Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo



"V tých dňoch, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka!" Chcem obrátiť vašu pozornosť. Vidíte, On prišiel pod tromi menami. On prišiel ako Syn človeka, čo je prorok. A to je to, čo On robil. On dokázal Svoju službu, tým že bol prorok. Všetci to vieme. Každý jeden z nás to vie. On nepovedal, že On je Syn Boží; On povedal, že je Syn človeka. No, dnes, On je Syn Boží, On ktorý sa vrátil naspäť, a On je teraz vo forme Ducha Svätého, tej neviditeľnej Osoby; ale jednako, Boh, Syn Boží. V Miléniu, On sedí na tróne Svojho Otca, to On bude Syn Dávidov. On sa zjavil prv ako Syn človeka, prorok; v tomto veku, cez tento cirkevný vek, ako Syn človeka ... či Syn Boží; a v tom ďalšom veku, ako Syn Dávidov. Traja synovia!

Ale všimnite si tu, On povedal, že na konci toho cirkevného veku, sa to dostalo do takého zamiešania, že až On sa znovu zjaví ako Syn človeka, "keď sa zjaví Syn človeka." Aké akurátne bolo včera to zmätenie! A dúfam, že vám to neuniká.

Mali sme zjavenie Syna Božieho, ale to posledné zasľúbenie, ktoré mal Abrahám pred tým, ako ten syn bol učinený ... alebo prinesený do existencie, ten ktorý bol zasľúbený; prv ako sa ukázal ten zasľúbený syn, Boh sa tam v čase Sodomy zamanifestoval ako prorok, bol človekom, v tele, Boh. Elohim, ako som to počul niekoho pred chvíľou hovoriť, a to bolo Božstvo telesne v Ňom. On bol plnosťou. Elohim je plnosť Božstva, telesne. A všimli sme si tam, keď Lot videl ... Keď Ho Abrahám videl prichádzať, on povedal: "môj Pane." Oni boli traja. A dole v Sodome, Lot videl dvoch, a povedal: "moji pánovia," nedostatok zjavenia. Tak všimnite si čo sa tu deje, keď On prichádza, ako sa On dal poznať.

1Ďakujem vám, bratovi Demosovi, bratovi Shakarianovi, či Demosovi Shakarianovi a bratovi Carl Williamsovi, a delegátom, všetkým. Myslím, že ten brat, tento dedinčan tu, práve vyjadril to čo som chcel dnes večer povedať, že mi to práve zobral z úst. Pretože, radujem sa tomuto, verím, táto konferencia, viac ako ktorákoľvek konferencia, na ktorej som kedy bol. Nikdy som nevidel, na žiadnej konferencii, väčšiu harmóniu a také opravdové obecenstvo a bratskú lásku. Ďalšia vec, ktorá sa mi stala, stretol som mnohých nových delegátov Neba, nových bratov, s ktorými som mal možnosť potriasť si ruku a rozprávať sa s nimi.

2.Len pred niekoľkými večerami, počúval som tohoto brata, baptistu, ktorý tu sedí. Nemôžem si spomenúť jeho meno. [Brat Shakarian hovorí: "Irvin."] Irvin. A on mi priniesol kartu od ... Myslím, že je to jeho teta, ktorá tu dnes večer sedí. Ona mala u seba tú modlitebnú kartu asi dvadsať rokov.

3Priviedli ju do zhromaždenia a zomierala na nemoc, ktorú by možno lekári mohli vysvetliť, čo to je. Je to niečo ako malomocenstvo, ale nie je to malomocenstvo. Vy len ... je nejaká operácia, ktorá môže tu hore vložiť nejakú šnúrku, či niečo, ale ona by bola ako porazená; ona by tam musela sedieť. A zatiaľ, kým tam ona sedela, možno jej karta nebola zavolaná ani nič, nedostala sa do modlitebnej rady, Duch Svätý mi ukázal na ňu. A ona je dnes večer tam vzadu, zdravá. My sme za to veľmi vďační.

4[Brat Shakarian hovorí: "Brat, myslím - myslím Howard Irvin bol tam a rozprával sa s tebou, ale myslím, že tá teta je tu. Možno by mohla povstať."] Povstala by si sestra, teta ... ["Tam je. Zamávaj rukou. Zamávaj rukou." Zhromaždenie sa raduje.]

5Nech ťa Boh žehná, moja sestra za tvoju statočnú vieru v Syna Božieho. Nech ťa zachová zdravú, až kým ťa nezavolá domov, a toto smrteľné oblečie nesmrteľnosť. Som tak vďačný za to, keď pomyslím, že ona opatrovala tú kartu do teraz po všetky tie roky. A potom mi ju tu priniesli a ukázali dnes večer. Viete, ja som hovorieval, že to je ako chlieb púšťaný po vode; vráti sa vám, keď sa snažíte urobiť niečo pre niekoho druhého.

6No mal som tiež možnosť stretnúť sa s mnohými týmito fajnými kazateľmi a opravdu si cením ich milé obecenstvo, túto spoluprácu. Brat Carls oznámil, že tu budeme znovu na budúci rok, ak bude vôľa Pánova, a budeme tu na zemi. A dúfam, že vás tu znovu každého stretnem na budúci rok. Nech každý privedie so sebou ďalšieho delegáta.

7No, mám len jednu vec, o čom by som rád trochu niečo povedal, možno len na chvíľu.

8Pretože Dr. Reed bude hovoriť ako ďalší, a ja som išiel celú tú cestu sem dnes večer, prešiel som dvesto päťdesiat míľ, aby som ... túto cestu, aby som počul Dr. Reeda. A práve pred nejakou chvíľou sa niečo stalo, čo by som ... Ale Dr. Reed, išiel by som tisíc míľ, aby som ho počul. Ale niečo ... Od vtedy čo som tu, išiel by som tisíc míľ, len aby som počul to, čo som počul pred nejakou chvíľou. Takú nádhernú vec. Niečo čo telo a krv nemôžu zjaviť. Treba na to Ducha Svätého, aby to zjavil. A aby som videl niekoho, kto až tak povzbudil môj život, a ja skutočne budem veľmi vďačný po celý môj zbytok života.

9Čo som chcel povedať je, že keby som niekedy musel byť operovaný, musel volať lekára, ty môžeš hneď ku mne prísť Dr. Reed. Môžem dôverovať tomuto človekovi - keby som musel byť operovaný - rukám, ktoré veria v Boha, to by bol ten doktor, ktorého by som chcel, aby na mne pracoval. A tak my ... Dúfam, že nikdy nebudem musieť byť. Ale ak áno, chcem aby on, alebo ľudia ako on, vykonali tú prácu, ak by on tam nemohol byť.

10Minulý večer sa mi niečo prihodilo, čo, alebo lepšie povedané včera popoludní, čo bolo pre mňa skutočne veľmi zvláštne. A budem stručný, pretože nechcem zabrať čas môjho brata, keď on má hovoriť. Ale považujem to za takú poctu mojej službe.

11Pozorujem malé veci. Proste každá malá vec má pre mňa význam. Neverím, žeby sa kresťanovi prihodilo niečo náhodou. Myslím že je to určené od Boha, pretože Ježiš povedal, že On robí, že všetky veci pôsobia spolu na dobré pre tých, ktorí Ho milujú. A tak, ja verím, že každá malá vec v tejto malej pokornej službe, ktorú mi On dal, aby pomohla vám ľuďom, aby pomohla každému - a vy všetci ste pomocou pre mňa, pomáhame jeden druhému dostať sa do chvály. V tom, každá malá vec pre mňa niečo znamená. Ale bolo mi to ťažko veriť včera popoludní, keď sa mi tu stratil môj text. Hovorím vám, nikdy v živote som nebol tak zaskočený. A potom, žena mi na vianoce dala novú Bibliu.

12Moja stará bola už zodraná. Mám ju už takmer dvadsať rokov, dali mi ju ľudia z Huston Gospel Tabernacle, pred mnohými rokmi keď som začal chodiť na kampane. A tak ja som len, tak si ju cením - listy, stránky ... nosil som ju za more a všade, až ... vypadávali z nej. A zobral som stránku možno v 1. Mojžišovej, a musel som hľadať niekde v 5. Mojžišovej, aby som to našiel, viete, kde som ju proste strčil naspäť do Biblii. Tak ona mi dala túto na vianoce, a bolo mi to zle odložiť túto nabok. Ona bola pre mňa taká vzácna. Povedal som: "Ak odídem skôr, ako príde Ježiš, položte ju na mňa. A nech toto ide so mnou dole, a ja s tým prídem hore, keď vstaneme." Tak potom, to je stále moja zásada.

13Ako som zvykol hovoriť krátky príbeh. Dúfam že toto nie je svätokrádež. Ale išiel som ku ... Raz mi povedal jeden človek, myslím že to bolo na nejakom zhromaždení brata Earla Cricketta, v New Yorku. A stretol som tam človeka; on povedal: "Povedz, čo robíš pri týchto obchodníkoch, keď si kazateľ?"

Povedal som: "Ja som obchodník."

A on povedal: "Čo je to za odvetvie, v ktorom obchoduješ?"

14 Povedal som: "Istota." On si myslel, že som povedal "poistenie," viete. No, ja som povedal "istota."

On povedal: "Ó! Aký druh poistenia predávaš?"

15Povedal som: "Večný život." Povedal som: "Ja to nepredávam. Ja sám som len poistenec a snažím sa to nahovoriť iným."

16Pamätám sa na chlapca, chodil som s ním voľakedy do školy; on bol poisťovací agent. No poistenie je v poriadku, ale ja nemám žiadne. A tak, on prišiel do môjho domu a povedal: "Billy, rád by som ti predal nejké poistenie." Povedal. "Viem že tvoj brat ..." Môj brat predáva pre hlavné mesto. On povedal: "No," povedal: "Rád by som ti predal nejaké poistenie."

Povedal som: "Ó, Wilmer, ďakujem."

17A vy ... on je možno dnes večer tu, jeho brat, on píše tie články vo Vrchnej komnate, v tej knihe Vrchná komnata. Tak on ...

Ja som povedal: "Ja mám istotu."

On povedal: "Čo?"

18A moja žena sa pozrela na mňa, ako keby som bol pokrytec. Ona ...a ja som povedal ... Tak ona povedala: "Billy?"

A ja som povedal: "Áno, ja mám istotu!"

19A on povedal: "Och, prepáč." On povedal: "Nevedel som ... Počul som, že nemáš žiadne poistenie."

A ja som povedal: "Nie, ja mám istotu!"

20A on porozumel, keď som to povedal. Povedal: "Čo si to povedal?"

Povedal som: "Istotu."

A on povedal: "Čo tým chceš povedať?"

21Povedal som: "Požehnaná istota, Ježiš je môj! Ó, čo za predzvesť Božskej slávy! Som dedičom spasenia, vykúpený Bohom, narodený z Jeho Ducha, umytý Jeho krvou."

22On povedal: "Billy, ty vieš že ja si to cením." Povedal: "To je veľmi dobré. Ale ..." Povedal: "synu, to ťa nevystrčí tu von na cintorín."

23Povedal som: "Ale to ma z tade dostane!" Nebojím sa ... [Zhromaždenie i brat Branham sa smejú.] Nestarám sa ako sa dostať tam, ale dostať sa z tade!" Tak myslím, že máme na to takýto názor.

24Minulý večer, keď som zobral tú Bibliu, a nemohol som nájsť ten text. A zobral som tú novú Bibliu. Čítal som si to z tej starej, a zobral som tú novú a dal som si ju pod pazuchu a vyšiel som sem hore. A otvoril som si to miesto, a myslel som si: "No, tu - zdá sa mi, že to bol Ján 16: 21," a to vôbec nebolo to, čo som chcel prečítať.

Opýtal som sa brata Mooreho: "Je to na tom mieste?" "Áno."

25A pozrel som sa znovu, a to tam nebolo. Myslel som si: "No, chýba v nej strana."

26Potom tu prišiel môj brat, brat Stanley, on prišiel sem, lepšie povedané biskup Stanley. A neviem, čo tento muž mal na mysli. Ja .... To bola aj tak, taká útecha. On vyšiel hore tesne ku mne a povedal: "Ukľudni sa, brat. Boh chce možno niečo urobiť." Vidíte? A to ma povzbudilo, keď som si pomyslel, že on to hovorí.

27Som zvedavý, či si uvedomil, že prorokoval, ale rozprával som sa s ním pred niekoľkými minútami, tesne pred tým, ako som prišiel sem hore, a som si istý, že si je toho vedomý.

28Tak ja som to priniesol vo svojom posolstve o Pôrodných bolestiach a tak ďalej. A svojím trochu drsným spôsobom podania - o ľalii; ako sa ona dole rodí a ide hore, ťahá sa hore do slnka, a o kvapke rosy a tak ďalej. A potom to skazenie, z ktorého to musí zomrieť, aby sa to narodilo, či vlastne, vyjsť. A snažil som sa urobiť názorný príklad cirkvi.

