje dieťa.

217 A teraz tá malá pani sedí tu. No, ona mala operáciu hrvola a to ju paralyzovalo. No, my jednoducho vidíme tak veľa tých vecí, že sa dejú. Tak, malá sestra, ja viem, že ty si skutočná kresťanka. Prečo ťa nechal Boh, aby si si sadla tam, ja neviem. Ja možno verím, že to je kvôli tomu, že ty máš...Viera, ty sa snažíš mať vieru, aby si sa tam z toho dostala, vidíš, ale teraz pozri, nesnažme sa mať ju, majme ju práve teraz, vidíš, my tam jednoducho budeme. To je, čo sa toho týka, všetko, to je začať práve teraz a zostaneme uzdravení. A vy, ľudia, tam na tých stoličkách, čo, alebo čokoľvek ste, len pamätajte, že Kristus je prítomný.

218No, vy poviete, „Je tam niekto, vidíš môj obraz, ako on tade prechádza?“ Ó, áno.

219Dokonca slová Ježiša Krista, ktoré On vypovedal, keď bol tu na zemi, prechádzajú rovno cez túto miestnosť. To nikdy nezomiera. Koľkí vedia, že podľa vedy je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ -- pozn.prekl.] No, čo je to? Potom Duch berie to Slovo, ktoré bolo napísané a manifestuje Ho. Ó, sláva!

220On je tu. On je práve teraz Tu, Pán. My len...Tak veľa sme videli, On urobil tak veľa, až sme tak trochu, viete, jednoducho sme sa tak trochu na tom potkli. Ak by sme si uvedomili, že to nie je len niečo také mýtické, nejaký teologický výraz, ale dôkaz toho, čo On zasľúbil, že ukáže Samého Seba v tomto dni, tu to On predkladá, rovno pred nami, práve teraz. Aká nádherná vec! Či to nie je nádherné? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

221Teraz ver. Budeš tomu veriť? Ver, že nezomrieš. Budeš žiť a uctíš Boha. Ty uctíš Boha. Bol si niekedy pokrstený? Si kresťan? A ty si kresťan. No, ty chceš žiť Bohu na česť. Potom choď, ži môj brat. V mene Ježiša Krista, ži!

222A sestra, ty chceš chodiť na slávu Božiu a starať sa o svoje dieťa, potom choď, sestra, v mene Ježiša Krista!

223Vy, každý jeden z vás urobte to isté v mene Ježiša Krista! Nezabudnite, tento motel Westward Ho, tu dnes večer, že sa tu prítomnosť Božia zidentifikovala. On nehľadí na osobu. On len chce, aby ste verili. Veríte mu teraz? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Amen. Boh vás žehnaj.

224Skloňme teraz naše hlavy. Neviem, koho vybrali, aby rozpustil zhromaždenie. Brat Mushegian tu, poď rovno sem brat. On rozpustí zhromaždenie v modlitbe. Boh vás žehnaj. Boh vás žehnaj.

1 You may be seated. [] I was... or packed away, coming in and seeing Brother Moore and all of them here on the platform, the friends that I have known for so many years. It's certainly a privilege to see them here tonight. I feel kind of small to stand here and speak with such theologians behind me, and maybe they will correct me when I'm wrong. I hope so.

2We are very happy tonight to have a certain person here, Sister Rose. We was coming down... I was with Brother Shores and his assistant, today, for a little lunch. And on the road down, Brother Williams said that Sister Rose was very sick. And we went in to see her just a moment, knelt down. And she had a high fever, and really sick. Just a few words of prayer, and the Lord spoke to us, and said, "She is going to be healed." Said, "She'll be there tomorrow night," they say. And here she is tonight, sitting right here. That's right.

3 Sister Rose, stand up just a minute, so that they... We are thankful to the Lord. She was bedfast. She said, "The--the devil just beat me out of everything. I come over here and had a breakdown with this," some kind of a throat disease, and so forth. But the Lord has brought her through, so to that we're happy. Thanking the dear Lord!

4Now we've been having wonderful times. And tomorrow night, now, we go over to the--the Ramada. And don't forget now, it won't be here tomorrow night, it'll be at the Ramada. And the convention begins the next night. Have to put up with me one more night, you know.

5 So last night I--I went so far off of scale, I kind of made a little promise to myself that, the first of the year, that I just going to cut them Messages down from three or four, five hours, to maybe along about thirty or forty minutes. And as I told you last night, my wife commented me Sunday, said, "You did real well." So--so then, of course, I had to come along last night and ruin it, see. But I was fifty-five minutes, instead of thirty, last night.

6Coming down, tonight, Billy said, "What are you going to speak on?"

7I said, "Well, I got a few little notes wrote out here, and some Scriptures. I don't know, some of them, four or five different Messages." I said, "I feel when I get down there, and see what's going on."

8Said, "You promised to pray for all them sick people."

I said, "Yes, sir. How many cards you got?"

Said, "Two hundred."

I said, "I better start on them, tonight."

9And he said, "Now remember, you only get fifteen minutes to speak." Said, "You took the rest of it up last night." [Brother Branham and the congregation laugh--Ed.] We'll have to hurry up, won't I?

10 Well, we made a promise to you, that we would pray for those people who had prayer cards, and we are--we are obligated to a promise, of course. We can't bring them all through these lines, and neither could I be able to call them individually, out in the audience. Even though the Holy Spirit would give it to me, I--I just can't stand to do it. It's just too much on me. And, but we're all acquainted with those things. We know that God is still God. It isn't that that heals. It's that that only builds faith, to let us know that--that we're in His Presence.

11And we're going, tonight, to pray for all those sick people, every one of them that's got those prayer cards, to be prayed for. And then tomorrow night, over at the Ramada, we'll try to give out some more and start praying for them over there, 'cause I still have tomorrow night. And I think I have one night of the convention, maybe a breakfast also. It depends on how things come out.

12 There is some, one of the speakers that never showed up; hasn't as yet, I don't think. Brother Humburg, or is that... [A brother says, "Amburgy."Ed.] Amburgy, Amburgy, Kash Amburgy. So I--I get it all wrong, that's that German name. I--I guess that's German. So I may have to kind of pinch-hit, as we call it, excuse the expression, for him.

13So we been having a wonderful time in the Lord, though. To all of you, if there be some strangers here tonight, we're sure glad to have you in, and trust that the Lord will bless you. I pray that there won't be any sick people in the building when we leave tonight, that our Lord will come down in His great power and will heal all that is sick and afflicted.

14 Here sometime ago, I used to take the individuals in on special interviews, some of the hard cases that we couldn't get through. Then it built up so fast, till it got to be, the Lord kept blessing it, till we got three or four hundred waiting, and so then people get their feelings hurt because they would wait. Maybe, on that much time, you would have to wait maybe a year or two, so to get in to it, see, just in between the meetings, to take them on the interviews. And we'd just sit and wait on the Lord until He told us just exactly the case.

15There is no doubt there is people sitting here tonight that's been on them special interviews. Is there? Let's see you raise your hands. On the special interviews. Yes, there sits, so, and know that's right. We just wait to see what the Lord would say, what that case... And then I had to stop that here some time ago. I told Billy that we couldn't have any more private interviews.

16 See, I--I--I just passed twenty-five, recently, second time, and way up towards the third time. And so as you get a little older, why, you don't, you... somehow you can't keep up like you used to. Your steps shorten. And--and, course, Brother Moore don't know anything about that yet. He... I think we are somewhere around the same age.

17But a lot of water has went down the river since you and I, and Brother Brown come here the first time, with Brother Outlaw and Brother Garcia, and Brother Fuller. I wonder if them men would be in here tonight? Brother Garcia, Brother Fuller, Brother Outlaw, are they here? Raise up your hands if you are. Yes, there is Brother Fuller, I believe, if I'm not mistaken. Brother Outlaw over here. Brother Garcia, I--I believe though that he left Phoenix. I think that's right. He--he left Phoenix, and he is over in California. Well, it was certainly grand days, and I still believe the same Message I had then, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." I guess that's been about... Well, Becky was a baby. That's about nineteen years.

18And now she is a big, old, fat, ugly girl sitting out there somewhere, nineteen years old. Where are you, Becky? Boy, she will get me for that. I remember packing her in on my arm. I'd sure have a job doing that tonight.

19 Remember over at Brother Garcia's church one night, she was a little bitty fellow. And I said, "We have an international meeting tonight." I said, "I'm speaking to the Spanish." And I said, "My wife here is a German." I said, "I'm an Irishman." And I said, "And my little girl is an Indian," and that was Becky.

20So when I went out the back door, there was a little Mexican girl out there, said, "Brother Branham!"

Said, "Yes, honey, what do you want?"

Said, "Don't you think your baby is a bit pale, to be an Indian?" She is a blond, you know.

And I said, "Just an Indian in action."

21Well, we're thankful, that, to be here again tonight. Now before we approach the Word, let's approach Him, for He is the Word. When the Word is made manifest, that's Him in you.

22 As we had last night on The Seed Of Discrepancy, did you appreciate that, the Lord blessing? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I--I certainly appreciated bringing the Message to you. And we see what the seeds are.

23Now is there a special request tonight, just something special? Maybe some of you all that's going to be in this prayer line, say, "God, be merciful. When I come to be prayed for, let my faith rise up to meet the conditions." And--and maybe somebody has got a loved one, sick, and something. Would you just raise your hand so God would just look down and say... Now if that... You don't know how that makes me feel to look there. Just look at the need in here! Minister brothers, just look at that. See? Now, if it makes me feel that way, what does it do to our Father? Certainly.

Now let us pray.

24 Dear Jesus, we are approaching now the great Throne of mercy, through this all-sufficient Name. "For there is no other Name given among men whereby we must be saved, but only this Name of the Lord Jesus." And we're coming in His Name. And we pray, Heavenly Father, that You will receive us, tonight, as Your believing children. And forgive our unbelief, Lord. Help it tonight, that it may be that we will completely believe every Word of God tonight, for all the things that we have need of.

25You know what's beneath these hands that's been raised up; there is sickness, some of them may be domestic troubles, some of them financial troubles, some of them are weary, maybe some backslid, some sinner. Whatever the need is, Thou art more than a match for any enemy. So we pray, Lord, that--that tonight, that we will recognize that our enemies, every one, has been defeated, even to death itself. And that we are more than conquerors in Him Who--Who loved us and gave Himself for us, has washed us in His Blood.

26 We pray, Lord, that all unbelief, all doubt, all flustration, all that's unlike God, will flee from us tonight, that the Holy Ghost might have the right of way in our hearts. May He speak to us in a mysterious ways. May He speak to us in His Power. May He resurrect those that are--are spiritually dead, bring back health to those who are sick and afflicted, lift up the feeble knees, the wearied hands that's hanging down. And may there be a time of rejoicing.

27May it break forth tonight, Lord, to leave this place to the Ramada Inn, and start one of the greatest conventions that's ever been held in this city. Lord, while we're assembled together and pray! You said, "If the people that are called by My Name, shall assemble themselves together and pray, then I'll hear from Heaven." God, we pray that this will be so, tonight.

28Now, Father, as we read the Word, no one can interpret It but You, You are Your Own interpreter, and we pray that You will interpret to us the things that we read tonight. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

29 Now if many of you like to just mark down Scriptures that a minister reads. And I would like for you to, tonight, if you would, to turn to Ephesians.

30And I was speaking last Sunday on the Ephesians, how that the Book of Joshua was the Ephesians of the Old Testament, and how it was a Book of redemption.

31And redemption has two different parts: "come out of" and "entering into." First, you have to come out. Some people wants to bring the world in with them; but you got to come out of the world, to enter into Christ. You have to come out of unbelief, to enter into faith. There cannot be one thing in your way. To really have genuine faith, you must absolutely leave everything that's contrary to the Word of God, behind, to enter into faith.

32And that was the Book of the Ephesians of the Old Testament, Joshua. Where, Moses represented the law, could not save no one; but grace could, and here Joshua is the same word like Jesus, "Jehovah-saviour."

33And now then, we find out that we have come to another Ephesians, another Ephesus now. Where, that, in our intellectual denominations and so forth, and all of our educational programs has come to its--its Jordan, then we must have an--an Ephesians again. We must have an exodus, to "come out" and to "go into," for the Rapture.

34 Now we're going to read tonight from the 2nd chapter of Ephesians. I was just saying that so you could get to the--the spot, or turn to the chapter.

You, and you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sin:

Wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedient:

Among whom also we all had our conversations in times past in the lusts of the flesh, fulfilling the desire of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,

Even when we were dead in sin, has He quickened us together with Him, or, quickened us together with Christ, (by grace are ye saved;)

35I want to take from there a few, or part of the verse, "but God," The God Who Is Rich In Mercy.

36 I want you to notice here of the prophet, apostle, rather, Paul, who--who, how he made mention of this, how, "You has He quickened, who were once dead. You hath He quickened, who were once dead, dead in sin and trespasses; walking after the things of the world, the desire of the flesh, and fulfilling the desire of the mind. Has..."

37What caused this change, you see? And what caused it, "from one time being dead," to quicken? Quicken means "made alive." There was a change, from death unto Life. There is no other, there is no other thing that could happen to any person, so great, as to change him from death to Life. A man, if he was dying, physically, and could be healed physically, that would be a great thing, but nothing so great as when he is spiritually dead and God has quickened him to Life.

38 "You once, in times past, dead." You were dead. Even many here tonight, one time, can look back and know that you were dead. But now why aren't you dead tonight, as you were then? You deserve to be that way, because you was a sinner, "but God Who is rich in mercy." That's the--that's the thing, "God Who was rich." All these things that we were, "but God"! That made the change right there, "God Who is rich in mercy"!

39Oh, I'm so glad for that, that He being rich in mercy. If He was just rich in money, if He was just rich in materials, which He is, but yet the greatest thing is being rich in mercy. Oh, what a great word that is, how that we were once dead.

40 And we was speaking the other night on how the seed must die. And everything around that germ of life must not only die, but rot. If it doesn't rot, it cannot live. And rot is, "completely done away with; it's finished." And until we get to the place that our own ideas and our own thinking is completely gone and it's rotted away from us, then the germ of life can begin to live.

41Now--now we might, I might inject just a little bit of doctrine here, that I don't... If you don't believe it, all right. That's just okay. I do believe it. I believe that--that a man, when he is born in this world, that when you're a little baby, born into the world, you could not have been here without being the foreknowledge of God, because He is infinite and He knows all things. And when that little baby is born into the world, there is something in that baby. If he is ever going to have Life, there is a little something in there, in that child then, that he comes to, sooner or later. That little seed is in him. Now if you'll take... The Scriptures plainly declare that.

42 Now if you've got Eternal Life tonight, if we have Eternal Life, then we always were, because there is only one form of Eternal Life. We always were. And the reason we were, because we are a part of God. And God is the only thing that's Eternal.

43And like as Melchisedec received tithes from Abraham, and it was lotted to his great-grandson, Levi, who was yet in the loins of Abraham; paid tithes, for he was yet in the loins of Abraham when he met Melchisedec. I want to speak on that over at the other place, one morning. Who Is This Melchisedec? Now notice that. Way back, God knew this boy coming down. He knowed all things.

44Now we are a part of God. You always was. You don't remember it, because you were only an attribute in God. You were only in His thinking. Your very name, if it ever was on the Book of Life, it was put there before the foundation of the world. He knew what you were.

45 I'm only saying this, not to mix up doctrine, but to straighten it out, that we might get away from this fear and scare. You don't know who you are. You are not going to be, but now you are the sons of God. See, you always were the sons of God. See?

46For when God had you in His thinking at the beginning, you have to be, some part of you, your Life that's in you now, had to be with God before there. Well, when He, before He even become material here on earth, before there was anything, but God, you were one of His attributes. He knowed what your name would be. He knowed the color of hair you would have. He knowed all about you. The only thing happened is when you, being a sinner...

47 Many of you can--can fellowship with me on this thought. When you was a little boy, or a little girl, you would walk around and there would be certain things that would just, where it wouldn't bother the other kids, it seemed like there was something in you that cried out. There was God somewhere, yet you were a sinner. You remember that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Certainly. Now what was that? That was that little form of Life in you then.

48And then after a while, you heard the Gospel. Maybe you went to church, you picked out this and that, and went from denomination to denomination. But one day, you being part of God, you had to be part of the Word. And when you heard the Word, you know where you come from, you knowed what was the Truth. You were always, the seed was in you always. The Word seen the Word that was in you, that was before the foundation of the world, saw the Word and you come to It.

49 Like my little eagle story, of how the little eagle was hatched out under a hen. And the little fellow walked with the chickens, he, the hen clucked, and he didn't understand her clucking. And--and the little chickens, their diet they had in the barnyard, he--he didn't understand that, how that they did that. But there was something in him, seemed to be different from what that chicken was, because at the beginning he was a eagle. That's right. One day his mama come hunting him, and, when he heard that scream of the eagle, it was different from the cluck of the hen.

50And that's the way it is with every born-again believer. You can hear all the theology you want to, and all the man-made discrepancy; but when that Word flashes out there, then there is something takes a hold, you come to It. "You who were once dead in sin (that life) has He quickened." There has to be a Life there to quicken to, first. God, by His foreknowledge, knowed all things. And we were predestinated to be sons and daughters of God. "Ye who were once dead in sin and trespasses, wherein we all had our times past, but hath He quickened."

51 Look at Paul, when Paul was a great theologian. But when he come face to face with that Word, Jesus, it quickened. He come to Life right quick, because he was ordained to be that. The... He was part of the Word; and when the Word saw the Word, it was his nature. All the clucking of the hens, in the orthodox churches, didn't have no effect upon him; he had saw the Word. It was part of him. He was an eagle. He wasn't a chicken; he was just in the barnyard with them. But he was a eagle, to begin with.

52 I heard a similar little story, I hope it don't sound sacrilegious, about a little duck being born under a hen, one time. He couldn't understand. A funny-looking little fellow, odd guy, and he couldn't understand the dust and everything. They were playing in the barnyard. But one day the old hen led the little brood out behind the barn, and he got a smell of water. Well, he took out towards that water as hard as he could go. Why? He had never been on a pond before. He had never been in the water. But he was a duck, to begin with. Only thing he had to do was come to himself.

53That's the same thing the believer is. There is something in him, that, when he meets God face to face, he comes to himself. That seed is in him, and it's quickened. My, that's right, and he flies away from the things of the world. They become dead to him. My, I remember, we all had our life, in the past, in those things of the world. But once we got a hold of that real Thing, something that quickened us, a little seed that come to Life, then all the things of the world rotted right there. We had no more desire of it.

54 "He that's born of God, doth not commit sin. The worshiper once purged has no more conscience of sin, no more desire to sin." The sin question is over. You become a part of God, in Christ. Christ died to redeem you.

55Now just think of all that we would have been if it hadn't been for God. But God, in His rich mercy, how He has redeemed us tonight! Where would we have been tonight if it hadn't been for God's rich mercy upon us?

56Once the world was so sinful, that man had caused corruption to come upon the earth until it even grieved God that He ever made man. The whole head was a putrefied sore, the whole body, and God even grieved that He ever made a man. So He said, "I will destroy man who I have created." He will destroy them because he has nothing but just a bunch of corruption.

57And the whole human race would have been wiped out at that time, but God, rich in mercy, would not let the innocent perish with the guilty. And He went away and made a provided way for the ones that wanted to come in, that wanted to do what was right. He, made a way of mercy for those who desired mercy, and He prepared an ark. In other words, He put some wings on His eagles, that they could fly above the judgment, and not drown with the chickens. But He--He made a way of an escape, in the days of Noah. This caused Him to do that, to provide it, because He was rich in mercy.

58 But after He has provided a way for people and then they refuse it, now, the reason they refuse it is because there is nothing in there to receive it. There is nothing to receive it. My mother used to say, "You cannot get blood from a turnip, because there is no blood in a turnip." So if there is no form of Life in there to receive It, then It cannot be received.

59That's the reason the Pharisees could look right in the face of Jesus, and call Him, "Beelzebub," because there was nothing in them to receive Him. "But all the Father has given Me," He said, "will come to Me." There--there is some way it's going to be presented.

60 You can talk to people sometime on the streets, talk to them about the Lord, they laugh right in your face. Well, we're supposed to do it, anyhow. But listen, "There is no man can come to Me except My Father draws him first." God has to do the drawing. There has to be a Life. "And all that He has given Me, will come to Me."

61He made a provision for those who wants to be redeemed. He made a provision for those who wants to be healed. And then because that He did this, makes Him rich in mercy, as He has always been rich in mercy. It must be, if you refuse This, there is nothing left but the Judgment, because sin must be judged.

62Pharaoh, when he went into the--the sea, as an impersonator, seeing that he could go in like Moses did. Moses with his army, and Pharaoh with his army, both of them should have perished in the sea, looked like. But God, rich in mercy, made a way of escape for the Hebrew children, (why?) because they were following in the line of duty, they were following in the Word.

63Now that's the only way to obtain mercy, is to follow the instructions that God has give us to follow in. That's the only way He can show mercy, is when we follow what He said do.

64 As the little debate not long ago, with a minister that said that I was teaching an apostolic Doctrine in this day. I believe I spoke of it a night or two ago, or sometime, about how he said, "You're trying to inject, into this age, an apostolic Doctrine." He said, "The apostolic age ceased, with the apostles."

And I asked him, "Well, do you believe the Word?"

He said, "Yes."

65I said, "Revelation 22:18 says, that, 'Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It,' not just two words; one Word, take one Word out."

Said, "I believe that."

66I said, "Then I can tell you where the apostolic age was given, the apostolic Blessings was given to the Church; now you tell me where God taken it out of the Church, by the Word. You can't do it; it's not there." I said, "Now remember, that Peter, on the Day of Pentecost, he was the--the introducer of the apostolic age. And he told them all to, 'Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.'"

67 Now if you want to listen to the clucking of some denominational hen, and live back out there in the things of the world, then it goes to show that there is something wrong. Because, That is the Word. "Whosoever will, may come." And if you've got a will, you should come. But if you haven't no will, then you're in a sad condition. But if you've got a will to come, come follow God's formula!

68And He never fails to fulfill what He promised. I once was young, and now I'm old, I've never seen Him fail in His Word. Because, He can do anything but fail. He cannot fail. God cannot. It's impossible for God to fail, and remain God. He has to, to do that.

69 Now Pharaoh's army tried to impersonate, because they wasn't called and they had not that Life. Into the... The promise wasn't given to Pharaoh. The promise wasn't give him for a promised land.

70And an impersonator, trying to follow a real believer who is called to such, only makes a mockery out of it. That's what's the matter with our religious system today, is too many people trying to impersonate the Holy Spirit, too many people trying to impersonate the baptism, too many people trying to impersonate the apostolic age. It's for believers, and that alone. God has made a way, rich in mercy, that His children would not perish. He has made a way for them.

71Now, Pharaoh trying to pursue on, he drowned in the very waters that saved Moses and his group. Now, Moses did not drown, because God is rich in mercy to them who are following His provided way. Amen.

72Can you see what I mean? That, tonight, people who don't believe in Divine healing, people who do not believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, how can they receive anything? God is rich in mercy to those who will follow after Him; not after a creed, but after God.

73 God is the Word, and It was made flesh and dwelt among us, now, that He might bring forth the other attributes of God. The body, Jesus, was the body of God, an attribute. Moses seen Him pass, the back part of Him; no man had seen His face. But now we seen Him, we have beheld Him, see Him as the Sacrifice. Now, see, He was an attribute of God, being displayed, the Word. That's what He was.

74And when any believer comes to God, he becomes God's attribute of His Word, he is used to manifest the Word that's promised for that day. See? That's right. God, rich in mercy, has never left us without a testimony. He is rich in mercy.

75 We find now that God was so merciful to Moses out there in that dead sea, out in the Red Sea out there, rather. Then when He said here, in Exodus 19:4, He said, "I carried you away on eagles' wings, brought you to Myself. Carried them on eagles' wings, and brought you to Myself!" There was other men in the middle of that sea out there, also, trying to impersonate. But what? "He carried them on eagles' wings."

76Now God always likens His prophets to eagles. And what was it? Moses was His messenger. And they were following Moses, and that was the eagles' wings that they were carried on, because he was packing God's message. And the people followed that. They were following God as they followed Moses with His message of deliverance. And the Bible said that, "He, they perished not with them who believed not." Cause, God was rich in mercy to them, because they were following His commandments. God wants us to follow His commandments.

77 We could say the same about Korah and about Dathan and their gang of unbelieving people, as they tried to impersonate. They tried to inflict something into God's program. They didn't like a one-man program. They didn't like that. They had to have something to do. Korah said, "Why, there is more holy men than you, Moses. You act like you're the only beach on the... or the only pebble on the beach, rather." And said, "I--I... you oughtn't to do that. And there is more men here."

78And Moses knowed that he was to carry those children over into the promised land, because the promise was given to him. And he must pack them to the promised land.

79 And, today, the Holy Spirit is here to vindicate God's Word, and that's the eagle wing that we're supposed to ride on; not some man-made theology. But we are to ride upon the wings of the eagle, to the promised Land.

80And here they was going to get a bunch of chickens out there, Korah thought, you know, to come around, impersonate this, the eagle. And when they did, God said, "Separate yourself from them," and He swallowed up the world. He would have swallowed up the whole thing, the whole creation, but God was rich in mercy to those who are trying to follow His Word. Always, God rich in mercy. Many of them come over on the side with Moses, and God opened up the earth and swallowed up the unbeliever. He, the--the unbeliever, will always perish.

81 Those who did not believe, though they come out and walked for a while, but, they, Jesus said, "They are, every one, dead." Dead is "annihilation." They are dead. Just think of them. They come out, seen the miracles of God, seen the great hand of God, enjoyed the manna; and got out there and listened to a man named Balaam, that perverted the way of God, by his teaching contrary to the Word, "We are all brethren, so let's just all get together."

82That's another Balaam system rising up, today, "Let's all get together." It will not work. Let's walk with the Eagle, Jehovah Eagle. You are eaglets.

83There's only three saved out of the entire group; Moses, Caleb, and Joshua. The rest of them perished in the wilderness; Jesus said so, in Saint John the 6th chapter. God, in mercy, would not let them perish, because, with the rest of the unbelievers. They all died right there in the wilderness, and they are dead. God saved Moses and the eagle believers, because that they had respect to His Word.

84 And today, friend, the only way that we can ever have favor with God; God is rich in mercy, today, but we've got to respect what He said about it. You just can't take what somebody else said. You've got to take what God said. He said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine true."

85Today we are told that, "All you have to do," in many places, "is join church, have a creed, or something like that; or say a prayer, or put your name on a book, or be sprinkled or baptized a certain way, or something like that. That's all you have to do." But that's wrong.

86To be an eagle of God, you've got to follow the Word, day by day. You've got to continue, feed upon the Word.

