Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo



Všimnite si, tam to visí, ako pravda, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý tam vtedy viedol Izrael po púšti. My to znovu dnes vidíme - tú istú Prítomnosť, ktorá sa ukázala pri vyjdení z Egypta! Kto to je? Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo. Poznáte to posolstvo, ktoré On povedal. Pozrite sa na to videnie ohľadne Tucsonu, z pred troch rokov, keď som stál tu na ulici. Keď, päť rokov pred tým, On povedal: "V ten deň, keď mestská správa bude zatĺkať kolíky pred tou bránou, vydaj sa na západ." Ľudia z môjho zboru, ktorí sú tu, vedia od vtedy o tom. Je to tak.

A v ten deň, keď pán Gyones a oni, boli tam hore, a zatĺkali tie kolíky, povedal som žene: "Na tom niečo je."

 Ona povedala: "Čo to znamená?"

 A ja som išiel a pozrel som sa do svojho malého záznamníku. Tam to bolo.

A na druhý deň ráno, o desiatej, keď som tam sedel, tam vo svojej izbe, okolo desiatej, prišiel dole anjel Pánov. On povedal: "Choď do Tucsonu. Budeš v severovýchodnej časti Tucsonu a tam príde skupina siedmych anjelov, a to zatrasie celou zemou okolo teba." A povedal. "Z tade ti bude povedané."

Koľkí si pamätáte, keď som to tu hovoril, dlho predtým ako sa to stalo? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Sú ľudia, ktorí sedia dnes večer rovno tu v tejto sále, ktorí tam stáli práve, keď sa to stalo.

A bolo povedané: "Sedem Pečatí, v ktorých sú skryté tajomstvá celej Biblii budú otvorené, a vyplní sa Zjavenie 10, že vo dňoch siedmeho anjelského posolstva sa stanú tieto veci." Dnes sa toto Písmo vyplnilo pred našimi očami. Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo.

1Zostaňte len stáť, ak môžete, kým skloníme svoje hlavy do modlitby.

2Drahý Nebeský Otče, sme vďační dnes večer za túto ďalšiu príležitosť, že môžeme prísť a kázať toto slávne, úžasné evanjelium Ježiša Krista. Ďakujeme Ti, že On zostáva stále ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ďakujeme Ti za týchto ľudí, ktorí sa tu zhromaždili v tomto chladnom počasí a stále vo veľkom očakávaní, hľadia, veria, že niečo mimoriadne nám bude dané od Boha. Prichádzame s tou nádejou, Pane, na každé zhromaždenie. Ďakujeme Ti za tie zhromaždenia predposledný večer tu v modlitebni. Ďakujeme Ti za zhromaždenie tu minulý večer a za zhromaždenie dnes, tu v modlitebni. Očakávame teraz na to, čo budeš mať dnes večer pre nás.

3Otče, vieme, že každý, kto dokáže hýbať rukami môže prevracať strany v Biblii, ale je len Jeden, kto to môže oživiť a urobiť skutočným, a to si Ty. Otče, očakávame na Teba, aby si to urobil dnes večer. Požehnaj nás vo všetkom. Naše srdcia sú tak plné radosti, keď vidíme približovať sa čas, keď Ho stretneme tvárou v tvár - Toho, ktorého sme milovali a pre ktorého sme žili po všetky tieto roky.

4Obrátilo sa veľa nových ľudí, Pane. Dozvedáme sa, že veľký zástup, štyridsať alebo päťdesiat ľudí, má byť dnes ráno pokrstených v Tvoje Meno, zo včerajšieho večerného zhromaždenia. Ó Bože, prosíme pokračuj, modlíme sa, až kým každé predurčené Semeno Božie neuvidí Svetlo evanjelia a nepríde do stáda.

5Prosíme Ťa aby si nás skryl dnes večer za Slovo; oslep nás na veci tohoto sveta a daj nám vidieť Ježiša. Nech sa odohrá dnes večer medzi nami prežitie z Vrchu Premenenia, aby sme nevideli žiadneho človeka okrem samého Ježiša. Prosíme o to v Jeho Mene a na Jeho chválu, a na potvrdenie Jeho evanjelia. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

6Otočím len tento mikrofón, alebo tento stôl, len trochu nabok, ak to nevadí, tak aby som mohol vidieť obidve strany obecenstva. Môžem hádam dať tieto mikrofóny tu okolo doprava. Dobre, chvíľočku.

7Pozdravujeme dnes večer tu z tohoto hlavného auditória našich priateľov v Arizone, Kalifornii, Texase a po celých Spojených štátoch, ktorý sú spojení cez telefón. Toto, táto služba dnes večer, ide po celom národe pomocou telefónu. Tak dúfame, že Boh nás bude žehnať.

8Počujete, tam vzadu v auditóriu na ľavej strane? Dobre, oni teraz skontrolujú ten telefónny systém, aby zistili či to správne funguje.

9Či ste všetci dnes večer šťastní? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] No, to je dobre. Na tejto strane? ["Amen."] Amen. Som tak rád, keď vidím, že všetci pohodlne sedíte.

10A tak, zajtra večer, ak ten zástup bude stále narastať oni budú tiež pripojení cez telefón. Ako sú dnes večer; myslím, že niektorí sú tam dole v modlitebni.

11A zajtra ráno nemôžeme mať zhromaždenie v modlitebni, pretože tam bude kvetinár ozdobovať sálu na svadbu, ktorá bude zajtra popoludní. A oni premiestnili tie raňajšie zhromaždenia, hore do zboru brata Rudela, jedného z našich priateľov, tu hore pri diaľnici 62. Bolo to už oznámené? Bolo to oznámené. Keby sa tam nespratali, zoberieme ten zbytok a pošleme ich ku ďalšiemu kazateľovi, ku bratovi Juniorovi Jacksonovi dole do Clarksville. U brata Ruddela to máme preto, lebo je to tu blízko a môžeme - a myslíme že to ľahšie nájdete. A potom nejako sa o to postaráme. A nezabudnite týchto všetkých zajtra pokrstiť, a dúfam že bude pridaných ku ním zajtra na krst ďalších sto alebo dvesto.

12A tak, zajtra večer ... nerád oznamujem niečo dopredu čo budem hovoriť, ale jeden večer na zhromaždení, či jeden deň, chcem hovoriť na tému "Kto je tento Melchisedech?" Pretože to je téma, o ktorej si myslím, že žijeme v tom čase, keď tieto zjavenia ... čo bolo nejasné po celý čas "Kto je táto Osoba?" A verím, že Boh má odpoveď, kto On je. Niekto povedal "kňazstvo"; niekto povedal "kráľ"; niekto ... Ale musí byť ...

13Ak je otázka, musí existovať odpoveď na tú otázku, ktorá je správna. Nemôže povstať otázka, ak by prv neexistovala odpoveď.

14No, dúfame, že Boh nám dá dnes večer požehnanie zo Svojho Slova ako ho budeme čítať.

15A mali ste ... Billy mi povedal, aby som vám povedal, že ste naozaj dobre vychádzali tu s ľuďmi, ktorí riadia premávku pri parkovaní, s políciou, a so všetkým. Pokračujte v tom, je to veľmi, veľmi dobre.

16Dúfame, že sa dočkáme času, možno v blízkej budúcnosti, keď možno budeme môcť sem do mesta priniesť stan a rozložiť ho tu vonku v parku, kde by sme mohli zostať na nejaký dlhší čas, možno tri alebo štyri týždňová evanjelizácia, nepretržite. A tu, sotva sa zoznámime jeden s druhým, a potom sa musíme rozlúčiť a znovu odchádzame. Ale rád by som prišiel a zostal na dlhší pobyt, kde budete môcť zostať, a tak nebudeme musieť končiť po jednom alebo dvoch večeroch, ale zostať proste a učiť deň a noc, deň a noc a tak ďalej. Možno niekto pôjde domov a nachová kurence, podojí kravy a príde naspäť na ďalší týždeň a bude pokračovať na zhromaždeniach. To sa mi páči. Tak, Pán nech je s vami.

17No, prv ako odídem, možno v nedeľu ráno alebo v nedeľu večer, či kedy, na jednom z týchto zhromaždení, viem, že všetci čakáte, aby ste počuli posolstvo, pravdu ohľadne manželstva a rozvodu, čo je dnes jedným z najväčších problémov. A ja som ... S takou istotu ako tu stojím, verím, že správna odpoveď je v Slove Božom, a verím, že to je to ... čo som sľúbil, že kvôli tomu prídem naspäť.

18No predpokladám, vedome, pokiaľ viem, chcem mať ďalšie zhromaždenie tu v Jeffersonville na veľkonočnú nedeľu, a budeme ... zhromaždenie o východe slnka a potom veľkonočná nedeľa. Tak oznámime to dopredu a budeme sa snažiť, a možno dostaneme toto auditórium, ak to bude možné, alebo to bude inde. Prídem na nedeľu - možno na sobotu a nedeľu. Musím priletieť a odletieť, pretože je blízko čas ... Musím to prv skontrolovať s letovým poriadkom, ktorý mám a s jednou mojou cestou do Kalifornii. A potom, hneď potom, musím ísť do Afriky. Tak pamätajte na to a modlite sa za nás.

19 No, dnes večer chcem obrátiť vašu pozornosť na časť Božieho Slova, ktoré nájdeme v 4. kapitole sv. Lukáša. Začne to v 4. kapitole od 16. verša. Ježiš hovorí:

Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Slovo vo vašich ušiach.

20No, chceme z toho vyvodiť záver, aké dynamické je Slovo Božie. No, my všetci dokážeme pochopiť tú mechaniku, ale aby To fungovalo treba na to dynamika.

21Dokážeme pochopiť aká je mechanika motoru, auta, ale potom to potrebuje dynamiku, aby spustila tie kolesá do chodu a pohlo sa.

22No, Ježiš sa vrátil do Nazareta, kde bol vychovaný. Ďalej tu v Písme nachádzame, že oni povedali: "Počuli sme, že si urobil to a to tam v Kafarnaume. Nech Ťa to teraz vidíme robiť tu v tvojej otčine."

23Ježiš povedal: "Prorok nie je vzácny vo svojej otčine." A samozrejme, to je tam kde ste vyrastali a ľudia vás poznajú. A On predovšetkým tam mal zlé meno, lebo sa narodil nemajúc zemského otca. Oni Ho nazývali nemanželským dieťaťom - lebo Mária bola v podstate tehotná prv ako sa vydala, oficiálne za Jozefa. Ale to nie je tak; my vieme, že to tak nie je.

24A toto Písmo, čo spôsobilo že moje oči padli na toto, bolo niečo čo sa stalo práve nedávno vo Phoenixe, v Arizone. Bol to posledný deň zhromaždenia, kde som mal hovoriť na medzinárodnej konferencii Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia.

25A na tejto konferencii bol s nami hosť, a to bol katolícky biskup, ktorý je z Apoštolskej Katolíckej Cirkvi Chaldejského Rituálu; najctihodnejší John S. Stanley, O.S.D. On je arcibiskup metropolitánie Spojených štátov katolíckej cirkvi. Tu mám jeho kartu s tým, a s jeho adresou.

26A on bol ako hosť u Kresťanských Obchodníkov, a ja som ho tam videl už deň predtým. A keď som hovoril, myslím že to bolo v sobotu večer, alebo sobotu ráno pri raňajkách, a ja ... Keď som hovoril, on ma stále pozoroval. Myslel som si: "Tento človek určite nesúhlasí s ničím čo hovorím." A viete, mohol som ho vidieť; kýval hore dole hlavou, ale ja som nevedel, čo sa vlastne v ňom deje.

27Tak v nedeľu popoludní, keď som vstal, aby som hovoril, chcel som vziať svoj text na tému: "Pôrodné bolesti", kde Ježiš povedal, že: "ako žena keď rodí," ona je v pôrodných bolestiach. A tak som z toho chcel hovoriť na tému Pôrodné bolesti. Hovoriť, že svet je teraz v pôrodných bolestiach. To staré musí pominúť, aby sa mohlo narodiť to nové; práve tak ako semeno musí zhniť, aby vydalo nový život.

28A ako tie bolesti, pôrodné bolesti, zasiahli svet. V prvej svetovej vojne ona mala strašné bolesti, pretože oni mali jedovatý plyn a iné veci, čo takmer mohlo zničiť svet. A v druhej svetovej vojne ju zasiahli ďalšie, ťažšie bolesti. Oni mali letecké bomby a tiež atómovú bombu. Ona nedokáže zniesť ďalšiu pôrodnú bolesť. S týmito raketami a všetkým možným dnes, ďalšia vojna ju vyhodí do vzduchu, pretože ona teraz porodí. A bude nová zem. Biblia povedala že bude.

29Počas každého prorockého posolstva mal Izrael pôrodnú bolesť, pretože títo proroci prišli na scénu po teológoch a klerikoch, ktorí dostali cirkev celkom do organizačnej formy. A keď títo proroci prišili na scénu majúc: "Tak hovorí Pán", oni zatriasli tými cirkvami, a ona dostala pôrodnú bolesť. Nakoniec, ona stále ďalej dostávala pôrodné bolesti, až porodila Syna evanjelia, ktorým bolo samo Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom.

30Tak cirkev je dnes znovu vážne v pôrodných bolestiach, aby porodila Syna - aby znovu prišiel Syn Boží. Všetci naši teológovia, všetky naše systémy, všetky naše denominácie v našom čase zhnili. Tak my sme v pôrodnej bolesti, a posolstvo od Boha stále vrhá cirkev do väčšej bolesti. Ale po krátkom čase ona porodí nevestu. To privedie na svet Ježiša Krista ku Jeho neveste.

31A vtedy, keď som si myslel, že tento muž tak veľmi so mnou nesúhlasí. Keď som vstal, aby som hovoril toto posolstvo, otvoril som svoju Bibliu, aby som našiel tú stranu.

32A moja žena mi práve na vianoce dala novú Bibliu. Moja stará Biblia mala kolo pätnásť rokov a bola skoro celá rozsypaná. Strany, zakaždým, keď som ju otvoril, vypadávali z nej, ale ja som vedel kde nájsť každé miesto Písma. Tak ja som si to čítal v tejto Biblii, a tú novú som len zobral, pretože tá druhá vyzerala tak zodratá, aby som s ňou išiel do zboru.

33A keď som začal listovať v ev. Jána, kde sa nachádzalo to miesto Písma, začal som čítať 16. kapitolu, a ten verš, ktorý som hľadal tam nebol! Tak som si pomyslel: "Zvláštne." Znovu som listoval; stále to tam nebolo.

34A brat Jack Moore zo Shreveportu, z Lousiany, môj dobrý priateľ, on tam sedel. Spýtal som sa: "Brat Jack, či to nie je v Jánovi 16?"

On povedal: "Je."

35A tento katolícky kňaz vstal zo svojho miesta, z pomedzi asi sto duchovných, ktorí sedeli na pódiu, vystúpil a prišiel blízko ku mne, vo všetkých svojich rúchach, a talároch, a s krížmi, a tak ďalej, a prišiel celkom blízko ku mne; on povedal: "Môj synu, stoj pevne. Boh ide niečo urobiť."

A ja som si pomyslel: "Toto mi hovorí katolícki biskup!"

On povedal: "Prečítaj to z mojej Knihy."

36A ja som prečítal to Písmo z jeho Knihy, a zobral som svoj text a pokračoval som; kázal som svoju kázeň.

37Potom, keď som skončil, on vstal, keď som ja odišiel, a povedal: "Musí sa stať jedna vec. Potom buď cirkev sa musí dostať zo zamiešania v ktorom je, alebo my sa musíme dostať zo zamiešania, v ktorom je cirkev." Tak jedno alebo druhé.

38A vracal som sa ten večer domov, naspäť do Tucsonu, a deti chceli niečo zjesť, a zastavil som, aby sme niečo zjedli v malom stánku. A moja žena povedala: "Bill, nikdy v živote som nebola taká nervózna, keď som ťa tam videla stáť listujúc v tej Biblii." Povedala: "Nebol si z toho nervózny?"

39Povedal som: "Nie!" Povedal som: "Vedel som, že to tam niekde je; nedali do nej tú stranu. To je chyba tlače."

40A ona povedala: "Keď si pomyslím, že ja som ti dala tú Bibliu! Zdalo sa mi akoby sa tam každé oko dívalo na mňa."

41A povedal som: "No, ty za to nemôžeš. To je chyba tlače v tej Biblii." Povedal som: "Oni proste do nej nedali tú stranu."

42No, sadol som si a znovu som sa na to pozrel. Vyzerala tak dokonale ako len mohla, ale tá 16. kapitola končila, jej časť, začínala na tejto strane asi tri palce od spodku, a na druhej strane tá 17. kapitola vychádzala tak isto; a to je nová Biblia, tie dve strany boli spolu zlepené, a ja som čítal zo 17. kapitoly namiesto zo 16. "No," povedal som: "To je všetko v poriadku. To má nejaký dôvod."

43A tak jasne ako môžete počuť nejaký hlas, prišiel ku mne Hlas a povedal: "On vošiel do Nazareta, kde bol vychovaný a vošiel do synagógy ako mal vo zvyku. A kňaz mu podal Písma aby prečítal, a On čítal Izaiáša 61. A keď prečítal to Písmo, sadol si, odovzdal naspäť kňazovi Bibliu, Knihu, a sadol si. A všetky oči v synagóge boli uprené na Neho. A ľúbezné slová vychádzali z Jeho úst a On povedal: 'Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo.'"

"Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo."

44Aké akurátne je to Písmo! Ak si všimnete toto, v Izaiášovi 61: 1-2, to je to z kade náš Pán čítal - z Izaiáša 61: 1-2. Ale v prostriedku 2. verša Izaiáša 61 sa On zastavil. Kde je povedané: "Duch Pánov je na Mne; aby som vyhlásil rok milosti." Potom sa On zastavil. Prečo? Tá ďalšia časť, priniesť súd, nesúvisela s Jeho prvým príchodom, ale s Jeho druhým príchodom. Vidíte, to s tým nesúviselo. Písma nikdy nerobia chybu. Oni sú stále dokonalé. Ježiš sa zastavil presne tam, kde sa Písmo zastavilo, pretože to bolo presne to čo sa malo potvrdiť v Jeho dni, pri tom prvom príchode. Pri tom druhom príchode, On na zem prinesie súd; ale nie vtedy. On mal vyhlásiť "rok milosti."

45Všimnite si, Mesiáš stojí na pódiu aby preukázal Svoju totožnosť so Slovom zasľúbeným na ten vek. Aké zvláštne, Mesiáš stojí pred cirkvou! A pozrite na tieto ľúbezné slová, keď On tu hovorí: "Vyhlásiť rok milosti."

46"Rok milosti", ako všetci vieme, ako čitatelia Biblii, bol Jubilejný rok. Keď všetci otroci a väzni, ako boli ... boli vzatí do vezenia; a museli dať syna aby zaplatili dlh, alebo dcéru aby zaplatili dlh, a oni boli v otroctve. Nezáležalo na tom ako dlho boli v otroctve, alebo ako dlho tam mali zostať, keď prišiel ten jubilejný rok, keď zaznela tá trúba, každý človek mohol ísť na slobodu ak chcel ísť na slobodu. On bol slobodný; už nebol viac otrokom.

47Ale ak ste chceli zostať otrokom, potom ste museli byť privedený do chrámu, postaviť sa v chráme ku stĺpu, a oni zobrali šidlo a urobili vám v uchu dieru. A potom ste museli slúžiť tomu otrokárovi do konca svojho života.

48Aký dokonalý príklad evanjelia Ježiša Krista. Keď je ono kázané, ten čas milosti a ten čas Jubilea, každý, nezáleží na tom kto ste, akú máte farbu, do akej denominácii patríte, ako hlboko ste klesli do hriechu, alebo akokoľvek je s vami zle, môžete ísť slobodní, keď počujete trúbiť Božiu trúbu evanjelia. Ste slobodní!

49Ale ak sa obrátite chrbtom ku tomu posolstvu a odmietate ho počúvať, všimnite si, bolo vám šidlom prepichnuté ucho. To znamená, že ste prekročili hranicu medzi milosťou a súdom a nikdy viac nebudete počuť evanjelium. Nikdy sa už z tade nedostanete; musíte byť otrokom toho systému v ktorom ste, až do konca svojho života, ak odmietnete počúvať milostivý rok.

50No, tá ďalšia časť toho, ako som povedal, nebolo treba aby bola zodpovedaná, pretože tento príchod Mesiáša, v tomto čase, je vtedy, keď On prinesie súd.

51No, ako mohli títo ľudia nevidieť kto On bol? Ako to mohli prehliadnuť? Ako sa to mohlo stať, keď to bolo tak jasne dané najavo a ukázané? Ako to oni mohli prehliadnuť? Keď On ...

52Čo za Slovo! Rozmýšľajte o tom! "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo pred vašimi očami!" Kto to povedal? Sám Boh, ktorý je vykladačom Svojho vlastného Slova. "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo." Mesiáš, On sám, stojí v prítomnosti zhromaždenia a číta slovo z Biblii vzťahuje ho na Seba, a potom hovorí: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo," a oni to stále nevidia.

53Čo za tragédia by to bola, ale to sa stalo. To sa stalo mnoho krát. Ako sa to mohlo stať? Samozrejme, tak ako sa to stalo inokedy, tým že sa verilo ľudským výkladom Slova. To je to, čo to zapríčinilo. Tí veriaci v tých dňoch, tak zvaní veriaci, prijímali taký výklad, aký im o Písme povedal kňaz. Preto Ježiš, keď nepatril do žiadnej z ich vrstiev, či spoločenstiev, On bol vylúčený z ich spoločnosti.

54A preto, oni sa s Ním nemohli stotožňovať, pretože On bol iný ako oni. Osoba Ježiša Krista bola taká unikátna, že nikto nemohol prehliadnuť, že to bol Syn Boží, pretože On bol dokonalou identifikáciou Písma, ktoré bolo napísané o Ňom!

55Takto je poznaný každý kresťan, keď sa jeho život identifikuje so všetkým čo má kresťan robiť.

56Ako sa On tam mohol postaviť a povedať: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo rovno pred vašimi očami!" Aké nápadné! Ako jasne, a predsa títo ľudia nerozumeli. Prečo? Preto že oni prijali výklad nejakej skupiny kňazov, ktorých počúvali.

57A história sa stále opakuje. A Písmo má viacnásobný význam a viacnásobné zjavenie!

58Napríklad, ako to stojí v Bibli že: "Z Egypta som povolal svojho syna" Vzťahuje sa to na Ježiša. Pozrite sa na odvolávku pri tom a zistíte, že to sa tiež vzťahuje na Jakoba - to isté Písmo. Ježiš bol Jeho väčší Syn. Jakob bol Jeho syn, ktorého On povolal z Egypta, na čo poukazujú Scoffieldove odvolávky i všetky iné odvolávky, pretože to je Písmo, ktoré na to poukazuje. Tak to malo dvojaké uplatnenie. Vzťahovalo sa to na vyvolanie Jakoba a na vyvolanie Ježiša.

59A tak je to dnes! Preto, že sme v takom zmätku v akom sme, a ľudia nie sú schopní vidieť Pravdu Božiu, pretože je príliš veľa ľudských výkladov Božieho Slova. Boh nepotrebuje nikoho, aby vykladal Jeho Slovo. On si ho sám vykladá.

60Boh povedal na začiatku: "Buď svetlo," a bolo svetlo. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad.

61On povedal: "Panna počne," a ona počala. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad.

62Boží výklad Jeho Slova je vtedy, keď ho On potvrdzuje a dokazuje, že je to tak! To je Jeho výklad, že sa to plní. To je Boží výklad, keď On robí, že Jeho Slovo sa plní. On ti ho vykladá.

63Ako keď nikdy nebolo svetlo a On povedal: "Buď svetlo," a bolo; to nepotrebovalo nikoho, aby to vyložil.

64Ale my miešame do toho ľudské systémy. A keď to robíte, vychyľujete to zo správneho smeru. Stále to tak bolo.

65Ale stále si myslím aké zarážajúce to muselo byť. Predstavte si to! Mesiáš! Prečo Ho oni nemohli vidieť? Pretože ich vlastní vodcovia, ktorí Ho mali poznať, ktorí mali byť zbehlí v Písmach, ktorí mali rozumieť Písma, oni znevažovali tohoto Muža a povedali: "On je nemanželské dieťa - v prvom rade."

66My by sme tomu neverili. Po rokoch, my tomu neveríme; dali by sme za to život, že On bol panensky narodený Syn!

67A stane sa jedného dňa, že tie isté veci, ktoré dnes vidíme robiť Jehovu, ľudia v tých vekoch, ktoré prídu, ak nejaké budú, dajú život za túto vec, o ktorej my dnes hovoríme! Budete to musieť urobiť, keď príde znamenie šelmy, a nebude vám dovolené takto kázať evanjelium. Keď sa dá dokopy tá veľká únia cirkví, čo prebieha práve teraz aby povstala svetová cirkev, budete musieť svoje svedectvo ohľadne tohoto spečatiť svojím vlastným životom.