29Tak ako doktor, keď chce vyšetriť pacienta. Dnes máme doktorov, ktorí hovoria, že si môžete masírovať nohu vzadu na päte a uzdraviť rakovinu na tvári, viete. Ale dobrý doktor nebude počúvať na niečo takéto. On vyšetruje pacienta podľa knihy, v ktorej sú zaznamenané lekárske výskumy.

30 A to je spôsob, ktorým sa ja snažím robiť vyšetrenie pacienta. Keď vidím, že cirkev je chorá; nechcem sa im snažiť nahovoriť, že potrebujú nové potrasenie rúk, alebo niečo také, alebo novú organizáciu. Musím to vyšetriť podľa Knihy, a ja viem, že to je tu. A tak, keď vidím cirkev, ktorá vyzerá, že sa jej vyhadzujú osýpky, chcem aby zobrali práve ten Recept, o ktorom myslím je správny na osýpky, aby sa toho cirkev zbavila; keď vidím, že sa do nej dostáva hriech, je to tak isto!

31Snažil som sa porovnať Ezava a Jakoba, a potom som ďalej hovoril o tých časoch a ... Nechcem vchádzať do toho, ale prišiel som ku tej poslednej časti, a moje posledné miesto Písma, ktoré som použil, bolo ... porovnávajúc to, nie nezhodne s Písmom, ale tak ako povedal Ježiš, že to bude. Čo povedal ten vrchný Doktor, že aký bude stav cirkvi, v týchto posledných dňoch. "To bude Laodicea; bohatá, slepá, nahá, biedna cirkev," a to je zhodné s dňami Sodomy. No, vieme že je to pravda. Ak si to všimnete, historicky, On prv povedal o dňoch Noeho a potom o dňoch Sodomy. A to je presne to ako to išlo, presne tak isto.

32A história sa mnohokrát opakuje, história sa opakuje, a tak sa opakujú zasľúbenia Biblii. Napríklad, ako v Matúšovi 3, kde je povedané: "Z Egypta som povolal svojho syna." No ak si všimnete tú odvolávku na tom, to bol Jákob, Jeho syn, ktorého On povolal z Egyptu; to bol Jeho menší syn. Ale Jeho veľký Syn, Ježiš, bol tiež povolaný z Egyptu. Tak to malo dvojaký význam.

33Tak, a videli sme, ako oni ... držiac sa toho, hovoriac o tom, a potom som povedal na to svoj názor. A išiel som z pódia, a odišiel som. Moje deti, ako sme išli domov, sa tu niekde chceli zastaviť niečo zjesť. A vošiel som dovnútra, žena mi povedala: "Billy, bola som taká nervózna, nevedela som čo mám robiť." Povedala: "Ja som ti dala tú Bibliu."

34Povedal som: "Ty si ju nepísala, a neskladala si ju dokopy, drahá."

35Ona povedala: "Ale, len si pomysli, ja som ti dala Bibliu, v ktorej bola chyba."

Povedal som: "No, možno nebola."

36A tak jedno z detí ju zobralo a prelistovali sme tie stránky. Nie, vyzerala v poriadku. Ale dole na spodku, dve stránky boli spolu zlepené, vidíte, a tá 16. kapitola bola na tejto strane, a potom pokračovanie tej 16. kapitoly bolo na druhej strane. A tá 17. začala na ... vidíte, je to tak perfektne, presne to isté, na druhej strane. A ten Indický papier, skutočne tenký, držal spolu, a ja som čítal stále zo 17. kapitoly, namiesto zo 16.

37A rozmýšľal som: "Bože, prečo si to urobil? Načo by bolo niečo také?" To je môj názor, viete, aby som vedel, kvôli čomu to všetko bolo, pretože si myslím, že nič sa neprihodí náhodou. A rozmýšľal som o tom povzbudení, tu od tohoto brata, ako prišiel a povedal mi: "Buď pokojný," on, ktorý je kňaz, "buď pokojný, možno Boh ide niečo urobiť." Alebo niečo také. A ja som rozmýšľal: "Ako by to mohlo byť?"

38A potom, ako som tam sedel, prišlo to ku mne ako blesk z Neba. No, toto možno vám nedáva zmysel, ale mne áno. Viete.

39Pamätám si, v Lukášovi vo 4. kapitole, tam Ježiš vošiel do synagógy v Nazarete, kde bol vychovaný, ako bolo Jeho zvykom ísť v sobotu do zboru ... do synagógy. A keď tam vošiel, vidíme tam, že ten kňaz Mu dal Bibliu, Zvitok. Ježiš, prezerajúc ten Zvitok, našiel určité miesto, Izaiáš 61, a čítal to miesto Písma. Potom odovzdal tú Bibliu naspäť tomu slúžiacemu. A potom, keď sa obrátil ku ľuďom, všetky oči boli uprené na Neho. A On povedal:

...Dnes sa vyplnilo toto písmo ...

40A my vieme aké príznačné bolo to prečítané miesto Písma, pretože On vzal len časť z toho 1. a 2. verša Izaiáša 61: 1. a 2. Ale On čítal potade, kde: "Duch Pánov je nado mnou, aby obviazať skrúšených srdcom, a aby (dať) uzdraviť chorých, a otvoriť oči slepým a vyhlásiť rok milosti Hospodinovej," a potom prestal čítať. Lebo, ďalej nasledovalo, "aby priniesť súd"; to sa týka Jeho druhého príchodu, nie Jeho prvého príchodu. A On sa zastavil, a otočil sa, a povedal: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo." Aké to bolo jasné!

41A čo za výrok to bol pre tých učiteľov a tých ľudí, ktorí tam boli prítomní, že On mohol toto jasne tým ľuďom povedať: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo." Lebo On bol tu, Mesiáš, hoci oni tomu neverili. Tu On bol, ten Pomazaný na tú hodinu. Každý moment Jeho služby, od Jeho narodenia, dokázal, že bol tým, kým bol, a jednako oni tomu nemohli veriť. Čo za výrok! Ale On by mohol dnes povedať ...

42A keby nejaká osoba, keby oni otvorili svoje oči, mohli by vedieť, vedeli by, v akom dni žijú, pretože to bola Jeho hodina, lebo On bol rovno tam a robil presne to, čo povedali tie Písma, všetci proroci, že sa stane v tom dni. On tu bol a robil presne to čo Boh prorokoval, že sa bude diať! Ako to, že to nevideli? Oni to hneď mali poznať, keď videli aká bola Jeho služba, že to je Mesiáš. Oni to mali vedieť, pretože On povedal, že to Písmo sa vyplnilo.

43Rozmýšľam dnes. A všimnite si čo to bolo, ako ten kňaz podal to Slovo. To Slovo bolo prečítané, podané naspäť tomu kňazovi. A posledný citát z môjho textu, ktorý som mal, a moje vypísané miesta Písma, to bol sv. Lukáš 17: 30, kde, Ježiš poukazuje naspäť na tento deň v ktorom my žijeme, "bohatý Laodicejský vek," a jednako zhnitý v politike, cirkevná politika a národná politika, proste tak zhnité, ako to len môže byť. A potom On povedal: "Ako to bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude pri príchode času konca," všimnite si čo On tam povedal: "v tom dni keď sa zjaví Syn človeka."

44Vidíte: "V tých dňoch, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka!" Chcem obrátiť vašu pozornosť.

45Vidíte, On prišiel pod tromi menami. On prišiel ako Syn človeka, čo je prorok. A to je to, čo On robil. On dokázal Svoju službu, tým že bol prorok. Všetci to vieme. Každý jeden z nás to vie. On nepovedal, že On je Syn Boží; On povedal, že je Syn človeka. No, dnes, On je Syn Boží, On ktorý sa vrátil naspäť, a On je teraz vo forme Ducha Svätého, tej neviditeľnej Osoby; ale jednako, Boh, Syn Boží. V Miléniu, On sedí na tróne Svojho Otca, to On bude Syn Dávidov. On sa zjavil prv ako Syn človeka, prorok; v tomto veku, cez tento cirkevný vek, ako Syn človeka ... či Syn Boží; a v tom ďalšom veku, ako Syn Dávidov. Traja synovia!

46Ale všimnite si tu, On povedal, že na konci toho cirkevného veku, sa to dostalo do takého zamiešania, že až On sa znovu zjaví ako Syn človeka, "keď sa zjaví Syn človeka." Aké akurátne bolo včera to zmätenie! A dúfam, že vám to neuniká.

47Mali sme zjavenie Syna Božieho, ale to posledné zasľúbenie, ktoré mal Abrahám pred tým, ako ten syn bol učinený ... alebo prinesený do existencie, ten ktorý bol zasľúbený; prv ako sa ukázal ten zasľúbený syn, Boh sa tam v čase Sodomy zamanifestoval ako prorok, bol človekom, v tele, Boh. Elohim, ako som to počul niekoho pred chvíľou hovoriť, a to bolo Božstvo telesne v Ňom. On bol plnosťou. Elohim je plnosť Božstva, telesne. A všimli sme si tam, keď Lot videl ... Keď Ho Abrahám videl prichádzať, on povedal: "môj Pane." Oni boli traja. A dole v Sodome, Lot videl dvoch, a povedal: "moji pánovia," nedostatok zjavenia. Tak všimnite si čo sa tu deje, keď On prichádza, ako sa On dal poznať.

48Či by sme mohli ... či by som mohol toto povedať, keby to bolo len zo mňa, viete. Brat prorokoval, keď mi povedal to čo povedal. Dnes! Pozrite čo On povedal hneď potom ako prečítal to Písmo. "Vo dňoch keď Syn človeka," nie človek, nie ľudská bytosť, "keď sa zjaví Syn človeka znovu medzi Svojim ľudom." Dnes toto zasľúbenie, tejto hodiny, v ktorej my teraz žijeme sa vyplnilo pred našimi vlastnými očami. On sa hneď potom obrátil do zhromaždenia, a desať alebo dvanásť, či koľko ľudí to tam bolo, neznámych, On urobil práve tú istú vec, ktorú urobil v čase Sodomy. Dnes, toto Písmo bolo zamanifestované pred vami. Stalo sa pred vami pravdou.

49Potom, môj brat, sestra, delegáti, kazatelia, čímkoľvek sme tu, deti Božie, ako blízko sme potom Jeho príchodu? Ak teraz vidíme Písmo, ktoré On zasľúbil, tesne predtým, ako oheň spadol na Sodomu, aby ju spálil, a tento deň prirovnal ku tomu, a vidíme to Písmo vyplnené rovno pred našimi očami, ako blízko sme potom príchodu Syna Božieho? Ako blízko je vyplnenie Písma, ako to zamanifestoval skrze Abraháma, ako vychovával cirkev, v predobraze, v ktorom on bol tým zasľúbením pre cirkev! A teraz vidíme Abrahámove telesné semeno, ako oni sklamali. Ale kráľovské semeno Abraháma, ktoré je skrze vieru v zasľúbené Slovo, je teraz, dnes zamanifestované na zemi. Sme v čase konca, môj brat, sestra. Sme na konci.

50A nemáme žiadny ďalší predobraz. Musím brať obrazy Písma, pretože nemám dostatok vzdelania aby som hovoril slová a veci. Ukazujem príklady. Ale keď vidím v tých tieňoch ... Keby som nikdy nevidel svoju ruku, a videl by som jej tieň, viem, že mám päť prstov. A takto musíte pozorovať príklady Písma Starého Zákona. Čo to robí? To naznačuje toto. A Ježiš povedal, že Sodoma bola predobrazom teraz času konca. A práve tie Písma, ktoré boli zasľúbené ohľadne Sodomy, práve tie Písma, ktoré sa odohrali pri Sodome, Ježiš povedal, že sa to znovu zopakuje v tomto dni, dnes sa to dalo poznať rovno pred nami.

51Nech vás Boh žehná. Neprehliadnite to. A ak vás tu neuvidím na budúci rok; keď budete stúpať po tých zlatých schodoch, dúfam že vás stretnem tam hore. Nech vás Boh žehná. [Prázdne miesto na páske.]

52Otče, my sme ... [Prázdne miesto na páske.] Podľa Písma, vidíme zamanifestovaný pred nami, posledný znak a predobraz. Slová Ježiša Krista povedali, že toto je tak. Tak ako bolo v Sodome, vidíme že svet je v jej stave, vidíme, že cirkev je v jej stave, vidíme, že Vyvolení boli vyvolaný von z každej denominácii; Život, ktorý je na týchto miestach, vychádzal teraz, aby nabral formu Semena. Prosíme, Nebeský Otče, aby sme boli rýchlo prebudení.