87 Now we find them, after this time, murmuring again, weakened in faith, after God had showed mercy to them. And we find them murmuring with God, and, when they did, they were dying with snake bites. Well, they deserved it. They certainly did. Anybody that would mistake God's Word and do these things that they did, they deserved to die. Every one of them desire, deserved to die in the wilderness.

88But when they were so sick that even doctor Moses and none of them could do anything about it, and they were dying by the thousands; but God, rich in mercy, He made a way of escape for those who would believe Him. He made an antidote for it, by setting up a brass serpent. God in His rich... God made a way of escape so His believing children could be healed.

89God is interested in everything that's wrong, everything that you anticipate in. Every walk of life, God is interested in you. You are His child, and He is rich in mercy. He wants to do for you.

90 The people sinned later, by taking this same thing that God had made an atonement for them, by the brass serpent, which represented sin already judged, and they idolized that gift. And that sinned again. "God will not share His glory with nobody." Therefore, we can't have no two, three, four gods. There is only one God. He'll not share His glory with anything else. He is God, alone, see; so as the heathens have many gods. We have the one God, and He will not share His glory with another, neither will He let anything be an idol in front of Him. Even though He had made an atonement for the people, and it was God's Word, it was right; but when they become to idolizing that, then they got in trouble.

91 Now that's just the same thing, I think, that's happened to our church ages. God sent us the message of Martin Luther with his message, John Wesley, the pentecostal message, but what did we do with it? The very same thing that they did with that brass serpent, we idolized it, "I belong to this, and I belong to that." You see, you belong to something without the sincerity that's connected with genuine godly worship of the Word.

92What happened? The Bible, we are told in the Bible, that, "The prophet took that idol and destroyed it." Hallelujah!

93What we need on the scene today is a prophet that will destroy the idol of denominations, that thinks they're going into Heaven upon belonging to some creed or a denomination; needs to be destroyed and burnt up, throwed away. God is full of mercy. He is rich in mercy. In the day that when we would have all been in that chaos of darkness out there, but God, rich in mercy, has sent us the real genuine Holy Ghost, with His Own interpretation to It, right here in the building every night. God, rich in His mercy, how wonderful we find Him to be! Yes, sir.

94Now all they thought they could do was to just go to this snake, or this little thing that God had made out there, had Moses to make and hang on a pole, and they could be healed without any sincerity. They just stood and looked at it. And they got to idolizing it, and God sent a prophet along and destroyed it.

95 Now, all that refused to look at that serpent in the wilderness, they perished. Now God makes a way, but if you refuse to look at it, if you will sit across the street, if you will hold onto some creed and refuse to look straight into the Word and see whether It's right or not; all that refused to look, they perished. And God is a never-changing God. And all who refused to look, perished. So is it today, the same thing.

96Then the people sinned later, and as they've always did, and made the idol out of--out of it, making it a--a--a... get, trying to get healing without sincerity, and they "belonged to something," and the way we do today. And now we see then, the difference of it, was, that God...

97It was a good atonement and a good sign for that time. That time, it was all right. But it was just to be for that time, for that journey. That's all it will work for, that journey.

98 And the message that Martin Luther brought, of justification, was all right for Luther's age. That's as far as it went.

99Sanctification was fine in Wesley's age. That's as far as it went.

100Then we come into the pentecostal age. And the restoration of the gifts is a very fine thing, it was fine in the age, but we are going beyond that now. We are beyond that, just as sure as there is a world. We've got to become beyond this thing, because we have done the same thing with it that they did before, make an idol out of it. "I belong to this order of it, I belong to that order of it."

101God will send somebody that will smash the thing and tear it to pieces, and confirm His Word, the full Word. Notice. Praise be to God! Now we see that that's true. God, rich in His mercy!

102 Then when the prophet destroyed this, it left them without any sign of healing, of an atonement, because their idol was destroyed. But God, rich in mercy, made them another one. And what did He do, that? He troubled water at the pool at the temple, and many come and was healed, by stepping into this water. Jesus came down to this same pool, and saw a man that had been laying there for a number of years, waiting for the troubling of the water. See God, rich in mercy! Although they idolized that thing, although the prophet had to tear it up, God made another way for them, 'cause He's rich in mercy. He wants them to be healed, and He made a way for their healing.

103Now, then that went on, the world become more sinful and more sinful, all the time. And finally the world got so sinful that God could have destroyed it, He said in Malachi 4, "unless I come and to smite the earth with a curse." He could have done it; just the question.

104 But then God, rich in mercy, He sent forth a Saviour, Jesus Christ. He sent forth Jesus to be both Saviour and healer. For He said, "As Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up," for the same purpose. He, the atonement, that's what we have claim upon, nothing but the atonement. What Jesus purchased by His Blood, that's what we have claims upon. And the Bible said, "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we were healed." That's what we can claim, because that's what the atonement, that we stand for, ordered for us. God, rich in mercy!

105This was to be an Eternal atonement, because He came Himself. God came Himself, in the form of sinful flesh, to make a--a--a--an Eternal atonement; and suffered in the flesh, and made the atonement; and returned back in the form of the Holy Ghost, to confirm that atonement. Where no brass serpent or no trouble's water could do it, it all pointed to that perfect Atonement. God, rich in His mercy, has did this.

106 Now, today, being it's the day that we are living in, we have come through these church ages and explained everything away from That. Our theologians of the day has far lost that side of It. They explain It all away, to some other day, some other age, some other something, way back, from long ago. And Divine healing was just about played out, hardly found anybody who would believe it. They made fun of it. Not no more than about twenty years ago, they were making fun of it. The Pentecostals had practically got away from it. They started in the early days, but they got away from it.

107Look how they did. Now they got denominational wild, running out to make them each a creed, and so forth. Except, instead of accepting Light, as Light come in; they organized and made themselves creeds, each one coming around, making himself a doctrine and staying in that doctrine. And then they got so much took away till the Holy Spirit couldn't get into the church. They just become another idol like a brass serpent, it become a--an idolatry. Every fellow said, "I am belong to this, and I belong to that." It was an idolatry. What a mess we were in, at the end time.

108But God, rich in His mercy, has sent back the Holy Spirit upon us, and vindicating His Word tonight as He promised He would do. God promised He would do these things. Look what He did!

109 Look what He did, how now we can see how He promised each age a certain thing to happen. And we find out that it happened just exactly like it, that He said that He would do, because He is rich in His mercy, to always have mercy to fulfill every Word that He has promised. He has to do it, and always, in order to stay God. Always He does this, His Word always comes to pass in Its season. His seed that He has sowed into the earth. What did He do? He put it here in the Word, and that's a seed. And every time the age comes along, that seed ripens up, and then a reformation comes forth. And He promised it, and it does that.

110Now we did not deserve these things. We did not deserve these blessings of God, because we had went out after the things of the world, went in the error of Cain. Cain, building a nice altar and a nice church, and putting flowers upon it, and thought that's exactly what it was, "It was a bunch of apples or pears, or pomegranates, or whatever it was," that his father and mother had eat in the garden of Eden, that run them out. And so he offered that back to God, and God rejected it.

111 "But Abel by faith offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain."

112And, today, the Bible said in Jude, that, "They have run in the way of Cain; perished in the gainsaying of Korah." See, "run in the way of Cain," building altars, building churches, denominations, making it flowery, big, more members than the rest of them; taking in things, anything that come along and that jumped up-and-down, or shook hands, or was baptized a certain way, or spoke in tongues, or run through the floor, they put their name on the book. That's right. And then turn on the real Truth that be preached, and deny It. How can it be so? Notice what a mess we were in! Notice.

113And the Bible said, "And they went in the way of Balaam, and perished in the gainsaying of Korah." Perished in the gainsaying! What was the gainsaying of Korah? "Why, you think you're the only holy man? Why, God's... All of us are holy. The whole church is all right. Every... All of us get together, that's what we ought to do." That's where they perish, in that. And we truly deserved it. We deserved to be that.

114But God, rich in mercy, has pulled us out of that chaos and let us see it before the thing hits here. Rich in His mercy, and sent us back a revival of Divine healing, and the coming again of the Power of God. According to history, no revival ever lasted over three years. This revival carried for fifteen years, it's been a burning fires, around and around the world. Why, because we deserved it? God, rich in His mercy, not because we desired it or because we deserved it, rather. Just think of what it's done!

115 I think of one of your sisters right here in Phoenix, that many of you know, Mrs. Hattie Waldrop, she had cancer of the heart. And she was in the prayer line up here when Brother Moore and I were here the first time, about fifteen, eighteen years ago. And she was dying, with cancer of the heart, and she should have been dead a long time ago. But God, rich in mercy, sent His Power upon her. And He saved her life, and she is living today. God rich in mercy!

116Congressman Upshaw, a great man. I think he was the president, or something, of the--of the Baptist, Southern Baptist Convention, at one time, or vice-president or something. He had done all. He was a good man. He did all that he knowed how to do. He had went to every doctor. Nobody could do nothing for him. He was bound down. Ministers had prayed for him. He had had a gallon of oil poured on his head, anointing, of different ministers everywhere.

117 One night, Los Angeles, California, walking up to the pulpit, look at a bunch of wheel chairs about twice, three times, to what's sitting there, all up-and-down the aisles, back and forth. And then there laid over there a cot with a little colored girl in it, little Negro girl, and her--her mother was sitting by her. And my brother had bringing the prayer line up.

118And I was looking, knowing not what was going on. And I seen a doctor, with tortoise-shell glasses, operating on a little negro girl, for a throat condition, and she paralyzed. And I looked around, I thought, "Where is the child at?" I couldn't see her.

119After a while, way down there, no hope, lovely little girl about seven or eight years old, to be paralyzed the rest of her life. And there was her mother down there on her knees, praying. Then I said, "This doctor operated on your little girl," and described.

She said, "That's right, sir."

120Then she tried to get the baby to the platform. They told her not to do it. They tried to quieten her down. About time they got her quiet, I thought, "Well, we'll get a chance to pray for her." In a few minutes... Maybe people right here was there that night.

121And I was looking out over the audience, I seen that little girl going down, looked like through a--a little narrow road, with a doll in her arms, rocking that doll. No matter how much the doctor said that she was going to be paralyzed the rest of her life; God, rich in mercy, sent down the Holy Spirit, by a vision, and that little girl got up out of there, and she and her mother took hold of hands and walked down through that aisle, praising God.

122 Way back there sat an old man, Congressman Upshaw, many of you knows his testimony. He had been a good man, tried all of his life, sixty-six years an invalid in a wheel chair, pushed in bed; crutches under his arms, that he walked with, never no more to walk normal. And there he sat there, looking on that. And all of a sudden, I looked out and saw a vision. Here he come, walking down across the top of that audience, bowing his head, could walk as good as anybody. I didn't know who the man was.

123I said, "There is a great man sitting back there. He fell off of a wagon when he was a little boy, onto a hay frame, and hurt his back. They bored holes in the floor, to keep the vibration, when the people walked, from striking on his back." I said, "He becomes a great man, and he keeps growing greater. He is sitting in a great circle at the White House."

124And then this man come and told me, said, "That's Congressman Upshaw. Did you ever hear him?"

I said, "Never heard of him."

125And so he run a little extension mike back there and they was talking, back and forth.

126 Then I started to look around, and I seen the old Congressman coming, walking towards me, in a vision, just as perfect and normal as he could be. God, rich in mercy, pulled him from that wheel chair, and he walked without crutches till the day he died. God rich in mercy! When doctors had failed, when science had failed, when everything else had failed, God was rich in mercy to Congressman Upshaw.

127I think of myself. As a little old boy, I remember as... People call me today, "a woman-hater." The reason it was, is because I seen so much immorality out of women when I was a kid. I hated them. And I don't do that now, because I know there is some good ones. But I remember how it was so bad, so immoral. And I thought, "My, I--I'll never be around where people is at. I have no education, so I won't get any."

128 And a little old kid sitting there, not even a shirt on, with my coat pinned up like this, with a safety pin, and it real hot. And the teacher said, "William, aren't you hot with that coat on?"

129I said, "No, ma'am, I'm a little bit chilly." And she made me go over to the stove and put some wood in the stove, and I liked to have burnt up. And I--I didn't have no shirt that whole season through.

130And I thought, "If I could ever get the money, sometime that I could get a little, get me a thirty-thirty rifle," I'd come out West here and live out here and hunt, for the rest of my life. I didn't want nothing to do with people. Just stay away, because they didn't like me, and--and I'd just stay away from them.

131And then every time I'd go downtown, to talk to anybody, see some fellows on the street, I knew. I'd say, "Hello there, John, Jim! How are you?"

"Oh, hello."

132See, they didn't want to talk to me, didn't want nothing to do with me, because of my daddy and them that made whiskey. And I--I didn't do that. It wasn't nothing I done. And I would have been that type.

133 But now I said to my wife, not long ago, "My wall is plastered with the best guns that can be bought." Oh, and I think of them old dirty clothes. Tonight I got two or three good suits. And no friends? I have to hide out in the wilderness, to keep away from people. What's the matter, is it because of my personality, is it because of my education? No. God, rich in mercy, saw me in that condition and He saved me.

134I remember being led by the arms, as a blind man. I could not see. Everything in front of me was a blur; I would be blind the rest of my life. But God, rich in mercy, restored back my sight. I'm fifty-five years old, and still got good sight. God, rich in mercy, is the only thing that I can say.

135 Once the church had no provided way of healing. They had one, but they turned it down. But God, rich in mercy, has sent them a gift of Divine healing. That is the Holy Spirit among us, confirming the Word with signs following. God rich in mercy!

136I have two or three pages here of these notes, but I ain't going to try to strike them, because I'm--I'm conscious that it's almost time to start that prayer line. But God rich in His mercy!

137Many of you here tonight, the doctors turned you down. There is people sitting in them wheel chairs, they'll probably never come out of there. They are there to stay. Some of them, paralyzed in different ways, they (would never) couldn't come out, there is no way for them to come out. But God, rich in His mercy, has provided an atonement. Don't turn it down. Receive it. There is men out there with heart trouble, there is people with cancers, that the doctors can do nothing with. You are hopeless, helpless, in this world.

138 But God, rich in His mercy, has sent down the Holy Ghost, and is right here now to confirm the Word, to prove that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Because we deserve it? Because God is rich in His mercy! Amen. Now that's the One, that's the Person, It's that Lord Jesus. He is not dead, but He has risen from the dead, and He is alive forevermore.

139He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, still just as rich in His mercy as He was to the woman that had a blood issue. And she started through the crowd. There was no hopes for her, the doctors had done all they could do. She had a blood issue. She was dying. And she touched the Master's garment. God, rich in mercy, turned around and told her of her condition. And she was healed of this blood issue.

140A little, foul prostitute went up to a well one day, to get some water. No hope. She had been excommunicated from the virgins, from around the people, her life was no good. And she thought, "What's the use of trying? I'm turned out, there is nothing left for me." But she looked, standing over on the side, or sitting by the side of the well, and there was a Man sitting there Who told her all things that she has ever done, God rich in His mercy.

141That same God, tonight, is just as rich in His mercy, and just the same as He was in them days. God rich. []

142 I think we have two hundred prayer cards out here, or what we've called out in two hundred. We're going to call them and let the people line up. We're going to pray for them.

143But before we do it, that there be some newcomers here, to get away from all superstitions. This is not a superstition. It is the manifestation of a promise of God. It depends on what you're looking at. No virtue in any man. There is no power in no man. But we as believers have authority; not power, but authority.

144Someone asked me, not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, you believe you got power to do this?"

145I said, "I ain't got no power, at all, but I've got authority." Every believer has it. If you refuse it, you'll stay where you're at. But if you'll accept it, it'll do the exceeding abundance, because God is rich in His mercy.

146 Take a little policeman standing out here on the street, his clothes hanging half off of him, he is so skinny. The cap has got his ears pulled down. And he walk out there where cars are coming down that street, at fifty miles an hour, three hundred horse power motors in it. He hasn't got the power to stop a bicycle. That's right. But just let him blow that whistle and hold up that hand, and watch the brakes squeak. He hasn't got power, but he has got authority. The whole city is behind him.

147And when a man or a woman, I don't care what condition you're in, you've got the authority of God, by a promise, because He is rich and promised to do the exceedingly abundantly. "If you say to this mountain, 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you've said." You got no power, but you got authority.

148Remember when He told me back there, said, "You'll be able to reveal the secrets of the hearts." For He... You remember that, many of you Phoenix people? He promised it. What He promises, He does.

149 Now there is some of you here that hasn't got prayer cards, and no doubt. How many is sick and don't have prayer cards, raise up your hands? Sure. All right. If you want to know, not authority... not power, but the authority of the Word, "The things that I do, shall you also."

150Jesus promised, in Luke 17:30, that just before His Coming, there would be like the time of Moses... or Noah, "When they were eating and drinking, and given in marriage; and knew not till the day that Noah entered into the ark." He said there would be that time. Then He said also, "As it was in the days of Lot," and said, "this will take place in that day when the Son of man shall be revealed, when the Son of man is revealed in the last days."

151 Now look what He, how the Son of man revealed Himself in the person of this Angel, which was the Son of man. Absolutely. Abraham called Him, "Elohim." He was the Son of man, revealed Himself just before the Gentile world was burned. How did He do it? To the believer. To the make-believer, He sent two preachers down to preach to them. But to the real believer, He stood with His back to the tent, and He said, "Abraham." He was Abram the day... a few days before, that. But now he is Abraham. "Where is thy wife, Sarah?"

152Said, "She is in the tent, behind You."

153Said, "I'm going to keep My promise to you. I'm going to visit you."

154Oh, Abraham was a hundred years old, and Sarah was ninety; but God, rich in mercy, kept His promise. It brought the baby, 'cause God is merciful, and He full of mercy. He is rich in mercy. He keeps His promise.

155 Notice, with His back turned to the tent, Sarah laughed and said, "How could these things be? I'm old. How can I have pleasure with my husband, as a young married woman? Why, he is a hundred years old. Our family relationship has ceased, many, many years ago. How could this be?" And she laughed about it.

156And the Angel with... the Son of man with His back turned to the--to the tent, said, "Why did Sarah laugh, say, 'How can these things be?'"

157What was it? Jesus said, in Saint Luke 17:30, that, "In the days like it was in the days of Lot," same situation, before the Gentile world is burned up, He said, "the Son of man will reveal Himself in that day." He made the promise, that Malachi 4 promised us it would say. A Message would come forth that would restore the people back to the original pentecostal Message, and with the same blessings they had on the day of... What is it? It's a two-winged eagle, both New and Old Testament, flopping its promises together, of God, to fulfill what the promises of the Bible said it would do. Amen.

158 God, rich in mercy, would not let His people go out in this denominational, "rich in goods and things of the world," Laodicean Church Age, but He would make a way of escape. Believe it, people. God bless you. Amen. God rich in mercy! The mercies of God, that's the only thing that I desire. Not His righteousness, not His law; but His mercy is what I call for. God be merciful to me. We all have that feeling.

159I was watching. There is a little woman sitting out here on the end of the seat. Do you have a prayer card out there, lady? You don't. Let me show you God is rich in mercy. You've been real nervous here lately, haven't you? Real bad, and your eyes has gotten worse. Isn't that right? That's right. Now they're going to change. God, rich in His mercy, by asking you if you would believe this. Now you have no prayer card, you have nothing; but you don't need it. See, it's grace that's bestowed to you.

160 There sits a little bitty fellow sitting right there in front, with kind of a... sitting right out here. He is suffering with a growth on his body. It's just recently come on there, recently. Isn't that right, sir? That's right. You don't know what it is. You're scared of it. That's right. It was caused from a bruise, wasn't it? Have you a prayer card? You don't have no prayer card. You don't need one. God rich in His mercy!

161Oh, brother, sister, believe God! Don't doubt Him. Believe Him! That's right.

162Here sits a man, gray suit, glasses on. Look at here, sir. Do you believe? God is rich in His mercy. You're sitting there with a hernia. Do you believe that God can heal that hernia and make you well? Sitting right here on the end of the seat, looking at me. If you believe that God can heal that hernia, God will do that to you if you'll accept it. Do you believe it? Will you accept it? All right. You can have it if you'll just believe it, have mercy. Yes, sir.

163 Here is a lady sitting out here, she is suffering with poor circulation in her body. But if she will believe, God will heal her, if she believes it. I believe she is going to miss it, as sure as anything. Have mercy, is my prayer. I could faintly see the woman's... Mrs. Riley, do you believe that God can heal that poor circulation? If you will, receive it! Amen. Just believe. God is good, isn't He, Stella? Yeah. That's right. I never seen the woman in my life. But, God, in His mercy!

164Here sits another woman, sitting right back behind there, right in the back, looking right at me. She, also, she has got poor circulation, too. She was thinking about it just then. I never seen the woman in my life. Being that this other woman had the same thing, look at me. Do you believe me to be God's prophet, or His servant? You also have heart trouble. If that's right, raise up your hand. You don't have it now. God, rich in His mercy, is showing forth that He is alive here in the building tonight. God rich in His mercy! Amen.

165 Could there be, how many sinners and backsliders would stand to your feet, and say, "God, rich in His mercy, be merciful to me"? Stand to your feet. I'll pray for you, if you believe that He want... you want mercy now. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you, you. Backslider, raise to your feet. God rich in His mercy! Are you--you...

166Surely you've not gotten so numb, in this condition, that you can't see that that's the very promise of the hour. Surely you ain't got so wrapped up in denomination, and other things, that you can't see that this is the promise of the hour, God rich in mercy.

167Ever who you was, that stood up, I'm going to pray just in a minute. I want you to make your way to some good full Gospel church and--and be--and be baptized in Christian baptism, God give you the Holy Ghost.

168 Is there another will stand to your feet, and say, "Me, I want to be remembered. God, in Your mercy, remember me. I haven't lived like I should. Maybe..."? God bless you, lady. And God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. That's right. "God, rich in His mercy, have mercy on me." God bless you, sister. Is there...

169How many more is in here, say, "I'll stand. I want God to know that I want mercy. I haven't lived right. I have lived this way and that way. I've been up and down, but I want His mercy." God bless you, brother. Someone else, say, "God rich in His mercy!" God bless you, sister. God bless you, sister. That's right. God rich in His mercy! God bless you, too. God bless you back there. God sees you. Just stand to your feet.

170Say, "Does it do any good, Brother Branham?" Sure. Stand up and see how much different it is.

171If you are really sincere in your heart, God is rich in mercy. "He is not willing that any should perish, but that all might come to repentance." God rich in His mercy! O God, have mercy on us.

172 Now how many in here now, that's holding those prayer cards? What were they? A's and B's, wasn't it? A's and B's. All the people that's got prayer card A's, stand over on this side, and prayer card B will stand up behind them.

173I wonder if there is some ministers here that would like to anticipate in helping me. If they are, would like to come up, I would be glad to have your--your assistance here, for we will be glad to pray, and pray--pray with you.

174This, the Bible said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Yes, sir. "In My Name they shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues." Have we done it? By the grace of God; not us, but God rich in mercy to keep His Word. God!

175Now, the wheel chairs, if you want to put them right down here in the front; we'll pray for them right here, won't have to pull them up through that, all that aisle there. Let, all right, let them come right up here. We'll certainly pray for it, every one of us. God rich in His mercy!

176 Would you stand to the right-hand side now, for a few minutes? Did Brother Brown come with you? [A brother says, "Coming tomorrow."--Ed.] Coming tomorrow. I--I--I was in hopes he would be here. Where, where is Brother Outlaw, where is Brother Fuller? Some of them people that was up here with me when I first come, let's come back. You remember these old-fashion prayer lines, when we used to stand there till you would have to hold me on one side, and somebody on the other, I'd get so weak?

177How many has been in them meetings way back in the beginning? Look at here. You remember back there, I told you that the Lord Jesus told me that, if I'd be sincere, that these things would take place. Is that right? We never had such as that in that day. But it happened, because God is rich in His mercy, and loyal to His promise. Amen! Trying to quit, and I can't. Amen! Praise God! Hallelujah! "Oh, I'm so glad I'm one of them!" Amen. Oh, my!

There are people almost everywhere,

Whose hearts are all on flame

With the Fire that fell on Pentecost,

That cleansed and made them clean;

Oh, it's burning now within my heart,

Oh, glory to His Name!

I'm so glad that I can say I'm one of them.

178 Oh, me, a wretched, miserable, poor blinded wretch, as I was; and now by His mercy, His rich mercy, I can see the Kingdom of God in sight. Amen. How beautiful is His Commandments!

179Stand right over, my brother, on your crutch. If you can't get up, all right, stand right here, we'll come right down and pray for you.

180And now let the A's and B's, of prayer cards, get lined up over on the other side there, and we're going to pray for them.

181Minister brothers, you are certainly, if you believe in laying hands on the sick, you come right here and stand with me on this platform. We are going to pray for the sick.

182 Now to you people that's standing in that line, if you can believe the Presence of God is here, that the Holy Spirit is in our midst now, doing just exactly what He said He would do. If I had power to heal you, I would certainly do it. If I had any way of healing you, I would certainly do it. I do not have it. I... God has give a little gift.

183I'm not much of a preacher. I don't have education enough to be qualified as a preacher, what is called a preacher in these days, when the--when the experiences must be a theological experience, and it must have certain doctor's degree, and so forth. I can't qualify for that. But God, seeing my heart, and know that I want to do something for Him, I want to appreciate it.

184 A man said to me the other day, said, "I think you're just a fine man, Mr. Branham, but I believe you're sincerely wrong. You're all out of the will. Do you know you'll be condemned at the end?"

185And I said, "Look, I want to tell you something. I'm going to say that you--that you would be right, just to say for the argument's sake. If I am wrong, which I--I don't believe I am; but if I was wrong, and I knowed right now that I was going to live to be a hundred years old, and He was going to condemn me at the end of the road, and tell me, 'You don't deserve to come into My Heaven, William Branham. Get out into outer darkness.' You know what? I would serve Him every day of my life until I went, anyhow. For I have received so much of His unmerited blessings, that He is more than life to me. He is everything that I..."

186 All that I am, all that I ever could hope to be, I have derived from His grace and mercy. I was wretched, miserable, poor, blind; but by grace He has healed me, and I am strong and healthy, by the grace of God. I have good eyesight. I have eat, drink, have whatever I have need of. He never promised to supply my wants; my needs.

187And if I am cast away at that day, and I knowed... I cannot see where I would be. But if I knew that I was wrong, and God has chose me to be wrong, I would want to stay wrong, and because that I want to do His will. It's, I love Him till I want His will to be done. Now, that's a big statement, but I hope you get it in the way, the spirit I said it in. See, I want to do His will. I ask Him for something sometime, He shakes His head "no," I just rejoice so much about that as I can if He said "yes." Because, we always ought to ask, "Thy will be done." His noes is just as... if that's His will, that's just... It's a whole lot better than His yeses, if it's His will to do it. That's when you really love Him. Amen.

188 I get to talking about Him, I just can't stop. Oh, He is so real, so real to me! Friends, He's--He's all that I am, all that I ever could be, all that I ever expect to be, is grounded in Christ Jesus, His Word.

