Dvere vo dverách



Pamätajte náš text je “dvere” vo dverách. Tak vo vnútri ľudského srdca je veľa malých dverí a tie malé dvere zakrývajú mnoho vecí. Jednoducho Mu dovoľte vojsť, to nie je všetko, keď On len vchádza. Keď ja vojdem do vášho domu, keby ste ma privítali vo dverách, prečo, keby ste povedali, “Vojdi, brat Branham. Som rád, že ťa vidím.” Ja by som povedal, “No, je to pre mňa privilégium vojsť do tvojho domu.”

“Ó, neprejdeš a nesadneš si? Brat Branham, prejdi sa po našom dome, prejdi sa v dome.” Ó.

Išiel by som ku chladničke, dal by som si jeden z týchto dobrých veľkých sendvičov, asi takýto, vyzul svoje topánky a išiel by som do spálne, aby som si tam ľahol. A mal by som skutočne gastronomickú slávnosť. Vidíte? Prečo? Pretože by som sa cítil vítaný. Privítali ste ma. Preto by som to ocenil, keby ste ma privítali. Ale ak by som vošiel do vášho domu a vy by ste mi povedali, “Stoj tam teraz pri dverách, nestrkaj všade nos.” Necítil by som sa príliš vítaný. Ani vy, však? Nie. Vidíte? Necítili by ste sa vítaní. Niekto by vás pozval a povedal by, “No, počkaj. Áno, vojdi, ale stoj rovno tam.”

Tak, sú malé dvere, keď ste vo vnútri ľudského srdca. Pohovoríme len o niektorých z nich. Vidíte? Nemáme čas ísť cez všetky tieto dvere, pretože je ich veľa. Vidíte? Ale, povedzme, nasledujúcich desať minút, pohovorme o niektorých, o troch dverách.

1...tu dnes ráno. Myslel som svojho času, keď som prvý krát prichádzal do Flagstaffu. To bolo asi, myslím pred okolo tridsiatimi ôsmimi rokmi, možno štyridsiatimi. Hovoril som o výstupe na horu. Nebol tam sneh, ale môj malý model T sa takmer nemohol dostať na tú horu. On mohol ísť tridsať míľ za hodinu, ale bolo to pätnásť míľ týmto smerom a pätnásť tým smerom, viete, niektorými z týchto ciest, ktoré sme tu mali. A to bolo dosť...

2[Nejaký brat na pódiu hovorí, “Prečo nám neprednesieš tú báseň o Fordke.”–Vyd.] Brat Carl! [“Prosím.”–Vyd.] Nie. On mi hovorí o malej básni, ktorú som raz napísal o mojej Fordke. To nie je dobré miesto, aby som to predniesol, brat Carl.

3Tak sme veľmi vďační. A dnes ráno som mal veľa pekných svedectiev, ktoré som počul od týchto bratov, stretol som niektorých z tých mužov.

4A bol tam práve jeden slúžiaci brat, ktorý tu hovoril, malý španielsky brat, ktorý dal svojmu malému chlapcovi čas, aby zaspieval. Nebolo to nádherné na šesťročného chlapca? Ó, najkrajší hlas, aký som kedy počul u takého malého chlapca.

5Tak, tento brat, tí bratia to zabudli, ale on organizuje nejaké zhromaždenie vo vašom meste. Myslím, že je to v cirkvi Božej, alebo zbory Božie? [Ten brat hovorí, “Zbory.”–Vyd.] Zbory Božie, dolu v Zboroch Božích. A som si istý, že oni by ocenili vašu prítomnosť. Vy... Ako dlho trvá to zhromaždenie, brat? Počas nedele, počas nedele večer. [Máme dnes večer a sing-spiration.”–Vyd.] Prosím? [“Máme dnes večer a sing-spiration.”–Vyd.] Sing-spiration dnes večer. Tak, všetci ste srdečne pozvaní na toto zhromaždenie. Sedem tridsať, dnes večer. A kde sa nachádza tá cirkev, brat? Povedal by si nám, kde to je? [“113 West Clay.”–Vyd.] Ulica 113 West Clay, priamo tu v meste Flagstaff. A som si istý, že budete...

6Je ten malý chlapec s tebou? Nie, jeho otecko bude spievať. Budeš spievať, či nie? Dobre, to je skvelé, myslel som, že zaspievaš len raz. Tak, je to veľmi zriedkavé, že také niečo vidíte, zvyčajne, ak je jeden talent v rodine, ja myslím, že on je vzatý z ostatku toho. Tak oni majú... [“To všetko sa rozpočalo v pôste a modlitbe, brat Branham.”–Vyd.] Pôst a modlitba, tak to je skutočne milé.

7Tak, viete, ak Amerika, všetci spolu, každá z našich amerických rodín by bola takáto, no, oni by jednoducho mohli prepustiť všetky policajné sily. To by bolo milénium, však že? Boli by sme...?... Boli by sme potom rovno v prvej triede. Je to tak. Všetka smrť by zmizla preč, všetky choroby, žiaľ, všetko sklamanie, a my by sme boli s Kristom.

8Tak sme šťastní, a počul som všetky tieto pekné svedectvá. A mal som tú výsadu byť prvý krát na zhromaždení brata Earla. A minulý večer som sa zhováral s jeho manželkou, a ona bola niekoľkokrát vyvolaná a uzdravená na zhromaždeniach, a povedala, že na poslednom zhromaždení bola na pódiu.

9Tak to nám spôsobuje trochu, trochu zmyslu pre humor. Nepamätal som si brata Earla, hoci som si s ním niekde potriasol ruku. A sedel som pri okne, včera večer, vyhliadajúc ho, kedy príde. A prichádzal nejaký veľký, vysoký muž, ktorý mal čierne fúzy. Povedal som, “Už ide.” A potom, keď... Billy, môj syn povedal, “Ó, nie” povedal, “to nie je brat Earl. On je oveľa mladší než tento človek.” A tak potom som sa mal stretnúť so sestrou Earlovou tu včera večer, a mal som tu výsadu byť v ich krásnom dome tu v meste.

10Toto je pekné miesto. Vždy ho chcem volať flagpole [angl.-stožiar] namiesto Flagstaff [angl.-vlajkový stožiar] cestou hore na vrchol toho kopca tu. Vidíte? A poviem vám, ak je tu niekto z Texasu, tak teraz sa chváľte. Odišiel som včera z Tucsonu, asi sedemdesiatdva alebo sedemdesiatpäť niekde tam a tu hore dnes ráno s oblečeným kabátom. Vidíte, to, čo oni majú v Texase, my máme v Arizone, však že? Je to tak. Sme rovno tu.

11Tento čas obecenstva... Starý doktor Bosworth, jeden z mojich priateľov, mnohí z

vás ste mohli poznať brata Boswortha. On bol jedným z najsvätejších starých mužov. A on mi raz povedal, on povedal, “Brat Branham, vieš, čo je obecenstvo? Povedal som, “Premýšľam, Brat Bosworth.”

12Povedal, “To sú dvaja ľudia na jednej lodi, tak oni sa musia trochu podeliť.”

13Tak to je to, čím obecenstvo je, my berieme a dávame, máme diel s každým, s bratom Carl Williamsom, všetkými ostatnými, s bratom Outlawom. Ó, jeden z prvých ľudí v Arizone, ktorý kedy sponzoroval jeden z mojich zhromaždení, bol brat Jimmy Outlaw, a my sme od toho času blízkymi bratmi. A my sme veľmi šťastní za každého z vás, za slúžiacich a za bratov, ktorých stretávame tu naokolo. Nemám čas potriasť si ruky s každým, a ako rád by som to urobil, ale to je obecenstvo, kde sa stretávame.

14To mi jednoducho pripomína Phoenixské zhromaždenie. Mal som tú príležitosť, najprv začať od tých skupín, aby som pomohol organizovať tie skupiny a hovoriť v nich. A to je jediná organizácia, do ktorej ja patrím a to nie je organizácia. To je jednoducho organizmus pracujúci medzi ľuďmi.

15A ak niektorí z vás mužov dnes ráno, ktorí nepatria do tohoto obecenstva Kresťanských obchodníkov plného evanjelia, nech... Ak veríte a vezmete moje slovo, to je jedna z najohromnejších skupín ľudí. A ku slúžiacim bratom, to nie je proti vašej cirkvi, to je pre vašu cirkev. Rozumiete, to je ich spôsob umiestnenia v cirkvi.

16Len náhodou som pozrel na túto milú pani, ktorá práve pred malou chvíľou spievala tú pieseň. Počul som veľakrát, že sa o to niekto pokúšal, ale táto pani má hlas, ktorý to mohol priniesť správne, viete, ako bez toho kvílenia. Veľmi sa mi to páčilo, pani, to bolo veľmi, veľmi dobré. Povedzte, to bola manželka tu slúžiaceho brata. A brat, ty by si mohol mať jej spev každý večer ako uspávanku, tak to by bolo veľmi dobré, veľmi dobré. To bol veľmi pekný spev. Oceňujem to.

17A dnes ráno, to mi pripomenulo malý príbeh, ktorý... Ja rád poľujem a rybárčim, a to je jeden z dôvodov, že som v Arizone, tak, chodím na poľovačku a na ryby. A mám to rád. A tak bol som na rybách v New Hampshire.

18A myslím, že tu mám veľa spoločníkov, ktorí radi rybárčia, mužov a tiež žien. Vidíte. My všetci to máme radi.

19Tak som mal malý turistický stan, a mal som ho naplnený až povrch, tam hore, kde, viete, ľudia, ktorí sú trochu ťažkí alebo niečo také, nemohli by tam vyjsť. A je tam veľa pekných týchto bodkovaných pstruhov a hnedých, hranochvostov, mečúňov. Ó, je ich jednoducho plno v tých malých prítokoch stekajúcich dolu z vrchov hôr v New Hampshire. A malý pstruh, možno štrnásť, šestnásť palcov dlhý, jednoducho mnoho. A ja som len... Išiel som tam a chytal ich, len pre zábavu z chytania, pustil som ich naspäť. Ak som jedného zabil, potom som toho jedného zjedol, spotreboval som ho.

20Tak som mal jednu z týchto starých losých vŕb, ktorá vyrastala, a zakaždým som prehodil môj muškársky silón... Mal som malý Royal Coachman. Zavesil so ho tam na ňu, prehodil som ho cez trsy losých vŕb. A pomyslel som si, “No, vezmem sekeru a pôjdem tam dnes ráno a vysekám tú losiu vŕbu, tak, aby som na nej nezachytil svoje lanko. Ó, pozrel som sa dozadu pod niečo malé staré ako bobria hrádza a oni tam práve ležali, čakajúc len na to lanko Coachman, že sa dostane ku nim. A tak, celú dlhú noc... Zvykol som hovoriť, “Mám to vo vlasoch.” Ale ja teraz nemám dosť vlasov na to, aby som to do nich dostal. Tak ja len... To len, ako by oni, ako by to oni pozorovali. A tak som tam v to ráno vstal, vzal som malú starú sekeru a porúbal som tú losiu vŕbu. A mal som tri alebo štyri, pripravené na raňajky a potom sa vrátiť. A ja nie som veľmi dobrý kuchár. A tak som povedal svojej manželke, že som nemohol uvariť vodu bez toho, aby neprihorela, tak viete, to by bolo hrozne zlé zamestnanie, to varenie.

21Tak na mojej spiatočnej ceste bola stará medvedica a dve mláďatá a oni sa dostali do môjho malého stanu. A vy hovoríte o zničení niečoho, neviete ako môžu byť veci zničené, až kým nenecháte, aby sa medveď dostal do stanu. On...Oni... To nie je to, čo oni zničili, že čo oni zjedli, mám na mysli, že to je to, čo oni zničili. Mal som tam malý sporák, tento malý pastiersky sporák, a oni vyliezli na tento malý sporák a len skákali hore a dolu, mohli ste počuť rachotiť rúru a jednoducho ako to drvia na kúsky, viete. Mal som tam položenú starú, trocha hrdzavú pušku dvadsaťdvojku, ale mal som tú sekeru vo svojej ruke.

22A viete, keď som prišiel, tá stará matka vybehla von na jednu stranu a maznala sa so svojimi mláďatami. A jedno mláďa ju nasledovalo, áno, ale to druhé sedelo, také mláďatko. V máji, viete, oni práve vychádzajú. Svoj chrbát mal celý nahrbený oproti mne, takto. A pomyslel som si, “Čo robí?” Tak potom ona pozrela na mňa. A ja som pozrel na strom, aby som len videl, ako bol blízko, pretože oni vás môžu drapnúť, viete, kvôli ich mláďatám. A oni... Nemôžete im povedať aby išli odtiaľ preč. Vidíte? Tak som tú starú matku malú chvíľu pozoroval, viete. Ona hrkútala a robila hluk ako nejaký vták. Museli by ste poznať, čo sú to za zvuky. Tak ona na to mláďa hrkútala a to mláďa nechcelo prísť.

23No, pomyslel som na moju pušku. A uvažoval som, “Nie, ak by som tam rýchlo bežal a zdrapol tú pušku, a zastrelil tú starú matku, do lesa odídu dve siroty,” a nechcel som tým byť vinný. A okrem toho, jej náboje, tej dvadsaťdvojky by boli malé, viete. A niekedy ona nevystrelila, musel som ju zaklapnúť tri alebo štyri razy, aby to spravilo, že vystrelí. Tak som si pomyslel, “No, len sa dostanem tam ku tomu stromu, keď sem vyštartuje. Dostanem sa tam hore na ten strom, vezmem nejaký malý prút a jednoducho ich švihnem po ňufáku.” Ich ňufáky sú veľmi citlivé. A oni len zavreštia, potom zídu dolu, viete, a nechajú vás tak. Tak pomyslel som si, “Dostanem sa na ten strom.”

24Ale to zvláštne na tom mláďati bolo, och, že sedelo takto. A ja som si pomyslel, “Čo robí?” Tak ja som sa posúval, pozorujúc ju, viete, aby som sa dostal trochu ďalej a aby som sa dostal blízko ku tomu stromu, pretože ona hrkútala na to mláďa. Tak som sa dostal trochu ďalej a viete, čo to mláďa urobilo?

25Tak, ja mám rád lievance alebo palacinky, myslím, že vy ich tu tak voláte. Dolu na

juhu ich voláme lievance. Nie som veľmi dobrý v ich pripravovaní, ale iste som dobrý v ich jedení. A vy viete, že som bol baptista. A nerád ich posypávam, skutočne ich rád krstím, skutočne dávam na ne melasu. Tak som mal plechovku melasy asi takto vysokú, sediac tam, malé polgalónové vedierko na moje lievance.

26A to mláďa... Viete, medveď má rád sladké, na akýkoľvek spôsob. On mal otvorené to vedierko melasy. A sedel tam s tou malou labou, asi tak širokou. A mal to hore vo svojich rukách a len to udieral svojou malou labou a takto to lízal, viete. Je to tak. A lízal to malým jazykom. A začal som... Nejaký... Ak by som mal fotoaparát, rád by som vám to dnes ráno ukázal, len aby ste sa na to pozreli. A takto som zakričal, “Choďte preč odtiaľ.” A on mi nevenoval žiadnu pozornosť, a len to stále takto lízal. On celé to vedro vyprázdnil.

27A zakričal som takto na neho, on sa otočil a takto na mňa pozrel. Nemohol otvoriť

svoje oči, bol jednoducho celý od tej melasy, viete. Celé jeho oči, jeho malé brucho, jednoducho tak bol zamazaný od tej melasy, ako len mohol byť. A potom, po chvíli sa začal potácať na strany a išiel ku svojej matke. Dostali ho tam v tých kríkoch a začali ho olizovať. Báli sa pustiť do toho vedierka, ale mohli oblizovať jeho.

28A povedal som, “Ak toto nie je typ starého dobrého letničného zhromaždenia: jednoducho dostať tak veľa dobrých, sladkých vecí, ktoré s tým idú, a niekto to vylizuje. To je skutočné obecenstvo, zhromaždenie. Tak, my jednoducho takto prichádzame, aby sme nabrali svojimi rukami v tom vedre, každý jeden z nás, rovno po lakte z Božích požehnaní. A som si istý, že to v tom zhromaždení nájdete, je to v Zboroch Božích, pokračujte tam teraz. Nech vás Pán žehná.

29Povedal som vo Phoenixe, jedného dňa, trochu... Dúfam, že to neznelo svätokrádežne, kvôli malému vtipu o kazateľovi, ktorý každé ráno vychádzal na pódium a stabilne počas dvadsiatich rokov kázal dvadsať minút a potom skončil a tak oni nemohli rozumieť, prečo to tak bolo. A tak jedno ráno on kázal asi štyri hodiny. A tí diakoni ho vtedy zavolali a povedali, “Pastor, my ťa skutočne milujeme.” Povedali, “My si myslíme, že tvoje posolstvá sú nádherné.” A povedali, “My vieme, ako výbor diakonov, pozorovali sme ťa a merali ťa, presne dvadsať minút každú nedeľu ráno.” A povedali, “Dnes ráno to boli štyri hodiny.” Povedali, “My jednoducho nerozumieme.”

30Povedal, “Poviem vám, bratia.” Povedal, “Každé ráno, keď som išiel kázať,” povedal, “keď ste ma zavolali na pódium, prišiel som a položil jeden z týchto cukríkov pod môj jazyk.” A povedal, “V dvadsiatich minútach sa ten cukrík minul,” povedal, “Ja som skončil,” on povedal, “Viem, že to je čas skončiť.” A povedal, “To, čo bolo chybou dnes ráno, je, že mám gombík...”

31Carl Williams a Jewel Rose, skutočne blízki bratia a moji priatelia, išli na druhý

deň do centra mesta a zohnali gombík asi takto veľký, aby mi ho dali, ale ja ho dnes ráno nemám. Tak sme vďační dnes ráno, že sme tu.

32A teraz, pozná tu niekto doktora Lee Vayleho? Nemyslím... Možno nie. On bol baptistický kazateľ, doktor teológie a on má svoje hodnosti. On bol z počiatku vysokoškolský učiteľ a on je veľmi milý a učený muž. A moje pásky “Siedmich cirkevných vekov” som mu poslal na opravu gramatiky. Pretože moje kentucké “hit,haińt, a carry, a fetch,” to nejde na dobré ľuďom, ktorí čítajú tie knihy, tak on tú gramatiku pre mňa opravil. A potom, ako sa cez to dostal, poslal ju niekoľkokrát naspäť kvôli viacerým výrokom. Takže tá kniha bude vytlačená tak asi po troch alebo štyroch rokoch.

33On sa ma spýtal, povedal, “Môžem napísať knihu, len moje komentáre?”

A ja som povedal, “Dobre, to je v poriadku, brat Lee.” A pomyslel som si...

34Potom on povedal, “Poviem ti niečo.” Povedal, “Ona sa nebude predávať, ale rozdávať.”

Povedal som, “Dobre, potom som si istý, že to je v poriadku.” Vidíte?

35A tak oni mali nejakú skupinu sponzorov, asi desať ľudí, ktorí to sponzorovali,

ktorých náklady boli asi tisícpäťsto dolárov, myslím, porozumel som, že na desaťtisíc z nich. A tak my ich máme, a všetko to odišlo na tlač pred pár dňami a dostali sme len dva alebo tri, včera, a Billy ich priniesol. A oni sú rozdané. Tak, ja som ju ešte nečítal, neviem, čo on tam povedal. Ale ja som... Toto je skrze vieru. Ale som si istý, ak by ste radi jednu mali, ak by ste nám len napísali, poslali by sme vám to zdarma. Vidíte? A je to nazvané “Prorok dvadsiateho storočia.”

36A potom som si všimol na tom obrázku tu na prednej strane tej knihy, mnohí z vás majú ten obrázok, pravdaže, a videli to, to je, kde bol ten anjel Pánov ukázaný v Hustone, Texas. Ale oni z toho kúsok odstrihli.

37Potom to vidím tu vzadu. A koľkí tu kedy boli na jednom z týchto zhromaždení,

nech vidíme? Myslím, že takmer každý z vás tam bol. Počuli ste ma mnohokrát povedať, “Tieň sa nad niekým skláňa.” Tak, pozrite, ak vy niečo hlásate a to nie je pravdou, Boh s tým nebude mať nič do činenia. Viete, že Boh nie je spojený s klamstvom, ale On podporí len to, čo je pravdou.

38Tak keď On povedal Mojžišovi, keď ho stretol tam vzadu na púšti v Stĺpe Ohňa, vzadu v tom horiacom kre... Potom keď vyviedol tých ľudí, a tých, ktorí nasledovali Mojžiša na tej ceste, potom On zostúpil na horu Sinaj, ten istý Stĺp Ohňa, a potvrdil, že čo Mojžiš povedal, bolo pravdou.

39Tak, Boh to urobí. On to vždy robí. Tak toto Svetlo tu, pravdaže, my Ho stotožňujeme s Bohom, pretože Ono má tú istú prirodzenosť a všetko to, čo On robil, keď tu bol na zemi.

40Potom tam hovorí, “Táto osoba tu, vidím, že si zatienená smrťou, tmavým tieňom. Mnohí z vás to počuli povedať. No, len nedávno tu na zhromaždení, bol tam jeden zvedavý muž, chcel vidieť, či by to oni mohli odfotografovať, keď to bolo povedané.

Tak oni... Bola tam na blízku istá pani a ten muž mal fotoaparát. A ja som povedal, “Táto pani, ktorá sa nachádza tu, je pani tá a tá,” čokoľvek to je. Povedal som, “Ona je zatienená smrťou, a má rakovinu.” A len potom on urobil ten snímok, pretože to bolo blízko. A tam to bolo (Vidíte?), to zatienenie, čierna rakovina, ktorá zatienila tú ženu. A potom Svätý Duch znovu prehovoril.

41Tak, potom to oni dali do tej knihy, mali to nastrihané, tak to tu jednoducho dali, až dokým nevytlačia tú knihu. A to je to, prečo tam uvidíte nezviazaný list. Myslím “Hlas uzdravenia” bol ten, ktorý vytlačil tú knihu.

42A tak je to úplne zdarma. A tí sponzori tu vzadu na zadnej strane tej knihy, ktorí dali tisícpäťsto dolárov na to, len aby ju vydali pre ľudí, aby to ľudia mohli čítať. Tak je to zadarmo, a je to pekná malá knižka. A ja neviem, čo ona obsahuje, ešte som ju nečítal, Otec to vie.

43Ale vidíte, to bolo... Pre mňa, to je úplná pravda. To, na čo my hľadíme, je Pravda. Ježiš povedal, “Poznáte Pravdu a Pravda vás vyslobodí.” A On je tá Pravda. On je Ježiš, Syn Boží, ktorý je Pravdivým Slovom, pretože On bol Slovom, ktoré bolo učinené telom. “Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo bolo učinené telom a prebývalo medzi nami.” Potom Ho to učinilo Pravdou, pretože Slovo je Pravda a On bol Pravdou.

44Tak, keď Ho znova vidíme konať v týchto posledných dňoch, toto veľké hnutie Božie, pohybujúce sa cez národy sveta, zhromažďujúc ľudí do Nevesty, to je Pravda.

45Pred rokmi tam oni hovorili, že nie je taká vec ako hovorenie v jazykoch, to je nezmysel. Boh to zasľúbil a On potvrdil, že je to Pravda. Je to tak.

46Niekto dnes ráno povedal, myslím, že to bola naša drahá sestra tam, ktorá sa tak veľmi zaoberá s deťmi ohľadne ich krstu, ona povedala, “Môžete niekoho počuť hovoriť v jazykoch. Ale počuť spievať niekoho v jazykoch (Vidíte?), to bola tak nádherná vec.”

47Pamätám sa na moju prvú skúsenosť, Bol som v Rediger Tabernacle vo Fort Wayne, Indiana. A hovoril som, majúc službu s uzdravovaním po smrti brata B. E. Redigera. A brat Bosworth bol tam, Paul Rader. A mnohí z vás starších ľudí, takí ako ja, vy si pamätáte na Paula Radera, a on bol baptista a boli sme–tak sme boli veľkí priatelia. A tak som tam chvíľu hovoril, modlil som sa za chorých. Bola to pre nich vtedy čudná vec, ale nejaká pani priniesla malého chlapca, ktorý bol chromý, a ako ona prechádzala cez pódium, objavilo sa videnie Pánovo a povedalo všetko, čo sa udialo s tým malým chlapcom. A spýtal som sa toho dievčaťa, ktoré mi podalo toho malého chlapca.

48Tak, len kvôli svedectvu tej sestry, aby ste mohli vidieť, čo za radosť a čo za

skutočne fenomenálna milosť Božia, ktorá to mohla urobiť, keď to pracovalo podľa Slova Božieho (Vidíte?) Božie zasľúbenie na túto hodinu...

49Tak, Božie zasľúbenie pre Noeho dnes nebude pre nás fungovať. Božie zasľúbenie pre Mojžiša, nemôžeme mať Mojžišovo posolstvo. Mojžiš nemohol mať Noeho posolstvo. My máme posolstvo tejto hodiny. Nemohli by sme mať Lutherovo posolstvo. Nemohli by sme mať Wesleyho posolstvo. Toto je iný čas. Boh pridelil Svoje Slovo do každého veku. A ako ten vek prichádza, On tam posiela niekoho na potvrdenie toho Slova, aby dokázal, že je to pravdivé. Vidíme potom v každom veku, jednoducho ako Ježiš povedal, keď bol na zemi, On povedal, “Vy staviate hroby prorokov a vaši otcovia ich tam poslali.”

50Tak, moji príbuzní sú katolíci, ako viete, súc Írmi. Tak, oni hovoria o svätom Patrikovi, katolíci si na neho robia nárok. No, on bol práve toľko katolíkom, koľko som ja. Oni hovoria o Johanne z Arku. Oni upálili to dievča pri stĺpe kvôli bosoráctvu. (Všetci to vieme), pretože ona bola duchovná a videla videnia. Pretože o niekoľko stoviek rokov neskôr oni vykopali telá tých kňazov, kajali sa a hodili ich do rieky. Ale to nie je to, čo je treba. Vidíte?

51Oni to vždy minuli. Človek vždy chváli Boha za to, čo On urobil, pozerá dopredu na to, čo On bude robiť a ignoruje to, čo On práve robí. To je jednoducho prirodzenosť človeka. A on nezmenil svoju prirodzenosť, ten človek toho sveta.

52Tak nachádzame, že naše posolstvo je na dnes, to posolstvo, ktoré máme, “Vyjdite z Babylonu, a buďte slobodní a buďte naplnení Duchom a vaše lampy upravené a čisté a hľaďte hore, naše vykúpenie sa blíži,” tieto veci sú cudzie pre mnohých ľudí, ktorí šepkajú a volajú meno nášho milovaného Pána.

53Ale jednako, uprostred toho všetkého, my nemáme nič proti týmto ľuďom, tým denominačným ľuďom. Oni sú v poriadku, sú milí. Oni sú našimi spolupracovníkmi v evanjeliu, pretože Ježiš povedal, “Žiaden človek nemôže prísť ku mne, okrem toho, že by ho pritiahol Môj Otec. A všetkých, ktorých mi Otec dal, oni prijdú.”

54Tak my sme len zodpovední za rozsievanie semien. Niektoré padajú pri kraji cesty, niektoré na rozdielne druhy pôdy, niektoré padajú a prinášajú stonásobok. Tak my len rozsievame semená. Boh je ten, ktorý to riadi, keď to dopadá. A teraz, prosíme, aby tam možno dnes ráno bolo malé semeno, ktoré by niekde dopadlo, aby mohlo niekoho povzbudiť. A len ako jeden človek....

55A na koniec môjho svedectva ohľadne tej malej pani, o ktorej som hovoril, táto

pani priniesla toto malé dieťa, malého chlapca, myslím asi desať, dvanásťročného a možno nemal až toľko, pretože táto žena ho zabalila. A mala na ňom ruky. A len potom, zatiaľ čo som ponúkal, že sa budem za to dieťa modliť, ten malý chlapec vyskočil z mojich rúk a bežal dolu z pódia, cez asi tri a pol alebo štyritisíc ľudí. A keď to oni videli, prvá vec, ktorú uvideli, že sa stala, tá matka, ona sedela na prednom sedadle a jednoducho omdlela a odpadla. A nejaké malé Amišské dievča...

56A poznáte sa s Amišmi. Ja neviem, či ich máte tu na okolí: dlhé vlasy, oni sú veľmi milí ľudia a veľmi čistotní a milí ľudia. Viete, celkom ako Mennoniti, alebo Amiši a tak ďalej, nemáme žiaden záznam mladistvej delikvencie. Volajte ich žartovne, ak chcete, ale nám v našich domoch chýba niečo, čo oni majú. Oni nemajú žiaden záznam na súdoch za zlé správanie mladistvých medzi nimi. Oni privádzajú svoje deti jednoducho na jednu cestu a to je tá cesta, ktorou oni idú.

57A táto mladá pani bola slávna klaviristka, krásna mladá žena a vysoká, blond vlasy vzadu upravené. A keď ona pozerala po... A tak, ona bola Amiška, ona nevedela nič o letničných ako ani ja. Ale keď sa pozrela z pódia a uvidela toho malého chlapca, ako kráča, ako tam prechádza, vyšvihla svoje ruky do vzduchu.

58A tak, viem, že existuje veľa fanatizmu a ja dúfam, že nie som k tomu náchylný. Ja nie som klamár. A ja nie som... Ak sa mýlim, nie je to úmyselne, nie som si vedomý, že sa mýlim.

59Ale to dievča vystrelo svoje ruky do vzduchu a vlasy jej padli cez plecia a ona začala spievať v neznámom jazyku. A hrala ten chválospev, “Ten Veľký Lekár je teraz blízko, ten súcitný Ježiš.” A keď ona vyskakovala z toho miesta... Viem, že toto sa zdá teraz veľmi čudné. Ale toto dievča nikdy nič nevedelo o hovorení v jazykoch, ale ona spievala v neznámom jazyku, “Ten Veľký Lekár je teraz blízko, ten súcitný Ježiš.” A ten klavír neprestajne hral, “Ten Veľký Lekár je teraz blízko, ten súcitný Ježiš.” Tak, oni sa nahromadili pri oltári a dolu z balkónov na prízemie, ľudia kričali. To dievča tam stálo, s tvárou takto hore, hovoriac v iných jazykoch, a ten klavír s klávesami zo slonoviny stále hral:

Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko,

Ten súcitný Ježiš,

On hovorí ku sklesnutým srdciam, aby ich potešil,

Nie iné meno, ale Ježiš!

60Ó, to je... “Čo oko nevidelo a ucho nepočulo, čo je uchované pre nás.” Viete, čo tým myslím? Prečo by–prečo by sme kedy prijímali nejakú náhradu alebo jednoducho niečo, čo sa robí, že verí, keď nebesia sú plné pravých vecí, tá skutočná moc Božia, ktorá môže vyslobodiť dušu, ktorá môže urobiť niečo pre nás? Nech vás Boh žehná. A teraz je tak veľa vecí.

61Ešte som vám nepovedal, kde dostanete túto knihu. Vidíte? P.O.Box 325 v Jeffersonville. A ak by ste napísali, no, oni by vám to poslali. Alebo, tiež, navštívte jedno z týchto zhromaždení, oni ich budú rozdávať.

62Tak, som veľmi vďačný za tento milý čas obecenstva. A dnes ráno som premýšľal o malom príbehu, o ktorom som zvykol hovoriť u obchodníkov plného evanjelia, o Zacheovi. Mnohí z vás ma počuli povedať to o tom, ako tento chlapec neveril v toto rozpoznanie a Pána. Pravdaže, myslím, že ako to my máme v každom veku, vidíte to pravdivé, potom vidíte nejaké napodobňovania. A s tým sa musíme jednoducho vysporiadať. Ale dobre, upevnení myslitelia a biblickí ľudia zrozumievajú. Vidíte? A bez ohľadu na to...

63Keď pani Aimee Semple McPherson, keď ona bola tu na zemi vo svojej službe, oni hovoria, že skoro každá kazateľka, nosila tie šaty ako krídla, viete, alebo také rúcho a nosila Bibliu.

64Len pozrite na Billyho Grahama, ktorý je dnes v krajine. Ale viete, Billy Graham by nikdy nemohol zastať vaše miesto. Ja by som nemohol zastať Billyho miesto, on by nemohol zastať moje. Ja nemôžem zastať vaše a vy nemôžete zastať moje. Vy ste každý iný v Bohu. Boh vás učinil tým spôsobom, že vy ste tu pre nejaký účel. Ak by sme len našli naše miesto a potom tam zotrvali. Ak sa pokúšame robiť niečo iné, potom (Vidíte?) sme v teritóriu niekoho iného, čím robíme škvrnu tomu Božiemu obrazu.

65Zoberme si, ako Billy Graham v tom denominačnom svete dnes, ako on je. Ak by sme ho možno nazvali hráčom futbalu, on má loptu.

66Tak, ak sa pokúšate vziať loptu vášmu spoluhráčovi, vy jednoducho zničíte váš tím. Chráňte svojho spoluhráča. Vidíte? Chráňte ho, držte tých ostatných tak, aby on mohol bežať. A za chvíľu budeme mať to, že lopta pristane v bráne, a Ježiš príde a potom sa to všetko zakončí. Nech vás Pán žehná.

67A teraz, budem hovoriť o tomto mužovi, Zacheovi. A mal som ho hore na tom strome, viete, so všetkými listami, ktoré sa ťahali okolo neho. A potom keď zišiel dolu z toho stromu, išiel domov s Ježišom. A ja som povedal, “On sa stal členom obchodníkov plného evanjelia.” Tak ak je nejaký Zacheus dnes ráno tu, ja dúfam, že prijmeš dobrú radu a staneš sa členom obchodníkov plného evanjelia.

Vy hovoríte, “Plné evanjelium?” Tak veru.

68To je tá jediná vec, ktorú by Ježiš kázal, viete, kázal by plné evanjelium. To je pravda. Či to nie je tak? Iste, pretože On bol tým plným evanjeliom. Je to tak. On nemohol zaprieť Seba samého.

69Ale teraz, mám tu vypísaných niekoľko miest Písma, malý, obvyklý malý text, to mi zaberie len zopár minút, ak budete mať so mnou trpezlivosť. A predtým, ako toto urobíme... A teraz, v našom obecenstve, ako sme sa zhromaždili a hovorili o rukách toho medveďa vo vedre a tak ďalej, teraz dajme to všetko bokom, a len premýšľajme o tom, že sa zoznamujeme. A my chceme teraz vojsť do hlbín Slova.

70Skloňme teraz naše hlavy, ako sa k Tomu priblížime. Pretože nemáme právo priblížiť sa k Slovu bez toho, že by sme najprv neprehovorili k Autorovi.

71S našimi sklonenými hlavami, naše oči sú zatvorené a verím, že naše srdcia sú sklonené spolu s našimi hlavami. Som zvedavý, zatiaľ čo pozdvihujem svoje oči a hľadím po celom publiku, či by tu bol niekto, kto by povedal so zdvihnutými rukami, “Brat, kazateľ, pamätaj na mňa v modlitbe, Ja som dnes v potrebe”? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Tak On vidí vašu ruku. On vie čo je pod tvojou rukou v tvojom srdci. Nech to On udelí, to je mojou modlitbou.

72Drahý Bože, ako sme vďační za túto budovu, že my, Tvoje pokorné deti, sa môžeme zhromaždiť spolu tu v nej a hovoriť a mať obecenstvo, jednoducho byť tým, kým sme, ako sa odovzdávame Kristovi, a túžime byť viac ako On... My slúžiaci bratia, ktorí sedíme tu blízko, Pane, mužovia, ktorí sú oveľa viac schopnejší, aby tu zastali, aby predniesli toto Slovo, než som ja, Tvoj nehodný sluha, ale pripadol mi los. A Otče, modlím sa dnes, že ak by som mohol povedať niečo, čo by nebolo práve podľa vôle Božej, aby predtým, ako by som to povedal, aby Si Ty zatvoril moje ústa, ako Si zatvoril ústa levom jedného dňa, tak, aby netrápili Daniela.

73A Otče, my Ťa teraz prosíme, aby Si pamätal na každého jedného, každého slúžiaceho brata. A toto zhromaždenie, ktoré pokračuje tu v tomto meste, Pane, dolu v Zboroch Božích, modlím sa, drahý Bože, aby Si tam poslal také prebudenie, aby sa celé toto mesto pohlo mocou Božou, aby všetky tieto krčmy a potulujúce sa deti na uliciach boli prinesené ku trónu Božiemu a aby boli naplnení Jeho dobrotou a Jeho Duchom. Udeľ to, nebeský Otče.

74A my sa dnes modlíme, aby, ak je tu muž alebo žena, chlapec alebo dievča, ktorí

boli dnes ráno privedení do tohoto zhromaždenia, tu pod týmto úkrytom pred snehom, aby ten veľký Svätý Duch navštívil ich srdcia a hovoril ku nim tajomným spôsobom. Možno niektorí, ktorí sú zatúlaní, ktorí raz Teba prijali, Pane, ale teraz odišli preč, priveď ich naspäť, Pane, dnes ráno.

75A prosíme za túto skupinu, za brata Earla a za jeho manželku a za ostatných. Udeľ to, Pane.

76A teraz zlom nám chlieb života, ako znovu otvárame stránky toho Slova, pretože vieme, že Biblia nie je z nášho vlastného vysvetlenia. Ale Boh nás nepotrebuje k vykladaniu Svojho Slova, On je Svoj vlastný vykladač. On jedného dňa povedal, “Nech je svetlo,” a bolo svetlo. On povedal, “Panna počne,” a ona počala. A v posledných dňoch vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo,” bez ohľadu na to, čo ten svet hovoril, On to urobil. On nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. On vykladá Svoje vlastné Slovo skrze to, že Ho činí živým a potvrdzuje Ho, že je To tak. Príď do našich sŕdc, Pane Ježišu, a vylož nám dnes tie veci, na ktoré my máme potrebu. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

77A teraz, v Biblii, ak sa obrátite. Myslím, že nikdy som nemal posolstvo, ktoré by som sa pokúsil vypovedať, aby som najprv nečítal Slovo. Pretože moje slovo sklame, ja som človek. Ale Jeho Slovo jednoducho nemôže zlyhať, On je Boh. Tak obráťme sa teraz len ku krátkemu textu a skončíme jednoducho, asi za tridsať, štyridsať minút, ak Pán bude chcieť.

78Teraz v Zjavení, chceme sa obrátiť do 3. kapitoly Zjavenia, začať so 14. veršom. A chceme čítať len časť, to je posolstvo do Laodicejského cirkevného veku. A verím, predpokladám, že všetci Duchom naplnení ľudia a veriaci, ktorí čítajú Bibliu, by mohli povedať “amen” na to, že sme v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, pretože to je ten posledný vek. Počúvajte posolstvo o stave cirkvi v tomto čase.

A anjelovi sboru Laodičanov napíš: Toto hovorí Ameň, ten verný a pravdivý svedok, počiatok stvorenia Božieho:

Znám tvoje skutky, že nie si ani studený, ani horúci. Bárs by si bol studený alebo horúci!

Takto, že si vlažný, ani studený, ani horúci, vypľujem ťa zo svojich úst.

Lebo hovoríš: Som bohatý a zbohatnul som a nepotrebujem nikoho, a nevieš, že si ty biedny i mizerný na poľutovanie, i chudobný, i slepý, i nahý.

Radím ti, aby si si kúpil odo mňa zlata prečisteného v ohni, aby si zbohatol, a biele rúcho, aby si sa odial, aby sa neukázala hanba tvojej nahoty, a kollýrium pomazať svoje oči, aby si videl.

Ja všetkých, ktorých milujem, karhám a otcovsky trescem. Rozhorli sa tedy a učiň pokánie.

Hľa, stojím pri dveriach a klopem. Keby niekto počul môj hlas a otvoril by dvere, vojdem k nemu a budem večerať s ním a on so mnou.

Tomu, kto víťazí, dám sedieť so sebou vo svojom tróne, jako som i ja zvíťazil a sedím so svojím Otcom v jeho tróne.

Kto má uši, nech počuje, čo Duch hovorí sborom!

79Pane, požehnaj čítanie Tvojho Slova. A teraz, chcem vziať len na chvíľu, malý text,

nazvaný, “Dvere vo dverách,” “Dvere vo dverách.” Tak, toto je veľmi...”Dvere vo dverách,” sú to tri slová. “Dvere vo dverách.”

80Môžete mi povedať..., “Brat, je tu asi sto ľudí. Nemyslíš, že to je malý text, keď máš pred sebou sto duší?”

81No, to môže byť pravda, ten text je malý. Ale to nie je veľkosť textu, ktorá sa ráta, to je to, čo to je. To je to, čo ten text hovorí, to sa ráta.

82Ako, myslím, že to bolo v Louisville, Kentucky, pred nejakým časom, jeden malý chlapec bol na povale, a hrabal sa v nejakých starých kufroch hore v podkroví a natrafil na jednu starú poštovú známku. No, prvá vec, ktorá bola v jeho mysli, bolo to, že si za to mohol kúpiť kornútok zmrzliny. Dolu na tej ulici bol nejaký zberateľ, tak on vybehol na ulicu, tak rýchlo, ako len vládal. A povedal, “Čo mi dáš za tieto známky?”

83Ten zberateľ sa na to pozrel, bolo to také vyblednuté. Povedal, “Dám ti jeden dolár.”

84Ó, to bolo ľahko predané. Mohol nechať, že by to predal za päť centov a potom by bol šťastný, že za to dostal zmrzlinu, ale to bolo predané za dolár. Ten zberateľ to predal za päťsto dolárov. A neskoršie, neviem, kam to až išlo, to išlo do stoviek dolárov. Vidíte, ten malý kúsok papiera nebol veľmi veľký, jednoducho kúsok, ktorý by ste zodvihli zo zeme. Ale to nebol ten papier, ktorý sa rátal, to bolo to, čo bolo na tom papieri, čo sa rátalo.

85A to je ten spôsob, ako je to s čítaním Božieho Slova. To nie je len papier, hodnota toho papiera, alebo veľkosť toho papiera, to je to, čo je napísané na tom papieri. A jedno Slovo je dostatočné, aby spasilo svet, ak by to bolo prijaté tým spôsobom.

86Pred nejakým časom tam bol... Čítal som teraz niekedy príbeh o našom šľachetnom... Jeden z našich najväčších prezidentov, myslím, akého tento národ kedy mal, bol Lincoln. Nie preto, že prišiel z Kentucky, ale pretože bol veľkým mužom. On bol nevzdelaný, ale jednako bolo niečo v jeho srdci, nejaký zámer.

87Mám rád mužov vízie. Mám rád ľudí, ktorí majú niečo, za čo bojujú, jednoducho nepolihujú, “No všetko, čo príde, bude v poriadku.” Vstaň a do toho. A Lincoln nikdy nenechal svoje vzdelanie stáť na ceste, on mal niečo do vykonania. Myslím, že každý kresťan by mal byť taký, nájsť svoj účel a ísť ho vykonať.

88Každý člen tejto skupiny, nie len, “Dobre, my máme raz za mesiac raňajky,” to nie je to, ”alebo každú sobotu.” Majte v živote cieľ, niečo, čo idete urobiť. Boh vás tu umiestnil, aby ste ohľadne toho niečo urobili, každý člen každej cirkvi. Tu v meste je prebudenie. To prebudenie je tu za nejakým účelom. Získajme niečo z neho. Urobme niečo ohľadne neho.

89Pán Lincoln... Bol nejaký muž, nejaký mladý človek, on bol vo vojne, a on bol spočiatku zbabelec. A v tom čase služby sa stiahol zo svojej pozície a oni proti nemu niečo našli, že musel byť zastrelený. A, ó, to bolo hrozné. A jeden mladý človek ho tak veľmi miloval, išiel ku pánovi Lincolnovi, aby získal omilostenie. On bol v tom čase prezidentom tu v Spojených štátoch, a tak on išiel k nemu kvôli omilosteniu.

90A on mu povedal, ako vystúpil zo svojho voza, a pán Lincoln, vysoký, fúzatý, typický južan, chudý. A on povedal, “Pán Lincoln, je jeden chlapec, ktorý za dva dni od teraz zomrie, bude zastrelený, pretože utiekol v čase boja.” A on povedal, “Pán Lincoln, ten chlapec nie je zlým chlapcom. Ale všetky tieto muškety, streľba a ľudia, ktorí zomierali, on znervóznel. Bol tak rozrušený, že zodvihol svoje ruky a začal kričať. Utekal.” Povedal, “Poznal som toho chlapca.” Povedal, “Pán Lincoln, len vaše meno na tomto kúsku papiera mu môže dať milosť. Urobíte to?”

91Pravdaže, tento kresťanský gentleman rýchlo podpísal ten papier, “Omilostený, tak a tak. ”Podpísaný svojim menom, Abrahám Lincoln, prezident Spojených štátov.”

92Ten posol išiel naspäť tak usilovne, ako len mohol. A on bežal do tej cely, povedal,

“Si voľný. Si voľný. Tu je podpis pána Lincolna, pána Lincolna. Si voľný.”

93On povedal, “Prečo si sa mi prišiel posmievať, vediac, že zajtra zomriem?” On povedal, “Vezmi to preč odtiaľto, ty sa mi len vysmievaš.” A neprijal to. On povedal, “Nie, ja to nechcem.” Povedal, “Ty si len robíš...” Povedal, “Ak by to bol prezident,” povedal, “to by malo ten vojenský obal, a bol by to jeho náležitý papier.”

On povedal, “Ale to je jeho podpis.”

94Povedal, “Ako poznám, že je to jeho podpis?” On povedal, “Ty si len robíš zo mňa posmech, ty sa pokúšaš spraviť, aby som sa cítil dobre.” A jednoducho začal jačať a otočil sa naspäť. Ten chlapec bol na druhý deň ráno zastrelený.

95Čo potom, keď ten chlapec zomrel a to prezidentovo meno na tomto kúsku papiera, ktorým bol omilostený, čo potom? A oni sa to pokúsili dať na federálny súd. A tam bolo rozhodnutie nášho federálneho súdu, ktorý je tým hlavným súdom spomedzi všetkých našich súdov. To, čo oni niekedy hovoria, my nemáme radi ich rozhodnutia, ale musíme to nejako zniesť (Vidíte?), pretože to je to záväzné stanovisko. To je to konečné rozhodnutie. A teraz, on povedal toto rozhodnutie, “Omilostenie nie je omilostením, ak ono nie je prijaté ako omilostenie.”

96A to je to, ako je to s Božím Slovom. Ono je omilostením, ak je prijaté ako omilostenie. A to je Slovo Božie, To je moc Božia pre tých, ktorí Tomu uveria a prijmú To.

97Bez ohľadu na to, vy pozeráte a hovoríte, “Ó, to bolo zamotané, je milión prekladov a to všetko.” Pre niekoho to tak môže byť.

98Ale pre mňa je To stále Slovo Božie, Ježíš Kristus ten istý včera dnes i naveky. On je zaviazaný, aby zostal so Slovom.

99A teraz, On musí jedného dňa súdiť svet. A ak by ho On súdil skrze katolícku cirkev, o ktorej oni hovoria, že tak On bude súdiť, potom skrze ktorú z tých katolíckych cirkví On ho bude súdiť? Oni sa od seba líšia. Ak by ho On súdil skrze metodistov, vy baptisti ste stratení. Ak by ho On súdil skrze letničných, ten ostatok z vás by bol stratený.

100Ale On ho nebude súdiť skrze cirkev. Biblia povedala, že On bude súdiť svet skrze Ježiša Krista a Kristus je Slovo. Tak vidíte, že sme bez ospravedlnenia, to je Slovo Božie, ktorým On súdi, bez ohľadu na to, aké je malé, jedno slovo ku Tomu, znamená, povedalo Zjavenie 22:18...

101Najprv začnem v Genezis. Boh dal ľudskej rase Svoje Slovo, aby sa ohradila od smrti, hriechu a trápenia, alebo nejakej pohromy: reťaz Jeho Slova. “Nedotýkajte sa tohoto stromu, pretože v ten deň, v ktorom by ste z neho jedli, v ten deň zomriete.” A reťaz je len taká silná, aký je silný jej najslabší článok. A naše duše sú držané nad peklom, držané touto reťazou, zlomte jeden z nich, to je všetko, čo musíte urobiť. Eva nikdy nezlomila vetu, ona zlomila Slovo, skrze satana. To bol začiatok tej Knihy.

102V strede tej Knihy prišiel Ježiš a povedal, “Človek nebude žiť skrze samotný chlieb, ale skrze každé Slovo.” Nie časť z neho, len jedno tu a tam, ale každé Slovo, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.

103Keď On zomrel, bol vzkriesený, a išiel do neba a vrátil sa naspäť a dal Jánovi... Ktorému tam povedal po Svojom vzkriesení, “Čo bude s týmto človekom?”

104Ježiš povedal, “Čo je teba do toho, ak on zostane až dokiaľ neprídem?” Nevediac presne, čím bol jeho život, ale jeho služba pokračovala. A On ho pozdvihol hore v 4. kapitole Zjavenia a ukázal mu všetky tie veci, ktoré mali prísť, v ktorých my žijeme, dokonca i tento dnešný text.

105A potom v tej 22. kapitole, v tej poslednej kapitole, v 18. verši, On povedal, “Ktokoľvek odníme jedno Slovo z tejto Knihy, alebo pridá jedno slovo do nej, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života.” Vidíte? Tak my veríme, že človek žije skrze každé Slovo Božie. Verím tomu a viem, že je to pravda. Aké malé, na tom nezáleží. Len zobrať jedno slovo, a ono to vykoná.

106Premýšľajúc o tom, aké ono môže byť malé, bezvýznamné, vidím mnohých z mojich kanadských priateľov, ktorí tu sedia. Pamätám sa, že som bol v Kanade, keď kráľ Juraj, ten, za ktorého som mal to privilégium sa modliť, keď bol uzdravený zo sklerózy multiplex, v ten deň mal bolesti od tej sklerózy, a tiež mal žalúdočné problémy, vredy, ako mnohí z vás Kanaďanov vedia a Američania tiež. Ale ako som ho videl prechádzať tam dolu, ako sedel v koči, on bol kráľ. On sa správal ako kráľ. Jeho nádherná kráľovná sedela pri ňom vo svojich modrých šatách, a ako on išiel tými ulicami...

107A jeden môj priateľ a ja sme stáli spolu. A keď ten koč prešiel, on len obrátil svoju hlavu a začal kričať. Položil som svoju ruku na jeho plece a povedal som, “Čo sa deje?”

108On povedal, “Brat Branham, tam ide môj kráľ a jeho kráľovná.” No, mohol som to oceniť.

109Pomyslel som si, “Ak Kanaďan je pod tou hlavou vlády, nie len hlavou vlády, ale stále tiež hlavou vlády Anglicka a ten kráľ tade prechádzal, a keď to mohlo spôsobiť, že Kanaďan kričal a obrátil svoju hlavu a plakal, čo to bude, keď my uvidíme nášho Kráľa?” A pomyslieť na to, naša časť bude tou Kráľovnou.

110Potom všetky tie deti prišli zo škôl, malé deti, boli im dané malé Britské zástavy.

Kanadskú zástavu volajú ešte nejako inak. Brat Fred, ako volajú Kanadskú zástavu? [Brat Fred Sothmann hovorí “Union Jack”–vyd.] Union Jack. Ale oni im dali malé Britské vlajky, aby nimi mávali. A keď ten kráľ prešiel, všetky tie malé deti sa vytŕčali, mávajúc svojimi malými zástavami a volali na kráľa. A bola tam kapela, ktorá hrala, “Bože, ochraňuj kráľa,” ako on pochodoval tou ulicou.

111Ó, ak by ste mohli len porozumieť... Začali by ste vidieť, čo bude tam, v tom vzkriesení.

112A keď boli poučené, čo majú robiť, tie malé deti sa vrátili naspäť do školy, hneď, ako

sa tá paráda skončila. A tie deti sa vrátili naspäť a jedna škola stratila malé dievča. A oni išli všade, aby našli to malé dieťa, hore a dolu ulicami. A nakoniec za telegrafným stĺpom stálo malé, maličké, drobučké, krpček, dievčatko, jednoducho kričalo zo svojho malého srdca.

113No, ten učiteľ ju zodvihol a... [Prázdne miesto na páske–vyd.] Čo ti je? Nevidela si kráľa?”

Ona povedala, “Áno, videla som kráľa.”

Povedal, “Nemávala si svojou vlajkou?”