53Ako nejaký brat práve teraz povedal, on videl pred sebou, a keď mal zavrené svoje oči, proste masy prechádzali popred neho. Ó Bože, cítime, že sú masy, ktoré ešte neboli dotknuté. Pomôž nám, drahý Bože. Nech ideme z tejto konferencii s takým varovaním vo svojich srdciach, vediac, že dnes sa vyplnilo to Písmo. V mene Ježiša. Amen.

54[Brat Démos Shakarian hovorí: "Haleluja. Náš vydavateľ, Jerry Jensen, prišiel sem. Jeho svokra je teraz v bezvedomí, a on sa to práve dozvedel. A oni sú služobníci evanjelia, otvorení služobníci. Či by sme ... On je, viem že je z toho veľmi smutný. A práve ..."] Dozvedel sa to práve teraz, dopočul sa to práve teraz? ["Áno."] Sú tu? ["Nie, oni, oni sú v Los Angeles. V bezvedomí."]

55Vzdialenosť pre Boha nerobí problém. On je Všadeprítomný. Musí byť, keď je Boh. Jedna z najväčších vecí, o ktorej viem, ktorá sa stala, v mojej vlastnej pokornej službe, bola skrze telefón, alebo niekto zatelefonoval, stali sa veľké veci. Zhodnime sa spolu, aby Boh uzdravil týchto ľudí, ktorý sú chorí.

56Drahý Nebeský Otče, prinášame ich do Tvojej prítomnosti, skrze modlitbu. Vieme, že jednej noci bol jeden apoštol, ktorý bol zavrený od všetkej aktivity; on bol vo vezení a nasledujúceho dňa mal byť sťatý. Tam v dome Jána Marka, oni mali modlitebné zhromaždenie, a práve tam v tých vnútorných celách tam prišiel ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý nasledoval deti Izraela, či, ktorý deti Izraela nasledovali po púšti; vošiel rovno dovnútra, z dôvodu toho modlitebného zhromaždenia, a otvoril všetky dvere a vyviedol toho apoštola znovu von na ulicu, slobodného, aby kázal.

57Dozvedeli sme sa, že títo služobníci, misionári, sú teraz zviazaní, oni sú - oni sú dokonca v bezvedomí. Pane, Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Vypočuj dnes večer našu modlitbu, ó Bože. Ty si povedal: "Keď sa modlíte, verte že dostanete to o čo prosíte a bude vám to dané." Pane, my veríme, a prosíme o to v mene Ježiša, aby si ich uzdravil, Pane, Tebe na slávu. Bolo to povedané, bolo o to prosené, nech sa to teraz stane. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, Ted. Ver s nim.

58Brat Demos. [Prázdne miesto na páske. Potom brat Demos Shakarian hovorí: "Poznáš toho muža?"] Nie. Veľa sa zmenilo od toho času, bratia. ["Poď sem, Howard. On bol vtedy veľmi pekný mladík. Ty si stále pekný, brat Branham]. No, to je pekný obraz. Videli sme tvoju tetu, ktorá tiež pred chvíľou povstala. A možno by si rád povedal nejaké slovo, Howard." [Prázdne miesto na páske.]

59Všetci si ceníme brata Shakariana. Ak niekedy ...

1 Thank you, Brother Demos, Brother Carl, Shakarian, or, Demos Shakarian and Brother Carl Williams, and delegates, all. I just think that brother, the plow man here, just expressed what I wanted to, tonight, that he just taken my speech right from me. Because, I have enjoyed this, I believe, this convention, more than any convention I've ever been in. I've never seen, in any convention, more harmony and such real fellowship and brotherly love. Another thing that I have done, I have met many new delegates of Heaven, new brethren that I've had the privilege to shake hands with and talk to.

2 Just a few nights ago, I was listening to the Baptist brother sitting over there. I can't think of his name. [Brother Shakarian says, "Irvin."--Ed.] Irvin. And he brought a card to me from... I believe it's his aunt, that's sitting here tonight. She has held that prayer card for some twenty years.

3She was brought into the meeting, dying with a disease, that maybe the doctor could explain what it is. It's something like leprosy, but it isn't leprosy. You just... There's an operation, they could cut some kind of a cord up here, or something, but she would be just like a plant, she would have to sit there. And while she was sitting there, perhaps her card not called or nothing, didn't get in the prayer line, the Holy Spirit directed me to her. And she is back there tonight, is well, and we're very thankful for that. The...

4 [Brother Shakarian says, "Brother, I think--I think Howard Irvin was over there speaking to you, but I think the aunt is here. Maybe we can have her stand up."--Ed.] Would you stand up, the--the aunt of... ["There she is. Wave your hand. Wave your hand." Congregation applauds.]

5God bless you, my sister, for your gallant faith in the Son of God. May He keep you well until the time He calls you Home, when this mortal will take on immortality. I'm so thankful for that, to think she held that card for all these years now, and then was brought here to me and showed me tonight. You know, I was saying, it's like bread upon the water, it returns to you, when you try to do something for somebody else.

6 Now, I have also had the privilege of meeting many of these fine ministers, and I certainly appreciate their fine fellowship, this cooperation. Brother Carl announced me to be back next year, if the Lord is willing, and we are here on earth. And, well, I hope to meet every one of you here next year again, and each one bring another delegate with him and with she.

7Now there is just one thing that I would like to say a little something about, maybe for just a moment.

8Because, Doctor Reed is to speak next, and I've come all the way up here tonight, I've got two hundred and fifty miles that I... to make this trip, to hear Doctor Reed. And just something happened a while ago that I would... But--but, Doctor Reed, I'd drive a thousand miles to hear him. But something has... Since I have been here, I would drive a thousand miles just to hear what I heard a little while ago, such a wonderful thing, something that flesh and blood cannot reveal. Takes the Holy Spirit to do it. And to see someone who encouraged my life in such a way, and I certainly will be very grateful all the rest of my life.

9What I wanted to say, was--was, if I ever have to have an operation, call on a medical doctor, you--you come to me, Doctor Reed, right away. I--I can trust the man to operate, if I have to have one, hands that believes in God, that--that would be the one I'd want working on me. And so we... I trust I'll never have to have it. But if I do, I would want he, or a man like him, to do the work, if he couldn't be there.

10 I had something to happen last night, that, or yesterday afternoon, rather, that was really kind of strange to me. And I'll be brief, because I don't want to take my brother's time, as he is going to speak. But I suppose it's kind of a complimentary to my ministry.

11I--I watch little things. Just every little thing has a meaning, to me. I don't believe that anything happens to a Christian by chance. I think it's ordained of God, 'cause Jesus said He would make all things work together for good to them that loved Him. So therefore I believe that every little thing in--in the little humble ministry that He has given me, to help you people, to help everyone, and you all are a help to me, helping each other to get to Glory. In that, every little thing has a meaning, to me. But it was hard for me to believe that, yesterday afternoon, when I lost my text up here. I--I tell you, I never was so gotten in my life. And, then, my--my wife gave me a new Bible for Christmas.

12 My old one was just worn out. I've had it almost twenty years now, was give to me by the Houston Gospel Tabernacle people, many years ago, when I started out on the campaigns. And so I just, I cherish it so much, and I... the leaves and pages, of crossing the sea, and around, until I... it's just dropping out. I pick up a page maybe in Genesis, and have to look back over in Deuteronomy somewhere to find it, you know, where I just stuck it back in the Bible. So, she got me one for Christmas. And I hated to lay the old Book aside, it's been so dear to me. I said, "If I went before Jesus comes, lay It on me. Let This go down with me, and I'll come up with It when we come up." So then, that's my opinion, anyhow.

13 As I used to tell a little story. Hope this is not sacrilegious. But I went to... A man told me one time, I believe it was Brother Earl Prickett, a meeting up in New York; and I met a man, he said, "Say, what are you doing with these businessmen, being a preacher?"

I said, "I am a businessman."

And he said, "What kind of business you in?"

14I said, "Assurance." Now, he thought I said, "insurance," you see. So I said, "Assurance."

He said, "Oh, what kind of insurance you sell?"

15I said, "Eternal Life." Eternal! Said, "I don't sell It. I'm just a policyholder, myself, and I try to prescribe It to others."

16 Remember a boy I went to school with, one time, and he was an insurance salesman. Now, insurance is alright, but I don't have any. Then, so he come to my house, and he said, "Billy, I'd like to sell you some insurance." Said, "I know your brother." My brother sells for Metropolitan. He said, "Well," said, "I would, I'd like to sell you some insurance."

I said, "Oh, Wilmer, thank you."

17And you'll... he may be here tonight, his brother, he writes the articles in The Upper Room, the book, The Upper Room. So he...

I said, "I have assurance."

He said, "What?"

18And my wife looked at me as if I was a hypocrite. She... and I said... So she said, "Billy?"

And I said, "Yes, uh-huh, I have assurance."

19And he said, "Oh, I'm--I'm sorry," said, "I didn't... I heard that you didn't have any insurance."

And I said, "No, I have assurance."

20And--and he caught me, what I said then. He said, "What did you say?"

"I said, 'Assurance.'"

And he said, "Well, what do you mean?"

21I said, "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine; oh, what a foretaste of glory Divine! I'm an heir of salvation, purchased of God; born of His Spirit, washed in His Blood."

22He said, "Billy, you know I appreciate that." Said, "That's a very good thing. But," said, "son, that will not put you out here in the graveyard."

23I said, "But It'll get me out." I'm not afraid... [Brother Branham and the congregation laugh--Ed.] I'm not bothered about getting in; it's getting out, see. So I think that's the way we feel about it.

24 Last evening, when I picked up that Bible, and I couldn't find that text. And I picked up that new Bible. And I, reading out of the old, and I picked up the new one and put it under my arm and run up here. And I turned over to that place, and I thought, "Well, here, I believe it was Saint John 16:21," and it wasn't the reading at all.

I said to Brother Moore, "Is that where that's at?" "Yes."

25And I looked back, and it wasn't there. So I thought, "Well, they got a misplaced page in--page in."

26Then my brother here came, Brother Stanley, he came over; Bishop Stanley, rather. And I don't know what the man meant, I... It was such a comfort, though. He walked up close to my side, and he said, "Hold steady, brother, God is maybe going to do something." See? And that just encouraged me, to think he would say that.

27I wonder if he realized he prophesied? But talking to him a few moments ago, just before getting up here, I'm sure he did.

28 So I brought it in my Message upon the Birth Pains, and so forth. And my little rude way of doing it, about the lily; and how it's born down and begotten, and comes up, and draws up the sun, the dewdrop, and so forth. And then the corruption of what it has to die out of, to be born out of, rather, to come out. And I was trying to make an illustration of the church.

29Just like the doctor here, if he went to treat a patient. We've got doctors today that says, "You can rub your foot, on the back of the heel, and heal the cancer on your face, you see." But a good doctor wouldn't listen to such a thing as that. He treats the patient according to the book that he is reading on medical research.

30And that's the way I try to do to treat the patient. When I see the church sick, I don't want to try to tell them they need a new handshake or something, a new organization. I have to treat it according to the Book that I--I know, see. And so when I see the church, look like breaking out with measles, I want to take the very Prescription I think is right, and for the measles, to get it out of the church; when I see sin breaking out in it, it's the same way!

31 I tried to make a comparison with Esau and Jacob, and then bringing times down. And I won't go into that. But bringing it down to the last part in my last Scripture to use, was comparing it, not unscripturally, but as Jesus said it would be, what the main Doctor said the condition of the church should be, in this last days, "It would be a Laodicea; rich, blind, naked, poor church," and it would be compared with the days of Sodom. Now, we know that's the Truth. If you notice it, historically, He brought in the days of Noah, first, and then the days of Sodom. And that's just the way it's traveled, just the same way.

32And history, has many times, repeats itself, history does, and so does--does promises of the Bible. For instance, like in Matthew 3, where it said, "Out of Egypt I have called My son." Now if you run the reference on that, it was Jacob, His son, He called out of Egypt; that was His lesser son. But His great Son, Jesus, was called out of Egypt, too. So it had a--a compound answer.

33 So, and seeing as they went along talking about that, and then I brought my thoughts of that. And I walked out of the... off the platform, and went out. My children, going home, wanted to stop out here somewhere, to get a sandwich. And I went in, the wife said, "Billy, I was so nervous I didn't know what to do." Said, "I gave you that Bible."

34I said, "You never wrote it, and you never put it together, honey."

35She said, "But, just to think, I--I give you a--a Bible that had a flaw in it."

I said, "Well, maybe it wasn't."

36And so one of the children picked it up, and we would feel the pages. No, it looked all right. But right down at the bottom, it was two pages sticking together, see, and the 16th chapter was on this side, and then the continuation of the 16th chapter come up on the other side. And the 17th started on the... see, it's just perfectly, exactly the same, across. And that Indian paper, real thin, sticking together, and I was reading out of the 17th chapter all the time, instead of the 16th chapter.