189I'm thankful tonight for the witness of the Holy Spirit, for the Message. I know it might, some might disagree with It, but as I have told you, I am duty bound to a Message. A sign went forth, and God does not send a sign just to show that He is God. A Message, a Voice always follows the sign. Anyone knows that.

190Jesus come with signs and wonders. He was a great Man when He was doing signs and wonders, but when He begin to sit down and to begin to bring the Message, "I and My Father are One," oh, my, that was wrong to them. See? But the Voice had to follow the sign.

191 Moses was given two signs, and each sign had a voice. That's right. I preached on it here sometime ago, somewhere, on, The Voice Of The Sign. It must have a--a Voice of the sign. It's a changing. Always it's that way. If it isn't, then it didn't come from God.

192If a man comes out with an odd peculiar ministry, that's found in the Bible to be the Truth, and that man stays right in that same old denominational doctrine, forget it. Nothing to it! God don't do a thing like that. That thing, that's rotten manna that's got termites in it, or wiggletails, or whatever you want to call it, from forty, fifty years ago, still trying to eat that old manna that fell way back years ago. And the children of Israel, on their journey, new manna fell every night. That's right, you couldn't keep it over.

193We don't live over some other age gone by. We're eating new Manna, fresh Manna out of Heaven, in our journey as we go on.

Let's bow our heads now.

194 Lord God, You are so real, Your Presence. I think of grace, Lord. We--we have just seen You do so many things! We've heard You speak with tongues, see You interpret it, through Your people. O God, to see You heal the sick, open up the eyes of the blind, make the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, the dumb to talk, what a great and mighty God You are!

195And then to see that You promised this in the last days. Though we have many carnal impersonations, yet it only declares that there is a real God, somewhere, that really is true. And I pray, Heavenly Father, tonight, that we will become so God-conscious that we see that You're here.

196And these people in the line, when they go through this line, Lord... for we're doing this because, that we made a promise to them. And You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe."

197Here is minister brothers standing here, men that You have chosen, before the foundation of the world, to be what they are tonight. You knew, before there was a world, that we would stand here tonight, because You are infinite.

198 So we pray, Heavenly Father, tonight, that as these sick people, crippled, blind, lame, cancer-ridden, whatever it might be, that passes through this line, may they realize that the very God that knows the secret of the heart will heal them, if they will just only accept it, only look and understand.

199The man that looked upon the brass serpent just as a priest... piece of brass, he never would be healed, because he didn't have understanding of what it was.

200And today, Lord, the same. If they look upon a gift, to think of it might be able to help them, they don't have understanding. It's only a vindication of the Presence of God that's here to heal. Grant it, Father. May it be done, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

201 I want the little pianist, if she will, man or woman, whoever it might be, to go over there and play this song, "The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus," if she will, wherever the pianist is. Now that's...

202I remember one of my first healing service, Fort Wayne, Indiana. A little Amish girl sitting, playing that piano, "The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." A little baby was brought to me on the platform, it was crippled. And while I was praying for that baby, it jumped out of my arms and run down across the platform. The mother fainted. The grandmother threw up her handkerchief, begin to cry.

203And this little Amish girl now, not knowing nothing about anything about Pentecostals, because she belonged to the Amish church; but she was playing. Her long hair fell down; she raised in the Spirit and begin to sing in unknown tongues, and the... and with the harmony of that song. And them piano keys moved up-and-down, playing, "The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." Amen! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

204 Now let us pray now as... Now let's everybody out there pray. You people coming through the line, when we lay hands upon you, remember, Jesus said, "If you would believe it, you would be well." You believe it? Now let's all sing now.

The great Physician now is near,

The sympathizing Jesus,

He speaks... (Let's just close our eyes now as we sing)... hearts to cheer,

Oh, hear the voice of Jesus.

Sweetest note in seraph song,

Sweetest name on mortal tongue,

Sweetest... (Father God, move upon the people now)... sung,

O Jesus, blessed Jesus.

205"The great..." Now as you walk through now, He is here. Take my word, or you believe it yourself, He is here. Everybody in prayer out there now for the people.

206 [Brother Branham and ministers pray for the sick while Brother Borders leads the congregation in singing.]

O Lord, I believe; O Lord, I believe;

All things are possible, O Lord, I believe.

207All that believe, raise your hand like this, say, "I believe." [Congregation says, "I believe."--Ed.]

208Here sits a man sitting here. The reason I was extent; talking, he is dying with cancer. He is on this crutch. There is no way in the world for the man to live, outside of God. He has got cancer all through the bowels, and he is going to die if it isn't for the mercy of God. And I wish I could just... []... word of encouragement to this man.

209You, you know the doctors can do nothing for you now. You're beyond that, see. And you're... You only got one chance, and that is in Christ, see. And, brother, you... I'll die one day, too. You'll have to go, if Jesus tarries. I've got to meet you over there, stand there at the Judgment Bar. And this night...

210 You know, like in television, television has picked up that every time we even move our finger, anything, it's on record. Every word we say, is on record. Now, see, television has proven that. Now, television doesn't manufacture a picture, it only channels that wave into the television. See, it doesn't make it. There was television when Adam walked on earth, there was television when--when Moses come through the Red Sea, there was television when Elijah was on Mount Carmel, see, but they just now discovered it. See? And now everywhere I...

211Every move we make, and every sound, it's playing a record that will meet us at the Judgment. Every move we make has got to meet us there. I've got to answer for the words that I say to you, as a minister. I've got to do it, because God will hold me responsible to it.

212 Now if I could, I'd make you well; 'cause you just got a little time, if not for God. Now, I've come down and prayed over you, all I knowed how to do. Brother, anything in the world, I could do for a man sitting there in that condition, I would do it.

213And let me ask you, see. You--you--you are already healed, because Jesus said you was. See, "By His stripes we were healed." Now if you could, from the bottom of your heart, accept that, you'll not die now, but you'll live.

214Now, see, now we know that television is coming through this room. We know that. We don't see it. We can't see it, our eyes are not made, our senses can't pick it up. It takes a manufactured tube, or whatever it is, crystal, to pick that up.

215So is God present. We don't see Him, but we know He is here. Jesus Christ is the same. Look, He just declared Himself, how He makes Hisself. Now, as far as healing, if He was standing right here now, He could do no more for you, see, not another thing. If the Son of God was standing right here, which He is, He is here, but He couldn't do no more for you, because He has already identified Himself here. See? And He is here right now, just the same, to heal you and make you well.

216 And that little lady there told me, said, "You asked the blessing, and prophesied or something," over her, that she would have a baby, sitting in that wheel chair. And she did, she had her baby.

217And now the little lady sitting here. Now she had a goiter operation, and it paralyzed her. Well, we just see so much of them things happen. Now, little, sister, I know you're a genuine Christian. Why God has let you sit there, I don't know. I believe, maybe, it's because that you have... Faith, you--you're trying to have faith, to get out of there, see; but now look, let's just not try to have it, let's just have it now, see, we just--we just going to be there. That's all there is to it, it's going to start right now, and we're going to get well. And you people out there in those chairs, what, or--or whatever you are, just remember that Christ is present.

218 Now you say, "Is there somebody, do you see my picture is coming through." Oh, yes.

219Even the Words of Jesus Christ, that He spoke when He was here on earth, is passing right through this room. It never dies. How many knows that's scientifically the truth? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, what is it? Then the Spirit picks up that Word that's been written, and makes It manifest. Oh, glory!

220He is here. He is right here now, the Lord. We just... We have seen so much, He's done so much, till we just kind of, you know, just kind of stumble over it. If we would realize, not just some mythical something, some theological term; but the evidence that He promised He would show Himself in this day, here He is declaring it right here before us right now. What a wonderful thing! Isn't that wonderful? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

221 Now you believe. Will you believe it? Believe you're not going to die. You're going to live, and you are going to honor God. You're going to honor God. Have you ever been baptized? You're a Christian, are you? And you're a Christian. Well, you want to live for the honor of God. Then go live, my brother. In the Name of Jesus Christ, live!

222And, sister, you want to walk for the glory of God, and take care of your baby; then walk, sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ!

223You, every one of you, do the same, in the Name of Jesus Christ! Don't forget this Westward Ho Motel here tonight, the Presence of God identified here. He is no respecter of person. He only wants you to believe. Do you believe Him now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen. God bless you.

224Let us bow our heads now. I don't know who they've chose, to--to dismiss. Brother Mushegian here, come right here, brother. He is going to dismiss in prayer. God bless you.

1 Môžete si sadnúť. [prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] Bol som tak trochu pohnutý vo svojom vnútri, keď som prichádzal a videl som brata Mooreho a všetkých tu na pódiu, priateľov, ktorých poznám tak veľa rokov. Je to pravdaže privilégium vidieť ich tu dnes večer. Cítim sa taký malý, aby som sa tu postavil a hovoril s takými teológmi, ktorí sú za mnou a možno oni ma opravia, keď sa pomýlim. Dúfam, že tak.

2Sme dnes večer veľmi šťastní, že tu máme určitú osobu, sestru Rose. Išli sme dolu… Bol som dnes s Bratom Shoresom a jeho asistentom na malom obede. A na ceste dolu, brat Williams povedal, že sestra Rose je veľmi chorá. A išli sme ju na chvíľu pozrieť, pokľakli sme. A ona mala vysokú horúčku a bola skutočne chorá. Len pár slov modlitby a Pán ku nám prehovoril a povedal, „Ona bude uzdravená a zajtra večer bude tam." A ona je dnes večer tu, sedí rovno tu. Je to tak.

3 Sestra Rose, postav sa na chvíľu, tak aby oni... Sme vďační Pánovi. Ona bola pripútaná na lôžko. Ona povedala, "Ten diabol ma jednoducho všetkým ubíja. Prišla som sem a zrútila som sa s tým, "nejaký druh choroby hrdla a tak ďalej" Ale Pán ju cez to previedol, tak z toho sme šťastní. Ďakujeme drahému Pánovi.

4 No, mali sme nádherné chvíle. A zajtra večer, no, my ideme do Ramada. A nezabudnite teraz, zajtra večer to nebude tu, bude to v Ramada. A ten zjazd sa začne nasledujúci večer. Museli so mnou zaistiť ešte jeden večer, viete.

5 Tak včera večer som zašiel tak ďaleko poza mieru, že som si urobil taký malý prísľub, že zo začiatku roku, že ja jednoducho zosekám tie posolstvá z troch alebo štyroch, piatich hodín na možno tridsať alebo štyridsať minút. A ako som vám povedal včera večer, moja manželka v nedeľu poznamenala, povedala, "Skutočne sa ti dobre darilo." Tak potom som samozrejme včera večer musel prísť a zruinovať to (Vidíte?) za asi... Hovoril som päťdesiatpäť minút namiesto tridsať, včera večer.

6 Ako som včera večer išiel dolu, Billy povedal, "O čom budeš hovoriť?"

7 Povedal som, "No, mám tu zapísaných zopár malých poznámok a nejaké miesta Písma. Ja neviem, niektoré z nich, štyri alebo päť rozličných posolstiev." Povedal som, " Uvidím, keď sa tam dostanem a zistím čo sa deje."

8 Povedal, "Sľúbil si modliť sa za všetkých tých chorých ľudí."

Povedal som, "To áno. Koľko máš modlitebných kariet?

Povedal, Dvesto."

Povedal som, "Bude lepšie keď s nimi začnem dnes večer."

9 A on povedal, "No pamätaj, máš len pätnásť minút na to, aby si hovoril." Povedal, "Ten zvyšok z nich si si vyčerpal včera večer." [Brat Branham a zhromaždenie sa smejú -- pozn.prekl.] Budeme sa musieť poponáhľať, však?

10 Dobre, dali sme vám sľub, že sa budeme modliť za tých ľudí, ktorí majú modlitebné karty a pravdaže sme tomu sľubu zaviazaní. Nemôžeme všetkých previesť cez tieto modlitebné rady, a ani ja by som nebol schopný vyvolať ich jednotlivo z publika. Dokonca, hoci by mi to Duch Svätý dal, ja by som jednoducho nemohol stáť a urobiť to. Je to jednoducho na mňa príliš veľa. Ale my sme všetci s tými vecami oboznámení. Vieme, že Boh je stále Bohom. To nie je to, čo uzdravuje. To je to, čo len buduje vieru, aby nám to dovolilo poznať, že sme v Jeho prítomnosti.

11 A my sa budeme dnes večer modliť za všetkých tých chorých ľudí, za všetkých, ktorí dostali modlitebné karty, aby sa za nich modlilo. A potom, zajtra večer, tam v Ramada, pokúsime sa ich rozdať trochu viac a začneme sa za nich modliť tam, pretože mám stále ešte zajtrajší večer. A myslím, že mám jeden večer na tom kongrese, možno tiež raňajky. To závisí na tom, ako sa veci ukážu.

12 Je tam jeden z tých, jeden z tých rečníkov, ktorý sa ešte nikdy neukázal, až doteraz, myslím že nie. Brat Humburg, alebo je to...[Nejaký brat hovorí "Amburgy." -- pozn.prekl.] Amburgy, Amburgy, Kash Amburgy. Tak celé som to zle zrozumel, to je nemecké meno. Myslím, že je to nemecké meno. Tak ja to možno musím trochu... ako to my nazývame: odpáliť za neho - prepáčte za výraz.

13 Tak jednako máme nádherný čas v Pánovi. Pre vás všetkých, ak sú tu nejakí cudzí dnes večer, my sme samozrejme radi, že vás tu máme a dôverujeme, že Pán vás požehná. Modlím sa, aby tu v tejto budove neboli žiadni chorí ľudia, keď budeme dnes večer odchádzať, aby náš Pán zostúpil vo Svojej veľkej moci a uzdravil všetkých, ktorí sú chorí a strápení.

14 Tu pred nejakým časom som zvykol brať jednotlivcov na špeciálne pohovory, niektoré z tých ťažkých prípadov, cez ktoré sme sa nemohli dostať. Potom sa to zbudovalo tak rýchlo, až to jednoducho muselo byť, Pán to stále žehnal, až sme ich mali tristo alebo štyristo, ktorí na to čakali a tak potom to zraňovalo pocity ľudí, pretože oni čakali. Možno na to čakali dlhý čas, museli ste čakať možno rok alebo dva, tak aby ste ku tomu prišli (Vidíte?) jednoducho medzi zhromaždeniami, aby ste ich vzali na pohovory. A my sme len sedeli a čakali na Pána až kým nám On povedal presne o tom prípade.

15 Bez pochyby sú tu ľudia, ktorí tu sedia dnes večer, ktorí boli na tých špeciálnych pohovoroch. Sú tu? Nech vidíme, že zodvihnete svoje ruky. Na tých špeciálnych pohovoroch, áno sedia tu, tak--a viete, že to je v poriadku. My sme len čakali, aby sme uvideli čo Pán povie, čo za prípad to je... A potom som to tu musel pred nejakým časom zastaviť. Povedal som Billymu, že už viac nemôžeme mať súkromné pohovory.

16Vidíte, práve mi minulo dvadsaťpäť, nedávno, druhý krát a som na ceste ku tomu tretiemu razu. A tak ako trochu zostárnete, no, vy ne... Nejako nemôžete držať krok tak, ako ste zvykli. Vaše kroky sú kratšie. A vy... Pravdaže, brat Moore ešte nič o tom nevie. On... Myslím, že sme približne rovnako starí.

17 Ale veľa vody pretieklo riekou odkedy ty a ja a brat Brown sme sem prišli prvý krát s bratom Outlawom a bratom Garciom a bratom Fullerom. Som zvedavý, či tí ľudia sú tu dnes večer? Brat Garcia, brat Fuller, brat Outlaw, sú tu? Zodvihnite svoje ruky ak ste tu. Áno, tam je brat Fuller, myslím, ak sa nemýlim. Brat Outlaw je tam. Brat Garcia, verím, že hoci on opustil Phoenix... Myslím, že to je tak. On opustil Phoenix a býva v Californii. No, to boli pravdaže ohromné dni a ja stále verím tomu istému posolstvu, ktoré som mal vtedy: "Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Myslím, že to bolo asi... No, Becky bola malé dieťa. To je asi devätnásť rokov.

18 A teraz, ona je veľké, staré, tučné škaredé dievča, ktoré niekde tam sedí, devätnásťročné. Kde si, Becky? Chlapče, ona mi za toto dá. Pamätám sa, keď som ju nosil na rukách. Dnes večer by to bola pre mňa poriadna robota.

19 Pamätám sa na jeden večer v zbore brata Garciu, ona bola taký malý človiečik. A ja som povedal, "Dnes večer máme medzinárodné zhromaždenie." Povedal som, "Hovorím ku tým, čo hovoria španielsky." A ja som povedal, "Moja žena je Nemka." Povedal som, "Ja som Ír." A povedal som, "A moje malé dievča je Indiánka," a to bola Becky.

20 Tak, keď som odchádzal zadnými dverami, bolo tam malé mexické dievča, povedalo, "Brat Branham?"

Povedal som "Áno drahá, čo by si chcela?"

Povedala, "Nemyslíš, že tvoje dieťa je trocha bledé na to, aby bola Indiánkou?" Ona je blondína, viete.

A ja som povedal, "Jednoducho Indiánka v akcii."

21 No, my sme vďační, že sme tu znova dnes večer. No, predtým ako sa priblížime ku Slovu, priblížme sa ku Nemu, pretože On je Slovo. Keď je Slovo zamanifestované, to je On vo vás.

22 Ako sme včera večer hovorili na tému "Semeno nezhody," cenili ste si to Pánove požehnanie? Pravdaže, ja som si to cenil, že som vám mohol priniesť to posolstvo. A my vidíme čím sú tie semená.

23No, je tu dnes večer nejaká špeciálna požiadavka, skrátka niečo špeciálne? Možno niektorí z vás, ktorí budú v tejto modlitebnej rade, povedzte, "Bože, buď mi milosrdný. Keď prídem, aby sa za mňa modlili, nech moja viera povstane, aby sa stretla s tými okolnosťami." A možno niekto má niekoho koho miluje, kto je chorý, a niečo, zodvihli by ste svoju ruku tak, že by Boh jednoducho pozrel dolu a povedal... No, ak--ak to... Vy viete aký pocit to vo mne vyvoláva keď sa tam dívam. Len sa pozrite na tú potrebu, ktorá je tu. Bratia kazatelia, len sa na to pozrite. Vidíte? No, ak to spôsobuje, že ja sa takto cítim, čo to spôsobuje nášmu otcovi? Isteže. No, modlime sa.

24Drahý Ježišu, približujeme sa teraz ku veľkému trónu milosti, skrze toto všedostačujúce Meno. "Pretože nie je iné meno dané medzi ľuďmi, skrze ktoré máme byť spasení, ale len skrze toto Meno Pána Ježiša." A my prichádzame v Jeho Mene. A modlíme sa nebeský Otče, aby si nás prijal dnes večer ako Tvoje milované deti. A odpusť našu neveru Pane. Pomôž tomu, aby to mohlo byť, že budeme dnes večer úplne veriť každému Slovu Božiemu, za všetky veci, na ktoré máme potrebu.

25Ty vieš, čo je pod týmito rukami, ktoré sa zodvihli; je tam choroba, pod niektorými z nich sú možno domáce problémy, pod niektorými sú finančné problémy; niektorí sú slabí, niekto možno odpadol, niekto je hriešnik. Akákoľvek je tá potreba, Ty si viac než rovný súper každému nepriateľovi. Tak my sa modlíme, Pane, aby sme dnes večer mohli rozpoznať, že naši nepriatelia, každý jeden už bol porazený, až do samotnej smrti. A že my sme viac než premožitelia v Tom, ktorý nás miloval a dal samého seba za nás, umyl nás vo svojej Krvi.

26Modlíme sa Pane, aby všetka nevera, všetka pochybnosť, všetko znepokojenie, všetko čo sa Bohu nepáči, aby to od nás odišlo, aby Duch Svätý mohol mať prvenstvo v našich srdciach. Nech On hovorí ku nám tajomnými spôsobmi. Nech On hovorí ku nám vo Svojej moci. Nech On vzkriesi tých, ktorí sú duchovne mŕtvi, nech navráti zdravie tým, ktorí sú chorí a strápení, pozdvihne zoslabnuté kolená, unavené ruky, ktoré sú zvesené. Nech to je čas radosti.

27Nech sa to prelomí dnes večer, Pane, aby to opustilo toto miesto a vošlo do Ramada Inn a začalo jednu z najväčších konferencií, ktorá sa kedy v tomto meste odohrala. Pane, zatiaľ čo sme zhromaždení spolu a modlíme sa... Ty si povedal, "Ak ľudia, ktorí sú nazvaní Mojim menom, sa zhromaždia spolu a budú sa modliť, potom Ja vypočujem z neba." Bože, modlíme sa, aby to tak dnes večer bolo.

28Teraz Otče, ako budeme čítať tvoje Slovo, nikto Ho nemôže vykladať okrem Teba, Ty si Svoj vlastný vykladač a my sa modlíme, aby si nám vyložil tie veci, ktoré budeme dnes večer čítať. Pretože to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

29No, ak si viacerí z vás radi značia miesta Písma, ktoré kazateľ číta… A ja by som rád kvôli vám, ak by ste boli radi, aby sme sa obrátili k Efežanom.

30A minulú nedeľu som hovoril na tému Efežanov, ako tá kniha Józuu bola knihou Efežanov starej zmluvy a ako ona bola knihou vykúpenia.

31A vykúpenie má dve rozdielne časti: „vyjsť z" a „vojsť do." Najprv, vy musíte vyjsť. Niektorí ľudia chcú doniesť svet zo sebou, ale vy musíte vyjsť zo sveta, aby ste vošli do Krista. Musíte vyjsť z nevery, aby ste vošli do viery. Na vašej ceste nemôže byť ani jedna vec. Aby ste mali skutočne pravdivú vieru, vy musíte absolútne opustiť všetko, čo je proti Božiemu Slovu, čo je poza ním, aby ste vošli do viery.

32A to bola kniha Efežanov starej zmluvy: Józua. Kde Mojžiš reprezentoval zákon, ktorý nemohol nikoho spasiť, ale milosť mohla a tu „Jozua" je to isté slovo ako Ježiš, „Jehova Spasiteľ."

33A teraz zisťujeme, že sme prišli ku ďalším Efežanom, ku ďalšiemu Efezu. Teraz, kde to je vo všetkých našich intelektuálnych denomináciách a tak ďalej, a všetky naše vzdelávacie programy prišli ku svojmu Jordánu, potom my musíme mať znovu Efežanov. Musíme mať exodus „vyjsť" a „vojsť" kvôli vytrhnutiu.

34No, dnes večer budeme čítať z druhej kapitoly Efežanom. Práve som povedal, že tak by ste sa mohli dostať do toho bodu, alebo sa obrátiť do tej kapitoly.

Aj vás, ktorí ste boli mŕtvi vo svojich previneniach a vo svojich hriechoch,

ktorých ste kedysi chodili podľa veku tohoto sveta, podľa kniežaťa mocností povetria, ducha to, ktorý teraz pôsobí v synoch neposlušnosti,

medzi ktorými sme kedysi aj my všetci obcovali v žiadostiach svojho tela robiac to, čo sa zachcievalo telu a mysliam, a boli sme prírodou deťmi hnevu ako aj ostatní.

Ale Bôh súc bohatý v milosrdenstve pre mnohú svoju lásku, ktorou nás zamiloval, aj keď sme boli mŕtvi v previneniach, spolu nás oživil s Ním,... (alebo)... oživil nás spolu s Kristom, (milosťou ste spasení)

35Chcem odtiaľto zobrať niekoľko, alebo časť z toho verša, "ale Boh... Boh, ktorý je bohatý v milosrdenstve."

36Chcem, aby ste si všimli tu toho proroka, skôr apoštola, Pavla, ktorý, ako sa on zmienil o tomto, ako, "On vás oživil, ktorí ste raz boli mŕtvi. On vás oživil, ktorí ste boli raz mŕtvi, mŕtvi v hriechu a previneniach, ktorí ste chodili za vecami toho sveta, za žiadosťou tela a vyplňovali ste žiadosti mysle."

37Čo zapríčinilo túto zmenu? Vidíte? A čo spôsobilo, že „raz ste boli mŕtvi,“ a teraz ste oživení? "Oživený" znamená "učinený živým." Bola tam zmena zo smrti do života. Nie je žiadna iná vec, ktorá by sa mohla stať nejakej osobe, tak veľká, ako ju zmeniť zo smrti do života. Človek, ak on zomieral, telesne, a mohol by byť uzdravený telesne, to by bola veľká vec, ale nie je nič tak veľké ako keď on je duchovne mŕtvy a Boh ho oživil do Života.

38„Vy, raz v minulosti, mŕtvi“... Boli ste mŕtvi. Dokonca mnohí tu dnes večer, raz ste sa mohli pozrieť nazad a vedeli ste, že ste boli mŕtvi. Ale teraz, prečo nie ste dnes večer mŕtvi ako ste boli vtedy? Vy si tak zaslúžite byť, pretože ste boli hriešnikom, „ale Boh, ktorý je bohatý v milosrdenstve.“ To je tá vec, „Boh, ktorý bol bohatý.“ Všetky tieto veci, ktorými sme boli, „ale Boh“! To urobilo tú zmenu rovno tam: Boh, ktorý je bohatý v milosrdenstve.

39Ó, som tak rád za to, že On je bohatý v milosrdenstve. Ak by On bol bohatý len v peniazoch, ak by On bol bohatý len v materiálnych veciach, v ktorých On je, ale jednako tá najväčšia vec je byť bohatý v milosrdenstve. Ó, aké veľké slovo to je, že raz sme boli mŕtvi.

40A raz večer sme hovorili o tom, ako semeno musí zomrieť. A všetko okolo toho génu života musí nie len zomrieť ale zhniť. Ak to nezhnije, to nemôže žiť. A “zhniť” - to znamená "je s tým úplne koniec, skončilo to." A až kým sa dostaneme na miesto, že naše vlastné nápady a naše vlastné myslenie kompletne skončilo a je od nás odhnité, potom ten zárodok života môže začať žiť.

41No, teraz, my môžeme... mohol by som tu vložiť len trochu učenia, ktoré ja ne... Ak tomu neveríte, v poriadku. To je v poriadku. Ja tomu verím. Ja verím, že človek, keď sa on narodil na tento svet, keď ste malým dieťaťom, ktoré sa narodilo na tento svet, vy by ste tu nemohli byť bez Božieho predzvedenia, pretože On je nekonečný a pozná všetky veci. A keď to malé dieťa sa narodí na svet, niečo v tom dieťati je. Ak on raz bude mať život, je tam v tom dieťati niečo malé, k čomu on príde skôr či neskôr. To malé semeno je v ňom. No, ak vezmete... Písmo to jasne predkladá.

42No, ak máte dnes večer večný život, ak my máme večný život, potom sme vždy boli, pretože je len jedna forma večného života. My sme vždy boli. A ten dôvod, že sme boli je to, že sme časťou Boha. A Boh je to jediné, čo je večné.

