Semeno nebude dediť so šupkou



Tu je nám skrze to predstavený obraz. To semeno začalo, to semeno zasľúbenia začalo v nepatrnom pochybovaní - pochybnosť ohľadne originálnemu zasľúbeniu. Vidíte ako to začína dole v pochybovaní v originálne zasľúbenie? Boh zasľúbil Abrahámovi, že skrze Sáru bude mať toto dieťa. Ale teraz dávajte pozor, to prvé Abrahámove semeno cez ženu otrokyňu prišlo skrze to, že Sára pochybovala, že toto by sa mohlo stať, pretože ona bola stará a prešlá vekom rodenia.

No, takto začína cirkev. Takto to stále začína. Vy začínate zo dna. Nezačínate od stropu. Človek, ktorý chce vystupovať po rebríku a prv sa snaží vystúpiť na samý vrchný stupienok, zláme si krk. Musíte začať a stavať hore na tom. A tu nachádzame, že začiatok zasľúbenia Božieho, ktorý sa manifestoval cez nepatrnú pochybnosť, narušil Boží program.

1 Zostaňme na chvíľu stáť, kým sa pomodlíme. Skloňme svoje hlavy.

2 Drahý Bože, považujeme toto dnes večer za veľké privilégium, že tu môžeme byť pri tejto príležitosti aby sme priniesli živého Krista zomierajúcemu svetu a zomierajúcej generácii.

3 Prosíme ťa Pane, aby si pomazal naše slová a našu námahu, aby sa nevrátili ku Tebe prázdne, ale aby mohli vykonať to na čo boli poslané.

4 Pomôž tu dnes večer každému mužovi, žene, chlapcovi alebo dievčaťu, ktorí sú v potrebe. A Otče, my vieme, že všetci sme v potrebe. A keď odídeme dnes večer, nech môžeme cítiť vo svojich srdciach ako tí, ktorí prišli z Emaus, potom keď mali svedectvo zmŕtvychvstania Krista a hovorili: „Či v nás nehoreli naše srdcia, keď On ku nám hovoril na ceste?" Udeľ nám to, Pane!

5 Uzdrav chorých a postihnutých. Nech po tomto večernom zhromaždení nie je medzi nami nikto slabý. A ponad všetko, nech nezostane nikto neveriaci, Pane. Nech oni všetci veria na Večný Život. Lebo to je náš cieľ, kvôli čomu sa tu zhromažďujeme.

6 Tieto požehnania prosíme na slávu Kráľovstva Božieho, v mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

7 To je dobre, že sme znovu tu dnes večer. A vidím, že máme niekoľkých, ktorí stoja okolo a myslím, že telefóny sú teraz zapnuté do mnohých rôznych miest po celom národe, San Francisco, Tucson, hore na východ. A my cez telefóny im posielame pozdravy. Sme tu dnes večer v auditóriu. Hlavné auditórium je naplnené a v uličkách a okolo stien stojí plno ľudí. A usudzujeme, že zajtra večer sa budeme snažiť, aby nám tu otvorili aj druhú stranu do telocvične a zväčšili auditórium, kde by sa mohlo možno zmestiť o niekoľko tisíc ľudí viacej. Tak dúfame to zajtra večer. Ak dnes večer je tu plno, prvý večer, no, veríme, že zajtra večer to bude väčšie. A vidím, že dnes tiež ľudia sedia na pridaných stoličkách a na všetkom možnom.

8 Sme vo veľkom očakávaní, za prvé na príchod Pána Ježiša; to ďalšie, na spasenie stratených duší, ktoré Ho prijmú dnes večer a budú pripravení na Jeho príchod, keď sa On ukáže.

9 Zvlášť chcem pozdraviť a privítať všetkých týchto fajných mužov na pódiu, ktorí pokiaľ viem mnohí z nich sú kazatelia. Okolo sto alebo viacej sedí na pódiu a my sme skutočne vďační, že sú tu.

10 Vás všetkých, kdekoľvek ste na rôznych miestach národa ... A dozvedel som sa, že sú tu niektorí ľudia z poza mora, zo zámoria. Tak sme vďační, že ste tu aby ste sa radovali v tomto obecenstve s nami, čo očakávame, že Boh nám dá počas tohoto zhromaždenia.

11 Vyzerá to tak, že odkedy som myslel, že prídem naspäť na týchto niekoľko dní zhromaždení, že moje vlastné srdce bolo zvláštne vyburcované, zvláštnym pocitom, že niečo sa má stať. Ja proste neviem čo to je, ale dúfam, že to je veľké zjavenie od Boha, ktoré nás pripraví a urobí nás lepšími obyvateľmi Jeho Kráľovstva, zatiaľ čo chodíme v tomto temnom svete hriechu a nevery.

12 Táto pôda dnes večer, práve toto miesto, znamená pre mňa veľkú vec. Odkedy som vedel, že tu stavajú toto školské auditórium, chcel som mať na tomto mieste zhromaždenia. Som veľmi vďačný vedeniu školy a tým, ktorí nám láskavo dovolili mať to tu. To bolo na tomto mieste, práve niekde tu kde stojí táto budova dnes, kde sa odohrala veľká vec pred nejakými tridsiatymi rokmi, presne na tejto pôde. Nebolo tu vtedy nič len kroviny a tráva. A ja som býval v malom dome hneď tu na druhej strane asi dvesto metrov. Veľmi som sa staral v tých dňoch o spasenie môjho otca a matky, ktorí sa už dnes obaja pominuli. A zvlášť v ten deň som sa staral o môjho otca.

13 Pamätám sa, spal som vo verande. Bolo teplo, bolo leto. Toto je napísané, myslím v malej knižke nazvanej, Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, alebo tiež to bolo v malej knižke nazvanej Nebol som neposlušný tomu nebeskému videniu.

14 A ležal som vo verande, zrazu som sa zobudil a na srdce mi prišlo bremeno za môjho otca. Koľkí z ľudí v tomto meste ste poznali môjho otca, myslím, že bol veľký človek, hoci bol hriešnik a ... Ale mal zlý zvyk, proti ktorému som sa snažil bojovať ako som len mohol v tom čase; to bolo pitie. A v ten večer bol opitý. A ja som sa zobudil s veľkým bremenom na srdci za neho. A len v pyžame, vkĺzol som do nohavíc, nechal som si košeľu od pyžama, chodil som vonku po tomto krovinatom a trávnatom poli, práve kde teraz toto stojí. A kľakol som si aby som sa modlil za otca.

15 A kým som sa modlil a prosil Boha, aby ho spasil a nedal mu zomrieť ako hriešnikovi, že ho milujem ... A kým som sa modlil, zodvihol som sa aby som sa pozrel smerom na východ od tadeto a tam bolo videnie. A stojac práve nado mnou, (mnohí z vás poznáte to videnie) bol Pán Ježiš.

16 No, nie som alergický na ilustrácie, pokiaľ viem; ale videnia sú skutočné. A tam stál Pán Ježiš, prvý krát som ho videl v takomto videní. Bol asi okolo, no, možno desať stôp nad mojou hlavou (3m), stál vo vzduchu, jednou nohou robil práve krok. Mal na sebe biele rúcho, olemované okolo kraju. Vlasy mal dole na ramenách, a vyzeral na okolo, ako človek okolo, ako povedala Biblia, že bol okolo tridsať ročný, ale malý, chatrný človek, veľmi malý. Vyzeral akoby nevážil viac ako 65 kilo.

17 A pozrel som sa, a myslel som si, že to je niečo v čom sa možno mýlim. Tak, pretrel som si oči a znovu som sa pozrel. A on stál trochu bokom, Jeho tvár bola trochu z profilu. A ten výzor Jeho tváre, ktorú som stále videl vo videniach, bol ako hlava tridsaťročného Krista od Hoffmana. Preto to mám vo svojom dome, na svojej literatúre, všade kde to môžem dať, pretože tak to vyzeralo, najviac tak. Jedine, že vyzeral malý.

18 A ja ... Ako som sa díval na Neho, myslel som si: „Určite, či sa nedívam na môjho Pána, ako tam stojí." A ja som bol takto, povedal by som, v takejto pozícii a možno práve kde je táto - pod týmto, kde je teraz tu táto kazateľňa. Niekde, bolo to práve v tomto okolí v dosahu, kde teraz stojím, najlepšie ako by som to mohol odmerať, okolo 40, 50 metrov niekde okolo v tomto obvode tu, v tomto kruhu.

19 A pozrel som sa hore, a On tam stál. A uhryzol som sa do prsta, aby som zistil či nespím. Viete ako ... Jednoducho to vyzeralo, ako by to nemohlo tak byť. A ja som vtedy bol len mladý v Pánovi, kázal som okolo šesť mesiacov. Uhryzol som sa do prsta. Zobral som steblo trávy a zlomil som ho. A mnohí z vás, ktorí bývate na dedine, poznáte tie malé šparátka do zubov, ako je to v steblách trávy. Začal som žuť tú trávu. A povedal som si: „To nemôže byť. Sníva sa mi. Tam je môj dom. Tam je otec a matka a deti. Tam je ten starý tehlový rybník, ktorý zvykol byť tu dole, kde som zvykol poľovať na kačice asi dvesto metrov odtiaľto. A ja tu stojím na poli; musí to tak byť."

20 Kopol som do zeme, šľapol som trochu nohou a potriasol som hlavou a pokýval som rukami a znovu som sa pozrel, pozrel som sa inde a znovu som sa tam pozrel a On tam stál. Začal viať vietor a videl som ako sa tráva hýbe od vetra. A keď začal fúkať jeho rúcho tiež vialo vo vetre. Ako prádlo zavesené na šnúre, ono sa začína mykať.

21 On tam stál. Díval som sa na to. A myslel som si: „Keby som sa len mohol pozrieť na Jeho tvár." A On sa díval na východ, práve týmto smerom. Napnute sa díval. A ja som sa pohol, aby som prešiel okolo a pozrel sa zblízka na Jeho tvár a stále som Ho nemohol dobre vidieť. Mal pred sebou ruky, z miesta kde som stál bol skôr skrytý.

22 Znovu som prešiel kúsok okolo a takto som zakašlal, čistiac si hrdlo; [Brat Branham zakašlal aby to ukázal] Díval som sa, či by to upútalo Jeho pozornosť. Ale On sa nepohol.

23 Potom som si myslel: „Možno na Neho zavolám." Keď som povedal „Ježiš," otočil hlavu; a keď sa na mňa pozrel, On len zodvihol ruky. To je všetko čo si pamätám, za asi ... takmer do rozvidnenia som ležal rovno tu vonku na tom poli, niekde kde je teraz toto miesto, košeľu od pyžama som mal celú mokrú od sĺz, kde som plakal a prežil to. Výraz Jeho tváre vyzeral tak, že žiadny umelec by to nemohol nakresliť alebo namaľovať. Nedokázali by to. Vyzeral ako človek, že keď ste sa pozreli na Neho, chcelo by sa vám plakať od súcitu a rešpektu a úcty a pri tom s takou mocou, že keby povedal slovo prevrátilo by to svet. A ten výraz tváre by maliar nikdy nemohol zachytiť.

24 A ja som vôbec nevedel, až do tohoto dňa, čo to znamenalo. Ale dnes som tu po tridsiatich rokoch, stojím v auditóriu, ktoré je teraz posvätené do služby Všemohúceho Boha. A ja len obyčajný člen, v podstate len miestny starší tu v baptistickom zbore, kde bol v tom čase pastor Roy Davis. A teraz tu stojím a toto miesto je preplnené ľuďmi, presne na tej istej pôde, čo si myslím je vykúpené krvou samého Ježiša Krista v mojich rukách aby som priniesol toto štvordňové posolstvo od Pána.

25 Len okolo šesť mesiacov potom som mal tu dole v rieke prvý krst, keď to svetlo prišlo dole rovno tu na Spring Street. Mnohý z vás ste mohli ísť dole a pozrieť sa na to, na Spring Street a Water, rovno pred riekou. A tam sa prvý krát zjavil ten Anjel Pánov verejne, o druhej hodine popoludní. A Hlas prišiel z toho a povedal: „Ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný aby predchádzal prvý Kristov príchod, tvoje posolstvo bude predchádzať druhý príchod."

26 Toto je tridsať rokov odvtedy, a ja som tu stále dnes večer a hlásam to posolstvo. A ono odišlo na celý svet a ja som šťastný, že som znovu dnes večer vo svojom domácom meste, aby som reprezentoval tohoto Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorého stále milujem z celého svojho srdca. Každý deň sa stáva stále sladší než ako deň predtým. Nezmenil som ani jednu jotu vo svojej náuke. Tá prvá vec, s ktorou som začal, dnes stále verím to isté. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

27 No, mám posolstvo za ktoré som zodpovedný. Keď to posolstvo prv začalo vychádzať, to bolo samozrejme ... Každý sa modlil za chorých, veľké znamenia, divy, zázraky, ktoré začali zvlášť medzi letničnými ľuďmi, všeobecné prebudenie s uzdravovacími kampaňami preletelo po celom svete. Myslím, že za dobrých pätnásť rokov bolo prebudenie na každom kopci, ktorý bol. Ohne prebudenia horia. Doslovne milióny ľudí prijalo Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa skrze to jedno poverenie. To inšpirovalo z tade Orala Robertsa a tak ďalej a ďalej a ďalej, ako to išlo okolo, potom čo letničná cirkev ležala vo svojom mŕtvom prepadlisku, ako to vtedy bolo.

28 Mojím zámerom a túžbou je dnes znovu zobudiť tú cirkev na blízky príchod Pána Ježiša. Musím to pokarhať. Musím pokarhať hriech akéhokoľvek druhu. Nemyslím tým niečiu denomináciu. Ja mám posolstvo.

29 No, je ťažko ísť do nejakej cirkvi a získať podporu, práve tak ako to bolo s naším Pánom Ježišom; pretože to je On; to nie som ja. Ale keď On prv kázal a uzdravoval chorých, kriesil mŕtvych a očisťoval malomocných a vyháňal démonov, každý Ho chcel. Ale prišiel čas keď Posolstvo, ktoré stále nasleduje každý znak, pretože znak má hlas. Ale keď sa On jedného dňa posadil a povedal: „Ja a môj Otec sme jedno!" to bolo viac ako oni mohli zniesť.

30 To bolo tiež, keď On povedal: „Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho Krv, nemáte v sebe život."

31 Ako ... Prečo, doktori a dostatočne premýšľajúci ľudia by povedali: „Tento človek je upír, snaží sa vás naviesť, aby ste jedli jeho telo a pili jeho krv." On to nikdy nevysvetlil; On to len povedal.

32 A dnes môžete počuť veci, počas zhromaždenia, ktoré sú len povedané, nie sme schopní to vysvetliť, ale pamätajte, Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Veríme tomu!

33 No, nemáme čas príliš veľa hovoriť, pretože máme určitý čas aby sme tu začali a určitý čas odísť z tadeto. A chceme rešpektovať vedenie školy, ktoré vymeralo pre nás tento čas. A budeme robiť všetko čo môžeme, aby sme ich rešpektovali.

34 Pamätajte, v každom čase, keď hriešnik chce prísť ku Kristovi, všetko čo musíte urobiť je ísť rovno hore, či kážem spievam alebo čokoľvek a hneď vtedy dať svoj život Kristovi a postaviť sa na svoje miesto. To je to kvôli čomu sme tu, pomôcť vám.

35 Chcem hovoriť s bratom Vayle, bratom Bordersom a s bratmi tu. Ak .. Rád by som vedel či by mohli popoludní prísť do zboru, alebo niekedy ráno, alebo niekedy na poučné zhromaždenie pre tých, ktorí hľadajú krst Duchom Svätým? Dalo by sa vám to, bratia, brat Neville a vy všetci mohli by ste sem prísť, brat Caps?

36 Ak by niekto chcel byť poučený ohľadne krstu Duchom Svätým, môžete prísť do modlitebni [Brat Branham sa pýta na čas [ okolo 10 hod. ráno.

37 Ak máte otázky ohľadne náuky, ak máte otázky ohľadne posolstva, ak chcete byť ... Ak vám nikdy osobne nebolo poslúžené, chcete aby sa za vás modlili alebo čokoľvek čo chcete vedieť v tejto veci, môžete proste prísť tam dole o desiatej hodine ráno a stretnúť týchto mužov. Oni budú, jeden alebo viacerí z nich, tam aby poučili, aby sa modlili za chorých, odpovedali na otázky tak ako daný človek bude ... Choďte len ku ním a oni vám radi pomôžu akokoľvek budú môcť.

38 No, ešte skôr ako pristúpime ku Slovu, chceme znovu pristúpiť ku Autorovi Slova. Môžete príliš veľa jesť; môžete príliš veľa piť; môžete sa príliš veľa smiať; môžete príliš veľa chodiť; ale nikdy sa nebudete príliš veľa modliť. „Chcem aby sa mužovia modlili všade, pozdvihovali sväté ruky bez pochybovania ..." Modlime sa.

39 Drahý Ježišu, Autor Slova Života - a Ty si tým Slovom - vážne teraz pristupujeme ku Tebe po vysvetlení toho videnia, Bože, Ty si mojím svedkom, že to je pravda. Pane Ježišu, prosím aby si pomazal tie slová dnes večer na počutie pre každé ucho, ktoré je pod Božským zvukom. A ak je tu niekto alebo počúva na druhej strane národa, ak nie sú hotoví a pripravení v tejto hodine odpovedať na vyzvanie tejto hodiny, Posolstva od Boha, aby činili pokánie a boli pripravení; lebo sa približuje Kráľovstvo Božie. Modlíme sa aby to tak dnes s nimi bolo, aby odpovedali na vyzvanie tejto hodiny.

40 Ó, Bože, prosím o pomoc, poznajúc zodpovednosť a čo to znamená a čo - musím sa zodpovedať v deň súdu za všetko čo hovorím tu a všade inde. Pomôž mi byť smrteľne úprimným, Pane, vo všetkom čo robím alebo hovorím v Tvojom Slove, aby to mohlo priniesť ovocie. Lebo ako bolo tvoje poverenie, „Nech neodstúpi toto Slovo od tvojich úst, ale rozmýšľaj o ňom dňom i nocou aby si ostríhal a činil všetko čo je napísané v tom zákone. A potom sa ti podarí tvoja cesta, a potom budeš mať úspech. Či som ti neprikázal, buď silný a veľmi odvážny, lebo Pán tvoj Boh je s tebou kdekoľvek pôjdeš." Pane Ježišu, sprav to tak dnes večer. Prosíme v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

41 Piatok a v sobotu od desiatej do dvanástej v modlitebni na Pen Sreet 8 budú inštrukcie, odpovede na náuku, modlitby za chorých a ďalšie. Prídite rovno tam, ak máte nejakú otázku, čokoľvek čo potrebujete. Bude tam muž na ktorého sa s tým môžete obrátiť. Nech vás Pán žehná!

42 No, na toto otvorenie zhromaždenia dnes večer, nemôžem robiť nič než to otvoriť rovno do nášho posolstva. To je to, načo sme tu. A teraz, to je to kvôli čomu som prišiel naspäť. A v nedeľu ráno, ak bude vôľa Pánova, chcem čeliť tomu veľkému vyzvaniu tohoto dňa, ohľadne manželstva a rozvodu.

43 A teraz, v Liste Galaťanom 4:27, prajem si aby sme čítali tieto slová, 4:27 až 31 vrátane.

Lebo je napísané: Veseľ sa, neplodná, ty, ktorá nerodíš! Vykríkni a zvolaj, ktorá nepracuješ ku pôrodu! Lebo viacej bude mať detí opustená ako tá, ktorá má muža.

Ale my, bratia, sme ako Izák, deťmi zasľúbenia.

Lež ako vtedy ten narodený podľa tela prenasledoval toho, ktorý bol podľa Ducha, tak aj teraz.

Ale čo hovorí Písmo? Vyžeň dievku i jej syna, lebo syn dievky nebude dediť so synom slobodnej.

A tak tedy, bratia, nie sme deťmi dievky, ale deti slobodnej.

44 Nech Pán pridá požehnanie do čítania Jeho Slova. No, verím, že tu, keď som zobral takýto text, veľmi zvláštny, neobyčajný. Ale niekedy nachádzame Boha v týchto zvláštnych neobyčajných hodinách, neobyčajným spôsobom, neobyčajné veci. Pretože Boh je neobyčajný a tí, ktorí Mu skutočne slúžia zo srdca Mu slúžia neobyčajným spôsobom, voči veciam alebo spôsobom sveta. Tento text je nazvaný Semeno nebude dediť so šupkou.

45 Pavel tu hovorí o doslovnom semene Abrahámových dvoch synov. Pavel sa ochotne kladie do pozície, ako narodený zo slobodnej ženy.

46 No, my vieme, že Abrahám mal dvoch synov od dvoch rôznych žien. Boh mu dal zasľúbenie skrze Sáru - alebo cez Sáru, že sa narodí syn, a skrze tohoto Syna bude svet požehnaný. Všetky národy budú požehnané cez tohoto Syna. A tomu sa všeobecne verí, zvlášť medzi židmi, že toto bol Izák, ale nebol. Tento zasľúbený Abrahámov Syn je Ježiš a On je Kráľovským Semenom, Abrahámovho zasľúbenia.

47 Ale Abrahám mal dvoch synov, jedného od Hagar, ktorá bola slúžka jeho ženy, milá, pekná Egyptská slúžka, ktorú Abrahám pre ňu zobral v Egypte - aby bola jej - slúžka jeho žene. A Sára, myslela si, že Boh nebude schopný dodržať presne všetky svoje zasľúbenia, ona povedala Abrahámovi, aby si zobral Hagar jej slúžku a oženil sa s ňou (mnohoženstvo v tom čase bolo legálne) a aby priniesol to dieťa a to je ten spôsob ako to Boh plánoval, že ona mala mať to dieťa len cez Hagar ... Ale zisťujeme, že to tak nebolo.

48 No, rozumieme tiež, že Boh je zdokonalený v troch. No, Boh je zdokonalený v troch. Milosť je päť. Sedem je úplnosť, ako svet. Boh je zdokonalený v Otcovi, Synovi, Duchu Svätom. To je dokonalosť Božstva. Celý jeden Boh v troch manifestáciách troch atribútov, v troch úradoch v jednom Božstve.

49 No, tiež sú tri stupne v dokonalosti milosti pre cirkev: Ospravedlnenie, Posvätenie, Krst Duchom Svätým. Z toho sa skladá znovuzrodenie. Práve tak ako telesné narodenie je v tom príkladom. Kde žena, ktorá rodí dieťa, prvá vec, ktorá vychádza je voda, krv a potom život. Biblia hovorí v 1. Liste Jána 5:7 alebo 7:5, myslím že to je - kde je povedané „Traja sú, ktorí svedčia na nebi, Otec, Slovo (ktorým je Syn), a Duch Svätý; títo traja sú Jedno. A traja sú, ktorí svedčia na zemi: Slovo - voda, krv, a duch - voda, krv a duch; títo traja svedčia o jednom."

50 No, Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý sú Jedno. Nemôžete mať Otca bez toho, aby ste mali Syna; nemôžete mať Syna bez toho, aby ste mali Ducha Svätého. Ale môžete byť ospravedlnení, bez toho aby ste boli posvätení. Môžete byť posvätení bez toho, aby ste boli naplnení Duchom Svätým. Dokázali sme to na poriadku prírody.

51 No, a mnohí z vás môžu byť - ja vám môžem byť cudzí. A ja nemám vzdelanie a som si istý, že ste to už porozumeli. Ale učím v príkladoch, ako to telesné zobrazuje to duchovné.

52 No, vidíme, že v dokonalosti sú tri. Boh je zdokonalený v troch. No, a tak bolo v dokonalosti semena Abrahámovho, bol Izmael, Izák, Ježiš: Izmael prichádza zo ženy otrokyne, Izák prichádza zo slobodnej ženy - a obidvaja cez pohlavný styk - ale Ježiš prichádza z panny, žiadny pohlavný styk.

53 Tu toto semeno, jedno, jedno Semeno, nie semená, ale jedno Semeno. Tieto ostatné neboli semenom Abraháma, pretože Abrahámove semeno bolo jeho Semeno viery, o ktorom Boh hovoril, nie jeho prirodzené semeno. Pretože potom, keď zomrela Sára Abrahám sa oženil s inou ženou a mal sedem synov a ešte aj dcéry. Tak to neboli Abrahámove semená, to bolo Abrahámove Semeno, jedno. A to bolo Semeno Abrahámovej viery, ukazujúce na to Kráľovské Semeno, ktoré malo prísť cez Abrahámovu vieru, nie cez Abrahámov prirodzený život, ale cez Abrahámov duchovný život, ktorý všetko čo bolo nezhodné s Božím Slovom nazýval ako keby to nebolo a veril Bohu, proti nádeji, veril v nádeji. To je to skutočné Semeno, o ktorom hovoríme.

54 Tu je nám skrze to predstavený obraz. To semeno začalo, to semeno zasľúbenia začalo v nepatrnom pochybovaní - pochybnosť ohľadne originálnemu zasľúbeniu. Vidíte ako to začína dole v pochybovaní v originálne zasľúbenie? Boh zasľúbil Abrahámovi, že skrze Sáru bude mať toto dieťa. Ale teraz dávajte pozor, to prvé Abrahámove semeno cez ženu otrokyňu prišlo skrze to, že Sára pochybovala, že toto by sa mohlo stať, pretože ona bola stará a prešlá vekom rodenia.

55 No, takto začína cirkev. Takto to stále začína. Vy začínate zo dna. Nezačínate od stropu. Človek, ktorý chce vystupovať po rebríku a prv sa snaží vystúpiť na samý vrchný stupienok, zláme si krk. Musíte začať a stavať hore na tom. A tu nachádzame, že začiatok zasľúbenia Božieho, ktorý sa manifestoval cez nepatrnú pochybnosť, narušil Boží program.

56 Takto isto začína hriech v záhrade Eden. Tak začala smrť skrze hriech, vtedy keď jedno Božie slovo bolo zle vyložené alebo spochybnené. Nemôžete pochybovať alebo klásť na nesprávne miesto jedno slovo Božie, ktoré je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN ...?... každé Slovo je také.

57 A tu Sárah, práve tá, ktorej to zasľúbenie ... Sára ako žena (čo je obrazom cirkvi) zapochybovala v originálny program Božieho zasľúbeného Slova a povedala: „Ty, Abrahám, môj muž, zober si túto peknú slúžku a ži s ňou a buď jej mužom. A Boh dá toto zasľúbené semeno cez ňu; a ja si vezmem to dieťa." Vidíte? Proste tým, že obišla jednu malú jotu zmenila celý program. Preto musíme brať každé slovo Božie ako, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Každé slovo Božie je pravda.

58 Tu potom začína to semeno v zasľúbení trochu pochybovať. Izák, ktorý bol semenom od slobodnej a zasľúbenej ženy, zrodil - ako sa to Pavel snažil vysvetliť tu v Liste Galaťanom - on zrodil to prirodzené, zasľúbené semeno. A on pokračuje ďalej aby tu povedal, že dieťa ženy otrokyne nemôže dediť s dieťaťom slobodnej, pretože to sú dve rozdielne kategórie. A to je pravda. Neveriaci nemôže dediť s veriacim. Vôbec nijako.

59 Tam je dnes problém. Nemôžete spraviť aby denominačné kurča verilo tak, ako orol. Jednoducho to nemôžete urobiť. Tam prichádzajú problémy. Musíte veriť každému Božiemu slovu. Proste, nie ste dedičmi spolu; ani vy sa s tým nespojíte. Nemôžete. Musíte byť orol alebo kurča.

60 To nemohlo byť dedičom s Izmaelom, so semenom otrokyne, kvôli tej pochybnosti. Sára pochybovala Božiemu Slovu, že Boh je schopný to dodržať. Všimnite si, Abrahám (vidíte čo staviam na nedeľu ráno) - Abrahám v to nepochyboval. Sára v to pochybovala. Ona bola tou. To nebol Adam, ktorý pochyboval; to bola Eva, ktorá pochybovala. Tak potom, nájdeme viacej o tom, keď to budeme preberať nedeľu ráno.

61 Ani to duchovné nemôže - to telesné nemôže dediť spolu s duchovným. Izmaelove deti nemôžu nijako byť dedičmi s deťmi Izáka a ten telesný nijako nemôže byť dedičom s tým duchovným.

62 Telesná cirkev, duchovná cirkev ... Je telesná cirkev, ktorú tieto ženy tu zobrazujú a je tiež duchovná cirkev. Tak tá telesná cirkev nemôže dediť spolu s tou duchovnou cirkvou. To sú dve rozdielne, oddelené doby, dvaja odlišní oddelení ľudia, pod dvoma odlišnými oddelenými zmluvami.

63 Tak preto vytrhnutie je odlišné a bude len pre Abrahámove Kráľovské Semeno. To nemôže prísť cez to prirodzené, telesné semeno cirkvi. To bude musieť byť Kráľovské Semeno Slova Božieho cez Abraháma, Kráľovské Semeno. Preto vytrhnutie musí byť prv, pretože pamätajte: „Pretože my živí a ponechaní nezabránime, nepredstihneme tých, ktorí zosnuli. Lebo trúba Pánova zaznie, mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú najprv. My ktorí sme živí, pozostalí budeme vychvátení hore spolu s nimi a stretneme Pána na povetrí." Všimnite si, znovu je napísané: „A ostatní mŕtvi neožili, až sa dokoná tisíc rokov."

64 A tak, oni nebudú dediť spolu; oni nebudú spolu vo vytrhnutí. Nepochybne je cirkev prirodzená a cirkev duchovná, telesná cirkev a duchovná cirkev.

65 Vidíte, tu nie je žiadny ... Pre to kráľovské, duchovné, predurčené Abrahámove Semeno nie je vôbec žiadny súd, pretože oni sú predurčení do Večného Života. Oni prijali Božiu pripravenú Obeť a tá Obeť, to je Kristus, Slovo. „A tak teraz už nieto nijakého odsúdenia (ev. Jána 5:24, ak chcete miesto Písma) ... Teraz nieto nijakého odsúdenia tým, ktorí sú v Kristu Ježišovi (Rimanom 8:1) ... ktorí nechodia podľa tela, ale podľa Ducha." A Rimanom 5:24 „Ten kto čuje moje slovo (to slovo tam znamená „kto rozumel". Každý opilec a ktokoľvek to môže počuť, môže odísť) ... Ale ten kto dáva pozor - rozumie môjmu slovu a verí tomu, ktorý ma poslal má Večný Život a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života." Tak veru! Ten komu bolo oznámené toto veľké tajomstvo Božie, kto porozumel, ako Boh bol v Kristovi, mieriac svet so Sebou, ako On a Otec boli jedno, ako sa vyplňujú tie veľké Božie tajomstvá, kde On berie a prináša seba samého, zamanifestovaný vo veku ľudských bytostí a v rode ľudských bytostí a v spoločnosti ľudských bytostí, aby zamanifestoval Svoje Slovo v tom dni na východe pri východe slnka a aby robil tie isté veci, keď to slnko zapadá na západe, aby sa zamanifestoval v Neveste cirkvi, zamanifestované Slovo. Vidíte? To bude ... „Ten kto rozumie (to je, pozná), komu bolo zjavené od Toho ktorý ma poslal, má Večný Život a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života."

66 To prirodzené semeno bolo len nositeľom toho duchovného Semena, ako stopka, klas a šupka. Prebrali sme to predtým v inom posolstve, ale rád by som to trochu predstavil - alebo vrátil sa ku tomu znovu na chvíľu.

67 No, tu sú tri stupne semena, ktoré nám ukazujú pravý obraz, tie tri stupne prirodzeného semena v zemi. Ako semeno, ktoré je zasadené, ono rodí stopku, z toho vyháňa malý lístok, potom klas, potom na tom visí peľ a potom šupka a potom znovu semeno.

68 Pozorujte tieto stupne tu tohoto dokonalého podobenstva a ako sa to rozvíja presne ako príklad, pretože Boh je autor celej prírody. A tak príroda tak isto nemôže sklamať ako Boh nemôže sklamať, pretože On je ten, kto dal tej veci jej postavenie pre nás aby sme sa na to pozreli a videli.

69 Všimnite si, Hagar stopka, čo bol prvý začiatok, keď to semeno začalo povstávať. No, to nevyzeralo nijako ako semeno. To bola stopka, pretože ona bola otrokyňa, vôbec nie v zasľúbení, nemala nič spoločného so Slovom, len prenášateľka semena.

70 Všimnite si Sára, klas, to malo peľ. Židovský národ povstal z nej, zo Sáry sa narodil Izák, skrze Izáka sa narodil Jakob, Jakob zrodil patriarchov a skrze patriarchov sa zrodil národ.

71 Mária bola panna, viera, priniesla to skutočné duchovné Semeno Slova, ktoré sa stalo telom. Vidíte? Tie tri ženy, tri ženy cez ktoré bolo nesené toto semeno. Jedna z nich, to bolo v podstate cudzoložstvo v mnohoženstve. Tá druhá bola slobodná žena a tá tretia, to nebola vôbec žiadna pohlavná záležitosť, ale skrze vieru ona verila Slovu Božiemu. Hagar, Sárah ... Obidve, Sára a Hagar to bol pohlavný skutok, ale Mária bola panna, skrze moc zasľúbeného Slova Božieho. Je to tak!

72 Stopka, Hagar ... Dve ženy pochybovali v to zasľúbenie, ale pozrite čo to prinieslo. Keď Hagar, druhá Abrahámova žena, ktorá bola len, v podstate súložnica ... Ale ona zrodila človeka. Ale aký druh človeka to bol? Biblia povedala, že to bol divoký človek. On žil pomocou svojho luku a nikto ho nepremohol. On bol neskrotný, neobrátiteľný, neobnoviteľný. On sa nedal skrotiť. Bol to divoký človek, pretože bol nezhodný s Božím Slovom. A všetko čo je nezhodné, každý kazateľ, každý člen, každá cirkev, čo je nezhodné s Božím Slovom, zrodí divokú cudzoložnú bandu svetského Hollywoodu, ktorá nemôže zostať s neskazeným Slovom, pretože to vôbec nie je zahrnuté v zasľúbení. Nie!

73 Sárah, skutočná žena zasľúbenia, bola klasom, zrodila dobrotivého človeka. Ďalej a ďalej sa z toho zrodil zasľúbený národ, ktorý slúžil Bohu. Ale Mária, bez akéhokoľvek pohlavného styku, ale verila zasľúbenému Slovu keď bola panna, nepoznajúc žiadneho muža. A Anjel Pánov ju stretol a povedal: „Buď pozdravená Mária, ty požehnaná medzi ženami, lebo Boh je s tebou."

74 A ona povedala: „Ako sa to stane?"

75 On, ten anjel povedal: „Duch Svätý ťa zatieni."

76 To sa ešte nikdy nestalo vo všetkých vekoch, ale Mária uverila Bohu. A ona povedala: „Som služobnica Pánova." Ona verila Slovu. Ako to ona bude mať? Ona vedela, že Hagar mala to dieťa skrze pohlavnú žiadosť s Abrahámom a Sárah mala to dieťa skrze pohlavnú žiadosť s Abrahámom - deti zasľúbenia, otrokyňa a slobodná - ale tu je ona žiadaná aby tomu verila, mala podiel na tej viere, ktorá bola v Abrahámovi, ktorý veril v nemožné; „Keď Boh povedal, že je to tak, tak je to pravda!" ...

77 Ona verila Bohu, vôbec nepochybovala. Ona povedala: „Ajhľa, som služobnica Pánova. Bez ohľadu na to koľko kritiky musím zniesť od sveta, ale nech sa mi stane podľa Tvojho Slova." A tu prichádza to skutočné Semeno.

78 Sárah to nemohla priniesť, pretože to bol pohlavný styk. Je to tak. A ani Sárah, pretože to bol pohlavný styk; ani cirkev ovládaná sektárstvom to nemôže; na to treba panenskú vieru v Slovo Božie, ktoré dalo to zasľúbenie, aby sa narodilo to dieťa. Sektárstvo nikdy nezrodí znovuzrodenú cirkev. Nemôže. To zrodí nejakú náhradu. To zrodí niečo, čo to napodobuje, niečo čo sa snaží byť ako to. Ale skutočná znovuzrodená cirkev Božia verí Božiemu Slovu zoči voči všetkému, bez ohľadu na to, čo to je, pretože to je neskaziteľné. To je zasľúbenie Božie, skrze ktoré tieto veci prichádzajú.

79 Mária tá skutočná povedala - bez pohlavného styku, povedala: „Nech sa mi stane podľa Tvojho Slova. Som tvoja služobnica." A ona zrodila ... Čo ona zrodila? Nie divokého človeka, nie národ, ale ona zrodila Slovo, Sám Boh sa zamanifestoval v tele (amen!), to skutočné Semeno Božie, ktoré zamanifestovalo každé zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh v Biblii dal. Bez Neho nikto nemôže žiť - bez Neho. Ona bola to skutočné semeno. Ona bola pomimo ... Ona bola šupkou, ktorá zrodila to zrno.

80 No, tie ostatné dve boli nositeľom života, len ako prirodzeného semena. Mária ... No pamätajte, povedal som, že tie ostatné dve ... No, Mária, nerobte ju Bohom, ako sa ju niektorí ľudia snažia robiť. Ona nebola bohom. Nie veru! Ona bola len nositeľ toho Semena, ako tie ostatné.

81 Ale ako viera v Slovo prináša viac do skutočného obrazu, ako to zrno dozrieva, alebo pšenica. Ona vypúšťa stopku; potom to vypúšťa peľ; potom to vypúšťa šupku. Ale keď ... Vy si myslíte ... Tá šupka, ak nedáte pozor, ona bude vyzerať presne ako skutočná pšenica. Ale keď sa tvorí, tá skutočná pšenica je vo vnútri. To je znovu len nositeľ.

82 Tak vidíte Mária, nie skrze pohlavný styk, ale skrze vieru, niečo presne ako to ... Mária nebola tým Semenom. Mária bola nositeľom toho Semena. On bol tým skutočným Semenom viery, pretože Slovo Božie je skrze vieru, ktorú On dal Abrahámovi. A len viera môže vyprodukovať to čo Boh povedal, že urobí, viera v Jeho Slovo.