37 And I thought, "God, why did You do that? Why would there be such a thing now?" That's me feeling, you know, to see what it was all about, 'cause I think nothing happens by chance. And I was thinking about the comfort of this brother here, coming, telling me, "'Hold steady,' him being a priest, 'hold steady, maybe God is going to do something,'" or something in that manner. And I thought, "How could that be?"

38And then, sitting there, like a thunderbolt out of Heaven it came to me. Now, this might not make sense to you, but it does to me, see.

39 I remember, in Luke the 4th chapter, that Jesus entered the synagogue at Nazareth, where He was brought up at, as His custom was to go into the church on the... synagogue, on the Sabbath. And when He did, we notice there that the priest gave Him the Bible, the Scroll. Jesus, looking through the Scroll, found the certain place, Isaiah 61, and He read the Scripture. Then He handed the Bible back to the minister. And then as He turned to the audience, all eyes was upon Him. And He said:

... This day this Scripture is fulfilled...

40And we know how peculiar that Scripture reading was, because He just took a portion of the 1st and 2nd verses, of Isaiah 61:1 and 2. But He read down this far, where, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, to bind up the brokenhearted, and to--to (give) heal the sick, and to open the blinded eyes, and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord," and then He stopped. For, the next was to bring judgment; that would apply to His Second Coming, not His first coming. And He stopped, and turned around, and said, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled." How direct that was!

41 And what a--what a--a statement it was to the teachers and to the people that were present, that He could make this plain to the people, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled." For here He was, the Messiah, yet they didn't believe it. Here He was, the anointed One for that hour. Every bit of His ministry, from His birth up, had proved to be what He was, and yet they could not believe it. What a statement! But He could say today...

42And if a person opened up their eyes, they could have knew, known what day that they were living in, for that was His hour, for He was right there doing exactly what the Scriptures, all the prophets, had said would happen in that day. Here He was doing exactly what God had prophesied would happen! How did they miss seeing it? They should have known right quick, seeing what His ministry was. There is the Messiah. They would have known it, because He said, "The Scripture is fulfilled."

43 I think of today. And notice what that was as the--the priest gave the Word over. The Word was read, handed back to the priest. And the last quotation out of my text that I had, and my Scriptures wrote down, was Saint Luke 17:30, where, Jesus referring back to this day that we're living in, "rich, Laodicea Age," and yet rotten in politics, church politics and national politics, just as rotten as it could be. And then He said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming end time," notice what He said there, "in the day that the Son of man will be revealed."

44See, "In the days that the Son of man will be revealed!" I want to draw your attention.

45See, He came in three names. He came as Son of man, which was prophet. And that's what He did, He proved His ministry, by being a prophet. We all know that. Every one of us knows it. He never said He was the Son of God; He said He was the Son of man. Now, today, He is the Son of God, which He returned back, and now He is in the form of the Holy Ghost, the unseen Person; but yet, God, the Son of God. In the Millennium, He sits upon His Father's Throne, which He'll be Son of David. He revealed Himself first as Son of man, a prophet; this age, through the church age, Son of man... or Son of God; and in the other age, Son of David. Three sons!

46 But you notice here, He said, at the ending of the church age, it had got in such a mess till He would be revealed again as Son of man, "when the Son of man is being revealed." How appropriate was that mix-up yesterday! And I hope you don't miss it.

47We have had the revelation of Son of God, but the last promise that Abraham had before the son was made... or brought into existence, the one that he had been promised; before the promised son showed up, God manifested Himself there at Sodom as a Prophet, being a Man, in flesh, God. Elohim, as I heard someone speak it a while ago, which the Godhead bodily was in Him. He was the fulness. Elohim is the fulness of the Godhead, bodily. And we notice there when Lot saw... When Abraham saw Him coming, he said, "my Lord." There was three of Them. And down in Sodom, Lot saw two, and said, "my lords," lack of revelation. So notice what taken place here, when He come up, how He made Hisself known.

48 Could we not, could I not say this if I had just been on my toes, see, the brother prophesied when he said to me what he did! This day! Watch what He did right after the reading of that Scripture. "In the days when the Son of man," not a man, not a human being, "the Son of man will reveal Hisself among His people again." This day this promise, of this hour that we're now living in, is fulfilled before our very eyes. He turned immediately to the congregation, and ten or twelve, whatever people it was out there, unknown, He did the very same thing He did at Sodom. This day has this Scripture been made manifest before you. It's been made true before you.

49Then, my brother, sister, delegates, ministers, whatever we are here, children of God, how close are we to His Coming then? If we're now seeing the Scripture that He promised, just before the fire fell in Sodom to burn it up, and likened this day to it, and seeing that Scripture right before our eyes be fulfilled, how close are we to the Coming of the Son of God then? How close is the manifestation of the Scriptures, like He did through Abraham, bringing the Church up, in type, which He was the promise to the Church! And now we find out, Abraham's natural seed, how they failed. But the royal Seed of Abraham, which is by faith in the promised Word, is now being manifested on the earth today. We are at the end time, my brother, sisters. We are at the end.

50 And we have not one other type. I have to type Scriptures because I don't have an education enough to bring out words and things. I make a type. But if I see in the shadows... If I never had seen my hand, and see the shadow, I know I had five fingers. And that's the way you have to watch the Scripture types of the Old Testament. What does it do? It foreshadows this. And Jesus said that Sodom was the foreshadow of the end time now. And the very Scriptures that was promised to Sodom, the very Scriptures that was taking place at Sodom, that Jesus said would repeat itself again in this day, it's made known right before us today.

51God bless you. Don't miss it. And if I don't see you here next year; when they climb the Golden Stairs, I hope to meet you up There. God bless you.

[Congregation applauds. A sister speaks in another tongue, and then she gives an interpretation. A brother comes to the microphone and leads the congregation in singing He's Coming Soon, and intermittently comments. Blank.spot.on.tape. The brother continues singing He's Coming Soon, and intermittently comments. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

52 Father, we are... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] According to the Scriptures, we are seeing manifested, before us, the last sign and type. The Words of Jesus Christ said this is so. Just as it was at Sodom, we see the world in its condition, we see the church in its condition, we see the--the Elect being called out of every denomination; the Life, that's in those places, moving out now to take the form of the Seed. We pray, Heavenly Father, that we'll awaken quickly.

53As a brother just said now, he seen before his face, and when he had his eyes closed, just masses going before him. O God, we feel that there is masses untouched yet. Help us, dear God. May we go from this convention with such a warning in our heart, knowing that this day the Scripture is fulfilled. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

54 [Brother Demos Shakarian says, "Hallelujah. Our editor, Jerry Jensen, will you come up here? His--his mother-in-law is unconscious, right. He's just got the news. And they are ministers of the Gospel, Foursquare ministers. Would we just... He is, I know he is very heavy-hearted. And, and just..."--Ed.] Just got it just now, just heard just now? ["Yes."] Are they here? ["No, they, they're in Los Angeles. In a coma."]

55Distance is no difference to God. He is Omnipresent. He has to be, to be God. Some of the greatest things that I know of being done, in my own humble ministry, is by telephone, or someone calling in, great things taken place. Let us agree together that God will heal this people that's sick.

56 Dear Heavenly Father, we bring them into Your Presence, by prayer. We know that one night there was an apostle that was shut off from all activity then; he was in a jail and he was going to be beheaded the next day. Down at John Mark's house they had a prayer meeting, and right in those inner cells there came that same Pillar of Fire that followed the children of Israel, or the children of Israel followed It through the wilderness; came right in, because of that prayer meeting, and opened every door, and brought the apostle out on the street again, free to minister.

57We understand that these ministers, missionary people, is bound in now, they're--they're even in a coma. Lord, You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hear our prayer tonight, O God. You said, "When you pray, believe that you receive what you ask for, it shall be given you." Lord, we believe, and pray that in Jesus' Name, that You will heal them, Lord, for Your glory. It's been said, been asked, now let it be done. Amen.

58God bless you, Jerry. You believe with him. [Brother Jerry Jensen says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Brother Demos.

59 [Brother Demos Shakarian says, "Thank you, Brother Branham; Jerry. Praise God. I just quickly like to have the men stand up. Brother Arganbright, one of the international directors; stand up, Brother Miner. Jack Moore, stand up. Clifford Ford. Doerflein, from Seattle. Charles Colonel Young. Enoch Christoffersen, Turlock. Jess Winemore. Ike Akamine, from Hawaiian Islands. My, how it blessed! How he blessed our souls here, the other day. I love him. He's our U. S. ambassador who served under seven presidents, Gerald Roll; William Roll, God bless you, brother. Dr. Ray Marlin...?...! God bless Ray...?...! Earl Prickett."--Ed.]

60[Brother Shakarian says, "And Brother Branham was given honorary membership, life membership, fully on his name. And one of the few that was voted on, by the board of directors, many years ago."--Ed.]

Thank you, brother.

61[Brother Shakarian says, "And Carl Williams, who loved him so much."--Ed.]

62[Brother Shakarian says, "And Brother Henry Krause, the plow manufacturer. Jewel Rose, our secretary-treasurer. Farmer, Frank Foglio, in...?... And I can't think of you; I can't." A brother says, "It's Derrick Fredo." Brother Shakarian says, "Oh, Brother Derrick...?..., how we appreciate his ministry! My, and so wonderful, and--and so much! Dr. Stanley, from in Canada, eastern Canada."--Ed.]

63[Brother Sharkarian says, "Brother Howard Ervin, see you back there, Howard Ervin. And we just had your... Was it aunt that...?... We just had her stand up, moment ago, Howard, while you were with the young people."--Ed.]

64[Brother Shakarian says, "And I'd like to see that picture of Brother Branham's, twenty years ago."--Ed.] Huh!

65[Brother Shakarian says, "Brother Norwood, Brother Norwood from Kansas City. Brother Ben Smart from Colorado. Herbert Bond, from Los Angeles, one of the directors of Los Angeles chapter, doing a great work there. And Fred Watson, the pastor sitting over there, corner. Art Wilson here, and we didn't have place enough here for him, so he set with all the ladies. And all the ladies here are directors' wives. And all you wonderful people!"--Ed.]

66[Brother Shakarian says, "Did I miss anyone else? Some of the other directors had to go home yesterday. Darrell Hon...?... had to leave. So let's show these men we appreciate all their efforts, then." The brethren say, "Thank you. Thank you." Congregation applauds. Brother Shakarian says, "Amen. And I didn't miss anybody."--Ed.]

67[Brother Shakarian says, "Brother Branham. Come here, Brother Branham. You recognize that fellow?"--Ed.]

No, sir. A lot of change since those days, brethren.

[Brother Shakarian says, "Come here, Howard."--Ed.]

68[Brother Shakarian says, "He was a very handsome fellow, and he is still handsome, Brother Branham. And that's a nice picture."--Ed.]

69[Brother Shakarian says, "And we had your aunt to stand a moment ago, too. And maybe you would like to say a word, Howard."--Ed.]

70[Brother Howard Ervin says, "Between twelve and fifteen years ago, Aunt Edith was healed of Raynaud's disease, which I understand is medically incurable. I don't know whether Brother Branham told you the circumstances. And I wonder if I might take just one moment to do so. This is her card that she got for the healing line. She never got in the healing line. She was sitting, seated in the second row, in the auditorium here in Phoenix. Brother Branham had preached his heart out, was just too exhausted to pray for people. But suddenly he looked down at her, looked directly at her, and said, 'You can be healed if you want to be.' And she went out of that meeting, healed, and is still healed."--Ed.]

71[Brother Shakarian says, "It was an incurable affliction. Wasn't it?"--Ed.]

72[Brother Ervin says, "Yes. I understand that the disease was incurable. And our physicians here will check me; I'm a layman at medicine. But I understand that it's a disease of the nerves, that affects one similar to leprosy. The nerves choke off--choke off the blood supply, and eventually the fingers just rot and fall off. There was one medical operation, of the surgeon in the East, told them they could perform, and that was to cut a nerve up in here; but, if they had, she would have been a vegetable. But God, by His mighty power, has healed her, and she is healed today."--Ed.]

73[Brother Shakarian says, "Let's just have her stand up again, back there."--Ed.]

[Brother Ervin says, "Would you stand up, Aunt Edith?"--Ed.]

74[Brother Shakarian says, "And there it is, twenty years later." Brother Ervin says, "Fifteen years ago." Brother Shakarian says, "Fifteen years later." Brother Ervin says, "Fifteen years ago."--Ed.]

75Thank the Lord! There's one man they left out. We all appreciate Brother Shakarian. Don't we? Every one of us! [Congregation applauds--Ed.]

[Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... be like Jesus,

On earth... to be like Him;

All through life's journey, from earth to Glory,

All I ask, to be like Him.

Let's pray.