68Musíte tomu veriť teraz. Keby mohli povstať tí kňazi, ktorí Ho odsúdili, neodsúdili by Ho. "Ale". Vy poviete: "Keby som ja bol tam, ja by som urobil tak a tak." Dobre, to nebol tvoj vek, ale toto je tvoj vek. Toto je ten čas.

Vy hovoríte: "No, keby On bol tu ..."

69Biblia hovorí, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky - ten istý. Tak On je tu. Ale On je tu ... Ako sa svet civilizoval a stával sa väčší a vzdelanejší; On je tu v Duchovnej forme, čo oni nemôžu zabiť, alebo odkázať na smrť. On zomrel raz; On nemôže znovu zomrieť. On sa musel stať telom, aby Boh bol daný na smrť, v tele, za hriech. Ale teraz On viacej nemôže zomrieť; To je Duch Svätý.

70No, predstavte si len, že oni mali proti Nemu tieto veci. Ďalšia vec, že On sa nepripojil do žiadnej z ich skupín. Potom vidíte, to robilo, že bol stále považovaný za zlého človeka. On nevstupoval do ich organizácií, nepripájal sa ku ich kňazstvu, a On s tým nemal nič dočinenia. A potom, pomimo toho všetkého sa snažil ešte porúcať to, čo oni postavili!

71On vošiel do chrámu. My Ho nazývame pokorným človekom; On bol, ale my mnohokrát nerozumieme, čo je to pokora.

72On bol človek súcitu, ale jednako my niekedy nerozumieme, čo je to súcit. Nie ľudská náklonnosť, to nie je súcit, ale súcit, to je činiť vôľu Božiu.

73On prešiel popri rybníku Bethezda, cez bránu. Tam ležali ľudia, veľké množstvo. Veľké množstvo to nie je určitý počet, ale tam ležalo veľké množstvo - chromí, slepí, kuľhaví, vyschlí. A On mal stále súcit s ľuďmi. A On išiel ku jednej osobe, ten nebol chromý, slepý, kuľhavý, ani vyschlý. Možno mal ťažkosti s prostatu; možno mal nejakú slabosť, ktorá mu robila ťažkosti. Mal to tridsať osem rokov. To ho príliš netrápilo, nezabilo by ho to. On ležal na matraci. A On povedal: "Chceš byť zdravý?"

74A ten človek povedal: "Nemám nikoho, kto by ma dopravil do vody, ale kým ja idem, už iný schádza predo mnou." Vidíte, on mohol chodiť; on mohol vidieť; on sa mohol pohybovať, ale on bol len slabý.

75A Ježiš mu povedal: "Vstaň! Vezmi svoje lôžko a choď domov!" A Ježiša sa kvôli tomuto pýtali, lebo pamätáte sa, Písmo povedalo že ...

76Nie divu. Keby On dnes večer prišiel do Jeffersonville a urobil takýto skutok, stále by o Ňom hovorili.

77Ale pamätajte, On prišiel robiť jedno - vôľu Otca. No to je v ev. Jána 5:19; tam máte odpoveď. On povedal: "Amen, amen vám hovorím, Syn nemôže robiť nič sám od seba, iba to čo vidí činiť svojho Otca, to robí Syn."

78No, oni mali vedieť, že to bolo práve to potvrdenie Mojžišovho proroctva: "Lebo Pán váš Boh vzbudí proroka ako mňa."

79Všimnite si, keď On videl toho človeka, On povedal ... Ježiš vedel, že on bol v takom stave mnoho rokov. Vidíte, že bol Prorok, On videl toho človeka v takom stave a išiel tam a pretlačil si cestu pomedzi tých ľudí, predieral sa cez ten dav, až našiel toho určitého človeka.

80Prešiel okolo chromých, kuľhavých, slepých, vyschlých, a predsa Človek plný súcitu, ale súcit, to je činiť vôľu Božiu.

81No, našli sme Ho, ako sa nechcel ku ním pripojiť, On nechcel mať nič dočinenia s ich skupinami, potom Ho všetci odstrčili. On nechcel mať žiadnu ...

82Popri tom, vošiel jedného dňa do chrámu. Ten Človek tam vošiel a našiel dom Boží asi tak znečistený, ako je dnes. Oni kupovali, predávali, menili peniaze, a On poprevracal stoly peňazomencom, zobral motúzy a uplietol bič a vyháňal peňazomencov von z chrámu. A hľadel na nich s hnevom a povedal: "Je napísané (Haleluja!), dom Môjho Otca je dom modlitby a vy ste z neho urobili peleš zlodejov! A vy ste so svojimi tradíciami zbavili prikázanie Božie moci."

83Och, či by takíto ľudia mohli niekedy v Neho veriť? Nie veru! Oni boli tak vyváľaní v blate spoločenstiev a v špinavosti toho času, že boli až tak nábožensky zmrznutí, že nemohli cítiť vibráciu moci Všemohúceho Boha. Nie divu, že tá prostá žena sa mohla dotknúť Jeho rúcha a bola pri tom uzdravená. A opitý vojak Mu mohol pľuť do tvári a necítil žiadnu moc. Záleží na tom, ako ku tomu pristupujete. Záleží na tom, čo očakávate. Keď idete do zboru, záleží na čo očakávate.

84No, vidíme Ho tam stáť. Nieto pochýb, že tí ľudia Ho už varovali - varovali - ten kňaz varoval tých ľudí. "No On tu príde na budúci Sabat, a keď príde, nepočúvajte Ho. No môžete prísť a sedieť tu, ale nevšímajte si čo hovorí, pretože On nepatrí do našej skupiny. Všetci Ho odstrčili. On nemá žiadny členský preukaz; On nemá ani doporučenie od nejakej organizácii. On nič takého nemá."

"Čo On je?"

85"Nejaký odpadlík, ktorý sa narodil tu v dome tesára, nemanželské dieťa, ktoré matka počala prv ako sa vzali, a oni sa to snažia ukryť za niečo nadprirodzené.

86My vieme, že keď Mesiáš príde, On príde dole Nebeským koridorom a pôjde ku nášmu najvyššiemu kňazovi a povie: 'Tu som, Kajfáš.'" Ale my vidíme, že On to tak neurobil, pretože v Slove to tak nebolo zapísané. To bola ľudská tradícia, ktorá robila, že oni to tak verili.

87Slovo povedalo, že On príde presne tak, ako prišiel. A teraz tam stál, čítal Slovo a hovoril im: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo pred vašimi očami." A oni Ho stále nemohli vidieť, alebo poznať, ako to bolo s nimi vo všetkých iných vekoch.

88Noe by mohol povedať to isté, v ten deň keď vošiel do archy a dvere sa zavreli. Mojžiš by mohol zodvihnúť to okno na vrchu archy, pozrieť sa von na to zhromaždenie ... Pamätajte, Boh zavrel tie dvere. A on by mohol povedať: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo vo vašich očiach," ale vtedy už bolo pre nich príliš neskoro. On kázal sto dvadsať rokov, snažil sa ich dostať do toho člnu, ktorý staval. Hovoril im, že Písmo povedalo: "Tak hovorí Pán, bude pršať," Ale oni čakali príliš dlho. Ale Noe by to ľahko mohol povedať: "Dneska, dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo."

89Mojžiš, v ten istý deň, keď ten Ohnivý Stĺp zostúpil na vrch Sinaj a potvrdil jeho svedectvo, Mojžiš by mohol povedať: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo."

90Mojžiš, viete, bol Bohom povolaný muž, prorok. A keď bol povolaný, keď bol prorok, on musel mať nadprirodzené prežitie. Aby bol prorokom, on musel stretnúť Boha tvárou v tvár a rozprávať sa s Ním. A ďalšia vec, čo povedal to sa muselo stať, inak by mu nikto neveril.

91Tak žiadny človek nemá právo nazývať sa tak, až kým sa nerozprával tvárou v tvár s Bohom, niekde vzadu na púšti, kde osobne stretol Boha. A ani všetci ateisti na svete mu to nemôžu vyhovoriť; on tam bol, on vie že to sa stalo. Každý kresťan má mať toto prežitie, prv ako povie niečo o tom, že je kresťan. Vaše vlastné prežitie!

92Rozprával som sa nedávno so svojím synovcom, katolícky chlapec, ktorý povedal: "Strýko Bill, už som pobehal od jedného ku druhému, chodím všade, snažím sa niečo nájsť." Večer po večeri, prv ako začali tieto zhromaždenia, plakal. A v noci sa mu snívavalo ako prichádza, beží ku oltáru, kde sa káže, a vyznáva že je zlý.

93Povedal som: "Melvin, nezáleží na tom kde sa snažíš ísť, ku koľkým cirkvám sa pripojíš, koľko 'Zdravas Mária' odriekneš, alebo koľko požehnaní dostaneš od človeka, ty sa musíš znovu narodiť z Ducha Božieho. To je jediná vec ktorá uspokojí ľudské srdce."

94Viem, že oni majú dnes náhradu za znovuzrodenie, potriasť si len ruku s kazateľom a dať si zapísať do knihy svoje meno. Ale, priatelia, to je dogma. To nie je Biblická pravda. Keby bola, v Skutkoch Apoštolských, v 2. kapitole by ste museli čítať takto: "Keď prišiel deň Letníc, vystúpil pastor a potriasol si s ľuďmi ruky."

95Ale tam stojí: "Keď prišiel deň Letníc," na zahájenie cirkvi, "prišiel z neba zvuk nesúceho sa silného vetru a naplnil celý dom kde sedeli." Takto Duch Svätý prišiel prvý krát. On odvtedy stále takto prichádza. On je Boh a nemení sa. No, ľudia sa na tom potkýnajú.

Oni hovoria: "To bolo na iný deň."

96No, On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky. Zakaždým kedykoľvek cirkev prijala Ducha Svätého, On stále prišiel tak ako to On urobil prvý krát, podľa toho istého predpisu, Skutky 2:38; nikdy sa to nezmenilo, nikdy sa to nezmení.

97Ako lekársky predpis na chorobu. On napíše recept na chorobu, doktor. A vezmete to do nejakej lekárni, a on dá tam príliš veľa antijedu, je to také slabé, že to nič nepomôže; ak dá do toho príliš veľa jedu, zabije vás to. Musí to byť urobené presne podľa doktora.

98A doktorský recept na to ako prijať Ducha Svätého je nám daný od doktora šimona Petra, v deň Letníc. "Ja vám dám recept. Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás, a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov, a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého. Lebo tento recept je pre tých na široko ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh." Večný recept!

99Mojžiš mal už toto prežitie. On odišiel tam do tej krajiny a začal hovoriť ľuďom: "Stretol som Ohnivý Stĺp. Bol v horiacom kríku, a On mi povedal, aby som vám povedal. 'JA SOM KTORÝ SOM. Choď tam; Ja budem s tebou. Vezmi si do ruky túto palicu a zodvihni ju nad Egypt; o čokoľvek požiadaš, to sa stane.'"

No, možno nejaký kňaz povedal: "Nezmysel!"

100Ale keď oni videli pri tom tie skutočné fakty, že sa to deje, oni to viac nemohli zapierať. Oni vedeli, že on bol poslaný od Boha.

101Potom, keď Mojžiš povedal, že on to videl a vydával o tom svedectvo, že je to pravda, potom Boh je zaviazaný, keď je to pravda, identifikovať a potvrdiť slovo toho človeka, že je to pravda. Je to tak.

102Keď Ježiš Kristus tam toho dňa stál a čítal: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo pred vašimi očami," Boh bol zaviazaný vyplniť to Slovo.

103My tu dnes stojíme a hovoríme, že: "Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Boh je zaviazaný potvrdiť, že je to pravda, pretože to je Jeho Slovo. No, čo to robí? Na to treba viera, veriť Tomu. Treba viera, veriť Jeho Slovu, že Ono je Pravda.

104Všimnite si čo sa stalo, keď Mojžiš vyviedol tie deti, a všetkých tých, ktorí ho nasledovali. Tí, ktorí ho nenasledovali zostali v Egypte. Ale tí, ktorí nasledovali Mojžiša, keď vyšli z Červeného mora a prišli na púšť, Boh zostúpil na Vrch Sinaj. Ten Ohnivý Stĺp spôsobil, že celý ten vrch bol v ohni, a Hlas z tade prehovoril, a Boh im dal desať prikázaní.

105Mojžiš mohol vystúpiť tam pred tými ľuďmi a povedať: "Dnes, toto Písmo, ktoré som vám povedal, ako Jeho prorok, sa vyplnilo, dnes. Povedal som vám, že Boh sa so mnou stretol, tam v horiacom kríku, v Ohnivom Stĺpe, a povedal: 'Toto... Ja budem ... Toto bude znak. Ty privedieš tých ľudí znovu rovno naspäť na toto miesto.' A tu je Boh, v tom istom Ohnivom Stĺpe, ako som vám povedal, že v ňom bol, visí rovno nad tým vrchom. Dnes sa toto proroctvo vyplnilo. On je tu aby potvrdil, že tie veci, ktoré som vám povedal sú pravda."

106Bože daj nám viac takýchto ľudí, ktorí sú čestní a úprimní, a hovoria pravdu, že Všemohúci Boh môže potvrdzovať, že Jeho Slovo je stále pravda! On zostáva ten istý včera i stále. Prečo by to nepotvrdzoval? On to zasľúbil.

107Józua mohol povedať to isté, v ten deň, keď oni prišli naspäť do Kádeš Barnei, na miesto, kde tak ďaleko putovali po púšti. Oni pochybovali o tom, že tá zem bude takou zemou, ako povedal Boh. Ale Boh im povedal, že to bude dobrá zem, oplývajúca mliekom a medom. A Józua a Kálef boli jediní dvaja, ktorí tomu verili, z pomedzi ďalších desiatych, ktorí tam odišli. Keď sa vrátili naspäť, oni mali dôkaz; oni mali strapec hrozna, ktorý museli niesť dvaja silní mužovia.

108Józua a Kálef sa tam hneď mohli postaviť a povedať: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo. Tu je dôkaz, že je to dobrá zem." Skutočne. Prečo? Tu je dôkaz, že je to dobrá zem. Kde by ste niečo takéto mohli kedy vypestovať v Egypte? Tam neboli také miesta. Ale dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo."

109On mohol toto povedať, tak isto, keď prorokoval a povedal, že padnú múry Jericha, potom čo oni sedem krát okolo pochodovali, sedem dní, sedem krát za deň. A keď pochodovali okolo posledný krát, múry padli. Józua sa mohol postaviť a povedať: "Dnes, to čo mi povedalo pred pár týždňami to hlavné knieža vojska Hospodinovho, že toto sa takto stane, dnes sa toto Písmo vyplnilo." Tu ležia tie múry, rovno na zemi. "Poďme, zaujmime ho. Ono patrí nám. Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo."

110Aké nádherné, že mužovia Boží stáli za tým, čo je správne!

111Izrael, pri rieke, keď išli zaujať tú zem, potrebovali prejsť na druhú stranu. Ako to urobia? Je mesiac apríl. Sú záplavy, pretože hore v Júdei sa rozpúšťa sneh. Ó, vyzeralo, že Boh je biedny generál, keď privádza sem svojich ľudí, v mesiaci apríli, keď je Jordán najmohutnejší. Niekedy ...

112Mohol by som sa tu zastaviť, keby som mal čas, aby som vám dal prostú radu. Niekedy tam možno sedíš s rakovinou, alebo možno sedíš a si chorý; myslíš si: "Prečo sa ja, keď som kresťan, mám nachádzať v takejto situácii? Prečo tu mám takto sedieť, keď som kresťan?" Niekedy Boh nechá, že všetko sa tak zamračí, že nemôžeš vidieť hore, ani okolo, ani nikde, a potom On prichádza a robí ti cez to cestu, aby si mohol povedať: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo, to čo On zasľúbil."

113On nechal tie hebrejské deti ísť rovno do ohnivej peci. Oni povedali: "Náš Boh je schopný vyslobodiť nás z tejto ohnivej peci. Ale, či tak či tak, my sa nepokloníme tvojmu obrazu." Keď oni z tade vyšli, zápach tej peci ... nebol na nich žiadny zápach; oni mohli povedať: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo."

114Keď Daniel vyšiel z jamy ľvov, on mohol povedať to isté.

115Ján Krstiteľ. Po štyristo rokoch klerikálneho vyučovania, nie divu, že cirkev bola v tom čase v takom zamiešaní! Keď sa on zjavil na púšti, pri Jordáne, on sa mohol postaviť rovno tam na brehu, ako to urobil, a povedať: "Dnes, toto Písmo, Izaiáš 40, sa vyplnilo."

116Mohol by som sa tu zastať a povedať vám čo mi povedal ten starý kňaz. Povedal: "Synu, ty si nedokončil to posolstvo."

Povedal som: "Buď potichu."

On povedal: "Ty si myslíš že tí letniční to nevidia?"

Povedal som: "Nie."

117On povedal: "Ja to vidím." A tiež katolícky kňaz! Och - joj. On povedal: "Prečo si nepokračoval?"

Povedal som: "Buď potichu."

On povedal: "Sláva Bohu! Ja to vidím."

118A približne v tom čase padol Duch Svätý na jeho sestru, ktorá sedela tam v zhromaždení. A ona vstala, hovorila v neznámych jazykoch, a dala výklad, práve o tom, o čom sme sa s tým kňazom rozprávali na pódiu. V celej cirkvi, po celej sále nastal rozruch. Prenieslo sa to na konferenciu Orala Robertsa, ktorá bola minulý, alebo predminulý týždeň, a hovorili o tom na tej konferencii. Ako to, že kňaz ... Sedel pod pôsobením Ducha Svätého, ktorý cez tú ženu, myslím, že to bola jeho sestra, zjavil to, čo sa dialo tam hore na pódiu, a zjavil tú vec, ktorú sme my skrývali.

119Hodina v ktorej žijeme, dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo. Dnes prišli tie večerné Svetlá, a my to nedokážeme vidieť. Všimnite si.

120Ján povedal: "Dnes, ja som 'hlas volajúceho na púšti,' ako povedal prorok Izaiáš. Pripravte cestu Pánovi!"

121Oni tomu nerozumeli. Hovorili: "Ó, ty si Ježiš ..." Či vlastne: "Ty si Kristus."

122On povedal: "Ja nie som Kristus." On povedal: "Nie som hodný rozviazať jeho sandále. Ale," povedal: "On stojí niekde medzi vami." lebo si bol istý, že On tam bude. On bude v jeho čase, pretože Boh mu povedal, že má predstaviť Mesiáša.

123Jedného dňa tam prechádza mladý Muž, a on nad Ním uvidel niečo, ako Svetlo, znak. A zvolal: "Ajhľa Baránok Boží! Dnes sa pred vami vyplnilo toto Písmo." Skutočne.

124Na Letnice, keď sa Peter postavil a citoval ich Písmo, Joela 2: 38; keď sa oni všetci smiali. Títo ľudia, oni nemohli hovoriť vo svojom vlastnom jazyku. Oni niečo bľabotali. Biblia povedala: "Zajakavé jazyky." Zajakavý to je "potrhaný" jazyk, nie niečo hovoriť, len bľabotať. Behali okolo ako hromada opilcov.

125Oni všetci hovorili: "Aha, títo ľudia sú opití. Pozrite sa na nich, pozrite ako sa správajú, ako tieto ženy a mužovia. Oni prestupujú poriadok," povedala tá náboženská skupina v tom čase.

126Peter sa postavil do prostriedku, povedal: "Mužovia a bratia, vy ktorí bývate v Jeruzaleme, a vy ktorí bývate v Júdei, nech je vám známe, že títo nie sú opití, ako sa vy domnievate, vidíte že je len tretia hodina dňa. Ale toto je to, čo bolo povedané skrze proroka Joela: 'Stane sa v posledných dňoch. "Ja vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo."' Toho dňa sa vyplnilo toto Písmo." Tak veru.

127Luther vystúpil v pravý čas. Wesley vystúpil v pravý čas. Letniční vystúpili v pravý čas. Všetko išlo po poriadku.

128Teraz vás žiadam aby ste dobre porozmýšľali nad týmto vekom a časom, v ktorom my teraz žijeme, a Slovom zasľúbeným na dnes. Ak tam vtedy v tých iných vekoch ľudia mohli povedať: "Dnes toto Písmo," "Dnes toto Písmo," potom čo je s Písmom na tento deň? Čo je zasľúbené na tento deň? Kde my stojíme? V akej hodine my žijeme? Keď tie hodiny, vedecké hodiny, odbíjajú tri minúty pred polnocou. Svet je v panike. Cirkev je na ležisku skazenosti, že až nikto nevie kde stoja. Aká je hodina dňa? Čo s Písmom na tento deň? V akom stave má byť cirkev, alebo, v akom stave má byť dnes cirkev.

129Vo svete, politika, náš svetový systém, je tak zhnitý ako len môže byť. Ja nie som politik. Ja som kresťan. To nie je moja starosť, hovoriť o politike, ale len chcem povedať, že sú zhnití z oboch strán.

130Ja som volil raz, Krista; Musím zvíťaziť. Diabol volil proti mne, a Kristus volil za mňa; záleží na ktorú stranu som dal svoj hlas. Som rád, že som ho dal Jemu; nech si svet hovorí čo chce. Ja stále verím, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky. On to dokáže. On to skutočne dokáže. Skutočne.

Vzrastá zločinnosť, kriminalita mládeže!

131Pozrite sa na náš národ, voľakedy bol kvetom zeme. Naša veľká demokracia bola uformovaná dávno tam v ... pri deklarácii nezávislosti. A deklarácia nezávislosti bola podpísaná, a my sme mali demokraciu. A naši veľký predkovia, a všetko čo oni urobili; mali sme veľký národ.

132Ale on teraz hnije, a rozpadáva sa, a trasie sa, a poddáva sa. A snažia sa klásť na ľudí dane, aby získali peniaze a posielali ich na druhú stranu, aby si kúpili priateľstvo so svojimi nepriateľmi; oni nám to hádžu naspäť do tvári. Jedna svetová vojna, druhá svetová vojna, a stále to ide ďalej do tretej. Skutočne. Politika je zhnitá, skazená, prehnitá do dna. Je to presne tak, ako to stojí v Matúšovi 24: "Povstane národ proti národu, kráľovstvo proti kráľovstvu." Budú sa diať všetky tieto veci. Zamyslime sa teraz nad týmto. No dobre.

133Všimnite si ďalšie, vzrast vo vedeckých výskumoch. No, raz, len ... Môj starý otec chodil za mojou starou mamu, na volskom povoze. Teraz je to nadzvukové lietadlo, lietajú ešte i na obežnú dráhu do vzduchu, do vesmíru. Jej veľká ... Kto toto povedal? Daniel 12: 4, hovorí: "V posledných dňoch sa rozmnoží vedomosť." Vidíme hodinu v ktorej žijeme. Všimnite si teraz ... V takom stave je svet, na takom stupni je veda.

134A všimnite si znovu, dnes, náš výchovný systém. No nesnažte sa toto zaprieť. Mám výstrižky z novín. V našich cir- ... v našich školách vyučujú sex, mladých študentov, aby mali sexuálny vzťah jeden s druhým, aby videli, či sa vo svete hodia ku sebe. Tak veru.

135Ako je to s našimi kňazmi? Dnes večer som dostal výstrižok z novín. Tam v Los Angeles, v Kalifornii, kde skupina duchovných, baptisti a presbyteriáni, kazatelia, doviedli si skupinu homosexuálov a praktikovali homosexuálny pomer, a potom hovorili, že sa ich snažili získať pre Boha. A pri tom, to je jedna z kliatieb tejto hodiny, stav Sodomy! A ešte i zákon ich uväznil.

136Kde potom sme? Celý náš systém už zhnil pri nás. Videl som vzrast homosexuálov po celých Spojených štátoch, narástol za rok o dvadsať alebo o tridsať percent. Predstavte si to, mužovia žijú s mužmi, presne tak, ako robili v Sodome.

137Vzrast zločinnosti, kriminalita mládeže! V akej hodine žijeme? Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Slovo proroctva.

138Náboženský svet, samotná cirkev, cirkev, vyvolaná cirkev, to čo my nazývame vyvolaná cirkev, ten posledný cirkevný vek, Letničný cirkevný vek, kde on je? On je v Laodicei, ako povedalo Písmo.

139Dnes oni dali nabok zábrany. Ich ženy sú polonahé. Ich mužovia sú ... Je to strašná vec. Niektorí z nich sobášení tri, alebo štyri krát, medzi diakonmi, a všeličo iné. Dali nabok zábrany, a priniesli skazenie, pretože zasadli v rade bezbožných a zmiešali sa so svetom.

140A, dnes, oni majú lepšie budovy, než ako kedykoľvek. Niektoré miesta, jeden z nich stavia auditórium za päťdesiat miliónov dolárov, päťdesiat miliónov dolárov. Letniční! Pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi to zvyklo byť dole na rohu, bubnovali na tamburíne. Povedali: "My ..."