43A ako Melchisedek prijal desatiny od Abraháma, a to bolo pridelené jeho pravnukovi Lévimu, ktorý bol ešte len v bedrách Abrahámových, ktorý zaplatil desatiny, pretože on bol ešte len v bedrách Abrahámových, keď on stretol Melchisedeka. Chcem o tom hovoriť niektoré ráno na tom druhom mieste. Kto je tento Melchisedek? No, všimnite si to. Po celý ten čas, Boh poznal tohoto chlapca, ktorý prichádzal. On vedel všetko.

44No, my sme časťou Boha. Vy ste ňou vždy boli. Vy si to nepamätáte, pretože ste boli len atribútom v Bohu. Boli ste len v Jeho mysli. Samotné vaše meno, ak ono kedy bolo v tej Knihe života, bolo tam zapísané pred založením sveta. On vedel čím ste.

45 Ja len toto hovorím, nie preto aby som namiešal náuku, ale aby som to narovnal, aby sme sa mohli dostať z tohoto strachu a vystrašenia: vy neviete kto ste. Vy nie že budete, ale teraz ste synovia Boží. Vidíte, vždy ste boli synovia Boží.Vidíte?

46Pretože, keď vás Boh mal na počiatku vo Svojej mysli, vy musíte byť, nejaká časť z vás, váš Život, ktorý je teraz vo vás musel byť u Boha tam predtým... No keď vy--predtým ako ste sa kedy stali materiálnou bytosťou tu na zemi, predtým tam bolo niečo, ale Boh, boli ste jedným z Jeho atribútov. On vedel aké bude vaše meno. On vedel akú farbu vlasov budete mať. On vedel o vás všetko. Tá jediná vec, ktorá sa stala je, že keď vy súc hriešnikom...

47Mnohí z vás môžu mať spolu so mnou na tejto myšlienke obecenstvo. Keď ste boli malým chlapcom alebo malým dievčaťom, chodili ste okolo a tam boli určité veci, ktoré len... kde to netrápilo tie iné deti, zdalo sa, akoby tam bolo niečo vo vás čo kričalo. Tam bol niekde Boh, jednako vy ste boli hriešnikom. Pamätáte si to? Pravdaže. No, čo to bolo? To bola vtedy tá malá forma života vo vás.

48A potom po krátkom čase ste počuli Evanjelium. Možno ste išli do cirkvi a vzali ste toto a tamto a išli ste z denominácie do denominácie. Ale jedného dňa, vy súc časťou Boha, museli ste byť časťou Slova. A keď ste počuli Slovo, viete odkiaľ pochádzate, vedeli ste, čo je Pravdou. Vždy ste boli, to semeno bolo vždy vo vás. To Slovo videlo Slovo, ktoré bolo vo vás, To, ktoré bolo pred založením sveta, videlo to Slovo a vás, že prídete ku Tomu.

49Ako môj malý orlí príbeh, o tom, ako sa ten malý orol vyliahol pod sliepkou. A ten malý chodil s tými kurencami, on, tá sliepka kotkodákala a on jej kotkodákaniu nerozumel. A tie malé kurence, ich diéta, ktorú oni mali v tej slepačej ohrade, on tomu nerozumel ako to oni robili. Ale tam bolo niečo v ňom, čo sa zdalo byť rozdielne od toho, čím boli tie kurence, pretože on bol od počiatku orol. Je to tak. Jedného dňa ho jeho mama išla hľadať, a keď on počul výkrik toho orla, to bolo rozdielne od toho kvokania tej sliepky.

50A tak je to s každým znovuzrodeným veriacim. Môžete počúvať všetku teológiu, ktorú chcete a všetky ľuďmi vytvorené rozpory, ale keď sa tam zablysne to Slovo, potom tam je niečo, čo sa toho uchopí... vy prichádzate... "Vy, ktorí ste raz boli mŕtvi v hriechu, to je život, ktorý On oživil." Najprv tam musí byť život, aby to oživil. Boh, skrze svoje predzvedenie, vedel všetko. A my sme boli predurčení, aby sme boli synmi a dcérami Božími. "Vy, ktorí ste raz boli mŕtvi v hriechu a previneniach, v ktorých sme my kedysi obcovali, ale On nás oživil."

51Pozrite na Pavla, keď bol Pavol veľký teológ. Ale keď sa on stretol tvárou v tvár s tým Slovom, Ježišom, to ho oživilo. On rýchlo prišiel do života, pretože on bol určený, aby tým bol. On bol časťou Slova, a keď to Slovo uvidelo Slovo, to bola jeho prirodzenosť. Všetko to kvokanie tých sliepok v tých ortodoxných cirkvách nemalo na neho žiaden efekt; on videl Slovo. To bolo časťou neho. On bol orlom. Nebol kuraťom; on len bol s nimi v tej slepačej ohrade. Ale on bol od počiatku orol.

52Počul som podobný malý príbeh, dúfam, že to nezneje svätokrádežne, o malom káčerovi, ktorý sa raz vyliahol pod sliepkou. On nemohol rozumieť. Smiešne vyzerajúce malé stvorenie, zvláštne stvorenie, on tomu prachu a tomu všetkému nerozumel. Oni sa hrali v tej slepačej ohrade. Ale jedného dňa tá stará sliepka viedla tie mláďatá poza tú ohradu a on zacítil vodu. No, on sa vychytil ku tej vode tak rýchlo, ako len mohol. Prečo? On nikdy pred tým pri žiadnom rybníku nebol. Nikdy pred tým nebol vo vode. Ale on bol od počiatku káčerom. Jediná vec, ktorú on musel urobiť, bola to, aby prišiel ku sebe.

53To je tá istá vec, ako je to s veriacim. Niečo je v ňom, že keď on stretáva Boha tvárou v tvár, on prichádza ku sebe. To semeno je v ňom a ono je oživené. Ó, je to tak a on letí preč od vecí toho sveta. Oni sa pre neho stávajú mŕtve. Ó, pamätám sa, život nás všetkých bol v minulosti vo veciach toho sveta. Ale raz sme prišli do kontaktu s tou skutočnou vecou, s niečim čo nás oživilo, malé semeno, ktoré prišlo do života, potom všetky veci toho sveta rovno tam odhnili. Viac sme po tom nemali túžbu.

54"Ten kto sa narodil z Boha nehreší. Ctiteľ, ktorý bol raz očistený, nemá viac svedomia hriechu, viac netúži hrešiť. Otázka hriechu skončila. Stávate sa časťou Boha v Kristovi. Kristus zomrel, aby vás vykúpil.

55 No, pomyslite o tom všetkom, čím by sme boli, ak by to nezáležalo na Bohu. Ale Boh vo svojom bohatom milosrdenstve, ako nás vykúpil, dnes večer. Kde by sme boli dnes večer, ak by to nezáležalo na Bohu, ktorý je bohatý v milosrdenstve naproti nám?

56Raz bol ten svet tak hriešny, že človek zapríčinil, aby na zem prišlo porušenie, až sa dokonca Boh zarmútil nad tým, že On kedy učinil človeka. Celá hlava bola boľavo zhnitá, celé telo, a Boh sa dokonca zarmútil nad tým, že učinil človeka. Tak On povedal, "Zničím človeka, ktorého som stvoril." On ich zničí, pretože on nemá nič len bandu porušenosti.

57A celá ľudská rasa by bola v tom čase zničená, ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve by nenechal zahynúť nevinného s vinným. A On vyšiel a pripravil cestu pre tých, ktorí chceli vojsť, ktorí chceli činiť to, čo je správne. On spravil cestu milosti pre tých, ktorí túžili po milosti, a On pripravil archu. Inými slovami, On dal nejaké krídla Svojím orlom, aby oni mohli preletieť ponad súdom a nie utopiť sa s tými kurencami. Ale On spravil cestu úniku v dňoch Noeho. Toto zapríčinilo, že On to urobil, pripravil to, pretože On bol bohatý v milosrdenstve.

58 Ale potom, čo On pripravil cestu pre ľudí a oni to potom odmietajú... No dôvod, že to oni odmietajú, je to, že tam v nich nie je nič, čo by to prijalo. Nie je tam nič, čo by to prijalo. Moja matka zvykla hovoriť "Nemôžeš dostať krv z repy pretože v repe žiadna krv nie je." Tak ak tam nie je žiadna forma života, ktorá by To prijala, potom To nemôže byť prijaté.

59To je ten dôvod, že farizejovia sa mohli pozrieť rovno do tváre Ježiša a nazvali Ho Belzebúb, pretože v nich nebolo nič, čo by Ho prijalo. "Ale všetkých, ktorých Mi Otec dal," On povedal, "prídu ku Mne." Existuje nejaký spôsob, ktorým to bude predstavené.

60Môžete hovoriť ľudom niečo na uliciach, hovoriť im o Pánovi, vysmejú sa vám rovno do tváre. No, ale od nás sa očakáva, že to budeme jednako robiť. Ale počúvajte, "Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne, ak ho najprv nepotiahne môj Otec." Boh musí spraviť to potiahnutie. Tam musí byť život. "A všetkých, ktorých Mi On dal, prídu ku Mne."

61On pripravil zaopatrenie pre tých, ktorí chcú byť vykúpení. On pripravil zaopatrenie pre tých, ktorí chcú byť uzdravení. A potom, pretože On toto urobil, to Ho činí bohatým v milosrdenstve, tak ako On vždy bol bohatý v milosrdenstve. To musí byť, ak toto odmietnete, nezostáva nič, len súd, pretože hriech musí byť odsúdený.

62Faraón, keď on vošiel do toho mora ako napodobovateľ, vidiac, že on tam mohol vojsť tak, ako to spravil Mojžiš... Mojžiš so svojou armádou a faraón so svojou armádou, obaja mohli v mori zahynúť, vyzeralo to tak. Ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve, spravil cestu úniku pre židovské deti (Prečo?), pretože oni išli v línii svojej povinnosti, oni išli v Slove.

63No, to je ten jediný spôsob ako získať milosrdenstvo, a to je nasledovať inštrukcie, ktoré nám Boh dal, aby sme v nich kráčali. To je ten jediný spôsob, ktorým On môže preukázať milosrdenstvo, to je to, keď Ho my nasledujeme v tom, čo On povedal, aby sme robili.

64Ako pred nedávnom ten krátky rozhovor s jedným kazateľom, ktorý povedal, že ja som vtedy učil apoštolskú náuku. Myslím, že som o tom hovoril včera alebo predvčerom, alebo niekedy, o tom ako on povedal, "Ty sa pokúšaš vsunúť do tohoto veku apoštolské učenie." On povedal, "Apoštolský vek skončil s apoštolmi."

A ja som sa ho spýtal, "Dobre, veríš Slovu?"

On povedal, "Áno."

65Ja som povedal, "Zjavenie 22:18 hovorí, že, ́Ktokoľvek vezme jedno Slovo z Tohoto, alebo pridá jedno slovo ku Tomu...́ nie že dve slová; jedno Slovo, vezme jedno Slovo...

Povedal, "Verím tomu."

66Povedal som, "Potom ti môžem povedať, kde bol daný apoštolský vek, kde apoštolské požehnania boli dané cirkvi; teraz ty mi povedz, kde to Boh skrze Slovo z cirkvi vzal. Nemôžeš to urobiť, nie je to tam." Povedal som, "No pamätáš sa, že Peter na deň letníc, on bol ten, ktorý predstavil apoštolský vek. A on im všetkým povedal, ́Čiňte pokánie a pokrstite sa v meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov a prijmete dar, Ducha Svätého. Pretože to zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti a pre všetkých, ktorí sú široko-ďaleko, toľkých koľkýchkoľvek si Pán náš Boh povolá."

67No, ak chcete počúvať kotkodákanie nejakej denominačnej sliepky a žiť tam vo veciach toho sveta, potom to ukazuje, že tam je niečo zlé. Pretože to je Slovo. "Ktokoľvek chce, nech príde." A ak máte vôľu prísť, mali by ste prísť. Ale ak nemáte to chcenie, potom ste v žalostnom stave. Ale ak máte vôľu, aby ste prišli, poďte, nasledujte ten Boží recept.

68A On nikdy nezlyhá vyplniť to, čo On zasľúbil. Kedysi som bol mladý a teraz som starý, nikdy som Ho nevidel v Jeho Slove zlyhať. Pretože On môže urobiť všetko okrem toho, že by zlyhal. On nemôže zlyhať. Boh to nemôže. Je to pre Boha nemožné, aby zlyhal a zostal Bohom. On to musí vyplniť.

69No, Faraónova armáda sa to pokúšala napodobniť, pretože oni neboli povolaní a nemali ten život. Do toho... To zasľúbenie nebolo dané faraónovi. Nebolo mu dané to zasľúbenie ohľadne zasľúbenej zeme.

70A napodobňovateľ, ktorý sa pokúša nasledovať skutočného veriaceho, ktorý je ku tomu povolaný, on si len robí z toho posmech. To je to, čo sa deje s našim náboženským systémom dnes. Je príliš veľa ľudí, ktorí sa pokúšajú napodobniť Ducha Svätého, príliš veľa ľudí sa pokúša napodobniť ten krst, príliš veľa ľudí sa pokúša napodobniť apoštolský vek. To je pre veriacich a len pre nich. Boh spravil cestu, On, ktorý je bohatý v milosrdenstve, aby Jeho deti nezahynuli. On pre nich spravil cestu.

71No, faraón sa ich pokúšal ďalej prenasledovať a on sa utopil v tých istých vodách, ktoré zachránili Mojžiša a jeho skupinu. No, Mojžiš sa neutopil, pretože Boh je bohatý v milosrdenstve ku tým, ktorí idú po Jeho pripravenej ceste. Amen.

72Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? Dnes večer, ľudia, ktorí neveria v Božské uzdravenie, ľudia, ktorí neveria v krst Duchom Svätým, ako oni môžu niečo prijať? Boh je bohatý v milosrdenstve ku tým, ktorí Ho chcú nasledovať, nie podľa nejakého vyznania, ale podľa Boha.

73Boh je Slovo; Ono prebývalo medzi nami, aby On mohol priniesť tie ďalšie atribúty Božie. To telo, Ježiš, bol telom Božím, jeden atribút. Mojžiš Ho videl ako prechádzal, Jeho chrbát, žiaden človek nevidel Jeho tvár. Ale teraz sme Ho videli, hľadeli sme na Neho, vidíme Ho ako tú Obeť. No, vidíte, On bol atribútom Božím, ako bol ukázaný, to Slovo. To je to, čím On bol.

74A keď veriaci prichádza ku Bohu, on sa stáva Božím atribútom Jeho Slova; on je použitý, aby zamanifestoval Slovo, ktoré je zasľúbené na ten deň. Vidíte? Je to tak. Boh, bohatý v milosrdenstve nás nikdy nezanechá bez svedectva. On je bohatý v milosrdenstve.

75Zisťujeme, že Boh bol tak milosrdný k Mojžišovi tam v tom mŕtvom mori— skôr v červenom mori. Vtedy, keď On povedal tu v Exodus 19:4, On povedal, "Ja som vás niesol na krídlach orla, priviedol Som vás k Sebe. Niesol som vás na krídlach orla a priniesol Som vás k Sebe." V strede toho mora boli tiež iní ľudia, ktorí sa to snažili napodobniť. Ale čo? "On ich niesol na krídlach orla."

76No, Boh vždy prirovnáva Svojich prorokov ku orlom. A čo to bolo? Mojžiš bol Jeho poslom. A oni nasledovali Mojžiša, a to boli tie krídla orla, na ktorých boli oni nesení, pretože on niesol v sebe Božie posolstvo. A tí ľudia to nasledovali. Oni nasledovali Boha, ako oni nasledovali Mojžiša s Jeho posolstvom vyslobodenia. A Biblia povedala, že "On--oni nezahynuli s tými, ktorí neverili." Pretože Boh bol bohatý v milosrdenstve naproti nim, pretože oni nasledovali Jeho prikázania. Boh chce, aby sme nasledovali Jeho prikázania.

77Mohli by sme to isté povedať o Kórachovi a o Dátanovi a ich bande neveriacich ľudí, ako sa to oni pokúšali napodobniť. Oni sa snažili niečo do Božieho programu doložiť. Nepáčil sa im program jedného muža. Oni to nemali radi. Oni museli mať niečo, čo by spravili. Kórach povedal, "No, je tu viac svätých mužov než len ty, Mojžiš. Ty konáš, ako by si bol tou jedinou plážou na--alebo skôr jediným kameňom na pláži." A povedal, "Nemal by si to robiť. Je tu viac takých mužov."

78A Mojžiš vedel, že on mal niesť tieto deti do zasľúbenej zeme, pretože to zasľúbenie bolo dané jemu. A on ich musel niesť do zasľúbenej zeme.

79A dnes Duch Svätý je tu, aby potvrdzoval Božie Slovo, a to je to krídlo, na ktorom sa máme niesť, nie na nejakej ľuďmi zostrojenej teológii. Ale my sa nesieme na krídlach orla do zasľúbenej zeme.

80A tu oni išli, aby tam vyviedli skupinu kureniec, Kórach si myslel, viete, že príde a napodobní to, toho orla. A keď to oni urobili, Boh povedal, "Oddeľ sa od nich," a On ten svet pohltil. On by pohltil celú tú vec, celé stvorenie, ale Boh bol bohatý v milosrdenstve ku tým, ktorí sa snažili nasledovať Jeho Slovo. Vždy je to Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve. Mnohí z nich prešli na Mojžišovu stranu a Boh otvoril zem a pohltil neveriaceho. On, ten neveriaci večne zahynie.

81Tí, ktorí neverili, hoci oni vyšli a nejaký čas kráčali, ale oni, Ježiš povedal, "Oni sú, každý jeden, mŕtvy." A mŕtvy je "úplne zničený." Oni sú mŕtvi. Len pomyslite na nich. Oni vyšli, videli zázraky Božie, videli veľkú Božiu ruku, radovali sa z manny a vyšli tam a počúvali muža menom Balaám, ktorý prevrátil cestu Božiu skrze to, že učil proti Slovu, "My sme všetci bratia, tak sa len dajme všetci dokopy."

82Dnes to je ďalší Balaámov systém, ktorý povstáva, "Dajme sa všetci dokopy." To nebude fungovať. Kráčajme s tým Orlom, s Orlom Jehovom. Vy ste orlíčatá.

83Tam boli len traja, ktorí boli spasení z celej tej skupiny; Mojžiš, Kálef a Józua. Ten zvyšok z nich zahynul na púšti; Ježiš tak povedal v svätom Jánovi v 6-tej kapitole. Boh, v milosrdenstve, by ich nenechal zahynúť so zvyškom tých neveriacich. Oni všetci zomreli rovno tam na púšti a sú mŕtvi. Boh zachránil Mojžiša a tých veriacich orlov, pretože oni mali rešpekt ku Jeho Slovu.

84A dnes priateľu, ten jediný spôsob, ktorým my kedy môžeme mať zaľúbenie u Boha... Boh je dnes bohatý v milosrdenstve, ale my musíme rešpektovať to, čo On o tom povedal. Nemôžete zobrať to, čo niekto iný povedal. Musíte zobrať to, čo Boh povedal. On povedal, "Nech každé ľudské slovo je lož a Moje pravdou."

85Dnes nám bolo povedané, že všetko čo musíte urobiť, na mnohých miestach, je pripojiť sa do cirkvi, mať vyznanie alebo niečo také; alebo vysloviť modlitbu, alebo zapísať vaše meno do knihy, alebo byť pofŕkaný alebo pokrstený určitým spôsobom, alebo niečo také. To je všetko, čo musíte urobiť. Ale to je nesprávne.

86Aby ste boli orlom Božím, vy musíte nasledovať Slovo deň za dňom. Musíte pokračovať v kŕmení sa na Slove.

87No, nachádzame ich po tomto čase, že znova reptajú, oslabení vo viere potom, čo im Boh preukázal milosrdenstvo. A nachádzame ich ako reptajú pred Bohom a keď to robili, zomierali na uštipnutie hadov. No, oni si to zaslúžili. Iste si to zaslúžili. Každý, kto by chybil ohľadne Božieho Slova a robil tieto veci, ktoré oni robili, by si zaslúžil zomrieť. Každý jeden z nich si zaslúžil zomrieť na púšti.

88Ale keď oni boli takí chorí, že dokonca doktor Mojžiš a ani nikto z nich nemohol nič ohľadne toho urobiť a oni zomierali po tisícoch, ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve, On spravil cestu úniku pre tých, ktorí Mu verili. On pripravil na to protijed skrze vztýčenie medeného hada. Boh vo Svojom bohatom... Boh pripravil cestu úniku tak, aby Jeho veriace deti mohli byť uzdravené.

89Boh sa zaujíma o všetko, čo je nesprávne, o všetko to, na čo očakávate. Na každom chodníku života sa o vás Boh zaujíma. Vy ste Jeho dieťa a On je bohatý v milosrdenstve. On to chce pre vás robiť.

90Ľudia neskôr zhrešili skrze to, že zobrali tú istú vec, ktorou Boh učinil pre nich zmierenie, skrze medeného hada, ktorý reprezentoval už odsúdený hriech a oni z toho daru urobili modlu. A to znovu zhrešilo. "Boh sa s nikým nebude deliť o Svoju slávu." Preto my nemôžeme mať nijakých dvoch, troch, štyroch bohov. Je len jeden Boh. On sa s nikým iným nebude o Svoju slávu deliť. On Je Boh, On Sám (Vidíte?), tak ako pohania majú mnohých bohov. My máme Jedného Boha a On sa nebude s nikým deliť o Svoju slávu ani nedovolí, aby nejaká modla bola pred Ním. Dokonca hoci On pripravil zmierenie pre ľudí, a to bolo Božie Slovo, to bolo v poriadku, ale keď oni z toho spravili modlu, vtedy sa dostali do problémov.

91No, to je tá istá vec, myslím, ktorá sa prihodila našim cirkevným vekom. Boh nám poslal posolstvo Martina Luthera s jeho posolstvom, Johna Wesleyho, posolstvo Letničných, ale čo sme my s tým urobili? Tá istá vec, ktorú oni urobili s tým medeným hadom, my sme z toho spravili modlu, „Ja patrím do tohoto a ja patrím do tohoto." Vidíte, vy patríte do niečoho bez úprimnosti, ktorá je spojená so skutočným zbožným uctievaním Slova.

92Čo sa stalo? Biblia… Bolo nám v Biblii povedané, že ten prorok tú modlu vzal a zničil ju. Haleluja!.

93To, čo my potrebujeme na scéne dnes, je prorok, ktorý zničí tú modlu denominácií, ktoré si myslia, že pôjdu do neba na základe toho, že patria do nejakého vyznania alebo nejakej denominácie: je potrebné, aby to bolo zničené a spálené, a odvrhnuté. Boh je plný milosrdenstva. On je bohatý v milosrdenstve. V tom dni, v ktorom sme všetci boli tam v chaose temnosti... ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve nám poslal skutočného pravého Ducha Svätého s Jeho vlastným výkladom ku Tomu, rovno tu v tejto budove, každý večer. Boh, bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve, zisťujeme, aký je On nádherný. Tak veru.

94No, všetko o čom oni rozmýšľali, že by mohli urobiť, bolo len ísť ku tomu hadovi alebo ku tej malej veci, ktorú tam Boh učinil, Mojžiš ju urobil, zavesil na žrď a oni mohli byť uzdravení bez akejkoľvek úprimnosti. Oni sa len postavili a pozreli na to. A oni z toho urobili modlu a Boh tam poslal proroka a zničil to.

95No všetci, ktorí sa odmietli pozrieť na toho hada na púšti, zahynuli. Tak, Boh robí cestu, ale ak vy sa odmietate na to dívať, ak sa postavíte na druhej strane tej ulice, ak sa budete držať nejakého vyznania a odmietnete sa pozrieť rovno do Slova a pozrieť sa či je to správne alebo nie, všetci, ktorí sa odmietli pozrieť, oni zahynuli. A Boh je Bohom, ktorý sa nikdy nemení. A všetci, ktorí sa odmietli pozrieť, zahynuli. Tak je to dnes, tá istá vec.

96Potom tí ľudia neskôr hrešili, a ako to oni vždy robili a spravili z toho modlu, pokúšali sa získať uzdravenie bez úprimnosti, a oni patrili do niečoho, a tým spôsobom to my robíme dnes. A teraz, vidíme potom, že ten rozdiel toho bol, že Boh…

97To bolo dobré zmierenie, dobrý znak na ten čas. Na ten čas, to bolo všetko v poriadku. Ale to bolo len na ten čas, na tú púť. To je všetko, kde to bude fungovať, len na tej ceste.

98 A to posolstvo, ktoré priniesol Martin Luther o ospravedlnení bolo v poriadku na Lutherov vek. To je to pokiaľ to zašlo.

99 Posvätenie bolo dobré vo veku Wesleya. To je to pokiaľ to zašlo.

100 Potom prichádzame do letničného veku. A navrátenie darov je veľmi dobrá vec, to bolo dobré v tom veku, ale my teraz ideme poza to. My sme poza tým, to je tak isté, ako že je svet. My máme byť poza touto vecou, pretože sme s tým urobili to isté, čo oni urobili pred tým: urobili z toho modlu. „Ja patrím do tohoto systému. Ja patrím do toho systému."

101Boh pošle niekoho, kto tú vec rozbije a roztrhá to na kusy a potvrdí Svoje Slovo, to plné Slovo. Všimnite si. Chvála buď Bohu. No, vidíme, že to je pravda. Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve.

102 Potom, keď toto prorok zničil, to ich zanechalo bez akéhokoľvek znaku uzdravenia, zmierenia, pretože ich modla bola zničená. Ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve im urobil ďalší. A čo to On urobil? On rozrušil vodu v tom rybníku pri chráme a mnohí prišli a boli uzdravení skrze to, že vstúpili do tejto vody. Ježiš prišiel dolu ku tomu istému rybníku a videl človeka, ktorý tam ležal veľa rokov, čakajúc na rozrušenie vody. Vidíte, Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve. Hoci oni urobili z tej veci modlu, hoci to prorok musel roztrhať, Boh pre nich urobil inú cestu, pretože On je bohatý v milosrdenstve. On chcel, aby oni boli uzdravení, a On urobil cestu pre ich uzdravenie.

103No, potom to išlo ďalej, svet sa stával hriešnejším a hriešnejším po celý čas. A nakoniec sa ten svet stal tak hriešny, že Boh by ho mohol zničiť, On povedal v Malachiášovi 4, "aby som neprišiel a neranil tú zem kliatbou." On by to mohol urobiť, práve tú vec.