76Heavenly Father, we can visualize tonight of You standing by the side of the wall once and watching the people come by and put into the treasury of God. And You seen this widow come by with just a small amount of money, just a few pennies of tithing, perhaps had some children at home, but she was interested in the kingdom. There's no doubt that that has been recopied again tonight. Been many people that's put in, of practically all they've got right here in this offering, because it has been so placed before us, that there is a need, and our hearts are in this, Father.

77I've often thought, perhaps if I had been standing there, it had been me looking at that widow, I'd have run to her and said, "Don't do it, sister. We--we don't need it." But maybe it would have been wrong. You never told her not to do it. You just stood and watched her do it, for You knowed from her heart, You'd repay her for that.

78Father, I know that You know the intents of every heart that placed in here tonight, and what it's for. It's for the Kingdom's sake, Lord, that the... this work that we're so wonderfully enjoy, and this fellowship, Lord, of all of the great denominations of the world. We feel that we're such a privileged people to be here tonight in the Presence of God, feeling this great Word coming forth and making manifest, proving God being in our midst!

79God, give to each and every one here as they have need. We pray now that You'll bless the offering for it's intended use. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

God bless you.

1Ďakujem vám, bratovi Demosovi, bratovi Shakarianovi, či Demosovi Shakarianovi a bratovi Carl Williamsovi, a delegátom, všetkým. Myslím, že ten brat, tento dedinčan tu, práve vyjadril to čo som chcel dnes večer povedať, že mi to práve zobral z úst. Pretože, radujem sa tomuto, verím, táto konferencia, viac ako ktorákoľvek konferencia, na ktorej som kedy bol. Nikdy som nevidel, na žiadnej konferencii, väčšiu harmóniu a také opravdové obecenstvo a bratskú lásku. Ďalšia vec, ktorá sa mi stala, stretol som mnohých nových delegátov Neba, nových bratov, s ktorými som mal možnosť potriasť si ruku a rozprávať sa s nimi.

2.Len pred niekoľkými večerami, počúval som tohoto brata, baptistu, ktorý tu sedí. Nemôžem si spomenúť jeho meno. [Brat Shakarian hovorí: "Irvin."] Irvin. A on mi priniesol kartu od ... Myslím, že je to jeho teta, ktorá tu dnes večer sedí. Ona mala u seba tú modlitebnú kartu asi dvadsať rokov.

3Priviedli ju do zhromaždenia a zomierala na nemoc, ktorú by možno lekári mohli vysvetliť, čo to je. Je to niečo ako malomocenstvo, ale nie je to malomocenstvo. Vy len ... je nejaká operácia, ktorá môže tu hore vložiť nejakú šnúrku, či niečo, ale ona by bola ako porazená; ona by tam musela sedieť. A zatiaľ, kým tam ona sedela, možno jej karta nebola zavolaná ani nič, nedostala sa do modlitebnej rady, Duch Svätý mi ukázal na ňu. A ona je dnes večer tam vzadu, zdravá. My sme za to veľmi vďační.

4[Brat Shakarian hovorí: "Brat, myslím - myslím Howard Irvin bol tam a rozprával sa s tebou, ale myslím, že tá teta je tu. Možno by mohla povstať."] Povstala by si sestra, teta ... ["Tam je. Zamávaj rukou. Zamávaj rukou." Zhromaždenie sa raduje.]

5Nech ťa Boh žehná, moja sestra za tvoju statočnú vieru v Syna Božieho. Nech ťa zachová zdravú, až kým ťa nezavolá domov, a toto smrteľné oblečie nesmrteľnosť. Som tak vďačný za to, keď pomyslím, že ona opatrovala tú kartu do teraz po všetky tie roky. A potom mi ju tu priniesli a ukázali dnes večer. Viete, ja som hovorieval, že to je ako chlieb púšťaný po vode; vráti sa vám, keď sa snažíte urobiť niečo pre niekoho druhého.

6No mal som tiež možnosť stretnúť sa s mnohými týmito fajnými kazateľmi a opravdu si cením ich milé obecenstvo, túto spoluprácu. Brat Carls oznámil, že tu budeme znovu na budúci rok, ak bude vôľa Pánova, a budeme tu na zemi. A dúfam, že vás tu znovu každého stretnem na budúci rok. Nech každý privedie so sebou ďalšieho delegáta.

7No, mám len jednu vec, o čom by som rád trochu niečo povedal, možno len na chvíľu.

8Pretože Dr. Reed bude hovoriť ako ďalší, a ja som išiel celú tú cestu sem dnes večer, prešiel som dvesto päťdesiat míľ, aby som ... túto cestu, aby som počul Dr. Reeda. A práve pred nejakou chvíľou sa niečo stalo, čo by som ... Ale Dr. Reed, išiel by som tisíc míľ, aby som ho počul. Ale niečo ... Od vtedy čo som tu, išiel by som tisíc míľ, len aby som počul to, čo som počul pred nejakou chvíľou. Takú nádhernú vec. Niečo čo telo a krv nemôžu zjaviť. Treba na to Ducha Svätého, aby to zjavil. A aby som videl niekoho, kto až tak povzbudil môj život, a ja skutočne budem veľmi vďačný po celý môj zbytok života.

9Čo som chcel povedať je, že keby som niekedy musel byť operovaný, musel volať lekára, ty môžeš hneď ku mne prísť Dr. Reed. Môžem dôverovať tomuto človekovi - keby som musel byť operovaný - rukám, ktoré veria v Boha, to by bol ten doktor, ktorého by som chcel, aby na mne pracoval. A tak my ... Dúfam, že nikdy nebudem musieť byť. Ale ak áno, chcem aby on, alebo ľudia ako on, vykonali tú prácu, ak by on tam nemohol byť.

10Minulý večer sa mi niečo prihodilo, čo, alebo lepšie povedané včera popoludní, čo bolo pre mňa skutočne veľmi zvláštne. A budem stručný, pretože nechcem zabrať čas môjho brata, keď on má hovoriť. Ale považujem to za takú poctu mojej službe.

11Pozorujem malé veci. Proste každá malá vec má pre mňa význam. Neverím, žeby sa kresťanovi prihodilo niečo náhodou. Myslím že je to určené od Boha, pretože Ježiš povedal, že On robí, že všetky veci pôsobia spolu na dobré pre tých, ktorí Ho milujú. A tak, ja verím, že každá malá vec v tejto malej pokornej službe, ktorú mi On dal, aby pomohla vám ľuďom, aby pomohla každému - a vy všetci ste pomocou pre mňa, pomáhame jeden druhému dostať sa do chvály. V tom, každá malá vec pre mňa niečo znamená. Ale bolo mi to ťažko veriť včera popoludní, keď sa mi tu stratil môj text. Hovorím vám, nikdy v živote som nebol tak zaskočený. A potom, žena mi na vianoce dala novú Bibliu.

12Moja stará bola už zodraná. Mám ju už takmer dvadsať rokov, dali mi ju ľudia z Huston Gospel Tabernacle, pred mnohými rokmi keď som začal chodiť na kampane. A tak ja som len, tak si ju cením - listy, stránky ... nosil som ju za more a všade, až ... vypadávali z nej. A zobral som stránku možno v 1. Mojžišovej, a musel som hľadať niekde v 5. Mojžišovej, aby som to našiel, viete, kde som ju proste strčil naspäť do Biblii. Tak ona mi dala túto na vianoce, a bolo mi to zle odložiť túto nabok. Ona bola pre mňa taká vzácna. Povedal som: "Ak odídem skôr, ako príde Ježiš, položte ju na mňa. A nech toto ide so mnou dole, a ja s tým prídem hore, keď vstaneme." Tak potom, to je stále moja zásada.

13Ako som zvykol hovoriť krátky príbeh. Dúfam že toto nie je svätokrádež. Ale išiel som ku ... Raz mi povedal jeden človek, myslím že to bolo na nejakom zhromaždení brata Earla Cricketta, v New Yorku. A stretol som tam človeka; on povedal: "Povedz, čo robíš pri týchto obchodníkoch, keď si kazateľ?"

Povedal som: "Ja som obchodník."

A on povedal: "Čo je to za odvetvie, v ktorom obchoduješ?"

14 Povedal som: "Istota." On si myslel, že som povedal "poistenie," viete. No, ja som povedal "istota."

On povedal: "Ó! Aký druh poistenia predávaš?"

15Povedal som: "Večný život." Povedal som: "Ja to nepredávam. Ja sám som len poistenec a snažím sa to nahovoriť iným."

16Pamätám sa na chlapca, chodil som s ním voľakedy do školy; on bol poisťovací agent. No poistenie je v poriadku, ale ja nemám žiadne. A tak, on prišiel do môjho domu a povedal: "Billy, rád by som ti predal nejké poistenie." Povedal. "Viem že tvoj brat ..." Môj brat predáva pre hlavné mesto. On povedal: "No," povedal: "Rád by som ti predal nejaké poistenie."

Povedal som: "Ó, Wilmer, ďakujem."

17A vy ... on je možno dnes večer tu, jeho brat, on píše tie články vo Vrchnej komnate, v tej knihe Vrchná komnata. Tak on ...

Ja som povedal: "Ja mám istotu."

On povedal: "Čo?"

18A moja žena sa pozrela na mňa, ako keby som bol pokrytec. Ona ...a ja som povedal ... Tak ona povedala: "Billy?"

A ja som povedal: "Áno, ja mám istotu!"

19A on povedal: "Och, prepáč." On povedal: "Nevedel som ... Počul som, že nemáš žiadne poistenie."

A ja som povedal: "Nie, ja mám istotu!"

20A on porozumel, keď som to povedal. Povedal: "Čo si to povedal?"

Povedal som: "Istotu."

A on povedal: "Čo tým chceš povedať?"

21Povedal som: "Požehnaná istota, Ježiš je môj! Ó, čo za predzvesť Božskej slávy! Som dedičom spasenia, vykúpený Bohom, narodený z Jeho Ducha, umytý Jeho krvou."

22On povedal: "Billy, ty vieš že ja si to cením." Povedal: "To je veľmi dobré. Ale ..." Povedal: "synu, to ťa nevystrčí tu von na cintorín."

23Povedal som: "Ale to ma z tade dostane!" Nebojím sa ... [Zhromaždenie i brat Branham sa smejú.] Nestarám sa ako sa dostať tam, ale dostať sa z tade!" Tak myslím, že máme na to takýto názor.

24Minulý večer, keď som zobral tú Bibliu, a nemohol som nájsť ten text. A zobral som tú novú Bibliu. Čítal som si to z tej starej, a zobral som tú novú a dal som si ju pod pazuchu a vyšiel som sem hore. A otvoril som si to miesto, a myslel som si: "No, tu - zdá sa mi, že to bol Ján 16: 21," a to vôbec nebolo to, čo som chcel prečítať.

Opýtal som sa brata Mooreho: "Je to na tom mieste?" "Áno."

25A pozrel som sa znovu, a to tam nebolo. Myslel som si: "No, chýba v nej strana."

26Potom tu prišiel môj brat, brat Stanley, on prišiel sem, lepšie povedané biskup Stanley. A neviem, čo tento muž mal na mysli. Ja .... To bola aj tak, taká útecha. On vyšiel hore tesne ku mne a povedal: "Ukľudni sa, brat. Boh chce možno niečo urobiť." Vidíte? A to ma povzbudilo, keď som si pomyslel, že on to hovorí.

27Som zvedavý, či si uvedomil, že prorokoval, ale rozprával som sa s ním pred niekoľkými minútami, tesne pred tým, ako som prišiel sem hore, a som si istý, že si je toho vedomý.

28Tak ja som to priniesol vo svojom posolstve o Pôrodných bolestiach a tak ďalej. A svojím trochu drsným spôsobom podania - o ľalii; ako sa ona dole rodí a ide hore, ťahá sa hore do slnka, a o kvapke rosy a tak ďalej. A potom to skazenie, z ktorého to musí zomrieť, aby sa to narodilo, či vlastne, vyjsť. A snažil som sa urobiť názorný príklad cirkvi.

29Tak ako doktor, keď chce vyšetriť pacienta. Dnes máme doktorov, ktorí hovoria, že si môžete masírovať nohu vzadu na päte a uzdraviť rakovinu na tvári, viete. Ale dobrý doktor nebude počúvať na niečo takéto. On vyšetruje pacienta podľa knihy, v ktorej sú zaznamenané lekárske výskumy.

30 A to je spôsob, ktorým sa ja snažím robiť vyšetrenie pacienta. Keď vidím, že cirkev je chorá; nechcem sa im snažiť nahovoriť, že potrebujú nové potrasenie rúk, alebo niečo také, alebo novú organizáciu. Musím to vyšetriť podľa Knihy, a ja viem, že to je tu. A tak, keď vidím cirkev, ktorá vyzerá, že sa jej vyhadzujú osýpky, chcem aby zobrali práve ten Recept, o ktorom myslím je správny na osýpky, aby sa toho cirkev zbavila; keď vidím, že sa do nej dostáva hriech, je to tak isto!

