Pôrodné bolesti



Malá kvapka rosy - nepoznám jej definíciu. Možno je tu nejaký vedec, ale poviem to len tak ako si myslím. To môže byť nejaká nahustená časť atmosféry, ktorá sa spolu zíde v tmavej noci, a to padá na zem. A keď sa to deje, ona sa v noci rodí. Ale ráno, ona tam leží chladná a trasie sa na malom steble trávy, alebo visí na šnúre na prádlo. Ale hneď, nech len vyjde slnko. Všimli ste si ako sa ona zaraduje? Ona sa hneď trbliece a trepoce. Prečo? Ona vie, že to svietiace slnko ju potiahne naspäť tam, kde bola na počiatku.

A tak je to s každým mužom alebo ženou, ktorí sú narodení z Ducha Božieho. Niečo je na tom, keď na nás dopadá svetlo, že sme šťastní, pretože vieme, že pôjdeme naspäť tam odkiaľ sme prišli - z lona Božieho. Ona sa môže blyšťať od radosti, keď na ňu dopadne slnko, samozrejme, vie že pôjde tam odkiaľ prišla. Malé primitívne veci, že by sme mohli ďalej o nich hovoriť. Ale nájdime ešte niečo.

Vieme, že to staré semeno musí, prv ako to nové semeno môže vyjsť z toho starého, ono musí zhniť. Úplne. Nie len zomrieť, ale zhniť, potom keď je mŕtve. Vieme, že je to pravda. To isté je v novom narodení. Nejdeme dozadu, ale ideme dopredu - keď sa znovu narodíte.

1Skloňme svoje hlavy.

Drahý Bože, sme dnes veľmi vďační, že si už tak veľmi vylial Svoju prítomnosť v našom strede. Dnes popoludní to očakávame bohato, vo veľkej miere. Ďakujeme Ti za tú nádhernú pieseň od tej milej Kresťanky, ktorá práve spievala tento chválospev a za Tvojho Ducha, ktorý prišiel dole a dal tomu výklad. Pane, nech je to tak, prosíme. A Bože, prosím, aby si žehnal každého jedného z nás a nech sú naše srdcia naplnené radosťou, keď budeme vidieť, že sa toto deje. Drahý Bože, prosíme toto popoludnie, ak je tu niekto, kto nie je pripravený stretnúť sa s Tebou, nech je toto tá hodina, v ktorej oni urobia svoje konečné rozhodnutie a prídu ku Tebe skrze nové narodenie. Udeľ to.

2Požehnaj každého z nás, Pane, ktorí dlho cestovali, kým sa sem dostali. Prosíme aby si nás učil nové veci z Tvojho Slova. Daj nám lepšie porozumenie skrze Tvojho Ducha, Pane. Nech On príde a vykladá Slovo. Jediný vykladač, ktorého máme je Duch. Prosíme aby nám to On dnes udelil. Prosíme toto v mene Ježiša. Amen.

[Niekto v obecenstve hovorí posolstvo.]

To postačí. [Niekto na pódiu hovorí niečo bratovi Branhamovi.] Ďakujem. Čo za čas! Nepoznám žiadne lepšie miesto, kde by sme mohli byť, okrem neba, ako práve teraz cítime to pomazanie, vidíte. Sediac spolu v nebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi - zhromaždení v nebeských miestach.

3Nech ťa Boh žehná sestra Florence. A ona práve prechádza obdobím zármutku a tiesní - práve jej zomrel otec, a ja sa modlím: "Bože, žehnaj toto dieťa."

A brat Démos, nesie bremeno na oboch ramenách, a váhu všetkých týchto zhromaždení a všetkého. On tiež potrebuje naše modlitby. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Šakarián.

Brat Carl Williams, som opravdu rád, že som tu s vami na tejto konferencii a medzi všetkými týmito fajnými bratmi. A mal som tú možnosť stretnúť niektorých ... A teraz toto je moja záverečná časť tejto služby (pokiaľ viem), tak teraz očakávam, že si budem môcť potriasť ruky s niektorými týmito fajnými ľuďmi a stretnúť sa s nimi; pretože očakávam, že budem s nimi tráviť večnosť v lepšej zemi.

4Len maličkosť - dúfam, že nebudem zle zrozumený. Nie je to náhoda, nezdá sa mi, alebo zdá sa mi, že to bola prozreteľnosť, že som včera dostal dar, tu od jedného priateľa - od môjho priateľa, Dannyho Henryho. On bol ten chlapec ... Raz na konferencii Kresťanských Obchodníkov v Kalifornii, kázal som práve na zhromaždení. Hovoril som veľmi tvrdo proti tomu stavu v tomto čase, a dúfam, že všetci rozumejú, že - že nemám v srdci zlo. To nie je to. Vy určite rozumiete, že ja to tak nemyslím. Ale ja musím proste povedať to, čo príde ku mne.

5A potom tento mladý muž, brat od Baptistov - a myslím, že on je nejaká rodina s nejakou filmovou hviezdou. A on prišiel ku mne a objal ma a povedal: "Nech ťa Pán žehná, brat Branham. Chcem len obetovať slovo modlitby," a začal hovoriť po francúzsky. A ten chlapec nevie po francúzsky ani slovo. A povstal niekto - nejaká veľká žena z - myslím, že ona bola z Louisiany, ona povedala: "To je francúzština!" A potom tam bol nejaký muž a povedal: "To je francúzština!" A oni zapísali čo to bolo. Mám tu kópiu z toho originálu. A potom, stalo sa, že tam bol mladý muž, ktorý prišiel tam zozadu (chcel vidieť čo oni napísali), a on bol prekladateľom francúzštiny pre U.N. - proste Francúz.

6A rád by som prečítal tento záznam. Toto je originálny záznam jedného z nich, a to bolo od tohoto muža, ktorý prekladal. Možno že nebudem vedieť správne vysloviť jeho meno: Le Deaux, Victor Le Deaux. On je čistokrvný Francúz. No, tu je to posolstvo:

7Keď som tam prišiel ... Viete, keď som prvýkrát počul hovoriť ľudí v jazykoch - nič by som nekritizoval, viete, pretože som videl, že je to skutočné - ale stále som uvažoval. Ale keď sa toto stalo, a vediac aké poverenie bolo za tým, vedel som, že to prišlo od Boha.

8Potom jeho brat, ktorý tu sedí (veľmi dobre známy advokát) mi dal dar od Dannyho. Danny práve prišiel zo Svätej Zemi. A on ležal na hrobe - lepšie povedané v hrobe, kde ležal Ježiš po Svojej smrti. A keď tam ležal, povedal, že musel rozmýšľať o mne. A Duch Pánov prišiel na neho, a on vyšiel hore na Golgotu, kde sa odohralo ukrižovanie, a zobral kúsok skaly. A prišiel naspäť a urobil mi z nej jeden pár manžetových gombíkov, a ja si ich skutočne cením. A teraz toto - samozrejme, Danny toto nevie, ale dnes ráno, keď som bol na modlitbe, pozrel som sa len dole na tieto manžetové gombíky; a každý jeden z nich, ak si všimnete, je sfarbený krvou a tiež cez každý prechádza úzka rovná čiarka. A tu v tom posolstve, ktoré on povedal od Boha, o tej rovnej úzkej ceste - ako to presne do toho pasuje. Myslím, že to bolo niečo, možno prozreteľnosť, alebo ... a ja naozaj ďakujem Dannymu. Povedz mu, brat, ako si to cením.

9A ďalšia divná vec, požiadal som svoju ženu vtedy ráno ... zobral som si košeľu, ku ktorej treba zvlášť gombíky, a ona povedala: "Zabudla som zobrať tvoje manžetové gombíky." Tak Pán mal nejaké pre mňa pripravené.

10Ó, to je ohromný život; či nie bratia? Kráčať len v jednoduchosti evanjelia, a predsa v jeho jednoduchosti, to je tá najväčšia vec akú poznám. Viem, že nie je nič ... z toho. A takto, že to bolo urobené jednoduchým, tak som mal možnosť vojsť do toho, vidíte, tu - z milosti Božej.

11No, dnes popoludní, nechcem zaberať veľa času, pretože viem, že dnes večer pôjdete na zhromaždenia, a myslím, že vy všetci návštevníci, ktorí ste tu sa môžete rozhliadnuť po pódiu, vidieť týchto kazateľov a oni všetci ... Oni budú radi, keď prídete dnes večer do ich zhromaždenia. Oni vám urobia dobre. Určite ste tu v meste išli dnes ráno na nejakú nedeľnú školu. A zatiaľ čo máme tieto zhromaždenia (a to sú zhromaždenia Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia) myslím, že máme podporiť, ako len môžeme, naše zbory, pretože tam chodia naši obchodníci, a to je dom Boží. A dúfam, že dnes večer navštívite nejaký zbor.

12Myslím, že zajtra večer je záver tejto konferencie, a hádam ohlásili rečníka, ktorý ... mám tu byť, ak Pán dá, aby som počul jeho posolstvo. Nech Boh žehná každého jedného z vás.

13No, ja som - netvrdím, že ja som kazateľ. Ja som taký - nemám dostatok vzdelania, aby som sa nazýval kazateľom. Keď poviete kazateľ, očakáva sa od vás, že máte niekoľko titulov na fakulte, a ja nemám nič, iba malý prak, viete. Snažím sa ísť za tými chorými ovcami ak ich budem môcť priviesť naspäť na Otcovu pašu.

14Ak sa pomýlim, odpustite mi. Nie som teológ; teológia je v poriadku. To je to, čo potrebujeme. Ale niekedy kritizujem stav, do ktorého sme sa dostali. A to nepadá na žiadnu určitú osobu. To je len posolstvo. Prajem si aby som to nemusel hovoriť. Trhá ma to na kusy, pretože - viete ako sa cítite.

15Ako je to s vašimi vlastnými deťmi, viete, či ste radi, keď musíte na ne nakričať, vyhrešiť ich, alebo niečo také? Ja som tiež rodič, a viem čo to znamená. A dúfam, že mi odpustíte.

16A chcem aby ste to takto chápali, keď tu sedíte dnes popoludní, chcem vás požiadať o láskavosť. Mám tu niekoľko stručných poznámok. Ako som vám povedal, musím si urobiť ... zapísať si miesta Písma. Voľakedy som dokázal citovať Bibliu takmer z pamäti, ale teraz nie. Prešiel som cez veľa ťažkých bojov; už som na to príliš starý. Ale dúfam, že ma budete chvíľu počúvať toto popoludnie a že skutočne otvorite svoje srdce a budete sa snažiť rozumieť, čo hovorím. Myslím, že potom to bude lepšie - zvlášť pastorom z tohoto mesta a z rôznych miest. Dúfam, že budete skutočne pozorne počúvať.

17A teraz to robte tak, ako to ja robím, keď jem svoj obľúbený koláč, čerešňový; keď jem niektoré svoje obľúbené jedlo, kurča. Keď jem pekný kúsok koláča s čerešňami a narazím na kôstku, neprestanem jesť ten koláč; len vyhodím kôstku a ďalej jem ten koláč. Keď v kurati narazím na kosť, neodhodím to kura; odhodím len kosť. Tak, ak by som povedal niečo s čím by ste nesúhlasili, dajte nabok len tú časť, ale pozrite sa na to naozaj dobre; buďte si istý, že je to teraz kosť! A potom tiež môžem povedať, ak je to kôstka, pamätajte, ona rodí nový život. Tak dívajte sa naozaj pozorne, a nech Pán žehná.

18Brat Carl Williams povedal niečo minulý večer, žeby sme vypustili kázanie a modlili sa za chorých, čo by bolo veľmi dobre. Viem, že by to bolo dobre. Ale sme len ... Nemáme tu na to možnosti: aby sa tu ľudia stavali do rady. A neviem či brat Oral, alebo niektorý iný z bratov mali niekedy modlitebnú radu na týchto zhromaždeniach, alebo nie. Neviem. Ja som sa to snažil dva alebo tri razy, ale obyčajne, keď máte takýto zástup ľudí musíte rozdať modlitebné karty, viete, aby bol zachovaný pri tom poriadok, pretože nemôžete ... To nie je aréna; to je dom Boží, viete, to je posvätené na to. A oni sa strkajú a tlačia, a keď máte karty staviate ich do rady po poriadku.

19Tak Billy sa ma opýtal, povedal: "Mám ísť a rozdať karty? Ľudia ma prosia o modlitebné karty."

Povedal som: "Nie, Billy. Nechajme to len na Ducha Svätého nech robí to, čo On chce." Viete, a nechajte Ho, možno vzbudí vieru, a budete uzdravení rovno tam kde ste. Rozumiete?

20Ale ... Viete, Božské uzdravenie má v evanjeliu menší význam a nemôžete dať hlavný význam tomu čo je menšie. To každý vie. Ale to je návnada, ktorá slúži na to, aby priviedla ľudí do viery v nadprirodzenú prítomnosť Božiu - že to nadprirodzené je prítomné. A potom skrze to, keď oni môžu poznať Jeho prítomnosť, potom sú uzdravení, viete, skrze vieru, veriac tomu.

21Teraz, chcem čítať niečo z Božieho Slova, z Nového Zákona, a potom chcem zobrať text z tohoto Nového Zákona a toto písmo a hovoriť dnes popoludní chvíľu na určitú tému. A nechcem vás držať príliš dlho, kvôli zhromaždeniam dnes večer, ale pamätajte, dúfam, že som sa vyjadril jasne - venujte len tomu za tú chvíľu svoju pozornosť, ak chcete.

22Teraz prv ako toto urobíme, skloňme znovu svoje hlavy. Viete, môžeme príliš veľa spievať. Môžeme príliš veľa kričať až nás budú bolieť hrdlá. A môžeme spievať v nepravý čas, alebo kričať v nepravý čas, ale je jedna vec, nikdy nie je na škodu, keď sa modlíme. "Chcem aby sa mužovia modlili na každom mieste a pozdvihovali sväté ruky bez pochybovania ..."

23Otče, to je ... to najväčšie privilégium, ktoré smrteľník kedy mal, to bolo zavrieť svoje oči a otvoriť svoje srdce a hovoriť ku Tebe. A my vieme, že Ty počuješ, keď len môžeme veriť, že počuješ, lebo Ježiš povedal: "Keď o čokoľvek budete prosiť Otca v mojom mene, bude vám to dané." To malo podmienky, ak nebudeme o tom pochybovať. Tak Otče, pomôž nám veriť dnes popoludní, aby boli splnené naše prosby, a aby nikde nebol ani tieň pochybnosti, ale nech by sa stalo to, o čo prosíme.

24A to je Bože, pre Tvoje veľké meno, aby bolo dnes oslávené, tým že bude prinesená do Tvojho kráľovstva každá stratená a zatúlaná duša, ktorá bude počuť zvuk nášho hlasu; alebo ku ktorej sa dostane táto páska - do pohanských zemí, kde sa oni rozchádzajú po svete.

25Prosím, nebeský Otče, aby dnes nebola v našom strede žiadna slabá osoba. Keď sa to zhromaždenie skončí, nech Pán Boh spasí každú stratenú dušu a uzdraví každé choré telo a naplní srdcia Svojich detí radosťou. Preto máme vieru, Pane, prosiť v Ježišovom mene Boha nášho Otca: pretože On zasľúbil, že vypočuje, a toto je na Jeho chválu. Amen.

26V evanjeliu sv. Jána, 17. kapitola a začneme od 20. verša, chcem to čítať ako text. Myslím že to je ono.

Ale neprosím len za týchto, ale aj za tých, ktorí majú skrze ich slovo uveriť vo mňa,

aby ...

Zdá sa mi, že mám zlé miesto Písma. No, počkajte chvíľu. Hľadám Ježišovu modlitbu, keď ... či vlastne nie Ježišovu modlitbu, ale Jeho ... Možno som si tu poznačil niečo zle. Keď sa Ježiš modli to ... či , hovoril že "ako žena, keď rodí dieťa" - rodenie. Je to Lukáš, alebo Ján? Jack, kde je to? Ján 16. Myslel som si, že to bolo správne, ale to tak neznelo. Ján 16. [Niekto na pódiu hovorí: "21. verš."] 21. verš. Skutočne. 21. verš. Skutočne, tu to máme. Ján 16. a 21:

aby oni boli ...

Nie, brat Jack, to je stále zle. 16. a 21. Mám 16. kapitolu sv. Jána. 21. verš, ale to nie je ono! No, tu je to pomiešané v tejto Biblii. Skutočne. Oni to zle vytlačili. Tak veru. Viete čo? To je ono. Toto je úplne nová Biblia; Práve som ju dostal, a ona má ... je to zle vytlačené. [Nejaký katolícky kňaz vystupuje ku kazateľni, podáva bratovi Branhamovi svoju Bibliu a hovorí: "Tu to je. Je určitý dôvod, prečo sa to stalo, a Boh ti to ukáže, aby priniesol z toho Svoj nádherný (nejasné slovo)."]

27Dobre. Ďakujem. Veľmi pekne ďakujem. 16: 21. Veľmi pekne ďakujem. To je pravda.

Žena keď ...

Amen, amen vám hovorím, že vy budete plakať a nariekať, a svet sa bude radovať, a vy sa budete rmútiť; ale váš zármutok sa obráti v radosť.

Žena, keď rodí, má zármutok, lebo prišla jej hodina, ale keď porodí dieťatko, nepamätá viac na súženie pre radosť, že sa človek narodil na svet.

28Veľmi pekne ti ďakujem, môj brat. Naozaj si to cením. No, to je skutočne chyba v tlači tu v tejto Biblii ... zle bola vložená strana, a ja som si to vyhľadal v mojej starej Skofíldovej Biblii a zobral som si túto a prišiel som sem s ňou práve pred chvíľou (pretože moja žena mi práve dala túto ako vianočný darček).

29No, dnes popoludní chcem hovoriť na tému, ktorú som nazval: "Pôrodné bolesti." No to znie veľmi nezvykle, ale je to v Biblii. Myslím, že Ježiš tu o tom hovoril, keď povedal: "Vy sa budete rmútiť, ale váš zármutok sa obráti v radosť" - hovorí tu Svojim učeníkom, pričom vie, že nastáva rodenie Kresťanstva.

30A teraz, to staré musí zomrieť, aby sa narodilo nové. Aby mať ... Všetko čo rodí musí mať vyčerpávajúcu bolesť, a oni skutočne prechádzali cez vyčerpávajúcu bolesť a úzkosť, aby sa dostali zo zákona do milosti.

31Normálne prirodzené rodenie zobrazuje duchovné rodenie. Všetky prirodzené veci sú obrazom tej duchovnej. A zisťujeme, keď sa dívame tu na zem a vidíme strom, ako rastie na zemi, on zápasí o život. To ukazuje, že niekde existuje strom, ktorý nezomiera, pretože on sa dovoláva niečoho. Nachádzame ľudí, nevadí akí sú starí, akí chorí, v akom stave sa nachádzajú, oni chcú žiť, pretože to ukazuje, že niekde existuje život, kde žijeme - žijeme naveky. Všimnite si, aké je to dokonalé.

32No, v prvom liste Jána 5: 7 (Myslím, že to je ono, ak sa nemýlim), tam stojí: "Sú traja, ktorí vydávajú svedectvo na nebi: Otec, Slovo a Svätý Duch; títo traja sú jedno. A sú traja, ktorí svedčia na zemi, duch, voda a krv. A tí traja sú v jedno." [podľa ang. Biblii: "sa zhodujú v jednom."] No všimnite si, tí prví traja sú jedno; tí druhí traja sú zemskí, ktorí sa zhodujú v jednom. Nemôžete mať Otca bez Syna; nemôžete mať Syna bez toho, že by ste mali Ducha Svätého. Ale môžete mať vodu bez krvi a krv bez Ducha.

33Myslím, že cez naše veky sa dokázalo, že toto je pravda. Voda, krv, Duch - ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým. To zobrazuje, alebo ukazuje ten predobraz, ktorý vidíme pri telesnom rodení. Pozrite, keď žena alebo čokoľvek je v pôrodných bolestiach, prvá vec, ktorá sa deje: začne vytekať voda (pri normálnom rodení); druhé je krv a potom prichádza život - voda, krv duch. A to tvorí to normálne, telesné narodenie.

34A tak je to v tej duchovnej ríši. To je voda - ospravedlnenie skrze vieru, viera v Boha, prijatie Ho ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa, a byť pokrstený. Druhé je posvätenie Ducha - že Boh očisťuje ducha zo všetkých svetských vecí a svetských túžob. A potom dovnútra prichádza Duch Svätý a dáva nové narodenie a napĺňa tú posvätenú nádobu.

35Napríklad ako toto; no že ... Povedal som vám, že to čomu neveríte dajte nabok a potom jedzte ten koláč. Všimnite si. No, na dvore leží nejaký pohár. Nezoberiete ho a nepostavíte ho hneď na stôl a nenaplníte ho vodou alebo mliekom. Nie. Tým, že ho zodvihnete to je ospravedlnenie. Umytie, to je posvätenie - pretože Grécke slovo posvätiť je zložené slovo, ktoré znamená očistiť a odložiť na používanie (nie do používania, na používanie), Potom, keď ho naplníte je daný do používania.

36Prepáčte mi teraz toto (nehovorím to, aby som niekoho urazil), tam ste vy Pútnici Svätosti, Nazaréni zastali a nešli ďalej do Letníc. Vy ste boli očistení skrze posvätenie, ale keď ste boli pripravení, aby ste boli daní do služby skrze dary hovorenia v jazykoch a iné veci, vy ste to odmietli, vypadli ste znovu naspäť na dvor, vidíte. No to je to čo sa deje; stále to tak bolo. No, nie žeby som vás teraz kritizoval, ale len ... Chcem sa tohoto zbaviť nech mi to netrápi srdce. A to ma stále trápi odkedy som tu a tak som mohol pokiaľ len ... Keď Carl a Demos a oni a vy všetci prejavili láskavosť ... Snažím sa ako len môžem uvoľniť svoju dušu od toho, viete; potom je to na vás.

37Telesné zobrazuje to duchovné. No, zisťujeme ... Potom je to úplne narodené. Keď to dieťa ... Obyčajne teraz, keď vytečie tá voda, nemusíte veľa okolo toho robiť. A keď vyteká tá krv, nemusíte veľa okolo toho robiť. Ale aby v poriadku dostať život do toho dieťaťa musíte ho plesknúť po zadku a spôsobiť, aby začalo kričať. A to je ... no bez vzdelania, zatiaľ čo tu moji bratia sú tak dobre vycvičení do toho (ich), ale ja musím brať prírodu aby som to znázornil. A tu to máte. To je to čo sa stalo; na to je treba skutočné plesknutie, aby toto do nich vošlo.

38No vezmete trochu ... nejaký šok. Možno ho nemusíte plesknúť, ale len trochu ho vystrašiť. Samotná predstava, že sa narodilo, to niekedy vykoná. Chytíte ho, potrasiete ním. Ak nezačína dýchať, trochu ho plesknete, a potom začne kričať v neznámych jazykoch (jemu neznámych, myslím), Či tak, či tak robí hluk. A myslím, že ak sa dieťa narodí ticho bez zvuku, bez emócie; to je mŕtve dieťa.

39To je to, čo sa deje dnes s cirkvou, s tým systémom - máme príliš veľa mŕtvo narodených detí. Je to tak. Oni potrebujú plesknutie evanjeliom, viete, a tak ... aby sa zobudili, aby sa prebrali, aby tak Boh mohol vdýchnuť do nich dych života! A teraz vidíme, že je to skutočná pravda. Je to surová teológia, ale aj tak je to pravda.

40Tak všimnite si pri rodení semena, to staré semeno musí zomrieť, prv ako sa môže narodiť to nové. A preto, smrť je stále ťažká. Tak, je to bolestné, je to plné ťažkostí. S rodením je to tak isto; pretože vy prinášate na svet život, a to je bolestné.

41Ježiš povedal, že jeho Slovo je semeno, ktoré rozsievač vyšiel rozsievať. (No všetci sme s tým oboznámení, a ja chcem toto učiť ako lekciu nedeľnej školy, pretože je nedeľa.) Všimnite si, potom toto Slovo, keď je semeno ... Ale pamätajte, semeno rodí nový život len vtedy, keď zomiera. A preto to bolo tak ťažké pre tých farizejov rozumieť nášho Pána Ježiša Krista: pretože oni boli pod zákonom. A zákon bol Božie Slovo vo forme semena. Ale keď sa Slovo stalo telom a stalo sa nie zákonom, ale milosťou ... A teraz milosť a zákon nemôžu existovať v tom istom čase, pretože milosť tak veľmi prevyšuje zákon, že zákon ani nevidieť. A preto je to tak ťažké pre farizejov, aby zomreli svojmu zákonu aby sa tak mohla narodiť milosť. Ale to sa musí stať. Tie dva zákony nemôžu existovať súčasne.

42Nemôže byť zákon, ktorý hovorí, že môžete prejsť cez tento semafór, a druhý hovoriť, že nemôžete cezeň prejsť ... Jeden hovorí, že môžete; druhý hovorí, že nemôžete. Musí platiť len jeden zákon. Možno raz ste mohli cezeň prejsť; pozor - prejdite cezeň. Ale teraz svieti červená - stop! Vidíte? A tak nemôžu v tom istom čase existovať dva zákony.

43No, vidíme, že to stále ... Obraciam teraz vašu pozornosť na to, že to sa deje v bolesti, úzkosti, nepokoji. Pozrite ako tí farizejovia zomierali tomu zákonu - skrze bolesti, úzkosť, nepokoj. Ale to musí byť.

44Vidíme, že dážď, ktorý rodí úrodu na zemi, "sa rodí," ako povedal básnik, "na poliach hromu, na drsnej, blýskajúcej sa oblohe." Ale ak by sme nemali hrom a drsnú, blýskajúcu sa oblohu, tá malá destilovaná kvapka dažďu, ktorá bola zodvihnutá z morí a zbavená soli, by sa nenarodila. Je potrebné blýskanie, hrmenie, burácanie, trhanie, drsnosť, strašné veci, aby sa zrodili tie jemné, nežné kvapky vody. Sú potrebné bolesti, aby bol zrodený život; treba zomierať. A keď zomierajú tie mraky, je tu dážď; pretože dážď je časťou toho mraku. Jedno musí zaniknúť, aby to druhé mohlo existovať. No, ak tu moji bratia (niektorý z nich) by bol schopný, mohli by vám povedať všetky tie zákony o týchto veciach. Ja to neviem.

45Ale poďme teraz ku ďalšej veci, len ako malý dôkaz. Myslím, že jeden z najkrajších kvetov - každý má na to svoj vlastný názor - ale ja si myslím, že takmer najkrajší kvet, aký som kedy videl (tam na východe) je naša vodná ľalia. Koľkí z vás videli niekedy vodnú ľaliu? Ó, podľa mňa, skoro nič sa jej nevyrovná. Ale všimli ste si čo tá vodná ľalia musí byť. Rozmýšľam o tom čo povedal Ježiš: "Uvážte ľaliu, ako ona pracuje a pradie, ale jednako vám hovorím, že Šalamún v celej svojej sláve nebol oblečený ako jedna z nich." Pretože Šalamúnova sláva a jeho oblečenie bolo všetko umelé, ale tá ľalia vo svojej nádhere, to je život, ktorý ju robí krásnou, nie nejaké umelé mazanie, maľovanie.

46Tak ako naše ženy. Nemyslím, že musíte mať všetko toto zelené, viete, a mihalnice, poznáte to také, a všetku tú manikúru, či nie ... Pomiešali sa mi tie názvy ... všetko čo máte na tvári, aby vás to urobilo peknou. Keď chceš byť pekná rob pekné veci. Ak pridáte trochu Skutkov 2 a 4, zmiešate to všetko spolu s trochu Jánom 3: 16, to prevýši všetko, čo sa ten Max Faktor kedykoľvek snažil urobiť. Tvoj muž ťa bude viac milovať, každý, a som si istý, že Boh ťa bude viac milovať.

47Ľalia - On povedal pozrite sa na ňu, ako rastie, namáha sa, musí sa pretlačiť hore. Táto malá vodná ľalia, pozrite sa cez čo ona prechádza: cez špinu, bahno, blato, bahnité vody, špinavé vody; pretláča si cestu cez to všetko (tento malý zárodok života), prepracúva sa z dna toho rybníka, kde sú žaby a všetko možné a potom prechádza cez to všetko. Ale keď sa dostane do prítomnosti slnka, je narodená. To malé semienko vyráža do života. Nemôže sa to stať až kým neprejde cez celý ten proces. Ona musí cez to prejsť, tým sa to deje, a to preto, že to čo ju tiahne je vlastne slnko. A keď sa dostane celkom ponad všetku tú špinavú vodu a bahno a tak ďalej, potom je tak šťastná, že slobodne prejaví svoj život. A to je nádherný život, keď sa ona dostane do prítomnosti toho čo ju tiahne hore.

48Myslím, že je to nádherný obraz kresťanského života. Keď vás niečo tiahne von zo sveta až jedného dňa ste narodení rovno do Jeho prítomnosti skrze Ducha Svätého. Aké nádherné! Ak sa tomu pokúsite pomôcť, zabijete to.

49Ako malé kura, keď sa liahne. Viete, všimli ste si niekedy jedno z týchto maličkých kureniec? Rovno na konci jeho malého zobáčiku (alebo akýkoľvek vták, ktorý sa rodí z vajca) on má ... Ono dozrieva v tejto vaječnej škrupine. Tá vnútorná časť toho vajca musí zhniť. A ono musí zobrať ten malý zobáčik a škriabať ním hore dole až kým nepreborí tú škrupinu. My to nazývame, že si prepípa von cestu, tam dole v Kentucky odkiaľ pochádzam - prepípa si von cestu. Nikdy nevynašli lepší spôsob. Prečo? To je Božia pripravená cesta. Skúste mu pomôcť, zabijete ho. Olúpte z neho tú škrupinu, ono zomrie. Vidíte, ono sa musí namáhať, napínať, preboriť!

50Tak to musí robiť kresťan. To nie je, že ti niekto len podá ruku, na znak prijatia. Ty tam musíš ležať až kým nezomrieš, nezhniješ, a nebudeš narodený do kráľovstva Božieho. To je Božia pripravená cesta. Nevojdeš do neho pomocou knihy, alebo skrze potrasenie rúk a pripojenie sa, alebo skrze napumpovanie, alebo vtiahnutie. Ty sa jednoducho musíš zbaviť tej starej škrupiny. Všimnite si, nikdy nevynašli lepší spôsob.

51Nevynašli lepší spôsob pre dieťa, aby dostalo to čo chce, od Božieho spôsobu. No, keď sa narodí to malé dieťa, mohli by ste vedľa jeho malej postieľky položiť zvonček. Poviete: "Môj malý synček, ja som teológ v tomto ... Čítal som knihy, ako sa vychováva dieťa, a hovorím ti, ty si moderné dieťa. Narodil si sa v modernej rodine, máš moderných rodičov. Keď budeš hladný, alebo budeš potrebovať matku alebo mňa, len zazvoň tým zvončekom." To nebude fungovať. Jediný spôsob, ako ono môže dostať to čo chce je, že začne kričať. To je Božia cesta.

52A to je cesta, že my dostaneme to čo chceme, je kričať o to! Krič! Nehanbi sa! Povedz: "Som hladný po Bohu!" Nestaraj sa či sú okolo diakoni, pastor, alebo ktokoľvek. Vykríkni aj tak! Ak tam sedia Jonesovci, to na tom nič nemení. Krič! To je jediný spôsob ako to dostať - až kým ti nebude pomožené. On to učil, keď bol tu na zemi, viete, o tom nespravodlivom sudcovi.

53Malá kvapka rosy - nepoznám jej definíciu. Možno je tu nejaký vedec, ale poviem to len tak ako si myslím. To môže byť nejaká nahustená časť atmosféry, ktorá sa spolu zíde v tmavej noci, a to padá na zem. A keď sa to deje, ona sa v noci rodí. Ale ráno, ona tam leží chladná a trasie sa na malom steble trávy, alebo visí na šnúre na prádlo. Ale hneď, nech len vyjde slnko. Všimli ste si ako sa ona zaraduje? Ona sa hneď trbliece a trepoce. Prečo? Ona vie, že to svietiace slnko ju potiahne naspäť tam, kde bola na počiatku.

54A tak je to s každým mužom alebo ženou, ktorí sú narodení z Ducha Božieho. Niečo je na tom, keď na nás dopadá svetlo, že sme šťastní, pretože vieme, že pôjdeme naspäť tam odkiaľ sme prišli - z lona Božieho. Ona sa môže blyšťať od radosti, keď na ňu dopadne slnko, samozrejme, vie že pôjde tam odkiaľ prišla. Malé primitívne veci, že by sme mohli ďalej o nich hovoriť. Ale nájdime ešte niečo.

55Vieme, že to staré semeno musí, prv ako to nové semeno môže vyjsť z toho starého, ono musí zhniť. Úplne. Nie len zomrieť, ale zhniť, potom keď je mŕtve. Vieme, že je to pravda. To isté je v novom narodení. Nejdeme dozadu, ale ideme dopredu - keď sa znovu narodíte.

A ja myslím, že preto máme dnes tak veľa ... nemáme tak veľa, opravdového znovuzrodenia, pretože to semeno je ... Možno, že to bude sympatizovať s tým Slovom, alebo s tou osobou, ale oni nechcú zhniť z toho starého systému v ktorom boli. Oni z toho nechcú vyjsť. Oni chcú zostať v tom starom systéme a činiť si nárok na znovuzrodenie alebo na posolstvo na ten vek.

56Našli sme to za veku Lutera, Wesleya, Letničných a vo všetkých iných vekoch. Oni sa stále snažia držať toho starého systému a nárokovať si toto, ale ten starý systém toho veku musí zomrieť, zhniť, aby sa narodil ten nový. Oni sa chcú stále toho držať. Všimnite si, oni vedia, že ten starý systém je mŕtvy, ale oni proste nechcú z neho vyhniť. No, zhniť znamená, keď je s tým skutočne koniec.

57Keď si nárokujú, že sú znovuzrodení ... Ale nárok je len splodený znak; to nové narodenie sa rodí pri hnití. Vy musíte z toho vyhniť, práve tak, ako sme urobili vo všetkých vekoch - cez Wesleyov a tak ďalej ... Ale to hlavné na tom je, potom keď sa zrodilo to nové narodenie ... Wesley, či Luther vystúpil s jedným slovom: "Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." Dobre, on sa viacej nemohol držať toho starého systému. On musel z toho vyjsť.

58A potom, keď Kalvinisti dostali Anglikánsku cirkev do takého stavu (za Kalvinistickej náuky) až Boh vzbudil Arminianskú náuku (ktorú zastával Ján Wesley). Ten starý systém musel zomrieť, aby mohol nastúpiť ten nový. A keď Wesleyov vek pominul a všetky tie malé veky alebo steblá, ktoré vyšli do stopky, alebo klasu vo Wesleyovom čase ... Vidíte, keď vystúpili Letniční s prinavrátením darov, oni museli vyjsť z Baptistov, Presbyteriánov, Pútnikov svätosti, Nazarénov, Cirkvi Kristovej (tak zvanej), a zo všetkého toho; oni museli z toho vyjsť, vyhniť z toho, aby prijali nové narodenie!

59Stále vás nazývajú bláznami, ale to je tak, ako povedal Pavol, keď on vyhnil z toho čo raz tvrdil; on povedal: "na tej ceste, ktorú oni nazývajú sektou, svätoslúžim Bohu svojich otcov" - na ceste, ktorá je nazvaná sektou. Vidíte, on prijal ten nový život, ktorému ten Starý Zákon dal zrodenie na ten Nový, a on musel vyhniť z toho Starého, (urobiť ho len tieňom) aby bol ...

60To je práve to, kde sme teraz. No, vydržte to so mnou, ale to je môj názor. Cirkvi sa dostali do takého systému, že sa do žiadnej nemôžete dostať, až kým do nej nepatríte. Musíte mať nejakú legitimáciu obecenstva, alebo nejakú preukážku. A tým, že verím tomuto, skoro jediné dvere, ktoré mám otvorené sú u týchto obchodníkov. A kým oni nie sú organizáciou, môžem vojsť s nimi a prinášať to posolstvo, ktoré cítim, že mám na srdci, pre tých ľudí. Ale to sa stalo tak systémovo ... a ja vás milujem letniční ľudia. A Letnice to aj tak nie je organizácia. Vy sa len tak nazývate. Letnice to je prežitie a nie denominácia.

Ale vidíte, toto je to, čo je tak ťažké pre mnohých ľudí - keď sa na to dívajú a veria tomu, a vidia, že Boh to tak potvrdil v Slove, jednako je to tak ťažko vyhniť z toho, v čom ste doteraz boli. "Čo budem robiť? Kde dostanem svoju poživeň? Čo ...?" Boh je tvojou poživňou! Boh je pre teba tým, čoho sa máš držať! "Hľadajte najprv kráľovstvo Božie a jeho spravodlivosť." Nechám to tak; viete o čom hovorím!

61Je nám povedané cez Božích prorokov, že máme mať novú zem - nové nebesia a novú zem. Ak chcete na to miesto Písma, je to Zjavenie 21. Mohol by som vám to citovať. Mám to tu. Ján povedal:

... videl som nové nebo a novú zem, lebo prvé nebo a ... prvá zem boli pominuli ...

[To skončilo.]

No, ak máme mať novú zem, stará zem a nová zem nemôžu existovať súčasne - alebo, ten nový svet a ten starý svet nemôžu existovať naraz v tom istom čase. Nemôžu byť dva svetové poriadky spolu v tom istom čase. No, aby sme dostali tú novú zem, tá stará musí zomrieť. No keď tá stará musí zomrieť, potom ona teraz prežíva pôrodné bolesti kvôli tej novej.

62A potom keď doktor išiel vyšetriť pacientku, ktorá je v pôrodných bolestiach, teraz jedna z tých vecí, ktorú doktor robí - hovorím to tu v prítomnosti, pokiaľ viem, dvoch alebo troch dobrých doktorov, kresťanských doktorov. A opýtal by som sa vás toto. Jedna z prvých vecí, ktorú doktor robí, potom keď vyšetruje tú pacientku je, že pozoruje interval opakujúcich sa bolestí - pôrodných bolestí. On pozoruje interval medzi bolesťami - ako často sa opakujú a ako sa stávajú čím ďalej tým väčšie. Jedny sú ťažšie od druhých; tie ďalšie, vždy ťažšie. Prichádzajú častejšie za sebou. Tak on určuje diagnózu toho prípadu - podľa pôrodných bolestí.

63Dobre, ak sa tento svet musí obetovať, aby sa narodil nový svet, vyšetrime niektoré z pôrodných bolestí, ktoré máme na zemi. A potom uvidíme aký je deň a ako je ona ďaleko vo svojich pôrodných bolestiach.

64Prvá Svetová Vojna ukázala veľkú bolesť - pôrodnú bolesť. Ona ukázala jednu z jej prvých pôrodných bolestí, ktorá pracovala ku pôrodu, pretože v tom čase sme pre ňu prichystali bomby, a mali sme delá a otravný plyn. A pamätáte sa ... možno mnohí z vás nie. Ja som bol len malý chlapec, mal som okolo osem rokov, ale sa pamätám ako hovorili o tomto horčičnom a chlórovom plyne a tak ďalej - ako to vyzeralo, akoby to len začalo a oni povedali, že to spálilo celú zem. Každého to zabilo. No, to mohol byť koniec toho - len vetri zaviali po zemi, a ako všetci boli vyľakaní na smrť z tej veľkej zbrani jedovatých plynov. Zem prešla cez - mala svoju prvú pôrodnú bolesť.

65A teraz vidíme, že už sme mali druhú vojnu - Svetovú Vojnu. A jej bolesti boli oveľa väčšie, strašnejšie po celý čas - pôrodné bolesti zemi. Ona sa skoro musela poddať v čase atómovej bomby, pretože ona zničila celé mesto. To bolo oveľa väčšie, ako bolesti prvej Svetovej Vojny, čo sa týka ničenia zemi.

66A teraz, ona vie, že čas jej vyslobodenia ja nablízku. To je dôvod, že ona je taká nervózna, znekľudnená, to preto, že existuje vodíková bomba a rakety, ktoré by mohli zničiť celý svet. Jeden národ sa bojí druhého, bez ohľadu na to aký je malý. Oni majú tieto rakety o ktorých tvrdia, že - jedna z nich, oni ich môžu riadiť od štartu a spustiť ich kdekoľvek na svete, kde chcú.

67Rusko, ako som počul jedného dňa v správach, oni tvrdia, že dokážu zničiť tento národ a zadržať atómové bomby alebo čokoľvek, aby nezasiahli ich národ. Nevieme čo s tým robiť. Každý toto tvrdí, a je to tak. Ľudia majú ... Veda sa vlámala do Božieho veľkého laboratória, až sa sami zničia.

68Boh nechá - stále nechá, že veda sa sama zničí. Boh nič neničí. Človek sa sám ničí skrze vedu, ako to urobil na začiatku, berúc Satanovu múdrosť namiesto Božieho Slova.

69No, ona vie, že musí podľahnúť. Ona to nedokáže zniesť. Rusko, verím, by zničilo dnes tento národ, keby si mysleli, že ho môžu zničiť a pritom seba uchrániť. Každý z týchto malých národov by to mohol urobiť, ale oni sa obávajú, pretože vedia, že tento svet by nedokázal obstáť na svojej obežnej dráhe za takých okolností. Tak svet vie, že jej pôrodné bolesti sú také veľké, že musí podľahnúť. Zrodenie nového narodenia bude na blízku.

70Som za to vďačný. Som unavený z tohoto. Každý vie, že tu toto je miesto smrti a žiaľu a všetkých ťažkostí a tak ďalej. Som rád, že ona musí zaniknúť; Som rád, že ten čas je na blízku. Ako povedal starý Ján: "Áno, príď Pane Ježišu."

71No, ona musí zhniť, samozrejme (ako som už povedal), aby priniesla nové narodenie. Pozrite do akej miery zhnila. Všimnite si, moji bratia. Ona je načisto zhnitá! Jej politika a systémy sú tak zhnité, ako len môžu byť! Nieto v nej zdravého miesta - v jej svetovom systéme! Jej politika a jej náboženská politika a čokoľvek to je. Jeden hovorí: "Ja som demokrat"; "Ja som republikán"; "Ja som metodista"; "Ja som baptista." Prečo, všetko je zhnité do jadra! Niečo musí podľahnúť! Ona to nedokáže vydržať. Keby ste do každého kraju v týchto Spojených štátoch dali Georga Washingtona, alebo Abraháma Lincolna, ani tak by to neprišlo na miesto! Je pomimo vykúpenia. Je len jedna vec, ktorá jej môže pomôcť; to je príchod Stvoriteľa! Amen!

Ona vie že musí podľahnúť. Ona je v bolesti a úzkosti. Nikto nevie čo robiť. Jeden hľadí tam, druhý tam, a všetko; jeden sa bojí druhého, jedene sa snaží urobiť niečo alebo zničiť toto, a tento tu sa snaží odporovať tomuto a zničiť tamto, až to teraz dostali do rúk hriešnych ľudí, ktorí dokážu zničiť celý svet za päť minút. Vidíte?

72Tak ona vie, že to nedokáže vydržať. Ľudia vedia, že ona to nevydrží, a svet vie, že to sa stane, lebo to Boh povedal. Celé nebesia a zem budú v ohni. Bude obnovenie všetkého, aby sa tak mohol narodiť nový svet. Boh o tom prorokoval.

73Ona je zhnitá vo všetkých svojich systémoch a ona to musí urobiť aby zhnila. Preto som povedal, že je taká nervózna a červená sa do tvári a je znekľudnená a zemetrasenia všade hore dole na pobreží a prílivové vlny na Aljaške a trasenie hore dole po pobreží so zemetrasením a všetko, a ľudia píšu: "Prežijeme to? Prežijeme to?" Vidíte, oni nevedia čo robiť. Nieto bezpečné miesto okrem Jedného - to je Kristus, Syn živého Boha. A je len jedna vec, ktorá je bezpečným miestom, a to je On; všetko pomimo toho zahynie, presne tak, ako to Boh povedal.