83 Všimnite si, ako viacej podobná na tú skutočnú vec bola Mária, ale ako šupka. Šupka objíma toto semeno v sebe a chráni ho, a vyživuje ho, až kým ono nestojí samé, dozrené. Tak tento tretí cirkevný vek, letničný, dozrel v objímaní tohoto zrna až do svojho času, aby otvoril tú šupku. Mária súc matkou Kristovou, len inkubátor. On nebol z Máriinej krvi; On nebol židovskej krvi; On nebol pohanskej krvi; On bol Krvou Božou. Boh stvoril túto Krv. To nemohol byť pohlavný styk. On nebol ani žid ani pohan.

84 Dieťa nemá ani štipku matkinej krvi. Krv pochádza od otca. Vieme, že hemoglobín je v mužskom jedinci. Ako kurča, sliepka môže sedieť na vajci ale ak nebola s tým mužským jedincom, s kohútom, nikdy sa to nevyliahne. To je neplodné, hoci to vyzerá presne ako to skutočné plodné vajce. Každá vlastnosť toho vyzerá tak isto, ale to nemá v sebe život.

85 Tak je to s ľuďmi, ktorí vyznávajú Krista. Mnohí z nich vyzerajú ako kresťania, snažia sa správať ako kresťania, ale musíte mať Krista v sebe, ktorým je zamanifestované Slovo, inak to nikdy nedozreje na skutočne biblicky veriaceho kresťana. To bude stále niečo denominačné. To nemôže žiť, pretože v tom nie je život aby žil. Vajce sa nemôže vyliahnuť, ono zhnije rovno v hniezde, ak nebolo s tým vtákom mužského pohlavia.

86 Tak ako členovia cirkvi. Môžete ich čičíkať a nazývať ich - robiť ich diakonami a všetkým možným, ale oni budú - máte hniezdo plné zhnitých vajec, ak sa nespojili s druhom. Je to tak!

87 Nositeľ, šupka, ona to vyživovala. Je to tak. Potom to, to je, samo semeno musí opustiť šupku, alebo šupka musí opustiť to semeno aby bolo umožnené tomu semenu, byť v prítomnosti slnka, aby tak mohlo dozrieť. Vidíme to všetko v príklade.

88 Vidíte tu teraz ako blízko ona, cirkev týchto posledných dní sa stáva taká, že vyzerá ako samo Semeno. Pozrite sa ako táto letničná denominácia, ktorá povstala v týchto posledných dňoch - a my to trošku neskoršie vysvetlíme, vidíte - ako oni prichádzajú tak blízko, že vyzerajú skoro presne ako to Semeno. Keď vyrastá šupka z toho pšeničného zrna - či vlastne steblo pšenice, potom keď tam vpadol peľ v druhom štádiu a vyprodukoval to tretie štádium, ktorým je šupka ... A ako to že, ak to naozaj dobre nepozorujete, nikdy nebudete môcť povedať inšie, len to, že tam je skutočné pšeničné zrno. Keď sa začína ukazovať to prvé malé zrnko, vyzerá ako zrno, ale zoberte to a otvorte a zistíte, že tam vôbec nie je zrno. To je len šupka, nositeľ zrna. No, zrno vychádza z toho. Ale pamätajte, po tej šupke už nie je nič ďalšie. Pamätajte, po Márii už nebolo nikde zasľúbené cez ženu žiadne ďalšie Semeno. A nie je viacej denominácií zasľúbených po letničnej. To je vytrhnutie nevesty, ktorá z tade vychádza, semena, Slova, ktoré sa znovu zamanifestovalo.

89 Všimnite si, vidíte ako veľmi je to podobné. Matúš povedal - ev. Matúša 24:24, hovorí, že tie dva duchy v tých posledných dňoch, cirkevný duch, cirkevných ľudí a nevestin Duch, ľudí nevesty, budú tak blízke, že by to zviedlo samotných vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Tak je to blízko.

90 Pozrite ako to prechádzalo cez stopku. A teraz si všimnite. Niečo tu znázorníme. Luther v cirkevnom veku, ktorý niesol Semeno Nevesty, bol tým istým v duchu. Len jedno malé zrnko semena Luthera, na ktorom Luther stál; to bolo ospravedlnenie skrze vieru. On bol dokonalým typom Hagary, stopka. Všimnite si, Wesley bol typom Sáry, Filadelfia, vek lásky, ktorý priniesol klas ... Vo veku Wesleya sme mali viac misionárov než v ktoromkoľvek inom veku. Veľký vek misionárov v čase Johna Wesleya ...

91 Ale letniční reprezentujú Máriu, Mária, posledné štádium toho. No, Ona nebola tým Semenom, jednako život Semena bol v nej. Ale ono ešte nebolo zrelé. Cítim sa veľmi nábožne. Ono ešte nedozrelo. Ono tam bolo, ale nebolo dozreté. Tak je to s naším letničným vekom, v ktorom žijeme. Musí vystúpiť Slovo Božie, ktoré je vo vnútri - nedenominačné, pomimo okruhu denominácií.

92 Luther odišiel do šupky so svojím prvým slovom, „spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." Wesley mal dve slová, posvätenie; druhé, jasné dielo milosti. Letniční mali tretie slovo: prinavrátenie darov. Ale musí vystúpiť celé semeno. Vidíte ako oni na jednom slove spravili denomináciu, a na ďalšom slove, a na ďalšom slove. Ale musí byť niečo, z čoho sa nemôže stať denominácia. To je plnosť života, ktorá je tam, sa znovu musí predviesť Neveste. Po tomto už nemôže byť viacej cirkevných vekov. Sme na konci, bratia a sestry. Sme tu; dorazili sme do toho. Vďaka Bohu! Amen!

93 No, vidíme že tieto veci sú také pravdivé, ako len môžu byť. Stále si potom všímame, ak je ona klasom, alebo Wesley je klasom, letniční sú potom šupkou, čo je ďalšie štádium vychádzania zrna ...

94 Ale brat, sestra, stopka nie je zrno; tak isto klas nie je zrno, a ani šupka nie je zrno, hoci zakaždým ako to dozrieva sa to viac podobá na zrno. Stopka nevyzerala ako zrno. Čo potom vychádza? Klas, malá bobuľka. To sa viac podobá na zrno, než ako sa podobala stopka. Čo vychádza ďalšie? Šupka. Ona drží zrno; ona vyživuje zrno.

95 Pozrime sa teraz tam naspäť na zasľúbenie Božie dané Abrahámovi ohľadne „tvoje Semeno ..."duchovne hovoriac. Každý z nás to vie. On hovoril o Kristovi, nie o Izákovi. Skrze Semeno jeho viery.

96 Všimnite si, to prvé bolo skrze otrokyňu. To nijako nevyzeralo ako zasľúbenie. Boh nemusí odvolať svoje Slovo kvôli nikomu. Boh povedal ako to príde, a takým spôsobom to príde. Ale Sárah, ktorá reprezentovala cirkev, znázorňovala cirkev, to - ona tam našla, že ... Ona povedala: „Dobre, zdá sa mi, že to je tak trochu div. Ja tomu proste tak nedokážem veriť, tak choď, zober si Hagar, a zober si ju za ženu." Vidíte to tam? To steblo nevyzeralo vôbec ako to zasľúbenie, ale keď vystupuje Sárah. No, to vyzeralo celkom dobre. To sa oveľa viacej podobalo na tam to zasľúbenie, ale stále to nebolo to skutočné zasľúbenie, pretože Izrael v Izákovi sklamal a zaprel to skutočné Semeno, keď Ono prišlo (Haleluja! Nevzrušujte sa; nebehajte. To vám neublíži!) - zapreli to Semeno, ukrižovali Ho, a zavesili Ho na kríž.

97 Práve tak ako tu povedal Pavel: „Či to semeno tej otrokyne neprenasledovalo to semeno slobodnej? A tak semeno denominácie prenasleduje to skutočné zrno. Stále to tak musí byť. Oni nebudú spolu dediť. Oni nie sú spolu združení. To sú úplne dve rozdielne zasľúbenia, dva rozdielne časy, úplne dvojaký rozdielny ľud. Jedným je Nevesta a tým druhým cirkev. Nijako ich spolu nemožno porovnať.

98 Ale oni stále nie sú semenom, ktoré bolo zasľúbené že príde. Ani Sárah ním nebola, ani Hagar. Ani Sárah, či ani Mária nebola tým Semenom. Mária nebola tým Semenom. Ona bola nositeľom toho Semena. Ale ona ho vyživovala, zrodila zo svojho lona, práve tak ako šupka rodí zo svojho lona skutočné Semeno. Ale tá šupka nie je semenom. To len ... Ona je bližšie toho semena. Ona objíma dookola to semeno. Predtým v stopke, ten život bol roztrúsený po celej stopke. A keď to prišlo do peľu, je to tesnejšie zhromaždené. Ale keď to prichádza do šupky, to je rovno tam ako semeno, a formuje sa to takmer ako semeno. Ježiš nám povedal, čo bude v posled- ných dňoch: bude to tak blízke, že by to zviedlo i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Ale potom z tade vystupuje semeno. A tá šupka, život opúšťa šupku. A šupka je nositeľom. A to je presne to čo boli naše denominácie, nositeľ. Luther, Wesley, letniční, a teraz je čas, aby vyšlo semeno.

99 Všimnite si, len si všimnite ... Ona nebola Semenom; Mária nebola - len šupka, klas a stopka nositele časti Slova, nie celého Slova. Luther mal ospravedlnenie. Wesley mal posvätenie. Letniční mali prinavrátenie darov. Ale keď prichádza Slovo ... No, oni to mohli produkovať, to ospravedlnenie spasí človeka. Veríte tomu? Samozrejme! To je nositeľ Slova, tak isto ako verím, že stopka je časťou pšenice. Samozrejme, že je! Ale to je nositeľ. To nie je život. Potom ďalej prichádza posvätenie. Koľkí veríte v posvätenie? Ak veríte Biblii, tak musíte. Samozrejme! Tak to stále nie je ... To je trochu viac ako ... To je o dve slová viacej. Ale potom prichádzajú letniční, prinavrátenie darov. Hovorenie v jazykoch, oni to nazývajú počiatočný dôkaz Ducha Svätého, hovorenie v jazykoch. Tam to nazývajú, počiatočný dôkaz, a to rodí čo? Šupku. Ale oni urobili denomináciu. Ale keď prichádzate aby ste povedali: „Ja a Otec sme jedno," a tieto ďalšie veci, potom sa tá šupka od toho odťahuje. Ale tá skutočná, ozajstná cirkevná Nevesta prinesie celé Slovo Božie v jeho plnosti v strede ... ? .. lebo On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

100 Všimnite si, v lone Márii bolo Semeno. Ale keď to Semeno vyšlo, Ono povedalo: „Prišiel som aby som činil vôľu toho, ktorý ma poslal. Ja a Otec sme Jedno. Ak nečiním Jeho skutky, tak mi neverte." Tam bolo to Semeno. „Kto z vás ma môže usvedčiť z nevery? Čo Biblia zasľúbila, že budem robiť, to som vykonal. Boh to cezo mňa potvrdil!" Povedal. „Kto mi teraz môže povedať, jedno ..." Ale to Semeno v Márii, tá šupka, ona bola blízko toho, že by Ním bola, ale nebola. Ono bolo stále v lone.

101 Všimnite si. A v letničnom veku, cez Lutherov vek, cez Wesleyov vek, tak isto to bolo cez tento Letničný vek ... Všimnite si teraz, ale pri otvorení Siedmej Pečati, Zjavenie 10, plné Slovo má znovu byť zrodené do manifestácie a má byť potvrdené skrze Ducha Božieho v plnej moci, ako bolo vtedy, keď bolo tu na zemi, zamanifestované tým istým spôsobom, činiace tie isté veci, ktoré činilo, keď bolo tu na zemi. Amen! Židom 13:8 hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. V ev. Lukáša 17:30 Ježiš povedal: „V posledných dňoch, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, keď Syn človeka bude znovu zjavovať samého Seba, to bude to isté."

102 Svet je v stave Sodomy a cirkev s ním odišla do Sodomy ako Lot a jeho žena. A hovorím, že niekde v tomto svete je vyvolená cirkev, ktorá je vytiahnutá a postavená nabok od týchto vecí. A manifestácia Božia upútala jej pozornosť. Sme v posledných dňoch.

103 Šupka vydala svoju silu do semena; vyšlo to z nej. To bola dobrá šupka, ale ona poslúžila svojmu času.

104 Vidíte, to je Nevesta Slova od Ženícha Slova. To prirodzené semeno Abraháma, Izáka a Jakoba a - alebo radšej prirodzené semeno, Izmaela, prirodzené semeno Izáka a tak ďalej, muselo ísť do zeme za tým účelom, aby prinieslo toto ďalšie, prinieslo Ježiša. A tak isto všetky tieto ostatné. Tie semená museli uschnúť - chcem povedať, že šupka musela uschnúť a klas musel uschnúť a všetko zomiera aby sa mohlo ukázať semeno.

105 Takto to bolo v každom veku, denominácie boli nositeľmi časti toho. Časti toho, to je Slova, lebo ono bolo skryté pred tými múdrymi reformátormi, alebo zapečatené pred nimi, až do veku v ktorom sa zjavil orol. Biblia tak povedala. Tak veru! Pretože to máme zasľúbené v Malachiášovi 4. Skutočne máme!

106 On to skryl pred očami múdrych a rozumných! A tak ako sme práve prebrali knihu Zjavenia, zistili sme, že každý - všetci títo traja poslovia, či vlastne tieto zvieratá [živé bytosti] , ktoré vystupovali, každá pasovala presne na Luthera. Každá hneď vysemenila tú ďalšiu, a to je vôl a rôzne zvieratá Biblie. To vyšlo do ospravedlnenia, posvätenia, a ešte aj do letničných; ale tá štvrtá bol orol. Je to tak a cez ten vek to Boh vzbudil. Tak to muselo prísť cez ten vek, aby to bolo správne. Tak veru, zasľúbenie orla z Malachiáša 4 sa vyplnilo.

107 Ježiš nebol z Márie, ale prišiel cez Máriu, ako život cez šupku.

108 No, mnohí z vás tu dnes večer, fajní bratia katolíci alebo sestry si možno myslíte, že Mária bola matkou Božou, ako hovoríte, že bola. Ako by mohla byť matkou Boha a Boh nemal začiatok ani koniec? Kto bol potom Otcom Boha, ak ona bola matkou? Vidíte? On bol jej Stvoriteľ, a ona nebola Jeho stvoriteľom. On sa stvoril v lone Márii, nie jej vlastné stvorenie. To bol ... On stvoril Seba samého. On nebol z nej, ale ona z Neho. Tak je to! Biblia nás učí, že všetko povstalo skrze Neho. A bez Neho nepovstalo ani jedno z toho čo povstalo. Tak akoby mohla ... Akoby On mal matku, keď On bol Sám Boh?

109 No, vidíme tu skutočné zjavenie toho skutočného príkladu. Sú tri ženy, ktoré niesli to prirodzené semeno až kým nedozreli ku Ježišovi. Ako ... Izmael by nemohol byť, pretože on sa narodil v podstate - podľa toho, ako by sme dnes na to hľadeli - mimo manželstva, pretože on bol synom otrokyne. Potom prichádza niečo viac podobné na Neho, na Ježiša, a to prichádza Izák. Ale to stále nebolo to, pretože to sa narodilo z pohlavného aktu medzi Sárou a Abrahámom. Ale potom ďalej prišla Mária, panenské narodenie prinieslo Ježiša Krista (Je to tak!), Boh, Slovo sa stalo telom.

110 No, pozrite sa, tam boli tri ženy. Tu sú znázornené tri ženy, cirkvi (ženy stále znázorňujú cirkvi) to znamená tri denominačné veky, nositele, ktoré tiež musia zomrieť a vyschnúť, práve tak, ako sa to stalo so šupkou a tak ďalej, aby dali miesto semenu. Semeno nemôže dozrieť - nemôže dozrieť, až kým šupka, stopka a listy sú všetky suché. Je to tak. Ono vysáva z nich každý kúsok života. Amen! Všetko čo to bolo je ten prídavok. Nemôže.

111 No, to je čas semena alebo čas Nevesty. Šupky sú mŕtve. Šupky vyschli. Čas panenského Slova, nedotknuté ... To je panna. Pamätajte, čas panenského Slova. Ak to dáte do rúk denominácie, to určite nebude panna. To bude čas ľudského manipulovania, to spravíte z toho. Ale Božia Cirkev nie je dotknutá denomináciou (haleluja!); to je panensky zrodené Slovo Božie, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Haleluja! Aké nádherné! Milujem to. Verím tomu. Viem, že to je pravda. To nebude dotknuté. V tom panenskom narodení Nevesty nebude žiadna ľudská manipulácia. Nie veru! Ona má príkaz od Boha, aby vyšla z takého niečoho. „Nedotýkajte sa ich nečistých vecí ..." stanete sa supmi.

112 Spomínam si práve, keď som jedného dňa prichádzal z Fónixu, prichádzal som do Tucsonu zo zhromaždenia, Duch Boží obrátil moju pozornosť na niečo (keď sme so ženou išli a rozprávali sa. A deti spali vzadu v aute, zvečerievalo sa), obrátil moju pozornosť na sokola. A díval som sa trochu na toho sokola a pozoroval som ho. On je veľmi dobrým príkladom dnešnej cirkvi.

113 No, sokol, ako všetci vieme, stratil svoju identifikáciu, ku čomu bol pôvodne stvorený. Je to presne tak. Sokol sa voľakedy podobal na orla, na svojho staršieho brata, sokol bol taký. Ale teraz on už viac nelieta v oblakoch aby poľoval na svoju nebeskú mannu, ale zoslabol. Už viacej nelieta v oblakoch; on poskakuje po zemi ako sup, sedí na telefónnych stĺpoch, poskakuje okolo a poľuje na mŕtve zajace. Sokol nebol stvorený aby to robil. Nie, on bol stvorený aby bol podobný orlovi. No, to je presne ako cirkev. Ona bola stvorená podobná na orla. Ona by mala zaujať miesto v nebesiach. Ale namiesto toho zoslabla. Nelieta už viacej do neznáma, do oblohy. Nie veru! Ona je závislá na svojom modernom spôsobe adopcii, na vzdelaní, a na teológii nejakej ľuďmi zostavenej denominácii, obzerá sa za nejakou hromadou mŕtvych, napoly zhnitých zajacov, čo má niečo inšie (tak veru!) ... poskakuje po zemi. Je to tak! Sokol. Vidíte, čo to ukazuje. Orol sa ani trochu nezmenil. On zostáva orlom.

114 Nelieta vysoko do oblakov, sokol už viacej tak nelieta, aby si tam hore chytil svoju čerstvú mannu, ale je závislý na tom, čo môže nájsť už mŕtve. Sokol nevie ako má - nemali by ste natrafiť na neho na zemi. Ale pozorujte dnes sokola. Choďte popri ceste, na telefónnych stĺpoch uvidíte sedieť plno sokolov, pozoruje či môže nájsť niečo - niečo zabité, niečo zhnité. Prišiel ku tomu, že už nepoužíva viac krídla na lietanie. On je ... Hneď poznáte, že bude stále na zemi, stiahol sa ku zemi lebo zoslabol. Nepoužíva už viac silu, ktorú mu dal Boh.

115 Jeho zvláštnosť, podľa ktorej ho bolo možno poznať, bolo to že lietal do oblakov a z tade pozoroval čo bolo dole. Ale teraz sa zniesol tu dole a nedokáže sa ani pozrieť hore. Má plnú hlavu mŕtvych zajacov, aby zistil čo môže nájsť na ceste, nejakého tchora, vačicu alebo niečo, čo niekto zrazil. To nie je orol, ale je to niečo takéto. Presne ako cirkev, ktorá je závislá na svojom pokrme pre vzdelania a tak ďalej, na mŕtvej potrave, ktorá zomrela pred rokmi počas Luthera a Wesleya a Letničných, ktorá bola v tom veku. Díva sa dozadu na nejaké ľuďmi vyrobené vyznanie, namiesto toho aby lietala v nebesiach Slova, kde je všetko možné, tým ktorí veria.

116 On si prisvojil zvyky kani. Tie mŕtve veci boli nechané pre supov, pre svet. Vzdelanie a také niečo bolo nechané pre svet, nie pre cirkev. On je taký ochabnutý, že ne ... Nie je už viac drsný. Nemôže sa dostať hore do drsných ponebeských miest, kde všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria. On sedí vzadu a hovorí: „No, doktor taký a taký povedal určitú ... Moja denominácia tomu tak neverí." Ó, ty prevrátený sokol, bojíš sa utiecť z toho a prísť na zasľúbenia Božie.

117 Hovoríte: „No, dni zázrakov pominuli." Ste ochabnutí. Bojíte sa roztiahnuť svoje krídla a lietať, stali ste sa príliš ochabnutí na modlitebné zhromaždenie? Prišli ste do takého stavu, že sa bojíte zostať desať minút pri oltári? Poskakujete okolo ako sup, ktorý žerie na zemi mŕtvu zdochlinu. Tak veru!

118 On je príliš ochabnutý aby sa ešte vôbec vydal do drsných diaľok. Poskakuje ako sup, a žerie potravu supov (To je to. Je to tak!), až začne vyzerať ako sup. Správa sa ako sup, nie je už viac sokolom. Podobá sa viac na supa než na sokola. Sokol by mal lietať, nie sedieť na telefónnom stĺpe a čakať na mŕtveho zajaca a potom zoskočiť dole a poskakovať hore dole okolo cesty ako sup. Vidíte?

119 To je celkom tak ako s cirkvou dnes. „Aký to má úžitok ísť tam hore a vznášať sa, keď môžem mať zajaca tu dole?" Ale sú mŕtve; zhnité; skazené. Voľakedy boli dobré. Tak to bolo s náukou Luthera, Wesleya a Letničných. Prečo jete ako sup? Nová manna padala každú noc z neba pre deti Izraelove keď putovali. Všetko čo zostalo bolo skazené. Zvykli sme hovoriť na dedine: „sú v tom červíky." Dnes je príliš veľa tých červíkov v našich prežitiach. Naše náboženstvá závisia na tom čo povie niekto iný, čo povedal niekto iný a -- to zasľúbenie je na nejaký iný vek.

120 Nedávno prišiel ku mne jeden človek, baptistický kazateľ, hore ku mne domov a povedal: „Vieš, chcem ťa len v niečom opraviť."

Opýtal som sa: „V čom?"

Povedal: „Ty sa snažíš učiť apoštolskú náuku tu v tomto veku. Apoštolský vek skončil."

121 Povedal som: „Kedy? Ja ti poviem kedy začal a ty mi povedz kedy skončil." Opýtal som sa: „Veríš Slovu?"

Povedal: „Verím."

122 Povedal som: „Dobre. No, v deň letníc, veríš, že to bolo vtedy keď začal apoštolský vek?"

Povedal: „Verím."

123 Povedal som: „Potom ten rečník, apoštol Peter, povedal tieto slová ... A pamätajte, Ježiš povedal - ktokoľvek odníme z tohoto jedno slovo alebo pridá jedno slovo do toho, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života. To je kazateľ alebo niekto, kto má meno v tej knihe." Povedal som: „Peter povedal: - Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov; a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého; lebo to zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti a pre tých na široko ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh. - Kedy to potom skončilo? To stále trvá." To je hromada sokolov, z ktorých sa stali kane a poskakujú okolo nejakej mŕtvej zdochliny, ktorá bola zabitá pre nich v nejakom inom veku (je to tak!) nie je to už viac čerstvá manna z neba.

124 Oni to nechcú. Oni nemôžu - nemôžu mať modlitebné zhromaždenie. Vôbec nie orly, ochabnutí, nie drsní, len poskakujú okolo. Tak je naša moderná denominácia závislá na vzdelaní, na nejakej ľuďmi zostavenej teológii aby vysvetlila a zahovorila všetky tieto veci. A oni to prijímajú. Oni nechcú zobrať Slovo, ktoré hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky. Oni nechcú zobrať Malachiáša 4. A taký človek nechce zobrať všetky tieto ďalšie zasľúbenia, týkajúce sa tohoto dňa, a povedať ako ten cirkevný vek - ako povedal prorok: „V čase večera bude svetlo." Oni toto neberú; oni chcú poskakovať okolo toho čo nejaká letničná organizácia zabila pred okolo sto rokmi, jedia napoly zhnitú mannu. Je to tak! To nie je dobré!

125 Všimnite si, cirkev je taká telesná, kŕmi sa svetskou zdochlinou, mŕtvymi vecami tohoto sveta, práve tak ako to robia supy. Cirkevná politika, nenechajú aby Duch Svätý poslal niekoho do cirkvi; oni musia mať politiku a vidieť či ho denominácie prijmú alebo nie. Je to tak. Oni majú radi svet. Obliekajú sa ako svet. Vyzerajú ako svet. Správajú sa ako svet. Sú supmi ako svet. Sú leniví, ochabnutí, činiaci kompromis. To je všetko, čo na tom je. Videli ste niekedy robiť orla kompromis? Nie veru! V ňom nieto kompromis. A ani v skutočnom kresťanovi. On nie je ochabnutý. On bude poľovať až kým nenájde. Amen! Tak veru! On nájde svoju mäsitú potravu. On chce čerstvú mannu. On sa dostane tam dole a bude kopať kým to nenájde. On bude letieť vyššie a vyššie. Ak to nie je v tomto údolí, on sa vznesie trochu vyššie. Čím vyššie idete, tým viacej môžete vidieť. Tak to je čas pre orlov tohoto dňa aby začali lietať vyššie, kopali v Božích zasľúbeniach a nežili na potrave supov, na tom čo bolo zabité pred rokmi. Vyjdite z toho.

126 Politika, zvolenie a odvolanie, hovoria toto, to či tamto. A Duch Svätý nemá viac nijaké právo vojsť do cirkvi. Nieto viac modlitebné zhromaždenia, nieto viac zápasenia s Bohom aby vyplnil Svoje Slovo. Neveria už viac, že Slovo je stále to isté včera, dnes i naveky. Stali sa z nich proste supy, spravili denomináciu, zapísali svoje meno do knihy, stali sa leniví a ochabnutí a sedia tam vzadu, hltajú nejakú starú mŕtvu zdochlinu. A potom by mali byť prinajmenej sokolom, ktorý je ako brat podobný na orla, na proroka, ktorý priniesol skutočné Slovo a zamanifestoval to.

127 Spoliehajú na polozhnitej ľudskej teológii. Kde to zobral? Na stranách nejakého ľudského programu nedeľnej školy, ktorý nejaký vzdelávateľ zabil pre neho dávno v seminári, povedal mu, že „dni zázrakov pominuli; že nieto niečo také ako krst Duchom Svätým, že všetko toto je nezmysel." Chcete mi povedať, že orol bude jesť niečo takéto? On to nemôže. Nie veru! A ani kresťan nebude jesť mŕtvu zdochlinu so starými denominačnými náukami a so všetkým možným. Oni chcú čerstvé Slovo Božie, zasľúbenie na túto hodinu.

128 Boh zasľúbil zajace vo dňoch Luthera. On zasľúbil ďalšie veci vo dňoch tých ďalších. Ale teraz nám zasľúbil plnú porciu jedla, plných sedem chodov, lebo všetkých sedem pečatí je otvorených a všetko je pripravené pre Slovo Božie, pre tých ktorí môžu prijať ...

129 Sokoly poskakujú ako kane. Ó! Zamyslite sa nad tým, aká kritická - čo - aká je hodina. Práve tak ako sokol dávno stratil svoju identifikáciu ako sokol, tak cirkev dávno stratila svoju identifikáciu, ako menší vták, brat orla, Božích prorokov. Raz ten nositeľ skutočného slova, ospravedlnenia, potom sa to stalo nositeľom posvätenia, potom sa to stalo nositeľom krstu Duchom Svätým, prinavrátenia darov. Ale potom, keď to ide ďalej a stále sa vracia naspäť a snaží sa jesť niečo, mannu z iného dňa, ona je zhnitá. Nie je to dobré. Skutočný orol tohoto dňa vie, že to bolo v poriadku, ale my máme ten prídavok, až kým sa Ježiš Kristus nezamanifestoval v plnosti Svojej moci ako zasľúbil, že bude v tomto poslednom dni.

130 Ona je teraz suchá šupka. To prešlo. Duch Svätý prešiel cez ňu. To je pravda. A nebude - ona nebude dediť s tým potvrdeným semenom Slova. Skutočne nebude. Ona nebude vo vytrhnutí. Ona bude členom zboru, môže prísť v druhom zmŕtvychvstaní, bude súdená podľa toho čo počula. Ak ste tu dnes večer a ste len člen zboru, aký bude váš súd, keď sa všetci budeme musieť tam postaviť a vydáme svedectvo, že ste počuli Pravdu? Vidíte?

131 Ona už viac nelieta do modrej oblohy, do neznáma, do toho nadprirodzeného, kde tie moci a výšky v zasľúbeniach Božieho večného Slova spravili možným všetko pre tých, ktorí veria. Ona tomu nebude veriť. Ona hovorí ... Ona padá hneď naspäť na telefónne drôty a hovorí: „Moja denominácia hovorí, že zajace sú v poriadku." Hoci sú v nich červíky, ale aj tak sú v poriadku. Vidíte? Ona sa na to spolieha.

132 Letniční sú ako ich denominačná supia sestra, sedia teraz na veľkých koncilových stoličkách bezbožnosti (skutočne!), počúvajú svoju svetskú politickú hlavu, živia sa potravou supov, mŕtvymi zajacmi a niečím, čo prebiehalo pred päťdesiatimi rokmi. Taký je stav letničnej cirkvi. Ó!

133 Práve tak, ako sa Sára snažila priniesť to nadprirodzené zasľúbenie tým, že zobrala Hagar, tak sa cirkev snaží priniesť prebudenie, naši veľkí evanjelisti dnes po celej krajine: „Prebudenie v našom čase, prebudenie v našom čase." Všetci vy metodisti, baptisti, letniční, dajme sa všetci dokopy." Ako môžete mať prebudenie čerstvej manny na starom mŕtvom supovi? Ako to môžete mať? „Prebudenie v našom čase." To prebudenie bude také malé, že oni nebudú vedieť, že sa vôbec deje.

134 Letniční povedali: „Ó, stane sa veľká vec." Ona sa deje a oni o tom nevedia. To je to. Vidíte? Tak veru! „Lebo tam kde je obeť tam sa zhromaždia orly." To je tak isté ako stojí svet. To je to, čo je povedané. Čo je to obeť? Slovo. On je Slovo, obeť, Kristus, Kristus vo vás, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

135 Aká je to pravda, Sárah sa snaží spraviť, aby sa všetky tie zasľúbenia vyplnili (vidíte?), vo veľkom - ako dnes cirkev, veľké prebudenie v našom čase, skrze čo? Skrze prevrátené zasľúbenie. Ako to urobíte, keď Boh nikdy nepožehnal organizácie. On nikdy nepoužil žiadnu organizáciu. Keď vyšlo nejaké posolstvo, a oni sa zorganizovali, hneď tam to zomrelo. Vyzývam každého historika aby mi ukázal, kde to kedy znovu povstalo. To hneď tam zomrelo a zostalo presne tam. Boh sa len pohol hneď ďalej von z toho nositeľa do ďalšieho, rovno ďalej von z lutheránov do metodistov, hneď ďalej von z metodistov to letničných.

136 No, On sa pohol hneď ďalej von z letničných do Semena, pretože to musí byť Semeno. Nemôžete predbehnúť prírodu. Tam už nie je nič ďalšie čo by sa stalo, okrem Semena. Tak Semeno vyprodukuje Samo seba, On je ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý ukazuje tie isté znaky, tú istú moc, ten istý Boh, tie isté zázraky, tie isté veci. Potvrdil Slovo a Bibliu tak presne, On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On dnes vedie. Bože pomôž nám, aby sme to videli a verili tomu. Skutočne!

137 Vidíte Sáru, cirkev, ktorá zobrala Hagar? To nefungovalo, však? Nie! Jej pozbieraná skupina ani dnes nebude fungovať. Doktori a Ph.D. a L.L.D. to neurobia. Všetky nositele sklamali. Luther v tom sklamal. Hagar sklamala. Čo Hagar urobila? Dala svojho syna do lona inej ženy (je to tak?) aby vychovala jej dieťa. To urobila Hagar, dala svojho syna, svojho jediného syna do lona inej ženy, nie jeho matky, aby ho vychovala. To je to isté čo urobil Luther, keď dal svojho syna ospravedlnenie do denominácii, aby sa s ním pohrávala (presne tak!), aby ho vychovala.

138 Wesley sklamal tak isto ako Sárah, pochybujúc v nadprirodzené narodenie, že je krst Duchom Svätým, ako to Sárah urobila pri dube. Keď Wesleyovi bolo predstavené to nadprirodzené ... Keď prišiel letničný vek a Wesleyovi bolo predložené hovorenie v jazykoch, všetko toto, oni sa smiali a robili si z toho žarty. Vy všetci Cirkev Kristova (tak zvaná), vy baptisti a presbyteriáni, všetci z vás ste nad tým ohrnuli nosom a odišli ste od toho. Je to tak! Čo ste urobili, wesleyovci? Predali ste svoje dieťa organizácii a to zomrelo a zahynulo. Je to presne tak.

139 Ale Slovo, skutočné Slovo išlo rovno ďalej. Ono nezostalo v tej organizácii. Ono sa pohlo rovno ku letničným a zobralo so sebou niečo viac. To bol viac dozretý syn, ako to semeno, ktoré padlo do lona. A po nejakom čase sa to začalo vyvíjať od chrbtice, potom to malo pľúca a hlavu a nohy, a zakrátko to prišlo na miesto, kde sa to narodilo. Je to tak! Tak takto dozrievala cirkev, takým istým spôsobom.

140 Wesley pochyboval presne tak ako Sárah pri strome. Ona povedala ... Keď Anjel Pánov, Muž oblečený ako Anjel ... Boh, to bol On sám, Elohim, oblečený ako človek, ktorý tam stál a na šatách mal prach a povedal, že On dal a dáva zasľúbenie, potom, keď Sárah mala už deväťdesiat rokov a Abrahám sto. A Sárah sa sama v sebe zasmiala a povedala si: „Ako by sa to mohlo stať, keď Abrahám a ja sme už nemali, no, nie sme už ako mladí ľudia - rodinný vzťah - možno už dvadsať rokov." Ona už mala skoro sto rokov. Povedala: „Ja budem mať rozkoš so svojím pánom, ja stará a on je tiež starý?A jeho prameň života je mŕtvy a moje lono vyschlo. Moje prsia sú preč; mliečne žľazy sú preč; ako by som to mohla mať?" Boh povedal: „Ja som to zasľúbil. On aj tak príde."

141 Tak urobil Wesley. „Ako môžeme prijať tých, ktorí hovoria v jazykoch a božské uzdravenie a také veci. To nie je pre nás na tento deň."

142 Boh povedal: „Ja som zasľúbil v posledných dňoch, že vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo." On zasľúbil, že to urobí a On išiel a predsa to urobil. A Wesleyova cirkev so - všetky jej sestry z obdobia peľu baptisti, presbyteriáni a cirkev Kristova a nazaréni, pútnici svätosti a zjednotení bratia a ostatní zomreli hneď s tým, a Cirkev sa pohla ďalej. No, čo urobili letniční? Zorganizovali to presne ako šupka. Stalo sa s tým to isté. To sa zorganizovalo spolu, zaujali pozíciu ako šupka. Je to tak!

143 Letniční boli ako Mária. Pozrite sa čo urobila Mária na sviatok letníc. Čo urobila Mária zle? Raz na sviatok letníc sa stretla tvárou v tvár so skupinou hodnostárov, kňazov, keď jej Syn ... Nikde Ho nemohla nájsť. Odišla naspäť, tri dni cesty, opustila Ho, ako tá moderná cirkev dnes Ho opustila na asi tri krát päť alebo dvadsaťpäť - asi pred päťdesiatimi rokmi alebo sedemdesiatimi piatimi.

144 Zanechala Ho na sviatku letníc. Mária išla naspäť s Jozefom tri dni a hľadali Ho. Ona Ho hľadala, nemohla nájsť. Našla Ho. Čo zistila? Našla Ho v chráme ako s kňazmi diskutuje o Božom Slove. A rovno pred týmito kňazmi, pred týmito hodnostármi, Mária zatiahla oponu. Ona urobila presne to čo nemala urobiť. Nazývate ju Bohom - matkou Božou? Matka by mala mať viacej múdrosti ako jej syn. A ona povedala: „Tvoj otec a ja sme ťa hľadali so slzami deň a noc. Tvoj otec a ja ..." Tvrdila, že to narodenie nebolo nadprirodzené, že Jozef bol Ježišov otec. Ona zaprela nadprirodzené narodenie. Letniční zobrali hovorenie v jazykoch. Ale zapreli narodenie Slova. To je presne to, čo to urobilo. Oni vezmú toľko veľa z toho, ale ten ostatok nevezmú. To zaprelo narodenie Slova, presne tak, ako to urobila Mária.

145 Ale dávajte pozor, po tomto už nebude žiadna ďalšia organizácia. Pozorujte! Samo Slovo - ešte len dvanásťročné, len malinká vec tam v šupke - On povedal: „Či neviete, že ja musím byť vo veciach svojho Otca?" Slovo hneď tam opravilo cirkev.

146 „Prečo robíte všetky tieto veci? Viete, že toto nemôžete robiť. Zavrieme naše dvere. Nedovolíme vám vojsť."

147 „Či neviete, že ja musím byť vo veciach svojho Otca?" Skutočne, skutočne, ozajstný nadprirodzený pôvab ...

148 Ona práve tvrdila o Ňom, že je Jozefov syn, obyčajný človek, alebo čo urobili letniční, tvrdili o Ňom, že je len jeden z troch (Ó, viem že to bolí!) - jeden z troch, ale On bol všetkými tromi v Jednom. Ale letniční: „Ó, áno, On je Syn Otca z Ducha Svätého ..." Ó joj! Ale to skutočné pravé Slovo hneď prehovorilo a povedalo: „Oni nie sú traja; to je jeden." Vy nepoznáte Slovo Božie. Podáva nie troch ale jedného.