31Snažil som sa porovnať Ezava a Jakoba, a potom som ďalej hovoril o tých časoch a ... Nechcem vchádzať do toho, ale prišiel som ku tej poslednej časti, a moje posledné miesto Písma, ktoré som použil, bolo ... porovnávajúc to, nie nezhodne s Písmom, ale tak ako povedal Ježiš, že to bude. Čo povedal ten vrchný Doktor, že aký bude stav cirkvi, v týchto posledných dňoch. "To bude Laodicea; bohatá, slepá, nahá, biedna cirkev," a to je zhodné s dňami Sodomy. No, vieme že je to pravda. Ak si to všimnete, historicky, On prv povedal o dňoch Noeho a potom o dňoch Sodomy. A to je presne to ako to išlo, presne tak isto.

32A história sa mnohokrát opakuje, história sa opakuje, a tak sa opakujú zasľúbenia Biblii. Napríklad, ako v Matúšovi 3, kde je povedané: "Z Egypta som povolal svojho syna." No ak si všimnete tú odvolávku na tom, to bol Jákob, Jeho syn, ktorého On povolal z Egyptu; to bol Jeho menší syn. Ale Jeho veľký Syn, Ježiš, bol tiež povolaný z Egyptu. Tak to malo dvojaký význam.

33Tak, a videli sme, ako oni ... držiac sa toho, hovoriac o tom, a potom som povedal na to svoj názor. A išiel som z pódia, a odišiel som. Moje deti, ako sme išli domov, sa tu niekde chceli zastaviť niečo zjesť. A vošiel som dovnútra, žena mi povedala: "Billy, bola som taká nervózna, nevedela som čo mám robiť." Povedala: "Ja som ti dala tú Bibliu."

34Povedal som: "Ty si ju nepísala, a neskladala si ju dokopy, drahá."

35Ona povedala: "Ale, len si pomysli, ja som ti dala Bibliu, v ktorej bola chyba."

Povedal som: "No, možno nebola."

36A tak jedno z detí ju zobralo a prelistovali sme tie stránky. Nie, vyzerala v poriadku. Ale dole na spodku, dve stránky boli spolu zlepené, vidíte, a tá 16. kapitola bola na tejto strane, a potom pokračovanie tej 16. kapitoly bolo na druhej strane. A tá 17. začala na ... vidíte, je to tak perfektne, presne to isté, na druhej strane. A ten Indický papier, skutočne tenký, držal spolu, a ja som čítal stále zo 17. kapitoly, namiesto zo 16.

37A rozmýšľal som: "Bože, prečo si to urobil? Načo by bolo niečo také?" To je môj názor, viete, aby som vedel, kvôli čomu to všetko bolo, pretože si myslím, že nič sa neprihodí náhodou. A rozmýšľal som o tom povzbudení, tu od tohoto brata, ako prišiel a povedal mi: "Buď pokojný," on, ktorý je kňaz, "buď pokojný, možno Boh ide niečo urobiť." Alebo niečo také. A ja som rozmýšľal: "Ako by to mohlo byť?"

38A potom, ako som tam sedel, prišlo to ku mne ako blesk z Neba. No, toto možno vám nedáva zmysel, ale mne áno. Viete.

39Pamätám si, v Lukášovi vo 4. kapitole, tam Ježiš vošiel do synagógy v Nazarete, kde bol vychovaný, ako bolo Jeho zvykom ísť v sobotu do zboru ... do synagógy. A keď tam vošiel, vidíme tam, že ten kňaz Mu dal Bibliu, Zvitok. Ježiš, prezerajúc ten Zvitok, našiel určité miesto, Izaiáš 61, a čítal to miesto Písma. Potom odovzdal tú Bibliu naspäť tomu slúžiacemu. A potom, keď sa obrátil ku ľuďom, všetky oči boli uprené na Neho. A On povedal:

...Dnes sa vyplnilo toto písmo ...

40A my vieme aké príznačné bolo to prečítané miesto Písma, pretože On vzal len časť z toho 1. a 2. verša Izaiáša 61: 1. a 2. Ale On čítal potade, kde: "Duch Pánov je nado mnou, aby obviazať skrúšených srdcom, a aby (dať) uzdraviť chorých, a otvoriť oči slepým a vyhlásiť rok milosti Hospodinovej," a potom prestal čítať. Lebo, ďalej nasledovalo, "aby priniesť súd"; to sa týka Jeho druhého príchodu, nie Jeho prvého príchodu. A On sa zastavil, a otočil sa, a povedal: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo." Aké to bolo jasné!

41A čo za výrok to bol pre tých učiteľov a tých ľudí, ktorí tam boli prítomní, že On mohol toto jasne tým ľuďom povedať: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo." Lebo On bol tu, Mesiáš, hoci oni tomu neverili. Tu On bol, ten Pomazaný na tú hodinu. Každý moment Jeho služby, od Jeho narodenia, dokázal, že bol tým, kým bol, a jednako oni tomu nemohli veriť. Čo za výrok! Ale On by mohol dnes povedať ...

42A keby nejaká osoba, keby oni otvorili svoje oči, mohli by vedieť, vedeli by, v akom dni žijú, pretože to bola Jeho hodina, lebo On bol rovno tam a robil presne to, čo povedali tie Písma, všetci proroci, že sa stane v tom dni. On tu bol a robil presne to čo Boh prorokoval, že sa bude diať! Ako to, že to nevideli? Oni to hneď mali poznať, keď videli aká bola Jeho služba, že to je Mesiáš. Oni to mali vedieť, pretože On povedal, že to Písmo sa vyplnilo.

43Rozmýšľam dnes. A všimnite si čo to bolo, ako ten kňaz podal to Slovo. To Slovo bolo prečítané, podané naspäť tomu kňazovi. A posledný citát z môjho textu, ktorý som mal, a moje vypísané miesta Písma, to bol sv. Lukáš 17: 30, kde, Ježiš poukazuje naspäť na tento deň v ktorom my žijeme, "bohatý Laodicejský vek," a jednako zhnitý v politike, cirkevná politika a národná politika, proste tak zhnité, ako to len môže byť. A potom On povedal: "Ako to bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude pri príchode času konca," všimnite si čo On tam povedal: "v tom dni keď sa zjaví Syn človeka."

44Vidíte: "V tých dňoch, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka!" Chcem obrátiť vašu pozornosť.

45Vidíte, On prišiel pod tromi menami. On prišiel ako Syn človeka, čo je prorok. A to je to, čo On robil. On dokázal Svoju službu, tým že bol prorok. Všetci to vieme. Každý jeden z nás to vie. On nepovedal, že On je Syn Boží; On povedal, že je Syn človeka. No, dnes, On je Syn Boží, On ktorý sa vrátil naspäť, a On je teraz vo forme Ducha Svätého, tej neviditeľnej Osoby; ale jednako, Boh, Syn Boží. V Miléniu, On sedí na tróne Svojho Otca, to On bude Syn Dávidov. On sa zjavil prv ako Syn človeka, prorok; v tomto veku, cez tento cirkevný vek, ako Syn človeka ... či Syn Boží; a v tom ďalšom veku, ako Syn Dávidov. Traja synovia!

46Ale všimnite si tu, On povedal, že na konci toho cirkevného veku, sa to dostalo do takého zamiešania, že až On sa znovu zjaví ako Syn človeka, "keď sa zjaví Syn človeka." Aké akurátne bolo včera to zmätenie! A dúfam, že vám to neuniká.

47Mali sme zjavenie Syna Božieho, ale to posledné zasľúbenie, ktoré mal Abrahám pred tým, ako ten syn bol učinený ... alebo prinesený do existencie, ten ktorý bol zasľúbený; prv ako sa ukázal ten zasľúbený syn, Boh sa tam v čase Sodomy zamanifestoval ako prorok, bol človekom, v tele, Boh. Elohim, ako som to počul niekoho pred chvíľou hovoriť, a to bolo Božstvo telesne v Ňom. On bol plnosťou. Elohim je plnosť Božstva, telesne. A všimli sme si tam, keď Lot videl ... Keď Ho Abrahám videl prichádzať, on povedal: "môj Pane." Oni boli traja. A dole v Sodome, Lot videl dvoch, a povedal: "moji pánovia," nedostatok zjavenia. Tak všimnite si čo sa tu deje, keď On prichádza, ako sa On dal poznať.

48Či by sme mohli ... či by som mohol toto povedať, keby to bolo len zo mňa, viete. Brat prorokoval, keď mi povedal to čo povedal. Dnes! Pozrite čo On povedal hneď potom ako prečítal to Písmo. "Vo dňoch keď Syn človeka," nie človek, nie ľudská bytosť, "keď sa zjaví Syn človeka znovu medzi Svojim ľudom." Dnes toto zasľúbenie, tejto hodiny, v ktorej my teraz žijeme sa vyplnilo pred našimi vlastnými očami. On sa hneď potom obrátil do zhromaždenia, a desať alebo dvanásť, či koľko ľudí to tam bolo, neznámych, On urobil práve tú istú vec, ktorú urobil v čase Sodomy. Dnes, toto Písmo bolo zamanifestované pred vami. Stalo sa pred vami pravdou.

49Potom, môj brat, sestra, delegáti, kazatelia, čímkoľvek sme tu, deti Božie, ako blízko sme potom Jeho príchodu? Ak teraz vidíme Písmo, ktoré On zasľúbil, tesne predtým, ako oheň spadol na Sodomu, aby ju spálil, a tento deň prirovnal ku tomu, a vidíme to Písmo vyplnené rovno pred našimi očami, ako blízko sme potom príchodu Syna Božieho? Ako blízko je vyplnenie Písma, ako to zamanifestoval skrze Abraháma, ako vychovával cirkev, v predobraze, v ktorom on bol tým zasľúbením pre cirkev! A teraz vidíme Abrahámove telesné semeno, ako oni sklamali. Ale kráľovské semeno Abraháma, ktoré je skrze vieru v zasľúbené Slovo, je teraz, dnes zamanifestované na zemi. Sme v čase konca, môj brat, sestra. Sme na konci.

50A nemáme žiadny ďalší predobraz. Musím brať obrazy Písma, pretože nemám dostatok vzdelania aby som hovoril slová a veci. Ukazujem príklady. Ale keď vidím v tých tieňoch ... Keby som nikdy nevidel svoju ruku, a videl by som jej tieň, viem, že mám päť prstov. A takto musíte pozorovať príklady Písma Starého Zákona. Čo to robí? To naznačuje toto. A Ježiš povedal, že Sodoma bola predobrazom teraz času konca. A práve tie Písma, ktoré boli zasľúbené ohľadne Sodomy, práve tie Písma, ktoré sa odohrali pri Sodome, Ježiš povedal, že sa to znovu zopakuje v tomto dni, dnes sa to dalo poznať rovno pred nami.

51Nech vás Boh žehná. Neprehliadnite to. A ak vás tu neuvidím na budúci rok; keď budete stúpať po tých zlatých schodoch, dúfam že vás stretnem tam hore. Nech vás Boh žehná. [Prázdne miesto na páske.]

52Otče, my sme ... [Prázdne miesto na páske.] Podľa Písma, vidíme zamanifestovaný pred nami, posledný znak a predobraz. Slová Ježiša Krista povedali, že toto je tak. Tak ako bolo v Sodome, vidíme že svet je v jej stave, vidíme, že cirkev je v jej stave, vidíme, že Vyvolení boli vyvolaný von z každej denominácii; Život, ktorý je na týchto miestach, vychádzal teraz, aby nabral formu Semena. Prosíme, Nebeský Otče, aby sme boli rýchlo prebudení.

53Ako nejaký brat práve teraz povedal, on videl pred sebou, a keď mal zavrené svoje oči, proste masy prechádzali popred neho. Ó Bože, cítime, že sú masy, ktoré ešte neboli dotknuté. Pomôž nám, drahý Bože. Nech ideme z tejto konferencii s takým varovaním vo svojich srdciach, vediac, že dnes sa vyplnilo to Písmo. V mene Ježiša. Amen.

54[Brat Démos Shakarian hovorí: "Haleluja. Náš vydavateľ, Jerry Jensen, prišiel sem. Jeho svokra je teraz v bezvedomí, a on sa to práve dozvedel. A oni sú služobníci evanjelia, otvorení služobníci. Či by sme ... On je, viem že je z toho veľmi smutný. A práve ..."] Dozvedel sa to práve teraz, dopočul sa to práve teraz? ["Áno."] Sú tu? ["Nie, oni, oni sú v Los Angeles. V bezvedomí."]

55Vzdialenosť pre Boha nerobí problém. On je Všadeprítomný. Musí byť, keď je Boh. Jedna z najväčších vecí, o ktorej viem, ktorá sa stala, v mojej vlastnej pokornej službe, bola skrze telefón, alebo niekto zatelefonoval, stali sa veľké veci. Zhodnime sa spolu, aby Boh uzdravil týchto ľudí, ktorý sú chorí.