74No, pozrime sa do lekárskej knihy (či je ona v takomto stave) a vidzme či sa toto má stať, keď sa má narodiť nová zem - Matúš 24, v tej doktorskej knihe (ktorou je Biblia), a vidzme čo je prorokované - aké budú jej príznaky. No, ak doktor pozná tie príznaky rodenia dieťaťa ... A práve v tom čase, keď má prísť to dieťa, on všetko pripravuje, pretože vie, že to je čas, kedy sa má narodiť to dieťa, pretože všetky príznaky to dokazujú. Vyliala sa voda, krv, a teraz je čas - aby prišlo dieťa, je čas aby sa narodilo dieťa. A tak on všetko preň pripravuje.

75No Ježiš nám presne povedal čo sa bude diať v tom čase. On nám povedal v Matúšovi 24, že cirkev (opravdová cirkev) a tá iná cirkev budú - telesná cirkev, duchovná cirkev - budú tak blízko pri sebe (napodobovatelia), že by to zviedlo i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho; ako oni jedli, pili, ženili sa a vydávali, a všetka tá nemorálnosť toho sveta, ktorú vidíme dnes - Biblia, Kniha (tá doktorská kniha) povedala, že to sa stane. Tak, keď vidíme, že toto sa deje vieme že pôrod je nablízku! Musí byť. Tak veru.

No, my sa dívame na to ako národ - nie ako národ, ale svet. No Izrael, cirkev, vráťme sa ku nemu na niekoľko minút a sledujem ho za ďalších možno desať minút.

76Izrael mal pôrodné bolesti za každého proroka, ktorý prišiel na zem. On mal pôrodné bolesti pri jeho posolstve. Ale čo on robil? Prorok mal Slovo a on (Izrael) zasial toľko zhnilosti a narobil v sebe toľko systematických nariadení, že až tento prorok ho striasol z jeho základu! Oni boli nenávidení od všetkých. A tak, keď Boh poslal proroka, cirkev automaticky vošla do pôrodných bolestí následkom proroka - Slovo Pánove prichádza jedine ku prorokovi. To je Slovo, ktoré je hovorené na ten deň, ktoré sa manifestovalo skrze proroka na ten vek - stále bolo. A tie cirkvi, oni okolo Slova nastavali toľko systémov, že až ju on striasol z jej hojdacieho kresla, keď prišiel! Ona mala pôrodné bolesti.

77Čo to bolo? "Naspäť do Slova! Naspäť do života!" Systémy nemajú život! Jedine Božie Slovo má život! Systémy sú postavené okolo neho, ale to nemá život. Slovo dáva život!

Jeho posolstvo zahnalo ten zbytok naspäť do Slova. Vyjde malá skupina a verí, niekedy možno - v čase Noeho, len okolo osem ľudí - ale jednako Boh zahnal ten zbytok a ostatok z toho zničil. To muselo odpadnúť.

78To sa dialo počas všetkých vekov, až nakoniec im cirkev vydala dieťa človeka, a to dieťa človeka bolo samotné Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh ... A to Slovo sa stalo telom, a prebývalo medzi nami." On premohol každého diabla, každú moc na zemi, ktorá prišla proti Nemu, jedine so Slovom Otca. Každé pokušenie, ktoré Mu Satan dal, On pokáral Satana - nie Svojou vlastnou mocou, ktorú On mal, ale so Slovom Božím. "Je napísané ...! Je napísané ...! Je napísané ...!" Lebo On bol Slovo!

79Keď sa Satan pustil do Evy, ona nebola Slovo, tak to zlyhalo. Keď sa on pustil proti Mojžišovi, stalo sa to isté. Ale keď on narazil na tohoto Syna Božieho, On mal desaťtisíc voltov. To z neho striaslo uvoľnené perie. Keď sa On obrátil a povedal: "Je napísané, človek nebude žiť samým chlebom ale každým slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích!" Tam bolo to dieťa človeka, ktoré sa stalo telom, Božie večné Slovo sa manifestovalo v tele z mäsa tu na zemi, aby reprezentovalo to Slovo!

80Takto On vedel čo bolo v ich srdciach. Takto On mohol povedať Filipovi, kde bol, kto on bol; On mohol povedať Šimonovi Petrovi kto on bol; povedať žene pri studni. Prečo? On bol Slovo! Je to tak. Biblia hovorí v liste Židom vo štvrtej kapitole: "Slovo Božie je ostrejšie, účinnejšie než dvojsečný meč, prenikajúce až do špiku kostí, schopné posúdiť myšlienky a úmysly srdca." Prečo títo slepí farizejskí kňazi nemohli vidieť, že to bolo Slovo, ktoré sa manifestovalo, pretože oni sa ovinuli do kňazstva a systému, a ten starý systém musel byť daný nabok. To bolo Slovo, ale to, čo bolo zasľúbené sa vyplnilo; tak ak sa to vyplnilo, toto muselo zhniť. Toto je šupka; semeno išlo ďalej.

81Mojžiš nemohol priniesť posolstvo Noeho. Ani Ježiš nemohol priniesť posolstvo Noeho, pretože to bol iný vek; a to staré semeno bolo zrelé, ale ono slúžilo svojmu účelu a bolo mŕtve a pominulo - premena zo starého na nové, tam kde bol život. Ale čo trápilo tých ľudí? Čo ich trápi ešte i dnes? My nestaviame múr - ako sme začali s posolstvom Luthera, ťahať ďalej rovnú čiaru, alebo s Letničným posolstvom rovno ... Zatáčame uhly. Staviame budovu! Slovo Bože je plán! Každý dokáže stavať rovnú líniu, ale treba murára, aby zatočil uhol! Treba na to moc Božia! Treba na to pomazaného z neba, ktorý by bol poslaný, aby to urobil. To bolo v každom veku.

82A v tom prorockom veku ... Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku tým prorokom, a oni točili tie uhly, robili tie rozdiely - ale stavitelia chceli stavať múr. To vôbec nie je múr; to je budova - budova Božia.

83No, my cítime a vieme, že toto je pravda, že tie systémy boli zatrasené v každom veku, a každý jeden z ich systémov musel zhniť a zomrieť, až kým ona nezrodila tú cirkev z toho zhnitého neporiadku - prišlo samotné Slovo. Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokovi. Ono nikdy neprichádza ku kňazovi; ono prichádza ku prorokovi. A všimnite si, a keď sa to stalo, nakoniec sa to Slovo úplne narodilo tu v ľudskom tele. Plnosť Božstva telesne odpočinula v Ňom. On bol Slovo. Proroci boli časťou toho Slova - Slovo na ich vek. My dnes sme časťou Slova, my nasledujeme Slovo. Ale On bol celou plnosťou Slova! On bol Slovo! On povedal, keď Ho obviňovali, že sa robí rovným Bohu, pretože On bol Syn Boží, oni Mu povedali: "No, ty sa robíš Bohom."

84On povedal: "Či nie je napísané vo vašich zákonoch, že tých ku ktorým prišlo Slovo Božie, že ich nazývate bohmi (prorokov) - a oni boli - potom ako môžete odsudzovať Mňa, keď hovorím, že som Syn Boží?" Tam spočívala plnosť Božstva telesne - v Synovi Božom. On bol plnou manifestáciou Boha.

To je to, čo nakoniec dokonali tieto pôrodné bolesti za týchto prorokov - prečo, oni tým že boli Slovom, oni smerovali do tej plnosti seba - do plnosti Slova. A potom nakoniec tie systémy odumreli, že až Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.

85Sledujte ako to bolo zobrazené v Jakobovi. Sledujte ako to bolo zobrazené v Jozefovi. Presne. Milovaný od svojho otca, nenávidený od svojich bratov, bez príčiny; on bol duchovný, mohol predpovedať veci a vykladať sny. A on za to nemohol, že bol taký; on sa proste tak narodil. On bol predurčený, aby bol taký, ale bol nenávidený od svojich bratov, a nakoniec ho predali za tridsať strieborných (takmer za tridsať strieborných) a bol pozdvihnutý, posadený po pravici faraónovej. Pozrite, v jeho vezení, tam bol čašník a pekár. Jeden bol zatratený a jeden bol spasený. Ježiš vo Svojom vezení na kríži - jeden bol zatratený; jeden bol spasený. Presne, a potom bol vyvýšený do neba, a zasadol na tróne Božom. A keď ho On znovu opustí, rozľahne sa volanie: "Skláňajte kolená," a každý jazyk vyzná. A keď Jozef opustil trón a vyšiel, zaznela trúba a každé koleno sa muselo skloniť; Jozef prichádzal.

86Tak jedného dňa zaznie tá veľká trúba Božia; mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú, a každé koleno sa skloní, a každý jazyk uzná toto Slovo. No za čím On ide? Kvôli čomu tu On ide?

87Všimnite si, ona porodila toto kompletné Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom pri pôrodných bolestiach počas tých prorokov, ktorí hrmeli: "On prichádza; On prichádza; On prichádza." No, ale ona bola bez proroka štyristo rokov podľa histórie a Písma - od Malachiáša po Jána. Oni mali len teológov, kňazov, pastorov. Teraz tu si môžeme predstaviť, bez toho, na akom zhnitom stave sa musel nachádzať jej systém. Štyristo rokov bez priameho posolstva od Boha s tým "Tak hovorí Pán"! Tak tí kňazi, proroci, a tak ďalej to dostali do hrozného zamiešania. Ona bola zhnitá.

88Potom Ján, zasľúbený Eliáš z Malachiáša 3 - nie z Malachiáša 4, z Malachiáša 3, pretože Ježiš povedal to isté v evanjeliu Matúša v 11. kapitole, keď Jánove orlie oči sa zatienili (ako to vyjadril, zdá sa mi, Pemberton vo " Včasných Vekoch"), a on povedal: "Choďte , opýtajte sa Ho, či On je ten, alebo máme čakať na iného?" Vidíte? A On povedal ... Ježiš, keď poslal naspäť jeho učeníkov, potom čo im povedal, aby zostali na zhromaždení a sledovali čo sa deje a "Choďte, povedzte Jánovi tieto veci, a požehnaný je ten, kto sa nepohorší ..." On sa obrátil, pozrel sa na Svojich učeníkov a na ľudí, ku ktorým hovoril. Povedal: "Čo ste vyšli vidieť, keď ste sa išli pozrieť na Jána? On povedal: "Či ste vyšli vidieť človeka v jemnom rúchu?" A On povedal: "Hovorím vám, takí bývajú v kráľovských palácoch." On povedal: "Vyšli ste vidieť trstinu, ktorá sa trasie od vetra?"

89Inými slovami, zatrasie sa pri každom malom pichnutí. "Hovorím ti, ak len prídeš a pripojíš sa do našej skupiny, my ti môžeme dať lepší plat" - Ján nebol taký! "Ak len prestaneš kázať proti tomu a tam tomu, môžeš sa pripojiť ku našej skupine" - Ján nebol taký.

90Povedal: "Čo ste potom vyšli vidieť? Proroka? Hovorím vám, viac ako proroka. Lebo ak to môžete prijať, toto je ten, o ktorom bolo povedané cez proroka, hovoriac: "Ja pošlem svojho posla pred svojou tvárou, aby pripravil cestu." To je Malachiáš 3:1; vôbec nie Malachiáš 4. To je rozdiel .... Pretože ten Eliáš príde, svet bude hneď spálený a spravodliví pôjdu po popole bezbožných.

91No všimnite si, jeho posolstvo ich veľmi neprebralo z ich náboženského spánku. Oni len povedali: "Tam dole je nejaký blázon; čo vás po ňom. Nazýva sa bláznom. Snaží sa tam dole ponárať ľudí vo vode." Vidíte? "Aha, nie je nič na tom starom človeku. Aha, nemá ani poriadne šaty. Je obkrútený do ovčej koži. Aha, je biedny ako Jóbov moriak. Aha, z akého seminára vôbec vyšiel; aký má preukaz? Nebudeme ani spolupracovať s jeho zhromaždeniami. Necháme ho nech len zostane tam dole a vyjde to na mizinu," vidíte. Svet sa veľmi nezmenil; ani jeho systémy. "Ale necháme ho nech si len tam zostane. Nemá žiadne ..."

92Viete prečo nemal? Pamätajte, jeho otec bol kňaz. Ale prečo on nenasledoval líniu svojho otca? To v tých dňoch bolo zvykom pre deti. Pretože on mal niečo príliš - väčšie posolstvo. On mal predstaviť Mesiáša, lebo Duch Svätý tak povedal. Ten malý zbytok, ktorý tam bol privedený naspäť skrze posolstvo Gabriela, vedel, že je to tak. Tak, je nám povedané, že keď mal asi deväť rokov odišiel na púšť, keď zomreli jeho otec a matka, že on odišiel na púšť, pretože on musel počuť presne, pretože tam v tej veľké teologickej budove by oni povedali: "No, ja viem, že ty máš byť ten, ktorý oznámi Mesiáša. Izaiáš povedal, že ty prídeš, tak ty budeš ten hlas. No, nemyslíš, že tu brat Jones sa presne na to hodí?" A ľahko by ho prehovorili. Ale on sa neučil žiadny z ich systémov. Jeho posolstvo bolo príliš dôležité. On odišiel na púšť, aby tam zostal.

93Všimnite si, jeho posolstvo nebolo, ako posolstvo nejakého teológa. On používal príklady. On povedal: "Ó vy plemeno hadov" - nazýval tých nábožných ľudí hadmi. Jednou z najhorších vecí, ktorú našiel na púšti (jedna z najpodlejších vecí) boli hady. A on uvažoval: "To je skoro najlepšie porovnanie, aké poznám." On povedal: "Vy plemeno vreteníc. Kto vás varoval, aby ste utiekli prichádzajúcemu hnevu? Nezačínajte hovoriť, 'My patríme do toho a tamtoho', pretože Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi!" Tie kamene - to čo našiel na púšti a na brehu potoka.

94Tiež: "Sekera (to čo používal na púšti) je priložená na koreň stromu" - to čo videl na púšti. "Každý strom, ktorý neprináša dobré ovocie (on vedel skade bral drevo na oheň, vidíte) je zoťatý a hodený na oheň" - pripravoval si z toho drevo na oheň. Vidíte, jeho posolstvo nebolo vôbec, ako posolstvo nejakého klerika. Ono bolo podľa prírody na púšti, ale on mal posolstvo, aby oznámil a mal vieru vo svoje posolstvo, aby povedal: "Príchod toho Mesiáša je tak blízko, že On je teraz tu rovno medzi vami. Hovorím vám, medzi vami stojí Niekto, ktorého neznáte; ktorého obuv nie som hodný nosiť. On vás bude krstiť Duchom Svätým a ohňom!"

"Kto to je, Ján?"


95Ale jedného dňa tam prichádza mladý muž, vstupuje do rieky, vyzerá ako obyčajný človek, práve ako ... Ján Krstiteľ tam stál, ten požehnaný skúsený prorok, a pozrel sa cez Jordán, a povedal: "Ajhľa, tam je Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta!"

"Ako Ho poznáš, Ján?"

Ten, ktorý mi povedal na púšti, aby som išiel a krstil vodou povedal, Na koho budeš vidieť zostupovať Ducha, To je ten, ktorý bude krstiť Svätým Duchom."

Jeho posolstvo nemohlo prísť z teologického hľadiska ani z nejakého ľuďmi zostaveného systému vierovyznania. Ono muselo prísť priamo od Boha!

96Aha, jeho posolstvo s nimi veľmi nezatriaslo. Oni si mysleli: "Och, on povedal, že to videl; Ja o tom veľmi pochybujem. Ja som nič nevidel. Díval som sa celou svojou ... Nič také som nemohol vidieť," povedali tí kňazi a tamtí. Ale on to videl, a my teraz vieme, že on to videl. Skutočne to videl. Ale všimli ste si čo to urobilo? To ich vôbec neprebudilo z ich spánku; oni išli ďalej, odsekli mu hlavu, presne tak isto. Ale to ich vôbec neprebudilo, ale to prebudilo ten zbytok - tých, ktorí mali v sebe ten život, a niekoľkých z tých, ktorí čakali na príchod Pána.

97A Anna v chráme, slepá, prorokyňa, ktorá slúžila Pánovi modlitbou, a potom jedného dňa, keď bola v Duchu ... A Simeon prorokoval a povedal (starý človek) - on povedal: "Duch Svätý mi povedal, že neuzriem smrti, až kým neuvidím Krista Pánovho."

"Dobre," niektorý z tých kňazov, viete, povedal: "Chudák starkí. Nie je celkom normálny, viete. Aha, on je teraz jednou nohou v hrobe a tou druhou sa pošmykol. Čo vás po ňom. On bol ctený, starý muž, ale je trochu ..." Ale vy vidíte, čo on mal? To mu bolo zjavené skrze Ducha Svätého.

98To je to isté, že vám ľuďom je to zjavené dnes popoludní. Duch Svätý vás priviedol sem za nejakým účelom. Pre nejakú ... Duch Svätý ... Pozrite sa tu na týchto kňazov a klerikov z metodistov, baptistov, katolíkov, a zo všetkých. Oni boli pohnutí Duchom Svätým. Tá hodina je tu, tak Duch Svätý sa vznášal nad nimi, a oni na to očakávali, hladní.

99Potom práve v ... jedného dňa - viete, nemal televízor (vďaka Pánovi) v tom čase - tak oni boli tam na vrchoch Júdei. Narodilo sa tam dieťa, hviezda sa zjavila, a tak ďalej. Ale po ôsmych dňoch matka priniesla to malé dieťa, ovinuté v plienkach. Tie plienky, bolo mi povedané, že to bolo ... Oni nemali nič, do čoho by Ho zavinuli. To bola handra zo šiji vola, bolo mi povedané, to bola táto plienka. Tu prichádza Jozef a oni prichádzajú s týmto malým dieťatkom.

100Môžem si predstaviť tie matky, ako stáli ďalej odtiahnuté so svojimi malými deťmi vo vyšívkach a vo všetkom. Povedali: "Pozrite sa tam, vidíte. Vidíte, tam je ona. Vidíte, ona bola tehotná od toho muža, a ona sem prichádza, len sa držte preč od nej. Držte sa ďalej od nej." Oni si to stále myslia!

101Ale Mária, s tým Dieťatkom v náručí, to nič nemenilo, čo si oni mysleli. Ona vedela čí je to Syn! A tak isto každý veriaci, ktorý prijíma Božie Slovo do svojho srdca! Nestarám sa o to čo hovoria tie systémy, ty vieš čo to je! To je zasľúbenie Božie - bolo ti to zjavené skrze Svätého Ducha, keď si bol zatienený jeho mocou. Ty vieš kde to je.

102Žiadny človek nemá právo kázať evanjelium, až kým nestretol Boha vzadu na púšti v tom horiacom kríku, tam kde nie je žiadny náboženský systém na svete, ktorý by ti to vyhovoril. Ty si tam bol; tebe sa to stalo! Nestarám sa o to čo hovoria tie systémy. Ty si toho svedkom! Haleluja! Cítim sa ako ten starý farebný muž, o ktorom som hovoril - "Nemám tu hore teraz dosť miesta!" Cítim z toho teraz veľkú radosť, keď myslím že je to pravda - Sám Boh to zjavil tebe!

103Simeon mal zasľúbenie, sedel to ráno tam vo svojej študovni. Ó, hádam tam mohlo byť prinesené to ráno niekoľko stoviek detí - v tom kraji bolo okolo dva a pol milióna Židov, a tieto deti prichádzali a mnohé sa narodili; každá matka na ôsmy deň musela prísť obetovať obeť za očistenie. Teraz tu prichádza Simeon, sedí tam, viete, možno čítal zvitok Izaiáša; neviem. Ale zrazu ...

104No keď ti Duch Svätý dal zasľúbenie, Duch Svätý musí dodržať to zasľúbenie - ak je to skutočne Boh. Ak prichádza nejaký človek a hovorí určitú vec a Boh to nepodoprie, to vôbec nie je Písmo; zabudni na to. A ak on povie, že to je tak, a Boh sa ďalej za tým nestavia, stále je to falošné, pretože Boh vykladá Svoje posolstvo. On je svojím vlastným vykladačom. Čo On hovorí to sa deje, a potom Boh povedal, počúvajte Jeho, pretože to je pravda. To je len normálny rozum. Ak on hovorí, že to sa stane, a to sa deje, to hovorí za seba. Musí to byť stále presne pravda, pretože Boh nehovorí klamstvo.

105A tak potom, tu máme Simeona, ako tam sedí a berie na seba prenasledovanie. On bol ten zbytok. On počul Jána. A ten malý zbytok v tom čase ... A tu on sedel započúvaný do toho zvitku, vedel ... Chcel som povedať, že vedel, že Ján prichádza, pretože on bol časťou toho zbytku; bolo mu zjavené Slovo. A zrazu, keď to dieťa vošlo do chrámu (potom to bola povinnosť Ducha Svätého zjaviť mu, že ono je tam) ... Tak on bol pohnutý Duchom, vyšiel z tej malej študovni, išiel rovno cez halu, narážal do zástupu žien, išiel rovno popri tom zástupe žien, až kým neprišiel tam kde bolo to malé dieťatko, od ktorého sa všetci odťahovali, zobral to dieťa do svojich rúk a povedal: "Pane, nech Tvoj sluha odíde v pokoji, lebo moje oči videli Tvoje spasenie."

106A v tej chvíli, ďalší z tých neveľa vyvolených v tom čase, bola Anna, prorokyňa. Ona sedela tam v rohu, slepá - vstala slepá. Tu ona prichádza, vedená Duchom, medzi všetkými tými ženami a tými zhromaždenými ľuďmi vo vnútri i vonku pred chrámom, až kým neprišla rovno tam kde bol Kristus, to dieťa. Keď Duch Svätý dokázal priviesť ku Nemu slepú ženu, čo so skupinou Letničných, ktorí máte mať zrak! Nebudem ďalej hovoriť; viete čo nasleduje.

Všimnite si, ó, v akom hroznom stave musí znovu byť tá cirkev! Skutočne musela taká byť v tom čase. Ale to rozhýbalo ten malý zbytok, ako som povedal.

107Buďme teraz úprimní. Keď vidíme dnes tú cirkev v takom stave, či sme neprišli znovu do toho času? No, pozrime sa len na veci zasľúbené v Biblii, ktoré sa stanú v cirkvi v tomto čase. Vidíme čo sa deje vo svete, a vidíme že svet prišiel ku svojmu koncu. A teraz sa pozrime do cirkvi.

108Ona (cirkev) mala pôrodné bolesti za Luthera. No, my vieme, že je sedem cirkevných vekov a sedem poslov do tých siedmich cirkevných vekov podľa Zjavenia. Teraz keď musel vystúpiť Luther, to skutočne vrhlo cirkev do pôrodných bolestí, ale to zrodilo Luthera. Je to tak.

109Po tom, sa to znovu dostalo do problémov, tak to zrodilo Wesleya. Je to tak. Znovu sa dostalo, a to zrodilo Letničných. Každý z nich (ten posol toho veku) ich viedol naspäť do Slova, do posolstva na ich vek, do posolstva podľa Biblii. Mám to, vychádza o tom kniha - komentár o tých prvých štyroch kapitolách Zjavenia. Zakrátko ju budete čítať, keď ju dáme do tlače, a ona dokazuje bez tieňa pochybnosti, čo bolo Lutherove posolstvo - ospravedlnenie. Posvätenie je ten ďalší proces v tom prirodzenom rodení, a potom prichádzajú Letniční. Presne.

110 No všimnite si, každý vek zatriasol cirkvou a dal jej pôrodné bolesti. Ale čo oni urobili? Potom čo prišli tie pôrodné bolesti, namiesto toho, aby išli ďalej so Slovom, oni dali dohromady skupinu ľudí, tak ako to urobili tí prví. Je to presne tak. Hneď potom čo s ňou zatriasli apoštolovia, nachádzame ju potom znovu vybočovať. Potom nachádzame, že prichádzajú mnohí ďalší, Agabus a mnohý veľký reformátori tam na začiatku. Každý vek urobil (keď ste čítali Pred Nicejský koncil, Nicejských Otcov a všetko tam, všetko ste to tam našli) - každý vek bol zatrasený, zakaždým vystúpil posol s "Tak hovorí Pán."

111Teraz je ona v najhoršom stave, podľa Písma, než v akom kedy bola. Sme v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, bohatý, ale slepý cirkevný vek, a nevie o tom! Nikde v Biblii nebolo, že Kristus bol niekedy vystrčený z cirkvi, okrem Laodicejského veku. Ona je v tom najhoršom veku; ona je zhnitá ako nikdy predtým. Povedal ... Povedal som: "Akoby sme nič nepotrebovali" a neviete, že ste nahí a biedni, slepí, úbohí a neviete o tom." Tak veru. Povedal: "Radím ti, poď a kúp si odo mňa masť na oči, aby som mohol otvoriť tvoje oči." A to bude skutočne ... Božia liečivá masť na oči prinesie určite do cirkvi svetlo, ak ona chce otvoriť svoje oči na to, čo povedal Boh.

112Všimnite si teraz rýchlo. No, ona je v takom stave, bez tieňa pochybnosti sme v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku. No, jej posol je zasľúbený v Malachiášovi vo 4. kapitole. Je zasľúbené, že on to urobí, a ten posol má priniesť naspäť Slovo - priviesť ľudí naspäť do Slova. Pôrod má byť ... Ona má porodiť nové narodenie, podľa Malachiáša 4.

113Dnes v cirkevnom svete, pracujú dva systémy. Počúvajte teraz skutočne pozorne. No, chcem vidieť či na toto poviete "Amen". Sú dva systémy, ktoré dnes pracujú v cirkevnom svete. (Zložím to zo svojich pliec a potom to budem mať za sebou). Všetci to vieme - to je Slovo Božie a ten denominačný systém. To sú tie dva systémy, ktoré účinkujú. Práve tak, ako boli - Jakob a Ezav - jeden podľa Ducha, druhý podľa tela. A čo to je? Ezav a Jakob zápasili v lone matky ešte predtým ako sa narodili A tak denominácie a Slovo zápasia jedno proti druhému. Oni zápasia odvtedy ako Luther prv priniesol prvú reformáciu. Dúfam, že je to dosť jednoduché, aby ste tomu dokázali porozumieť. Vidíte?

114Títo ľudia, keď toto zoberú a pôjdu s tým, oni to môžu podať podrobnejšie. Vidíte, aby to dať na miesto ... Ja chcem len položiť toto semeno, dúfam že oni urobia, aby prišlo do života.

115Všimnite si. Vidíte, stále to tak bolo. Preto sa ona nachádza v pôrodných bolestiach, pretože v nej je boj! Tam je Ezav - proste človek sveta, veľmi nábožný; a och, on je v poriadku - dobrý človek, čistý, morálne pokiaľ viem, ale on nevie nič o tom práve prvorodenstva! On je takto narodený; on je takto uformovaný. A Jakob, nestarám sa o to čo on je, on chce to právo prvorodenstva! On je ten duchovný! A tí dvaja sú dnes v lone cirkvi.

116Je veľký systém, ktorý sa snaží uformovať, nazvaný Svetová Rada Cirkví. A z lona cirkvi vychádzajú dve deti. Poznačte si len moje slová! Slovo musí zrodiť Cirkev Nevestu Slova. Cirkev musí vydať zo seba Nevestu pre Krista. Tí, ktorí zosnuli vo všetkých vekoch budú tvoriť túto Nevestu, ktorí vyšli na Slovo, na základe ktorého oni vyšli. Ako od nôh prichádzate ku hlave. Stáva sa to väčším, a musíte mať viac, a tak ďalej. Tak ako rastie telo, tak rastie telo Kristovo. A potom nakoniec príde naň hlava - hlava tela.

117No, ak si všimneme, pretože to všetko je spojené do hlavy, hlava riadi obracanie, potiahnutie. Ale tieto systémy nevyrastú z toho, pretože to je systém, a on nemôže zrodiť ... kúkoľ nemôže urodiť klasy pšenice. Ale oboje je na tom istom poli, zavlažované tou istou vodou a tým istým slnkom! Jedno je Slovo; jedno nie je Slovo. Tie dva zápasia; oni zápasia od prvej reformácii, a oni stále zápasia.

118No, nemôžem ďalej o tom hovoriť, či môžem? Dobre viete o čom hovorím. Tu sme. Tu máte systém - "V ktorom systéme sa nachádzate?"

119Predstavte si len teraz. Keby ste žili dávno v tých dňoch, keď udierali Boží proroci a vychádzalo Slovo, na ktorej strane by ste tam chceli stáť? Dobre, dnes máte ten istý výber. Ona je určená, dávno tomu, aby zrodila dokonalé Slovo, a to Slovo prichádza pre Nevestu Slova. Tak ako žena je časťou muža (vzatá z neho) tak cirkev bude musieť byť cirkev držiaca sa Slova - každého slova Biblii! Nie systémov, dogiem, ani ničoho pridaného ku tomu; to bude musieť byť nefalšovaná, čistá panna Slova! Tak veru!

120A vo dňoch Lutherovho svetla, keď sa prerazila tá cirkev, Luther ... (bola nútená ... jedna z jej bolestí) - ale on vystúpil s tým "Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery! Toto nie je komúnia."

121Teraz nachádzame, že vo dňoch Johna Wesleya ona znovu mala bolesti ale oni boli - narodil sa Wesley! Ale čo ona urobila? Odišla rovno naspäť ako matka.

122Potom za dní Letničných, vaši otcovia a matky vyšli z tých vecí a nenávideli to! Oni vyšli na ulicu, vaše matky bez pančúch, bubnovali na starej plechovici, a hovorili o krste Duchom Svätým - s nejakou starou gitarou. Rozdávali na ulici letáky - trávili celú noc vo vezení! A my sme tak naškrobení a odišli sme znovu naspäť do organizácii, a stali sme sa tým istým bahnom (oni tam naspäť vtiahli tie deti) z ktorého vyšli! Oni by sa obrátili vo svojich hroboch! Hanbili by sa za vás. Viem, že je to tvrdé, ale je to pravda.

123Hovoríte: "Myslel som si, že miluješ ľudí," Ak láska nenapráva, potom ako môžete vyprodukovať lásku? Láska napráva, a ja milujem svet. Horlím za Božiu cirkev. A keď vidím tieto systémy, ktoré ju zväzujú dogmami, ktoré hnijú, a Boh vyhlasuje, že Jeho Slovo je pravda, a oni sa stále toho držia! Amen! Je to pravda. Ty vieš, že je to pravda, brat, sestra. To je proste ... Je to jednoducho povedané. To nie je rozoberanie Gréčtiny a všetkého možného, ale to je rozoberanie a ukazovanie prostého rozumu. Skutočne môžete tomu rozumieť. Dva a dva sú štyri, viete. No, vieme, že to je pravda.

124No, Slovo musí vyprodukovať Nevestu. Ale ten systém sa musí držať svojho predobrazu; on musí vyprodukovať Ezava, ktorý predal svoje právo prvorodenstva.

125Tu to prichádza; Cítim to! Dúfam, že si nemyslíte, že som blázon, ale ak som, nechajte ma tak. Cítim sa tak dobre. Je mi lepšie takto, než inak. Možno pre svet som blázon, ale viem kde som. Viem kde stojím.

126Pozrite, to vyprodukuje narodenie mŕtveho dieťaťa, náboženský systém, ktorý privedie všetky denominácie dokopy, aby vyprodukoval Ezava, ktorý nenávidí Jakoba! Amen. Dúfam, že to vidíte. Mŕtvo narodené, mŕtva denominácia - oni sa všetci dávajú dokopy.

127Ó, veriaci Slova, dajte na moje posolstvo! Počujte ma - nie moje posolstvo, ale Jeho posolstvo, ktoré On jasne ukazuje, že je to pravda. Musíte si z niečoho vybrať. Nemôžete zostať po tomto ticho sedieť. Musíte si vybrať.

128Pamätáte sa na ten deň tam vo Westward Ho (na to ráno, keď ste všetci mali raňajky) ako mi dal Pán ukázať vám tú pšenicu - ako vyrastala cez Luthera, cez Wesleya, a tie klasy, a tak ďalej, a vyrastali malé výhonky - každá cirkev reprezentovaná v stopke zrna, a potom to prešlo rovno do tej pšenice, ako to bolo, a tam bola tá malá šupka - vyzerala celkom presne, ako skutočné pšeničné zrno. Keď ste išli a pozreli ste sa, ak nepoznáte svoju pšenicu, poviete: "Máš tam pšenicu" - ale to je len šupka. A potom otvoríte tú šupku, tam nie je vôbec pšenica. Tam vzadu vychádza maličký púčik života. Vezmete lupu a pozriete sa na to. A keď prv vyšli Letniční, bolo to tak blízke, Ježiš povedal v Matúšovi 24:24, to by zviedlo i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné.

129Čo to malo robiť? Podoprieť to zrno. Je to tak? Teraz, ten klas ... Pozrite sa sem, steblo nevyzerá tak ako to zrno, ktoré vošlo do zeme, ani ten klas; ale to je trošku viac podobné na to, ale tá šupka je celkom taká ako ono. Ale stále to nie je pšenica. To je nositeľ pšenici.

130Či nevidíte ako tie posolstvá prišli s pôrodnými bolesťami? Ale život z tade hneď odišiel aby išiel do ďalšieho posolstva. Život vyšiel hneď z Lutherovho do Wesleyovho posolstva, hneď z Wesleyovho posolstva do posolstva Letničných. Teraz je znovu čas - aby opustil tú šupku. Čo sa deje? To príroda v každej forme vydáva svedectvo, že je to pravda.

131Teraz vidíte prečo ...? Myslíte si že som blázon. Možno som (ako som povedal), ale niečo je vo mne; ja to nedokážem zastaviť. Ja som to tam nedal. To neprišlo tým, že by som si to ja bol vybral. To je Boh! A On to potvrdzuje aby dokázal, že to je pravda - ukazuje že je to pravda. Nie že by som ja mal niečo proti Lutherovi a Wesleyovi, Letničním alebo Baptistom, či niekomu - nemám nič proti nikomu; som proti systémom, pretože Slovo je proti nim! - nie proti ľuďom! Pozrite sa na týchto kňazov a klerikov, ktorí tu dnes sedia. Oni by tu neboli, keby počúvali na systém, ale oni mali prostú odvahu Slova Božieho, aby vyšli a prijali to! Haleluja! znamená "chvála nášmu Bohu." To vás neurazí Amen! znamená "tak to je, verím tomu." Ja verím a viem, že to je pravda! Je to potvrdené, že je to pravda! Jedného dňa to zistíte - možno príliš neskoro.

132No, hľaďte. Hľaďte. Biblia povedala, že Jeho žena sa pripravila, na konci veku. Ako sa pripravila? ... stala sa Jeho ženou. A aký druh rúcha mala na sebe? Jeho vlastné Slovo. Ona bola oblečená v Jeho spravodlivosti. To je to, čo to je. Vidíte? Videnia.

133Všimnite si. Už teraz končím. Chcem povedať túto jednu vec, prv ako zakončím. To je to, čo ma viedlo aby som toto povedal. Mám "Tak hovorí Pán." Ak by to nejaký človek povedal bez ... hovoriac to vo svojej vlastnej predstave, bol by pokrytec a mal by ísť za to do pekla. Je to tak. Ak by sa on snažil získať skupinu ľudí, dobrých ľudí ako títo, a zvádzal ich, no to by bol diabol v ľudskom tele. Boh by ho nikdy neuctil. Myslíte, že Boh by uctil diabla alebo klamára? Nikdy. Vidíte, to prechádza ponad ich hlavami, a oni to nevidia, On vyťahuje vyvolených.

134Pozrite sa na všetkých prorokov cez ten vek - ako On dostal toho vyvoleného. Pozrite, poďme cez to až do reformátorov, ako Rímsko katolícka cirkev upálila Joannu z Arcu na hranici, že je čarodejnica. Je to tak. Neskoršie zistili že nebola; ona bola svätá. Samozrejme oni urobili pokánie - vykopali telá tých kňazov a hodili ich do rieky, viete, ale to v Božích knihách neurovnalo tú vec. Nie!

135Oni nazvali Sv. Patricka tiež jedným (z ich svätých), viete, a on je ním tak isto ako ja. Tak vidíme ... Pozrite sa na jeho deti; pozrite na jeho miesto; pozrite koľkých zabili; pozrite sa do záznamu o mučeníkoch a uvidíte koľkí tam boli zabití. Vidíte, to tak nie je. Ale tým, že to tí ľudia tvrdia, tým to takým neurobia; to je to čo Boh povedal a dokazuje, že je to pravda. Všetko skúšajte. Dobré podržte.

136No, nachádzame tu, asi pred niekoľkými mesiacmi, jedno ráno, vychádzal som z domu a prišlo videnie. A vyzývam tu každého, kto poznal všetky tieto roky nech povie, či niekedy, keď mi Pán dal povedať "Tak hovorí Pán", či sa to nestalo. Koľkí vedia, že je to pravda, zodvihnite ruky. Mohol by niekto povedať, že to tak nebolo? Je to pravda.

137Nevšímajte si toho posla; pozerajte sa na to posolstvo. To je ono. To nie je to. Nevšímajte si toho malého holohlavého človeka (viete) pretože to je len ľudská bytosť, viete, a my sme proste všetci rovnakí. Ale sledujte čo sa deje. To je to, čo o tom svedčí.

138Bol som vzatý. No, viem že ľudia hovoria rôzne veci, a my vieme, že množstvo z toho ne je pravda. Ja nemôžem byť zodpovedný za to, čo hovorí niekto iný. Ja mám zodpovednosť za to čo ja hovorím. A ja môžem len povedať, či je to pravda alebo nie, a ja som ten, ktorý musí byť za to zodpovedný, nie za to, čo hovorí niekto iný. Ja nemôžem nikoho súdiť. Nebol som poslaný súdiť, ale kázať posolstvo.

139Všimnite si, mal som vidieť prehliadku cirkvi. A niekto ma vzal, ktorého som nemohol vidieť, a postavil ma na niečo, ako tribúna. A počul som najpríjemnejšiu melódiu, akú som kedy počul. A pozrel som sa, prichádzali ... a skupina mladých dám okolo - vyzerali ako by mali, ó, okolo dvadsať (osemnásť, dvadsať) rokov, a všetky mali dlhé vlasy a boli oblečené v rôznych šatách (typických krojoch) a pochodovali tak dokonale do kroku s tou melódiou, ako len mohli. A išli z mojej ľavej strany, prechádzali takto okolo, a ja som ich pozoroval. A potom som sa pozrel, aby som videl toho, ktorý ku mne hovoril, a nemohol som nikoho vidieť.

140Potom som počul prichádzať skupinu rock'n'rollu. A keď som sa obzrel na moju pravú stranu, prichádzala tu cestou (prichádzala naspäť), tu prichádzali cirkvi sveta. A niektoré z ... každá niesla svoj transparent, odkiaľ boli - jedny z najšpinavších vecí, aké som v živote videl. A keď prišla Americká cirkev, to bolo to najstrašnejšie, čo som kedy videl! Nebeský Otec je mojím sudcom. Oni mali tieto porozstrihované sivé sukne (ako nejaké z tých barových dievčeniec) tu hore bez zadnej časti, držali to tu a vyzeralo to ako sivý kus papieru, a ako hula tanec - namaľované, nakrátko ostrihané vlasy, fajčili cigarety, a ako kráčali krútili sa v rock'n'rolle.

A ja som povedal: "Či toto je cirkev Spojených štátov?"

A ten hlas povedal: "Áno, je."

A keď prechádzali okolo, museli to držať takto a dať ten papier za seba, keď prechádzali okolo.

141Začal som plakať. Myslel som si: "Všetka moja práca, a všetko čo som urobil a všetko čo sme my kazatelia spolu pracovali ..." A bratia, neviem ako veľmi vy veríte týmto videniam, ale pre mňa je to pravda; stále sa to potvrdilo, že je to pravda. Keď som to videl a vedel čo nasleduje, moje srdce akoby vo mne puklo. "Čo som urobil? Ako mi to utieklo? Stál som rovno na Slove, Pane, a ako som mohol urobiť ...?" Rozmýšľal som: "Prečo si mi dal pred nedávnom videnie a videl som sa tam?" A povedal som: "Dobre, či oni budú musieť byť súdení?"

A On povedal: Pavlova skupina tiež."

142Povedal som: "Ja som kázal to isté Slovo, ktoré on (Kresťanský obchodníci vydali o tom ten článok). A povedal som: "Prečo? Prečo by to bolo takto?" A videl som tú skupinu prostitútok idúcu takto okolo - všetky takto oblečené a nazvané cirkev Miss U.S.A. Skoro som odpadol.

143Hneď potom som počul prichádzať znovu tú naozaj príjemnú melódiu, a tu prichádza tá istá malá nevesta, znovu ide okolo. On povedal: "Toto je to čo jednako prichádza." A keď ona kráčala okolo, ona bola presne taká, ako tá na začiatku - kráčajúca do kroku s tou melódiou Božieho Slova, pochodujúc podľa nej. A keď som to videl, stál som tam so zdvihnutými rukami a takto kričal. Keď som prišiel ku sebe, stál som tam vonku vo svojej verande a díval som sa krížom cez pole.

Čo? Ona je tou istou nevestou, ten istý druh, postavená z toho istého druhu materiálu, z ktorého bola tá na začiatku.

144No čítajte Malachiáša 4 a vidzte, či nemáme mať v tých posledných dňoch posolstvo, ktoré obráti srdcia detí naspäť ku otcom - naspäť do toho originálneho Letničného posolstva, slovo za slovom. Bratia, sme tu!

145No, táto cirkev má mať znak. A jej posledný znak, nachádzame tu v Písme ... Pozrite sa teraz. Vidíte, v tomto Laodicejskom veku nastali veľké pôrodné bolesti. To sa rodí. Cirkev je znovu narodená.

146Nebude ďalšia organizácia. Každý vie, že zakaždým, keď vyšlo nejaké posolstvo ... Opýtajte sa týchto historikov. Potom, keď vyšlo nejaké posolstvo, povstala z toho nejaká organizácia. Ó, Alexander Campell, všetko ďalšie, Martin Luther a všetko - oni z toho urobili organizáciu. A obyčajne posolstvo - či prebudenie trvalo len okolo tri roky. Toto trvá pätnásť rokov, a nepovstala z toho žiadna organizácia. Prečo? šupka bola tou poslednou. Sme na konci.

147Vidíte tie pôrodné bolesti? Vidíte čo sa deje? Len zbytok bude vyvedený. Len zbytok bude vyvedený. A preto kričím a namáham sa, a snažím sa, a dávam nabok všetku priazeň ľudí na zemi, aby som našiel priazeň u Boha a chodil len v Jeho Slove.

148Ona je v bolesti. To je to čo sa deje. Ona ide porodiť. Ona sa musí rozhodnúť. Nápis je na stene. My vidíme, že zem je takmer hotová odísť. Je to tak. A vidíme cirkev; ona je tak zhnitá, ona je hotová odísť. A všetko je v pôrodných bolestiach - oboje svet i cirkev. A musí sa narodiť nový svet a nová cirkev, aby išla naň, na milénium. Vieme to.

149Pozrite. Boh jej dal (A počúvajte toto teraz pozorne. Končím.) jej posledný znak, jej posledné posolstvo, jej posledný znak. Jej posledný znak je, že ona sa musí dostať do stavu v akom bola na začiatku. Svet, cirkev ... Pozrite sa ako to bolo na začiatku, všetky tie roky bez - od Malachiáša až po Ježiša. Dívajte sa teraz na ňu po všetky tie roky a pozrite sa na to všetko tam vtedy, skazenosť, ktorá tam vošla. Pozrite sa na zem, ako to bolo v každom čase - ako vo dňoch Noeho, a tak ďalej. Ona musí byť v tom istom stave, a my to vidíme. "Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho ..." vidíme všetky tieto veci práve v tom stave. Potom máme jeden konečný znak.

150V Lukášovi v 17. kapitole, 28. verš, Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Lebo: "Ako bolo v čase Sodomy ..." Vidíte?