141Pretože Písmo povedalo, v Zjavení 3, že si bohatý, povedalo: "Som bohatý. Sedím ako kráľovná. Nepotrebujem ničoho. A nevieš, že si biedny, mizerný, úbohý, nahý, slepý, a nevieš o tom!"

142Dnes sa toto Písmo vyplnilo pred vašimi očami. Amen! Amen znamená "je to tak". Ja nehovorím amen sebe, ale chcem povedať, že verím, že to je pravda. Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo.

143Letničná cirkev je v Laodicejskom stave. Ó, oni stále vyskakujú a vykrikujú, a sú hlasní, keď hrá hudba. Keď hudba prestane, alebo tá bítová hudba, ktorú niektorí z nich hrajú a nazývajú to kresťanstvo, a keď to utíchne, všetka sláva je preč. Vidíte?

144Ak je to ozajstné chválenie Boha, nie je dosť pískania a dosť sily na svete, aby to zastaviť. Keď to skutočne pochádza od Boha, netreba to vybičovať hudbou. Treba aby na to zostúpil Duch Boží. On to urobí.

145A oni na to dávno zabudli, pretože učia, že dar Ducha Svätého - počiatočný dôkaz je hovorenie v jazykoch. A ja som počul diablov a čarodejníkov hovoriť v jazykoch.

146 Duch Svätý je Slovo Božie vo vás, On sa dá poznať podľa toho, že prijíma to Slovo. Pomimo toho, to nemôže byť Duch Svätý. Ak sa to predstavuje ako Duch Svätý a zapiera jedno Slovo z tejto Biblii, nemôže to byť Duch Svätý. To je dôkaz, či veríš, alebo nie.

147 Všimnite si ďalší veľký znak. Židia sú vo svojej domovine; majú svoj vlastný národ, svoje vlastné peniaze, sú členom Spojených Národov. Majú svoju vlastnú armádu. Majú všetko. Sú vo svojej domovine; o čom Ježiš povedal: "Naučte sa podobenstvu z figového stromu." Tam oni sú, znovu vo svojom národe. Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo, Židia vo svojej domovine.

148Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo, Laodicejský cirkevný vek.

149Dnes toto Písmo, Matúš 24, sa vyplnilo. Svet je v skazenosti, všetko; národy proti národom, zemetrasenia na rôznych miestach, prichádzajú veľké víchrice, národy sa trasú, a tak ďalej, a všade veľké pohromy. Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo.

150No odhalili sme v akom stave sa nachádza svet. Vidíme kde sa nachádza normálna cirkev, normálna ... Organizácia, denominácia, vidíme kde sú. Vidíme kde sú národy. A vidíme, že dnes sa tieto zasľúbenia vyplnili.

151Ale teraz! V tomto čase má prísť super, kráľovské Semeno Abraháma. To je presne to, čo to bude, kráľovská nevesta pre kráľovského, zasľúbeného Syna. Ako som hovoril minulý večer, to nebude telesné semeno, to bude duchovné semeno. Má povstať duchovná nevesta, ktorá bude tým kráľovským semenom kráľovskej viery Abrahámovho kráľovského Syna. Ona má prísť na scénu v týchto posledných dňoch, a ten čas a to miesto, to je zahrnuté v zasľúbení, ktoré je jej dané.

152Podľa Písma, Malachiáša 4, povstane posolstvo, ktoré zatrasie srdcami ľudí a obráti ich znovu, rovno naspäť ku apoštolským otcom. Má povstať niekto na scéne, v moci Eliášovej, povstane na scéne; človek pustatiny, ktorý vystúpi a bude mať posolstvo, ktoré bude viesť znovu rovno naspäť do Slova. To je hodina v ktorej práve žijeme.

153Potom, uvažujte teraz, vyzývam vás v tejto hodine, vy ľudia z Jeffersonville. V 1933, to nadprirodzené Svetlo, ktoré zostúpilo tam dole nad riekou, v ten deň keď som krstil päťsto ľudí vo Meno Ježiša Krista, ako okolo dvadsať ročný chlapec. Čo ono povedalo, Jeffersonville? Čo sa to tam stalo na konci Spring street, keď myslím Kurier žurnál, Louisville Herald, priniesli o tom článok? Cez Associated Press to prešlo, až do Kanady. Doktor Lee Vayle to vystrihol z novín, v Kanade, v 1933.

154Keď som krstil sedemnástu osobu, zjavil sa ten svedok; A vy viete, ako to bolo ďalej. A keď som tam stál, a krstil tú sedemnástu osobu, zostúpilo z neba Svetlo, osvecujúc tam to miesto, ako hviezda padajúca z neba. Hlas povedal: "Ako Ján krstiteľ bol poslaný, aby predišiel prvý príchod Kristov, tvoje posolstvo bude predchádzať Jeho druhý príchod, pôjde do celého sveta." Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo.

155Dnes! [Zhromaždenie sa veľmi raduje a chváli Boha.] Boh to zasľúbil. Čo sa stalo? Dnes ono vyšlo na celý svet.

156A keď Boh prišiel tam dole a povedal to, keď som bol malý chlapec, v horiacom kríku, či tam v tom kríku, osvietenom od Ohnivého Stĺpu, tu hore na pľaci Wathena na Utica Pike; nosil som tam vodu, od tej stodoly do tej tajnej pálenici, poznáte pravdu o tom. On povedal: "Nikdy nefajči, ani nepi, ani nepoškvrňuj svoje telo, pretože je pre teba práca, ktorú máš vykonať, keď budeš starší." Svedčím o tom, že je to pravda, že som to videl. A Boh, tak ako to urobil pri Mojžišovi, prehovoril tam pred tým zhromaždením a povedal: "Toto je pravda." Dnes sa medzi nami vyplnilo toto Písmo.

157Sledujte čo On povedal o tom rozpoznávaní, a ako to bude; od skladania rúk na ľudí, do poznávania tajomstiev ich sŕdc. Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo pred našimi vlastnými očami.

158Tieto zasľúbenia, ktoré boli dané, všimnite si, všetky tieto zasľúbenia boli potvrdené a vyplnené od Boha, ktorý ich zasľúbil. Pozrite, visí to vo Washingtone, D.C., dnes večer, tá fotografia anjela Pánovho!

159Ako George J. Lacy, vedúci oddelenia odtlačkov a dokumentov, z FBI, pre vládu Spojených štátov, overoval tú z Houstonu, v Texase a povedal: "Toto je jediná nadprirodzená existencia, ktorá kedy bola na svete vyfotografovaná." On by to mal vedieť; on je najlepší špecialista na svete, v tom obore.

160Všimnite si, tam to visí, ako pravda, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý tam vtedy viedol Izrael po púšti. My to znovu dnes vidíme - tú istú Prítomnosť, ktorá sa ukázala pri vyjdení z Egypta! Kto to je? Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo. Poznáte to posolstvo, ktoré On povedal.

161Pozrite sa na to videnie ohľadne Tucsonu, z pred troch rokov, keď som stál tu na ulici. Keď, päť rokov pred tým, On povedal: "V ten deň, keď mestská správa bude zatĺkať kolíky pred tou bránou, vydaj sa na západ." Ľudia z môjho zboru, ktorí sú tu, vedia od vtedy o tom. Je to tak.

162A v ten deň, keď pán Gyones a oni, boli tam hore, a zatĺkali tie kolíky, povedal som žene: "Na tom niečo je."

Ona povedala: "Čo to znamená?"

A ja som išiel a pozrel som sa do svojho malého záznamníku. Tam to bolo.

163A na druhý deň ráno, o desiatej, keď som tam sedel, tam vo svojej izbe, okolo desiatej, prišiel dole anjel Pánov. On povedal: "Choď do Tucsonu. Budeš v severovýchodnej časti Tucsonu a tam príde skupina siedmych anjelov, a to zatrasie celou zemou okolo teba." A povedal. "Z tade ti bude povedané."

164Koľkí si pamätáte, keď som to tu hovoril, dlho predtým ako sa to stalo? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Sú ľudia, ktorí sedia dnes večer rovno tu v tejto sále, ktorí tam stáli práve, keď sa to stalo.

165A bolo povedané: "Sedem Pečatí, v ktorých sú skryté tajomstvá celej Biblii budú otvorené, a vyplní sa Zjavenie 10, že vo dňoch siedmeho anjelského posolstva sa stanú tieto veci." Dnes sa toto Písmo vyplnilo pred našimi očami. Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo.

166Minulý rok, stáli sme na tom istom mieste, tu pán Wood a ja, išli sme hore na ten kopec, smútil nad svojou ženou, bola chorá. Duch Svätý povedal: "Zodvihni kameň, ktorý tam leží. Vyhoď ho do vzduchu. Keď spadne, povedz: "Tak hovorí Pán, súd narazí na zem." Povedz mu, že za niekoľko hodín uvidí ruku Božiu."

167Povedal som pánovi Woodovi; je tu dnes večer. A hádam, osem, alebo desať ľudí, alebo pätnásť, ktorí tam vtedy boli, keď sa to stalo. Na druhý deň ráno tam Pán zostúpil v krútiacom sa vetre a rozpáral ten vrch okolo nás a postínal vrcholce stromov a tri razy zaburácal a povedal: "Súd sa valí na západné pobrežie."

168 Dva dni po tom sa Aljaška takmer prepadla pod zem. A odvtedy, hore dole po pobreží, duní Boží súd proti tej duchovnej záclone. Je železná opona, je bambusová opona, a je opona hriechu.

169Civilizácia putovala so slnkom; tak isto evanjelium. Oni prišli od východu a išli na západ, ako slnko. A teraz je ono na západnom pobreží. Už ďalej nemôže ísť; keby išlo ďalej, bolo by znovu na východe.

170Prorok povedal: "Príde deň, ktorý nemožno nazvať dňom ani nocou," pochmúrny deň, veľa dažďu a hmla, sotva to stačí na to aby vedieť, ako sa pripojiť do nejakej cirkvi, alebo ako sa zapísať do knihy. "Ale v čase večera bude Svetlo." Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo.

171To isté - to isté s-l-n-k-o, ktoré vychádza na východe je to isté s-l-n-k-o, ktoré zapadá na západe. A ten istý S-y-n Boží, ktorý prišiel na východe a potvrdil sa, ako Boh zjavený v tele, je ten istý S-y-n Boží tu na západnej pologuli, ktorý sa dnes večer potvrdzuje medzi cirkvou, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. To večerné svetlo Syna prišlo. Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo pred nami. [V angličtine slovo slnko - (sun) a slovo syn - (son), znejú rovnako. Poznámka prekladateľa.]

172Kde sa nachádzame v tomto Abrahámovskom veku? Kde sme v tomto veľkom čase, v ktorom stojíme, v tejto veľkej hodine, v ktorej žijeme? Všetky videnia sa vyplnili.

173A čo s tým, keď tu jeden náš priateľ, kazateľ zo spriazneného sesterského zboru, Junior Jackson, pribehol tu ku nám jedného večera, tam ku mne. Povedal: "Mal som sen, brat Branham, ktorý ma trápi. Videl som všetkých bratov zhromaždených na kopci." A povedal: "Ty si nás na tomto kopci vyučoval z písma, ktoré tam bolo napísané, vyzeralo to ako nejaké písmo vytesané v skale. Keď si to skončil, keď sa to všetko skončilo, povedal si nám," povedal: "'Poďte bližšie,' a my sme sa všetci zhromaždili hore."

174Povedal: "Ty si sa načiahol a vzal z niekade niečo, čo vyzeralo ako sochor a zavážil si ním a otvoril si tento malý vrcholec pyramídy. A keď sa to stalo, " povedal: "bola tam žulová skala a na nej nebolo nič napísané. A ty si nám povedal aby sme sa na to dívali. A my sme sa všetci začali dívať." Povedal: "Obrátil som hlavu, a všimol som si, že odchádzaš smerom na západ, tak rýchlo, ako si len mohol, smerom zapadajúceho slnka." Koľkí si to pamätáte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."]

175A stál som tam za chvíľu až kým to Duch Svätý nezjavil. Povedal som: "Celá Biblia, nakoľko bola človekovi zjavená, cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým, krst vo meno Ježiša, a všetky tieto veci, zostala zjavená. Ale sú tajomstvá, ktoré sú ukryté vo vnútri, pretože Biblia je zapečatená Siedmimi Pečaťami. Musím tam ísť, aby som na to prišiel."

176V to ráno, keď prišlo dole tých sedem anjelov a zatriasli zemou a skaly lietali na všetky strany, stálo tam sedem anjelov a povedali: "Vráť sa naspäť do Jeffersonville, odkiaľ si prišiel, lebo bude otvorené Sedem Pečatí siedmych tajomstiev."

177Tu sme, dnes, rozumieme Semeno Hada. Za niekoľko dní, ak bude vôľa Božia, budeme rozumieť po správnosti to, čo sa týka Manželstva a Rozvodu. A všetky tieto veci, ktoré Boh otvoril, každú Pečať, tie tajomstvá od založenia sveta. A my sa radujeme požehnaniam v Jeho prítomnosti! Je to pravda. Dnes, toto Písmo!

178Časopis "Life" priniesol o tom článok: "Tajomný kruh svetla sa vznáša do vzduchu nad Tucsonom a Phoenixom," presne ako som vám to povedal takmer pred rokom, že sa to stane, ako to bude, a v tvare trojuholníka. Ten obrázok visí tam v zbore. Vy ktorí ste si kúpili ten časopis, to máte. Tam to bolo, presne. Oni povedali: "Je to dvadsať sedem míľ vysoko o priemere tridsať míľ." Ale oni aj tak nerozumejú čo sa stalo. Tajomne sa To zjavilo a tajomne to odišlo.

179Brat Fred Sothmann, brat Gene Norman a ja sme tam stáli. Na svedectvo treba troch. Ako On zobral hore na horu; Petra, Jakoba a Jána, aby vydali svedectvo. Stáli sme tam a pozorovali to, keď sa to stalo, a videli sme, ako sa to stalo.

180Tam To je, visí to na oblohe; tak vysoko, tam nie je žiadna vlhkosť, žiadna vlaha, ani nič z čoho by povstala hmla. Ako to tam mohlo prísť? To boli Anjeli Boží vracajúci sa naspäť, po ich posolstve. Dnes sa to proroctvo vyplnilo medzi nami. Dnes je toto Písmo vyplnené.

181Dávajte pozor, Sedem Pečatí zostalo otvorených. Ten vzdušný vír do západného pobrežia. No, neprehliadnite to, ako to urobili oni vtedy.

182No, obráťme našu pozornosť, trochu bližšie do nášho času. Čo hovorí Písmo o dnešku, a o čase v ktorom žijeme? Ježiš hovorí ... Nemám čas prebrať všetky tie miesta, ale chcem zobrať toto jedno, prv ako zakončíme.

183Ježiš povedal, v svätom Lukášovi, v 17. kapitole, v 30. verši. Ježiš Kristus, samo Slovo! Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Ježiš Kristus, samo Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom, prehovoril a povedal, aké bude Slovo v čase konca, aký bude znak času konca na svete. On im povedal, že národ povstane proti národu, ale On povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak to bude v tom dni, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka."

184No, keď Ježiš prišiel na zem, On prišiel v mene troch Synov. Syn človeka, čo je prorok; Syn Boží; a Syn Dávidov.

185No, On žil tu na zemi. On nikdy nehovoril, že je Syn Boží. On povedal: "Ja som Syn človeka." Sám Jehova nazýval Ezechiela a prorokov, "Syn človeka." Pretože, On musel prísť vyplniť Písmo, ako prorok. Mojžiš povedal: "Pán náš Boh vám vzbudí Proroka, ako mňa." Preto On tam nemohol byť Syn Boží, pretože On bol Syn človeka. On ... "Slovo prichádzalo ku prorokom." A On bol Slovo v celej jeho plnosti. Syn človeka, hlavný prorok ... Nie hlavný prorok, ale Boh - Prorok. Plnosť Božstva telesne bola v Ňom. A tak On bol Syn človeka.

186No, za dva tisíc rokov nám bol známy ako Syn Boží, Duch.

187A v Miléniu, On bude Syn Dávidov, na tróne. My to všetci vieme, kto verí Písmam.

188No, Ježiš povedal, že tesne na konci tohoto cirkevného veku, v ktorom my žijeme, že "Syn človeka sa znovu zjaví takým istým spôsobom, ako v čase Sodomy."

189Pozrite sa ako historicky to On predstavil. On povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch," najprv "Noeho. Ako oni jedli, pili, ženili sa, vydávali." Potom predstavuje ďalšie, posledné, hovorí o Synovi človeka, v čase Sodomy. Pretože, tam On jednal so Židmi. Tu, v čase Sodomy jedná s Pohanmi. Tam, On ich všetkých zatopil vodou, v súde. Tu, pri Pohanoch, On ich všetkých spálil v čase Sodomy. Je to tak. Pohanský svet tam zhorel: "A tak to bude, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka." To už nie je viac voda, ale teraz to bude oheň. Ježiš čítal z tej istej Genesis 23, z ktorej my čítame, keď čítal o Sodome.

190No, my priznávame, že je taký stav, o akom sa tam hovorí, svet je v stave Sodomy, Sodomiti, stav Sodomy. My, každý na to povieme "amen". My tomu veríme. No dobre.

191A čo sa týka duchovného stavu Laodicei, tej prirodzenej cirkvi, povieme na to "amen", a vidíme ich znaky. Vieme, že každý znak to nasvedčuje. Cirkev je v Laodicei. Vieme to.

192Vieme, že svet je v stave Sodomy. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Uznáme, že je to tak.

193Ale čo so znakom Abraháma, toho ktorý čaká na zasľúbeného syna? To bol ďalší.

194Pamätajte, oni tam v Sodome; oni mali svojho posla. A Abrahám mal Posla, ktorý prišiel ku nemu.

195Abrahám čakal, deň za dňom, na ... že sa stane takmer nemožná vec. "Sára mala deväťdesiat a on sto." Podľa zasľúbenia Božieho, on stále čakal. V strede všetkej kritiky, on čakal na toho syna.

196Tak isto skutočný veriaci stále očakáva, že sa vráti ten zasľúbený Syn. Všimnite si, tesne predtým ako prišiel ten syn, jemu bol daný znak. Či nemá byť zjavený znak prichádzajúceho Syna, tomu kráľovskému semenu Abraháma, ktoré očakáva na toho Kráľovského Syna, tak isto, ako bol daný otcovi Abrahámovi pri tom telesnom synovi? ["Amen."] Je to tak? ["Amen."] Ježiš tak povedal tu v ev. Lukáša 17:30: "Prv ako príde tento čas, Syn človeka sa zjaví, ako sa zjavil vo dňoch Sodomy, pred zničením Sodomy." My teraz očakávame na znak.

197No, pozrime v akom stave sa teraz nachádza svet. Je to tak, ako to bolo v Sodome. Pozrite, oni všetci vošli do Sodomizmu.

198Myslím, že nejaký režisér natočil nedávno film "Sodoma". Bol som sa naň pozrieť. Ak niekedy budete vidieť, že to dávajú a nebudete mať nič lepšie do roboty, pozrite sa na to. Je to skutočne dobrý obraz dnešných Spojených štátov. Celkom ako Hollywood; také isté oblečenie a všetko to, čo oni už vtedy robili. Veľké pijatiky a všetko ostatné, nábožný kult ľudí, akoby nábožní.

199Všimnite si, Sodoma mala svedka, a to bol človek menom Lot, ktorý bol Abrahámov synovec.

200No, Abrahám nešiel dole do Sodomy. Ani on, ani jeho skupina. On mal pri sebe veľkú skupinu, dosť veľkú na to, aby premohol okolo tucet kráľov a ich armádu. Tak on mal pri sebe veľkú skupinu. A on tam jedného dňa sedel vonku pod dubom, keď mu všetko išlo zle; nikto nechcel mať s ním nič dočinenia, ale on sa stále držal toho zasľúbenia.

Počúvajte teraz, pozorne, prv ako zakončíme.

201Keď tam sedel, prišli traja mužovia, kráčali ku nemu. Dvaja z nich odišli do Sodomy a kázali im evanjelium, aby vyšli, Lotovi. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Ale Jeden zostal s Abrahámom. Všimnite si, ten Jeden, ktorý zostal s Abrahámom bolo sám Boh. Tí ďalší dvaja boli anjelskí poslovia.

202No, dole v Sodome, oni neurobili žiadne zázraky, okrem toho, že ich ranili slepotou. A kázanie evanjelia stále raní takých ľudí slepotou.

203No pozrite sa ako to bolo rozmiestnené v tom čase. Je telesná cirkev. Boh je reprezentovaný stále v čísle tri, ako som povedal minulý večer. Sú Sodomiti; Lotovci; a Abrahámovci. Tak isto je to dnes večer, svet je presne tak uložený.

204Dovoľte, že sa vás niečo opýtam. Pozrite sa teraz na toto uloženie. Abrahám nazval tohoto Muža, ktorý s ním hovoril, "Elohim." Hebrejské slovo Elohim znamená "Samovystačujúci, Večný". Elohim, sám Boh!

205Na počiatku ... V Genesis 1, je povedané: "Na počiatku stvoril Boh ..." Zoberme tam to Hebrejské slovo, či vlastne Grécke: "Na počiatku stvoril Elohim nebesia a zem."

206A tu v Genesis asi 22. kapitola, tu je znovu povedané, alebo asi 20. Tam je povedané, že on nazval meno tohoto Muža Elohim. Prečo to urobil? Boh, reprezentovaný v ľudskom tele, ktorý sedí s Abrahámom a je teľací sendvič, pije mlieko, a je chlieb. Sám Boh, a zmizol rovno z pred Abraháma.

207Ale On mu dal znak. Všimnite si. A ten znak bol to, že On bol otočený chrbtom ku stanu.

208A pamätajte, Abrahám, jeho meno bolo Abram, niekoľko dní predtým, a Sárah bola predtým Sara; S-a-r-a potom S-á-r-a-h, a A-b-r-a-m premenovaný na A-b-r-a-h-á-m. Abrahám znamená "otec národov."

209Dávajte tu teraz dobrý pozor, a budeme vidieť to uloženie tejto hodiny v ktorej žijeme, ako nám povedal Ježiš, aby sme očakávali ne toto uloženie. Videli sme, že všetko to ostatné pasuje; pozrime sa teraz na to kráľovské Semeno, aké uloženie majú vidieť oni.

210No tento Muž povedal: "Abrahám, kde je tvoja žena Sárah?"

A Abrahám povedal: "Je v stane za Tebou."

211No, On ju nikdy nevidel. Ako On vedel, že jeho meno je Abrahám? Ako On vedel, že jej meno je Sárah? "Abrahám, kde je tvoja žena Sárah?"

Povedal: "Je v stane za Tebou."

212On povedal: "Ja ..." "Ja", osobné zámeno. "Ja ťa navštívim podľa zasľúbenia. Tvoja žena bude mať to dieťa. Ty si Mi veril, Ja teraz urobím, že to sa stane."

213A Sárah, vzadu v stane, naťahovala ucho, alebo ako to hovoríte, počúvala cez stan, zasmiala sa sama v sebe a povedala: "Čo? Ja, takáto stará žena budem mať rozkoš so svojím pánom; a on je tiež starý, má sto rokov. No, toho nebolo už veľa, veľa rokov."

214A ten Muž. M-u-ž, ktorý tam sedel a jedol, v ľudskom tele, pil a jedol, ako obyčajný človek; na šatách mal prach, a na nohách mal prach, a Abrahám ho zmyl. Sám Boh, rozhliadol sa a povedal: "Prečo sa smiala Sárah vzadu v stane, a hovorila toto?" On poznal, mohol rozpoznať myšlienky Sáry, ktorá bola za Ním v stane. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."]

215A teraz, keď to Kráľovské Semeno Abraháma, Syn človeka, prišiel na zem, aký znak On predviedol. Jedného dňa prišiel ku Nemu šimon; Andrej ho priviedol. On povedal: "Tvoje meno je Šimon. Ty si syn Jonášov," On povedal ... Vidíte, to ho urobilo veriacim.

216Filip išiel a našiel Natanaela: "Poď tam", povedal: "Poď sa pozrieť na Muža, ktorého sme našli; Ježiša z Nazaretu, syna Jozefovho."

217On povedal: "No počkaj chvíľu. Či z toho fanatizmu môže povstať niečo dobré?"

On povedal: "Poď a vidz."

218Tak keď Filip prišiel do prítomnosti Ježiša s Natanaelom, Ježiš sa pozrel na neho a povedal: "Hľa Izraelita, v ktorom nieto ľsti."

On povedal: "Rabbi, odkedy ma poznáš?"

219Povedal: "Prv ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa."

220On povedal: "Rabbi, Ty si ten Syn Boží. Ty si ten Kráľ Izraelov!"

221Keď tá prostá žena pri studni, vo svojom nemorálnom stave, prišla vytiahnuť vodu, (aby som to trochu predstavil). Ježiš poslal preč svojich učeníkov, aby kúpili jedlo. Keď ona prišla pre vodu, On povedal: "Daj sa Mi napiť, žena."