Ona povedala, “Áno, mávala som svojou vlajkou.”

Povedal, “Dobre, prečo potom plačeš?”

114Ona povedala, “Vidíte, pán učiteľ, som taká malá, druhí stáli predo mnou, oni boli väčší. A ja som mávala svojou vlajkou, ale on to nevidel.” A ona bola z toho rozrušená. No, môže byť, že kráľ Juraj nevidel postavu toho malého dieťaťa. On možno nevidel jej vlastenecké srdce a ako ona cítila s ním. Ona bola príliš malá.

115Ale nie je to tak s naším Kráľom! Ó, tá najmenšia malá vec, ktorú robíme, On to vidí. A On pozná samotné veci a myšlienky, ktoré sú v našich srdciach, čokoľvek my robíme, akokoľvek malé to je. A ako Mu slúžime? Keď slúžime jeden druhému. Ak by som nemiloval vás, ako môžem milovať Jeho? Vidíte? “Tak, ako ste učinili týmto Mojim maličkým, mne ste učinili.” Vidíte?

116To sú tie malé veci, ktoré niekedy opúšťame nevykonané, to láme celú reťaz (Vidíte?), a dovolí nám to ísť slobodne, keď sme denominačné zameraní a zabúdame na tieto malé veci, ktoré sú skutočne tými podstatnými vecami. Všetko, každé Slovo Božie je nevyhnutné. Nič z toho nemôže byť vypustené. Musíme vziať každé Slovo z Neho, jednoducho tým spôsobom, ktorým Ono bolo napísané.

117“Stojím vo dverách,” povedal Ježiš v tomto Laodicejskom veku, “a klopem.” Všimli

ste si, že to je jediný cirkevný vek, v ktorom On bol vystrčený zo Svojej cirkvi? Vo všetkých iných cirkevných vekoch bol vo vnútri cirkvi. Cez metodistov a luteránov a tak ďalej, On bol vo vnútri cirkvi. Ale tu je On vonku, naše vyznania a veci Ho vyviedli von z cirkvi. Ale On stojí tam vonku a stále klope, “Ten kto bude počuť a otvorí dvere, Ja vojdem k nemu, budem s ním večerať a uzdravím jeho oči, a dám mu šaty a dám mu bohatstvo neba, ten, kto bude počuť moje klopanie.”

118Myslel som, že si spomeniem na meno toho umelca, ktorý nakreslil ten obraz, skôr namaľoval ten obraz, vo dverách. Keď on... Vy viete, že všetky veľké obrazy musia ísť najprv cez tú radu, alebo tú sieň kritikov, pred tým, ako to môže byť zavesené v tej sieni slávy. Tá originálna maľba teraz pôjde za milióny dolárov.

119Ale vidíte, to je ako cirkev, ktorá musí prejsť cez tú sálu kritikov. Ideme cez ňu. Budú vás volať “svätý povaľač”, budú vás volať všetkým možným. Ale ak môžete len držať svoju pozíciu v Kristovi, potom nás On jedného dňa vezme do siene slávy. Ale najprv musíme vystáť kritiku. Tam, kde to málo z nás stojí, to je tam, kde sa to ukazuje. Ten, kto nemôže vystáť karhanie, je nelegitímne dieťa a nie dieťa Božie. Bez ohľadu na to, ako je on pripojený cirkvi a čokoľvek on už urobil, on je stále, ak nemôže vystáť potrestanie, on je nelegitímny a nie je skutočne dieťaťom Božím. Ale skutočné opravdové dieťa Božie sa nestará o to, čo ten svet hovorí, všetko ďalšie je druhoradé. On má svoju myseľ na Kristovi a to to vyjasňuje. Áno. Čokoľvek Kristus hovorí, aby urobil, on to urobí. Kamkoľvek Baránok ide, oni sú s Ním, kamkoľvek. A potom vidíte, ako sa On prejavuje, Jeho prítomnosť a čo On robí. On je vždy so Svojím ľudom, Svojou Nevestou. On sa Jej dvorí. Jedného dňa bude svadobná večera.

120A tento umelec, akokoľvek, keď to išlo cez tých kritikov, kopu kritikov zhromaždených okolo tohoto umelca. Nemôžem si spmenúť na jeho meno. Snažím sa myslieť o Michelangelovi, ale on bol sochárom Mojžišovho monumentu. Ale nemôžem si spomenúť na jeho meno. Ale, akékoľvek ono bolo, on povedal, “Váš obraz je pozoruhodný,” povedal, “nemám nič, čo by som mohol povedať proti vášmu obrazu.” On povedal, “Pretože On drží lampu vo Svojej ruke, a to ukazuje, že On prichádza v temnosti noci.” On povedal, “A potom je On vo dverách, so Svojou hlavou, Svojim uchom, tak, aby si bol istý, že neprehliadne to najmenšie zavolanie. On má Svoje ucho obrátené ku dverám, a klope na dvere.” On povedal, “Ale viete, pane, je jedna vec, na ktorú ste vo vašom obraze zabudli.”

121A tomu umelcovi zabralo celý život, aby to namaľoval, on povedal, “Čo je to, čo som zabudol, pane?”

122On povedal, “Bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi On klopal (Vidíte?), zabudli ste tam dať kľučku. Na tých dverách nie je kľučka.” Ak si všimnete tie dvere, nie je na nich kľučka.

123“Ó,” povedal ten umelec, “Ja som to tak namaľoval. Vidíte, pane,“ on povedal, “tá kľučka je vo vnútri. Vy ste tí, ktorí otvárajú dvere. Vy otvárate tie dvere.”

124Ó, prečo človek klope na dvere iného človeka? On sa pokúša vstúpiť. Pokúša sa dostať dnu. On má možno niečo, čo vám chce povedať, alebo o čom si chce s vami pohovoriť. On má pre vás posolstvo. A to je dôvod, prečo ľudia klopú jeden druhému na dvere. Oni majú nejaký dôvod, prečo to robia. To sa nemôže stať bez nejakého dôvodu. Neišli by ste do domu nejakého človeka, pokiaľ nie je nejaký dôvod, aby ste tam išli, ak by nebolo nič iné dôvodom pre návštevu, odovzdáte mu posolstvo alebo niečo...?... Je nejaký dôvod, pre ktorý človek ide zaklopať na dvere iného človeka.

125Kdekoľvek je otázka, tam musí byť odpoveď. Nemôže byť otázka bez odpovedi. Tak to je to, čo my hľadáme v Biblii, tieto otázky dňa, Biblia má tú odpoveď. A Kristus je tou odpoveďou.

126Tak, mnohí dôležití ľudia klopali na dvere v priebehu času života, a mnohí klopali v čase, ktorý už prešiel, a tu možno, ako bude čas pokračovať, budú mnohí ďalší dôležití ľudia.

127A teraz, prvá vec, asi, ak by niekto zaklopal na vaše dvere, keby ste mohli, zišli by ste a odhrnuli záves, aby ste videli, kto tam je.

128Ak by ste boli zaneprázdnení, ako to my dnes tvrdíme, že sme, “Príliš zaneprázdnení ísť do zboru, príliš zaneprázdnení urobiť toto. A viete, moja cirkev neverí veciam tohoto druhu.” A ja... Vidíte, niekedy sa nám, čo sa týka Slova, minuli zásoby.

129Ale vy odhrniete záves, potom chcete vidieť, kto tam stojí. A ak je to dôležitý človek, rýchlo zabehnete ku dverám.

130A teraz, poďme len trochu naspäť a vezmime niekoľko ľudí, ktorí klopali. Poďme naspäť a premýšľajme o faraónovi v Egypte, pred mnohými stovkami rokov. Čo ak by faraón, kráľ Egypta, prišiel dolu do nejakého sedliackeho domu? A tento sedliak by bol taký, ó, že by sa protivil voči faraónovi, a neveril by jeho spôsobom konania a bol by proti nemu. Ale tu stojí faraón, stojí pri dverách murára alebo výrobcu tehál, ako by sme ich volali, dolu v Egypte. A on odostiera svoj záves a tam stojí mocný faraón vo dverách. A on klope, úsmev na jeho tvári. [Brat Branham na niečo klope–vyd.] No, ten sedliak by otvoril dvere a povedal, “Vojdi, veľký faraón, nech tvoj pokorný služobník nájde milosť v tvojich očiach. Ak je niečo vo vnútri medzi mojimi stenami, ja som tak tvojím otrokom, ako len môžem byť, faraón. Ty si ma uctil nad mojich bratov. Prišiel si do môjho domu a ja som biedny človek. Ty navštevuješ len kráľov a vznešených a dôležitých ľudí. A ja som bezvýznamný. Ale ty si ma navštívil, uctil si ma, faraón. Čo je to, čo by tvoj pokorný služobník mohol urobiť?” Bez ohľadu na to, čo by si faraón pýtal, dokonca jeho vlastný život, on by ho dal. Iste. To je pocta.

131Alebo povedzme napríklad, neskôr Adolf Hitler, keď bol vodcom Nemecka. Čo ak by zišiel do domu nejakého vojaka? A tá kopa malých nacistických vojakov, všetci okolo utáborení, a prvá vec, viete, niekto klope na dvere. A ten malý vojak by povedal, “Ách, dnes ráno sa cítim zle. Žena, povedz im, nech idú preč.”

132A ona by zišla ku dverám a odhrnula by záves. Povedala by, “Mužu, mužu, vyskoč rýchlo.”

“Čo sa deje? Kto tam stojí?”

“Hitler, vodca Nemecka.” Ó.

133Ten malý vojak by vyskočil, obliekol si šaty, rýchlo, a stál v pozore. Tam na prízemí, pri dverách klopal na dvere a otvoril by tie dvere a povedal, “Heil, Hitler.” Vidíte, on bol vo svojich dňoch v Nemecku veľkým mužom. “Čo je to, čo by som mohol urobiť?”

134Ak by on povedal, “Choď, zoskoč tam z útesu,” on by to urobil. Prečo? Nebolo dôležitejšieho muža v Nemecku v dňoch nacistov, než bol Adolf Hitler. On bol veľký muž. A on... A čo za pocta, keď on navštevuje len generálov a významných ľudí, ale tam je on pri dverách malého sluhu. Ó, to by, pravdaže, bola pre neho veľká pocta.

135Dobre, teraz, a čo Flagstaff? Prinesieme to bližšie do domu. Čo ak by dnes popoludní, ten náš prezident, pán Johnson, L.B.Johnson, čo ak by on vystúpil z lietadla, tu niekde vonku? A teraz my sme všetci v jednej triede ľudí. Všetci sme biedni. Možno má niekto trochu lepšie zamestnanie, možno trochu lepší dom, ale potom všetci, sme jednoducho ľudia. Ale čo ak by on prišiel sem dole do vášho domu, možno najskromnejšiemu z nás, a on by zaklopal na dvere, a vy by ste išli ku dverám a tam by stál prezident L.B.Johnson? No, to by bola veľká pocta. Mohli by ste sa od neho líšiť v politike. Ale boli by ste pocteným človekom, ktorý má prezidenta Spojených štátov stojaceho pri svojich dverách. Kto ste vy, alebo kto som ja? A tam stojí Lyndon Johnson pri vašich dverách. Hoci by ste mohli byť socialistom alebo republikánom, alebo niečo, čo je odlišné od neho na milión míľ, ale jednako to by bola pocta.

136A viete čo? Pretože, to vám bola udelená táto pocta, no, televízia by to dnes večer odvysielala. Iste. Stred zajtrajších novín by mal o tom titulky, tu vo Flagstaffských novinách, že, “John Doe... Prezident spojených štátov včera priletel do Flagstaffu, bez zavolania a jednoducho pristál, dokonca bez pozvania a zaklopal” na vaše dvere.” Pokorný! Prezident by mal meno nejakého prostého človeka, tak veľký, ako on je, prichádza ku mojim alebo vašim dverám; my sme nikto, potom on prichádza dolu a zhovára sa s nami.

137No, išli by ste dolu ulicou a hovorili, “Áno ja som ten človek. Navštívil ma prezident.”

138“Postojte, dovoľte mi zachytiť vaše obrysy. Pozerajte rovno na mňa. A teraz, ako vyzeráte, keď odchádzate?” Boli by ste dôležitou osobou. Iste.

139Čo ak by prišla kráľovná Anglicka, hoci vy nie ste pod jej vládou? Ale to by bola

pocta pre niektoré z vás žien prijať ako hosťa kráľovnú Anglicka, hoci vy nie ste pod jej vládou. Ale jednako, ona je veľkou osobou, ona je najväčšou kráľovnou vo svete v tomto čase. Pravdaže, ona je, to je politicky povedané. Ale ak by sa ona spýtala na nejakú ozdobu na vašej stene, ktorú ste si vždy tak vysoko cenili, dali by ste jej ju. To by bola pocta pre vás urobiť to. Iste, ona je kráľovná Anglicka.

140A vy by ste boli poctení prezidentom. A každý by hovoril o skromnosti kráľovnej Anglicka, ktorá priletela, aby videla určitú ženu vo Flagstaffe, nejaké malé nič. A noviny by to priniesli, a správy by to vysielali.

141Ale viete, tá najdôležitejšia osoba všetkých čias, Ježiš Kristus, klope na naše dvere. A On je odmietnutý, viac než všetci králi a mocnári, ktorí kedy boli. Je to tak. A vy Ho môžete prijať a ísť a hovoriť niečo o tom, ten vonkajší svet sa vám vysmeje do tváre. Nijaké správy nebudú...

142Kto by mohol prísť do vášho domu väčší než Ježiš Kristus? Kto väčší by mohol zaklopať na vaše dvere než Ježiš Kristus? Kto by to mohol urobiť? Syn Boží, kto dôležitejší by mohol zaklopať na vaše dvere? A jednako On klope deň za dňom. A ak Ho i prijmete, ste nazvaný fanatikom. Tak vidíte, ako svet pozná svoje vlastné? Je to tak. Ale teraz, On by neprišiel, ak by nemal dôvod prísť.

143A pomyslite na skromnosť prezidenta Johnsona, alebo kráľovnej Anglicka, alebo nejakej veľkej osoby, ako by to bolo ukázané, skromnosť tej veľkej dôležitej osoby, ktorá klope na vaše dvere.

144A čo skromnosť Syna Božieho? Kto sme my, iba hriešnici, špinaví, narodení v hriechu, utvorení v neprávosti, ktorí prichádzajú na svet, hovoriac lož? Potom Syn Boží príde a zaklope na naše dvere.

145A teraz, kráľovná Anglicka vás môže poprosiť o láskavosť. Ona od vás možno niečo vezme. Tak môže prezident, môže vás poprosiť, aby ste urobili veci, ktoré by ste nechceli urobiť. Možno vás poprosí o vzácnosti, ktorých ste sa nechceli vzdať, a ktoré pre neho neznamenajú nič.

146Ale Ježiš pre vás niečo prináša, keď klope. On prináša omilostenie. Neodmietnite ho. Alebo ako sa to pokúsili tu v našich súdoch, tak to bude v Kráľovstve nebeskom. Ak On zaklopal a priniesol omilostenie a vy ste ho odmietli a zomriete vo vašich hriechoch, zahyniete, hoci ste mali tú česť sedieť na zhromaždení, ako je toto, hoci ste mali tú česť navštíviť to prebudenie alebo vašu cirkev, a počúvali ste vášho pastora kázať posolstvo Evanjelia. A mali ste...?... hovoríte, “Áno, bol som tam.” Možno to usilovne počúvate, to všetko by ste mohli na to povedať. “Počúval som spev. Radoval som sa z toho. Počúval som svedectvá. To bolo skutočné.” Ale vy ste to odmietli.

147Čo ak by som bol mladým mužom a našiel by som mladú pani, ona by bola krásna,

ona by bola kresťanka? Ona by robila... Ona by bola po každej stránke spôsobilá...

[Prázdne miesto na páske–vyd.] Nemôžete na tom nájsť žiadnu chybu, ale vy musíte ľudské tradície položiť bokom. Vy hovoríte, Ó verím, že to je tak. Vidím, že to Boh povedal. Ale vy to musíte prijať. Potom sa tá žena stáva časťou mňa. Potom sa stávate časťou Slova, ktorým je nevesta. Ak On je tým Slovom, nevesta bude nevesta-Slovo. Vidíte, pravdaže bude. Vidíte, vy to musíte prijať. Vy by ste... Vy by ste mohli povedať to, čo chcete, mohli by ste sa vychvaľovať prezidentom, ale keď sa Ježiš obracia, aby prišiel k našim dverám, my sa len odvraciame. Vidíte, jednoducho s Ním nechceme mať nič do činenia. Hovoríme, “No, niekedy inokedy.”

148Čo ak by ste zaklopali na niekoho dvere? A teraz, otočme ten obraz na chvíľu opačne. Čo ak by ste išli a zaklopali na niekoho dvere a niečo by ste pre nich mali? A predsa, oni by boli pre vás, asi ako by ste vy boli pre Boha, dobre, keby ste boli, no, v poriadku, ale vy by ste nemali zaviazané šnúrky. Tak keď by ste zaklopali na niekoho dvere, oni by nazreli von z okna, a zatiahli ten záves, alebo niekto príde ku dverám a povie, “Niekedy inokedy!”

“No, rád by som...”

149“Nemám dnes ráno čas!” Viete, čo by ste urobili? Asi to isté, čo by som ja urobil a každý z vás; vy by ste sa tam viac nevrátili.

150Ale nie Ježiš. “Ja stojím a klopem,” nepretržité klopanie. [Brat Branham pokračuje v klopaní–vyd.] Vidíte? “Ten, ktorý nepretržite hľadá (nie len hľadať–vytrvalo hľadať), ten, ktorý vytrvalo klope (Nie len zaklopať, to nepokračuje–vytrvalo klopať. Vidíte?) ... Ten, ktorý vytrvalo hľadá, ten, ktorý nepretržite klope, to bude... “ Nie len...

151Ako to podobenstvo o nespravodlivom sudcovi. Tá žena išla a chcela

pomstu–pomstiť sa, ale nemohla to dosiahnuť. On... Vytrvalo klopala a naliehavo žiadala. A povedala... “Len sa jej zbaviť, pomstím sa jej nepriateľom.”

152O koľko viac tak učiní nebeský Otec? Také by malo byť naše klopanie na Jeho dvere. Také malo byť Adamovo behanie hore dolu po záhrade, volanie, volanie, “Otče, Otče, kde Si?” Ale na miesto toho to bol Boh, ktorý bežal hore dolu po záhrade, “Synu, synu, kde si?” Vidíte, to len ukazuje, akí sme. My sa vždy skrývame, namieste toho, aby sme rovno vyšli a priznali sa tomu. Pokúšame sa utekať, skryť sa za niečo. To je jednoducho prirodzenosť človeka, máme to také. Tak veru.

153Dali by ste týmto ľuďom to najlepšie, čo by ste mali, všetko. Ale vy by ste neprijali Ježiša. Ja nemyslím vás, ale myslím tých ľudí tu.

154Alebo možno poviete toto, možno poviete, “Kazateľ, ja som to už urobil. Len som otvoril svoje srdce a dovolil Ježišovi, aby vošiel. Urobil som to pred desiatimi rokmi. Urobil som to pred dvadsiatimi rokmi.” No, to môže byť presne tak, ale je to všetko, čo si urobil? Vidíte?

155Chcem sa vás teraz opýtať. Ak by ste pozvali niekoho do vášho domu a potom, keď ste sa dostali do vnútra, tie dvere... Skôr niekto pozval vás, aby ste vošli, povediac, “Vojdi.”

156“Áno, ja mám dôvod, pôjdem von z mesta a budem uctený. Vidíte?” To je ten spôsob, ktorým mnoho ľudí prijíma Krista. “Ja budem...Ja patrím do cirkvi. Patrím do veľkého toho a toho miesta tam dolu, kde patrí Doktor Ph.LL., viete. A to je najväčšia cirkev. Chodí tam starosta a všetko, viete. Ja–ja patrím do tej cirkvi.” Oni mu dovolia vstúpiť, to stačí. “Áno, prijmem Ho,” (Vidíte?), pre osobný zisk.

157Ale čo potom, keď Ježiš prichádza do toho srdca? Veľa ľudí Ho prijme, pretože oni

nechcú ísť do pekla. Ale keď Ježiš prichádza do tvojho srdca, On chce byť Pánom, nie len Spasiteľom, ale tiež Pánom. Pán, to je “panovanie.” On prichádza do vnútra, aby to tam prevzal.

Tak, vy poviete, “Je to tak, brat Branham?” Iste.

158Čo ak–ak by som vás pozval do môjho domu a vy vojdete do dverí? A zaklopali by ste na dvere a ja by som pozrel von, povedal by som, “Áno, vojdite. Ak mi môžete pomôcť, urobte to. Ale teraz, keď vy vchádzate, ja nechcem, aby ste do môjho domu strkali nos. Stojte rovno tam vo dverách.”

159Pamätajte náš text je “dvere” vo dverách. Tak vo vnútri ľudského srdca je veľa malých dverí a tie malé dvere zakrývajú mnoho vecí. Jednoducho Mu dovoľte vojsť, to nie je všetko, keď On len vchádza.

160Keď ja vojdem do vášho domu, keby ste ma privítali vo dverách, prečo, keby ste

povedali, “Vojdi, brat Branham. Som rád, že ťa vidím.”

161Ja by som povedal, “No, je to pre mňa privilégium vojsť do tvojho domu.”

162“Ó, neprejdeš a nesadneš si? Brat Branham, prejdi sa po našom dome, prejdi sa v dome.” Ó.

163Išiel by som ku chladničke, dal by som si jeden z týchto dobrých veľkých sendvičov, asi takýto, vyzul svoje topánky a išiel by som do spálne, aby som si tam ľahol. A mal by som skutočne gastronomickú slávnosť. Vidíte? Prečo? Pretože by som sa cítil vítaný. Privítali ste ma. Preto by som to ocenil, keby ste ma privítali.

164Ale ak by som vošiel do vášho domu a vy by ste mi povedali, “Stoj tam teraz pri dverách, nestrkaj všade nos.” Necítil by som sa príliš vítaný. Ani vy, však? Nie. Vidíte? Necítili by ste sa vítaní. Niekto by vás pozval a povedal by, “No, počkaj. Áno, vojdi, ale stoj rovno tam.”

165Tak, sú malé dvere, keď ste vo vnútri ľudského srdca. Pohovoríme len o niektorých z nich. Vidíte? Nemáme čas ísť cez všetky tieto dvere, pretože je ich veľa. Vidíte? Ale, povedzme, nasledujúcich desať minút, pohovorme o niektorých, o troch dverách.

166No, na pravej strane ľudského srdca, keď vojdete do dverí, sú malé dvere na pravej strane a tie sa volajú dvere pýchy. Ó. Nevstupujte do tých dverí.” Oni tam nechcú Pána v tých dverách, to je pýcha. “Ja mám modrú krv. Dám si pozor. Ó, áno, teraz pozerajte, poviem vám, ja–ja... Vidíte, to je pýcha. “Nestrkaj tam nos.” Tak, On sa nemôže cítiť vítaný tak dlho, ako držíte tie dvere zatvorené.

167On vás musí pokoriť. Vidíte, to je to, kvôli čomu On vchádza. “Zamýšľate mi povedať, že musím ísť tam dolu a konať ako tí ostatní?” No, vy to nemusíte, to je jedna istá vec. “No, poviem vám, čo myslíte, že čo by som urobil, keď by som išiel nabudúce na obchodnú poradu? Čo by som urobil, keď by som sa zajtra stretol s mojím zamestnávateľom? A to, musel by som mať na sebe toho Ducha a vyskakoval by som tam uprostred mojej práce a išiel by som a hovoril v jazykoch, ó, to by ma ponížilo. Nie, zostaň vonku!”

168Vidíte, tu ste. Vidíte? Áno, vy necháte Ježiša vojsť, pripojíte sa k cirkvi, zapíšete tam svoje meno, prijmete Ježiša ako svojho Spasiteľa, ale kto je vaším Pánom, kedy má On plnú vládu? Keď On je Pán, On má–to všetko patrí Jemu (Vidíte?), vy, vy ste teraz úplne vydaní Jemu.

169Ale táto malá pýcha. “Ó, myslíš tým, že my ženy, si budeme musieť nechať narásť svoje vlasy?” No, to je to, čo On povedal. “Dobre, čo myslíte, že by povedali na mojom krúžku šitia? Nazvali by ma staromódnou.” Len si držte svoju pýchu. Choďte ďalej. On bude len stáť vo dverách, to je najďalej, kam sa On môže dostať.

170Ale keď ste hotoví otvoriť tie dvere, dovoľujete Mu vojsť, On to z vás očistí. Šortky budú hodené do smetného koša a makeup pôjde naspäť do smetného koša, a holič bude vyhladovaný na smrť, ak by strihal iba ženské vlasy skutočnej veriacej.

171No, poviete, “To nerobí...” Ó, áno, to to tiež robí. To je to, čo Biblia povedala. Je to tak. Vidíte, tam je malé slovo, že vy Ho tam nechcete.

“No, môj pastor...”

172Nestarám sa, čo povedal pastor. To je to, čo povedala Biblia, “Je to hanba pre ženu, aby tak robila.”

173“Tak,” vy poviete, “mal by si nás učiť veci, brat Branham, ako je prijatie Svätého Ducha a ako byť tým, tamtým.” Ako sa budete učiť algebru, ak nepoznáte vašu abecedu? Neviete ani, ako konať, aký má byť váš zovňajšok, ako sa obliekať... Je to hanba vidieť dnes tieto ženy na ulici.

174Vošiel som včera na isté miesto, keď, ó, prišiel tam jeden z tých zvrhlých gangov.

Oni... Tí mužovia mali vlasy do očí, viseli im na chrbát ako legotardom, ako malé deti nosia do školy, na nohách veľké topánky s napoly otvorenými ústami. Mohli by ste povedať, že to boli delikventi. A takto tam vošli, a povedali, “My sme Francúzi.”

175Kto na svete by si najal takéhoto človeka do svojej firmy? Ako oni budú žiť? A videl som zopár ozajstných chlapcov, ktorí tam sedeli... Oni prišli tam dolu z univerzity, títo bítnikovia, alebo myslím, že oni sa volajú hmyz alebo chrobáci (Beatles), alebo niečo také, niektoré z tých vecí, ktoré prichádzajú z Anglicka. A potom tam takto; kto by si najal takéhoto človeka, aby pre neho pracoval? Postavili by ste takéhoto muža do svojej firmy, vy obchodníci? Ak by ste to spravili, vy by ste... je tam niečo, že vy ešte nie ste dosť blízko Kríža.

176Pozrite na tieto ženy na ulici a to je hanba. Možno nevinná malá žena s tou troškou

šiat, ktoré má na sebe (Vidíte?), no, je to hanba, ako vyzerajú. No, vy poviete, “No, vy ženy páchate cudzoložstvo.”

177Oni hovoria, “Počkaj tu na chvíľku, mladý muž. Ja som len taká počestná ako...” To môže byť tak v tvojej vlastnej mysli. A to môže byť tak, dokázané hoci lekárskou skúškou, že ty môžeš byť.

178Ale pamätaj, v deň súdu sa budeš zodpovedať za páchanie cudzoložstva. Ježiš povedal, “Ktokoľvek by pozrel na ženu so žiadosťou po nej, už s ňou vo svojom srdci spáchal cudzoložstvo,” a ty sa ukazuješ pred ním. Vidíte, ako ich diabol oslepil? Je to hanba. Je to hanba. Vidíte, oni–oni majú nejakého ducha. To je nejaký duch, ktorý to robí. To je nesvätý duch.

179Ale skutočný Svätý Duch spôsobí, že sa žena oblieka slušne a vyzerá sväto.

180Moja manželka mi raz povedala. Išli sme dolu ulicou a stretli sme oblečenú ženu, a ešte k tomu v našej krajine. To bola veľmi divná vec (Vidíte?): Nie mnoho letničných je takých. Tak sme zistili, že ona mala na sebe šaty. A ona povedala, “Billy,” povedala, “Ja poznám niektoré z tých žien. Oni spievajú tam dolu v chóre v tých cirkvách.”

Povedal som, “Iste.”

Povedala, “No, oni prehlasujú, že sú Kresťania?”

Povedal som, “Pozri, miláčik, my nie sme celkom z ich rasy.”

Ona povedala, “Čo?” Povedala, “Oni sú Američania.”

Povedal som, “Áno, ale my nie sme.”

Ona povedala, “Nie sme?”

Povedal som, “Nie.”

181Povedal som, “Keď idem do Nemecka, nachádzam tam nemeckého ducha. Keď som išiel do Fínska...” V saune, mnohí z vás Fínov viete, ženy robia mužom kúpele. Tak to je jednoducho fínsky duch. Ohromne milí ľudia, ale kdekoľvek idete, nachádzate národného ducha.

182Idete do zboru a pozorujte pastora, ak on je skutočne divoký a vyvádza, to zhromaždenie bude také isté. Vidíte? Oni prijímajú ducha jeden od druhého namiesto toho, aby prijali Ducha Svätého.

183To je dôvod, prečo máme tak veľa prevráteného učenia z Biblie. Namiesto navrátenia sa do toho plánu, oni vzali ducha nejakej denominácie. Vidíte? To Slovo je pre nich jednoducho také cudzie, ako bolo vo dňoch, keď vystúpil Ježiš, predstavil to skutočné pravdivé Evanjelium. Oni povedali, “On je diabol. On je Belzebúb.” Vidíte? Ale tam to máte.

184A ona povedala, “Dobre, ak teda nie sme Američania, čo sme?”

185Povedal som, “Naše kráľovstvo je zhora.” Vidíte, sme voľní, znovuzrodení. Kráľovstvo Božie je vo vás. Vidíte? Konáte, ako tam hore, vy ste vyslaní ako zástupcovia odtiaľ. Povedal som, “My sme tu obyvateľmi, žijúcimi tu v tele. Ale naše duchy, my sme pútnikmi a cudzincami.” Sme teraz cudzí tomu svetu, dokonca nášmu vlastnému národu, pretože sme prijali pozvanie, keď to zaklopalo na naše srdce, stali sme sa časťou Neho, Jeho Slova. A to Slovo nás upevňuje, robí nás živými a spôsobuje, že konáme ako kresťania.

186Pred nejakým časom, na juhu, taký malý príbeh. Bol tam nejaký kráľ, alebo kupec.

Oni predávali otrokov. To bolo v čase rasovej segregácie a oni mali na juhu otrokov.. Oni boli... vychádzali a kupovali ich, jednoducho ako vy, keby ste si vyberali ojazdené auto.

187Tak, ja som za zlučovanie, absolútne... Vlastne za oddeľovanie. Som za oddeľovanie. Pretože ja sa nestarám, ako veľmi oni argumentujú, vy nemôžete byť kresťanom a byť za zlučovanie.. To je presne tak. Boh dokonca oddeľuje svoj národ. On oddeľuje svoj ľud. “Vyjdite z pomedzi nich.” On je... On je Ten, ktorý rozdeľuje.

“Dokonca... Nedotýkajte sa ich nečistých vecí.” On vytiahol Izraela, tú židovskú rasu, von z každej, zo všetkých tých rás, ktoré sú na svete. On je ten, ktorý oddeľuje.

188Ale ja neverím, že nejaký človek má byť otrokom. Boh učinil človeka, človek učinil otrokov. Neverím, že jeden by mal panovať nad druhým, žiadna rasa, žiadna farba pleti, alebo niečo.

189Ale je oddelenie, Nevesta Kristova je oddelená od toho zvyšku cirkví, to je presne tak: prirodzená cirkev a duchovná cirkev, telesná cirkev, cirkev, ktorá je Slovom. Vždy to tak bolo. “Ježiš prišiel ku Svojim vlastným, Jeho vlastní ho neprijali, ale všetci, ktorí Ho prijali...”

190Tak toto–tam zvykli byť kupci, makléri, ktorí tam chodili a kupovali tých otrokov. Raz tam bol jeden, ktorý prišiel na veľkú plantáž a pozoroval ich. Tí otroci boli tvrdo bití, a všetko, viete. Oni boli preč z domu, nikdy viac sa nevrátili naspäť. Tí Búrovia, Holanďania, oni išli a chytali ich, privážali sem a predávali ich. A oni nikdy viac nevideli otca, matku, nikdy už nevideli svoje deti. Oni ich párili jedného s druhým, vzali veľkého muža, spárili ho s veľkou ženou, preč od jeho vlastnej manželky, aby urobili väčších otrokov. Ó, Boh ich za to jedného dňa vezme na zodpovednosť. Je to tak. To nie je správne.

191Ako raz povedal Abrahám Lincoln, keď vystúpil z lode tam v New Orleanse, sňal svoj klobúk...

192Videl troch alebo štyroch malých černochov, ktorí tam prišli, stojaci tam bosí, kde oni... kde ležala predtým krava a rozmrazila tú zem, oni tam stáli po tom, čo tie kravy vohnali dovnútra. Ich malé staré popraskané nohy krvácali. Oni spievali, “Ty máš topánky, ja mám topánky, a všetky Božie deti majú topánky.”

193Keď tam vystúpil z tej lode, podišiel ku býčej ohrade, stál tam mohutný veľký černoch, niekto ho tam švihal bičom, skúšajúc jeho srdce. A bežal za ním hore a dolu po tej ulici, s bičom, potom skontroloval jeho srdce, aby videl, či je v poriadku. Jeho biedna žena tam stála, s dvomi alebo tromi deťmi na svojich rukách, takto, aby ho predal na spárenie s väčšou ženou. Starý Abrahám Lincoln ho zarazil pod svoj klobúk pod pažu, takto, a udrel svojou päsťou, a povedal, “To je zlé! A jedného dňa do toho udriem, ak by ma to stálo i môj život.” A tam, v jednom múzeu v Chicagu, ležia šaty s krvou, ktorá tých černochov od toho oslobodila.

194A ja hovorím, že hriech a také veci sú zlé. Nech mi Boh pomôže udrieť to, i všetkým kazateľom evanjelia. Sme narodení ako slobodné deti Božie. Sme slobodne narodení v Duchu Svätom. Nestaráme sa o nejaké vyznania alebo kulty, ktoré nás vedú do svetovej rady cirkví. Sme slobodne narodení ľudia v Duchu Svätom. Máme pravdu. Vyšli sme z takých vecí, ako sú letniční. Je to tak. Tak, sme slobodní. Nemusíme byť znova viazaní s týmito vecami tu dolu.

195Ale tento kupec povedal, dívajúc sa na jeho otrokov, na stovku či na niekoľko z nich, na veľkej plantáži, povedal, “Povedz.” Jeden chlapec tam, oni ho nikdy nebičovali, mal vypnutú hruď, jeho brada bola hore, rovno pri práci. Povedal, “Povedz, ja ho chcem kúpiť.”

196On povedal, “Ó, nie.” Ten majiteľ povedal, “On nie je na predaj. Ha-ha.”

On povedal, “No, je otrokom?”

Povedal, “Áno.”

197On povedal, “No–dobre, čo ho robí takým rozdielnym?” Povedal, “Kŕmiš ho inak?”

On povedal, “Nie, oni všetci spolu jedia tam vonku na galeji.”

Povedal, “Je nad nimi šéfom?”

Povedal, “Nie, on je len otrok.”

“Dobre,” povedal, “čo ho robí odlišným?”

198Povedal, “Vieš, sám som bol na to zvedavý.” Ale povedal, “Vieš, tam v jeho domovine odkiaľ oni prišli, v Afrike, otec toho chlapca je kráľom kmeňa. A hoci on je prisťahovalec, správa sa ako syn kráľa.”

199Ó, pomyslel som si, čo za vec pre mladú kresťanskú pani a mladého muža. Ženy,

zastavte to obliekanie sa do takých šiat. Mužovia, prestaňte rozprávať svoje oplzlé vtipy a všetky tie veci. Sme synovia a dcéry Kráľa. Obliekaj sa ako kráľovná, obliekaj sa ako pani. Konaj ako džentlmen, nenechaj svoje vlasy narásť takto dole. Biblia povedala, že to je zlé (príroda vás to učí) pre muža, aby mal dlhé vlasy. A to je hanba a neslušná vec pre ženu, aby sa dokonca modlila s ostrihanými vlasmi. A čo toto? “To je hnus pre ženu, aby si obliekla odev, ktorý patrí mužovi.” Ten veľký nemeniaci sa Boh, ktorý nerobí zmeny. Ale jednako dnes je to jednoducho tak voľné, ako je i zvyšok nášho národa, hanba. Konajme ako synovia a dcéry Božie. Žime tak. Sme synovia Kráľa. Sme prehnití...?... táto hromada nečistoty a špiny a zvrátenosti, tu naokolo, ľudia, ktorí sa nazývajú “Kresťania” a stále takto konajú.

200Ale pamätajte, jedného dňa sme mali zaklopanie a otvorili sme Mu, pýcha a všetko odišlo. Amen. Nestarám sa, ako ma oni volajú.

Ó, myslím, že som len trochu staromódny.

Ale môj Spasiteľ bol tiež staromódny.

201Je to tak? Počuli ste tú pieseň. Byť staromódny. Nepokúšajte sa vzorovať po niekom inom. On je váš príklad. Pokúste sa byť ako On a ten Duch vo vás vám to pomôže robiť. Urobte svoj život takým, ako bol Jeho život.

202Áno, tam sú dvere. Chcem pomenovať ďalšie dvere. Príliš to rozvádzam. Sú tam ďalšie dvere, rovno pri tých dverách, keď ideš tam napravo a tie dvere sú dverami do tvojho súkromného života. Ó. Ó, ty nechceš, aby sa On do toho miešal. “Tak, ak chcem ísť von na malú kokteil párty, čo Ťa je do toho? Čo mi má čo cirkev hovoriť, čo mám robiť?” A-ha, tu ste. Vidíte? “Desatina mojej mzdy? Kto mi má čo hovoriť, čo ja mám robiť. To je môj vlastný súkromný život. Ja zarábam tieto peniaze. Mám svoj vlastný život. Oblečiem si šortky, ak budem chcieť. To je moje vlastné americké privilégium.” Je to pravda. Iste. Dobre.

203Ale ak si baránok a nie cap (Vidíte?), baránky sú tým, čím je On. Oni budú jedného dňa oddelení.

204Ovca má vlnu. To je jediná vec, ktorú ona má. A ona nemôže vyrobiť tú vlnu. Od nás sa nevyžaduje, aby sme vyrobili ovocie Ducha, ale aby sme niesli ovocie Ducha. A tak dlho, ako je ona ovcou, ona ju bude prinášať. Ona ju nemusí vyrábať. Tie žľazy a všetko v nej je ovcou, ona bude prinášať vlnu pretože v jej vnútri sú tie žľazy a adrenalín a veci, ktoré sú potrebné, aby to prinieslo vlnu.

205A keď si kresťanom, ty pôjdeš zajedno so Slovom. Nestarám sa o to, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí. Nemusíte nič vypracovať a stiahnuť dolu, ťahať a nafukovať. Ty si kresťan. Ty jednoducho automaticky nesieš ovocie Ducha. Vidíte? Vidíte, a to je ten spôsob, ktorým sa to deje. Vidíte?

206Ale, ľudia dnes, oni nechcú, aby ste sa starali do ich súkromného života.

207Len jedna vec, ktorú ty robíš, a to je to, že otváraš každé dvere, hovoriac, “Vojdi Ježišu.” Pozoruj, čo sa deje. Keď to vidíš v tej knihe, očakáva sa od teba, že to robíš, ty to urobíš. Prečo? Ty si v prvom rade ovca.

208Ale ak sa len chceš postaviť, držať Ho pri dverách a len hovoríš, “Ja som sa pripojil do cirkvi. Ja som tak dobrý ako ty. (Vidíte?) Prijal som Krista.” Možno to je práve to, čo si urobil. Ale urobil si Ho Pánom? Vidíte?

209Tak, Pán nemôže položiť knihu nariadení a hovoriť Slovo a potom zmeniť názor a poprieť Ho. A ak hovoríš, že si dostal Ducha Svätého a Biblia hovorí určitú vec, aby si urobil a ty hovoríš, “Ó, ja tomu neverím.” Len pamätaj, že ten duch, ktorý je v tebe, nie je Svätý Duch, pretože On nemôže zaprieť samého Seba. Je to tak. On nemôže zaprieť Seba samého. On napísal to Slovo a On na Neho dáva pozor, aby Ho vykonal. Vidíte? Tak to nie je Svätý...

210To je nejaký duch, v poriadku. To by mohol byť nejaký cirkevný duch. Mohol by to byť duch pastora. Mohol by to byť duch toho sveta. To môže byť. Neviem, čo to je, ale čokoľvek to je, môže to byť nejaký denominačný duch, “Ja som metodista. Ja som baptista. Ja som presbyterián. Ja som letničný. Ja som toto.” To je....

211Letnice... Tak, pamätajte, dovoľte mi dať to do poriadku, letniční - to nie je organizácia, byť letniční - to je prežitie, ktoré prijímate. Vy metodisti, baptisti, katolíci, a všetci môžete mať letničné prežitie. Vy sa nemôžete pripojiť k letniciam, pretože nie je spôsob, ako sa k tomu pripojiť.

212Som v Branhamovej rodine už päťdesiatpäť rokov. Viete, oni ma nikdy nežiadali, aby som sa stal Branhamom. Ja som sa narodil ako Branham.

213A to je to, ako si ty kresťanom, si narodený ako kresťan. Je to tak.

214Ó, ten súkromný život... “Ó, poviem vám, môj pastor chodí na tieto tancovačky, a my tancujeme twist. Oni to majú.” V poriadku. Vidíte? “Nechoďte ku mne a nehovorte mi, čo môžem robiť a čo nemôžem robiť.” V poriadku (Vidíte?), vy Mu nedovoľujete vojsť.

215Len Mu raz dovoľte vojsť a potom choďte naspäť ku tomu twistu alebo rock-and-rollu, alebo čokoľvek pôjdete urobiť, vtedy uvidíte, čo môžete robiť. Nemôžete to robiť. Dovoľte Mu raz vojsť, a potom si začnite obliekať šortky, niektoré z vás žien.

216Ja viem, zaberám vám už veľa času, ale chcem vám povedať ešte jednu vec, ak je to všetko v tomto ohľade v poriadku.

217Myslím, že najväčšie zhromaždenie, ktoré mi kedy Pán dovolil pre Neho mať, bolo

v Bombay, kde som mal okolo päťsto tisíc, ale–a dvesto a niekoľko tisíc v Afrike, Durbane, na pretekárskej dráhe. To popoludnie, povedal som, po tom, čo som videl takú veľkú úžasnú vec, že náš láskavý Pán zostúpil a konal, povedal som, “Misionári vás vyučujú Slovu, ale to Slovo je oživené a je učinené živým. To, čo On povie, musí prísť do života.” A ja... A potom, keď sa tam naraz udialo dvadsaťpäťtisíc uzdravení a náklad za nákladom poriadnych starých vozíkov, len jedna jednoduchá malá modlitba, a oni videli Ducha Svätého práve... Tí ľudia, ktorí nikdy nepoznali, kým oni sú a odkiaľ prišli, to je všetko, čo oni chceli vidieť. Vidíte?

218A ja som sa spýtal, “Koľkí chcú prijať Krista?” Bolo tam tridsaťtisíc, ktorí stáli na svojich nohách, všetko domorodci, ktorí mali pri sebe modly.

219Doktor Bosworth, doktor Baxter a oni začali plakať. A brat Bosworth vybehol hore a takto povedal, “Brat Branham, toto je tvoj korunovačný deň.”

220Brat Baxter povedal, “Brat Branham, som zvedavý... myslím, že oni očakávajú telesné uzdravenie.”

221Ten chlapec kľačal s rukami na zemi. A Duch Svätý mu povedal, odkiaľ prišiel a čo sa stalo, povedal, “Budeš hovoriť. Pomysli na svojho brata, on je asi pól míle tam vzadu. On sa vozil na žltej koze a zranil si svoju nohu.” Povedal som, “Ale, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, on je uzdravený.” Tu prišiel ten chlapec, s barlami na svojich rukách, takto. A ukazoval ich asi dvadsať minút, zatiaľ čo ich policajti utišovali.

222Potom tento chlapec na svojich rukách a nohách, takto, dolu, nemohol dokonca

ani vstať, nahý. Ó, taká hrozná vec. On myslel, on tam prichádzal k turistom, viete, taký druh džungľového tanca. A ktorému som vzal tú reťaz a zatriasol som ňou. Povedal som, “Ak by som mohol pomôcť tomuto biednemu stvoreniu a neurobil by som to, bol by som–nebol by som spôsobilý zastať tu. Ale povedal som, “Ja mu nemôžem pomôcť. Ale teraz mám malý dar, môžem ho jednoducho dať do chodu, čokoľvek Pán povie.”

223A keď Pán ukázal, povedal mu, kto on bol, povedal, “Jeho matka a otec, ktorí stoja tu, oni sú Zuluovia. Oni sú neobyčajne chudí.” Zulu váži priemerne tristo libier. Tak potom povedal, “Oni sú neobvyklí. Ale tento chlapec bol narodený v kresťanskom dome, pretože na jeho–na pravej strane, ako vojdete do dverí, je obraz Krista, v malej trstinovej chatrči.” A bolo to presne tak. Jeho matka a otec vstali. Ako sa volal, kým on bol a všetko. Oni tomu nemohli porozumieť. Pozrel som sa dozadu a videl som ho stáť, v tom videní, tak priamo, ako len bolo možné. Nikdy vo svojom živote sa nepostavil, on sa takto narodil. Povedal som, “Pán Ježiš ho uzdravuje.”

224On nemal dokonca svoju myseľ v poriadku, pokúšajúc sa ísť, “uh, ba, ba, ba,” takto.

225A chytil som tú reťaz a takto som ňou zatriasol. Povedal som, “Ježiš Kristus, synu, ťa celkom uzdravuje. Postav sa na svoje nohy.” Tam on povstal. Slzy sa kotúľali po jeho čiernom bruchu, ako išiel takto dolu. Videl som tridsať tisíc čistokrvných domorodcov, ako dávali svoje srdcia Ježišovi Kristovi.

226Keď v Kiwanis klube, povedal som... A oni mi povedali, že som sa stal svätým povaľačom, keď som opustil baptistickú cirkev, tak, aby som mohol mať obecenstvo so všetkými ľuďmi. Oni povedali, “No, staneš sa svätým povaľačom.” Sedel som so skupinou mojich baptistických bratov, povedal–povedal som, “Vyslali ste tam misionárov za posledných stopäťdesiat rokov a v akom stave som ich tam našiel? Stále nosia modly.” Povedal som, “Ale moc vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista...” Tridsaťtisíc ich naraz prijalo Krista.”

227Tak, chcem povedať vám, ženám, viete, čo sa stalo ich ženám? Povedal som, “Rovno na zemi, kde vy stojíte, vás naplní Duch Svätý.” A keď oni zodvihli svoje ruky, aby prijali Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa, a keď oni odtiaľ odišli: nahé, tak, nič len malý kúsok látky, šiat, vpredu. A keď odchádzali odtiaľ preč, takto skrížili svoje ruky, pretože boli v prítomnosti mužov, potom, čo prijali Krista.

228Tak, ako môžeme, sestry, ako môžeme v tomto národe, kde prehlasujeme, že veríme a sme kresťania a každý rok sú oni viac vyzlečené? Keď tá osoba nikdy ani nepočula meno Kristovo, ale jednoducho Ho prijala do svojho srdca. Nie, nemohli by ste im povedať, že boli nahí, oni o tom nevedeli. Ale oni sa takto zahalili a odišli. Na druhý deň alebo o dva dni, by ste ich našli oblečené v nejakých šatách. Ó.

229Niekde je niečo zlé! To je to teologické prekrúcanie. Moc vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista, ako on učinil tomu mužovi, ktorý bol nazvaný “Legion: Našli sme ho oblečeného a pri zdravej mysli.” A ja začínam veriť, že to je duch na ľuďoch, ktorí ich vedie do toho amerikanizmu a francúzizmu, a všetkého druhu svetskosti a cirkevníctva. Ale nech oni raz prídu ku tomu Majstrovi a nech pocítia to klopanie na dvere, oni sa oblečú a budú konať ako ženy a mužovia a budú znovuzrodenými kresťanmi. Amen. Áno.

230Tak, minul som dvadsať minút, až dvadsať, len niekoľko minút, dovoľte mi prejsť tu niektoré. Len na chvíľu, niektoré Písma, rád by som otvoril ešte jedny dvere. Bolo by to v poriadku?

231Tými ďalšími dverami tam je viera. Vidíte, váš súkromný život, dvere pýchy, váš súkromný život, teraz otvorme vieru. Je ich jednoducho celá skupina (Vidíte?), ale poďme do viery.

232Viete, pred nejakým časom som bol v nemocnici a nejaká žena išla na operáciu. Ona ma zavolala, povedala, “Brat Branham, ja som odpadlík. Pomodlil by si sa za mňa?”

233Povedal som, “Áno, madam, budem rád.” Povedal som, “Ty si odpadlík?”


234Povedal som, “No, dovoľ mi počkať len na chvíľku. Dovoľ mi prečítať ti Písmo.”

235Bola tam pani, ktorá ležala na posteli, pozerala na mňa, skutočne smiešne, jej syn asi dvadsaťročný, obyčajný Ricky, a stáli tam a takto na mňa pozerali.

236A povedal som, “Áno, madam,” povedal som. Prečítal som jej Písmo, “Hoci by vaše hriechy boli červené ako šarlát, oni budú biele ako sneh. Hoci by boli červené ako karmín, budú biele ako vlna.” A keď som jej to prečítal. Povedal som, “Ak si sa zatúlala (Vidíte?), opustila si Boha, ale Boh ťa nikdy neopustil, inak by si ma nezavolala.” Začala plakať. Povedal som, “Budeme sa modliť.”

237Tá pani na tej druhej posteli povedala, “Počkajte chvíľu. Počkajte tam chvíľu.”

Povedal som, “Áno, madam?”

Ona povedala, “Zatiahnite záves.”

A povedal som, “Nie ste kresťanka?”

Povedala, “My sme metodisti.”

238Povedal som, “Dobre, čo to má s tým spoločné? Vidíte, to nie je nič viac, než ako keby si povedal, že si žriebä, ak si bol v prasačom chlieve.” Povedal som, “To neznamená nič.” Vidíte?

239Ale, vidíte, to je to, kde to prišlo, tá samospravodlivosť. “To je proti našej viere.”

“My nechceme Božské uzdravenie v našej cirkvi alebo veci takého druhu.” Rozumiete, rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Vidíte? Oni todo tých dverí nevpustia. “To je proti našej viere.”

240Je len jedna viera. “Jedna viera, jeden Pán, jeden krst.” Tá viera...

Moja viera hľadí ku Tebe,

Ty Baránku z Golgoty,

Božský Spasiteľ,

Tak, vypočuj ma, zatiaľ čo sa modlím,

Vezmi všetku moju neveru preč.

241Hriech...Hriech, je len jeden hriech, to je nevera. Človek, ktorý pije, nie je hriešnik. Vidíte, to (Vidíte?), to nie je hriech. To nie je hriech, piť. To nie je hriech, pacháť cudzoložstvo. Klamať, kradnúť, to nie je hriech. To sú atribúty nevery. Keby si bol veriaci, nerobil by si to. Vidíte?

242Sú len dvaja, si buď neveriaci alebo veriaci (Vidíte?), jedno alebo druhé. Ty nerobíš všetky tieto veci a tieto náboženské nariadenia, len preto že si neveriaci, ak by si bol veriaci, to je Slovo, v ktoré ty veríš, pretože Kristus je to Slovo. Vidíte? A tak ty si jednoducho neveriaci, pretože veríš nejakej tradícii, alebo nejakým dogmám, ktoré boli pridané do Biblie, alebo niečo, a denominácie to robia. Ale skutočný veriaci stojí rovno s tým Slovom. A Boh pracuje priamo skrze to Slovo, skrze Neho, aby sa vyplnilo v tejto generácii, v ktorej my žijeme.

243A teraz si všimnite, a vy hovoríte, “Ó, ja...Brat Branham, Pán...” No, to je v poriadku,

je mnoho neobrezaných Filištínov, ktorí tiež raz išli. A skupina Egypťanov sa pokúšala nasledovať Mojžiša cez Červené more, ale to nakoniec... “Ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili na odpor Mojžišovi, no, nachádzame tú istú vec v tomto poslednom dni,” povedala Biblia.