151No, Ježiš čítal túto istú Bibliu - tú istú Genesis, ktorú my čítame. No končím, neprehliadnite to! Tú istú Bibliu, ktorú my čítame, čítal Ježiš. A On povedal Svojej cirkvi: "Pozrite sa naspäť a dívajte sa, keď sa znovu navrátia dni Sodomy - prevrátení ľudia, ľudia strácajú svoju normálnu ... Pozrite na homosexuálov, ako sa to dnes rozmáha po svete. V novinách práve nedávno ... Mali by ste prísť ku mne a prečítať si dopisy od matiek, za ich chlapcov. A homosexuálnosť vzrastá, zdá sa mi, že len v Kalifornii je to o dvadsať alebo tridsať percent viac, ako minulý rok. Veľké množstvo dokonca ľudí z vlády, je dokázané, že sú homosexuáli. Vy ľudia z vlády to viete. V časopisoch - čítal som to. A v rôznych veciach, ktoré sa dejú, ak vy ... [Niekto v zhromaždení hovorí posolstvo v jazyku a nasleduje výklad.]

152Ak dobre rozumiem Písmo, to je presne to čo Boh povedal, že sa bude diať. "Nech ten kto hovorí v jazykoch sa tiež modlí, aby mohol vykladať." To je pravda, Povedal som vám pravdu, potom to tu Boh potvrdzuje. To je pravda - je to pravda.

153No pozrite sa. Čo bolo to posledné posolstvo, ktoré Ježiš povedal? "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy," Sledujte teraz. Tesne predtým ako ten pohanský svet bol spálený - ohňom. No, snažte sa porozumieť. Čo sa stalo? Hromada ľudí, vlažní členovia cirkvi, ako Lot a jeho skupina, boli dole v Sodome. Bol tam iný človek, ktorý už z nej vyšiel. On tam nikdy nebol. To bol Abrahám, ten ktorý mal zasľúbenie o príchode syna. Rozumiete? Povedzte: "Amen." Dobre.

154A teraz, tesne pred vyvrcholením toho zničenia - Boh sa zjavil Abrahámovi v mnohých formách. Ale teraz sa On zjavil ako človek. On bol človek. A on prišiel ku Bohu ...

Vy teraz poviete: "To nebol človek." To bol Boh v človeku. Abrahám Ho nazval Elohim! To bol človek. A pozrite. On sedel otočený chrbtom ku stanu, a On povedal: "Kde je Sárah tvoja žena?"

On povedal: "Je v stane za Tebou."

Povedal: "Navštívim ťa podľa času života, ako som ti zasľúbil." A Sárah sa smiala. A On povedal: "Prečo sa smiala Sárah?" Vidíte?

155No, to bolo to, čo sa dialo v tom dni. Len aby ukázal ten posledný znak, ktorý Abrahám videl ... tá vyvolená skupina, vytiahnutá von, preč od Sodomy. (Neprehliadnite teraz toto podobenstvo, čokoľvek robíte!) Tá skupina, ktorá bola vytiahnutá von, ktorá od začiatku nebola v Sodome. Ale tí dvaja anjeli odišli dole do Sodomy, a keď tam oni prišli, nachádzame Lota, a on ho našiel v odpadnutom stave - všetko homosexuáli a prevrátenosť; poznáte ten príbeh. Ale ten jeden, ktorý zostal s Abrahámom - bol Elohim. Oni kázali tam dole Slovo - kážuc Slovo, udreli ich slepotou - a oni nemohli nájsť dvere. To je to, čo sa deje dnes. Ale Ten, ktorý bol s tou skupinou, ktorá bola vytiahnutá, vykonal pred Abrahámom zázrak, aby ukázal kto On je, a bol s Abrahámom.

156On povedal: "Prečo sa smiala Sára [ohľadne tohoto dieťaťa]?" A Sára vyšla a povedala, že sa nesmiala. On povedal: "Ale smiala si sa." A On by ju hneď tam zabil, keby nebola časťou Abraháma. Tak by Boh zabil nás, keby sme neboli časťou Krista. Milosť Kristova nás drží spolu - ktorí pochybujeme a blúdime v Slove.

157Ale všimnite si. Všimnite si čo sa stalo. Ježiš to teraz obrátil naspäť a povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude v čase konca, keď sa začne zjavovať Syn človeka." Vidíte?

158V Biblii Syn človeka stále znamená prorok. Vidíte. On prišiel v mene troch synov: Syn človeka, Syn Boží, Syn Davidov, vidíte. A On hovoril o Sebe, že je Syn človeka, pretože to bola práca, ktorú On robil - prorok, vidiaci. A On povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho ... keď sa Syn človeka začne zjavovať, to bude čas konca."

159No, zamyslime sa len na chvíľu. Svet nikdy nemal posla na celý svet ... Mali sme Finneyho, Moodyeho, Knoxa, Kalvína a tak ďalej - po celom svete boli poslovia, pre cirkev v týchto pôrodných bolestiach. Ale nikdy sme nemali človeka, ktorého meno by končilo na h-a-m, A-b-r-a-h-a-m, čo je šesť písmen - A-b-r-a-h-a-m je sedem písmen. My máme dnes jedného, ktorý sa nazýva G-r-a-h-a-m - šesť písmen, a šesť je číslo sveta, deň stvorenia. Či bol do teraz niekedy na svete človek, ktorý by kázal tam v kozme (tam vo svete), tam dole a volal ľudí von: "Čiňte pokánie! Čiňte pokánie! Vyjdite, lebo zahyniete!" až v tomto veku. G-r-a-h-a-m. Pozrite čo on robí - káže Slovo, oslepuje stojacich pomimo, volá: "Poďte von" - posol od Boha. Ježiš povedal, že toto sa bude diať práve vtedy, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka. No to - Kde to je? Tam vonku v cirkevných poriadkoch, vo svete. A oni za to začínajú nenávidieť toho človeka.

160Ale pamätajte, bola tiež skupina, to bola duchovná skupina - Jakobova skupina, nie Ezavova skupina; Jakobova skupina očakávala na syna, ona nebola v tom Babylone. A oni prijali posla. Rozumiete? Abrahám - A-b-r-a-h-a-m. Oni prijali toho posla, a ten posol ... Čo to bola za veľká, nezvyklá vec, ktorú On urobil aby ukázal, že sú v čase konca? On rozpoznal myšlienky, ktoré mala Sára v mysli. A Ježiš, Syn Boží, ktorý sa stal telom, ukazuje, že Duch Boží príde naspäť dole, ku tej malej vyvolenej skupine v čase konca a zjaví im Seba, tým istým spôsobom.

161Pôrodné bolesti. Ó, bratia, prosím snažte sa porozumieť. Snažte sa usilovne. Otvorte na chvíľu svoje srdcia. Pozrite sa na Krista. Ten istý Boh je práve teraz tu. Ten istý; On zasľúbil tieto veci. A keď ich On zasľúbil, samozrejme On je ich schopný vyplniť. Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Chcem aby ste sa vážne zamysleli.

162Otče, teraz je to v Tvojich rukách, urobil som všetko čo som mohol. Prosím, aby si Ty pomohol ľuďom porozumieť. Semeno bolo zasiate; vylej naň vodu Ducha, Pane, a zavlaž ho na Tvoju slávu. Ak som urobil chybu, Pane, nemal som to v úmysle. Prosím, Bože, aby si to Ty vyložil správne pre ich srdcia, aby mohli vidieť a porozumieť. Udeľ to, Pane prosím v mene Ježiša. Amen.

163Nech vás Pán žehná. Milujem vás. Tento Boh, ktorý kázal toto Slovo, tento Boh, ktorý je zodpovedný za toto Slovo - ja som zodpovedný len za to, aby som to povedal; On je ten, ktorý to musí oživiť. Ten istý Boh je tu.

164No, koľkí z vás tu sa nachádzajú v potrebe, zodvihnite ruku. Či On zasľúbil tieto veci v tých posledných dňoch? No, pozrite sa na mňa. No, tak ako povedal Peter a Ján: "Pozri na nás." Vidíte, on mu povedal. Pozrite sa teraz sem. No, prosím nepremávajte sa. Toto je veľmi ... Snažím sa aby moje celé srdce vo mne bolo v opravdovej vážnosti. Vidíte, každý jeden z vás je duch; keď sa premávate ... samozrejme vy ste celok, a ja sa snažím zachytiť vieru ľudí.

165Malá žena prešla okolo a dotkla sa Jeho rúcha a vyšla a sadla si. Ježiš jej povedal, čo jej bolo, a ona bola uzdravená. A teraz to On znovu zasľúbil robiť, Syn človeka sa zjaví, ako pri Sodome. Svet je v takom stave. Cirkev je v takom stave. No, dodržal Boh Svoje Slovo? Vidzte či dodržal alebo nie. Ó, mali sme znaky, vyskakovanie, hovorenie v jazykoch, prorokovanie, a tak ďalej - ale počkajte; je iný znak. Ó, máme veľa telesných napodobenín. To len dáva tej pravej veci svietiť. Každý falošný dolár dá zasvietiť tomu pravému.

166A Teraz sa modlíte a verte. Vyzývam vás aby ste to robili. Dívajte sa a verte, čo som vám povedal. Koľkí veríte, že toto je pravda? Skutočne, kto ste; kde ste. Každý tu, pokiaľ viem, je mi úplne cudzí okrem Billiho Daucha a jeho ženy, ktorý tam sedia pokiaľ viem. Zdá sa mi, že poznám tohoto malého kazateľa z Nemecka, ktorý tu sedí, brat ... a dvoch alebo troch ľudí, ktorí tu sedia. Niekoho tam vzadu v publiku, pozrite - tam vzadu. Vyzývam vás aby ste verili, že to čo som vám povedal je pravda!

167Čo s tým, keď ten anjel Pánov prišiel tam dole nad rieku, pred tridsiatimi tromi rokmi a urobil túto poznámku? Ako som vedel, keď môj vlastný Baptistický pastor ma vylúčil zo zboru. Povedal: "Billy, ty si mal zlý sen."

168Povedal som: "Žiadny zlý sen, Dr. Davis. Ak je toto spôsob ako vy ... postoj, ktorý zastávate, kľudne môžete zobrať moju kartu obecenstva." Vedel som, že niekde bude niekto, kto tomu bude veriť; Boh by neposlal nejaké posolstvo, ak by nebolo niečo čo by ho prijalo. Ó samozrejme, keď som vystúpil, modliť sa za chorých, to bolo veľmi dobre. Ale keď som vám začal hovoriť pravdu Slova, potom je to inak.

169Máte vedieť, že s každým posolstvom to tak bolo. Ježiš bol báječný, keď išiel do zboru a uzdravoval ľudí a všetko, ale keď si jedného dňa sadol a povedal: "Ja a Otec sme jedno," ó, to bolo inak. "Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť jeho krv, nemáte život." Vidíte, On to nevysvetlil. On chcel vidieť, kto zostane pri Ňom. Tak veru. Čo myslíte, zástup s doktormi a inými, povedal: "Ten človek je ... aha, on je vampír. Jesť jeho telo a piť krv!" On to vôbec nevysvetlil; On to vôbec nevysvetlil. Ale to Slovo stále držalo tých apoštolov. Oni sa nestarali, že tomu nerozumeli; oni tomu aj tak verili. Oni vedeli, pretože oni videli skutky Božie, a oni vedeli, že to bolo to. On povedal: "Oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne."

170Je tu žena, ktorá sedí práve tu, má zodvihnutú ruku. No, môžete ma nazývať fanatikom, ak chcete, ale ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol deti Izraelove cez púšť, je rovno nad tou ženou.

171Pamätajte teraz, Ježiš povedal: "Krátku chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy ma uvidíte. Prišiel som od Boha; Idem ku Bohu." Po Jeho smrti, pohrabe, On povedal Židom, On povedal: "Ja ... " On bol tou skalou, ktorá bola na púšti. On bol ten Ohnivý Stĺp. "JA SOM KTORÝ SOM." Kto bol ten, JA SOM? Ten Ohnivý Stĺp v horiacom kríku. Je to tak? A to sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami. On povedal: "Prichádzam od Boha a vraciam sa ku Bohu" - kvôli tomu, aby sa vrátil vo forme Ducha Svätého. A dnes je On tu s nami. Zachytený na vedeckej fotografii. On je tu aby dokázal viac, než akákoľvek vedecká fotografia, alebo čokoľvek; On je tu aby to dokázal, pretože to je On. "Ja, Syn človeka sa zjavím v tomto dni." Tak tu Ho máme; a ja sa dívam rovno na to. Vy poviete: "Či to vidíš?" Ján to tiež videl, ale tí ostatní nie.

172Pozrite, aby som to teraz dokázal. Tá žena mi je neznáma. Nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Ale ona má niečo s jedným so svojich údov, za čo sa modlí. Je to pravda, pani. Bola si na to operovaná. To je tvoj muž, ktorý sedí vedľa teba. Ty nie si odtiaľto; si z Kalifotnii. Tvoje meno je Rowan. Tvoje ťažkosti žalúdka tiež skončili, pane. Ty si mal žalúdočné ťažkosti, či nie? Dobre, to všetko je preč. Tvoja noha je uzdravená.

Tu, sedí rovno vzadu od tadeto, je to muž. Je to farebný muž - má niečo s očami. Jeho práca, ktorú robí ... robí niečo pri aute ... leští autá, leštič áut. Áno. Tvoje oči sa zhoršujú. Ty si proste veril, však? Prihodila sa ti nejaká opravdová zvláštna vec. Tvoje meno je Fred. Je to tak. Tvoje priezvisko je Cannt. Je to tak. Veríš teraz? Tvoje oči ťa už viac nebudú trápiť. Nikdy v živote som nevidel toho človeka.

Ten človek rovno tam za tým, on tiež nie je odtiaľto - je z Kalifornii. Má chorý chrbát. Pán Owens? Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

174Nikdy v živote som nevidel toho človeka, neviem nič o ňom. Ja len sledujem to svetlo, ako ono ide. Ak môžete veriť, všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria.

175Malý človek, ktorý tu sedí - má kýlu. On nosí okuliare a má sivý oblek. Fred, Boh ťa uzdravuje, ak tomu veríš. Prijmeš to? Dobre. V živote som ho nevidel.

176Pani Holdenová sedí tam od neho, máš ťažkosti s očami. Nepoznám tú ženu - v živote som ju nevidel, ale je to pravda, vidíte. Ak môžeš veriť.

177Kvôli čomu plačeš sestra? Si nervovo zrútená, máš bronchitídu, ťažkosti so srdcom. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví (sedíš tam na konci sedadla)? Ak tomu veríš z celého srdca, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví, a všetka tá nervozita odíde od teba, cítiš sa znovu ako zdravá. Diabol ťa klame. Prijímaš to? Zodvihni teraz ruku a povedz: "Prijímam to." Dobre; je s tým koniec.

178Čo? Táto cirkev prechádza cez pôrodnú bolesť. Či nechcete urobiť teraz svoje rozhodnutie, v Jeho prítomnosti? Ukázal som vám presne Slovo - čo On povedal, že bude robiť. Prejdite cez túto budovu, spýtajte sa každého, kto bol kedy zasiahnutý, alebo bolo ku nemu hovorené, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, a zistite, či som ich ja niekedy videl, alebo poznal, alebo čokoľvek o nich. Myslíte, že človek to dokáže robiť? To je naprosto nemožné aby sa to stalo. Ale čo to je? Syn človeka. "Slovo Božie je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč, rozoznávajúce ducha, tajnosti srdca." Presne tak ako to bolo, keď sa to stalo telom tu na zemi v Synovi Božom, teraz je to zjavené skrze Syna Božieho, keď On prišiel vyvolať Nevestu von z toho systému.

180Haleluja! Chvála Bohu! Veríte Mu? Potom len zodvihnite svoje ruky a modlite sa so mnou. Vyznajte svoje zlé. Pôrodné bolesti - ťažko je zomrieť. Ale zomrite hneď teraz! Zomrite! Vyjdite zo svojej vlastnej nevery! Vyjdite z toho! Toto je zamanifestované Slovo Božie, práve tak ako to bolo, keď Ježiš prišiel na túto zem; to je Ježiš Kristus znovu medzi vami, dokázaný.

181Abrahám hneď prijal syna (zasľúbeného syna), potom čo sa toto stalo. A Ježiš znovu prichádza! To je Jeho Duch. On je tak blízko zemi, tak blízko aby prišiel, že On je pripravený prijať vás, ak vy ste pripravený prijať Jeho. Zodvihnite teraz svoje ruky a modlite sa so mnou.

182Pane Bože, nech sa všetci kňazi držia oltárov. Nech ľudia kričia. Nech ten Ohnivý Stĺp a ten Oblakový Stĺp vojde do týchto ľudí dnes a dá im vytriezvieť, Pane, aby si uvedomili prítomnosť živého mocného Boha. Udeľ to, Pane. Prijmi ich. Prosím touto modlitbou za každého jedného z nich v mene Ježiša Krista. Naplň každého jedného Duchom Svätým, ktorí nemajú Ducha Svätého. Pane, nech prebudenie z tejto kampani, z tohoto zhromaždenia sa prevalí teraz do veľkého mocného vyliatia Ducha Svätého. Nech chorí zostanú uzdravení, nech slepí vidia, chromí nech chodia. Nech manifestácia živého Boha zostane prenesená do prítomnosti ľudí, ako to bolo toto popoludnie, a nech to tí ľudia prijmú. Prosím to v mene Ježiša Krista. Zodvihnite teraz svoje ruky a dajte Mu chválu a prijmite to, o čo ste prosili.

1 Let us bow our heads.

2Dear God, we are very thankful today for the great outpouring of Your Presence, in our midst, already. And we're expecting this, exceedingly, abundantly, this afternoon. We thank You for this marvelous song from this fine Christian woman that's just sang this hymn; and Your Spirit that came down, and the interpretation thereof. Lord, let it be so, we pray. And, God, I pray that You'll bless each and every one of us, and may our hearts be filled with joy when we see this take place.

3Dear God, we pray, this afternoon, if there be some here that's unprepared to meet You, may this be the hour that they'll make that final decision and will come into Thee, through the new Birth. Grant it.

4Bless all of us, Lord, who has been a long time in the road. We pray that You'll teach us new things by Thy Word. Give us better understanding by Thy Spirit, Lord. May He come and interpret the Word. The only interpreter we have is the Spirit. We pray that He'll grant that to us, today. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

[A sister begins to prophesy. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

5 That suffices. [A brother speaks to another brother--Ed.] What a time! I don't know any better place to be, lest it'd be in Heaven, for we're just feeling the anointing of That now, see, setting together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, gathered in Heavenly places.

6God bless Sister Florence! And she is going through a time of sorrow, and shadows; her father just taken. And I--I pray, "God, bless that child."

7And Brother Demos, load on both shoulders, and the weight of all these conventions and things. He needs our prayers, too. God bless Brother Shakarian!

8Brother Carl Williams, I'm certainly happy to be here in this convention with you, amongst all these fine brethren. And I had the privilege of meeting some. And now this is my finishing part of the service, as far as I know, so, why, I expect now to be able to shake hands with some of these fine men, and--and get to meet them, for I expect to spend Eternity with them, in a--in a better Land.

9 Just a--a little thing, I hope I will not be misunderstood. And not a coincidence, I do not think, for I--I think it was providential, that yesterday I was given a present by a friend here, from a friend of mine, Danny Henry. He was the boy... One day, in the Christian Business Men's convention in California, I was having a--a meeting. I was speaking very hard against the--the condition of the time.

10And I--I hope that everybody understands that, not have evil in my heart. It's not that. No. You surely will understand I don't mean it that way. But I have to just say what comes to me to say.

11And then after that, this little fellow, a Baptist brother... And I think he's some relative to a movie star. And he came down to put his arm around me, to say, "The Lord bless you, Brother Branham. I just want to offer a word of prayer." And he started speaking in French. And the boy doesn't know one word of French.

12And someone raised up, kind of a big woman. From... I believe she was from Louisiana. She said, "That's French."

Then there was a man over there, said, "That's French."

13And they had wrote out what it was. I have the original copy here. And then, happened to be, a young fellow walking from the back, and coming forward, want to see their notes. And he was the U.N. interpreter of French. "Just exactly French."

14 And I would like to read this note. This is the original note of one of them, and it was from this man that had interpreted. I may not be able to call his name just right. Le Doux, Victor Le Doux, he's a full-blooded Frenchman. Now, here's the message.

Because thou has chosen the narrow path, the harder way, thou has walked of your own choosing, thou has picked the correct and precise decision, and it is My Way. Because of this momentous decision, a huge portion of Heaven awaits thee. What a glorious decision thou has made! This, in itself, is that which will give, and make come to pass, the tremendous victory in Love Divine.

15When I got that... You know, when I first heard people speak in tongues, I--I wouldn't criticize nothing, see, because I've seen it genuine. But, always wondered. But when that happened, and knowing what the commission was, behind it, I--I knew it come from God.

16 Then, his brother setting here, a--a real well-known attorney, gave me a present from Danny. Danny has just left the Holy Land. And he was laying on the tomb, in the tomb, rather, where Jesus had been lain after His death. And when he did, he said he got to thinking of me. And--and the Spirit of the Lord come upon him, and he went out on Mount Calvary where the crucifixion taken place, and got a piece of rock. And he came back and made me a pair of cuff links out of it. And I really cherish them.

17And now, this, of course, Danny doesn't know this. But, this morning, while out in prayer, I just looked down at those cuff links, and each one of them, if you'll notice, is bloodstained, and also has a straight line right through each one. And here in the message that he give from God, of the straight, narrow way. How it just fit in, just exactly! I thought that was kind of maybe providential. Or, I'm certainly thank Danny. You tell him, brother, that how I appreciate that. And the stra-... Another strange thing, I asked my wife the morning I put on a shirt, had to have a cuff link in it, and she said, "I forgot to bring your cuff links," so the Lord had some provided for me.

18 Oh, it's a glorious life! Isn't it, brethren? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Just to walk in the simplicity of--of the Gospel! And yet, in Its simplicity, It's the greatest thing I know of. I know nothing of It. And being that It was made simple, that I had a chance to come into It, see, too, by the grace of God.

19 Now, this afternoon, I don't want to take much time, because I know you're going to churches tonight. I think, all you visitors here should look around on the platform, see these ministers, and they're, oh, they'll be glad to have you in their service tonight. They'll do you good. No doubt you went to some Sunday school this morning in the city. And while we're having these conventions, and being the Full Gospel Business Men, I think we ought to give all of our support that we can to our churches, because that's where our businessmen goes. And, now, it's a house of God, and I hope you will visit some church tonight.

20Tomorrow night is the closing of the convention, I believe, and I guess they've announced the speaker. Which, I aim to be here, the Lord willing, to hear his message.

God bless each and every one of you.

21 Now, I am, don't claim to be a preacher. I'm--I'm kind of... I haven't got enough education to call myself a preacher. Preacher, when you say that, they expect you to have a couple degrees in college. And--and I don't have anything but This little slingshot. See? I try to come after the sick sheep, if I can, to bring them back to Father's pasture.

22If I make mistakes, forgive me. I'm not a theologian. I don't criticize theologian. Theolo-... Theology is all right. It's what we need. But sometimes I criticize the condition that we've gotten into. That doesn't mean to any certain individual. It's just the Message. I--I wish that It wasn't mine to give. It tears me to pieces, 'cause you know how you feel of your own children. See? Don't you hate to have to give a child a scolding, bawling out, or something, though? I'm a parent, too, and I know what it means. And I--I trust that you forgive me.

23 And I want you do like this. When you're setting, this afternoon, going to ask you a favor. Just got a little short, few notes here. As I've told you, I have to make this, write my Scriptures out. Used to be, I could almost quote the Bible by heart, but not now. Went through too many hard battles, got too old for that. But I trust that--that you'll listen to me just a little while, this afternoon, and just really open your heart and try to understand what I'm digging at. Then I think it'll be better, especially the pastors of the city and different places. I--I trust that you'll listen real close.

24And now you do that, do by that the way I do when I eat my favorite pie, cherry. Some of my favorite meat, chicken. But when I'm eating a fine piece of cherry pie and I hit a seed, I won't stop the pie. I just throw the seed out, and keep on eating pie. See? I hit the bone of a chicken; I don't throw the chicken away. I just throw the bone away.

25So, what if I'd say something that you wouldn't agree upon, any time? Just throw that part away. And, but, look at it real good, be sure it's bone, now. See? [Congregation laughs--Ed.] And then may I also say, if it's a Seed, remember, It brings forth the new Life. So look real hard, and may the Lord bless.

26 Brother Carl Williams said something the other night about turning loose, to praying for the sick, which would be very fine. I know that would be fine. But we just... we're not fixed here for that, to bring a prayer line. And I don't know whether Brother Oral, or any of the other brethren has ever had a prayer lines in the conventions or not. I don't know. I've tried it, two or three times. But, usually, if a crowd like this, you'll have to give out prayer cards, see, in order to do it. Cause, you can't. It's not an arena. It's a house of God. See? It's dedicated for that. And we... They press and push. And you have cards, you line them up, orderly.

27So Billy asked me, said, "Shall I go over and give out cards? The people are asking me for prayer cards."

28I said, "No, Billy. Let's just leave the Holy Spirit do what He wants to do." See? That, see, and let Him maybe build faith, and just be healed right there where you're at. See? But the... See?

29Divine healing is a minor in the Gospel. And you can never major on a minor. Anyone knows that. But they... It's a bait that's used to get people to believe in the supernatural Presence, or God, the Supernatural is present. And then, by that, if they can recognize His Presence, then they are healed, see, by faith, believing It.

30 Now I want to read some out of God's Word, the New Testament. And then I want to take a text from this New Testament, and this Scripture, and speak this afternoon on a subject for just a--a little while. And I don't want to keep you too long for the services tonight. But remember, I hope I've made myself clear. Just give it your attention for a while, if you will.

Now, before we do this, let's bow our heads again.

31You know, we could sing too much. We could shout too much, till we got hoarse. And we could sing at the wrong time, or shout at the wrong time. But here's one thing, we're never out of order when we're praying. "I would that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without doubt." Or...

32 Father, it is the greatest privilege that a mortal ever had, was to close his eyes and open his heart, and speak to You. And we know that You hear, if we could just believe that You hear. For Jesus said, "If you ask the Father anything in My Name, it'll be granted." That was on conditions, if we wouldn't doubt it. So, Father, help us to believe, this afternoon, that our petitions will be granted. And may there be not one shadow of doubt, anywhere. But may it come to pass, the things that we're asking. And that is, God, for Your great Name to be honored today, by bringing into Your Kingdom every lost and straying soul that be under the sound of our voice, or this tape would ever reach, out into the heathen lands, where around the world they go.

33I pray, Heavenly Father, that there will not be a feeble person in our midst today. When the service is finished, may the Lord God save every lost soul, and heal every sick body, and fill His children's heart with joy. That's why we have faith, Lord, to ask in Jesus' Name, to God our Father, because that He promised He would hear. And this is for His glory. Amen.

34 In Saint John's Gospel, the 17th chapter, and beginning with the 20th verse, I wish to read for a--a text. I think that is right.

Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their words;


35I believe I have got the wrong place. Now, excuse me just a moment. I'm looking for Jesus' prayer that... Or, not Jesus' prayer, rather, but for His... I might have got marked down here on my text something wrong. It's where Jesus prayed that... or was saying that as a woman in travail for birth of her child, birth, childbirth.

36That in Luke or John? Jack, which is that in? [Someone says, "John 16."--Ed.] 16th of John. I thought that was right, but it didn't sound very much like it. The 16th of John. ["21st verse."] 21st verse. [Another says, "Yeah."] Sure, 21st verse. Sure. Here we are. John, Saint John 16:21.

That they... may be...

37 No, Brother Jack, that's still wrong. [Someone says, "Try John, verse 21." Another says, "21." Another says, "21st verse of 16." Another says, "16."--Ed.] It's twenty-... 16:21. I got the 16th chapter of Saint John, 21st verse. But it... Am I wrong? [A brother says, "'A woman travail' that's what it is."]

38Well, there's a mess in this, mix in this Bible. Yes, sir. [A brother says, "They--they have printed it wrong."--Ed.] They printed it wrong. Yes, sir. [Congregation laughs.] You know what? That's exactly the truth. Here's a brand-new Bible. I've just gotten it. And it's got--it's got the... It's printed wrong. [Brother Branham's Scofield Bible had pages 1138-1139 stuck together. Hear This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled 65--0219.]

39 [A Catholic archbishop priest standing on the platform, Rev. John S. Stanley, comes forward and gives his Bible to Brother Branham, and says, "Just--just draw a breath. There's a reason why it was done, and you know it. God will show you something to bring out of this, that's wonderful."--Ed.] All right. ["Just use mine here, brother."] Thank you. Thank you, very much. 16:21. Thank you, very much. That's true.

A woman when she...

Verily, verily, I say unto you, That you shall sleep, weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful,... your sorrow shall be turned to joy.

A woman when she is--is in travail has sorrow, because her hour cometh: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more... anguish--anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world.

40Thank you, very much, my brother. I sure appreciate that. [Brother Branham returns the Bible to the Catholic priest--Ed.]

41Now, that certainly is a misprint here in the Bible; page has been put in wrong. And I just found it on my old Scofield Bible, and picked up this one and run up here with it, just a few moments ago, 'cause my wife just give me this for a Christmas present.

42 Now, I want to--to speak this afternoon upon a subject that I announced: Birth Pains. Now, that sounds very bad, but it's in the Bible.

43I believe that Jesus here was speaking of, as He said, "You will have sorrow, but your sorrow shall be turned to joy," speaking to His disciples here, knowing that the birth of--of Christianity was coming into existence. And now the old has to die, in order that the new is born. To have anything that gives birth, has to have pains of distress. And they certainly was going to go through the pain of distress and anguish, to get from the law unto grace.

44Normal, natural birth types the spiritual Birth. All things of the natural is types of the spiritual. And we find out, if we look out here on--on the ground, and see a tree in the earth, growing, is struggling for life. That goes to show that there is a tree, somewhere, that doesn't die, because it's--it's crying out for something.

45We find people, no matter how old, how sick, what condition, they're crying out, to live, because it shows there is a life somewhere where we live, live forever. Notice how perfect.

46 Now, in First John 5:7, I believe it is, if I'm not mistaken, It said, "There are three that bear record in Heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; these three are One. There are three that bear record in earth, that's water, Blood, and Spirit, and they agree in one." Now notice. The first three are One. The second three are earthly, which agree in one. Cannot have the Father without the Son; you cannot have the Son without having the Holy Ghost. But you can have the water without the Blood, and the Blood without the Spirit.

47I think, through our ages, has proved this to be true; water, Blood, Spirit; justification, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That types, or makes the... or, and an antitype, which takes away from the natural birth.

48Look when a--a woman or anything in travail, for birth. The first thing comes to pass, the breaking of the water, a normal birth; second thing is the blood; and then comes life. Water, blood, spirit; and that constitutes the normal, natural birth.

49 And so is it in the spiritual realm. It's water; justification by faith, believing on God, receiving Him as your personal Saviour, and being baptized. Second, is sanctification of the spirit, that God cleanses the spirit from all elements of the world, and the desire of the world. And then the Holy Spirit comes in and gives new Birth and fills up that sanctified vessel.

50For instance, like this. Now, that, I told you. What you don't believe, lay aside, then take the pie. Notice. Now, a--a glass is laying out in the chicken yard. You don't just pick that up and put on your table and fill it up with water or milk. No. By picking it up, is justification. Cleansing it, is sanctification, 'cause the Greek word sanctify is a compound word, which means "cleansed, and set aside for service." Not in service; for service. Then when you fill it, it is put in service.

51 Excuse this now, not to hurt. There's where you Pilgrim Holiness, Nazarenes fail to walk on up into Pentecost. You was cleansed by sanctification; but when you were ready to put in service, by the gifts of speaking in tongues and other things, you turned it down, dropped back out in the pen again. See? Now, that's--that's what happens. It always does that.

52Now, not to criticize you now, but just I--I want to get this off my heart. And that's been burning me ever since I been here, so I might as well. Just, if Carl's grace, and Demos and them, and your all's, I--I'll try my best to deliver my soul from it, see, then it's up to you.

Normal, typing the spiritual.

53Now, we find out then, and it's fully born. When the baby, usually... Now when the water breaks, you don't have to do very much about it. And when the blood comes, you don't have to do much about it. But, in order to get life in the baby, you've got to give him a spanking, and make him yell out. And that's a... Now, without education, as my brethren here are so well-trained to it, theirs, but I have to take nature to type it. And there you are. That's what happened. It taken a real spanking, to get this to them.

54 Now, you take a little, some kind of a shock. Maybe, wouldn't have to spank him, but just shock him a little. The very idea of him being born, sometimes, will do it. Grab him, shake him. He don't start breathing, spank him a little, and then he yells out, in unknown tongues, to himself, I guess. But, he--he, anyhow, and he's making a noise.

55And I think if a baby is born just by--by stillbirth, with no sound, no emotion, that's a dead baby.

56That's what's the matter with the church today, the system; we got too many stillborn children. That's right. They need a Gospel spanking, you see, and so to wake them up, to bring them to themselves, so that God can breathe the breath of Life into them. And now we find that that's so true. It's crude theology, but it's the Truth, anyhow.

57 So, notice, in a seed's birth, the old seed must die before the new one can be born. So, therefore, death is hard, any time. So, it's painful. It's distressful. Birth is the same, because you're bringing life into the world, and it's--it's painful.

58Jesus said that His Word was a Seed that a sower went forth to sow. Now, we're all acquainted with that. And I want to teach this like a Sunday school lesson, 'cause it's Sunday. Notice, then, this Word, being a Seed. But, remember, the--the seed is only bringing forth a new life when it dies.

59And that's the reason it was so hard for those Pharisees to understand our Lord Jesus Christ, because they were under the law. And the law was the Word of God in seed form. But when the Word was made flesh, and become, not law, but grace. Now, grace and law cannot exist at the same time. Cause, grace is so far above law, law is not even in the picture. And therefore it's so hard for the Pharisees to die to their law, so that grace could be born. But it must go. The two laws cannot exist at the same time.

60There cannot be a law says that you can run this semaphore, and the other one says you can run it; one says you can, one says you can't. They, it has to be one law at a time. Maybe one time you could have went through it; caution, go through it. But this time it's red. Stop! See? And so there cannot be two laws exist at the same time.

61 Now, we notice that it always... My thought now to you, it takes pain, distress, discomfort. Look how them Pharisees died to that law, through pain, distress, discomfort. But it must be.

62Now, we find that rain which brings forth fruit upon the earth, "It's born," as the poet said, "in the fields of thunder, in a ragged, jagged skies." But if we didn't have the thunder and the ragged, jagged skies, the little distilled drop of rain that's been lifted from the seas and distilled from the salt, it would not be born. It takes that lightning, thunder blasts; ragged, rugged, fearful thing, to bring forth the soft petal drops of water. It takes pain to bring forth birth. It takes dying. And as the clouds die, rain is born, because rain is a part of that cloud. One has to cease so the other one can exist.

63Now, and my brethren here, some of them was able, they could give you all the laws of those things. I can't.

64 Now let's drop over to another thing, just for a little proof. I think one of the prettiest flowers... Everybody has their own ideas of them. But I think the prettiest flower that I've nearly ever seen, is back in the east, our pond lily. How many ever seen a pond lily? Oh, there's just nothing like it, to me. But did you notice what that pond lily had to be? I think of what Jesus said, "Consider the lily, how it toils and spin, but yet I say unto you, that, Solomon in all of his glory was not arrayed like one of these." For, Solomon's glory and his arrayment was all artificial. But the lily, in its beauty, is life that's making it beautiful, not some artificial smear on, paint on.

65Just like our women, I don't think you have to have all this green, you know, and eye winkers, you know, out like that, and all that manicure or--or not, I get that stuff mixed up, all on your face, to make you pretty. Pretty is as pretty does. If you'll add a little Acts 2:4, mix it all up together, a little John 3:16, it'll beat anything that Max Factor ever did try to fix. See? Your husband will love you more; everybody else will; and I'm sure God will.

66 "Lily," He said, "consider it, how it grows, toils, has to bring itself up." This little pond lily, look where it come through; dirt, muck, mud, muddy waters, dirty waters. It pressed its way through all of that, this little germ of life, working itself from the bottom of the pond where the frogs and--and things are at, and then brings itself up through all of that. But when it gets in the presence of the sun, it's born. The little seed bursts open into life. It cannot do that until it goes through all that process. It's got to come through that. That's what makes it, is because that the sun itself is what's drawing it. And when it gets fully above all the dirty waters, and muck, and so forth, then it's so happy. It just gives its life out freely. And it's a beautiful life when it gets in the presence of that which is drawing it up.

67I think that's a beautiful type of Christian life. When, Something is drawing you out of the world, until one day you're born right into Its presence, by the Holy Spirit. How beautiful! If you try to help it, you kill it.

68 Like a little chicken when it's being born, you know, if you ever noticed one of the little fellows, right on top of his little beak, or any bird that's born from an egg. It--it's got... It's maturing, this old eggshell. The old inner parts of the eggs has to--to rot away. And it has to take this little beak, and scrape back and forth until it breaks the shell out. We call it, pipping its way out, down in Kentucky where I come from. Pipping his way out. They have never found a better way. See? See? Why? It's God's provided way. You try to help him, you'll kill him. Pick the shell off of him, he'll die. See? He's got to labor, strain, break forth.

69That's the way a Christian has to do. It ain't somebody just shaking your hand, taking you in. You got to lay there till you die, rot, and are born into the Kingdom of God. It's God's provided way. You don't go in by book, or shake hands, and join, pump up, pull down. You--you just simply have to get away from the old shell. Notice, no better way have they ever found.

70 They found no better way for a baby to get what it wants besides God's way for it. Now, when that little baby is born, you could set a bell down here beside his little crib, say, "My little son, I am a--a theologian in the way. I've read books on how to raise a baby. And, I tell you, you're a modern child. You been born in a modern home, by a modern parent. When you're hungry, or need mother or I, just ring the little bell." It'll never work. The only way that it can get what it wants, is to cry for it. That's God's way.

71And that's the way that we get what we want, is cry for it. Cry out. Don't be ashamed. Say, "I'm hungering for God." Don't care whether the deacons, pastors, or whatever it is around, scream out, anyhow. The Jones are setting there; what difference does it make? Cry out, that's the only way there is to get it, until you get help. He taught that when He was here on earth, you know, about the unjust judge.

72 A little dewdrop, I don't know the formula of it. Maybe there'd be a science here of... I'm just going to say a way I think. It might be some kind of a congested group of atmosphere come together in a dark night, and it falls to the earth. And when it does, it's born in the night. But in the morning, it's laying there, cold, and shivering, on a little blade of grass, or hanging on your clothesline. But just let the sun shine out once, did you notice how happy it gets? It just glistens and quivers. Why? It knows that it's that sunlight is going to draw it back to where it was at the beginning.

73And so is every man or woman that's born of the Spirit of God. There's something about it, when Light spreads over us, that we're happy, because we know we're going back to where we come from, from the bosom of God.

74Can sparkle with joy, when the sun hits it, of course, knowing it's going to where it come from.

75Little crude things, but we could keep on with them, but let's find something else.

76 We know the old seed is, must, before the new seed can come out of the old seed, it must rot, absolutely. Not die, only, but rot after it's dead. We know that to be true.

77That's the same thing in new Birth. We never go back, but we go forward when you're born again. And that's why I think, today, we have (so many) not so many, rather, genuine new Births, is because the seed is, maybe, will sympathize with the Word or the person, but they don't want to rot away from the old system that they were in. They don't want to come out of it. They want to stay in the old system, and claim the new Birth, or the Message of the age. We found that under the Luther, Wesley, Pentecostals, and all other ages. They still try to hold on to the old system, and claim This. But the old system age must die, rot, in order bring forth the new one. They still want to cling.

78 Notice. They know the old system is dead, but they just don't want to rot out of it. Now, rot, is when it really is done away with. When a... A claim is made, that they are new Born, but a claim is only a begotten sign. Rotten, brings forth the new Birth. Got to rot away from it, just as we did in all ages, through the Wesleyan, and all forth.

79But, the thing of it is, after that, new Birth is born. Wesley or... Luther came forth with one word, "The just shall live by faith." Well, he could not no longer cling on to the old system. He had to come out of it.

80And then when the Calvinists got the Anglican church in such a condition, under the Calvinistic doctrine, until God raised up an Arminian doctrine, which was John Wesley. The old system had to die, in order for the new to come on.

81And when Wesley's age ceased, and all the little ages, or blades that come out on the stalk, or the tassel, in Wesley's time. See, when Pentecost come out with the restoration of the gifts, they had to come out of Baptist, Presbyterian, Pilgrim Holiness, Nazarenes, church of Christ, so called, and all that. They had to come out of it, rot away from it, to accept the new Birth.

82 You're always called crazy. But it's as Paul said when he rotted out of what he once claimed. Said, "In the way that's called heresy, that's the way I worship the God of our fathers." In the way that's called heresy! See? He had accepted the new Life, that the Old Testament had give Birth to the New, and he had to rot away from the Old and just make it a shadow. In order to be...

83That's just where we are at now. Now, bear with me. But that's my idea. The churches has got so systematically till you can't get into one 'less you belong to one. You've got to have a fellowship card, or some kind of identification. And by believing this, the only door I nearly have open is these Business Men. And as long as they're not an organization, I can go in with them, but, and get to bring the Message, that I feel that's on my heart, to the people. But it's got so systematically. And I love you Pentecostal people. And pentecost is not an organization, anyhow. You just call yourself that. Pentecost is an experience and not a denomination.

84But, you see, the thing of it is, is so hard for many men. When they look at It and believe It, and see It so identified by God, in the Word, yet, it's so hard to rot away from that thing you been in. "What would I do? Where do I get my meal?"

85What? God is your meal. God is the thing for you to hold on. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness." I'll leave it lay at that. You know what I'm talking about.

86 We are told by God's prophets that we are to have a new earth, a new Heaven and a new earth. If you want Scripture of that, it's Revelation 21. I could quote it for you, have it here. John said, "I saw a new Heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and first earth was passed away." It was gone. Now, if we're to have a new earth, the old earth and the new earth cannot exist at the same time. Or, the new world and the old world cannot exist at the same time. There can't be two world orders together at the same time. Now, in order to get the new earth, the old one has to die. Now, if the old one has to die, then it's giving birth pains for a new one now.

87 And then if a doctor went to examine a patient that was in labor now, the... one of the things that doctor would do. Which, I'm talking in the presence of two or three, I know, of good medical doctors here, Christian doctors. And I--I--I would ask you this. One of the first things that doctor does, after he's been watching the patient, is to time the pains, birth pains. He times the pains, how close they are together, and how much more terrific each one gets. One is more harder to have than the other one. Next one, still harder, get closer together. That's the way he diagnoses the case, by the birth pains.

88Well, if the world has to give away to the birth of a new world, let's just examine some of the birth pains we're having on the earth, and then we'll see about what day and just about how far she is along in her labor.

89 The First World War showed great birth pains. It showed one of the first birth pains of her going into labor. Because of that time for her, we had brought forth the bombs, and we had machine guns, and poison gas. And you remember. Maybe many of you cannot. I was just a little boy of about eight years old, but I remember them speaking of this mustard and chlorine gas, and so forth. "How just look like it'd just get started and," they said, "it would burn up the whole earth. It'd kill everybody. Well, it might be a--a--a breaking of that, just winds blow it across the earth." And how everybody was scared to death of that great weapon of poison gas! The earth went through, had its first birth pains.

90And we find out now, we've had a second war, World War, and her pains was much greater. It's more terrific all the time, the birth pains of the earth. She almost had to give away, during the time of the atomic bomb, because it would destroy a whole city. It was much greater than the pains of the First World War, of destruction to the earth.

91 Now, she knows that her time of deliverance is at hand. That's the reason she's so nervous, flusterated, as she is, is because that there is a hydrogen bomb, and missiles of the air that could destroy the whole world. One nation is scared of the other, no matter how little it is. They got those missiles that they claim will just... One of them. They can direct them by the stars and drop them anywhere in the world they want to.

92Russia, as I heard on news, other day, she claims that she can destroy this nation, and--and keep the atoms or the things from breaking up her nation. We don't know what to do about it. Everyone is making these claims, and it's so.