104Ale potom, Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve, On poslal Spasiteľa, Ježiša Krista. On poslal Ježiša, aby bol obojím, Spasiteľom i Uzdraviteľom. Pretože On povedal, "Ako Mojžiš pozdvihol medeného hada na púšti, tak musí byť Syn človeka pozdvihnutý," kvôli tomu istému účelu. On, to Zmierenie, to je to, čo si my nárokujeme, nič iné okrem zmierenia. Čo Ježiš vykúpil Svojou Krvou, to je to, čo si nárokujeme. A Biblia povedala, "On bol udretý pre naše prestúpenia, On bol zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola na Ňom, a Jeho sinavicami sme boli uzdravení." To je to, čo si môžeme nárokovať, to je to zmierenie, to je to, za čím stojíme, určené pre nás. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve.

105Toto malo byť večné zmierenie, pretože On sám prišiel. Boh prišiel Sám vo forme hriešneho tela, aby urobil večné zmierenie, a aby trpel v tele a vykonal to zmierenie a vrátil sa späť vo forme Ducha Svätého, aby potvrdil to zmierenie. Kde to žiaden medený had alebo rozrušená voda nemohla urobiť, to všetko ukazovalo na to dokonalé Zmierenie. Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve toto spravil.

106No, dnes, to je deň, v ktorom my žijeme, prešli sme cez tieto cirkevné veky a všetko sme z toho vyvrátili. Naši teológovia dňa od toho ďaleko zablúdili. Oni to všetko vysvetľujú, že to je na nejaký iný deň, nejaký iný vek, nejaké niečo iné, niekde dávno, pred mnohými rokmi. A Božské uzdravenie sa už asi jednoducho odohralo, sotva nájdete niekoho, kto by tomu veril. Oni si z toho robia žarty. Nie viac než asi pred dvadsiatimi rokmi, oni si z toho robili žarty. Letniční prakticky od toho odišli. Oni začali v tých ranných dňoch, ale oni od toho odišli.

107Pozrite sa ako to urobili. No, oni zdiveli do denominácie, behajú aby spôsobili, že každý bude veriť nejakému vyznaniu a tak ďalej. Okrem... namiesto prijatia Svetla, ako Svetla, ktoré prišlo, oni sa zorganizovali a urobili si vyznania, každý kto príde, urobí si nejaké učenie a stojí v tom učení. A potom z toho zobrali tak veľa preč, až sa Svätý Duch do toho nemohol dostať. Oni sa jednoducho stali ďalšou modlou ako medený had, stalo sa to modloslužbou. Každý hovoril, "Ja patrím do tohoto a ja patrím do toho." To bola modloslužba. V akom zmätku sme boli, v tom čase konca.

108Ale Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve poslal naspäť Svätého Ducha na nás a potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo tak, ako to On zasľúbil, že to bude robiť.

109Pozrite, čo On urobil, On... Ako teraz môžeme vidieť ako On zasľúbil každému veku určitú vec, ktorá sa stane. A my zisťujeme, že to sa stalo presne tak, to, čo On povedal, že bude robiť, pretože On je bohatý v milosrdenstve, aby vždy mal milosrdenstvo vyplniť každé Slovo, ktoré On zasľúbil. On to musí urobiť, a vždy, v tom poriadku, aby zostal Bohom. On vždy robí toto: Jeho Slovo sa vždy vyplňuje vo svojom čase, Jeho semeno, ktoré On zasial do tej zeme. Čo On urobil? On to tu položil do Slova a to je semeno. A zakaždým, keď ten vek prebieha, to semeno je zožaté a potom prichádza reformácia. A On to zasľúbil a On to robí.

110No, my sme si tieto veci nezaslúžili. My sme si nezaslúžili tieto požehnania Božie, pretože sme išli za vecami toho sveta, išli sme v Kainovej chybe. Kain vybudoval pekný oltár a peknú cirkev a dal na to kvety a myslel si, že to je presne to, čo to bolo; to bola hromada jabĺk, alebo hrušiek, alebo granátových jabĺk alebo čokoľvek to bolo, čo jeho otec a matka jedli v záhrade Eden, čo ich odtiaľ vyhnalo. A tak On to obetoval naspäť Bohu a Boh to odvrhol.

112A dnes, Biblia povedala v Júdovi, že oni vošli na cestu Kainovu; zahynuli v protirečení Kóreho." Odišli cestou Kainovou, postaviac oltáre, vybudovali cirkvi, denominácie, urobili to kvetnaté, veľké, viac členov než tí ostatní; nabrali do toho veci, čokoľvek čo išlo okolo a čo skákalo hore dolu, alebo potrasenie rúk, alebo boli pokrstení určitým spôsobom, alebo hovorili v jazykoch, alebo sa váľali po podlahe, oni zapísali svoje meno do knihy. Je to tak. A potom napadli tú skutočnú Pravdu, ktorá bola kázaná a zapreli to. Ako to tak môže byť? Všimnite si v akom neporiadku sme boli. Všimnite si.

113A Biblia povedala, "A oni vošli na cestu Balaáma a zahynuli v protirečení Kóreho." Zahynuli v tom protirečení... Čo bolo protirečenie Kóreho? "No, ty si myslíš, že si jediným svätým mužom?" No, Boh je... Každý z nás je svätý. Celá cirkev je tým všetkým. Každý... My všetci sme sa zhromaždili, to je to, čo sme mali urobiť." To je to, kde oni zahynuli: to. A my sme si to skutočne zaslúžili. My sme si zaslúžili, aby sme tak dopadli.

114Ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve nás z toho chaosu vytiahol a dovolil nám vidieť to pred tým, ako tu tá vec udrie. Bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve a poslal nám späť prebudenie Božského uzdravenia a opätovného príchodu moci Božej. Podľa histórie, žiadne prebudenie nikdy netrvalo viac než tri roky. Toto prebudenie sa nieslo pätnásť rokov; bolo horiacim ohňom okolo a dookola sveta. Prečo, pretože sme si to zaslúžili? Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve, nie pretože sme po tom túžili, vlastne, že by sme si to zaslúžili. Len pomyslite o tom, čo to vykonalo!

115Premýšľam o jednej z vašich sestier rovno tu vo Phoenixe, ktorú mnohí z vás poznajú, pani Hattie Waldrop; ona mala rakovinu srdca. A ona bola tu v modlitebnom rade, keď sme tu brat Moore a ja boli prvý krát, pred okolo pätnástimi, osemnástimi rokmi. A ona zomierala s rakovinou srdca a ona už mala byť dávno mŕtva. Ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve poslal na ňu svoju moc. A On zachránil jej život a ona dnes žije. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve.

116Kongresman Upshaw, veľký človek, myslím, že on bol raz prezidentom alebo niečím, Baptistov, Zhromaždenia Južných Baptistov alebo viceprezidentom alebo niečím. On robil všetko. Bol dobrým človekom. On robil všetko, čo vedel ako to robiť. Išiel ku každému doktorovi. Nikto pre neho nemohol nič urobiť. On bol pripútaný. Kazatelia sa za neho modlili. Mal na svojej hlave vyliaty galón oleja, pomazanie, od rôznych kazateľov odvšadiaľ.

117Raz večer, Los Angeles, Kalifornia, išiel som hore ku kazateľni, pozrel som sa na skupinu vozíčkárov asi dva, tri krát, aby som videl čo tam sedí, všetci hore a dolu tými uličkami, vzadu a vpredu. A potom tam ležalo skladacie lôžko, v ktorom bolo malé černošské dievča, malé černošské dievča a jej matka sedela vedľa nej. A môj brat zoraďoval ten modlitebný rad.

118A ja som sa díval, nevediac čo sa dialo. A videl som doktora so žltohnedými okuliarmi ako operuje hrdlo nejakého malého černošského dievčaťa a ono bolo paralyzované. A poobzeral som sa okolo; myslel som, "Kde je to dieťa?" Nemohol som ju vidieť.

119Po chvíli, tam dolu, bez nádeje, milé malé dievča okolo sedem alebo osem ročné, ležalo, aby bolo paralyzované po zbytok svojho života. A tam dolu bola na kolenách jej matka, modlila sa. Potom som povedal, "Tento doktor operoval tvoje malé dievča," a popísal som to.

Ona povedala, "Je to tak, pane."

120Potom sa pokúšala dostať to dieťa na pódium. Oni jej povedali, aby to nerobila. Pokúšali sa ju utíšiť. Asi v tom čase, keď ju oni utíšili, ja som pomyslel, "Dobre, dobre, dáme jej šancu a budeme sa za ňu modliť." V niekoľkých minútach... Možno ľudia, ktorí sú práve tu, tam toho večera boli.

121A ja som sa obzeral po tom poslucháčstve; videl som to malé dievča ako ide dolu, vyzeralo to akoby išla po malej úzkej ceste s bábikou v náručí a hojdala ju. Bez ohľadu na to, koľko ten doktor hovoril, že ona bude paralyzovaná po zbytok svojho života, Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve poslal dolu Ducha Svätého skrze videnie, a to malé dievča odtiaľ vstalo a ona a jej matka sa chytili za ruky a išli dolu tou uličkou a chválili Boha.

122Vzadu tam sedel starý muž, kongresman Upshaw, mnohí z vás poznajú jeho svedectvo. On bol dobrým človekom, snažil sa o to po celý svoj život, šesťdesiatšesť rokov bol invalidom na vozíku, tlačili ho do postele, chodil s barlami pod pažami, nikdy viac už nemal chodiť normálne. A tam on sedel, dívajúc sa na to. A zrazu som sa pozrel a videl som videnie. Tu on prichádza, idúc dolu z vrchu tej posluchárni, skláňal svoju hlavu, mohol chodiť tak dobre ako každý iný. Nevedel som, kto ten muž bol.

123Povedal som, „Je tu veľký muž, ktorý sedí tam vzadu. Keď bol malým chlapcom, spadol z voza na rám na sušenie sena a zranil si chrbát. Oni vyvŕtali do podlahy diery, aby zadržali tie vibrácie, keď tí ľudia prechádzali, aby to neudieralo jeho chrbát.“ Povedal som, „On sa stal veľkým mužom a je stále väčším a väčším. Sedí vo veľkom kruhu v bielom dome.“

124A potom tento muž prišiel a povedal mi, povedal, „To je kongresman Upshaw. Počul si o ňom niekedy?“

Povedal som, „Nikdy som o ňom nepočul.“

125A tak on trochu predĺžil šnúru mikrofónu tam dozadu a oni sa zhovárali, tam a späť.

126Potom som sa začal dívať dookola a uvidel som prichádzať starého kongresmana ako ide ku mne, vo videní, práve tak dokonale a normálne ako len mohol byť. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve ho potiahol z toho invalidného kresla, a on chodil bez barlí až do dňa kedy zomrel. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve! Keď doktori zlyhali, keď veda zlyhala, keď všetko ďalšie zlyhalo, Boh bol ku kongresmanovi Upshawovi bohatý v milosrdenstve.

127Rozmýšľam o sebe. Ako trochu starší chlapec, pamätám sa ako...ľudia ma dnes nazývajú “ten, ktorý nenávidí ženy.“ Dôvod toho bolo to, že keď som bol dieťa, videl som u žien toľko nemorálnosti. Nenávidel som ich. A ja to teraz nerobím, pretože viem, že niektoré z nich sú dobré. Ale ja sa pamätám ako to bolo, tak zlé, tak nemorálne. A myslel som,“Ó, nikdy nebudem v blízkosti ľudí. Nemám vzdelanie, tak ja nebudem mať žiadne.“

128Ako trochu staršie dieťa, keď som tam sedel, nemal som dokonca na sebe ani košeľu, mal som kabát takto prišpendlený so zatváracím špendlíkom a bolo v tom skutočne horúco. A učiteľka povedala,“William, nie je ti v tom kabáte horúco?“

129Povedal som,“Nie madam, ja som trochu uzimený.“ A ona ma poslala, aby som išiel ku kachliam a naložil do tých kachlí nejaké drevo a rád som to zapaľoval. A nemal som počas celej sezóny žiadnu košeľu.

130A myslel som,“ Ak by som mohol získať niekedy peniaze, aby som mohol kúpiť malú, kúpiť si – tridsiatku pušku,“ odišiel by som sem na západ a žil by som tu a poľoval po zbytok svojho života. Nechcel som mať nič dočinenia s ľuďmi. Jednoducho sa len držať stranou, pretože oni ma nemali radi a ja som sa držal od nich stranou.

131 potom zakaždým, ako som išiel do mesta, aby som sa s niekým porozprával, aby som stretol na ulici nejakých známych, ja som vedel. Povedal som,“Zdravím ťa, John, Jim! Ako sa máš?“

„Ó, ahoj.“

132 Vidíte, oni sa nechceli so mnou rozprávať, nechceli mať so mnou nič dočinenia, kvôli môjmu otcovi a kvôli tým ostatným, ktorí vyrábali whiskey. A ja som to nechcel robiť. To nebolo nič také, čo by som robil. A ja by som bol taký.

133 Ale teraz, povedal som nedávno svojej žene,“Moja stena je ovešaná najlepšími puškami, aké sa dajú kúpiť.“ Ó, a ja rozmýšľam o tých starých špinavých šatách. Dnes večer mám dva alebo tri dobré obleky. A žiadnych priateľov? Musím sa skrývať v divočine, aby som sa držal preč od ľudí. Čo sa deje, je to kvôli mojej osobnosti, je to kvôli môjmu vzdelaniu? Nie. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve ma v tom stave videl a spasil ma.

134Pamätám sa, keď som bol vedený za ruky ako slepý človek. Nemohol som vidieť. Všetko čo bolo predo mnou bolo rozmazané; bol by som slepý po zbytok svojho života. Ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve mi navrátil zrak. Mám päťdesiatpäť rokov a stále mám dobrý zrak. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve, to je tá jediná vec, čo môžem povedať.

135Raz pre cirkev nebol spôsob, ako by mohla byť uzdravená. Oni mali jeden, ale oni sa od neho odvrátili. Ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve im poslal dar Božského uzdravenia. To je Duch Svätý medzi nami, potvrdzujúci Slovo so znameniami, ktoré To nasledujú. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve!

136Mám tu dve alebo tri strany týchto poznámok, ale ja sa nebudem pokúšať na ne naraziť, pretože som si vedomý, že už je takmer čas začať modlitebný rad. Ale Boh je bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve!

137Mnohí z vás sú tu dnes večer, doktori sa vás vzdali. Sú tu ľudia, ktorí sedia v invalidných kreslách, oni by z nich zrejme nepovstali. Sú tam, aby tak zostali. Niektorí z nich, majú rôzne druhy ochrnutia, oni by z nich nikdy nemohli zísť, nie je žiaden spôsob akoby z nich zišli. Ale Boh, bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve poskytol zmierenie. Neodvrhnite to. Prijmite to. Tu je človek so srdcovým problémom, sú tu ľudia s rakovinami, s ktorými doktori nemôžu nič urobiť. Ste bez nádeje, bez nádeje, v tomto svete.

138Ale Boh, bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve, poslal dolu Ducha Svätého a rovno tu teraz potvrdzuje to Slovo, aby dokázal, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Či preto, že sme si to zaslúžili? Pretože Boh je bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve! Amen. Tak to je On, to je tá Osoba, To je Pán Ježiš. On nie je mŕtvy, ale on vstal z mŕtvych, a žije naveky.

139On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky, jednoducho stále tak bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve, ako bol ku tej žene, ktorá mala krvotok. A ona sa začala tlačiť cez ten zástup. Tam nebola pre ňu žiadna nádej, doktori urobili všetko, čo mohli urobiť. Ona mala krvotok. Zomierala. A ona sa dotkla Pánovho rúcha. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve sa obrátil a povedal jej o jej stave. A ona bola z toho krvotoku uzdravená.

140Malá upadnutá prostitútka išla jedného dňa ku studni, aby nabrala trochu vody. Žiadna nádej. Ona bola od tých panien vylúčená, od tých ľudí. Jej život nebol dobrý. A ona si pomyslela, “Na čo to bude dobré, ak sa posnažím? Som odvrhnutá, nič tam pre mňa nezostalo.“ Ale ona sa pozrela a ako tam vedľa stála alebo sedela vedľa studni a tam sedel muž, ktorý jej povedal všetky veci, ktoré kedy urobila, Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve.

141Ten istý Boh dnes večer je práve tak isto bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve, ako bol v tých dňoch. Bohatý Boh. [Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

142Myslím, že sme tu vydali dvesto modlitebných kariet, alebo ktoré sme vyvolali spomedzi dvesto. Zavoláme ich a necháme, aby sa ľudia zoradili. Budeme sa za nich modliť.

143 Ale pred tým ako to urobíme, niektorí sú tu noví, zbavte sa všetkých povier. Toto nie je povera. To je manifestácia Božieho zasľúbenia. To závisí od toho na čo sa dívate. Nie je žiadna cnosť v žiadnom človeku. Nie je žiadna moc v žiadnom človeku. Ale my ako veriaci máme autoritu, nie moc, ale autoritu.

144Niekto sa ma pred nedávnom spýtal, povedal, “Brat Branham, veríš, že máš moc, aby si toto robil?“

145Povedal som, “Ja nemám moc, vôbec nie, ale ja mám autoritu.“ Každý veriaci ju má. Ak to odmietnete, zostanete stáť tam, kde ste. Ale ak to prijmete, to spraví tu nesmiernu hojnosť, pretože Boh je bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve.

146Vezmite malého policajta, ktorý tu stojí na ulici, jeho šaty na ňom visia, on je tak vychudnutý. Tá čiapka mu zatlačila uši dolu. On vychádza tam, kde autá prechádzajú po ulici rýchlosťou päťdesiat míľ za hodinu s motormi, ktoré majú tristo koní. On nemá moc, aby zastavil bicykel. Je to tak. Ale len ho nechajte zapískať na píšťalku a zodvihnúť ruku a pozorujte, ako začnú škrípať brzdy. On nemá moc, ale on má autoritu. Celé mesto stojí za ním.

147A keď muž alebo žena, nestarám sa v akom stave ste, vy máte autoritu Božiu skrze zasľúbenie, pretože On je bohatý a zasľúbil to robiť nesmierne hojne. „Ak poviete tomuto vrchu pohni sa a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť, že čo ste povedali sa stane, môžete mať čo ste povedali.“ Vy nemáte moc, ale máte autoritu.

148Pamätáte, keď On mi tam povedal, povedal, „Budeš schopný zjavovať tajnosti sŕdc.“ Pretože On... Pamätáte si to? Mnohí z vás ľudí z Phoenixu? On to zasľúbil. Čo On zasľubuje, to činí.

149Tak sú tu niektorí z vás, ktorí nemajú modlitebné lístky, bezpochyby. Koľko chorých nemá modlitebné lístky, zodvihnite svoje ruky? Iste. V poriadku. Ak chcete vedieť, nie autoritu... nie moc, ale autoritu Slova, „Tie veci, ktoré ja robím, vy budete tiež robiť.“

150Ježiš zasľúbil v Lukášovi 17:30 že práve pred Jeho príchodom, že to bude ako za času Mojžiša... alebo Noeho, „Keď jedli a pili a vydávali sa a nevedeli, až do toho dňa, keď Noe vošiel do archy.“ On povedal, že tam bude ten čas. Potom on tiež povedal, „Ako to bolo vo dňoch Lóta,“ A povedal, „Toto sa stane v tom dni, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka, keď Syn človeka je zjavený v tých posledných dňoch.“

151 Tak pozrite sa čo On, ako sa Syn človeka zjavil v osobe toho anjela, ktorý bol tým Synom človeka. Absolútne. Abrahám Ho nazval, „Elohim.“ On bol ten Syn človeka. Zjavil sa práve predtým ako bol ten pohanský svet spálený. Ako to On urobil? Pre veriaceho. Pre toho, ktorý sa robí veriacim, On poslal dolu dvoch kazateľov, aby im kázali. Ale pre skutočného veriaceho, On stál chrbtom obrátený ku stanu, a povedal, „Abrahám.” On bol vtedy Abram... A niekoľko dní predtým, tamto. Ale teraz on je Abrahám. „Kde je tvoja žena Sára?“

152 Povedal, „Je v stane za Tebou.“

153Povedal, „Ja vyplním svoje zasľúbenie, ktoré som ti dal. Navštívim ťa.“

154 Ó, Abrahám mal sto rokov a Sára deväťdesiat, ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve zachoval Svoje zasľúbenie. To prinieslo to dieťa, pretože Boh je milosrdný a On je plný milosrdenstva. On je bohatý v milosrdenstve. On dodržuje Svoje zasľúbenie.

155Všimnite si, chrbtom obráteným ku stanu, Sára sa smiala a povedala, „Akoby sa tieto veci mohli stať? Ja som stará. Ako môžem mať potešenie zo svojím manželom ako mladá vydatá žena? No, on má sto rokov. Náš manželský pomer prestal pred mnohými, mnohými rokmi. Ako by toto mohlo byť?“ Ona sa ohľadne toho smiala.

156A ten anjel s... Syn človeka chrbtom obráteným ku tomu stanu, povedal, „Prečo sa Sára smiala, keď povedala, ́Ako to môže byť?́”

157Čo to bolo? Ježiš povedal vo svätom Lukášovi 17:30, že, „V tých dňoch, ako to bolo za dní Lóta,“ tá istá situácia pred tým, ako bol pohanský svet spálený, On povedal, „Syn človeka sa zjaví v tom dni. “On dal zasľúbenie, že Malachiáš 4, zasľúbil, že nám to povie. Príde posolstvo, ktoré navráti ľudí naspäť do originálneho letničného posolstva, a s tými istými požehnaniami ktoré oni mali na deň... Čo je to? To je orol s dvoma krídlami, oboje nový aj starý zákon dávajúc dohromady svoje zasľúbenia, zasľúbenia Božie, aby naplnil to, čo tie zaslúbenia Biblie povedali, že urobia. Amen.

158Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve by nenechal svojich ľudí, aby išli do tohoto denominačného, „bohatý v majetkoch a vo veciach toho sveta“ Laodicejského cirkevného veku, ale On urobil cestu úniku. Verte tomu ľudia. Nech vás Boh žehná. Amen. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve! Milosrdenstvá Božie, to je tá jediná vec po ktorej ja túžim. Nie po jeho spravodlivosti, nie po jeho zákone, ale po jeho milosrdenstve, to je to, po čom ja volám. Bože, buď mi milosrdný. My všetci to tak cítime.

159Pozoroval som. Tam je malá žena, ktorá tu sedí na konci toho sedadla. Máš modlitebný lístok pani? Nemáš. Dovoľ mi ukázať ti, že Boh je bohatý v milosrdenstve. Nedávno si tu bola skutočne nervózna, však? Skutočne to bolo zlé a s tvojimi očami sa to tiež zhoršovalo. Či to nie je tak? Je to tak. Tak oni sa zmenia. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve cez to, že sa ťa pýta, či budeš tomuto veriť. No, ty nemáš žiadnu modlitebnú kartu, nemáš nič, ale ty ju nepotrebuješ. Vidíš, to je milosť, ktorá ti to udelila.

160 Tam sedí postavou menší človek, sedí rovno tu vpredu s takým druhom... sedí rovno tu. On trpí nádorom na tele. A to tam prišlo len nedávno, nedávno. Či to nie je tak, pane? Je to tak. Ty nevieš čo to je. Ty sa toho obávaš. Je to tak. To bolo zapríčinené udrením? Máš modlitebnú lístok? Nemáš žiaden modlitebný lístok. Ty ho nepotrebuješ. Boh bohatý vo svojom milosrdenstve!

161Ó, brat, sestra, ver Bohu! Nepochybuj o Ňom. Ver Mu! Je to tak.

162Tu sedí muž, má šedý oblek, nosí okuliare. Pozri sa sem, pane. Veríš? Boh je bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve. Sedíš tam s pruhom. Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť ten pruh a spraviť že budeš v poriadku? Ty, ktorý sedíš tu na konci toho sedadla, dívaš sa na mňa. Ak veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť ten pruh, Boh to pre teba urobí, ak to ty prijmeš. Veríš tomu? Prijmeš to? V poriadku. Môžeš to mať, ak tomu budeš len veriť, mať to milosrdenstvo. Tak veru.

163Je tu pani, ktorá tu sedí, ona trpí na slabý krvný obeh v tele. Ak ona bude veriť, Boh ju uzdraví, ak tomu verí. Ja verím, že ona tomu unikne, tak iste ako čomukoľvek inému. Zmiluj sa, je moja modlitba. Sotva by som mohol vidieť tej ženy...Pani Riley, veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť ten slabý krvný obeh? Ak môžeš, prijmi to! Amen. Len ver. Boh je dobrý, či nie je Stella? Áno. Je to tak. Nikdy v živote som tú ženu nevidel. Ale Boh, vo Svojom milosrdenstve!

164Tu sedí ďalšia žena, sedí rovno tam vzadu, rovno vzadu, díva sa na mňa. Ona tiež, ona má takisto slabý krvný obeh. Ona o tom práve vtedy rozmýšľala. Nikdy v živote som tú ženu nevidel. A táto druhá žena mala tú istú vec, pozri sa na mňa. Veríš, že som Boží prorok, alebo jeho sluha? Ty máš tiež problém zo srdcom. Ak je to tak, zodvihni ruku. Ty to teraz nemáš. Boh bohatý vo Svojon milosrdenstve ukazuje, že On je živý dnes večer tu v tejto budove. Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve! Amen.

165Mohlo by byť, koľkí hriešnici a odpadlíci by povstali a povedali, „Bože, bohatý v milosrdenstve, buď mi milosrdný“? Povstaňte na svoje nohy. Budem sa za vás modliť, ak veríte, že On chce...Vy chcete teraz milosrdenstvo. Boh ťa žehnaj. Boh ťa žehnaj. Boh ťa žehnaj i teba. Odpadlík, povstaň na svoje nohy. Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve! Ste...

166Iste ste sa nestali tak necitliví v tomto stave, že nemôžete vidieť, že to je to samotné zasľúbenie na túto hodinu. Iste ste sa nestali tak zabalení do denominácie a do iných vecí, že nemôžete vidieť, že toto je zasľúbenie na túto hodinu. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve.

167Kýmkoľvek si bol, kto si sa postavil, za chvíľu sa budem modliť. Chcem, aby ste si spravili svoju cestu do nejakej dobrej cirkvi plného evanjelia a boli pokrstení kresťanským krstom, Boh vám dá Ducha Svätého.

168Je tam niekto ďalší, kto by sa postavil na svoje nohy a povedal, „Ja, ja chcem byť spomenutý. Bože pamätaj na mňa vo Svojom milosrdenstve. Nežil som tak, ako by som mal. Možno...“? Boh ťa žehnaj, pani. A Boh žehnaj teba. Boh ťa žehnaj. Boh ťa žehnaj. Boh ťa žehnaj. To je dobre. „Bože, bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve, buď mi milosrdný.“ Boh ťa žehnaj sestra. Je tam...