244Tak, len ešte trochu ďalej. Ježiš povedal tu v tomto poslednom veku, “Pretože hovoríš toto, “Som bohatý a zbohatol som...” Len pozrite, ako to máme dnes, najbohatšia cirkev, ktorá kedy bola. A, tak, viete, vy letniční by ste boli v oveľa lepšom stave, ak by ste boli vonku s tamburínou na rohu, ako bývali vaši otcovia a matky. Ale vy máte lepšiu cirkev, ako sú tie ostatné teraz, najrýchlejšie rastúcu na svete, ale kde je Duch Boží, ktorý zvykol byť medzi nami? Vy ste opustili tú skutočnú vec. Pretože hovoríte, som bohatý.”

245Pamätajte, toto sú letniční, ku ktorým je to hovorené, pretože letničný vek je posledný vek.

Vidíte všetky tieto prebudenia, ktoré sme mali, nie je žiadna ďalšia organizácia, ktorá by povstala. Nebude. Toto je koniec. Pšenica teraz dozrela. Ona prichádza skrze listy, stopku, šupku, a teraz to vchádza do pšenice (Vidíte?), nič viac nebude. Oni trochu začali ten pozdný dážď, potom to padlo, všetko ďalšie padne tiež. Oni budú... Toto je pšenica, ktorá vychádza na povrch. Vidíte? Všimnite si.

246“A pretože hovoríš, som bohatý a zbohatol som a nepotrebujem ničoho a nevieš, že si mizerný, biedny, slepý, nahý a nevieš o tom. Dám ti radu...” Ó. “Klopem na tvoje dvere.” [Brat Branham klope –vyd.] “Laodicea, Ja klopem na tvoje dvere, a radím ti, aby si prišla ku mne, a–a kúp si zlato skúsené v ohni, biele rúcho, aby sa neukázala tvoja nahota.”

247Dajte preč tieto veci a oblečte sa tak, ako by ste sa mali (Vidíte?), spravodlivosť Kristova, Slova: nie moja spravodlivosť, Jeho spravodlivosť.

248“A tiež ti radím, aby si prišiel, a vzal trochu očnej masti, aby si mohol pomazať svoje oči, aby si mohol vidieť.” Balzam na oči...

249Ja som Kentačan. Narodil som sa dolu v horách, a mali sme malé staré miesto hore v podkroví. A my deti sme si pomáhali hore malým starým rebríkom, ktorým sme tam večer vychádzali. A ľahli sme si tam. Museli dať nad nami kúsok plachtoviny, keď snežilo. No, a tie hviezdy, a staré prekladané drevené šindle...

250Koľkí vedia, čo sú to prekladané šindle? No, brat, prečo som si tu neobliekol svoje montérky? Som ako doma. Vidíte? No, staré poprekladané šindle.

251Koľkí vedia čo je slamený matrac? No, čo vy viete. Myslím, že som sa cítil veľmi nábožne, myslím, že som práve teraz doma. To je dobre. A ja som nič viac nevedel, až len pred niekoľkými rokmi.

252Koľkí vedia, čo je stará lampa, čo je starý cylinder? Viete, bol veľký starý mesiac a sova tam ďalej. Tí, ktorí mali najmenšiu ruku v dome, museli čistiť tú starú maselnicu, viete. Zvykol som brať takú starú dosku proti ostriekaniu, aby ma to všetko neostriekalo, tak som vzal ten cylinder z lampy a položil som to na to, aby to nevystrekovalo. Áno, iste.

253No, môj dedko bol lovec kožušín. Matka mojej matky prišla z rezervácie. Vzal si indiánske dievča z rezervácie Cherokeeiov tam v Kentucky a Tennessee, viete, kde, z údolia Cherokee. A oni poľovali a chytali po celý čas, to bol jeho–to bol spôsob, ktorým on žil svoj život.

254A my deti sme zostávali tam v posteli, prečo, niekedy bývalo skutočne chladno. A ten vetrík tam prichádzal a ten chlad sa dostával do našich očí, a naše oči boli v noci zalepené, viete. Mama to volala “vec.” Ja neviem, čo to je, ale mohlo by sa to dostať do vašich očí a oni by prechladli. A ona hovorievala, “máte vec vo svojich očiach,” pretože z toho, ó, viete, ten vetrík tam cirkuloval, ten prievan, ktorý prichádzal v noci. Naše zatvorené oči boli opuchnuté.

255A mama tam ráno vyšla po rebríku, keď upiekla placky. Na stole mávala položenú

čirokovú melasu. A ona povedala, “Billy.”

Povedal som, “Áno, mama?”

“Ty a Edward zídite dolu.”

256“Mama, ja nevidím.” Zavolal som na môjho brata, volali sme ho, “Humpy.” Povedal som, “Ani on nevidí. Vidíš, v našich očiach je tá vec.”

Ona povedala, “V poriadku, hneď to bude.”

257A dedko, keď chytil mývala... Koľkí vedia, čo je to mýval?

To je to, čo, a ona... On chytil mývala, a vzal z neho tuk a dal ho do plechovky. A ten mývalí tuk bol všeliekom v našej rodine. Oni nám ho dávali pri prechladnutí, spolu s terpentínom, a uhlovým olejom. Prehĺtali sme ho, keď nás bolelo hrdlo. Potom sa ten mývalí tuk zohrial a ona prišla a potrela naše oči, a naše oči sa otvorili. Vidíte? To bol mývalí tuk, ktorý to urobil. Vidíte?

258Tak, brat, sestra, išli sme cez studené obdobie v cirkvi. A to je pravda, prechádzali

sme množstvom náboženských tiahnutí, každý tam prechladol. A mnohým ľudom sa oči celkom zalepili, a tu prichádza veľká svetová rada, tu hore, aby prinútila každého jedného z vás do toho vojsť. Oni sa vzďaľujú preč od toho Slova, sú to i naše vlastné skupiny. Ja som zaviazaný k Posolstvu, nie aby som bol rozdielny, ale kvôli láske... Láska napráva. Navráťte sa. Držte sa preč od tých vecí. Vy, slúžiaci bratia, nestarám sa, čo robí vaša skupina, držte sa preč od toho. Zostaňte mimo toho. To je znak šelmy, držte sa preč od toho. Vidíte, Ježiš v tomto Laodicejskom veku klope. Vidíte, kde Ho oni vystrčili? On sa pokúša dostať ku jednotlivcom, nie ku organizáciám a skupinám ľudí. On sa snaží dostať ku jednému tu a jednému tam, a jednému tam, snažiac sa. “Všetkých, ktorých Ja milujem, karhám.”

259Ako tu mal ten malý brat to videnie, a povedal, že mal videnie. A povedal, “Toto isté

svetlo, ktoré vy prijímate, spôsobuje tiež vašu smrť.” Vidíte?

260“Všetkých, ktorých Ja milujem, karhám, rozhorli sa a navráť sa. Ja stojím pri dverách a klopem.” Tak, pozrite, mývalí tuk s tým neurobí nič dobré.

Ale je Fontána naplnená Krvou,

tečúca z Imanuelových žíl,

kde hriešnici ponorení do toho prúdu,

stratia všetky svoje škvrny vín.

Ten zomierajúci zlodej sa radoval,

že videl tú Fontánu vo svojom dni,

Tam môžem ja, hoci odporný ako on...

261On otvoril moje oči s Jeho očnou masťou. Jeho Duch zostúpil a zohrial tú Bibliu, Jeho očnou masťou. Nemohol som To vidieť. Bol som len lokálny baptistický pastor. Ale jedného dňa On zoslal Svojho Ducha, nie mývaliu masť, ktorú by On zohrial, ale On poslal Ducha Svätého a oheň. Malá očná masť prešla mojou Bibliou–mojou Bibliou... a ja som mohol vidieť svojimi očami, mám na mysli, že prešla po mojich očiach tak, aby som mohol vidieť moju Bibliu. A aby som videl, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. “Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom a Moje pravdou. Stojím pri dverách a klopem.”

262Ešte malý príbeh. Máme čas? Len to, a potom pôjdem. Vidíte?

263Bol jeden černoch tam dole na juhu. A jeho pastor, poznal som ho, milý starý muž. Volali sme ho Gabe. Jeho meno bolo Gabriel a my sme ho jednoducho volali Gabe. On vždy, pastor a ja sme chodili veľa poľovať. On bol starý farebný brat a chodili sme poľovať. A tak starý Gabe rád poľoval, viac než ktokoľvek iný, koho som kedy poznal, ale on bol biedny strelec. Tak jedného dňa jeho pastor a on išli poľovať.

264A my sme nikdy nemohli dostať starého Gabeho, aby prišiel do zboru. On by to jednoducho neurobil. On by neprišiel do zboru. Povedal, “Ách, nepôjdem tam dolu, kde sú tí pokrytci.”

265Povedal som, “Ale Gabe, tak dlho, ako ty zostávaš vonku, oni sú väčší ako ty. Ty sa skrývaš za nimi.” Vidíte? Povedal som, “Skrývaš sa za nimi. Si menší, ako sú oni, oni idú a snažia sa. Vidíš?”

266A tak on povedal, “Ja–ja-ja-ja-ja len... Veľa o vás premýšľam, pán Bill.” “Ale,” povedal, “poznám starého Jonesa, ktorý chodí tam dolu a on nie je ničím, on hrá kocky.”

267Povedal som, “To je v poriadku, Gabe. Rozumieš, to je v poriadku. Ale pamätaj, Jones sa bude musieť za to zodpovedať, ty nemusíš. Vidíš? Ak len ideš...” Povedal som, “Máš dobrého pastora.”

268“Ó, pastor Jones je jedným z najohromnejších mužov v kraji.”

269Povedal som, “Dovoľ mu, aby bol tvojím príkladom, ak nemôžeš vidieť ďalej než to. Dovoľ mu byť tvojím príkladom.”

270Tak jedného dňa brat Jones povedal, že vzal starého Gabeho na poľovačku a povedal, “Chytili sme dnes viac zajacov a vtákov, ako by sme ich mohli uniesť.” A povedal, “Prídi večer...” Povedal, “Starý Gabe prišiel a všetko to mal naložené, viete, takto.” A jeho manželka bola skutočne oddaná kresťanka. Jej miesto bolo rovno tam, Duchom Svätým naplnená žena a vždy stála vo svojej povinnosti. Tak on bol ... Starý Gabe prichádzal, viete. A pastor Jones povedal, že sa poobzeral, on mohol vidieť, “Starý Gabe sa len díval cez plece, takto, slnko zapadalo,” povedal, “zmráka sa, schladzuje sa.” Povedal, “Po chvíli,” povedal, že išiel opodiaľ, povedal, “starý Gabe prišiel.” A na hlavni svojej brokovnice mal navešaných plno zajacov a vtákov a vecí.” Povedal, “On poklepal pastora na plece a povedal, “Pastor?”

Povedal, a obrátil sa a povedal, “Áno, Gabe, čo sa deje?”

271Tak on pozeral a veľké slzy sa kotúľali po jeho čiernych lícach, kde jeho brada zošedivela. On hovorí, “Pastor, chodil som pozdĺž tohoto brehu tu asi pol hodiny.” Povedal, “Pozoroval som to slnko, ako zapadá.” Povedal, “Vieš, táto moja brada a moje vlasy zošediveli,” povedal, “vieš, moje slnko tiež zapadá, pastor.”

272Povedal, “To je pravda, Gabe.” A on sa len zastavil a otočil sa, a povedal, “Čo sa s tebou deje?”

273On povedal, “Moje slnko tiež zapadá.” On povedal, “Vieš, čo?” Povedal, “Musel som premýšľať,” povedal, “ako som išiel tam pozdĺž brehu.” Povedal, “Vieš,” povedal, “Pán ma musí milovať.”

Povedal, “Iste, On to robí, Gabe.”

274Povedal, “Vieš, že ja som biedny strelec.” Povedal, “Nemohol som nič trafiť,” ale povedal, “my sme skutočne doma potrebovali toto mäso.” A povedal, “Len pozri na tú veľkú, dobrú hŕbu zveri, ktorú mi On dal, týchto vtákov a tých zajacov.” On povedal, “Mám dosť, aby sme s tým vydržali celý budúci týždeň.” Povedal, “On ma musí milovať, pretože ja som nemohol nič trafiť, ty to vieš.” Povedal, “Nemohol som trafiť... ale ja,” povedal, “Ale len pozri, čo mi On dnes dal.” On povedal, “On ma musí milovať, lebo inak by mi On toto nedal.”

Povedal, “To je pravda.”

275A on povedal, “No, mal som zvláštne malé klopanie na moje dvere, tam dolu. On mi povedal aby som sa obrátil, povedal, “Gabe, tvoje slnko tiež zapadá.” Povedal, “Pastor, vieš čo som urobil, pastor?” On povedal, “Dal som Mu sľub.”

276On povedal, “Gabe, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať.” Povedal, “Ktoré kázanie, ktoré som kázal, spôsobilo, že sa takto cítiš?” Povedal, “Pastor...” alebo povedal, “No, počkaj chvíľu,” povedal, “ktorý chórový spev?”

277On povedal, “Ó, ja mám naozaj rád ten spev tam dolu v zbore, pastor.” On povedal, “Milujem každé posolstvo, ktoré ty kážeš, pretože ono prichádza rovno z tej dobrej knihy, a ja viem, že to je pravda.” Ale povedal “to nebolo to.” Povedal, “On len zaklopal, a ja som sa pozrel tu dookola a videl som, aký dobrý On bol ku mne, čo mi On dal.” On povedal, “V nedeľu ráno, vykročím rovno dopredu, tam, kde budeš stáť.“ On povedal, “Podám ti svoju pravicu,” povedal, “pretože som dal svoje srdce Pánovi, rovno tam pod tým vrchom.” Povedal, “Dám sa pokrstiť a zastanem svoje miesto rovno vedľa mojej ženy. A zostanem tam, až ma Pán nezavolá vyššie.” Vidíte? Stalo sa len to, že on sa pozrel dookola a videl, aký dobrý bol Boh ku nemu.

278Ja som misionár. Ak by som mohol pozrieť skrze tie oči, ktorými sa teraz pozerám,

a videl by som Indiu a také miesta, tých malých chudobných ľudí, matky vyhladovené na ulici, ich malé deti, ktoré už ani nemôžu plakať od hladu, a len pomyslite, čo sme tu mali my dnes. Pozrite na tie autá, v ktorých sme prišli. Pozrite na tie šaty, v ktorých ste oblečení. Pozrite, akí ste bohatí. Priateľ, nemôžeš cítiť to malé klopanie tam niekde?

Modlime sa.

279S našimi sklonenými hlavami a s našimi srdciami, ako minúty teraz prchajú, asi sedem minút do poludnia. Tak, ak sa len môžeš rozhliadnuť dookola a len sa na minútku zamyslieť, tvoje malé deti sedia tam pri tebe. Koľko maličkých trpí na obrnu...

280Pozri na svoju milú manželku, brat, a pomysli, koľkí mužovia, ktorí sú hodní milióny

dolárov, a milujú nejakú ženu s celého svojho srdca, ona je nejaká barová mucha. On by dal svoj celý milión, aby ho tá žena milovala tak, ako tvoja manželka miluje teba. A ty, žena, koľko žien...

281Koľko matiek tu dnes ráno so svojimi malými deťmi, koľkí otcovia, no, ony... Ó, je veľa ľudí, ktorí pozerajú do nejakej starej zlátanej kolísky, a je tam úbožiatko, zmrzačené, a pozerajú, aké zdravé deti máte vy. Vidíte? A veľa starých, možno....

282Ó, Bože, je tak veľa vecí, ak by ste sa len pozreli. On je tak dobrý ku nám, Američanom. Tak, nemôžete to jednoducho cítiť, že by ste dnes ráno vzali radi trochu masti, “Otvor moje oči, aby som videl len trochu ďalej, Pane, otvor moje oči.”? Ako naša sestra tak pekne spievala, “Jeho oči hľadia na vrabca, len na malého vrabca, a ja viem, že On ma pozoruje.”

283Tak, On hľadí práve teraz na teba. Môžeš len počuť, niekde tam dolu malé klopanie, ako je toto. [Brat Branham na niečo klope–vyd.] “Prichádzam dnes ráno?” To je najväčšia pocta, ktorá kedy mohla byť udelená, ak môžete cítiť to klopanie na vašom srdci.

284Zodvihnete len svoju ruku a poviete, “Skrze toto, Pane, skrze Tvoju pomoc a Tvoju milosť, odo dneška, ja budem žiť tak blízko pri Tebe, ako len viem žiť. To je všetko, čo viem, ako Ťa o to poprosiť?” Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. “Skrze Tvoju pomoc a milosť dnes, odo dneška, “ja toto nikdy nezabudnem.”

“Hľa, Ja stojím pri dverách a klopem. Ak niekto...”

285Tak, pamätajte, či on klopal na stodolu? Nie. Na krčmu? Nie. Kde On klope? Na cirkev.

286“Ak niekto bude počuť Môj hlas a otvorí Mi, Ja vojdem a budem s ním večerať a on so Mnou.”

287Drahý Bože, týchto malých nesúvislých, pomiešaných, niekoľko slov, ktoré dnes boli povedané, nech ich Duch Svätý nejakým spôsobom vyloží v srdciach týchto ľudí.

288Tak, mnohí boli, Pane, možno z tejto stovky bolo dvadsať alebo tridsať ľudí, ktorí pozdvihli svoje ruky. Nemám spôsob, ktorým by som poznal práve to, čo oni potrebovali, Pane. Ale viem, že je len niekoľko minút do poludnia, a tak je to s príchodom Pánovým. Ešte predtým, ako sa tento sneh na zemi roztopí, môžeme byť zavolaní a toto môže byť ten moment, ktorý zmení celú budúcnosť toho, či oni zostanú tu alebo pôjdu hore.

289Drahý Bože, pokorne prijímame Ježiša, prijímame všetky Jeho Slová. Naplň nás, Pane, naplň nás Duchom Svätým, aby naše životy len automaticky niesli to ovocie. Udeľ to, Pane.

290Odpusť nám mnoho našich chýb. Ó, sme ich tak plní, Pane. A nemáme nič, čo môžeme ponúknuť, Pane, pretože všetko to, čo máme, si nám dal Ty. Ako Gabe povedal v tom malom príbehu, ktorý sme práve povedali, “Ty nás určite miluješ, Pane, lebo inak by si to neurobil.” A pomysli, títo ľudia tu sedia od skorého rána, sedia tu od ôsmej hodiny, sú to štyri hodiny, ktoré tu oni sedia. Oni Ťa milujú Pane. Oni Ťa milujú. Tak, Otče, pošleš len tú masť Ducha Svätého, aby otvorila naše oči? Nech my...

291Tí, ktorí sú tu v meste, nech sa dnes večer ponáhľajú do toho prebudenia, nech je

tam také vyliatie. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech tu v meste začne starodávne prebudenie. Udeľ to. Požehnaj každého muža, ktorý vynakladá úsilie, každého jedného z Tvojich sluhov po celom svete, ktorí vynakladajú úsilie. Buď s nimi, Pane, a pomáhaj im.

292Otvor naše oči, aby sme mohli vidieť viac a viac obrazu Kristovho. Udeľ to, Pane. Odpusť nám naše hriechy.

293A teraz tí, ktorí pozdvihli svoje ruky, Otče, ja ich porúčam Tebe. Prijmi ich. Tak, ja citujem Tvoje vlastné Slovo, Pane, to, “Nebesia a zem pominú,” ale Ty si povedal, “ten (to je osobné zámeno), ten, kto počuje Moje Slová...” Pane, oni môžu byť porehané a jednoduché, ale niekto ich počuje. To semeno padlo. “Ten kto čuje Moje Slová a (spojka) verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal (pretože On toto urobil), ten má (prítomný čas) večný život a nepríde v budúcnosti na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.” Oni pozdvihli svoje ruky, Pane. Oni zlomili každý vedecký zákon, gravitácia drží naše ruky dolu. Ale oni dokázali, že je v nich duch, ktorý mohol počuť to klopanie na dvere, a vystreli svoju pravú ruku k nebu. Tak, otvor tie dvere. Otvor, Pane, a vojdi. Sme Tvoji. Prijmi nás v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil moje spasenie na Golgotskom kríži.

294Milujete Ho? Som zvedavý, či by sme len mohli zatvoriť naše oči, len na chvíľu. Tak, z našich sŕdc, s našimi pozdvihnutými rukami...

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho...

295Prijímame dnes ráno Tvoje klopanie, Pane. Moje ruky sú zodvihnuté. Všetky naše ruky sú zodvihnuté, Pane. A...Tak, vojdi, Pane Ježišu. Príď do našich sŕdc a večeraj s nami, a my budeme večerať s Tebou.

... Golgotskom kríži.

296Milujete Ho? Ó, myslím, že On je tak nádherný. Však že? Necítite Jeho prítomnosť, ako vás to očisťuje? Cítim sa práve teraz skutočne nábožne, jednoducho sa cítim skutočne dobre, tak nejako. Vidíte?

Moja viera hľadí na teba,

Ty Baránku z Golgoty,

Božský Spasiteľ,

Tak, počuj ma, zatiaľ čo sa modlím,

vezmi všetky moje hriechy preč,

dovoľ mi odo dneška

byť cele Tvoj.

297Tak, chcem, aby ste, keď budeme hmkať tento ďalší verš tejto krásnej piesne, starej

cirkevnej piesne, chcem, aby ste si s niekým potriasli ruky. Len zostaňte na stoličke a jednoducho povedzte, “Boh ti žehnaj, brat. Boh ti žehnaj, sestra. Je tak dobré byť tu s tebou.” Urobme to. Brat Branham a zhromaždenie hmkajú, “Moja viera hľadí na Teba, Baránku z Golgoty,” a potriasajú si ruky jeden s druhým–vyd.] Boh ťa žehnaj, Carl. Som rád, že som tu. Jednoducho sa z toho teším. Ďakujem ti, ďakujem.

298Len pomyslite, metodistické ruky chytili letničné, baptistické chytili presbyteriánske.

Ó, dovoľ... od tohoto dňa

byť celý tvoj!

299Tak, ako teraz spievame pomaly, z hĺbky vášho srdca. Viete, že po posolstve očistenia a káznenia, myslím, že je dobré vojsť do Ducha a spievať... ...tá sladkosť Ducha Svätého.

300“Ó, aké sladké je to pre bratov prebývať spolu v jednote.” Biblia povedala, “Je to ako pomazanie olejom, ktorý bol na brade Áronovej, ktorý stekal po leme jeho rúcha.” Ste úžasní ľudia. Dúfam, že sa dostanem k tomu, aby som sa vrátil vidieť vás znovu predtým, ako ma Ježiš zavolá, alebo tam v Miléniu. Ak by som sa nevrátil, uvidím vás tam za tou riekou. Stretnem vás pri rieke. Amen. Pri tom stretnutí.

Zatiaľ čo život je temným bludiskom, ja kráčam,

a zármutok sa rozprestiera okolo mňa,

buď Ty mojím Vodcom,

prikáž, aby sa temnota obrátila na deň, (to malé Svetlo, o ktorom oni hovorili)

daj preč strachy smútku

a dovoľ mi od tohoto dňa

byť cele Tvoj!

301Každé dvere otvorené... Ó, len sa dotknite toho malého gombíka, a pozorujte ich, ako všetci prichádzajú do kruhu a hovoria, “Vojdi, Pane Ježišu, buď mojím Pánom, mojím všetkým.”

Dovoľ mi od tohoto dňa, (nenechám Ťa stáť vo dverách)

byť cele Tvoj!

302Vy, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky a chcete byť ďalej vedení ku Pánovi, prosím vás, aby ste išli dnes večer do toho prebudeneckého zhromaždenia. A som si istý, že pastor by vás odtiaľto na to miesto vzal. On má šesť pencí, alebo čokoľvek bolo dané, aby bolo o vás postarané a víno a olej na poliatie. On môže tú prácu zakončiť.

303Nech vás Boh žehná. Odovzdávam službu, hádam, bratovi Williamsovi alebo komukoľvek, kto je... V poriadku.

1 ... here this morning. I was thinking of my time coming into Flagstaff the--the first time. It's been about, I guess, around thirty-eight years ago, maybe forty. I was talking about getting up the hill. There wasn't no snow, but my little Model-T could hardly get up the hill. It could go thirty miles an hour, but that's fifteen this way and fifteen this a way, you know, over some of these roads we had here. And it was quite a...

2[A brother on the platform says, "Why don't you give us that Ford poem."--Ed.] Brother Carl! ["Please."] No. He's telling me about a little poem I had one time, of on my Ford. It's not a good place to give it, Brother Carl.

3So, we are very grateful. And I had so many nice testimonies this morning, hearing from these brethren, met some of the men.

4And there was just a minister that just spoke here, a little Spanish brother that gave his... the little boy's time to sing. Wasn't that wonderful for a six-year-old voice? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] My, the nicest little voice I ever heard, for a little boy like that.

5 Now, this brother, the brethren forgot it, but he is holding a meeting here in your city. I think it's down at the church of God, or Assemblies of God? [The brother says, "Assemblies."] Assemblies of God, down at the Assemblies of God. And I'm sure they would appreciate your--your presence. How long is the meeting lasting, brother? ["Through Sunday."] Through Sunday. ["Sunday night."] Through Sunday night. ["We're having a singspiration tonight."] Sir? ["We're having a singspiration tonight."] Singspiration tonight. Now you're all cordially invited to come to this meeting. ["At seven-thirty."] Seven-thirty, tonight. And where is the church located, brother? ["113 West Clay."] Would you just tell us where it is? ["113 West Clay."] 113 West Clay Street, right here in the city of Flagstaff. And--and I'm sure you'll...

6 Is the little boy with you? [The brother says, "No."--Ed.] No, well, his daddy will sing. You sing, do you? Well, that's fine, I hit that just right, for one time. Well, that's very seldom you see that; but it's, usually, if there is one talent in the family, it takes from--from the rest of it, I think. So they have... ["It all started out in fasting and prayer, Brother Branham."] Fasting and praying, now that's--that's really nice.

7Now, you know, if America, all together, all of our American families was like that, well, they'd just dismiss all the police force. Millennium would be on, wouldn't it? We'd be right in first class then. That's right. All death would fade away, all sickness, sorrow, all disappointments, and we would be with Christ.

8 So, we are happy, and I hear all these fine testimonies! And had the privilege of meeting Brother Earl, for my first time. And--and last evening I was talking to his wife, and--and she has been called out and healed, several times, in the meetings; said, at the last meeting she was on the platform.

9So, makes us a little, kind of a little sense of humor. I didn't remember Brother Earl, though I had shook his hand somewhere. And--and I was sitting at the window, last night, looking for him to come up. And a great tall man come up, was wearing a black mustache. I said, "Here he comes." And then when... Billy, my son, said, "Oh, no," said, "that's not Brother Earl. He is much younger than that fellow." And so then I got to meet Sister Earl here last evening, and had the privilege of being in their lovely home here in the city.

10This is a nice place. I always want to call it flagpole instead of Flagstaff, way up on top of the hill here, see. And, I tell you, if there is anybody here from Texas, now you brag. I left Tucson, yesterday, about seventy-two or seventy-five, somewhere along there, and up here this morning with an overcoat on. See, what they got in Texas, we got in Arizona, haven't we? That's right. We're right here.

11 This time of fellowship! Old Doctor Bosworth, a friend of mine, many of you might have knowed Brother Bosworth. He was one of the saintliest old man. And he said to me one time, he said, "Brother Branham, you know what fellowship is?"

I said, "I think so, Brother Bosworth."

12Said, "It's two fellows in one ship, so they have to share a little bit."

13So that's what fellowship is, we take and give, share with each other; with Brother Carl Williams, all the rest, Brother Outlaw. Oh, one of the first people in Arizona that ever sponsored one of my meetings, was Brother Jimmy Outlaw, and we've been bosom brothers since that time. And we are very happy for all of you, for the ministers and the brethren that we meet around here. I don't have time to shake hands with everybody, as I like to, but it's a fellowship where we get together.

14 It just reminds me of--of the Phoenix convention. I have had the privilege, since the chapters first started, to--to help organize the chapters and speak in them. And it's the only organization I belong to, and it's not an organization. It's just an organism working among the people.

15And if some of you men here this morning, that--that doesn't belong to this fellowship, of this Christian Business Men, Full Gospel, let... if you believe and will take my word, it's one of the finest groups of people. And--and to minister brothers, it's not against your church, it's for your church. See, it's their way of placing in to the--to the church.

16I just happened to look around at this lovely lady here that just sang that song a few moments ago. I've heard many attempts of it, but that lady had a voice could carry it right, you know, without squeaking it, like. I liked that so much, lady, it was very, very fine. Said it was a minister's wife here. And, brother, you ought to have her sing you to sleep each night, so that would be very fine, very fine. It was very fine singing. I appreciated it.

17 And, this morning, it kind of reminds me of a little--a little story. That, I--I like to hunt and fish, and that's one of the reasons I'm here in Arizona, so, is getting hunting and fishing. And I like it. And so I was fishing one time in New Hampshire.

18And I guess I got a lot of partners in here that likes to fish, both in the male and female, too, see. We all like it.

19So I had a little pup tent I had packed way high, above where, you know the fellows, kind of a little heavy or something, couldn't walk up there. And there was many fine, of those, brook trout, and brown, square-tail, cutthroat. Oh, they're just full, them little tributaries coming down out of the top of the mountains in New Hampshire. And little trout, maybe fourteen, sixteen inches long, just many of them! And I'd only... I'd go over there and catch them, just for the fun of catching them, turn them loose. If I killed one, then I--I eat that one, you see, bring him in.

20 So I had some of this old moose willow growing up, and--and every time I'd switch my fly line... I had a little Royal Coachman. I'd fly back in there with it, I'd switch it around a bunch of moose willow. And I thought, "Well, I'm going to take a hatchet and go up there, this morning, and--and chop that moose willow down, so that I won't catch my line on it." Oh, I looked back under a little old... like a beaver dam, and they were just laying in there, just waiting for that Coachman to get on there. Now, all night long... I used to say, "got in my hair," but I ain't got enough hair for them to get into now. So I--I just... they just how they would--how they would watch them. And so I got up there, that morning, took this little old hatchet, and cut down this moose willow. And I had three or four, was going to fix for breakfast, and come back. And I'm not a very good cook. And so I told my wife I couldn't boil water without scorching it, so you know that would be pretty bad job of cooking.

21 So, on my road back, there had been an old mother bear and two cubs, and they had got in my little tent. And you talk about rim-wrecking something, you don't know how things could be rim-wrecked till you let a bear get in the tent. He, it's not what they destroy... what they eat, I mean, it's what they destroy. I had a little stove, this little sheepherder's stove in there, and they would get on this little stove and just jump up and down, to hear the pipe rattle, and just mash it to pieces, you know. And when I come up, I had a little old rusty twenty-two rifle laying in there, but I had this axe in my hand.

22And, you know, when I come up, the old mother run off to one side, and she cooed to her cubs. And one cub followed along, all right; but the other one sit, little bitty fellow. In May, you know, just come out. Had his back all humped up to me, like that. And I thought, "What's he doing?" Well, then she looked over at me. And I looked for a tree, to see just how--how close it was, 'cause they can scratch you, you know, about them young ones. And, they, you can't talk them out of it, you see. So I watched the old mother a little while, you know. She kept cooing, and making noise, something like a bird. You'd have to know what one sounds like. So she kept cooing that cub, and that cub wouldn't come.

23 Well, I thought about my rifle. And I thought, "No, if I'd run in there and grab that rifle, if I'd shoot the old mother, leave two orphans in the woods," and I didn't want to be guilty of that. And, besides, her charging, that twenty-two would be kind of small, you know. And sometimes it didn't go off, have to snap it three or four times to make it go off. So I thought, "Well, I'll just get in that tree there, if she starts over here. I'll get up there in the tree, get me a little switch and just whip them across the nose." Their nose is very tender. And they just squeal, then go down, you know, and they leave you alone. So I thought, "I'll get in that tree."

24But the curiosity of that little fellow, oh, setting up like this. And I thought, "What's he doing?" So I kept slipping around, watching her, you know, getting a little further away, and getting close to the tree, 'cause she kept cooing to that cub. So I got over a little further, and you know what that little fellow had done?

25 Now, I like flapjacks, or pancakes, I believe you call them, out here. Down South, we call them flapjacks. And I'm not very good at making them, but I'm sure good at eating them. And, you know, I was a Baptist. I don't like to sprinkle; I really like to baptize them, really put the 'lasses to them. So I had me a can of molasses, about this high, setting there, a little half-gallon bucket for my flapjacks.

26And that little fellow, you know, a bear likes sweet, anyhow. He had got that bucket of molasses open. And he was setting there with that little paw about that wide. And he had it up in his arms, and he was just socking his little foot down, and licking like that, you know. That's right. And he would lick that little tongue. And I started... And if I just had a camera, I'd love to have showed that this morning, just to look at it. And there he was, putting his little foot down there, and licking like that. And I hollered, "Get away from there," like that. And he didn't pay any attention to me, and just kept licking like that. He sopped that bucket out, see.

27 And I hollered at him like that, he turned around and looked at me like that. He couldn't get his eyes open, he was just so full of molasses, you know. All over his eyes, his little belly, just as full of molasses as he could be! And then, after a while, he staggered off sideways, run over to his mother. They got him up there in the bushes and started licking him. They was afraid to set at the bucket, but they could lick him.

28And I said, "If that isn't a type of a good, old pentecostal meeting: just get so full of good, sweet stuff, they go out, and somebody lick off of it. That's a real fellowship meeting. Now we just come like this, to get our hands in the bucket, each one of us, plumb up to the elbow, of God's blessings. And I'm sure you'll find that at the revival that's being down at the Assemblies of God, going on down there now. The Lord bless you.

29 I said in Phoenix, the other day, a little... I hope it didn't sound sacrilegious, about a little joke about a minister that would go to the platform every morning, for twenty years, solid, he would preach twenty minutes, and then be done, and so they couldn't understand why it was. And so, one morning, he preached about four hours. And the--the deacons called him back, and--and said, "Pastor, we really love you." Said, "We--we think your messages are wonderful." And said, "We know, as a deacon board, we've watched you and timed you, exactly twenty minutes every Sunday morning." And said, "This morning it was four hours." Said, "We just don't understand."

30Said, "I'll tell you, brethren." He said, "Every morning, when I go to preach," said, "when you call me to the platform, I reach in and put one of these Life Savers under my tongue. And," said, "in twenty minutes, when that Life Savers is gone," said, "I--I--I am finished," he said, "I know it's time to quit." And said, "What was the mistake this morning, I got a button."

31 Carl Williams, Jewel Rose, real bosom brothers and friends of mine, they went downtown the other day, and got a button about that big around, to give me, and, but I haven't got it this morning. So, we're grateful to be here.

32Now, does anyone in here know Doctor Lee Vayle? I don't think... maybe not. He was a Baptist preacher, Doctor of Divinity, and he has got his degrees. He was a high school teacher, to begin with, and he is a very fine, scholarly man. And my tapes of The Seven Church Ages, I sent them to him, to grammarize them. Because, my old Kentucky "hit, hain't, and tote, and carry, and fetch," that don't go good for people who reads the books, so he was going to grammarize it for me. And then, after he got through, sent it back a couple times, for more statements. Which, the book is going to press now, after about three or four years.

33He asked me, he said, "Can I write a book, just my comments?"

And I said, "Well, it's all right, Brother Lee." And I thought...

34Then he said, "I'm going to tell you something." Said, "It's not to be sold; given away."

I said, "Well, then, I'm sure that's all right." See?

35 And so they had a sponsorship, of about ten people to sponsor it, which cost them about fifteen hundred dollars, I think, I understand, for ten thousand of them. And so we--we got them, it all come off the press a couple days ago, and we got just two or three, yesterday, and Billy brought them up. And they're--they're given away. Now, I've never read it, I don't know what he said. But I'm... This is by faith. But I'm sure, if you'd like to have one, if you'd just write us, it'll be sent to you, free. See? And it's called Twentieth-Century Prophet.

36And then I noticed in the picture here, in the front of the book, many of you has got this picture, of course, and seen It, that's where the Angel of the Lord was taken at Houston, Texas. But they cut part of It off.

37 Then I see here in the back. And how many here has ever been in one of the meetings, let's see? I guess practically all of you have. You hear me say, many times, "That shadow hanging over someone." Now, see, if you make a statement, and it isn't the truth, God won't have anything to do with it. You know God is not associated in lies, but He only backs up what is true.

38So when He told Moses, when He met him back there in the wilderness, in the Pillar of Fire, back in that burning bush. Then when He brought those people out, and those who would follow Moses out, for the journey, then He came down upon Mount Sinai, that same Pillar of Fire, and vindicated that what Moses had said was the truth.

39Now, God will do that. He always does that. So this Light here, of course, we associate It with God, because It has the same nature and everything that He did when He was here on earth.

40 Then on that, saying, "This person here, I see you're shadowed to death, a dark shadow." How many, many of you has heard that said! Well, here just recently in a meeting, there was somebody curious, wanted to see if they could get a picture of that, when It was said. So they... There was a lady sitting close, and this man had a camera. And I said, "This lady sitting here, is Mrs. So-and-so," whatever it is. I said, "She is shadowed to death, but she's got cancer." And just then he snapped the picture, 'cause it was close. And there it was, see, that hooded, black cancer of death hanging over the woman. And then the Holy Spirit spoke back again...

41Now, when they put this in the book, they had it cut off, so they just put this in here just till they make another printing of the book. And that's why you'll see that loose-leaf in there. I think The Voice Of Healing was the one who printed the book.

42 And now it's absolutely free. And the sponsors back here in the back of the book, who put fifteen hundred dollars in it, just to get it out to the public, let the public read them. So, it's free, and it's a nice little book. And I don't know what the contents is, I've never read it; the Father knows that.

43But see, It was, to me, It's absolute Truth. That's what we look for, is Truth. Jesus said, "You shall know the Truth, the Truth shall set you free." And He is that Truth. He is, Jesus, the Son of God, is the Truth of the Word, because He was the Word made flesh. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Then, that made Him the Truth, because the Word is the Truth, and He was the Truth.

44Now when we see Him return in these last days, this great move of God, moving across the nations of the world, gathering a people for the Bride, that is Truth.

45 Years ago, they said, "There was no such a thing as speaking in tongues. It was nonsense." God promised it, and He proved it to be Truth. That's right.

46Someone said, this morning, I believe it was our noble sister there who deals with the children so much about their baptism, she said, "You can hear someone speak in tongues. But, to hear someone sing in tongues, see, it was such a beautiful thing."

47I remember my first experience I was at Rediger Tabernacle in Fort Wayne, Indiana. And I was speaking, having a healing service, after the death of--of Brother B. E. Rediger. And Brother Bosworth had been there, Paul Rader. And many of you older men, like me, you remember Paul Rader; and he was a Baptist, and we was, so we were great friends. And so while speaking there, was going to pray for the sick. It was a strange thing to them then. But a lady brought a little boy down, that was crippled, and, as he come across the platform, the vision of the Lord appeared and told him all about what was the matter with the little lad. And I asked the girl to hand--to hand me the little boy.

48 Now just for the sister's testimony, that you might see what joy and what the real phenomena of--of grace of God, what It could do, when It worked according to the Word of God, see, God's promise for the hour.

49Now, God's promise to Noah won't work for us today. God's promise to--to Moses, we couldn't have Moses' Message. Moses couldn't have had Noah's message. We got the Message of the hour. We couldn't have had Luther's message. We couldn't have had Wesley's message. This is another time. God allotted His Word to each age. And as that age comes along, He sends someone there to vindicate that Word, to prove that that's true. And now we see in each one then, just like what Jesus said when He was on earth, He said, "You build the tombs of the prophets, and your fathers put them in there."

50 Now, my people are Catholic, as you know, being an Irishman. Now we... Now they--they talk about Saint Patrick, the Catholics claim him. Well, he's just about as much Catholic as I am. They talk about Joan of Arc. They burnt that girl to the stake, for a witch, we all know that, because she was spiritual and seen visions. Course, a couple a hundred years later, they dug up them priests' body, and done penance, and throwed them in the river. But that ain't what it takes, see.

51They always miss it. Man is forever praising God for what He did do, looking forward for what He will be, and ignoring what He is doing. That's just the nature of man. And he hasn't changed his nature, the man of the world.

52 So we find that our Message is, today, the Message that we have, of, "Come out of Babylon, and be free, and--and be filled with the Spirit, and your lamps trimmed and clear, and, look up, our redemption is drawing near," these things are foreign to many people who breathe and call our lovely Lord's Name.

53But yet in the midst of all that, we don't have nothing against those people, those denominational people. They're alright, they're fine. They're our--they're our associates in the Gospel, because Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And--and all the Father hath given Me, they will come."

54So, we're only responsible for sowing Seeds. Some fell by the wayside, some different kinds of ground, some fell over and brought a hundredfold. So, we are just Seed sowers. God is the One Who directs It when It's falling. And now we pray that maybe, this morning, there would be a little Seed drop along somewhere, that might encourage someone. And just as a--a--a man...

55 To finish my testimony concerning the little lady that I was going to speak of. This lady brought this little baby, a little boy, I guess, about ten, twelve years old, and maybe not that old, 'cause this woman was packing him. And she handed him over. And just then, while I was offering prayer for the child, the little fellow jumped out of my arms and went running down the platform, of about thirty-five hundred or four thousand people. And when they did, first thing they ever seen done, the mother, sitting on the front seat, just fainted and pitched over. And a little Amish girl...

56Are you acquainted with the Amish? I don't know whether you have them out here, long hair, they're very sweet people, and very clean and nice type. You know, in all the Mennonites, or Amish, and so forth, we've not got one record of a juvenile delinquent. Call them funny if you want to, but we--we got something lacking in our homes, that they have. They haven't one record in the courts, of a--of a juvenile misbehavior coming among them. They bring up their children, just in one way, and that's the way they go.

57 And this young lady was a famous pianist, a beautiful young woman, and long, blond hair fixed up in the back. And when she looked across... Now, she was Amish, she knowed nothing about Pentecost, and neither did I. But when she looked across the platform, and seen that little boy going, walking across there, she threw up her hands in the air.

58Now, I know there is fanaticism, and I hope I'm not prone. I--I am not a liar. And I--I'm not. If I'm wrong, I--I am not willfully wrong, I'm ignorantly wrong.

59But that girl threw her hands in the air, and that hair fell down across her shoulders, and she started singing in an unknown tongue. And she was playing that hymn, "The Great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." And when she jumped up from there... I know this sounds very strange now. But this girl had never knowed nothing about speaking in tongues, but she was singing in an unknown tongue, "The Great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." And that piano continually played, "The Great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." Well, they piled them altars, and down through the balcony, into the floor, people screaming! That girl standing over there, with her face up like that, speaking in other tongues; and, the piano, the ivory keys still moving:

The Great Physician now is near,

The sympathizing Jesus,

He speaks the drooping hearts to cheer,

No other Name but Jesus!

60 Oh! It's... "Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what's in store for us." You know what I think? Why would--why would we ever accept a substitute or just something that's a make-belief, when the heavens is full of the genuine, the real Power of God, that can set a soul free, that can do something for us? God bless you. Now, there is so many things.

61I never told you where to get this book, see. Post Office Box 325, at Jeffersonville. And if you would write, why, they would send it to you. Or, either, visit one of the meetings, they'll be giving them away.

62Now, I am very grateful for this fine time of fellowship. And this morning I was thinking about a little story I used to tell at the Christian Business Men, about Zacchaeus. Many of you has heard me tell it, about how that this little fellow didn't believe in this discernment, and, of the Lord. Course, I guess, as we have in every age, you see a genuine, then you see an impersonations. And we just have to put up with that. But good, solid thinkers and Scriptural man understand, see. Which, we, and no matter...

63 When Mrs. Aimee Semple McPherson, when she was here on earth, in her ministry, they say that pretty near every woman preacher wore those wings, like, you know, or gowns like that, and packed the Bible.

64Just look at the Billy Graham's is in the land today. But, you know, Billy Graham could never take your place. I couldn't take Billy's place, he couldn't take mine. I can't take yours, and you can't take mine. You're an individual, in God. God made you the way you are, for some purpose. If we would just find our place, and then abide there. If we try to do something different, then, see, we're--we're in somebody else's territory, which we just gaum up the picture of God.

65We take like Billy Graham in the denominational world today, as he's, if we would call it maybe to the football player, he's got the ball.

66Now if you try to take the ball away from your own man, you're just messing up your team. Guard your man, see. Keep guarding him, keep the rest of them so he can make the run. And we'll have the touchdown after a while, and Jesus will come, and then it will all be over. The Lord bless you.

67 Now I'm going to the saying about this man, Zacchaeus. And I had him up in this tree, you know, with leaves all pulled around him. And then when he come down out of the tree, he went home with Jesus. And I said, "He became a member of the Full Gospel Business Men chapter." So if there is any Zacchaeus's here, this morning, I hope that you take that good advice and become a member of the Full Gospel Business Men.

You say, "Full Gospel?" Yes, sir.

68That's the only thing Jesus would have preached in, would have been the full Gospel. That's right. Isn't that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure, for He was the full Gospel. That's right. He couldn't deny Himself.

69 But now I have a few Scriptures wrote out here, of a little, common little text, it won't take me but just a few minutes, if you'll suffer with me. And before we do this... Now, in our little fellowship of get-together, and talking about the hands of the bear, in the bucket, and so forth, now let's just brush aside all of this now, and just think we're getting acquainted. And, and we want now to enter into the deep part of the Word.

70Let us bow our heads now, as we approach It. Cause, we have no right to approach the Word, without speaking to the Author, first.

71With our heads bowed, our eyes closed, and I trust that our hearts are bowed with our head. I wonder, while I raise my eyes and look over the audience, if there would be someone here would say, in raising their hands, "Brother, minister, remember me in prayer. I am--I am needy today"? God bless you. God bless you. Now He sees your hand. He knows what's beneath your hand, in your heart. May He grant it, is my prayer.

72 Dear God, as we are grateful for this building that we, Your humble children, can assemble ourselves together under here, and just talk and have fellowship, just to be ourselves, as we yield ourselves to Christ, and desire to become more like Him. We are ministering brothers sitting near, Lord, man who are far more capable of standing here to deliver this Word than I, Your unworthy servant, but it has fallen my lot. And, Father, I pray, today, that if I might say something that would not be just according to the will of God, that, before I say it, You would close my mouth; like You did the lions' mouths, one day, so they wouldn't bother Daniel.

73Father, we ask You now to remember each and every one, every minister. And this revival that's going on here in the city, Lord, down to the Assemblies of God, I pray, dear God, that You will send such a revival in there that this whole city will be stirred by the Power of God, that all these barrooms and wandering children around on the street will be brought to the Throne of God, and be filled with His goodness and with His Spirit. Grant it, Heavenly Father.

74 And we pray that today, that if there be man or woman, boy or girl, that's been brought into this meeting this morning, here under the shelter from the snow, that the great Holy Spirit will visit their heart and speak to them, in a mysterious way. Maybe some that's wandered away, that once entertained You, Lord, but now has gone away; bring them back, Lord, this morning.

75And we pray for this chapter, for Brother Earl and for his wife, and for the others. Grant it, Lord.

76Now break to us the Bread of Life, as we open back the pages of the Word, because we know the Bible is of no private interpretation. But, God doesn't need us to interpret His Word, He is His Own interpreter. He said one day, "Let there be light," and there was light. He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. "And in the last days I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh," no matter what the world said, He did it. He needs no interpreter. He interprets His Own Words, by making It live and vindicating It to be so. Come to our hearts, Lord Jesus, and interpret to us, today, the things we have need of. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

77 Now in the Bible, if you will turn. I believe I've never had a message that I tried to undertake to speak on, that I never first read the Word. Because, my word will fail, I'm a man. But His Word just can't fail, He is God. So let's turn now for just a little text, and we're going to be out just in just about thirty, forty minutes, the Lord willing.

78On Revelation now, we wish to turn to the 3rd chapter of Revelation, begin with the 14th verse. And we want to read just the portion, it's a Message to the Laodicea Church Age. And I believe, and I--I suppose most all Spirit-filled people and Bible readers believe, could say amen to that, that we are in the Laodicea Church Age, 'cause that's the last age. Listen to the Message of the condition of the church at this time.

And to the angel of the church of... Laodicea write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

I know thy works,... thou art neither cold nor hot: I would that thou wert cold or hot.

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest thou not that thou art wretched,... miserable,... poor,... blind, and naked:

I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in... fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that thy shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcome, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

79 The Lord bless the reading of this Word. Now I want to take, for just a few moments, a little text, called, Doors In Door. Doors In Door. Now this is a very... Doors In Door, is three words. Doors In Door.

80You might say to me, "Brother, there is probably a hundred people here. There, don't you think that's kind of a small text, when you have before you a hundred souls?"

81Well, that, that may be true, the--the text is small. But it isn't the size of the text, that--that counts, it's what it is. It's--it's what the text says, that counts.

82 Like, I believe it was in Louisville, Kentucky, some time ago, a--a little boy was up in the attic, fooling around with some old trunks up in the garret, and he run onto an old-fashion postage stamp. Well, the first thing in his mind, he might get an ice cream cone for that. There was a collector down the street, so he took off down the street, just as hard as he could go. And said, "What will you give me for this stamp?"

83The collector looked it over, and it was kind of faded out. He said, "I'll give you a dollar."

84My, that was easy sold. He would have let it went for a nickel, and then been happy for it, to get an ice cream, but it was sold for a dollar. The collector sold it for five hundred dollars. And later, I don't know just where it did go, it went into the hundreds of dollars. You see, the little piece of paper wasn't very much, just a piece that you wouldn't pick up off the floor. But, it wasn't the paper that counted, it's what's on the paper, that counts.

85And that's the way it is with reading God's Word. It isn't just the paper, the value of the paper, or the size of the paper, it's what's wrote on that paper. And one word is enough to save a world, if it'd be received that way.

86 Sometime ago there was... I read a story of the days of our noble... One of the greatest Presidents I think the nation ever had was--was Lincoln. Not because that he come from Kentucky, but because he was a great man. He was deprived of an education, but yet was--was something in his heart, some purpose.

87I--I like a man of vision. I like people that's got something they're fighting for, just not just lay around, "Well, ever what comes along will be all right." Oh, be up and at it! And Lincoln never let his education stand in the way; he had something to do. I think every Christian ought to be that way, find your purpose and go do it.

88Every member of this chapter, just not, "Well, we have a breakfast once a month," that isn't it, "or once every Saturday." Have a purpose in life, something you're going to do. Let's. God has placed you here; do something about it, every member of every church. There is a revival in town. That revival is there for a purpose. Let's get something out of it. Let's do something about it.

89 Mr. Lincoln. There was a man that... young fellow, he--he was in the war, and--and he was--he was coward, to begin with. And in the time of duty, he--he--he withdrew from his post; and they found something against him, that he was going to have to be shot. And, oh, he... it was terrible. And one young fellow loved him so well, went to Mr. Lincoln, to get a pardon. He was President at the time, in the United States here, and so he went to him for a pardon.

90And he said to him, as he was getting out of his carriage; and Mr. Lincoln, a tall, bearded, typical southern, skinny. And he said, "Mr. Lincoln, there is a boy that's going to die, in two days from now, be shot, because that he run in time of battle." And he said, "Mr. Lincoln, the boy isn't a bad boy. But all those muskets firing, and--and people dying, he was nervous. And he was so upset, that, he threw up his hands and started screaming, and run." Said, "I know the boy." Said, "Mr. Lincoln, only your name on this piece of paper can spare him. Will you do it?"

91Course, this Christian gentleman, quickly signed the paper, "Pardoned, So-and-so." Signed his name, "Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States."

92 Went the messenger back as hard as he could. And he run to the cell, he said, "You're free! You're free! Here is Mr. Lincoln's, Mr. Lincoln's signature. You are free!"

93He said, "Why would you come to mock me, knowing that I die tomorrow?" He said, "Take that away from here, you're only mocking me." And he would not receive it. He said, "No, I--I don't want it." Said, "You're only making..." Said, "If that was the--the President," said, "it would have the--the coat of arms, and it would have his right paper."

He said, "But it's his signature!"

94He said, "How will I know his signature?" He said, "You're just mocking me, you're trying to make me feel good." And he just started screaming, turned his back. The boy was shot the next morning.

95Then after the boy being dead, and the President's name on this piece of paper, that he was pardoned, then what? And they tried it in the federal court. And here was the decision of our federal courts, which is the ultimate of all of our courts. What they say sometimes, we don't like their decision, but we have to abide by it anyhow, see, because that's the tie post. That's the ultimate. Now, it said this decision, "A pardon is not a pardon unless it be received as a pardon."