93People's science has broke into God's great laboratory, until they're going to destroy themselves. God lets, always lets wisdom destroy himself. God doesn't destroy anything. Man destroys himself by wisdom, as he did at the beginning, taking Satan's wisdom instead of God's Word.

Now, she knows she must give away. She cannot stand it.

94 Russia, I believe, would destroy this nation today, if she thought that she could destroy it, and then preserve herself. Any of those little nations could do it. But, they're afraid, because they know that this world cannot stand in its orbit under such conditions.

95So, the world knows that her birth pains is so great, she's got to give away. There's going to be a new birth, born, at hand. I'm thankful for that. I'm tired of this one. Any--anyone knows that--that here is the place of death and sorrow, and all kinds of discrepancies, and so forth. I'm glad that she has to give away. I'm glad that time is at hand. As John said, of old, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus."

96 Now, she must rot, of course, as I have said, in order to bring new birth. Look what she has rotted into. Notice, my brethren! She's totally rotten. Her politics and systems is just as rotten as they can be. There isn't a sound bone in her, in her world systems, her politics and her religious politics, and whatever it is. One says, "I'm a Democrat. I'm a Republican. I'm Methodist. I'm Baptist." Why, the whole thing is rotten to the core. There's got to be something give away. She can't stand. If you put a George Washington or an Abraham Lincoln in every county in this United States, it still couldn't come back. It's beyond redemption.

97There's only one thing can help her, that's the Coming of the Creator. Amen.

98She knows she must give away. She's in pain and distress. One don't know what to do. One is looking this way, and one that way, and everything. One is scared of the other. One trying to do something will destroy this one. This one trying to contradict that one, destroy the other. Until, now they got it in the hands of sinful men, who could destroy the whole world in a five minutes time. See? So she knows she can't stand it. The people knows she can't stand it. And the world knows that they're going to, it's going to happen.

99 For, God said it was. "The whole heavens and earth is going to be on fire." It's going to be a renovation of the whole thing, so a new world can be born. God has prophesied it.

100She's rotten, in all of her systems, and she's got to do that, to rot away.

101That's why she, I said, she is so nervous and red in the face, and flusterated. And earthquakes, everywhere, and up-and-down the coast. And tidal waves in Alaska, and shaking up-and-down the coast, of earthquakes and things. And people writing, "Shall we leave it? Shall we leave it?" See? They don't know what to do. There's no safety zone but One, that's Christ, the Son of the living God. And there's only one thing that is the safety zone, and that's Him. All outside of There will perish, just as certain as God said so.

102 Now let's look at the Doctor's Book, if she is in this kind of a condition, and see if this is supposed to happen when the new earth is to be born. Matthew 24, in the Doctor's Book, which is the Bible, and let's see what's prophesied, what her symptoms would be.

103Now, if a doctor knows the symptoms of birth of a child... And just about time the child is to come, he gets everything ready, because he knows that that is the--the time the child is to be born. Because, all symptoms shows; the--the water is broke, the blood. And now the... It's time. The child is dropped, and it's time for the child to be born. And so he gets everything ready for it.

104Now, Jesus told us just exactly what would take place just at this time. He told us, in Matthew 24, that the Church, true Church, and the other church, would be... Church natural, Church spiritual, "Would be so close together, impersonators, until it would deceive the very Elected, if it was possible." How that it was in the days of Noah, "How they was eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage," and all this immorality of the world that we see today. The Bible, the Book, the Doctor's Book said it would happen. So, when we see this happening, we know that the birth is at hand. It's got to be. Yes, sir. Now, we look at that, as--as the nation; as not a nation, but a world.

105 Now, Israel, the church, let's start back with her a few minutes. And let's follow her for the next ten minutes, maybe. Israel had birth pains under every prophet that came to the earth. She had birth pains at his Message. For what did it do? The prophet had the Word. And--and she had sown so much rottenness and made so much systematic orders in her being, until this prophet shook her off of her foundation. They were hated by everybody. So, therefore, when God sent a prophet, the church itself went into birth pains. Because, the prophet, "The Word of the Lord comes to the prophet, and him only." That is, the Word that's spoken for that day is made manifest by the prophet of that age, always has been. And, the churches, they build so many systems around the Word, until he shook her off her rocker when he come. She had birth pains.

106What was it? Back to the Word! Back to the Life! Systems doesn't have a Life. It's only God's Word has Life. The systems that's built around It, where does not have Life. It is the Word that gives Life. His Message rocked the remnant back to the Word. A little group will come out and believe. Sometime, maybe... In Noah's time, only about eight people. But, anyhow, God rocked the remnant. And, destroyed, the rest of it had to rock away.

107 It did that, all down through the ages, until finally the church delivered to them a Man Child, and that Man Child was the Word, Itself, made flesh. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." He conquered every devil, every power upon the earth, that come against Him, with the Father's Word only. Every temptation that Satan give Him, He rebuked Satan; not with His--His Own powers that He had, but with the Word of God. "It is written... It is written... It is written..." For He was the Word.

108When Satan flew against Eve, she wasn't the Word, so it failed. When he flew against Moses, it did the same thing. But when he hit into the Son of God, He was ten thousand volts. It knocked the loose feathers out of him, when He come back and said, "It's written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'" There was that Man Child, made flesh. God's Eternal Word, Himself, manifested in a body of flesh here on earth, to represent the Word.

109 That's how He knowed what was in their hearts. That's how He could tell Philip where he was, who he was. He could tell Simon Peter who he was. Told the woman at the well. Why? He was the Word. Right. The Bible said, in Hebrews the 4th chapter, "The Word of God is sharper, more powerful than a two-edged sword, cutting asunder even to the marrow of the bone, and a Discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart."

110Why, those blinded Pharisee priests couldn't see that That was the Word made manifest, for they had wrapped up into a priesthood and a system. And the old system had to give away. It was the Word, but what had been promised had been fulfilled. So if it's fulfilled, it's got to rot away. It's the hull. The Seed went on.

111Moses could not have brought Noah's message. Neither could Jesus have brought Noah's message, because it was another age. And the old seed was right, but it served its purpose and was dead and gone on. The transformation from the old to the new, where the Life was at, was what was worrying the people, what worries them yet today.

112We're not building a wall, like we start off with Luther's message, go right down a straight line, or a Pentecostal message. Right. We are turning a corners. We're building a building. God's Word is the blueprint. Anybody can run a straight line, but it takes a mason to turn the corner. It takes the power of God to do that. It takes an anointed one from Heaven, to be sent down to do that. It has, in every age. And in the prophets' age, the Word of the Lord comes through those prophets, and they turn those corners, made those difference. But the builders wanted to build a wall. It's not a wall, at all. It's a building, a building of God.

113 Now, we feel and know that This is the Truth, that the systems was rot in every age. And every one of their systems had to rot and die out, until she brought forth that Church. Out of that rotten mess came forth the Word, Itself. "The Word of the Lord come to the prophets." Never come to the priests; It come to the prophets.

114And notice, and when It did, finally that Word altogether was born here in human flesh. The fullness of the Godhead bodily rested in Him. He was the Word. The prophets is part of the Word, the Word for their age. We, today, are part of the Word, who follow the Word. But He was the entire fullness of the Word. He was the Word. He said...

115When they was accusing Him, making Himself equal with God, 'cause He was the Son of God, they said to Him, "Well, You make Yourself God."

116He said, "Isn't it written in your laws, that you call those who the Word of God came to, 'gods,' the prophets? And they were. Then how can you condemn Me when I say I am the Son of God?"

117 Where, the fullness of the Godhead bodily rested in the Son of God. He was the full manifestation of God. That's what finally... The birth pains under those prophets, why, them being the Word, they pointed to that fullness of themselves, the fullness of the Word. And then finally the systems died away, until, "The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."

118Watch how it was portrayed in Jacob. Watch how it was portrayed in Joseph, exactly. Loved of his bro-... his father; hated by his brother, without a cause. He was spiritual, could foretell things, and interpret dreams. He couldn't help being that. He was just born that. He was predestinated to be that. But, was hated by his brothers, and finally sold him for thirty pieces of silver, almost thirty pieces. And was raised up, set at the right hand of Pharaoh. Looked in his prison, there was a butler and a baker; one was lost and one was saved.

119Jesus in His prison, on the cross; one was lost, one was saved. Exactly. And then exalted into heavens and set down on the Throne of God. And when He shall leave again, there will be a sound go forth, "Bow the knee," and every tongue confessed.

120And when Joseph left the throne and started forward, a trumpet sounded, and every knee had to bow. "Joseph was coming."

121 So, someday the great Trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise, and every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess to this Word. But what's He coming after? What's He coming here for?

122Notice, she brought forth this complete Word which was made flesh, under birth pains of the prophets that blasted out, "He's a coming! He's a coming! He's a coming!"

123Now, but she was without a prophet for four hundred years, according to history and the Scripture, from Malachi until John. They only had theologians, priests, pastors. Now here we can imagine, without that, what kind of a rotten condition her system must have been in, four hundred years without a Message direct, of THUS SAITH THE LORD, from God. So, the priests, prophets, and so forth, had got it into an awful mess. She was rotten.

124 Then John, the promised Elijah of Malachi 3, not Malachi 4. Malachi 3, 'cause Jesus said the same thing in--in Matthew the 11th chapter.

125When John's eagle eye got filmed over, as I believe Pember's Early Ages expresses. And he said, "Go ask Him if He is the One, or should we look for another." See?

126And He said, Jesus, after sending his disciples back, after telling them to stay at the meeting and watch what happened. "And go, show John these things. And blessed is he who's not offended."

127He turned and looked to His disciples and the people He was speaking to. He said, "What did you go out to see when you went to see John?" He said, "Did you go out to see a man in soft raiment?" And He said, "I say unto you, that's the kind that stays in kings' palaces." He said, "Did you go out to see a--a--a reed that was shaken by the wind?"

128In other words, every little thing come along, he shook by it? "I'll tell you, if you'll just come over and join our group, we can give you a better salary." Not John. "If you just won't preach against this and that, well, you can join in our groups." Not John.

129Said, "Then what did you go out to see, a prophet? And I say unto you, more than a prophet. For if you can receive it, this is he who was spoken of by the prophet, saying, 'I'll send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way.'" That's Malachi 3:1.

130Not Malachi 4, at all. That's a different. Cause, that Elijah come, the world is to be burnt immediately, and the righteous walk out on the ashes of the wicked.

131 Now, notice. His Message never stirred them very much from their ecclesiastical sleep. They just said, "There's a crazy man down there. Pass him by, soon. Called hisself crazy; he's trying to drown people down there in the water. See? Why there's nothing to that old man. Why, he don't even have on right kind of clothes. He's got a sheep skin wrapped around him. Well, he's as poor as Job's turkey. Why, what seminary he ever come out of? What fellowship card? We'll not even cooperate in his meetings. We'll just let him stay down there and starve it out." See? The world hasn't changed very much, neither has the systems. Uh-huh. "But we'll just let him stay down there. He don't have any..."

132You know why he didn't? Remember, his father was a priest. But why didn't he follow the line of his father, which was custom for the children to do in those days? Because he had something, too greater Message. He was to introduce the Messiah, for the Holy Spirit had said so. That little remnant that had been brought back by the Message of Gabriel, down there, knew that that would be so. So we're told, about nine years old, he went to the wilderness. After losing his father and mother, that he went into the wilderness, 'cause he had to hear exactly.

133Cause, in that great big theological building there, they'd have said, "Now, I know that you're supposed to be the one to announce the Messiah. Isaiah said you was coming, so you are going to be that voice. Now, don't you think that Brother Jones here just meets that just exactly?" And he'd be easily persuaded.

134But he never learned any of their systems. His Message was too important. He went out into the wilderness, to stay.

135 Notice. His Message wasn't like a theologian. He used types. He said, "Oh, you generation of snakes." Calling those clergymen, "snakes." This, one of the bad things that he had found in the wilderness, one of the sneaking things, was snakes. And he thought, "That's just about the best comparison I know." He said, "You generation of vipers, who has warned you from the wrath to come? Don't begin to say, 'We belong to this and that,' for God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." "These stones," what he found in the wilderness and on the creek bank.

136"Also the axe," what he had used in the wilderness, "laid to the root of the tree," what he saw in the wilderness. "Every tree that bringeth forth not good fruit," he know where he got his firewood, see, "is hewn down and cast into the fire," made firewood out of it. See? His Message wasn't a clergyman, at all. It was after nature, in the wilderness.

137But he had the Message to announce, and had the faith in his Message, to say, "That Messiah, supposed to come, and, till, He's right here among you now. I say unto you, there is One standing in the midst of you, that you know not, Whose shoes I'm not worthy to bear. He'll baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire."

"Who is He, John?"

"I don't know."

138 But one day, there come a young Man walking down to the river, ordinary-looking Man. Just in a... Old John the Baptist was standing over there, the blessed old prophet, and he looked across the Jordan. He said, "Behold, there is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."

"How do you know Him, John?"

139"He in the wilderness, that told me to go baptize in water, said, 'Upon Whom thou shall see the Spirit descending, He is the One that'll baptize with the Holy Ghost.'"

140His Message couldn't come from a theological standpoint or some man-made creed system. It had to come directly from God.

141For, his Message didn't shake them very much. They thought, "Oh, he said he saw That. I doubt it very much. I didn't see nothing. I looked. Oh, my! I couldn't see nothing about it," the priests and them said.

142But he saw It, and we know now he saw It. Sure, he did. But you notice what it got?

143It never stirred them out of their sleep. They went right on, cut his head off, just the same. But it--it never stirred them.

144 But it did get the remnant, the one that had the Life in them, that little bunch, Ann and--and Simeon, and a few of those that were waiting all for the Coming of the Lord. And Anna, in the temple, blind, a prophetess that served the Lord by prayers. And then one day when she was in the Spirit...

145And Simeon had prophesied and said, an old man, he said, "The Holy Ghost told me that I will not see death until I see the Lord's Christ."

146Why, some of the priests, you know, said, "Poor old fellow, he's just a little off, you know. Why, he's got one foot in the grave now, and the other one slipping. Why, just let him alone. He's been an honorable old man. But he's kind of..."

147But, you see, what did he have? It was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost.

148That's the same thing that is revealed to you people this afternoon. The Holy Ghost brought you here for some reason. The some... The Holy Spirit! Look at these priests and clergymen here from Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, and all. They was moved by the Holy Ghost. The hour is here. So the Holy Ghost moved on them, and they been looking for It, hungering. Then, just in a...

149 One day, you know, didn't have television. Thank the Lord for that day.

150So, they, they was down upon the hillsides of Judaea. There was a--a Baby born. A Star appeared, and so forth.

151But after eight days, the mother brought the little Baby in, wrapped in swaddling cloth. It's swaddling cloth. I'm tell... told that was... They didn't have nothing to put on. It was a--a little rag off of a yoke of an ox, I'm told, that was His swaddling cloth. Here come Joseph and them, coming in with this little Baby.

152I'd imagine the mothers stood back from a distance, with their little babies with needlework and everything. Said, "Looky there. See? See? There she is. See? She was pregnant by that man. Here she comes in. That, stay away from her. Keep your distance." They still think the same thing.

153But, Mary, with that Baby in her arms, it didn't make any difference what they thought. She knowed Whose Son that was.

154 And so is every believer that accepts God's Word into their heart! I don't care what the systems say. You know what It is. It's a promise of God. It was revealed to you by the Holy Ghost, when you were overshadowed with His Power. You know where It's at. No man has a right to preach the Gospel until he's met God back on the backside of the desert in that burning bush, to where there's no ecclesiastical system in the world can explain It away from you. You were there. It happened to you. I don't care what the systems say. You are a witness of it. Hallelujah! I feel like that old colored man I was talking about, "I ain't got room up here now." See? I feel very religious at this time, when I think. And that's right. God, Himself, revealed to you.

155 Simeon had the promise. Setting over in his study that morning, oh, I guess there might been several hundred babies brought in, every morning. About two and a half million Jews in the country, and these babies come in, and many born. Every eight days the mother had to come, offer offering for purification. And now here come... Simeon, setting there, you know, maybe reading the scroll of Isaiah. I don't know. But all at once...

156Now, if the Holy Ghost has made you a promise, the Holy Ghost has got to keep that promise, if It's really God. He, if He...

157If a man comes through and says a certain thing, God doesn't back it up, it isn't Scripture, to begin with. Forget it. And if he says it's so, and God still doesn't back it up, it's still wrong.

158Cause, God interprets His Message. He's His Own interpreter. What he says comes to pass, then God said, "Hear him, for it's the Truth." That's only common sense. If he says it happens, and it happens, that tells it. It must be every time, exactly the Truth, because God don't tell lies.

159 And so then here is Simeon setting there, taking the persecution. He was the remnant. He had heard John, and the little remnant of that day. And here he was setting there, listening at this scroll, knowing. I mean, knowing that John was coming, 'cause he--he was part of the remnant. The Word was revealed to him. And all at once, when that Baby come into the temple, then it was duty of the Holy Ghost to reveal that It was there. So he, moved by the Spirit, come out of the little study room, right down through the hall, hit that line of women. Coming right down along that line of women until he got down to where this little Baby was, they was all staying away from. Picked up the Baby in his arms, said, "Lord, let Your servant depart in peace, for my eyes have seen Your salvation."

160And at that time, another one of the little elected in that day, was Anna, a prophetess. She was setting over there, blind, in a corner. Raised up, blind. Here she comes, led by the Spirit, among all the women and the people crowding in and out the temple, till she come right straight to where the Christ Child was.

161If the Holy Ghost could lead a blind woman to Him, what about a Pentecostal group that's supposed to have your eyesight? I won't go any further. You know, from there on. Notice. Oh, my! How that that church must have been in an awful mess again, it surely must have been, in that day! But it rocked the little remnant, as I said.

162 Now let's be honest. If we see that church in that condition today, haven't we arrived at that time again? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now just look at the things of promise, of the Bible, that would be going on in the church at this time. We see what's going on in the world, and we see it's at its end. Now let's look in the church.

163She, the church, had birth pains under Luther. Now, we know there's seven church ages, and seven messengers to them church ages, according to Revelations. Now, when Luther had to come forth, it certainly throwed the church into birth pain, but it brought forth a Luther. That's right.

164After that, it got in trouble again, so it brought forth a Wesley. That's right.

Got forth again, and it brought forth a pentecost.

165Each of them messengers of their age, rocked the... back to the Word, the Message of their age, the Message of according to the Bible. I've got coming, a book, out on that, the commentary of the first four chapters of Revelations. Read it, soon as we get it on press. And it proves, beyond a shadow of doubt, what Luther's message was, justification; what sanctification is, the next process in the natural birth. And then come the pentecostals, exactly.

166 Now, notice, each age rocked the church and give it birth pains. But what did they do? After the birth pains come, instead of going on with the Word, they got a bunch of men together just like the first one did. It's exactly. Right after the rocking of the apostles, then we find her going off again. Then we find out, along come many of the others, Agabus and many of the great reformers back in the beginning. Each age had done, as you study the Pre-Nicaea Council, the Nicaea Fathers, and all back. You find it all in there. Each age was rocked, every time a messenger come forth with THUS SAITH THE LORD.

167Now she is in the worst stage, that, according to the Scripture, that she's ever been. We are in the Laodicean church age, "A rich, but blinded church age, that don't know it."

168There wasn't nowhere in the Bible that Christ was ever put out of the church, but the Laodicea age. She's in the worst age. She's the rottenest she ever was. Said, "I set as a queen, have need of nothing."

169"And don't know that you're naked, miserable, blind, poor, and don't know it." Yes, sir. Said, "I counsel thee, come buy eye salve from Me, that I might open your eyes." And that'll--that'll certainly... The eye salve of God will certainly bring Light to the church if it wants to open its eyes to what God has said.

170 Notice, quickly now. Now, she is in that stage, beyond a shadow of doubt. We're in the Laodicea church age.

171Now, Her messenger is promised, in Malachi the 4th chapter. He's promised to do it. And the Message is to bring back the Word, bring the people back to the Word. Birth is to be. She's to be delivered, of a new Birth, from according to Malachi 4.

172In the church world today, there is two systems a working. Now listen real close. Now I want to see if you're going to say "amen" on this. There is two systems working in the church world today. I'm going to get this off my shoulder, and then I have it over with. We all know that that's the Word of God, and the denominational system. There is the two systems at work. Just as they was, Jacob and Esau; one after the Spirit, the other one after the flesh. And what is it? Esau and Jacob was fighting in the wombs of the mother, even to the time they were born. And so is the denominationals and the Word, fighting, one against the other. They have been, since Luther first brought the first reformation. I hope that's simple enough that you can understand it. See?

173These men, if they pick up This and goes out with It, they can make more sense to It, see, to bring It to a place you would. I just want to lay this Seed, then hope they make It come to Life. Notice. See?

174 It's always been that. That's the reason she's bearing birth pains, because there's a fight in her.

175There's an Esau, just a man of the world, very religious. And, oh, he's all right, good fellow, clean, moral, as far as I know of, but he don't know nothing about that Birthright. He's born that way. He's shaped that way.

176And Jacob, I don't care what he is, he wants that Birthright. He's the spiritual one.

177And them two, today, is in the womb of the church. There's a great big system trying to be formed, called the World Council of Churches. And from the womb of the church is coming forth two children. You just mark my word. The world's...

178The Word must deliver the Word Bride Church. The Church has got to be delivered out of her, a Bride for Christ. Them that fell asleep in all ages will make up that Bride that come out on the Word that they come out on, like from your feet coming to your head. She gets--gets greater, and more you have to have, and so forth. As the body grows up, so does the Body of Christ grow up. And then finally the Head will come to It, the Head of It will, now, if we notice, 'cause It's--It's all linked to the Head. The Head does the turning, pulling.

179 But these systems will not grow out of That, 'cause it's a system, and it cannot bring forth. A cocklebur cannot bring forth a bunch of wheat. But they're both in the same field, watered by the same water, and the same sunlight. One is the Word; one is not the Word. And them two are fighting. They been fighting since the first reformation, and they're still fighting.

180Now, I don't have to go any further on that, do I? Surely you know what I'm talking about. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Yes, sir. There we are. There you are, a system. What system are you in?

181Just imagine now, if you would have lived back in the other days, under the jolting of God's prophets and Words that come forth, what side would you want to be on back there?

182Well, you got the same choice today. She's fixing to bring forth the perfect Word back there, and the Word is coming for the Word Bride. As a--a woman is the part of a man, taken from him, so the Church will have to be a Word-abiding Church, every Word of the Bible; not systems, dogmas, or nothing added to It. It'll have to be in an unadulterated, pure, virgin Word. Right.

183 And in the days of the Light of the Luther, when the church bolt shut, Luther force. She went under pains, but he come forth, "The just shall live by faith. And this is not the communion."

184Now, we find out, that, under the days of John Wesley, she gave pains again, but there was--there was a Wesley born. But what did he do? Went right back like mother did.

185Then under the days of pentecostals, your fathers and mothers come out of that thing and hated it. They went out on the street, your mother with no stockings on, beating on an old tin can, and talking about the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and some old guitar. They laid out on the streetcars' tracks, stayed all night in jail. And we're so starchy, and went right back into an organization and made ourself the same muck. They drawed their children back in that they come out of. They would turn over in their grave. They would be ashamed of you. I know that's hard, but it's the Truth. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

186 You say, "I thought you loved people." If love isn't corrective, then how can you produce love? Love is corrective. And I do love the world... I'm--I'm zealous of God's church.

187And to see these systems that's binding it down under dogmas, is rottening away. And God declaring His Word to be the Truth, and still they hold onto it. Amen. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's true. You know it's the truth, brother, sister. ["Amen."] That's just This. That's the simple way of telling It. It--it isn't the breaking down of Greek, and things, but it's the breaking down and showing common sense. Surely you can understand That. Two and two is four. See? Now we know that That's right.

Now, the Word must produce the Bride.

188 But the old system has to keep its type. It has to produce an Esau who sold his birthrights.

189Here it comes. I feel it. I hope you don't think I'm crazy. Well, if I am, let me alone. I feel good this way. I'm better this way than I was the other way. I--I may be crazy, to the world. I--I--I know where I'm at. I know where I'm standing.

190Look. It's going to produce a stillborn baby, an ecclesiastical system that's going to bring all the denominations together, to produce an Esau that hates Jacob. Amen. I hope you see it, a stillborn, dead denomination, all of them going together.

191Oh, Word believers, give in to my Message. Hear me, not my Message, but His Message that He firmly declares to be the Truth. You've got to choose from somewhere. You can't sit still after this. You've got to make your choice.

192 Remember the other day, down at the Westward Ho there, on that morning, on that breakfast, how the Lord let me show you that wheat? How it's come up through Luther, through Wesley, and the tassels, and so forth, and little springs off, every church represented in a stalk of corn. Then went right down into that wheat, as it was, and there was that little shuck, looked just exactly like the real grain of wheat. When you go out and look, if you don't know your wheat, you'll say you got wheat there, but it's just the shuck. Then you open that shuck up, there's no wheat there, at all. Way back, there's a little bud of life coming forth. You take a glass and look at it. And when Pentecost first come out, it was so close, Jesus said in Matthew 24:24, "It would deceive the very Elected if it was possible." What was it to do? A support to the grain. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, the tassel...

193Look here. The blade doesn't look like the grain that went in, neither does the tassel, but it's a little more like it. And the shuck is a whole lot like it, but still it ain't the wheat. It's the carrier of the wheat.

194 Don't you see how those messages has come with birth pain? But the Life left right out of there, to go to the next message. The Life went right out of Luther, into Wesley's message. Right out of Wesley's message, into pentecostal message. Now it's time again, to leave the shuck. What's the matter? There's nature, in every form, declaring that's the Truth.

195Now you see why you think I'm crazy. Maybe I am, as I said. But there's Something in me. I can't stop It. I never put It there. It never come by my own choosing. It's God. And He confirms It, to prove that It's the Truth, to make It the Truth. Not as I have anything against Luther, and Wesley, Pentecostals, or Baptists, or whoever. Nothing against nobody. The systems is what I'm against, because the Word is against it; not the men. Look at these priests and clergymen setting here, today. They wouldn't be here if they listened to the system, but they had the common audacity, of the Word of God, to step out and accept It. Hallelujah means "praise our God." It won't hurt you. [Someone says, "Amen."--Ed.] Means "so be it." I believe It. I believe and know that It's the Truth. It's confirmed to be the Truth. Someday you'll find out, maybe too late. Now watch. Watch.

196 The Bible said, "His Wife has made Herself ready," at the end of the age. How did She make Herself ready? To becoming His Wife. And what does She? What kind of a garment She had on? His Own Word. She was dressed in His Righteousness. That's what. It is right. See?

197Vision! Notice, just closing now. I want to say this one thing just before closing. That's what led me to say this. Now, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. If a man would say that, without, putting it in his own thinking, he would be a hypocrite and should go to hell for it. That's right. If he would try to get a bunch of people, fine people like this, and deceive them, why, he would be a devil in human flesh. God would never honor him. You think God would honor a devil or a lie? Never. See? It goes over the top of their heads, and they don't get it. He pulls the Elected out.

198 Look at all the prophets through the age, how He got the Elected.

199Look, coming down through, even to the reformation. Like, the Roman Catholic church burnt Joan of Arc to a stake, for being a witch. That's right. Later on they found out she wasn't. She was a saint. Course, they done penance, dig up the priests' body and throw them in the river. But, you know, but that don't settle it in the books of God. No. They called Saint Patrick one, too, you see, and he is about as much as I am one. So, we notice, look at his children. Look at his place, up, look at how many killed. Look on the martyrology and see how many was killed there. You see, it isn't so.

200But the claim of the people, that doesn't make it so. It's what God said and proves, that it's Truth. "Prove all things. Hold fast to that which is good."

201 Now we find, now, here about a few months ago, one morning, I was walking out of the house, and a vision came.

202And I challenge anybody here, that's knowed all these years, to say at any time that the Lord ever let me say "THUS SAITH THE LORD" but what it happened. How many knows it's the Truth, raise your hand. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Right. Could anybody speak contrary? [Brother Branham pauses. Congregation is silent.] It's true.

203Don't pay any attention to the messenger. Look at the Message it is. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's what is. See? It isn't that. Don't notice the little [Blank.spot.on.tape.] baldheaded, you know, person, 'cause it's just a--it's just a human being, all, and we're just all the same. But watch what's happening. That's what declares it. I was taken...

204Now, I know people say all kinds of things, and we know that a lot of it's not right. I can't answer for what other, any man says. I got to answer what I say. I can only say whether it's Truth, or not. And I--I--I'm the one has to be responsible for it, not what somebody else says. I can't judge no one. I wasn't sent to judge, but to preach the Message. Notice.

205 I was to have a--a preview of the Church. And I was taken by Someone Who I could not see, and was set up on, like, a stand. And I heard the sweetest music I ever heard. And I looked, coming, and a bunch of little ladies, about, looked to be of, oh, some age around twenty, eighteen, twenty. And they all had long hair, and was fixed in different dresses, type, dresses. And they were marching just as perfectly in step, with that music, as it could be. And they went from my left, going around this way. And I watched them. And I looked then to see Who was talking to me, and I couldn't see no one.

206Then I heard a rock-and-roll band coming. And when I looked over to my right side, coming up this a way, coming back, here come the churches of the world. And some of the... Each one carrying their banner, from where they were from. Some of the dirtiest-looking things I ever seen in my life! And when the American church come up, it was the awfullest I ever seen. The Heavenly Father is my Judge. They had on these tattletale gray skirts, like one of these barroom girls, with no back on it, up here; holding up like a gray-looking piece of paper; and like hula dancing; paint; short, bobbed hair; smoking cigarettes; and twisting, as they walked to rock-and-roll.

And I said, "Is that the church of the United States?"

And the Voice said, "Yes, it is."

207 And when they passed by, they had to hold it like this, and put the paper behind them when they passed by.

208I--I started to cry. I--I just thought, "Of all my labor, and all that I've done." And everything that we ministers has worked together... And, brethren, I--I don't know how much you'd believe about these visions; but it's Truth, to me. It's always proved to be true. When I seen that, and knowing what was going on, my heart liked to broke in me. "What have I done? How have I missed it? I've stayed right with that Word, Lord. And how could I done it?"

209I thought, "Why could You give me a vision, not long ago, and seen me in There? And I said, 'Well, will they have to be judged?' He said, 'Paul's group, too.' I said, 'I've preached the same Word he did.'" Christian Business Men carried the article of it. And I said, "Why? Why would it be like this?"

210I seen that bunch of prostitutes going by like that, all dressed up like that, and called, "The church of Miss U.S.A." I just fainted.

211 Then, directly, I heard that real sweet music come again, and here come that same little Bride coming by again. He said, "This is what comes out, though." And when She walked by, She's exactly like the One was in the first place, walking to the step of the music of God's Word, marching on by. And when I saw it, I stood there with both hands up, crying, like that. When I come to, I was standing on my porch out there, looking right out across the field.

212What? She's to be the same Bride, the same kind, built out of the same kind of material that She was in the first place. Now read Malachi 4 and see if we're not supposed to have a Message in the last days, that will "turn the hearts of the children back to the fathers," back to the original pentecostal Message, Word by Word. Brothers, we are here.

213Now, this church is supposed to get a sign, and its last sign. We find out here, in the--in the--in the Scripture, see now, see, the great birth pains that's being in this Laodicean age. It's boring. Their church is being born again. Not...

214 There'll never be another organization. Anyone knows that every time a message went forth... Ask these historian. After a message went forth, an organization come up out of it; oh, Alexander Campbell, everything else, Martin Luther, and everything. They made an organization out of it. And usually a message only goes for about three years, a revival. This has been going for fifteen years, and there's been no organization come from it. Why? The shuck was the last. We're at the end.

215See the birth pains? See what's the matter? Just a remnant will be brought out. Just a remnant will be brought out. And that's why I'm crying, and straining, and pushing, and laying aside every favor of man on earth, to find favor with God, and just moving on in His Word.

216She's in pain. That's what's the matter. She's going to give birth. She must make her choice. The handwriting is on the wall. We see the earth is just about ready to go. That's right. And we see the church, she's so rotten, she's about ready to go. And the birth pains is on all of it, on both the world and the church.

217And there's about to be a new world born, and a new Church born, to go to it, for the Millennium. We know that.

218 Look. God gives her... And listen to this close, then I'm closing. Her final sign; her final Message, her final sign. Her final sign, is, she has to get in the conditions like she was at the beginning; the world, the church.

219Look how it was in the beginning, all them years, without, from Malachi until Jesus. Look at it, all the years now. Look at it, all back in there, the corruption they got into it. Look at the earth, how it was on each time, like in days of Noah, so forth. Has to be in the same kind of a type, and we see that. "As it was in the days of Noah." We see all these things just patterning up.

220 Then, we get one final sign. In Luke, the 17th chapter, the 28th verse, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." For, as it was in Sodom, see. Now, Jesus read this same Bible, the same Genesis we read. Now, close, don't miss it. The same Bible we read, Jesus read. And He said to His Church, "Look back and see when the days of Sodom returns again," perverted people, men losing their natural.

221Look at the homosexual, how it's on the increase across the world today, in a newspaper just recently. You ought to get in my office and read letters from mothers, for their boys. And homosexual is on the increase of, I think, is twenty or thirty percent in--in California, alone, over last year. A great bunch of the... of even government people, has proven to be homosexuals. You government men know that. Your magazine, I read it, and in the different things has taken place. If you...

222[A sister speaks in another tongue, and then she gives an interpretation. The same sister again speaks in another tongue, and then again she gives an interpretation. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

223 I have the right understanding of the Scripture. That's exactly what God said would take place. "Let him that speaketh in tongue also pray that he may interpret."

224That be true. I've told you Truth, then God is here, confirming It. It's the Truth. That's true.

225Now look. What was that last Message that Jesus said? "As it was in the days of Sodom," now watch, just before the Gentile world was burnt up, the fire. Now try to understand. What happened? There was a bunch of people, lukewarm church members, like Lot and his group down in Sodom. There was another man that had already come out of it. He wasn't in it, to begin with. That was Abraham, the one that had a promise of a coming son. You understand? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right.

226And, now, just before the climax of the destruction came, God appeared to Abraham in many forms, but this time He appears as a Man. He was a Man. And he come up to God.

Now, you say, "It wasn't a Man."

227It--it--it--it was God in the Man. Abraham called Him, "Elohim." It was a Man.

228And, look, He set down, with His back turned to the tent, and He said, "Where is Sarah, your wife?"

Said, "She's in the tent, behind You."

229Said, "I'm going to visit you according to time of life, that I made you a promise." And Sarah laughed. And He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" See?

230 Now, that's what was going on in that day. Just to show the last sign that Abraham saw, the Elected group pulled out, away from Sodom. Now, don't miss this parable, whatever you do. The group that had been pulled out, that wasn't in Sodom, to begin with.

231But two of the Angels went down into Sodom. And when They got down there, we find Lot. And He found him in a backslidden condition, all homosexuals and perversions. You know the story.

But there's One that stayed with Abraham, was Elohim.

232They preached the Word down there. Preaching the Word smited them blind, and they couldn't find the door. That's what it is today.

233But the One that was with the group that was pulled out, done a miracle before Abraham, to show that Who He was, and was with Abraham.

234He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" concerning this baby. And Sarah come forth and said she didn't. And said, "But you did." And He would have killed her right there if she wasn't a part of Abraham.

235So would God slay us if we wasn't a part of Christ. The mercy of Christ all holds us together, us doubters and perversions in the Word.

236 But, notice, notice what happened. Jesus turns back around now, and says, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the end time when the Son of man begins to reveal Himself." [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] See? "Son of man" always, in the Bible, is a prophet. See? He come in three son's Name: Son of man, Son of God, Son of David. See? And He pronounced His Name, "Son of man," because that's the work He done, of a prophet, seer. He said, "In the days like it was in Noah, when the Son of man begins to reveal Himself, that will be the time of the end."

237 Now let's just think, just for a minute. Never has the world had a messenger over the world. We've had Finney's, Sankey's, Moody's, Finney's, Knox, Calvin, so forth, all around the world, messengers to the church in these birth pains. But never did we ever have a man going out with an international message, until this day, with his name ending in h-a-m. A-b-r-a-h-a-m, which is six letters... A-b-r-a-h-a-m is seven letters.

238We got one today named G-r-a-h-a-m, six letters, and six is the number of the world, creation day. When did the world ever have a man down into it now, preaching down in the kosmos, down there in the world, down there calling the people out, "Repent, repent! Perish, or come out of it," until this age? G-r-a-h-a-m, look what he's doing, preaching the Word, blinding the outsiders, calling, "Come out," a messenger from God. Jesus said that would take place just when the Son of man will reveal Himself. Now, that, where's that at? Out there in the church orders, world. And they begin to hate the man, for it.

239 But, remember, there was a group, also, that was a spiritual group, the Jacob group, not the--not the Esau group. There's a Jacob group was looking for the son, that wasn't in that Babylon, and they received a Messenger. Understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Abraham, A-b-r-a-h-a-m, they received a Messenger. And that Messenger, what was the great, outstanding thing He done, to show it was at the end time? He discerned the thoughts that was in Sarah's mind.

240And Jesus, the Son of God, which was made flesh, showing that the Spirit of God would come back down in that little elected Group of at the end time, and would reveal Hisself in the same manner. Birth pains! Oh, brother, please try to understand. Try hard. Open up your hearts just a minute. Look to Christ. That same God is right here now. That same One. He promised these things. And if He promised them, He certainly is able to do them.

241Let's bow our heads just a moment. I want you just to think, solemnly.

242 Father, it's in Your hands now. I done all I can do. I pray that You'll help the people to--to understand. The Seed has been planted. Pour the water, the Spirit, upon It, Lord, and water It for Your glory. If I made a mistake, Lord, I didn't mean to. I pray, God, that--that You'll interpret It right, to their hearts, that they might see and understand. Grant it, Lord. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

243The Lord bless you. I love you. This God that preached this Word, this God that's responsible for this Word... I'm only responsible for saying It. He's the One that has to quicken It. That same God is here.

244Now, how many out there has a need? Raise your hand. Did He promise to do these things in the last days? Now you look to me. Now it's like Peter and John said, "Look on us." As if... See? He told him. Now you look this way. Now, please don't move around. This is a very... I'm--I'm trying, my whole heart within me. Just be real reverent. See? Each one of you, a spirit, when you move. Course, you're a unit. I'm trying to catch faith of the people.

245A little woman passed by and touched His garment, went out and set down. Jesus told her what her troubles was, and she was healed.

246And now He promised to do that again, the Son of man would reveal Himself like He did at Sodom. The world is in that condition. The church is in that condition. Now has God kept His Word? See if He has, or not. Oh, we've had signs, jumping, speaking in tongues, prophecy, so forth. But, wait, there's another sign. Oh, we have many carnal impersonations. That just makes the real one shine. Any bogus dollar should make the real one shine.

247 Now you pray. You believe. Just, I--I challenge you to do that. You look, and believe what I've told you. How many believe this to be the Truth? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Care who you are, where you are. I'll just...

248Everyone in here, as far as I know, is a total stranger, except Bill Dauch and his wife setting right there, as I know of. I think I know this little preacher here from Germany, setting there. And, brother, and two or three people setting right there.

249Somebody back over in the audience, look, way back. I challenge you to believe what I've told you is the Truth.

250What about when that Angel of the Lord came down on the river yonder, thirty-three years ago, and made this remark? How did I know?

251And my own Baptist pastor turned me out of the church, said, "You--you had a nightmare, Billy."

252I said, "A nightmare, nothing, Dr. Davis. That's the way you, the attitude you take, you might as well take my fellowship card."

253I knowed there'd be somebody, somewhere, would believe It. God wouldn't send a Message lest there be some to receive It.

254Oh, sure, when I went forth praying for the sick, it was very fine. But when I begin to tell you the Truth of the Word, then it's different. You ought to know. Every Message has been that way.

255 Jesus was wonderful when He went in the church and healed the people, and everything. But when He set down one day, and say, "I and My Father are one," oh, that, that did it. "Lest you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you." He didn't explain It. He wanted to see who would stand by Him. Right.

256What do you think, a--a crowd with doctors and things, say, "That Man is a... Why, He's a vampire. Eat His flesh and drink His Blood?" He never explained It. He never explained It.

257But, still, that Word was holding, to those apostles. They didn't care. They didn't understand It. They believed It, anyhow. See? They knowed, 'cause they had seen the works of God, and they knowed it was. He said, "They are they that testify of Me."

258 Here's a man, woman setting right here, got her hand up. Now, you can call me a fanatic, if you wish to; but that same Pillar of Fire, that led the children of Israel through the wilderness, is right over that woman.

259Now, remember, Jesus said, "A little while and the world seeth Me no more, yet you shall see Me. I come from God. I go to God," after His death, burial. He told the Jews. He said, "I..."

260He was that Rock that was in the wilderness. He was that Pillar of Fire, "I AM THAT I AM." Who was "I AM"? That Pillar of Fire in that burning bush. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And He was made flesh and dwelt among us. Said, "I come from God, and return to God, in order to return in the form of the Holy Ghost."

261And here He is, with us today, scientific pictures taken of It. Here He is, to prove more than any scientific picture, anything. He's here, to prove it, for It's Him. "I the Son of man will be revealed in this day." Now, there He is. I'm looking right at It.

262You say, "Do you see It?" John saw It, too, but the rest of them didn't.

263 Look, to prove it now. That woman is a stranger to me. I've never seen her--her, in my life. But she's got something wrong with one of her limbs that she's praying about. Is... That's right, lady. You had an operation on it. That's your husband setting next to you. You're not from here. You're from California. Your name is Roland. Your stomach trouble is ended, too, sir. You had stomach trouble. Didn't you? Well, it's all gone. Your leg is healed.

"In that day the Son of man..."

264Here, setting right back through here, there's a man. He's a colored man, something wrong with his eyes. He's a... Yes. He, his work he does, he does something about a car, polishes cars, car waxer. Right. Your eyes are going bad. You've just believed, haven't you? Some real strange thing happened to you. Your first name is Fred. That's right. Your last name is Conn. That's right. You believe now? Your eyes ain't going to bother you no more then. I never seen the man in my life.

265 The man right back behind there, he's not from here, either. From California. Got a bad back, Mr. Owens. That's you. The Lord Jesus make you well. I never seen the man, in my life, know nothing about him. I'm just following that Light as It goes.

266"If you can believe, all things are possible to them that believe."

267Little fellow setting here, got a hernia, is wearing glasses and a gray suit. Fred, God heals you if you believe it. Will you accept it? All right. I never seen him, in my life.

268Mrs. Holden, setting over there from him, suffering with eye trouble. I don't know the woman, never seen her in my life, but that's true. See? "If you can believe."

269What you crying for, sis? You got a nervous breakdown, bronchitis, heart trouble. You believe that God will make you well? Setting on the end of the seat there. If you believe, with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make you well. All that nervousness will go from you, you feel like you're back in your right condition. The Devil is lying to you. You accept it? Now raise up your hand, say, "I'll accept it, then." Okay. It's all over.

270 What? This church is going through a birth pain. Won't you make your choice now in His Presence? I've showed you exactly the Word, what He said He would do.

271Combing through this building, ask anyone that's ever been struck, or talked to, or whatever it was, and see if I ever seen them, knowed them, or anything about them. You think a man could do that? That's totally impossible for that to happen.

272Well, what is It? The Son of man. "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, discerning of the spirit, the secrets of the hearts." Just exactly like It was when It was made flesh here on earth, in the Son of God, now It's being revealed by the Son of God as He's come to call a Bride out of that system. "Come out of it. Be separated, saith God. Touch not their unclean things, and God will receive you."

273Are you ready to surrender your whole life to God? If you are, stand up to your feet, say, "I will, by God's grace, accept It right now, for everything that's in me."

274 Hallelujah! Praise be to God! You believe Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then just raise your hands and pray with me.

275Confess your wrong. Birth pains! It's hard to die, but die right now. Die, come out of your own unbelief. Come out of it. This is the Word of God made manifest, just as It was when Jesus come on the earth. It's Jesus Christ again among you, proven.

276Abraham received a son immediately, the promised son, after that taken place.

277And Jesus is coming again. That's His Spirit. He's so close to the earth, so close to coming, that He's ready to receive you, if you're ready to receive Him.