169Koľkí sú ešte tu, ktorí by povedali, „Ja sa postavím. Chcem, aby Boh vedel že ja chcem milosrdenstvo. Nežil som správne. Žil som tak a tak. Bol som hore a dolu, ale ja chcem Jeho milosrdenstvo.“ Boh ťa žehnaj, brat. Niekto ďalší, povedz, „Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve!“ Boh ťa žehnaj, sestra. Boh ťa žehnaj sestra. To je správne. Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve! Boh ťa žehnaj, tiež. Boh ťa žehnaj, tam vzadu. Boh ťa vidí. Len sa postav na svoje nohy.

170Poviete, „Spraví to niečo dobré brat Branham?“ Iste. Povstaňte a vidzte, aký veľký rozdiel to je.

171Ak ste skutočne vo svojom srdci úprimní, Boh je bohatý v milosrdenstve. „On nechce, aby niekto zahynul, ale aby všetci mohli prísť ku pokániu.“ Boh bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve! Ó, Bože, buď nám milostivý.

172No, koľkí sú tu, ktorí držia tieto modlitebné karty? Aké boli? A a B, či nie? A a B. Všetci tí ľudia, ktorí majú modlitebnú kartu A, postavte sa na túto stranu a s modlitebnou kartou B sa postavte za nimi.

173Som zvedavý, či sú tu nejakí kazatelia, ktorí by sa pripravili, aby mi pomohli. Ak takí sú, prišli by ste sem hore, bol by som rád, keby ste mi tu pomohli, pretože radi sa budeme modliť a modliť sa s vami.

174Toto povedala Biblia, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Tak veru. „V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať diablov, budú hovoriť novými jazykmi.“ Urobili sme to? Skrze milosť Božiu, nie my, ale Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve, aby dodržal Svoje Slovo. Boh!

175No, tí ktorí sú na vozíčkoch, ak ich chcete položiť rovno sem dopredu, budeme sa za nich modliť rovno tu, nemusíte ich ťahať cez všetky tie uličky tu. Nech, v poriadku, nech prídu rovno sem. My sa pravdaže za nich budeme modliť, za každého jedného z nich. Boh bohatý v milosrdenstve!

176Postavili by ste sa po pravej strane teraz, na niekoľko minút? Prišiel brat Brown s vami? [Nejaký brat hovorí, „Príde zajtra.“ -- pozn.prekl.] Príde zajtra. Nadejal som sa, že je tu. Kde, kde si brat Outlaw, kde je brat Fuller? Niektorí z tých ľudí, ktorí boli tu so mnou, keď som po prvý krát prišiel, poďme nazad. Pamätáte si tie starodávne modlitebné rady, keď sme tam zvykli stáť, až ste ma museli podopierať na jednej strane a niekto na druhej, ja som tak zoslabol?

177Koľkí boli na tých zhromaždeniach tam na počiatku? Pozrite sa sem. Pamätáte si tam, povedal som vám, že Pán Ježiš mi povedal, že ak budem úprimný, tieto veci sa stanú. Je to tak? Nikdy sme nemali niečo také, ako toto v tomto dni. Ale to sa stalo, pretože Boh je bohatý vo Svojom milosrdenstve a verný Svojmu zasľúbeniu. Amen! Snažím sa to ukončiť a nemôžem. Amen! Chvála Bohu! Haleluja!

„Ó som tak rád že som jeden z nich!“ Amen. Ó!

Tam sú ľudia takmer všade,

Ktorých srdcia horia Ohňom,

ktorý padol na Letnice,

Ktorý očistil a urobil ich čistými,

Ó, to horí v mojom srdci,

Ó, sláva Jeho Menu!

Som tak rád, že môžem povedať, že som jeden z nich.

178Ó, ja biedny, mizerný, biedny, slepý chudák akým som bol, a teraz skrze Jeho milosrdenstvo, Jeho bohaté milosrdenstvo môžem vidieť kráľovstvo Božie na svoje vlastné oči. Amen. Aké nádherné sú Jeho prikázania!

179Postav sa rovno môj brat na svoju barlu. Ak sa nemôžeš postaviť, v poriadku, zostaň rovno tam, pôjdeme rovno dolu a budeme sa za teba modliť.

180A teraz nech tie A a B modlitebné karty, nech sa zoradia tam na tej druhej strane a my sa budeme za nich modliť.

181 Bratia kazatelia, vy ste pravdaže, ak veríte v kladenie rúk na chorých, príďte rovno sem a postavte sa na toto pódium. Budeme sa modliť za chorých.

182No, vy ľudia, ktorí stojíte v tom rade, ak môžete veriť, že prítomnosť Božia je tu, že Duch Svätý je teraz v našom strede, činiaci presne to, čo On povedal, že bude robiť. Ak by som mal moc uzdraviť vás, ja by som to samozrejme urobil. Ak by som mal nejaký spôsob, aby som vás uzdravil, ja by som to samozrejme urobil. Ja ho nemám. Ja... Boh mi dal malý dar.

183Nie som veľmi kazateľom. Nemám dosť vzdelania, aby som bol kvalifikovaný ako kazateľ, to čo nazývame kazateľom v týchto dňoch, keď tie skúsenosti musia byť teologické skúsenosti, a to musí mať určitý doktorát a tak ďalej. Ja sa nemôžem na to kvalifikovať. Ale Boh, ktorý vidí moje srdce a vie, že ja chcem urobiť niečo pre Neho, chcem si to ceniť.

184Raz mi jeden človek povedal, „Myslím, že ty si fajn človek, pán Branham, ale ja verím, že ty si úprimne v blude. Ty si úplne mimo tej vôle. Vieš, že na konci budeš odsúdený?“

185A ja som povedal, „Pozri sa, chcem ti niečo povedať. Povedal by som, že ty by si bol v poriadku, ak by si hovoril len ohľadne tých argumentov. Ak sa mýlim, pričom neverím, že sa mýlim, ale ak by som sa mýlil a vedel by som práve teraz, že sa dožijem sto rokov a on by prišiel, aby ma odsúdil na konci cesty a povedal mi,́Ty si nezaslúžiš prísť do Môjho neba, William Branham. Choď do vonkajšej tmy.́ Viete čo? Ja by som Mu slúžil po všetky dni môjho života, až kým by som neodišiel, jednako. Pretože ja som prijal tak veľa Jeho nezaslúžených požehnaní, že On je pre mňa viac než život. On je všetko čo ja...“

186Všetko čo som ja, všetko, čo som kedy mohol dúfať, že budem, som načerpal z Jeho milosti a milosrdenstva. Bol som naničhodný, mizerný, biedny, slepý, ale skrze milosť On ma uzdravil a ja som silný a zdravý skrze milosť Božiu. Mám dobrý zrak. Jem, pijem, mám všetko, na čo mám potrebu. On nikdy nezasľúbil, že vyplní moje chcenie, ale moje potreby.

187A, ak by som bol v tom dni odvrhnutý a vedel by som...Nemôžem vidieť, kde by som bol. Ale, ak by som vedel, že som sa mýlil a Boh ma vybral, aby som sa mýlil, chcel by som zostať v omyle, a to preto, že chcem činiť Jeho vôľu. To je to, že ja Ho milujem až tak, že chcem, aby sa stala Jeho vôľa. No, to je veľké vyhlásenie, ale ja dúfam, že vy to rozumiete v tom spôsobe, v tom duchu v ktorom som to povedal. Vidíte, chcem činiť Jeho vôľu. Niekedy Ho za niečo prosím, On potrasie Svojou hlavou „nie,“ ja sa jednoducho tak z toho radujem, ako sa môžem radovať keby by On povedal „áno.“ Pretože my by sme vždy mali prosiť, „Nech sa stane Tvoja vôla.“ Jeho „nie” je práve tak...ak to je Jeho vôla, to je práve... To je celé oveľa lepšie, než Jeho „áno”, ak je to Jeho vôla, aby to spravil. To je to, keď Ho skutočne milujete. Amen.

188Keď sa dostávam do toho, že hovorím o Ňom, jednoducho sa nemôžem zastaviť. Ó, On je tak skutočný, tak skutočný pre mňa! Priatelia, On je všetko, čo ja som, všetko čím by som kedy bol, všetko, čo by som očakával že budem, je založené v Kristu Ježišovi, Jeho Slove.

189Som vďačný dnes večer za toho svedka Ducha Svätého, za posolstvo. Ja viem, že to možno, že možno niektorí s tým nesúhlasia, ale ako som vám povedal, ja som ku posolstvu zaviazaný. Vyšiel znak a Boh neposiela znak, len aby ukázal, že On je Boh. Posolstvo, hlas vždy nasledujú ten znak. Každý to vie.

190Ježiš prišiel so znameniami a divmi. On bol veľkým mužom, keď robil znamenia a divy, ale keď začal s tým, že si sadol a začal prinášať to posolstvo, „Ja a môj Otec sme jedno,“ ó, to bolo pre nich zlé. Vidíte? Ale hlas musel nasledovať ten znak.

191Mojžišovi boli dané dve znamenia, a každé znamenie malo hlas. Je to tak. Kázal som tu na to pred nejakým časom, niekde na Hlas Znamenia. To musí mať hlas znamenia. To je zmena. Vždy sa to tak deje. Ak sa to nedeje, potom to neprišlo od Boha.

192Ak človek vychádza so zvláštnou, divnou, službou, ktorá je nájdená v Biblii ako Pravda a ten človek stojí rovno v tej istej divnej denominačnej náuke, zabudnite na to. Nič na tom nie je! Boh nerobí takéto veci. Tá vec, je zhnitá manna, do ktorej sa dostali termiti, alebo červíky alebo akokoľvek to chcete nazvať, spred štyridsiatich, päťdesiatich rokov, stále sa pokúšajú jesť tú starú mannu, ktorá tam padala pred rokmi. A deti Izraelove na svojej púti, nová manna padala každú noc. Je to tak, nemohli by ste to zadržať.

193My nežijeme na nejakom veku, ktorý sa pominul. My jeme novú mannu, čerstvú mannu z neba, ako ideme na našej púti.

Skloňme teraz naše hlavy.

194Pane Bože, Ty si tak skutočný, Tvoja prítomnosť. Rozmýšľam o milosti Pane. Práve sme Ťa videli robiť tak veľa vecí! Počuli sme Ťa hovoriť jazykmi, videli sme Ťa, že ich vykladáš, skrze tvojich ľudí. Ó, Bože vidieť Ťa, že uzdravuješ chorých, otváraš oči slepých, spôsobuješ, že chromí chodia, hluchí počujú, nemí hovoria, aký veľký a mocný Boh si Ty!

195A potom vidíme, že Ty si toto zasľúbil v týchto posledných dňoch. Hoci máme mnoho telesných napodobenín, jednako to len ukazuje, že existuje niekde skutočný Boh, ktorý je skutočne pravdivý. A ja sa dnes večer modlím, nebeský Otče, aby sme sa stali tak vedomými si Boha, až vidíme, že Ty si tu.

196A títo ľudia v tom rade, keď oni idú cez ten rad Pane...robíme toto kvôli tomu, že sme im to sľúbili. A Ty si povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“

197Sú tu bratia kazatelia, ktorí tu stoja, mužovia, ktorých si Ty vyvolil pred založením sveta, aby boli tým, čím sú dnes večer. Ty si vedel predtým, ako bol svet, že my tu budeme stáť dnes večer, pretože Ty si nekonečný.

198Tak my prosíme Nebeský Otče, dnes večer, aby ako títo chorí ľudia, invalidi, slepí a chromí, postihnutí rakovinou, čokoľvek to môže byť, ktorí prechádzajú týmto radom, aby si mohli uvedomiť, že ten Boh, ktorý pozná tajomstvo srdca ich uzdraví, ak to oni len príjmu, len pozrú a porozumejú.

199Človek, ktorý sa pozrel na toho medeného hada, práve ako kňaz...kus medi, on by nikdy nebol uzdravený, pretože on nemal zrozumenie o tom, čo to bolo.

200A dnes Pane je to to isté. Ak sa oni dívajú na dar a rozmýšľali by o tom, možno by im to pomohlo, oni nemajú zrozumenie. To je len potvrdenie prítomnosti Božej, ktorá je tu, aby uzdravovala. Udeľ to Otče. Nech sa tak stane v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

201Chcel by som, aby tá malá klaviristka, ak by bola ochotná, muž alebo žena, ktokoľvek to môže byť, aby išla tam a zahrala tu pieseň, „Ten veľký Lekár je teraz nablízku, súcituplný Ježiš,“ ak by ona prišla, ktokoľvek, kto je klaviristom. Tak to je...

202Pamätám sa na jedno z prvých zhromaždení s uzdravovaním, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Jedno malé Amišské dievča, ktoré tam sedelo, ona hrala na klavír, „Ten veľký Lekár je teraz na blízku, súcituplný Ježiš.“ Priviedli mi tam na pódium jedno malé dieťa, ono bolo zmrzačené. A zatiaľ, čo som sa modlil, ono mi vyskočilo z náručia a bežalo dolu cez pódium. Ta matka odpadla. Stará matka si vytiahla vreckovku a začala plakať.

203A teraz to malé Amišské dievča nevediac nič o letničných, pretože ona patrila do Amišskej cirkvi, ale ona hrala. Jej dlhé vlasy sa jej rozpustili, ona povstala v Duchu a začala spievať v neznámych jazykoch, a tá...a s harmóniou tej piesne. A klávesy toho klavíra sa pohybovali hore a dolu, hrajúc, „Ten veľký Lekár je teraz na blízku, súcituplný Ježiš.“ Amen! On je ten istý včera, dnes a na veky.

204No, modlime sa teraz...Nech sa teraz každý modlí. Vy ľudia, ktorí prechádzate tým radom, keď kladieme na vás ruky, pamätajte, Ježiš povedal, „Ak budete tomu veriť, budete uzdravení.“ Veríte tomu? No, spievajme teraz všetci.

Ten veľký Lekár je teraz nablízku,

súcituplný Ježiš,

On hovorí...(zatvorme teraz naše oči ako spievame)

...srdcia do povzbudenia,

Ó, počujte hlas Ježiša.

Najsladší tón v piesni serafínov,

najsladšie Meno na smrteľníkovom jazyku,

najsladšie...(Otče Bože, pohybuj sa nad tými ľuďmi teraz)...spievaná,

Ó, Ježiš, požehnaný Ježiš.

205„Ten veľký...“ No, ako teraz tadeto prechádzate, On je tu. Vezmite moje slovo, alebo to verte sami, On je tu. Každý sa tu teraz modlite za týchto ľudí.

206[Brat Branham a kazatelia sa modlia za chorých, zatiaľ čo brat Borders vedie zhromaždenie v speve. Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.]

Ó, Pane ja verím, ó Pane ja verím,

všetko je možné, ó Pane ja verím.

207Všetci ktorí veria, zodvihnite takto svoju ruku, povedzte, „Ja verím.“ [Zhromaždenie hovorí,“Ja verím.“ – pozn.prekl.]

208Sedí tu jeden muž. Ten dôvod, že som bol taký obšírny bol, aby som povedal, že on zomiera na rakovinu. On má barlu. Nie je na svete spôsob pre toho človeka aby žil, pomimo Boha. On má všade rakovinu, vnútornosti, a on zomrie, ak by to nebolo na milosti Božej. A ja si želám, aby som len mohol...[Prázdne miesto na páske – pozn.prekl.] ...slovo povzbudenia pre tohoto muža.

209 Ty, ty vieš, že doktori pre teba teraz nemôžu nič urobiť. Ty si poza tým, vidíš. A ty si...Ty máš len jednu šancu, a to je v Kristovi, vidíš. A brat ty...Ja jedného dňa zomriem tiež. Ty budeš musieť ísť, ak Ježiš bude predlievať. Ja sa tam mám s tebou stretnúť, postaviť sa tam na súde. A dnes večer...

210Vieš, ako v televízií, televízia zachytila každú chvíľu, keď sme dokonca pohli naším prstom, všetko, je to na zázname. Každé slovo, ktoré my povieme sa zaznamenáva. Tak vidíte, televízia to potvrdila. No, televízia nevyrába obraz, ona len zachytáva tie vlny do televízie. Vidíte, ona to nevyrába. Televízia bola, keď Adam chodil po zemi, televízia bola, keď Mojžiš prechádzal cez Červené more, televízia bola, keď Eliáš bol na hore Karmel, vidíte, ale oni to teraz len objavili. Vidíte? A teraz všade ja...

211Každý pohyb, ktorý spravíme a každý zvuk, to sa zaznamenáva, aby nás to stretlo na súde. Každý pohyb ktorý spravíme nás tam má stretnúť. Ja sa musím zodpovedať za slová, ktoré vám hovorím ako kazateľ. Ja to musím urobiť, pretože Boh ma za to zoberie na zodpovednosť.

212No ak by som mohol, ja by som vás uzdravil, pretože vy máte len málo času, ak by to nebolo na Bohu. Tak, ja by som išiel dolu a modlil by som sa za vás, a urobil by som všetko, čo by som vedel urobiť. Brat všetko na svete, čo by som ja mohol urobiť pre človeka, ktorý tu sedí v tom stave, ja by som to urobil.

213A dovoľ mi spýtať sa ťa. Ty si už uzdravený, pretože Ježiš povedal, že si zostal uzdravený. Vidíte, „Jeho sinavicami sme boli uzdravení.“

No, ak by si mohol, z hĺbky tvojho srdca, prijmi to, ty teraz nezomrieš, ale budeš žiť.

214No vidíte, teraz vieme, že televízia prechádza cez túto miestnosť. Vieme to. My to nevidíme. My to nemôžeme vidieť, naše oči nie sú tak utvorené, naše zmysly to nemôžu zachytiť. To vyžaduje obrazovku vyrobenú v továrni alebo čokoľvek to je, kryštálku, aby to zachytila.

215Tak je prítomný Boh. My ho nevidíme, ale vieme, že On je tu. Ježiš Kristus je Ten istý. Pozrite, On práve preukázal Samého Seba, ako sa On Sám preukazuje. No, čo sa týka uzdravovania, ak by On tu práve teraz stál, On by nemohol urobiť pre vás viac, vidíte, nič ďalšie. Ak by sa Syn Boží rovno tu postavil, ktorým On je, On je tu, ale On by nemohol urobiť pre vás viac, pretože On už zidentifikoval Samého Seba tu. Vidíte? A On je práve teraz tu, práve tak isto, aby vás uzdravil a spravil, že budete v poriadku.

216A tá malá pani mi tu povedala, povedala, „Ty si prosil o požehnanie a prorokoval alebo niečo,“ za ňu, aby ona mohla mať dieťa, ktorá sedí tu v invalidnom kresle. A jej sa to stalo a ona dostala svoje dieťa.

217 A teraz tá malá pani sedí tu. No, ona mala operáciu hrvola a to ju paralyzovalo. No, my jednoducho vidíme tak veľa tých vecí, že sa dejú. Tak, malá sestra, ja viem, že ty si skutočná kresťanka. Prečo ťa nechal Boh, aby si si sadla tam, ja neviem. Ja možno verím, že to je kvôli tomu, že ty máš...Viera, ty sa snažíš mať vieru, aby si sa tam z toho dostala, vidíš, ale teraz pozri, nesnažme sa mať ju, majme ju práve teraz, vidíš, my tam jednoducho budeme. To je, čo sa toho týka, všetko, to je začať práve teraz a zostaneme uzdravení. A vy, ľudia, tam na tých stoličkách, čo, alebo čokoľvek ste, len pamätajte, že Kristus je prítomný.

218No, vy poviete, „Je tam niekto, vidíš môj obraz, ako on tade prechádza?“ Ó, áno.

219Dokonca slová Ježiša Krista, ktoré On vypovedal, keď bol tu na zemi, prechádzajú rovno cez túto miestnosť. To nikdy nezomiera. Koľkí vedia, že podľa vedy je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ -- pozn.prekl.] No, čo je to? Potom Duch berie to Slovo, ktoré bolo napísané a manifestuje Ho. Ó, sláva!

220On je tu. On je práve teraz Tu, Pán. My len...Tak veľa sme videli, On urobil tak veľa, až sme tak trochu, viete, jednoducho sme sa tak trochu na tom potkli. Ak by sme si uvedomili, že to nie je len niečo také mýtické, nejaký teologický výraz, ale dôkaz toho, čo On zasľúbil, že ukáže Samého Seba v tomto dni, tu to On predkladá, rovno pred nami, práve teraz. Aká nádherná vec! Či to nie je nádherné? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

221Teraz ver. Budeš tomu veriť? Ver, že nezomrieš. Budeš žiť a uctíš Boha. Ty uctíš Boha. Bol si niekedy pokrstený? Si kresťan? A ty si kresťan. No, ty chceš žiť Bohu na česť. Potom choď, ži môj brat. V mene Ježiša Krista, ži!

222A sestra, ty chceš chodiť na slávu Božiu a starať sa o svoje dieťa, potom choď, sestra, v mene Ježiša Krista!

223Vy, každý jeden z vás urobte to isté v mene Ježiša Krista! Nezabudnite, tento motel Westward Ho, tu dnes večer, že sa tu prítomnosť Božia zidentifikovala. On nehľadí na osobu. On len chce, aby ste verili. Veríte mu teraz? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Amen. Boh vás žehnaj.

224Skloňme teraz naše hlavy. Neviem, koho vybrali, aby rozpustil zhromaždenie. Brat Mushegian tu, poď rovno sem brat. On rozpustí zhromaždenie v modlitbe. Boh vás žehnaj. Boh vás žehnaj.

THE GOD WHO IS RICH IN MERCY, 65-0119, Westward Ho Hotel, Westward Ho Hotel, Phoenix, AZ, 89 min

1 You may be seated. [] I was... or packed away, coming in and seeing Brother Moore and all of them here on the platform, the friends that I have known for so many years. It's certainly a privilege to see them here tonight. I feel kind of small to stand here and speak with such theologians behind me, and maybe they will correct me when I'm wrong. I hope so.

2We are very happy tonight to have a certain person here, Sister Rose. We was coming down... I was with Brother Shores and his assistant, today, for a little lunch. And on the road down, Brother Williams said that Sister Rose was very sick. And we went in to see her just a moment, knelt down. And she had a high fever, and really sick. Just a few words of prayer, and the Lord spoke to us, and said, "She is going to be healed." Said, "She'll be there tomorrow night," they say. And here she is tonight, sitting right here. That's right.

3 Sister Rose, stand up just a minute, so that they... We are thankful to the Lord. She was bedfast. She said, "The--the devil just beat me out of everything. I come over here and had a breakdown with this," some kind of a throat disease, and so forth. But the Lord has brought her through, so to that we're happy. Thanking the dear Lord!

4Now we've been having wonderful times. And tomorrow night, now, we go over to the--the Ramada. And don't forget now, it won't be here tomorrow night, it'll be at the Ramada. And the convention begins the next night. Have to put up with me one more night, you know.

5 So last night I--I went so far off of scale, I kind of made a little promise to myself that, the first of the year, that I just going to cut them Messages down from three or four, five hours, to maybe along about thirty or forty minutes. And as I told you last night, my wife commented me Sunday, said, "You did real well." So--so then, of course, I had to come along last night and ruin it, see. But I was fifty-five minutes, instead of thirty, last night.

6Coming down, tonight, Billy said, "What are you going to speak on?"

7I said, "Well, I got a few little notes wrote out here, and some Scriptures. I don't know, some of them, four or five different Messages." I said, "I feel when I get down there, and see what's going on."

8Said, "You promised to pray for all them sick people."

I said, "Yes, sir. How many cards you got?"

Said, "Two hundred."

I said, "I better start on them, tonight."

9And he said, "Now remember, you only get fifteen minutes to speak." Said, "You took the rest of it up last night." [Brother Branham and the congregation laugh--Ed.] We'll have to hurry up, won't I?

10 Well, we made a promise to you, that we would pray for those people who had prayer cards, and we are--we are obligated to a promise, of course. We can't bring them all through these lines, and neither could I be able to call them individually, out in the audience. Even though the Holy Spirit would give it to me, I--I just can't stand to do it. It's just too much on me. And, but we're all acquainted with those things. We know that God is still God. It isn't that that heals. It's that that only builds faith, to let us know that--that we're in His Presence.

11And we're going, tonight, to pray for all those sick people, every one of them that's got those prayer cards, to be prayed for. And then tomorrow night, over at the Ramada, we'll try to give out some more and start praying for them over there, 'cause I still have tomorrow night. And I think I have one night of the convention, maybe a breakfast also. It depends on how things come out.

12 There is some, one of the speakers that never showed up; hasn't as yet, I don't think. Brother Humburg, or is that... [A brother says, "Amburgy."Ed.] Amburgy, Amburgy, Kash Amburgy. So I--I get it all wrong, that's that German name. I--I guess that's German. So I may have to kind of pinch-hit, as we call it, excuse the expression, for him.

13So we been having a wonderful time in the Lord, though. To all of you, if there be some strangers here tonight, we're sure glad to have you in, and trust that the Lord will bless you. I pray that there won't be any sick people in the building when we leave tonight, that our Lord will come down in His great power and will heal all that is sick and afflicted.

14 Here sometime ago, I used to take the individuals in on special interviews, some of the hard cases that we couldn't get through. Then it built up so fast, till it got to be, the Lord kept blessing it, till we got three or four hundred waiting, and so then people get their feelings hurt because they would wait. Maybe, on that much time, you would have to wait maybe a year or two, so to get in to it, see, just in between the meetings, to take them on the interviews. And we'd just sit and wait on the Lord until He told us just exactly the case.

15There is no doubt there is people sitting here tonight that's been on them special interviews. Is there? Let's see you raise your hands. On the special interviews. Yes, there sits, so, and know that's right. We just wait to see what the Lord would say, what that case... And then I had to stop that here some time ago. I told Billy that we couldn't have any more private interviews.

16 See, I--I--I just passed twenty-five, recently, second time, and way up towards the third time. And so as you get a little older, why, you don't, you... somehow you can't keep up like you used to. Your steps shorten. And--and, course, Brother Moore don't know anything about that yet. He... I think we are somewhere around the same age.

17But a lot of water has went down the river since you and I, and Brother Brown come here the first time, with Brother Outlaw and Brother Garcia, and Brother Fuller. I wonder if them men would be in here tonight? Brother Garcia, Brother Fuller, Brother Outlaw, are they here? Raise up your hands if you are. Yes, there is Brother Fuller, I believe, if I'm not mistaken. Brother Outlaw over here. Brother Garcia, I--I believe though that he left Phoenix. I think that's right. He--he left Phoenix, and he is over in California. Well, it was certainly grand days, and I still believe the same Message I had then, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." I guess that's been about... Well, Becky was a baby. That's about nineteen years.

18And now she is a big, old, fat, ugly girl sitting out there somewhere, nineteen years old. Where are you, Becky? Boy, she will get me for that. I remember packing her in on my arm. I'd sure have a job doing that tonight.

19 Remember over at Brother Garcia's church one night, she was a little bitty fellow. And I said, "We have an international meeting tonight." I said, "I'm speaking to the Spanish." And I said, "My wife here is a German." I said, "I'm an Irishman." And I said, "And my little girl is an Indian," and that was Becky.