56Drahý Nebeský Otče, prinášame ich do Tvojej prítomnosti, skrze modlitbu. Vieme, že jednej noci bol jeden apoštol, ktorý bol zavrený od všetkej aktivity; on bol vo vezení a nasledujúceho dňa mal byť sťatý. Tam v dome Jána Marka, oni mali modlitebné zhromaždenie, a práve tam v tých vnútorných celách tam prišiel ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý nasledoval deti Izraela, či, ktorý deti Izraela nasledovali po púšti; vošiel rovno dovnútra, z dôvodu toho modlitebného zhromaždenia, a otvoril všetky dvere a vyviedol toho apoštola znovu von na ulicu, slobodného, aby kázal.

57Dozvedeli sme sa, že títo služobníci, misionári, sú teraz zviazaní, oni sú - oni sú dokonca v bezvedomí. Pane, Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Vypočuj dnes večer našu modlitbu, ó Bože. Ty si povedal: "Keď sa modlíte, verte že dostanete to o čo prosíte a bude vám to dané." Pane, my veríme, a prosíme o to v mene Ježiša, aby si ich uzdravil, Pane, Tebe na slávu. Bolo to povedané, bolo o to prosené, nech sa to teraz stane. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, Ted. Ver s nim.

58Brat Demos. [Prázdne miesto na páske. Potom brat Demos Shakarian hovorí: "Poznáš toho muža?"] Nie. Veľa sa zmenilo od toho času, bratia. ["Poď sem, Howard. On bol vtedy veľmi pekný mladík. Ty si stále pekný, brat Branham]. No, to je pekný obraz. Videli sme tvoju tetu, ktorá tiež pred chvíľou povstala. A možno by si rád povedal nejaké slovo, Howard." [Prázdne miesto na páske.]

59Všetci si ceníme brata Shakariana. Ak niekedy ...

THIS DAY THIS SCRIPTURE IS FULFILLED, 65-0125, Ramada Inn, Ramada Inn, Phoenix, AZ, 23 min

1 Thank you, Brother Demos, Brother Carl, Shakarian, or, Demos Shakarian and Brother Carl Williams, and delegates, all. I just think that brother, the plow man here, just expressed what I wanted to, tonight, that he just taken my speech right from me. Because, I have enjoyed this, I believe, this convention, more than any convention I've ever been in. I've never seen, in any convention, more harmony and such real fellowship and brotherly love. Another thing that I have done, I have met many new delegates of Heaven, new brethren that I've had the privilege to shake hands with and talk to.

2 Just a few nights ago, I was listening to the Baptist brother sitting over there. I can't think of his name. [Brother Shakarian says, "Irvin."--Ed.] Irvin. And he brought a card to me from... I believe it's his aunt, that's sitting here tonight. She has held that prayer card for some twenty years.

3She was brought into the meeting, dying with a disease, that maybe the doctor could explain what it is. It's something like leprosy, but it isn't leprosy. You just... There's an operation, they could cut some kind of a cord up here, or something, but she would be just like a plant, she would have to sit there. And while she was sitting there, perhaps her card not called or nothing, didn't get in the prayer line, the Holy Spirit directed me to her. And she is back there tonight, is well, and we're very thankful for that. The...

4 [Brother Shakarian says, "Brother, I think--I think Howard Irvin was over there speaking to you, but I think the aunt is here. Maybe we can have her stand up."--Ed.] Would you stand up, the--the aunt of... ["There she is. Wave your hand. Wave your hand." Congregation applauds.]

5God bless you, my sister, for your gallant faith in the Son of God. May He keep you well until the time He calls you Home, when this mortal will take on immortality. I'm so thankful for that, to think she held that card for all these years now, and then was brought here to me and showed me tonight. You know, I was saying, it's like bread upon the water, it returns to you, when you try to do something for somebody else.

6 Now, I have also had the privilege of meeting many of these fine ministers, and I certainly appreciate their fine fellowship, this cooperation. Brother Carl announced me to be back next year, if the Lord is willing, and we are here on earth. And, well, I hope to meet every one of you here next year again, and each one bring another delegate with him and with she.

7Now there is just one thing that I would like to say a little something about, maybe for just a moment.

8Because, Doctor Reed is to speak next, and I've come all the way up here tonight, I've got two hundred and fifty miles that I... to make this trip, to hear Doctor Reed. And just something happened a while ago that I would... But--but, Doctor Reed, I'd drive a thousand miles to hear him. But something has... Since I have been here, I would drive a thousand miles just to hear what I heard a little while ago, such a wonderful thing, something that flesh and blood cannot reveal. Takes the Holy Spirit to do it. And to see someone who encouraged my life in such a way, and I certainly will be very grateful all the rest of my life.

9What I wanted to say, was--was, if I ever have to have an operation, call on a medical doctor, you--you come to me, Doctor Reed, right away. I--I can trust the man to operate, if I have to have one, hands that believes in God, that--that would be the one I'd want working on me. And so we... I trust I'll never have to have it. But if I do, I would want he, or a man like him, to do the work, if he couldn't be there.

10 I had something to happen last night, that, or yesterday afternoon, rather, that was really kind of strange to me. And I'll be brief, because I don't want to take my brother's time, as he is going to speak. But I suppose it's kind of a complimentary to my ministry.

11I--I watch little things. Just every little thing has a meaning, to me. I don't believe that anything happens to a Christian by chance. I think it's ordained of God, 'cause Jesus said He would make all things work together for good to them that loved Him. So therefore I believe that every little thing in--in the little humble ministry that He has given me, to help you people, to help everyone, and you all are a help to me, helping each other to get to Glory. In that, every little thing has a meaning, to me. But it was hard for me to believe that, yesterday afternoon, when I lost my text up here. I--I tell you, I never was so gotten in my life. And, then, my--my wife gave me a new Bible for Christmas.

12 My old one was just worn out. I've had it almost twenty years now, was give to me by the Houston Gospel Tabernacle people, many years ago, when I started out on the campaigns. And so I just, I cherish it so much, and I... the leaves and pages, of crossing the sea, and around, until I... it's just dropping out. I pick up a page maybe in Genesis, and have to look back over in Deuteronomy somewhere to find it, you know, where I just stuck it back in the Bible. So, she got me one for Christmas. And I hated to lay the old Book aside, it's been so dear to me. I said, "If I went before Jesus comes, lay It on me. Let This go down with me, and I'll come up with It when we come up." So then, that's my opinion, anyhow.

13 As I used to tell a little story. Hope this is not sacrilegious. But I went to... A man told me one time, I believe it was Brother Earl Prickett, a meeting up in New York; and I met a man, he said, "Say, what are you doing with these businessmen, being a preacher?"

I said, "I am a businessman."

And he said, "What kind of business you in?"

14I said, "Assurance." Now, he thought I said, "insurance," you see. So I said, "Assurance."

He said, "Oh, what kind of insurance you sell?"

15I said, "Eternal Life." Eternal! Said, "I don't sell It. I'm just a policyholder, myself, and I try to prescribe It to others."

16 Remember a boy I went to school with, one time, and he was an insurance salesman. Now, insurance is alright, but I don't have any. Then, so he come to my house, and he said, "Billy, I'd like to sell you some insurance." Said, "I know your brother." My brother sells for Metropolitan. He said, "Well," said, "I would, I'd like to sell you some insurance."

I said, "Oh, Wilmer, thank you."

17And you'll... he may be here tonight, his brother, he writes the articles in The Upper Room, the book, The Upper Room. So he...

I said, "I have assurance."

He said, "What?"

18And my wife looked at me as if I was a hypocrite. She... and I said... So she said, "Billy?"

And I said, "Yes, uh-huh, I have assurance."

19And he said, "Oh, I'm--I'm sorry," said, "I didn't... I heard that you didn't have any insurance."

And I said, "No, I have assurance."

20And--and he caught me, what I said then. He said, "What did you say?"

"I said, 'Assurance.'"

And he said, "Well, what do you mean?"

21I said, "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine; oh, what a foretaste of glory Divine! I'm an heir of salvation, purchased of God; born of His Spirit, washed in His Blood."

22He said, "Billy, you know I appreciate that." Said, "That's a very good thing. But," said, "son, that will not put you out here in the graveyard."

23I said, "But It'll get me out." I'm not afraid... [Brother Branham and the congregation laugh--Ed.] I'm not bothered about getting in; it's getting out, see. So I think that's the way we feel about it.

24 Last evening, when I picked up that Bible, and I couldn't find that text. And I picked up that new Bible. And I, reading out of the old, and I picked up the new one and put it under my arm and run up here. And I turned over to that place, and I thought, "Well, here, I believe it was Saint John 16:21," and it wasn't the reading at all.

I said to Brother Moore, "Is that where that's at?" "Yes."

25And I looked back, and it wasn't there. So I thought, "Well, they got a misplaced page in--page in."

26Then my brother here came, Brother Stanley, he came over; Bishop Stanley, rather. And I don't know what the man meant, I... It was such a comfort, though. He walked up close to my side, and he said, "Hold steady, brother, God is maybe going to do something." See? And that just encouraged me, to think he would say that.

27I wonder if he realized he prophesied? But talking to him a few moments ago, just before getting up here, I'm sure he did.

28 So I brought it in my Message upon the Birth Pains, and so forth. And my little rude way of doing it, about the lily; and how it's born down and begotten, and comes up, and draws up the sun, the dewdrop, and so forth. And then the corruption of what it has to die out of, to be born out of, rather, to come out. And I was trying to make an illustration of the church.

29Just like the doctor here, if he went to treat a patient. We've got doctors today that says, "You can rub your foot, on the back of the heel, and heal the cancer on your face, you see." But a good doctor wouldn't listen to such a thing as that. He treats the patient according to the book that he is reading on medical research.

30And that's the way I try to do to treat the patient. When I see the church sick, I don't want to try to tell them they need a new handshake or something, a new organization. I have to treat it according to the Book that I--I know, see. And so when I see the church, look like breaking out with measles, I want to take the very Prescription I think is right, and for the measles, to get it out of the church; when I see sin breaking out in it, it's the same way!

31 I tried to make a comparison with Esau and Jacob, and then bringing times down. And I won't go into that. But bringing it down to the last part in my last Scripture to use, was comparing it, not unscripturally, but as Jesus said it would be, what the main Doctor said the condition of the church should be, in this last days, "It would be a Laodicea; rich, blind, naked, poor church," and it would be compared with the days of Sodom. Now, we know that's the Truth. If you notice it, historically, He brought in the days of Noah, first, and then the days of Sodom. And that's just the way it's traveled, just the same way.

32And history, has many times, repeats itself, history does, and so does--does promises of the Bible. For instance, like in Matthew 3, where it said, "Out of Egypt I have called My son." Now if you run the reference on that, it was Jacob, His son, He called out of Egypt; that was His lesser son. But His great Son, Jesus, was called out of Egypt, too. So it had a--a compound answer.

33 So, and seeing as they went along talking about that, and then I brought my thoughts of that. And I walked out of the... off the platform, and went out. My children, going home, wanted to stop out here somewhere, to get a sandwich. And I went in, the wife said, "Billy, I was so nervous I didn't know what to do." Said, "I gave you that Bible."

34I said, "You never wrote it, and you never put it together, honey."

35She said, "But, just to think, I--I give you a--a Bible that had a flaw in it."

I said, "Well, maybe it wasn't."

36And so one of the children picked it up, and we would feel the pages. No, it looked all right. But right down at the bottom, it was two pages sticking together, see, and the 16th chapter was on this side, and then the continuation of the 16th chapter come up on the other side. And the 17th started on the... see, it's just perfectly, exactly the same, across. And that Indian paper, real thin, sticking together, and I was reading out of the 17th chapter all the time, instead of the 16th chapter.

37 And I thought, "God, why did You do that? Why would there be such a thing now?" That's me feeling, you know, to see what it was all about, 'cause I think nothing happens by chance. And I was thinking about the comfort of this brother here, coming, telling me, "'Hold steady,' him being a priest, 'hold steady, maybe God is going to do something,'" or something in that manner. And I thought, "How could that be?"

38And then, sitting there, like a thunderbolt out of Heaven it came to me. Now, this might not make sense to you, but it does to me, see.

39 I remember, in Luke the 4th chapter, that Jesus entered the synagogue at Nazareth, where He was brought up at, as His custom was to go into the church on the... synagogue, on the Sabbath. And when He did, we notice there that the priest gave Him the Bible, the Scroll. Jesus, looking through the Scroll, found the certain place, Isaiah 61, and He read the Scripture. Then He handed the Bible back to the minister. And then as He turned to the audience, all eyes was upon Him. And He said:

... This day this Scripture is fulfilled...