Now raise up your hands and pray with me.

278 Lord God, let all the priests hold on to the altars. Let the people cry out. May the Pillar of Fire and the Pillar of Cloud move into the people today and sober them, Lord, to the realization of the Presence of the living and mighty God. Grant it, Lord. Receive them. I pray this prayer for each one of them, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

279Fill each one with the Holy Ghost, who doesn't have the Holy Ghost. Lord, may the revival of this campaign, this meeting, break right now into a great, powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit. May the sick be healed, the blind see, the cripples walk. May the manifestation of the living God be brought into the presence of the people, as it has been this afternoon, and may the people receive it. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask it.

280Raise your hands now and give Him praise, and receive what you asked for.

1Skloňme svoje hlavy.

Drahý Bože, sme dnes veľmi vďační, že si už tak veľmi vylial Svoju prítomnosť v našom strede. Dnes popoludní to očakávame bohato, vo veľkej miere. Ďakujeme Ti za tú nádhernú pieseň od tej milej Kresťanky, ktorá práve spievala tento chválospev a za Tvojho Ducha, ktorý prišiel dole a dal tomu výklad. Pane, nech je to tak, prosíme. A Bože, prosím, aby si žehnal každého jedného z nás a nech sú naše srdcia naplnené radosťou, keď budeme vidieť, že sa toto deje. Drahý Bože, prosíme toto popoludnie, ak je tu niekto, kto nie je pripravený stretnúť sa s Tebou, nech je toto tá hodina, v ktorej oni urobia svoje konečné rozhodnutie a prídu ku Tebe skrze nové narodenie. Udeľ to.

2Požehnaj každého z nás, Pane, ktorí dlho cestovali, kým sa sem dostali. Prosíme aby si nás učil nové veci z Tvojho Slova. Daj nám lepšie porozumenie skrze Tvojho Ducha, Pane. Nech On príde a vykladá Slovo. Jediný vykladač, ktorého máme je Duch. Prosíme aby nám to On dnes udelil. Prosíme toto v mene Ježiša. Amen.

[Niekto v obecenstve hovorí posolstvo.]

To postačí. [Niekto na pódiu hovorí niečo bratovi Branhamovi.] Ďakujem. Čo za čas! Nepoznám žiadne lepšie miesto, kde by sme mohli byť, okrem neba, ako práve teraz cítime to pomazanie, vidíte. Sediac spolu v nebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi - zhromaždení v nebeských miestach.

3Nech ťa Boh žehná sestra Florence. A ona práve prechádza obdobím zármutku a tiesní - práve jej zomrel otec, a ja sa modlím: "Bože, žehnaj toto dieťa."

A brat Démos, nesie bremeno na oboch ramenách, a váhu všetkých týchto zhromaždení a všetkého. On tiež potrebuje naše modlitby. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Šakarián.

Brat Carl Williams, som opravdu rád, že som tu s vami na tejto konferencii a medzi všetkými týmito fajnými bratmi. A mal som tú možnosť stretnúť niektorých ... A teraz toto je moja záverečná časť tejto služby (pokiaľ viem), tak teraz očakávam, že si budem môcť potriasť ruky s niektorými týmito fajnými ľuďmi a stretnúť sa s nimi; pretože očakávam, že budem s nimi tráviť večnosť v lepšej zemi.

4Len maličkosť - dúfam, že nebudem zle zrozumený. Nie je to náhoda, nezdá sa mi, alebo zdá sa mi, že to bola prozreteľnosť, že som včera dostal dar, tu od jedného priateľa - od môjho priateľa, Dannyho Henryho. On bol ten chlapec ... Raz na konferencii Kresťanských Obchodníkov v Kalifornii, kázal som práve na zhromaždení. Hovoril som veľmi tvrdo proti tomu stavu v tomto čase, a dúfam, že všetci rozumejú, že - že nemám v srdci zlo. To nie je to. Vy určite rozumiete, že ja to tak nemyslím. Ale ja musím proste povedať to, čo príde ku mne.

5A potom tento mladý muž, brat od Baptistov - a myslím, že on je nejaká rodina s nejakou filmovou hviezdou. A on prišiel ku mne a objal ma a povedal: "Nech ťa Pán žehná, brat Branham. Chcem len obetovať slovo modlitby," a začal hovoriť po francúzsky. A ten chlapec nevie po francúzsky ani slovo. A povstal niekto - nejaká veľká žena z - myslím, že ona bola z Louisiany, ona povedala: "To je francúzština!" A potom tam bol nejaký muž a povedal: "To je francúzština!" A oni zapísali čo to bolo. Mám tu kópiu z toho originálu. A potom, stalo sa, že tam bol mladý muž, ktorý prišiel tam zozadu (chcel vidieť čo oni napísali), a on bol prekladateľom francúzštiny pre U.N. - proste Francúz.

6A rád by som prečítal tento záznam. Toto je originálny záznam jedného z nich, a to bolo od tohoto muža, ktorý prekladal. Možno že nebudem vedieť správne vysloviť jeho meno: Le Deaux, Victor Le Deaux. On je čistokrvný Francúz. No, tu je to posolstvo:

7Keď som tam prišiel ... Viete, keď som prvýkrát počul hovoriť ľudí v jazykoch - nič by som nekritizoval, viete, pretože som videl, že je to skutočné - ale stále som uvažoval. Ale keď sa toto stalo, a vediac aké poverenie bolo za tým, vedel som, že to prišlo od Boha.

8Potom jeho brat, ktorý tu sedí (veľmi dobre známy advokát) mi dal dar od Dannyho. Danny práve prišiel zo Svätej Zemi. A on ležal na hrobe - lepšie povedané v hrobe, kde ležal Ježiš po Svojej smrti. A keď tam ležal, povedal, že musel rozmýšľať o mne. A Duch Pánov prišiel na neho, a on vyšiel hore na Golgotu, kde sa odohralo ukrižovanie, a zobral kúsok skaly. A prišiel naspäť a urobil mi z nej jeden pár manžetových gombíkov, a ja si ich skutočne cením. A teraz toto - samozrejme, Danny toto nevie, ale dnes ráno, keď som bol na modlitbe, pozrel som sa len dole na tieto manžetové gombíky; a každý jeden z nich, ak si všimnete, je sfarbený krvou a tiež cez každý prechádza úzka rovná čiarka. A tu v tom posolstve, ktoré on povedal od Boha, o tej rovnej úzkej ceste - ako to presne do toho pasuje. Myslím, že to bolo niečo, možno prozreteľnosť, alebo ... a ja naozaj ďakujem Dannymu. Povedz mu, brat, ako si to cením.

9A ďalšia divná vec, požiadal som svoju ženu vtedy ráno ... zobral som si košeľu, ku ktorej treba zvlášť gombíky, a ona povedala: "Zabudla som zobrať tvoje manžetové gombíky." Tak Pán mal nejaké pre mňa pripravené.

10Ó, to je ohromný život; či nie bratia? Kráčať len v jednoduchosti evanjelia, a predsa v jeho jednoduchosti, to je tá najväčšia vec akú poznám. Viem, že nie je nič ... z toho. A takto, že to bolo urobené jednoduchým, tak som mal možnosť vojsť do toho, vidíte, tu - z milosti Božej.

11No, dnes popoludní, nechcem zaberať veľa času, pretože viem, že dnes večer pôjdete na zhromaždenia, a myslím, že vy všetci návštevníci, ktorí ste tu sa môžete rozhliadnuť po pódiu, vidieť týchto kazateľov a oni všetci ... Oni budú radi, keď prídete dnes večer do ich zhromaždenia. Oni vám urobia dobre. Určite ste tu v meste išli dnes ráno na nejakú nedeľnú školu. A zatiaľ čo máme tieto zhromaždenia (a to sú zhromaždenia Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia) myslím, že máme podporiť, ako len môžeme, naše zbory, pretože tam chodia naši obchodníci, a to je dom Boží. A dúfam, že dnes večer navštívite nejaký zbor.

12Myslím, že zajtra večer je záver tejto konferencie, a hádam ohlásili rečníka, ktorý ... mám tu byť, ak Pán dá, aby som počul jeho posolstvo. Nech Boh žehná každého jedného z vás.

13No, ja som - netvrdím, že ja som kazateľ. Ja som taký - nemám dostatok vzdelania, aby som sa nazýval kazateľom. Keď poviete kazateľ, očakáva sa od vás, že máte niekoľko titulov na fakulte, a ja nemám nič, iba malý prak, viete. Snažím sa ísť za tými chorými ovcami ak ich budem môcť priviesť naspäť na Otcovu pašu.

14Ak sa pomýlim, odpustite mi. Nie som teológ; teológia je v poriadku. To je to, čo potrebujeme. Ale niekedy kritizujem stav, do ktorého sme sa dostali. A to nepadá na žiadnu určitú osobu. To je len posolstvo. Prajem si aby som to nemusel hovoriť. Trhá ma to na kusy, pretože - viete ako sa cítite.

15Ako je to s vašimi vlastnými deťmi, viete, či ste radi, keď musíte na ne nakričať, vyhrešiť ich, alebo niečo také? Ja som tiež rodič, a viem čo to znamená. A dúfam, že mi odpustíte.

16A chcem aby ste to takto chápali, keď tu sedíte dnes popoludní, chcem vás požiadať o láskavosť. Mám tu niekoľko stručných poznámok. Ako som vám povedal, musím si urobiť ... zapísať si miesta Písma. Voľakedy som dokázal citovať Bibliu takmer z pamäti, ale teraz nie. Prešiel som cez veľa ťažkých bojov; už som na to príliš starý. Ale dúfam, že ma budete chvíľu počúvať toto popoludnie a že skutočne otvorite svoje srdce a budete sa snažiť rozumieť, čo hovorím. Myslím, že potom to bude lepšie - zvlášť pastorom z tohoto mesta a z rôznych miest. Dúfam, že budete skutočne pozorne počúvať.

17A teraz to robte tak, ako to ja robím, keď jem svoj obľúbený koláč, čerešňový; keď jem niektoré svoje obľúbené jedlo, kurča. Keď jem pekný kúsok koláča s čerešňami a narazím na kôstku, neprestanem jesť ten koláč; len vyhodím kôstku a ďalej jem ten koláč. Keď v kurati narazím na kosť, neodhodím to kura; odhodím len kosť. Tak, ak by som povedal niečo s čím by ste nesúhlasili, dajte nabok len tú časť, ale pozrite sa na to naozaj dobre; buďte si istý, že je to teraz kosť! A potom tiež môžem povedať, ak je to kôstka, pamätajte, ona rodí nový život. Tak dívajte sa naozaj pozorne, a nech Pán žehná.

18Brat Carl Williams povedal niečo minulý večer, žeby sme vypustili kázanie a modlili sa za chorých, čo by bolo veľmi dobre. Viem, že by to bolo dobre. Ale sme len ... Nemáme tu na to možnosti: aby sa tu ľudia stavali do rady. A neviem či brat Oral, alebo niektorý iný z bratov mali niekedy modlitebnú radu na týchto zhromaždeniach, alebo nie. Neviem. Ja som sa to snažil dva alebo tri razy, ale obyčajne, keď máte takýto zástup ľudí musíte rozdať modlitebné karty, viete, aby bol zachovaný pri tom poriadok, pretože nemôžete ... To nie je aréna; to je dom Boží, viete, to je posvätené na to. A oni sa strkajú a tlačia, a keď máte karty staviate ich do rady po poriadku.

19Tak Billy sa ma opýtal, povedal: "Mám ísť a rozdať karty? Ľudia ma prosia o modlitebné karty."

Povedal som: "Nie, Billy. Nechajme to len na Ducha Svätého nech robí to, čo On chce." Viete, a nechajte Ho, možno vzbudí vieru, a budete uzdravení rovno tam kde ste. Rozumiete?

20Ale ... Viete, Božské uzdravenie má v evanjeliu menší význam a nemôžete dať hlavný význam tomu čo je menšie. To každý vie. Ale to je návnada, ktorá slúži na to, aby priviedla ľudí do viery v nadprirodzenú prítomnosť Božiu - že to nadprirodzené je prítomné. A potom skrze to, keď oni môžu poznať Jeho prítomnosť, potom sú uzdravení, viete, skrze vieru, veriac tomu.

21Teraz, chcem čítať niečo z Božieho Slova, z Nového Zákona, a potom chcem zobrať text z tohoto Nového Zákona a toto písmo a hovoriť dnes popoludní chvíľu na určitú tému. A nechcem vás držať príliš dlho, kvôli zhromaždeniam dnes večer, ale pamätajte, dúfam, že som sa vyjadril jasne - venujte len tomu za tú chvíľu svoju pozornosť, ak chcete.

22Teraz prv ako toto urobíme, skloňme znovu svoje hlavy. Viete, môžeme príliš veľa spievať. Môžeme príliš veľa kričať až nás budú bolieť hrdlá. A môžeme spievať v nepravý čas, alebo kričať v nepravý čas, ale je jedna vec, nikdy nie je na škodu, keď sa modlíme. "Chcem aby sa mužovia modlili na každom mieste a pozdvihovali sväté ruky bez pochybovania ..."

23Otče, to je ... to najväčšie privilégium, ktoré smrteľník kedy mal, to bolo zavrieť svoje oči a otvoriť svoje srdce a hovoriť ku Tebe. A my vieme, že Ty počuješ, keď len môžeme veriť, že počuješ, lebo Ježiš povedal: "Keď o čokoľvek budete prosiť Otca v mojom mene, bude vám to dané." To malo podmienky, ak nebudeme o tom pochybovať. Tak Otče, pomôž nám veriť dnes popoludní, aby boli splnené naše prosby, a aby nikde nebol ani tieň pochybnosti, ale nech by sa stalo to, o čo prosíme.

24A to je Bože, pre Tvoje veľké meno, aby bolo dnes oslávené, tým že bude prinesená do Tvojho kráľovstva každá stratená a zatúlaná duša, ktorá bude počuť zvuk nášho hlasu; alebo ku ktorej sa dostane táto páska - do pohanských zemí, kde sa oni rozchádzajú po svete.

25Prosím, nebeský Otče, aby dnes nebola v našom strede žiadna slabá osoba. Keď sa to zhromaždenie skončí, nech Pán Boh spasí každú stratenú dušu a uzdraví každé choré telo a naplní srdcia Svojich detí radosťou. Preto máme vieru, Pane, prosiť v Ježišovom mene Boha nášho Otca: pretože On zasľúbil, že vypočuje, a toto je na Jeho chválu. Amen.

26V evanjeliu sv. Jána, 17. kapitola a začneme od 20. verša, chcem to čítať ako text. Myslím že to je ono.

Ale neprosím len za týchto, ale aj za tých, ktorí majú skrze ich slovo uveriť vo mňa,

aby ...

Zdá sa mi, že mám zlé miesto Písma. No, počkajte chvíľu. Hľadám Ježišovu modlitbu, keď ... či vlastne nie Ježišovu modlitbu, ale Jeho ... Možno som si tu poznačil niečo zle. Keď sa Ježiš modli to ... či , hovoril že "ako žena, keď rodí dieťa" - rodenie. Je to Lukáš, alebo Ján? Jack, kde je to? Ján 16. Myslel som si, že to bolo správne, ale to tak neznelo. Ján 16. [Niekto na pódiu hovorí: "21. verš."] 21. verš. Skutočne. 21. verš. Skutočne, tu to máme. Ján 16. a 21:

aby oni boli ...

Nie, brat Jack, to je stále zle. 16. a 21. Mám 16. kapitolu sv. Jána. 21. verš, ale to nie je ono! No, tu je to pomiešané v tejto Biblii. Skutočne. Oni to zle vytlačili. Tak veru. Viete čo? To je ono. Toto je úplne nová Biblia; Práve som ju dostal, a ona má ... je to zle vytlačené. [Nejaký katolícky kňaz vystupuje ku kazateľni, podáva bratovi Branhamovi svoju Bibliu a hovorí: "Tu to je. Je určitý dôvod, prečo sa to stalo, a Boh ti to ukáže, aby priniesol z toho Svoj nádherný (nejasné slovo)."]

27Dobre. Ďakujem. Veľmi pekne ďakujem. 16: 21. Veľmi pekne ďakujem. To je pravda.

Žena keď ...

Amen, amen vám hovorím, že vy budete plakať a nariekať, a svet sa bude radovať, a vy sa budete rmútiť; ale váš zármutok sa obráti v radosť.

Žena, keď rodí, má zármutok, lebo prišla jej hodina, ale keď porodí dieťatko, nepamätá viac na súženie pre radosť, že sa človek narodil na svet.

28Veľmi pekne ti ďakujem, môj brat. Naozaj si to cením. No, to je skutočne chyba v tlači tu v tejto Biblii ... zle bola vložená strana, a ja som si to vyhľadal v mojej starej Skofíldovej Biblii a zobral som si túto a prišiel som sem s ňou práve pred chvíľou (pretože moja žena mi práve dala túto ako vianočný darček).

29No, dnes popoludní chcem hovoriť na tému, ktorú som nazval: "Pôrodné bolesti." No to znie veľmi nezvykle, ale je to v Biblii. Myslím, že Ježiš tu o tom hovoril, keď povedal: "Vy sa budete rmútiť, ale váš zármutok sa obráti v radosť" - hovorí tu Svojim učeníkom, pričom vie, že nastáva rodenie Kresťanstva.

30A teraz, to staré musí zomrieť, aby sa narodilo nové. Aby mať ... Všetko čo rodí musí mať vyčerpávajúcu bolesť, a oni skutočne prechádzali cez vyčerpávajúcu bolesť a úzkosť, aby sa dostali zo zákona do milosti.

31Normálne prirodzené rodenie zobrazuje duchovné rodenie. Všetky prirodzené veci sú obrazom tej duchovnej. A zisťujeme, keď sa dívame tu na zem a vidíme strom, ako rastie na zemi, on zápasí o život. To ukazuje, že niekde existuje strom, ktorý nezomiera, pretože on sa dovoláva niečoho. Nachádzame ľudí, nevadí akí sú starí, akí chorí, v akom stave sa nachádzajú, oni chcú žiť, pretože to ukazuje, že niekde existuje život, kde žijeme - žijeme naveky. Všimnite si, aké je to dokonalé.

32No, v prvom liste Jána 5: 7 (Myslím, že to je ono, ak sa nemýlim), tam stojí: "Sú traja, ktorí vydávajú svedectvo na nebi: Otec, Slovo a Svätý Duch; títo traja sú jedno. A sú traja, ktorí svedčia na zemi, duch, voda a krv. A tí traja sú v jedno." [podľa ang. Biblii: "sa zhodujú v jednom."] No všimnite si, tí prví traja sú jedno; tí druhí traja sú zemskí, ktorí sa zhodujú v jednom. Nemôžete mať Otca bez Syna; nemôžete mať Syna bez toho, že by ste mali Ducha Svätého. Ale môžete mať vodu bez krvi a krv bez Ducha.

33Myslím, že cez naše veky sa dokázalo, že toto je pravda. Voda, krv, Duch - ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým. To zobrazuje, alebo ukazuje ten predobraz, ktorý vidíme pri telesnom rodení. Pozrite, keď žena alebo čokoľvek je v pôrodných bolestiach, prvá vec, ktorá sa deje: začne vytekať voda (pri normálnom rodení); druhé je krv a potom prichádza život - voda, krv duch. A to tvorí to normálne, telesné narodenie.

34A tak je to v tej duchovnej ríši. To je voda - ospravedlnenie skrze vieru, viera v Boha, prijatie Ho ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa, a byť pokrstený. Druhé je posvätenie Ducha - že Boh očisťuje ducha zo všetkých svetských vecí a svetských túžob. A potom dovnútra prichádza Duch Svätý a dáva nové narodenie a napĺňa tú posvätenú nádobu.

35Napríklad ako toto; no že ... Povedal som vám, že to čomu neveríte dajte nabok a potom jedzte ten koláč. Všimnite si. No, na dvore leží nejaký pohár. Nezoberiete ho a nepostavíte ho hneď na stôl a nenaplníte ho vodou alebo mliekom. Nie. Tým, že ho zodvihnete to je ospravedlnenie. Umytie, to je posvätenie - pretože Grécke slovo posvätiť je zložené slovo, ktoré znamená očistiť a odložiť na používanie (nie do používania, na používanie), Potom, keď ho naplníte je daný do používania.

36Prepáčte mi teraz toto (nehovorím to, aby som niekoho urazil), tam ste vy Pútnici Svätosti, Nazaréni zastali a nešli ďalej do Letníc. Vy ste boli očistení skrze posvätenie, ale keď ste boli pripravení, aby ste boli daní do služby skrze dary hovorenia v jazykoch a iné veci, vy ste to odmietli, vypadli ste znovu naspäť na dvor, vidíte. No to je to čo sa deje; stále to tak bolo. No, nie žeby som vás teraz kritizoval, ale len ... Chcem sa tohoto zbaviť nech mi to netrápi srdce. A to ma stále trápi odkedy som tu a tak som mohol pokiaľ len ... Keď Carl a Demos a oni a vy všetci prejavili láskavosť ... Snažím sa ako len môžem uvoľniť svoju dušu od toho, viete; potom je to na vás.

37Telesné zobrazuje to duchovné. No, zisťujeme ... Potom je to úplne narodené. Keď to dieťa ... Obyčajne teraz, keď vytečie tá voda, nemusíte veľa okolo toho robiť. A keď vyteká tá krv, nemusíte veľa okolo toho robiť. Ale aby v poriadku dostať život do toho dieťaťa musíte ho plesknúť po zadku a spôsobiť, aby začalo kričať. A to je ... no bez vzdelania, zatiaľ čo tu moji bratia sú tak dobre vycvičení do toho (ich), ale ja musím brať prírodu aby som to znázornil. A tu to máte. To je to čo sa stalo; na to je treba skutočné plesknutie, aby toto do nich vošlo.

38No vezmete trochu ... nejaký šok. Možno ho nemusíte plesknúť, ale len trochu ho vystrašiť. Samotná predstava, že sa narodilo, to niekedy vykoná. Chytíte ho, potrasiete ním. Ak nezačína dýchať, trochu ho plesknete, a potom začne kričať v neznámych jazykoch (jemu neznámych, myslím), Či tak, či tak robí hluk. A myslím, že ak sa dieťa narodí ticho bez zvuku, bez emócie; to je mŕtve dieťa.

39To je to, čo sa deje dnes s cirkvou, s tým systémom - máme príliš veľa mŕtvo narodených detí. Je to tak. Oni potrebujú plesknutie evanjeliom, viete, a tak ... aby sa zobudili, aby sa prebrali, aby tak Boh mohol vdýchnuť do nich dych života! A teraz vidíme, že je to skutočná pravda. Je to surová teológia, ale aj tak je to pravda.

40Tak všimnite si pri rodení semena, to staré semeno musí zomrieť, prv ako sa môže narodiť to nové. A preto, smrť je stále ťažká. Tak, je to bolestné, je to plné ťažkostí. S rodením je to tak isto; pretože vy prinášate na svet život, a to je bolestné.

41Ježiš povedal, že jeho Slovo je semeno, ktoré rozsievač vyšiel rozsievať. (No všetci sme s tým oboznámení, a ja chcem toto učiť ako lekciu nedeľnej školy, pretože je nedeľa.) Všimnite si, potom toto Slovo, keď je semeno ... Ale pamätajte, semeno rodí nový život len vtedy, keď zomiera. A preto to bolo tak ťažké pre tých farizejov rozumieť nášho Pána Ježiša Krista: pretože oni boli pod zákonom. A zákon bol Božie Slovo vo forme semena. Ale keď sa Slovo stalo telom a stalo sa nie zákonom, ale milosťou ... A teraz milosť a zákon nemôžu existovať v tom istom čase, pretože milosť tak veľmi prevyšuje zákon, že zákon ani nevidieť. A preto je to tak ťažké pre farizejov, aby zomreli svojmu zákonu aby sa tak mohla narodiť milosť. Ale to sa musí stať. Tie dva zákony nemôžu existovať súčasne.

42Nemôže byť zákon, ktorý hovorí, že môžete prejsť cez tento semafór, a druhý hovoriť, že nemôžete cezeň prejsť ... Jeden hovorí, že môžete; druhý hovorí, že nemôžete. Musí platiť len jeden zákon. Možno raz ste mohli cezeň prejsť; pozor - prejdite cezeň. Ale teraz svieti červená - stop! Vidíte? A tak nemôžu v tom istom čase existovať dva zákony.

43No, vidíme, že to stále ... Obraciam teraz vašu pozornosť na to, že to sa deje v bolesti, úzkosti, nepokoji. Pozrite ako tí farizejovia zomierali tomu zákonu - skrze bolesti, úzkosť, nepokoj. Ale to musí byť.

44Vidíme, že dážď, ktorý rodí úrodu na zemi, "sa rodí," ako povedal básnik, "na poliach hromu, na drsnej, blýskajúcej sa oblohe." Ale ak by sme nemali hrom a drsnú, blýskajúcu sa oblohu, tá malá destilovaná kvapka dažďu, ktorá bola zodvihnutá z morí a zbavená soli, by sa nenarodila. Je potrebné blýskanie, hrmenie, burácanie, trhanie, drsnosť, strašné veci, aby sa zrodili tie jemné, nežné kvapky vody. Sú potrebné bolesti, aby bol zrodený život; treba zomierať. A keď zomierajú tie mraky, je tu dážď; pretože dážď je časťou toho mraku. Jedno musí zaniknúť, aby to druhé mohlo existovať. No, ak tu moji bratia (niektorý z nich) by bol schopný, mohli by vám povedať všetky tie zákony o týchto veciach. Ja to neviem.

45Ale poďme teraz ku ďalšej veci, len ako malý dôkaz. Myslím, že jeden z najkrajších kvetov - každý má na to svoj vlastný názor - ale ja si myslím, že takmer najkrajší kvet, aký som kedy videl (tam na východe) je naša vodná ľalia. Koľkí z vás videli niekedy vodnú ľaliu? Ó, podľa mňa, skoro nič sa jej nevyrovná. Ale všimli ste si čo tá vodná ľalia musí byť. Rozmýšľam o tom čo povedal Ježiš: "Uvážte ľaliu, ako ona pracuje a pradie, ale jednako vám hovorím, že Šalamún v celej svojej sláve nebol oblečený ako jedna z nich." Pretože Šalamúnova sláva a jeho oblečenie bolo všetko umelé, ale tá ľalia vo svojej nádhere, to je život, ktorý ju robí krásnou, nie nejaké umelé mazanie, maľovanie.

46Tak ako naše ženy. Nemyslím, že musíte mať všetko toto zelené, viete, a mihalnice, poznáte to také, a všetku tú manikúru, či nie ... Pomiešali sa mi tie názvy ... všetko čo máte na tvári, aby vás to urobilo peknou. Keď chceš byť pekná rob pekné veci. Ak pridáte trochu Skutkov 2 a 4, zmiešate to všetko spolu s trochu Jánom 3: 16, to prevýši všetko, čo sa ten Max Faktor kedykoľvek snažil urobiť. Tvoj muž ťa bude viac milovať, každý, a som si istý, že Boh ťa bude viac milovať.

47Ľalia - On povedal pozrite sa na ňu, ako rastie, namáha sa, musí sa pretlačiť hore. Táto malá vodná ľalia, pozrite sa cez čo ona prechádza: cez špinu, bahno, blato, bahnité vody, špinavé vody; pretláča si cestu cez to všetko (tento malý zárodok života), prepracúva sa z dna toho rybníka, kde sú žaby a všetko možné a potom prechádza cez to všetko. Ale keď sa dostane do prítomnosti slnka, je narodená. To malé semienko vyráža do života. Nemôže sa to stať až kým neprejde cez celý ten proces. Ona musí cez to prejsť, tým sa to deje, a to preto, že to čo ju tiahne je vlastne slnko. A keď sa dostane celkom ponad všetku tú špinavú vodu a bahno a tak ďalej, potom je tak šťastná, že slobodne prejaví svoj život. A to je nádherný život, keď sa ona dostane do prítomnosti toho čo ju tiahne hore.

48Myslím, že je to nádherný obraz kresťanského života. Keď vás niečo tiahne von zo sveta až jedného dňa ste narodení rovno do Jeho prítomnosti skrze Ducha Svätého. Aké nádherné! Ak sa tomu pokúsite pomôcť, zabijete to.

49Ako malé kura, keď sa liahne. Viete, všimli ste si niekedy jedno z týchto maličkých kureniec? Rovno na konci jeho malého zobáčiku (alebo akýkoľvek vták, ktorý sa rodí z vajca) on má ... Ono dozrieva v tejto vaječnej škrupine. Tá vnútorná časť toho vajca musí zhniť. A ono musí zobrať ten malý zobáčik a škriabať ním hore dole až kým nepreborí tú škrupinu. My to nazývame, že si prepípa von cestu, tam dole v Kentucky odkiaľ pochádzam - prepípa si von cestu. Nikdy nevynašli lepší spôsob. Prečo? To je Božia pripravená cesta. Skúste mu pomôcť, zabijete ho. Olúpte z neho tú škrupinu, ono zomrie. Vidíte, ono sa musí namáhať, napínať, preboriť!

50Tak to musí robiť kresťan. To nie je, že ti niekto len podá ruku, na znak prijatia. Ty tam musíš ležať až kým nezomrieš, nezhniješ, a nebudeš narodený do kráľovstva Božieho. To je Božia pripravená cesta. Nevojdeš do neho pomocou knihy, alebo skrze potrasenie rúk a pripojenie sa, alebo skrze napumpovanie, alebo vtiahnutie. Ty sa jednoducho musíš zbaviť tej starej škrupiny. Všimnite si, nikdy nevynašli lepší spôsob.

51Nevynašli lepší spôsob pre dieťa, aby dostalo to čo chce, od Božieho spôsobu. No, keď sa narodí to malé dieťa, mohli by ste vedľa jeho malej postieľky položiť zvonček. Poviete: "Môj malý synček, ja som teológ v tomto ... Čítal som knihy, ako sa vychováva dieťa, a hovorím ti, ty si moderné dieťa. Narodil si sa v modernej rodine, máš moderných rodičov. Keď budeš hladný, alebo budeš potrebovať matku alebo mňa, len zazvoň tým zvončekom." To nebude fungovať. Jediný spôsob, ako ono môže dostať to čo chce je, že začne kričať. To je Božia cesta.

52A to je cesta, že my dostaneme to čo chceme, je kričať o to! Krič! Nehanbi sa! Povedz: "Som hladný po Bohu!" Nestaraj sa či sú okolo diakoni, pastor, alebo ktokoľvek. Vykríkni aj tak! Ak tam sedia Jonesovci, to na tom nič nemení. Krič! To je jediný spôsob ako to dostať - až kým ti nebude pomožené. On to učil, keď bol tu na zemi, viete, o tom nespravodlivom sudcovi.

53Malá kvapka rosy - nepoznám jej definíciu. Možno je tu nejaký vedec, ale poviem to len tak ako si myslím. To môže byť nejaká nahustená časť atmosféry, ktorá sa spolu zíde v tmavej noci, a to padá na zem. A keď sa to deje, ona sa v noci rodí. Ale ráno, ona tam leží chladná a trasie sa na malom steble trávy, alebo visí na šnúre na prádlo. Ale hneď, nech len vyjde slnko. Všimli ste si ako sa ona zaraduje? Ona sa hneď trbliece a trepoce. Prečo? Ona vie, že to svietiace slnko ju potiahne naspäť tam, kde bola na počiatku.

54A tak je to s každým mužom alebo ženou, ktorí sú narodení z Ducha Božieho. Niečo je na tom, keď na nás dopadá svetlo, že sme šťastní, pretože vieme, že pôjdeme naspäť tam odkiaľ sme prišli - z lona Božieho. Ona sa môže blyšťať od radosti, keď na ňu dopadne slnko, samozrejme, vie že pôjde tam odkiaľ prišla. Malé primitívne veci, že by sme mohli ďalej o nich hovoriť. Ale nájdime ešte niečo.

55Vieme, že to staré semeno musí, prv ako to nové semeno môže vyjsť z toho starého, ono musí zhniť. Úplne. Nie len zomrieť, ale zhniť, potom keď je mŕtve. Vieme, že je to pravda. To isté je v novom narodení. Nejdeme dozadu, ale ideme dopredu - keď sa znovu narodíte.

A ja myslím, že preto máme dnes tak veľa ... nemáme tak veľa, opravdového znovuzrodenia, pretože to semeno je ... Možno, že to bude sympatizovať s tým Slovom, alebo s tou osobou, ale oni nechcú zhniť z toho starého systému v ktorom boli. Oni z toho nechcú vyjsť. Oni chcú zostať v tom starom systéme a činiť si nárok na znovuzrodenie alebo na posolstvo na ten vek.

56Našli sme to za veku Lutera, Wesleya, Letničných a vo všetkých iných vekoch. Oni sa stále snažia držať toho starého systému a nárokovať si toto, ale ten starý systém toho veku musí zomrieť, zhniť, aby sa narodil ten nový. Oni sa chcú stále toho držať. Všimnite si, oni vedia, že ten starý systém je mŕtvy, ale oni proste nechcú z neho vyhniť. No, zhniť znamená, keď je s tým skutočne koniec.

57Keď si nárokujú, že sú znovuzrodení ... Ale nárok je len splodený znak; to nové narodenie sa rodí pri hnití. Vy musíte z toho vyhniť, práve tak, ako sme urobili vo všetkých vekoch - cez Wesleyov a tak ďalej ... Ale to hlavné na tom je, potom keď sa zrodilo to nové narodenie ... Wesley, či Luther vystúpil s jedným slovom: "Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." Dobre, on sa viacej nemohol držať toho starého systému. On musel z toho vyjsť.

58A potom, keď Kalvinisti dostali Anglikánsku cirkev do takého stavu (za Kalvinistickej náuky) až Boh vzbudil Arminianskú náuku (ktorú zastával Ján Wesley). Ten starý systém musel zomrieť, aby mohol nastúpiť ten nový. A keď Wesleyov vek pominul a všetky tie malé veky alebo steblá, ktoré vyšli do stopky, alebo klasu vo Wesleyovom čase ... Vidíte, keď vystúpili Letniční s prinavrátením darov, oni museli vyjsť z Baptistov, Presbyteriánov, Pútnikov svätosti, Nazarénov, Cirkvi Kristovej (tak zvanej), a zo všetkého toho; oni museli z toho vyjsť, vyhniť z toho, aby prijali nové narodenie!

59Stále vás nazývajú bláznami, ale to je tak, ako povedal Pavol, keď on vyhnil z toho čo raz tvrdil; on povedal: "na tej ceste, ktorú oni nazývajú sektou, svätoslúžim Bohu svojich otcov" - na ceste, ktorá je nazvaná sektou. Vidíte, on prijal ten nový život, ktorému ten Starý Zákon dal zrodenie na ten Nový, a on musel vyhniť z toho Starého, (urobiť ho len tieňom) aby bol ...

60To je práve to, kde sme teraz. No, vydržte to so mnou, ale to je môj názor. Cirkvi sa dostali do takého systému, že sa do žiadnej nemôžete dostať, až kým do nej nepatríte. Musíte mať nejakú legitimáciu obecenstva, alebo nejakú preukážku. A tým, že verím tomuto, skoro jediné dvere, ktoré mám otvorené sú u týchto obchodníkov. A kým oni nie sú organizáciou, môžem vojsť s nimi a prinášať to posolstvo, ktoré cítim, že mám na srdci, pre tých ľudí. Ale to sa stalo tak systémovo ... a ja vás milujem letniční ľudia. A Letnice to aj tak nie je organizácia. Vy sa len tak nazývate. Letnice to je prežitie a nie denominácia.

Ale vidíte, toto je to, čo je tak ťažké pre mnohých ľudí - keď sa na to dívajú a veria tomu, a vidia, že Boh to tak potvrdil v Slove, jednako je to tak ťažko vyhniť z toho, v čom ste doteraz boli. "Čo budem robiť? Kde dostanem svoju poživeň? Čo ...?" Boh je tvojou poživňou! Boh je pre teba tým, čoho sa máš držať! "Hľadajte najprv kráľovstvo Božie a jeho spravodlivosť." Nechám to tak; viete o čom hovorím!

61Je nám povedané cez Božích prorokov, že máme mať novú zem - nové nebesia a novú zem. Ak chcete na to miesto Písma, je to Zjavenie 21. Mohol by som vám to citovať. Mám to tu. Ján povedal:

... videl som nové nebo a novú zem, lebo prvé nebo a ... prvá zem boli pominuli ...

[To skončilo.]

No, ak máme mať novú zem, stará zem a nová zem nemôžu existovať súčasne - alebo, ten nový svet a ten starý svet nemôžu existovať naraz v tom istom čase. Nemôžu byť dva svetové poriadky spolu v tom istom čase. No, aby sme dostali tú novú zem, tá stará musí zomrieť. No keď tá stará musí zomrieť, potom ona teraz prežíva pôrodné bolesti kvôli tej novej.

62A potom keď doktor išiel vyšetriť pacientku, ktorá je v pôrodných bolestiach, teraz jedna z tých vecí, ktorú doktor robí - hovorím to tu v prítomnosti, pokiaľ viem, dvoch alebo troch dobrých doktorov, kresťanských doktorov. A opýtal by som sa vás toto. Jedna z prvých vecí, ktorú doktor robí, potom keď vyšetruje tú pacientku je, že pozoruje interval opakujúcich sa bolestí - pôrodných bolestí. On pozoruje interval medzi bolesťami - ako často sa opakujú a ako sa stávajú čím ďalej tým väčšie. Jedny sú ťažšie od druhých; tie ďalšie, vždy ťažšie. Prichádzajú častejšie za sebou. Tak on určuje diagnózu toho prípadu - podľa pôrodných bolestí.

63Dobre, ak sa tento svet musí obetovať, aby sa narodil nový svet, vyšetrime niektoré z pôrodných bolestí, ktoré máme na zemi. A potom uvidíme aký je deň a ako je ona ďaleko vo svojich pôrodných bolestiach.

64Prvá Svetová Vojna ukázala veľkú bolesť - pôrodnú bolesť. Ona ukázala jednu z jej prvých pôrodných bolestí, ktorá pracovala ku pôrodu, pretože v tom čase sme pre ňu prichystali bomby, a mali sme delá a otravný plyn. A pamätáte sa ... možno mnohí z vás nie. Ja som bol len malý chlapec, mal som okolo osem rokov, ale sa pamätám ako hovorili o tomto horčičnom a chlórovom plyne a tak ďalej - ako to vyzeralo, akoby to len začalo a oni povedali, že to spálilo celú zem. Každého to zabilo. No, to mohol byť koniec toho - len vetri zaviali po zemi, a ako všetci boli vyľakaní na smrť z tej veľkej zbrani jedovatých plynov. Zem prešla cez - mala svoju prvú pôrodnú bolesť.

65A teraz vidíme, že už sme mali druhú vojnu - Svetovú Vojnu. A jej bolesti boli oveľa väčšie, strašnejšie po celý čas - pôrodné bolesti zemi. Ona sa skoro musela poddať v čase atómovej bomby, pretože ona zničila celé mesto. To bolo oveľa väčšie, ako bolesti prvej Svetovej Vojny, čo sa týka ničenia zemi.

66A teraz, ona vie, že čas jej vyslobodenia ja nablízku. To je dôvod, že ona je taká nervózna, znekľudnená, to preto, že existuje vodíková bomba a rakety, ktoré by mohli zničiť celý svet. Jeden národ sa bojí druhého, bez ohľadu na to aký je malý. Oni majú tieto rakety o ktorých tvrdia, že - jedna z nich, oni ich môžu riadiť od štartu a spustiť ich kdekoľvek na svete, kde chcú.

67Rusko, ako som počul jedného dňa v správach, oni tvrdia, že dokážu zničiť tento národ a zadržať atómové bomby alebo čokoľvek, aby nezasiahli ich národ. Nevieme čo s tým robiť. Každý toto tvrdí, a je to tak. Ľudia majú ... Veda sa vlámala do Božieho veľkého laboratória, až sa sami zničia.

68Boh nechá - stále nechá, že veda sa sama zničí. Boh nič neničí. Človek sa sám ničí skrze vedu, ako to urobil na začiatku, berúc Satanovu múdrosť namiesto Božieho Slova.

69No, ona vie, že musí podľahnúť. Ona to nedokáže zniesť. Rusko, verím, by zničilo dnes tento národ, keby si mysleli, že ho môžu zničiť a pritom seba uchrániť. Každý z týchto malých národov by to mohol urobiť, ale oni sa obávajú, pretože vedia, že tento svet by nedokázal obstáť na svojej obežnej dráhe za takých okolností. Tak svet vie, že jej pôrodné bolesti sú také veľké, že musí podľahnúť. Zrodenie nového narodenia bude na blízku.

70Som za to vďačný. Som unavený z tohoto. Každý vie, že tu toto je miesto smrti a žiaľu a všetkých ťažkostí a tak ďalej. Som rád, že ona musí zaniknúť; Som rád, že ten čas je na blízku. Ako povedal starý Ján: "Áno, príď Pane Ježišu."

71No, ona musí zhniť, samozrejme (ako som už povedal), aby priniesla nové narodenie. Pozrite do akej miery zhnila. Všimnite si, moji bratia. Ona je načisto zhnitá! Jej politika a systémy sú tak zhnité, ako len môžu byť! Nieto v nej zdravého miesta - v jej svetovom systéme! Jej politika a jej náboženská politika a čokoľvek to je. Jeden hovorí: "Ja som demokrat"; "Ja som republikán"; "Ja som metodista"; "Ja som baptista." Prečo, všetko je zhnité do jadra! Niečo musí podľahnúť! Ona to nedokáže vydržať. Keby ste do každého kraju v týchto Spojených štátoch dali Georga Washingtona, alebo Abraháma Lincolna, ani tak by to neprišlo na miesto! Je pomimo vykúpenia. Je len jedna vec, ktorá jej môže pomôcť; to je príchod Stvoriteľa! Amen!

Ona vie že musí podľahnúť. Ona je v bolesti a úzkosti. Nikto nevie čo robiť. Jeden hľadí tam, druhý tam, a všetko; jeden sa bojí druhého, jedene sa snaží urobiť niečo alebo zničiť toto, a tento tu sa snaží odporovať tomuto a zničiť tamto, až to teraz dostali do rúk hriešnych ľudí, ktorí dokážu zničiť celý svet za päť minút. Vidíte?

72Tak ona vie, že to nedokáže vydržať. Ľudia vedia, že ona to nevydrží, a svet vie, že to sa stane, lebo to Boh povedal. Celé nebesia a zem budú v ohni. Bude obnovenie všetkého, aby sa tak mohol narodiť nový svet. Boh o tom prorokoval.

73Ona je zhnitá vo všetkých svojich systémoch a ona to musí urobiť aby zhnila. Preto som povedal, že je taká nervózna a červená sa do tvári a je znekľudnená a zemetrasenia všade hore dole na pobreží a prílivové vlny na Aljaške a trasenie hore dole po pobreží so zemetrasením a všetko, a ľudia píšu: "Prežijeme to? Prežijeme to?" Vidíte, oni nevedia čo robiť. Nieto bezpečné miesto okrem Jedného - to je Kristus, Syn živého Boha. A je len jedna vec, ktorá je bezpečným miestom, a to je On; všetko pomimo toho zahynie, presne tak, ako to Boh povedal.

74No, pozrime sa do lekárskej knihy (či je ona v takomto stave) a vidzme či sa toto má stať, keď sa má narodiť nová zem - Matúš 24, v tej doktorskej knihe (ktorou je Biblia), a vidzme čo je prorokované - aké budú jej príznaky. No, ak doktor pozná tie príznaky rodenia dieťaťa ... A práve v tom čase, keď má prísť to dieťa, on všetko pripravuje, pretože vie, že to je čas, kedy sa má narodiť to dieťa, pretože všetky príznaky to dokazujú. Vyliala sa voda, krv, a teraz je čas - aby prišlo dieťa, je čas aby sa narodilo dieťa. A tak on všetko preň pripravuje.