20So when I went out the back door, there was a little Mexican girl out there, said, "Brother Branham!"

Said, "Yes, honey, what do you want?"

Said, "Don't you think your baby is a bit pale, to be an Indian?" She is a blond, you know.

And I said, "Just an Indian in action."

21Well, we're thankful, that, to be here again tonight. Now before we approach the Word, let's approach Him, for He is the Word. When the Word is made manifest, that's Him in you.

22 As we had last night on The Seed Of Discrepancy, did you appreciate that, the Lord blessing? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I--I certainly appreciated bringing the Message to you. And we see what the seeds are.

23Now is there a special request tonight, just something special? Maybe some of you all that's going to be in this prayer line, say, "God, be merciful. When I come to be prayed for, let my faith rise up to meet the conditions." And--and maybe somebody has got a loved one, sick, and something. Would you just raise your hand so God would just look down and say... Now if that... You don't know how that makes me feel to look there. Just look at the need in here! Minister brothers, just look at that. See? Now, if it makes me feel that way, what does it do to our Father? Certainly.

Now let us pray.

24 Dear Jesus, we are approaching now the great Throne of mercy, through this all-sufficient Name. "For there is no other Name given among men whereby we must be saved, but only this Name of the Lord Jesus." And we're coming in His Name. And we pray, Heavenly Father, that You will receive us, tonight, as Your believing children. And forgive our unbelief, Lord. Help it tonight, that it may be that we will completely believe every Word of God tonight, for all the things that we have need of.

25You know what's beneath these hands that's been raised up; there is sickness, some of them may be domestic troubles, some of them financial troubles, some of them are weary, maybe some backslid, some sinner. Whatever the need is, Thou art more than a match for any enemy. So we pray, Lord, that--that tonight, that we will recognize that our enemies, every one, has been defeated, even to death itself. And that we are more than conquerors in Him Who--Who loved us and gave Himself for us, has washed us in His Blood.

26 We pray, Lord, that all unbelief, all doubt, all flustration, all that's unlike God, will flee from us tonight, that the Holy Ghost might have the right of way in our hearts. May He speak to us in a mysterious ways. May He speak to us in His Power. May He resurrect those that are--are spiritually dead, bring back health to those who are sick and afflicted, lift up the feeble knees, the wearied hands that's hanging down. And may there be a time of rejoicing.

27May it break forth tonight, Lord, to leave this place to the Ramada Inn, and start one of the greatest conventions that's ever been held in this city. Lord, while we're assembled together and pray! You said, "If the people that are called by My Name, shall assemble themselves together and pray, then I'll hear from Heaven." God, we pray that this will be so, tonight.

28Now, Father, as we read the Word, no one can interpret It but You, You are Your Own interpreter, and we pray that You will interpret to us the things that we read tonight. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

29 Now if many of you like to just mark down Scriptures that a minister reads. And I would like for you to, tonight, if you would, to turn to Ephesians.

30And I was speaking last Sunday on the Ephesians, how that the Book of Joshua was the Ephesians of the Old Testament, and how it was a Book of redemption.

31And redemption has two different parts: "come out of" and "entering into." First, you have to come out. Some people wants to bring the world in with them; but you got to come out of the world, to enter into Christ. You have to come out of unbelief, to enter into faith. There cannot be one thing in your way. To really have genuine faith, you must absolutely leave everything that's contrary to the Word of God, behind, to enter into faith.

32And that was the Book of the Ephesians of the Old Testament, Joshua. Where, Moses represented the law, could not save no one; but grace could, and here Joshua is the same word like Jesus, "Jehovah-saviour."

33And now then, we find out that we have come to another Ephesians, another Ephesus now. Where, that, in our intellectual denominations and so forth, and all of our educational programs has come to its--its Jordan, then we must have an--an Ephesians again. We must have an exodus, to "come out" and to "go into," for the Rapture.

34 Now we're going to read tonight from the 2nd chapter of Ephesians. I was just saying that so you could get to the--the spot, or turn to the chapter.

You, and you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sin:

Wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedient:

Among whom also we all had our conversations in times past in the lusts of the flesh, fulfilling the desire of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,

Even when we were dead in sin, has He quickened us together with Him, or, quickened us together with Christ, (by grace are ye saved;)

35I want to take from there a few, or part of the verse, "but God," The God Who Is Rich In Mercy.

36 I want you to notice here of the prophet, apostle, rather, Paul, who--who, how he made mention of this, how, "You has He quickened, who were once dead. You hath He quickened, who were once dead, dead in sin and trespasses; walking after the things of the world, the desire of the flesh, and fulfilling the desire of the mind. Has..."

37What caused this change, you see? And what caused it, "from one time being dead," to quicken? Quicken means "made alive." There was a change, from death unto Life. There is no other, there is no other thing that could happen to any person, so great, as to change him from death to Life. A man, if he was dying, physically, and could be healed physically, that would be a great thing, but nothing so great as when he is spiritually dead and God has quickened him to Life.

38 "You once, in times past, dead." You were dead. Even many here tonight, one time, can look back and know that you were dead. But now why aren't you dead tonight, as you were then? You deserve to be that way, because you was a sinner, "but God Who is rich in mercy." That's the--that's the thing, "God Who was rich." All these things that we were, "but God"! That made the change right there, "God Who is rich in mercy"!

39Oh, I'm so glad for that, that He being rich in mercy. If He was just rich in money, if He was just rich in materials, which He is, but yet the greatest thing is being rich in mercy. Oh, what a great word that is, how that we were once dead.

40 And we was speaking the other night on how the seed must die. And everything around that germ of life must not only die, but rot. If it doesn't rot, it cannot live. And rot is, "completely done away with; it's finished." And until we get to the place that our own ideas and our own thinking is completely gone and it's rotted away from us, then the germ of life can begin to live.

41Now--now we might, I might inject just a little bit of doctrine here, that I don't... If you don't believe it, all right. That's just okay. I do believe it. I believe that--that a man, when he is born in this world, that when you're a little baby, born into the world, you could not have been here without being the foreknowledge of God, because He is infinite and He knows all things. And when that little baby is born into the world, there is something in that baby. If he is ever going to have Life, there is a little something in there, in that child then, that he comes to, sooner or later. That little seed is in him. Now if you'll take... The Scriptures plainly declare that.

42 Now if you've got Eternal Life tonight, if we have Eternal Life, then we always were, because there is only one form of Eternal Life. We always were. And the reason we were, because we are a part of God. And God is the only thing that's Eternal.

43And like as Melchisedec received tithes from Abraham, and it was lotted to his great-grandson, Levi, who was yet in the loins of Abraham; paid tithes, for he was yet in the loins of Abraham when he met Melchisedec. I want to speak on that over at the other place, one morning. Who Is This Melchisedec? Now notice that. Way back, God knew this boy coming down. He knowed all things.

44Now we are a part of God. You always was. You don't remember it, because you were only an attribute in God. You were only in His thinking. Your very name, if it ever was on the Book of Life, it was put there before the foundation of the world. He knew what you were.

45 I'm only saying this, not to mix up doctrine, but to straighten it out, that we might get away from this fear and scare. You don't know who you are. You are not going to be, but now you are the sons of God. See, you always were the sons of God. See?

46For when God had you in His thinking at the beginning, you have to be, some part of you, your Life that's in you now, had to be with God before there. Well, when He, before He even become material here on earth, before there was anything, but God, you were one of His attributes. He knowed what your name would be. He knowed the color of hair you would have. He knowed all about you. The only thing happened is when you, being a sinner...

47 Many of you can--can fellowship with me on this thought. When you was a little boy, or a little girl, you would walk around and there would be certain things that would just, where it wouldn't bother the other kids, it seemed like there was something in you that cried out. There was God somewhere, yet you were a sinner. You remember that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Certainly. Now what was that? That was that little form of Life in you then.

48And then after a while, you heard the Gospel. Maybe you went to church, you picked out this and that, and went from denomination to denomination. But one day, you being part of God, you had to be part of the Word. And when you heard the Word, you know where you come from, you knowed what was the Truth. You were always, the seed was in you always. The Word seen the Word that was in you, that was before the foundation of the world, saw the Word and you come to It.

49 Like my little eagle story, of how the little eagle was hatched out under a hen. And the little fellow walked with the chickens, he, the hen clucked, and he didn't understand her clucking. And--and the little chickens, their diet they had in the barnyard, he--he didn't understand that, how that they did that. But there was something in him, seemed to be different from what that chicken was, because at the beginning he was a eagle. That's right. One day his mama come hunting him, and, when he heard that scream of the eagle, it was different from the cluck of the hen.

50And that's the way it is with every born-again believer. You can hear all the theology you want to, and all the man-made discrepancy; but when that Word flashes out there, then there is something takes a hold, you come to It. "You who were once dead in sin (that life) has He quickened." There has to be a Life there to quicken to, first. God, by His foreknowledge, knowed all things. And we were predestinated to be sons and daughters of God. "Ye who were once dead in sin and trespasses, wherein we all had our times past, but hath He quickened."

51 Look at Paul, when Paul was a great theologian. But when he come face to face with that Word, Jesus, it quickened. He come to Life right quick, because he was ordained to be that. The... He was part of the Word; and when the Word saw the Word, it was his nature. All the clucking of the hens, in the orthodox churches, didn't have no effect upon him; he had saw the Word. It was part of him. He was an eagle. He wasn't a chicken; he was just in the barnyard with them. But he was a eagle, to begin with.

52 I heard a similar little story, I hope it don't sound sacrilegious, about a little duck being born under a hen, one time. He couldn't understand. A funny-looking little fellow, odd guy, and he couldn't understand the dust and everything. They were playing in the barnyard. But one day the old hen led the little brood out behind the barn, and he got a smell of water. Well, he took out towards that water as hard as he could go. Why? He had never been on a pond before. He had never been in the water. But he was a duck, to begin with. Only thing he had to do was come to himself.

53That's the same thing the believer is. There is something in him, that, when he meets God face to face, he comes to himself. That seed is in him, and it's quickened. My, that's right, and he flies away from the things of the world. They become dead to him. My, I remember, we all had our life, in the past, in those things of the world. But once we got a hold of that real Thing, something that quickened us, a little seed that come to Life, then all the things of the world rotted right there. We had no more desire of it.

54 "He that's born of God, doth not commit sin. The worshiper once purged has no more conscience of sin, no more desire to sin." The sin question is over. You become a part of God, in Christ. Christ died to redeem you.

55Now just think of all that we would have been if it hadn't been for God. But God, in His rich mercy, how He has redeemed us tonight! Where would we have been tonight if it hadn't been for God's rich mercy upon us?

56Once the world was so sinful, that man had caused corruption to come upon the earth until it even grieved God that He ever made man. The whole head was a putrefied sore, the whole body, and God even grieved that He ever made a man. So He said, "I will destroy man who I have created." He will destroy them because he has nothing but just a bunch of corruption.

57And the whole human race would have been wiped out at that time, but God, rich in mercy, would not let the innocent perish with the guilty. And He went away and made a provided way for the ones that wanted to come in, that wanted to do what was right. He, made a way of mercy for those who desired mercy, and He prepared an ark. In other words, He put some wings on His eagles, that they could fly above the judgment, and not drown with the chickens. But He--He made a way of an escape, in the days of Noah. This caused Him to do that, to provide it, because He was rich in mercy.

58 But after He has provided a way for people and then they refuse it, now, the reason they refuse it is because there is nothing in there to receive it. There is nothing to receive it. My mother used to say, "You cannot get blood from a turnip, because there is no blood in a turnip." So if there is no form of Life in there to receive It, then It cannot be received.

59That's the reason the Pharisees could look right in the face of Jesus, and call Him, "Beelzebub," because there was nothing in them to receive Him. "But all the Father has given Me," He said, "will come to Me." There--there is some way it's going to be presented.

60 You can talk to people sometime on the streets, talk to them about the Lord, they laugh right in your face. Well, we're supposed to do it, anyhow. But listen, "There is no man can come to Me except My Father draws him first." God has to do the drawing. There has to be a Life. "And all that He has given Me, will come to Me."

61He made a provision for those who wants to be redeemed. He made a provision for those who wants to be healed. And then because that He did this, makes Him rich in mercy, as He has always been rich in mercy. It must be, if you refuse This, there is nothing left but the Judgment, because sin must be judged.

62Pharaoh, when he went into the--the sea, as an impersonator, seeing that he could go in like Moses did. Moses with his army, and Pharaoh with his army, both of them should have perished in the sea, looked like. But God, rich in mercy, made a way of escape for the Hebrew children, (why?) because they were following in the line of duty, they were following in the Word.

63Now that's the only way to obtain mercy, is to follow the instructions that God has give us to follow in. That's the only way He can show mercy, is when we follow what He said do.

64 As the little debate not long ago, with a minister that said that I was teaching an apostolic Doctrine in this day. I believe I spoke of it a night or two ago, or sometime, about how he said, "You're trying to inject, into this age, an apostolic Doctrine." He said, "The apostolic age ceased, with the apostles."

And I asked him, "Well, do you believe the Word?"

He said, "Yes."

65I said, "Revelation 22:18 says, that, 'Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It,' not just two words; one Word, take one Word out."

Said, "I believe that."

66I said, "Then I can tell you where the apostolic age was given, the apostolic Blessings was given to the Church; now you tell me where God taken it out of the Church, by the Word. You can't do it; it's not there." I said, "Now remember, that Peter, on the Day of Pentecost, he was the--the introducer of the apostolic age. And he told them all to, 'Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.'"

67 Now if you want to listen to the clucking of some denominational hen, and live back out there in the things of the world, then it goes to show that there is something wrong. Because, That is the Word. "Whosoever will, may come." And if you've got a will, you should come. But if you haven't no will, then you're in a sad condition. But if you've got a will to come, come follow God's formula!

68And He never fails to fulfill what He promised. I once was young, and now I'm old, I've never seen Him fail in His Word. Because, He can do anything but fail. He cannot fail. God cannot. It's impossible for God to fail, and remain God. He has to, to do that.

69 Now Pharaoh's army tried to impersonate, because they wasn't called and they had not that Life. Into the... The promise wasn't given to Pharaoh. The promise wasn't give him for a promised land.

70And an impersonator, trying to follow a real believer who is called to such, only makes a mockery out of it. That's what's the matter with our religious system today, is too many people trying to impersonate the Holy Spirit, too many people trying to impersonate the baptism, too many people trying to impersonate the apostolic age. It's for believers, and that alone. God has made a way, rich in mercy, that His children would not perish. He has made a way for them.

71Now, Pharaoh trying to pursue on, he drowned in the very waters that saved Moses and his group. Now, Moses did not drown, because God is rich in mercy to them who are following His provided way. Amen.

72Can you see what I mean? That, tonight, people who don't believe in Divine healing, people who do not believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, how can they receive anything? God is rich in mercy to those who will follow after Him; not after a creed, but after God.

73 God is the Word, and It was made flesh and dwelt among us, now, that He might bring forth the other attributes of God. The body, Jesus, was the body of God, an attribute. Moses seen Him pass, the back part of Him; no man had seen His face. But now we seen Him, we have beheld Him, see Him as the Sacrifice. Now, see, He was an attribute of God, being displayed, the Word. That's what He was.

74And when any believer comes to God, he becomes God's attribute of His Word, he is used to manifest the Word that's promised for that day. See? That's right. God, rich in mercy, has never left us without a testimony. He is rich in mercy.

75 We find now that God was so merciful to Moses out there in that dead sea, out in the Red Sea out there, rather. Then when He said here, in Exodus 19:4, He said, "I carried you away on eagles' wings, brought you to Myself. Carried them on eagles' wings, and brought you to Myself!" There was other men in the middle of that sea out there, also, trying to impersonate. But what? "He carried them on eagles' wings."

76Now God always likens His prophets to eagles. And what was it? Moses was His messenger. And they were following Moses, and that was the eagles' wings that they were carried on, because he was packing God's message. And the people followed that. They were following God as they followed Moses with His message of deliverance. And the Bible said that, "He, they perished not with them who believed not." Cause, God was rich in mercy to them, because they were following His commandments. God wants us to follow His commandments.

77 We could say the same about Korah and about Dathan and their gang of unbelieving people, as they tried to impersonate. They tried to inflict something into God's program. They didn't like a one-man program. They didn't like that. They had to have something to do. Korah said, "Why, there is more holy men than you, Moses. You act like you're the only beach on the... or the only pebble on the beach, rather." And said, "I--I... you oughtn't to do that. And there is more men here."

78And Moses knowed that he was to carry those children over into the promised land, because the promise was given to him. And he must pack them to the promised land.

79 And, today, the Holy Spirit is here to vindicate God's Word, and that's the eagle wing that we're supposed to ride on; not some man-made theology. But we are to ride upon the wings of the eagle, to the promised Land.

80And here they was going to get a bunch of chickens out there, Korah thought, you know, to come around, impersonate this, the eagle. And when they did, God said, "Separate yourself from them," and He swallowed up the world. He would have swallowed up the whole thing, the whole creation, but God was rich in mercy to those who are trying to follow His Word. Always, God rich in mercy. Many of them come over on the side with Moses, and God opened up the earth and swallowed up the unbeliever. He, the--the unbeliever, will always perish.

81 Those who did not believe, though they come out and walked for a while, but, they, Jesus said, "They are, every one, dead." Dead is "annihilation." They are dead. Just think of them. They come out, seen the miracles of God, seen the great hand of God, enjoyed the manna; and got out there and listened to a man named Balaam, that perverted the way of God, by his teaching contrary to the Word, "We are all brethren, so let's just all get together."

82That's another Balaam system rising up, today, "Let's all get together." It will not work. Let's walk with the Eagle, Jehovah Eagle. You are eaglets.

83There's only three saved out of the entire group; Moses, Caleb, and Joshua. The rest of them perished in the wilderness; Jesus said so, in Saint John the 6th chapter. God, in mercy, would not let them perish, because, with the rest of the unbelievers. They all died right there in the wilderness, and they are dead. God saved Moses and the eagle believers, because that they had respect to His Word.

84 And today, friend, the only way that we can ever have favor with God; God is rich in mercy, today, but we've got to respect what He said about it. You just can't take what somebody else said. You've got to take what God said. He said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine true."

85Today we are told that, "All you have to do," in many places, "is join church, have a creed, or something like that; or say a prayer, or put your name on a book, or be sprinkled or baptized a certain way, or something like that. That's all you have to do." But that's wrong.

86To be an eagle of God, you've got to follow the Word, day by day. You've got to continue, feed upon the Word.

87 Now we find them, after this time, murmuring again, weakened in faith, after God had showed mercy to them. And we find them murmuring with God, and, when they did, they were dying with snake bites. Well, they deserved it. They certainly did. Anybody that would mistake God's Word and do these things that they did, they deserved to die. Every one of them desire, deserved to die in the wilderness.

88But when they were so sick that even doctor Moses and none of them could do anything about it, and they were dying by the thousands; but God, rich in mercy, He made a way of escape for those who would believe Him. He made an antidote for it, by setting up a brass serpent. God in His rich... God made a way of escape so His believing children could be healed.

89God is interested in everything that's wrong, everything that you anticipate in. Every walk of life, God is interested in you. You are His child, and He is rich in mercy. He wants to do for you.

90 The people sinned later, by taking this same thing that God had made an atonement for them, by the brass serpent, which represented sin already judged, and they idolized that gift. And that sinned again. "God will not share His glory with nobody." Therefore, we can't have no two, three, four gods. There is only one God. He'll not share His glory with anything else. He is God, alone, see; so as the heathens have many gods. We have the one God, and He will not share His glory with another, neither will He let anything be an idol in front of Him. Even though He had made an atonement for the people, and it was God's Word, it was right; but when they become to idolizing that, then they got in trouble.

91 Now that's just the same thing, I think, that's happened to our church ages. God sent us the message of Martin Luther with his message, John Wesley, the pentecostal message, but what did we do with it? The very same thing that they did with that brass serpent, we idolized it, "I belong to this, and I belong to that." You see, you belong to something without the sincerity that's connected with genuine godly worship of the Word.

92What happened? The Bible, we are told in the Bible, that, "The prophet took that idol and destroyed it." Hallelujah!

93What we need on the scene today is a prophet that will destroy the idol of denominations, that thinks they're going into Heaven upon belonging to some creed or a denomination; needs to be destroyed and burnt up, throwed away. God is full of mercy. He is rich in mercy. In the day that when we would have all been in that chaos of darkness out there, but God, rich in mercy, has sent us the real genuine Holy Ghost, with His Own interpretation to It, right here in the building every night. God, rich in His mercy, how wonderful we find Him to be! Yes, sir.

94Now all they thought they could do was to just go to this snake, or this little thing that God had made out there, had Moses to make and hang on a pole, and they could be healed without any sincerity. They just stood and looked at it. And they got to idolizing it, and God sent a prophet along and destroyed it.

95 Now, all that refused to look at that serpent in the wilderness, they perished. Now God makes a way, but if you refuse to look at it, if you will sit across the street, if you will hold onto some creed and refuse to look straight into the Word and see whether It's right or not; all that refused to look, they perished. And God is a never-changing God. And all who refused to look, perished. So is it today, the same thing.

96Then the people sinned later, and as they've always did, and made the idol out of--out of it, making it a--a--a... get, trying to get healing without sincerity, and they "belonged to something," and the way we do today. And now we see then, the difference of it, was, that God...

97It was a good atonement and a good sign for that time. That time, it was all right. But it was just to be for that time, for that journey. That's all it will work for, that journey.

98 And the message that Martin Luther brought, of justification, was all right for Luther's age. That's as far as it went.

99Sanctification was fine in Wesley's age. That's as far as it went.

100Then we come into the pentecostal age. And the restoration of the gifts is a very fine thing, it was fine in the age, but we are going beyond that now. We are beyond that, just as sure as there is a world. We've got to become beyond this thing, because we have done the same thing with it that they did before, make an idol out of it. "I belong to this order of it, I belong to that order of it."

101God will send somebody that will smash the thing and tear it to pieces, and confirm His Word, the full Word. Notice. Praise be to God! Now we see that that's true. God, rich in His mercy!

102 Then when the prophet destroyed this, it left them without any sign of healing, of an atonement, because their idol was destroyed. But God, rich in mercy, made them another one. And what did He do, that? He troubled water at the pool at the temple, and many come and was healed, by stepping into this water. Jesus came down to this same pool, and saw a man that had been laying there for a number of years, waiting for the troubling of the water. See God, rich in mercy! Although they idolized that thing, although the prophet had to tear it up, God made another way for them, 'cause He's rich in mercy. He wants them to be healed, and He made a way for their healing.

103Now, then that went on, the world become more sinful and more sinful, all the time. And finally the world got so sinful that God could have destroyed it, He said in Malachi 4, "unless I come and to smite the earth with a curse." He could have done it; just the question.

104 But then God, rich in mercy, He sent forth a Saviour, Jesus Christ. He sent forth Jesus to be both Saviour and healer. For He said, "As Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up," for the same purpose. He, the atonement, that's what we have claim upon, nothing but the atonement. What Jesus purchased by His Blood, that's what we have claims upon. And the Bible said, "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we were healed." That's what we can claim, because that's what the atonement, that we stand for, ordered for us. God, rich in mercy!

105This was to be an Eternal atonement, because He came Himself. God came Himself, in the form of sinful flesh, to make a--a--a--an Eternal atonement; and suffered in the flesh, and made the atonement; and returned back in the form of the Holy Ghost, to confirm that atonement. Where no brass serpent or no trouble's water could do it, it all pointed to that perfect Atonement. God, rich in His mercy, has did this.

106 Now, today, being it's the day that we are living in, we have come through these church ages and explained everything away from That. Our theologians of the day has far lost that side of It. They explain It all away, to some other day, some other age, some other something, way back, from long ago. And Divine healing was just about played out, hardly found anybody who would believe it. They made fun of it. Not no more than about twenty years ago, they were making fun of it. The Pentecostals had practically got away from it. They started in the early days, but they got away from it.

107Look how they did. Now they got denominational wild, running out to make them each a creed, and so forth. Except, instead of accepting Light, as Light come in; they organized and made themselves creeds, each one coming around, making himself a doctrine and staying in that doctrine. And then they got so much took away till the Holy Spirit couldn't get into the church. They just become another idol like a brass serpent, it become a--an idolatry. Every fellow said, "I am belong to this, and I belong to that." It was an idolatry. What a mess we were in, at the end time.

108But God, rich in His mercy, has sent back the Holy Spirit upon us, and vindicating His Word tonight as He promised He would do. God promised He would do these things. Look what He did!

109 Look what He did, how now we can see how He promised each age a certain thing to happen. And we find out that it happened just exactly like it, that He said that He would do, because He is rich in His mercy, to always have mercy to fulfill every Word that He has promised. He has to do it, and always, in order to stay God. Always He does this, His Word always comes to pass in Its season. His seed that He has sowed into the earth. What did He do? He put it here in the Word, and that's a seed. And every time the age comes along, that seed ripens up, and then a reformation comes forth. And He promised it, and it does that.

110Now we did not deserve these things. We did not deserve these blessings of God, because we had went out after the things of the world, went in the error of Cain. Cain, building a nice altar and a nice church, and putting flowers upon it, and thought that's exactly what it was, "It was a bunch of apples or pears, or pomegranates, or whatever it was," that his father and mother had eat in the garden of Eden, that run them out. And so he offered that back to God, and God rejected it.

111 "But Abel by faith offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain."

112And, today, the Bible said in Jude, that, "They have run in the way of Cain; perished in the gainsaying of Korah." See, "run in the way of Cain," building altars, building churches, denominations, making it flowery, big, more members than the rest of them; taking in things, anything that come along and that jumped up-and-down, or shook hands, or was baptized a certain way, or spoke in tongues, or run through the floor, they put their name on the book. That's right. And then turn on the real Truth that be preached, and deny It. How can it be so? Notice what a mess we were in! Notice.

113And the Bible said, "And they went in the way of Balaam, and perished in the gainsaying of Korah." Perished in the gainsaying! What was the gainsaying of Korah? "Why, you think you're the only holy man? Why, God's... All of us are holy. The whole church is all right. Every... All of us get together, that's what we ought to do." That's where they perish, in that. And we truly deserved it. We deserved to be that.

114But God, rich in mercy, has pulled us out of that chaos and let us see it before the thing hits here. Rich in His mercy, and sent us back a revival of Divine healing, and the coming again of the Power of God. According to history, no revival ever lasted over three years. This revival carried for fifteen years, it's been a burning fires, around and around the world. Why, because we deserved it? God, rich in His mercy, not because we desired it or because we deserved it, rather. Just think of what it's done!

115 I think of one of your sisters right here in Phoenix, that many of you know, Mrs. Hattie Waldrop, she had cancer of the heart. And she was in the prayer line up here when Brother Moore and I were here the first time, about fifteen, eighteen years ago. And she was dying, with cancer of the heart, and she should have been dead a long time ago. But God, rich in mercy, sent His Power upon her. And He saved her life, and she is living today. God rich in mercy!