149 Všimnite si, nebude už žiadny ďalší nositeľ, matka cirkví, denominácie, po tomto nositeľovi, po šupke, pretože po šupke nie je už ďalšia ... Potom už nezostalo nič okrem zrna. Je to tak? Musí byť zrno. To musí byť ten istý druh, ktorý vošiel do zeme, Ježiš Kristus ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky.

150 Duch prišiel na Nevestu aby robila tie isté veci, ktoré robil On. Vidíte, to je znovu reprodukovanie sa zrna.

151 Slovo, hoci mladé, hovorilo za Seba! „A či ste nevedeli, že Ja musím byť vo veciach Svojho Otca?"

152 Tam je tajomstvo Posolstva teraz. Presne tak, veci Otca. Čo sú to veci Otca? Mohli by ste sa zamyslieť čím boli veci Otca pre Neho? Aby vyplnil to, čo povedal Izaiáš: „Panna počne." Aby vyplnil znovu čo povedal Izaiáš: „Kuľhavý poskočí ako jeleň." A všetky tieto veci, ktoré sa stanú; ako povedal Mojžiš: „Pán váš Boh vzbudí proroka spomedzi vás ako mňa." To boli veci Otca, aby vyplnil to Slovo. Dobre, ak toto prichádza dole cez tie steblá, cez tie prirodzené ženy, tak čo tieto steblá týchto duchovných cirkevných žien? Cirkvi označujú ženy - či vlastne ženy označujú cirkvi. Je to tak? Tak potom, čo to znamená teraz? „My musíme byť vo veciach Otca!" To by znovu mala volať tá pšenica, to zrno. Tak veru! Čo ono musí robiť? Potvrdiť Malachiáša 4; potvrdiť Lukáša 17:30; potvrdiť Židom 13:8; potvrdiť 14:12; potvrdiť celé Jeho Slovo: potvrdiť Židom - chcem povedať - Zjavenie 10. kapitolu; otvorenie siedmich pečatí; a tajomstvá Božie, ešte aj semeno hada a všetko má byť zamanifestované: Manželstvo a rozvod a všetky ďalšie tajomstvá, ktoré boli skryté pod tými stĺpmi po všetky tie roky v čase teológov a tak ďalej, ale teraz je tá hodina. To sú veci Otca. Myslíte si, že oni to prijmú? Oni chcú byť ctení a hovoria: „Naša denominácia nás to neučí!" Ale Biblia áno! Je to tak! Boh potvrdzuje, že je to pravda. Skutočne je.

153 Vyplňuje tento vek, keď sedem pečatí práve dokazuje denomináciám, že boli len nositeľmi. To je ďalšia z vecí Otca. Dokázať ... A veci Otca teraz, vám majú ukázať, že tie denominácie nie sú Jeho. To sú ľudsky vytvorené systémy, ktoré zapierajú Slovo. Je to tak!

154 Všimnite si! Vy hovoríte: „Prečo, Mária tá dôležitá panna?" Na kríži ju On vôbec nenazval „matkou"; On ju nazval „žena," nositeľ, nie matka. Skutočne, ona bola nositeľom Slova, ale nebola Slovom. On ním bol. Tak veru!

155 Všimnite si tiež, ona nebola zidentifikovaná vo vzkriesení s Ním. On zomrel a znovu vstal, pretože bol Slovom. Ona bola len nositeľom. Ona zomrela a stále je v hrobe. Je to tak! Tak ona bola len nositeľom, nie Jeho matkou, nie Bohom. Ona bola len nositeľom, tak ako sú cirkvi. Je to tak! To ukazuje že bola len nositeľom, nie Slovom.

156 Na záver povedzme toto. Ó, letničné sokoly, poskakujete ako supy, účastníte sa vo svete, tak ako to robia tí ostatní, máte formu pobožnosti, natoľko žeby ste zviedli aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné, ale zapierate jej moc, ako tu hovorí prorok. Dokonalý príklad toho, čo hovorí Slovo Božie, že sa stane v posledných dňoch, v laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, nahí, slepí, mizerní, biedni, úbohí a nevedia o tom. Tvrdí, že je veľká a bohatá a nepotrebuje ničoho a nevie, že sa zmenila zo sokola, z brata podobného na proroka, ktorý sa mal pevne držal Božieho Slova, stal sa z nej sup a kŕmi svojich ľudí mŕtvymi kazateľskými zajacmi. Je to presne tak! Zobuďte sa! Ó, ako očakávate, že budete identifikovaní - alebo, že budete dediť s orlami, keď sú pri vás takéto veci ako toto, v tejto veľkej hodine, keď vytrhnutie je na blízku.

157 Ó, kresťan, ó, veriaci, ak si bol čiastočným veriacim, chodíš sem tam na zhromaždenia, zobudíš sa? Máme tu niečo, verím, že Pán chce aby si to poznal. Je neskoro; Nemôžem sa posunúť už ďalej. Musím zakončiť a možno dokončím zajtra večer. Ale pozri sa, skloňme na chvíľu hlavy.

158 Nechcem aby ste si všímali akú používam gramatiku, ale chcem aby ste dali za chvíľu pozor na to čo som povedal. Je to dosť jasné aby ste to mohli porozumieť, som si istý, ak chcete. Ak ste tu dnes večer a ste bez tohoto prežitia ... Nehovorím ... Vy poviete: „Tancoval som v Duchu, skákal som." Áno, sokoly robia to isté. To je ako vrany a supy. Nepýtam sa na to. Čím sa kŕmiš? Kde berieš svoju dennú potravu? Kde sa kŕmiš, zo Slova Božieho alebo z nejakej starej zdochliny, ktorú používali pred mnohými rokmi? Či je tvoje prežitie dnes večer s niečím, čo si nazbieral pred mnohými rokmi alebo je to čerstvé a nové dnes večer, nová manna, ktorá práve spadla z neba a ty sýtiš svoju dušu tým a hľadíš na zajtrajšok očakávajúc niečo dobré a lepšie? Ak to nie je s tebou tak, teraz so sklonenými hlavami a so zavrenými očami a so sklonenými srdcami, položte si teraz úprimne otázku - a nie mne ale Bohu - zodvihnete ruku na svedectvo, že hovoríte toto? „Bože, uprav moju dušu a môjho ducha aby som sa mohol sýtiť len na Slove Božom." Zodvihnete len ruku, poviete ... Nech ťa Boh žehná! Nech ťa Boh žehná!

159 Neviem presne koľko ich je tu, dnes večer. Som veľmi biedny, aby som odhadol zástup, ale povedal by som, že prinajmenej tridsiati alebo viacerí zodvihli ruky, že chcú upraviť duše. Pamätajme teraz v modlitbe, keď máme sklonené hlavy.

160 Drahý Bože, som len zodpovedný, aby som hovoril Slovo. A skrze tieto malé prosté podobenstvá, malé príklady, ľudia vidia, že ten jeden nebude dediť s tým druhým. A vieme, že v posledných dňoch, že budú ľudia, ktorí budú vytrhnutí do neba. A niektorí budú tu, keď Ježiš príde. A my očakávame na Neho, že príde možno aj dnes večer.

161 A myslím na to čo sa stalo pred okolo tridsiatimi alebo tridsiatimi tromi rokmi, keď som tu kľačal možno o takomto čase večer, okolo pol desiatej alebo desiatej, modlil som sa za otca, ktorý bol stratený ... Dnes večer, Pane, sa modlím za mnohých otcov, za mnoho matiek a za bratov a sestry. Budeš mať milosrdenstvo, drahý Bože? Teraz je príliš pozde pre môjho otca aby s tým niečo urobil; on odišiel za hranice tohoto života. A zakrátko, Pane, my všetci pôjdeme tou cestou. Ja tiež musím prejsť tou cestou. Každý muž a žena, chlapec a dievča tu musí ísť tou cestou. A budeme zodpovední za to, čo robíme so Slovom Božím.

162 Aký malý vyzeral ten človek v očiach Dávida, keď pľul na neho. Ako málo si títo ľudia budú uvedomovať, že pľujú na Ježiša, na Slovo, keď sa On znovu vracia, tí ktorí Ho prebodli. Ako málo budú ľudia cítiť, ktorí môžu odísť preč odtiaľto a vidieť ešte aj - ani nie len v nejakých veľkých gréckych slovách a tak ďalej, ale v jednoduchej prírode to vyučovanie Boha Stvoriteľa, môžu vidieť nosiče Slova, a vidieť Slovo samotné, a poznať hodinu, v ktorej žijeme a že čas žatvy je tu. Drahý Bože, nedaj aby sme sa ku tomu obrátili chrbtom, kvôli nejakej svetskej hlúposti ale daj nám dnes prijať Jeho z celého nášho srdca.

163 A Pane, stvor vo mne dobrého ducha, Ducha Života, aby som mohol veriť všetkým tvojim slovám a prijať Ježiša to Slovo, toho istého včera dnes i naveky a veriť dnes v porciu určenú na tento vek. Udeľ to Pane. Prosím to v mene Ježiša.

164 A teraz opýtam sa každého jedného z vás ako ste tu a premýšľate o tomto skutočne úprimne ... Nemáme pre vás cirkev, aby ste sa do nej pripojili. Máme tu dole bazén, aby ste v ňom boli pokrstení: A všetci, ktorí uverili boli pokrstení." Ak ste ešte neboli pokrstení, kresťanským krstom ... To neznamená pofŕkanie, poliatie; to znamená ponorenie, nie v tituly Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, ale v meno Ježiša Krista, ako bola pokrstená celá cirkev až do katolíckej cirkvi do roku 303, keď zaviedli troch bohov a tri formy krstu v tituly trojice. Ak ste ešte doteraz neboli pokrstení, zajtra ráno o desiatej, tu dole na vás čakajú rúcha a všetko.

165 Či chcete prísť a spojiť sa s Ježišom Kristom, nie s nami. Nemáme tu ani cirkev, kde by sme sa o vás postarali. Choďte do ktorejkoľvek cirkvi chcete, odkiaľkoľvek ste prišli, ale prosím, verte tomuto Slovu. Ak veríte tomu, povedzte „Amen!" [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: „Amen!"] Nech vás Boh žehná! Môžete ...

166 Ak je niečo v čom by sme vám mohli pomôcť, sme tu aby sme to urobili.

167 No, viem že sú tu chorí. Náš čas už skončil a nemôžeme volať ľudí do radu, aby sme sa za nich modlili. Možno to predsa urobíme. Chcem aby ste každý jeden urobili niečo pre mňa. Sedíte blízko pri niekom, položte ruku na tú osobu. A nepochybujte, kladiete svoju ruku na orla, možno je to orol, ktorý jedol niekde potravu supa, ochorel z toho. Už to viacej nechcú. Chcú z toho vyjsť. Sú chorí a unavení z toho. Sedia tu dnes večer a vidia, čo orly skutočne môžu jesť, Slovo a mať živého Krista, žijúceho medzi nimi, ktorý sa ukazuje živý, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Oni nechcú dediť so šupkami. Tie budú spálené. Všetká slama a všetko má byť spálené. Prichádza kombajn, aby vymlátil pšenicu. Nech je Pán s vami.

168 Sú niektorí z nich, ktorí sú chorí, niektorí z nich telesne, chcem aby ste sa modlili. Orol, modli sa tam za svojho brata, sestru orla, kaď sa ja budem modliť za vás tu. Nech príde na vás Duch Boží.

169 Pamätajte, podávam vám potravu orla, zasľúbenie Božie. On nazýva svojich prorokov orlami. On Seba samého nazýva Orlom; On je Jehova Orol. A kým máte položené ruky jeden na druhom, modlime sa za nich.

170 Náš nebeský Otče, Tvoje Slovo hovorí, to posledné poverenie, ktoré si dal svojej Cirkvi bolo: „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium - hlavné nariadenie - ten kto uverí a pokrstí sa bude spasený; ten kto neuverí bude odsúdený. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria: V mojom mene budú vyháňať diablov; budú hovoriť novými jazykmi; keby pili niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im; keby zobrali hadov, neuškodia im; a keď budú klásť ruky na chorých, uzdravia sa." Ó Jehova Orol, nachovaj svojich maličkých dnes večer tým Slovom, Pane. Oni sú v potrebe. To je potrava, ktorú potrebujú. To je to čo potrebujú, aby vedeli čo je to za strava, čo je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

171 Ty si zasľúbil, že keď položia ruky jeden na druhého, že budú uzdravení. Ó Pane Bože, odstráň od nás teraz všetky pochybnosti a supie predstavy. A s vážnosťou jeme orlí pokrm Slova Božieho.

172 Nech každý nečistý duch, ktorý je v týchto ľuďoch, každý duch pochybovania, každý duch strachu, každé denominačné tvrdenie, každý zvyk, každá choroba, každá nemoc, ktorá je medzi týmito ľuďmi, nech odíde; v mene Ježiša Krista nech to vyjde von z tejto skupiny ľudí. A nech sú od tejto hodiny slobodní, aby mohli jesť Orlí pokrm o ktorom veríme, že nám pošleš v tomto týždni, Pane, lámajúc a otvoriac tieto Pečate a ukazujúc nám tie tajomstvá, ktoré boli skryté od založenia sveta, ako si zasľúbil. Oni sú Tvoji, Otče. V mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

173 Všetci, ktorí veria a prijímajú to, postavte sa, povedzte: „Verím; prijímam to; čo mi Boh zasľúbil, prijímam." Nech vás Boh žehná. Je to nádherné. Každý stojí. To je dobre! Refrén, Milujem Ho. Spievajme Mu potom túto pieseň, Milujem Ho, milujem Ho, pretože On prv miloval mňa ... Teraz všetci spolu.

Milujem Ho (Ak áno, zodvihnite ruky!)

Milujem Ho,

Pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.

174 Ó, či to nie je nádherné? Potrasme si navzájom ruky. Brat Orol, len sa obráť, sestra, potraste si ruky kým spievame.

Milujem Ho ...

[Ľudia v zhromaždení sa zdravia jeden s druhým.]

Na Golgote

Zodvihnite znovu ruky ku Nemu.

Milujem Ho Milujem Ho,

Pretože On prv miloval mňa (a urobil nás orlami)

a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.

175 Ako budete vedieť, ako svet bude vedieť, že milujete Ježiša? Keď milujeme jeden druhého. Tak svet ... Vidíte, Boh vidí vašu vieru; svet vidí ako sa správate. Milujte teraz jeden druhého. Buďte milí jeden ku druhému. Rozprávajte sa jeden s druhým. Buďte trpezliví jeden voči druhému. A všetky ďalšie inštrukcie, ktoré môžeme dať, krst, hľadanie Ducha Svätého ... Nemáme tu na to žiadne miestnosti, rozumiete. Výzva ku oltáru, ak vás Boh presvedčil, že toto je pravda, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky a vy sa s ním chcete spojiť, choďte a dajte sa zajtra pokrstiť v Jeho mene. Bude tam niekto, kto vám dá inštrukcie. Všetko čo môžeme robiť, aby sme vám pomohli, to urobíme.

Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho,

Pretože (Vy ktorí ste teraz pri telefónoch, v Tucsone, tam v Kalifornii, tam na východe, zodvihnite ruky ... Chváľte Ho!) ... vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.

A teraz, až do zajtra večera vám dávam brata Nevilleho, nášho pastora.

1 Let us remain standing for a moment of prayer. Let us bow our heads.

2Dear God, we deem this a great privilege, tonight, to be here upon this occasion, to bring a living Christ to a dying world and a dying generation.

3We would ask, Lord, that You would anoint our Words and our efforts, that they will not return to You void, but may they accomplish that which they are purposed for.

4Help every man, woman, boy, or girl, here tonight, that's needy. And, Father, we know we are all needy. And when we leave, tonight, may we feel in our hearts like those who came from Emmaus, after the... had witnessed the resurrection of Christ, saying, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He spoke to us along the way?" Grant it, Lord.

5Heal the sick and the afflicted. May there not be any feeble among us after the service tonight. And above all things, may there not be one unbeliever left, Lord. May they all believe to Eternal Life, for that's our purpose of gathering here.

6These blessings we ask to the honor of the Kingdom of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Amen.

May be seated.

7 It's good, tonight, to be back here. And I see we got a few standing around, and I think the--the phones are open now, to many different cities across the nation; San Francisco, Tucson, up in the east. And we, through the telephone, send greetings to them. We're in the auditorium here tonight. And the main auditorium is packed out, and the aisles; and around the walls, are standing full of people. And we understand that tomorrow night we're going to try to open up another side here, to the gym, and get a larger auditorium that'll take care of maybe a couple more thousand people. So we're hoping that, tomorrow night. If it's filled up tonight, the first night, why, we believe it'll be greater tomorrow night. And I see they've set in extra chairs, and everything, also, tonight.

8 We are under great anticipations; first, the Coming of the Lord Jesus; the next, the salvation of... to lost souls that would receive Him tonight and be ready for His Coming when He appears.

9I want to offer a special greeting and welcome to all these fine man on the platform, which I understand many of them are ministers. Couple of hundred, or more, setting on the platform, and we are certainly thankful that they're here.

10To all you people, wherever you are, in different parts of the nation... And I understand that some are here from across the sea, overseas. So we're grateful for you to be here to enjoy this fellowship with us, which we're under anticipations that God is going to give us during this meeting.

11 It seems like, that since I thought of coming back with these few days of meeting, that my own heart has been alarmed strangely with a great feeling that something is just about to take place. I don't know just what it is, but I hope that it's a great revelation from God, that will--will prepare us and make us better citizens of His Kingdom while we're walking in this dark world of sin and unbelief.

12This ground tonight, this very spot, holds a great thing for me. Since I knew that they built this school auditorium here, I have wanted to have a service in this place. I'm very grateful to the school board and to those who graciously let us have it.

It was upon this spot, right about somewhere where this building stands tonight, that a great thing took place some thirty years ago, right on this same ground. It was nothing but a broom-sedge field at that time. And I lived in a little house just beyond here, about two hundred yards. I was very concerned in those days about the salvation of my father and mother. Which, both are gone on tonight. And especially, in that day, I was concerned about my father. I remember, I was sleeping on the porch. It was warm, summertime.

13This is written, I believe, in the little book called Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever, or either it was in the little book called I Was Not Disobedient To The Heavenly Vision.

14 And laying on the porch, I suddenly was awakened, and a burden come on my heart for my father. As, many of you people here of the city knew my father. I think he was a great man, though he was a sinner. And, but he had a bad habit, that I tried to fight against that thing as hard as I could, through the age, that's, drinking. And that night he was drinking. And I woke up with a great burden on my heart for him. And just with my pajamas on, slipped on my trousers, my pajama shirt left on; I wandered out through this broom-sedge field, to just about where this stands now, and I knelt down to pray for my father.

15And while I was praying and asking God to save him and not to--to let him die a sinner, that I loved him; and while I was in prayer, I raised up to look up towards the east from here, and there was a vision. And standing just above me, many of you knows the vision, was the Lord Jesus.

16 Now, I'm not allergic to illusions, as I know of. But visions are real. And there stood the Lord Jesus, the first time I had ever saw Him in a vision of that type. He was just about, oh, probably ten feet above my head, standing in mid-air, with one foot just making a step. He had on a white garment, a fringe around the side of it. He had hair down to His shoulders. He looked to be about, a Man about what the Bible said He was, about thirty. But, a small, thin-built Fellow, very small, looked like He wouldn't weigh over a hundred and thirty pounds.

17And I looked, and I thought there was something, that I might be wrong. So I--I rubbed my eyes and--and looked up again. And He was standing kind of sideways, kind of a profile of His face. And the looks of His face, which I've always seen in the visions, has been like Hofmann's head of Christ at thirty. That's the reason I have that in my house, on my literature, wherever I can put that, because that's the way it looked, more like that. Only, He seemed to be small.

18 And as I was looking up at Him, I thought, "Surely I'm not looking at my Lord standing there." And I was kind of, I'd say, in this position, and maybe right where this, under where this pulpit is at now. Somewhere, it was right in this vicinity, within, with a radius of where I'm standing, the best I could measure off, within forty or fifty yards of somewhere around in this district here, this circle.

19And I looked up, and He was standing there. And I bit my finger, to see if I was asleep. You know how you... Just seems like it couldn't be so. And I was just young in the Lord then, about six months I had been preaching. I bit my finger. I took the broom sedge and broke it off. And many of you people who live in the country, know what that little toothpick, like, is in the broom sedge. I begin to chew on that. And I said, "It--it can't be. I'm a-dreaming. There is my home. There is father, mother, and the children there. There is the old brick house pond that used to stand down here, where I used to hunt ducks, just about two hundred yards beyond this. And here I am standing in the field; it's got to be so."

20 I kicked against the ground, stomped my feet a little bit, and shook my head, and--and wrung my hands, looked up again; looked away, looked again, and there He was, standing there. And the wind started to blow, and I seen the broom sedge blowing. And when it started blowing, His garments blew with it. Like the clothes hanging on a line, it begin to--to flip. He was standing there. I looked at it.

21And I thought, "If I could just get a look at His face!" And He was watching east, right this a way. He was watching it, tensely. And I moved, to step around, to get a close look at His face. And I still couldn't see Him very well. He had His hands in front of Him, rather hid from where I was standing.

22I moved around again. And I cleared my throat, something like this, went, "hum," to see if I could attract His attention. But He never moved.

23 Then I thought, "Maybe I'll call Him." When I said, "Jesus," He turned His head. And when He looked at me, He just raised His arms out. That's all I remember. For, about nearly daylight, I was laying right out here somewhere where this place is now, in the field; my pajama shirt all wet, with tears, where I had been crying. And I had passed out.

His face had characters that no artist could--could draw or paint. They could not do it. He looked like a Man that, if you would look at Him, He wanted to cry with sympathy, and respect with reverence; and yet with enough power that, would speak, it would turn the world over. And the characters could never be caught by an artist.

24And I never knowed to this day what that meant. But here I am tonight, after thirty years, standing in an auditorium that's dedicated now to the service of Almighty God. And me, just a--a lay member, really, just a--a local elder in the--in the Baptist church here, which Roy Davis was pastor at the time. And I am now standing here with the place crowded, right on the same grounds, with the... to what I think, is the purchase of the Blood of Jesus Christ Himself, in my hands, to bring this four-days Message of the Lord.

25 Just about six months after that, I had my first baptism down here on the river, when the Light came down right here at Spring Street. Many of you people might want to go down and take a look at it, at Spring Street and water, right at the riverfront. And there is where the Angel of the Lord appeared in public, first, and at two o'clock, one afternoon. And a Voice came from it, said, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message will forerun the second Coming."

26This is thirty years later, and here I am still, tonight, proclaiming that Message. And around the world It's went, and I'm glad to be back in my hometown, tonight, to represent this Lord Jesus Christ that I still love with all my heart. Each day He grows still sweeter than He was the day before. I've never changed one iota in my Doctrine. The first thing I started with, I still believe the same thing tonight. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now I have a Message that I'm responsible for.

27 When the Message first started out, it was, of course, everybody; was praying for the sick, great signs, wonders, and miracles. That started, especially in the Pentecostal people, a universal revival of a healing campaigns that swept the world. For fifteen solid years there's been revivals on every hill there is, I suppose, revival fires a burning. Literally millions have accepted Christ as their Saviour, by that one commission. That inspired, from there, to Oral Roberts, and so forth, and on and on, as it's went around.

28After, the Pentecostal church is laying in its dead slump, as it was then. My intentions and desire, tonight, is to awaken that church, again, to the Coming of the Lord Jesus at hand. I have to rebuke it. I have to rebuke sin in whatever manner it is. I don't mean it to anybody's denomination. I have a Message.

29 Now, it's hard to get in a church for a sponsorship, just as it was with our Lord Jesus, 'cause it's Him; it isn't me. But as He preached at the first, and healed the sick, raised the dead, and cleansed the lepers, and cast out devils, everybody wanted Him. But there come a time where there's a Message that always follows every sign, because the sign has a voice.

30But when He set down one day, and said, "I and My Father are One," that was more than they could stand. It was, also, when He said, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

31"How?" Why, doctors and well-thinking people would have said, "This Man is a human vampire, trying to get you to eat His flesh and drink His Blood." He never explained it. He just said it.

32And tonight you might hear things, and through the meeting, that's just said. We might not be able to explain. But, remember, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We believe it.

33 Now, we don't have time to talk too much, because we've got certain times to start here and certain times to get out. And we want to honor the school board which set these times for us, and we'll do all we can to honor them.

34Remember, at any time a sinner wants to come to Christ, all you have to do is walk right up, whether I'm preaching, singing, whatever it is, and give your life to Christ right then, stand in your seat. That's what we are here for, to help you.

35 I want to talk to Brother Vayle, Brother Rober-... Borders, and the brethren here. If... I wonder if they couldn't have, in the church, in the afternoon, or some morning, or something, instruction service for those who are seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Would that be all right, you brethren? Brother Neville and all of you could get there, and Brother Capps. If anybody wants to be instructed in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, why don't you come to the tabernacle... What would be best, the morning or afternoon?

36[Someone says, "Morning."] Morning, about ten o'clock? About ten o'clock of a morning.

37 If you got a question on the Doctrine, if you got a question on the Message, if you--if you want to be... you never gotten ministered to, personally, you want to be prayed for, or anything that you want to know in them manners, why don't you just slip down there at ten o'clock in the morning and see these man. They'll be one or more of them there to instruct, to pray for the sick, to answer questions just as a personnel man. Well, you--you just go to them, and they'll be glad to help you in any way they can.

38Now, just before we approach the Word, we want to approach the Author of the Word again. You might eat too much; you might drink too much; you might laugh too much; you might walk too much; but you'll never pray too much. "I would that man pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands without doubt or wrath."

Let us pray.

39 Dear Jesus, Author of the Word of Life, and You are that Word, we solemnly now approach Thee after the explaining of the vision. That, God, You bear me record that that is true. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll anoint the words tonight to the hearing of every ear that's under the Divine sound. And if there be some here, or listening in, out across the nation, if they are not ready and prepared at this hour to meet the challenge of the hour, the Message from God, to repent and to be ready, for the Kingdom of God is nearing. We pray that it'll be so, tonight, with them, that they will meet this hour's challenge.

40O God, I would pray for help, knowing the responsibility and what it means, and what I must answer at the Day of the Judgment, for all that I say here and elsewhere. Help me to be deadly sincerely, Lord, with all that I do or say in Thy Word, that it might bring forth fruit. For, as Your commission was, "Let not this Word depart from thy mouth; but meditate therein, day and night, that thou mayest observe to do all that's written in the law. And then thou shall make thy ways prosperous, and then thou shall have good success. Have not I commanded thee. Be strong and very courageous, for the Lord thy God is with thee wheresoever thou goest." Lord Jesus, make it so, tonight. We pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

41 Friday and Saturday, from ten to twelve, at the tabernacle at 8th and Penn Street, will be instructions, answers to doctrine, prayers for the sick, and whatmore. Come right down if you have any question, anything you need. There'll be man there to--to handle it. The Lord bless you.

42Now, for this opening service tonight, I can't do nothing but open it straight to our Message. That's what we're here for, and now it's what I come back for.

And Sunday morning, the Lord willing, I want to meet that great challenge of the day, about Marriage And Divorce.

43 Now, in Galatians 4:27, I wish to read these Words, 4:27 to 31, inclusive.

For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate has many more children than she which has a husband.

Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.

But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so is it now.

Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondswoman and her son: for the son of the bondswoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondswoman, but of the free.

44 The Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. Now, I believe here that I take a text like this, very odd, unusual. But sometimes we find God in those odd, unusual hours, unusual ways, unusual things, because God is unusual. And those that really serve Him from their heart, serve Him in an unusual way, to the things or the ways of the world. This text is called: The Seed Is Not Heir With The Shuck.

45Paul here is speaking of the literal seed of Abraham's two sons. Paul, gladly, is bringing himself into position of the birth by the freewoman.

46 Now, we know that Abraham had two sons, by two different women. God gave him a promise by Sarah, through Sarah, rather, that there would be a Son born, and through this Son the world would be blessed. All nations would be blessed of this Son. And it's commonly believed, especially amongst the Jews, that this was Isaac, but it wasn't. This promised Son of Abraham is Jesus, and He is of the Royal Seed promise, of Abraham. But Abraham having two sons...

47 One, by--by Hagar, which was his wife's maid; a lovely, pretty, Egyptian maid that Abraham had picked up down in Egypt for her, to be her... his wife's maid. And Sarah, thinking that God would not be able to keep all of His promise true, she told Abraham to take Hagar, her maid, and to marry her, (which, polygamy was legal in those days) and to bring the child; and that's the way God had it planned, that she was to have the child only through Hagar. But we find out that that wasn't so.

48 Now we understand, also, that God is perfected in threes. Now, God is "perfected" in three. "Grace" is five. Seven is "completion," like the world.

God is perfected in Father, Son, Holy Ghost. That's the perfection of the Godhead. All one God, in three manifestations, of three attributes of one office, or three offices in the one Godhead.

49Now, there is also three in perfection, of the steps of grace, to the Church; justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost. That consists of the New Birth, just like a natural birth is typed by it. Which, a woman giving birth to a child, the first thing comes forth is water, blood, and then life.

The Bible said, in First John 5:7, or 7:5, I believe it is, that said, "There are three that bear record in Heaven; the Father, the Word," which was the Son, "and the Holy Ghost; these three are One. There are three that bear witness in the earth;" the Word, "the water, blood, and Spirit. Water, blood, and Spirit; these three agree in one."

50 Now, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, are One. You can't have the Father without having the Son; you can't have the Son without having the Holy Ghost. But you can be justified without being sanctified; you can be sanctified without being filled with the Holy Ghost. We have proved that in the order of nature.

51Now, and many of you, maybe, I may be strange to you. And I--I'm without education; I'm sure you already understand. But I teach in types, as the natural types the spiritual.

52Now, we see that there are three in the perfection. God is perfected in three's, now. And that was, in the perfection of the seed of Abraham, was Ishmael, Isaac, Jesus. Ishmael coming from the bondwoman, Isaac coming from the freewoman, and both of them with sex; but Christ Jesus coming from the virgin, no sex.

53 Here, the "Seed," one, one Seed; not seeds, but one Seed. These others were not seed of Abraham, because Abraham "Seed" was his faith Seed that God was speaking of, not his natural seed. Because, after Sarah died, Abraham married another woman and had seven sons, besides daughters. So it wouldn't be Abraham's seeds, it was Abraham "Seed," one. And that was Abraham's faith Seed, pointing to the Royal Seed that was to come through Abraham's faith; not Abraham's natural life, but Abraham's spiritual life; who took everything contrary to God's Word and called it as though it was not, and believed God; against hope, believed in hope. That's the real Seed that we're speaking of.

54 Here we are presented with a picture. Oh! The seed started, the seed of promise, started in a slightly doubted, doubt of the original promise. See how it starts low, in doubt in the original promise. God promised Abraham, through Sarah, to have this child. But now watch, the first seed of Abraham by the bondswoman come by Sarah doubting that this could happen, because she was old and passed the age of bearing.

55Now that's how the church starts. That's how it always starts. You start from the bottom. You don't start from the top. A man trying to climb a ladder, tries to get on top first, he'll break his neck. You've got to start and build up to that.

And here we find the beginning of the promise of God being made manifest, through a slightly doubted, interrupted program of God.

56That's the same way sin begin in the garden of Eden. That's how death started by sin, was when one Word of God was misconstrued or doubted. You can't doubt or misplace one Word of God, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'cause Its every Word be so.

57 And here Sarah, even to who the promise (Sarah being a woman, which is a type of the church), gave doubt to the original program of God's promised Word, and said, "You, Abraham, my husband, take unto you this beautiful maid, and live with her, and be a husband to her. And God will give this seed of promise through her, and I'll take the child." See, just by-passing one little iota, changed the whole program.

Therefore, we've got to take every Word of God as THUS SAITH THE LORD. Every Word of God is true.

58 Here the seed starts then in a promise, slightly doubted. Isaac being the seed of the free and promised woman, brought forth, as Paul was trying to explain here in Galatians, he brought forth the natural, promised seed. And he goes on to say here that the--the bondswoman's children cannot be heir with the freewoman's children, because they are of two different categories.

59And, that is true, the unbeliever cannot be heir with the believer. There's no way, at all. That's where the trouble is today. You can't make a denominational chicken believe with a eagle. You just can't do it. There is where the trouble comes. You've got to believe every Word of God. You just... You're not heirs together. Neither will you--will you join with it; you cannot do it. You've got to be eagle or a chicken.

60 It could not be heir with Ishmael, the seed of the bondswoman, of the... because of the doubting. Sarah doubted God's Word, that God was able to keep It. Notice Abraham! You see what I'm building on for Sunday morning. Abraham did not doubt it. Sarah did doubt it; she was the one. It was not Adam that doubted; it was Eve that doubted. So, then, we'll find out more about those as we pick it up Sunday morning.

61Neither can the spiritual be... the natural be heir with the spiritual. No more can Ishmael's children be heir with the--with the Isaac's children, and no more than the carnal can be heir with the spiritual.

62Church natural; Church spiritual. There is a church natural that these women here type; and there's a Church spiritual, also. So, the natural church and the spiritual Church cannot be heirs together. They are two different, separate times; two different, separate peoples; under two different, separate covenants.

63 That's why the Rapture is different, and will only be for the royal Seed of Abraham. It cannot come by the natural, carnal seed of the church. It'll have to be the royal Seed of the Word of God, through Abraham, the royal Seed. That's why the Rapture has to be first.

Cause, remember, "We which are alive and remain shall not hinder, prevent those which are asleep. For the trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first. We which are alive and remain shall be caught up with them, together, and meet the Lord in the air." Notice, and again it's written, "And the rest of the dead lived not, for a thousand years."

64Therefore, there, they will not be heirs together. They'll not be in the Rapture together. There is absolutely a church natural, and Church spiritual; a church carnal, a Church spiritual. Then, see, here is no...

65 There is no Judgment to the royal, spiritual, predestinated Seed of Abraham, for they are predestinated to Eternal Life. They have accepted God's provided Sacrifice; and that Sacrifice, which was Christ, the Word.

"And there is therefore now no condemnation." Saint John 5:24, if you want the Scripture. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus," Romans 8:1, "walk not after the flesh, but the Spirit," in Romans. 5:24, "He that heareth My Word," the word there is, "understandeth." Any drunkard, anything else, can hear It and walk away. "But he that heareth My Word, understandeth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting Life, and shall not come into the Judgment; but is passed from death unto Life." Yes, sir.

He that this great mystery of the God made known, understands, how that God was in Christ reconciling Himself to the world, how that He and the Father were One, how that the great mysteries of the fulfilling of God taking and bringing Hisself, manifested in the age of human beings, and in the stream of human beings, and in the company of human beings; to make His Word manifested in the day, in the eastern rising of the sun, and to do the same thing as the sun sets in the west, to make Hisself manifested in a Bride Church, the Word made manifest. See? It will, too. "He that understandeth," that is, "to know, that's been revealed to him, of Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life, and will not come into the Judgment; but is passed from death unto Life."

66 The natural seed was only a carrier of the spiritual, the Seed. Like the stalk, tassel, and shuck. We've went through that before, at another Message, but I'd like to preview it a little, in it, or go back to it again just for a minute.

67Now here there is three stages of the seed, shows us the true picture, the three stages of the natural seed in the earth. Like a seed is planted, brings forth a stalk, little blade shoots from it; then the tassel, then the pollen hangs on that; and then the shuck; and then the seed again.

68 Watch these stages of this perfect parable here, and how it works out exactly in the type, 'cause God is the author of all nature. Therefore nature cannot fail no more than God can fail, because He was the One Who set the thing in its condition for--for us to look at and to see.

69Notice Hagar, the stalk, which was the first beginning of the Seed springing up. Now, it didn't look anything like the Seed. It was the stalk, because she was a bondswoman, not in the promise at all; nothing to do with the Word, just a transporter of the Seed.

70 Notice Sarah, the tassel that had the pollen, that Jewish nation raised from her. From, come out of Sarah, brought Isaac; through Isaac, brought Jacob; Jacob brought the patriarchs; and through the patriarchs, brought forth a nation.

71Mary, the virgin's faith, produced the true, spiritual Seed Word made flesh. See?

The three women, three women that this Seed was carried through. One of them was actually an adultery, under polygamy; the second was a freewoman; and the third one had no sex affair at all, but by faith she believed the Word of God. Hagar, Sarah, both Sarah and Hagar, was sex; but Mary was virgin, by the power of the promised Word of God. That's right.

72 The stalk, Hagar (two wives), doubted the promise, but watch what that brought forth. When Hagar, the second wife of Abraham, which was just a absolutely a concubine wife, but she brought forth a man, but (what kind of a man was he?) the Bible said he was "a wild man." He lived by his bow, and no man would conquer him. He was untamable, unconvertible, unregenerated. He could not be tamed. He was a wild man, because he was of the contrary to God's Word.

And anything that's contrary; any preacher, any lay member, any church, that's contrary to God's Word; will bring forth a wild, adulteress bunch of worldly Hollywood, and cannot stay with the unadulterated Word, because it's not even included in the promise. No.

73 Sarah, the true wife of the promise, being the tassel, brought forth a gentle man. In the returns, brought forth a promised nation that served God. []

But, Mary, by no sex at all, but believed the promised Word; when she was a virgin, knowing no man. And the Angel of the Lord met her, said, "Hail, Mary, blessed art thou amongst the women, for God is with thee."

74And she said, "How will these things be?" He... She said.

75The Angel said, "The Holy Ghost shall overshadow thee."

76It had never been done in all of the ages, but Mary believed God. And she said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." She believed the Word.

How is she going to have it? She knowed that Hagar had the baby by a sex desire, with Abraham; and Sarah had the baby by sex desire, with Abraham, children of promise; the bondswoman and the freewoman. But here she is asked to believe. That's a contribution to the faith that was in Abraham, who believed the impossibles, "As long as God said it's so, that makes it right."