75No Ježiš nám presne povedal čo sa bude diať v tom čase. On nám povedal v Matúšovi 24, že cirkev (opravdová cirkev) a tá iná cirkev budú - telesná cirkev, duchovná cirkev - budú tak blízko pri sebe (napodobovatelia), že by to zviedlo i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho; ako oni jedli, pili, ženili sa a vydávali, a všetka tá nemorálnosť toho sveta, ktorú vidíme dnes - Biblia, Kniha (tá doktorská kniha) povedala, že to sa stane. Tak, keď vidíme, že toto sa deje vieme že pôrod je nablízku! Musí byť. Tak veru.

No, my sa dívame na to ako národ - nie ako národ, ale svet. No Izrael, cirkev, vráťme sa ku nemu na niekoľko minút a sledujem ho za ďalších možno desať minút.

76Izrael mal pôrodné bolesti za každého proroka, ktorý prišiel na zem. On mal pôrodné bolesti pri jeho posolstve. Ale čo on robil? Prorok mal Slovo a on (Izrael) zasial toľko zhnilosti a narobil v sebe toľko systematických nariadení, že až tento prorok ho striasol z jeho základu! Oni boli nenávidení od všetkých. A tak, keď Boh poslal proroka, cirkev automaticky vošla do pôrodných bolestí následkom proroka - Slovo Pánove prichádza jedine ku prorokovi. To je Slovo, ktoré je hovorené na ten deň, ktoré sa manifestovalo skrze proroka na ten vek - stále bolo. A tie cirkvi, oni okolo Slova nastavali toľko systémov, že až ju on striasol z jej hojdacieho kresla, keď prišiel! Ona mala pôrodné bolesti.

77Čo to bolo? "Naspäť do Slova! Naspäť do života!" Systémy nemajú život! Jedine Božie Slovo má život! Systémy sú postavené okolo neho, ale to nemá život. Slovo dáva život!

Jeho posolstvo zahnalo ten zbytok naspäť do Slova. Vyjde malá skupina a verí, niekedy možno - v čase Noeho, len okolo osem ľudí - ale jednako Boh zahnal ten zbytok a ostatok z toho zničil. To muselo odpadnúť.

78To sa dialo počas všetkých vekov, až nakoniec im cirkev vydala dieťa človeka, a to dieťa človeka bolo samotné Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh ... A to Slovo sa stalo telom, a prebývalo medzi nami." On premohol každého diabla, každú moc na zemi, ktorá prišla proti Nemu, jedine so Slovom Otca. Každé pokušenie, ktoré Mu Satan dal, On pokáral Satana - nie Svojou vlastnou mocou, ktorú On mal, ale so Slovom Božím. "Je napísané ...! Je napísané ...! Je napísané ...!" Lebo On bol Slovo!

79Keď sa Satan pustil do Evy, ona nebola Slovo, tak to zlyhalo. Keď sa on pustil proti Mojžišovi, stalo sa to isté. Ale keď on narazil na tohoto Syna Božieho, On mal desaťtisíc voltov. To z neho striaslo uvoľnené perie. Keď sa On obrátil a povedal: "Je napísané, človek nebude žiť samým chlebom ale každým slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích!" Tam bolo to dieťa človeka, ktoré sa stalo telom, Božie večné Slovo sa manifestovalo v tele z mäsa tu na zemi, aby reprezentovalo to Slovo!

80Takto On vedel čo bolo v ich srdciach. Takto On mohol povedať Filipovi, kde bol, kto on bol; On mohol povedať Šimonovi Petrovi kto on bol; povedať žene pri studni. Prečo? On bol Slovo! Je to tak. Biblia hovorí v liste Židom vo štvrtej kapitole: "Slovo Božie je ostrejšie, účinnejšie než dvojsečný meč, prenikajúce až do špiku kostí, schopné posúdiť myšlienky a úmysly srdca." Prečo títo slepí farizejskí kňazi nemohli vidieť, že to bolo Slovo, ktoré sa manifestovalo, pretože oni sa ovinuli do kňazstva a systému, a ten starý systém musel byť daný nabok. To bolo Slovo, ale to, čo bolo zasľúbené sa vyplnilo; tak ak sa to vyplnilo, toto muselo zhniť. Toto je šupka; semeno išlo ďalej.

81Mojžiš nemohol priniesť posolstvo Noeho. Ani Ježiš nemohol priniesť posolstvo Noeho, pretože to bol iný vek; a to staré semeno bolo zrelé, ale ono slúžilo svojmu účelu a bolo mŕtve a pominulo - premena zo starého na nové, tam kde bol život. Ale čo trápilo tých ľudí? Čo ich trápi ešte i dnes? My nestaviame múr - ako sme začali s posolstvom Luthera, ťahať ďalej rovnú čiaru, alebo s Letničným posolstvom rovno ... Zatáčame uhly. Staviame budovu! Slovo Bože je plán! Každý dokáže stavať rovnú líniu, ale treba murára, aby zatočil uhol! Treba na to moc Božia! Treba na to pomazaného z neba, ktorý by bol poslaný, aby to urobil. To bolo v každom veku.

82A v tom prorockom veku ... Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku tým prorokom, a oni točili tie uhly, robili tie rozdiely - ale stavitelia chceli stavať múr. To vôbec nie je múr; to je budova - budova Božia.

83No, my cítime a vieme, že toto je pravda, že tie systémy boli zatrasené v každom veku, a každý jeden z ich systémov musel zhniť a zomrieť, až kým ona nezrodila tú cirkev z toho zhnitého neporiadku - prišlo samotné Slovo. Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokovi. Ono nikdy neprichádza ku kňazovi; ono prichádza ku prorokovi. A všimnite si, a keď sa to stalo, nakoniec sa to Slovo úplne narodilo tu v ľudskom tele. Plnosť Božstva telesne odpočinula v Ňom. On bol Slovo. Proroci boli časťou toho Slova - Slovo na ich vek. My dnes sme časťou Slova, my nasledujeme Slovo. Ale On bol celou plnosťou Slova! On bol Slovo! On povedal, keď Ho obviňovali, že sa robí rovným Bohu, pretože On bol Syn Boží, oni Mu povedali: "No, ty sa robíš Bohom."

84On povedal: "Či nie je napísané vo vašich zákonoch, že tých ku ktorým prišlo Slovo Božie, že ich nazývate bohmi (prorokov) - a oni boli - potom ako môžete odsudzovať Mňa, keď hovorím, že som Syn Boží?" Tam spočívala plnosť Božstva telesne - v Synovi Božom. On bol plnou manifestáciou Boha.

To je to, čo nakoniec dokonali tieto pôrodné bolesti za týchto prorokov - prečo, oni tým že boli Slovom, oni smerovali do tej plnosti seba - do plnosti Slova. A potom nakoniec tie systémy odumreli, že až Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.

85Sledujte ako to bolo zobrazené v Jakobovi. Sledujte ako to bolo zobrazené v Jozefovi. Presne. Milovaný od svojho otca, nenávidený od svojich bratov, bez príčiny; on bol duchovný, mohol predpovedať veci a vykladať sny. A on za to nemohol, že bol taký; on sa proste tak narodil. On bol predurčený, aby bol taký, ale bol nenávidený od svojich bratov, a nakoniec ho predali za tridsať strieborných (takmer za tridsať strieborných) a bol pozdvihnutý, posadený po pravici faraónovej. Pozrite, v jeho vezení, tam bol čašník a pekár. Jeden bol zatratený a jeden bol spasený. Ježiš vo Svojom vezení na kríži - jeden bol zatratený; jeden bol spasený. Presne, a potom bol vyvýšený do neba, a zasadol na tróne Božom. A keď ho On znovu opustí, rozľahne sa volanie: "Skláňajte kolená," a každý jazyk vyzná. A keď Jozef opustil trón a vyšiel, zaznela trúba a každé koleno sa muselo skloniť; Jozef prichádzal.

86Tak jedného dňa zaznie tá veľká trúba Božia; mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú, a každé koleno sa skloní, a každý jazyk uzná toto Slovo. No za čím On ide? Kvôli čomu tu On ide?

87Všimnite si, ona porodila toto kompletné Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom pri pôrodných bolestiach počas tých prorokov, ktorí hrmeli: "On prichádza; On prichádza; On prichádza." No, ale ona bola bez proroka štyristo rokov podľa histórie a Písma - od Malachiáša po Jána. Oni mali len teológov, kňazov, pastorov. Teraz tu si môžeme predstaviť, bez toho, na akom zhnitom stave sa musel nachádzať jej systém. Štyristo rokov bez priameho posolstva od Boha s tým "Tak hovorí Pán"! Tak tí kňazi, proroci, a tak ďalej to dostali do hrozného zamiešania. Ona bola zhnitá.

88Potom Ján, zasľúbený Eliáš z Malachiáša 3 - nie z Malachiáša 4, z Malachiáša 3, pretože Ježiš povedal to isté v evanjeliu Matúša v 11. kapitole, keď Jánove orlie oči sa zatienili (ako to vyjadril, zdá sa mi, Pemberton vo " Včasných Vekoch"), a on povedal: "Choďte , opýtajte sa Ho, či On je ten, alebo máme čakať na iného?" Vidíte? A On povedal ... Ježiš, keď poslal naspäť jeho učeníkov, potom čo im povedal, aby zostali na zhromaždení a sledovali čo sa deje a "Choďte, povedzte Jánovi tieto veci, a požehnaný je ten, kto sa nepohorší ..." On sa obrátil, pozrel sa na Svojich učeníkov a na ľudí, ku ktorým hovoril. Povedal: "Čo ste vyšli vidieť, keď ste sa išli pozrieť na Jána? On povedal: "Či ste vyšli vidieť človeka v jemnom rúchu?" A On povedal: "Hovorím vám, takí bývajú v kráľovských palácoch." On povedal: "Vyšli ste vidieť trstinu, ktorá sa trasie od vetra?"

89Inými slovami, zatrasie sa pri každom malom pichnutí. "Hovorím ti, ak len prídeš a pripojíš sa do našej skupiny, my ti môžeme dať lepší plat" - Ján nebol taký! "Ak len prestaneš kázať proti tomu a tam tomu, môžeš sa pripojiť ku našej skupine" - Ján nebol taký.

90Povedal: "Čo ste potom vyšli vidieť? Proroka? Hovorím vám, viac ako proroka. Lebo ak to môžete prijať, toto je ten, o ktorom bolo povedané cez proroka, hovoriac: "Ja pošlem svojho posla pred svojou tvárou, aby pripravil cestu." To je Malachiáš 3:1; vôbec nie Malachiáš 4. To je rozdiel .... Pretože ten Eliáš príde, svet bude hneď spálený a spravodliví pôjdu po popole bezbožných.

91No všimnite si, jeho posolstvo ich veľmi neprebralo z ich náboženského spánku. Oni len povedali: "Tam dole je nejaký blázon; čo vás po ňom. Nazýva sa bláznom. Snaží sa tam dole ponárať ľudí vo vode." Vidíte? "Aha, nie je nič na tom starom človeku. Aha, nemá ani poriadne šaty. Je obkrútený do ovčej koži. Aha, je biedny ako Jóbov moriak. Aha, z akého seminára vôbec vyšiel; aký má preukaz? Nebudeme ani spolupracovať s jeho zhromaždeniami. Necháme ho nech len zostane tam dole a vyjde to na mizinu," vidíte. Svet sa veľmi nezmenil; ani jeho systémy. "Ale necháme ho nech si len tam zostane. Nemá žiadne ..."

92Viete prečo nemal? Pamätajte, jeho otec bol kňaz. Ale prečo on nenasledoval líniu svojho otca? To v tých dňoch bolo zvykom pre deti. Pretože on mal niečo príliš - väčšie posolstvo. On mal predstaviť Mesiáša, lebo Duch Svätý tak povedal. Ten malý zbytok, ktorý tam bol privedený naspäť skrze posolstvo Gabriela, vedel, že je to tak. Tak, je nám povedané, že keď mal asi deväť rokov odišiel na púšť, keď zomreli jeho otec a matka, že on odišiel na púšť, pretože on musel počuť presne, pretože tam v tej veľké teologickej budove by oni povedali: "No, ja viem, že ty máš byť ten, ktorý oznámi Mesiáša. Izaiáš povedal, že ty prídeš, tak ty budeš ten hlas. No, nemyslíš, že tu brat Jones sa presne na to hodí?" A ľahko by ho prehovorili. Ale on sa neučil žiadny z ich systémov. Jeho posolstvo bolo príliš dôležité. On odišiel na púšť, aby tam zostal.

93Všimnite si, jeho posolstvo nebolo, ako posolstvo nejakého teológa. On používal príklady. On povedal: "Ó vy plemeno hadov" - nazýval tých nábožných ľudí hadmi. Jednou z najhorších vecí, ktorú našiel na púšti (jedna z najpodlejších vecí) boli hady. A on uvažoval: "To je skoro najlepšie porovnanie, aké poznám." On povedal: "Vy plemeno vreteníc. Kto vás varoval, aby ste utiekli prichádzajúcemu hnevu? Nezačínajte hovoriť, 'My patríme do toho a tamtoho', pretože Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi!" Tie kamene - to čo našiel na púšti a na brehu potoka.

94Tiež: "Sekera (to čo používal na púšti) je priložená na koreň stromu" - to čo videl na púšti. "Každý strom, ktorý neprináša dobré ovocie (on vedel skade bral drevo na oheň, vidíte) je zoťatý a hodený na oheň" - pripravoval si z toho drevo na oheň. Vidíte, jeho posolstvo nebolo vôbec, ako posolstvo nejakého klerika. Ono bolo podľa prírody na púšti, ale on mal posolstvo, aby oznámil a mal vieru vo svoje posolstvo, aby povedal: "Príchod toho Mesiáša je tak blízko, že On je teraz tu rovno medzi vami. Hovorím vám, medzi vami stojí Niekto, ktorého neznáte; ktorého obuv nie som hodný nosiť. On vás bude krstiť Duchom Svätým a ohňom!"

"Kto to je, Ján?"


95Ale jedného dňa tam prichádza mladý muž, vstupuje do rieky, vyzerá ako obyčajný človek, práve ako ... Ján Krstiteľ tam stál, ten požehnaný skúsený prorok, a pozrel sa cez Jordán, a povedal: "Ajhľa, tam je Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta!"

"Ako Ho poznáš, Ján?"

Ten, ktorý mi povedal na púšti, aby som išiel a krstil vodou povedal, Na koho budeš vidieť zostupovať Ducha, To je ten, ktorý bude krstiť Svätým Duchom."

Jeho posolstvo nemohlo prísť z teologického hľadiska ani z nejakého ľuďmi zostaveného systému vierovyznania. Ono muselo prísť priamo od Boha!

96Aha, jeho posolstvo s nimi veľmi nezatriaslo. Oni si mysleli: "Och, on povedal, že to videl; Ja o tom veľmi pochybujem. Ja som nič nevidel. Díval som sa celou svojou ... Nič také som nemohol vidieť," povedali tí kňazi a tamtí. Ale on to videl, a my teraz vieme, že on to videl. Skutočne to videl. Ale všimli ste si čo to urobilo? To ich vôbec neprebudilo z ich spánku; oni išli ďalej, odsekli mu hlavu, presne tak isto. Ale to ich vôbec neprebudilo, ale to prebudilo ten zbytok - tých, ktorí mali v sebe ten život, a niekoľkých z tých, ktorí čakali na príchod Pána.

97A Anna v chráme, slepá, prorokyňa, ktorá slúžila Pánovi modlitbou, a potom jedného dňa, keď bola v Duchu ... A Simeon prorokoval a povedal (starý človek) - on povedal: "Duch Svätý mi povedal, že neuzriem smrti, až kým neuvidím Krista Pánovho."

"Dobre," niektorý z tých kňazov, viete, povedal: "Chudák starkí. Nie je celkom normálny, viete. Aha, on je teraz jednou nohou v hrobe a tou druhou sa pošmykol. Čo vás po ňom. On bol ctený, starý muž, ale je trochu ..." Ale vy vidíte, čo on mal? To mu bolo zjavené skrze Ducha Svätého.

98To je to isté, že vám ľuďom je to zjavené dnes popoludní. Duch Svätý vás priviedol sem za nejakým účelom. Pre nejakú ... Duch Svätý ... Pozrite sa tu na týchto kňazov a klerikov z metodistov, baptistov, katolíkov, a zo všetkých. Oni boli pohnutí Duchom Svätým. Tá hodina je tu, tak Duch Svätý sa vznášal nad nimi, a oni na to očakávali, hladní.

99Potom práve v ... jedného dňa - viete, nemal televízor (vďaka Pánovi) v tom čase - tak oni boli tam na vrchoch Júdei. Narodilo sa tam dieťa, hviezda sa zjavila, a tak ďalej. Ale po ôsmych dňoch matka priniesla to malé dieťa, ovinuté v plienkach. Tie plienky, bolo mi povedané, že to bolo ... Oni nemali nič, do čoho by Ho zavinuli. To bola handra zo šiji vola, bolo mi povedané, to bola táto plienka. Tu prichádza Jozef a oni prichádzajú s týmto malým dieťatkom.

100Môžem si predstaviť tie matky, ako stáli ďalej odtiahnuté so svojimi malými deťmi vo vyšívkach a vo všetkom. Povedali: "Pozrite sa tam, vidíte. Vidíte, tam je ona. Vidíte, ona bola tehotná od toho muža, a ona sem prichádza, len sa držte preč od nej. Držte sa ďalej od nej." Oni si to stále myslia!

101Ale Mária, s tým Dieťatkom v náručí, to nič nemenilo, čo si oni mysleli. Ona vedela čí je to Syn! A tak isto každý veriaci, ktorý prijíma Božie Slovo do svojho srdca! Nestarám sa o to čo hovoria tie systémy, ty vieš čo to je! To je zasľúbenie Božie - bolo ti to zjavené skrze Svätého Ducha, keď si bol zatienený jeho mocou. Ty vieš kde to je.

102Žiadny človek nemá právo kázať evanjelium, až kým nestretol Boha vzadu na púšti v tom horiacom kríku, tam kde nie je žiadny náboženský systém na svete, ktorý by ti to vyhovoril. Ty si tam bol; tebe sa to stalo! Nestarám sa o to čo hovoria tie systémy. Ty si toho svedkom! Haleluja! Cítim sa ako ten starý farebný muž, o ktorom som hovoril - "Nemám tu hore teraz dosť miesta!" Cítim z toho teraz veľkú radosť, keď myslím že je to pravda - Sám Boh to zjavil tebe!

103Simeon mal zasľúbenie, sedel to ráno tam vo svojej študovni. Ó, hádam tam mohlo byť prinesené to ráno niekoľko stoviek detí - v tom kraji bolo okolo dva a pol milióna Židov, a tieto deti prichádzali a mnohé sa narodili; každá matka na ôsmy deň musela prísť obetovať obeť za očistenie. Teraz tu prichádza Simeon, sedí tam, viete, možno čítal zvitok Izaiáša; neviem. Ale zrazu ...

104No keď ti Duch Svätý dal zasľúbenie, Duch Svätý musí dodržať to zasľúbenie - ak je to skutočne Boh. Ak prichádza nejaký človek a hovorí určitú vec a Boh to nepodoprie, to vôbec nie je Písmo; zabudni na to. A ak on povie, že to je tak, a Boh sa ďalej za tým nestavia, stále je to falošné, pretože Boh vykladá Svoje posolstvo. On je svojím vlastným vykladačom. Čo On hovorí to sa deje, a potom Boh povedal, počúvajte Jeho, pretože to je pravda. To je len normálny rozum. Ak on hovorí, že to sa stane, a to sa deje, to hovorí za seba. Musí to byť stále presne pravda, pretože Boh nehovorí klamstvo.

105A tak potom, tu máme Simeona, ako tam sedí a berie na seba prenasledovanie. On bol ten zbytok. On počul Jána. A ten malý zbytok v tom čase ... A tu on sedel započúvaný do toho zvitku, vedel ... Chcel som povedať, že vedel, že Ján prichádza, pretože on bol časťou toho zbytku; bolo mu zjavené Slovo. A zrazu, keď to dieťa vošlo do chrámu (potom to bola povinnosť Ducha Svätého zjaviť mu, že ono je tam) ... Tak on bol pohnutý Duchom, vyšiel z tej malej študovni, išiel rovno cez halu, narážal do zástupu žien, išiel rovno popri tom zástupe žien, až kým neprišiel tam kde bolo to malé dieťatko, od ktorého sa všetci odťahovali, zobral to dieťa do svojich rúk a povedal: "Pane, nech Tvoj sluha odíde v pokoji, lebo moje oči videli Tvoje spasenie."

106A v tej chvíli, ďalší z tých neveľa vyvolených v tom čase, bola Anna, prorokyňa. Ona sedela tam v rohu, slepá - vstala slepá. Tu ona prichádza, vedená Duchom, medzi všetkými tými ženami a tými zhromaždenými ľuďmi vo vnútri i vonku pred chrámom, až kým neprišla rovno tam kde bol Kristus, to dieťa. Keď Duch Svätý dokázal priviesť ku Nemu slepú ženu, čo so skupinou Letničných, ktorí máte mať zrak! Nebudem ďalej hovoriť; viete čo nasleduje.

Všimnite si, ó, v akom hroznom stave musí znovu byť tá cirkev! Skutočne musela taká byť v tom čase. Ale to rozhýbalo ten malý zbytok, ako som povedal.

107Buďme teraz úprimní. Keď vidíme dnes tú cirkev v takom stave, či sme neprišli znovu do toho času? No, pozrime sa len na veci zasľúbené v Biblii, ktoré sa stanú v cirkvi v tomto čase. Vidíme čo sa deje vo svete, a vidíme že svet prišiel ku svojmu koncu. A teraz sa pozrime do cirkvi.

108Ona (cirkev) mala pôrodné bolesti za Luthera. No, my vieme, že je sedem cirkevných vekov a sedem poslov do tých siedmich cirkevných vekov podľa Zjavenia. Teraz keď musel vystúpiť Luther, to skutočne vrhlo cirkev do pôrodných bolestí, ale to zrodilo Luthera. Je to tak.

109Po tom, sa to znovu dostalo do problémov, tak to zrodilo Wesleya. Je to tak. Znovu sa dostalo, a to zrodilo Letničných. Každý z nich (ten posol toho veku) ich viedol naspäť do Slova, do posolstva na ich vek, do posolstva podľa Biblii. Mám to, vychádza o tom kniha - komentár o tých prvých štyroch kapitolách Zjavenia. Zakrátko ju budete čítať, keď ju dáme do tlače, a ona dokazuje bez tieňa pochybnosti, čo bolo Lutherove posolstvo - ospravedlnenie. Posvätenie je ten ďalší proces v tom prirodzenom rodení, a potom prichádzajú Letniční. Presne.

110 No všimnite si, každý vek zatriasol cirkvou a dal jej pôrodné bolesti. Ale čo oni urobili? Potom čo prišli tie pôrodné bolesti, namiesto toho, aby išli ďalej so Slovom, oni dali dohromady skupinu ľudí, tak ako to urobili tí prví. Je to presne tak. Hneď potom čo s ňou zatriasli apoštolovia, nachádzame ju potom znovu vybočovať. Potom nachádzame, že prichádzajú mnohí ďalší, Agabus a mnohý veľký reformátori tam na začiatku. Každý vek urobil (keď ste čítali Pred Nicejský koncil, Nicejských Otcov a všetko tam, všetko ste to tam našli) - každý vek bol zatrasený, zakaždým vystúpil posol s "Tak hovorí Pán."

111Teraz je ona v najhoršom stave, podľa Písma, než v akom kedy bola. Sme v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, bohatý, ale slepý cirkevný vek, a nevie o tom! Nikde v Biblii nebolo, že Kristus bol niekedy vystrčený z cirkvi, okrem Laodicejského veku. Ona je v tom najhoršom veku; ona je zhnitá ako nikdy predtým. Povedal ... Povedal som: "Akoby sme nič nepotrebovali" a neviete, že ste nahí a biedni, slepí, úbohí a neviete o tom." Tak veru. Povedal: "Radím ti, poď a kúp si odo mňa masť na oči, aby som mohol otvoriť tvoje oči." A to bude skutočne ... Božia liečivá masť na oči prinesie určite do cirkvi svetlo, ak ona chce otvoriť svoje oči na to, čo povedal Boh.

112Všimnite si teraz rýchlo. No, ona je v takom stave, bez tieňa pochybnosti sme v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku. No, jej posol je zasľúbený v Malachiášovi vo 4. kapitole. Je zasľúbené, že on to urobí, a ten posol má priniesť naspäť Slovo - priviesť ľudí naspäť do Slova. Pôrod má byť ... Ona má porodiť nové narodenie, podľa Malachiáša 4.

113Dnes v cirkevnom svete, pracujú dva systémy. Počúvajte teraz skutočne pozorne. No, chcem vidieť či na toto poviete "Amen". Sú dva systémy, ktoré dnes pracujú v cirkevnom svete. (Zložím to zo svojich pliec a potom to budem mať za sebou). Všetci to vieme - to je Slovo Božie a ten denominačný systém. To sú tie dva systémy, ktoré účinkujú. Práve tak, ako boli - Jakob a Ezav - jeden podľa Ducha, druhý podľa tela. A čo to je? Ezav a Jakob zápasili v lone matky ešte predtým ako sa narodili A tak denominácie a Slovo zápasia jedno proti druhému. Oni zápasia odvtedy ako Luther prv priniesol prvú reformáciu. Dúfam, že je to dosť jednoduché, aby ste tomu dokázali porozumieť. Vidíte?

114Títo ľudia, keď toto zoberú a pôjdu s tým, oni to môžu podať podrobnejšie. Vidíte, aby to dať na miesto ... Ja chcem len položiť toto semeno, dúfam že oni urobia, aby prišlo do života.

115Všimnite si. Vidíte, stále to tak bolo. Preto sa ona nachádza v pôrodných bolestiach, pretože v nej je boj! Tam je Ezav - proste človek sveta, veľmi nábožný; a och, on je v poriadku - dobrý človek, čistý, morálne pokiaľ viem, ale on nevie nič o tom práve prvorodenstva! On je takto narodený; on je takto uformovaný. A Jakob, nestarám sa o to čo on je, on chce to právo prvorodenstva! On je ten duchovný! A tí dvaja sú dnes v lone cirkvi.

116Je veľký systém, ktorý sa snaží uformovať, nazvaný Svetová Rada Cirkví. A z lona cirkvi vychádzajú dve deti. Poznačte si len moje slová! Slovo musí zrodiť Cirkev Nevestu Slova. Cirkev musí vydať zo seba Nevestu pre Krista. Tí, ktorí zosnuli vo všetkých vekoch budú tvoriť túto Nevestu, ktorí vyšli na Slovo, na základe ktorého oni vyšli. Ako od nôh prichádzate ku hlave. Stáva sa to väčším, a musíte mať viac, a tak ďalej. Tak ako rastie telo, tak rastie telo Kristovo. A potom nakoniec príde naň hlava - hlava tela.

117No, ak si všimneme, pretože to všetko je spojené do hlavy, hlava riadi obracanie, potiahnutie. Ale tieto systémy nevyrastú z toho, pretože to je systém, a on nemôže zrodiť ... kúkoľ nemôže urodiť klasy pšenice. Ale oboje je na tom istom poli, zavlažované tou istou vodou a tým istým slnkom! Jedno je Slovo; jedno nie je Slovo. Tie dva zápasia; oni zápasia od prvej reformácii, a oni stále zápasia.

118No, nemôžem ďalej o tom hovoriť, či môžem? Dobre viete o čom hovorím. Tu sme. Tu máte systém - "V ktorom systéme sa nachádzate?"

119Predstavte si len teraz. Keby ste žili dávno v tých dňoch, keď udierali Boží proroci a vychádzalo Slovo, na ktorej strane by ste tam chceli stáť? Dobre, dnes máte ten istý výber. Ona je určená, dávno tomu, aby zrodila dokonalé Slovo, a to Slovo prichádza pre Nevestu Slova. Tak ako žena je časťou muža (vzatá z neho) tak cirkev bude musieť byť cirkev držiaca sa Slova - každého slova Biblii! Nie systémov, dogiem, ani ničoho pridaného ku tomu; to bude musieť byť nefalšovaná, čistá panna Slova! Tak veru!

120A vo dňoch Lutherovho svetla, keď sa prerazila tá cirkev, Luther ... (bola nútená ... jedna z jej bolestí) - ale on vystúpil s tým "Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery! Toto nie je komúnia."

121Teraz nachádzame, že vo dňoch Johna Wesleya ona znovu mala bolesti ale oni boli - narodil sa Wesley! Ale čo ona urobila? Odišla rovno naspäť ako matka.

122Potom za dní Letničných, vaši otcovia a matky vyšli z tých vecí a nenávideli to! Oni vyšli na ulicu, vaše matky bez pančúch, bubnovali na starej plechovici, a hovorili o krste Duchom Svätým - s nejakou starou gitarou. Rozdávali na ulici letáky - trávili celú noc vo vezení! A my sme tak naškrobení a odišli sme znovu naspäť do organizácii, a stali sme sa tým istým bahnom (oni tam naspäť vtiahli tie deti) z ktorého vyšli! Oni by sa obrátili vo svojich hroboch! Hanbili by sa za vás. Viem, že je to tvrdé, ale je to pravda.

123Hovoríte: "Myslel som si, že miluješ ľudí," Ak láska nenapráva, potom ako môžete vyprodukovať lásku? Láska napráva, a ja milujem svet. Horlím za Božiu cirkev. A keď vidím tieto systémy, ktoré ju zväzujú dogmami, ktoré hnijú, a Boh vyhlasuje, že Jeho Slovo je pravda, a oni sa stále toho držia! Amen! Je to pravda. Ty vieš, že je to pravda, brat, sestra. To je proste ... Je to jednoducho povedané. To nie je rozoberanie Gréčtiny a všetkého možného, ale to je rozoberanie a ukazovanie prostého rozumu. Skutočne môžete tomu rozumieť. Dva a dva sú štyri, viete. No, vieme, že to je pravda.

124No, Slovo musí vyprodukovať Nevestu. Ale ten systém sa musí držať svojho predobrazu; on musí vyprodukovať Ezava, ktorý predal svoje právo prvorodenstva.

125Tu to prichádza; Cítim to! Dúfam, že si nemyslíte, že som blázon, ale ak som, nechajte ma tak. Cítim sa tak dobre. Je mi lepšie takto, než inak. Možno pre svet som blázon, ale viem kde som. Viem kde stojím.

126Pozrite, to vyprodukuje narodenie mŕtveho dieťaťa, náboženský systém, ktorý privedie všetky denominácie dokopy, aby vyprodukoval Ezava, ktorý nenávidí Jakoba! Amen. Dúfam, že to vidíte. Mŕtvo narodené, mŕtva denominácia - oni sa všetci dávajú dokopy.

127Ó, veriaci Slova, dajte na moje posolstvo! Počujte ma - nie moje posolstvo, ale Jeho posolstvo, ktoré On jasne ukazuje, že je to pravda. Musíte si z niečoho vybrať. Nemôžete zostať po tomto ticho sedieť. Musíte si vybrať.

128Pamätáte sa na ten deň tam vo Westward Ho (na to ráno, keď ste všetci mali raňajky) ako mi dal Pán ukázať vám tú pšenicu - ako vyrastala cez Luthera, cez Wesleya, a tie klasy, a tak ďalej, a vyrastali malé výhonky - každá cirkev reprezentovaná v stopke zrna, a potom to prešlo rovno do tej pšenice, ako to bolo, a tam bola tá malá šupka - vyzerala celkom presne, ako skutočné pšeničné zrno. Keď ste išli a pozreli ste sa, ak nepoznáte svoju pšenicu, poviete: "Máš tam pšenicu" - ale to je len šupka. A potom otvoríte tú šupku, tam nie je vôbec pšenica. Tam vzadu vychádza maličký púčik života. Vezmete lupu a pozriete sa na to. A keď prv vyšli Letniční, bolo to tak blízke, Ježiš povedal v Matúšovi 24:24, to by zviedlo i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné.

129Čo to malo robiť? Podoprieť to zrno. Je to tak? Teraz, ten klas ... Pozrite sa sem, steblo nevyzerá tak ako to zrno, ktoré vošlo do zeme, ani ten klas; ale to je trošku viac podobné na to, ale tá šupka je celkom taká ako ono. Ale stále to nie je pšenica. To je nositeľ pšenici.

130Či nevidíte ako tie posolstvá prišli s pôrodnými bolesťami? Ale život z tade hneď odišiel aby išiel do ďalšieho posolstva. Život vyšiel hneď z Lutherovho do Wesleyovho posolstva, hneď z Wesleyovho posolstva do posolstva Letničných. Teraz je znovu čas - aby opustil tú šupku. Čo sa deje? To príroda v každej forme vydáva svedectvo, že je to pravda.

131Teraz vidíte prečo ...? Myslíte si že som blázon. Možno som (ako som povedal), ale niečo je vo mne; ja to nedokážem zastaviť. Ja som to tam nedal. To neprišlo tým, že by som si to ja bol vybral. To je Boh! A On to potvrdzuje aby dokázal, že to je pravda - ukazuje že je to pravda. Nie že by som ja mal niečo proti Lutherovi a Wesleyovi, Letničním alebo Baptistom, či niekomu - nemám nič proti nikomu; som proti systémom, pretože Slovo je proti nim! - nie proti ľuďom! Pozrite sa na týchto kňazov a klerikov, ktorí tu dnes sedia. Oni by tu neboli, keby počúvali na systém, ale oni mali prostú odvahu Slova Božieho, aby vyšli a prijali to! Haleluja! znamená "chvála nášmu Bohu." To vás neurazí Amen! znamená "tak to je, verím tomu." Ja verím a viem, že to je pravda! Je to potvrdené, že je to pravda! Jedného dňa to zistíte - možno príliš neskoro.

132No, hľaďte. Hľaďte. Biblia povedala, že Jeho žena sa pripravila, na konci veku. Ako sa pripravila? ... stala sa Jeho ženou. A aký druh rúcha mala na sebe? Jeho vlastné Slovo. Ona bola oblečená v Jeho spravodlivosti. To je to, čo to je. Vidíte? Videnia.

133Všimnite si. Už teraz končím. Chcem povedať túto jednu vec, prv ako zakončím. To je to, čo ma viedlo aby som toto povedal. Mám "Tak hovorí Pán." Ak by to nejaký človek povedal bez ... hovoriac to vo svojej vlastnej predstave, bol by pokrytec a mal by ísť za to do pekla. Je to tak. Ak by sa on snažil získať skupinu ľudí, dobrých ľudí ako títo, a zvádzal ich, no to by bol diabol v ľudskom tele. Boh by ho nikdy neuctil. Myslíte, že Boh by uctil diabla alebo klamára? Nikdy. Vidíte, to prechádza ponad ich hlavami, a oni to nevidia, On vyťahuje vyvolených.

134Pozrite sa na všetkých prorokov cez ten vek - ako On dostal toho vyvoleného. Pozrite, poďme cez to až do reformátorov, ako Rímsko katolícka cirkev upálila Joannu z Arcu na hranici, že je čarodejnica. Je to tak. Neskoršie zistili že nebola; ona bola svätá. Samozrejme oni urobili pokánie - vykopali telá tých kňazov a hodili ich do rieky, viete, ale to v Božích knihách neurovnalo tú vec. Nie!

135Oni nazvali Sv. Patricka tiež jedným (z ich svätých), viete, a on je ním tak isto ako ja. Tak vidíme ... Pozrite sa na jeho deti; pozrite na jeho miesto; pozrite koľkých zabili; pozrite sa do záznamu o mučeníkoch a uvidíte koľkí tam boli zabití. Vidíte, to tak nie je. Ale tým, že to tí ľudia tvrdia, tým to takým neurobia; to je to čo Boh povedal a dokazuje, že je to pravda. Všetko skúšajte. Dobré podržte.

136No, nachádzame tu, asi pred niekoľkými mesiacmi, jedno ráno, vychádzal som z domu a prišlo videnie. A vyzývam tu každého, kto poznal všetky tieto roky nech povie, či niekedy, keď mi Pán dal povedať "Tak hovorí Pán", či sa to nestalo. Koľkí vedia, že je to pravda, zodvihnite ruky. Mohol by niekto povedať, že to tak nebolo? Je to pravda.

137Nevšímajte si toho posla; pozerajte sa na to posolstvo. To je ono. To nie je to. Nevšímajte si toho malého holohlavého človeka (viete) pretože to je len ľudská bytosť, viete, a my sme proste všetci rovnakí. Ale sledujte čo sa deje. To je to, čo o tom svedčí.

138Bol som vzatý. No, viem že ľudia hovoria rôzne veci, a my vieme, že množstvo z toho ne je pravda. Ja nemôžem byť zodpovedný za to, čo hovorí niekto iný. Ja mám zodpovednosť za to čo ja hovorím. A ja môžem len povedať, či je to pravda alebo nie, a ja som ten, ktorý musí byť za to zodpovedný, nie za to, čo hovorí niekto iný. Ja nemôžem nikoho súdiť. Nebol som poslaný súdiť, ale kázať posolstvo.

139Všimnite si, mal som vidieť prehliadku cirkvi. A niekto ma vzal, ktorého som nemohol vidieť, a postavil ma na niečo, ako tribúna. A počul som najpríjemnejšiu melódiu, akú som kedy počul. A pozrel som sa, prichádzali ... a skupina mladých dám okolo - vyzerali ako by mali, ó, okolo dvadsať (osemnásť, dvadsať) rokov, a všetky mali dlhé vlasy a boli oblečené v rôznych šatách (typických krojoch) a pochodovali tak dokonale do kroku s tou melódiou, ako len mohli. A išli z mojej ľavej strany, prechádzali takto okolo, a ja som ich pozoroval. A potom som sa pozrel, aby som videl toho, ktorý ku mne hovoril, a nemohol som nikoho vidieť.

140Potom som počul prichádzať skupinu rock'n'rollu. A keď som sa obzrel na moju pravú stranu, prichádzala tu cestou (prichádzala naspäť), tu prichádzali cirkvi sveta. A niektoré z ... každá niesla svoj transparent, odkiaľ boli - jedny z najšpinavších vecí, aké som v živote videl. A keď prišla Americká cirkev, to bolo to najstrašnejšie, čo som kedy videl! Nebeský Otec je mojím sudcom. Oni mali tieto porozstrihované sivé sukne (ako nejaké z tých barových dievčeniec) tu hore bez zadnej časti, držali to tu a vyzeralo to ako sivý kus papieru, a ako hula tanec - namaľované, nakrátko ostrihané vlasy, fajčili cigarety, a ako kráčali krútili sa v rock'n'rolle.

A ja som povedal: "Či toto je cirkev Spojených štátov?"

A ten hlas povedal: "Áno, je."

A keď prechádzali okolo, museli to držať takto a dať ten papier za seba, keď prechádzali okolo.

141Začal som plakať. Myslel som si: "Všetka moja práca, a všetko čo som urobil a všetko čo sme my kazatelia spolu pracovali ..." A bratia, neviem ako veľmi vy veríte týmto videniam, ale pre mňa je to pravda; stále sa to potvrdilo, že je to pravda. Keď som to videl a vedel čo nasleduje, moje srdce akoby vo mne puklo. "Čo som urobil? Ako mi to utieklo? Stál som rovno na Slove, Pane, a ako som mohol urobiť ...?" Rozmýšľal som: "Prečo si mi dal pred nedávnom videnie a videl som sa tam?" A povedal som: "Dobre, či oni budú musieť byť súdení?"

A On povedal: Pavlova skupina tiež."

142Povedal som: "Ja som kázal to isté Slovo, ktoré on (Kresťanský obchodníci vydali o tom ten článok). A povedal som: "Prečo? Prečo by to bolo takto?" A videl som tú skupinu prostitútok idúcu takto okolo - všetky takto oblečené a nazvané cirkev Miss U.S.A. Skoro som odpadol.

143Hneď potom som počul prichádzať znovu tú naozaj príjemnú melódiu, a tu prichádza tá istá malá nevesta, znovu ide okolo. On povedal: "Toto je to čo jednako prichádza." A keď ona kráčala okolo, ona bola presne taká, ako tá na začiatku - kráčajúca do kroku s tou melódiou Božieho Slova, pochodujúc podľa nej. A keď som to videl, stál som tam so zdvihnutými rukami a takto kričal. Keď som prišiel ku sebe, stál som tam vonku vo svojej verande a díval som sa krížom cez pole.

Čo? Ona je tou istou nevestou, ten istý druh, postavená z toho istého druhu materiálu, z ktorého bola tá na začiatku.

144No čítajte Malachiáša 4 a vidzte, či nemáme mať v tých posledných dňoch posolstvo, ktoré obráti srdcia detí naspäť ku otcom - naspäť do toho originálneho Letničného posolstva, slovo za slovom. Bratia, sme tu!

145No, táto cirkev má mať znak. A jej posledný znak, nachádzame tu v Písme ... Pozrite sa teraz. Vidíte, v tomto Laodicejskom veku nastali veľké pôrodné bolesti. To sa rodí. Cirkev je znovu narodená.

146Nebude ďalšia organizácia. Každý vie, že zakaždým, keď vyšlo nejaké posolstvo ... Opýtajte sa týchto historikov. Potom, keď vyšlo nejaké posolstvo, povstala z toho nejaká organizácia. Ó, Alexander Campell, všetko ďalšie, Martin Luther a všetko - oni z toho urobili organizáciu. A obyčajne posolstvo - či prebudenie trvalo len okolo tri roky. Toto trvá pätnásť rokov, a nepovstala z toho žiadna organizácia. Prečo? šupka bola tou poslednou. Sme na konci.

147Vidíte tie pôrodné bolesti? Vidíte čo sa deje? Len zbytok bude vyvedený. Len zbytok bude vyvedený. A preto kričím a namáham sa, a snažím sa, a dávam nabok všetku priazeň ľudí na zemi, aby som našiel priazeň u Boha a chodil len v Jeho Slove.

148Ona je v bolesti. To je to čo sa deje. Ona ide porodiť. Ona sa musí rozhodnúť. Nápis je na stene. My vidíme, že zem je takmer hotová odísť. Je to tak. A vidíme cirkev; ona je tak zhnitá, ona je hotová odísť. A všetko je v pôrodných bolestiach - oboje svet i cirkev. A musí sa narodiť nový svet a nová cirkev, aby išla naň, na milénium. Vieme to.

149Pozrite. Boh jej dal (A počúvajte toto teraz pozorne. Končím.) jej posledný znak, jej posledné posolstvo, jej posledný znak. Jej posledný znak je, že ona sa musí dostať do stavu v akom bola na začiatku. Svet, cirkev ... Pozrite sa ako to bolo na začiatku, všetky tie roky bez - od Malachiáša až po Ježiša. Dívajte sa teraz na ňu po všetky tie roky a pozrite sa na to všetko tam vtedy, skazenosť, ktorá tam vošla. Pozrite sa na zem, ako to bolo v každom čase - ako vo dňoch Noeho, a tak ďalej. Ona musí byť v tom istom stave, a my to vidíme. "Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho ..." vidíme všetky tieto veci práve v tom stave. Potom máme jeden konečný znak.

150V Lukášovi v 17. kapitole, 28. verš, Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Lebo: "Ako bolo v čase Sodomy ..." Vidíte?

151No, Ježiš čítal túto istú Bibliu - tú istú Genesis, ktorú my čítame. No končím, neprehliadnite to! Tú istú Bibliu, ktorú my čítame, čítal Ježiš. A On povedal Svojej cirkvi: "Pozrite sa naspäť a dívajte sa, keď sa znovu navrátia dni Sodomy - prevrátení ľudia, ľudia strácajú svoju normálnu ... Pozrite na homosexuálov, ako sa to dnes rozmáha po svete. V novinách práve nedávno ... Mali by ste prísť ku mne a prečítať si dopisy od matiek, za ich chlapcov. A homosexuálnosť vzrastá, zdá sa mi, že len v Kalifornii je to o dvadsať alebo tridsať percent viac, ako minulý rok. Veľké množstvo dokonca ľudí z vlády, je dokázané, že sú homosexuáli. Vy ľudia z vlády to viete. V časopisoch - čítal som to. A v rôznych veciach, ktoré sa dejú, ak vy ... [Niekto v zhromaždení hovorí posolstvo v jazyku a nasleduje výklad.]