96And that's the way the Word of God is. It's a pardon if It be received as a pardon. And It's the Word of God, It's the power of God, to those who will believe It and accept It.

97No matter, you're looking at It, and you say, "Oh, that's been tangled up, there's been a million translations, and all that." It might be that to someone.

98But, to me, It's still the Word of God, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." He is duty bound to stay by that Word.

99 Now He's got to judge the church, someday. And if He judges it by the Catholic church, which they say He will, then which one of the Catholic churches will He judge it by? They different one from the other. If He judges it by the Methodist's, you Baptists are gone. If He judges it by the Pentecostal's, the rest of you is gone.

100But He won't judge it by the church. The Bible said, "He'll judge the world by Jesus Christ, and Christ is the Word." So you see we're without excuse, It's the Word of God, that He judge us; and no matter how small, one word significance to This, said Revelation 22:18.

101 First, I'll begin in Genesis. God gave the human race His Word, to fortify themselves from death, sin, and sorrow, or any disaster. A chain, of His Words. "Thou shalt not touch this certain tree, for, the day you eat thereof, that day you die." And a chain is only its best at its weakest link. And our souls are pulled over hell, holding to this chain; break one of them, that's all you have to do. Eve never broke a sentence, she broke a Word, by Satan. That was the first of the Book.

102In the middle of the Book come Jesus, and said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word." Not part of them, just one here and there, but, "Every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

103 When He was dead, resurrected, and went into Heaven, and returned back and gave John... which He said there after His resurrection. Said, "What if..." Said, "What will happen to this man?"

104Jesus said, "What is it to you if he continues till I come?" Knowing not exactly his life would, but his ministry would continue. And He lifted him up, in the 4th chapter of Revelation, and showed him all the things that was to come, that we live in, even to this text today.

105And then on the 22nd chapter, the last chapter, the 18th verse, He said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of this Book, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." See? So we believe that man lives by every Word of God. I believe it and I know it's true. How little, it doesn't matter. It just takes one word, to do it.

106 Thinking about how little and insignificant, seeing that many of my Canadian friends sitting here. I remember I was in Canada when the King George... The one I had the privilege of going praying for, when he was healed, with that multiple sclerosis; he was suffering that day, from the sclerosis, and also he had a stomach trouble, an ulcer; as many of you Canadians know, and Americans, also. But seeing him pass down through there, sitting in that carriage, he--he was a king. He conducted himself as a king. His beautiful queen sitting by him, in her blue dress, and as he come down the streets.

107And a friend of mine, and I, were standing together. And when that carriage passed by, he just turned his head and started crying. I put my hand upon his shoulder, and I said, "What's the matter?"

108He said, "Brother Branham, there goes my king and his queen." Well, I--I could appreciate that.

109So I thought, "If a Canadian, under the government head, not government head, but still also a government head, of England, and passing the king by, it could make a Canadian cry, and turn his head and weep, what will it be when we see our King?" And to think of it, our part will be the Queen.

110 Then the children was all turned out from the schools, the little children, they was given a little, British flag. The Canadian flag is called something else. Brother Fred, what's the Canadian flag called? [Brother Fred Sothmann says, "Union Jack."--Ed.] Union Jack. But they give them a little, British flag, to wave. And when the king passed by, all the little fellows stood out, waving their--their little flag, and screaming to the king. And--and there were bands playing, God Save The King, as he marched through the street.

111Oh, if you could just get a... You'd get a view of what it's going to be at that resurrection there!

112 And when they was instructed, the little fellows, to return back to school as soon as the--the parade was over. And, the little fellows going back, one school missed a little girl. And they went everywhere, to find the little fellow, up-and-down the streets. And, finally, behind a telegraph pole, stood the little, bitty, tiny, dwarf girl, just crying her little heart out.

113Well, the teacher picked her up and... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] "What's the matter? Did you not see the king?"

She said, "Yes, I saw the king."

Said, "Did--did you not wave your flag?"

She said, "Yes, I--I waved my flag."

She said, "Well, then, why are you crying?"

114She said, "You see, teacher, I am so little, the others was standing in the front of me, they were bigger. And I waved my flag, but he didn't see it." And she was disturbed about it. Well, that might be that King George did not see that little fellow, in stature. He might not have seen her patriotic heart, and how she felt towards him. She was too short.

115 But it isn't so with our King! Oh, the least little thing we do, He sees it. And He knows the very things and thoughts that's in our hearts, whatever we do, what little it is. And how do we serve Him? As we serve each other. If I don't love you, how can I love Him? See? "Insomuch as you've done unto these My little ones, you have done it unto Me." See?

116It's the--it's the little things that we leave undone, sometime, that breaks the whole chain, you see, and lets us go free, just denominational-minded, and forget about these little things that really are the--the essential things. Everything, every Word of God, is essential. None of It can be left out. We've got to take every Word of It, just the way It was wrote.

117 "I stand at the door," said Jesus, in this Laodicea Age, "and knock." Did you notice, the only church age that He was put out of His church? All the other church ages, He was inside the church. Through the Methodists, and Lutherans, and so forth, He was on the inside, church. But here He is outside, our creeds and things had run Him out of the church. But He is standing out there, still knocking, "He that will hear and open the door, I'll come in with him, sup with them, and give him healing for his eyes, and--and clothes, and give him the riches of Heaven; he that will hear Me knock."

118I thought I could think of the name of that artist that drawed that picture, painted a picture, rather, of at the door. When he... You know, all great pictures first must go through the line, or, the hall of critics, before it can be hung in the Hall of Fame. That original painting now would run millions of dollars.

119 But, see, it's like the Church, has to pass through the hall of critics. We go through. You're going to be called "holy-roller," you're going to be called everything. But if you could only hold your position in Christ, then someday He'll take us to the Hall of Fame. But first we've got to stand criticism. There is where the littleness of us stand, there is where it shows. "He that cannot stand chastisement is an illegitimate child, and not a child of God." No matter how much he's joined church, and whatever he's done, he is still, if he cannot stand chastisement, he's an illegitimate, and he's not a real child of God. But a real, genuine child of God don't care what the world says, everything else is secondary. He's got his mind on Christ, and that settles it. Yes. Whatever Christ says do, he'll do it. Wherever the Lamb goes, they're with Him, wherever. And then you see His appearing, His Presence, and what He does. He is always with His people, His Bride. He is courting her. Someday there is going to be a Wedding Supper.

120 And this artist, however, when it went through the critics, a bunch of critics gathered around this artist. I can't think of his name. I'm trying to think of Michelangelo, but he was the sculptor of Moses' monument. But I can't think of his name. But, however, he said, "Your picture is outstanding," said, "I have nothing that I could say against the picture." He said, "Because, He is holding a lantern in His hand, it shows that He comes, too, in the darkest of night." He said, "And then He is at the door, with His head, His ear, so He won't be... be sure not to miss the faintest call. He has His ear turned to the door, and He is rapping at the door." He said, "But, you know, sir, there is one thing that you forgot in your picture."

121And the artist, taken him a lifetime to paint it, he said, "What is that that I have forgotten, sir?"

122He said, "No matter how much that He knocked, see, you forget to put a latch on it. There is no latch on the door." If you'll notice the door, there is no latch on it.

123"Oh," said the artist, "I painted it thus. You see, sir," he said, "the latch is on the inside. You're the one that opens the door. You open the door."

124 Oh, what does a man knock on a man's door for? He is trying to gain entrance. He is trying to get in. He's perhaps got something he wants to tell you or talk over with you. He's got a message for you. And that's the reason people knock at one another's door. They've got some reason to do it. There cannot be that happen without some reason. You would not go to a man's house unless there is some reason to go; if nothing else, to visit, take him a message, or something. There is some reason for a man to go knock on another man's door.

125Wherever there is a question, there has got to be an answer. There could not be a question without an answer. So that's what we look for in the Bible, these questions of the day, the Bible has the answer. And Christ is that Answer.

126 Now, many important people have knocked at doors, down through the time of life, and many knocked in times passed; and there probably, times keep on, there will be many more, important people.

127Now, the first thing, perhaps, if somebody knocked at your door, if you could, you would slip around and pull back the curtain, see who is there.

128If you're busy, as we claim we are today, "Too busy to go to church; too busy to do this. And, you know, my church don't believe in that kind of stuff." And, see, we're just a little out of cater, sometimes, from the Word.

129But you pull back the curtain, then you want to see who is standing there. And if it's a man of importance, quickly you run to the door.

130 Now let's go back just a little bit, and take a few people that's knocked. Let's go back and think of Pharaoh in Egypt, many hundreds of years ago. What if--if Pharaoh, king of Egypt, came down to a peasant's house? And this peasant had been kind of disagreeable with Pharaoh, and he didn't believe his policies, and he differed with him. And--and, but here stands Pharaoh, standing at the door of a--a brick mason or a mud dauber, as we would call them, down in Egypt. And he pulls his curtain back, and there stands the mighty Pharaoh at the door. And he's knocking; smile on his face. [Brother Branham knocks on something--Ed.] Why, that peasant would open the door, and say, "Enter, great Pharaoh, may your humble servant find grace in your sight. If there is anything within my walls, I am as much as a slave to you, Pharaoh. You've honored me above my brethren. You've come to my house, when I'm a poor man. You only visit kings and--and nobles, and important people. And I'm of unimportance. But you--you visit me, you've honored me, Pharaoh. What is it thy humble servant could do?" No matter what Pharaoh would ask, even to his life, he would give it. Sure. It's an honor.

131 Or, say for instance, the late Adolf Hitler, when he was Fuehrer of Germany. What if he would have went down to a soldier's house? And that bunch of little Nazi soldiers all camped around, and, the first thing you know, why, somebody knocked at the door. And the little soldier said, "Ah, I feel bad this morning! Wife, tell them to go away."

132And she slipped over to the door, and pulled the curtain back. She said, "Husband! Husband, jump up, quick!"

"What's the matter? Who is standing there?"

"Hitler, the Fuehrer of Germany!" Oh, my!

133That little soldier jumped out, got his clothes on, quick, and stood at attention. Walked up there at the door, unlocked the door, and opened up the door, and said, "Heil Hitler!" See, he was a great man, his days in Germany. "What is it could I do?"

134If he had said, "Go jump off the cliff out there," he would have done it. Why? There is no more, there is not a greater important man in Germany, in the days of the Nazis, than Adolf Hitler was. He was a great man. And he... And, what honor, when he only visits generals and great men, but here he is at a little footman's door! Oh, it would certainly been a great honor to him.

135 Well, now, what of Flagstaff? We'll bring it closer to home. What if this afternoon, that--that our President, Mr. Johnson, L. B. Johnson, what if he would get off of a plane, out here somewhere? And now we are all just in one class of people. We're all poor. Maybe one has a little better job, maybe a little better house, but, after all, we're just human. But what if he come down to your house down here, maybe the humblest of us, and he knocked at the door; and you went to the door, and there stood President L. B. Johnson? Why, it would be a great honor. You might differ with him, in politics. But you would be an honored man, to have the President of the United States stand at your door. Who are you or who am I? And there stands Lyndon Johnson at your door! Though you might be a Socialist or Republican, or differ with him a million miles, but yet it would be an honor.

136 You know what? Because that you were granted this honor, why, the television would throw it on the screen tonight. Sure. The mid newspapers tomorrow would have headlines in it, in here in the Flagstaff paper, that, "John Doe. The President of the United States flew into Flagstaff yesterday, uncalled for, and just went down, without even invitation, and knocked" at your door. Humble! That President would have a name of being a humble man, as great as he is, to come to mine or your door; we're nobody, then come down and talked to us.

137Why, you'd walk down the street, and say, "Yes, I'm the fellow. The President visited me."

138"Stand still, let me get your--get your profile. Look straight at me. Now how do you look when you walk away?" You would be an important person. Sure.

139 What if the queen of England would come, though you're not under her dominion? But it'd be an honor for some of you women to entertain the queen of England, though you're not under her domain. But, yet she is a great person, she is the greatest queen in the world, at this time. Certainly, she is, that's political speaking. But if she asked you for some little trinket on your wall, that you valued ever so high, you would give it to her. It would be an honor for you to do it. Sure, she is the queen of England.

140And you would be honored, by the President. And everybody would talk about the humility of the queen of England, flying over to see a certain woman in Flagstaff, a little nobody. And the papers would pack it, and the news would flash it.

141 But, you know, the most important Person of all time, Jesus Christ, knocks at our door. And He is turned away, more than all the kings and potentates there ever was. That's right. And you might accept Him and go out and say something about it, the outside world would laugh in your face. No news is going to...

142Who could come to your house, any greater than Jesus Christ? Who could knock at your door, greater than Jesus Christ? Who could do that? The Son of God, who could knock at your house, who would be more important? And yet He knocks, day after day. And if you even accept Him, you're called a fanatic. So, see how the world knows its own? That's right. But now He wouldn't come unless He had a reason to come.

143And do you think the humility of President Johnson, or the queen of England, or any great person, how it would be displayed, of the humility of that great important person to knock at your door!

144How about the humility of the Son of God? Who are we but sinners, filthy, "born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies?" And then the Son of God will come and knock at our door.

145 Now, the queen of England might ask you a favor. She might take something from you. So might the President, he might ask you to do things that you didn't want to do. He might ask you for treasures that you didn't want to give up, and which would mean nothing, just to him.

146But Jesus is bringing something to you when He knocks. He is bringing a pardon. Don't turn it down. For, as it was tried in our courts here, so will it be in the Kingdom of Heaven. If He knocked and brought the pardon, and you turned it down, and die in your sins, you'll perish; though you had the honor of sitting in a meeting like this, though you had the honor attending the revival, or your church, and heard your pastor preach a Gospel message. And you had the audience, say, "Yes, I was there." Maybe, you, hard to tell what all you could say. "I heard the singing. I enjoyed it. I heard the testimonies. It was real." But you turned It down.

147 What if I was a young man and found a young lady; she was beautiful, she was a Christian? She would make... She was every qualifi-... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] You can't find no fault with It, but you've got to lay aside traditions of man. You say, "Oh, I believe That's right. I see, got set..." But you got to accept It. You... Then that woman becomes part of me. Then you become part of the Word, which is the Bride. If He is the Word, the Bride will be a Bride-Word. See, certainly will! See, you've got to accept It. You would... You could say what you want to, you could brag about the President; but usually when Jesus' turn comes to our door, we just turn Him aside. See, just we don't want nothing to do with Him. We say, "Well, some other day."

148 What if you knocked at somebody's door? Now let's just turn the picture right around for a minute. What if you went and knocked on somebody's door, and you had something for them? And, after all, they were to you about like you would be to God; well, if you do, why, all right, but you got no strings tied. So when you knocked on somebody's door, and they peeped out the window, and shut the curtain; or either come to the door, and say, "Some other time!"

"Well, I'd like..."

149"I ain't got time this morning!" You know what you'd do? Probably the same thing I would do, and the rest of them, you wouldn't go back any more.

150But not Jesus. "I stand, and knock," continually knock. [Brother Branham continues to knock on something--Ed.] See? "He that seeketh," not seek. "Seeketh! He that knocketh!" Knock, knock is a continuation, knocketh! See, "He that seeketh, he that knocketh, it shall..." Not just...

151 Like the parable of the unjust judge. The woman went and wanted avenge, revenge, but she couldn't get it. He... Continually she knocked and pleaded. And she said... "Just to get rid of her, I'll avenge her enemy."

152How much more will the Heavenly Father? See, it ought to be us knocking at His door. It ought to have been Adam running up-and-down the garden, hollering, "Father! Father, where are You?" But instead, instead of that, it was God running up-and-down the garden, "Son! Son, where are you?" See, that just displays what we are. We're always hiding, instead of coming right out and confessing it. We try to run, hide behind something. That's just the nature of man, we have it that way. Yes, sir.

153You would give these people the best you had, everything. But you wouldn't, you--you--you wouldn't accept Jesus. I ain't meaning you, but I mean the people here.

154 Or maybe you might say this, you may say, "Preacher, I just did that. I--I just opened my heart and let Jesus come in. I did that ten years ago. I did that twenty years ago." Well, that may be just exactly right, but is that all you done? See?

155I want to ask you now. If you would invite anybody in your house, and then when you got inside the door... Somebody invited you in, rather, say, "Come in."

156"Yes, I have a purpose, I'll go out of town and be honored, you see." That's the way a lot of people accept Christ. "I'll... I--I belong to the church. I belong to the big So-and-so place down here, where Doctor Ph. LL. belongs, you know. And it's the biggest church. The mayor goes there, and everything, you know. I--I belong to that church." They let Him in, just that much. "Yeah, I'll accept Him," see, for a personal gain.

157 But what then when Jesus comes into the heart? Many people accept Him 'cause they don't want to go to hell. But when Jesus comes into your heart, He wants to be Lord. Not just a Saviour; but Lord, also. Lord is "rulership." He comes in to--to take over.

Now you say, "Is that right, Brother Branham?" Sure.

158What if--if I invited you at my house, and you come in the door? And you knocked at the door, and I looked outside, I said, "Yes, come on in. If you can help me, well, you do so. But now, when you come in now, I don't want you meddling around in my house. You stand right there at the door!"

159Remember, our text is "doors" inside the door. Now, inside the human heart there is many little doors, and them little doors covers up a lot of things. Just to let Him in, that isn't all of it, when He comes in.

160 When I come in your house, if you welcome me in the door, why, if you'd say, "Come in, Brother Branham. I'm so glad to see you!"

161I'd say, "Well, it's a privilege for me to come into your house!"

162"Oh, won't you come over and sit down? Brother Branham, go through our house, make yourself at home!" Oh, my!

163I'd go over to the refrigerator, get me one of those great big sandwiches, about like that, take off my shoes, and go in the bedroom and lay down. And I'd just have a--a real gastronomical jubilee, see. Why? Because I felt welcomed. You made me welcome. Therefore I'd appreciate it if you made me welcome.

164 But if I went in your house, and you told me, "You stand there at the door, now, don't you go to meddling around!" I wouldn't feel too welcome. Would you? No, see, you wouldn't feel welcome. Somebody invited you in, and said, "Now wait! Yea, come in, but stand right there!"

165Now, there is a little door when you come into the human heart. We'll just speak of a couple of them, see. We don't have time to go through all these doors, 'cause there is lots of them. See? But, say, the next ten minutes, let's speak of a couple, three doors.

166Now, on the right hand side of the human heart, when you walk into the door, there is a little door on the right side, and that's called, in there, the door of pride. Oh, my! "Don't You go to entering that door!" They don't want the Lord in there, on that door, that's pride. "I'm a blue blood. I take care! Oh, yes, now look, I tell you, I--I..." See, it's pride. "Don't You meddle in there!" Now, He can't feel welcome as long as you keep that pride door shut.

167 He's got to humiliate you. See, that's what He comes in for. "You mean to tell me I have to go down there and--and act like the rest?" Well, you don't have to, that's one thing sure. "Well, I'll tell you, what do you think I'd do when I went to the business council the next time? What would I do if I met with my--my employer tomorrow? And that, I'd have to get that Spirit on me, and I'd jump up there, in the middle of my work, and go to speaking in tongues, oh, that would humiliate me. No, stay out of there!"

168See, there you are, see. Yeah, you'll let Jesus come in, you'll join church and put your name on, accept Jesus as your Saviour; but what about being your Lord, when He's got full sway? When He's Lord, He's got it all, belongs to Him; you, you are completely surrendered to Him now.

169 But that little pride. "Oh, you mean, for us women, we're going to have to let our hair grow?" Well, that's what He said. "We're going to have to quit wearing manicure, or make-up stuff?" That's what He said. "Well, what do you think my sewing circle would? They'll call me old-fashion." Well, just keep your pride. Go ahead. He'll stand at the door, that's all the farther He can get.

170But when you're ready to open that door, let Him come in, He'll clean it out for you. Shorts will go out here in the garbage can, and make-up will go back to the garbage can, and the barber will starve to death if he just cut women's hair, to a real believer.

171Now say, "That don't!" Oh, yes, it does, too. That's what the Bible said. That's right. See, there is a little word there, that you don't want Him meddling.

"Well, my pastor!"

172I don't care what pastor said. That's what the Bible said, "It's a shame for a woman to do so."

173"Well," you say, "we ought to teach us things, Brother Branham, is how to get the Holy Ghost, and how to be this, that." How you going to learn algebra if you don't know your ABC's? Don't know even how to, to act like, look like one, dress like one. It's a shame to see these women on the street today.

174 I went into a place yesterday, when, oh, some of the perverted gang come in. They, the men had hair in their eyes, come down and hung down on their back, and like leotards, like little kids wear to school, with great big old shoes on, mouth half open. You can tell they were delinquents. And walked in there like that, say, "We're French."

175Who in the world would hire a man like that in his business? How do they make a living? And I seen a couple of real boys sitting over there... They come from that university down there, this beatniks did, or I believe they call themself bugs or beatles, or something like that, some of that stuff coming from England. And then in there like that, who would hire a man like that to work for him? Would you put a man like that in your business, you businessmen? If you would, you're, there is something, you ain't got close enough to the Cross yet.

176 Look at these women out on the street, and it's a disgrace! Maybe innocent little women with these little bitty clothes on, see, well, it's a disgrace, the way they look. Well, you say, "Why, woman, you are committing adultery."

177They say, "Wait a minute here, young man! I'm just as virtuous as I..." That might be so, in your own thoughts. And it might be so, proving even by a medical examination, that you might be.

178But, remember, at the Day of the Judgment, you're going to answer for committing adultery. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart," and you presented yourself to him. See how the Devil has got them blinded? It's a disgrace. It's a shame. You see, they--they got a spirit. It's a spirit that does that. It's an unholy spirit.

179But a genuine Holy Spirit will make a woman dress decently and look holy.

180 My wife said to me, one time. We was going down the street, and we found a woman with a dress on, back in our country. It was a very strange thing, see, not too many Pentecostals back there. So, we find out she had a dress on. And she said, "Billy," said, "I know some of them women. They sing in choirs down here at these churches."

I said, "Sure."

Said, "Well, and them claim to be Christians?"

I said, "Honey, look. See, we're not..."

Said, "Why do our people?"

I said, "Look, honey, we are not of their--their race at all."

She said, "What?" Said, "They're Americans."

I said, "Yeah, but we're not."

She said, "We're not?"

I said, "No."

181I said, "When I go in Germany, I find a spirit of Germany. When I went in Finland..." At the sauna up there, many of you Finnish know, the women give the men the baths. So, that's just a Finnish spirit. Mighty fine people, but, you find, wherever you go, you find a national spirit.

182 You go into a church and watch the pastor, if he's real wild and carrys on, the congregation will be the same. See? They take the spirit of one another instead of the Holy Spirit.

183That's the reason we got so much perverted teaching of the Bible. Instead of coming back to the blueprint, they've taken the spirit of some denomination. See? But the Word is just as foreign to them as It was in the days when Jesus come forth, introducing the real true Gospel. They said, "He's a devil. He's Beelzebub." See? But there you get it.

184And she said, "Well, then, we're not Americans, what are we?"

185I said, "Our Kingdom is of Above." See, we are free, born again. The Kingdom of God is within you. See, act like up There, you're delegates from There. I said, "We're citizens here, living here in the flesh. But, our spirits, we are pilgrims and strangers." We are foreign to the world now, even our own nation, for we have accepted the invitation when it knocked at our heart, to become part of Him, His Word. And the Word fixes us, makes us live and makes us act like Christians.

186 Sometime ago, in the South, a little story. There was a king... or, a buyer. They sold slaves. That was in time of--of segregation, and they had slaves in the South. They was a... They'd go by and buy them, just like you would a used car, off of a lot.

187Now, I am an integrationist, absolutely... I mean a segregationalist. I am a segregationalist. Because, I don't care how much they argue, you cannot be a Christian and be an integrationist. That's exactly right. God even separates His nations. He separates His people. "Come out from among them!" He's a... He is a segregationalist. "Don't even... Touch not their unclean things!" He pulled Israel, that Jewish race, out of every, all the races in the world. He is a segregationalist.

188But I don't believe that any man is to be a slave. God made man; man made slaves. I don't believe one should rule over other, any race, color, or anything.

189But there is a segregation, the Bride of Christ is segregated from the rest of the churches, and that's exactly right: church natural, and the Church spiritual; church carnal, the Church the Word. It always has been. "Jesus came to His own, His own received Him not; but as many as received Him!"

190 So this... There used to be buyers, brokers go by and buy these slaves. One time there was one come to a great plantation, and he watched them. The slaves were hard beaten, and everything, you know. They was away from home; they'd never go back again. The Boers, the Hollanders, had went over and got them, brought them here and sold them. And they'd never see papa again, mama again, never see their babies again. They bred them with one another; picked a big man, breed him to a big woman, away from his own wife, to make bigger slaves. Oh, God will make them answer for that someday! That's right. That isn't right.

191 Like Abraham Lincoln said one time, when he got off a boat there in New Orleans, picked off his stovepipe hat...

192He seen three or four little negroes, coming down, standing there with no shoes on, where they had... A cow had layed and got--got the frost off the ground, they was standing after running the cows in. Their little old feet bursted, bleeding. They was singing, "You got shoes, I got shoes, and all God's children has got shoes."

193When he got off the boat down there, walked up to the bull pen, there was a great big negro standing up there, whipping him around, testing his heart. And run him up and down the street, with a whip behind him; then check his heart, see if he was all right. His poor little wife standing there, two or three kids under her arms like that; to sell him, to breed him to a bigger woman. Old Abraham Lincoln stuck that under his hat... his hat under his arm, like that, and hit his fist, he said, "That's wrong! And someday I'll hit that, if it costs my life." And yonder, in a museum in Chicago, lays a dress with the blood on it, that freed that negro from that.

194And I say that sin and things is wrong! God help me to hit it, and all other ministers of the Gospel. We are born free, children of God. We have no business for any creed or cult to run us into a World Council of churches. We are freeborn man, in the Holy Ghost. We have a right. We come out of such stuff as that, to be pentecostal. That's right. Now we are free. We don't have to be bound down to those things again.

195 But this buyer said, looking across his slaves, a hundred or something, of them, on a big plantation, he said, "Say!" One little fellow there, they didn't have to whip him; his chest out, and his chin up, right on the job! Said, "Say! I want to buy him."

196He said, "Oh, no!" The owner said, "He's not for sale. Huh-uh."

He said, "Well, is he a slave?"

Said, "Yeah."

197He said, "Well, what makes him so different?" Said, "Do you feed him different?"

He said, "No, they all eat out there in the galley, together."

Said, "Is he the boss over them?"

Said, "No, he's just a slave."

"Well," said, "what makes him different?"

198Said, "You know, I wondered that, myself. But," said, "you know, over in the homeland where they come from, in Africa, that boy's father is the king of a tribe. And though he's an alien, he conducts himself like a king's son."

199 Oh, I thought, what a thing for Christianity! Women, stop that wearing them clothes like that! Men, stop that telling them smutty jokes and all that stuff! We are sons and daughters of the King. Dress like a queen, dress like a--a lady. Act like a gentleman, don't let your hair grow down like this. The Bible said, "It's wrong (nature teaches you) for a man to have long hair. And it's a disgrace and a common thing for even a woman to pray with her hair cut." And how about these? "It's a--it's an abomination for a woman to put on a garment that pertains to a man." The great unchanging God doesn't change. But yet today it's just as loose as the rest of our nation is. Shame! Let's act like sons and daughters of God. Let's live like it. We are, we are sons of a King. We are. We are. Right now this bunch of mess and dirt and filth, around here, people call themselves "Christians" and still acting like that!

200But remember, we got a knock one day, and opened Him in, pride and all left. Amen. I don't care what they call me!

Oh, I guess I'm just a little old-fashion,

But my Saviour was old-fashion, too.

201Is that right? You've heard the song. Be old-fashion! Don't try to pattern after somebody else. He is your Example. Try to be like Him, and the Spirit in you will help you to do that. Make your life like His.

202 Yeah, there is a door there. I want to call another door. I get too wound up. There is another door there, just next to that door, going around the right-hand side, and that door is the door to your private life. Oh! Oh, you don't want Him messing with that. "Now, if I want to go out to a little cocktail party, what is it to You? What church is going to tell me what I'm going to do?" Uh-huh, there you are, see. "A tenth of my wages? Who is going to tell me what to do? That's my own private life! I make this money. I have my own life. I'll wear shorts if I want to. That's my own American privilege." That is true. Sure. Right.

203But if you're a lamb, and not a goat, see, lambs is what He is after. They'll be separated someday.

204 A sheep has wool. That's the only thing it has. And it can't manufacture that wool. We're not asked to manufacture the fruit of the Spirit, but to bear the fruit of the Spirit. And as long as it's a sheep, it'll bear. It don't have to manufacture. The glands and everything in it is sheep, it'll make wool because the inside of him has the glands and the adrenalin and stuff it takes to make wool.

205And when you are a Christian, you'll cope with the Word. I don't care what anybody else says. You don't have to work up nothing, and bring down nothing, pull, pump up. You're a Christian. You just automatically bear the fruit of the Spirit. See? See, and that's the way it is. See?

206 But, people today, they don't want you fooling with their private life.

207Only thing you do, just open up every door around, now say, "Come on in, Jesus." Watch what happens. When you see in the Book, you're supposed to do this, you'll do it. Why? You're a sheep, to begin with, then.

208But if you just want to set, keep Him at the door, just say, "I've joined church. I'm as good as you. See, I accepted Christ." Maybe that's just what you done. But did you make Him Lord? See?

209 Now, the Lord cannot sit down a Book of rules and say a Word, and then come around and deny It. And if you say you got the Holy Ghost, and the Bible says a certain thing to do, and you say, "Oh, I don't believe That." You just remember, that spirit in you is not the Holy Spirit, 'cause He can't deny Himself. That's right. He can't deny Himself. He wrote the Word, and He watches over It, to perform It. See? So it's not the Holy...

210It's a spirit, all right. It might be a--a spirit of the church. It might be the spirit of the pastor. It might be the spirit of the world. It might be. I don't know what it is, but, whatever it is, it might be a denominational spirit, "I'm Methodist. I'm Baptist. I'm Presbyterian. I'm Pentecostal. I'm this." That's Pentecost.

211 Now remember, let me straighten it; pentecost is not an organization, pentecost is an experience that you receive. You Methodists, Baptists, Catholics, and all, can experience pentecost. You can't join pentecost, 'cause there is no way to join it.

212I've been in the Branham family for fifty-five years. You know, they never did ask me to become a Branham. I was born, a Branham.

213And that's how you're a Christian, you are born a Christian. That's right, now.

214 Oh, that private life! "Oh, I tell you, my pastor goes to these dances, and we do the twist. They have it." All right. See? "Don't you come telling me what I can do and what I can't do." All right, see, you won't let Him in.

215Just let Him in one time, and then go back to the twist or the rock-and-roll, or whatever you're going to do, see what you can do. You can't do it. Let Him in one time, and then start to put on a pair of shorts, some of you women.

216I know I'm taking you a long time, but I want to say one more thing, if it's all right, in this regard.

217 I suppose, the greatest meeting the Lord ever let me hold for Him was in Bombay, where I had around five hundred thousand, but, and two hundred and some thousand in--in Africa, Durban, at the race track. That afternoon, I said, after they had seen such great marvelous thing that our gracious Lord come down and done, I said, "The missionaries taught you the Word, but the Word is quickened and made alive. What He says has to come to life." And--and then when there was twenty-five thousand healings taking place at one time, and load after load of good old chairs there; just one simple little prayer, they had seen the Holy Spirit just... Those people that didn't even know who they were and where they come from, that's all they wanted to see. See?

218And I asked, "How many wants to receive Christ?" There was thirty thousand stood to their feet, blanket natives, packing idols.

219 Doctor Bosworth, Doctor Baxter and them, begin weeping. And Brother Bosworth run up, said--said, "Brother Branham, this is your coronation day."

220Brother Baxter said, "Brother Branham, I wonder, I think they meant physical healing."

221That boy was on his hands and knees. And the Holy Spirit told him where he come from, what had happened, said, "You'll talk. Think about your brother, he's about a half a mile back there. He was riding on a yellow goat, and he hurt his leg." I said, "But, THUS SAITH THE LORD, he is healed." Here come the boy, with the crutches over his hands, like that. And take them about twenty minutes for a militia to quieten them down.

222 Then this boy, on his hands and feet, like that, down, couldn't even raise up, naked. Oh, my, such a horrible thing! He thought he was coming up there to tourists, you know, to kind of do the--the jungle dance. And I took the chain and shook it. I said, "If I could help that poor creature, and wouldn't do it, I'd be a... I wouldn't be fit to stand back here. But," I said, "I can't help him. But now I have a little gift, I can just pull it in gear, whatever the Lord says."

223And when the Lord showed, told him who he was, said, "His mother and father is sitting out in there, they're Zulus." And said, "They're thin, unusual." A Zulu will average three hundred pound, per man. So then said, "They're unusual. But this boy was born in a Christian home, because on his... on the righthand side, as you go in the door, there is a picture of Christ, in the little thatch hut." And that was exactly right. His mother and father raised up. "And that's his name." That's who he was, and everything. They couldn't understand. I looked back and I seen him standing, in a vision there, just as straight as he could be. Never raised up, in his life, he was born like that. I said, "The Lord Jesus makes him whole."

224He wasn't even in his right mind, trying to go, "uh, ba, ba, ba," like that.

225And I got a hold of the chain, and shook it like that. I said, "Jesus Christ, son, makes you whole. Stand up on your feet." There he raised up. The tears running down, and off his black belly, as he went down like that. I seen thirty thousand blanket natives give their hearts to Jesus Christ.

226 When at a Kiwanis Club, I said now... And they tell me I was "going to become a holy roller" when I left the Baptist church, so I could fellowship with all people. They said, "Well, you'll become a holy-roller," I sat. Bunch of my Baptist brethren said. I said, "You've sent missionaries in there, for the last hundred and fifty years, what did I find them? Still packing idols." I said, "But the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, thirty thousand received Christ at one time."

227Now I want to say to you women, you know what happened to them women? I said, "Right on the grounds where you're standing, the Holy Spirit will fill you." And when they raised their hands to accept Christ as their Saviour, and when they walked away from there; naked, now, nothing but just a little patch, clout, in front. And when they walked away from there, they folded their arms like this, because they was in presence of man, after they had accepted Christ.

228 Now how can we, sisters, how can we in this nation where we claim to believe and be Christians, and every year they take more off? When, that person never even heard the Name of Christ, but just accepted Him in their heart. No, you couldn't tell them they were naked, they didn't know it. But they covered themselves up like this, to walk away. The next day, or two, you would find them with clothes on, of some kind. Oh, my!

229There is something wrong somewhere. It's a twisting up of theology. The power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, like He did to the man who called "Legion," we found him clothed and in his right mind. And I begin to believe that it's a spirit upon the people that drives them into that Americanism and Frenchism, and all kinds of worldlism and churchism. But let them once come to that Master, and they feel that knock at the door, they'll put clothes on and act like women and men, and they'll be born-again Christians. Amen. Yes.

230 Now I'm done, twenty minutes until twelve, just a--just a few minutes, let me bypass some. Just a moment, some Scriptures, I'd like to open one more door. Would it be all right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

231The next door, to there, is faith. See, your private life... door of pride, your private life, now let's open faith. Just a whole ring of them, see, but let's go into faith.

232You know, sometime ago I was in the hospital and a woman going under an operation. She called me, she said, "Brother Branham, I'm a backslider. Would you pray for me?"

233I said, "Yes, ma'am, I'd be glad to." I said, "You're a backslider?"


234I said, "Now let's just wait just a minute. Let me read the Scriptures to you."

235There was a lady laying there in a bed, looked at me, real funny; her, and her son about twenty years old, a regular Ricky, and standing there looking at me like that.

236And I said, "Yes, ma'am," I said. I read the Scriptures to her, "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, be white like wool." And when I read that to her, I said, "If you've strayed away, see, you've got away from God, but God never got away from you, or you wouldn't be calling for me." She started crying. I said, "We'll pray."

237That lady over in the next bed, said, "Wait a minute! Wait a minute there!"

I said, "Yes, ma'am?"

She said, "Pull that curtain!"

And I said, "Aren't you a Christian?"

She said, "We are Methodist!"

238I said, "Well, what has that got to do with it? See, that's no more than saying you was a--you was a colt, if you was in a pig pen, see." I said, "That don't mean a thing." See?

239But, you see, that's where it's come, that self-righteous. "That's against our faith!" I said the... "We don't want Divine healing in our church, or that kind of stuff." See, see what I mean? See, they won't let in that door. "That's against our faith."

240 There is only one Faith. "One Faith, one Lord, one baptism." That Faith!

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

Saviour Divine;

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my unbelief away.

241Sin! Sin, there is only one sin, that's unbelief. A man that drinks isn't a sinner. See, that--that--that, see, isn't sin. It isn't a--it isn't a sin to drink. It isn't a sin to commit adultery. To lie, to steal, that isn't sin. That's the attributes of unbelief. If you was a believer, you wouldn't do that, see.

242There is only two, you're an unbeliever or a believer, see, one or the other. You don't do all these things and religious orders like that, just because you're an unbeliever; if you're a believer, it's the Word you believe in, 'cause Christ is the Word. See? And so you're just an unbeliever because that you believe some tradition, or some dogmas that's been added to the Bible, or something, and denominations do. But a real believer stays right with that Word. And God works right through that Word, right through to make It come to pass, in this generation that we live in.

243 And now notice, and you say, "Oh, I... Brother Branham, the Lord..." Well, that's all right, there was many uncircumcised Philistines went one time, too. And a bunch of Egyptians tried to follow Moses across the--the Red Sea, but it finally... "As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, well, we find the same thing in the last day," the Bible said.

244Now just a little further. Jesus said here, in this--this age, "Because thou sayest that, 'I am rich, and increased in goods.'" Just look how we are today, richest the church ever was! And, well, you know, you Pentecosts would be a lot better off if you was out there with a tambourine, on the corner, like your fathers and mothers was. But you've got better churches than the rest of them now, fastest growing in the world; but where is that Spirit of God that used to be among us? You left out the real thing. "Because you say, 'I am rich.'"

245 Remember, this is Pentecostal it's speaking to, 'cause the Pentecostal age is the last age. See, all this revival we've had, there is no other organization starting up. There won't be. This is the end. The wheat's matured now. It's come up through the leaves, and stalk, and husk, and it's out to the wheat now. See, won't be no more. They started a little Latter Rain, but it just fell right in; anything else will. They'll. This is the wheat is coming forth. Notice.

246"And because you say, 'I am rich, and increased in goods, have need of nothing,' and knowest not that thou art miserable, wretched, blind, naked, and don't know it; I counsel of thee..." Oh, my! "I knock at your door." [Brother Branham knocks on something--Ed.] "Laodicea, I knock at your door, and counsel to come to Me, and--and buy gold tried in the fire; white raiment, that your nakedness not be shown."

247Take off these things, and put on like you should, see, the righteousness of Christ, the Words. Not my righteousness; His righteousness!

248 "And I also counsel thee to--to come, get some eye salve, that you might anoint your eyes, that you might see. Eye salve!"

249I'm a Kentuckian. I was born down in the mountains, and we used to have a little old place up in the attic. And us kids had boosted up a--a little old pole ladder, that we went up every night. And we laid down. They had to put a piece of canvas over the top of us when it snowed. Well, the stars, old clapboard shingles...

250How many knows what a clapboard shingle is? Well, brother, why didn't I wear my overalls up here? I'm right at home, see. Well, the old clapboard shingles!

251How many know what a straw mattress is? Now what do you know! I thought I felt awful religious about something. Well, I guess I am right at home now. That's good. And I never knowed nothing else till just a few years ago.

252How many knows what an old lamp is? An old chimney, you know, that with the big old moon and owl on the side; they used to have the littlest hand in the house, have to clean that old churn, you know. I used to have to take an old splasher, and it'd all splash over me; so I took that lamp chimney and turned it over there, to keep it from splashing. Yes, indeed.

253 Now, my grandpa was a trapper. My mother's mother come from the reservations. He married an Indian girl from the Cherokee reservations there in Kentucky and Tennessee, you know where, the Cherokee valley. And, they, he--he hunted and trapped, all the time, that was--that was the way he made his living.

254And us kids laying up there, why, sometimes it get real cold. And that breeze coming through there, we would get cold in our eyes, and--and our eyes would stick shut at night, you know. Mama called it "matter." I don't--I don't know what that is, but a cold would get in your eyes, and it'd get cold. And she'd say, "You got matter in your eyes," because of the--of the, you know, the breeze circling through there, the draft come across at night. Our eyes would swell shut.

255 And mama would get there at the ladder, in the morning, when she got the biscuits made. She would have the sorghum molasses setting on the table. And she would say, "Billy!"

I'd say, "Yes, mama?"

"You and Edward come on down."

256"Mama, I can't see!" I called my brother, we called him, "Humpy." I said, "He can't see, either. See, our eyes had got matter in them."

She would say, "All right, just a minute."

257And grandpa, when he'd catch a coon. How many knows what a raccoon is? That's what, and she'd... He'd catch a coon, he'd get the fat off of it and put it in a can. And that coon grease was a cure-all in our family. They'd give it to us for a bad cold, with turpentine on it, and coal oil. We'd swallow it for a sore throat. Then get that coon grease hot, she would come and massage our eyes, and our eyes would come open. See, it was coon grease that did it. See?

258 Now, brother, sister, we've went through a cold spell, in the church. That's right, a lot of religious draft has come through, everybody has caught cold. A lot of people has got their eyes all closed up, and there is a big World Council of Churches coming up, up here, is going to force every one of you into it. They are getting away from that Word, our own groups are. I am duty bound to a Message; not to be different, but because of love. Love is corrective. Come back! Stay away from that thing! You ministering brothers, I don't care what your groups does, stay away from it! Stay out of it! It's the mark of the beast, stay away from it! See, Jesus is knocking in this Laodicea age. See where they put Him out? He is trying to get to individuals, not--not organizations and groups of people. He is trying to get one here, and one there, and one there, trying. "All that I love, I chasten."

259 As the little brother had the vision here, and said he had the vision. And said, "This same Light that you receive, cause your death, too." See?

260"As many as I love, I chasten; be zealous, and return. I stand at the door, and knocking." Now, look, coon grease won't do this any good.

But there is a Fountain filled with Blood,

Drawn from Immanuel's veins,

Where sinners plunged beneath the flood,

Lose all their guilty stains.

That dying thief rejoiced to see

That Fountain in his day;

There may I, though vile as he...

261He opened my eyes, with His eye salve. His Spirit came down and warmed the Bible, His eye salve. I couldn't see It. I was just a local, Baptist pastor. But one day He sent His Spirit down, not the coon grease did He get hot, but He sent the Holy Spirit and fire! A little eye salve raked across my Bible--my Bibles... and I could see with my eye, I mean raked across my eyes so I could see my Bible. And I seen that, "He was the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be true. I stand at the door, and knock."

262 One more little story. Have we got time? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Yeah, yeah, then I'll go, see.

263There was an old darkie down there in the South. And, his pastor, I knew him, a nice old fellow. We called him Gabe. His name was Gabriel, and we just called him Gabe. He always, pastor and I, we--we went hunting, a whole lot. He was an old colored brother, and we went out hunting. And so old Gabe liked to hunt better than anybody I ever knowed, but he was a poor shot. So, one day his pastor and him went hunting.

264And we could never get old Gabe to line up to church. He just wouldn't do it. He wouldn't come to church. He said, "Ah, I's don't go down there where the hypocrites is."

265I said, "But, Gabe, as long as you stay out, they're bigger than you. You're hiding behind them, see." I said, "You are hiding behind them. You're smaller than they are; they do go down and make an effort, see."

266And so he said, "I--I--I--I--I thinks a lot of you, Mr. Bill. But," said, "I--I--I--I know old Jones goes down there, and he ain't nothing; he shoots craps, and all that."

267I said, "That's all right, Gabe. See, that's all right. But, remember, Jones has to answer for that; you don't have to, you see. If you just go..." I said, "You've got a good pastor."

268"Oh, Pastor Jones is one of the finest man there is in the country!"

269I said, "Let him be your example, if you can't look farther than that. Let him be your example."

270 So one day Brother Jones said, took old Gabe hunting, and said, "We got more rabbits and birds, that day, than we could hardly pack." And said, "Come in in the evening." Said, "Old Gabe was coming behind, and all loaded down, you know, like that." And his wife was a real, loyal Christian. She had a place right there, a Holy Ghost filled woman, and she always had her post of duty. So he was... Old Gabe was coming behind, you know. And Pastor Jones said he looked around, he could see, "Old Gabe kept looking over his shoulder, like that. The sun setting," said, "getting real low, getting cool." Said, "After a while," said he was walking along, said, "old Gabe come up. He had his shotgun barrel hanging full of rabbits and birds, and things." Said, "He tapped the pastor on the shoulder, and said, 'Pastor?'"

Said, turned around, said, "Yeah, Gabe, what's the matter?"

271So he looked, and great big tears running off of his black cheeks, where his beard was turning gray. He says, "Pastor, I's been walking along this bank here, for about a half hour." Said, "I've been watching that sun go down." Said, "You know, these gray whiskers of mine, and my hair turning," said, "you know, my sun is setting too, pastor."

272Said, "That's right, Gabe." And he just stopped and turned around, said, "What's the matter with you?"

273He said, "My sun is setting, too." He said, "You know what?" Said, "I got to thinking," he said, "as I was walking along back there." He said, "You know," said, "the Lord must love me."

Said, "Sure, He does, Gabe."

274Said, "You know, I'm a poor shot." Said, "I couldn't hit nothing, but," said, "we--we really needed this meat at home." And said, "Just look at the big fine bunch of game that He give me, these birds and these rabbits." He said, "I got enough to keep us all next week." Said, "He must have loved me, 'cause I can't hit nothing, you know." Said, "I couldn't hit it, but just look what He give me." Then he said, "He must love me, or He wouldn't have give me this."

Said, "That's right."

275 And he said, "Well, I had a strange little knock at my door, down there. He told me to turn around, said, 'Gabe, your sun is setting, too.'" Said, "Pastor, you know what I done, pastor?" He said, "I made Him a promise."

276He said, "Gabe, I want to ask you something." Said, "What sermon did I preach that made you feel that way?" He said, pastor, or said, "Now wait a minute," said, "what--what--what choir sang?"

277He said, "Oh, I sure do love that singing down at church, pastor." He said, "I love every message you preach, 'cause it comes right from that good Book, and I know it's right. But," said, "it wasn't that." Said, "He just knocked, and I looked around here, and see how good He was to me, what He give me." He said, "Sunday morning, I is going to walk right up in front there where you standing." He said, "I'm going to give you my right hand," said, "because I done give my heart to the Lord, right down around the hill there." He said, "I is going to be baptized, and take my place right beside of my wife. And I'm going to stay there until the Lord calls me higher." See, he just happened to look around and see how good God had been to him.

278 I'm a missionary. If you could look out through the eyes that I'm looking through now, and see an Indian place, them little hungry people, mothers starving on the street, their little kids can't even cry no more, from hunger, and just think of what we had here today. Look at the cars you come in. Look at the clothes you are wearing. Look how rich you are. Friend, can't you feel that little knock there somewhere?

Let us pray.

279With our heads bowed, and our hearts, as the minutes now are fleeting, of about seven minutes until midday. My brother, sister, science tells us it's less than three minutes until midnight. Now if you can just look around, and just think for a minute. Your little children setting there by you. How many little spastics...

280 Look at your nice wife, brother, and think how many man that's worth millions of dollars, and loves a woman with all of his heart, she is a barfly. He would give his cold million to have that woman love him the way your wife loves you. And you, wife, how many women...

281How many mothers here this morning with their little children, how many fathers; why, my, there is many a man looking at a crib, a little old drawed-up, poor little thing, crippled, and look at what fine little children you got. See? And many a little old, maybe...

282O God! There is so many things, if you'd just look. He has been so good to us Americans. Now can't you just feel that you'd like to have a little salve, this morning, "Open my eyes just a little farther, Lord, open my eyes"? As our sister so lovely sang, "His eye is on the sparrow, just a little sparrow, and I know He watches me."

283 Now He is watching right at you now. Can you just hear, down somewhere, a little knock like this, [Brother Branham knocks on something--Ed.], "I'm visiting, this morning"? It's the greatest honor that could ever be paid, if you can feel that knocking at your heart.

284Will you just raise your hand, say, "By this, Lord, by Your help and Your grace, from today on, I'll live as close to You as I know how to live. That's all I know how to ask You"? God bless you. God bless you. "By Your help and grace, today, from today on, I'll never forget this."

"Lo, I stand at the door, and knock. If any man..."

285Now, remember, where was He knocking, at the barn? No. At the bar? No. Where is He knocking? At the church!

286"If any man will hear My Voice, and open unto Me, I will come in and sup with him, and he with Me."

287 Dear God, this little broken, mixed up, few words that's been said this morning, somehow let the Holy Spirit interpret them to the hearts of the people.

288Now there was many, Lord, maybe out of this hundred here was twenty or thirty people raised their hands. I have no way of knowing just what they needed, Lord. But I know that midday is just a few minutes off, and so is the Coming of the Lord; yet, before this snow melts from the ground, we may be summonsed, and this may be the moment that will change the whole future of whether they be left here or go up.

289Dear God, humbly we accept Jesus, we accept all of His Words. Fill us, Lord, fill us with Thy Holy Spirit, that our life just automatically would bear the fruit. Grant it, Lord.

290Forgive us of our many mistakes. Oh, we are so full of them, Lord. And we have nothing that we can offer, Lord, 'cause, everything that we got, You've give it to us. As Gabe said, in the little story we just told, "You, You sure love us, Lord, or You wouldn't do this." And, to think, these people set here since early this morning, sitting here since eight o'clock, is four hours that they set in here. They love You, Lord. They love You. Now, Father, will You just send the salve of the Holy Spirit, open our eyes. May we...

291 These who are here in the city, may they rush to that revival tonight, may there be such an outpouring! Grant it, Lord. May an old-fashion revival start here in the city. Grant it. Bless every man that's putting forth, every one of Your servants throughout the world, that's putting forth an effort. Be with them, Lord, and help them.

292Open our eyes that we might see, more and more, the likeness of Christ. Grant it, Lord. Forgive us of our sins.

293And now these who raised their hands, Father, I commit them to You. Receive them. Now I quote Thy Own Word, Lord, which, "Heavens and earth will fail, but," You said, "he," which is a personal pronoun, "he that heareth My Words..." Lord, they might have been broke up and simple, but somebody heard them. The Seed fell. "He that heareth My Words and," conjunction, "believeth on Him that sent Me," because He did this, "he hath (present tense) everlasting Life, and shall not in the future come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." They raised their hands, Lord. They broke the (every) scientific law; gravitation holds our hands down. But they proved that there is a spirit in them, that could listen to a knock at the door, and reach out with their right hand towards Heaven. Now open the door. Open, Lord, and come in. We are Yours. Receive us, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

294 You love Him? Wonder if we could just close our eyes, just a moment. Now from our hearts, with our hands up.

I love Him, I love Him be-...

295We're accepting Your knock, this morning, Lord. My hands are up. All of our hands are up, Lord.


Now come in, Lord Jesus. Come into our hearts and sup with us, and we'll sup with Thee.

Calvary's tree!

296Do you love Him? Oh, I think He is so wonderful! Don't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Don't you feel His Presence just kind of scouring you out? I feel real religious right now, just--just feel real good, something about it.

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

Saviour Divine;

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my sins away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

297 Now I want you, when we hum this next verse of that beautiful hymn, old hymn of the church, I want you to shake hands with somebody. Just remain in your seat, just say, "God bless you, brother. God bless you, sister. So glad to be with you here!" Let's do that. [Brother Branham and congregation hum, My Faith Looks Up To Thee, and shake hands with one another--Ed.] God bless you, Carl and Brother Williams. I'm glad to be here.

298Just think, Methodist's hands caught Pentecostal's, Baptist's caught Presbyterian's.

O let... from this day

Be wholly Thine!

299 Now as we sing slowly now, too, from the bottom of your heart. You know, after a scouring, scolding Message, I think it's good to get in the Spirit and sing, the sweetness of the Holy Spirit.

300"O how sweet it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" The Bible said, "It's like the anointing oil that was on Aaron's beard, that run down to the hems of his skirts." You're wonderful people up here. I hope to get back to see you again before Jesus calls me, or the Millennium. If I don't, I'll see you across the river over yonder. I'll meet you at the river. Amen. It's an appointment.