77She believed God, never questioned. She said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord. No matter how much criticism I have to bear from the world, be it unto me according Thy Word." There come forth the genuine Seed.

78 Sarah could not do it, because it was sex. That's right. And neither could Sarah, because it was sex.

Neither can the church, under sectarianism! It takes a virgin belief in the Word of God to make a promise, to bring forth children. Sectarianism will never bring forth the re-born Church. It cannot do it. It'll bring forth a substitutionary something. It'll bring some forth, something that imitates It, something that tries to be like It.

But a genuine, born-again Church of God believes the Word of God in the face of anything, regardless of what it is, because it's unadulterated. It's by the promise of God that these things come.

79 Mary, the true one, said, by the... -out sex, said, "Be it unto me according to Thy Word. Behold Thy handsmaid!"

And she brought forth. What did she bring forth? Not a wild man; not a nation. But she brought forth the Word, God Himself made manifested in the flesh; amen, the true Seed of God that manifested every promise that God made in the Bible; without Him, no man can live without Him.

80She was the true seed, she was beyond the ta-... she was the shuck that brought forth the Grain. Now, the other two was carriers of Life, only as the natural seed. Mary... Now, remember, I said the other two... Now, Mary, don't make her God, as some people tries to make her. She was not a god. No, sir. She was only a carrier of the Seed, like the rest of them was; but, like faith in the Word, brings more to the real image.

81 Like as the corn matures, or the wheat. It comes forth, a stalk; then it comes forth, the pollen; then it comes forth, a shuck. But when you think, that shuck, if you don't watch, it'll look just exactly like the real wheat. But when it's opened up, the real wheat is on the inside. It's only a carrier, again.

82So, you see, Mary, not through sex, but through faith; something exactly like It. Mary was not that Seed. Mary was a carrier of the Seed.

He was the genuine, faith Seed, because the Word of God is by faith that He give to Abraham. And only faith can produce what God said He'd do; faith in His Word.

83 Notice how more like the real Thing, Mary was, but like the shuck. The shuck hugs the seed in itself and protects it, and nurtures it until it's standing alone, mature. So has this third church age (of Pentecost) matured, holding this Grain until it's time to open up the shuck. Mary, being the mother of Christ, just a incubator.

He was no blood of Mary; He was no blood of Jew; He was no blood of Gentile. He was the Blood of God. God created this Blood. It could not be sex. He wasn't Jew nor Gentile.

84The baby is not one speck of the mother's blood. The blood comes from the father. We know the hemoglobin is in the male.

Like a chicken, it can lay an egg, a hen can; but if she hasn't been with the male bird, the rooster, it'll never hatch. It's unfertile, though it looks exactly like a real fertile egg. Every nature of it looks the same, but it hasn't got the life in it.

85 That's the way with people who profess Christ. Many of them look like Christians, try to act like Christians; but you've got to have Christ on the inside of you, which is the Word made manifest, or it'll never mature into a real Bible-believing Christian. It'll always be a denominational something. It cannot live, because there's no Life in it, to live.

An egg cannot hatch, it rots right in the nest, if it hasn't been with the--with the male bird.

86Just like members of a church. You can baby them and call them, make them deacons and everything else, but they'll... you have a nest full of rotten eggs unless they've mated with the Mate. That's right.

87 Carrier, the shuck, it nurtured it. That's right. Then it, that is, the seed itself, has to leave the shuck, or the shuck has to leave the seed, to get the seed in the presence of the sun, so it can be ripening. All in a type, we see.

88See here now how close she, the church of this last days, gets to look like the Seed Itself. Look how this denomination of Pentecost that's raised up in the last days, and we'll explain it a little later on, see, how they come so close to looking just exactly like the Seed.

When a shuck comes forth out of a grain of wheat... or a blade of wheat, after the pollen has fallen in there in the second stage, and produced the third stage which is the--the--the shuck. And how that that... If you are not a real close observer, you'll never be able to tell but what that's the real grain of wheat in there. When that first little grain comes forth, looks like a grain, but you set down and open it up and you'll find out there's no grain there at all. It's only a shuck, a carrier of the grain. Now, the grain comes forth from that. But remember, there is no more after that shuck.

Remember, there was no more Seed promised through a woman, anywhere, after Mary. And there is no more denominations promised after Pentecost. It's the Rapture and Bride coming forth from there, the Seed, the Word made manifest again.

89 Notice, see how close it looks. Matthew said, Saint Matthew 24:24, said, that, "The two spirits in the last days," the church spirit of the church people, and the Bride Spirit of the Bride people, "would be so close together till it would deceive the very Elected if it was possible." That's how close.

90Look how it's come through the stalk. Now notice, we're going to type something here.

Luther, in the church age, of bringing forth the Bride Seed, was the same in Spirit. Just one little grain of Seed, Luther stood out on, that was justification by faith. He was the very type of Hagar, the stalk.

Notice, Wesley was type of Sarah, the Philadelphian, the age of love that brought forth the tassel. That in Wesley's age, there was more missionaries than any other age we've had, the great missionary age of John Wesley's time.

91But Pentecost represented Mary. Mary, the last stage of It, now, she was not the Seed. Yet, the Life of the Seed was in her, but It hadn't matured yet. I feel very religious. It hadn't matured yet. It was there, but It wasn't matured.

So is it with our Pentecostal age that we're living in! There has got to come forth a--a Word of God that's inner, undenominational, outside of the realms of that denomination.

92 Luther went to husk with his first word, "The just shall live by faith." Wesley had two words, "sanctification," second definite work of grace. Pentecost had the third word, "the restoration of the gifts." But the entire Seed has to come forth! See how they denominated on one word, and another word, and another word?

But there's got to be Something that cannot be denominated; it's the entirety of the Life that's in there, has to produce Itself again on a Bride. There cannot be any more church ages after this. We're at the end, brothers and sisters. We're here. We've arrived. Thanks be to God! Amen. Now, we see these things are just as true as they can be.

93 Still we notice, then, if her being the tassel, or... Wesley being the tassel; Pentecost then being the shuck, which is the next stage of the coming forth of the Grain. But, brother, sister, the stalk is not the Grain, neither is the tassel the Grain, neither is the shuck the Grain; though, each time it matures, it looks more like the Grain.

94The stalk don't look like the grain. Then what comes forth? The tassel, a little bulb; it looks a more like the grain than the--than the blade does. What comes forth next? The shuck; it holds the grain, it nurtures the grain.

95Now looky back here at the promise God made to Abraham, of "thy Seed," speaking spiritually. Any of us know that. He was speaking of Christ, not Isaac; through his faith Seed.

96 Notice, the first was by a bondswoman, didn't look anything like the promise. God don't have to take back His Word for nobody. God said how it would come, and that's the way it'll come. But, Sarah, being a representative of the church, type of the church, it (she) found out there, that she said, "Well, I believe this is a little too phenomena. I just can't even believe in that, so you go get Hagar and you take her for a wife." See, there, that stalk didn't look like the promise, at all.

But when Sarah came forth, now, that looked pretty good. It looks a whole lot more like the promise there, but still it wasn't the genuine promise. Because, Israel, in Isaac, failed and denied the genuine Seed when It come on. Hallelujah! (Don't get excited; don't run. That won't hurt you.) Denied the Seed, crucified Him, and hung Him on a cross!

97 Just like Paul said here, "Did not the--the seed of the--of the freewoman... or the bondswoman persecute the Seed of the freewoman?"

And so does the seed of the denomination persecute the genuine Grain. It's always got to be that way. They'll not be heirs together. They're not associated together. They're absolutely two different promises, two different times, two different peoples, altogether. One is the Bride, and the other one is a church. No comparison, at all, with them.

98But still they are not the Seed that's promised to come. Neither was Sarah, neither was... And neither was Hagar, neither Sarah was, or--or neither Mary, was the Seed.

Mary was not the Seed. She was a carrier of the Seed, but she had nurtured, brought forth out of her womb. Just like the shuck, brought from its womb the real Seed, but the shuck is not the Seed. It only... It's closer to the Seed. It's hugged up around the Seed.

Way back in the stalk, the life is scattered all through the stalk. And when it comes to the pollen, it's gathered down closer. But when it comes to the shuck, it's right down there like the seed, and forms it almost like the seed.

Jesus told us what would be in the last day, "Be so close it would deceive the very Elected if possible," but then the Seed comes forth from there. And the shuck, the Life leaves the shuck. And the shuck is a carrier, and that's just exactly what our denominations has been, a carrier; Luther, Wesley, Pentecostals. And now it's time for the Seed to come forth. Notice, notice, just...

99 She was not the Seed. Mary was not. Just a shuck, tassel, and stalk, carriers of part of the Word, not all the Word! Luther had justification; Wesley had sanctification; Pentecostals had the restoration of the gifts. But when the Word come...

Now, they could produce that, that, justification will save a man. You believe that? Sure, it was a carrier of the Word, just the same as I believe the stalk is part of the wheat. Sure, it is, but it's the carrier. It ain't the Life.

Then along come sanctification. How many believes in sanctification? You believe the Bible, you have to. Sure. So still that's not; it's a little more like; that's two more words.

But then come the Pentecost, the restoration of the gifts. Speaking in tongues, they call it the initial evidence of the Holy Ghost. Speaking in tongues, there, they call that the initial evidence, which brought forth (the what?) the shuck, but they denominated.

But when you come to say, "I and My Father are One," and these other things, then the shuck pulls away from It. But the real, genuine Bride Church will bring forth the entire Word of God, in Its fullness and in Its strength, for He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Notice, in the wombs of Mary was the Seed.

100 But when the Seed was delivered, It said, "I come to do the will of Him that sent Me. I and My Father are One. If I do not His works, believe Me not." There was the Seed. "Which one of you can condemn Me of unbelief? What the Bible has promised I would do, I done it. God has verified that through Me," He said. "Who can tell Me now?" See?

But, the--the Seed in Mary, the shuck, it was close to being That, but it wasn't. It was still in the womb.

101Notice, and in the Pentecostal age. Through the Lutheran age, through the Wesleyan age, it's been the same thing through this Pentecostal age.

Now notice. But at the opening of the Seven Seals, Revelations 10, the full Word is to be born into manifestation again, and vindicated by the Spirit of God, in the full strength as It was when He was here on earth; manifested in the same way, doing the same things that It did when It was here on earth. Amen! Hebrews 13:8, said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

In Saint Luke 17:30, Jesus said, "In the last days, as it was in the days of Sodom, when the Son of man will be revealing Himself again, it'll be the same thing."

102 The world is in a Sodom condition. And the church has went into Sodom, with it, like Lot and his wife.

And I say that there is a Elected Church somewhere in this world, that's pulling out and set aside from those things, and the manifestation of God has attracted Its attention. We're at the last days.

103The shuck has give forth its Strength into the Seed. It's went on out; it was a good shuck, but it served its time. See, it is the Word Bride of the Word Groom!

104The natural seed of Abraham, of Isaac, and Jacob, and... Or, natural seed, rather, of Ishmael, natural seed of Isaac, and so forth, had to go into the ground, in order to--to bring out this other, bring out Jesus.

And so has all these others, the seeds has to dry... I mean, the shucks has to dry, and the pollen has to dry, and everything dies, so the Seed can produce Itself. That's the way it's been in every age.

105 Denominations has been the carriers of part of It, part that is the Word, for it has been hid from the wise reformers, or the... sealed away from them, until the age of the Eagles appear. The Bible said so. Yes, sir. Cause, we're promised that in Malachi 4. Exactly, we are.

"He has hid It from the eyes of the wise and prudent."

106As we've just went through the Book of the Revelations, we find out that every, all three of those messengers of those beasts that went forth; each one suited Luther just right, each one seated the other one just right, which is the ox and the different animals of the Bible; they went forth in justification, sanctification, even into the Pentecostals. But the fourth was an eagle, that's right, and through that age God raised It up. So it has to come through that age to be correct, yes, sir, the eagle promise being fulfilled of--of Malachi 4.

107Jesus was not of Mary, but came through Mary, like the Life through the shuck.

108 Now, many of you fine Catholic brothers here, or sisters, tonight, maybe think that Mary was "mother of God," as you say she was. How could she be the mother of God, and God had no beginning and no end? See? Who was the Father of God, then, if she was the mother? See?

He was her creator, and she was not His creator. He created, Himself, in the womb of Mary, not her own creation. It was He, created, Himself. He was not of her, but she was of Him. That's right. The Bible teaches us, that, "All things were made by Him," see, "and not nothing was made but what was made by Him." So how could He... How'd He have a mother, when He was God Himself?

109 Now we see here the true revelation of the true type. There is three women carriers of the natural seed, until the matured into Jesus. How Ishmael could not be, because he was born, really, in what we would think today, out of wedlock, because he was a bondswoman's son. Then come a little more like Him, like Jesus, which come out Isaac; but it still wasn't, because it was born of the sex between Sarah and Abraham. But then along came Mary, by the virgin birth, produced Jesus Christ. That's right. God, the Word, made flesh.

110Now look. There was three women. There is three women typed here, churches. The women always types churches. Means, three denominational ages, carriers, which also must die and dry up, just like the shuck and so forth does, to give room for the Seed. The Seed cannot get right, cannot get ripe, rather, until the shuck, stalk, and leaves, are all dry. That's right. It saps every bit of the Life, in them, out; amen; all it was, is that, plus.

111 Cannot do it! Now it's Seed time, or Bride time. The shucks are dead. The shucks are dried up. The virgin Word time, not touched. It's a virgin, remember, a virgin Word time. If you'd put It in the hands of a denomination, It sure won't be virgin; It'll be man-handled, time you get to It. But God's Church is not touched by denomination. Hallelujah! It's a virgin-born Word of God made manifest, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hallelujah! How, how wonderful! I love It. I believe It. I know that It's the Truth. It'll not be touched. There'll be no denominational man-handling in the virgin Birth of the Bride. No, sir! She is--she is commanded by God to come out of such. "Touch not their unclean things, become vultures."

112 Just reminds me. As I was coming from Phoenix the other day, coming to Tucson, from the meeting, the Spirit of God called my attention to something; as wife and I were going along, talking, and the children were asleep in the back of the car, getting late. Called my attention to a hawk, and I watched that hawk a little bit and studied him. He's a very type of the church today.

113Now, the hawk, as we all know, has lost his identification of his original creation. That's exactly right. Once he was similar to an eagle, his greater brother; a hawk was. But now he doesn't fly in the skies no more, to hunt his heavenly manna, but he has gotten soft. He don't fly in the skies anymore. He hops on the ground, like a vulture; sets upon a telephone post; hops along, hunting for dead rabbits. The hawk wasn't made to do that. No, he was made to be a similar to an eagle.

Now, that's just like the church. It was made similar to the eagle. It should take the place in the Heavenlies. But, instead of that, it's got soft. It don't fly into the unknown no more, into the blue. No, sir. It's depending on its modern ways, of adoption, of education, and theology, in some man-made denomination; looking for a bunch of dead rabbits, half rotten, that something else had. That's right. Hopping along on the ground now, you see, that's right, a hawk. See, that's what tells.

The eagle hasn't changed a bit. He stays a eagle.

114 He doesn't soar into the skies, a hawk doesn't, any more, to catch his fresh manna up there, but he depends on what he can find already dead. A hawk don't hardly... say he's supposed to get on the ground. But watch an old hawk today. Go down along the road, you see the telephone wires setting full of hawks, see if he can find something--something is killed, some rotten something. He's got so he hasn't got wings enough to fly. He's... The first thing you know, he'll be on the ground, altogether, grounded because he's got soft. He don't use his strength, no more, that God give him.

115His special identification was to sail into the skies and watch down from below, but now he gets down below and can't even look up. He's got his mind on dead rabbits, to find out what he can find on the road; some skunk, opossum, or something somebody has run over. He's not an eagle, but he's something like it.

Just like the church depending on its food for education and so forth, a dead diet that died years ago, through Luther, and Wesley, and the Pentecostals, and gone on, he ate. It's looking back for some man-made creed; instead of flying up into the Heavenlies of the Word, where, "All things are possible to them that believe."

116 He's took up the habits of the buzzard. Them dead things was left for the vultures, the world. Educations and so forth like that, was left for the world, not for the Church. He is so soft he don't... It ain't rugged no more. He can't get up into the rugged Heavenlies, where, "All things are possible to them that believe."

He sets back, and say, "Well, Doctor So-and-so said certain... My denomination don't believe It that way." Oh, you perverted hawk, afraid to break out upon the promises of God!

You say, "Well, the days of miracles is passed."

117You are soft. You are scared to take your wings and fly yonder. And have you come too soft for a prayer meeting? Have you come to a place that you're scared to stay over ten minutes at the altar?

118 Hop along like a vulture, eating dead a carrion on the ground! Yes, sir. He is too soft to take the rugged beyonds, anymore. Hops like a vulture, and eats vultures' food. That's what it is. That's right. Until, he's begin to look like a vulture. He acts like a vulture. He ain't no more a hawk than nothing. He is more like a vulture than he is a hawk. A hawk is supposed to sail; not set on a telephone pole and watch for a dead rabbit, and then get down there and pop up-and-down the road like a vulture. See?

119That's just about the way the church has today. "What's the use of going up There and sailing around, when I can get rabbits here?" But they are dead. They are rotten. They are contaminated. One time, they were good; so was the doctrine of the Lutheran, Wesley, and the Pentecostals. Why you eat like a vulture? There was new manna fell every night, out of the heavenlies, for the children of Israel as they journeyed; anything left over was contaminated. We used to say, in the country, "got wiggle-tails in it." There is too many of them wiggle-tails in our experiences today, our religions depending on what somebody else said, what somebody else said, and, "The promise is for some other age."

120 A man come to me not long ago, a Baptist preacher, up there in my house, and said, "You know," said, "I--I just want to correct you on something."

I said, "What?"

Said, "You are trying to teach an apostolic Doctrine over in this age." Said, "The apostolic age ceased."

121I said "When?" See? "I'll tell you when it begin, and you tell me when it ceased." I said, "Do you believe the Word?"

He said, "I do."

122I said "All right. Now, on the Day of Pentecost, do you believe that's when the apostolic age started?"

He said, "I do."

123I said, "Then, the speaker, Apostle Peter, said these words."

And remember, Jesus said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life," that's a preacher or somebody that's got their name on the Book.

I said, "Peter said, 'Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.' When did it go out then? It's always been in."

It's a bunch of hawks that's turned out to be buzzards, and hopping around on some other dead carcass, some other age killed for them. Right. Not fresh manna from the Heavens, anymore. They don't want It. They ain't... They can't have a prayer meeting. Not eagles, to begin with; soft, not rugged; just hops around.

124 So is our modern denomination, depended on education to some man-made theology, to explain all these Things away, and they accept that. They won't take the Word that said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." They won't take Malachi 4. And he won't take all these other promises pertaining to this day, and said how the church age. How the prophet said, "It shall be Light in the evening time," they don't take This. They want to hop around on what some Pentecostal organization killed, a hundred years ago, eating on half rotten manna. That's right. It's no good.

125 Notice, church is so carnal, feeds itself on worldly a carrion, dead things of the world, just like the vulture does. Church politics, they don't let the Holy Ghost send a man to a church; they have to have a politics and see if the denomination is going to receive him or not. That's right. They're like the world. They dress like the world. They look like the world. They act like the world. They're vultures, like the world. They are lazy, soft, compromisers. That's all there is to it.

Did you ever see an eagle compromise? No, sir. There is no compromising in him. Neither does a genuine Christian. He ain't soft. He'll hunt till he finds It. Amen. Yes, sir. He'll find his Meat. He wants fresh Manna. He'll get down there and dig till he finds It. He'll fly higher and higher. If there's none in this valley, he'll raise a little higher. The higher you go, the more you can see. So it's time for eagles of this day to get to flying higher, dig into God's promises, not live on vulture food that's been killed years ago; get out of it.

126 Politics, voting in and voting out, saying this, that, or the other, and the Holy Spirit has no more right-of-way in the church than nothing. No more prayer meetings, no more agonizing with God to fulfill His Word! No more believing that the Word is still the same yesterday, today, and forever! They just vulturize down, got a denomination, put their name on the book; and got lazy and soft, and sets back there gloating on some kind of a dead a carrion. And, then, supposed to be at least a hawk that's a similar brother to the eagle, the prophet that brought the true Word and manifested It.

127Relies on half-rotten, man-made theology. Where does he get it at? In some man-made Sunday school program sheet, some educator killed for him back in some seminary, tell him that, "The days of miracles is passed. There was no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost. All This is nonsense." You mean to tell me that an eagle would eat that? He couldn't do it. No, sir.

128Neither will a Christian eat on that dead a carrions from old denominational doctrines and things. They want the Word of God, fresh, the promise of the hour. God promised rabbits in the days of Luther. He promised other things in the days of others. But now He promised us a full square Meal, the full seven course Menu, for all the Seven Seals are opened, and everything is ready for the Word of God, to those who can receive!...?...

129 Hawks hopping like buzzards. Oh, my! Think of it, how critical, why--why the hour is. Just as the hawk has long lost his identification as a hawk, so has the church long lost her identification as a lesser (bird) brother of the eagle, God's prophets.

Once the carrier of a true word, justification; then it become a carrier of sanctification; then it become a carrier of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, restoration of the gifts. But then when He goes on and keeps going back, try to eat something, manna from another day, it's rotten. It's no good.

A genuine eagle of this day knows that was alright. But we got that, plus, until Jesus Christ is made manifest in the fulness of His power, as He promised to be in this last day.

130 She is now a dry shuck. It's passed; The Spirit of God passed through her, is true. And will not, she will not be heir with the a vindicated Seed Word. She sure will not be. She'll not be in the Rapture. She'll be a church member, may come up in the second resurrection, be judged according to what she's heard.

If you're here tonight, and just a church member, what's your judgment going to be, when we all have to stand there and witness you heard the Truth? See?

She no more flies into the blue, into the unknown, unto the supernatural, where the Powers and heights, and the promises of God's Eternal Word is made possible, "all things to them that believe." She won't believe That, she said. She falls right back on the telephone wire, and said, "My denomination says the rabbits is all right." Though they got maggots in them, but, yet, "They're all right," see. She depends on that.

131Pentecost is like her denominational vulture sister, setting now in large "counsel seats of the ungodly," certainly, listening to her worldly, politic heads feeding her on vulture food of dead rabbits, of something that passed by, fifty years ago. That's the condition of the Pentecostal church. Oh, my!

132 Just as Sarah tried to bring the promise of the supernatural by--by a hand-picked Hagar, so has the church, trying to bring a revival. Our great evangelists across the countries today, "A revival in our time! A revival in our time! All you Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals, all get together." How can you have a revival of fresh Manna on an old, dead, vultured...?... How can you have it, revival in our time?

The revival will be so small they'll never know it ever happened.

133Pentecostals said, "Oh, there is going to be a great thing happen."

It's happening, and they don't know it. See, that's it. See? Yes, sir. "For where the Carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered," just as sure as the world. See? That's what It said. What is the Carcass? The Word. He is the Word, the Carcass, Christ! "Christ in you," the same yesterday, today, and forever. How true It is!

134 Sarah, trying to get the promises all fulfilled, you see, in a great... like the church today, "a great revival in our time," (by what?) by a perverted promise. How you going to do it, when God never did bless a organization?

He never did use an organization. When a message went forth, and they organized, it died right there. I challenge any historian to show me where it ever raised again. It died right there and stayed right there. God just moved right on out of that carrier, into another one; right on out of the Lutheran, into the Methodist; right on out of the Methodist, into the Pentecostals; now He's moved right out of the Pentecostals, into the Seed.

135Because, it has to be the Seed. You can't beat nature. There is no, nothing else there for it to happen but the Seed, so the Seed will produce Itself. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever; the same Pillar of Fire, showing the same signs, the same Power, the same God, the same miracles, the same thing, vindicated the Word and the Bible, just exactly. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's leading, tonight. God help us to see It and believe It! Sure!

136 See, Sarah, the church, hand-picked Hagar. It didn't work. Did it? No. Her hand-picked group won't work today, either. Doctors, and Ph.D.'s, and L.L.D.'s, don't do it. All the carriers fail.

Luther failed, as Hagar did. What did Hagar do? Hagar gave her son to another woman's bosom (that right?), to raise her child. Hagar did that; gave her son, her only son, to another woman's bosom (not his mother), to raise it. That's the same thing Luther did when he gave his son, justification, over to a denomination to fool with, that's exactly, to raise him up.

137 Wesley failed the same way as Sarah did, doubting the supernatural Birth being the baptism of the Holy Ghost, as Sarah did at the oak tree. When Wesley was introduced to the supernatural, when the Pentecostal age come on and Wesley was introduced to speaking in tongues and all This, they laughed and made fun of It. All you church of Christ, and you, so-called, and you Baptists, and Presbyterians, every one of you, turned your nose up, on It, and went away from It. Right. What'd you do, Wesley? You sold your child to an organization, and it died and perished. That's exactly right.

138But, the Word, the true Word went right on. It didn't stay in that organization. It moved right on into pentecost, and took some more with it. It was a more matured Son, like the Seed that fell into the womb; and, after a while, It started in the backbone, then to have lungs, and had head and feet.

And, after a while, It come to a place that It was born. That's right. So, that's how the Church has matured, the same way.

139 Wesley doubted just exactly like Sarah did at the tree. She said... When the Angel of the Lord, a man, dressed like a... Or, a Angel, God, it was, Himself. Elohim, dressed like a man, stood there with dust on His clothes, and said that He had give the promise; after Sarah was ninety years old, and Abraham a hundred.

And Sarah laughed up her sleeve, and said, "How could this be, when Abraham and I haven't had, well, we haven't been as young people, family relationship, maybe for twenty years." She was nearly a hundred years old. Said, "Me, have pleasure with my lord, me old, and him old, too? And his stream of life is dead, and my womb is dried up. My breast is gone; the milk veins are gone. How could I have it?"

140God said, "I've promised it. He is coming, anyhow!"

141So did Wesley. "How can we accept them speaking in tongues, and Divine healing, and stuff. It's not for us in this day."

142 God said, "I promised, 'In the last days I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.'" He promised to do it, and He went on and done it, anyhow. And the Wesleyan church, with all of its little pollen sisters, of Baptists, Presbyterians, and church of Christ, and Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness, and United Brethren, and what 'fore, died right with it. And the Church moved on.

Now what did Pentecost do? Organizes, just like the shuck. It done the same thing. It organized itself together, set itself in as a shuck. That's right.

143 Pentecost was as Mary. []... pentecostal feast, look what Mary did. What did Mary do wrong? At a pentecostal feast, one time, she was faced with a bunch of dignitaries, priests. When, her Son, she couldn't find Him anywhere. And she went back, three-days journey.

She had left Him. Like the modern church today, about three times five, or twenty-five, has the church left, about fifty years ago, or seventy-five.

144Left Him at the pentecostal feast. Mary went back up with Joseph, three days, looking for Him. She had been looking for Him; couldn't find Him.

She found Him. What did she find? She found Him in the temple, discussing the Word of God with the priests. And right in the front of those priests, those dignified, Mary let the curtain drop. She did exactly the thing she should not have done.

Call her, "God; the mother of God"? A mother ought to have more wisdom than her son.

And she said, "Your father and I have sought You with tears, for day and night." Huh! "Your father and I," claiming that the birth wasn't supernatural, that Joseph was the father of Jesus. She denied the supernatural birth.

Pentecost took speaking in tongues. They denied the Birth of the Word. That's exactly what it did. It'll take so much of It, but won't take the rest of It. It denied the Birth of the Word, just like Mary did. But, watch, there will not be any more organizations after This.

145 Watch the Word Itself, yet, twelve years old, just a little bitty thing back in the shuck, He said, "Don't you know I must be about My Father's business?" The Word corrected the church, right there.

146"What are you doing all these things for? You know you can't do this. We'll close up our doors; we won't let you come in."

147"For know ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" See? Sure, sure, the true supernatural!

148Charmed, she just claimed Him to be Joseph's son, a mere man. Or, what Pentecost did, just claimed Him to be "one of three." Whew! I know that hurt, "one of three." But He was all three, in One. But the Pentecostal, "Oh, yes, He is the Son of the Father, of the Holy Ghost, then..." Oh, my!

But the real, true Word speaks right out, and said, "They are not three of them. There is one of them." [] Amen. You know not the Word of God? Make it not three of them; but One.

149 Notice, there will be no more carrier, mother churches, denominations, after this carrier shuck.

150Because, after the shuck, there is no more, nothing left by then but just the Grain. Is that right? It's got to be the Grain. It's got to be the same kind that went into the ground, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, a Spirit come upon the Bride to do the same things that He did. See? It's the reproducing again of the Grain.

151The Word, yet young, spake for Itself, "And know not that I must be about My Father's business?" Huh!

152There is the secret of the Message now, just exactly, "the Father's business." What is the Father's business?

Could you think of what the Father's business was, in Him? To fulfill what Isaiah said, "A virgin shall conceive." Fulfill what Isaiah, said again, "The lame shall leap like a hart," and all these thing would take place. Like Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet, among you, liken unto me." It was the Father's business, to fulfill that Word.

Well, if that come down through them stalks, of them natural women; what about these stalks of these spiritual, church women? Churches means women, women means "churches," rather. Is that right?

Then what is it now? "We must be about the Father's business," the Wheat would cry back, the Grain. Yes, sir. What must it do? Vindicate Malachi 4, vindicate Luke 17:30, vindicate Hebrews 13:8, vindicate Saint John 14:12, vindicate all of His Word. Vindicate Hebrews, I mean... Revelations, the 10th chapter, of the opening of the Seven Seals, and the mysteries of God; even to serpent's seed, and all, would be manifested; marriage and divorce and all these other mysteries that's been hid under the pillars for all these years, from the theologians and so forth, but it's now the hour. That's the Father's business.

Think they would receive It? They want to be dignified, and say, "Our denomination don't teach us That." But the Bible does. That's right.

153 God vindicates It to be true. Sure, It is fulfilling this age, when the Seven Seals. Or, just proving the denominations has just been carriers, that's another one of Father's business, to prove. And the Father's business now is to show you that them denominations is not His. They're a man-made systems that deny the Word. Right. Notice.

You say, "Well, Mary, the vir-... great virgin!"

154At the cross, He never called her, "mother." He called her, "woman," carrier, not mother. See? True, she was a carrier of the Word, but she was not the Word. He was the Word. Oh, yes.

155Notice, also, she was not identified in the resurrection with Him. He died and rose again, 'cause He was the Word. She was just a carrier. She died, and still in the grave. That's right. So, she was just a carrier, not His mother, not God. She was just a carrier like the churches are. That's right. Shows she was just a carrier, not the Word.

156 Let's close by saying this. Oh, Pentecostal hawks, hopping around like vultures, partaking of the world just like the rest of them does, "having a form of godliness, enough to deceive the very Elected if possible, but denying the Power thereof," as says the prophet here. A perfect example of what God's Word said it would be in the last days, a Laodicea church age, "naked, blind, miserable, poor, wretched, and don't know it; claiming that she is big and wealthy, 'has need of nothing.'" And don't know that she's changed from a hawk, a similar brother to a prophet, to keep the Word of God straight; she's turned to a vulture, and feeding her people on dead ecclesiastical rabbits. Exactly right. Wake up! My, how do you expect to be identified, or heirs with the eagles, when such things as that in this great hour when the Rapture is at hand.

157 Oh, Christian, oh, believer, if you've been a partial believer, keep on attending the meetings for just a little while (will you?), we got something here that I believe the Lord wants you to know.

It's late; I can't go any farther. I got to close, and maybe finish tomorrow night. But, look, let us bow our heads just a moment.

158I don't want you to notice what grammar I use, but I want you to take heed just a minute to what I said. It's plain enough you could understand it, I'm sure, if you desire to. If you are here tonight, and you're without this experience...

I don't say... You say, "I've danced in the Spirit, jumped all around." Yeah, hawks do the same thing, just like the crows and the vultures. I'm not asking that.

What are you eating on? Where you getting your daily diet? Where are you feeding, from the Word of God or some old a carrion that's been used back yonder, years and years ago? Is your experience, even tonight, with something you've picked up many years ago; or is it fresh and new tonight, new Manna that's just fell from Heaven, and you're feeding your soul on It, looking tomorrow for something good and better? If you're not that way, now with your heads bowed and your eyes closed, and your hearts bowed, ask yourself this sincere question. And not to me, but to God, would you raise your hand in a testimony, of saying this, "God, condition my soul and my spirit, that I can feed only on the Word of God." Would you just raise your hand, say... God bless you. God bless you.

159I don't know just exactly how many is in here, there is, tonight. I'm a very poor judge of crowd, but I'd say at least a third, or more, raised their hands, that they want conditioned souls. Let us remember in prayer now as we bow our heads.

160 Dear God, I'm only responsible for saying the Word. And by these little simple parables, little types, the people sees that one is not going to be heir with the other. And we know that in the last days there is going to be people that's going to be raptured up into the Heavens, and some of them will be here when Jesus comes. And we're looking for Him to come even tonight.

161And I'm thinking of thirty, about thirty or thirty-three years ago, knelt here maybe this time of night, along nine-thirty or ten o'clock, praying for a father that was lost. Tonight, Lord, I'm praying for many fathers, many mothers, and brothers and sisters. Won't You have mercy, dear God? It's too late now for my father to do anything about it; he's passed beyond the boundaries of this life. And soon, Lord, we're all going to pass that way. I, too, must go that way. Every man and woman, boy or girl, in here, has to go that way. And we will be accountable for what we do with the Word of God.

162 How little did that man seem, in the sight of David, when he was spitting upon him! How little will those people think, that spit upon Jesus the Word, when He returns again, and those that pierced Him. How little will the people feel who could walk away from here and see even a... even not only in some great Greek words, and so forth, but in plain nature that teaches us God the Creator; can see the carriers of the Word, and see the Word Itself, and know the hour we're living, and harvest time is here.

163Dear God, let us not turn our back upon It, for some folly of the world, but let us tonight receive Him with all of our heart. Lord, create in me a good spirit, the Spirit of Life, that I might believe all Thy Words, and accept Jesus the Word, the same yesterday, today, and forever, and believe today on the portion that's lotted to this age. Grant it, Lord. I ask it in Jesus' Name.

164 And now I'm going to ask each one of you, as you're here and thinking of this, real sincerely. We don't have a church for you to join. We have a pool down there to be baptized in, "As many as believed was baptized," if you've never been baptized yet by Christian baptism. That don't mean sprinkling, pouring; that means by immersing. Not in a title of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, but in the Name of "Jesus Christ," like the entire church was baptized, until the Catholic church in 303 introduced three gods and three forms of baptism, in a trinity titles. If you haven't had that yet, tomorrow morning at ten o'clock there is robes and things waiting for you down there.

165Won't you come and join with Jesus Christ, not with us. We don't have a church even here to take care of you. Go to any church you want to, wherever you come from, but, please, believe this Word. Do you believe it? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] God bless you. May you do...

166If there's anything we can help you, we're here to do it.

167 Now, I know there is sick here. Our time has got away from us, tonight, for a prayer line. Maybe we'll get it, though. I want each one of you do something for me. You're setting close to somebody; lay your hands over on that person.

And no doubt you're putting your hand upon an eagle, maybe an eagle that has been eating some vulture food somewhere; gotten sick of it. They don't want it no more. They want to come out of it. They're sick and tired of it. Set here tonight and see what eagles really can eat, the Word, and have a living Christ living among them, showing Himself alive, the same yesterday, today, and forever. They don't want to be heirs with the shucks; they're to be burned. All the straws and things is to be burned. The combine is coming to beat the Wheat out. You want to be Wheat.

168There is some of them that's sick, some of them physically sick. I want you to pray, eagle. Pray for your brother, sister eagle there, as I pray for you here. May the Spirit of God come upon you.

169Remember, I'm giving you the Food of the eagle, the promise of God. He calls His prophets, "eagles." He calls Himself "a Eagle," He is Jehovah Eagle. And while you have your hands laid upon one another, pray for them.

170 Our Heavenly Father, Your Word said, the last commission You give to Your Church, was, "Go into all the world, and preach the Gospel," the general orders, "he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned. These signs shall follow them that believe; in My Name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; if they should drink any deadly thing, it wouldn't hurt them; if they take up serpents, they'll not harm them; and if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

O Jehovah Eagle, feed Your little ones tonight upon that Word, Lord. They're needy. That's the diet they need. That's what they need, to know what the Food is, what THUS SAITH THE LORD is.

171You promised, if they laid their hands on one another, that they would recover. O Lord God, take all doubts and vulture ideas away from us now. And we feed solemnly upon the Eagle Food, of the Word of God.

172Let every unclean spirit that's in these people, every spirit of doubting, every spirit of fear, every denominational cling, every habit, every sickness, every disease that's among the people, leave. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may it come out of this group of people. And may they be free from this hour on, that they can eat the Eagle Food that we're believing You'll send us through the week, Lord, breaking open those Seals and showing us those mysteries that's been hid since the foundation of the world, as You've promised. They are yours, Father. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

173 All that believe and accept, stand to your feet, say, "I believe. I accept. That what God promised me, I receive." [Congregation rises with a voice of acceptance--Ed.]

The Lord bless you. That's wonderful. Every person standing! That's good.

A chord, I Love Him. Let's sing this hymn to Him then, "I love Him, I love Him because He first loved me." All together now.

I love Him, (if you do, let's raise our hands) I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

174Oh, isn't He wonderful? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Let's shake hands with one another. Brother, eagle, just turn around, sister, shake hands, as we sing it.

I love Him,...

Brother, eagle! Brother, eagle! Brother, eagle, ministering the Word! Charlie, how are you? God bless you, brother. Glad to see you! God bless you, brother. God bless you, brother, eagle. God bless you.

On Calvary's tree.

Let's raise our hands again to Him.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved... (and He made you an eagle)

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

175 How will you know, how will the world know that you love Jesus? When we love one another. That's how the world... See, God sees your faith; the world sees your action. Love one another now. Be kind to one another. Talk with one another. Be patient with one another.

And any further instructions we can give, baptism, seeking the Holy Ghost... We don't have any rooms here to do that in, you understand. The altar call, if God has convinced you that This is right, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and you want to join with Him, go and be baptized in His Name, tomorrow. There'll be man there to instruct you. Anything that we can do to help you, we'll do it.