222Ona povedala: "Nie je to zvykom, aby si takto hovoril. My tu máme segregáciu. Vy Židia nemáte nič s nami, Samaritánmi; a my nemáme nič s vami."

223On povedal: "Ale, žena, keby si vedela s kým hovoríš, ty by si Mňa prosila, aby som ti dal napiť. Ja by som ti dal vodu, ktorú by si nechodila sem naberať."

224On zistil kde bol jej problém, čo to bolo. On povedal: "Choď vezmi svojho muža a príďte sem."

Ona povedala: "Nemám žiadneho muža."

225On povedal: "Povedala si pravdu. Mala si piatych a ten s ktorým teraz žiješ nie je tvoj."

226Ona povedala: "Pane, vidím že si prorok. My vieme, že keď Mesiáš príde On nám ukáže tieto veci."

Ježiš povedal: "To som Ja."

227Počujúc to, bežala do mesta a povedal: "Poďte, vidzte človeka, ktorý mi povedal všetko, čo som urobila. Či to nie je sám Mesiáš?"

228Pozrite, On toto urobil pred Židmi a pred Samaritánmi, ale nie pred pohanmi. My ľudia z iných národov sme boli v tých časoch pohania, iné národy, nosili sme na pleci kyjak a klaňali sme sa modlám. My sme neočakávali na žiadneho Mesiáša.

229On sa zjavil len tým, ktorí na neho očakávali. A my máme očakávať na Neho.

230Ale tí, ktorí tvrdili, že očakávajú na Neho, sama cirkev, keď oni videli diať sa tie veci, oni povedali: "On je diabol. On je veštec, Belzebúb!"

231A Ježiš povedal: "Ten hriech im bude odpustený," pretože On ešte nezomrel. "Ale jedného dňa príde Duch Svätý a bude robiť toto isté, a povedať proti Nemu jedno slovo, to nikdy nebude odpustené." To je tento deň, kde každé slovo musí držať spolu. "Povedať slovo proti tomu; to nikdy nebude odpustené v tomto svete ani v budúcom."

232To bolo to Kráľovské Semeno Abraháma. A tu to Kráľovské Semeno Abraháma - ktoré prišlo a identifikovalo sa tak isto, ako ten Muž, ktorý tam sedel s Abrahámom, prišlo aby dokázalo, že to bol ten istý Boh - dáva zasľúbenie na tento deň: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, keď sa On zjavuje, ako Syn človeka." Amen. Toto je ten deň, keď sa toto Písmo má vyplniť.

233Pozrite sa na to uloženie, v akom sa dnes nachádzame. Pozrite sa na cirkev, kde Syn Boží ... Pozrite sa na ten pochmúrny deň. Pozrite sa na všetky tie proroctvá. No, divná vec, naši návštevníci musia potom prísť, ak to uloženie musí byť také, ako v čase Sodomy.

234Oni boli traja, ktorí tam prišli, traja zvláštny mužovia poslaný z Neba. To pripustíme. Boli traja; Jeden zostal s Abrahámom. Oni všetci tam začali, ale Jeden zostal s Abrahámom. Tí ostatní odišli dole do Sodomy. Je to tak? ["Amen."] A Abrahám mal zmenené meno, z Abrama na Abraháma. Je to Pravda? ["Amen."]

235Ani raz v histórii, cirkev na svete nemala nikdy evanjelistu ktorého meno by končilo na h-a-m, až do tohoto času, Billy G-r-a-h-a-m. Je to tak? ["Amen."] G-r-a-h-a-m, šesť písmen. A-b-r-a-h-a-m je sedem písmen. Ale G-r-a-h-a-m je šesť písmen, čo znamená svet, človek. Vidíte?

236Pozrite sa čo tam vyšlo dnes, to sú tí traja poslovia z neba.

237Či je na svete človek, ktorý by tak jasne kázal pokánie, ako Billy Graham? Či bol niekedy taký človek, ktorý by mal na ľudí taký vplyv, ako Billy Graham? Nikdy nebol taký človek, v medzinárodnom merítku. Och, Billy Sunday, a tak ďalej, bol tu v Spojených štátoch, ale Billy Graham je známy po celom svete. Vidíte kde on volá? Von zo Sodomy.

238A on má svojho spoločníka tam v Letničnej cirkvi, Orala Robertsa.

239Ale ako je to s tou vyvolenou skupinou? Aký znak majú vidieť oni? Čo oni majú mať? Haleluja! "V čase večera bude svetlo." Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo. [Zhromaždenie sa raduje.] Dnes sa vyplnilo Božie zasľúbenie. My vieme, že toto je pravda. On je tu dnes večer, tak ako bol vtedy.

240No, kázať to, ako som povedal pred chvíľou, ak čokoľvek kážete, a je to pravda evanjelia, potom Boh je zaviazaný potvrdiť to. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] No, ak je to tak, nech Boh, ktorý napísal to Slovo, nech Boh, ktorý dal to proroctvo, nech Boh, ktorý je Bohom Slova, vystúpi a potvrdí, že On je stále Bohom.

241Ako Eliáš vyšiel hore na ten vrch; pozoroval ... Elizeus išiel a pozoroval Eliáša, on povedal: "Ja chcem dvojnásobnú porciu." A plášť, ktorý bol na Eliášovi spadol na Elizea. On išiel a zložil ten plášť vo dvoje a udrel tú rieku a povedal: "Kde je Boh Eliášov?" A tá istá vec, ktorá sa stala pri Eliášovi, sa stala pri Elizeovi.

242A to isté Evanjelium, tá istá Moc, ten istý Syn človeka, ktorý bol včera, je i dnes a bude naveky. Židom 13: 8. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Potom sa vás pýtam. Ja nemôžem byť On, ale On je tu. ["Amen."] My sme len nositeľ.

243Niektorí z vás tam, ktorí ste chorí a trpíte, a vy viete, že ja vás nepoznám, nech teraz Boh ... ak sa budem môcť dostatočne pokoriť. Modlite sa a proste Boha.

244Hádam ... Nie sú tu rozdané modlitebné karty, či sú? Nie, ja ne ... Nerozdávame žiadne modlitebné karty. Budeme mať modlitebné zhromaždenie ... či za uzdravovanie chorých, v zbore. Ale, modlite sa.

245A vy viete, že ja som vám úplne neznámy. Pozrite, vy ma poznáte, Jeffersonville! Nechcem, aby to robili ľudia z Jeffersonville. Chcem ľudí, ktorí nie sú tu z tadeto. Pozrime sa, či Boh stále zjavuje! Pozrime sa, či je stále ten istý včera, dnes i naveky!

246Robte tak ako urobila tá prostá žena. On prechádzal, a ona povedala: "Ja verím tomuto Mužovi." Ona mala krvotok, a ona povedala: "Ak sa budem môcť dotknúť lemu Jeho rúcha, verím, že budem uzdravená." Je to tak?

247Vďaka jej viere sa v ten deň vyplnilo to Písmo. "On obväzoval srdcia, skrúšené srdcia, uzdravoval chorých a chromých."

248Keď sa dotkla Jeho rúcha a vyšla spomedzi ľudí a sadla si, On sa otočil a povedal: "Kto sa Ma dotkol?" Ako by On vôbec vedel, v tom veľkom zástupe ľudí, možno tridsať krát väčšom, ako je tu dnes večer, tisíce ľudí? Ako to On vedel? On povedal: "Kto sa Ma dotkol?" On to nepovedal len tak, aby niečo povedal; On to povedal, pretože to bola pravda. A On povedal: "Kto sa Ma dotkol?" A On sa pozrel rovno dookola a uvidel tú prostú ženu, kde ona sedela, alebo stála, v akejkoľvek bola pozícii, povedal jej, že jej krvotok prestal.

249Taký bol Ježiš včera. A taký je On dnes. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."]

250Ja ťa nepoznám; Boh ťa pozná. Ale ty máš bolesti vo svojom boku, to ťa trápi. Je to tak. Ty tam sedíš a modlíš sa za to. Či som ti cudzí, a sme si cudzí jeden druhému? Vstaň, ak je to tak. Ja ťa nepoznám. To je ten muž rovno tam na rohu, tento mladý človek. Máš tiež choré hrdlo. Je to tak. Modlíš sa za to. Si celý nervózny, kvôli niečomu. Budeš musieť opustiť toto zhromaždenie, pretože si kazateľ, máš nejaké povinnosti, o ktoré sa musíš postarať. Je to tak. Aha. Veríš, že Boh vie kto si? Reverend Smith, teraz môžeš ísť a byť uzdravený. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil. Choď do svojho zhromaždenia; tvoje hrdlo ťa nebude trápiť.

Koho sa on dotkol?

251Tam sedí človek, rovno tu vzadu; on trpí. Má nádor na ľavej strane pľúc. On ne ... Nie je odtiaľto. Ty si bol baník. Je to tak. Ja som ti úplne cudzí. Ak je to pravda, zamávaj rukou. Ten nádor je na ľavej strane tvojich pľúc a práve máš ísť na operáciu. Je to tak? Nie si odtiaľto. Si z pomimo tohoto mesta. Si z Virgínii. Je to tak. Veríš, že Boh vie kto si? Pán Mitchel, je to tak, choď domov a buď zdravý. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje. Opýtajte sa toho človeka! Nikdy v živote som ho nevidel. On tam sedel, modlil sa.

Dnes toto Písmo! [Brat Branham sa obracia chrbtom do obecenstva.]

252Tu sedí nejaká pani rovno tu vzadu, za mnou, tak ako bola Sára v stane. Ona sa modlí za dcéru. Vstaň. Tá dcéra nie je tu; ona je inde, tá dcéra. A s tebou je to tak isto, ako to bolo, keď prišla ku Ježišovi tá žena, ona mala dcéru, ktorá bola strašne trápená od diabla. Tá žena ... to dievča je posadnuté démonom. Ona nie je tu. Ona je z ... Ty si zo Severnej Karolíny. Veríš tomu? A to je pravda, však? Pani Ordersová, môžeš ísť domov. Keď budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca nájdeš svoju dcéru tak, ako našla tá, dávno vtedy vo dňoch Ježiša Krista, keď povedal, že zostala uzdravená.

253 Dnes toto Písmo; znak Sodomy, znak super Semena, znak telesnej cirkvi! Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo vo vašom strede. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."]

254Prijmete Ho hneď teraz, ako svojho Spasiteľa, uzdravovateľa? Vstaňte na svoje nohy, každý jeden z vás, povedzte: "Prijímam svoje uzdravenie. Prijímam Ho, ako svojho Spasiteľa. Prijímam Ho, ako svojho Kráľa." Povstaňte všetci.

Dnes! Počúvajte, priatelia.

255On prečítal to Písmo, odovzdal tú Bibliu naspäť tomu kňazovi, a je povedané, že oči všetkých boli obrátené na Neho, a povedal: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo."

256Prečítal som to Písmo, kde bolo tucet, alebo i viac dôkazov, že žijeme v tom poslednom dni, generácia, ktorá bude vidieť Ježiša Krista vracať sa na zem. A hovorím vám dnes večer, znovu, dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo vo vašich očiach.

257Vy v Tucsone, vy v Kalifornii, vy v New Yorku, ktorí ste napojení cez telefón, dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo vo vašich očiach.

258Veseľme sa a radujme sa, lebo sa priblížila svadba Baránkova a Jeho Nevesta sa pripravila.

259Zodvihnime svoje ruky a chváľme Ho, všetci ľudia. Nech vás Boh žehná. [Zhromaždenie pretrváva v radosti a v chválení Boha.]

1 Just remain standing, if you will, while we bow our heads for a word of prayer.

2Dear Heavenly Father, we are grateful tonight for this, another opportunity to come and present this glorious, marvelous Gospel of Jesus Christ. We thank Thee because that He still remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. We thank Thee for these people who have gathered out here in the time of this cold weather, and still with their anticipations great, looking, believing that something extraordinary is going to be given us from God. We come with that hope, Lord, to every meeting. We thank Thee for the services, night before last, at the tabernacle; thank Thee for the service here last evening, and for the service today, at the tabernacle. We're looking forward now what You will have for us tonight.

3Father, we know that anyone that's able to move their hands could turn back the pages of the Bible, but there is only One Who can make It live and be real, and that's You. And, Father, we're looking for You to do that tonight. Bless us in every way. Our hearts are so full of joy as we see the time approaching when we're going to meet Him, face to face, the One that we've loved and lived for all these years.

4Many new converts, Lord, has been made. Understanding that a great host, forty or fifty, is to be baptized in Your Name, in the morning, from the service last night. O God, please continue, we pray, until every predestinated Seed of God has seen the Gospel Light, and has come into the fold.

5We ask You to hide us tonight behind the Word; blind us to the things of the world, and let us see Jesus. May there be a Mount Transfiguration experience among us, tonight, that we see no man save Jesus only. We ask it in His Name, and for His glory and a vindication of His Gospel. Amen.

You may be seated.

6 I'm just going to turn this mike, or this desk, just slightly sideways, if it's all right, so that I can see both sides of the audience. I guess I can get these microphones around here right. All right, just a moment.

7We are greeting, from the main auditorium here tonight, our friends in Arizona, California, Texas, and across the United States, by the way of telephone. This, this is going nationwide, this service tonight, by the way of telephone, so we trust that God will bless us.

8Can you hear, back over to the--the auditorium to the left? All right, they're going to check now the telephone system, to see if it's working all right.

9 Everybody happy tonight? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Say, that's fine! On this side? ["Amen."] Amen. I'm so glad to see that you're all seated comfortably.

10And now tomorrow night, if the crowds keep increasing, they'll also be telephone direct. There is tonight. I think some of them is down there at the tabernacle.

11And, tomorrow morning, the services cannot be had at the tabernacle, because the... there'll be a florist there decorating the church for a wedding tomorrow afternoon. And they have transferred the--the services, in the morning, up to Brother Ruddell's church, one of our associates, and up on the--the highway here, sixty-two. Has it been announced? [Brother Neville says, "Yes."--Ed.] It's been announced. And, if it overflows up there, we'll take the rest and send another minister down to Brother Junior Jackson's, down in Clarksville. The reason we had it at Brother Ruddell's, it's close here, and we can... and we thought you could find that easier. And then we'll take care of it in some way. And be sure to get all those baptisms in for tomorrow, and I hope there'll be another hundred or two added to those for baptism tomorrow. And now tomorrow night...

12 I never like to announce anything you speak on ahead of time, but one night in the service, or one day, I want to speak on the subject of: Who Is This Melchisedec? Because, it's a--a subject that I think we're living in the time when these revelations, of which has been the question down through the age, of, "Who is this Fellow?" And I believe that God has the answer, Who He was. Some said, "a priesthood," some said, "a king," some... But there's got...

13As long as there's a question, there has got to be a answer to that question, which is right. Cannot be a question without first being an answer.

14 Now, we trusting that God will give us a blessing tonight out of His Word, as we read It.

15And you've had... Billy told me to tell you that you've sure had fine cooperation with the peoples here that's been in the parking system, the police and everything. Keep it up; that's very, very good.

16We hope to see the time, maybe in the near future, when maybe we could bring the tent here to the city and put it up out here in the ballpark, where we could stay for some length of time, maybe for three or four weeks, revival, constantly. And here we just barely get to know each other, and then we have to say good-bye and we go again. But I'd like to come and stay an extensive trip, one time where you could stay so we don't have to close out in a night or two, but just stay and teach, day and night, day and night, on and on. Maybe somebody go home and feed the chickens, milk the cows, and come back next week and continue on with the service. I--I like that. So the Lord be with you.

17 Now, before I leave, perhaps Sunday morning or Sunday night, or sometime, one of these services, I know you're all waiting to hear the Message on the Truth about Marriage And Divorce, which is one of the great problems of the day. And I'm just as sure as I'm standing here, I believe that the correct answer is in the Word of God, and I believe that that's what I promised to come back for.

18And I suppose, knowingly, as far as I know, I want to have another service here in Jeffersonville, on Easter Sunday, and we'll... for sunrise service, and then Easter Sunday. So we'll announce it ahead and try maybe to get the auditorium, if possible, or somewhere, for Sunday, maybe come Saturday and Sunday. Have to fly in and back out, because it's near the time... I have to check it, first, with the schedule I have, and one of my--my--my itinerary in California. And then, immediately after that, I've got to go down in to--to Africa. So keep in touch and pray for us.

19 Now, tonight, I want to call your attention to a portion of God's Word, found in the 4th chapter of Saint Luke. The 4th chapter and the 16th verse, it will begin, Jesus speaking.

... This day is this Word fulfilled in your ears.

20Now we want to draw, from That, a conclusion of how dynamic is the Word of God! Now, we all can figure out the mechanics, but it takes the Dynamics to make It work.

21We can figure out what the mechanics of a machine, automobile, but then it takes the dynamics to make the wheels go to operating and moving.

22Now, Jesus had returned to--to Nazareth, where He was brought up. On down in the Scriptures here, we find that they said, "We heard You did such-and-such over in Capernaum. Now let us see You do it here in Your Own country."

23Jesus said, "A--a prophet is not without honor except in his own country." And, course, that's where you're brought up at, and where people know you. And there He had a--a--a bad name, to begin with, by Him being born without an earthly father. They called Him "an illegitimate child," that Mary was actually pregnant before she married, officially, Joseph. But, that isn't so, we know it isn't so.

24 And on this Scripture, what caused me to fall my eyes upon this, was something that happened just recently in Phoenix, Arizona. It was the last day, of the service that I was to speak at the International Convention of the Full Gospel Business Men.

25And in this convention there was a visitor with us, which was a Catholic bishop, which is--is of "the Chaldean Rites of the Apostolic Catholic church; the Most Rev. John S. Stanley, O.S.D." He is "the archbishop of metropolitan United States," in the Catholic church. This happened to be his card and his--and his address.

26And he was a visitor with the Christian Business Men, and I had seen him there, the day before. And when I was speaking on Saturday night, I believe it was, or Saturday morning at the breakfast, and I... As I was speaking, he kept watching me. I thought, "That man certainly is disagreeing with everything I say." And, you know, you could--you could just see him; he would keep his head up-and-down, but I didn't know what was just exactly working on him.

27 So on Sunday afternoon, when I got up to speak, I was going to take my text on Birth Pains, where Jesus said, that, "As a woman in travail with a child," she is travailing in birth. And so I was going to speak from there, as, Birth Pains, the subject, saying that the world is in birth pains now. The old has to be done away with, so the new can be born; just like a--a seed has to rot away, in order to give new life.

28And how the pains, birth pains struck the world! In World War One, she had a terrific pain, because they had poison gas, and so forth, that almost could destroy the world. And in World War Two, she struck another, harder pain; they had blockbusters, and also an atomic bomb. She cannot stand another labor pain. With these missiles and things today, one more war will throw her out into space, for she will now be delivered. And there will be a new earth. The Bible said there will be.

29Under every prophet's Message, Israel got a birth pain, because that these prophets would come on the scene after the theologians and clergymen would have the church all in a organization form. And when them prophets come on the scene with THUS SAITH THE LORD, they shook them churches, and she had a birth pain. Finally, she had birth pains plumb on up until she delivered a Son of the Gospel, which was the Word Itself made flesh.

30 So the church really is in birth pains tonight, again, for the deliverance of the Son, Son of God to come again. All of our theologians, all of our systems, all of our denominations, has rotted right out from under us. So we are in birth pain, and a Message from God always throws the church in heavier pain, but after a while she is going to be delivered of a Bride. That'll bring forth Jesus Christ to His Bride.

31And, then, thinking this man had disagreed with me so much. When I'd raised up to speak this Message, I turned in my Bible, to find the page.

32And my wife had just given me a new Bible, for Christmas. My old Bible is about fifteen years old, and the thing was just about tore to pieces. The pages, every time it'd open up, would fly out of it. And, but I knowed just where to find every Scripture, so I study close in that Bible. And I just picked up the new one, because the other one looked so ragged, to go to church with.

33 And when I started to turn over in Saint John, where the Scripture was found, I started to read the 16th chapter, and the verse that I was looking for wasn't there. So I thought, "Strange!" I turned back again; still it wasn't there.

34And Brother Jack Moore, from Shreveport, Louisiana, a bosom friend of mine, he was sitting there. I said, "Brother Jack, isn't that found in Saint John 16?"

He said, "Yes."

35And this Catholic priest got up out of his seat, from about a hundred clergymen sitting on the platform; walked over close to me, with all of his robes and gowns and crosses, and so forth, and got right up close to me. And he said, "My son, be steady. God is fixing to move."

I thought, "A Catholic bishop telling me that?"

He said, "Read it out of my Book."

36And I read the Scripture out of his Book, and took my text and went on, preached my sermon.

37Afterwards, when I got through, he got up after I was gone, and said, "There is one thing has to happen. After that, the church has to get out of the mess that it's in, or we have to get out of the mess the church is in." So, one or the other.

38 And I was on my road home, back down to Tucson, that evening. The kids was crying for a sandwich, and I stopped to get a sandwich at a little stand. And my wife said, "Bill, I never was so nervous in all my life, to see you standing up there fumbling through that Bible." Said, "Didn't it make you nervous?"

39I said, "Nope." I said, "I knowed it was in there somewhere. They just didn't have the page in. It's a misprint."

40And she said, "To think, that I got you that Bible! Looked like every eye in there was right upon me."

41And I said, "Well, you couldn't help that. That was a misprint in the Bible." I said, "They just never put the page in."

42Well, I got down and looked at it again, just perfect as it could be; but the 16th chapter ends, portion, the portion of it just about three inches from the bottom, over at the 17th chapter on the other side, does the same thing. And, being a new Bible, those two pages had perfectly stuck together, and I was reading from the 17th chapter instead of the 16th. "Well," I said, "that's all fine. It's for some cause."

43 And just as plain as you could hear any voice, a Voice come to me, and said, "He entered into Nazareth, to where He was brought up at; and went into the synagogue, as it was His custom. And the priest gave Him the Scriptures to read, and He read Isaiah 61. And when He had read the Scriptures, He set down; handed the priest back the Bible, the Book, and sat down. And all the eyes of the congregation was upon Him. And precious Words proceeded from His mouth. And He said, 'This day this Scripture is fulfilled.'"

"This day this Scripture is fulfilled."

44How accurate is the Scripture! If you'll notice this in Isaiah 61:1 to 2, is where our Lord was reading from, Isaiah 61:1 to 2. But in the middle of the 2nd verse of Isaiah 61, He stopped. Where it said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me; to preach the acceptable year," then He stopped. Why? The other part, to bring judgment, didn't apply to His first coming, but His second Coming. See, it didn't apply there. How the Scriptures never make a mistake! They are always perfect. Jesus stopped just where the Scripture stopped, 'cause that was exactly what was to be vindicated in His day, now, in that first coming. The second Coming He will bring judgment upon the earth; but not then. He was "to preach the acceptable year."

45 Notice the Messiah standing in the platform, to identify Himself with the Word of promise for that age. How strange, the Messiah standing up before the church! And look at these precious Words, when He says here, "To preach the acceptable year."

46"The acceptable year," as we all know, as Bible readers, was "the year of jubilee." That, when all slaves and prisoners, as they were, been taken, prison; and had to give a son, to pay a debt; or a daughter, to pay a debt, [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] and they were in bondage. No matter how long they had been in bondage, or how long they was supposed to stay there; when the year come, of the jubilee, when the trumpet sounded, every man could go free if he wanted to go free. [Blank.spot.on.tape.] You're free. You was no more slave.

47But if you desired to remain a slave, then you had to be taken down to the temple, stood by the temple post, and they took an awl and bored a hole in your ear, and then you had to serve that slave master the rest of your days.

48 What a perfect example it is of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! When It's preached, the acceptable time, and the time of Jubilee; anybody, no matter who you are, what color you are, what denomination you belong to, how it's far you've stooped in sin, or what's wrong with you; you can go free when you hear the Gospel trumpet sound out. You are free!

49But if you turn your back upon the Message and refuse to hear It, notice, you were bored in the ear, with an awl. That means, to say, that you have crossed the line between grace and judgment, and you will never hear the Gospel again. You'll never get any further. You must be a slave to the system you're in, the rest of your days, if you refuse to hear the acceptable year.

50Now, the other part of it, as I said, didn't need to be answered, because this coming Messiah, a time now, is when He will bring judgment.

51 Now, how could those people ever fail to see Who He was? How did they ever miss it? How could it be, when it was so plainly made known and showed? How could they have ever missed seeing? When He...

52What a Word! Think of it, "This day is this Scripture fulfilled before your eyes." Who said it? God Himself, Who is the interpreter of His Own Word. "This day is this Scripture fulfilled." The Messiah, Himself, standing in the presence of the congregation and reading a Word out of the Bible, pertaining to Himself, and then saying, "Today this Scripture is fulfilled," and they still failed to see It.

53What a tragedy that that would be, but it's happened. It's happened many times. How could it happen? Of course, like it did in other times, by believing man's interpretation of the Word. That's what caused it. Those believers in them days, so-called believers, was taking the interpretation of what the priest had said about the Scripture. Therefore Jesus, not belonging to any of their ranks or their societies, He was excommunicated from their company.