While life's dark maze I tread,

And grief around me spread,

Be Thou my Guide;

Bid darkness turn to day, (that little Light they talk about)

Wipe sorrow's fears away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

301 Every door open! Oh, just touch the little button, and watch them all go right around the circle; say, "Come in, Lord Jesus, be my Lord, my all."

O let me from this day, not let You stand at the door,

Be wholly Thine!

302You that raised your hands and wants to be farther led towards the Lord, I ask you to go down to the revival tonight. And I'm sure the pastor there would take you from here to the inn. He has six pence, or whatever was given, to take care, and wine and oil to pour in. He can finish the job.

303God bless you now. I'll turn the service back to, I guess, Brother Williams, or ever who is...

1...tu dnes ráno. Myslel som svojho času, keď som prvý krát prichádzal do Flagstaffu. To bolo asi, myslím pred okolo tridsiatimi ôsmimi rokmi, možno štyridsiatimi. Hovoril som o výstupe na horu. Nebol tam sneh, ale môj malý model T sa takmer nemohol dostať na tú horu. On mohol ísť tridsať míľ za hodinu, ale bolo to pätnásť míľ týmto smerom a pätnásť tým smerom, viete, niektorými z týchto ciest, ktoré sme tu mali. A to bolo dosť...

2[Nejaký brat na pódiu hovorí, “Prečo nám neprednesieš tú báseň o Fordke.”–Vyd.] Brat Carl! [“Prosím.”–Vyd.] Nie. On mi hovorí o malej básni, ktorú som raz napísal o mojej Fordke. To nie je dobré miesto, aby som to predniesol, brat Carl.

3Tak sme veľmi vďační. A dnes ráno som mal veľa pekných svedectiev, ktoré som počul od týchto bratov, stretol som niektorých z tých mužov.

4A bol tam práve jeden slúžiaci brat, ktorý tu hovoril, malý španielsky brat, ktorý dal svojmu malému chlapcovi čas, aby zaspieval. Nebolo to nádherné na šesťročného chlapca? Ó, najkrajší hlas, aký som kedy počul u takého malého chlapca.

5Tak, tento brat, tí bratia to zabudli, ale on organizuje nejaké zhromaždenie vo vašom meste. Myslím, že je to v cirkvi Božej, alebo zbory Božie? [Ten brat hovorí, “Zbory.”–Vyd.] Zbory Božie, dolu v Zboroch Božích. A som si istý, že oni by ocenili vašu prítomnosť. Vy... Ako dlho trvá to zhromaždenie, brat? Počas nedele, počas nedele večer. [Máme dnes večer a sing-spiration.”–Vyd.] Prosím? [“Máme dnes večer a sing-spiration.”–Vyd.] Sing-spiration dnes večer. Tak, všetci ste srdečne pozvaní na toto zhromaždenie. Sedem tridsať, dnes večer. A kde sa nachádza tá cirkev, brat? Povedal by si nám, kde to je? [“113 West Clay.”–Vyd.] Ulica 113 West Clay, priamo tu v meste Flagstaff. A som si istý, že budete...

6Je ten malý chlapec s tebou? Nie, jeho otecko bude spievať. Budeš spievať, či nie? Dobre, to je skvelé, myslel som, že zaspievaš len raz. Tak, je to veľmi zriedkavé, že také niečo vidíte, zvyčajne, ak je jeden talent v rodine, ja myslím, že on je vzatý z ostatku toho. Tak oni majú... [“To všetko sa rozpočalo v pôste a modlitbe, brat Branham.”–Vyd.] Pôst a modlitba, tak to je skutočne milé.

7Tak, viete, ak Amerika, všetci spolu, každá z našich amerických rodín by bola takáto, no, oni by jednoducho mohli prepustiť všetky policajné sily. To by bolo milénium, však že? Boli by sme...?... Boli by sme potom rovno v prvej triede. Je to tak. Všetka smrť by zmizla preč, všetky choroby, žiaľ, všetko sklamanie, a my by sme boli s Kristom.

8Tak sme šťastní, a počul som všetky tieto pekné svedectvá. A mal som tú výsadu byť prvý krát na zhromaždení brata Earla. A minulý večer som sa zhováral s jeho manželkou, a ona bola niekoľkokrát vyvolaná a uzdravená na zhromaždeniach, a povedala, že na poslednom zhromaždení bola na pódiu.

9Tak to nám spôsobuje trochu, trochu zmyslu pre humor. Nepamätal som si brata Earla, hoci som si s ním niekde potriasol ruku. A sedel som pri okne, včera večer, vyhliadajúc ho, kedy príde. A prichádzal nejaký veľký, vysoký muž, ktorý mal čierne fúzy. Povedal som, “Už ide.” A potom, keď... Billy, môj syn povedal, “Ó, nie” povedal, “to nie je brat Earl. On je oveľa mladší než tento človek.” A tak potom som sa mal stretnúť so sestrou Earlovou tu včera večer, a mal som tu výsadu byť v ich krásnom dome tu v meste.

10Toto je pekné miesto. Vždy ho chcem volať flagpole [angl.-stožiar] namiesto Flagstaff [angl.-vlajkový stožiar] cestou hore na vrchol toho kopca tu. Vidíte? A poviem vám, ak je tu niekto z Texasu, tak teraz sa chváľte. Odišiel som včera z Tucsonu, asi sedemdesiatdva alebo sedemdesiatpäť niekde tam a tu hore dnes ráno s oblečeným kabátom. Vidíte, to, čo oni majú v Texase, my máme v Arizone, však že? Je to tak. Sme rovno tu.

11Tento čas obecenstva... Starý doktor Bosworth, jeden z mojich priateľov, mnohí z

vás ste mohli poznať brata Boswortha. On bol jedným z najsvätejších starých mužov. A on mi raz povedal, on povedal, “Brat Branham, vieš, čo je obecenstvo? Povedal som, “Premýšľam, Brat Bosworth.”

12Povedal, “To sú dvaja ľudia na jednej lodi, tak oni sa musia trochu podeliť.”

13Tak to je to, čím obecenstvo je, my berieme a dávame, máme diel s každým, s bratom Carl Williamsom, všetkými ostatnými, s bratom Outlawom. Ó, jeden z prvých ľudí v Arizone, ktorý kedy sponzoroval jeden z mojich zhromaždení, bol brat Jimmy Outlaw, a my sme od toho času blízkymi bratmi. A my sme veľmi šťastní za každého z vás, za slúžiacich a za bratov, ktorých stretávame tu naokolo. Nemám čas potriasť si ruky s každým, a ako rád by som to urobil, ale to je obecenstvo, kde sa stretávame.

14To mi jednoducho pripomína Phoenixské zhromaždenie. Mal som tú príležitosť, najprv začať od tých skupín, aby som pomohol organizovať tie skupiny a hovoriť v nich. A to je jediná organizácia, do ktorej ja patrím a to nie je organizácia. To je jednoducho organizmus pracujúci medzi ľuďmi.

15A ak niektorí z vás mužov dnes ráno, ktorí nepatria do tohoto obecenstva Kresťanských obchodníkov plného evanjelia, nech... Ak veríte a vezmete moje slovo, to je jedna z najohromnejších skupín ľudí. A ku slúžiacim bratom, to nie je proti vašej cirkvi, to je pre vašu cirkev. Rozumiete, to je ich spôsob umiestnenia v cirkvi.

16Len náhodou som pozrel na túto milú pani, ktorá práve pred malou chvíľou spievala tú pieseň. Počul som veľakrát, že sa o to niekto pokúšal, ale táto pani má hlas, ktorý to mohol priniesť správne, viete, ako bez toho kvílenia. Veľmi sa mi to páčilo, pani, to bolo veľmi, veľmi dobré. Povedzte, to bola manželka tu slúžiaceho brata. A brat, ty by si mohol mať jej spev každý večer ako uspávanku, tak to by bolo veľmi dobré, veľmi dobré. To bol veľmi pekný spev. Oceňujem to.

17A dnes ráno, to mi pripomenulo malý príbeh, ktorý... Ja rád poľujem a rybárčim, a to je jeden z dôvodov, že som v Arizone, tak, chodím na poľovačku a na ryby. A mám to rád. A tak bol som na rybách v New Hampshire.

18A myslím, že tu mám veľa spoločníkov, ktorí radi rybárčia, mužov a tiež žien. Vidíte. My všetci to máme radi.

19Tak som mal malý turistický stan, a mal som ho naplnený až povrch, tam hore, kde, viete, ľudia, ktorí sú trochu ťažkí alebo niečo také, nemohli by tam vyjsť. A je tam veľa pekných týchto bodkovaných pstruhov a hnedých, hranochvostov, mečúňov. Ó, je ich jednoducho plno v tých malých prítokoch stekajúcich dolu z vrchov hôr v New Hampshire. A malý pstruh, možno štrnásť, šestnásť palcov dlhý, jednoducho mnoho. A ja som len... Išiel som tam a chytal ich, len pre zábavu z chytania, pustil som ich naspäť. Ak som jedného zabil, potom som toho jedného zjedol, spotreboval som ho.

20Tak som mal jednu z týchto starých losých vŕb, ktorá vyrastala, a zakaždým som prehodil môj muškársky silón... Mal som malý Royal Coachman. Zavesil so ho tam na ňu, prehodil som ho cez trsy losých vŕb. A pomyslel som si, “No, vezmem sekeru a pôjdem tam dnes ráno a vysekám tú losiu vŕbu, tak, aby som na nej nezachytil svoje lanko. Ó, pozrel som sa dozadu pod niečo malé staré ako bobria hrádza a oni tam práve ležali, čakajúc len na to lanko Coachman, že sa dostane ku nim. A tak, celú dlhú noc... Zvykol som hovoriť, “Mám to vo vlasoch.” Ale ja teraz nemám dosť vlasov na to, aby som to do nich dostal. Tak ja len... To len, ako by oni, ako by to oni pozorovali. A tak som tam v to ráno vstal, vzal som malú starú sekeru a porúbal som tú losiu vŕbu. A mal som tri alebo štyri, pripravené na raňajky a potom sa vrátiť. A ja nie som veľmi dobrý kuchár. A tak som povedal svojej manželke, že som nemohol uvariť vodu bez toho, aby neprihorela, tak viete, to by bolo hrozne zlé zamestnanie, to varenie.

21Tak na mojej spiatočnej ceste bola stará medvedica a dve mláďatá a oni sa dostali do môjho malého stanu. A vy hovoríte o zničení niečoho, neviete ako môžu byť veci zničené, až kým nenecháte, aby sa medveď dostal do stanu. On...Oni... To nie je to, čo oni zničili, že čo oni zjedli, mám na mysli, že to je to, čo oni zničili. Mal som tam malý sporák, tento malý pastiersky sporák, a oni vyliezli na tento malý sporák a len skákali hore a dolu, mohli ste počuť rachotiť rúru a jednoducho ako to drvia na kúsky, viete. Mal som tam položenú starú, trocha hrdzavú pušku dvadsaťdvojku, ale mal som tú sekeru vo svojej ruke.

22A viete, keď som prišiel, tá stará matka vybehla von na jednu stranu a maznala sa so svojimi mláďatami. A jedno mláďa ju nasledovalo, áno, ale to druhé sedelo, také mláďatko. V máji, viete, oni práve vychádzajú. Svoj chrbát mal celý nahrbený oproti mne, takto. A pomyslel som si, “Čo robí?” Tak potom ona pozrela na mňa. A ja som pozrel na strom, aby som len videl, ako bol blízko, pretože oni vás môžu drapnúť, viete, kvôli ich mláďatám. A oni... Nemôžete im povedať aby išli odtiaľ preč. Vidíte? Tak som tú starú matku malú chvíľu pozoroval, viete. Ona hrkútala a robila hluk ako nejaký vták. Museli by ste poznať, čo sú to za zvuky. Tak ona na to mláďa hrkútala a to mláďa nechcelo prísť.

23No, pomyslel som na moju pušku. A uvažoval som, “Nie, ak by som tam rýchlo bežal a zdrapol tú pušku, a zastrelil tú starú matku, do lesa odídu dve siroty,” a nechcel som tým byť vinný. A okrem toho, jej náboje, tej dvadsaťdvojky by boli malé, viete. A niekedy ona nevystrelila, musel som ju zaklapnúť tri alebo štyri razy, aby to spravilo, že vystrelí. Tak som si pomyslel, “No, len sa dostanem tam ku tomu stromu, keď sem vyštartuje. Dostanem sa tam hore na ten strom, vezmem nejaký malý prút a jednoducho ich švihnem po ňufáku.” Ich ňufáky sú veľmi citlivé. A oni len zavreštia, potom zídu dolu, viete, a nechajú vás tak. Tak pomyslel som si, “Dostanem sa na ten strom.”

24Ale to zvláštne na tom mláďati bolo, och, že sedelo takto. A ja som si pomyslel, “Čo robí?” Tak ja som sa posúval, pozorujúc ju, viete, aby som sa dostal trochu ďalej a aby som sa dostal blízko ku tomu stromu, pretože ona hrkútala na to mláďa. Tak som sa dostal trochu ďalej a viete, čo to mláďa urobilo?

25Tak, ja mám rád lievance alebo palacinky, myslím, že vy ich tu tak voláte. Dolu na

juhu ich voláme lievance. Nie som veľmi dobrý v ich pripravovaní, ale iste som dobrý v ich jedení. A vy viete, že som bol baptista. A nerád ich posypávam, skutočne ich rád krstím, skutočne dávam na ne melasu. Tak som mal plechovku melasy asi takto vysokú, sediac tam, malé polgalónové vedierko na moje lievance.

26A to mláďa... Viete, medveď má rád sladké, na akýkoľvek spôsob. On mal otvorené to vedierko melasy. A sedel tam s tou malou labou, asi tak širokou. A mal to hore vo svojich rukách a len to udieral svojou malou labou a takto to lízal, viete. Je to tak. A lízal to malým jazykom. A začal som... Nejaký... Ak by som mal fotoaparát, rád by som vám to dnes ráno ukázal, len aby ste sa na to pozreli. A takto som zakričal, “Choďte preč odtiaľ.” A on mi nevenoval žiadnu pozornosť, a len to stále takto lízal. On celé to vedro vyprázdnil.

27A zakričal som takto na neho, on sa otočil a takto na mňa pozrel. Nemohol otvoriť

svoje oči, bol jednoducho celý od tej melasy, viete. Celé jeho oči, jeho malé brucho, jednoducho tak bol zamazaný od tej melasy, ako len mohol byť. A potom, po chvíli sa začal potácať na strany a išiel ku svojej matke. Dostali ho tam v tých kríkoch a začali ho olizovať. Báli sa pustiť do toho vedierka, ale mohli oblizovať jeho.

28A povedal som, “Ak toto nie je typ starého dobrého letničného zhromaždenia: jednoducho dostať tak veľa dobrých, sladkých vecí, ktoré s tým idú, a niekto to vylizuje. To je skutočné obecenstvo, zhromaždenie. Tak, my jednoducho takto prichádzame, aby sme nabrali svojimi rukami v tom vedre, každý jeden z nás, rovno po lakte z Božích požehnaní. A som si istý, že to v tom zhromaždení nájdete, je to v Zboroch Božích, pokračujte tam teraz. Nech vás Pán žehná.

29Povedal som vo Phoenixe, jedného dňa, trochu... Dúfam, že to neznelo svätokrádežne, kvôli malému vtipu o kazateľovi, ktorý každé ráno vychádzal na pódium a stabilne počas dvadsiatich rokov kázal dvadsať minút a potom skončil a tak oni nemohli rozumieť, prečo to tak bolo. A tak jedno ráno on kázal asi štyri hodiny. A tí diakoni ho vtedy zavolali a povedali, “Pastor, my ťa skutočne milujeme.” Povedali, “My si myslíme, že tvoje posolstvá sú nádherné.” A povedali, “My vieme, ako výbor diakonov, pozorovali sme ťa a merali ťa, presne dvadsať minút každú nedeľu ráno.” A povedali, “Dnes ráno to boli štyri hodiny.” Povedali, “My jednoducho nerozumieme.”

30Povedal, “Poviem vám, bratia.” Povedal, “Každé ráno, keď som išiel kázať,” povedal, “keď ste ma zavolali na pódium, prišiel som a položil jeden z týchto cukríkov pod môj jazyk.” A povedal, “V dvadsiatich minútach sa ten cukrík minul,” povedal, “Ja som skončil,” on povedal, “Viem, že to je čas skončiť.” A povedal, “To, čo bolo chybou dnes ráno, je, že mám gombík...”

31Carl Williams a Jewel Rose, skutočne blízki bratia a moji priatelia, išli na druhý

deň do centra mesta a zohnali gombík asi takto veľký, aby mi ho dali, ale ja ho dnes ráno nemám. Tak sme vďační dnes ráno, že sme tu.

32A teraz, pozná tu niekto doktora Lee Vayleho? Nemyslím... Možno nie. On bol baptistický kazateľ, doktor teológie a on má svoje hodnosti. On bol z počiatku vysokoškolský učiteľ a on je veľmi milý a učený muž. A moje pásky “Siedmich cirkevných vekov” som mu poslal na opravu gramatiky. Pretože moje kentucké “hit,haińt, a carry, a fetch,” to nejde na dobré ľuďom, ktorí čítajú tie knihy, tak on tú gramatiku pre mňa opravil. A potom, ako sa cez to dostal, poslal ju niekoľkokrát naspäť kvôli viacerým výrokom. Takže tá kniha bude vytlačená tak asi po troch alebo štyroch rokoch.

33On sa ma spýtal, povedal, “Môžem napísať knihu, len moje komentáre?”

A ja som povedal, “Dobre, to je v poriadku, brat Lee.” A pomyslel som si...

34Potom on povedal, “Poviem ti niečo.” Povedal, “Ona sa nebude predávať, ale rozdávať.”

Povedal som, “Dobre, potom som si istý, že to je v poriadku.” Vidíte?

35A tak oni mali nejakú skupinu sponzorov, asi desať ľudí, ktorí to sponzorovali,

ktorých náklady boli asi tisícpäťsto dolárov, myslím, porozumel som, že na desaťtisíc z nich. A tak my ich máme, a všetko to odišlo na tlač pred pár dňami a dostali sme len dva alebo tri, včera, a Billy ich priniesol. A oni sú rozdané. Tak, ja som ju ešte nečítal, neviem, čo on tam povedal. Ale ja som... Toto je skrze vieru. Ale som si istý, ak by ste radi jednu mali, ak by ste nám len napísali, poslali by sme vám to zdarma. Vidíte? A je to nazvané “Prorok dvadsiateho storočia.”

36A potom som si všimol na tom obrázku tu na prednej strane tej knihy, mnohí z vás majú ten obrázok, pravdaže, a videli to, to je, kde bol ten anjel Pánov ukázaný v Hustone, Texas. Ale oni z toho kúsok odstrihli.

37Potom to vidím tu vzadu. A koľkí tu kedy boli na jednom z týchto zhromaždení,

nech vidíme? Myslím, že takmer každý z vás tam bol. Počuli ste ma mnohokrát povedať, “Tieň sa nad niekým skláňa.” Tak, pozrite, ak vy niečo hlásate a to nie je pravdou, Boh s tým nebude mať nič do činenia. Viete, že Boh nie je spojený s klamstvom, ale On podporí len to, čo je pravdou.

38Tak keď On povedal Mojžišovi, keď ho stretol tam vzadu na púšti v Stĺpe Ohňa, vzadu v tom horiacom kre... Potom keď vyviedol tých ľudí, a tých, ktorí nasledovali Mojžiša na tej ceste, potom On zostúpil na horu Sinaj, ten istý Stĺp Ohňa, a potvrdil, že čo Mojžiš povedal, bolo pravdou.

39Tak, Boh to urobí. On to vždy robí. Tak toto Svetlo tu, pravdaže, my Ho stotožňujeme s Bohom, pretože Ono má tú istú prirodzenosť a všetko to, čo On robil, keď tu bol na zemi.

40Potom tam hovorí, “Táto osoba tu, vidím, že si zatienená smrťou, tmavým tieňom. Mnohí z vás to počuli povedať. No, len nedávno tu na zhromaždení, bol tam jeden zvedavý muž, chcel vidieť, či by to oni mohli odfotografovať, keď to bolo povedané.

Tak oni... Bola tam na blízku istá pani a ten muž mal fotoaparát. A ja som povedal, “Táto pani, ktorá sa nachádza tu, je pani tá a tá,” čokoľvek to je. Povedal som, “Ona je zatienená smrťou, a má rakovinu.” A len potom on urobil ten snímok, pretože to bolo blízko. A tam to bolo (Vidíte?), to zatienenie, čierna rakovina, ktorá zatienila tú ženu. A potom Svätý Duch znovu prehovoril.

41Tak, potom to oni dali do tej knihy, mali to nastrihané, tak to tu jednoducho dali, až dokým nevytlačia tú knihu. A to je to, prečo tam uvidíte nezviazaný list. Myslím “Hlas uzdravenia” bol ten, ktorý vytlačil tú knihu.

42A tak je to úplne zdarma. A tí sponzori tu vzadu na zadnej strane tej knihy, ktorí dali tisícpäťsto dolárov na to, len aby ju vydali pre ľudí, aby to ľudia mohli čítať. Tak je to zadarmo, a je to pekná malá knižka. A ja neviem, čo ona obsahuje, ešte som ju nečítal, Otec to vie.

43Ale vidíte, to bolo... Pre mňa, to je úplná pravda. To, na čo my hľadíme, je Pravda. Ježiš povedal, “Poznáte Pravdu a Pravda vás vyslobodí.” A On je tá Pravda. On je Ježiš, Syn Boží, ktorý je Pravdivým Slovom, pretože On bol Slovom, ktoré bolo učinené telom. “Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo bolo učinené telom a prebývalo medzi nami.” Potom Ho to učinilo Pravdou, pretože Slovo je Pravda a On bol Pravdou.

44Tak, keď Ho znova vidíme konať v týchto posledných dňoch, toto veľké hnutie Božie, pohybujúce sa cez národy sveta, zhromažďujúc ľudí do Nevesty, to je Pravda.

45Pred rokmi tam oni hovorili, že nie je taká vec ako hovorenie v jazykoch, to je nezmysel. Boh to zasľúbil a On potvrdil, že je to Pravda. Je to tak.

46Niekto dnes ráno povedal, myslím, že to bola naša drahá sestra tam, ktorá sa tak veľmi zaoberá s deťmi ohľadne ich krstu, ona povedala, “Môžete niekoho počuť hovoriť v jazykoch. Ale počuť spievať niekoho v jazykoch (Vidíte?), to bola tak nádherná vec.”

47Pamätám sa na moju prvú skúsenosť, Bol som v Rediger Tabernacle vo Fort Wayne, Indiana. A hovoril som, majúc službu s uzdravovaním po smrti brata B. E. Redigera. A brat Bosworth bol tam, Paul Rader. A mnohí z vás starších ľudí, takí ako ja, vy si pamätáte na Paula Radera, a on bol baptista a boli sme–tak sme boli veľkí priatelia. A tak som tam chvíľu hovoril, modlil som sa za chorých. Bola to pre nich vtedy čudná vec, ale nejaká pani priniesla malého chlapca, ktorý bol chromý, a ako ona prechádzala cez pódium, objavilo sa videnie Pánovo a povedalo všetko, čo sa udialo s tým malým chlapcom. A spýtal som sa toho dievčaťa, ktoré mi podalo toho malého chlapca.

48Tak, len kvôli svedectvu tej sestry, aby ste mohli vidieť, čo za radosť a čo za

skutočne fenomenálna milosť Božia, ktorá to mohla urobiť, keď to pracovalo podľa Slova Božieho (Vidíte?) Božie zasľúbenie na túto hodinu...

49Tak, Božie zasľúbenie pre Noeho dnes nebude pre nás fungovať. Božie zasľúbenie pre Mojžiša, nemôžeme mať Mojžišovo posolstvo. Mojžiš nemohol mať Noeho posolstvo. My máme posolstvo tejto hodiny. Nemohli by sme mať Lutherovo posolstvo. Nemohli by sme mať Wesleyho posolstvo. Toto je iný čas. Boh pridelil Svoje Slovo do každého veku. A ako ten vek prichádza, On tam posiela niekoho na potvrdenie toho Slova, aby dokázal, že je to pravdivé. Vidíme potom v každom veku, jednoducho ako Ježiš povedal, keď bol na zemi, On povedal, “Vy staviate hroby prorokov a vaši otcovia ich tam poslali.”

50Tak, moji príbuzní sú katolíci, ako viete, súc Írmi. Tak, oni hovoria o svätom Patrikovi, katolíci si na neho robia nárok. No, on bol práve toľko katolíkom, koľko som ja. Oni hovoria o Johanne z Arku. Oni upálili to dievča pri stĺpe kvôli bosoráctvu. (Všetci to vieme), pretože ona bola duchovná a videla videnia. Pretože o niekoľko stoviek rokov neskôr oni vykopali telá tých kňazov, kajali sa a hodili ich do rieky. Ale to nie je to, čo je treba. Vidíte?

51Oni to vždy minuli. Človek vždy chváli Boha za to, čo On urobil, pozerá dopredu na to, čo On bude robiť a ignoruje to, čo On práve robí. To je jednoducho prirodzenosť človeka. A on nezmenil svoju prirodzenosť, ten človek toho sveta.

52Tak nachádzame, že naše posolstvo je na dnes, to posolstvo, ktoré máme, “Vyjdite z Babylonu, a buďte slobodní a buďte naplnení Duchom a vaše lampy upravené a čisté a hľaďte hore, naše vykúpenie sa blíži,” tieto veci sú cudzie pre mnohých ľudí, ktorí šepkajú a volajú meno nášho milovaného Pána.

53Ale jednako, uprostred toho všetkého, my nemáme nič proti týmto ľuďom, tým denominačným ľuďom. Oni sú v poriadku, sú milí. Oni sú našimi spolupracovníkmi v evanjeliu, pretože Ježiš povedal, “Žiaden človek nemôže prísť ku mne, okrem toho, že by ho pritiahol Môj Otec. A všetkých, ktorých mi Otec dal, oni prijdú.”

54Tak my sme len zodpovední za rozsievanie semien. Niektoré padajú pri kraji cesty, niektoré na rozdielne druhy pôdy, niektoré padajú a prinášajú stonásobok. Tak my len rozsievame semená. Boh je ten, ktorý to riadi, keď to dopadá. A teraz, prosíme, aby tam možno dnes ráno bolo malé semeno, ktoré by niekde dopadlo, aby mohlo niekoho povzbudiť. A len ako jeden človek....

55A na koniec môjho svedectva ohľadne tej malej pani, o ktorej som hovoril, táto

pani priniesla toto malé dieťa, malého chlapca, myslím asi desať, dvanásťročného a možno nemal až toľko, pretože táto žena ho zabalila. A mala na ňom ruky. A len potom, zatiaľ čo som ponúkal, že sa budem za to dieťa modliť, ten malý chlapec vyskočil z mojich rúk a bežal dolu z pódia, cez asi tri a pol alebo štyritisíc ľudí. A keď to oni videli, prvá vec, ktorú uvideli, že sa stala, tá matka, ona sedela na prednom sedadle a jednoducho omdlela a odpadla. A nejaké malé Amišské dievča...

56A poznáte sa s Amišmi. Ja neviem, či ich máte tu na okolí: dlhé vlasy, oni sú veľmi milí ľudia a veľmi čistotní a milí ľudia. Viete, celkom ako Mennoniti, alebo Amiši a tak ďalej, nemáme žiaden záznam mladistvej delikvencie. Volajte ich žartovne, ak chcete, ale nám v našich domoch chýba niečo, čo oni majú. Oni nemajú žiaden záznam na súdoch za zlé správanie mladistvých medzi nimi. Oni privádzajú svoje deti jednoducho na jednu cestu a to je tá cesta, ktorou oni idú.

57A táto mladá pani bola slávna klaviristka, krásna mladá žena a vysoká, blond vlasy vzadu upravené. A keď ona pozerala po... A tak, ona bola Amiška, ona nevedela nič o letničných ako ani ja. Ale keď sa pozrela z pódia a uvidela toho malého chlapca, ako kráča, ako tam prechádza, vyšvihla svoje ruky do vzduchu.

58A tak, viem, že existuje veľa fanatizmu a ja dúfam, že nie som k tomu náchylný. Ja nie som klamár. A ja nie som... Ak sa mýlim, nie je to úmyselne, nie som si vedomý, že sa mýlim.

59Ale to dievča vystrelo svoje ruky do vzduchu a vlasy jej padli cez plecia a ona začala spievať v neznámom jazyku. A hrala ten chválospev, “Ten Veľký Lekár je teraz blízko, ten súcitný Ježiš.” A keď ona vyskakovala z toho miesta... Viem, že toto sa zdá teraz veľmi čudné. Ale toto dievča nikdy nič nevedelo o hovorení v jazykoch, ale ona spievala v neznámom jazyku, “Ten Veľký Lekár je teraz blízko, ten súcitný Ježiš.” A ten klavír neprestajne hral, “Ten Veľký Lekár je teraz blízko, ten súcitný Ježiš.” Tak, oni sa nahromadili pri oltári a dolu z balkónov na prízemie, ľudia kričali. To dievča tam stálo, s tvárou takto hore, hovoriac v iných jazykoch, a ten klavír s klávesami zo slonoviny stále hral:

Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko,

Ten súcitný Ježiš,

On hovorí ku sklesnutým srdciam, aby ich potešil,

Nie iné meno, ale Ježiš!

60Ó, to je... “Čo oko nevidelo a ucho nepočulo, čo je uchované pre nás.” Viete, čo tým myslím? Prečo by–prečo by sme kedy prijímali nejakú náhradu alebo jednoducho niečo, čo sa robí, že verí, keď nebesia sú plné pravých vecí, tá skutočná moc Božia, ktorá môže vyslobodiť dušu, ktorá môže urobiť niečo pre nás? Nech vás Boh žehná. A teraz je tak veľa vecí.

61Ešte som vám nepovedal, kde dostanete túto knihu. Vidíte? P.O.Box 325 v Jeffersonville. A ak by ste napísali, no, oni by vám to poslali. Alebo, tiež, navštívte jedno z týchto zhromaždení, oni ich budú rozdávať.

62Tak, som veľmi vďačný za tento milý čas obecenstva. A dnes ráno som premýšľal o malom príbehu, o ktorom som zvykol hovoriť u obchodníkov plného evanjelia, o Zacheovi. Mnohí z vás ma počuli povedať to o tom, ako tento chlapec neveril v toto rozpoznanie a Pána. Pravdaže, myslím, že ako to my máme v každom veku, vidíte to pravdivé, potom vidíte nejaké napodobňovania. A s tým sa musíme jednoducho vysporiadať. Ale dobre, upevnení myslitelia a biblickí ľudia zrozumievajú. Vidíte? A bez ohľadu na to...

63Keď pani Aimee Semple McPherson, keď ona bola tu na zemi vo svojej službe, oni hovoria, že skoro každá kazateľka, nosila tie šaty ako krídla, viete, alebo také rúcho a nosila Bibliu.

64Len pozrite na Billyho Grahama, ktorý je dnes v krajine. Ale viete, Billy Graham by nikdy nemohol zastať vaše miesto. Ja by som nemohol zastať Billyho miesto, on by nemohol zastať moje. Ja nemôžem zastať vaše a vy nemôžete zastať moje. Vy ste každý iný v Bohu. Boh vás učinil tým spôsobom, že vy ste tu pre nejaký účel. Ak by sme len našli naše miesto a potom tam zotrvali. Ak sa pokúšame robiť niečo iné, potom (Vidíte?) sme v teritóriu niekoho iného, čím robíme škvrnu tomu Božiemu obrazu.

65Zoberme si, ako Billy Graham v tom denominačnom svete dnes, ako on je. Ak by sme ho možno nazvali hráčom futbalu, on má loptu.

66Tak, ak sa pokúšate vziať loptu vášmu spoluhráčovi, vy jednoducho zničíte váš tím. Chráňte svojho spoluhráča. Vidíte? Chráňte ho, držte tých ostatných tak, aby on mohol bežať. A za chvíľu budeme mať to, že lopta pristane v bráne, a Ježiš príde a potom sa to všetko zakončí. Nech vás Pán žehná.

67A teraz, budem hovoriť o tomto mužovi, Zacheovi. A mal som ho hore na tom strome, viete, so všetkými listami, ktoré sa ťahali okolo neho. A potom keď zišiel dolu z toho stromu, išiel domov s Ježišom. A ja som povedal, “On sa stal členom obchodníkov plného evanjelia.” Tak ak je nejaký Zacheus dnes ráno tu, ja dúfam, že prijmeš dobrú radu a staneš sa členom obchodníkov plného evanjelia.

Vy hovoríte, “Plné evanjelium?” Tak veru.

68To je tá jediná vec, ktorú by Ježiš kázal, viete, kázal by plné evanjelium. To je pravda. Či to nie je tak? Iste, pretože On bol tým plným evanjeliom. Je to tak. On nemohol zaprieť Seba samého.

69Ale teraz, mám tu vypísaných niekoľko miest Písma, malý, obvyklý malý text, to mi zaberie len zopár minút, ak budete mať so mnou trpezlivosť. A predtým, ako toto urobíme... A teraz, v našom obecenstve, ako sme sa zhromaždili a hovorili o rukách toho medveďa vo vedre a tak ďalej, teraz dajme to všetko bokom, a len premýšľajme o tom, že sa zoznamujeme. A my chceme teraz vojsť do hlbín Slova.

70Skloňme teraz naše hlavy, ako sa k Tomu priblížime. Pretože nemáme právo priblížiť sa k Slovu bez toho, že by sme najprv neprehovorili k Autorovi.

71S našimi sklonenými hlavami, naše oči sú zatvorené a verím, že naše srdcia sú sklonené spolu s našimi hlavami. Som zvedavý, zatiaľ čo pozdvihujem svoje oči a hľadím po celom publiku, či by tu bol niekto, kto by povedal so zdvihnutými rukami, “Brat, kazateľ, pamätaj na mňa v modlitbe, Ja som dnes v potrebe”? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Tak On vidí vašu ruku. On vie čo je pod tvojou rukou v tvojom srdci. Nech to On udelí, to je mojou modlitbou.

72Drahý Bože, ako sme vďační za túto budovu, že my, Tvoje pokorné deti, sa môžeme zhromaždiť spolu tu v nej a hovoriť a mať obecenstvo, jednoducho byť tým, kým sme, ako sa odovzdávame Kristovi, a túžime byť viac ako On... My slúžiaci bratia, ktorí sedíme tu blízko, Pane, mužovia, ktorí sú oveľa viac schopnejší, aby tu zastali, aby predniesli toto Slovo, než som ja, Tvoj nehodný sluha, ale pripadol mi los. A Otče, modlím sa dnes, že ak by som mohol povedať niečo, čo by nebolo práve podľa vôle Božej, aby predtým, ako by som to povedal, aby Si Ty zatvoril moje ústa, ako Si zatvoril ústa levom jedného dňa, tak, aby netrápili Daniela.

73A Otče, my Ťa teraz prosíme, aby Si pamätal na každého jedného, každého slúžiaceho brata. A toto zhromaždenie, ktoré pokračuje tu v tomto meste, Pane, dolu v Zboroch Božích, modlím sa, drahý Bože, aby Si tam poslal také prebudenie, aby sa celé toto mesto pohlo mocou Božou, aby všetky tieto krčmy a potulujúce sa deti na uliciach boli prinesené ku trónu Božiemu a aby boli naplnení Jeho dobrotou a Jeho Duchom. Udeľ to, nebeský Otče.

74A my sa dnes modlíme, aby, ak je tu muž alebo žena, chlapec alebo dievča, ktorí

boli dnes ráno privedení do tohoto zhromaždenia, tu pod týmto úkrytom pred snehom, aby ten veľký Svätý Duch navštívil ich srdcia a hovoril ku nim tajomným spôsobom. Možno niektorí, ktorí sú zatúlaní, ktorí raz Teba prijali, Pane, ale teraz odišli preč, priveď ich naspäť, Pane, dnes ráno.

75A prosíme za túto skupinu, za brata Earla a za jeho manželku a za ostatných. Udeľ to, Pane.

76A teraz zlom nám chlieb života, ako znovu otvárame stránky toho Slova, pretože vieme, že Biblia nie je z nášho vlastného vysvetlenia. Ale Boh nás nepotrebuje k vykladaniu Svojho Slova, On je Svoj vlastný vykladač. On jedného dňa povedal, “Nech je svetlo,” a bolo svetlo. On povedal, “Panna počne,” a ona počala. A v posledných dňoch vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo,” bez ohľadu na to, čo ten svet hovoril, On to urobil. On nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. On vykladá Svoje vlastné Slovo skrze to, že Ho činí živým a potvrdzuje Ho, že je To tak. Príď do našich sŕdc, Pane Ježišu, a vylož nám dnes tie veci, na ktoré my máme potrebu. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

77A teraz, v Biblii, ak sa obrátite. Myslím, že nikdy som nemal posolstvo, ktoré by som sa pokúsil vypovedať, aby som najprv nečítal Slovo. Pretože moje slovo sklame, ja som človek. Ale Jeho Slovo jednoducho nemôže zlyhať, On je Boh. Tak obráťme sa teraz len ku krátkemu textu a skončíme jednoducho, asi za tridsať, štyridsať minút, ak Pán bude chcieť.

78Teraz v Zjavení, chceme sa obrátiť do 3. kapitoly Zjavenia, začať so 14. veršom. A chceme čítať len časť, to je posolstvo do Laodicejského cirkevného veku. A verím, predpokladám, že všetci Duchom naplnení ľudia a veriaci, ktorí čítajú Bibliu, by mohli povedať “amen” na to, že sme v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, pretože to je ten posledný vek. Počúvajte posolstvo o stave cirkvi v tomto čase.

A anjelovi sboru Laodičanov napíš: Toto hovorí Ameň, ten verný a pravdivý svedok, počiatok stvorenia Božieho:

Znám tvoje skutky, že nie si ani studený, ani horúci. Bárs by si bol studený alebo horúci!

Takto, že si vlažný, ani studený, ani horúci, vypľujem ťa zo svojich úst.

Lebo hovoríš: Som bohatý a zbohatnul som a nepotrebujem nikoho, a nevieš, že si ty biedny i mizerný na poľutovanie, i chudobný, i slepý, i nahý.

Radím ti, aby si si kúpil odo mňa zlata prečisteného v ohni, aby si zbohatol, a biele rúcho, aby si sa odial, aby sa neukázala hanba tvojej nahoty, a kollýrium pomazať svoje oči, aby si videl.

Ja všetkých, ktorých milujem, karhám a otcovsky trescem. Rozhorli sa tedy a učiň pokánie.

Hľa, stojím pri dveriach a klopem. Keby niekto počul môj hlas a otvoril by dvere, vojdem k nemu a budem večerať s ním a on so mnou.

Tomu, kto víťazí, dám sedieť so sebou vo svojom tróne, jako som i ja zvíťazil a sedím so svojím Otcom v jeho tróne.

Kto má uši, nech počuje, čo Duch hovorí sborom!

79Pane, požehnaj čítanie Tvojho Slova. A teraz, chcem vziať len na chvíľu, malý text,

nazvaný, “Dvere vo dverách,” “Dvere vo dverách.” Tak, toto je veľmi...”Dvere vo dverách,” sú to tri slová. “Dvere vo dverách.”

80Môžete mi povedať..., “Brat, je tu asi sto ľudí. Nemyslíš, že to je malý text, keď máš pred sebou sto duší?”

81No, to môže byť pravda, ten text je malý. Ale to nie je veľkosť textu, ktorá sa ráta, to je to, čo to je. To je to, čo ten text hovorí, to sa ráta.

82Ako, myslím, že to bolo v Louisville, Kentucky, pred nejakým časom, jeden malý chlapec bol na povale, a hrabal sa v nejakých starých kufroch hore v podkroví a natrafil na jednu starú poštovú známku. No, prvá vec, ktorá bola v jeho mysli, bolo to, že si za to mohol kúpiť kornútok zmrzliny. Dolu na tej ulici bol nejaký zberateľ, tak on vybehol na ulicu, tak rýchlo, ako len vládal. A povedal, “Čo mi dáš za tieto známky?”

83Ten zberateľ sa na to pozrel, bolo to také vyblednuté. Povedal, “Dám ti jeden dolár.”

84Ó, to bolo ľahko predané. Mohol nechať, že by to predal za päť centov a potom by bol šťastný, že za to dostal zmrzlinu, ale to bolo predané za dolár. Ten zberateľ to predal za päťsto dolárov. A neskoršie, neviem, kam to až išlo, to išlo do stoviek dolárov. Vidíte, ten malý kúsok papiera nebol veľmi veľký, jednoducho kúsok, ktorý by ste zodvihli zo zeme. Ale to nebol ten papier, ktorý sa rátal, to bolo to, čo bolo na tom papieri, čo sa rátalo.

85A to je ten spôsob, ako je to s čítaním Božieho Slova. To nie je len papier, hodnota toho papiera, alebo veľkosť toho papiera, to je to, čo je napísané na tom papieri. A jedno Slovo je dostatočné, aby spasilo svet, ak by to bolo prijaté tým spôsobom.

86Pred nejakým časom tam bol... Čítal som teraz niekedy príbeh o našom šľachetnom... Jeden z našich najväčších prezidentov, myslím, akého tento národ kedy mal, bol Lincoln. Nie preto, že prišiel z Kentucky, ale pretože bol veľkým mužom. On bol nevzdelaný, ale jednako bolo niečo v jeho srdci, nejaký zámer.

87Mám rád mužov vízie. Mám rád ľudí, ktorí majú niečo, za čo bojujú, jednoducho nepolihujú, “No všetko, čo príde, bude v poriadku.” Vstaň a do toho. A Lincoln nikdy nenechal svoje vzdelanie stáť na ceste, on mal niečo do vykonania. Myslím, že každý kresťan by mal byť taký, nájsť svoj účel a ísť ho vykonať.

88Každý člen tejto skupiny, nie len, “Dobre, my máme raz za mesiac raňajky,” to nie je to, ”alebo každú sobotu.” Majte v živote cieľ, niečo, čo idete urobiť. Boh vás tu umiestnil, aby ste ohľadne toho niečo urobili, každý člen každej cirkvi. Tu v meste je prebudenie. To prebudenie je tu za nejakým účelom. Získajme niečo z neho. Urobme niečo ohľadne neho.

89Pán Lincoln... Bol nejaký muž, nejaký mladý človek, on bol vo vojne, a on bol spočiatku zbabelec. A v tom čase služby sa stiahol zo svojej pozície a oni proti nemu niečo našli, že musel byť zastrelený. A, ó, to bolo hrozné. A jeden mladý človek ho tak veľmi miloval, išiel ku pánovi Lincolnovi, aby získal omilostenie. On bol v tom čase prezidentom tu v Spojených štátoch, a tak on išiel k nemu kvôli omilosteniu.

90A on mu povedal, ako vystúpil zo svojho voza, a pán Lincoln, vysoký, fúzatý, typický južan, chudý. A on povedal, “Pán Lincoln, je jeden chlapec, ktorý za dva dni od teraz zomrie, bude zastrelený, pretože utiekol v čase boja.” A on povedal, “Pán Lincoln, ten chlapec nie je zlým chlapcom. Ale všetky tieto muškety, streľba a ľudia, ktorí zomierali, on znervóznel. Bol tak rozrušený, že zodvihol svoje ruky a začal kričať. Utekal.” Povedal, “Poznal som toho chlapca.” Povedal, “Pán Lincoln, len vaše meno na tomto kúsku papiera mu môže dať milosť. Urobíte to?”

91Pravdaže, tento kresťanský gentleman rýchlo podpísal ten papier, “Omilostený, tak a tak. ”Podpísaný svojim menom, Abrahám Lincoln, prezident Spojených štátov.”

92Ten posol išiel naspäť tak usilovne, ako len mohol. A on bežal do tej cely, povedal,

“Si voľný. Si voľný. Tu je podpis pána Lincolna, pána Lincolna. Si voľný.”

93On povedal, “Prečo si sa mi prišiel posmievať, vediac, že zajtra zomriem?” On povedal, “Vezmi to preč odtiaľto, ty sa mi len vysmievaš.” A neprijal to. On povedal, “Nie, ja to nechcem.” Povedal, “Ty si len robíš...” Povedal, “Ak by to bol prezident,” povedal, “to by malo ten vojenský obal, a bol by to jeho náležitý papier.”

On povedal, “Ale to je jeho podpis.”

94Povedal, “Ako poznám, že je to jeho podpis?” On povedal, “Ty si len robíš zo mňa posmech, ty sa pokúšaš spraviť, aby som sa cítil dobre.” A jednoducho začal jačať a otočil sa naspäť. Ten chlapec bol na druhý deň ráno zastrelený.

95Čo potom, keď ten chlapec zomrel a to prezidentovo meno na tomto kúsku papiera, ktorým bol omilostený, čo potom? A oni sa to pokúsili dať na federálny súd. A tam bolo rozhodnutie nášho federálneho súdu, ktorý je tým hlavným súdom spomedzi všetkých našich súdov. To, čo oni niekedy hovoria, my nemáme radi ich rozhodnutia, ale musíme to nejako zniesť (Vidíte?), pretože to je to záväzné stanovisko. To je to konečné rozhodnutie. A teraz, on povedal toto rozhodnutie, “Omilostenie nie je omilostením, ak ono nie je prijaté ako omilostenie.”

96A to je to, ako je to s Božím Slovom. Ono je omilostením, ak je prijaté ako omilostenie. A to je Slovo Božie, To je moc Božia pre tých, ktorí Tomu uveria a prijmú To.

97Bez ohľadu na to, vy pozeráte a hovoríte, “Ó, to bolo zamotané, je milión prekladov a to všetko.” Pre niekoho to tak môže byť.

98Ale pre mňa je To stále Slovo Božie, Ježíš Kristus ten istý včera dnes i naveky. On je zaviazaný, aby zostal so Slovom.

99A teraz, On musí jedného dňa súdiť svet. A ak by ho On súdil skrze katolícku cirkev, o ktorej oni hovoria, že tak On bude súdiť, potom skrze ktorú z tých katolíckych cirkví On ho bude súdiť? Oni sa od seba líšia. Ak by ho On súdil skrze metodistov, vy baptisti ste stratení. Ak by ho On súdil skrze letničných, ten ostatok z vás by bol stratený.

100Ale On ho nebude súdiť skrze cirkev. Biblia povedala, že On bude súdiť svet skrze Ježiša Krista a Kristus je Slovo. Tak vidíte, že sme bez ospravedlnenia, to je Slovo Božie, ktorým On súdi, bez ohľadu na to, aké je malé, jedno slovo ku Tomu, znamená, povedalo Zjavenie 22:18...

101Najprv začnem v Genezis. Boh dal ľudskej rase Svoje Slovo, aby sa ohradila od smrti, hriechu a trápenia, alebo nejakej pohromy: reťaz Jeho Slova. “Nedotýkajte sa tohoto stromu, pretože v ten deň, v ktorom by ste z neho jedli, v ten deň zomriete.” A reťaz je len taká silná, aký je silný jej najslabší článok. A naše duše sú držané nad peklom, držané touto reťazou, zlomte jeden z nich, to je všetko, čo musíte urobiť. Eva nikdy nezlomila vetu, ona zlomila Slovo, skrze satana. To bol začiatok tej Knihy.

102V strede tej Knihy prišiel Ježiš a povedal, “Človek nebude žiť skrze samotný chlieb, ale skrze každé Slovo.” Nie časť z neho, len jedno tu a tam, ale každé Slovo, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.

103Keď On zomrel, bol vzkriesený, a išiel do neba a vrátil sa naspäť a dal Jánovi... Ktorému tam povedal po Svojom vzkriesení, “Čo bude s týmto človekom?”

104Ježiš povedal, “Čo je teba do toho, ak on zostane až dokiaľ neprídem?” Nevediac presne, čím bol jeho život, ale jeho služba pokračovala. A On ho pozdvihol hore v 4. kapitole Zjavenia a ukázal mu všetky tie veci, ktoré mali prísť, v ktorých my žijeme, dokonca i tento dnešný text.

105A potom v tej 22. kapitole, v tej poslednej kapitole, v 18. verši, On povedal, “Ktokoľvek odníme jedno Slovo z tejto Knihy, alebo pridá jedno slovo do nej, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života.” Vidíte? Tak my veríme, že človek žije skrze každé Slovo Božie. Verím tomu a viem, že je to pravda. Aké malé, na tom nezáleží. Len zobrať jedno slovo, a ono to vykoná.

106Premýšľajúc o tom, aké ono môže byť malé, bezvýznamné, vidím mnohých z mojich kanadských priateľov, ktorí tu sedia. Pamätám sa, že som bol v Kanade, keď kráľ Juraj, ten, za ktorého som mal to privilégium sa modliť, keď bol uzdravený zo sklerózy multiplex, v ten deň mal bolesti od tej sklerózy, a tiež mal žalúdočné problémy, vredy, ako mnohí z vás Kanaďanov vedia a Američania tiež. Ale ako som ho videl prechádzať tam dolu, ako sedel v koči, on bol kráľ. On sa správal ako kráľ. Jeho nádherná kráľovná sedela pri ňom vo svojich modrých šatách, a ako on išiel tými ulicami...

107A jeden môj priateľ a ja sme stáli spolu. A keď ten koč prešiel, on len obrátil svoju hlavu a začal kričať. Položil som svoju ruku na jeho plece a povedal som, “Čo sa deje?”

108On povedal, “Brat Branham, tam ide môj kráľ a jeho kráľovná.” No, mohol som to oceniť.

109Pomyslel som si, “Ak Kanaďan je pod tou hlavou vlády, nie len hlavou vlády, ale stále tiež hlavou vlády Anglicka a ten kráľ tade prechádzal, a keď to mohlo spôsobiť, že Kanaďan kričal a obrátil svoju hlavu a plakal, čo to bude, keď my uvidíme nášho Kráľa?” A pomyslieť na to, naša časť bude tou Kráľovnou.

110Potom všetky tie deti prišli zo škôl, malé deti, boli im dané malé Britské zástavy.

Kanadskú zástavu volajú ešte nejako inak. Brat Fred, ako volajú Kanadskú zástavu? [Brat Fred Sothmann hovorí “Union Jack”–vyd.] Union Jack. Ale oni im dali malé Britské vlajky, aby nimi mávali. A keď ten kráľ prešiel, všetky tie malé deti sa vytŕčali, mávajúc svojimi malými zástavami a volali na kráľa. A bola tam kapela, ktorá hrala, “Bože, ochraňuj kráľa,” ako on pochodoval tou ulicou.

111Ó, ak by ste mohli len porozumieť... Začali by ste vidieť, čo bude tam, v tom vzkriesení.

112A keď boli poučené, čo majú robiť, tie malé deti sa vrátili naspäť do školy, hneď, ako

sa tá paráda skončila. A tie deti sa vrátili naspäť a jedna škola stratila malé dievča. A oni išli všade, aby našli to malé dieťa, hore a dolu ulicami. A nakoniec za telegrafným stĺpom stálo malé, maličké, drobučké, krpček, dievčatko, jednoducho kričalo zo svojho malého srdca.

113No, ten učiteľ ju zodvihol a... [Prázdne miesto na páske–vyd.] Čo ti je? Nevidela si kráľa?”

Ona povedala, “Áno, videla som kráľa.”

Povedal, “Nemávala si svojou vlajkou?”

Ona povedala, “Áno, mávala som svojou vlajkou.”

Povedal, “Dobre, prečo potom plačeš?”

114Ona povedala, “Vidíte, pán učiteľ, som taká malá, druhí stáli predo mnou, oni boli väčší. A ja som mávala svojou vlajkou, ale on to nevidel.” A ona bola z toho rozrušená. No, môže byť, že kráľ Juraj nevidel postavu toho malého dieťaťa. On možno nevidel jej vlastenecké srdce a ako ona cítila s ním. Ona bola príliš malá.

115Ale nie je to tak s naším Kráľom! Ó, tá najmenšia malá vec, ktorú robíme, On to vidí. A On pozná samotné veci a myšlienky, ktoré sú v našich srdciach, čokoľvek my robíme, akokoľvek malé to je. A ako Mu slúžime? Keď slúžime jeden druhému. Ak by som nemiloval vás, ako môžem milovať Jeho? Vidíte? “Tak, ako ste učinili týmto Mojim maličkým, mne ste učinili.” Vidíte?