I love Him, I love Him

You on the telephones now, Tucson, over in California, way up in the East, raise your hands, way out in the...?... Praise Him!

Purchased my salvation

Who is going to dismiss? [Brother Branham speaks to someone on the platform--Ed.] Now, until tomorrow night, I give you Brother Neville, our pastor.

1 Zostaňme na chvíľu stáť, kým sa pomodlíme. Skloňme svoje hlavy.

2 Drahý Bože, považujeme toto dnes večer za veľké privilégium, že tu môžeme byť pri tejto príležitosti aby sme priniesli živého Krista zomierajúcemu svetu a zomierajúcej generácii.

3 Prosíme ťa Pane, aby si pomazal naše slová a našu námahu, aby sa nevrátili ku Tebe prázdne, ale aby mohli vykonať to na čo boli poslané.

4 Pomôž tu dnes večer každému mužovi, žene, chlapcovi alebo dievčaťu, ktorí sú v potrebe. A Otče, my vieme, že všetci sme v potrebe. A keď odídeme dnes večer, nech môžeme cítiť vo svojich srdciach ako tí, ktorí prišli z Emaus, potom keď mali svedectvo zmŕtvychvstania Krista a hovorili: „Či v nás nehoreli naše srdcia, keď On ku nám hovoril na ceste?" Udeľ nám to, Pane!

5 Uzdrav chorých a postihnutých. Nech po tomto večernom zhromaždení nie je medzi nami nikto slabý. A ponad všetko, nech nezostane nikto neveriaci, Pane. Nech oni všetci veria na Večný Život. Lebo to je náš cieľ, kvôli čomu sa tu zhromažďujeme.

6 Tieto požehnania prosíme na slávu Kráľovstva Božieho, v mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

7 To je dobre, že sme znovu tu dnes večer. A vidím, že máme niekoľkých, ktorí stoja okolo a myslím, že telefóny sú teraz zapnuté do mnohých rôznych miest po celom národe, San Francisco, Tucson, hore na východ. A my cez telefóny im posielame pozdravy. Sme tu dnes večer v auditóriu. Hlavné auditórium je naplnené a v uličkách a okolo stien stojí plno ľudí. A usudzujeme, že zajtra večer sa budeme snažiť, aby nám tu otvorili aj druhú stranu do telocvične a zväčšili auditórium, kde by sa mohlo možno zmestiť o niekoľko tisíc ľudí viacej. Tak dúfame to zajtra večer. Ak dnes večer je tu plno, prvý večer, no, veríme, že zajtra večer to bude väčšie. A vidím, že dnes tiež ľudia sedia na pridaných stoličkách a na všetkom možnom.

8 Sme vo veľkom očakávaní, za prvé na príchod Pána Ježiša; to ďalšie, na spasenie stratených duší, ktoré Ho prijmú dnes večer a budú pripravení na Jeho príchod, keď sa On ukáže.

9 Zvlášť chcem pozdraviť a privítať všetkých týchto fajných mužov na pódiu, ktorí pokiaľ viem mnohí z nich sú kazatelia. Okolo sto alebo viacej sedí na pódiu a my sme skutočne vďační, že sú tu.

10 Vás všetkých, kdekoľvek ste na rôznych miestach národa ... A dozvedel som sa, že sú tu niektorí ľudia z poza mora, zo zámoria. Tak sme vďační, že ste tu aby ste sa radovali v tomto obecenstve s nami, čo očakávame, že Boh nám dá počas tohoto zhromaždenia.

11 Vyzerá to tak, že odkedy som myslel, že prídem naspäť na týchto niekoľko dní zhromaždení, že moje vlastné srdce bolo zvláštne vyburcované, zvláštnym pocitom, že niečo sa má stať. Ja proste neviem čo to je, ale dúfam, že to je veľké zjavenie od Boha, ktoré nás pripraví a urobí nás lepšími obyvateľmi Jeho Kráľovstva, zatiaľ čo chodíme v tomto temnom svete hriechu a nevery.

12 Táto pôda dnes večer, práve toto miesto, znamená pre mňa veľkú vec. Odkedy som vedel, že tu stavajú toto školské auditórium, chcel som mať na tomto mieste zhromaždenia. Som veľmi vďačný vedeniu školy a tým, ktorí nám láskavo dovolili mať to tu. To bolo na tomto mieste, práve niekde tu kde stojí táto budova dnes, kde sa odohrala veľká vec pred nejakými tridsiatymi rokmi, presne na tejto pôde. Nebolo tu vtedy nič len kroviny a tráva. A ja som býval v malom dome hneď tu na druhej strane asi dvesto metrov. Veľmi som sa staral v tých dňoch o spasenie môjho otca a matky, ktorí sa už dnes obaja pominuli. A zvlášť v ten deň som sa staral o môjho otca.

13 Pamätám sa, spal som vo verande. Bolo teplo, bolo leto. Toto je napísané, myslím v malej knižke nazvanej, Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, alebo tiež to bolo v malej knižke nazvanej Nebol som neposlušný tomu nebeskému videniu.

14 A ležal som vo verande, zrazu som sa zobudil a na srdce mi prišlo bremeno za môjho otca. Koľkí z ľudí v tomto meste ste poznali môjho otca, myslím, že bol veľký človek, hoci bol hriešnik a ... Ale mal zlý zvyk, proti ktorému som sa snažil bojovať ako som len mohol v tom čase; to bolo pitie. A v ten večer bol opitý. A ja som sa zobudil s veľkým bremenom na srdci za neho. A len v pyžame, vkĺzol som do nohavíc, nechal som si košeľu od pyžama, chodil som vonku po tomto krovinatom a trávnatom poli, práve kde teraz toto stojí. A kľakol som si aby som sa modlil za otca.

15 A kým som sa modlil a prosil Boha, aby ho spasil a nedal mu zomrieť ako hriešnikovi, že ho milujem ... A kým som sa modlil, zodvihol som sa aby som sa pozrel smerom na východ od tadeto a tam bolo videnie. A stojac práve nado mnou, (mnohí z vás poznáte to videnie) bol Pán Ježiš.

16 No, nie som alergický na ilustrácie, pokiaľ viem; ale videnia sú skutočné. A tam stál Pán Ježiš, prvý krát som ho videl v takomto videní. Bol asi okolo, no, možno desať stôp nad mojou hlavou (3m), stál vo vzduchu, jednou nohou robil práve krok. Mal na sebe biele rúcho, olemované okolo kraju. Vlasy mal dole na ramenách, a vyzeral na okolo, ako človek okolo, ako povedala Biblia, že bol okolo tridsať ročný, ale malý, chatrný človek, veľmi malý. Vyzeral akoby nevážil viac ako 65 kilo.

17 A pozrel som sa, a myslel som si, že to je niečo v čom sa možno mýlim. Tak, pretrel som si oči a znovu som sa pozrel. A on stál trochu bokom, Jeho tvár bola trochu z profilu. A ten výzor Jeho tváre, ktorú som stále videl vo videniach, bol ako hlava tridsaťročného Krista od Hoffmana. Preto to mám vo svojom dome, na svojej literatúre, všade kde to môžem dať, pretože tak to vyzeralo, najviac tak. Jedine, že vyzeral malý.

18 A ja ... Ako som sa díval na Neho, myslel som si: „Určite, či sa nedívam na môjho Pána, ako tam stojí." A ja som bol takto, povedal by som, v takejto pozícii a možno práve kde je táto - pod týmto, kde je teraz tu táto kazateľňa. Niekde, bolo to práve v tomto okolí v dosahu, kde teraz stojím, najlepšie ako by som to mohol odmerať, okolo 40, 50 metrov niekde okolo v tomto obvode tu, v tomto kruhu.

19 A pozrel som sa hore, a On tam stál. A uhryzol som sa do prsta, aby som zistil či nespím. Viete ako ... Jednoducho to vyzeralo, ako by to nemohlo tak byť. A ja som vtedy bol len mladý v Pánovi, kázal som okolo šesť mesiacov. Uhryzol som sa do prsta. Zobral som steblo trávy a zlomil som ho. A mnohí z vás, ktorí bývate na dedine, poznáte tie malé šparátka do zubov, ako je to v steblách trávy. Začal som žuť tú trávu. A povedal som si: „To nemôže byť. Sníva sa mi. Tam je môj dom. Tam je otec a matka a deti. Tam je ten starý tehlový rybník, ktorý zvykol byť tu dole, kde som zvykol poľovať na kačice asi dvesto metrov odtiaľto. A ja tu stojím na poli; musí to tak byť."

20 Kopol som do zeme, šľapol som trochu nohou a potriasol som hlavou a pokýval som rukami a znovu som sa pozrel, pozrel som sa inde a znovu som sa tam pozrel a On tam stál. Začal viať vietor a videl som ako sa tráva hýbe od vetra. A keď začal fúkať jeho rúcho tiež vialo vo vetre. Ako prádlo zavesené na šnúre, ono sa začína mykať.

21 On tam stál. Díval som sa na to. A myslel som si: „Keby som sa len mohol pozrieť na Jeho tvár." A On sa díval na východ, práve týmto smerom. Napnute sa díval. A ja som sa pohol, aby som prešiel okolo a pozrel sa zblízka na Jeho tvár a stále som Ho nemohol dobre vidieť. Mal pred sebou ruky, z miesta kde som stál bol skôr skrytý.

22 Znovu som prešiel kúsok okolo a takto som zakašlal, čistiac si hrdlo; [Brat Branham zakašlal aby to ukázal] Díval som sa, či by to upútalo Jeho pozornosť. Ale On sa nepohol.

23 Potom som si myslel: „Možno na Neho zavolám." Keď som povedal „Ježiš," otočil hlavu; a keď sa na mňa pozrel, On len zodvihol ruky. To je všetko čo si pamätám, za asi ... takmer do rozvidnenia som ležal rovno tu vonku na tom poli, niekde kde je teraz toto miesto, košeľu od pyžama som mal celú mokrú od sĺz, kde som plakal a prežil to. Výraz Jeho tváre vyzeral tak, že žiadny umelec by to nemohol nakresliť alebo namaľovať. Nedokázali by to. Vyzeral ako človek, že keď ste sa pozreli na Neho, chcelo by sa vám plakať od súcitu a rešpektu a úcty a pri tom s takou mocou, že keby povedal slovo prevrátilo by to svet. A ten výraz tváre by maliar nikdy nemohol zachytiť.

24 A ja som vôbec nevedel, až do tohoto dňa, čo to znamenalo. Ale dnes som tu po tridsiatich rokoch, stojím v auditóriu, ktoré je teraz posvätené do služby Všemohúceho Boha. A ja len obyčajný člen, v podstate len miestny starší tu v baptistickom zbore, kde bol v tom čase pastor Roy Davis. A teraz tu stojím a toto miesto je preplnené ľuďmi, presne na tej istej pôde, čo si myslím je vykúpené krvou samého Ježiša Krista v mojich rukách aby som priniesol toto štvordňové posolstvo od Pána.

25 Len okolo šesť mesiacov potom som mal tu dole v rieke prvý krst, keď to svetlo prišlo dole rovno tu na Spring Street. Mnohý z vás ste mohli ísť dole a pozrieť sa na to, na Spring Street a Water, rovno pred riekou. A tam sa prvý krát zjavil ten Anjel Pánov verejne, o druhej hodine popoludní. A Hlas prišiel z toho a povedal: „Ako Ján Krstiteľ bol poslaný aby predchádzal prvý Kristov príchod, tvoje posolstvo bude predchádzať druhý príchod."

26 Toto je tridsať rokov odvtedy, a ja som tu stále dnes večer a hlásam to posolstvo. A ono odišlo na celý svet a ja som šťastný, že som znovu dnes večer vo svojom domácom meste, aby som reprezentoval tohoto Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorého stále milujem z celého svojho srdca. Každý deň sa stáva stále sladší než ako deň predtým. Nezmenil som ani jednu jotu vo svojej náuke. Tá prvá vec, s ktorou som začal, dnes stále verím to isté. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

27 No, mám posolstvo za ktoré som zodpovedný. Keď to posolstvo prv začalo vychádzať, to bolo samozrejme ... Každý sa modlil za chorých, veľké znamenia, divy, zázraky, ktoré začali zvlášť medzi letničnými ľuďmi, všeobecné prebudenie s uzdravovacími kampaňami preletelo po celom svete. Myslím, že za dobrých pätnásť rokov bolo prebudenie na každom kopci, ktorý bol. Ohne prebudenia horia. Doslovne milióny ľudí prijalo Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa skrze to jedno poverenie. To inšpirovalo z tade Orala Robertsa a tak ďalej a ďalej a ďalej, ako to išlo okolo, potom čo letničná cirkev ležala vo svojom mŕtvom prepadlisku, ako to vtedy bolo.

28 Mojím zámerom a túžbou je dnes znovu zobudiť tú cirkev na blízky príchod Pána Ježiša. Musím to pokarhať. Musím pokarhať hriech akéhokoľvek druhu. Nemyslím tým niečiu denomináciu. Ja mám posolstvo.

29 No, je ťažko ísť do nejakej cirkvi a získať podporu, práve tak ako to bolo s naším Pánom Ježišom; pretože to je On; to nie som ja. Ale keď On prv kázal a uzdravoval chorých, kriesil mŕtvych a očisťoval malomocných a vyháňal démonov, každý Ho chcel. Ale prišiel čas keď Posolstvo, ktoré stále nasleduje každý znak, pretože znak má hlas. Ale keď sa On jedného dňa posadil a povedal: „Ja a môj Otec sme jedno!" to bolo viac ako oni mohli zniesť.

30 To bolo tiež, keď On povedal: „Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho Krv, nemáte v sebe život."

31 Ako ... Prečo, doktori a dostatočne premýšľajúci ľudia by povedali: „Tento človek je upír, snaží sa vás naviesť, aby ste jedli jeho telo a pili jeho krv." On to nikdy nevysvetlil; On to len povedal.

32 A dnes môžete počuť veci, počas zhromaždenia, ktoré sú len povedané, nie sme schopní to vysvetliť, ale pamätajte, Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Veríme tomu!

33 No, nemáme čas príliš veľa hovoriť, pretože máme určitý čas aby sme tu začali a určitý čas odísť z tadeto. A chceme rešpektovať vedenie školy, ktoré vymeralo pre nás tento čas. A budeme robiť všetko čo môžeme, aby sme ich rešpektovali.

34 Pamätajte, v každom čase, keď hriešnik chce prísť ku Kristovi, všetko čo musíte urobiť je ísť rovno hore, či kážem spievam alebo čokoľvek a hneď vtedy dať svoj život Kristovi a postaviť sa na svoje miesto. To je to kvôli čomu sme tu, pomôcť vám.

35 Chcem hovoriť s bratom Vayle, bratom Bordersom a s bratmi tu. Ak .. Rád by som vedel či by mohli popoludní prísť do zboru, alebo niekedy ráno, alebo niekedy na poučné zhromaždenie pre tých, ktorí hľadajú krst Duchom Svätým? Dalo by sa vám to, bratia, brat Neville a vy všetci mohli by ste sem prísť, brat Caps?

36 Ak by niekto chcel byť poučený ohľadne krstu Duchom Svätým, môžete prísť do modlitebni [Brat Branham sa pýta na čas [ okolo 10 hod. ráno.

37 Ak máte otázky ohľadne náuky, ak máte otázky ohľadne posolstva, ak chcete byť ... Ak vám nikdy osobne nebolo poslúžené, chcete aby sa za vás modlili alebo čokoľvek čo chcete vedieť v tejto veci, môžete proste prísť tam dole o desiatej hodine ráno a stretnúť týchto mužov. Oni budú, jeden alebo viacerí z nich, tam aby poučili, aby sa modlili za chorých, odpovedali na otázky tak ako daný človek bude ... Choďte len ku ním a oni vám radi pomôžu akokoľvek budú môcť.

38 No, ešte skôr ako pristúpime ku Slovu, chceme znovu pristúpiť ku Autorovi Slova. Môžete príliš veľa jesť; môžete príliš veľa piť; môžete sa príliš veľa smiať; môžete príliš veľa chodiť; ale nikdy sa nebudete príliš veľa modliť. „Chcem aby sa mužovia modlili všade, pozdvihovali sväté ruky bez pochybovania ..." Modlime sa.

39 Drahý Ježišu, Autor Slova Života - a Ty si tým Slovom - vážne teraz pristupujeme ku Tebe po vysvetlení toho videnia, Bože, Ty si mojím svedkom, že to je pravda. Pane Ježišu, prosím aby si pomazal tie slová dnes večer na počutie pre každé ucho, ktoré je pod Božským zvukom. A ak je tu niekto alebo počúva na druhej strane národa, ak nie sú hotoví a pripravení v tejto hodine odpovedať na vyzvanie tejto hodiny, Posolstva od Boha, aby činili pokánie a boli pripravení; lebo sa približuje Kráľovstvo Božie. Modlíme sa aby to tak dnes s nimi bolo, aby odpovedali na vyzvanie tejto hodiny.

40 Ó, Bože, prosím o pomoc, poznajúc zodpovednosť a čo to znamená a čo - musím sa zodpovedať v deň súdu za všetko čo hovorím tu a všade inde. Pomôž mi byť smrteľne úprimným, Pane, vo všetkom čo robím alebo hovorím v Tvojom Slove, aby to mohlo priniesť ovocie. Lebo ako bolo tvoje poverenie, „Nech neodstúpi toto Slovo od tvojich úst, ale rozmýšľaj o ňom dňom i nocou aby si ostríhal a činil všetko čo je napísané v tom zákone. A potom sa ti podarí tvoja cesta, a potom budeš mať úspech. Či som ti neprikázal, buď silný a veľmi odvážny, lebo Pán tvoj Boh je s tebou kdekoľvek pôjdeš." Pane Ježišu, sprav to tak dnes večer. Prosíme v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

41 Piatok a v sobotu od desiatej do dvanástej v modlitebni na Pen Sreet 8 budú inštrukcie, odpovede na náuku, modlitby za chorých a ďalšie. Prídite rovno tam, ak máte nejakú otázku, čokoľvek čo potrebujete. Bude tam muž na ktorého sa s tým môžete obrátiť. Nech vás Pán žehná!

42 No, na toto otvorenie zhromaždenia dnes večer, nemôžem robiť nič než to otvoriť rovno do nášho posolstva. To je to, načo sme tu. A teraz, to je to kvôli čomu som prišiel naspäť. A v nedeľu ráno, ak bude vôľa Pánova, chcem čeliť tomu veľkému vyzvaniu tohoto dňa, ohľadne manželstva a rozvodu.

43 A teraz, v Liste Galaťanom 4:27, prajem si aby sme čítali tieto slová, 4:27 až 31 vrátane.

Lebo je napísané: Veseľ sa, neplodná, ty, ktorá nerodíš! Vykríkni a zvolaj, ktorá nepracuješ ku pôrodu! Lebo viacej bude mať detí opustená ako tá, ktorá má muža.

Ale my, bratia, sme ako Izák, deťmi zasľúbenia.

Lež ako vtedy ten narodený podľa tela prenasledoval toho, ktorý bol podľa Ducha, tak aj teraz.

Ale čo hovorí Písmo? Vyžeň dievku i jej syna, lebo syn dievky nebude dediť so synom slobodnej.

A tak tedy, bratia, nie sme deťmi dievky, ale deti slobodnej.

44 Nech Pán pridá požehnanie do čítania Jeho Slova. No, verím, že tu, keď som zobral takýto text, veľmi zvláštny, neobyčajný. Ale niekedy nachádzame Boha v týchto zvláštnych neobyčajných hodinách, neobyčajným spôsobom, neobyčajné veci. Pretože Boh je neobyčajný a tí, ktorí Mu skutočne slúžia zo srdca Mu slúžia neobyčajným spôsobom, voči veciam alebo spôsobom sveta. Tento text je nazvaný Semeno nebude dediť so šupkou.

45 Pavel tu hovorí o doslovnom semene Abrahámových dvoch synov. Pavel sa ochotne kladie do pozície, ako narodený zo slobodnej ženy.

46 No, my vieme, že Abrahám mal dvoch synov od dvoch rôznych žien. Boh mu dal zasľúbenie skrze Sáru - alebo cez Sáru, že sa narodí syn, a skrze tohoto Syna bude svet požehnaný. Všetky národy budú požehnané cez tohoto Syna. A tomu sa všeobecne verí, zvlášť medzi židmi, že toto bol Izák, ale nebol. Tento zasľúbený Abrahámov Syn je Ježiš a On je Kráľovským Semenom, Abrahámovho zasľúbenia.

47 Ale Abrahám mal dvoch synov, jedného od Hagar, ktorá bola slúžka jeho ženy, milá, pekná Egyptská slúžka, ktorú Abrahám pre ňu zobral v Egypte - aby bola jej - slúžka jeho žene. A Sára, myslela si, že Boh nebude schopný dodržať presne všetky svoje zasľúbenia, ona povedala Abrahámovi, aby si zobral Hagar jej slúžku a oženil sa s ňou (mnohoženstvo v tom čase bolo legálne) a aby priniesol to dieťa a to je ten spôsob ako to Boh plánoval, že ona mala mať to dieťa len cez Hagar ... Ale zisťujeme, že to tak nebolo.

48 No, rozumieme tiež, že Boh je zdokonalený v troch. No, Boh je zdokonalený v troch. Milosť je päť. Sedem je úplnosť, ako svet. Boh je zdokonalený v Otcovi, Synovi, Duchu Svätom. To je dokonalosť Božstva. Celý jeden Boh v troch manifestáciách troch atribútov, v troch úradoch v jednom Božstve.

49 No, tiež sú tri stupne v dokonalosti milosti pre cirkev: Ospravedlnenie, Posvätenie, Krst Duchom Svätým. Z toho sa skladá znovuzrodenie. Práve tak ako telesné narodenie je v tom príkladom. Kde žena, ktorá rodí dieťa, prvá vec, ktorá vychádza je voda, krv a potom život. Biblia hovorí v 1. Liste Jána 5:7 alebo 7:5, myslím že to je - kde je povedané „Traja sú, ktorí svedčia na nebi, Otec, Slovo (ktorým je Syn), a Duch Svätý; títo traja sú Jedno. A traja sú, ktorí svedčia na zemi: Slovo - voda, krv, a duch - voda, krv a duch; títo traja svedčia o jednom."

50 No, Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý sú Jedno. Nemôžete mať Otca bez toho, aby ste mali Syna; nemôžete mať Syna bez toho, aby ste mali Ducha Svätého. Ale môžete byť ospravedlnení, bez toho aby ste boli posvätení. Môžete byť posvätení bez toho, aby ste boli naplnení Duchom Svätým. Dokázali sme to na poriadku prírody.

51 No, a mnohí z vás môžu byť - ja vám môžem byť cudzí. A ja nemám vzdelanie a som si istý, že ste to už porozumeli. Ale učím v príkladoch, ako to telesné zobrazuje to duchovné.

52 No, vidíme, že v dokonalosti sú tri. Boh je zdokonalený v troch. No, a tak bolo v dokonalosti semena Abrahámovho, bol Izmael, Izák, Ježiš: Izmael prichádza zo ženy otrokyne, Izák prichádza zo slobodnej ženy - a obidvaja cez pohlavný styk - ale Ježiš prichádza z panny, žiadny pohlavný styk.

53 Tu toto semeno, jedno, jedno Semeno, nie semená, ale jedno Semeno. Tieto ostatné neboli semenom Abraháma, pretože Abrahámove semeno bolo jeho Semeno viery, o ktorom Boh hovoril, nie jeho prirodzené semeno. Pretože potom, keď zomrela Sára Abrahám sa oženil s inou ženou a mal sedem synov a ešte aj dcéry. Tak to neboli Abrahámove semená, to bolo Abrahámove Semeno, jedno. A to bolo Semeno Abrahámovej viery, ukazujúce na to Kráľovské Semeno, ktoré malo prísť cez Abrahámovu vieru, nie cez Abrahámov prirodzený život, ale cez Abrahámov duchovný život, ktorý všetko čo bolo nezhodné s Božím Slovom nazýval ako keby to nebolo a veril Bohu, proti nádeji, veril v nádeji. To je to skutočné Semeno, o ktorom hovoríme.

54 Tu je nám skrze to predstavený obraz. To semeno začalo, to semeno zasľúbenia začalo v nepatrnom pochybovaní - pochybnosť ohľadne originálnemu zasľúbeniu. Vidíte ako to začína dole v pochybovaní v originálne zasľúbenie? Boh zasľúbil Abrahámovi, že skrze Sáru bude mať toto dieťa. Ale teraz dávajte pozor, to prvé Abrahámove semeno cez ženu otrokyňu prišlo skrze to, že Sára pochybovala, že toto by sa mohlo stať, pretože ona bola stará a prešlá vekom rodenia.

55 No, takto začína cirkev. Takto to stále začína. Vy začínate zo dna. Nezačínate od stropu. Človek, ktorý chce vystupovať po rebríku a prv sa snaží vystúpiť na samý vrchný stupienok, zláme si krk. Musíte začať a stavať hore na tom. A tu nachádzame, že začiatok zasľúbenia Božieho, ktorý sa manifestoval cez nepatrnú pochybnosť, narušil Boží program.

56 Takto isto začína hriech v záhrade Eden. Tak začala smrť skrze hriech, vtedy keď jedno Božie slovo bolo zle vyložené alebo spochybnené. Nemôžete pochybovať alebo klásť na nesprávne miesto jedno slovo Božie, ktoré je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN ...?... každé Slovo je také.

57 A tu Sárah, práve tá, ktorej to zasľúbenie ... Sára ako žena (čo je obrazom cirkvi) zapochybovala v originálny program Božieho zasľúbeného Slova a povedala: „Ty, Abrahám, môj muž, zober si túto peknú slúžku a ži s ňou a buď jej mužom. A Boh dá toto zasľúbené semeno cez ňu; a ja si vezmem to dieťa." Vidíte? Proste tým, že obišla jednu malú jotu zmenila celý program. Preto musíme brať každé slovo Božie ako, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Každé slovo Božie je pravda.

58 Tu potom začína to semeno v zasľúbení trochu pochybovať. Izák, ktorý bol semenom od slobodnej a zasľúbenej ženy, zrodil - ako sa to Pavel snažil vysvetliť tu v Liste Galaťanom - on zrodil to prirodzené, zasľúbené semeno. A on pokračuje ďalej aby tu povedal, že dieťa ženy otrokyne nemôže dediť s dieťaťom slobodnej, pretože to sú dve rozdielne kategórie. A to je pravda. Neveriaci nemôže dediť s veriacim. Vôbec nijako.

59 Tam je dnes problém. Nemôžete spraviť aby denominačné kurča verilo tak, ako orol. Jednoducho to nemôžete urobiť. Tam prichádzajú problémy. Musíte veriť každému Božiemu slovu. Proste, nie ste dedičmi spolu; ani vy sa s tým nespojíte. Nemôžete. Musíte byť orol alebo kurča.

60 To nemohlo byť dedičom s Izmaelom, so semenom otrokyne, kvôli tej pochybnosti. Sára pochybovala Božiemu Slovu, že Boh je schopný to dodržať. Všimnite si, Abrahám (vidíte čo staviam na nedeľu ráno) - Abrahám v to nepochyboval. Sára v to pochybovala. Ona bola tou. To nebol Adam, ktorý pochyboval; to bola Eva, ktorá pochybovala. Tak potom, nájdeme viacej o tom, keď to budeme preberať nedeľu ráno.

61 Ani to duchovné nemôže - to telesné nemôže dediť spolu s duchovným. Izmaelove deti nemôžu nijako byť dedičmi s deťmi Izáka a ten telesný nijako nemôže byť dedičom s tým duchovným.

62 Telesná cirkev, duchovná cirkev ... Je telesná cirkev, ktorú tieto ženy tu zobrazujú a je tiež duchovná cirkev. Tak tá telesná cirkev nemôže dediť spolu s tou duchovnou cirkvou. To sú dve rozdielne, oddelené doby, dvaja odlišní oddelení ľudia, pod dvoma odlišnými oddelenými zmluvami.

63 Tak preto vytrhnutie je odlišné a bude len pre Abrahámove Kráľovské Semeno. To nemôže prísť cez to prirodzené, telesné semeno cirkvi. To bude musieť byť Kráľovské Semeno Slova Božieho cez Abraháma, Kráľovské Semeno. Preto vytrhnutie musí byť prv, pretože pamätajte: „Pretože my živí a ponechaní nezabránime, nepredstihneme tých, ktorí zosnuli. Lebo trúba Pánova zaznie, mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú najprv. My ktorí sme živí, pozostalí budeme vychvátení hore spolu s nimi a stretneme Pána na povetrí." Všimnite si, znovu je napísané: „A ostatní mŕtvi neožili, až sa dokoná tisíc rokov."

64 A tak, oni nebudú dediť spolu; oni nebudú spolu vo vytrhnutí. Nepochybne je cirkev prirodzená a cirkev duchovná, telesná cirkev a duchovná cirkev.

65 Vidíte, tu nie je žiadny ... Pre to kráľovské, duchovné, predurčené Abrahámove Semeno nie je vôbec žiadny súd, pretože oni sú predurčení do Večného Života. Oni prijali Božiu pripravenú Obeť a tá Obeť, to je Kristus, Slovo. „A tak teraz už nieto nijakého odsúdenia (ev. Jána 5:24, ak chcete miesto Písma) ... Teraz nieto nijakého odsúdenia tým, ktorí sú v Kristu Ježišovi (Rimanom 8:1) ... ktorí nechodia podľa tela, ale podľa Ducha." A Rimanom 5:24 „Ten kto čuje moje slovo (to slovo tam znamená „kto rozumel". Každý opilec a ktokoľvek to môže počuť, môže odísť) ... Ale ten kto dáva pozor - rozumie môjmu slovu a verí tomu, ktorý ma poslal má Večný Život a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života." Tak veru! Ten komu bolo oznámené toto veľké tajomstvo Božie, kto porozumel, ako Boh bol v Kristovi, mieriac svet so Sebou, ako On a Otec boli jedno, ako sa vyplňujú tie veľké Božie tajomstvá, kde On berie a prináša seba samého, zamanifestovaný vo veku ľudských bytostí a v rode ľudských bytostí a v spoločnosti ľudských bytostí, aby zamanifestoval Svoje Slovo v tom dni na východe pri východe slnka a aby robil tie isté veci, keď to slnko zapadá na západe, aby sa zamanifestoval v Neveste cirkvi, zamanifestované Slovo. Vidíte? To bude ... „Ten kto rozumie (to je, pozná), komu bolo zjavené od Toho ktorý ma poslal, má Večný Život a nepríde na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do Života."

66 To prirodzené semeno bolo len nositeľom toho duchovného Semena, ako stopka, klas a šupka. Prebrali sme to predtým v inom posolstve, ale rád by som to trochu predstavil - alebo vrátil sa ku tomu znovu na chvíľu.

67 No, tu sú tri stupne semena, ktoré nám ukazujú pravý obraz, tie tri stupne prirodzeného semena v zemi. Ako semeno, ktoré je zasadené, ono rodí stopku, z toho vyháňa malý lístok, potom klas, potom na tom visí peľ a potom šupka a potom znovu semeno.

68 Pozorujte tieto stupne tu tohoto dokonalého podobenstva a ako sa to rozvíja presne ako príklad, pretože Boh je autor celej prírody. A tak príroda tak isto nemôže sklamať ako Boh nemôže sklamať, pretože On je ten, kto dal tej veci jej postavenie pre nás aby sme sa na to pozreli a videli.

69 Všimnite si, Hagar stopka, čo bol prvý začiatok, keď to semeno začalo povstávať. No, to nevyzeralo nijako ako semeno. To bola stopka, pretože ona bola otrokyňa, vôbec nie v zasľúbení, nemala nič spoločného so Slovom, len prenášateľka semena.

70 Všimnite si Sára, klas, to malo peľ. Židovský národ povstal z nej, zo Sáry sa narodil Izák, skrze Izáka sa narodil Jakob, Jakob zrodil patriarchov a skrze patriarchov sa zrodil národ.

71 Mária bola panna, viera, priniesla to skutočné duchovné Semeno Slova, ktoré sa stalo telom. Vidíte? Tie tri ženy, tri ženy cez ktoré bolo nesené toto semeno. Jedna z nich, to bolo v podstate cudzoložstvo v mnohoženstve. Tá druhá bola slobodná žena a tá tretia, to nebola vôbec žiadna pohlavná záležitosť, ale skrze vieru ona verila Slovu Božiemu. Hagar, Sárah ... Obidve, Sára a Hagar to bol pohlavný skutok, ale Mária bola panna, skrze moc zasľúbeného Slova Božieho. Je to tak!

72 Stopka, Hagar ... Dve ženy pochybovali v to zasľúbenie, ale pozrite čo to prinieslo. Keď Hagar, druhá Abrahámova žena, ktorá bola len, v podstate súložnica ... Ale ona zrodila človeka. Ale aký druh človeka to bol? Biblia povedala, že to bol divoký človek. On žil pomocou svojho luku a nikto ho nepremohol. On bol neskrotný, neobrátiteľný, neobnoviteľný. On sa nedal skrotiť. Bol to divoký človek, pretože bol nezhodný s Božím Slovom. A všetko čo je nezhodné, každý kazateľ, každý člen, každá cirkev, čo je nezhodné s Božím Slovom, zrodí divokú cudzoložnú bandu svetského Hollywoodu, ktorá nemôže zostať s neskazeným Slovom, pretože to vôbec nie je zahrnuté v zasľúbení. Nie!

73 Sárah, skutočná žena zasľúbenia, bola klasom, zrodila dobrotivého človeka. Ďalej a ďalej sa z toho zrodil zasľúbený národ, ktorý slúžil Bohu. Ale Mária, bez akéhokoľvek pohlavného styku, ale verila zasľúbenému Slovu keď bola panna, nepoznajúc žiadneho muža. A Anjel Pánov ju stretol a povedal: „Buď pozdravená Mária, ty požehnaná medzi ženami, lebo Boh je s tebou."

74 A ona povedala: „Ako sa to stane?"

75 On, ten anjel povedal: „Duch Svätý ťa zatieni."

76 To sa ešte nikdy nestalo vo všetkých vekoch, ale Mária uverila Bohu. A ona povedala: „Som služobnica Pánova." Ona verila Slovu. Ako to ona bude mať? Ona vedela, že Hagar mala to dieťa skrze pohlavnú žiadosť s Abrahámom a Sárah mala to dieťa skrze pohlavnú žiadosť s Abrahámom - deti zasľúbenia, otrokyňa a slobodná - ale tu je ona žiadaná aby tomu verila, mala podiel na tej viere, ktorá bola v Abrahámovi, ktorý veril v nemožné; „Keď Boh povedal, že je to tak, tak je to pravda!" ...

77 Ona verila Bohu, vôbec nepochybovala. Ona povedala: „Ajhľa, som služobnica Pánova. Bez ohľadu na to koľko kritiky musím zniesť od sveta, ale nech sa mi stane podľa Tvojho Slova." A tu prichádza to skutočné Semeno.

78 Sárah to nemohla priniesť, pretože to bol pohlavný styk. Je to tak. A ani Sárah, pretože to bol pohlavný styk; ani cirkev ovládaná sektárstvom to nemôže; na to treba panenskú vieru v Slovo Božie, ktoré dalo to zasľúbenie, aby sa narodilo to dieťa. Sektárstvo nikdy nezrodí znovuzrodenú cirkev. Nemôže. To zrodí nejakú náhradu. To zrodí niečo, čo to napodobuje, niečo čo sa snaží byť ako to. Ale skutočná znovuzrodená cirkev Božia verí Božiemu Slovu zoči voči všetkému, bez ohľadu na to, čo to je, pretože to je neskaziteľné. To je zasľúbenie Božie, skrze ktoré tieto veci prichádzajú.

79 Mária tá skutočná povedala - bez pohlavného styku, povedala: „Nech sa mi stane podľa Tvojho Slova. Som tvoja služobnica." A ona zrodila ... Čo ona zrodila? Nie divokého človeka, nie národ, ale ona zrodila Slovo, Sám Boh sa zamanifestoval v tele (amen!), to skutočné Semeno Božie, ktoré zamanifestovalo každé zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh v Biblii dal. Bez Neho nikto nemôže žiť - bez Neho. Ona bola to skutočné semeno. Ona bola pomimo ... Ona bola šupkou, ktorá zrodila to zrno.

80 No, tie ostatné dve boli nositeľom života, len ako prirodzeného semena. Mária ... No pamätajte, povedal som, že tie ostatné dve ... No, Mária, nerobte ju Bohom, ako sa ju niektorí ľudia snažia robiť. Ona nebola bohom. Nie veru! Ona bola len nositeľ toho Semena, ako tie ostatné.

81 Ale ako viera v Slovo prináša viac do skutočného obrazu, ako to zrno dozrieva, alebo pšenica. Ona vypúšťa stopku; potom to vypúšťa peľ; potom to vypúšťa šupku. Ale keď ... Vy si myslíte ... Tá šupka, ak nedáte pozor, ona bude vyzerať presne ako skutočná pšenica. Ale keď sa tvorí, tá skutočná pšenica je vo vnútri. To je znovu len nositeľ.

82 Tak vidíte Mária, nie skrze pohlavný styk, ale skrze vieru, niečo presne ako to ... Mária nebola tým Semenom. Mária bola nositeľom toho Semena. On bol tým skutočným Semenom viery, pretože Slovo Božie je skrze vieru, ktorú On dal Abrahámovi. A len viera môže vyprodukovať to čo Boh povedal, že urobí, viera v Jeho Slovo.

83 Všimnite si, ako viacej podobná na tú skutočnú vec bola Mária, ale ako šupka. Šupka objíma toto semeno v sebe a chráni ho, a vyživuje ho, až kým ono nestojí samé, dozrené. Tak tento tretí cirkevný vek, letničný, dozrel v objímaní tohoto zrna až do svojho času, aby otvoril tú šupku. Mária súc matkou Kristovou, len inkubátor. On nebol z Máriinej krvi; On nebol židovskej krvi; On nebol pohanskej krvi; On bol Krvou Božou. Boh stvoril túto Krv. To nemohol byť pohlavný styk. On nebol ani žid ani pohan.