54And, therefore, they could not identify Him with them, because He was different from them. The Person of Jesus Christ was so unique that no one should have missed seeing that that was the Son of God, because He was the perfect identification of the Scripture that was wrote of Him.

55That's the way any Christian is known, when his life identifies the very things that's the Christian is supposed to do.

56 How He could stand there and say, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled right before your eyes!" How outstanding, how so plainly, and yet those people misunderstood. Why? Is because they took the interpretation of some order of priests that they were listening to.

57And history always repeats itself. And Scripture has a compound meaning to It, and a compound revelation.

58For instance, like it says in the Bible, that, "Out of Egypt I have called my son," referring to Jesus. Run the margin on that, and you find out, also referred to Jacob, same Scripture. Jesus was His greater Son. Jacob was His son that He called out of Egypt, which the Scofield reference and all other references give to it, because that's the Scripture it was referring to. So it had a--a double answer; it had a answer to Jacob called out, and to Jesus called out.

59And so is it today! Is because that we're in such a turmoil as we are, and people fail to see the Truth of God, is because there is too many man-made interpretations of God's Word. God don't need nobody to interpret His Word. He is His Own interpreter.

60 God said, in the beginning, "Let there be light," and there was light. That doesn't need an interpretation.

61He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. That doesn't need any interpretation.

62When, God's interpretation of His Word is when He vindicates and proves It to be so. That's His interpretation, by making it come to pass. That's where God's interpretation is, is when He makes His Word come to pass. He is interpreting It to you.

63Like if there had never been light, and He said, "Let there be light," and there was, that don't need anybody to interpret.

64But we get man-made systems mixed into It, and, when you do, you--you get It out of line. It's always been that way.

65 But I still think of how striking it must have been. Think of it, the Messiah! Why did they fail to see Him? Because, their very leaders that ought to have knowed Him, that ought to have been versed in the Scripture, that ought to have been understanding of the Scriptures, they belittled this Man and said, "He's a illegitimate child, to--to begin with. We wouldn't believe That."

66Years later, we don't believe that. We would die for the purpose to say that He was a virgin-born Son.

67And it'll come to pass someday that, the very things that we see Jehovah doing today, men in the ages to come, if there is, will die for the thing that we're talking about today. You'll have to do it when the mark of the beast comes on, and you're not allowed to preach the Gospel this way. When the great union of churches comes together, which is in order right now for the world church, you'll have to seal your testimony with your own life, to This.

68 You must believe It now. If those priests could rise up, that condemned Him, would not condemn Him. "But," you say, "if I'd have been there, I would have done so-and-so." Well, that wasn't your age. But, this is your age, this is the time.

You say, "Well, if He was here!"

69The Bible said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever," the same, so He is here. But, He's here. As the world has civilized, become greater, and educated more; He's here in the Spirit form, which they cannot kill or put to death. He died once; He cannot die again. He had to be made flesh in order for God to be put to death in the flesh, for sin. But this time He could never die; It's the Holy Spirit.

70 Now, how to think that they had them things against Him! Another thing, that He would not join any of their ranks. Then, you see, that still made Him a bad person. He wouldn't join their--their organizations, wouldn't join their priesthood, and He wouldn't have nothing to do with it. And then, besides all that, He tried to tear down what they had built up.

71He went into the temple. We call Him a meek Man; He was, but many times we misunderstand what meekness is.

72He was a Man of compassion, but yet we fail sometime to understand what compassions is. Not human sympathy, isn't compassion. But, compassion, is, "doing the will of God."

73He passed through the pool of--of Bethesda, the gate. There laid people, multitudes of them. Multitudes is no certain number. But there laid multitudes; lame, blind, halt, withered. And He had compassion on the people, always. And He went to one person that was not lame, blind, halt, nor withered; maybe had a prostrate trouble, maybe he had some little infirmity that was retarded. He had it thirty-eight years. It wasn't going to bother him, wasn't going to kill him. He was lying on a pallet. And He said, "Wilt thou be made whole?"

74And the man said, "I have nobody to put me in the water, but while I'm coming, well, someone steps down ahead of me." See, he could walk, he could see, he could get around, but he was just feeble.

75And Jesus said to him, "Rise up. Take up your bed and go to your house." And Jesus was questioned on that, for you remember the Scripture said this.

76 No wonder! If He would come to Jeffersonville tonight and make an act like that, they would still talk about Him.

77But, remember, He came to do one thing, was the will of God. Now, that's found in Saint John 5:19, you'll get the answer. He said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself; but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son."

78Now, they ought to have knowed that that was the very vindication of the prophecy of Moses, "For the Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me."

79Did you notice, when He seen the man, He said... Jesus knew that he had been in this condition for many years. See, being a Prophet, He saw that man in that condition; and went down there and waved--waved His way around through those people, mincing through the crowd, until He found that certain man.

80Passed by the lame, halt, blind, and withered, yet a Man full of compassion. But, compassion, is, "doing the will of God."

81 Now, we find Him, as He would not join up with them, He would not have nothing to do in their ranks, then He was an outcast. He would not have any...

82Besides that, He went into the temple one day. A Man went in there and found the house of God just about contaminated as it is today. They were buying, selling, changing money. And He turned over the money tables; took ropes and plaited them, and beat the moneychangers out of the temple. And looked upon them with anger, and said, "It's written," hallelujah, "My Father's house is a house of prayer; and you've made it a den of thieves. And you, with your traditions, has made the commandments of God of none effect."

83Oh, could a bunch like that ever believe in Him? No, sir. They had been so hog-wallowed in the muck of societies and filth of the day, until they were so ecclesiastical froze up until they couldn't feel the vibrations of the Power of Almighty God. No wonder the little woman could touch His garment and get healed by It; and a drunken soldier could spit in His face and feel no virtue! Depends on how you approach It. Depends on what you're looking for. When you go to church, it depends on what you're looking for.

84 Now we see Him standing there. No doubt but what the people had already warned him, warned, the priest had warned the people, "Now He's coming over here next Sabbath, and, when He does, don't you listen to Him. Now, you might go and sit here, but don't pay no attention to what He says, because He don't belong to our group. He's an outcast. He has no fellowship card. He don't even have an organ-... an organization paper with him. He doesn't have nothing like that."

"What is He?"

85"Some renegade boy that was born down here, illegitimate birth, by a carpenter's home, that a mother conceived Him before they were married, and they're trying to hide the thing up with some supernatural thing.

86"We know that, when the Messiah cometh, He'll come down the corridors of Heaven and go to our high priest and say, 'Here I am, Caiaphas.'" But we find out that He didn't do it that way, because it wasn't written in the Word that way. It was a man-made tradition that caused them to believe that.

87The Word had said that He would come just the way He come. And there He stood, reading the Word, and saying to them, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your eyes." And still they fail to see Him or recognize Him, like they did in all other ages.

88 Noah could have said the same thing, the day that he entered into the ark and the door closed. Moses could have raised that window in the top of the ark, looked out upon the congregation... Remember, God closed the door. And he could have said, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your eyes," but it was too late for them then. He had preached a hundred and twenty years, to try to get them into that boat that he had built, telling them that the Scripture said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, it's going to rain," but they waited too long. But Noah could a easily said that, "Today, this day, the Scripture is fulfilled."

89Moses, the same day that the Pillar of Fire come down on Mount Sinai and give witness to his testimony, Moses could have said, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled."

90Moses, you know, was a called man of God, a prophet. And while he was being called, being a prophet, he had to have a supernatural experience. In order to be a prophet, he had to meet God face to face and talk with Him. And another thing, what he said had to come to pass, or no one would have believed him.

91So no man has a right to call himself thus until he's talked face to face with God, on a back side of a desert somewhere, where he met God, himself. And all the atheists in the world could not explain it away from him; he was there, he know it happened. Every Christian should have that experience before they say anything about being a Christian. Your own experience!

92 I talked to my nephew, a while ago, a little Catholic boy, that said, "Uncle Bill, I've run from pillar to post, going everywhere, trying to find something." Night after night, before this meeting started, he has been crying. And at nighttime, he's been dreaming dreams of coming in, running up to the altar, where preaching, and making a confession that he's been wrong.

93I said, "Melvin, no matter where you try to go, how many churches you join, how many 'Hail Mary's, you say, or how many blessings you get from man, you've got to be born again of the Spirit of God. It's the only thing that'll satisfy the human heart."

94That's, I know they got a substitute, today, of being born again, just shake hands with the preacher and put your name on the book. But, friends, that is a dogma. It's not a Bible Truth. If it would, the Acts of the Apostles, in the 2nd chapter, would have to read like this, "When the Day of Pentecost was fully come, the pastor walked out and shook hands with the people."

95But said, "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come," at the inauguration of the Church, "there came a sound from Heaven like a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting." That's how the Holy Spirit come the first time. That's how It's come every time since that time. He is God, and changes not. Now, It stumbles people.

They say, "That was for another day."

96 Well, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Every time the Church ever received the Holy Ghost, It's always come like He did the first time, under the same prescription, Acts 2:38; never has changed, never will change.

97Like a doctor's prescription for a disease. He'll write out a prescription for a disease, the doctor does. And take it to some quack druggist, and he puts too much of the antidote in it, it's so weak it won't do you any good; if he puts too much of the poison in it, it'll kill you. It's got to be wrote just according to the doctor.

98And the doctor's prescription on how to receive the Holy Ghost is given to us by Doctor Simon Peter, on the Day of Pentecost. "I'll give you a prescription. Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the prescription is to them that's far off, and even as in many as the Lord our God shall call. The Eternal prescription!

99 Moses had had this experience. He went down into the country and he began to tell the people, "I met a Pillar of Fire. It was in a burning bush. And He told me to tell you. 'I AM THAT I AM. Go down; I'll be with you. Take up the stick in your hand and hold it up over Egypt; whatever you ask, it'll be done.'"

Well, probably some priest said, "Nonsense!"

100But when they seen the real facts of this, take, come to pass, they couldn't hold it any longer. They knowed he was sent of God.

101Then, if Moses said he saw that, and testified to it to be the Truth, then God is obligated, if that is the Truth, to identify and vindicate that man's word, the Truth. That's true.

102If Jesus Christ stood there and read, that day, "This day is this Word fulfilled before you," God is obligated to make that Word come to pass.

103We stand here tonight and say, that, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." God is obligated to prove that to be so, because It's His Word. Now, what does it do? It takes faith, in believing It. Takes faith, in believing His Word, that It is the Truth.

104 Notice what come to pass when Moses brought the children out, and all those that followed him. Those who did not follow stayed in Egypt. But those who followed Moses, when they come out of the Red Sea and got out into the wilderness, God came down upon Mount Sinai. That Pillar of Fire set the whole mountain on fire, and a Voice spoke out of there, and God gave the ten commandments.

105Moses could have walked up there before the people, and say, "This day the Scripture that I have told you, as His prophet, comes to pass this day. I've told you that God met me, and up there in a burning bush, in a Pillar of Fire, and He said this, 'I'll... This will be a sign. You'll bring them people right back to this place here again.' And there is God, in the same Pillar of Fire I told you He was in, hanging right yonder on the mountain. This day this prophecy is fulfilled. Here He is to vindicate that the things that I have said is the Truth."

106God give us more man like that, that's honest and sincere, and tell the Truth, that God Almighty could vindicate that His Word is still Truth! He remains the same yesterday, and ever. Why wouldn't He do it? He promised to do it.

107 Joshua might have said the same, the day that he come back to Kadesh-barnea, where they had journeyed so far in the wilderness. They were doubting the land being the kind of land that God said it would be. But God told them it was a good land, it was flowing with milk and honey. And Joshua and Caleb was the only two that would believe it, out of the other ten that left. When they come back, they had the evidence; they had a bunch of grapes that two strong man could only carry.

108Joshua and Caleb could have stood right there and said, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled. Here is the evidence that it is a good land." Sure. Why? "There is the evidence that it's a good land. Where'd you ever get such things as that, in Egypt? There was no such places. But this day this Scripture is fulfilled."

109He could have said the thing, same, when he prophesied and said the walls of Jericho would fall down after they had marched around seven times, seven days, seven times a day. And when they marched around that last time, the walls fell down. Joshua could have stood up and said, "This day, the Chief Captain of the host of the Lord that told me weeks ago that it would happen like this, this day this Scripture is fulfilled." There laid the walls, flat on the ground. "Come on, let's go take it. It belongs to us. This day this Scripture is fulfilled."

110How wonderful, man of God has stood for the things that's right!

111 Israel, at the river, when they possessed the land, went over. How they going to do it? It's the month of April. The floods are coming down because the snow is melting, up in Judaea. Oh, what a poor general it seemed like that God was, to bring His people there, in the month of April, when the Jordan was higher back than it ever was. Sometimes...

112I might could stop here, if I had time, to give you just a little tip. Sometimes you may be setting out there with cancer, or you might be setting with a disease; you think, "Why, me, being a Christian, would be in this a way? Why would I be sitting like this, if I'm a Christian?" Sometimes God lets the things get so dark that you can't see up, around, or anywhere else, and then He comes and makes a way through it for you, that you might say, "This day this Scripture is being fulfilled, that He promised to do."

113 He let the Hebrew children walk right into the fiery furnace. They said, "Our God is able to deliver us from this fire in the furnace. But, nevertheless, we'll not bow down to your image." When they walked out of there, the smell of the furnace upon them... no smell of the furnace, rather, upon them; they could have said, "This day is this Scripture fulfilled."

114When Daniel come from the lions' den, he could have said the same thing.

115John the Baptist. After four hundred years of ecclesiastical teaching, no wonder that church was in a mess at that time! When he appeared in the wilderness, the Jordan, he could have stood right there on the bank, as he did, and say, "This day this Scripture, Isaiah 40, is fulfilled."

116 How I could stop here and tell you what that old priest told me! Said, "Son, you never finished that Message."

I said, "Keep still."

He said, "You mean them Pentecostals don't see that?"

I said, "No."

117He said, "I see it." And a Catholic priest, too! Uh-huh. He said, "Why didn't you go on?"

I said, "Keep still."

He said, "Glory to God! I see it."

118And about that time the Holy Ghost fell on his sister, setting out there in the meeting. And she raised up, speaking in unknown tongues, and gave the interpretation of the very thing that the priest and I were talking about, on the platform. The whole church, the whole place, went into a roar. Carried on over into Oral Robert's convention last week, or week before last, and was the talk of the convention. How that that priest... Setting under the Holy Spirit, revealed out there through a woman, his sister I believe it was, of what was taking place up there on the platform, and revealed that thing that we were hiding.

119The hour that we're living, this day this Scripture is fulfilled. This day the evening Lights have come, and we fail to see It. Notice.

120 John said, "This day I am 'the voice of one crying in the wilderness,' as said the prophet Isaiah. Prepare the way for the Lord!"

121They didn't understand it. Say, "Oh, you're Jesus... you're--you're the Christ," rather.

122He said, "I am not the Christ." He said, "I'm not worthy to loose His shoes. But," he said, "He is standing among you, somewhere," for he was sure that He would be there. He would be in his day, 'cause God told him he was to introduce the Messiah.

123One day a young Man's come walking down through there, and he seen like a Light over the top of Him, a sign. And he cried out, "Behold the Lamb of God! This day this Scripture is fulfilled before you." Sure.

124 At the Day of Pentecost, how Peter stood up and quoted their Scripture, of Joel 2:38. When, they was all laughing, those people. They couldn't talk in their own language. They were jabbering off something else. The Bible said, "Cloven tongues." Cloven is a "parted" tongue, not saying nothing, just a jabbering. Running around like a bunch of drunk people!

125They all said, "Well, these people are drunk. Look at them, look how they're acting, how them women and man. They're disorderly," said that religious group of that day.

126Peter stood up in the midst of them, said, "Man and brethren, you that dwell in Jerusalem, and you that dwell in Judaea, let it be known unto you that these are not drunk, as you suppose, seeing it's the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoke of by the prophet Joel, 'It'll come to pass in the last days, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.' This day this Scripture was fulfilled." Certainly.

127 Luther was right on time. Wesley was right on time. Pentecost was right on time. Nothing out of the order.

128Now I ask you to consider the age and time we now live in, with the promised Word for today. If back in other ages, man could say, "this day this Scripture," "this day this Scripture," then what about the Scripture for this day? What's promised for this day? Where are we standing? What hour are we living; when the clock is beating, the scientific clock, three minutes before midnight? World has got the jitters. The church is in a bed of corruption. There nobody knows where they're standing. What time of day is it? What about the Scripture for this day? The conditions of the church, or, the conditions of the church today!

129 In the world, politics, our world system, is just as rotten as it can be. I'm not a politician. I'm a Christian. But, I ain't got no business talking about politics, but I just want to say they're rotten on both sides.

130I voted once, that was for Christ; I got to win. The devil voted against me, and Christ voted for me; depends on which way I cast my vote. I'm glad I cast it on Him; let the world say what they want to. I still believe that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He'll prove it. He certainly will. Certainly.

The increase in crime, juvenile delinquency!

131Look at our nation, once the flower of the earth. Our great democracy was formed back there in--in the... at the Declaration of Independence. And Declaration of Independence was signed, and we had a democracy. And our great forefathers, and the things that they done; we had a great nation.

132But she is now rottening, and crumbling, and shaking, and giving away. And trying to tax people, to get money to send over yonder, to buy friendship with their enemies; they're throwing it back in our face. One world war, two world war, and still moving on to a third one. Certainly. Politics is rotten, corrupted, rotten to the bottom. Just exactly what Matthew 24 said it would be, "Nation would be against nation, kingdom against kingdom." All these things would take place. Let's consider this now. All right.

133 Notice another, the increase in scientific research. Now, one time, just a... My grandfather went to see my grandmother, in an ox cart. Now it's a jet plane, or even an orbit into the air, into outer space. Its great... How, who said this? Daniel 12:4, said, "Knowledge shall increase in the last days." We see the hour we're living. Notice now the--the conditions of the world, the condition of science.

134And notice again, today, in our educational system. Now don't try to deny this. I've got the newspaper clippings, teaching sex in our chur-... in our schools, of young students to have sexual affairs with one another and see if they can mate in the world. Yes, sir.

135How about in our priesthood? Tonight I got a piece out of the paper. Over in Los Angeles, California, of where a bunch of clergymen, Baptist and Presbyterians, ministers, brought a bunch of homosexuals in and practiced homosexual, saying they was trying to win them to God. When, that's one of the curses of the hour, a Sodomite! And the law even arrested them.

136 Then where we at? Our whole system has rottened out from under us. I seen the increase in homosexual across the United States has increased twenty or thirty percent over last year. Think of that, man living with man, just exactly like they did in Sodom.

137Increase in crime, juvenile delinquency! What hour are we living? This day this Word of prophecy is fulfilled.

138The religious world, the church itself, the church, the called-out church, that we call the called-out church, the last church age, the Pentecostal church age, where is it? It's in Laodicea, as the Scripture said.

139Today they've let down the bars. Their women are half dressed. Their man are... It's a horrible thing. Some of them married three or four times, on deacon boards, and everything else. They've let down, and brought in corruption, because they've set in councils and took the place with the world.

140And, today, they got better buildings, they ever had. Some place, one of them is building a fifty-million-dollar auditorium, fifty million dollar. Pentecostals! It used to be down on the corner, twenty-five years ago, beating a tambourine. Said, "We..."

141Because, the Scripture said, in Revelations 3, that you are "'Rich,' said, 'I'm rich. I sit as a queen. I have need of nothing.' And knowest thou not that thou are wretched, miserable, poor, naked, blind, and don't know it!"

142This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your eyes. Amen! Amen means "so be it." I'm not amening myself, but I mean I believe It's the Truth. This day this Scripture is fulfilled.

143 The Pentecostal church is in a Laodicean condition. Oh, they still jump and holler, and carry on when the music is beating. When the music stops beating, or the beatnik music some of them play and calling it Christianity, and whenever that stops, all the glory is gone. See?

144If it's a real praise of God, there isn't enough whistles and enough--enough power in the world to stop it. When it really comes from God, it don't take music to be beat up. It takes the Spirit of God to come down on it. That's what does it.

145And they've long forgot It, because they've classed the gift of the Holy Ghost, "initial evidence of speaking in tongues." And I heard devils and witches speak in tongues.

146The Holy Ghost is the Word of God in you, that identifies Itself by accepting that Word. Outside of that, it can't be the Holy Ghost. If it says it's the Holy Spirit, and denies one Word of that Bible, it cannot be the Holy Spirit. That's the evidence whether you believe or not.

147 Notice another great sign. The Jews are in their homeland; their own nation, their own money, a member of the United Nations. They got their own army. They got everything. They're in their homeland; which, Jesus said, "Learn a parable of the fig tree." There they are, right back in their nation. This day this Scripture is fulfilled, the Jews in their homeland.

148This day this Scripture is fulfilled, the Laodicea Church Age.

149This day this Scripture, Matthew 24, is fulfilled. The world is in a corruption, the whole thing; nations against nations, earthquakes in divers places, great whirlwinds coming down, shaking the nations, and so forth, great disasters everywhere. This day this Scripture is fulfilled.

150 Now we found out the condition of the world. We see where the church normal, normal... Organization, denomination, we see where they are. We see where the nations are. And we see that this day these promises is fulfilled.

151Now, but in this day there is to come a super, Royal Seed of Abraham. That's exactly what It'd be, would be a Royal Bride to the Royal, promised Son. As I spoke last night, it won't be a natural seed, it'll be a spiritual Seed. There is to be a spiritual Bride raise up, which will be the Royal Seed of the royal Faith of Abraham's Royal Son. She is to come on the scene in the last days, and the time and the place is a promise that's given to Her.

152According to Malachi 4, a Scripture, there is to rise a Message that will shake the hearts of the people right back to the apostolic fathers again. There is to rise one on the scene, in the power of Elijah, that'll rise on the scene; a wilderness man that'll come out, and will have a Message that'll run right straight back to the Word again. That's the hour that we're living in.

153 Then, consider now, I ask you at this hour, you people here of Jeffersonville. In 1933, the supernatural Light that fell down yonder on the river, that day when I was baptizing five hundred in the Name of Jesus Christ, as about a twenty-year-old boy. What did It say, Jeffersonville? What was It at the foot of Spring Street there, when the Courier Journal, I believe it was the Louisville Herald, packed the article of It? It went plumb across the Associated Press, plumb into Canada. Doctor Lee Vayle cut it out of the paper, way up in Canada, in 1933.

154When I was baptizing my seventeenth person, under this Witness; and you know the rest of the story. And when I was standing there, baptizing the seventeenth person, a Light come down from Heaven, shining down above there, like a Star falling from the Heaven. A Voice said, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message shall forerun His second Coming, into all the world." This day this Scripture is fulfilled.

155 [Congregation is rejoicing--Ed.] This day! [Congregation is greatly rejoicing and praising God.] God promised it. What happened? This day It's went around the world.

156And when God came down there and said that, when I was a little boy, in a burning bush, or a bush up there, on fire with a Pillar of Fire, up here at Wathen's place on the Utica Pike; packing water back there, from that barn to a moonshine still, you know the truth of it. He said, "Don't you never smoke, or drink, or defile your body, for there's a work for you to do when you get older." I testify to that being the Truth, that I saw It. And God, as He did with Moses, spoke out before the congregation down yonder, and said, "This is the Truth."

This day this Scripture is fulfilled in the midst of us.

157Watch what He said about the discernment, and how it would be; from laying hands upon them, to knowing the secret of the heart. This day this Scripture is fulfilled before our very eyes.

158 These promises that was made, notice, all these promises had been vindicated and fulfilled by the God of the promise. Look, hanging in Washington, D.C., tonight, the picture of the Angel of the Lord!

159As George J. Lacy, the head of the FBI fingerprint and document for the United States government, examined It from Houston, Texas, and said, "This is the only supernatural Being was ever photographed in all the world." He ought to know; he's the best that's in the world, for it.

160Notice, there It hangs, as the Truth, the same Pillar of Fire that led Israel back yonder at the wilderness. It's leading today, the same kind of a Message, of, "Come up out of Egypt!"...?... This day this Scripture is fulfilled. You know the Message that He said.

161 Look at the vision of Tucson, three years ago, when standing up here on the lane. When, five years before that, He said, "The day that the city drives a stake down in front of that gate, turn yourself towards the West." My tabernacle folks that's here, knows that prop-... that--that time. That's right.

162And the day that Mr. Goynes and them was up there, and drove that stake down, I said to the wife, "There is something about this."

She said, "What is it?"

And I went in and looked in my little book. There it was.

163And that next morning, at ten o'clock, sitting in there, my room there, about ten o'clock, the Angel of the Lord came down. He said, "Go to Tucson. You'll be northeast of Tucson, and there will come seven Angels in a cluster that will shake the whole earth around you." And said, "It'll be told you from there."

164How many remembers that, here, way before it happened? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] There is men sitting right here in this building tonight, was standing right there when it happened.

165And said, "The Seven Seals of the hidden mysteries of the entire Bible will be opened, and fulfill Revelations 10, that in the seventh angel's Message these things should come to pass." This day this Scripture is fulfilled before our eyes. This day this Scripture is fulfilled.