116To sú tie malé veci, ktoré niekedy opúšťame nevykonané, to láme celú reťaz (Vidíte?), a dovolí nám to ísť slobodne, keď sme denominačné zameraní a zabúdame na tieto malé veci, ktoré sú skutočne tými podstatnými vecami. Všetko, každé Slovo Božie je nevyhnutné. Nič z toho nemôže byť vypustené. Musíme vziať každé Slovo z Neho, jednoducho tým spôsobom, ktorým Ono bolo napísané.

117“Stojím vo dverách,” povedal Ježiš v tomto Laodicejskom veku, “a klopem.” Všimli

ste si, že to je jediný cirkevný vek, v ktorom On bol vystrčený zo Svojej cirkvi? Vo všetkých iných cirkevných vekoch bol vo vnútri cirkvi. Cez metodistov a luteránov a tak ďalej, On bol vo vnútri cirkvi. Ale tu je On vonku, naše vyznania a veci Ho vyviedli von z cirkvi. Ale On stojí tam vonku a stále klope, “Ten kto bude počuť a otvorí dvere, Ja vojdem k nemu, budem s ním večerať a uzdravím jeho oči, a dám mu šaty a dám mu bohatstvo neba, ten, kto bude počuť moje klopanie.”

118Myslel som, že si spomeniem na meno toho umelca, ktorý nakreslil ten obraz, skôr namaľoval ten obraz, vo dverách. Keď on... Vy viete, že všetky veľké obrazy musia ísť najprv cez tú radu, alebo tú sieň kritikov, pred tým, ako to môže byť zavesené v tej sieni slávy. Tá originálna maľba teraz pôjde za milióny dolárov.

119Ale vidíte, to je ako cirkev, ktorá musí prejsť cez tú sálu kritikov. Ideme cez ňu. Budú vás volať “svätý povaľač”, budú vás volať všetkým možným. Ale ak môžete len držať svoju pozíciu v Kristovi, potom nás On jedného dňa vezme do siene slávy. Ale najprv musíme vystáť kritiku. Tam, kde to málo z nás stojí, to je tam, kde sa to ukazuje. Ten, kto nemôže vystáť karhanie, je nelegitímne dieťa a nie dieťa Božie. Bez ohľadu na to, ako je on pripojený cirkvi a čokoľvek on už urobil, on je stále, ak nemôže vystáť potrestanie, on je nelegitímny a nie je skutočne dieťaťom Božím. Ale skutočné opravdové dieťa Božie sa nestará o to, čo ten svet hovorí, všetko ďalšie je druhoradé. On má svoju myseľ na Kristovi a to to vyjasňuje. Áno. Čokoľvek Kristus hovorí, aby urobil, on to urobí. Kamkoľvek Baránok ide, oni sú s Ním, kamkoľvek. A potom vidíte, ako sa On prejavuje, Jeho prítomnosť a čo On robí. On je vždy so Svojím ľudom, Svojou Nevestou. On sa Jej dvorí. Jedného dňa bude svadobná večera.

120A tento umelec, akokoľvek, keď to išlo cez tých kritikov, kopu kritikov zhromaždených okolo tohoto umelca. Nemôžem si spmenúť na jeho meno. Snažím sa myslieť o Michelangelovi, ale on bol sochárom Mojžišovho monumentu. Ale nemôžem si spomenúť na jeho meno. Ale, akékoľvek ono bolo, on povedal, “Váš obraz je pozoruhodný,” povedal, “nemám nič, čo by som mohol povedať proti vášmu obrazu.” On povedal, “Pretože On drží lampu vo Svojej ruke, a to ukazuje, že On prichádza v temnosti noci.” On povedal, “A potom je On vo dverách, so Svojou hlavou, Svojim uchom, tak, aby si bol istý, že neprehliadne to najmenšie zavolanie. On má Svoje ucho obrátené ku dverám, a klope na dvere.” On povedal, “Ale viete, pane, je jedna vec, na ktorú ste vo vašom obraze zabudli.”

121A tomu umelcovi zabralo celý život, aby to namaľoval, on povedal, “Čo je to, čo som zabudol, pane?”

122On povedal, “Bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi On klopal (Vidíte?), zabudli ste tam dať kľučku. Na tých dverách nie je kľučka.” Ak si všimnete tie dvere, nie je na nich kľučka.

123“Ó,” povedal ten umelec, “Ja som to tak namaľoval. Vidíte, pane,“ on povedal, “tá kľučka je vo vnútri. Vy ste tí, ktorí otvárajú dvere. Vy otvárate tie dvere.”

124Ó, prečo človek klope na dvere iného človeka? On sa pokúša vstúpiť. Pokúša sa dostať dnu. On má možno niečo, čo vám chce povedať, alebo o čom si chce s vami pohovoriť. On má pre vás posolstvo. A to je dôvod, prečo ľudia klopú jeden druhému na dvere. Oni majú nejaký dôvod, prečo to robia. To sa nemôže stať bez nejakého dôvodu. Neišli by ste do domu nejakého človeka, pokiaľ nie je nejaký dôvod, aby ste tam išli, ak by nebolo nič iné dôvodom pre návštevu, odovzdáte mu posolstvo alebo niečo...?... Je nejaký dôvod, pre ktorý človek ide zaklopať na dvere iného človeka.

125Kdekoľvek je otázka, tam musí byť odpoveď. Nemôže byť otázka bez odpovedi. Tak to je to, čo my hľadáme v Biblii, tieto otázky dňa, Biblia má tú odpoveď. A Kristus je tou odpoveďou.

126Tak, mnohí dôležití ľudia klopali na dvere v priebehu času života, a mnohí klopali v čase, ktorý už prešiel, a tu možno, ako bude čas pokračovať, budú mnohí ďalší dôležití ľudia.

127A teraz, prvá vec, asi, ak by niekto zaklopal na vaše dvere, keby ste mohli, zišli by ste a odhrnuli záves, aby ste videli, kto tam je.

128Ak by ste boli zaneprázdnení, ako to my dnes tvrdíme, že sme, “Príliš zaneprázdnení ísť do zboru, príliš zaneprázdnení urobiť toto. A viete, moja cirkev neverí veciam tohoto druhu.” A ja... Vidíte, niekedy sa nám, čo sa týka Slova, minuli zásoby.

129Ale vy odhrniete záves, potom chcete vidieť, kto tam stojí. A ak je to dôležitý človek, rýchlo zabehnete ku dverám.

130A teraz, poďme len trochu naspäť a vezmime niekoľko ľudí, ktorí klopali. Poďme naspäť a premýšľajme o faraónovi v Egypte, pred mnohými stovkami rokov. Čo ak by faraón, kráľ Egypta, prišiel dolu do nejakého sedliackeho domu? A tento sedliak by bol taký, ó, že by sa protivil voči faraónovi, a neveril by jeho spôsobom konania a bol by proti nemu. Ale tu stojí faraón, stojí pri dverách murára alebo výrobcu tehál, ako by sme ich volali, dolu v Egypte. A on odostiera svoj záves a tam stojí mocný faraón vo dverách. A on klope, úsmev na jeho tvári. [Brat Branham na niečo klope–vyd.] No, ten sedliak by otvoril dvere a povedal, “Vojdi, veľký faraón, nech tvoj pokorný služobník nájde milosť v tvojich očiach. Ak je niečo vo vnútri medzi mojimi stenami, ja som tak tvojím otrokom, ako len môžem byť, faraón. Ty si ma uctil nad mojich bratov. Prišiel si do môjho domu a ja som biedny človek. Ty navštevuješ len kráľov a vznešených a dôležitých ľudí. A ja som bezvýznamný. Ale ty si ma navštívil, uctil si ma, faraón. Čo je to, čo by tvoj pokorný služobník mohol urobiť?” Bez ohľadu na to, čo by si faraón pýtal, dokonca jeho vlastný život, on by ho dal. Iste. To je pocta.

131Alebo povedzme napríklad, neskôr Adolf Hitler, keď bol vodcom Nemecka. Čo ak by zišiel do domu nejakého vojaka? A tá kopa malých nacistických vojakov, všetci okolo utáborení, a prvá vec, viete, niekto klope na dvere. A ten malý vojak by povedal, “Ách, dnes ráno sa cítim zle. Žena, povedz im, nech idú preč.”

132A ona by zišla ku dverám a odhrnula by záves. Povedala by, “Mužu, mužu, vyskoč rýchlo.”

“Čo sa deje? Kto tam stojí?”

“Hitler, vodca Nemecka.” Ó.

133Ten malý vojak by vyskočil, obliekol si šaty, rýchlo, a stál v pozore. Tam na prízemí, pri dverách klopal na dvere a otvoril by tie dvere a povedal, “Heil, Hitler.” Vidíte, on bol vo svojich dňoch v Nemecku veľkým mužom. “Čo je to, čo by som mohol urobiť?”

134Ak by on povedal, “Choď, zoskoč tam z útesu,” on by to urobil. Prečo? Nebolo dôležitejšieho muža v Nemecku v dňoch nacistov, než bol Adolf Hitler. On bol veľký muž. A on... A čo za pocta, keď on navštevuje len generálov a významných ľudí, ale tam je on pri dverách malého sluhu. Ó, to by, pravdaže, bola pre neho veľká pocta.

135Dobre, teraz, a čo Flagstaff? Prinesieme to bližšie do domu. Čo ak by dnes popoludní, ten náš prezident, pán Johnson, L.B.Johnson, čo ak by on vystúpil z lietadla, tu niekde vonku? A teraz my sme všetci v jednej triede ľudí. Všetci sme biedni. Možno má niekto trochu lepšie zamestnanie, možno trochu lepší dom, ale potom všetci, sme jednoducho ľudia. Ale čo ak by on prišiel sem dole do vášho domu, možno najskromnejšiemu z nás, a on by zaklopal na dvere, a vy by ste išli ku dverám a tam by stál prezident L.B.Johnson? No, to by bola veľká pocta. Mohli by ste sa od neho líšiť v politike. Ale boli by ste pocteným človekom, ktorý má prezidenta Spojených štátov stojaceho pri svojich dverách. Kto ste vy, alebo kto som ja? A tam stojí Lyndon Johnson pri vašich dverách. Hoci by ste mohli byť socialistom alebo republikánom, alebo niečo, čo je odlišné od neho na milión míľ, ale jednako to by bola pocta.

136A viete čo? Pretože, to vám bola udelená táto pocta, no, televízia by to dnes večer odvysielala. Iste. Stred zajtrajších novín by mal o tom titulky, tu vo Flagstaffských novinách, že, “John Doe... Prezident spojených štátov včera priletel do Flagstaffu, bez zavolania a jednoducho pristál, dokonca bez pozvania a zaklopal” na vaše dvere.” Pokorný! Prezident by mal meno nejakého prostého človeka, tak veľký, ako on je, prichádza ku mojim alebo vašim dverám; my sme nikto, potom on prichádza dolu a zhovára sa s nami.

137No, išli by ste dolu ulicou a hovorili, “Áno ja som ten človek. Navštívil ma prezident.”

138“Postojte, dovoľte mi zachytiť vaše obrysy. Pozerajte rovno na mňa. A teraz, ako vyzeráte, keď odchádzate?” Boli by ste dôležitou osobou. Iste.

139Čo ak by prišla kráľovná Anglicka, hoci vy nie ste pod jej vládou? Ale to by bola

pocta pre niektoré z vás žien prijať ako hosťa kráľovnú Anglicka, hoci vy nie ste pod jej vládou. Ale jednako, ona je veľkou osobou, ona je najväčšou kráľovnou vo svete v tomto čase. Pravdaže, ona je, to je politicky povedané. Ale ak by sa ona spýtala na nejakú ozdobu na vašej stene, ktorú ste si vždy tak vysoko cenili, dali by ste jej ju. To by bola pocta pre vás urobiť to. Iste, ona je kráľovná Anglicka.

140A vy by ste boli poctení prezidentom. A každý by hovoril o skromnosti kráľovnej Anglicka, ktorá priletela, aby videla určitú ženu vo Flagstaffe, nejaké malé nič. A noviny by to priniesli, a správy by to vysielali.

141Ale viete, tá najdôležitejšia osoba všetkých čias, Ježiš Kristus, klope na naše dvere. A On je odmietnutý, viac než všetci králi a mocnári, ktorí kedy boli. Je to tak. A vy Ho môžete prijať a ísť a hovoriť niečo o tom, ten vonkajší svet sa vám vysmeje do tváre. Nijaké správy nebudú...

142Kto by mohol prísť do vášho domu väčší než Ježiš Kristus? Kto väčší by mohol zaklopať na vaše dvere než Ježiš Kristus? Kto by to mohol urobiť? Syn Boží, kto dôležitejší by mohol zaklopať na vaše dvere? A jednako On klope deň za dňom. A ak Ho i prijmete, ste nazvaný fanatikom. Tak vidíte, ako svet pozná svoje vlastné? Je to tak. Ale teraz, On by neprišiel, ak by nemal dôvod prísť.

143A pomyslite na skromnosť prezidenta Johnsona, alebo kráľovnej Anglicka, alebo nejakej veľkej osoby, ako by to bolo ukázané, skromnosť tej veľkej dôležitej osoby, ktorá klope na vaše dvere.

144A čo skromnosť Syna Božieho? Kto sme my, iba hriešnici, špinaví, narodení v hriechu, utvorení v neprávosti, ktorí prichádzajú na svet, hovoriac lož? Potom Syn Boží príde a zaklope na naše dvere.

145A teraz, kráľovná Anglicka vás môže poprosiť o láskavosť. Ona od vás možno niečo vezme. Tak môže prezident, môže vás poprosiť, aby ste urobili veci, ktoré by ste nechceli urobiť. Možno vás poprosí o vzácnosti, ktorých ste sa nechceli vzdať, a ktoré pre neho neznamenajú nič.

146Ale Ježiš pre vás niečo prináša, keď klope. On prináša omilostenie. Neodmietnite ho. Alebo ako sa to pokúsili tu v našich súdoch, tak to bude v Kráľovstve nebeskom. Ak On zaklopal a priniesol omilostenie a vy ste ho odmietli a zomriete vo vašich hriechoch, zahyniete, hoci ste mali tú česť sedieť na zhromaždení, ako je toto, hoci ste mali tú česť navštíviť to prebudenie alebo vašu cirkev, a počúvali ste vášho pastora kázať posolstvo Evanjelia. A mali ste...?... hovoríte, “Áno, bol som tam.” Možno to usilovne počúvate, to všetko by ste mohli na to povedať. “Počúval som spev. Radoval som sa z toho. Počúval som svedectvá. To bolo skutočné.” Ale vy ste to odmietli.

147Čo ak by som bol mladým mužom a našiel by som mladú pani, ona by bola krásna,

ona by bola kresťanka? Ona by robila... Ona by bola po každej stránke spôsobilá...

[Prázdne miesto na páske–vyd.] Nemôžete na tom nájsť žiadnu chybu, ale vy musíte ľudské tradície položiť bokom. Vy hovoríte, Ó verím, že to je tak. Vidím, že to Boh povedal. Ale vy to musíte prijať. Potom sa tá žena stáva časťou mňa. Potom sa stávate časťou Slova, ktorým je nevesta. Ak On je tým Slovom, nevesta bude nevesta-Slovo. Vidíte, pravdaže bude. Vidíte, vy to musíte prijať. Vy by ste... Vy by ste mohli povedať to, čo chcete, mohli by ste sa vychvaľovať prezidentom, ale keď sa Ježiš obracia, aby prišiel k našim dverám, my sa len odvraciame. Vidíte, jednoducho s Ním nechceme mať nič do činenia. Hovoríme, “No, niekedy inokedy.”

148Čo ak by ste zaklopali na niekoho dvere? A teraz, otočme ten obraz na chvíľu opačne. Čo ak by ste išli a zaklopali na niekoho dvere a niečo by ste pre nich mali? A predsa, oni by boli pre vás, asi ako by ste vy boli pre Boha, dobre, keby ste boli, no, v poriadku, ale vy by ste nemali zaviazané šnúrky. Tak keď by ste zaklopali na niekoho dvere, oni by nazreli von z okna, a zatiahli ten záves, alebo niekto príde ku dverám a povie, “Niekedy inokedy!”

“No, rád by som...”

149“Nemám dnes ráno čas!” Viete, čo by ste urobili? Asi to isté, čo by som ja urobil a každý z vás; vy by ste sa tam viac nevrátili.

150Ale nie Ježiš. “Ja stojím a klopem,” nepretržité klopanie. [Brat Branham pokračuje v klopaní–vyd.] Vidíte? “Ten, ktorý nepretržite hľadá (nie len hľadať–vytrvalo hľadať), ten, ktorý vytrvalo klope (Nie len zaklopať, to nepokračuje–vytrvalo klopať. Vidíte?) ... Ten, ktorý vytrvalo hľadá, ten, ktorý nepretržite klope, to bude... “ Nie len...

151Ako to podobenstvo o nespravodlivom sudcovi. Tá žena išla a chcela

pomstu–pomstiť sa, ale nemohla to dosiahnuť. On... Vytrvalo klopala a naliehavo žiadala. A povedala... “Len sa jej zbaviť, pomstím sa jej nepriateľom.”

152O koľko viac tak učiní nebeský Otec? Také by malo byť naše klopanie na Jeho dvere. Také malo byť Adamovo behanie hore dolu po záhrade, volanie, volanie, “Otče, Otče, kde Si?” Ale na miesto toho to bol Boh, ktorý bežal hore dolu po záhrade, “Synu, synu, kde si?” Vidíte, to len ukazuje, akí sme. My sa vždy skrývame, namieste toho, aby sme rovno vyšli a priznali sa tomu. Pokúšame sa utekať, skryť sa za niečo. To je jednoducho prirodzenosť človeka, máme to také. Tak veru.

153Dali by ste týmto ľuďom to najlepšie, čo by ste mali, všetko. Ale vy by ste neprijali Ježiša. Ja nemyslím vás, ale myslím tých ľudí tu.

154Alebo možno poviete toto, možno poviete, “Kazateľ, ja som to už urobil. Len som otvoril svoje srdce a dovolil Ježišovi, aby vošiel. Urobil som to pred desiatimi rokmi. Urobil som to pred dvadsiatimi rokmi.” No, to môže byť presne tak, ale je to všetko, čo si urobil? Vidíte?

155Chcem sa vás teraz opýtať. Ak by ste pozvali niekoho do vášho domu a potom, keď ste sa dostali do vnútra, tie dvere... Skôr niekto pozval vás, aby ste vošli, povediac, “Vojdi.”

156“Áno, ja mám dôvod, pôjdem von z mesta a budem uctený. Vidíte?” To je ten spôsob, ktorým mnoho ľudí prijíma Krista. “Ja budem...Ja patrím do cirkvi. Patrím do veľkého toho a toho miesta tam dolu, kde patrí Doktor Ph.LL., viete. A to je najväčšia cirkev. Chodí tam starosta a všetko, viete. Ja–ja patrím do tej cirkvi.” Oni mu dovolia vstúpiť, to stačí. “Áno, prijmem Ho,” (Vidíte?), pre osobný zisk.

157Ale čo potom, keď Ježiš prichádza do toho srdca? Veľa ľudí Ho prijme, pretože oni

nechcú ísť do pekla. Ale keď Ježiš prichádza do tvojho srdca, On chce byť Pánom, nie len Spasiteľom, ale tiež Pánom. Pán, to je “panovanie.” On prichádza do vnútra, aby to tam prevzal.

Tak, vy poviete, “Je to tak, brat Branham?” Iste.

158Čo ak–ak by som vás pozval do môjho domu a vy vojdete do dverí? A zaklopali by ste na dvere a ja by som pozrel von, povedal by som, “Áno, vojdite. Ak mi môžete pomôcť, urobte to. Ale teraz, keď vy vchádzate, ja nechcem, aby ste do môjho domu strkali nos. Stojte rovno tam vo dverách.”

159Pamätajte náš text je “dvere” vo dverách. Tak vo vnútri ľudského srdca je veľa malých dverí a tie malé dvere zakrývajú mnoho vecí. Jednoducho Mu dovoľte vojsť, to nie je všetko, keď On len vchádza.

160Keď ja vojdem do vášho domu, keby ste ma privítali vo dverách, prečo, keby ste

povedali, “Vojdi, brat Branham. Som rád, že ťa vidím.”

161Ja by som povedal, “No, je to pre mňa privilégium vojsť do tvojho domu.”

162“Ó, neprejdeš a nesadneš si? Brat Branham, prejdi sa po našom dome, prejdi sa v dome.” Ó.

163Išiel by som ku chladničke, dal by som si jeden z týchto dobrých veľkých sendvičov, asi takýto, vyzul svoje topánky a išiel by som do spálne, aby som si tam ľahol. A mal by som skutočne gastronomickú slávnosť. Vidíte? Prečo? Pretože by som sa cítil vítaný. Privítali ste ma. Preto by som to ocenil, keby ste ma privítali.

164Ale ak by som vošiel do vášho domu a vy by ste mi povedali, “Stoj tam teraz pri dverách, nestrkaj všade nos.” Necítil by som sa príliš vítaný. Ani vy, však? Nie. Vidíte? Necítili by ste sa vítaní. Niekto by vás pozval a povedal by, “No, počkaj. Áno, vojdi, ale stoj rovno tam.”

165Tak, sú malé dvere, keď ste vo vnútri ľudského srdca. Pohovoríme len o niektorých z nich. Vidíte? Nemáme čas ísť cez všetky tieto dvere, pretože je ich veľa. Vidíte? Ale, povedzme, nasledujúcich desať minút, pohovorme o niektorých, o troch dverách.

166No, na pravej strane ľudského srdca, keď vojdete do dverí, sú malé dvere na pravej strane a tie sa volajú dvere pýchy. Ó. Nevstupujte do tých dverí.” Oni tam nechcú Pána v tých dverách, to je pýcha. “Ja mám modrú krv. Dám si pozor. Ó, áno, teraz pozerajte, poviem vám, ja–ja... Vidíte, to je pýcha. “Nestrkaj tam nos.” Tak, On sa nemôže cítiť vítaný tak dlho, ako držíte tie dvere zatvorené.

167On vás musí pokoriť. Vidíte, to je to, kvôli čomu On vchádza. “Zamýšľate mi povedať, že musím ísť tam dolu a konať ako tí ostatní?” No, vy to nemusíte, to je jedna istá vec. “No, poviem vám, čo myslíte, že čo by som urobil, keď by som išiel nabudúce na obchodnú poradu? Čo by som urobil, keď by som sa zajtra stretol s mojím zamestnávateľom? A to, musel by som mať na sebe toho Ducha a vyskakoval by som tam uprostred mojej práce a išiel by som a hovoril v jazykoch, ó, to by ma ponížilo. Nie, zostaň vonku!”

168Vidíte, tu ste. Vidíte? Áno, vy necháte Ježiša vojsť, pripojíte sa k cirkvi, zapíšete tam svoje meno, prijmete Ježiša ako svojho Spasiteľa, ale kto je vaším Pánom, kedy má On plnú vládu? Keď On je Pán, On má–to všetko patrí Jemu (Vidíte?), vy, vy ste teraz úplne vydaní Jemu.

169Ale táto malá pýcha. “Ó, myslíš tým, že my ženy, si budeme musieť nechať narásť svoje vlasy?” No, to je to, čo On povedal. “Dobre, čo myslíte, že by povedali na mojom krúžku šitia? Nazvali by ma staromódnou.” Len si držte svoju pýchu. Choďte ďalej. On bude len stáť vo dverách, to je najďalej, kam sa On môže dostať.

170Ale keď ste hotoví otvoriť tie dvere, dovoľujete Mu vojsť, On to z vás očistí. Šortky budú hodené do smetného koša a makeup pôjde naspäť do smetného koša, a holič bude vyhladovaný na smrť, ak by strihal iba ženské vlasy skutočnej veriacej.

171No, poviete, “To nerobí...” Ó, áno, to to tiež robí. To je to, čo Biblia povedala. Je to tak. Vidíte, tam je malé slovo, že vy Ho tam nechcete.

“No, môj pastor...”

172Nestarám sa, čo povedal pastor. To je to, čo povedala Biblia, “Je to hanba pre ženu, aby tak robila.”

173“Tak,” vy poviete, “mal by si nás učiť veci, brat Branham, ako je prijatie Svätého Ducha a ako byť tým, tamtým.” Ako sa budete učiť algebru, ak nepoznáte vašu abecedu? Neviete ani, ako konať, aký má byť váš zovňajšok, ako sa obliekať... Je to hanba vidieť dnes tieto ženy na ulici.

174Vošiel som včera na isté miesto, keď, ó, prišiel tam jeden z tých zvrhlých gangov.

Oni... Tí mužovia mali vlasy do očí, viseli im na chrbát ako legotardom, ako malé deti nosia do školy, na nohách veľké topánky s napoly otvorenými ústami. Mohli by ste povedať, že to boli delikventi. A takto tam vošli, a povedali, “My sme Francúzi.”

175Kto na svete by si najal takéhoto človeka do svojej firmy? Ako oni budú žiť? A videl som zopár ozajstných chlapcov, ktorí tam sedeli... Oni prišli tam dolu z univerzity, títo bítnikovia, alebo myslím, že oni sa volajú hmyz alebo chrobáci (Beatles), alebo niečo také, niektoré z tých vecí, ktoré prichádzajú z Anglicka. A potom tam takto; kto by si najal takéhoto človeka, aby pre neho pracoval? Postavili by ste takéhoto muža do svojej firmy, vy obchodníci? Ak by ste to spravili, vy by ste... je tam niečo, že vy ešte nie ste dosť blízko Kríža.

176Pozrite na tieto ženy na ulici a to je hanba. Možno nevinná malá žena s tou troškou

šiat, ktoré má na sebe (Vidíte?), no, je to hanba, ako vyzerajú. No, vy poviete, “No, vy ženy páchate cudzoložstvo.”

177Oni hovoria, “Počkaj tu na chvíľku, mladý muž. Ja som len taká počestná ako...” To môže byť tak v tvojej vlastnej mysli. A to môže byť tak, dokázané hoci lekárskou skúškou, že ty môžeš byť.

178Ale pamätaj, v deň súdu sa budeš zodpovedať za páchanie cudzoložstva. Ježiš povedal, “Ktokoľvek by pozrel na ženu so žiadosťou po nej, už s ňou vo svojom srdci spáchal cudzoložstvo,” a ty sa ukazuješ pred ním. Vidíte, ako ich diabol oslepil? Je to hanba. Je to hanba. Vidíte, oni–oni majú nejakého ducha. To je nejaký duch, ktorý to robí. To je nesvätý duch.

179Ale skutočný Svätý Duch spôsobí, že sa žena oblieka slušne a vyzerá sväto.

180Moja manželka mi raz povedala. Išli sme dolu ulicou a stretli sme oblečenú ženu, a ešte k tomu v našej krajine. To bola veľmi divná vec (Vidíte?): Nie mnoho letničných je takých. Tak sme zistili, že ona mala na sebe šaty. A ona povedala, “Billy,” povedala, “Ja poznám niektoré z tých žien. Oni spievajú tam dolu v chóre v tých cirkvách.”

Povedal som, “Iste.”

Povedala, “No, oni prehlasujú, že sú Kresťania?”

Povedal som, “Pozri, miláčik, my nie sme celkom z ich rasy.”

Ona povedala, “Čo?” Povedala, “Oni sú Američania.”

Povedal som, “Áno, ale my nie sme.”

Ona povedala, “Nie sme?”

Povedal som, “Nie.”

181Povedal som, “Keď idem do Nemecka, nachádzam tam nemeckého ducha. Keď som išiel do Fínska...” V saune, mnohí z vás Fínov viete, ženy robia mužom kúpele. Tak to je jednoducho fínsky duch. Ohromne milí ľudia, ale kdekoľvek idete, nachádzate národného ducha.

182Idete do zboru a pozorujte pastora, ak on je skutočne divoký a vyvádza, to zhromaždenie bude také isté. Vidíte? Oni prijímajú ducha jeden od druhého namiesto toho, aby prijali Ducha Svätého.

183To je dôvod, prečo máme tak veľa prevráteného učenia z Biblie. Namiesto navrátenia sa do toho plánu, oni vzali ducha nejakej denominácie. Vidíte? To Slovo je pre nich jednoducho také cudzie, ako bolo vo dňoch, keď vystúpil Ježiš, predstavil to skutočné pravdivé Evanjelium. Oni povedali, “On je diabol. On je Belzebúb.” Vidíte? Ale tam to máte.

184A ona povedala, “Dobre, ak teda nie sme Američania, čo sme?”

185Povedal som, “Naše kráľovstvo je zhora.” Vidíte, sme voľní, znovuzrodení. Kráľovstvo Božie je vo vás. Vidíte? Konáte, ako tam hore, vy ste vyslaní ako zástupcovia odtiaľ. Povedal som, “My sme tu obyvateľmi, žijúcimi tu v tele. Ale naše duchy, my sme pútnikmi a cudzincami.” Sme teraz cudzí tomu svetu, dokonca nášmu vlastnému národu, pretože sme prijali pozvanie, keď to zaklopalo na naše srdce, stali sme sa časťou Neho, Jeho Slova. A to Slovo nás upevňuje, robí nás živými a spôsobuje, že konáme ako kresťania.

186Pred nejakým časom, na juhu, taký malý príbeh. Bol tam nejaký kráľ, alebo kupec.

Oni predávali otrokov. To bolo v čase rasovej segregácie a oni mali na juhu otrokov.. Oni boli... vychádzali a kupovali ich, jednoducho ako vy, keby ste si vyberali ojazdené auto.

187Tak, ja som za zlučovanie, absolútne... Vlastne za oddeľovanie. Som za oddeľovanie. Pretože ja sa nestarám, ako veľmi oni argumentujú, vy nemôžete byť kresťanom a byť za zlučovanie.. To je presne tak. Boh dokonca oddeľuje svoj národ. On oddeľuje svoj ľud. “Vyjdite z pomedzi nich.” On je... On je Ten, ktorý rozdeľuje.

“Dokonca... Nedotýkajte sa ich nečistých vecí.” On vytiahol Izraela, tú židovskú rasu, von z každej, zo všetkých tých rás, ktoré sú na svete. On je ten, ktorý oddeľuje.

188Ale ja neverím, že nejaký človek má byť otrokom. Boh učinil človeka, človek učinil otrokov. Neverím, že jeden by mal panovať nad druhým, žiadna rasa, žiadna farba pleti, alebo niečo.

189Ale je oddelenie, Nevesta Kristova je oddelená od toho zvyšku cirkví, to je presne tak: prirodzená cirkev a duchovná cirkev, telesná cirkev, cirkev, ktorá je Slovom. Vždy to tak bolo. “Ježiš prišiel ku Svojim vlastným, Jeho vlastní ho neprijali, ale všetci, ktorí Ho prijali...”

190Tak toto–tam zvykli byť kupci, makléri, ktorí tam chodili a kupovali tých otrokov. Raz tam bol jeden, ktorý prišiel na veľkú plantáž a pozoroval ich. Tí otroci boli tvrdo bití, a všetko, viete. Oni boli preč z domu, nikdy viac sa nevrátili naspäť. Tí Búrovia, Holanďania, oni išli a chytali ich, privážali sem a predávali ich. A oni nikdy viac nevideli otca, matku, nikdy už nevideli svoje deti. Oni ich párili jedného s druhým, vzali veľkého muža, spárili ho s veľkou ženou, preč od jeho vlastnej manželky, aby urobili väčších otrokov. Ó, Boh ich za to jedného dňa vezme na zodpovednosť. Je to tak. To nie je správne.

191Ako raz povedal Abrahám Lincoln, keď vystúpil z lode tam v New Orleanse, sňal svoj klobúk...

192Videl troch alebo štyroch malých černochov, ktorí tam prišli, stojaci tam bosí, kde oni... kde ležala predtým krava a rozmrazila tú zem, oni tam stáli po tom, čo tie kravy vohnali dovnútra. Ich malé staré popraskané nohy krvácali. Oni spievali, “Ty máš topánky, ja mám topánky, a všetky Božie deti majú topánky.”

193Keď tam vystúpil z tej lode, podišiel ku býčej ohrade, stál tam mohutný veľký černoch, niekto ho tam švihal bičom, skúšajúc jeho srdce. A bežal za ním hore a dolu po tej ulici, s bičom, potom skontroloval jeho srdce, aby videl, či je v poriadku. Jeho biedna žena tam stála, s dvomi alebo tromi deťmi na svojich rukách, takto, aby ho predal na spárenie s väčšou ženou. Starý Abrahám Lincoln ho zarazil pod svoj klobúk pod pažu, takto, a udrel svojou päsťou, a povedal, “To je zlé! A jedného dňa do toho udriem, ak by ma to stálo i môj život.” A tam, v jednom múzeu v Chicagu, ležia šaty s krvou, ktorá tých černochov od toho oslobodila.

194A ja hovorím, že hriech a také veci sú zlé. Nech mi Boh pomôže udrieť to, i všetkým kazateľom evanjelia. Sme narodení ako slobodné deti Božie. Sme slobodne narodení v Duchu Svätom. Nestaráme sa o nejaké vyznania alebo kulty, ktoré nás vedú do svetovej rady cirkví. Sme slobodne narodení ľudia v Duchu Svätom. Máme pravdu. Vyšli sme z takých vecí, ako sú letniční. Je to tak. Tak, sme slobodní. Nemusíme byť znova viazaní s týmito vecami tu dolu.

195Ale tento kupec povedal, dívajúc sa na jeho otrokov, na stovku či na niekoľko z nich, na veľkej plantáži, povedal, “Povedz.” Jeden chlapec tam, oni ho nikdy nebičovali, mal vypnutú hruď, jeho brada bola hore, rovno pri práci. Povedal, “Povedz, ja ho chcem kúpiť.”

196On povedal, “Ó, nie.” Ten majiteľ povedal, “On nie je na predaj. Ha-ha.”

On povedal, “No, je otrokom?”

Povedal, “Áno.”

197On povedal, “No–dobre, čo ho robí takým rozdielnym?” Povedal, “Kŕmiš ho inak?”

On povedal, “Nie, oni všetci spolu jedia tam vonku na galeji.”

Povedal, “Je nad nimi šéfom?”

Povedal, “Nie, on je len otrok.”

“Dobre,” povedal, “čo ho robí odlišným?”

198Povedal, “Vieš, sám som bol na to zvedavý.” Ale povedal, “Vieš, tam v jeho domovine odkiaľ oni prišli, v Afrike, otec toho chlapca je kráľom kmeňa. A hoci on je prisťahovalec, správa sa ako syn kráľa.”

199Ó, pomyslel som si, čo za vec pre mladú kresťanskú pani a mladého muža. Ženy,

zastavte to obliekanie sa do takých šiat. Mužovia, prestaňte rozprávať svoje oplzlé vtipy a všetky tie veci. Sme synovia a dcéry Kráľa. Obliekaj sa ako kráľovná, obliekaj sa ako pani. Konaj ako džentlmen, nenechaj svoje vlasy narásť takto dole. Biblia povedala, že to je zlé (príroda vás to učí) pre muža, aby mal dlhé vlasy. A to je hanba a neslušná vec pre ženu, aby sa dokonca modlila s ostrihanými vlasmi. A čo toto? “To je hnus pre ženu, aby si obliekla odev, ktorý patrí mužovi.” Ten veľký nemeniaci sa Boh, ktorý nerobí zmeny. Ale jednako dnes je to jednoducho tak voľné, ako je i zvyšok nášho národa, hanba. Konajme ako synovia a dcéry Božie. Žime tak. Sme synovia Kráľa. Sme prehnití...?... táto hromada nečistoty a špiny a zvrátenosti, tu naokolo, ľudia, ktorí sa nazývajú “Kresťania” a stále takto konajú.

200Ale pamätajte, jedného dňa sme mali zaklopanie a otvorili sme Mu, pýcha a všetko odišlo. Amen. Nestarám sa, ako ma oni volajú.

Ó, myslím, že som len trochu staromódny.

Ale môj Spasiteľ bol tiež staromódny.

201Je to tak? Počuli ste tú pieseň. Byť staromódny. Nepokúšajte sa vzorovať po niekom inom. On je váš príklad. Pokúste sa byť ako On a ten Duch vo vás vám to pomôže robiť. Urobte svoj život takým, ako bol Jeho život.

202Áno, tam sú dvere. Chcem pomenovať ďalšie dvere. Príliš to rozvádzam. Sú tam ďalšie dvere, rovno pri tých dverách, keď ideš tam napravo a tie dvere sú dverami do tvojho súkromného života. Ó. Ó, ty nechceš, aby sa On do toho miešal. “Tak, ak chcem ísť von na malú kokteil párty, čo Ťa je do toho? Čo mi má čo cirkev hovoriť, čo mám robiť?” A-ha, tu ste. Vidíte? “Desatina mojej mzdy? Kto mi má čo hovoriť, čo ja mám robiť. To je môj vlastný súkromný život. Ja zarábam tieto peniaze. Mám svoj vlastný život. Oblečiem si šortky, ak budem chcieť. To je moje vlastné americké privilégium.” Je to pravda. Iste. Dobre.

203Ale ak si baránok a nie cap (Vidíte?), baránky sú tým, čím je On. Oni budú jedného dňa oddelení.

204Ovca má vlnu. To je jediná vec, ktorú ona má. A ona nemôže vyrobiť tú vlnu. Od nás sa nevyžaduje, aby sme vyrobili ovocie Ducha, ale aby sme niesli ovocie Ducha. A tak dlho, ako je ona ovcou, ona ju bude prinášať. Ona ju nemusí vyrábať. Tie žľazy a všetko v nej je ovcou, ona bude prinášať vlnu pretože v jej vnútri sú tie žľazy a adrenalín a veci, ktoré sú potrebné, aby to prinieslo vlnu.

205A keď si kresťanom, ty pôjdeš zajedno so Slovom. Nestarám sa o to, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí. Nemusíte nič vypracovať a stiahnuť dolu, ťahať a nafukovať. Ty si kresťan. Ty jednoducho automaticky nesieš ovocie Ducha. Vidíte? Vidíte, a to je ten spôsob, ktorým sa to deje. Vidíte?

206Ale, ľudia dnes, oni nechcú, aby ste sa starali do ich súkromného života.

207Len jedna vec, ktorú ty robíš, a to je to, že otváraš každé dvere, hovoriac, “Vojdi Ježišu.” Pozoruj, čo sa deje. Keď to vidíš v tej knihe, očakáva sa od teba, že to robíš, ty to urobíš. Prečo? Ty si v prvom rade ovca.

208Ale ak sa len chceš postaviť, držať Ho pri dverách a len hovoríš, “Ja som sa pripojil do cirkvi. Ja som tak dobrý ako ty. (Vidíte?) Prijal som Krista.” Možno to je práve to, čo si urobil. Ale urobil si Ho Pánom? Vidíte?

209Tak, Pán nemôže položiť knihu nariadení a hovoriť Slovo a potom zmeniť názor a poprieť Ho. A ak hovoríš, že si dostal Ducha Svätého a Biblia hovorí určitú vec, aby si urobil a ty hovoríš, “Ó, ja tomu neverím.” Len pamätaj, že ten duch, ktorý je v tebe, nie je Svätý Duch, pretože On nemôže zaprieť samého Seba. Je to tak. On nemôže zaprieť Seba samého. On napísal to Slovo a On na Neho dáva pozor, aby Ho vykonal. Vidíte? Tak to nie je Svätý...

210To je nejaký duch, v poriadku. To by mohol byť nejaký cirkevný duch. Mohol by to byť duch pastora. Mohol by to byť duch toho sveta. To môže byť. Neviem, čo to je, ale čokoľvek to je, môže to byť nejaký denominačný duch, “Ja som metodista. Ja som baptista. Ja som presbyterián. Ja som letničný. Ja som toto.” To je....

211Letnice... Tak, pamätajte, dovoľte mi dať to do poriadku, letniční - to nie je organizácia, byť letniční - to je prežitie, ktoré prijímate. Vy metodisti, baptisti, katolíci, a všetci môžete mať letničné prežitie. Vy sa nemôžete pripojiť k letniciam, pretože nie je spôsob, ako sa k tomu pripojiť.

212Som v Branhamovej rodine už päťdesiatpäť rokov. Viete, oni ma nikdy nežiadali, aby som sa stal Branhamom. Ja som sa narodil ako Branham.

213A to je to, ako si ty kresťanom, si narodený ako kresťan. Je to tak.

214Ó, ten súkromný život... “Ó, poviem vám, môj pastor chodí na tieto tancovačky, a my tancujeme twist. Oni to majú.” V poriadku. Vidíte? “Nechoďte ku mne a nehovorte mi, čo môžem robiť a čo nemôžem robiť.” V poriadku (Vidíte?), vy Mu nedovoľujete vojsť.

215Len Mu raz dovoľte vojsť a potom choďte naspäť ku tomu twistu alebo rock-and-rollu, alebo čokoľvek pôjdete urobiť, vtedy uvidíte, čo môžete robiť. Nemôžete to robiť. Dovoľte Mu raz vojsť, a potom si začnite obliekať šortky, niektoré z vás žien.

216Ja viem, zaberám vám už veľa času, ale chcem vám povedať ešte jednu vec, ak je to všetko v tomto ohľade v poriadku.

217Myslím, že najväčšie zhromaždenie, ktoré mi kedy Pán dovolil pre Neho mať, bolo

v Bombay, kde som mal okolo päťsto tisíc, ale–a dvesto a niekoľko tisíc v Afrike, Durbane, na pretekárskej dráhe. To popoludnie, povedal som, po tom, čo som videl takú veľkú úžasnú vec, že náš láskavý Pán zostúpil a konal, povedal som, “Misionári vás vyučujú Slovu, ale to Slovo je oživené a je učinené živým. To, čo On povie, musí prísť do života.” A ja... A potom, keď sa tam naraz udialo dvadsaťpäťtisíc uzdravení a náklad za nákladom poriadnych starých vozíkov, len jedna jednoduchá malá modlitba, a oni videli Ducha Svätého práve... Tí ľudia, ktorí nikdy nepoznali, kým oni sú a odkiaľ prišli, to je všetko, čo oni chceli vidieť. Vidíte?

218A ja som sa spýtal, “Koľkí chcú prijať Krista?” Bolo tam tridsaťtisíc, ktorí stáli na svojich nohách, všetko domorodci, ktorí mali pri sebe modly.

219Doktor Bosworth, doktor Baxter a oni začali plakať. A brat Bosworth vybehol hore a takto povedal, “Brat Branham, toto je tvoj korunovačný deň.”

220Brat Baxter povedal, “Brat Branham, som zvedavý... myslím, že oni očakávajú telesné uzdravenie.”

221Ten chlapec kľačal s rukami na zemi. A Duch Svätý mu povedal, odkiaľ prišiel a čo sa stalo, povedal, “Budeš hovoriť. Pomysli na svojho brata, on je asi pól míle tam vzadu. On sa vozil na žltej koze a zranil si svoju nohu.” Povedal som, “Ale, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, on je uzdravený.” Tu prišiel ten chlapec, s barlami na svojich rukách, takto. A ukazoval ich asi dvadsať minút, zatiaľ čo ich policajti utišovali.

222Potom tento chlapec na svojich rukách a nohách, takto, dolu, nemohol dokonca

ani vstať, nahý. Ó, taká hrozná vec. On myslel, on tam prichádzal k turistom, viete, taký druh džungľového tanca. A ktorému som vzal tú reťaz a zatriasol som ňou. Povedal som, “Ak by som mohol pomôcť tomuto biednemu stvoreniu a neurobil by som to, bol by som–nebol by som spôsobilý zastať tu. Ale povedal som, “Ja mu nemôžem pomôcť. Ale teraz mám malý dar, môžem ho jednoducho dať do chodu, čokoľvek Pán povie.”

223A keď Pán ukázal, povedal mu, kto on bol, povedal, “Jeho matka a otec, ktorí stoja tu, oni sú Zuluovia. Oni sú neobyčajne chudí.” Zulu váži priemerne tristo libier. Tak potom povedal, “Oni sú neobvyklí. Ale tento chlapec bol narodený v kresťanskom dome, pretože na jeho–na pravej strane, ako vojdete do dverí, je obraz Krista, v malej trstinovej chatrči.” A bolo to presne tak. Jeho matka a otec vstali. Ako sa volal, kým on bol a všetko. Oni tomu nemohli porozumieť. Pozrel som sa dozadu a videl som ho stáť, v tom videní, tak priamo, ako len bolo možné. Nikdy vo svojom živote sa nepostavil, on sa takto narodil. Povedal som, “Pán Ježiš ho uzdravuje.”

224On nemal dokonca svoju myseľ v poriadku, pokúšajúc sa ísť, “uh, ba, ba, ba,” takto.

225A chytil som tú reťaz a takto som ňou zatriasol. Povedal som, “Ježiš Kristus, synu, ťa celkom uzdravuje. Postav sa na svoje nohy.” Tam on povstal. Slzy sa kotúľali po jeho čiernom bruchu, ako išiel takto dolu. Videl som tridsať tisíc čistokrvných domorodcov, ako dávali svoje srdcia Ježišovi Kristovi.

226Keď v Kiwanis klube, povedal som... A oni mi povedali, že som sa stal svätým povaľačom, keď som opustil baptistickú cirkev, tak, aby som mohol mať obecenstvo so všetkými ľuďmi. Oni povedali, “No, staneš sa svätým povaľačom.” Sedel som so skupinou mojich baptistických bratov, povedal–povedal som, “Vyslali ste tam misionárov za posledných stopäťdesiat rokov a v akom stave som ich tam našiel? Stále nosia modly.” Povedal som, “Ale moc vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista...” Tridsaťtisíc ich naraz prijalo Krista.”

227Tak, chcem povedať vám, ženám, viete, čo sa stalo ich ženám? Povedal som, “Rovno na zemi, kde vy stojíte, vás naplní Duch Svätý.” A keď oni zodvihli svoje ruky, aby prijali Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa, a keď oni odtiaľ odišli: nahé, tak, nič len malý kúsok látky, šiat, vpredu. A keď odchádzali odtiaľ preč, takto skrížili svoje ruky, pretože boli v prítomnosti mužov, potom, čo prijali Krista.

228Tak, ako môžeme, sestry, ako môžeme v tomto národe, kde prehlasujeme, že veríme a sme kresťania a každý rok sú oni viac vyzlečené? Keď tá osoba nikdy ani nepočula meno Kristovo, ale jednoducho Ho prijala do svojho srdca. Nie, nemohli by ste im povedať, že boli nahí, oni o tom nevedeli. Ale oni sa takto zahalili a odišli. Na druhý deň alebo o dva dni, by ste ich našli oblečené v nejakých šatách. Ó.

229Niekde je niečo zlé! To je to teologické prekrúcanie. Moc vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista, ako on učinil tomu mužovi, ktorý bol nazvaný “Legion: Našli sme ho oblečeného a pri zdravej mysli.” A ja začínam veriť, že to je duch na ľuďoch, ktorí ich vedie do toho amerikanizmu a francúzizmu, a všetkého druhu svetskosti a cirkevníctva. Ale nech oni raz prídu ku tomu Majstrovi a nech pocítia to klopanie na dvere, oni sa oblečú a budú konať ako ženy a mužovia a budú znovuzrodenými kresťanmi. Amen. Áno.

230Tak, minul som dvadsať minút, až dvadsať, len niekoľko minút, dovoľte mi prejsť tu niektoré. Len na chvíľu, niektoré Písma, rád by som otvoril ešte jedny dvere. Bolo by to v poriadku?

231Tými ďalšími dverami tam je viera. Vidíte, váš súkromný život, dvere pýchy, váš súkromný život, teraz otvorme vieru. Je ich jednoducho celá skupina (Vidíte?), ale poďme do viery.

232Viete, pred nejakým časom som bol v nemocnici a nejaká žena išla na operáciu. Ona ma zavolala, povedala, “Brat Branham, ja som odpadlík. Pomodlil by si sa za mňa?”

233Povedal som, “Áno, madam, budem rád.” Povedal som, “Ty si odpadlík?”


234Povedal som, “No, dovoľ mi počkať len na chvíľku. Dovoľ mi prečítať ti Písmo.”

235Bola tam pani, ktorá ležala na posteli, pozerala na mňa, skutočne smiešne, jej syn asi dvadsaťročný, obyčajný Ricky, a stáli tam a takto na mňa pozerali.

236A povedal som, “Áno, madam,” povedal som. Prečítal som jej Písmo, “Hoci by vaše hriechy boli červené ako šarlát, oni budú biele ako sneh. Hoci by boli červené ako karmín, budú biele ako vlna.” A keď som jej to prečítal. Povedal som, “Ak si sa zatúlala (Vidíte?), opustila si Boha, ale Boh ťa nikdy neopustil, inak by si ma nezavolala.” Začala plakať. Povedal som, “Budeme sa modliť.”

237Tá pani na tej druhej posteli povedala, “Počkajte chvíľu. Počkajte tam chvíľu.”

Povedal som, “Áno, madam?”

Ona povedala, “Zatiahnite záves.”

A povedal som, “Nie ste kresťanka?”

Povedala, “My sme metodisti.”

238Povedal som, “Dobre, čo to má s tým spoločné? Vidíte, to nie je nič viac, než ako keby si povedal, že si žriebä, ak si bol v prasačom chlieve.” Povedal som, “To neznamená nič.” Vidíte?

239Ale, vidíte, to je to, kde to prišlo, tá samospravodlivosť. “To je proti našej viere.”

“My nechceme Božské uzdravenie v našej cirkvi alebo veci takého druhu.” Rozumiete, rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Vidíte? Oni todo tých dverí nevpustia. “To je proti našej viere.”

240Je len jedna viera. “Jedna viera, jeden Pán, jeden krst.” Tá viera...

Moja viera hľadí ku Tebe,

Ty Baránku z Golgoty,

Božský Spasiteľ,

Tak, vypočuj ma, zatiaľ čo sa modlím,

Vezmi všetku moju neveru preč.

241Hriech...Hriech, je len jeden hriech, to je nevera. Človek, ktorý pije, nie je hriešnik. Vidíte, to (Vidíte?), to nie je hriech. To nie je hriech, piť. To nie je hriech, pacháť cudzoložstvo. Klamať, kradnúť, to nie je hriech. To sú atribúty nevery. Keby si bol veriaci, nerobil by si to. Vidíte?

242Sú len dvaja, si buď neveriaci alebo veriaci (Vidíte?), jedno alebo druhé. Ty nerobíš všetky tieto veci a tieto náboženské nariadenia, len preto že si neveriaci, ak by si bol veriaci, to je Slovo, v ktoré ty veríš, pretože Kristus je to Slovo. Vidíte? A tak ty si jednoducho neveriaci, pretože veríš nejakej tradícii, alebo nejakým dogmám, ktoré boli pridané do Biblie, alebo niečo, a denominácie to robia. Ale skutočný veriaci stojí rovno s tým Slovom. A Boh pracuje priamo skrze to Slovo, skrze Neho, aby sa vyplnilo v tejto generácii, v ktorej my žijeme.

243A teraz si všimnite, a vy hovoríte, “Ó, ja...Brat Branham, Pán...” No, to je v poriadku,

je mnoho neobrezaných Filištínov, ktorí tiež raz išli. A skupina Egypťanov sa pokúšala nasledovať Mojžiša cez Červené more, ale to nakoniec... “Ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili na odpor Mojžišovi, no, nachádzame tú istú vec v tomto poslednom dni,” povedala Biblia.

244Tak, len ešte trochu ďalej. Ježiš povedal tu v tomto poslednom veku, “Pretože hovoríš toto, “Som bohatý a zbohatol som...” Len pozrite, ako to máme dnes, najbohatšia cirkev, ktorá kedy bola. A, tak, viete, vy letniční by ste boli v oveľa lepšom stave, ak by ste boli vonku s tamburínou na rohu, ako bývali vaši otcovia a matky. Ale vy máte lepšiu cirkev, ako sú tie ostatné teraz, najrýchlejšie rastúcu na svete, ale kde je Duch Boží, ktorý zvykol byť medzi nami? Vy ste opustili tú skutočnú vec. Pretože hovoríte, som bohatý.”

245Pamätajte, toto sú letniční, ku ktorým je to hovorené, pretože letničný vek je posledný vek.