152Ak dobre rozumiem Písmo, to je presne to čo Boh povedal, že sa bude diať. "Nech ten kto hovorí v jazykoch sa tiež modlí, aby mohol vykladať." To je pravda, Povedal som vám pravdu, potom to tu Boh potvrdzuje. To je pravda - je to pravda.

153No pozrite sa. Čo bolo to posledné posolstvo, ktoré Ježiš povedal? "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy," Sledujte teraz. Tesne predtým ako ten pohanský svet bol spálený - ohňom. No, snažte sa porozumieť. Čo sa stalo? Hromada ľudí, vlažní členovia cirkvi, ako Lot a jeho skupina, boli dole v Sodome. Bol tam iný človek, ktorý už z nej vyšiel. On tam nikdy nebol. To bol Abrahám, ten ktorý mal zasľúbenie o príchode syna. Rozumiete? Povedzte: "Amen." Dobre.

154A teraz, tesne pred vyvrcholením toho zničenia - Boh sa zjavil Abrahámovi v mnohých formách. Ale teraz sa On zjavil ako človek. On bol človek. A on prišiel ku Bohu ...

Vy teraz poviete: "To nebol človek." To bol Boh v človeku. Abrahám Ho nazval Elohim! To bol človek. A pozrite. On sedel otočený chrbtom ku stanu, a On povedal: "Kde je Sárah tvoja žena?"

On povedal: "Je v stane za Tebou."

Povedal: "Navštívim ťa podľa času života, ako som ti zasľúbil." A Sárah sa smiala. A On povedal: "Prečo sa smiala Sárah?" Vidíte?

155No, to bolo to, čo sa dialo v tom dni. Len aby ukázal ten posledný znak, ktorý Abrahám videl ... tá vyvolená skupina, vytiahnutá von, preč od Sodomy. (Neprehliadnite teraz toto podobenstvo, čokoľvek robíte!) Tá skupina, ktorá bola vytiahnutá von, ktorá od začiatku nebola v Sodome. Ale tí dvaja anjeli odišli dole do Sodomy, a keď tam oni prišli, nachádzame Lota, a on ho našiel v odpadnutom stave - všetko homosexuáli a prevrátenosť; poznáte ten príbeh. Ale ten jeden, ktorý zostal s Abrahámom - bol Elohim. Oni kázali tam dole Slovo - kážuc Slovo, udreli ich slepotou - a oni nemohli nájsť dvere. To je to, čo sa deje dnes. Ale Ten, ktorý bol s tou skupinou, ktorá bola vytiahnutá, vykonal pred Abrahámom zázrak, aby ukázal kto On je, a bol s Abrahámom.

156On povedal: "Prečo sa smiala Sára [ohľadne tohoto dieťaťa]?" A Sára vyšla a povedala, že sa nesmiala. On povedal: "Ale smiala si sa." A On by ju hneď tam zabil, keby nebola časťou Abraháma. Tak by Boh zabil nás, keby sme neboli časťou Krista. Milosť Kristova nás drží spolu - ktorí pochybujeme a blúdime v Slove.

157Ale všimnite si. Všimnite si čo sa stalo. Ježiš to teraz obrátil naspäť a povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude v čase konca, keď sa začne zjavovať Syn človeka." Vidíte?

158V Biblii Syn človeka stále znamená prorok. Vidíte. On prišiel v mene troch synov: Syn človeka, Syn Boží, Syn Davidov, vidíte. A On hovoril o Sebe, že je Syn človeka, pretože to bola práca, ktorú On robil - prorok, vidiaci. A On povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho ... keď sa Syn človeka začne zjavovať, to bude čas konca."

159No, zamyslime sa len na chvíľu. Svet nikdy nemal posla na celý svet ... Mali sme Finneyho, Moodyeho, Knoxa, Kalvína a tak ďalej - po celom svete boli poslovia, pre cirkev v týchto pôrodných bolestiach. Ale nikdy sme nemali človeka, ktorého meno by končilo na h-a-m, A-b-r-a-h-a-m, čo je šesť písmen - A-b-r-a-h-a-m je sedem písmen. My máme dnes jedného, ktorý sa nazýva G-r-a-h-a-m - šesť písmen, a šesť je číslo sveta, deň stvorenia. Či bol do teraz niekedy na svete človek, ktorý by kázal tam v kozme (tam vo svete), tam dole a volal ľudí von: "Čiňte pokánie! Čiňte pokánie! Vyjdite, lebo zahyniete!" až v tomto veku. G-r-a-h-a-m. Pozrite čo on robí - káže Slovo, oslepuje stojacich pomimo, volá: "Poďte von" - posol od Boha. Ježiš povedal, že toto sa bude diať práve vtedy, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka. No to - Kde to je? Tam vonku v cirkevných poriadkoch, vo svete. A oni za to začínajú nenávidieť toho človeka.

160Ale pamätajte, bola tiež skupina, to bola duchovná skupina - Jakobova skupina, nie Ezavova skupina; Jakobova skupina očakávala na syna, ona nebola v tom Babylone. A oni prijali posla. Rozumiete? Abrahám - A-b-r-a-h-a-m. Oni prijali toho posla, a ten posol ... Čo to bola za veľká, nezvyklá vec, ktorú On urobil aby ukázal, že sú v čase konca? On rozpoznal myšlienky, ktoré mala Sára v mysli. A Ježiš, Syn Boží, ktorý sa stal telom, ukazuje, že Duch Boží príde naspäť dole, ku tej malej vyvolenej skupine v čase konca a zjaví im Seba, tým istým spôsobom.

161Pôrodné bolesti. Ó, bratia, prosím snažte sa porozumieť. Snažte sa usilovne. Otvorte na chvíľu svoje srdcia. Pozrite sa na Krista. Ten istý Boh je práve teraz tu. Ten istý; On zasľúbil tieto veci. A keď ich On zasľúbil, samozrejme On je ich schopný vyplniť. Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Chcem aby ste sa vážne zamysleli.

162Otče, teraz je to v Tvojich rukách, urobil som všetko čo som mohol. Prosím, aby si Ty pomohol ľuďom porozumieť. Semeno bolo zasiate; vylej naň vodu Ducha, Pane, a zavlaž ho na Tvoju slávu. Ak som urobil chybu, Pane, nemal som to v úmysle. Prosím, Bože, aby si to Ty vyložil správne pre ich srdcia, aby mohli vidieť a porozumieť. Udeľ to, Pane prosím v mene Ježiša. Amen.

163Nech vás Pán žehná. Milujem vás. Tento Boh, ktorý kázal toto Slovo, tento Boh, ktorý je zodpovedný za toto Slovo - ja som zodpovedný len za to, aby som to povedal; On je ten, ktorý to musí oživiť. Ten istý Boh je tu.

164No, koľkí z vás tu sa nachádzajú v potrebe, zodvihnite ruku. Či On zasľúbil tieto veci v tých posledných dňoch? No, pozrite sa na mňa. No, tak ako povedal Peter a Ján: "Pozri na nás." Vidíte, on mu povedal. Pozrite sa teraz sem. No, prosím nepremávajte sa. Toto je veľmi ... Snažím sa aby moje celé srdce vo mne bolo v opravdovej vážnosti. Vidíte, každý jeden z vás je duch; keď sa premávate ... samozrejme vy ste celok, a ja sa snažím zachytiť vieru ľudí.

165Malá žena prešla okolo a dotkla sa Jeho rúcha a vyšla a sadla si. Ježiš jej povedal, čo jej bolo, a ona bola uzdravená. A teraz to On znovu zasľúbil robiť, Syn človeka sa zjaví, ako pri Sodome. Svet je v takom stave. Cirkev je v takom stave. No, dodržal Boh Svoje Slovo? Vidzte či dodržal alebo nie. Ó, mali sme znaky, vyskakovanie, hovorenie v jazykoch, prorokovanie, a tak ďalej - ale počkajte; je iný znak. Ó, máme veľa telesných napodobenín. To len dáva tej pravej veci svietiť. Každý falošný dolár dá zasvietiť tomu pravému.

166A Teraz sa modlíte a verte. Vyzývam vás aby ste to robili. Dívajte sa a verte, čo som vám povedal. Koľkí veríte, že toto je pravda? Skutočne, kto ste; kde ste. Každý tu, pokiaľ viem, je mi úplne cudzí okrem Billiho Daucha a jeho ženy, ktorý tam sedia pokiaľ viem. Zdá sa mi, že poznám tohoto malého kazateľa z Nemecka, ktorý tu sedí, brat ... a dvoch alebo troch ľudí, ktorí tu sedia. Niekoho tam vzadu v publiku, pozrite - tam vzadu. Vyzývam vás aby ste verili, že to čo som vám povedal je pravda!

167Čo s tým, keď ten anjel Pánov prišiel tam dole nad rieku, pred tridsiatimi tromi rokmi a urobil túto poznámku? Ako som vedel, keď môj vlastný Baptistický pastor ma vylúčil zo zboru. Povedal: "Billy, ty si mal zlý sen."

168Povedal som: "Žiadny zlý sen, Dr. Davis. Ak je toto spôsob ako vy ... postoj, ktorý zastávate, kľudne môžete zobrať moju kartu obecenstva." Vedel som, že niekde bude niekto, kto tomu bude veriť; Boh by neposlal nejaké posolstvo, ak by nebolo niečo čo by ho prijalo. Ó samozrejme, keď som vystúpil, modliť sa za chorých, to bolo veľmi dobre. Ale keď som vám začal hovoriť pravdu Slova, potom je to inak.

169Máte vedieť, že s každým posolstvom to tak bolo. Ježiš bol báječný, keď išiel do zboru a uzdravoval ľudí a všetko, ale keď si jedného dňa sadol a povedal: "Ja a Otec sme jedno," ó, to bolo inak. "Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť jeho krv, nemáte život." Vidíte, On to nevysvetlil. On chcel vidieť, kto zostane pri Ňom. Tak veru. Čo myslíte, zástup s doktormi a inými, povedal: "Ten človek je ... aha, on je vampír. Jesť jeho telo a piť krv!" On to vôbec nevysvetlil; On to vôbec nevysvetlil. Ale to Slovo stále držalo tých apoštolov. Oni sa nestarali, že tomu nerozumeli; oni tomu aj tak verili. Oni vedeli, pretože oni videli skutky Božie, a oni vedeli, že to bolo to. On povedal: "Oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne."

170Je tu žena, ktorá sedí práve tu, má zodvihnutú ruku. No, môžete ma nazývať fanatikom, ak chcete, ale ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol deti Izraelove cez púšť, je rovno nad tou ženou.

171Pamätajte teraz, Ježiš povedal: "Krátku chvíľu a svet ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy ma uvidíte. Prišiel som od Boha; Idem ku Bohu." Po Jeho smrti, pohrabe, On povedal Židom, On povedal: "Ja ... " On bol tou skalou, ktorá bola na púšti. On bol ten Ohnivý Stĺp. "JA SOM KTORÝ SOM." Kto bol ten, JA SOM? Ten Ohnivý Stĺp v horiacom kríku. Je to tak? A to sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami. On povedal: "Prichádzam od Boha a vraciam sa ku Bohu" - kvôli tomu, aby sa vrátil vo forme Ducha Svätého. A dnes je On tu s nami. Zachytený na vedeckej fotografii. On je tu aby dokázal viac, než akákoľvek vedecká fotografia, alebo čokoľvek; On je tu aby to dokázal, pretože to je On. "Ja, Syn človeka sa zjavím v tomto dni." Tak tu Ho máme; a ja sa dívam rovno na to. Vy poviete: "Či to vidíš?" Ján to tiež videl, ale tí ostatní nie.

172Pozrite, aby som to teraz dokázal. Tá žena mi je neznáma. Nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Ale ona má niečo s jedným so svojich údov, za čo sa modlí. Je to pravda, pani. Bola si na to operovaná. To je tvoj muž, ktorý sedí vedľa teba. Ty nie si odtiaľto; si z Kalifotnii. Tvoje meno je Rowan. Tvoje ťažkosti žalúdka tiež skončili, pane. Ty si mal žalúdočné ťažkosti, či nie? Dobre, to všetko je preč. Tvoja noha je uzdravená.

Tu, sedí rovno vzadu od tadeto, je to muž. Je to farebný muž - má niečo s očami. Jeho práca, ktorú robí ... robí niečo pri aute ... leští autá, leštič áut. Áno. Tvoje oči sa zhoršujú. Ty si proste veril, však? Prihodila sa ti nejaká opravdová zvláštna vec. Tvoje meno je Fred. Je to tak. Tvoje priezvisko je Cannt. Je to tak. Veríš teraz? Tvoje oči ťa už viac nebudú trápiť. Nikdy v živote som nevidel toho človeka.

Ten človek rovno tam za tým, on tiež nie je odtiaľto - je z Kalifornii. Má chorý chrbát. Pán Owens? Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.

174Nikdy v živote som nevidel toho človeka, neviem nič o ňom. Ja len sledujem to svetlo, ako ono ide. Ak môžete veriť, všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria.

175Malý človek, ktorý tu sedí - má kýlu. On nosí okuliare a má sivý oblek. Fred, Boh ťa uzdravuje, ak tomu veríš. Prijmeš to? Dobre. V živote som ho nevidel.

176Pani Holdenová sedí tam od neho, máš ťažkosti s očami. Nepoznám tú ženu - v živote som ju nevidel, ale je to pravda, vidíte. Ak môžeš veriť.

177Kvôli čomu plačeš sestra? Si nervovo zrútená, máš bronchitídu, ťažkosti so srdcom. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví (sedíš tam na konci sedadla)? Ak tomu veríš z celého srdca, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví, a všetka tá nervozita odíde od teba, cítiš sa znovu ako zdravá. Diabol ťa klame. Prijímaš to? Zodvihni teraz ruku a povedz: "Prijímam to." Dobre; je s tým koniec.

178Čo? Táto cirkev prechádza cez pôrodnú bolesť. Či nechcete urobiť teraz svoje rozhodnutie, v Jeho prítomnosti? Ukázal som vám presne Slovo - čo On povedal, že bude robiť. Prejdite cez túto budovu, spýtajte sa každého, kto bol kedy zasiahnutý, alebo bolo ku nemu hovorené, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, a zistite, či som ich ja niekedy videl, alebo poznal, alebo čokoľvek o nich. Myslíte, že človek to dokáže robiť? To je naprosto nemožné aby sa to stalo. Ale čo to je? Syn človeka. "Slovo Božie je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč, rozoznávajúce ducha, tajnosti srdca." Presne tak ako to bolo, keď sa to stalo telom tu na zemi v Synovi Božom, teraz je to zjavené skrze Syna Božieho, keď On prišiel vyvolať Nevestu von z toho systému.

180Haleluja! Chvála Bohu! Veríte Mu? Potom len zodvihnite svoje ruky a modlite sa so mnou. Vyznajte svoje zlé. Pôrodné bolesti - ťažko je zomrieť. Ale zomrite hneď teraz! Zomrite! Vyjdite zo svojej vlastnej nevery! Vyjdite z toho! Toto je zamanifestované Slovo Božie, práve tak ako to bolo, keď Ježiš prišiel na túto zem; to je Ježiš Kristus znovu medzi vami, dokázaný.

181Abrahám hneď prijal syna (zasľúbeného syna), potom čo sa toto stalo. A Ježiš znovu prichádza! To je Jeho Duch. On je tak blízko zemi, tak blízko aby prišiel, že On je pripravený prijať vás, ak vy ste pripravený prijať Jeho. Zodvihnite teraz svoje ruky a modlite sa so mnou.

182Pane Bože, nech sa všetci kňazi držia oltárov. Nech ľudia kričia. Nech ten Ohnivý Stĺp a ten Oblakový Stĺp vojde do týchto ľudí dnes a dá im vytriezvieť, Pane, aby si uvedomili prítomnosť živého mocného Boha. Udeľ to, Pane. Prijmi ich. Prosím touto modlitbou za každého jedného z nich v mene Ježiša Krista. Naplň každého jedného Duchom Svätým, ktorí nemajú Ducha Svätého. Pane, nech prebudenie z tejto kampani, z tohoto zhromaždenia sa prevalí teraz do veľkého mocného vyliatia Ducha Svätého. Nech chorí zostanú uzdravení, nech slepí vidia, chromí nech chodia. Nech manifestácia živého Boha zostane prenesená do prítomnosti ľudí, ako to bolo toto popoludnie, a nech to tí ľudia prijmú. Prosím to v mene Ježiša Krista. Zodvihnite teraz svoje ruky a dajte Mu chválu a prijmite to, o čo ste prosili.

BIRTH PAINS, 65-0124, Ramada Inn, Ramada Inn, Phoenix, AZ, 101 min

1 Let us bow our heads.

2Dear God, we are very thankful today for the great outpouring of Your Presence, in our midst, already. And we're expecting this, exceedingly, abundantly, this afternoon. We thank You for this marvelous song from this fine Christian woman that's just sang this hymn; and Your Spirit that came down, and the interpretation thereof. Lord, let it be so, we pray. And, God, I pray that You'll bless each and every one of us, and may our hearts be filled with joy when we see this take place.

3Dear God, we pray, this afternoon, if there be some here that's unprepared to meet You, may this be the hour that they'll make that final decision and will come into Thee, through the new Birth. Grant it.

4Bless all of us, Lord, who has been a long time in the road. We pray that You'll teach us new things by Thy Word. Give us better understanding by Thy Spirit, Lord. May He come and interpret the Word. The only interpreter we have is the Spirit. We pray that He'll grant that to us, today. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

[A sister begins to prophesy. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

5 That suffices. [A brother speaks to another brother--Ed.] What a time! I don't know any better place to be, lest it'd be in Heaven, for we're just feeling the anointing of That now, see, setting together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, gathered in Heavenly places.

6God bless Sister Florence! And she is going through a time of sorrow, and shadows; her father just taken. And I--I pray, "God, bless that child."

7And Brother Demos, load on both shoulders, and the weight of all these conventions and things. He needs our prayers, too. God bless Brother Shakarian!

8Brother Carl Williams, I'm certainly happy to be here in this convention with you, amongst all these fine brethren. And I had the privilege of meeting some. And now this is my finishing part of the service, as far as I know, so, why, I expect now to be able to shake hands with some of these fine men, and--and get to meet them, for I expect to spend Eternity with them, in a--in a better Land.

9 Just a--a little thing, I hope I will not be misunderstood. And not a coincidence, I do not think, for I--I think it was providential, that yesterday I was given a present by a friend here, from a friend of mine, Danny Henry. He was the boy... One day, in the Christian Business Men's convention in California, I was having a--a meeting. I was speaking very hard against the--the condition of the time.

10And I--I hope that everybody understands that, not have evil in my heart. It's not that. No. You surely will understand I don't mean it that way. But I have to just say what comes to me to say.

11And then after that, this little fellow, a Baptist brother... And I think he's some relative to a movie star. And he came down to put his arm around me, to say, "The Lord bless you, Brother Branham. I just want to offer a word of prayer." And he started speaking in French. And the boy doesn't know one word of French.

12And someone raised up, kind of a big woman. From... I believe she was from Louisiana. She said, "That's French."

Then there was a man over there, said, "That's French."

13And they had wrote out what it was. I have the original copy here. And then, happened to be, a young fellow walking from the back, and coming forward, want to see their notes. And he was the U.N. interpreter of French. "Just exactly French."

14 And I would like to read this note. This is the original note of one of them, and it was from this man that had interpreted. I may not be able to call his name just right. Le Doux, Victor Le Doux, he's a full-blooded Frenchman. Now, here's the message.

Because thou has chosen the narrow path, the harder way, thou has walked of your own choosing, thou has picked the correct and precise decision, and it is My Way. Because of this momentous decision, a huge portion of Heaven awaits thee. What a glorious decision thou has made! This, in itself, is that which will give, and make come to pass, the tremendous victory in Love Divine.

15When I got that... You know, when I first heard people speak in tongues, I--I wouldn't criticize nothing, see, because I've seen it genuine. But, always wondered. But when that happened, and knowing what the commission was, behind it, I--I knew it come from God.

16 Then, his brother setting here, a--a real well-known attorney, gave me a present from Danny. Danny has just left the Holy Land. And he was laying on the tomb, in the tomb, rather, where Jesus had been lain after His death. And when he did, he said he got to thinking of me. And--and the Spirit of the Lord come upon him, and he went out on Mount Calvary where the crucifixion taken place, and got a piece of rock. And he came back and made me a pair of cuff links out of it. And I really cherish them.

17And now, this, of course, Danny doesn't know this. But, this morning, while out in prayer, I just looked down at those cuff links, and each one of them, if you'll notice, is bloodstained, and also has a straight line right through each one. And here in the message that he give from God, of the straight, narrow way. How it just fit in, just exactly! I thought that was kind of maybe providential. Or, I'm certainly thank Danny. You tell him, brother, that how I appreciate that. And the stra-... Another strange thing, I asked my wife the morning I put on a shirt, had to have a cuff link in it, and she said, "I forgot to bring your cuff links," so the Lord had some provided for me.

18 Oh, it's a glorious life! Isn't it, brethren? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Just to walk in the simplicity of--of the Gospel! And yet, in Its simplicity, It's the greatest thing I know of. I know nothing of It. And being that It was made simple, that I had a chance to come into It, see, too, by the grace of God.

19 Now, this afternoon, I don't want to take much time, because I know you're going to churches tonight. I think, all you visitors here should look around on the platform, see these ministers, and they're, oh, they'll be glad to have you in their service tonight. They'll do you good. No doubt you went to some Sunday school this morning in the city. And while we're having these conventions, and being the Full Gospel Business Men, I think we ought to give all of our support that we can to our churches, because that's where our businessmen goes. And, now, it's a house of God, and I hope you will visit some church tonight.

20Tomorrow night is the closing of the convention, I believe, and I guess they've announced the speaker. Which, I aim to be here, the Lord willing, to hear his message.

God bless each and every one of you.

21 Now, I am, don't claim to be a preacher. I'm--I'm kind of... I haven't got enough education to call myself a preacher. Preacher, when you say that, they expect you to have a couple degrees in college. And--and I don't have anything but This little slingshot. See? I try to come after the sick sheep, if I can, to bring them back to Father's pasture.

22If I make mistakes, forgive me. I'm not a theologian. I don't criticize theologian. Theolo-... Theology is all right. It's what we need. But sometimes I criticize the condition that we've gotten into. That doesn't mean to any certain individual. It's just the Message. I--I wish that It wasn't mine to give. It tears me to pieces, 'cause you know how you feel of your own children. See? Don't you hate to have to give a child a scolding, bawling out, or something, though? I'm a parent, too, and I know what it means. And I--I trust that you forgive me.

23 And I want you do like this. When you're setting, this afternoon, going to ask you a favor. Just got a little short, few notes here. As I've told you, I have to make this, write my Scriptures out. Used to be, I could almost quote the Bible by heart, but not now. Went through too many hard battles, got too old for that. But I trust that--that you'll listen to me just a little while, this afternoon, and just really open your heart and try to understand what I'm digging at. Then I think it'll be better, especially the pastors of the city and different places. I--I trust that you'll listen real close.

24And now you do that, do by that the way I do when I eat my favorite pie, cherry. Some of my favorite meat, chicken. But when I'm eating a fine piece of cherry pie and I hit a seed, I won't stop the pie. I just throw the seed out, and keep on eating pie. See? I hit the bone of a chicken; I don't throw the chicken away. I just throw the bone away.

25So, what if I'd say something that you wouldn't agree upon, any time? Just throw that part away. And, but, look at it real good, be sure it's bone, now. See? [Congregation laughs--Ed.] And then may I also say, if it's a Seed, remember, It brings forth the new Life. So look real hard, and may the Lord bless.

26 Brother Carl Williams said something the other night about turning loose, to praying for the sick, which would be very fine. I know that would be fine. But we just... we're not fixed here for that, to bring a prayer line. And I don't know whether Brother Oral, or any of the other brethren has ever had a prayer lines in the conventions or not. I don't know. I've tried it, two or three times. But, usually, if a crowd like this, you'll have to give out prayer cards, see, in order to do it. Cause, you can't. It's not an arena. It's a house of God. See? It's dedicated for that. And we... They press and push. And you have cards, you line them up, orderly.

27So Billy asked me, said, "Shall I go over and give out cards? The people are asking me for prayer cards."

28I said, "No, Billy. Let's just leave the Holy Spirit do what He wants to do." See? That, see, and let Him maybe build faith, and just be healed right there where you're at. See? But the... See?

29Divine healing is a minor in the Gospel. And you can never major on a minor. Anyone knows that. But they... It's a bait that's used to get people to believe in the supernatural Presence, or God, the Supernatural is present. And then, by that, if they can recognize His Presence, then they are healed, see, by faith, believing It.

30 Now I want to read some out of God's Word, the New Testament. And then I want to take a text from this New Testament, and this Scripture, and speak this afternoon on a subject for just a--a little while. And I don't want to keep you too long for the services tonight. But remember, I hope I've made myself clear. Just give it your attention for a while, if you will.

Now, before we do this, let's bow our heads again.

31You know, we could sing too much. We could shout too much, till we got hoarse. And we could sing at the wrong time, or shout at the wrong time. But here's one thing, we're never out of order when we're praying. "I would that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without doubt." Or...

32 Father, it is the greatest privilege that a mortal ever had, was to close his eyes and open his heart, and speak to You. And we know that You hear, if we could just believe that You hear. For Jesus said, "If you ask the Father anything in My Name, it'll be granted." That was on conditions, if we wouldn't doubt it. So, Father, help us to believe, this afternoon, that our petitions will be granted. And may there be not one shadow of doubt, anywhere. But may it come to pass, the things that we're asking. And that is, God, for Your great Name to be honored today, by bringing into Your Kingdom every lost and straying soul that be under the sound of our voice, or this tape would ever reach, out into the heathen lands, where around the world they go.

33I pray, Heavenly Father, that there will not be a feeble person in our midst today. When the service is finished, may the Lord God save every lost soul, and heal every sick body, and fill His children's heart with joy. That's why we have faith, Lord, to ask in Jesus' Name, to God our Father, because that He promised He would hear. And this is for His glory. Amen.

34 In Saint John's Gospel, the 17th chapter, and beginning with the 20th verse, I wish to read for a--a text. I think that is right.

Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their words;


35I believe I have got the wrong place. Now, excuse me just a moment. I'm looking for Jesus' prayer that... Or, not Jesus' prayer, rather, but for His... I might have got marked down here on my text something wrong. It's where Jesus prayed that... or was saying that as a woman in travail for birth of her child, birth, childbirth.

36That in Luke or John? Jack, which is that in? [Someone says, "John 16."--Ed.] 16th of John. I thought that was right, but it didn't sound very much like it. The 16th of John. ["21st verse."] 21st verse. [Another says, "Yeah."] Sure, 21st verse. Sure. Here we are. John, Saint John 16:21.

That they... may be...

37 No, Brother Jack, that's still wrong. [Someone says, "Try John, verse 21." Another says, "21." Another says, "21st verse of 16." Another says, "16."--Ed.] It's twenty-... 16:21. I got the 16th chapter of Saint John, 21st verse. But it... Am I wrong? [A brother says, "'A woman travail' that's what it is."]

38Well, there's a mess in this, mix in this Bible. Yes, sir. [A brother says, "They--they have printed it wrong."--Ed.] They printed it wrong. Yes, sir. [Congregation laughs.] You know what? That's exactly the truth. Here's a brand-new Bible. I've just gotten it. And it's got--it's got the... It's printed wrong. [Brother Branham's Scofield Bible had pages 1138-1139 stuck together. Hear This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled 65--0219.]

39 [A Catholic archbishop priest standing on the platform, Rev. John S. Stanley, comes forward and gives his Bible to Brother Branham, and says, "Just--just draw a breath. There's a reason why it was done, and you know it. God will show you something to bring out of this, that's wonderful."--Ed.] All right. ["Just use mine here, brother."] Thank you. Thank you, very much. 16:21. Thank you, very much. That's true.

A woman when she...

Verily, verily, I say unto you, That you shall sleep, weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful,... your sorrow shall be turned to joy.

A woman when she is--is in travail has sorrow, because her hour cometh: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more... anguish--anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world.

40Thank you, very much, my brother. I sure appreciate that. [Brother Branham returns the Bible to the Catholic priest--Ed.]

41Now, that certainly is a misprint here in the Bible; page has been put in wrong. And I just found it on my old Scofield Bible, and picked up this one and run up here with it, just a few moments ago, 'cause my wife just give me this for a Christmas present.

42 Now, I want to--to speak this afternoon upon a subject that I announced: Birth Pains. Now, that sounds very bad, but it's in the Bible.

43I believe that Jesus here was speaking of, as He said, "You will have sorrow, but your sorrow shall be turned to joy," speaking to His disciples here, knowing that the birth of--of Christianity was coming into existence. And now the old has to die, in order that the new is born. To have anything that gives birth, has to have pains of distress. And they certainly was going to go through the pain of distress and anguish, to get from the law unto grace.

44Normal, natural birth types the spiritual Birth. All things of the natural is types of the spiritual. And we find out, if we look out here on--on the ground, and see a tree in the earth, growing, is struggling for life. That goes to show that there is a tree, somewhere, that doesn't die, because it's--it's crying out for something.

45We find people, no matter how old, how sick, what condition, they're crying out, to live, because it shows there is a life somewhere where we live, live forever. Notice how perfect.

46 Now, in First John 5:7, I believe it is, if I'm not mistaken, It said, "There are three that bear record in Heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; these three are One. There are three that bear record in earth, that's water, Blood, and Spirit, and they agree in one." Now notice. The first three are One. The second three are earthly, which agree in one. Cannot have the Father without the Son; you cannot have the Son without having the Holy Ghost. But you can have the water without the Blood, and the Blood without the Spirit.

47I think, through our ages, has proved this to be true; water, Blood, Spirit; justification, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That types, or makes the... or, and an antitype, which takes away from the natural birth.

48Look when a--a woman or anything in travail, for birth. The first thing comes to pass, the breaking of the water, a normal birth; second thing is the blood; and then comes life. Water, blood, spirit; and that constitutes the normal, natural birth.

49 And so is it in the spiritual realm. It's water; justification by faith, believing on God, receiving Him as your personal Saviour, and being baptized. Second, is sanctification of the spirit, that God cleanses the spirit from all elements of the world, and the desire of the world. And then the Holy Spirit comes in and gives new Birth and fills up that sanctified vessel.

50For instance, like this. Now, that, I told you. What you don't believe, lay aside, then take the pie. Notice. Now, a--a glass is laying out in the chicken yard. You don't just pick that up and put on your table and fill it up with water or milk. No. By picking it up, is justification. Cleansing it, is sanctification, 'cause the Greek word sanctify is a compound word, which means "cleansed, and set aside for service." Not in service; for service. Then when you fill it, it is put in service.

51 Excuse this now, not to hurt. There's where you Pilgrim Holiness, Nazarenes fail to walk on up into Pentecost. You was cleansed by sanctification; but when you were ready to put in service, by the gifts of speaking in tongues and other things, you turned it down, dropped back out in the pen again. See? Now, that's--that's what happens. It always does that.

52Now, not to criticize you now, but just I--I want to get this off my heart. And that's been burning me ever since I been here, so I might as well. Just, if Carl's grace, and Demos and them, and your all's, I--I'll try my best to deliver my soul from it, see, then it's up to you.

Normal, typing the spiritual.

53Now, we find out then, and it's fully born. When the baby, usually... Now when the water breaks, you don't have to do very much about it. And when the blood comes, you don't have to do much about it. But, in order to get life in the baby, you've got to give him a spanking, and make him yell out. And that's a... Now, without education, as my brethren here are so well-trained to it, theirs, but I have to take nature to type it. And there you are. That's what happened. It taken a real spanking, to get this to them.

54 Now, you take a little, some kind of a shock. Maybe, wouldn't have to spank him, but just shock him a little. The very idea of him being born, sometimes, will do it. Grab him, shake him. He don't start breathing, spank him a little, and then he yells out, in unknown tongues, to himself, I guess. But, he--he, anyhow, and he's making a noise.

55And I think if a baby is born just by--by stillbirth, with no sound, no emotion, that's a dead baby.

56That's what's the matter with the church today, the system; we got too many stillborn children. That's right. They need a Gospel spanking, you see, and so to wake them up, to bring them to themselves, so that God can breathe the breath of Life into them. And now we find that that's so true. It's crude theology, but it's the Truth, anyhow.

57 So, notice, in a seed's birth, the old seed must die before the new one can be born. So, therefore, death is hard, any time. So, it's painful. It's distressful. Birth is the same, because you're bringing life into the world, and it's--it's painful.

58Jesus said that His Word was a Seed that a sower went forth to sow. Now, we're all acquainted with that. And I want to teach this like a Sunday school lesson, 'cause it's Sunday. Notice, then, this Word, being a Seed. But, remember, the--the seed is only bringing forth a new life when it dies.

59And that's the reason it was so hard for those Pharisees to understand our Lord Jesus Christ, because they were under the law. And the law was the Word of God in seed form. But when the Word was made flesh, and become, not law, but grace. Now, grace and law cannot exist at the same time. Cause, grace is so far above law, law is not even in the picture. And therefore it's so hard for the Pharisees to die to their law, so that grace could be born. But it must go. The two laws cannot exist at the same time.

60There cannot be a law says that you can run this semaphore, and the other one says you can run it; one says you can, one says you can't. They, it has to be one law at a time. Maybe one time you could have went through it; caution, go through it. But this time it's red. Stop! See? And so there cannot be two laws exist at the same time.

61 Now, we notice that it always... My thought now to you, it takes pain, distress, discomfort. Look how them Pharisees died to that law, through pain, distress, discomfort. But it must be.

62Now, we find that rain which brings forth fruit upon the earth, "It's born," as the poet said, "in the fields of thunder, in a ragged, jagged skies." But if we didn't have the thunder and the ragged, jagged skies, the little distilled drop of rain that's been lifted from the seas and distilled from the salt, it would not be born. It takes that lightning, thunder blasts; ragged, rugged, fearful thing, to bring forth the soft petal drops of water. It takes pain to bring forth birth. It takes dying. And as the clouds die, rain is born, because rain is a part of that cloud. One has to cease so the other one can exist.

63Now, and my brethren here, some of them was able, they could give you all the laws of those things. I can't.

64 Now let's drop over to another thing, just for a little proof. I think one of the prettiest flowers... Everybody has their own ideas of them. But I think the prettiest flower that I've nearly ever seen, is back in the east, our pond lily. How many ever seen a pond lily? Oh, there's just nothing like it, to me. But did you notice what that pond lily had to be? I think of what Jesus said, "Consider the lily, how it toils and spin, but yet I say unto you, that, Solomon in all of his glory was not arrayed like one of these." For, Solomon's glory and his arrayment was all artificial. But the lily, in its beauty, is life that's making it beautiful, not some artificial smear on, paint on.

65Just like our women, I don't think you have to have all this green, you know, and eye winkers, you know, out like that, and all that manicure or--or not, I get that stuff mixed up, all on your face, to make you pretty. Pretty is as pretty does. If you'll add a little Acts 2:4, mix it all up together, a little John 3:16, it'll beat anything that Max Factor ever did try to fix. See? Your husband will love you more; everybody else will; and I'm sure God will.

66 "Lily," He said, "consider it, how it grows, toils, has to bring itself up." This little pond lily, look where it come through; dirt, muck, mud, muddy waters, dirty waters. It pressed its way through all of that, this little germ of life, working itself from the bottom of the pond where the frogs and--and things are at, and then brings itself up through all of that. But when it gets in the presence of the sun, it's born. The little seed bursts open into life. It cannot do that until it goes through all that process. It's got to come through that. That's what makes it, is because that the sun itself is what's drawing it. And when it gets fully above all the dirty waters, and muck, and so forth, then it's so happy. It just gives its life out freely. And it's a beautiful life when it gets in the presence of that which is drawing it up.

67I think that's a beautiful type of Christian life. When, Something is drawing you out of the world, until one day you're born right into Its presence, by the Holy Spirit. How beautiful! If you try to help it, you kill it.

68 Like a little chicken when it's being born, you know, if you ever noticed one of the little fellows, right on top of his little beak, or any bird that's born from an egg. It--it's got... It's maturing, this old eggshell. The old inner parts of the eggs has to--to rot away. And it has to take this little beak, and scrape back and forth until it breaks the shell out. We call it, pipping its way out, down in Kentucky where I come from. Pipping his way out. They have never found a better way. See? See? Why? It's God's provided way. You try to help him, you'll kill him. Pick the shell off of him, he'll die. See? He's got to labor, strain, break forth.

69That's the way a Christian has to do. It ain't somebody just shaking your hand, taking you in. You got to lay there till you die, rot, and are born into the Kingdom of God. It's God's provided way. You don't go in by book, or shake hands, and join, pump up, pull down. You--you just simply have to get away from the old shell. Notice, no better way have they ever found.

70 They found no better way for a baby to get what it wants besides God's way for it. Now, when that little baby is born, you could set a bell down here beside his little crib, say, "My little son, I am a--a theologian in the way. I've read books on how to raise a baby. And, I tell you, you're a modern child. You been born in a modern home, by a modern parent. When you're hungry, or need mother or I, just ring the little bell." It'll never work. The only way that it can get what it wants, is to cry for it. That's God's way.

71And that's the way that we get what we want, is cry for it. Cry out. Don't be ashamed. Say, "I'm hungering for God." Don't care whether the deacons, pastors, or whatever it is around, scream out, anyhow. The Jones are setting there; what difference does it make? Cry out, that's the only way there is to get it, until you get help. He taught that when He was here on earth, you know, about the unjust judge.

72 A little dewdrop, I don't know the formula of it. Maybe there'd be a science here of... I'm just going to say a way I think. It might be some kind of a congested group of atmosphere come together in a dark night, and it falls to the earth. And when it does, it's born in the night. But in the morning, it's laying there, cold, and shivering, on a little blade of grass, or hanging on your clothesline. But just let the sun shine out once, did you notice how happy it gets? It just glistens and quivers. Why? It knows that it's that sunlight is going to draw it back to where it was at the beginning.

73And so is every man or woman that's born of the Spirit of God. There's something about it, when Light spreads over us, that we're happy, because we know we're going back to where we come from, from the bosom of God.

74Can sparkle with joy, when the sun hits it, of course, knowing it's going to where it come from.

75Little crude things, but we could keep on with them, but let's find something else.

76 We know the old seed is, must, before the new seed can come out of the old seed, it must rot, absolutely. Not die, only, but rot after it's dead. We know that to be true.

77That's the same thing in new Birth. We never go back, but we go forward when you're born again. And that's why I think, today, we have (so many) not so many, rather, genuine new Births, is because the seed is, maybe, will sympathize with the Word or the person, but they don't want to rot away from the old system that they were in. They don't want to come out of it. They want to stay in the old system, and claim the new Birth, or the Message of the age. We found that under the Luther, Wesley, Pentecostals, and all other ages. They still try to hold on to the old system, and claim This. But the old system age must die, rot, in order bring forth the new one. They still want to cling.

78 Notice. They know the old system is dead, but they just don't want to rot out of it. Now, rot, is when it really is done away with. When a... A claim is made, that they are new Born, but a claim is only a begotten sign. Rotten, brings forth the new Birth. Got to rot away from it, just as we did in all ages, through the Wesleyan, and all forth.

79But, the thing of it is, after that, new Birth is born. Wesley or... Luther came forth with one word, "The just shall live by faith." Well, he could not no longer cling on to the old system. He had to come out of it.

80And then when the Calvinists got the Anglican church in such a condition, under the Calvinistic doctrine, until God raised up an Arminian doctrine, which was John Wesley. The old system had to die, in order for the new to come on.

81And when Wesley's age ceased, and all the little ages, or blades that come out on the stalk, or the tassel, in Wesley's time. See, when Pentecost come out with the restoration of the gifts, they had to come out of Baptist, Presbyterian, Pilgrim Holiness, Nazarenes, church of Christ, so called, and all that. They had to come out of it, rot away from it, to accept the new Birth.

82 You're always called crazy. But it's as Paul said when he rotted out of what he once claimed. Said, "In the way that's called heresy, that's the way I worship the God of our fathers." In the way that's called heresy! See? He had accepted the new Life, that the Old Testament had give Birth to the New, and he had to rot away from the Old and just make it a shadow. In order to be...

83That's just where we are at now. Now, bear with me. But that's my idea. The churches has got so systematically till you can't get into one 'less you belong to one. You've got to have a fellowship card, or some kind of identification. And by believing this, the only door I nearly have open is these Business Men. And as long as they're not an organization, I can go in with them, but, and get to bring the Message, that I feel that's on my heart, to the people. But it's got so systematically. And I love you Pentecostal people. And pentecost is not an organization, anyhow. You just call yourself that. Pentecost is an experience and not a denomination.

84But, you see, the thing of it is, is so hard for many men. When they look at It and believe It, and see It so identified by God, in the Word, yet, it's so hard to rot away from that thing you been in. "What would I do? Where do I get my meal?"

85What? God is your meal. God is the thing for you to hold on. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness." I'll leave it lay at that. You know what I'm talking about.

86 We are told by God's prophets that we are to have a new earth, a new Heaven and a new earth. If you want Scripture of that, it's Revelation 21. I could quote it for you, have it here. John said, "I saw a new Heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and first earth was passed away." It was gone. Now, if we're to have a new earth, the old earth and the new earth cannot exist at the same time. Or, the new world and the old world cannot exist at the same time. There can't be two world orders together at the same time. Now, in order to get the new earth, the old one has to die. Now, if the old one has to die, then it's giving birth pains for a new one now.

87 And then if a doctor went to examine a patient that was in labor now, the... one of the things that doctor would do. Which, I'm talking in the presence of two or three, I know, of good medical doctors here, Christian doctors. And I--I--I would ask you this. One of the first things that doctor does, after he's been watching the patient, is to time the pains, birth pains. He times the pains, how close they are together, and how much more terrific each one gets. One is more harder to have than the other one. Next one, still harder, get closer together. That's the way he diagnoses the case, by the birth pains.

88Well, if the world has to give away to the birth of a new world, let's just examine some of the birth pains we're having on the earth, and then we'll see about what day and just about how far she is along in her labor.

89 The First World War showed great birth pains. It showed one of the first birth pains of her going into labor. Because of that time for her, we had brought forth the bombs, and we had machine guns, and poison gas. And you remember. Maybe many of you cannot. I was just a little boy of about eight years old, but I remember them speaking of this mustard and chlorine gas, and so forth. "How just look like it'd just get started and," they said, "it would burn up the whole earth. It'd kill everybody. Well, it might be a--a--a breaking of that, just winds blow it across the earth." And how everybody was scared to death of that great weapon of poison gas! The earth went through, had its first birth pains.

90And we find out now, we've had a second war, World War, and her pains was much greater. It's more terrific all the time, the birth pains of the earth. She almost had to give away, during the time of the atomic bomb, because it would destroy a whole city. It was much greater than the pains of the First World War, of destruction to the earth.

91 Now, she knows that her time of deliverance is at hand. That's the reason she's so nervous, flusterated, as she is, is because that there is a hydrogen bomb, and missiles of the air that could destroy the whole world. One nation is scared of the other, no matter how little it is. They got those missiles that they claim will just... One of them. They can direct them by the stars and drop them anywhere in the world they want to.

92Russia, as I heard on news, other day, she claims that she can destroy this nation, and--and keep the atoms or the things from breaking up her nation. We don't know what to do about it. Everyone is making these claims, and it's so.

93People's science has broke into God's great laboratory, until they're going to destroy themselves. God lets, always lets wisdom destroy himself. God doesn't destroy anything. Man destroys himself by wisdom, as he did at the beginning, taking Satan's wisdom instead of God's Word.

Now, she knows she must give away. She cannot stand it.

94 Russia, I believe, would destroy this nation today, if she thought that she could destroy it, and then preserve herself. Any of those little nations could do it. But, they're afraid, because they know that this world cannot stand in its orbit under such conditions.

95So, the world knows that her birth pains is so great, she's got to give away. There's going to be a new birth, born, at hand. I'm thankful for that. I'm tired of this one. Any--anyone knows that--that here is the place of death and sorrow, and all kinds of discrepancies, and so forth. I'm glad that she has to give away. I'm glad that time is at hand. As John said, of old, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus."