40And we know how peculiar that Scripture reading was, because He just took a portion of the 1st and 2nd verses, of Isaiah 61:1 and 2. But He read down this far, where, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, to bind up the brokenhearted, and to--to (give) heal the sick, and to open the blinded eyes, and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord," and then He stopped. For, the next was to bring judgment; that would apply to His Second Coming, not His first coming. And He stopped, and turned around, and said, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled." How direct that was!

41 And what a--what a--a statement it was to the teachers and to the people that were present, that He could make this plain to the people, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled." For here He was, the Messiah, yet they didn't believe it. Here He was, the anointed One for that hour. Every bit of His ministry, from His birth up, had proved to be what He was, and yet they could not believe it. What a statement! But He could say today...

42And if a person opened up their eyes, they could have knew, known what day that they were living in, for that was His hour, for He was right there doing exactly what the Scriptures, all the prophets, had said would happen in that day. Here He was doing exactly what God had prophesied would happen! How did they miss seeing it? They should have known right quick, seeing what His ministry was. There is the Messiah. They would have known it, because He said, "The Scripture is fulfilled."

43 I think of today. And notice what that was as the--the priest gave the Word over. The Word was read, handed back to the priest. And the last quotation out of my text that I had, and my Scriptures wrote down, was Saint Luke 17:30, where, Jesus referring back to this day that we're living in, "rich, Laodicea Age," and yet rotten in politics, church politics and national politics, just as rotten as it could be. And then He said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming end time," notice what He said there, "in the day that the Son of man will be revealed."

44See, "In the days that the Son of man will be revealed!" I want to draw your attention.

45See, He came in three names. He came as Son of man, which was prophet. And that's what He did, He proved His ministry, by being a prophet. We all know that. Every one of us knows it. He never said He was the Son of God; He said He was the Son of man. Now, today, He is the Son of God, which He returned back, and now He is in the form of the Holy Ghost, the unseen Person; but yet, God, the Son of God. In the Millennium, He sits upon His Father's Throne, which He'll be Son of David. He revealed Himself first as Son of man, a prophet; this age, through the church age, Son of man... or Son of God; and in the other age, Son of David. Three sons!

46 But you notice here, He said, at the ending of the church age, it had got in such a mess till He would be revealed again as Son of man, "when the Son of man is being revealed." How appropriate was that mix-up yesterday! And I hope you don't miss it.

47We have had the revelation of Son of God, but the last promise that Abraham had before the son was made... or brought into existence, the one that he had been promised; before the promised son showed up, God manifested Himself there at Sodom as a Prophet, being a Man, in flesh, God. Elohim, as I heard someone speak it a while ago, which the Godhead bodily was in Him. He was the fulness. Elohim is the fulness of the Godhead, bodily. And we notice there when Lot saw... When Abraham saw Him coming, he said, "my Lord." There was three of Them. And down in Sodom, Lot saw two, and said, "my lords," lack of revelation. So notice what taken place here, when He come up, how He made Hisself known.

48 Could we not, could I not say this if I had just been on my toes, see, the brother prophesied when he said to me what he did! This day! Watch what He did right after the reading of that Scripture. "In the days when the Son of man," not a man, not a human being, "the Son of man will reveal Hisself among His people again." This day this promise, of this hour that we're now living in, is fulfilled before our very eyes. He turned immediately to the congregation, and ten or twelve, whatever people it was out there, unknown, He did the very same thing He did at Sodom. This day has this Scripture been made manifest before you. It's been made true before you.

49Then, my brother, sister, delegates, ministers, whatever we are here, children of God, how close are we to His Coming then? If we're now seeing the Scripture that He promised, just before the fire fell in Sodom to burn it up, and likened this day to it, and seeing that Scripture right before our eyes be fulfilled, how close are we to the Coming of the Son of God then? How close is the manifestation of the Scriptures, like He did through Abraham, bringing the Church up, in type, which He was the promise to the Church! And now we find out, Abraham's natural seed, how they failed. But the royal Seed of Abraham, which is by faith in the promised Word, is now being manifested on the earth today. We are at the end time, my brother, sisters. We are at the end.

50 And we have not one other type. I have to type Scriptures because I don't have an education enough to bring out words and things. I make a type. But if I see in the shadows... If I never had seen my hand, and see the shadow, I know I had five fingers. And that's the way you have to watch the Scripture types of the Old Testament. What does it do? It foreshadows this. And Jesus said that Sodom was the foreshadow of the end time now. And the very Scriptures that was promised to Sodom, the very Scriptures that was taking place at Sodom, that Jesus said would repeat itself again in this day, it's made known right before us today.

51God bless you. Don't miss it. And if I don't see you here next year; when they climb the Golden Stairs, I hope to meet you up There. God bless you.

[Congregation applauds. A sister speaks in another tongue, and then she gives an interpretation. A brother comes to the microphone and leads the congregation in singing He's Coming Soon, and intermittently comments. Blank.spot.on.tape. The brother continues singing He's Coming Soon, and intermittently comments. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

52 Father, we are... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] According to the Scriptures, we are seeing manifested, before us, the last sign and type. The Words of Jesus Christ said this is so. Just as it was at Sodom, we see the world in its condition, we see the church in its condition, we see the--the Elect being called out of every denomination; the Life, that's in those places, moving out now to take the form of the Seed. We pray, Heavenly Father, that we'll awaken quickly.

53As a brother just said now, he seen before his face, and when he had his eyes closed, just masses going before him. O God, we feel that there is masses untouched yet. Help us, dear God. May we go from this convention with such a warning in our heart, knowing that this day the Scripture is fulfilled. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

54 [Brother Demos Shakarian says, "Hallelujah. Our editor, Jerry Jensen, will you come up here? His--his mother-in-law is unconscious, right. He's just got the news. And they are ministers of the Gospel, Foursquare ministers. Would we just... He is, I know he is very heavy-hearted. And, and just..."--Ed.] Just got it just now, just heard just now? ["Yes."] Are they here? ["No, they, they're in Los Angeles. In a coma."]

55Distance is no difference to God. He is Omnipresent. He has to be, to be God. Some of the greatest things that I know of being done, in my own humble ministry, is by telephone, or someone calling in, great things taken place. Let us agree together that God will heal this people that's sick.

56 Dear Heavenly Father, we bring them into Your Presence, by prayer. We know that one night there was an apostle that was shut off from all activity then; he was in a jail and he was going to be beheaded the next day. Down at John Mark's house they had a prayer meeting, and right in those inner cells there came that same Pillar of Fire that followed the children of Israel, or the children of Israel followed It through the wilderness; came right in, because of that prayer meeting, and opened every door, and brought the apostle out on the street again, free to minister.

57We understand that these ministers, missionary people, is bound in now, they're--they're even in a coma. Lord, You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hear our prayer tonight, O God. You said, "When you pray, believe that you receive what you ask for, it shall be given you." Lord, we believe, and pray that in Jesus' Name, that You will heal them, Lord, for Your glory. It's been said, been asked, now let it be done. Amen.

58God bless you, Jerry. You believe with him. [Brother Jerry Jensen says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Brother Demos.

59 [Brother Demos Shakarian says, "Thank you, Brother Branham; Jerry. Praise God. I just quickly like to have the men stand up. Brother Arganbright, one of the international directors; stand up, Brother Miner. Jack Moore, stand up. Clifford Ford. Doerflein, from Seattle. Charles Colonel Young. Enoch Christoffersen, Turlock. Jess Winemore. Ike Akamine, from Hawaiian Islands. My, how it blessed! How he blessed our souls here, the other day. I love him. He's our U. S. ambassador who served under seven presidents, Gerald Roll; William Roll, God bless you, brother. Dr. Ray Marlin...?...! God bless Ray...?...! Earl Prickett."--Ed.]

60[Brother Shakarian says, "And Brother Branham was given honorary membership, life membership, fully on his name. And one of the few that was voted on, by the board of directors, many years ago."--Ed.]

Thank you, brother.

61[Brother Shakarian says, "And Carl Williams, who loved him so much."--Ed.]

62[Brother Shakarian says, "And Brother Henry Krause, the plow manufacturer. Jewel Rose, our secretary-treasurer. Farmer, Frank Foglio, in...?... And I can't think of you; I can't." A brother says, "It's Derrick Fredo." Brother Shakarian says, "Oh, Brother Derrick...?..., how we appreciate his ministry! My, and so wonderful, and--and so much! Dr. Stanley, from in Canada, eastern Canada."--Ed.]

63[Brother Sharkarian says, "Brother Howard Ervin, see you back there, Howard Ervin. And we just had your... Was it aunt that...?... We just had her stand up, moment ago, Howard, while you were with the young people."--Ed.]

64[Brother Shakarian says, "And I'd like to see that picture of Brother Branham's, twenty years ago."--Ed.] Huh!

65[Brother Shakarian says, "Brother Norwood, Brother Norwood from Kansas City. Brother Ben Smart from Colorado. Herbert Bond, from Los Angeles, one of the directors of Los Angeles chapter, doing a great work there. And Fred Watson, the pastor sitting over there, corner. Art Wilson here, and we didn't have place enough here for him, so he set with all the ladies. And all the ladies here are directors' wives. And all you wonderful people!"--Ed.]

66[Brother Shakarian says, "Did I miss anyone else? Some of the other directors had to go home yesterday. Darrell Hon...?... had to leave. So let's show these men we appreciate all their efforts, then." The brethren say, "Thank you. Thank you." Congregation applauds. Brother Shakarian says, "Amen. And I didn't miss anybody."--Ed.]

67[Brother Shakarian says, "Brother Branham. Come here, Brother Branham. You recognize that fellow?"--Ed.]

No, sir. A lot of change since those days, brethren.

[Brother Shakarian says, "Come here, Howard."--Ed.]

68[Brother Shakarian says, "He was a very handsome fellow, and he is still handsome, Brother Branham. And that's a nice picture."--Ed.]

69[Brother Shakarian says, "And we had your aunt to stand a moment ago, too. And maybe you would like to say a word, Howard."--Ed.]

70[Brother Howard Ervin says, "Between twelve and fifteen years ago, Aunt Edith was healed of Raynaud's disease, which I understand is medically incurable. I don't know whether Brother Branham told you the circumstances. And I wonder if I might take just one moment to do so. This is her card that she got for the healing line. She never got in the healing line. She was sitting, seated in the second row, in the auditorium here in Phoenix. Brother Branham had preached his heart out, was just too exhausted to pray for people. But suddenly he looked down at her, looked directly at her, and said, 'You can be healed if you want to be.' And she went out of that meeting, healed, and is still healed."--Ed.]

71[Brother Shakarian says, "It was an incurable affliction. Wasn't it?"--Ed.]

72[Brother Ervin says, "Yes. I understand that the disease was incurable. And our physicians here will check me; I'm a layman at medicine. But I understand that it's a disease of the nerves, that affects one similar to leprosy. The nerves choke off--choke off the blood supply, and eventually the fingers just rot and fall off. There was one medical operation, of the surgeon in the East, told them they could perform, and that was to cut a nerve up in here; but, if they had, she would have been a vegetable. But God, by His mighty power, has healed her, and she is healed today."--Ed.]

73[Brother Shakarian says, "Let's just have her stand up again, back there."--Ed.]

[Brother Ervin says, "Would you stand up, Aunt Edith?"--Ed.]

74[Brother Shakarian says, "And there it is, twenty years later." Brother Ervin says, "Fifteen years ago." Brother Shakarian says, "Fifteen years later." Brother Ervin says, "Fifteen years ago."--Ed.]

75Thank the Lord! There's one man they left out. We all appreciate Brother Shakarian. Don't we? Every one of us! [Congregation applauds--Ed.]

[Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... be like Jesus,

On earth... to be like Him;

All through life's journey, from earth to Glory,

All I ask, to be like Him.

Let's pray.

76Heavenly Father, we can visualize tonight of You standing by the side of the wall once and watching the people come by and put into the treasury of God. And You seen this widow come by with just a small amount of money, just a few pennies of tithing, perhaps had some children at home, but she was interested in the kingdom. There's no doubt that that has been recopied again tonight. Been many people that's put in, of practically all they've got right here in this offering, because it has been so placed before us, that there is a need, and our hearts are in this, Father.

77I've often thought, perhaps if I had been standing there, it had been me looking at that widow, I'd have run to her and said, "Don't do it, sister. We--we don't need it." But maybe it would have been wrong. You never told her not to do it. You just stood and watched her do it, for You knowed from her heart, You'd repay her for that.

78Father, I know that You know the intents of every heart that placed in here tonight, and what it's for. It's for the Kingdom's sake, Lord, that the... this work that we're so wonderfully enjoy, and this fellowship, Lord, of all of the great denominations of the world. We feel that we're such a privileged people to be here tonight in the Presence of God, feeling this great Word coming forth and making manifest, proving God being in our midst!

79God, give to each and every one here as they have need. We pray now that You'll bless the offering for it's intended use. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

God bless you.