Vidíte všetky tieto prebudenia, ktoré sme mali, nie je žiadna ďalšia organizácia, ktorá by povstala. Nebude. Toto je koniec. Pšenica teraz dozrela. Ona prichádza skrze listy, stopku, šupku, a teraz to vchádza do pšenice (Vidíte?), nič viac nebude. Oni trochu začali ten pozdný dážď, potom to padlo, všetko ďalšie padne tiež. Oni budú... Toto je pšenica, ktorá vychádza na povrch. Vidíte? Všimnite si.

246“A pretože hovoríš, som bohatý a zbohatol som a nepotrebujem ničoho a nevieš, že si mizerný, biedny, slepý, nahý a nevieš o tom. Dám ti radu...” Ó. “Klopem na tvoje dvere.” [Brat Branham klope –vyd.] “Laodicea, Ja klopem na tvoje dvere, a radím ti, aby si prišla ku mne, a–a kúp si zlato skúsené v ohni, biele rúcho, aby sa neukázala tvoja nahota.”

247Dajte preč tieto veci a oblečte sa tak, ako by ste sa mali (Vidíte?), spravodlivosť Kristova, Slova: nie moja spravodlivosť, Jeho spravodlivosť.

248“A tiež ti radím, aby si prišiel, a vzal trochu očnej masti, aby si mohol pomazať svoje oči, aby si mohol vidieť.” Balzam na oči...

249Ja som Kentačan. Narodil som sa dolu v horách, a mali sme malé staré miesto hore v podkroví. A my deti sme si pomáhali hore malým starým rebríkom, ktorým sme tam večer vychádzali. A ľahli sme si tam. Museli dať nad nami kúsok plachtoviny, keď snežilo. No, a tie hviezdy, a staré prekladané drevené šindle...

250Koľkí vedia, čo sú to prekladané šindle? No, brat, prečo som si tu neobliekol svoje montérky? Som ako doma. Vidíte? No, staré poprekladané šindle.

251Koľkí vedia čo je slamený matrac? No, čo vy viete. Myslím, že som sa cítil veľmi nábožne, myslím, že som práve teraz doma. To je dobre. A ja som nič viac nevedel, až len pred niekoľkými rokmi.

252Koľkí vedia, čo je stará lampa, čo je starý cylinder? Viete, bol veľký starý mesiac a sova tam ďalej. Tí, ktorí mali najmenšiu ruku v dome, museli čistiť tú starú maselnicu, viete. Zvykol som brať takú starú dosku proti ostriekaniu, aby ma to všetko neostriekalo, tak som vzal ten cylinder z lampy a položil som to na to, aby to nevystrekovalo. Áno, iste.

253No, môj dedko bol lovec kožušín. Matka mojej matky prišla z rezervácie. Vzal si indiánske dievča z rezervácie Cherokeeiov tam v Kentucky a Tennessee, viete, kde, z údolia Cherokee. A oni poľovali a chytali po celý čas, to bol jeho–to bol spôsob, ktorým on žil svoj život.

254A my deti sme zostávali tam v posteli, prečo, niekedy bývalo skutočne chladno. A ten vetrík tam prichádzal a ten chlad sa dostával do našich očí, a naše oči boli v noci zalepené, viete. Mama to volala “vec.” Ja neviem, čo to je, ale mohlo by sa to dostať do vašich očí a oni by prechladli. A ona hovorievala, “máte vec vo svojich očiach,” pretože z toho, ó, viete, ten vetrík tam cirkuloval, ten prievan, ktorý prichádzal v noci. Naše zatvorené oči boli opuchnuté.

255A mama tam ráno vyšla po rebríku, keď upiekla placky. Na stole mávala položenú

čirokovú melasu. A ona povedala, “Billy.”

Povedal som, “Áno, mama?”

“Ty a Edward zídite dolu.”

256“Mama, ja nevidím.” Zavolal som na môjho brata, volali sme ho, “Humpy.” Povedal som, “Ani on nevidí. Vidíš, v našich očiach je tá vec.”

Ona povedala, “V poriadku, hneď to bude.”

257A dedko, keď chytil mývala... Koľkí vedia, čo je to mýval?

To je to, čo, a ona... On chytil mývala, a vzal z neho tuk a dal ho do plechovky. A ten mývalí tuk bol všeliekom v našej rodine. Oni nám ho dávali pri prechladnutí, spolu s terpentínom, a uhlovým olejom. Prehĺtali sme ho, keď nás bolelo hrdlo. Potom sa ten mývalí tuk zohrial a ona prišla a potrela naše oči, a naše oči sa otvorili. Vidíte? To bol mývalí tuk, ktorý to urobil. Vidíte?

258Tak, brat, sestra, išli sme cez studené obdobie v cirkvi. A to je pravda, prechádzali

sme množstvom náboženských tiahnutí, každý tam prechladol. A mnohým ľudom sa oči celkom zalepili, a tu prichádza veľká svetová rada, tu hore, aby prinútila každého jedného z vás do toho vojsť. Oni sa vzďaľujú preč od toho Slova, sú to i naše vlastné skupiny. Ja som zaviazaný k Posolstvu, nie aby som bol rozdielny, ale kvôli láske... Láska napráva. Navráťte sa. Držte sa preč od tých vecí. Vy, slúžiaci bratia, nestarám sa, čo robí vaša skupina, držte sa preč od toho. Zostaňte mimo toho. To je znak šelmy, držte sa preč od toho. Vidíte, Ježiš v tomto Laodicejskom veku klope. Vidíte, kde Ho oni vystrčili? On sa pokúša dostať ku jednotlivcom, nie ku organizáciám a skupinám ľudí. On sa snaží dostať ku jednému tu a jednému tam, a jednému tam, snažiac sa. “Všetkých, ktorých Ja milujem, karhám.”

259Ako tu mal ten malý brat to videnie, a povedal, že mal videnie. A povedal, “Toto isté

svetlo, ktoré vy prijímate, spôsobuje tiež vašu smrť.” Vidíte?

260“Všetkých, ktorých Ja milujem, karhám, rozhorli sa a navráť sa. Ja stojím pri dverách a klopem.” Tak, pozrite, mývalí tuk s tým neurobí nič dobré.

Ale je Fontána naplnená Krvou,

tečúca z Imanuelových žíl,

kde hriešnici ponorení do toho prúdu,

stratia všetky svoje škvrny vín.

Ten zomierajúci zlodej sa radoval,

že videl tú Fontánu vo svojom dni,

Tam môžem ja, hoci odporný ako on...

261On otvoril moje oči s Jeho očnou masťou. Jeho Duch zostúpil a zohrial tú Bibliu, Jeho očnou masťou. Nemohol som To vidieť. Bol som len lokálny baptistický pastor. Ale jedného dňa On zoslal Svojho Ducha, nie mývaliu masť, ktorú by On zohrial, ale On poslal Ducha Svätého a oheň. Malá očná masť prešla mojou Bibliou–mojou Bibliou... a ja som mohol vidieť svojimi očami, mám na mysli, že prešla po mojich očiach tak, aby som mohol vidieť moju Bibliu. A aby som videl, že On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. “Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom a Moje pravdou. Stojím pri dverách a klopem.”

262Ešte malý príbeh. Máme čas? Len to, a potom pôjdem. Vidíte?

263Bol jeden černoch tam dole na juhu. A jeho pastor, poznal som ho, milý starý muž. Volali sme ho Gabe. Jeho meno bolo Gabriel a my sme ho jednoducho volali Gabe. On vždy, pastor a ja sme chodili veľa poľovať. On bol starý farebný brat a chodili sme poľovať. A tak starý Gabe rád poľoval, viac než ktokoľvek iný, koho som kedy poznal, ale on bol biedny strelec. Tak jedného dňa jeho pastor a on išli poľovať.

264A my sme nikdy nemohli dostať starého Gabeho, aby prišiel do zboru. On by to jednoducho neurobil. On by neprišiel do zboru. Povedal, “Ách, nepôjdem tam dolu, kde sú tí pokrytci.”

265Povedal som, “Ale Gabe, tak dlho, ako ty zostávaš vonku, oni sú väčší ako ty. Ty sa skrývaš za nimi.” Vidíte? Povedal som, “Skrývaš sa za nimi. Si menší, ako sú oni, oni idú a snažia sa. Vidíš?”

266A tak on povedal, “Ja–ja-ja-ja-ja len... Veľa o vás premýšľam, pán Bill.” “Ale,” povedal, “poznám starého Jonesa, ktorý chodí tam dolu a on nie je ničím, on hrá kocky.”

267Povedal som, “To je v poriadku, Gabe. Rozumieš, to je v poriadku. Ale pamätaj, Jones sa bude musieť za to zodpovedať, ty nemusíš. Vidíš? Ak len ideš...” Povedal som, “Máš dobrého pastora.”

268“Ó, pastor Jones je jedným z najohromnejších mužov v kraji.”

269Povedal som, “Dovoľ mu, aby bol tvojím príkladom, ak nemôžeš vidieť ďalej než to. Dovoľ mu byť tvojím príkladom.”

270Tak jedného dňa brat Jones povedal, že vzal starého Gabeho na poľovačku a povedal, “Chytili sme dnes viac zajacov a vtákov, ako by sme ich mohli uniesť.” A povedal, “Prídi večer...” Povedal, “Starý Gabe prišiel a všetko to mal naložené, viete, takto.” A jeho manželka bola skutočne oddaná kresťanka. Jej miesto bolo rovno tam, Duchom Svätým naplnená žena a vždy stála vo svojej povinnosti. Tak on bol ... Starý Gabe prichádzal, viete. A pastor Jones povedal, že sa poobzeral, on mohol vidieť, “Starý Gabe sa len díval cez plece, takto, slnko zapadalo,” povedal, “zmráka sa, schladzuje sa.” Povedal, “Po chvíli,” povedal, že išiel opodiaľ, povedal, “starý Gabe prišiel.” A na hlavni svojej brokovnice mal navešaných plno zajacov a vtákov a vecí.” Povedal, “On poklepal pastora na plece a povedal, “Pastor?”

Povedal, a obrátil sa a povedal, “Áno, Gabe, čo sa deje?”

271Tak on pozeral a veľké slzy sa kotúľali po jeho čiernych lícach, kde jeho brada zošedivela. On hovorí, “Pastor, chodil som pozdĺž tohoto brehu tu asi pol hodiny.” Povedal, “Pozoroval som to slnko, ako zapadá.” Povedal, “Vieš, táto moja brada a moje vlasy zošediveli,” povedal, “vieš, moje slnko tiež zapadá, pastor.”

272Povedal, “To je pravda, Gabe.” A on sa len zastavil a otočil sa, a povedal, “Čo sa s tebou deje?”

273On povedal, “Moje slnko tiež zapadá.” On povedal, “Vieš, čo?” Povedal, “Musel som premýšľať,” povedal, “ako som išiel tam pozdĺž brehu.” Povedal, “Vieš,” povedal, “Pán ma musí milovať.”

Povedal, “Iste, On to robí, Gabe.”

274Povedal, “Vieš, že ja som biedny strelec.” Povedal, “Nemohol som nič trafiť,” ale povedal, “my sme skutočne doma potrebovali toto mäso.” A povedal, “Len pozri na tú veľkú, dobrú hŕbu zveri, ktorú mi On dal, týchto vtákov a tých zajacov.” On povedal, “Mám dosť, aby sme s tým vydržali celý budúci týždeň.” Povedal, “On ma musí milovať, pretože ja som nemohol nič trafiť, ty to vieš.” Povedal, “Nemohol som trafiť... ale ja,” povedal, “Ale len pozri, čo mi On dnes dal.” On povedal, “On ma musí milovať, lebo inak by mi On toto nedal.”

Povedal, “To je pravda.”

275A on povedal, “No, mal som zvláštne malé klopanie na moje dvere, tam dolu. On mi povedal aby som sa obrátil, povedal, “Gabe, tvoje slnko tiež zapadá.” Povedal, “Pastor, vieš čo som urobil, pastor?” On povedal, “Dal som Mu sľub.”

276On povedal, “Gabe, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať.” Povedal, “Ktoré kázanie, ktoré som kázal, spôsobilo, že sa takto cítiš?” Povedal, “Pastor...” alebo povedal, “No, počkaj chvíľu,” povedal, “ktorý chórový spev?”

277On povedal, “Ó, ja mám naozaj rád ten spev tam dolu v zbore, pastor.” On povedal, “Milujem každé posolstvo, ktoré ty kážeš, pretože ono prichádza rovno z tej dobrej knihy, a ja viem, že to je pravda.” Ale povedal “to nebolo to.” Povedal, “On len zaklopal, a ja som sa pozrel tu dookola a videl som, aký dobrý On bol ku mne, čo mi On dal.” On povedal, “V nedeľu ráno, vykročím rovno dopredu, tam, kde budeš stáť.“ On povedal, “Podám ti svoju pravicu,” povedal, “pretože som dal svoje srdce Pánovi, rovno tam pod tým vrchom.” Povedal, “Dám sa pokrstiť a zastanem svoje miesto rovno vedľa mojej ženy. A zostanem tam, až ma Pán nezavolá vyššie.” Vidíte? Stalo sa len to, že on sa pozrel dookola a videl, aký dobrý bol Boh ku nemu.

278Ja som misionár. Ak by som mohol pozrieť skrze tie oči, ktorými sa teraz pozerám,

a videl by som Indiu a také miesta, tých malých chudobných ľudí, matky vyhladovené na ulici, ich malé deti, ktoré už ani nemôžu plakať od hladu, a len pomyslite, čo sme tu mali my dnes. Pozrite na tie autá, v ktorých sme prišli. Pozrite na tie šaty, v ktorých ste oblečení. Pozrite, akí ste bohatí. Priateľ, nemôžeš cítiť to malé klopanie tam niekde?

Modlime sa.

279S našimi sklonenými hlavami a s našimi srdciami, ako minúty teraz prchajú, asi sedem minút do poludnia. Tak, ak sa len môžeš rozhliadnuť dookola a len sa na minútku zamyslieť, tvoje malé deti sedia tam pri tebe. Koľko maličkých trpí na obrnu...

280Pozri na svoju milú manželku, brat, a pomysli, koľkí mužovia, ktorí sú hodní milióny

dolárov, a milujú nejakú ženu s celého svojho srdca, ona je nejaká barová mucha. On by dal svoj celý milión, aby ho tá žena milovala tak, ako tvoja manželka miluje teba. A ty, žena, koľko žien...

281Koľko matiek tu dnes ráno so svojimi malými deťmi, koľkí otcovia, no, ony... Ó, je veľa ľudí, ktorí pozerajú do nejakej starej zlátanej kolísky, a je tam úbožiatko, zmrzačené, a pozerajú, aké zdravé deti máte vy. Vidíte? A veľa starých, možno....

282Ó, Bože, je tak veľa vecí, ak by ste sa len pozreli. On je tak dobrý ku nám, Američanom. Tak, nemôžete to jednoducho cítiť, že by ste dnes ráno vzali radi trochu masti, “Otvor moje oči, aby som videl len trochu ďalej, Pane, otvor moje oči.”? Ako naša sestra tak pekne spievala, “Jeho oči hľadia na vrabca, len na malého vrabca, a ja viem, že On ma pozoruje.”

283Tak, On hľadí práve teraz na teba. Môžeš len počuť, niekde tam dolu malé klopanie, ako je toto. [Brat Branham na niečo klope–vyd.] “Prichádzam dnes ráno?” To je najväčšia pocta, ktorá kedy mohla byť udelená, ak môžete cítiť to klopanie na vašom srdci.

284Zodvihnete len svoju ruku a poviete, “Skrze toto, Pane, skrze Tvoju pomoc a Tvoju milosť, odo dneška, ja budem žiť tak blízko pri Tebe, ako len viem žiť. To je všetko, čo viem, ako Ťa o to poprosiť?” Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná. “Skrze Tvoju pomoc a milosť dnes, odo dneška, “ja toto nikdy nezabudnem.”

“Hľa, Ja stojím pri dverách a klopem. Ak niekto...”

285Tak, pamätajte, či on klopal na stodolu? Nie. Na krčmu? Nie. Kde On klope? Na cirkev.

286“Ak niekto bude počuť Môj hlas a otvorí Mi, Ja vojdem a budem s ním večerať a on so Mnou.”

287Drahý Bože, týchto malých nesúvislých, pomiešaných, niekoľko slov, ktoré dnes boli povedané, nech ich Duch Svätý nejakým spôsobom vyloží v srdciach týchto ľudí.

288Tak, mnohí boli, Pane, možno z tejto stovky bolo dvadsať alebo tridsať ľudí, ktorí pozdvihli svoje ruky. Nemám spôsob, ktorým by som poznal práve to, čo oni potrebovali, Pane. Ale viem, že je len niekoľko minút do poludnia, a tak je to s príchodom Pánovým. Ešte predtým, ako sa tento sneh na zemi roztopí, môžeme byť zavolaní a toto môže byť ten moment, ktorý zmení celú budúcnosť toho, či oni zostanú tu alebo pôjdu hore.

289Drahý Bože, pokorne prijímame Ježiša, prijímame všetky Jeho Slová. Naplň nás, Pane, naplň nás Duchom Svätým, aby naše životy len automaticky niesli to ovocie. Udeľ to, Pane.

290Odpusť nám mnoho našich chýb. Ó, sme ich tak plní, Pane. A nemáme nič, čo môžeme ponúknuť, Pane, pretože všetko to, čo máme, si nám dal Ty. Ako Gabe povedal v tom malom príbehu, ktorý sme práve povedali, “Ty nás určite miluješ, Pane, lebo inak by si to neurobil.” A pomysli, títo ľudia tu sedia od skorého rána, sedia tu od ôsmej hodiny, sú to štyri hodiny, ktoré tu oni sedia. Oni Ťa milujú Pane. Oni Ťa milujú. Tak, Otče, pošleš len tú masť Ducha Svätého, aby otvorila naše oči? Nech my...

291Tí, ktorí sú tu v meste, nech sa dnes večer ponáhľajú do toho prebudenia, nech je

tam také vyliatie. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech tu v meste začne starodávne prebudenie. Udeľ to. Požehnaj každého muža, ktorý vynakladá úsilie, každého jedného z Tvojich sluhov po celom svete, ktorí vynakladajú úsilie. Buď s nimi, Pane, a pomáhaj im.

292Otvor naše oči, aby sme mohli vidieť viac a viac obrazu Kristovho. Udeľ to, Pane. Odpusť nám naše hriechy.

293A teraz tí, ktorí pozdvihli svoje ruky, Otče, ja ich porúčam Tebe. Prijmi ich. Tak, ja citujem Tvoje vlastné Slovo, Pane, to, “Nebesia a zem pominú,” ale Ty si povedal, “ten (to je osobné zámeno), ten, kto počuje Moje Slová...” Pane, oni môžu byť porehané a jednoduché, ale niekto ich počuje. To semeno padlo. “Ten kto čuje Moje Slová a (spojka) verí v Toho, ktorý Ma poslal (pretože On toto urobil), ten má (prítomný čas) večný život a nepríde v budúcnosti na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života.” Oni pozdvihli svoje ruky, Pane. Oni zlomili každý vedecký zákon, gravitácia drží naše ruky dolu. Ale oni dokázali, že je v nich duch, ktorý mohol počuť to klopanie na dvere, a vystreli svoju pravú ruku k nebu. Tak, otvor tie dvere. Otvor, Pane, a vojdi. Sme Tvoji. Prijmi nás v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil moje spasenie na Golgotskom kríži.

294Milujete Ho? Som zvedavý, či by sme len mohli zatvoriť naše oči, len na chvíľu. Tak, z našich sŕdc, s našimi pozdvihnutými rukami...

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho...

295Prijímame dnes ráno Tvoje klopanie, Pane. Moje ruky sú zodvihnuté. Všetky naše ruky sú zodvihnuté, Pane. A...Tak, vojdi, Pane Ježišu. Príď do našich sŕdc a večeraj s nami, a my budeme večerať s Tebou.

... Golgotskom kríži.

296Milujete Ho? Ó, myslím, že On je tak nádherný. Však že? Necítite Jeho prítomnosť, ako vás to očisťuje? Cítim sa práve teraz skutočne nábožne, jednoducho sa cítim skutočne dobre, tak nejako. Vidíte?

Moja viera hľadí na teba,

Ty Baránku z Golgoty,

Božský Spasiteľ,

Tak, počuj ma, zatiaľ čo sa modlím,

vezmi všetky moje hriechy preč,

dovoľ mi odo dneška

byť cele Tvoj.

297Tak, chcem, aby ste, keď budeme hmkať tento ďalší verš tejto krásnej piesne, starej

cirkevnej piesne, chcem, aby ste si s niekým potriasli ruky. Len zostaňte na stoličke a jednoducho povedzte, “Boh ti žehnaj, brat. Boh ti žehnaj, sestra. Je tak dobré byť tu s tebou.” Urobme to. Brat Branham a zhromaždenie hmkajú, “Moja viera hľadí na Teba, Baránku z Golgoty,” a potriasajú si ruky jeden s druhým–vyd.] Boh ťa žehnaj, Carl. Som rád, že som tu. Jednoducho sa z toho teším. Ďakujem ti, ďakujem.

298Len pomyslite, metodistické ruky chytili letničné, baptistické chytili presbyteriánske.

Ó, dovoľ... od tohoto dňa

byť celý tvoj!

299Tak, ako teraz spievame pomaly, z hĺbky vášho srdca. Viete, že po posolstve očistenia a káznenia, myslím, že je dobré vojsť do Ducha a spievať... ...tá sladkosť Ducha Svätého.

300“Ó, aké sladké je to pre bratov prebývať spolu v jednote.” Biblia povedala, “Je to ako pomazanie olejom, ktorý bol na brade Áronovej, ktorý stekal po leme jeho rúcha.” Ste úžasní ľudia. Dúfam, že sa dostanem k tomu, aby som sa vrátil vidieť vás znovu predtým, ako ma Ježiš zavolá, alebo tam v Miléniu. Ak by som sa nevrátil, uvidím vás tam za tou riekou. Stretnem vás pri rieke. Amen. Pri tom stretnutí.

Zatiaľ čo život je temným bludiskom, ja kráčam,

a zármutok sa rozprestiera okolo mňa,

buď Ty mojím Vodcom,

prikáž, aby sa temnota obrátila na deň, (to malé Svetlo, o ktorom oni hovorili)

daj preč strachy smútku

a dovoľ mi od tohoto dňa

byť cele Tvoj!

301Každé dvere otvorené... Ó, len sa dotknite toho malého gombíka, a pozorujte ich, ako všetci prichádzajú do kruhu a hovoria, “Vojdi, Pane Ježišu, buď mojím Pánom, mojím všetkým.”

Dovoľ mi od tohoto dňa, (nenechám Ťa stáť vo dverách)

byť cele Tvoj!

302Vy, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky a chcete byť ďalej vedení ku Pánovi, prosím vás, aby ste išli dnes večer do toho prebudeneckého zhromaždenia. A som si istý, že pastor by vás odtiaľto na to miesto vzal. On má šesť pencí, alebo čokoľvek bolo dané, aby bolo o vás postarané a víno a olej na poliatie. On môže tú prácu zakončiť.

303Nech vás Boh žehná. Odovzdávam službu, hádam, bratovi Williamsovi alebo komukoľvek, kto je... V poriadku.

DOORS IN DOOR, 65-0206, Americana Hotel, Americana Hotel, Flagstaff, AZ, 108 min

1 ... here this morning. I was thinking of my time coming into Flagstaff the--the first time. It's been about, I guess, around thirty-eight years ago, maybe forty. I was talking about getting up the hill. There wasn't no snow, but my little Model-T could hardly get up the hill. It could go thirty miles an hour, but that's fifteen this way and fifteen this a way, you know, over some of these roads we had here. And it was quite a...

2[A brother on the platform says, "Why don't you give us that Ford poem."--Ed.] Brother Carl! ["Please."] No. He's telling me about a little poem I had one time, of on my Ford. It's not a good place to give it, Brother Carl.

3So, we are very grateful. And I had so many nice testimonies this morning, hearing from these brethren, met some of the men.

4And there was just a minister that just spoke here, a little Spanish brother that gave his... the little boy's time to sing. Wasn't that wonderful for a six-year-old voice? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] My, the nicest little voice I ever heard, for a little boy like that.

5 Now, this brother, the brethren forgot it, but he is holding a meeting here in your city. I think it's down at the church of God, or Assemblies of God? [The brother says, "Assemblies."] Assemblies of God, down at the Assemblies of God. And I'm sure they would appreciate your--your presence. How long is the meeting lasting, brother? ["Through Sunday."] Through Sunday. ["Sunday night."] Through Sunday night. ["We're having a singspiration tonight."] Sir? ["We're having a singspiration tonight."] Singspiration tonight. Now you're all cordially invited to come to this meeting. ["At seven-thirty."] Seven-thirty, tonight. And where is the church located, brother? ["113 West Clay."] Would you just tell us where it is? ["113 West Clay."] 113 West Clay Street, right here in the city of Flagstaff. And--and I'm sure you'll...

6 Is the little boy with you? [The brother says, "No."--Ed.] No, well, his daddy will sing. You sing, do you? Well, that's fine, I hit that just right, for one time. Well, that's very seldom you see that; but it's, usually, if there is one talent in the family, it takes from--from the rest of it, I think. So they have... ["It all started out in fasting and prayer, Brother Branham."] Fasting and praying, now that's--that's really nice.

7Now, you know, if America, all together, all of our American families was like that, well, they'd just dismiss all the police force. Millennium would be on, wouldn't it? We'd be right in first class then. That's right. All death would fade away, all sickness, sorrow, all disappointments, and we would be with Christ.

8 So, we are happy, and I hear all these fine testimonies! And had the privilege of meeting Brother Earl, for my first time. And--and last evening I was talking to his wife, and--and she has been called out and healed, several times, in the meetings; said, at the last meeting she was on the platform.

9So, makes us a little, kind of a little sense of humor. I didn't remember Brother Earl, though I had shook his hand somewhere. And--and I was sitting at the window, last night, looking for him to come up. And a great tall man come up, was wearing a black mustache. I said, "Here he comes." And then when... Billy, my son, said, "Oh, no," said, "that's not Brother Earl. He is much younger than that fellow." And so then I got to meet Sister Earl here last evening, and had the privilege of being in their lovely home here in the city.

10This is a nice place. I always want to call it flagpole instead of Flagstaff, way up on top of the hill here, see. And, I tell you, if there is anybody here from Texas, now you brag. I left Tucson, yesterday, about seventy-two or seventy-five, somewhere along there, and up here this morning with an overcoat on. See, what they got in Texas, we got in Arizona, haven't we? That's right. We're right here.

11 This time of fellowship! Old Doctor Bosworth, a friend of mine, many of you might have knowed Brother Bosworth. He was one of the saintliest old man. And he said to me one time, he said, "Brother Branham, you know what fellowship is?"

I said, "I think so, Brother Bosworth."

12Said, "It's two fellows in one ship, so they have to share a little bit."

13So that's what fellowship is, we take and give, share with each other; with Brother Carl Williams, all the rest, Brother Outlaw. Oh, one of the first people in Arizona that ever sponsored one of my meetings, was Brother Jimmy Outlaw, and we've been bosom brothers since that time. And we are very happy for all of you, for the ministers and the brethren that we meet around here. I don't have time to shake hands with everybody, as I like to, but it's a fellowship where we get together.

14 It just reminds me of--of the Phoenix convention. I have had the privilege, since the chapters first started, to--to help organize the chapters and speak in them. And it's the only organization I belong to, and it's not an organization. It's just an organism working among the people.

15And if some of you men here this morning, that--that doesn't belong to this fellowship, of this Christian Business Men, Full Gospel, let... if you believe and will take my word, it's one of the finest groups of people. And--and to minister brothers, it's not against your church, it's for your church. See, it's their way of placing in to the--to the church.

16I just happened to look around at this lovely lady here that just sang that song a few moments ago. I've heard many attempts of it, but that lady had a voice could carry it right, you know, without squeaking it, like. I liked that so much, lady, it was very, very fine. Said it was a minister's wife here. And, brother, you ought to have her sing you to sleep each night, so that would be very fine, very fine. It was very fine singing. I appreciated it.

17 And, this morning, it kind of reminds me of a little--a little story. That, I--I like to hunt and fish, and that's one of the reasons I'm here in Arizona, so, is getting hunting and fishing. And I like it. And so I was fishing one time in New Hampshire.

18And I guess I got a lot of partners in here that likes to fish, both in the male and female, too, see. We all like it.

19So I had a little pup tent I had packed way high, above where, you know the fellows, kind of a little heavy or something, couldn't walk up there. And there was many fine, of those, brook trout, and brown, square-tail, cutthroat. Oh, they're just full, them little tributaries coming down out of the top of the mountains in New Hampshire. And little trout, maybe fourteen, sixteen inches long, just many of them! And I'd only... I'd go over there and catch them, just for the fun of catching them, turn them loose. If I killed one, then I--I eat that one, you see, bring him in.

20 So I had some of this old moose willow growing up, and--and every time I'd switch my fly line... I had a little Royal Coachman. I'd fly back in there with it, I'd switch it around a bunch of moose willow. And I thought, "Well, I'm going to take a hatchet and go up there, this morning, and--and chop that moose willow down, so that I won't catch my line on it." Oh, I looked back under a little old... like a beaver dam, and they were just laying in there, just waiting for that Coachman to get on there. Now, all night long... I used to say, "got in my hair," but I ain't got enough hair for them to get into now. So I--I just... they just how they would--how they would watch them. And so I got up there, that morning, took this little old hatchet, and cut down this moose willow. And I had three or four, was going to fix for breakfast, and come back. And I'm not a very good cook. And so I told my wife I couldn't boil water without scorching it, so you know that would be pretty bad job of cooking.

21 So, on my road back, there had been an old mother bear and two cubs, and they had got in my little tent. And you talk about rim-wrecking something, you don't know how things could be rim-wrecked till you let a bear get in the tent. He, it's not what they destroy... what they eat, I mean, it's what they destroy. I had a little stove, this little sheepherder's stove in there, and they would get on this little stove and just jump up and down, to hear the pipe rattle, and just mash it to pieces, you know. And when I come up, I had a little old rusty twenty-two rifle laying in there, but I had this axe in my hand.

22And, you know, when I come up, the old mother run off to one side, and she cooed to her cubs. And one cub followed along, all right; but the other one sit, little bitty fellow. In May, you know, just come out. Had his back all humped up to me, like that. And I thought, "What's he doing?" Well, then she looked over at me. And I looked for a tree, to see just how--how close it was, 'cause they can scratch you, you know, about them young ones. And, they, you can't talk them out of it, you see. So I watched the old mother a little while, you know. She kept cooing, and making noise, something like a bird. You'd have to know what one sounds like. So she kept cooing that cub, and that cub wouldn't come.

23 Well, I thought about my rifle. And I thought, "No, if I'd run in there and grab that rifle, if I'd shoot the old mother, leave two orphans in the woods," and I didn't want to be guilty of that. And, besides, her charging, that twenty-two would be kind of small, you know. And sometimes it didn't go off, have to snap it three or four times to make it go off. So I thought, "Well, I'll just get in that tree there, if she starts over here. I'll get up there in the tree, get me a little switch and just whip them across the nose." Their nose is very tender. And they just squeal, then go down, you know, and they leave you alone. So I thought, "I'll get in that tree."

24But the curiosity of that little fellow, oh, setting up like this. And I thought, "What's he doing?" So I kept slipping around, watching her, you know, getting a little further away, and getting close to the tree, 'cause she kept cooing to that cub. So I got over a little further, and you know what that little fellow had done?

25 Now, I like flapjacks, or pancakes, I believe you call them, out here. Down South, we call them flapjacks. And I'm not very good at making them, but I'm sure good at eating them. And, you know, I was a Baptist. I don't like to sprinkle; I really like to baptize them, really put the 'lasses to them. So I had me a can of molasses, about this high, setting there, a little half-gallon bucket for my flapjacks.

26And that little fellow, you know, a bear likes sweet, anyhow. He had got that bucket of molasses open. And he was setting there with that little paw about that wide. And he had it up in his arms, and he was just socking his little foot down, and licking like that, you know. That's right. And he would lick that little tongue. And I started... And if I just had a camera, I'd love to have showed that this morning, just to look at it. And there he was, putting his little foot down there, and licking like that. And I hollered, "Get away from there," like that. And he didn't pay any attention to me, and just kept licking like that. He sopped that bucket out, see.

27 And I hollered at him like that, he turned around and looked at me like that. He couldn't get his eyes open, he was just so full of molasses, you know. All over his eyes, his little belly, just as full of molasses as he could be! And then, after a while, he staggered off sideways, run over to his mother. They got him up there in the bushes and started licking him. They was afraid to set at the bucket, but they could lick him.

28And I said, "If that isn't a type of a good, old pentecostal meeting: just get so full of good, sweet stuff, they go out, and somebody lick off of it. That's a real fellowship meeting. Now we just come like this, to get our hands in the bucket, each one of us, plumb up to the elbow, of God's blessings. And I'm sure you'll find that at the revival that's being down at the Assemblies of God, going on down there now. The Lord bless you.

29 I said in Phoenix, the other day, a little... I hope it didn't sound sacrilegious, about a little joke about a minister that would go to the platform every morning, for twenty years, solid, he would preach twenty minutes, and then be done, and so they couldn't understand why it was. And so, one morning, he preached about four hours. And the--the deacons called him back, and--and said, "Pastor, we really love you." Said, "We--we think your messages are wonderful." And said, "We know, as a deacon board, we've watched you and timed you, exactly twenty minutes every Sunday morning." And said, "This morning it was four hours." Said, "We just don't understand."

30Said, "I'll tell you, brethren." He said, "Every morning, when I go to preach," said, "when you call me to the platform, I reach in and put one of these Life Savers under my tongue. And," said, "in twenty minutes, when that Life Savers is gone," said, "I--I--I am finished," he said, "I know it's time to quit." And said, "What was the mistake this morning, I got a button."

31 Carl Williams, Jewel Rose, real bosom brothers and friends of mine, they went downtown the other day, and got a button about that big around, to give me, and, but I haven't got it this morning. So, we're grateful to be here.

32Now, does anyone in here know Doctor Lee Vayle? I don't think... maybe not. He was a Baptist preacher, Doctor of Divinity, and he has got his degrees. He was a high school teacher, to begin with, and he is a very fine, scholarly man. And my tapes of The Seven Church Ages, I sent them to him, to grammarize them. Because, my old Kentucky "hit, hain't, and tote, and carry, and fetch," that don't go good for people who reads the books, so he was going to grammarize it for me. And then, after he got through, sent it back a couple times, for more statements. Which, the book is going to press now, after about three or four years.

33He asked me, he said, "Can I write a book, just my comments?"

And I said, "Well, it's all right, Brother Lee." And I thought...

34Then he said, "I'm going to tell you something." Said, "It's not to be sold; given away."

I said, "Well, then, I'm sure that's all right." See?

35 And so they had a sponsorship, of about ten people to sponsor it, which cost them about fifteen hundred dollars, I think, I understand, for ten thousand of them. And so we--we got them, it all come off the press a couple days ago, and we got just two or three, yesterday, and Billy brought them up. And they're--they're given away. Now, I've never read it, I don't know what he said. But I'm... This is by faith. But I'm sure, if you'd like to have one, if you'd just write us, it'll be sent to you, free. See? And it's called Twentieth-Century Prophet.

36And then I noticed in the picture here, in the front of the book, many of you has got this picture, of course, and seen It, that's where the Angel of the Lord was taken at Houston, Texas. But they cut part of It off.

37 Then I see here in the back. And how many here has ever been in one of the meetings, let's see? I guess practically all of you have. You hear me say, many times, "That shadow hanging over someone." Now, see, if you make a statement, and it isn't the truth, God won't have anything to do with it. You know God is not associated in lies, but He only backs up what is true.

38So when He told Moses, when He met him back there in the wilderness, in the Pillar of Fire, back in that burning bush. Then when He brought those people out, and those who would follow Moses out, for the journey, then He came down upon Mount Sinai, that same Pillar of Fire, and vindicated that what Moses had said was the truth.

39Now, God will do that. He always does that. So this Light here, of course, we associate It with God, because It has the same nature and everything that He did when He was here on earth.

40 Then on that, saying, "This person here, I see you're shadowed to death, a dark shadow." How many, many of you has heard that said! Well, here just recently in a meeting, there was somebody curious, wanted to see if they could get a picture of that, when It was said. So they... There was a lady sitting close, and this man had a camera. And I said, "This lady sitting here, is Mrs. So-and-so," whatever it is. I said, "She is shadowed to death, but she's got cancer." And just then he snapped the picture, 'cause it was close. And there it was, see, that hooded, black cancer of death hanging over the woman. And then the Holy Spirit spoke back again...

41Now, when they put this in the book, they had it cut off, so they just put this in here just till they make another printing of the book. And that's why you'll see that loose-leaf in there. I think The Voice Of Healing was the one who printed the book.

42 And now it's absolutely free. And the sponsors back here in the back of the book, who put fifteen hundred dollars in it, just to get it out to the public, let the public read them. So, it's free, and it's a nice little book. And I don't know what the contents is, I've never read it; the Father knows that.

43But see, It was, to me, It's absolute Truth. That's what we look for, is Truth. Jesus said, "You shall know the Truth, the Truth shall set you free." And He is that Truth. He is, Jesus, the Son of God, is the Truth of the Word, because He was the Word made flesh. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Then, that made Him the Truth, because the Word is the Truth, and He was the Truth.

44Now when we see Him return in these last days, this great move of God, moving across the nations of the world, gathering a people for the Bride, that is Truth.

45 Years ago, they said, "There was no such a thing as speaking in tongues. It was nonsense." God promised it, and He proved it to be Truth. That's right.

46Someone said, this morning, I believe it was our noble sister there who deals with the children so much about their baptism, she said, "You can hear someone speak in tongues. But, to hear someone sing in tongues, see, it was such a beautiful thing."

47I remember my first experience I was at Rediger Tabernacle in Fort Wayne, Indiana. And I was speaking, having a healing service, after the death of--of Brother B. E. Rediger. And Brother Bosworth had been there, Paul Rader. And many of you older men, like me, you remember Paul Rader; and he was a Baptist, and we was, so we were great friends. And so while speaking there, was going to pray for the sick. It was a strange thing to them then. But a lady brought a little boy down, that was crippled, and, as he come across the platform, the vision of the Lord appeared and told him all about what was the matter with the little lad. And I asked the girl to hand--to hand me the little boy.

48 Now just for the sister's testimony, that you might see what joy and what the real phenomena of--of grace of God, what It could do, when It worked according to the Word of God, see, God's promise for the hour.

49Now, God's promise to Noah won't work for us today. God's promise to--to Moses, we couldn't have Moses' Message. Moses couldn't have had Noah's message. We got the Message of the hour. We couldn't have had Luther's message. We couldn't have had Wesley's message. This is another time. God allotted His Word to each age. And as that age comes along, He sends someone there to vindicate that Word, to prove that that's true. And now we see in each one then, just like what Jesus said when He was on earth, He said, "You build the tombs of the prophets, and your fathers put them in there."

50 Now, my people are Catholic, as you know, being an Irishman. Now we... Now they--they talk about Saint Patrick, the Catholics claim him. Well, he's just about as much Catholic as I am. They talk about Joan of Arc. They burnt that girl to the stake, for a witch, we all know that, because she was spiritual and seen visions. Course, a couple a hundred years later, they dug up them priests' body, and done penance, and throwed them in the river. But that ain't what it takes, see.

51They always miss it. Man is forever praising God for what He did do, looking forward for what He will be, and ignoring what He is doing. That's just the nature of man. And he hasn't changed his nature, the man of the world.

52 So we find that our Message is, today, the Message that we have, of, "Come out of Babylon, and be free, and--and be filled with the Spirit, and your lamps trimmed and clear, and, look up, our redemption is drawing near," these things are foreign to many people who breathe and call our lovely Lord's Name.

53But yet in the midst of all that, we don't have nothing against those people, those denominational people. They're alright, they're fine. They're our--they're our associates in the Gospel, because Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And--and all the Father hath given Me, they will come."

54So, we're only responsible for sowing Seeds. Some fell by the wayside, some different kinds of ground, some fell over and brought a hundredfold. So, we are just Seed sowers. God is the One Who directs It when It's falling. And now we pray that maybe, this morning, there would be a little Seed drop along somewhere, that might encourage someone. And just as a--a--a man...

55 To finish my testimony concerning the little lady that I was going to speak of. This lady brought this little baby, a little boy, I guess, about ten, twelve years old, and maybe not that old, 'cause this woman was packing him. And she handed him over. And just then, while I was offering prayer for the child, the little fellow jumped out of my arms and went running down the platform, of about thirty-five hundred or four thousand people. And when they did, first thing they ever seen done, the mother, sitting on the front seat, just fainted and pitched over. And a little Amish girl...

56Are you acquainted with the Amish? I don't know whether you have them out here, long hair, they're very sweet people, and very clean and nice type. You know, in all the Mennonites, or Amish, and so forth, we've not got one record of a juvenile delinquent. Call them funny if you want to, but we--we got something lacking in our homes, that they have. They haven't one record in the courts, of a--of a juvenile misbehavior coming among them. They bring up their children, just in one way, and that's the way they go.

57 And this young lady was a famous pianist, a beautiful young woman, and long, blond hair fixed up in the back. And when she looked across... Now, she was Amish, she knowed nothing about Pentecost, and neither did I. But when she looked across the platform, and seen that little boy going, walking across there, she threw up her hands in the air.

58Now, I know there is fanaticism, and I hope I'm not prone. I--I am not a liar. And I--I'm not. If I'm wrong, I--I am not willfully wrong, I'm ignorantly wrong.

59But that girl threw her hands in the air, and that hair fell down across her shoulders, and she started singing in an unknown tongue. And she was playing that hymn, "The Great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." And when she jumped up from there... I know this sounds very strange now. But this girl had never knowed nothing about speaking in tongues, but she was singing in an unknown tongue, "The Great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." And that piano continually played, "The Great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." Well, they piled them altars, and down through the balcony, into the floor, people screaming! That girl standing over there, with her face up like that, speaking in other tongues; and, the piano, the ivory keys still moving:

The Great Physician now is near,

The sympathizing Jesus,

He speaks the drooping hearts to cheer,

No other Name but Jesus!

60 Oh! It's... "Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what's in store for us." You know what I think? Why would--why would we ever accept a substitute or just something that's a make-belief, when the heavens is full of the genuine, the real Power of God, that can set a soul free, that can do something for us? God bless you. Now, there is so many things.

61I never told you where to get this book, see. Post Office Box 325, at Jeffersonville. And if you would write, why, they would send it to you. Or, either, visit one of the meetings, they'll be giving them away.

62Now, I am very grateful for this fine time of fellowship. And this morning I was thinking about a little story I used to tell at the Christian Business Men, about Zacchaeus. Many of you has heard me tell it, about how that this little fellow didn't believe in this discernment, and, of the Lord. Course, I guess, as we have in every age, you see a genuine, then you see an impersonations. And we just have to put up with that. But good, solid thinkers and Scriptural man understand, see. Which, we, and no matter...

63 When Mrs. Aimee Semple McPherson, when she was here on earth, in her ministry, they say that pretty near every woman preacher wore those wings, like, you know, or gowns like that, and packed the Bible.

64Just look at the Billy Graham's is in the land today. But, you know, Billy Graham could never take your place. I couldn't take Billy's place, he couldn't take mine. I can't take yours, and you can't take mine. You're an individual, in God. God made you the way you are, for some purpose. If we would just find our place, and then abide there. If we try to do something different, then, see, we're--we're in somebody else's territory, which we just gaum up the picture of God.

65We take like Billy Graham in the denominational world today, as he's, if we would call it maybe to the football player, he's got the ball.

66Now if you try to take the ball away from your own man, you're just messing up your team. Guard your man, see. Keep guarding him, keep the rest of them so he can make the run. And we'll have the touchdown after a while, and Jesus will come, and then it will all be over. The Lord bless you.

67 Now I'm going to the saying about this man, Zacchaeus. And I had him up in this tree, you know, with leaves all pulled around him. And then when he come down out of the tree, he went home with Jesus. And I said, "He became a member of the Full Gospel Business Men chapter." So if there is any Zacchaeus's here, this morning, I hope that you take that good advice and become a member of the Full Gospel Business Men.

You say, "Full Gospel?" Yes, sir.

68That's the only thing Jesus would have preached in, would have been the full Gospel. That's right. Isn't that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure, for He was the full Gospel. That's right. He couldn't deny Himself.

69 But now I have a few Scriptures wrote out here, of a little, common little text, it won't take me but just a few minutes, if you'll suffer with me. And before we do this... Now, in our little fellowship of get-together, and talking about the hands of the bear, in the bucket, and so forth, now let's just brush aside all of this now, and just think we're getting acquainted. And, and we want now to enter into the deep part of the Word.

70Let us bow our heads now, as we approach It. Cause, we have no right to approach the Word, without speaking to the Author, first.

71With our heads bowed, our eyes closed, and I trust that our hearts are bowed with our head. I wonder, while I raise my eyes and look over the audience, if there would be someone here would say, in raising their hands, "Brother, minister, remember me in prayer. I am--I am needy today"? God bless you. God bless you. Now He sees your hand. He knows what's beneath your hand, in your heart. May He grant it, is my prayer.

72 Dear God, as we are grateful for this building that we, Your humble children, can assemble ourselves together under here, and just talk and have fellowship, just to be ourselves, as we yield ourselves to Christ, and desire to become more like Him. We are ministering brothers sitting near, Lord, man who are far more capable of standing here to deliver this Word than I, Your unworthy servant, but it has fallen my lot. And, Father, I pray, today, that if I might say something that would not be just according to the will of God, that, before I say it, You would close my mouth; like You did the lions' mouths, one day, so they wouldn't bother Daniel.

73Father, we ask You now to remember each and every one, every minister. And this revival that's going on here in the city, Lord, down to the Assemblies of God, I pray, dear God, that You will send such a revival in there that this whole city will be stirred by the Power of God, that all these barrooms and wandering children around on the street will be brought to the Throne of God, and be filled with His goodness and with His Spirit. Grant it, Heavenly Father.

74 And we pray that today, that if there be man or woman, boy or girl, that's been brought into this meeting this morning, here under the shelter from the snow, that the great Holy Spirit will visit their heart and speak to them, in a mysterious way. Maybe some that's wandered away, that once entertained You, Lord, but now has gone away; bring them back, Lord, this morning.

75And we pray for this chapter, for Brother Earl and for his wife, and for the others. Grant it, Lord.

76Now break to us the Bread of Life, as we open back the pages of the Word, because we know the Bible is of no private interpretation. But, God doesn't need us to interpret His Word, He is His Own interpreter. He said one day, "Let there be light," and there was light. He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. "And in the last days I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh," no matter what the world said, He did it. He needs no interpreter. He interprets His Own Words, by making It live and vindicating It to be so. Come to our hearts, Lord Jesus, and interpret to us, today, the things we have need of. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

77 Now in the Bible, if you will turn. I believe I've never had a message that I tried to undertake to speak on, that I never first read the Word. Because, my word will fail, I'm a man. But His Word just can't fail, He is God. So let's turn now for just a little text, and we're going to be out just in just about thirty, forty minutes, the Lord willing.

78On Revelation now, we wish to turn to the 3rd chapter of Revelation, begin with the 14th verse. And we want to read just the portion, it's a Message to the Laodicea Church Age. And I believe, and I--I suppose most all Spirit-filled people and Bible readers believe, could say amen to that, that we are in the Laodicea Church Age, 'cause that's the last age. Listen to the Message of the condition of the church at this time.

And to the angel of the church of... Laodicea write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

I know thy works,... thou art neither cold nor hot: I would that thou wert cold or hot.

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest thou not that thou art wretched,... miserable,... poor,... blind, and naked:

I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in... fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that thy shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcome, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

79 The Lord bless the reading of this Word. Now I want to take, for just a few moments, a little text, called, Doors In Door. Doors In Door. Now this is a very... Doors In Door, is three words. Doors In Door.

80You might say to me, "Brother, there is probably a hundred people here. There, don't you think that's kind of a small text, when you have before you a hundred souls?"

81Well, that, that may be true, the--the text is small. But it isn't the size of the text, that--that counts, it's what it is. It's--it's what the text says, that counts.

82 Like, I believe it was in Louisville, Kentucky, some time ago, a--a little boy was up in the attic, fooling around with some old trunks up in the garret, and he run onto an old-fashion postage stamp. Well, the first thing in his mind, he might get an ice cream cone for that. There was a collector down the street, so he took off down the street, just as hard as he could go. And said, "What will you give me for this stamp?"

83The collector looked it over, and it was kind of faded out. He said, "I'll give you a dollar."

84My, that was easy sold. He would have let it went for a nickel, and then been happy for it, to get an ice cream, but it was sold for a dollar. The collector sold it for five hundred dollars. And later, I don't know just where it did go, it went into the hundreds of dollars. You see, the little piece of paper wasn't very much, just a piece that you wouldn't pick up off the floor. But, it wasn't the paper that counted, it's what's on the paper, that counts.

85And that's the way it is with reading God's Word. It isn't just the paper, the value of the paper, or the size of the paper, it's what's wrote on that paper. And one word is enough to save a world, if it'd be received that way.

86 Sometime ago there was... I read a story of the days of our noble... One of the greatest Presidents I think the nation ever had was--was Lincoln. Not because that he come from Kentucky, but because he was a great man. He was deprived of an education, but yet was--was something in his heart, some purpose.

87I--I like a man of vision. I like people that's got something they're fighting for, just not just lay around, "Well, ever what comes along will be all right." Oh, be up and at it! And Lincoln never let his education stand in the way; he had something to do. I think every Christian ought to be that way, find your purpose and go do it.

88Every member of this chapter, just not, "Well, we have a breakfast once a month," that isn't it, "or once every Saturday." Have a purpose in life, something you're going to do. Let's. God has placed you here; do something about it, every member of every church. There is a revival in town. That revival is there for a purpose. Let's get something out of it. Let's do something about it.

89 Mr. Lincoln. There was a man that... young fellow, he--he was in the war, and--and he was--he was coward, to begin with. And in the time of duty, he--he--he withdrew from his post; and they found something against him, that he was going to have to be shot. And, oh, he... it was terrible. And one young fellow loved him so well, went to Mr. Lincoln, to get a pardon. He was President at the time, in the United States here, and so he went to him for a pardon.

90And he said to him, as he was getting out of his carriage; and Mr. Lincoln, a tall, bearded, typical southern, skinny. And he said, "Mr. Lincoln, there is a boy that's going to die, in two days from now, be shot, because that he run in time of battle." And he said, "Mr. Lincoln, the boy isn't a bad boy. But all those muskets firing, and--and people dying, he was nervous. And he was so upset, that, he threw up his hands and started screaming, and run." Said, "I know the boy." Said, "Mr. Lincoln, only your name on this piece of paper can spare him. Will you do it?"

91Course, this Christian gentleman, quickly signed the paper, "Pardoned, So-and-so." Signed his name, "Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States."

92 Went the messenger back as hard as he could. And he run to the cell, he said, "You're free! You're free! Here is Mr. Lincoln's, Mr. Lincoln's signature. You are free!"

93He said, "Why would you come to mock me, knowing that I die tomorrow?" He said, "Take that away from here, you're only mocking me." And he would not receive it. He said, "No, I--I don't want it." Said, "You're only making..." Said, "If that was the--the President," said, "it would have the--the coat of arms, and it would have his right paper."

He said, "But it's his signature!"

94He said, "How will I know his signature?" He said, "You're just mocking me, you're trying to make me feel good." And he just started screaming, turned his back. The boy was shot the next morning.

95Then after the boy being dead, and the President's name on this piece of paper, that he was pardoned, then what? And they tried it in the federal court. And here was the decision of our federal courts, which is the ultimate of all of our courts. What they say sometimes, we don't like their decision, but we have to abide by it anyhow, see, because that's the tie post. That's the ultimate. Now, it said this decision, "A pardon is not a pardon unless it be received as a pardon."

96And that's the way the Word of God is. It's a pardon if It be received as a pardon. And It's the Word of God, It's the power of God, to those who will believe It and accept It.

97No matter, you're looking at It, and you say, "Oh, that's been tangled up, there's been a million translations, and all that." It might be that to someone.

98But, to me, It's still the Word of God, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." He is duty bound to stay by that Word.

99 Now He's got to judge the church, someday. And if He judges it by the Catholic church, which they say He will, then which one of the Catholic churches will He judge it by? They different one from the other. If He judges it by the Methodist's, you Baptists are gone. If He judges it by the Pentecostal's, the rest of you is gone.