84 Dieťa nemá ani štipku matkinej krvi. Krv pochádza od otca. Vieme, že hemoglobín je v mužskom jedinci. Ako kurča, sliepka môže sedieť na vajci ale ak nebola s tým mužským jedincom, s kohútom, nikdy sa to nevyliahne. To je neplodné, hoci to vyzerá presne ako to skutočné plodné vajce. Každá vlastnosť toho vyzerá tak isto, ale to nemá v sebe život.

85 Tak je to s ľuďmi, ktorí vyznávajú Krista. Mnohí z nich vyzerajú ako kresťania, snažia sa správať ako kresťania, ale musíte mať Krista v sebe, ktorým je zamanifestované Slovo, inak to nikdy nedozreje na skutočne biblicky veriaceho kresťana. To bude stále niečo denominačné. To nemôže žiť, pretože v tom nie je život aby žil. Vajce sa nemôže vyliahnuť, ono zhnije rovno v hniezde, ak nebolo s tým vtákom mužského pohlavia.

86 Tak ako členovia cirkvi. Môžete ich čičíkať a nazývať ich - robiť ich diakonami a všetkým možným, ale oni budú - máte hniezdo plné zhnitých vajec, ak sa nespojili s druhom. Je to tak!

87 Nositeľ, šupka, ona to vyživovala. Je to tak. Potom to, to je, samo semeno musí opustiť šupku, alebo šupka musí opustiť to semeno aby bolo umožnené tomu semenu, byť v prítomnosti slnka, aby tak mohlo dozrieť. Vidíme to všetko v príklade.

88 Vidíte tu teraz ako blízko ona, cirkev týchto posledných dní sa stáva taká, že vyzerá ako samo Semeno. Pozrite sa ako táto letničná denominácia, ktorá povstala v týchto posledných dňoch - a my to trošku neskoršie vysvetlíme, vidíte - ako oni prichádzajú tak blízko, že vyzerajú skoro presne ako to Semeno. Keď vyrastá šupka z toho pšeničného zrna - či vlastne steblo pšenice, potom keď tam vpadol peľ v druhom štádiu a vyprodukoval to tretie štádium, ktorým je šupka ... A ako to že, ak to naozaj dobre nepozorujete, nikdy nebudete môcť povedať inšie, len to, že tam je skutočné pšeničné zrno. Keď sa začína ukazovať to prvé malé zrnko, vyzerá ako zrno, ale zoberte to a otvorte a zistíte, že tam vôbec nie je zrno. To je len šupka, nositeľ zrna. No, zrno vychádza z toho. Ale pamätajte, po tej šupke už nie je nič ďalšie. Pamätajte, po Márii už nebolo nikde zasľúbené cez ženu žiadne ďalšie Semeno. A nie je viacej denominácií zasľúbených po letničnej. To je vytrhnutie nevesty, ktorá z tade vychádza, semena, Slova, ktoré sa znovu zamanifestovalo.

89 Všimnite si, vidíte ako veľmi je to podobné. Matúš povedal - ev. Matúša 24:24, hovorí, že tie dva duchy v tých posledných dňoch, cirkevný duch, cirkevných ľudí a nevestin Duch, ľudí nevesty, budú tak blízke, že by to zviedlo samotných vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Tak je to blízko.

90 Pozrite ako to prechádzalo cez stopku. A teraz si všimnite. Niečo tu znázorníme. Luther v cirkevnom veku, ktorý niesol Semeno Nevesty, bol tým istým v duchu. Len jedno malé zrnko semena Luthera, na ktorom Luther stál; to bolo ospravedlnenie skrze vieru. On bol dokonalým typom Hagary, stopka. Všimnite si, Wesley bol typom Sáry, Filadelfia, vek lásky, ktorý priniesol klas ... Vo veku Wesleya sme mali viac misionárov než v ktoromkoľvek inom veku. Veľký vek misionárov v čase Johna Wesleya ...

91 Ale letniční reprezentujú Máriu, Mária, posledné štádium toho. No, Ona nebola tým Semenom, jednako život Semena bol v nej. Ale ono ešte nebolo zrelé. Cítim sa veľmi nábožne. Ono ešte nedozrelo. Ono tam bolo, ale nebolo dozreté. Tak je to s naším letničným vekom, v ktorom žijeme. Musí vystúpiť Slovo Božie, ktoré je vo vnútri - nedenominačné, pomimo okruhu denominácií.

92 Luther odišiel do šupky so svojím prvým slovom, „spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." Wesley mal dve slová, posvätenie; druhé, jasné dielo milosti. Letniční mali tretie slovo: prinavrátenie darov. Ale musí vystúpiť celé semeno. Vidíte ako oni na jednom slove spravili denomináciu, a na ďalšom slove, a na ďalšom slove. Ale musí byť niečo, z čoho sa nemôže stať denominácia. To je plnosť života, ktorá je tam, sa znovu musí predviesť Neveste. Po tomto už nemôže byť viacej cirkevných vekov. Sme na konci, bratia a sestry. Sme tu; dorazili sme do toho. Vďaka Bohu! Amen!

93 No, vidíme že tieto veci sú také pravdivé, ako len môžu byť. Stále si potom všímame, ak je ona klasom, alebo Wesley je klasom, letniční sú potom šupkou, čo je ďalšie štádium vychádzania zrna ...

94 Ale brat, sestra, stopka nie je zrno; tak isto klas nie je zrno, a ani šupka nie je zrno, hoci zakaždým ako to dozrieva sa to viac podobá na zrno. Stopka nevyzerala ako zrno. Čo potom vychádza? Klas, malá bobuľka. To sa viac podobá na zrno, než ako sa podobala stopka. Čo vychádza ďalšie? Šupka. Ona drží zrno; ona vyživuje zrno.

95 Pozrime sa teraz tam naspäť na zasľúbenie Božie dané Abrahámovi ohľadne „tvoje Semeno ..."duchovne hovoriac. Každý z nás to vie. On hovoril o Kristovi, nie o Izákovi. Skrze Semeno jeho viery.

96 Všimnite si, to prvé bolo skrze otrokyňu. To nijako nevyzeralo ako zasľúbenie. Boh nemusí odvolať svoje Slovo kvôli nikomu. Boh povedal ako to príde, a takým spôsobom to príde. Ale Sárah, ktorá reprezentovala cirkev, znázorňovala cirkev, to - ona tam našla, že ... Ona povedala: „Dobre, zdá sa mi, že to je tak trochu div. Ja tomu proste tak nedokážem veriť, tak choď, zober si Hagar, a zober si ju za ženu." Vidíte to tam? To steblo nevyzeralo vôbec ako to zasľúbenie, ale keď vystupuje Sárah. No, to vyzeralo celkom dobre. To sa oveľa viacej podobalo na tam to zasľúbenie, ale stále to nebolo to skutočné zasľúbenie, pretože Izrael v Izákovi sklamal a zaprel to skutočné Semeno, keď Ono prišlo (Haleluja! Nevzrušujte sa; nebehajte. To vám neublíži!) - zapreli to Semeno, ukrižovali Ho, a zavesili Ho na kríž.

97 Práve tak ako tu povedal Pavel: „Či to semeno tej otrokyne neprenasledovalo to semeno slobodnej? A tak semeno denominácie prenasleduje to skutočné zrno. Stále to tak musí byť. Oni nebudú spolu dediť. Oni nie sú spolu združení. To sú úplne dve rozdielne zasľúbenia, dva rozdielne časy, úplne dvojaký rozdielny ľud. Jedným je Nevesta a tým druhým cirkev. Nijako ich spolu nemožno porovnať.

98 Ale oni stále nie sú semenom, ktoré bolo zasľúbené že príde. Ani Sárah ním nebola, ani Hagar. Ani Sárah, či ani Mária nebola tým Semenom. Mária nebola tým Semenom. Ona bola nositeľom toho Semena. Ale ona ho vyživovala, zrodila zo svojho lona, práve tak ako šupka rodí zo svojho lona skutočné Semeno. Ale tá šupka nie je semenom. To len ... Ona je bližšie toho semena. Ona objíma dookola to semeno. Predtým v stopke, ten život bol roztrúsený po celej stopke. A keď to prišlo do peľu, je to tesnejšie zhromaždené. Ale keď to prichádza do šupky, to je rovno tam ako semeno, a formuje sa to takmer ako semeno. Ježiš nám povedal, čo bude v posled- ných dňoch: bude to tak blízke, že by to zviedlo i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Ale potom z tade vystupuje semeno. A tá šupka, život opúšťa šupku. A šupka je nositeľom. A to je presne to čo boli naše denominácie, nositeľ. Luther, Wesley, letniční, a teraz je čas, aby vyšlo semeno.

99 Všimnite si, len si všimnite ... Ona nebola Semenom; Mária nebola - len šupka, klas a stopka nositele časti Slova, nie celého Slova. Luther mal ospravedlnenie. Wesley mal posvätenie. Letniční mali prinavrátenie darov. Ale keď prichádza Slovo ... No, oni to mohli produkovať, to ospravedlnenie spasí človeka. Veríte tomu? Samozrejme! To je nositeľ Slova, tak isto ako verím, že stopka je časťou pšenice. Samozrejme, že je! Ale to je nositeľ. To nie je život. Potom ďalej prichádza posvätenie. Koľkí veríte v posvätenie? Ak veríte Biblii, tak musíte. Samozrejme! Tak to stále nie je ... To je trochu viac ako ... To je o dve slová viacej. Ale potom prichádzajú letniční, prinavrátenie darov. Hovorenie v jazykoch, oni to nazývajú počiatočný dôkaz Ducha Svätého, hovorenie v jazykoch. Tam to nazývajú, počiatočný dôkaz, a to rodí čo? Šupku. Ale oni urobili denomináciu. Ale keď prichádzate aby ste povedali: „Ja a Otec sme jedno," a tieto ďalšie veci, potom sa tá šupka od toho odťahuje. Ale tá skutočná, ozajstná cirkevná Nevesta prinesie celé Slovo Božie v jeho plnosti v strede ... ? .. lebo On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

100 Všimnite si, v lone Márii bolo Semeno. Ale keď to Semeno vyšlo, Ono povedalo: „Prišiel som aby som činil vôľu toho, ktorý ma poslal. Ja a Otec sme Jedno. Ak nečiním Jeho skutky, tak mi neverte." Tam bolo to Semeno. „Kto z vás ma môže usvedčiť z nevery? Čo Biblia zasľúbila, že budem robiť, to som vykonal. Boh to cezo mňa potvrdil!" Povedal. „Kto mi teraz môže povedať, jedno ..." Ale to Semeno v Márii, tá šupka, ona bola blízko toho, že by Ním bola, ale nebola. Ono bolo stále v lone.

101 Všimnite si. A v letničnom veku, cez Lutherov vek, cez Wesleyov vek, tak isto to bolo cez tento Letničný vek ... Všimnite si teraz, ale pri otvorení Siedmej Pečati, Zjavenie 10, plné Slovo má znovu byť zrodené do manifestácie a má byť potvrdené skrze Ducha Božieho v plnej moci, ako bolo vtedy, keď bolo tu na zemi, zamanifestované tým istým spôsobom, činiace tie isté veci, ktoré činilo, keď bolo tu na zemi. Amen! Židom 13:8 hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. V ev. Lukáša 17:30 Ježiš povedal: „V posledných dňoch, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, keď Syn človeka bude znovu zjavovať samého Seba, to bude to isté."

102 Svet je v stave Sodomy a cirkev s ním odišla do Sodomy ako Lot a jeho žena. A hovorím, že niekde v tomto svete je vyvolená cirkev, ktorá je vytiahnutá a postavená nabok od týchto vecí. A manifestácia Božia upútala jej pozornosť. Sme v posledných dňoch.

103 Šupka vydala svoju silu do semena; vyšlo to z nej. To bola dobrá šupka, ale ona poslúžila svojmu času.

104 Vidíte, to je Nevesta Slova od Ženícha Slova. To prirodzené semeno Abraháma, Izáka a Jakoba a - alebo radšej prirodzené semeno, Izmaela, prirodzené semeno Izáka a tak ďalej, muselo ísť do zeme za tým účelom, aby prinieslo toto ďalšie, prinieslo Ježiša. A tak isto všetky tieto ostatné. Tie semená museli uschnúť - chcem povedať, že šupka musela uschnúť a klas musel uschnúť a všetko zomiera aby sa mohlo ukázať semeno.

105 Takto to bolo v každom veku, denominácie boli nositeľmi časti toho. Časti toho, to je Slova, lebo ono bolo skryté pred tými múdrymi reformátormi, alebo zapečatené pred nimi, až do veku v ktorom sa zjavil orol. Biblia tak povedala. Tak veru! Pretože to máme zasľúbené v Malachiášovi 4. Skutočne máme!

106 On to skryl pred očami múdrych a rozumných! A tak ako sme práve prebrali knihu Zjavenia, zistili sme, že každý - všetci títo traja poslovia, či vlastne tieto zvieratá [živé bytosti] , ktoré vystupovali, každá pasovala presne na Luthera. Každá hneď vysemenila tú ďalšiu, a to je vôl a rôzne zvieratá Biblie. To vyšlo do ospravedlnenia, posvätenia, a ešte aj do letničných; ale tá štvrtá bol orol. Je to tak a cez ten vek to Boh vzbudil. Tak to muselo prísť cez ten vek, aby to bolo správne. Tak veru, zasľúbenie orla z Malachiáša 4 sa vyplnilo.

107 Ježiš nebol z Márie, ale prišiel cez Máriu, ako život cez šupku.

108 No, mnohí z vás tu dnes večer, fajní bratia katolíci alebo sestry si možno myslíte, že Mária bola matkou Božou, ako hovoríte, že bola. Ako by mohla byť matkou Boha a Boh nemal začiatok ani koniec? Kto bol potom Otcom Boha, ak ona bola matkou? Vidíte? On bol jej Stvoriteľ, a ona nebola Jeho stvoriteľom. On sa stvoril v lone Márii, nie jej vlastné stvorenie. To bol ... On stvoril Seba samého. On nebol z nej, ale ona z Neho. Tak je to! Biblia nás učí, že všetko povstalo skrze Neho. A bez Neho nepovstalo ani jedno z toho čo povstalo. Tak akoby mohla ... Akoby On mal matku, keď On bol Sám Boh?

109 No, vidíme tu skutočné zjavenie toho skutočného príkladu. Sú tri ženy, ktoré niesli to prirodzené semeno až kým nedozreli ku Ježišovi. Ako ... Izmael by nemohol byť, pretože on sa narodil v podstate - podľa toho, ako by sme dnes na to hľadeli - mimo manželstva, pretože on bol synom otrokyne. Potom prichádza niečo viac podobné na Neho, na Ježiša, a to prichádza Izák. Ale to stále nebolo to, pretože to sa narodilo z pohlavného aktu medzi Sárou a Abrahámom. Ale potom ďalej prišla Mária, panenské narodenie prinieslo Ježiša Krista (Je to tak!), Boh, Slovo sa stalo telom.

110 No, pozrite sa, tam boli tri ženy. Tu sú znázornené tri ženy, cirkvi (ženy stále znázorňujú cirkvi) to znamená tri denominačné veky, nositele, ktoré tiež musia zomrieť a vyschnúť, práve tak, ako sa to stalo so šupkou a tak ďalej, aby dali miesto semenu. Semeno nemôže dozrieť - nemôže dozrieť, až kým šupka, stopka a listy sú všetky suché. Je to tak. Ono vysáva z nich každý kúsok života. Amen! Všetko čo to bolo je ten prídavok. Nemôže.

111 No, to je čas semena alebo čas Nevesty. Šupky sú mŕtve. Šupky vyschli. Čas panenského Slova, nedotknuté ... To je panna. Pamätajte, čas panenského Slova. Ak to dáte do rúk denominácie, to určite nebude panna. To bude čas ľudského manipulovania, to spravíte z toho. Ale Božia Cirkev nie je dotknutá denomináciou (haleluja!); to je panensky zrodené Slovo Božie, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Haleluja! Aké nádherné! Milujem to. Verím tomu. Viem, že to je pravda. To nebude dotknuté. V tom panenskom narodení Nevesty nebude žiadna ľudská manipulácia. Nie veru! Ona má príkaz od Boha, aby vyšla z takého niečoho. „Nedotýkajte sa ich nečistých vecí ..." stanete sa supmi.

112 Spomínam si práve, keď som jedného dňa prichádzal z Fónixu, prichádzal som do Tucsonu zo zhromaždenia, Duch Boží obrátil moju pozornosť na niečo (keď sme so ženou išli a rozprávali sa. A deti spali vzadu v aute, zvečerievalo sa), obrátil moju pozornosť na sokola. A díval som sa trochu na toho sokola a pozoroval som ho. On je veľmi dobrým príkladom dnešnej cirkvi.

113 No, sokol, ako všetci vieme, stratil svoju identifikáciu, ku čomu bol pôvodne stvorený. Je to presne tak. Sokol sa voľakedy podobal na orla, na svojho staršieho brata, sokol bol taký. Ale teraz on už viac nelieta v oblakoch aby poľoval na svoju nebeskú mannu, ale zoslabol. Už viacej nelieta v oblakoch; on poskakuje po zemi ako sup, sedí na telefónnych stĺpoch, poskakuje okolo a poľuje na mŕtve zajace. Sokol nebol stvorený aby to robil. Nie, on bol stvorený aby bol podobný orlovi. No, to je presne ako cirkev. Ona bola stvorená podobná na orla. Ona by mala zaujať miesto v nebesiach. Ale namiesto toho zoslabla. Nelieta už viacej do neznáma, do oblohy. Nie veru! Ona je závislá na svojom modernom spôsobe adopcii, na vzdelaní, a na teológii nejakej ľuďmi zostavenej denominácii, obzerá sa za nejakou hromadou mŕtvych, napoly zhnitých zajacov, čo má niečo inšie (tak veru!) ... poskakuje po zemi. Je to tak! Sokol. Vidíte, čo to ukazuje. Orol sa ani trochu nezmenil. On zostáva orlom.

114 Nelieta vysoko do oblakov, sokol už viacej tak nelieta, aby si tam hore chytil svoju čerstvú mannu, ale je závislý na tom, čo môže nájsť už mŕtve. Sokol nevie ako má - nemali by ste natrafiť na neho na zemi. Ale pozorujte dnes sokola. Choďte popri ceste, na telefónnych stĺpoch uvidíte sedieť plno sokolov, pozoruje či môže nájsť niečo - niečo zabité, niečo zhnité. Prišiel ku tomu, že už nepoužíva viac krídla na lietanie. On je ... Hneď poznáte, že bude stále na zemi, stiahol sa ku zemi lebo zoslabol. Nepoužíva už viac silu, ktorú mu dal Boh.

115 Jeho zvláštnosť, podľa ktorej ho bolo možno poznať, bolo to že lietal do oblakov a z tade pozoroval čo bolo dole. Ale teraz sa zniesol tu dole a nedokáže sa ani pozrieť hore. Má plnú hlavu mŕtvych zajacov, aby zistil čo môže nájsť na ceste, nejakého tchora, vačicu alebo niečo, čo niekto zrazil. To nie je orol, ale je to niečo takéto. Presne ako cirkev, ktorá je závislá na svojom pokrme pre vzdelania a tak ďalej, na mŕtvej potrave, ktorá zomrela pred rokmi počas Luthera a Wesleya a Letničných, ktorá bola v tom veku. Díva sa dozadu na nejaké ľuďmi vyrobené vyznanie, namiesto toho aby lietala v nebesiach Slova, kde je všetko možné, tým ktorí veria.

116 On si prisvojil zvyky kani. Tie mŕtve veci boli nechané pre supov, pre svet. Vzdelanie a také niečo bolo nechané pre svet, nie pre cirkev. On je taký ochabnutý, že ne ... Nie je už viac drsný. Nemôže sa dostať hore do drsných ponebeských miest, kde všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria. On sedí vzadu a hovorí: „No, doktor taký a taký povedal určitú ... Moja denominácia tomu tak neverí." Ó, ty prevrátený sokol, bojíš sa utiecť z toho a prísť na zasľúbenia Božie.

117 Hovoríte: „No, dni zázrakov pominuli." Ste ochabnutí. Bojíte sa roztiahnuť svoje krídla a lietať, stali ste sa príliš ochabnutí na modlitebné zhromaždenie? Prišli ste do takého stavu, že sa bojíte zostať desať minút pri oltári? Poskakujete okolo ako sup, ktorý žerie na zemi mŕtvu zdochlinu. Tak veru!

118 On je príliš ochabnutý aby sa ešte vôbec vydal do drsných diaľok. Poskakuje ako sup, a žerie potravu supov (To je to. Je to tak!), až začne vyzerať ako sup. Správa sa ako sup, nie je už viac sokolom. Podobá sa viac na supa než na sokola. Sokol by mal lietať, nie sedieť na telefónnom stĺpe a čakať na mŕtveho zajaca a potom zoskočiť dole a poskakovať hore dole okolo cesty ako sup. Vidíte?

119 To je celkom tak ako s cirkvou dnes. „Aký to má úžitok ísť tam hore a vznášať sa, keď môžem mať zajaca tu dole?" Ale sú mŕtve; zhnité; skazené. Voľakedy boli dobré. Tak to bolo s náukou Luthera, Wesleya a Letničných. Prečo jete ako sup? Nová manna padala každú noc z neba pre deti Izraelove keď putovali. Všetko čo zostalo bolo skazené. Zvykli sme hovoriť na dedine: „sú v tom červíky." Dnes je príliš veľa tých červíkov v našich prežitiach. Naše náboženstvá závisia na tom čo povie niekto iný, čo povedal niekto iný a -- to zasľúbenie je na nejaký iný vek.

120 Nedávno prišiel ku mne jeden človek, baptistický kazateľ, hore ku mne domov a povedal: „Vieš, chcem ťa len v niečom opraviť."

Opýtal som sa: „V čom?"

Povedal: „Ty sa snažíš učiť apoštolskú náuku tu v tomto veku. Apoštolský vek skončil."

121 Povedal som: „Kedy? Ja ti poviem kedy začal a ty mi povedz kedy skončil." Opýtal som sa: „Veríš Slovu?"

Povedal: „Verím."

122 Povedal som: „Dobre. No, v deň letníc, veríš, že to bolo vtedy keď začal apoštolský vek?"

Povedal: „Verím."

123 Povedal som: „Potom ten rečník, apoštol Peter, povedal tieto slová ... A pamätajte, Ježiš povedal - ktokoľvek odníme z tohoto jedno slovo alebo pridá jedno slovo do toho, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života. To je kazateľ alebo niekto, kto má meno v tej knihe." Povedal som: „Peter povedal: - Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov; a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého; lebo to zasľúbenie je pre vás a pre vaše deti a pre tých na široko ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh. - Kedy to potom skončilo? To stále trvá." To je hromada sokolov, z ktorých sa stali kane a poskakujú okolo nejakej mŕtvej zdochliny, ktorá bola zabitá pre nich v nejakom inom veku (je to tak!) nie je to už viac čerstvá manna z neba.

124 Oni to nechcú. Oni nemôžu - nemôžu mať modlitebné zhromaždenie. Vôbec nie orly, ochabnutí, nie drsní, len poskakujú okolo. Tak je naša moderná denominácia závislá na vzdelaní, na nejakej ľuďmi zostavenej teológii aby vysvetlila a zahovorila všetky tieto veci. A oni to prijímajú. Oni nechcú zobrať Slovo, ktoré hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky. Oni nechcú zobrať Malachiáša 4. A taký človek nechce zobrať všetky tieto ďalšie zasľúbenia, týkajúce sa tohoto dňa, a povedať ako ten cirkevný vek - ako povedal prorok: „V čase večera bude svetlo." Oni toto neberú; oni chcú poskakovať okolo toho čo nejaká letničná organizácia zabila pred okolo sto rokmi, jedia napoly zhnitú mannu. Je to tak! To nie je dobré!

125 Všimnite si, cirkev je taká telesná, kŕmi sa svetskou zdochlinou, mŕtvymi vecami tohoto sveta, práve tak ako to robia supy. Cirkevná politika, nenechajú aby Duch Svätý poslal niekoho do cirkvi; oni musia mať politiku a vidieť či ho denominácie prijmú alebo nie. Je to tak. Oni majú radi svet. Obliekajú sa ako svet. Vyzerajú ako svet. Správajú sa ako svet. Sú supmi ako svet. Sú leniví, ochabnutí, činiaci kompromis. To je všetko, čo na tom je. Videli ste niekedy robiť orla kompromis? Nie veru! V ňom nieto kompromis. A ani v skutočnom kresťanovi. On nie je ochabnutý. On bude poľovať až kým nenájde. Amen! Tak veru! On nájde svoju mäsitú potravu. On chce čerstvú mannu. On sa dostane tam dole a bude kopať kým to nenájde. On bude letieť vyššie a vyššie. Ak to nie je v tomto údolí, on sa vznesie trochu vyššie. Čím vyššie idete, tým viacej môžete vidieť. Tak to je čas pre orlov tohoto dňa aby začali lietať vyššie, kopali v Božích zasľúbeniach a nežili na potrave supov, na tom čo bolo zabité pred rokmi. Vyjdite z toho.

126 Politika, zvolenie a odvolanie, hovoria toto, to či tamto. A Duch Svätý nemá viac nijaké právo vojsť do cirkvi. Nieto viac modlitebné zhromaždenia, nieto viac zápasenia s Bohom aby vyplnil Svoje Slovo. Neveria už viac, že Slovo je stále to isté včera, dnes i naveky. Stali sa z nich proste supy, spravili denomináciu, zapísali svoje meno do knihy, stali sa leniví a ochabnutí a sedia tam vzadu, hltajú nejakú starú mŕtvu zdochlinu. A potom by mali byť prinajmenej sokolom, ktorý je ako brat podobný na orla, na proroka, ktorý priniesol skutočné Slovo a zamanifestoval to.

127 Spoliehajú na polozhnitej ľudskej teológii. Kde to zobral? Na stranách nejakého ľudského programu nedeľnej školy, ktorý nejaký vzdelávateľ zabil pre neho dávno v seminári, povedal mu, že „dni zázrakov pominuli; že nieto niečo také ako krst Duchom Svätým, že všetko toto je nezmysel." Chcete mi povedať, že orol bude jesť niečo takéto? On to nemôže. Nie veru! A ani kresťan nebude jesť mŕtvu zdochlinu so starými denominačnými náukami a so všetkým možným. Oni chcú čerstvé Slovo Božie, zasľúbenie na túto hodinu.

128 Boh zasľúbil zajace vo dňoch Luthera. On zasľúbil ďalšie veci vo dňoch tých ďalších. Ale teraz nám zasľúbil plnú porciu jedla, plných sedem chodov, lebo všetkých sedem pečatí je otvorených a všetko je pripravené pre Slovo Božie, pre tých ktorí môžu prijať ...

129 Sokoly poskakujú ako kane. Ó! Zamyslite sa nad tým, aká kritická - čo - aká je hodina. Práve tak ako sokol dávno stratil svoju identifikáciu ako sokol, tak cirkev dávno stratila svoju identifikáciu, ako menší vták, brat orla, Božích prorokov. Raz ten nositeľ skutočného slova, ospravedlnenia, potom sa to stalo nositeľom posvätenia, potom sa to stalo nositeľom krstu Duchom Svätým, prinavrátenia darov. Ale potom, keď to ide ďalej a stále sa vracia naspäť a snaží sa jesť niečo, mannu z iného dňa, ona je zhnitá. Nie je to dobré. Skutočný orol tohoto dňa vie, že to bolo v poriadku, ale my máme ten prídavok, až kým sa Ježiš Kristus nezamanifestoval v plnosti Svojej moci ako zasľúbil, že bude v tomto poslednom dni.

130 Ona je teraz suchá šupka. To prešlo. Duch Svätý prešiel cez ňu. To je pravda. A nebude - ona nebude dediť s tým potvrdeným semenom Slova. Skutočne nebude. Ona nebude vo vytrhnutí. Ona bude členom zboru, môže prísť v druhom zmŕtvychvstaní, bude súdená podľa toho čo počula. Ak ste tu dnes večer a ste len člen zboru, aký bude váš súd, keď sa všetci budeme musieť tam postaviť a vydáme svedectvo, že ste počuli Pravdu? Vidíte?

131 Ona už viac nelieta do modrej oblohy, do neznáma, do toho nadprirodzeného, kde tie moci a výšky v zasľúbeniach Božieho večného Slova spravili možným všetko pre tých, ktorí veria. Ona tomu nebude veriť. Ona hovorí ... Ona padá hneď naspäť na telefónne drôty a hovorí: „Moja denominácia hovorí, že zajace sú v poriadku." Hoci sú v nich červíky, ale aj tak sú v poriadku. Vidíte? Ona sa na to spolieha.

132 Letniční sú ako ich denominačná supia sestra, sedia teraz na veľkých koncilových stoličkách bezbožnosti (skutočne!), počúvajú svoju svetskú politickú hlavu, živia sa potravou supov, mŕtvymi zajacmi a niečím, čo prebiehalo pred päťdesiatimi rokmi. Taký je stav letničnej cirkvi. Ó!

133 Práve tak, ako sa Sára snažila priniesť to nadprirodzené zasľúbenie tým, že zobrala Hagar, tak sa cirkev snaží priniesť prebudenie, naši veľkí evanjelisti dnes po celej krajine: „Prebudenie v našom čase, prebudenie v našom čase." Všetci vy metodisti, baptisti, letniční, dajme sa všetci dokopy." Ako môžete mať prebudenie čerstvej manny na starom mŕtvom supovi? Ako to môžete mať? „Prebudenie v našom čase." To prebudenie bude také malé, že oni nebudú vedieť, že sa vôbec deje.

134 Letniční povedali: „Ó, stane sa veľká vec." Ona sa deje a oni o tom nevedia. To je to. Vidíte? Tak veru! „Lebo tam kde je obeť tam sa zhromaždia orly." To je tak isté ako stojí svet. To je to, čo je povedané. Čo je to obeť? Slovo. On je Slovo, obeť, Kristus, Kristus vo vás, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

135 Aká je to pravda, Sárah sa snaží spraviť, aby sa všetky tie zasľúbenia vyplnili (vidíte?), vo veľkom - ako dnes cirkev, veľké prebudenie v našom čase, skrze čo? Skrze prevrátené zasľúbenie. Ako to urobíte, keď Boh nikdy nepožehnal organizácie. On nikdy nepoužil žiadnu organizáciu. Keď vyšlo nejaké posolstvo, a oni sa zorganizovali, hneď tam to zomrelo. Vyzývam každého historika aby mi ukázal, kde to kedy znovu povstalo. To hneď tam zomrelo a zostalo presne tam. Boh sa len pohol hneď ďalej von z toho nositeľa do ďalšieho, rovno ďalej von z lutheránov do metodistov, hneď ďalej von z metodistov to letničných.

136 No, On sa pohol hneď ďalej von z letničných do Semena, pretože to musí byť Semeno. Nemôžete predbehnúť prírodu. Tam už nie je nič ďalšie čo by sa stalo, okrem Semena. Tak Semeno vyprodukuje Samo seba, On je ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý ukazuje tie isté znaky, tú istú moc, ten istý Boh, tie isté zázraky, tie isté veci. Potvrdil Slovo a Bibliu tak presne, On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On dnes vedie. Bože pomôž nám, aby sme to videli a verili tomu. Skutočne!

137 Vidíte Sáru, cirkev, ktorá zobrala Hagar? To nefungovalo, však? Nie! Jej pozbieraná skupina ani dnes nebude fungovať. Doktori a Ph.D. a L.L.D. to neurobia. Všetky nositele sklamali. Luther v tom sklamal. Hagar sklamala. Čo Hagar urobila? Dala svojho syna do lona inej ženy (je to tak?) aby vychovala jej dieťa. To urobila Hagar, dala svojho syna, svojho jediného syna do lona inej ženy, nie jeho matky, aby ho vychovala. To je to isté čo urobil Luther, keď dal svojho syna ospravedlnenie do denominácii, aby sa s ním pohrávala (presne tak!), aby ho vychovala.

138 Wesley sklamal tak isto ako Sárah, pochybujúc v nadprirodzené narodenie, že je krst Duchom Svätým, ako to Sárah urobila pri dube. Keď Wesleyovi bolo predstavené to nadprirodzené ... Keď prišiel letničný vek a Wesleyovi bolo predložené hovorenie v jazykoch, všetko toto, oni sa smiali a robili si z toho žarty. Vy všetci Cirkev Kristova (tak zvaná), vy baptisti a presbyteriáni, všetci z vás ste nad tým ohrnuli nosom a odišli ste od toho. Je to tak! Čo ste urobili, wesleyovci? Predali ste svoje dieťa organizácii a to zomrelo a zahynulo. Je to presne tak.

139 Ale Slovo, skutočné Slovo išlo rovno ďalej. Ono nezostalo v tej organizácii. Ono sa pohlo rovno ku letničným a zobralo so sebou niečo viac. To bol viac dozretý syn, ako to semeno, ktoré padlo do lona. A po nejakom čase sa to začalo vyvíjať od chrbtice, potom to malo pľúca a hlavu a nohy, a zakrátko to prišlo na miesto, kde sa to narodilo. Je to tak! Tak takto dozrievala cirkev, takým istým spôsobom.

140 Wesley pochyboval presne tak ako Sárah pri strome. Ona povedala ... Keď Anjel Pánov, Muž oblečený ako Anjel ... Boh, to bol On sám, Elohim, oblečený ako človek, ktorý tam stál a na šatách mal prach a povedal, že On dal a dáva zasľúbenie, potom, keď Sárah mala už deväťdesiat rokov a Abrahám sto. A Sárah sa sama v sebe zasmiala a povedala si: „Ako by sa to mohlo stať, keď Abrahám a ja sme už nemali, no, nie sme už ako mladí ľudia - rodinný vzťah - možno už dvadsať rokov." Ona už mala skoro sto rokov. Povedala: „Ja budem mať rozkoš so svojím pánom, ja stará a on je tiež starý?A jeho prameň života je mŕtvy a moje lono vyschlo. Moje prsia sú preč; mliečne žľazy sú preč; ako by som to mohla mať?" Boh povedal: „Ja som to zasľúbil. On aj tak príde."

141 Tak urobil Wesley. „Ako môžeme prijať tých, ktorí hovoria v jazykoch a božské uzdravenie a také veci. To nie je pre nás na tento deň."

142 Boh povedal: „Ja som zasľúbil v posledných dňoch, že vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo." On zasľúbil, že to urobí a On išiel a predsa to urobil. A Wesleyova cirkev so - všetky jej sestry z obdobia peľu baptisti, presbyteriáni a cirkev Kristova a nazaréni, pútnici svätosti a zjednotení bratia a ostatní zomreli hneď s tým, a Cirkev sa pohla ďalej. No, čo urobili letniční? Zorganizovali to presne ako šupka. Stalo sa s tým to isté. To sa zorganizovalo spolu, zaujali pozíciu ako šupka. Je to tak!

143 Letniční boli ako Mária. Pozrite sa čo urobila Mária na sviatok letníc. Čo urobila Mária zle? Raz na sviatok letníc sa stretla tvárou v tvár so skupinou hodnostárov, kňazov, keď jej Syn ... Nikde Ho nemohla nájsť. Odišla naspäť, tri dni cesty, opustila Ho, ako tá moderná cirkev dnes Ho opustila na asi tri krát päť alebo dvadsaťpäť - asi pred päťdesiatimi rokmi alebo sedemdesiatimi piatimi.

144 Zanechala Ho na sviatku letníc. Mária išla naspäť s Jozefom tri dni a hľadali Ho. Ona Ho hľadala, nemohla nájsť. Našla Ho. Čo zistila? Našla Ho v chráme ako s kňazmi diskutuje o Božom Slove. A rovno pred týmito kňazmi, pred týmito hodnostármi, Mária zatiahla oponu. Ona urobila presne to čo nemala urobiť. Nazývate ju Bohom - matkou Božou? Matka by mala mať viacej múdrosti ako jej syn. A ona povedala: „Tvoj otec a ja sme ťa hľadali so slzami deň a noc. Tvoj otec a ja ..." Tvrdila, že to narodenie nebolo nadprirodzené, že Jozef bol Ježišov otec. Ona zaprela nadprirodzené narodenie. Letniční zobrali hovorenie v jazykoch. Ale zapreli narodenie Slova. To je presne to, čo to urobilo. Oni vezmú toľko veľa z toho, ale ten ostatok nevezmú. To zaprelo narodenie Slova, presne tak, ako to urobila Mária.

145 Ale dávajte pozor, po tomto už nebude žiadna ďalšia organizácia. Pozorujte! Samo Slovo - ešte len dvanásťročné, len malinká vec tam v šupke - On povedal: „Či neviete, že ja musím byť vo veciach svojho Otca?" Slovo hneď tam opravilo cirkev.

146 „Prečo robíte všetky tieto veci? Viete, že toto nemôžete robiť. Zavrieme naše dvere. Nedovolíme vám vojsť."

147 „Či neviete, že ja musím byť vo veciach svojho Otca?" Skutočne, skutočne, ozajstný nadprirodzený pôvab ...

148 Ona práve tvrdila o Ňom, že je Jozefov syn, obyčajný človek, alebo čo urobili letniční, tvrdili o Ňom, že je len jeden z troch (Ó, viem že to bolí!) - jeden z troch, ale On bol všetkými tromi v Jednom. Ale letniční: „Ó, áno, On je Syn Otca z Ducha Svätého ..." Ó joj! Ale to skutočné pravé Slovo hneď prehovorilo a povedalo: „Oni nie sú traja; to je jeden." Vy nepoznáte Slovo Božie. Podáva nie troch ale jedného.

149 Všimnite si, nebude už žiadny ďalší nositeľ, matka cirkví, denominácie, po tomto nositeľovi, po šupke, pretože po šupke nie je už ďalšia ... Potom už nezostalo nič okrem zrna. Je to tak? Musí byť zrno. To musí byť ten istý druh, ktorý vošiel do zeme, Ježiš Kristus ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky.