166 Last year, standing in the same place, Mr. Woods here and I, going up the hill, in a kind of mourning, about his wife being sick. The Holy Spirit said, "Pick up a rock laying there. Throw it up in the air. When it comes down, say, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, there will be judgment strike the earth.' Tell him that he'll see the hand of God, the next few hours."

167I told Mr. Woods; is present tonight. And, I guess, eight or ten of the man, or fifteen, that was there at that time when it took place; the next morning, where the Lord came down in a whirlwind and ripped the mountain out around us, and cut the tops of the trees loose, and made three blasts, and said, "Judgment is headed towards the West Coast."

168Two days after that, Alaska almost sunk beneath the earth. And since then, up-and-down the Coast, the belches of God's judgment against that spiritual screen. There is a iron curtain, there is a bamboo curtain, and there is a sin curtain.

169 Civilization has traveled with the sun; so has the Gospel. They've come from the east and went west, like the sun goes. And now It's on the West Coast. It can't go no further; if It goes further, It'll be back east again.

170The prophet said, "There will come a day that cannot be called night or day," a dismal day, a lot of rain and fog, just enough how to know how to join a church or put your name on a book. "But it shall be Light about the evening time." This day this Scripture is fulfilled.

171The same--the same s-u-n that rises in the east is the same s-u-n that sets in the west. And the same S-o-n of God that come in the east and vindicated Himself as God manifested in the flesh, is the same S-o-n of God in the western hemisphere here, that's identifying Himself among the church tonight, the same yesterday, today, and forever. The evening Light of the Son has come. This day this Scripture is fulfilled before us.

172 Where we at in this Abrahamic age? Where are we in this great time we're standing, the great hour that we're living in? All the visions has been fulfilled.

173How about when a little minister friend of ours here, associate sister church, Junior Jackson, come running up to us one night, me down there. Said, "I had a--a dream, Brother Branham, that's bothering me. I seen all the brethren gathered upon a hill." And said, "Upon this hill, you were teaching us out of letters that was wrote, looked like, in some letters that time had carved out in the rock. When you finished that, all that was finished, you told us, said, 'Come close,' and we all gathered up."

174Said, "You reached from somewhere and, looked like, got like a crowbar and whipped the top of this little pyramid open. And, when it did," said, "granite rock with no writing on it. And you told us to 'look in upon this.' And you all... We all started looking." Said, "I turned my head, and I noticed you going towards the west, just as hard as you could, towards the setting of the sun." How many remembers it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

175 And I stood there a little bit till the Holy Spirit revealed it. I said, "The entire Bible, as much as been revealed to man, through justification, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the baptism in Jesus' Name, and all these things, has been revealed; but there is secrets that's hid inside, because the Bible is sealed with Seven Seals. I must go there to find it."

176That morning when those seven Angels come down and blasted the earth, and rocks flew every way, seven Angels stood there and said, "Return back to Jeffersonville, from where you come from, for the Seven Seals of the seven mysteries will be opened."

177Here we are, today, understanding Serpent's Seed. In a few days, if God willing, we'll understand the correctness of Marriage And Divorce. And all these things that God has opened, every Seal, the mysteries since the foundation of the world. And we've been in joy, the Presence of His blessings! That is true. This day, this Scripture!

178 The Life magazine packed an article of it, "Mystic circle of Light goes up in the air above Tucson and Phoenix," in the same way that I told you nearly a year before it happened, how it would be, and like a triangle. The picture hangs in the church down there. You that took that magazine has it. There it was, just exactly. They said, "It's twenty-seven miles high and thirty miles across." They don't understand yet what happened. It appeared mysteriously and went away mysteriously.

179Brother Fred Sothmann, Brother Gene Norman and I, standing there. Three is a witness. Like He took up on top of the mount; Peter, James, and John, to give witness. Stood there and watched it when it happened, and seen it done.

180There It is, hanging in the sky; so far, there is no humidity, no moisture or nothing to make a--a fog. How could they come there? It was the Angels of God returning back, after their Message. This day that prophecy has been fulfilled in our midst. This day this Scripture has been fulfilled.

181Watch, Seven Seals has been opened. The whirlwind is to the West Coast. Now, don't miss it, like they did back yonder.

182 Now, our attention, a little closer to our day. What does the Scripture say about today, and about the time we live in? Jesus speaking... I won't have time to take them all, but I want to take this one before we close.

183Jesus said, in Saint Luke the 17th chapter, the 30th verse. Jesus Christ, the Word Himself! Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Jesus Christ, the Word Himself, made flesh, spoke and said what the Word would be in the end time, what will be the sign of the end of the world. He told them nation would rise against nation, but He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the day when the Son of man is being revealed."

184Now, when Jesus came to the earth, He came in the name of three Sons. Son of man, which is a prophet; Son of God; and Son of David.

185Now, He lived here on earth. He never did say He was the Son of God. He said, "I'm the Son of man." Jehovah Himself called Ezekiel and the prophets, "Son of man." Because, He had to come to fulfill Scripture as a prophet. Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me." That's the reason He could not be the Son of God there, because He was the Son of man. He... "The Word came to the prophets." And He was the Word in Its fullness. Son of man, the--the major prophet... Not the major prophet, but the God-Prophet, "The fullness of the Godhead bodily was in Him." Therefore, He was the Son of man.

186Now, for two thousand years, He's been known to us as Son of God, Spirit.

187And in the Millennium, He'll be Son of David, upon the Throne. We all know that, who believe the Scriptures.

188 Now, Jesus said, just at the end of this church age that we're living in, that, "The Son of man would be revealed again in the same manner it was, as it was at Sodom."

189Watch how, historically, He gave it. He said, "As it was in the days," first, "of Noah, how they were eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage." Then He brought, next, the last, to the Son of man, at Sodom. Cause, there He was dealing with Jews; here, at Sodom, He is dealing with Gentiles. There, He drowned them all by water, in judgment; here, at the Gentiles, He burnt them all at the day at Sodom. That's right. The Gentile world burnt there, "and so will it be when the Son of man reveals." It's not no more water, but it'll be fire this time. Jesus read from the same Genesis 23 that we read from, when He read about Sodom.

190 Now, we admit the conditions that's spoke of, of the world condition of Sodom, Sodomites, Sodom condition. We, every one, will say "amen" to that. We believe that. All right.

191And the spiritual condition of Laodicea, the church natural, we'll say "amen" to that, and accept their signs. We know that every sign is there. The church is in Laodicea. We know that. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

192We know the world is in a Sodom condition. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We'll accept that.

193But what about the sign of Abraham, the one waiting for the promised son? That was another one.

194Remember, they had a Sodom back there; they had their messenger. And Abraham had a Messenger to him.

195Abraham was waiting, day by day, for, almost an impossible thing to happen. "Sarah, ninety, and him a hundred." According to the promise of God, he was still waiting. In the midst of all criticism, he was waiting for that son.

196So is the true believer still waiting for that promised Son to return! Notice, just before the son arrived, there was a sign given him. Is not the sign of the coming Son to be revealed to the royal Seed of Abraham that's waiting for the Royal Son, the same as it was to father Abraham for the natural son? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That right? ["Amen."] Jesus said so, here in Saint Luke 17:30, "Before this time come, that, the Son of man would be revealed like He did in the days of Sodom, before the destruction of Sodom." Now we're looking for a sign.

197 Now let's take the conditions of time as it was in Sodom. Notice, they all went out in Sodomite, the world.

198I think one of the movie directors put on a picture, not long ago, and I got to see it, that was, Sodom. If you ever see it and there's nothing else on but that, take a look at it. It's a certainly a good picture of the United States today, Hollywood, just exactly; same kind of dress and everything else that they did as right then; big drunken sprees and everything else, a religious cult of people, so-called religious.

199Notice, and Sodom had a witness, and it was a fellow by the name of Lot, which was just a nephew to--to Abraham.

200Now, Abraham did not go down in Sodom, he and his group. He had a big group with him, enough to fight off about a dozen kings and their army. So, he had a big group with him. And he was sitting out there under an oak tree, one day, when everything was going wrong for him; nobody had anything to do with him, but he was still holding onto that promise.

Watch now, closely, before we close.

201While he was sitting there, down come three man, walking to him. Two of them went down into Sodom and preached the Gospel to them, to come out, to Lot. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] But One stayed with Abraham. Notice, the One that stayed with Abraham was God Himself. The other two were Angel messengers.

202 Now, down in Sodom, they done no miracles, only smiting them blind. And preaching the Gospel always smites them blind.

203Now look at the set of that day. There is a church natural. Always in three's, as I said last night, God is represented. There was Sodomites; the Lotites; and the Abrahamites. It's in the same position tonight, the world setting just like that.

204Let me ask you something. Look at this setting now. Abraham called this Man that talked to him, "Elohim." The Hebrew word Elohim means "the all-sufficient One, the One that's the Eternal One," Elohim, God Himself!

205In the beginning, Genesis 1, said, "In the beginning God..." Take the Hebrew word there, either, or Greek word, rather, "In the beginning Elohim created heavens and earth."

206 Here, He, in Genesis, about 22 here, He says again, or--or about the 20, He said, and he called this Man's name "Elohim." Why did he do it? God, represented in a human flesh, that set down with Abraham and eat a calf sandwich, drinking some milk, and eat some bread. God Himself, and disappeared right before Abraham.

207But He give him a sign. Notice. And that sign was that He had His back turned to the tent.

208And remember, Abraham, his name was Abram a few days before that, and Sarah was Sarra before that; S-a-r-r-a then S-a-r-a-h, and A-b-r-a-m to A-b-r-a-h-a-m. Abraham means "father of nations."

209Now watch real close here, and we'll see the setting of the hour that we're now living, as Jesus told us to look for this setting. We've seen all the rest of it right; now let's see to the royal Seed, what setting they're supposed to see.

210Now this Man said, "Abraham, where is your wife, Sarah?"

And Abraham said, "She is in the tent, behind You."

211Now, He had never seen her. How did He know that his name was Abraham? How did He know her name was S-a-r-a-h? "Abraham, where is your wife, Sarah?"

Said, "She is in the tent, behind You."

212He said, "I..." "I," a personal pronoun. "I am going to visit you according to the promise. Your wife is going to have that baby. You've trusted Me, now I'm going to make it come to pass."

213 And Sarah, in the tent, behind, eavedropping or eardropping, ever what you call it, listening through the tent, she laughed up her sleeve, and she said, "Now, me, an old woman like I am, have pleasure with my lord; and him old, too, out there a hundred years old? While, this hasn't happened for many, many years."

214And the Man, M-a-n, setting there eating, in human flesh, drinking and eating like an ordinary man; with dust on His clothes, and had dust on His feet, and Abraham washed it off. God, Himself, looked around, and He said, "Why did Sarah laugh, back in the tent, saying this?" He knew, could discern the thoughts of Sarah in the tent, behind Him. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

215Now, when the Royal Seed of Abraham come on the earth, what sign did He show, Son of man. Simon came up to Him one day; Andrew brought him. He said, "Your name is Simon. You're the son of Jonas," He said. See, that made a believer out of him.

216 Philip went over and got Nathanael; come back, said, "Come, see a Man Who we have--we've found; Jesus of Nazareth, son of Joseph."

217He said, "Now wait a minute. Could anything good come out of that fanaticism?"

He said, "Come, see."

218So when Philip come up in the Presence of Jesus, with Nathanael, Jesus looked over at him and said, "Behold an Israelite in whom there's no guile."

He said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?"

219Said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."

220He said, "Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God. You're the King of Israel!"

221 When the little woman at the well, in her immoral condition, come up, a little panoramic something like this, to draw some water. Jesus had sent His disciples away, to get victuals. When she come up to draw water, He said, "Bring Me a drink, woman."

222She said, "It's not customary for You to say that. We have segregation here. Now, you Jews have nothing to do with us Samaritans; we have nothing to do with you."

223He said, "But, woman, if you knew Who you were talking to, you would ask Me for a drink. I'd give you waters you don't come here to draw."

224He found where her condition was, what it was. He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I don't have any husband."

225He said, "You've said the truth. You've had five, and the one you're living with now is not yours."

226She said, "Sir, I perceive that Thou art a prophet. We know when the Messiah cometh He'll show us these things."

Jesus said, "I am He."

227On that, she run into the city and said, "Come, see a Man Who has told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?"

228 Watch, He did that before the Jews, and the Samaritans, but never the Gentiles. The Gentiles, we people, were heathens in them days, the other nations, packing a club on our back, worshiping idols. We wasn't looking for no Messiah.

229He only appears to those who is looking for Him, and we are supposed to be looking for Him.

230But those who claimed to be looking for Him, the church itself, when they seen that done, they said, "He's a devil. He's a fortuneteller, a Beelzebub!"

231And Jesus said, "That sin would be forgiven them," because He hadn't died yet. "But," said, "someday the Holy Ghost will come and do the same thing, and to speak one word against It will never be forgiven." That's this day, where every Word has to hang together. "Speak a word against It; it'll never be forgiven in this world or the world to come."

232 That was the Royal Seed of Abraham. And here that Royal Seed of Abraham, which come because of that identification of that Man sitting there with Abraham, come to prove it was the same God, promising in this day, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when He is revealing Himself as Son of man." Amen. This is the day for this Scripture to be fulfilled.

233Look at the setting we are today. Look at the church where the Son of God... Look at the dismal day. Look at all the prophecies. Now, a strange thing, our visitors are due then, if the setting has to be like at Sodom.

234There were three of them come along, three outstanding man sent from Heaven. We'll admit that. Three of them; One stayed with Abraham. They all started there, but One stayed with Abraham. The rest of them went down in Sodom. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And Abraham had a changed name, from Abram to Abraham. True? ["Amen."]

235Not one time has the history, church of the world, ever had an evangelist to go to it, with a name ending in h-a-m, till this day, Billy G-r-a-h-a-m. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] G-r-a-h-a-m, six letters. A-b-r-a-h-a-m is seven letters. But G-r-a-h-a-m is six letters, which is the world, man. See?

236 Look what's went out there, today, is them messengers from Heaven.

237Is there a man on earth has got repentance so preached so plainly as Billy Graham? Has there been a man that has had an effect upon the people, like Billy Graham? Never has there been, internationally, a man. Oh, Billy Sunday, and so forth, was here in the United States, but Billy Graham is knowed worldwide. See where he's calling? Out of Sodom.

238And he's got his accompanying party there with the Pentecostal church, an Oral Roberts.

239But what about the Elect group? What kind of a sign are they supposed to see? What are they supposed to have? Hallelujah! "It shall be Light in the evening time." This day this Scripture is fulfilled. [Congregation rejoices--Ed.] This day God's promise is fulfilled. We know that to be the Truth. He is here tonight as He was then.

240 Now, to preach it, that I said a while ago, if you preach anything and it's the Gospel Truth, then God is obligated to vindicate that. Is that true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, if that be so, let the God that wrote the Word, let the God that made the prophecy, let the God who is God of the Word, come forth and prove that He is still God.

241As Elijah went up on the mountain; watching, Elisha went watching Elijah, he said, "I want a double portion." And the mantle that was on Elijah fell upon Elisha. He walked down, and doubled that blanket up and struck the river, and said, "Where is the God of Elijah?" And the same thing that happened for Elijah, happened for Elisha.

242And the same Gospel, the same Power, the same Son of man that was yesterday, is today, and will be forever. Hebrews 13:8. Do you believe It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, I ask you. I cannot be Him, but He is here. ["Amen."] We are only a carrier.

243 Some of you people out there, that's sick and afflicted, that you know that I don't know you, let God now... if I can humble myself enough. You pray and ask God.

244I don't guess... There isn't a prayer card in the building, is there? No, I don't... We never give out any prayer cards. We're going to have prayer meeting at... or healing of sick, at the church. But, you pray.

245And you know that I'm a total stranger to you. See, you know me, Jeffersonville! I don't want people from Jeffersonville to do that. I want people from away from here somewhere. See if God still reveals! See if He is still the same yesterday, today, and forever!

246Do like the little woman did. He passed through, and she said, "I believe this Man." She had a blood issue, and she said, "If I can touch the border of His garment, I believe I'll be made whole." Is that right?

247Because of her faith, that day, the Scripture was fulfilled. "He bind up the heart of the broken heart, healed the sick and the lame."

248When she touched His garment, and walked out and sat down, He turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" How'd He ever know, in that great throng of people, probably thirty times what's here tonight, thousands of them? How did He know it? He said, "Who touched Me?" He didn't say that just to be saying; He said that because it was true. And He said, "Who touched Me?" And directly He looked around and seen the little woman, where she was setting or standing, whatever position she was in, told her her blood issue was over.

249That was Jesus yesterday. That's Him today. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

250 I don't know you; God does. But you got pains in your side, that's bothering you. That's right. You're setting there praying about it. Am I a stranger to you, and we're stranger to one another? Stand up, if it is. I don't know you. It's this man right here on the corner, this young fellow. You also got a bad throat. That's right. You're praying about that. You're all nervous about something. You're going to have to leave the meeting because, you're a minister, you got some engagements you got to take care of. That is right. Uh-huh. You believe God knows who you are? Rev. Mr. Smith, now you can go and be healed. Jesus Christ made you whole. Go on to your meeting; your throat won't bother you.

Who did he touch?

251 There is a man sitting right back here; he is suffering. He's got a tumor on his left lung. He doesn't... He isn't from here. You have been a mine worker. That is right. I'm a total stranger to you. If that's right, shake your hand. The tumor is in your left lung, and you're up for an operation right away. That's right? You're not from here. You're from out of town. You're from Virginia. That's right. You believe God knows who you are? Mr. Mitchell, that's right, go home and be well. Jesus Christ makes you whole. Ask the man! Never seen him, in my life. He was sitting there, praying.

This day this Scripture!

252[Brother Branham turns his back to the congregation--Ed.] Here is a lady sitting right back here, behind me, as Sarah was in the tent. She is praying for a daughter. Stand up. The daughter is not here; she is away, the daughter. And you're the same as it was when a woman come to Jesus, who had a woman that was variously vexed with a devil. The woman is... girl is demon possessed. She is not here. She is from... You're from North Carolina. You believe that? And that's the truth, isn't it? Mrs. Orders, you can go home. If you'll believe with all your heart, you'll find your daughter like found when Jesus Christ in the days gone by, said it was healed.

253 This day this Scripture; the sign of Sodom, the sign of the super Seed, the sign of the natural church! This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your midst. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

254Will you accept Him right now as your Saviour, healer? Stand up to your feet, every one of you, say, "I accept my healing. I accept Him as my Saviour. I accept Him as my King." Each one stand to your feet.

This day! Listen, friends.

255"He read the Scripture, handed the Bible back to the priest, and," said, "all the eyes of the people were fastened upon Him. And He looked upon them, and said, 'This day this Scripture is fulfilled.'"

256I've read the Scripture, with a dozen or more evidences that we're living in the last day, the generation that will see Jesus Christ return to the earth. And I say to you tonight, again, this day this Scripture is fulfilled in your sight.

257You in Tucson, you in California, you in New York, on these telephone hook-ups, this day this Scripture is fulfilled in your sight.

258Let us be glad and make merry, for the Marriage of the Lamb is at hand, and Her Bride... His Bride has made Herself ready.

259Let's raise our hands and give Him glory, all ye people. God bless you. [Congregation continues rejoicing and praising God--Ed.]

1Zostaňte len stáť, ak môžete, kým skloníme svoje hlavy do modlitby.

2Drahý Nebeský Otče, sme vďační dnes večer za túto ďalšiu príležitosť, že môžeme prísť a kázať toto slávne, úžasné evanjelium Ježiša Krista. Ďakujeme Ti, že On zostáva stále ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ďakujeme Ti za týchto ľudí, ktorí sa tu zhromaždili v tomto chladnom počasí a stále vo veľkom očakávaní, hľadia, veria, že niečo mimoriadne nám bude dané od Boha. Prichádzame s tou nádejou, Pane, na každé zhromaždenie. Ďakujeme Ti za tie zhromaždenia predposledný večer tu v modlitebni. Ďakujeme Ti za zhromaždenie tu minulý večer a za zhromaždenie dnes, tu v modlitebni. Očakávame teraz na to, čo budeš mať dnes večer pre nás.

3Otče, vieme, že každý, kto dokáže hýbať rukami môže prevracať strany v Biblii, ale je len Jeden, kto to môže oživiť a urobiť skutočným, a to si Ty. Otče, očakávame na Teba, aby si to urobil dnes večer. Požehnaj nás vo všetkom. Naše srdcia sú tak plné radosti, keď vidíme približovať sa čas, keď Ho stretneme tvárou v tvár - Toho, ktorého sme milovali a pre ktorého sme žili po všetky tieto roky.

4Obrátilo sa veľa nových ľudí, Pane. Dozvedáme sa, že veľký zástup, štyridsať alebo päťdesiat ľudí, má byť dnes ráno pokrstených v Tvoje Meno, zo včerajšieho večerného zhromaždenia. Ó Bože, prosíme pokračuj, modlíme sa, až kým každé predurčené Semeno Božie neuvidí Svetlo evanjelia a nepríde do stáda.

5Prosíme Ťa aby si nás skryl dnes večer za Slovo; oslep nás na veci tohoto sveta a daj nám vidieť Ježiša. Nech sa odohrá dnes večer medzi nami prežitie z Vrchu Premenenia, aby sme nevideli žiadneho človeka okrem samého Ježiša. Prosíme o to v Jeho Mene a na Jeho chválu, a na potvrdenie Jeho evanjelia. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

6Otočím len tento mikrofón, alebo tento stôl, len trochu nabok, ak to nevadí, tak aby som mohol vidieť obidve strany obecenstva. Môžem hádam dať tieto mikrofóny tu okolo doprava. Dobre, chvíľočku.

7Pozdravujeme dnes večer tu z tohoto hlavného auditória našich priateľov v Arizone, Kalifornii, Texase a po celých Spojených štátoch, ktorý sú spojení cez telefón. Toto, táto služba dnes večer, ide po celom národe pomocou telefónu. Tak dúfame, že Boh nás bude žehnať.

8Počujete, tam vzadu v auditóriu na ľavej strane? Dobre, oni teraz skontrolujú ten telefónny systém, aby zistili či to správne funguje.

9Či ste všetci dnes večer šťastní? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] No, to je dobre. Na tejto strane? ["Amen."] Amen. Som tak rád, keď vidím, že všetci pohodlne sedíte.

10A tak, zajtra večer, ak ten zástup bude stále narastať oni budú tiež pripojení cez telefón. Ako sú dnes večer; myslím, že niektorí sú tam dole v modlitebni.

11A zajtra ráno nemôžeme mať zhromaždenie v modlitebni, pretože tam bude kvetinár ozdobovať sálu na svadbu, ktorá bude zajtra popoludní. A oni premiestnili tie raňajšie zhromaždenia, hore do zboru brata Rudela, jedného z našich priateľov, tu hore pri diaľnici 62. Bolo to už oznámené? Bolo to oznámené. Keby sa tam nespratali, zoberieme ten zbytok a pošleme ich ku ďalšiemu kazateľovi, ku bratovi Juniorovi Jacksonovi dole do Clarksville. U brata Ruddela to máme preto, lebo je to tu blízko a môžeme - a myslíme že to ľahšie nájdete. A potom nejako sa o to postaráme. A nezabudnite týchto všetkých zajtra pokrstiť, a dúfam že bude pridaných ku ním zajtra na krst ďalších sto alebo dvesto.

12A tak, zajtra večer ... nerád oznamujem niečo dopredu čo budem hovoriť, ale jeden večer na zhromaždení, či jeden deň, chcem hovoriť na tému "Kto je tento Melchisedech?" Pretože to je téma, o ktorej si myslím, že žijeme v tom čase, keď tieto zjavenia ... čo bolo nejasné po celý čas "Kto je táto Osoba?" A verím, že Boh má odpoveď, kto On je. Niekto povedal "kňazstvo"; niekto povedal "kráľ"; niekto ... Ale musí byť ...

13Ak je otázka, musí existovať odpoveď na tú otázku, ktorá je správna. Nemôže povstať otázka, ak by prv neexistovala odpoveď.

14No, dúfame, že Boh nám dá dnes večer požehnanie zo Svojho Slova ako ho budeme čítať.

15A mali ste ... Billy mi povedal, aby som vám povedal, že ste naozaj dobre vychádzali tu s ľuďmi, ktorí riadia premávku pri parkovaní, s políciou, a so všetkým. Pokračujte v tom, je to veľmi, veľmi dobre.

16Dúfame, že sa dočkáme času, možno v blízkej budúcnosti, keď možno budeme môcť sem do mesta priniesť stan a rozložiť ho tu vonku v parku, kde by sme mohli zostať na nejaký dlhší čas, možno tri alebo štyri týždňová evanjelizácia, nepretržite. A tu, sotva sa zoznámime jeden s druhým, a potom sa musíme rozlúčiť a znovu odchádzame. Ale rád by som prišiel a zostal na dlhší pobyt, kde budete môcť zostať, a tak nebudeme musieť končiť po jednom alebo dvoch večeroch, ale zostať proste a učiť deň a noc, deň a noc a tak ďalej. Možno niekto pôjde domov a nachová kurence, podojí kravy a príde naspäť na ďalší týždeň a bude pokračovať na zhromaždeniach. To sa mi páči. Tak, Pán nech je s vami.