116Congressman Upshaw, a great man. I think he was the president, or something, of the--of the Baptist, Southern Baptist Convention, at one time, or vice-president or something. He had done all. He was a good man. He did all that he knowed how to do. He had went to every doctor. Nobody could do nothing for him. He was bound down. Ministers had prayed for him. He had had a gallon of oil poured on his head, anointing, of different ministers everywhere.

117 One night, Los Angeles, California, walking up to the pulpit, look at a bunch of wheel chairs about twice, three times, to what's sitting there, all up-and-down the aisles, back and forth. And then there laid over there a cot with a little colored girl in it, little Negro girl, and her--her mother was sitting by her. And my brother had bringing the prayer line up.

118And I was looking, knowing not what was going on. And I seen a doctor, with tortoise-shell glasses, operating on a little negro girl, for a throat condition, and she paralyzed. And I looked around, I thought, "Where is the child at?" I couldn't see her.

119After a while, way down there, no hope, lovely little girl about seven or eight years old, to be paralyzed the rest of her life. And there was her mother down there on her knees, praying. Then I said, "This doctor operated on your little girl," and described.

She said, "That's right, sir."

120Then she tried to get the baby to the platform. They told her not to do it. They tried to quieten her down. About time they got her quiet, I thought, "Well, we'll get a chance to pray for her." In a few minutes... Maybe people right here was there that night.

121And I was looking out over the audience, I seen that little girl going down, looked like through a--a little narrow road, with a doll in her arms, rocking that doll. No matter how much the doctor said that she was going to be paralyzed the rest of her life; God, rich in mercy, sent down the Holy Spirit, by a vision, and that little girl got up out of there, and she and her mother took hold of hands and walked down through that aisle, praising God.

122 Way back there sat an old man, Congressman Upshaw, many of you knows his testimony. He had been a good man, tried all of his life, sixty-six years an invalid in a wheel chair, pushed in bed; crutches under his arms, that he walked with, never no more to walk normal. And there he sat there, looking on that. And all of a sudden, I looked out and saw a vision. Here he come, walking down across the top of that audience, bowing his head, could walk as good as anybody. I didn't know who the man was.

123I said, "There is a great man sitting back there. He fell off of a wagon when he was a little boy, onto a hay frame, and hurt his back. They bored holes in the floor, to keep the vibration, when the people walked, from striking on his back." I said, "He becomes a great man, and he keeps growing greater. He is sitting in a great circle at the White House."

124And then this man come and told me, said, "That's Congressman Upshaw. Did you ever hear him?"

I said, "Never heard of him."

125And so he run a little extension mike back there and they was talking, back and forth.

126 Then I started to look around, and I seen the old Congressman coming, walking towards me, in a vision, just as perfect and normal as he could be. God, rich in mercy, pulled him from that wheel chair, and he walked without crutches till the day he died. God rich in mercy! When doctors had failed, when science had failed, when everything else had failed, God was rich in mercy to Congressman Upshaw.

127I think of myself. As a little old boy, I remember as... People call me today, "a woman-hater." The reason it was, is because I seen so much immorality out of women when I was a kid. I hated them. And I don't do that now, because I know there is some good ones. But I remember how it was so bad, so immoral. And I thought, "My, I--I'll never be around where people is at. I have no education, so I won't get any."

128 And a little old kid sitting there, not even a shirt on, with my coat pinned up like this, with a safety pin, and it real hot. And the teacher said, "William, aren't you hot with that coat on?"

129I said, "No, ma'am, I'm a little bit chilly." And she made me go over to the stove and put some wood in the stove, and I liked to have burnt up. And I--I didn't have no shirt that whole season through.

130And I thought, "If I could ever get the money, sometime that I could get a little, get me a thirty-thirty rifle," I'd come out West here and live out here and hunt, for the rest of my life. I didn't want nothing to do with people. Just stay away, because they didn't like me, and--and I'd just stay away from them.

131And then every time I'd go downtown, to talk to anybody, see some fellows on the street, I knew. I'd say, "Hello there, John, Jim! How are you?"

"Oh, hello."

132See, they didn't want to talk to me, didn't want nothing to do with me, because of my daddy and them that made whiskey. And I--I didn't do that. It wasn't nothing I done. And I would have been that type.

133 But now I said to my wife, not long ago, "My wall is plastered with the best guns that can be bought." Oh, and I think of them old dirty clothes. Tonight I got two or three good suits. And no friends? I have to hide out in the wilderness, to keep away from people. What's the matter, is it because of my personality, is it because of my education? No. God, rich in mercy, saw me in that condition and He saved me.

134I remember being led by the arms, as a blind man. I could not see. Everything in front of me was a blur; I would be blind the rest of my life. But God, rich in mercy, restored back my sight. I'm fifty-five years old, and still got good sight. God, rich in mercy, is the only thing that I can say.

135 Once the church had no provided way of healing. They had one, but they turned it down. But God, rich in mercy, has sent them a gift of Divine healing. That is the Holy Spirit among us, confirming the Word with signs following. God rich in mercy!

136I have two or three pages here of these notes, but I ain't going to try to strike them, because I'm--I'm conscious that it's almost time to start that prayer line. But God rich in His mercy!

137Many of you here tonight, the doctors turned you down. There is people sitting in them wheel chairs, they'll probably never come out of there. They are there to stay. Some of them, paralyzed in different ways, they (would never) couldn't come out, there is no way for them to come out. But God, rich in His mercy, has provided an atonement. Don't turn it down. Receive it. There is men out there with heart trouble, there is people with cancers, that the doctors can do nothing with. You are hopeless, helpless, in this world.

138 But God, rich in His mercy, has sent down the Holy Ghost, and is right here now to confirm the Word, to prove that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Because we deserve it? Because God is rich in His mercy! Amen. Now that's the One, that's the Person, It's that Lord Jesus. He is not dead, but He has risen from the dead, and He is alive forevermore.

139He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, still just as rich in His mercy as He was to the woman that had a blood issue. And she started through the crowd. There was no hopes for her, the doctors had done all they could do. She had a blood issue. She was dying. And she touched the Master's garment. God, rich in mercy, turned around and told her of her condition. And she was healed of this blood issue.

140A little, foul prostitute went up to a well one day, to get some water. No hope. She had been excommunicated from the virgins, from around the people, her life was no good. And she thought, "What's the use of trying? I'm turned out, there is nothing left for me." But she looked, standing over on the side, or sitting by the side of the well, and there was a Man sitting there Who told her all things that she has ever done, God rich in His mercy.

141That same God, tonight, is just as rich in His mercy, and just the same as He was in them days. God rich. []

142 I think we have two hundred prayer cards out here, or what we've called out in two hundred. We're going to call them and let the people line up. We're going to pray for them.

143But before we do it, that there be some newcomers here, to get away from all superstitions. This is not a superstition. It is the manifestation of a promise of God. It depends on what you're looking at. No virtue in any man. There is no power in no man. But we as believers have authority; not power, but authority.

144Someone asked me, not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, you believe you got power to do this?"

145I said, "I ain't got no power, at all, but I've got authority." Every believer has it. If you refuse it, you'll stay where you're at. But if you'll accept it, it'll do the exceeding abundance, because God is rich in His mercy.

146 Take a little policeman standing out here on the street, his clothes hanging half off of him, he is so skinny. The cap has got his ears pulled down. And he walk out there where cars are coming down that street, at fifty miles an hour, three hundred horse power motors in it. He hasn't got the power to stop a bicycle. That's right. But just let him blow that whistle and hold up that hand, and watch the brakes squeak. He hasn't got power, but he has got authority. The whole city is behind him.

147And when a man or a woman, I don't care what condition you're in, you've got the authority of God, by a promise, because He is rich and promised to do the exceedingly abundantly. "If you say to this mountain, 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you've said." You got no power, but you got authority.

148Remember when He told me back there, said, "You'll be able to reveal the secrets of the hearts." For He... You remember that, many of you Phoenix people? He promised it. What He promises, He does.

149 Now there is some of you here that hasn't got prayer cards, and no doubt. How many is sick and don't have prayer cards, raise up your hands? Sure. All right. If you want to know, not authority... not power, but the authority of the Word, "The things that I do, shall you also."

150Jesus promised, in Luke 17:30, that just before His Coming, there would be like the time of Moses... or Noah, "When they were eating and drinking, and given in marriage; and knew not till the day that Noah entered into the ark." He said there would be that time. Then He said also, "As it was in the days of Lot," and said, "this will take place in that day when the Son of man shall be revealed, when the Son of man is revealed in the last days."

151 Now look what He, how the Son of man revealed Himself in the person of this Angel, which was the Son of man. Absolutely. Abraham called Him, "Elohim." He was the Son of man, revealed Himself just before the Gentile world was burned. How did He do it? To the believer. To the make-believer, He sent two preachers down to preach to them. But to the real believer, He stood with His back to the tent, and He said, "Abraham." He was Abram the day... a few days before, that. But now he is Abraham. "Where is thy wife, Sarah?"

152Said, "She is in the tent, behind You."

153Said, "I'm going to keep My promise to you. I'm going to visit you."

154Oh, Abraham was a hundred years old, and Sarah was ninety; but God, rich in mercy, kept His promise. It brought the baby, 'cause God is merciful, and He full of mercy. He is rich in mercy. He keeps His promise.

155 Notice, with His back turned to the tent, Sarah laughed and said, "How could these things be? I'm old. How can I have pleasure with my husband, as a young married woman? Why, he is a hundred years old. Our family relationship has ceased, many, many years ago. How could this be?" And she laughed about it.

156And the Angel with... the Son of man with His back turned to the--to the tent, said, "Why did Sarah laugh, say, 'How can these things be?'"

157What was it? Jesus said, in Saint Luke 17:30, that, "In the days like it was in the days of Lot," same situation, before the Gentile world is burned up, He said, "the Son of man will reveal Himself in that day." He made the promise, that Malachi 4 promised us it would say. A Message would come forth that would restore the people back to the original pentecostal Message, and with the same blessings they had on the day of... What is it? It's a two-winged eagle, both New and Old Testament, flopping its promises together, of God, to fulfill what the promises of the Bible said it would do. Amen.

158 God, rich in mercy, would not let His people go out in this denominational, "rich in goods and things of the world," Laodicean Church Age, but He would make a way of escape. Believe it, people. God bless you. Amen. God rich in mercy! The mercies of God, that's the only thing that I desire. Not His righteousness, not His law; but His mercy is what I call for. God be merciful to me. We all have that feeling.

159I was watching. There is a little woman sitting out here on the end of the seat. Do you have a prayer card out there, lady? You don't. Let me show you God is rich in mercy. You've been real nervous here lately, haven't you? Real bad, and your eyes has gotten worse. Isn't that right? That's right. Now they're going to change. God, rich in His mercy, by asking you if you would believe this. Now you have no prayer card, you have nothing; but you don't need it. See, it's grace that's bestowed to you.

160 There sits a little bitty fellow sitting right there in front, with kind of a... sitting right out here. He is suffering with a growth on his body. It's just recently come on there, recently. Isn't that right, sir? That's right. You don't know what it is. You're scared of it. That's right. It was caused from a bruise, wasn't it? Have you a prayer card? You don't have no prayer card. You don't need one. God rich in His mercy!

161Oh, brother, sister, believe God! Don't doubt Him. Believe Him! That's right.

162Here sits a man, gray suit, glasses on. Look at here, sir. Do you believe? God is rich in His mercy. You're sitting there with a hernia. Do you believe that God can heal that hernia and make you well? Sitting right here on the end of the seat, looking at me. If you believe that God can heal that hernia, God will do that to you if you'll accept it. Do you believe it? Will you accept it? All right. You can have it if you'll just believe it, have mercy. Yes, sir.

163 Here is a lady sitting out here, she is suffering with poor circulation in her body. But if she will believe, God will heal her, if she believes it. I believe she is going to miss it, as sure as anything. Have mercy, is my prayer. I could faintly see the woman's... Mrs. Riley, do you believe that God can heal that poor circulation? If you will, receive it! Amen. Just believe. God is good, isn't He, Stella? Yeah. That's right. I never seen the woman in my life. But, God, in His mercy!

164Here sits another woman, sitting right back behind there, right in the back, looking right at me. She, also, she has got poor circulation, too. She was thinking about it just then. I never seen the woman in my life. Being that this other woman had the same thing, look at me. Do you believe me to be God's prophet, or His servant? You also have heart trouble. If that's right, raise up your hand. You don't have it now. God, rich in His mercy, is showing forth that He is alive here in the building tonight. God rich in His mercy! Amen.

165 Could there be, how many sinners and backsliders would stand to your feet, and say, "God, rich in His mercy, be merciful to me"? Stand to your feet. I'll pray for you, if you believe that He want... you want mercy now. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you, you. Backslider, raise to your feet. God rich in His mercy! Are you--you...

166Surely you've not gotten so numb, in this condition, that you can't see that that's the very promise of the hour. Surely you ain't got so wrapped up in denomination, and other things, that you can't see that this is the promise of the hour, God rich in mercy.

167Ever who you was, that stood up, I'm going to pray just in a minute. I want you to make your way to some good full Gospel church and--and be--and be baptized in Christian baptism, God give you the Holy Ghost.

168 Is there another will stand to your feet, and say, "Me, I want to be remembered. God, in Your mercy, remember me. I haven't lived like I should. Maybe..."? God bless you, lady. And God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. That's right. "God, rich in His mercy, have mercy on me." God bless you, sister. Is there...

169How many more is in here, say, "I'll stand. I want God to know that I want mercy. I haven't lived right. I have lived this way and that way. I've been up and down, but I want His mercy." God bless you, brother. Someone else, say, "God rich in His mercy!" God bless you, sister. God bless you, sister. That's right. God rich in His mercy! God bless you, too. God bless you back there. God sees you. Just stand to your feet.

170Say, "Does it do any good, Brother Branham?" Sure. Stand up and see how much different it is.

171If you are really sincere in your heart, God is rich in mercy. "He is not willing that any should perish, but that all might come to repentance." God rich in His mercy! O God, have mercy on us.

172 Now how many in here now, that's holding those prayer cards? What were they? A's and B's, wasn't it? A's and B's. All the people that's got prayer card A's, stand over on this side, and prayer card B will stand up behind them.

173I wonder if there is some ministers here that would like to anticipate in helping me. If they are, would like to come up, I would be glad to have your--your assistance here, for we will be glad to pray, and pray--pray with you.

174This, the Bible said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Yes, sir. "In My Name they shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues." Have we done it? By the grace of God; not us, but God rich in mercy to keep His Word. God!

175Now, the wheel chairs, if you want to put them right down here in the front; we'll pray for them right here, won't have to pull them up through that, all that aisle there. Let, all right, let them come right up here. We'll certainly pray for it, every one of us. God rich in His mercy!

176 Would you stand to the right-hand side now, for a few minutes? Did Brother Brown come with you? [A brother says, "Coming tomorrow."--Ed.] Coming tomorrow. I--I--I was in hopes he would be here. Where, where is Brother Outlaw, where is Brother Fuller? Some of them people that was up here with me when I first come, let's come back. You remember these old-fashion prayer lines, when we used to stand there till you would have to hold me on one side, and somebody on the other, I'd get so weak?

177How many has been in them meetings way back in the beginning? Look at here. You remember back there, I told you that the Lord Jesus told me that, if I'd be sincere, that these things would take place. Is that right? We never had such as that in that day. But it happened, because God is rich in His mercy, and loyal to His promise. Amen! Trying to quit, and I can't. Amen! Praise God! Hallelujah! "Oh, I'm so glad I'm one of them!" Amen. Oh, my!

There are people almost everywhere,

Whose hearts are all on flame

With the Fire that fell on Pentecost,

That cleansed and made them clean;

Oh, it's burning now within my heart,

Oh, glory to His Name!

I'm so glad that I can say I'm one of them.

178 Oh, me, a wretched, miserable, poor blinded wretch, as I was; and now by His mercy, His rich mercy, I can see the Kingdom of God in sight. Amen. How beautiful is His Commandments!

179Stand right over, my brother, on your crutch. If you can't get up, all right, stand right here, we'll come right down and pray for you.

180And now let the A's and B's, of prayer cards, get lined up over on the other side there, and we're going to pray for them.

181Minister brothers, you are certainly, if you believe in laying hands on the sick, you come right here and stand with me on this platform. We are going to pray for the sick.

182 Now to you people that's standing in that line, if you can believe the Presence of God is here, that the Holy Spirit is in our midst now, doing just exactly what He said He would do. If I had power to heal you, I would certainly do it. If I had any way of healing you, I would certainly do it. I do not have it. I... God has give a little gift.

183I'm not much of a preacher. I don't have education enough to be qualified as a preacher, what is called a preacher in these days, when the--when the experiences must be a theological experience, and it must have certain doctor's degree, and so forth. I can't qualify for that. But God, seeing my heart, and know that I want to do something for Him, I want to appreciate it.

184 A man said to me the other day, said, "I think you're just a fine man, Mr. Branham, but I believe you're sincerely wrong. You're all out of the will. Do you know you'll be condemned at the end?"

185And I said, "Look, I want to tell you something. I'm going to say that you--that you would be right, just to say for the argument's sake. If I am wrong, which I--I don't believe I am; but if I was wrong, and I knowed right now that I was going to live to be a hundred years old, and He was going to condemn me at the end of the road, and tell me, 'You don't deserve to come into My Heaven, William Branham. Get out into outer darkness.' You know what? I would serve Him every day of my life until I went, anyhow. For I have received so much of His unmerited blessings, that He is more than life to me. He is everything that I..."

186 All that I am, all that I ever could hope to be, I have derived from His grace and mercy. I was wretched, miserable, poor, blind; but by grace He has healed me, and I am strong and healthy, by the grace of God. I have good eyesight. I have eat, drink, have whatever I have need of. He never promised to supply my wants; my needs.

187And if I am cast away at that day, and I knowed... I cannot see where I would be. But if I knew that I was wrong, and God has chose me to be wrong, I would want to stay wrong, and because that I want to do His will. It's, I love Him till I want His will to be done. Now, that's a big statement, but I hope you get it in the way, the spirit I said it in. See, I want to do His will. I ask Him for something sometime, He shakes His head "no," I just rejoice so much about that as I can if He said "yes." Because, we always ought to ask, "Thy will be done." His noes is just as... if that's His will, that's just... It's a whole lot better than His yeses, if it's His will to do it. That's when you really love Him. Amen.

188 I get to talking about Him, I just can't stop. Oh, He is so real, so real to me! Friends, He's--He's all that I am, all that I ever could be, all that I ever expect to be, is grounded in Christ Jesus, His Word.

189I'm thankful tonight for the witness of the Holy Spirit, for the Message. I know it might, some might disagree with It, but as I have told you, I am duty bound to a Message. A sign went forth, and God does not send a sign just to show that He is God. A Message, a Voice always follows the sign. Anyone knows that.

190Jesus come with signs and wonders. He was a great Man when He was doing signs and wonders, but when He begin to sit down and to begin to bring the Message, "I and My Father are One," oh, my, that was wrong to them. See? But the Voice had to follow the sign.

191 Moses was given two signs, and each sign had a voice. That's right. I preached on it here sometime ago, somewhere, on, The Voice Of The Sign. It must have a--a Voice of the sign. It's a changing. Always it's that way. If it isn't, then it didn't come from God.

192If a man comes out with an odd peculiar ministry, that's found in the Bible to be the Truth, and that man stays right in that same old denominational doctrine, forget it. Nothing to it! God don't do a thing like that. That thing, that's rotten manna that's got termites in it, or wiggletails, or whatever you want to call it, from forty, fifty years ago, still trying to eat that old manna that fell way back years ago. And the children of Israel, on their journey, new manna fell every night. That's right, you couldn't keep it over.

193We don't live over some other age gone by. We're eating new Manna, fresh Manna out of Heaven, in our journey as we go on.

Let's bow our heads now.

194 Lord God, You are so real, Your Presence. I think of grace, Lord. We--we have just seen You do so many things! We've heard You speak with tongues, see You interpret it, through Your people. O God, to see You heal the sick, open up the eyes of the blind, make the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, the dumb to talk, what a great and mighty God You are!

195And then to see that You promised this in the last days. Though we have many carnal impersonations, yet it only declares that there is a real God, somewhere, that really is true. And I pray, Heavenly Father, tonight, that we will become so God-conscious that we see that You're here.

196And these people in the line, when they go through this line, Lord... for we're doing this because, that we made a promise to them. And You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe."

197Here is minister brothers standing here, men that You have chosen, before the foundation of the world, to be what they are tonight. You knew, before there was a world, that we would stand here tonight, because You are infinite.

198 So we pray, Heavenly Father, tonight, that as these sick people, crippled, blind, lame, cancer-ridden, whatever it might be, that passes through this line, may they realize that the very God that knows the secret of the heart will heal them, if they will just only accept it, only look and understand.

199The man that looked upon the brass serpent just as a priest... piece of brass, he never would be healed, because he didn't have understanding of what it was.

200And today, Lord, the same. If they look upon a gift, to think of it might be able to help them, they don't have understanding. It's only a vindication of the Presence of God that's here to heal. Grant it, Father. May it be done, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

201 I want the little pianist, if she will, man or woman, whoever it might be, to go over there and play this song, "The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus," if she will, wherever the pianist is. Now that's...

202I remember one of my first healing service, Fort Wayne, Indiana. A little Amish girl sitting, playing that piano, "The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." A little baby was brought to me on the platform, it was crippled. And while I was praying for that baby, it jumped out of my arms and run down across the platform. The mother fainted. The grandmother threw up her handkerchief, begin to cry.

203And this little Amish girl now, not knowing nothing about anything about Pentecostals, because she belonged to the Amish church; but she was playing. Her long hair fell down; she raised in the Spirit and begin to sing in unknown tongues, and the... and with the harmony of that song. And them piano keys moved up-and-down, playing, "The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." Amen! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

204 Now let us pray now as... Now let's everybody out there pray. You people coming through the line, when we lay hands upon you, remember, Jesus said, "If you would believe it, you would be well." You believe it? Now let's all sing now.

The great Physician now is near,

The sympathizing Jesus,

He speaks... (Let's just close our eyes now as we sing)... hearts to cheer,

Oh, hear the voice of Jesus.

Sweetest note in seraph song,

Sweetest name on mortal tongue,

Sweetest... (Father God, move upon the people now)... sung,

O Jesus, blessed Jesus.

205"The great..." Now as you walk through now, He is here. Take my word, or you believe it yourself, He is here. Everybody in prayer out there now for the people.

206 [Brother Branham and ministers pray for the sick while Brother Borders leads the congregation in singing.]

O Lord, I believe; O Lord, I believe;

All things are possible, O Lord, I believe.

207All that believe, raise your hand like this, say, "I believe." [Congregation says, "I believe."--Ed.]

208Here sits a man sitting here. The reason I was extent; talking, he is dying with cancer. He is on this crutch. There is no way in the world for the man to live, outside of God. He has got cancer all through the bowels, and he is going to die if it isn't for the mercy of God. And I wish I could just... []... word of encouragement to this man.

209You, you know the doctors can do nothing for you now. You're beyond that, see. And you're... You only got one chance, and that is in Christ, see. And, brother, you... I'll die one day, too. You'll have to go, if Jesus tarries. I've got to meet you over there, stand there at the Judgment Bar. And this night...

210 You know, like in television, television has picked up that every time we even move our finger, anything, it's on record. Every word we say, is on record. Now, see, television has proven that. Now, television doesn't manufacture a picture, it only channels that wave into the television. See, it doesn't make it. There was television when Adam walked on earth, there was television when--when Moses come through the Red Sea, there was television when Elijah was on Mount Carmel, see, but they just now discovered it. See? And now everywhere I...

211Every move we make, and every sound, it's playing a record that will meet us at the Judgment. Every move we make has got to meet us there. I've got to answer for the words that I say to you, as a minister. I've got to do it, because God will hold me responsible to it.

212 Now if I could, I'd make you well; 'cause you just got a little time, if not for God. Now, I've come down and prayed over you, all I knowed how to do. Brother, anything in the world, I could do for a man sitting there in that condition, I would do it.

213And let me ask you, see. You--you--you are already healed, because Jesus said you was. See, "By His stripes we were healed." Now if you could, from the bottom of your heart, accept that, you'll not die now, but you'll live.

214Now, see, now we know that television is coming through this room. We know that. We don't see it. We can't see it, our eyes are not made, our senses can't pick it up. It takes a manufactured tube, or whatever it is, crystal, to pick that up.

215So is God present. We don't see Him, but we know He is here. Jesus Christ is the same. Look, He just declared Himself, how He makes Hisself. Now, as far as healing, if He was standing right here now, He could do no more for you, see, not another thing. If the Son of God was standing right here, which He is, He is here, but He couldn't do no more for you, because He has already identified Himself here. See? And He is here right now, just the same, to heal you and make you well.

216 And that little lady there told me, said, "You asked the blessing, and prophesied or something," over her, that she would have a baby, sitting in that wheel chair. And she did, she had her baby.

217And now the little lady sitting here. Now she had a goiter operation, and it paralyzed her. Well, we just see so much of them things happen. Now, little, sister, I know you're a genuine Christian. Why God has let you sit there, I don't know. I believe, maybe, it's because that you have... Faith, you--you're trying to have faith, to get out of there, see; but now look, let's just not try to have it, let's just have it now, see, we just--we just going to be there. That's all there is to it, it's going to start right now, and we're going to get well. And you people out there in those chairs, what, or--or whatever you are, just remember that Christ is present.

218 Now you say, "Is there somebody, do you see my picture is coming through." Oh, yes.

219Even the Words of Jesus Christ, that He spoke when He was here on earth, is passing right through this room. It never dies. How many knows that's scientifically the truth? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, what is it? Then the Spirit picks up that Word that's been written, and makes It manifest. Oh, glory!

220He is here. He is right here now, the Lord. We just... We have seen so much, He's done so much, till we just kind of, you know, just kind of stumble over it. If we would realize, not just some mythical something, some theological term; but the evidence that He promised He would show Himself in this day, here He is declaring it right here before us right now. What a wonderful thing! Isn't that wonderful? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

221 Now you believe. Will you believe it? Believe you're not going to die. You're going to live, and you are going to honor God. You're going to honor God. Have you ever been baptized? You're a Christian, are you? And you're a Christian. Well, you want to live for the honor of God. Then go live, my brother. In the Name of Jesus Christ, live!

222And, sister, you want to walk for the glory of God, and take care of your baby; then walk, sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ!

223You, every one of you, do the same, in the Name of Jesus Christ! Don't forget this Westward Ho Motel here tonight, the Presence of God identified here. He is no respecter of person. He only wants you to believe. Do you believe Him now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen. God bless you.

224Let us bow our heads now. I don't know who they've chose, to--to dismiss. Brother Mushegian here, come right here, brother. He is going to dismiss in prayer. God bless you.