150 Duch prišiel na Nevestu aby robila tie isté veci, ktoré robil On. Vidíte, to je znovu reprodukovanie sa zrna.

151 Slovo, hoci mladé, hovorilo za Seba! „A či ste nevedeli, že Ja musím byť vo veciach Svojho Otca?"

152 Tam je tajomstvo Posolstva teraz. Presne tak, veci Otca. Čo sú to veci Otca? Mohli by ste sa zamyslieť čím boli veci Otca pre Neho? Aby vyplnil to, čo povedal Izaiáš: „Panna počne." Aby vyplnil znovu čo povedal Izaiáš: „Kuľhavý poskočí ako jeleň." A všetky tieto veci, ktoré sa stanú; ako povedal Mojžiš: „Pán váš Boh vzbudí proroka spomedzi vás ako mňa." To boli veci Otca, aby vyplnil to Slovo. Dobre, ak toto prichádza dole cez tie steblá, cez tie prirodzené ženy, tak čo tieto steblá týchto duchovných cirkevných žien? Cirkvi označujú ženy - či vlastne ženy označujú cirkvi. Je to tak? Tak potom, čo to znamená teraz? „My musíme byť vo veciach Otca!" To by znovu mala volať tá pšenica, to zrno. Tak veru! Čo ono musí robiť? Potvrdiť Malachiáša 4; potvrdiť Lukáša 17:30; potvrdiť Židom 13:8; potvrdiť 14:12; potvrdiť celé Jeho Slovo: potvrdiť Židom - chcem povedať - Zjavenie 10. kapitolu; otvorenie siedmich pečatí; a tajomstvá Božie, ešte aj semeno hada a všetko má byť zamanifestované: Manželstvo a rozvod a všetky ďalšie tajomstvá, ktoré boli skryté pod tými stĺpmi po všetky tie roky v čase teológov a tak ďalej, ale teraz je tá hodina. To sú veci Otca. Myslíte si, že oni to prijmú? Oni chcú byť ctení a hovoria: „Naša denominácia nás to neučí!" Ale Biblia áno! Je to tak! Boh potvrdzuje, že je to pravda. Skutočne je.

153 Vyplňuje tento vek, keď sedem pečatí práve dokazuje denomináciám, že boli len nositeľmi. To je ďalšia z vecí Otca. Dokázať ... A veci Otca teraz, vám majú ukázať, že tie denominácie nie sú Jeho. To sú ľudsky vytvorené systémy, ktoré zapierajú Slovo. Je to tak!

154 Všimnite si! Vy hovoríte: „Prečo, Mária tá dôležitá panna?" Na kríži ju On vôbec nenazval „matkou"; On ju nazval „žena," nositeľ, nie matka. Skutočne, ona bola nositeľom Slova, ale nebola Slovom. On ním bol. Tak veru!

155 Všimnite si tiež, ona nebola zidentifikovaná vo vzkriesení s Ním. On zomrel a znovu vstal, pretože bol Slovom. Ona bola len nositeľom. Ona zomrela a stále je v hrobe. Je to tak! Tak ona bola len nositeľom, nie Jeho matkou, nie Bohom. Ona bola len nositeľom, tak ako sú cirkvi. Je to tak! To ukazuje že bola len nositeľom, nie Slovom.

156 Na záver povedzme toto. Ó, letničné sokoly, poskakujete ako supy, účastníte sa vo svete, tak ako to robia tí ostatní, máte formu pobožnosti, natoľko žeby ste zviedli aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné, ale zapierate jej moc, ako tu hovorí prorok. Dokonalý príklad toho, čo hovorí Slovo Božie, že sa stane v posledných dňoch, v laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, nahí, slepí, mizerní, biedni, úbohí a nevedia o tom. Tvrdí, že je veľká a bohatá a nepotrebuje ničoho a nevie, že sa zmenila zo sokola, z brata podobného na proroka, ktorý sa mal pevne držal Božieho Slova, stal sa z nej sup a kŕmi svojich ľudí mŕtvymi kazateľskými zajacmi. Je to presne tak! Zobuďte sa! Ó, ako očakávate, že budete identifikovaní - alebo, že budete dediť s orlami, keď sú pri vás takéto veci ako toto, v tejto veľkej hodine, keď vytrhnutie je na blízku.

157 Ó, kresťan, ó, veriaci, ak si bol čiastočným veriacim, chodíš sem tam na zhromaždenia, zobudíš sa? Máme tu niečo, verím, že Pán chce aby si to poznal. Je neskoro; Nemôžem sa posunúť už ďalej. Musím zakončiť a možno dokončím zajtra večer. Ale pozri sa, skloňme na chvíľu hlavy.

158 Nechcem aby ste si všímali akú používam gramatiku, ale chcem aby ste dali za chvíľu pozor na to čo som povedal. Je to dosť jasné aby ste to mohli porozumieť, som si istý, ak chcete. Ak ste tu dnes večer a ste bez tohoto prežitia ... Nehovorím ... Vy poviete: „Tancoval som v Duchu, skákal som." Áno, sokoly robia to isté. To je ako vrany a supy. Nepýtam sa na to. Čím sa kŕmiš? Kde berieš svoju dennú potravu? Kde sa kŕmiš, zo Slova Božieho alebo z nejakej starej zdochliny, ktorú používali pred mnohými rokmi? Či je tvoje prežitie dnes večer s niečím, čo si nazbieral pred mnohými rokmi alebo je to čerstvé a nové dnes večer, nová manna, ktorá práve spadla z neba a ty sýtiš svoju dušu tým a hľadíš na zajtrajšok očakávajúc niečo dobré a lepšie? Ak to nie je s tebou tak, teraz so sklonenými hlavami a so zavrenými očami a so sklonenými srdcami, položte si teraz úprimne otázku - a nie mne ale Bohu - zodvihnete ruku na svedectvo, že hovoríte toto? „Bože, uprav moju dušu a môjho ducha aby som sa mohol sýtiť len na Slove Božom." Zodvihnete len ruku, poviete ... Nech ťa Boh žehná! Nech ťa Boh žehná!

159 Neviem presne koľko ich je tu, dnes večer. Som veľmi biedny, aby som odhadol zástup, ale povedal by som, že prinajmenej tridsiati alebo viacerí zodvihli ruky, že chcú upraviť duše. Pamätajme teraz v modlitbe, keď máme sklonené hlavy.

160 Drahý Bože, som len zodpovedný, aby som hovoril Slovo. A skrze tieto malé prosté podobenstvá, malé príklady, ľudia vidia, že ten jeden nebude dediť s tým druhým. A vieme, že v posledných dňoch, že budú ľudia, ktorí budú vytrhnutí do neba. A niektorí budú tu, keď Ježiš príde. A my očakávame na Neho, že príde možno aj dnes večer.

161 A myslím na to čo sa stalo pred okolo tridsiatimi alebo tridsiatimi tromi rokmi, keď som tu kľačal možno o takomto čase večer, okolo pol desiatej alebo desiatej, modlil som sa za otca, ktorý bol stratený ... Dnes večer, Pane, sa modlím za mnohých otcov, za mnoho matiek a za bratov a sestry. Budeš mať milosrdenstvo, drahý Bože? Teraz je príliš pozde pre môjho otca aby s tým niečo urobil; on odišiel za hranice tohoto života. A zakrátko, Pane, my všetci pôjdeme tou cestou. Ja tiež musím prejsť tou cestou. Každý muž a žena, chlapec a dievča tu musí ísť tou cestou. A budeme zodpovední za to, čo robíme so Slovom Božím.

162 Aký malý vyzeral ten človek v očiach Dávida, keď pľul na neho. Ako málo si títo ľudia budú uvedomovať, že pľujú na Ježiša, na Slovo, keď sa On znovu vracia, tí ktorí Ho prebodli. Ako málo budú ľudia cítiť, ktorí môžu odísť preč odtiaľto a vidieť ešte aj - ani nie len v nejakých veľkých gréckych slovách a tak ďalej, ale v jednoduchej prírode to vyučovanie Boha Stvoriteľa, môžu vidieť nosiče Slova, a vidieť Slovo samotné, a poznať hodinu, v ktorej žijeme a že čas žatvy je tu. Drahý Bože, nedaj aby sme sa ku tomu obrátili chrbtom, kvôli nejakej svetskej hlúposti ale daj nám dnes prijať Jeho z celého nášho srdca.

163 A Pane, stvor vo mne dobrého ducha, Ducha Života, aby som mohol veriť všetkým tvojim slovám a prijať Ježiša to Slovo, toho istého včera dnes i naveky a veriť dnes v porciu určenú na tento vek. Udeľ to Pane. Prosím to v mene Ježiša.

164 A teraz opýtam sa každého jedného z vás ako ste tu a premýšľate o tomto skutočne úprimne ... Nemáme pre vás cirkev, aby ste sa do nej pripojili. Máme tu dole bazén, aby ste v ňom boli pokrstení: A všetci, ktorí uverili boli pokrstení." Ak ste ešte neboli pokrstení, kresťanským krstom ... To neznamená pofŕkanie, poliatie; to znamená ponorenie, nie v tituly Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, ale v meno Ježiša Krista, ako bola pokrstená celá cirkev až do katolíckej cirkvi do roku 303, keď zaviedli troch bohov a tri formy krstu v tituly trojice. Ak ste ešte doteraz neboli pokrstení, zajtra ráno o desiatej, tu dole na vás čakajú rúcha a všetko.

165 Či chcete prísť a spojiť sa s Ježišom Kristom, nie s nami. Nemáme tu ani cirkev, kde by sme sa o vás postarali. Choďte do ktorejkoľvek cirkvi chcete, odkiaľkoľvek ste prišli, ale prosím, verte tomuto Slovu. Ak veríte tomu, povedzte „Amen!" [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: „Amen!"] Nech vás Boh žehná! Môžete ...

166 Ak je niečo v čom by sme vám mohli pomôcť, sme tu aby sme to urobili.

167 No, viem že sú tu chorí. Náš čas už skončil a nemôžeme volať ľudí do radu, aby sme sa za nich modlili. Možno to predsa urobíme. Chcem aby ste každý jeden urobili niečo pre mňa. Sedíte blízko pri niekom, položte ruku na tú osobu. A nepochybujte, kladiete svoju ruku na orla, možno je to orol, ktorý jedol niekde potravu supa, ochorel z toho. Už to viacej nechcú. Chcú z toho vyjsť. Sú chorí a unavení z toho. Sedia tu dnes večer a vidia, čo orly skutočne môžu jesť, Slovo a mať živého Krista, žijúceho medzi nimi, ktorý sa ukazuje živý, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Oni nechcú dediť so šupkami. Tie budú spálené. Všetká slama a všetko má byť spálené. Prichádza kombajn, aby vymlátil pšenicu. Nech je Pán s vami.

168 Sú niektorí z nich, ktorí sú chorí, niektorí z nich telesne, chcem aby ste sa modlili. Orol, modli sa tam za svojho brata, sestru orla, kaď sa ja budem modliť za vás tu. Nech príde na vás Duch Boží.

169 Pamätajte, podávam vám potravu orla, zasľúbenie Božie. On nazýva svojich prorokov orlami. On Seba samého nazýva Orlom; On je Jehova Orol. A kým máte položené ruky jeden na druhom, modlime sa za nich.

170 Náš nebeský Otče, Tvoje Slovo hovorí, to posledné poverenie, ktoré si dal svojej Cirkvi bolo: „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium - hlavné nariadenie - ten kto uverí a pokrstí sa bude spasený; ten kto neuverí bude odsúdený. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria: V mojom mene budú vyháňať diablov; budú hovoriť novými jazykmi; keby pili niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im; keby zobrali hadov, neuškodia im; a keď budú klásť ruky na chorých, uzdravia sa." Ó Jehova Orol, nachovaj svojich maličkých dnes večer tým Slovom, Pane. Oni sú v potrebe. To je potrava, ktorú potrebujú. To je to čo potrebujú, aby vedeli čo je to za strava, čo je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

171 Ty si zasľúbil, že keď položia ruky jeden na druhého, že budú uzdravení. Ó Pane Bože, odstráň od nás teraz všetky pochybnosti a supie predstavy. A s vážnosťou jeme orlí pokrm Slova Božieho.

172 Nech každý nečistý duch, ktorý je v týchto ľuďoch, každý duch pochybovania, každý duch strachu, každé denominačné tvrdenie, každý zvyk, každá choroba, každá nemoc, ktorá je medzi týmito ľuďmi, nech odíde; v mene Ježiša Krista nech to vyjde von z tejto skupiny ľudí. A nech sú od tejto hodiny slobodní, aby mohli jesť Orlí pokrm o ktorom veríme, že nám pošleš v tomto týždni, Pane, lámajúc a otvoriac tieto Pečate a ukazujúc nám tie tajomstvá, ktoré boli skryté od založenia sveta, ako si zasľúbil. Oni sú Tvoji, Otče. V mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

173 Všetci, ktorí veria a prijímajú to, postavte sa, povedzte: „Verím; prijímam to; čo mi Boh zasľúbil, prijímam." Nech vás Boh žehná. Je to nádherné. Každý stojí. To je dobre! Refrén, Milujem Ho. Spievajme Mu potom túto pieseň, Milujem Ho, milujem Ho, pretože On prv miloval mňa ... Teraz všetci spolu.

Milujem Ho (Ak áno, zodvihnite ruky!)

Milujem Ho,

Pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.

174 Ó, či to nie je nádherné? Potrasme si navzájom ruky. Brat Orol, len sa obráť, sestra, potraste si ruky kým spievame.

Milujem Ho ...

[Ľudia v zhromaždení sa zdravia jeden s druhým.]

Na Golgote

Zodvihnite znovu ruky ku Nemu.

Milujem Ho Milujem Ho,

Pretože On prv miloval mňa (a urobil nás orlami)

a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.

175 Ako budete vedieť, ako svet bude vedieť, že milujete Ježiša? Keď milujeme jeden druhého. Tak svet ... Vidíte, Boh vidí vašu vieru; svet vidí ako sa správate. Milujte teraz jeden druhého. Buďte milí jeden ku druhému. Rozprávajte sa jeden s druhým. Buďte trpezliví jeden voči druhému. A všetky ďalšie inštrukcie, ktoré môžeme dať, krst, hľadanie Ducha Svätého ... Nemáme tu na to žiadne miestnosti, rozumiete. Výzva ku oltáru, ak vás Boh presvedčil, že toto je pravda, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky a vy sa s ním chcete spojiť, choďte a dajte sa zajtra pokrstiť v Jeho mene. Bude tam niekto, kto vám dá inštrukcie. Všetko čo môžeme robiť, aby sme vám pomohli, to urobíme.

Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho,

Pretože (Vy ktorí ste teraz pri telefónoch, v Tucsone, tam v Kalifornii, tam na východe, zodvihnite ruky ... Chváľte Ho!) ... vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.

A teraz, až do zajtra večera vám dávam brata Nevilleho, nášho pastora.

THE SEED IS NOT HEIR WITH THE SHUCK, 65-0218, Park View Junior High School, Park View Junior High School, Jeffersonville, IN, 91 min

1 Let us remain standing for a moment of prayer. Let us bow our heads.

2Dear God, we deem this a great privilege, tonight, to be here upon this occasion, to bring a living Christ to a dying world and a dying generation.

3We would ask, Lord, that You would anoint our Words and our efforts, that they will not return to You void, but may they accomplish that which they are purposed for.

4Help every man, woman, boy, or girl, here tonight, that's needy. And, Father, we know we are all needy. And when we leave, tonight, may we feel in our hearts like those who came from Emmaus, after the... had witnessed the resurrection of Christ, saying, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He spoke to us along the way?" Grant it, Lord.

5Heal the sick and the afflicted. May there not be any feeble among us after the service tonight. And above all things, may there not be one unbeliever left, Lord. May they all believe to Eternal Life, for that's our purpose of gathering here.

6These blessings we ask to the honor of the Kingdom of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Amen.

May be seated.

7 It's good, tonight, to be back here. And I see we got a few standing around, and I think the--the phones are open now, to many different cities across the nation; San Francisco, Tucson, up in the east. And we, through the telephone, send greetings to them. We're in the auditorium here tonight. And the main auditorium is packed out, and the aisles; and around the walls, are standing full of people. And we understand that tomorrow night we're going to try to open up another side here, to the gym, and get a larger auditorium that'll take care of maybe a couple more thousand people. So we're hoping that, tomorrow night. If it's filled up tonight, the first night, why, we believe it'll be greater tomorrow night. And I see they've set in extra chairs, and everything, also, tonight.

8 We are under great anticipations; first, the Coming of the Lord Jesus; the next, the salvation of... to lost souls that would receive Him tonight and be ready for His Coming when He appears.

9I want to offer a special greeting and welcome to all these fine man on the platform, which I understand many of them are ministers. Couple of hundred, or more, setting on the platform, and we are certainly thankful that they're here.

10To all you people, wherever you are, in different parts of the nation... And I understand that some are here from across the sea, overseas. So we're grateful for you to be here to enjoy this fellowship with us, which we're under anticipations that God is going to give us during this meeting.

11 It seems like, that since I thought of coming back with these few days of meeting, that my own heart has been alarmed strangely with a great feeling that something is just about to take place. I don't know just what it is, but I hope that it's a great revelation from God, that will--will prepare us and make us better citizens of His Kingdom while we're walking in this dark world of sin and unbelief.

12This ground tonight, this very spot, holds a great thing for me. Since I knew that they built this school auditorium here, I have wanted to have a service in this place. I'm very grateful to the school board and to those who graciously let us have it.

It was upon this spot, right about somewhere where this building stands tonight, that a great thing took place some thirty years ago, right on this same ground. It was nothing but a broom-sedge field at that time. And I lived in a little house just beyond here, about two hundred yards. I was very concerned in those days about the salvation of my father and mother. Which, both are gone on tonight. And especially, in that day, I was concerned about my father. I remember, I was sleeping on the porch. It was warm, summertime.

13This is written, I believe, in the little book called Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever, or either it was in the little book called I Was Not Disobedient To The Heavenly Vision.

14 And laying on the porch, I suddenly was awakened, and a burden come on my heart for my father. As, many of you people here of the city knew my father. I think he was a great man, though he was a sinner. And, but he had a bad habit, that I tried to fight against that thing as hard as I could, through the age, that's, drinking. And that night he was drinking. And I woke up with a great burden on my heart for him. And just with my pajamas on, slipped on my trousers, my pajama shirt left on; I wandered out through this broom-sedge field, to just about where this stands now, and I knelt down to pray for my father.

15And while I was praying and asking God to save him and not to--to let him die a sinner, that I loved him; and while I was in prayer, I raised up to look up towards the east from here, and there was a vision. And standing just above me, many of you knows the vision, was the Lord Jesus.

16 Now, I'm not allergic to illusions, as I know of. But visions are real. And there stood the Lord Jesus, the first time I had ever saw Him in a vision of that type. He was just about, oh, probably ten feet above my head, standing in mid-air, with one foot just making a step. He had on a white garment, a fringe around the side of it. He had hair down to His shoulders. He looked to be about, a Man about what the Bible said He was, about thirty. But, a small, thin-built Fellow, very small, looked like He wouldn't weigh over a hundred and thirty pounds.

17And I looked, and I thought there was something, that I might be wrong. So I--I rubbed my eyes and--and looked up again. And He was standing kind of sideways, kind of a profile of His face. And the looks of His face, which I've always seen in the visions, has been like Hofmann's head of Christ at thirty. That's the reason I have that in my house, on my literature, wherever I can put that, because that's the way it looked, more like that. Only, He seemed to be small.

18 And as I was looking up at Him, I thought, "Surely I'm not looking at my Lord standing there." And I was kind of, I'd say, in this position, and maybe right where this, under where this pulpit is at now. Somewhere, it was right in this vicinity, within, with a radius of where I'm standing, the best I could measure off, within forty or fifty yards of somewhere around in this district here, this circle.

19And I looked up, and He was standing there. And I bit my finger, to see if I was asleep. You know how you... Just seems like it couldn't be so. And I was just young in the Lord then, about six months I had been preaching. I bit my finger. I took the broom sedge and broke it off. And many of you people who live in the country, know what that little toothpick, like, is in the broom sedge. I begin to chew on that. And I said, "It--it can't be. I'm a-dreaming. There is my home. There is father, mother, and the children there. There is the old brick house pond that used to stand down here, where I used to hunt ducks, just about two hundred yards beyond this. And here I am standing in the field; it's got to be so."

20 I kicked against the ground, stomped my feet a little bit, and shook my head, and--and wrung my hands, looked up again; looked away, looked again, and there He was, standing there. And the wind started to blow, and I seen the broom sedge blowing. And when it started blowing, His garments blew with it. Like the clothes hanging on a line, it begin to--to flip. He was standing there. I looked at it.

21And I thought, "If I could just get a look at His face!" And He was watching east, right this a way. He was watching it, tensely. And I moved, to step around, to get a close look at His face. And I still couldn't see Him very well. He had His hands in front of Him, rather hid from where I was standing.

22I moved around again. And I cleared my throat, something like this, went, "hum," to see if I could attract His attention. But He never moved.

23 Then I thought, "Maybe I'll call Him." When I said, "Jesus," He turned His head. And when He looked at me, He just raised His arms out. That's all I remember. For, about nearly daylight, I was laying right out here somewhere where this place is now, in the field; my pajama shirt all wet, with tears, where I had been crying. And I had passed out.

His face had characters that no artist could--could draw or paint. They could not do it. He looked like a Man that, if you would look at Him, He wanted to cry with sympathy, and respect with reverence; and yet with enough power that, would speak, it would turn the world over. And the characters could never be caught by an artist.

24And I never knowed to this day what that meant. But here I am tonight, after thirty years, standing in an auditorium that's dedicated now to the service of Almighty God. And me, just a--a lay member, really, just a--a local elder in the--in the Baptist church here, which Roy Davis was pastor at the time. And I am now standing here with the place crowded, right on the same grounds, with the... to what I think, is the purchase of the Blood of Jesus Christ Himself, in my hands, to bring this four-days Message of the Lord.

25 Just about six months after that, I had my first baptism down here on the river, when the Light came down right here at Spring Street. Many of you people might want to go down and take a look at it, at Spring Street and water, right at the riverfront. And there is where the Angel of the Lord appeared in public, first, and at two o'clock, one afternoon. And a Voice came from it, said, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message will forerun the second Coming."

26This is thirty years later, and here I am still, tonight, proclaiming that Message. And around the world It's went, and I'm glad to be back in my hometown, tonight, to represent this Lord Jesus Christ that I still love with all my heart. Each day He grows still sweeter than He was the day before. I've never changed one iota in my Doctrine. The first thing I started with, I still believe the same thing tonight. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now I have a Message that I'm responsible for.

27 When the Message first started out, it was, of course, everybody; was praying for the sick, great signs, wonders, and miracles. That started, especially in the Pentecostal people, a universal revival of a healing campaigns that swept the world. For fifteen solid years there's been revivals on every hill there is, I suppose, revival fires a burning. Literally millions have accepted Christ as their Saviour, by that one commission. That inspired, from there, to Oral Roberts, and so forth, and on and on, as it's went around.

28After, the Pentecostal church is laying in its dead slump, as it was then. My intentions and desire, tonight, is to awaken that church, again, to the Coming of the Lord Jesus at hand. I have to rebuke it. I have to rebuke sin in whatever manner it is. I don't mean it to anybody's denomination. I have a Message.

29 Now, it's hard to get in a church for a sponsorship, just as it was with our Lord Jesus, 'cause it's Him; it isn't me. But as He preached at the first, and healed the sick, raised the dead, and cleansed the lepers, and cast out devils, everybody wanted Him. But there come a time where there's a Message that always follows every sign, because the sign has a voice.

30But when He set down one day, and said, "I and My Father are One," that was more than they could stand. It was, also, when He said, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

31"How?" Why, doctors and well-thinking people would have said, "This Man is a human vampire, trying to get you to eat His flesh and drink His Blood." He never explained it. He just said it.

32And tonight you might hear things, and through the meeting, that's just said. We might not be able to explain. But, remember, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We believe it.

33 Now, we don't have time to talk too much, because we've got certain times to start here and certain times to get out. And we want to honor the school board which set these times for us, and we'll do all we can to honor them.

34Remember, at any time a sinner wants to come to Christ, all you have to do is walk right up, whether I'm preaching, singing, whatever it is, and give your life to Christ right then, stand in your seat. That's what we are here for, to help you.

35 I want to talk to Brother Vayle, Brother Rober-... Borders, and the brethren here. If... I wonder if they couldn't have, in the church, in the afternoon, or some morning, or something, instruction service for those who are seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Would that be all right, you brethren? Brother Neville and all of you could get there, and Brother Capps. If anybody wants to be instructed in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, why don't you come to the tabernacle... What would be best, the morning or afternoon?

36[Someone says, "Morning."] Morning, about ten o'clock? About ten o'clock of a morning.

37 If you got a question on the Doctrine, if you got a question on the Message, if you--if you want to be... you never gotten ministered to, personally, you want to be prayed for, or anything that you want to know in them manners, why don't you just slip down there at ten o'clock in the morning and see these man. They'll be one or more of them there to instruct, to pray for the sick, to answer questions just as a personnel man. Well, you--you just go to them, and they'll be glad to help you in any way they can.

38Now, just before we approach the Word, we want to approach the Author of the Word again. You might eat too much; you might drink too much; you might laugh too much; you might walk too much; but you'll never pray too much. "I would that man pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands without doubt or wrath."

Let us pray.

39 Dear Jesus, Author of the Word of Life, and You are that Word, we solemnly now approach Thee after the explaining of the vision. That, God, You bear me record that that is true. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll anoint the words tonight to the hearing of every ear that's under the Divine sound. And if there be some here, or listening in, out across the nation, if they are not ready and prepared at this hour to meet the challenge of the hour, the Message from God, to repent and to be ready, for the Kingdom of God is nearing. We pray that it'll be so, tonight, with them, that they will meet this hour's challenge.

40O God, I would pray for help, knowing the responsibility and what it means, and what I must answer at the Day of the Judgment, for all that I say here and elsewhere. Help me to be deadly sincerely, Lord, with all that I do or say in Thy Word, that it might bring forth fruit. For, as Your commission was, "Let not this Word depart from thy mouth; but meditate therein, day and night, that thou mayest observe to do all that's written in the law. And then thou shall make thy ways prosperous, and then thou shall have good success. Have not I commanded thee. Be strong and very courageous, for the Lord thy God is with thee wheresoever thou goest." Lord Jesus, make it so, tonight. We pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

41 Friday and Saturday, from ten to twelve, at the tabernacle at 8th and Penn Street, will be instructions, answers to doctrine, prayers for the sick, and whatmore. Come right down if you have any question, anything you need. There'll be man there to--to handle it. The Lord bless you.

42Now, for this opening service tonight, I can't do nothing but open it straight to our Message. That's what we're here for, and now it's what I come back for.

And Sunday morning, the Lord willing, I want to meet that great challenge of the day, about Marriage And Divorce.

43 Now, in Galatians 4:27, I wish to read these Words, 4:27 to 31, inclusive.

For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate has many more children than she which has a husband.

Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.

But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so is it now.

Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondswoman and her son: for the son of the bondswoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondswoman, but of the free.

44 The Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. Now, I believe here that I take a text like this, very odd, unusual. But sometimes we find God in those odd, unusual hours, unusual ways, unusual things, because God is unusual. And those that really serve Him from their heart, serve Him in an unusual way, to the things or the ways of the world. This text is called: The Seed Is Not Heir With The Shuck.

45Paul here is speaking of the literal seed of Abraham's two sons. Paul, gladly, is bringing himself into position of the birth by the freewoman.

46 Now, we know that Abraham had two sons, by two different women. God gave him a promise by Sarah, through Sarah, rather, that there would be a Son born, and through this Son the world would be blessed. All nations would be blessed of this Son. And it's commonly believed, especially amongst the Jews, that this was Isaac, but it wasn't. This promised Son of Abraham is Jesus, and He is of the Royal Seed promise, of Abraham. But Abraham having two sons...

47 One, by--by Hagar, which was his wife's maid; a lovely, pretty, Egyptian maid that Abraham had picked up down in Egypt for her, to be her... his wife's maid. And Sarah, thinking that God would not be able to keep all of His promise true, she told Abraham to take Hagar, her maid, and to marry her, (which, polygamy was legal in those days) and to bring the child; and that's the way God had it planned, that she was to have the child only through Hagar. But we find out that that wasn't so.

48 Now we understand, also, that God is perfected in threes. Now, God is "perfected" in three. "Grace" is five. Seven is "completion," like the world.

God is perfected in Father, Son, Holy Ghost. That's the perfection of the Godhead. All one God, in three manifestations, of three attributes of one office, or three offices in the one Godhead.

49Now, there is also three in perfection, of the steps of grace, to the Church; justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost. That consists of the New Birth, just like a natural birth is typed by it. Which, a woman giving birth to a child, the first thing comes forth is water, blood, and then life.

The Bible said, in First John 5:7, or 7:5, I believe it is, that said, "There are three that bear record in Heaven; the Father, the Word," which was the Son, "and the Holy Ghost; these three are One. There are three that bear witness in the earth;" the Word, "the water, blood, and Spirit. Water, blood, and Spirit; these three agree in one."

50 Now, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, are One. You can't have the Father without having the Son; you can't have the Son without having the Holy Ghost. But you can be justified without being sanctified; you can be sanctified without being filled with the Holy Ghost. We have proved that in the order of nature.

51Now, and many of you, maybe, I may be strange to you. And I--I'm without education; I'm sure you already understand. But I teach in types, as the natural types the spiritual.

52Now, we see that there are three in the perfection. God is perfected in three's, now. And that was, in the perfection of the seed of Abraham, was Ishmael, Isaac, Jesus. Ishmael coming from the bondwoman, Isaac coming from the freewoman, and both of them with sex; but Christ Jesus coming from the virgin, no sex.

53 Here, the "Seed," one, one Seed; not seeds, but one Seed. These others were not seed of Abraham, because Abraham "Seed" was his faith Seed that God was speaking of, not his natural seed. Because, after Sarah died, Abraham married another woman and had seven sons, besides daughters. So it wouldn't be Abraham's seeds, it was Abraham "Seed," one. And that was Abraham's faith Seed, pointing to the Royal Seed that was to come through Abraham's faith; not Abraham's natural life, but Abraham's spiritual life; who took everything contrary to God's Word and called it as though it was not, and believed God; against hope, believed in hope. That's the real Seed that we're speaking of.

54 Here we are presented with a picture. Oh! The seed started, the seed of promise, started in a slightly doubted, doubt of the original promise. See how it starts low, in doubt in the original promise. God promised Abraham, through Sarah, to have this child. But now watch, the first seed of Abraham by the bondswoman come by Sarah doubting that this could happen, because she was old and passed the age of bearing.

55Now that's how the church starts. That's how it always starts. You start from the bottom. You don't start from the top. A man trying to climb a ladder, tries to get on top first, he'll break his neck. You've got to start and build up to that.

And here we find the beginning of the promise of God being made manifest, through a slightly doubted, interrupted program of God.

56That's the same way sin begin in the garden of Eden. That's how death started by sin, was when one Word of God was misconstrued or doubted. You can't doubt or misplace one Word of God, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'cause Its every Word be so.

57 And here Sarah, even to who the promise (Sarah being a woman, which is a type of the church), gave doubt to the original program of God's promised Word, and said, "You, Abraham, my husband, take unto you this beautiful maid, and live with her, and be a husband to her. And God will give this seed of promise through her, and I'll take the child." See, just by-passing one little iota, changed the whole program.

Therefore, we've got to take every Word of God as THUS SAITH THE LORD. Every Word of God is true.

58 Here the seed starts then in a promise, slightly doubted. Isaac being the seed of the free and promised woman, brought forth, as Paul was trying to explain here in Galatians, he brought forth the natural, promised seed. And he goes on to say here that the--the bondswoman's children cannot be heir with the freewoman's children, because they are of two different categories.

59And, that is true, the unbeliever cannot be heir with the believer. There's no way, at all. That's where the trouble is today. You can't make a denominational chicken believe with a eagle. You just can't do it. There is where the trouble comes. You've got to believe every Word of God. You just... You're not heirs together. Neither will you--will you join with it; you cannot do it. You've got to be eagle or a chicken.

60 It could not be heir with Ishmael, the seed of the bondswoman, of the... because of the doubting. Sarah doubted God's Word, that God was able to keep It. Notice Abraham! You see what I'm building on for Sunday morning. Abraham did not doubt it. Sarah did doubt it; she was the one. It was not Adam that doubted; it was Eve that doubted. So, then, we'll find out more about those as we pick it up Sunday morning.

61Neither can the spiritual be... the natural be heir with the spiritual. No more can Ishmael's children be heir with the--with the Isaac's children, and no more than the carnal can be heir with the spiritual.

62Church natural; Church spiritual. There is a church natural that these women here type; and there's a Church spiritual, also. So, the natural church and the spiritual Church cannot be heirs together. They are two different, separate times; two different, separate peoples; under two different, separate covenants.

63 That's why the Rapture is different, and will only be for the royal Seed of Abraham. It cannot come by the natural, carnal seed of the church. It'll have to be the royal Seed of the Word of God, through Abraham, the royal Seed. That's why the Rapture has to be first.

Cause, remember, "We which are alive and remain shall not hinder, prevent those which are asleep. For the trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first. We which are alive and remain shall be caught up with them, together, and meet the Lord in the air." Notice, and again it's written, "And the rest of the dead lived not, for a thousand years."

64Therefore, there, they will not be heirs together. They'll not be in the Rapture together. There is absolutely a church natural, and Church spiritual; a church carnal, a Church spiritual. Then, see, here is no...

65 There is no Judgment to the royal, spiritual, predestinated Seed of Abraham, for they are predestinated to Eternal Life. They have accepted God's provided Sacrifice; and that Sacrifice, which was Christ, the Word.

"And there is therefore now no condemnation." Saint John 5:24, if you want the Scripture. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus," Romans 8:1, "walk not after the flesh, but the Spirit," in Romans. 5:24, "He that heareth My Word," the word there is, "understandeth." Any drunkard, anything else, can hear It and walk away. "But he that heareth My Word, understandeth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting Life, and shall not come into the Judgment; but is passed from death unto Life." Yes, sir.

He that this great mystery of the God made known, understands, how that God was in Christ reconciling Himself to the world, how that He and the Father were One, how that the great mysteries of the fulfilling of God taking and bringing Hisself, manifested in the age of human beings, and in the stream of human beings, and in the company of human beings; to make His Word manifested in the day, in the eastern rising of the sun, and to do the same thing as the sun sets in the west, to make Hisself manifested in a Bride Church, the Word made manifest. See? It will, too. "He that understandeth," that is, "to know, that's been revealed to him, of Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life, and will not come into the Judgment; but is passed from death unto Life."

66 The natural seed was only a carrier of the spiritual, the Seed. Like the stalk, tassel, and shuck. We've went through that before, at another Message, but I'd like to preview it a little, in it, or go back to it again just for a minute.

67Now here there is three stages of the seed, shows us the true picture, the three stages of the natural seed in the earth. Like a seed is planted, brings forth a stalk, little blade shoots from it; then the tassel, then the pollen hangs on that; and then the shuck; and then the seed again.

68 Watch these stages of this perfect parable here, and how it works out exactly in the type, 'cause God is the author of all nature. Therefore nature cannot fail no more than God can fail, because He was the One Who set the thing in its condition for--for us to look at and to see.

69Notice Hagar, the stalk, which was the first beginning of the Seed springing up. Now, it didn't look anything like the Seed. It was the stalk, because she was a bondswoman, not in the promise at all; nothing to do with the Word, just a transporter of the Seed.

70 Notice Sarah, the tassel that had the pollen, that Jewish nation raised from her. From, come out of Sarah, brought Isaac; through Isaac, brought Jacob; Jacob brought the patriarchs; and through the patriarchs, brought forth a nation.

71Mary, the virgin's faith, produced the true, spiritual Seed Word made flesh. See?

The three women, three women that this Seed was carried through. One of them was actually an adultery, under polygamy; the second was a freewoman; and the third one had no sex affair at all, but by faith she believed the Word of God. Hagar, Sarah, both Sarah and Hagar, was sex; but Mary was virgin, by the power of the promised Word of God. That's right.

72 The stalk, Hagar (two wives), doubted the promise, but watch what that brought forth. When Hagar, the second wife of Abraham, which was just a absolutely a concubine wife, but she brought forth a man, but (what kind of a man was he?) the Bible said he was "a wild man." He lived by his bow, and no man would conquer him. He was untamable, unconvertible, unregenerated. He could not be tamed. He was a wild man, because he was of the contrary to God's Word.

And anything that's contrary; any preacher, any lay member, any church, that's contrary to God's Word; will bring forth a wild, adulteress bunch of worldly Hollywood, and cannot stay with the unadulterated Word, because it's not even included in the promise. No.

73 Sarah, the true wife of the promise, being the tassel, brought forth a gentle man. In the returns, brought forth a promised nation that served God. []

But, Mary, by no sex at all, but believed the promised Word; when she was a virgin, knowing no man. And the Angel of the Lord met her, said, "Hail, Mary, blessed art thou amongst the women, for God is with thee."

74And she said, "How will these things be?" He... She said.

75The Angel said, "The Holy Ghost shall overshadow thee."

76It had never been done in all of the ages, but Mary believed God. And she said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." She believed the Word.

How is she going to have it? She knowed that Hagar had the baby by a sex desire, with Abraham; and Sarah had the baby by sex desire, with Abraham, children of promise; the bondswoman and the freewoman. But here she is asked to believe. That's a contribution to the faith that was in Abraham, who believed the impossibles, "As long as God said it's so, that makes it right."

77She believed God, never questioned. She said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord. No matter how much criticism I have to bear from the world, be it unto me according Thy Word." There come forth the genuine Seed.

78 Sarah could not do it, because it was sex. That's right. And neither could Sarah, because it was sex.

Neither can the church, under sectarianism! It takes a virgin belief in the Word of God to make a promise, to bring forth children. Sectarianism will never bring forth the re-born Church. It cannot do it. It'll bring forth a substitutionary something. It'll bring some forth, something that imitates It, something that tries to be like It.