17No, prv ako odídem, možno v nedeľu ráno alebo v nedeľu večer, či kedy, na jednom z týchto zhromaždení, viem, že všetci čakáte, aby ste počuli posolstvo, pravdu ohľadne manželstva a rozvodu, čo je dnes jedným z najväčších problémov. A ja som ... S takou istotu ako tu stojím, verím, že správna odpoveď je v Slove Božom, a verím, že to je to ... čo som sľúbil, že kvôli tomu prídem naspäť.

18No predpokladám, vedome, pokiaľ viem, chcem mať ďalšie zhromaždenie tu v Jeffersonville na veľkonočnú nedeľu, a budeme ... zhromaždenie o východe slnka a potom veľkonočná nedeľa. Tak oznámime to dopredu a budeme sa snažiť, a možno dostaneme toto auditórium, ak to bude možné, alebo to bude inde. Prídem na nedeľu - možno na sobotu a nedeľu. Musím priletieť a odletieť, pretože je blízko čas ... Musím to prv skontrolovať s letovým poriadkom, ktorý mám a s jednou mojou cestou do Kalifornii. A potom, hneď potom, musím ísť do Afriky. Tak pamätajte na to a modlite sa za nás.

19 No, dnes večer chcem obrátiť vašu pozornosť na časť Božieho Slova, ktoré nájdeme v 4. kapitole sv. Lukáša. Začne to v 4. kapitole od 16. verša. Ježiš hovorí:

Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Slovo vo vašich ušiach.

20No, chceme z toho vyvodiť záver, aké dynamické je Slovo Božie. No, my všetci dokážeme pochopiť tú mechaniku, ale aby To fungovalo treba na to dynamika.

21Dokážeme pochopiť aká je mechanika motoru, auta, ale potom to potrebuje dynamiku, aby spustila tie kolesá do chodu a pohlo sa.

22No, Ježiš sa vrátil do Nazareta, kde bol vychovaný. Ďalej tu v Písme nachádzame, že oni povedali: "Počuli sme, že si urobil to a to tam v Kafarnaume. Nech Ťa to teraz vidíme robiť tu v tvojej otčine."

23Ježiš povedal: "Prorok nie je vzácny vo svojej otčine." A samozrejme, to je tam kde ste vyrastali a ľudia vás poznajú. A On predovšetkým tam mal zlé meno, lebo sa narodil nemajúc zemského otca. Oni Ho nazývali nemanželským dieťaťom - lebo Mária bola v podstate tehotná prv ako sa vydala, oficiálne za Jozefa. Ale to nie je tak; my vieme, že to tak nie je.

24A toto Písmo, čo spôsobilo že moje oči padli na toto, bolo niečo čo sa stalo práve nedávno vo Phoenixe, v Arizone. Bol to posledný deň zhromaždenia, kde som mal hovoriť na medzinárodnej konferencii Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia.

25A na tejto konferencii bol s nami hosť, a to bol katolícky biskup, ktorý je z Apoštolskej Katolíckej Cirkvi Chaldejského Rituálu; najctihodnejší John S. Stanley, O.S.D. On je arcibiskup metropolitánie Spojených štátov katolíckej cirkvi. Tu mám jeho kartu s tým, a s jeho adresou.

26A on bol ako hosť u Kresťanských Obchodníkov, a ja som ho tam videl už deň predtým. A keď som hovoril, myslím že to bolo v sobotu večer, alebo sobotu ráno pri raňajkách, a ja ... Keď som hovoril, on ma stále pozoroval. Myslel som si: "Tento človek určite nesúhlasí s ničím čo hovorím." A viete, mohol som ho vidieť; kýval hore dole hlavou, ale ja som nevedel, čo sa vlastne v ňom deje.

27Tak v nedeľu popoludní, keď som vstal, aby som hovoril, chcel som vziať svoj text na tému: "Pôrodné bolesti", kde Ježiš povedal, že: "ako žena keď rodí," ona je v pôrodných bolestiach. A tak som z toho chcel hovoriť na tému Pôrodné bolesti. Hovoriť, že svet je teraz v pôrodných bolestiach. To staré musí pominúť, aby sa mohlo narodiť to nové; práve tak ako semeno musí zhniť, aby vydalo nový život.

28A ako tie bolesti, pôrodné bolesti, zasiahli svet. V prvej svetovej vojne ona mala strašné bolesti, pretože oni mali jedovatý plyn a iné veci, čo takmer mohlo zničiť svet. A v druhej svetovej vojne ju zasiahli ďalšie, ťažšie bolesti. Oni mali letecké bomby a tiež atómovú bombu. Ona nedokáže zniesť ďalšiu pôrodnú bolesť. S týmito raketami a všetkým možným dnes, ďalšia vojna ju vyhodí do vzduchu, pretože ona teraz porodí. A bude nová zem. Biblia povedala že bude.

29Počas každého prorockého posolstva mal Izrael pôrodnú bolesť, pretože títo proroci prišli na scénu po teológoch a klerikoch, ktorí dostali cirkev celkom do organizačnej formy. A keď títo proroci prišili na scénu majúc: "Tak hovorí Pán", oni zatriasli tými cirkvami, a ona dostala pôrodnú bolesť. Nakoniec, ona stále ďalej dostávala pôrodné bolesti, až porodila Syna evanjelia, ktorým bolo samo Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom.

30Tak cirkev je dnes znovu vážne v pôrodných bolestiach, aby porodila Syna - aby znovu prišiel Syn Boží. Všetci naši teológovia, všetky naše systémy, všetky naše denominácie v našom čase zhnili. Tak my sme v pôrodnej bolesti, a posolstvo od Boha stále vrhá cirkev do väčšej bolesti. Ale po krátkom čase ona porodí nevestu. To privedie na svet Ježiša Krista ku Jeho neveste.

31A vtedy, keď som si myslel, že tento muž tak veľmi so mnou nesúhlasí. Keď som vstal, aby som hovoril toto posolstvo, otvoril som svoju Bibliu, aby som našiel tú stranu.

32A moja žena mi práve na vianoce dala novú Bibliu. Moja stará Biblia mala kolo pätnásť rokov a bola skoro celá rozsypaná. Strany, zakaždým, keď som ju otvoril, vypadávali z nej, ale ja som vedel kde nájsť každé miesto Písma. Tak ja som si to čítal v tejto Biblii, a tú novú som len zobral, pretože tá druhá vyzerala tak zodratá, aby som s ňou išiel do zboru.

33A keď som začal listovať v ev. Jána, kde sa nachádzalo to miesto Písma, začal som čítať 16. kapitolu, a ten verš, ktorý som hľadal tam nebol! Tak som si pomyslel: "Zvláštne." Znovu som listoval; stále to tam nebolo.

34A brat Jack Moore zo Shreveportu, z Lousiany, môj dobrý priateľ, on tam sedel. Spýtal som sa: "Brat Jack, či to nie je v Jánovi 16?"

On povedal: "Je."

35A tento katolícky kňaz vstal zo svojho miesta, z pomedzi asi sto duchovných, ktorí sedeli na pódiu, vystúpil a prišiel blízko ku mne, vo všetkých svojich rúchach, a talároch, a s krížmi, a tak ďalej, a prišiel celkom blízko ku mne; on povedal: "Môj synu, stoj pevne. Boh ide niečo urobiť."

A ja som si pomyslel: "Toto mi hovorí katolícki biskup!"

On povedal: "Prečítaj to z mojej Knihy."

36A ja som prečítal to Písmo z jeho Knihy, a zobral som svoj text a pokračoval som; kázal som svoju kázeň.

37Potom, keď som skončil, on vstal, keď som ja odišiel, a povedal: "Musí sa stať jedna vec. Potom buď cirkev sa musí dostať zo zamiešania v ktorom je, alebo my sa musíme dostať zo zamiešania, v ktorom je cirkev." Tak jedno alebo druhé.

38A vracal som sa ten večer domov, naspäť do Tucsonu, a deti chceli niečo zjesť, a zastavil som, aby sme niečo zjedli v malom stánku. A moja žena povedala: "Bill, nikdy v živote som nebola taká nervózna, keď som ťa tam videla stáť listujúc v tej Biblii." Povedala: "Nebol si z toho nervózny?"

39Povedal som: "Nie!" Povedal som: "Vedel som, že to tam niekde je; nedali do nej tú stranu. To je chyba tlače."

40A ona povedala: "Keď si pomyslím, že ja som ti dala tú Bibliu! Zdalo sa mi akoby sa tam každé oko dívalo na mňa."

41A povedal som: "No, ty za to nemôžeš. To je chyba tlače v tej Biblii." Povedal som: "Oni proste do nej nedali tú stranu."

42No, sadol som si a znovu som sa na to pozrel. Vyzerala tak dokonale ako len mohla, ale tá 16. kapitola končila, jej časť, začínala na tejto strane asi tri palce od spodku, a na druhej strane tá 17. kapitola vychádzala tak isto; a to je nová Biblia, tie dve strany boli spolu zlepené, a ja som čítal zo 17. kapitoly namiesto zo 16. "No," povedal som: "To je všetko v poriadku. To má nejaký dôvod."

43A tak jasne ako môžete počuť nejaký hlas, prišiel ku mne Hlas a povedal: "On vošiel do Nazareta, kde bol vychovaný a vošiel do synagógy ako mal vo zvyku. A kňaz mu podal Písma aby prečítal, a On čítal Izaiáša 61. A keď prečítal to Písmo, sadol si, odovzdal naspäť kňazovi Bibliu, Knihu, a sadol si. A všetky oči v synagóge boli uprené na Neho. A ľúbezné slová vychádzali z Jeho úst a On povedal: 'Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo.'"

"Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo."

44Aké akurátne je to Písmo! Ak si všimnete toto, v Izaiášovi 61: 1-2, to je to z kade náš Pán čítal - z Izaiáša 61: 1-2. Ale v prostriedku 2. verša Izaiáša 61 sa On zastavil. Kde je povedané: "Duch Pánov je na Mne; aby som vyhlásil rok milosti." Potom sa On zastavil. Prečo? Tá ďalšia časť, priniesť súd, nesúvisela s Jeho prvým príchodom, ale s Jeho druhým príchodom. Vidíte, to s tým nesúviselo. Písma nikdy nerobia chybu. Oni sú stále dokonalé. Ježiš sa zastavil presne tam, kde sa Písmo zastavilo, pretože to bolo presne to čo sa malo potvrdiť v Jeho dni, pri tom prvom príchode. Pri tom druhom príchode, On na zem prinesie súd; ale nie vtedy. On mal vyhlásiť "rok milosti."

45Všimnite si, Mesiáš stojí na pódiu aby preukázal Svoju totožnosť so Slovom zasľúbeným na ten vek. Aké zvláštne, Mesiáš stojí pred cirkvou! A pozrite na tieto ľúbezné slová, keď On tu hovorí: "Vyhlásiť rok milosti."

46"Rok milosti", ako všetci vieme, ako čitatelia Biblii, bol Jubilejný rok. Keď všetci otroci a väzni, ako boli ... boli vzatí do vezenia; a museli dať syna aby zaplatili dlh, alebo dcéru aby zaplatili dlh, a oni boli v otroctve. Nezáležalo na tom ako dlho boli v otroctve, alebo ako dlho tam mali zostať, keď prišiel ten jubilejný rok, keď zaznela tá trúba, každý človek mohol ísť na slobodu ak chcel ísť na slobodu. On bol slobodný; už nebol viac otrokom.

47Ale ak ste chceli zostať otrokom, potom ste museli byť privedený do chrámu, postaviť sa v chráme ku stĺpu, a oni zobrali šidlo a urobili vám v uchu dieru. A potom ste museli slúžiť tomu otrokárovi do konca svojho života.

48Aký dokonalý príklad evanjelia Ježiša Krista. Keď je ono kázané, ten čas milosti a ten čas Jubilea, každý, nezáleží na tom kto ste, akú máte farbu, do akej denominácii patríte, ako hlboko ste klesli do hriechu, alebo akokoľvek je s vami zle, môžete ísť slobodní, keď počujete trúbiť Božiu trúbu evanjelia. Ste slobodní!

49Ale ak sa obrátite chrbtom ku tomu posolstvu a odmietate ho počúvať, všimnite si, bolo vám šidlom prepichnuté ucho. To znamená, že ste prekročili hranicu medzi milosťou a súdom a nikdy viac nebudete počuť evanjelium. Nikdy sa už z tade nedostanete; musíte byť otrokom toho systému v ktorom ste, až do konca svojho života, ak odmietnete počúvať milostivý rok.

50No, tá ďalšia časť toho, ako som povedal, nebolo treba aby bola zodpovedaná, pretože tento príchod Mesiáša, v tomto čase, je vtedy, keď On prinesie súd.

51No, ako mohli títo ľudia nevidieť kto On bol? Ako to mohli prehliadnuť? Ako sa to mohlo stať, keď to bolo tak jasne dané najavo a ukázané? Ako to oni mohli prehliadnuť? Keď On ...

52Čo za Slovo! Rozmýšľajte o tom! "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo pred vašimi očami!" Kto to povedal? Sám Boh, ktorý je vykladačom Svojho vlastného Slova. "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo." Mesiáš, On sám, stojí v prítomnosti zhromaždenia a číta slovo z Biblii vzťahuje ho na Seba, a potom hovorí: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo," a oni to stále nevidia.

53Čo za tragédia by to bola, ale to sa stalo. To sa stalo mnoho krát. Ako sa to mohlo stať? Samozrejme, tak ako sa to stalo inokedy, tým že sa verilo ľudským výkladom Slova. To je to, čo to zapríčinilo. Tí veriaci v tých dňoch, tak zvaní veriaci, prijímali taký výklad, aký im o Písme povedal kňaz. Preto Ježiš, keď nepatril do žiadnej z ich vrstiev, či spoločenstiev, On bol vylúčený z ich spoločnosti.

54A preto, oni sa s Ním nemohli stotožňovať, pretože On bol iný ako oni. Osoba Ježiša Krista bola taká unikátna, že nikto nemohol prehliadnuť, že to bol Syn Boží, pretože On bol dokonalou identifikáciou Písma, ktoré bolo napísané o Ňom!

55Takto je poznaný každý kresťan, keď sa jeho život identifikuje so všetkým čo má kresťan robiť.

56Ako sa On tam mohol postaviť a povedať: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo rovno pred vašimi očami!" Aké nápadné! Ako jasne, a predsa títo ľudia nerozumeli. Prečo? Preto že oni prijali výklad nejakej skupiny kňazov, ktorých počúvali.

57A história sa stále opakuje. A Písmo má viacnásobný význam a viacnásobné zjavenie!

58Napríklad, ako to stojí v Bibli že: "Z Egypta som povolal svojho syna" Vzťahuje sa to na Ježiša. Pozrite sa na odvolávku pri tom a zistíte, že to sa tiež vzťahuje na Jakoba - to isté Písmo. Ježiš bol Jeho väčší Syn. Jakob bol Jeho syn, ktorého On povolal z Egypta, na čo poukazujú Scoffieldove odvolávky i všetky iné odvolávky, pretože to je Písmo, ktoré na to poukazuje. Tak to malo dvojaké uplatnenie. Vzťahovalo sa to na vyvolanie Jakoba a na vyvolanie Ježiša.

59A tak je to dnes! Preto, že sme v takom zmätku v akom sme, a ľudia nie sú schopní vidieť Pravdu Božiu, pretože je príliš veľa ľudských výkladov Božieho Slova. Boh nepotrebuje nikoho, aby vykladal Jeho Slovo. On si ho sám vykladá.

60Boh povedal na začiatku: "Buď svetlo," a bolo svetlo. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad.

61On povedal: "Panna počne," a ona počala. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad.

62Boží výklad Jeho Slova je vtedy, keď ho On potvrdzuje a dokazuje, že je to tak! To je Jeho výklad, že sa to plní. To je Boží výklad, keď On robí, že Jeho Slovo sa plní. On ti ho vykladá.

63Ako keď nikdy nebolo svetlo a On povedal: "Buď svetlo," a bolo; to nepotrebovalo nikoho, aby to vyložil.

64Ale my miešame do toho ľudské systémy. A keď to robíte, vychyľujete to zo správneho smeru. Stále to tak bolo.

65Ale stále si myslím aké zarážajúce to muselo byť. Predstavte si to! Mesiáš! Prečo Ho oni nemohli vidieť? Pretože ich vlastní vodcovia, ktorí Ho mali poznať, ktorí mali byť zbehlí v Písmach, ktorí mali rozumieť Písma, oni znevažovali tohoto Muža a povedali: "On je nemanželské dieťa - v prvom rade."

66My by sme tomu neverili. Po rokoch, my tomu neveríme; dali by sme za to život, že On bol panensky narodený Syn!

67A stane sa jedného dňa, že tie isté veci, ktoré dnes vidíme robiť Jehovu, ľudia v tých vekoch, ktoré prídu, ak nejaké budú, dajú život za túto vec, o ktorej my dnes hovoríme! Budete to musieť urobiť, keď príde znamenie šelmy, a nebude vám dovolené takto kázať evanjelium. Keď sa dá dokopy tá veľká únia cirkví, čo prebieha práve teraz aby povstala svetová cirkev, budete musieť svoje svedectvo ohľadne tohoto spečatiť svojím vlastným životom.

68Musíte tomu veriť teraz. Keby mohli povstať tí kňazi, ktorí Ho odsúdili, neodsúdili by Ho. "Ale". Vy poviete: "Keby som ja bol tam, ja by som urobil tak a tak." Dobre, to nebol tvoj vek, ale toto je tvoj vek. Toto je ten čas.

Vy hovoríte: "No, keby On bol tu ..."

69Biblia hovorí, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky - ten istý. Tak On je tu. Ale On je tu ... Ako sa svet civilizoval a stával sa väčší a vzdelanejší; On je tu v Duchovnej forme, čo oni nemôžu zabiť, alebo odkázať na smrť. On zomrel raz; On nemôže znovu zomrieť. On sa musel stať telom, aby Boh bol daný na smrť, v tele, za hriech. Ale teraz On viacej nemôže zomrieť; To je Duch Svätý.

70No, predstavte si len, že oni mali proti Nemu tieto veci. Ďalšia vec, že On sa nepripojil do žiadnej z ich skupín. Potom vidíte, to robilo, že bol stále považovaný za zlého človeka. On nevstupoval do ich organizácií, nepripájal sa ku ich kňazstvu, a On s tým nemal nič dočinenia. A potom, pomimo toho všetkého sa snažil ešte porúcať to, čo oni postavili!

71On vošiel do chrámu. My Ho nazývame pokorným človekom; On bol, ale my mnohokrát nerozumieme, čo je to pokora.

72On bol človek súcitu, ale jednako my niekedy nerozumieme, čo je to súcit. Nie ľudská náklonnosť, to nie je súcit, ale súcit, to je činiť vôľu Božiu.

73On prešiel popri rybníku Bethezda, cez bránu. Tam ležali ľudia, veľké množstvo. Veľké množstvo to nie je určitý počet, ale tam ležalo veľké množstvo - chromí, slepí, kuľhaví, vyschlí. A On mal stále súcit s ľuďmi. A On išiel ku jednej osobe, ten nebol chromý, slepý, kuľhavý, ani vyschlý. Možno mal ťažkosti s prostatu; možno mal nejakú slabosť, ktorá mu robila ťažkosti. Mal to tridsať osem rokov. To ho príliš netrápilo, nezabilo by ho to. On ležal na matraci. A On povedal: "Chceš byť zdravý?"

74A ten človek povedal: "Nemám nikoho, kto by ma dopravil do vody, ale kým ja idem, už iný schádza predo mnou." Vidíte, on mohol chodiť; on mohol vidieť; on sa mohol pohybovať, ale on bol len slabý.

75A Ježiš mu povedal: "Vstaň! Vezmi svoje lôžko a choď domov!" A Ježiša sa kvôli tomuto pýtali, lebo pamätáte sa, Písmo povedalo že ...

76Nie divu. Keby On dnes večer prišiel do Jeffersonville a urobil takýto skutok, stále by o Ňom hovorili.

77Ale pamätajte, On prišiel robiť jedno - vôľu Otca. No to je v ev. Jána 5:19; tam máte odpoveď. On povedal: "Amen, amen vám hovorím, Syn nemôže robiť nič sám od seba, iba to čo vidí činiť svojho Otca, to robí Syn."

78No, oni mali vedieť, že to bolo práve to potvrdenie Mojžišovho proroctva: "Lebo Pán váš Boh vzbudí proroka ako mňa."

79Všimnite si, keď On videl toho človeka, On povedal ... Ježiš vedel, že on bol v takom stave mnoho rokov. Vidíte, že bol Prorok, On videl toho človeka v takom stave a išiel tam a pretlačil si cestu pomedzi tých ľudí, predieral sa cez ten dav, až našiel toho určitého človeka.

80Prešiel okolo chromých, kuľhavých, slepých, vyschlých, a predsa Človek plný súcitu, ale súcit, to je činiť vôľu Božiu.

81No, našli sme Ho, ako sa nechcel ku ním pripojiť, On nechcel mať nič dočinenia s ich skupinami, potom Ho všetci odstrčili. On nechcel mať žiadnu ...

82Popri tom, vošiel jedného dňa do chrámu. Ten Človek tam vošiel a našiel dom Boží asi tak znečistený, ako je dnes. Oni kupovali, predávali, menili peniaze, a On poprevracal stoly peňazomencom, zobral motúzy a uplietol bič a vyháňal peňazomencov von z chrámu. A hľadel na nich s hnevom a povedal: "Je napísané (Haleluja!), dom Môjho Otca je dom modlitby a vy ste z neho urobili peleš zlodejov! A vy ste so svojimi tradíciami zbavili prikázanie Božie moci."

83Och, či by takíto ľudia mohli niekedy v Neho veriť? Nie veru! Oni boli tak vyváľaní v blate spoločenstiev a v špinavosti toho času, že boli až tak nábožensky zmrznutí, že nemohli cítiť vibráciu moci Všemohúceho Boha. Nie divu, že tá prostá žena sa mohla dotknúť Jeho rúcha a bola pri tom uzdravená. A opitý vojak Mu mohol pľuť do tvári a necítil žiadnu moc. Záleží na tom, ako ku tomu pristupujete. Záleží na tom, čo očakávate. Keď idete do zboru, záleží na čo očakávate.

84No, vidíme Ho tam stáť. Nieto pochýb, že tí ľudia Ho už varovali - varovali - ten kňaz varoval tých ľudí. "No On tu príde na budúci Sabat, a keď príde, nepočúvajte Ho. No môžete prísť a sedieť tu, ale nevšímajte si čo hovorí, pretože On nepatrí do našej skupiny. Všetci Ho odstrčili. On nemá žiadny členský preukaz; On nemá ani doporučenie od nejakej organizácii. On nič takého nemá."

"Čo On je?"

85"Nejaký odpadlík, ktorý sa narodil tu v dome tesára, nemanželské dieťa, ktoré matka počala prv ako sa vzali, a oni sa to snažia ukryť za niečo nadprirodzené.

86My vieme, že keď Mesiáš príde, On príde dole Nebeským koridorom a pôjde ku nášmu najvyššiemu kňazovi a povie: 'Tu som, Kajfáš.'" Ale my vidíme, že On to tak neurobil, pretože v Slove to tak nebolo zapísané. To bola ľudská tradícia, ktorá robila, že oni to tak verili.

87Slovo povedalo, že On príde presne tak, ako prišiel. A teraz tam stál, čítal Slovo a hovoril im: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo pred vašimi očami." A oni Ho stále nemohli vidieť, alebo poznať, ako to bolo s nimi vo všetkých iných vekoch.

88Noe by mohol povedať to isté, v ten deň keď vošiel do archy a dvere sa zavreli. Mojžiš by mohol zodvihnúť to okno na vrchu archy, pozrieť sa von na to zhromaždenie ... Pamätajte, Boh zavrel tie dvere. A on by mohol povedať: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo vo vašich očiach," ale vtedy už bolo pre nich príliš neskoro. On kázal sto dvadsať rokov, snažil sa ich dostať do toho člnu, ktorý staval. Hovoril im, že Písmo povedalo: "Tak hovorí Pán, bude pršať," Ale oni čakali príliš dlho. Ale Noe by to ľahko mohol povedať: "Dneska, dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo."

89Mojžiš, v ten istý deň, keď ten Ohnivý Stĺp zostúpil na vrch Sinaj a potvrdil jeho svedectvo, Mojžiš by mohol povedať: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo."

90Mojžiš, viete, bol Bohom povolaný muž, prorok. A keď bol povolaný, keď bol prorok, on musel mať nadprirodzené prežitie. Aby bol prorokom, on musel stretnúť Boha tvárou v tvár a rozprávať sa s Ním. A ďalšia vec, čo povedal to sa muselo stať, inak by mu nikto neveril.