100But He won't judge it by the church. The Bible said, "He'll judge the world by Jesus Christ, and Christ is the Word." So you see we're without excuse, It's the Word of God, that He judge us; and no matter how small, one word significance to This, said Revelation 22:18.

101 First, I'll begin in Genesis. God gave the human race His Word, to fortify themselves from death, sin, and sorrow, or any disaster. A chain, of His Words. "Thou shalt not touch this certain tree, for, the day you eat thereof, that day you die." And a chain is only its best at its weakest link. And our souls are pulled over hell, holding to this chain; break one of them, that's all you have to do. Eve never broke a sentence, she broke a Word, by Satan. That was the first of the Book.

102In the middle of the Book come Jesus, and said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word." Not part of them, just one here and there, but, "Every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

103 When He was dead, resurrected, and went into Heaven, and returned back and gave John... which He said there after His resurrection. Said, "What if..." Said, "What will happen to this man?"

104Jesus said, "What is it to you if he continues till I come?" Knowing not exactly his life would, but his ministry would continue. And He lifted him up, in the 4th chapter of Revelation, and showed him all the things that was to come, that we live in, even to this text today.

105And then on the 22nd chapter, the last chapter, the 18th verse, He said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of this Book, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." See? So we believe that man lives by every Word of God. I believe it and I know it's true. How little, it doesn't matter. It just takes one word, to do it.

106 Thinking about how little and insignificant, seeing that many of my Canadian friends sitting here. I remember I was in Canada when the King George... The one I had the privilege of going praying for, when he was healed, with that multiple sclerosis; he was suffering that day, from the sclerosis, and also he had a stomach trouble, an ulcer; as many of you Canadians know, and Americans, also. But seeing him pass down through there, sitting in that carriage, he--he was a king. He conducted himself as a king. His beautiful queen sitting by him, in her blue dress, and as he come down the streets.

107And a friend of mine, and I, were standing together. And when that carriage passed by, he just turned his head and started crying. I put my hand upon his shoulder, and I said, "What's the matter?"

108He said, "Brother Branham, there goes my king and his queen." Well, I--I could appreciate that.

109So I thought, "If a Canadian, under the government head, not government head, but still also a government head, of England, and passing the king by, it could make a Canadian cry, and turn his head and weep, what will it be when we see our King?" And to think of it, our part will be the Queen.

110 Then the children was all turned out from the schools, the little children, they was given a little, British flag. The Canadian flag is called something else. Brother Fred, what's the Canadian flag called? [Brother Fred Sothmann says, "Union Jack."--Ed.] Union Jack. But they give them a little, British flag, to wave. And when the king passed by, all the little fellows stood out, waving their--their little flag, and screaming to the king. And--and there were bands playing, God Save The King, as he marched through the street.

111Oh, if you could just get a... You'd get a view of what it's going to be at that resurrection there!

112 And when they was instructed, the little fellows, to return back to school as soon as the--the parade was over. And, the little fellows going back, one school missed a little girl. And they went everywhere, to find the little fellow, up-and-down the streets. And, finally, behind a telegraph pole, stood the little, bitty, tiny, dwarf girl, just crying her little heart out.

113Well, the teacher picked her up and... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] "What's the matter? Did you not see the king?"

She said, "Yes, I saw the king."

Said, "Did--did you not wave your flag?"

She said, "Yes, I--I waved my flag."

She said, "Well, then, why are you crying?"

114She said, "You see, teacher, I am so little, the others was standing in the front of me, they were bigger. And I waved my flag, but he didn't see it." And she was disturbed about it. Well, that might be that King George did not see that little fellow, in stature. He might not have seen her patriotic heart, and how she felt towards him. She was too short.

115 But it isn't so with our King! Oh, the least little thing we do, He sees it. And He knows the very things and thoughts that's in our hearts, whatever we do, what little it is. And how do we serve Him? As we serve each other. If I don't love you, how can I love Him? See? "Insomuch as you've done unto these My little ones, you have done it unto Me." See?

116It's the--it's the little things that we leave undone, sometime, that breaks the whole chain, you see, and lets us go free, just denominational-minded, and forget about these little things that really are the--the essential things. Everything, every Word of God, is essential. None of It can be left out. We've got to take every Word of It, just the way It was wrote.

117 "I stand at the door," said Jesus, in this Laodicea Age, "and knock." Did you notice, the only church age that He was put out of His church? All the other church ages, He was inside the church. Through the Methodists, and Lutherans, and so forth, He was on the inside, church. But here He is outside, our creeds and things had run Him out of the church. But He is standing out there, still knocking, "He that will hear and open the door, I'll come in with him, sup with them, and give him healing for his eyes, and--and clothes, and give him the riches of Heaven; he that will hear Me knock."

118I thought I could think of the name of that artist that drawed that picture, painted a picture, rather, of at the door. When he... You know, all great pictures first must go through the line, or, the hall of critics, before it can be hung in the Hall of Fame. That original painting now would run millions of dollars.

119 But, see, it's like the Church, has to pass through the hall of critics. We go through. You're going to be called "holy-roller," you're going to be called everything. But if you could only hold your position in Christ, then someday He'll take us to the Hall of Fame. But first we've got to stand criticism. There is where the littleness of us stand, there is where it shows. "He that cannot stand chastisement is an illegitimate child, and not a child of God." No matter how much he's joined church, and whatever he's done, he is still, if he cannot stand chastisement, he's an illegitimate, and he's not a real child of God. But a real, genuine child of God don't care what the world says, everything else is secondary. He's got his mind on Christ, and that settles it. Yes. Whatever Christ says do, he'll do it. Wherever the Lamb goes, they're with Him, wherever. And then you see His appearing, His Presence, and what He does. He is always with His people, His Bride. He is courting her. Someday there is going to be a Wedding Supper.

120 And this artist, however, when it went through the critics, a bunch of critics gathered around this artist. I can't think of his name. I'm trying to think of Michelangelo, but he was the sculptor of Moses' monument. But I can't think of his name. But, however, he said, "Your picture is outstanding," said, "I have nothing that I could say against the picture." He said, "Because, He is holding a lantern in His hand, it shows that He comes, too, in the darkest of night." He said, "And then He is at the door, with His head, His ear, so He won't be... be sure not to miss the faintest call. He has His ear turned to the door, and He is rapping at the door." He said, "But, you know, sir, there is one thing that you forgot in your picture."

121And the artist, taken him a lifetime to paint it, he said, "What is that that I have forgotten, sir?"

122He said, "No matter how much that He knocked, see, you forget to put a latch on it. There is no latch on the door." If you'll notice the door, there is no latch on it.

123"Oh," said the artist, "I painted it thus. You see, sir," he said, "the latch is on the inside. You're the one that opens the door. You open the door."

124 Oh, what does a man knock on a man's door for? He is trying to gain entrance. He is trying to get in. He's perhaps got something he wants to tell you or talk over with you. He's got a message for you. And that's the reason people knock at one another's door. They've got some reason to do it. There cannot be that happen without some reason. You would not go to a man's house unless there is some reason to go; if nothing else, to visit, take him a message, or something. There is some reason for a man to go knock on another man's door.

125Wherever there is a question, there has got to be an answer. There could not be a question without an answer. So that's what we look for in the Bible, these questions of the day, the Bible has the answer. And Christ is that Answer.

126 Now, many important people have knocked at doors, down through the time of life, and many knocked in times passed; and there probably, times keep on, there will be many more, important people.

127Now, the first thing, perhaps, if somebody knocked at your door, if you could, you would slip around and pull back the curtain, see who is there.

128If you're busy, as we claim we are today, "Too busy to go to church; too busy to do this. And, you know, my church don't believe in that kind of stuff." And, see, we're just a little out of cater, sometimes, from the Word.

129But you pull back the curtain, then you want to see who is standing there. And if it's a man of importance, quickly you run to the door.

130 Now let's go back just a little bit, and take a few people that's knocked. Let's go back and think of Pharaoh in Egypt, many hundreds of years ago. What if--if Pharaoh, king of Egypt, came down to a peasant's house? And this peasant had been kind of disagreeable with Pharaoh, and he didn't believe his policies, and he differed with him. And--and, but here stands Pharaoh, standing at the door of a--a brick mason or a mud dauber, as we would call them, down in Egypt. And he pulls his curtain back, and there stands the mighty Pharaoh at the door. And he's knocking; smile on his face. [Brother Branham knocks on something--Ed.] Why, that peasant would open the door, and say, "Enter, great Pharaoh, may your humble servant find grace in your sight. If there is anything within my walls, I am as much as a slave to you, Pharaoh. You've honored me above my brethren. You've come to my house, when I'm a poor man. You only visit kings and--and nobles, and important people. And I'm of unimportance. But you--you visit me, you've honored me, Pharaoh. What is it thy humble servant could do?" No matter what Pharaoh would ask, even to his life, he would give it. Sure. It's an honor.

131 Or, say for instance, the late Adolf Hitler, when he was Fuehrer of Germany. What if he would have went down to a soldier's house? And that bunch of little Nazi soldiers all camped around, and, the first thing you know, why, somebody knocked at the door. And the little soldier said, "Ah, I feel bad this morning! Wife, tell them to go away."

132And she slipped over to the door, and pulled the curtain back. She said, "Husband! Husband, jump up, quick!"

"What's the matter? Who is standing there?"

"Hitler, the Fuehrer of Germany!" Oh, my!

133That little soldier jumped out, got his clothes on, quick, and stood at attention. Walked up there at the door, unlocked the door, and opened up the door, and said, "Heil Hitler!" See, he was a great man, his days in Germany. "What is it could I do?"

134If he had said, "Go jump off the cliff out there," he would have done it. Why? There is no more, there is not a greater important man in Germany, in the days of the Nazis, than Adolf Hitler was. He was a great man. And he... And, what honor, when he only visits generals and great men, but here he is at a little footman's door! Oh, it would certainly been a great honor to him.

135 Well, now, what of Flagstaff? We'll bring it closer to home. What if this afternoon, that--that our President, Mr. Johnson, L. B. Johnson, what if he would get off of a plane, out here somewhere? And now we are all just in one class of people. We're all poor. Maybe one has a little better job, maybe a little better house, but, after all, we're just human. But what if he come down to your house down here, maybe the humblest of us, and he knocked at the door; and you went to the door, and there stood President L. B. Johnson? Why, it would be a great honor. You might differ with him, in politics. But you would be an honored man, to have the President of the United States stand at your door. Who are you or who am I? And there stands Lyndon Johnson at your door! Though you might be a Socialist or Republican, or differ with him a million miles, but yet it would be an honor.

136 You know what? Because that you were granted this honor, why, the television would throw it on the screen tonight. Sure. The mid newspapers tomorrow would have headlines in it, in here in the Flagstaff paper, that, "John Doe. The President of the United States flew into Flagstaff yesterday, uncalled for, and just went down, without even invitation, and knocked" at your door. Humble! That President would have a name of being a humble man, as great as he is, to come to mine or your door; we're nobody, then come down and talked to us.

137Why, you'd walk down the street, and say, "Yes, I'm the fellow. The President visited me."

138"Stand still, let me get your--get your profile. Look straight at me. Now how do you look when you walk away?" You would be an important person. Sure.

139 What if the queen of England would come, though you're not under her dominion? But it'd be an honor for some of you women to entertain the queen of England, though you're not under her domain. But, yet she is a great person, she is the greatest queen in the world, at this time. Certainly, she is, that's political speaking. But if she asked you for some little trinket on your wall, that you valued ever so high, you would give it to her. It would be an honor for you to do it. Sure, she is the queen of England.

140And you would be honored, by the President. And everybody would talk about the humility of the queen of England, flying over to see a certain woman in Flagstaff, a little nobody. And the papers would pack it, and the news would flash it.

141 But, you know, the most important Person of all time, Jesus Christ, knocks at our door. And He is turned away, more than all the kings and potentates there ever was. That's right. And you might accept Him and go out and say something about it, the outside world would laugh in your face. No news is going to...

142Who could come to your house, any greater than Jesus Christ? Who could knock at your door, greater than Jesus Christ? Who could do that? The Son of God, who could knock at your house, who would be more important? And yet He knocks, day after day. And if you even accept Him, you're called a fanatic. So, see how the world knows its own? That's right. But now He wouldn't come unless He had a reason to come.

143And do you think the humility of President Johnson, or the queen of England, or any great person, how it would be displayed, of the humility of that great important person to knock at your door!

144How about the humility of the Son of God? Who are we but sinners, filthy, "born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies?" And then the Son of God will come and knock at our door.

145 Now, the queen of England might ask you a favor. She might take something from you. So might the President, he might ask you to do things that you didn't want to do. He might ask you for treasures that you didn't want to give up, and which would mean nothing, just to him.

146But Jesus is bringing something to you when He knocks. He is bringing a pardon. Don't turn it down. For, as it was tried in our courts here, so will it be in the Kingdom of Heaven. If He knocked and brought the pardon, and you turned it down, and die in your sins, you'll perish; though you had the honor of sitting in a meeting like this, though you had the honor attending the revival, or your church, and heard your pastor preach a Gospel message. And you had the audience, say, "Yes, I was there." Maybe, you, hard to tell what all you could say. "I heard the singing. I enjoyed it. I heard the testimonies. It was real." But you turned It down.

147 What if I was a young man and found a young lady; she was beautiful, she was a Christian? She would make... She was every qualifi-... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] You can't find no fault with It, but you've got to lay aside traditions of man. You say, "Oh, I believe That's right. I see, got set..." But you got to accept It. You... Then that woman becomes part of me. Then you become part of the Word, which is the Bride. If He is the Word, the Bride will be a Bride-Word. See, certainly will! See, you've got to accept It. You would... You could say what you want to, you could brag about the President; but usually when Jesus' turn comes to our door, we just turn Him aside. See, just we don't want nothing to do with Him. We say, "Well, some other day."

148 What if you knocked at somebody's door? Now let's just turn the picture right around for a minute. What if you went and knocked on somebody's door, and you had something for them? And, after all, they were to you about like you would be to God; well, if you do, why, all right, but you got no strings tied. So when you knocked on somebody's door, and they peeped out the window, and shut the curtain; or either come to the door, and say, "Some other time!"

"Well, I'd like..."

149"I ain't got time this morning!" You know what you'd do? Probably the same thing I would do, and the rest of them, you wouldn't go back any more.

150But not Jesus. "I stand, and knock," continually knock. [Brother Branham continues to knock on something--Ed.] See? "He that seeketh," not seek. "Seeketh! He that knocketh!" Knock, knock is a continuation, knocketh! See, "He that seeketh, he that knocketh, it shall..." Not just...

151 Like the parable of the unjust judge. The woman went and wanted avenge, revenge, but she couldn't get it. He... Continually she knocked and pleaded. And she said... "Just to get rid of her, I'll avenge her enemy."

152How much more will the Heavenly Father? See, it ought to be us knocking at His door. It ought to have been Adam running up-and-down the garden, hollering, "Father! Father, where are You?" But instead, instead of that, it was God running up-and-down the garden, "Son! Son, where are you?" See, that just displays what we are. We're always hiding, instead of coming right out and confessing it. We try to run, hide behind something. That's just the nature of man, we have it that way. Yes, sir.

153You would give these people the best you had, everything. But you wouldn't, you--you--you wouldn't accept Jesus. I ain't meaning you, but I mean the people here.

154 Or maybe you might say this, you may say, "Preacher, I just did that. I--I just opened my heart and let Jesus come in. I did that ten years ago. I did that twenty years ago." Well, that may be just exactly right, but is that all you done? See?

155I want to ask you now. If you would invite anybody in your house, and then when you got inside the door... Somebody invited you in, rather, say, "Come in."

156"Yes, I have a purpose, I'll go out of town and be honored, you see." That's the way a lot of people accept Christ. "I'll... I--I belong to the church. I belong to the big So-and-so place down here, where Doctor Ph. LL. belongs, you know. And it's the biggest church. The mayor goes there, and everything, you know. I--I belong to that church." They let Him in, just that much. "Yeah, I'll accept Him," see, for a personal gain.

157 But what then when Jesus comes into the heart? Many people accept Him 'cause they don't want to go to hell. But when Jesus comes into your heart, He wants to be Lord. Not just a Saviour; but Lord, also. Lord is "rulership." He comes in to--to take over.

Now you say, "Is that right, Brother Branham?" Sure.

158What if--if I invited you at my house, and you come in the door? And you knocked at the door, and I looked outside, I said, "Yes, come on in. If you can help me, well, you do so. But now, when you come in now, I don't want you meddling around in my house. You stand right there at the door!"

159Remember, our text is "doors" inside the door. Now, inside the human heart there is many little doors, and them little doors covers up a lot of things. Just to let Him in, that isn't all of it, when He comes in.

160 When I come in your house, if you welcome me in the door, why, if you'd say, "Come in, Brother Branham. I'm so glad to see you!"

161I'd say, "Well, it's a privilege for me to come into your house!"

162"Oh, won't you come over and sit down? Brother Branham, go through our house, make yourself at home!" Oh, my!

163I'd go over to the refrigerator, get me one of those great big sandwiches, about like that, take off my shoes, and go in the bedroom and lay down. And I'd just have a--a real gastronomical jubilee, see. Why? Because I felt welcomed. You made me welcome. Therefore I'd appreciate it if you made me welcome.

164 But if I went in your house, and you told me, "You stand there at the door, now, don't you go to meddling around!" I wouldn't feel too welcome. Would you? No, see, you wouldn't feel welcome. Somebody invited you in, and said, "Now wait! Yea, come in, but stand right there!"

165Now, there is a little door when you come into the human heart. We'll just speak of a couple of them, see. We don't have time to go through all these doors, 'cause there is lots of them. See? But, say, the next ten minutes, let's speak of a couple, three doors.

166Now, on the right hand side of the human heart, when you walk into the door, there is a little door on the right side, and that's called, in there, the door of pride. Oh, my! "Don't You go to entering that door!" They don't want the Lord in there, on that door, that's pride. "I'm a blue blood. I take care! Oh, yes, now look, I tell you, I--I..." See, it's pride. "Don't You meddle in there!" Now, He can't feel welcome as long as you keep that pride door shut.

167 He's got to humiliate you. See, that's what He comes in for. "You mean to tell me I have to go down there and--and act like the rest?" Well, you don't have to, that's one thing sure. "Well, I'll tell you, what do you think I'd do when I went to the business council the next time? What would I do if I met with my--my employer tomorrow? And that, I'd have to get that Spirit on me, and I'd jump up there, in the middle of my work, and go to speaking in tongues, oh, that would humiliate me. No, stay out of there!"

168See, there you are, see. Yeah, you'll let Jesus come in, you'll join church and put your name on, accept Jesus as your Saviour; but what about being your Lord, when He's got full sway? When He's Lord, He's got it all, belongs to Him; you, you are completely surrendered to Him now.

169 But that little pride. "Oh, you mean, for us women, we're going to have to let our hair grow?" Well, that's what He said. "We're going to have to quit wearing manicure, or make-up stuff?" That's what He said. "Well, what do you think my sewing circle would? They'll call me old-fashion." Well, just keep your pride. Go ahead. He'll stand at the door, that's all the farther He can get.

170But when you're ready to open that door, let Him come in, He'll clean it out for you. Shorts will go out here in the garbage can, and make-up will go back to the garbage can, and the barber will starve to death if he just cut women's hair, to a real believer.

171Now say, "That don't!" Oh, yes, it does, too. That's what the Bible said. That's right. See, there is a little word there, that you don't want Him meddling.

"Well, my pastor!"

172I don't care what pastor said. That's what the Bible said, "It's a shame for a woman to do so."

173"Well," you say, "we ought to teach us things, Brother Branham, is how to get the Holy Ghost, and how to be this, that." How you going to learn algebra if you don't know your ABC's? Don't know even how to, to act like, look like one, dress like one. It's a shame to see these women on the street today.

174 I went into a place yesterday, when, oh, some of the perverted gang come in. They, the men had hair in their eyes, come down and hung down on their back, and like leotards, like little kids wear to school, with great big old shoes on, mouth half open. You can tell they were delinquents. And walked in there like that, say, "We're French."

175Who in the world would hire a man like that in his business? How do they make a living? And I seen a couple of real boys sitting over there... They come from that university down there, this beatniks did, or I believe they call themself bugs or beatles, or something like that, some of that stuff coming from England. And then in there like that, who would hire a man like that to work for him? Would you put a man like that in your business, you businessmen? If you would, you're, there is something, you ain't got close enough to the Cross yet.

176 Look at these women out on the street, and it's a disgrace! Maybe innocent little women with these little bitty clothes on, see, well, it's a disgrace, the way they look. Well, you say, "Why, woman, you are committing adultery."

177They say, "Wait a minute here, young man! I'm just as virtuous as I..." That might be so, in your own thoughts. And it might be so, proving even by a medical examination, that you might be.

178But, remember, at the Day of the Judgment, you're going to answer for committing adultery. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart," and you presented yourself to him. See how the Devil has got them blinded? It's a disgrace. It's a shame. You see, they--they got a spirit. It's a spirit that does that. It's an unholy spirit.

179But a genuine Holy Spirit will make a woman dress decently and look holy.

180 My wife said to me, one time. We was going down the street, and we found a woman with a dress on, back in our country. It was a very strange thing, see, not too many Pentecostals back there. So, we find out she had a dress on. And she said, "Billy," said, "I know some of them women. They sing in choirs down here at these churches."

I said, "Sure."

Said, "Well, and them claim to be Christians?"

I said, "Honey, look. See, we're not..."

Said, "Why do our people?"

I said, "Look, honey, we are not of their--their race at all."

She said, "What?" Said, "They're Americans."

I said, "Yeah, but we're not."

She said, "We're not?"

I said, "No."

181I said, "When I go in Germany, I find a spirit of Germany. When I went in Finland..." At the sauna up there, many of you Finnish know, the women give the men the baths. So, that's just a Finnish spirit. Mighty fine people, but, you find, wherever you go, you find a national spirit.

182 You go into a church and watch the pastor, if he's real wild and carrys on, the congregation will be the same. See? They take the spirit of one another instead of the Holy Spirit.

183That's the reason we got so much perverted teaching of the Bible. Instead of coming back to the blueprint, they've taken the spirit of some denomination. See? But the Word is just as foreign to them as It was in the days when Jesus come forth, introducing the real true Gospel. They said, "He's a devil. He's Beelzebub." See? But there you get it.

184And she said, "Well, then, we're not Americans, what are we?"

185I said, "Our Kingdom is of Above." See, we are free, born again. The Kingdom of God is within you. See, act like up There, you're delegates from There. I said, "We're citizens here, living here in the flesh. But, our spirits, we are pilgrims and strangers." We are foreign to the world now, even our own nation, for we have accepted the invitation when it knocked at our heart, to become part of Him, His Word. And the Word fixes us, makes us live and makes us act like Christians.

186 Sometime ago, in the South, a little story. There was a king... or, a buyer. They sold slaves. That was in time of--of segregation, and they had slaves in the South. They was a... They'd go by and buy them, just like you would a used car, off of a lot.

187Now, I am an integrationist, absolutely... I mean a segregationalist. I am a segregationalist. Because, I don't care how much they argue, you cannot be a Christian and be an integrationist. That's exactly right. God even separates His nations. He separates His people. "Come out from among them!" He's a... He is a segregationalist. "Don't even... Touch not their unclean things!" He pulled Israel, that Jewish race, out of every, all the races in the world. He is a segregationalist.

188But I don't believe that any man is to be a slave. God made man; man made slaves. I don't believe one should rule over other, any race, color, or anything.

189But there is a segregation, the Bride of Christ is segregated from the rest of the churches, and that's exactly right: church natural, and the Church spiritual; church carnal, the Church the Word. It always has been. "Jesus came to His own, His own received Him not; but as many as received Him!"

190 So this... There used to be buyers, brokers go by and buy these slaves. One time there was one come to a great plantation, and he watched them. The slaves were hard beaten, and everything, you know. They was away from home; they'd never go back again. The Boers, the Hollanders, had went over and got them, brought them here and sold them. And they'd never see papa again, mama again, never see their babies again. They bred them with one another; picked a big man, breed him to a big woman, away from his own wife, to make bigger slaves. Oh, God will make them answer for that someday! That's right. That isn't right.

191 Like Abraham Lincoln said one time, when he got off a boat there in New Orleans, picked off his stovepipe hat...

192He seen three or four little negroes, coming down, standing there with no shoes on, where they had... A cow had layed and got--got the frost off the ground, they was standing after running the cows in. Their little old feet bursted, bleeding. They was singing, "You got shoes, I got shoes, and all God's children has got shoes."

193When he got off the boat down there, walked up to the bull pen, there was a great big negro standing up there, whipping him around, testing his heart. And run him up and down the street, with a whip behind him; then check his heart, see if he was all right. His poor little wife standing there, two or three kids under her arms like that; to sell him, to breed him to a bigger woman. Old Abraham Lincoln stuck that under his hat... his hat under his arm, like that, and hit his fist, he said, "That's wrong! And someday I'll hit that, if it costs my life." And yonder, in a museum in Chicago, lays a dress with the blood on it, that freed that negro from that.

194And I say that sin and things is wrong! God help me to hit it, and all other ministers of the Gospel. We are born free, children of God. We have no business for any creed or cult to run us into a World Council of churches. We are freeborn man, in the Holy Ghost. We have a right. We come out of such stuff as that, to be pentecostal. That's right. Now we are free. We don't have to be bound down to those things again.

195 But this buyer said, looking across his slaves, a hundred or something, of them, on a big plantation, he said, "Say!" One little fellow there, they didn't have to whip him; his chest out, and his chin up, right on the job! Said, "Say! I want to buy him."

196He said, "Oh, no!" The owner said, "He's not for sale. Huh-uh."

He said, "Well, is he a slave?"

Said, "Yeah."

197He said, "Well, what makes him so different?" Said, "Do you feed him different?"

He said, "No, they all eat out there in the galley, together."

Said, "Is he the boss over them?"

Said, "No, he's just a slave."

"Well," said, "what makes him different?"

198Said, "You know, I wondered that, myself. But," said, "you know, over in the homeland where they come from, in Africa, that boy's father is the king of a tribe. And though he's an alien, he conducts himself like a king's son."

199 Oh, I thought, what a thing for Christianity! Women, stop that wearing them clothes like that! Men, stop that telling them smutty jokes and all that stuff! We are sons and daughters of the King. Dress like a queen, dress like a--a lady. Act like a gentleman, don't let your hair grow down like this. The Bible said, "It's wrong (nature teaches you) for a man to have long hair. And it's a disgrace and a common thing for even a woman to pray with her hair cut." And how about these? "It's a--it's an abomination for a woman to put on a garment that pertains to a man." The great unchanging God doesn't change. But yet today it's just as loose as the rest of our nation is. Shame! Let's act like sons and daughters of God. Let's live like it. We are, we are sons of a King. We are. We are. Right now this bunch of mess and dirt and filth, around here, people call themselves "Christians" and still acting like that!

200But remember, we got a knock one day, and opened Him in, pride and all left. Amen. I don't care what they call me!

Oh, I guess I'm just a little old-fashion,

But my Saviour was old-fashion, too.

201Is that right? You've heard the song. Be old-fashion! Don't try to pattern after somebody else. He is your Example. Try to be like Him, and the Spirit in you will help you to do that. Make your life like His.

202 Yeah, there is a door there. I want to call another door. I get too wound up. There is another door there, just next to that door, going around the right-hand side, and that door is the door to your private life. Oh! Oh, you don't want Him messing with that. "Now, if I want to go out to a little cocktail party, what is it to You? What church is going to tell me what I'm going to do?" Uh-huh, there you are, see. "A tenth of my wages? Who is going to tell me what to do? That's my own private life! I make this money. I have my own life. I'll wear shorts if I want to. That's my own American privilege." That is true. Sure. Right.

203But if you're a lamb, and not a goat, see, lambs is what He is after. They'll be separated someday.

204 A sheep has wool. That's the only thing it has. And it can't manufacture that wool. We're not asked to manufacture the fruit of the Spirit, but to bear the fruit of the Spirit. And as long as it's a sheep, it'll bear. It don't have to manufacture. The glands and everything in it is sheep, it'll make wool because the inside of him has the glands and the adrenalin and stuff it takes to make wool.

205And when you are a Christian, you'll cope with the Word. I don't care what anybody else says. You don't have to work up nothing, and bring down nothing, pull, pump up. You're a Christian. You just automatically bear the fruit of the Spirit. See? See, and that's the way it is. See?

206 But, people today, they don't want you fooling with their private life.

207Only thing you do, just open up every door around, now say, "Come on in, Jesus." Watch what happens. When you see in the Book, you're supposed to do this, you'll do it. Why? You're a sheep, to begin with, then.

208But if you just want to set, keep Him at the door, just say, "I've joined church. I'm as good as you. See, I accepted Christ." Maybe that's just what you done. But did you make Him Lord? See?

209 Now, the Lord cannot sit down a Book of rules and say a Word, and then come around and deny It. And if you say you got the Holy Ghost, and the Bible says a certain thing to do, and you say, "Oh, I don't believe That." You just remember, that spirit in you is not the Holy Spirit, 'cause He can't deny Himself. That's right. He can't deny Himself. He wrote the Word, and He watches over It, to perform It. See? So it's not the Holy...

210It's a spirit, all right. It might be a--a spirit of the church. It might be the spirit of the pastor. It might be the spirit of the world. It might be. I don't know what it is, but, whatever it is, it might be a denominational spirit, "I'm Methodist. I'm Baptist. I'm Presbyterian. I'm Pentecostal. I'm this." That's Pentecost.

211 Now remember, let me straighten it; pentecost is not an organization, pentecost is an experience that you receive. You Methodists, Baptists, Catholics, and all, can experience pentecost. You can't join pentecost, 'cause there is no way to join it.

212I've been in the Branham family for fifty-five years. You know, they never did ask me to become a Branham. I was born, a Branham.

213And that's how you're a Christian, you are born a Christian. That's right, now.

214 Oh, that private life! "Oh, I tell you, my pastor goes to these dances, and we do the twist. They have it." All right. See? "Don't you come telling me what I can do and what I can't do." All right, see, you won't let Him in.

215Just let Him in one time, and then go back to the twist or the rock-and-roll, or whatever you're going to do, see what you can do. You can't do it. Let Him in one time, and then start to put on a pair of shorts, some of you women.

216I know I'm taking you a long time, but I want to say one more thing, if it's all right, in this regard.

217 I suppose, the greatest meeting the Lord ever let me hold for Him was in Bombay, where I had around five hundred thousand, but, and two hundred and some thousand in--in Africa, Durban, at the race track. That afternoon, I said, after they had seen such great marvelous thing that our gracious Lord come down and done, I said, "The missionaries taught you the Word, but the Word is quickened and made alive. What He says has to come to life." And--and then when there was twenty-five thousand healings taking place at one time, and load after load of good old chairs there; just one simple little prayer, they had seen the Holy Spirit just... Those people that didn't even know who they were and where they come from, that's all they wanted to see. See?

218And I asked, "How many wants to receive Christ?" There was thirty thousand stood to their feet, blanket natives, packing idols.

219 Doctor Bosworth, Doctor Baxter and them, begin weeping. And Brother Bosworth run up, said--said, "Brother Branham, this is your coronation day."

220Brother Baxter said, "Brother Branham, I wonder, I think they meant physical healing."

221That boy was on his hands and knees. And the Holy Spirit told him where he come from, what had happened, said, "You'll talk. Think about your brother, he's about a half a mile back there. He was riding on a yellow goat, and he hurt his leg." I said, "But, THUS SAITH THE LORD, he is healed." Here come the boy, with the crutches over his hands, like that. And take them about twenty minutes for a militia to quieten them down.

222 Then this boy, on his hands and feet, like that, down, couldn't even raise up, naked. Oh, my, such a horrible thing! He thought he was coming up there to tourists, you know, to kind of do the--the jungle dance. And I took the chain and shook it. I said, "If I could help that poor creature, and wouldn't do it, I'd be a... I wouldn't be fit to stand back here. But," I said, "I can't help him. But now I have a little gift, I can just pull it in gear, whatever the Lord says."

223And when the Lord showed, told him who he was, said, "His mother and father is sitting out in there, they're Zulus." And said, "They're thin, unusual." A Zulu will average three hundred pound, per man. So then said, "They're unusual. But this boy was born in a Christian home, because on his... on the righthand side, as you go in the door, there is a picture of Christ, in the little thatch hut." And that was exactly right. His mother and father raised up. "And that's his name." That's who he was, and everything. They couldn't understand. I looked back and I seen him standing, in a vision there, just as straight as he could be. Never raised up, in his life, he was born like that. I said, "The Lord Jesus makes him whole."

224He wasn't even in his right mind, trying to go, "uh, ba, ba, ba," like that.

225And I got a hold of the chain, and shook it like that. I said, "Jesus Christ, son, makes you whole. Stand up on your feet." There he raised up. The tears running down, and off his black belly, as he went down like that. I seen thirty thousand blanket natives give their hearts to Jesus Christ.

226 When at a Kiwanis Club, I said now... And they tell me I was "going to become a holy roller" when I left the Baptist church, so I could fellowship with all people. They said, "Well, you'll become a holy-roller," I sat. Bunch of my Baptist brethren said. I said, "You've sent missionaries in there, for the last hundred and fifty years, what did I find them? Still packing idols." I said, "But the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, thirty thousand received Christ at one time."

227Now I want to say to you women, you know what happened to them women? I said, "Right on the grounds where you're standing, the Holy Spirit will fill you." And when they raised their hands to accept Christ as their Saviour, and when they walked away from there; naked, now, nothing but just a little patch, clout, in front. And when they walked away from there, they folded their arms like this, because they was in presence of man, after they had accepted Christ.

228 Now how can we, sisters, how can we in this nation where we claim to believe and be Christians, and every year they take more off? When, that person never even heard the Name of Christ, but just accepted Him in their heart. No, you couldn't tell them they were naked, they didn't know it. But they covered themselves up like this, to walk away. The next day, or two, you would find them with clothes on, of some kind. Oh, my!

229There is something wrong somewhere. It's a twisting up of theology. The power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, like He did to the man who called "Legion," we found him clothed and in his right mind. And I begin to believe that it's a spirit upon the people that drives them into that Americanism and Frenchism, and all kinds of worldlism and churchism. But let them once come to that Master, and they feel that knock at the door, they'll put clothes on and act like women and men, and they'll be born-again Christians. Amen. Yes.

230 Now I'm done, twenty minutes until twelve, just a--just a few minutes, let me bypass some. Just a moment, some Scriptures, I'd like to open one more door. Would it be all right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

231The next door, to there, is faith. See, your private life... door of pride, your private life, now let's open faith. Just a whole ring of them, see, but let's go into faith.

232You know, sometime ago I was in the hospital and a woman going under an operation. She called me, she said, "Brother Branham, I'm a backslider. Would you pray for me?"

233I said, "Yes, ma'am, I'd be glad to." I said, "You're a backslider?"


234I said, "Now let's just wait just a minute. Let me read the Scriptures to you."

235There was a lady laying there in a bed, looked at me, real funny; her, and her son about twenty years old, a regular Ricky, and standing there looking at me like that.

236And I said, "Yes, ma'am," I said. I read the Scriptures to her, "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, be white like wool." And when I read that to her, I said, "If you've strayed away, see, you've got away from God, but God never got away from you, or you wouldn't be calling for me." She started crying. I said, "We'll pray."

237That lady over in the next bed, said, "Wait a minute! Wait a minute there!"

I said, "Yes, ma'am?"

She said, "Pull that curtain!"

And I said, "Aren't you a Christian?"

She said, "We are Methodist!"

238I said, "Well, what has that got to do with it? See, that's no more than saying you was a--you was a colt, if you was in a pig pen, see." I said, "That don't mean a thing." See?

239But, you see, that's where it's come, that self-righteous. "That's against our faith!" I said the... "We don't want Divine healing in our church, or that kind of stuff." See, see what I mean? See, they won't let in that door. "That's against our faith."

240 There is only one Faith. "One Faith, one Lord, one baptism." That Faith!

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

Saviour Divine;

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my unbelief away.

241Sin! Sin, there is only one sin, that's unbelief. A man that drinks isn't a sinner. See, that--that--that, see, isn't sin. It isn't a--it isn't a sin to drink. It isn't a sin to commit adultery. To lie, to steal, that isn't sin. That's the attributes of unbelief. If you was a believer, you wouldn't do that, see.

242There is only two, you're an unbeliever or a believer, see, one or the other. You don't do all these things and religious orders like that, just because you're an unbeliever; if you're a believer, it's the Word you believe in, 'cause Christ is the Word. See? And so you're just an unbeliever because that you believe some tradition, or some dogmas that's been added to the Bible, or something, and denominations do. But a real believer stays right with that Word. And God works right through that Word, right through to make It come to pass, in this generation that we live in.

243 And now notice, and you say, "Oh, I... Brother Branham, the Lord..." Well, that's all right, there was many uncircumcised Philistines went one time, too. And a bunch of Egyptians tried to follow Moses across the--the Red Sea, but it finally... "As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, well, we find the same thing in the last day," the Bible said.

244Now just a little further. Jesus said here, in this--this age, "Because thou sayest that, 'I am rich, and increased in goods.'" Just look how we are today, richest the church ever was! And, well, you know, you Pentecosts would be a lot better off if you was out there with a tambourine, on the corner, like your fathers and mothers was. But you've got better churches than the rest of them now, fastest growing in the world; but where is that Spirit of God that used to be among us? You left out the real thing. "Because you say, 'I am rich.'"

245 Remember, this is Pentecostal it's speaking to, 'cause the Pentecostal age is the last age. See, all this revival we've had, there is no other organization starting up. There won't be. This is the end. The wheat's matured now. It's come up through the leaves, and stalk, and husk, and it's out to the wheat now. See, won't be no more. They started a little Latter Rain, but it just fell right in; anything else will. They'll. This is the wheat is coming forth. Notice.

246"And because you say, 'I am rich, and increased in goods, have need of nothing,' and knowest not that thou art miserable, wretched, blind, naked, and don't know it; I counsel of thee..." Oh, my! "I knock at your door." [Brother Branham knocks on something--Ed.] "Laodicea, I knock at your door, and counsel to come to Me, and--and buy gold tried in the fire; white raiment, that your nakedness not be shown."

247Take off these things, and put on like you should, see, the righteousness of Christ, the Words. Not my righteousness; His righteousness!

248 "And I also counsel thee to--to come, get some eye salve, that you might anoint your eyes, that you might see. Eye salve!"

249I'm a Kentuckian. I was born down in the mountains, and we used to have a little old place up in the attic. And us kids had boosted up a--a little old pole ladder, that we went up every night. And we laid down. They had to put a piece of canvas over the top of us when it snowed. Well, the stars, old clapboard shingles...

250How many knows what a clapboard shingle is? Well, brother, why didn't I wear my overalls up here? I'm right at home, see. Well, the old clapboard shingles!

251How many know what a straw mattress is? Now what do you know! I thought I felt awful religious about something. Well, I guess I am right at home now. That's good. And I never knowed nothing else till just a few years ago.

252How many knows what an old lamp is? An old chimney, you know, that with the big old moon and owl on the side; they used to have the littlest hand in the house, have to clean that old churn, you know. I used to have to take an old splasher, and it'd all splash over me; so I took that lamp chimney and turned it over there, to keep it from splashing. Yes, indeed.

253 Now, my grandpa was a trapper. My mother's mother come from the reservations. He married an Indian girl from the Cherokee reservations there in Kentucky and Tennessee, you know where, the Cherokee valley. And, they, he--he hunted and trapped, all the time, that was--that was the way he made his living.

254And us kids laying up there, why, sometimes it get real cold. And that breeze coming through there, we would get cold in our eyes, and--and our eyes would stick shut at night, you know. Mama called it "matter." I don't--I don't know what that is, but a cold would get in your eyes, and it'd get cold. And she'd say, "You got matter in your eyes," because of the--of the, you know, the breeze circling through there, the draft come across at night. Our eyes would swell shut.

255 And mama would get there at the ladder, in the morning, when she got the biscuits made. She would have the sorghum molasses setting on the table. And she would say, "Billy!"

I'd say, "Yes, mama?"

"You and Edward come on down."

256"Mama, I can't see!" I called my brother, we called him, "Humpy." I said, "He can't see, either. See, our eyes had got matter in them."

She would say, "All right, just a minute."

257And grandpa, when he'd catch a coon. How many knows what a raccoon is? That's what, and she'd... He'd catch a coon, he'd get the fat off of it and put it in a can. And that coon grease was a cure-all in our family. They'd give it to us for a bad cold, with turpentine on it, and coal oil. We'd swallow it for a sore throat. Then get that coon grease hot, she would come and massage our eyes, and our eyes would come open. See, it was coon grease that did it. See?

258 Now, brother, sister, we've went through a cold spell, in the church. That's right, a lot of religious draft has come through, everybody has caught cold. A lot of people has got their eyes all closed up, and there is a big World Council of Churches coming up, up here, is going to force every one of you into it. They are getting away from that Word, our own groups are. I am duty bound to a Message; not to be different, but because of love. Love is corrective. Come back! Stay away from that thing! You ministering brothers, I don't care what your groups does, stay away from it! Stay out of it! It's the mark of the beast, stay away from it! See, Jesus is knocking in this Laodicea age. See where they put Him out? He is trying to get to individuals, not--not organizations and groups of people. He is trying to get one here, and one there, and one there, trying. "All that I love, I chasten."

259 As the little brother had the vision here, and said he had the vision. And said, "This same Light that you receive, cause your death, too." See?

260"As many as I love, I chasten; be zealous, and return. I stand at the door, and knocking." Now, look, coon grease won't do this any good.

But there is a Fountain filled with Blood,

Drawn from Immanuel's veins,

Where sinners plunged beneath the flood,

Lose all their guilty stains.

That dying thief rejoiced to see

That Fountain in his day;

There may I, though vile as he...

261He opened my eyes, with His eye salve. His Spirit came down and warmed the Bible, His eye salve. I couldn't see It. I was just a local, Baptist pastor. But one day He sent His Spirit down, not the coon grease did He get hot, but He sent the Holy Spirit and fire! A little eye salve raked across my Bible--my Bibles... and I could see with my eye, I mean raked across my eyes so I could see my Bible. And I seen that, "He was the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be true. I stand at the door, and knock."

262 One more little story. Have we got time? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Yeah, yeah, then I'll go, see.

263There was an old darkie down there in the South. And, his pastor, I knew him, a nice old fellow. We called him Gabe. His name was Gabriel, and we just called him Gabe. He always, pastor and I, we--we went hunting, a whole lot. He was an old colored brother, and we went out hunting. And so old Gabe liked to hunt better than anybody I ever knowed, but he was a poor shot. So, one day his pastor and him went hunting.

264And we could never get old Gabe to line up to church. He just wouldn't do it. He wouldn't come to church. He said, "Ah, I's don't go down there where the hypocrites is."

265I said, "But, Gabe, as long as you stay out, they're bigger than you. You're hiding behind them, see." I said, "You are hiding behind them. You're smaller than they are; they do go down and make an effort, see."

266And so he said, "I--I--I--I--I thinks a lot of you, Mr. Bill. But," said, "I--I--I--I know old Jones goes down there, and he ain't nothing; he shoots craps, and all that."

267I said, "That's all right, Gabe. See, that's all right. But, remember, Jones has to answer for that; you don't have to, you see. If you just go..." I said, "You've got a good pastor."

268"Oh, Pastor Jones is one of the finest man there is in the country!"

269I said, "Let him be your example, if you can't look farther than that. Let him be your example."

270 So one day Brother Jones said, took old Gabe hunting, and said, "We got more rabbits and birds, that day, than we could hardly pack." And said, "Come in in the evening." Said, "Old Gabe was coming behind, and all loaded down, you know, like that." And his wife was a real, loyal Christian. She had a place right there, a Holy Ghost filled woman, and she always had her post of duty. So he was... Old Gabe was coming behind, you know. And Pastor Jones said he looked around, he could see, "Old Gabe kept looking over his shoulder, like that. The sun setting," said, "getting real low, getting cool." Said, "After a while," said he was walking along, said, "old Gabe come up. He had his shotgun barrel hanging full of rabbits and birds, and things." Said, "He tapped the pastor on the shoulder, and said, 'Pastor?'"

Said, turned around, said, "Yeah, Gabe, what's the matter?"

271So he looked, and great big tears running off of his black cheeks, where his beard was turning gray. He says, "Pastor, I's been walking along this bank here, for about a half hour." Said, "I've been watching that sun go down." Said, "You know, these gray whiskers of mine, and my hair turning," said, "you know, my sun is setting too, pastor."

272Said, "That's right, Gabe." And he just stopped and turned around, said, "What's the matter with you?"

273He said, "My sun is setting, too." He said, "You know what?" Said, "I got to thinking," he said, "as I was walking along back there." He said, "You know," said, "the Lord must love me."

Said, "Sure, He does, Gabe."

274Said, "You know, I'm a poor shot." Said, "I couldn't hit nothing, but," said, "we--we really needed this meat at home." And said, "Just look at the big fine bunch of game that He give me, these birds and these rabbits." He said, "I got enough to keep us all next week." Said, "He must have loved me, 'cause I can't hit nothing, you know." Said, "I couldn't hit it, but just look what He give me." Then he said, "He must love me, or He wouldn't have give me this."

Said, "That's right."

275 And he said, "Well, I had a strange little knock at my door, down there. He told me to turn around, said, 'Gabe, your sun is setting, too.'" Said, "Pastor, you know what I done, pastor?" He said, "I made Him a promise."

276He said, "Gabe, I want to ask you something." Said, "What sermon did I preach that made you feel that way?" He said, pastor, or said, "Now wait a minute," said, "what--what--what choir sang?"

277He said, "Oh, I sure do love that singing down at church, pastor." He said, "I love every message you preach, 'cause it comes right from that good Book, and I know it's right. But," said, "it wasn't that." Said, "He just knocked, and I looked around here, and see how good He was to me, what He give me." He said, "Sunday morning, I is going to walk right up in front there where you standing." He said, "I'm going to give you my right hand," said, "because I done give my heart to the Lord, right down around the hill there." He said, "I is going to be baptized, and take my place right beside of my wife. And I'm going to stay there until the Lord calls me higher." See, he just happened to look around and see how good God had been to him.

278 I'm a missionary. If you could look out through the eyes that I'm looking through now, and see an Indian place, them little hungry people, mothers starving on the street, their little kids can't even cry no more, from hunger, and just think of what we had here today. Look at the cars you come in. Look at the clothes you are wearing. Look how rich you are. Friend, can't you feel that little knock there somewhere?

Let us pray.

279With our heads bowed, and our hearts, as the minutes now are fleeting, of about seven minutes until midday. My brother, sister, science tells us it's less than three minutes until midnight. Now if you can just look around, and just think for a minute. Your little children setting there by you. How many little spastics...

280 Look at your nice wife, brother, and think how many man that's worth millions of dollars, and loves a woman with all of his heart, she is a barfly. He would give his cold million to have that woman love him the way your wife loves you. And you, wife, how many women...

281How many mothers here this morning with their little children, how many fathers; why, my, there is many a man looking at a crib, a little old drawed-up, poor little thing, crippled, and look at what fine little children you got. See? And many a little old, maybe...

282O God! There is so many things, if you'd just look. He has been so good to us Americans. Now can't you just feel that you'd like to have a little salve, this morning, "Open my eyes just a little farther, Lord, open my eyes"? As our sister so lovely sang, "His eye is on the sparrow, just a little sparrow, and I know He watches me."

283 Now He is watching right at you now. Can you just hear, down somewhere, a little knock like this, [Brother Branham knocks on something--Ed.], "I'm visiting, this morning"? It's the greatest honor that could ever be paid, if you can feel that knocking at your heart.

284Will you just raise your hand, say, "By this, Lord, by Your help and Your grace, from today on, I'll live as close to You as I know how to live. That's all I know how to ask You"? God bless you. God bless you. "By Your help and grace, today, from today on, I'll never forget this."

"Lo, I stand at the door, and knock. If any man..."

285Now, remember, where was He knocking, at the barn? No. At the bar? No. Where is He knocking? At the church!

286"If any man will hear My Voice, and open unto Me, I will come in and sup with him, and he with Me."

287 Dear God, this little broken, mixed up, few words that's been said this morning, somehow let the Holy Spirit interpret them to the hearts of the people.

288Now there was many, Lord, maybe out of this hundred here was twenty or thirty people raised their hands. I have no way of knowing just what they needed, Lord. But I know that midday is just a few minutes off, and so is the Coming of the Lord; yet, before this snow melts from the ground, we may be summonsed, and this may be the moment that will change the whole future of whether they be left here or go up.

289Dear God, humbly we accept Jesus, we accept all of His Words. Fill us, Lord, fill us with Thy Holy Spirit, that our life just automatically would bear the fruit. Grant it, Lord.

290Forgive us of our many mistakes. Oh, we are so full of them, Lord. And we have nothing that we can offer, Lord, 'cause, everything that we got, You've give it to us. As Gabe said, in the little story we just told, "You, You sure love us, Lord, or You wouldn't do this." And, to think, these people set here since early this morning, sitting here since eight o'clock, is four hours that they set in here. They love You, Lord. They love You. Now, Father, will You just send the salve of the Holy Spirit, open our eyes. May we...

291 These who are here in the city, may they rush to that revival tonight, may there be such an outpouring! Grant it, Lord. May an old-fashion revival start here in the city. Grant it. Bless every man that's putting forth, every one of Your servants throughout the world, that's putting forth an effort. Be with them, Lord, and help them.

292Open our eyes that we might see, more and more, the likeness of Christ. Grant it, Lord. Forgive us of our sins.

293And now these who raised their hands, Father, I commit them to You. Receive them. Now I quote Thy Own Word, Lord, which, "Heavens and earth will fail, but," You said, "he," which is a personal pronoun, "he that heareth My Words..." Lord, they might have been broke up and simple, but somebody heard them. The Seed fell. "He that heareth My Words and," conjunction, "believeth on Him that sent Me," because He did this, "he hath (present tense) everlasting Life, and shall not in the future come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." They raised their hands, Lord. They broke the (every) scientific law; gravitation holds our hands down. But they proved that there is a spirit in them, that could listen to a knock at the door, and reach out with their right hand towards Heaven. Now open the door. Open, Lord, and come in. We are Yours. Receive us, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

294 You love Him? Wonder if we could just close our eyes, just a moment. Now from our hearts, with our hands up.

I love Him, I love Him be-...

295We're accepting Your knock, this morning, Lord. My hands are up. All of our hands are up, Lord.


Now come in, Lord Jesus. Come into our hearts and sup with us, and we'll sup with Thee.

Calvary's tree!

296Do you love Him? Oh, I think He is so wonderful! Don't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Don't you feel His Presence just kind of scouring you out? I feel real religious right now, just--just feel real good, something about it.

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

Saviour Divine;

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my sins away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

297 Now I want you, when we hum this next verse of that beautiful hymn, old hymn of the church, I want you to shake hands with somebody. Just remain in your seat, just say, "God bless you, brother. God bless you, sister. So glad to be with you here!" Let's do that. [Brother Branham and congregation hum, My Faith Looks Up To Thee, and shake hands with one another--Ed.] God bless you, Carl and Brother Williams. I'm glad to be here.

298Just think, Methodist's hands caught Pentecostal's, Baptist's caught Presbyterian's.

O let... from this day

Be wholly Thine!

299 Now as we sing slowly now, too, from the bottom of your heart. You know, after a scouring, scolding Message, I think it's good to get in the Spirit and sing, the sweetness of the Holy Spirit.

300"O how sweet it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" The Bible said, "It's like the anointing oil that was on Aaron's beard, that run down to the hems of his skirts." You're wonderful people up here. I hope to get back to see you again before Jesus calls me, or the Millennium. If I don't, I'll see you across the river over yonder. I'll meet you at the river. Amen. It's an appointment.

While life's dark maze I tread,

And grief around me spread,

Be Thou my Guide;

Bid darkness turn to day, (that little Light they talk about)

Wipe sorrow's fears away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

301 Every door open! Oh, just touch the little button, and watch them all go right around the circle; say, "Come in, Lord Jesus, be my Lord, my all."

O let me from this day, not let You stand at the door,

Be wholly Thine!

302You that raised your hands and wants to be farther led towards the Lord, I ask you to go down to the revival tonight. And I'm sure the pastor there would take you from here to the inn. He has six pence, or whatever was given, to take care, and wine and oil to pour in. He can finish the job.

303God bless you now. I'll turn the service back to, I guess, Brother Williams, or ever who is...