96 Now, she must rot, of course, as I have said, in order to bring new birth. Look what she has rotted into. Notice, my brethren! She's totally rotten. Her politics and systems is just as rotten as they can be. There isn't a sound bone in her, in her world systems, her politics and her religious politics, and whatever it is. One says, "I'm a Democrat. I'm a Republican. I'm Methodist. I'm Baptist." Why, the whole thing is rotten to the core. There's got to be something give away. She can't stand. If you put a George Washington or an Abraham Lincoln in every county in this United States, it still couldn't come back. It's beyond redemption.

97There's only one thing can help her, that's the Coming of the Creator. Amen.

98She knows she must give away. She's in pain and distress. One don't know what to do. One is looking this way, and one that way, and everything. One is scared of the other. One trying to do something will destroy this one. This one trying to contradict that one, destroy the other. Until, now they got it in the hands of sinful men, who could destroy the whole world in a five minutes time. See? So she knows she can't stand it. The people knows she can't stand it. And the world knows that they're going to, it's going to happen.

99 For, God said it was. "The whole heavens and earth is going to be on fire." It's going to be a renovation of the whole thing, so a new world can be born. God has prophesied it.

100She's rotten, in all of her systems, and she's got to do that, to rot away.

101That's why she, I said, she is so nervous and red in the face, and flusterated. And earthquakes, everywhere, and up-and-down the coast. And tidal waves in Alaska, and shaking up-and-down the coast, of earthquakes and things. And people writing, "Shall we leave it? Shall we leave it?" See? They don't know what to do. There's no safety zone but One, that's Christ, the Son of the living God. And there's only one thing that is the safety zone, and that's Him. All outside of There will perish, just as certain as God said so.

102 Now let's look at the Doctor's Book, if she is in this kind of a condition, and see if this is supposed to happen when the new earth is to be born. Matthew 24, in the Doctor's Book, which is the Bible, and let's see what's prophesied, what her symptoms would be.

103Now, if a doctor knows the symptoms of birth of a child... And just about time the child is to come, he gets everything ready, because he knows that that is the--the time the child is to be born. Because, all symptoms shows; the--the water is broke, the blood. And now the... It's time. The child is dropped, and it's time for the child to be born. And so he gets everything ready for it.

104Now, Jesus told us just exactly what would take place just at this time. He told us, in Matthew 24, that the Church, true Church, and the other church, would be... Church natural, Church spiritual, "Would be so close together, impersonators, until it would deceive the very Elected, if it was possible." How that it was in the days of Noah, "How they was eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage," and all this immorality of the world that we see today. The Bible, the Book, the Doctor's Book said it would happen. So, when we see this happening, we know that the birth is at hand. It's got to be. Yes, sir. Now, we look at that, as--as the nation; as not a nation, but a world.

105 Now, Israel, the church, let's start back with her a few minutes. And let's follow her for the next ten minutes, maybe. Israel had birth pains under every prophet that came to the earth. She had birth pains at his Message. For what did it do? The prophet had the Word. And--and she had sown so much rottenness and made so much systematic orders in her being, until this prophet shook her off of her foundation. They were hated by everybody. So, therefore, when God sent a prophet, the church itself went into birth pains. Because, the prophet, "The Word of the Lord comes to the prophet, and him only." That is, the Word that's spoken for that day is made manifest by the prophet of that age, always has been. And, the churches, they build so many systems around the Word, until he shook her off her rocker when he come. She had birth pains.

106What was it? Back to the Word! Back to the Life! Systems doesn't have a Life. It's only God's Word has Life. The systems that's built around It, where does not have Life. It is the Word that gives Life. His Message rocked the remnant back to the Word. A little group will come out and believe. Sometime, maybe... In Noah's time, only about eight people. But, anyhow, God rocked the remnant. And, destroyed, the rest of it had to rock away.

107 It did that, all down through the ages, until finally the church delivered to them a Man Child, and that Man Child was the Word, Itself, made flesh. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." He conquered every devil, every power upon the earth, that come against Him, with the Father's Word only. Every temptation that Satan give Him, He rebuked Satan; not with His--His Own powers that He had, but with the Word of God. "It is written... It is written... It is written..." For He was the Word.

108When Satan flew against Eve, she wasn't the Word, so it failed. When he flew against Moses, it did the same thing. But when he hit into the Son of God, He was ten thousand volts. It knocked the loose feathers out of him, when He come back and said, "It's written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'" There was that Man Child, made flesh. God's Eternal Word, Himself, manifested in a body of flesh here on earth, to represent the Word.

109 That's how He knowed what was in their hearts. That's how He could tell Philip where he was, who he was. He could tell Simon Peter who he was. Told the woman at the well. Why? He was the Word. Right. The Bible said, in Hebrews the 4th chapter, "The Word of God is sharper, more powerful than a two-edged sword, cutting asunder even to the marrow of the bone, and a Discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart."

110Why, those blinded Pharisee priests couldn't see that That was the Word made manifest, for they had wrapped up into a priesthood and a system. And the old system had to give away. It was the Word, but what had been promised had been fulfilled. So if it's fulfilled, it's got to rot away. It's the hull. The Seed went on.

111Moses could not have brought Noah's message. Neither could Jesus have brought Noah's message, because it was another age. And the old seed was right, but it served its purpose and was dead and gone on. The transformation from the old to the new, where the Life was at, was what was worrying the people, what worries them yet today.

112We're not building a wall, like we start off with Luther's message, go right down a straight line, or a Pentecostal message. Right. We are turning a corners. We're building a building. God's Word is the blueprint. Anybody can run a straight line, but it takes a mason to turn the corner. It takes the power of God to do that. It takes an anointed one from Heaven, to be sent down to do that. It has, in every age. And in the prophets' age, the Word of the Lord comes through those prophets, and they turn those corners, made those difference. But the builders wanted to build a wall. It's not a wall, at all. It's a building, a building of God.

113 Now, we feel and know that This is the Truth, that the systems was rot in every age. And every one of their systems had to rot and die out, until she brought forth that Church. Out of that rotten mess came forth the Word, Itself. "The Word of the Lord come to the prophets." Never come to the priests; It come to the prophets.

114And notice, and when It did, finally that Word altogether was born here in human flesh. The fullness of the Godhead bodily rested in Him. He was the Word. The prophets is part of the Word, the Word for their age. We, today, are part of the Word, who follow the Word. But He was the entire fullness of the Word. He was the Word. He said...

115When they was accusing Him, making Himself equal with God, 'cause He was the Son of God, they said to Him, "Well, You make Yourself God."

116He said, "Isn't it written in your laws, that you call those who the Word of God came to, 'gods,' the prophets? And they were. Then how can you condemn Me when I say I am the Son of God?"

117 Where, the fullness of the Godhead bodily rested in the Son of God. He was the full manifestation of God. That's what finally... The birth pains under those prophets, why, them being the Word, they pointed to that fullness of themselves, the fullness of the Word. And then finally the systems died away, until, "The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."

118Watch how it was portrayed in Jacob. Watch how it was portrayed in Joseph, exactly. Loved of his bro-... his father; hated by his brother, without a cause. He was spiritual, could foretell things, and interpret dreams. He couldn't help being that. He was just born that. He was predestinated to be that. But, was hated by his brothers, and finally sold him for thirty pieces of silver, almost thirty pieces. And was raised up, set at the right hand of Pharaoh. Looked in his prison, there was a butler and a baker; one was lost and one was saved.

119Jesus in His prison, on the cross; one was lost, one was saved. Exactly. And then exalted into heavens and set down on the Throne of God. And when He shall leave again, there will be a sound go forth, "Bow the knee," and every tongue confessed.

120And when Joseph left the throne and started forward, a trumpet sounded, and every knee had to bow. "Joseph was coming."

121 So, someday the great Trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise, and every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess to this Word. But what's He coming after? What's He coming here for?

122Notice, she brought forth this complete Word which was made flesh, under birth pains of the prophets that blasted out, "He's a coming! He's a coming! He's a coming!"

123Now, but she was without a prophet for four hundred years, according to history and the Scripture, from Malachi until John. They only had theologians, priests, pastors. Now here we can imagine, without that, what kind of a rotten condition her system must have been in, four hundred years without a Message direct, of THUS SAITH THE LORD, from God. So, the priests, prophets, and so forth, had got it into an awful mess. She was rotten.

124 Then John, the promised Elijah of Malachi 3, not Malachi 4. Malachi 3, 'cause Jesus said the same thing in--in Matthew the 11th chapter.

125When John's eagle eye got filmed over, as I believe Pember's Early Ages expresses. And he said, "Go ask Him if He is the One, or should we look for another." See?

126And He said, Jesus, after sending his disciples back, after telling them to stay at the meeting and watch what happened. "And go, show John these things. And blessed is he who's not offended."

127He turned and looked to His disciples and the people He was speaking to. He said, "What did you go out to see when you went to see John?" He said, "Did you go out to see a man in soft raiment?" And He said, "I say unto you, that's the kind that stays in kings' palaces." He said, "Did you go out to see a--a--a reed that was shaken by the wind?"

128In other words, every little thing come along, he shook by it? "I'll tell you, if you'll just come over and join our group, we can give you a better salary." Not John. "If you just won't preach against this and that, well, you can join in our groups." Not John.

129Said, "Then what did you go out to see, a prophet? And I say unto you, more than a prophet. For if you can receive it, this is he who was spoken of by the prophet, saying, 'I'll send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way.'" That's Malachi 3:1.

130Not Malachi 4, at all. That's a different. Cause, that Elijah come, the world is to be burnt immediately, and the righteous walk out on the ashes of the wicked.

131 Now, notice. His Message never stirred them very much from their ecclesiastical sleep. They just said, "There's a crazy man down there. Pass him by, soon. Called hisself crazy; he's trying to drown people down there in the water. See? Why there's nothing to that old man. Why, he don't even have on right kind of clothes. He's got a sheep skin wrapped around him. Well, he's as poor as Job's turkey. Why, what seminary he ever come out of? What fellowship card? We'll not even cooperate in his meetings. We'll just let him stay down there and starve it out." See? The world hasn't changed very much, neither has the systems. Uh-huh. "But we'll just let him stay down there. He don't have any..."

132You know why he didn't? Remember, his father was a priest. But why didn't he follow the line of his father, which was custom for the children to do in those days? Because he had something, too greater Message. He was to introduce the Messiah, for the Holy Spirit had said so. That little remnant that had been brought back by the Message of Gabriel, down there, knew that that would be so. So we're told, about nine years old, he went to the wilderness. After losing his father and mother, that he went into the wilderness, 'cause he had to hear exactly.

133Cause, in that great big theological building there, they'd have said, "Now, I know that you're supposed to be the one to announce the Messiah. Isaiah said you was coming, so you are going to be that voice. Now, don't you think that Brother Jones here just meets that just exactly?" And he'd be easily persuaded.

134But he never learned any of their systems. His Message was too important. He went out into the wilderness, to stay.

135 Notice. His Message wasn't like a theologian. He used types. He said, "Oh, you generation of snakes." Calling those clergymen, "snakes." This, one of the bad things that he had found in the wilderness, one of the sneaking things, was snakes. And he thought, "That's just about the best comparison I know." He said, "You generation of vipers, who has warned you from the wrath to come? Don't begin to say, 'We belong to this and that,' for God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." "These stones," what he found in the wilderness and on the creek bank.

136"Also the axe," what he had used in the wilderness, "laid to the root of the tree," what he saw in the wilderness. "Every tree that bringeth forth not good fruit," he know where he got his firewood, see, "is hewn down and cast into the fire," made firewood out of it. See? His Message wasn't a clergyman, at all. It was after nature, in the wilderness.

137But he had the Message to announce, and had the faith in his Message, to say, "That Messiah, supposed to come, and, till, He's right here among you now. I say unto you, there is One standing in the midst of you, that you know not, Whose shoes I'm not worthy to bear. He'll baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire."

"Who is He, John?"

"I don't know."

138 But one day, there come a young Man walking down to the river, ordinary-looking Man. Just in a... Old John the Baptist was standing over there, the blessed old prophet, and he looked across the Jordan. He said, "Behold, there is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."

"How do you know Him, John?"

139"He in the wilderness, that told me to go baptize in water, said, 'Upon Whom thou shall see the Spirit descending, He is the One that'll baptize with the Holy Ghost.'"

140His Message couldn't come from a theological standpoint or some man-made creed system. It had to come directly from God.

141For, his Message didn't shake them very much. They thought, "Oh, he said he saw That. I doubt it very much. I didn't see nothing. I looked. Oh, my! I couldn't see nothing about it," the priests and them said.

142But he saw It, and we know now he saw It. Sure, he did. But you notice what it got?

143It never stirred them out of their sleep. They went right on, cut his head off, just the same. But it--it never stirred them.

144 But it did get the remnant, the one that had the Life in them, that little bunch, Ann and--and Simeon, and a few of those that were waiting all for the Coming of the Lord. And Anna, in the temple, blind, a prophetess that served the Lord by prayers. And then one day when she was in the Spirit...

145And Simeon had prophesied and said, an old man, he said, "The Holy Ghost told me that I will not see death until I see the Lord's Christ."

146Why, some of the priests, you know, said, "Poor old fellow, he's just a little off, you know. Why, he's got one foot in the grave now, and the other one slipping. Why, just let him alone. He's been an honorable old man. But he's kind of..."

147But, you see, what did he have? It was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost.

148That's the same thing that is revealed to you people this afternoon. The Holy Ghost brought you here for some reason. The some... The Holy Spirit! Look at these priests and clergymen here from Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, and all. They was moved by the Holy Ghost. The hour is here. So the Holy Ghost moved on them, and they been looking for It, hungering. Then, just in a...

149 One day, you know, didn't have television. Thank the Lord for that day.

150So, they, they was down upon the hillsides of Judaea. There was a--a Baby born. A Star appeared, and so forth.

151But after eight days, the mother brought the little Baby in, wrapped in swaddling cloth. It's swaddling cloth. I'm tell... told that was... They didn't have nothing to put on. It was a--a little rag off of a yoke of an ox, I'm told, that was His swaddling cloth. Here come Joseph and them, coming in with this little Baby.

152I'd imagine the mothers stood back from a distance, with their little babies with needlework and everything. Said, "Looky there. See? See? There she is. See? She was pregnant by that man. Here she comes in. That, stay away from her. Keep your distance." They still think the same thing.

153But, Mary, with that Baby in her arms, it didn't make any difference what they thought. She knowed Whose Son that was.

154 And so is every believer that accepts God's Word into their heart! I don't care what the systems say. You know what It is. It's a promise of God. It was revealed to you by the Holy Ghost, when you were overshadowed with His Power. You know where It's at. No man has a right to preach the Gospel until he's met God back on the backside of the desert in that burning bush, to where there's no ecclesiastical system in the world can explain It away from you. You were there. It happened to you. I don't care what the systems say. You are a witness of it. Hallelujah! I feel like that old colored man I was talking about, "I ain't got room up here now." See? I feel very religious at this time, when I think. And that's right. God, Himself, revealed to you.

155 Simeon had the promise. Setting over in his study that morning, oh, I guess there might been several hundred babies brought in, every morning. About two and a half million Jews in the country, and these babies come in, and many born. Every eight days the mother had to come, offer offering for purification. And now here come... Simeon, setting there, you know, maybe reading the scroll of Isaiah. I don't know. But all at once...

156Now, if the Holy Ghost has made you a promise, the Holy Ghost has got to keep that promise, if It's really God. He, if He...

157If a man comes through and says a certain thing, God doesn't back it up, it isn't Scripture, to begin with. Forget it. And if he says it's so, and God still doesn't back it up, it's still wrong.

158Cause, God interprets His Message. He's His Own interpreter. What he says comes to pass, then God said, "Hear him, for it's the Truth." That's only common sense. If he says it happens, and it happens, that tells it. It must be every time, exactly the Truth, because God don't tell lies.

159 And so then here is Simeon setting there, taking the persecution. He was the remnant. He had heard John, and the little remnant of that day. And here he was setting there, listening at this scroll, knowing. I mean, knowing that John was coming, 'cause he--he was part of the remnant. The Word was revealed to him. And all at once, when that Baby come into the temple, then it was duty of the Holy Ghost to reveal that It was there. So he, moved by the Spirit, come out of the little study room, right down through the hall, hit that line of women. Coming right down along that line of women until he got down to where this little Baby was, they was all staying away from. Picked up the Baby in his arms, said, "Lord, let Your servant depart in peace, for my eyes have seen Your salvation."

160And at that time, another one of the little elected in that day, was Anna, a prophetess. She was setting over there, blind, in a corner. Raised up, blind. Here she comes, led by the Spirit, among all the women and the people crowding in and out the temple, till she come right straight to where the Christ Child was.

161If the Holy Ghost could lead a blind woman to Him, what about a Pentecostal group that's supposed to have your eyesight? I won't go any further. You know, from there on. Notice. Oh, my! How that that church must have been in an awful mess again, it surely must have been, in that day! But it rocked the little remnant, as I said.

162 Now let's be honest. If we see that church in that condition today, haven't we arrived at that time again? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now just look at the things of promise, of the Bible, that would be going on in the church at this time. We see what's going on in the world, and we see it's at its end. Now let's look in the church.

163She, the church, had birth pains under Luther. Now, we know there's seven church ages, and seven messengers to them church ages, according to Revelations. Now, when Luther had to come forth, it certainly throwed the church into birth pain, but it brought forth a Luther. That's right.

164After that, it got in trouble again, so it brought forth a Wesley. That's right.

Got forth again, and it brought forth a pentecost.

165Each of them messengers of their age, rocked the... back to the Word, the Message of their age, the Message of according to the Bible. I've got coming, a book, out on that, the commentary of the first four chapters of Revelations. Read it, soon as we get it on press. And it proves, beyond a shadow of doubt, what Luther's message was, justification; what sanctification is, the next process in the natural birth. And then come the pentecostals, exactly.

166 Now, notice, each age rocked the church and give it birth pains. But what did they do? After the birth pains come, instead of going on with the Word, they got a bunch of men together just like the first one did. It's exactly. Right after the rocking of the apostles, then we find her going off again. Then we find out, along come many of the others, Agabus and many of the great reformers back in the beginning. Each age had done, as you study the Pre-Nicaea Council, the Nicaea Fathers, and all back. You find it all in there. Each age was rocked, every time a messenger come forth with THUS SAITH THE LORD.

167Now she is in the worst stage, that, according to the Scripture, that she's ever been. We are in the Laodicean church age, "A rich, but blinded church age, that don't know it."

168There wasn't nowhere in the Bible that Christ was ever put out of the church, but the Laodicea age. She's in the worst age. She's the rottenest she ever was. Said, "I set as a queen, have need of nothing."

169"And don't know that you're naked, miserable, blind, poor, and don't know it." Yes, sir. Said, "I counsel thee, come buy eye salve from Me, that I might open your eyes." And that'll--that'll certainly... The eye salve of God will certainly bring Light to the church if it wants to open its eyes to what God has said.

170 Notice, quickly now. Now, she is in that stage, beyond a shadow of doubt. We're in the Laodicea church age.

171Now, Her messenger is promised, in Malachi the 4th chapter. He's promised to do it. And the Message is to bring back the Word, bring the people back to the Word. Birth is to be. She's to be delivered, of a new Birth, from according to Malachi 4.

172In the church world today, there is two systems a working. Now listen real close. Now I want to see if you're going to say "amen" on this. There is two systems working in the church world today. I'm going to get this off my shoulder, and then I have it over with. We all know that that's the Word of God, and the denominational system. There is the two systems at work. Just as they was, Jacob and Esau; one after the Spirit, the other one after the flesh. And what is it? Esau and Jacob was fighting in the wombs of the mother, even to the time they were born. And so is the denominationals and the Word, fighting, one against the other. They have been, since Luther first brought the first reformation. I hope that's simple enough that you can understand it. See?

173These men, if they pick up This and goes out with It, they can make more sense to It, see, to bring It to a place you would. I just want to lay this Seed, then hope they make It come to Life. Notice. See?

174 It's always been that. That's the reason she's bearing birth pains, because there's a fight in her.

175There's an Esau, just a man of the world, very religious. And, oh, he's all right, good fellow, clean, moral, as far as I know of, but he don't know nothing about that Birthright. He's born that way. He's shaped that way.

176And Jacob, I don't care what he is, he wants that Birthright. He's the spiritual one.

177And them two, today, is in the womb of the church. There's a great big system trying to be formed, called the World Council of Churches. And from the womb of the church is coming forth two children. You just mark my word. The world's...

178The Word must deliver the Word Bride Church. The Church has got to be delivered out of her, a Bride for Christ. Them that fell asleep in all ages will make up that Bride that come out on the Word that they come out on, like from your feet coming to your head. She gets--gets greater, and more you have to have, and so forth. As the body grows up, so does the Body of Christ grow up. And then finally the Head will come to It, the Head of It will, now, if we notice, 'cause It's--It's all linked to the Head. The Head does the turning, pulling.

179 But these systems will not grow out of That, 'cause it's a system, and it cannot bring forth. A cocklebur cannot bring forth a bunch of wheat. But they're both in the same field, watered by the same water, and the same sunlight. One is the Word; one is not the Word. And them two are fighting. They been fighting since the first reformation, and they're still fighting.

180Now, I don't have to go any further on that, do I? Surely you know what I'm talking about. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Yes, sir. There we are. There you are, a system. What system are you in?

181Just imagine now, if you would have lived back in the other days, under the jolting of God's prophets and Words that come forth, what side would you want to be on back there?

182Well, you got the same choice today. She's fixing to bring forth the perfect Word back there, and the Word is coming for the Word Bride. As a--a woman is the part of a man, taken from him, so the Church will have to be a Word-abiding Church, every Word of the Bible; not systems, dogmas, or nothing added to It. It'll have to be in an unadulterated, pure, virgin Word. Right.

183 And in the days of the Light of the Luther, when the church bolt shut, Luther force. She went under pains, but he come forth, "The just shall live by faith. And this is not the communion."

184Now, we find out, that, under the days of John Wesley, she gave pains again, but there was--there was a Wesley born. But what did he do? Went right back like mother did.

185Then under the days of pentecostals, your fathers and mothers come out of that thing and hated it. They went out on the street, your mother with no stockings on, beating on an old tin can, and talking about the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and some old guitar. They laid out on the streetcars' tracks, stayed all night in jail. And we're so starchy, and went right back into an organization and made ourself the same muck. They drawed their children back in that they come out of. They would turn over in their grave. They would be ashamed of you. I know that's hard, but it's the Truth. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

186 You say, "I thought you loved people." If love isn't corrective, then how can you produce love? Love is corrective. And I do love the world... I'm--I'm zealous of God's church.

187And to see these systems that's binding it down under dogmas, is rottening away. And God declaring His Word to be the Truth, and still they hold onto it. Amen. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's true. You know it's the truth, brother, sister. ["Amen."] That's just This. That's the simple way of telling It. It--it isn't the breaking down of Greek, and things, but it's the breaking down and showing common sense. Surely you can understand That. Two and two is four. See? Now we know that That's right.

Now, the Word must produce the Bride.

188 But the old system has to keep its type. It has to produce an Esau who sold his birthrights.

189Here it comes. I feel it. I hope you don't think I'm crazy. Well, if I am, let me alone. I feel good this way. I'm better this way than I was the other way. I--I may be crazy, to the world. I--I--I know where I'm at. I know where I'm standing.

190Look. It's going to produce a stillborn baby, an ecclesiastical system that's going to bring all the denominations together, to produce an Esau that hates Jacob. Amen. I hope you see it, a stillborn, dead denomination, all of them going together.

191Oh, Word believers, give in to my Message. Hear me, not my Message, but His Message that He firmly declares to be the Truth. You've got to choose from somewhere. You can't sit still after this. You've got to make your choice.

192 Remember the other day, down at the Westward Ho there, on that morning, on that breakfast, how the Lord let me show you that wheat? How it's come up through Luther, through Wesley, and the tassels, and so forth, and little springs off, every church represented in a stalk of corn. Then went right down into that wheat, as it was, and there was that little shuck, looked just exactly like the real grain of wheat. When you go out and look, if you don't know your wheat, you'll say you got wheat there, but it's just the shuck. Then you open that shuck up, there's no wheat there, at all. Way back, there's a little bud of life coming forth. You take a glass and look at it. And when Pentecost first come out, it was so close, Jesus said in Matthew 24:24, "It would deceive the very Elected if it was possible." What was it to do? A support to the grain. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, the tassel...

193Look here. The blade doesn't look like the grain that went in, neither does the tassel, but it's a little more like it. And the shuck is a whole lot like it, but still it ain't the wheat. It's the carrier of the wheat.

194 Don't you see how those messages has come with birth pain? But the Life left right out of there, to go to the next message. The Life went right out of Luther, into Wesley's message. Right out of Wesley's message, into pentecostal message. Now it's time again, to leave the shuck. What's the matter? There's nature, in every form, declaring that's the Truth.

195Now you see why you think I'm crazy. Maybe I am, as I said. But there's Something in me. I can't stop It. I never put It there. It never come by my own choosing. It's God. And He confirms It, to prove that It's the Truth, to make It the Truth. Not as I have anything against Luther, and Wesley, Pentecostals, or Baptists, or whoever. Nothing against nobody. The systems is what I'm against, because the Word is against it; not the men. Look at these priests and clergymen setting here, today. They wouldn't be here if they listened to the system, but they had the common audacity, of the Word of God, to step out and accept It. Hallelujah means "praise our God." It won't hurt you. [Someone says, "Amen."--Ed.] Means "so be it." I believe It. I believe and know that It's the Truth. It's confirmed to be the Truth. Someday you'll find out, maybe too late. Now watch. Watch.

196 The Bible said, "His Wife has made Herself ready," at the end of the age. How did She make Herself ready? To becoming His Wife. And what does She? What kind of a garment She had on? His Own Word. She was dressed in His Righteousness. That's what. It is right. See?

197Vision! Notice, just closing now. I want to say this one thing just before closing. That's what led me to say this. Now, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. If a man would say that, without, putting it in his own thinking, he would be a hypocrite and should go to hell for it. That's right. If he would try to get a bunch of people, fine people like this, and deceive them, why, he would be a devil in human flesh. God would never honor him. You think God would honor a devil or a lie? Never. See? It goes over the top of their heads, and they don't get it. He pulls the Elected out.

198 Look at all the prophets through the age, how He got the Elected.

199Look, coming down through, even to the reformation. Like, the Roman Catholic church burnt Joan of Arc to a stake, for being a witch. That's right. Later on they found out she wasn't. She was a saint. Course, they done penance, dig up the priests' body and throw them in the river. But, you know, but that don't settle it in the books of God. No. They called Saint Patrick one, too, you see, and he is about as much as I am one. So, we notice, look at his children. Look at his place, up, look at how many killed. Look on the martyrology and see how many was killed there. You see, it isn't so.

200But the claim of the people, that doesn't make it so. It's what God said and proves, that it's Truth. "Prove all things. Hold fast to that which is good."

201 Now we find, now, here about a few months ago, one morning, I was walking out of the house, and a vision came.

202And I challenge anybody here, that's knowed all these years, to say at any time that the Lord ever let me say "THUS SAITH THE LORD" but what it happened. How many knows it's the Truth, raise your hand. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Right. Could anybody speak contrary? [Brother Branham pauses. Congregation is silent.] It's true.

203Don't pay any attention to the messenger. Look at the Message it is. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's what is. See? It isn't that. Don't notice the little [Blank.spot.on.tape.] baldheaded, you know, person, 'cause it's just a--it's just a human being, all, and we're just all the same. But watch what's happening. That's what declares it. I was taken...

204Now, I know people say all kinds of things, and we know that a lot of it's not right. I can't answer for what other, any man says. I got to answer what I say. I can only say whether it's Truth, or not. And I--I--I'm the one has to be responsible for it, not what somebody else says. I can't judge no one. I wasn't sent to judge, but to preach the Message. Notice.

205 I was to have a--a preview of the Church. And I was taken by Someone Who I could not see, and was set up on, like, a stand. And I heard the sweetest music I ever heard. And I looked, coming, and a bunch of little ladies, about, looked to be of, oh, some age around twenty, eighteen, twenty. And they all had long hair, and was fixed in different dresses, type, dresses. And they were marching just as perfectly in step, with that music, as it could be. And they went from my left, going around this way. And I watched them. And I looked then to see Who was talking to me, and I couldn't see no one.

206Then I heard a rock-and-roll band coming. And when I looked over to my right side, coming up this a way, coming back, here come the churches of the world. And some of the... Each one carrying their banner, from where they were from. Some of the dirtiest-looking things I ever seen in my life! And when the American church come up, it was the awfullest I ever seen. The Heavenly Father is my Judge. They had on these tattletale gray skirts, like one of these barroom girls, with no back on it, up here; holding up like a gray-looking piece of paper; and like hula dancing; paint; short, bobbed hair; smoking cigarettes; and twisting, as they walked to rock-and-roll.

And I said, "Is that the church of the United States?"

And the Voice said, "Yes, it is."

207 And when they passed by, they had to hold it like this, and put the paper behind them when they passed by.

208I--I started to cry. I--I just thought, "Of all my labor, and all that I've done." And everything that we ministers has worked together... And, brethren, I--I don't know how much you'd believe about these visions; but it's Truth, to me. It's always proved to be true. When I seen that, and knowing what was going on, my heart liked to broke in me. "What have I done? How have I missed it? I've stayed right with that Word, Lord. And how could I done it?"

209I thought, "Why could You give me a vision, not long ago, and seen me in There? And I said, 'Well, will they have to be judged?' He said, 'Paul's group, too.' I said, 'I've preached the same Word he did.'" Christian Business Men carried the article of it. And I said, "Why? Why would it be like this?"

210I seen that bunch of prostitutes going by like that, all dressed up like that, and called, "The church of Miss U.S.A." I just fainted.

211 Then, directly, I heard that real sweet music come again, and here come that same little Bride coming by again. He said, "This is what comes out, though." And when She walked by, She's exactly like the One was in the first place, walking to the step of the music of God's Word, marching on by. And when I saw it, I stood there with both hands up, crying, like that. When I come to, I was standing on my porch out there, looking right out across the field.

212What? She's to be the same Bride, the same kind, built out of the same kind of material that She was in the first place. Now read Malachi 4 and see if we're not supposed to have a Message in the last days, that will "turn the hearts of the children back to the fathers," back to the original pentecostal Message, Word by Word. Brothers, we are here.

213Now, this church is supposed to get a sign, and its last sign. We find out here, in the--in the--in the Scripture, see now, see, the great birth pains that's being in this Laodicean age. It's boring. Their church is being born again. Not...

214 There'll never be another organization. Anyone knows that every time a message went forth... Ask these historian. After a message went forth, an organization come up out of it; oh, Alexander Campbell, everything else, Martin Luther, and everything. They made an organization out of it. And usually a message only goes for about three years, a revival. This has been going for fifteen years, and there's been no organization come from it. Why? The shuck was the last. We're at the end.

215See the birth pains? See what's the matter? Just a remnant will be brought out. Just a remnant will be brought out. And that's why I'm crying, and straining, and pushing, and laying aside every favor of man on earth, to find favor with God, and just moving on in His Word.

216She's in pain. That's what's the matter. She's going to give birth. She must make her choice. The handwriting is on the wall. We see the earth is just about ready to go. That's right. And we see the church, she's so rotten, she's about ready to go. And the birth pains is on all of it, on both the world and the church.

217And there's about to be a new world born, and a new Church born, to go to it, for the Millennium. We know that.

218 Look. God gives her... And listen to this close, then I'm closing. Her final sign; her final Message, her final sign. Her final sign, is, she has to get in the conditions like she was at the beginning; the world, the church.

219Look how it was in the beginning, all them years, without, from Malachi until Jesus. Look at it, all the years now. Look at it, all back in there, the corruption they got into it. Look at the earth, how it was on each time, like in days of Noah, so forth. Has to be in the same kind of a type, and we see that. "As it was in the days of Noah." We see all these things just patterning up.

220 Then, we get one final sign. In Luke, the 17th chapter, the 28th verse, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." For, as it was in Sodom, see. Now, Jesus read this same Bible, the same Genesis we read. Now, close, don't miss it. The same Bible we read, Jesus read. And He said to His Church, "Look back and see when the days of Sodom returns again," perverted people, men losing their natural.

221Look at the homosexual, how it's on the increase across the world today, in a newspaper just recently. You ought to get in my office and read letters from mothers, for their boys. And homosexual is on the increase of, I think, is twenty or thirty percent in--in California, alone, over last year. A great bunch of the... of even government people, has proven to be homosexuals. You government men know that. Your magazine, I read it, and in the different things has taken place. If you...

222[A sister speaks in another tongue, and then she gives an interpretation. The same sister again speaks in another tongue, and then again she gives an interpretation. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

223 I have the right understanding of the Scripture. That's exactly what God said would take place. "Let him that speaketh in tongue also pray that he may interpret."

224That be true. I've told you Truth, then God is here, confirming It. It's the Truth. That's true.

225Now look. What was that last Message that Jesus said? "As it was in the days of Sodom," now watch, just before the Gentile world was burnt up, the fire. Now try to understand. What happened? There was a bunch of people, lukewarm church members, like Lot and his group down in Sodom. There was another man that had already come out of it. He wasn't in it, to begin with. That was Abraham, the one that had a promise of a coming son. You understand? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right.

226And, now, just before the climax of the destruction came, God appeared to Abraham in many forms, but this time He appears as a Man. He was a Man. And he come up to God.

Now, you say, "It wasn't a Man."

227It--it--it--it was God in the Man. Abraham called Him, "Elohim." It was a Man.

228And, look, He set down, with His back turned to the tent, and He said, "Where is Sarah, your wife?"

Said, "She's in the tent, behind You."

229Said, "I'm going to visit you according to time of life, that I made you a promise." And Sarah laughed. And He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" See?

230 Now, that's what was going on in that day. Just to show the last sign that Abraham saw, the Elected group pulled out, away from Sodom. Now, don't miss this parable, whatever you do. The group that had been pulled out, that wasn't in Sodom, to begin with.

231But two of the Angels went down into Sodom. And when They got down there, we find Lot. And He found him in a backslidden condition, all homosexuals and perversions. You know the story.

But there's One that stayed with Abraham, was Elohim.

232They preached the Word down there. Preaching the Word smited them blind, and they couldn't find the door. That's what it is today.

233But the One that was with the group that was pulled out, done a miracle before Abraham, to show that Who He was, and was with Abraham.

234He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" concerning this baby. And Sarah come forth and said she didn't. And said, "But you did." And He would have killed her right there if she wasn't a part of Abraham.

235So would God slay us if we wasn't a part of Christ. The mercy of Christ all holds us together, us doubters and perversions in the Word.

236 But, notice, notice what happened. Jesus turns back around now, and says, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the end time when the Son of man begins to reveal Himself." [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] See? "Son of man" always, in the Bible, is a prophet. See? He come in three son's Name: Son of man, Son of God, Son of David. See? And He pronounced His Name, "Son of man," because that's the work He done, of a prophet, seer. He said, "In the days like it was in Noah, when the Son of man begins to reveal Himself, that will be the time of the end."

237 Now let's just think, just for a minute. Never has the world had a messenger over the world. We've had Finney's, Sankey's, Moody's, Finney's, Knox, Calvin, so forth, all around the world, messengers to the church in these birth pains. But never did we ever have a man going out with an international message, until this day, with his name ending in h-a-m. A-b-r-a-h-a-m, which is six letters... A-b-r-a-h-a-m is seven letters.

238We got one today named G-r-a-h-a-m, six letters, and six is the number of the world, creation day. When did the world ever have a man down into it now, preaching down in the kosmos, down there in the world, down there calling the people out, "Repent, repent! Perish, or come out of it," until this age? G-r-a-h-a-m, look what he's doing, preaching the Word, blinding the outsiders, calling, "Come out," a messenger from God. Jesus said that would take place just when the Son of man will reveal Himself. Now, that, where's that at? Out there in the church orders, world. And they begin to hate the man, for it.

239 But, remember, there was a group, also, that was a spiritual group, the Jacob group, not the--not the Esau group. There's a Jacob group was looking for the son, that wasn't in that Babylon, and they received a Messenger. Understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Abraham, A-b-r-a-h-a-m, they received a Messenger. And that Messenger, what was the great, outstanding thing He done, to show it was at the end time? He discerned the thoughts that was in Sarah's mind.

240And Jesus, the Son of God, which was made flesh, showing that the Spirit of God would come back down in that little elected Group of at the end time, and would reveal Hisself in the same manner. Birth pains! Oh, brother, please try to understand. Try hard. Open up your hearts just a minute. Look to Christ. That same God is right here now. That same One. He promised these things. And if He promised them, He certainly is able to do them.

241Let's bow our heads just a moment. I want you just to think, solemnly.

242 Father, it's in Your hands now. I done all I can do. I pray that You'll help the people to--to understand. The Seed has been planted. Pour the water, the Spirit, upon It, Lord, and water It for Your glory. If I made a mistake, Lord, I didn't mean to. I pray, God, that--that You'll interpret It right, to their hearts, that they might see and understand. Grant it, Lord. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

243The Lord bless you. I love you. This God that preached this Word, this God that's responsible for this Word... I'm only responsible for saying It. He's the One that has to quicken It. That same God is here.

244Now, how many out there has a need? Raise your hand. Did He promise to do these things in the last days? Now you look to me. Now it's like Peter and John said, "Look on us." As if... See? He told him. Now you look this way. Now, please don't move around. This is a very... I'm--I'm trying, my whole heart within me. Just be real reverent. See? Each one of you, a spirit, when you move. Course, you're a unit. I'm trying to catch faith of the people.

245A little woman passed by and touched His garment, went out and set down. Jesus told her what her troubles was, and she was healed.

246And now He promised to do that again, the Son of man would reveal Himself like He did at Sodom. The world is in that condition. The church is in that condition. Now has God kept His Word? See if He has, or not. Oh, we've had signs, jumping, speaking in tongues, prophecy, so forth. But, wait, there's another sign. Oh, we have many carnal impersonations. That just makes the real one shine. Any bogus dollar should make the real one shine.

247 Now you pray. You believe. Just, I--I challenge you to do that. You look, and believe what I've told you. How many believe this to be the Truth? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Care who you are, where you are. I'll just...

248Everyone in here, as far as I know, is a total stranger, except Bill Dauch and his wife setting right there, as I know of. I think I know this little preacher here from Germany, setting there. And, brother, and two or three people setting right there.

249Somebody back over in the audience, look, way back. I challenge you to believe what I've told you is the Truth.

250What about when that Angel of the Lord came down on the river yonder, thirty-three years ago, and made this remark? How did I know?

251And my own Baptist pastor turned me out of the church, said, "You--you had a nightmare, Billy."

252I said, "A nightmare, nothing, Dr. Davis. That's the way you, the attitude you take, you might as well take my fellowship card."

253I knowed there'd be somebody, somewhere, would believe It. God wouldn't send a Message lest there be some to receive It.

254Oh, sure, when I went forth praying for the sick, it was very fine. But when I begin to tell you the Truth of the Word, then it's different. You ought to know. Every Message has been that way.

255 Jesus was wonderful when He went in the church and healed the people, and everything. But when He set down one day, and say, "I and My Father are one," oh, that, that did it. "Lest you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you." He didn't explain It. He wanted to see who would stand by Him. Right.

256What do you think, a--a crowd with doctors and things, say, "That Man is a... Why, He's a vampire. Eat His flesh and drink His Blood?" He never explained It. He never explained It.

257But, still, that Word was holding, to those apostles. They didn't care. They didn't understand It. They believed It, anyhow. See? They knowed, 'cause they had seen the works of God, and they knowed it was. He said, "They are they that testify of Me."

258 Here's a man, woman setting right here, got her hand up. Now, you can call me a fanatic, if you wish to; but that same Pillar of Fire, that led the children of Israel through the wilderness, is right over that woman.

259Now, remember, Jesus said, "A little while and the world seeth Me no more, yet you shall see Me. I come from God. I go to God," after His death, burial. He told the Jews. He said, "I..."

260He was that Rock that was in the wilderness. He was that Pillar of Fire, "I AM THAT I AM." Who was "I AM"? That Pillar of Fire in that burning bush. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And He was made flesh and dwelt among us. Said, "I come from God, and return to God, in order to return in the form of the Holy Ghost."

261And here He is, with us today, scientific pictures taken of It. Here He is, to prove more than any scientific picture, anything. He's here, to prove it, for It's Him. "I the Son of man will be revealed in this day." Now, there He is. I'm looking right at It.

262You say, "Do you see It?" John saw It, too, but the rest of them didn't.

263 Look, to prove it now. That woman is a stranger to me. I've never seen her--her, in my life. But she's got something wrong with one of her limbs that she's praying about. Is... That's right, lady. You had an operation on it. That's your husband setting next to you. You're not from here. You're from California. Your name is Roland. Your stomach trouble is ended, too, sir. You had stomach trouble. Didn't you? Well, it's all gone. Your leg is healed.

"In that day the Son of man..."

264Here, setting right back through here, there's a man. He's a colored man, something wrong with his eyes. He's a... Yes. He, his work he does, he does something about a car, polishes cars, car waxer. Right. Your eyes are going bad. You've just believed, haven't you? Some real strange thing happened to you. Your first name is Fred. That's right. Your last name is Conn. That's right. You believe now? Your eyes ain't going to bother you no more then. I never seen the man in my life.

265 The man right back behind there, he's not from here, either. From California. Got a bad back, Mr. Owens. That's you. The Lord Jesus make you well. I never seen the man, in my life, know nothing about him. I'm just following that Light as It goes.

266"If you can believe, all things are possible to them that believe."

267Little fellow setting here, got a hernia, is wearing glasses and a gray suit. Fred, God heals you if you believe it. Will you accept it? All right. I never seen him, in my life.

268Mrs. Holden, setting over there from him, suffering with eye trouble. I don't know the woman, never seen her in my life, but that's true. See? "If you can believe."

269What you crying for, sis? You got a nervous breakdown, bronchitis, heart trouble. You believe that God will make you well? Setting on the end of the seat there. If you believe, with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make you well. All that nervousness will go from you, you feel like you're back in your right condition. The Devil is lying to you. You accept it? Now raise up your hand, say, "I'll accept it, then." Okay. It's all over.

270 What? This church is going through a birth pain. Won't you make your choice now in His Presence? I've showed you exactly the Word, what He said He would do.

271Combing through this building, ask anyone that's ever been struck, or talked to, or whatever it was, and see if I ever seen them, knowed them, or anything about them. You think a man could do that? That's totally impossible for that to happen.

272Well, what is It? The Son of man. "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, discerning of the spirit, the secrets of the hearts." Just exactly like It was when It was made flesh here on earth, in the Son of God, now It's being revealed by the Son of God as He's come to call a Bride out of that system. "Come out of it. Be separated, saith God. Touch not their unclean things, and God will receive you."

273Are you ready to surrender your whole life to God? If you are, stand up to your feet, say, "I will, by God's grace, accept It right now, for everything that's in me."

274 Hallelujah! Praise be to God! You believe Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then just raise your hands and pray with me.

275Confess your wrong. Birth pains! It's hard to die, but die right now. Die, come out of your own unbelief. Come out of it. This is the Word of God made manifest, just as It was when Jesus come on the earth. It's Jesus Christ again among you, proven.

276Abraham received a son immediately, the promised son, after that taken place.

277And Jesus is coming again. That's His Spirit. He's so close to the earth, so close to coming, that He's ready to receive you, if you're ready to receive Him.

Now raise up your hands and pray with me.

278 Lord God, let all the priests hold on to the altars. Let the people cry out. May the Pillar of Fire and the Pillar of Cloud move into the people today and sober them, Lord, to the realization of the Presence of the living and mighty God. Grant it, Lord. Receive them. I pray this prayer for each one of them, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

279Fill each one with the Holy Ghost, who doesn't have the Holy Ghost. Lord, may the revival of this campaign, this meeting, break right now into a great, powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit. May the sick be healed, the blind see, the cripples walk. May the manifestation of the living God be brought into the presence of the people, as it has been this afternoon, and may the people receive it. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask it.

280Raise your hands now and give Him praise, and receive what you asked for.