But a genuine, born-again Church of God believes the Word of God in the face of anything, regardless of what it is, because it's unadulterated. It's by the promise of God that these things come.

79 Mary, the true one, said, by the... -out sex, said, "Be it unto me according to Thy Word. Behold Thy handsmaid!"

And she brought forth. What did she bring forth? Not a wild man; not a nation. But she brought forth the Word, God Himself made manifested in the flesh; amen, the true Seed of God that manifested every promise that God made in the Bible; without Him, no man can live without Him.

80She was the true seed, she was beyond the ta-... she was the shuck that brought forth the Grain. Now, the other two was carriers of Life, only as the natural seed. Mary... Now, remember, I said the other two... Now, Mary, don't make her God, as some people tries to make her. She was not a god. No, sir. She was only a carrier of the Seed, like the rest of them was; but, like faith in the Word, brings more to the real image.

81 Like as the corn matures, or the wheat. It comes forth, a stalk; then it comes forth, the pollen; then it comes forth, a shuck. But when you think, that shuck, if you don't watch, it'll look just exactly like the real wheat. But when it's opened up, the real wheat is on the inside. It's only a carrier, again.

82So, you see, Mary, not through sex, but through faith; something exactly like It. Mary was not that Seed. Mary was a carrier of the Seed.

He was the genuine, faith Seed, because the Word of God is by faith that He give to Abraham. And only faith can produce what God said He'd do; faith in His Word.

83 Notice how more like the real Thing, Mary was, but like the shuck. The shuck hugs the seed in itself and protects it, and nurtures it until it's standing alone, mature. So has this third church age (of Pentecost) matured, holding this Grain until it's time to open up the shuck. Mary, being the mother of Christ, just a incubator.

He was no blood of Mary; He was no blood of Jew; He was no blood of Gentile. He was the Blood of God. God created this Blood. It could not be sex. He wasn't Jew nor Gentile.

84The baby is not one speck of the mother's blood. The blood comes from the father. We know the hemoglobin is in the male.

Like a chicken, it can lay an egg, a hen can; but if she hasn't been with the male bird, the rooster, it'll never hatch. It's unfertile, though it looks exactly like a real fertile egg. Every nature of it looks the same, but it hasn't got the life in it.

85 That's the way with people who profess Christ. Many of them look like Christians, try to act like Christians; but you've got to have Christ on the inside of you, which is the Word made manifest, or it'll never mature into a real Bible-believing Christian. It'll always be a denominational something. It cannot live, because there's no Life in it, to live.

An egg cannot hatch, it rots right in the nest, if it hasn't been with the--with the male bird.

86Just like members of a church. You can baby them and call them, make them deacons and everything else, but they'll... you have a nest full of rotten eggs unless they've mated with the Mate. That's right.

87 Carrier, the shuck, it nurtured it. That's right. Then it, that is, the seed itself, has to leave the shuck, or the shuck has to leave the seed, to get the seed in the presence of the sun, so it can be ripening. All in a type, we see.

88See here now how close she, the church of this last days, gets to look like the Seed Itself. Look how this denomination of Pentecost that's raised up in the last days, and we'll explain it a little later on, see, how they come so close to looking just exactly like the Seed.

When a shuck comes forth out of a grain of wheat... or a blade of wheat, after the pollen has fallen in there in the second stage, and produced the third stage which is the--the--the shuck. And how that that... If you are not a real close observer, you'll never be able to tell but what that's the real grain of wheat in there. When that first little grain comes forth, looks like a grain, but you set down and open it up and you'll find out there's no grain there at all. It's only a shuck, a carrier of the grain. Now, the grain comes forth from that. But remember, there is no more after that shuck.

Remember, there was no more Seed promised through a woman, anywhere, after Mary. And there is no more denominations promised after Pentecost. It's the Rapture and Bride coming forth from there, the Seed, the Word made manifest again.

89 Notice, see how close it looks. Matthew said, Saint Matthew 24:24, said, that, "The two spirits in the last days," the church spirit of the church people, and the Bride Spirit of the Bride people, "would be so close together till it would deceive the very Elected if it was possible." That's how close.

90Look how it's come through the stalk. Now notice, we're going to type something here.

Luther, in the church age, of bringing forth the Bride Seed, was the same in Spirit. Just one little grain of Seed, Luther stood out on, that was justification by faith. He was the very type of Hagar, the stalk.

Notice, Wesley was type of Sarah, the Philadelphian, the age of love that brought forth the tassel. That in Wesley's age, there was more missionaries than any other age we've had, the great missionary age of John Wesley's time.

91But Pentecost represented Mary. Mary, the last stage of It, now, she was not the Seed. Yet, the Life of the Seed was in her, but It hadn't matured yet. I feel very religious. It hadn't matured yet. It was there, but It wasn't matured.

So is it with our Pentecostal age that we're living in! There has got to come forth a--a Word of God that's inner, undenominational, outside of the realms of that denomination.

92 Luther went to husk with his first word, "The just shall live by faith." Wesley had two words, "sanctification," second definite work of grace. Pentecost had the third word, "the restoration of the gifts." But the entire Seed has to come forth! See how they denominated on one word, and another word, and another word?

But there's got to be Something that cannot be denominated; it's the entirety of the Life that's in there, has to produce Itself again on a Bride. There cannot be any more church ages after this. We're at the end, brothers and sisters. We're here. We've arrived. Thanks be to God! Amen. Now, we see these things are just as true as they can be.

93 Still we notice, then, if her being the tassel, or... Wesley being the tassel; Pentecost then being the shuck, which is the next stage of the coming forth of the Grain. But, brother, sister, the stalk is not the Grain, neither is the tassel the Grain, neither is the shuck the Grain; though, each time it matures, it looks more like the Grain.

94The stalk don't look like the grain. Then what comes forth? The tassel, a little bulb; it looks a more like the grain than the--than the blade does. What comes forth next? The shuck; it holds the grain, it nurtures the grain.

95Now looky back here at the promise God made to Abraham, of "thy Seed," speaking spiritually. Any of us know that. He was speaking of Christ, not Isaac; through his faith Seed.

96 Notice, the first was by a bondswoman, didn't look anything like the promise. God don't have to take back His Word for nobody. God said how it would come, and that's the way it'll come. But, Sarah, being a representative of the church, type of the church, it (she) found out there, that she said, "Well, I believe this is a little too phenomena. I just can't even believe in that, so you go get Hagar and you take her for a wife." See, there, that stalk didn't look like the promise, at all.

But when Sarah came forth, now, that looked pretty good. It looks a whole lot more like the promise there, but still it wasn't the genuine promise. Because, Israel, in Isaac, failed and denied the genuine Seed when It come on. Hallelujah! (Don't get excited; don't run. That won't hurt you.) Denied the Seed, crucified Him, and hung Him on a cross!

97 Just like Paul said here, "Did not the--the seed of the--of the freewoman... or the bondswoman persecute the Seed of the freewoman?"

And so does the seed of the denomination persecute the genuine Grain. It's always got to be that way. They'll not be heirs together. They're not associated together. They're absolutely two different promises, two different times, two different peoples, altogether. One is the Bride, and the other one is a church. No comparison, at all, with them.

98But still they are not the Seed that's promised to come. Neither was Sarah, neither was... And neither was Hagar, neither Sarah was, or--or neither Mary, was the Seed.

Mary was not the Seed. She was a carrier of the Seed, but she had nurtured, brought forth out of her womb. Just like the shuck, brought from its womb the real Seed, but the shuck is not the Seed. It only... It's closer to the Seed. It's hugged up around the Seed.

Way back in the stalk, the life is scattered all through the stalk. And when it comes to the pollen, it's gathered down closer. But when it comes to the shuck, it's right down there like the seed, and forms it almost like the seed.

Jesus told us what would be in the last day, "Be so close it would deceive the very Elected if possible," but then the Seed comes forth from there. And the shuck, the Life leaves the shuck. And the shuck is a carrier, and that's just exactly what our denominations has been, a carrier; Luther, Wesley, Pentecostals. And now it's time for the Seed to come forth. Notice, notice, just...

99 She was not the Seed. Mary was not. Just a shuck, tassel, and stalk, carriers of part of the Word, not all the Word! Luther had justification; Wesley had sanctification; Pentecostals had the restoration of the gifts. But when the Word come...

Now, they could produce that, that, justification will save a man. You believe that? Sure, it was a carrier of the Word, just the same as I believe the stalk is part of the wheat. Sure, it is, but it's the carrier. It ain't the Life.

Then along come sanctification. How many believes in sanctification? You believe the Bible, you have to. Sure. So still that's not; it's a little more like; that's two more words.

But then come the Pentecost, the restoration of the gifts. Speaking in tongues, they call it the initial evidence of the Holy Ghost. Speaking in tongues, there, they call that the initial evidence, which brought forth (the what?) the shuck, but they denominated.

But when you come to say, "I and My Father are One," and these other things, then the shuck pulls away from It. But the real, genuine Bride Church will bring forth the entire Word of God, in Its fullness and in Its strength, for He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Notice, in the wombs of Mary was the Seed.

100 But when the Seed was delivered, It said, "I come to do the will of Him that sent Me. I and My Father are One. If I do not His works, believe Me not." There was the Seed. "Which one of you can condemn Me of unbelief? What the Bible has promised I would do, I done it. God has verified that through Me," He said. "Who can tell Me now?" See?

But, the--the Seed in Mary, the shuck, it was close to being That, but it wasn't. It was still in the womb.

101Notice, and in the Pentecostal age. Through the Lutheran age, through the Wesleyan age, it's been the same thing through this Pentecostal age.

Now notice. But at the opening of the Seven Seals, Revelations 10, the full Word is to be born into manifestation again, and vindicated by the Spirit of God, in the full strength as It was when He was here on earth; manifested in the same way, doing the same things that It did when It was here on earth. Amen! Hebrews 13:8, said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

In Saint Luke 17:30, Jesus said, "In the last days, as it was in the days of Sodom, when the Son of man will be revealing Himself again, it'll be the same thing."

102 The world is in a Sodom condition. And the church has went into Sodom, with it, like Lot and his wife.

And I say that there is a Elected Church somewhere in this world, that's pulling out and set aside from those things, and the manifestation of God has attracted Its attention. We're at the last days.

103The shuck has give forth its Strength into the Seed. It's went on out; it was a good shuck, but it served its time. See, it is the Word Bride of the Word Groom!

104The natural seed of Abraham, of Isaac, and Jacob, and... Or, natural seed, rather, of Ishmael, natural seed of Isaac, and so forth, had to go into the ground, in order to--to bring out this other, bring out Jesus.

And so has all these others, the seeds has to dry... I mean, the shucks has to dry, and the pollen has to dry, and everything dies, so the Seed can produce Itself. That's the way it's been in every age.

105 Denominations has been the carriers of part of It, part that is the Word, for it has been hid from the wise reformers, or the... sealed away from them, until the age of the Eagles appear. The Bible said so. Yes, sir. Cause, we're promised that in Malachi 4. Exactly, we are.

"He has hid It from the eyes of the wise and prudent."

106As we've just went through the Book of the Revelations, we find out that every, all three of those messengers of those beasts that went forth; each one suited Luther just right, each one seated the other one just right, which is the ox and the different animals of the Bible; they went forth in justification, sanctification, even into the Pentecostals. But the fourth was an eagle, that's right, and through that age God raised It up. So it has to come through that age to be correct, yes, sir, the eagle promise being fulfilled of--of Malachi 4.

107Jesus was not of Mary, but came through Mary, like the Life through the shuck.

108 Now, many of you fine Catholic brothers here, or sisters, tonight, maybe think that Mary was "mother of God," as you say she was. How could she be the mother of God, and God had no beginning and no end? See? Who was the Father of God, then, if she was the mother? See?

He was her creator, and she was not His creator. He created, Himself, in the womb of Mary, not her own creation. It was He, created, Himself. He was not of her, but she was of Him. That's right. The Bible teaches us, that, "All things were made by Him," see, "and not nothing was made but what was made by Him." So how could He... How'd He have a mother, when He was God Himself?

109 Now we see here the true revelation of the true type. There is three women carriers of the natural seed, until the matured into Jesus. How Ishmael could not be, because he was born, really, in what we would think today, out of wedlock, because he was a bondswoman's son. Then come a little more like Him, like Jesus, which come out Isaac; but it still wasn't, because it was born of the sex between Sarah and Abraham. But then along came Mary, by the virgin birth, produced Jesus Christ. That's right. God, the Word, made flesh.

110Now look. There was three women. There is three women typed here, churches. The women always types churches. Means, three denominational ages, carriers, which also must die and dry up, just like the shuck and so forth does, to give room for the Seed. The Seed cannot get right, cannot get ripe, rather, until the shuck, stalk, and leaves, are all dry. That's right. It saps every bit of the Life, in them, out; amen; all it was, is that, plus.

111 Cannot do it! Now it's Seed time, or Bride time. The shucks are dead. The shucks are dried up. The virgin Word time, not touched. It's a virgin, remember, a virgin Word time. If you'd put It in the hands of a denomination, It sure won't be virgin; It'll be man-handled, time you get to It. But God's Church is not touched by denomination. Hallelujah! It's a virgin-born Word of God made manifest, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hallelujah! How, how wonderful! I love It. I believe It. I know that It's the Truth. It'll not be touched. There'll be no denominational man-handling in the virgin Birth of the Bride. No, sir! She is--she is commanded by God to come out of such. "Touch not their unclean things, become vultures."

112 Just reminds me. As I was coming from Phoenix the other day, coming to Tucson, from the meeting, the Spirit of God called my attention to something; as wife and I were going along, talking, and the children were asleep in the back of the car, getting late. Called my attention to a hawk, and I watched that hawk a little bit and studied him. He's a very type of the church today.

113Now, the hawk, as we all know, has lost his identification of his original creation. That's exactly right. Once he was similar to an eagle, his greater brother; a hawk was. But now he doesn't fly in the skies no more, to hunt his heavenly manna, but he has gotten soft. He don't fly in the skies anymore. He hops on the ground, like a vulture; sets upon a telephone post; hops along, hunting for dead rabbits. The hawk wasn't made to do that. No, he was made to be a similar to an eagle.

Now, that's just like the church. It was made similar to the eagle. It should take the place in the Heavenlies. But, instead of that, it's got soft. It don't fly into the unknown no more, into the blue. No, sir. It's depending on its modern ways, of adoption, of education, and theology, in some man-made denomination; looking for a bunch of dead rabbits, half rotten, that something else had. That's right. Hopping along on the ground now, you see, that's right, a hawk. See, that's what tells.

The eagle hasn't changed a bit. He stays a eagle.

114 He doesn't soar into the skies, a hawk doesn't, any more, to catch his fresh manna up there, but he depends on what he can find already dead. A hawk don't hardly... say he's supposed to get on the ground. But watch an old hawk today. Go down along the road, you see the telephone wires setting full of hawks, see if he can find something--something is killed, some rotten something. He's got so he hasn't got wings enough to fly. He's... The first thing you know, he'll be on the ground, altogether, grounded because he's got soft. He don't use his strength, no more, that God give him.

115His special identification was to sail into the skies and watch down from below, but now he gets down below and can't even look up. He's got his mind on dead rabbits, to find out what he can find on the road; some skunk, opossum, or something somebody has run over. He's not an eagle, but he's something like it.

Just like the church depending on its food for education and so forth, a dead diet that died years ago, through Luther, and Wesley, and the Pentecostals, and gone on, he ate. It's looking back for some man-made creed; instead of flying up into the Heavenlies of the Word, where, "All things are possible to them that believe."

116 He's took up the habits of the buzzard. Them dead things was left for the vultures, the world. Educations and so forth like that, was left for the world, not for the Church. He is so soft he don't... It ain't rugged no more. He can't get up into the rugged Heavenlies, where, "All things are possible to them that believe."

He sets back, and say, "Well, Doctor So-and-so said certain... My denomination don't believe It that way." Oh, you perverted hawk, afraid to break out upon the promises of God!

You say, "Well, the days of miracles is passed."

117You are soft. You are scared to take your wings and fly yonder. And have you come too soft for a prayer meeting? Have you come to a place that you're scared to stay over ten minutes at the altar?

118 Hop along like a vulture, eating dead a carrion on the ground! Yes, sir. He is too soft to take the rugged beyonds, anymore. Hops like a vulture, and eats vultures' food. That's what it is. That's right. Until, he's begin to look like a vulture. He acts like a vulture. He ain't no more a hawk than nothing. He is more like a vulture than he is a hawk. A hawk is supposed to sail; not set on a telephone pole and watch for a dead rabbit, and then get down there and pop up-and-down the road like a vulture. See?

119That's just about the way the church has today. "What's the use of going up There and sailing around, when I can get rabbits here?" But they are dead. They are rotten. They are contaminated. One time, they were good; so was the doctrine of the Lutheran, Wesley, and the Pentecostals. Why you eat like a vulture? There was new manna fell every night, out of the heavenlies, for the children of Israel as they journeyed; anything left over was contaminated. We used to say, in the country, "got wiggle-tails in it." There is too many of them wiggle-tails in our experiences today, our religions depending on what somebody else said, what somebody else said, and, "The promise is for some other age."

120 A man come to me not long ago, a Baptist preacher, up there in my house, and said, "You know," said, "I--I just want to correct you on something."

I said, "What?"

Said, "You are trying to teach an apostolic Doctrine over in this age." Said, "The apostolic age ceased."

121I said "When?" See? "I'll tell you when it begin, and you tell me when it ceased." I said, "Do you believe the Word?"

He said, "I do."

122I said "All right. Now, on the Day of Pentecost, do you believe that's when the apostolic age started?"

He said, "I do."

123I said, "Then, the speaker, Apostle Peter, said these words."

And remember, Jesus said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life," that's a preacher or somebody that's got their name on the Book.

I said, "Peter said, 'Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.' When did it go out then? It's always been in."

It's a bunch of hawks that's turned out to be buzzards, and hopping around on some other dead carcass, some other age killed for them. Right. Not fresh manna from the Heavens, anymore. They don't want It. They ain't... They can't have a prayer meeting. Not eagles, to begin with; soft, not rugged; just hops around.

124 So is our modern denomination, depended on education to some man-made theology, to explain all these Things away, and they accept that. They won't take the Word that said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." They won't take Malachi 4. And he won't take all these other promises pertaining to this day, and said how the church age. How the prophet said, "It shall be Light in the evening time," they don't take This. They want to hop around on what some Pentecostal organization killed, a hundred years ago, eating on half rotten manna. That's right. It's no good.

125 Notice, church is so carnal, feeds itself on worldly a carrion, dead things of the world, just like the vulture does. Church politics, they don't let the Holy Ghost send a man to a church; they have to have a politics and see if the denomination is going to receive him or not. That's right. They're like the world. They dress like the world. They look like the world. They act like the world. They're vultures, like the world. They are lazy, soft, compromisers. That's all there is to it.

Did you ever see an eagle compromise? No, sir. There is no compromising in him. Neither does a genuine Christian. He ain't soft. He'll hunt till he finds It. Amen. Yes, sir. He'll find his Meat. He wants fresh Manna. He'll get down there and dig till he finds It. He'll fly higher and higher. If there's none in this valley, he'll raise a little higher. The higher you go, the more you can see. So it's time for eagles of this day to get to flying higher, dig into God's promises, not live on vulture food that's been killed years ago; get out of it.

126 Politics, voting in and voting out, saying this, that, or the other, and the Holy Spirit has no more right-of-way in the church than nothing. No more prayer meetings, no more agonizing with God to fulfill His Word! No more believing that the Word is still the same yesterday, today, and forever! They just vulturize down, got a denomination, put their name on the book; and got lazy and soft, and sets back there gloating on some kind of a dead a carrion. And, then, supposed to be at least a hawk that's a similar brother to the eagle, the prophet that brought the true Word and manifested It.

127Relies on half-rotten, man-made theology. Where does he get it at? In some man-made Sunday school program sheet, some educator killed for him back in some seminary, tell him that, "The days of miracles is passed. There was no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost. All This is nonsense." You mean to tell me that an eagle would eat that? He couldn't do it. No, sir.

128Neither will a Christian eat on that dead a carrions from old denominational doctrines and things. They want the Word of God, fresh, the promise of the hour. God promised rabbits in the days of Luther. He promised other things in the days of others. But now He promised us a full square Meal, the full seven course Menu, for all the Seven Seals are opened, and everything is ready for the Word of God, to those who can receive!...?...

129 Hawks hopping like buzzards. Oh, my! Think of it, how critical, why--why the hour is. Just as the hawk has long lost his identification as a hawk, so has the church long lost her identification as a lesser (bird) brother of the eagle, God's prophets.

Once the carrier of a true word, justification; then it become a carrier of sanctification; then it become a carrier of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, restoration of the gifts. But then when He goes on and keeps going back, try to eat something, manna from another day, it's rotten. It's no good.

A genuine eagle of this day knows that was alright. But we got that, plus, until Jesus Christ is made manifest in the fulness of His power, as He promised to be in this last day.

130 She is now a dry shuck. It's passed; The Spirit of God passed through her, is true. And will not, she will not be heir with the a vindicated Seed Word. She sure will not be. She'll not be in the Rapture. She'll be a church member, may come up in the second resurrection, be judged according to what she's heard.

If you're here tonight, and just a church member, what's your judgment going to be, when we all have to stand there and witness you heard the Truth? See?

She no more flies into the blue, into the unknown, unto the supernatural, where the Powers and heights, and the promises of God's Eternal Word is made possible, "all things to them that believe." She won't believe That, she said. She falls right back on the telephone wire, and said, "My denomination says the rabbits is all right." Though they got maggots in them, but, yet, "They're all right," see. She depends on that.

131Pentecost is like her denominational vulture sister, setting now in large "counsel seats of the ungodly," certainly, listening to her worldly, politic heads feeding her on vulture food of dead rabbits, of something that passed by, fifty years ago. That's the condition of the Pentecostal church. Oh, my!

132 Just as Sarah tried to bring the promise of the supernatural by--by a hand-picked Hagar, so has the church, trying to bring a revival. Our great evangelists across the countries today, "A revival in our time! A revival in our time! All you Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals, all get together." How can you have a revival of fresh Manna on an old, dead, vultured...?... How can you have it, revival in our time?

The revival will be so small they'll never know it ever happened.

133Pentecostals said, "Oh, there is going to be a great thing happen."

It's happening, and they don't know it. See, that's it. See? Yes, sir. "For where the Carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered," just as sure as the world. See? That's what It said. What is the Carcass? The Word. He is the Word, the Carcass, Christ! "Christ in you," the same yesterday, today, and forever. How true It is!

134 Sarah, trying to get the promises all fulfilled, you see, in a great... like the church today, "a great revival in our time," (by what?) by a perverted promise. How you going to do it, when God never did bless a organization?

He never did use an organization. When a message went forth, and they organized, it died right there. I challenge any historian to show me where it ever raised again. It died right there and stayed right there. God just moved right on out of that carrier, into another one; right on out of the Lutheran, into the Methodist; right on out of the Methodist, into the Pentecostals; now He's moved right out of the Pentecostals, into the Seed.

135Because, it has to be the Seed. You can't beat nature. There is no, nothing else there for it to happen but the Seed, so the Seed will produce Itself. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever; the same Pillar of Fire, showing the same signs, the same Power, the same God, the same miracles, the same thing, vindicated the Word and the Bible, just exactly. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's leading, tonight. God help us to see It and believe It! Sure!

136 See, Sarah, the church, hand-picked Hagar. It didn't work. Did it? No. Her hand-picked group won't work today, either. Doctors, and Ph.D.'s, and L.L.D.'s, don't do it. All the carriers fail.

Luther failed, as Hagar did. What did Hagar do? Hagar gave her son to another woman's bosom (that right?), to raise her child. Hagar did that; gave her son, her only son, to another woman's bosom (not his mother), to raise it. That's the same thing Luther did when he gave his son, justification, over to a denomination to fool with, that's exactly, to raise him up.

137 Wesley failed the same way as Sarah did, doubting the supernatural Birth being the baptism of the Holy Ghost, as Sarah did at the oak tree. When Wesley was introduced to the supernatural, when the Pentecostal age come on and Wesley was introduced to speaking in tongues and all This, they laughed and made fun of It. All you church of Christ, and you, so-called, and you Baptists, and Presbyterians, every one of you, turned your nose up, on It, and went away from It. Right. What'd you do, Wesley? You sold your child to an organization, and it died and perished. That's exactly right.

138But, the Word, the true Word went right on. It didn't stay in that organization. It moved right on into pentecost, and took some more with it. It was a more matured Son, like the Seed that fell into the womb; and, after a while, It started in the backbone, then to have lungs, and had head and feet.

And, after a while, It come to a place that It was born. That's right. So, that's how the Church has matured, the same way.

139 Wesley doubted just exactly like Sarah did at the tree. She said... When the Angel of the Lord, a man, dressed like a... Or, a Angel, God, it was, Himself. Elohim, dressed like a man, stood there with dust on His clothes, and said that He had give the promise; after Sarah was ninety years old, and Abraham a hundred.

And Sarah laughed up her sleeve, and said, "How could this be, when Abraham and I haven't had, well, we haven't been as young people, family relationship, maybe for twenty years." She was nearly a hundred years old. Said, "Me, have pleasure with my lord, me old, and him old, too? And his stream of life is dead, and my womb is dried up. My breast is gone; the milk veins are gone. How could I have it?"

140God said, "I've promised it. He is coming, anyhow!"

141So did Wesley. "How can we accept them speaking in tongues, and Divine healing, and stuff. It's not for us in this day."

142 God said, "I promised, 'In the last days I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.'" He promised to do it, and He went on and done it, anyhow. And the Wesleyan church, with all of its little pollen sisters, of Baptists, Presbyterians, and church of Christ, and Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness, and United Brethren, and what 'fore, died right with it. And the Church moved on.

Now what did Pentecost do? Organizes, just like the shuck. It done the same thing. It organized itself together, set itself in as a shuck. That's right.

143 Pentecost was as Mary. []... pentecostal feast, look what Mary did. What did Mary do wrong? At a pentecostal feast, one time, she was faced with a bunch of dignitaries, priests. When, her Son, she couldn't find Him anywhere. And she went back, three-days journey.

She had left Him. Like the modern church today, about three times five, or twenty-five, has the church left, about fifty years ago, or seventy-five.

144Left Him at the pentecostal feast. Mary went back up with Joseph, three days, looking for Him. She had been looking for Him; couldn't find Him.

She found Him. What did she find? She found Him in the temple, discussing the Word of God with the priests. And right in the front of those priests, those dignified, Mary let the curtain drop. She did exactly the thing she should not have done.

Call her, "God; the mother of God"? A mother ought to have more wisdom than her son.

And she said, "Your father and I have sought You with tears, for day and night." Huh! "Your father and I," claiming that the birth wasn't supernatural, that Joseph was the father of Jesus. She denied the supernatural birth.

Pentecost took speaking in tongues. They denied the Birth of the Word. That's exactly what it did. It'll take so much of It, but won't take the rest of It. It denied the Birth of the Word, just like Mary did. But, watch, there will not be any more organizations after This.

145 Watch the Word Itself, yet, twelve years old, just a little bitty thing back in the shuck, He said, "Don't you know I must be about My Father's business?" The Word corrected the church, right there.

146"What are you doing all these things for? You know you can't do this. We'll close up our doors; we won't let you come in."

147"For know ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" See? Sure, sure, the true supernatural!

148Charmed, she just claimed Him to be Joseph's son, a mere man. Or, what Pentecost did, just claimed Him to be "one of three." Whew! I know that hurt, "one of three." But He was all three, in One. But the Pentecostal, "Oh, yes, He is the Son of the Father, of the Holy Ghost, then..." Oh, my!

But the real, true Word speaks right out, and said, "They are not three of them. There is one of them." [] Amen. You know not the Word of God? Make it not three of them; but One.

149 Notice, there will be no more carrier, mother churches, denominations, after this carrier shuck.

150Because, after the shuck, there is no more, nothing left by then but just the Grain. Is that right? It's got to be the Grain. It's got to be the same kind that went into the ground, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, a Spirit come upon the Bride to do the same things that He did. See? It's the reproducing again of the Grain.

151The Word, yet young, spake for Itself, "And know not that I must be about My Father's business?" Huh!

152There is the secret of the Message now, just exactly, "the Father's business." What is the Father's business?

Could you think of what the Father's business was, in Him? To fulfill what Isaiah said, "A virgin shall conceive." Fulfill what Isaiah, said again, "The lame shall leap like a hart," and all these thing would take place. Like Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet, among you, liken unto me." It was the Father's business, to fulfill that Word.

Well, if that come down through them stalks, of them natural women; what about these stalks of these spiritual, church women? Churches means women, women means "churches," rather. Is that right?

Then what is it now? "We must be about the Father's business," the Wheat would cry back, the Grain. Yes, sir. What must it do? Vindicate Malachi 4, vindicate Luke 17:30, vindicate Hebrews 13:8, vindicate Saint John 14:12, vindicate all of His Word. Vindicate Hebrews, I mean... Revelations, the 10th chapter, of the opening of the Seven Seals, and the mysteries of God; even to serpent's seed, and all, would be manifested; marriage and divorce and all these other mysteries that's been hid under the pillars for all these years, from the theologians and so forth, but it's now the hour. That's the Father's business.

Think they would receive It? They want to be dignified, and say, "Our denomination don't teach us That." But the Bible does. That's right.

153 God vindicates It to be true. Sure, It is fulfilling this age, when the Seven Seals. Or, just proving the denominations has just been carriers, that's another one of Father's business, to prove. And the Father's business now is to show you that them denominations is not His. They're a man-made systems that deny the Word. Right. Notice.

You say, "Well, Mary, the vir-... great virgin!"

154At the cross, He never called her, "mother." He called her, "woman," carrier, not mother. See? True, she was a carrier of the Word, but she was not the Word. He was the Word. Oh, yes.

155Notice, also, she was not identified in the resurrection with Him. He died and rose again, 'cause He was the Word. She was just a carrier. She died, and still in the grave. That's right. So, she was just a carrier, not His mother, not God. She was just a carrier like the churches are. That's right. Shows she was just a carrier, not the Word.

156 Let's close by saying this. Oh, Pentecostal hawks, hopping around like vultures, partaking of the world just like the rest of them does, "having a form of godliness, enough to deceive the very Elected if possible, but denying the Power thereof," as says the prophet here. A perfect example of what God's Word said it would be in the last days, a Laodicea church age, "naked, blind, miserable, poor, wretched, and don't know it; claiming that she is big and wealthy, 'has need of nothing.'" And don't know that she's changed from a hawk, a similar brother to a prophet, to keep the Word of God straight; she's turned to a vulture, and feeding her people on dead ecclesiastical rabbits. Exactly right. Wake up! My, how do you expect to be identified, or heirs with the eagles, when such things as that in this great hour when the Rapture is at hand.

157 Oh, Christian, oh, believer, if you've been a partial believer, keep on attending the meetings for just a little while (will you?), we got something here that I believe the Lord wants you to know.

It's late; I can't go any farther. I got to close, and maybe finish tomorrow night. But, look, let us bow our heads just a moment.

158I don't want you to notice what grammar I use, but I want you to take heed just a minute to what I said. It's plain enough you could understand it, I'm sure, if you desire to. If you are here tonight, and you're without this experience...

I don't say... You say, "I've danced in the Spirit, jumped all around." Yeah, hawks do the same thing, just like the crows and the vultures. I'm not asking that.

What are you eating on? Where you getting your daily diet? Where are you feeding, from the Word of God or some old a carrion that's been used back yonder, years and years ago? Is your experience, even tonight, with something you've picked up many years ago; or is it fresh and new tonight, new Manna that's just fell from Heaven, and you're feeding your soul on It, looking tomorrow for something good and better? If you're not that way, now with your heads bowed and your eyes closed, and your hearts bowed, ask yourself this sincere question. And not to me, but to God, would you raise your hand in a testimony, of saying this, "God, condition my soul and my spirit, that I can feed only on the Word of God." Would you just raise your hand, say... God bless you. God bless you.

159I don't know just exactly how many is in here, there is, tonight. I'm a very poor judge of crowd, but I'd say at least a third, or more, raised their hands, that they want conditioned souls. Let us remember in prayer now as we bow our heads.

160 Dear God, I'm only responsible for saying the Word. And by these little simple parables, little types, the people sees that one is not going to be heir with the other. And we know that in the last days there is going to be people that's going to be raptured up into the Heavens, and some of them will be here when Jesus comes. And we're looking for Him to come even tonight.

161And I'm thinking of thirty, about thirty or thirty-three years ago, knelt here maybe this time of night, along nine-thirty or ten o'clock, praying for a father that was lost. Tonight, Lord, I'm praying for many fathers, many mothers, and brothers and sisters. Won't You have mercy, dear God? It's too late now for my father to do anything about it; he's passed beyond the boundaries of this life. And soon, Lord, we're all going to pass that way. I, too, must go that way. Every man and woman, boy or girl, in here, has to go that way. And we will be accountable for what we do with the Word of God.

162 How little did that man seem, in the sight of David, when he was spitting upon him! How little will those people think, that spit upon Jesus the Word, when He returns again, and those that pierced Him. How little will the people feel who could walk away from here and see even a... even not only in some great Greek words, and so forth, but in plain nature that teaches us God the Creator; can see the carriers of the Word, and see the Word Itself, and know the hour we're living, and harvest time is here.

163Dear God, let us not turn our back upon It, for some folly of the world, but let us tonight receive Him with all of our heart. Lord, create in me a good spirit, the Spirit of Life, that I might believe all Thy Words, and accept Jesus the Word, the same yesterday, today, and forever, and believe today on the portion that's lotted to this age. Grant it, Lord. I ask it in Jesus' Name.

164 And now I'm going to ask each one of you, as you're here and thinking of this, real sincerely. We don't have a church for you to join. We have a pool down there to be baptized in, "As many as believed was baptized," if you've never been baptized yet by Christian baptism. That don't mean sprinkling, pouring; that means by immersing. Not in a title of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, but in the Name of "Jesus Christ," like the entire church was baptized, until the Catholic church in 303 introduced three gods and three forms of baptism, in a trinity titles. If you haven't had that yet, tomorrow morning at ten o'clock there is robes and things waiting for you down there.

165Won't you come and join with Jesus Christ, not with us. We don't have a church even here to take care of you. Go to any church you want to, wherever you come from, but, please, believe this Word. Do you believe it? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] God bless you. May you do...

166If there's anything we can help you, we're here to do it.

167 Now, I know there is sick here. Our time has got away from us, tonight, for a prayer line. Maybe we'll get it, though. I want each one of you do something for me. You're setting close to somebody; lay your hands over on that person.

And no doubt you're putting your hand upon an eagle, maybe an eagle that has been eating some vulture food somewhere; gotten sick of it. They don't want it no more. They want to come out of it. They're sick and tired of it. Set here tonight and see what eagles really can eat, the Word, and have a living Christ living among them, showing Himself alive, the same yesterday, today, and forever. They don't want to be heirs with the shucks; they're to be burned. All the straws and things is to be burned. The combine is coming to beat the Wheat out. You want to be Wheat.

168There is some of them that's sick, some of them physically sick. I want you to pray, eagle. Pray for your brother, sister eagle there, as I pray for you here. May the Spirit of God come upon you.

169Remember, I'm giving you the Food of the eagle, the promise of God. He calls His prophets, "eagles." He calls Himself "a Eagle," He is Jehovah Eagle. And while you have your hands laid upon one another, pray for them.

170 Our Heavenly Father, Your Word said, the last commission You give to Your Church, was, "Go into all the world, and preach the Gospel," the general orders, "he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned. These signs shall follow them that believe; in My Name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; if they should drink any deadly thing, it wouldn't hurt them; if they take up serpents, they'll not harm them; and if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."

O Jehovah Eagle, feed Your little ones tonight upon that Word, Lord. They're needy. That's the diet they need. That's what they need, to know what the Food is, what THUS SAITH THE LORD is.

171You promised, if they laid their hands on one another, that they would recover. O Lord God, take all doubts and vulture ideas away from us now. And we feed solemnly upon the Eagle Food, of the Word of God.

172Let every unclean spirit that's in these people, every spirit of doubting, every spirit of fear, every denominational cling, every habit, every sickness, every disease that's among the people, leave. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may it come out of this group of people. And may they be free from this hour on, that they can eat the Eagle Food that we're believing You'll send us through the week, Lord, breaking open those Seals and showing us those mysteries that's been hid since the foundation of the world, as You've promised. They are yours, Father. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

173 All that believe and accept, stand to your feet, say, "I believe. I accept. That what God promised me, I receive." [Congregation rises with a voice of acceptance--Ed.]

The Lord bless you. That's wonderful. Every person standing! That's good.

A chord, I Love Him. Let's sing this hymn to Him then, "I love Him, I love Him because He first loved me." All together now.

I love Him, (if you do, let's raise our hands) I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

174Oh, isn't He wonderful? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Let's shake hands with one another. Brother, eagle, just turn around, sister, shake hands, as we sing it.

I love Him,...

Brother, eagle! Brother, eagle! Brother, eagle, ministering the Word! Charlie, how are you? God bless you, brother. Glad to see you! God bless you, brother. God bless you, brother, eagle. God bless you.

On Calvary's tree.

Let's raise our hands again to Him.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved... (and He made you an eagle)

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

175 How will you know, how will the world know that you love Jesus? When we love one another. That's how the world... See, God sees your faith; the world sees your action. Love one another now. Be kind to one another. Talk with one another. Be patient with one another.

And any further instructions we can give, baptism, seeking the Holy Ghost... We don't have any rooms here to do that in, you understand. The altar call, if God has convinced you that This is right, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and you want to join with Him, go and be baptized in His Name, tomorrow. There'll be man there to instruct you. Anything that we can do to help you, we'll do it.

I love Him, I love Him

You on the telephones now, Tucson, over in California, way up in the East, raise your hands, way out in the...?... Praise Him!

Purchased my salvation

Who is going to dismiss? [Brother Branham speaks to someone on the platform--Ed.] Now, until tomorrow night, I give you Brother Neville, our pastor.