91Tak žiadny človek nemá právo nazývať sa tak, až kým sa nerozprával tvárou v tvár s Bohom, niekde vzadu na púšti, kde osobne stretol Boha. A ani všetci ateisti na svete mu to nemôžu vyhovoriť; on tam bol, on vie že to sa stalo. Každý kresťan má mať toto prežitie, prv ako povie niečo o tom, že je kresťan. Vaše vlastné prežitie!

92Rozprával som sa nedávno so svojím synovcom, katolícky chlapec, ktorý povedal: "Strýko Bill, už som pobehal od jedného ku druhému, chodím všade, snažím sa niečo nájsť." Večer po večeri, prv ako začali tieto zhromaždenia, plakal. A v noci sa mu snívavalo ako prichádza, beží ku oltáru, kde sa káže, a vyznáva že je zlý.

93Povedal som: "Melvin, nezáleží na tom kde sa snažíš ísť, ku koľkým cirkvám sa pripojíš, koľko 'Zdravas Mária' odriekneš, alebo koľko požehnaní dostaneš od človeka, ty sa musíš znovu narodiť z Ducha Božieho. To je jediná vec ktorá uspokojí ľudské srdce."

94Viem, že oni majú dnes náhradu za znovuzrodenie, potriasť si len ruku s kazateľom a dať si zapísať do knihy svoje meno. Ale, priatelia, to je dogma. To nie je Biblická pravda. Keby bola, v Skutkoch Apoštolských, v 2. kapitole by ste museli čítať takto: "Keď prišiel deň Letníc, vystúpil pastor a potriasol si s ľuďmi ruky."

95Ale tam stojí: "Keď prišiel deň Letníc," na zahájenie cirkvi, "prišiel z neba zvuk nesúceho sa silného vetru a naplnil celý dom kde sedeli." Takto Duch Svätý prišiel prvý krát. On odvtedy stále takto prichádza. On je Boh a nemení sa. No, ľudia sa na tom potkýnajú.

Oni hovoria: "To bolo na iný deň."

96No, On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky. Zakaždým kedykoľvek cirkev prijala Ducha Svätého, On stále prišiel tak ako to On urobil prvý krát, podľa toho istého predpisu, Skutky 2:38; nikdy sa to nezmenilo, nikdy sa to nezmení.

97Ako lekársky predpis na chorobu. On napíše recept na chorobu, doktor. A vezmete to do nejakej lekárni, a on dá tam príliš veľa antijedu, je to také slabé, že to nič nepomôže; ak dá do toho príliš veľa jedu, zabije vás to. Musí to byť urobené presne podľa doktora.

98A doktorský recept na to ako prijať Ducha Svätého je nám daný od doktora šimona Petra, v deň Letníc. "Ja vám dám recept. Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás, a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie hriechov, a prijmete dar Ducha Svätého. Lebo tento recept je pre tých na široko ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh." Večný recept!

99Mojžiš mal už toto prežitie. On odišiel tam do tej krajiny a začal hovoriť ľuďom: "Stretol som Ohnivý Stĺp. Bol v horiacom kríku, a On mi povedal, aby som vám povedal. 'JA SOM KTORÝ SOM. Choď tam; Ja budem s tebou. Vezmi si do ruky túto palicu a zodvihni ju nad Egypt; o čokoľvek požiadaš, to sa stane.'"

No, možno nejaký kňaz povedal: "Nezmysel!"

100Ale keď oni videli pri tom tie skutočné fakty, že sa to deje, oni to viac nemohli zapierať. Oni vedeli, že on bol poslaný od Boha.

101Potom, keď Mojžiš povedal, že on to videl a vydával o tom svedectvo, že je to pravda, potom Boh je zaviazaný, keď je to pravda, identifikovať a potvrdiť slovo toho človeka, že je to pravda. Je to tak.

102Keď Ježiš Kristus tam toho dňa stál a čítal: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo pred vašimi očami," Boh bol zaviazaný vyplniť to Slovo.

103My tu dnes stojíme a hovoríme, že: "Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Boh je zaviazaný potvrdiť, že je to pravda, pretože to je Jeho Slovo. No, čo to robí? Na to treba viera, veriť Tomu. Treba viera, veriť Jeho Slovu, že Ono je Pravda.

104Všimnite si čo sa stalo, keď Mojžiš vyviedol tie deti, a všetkých tých, ktorí ho nasledovali. Tí, ktorí ho nenasledovali zostali v Egypte. Ale tí, ktorí nasledovali Mojžiša, keď vyšli z Červeného mora a prišli na púšť, Boh zostúpil na Vrch Sinaj. Ten Ohnivý Stĺp spôsobil, že celý ten vrch bol v ohni, a Hlas z tade prehovoril, a Boh im dal desať prikázaní.

105Mojžiš mohol vystúpiť tam pred tými ľuďmi a povedať: "Dnes, toto Písmo, ktoré som vám povedal, ako Jeho prorok, sa vyplnilo, dnes. Povedal som vám, že Boh sa so mnou stretol, tam v horiacom kríku, v Ohnivom Stĺpe, a povedal: 'Toto... Ja budem ... Toto bude znak. Ty privedieš tých ľudí znovu rovno naspäť na toto miesto.' A tu je Boh, v tom istom Ohnivom Stĺpe, ako som vám povedal, že v ňom bol, visí rovno nad tým vrchom. Dnes sa toto proroctvo vyplnilo. On je tu aby potvrdil, že tie veci, ktoré som vám povedal sú pravda."

106Bože daj nám viac takýchto ľudí, ktorí sú čestní a úprimní, a hovoria pravdu, že Všemohúci Boh môže potvrdzovať, že Jeho Slovo je stále pravda! On zostáva ten istý včera i stále. Prečo by to nepotvrdzoval? On to zasľúbil.

107Józua mohol povedať to isté, v ten deň, keď oni prišli naspäť do Kádeš Barnei, na miesto, kde tak ďaleko putovali po púšti. Oni pochybovali o tom, že tá zem bude takou zemou, ako povedal Boh. Ale Boh im povedal, že to bude dobrá zem, oplývajúca mliekom a medom. A Józua a Kálef boli jediní dvaja, ktorí tomu verili, z pomedzi ďalších desiatych, ktorí tam odišli. Keď sa vrátili naspäť, oni mali dôkaz; oni mali strapec hrozna, ktorý museli niesť dvaja silní mužovia.

108Józua a Kálef sa tam hneď mohli postaviť a povedať: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo. Tu je dôkaz, že je to dobrá zem." Skutočne. Prečo? Tu je dôkaz, že je to dobrá zem. Kde by ste niečo takéto mohli kedy vypestovať v Egypte? Tam neboli také miesta. Ale dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo."

109On mohol toto povedať, tak isto, keď prorokoval a povedal, že padnú múry Jericha, potom čo oni sedem krát okolo pochodovali, sedem dní, sedem krát za deň. A keď pochodovali okolo posledný krát, múry padli. Józua sa mohol postaviť a povedať: "Dnes, to čo mi povedalo pred pár týždňami to hlavné knieža vojska Hospodinovho, že toto sa takto stane, dnes sa toto Písmo vyplnilo." Tu ležia tie múry, rovno na zemi. "Poďme, zaujmime ho. Ono patrí nám. Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo."

110Aké nádherné, že mužovia Boží stáli za tým, čo je správne!

111Izrael, pri rieke, keď išli zaujať tú zem, potrebovali prejsť na druhú stranu. Ako to urobia? Je mesiac apríl. Sú záplavy, pretože hore v Júdei sa rozpúšťa sneh. Ó, vyzeralo, že Boh je biedny generál, keď privádza sem svojich ľudí, v mesiaci apríli, keď je Jordán najmohutnejší. Niekedy ...

112Mohol by som sa tu zastaviť, keby som mal čas, aby som vám dal prostú radu. Niekedy tam možno sedíš s rakovinou, alebo možno sedíš a si chorý; myslíš si: "Prečo sa ja, keď som kresťan, mám nachádzať v takejto situácii? Prečo tu mám takto sedieť, keď som kresťan?" Niekedy Boh nechá, že všetko sa tak zamračí, že nemôžeš vidieť hore, ani okolo, ani nikde, a potom On prichádza a robí ti cez to cestu, aby si mohol povedať: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo, to čo On zasľúbil."

113On nechal tie hebrejské deti ísť rovno do ohnivej peci. Oni povedali: "Náš Boh je schopný vyslobodiť nás z tejto ohnivej peci. Ale, či tak či tak, my sa nepokloníme tvojmu obrazu." Keď oni z tade vyšli, zápach tej peci ... nebol na nich žiadny zápach; oni mohli povedať: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo."

114Keď Daniel vyšiel z jamy ľvov, on mohol povedať to isté.

115Ján Krstiteľ. Po štyristo rokoch klerikálneho vyučovania, nie divu, že cirkev bola v tom čase v takom zamiešaní! Keď sa on zjavil na púšti, pri Jordáne, on sa mohol postaviť rovno tam na brehu, ako to urobil, a povedať: "Dnes, toto Písmo, Izaiáš 40, sa vyplnilo."

116Mohol by som sa tu zastať a povedať vám čo mi povedal ten starý kňaz. Povedal: "Synu, ty si nedokončil to posolstvo."

Povedal som: "Buď potichu."

On povedal: "Ty si myslíš že tí letniční to nevidia?"

Povedal som: "Nie."

117On povedal: "Ja to vidím." A tiež katolícky kňaz! Och - joj. On povedal: "Prečo si nepokračoval?"

Povedal som: "Buď potichu."

On povedal: "Sláva Bohu! Ja to vidím."

118A približne v tom čase padol Duch Svätý na jeho sestru, ktorá sedela tam v zhromaždení. A ona vstala, hovorila v neznámych jazykoch, a dala výklad, práve o tom, o čom sme sa s tým kňazom rozprávali na pódiu. V celej cirkvi, po celej sále nastal rozruch. Prenieslo sa to na konferenciu Orala Robertsa, ktorá bola minulý, alebo predminulý týždeň, a hovorili o tom na tej konferencii. Ako to, že kňaz ... Sedel pod pôsobením Ducha Svätého, ktorý cez tú ženu, myslím, že to bola jeho sestra, zjavil to, čo sa dialo tam hore na pódiu, a zjavil tú vec, ktorú sme my skrývali.

119Hodina v ktorej žijeme, dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo. Dnes prišli tie večerné Svetlá, a my to nedokážeme vidieť. Všimnite si.

120Ján povedal: "Dnes, ja som 'hlas volajúceho na púšti,' ako povedal prorok Izaiáš. Pripravte cestu Pánovi!"

121Oni tomu nerozumeli. Hovorili: "Ó, ty si Ježiš ..." Či vlastne: "Ty si Kristus."

122On povedal: "Ja nie som Kristus." On povedal: "Nie som hodný rozviazať jeho sandále. Ale," povedal: "On stojí niekde medzi vami." lebo si bol istý, že On tam bude. On bude v jeho čase, pretože Boh mu povedal, že má predstaviť Mesiáša.

123Jedného dňa tam prechádza mladý Muž, a on nad Ním uvidel niečo, ako Svetlo, znak. A zvolal: "Ajhľa Baránok Boží! Dnes sa pred vami vyplnilo toto Písmo." Skutočne.

124Na Letnice, keď sa Peter postavil a citoval ich Písmo, Joela 2: 38; keď sa oni všetci smiali. Títo ľudia, oni nemohli hovoriť vo svojom vlastnom jazyku. Oni niečo bľabotali. Biblia povedala: "Zajakavé jazyky." Zajakavý to je "potrhaný" jazyk, nie niečo hovoriť, len bľabotať. Behali okolo ako hromada opilcov.

125Oni všetci hovorili: "Aha, títo ľudia sú opití. Pozrite sa na nich, pozrite ako sa správajú, ako tieto ženy a mužovia. Oni prestupujú poriadok," povedala tá náboženská skupina v tom čase.

126Peter sa postavil do prostriedku, povedal: "Mužovia a bratia, vy ktorí bývate v Jeruzaleme, a vy ktorí bývate v Júdei, nech je vám známe, že títo nie sú opití, ako sa vy domnievate, vidíte že je len tretia hodina dňa. Ale toto je to, čo bolo povedané skrze proroka Joela: 'Stane sa v posledných dňoch. "Ja vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo."' Toho dňa sa vyplnilo toto Písmo." Tak veru.

127Luther vystúpil v pravý čas. Wesley vystúpil v pravý čas. Letniční vystúpili v pravý čas. Všetko išlo po poriadku.

128Teraz vás žiadam aby ste dobre porozmýšľali nad týmto vekom a časom, v ktorom my teraz žijeme, a Slovom zasľúbeným na dnes. Ak tam vtedy v tých iných vekoch ľudia mohli povedať: "Dnes toto Písmo," "Dnes toto Písmo," potom čo je s Písmom na tento deň? Čo je zasľúbené na tento deň? Kde my stojíme? V akej hodine my žijeme? Keď tie hodiny, vedecké hodiny, odbíjajú tri minúty pred polnocou. Svet je v panike. Cirkev je na ležisku skazenosti, že až nikto nevie kde stoja. Aká je hodina dňa? Čo s Písmom na tento deň? V akom stave má byť cirkev, alebo, v akom stave má byť dnes cirkev.

129Vo svete, politika, náš svetový systém, je tak zhnitý ako len môže byť. Ja nie som politik. Ja som kresťan. To nie je moja starosť, hovoriť o politike, ale len chcem povedať, že sú zhnití z oboch strán.

130Ja som volil raz, Krista; Musím zvíťaziť. Diabol volil proti mne, a Kristus volil za mňa; záleží na ktorú stranu som dal svoj hlas. Som rád, že som ho dal Jemu; nech si svet hovorí čo chce. Ja stále verím, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky. On to dokáže. On to skutočne dokáže. Skutočne.

Vzrastá zločinnosť, kriminalita mládeže!

131Pozrite sa na náš národ, voľakedy bol kvetom zeme. Naša veľká demokracia bola uformovaná dávno tam v ... pri deklarácii nezávislosti. A deklarácia nezávislosti bola podpísaná, a my sme mali demokraciu. A naši veľký predkovia, a všetko čo oni urobili; mali sme veľký národ.

132Ale on teraz hnije, a rozpadáva sa, a trasie sa, a poddáva sa. A snažia sa klásť na ľudí dane, aby získali peniaze a posielali ich na druhú stranu, aby si kúpili priateľstvo so svojimi nepriateľmi; oni nám to hádžu naspäť do tvári. Jedna svetová vojna, druhá svetová vojna, a stále to ide ďalej do tretej. Skutočne. Politika je zhnitá, skazená, prehnitá do dna. Je to presne tak, ako to stojí v Matúšovi 24: "Povstane národ proti národu, kráľovstvo proti kráľovstvu." Budú sa diať všetky tieto veci. Zamyslime sa teraz nad týmto. No dobre.

133Všimnite si ďalšie, vzrast vo vedeckých výskumoch. No, raz, len ... Môj starý otec chodil za mojou starou mamu, na volskom povoze. Teraz je to nadzvukové lietadlo, lietajú ešte i na obežnú dráhu do vzduchu, do vesmíru. Jej veľká ... Kto toto povedal? Daniel 12: 4, hovorí: "V posledných dňoch sa rozmnoží vedomosť." Vidíme hodinu v ktorej žijeme. Všimnite si teraz ... V takom stave je svet, na takom stupni je veda.

134A všimnite si znovu, dnes, náš výchovný systém. No nesnažte sa toto zaprieť. Mám výstrižky z novín. V našich cir- ... v našich školách vyučujú sex, mladých študentov, aby mali sexuálny vzťah jeden s druhým, aby videli, či sa vo svete hodia ku sebe. Tak veru.

135Ako je to s našimi kňazmi? Dnes večer som dostal výstrižok z novín. Tam v Los Angeles, v Kalifornii, kde skupina duchovných, baptisti a presbyteriáni, kazatelia, doviedli si skupinu homosexuálov a praktikovali homosexuálny pomer, a potom hovorili, že sa ich snažili získať pre Boha. A pri tom, to je jedna z kliatieb tejto hodiny, stav Sodomy! A ešte i zákon ich uväznil.

136Kde potom sme? Celý náš systém už zhnil pri nás. Videl som vzrast homosexuálov po celých Spojených štátoch, narástol za rok o dvadsať alebo o tridsať percent. Predstavte si to, mužovia žijú s mužmi, presne tak, ako robili v Sodome.

137Vzrast zločinnosti, kriminalita mládeže! V akej hodine žijeme? Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Slovo proroctva.

138Náboženský svet, samotná cirkev, cirkev, vyvolaná cirkev, to čo my nazývame vyvolaná cirkev, ten posledný cirkevný vek, Letničný cirkevný vek, kde on je? On je v Laodicei, ako povedalo Písmo.

139Dnes oni dali nabok zábrany. Ich ženy sú polonahé. Ich mužovia sú ... Je to strašná vec. Niektorí z nich sobášení tri, alebo štyri krát, medzi diakonmi, a všeličo iné. Dali nabok zábrany, a priniesli skazenie, pretože zasadli v rade bezbožných a zmiešali sa so svetom.

140A, dnes, oni majú lepšie budovy, než ako kedykoľvek. Niektoré miesta, jeden z nich stavia auditórium za päťdesiat miliónov dolárov, päťdesiat miliónov dolárov. Letniční! Pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi to zvyklo byť dole na rohu, bubnovali na tamburíne. Povedali: "My ..."

141Pretože Písmo povedalo, v Zjavení 3, že si bohatý, povedalo: "Som bohatý. Sedím ako kráľovná. Nepotrebujem ničoho. A nevieš, že si biedny, mizerný, úbohý, nahý, slepý, a nevieš o tom!"

142Dnes sa toto Písmo vyplnilo pred vašimi očami. Amen! Amen znamená "je to tak". Ja nehovorím amen sebe, ale chcem povedať, že verím, že to je pravda. Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo.

143Letničná cirkev je v Laodicejskom stave. Ó, oni stále vyskakujú a vykrikujú, a sú hlasní, keď hrá hudba. Keď hudba prestane, alebo tá bítová hudba, ktorú niektorí z nich hrajú a nazývajú to kresťanstvo, a keď to utíchne, všetka sláva je preč. Vidíte?

144Ak je to ozajstné chválenie Boha, nie je dosť pískania a dosť sily na svete, aby to zastaviť. Keď to skutočne pochádza od Boha, netreba to vybičovať hudbou. Treba aby na to zostúpil Duch Boží. On to urobí.

145A oni na to dávno zabudli, pretože učia, že dar Ducha Svätého - počiatočný dôkaz je hovorenie v jazykoch. A ja som počul diablov a čarodejníkov hovoriť v jazykoch.

146 Duch Svätý je Slovo Božie vo vás, On sa dá poznať podľa toho, že prijíma to Slovo. Pomimo toho, to nemôže byť Duch Svätý. Ak sa to predstavuje ako Duch Svätý a zapiera jedno Slovo z tejto Biblii, nemôže to byť Duch Svätý. To je dôkaz, či veríš, alebo nie.

147 Všimnite si ďalší veľký znak. Židia sú vo svojej domovine; majú svoj vlastný národ, svoje vlastné peniaze, sú členom Spojených Národov. Majú svoju vlastnú armádu. Majú všetko. Sú vo svojej domovine; o čom Ježiš povedal: "Naučte sa podobenstvu z figového stromu." Tam oni sú, znovu vo svojom národe. Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo, Židia vo svojej domovine.

148Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo, Laodicejský cirkevný vek.

149Dnes toto Písmo, Matúš 24, sa vyplnilo. Svet je v skazenosti, všetko; národy proti národom, zemetrasenia na rôznych miestach, prichádzajú veľké víchrice, národy sa trasú, a tak ďalej, a všade veľké pohromy. Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo.

150No odhalili sme v akom stave sa nachádza svet. Vidíme kde sa nachádza normálna cirkev, normálna ... Organizácia, denominácia, vidíme kde sú. Vidíme kde sú národy. A vidíme, že dnes sa tieto zasľúbenia vyplnili.

151Ale teraz! V tomto čase má prísť super, kráľovské Semeno Abraháma. To je presne to, čo to bude, kráľovská nevesta pre kráľovského, zasľúbeného Syna. Ako som hovoril minulý večer, to nebude telesné semeno, to bude duchovné semeno. Má povstať duchovná nevesta, ktorá bude tým kráľovským semenom kráľovskej viery Abrahámovho kráľovského Syna. Ona má prísť na scénu v týchto posledných dňoch, a ten čas a to miesto, to je zahrnuté v zasľúbení, ktoré je jej dané.

152Podľa Písma, Malachiáša 4, povstane posolstvo, ktoré zatrasie srdcami ľudí a obráti ich znovu, rovno naspäť ku apoštolským otcom. Má povstať niekto na scéne, v moci Eliášovej, povstane na scéne; človek pustatiny, ktorý vystúpi a bude mať posolstvo, ktoré bude viesť znovu rovno naspäť do Slova. To je hodina v ktorej práve žijeme.

153Potom, uvažujte teraz, vyzývam vás v tejto hodine, vy ľudia z Jeffersonville. V 1933, to nadprirodzené Svetlo, ktoré zostúpilo tam dole nad riekou, v ten deň keď som krstil päťsto ľudí vo Meno Ježiša Krista, ako okolo dvadsať ročný chlapec. Čo ono povedalo, Jeffersonville? Čo sa to tam stalo na konci Spring street, keď myslím Kurier žurnál, Louisville Herald, priniesli o tom článok? Cez Associated Press to prešlo, až do Kanady. Doktor Lee Vayle to vystrihol z novín, v Kanade, v 1933.

154Keď som krstil sedemnástu osobu, zjavil sa ten svedok; A vy viete, ako to bolo ďalej. A keď som tam stál, a krstil tú sedemnástu osobu, zostúpilo z neba Svetlo, osvecujúc tam to miesto, ako hviezda padajúca z neba. Hlas povedal: "Ako Ján krstiteľ bol poslaný, aby predišiel prvý príchod Kristov, tvoje posolstvo bude predchádzať Jeho druhý príchod, pôjde do celého sveta." Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo.

155Dnes! [Zhromaždenie sa veľmi raduje a chváli Boha.] Boh to zasľúbil. Čo sa stalo? Dnes ono vyšlo na celý svet.

156A keď Boh prišiel tam dole a povedal to, keď som bol malý chlapec, v horiacom kríku, či tam v tom kríku, osvietenom od Ohnivého Stĺpu, tu hore na pľaci Wathena na Utica Pike; nosil som tam vodu, od tej stodoly do tej tajnej pálenici, poznáte pravdu o tom. On povedal: "Nikdy nefajči, ani nepi, ani nepoškvrňuj svoje telo, pretože je pre teba práca, ktorú máš vykonať, keď budeš starší." Svedčím o tom, že je to pravda, že som to videl. A Boh, tak ako to urobil pri Mojžišovi, prehovoril tam pred tým zhromaždením a povedal: "Toto je pravda." Dnes sa medzi nami vyplnilo toto Písmo.

157Sledujte čo On povedal o tom rozpoznávaní, a ako to bude; od skladania rúk na ľudí, do poznávania tajomstiev ich sŕdc. Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo pred našimi vlastnými očami.

158Tieto zasľúbenia, ktoré boli dané, všimnite si, všetky tieto zasľúbenia boli potvrdené a vyplnené od Boha, ktorý ich zasľúbil. Pozrite, visí to vo Washingtone, D.C., dnes večer, tá fotografia anjela Pánovho!

159Ako George J. Lacy, vedúci oddelenia odtlačkov a dokumentov, z FBI, pre vládu Spojených štátov, overoval tú z Houstonu, v Texase a povedal: "Toto je jediná nadprirodzená existencia, ktorá kedy bola na svete vyfotografovaná." On by to mal vedieť; on je najlepší špecialista na svete, v tom obore.

160Všimnite si, tam to visí, ako pravda, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý tam vtedy viedol Izrael po púšti. My to znovu dnes vidíme - tú istú Prítomnosť, ktorá sa ukázala pri vyjdení z Egypta! Kto to je? Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo. Poznáte to posolstvo, ktoré On povedal.

161Pozrite sa na to videnie ohľadne Tucsonu, z pred troch rokov, keď som stál tu na ulici. Keď, päť rokov pred tým, On povedal: "V ten deň, keď mestská správa bude zatĺkať kolíky pred tou bránou, vydaj sa na západ." Ľudia z môjho zboru, ktorí sú tu, vedia od vtedy o tom. Je to tak.

162A v ten deň, keď pán Gyones a oni, boli tam hore, a zatĺkali tie kolíky, povedal som žene: "Na tom niečo je."

Ona povedala: "Čo to znamená?"

A ja som išiel a pozrel som sa do svojho malého záznamníku. Tam to bolo.

163A na druhý deň ráno, o desiatej, keď som tam sedel, tam vo svojej izbe, okolo desiatej, prišiel dole anjel Pánov. On povedal: "Choď do Tucsonu. Budeš v severovýchodnej časti Tucsonu a tam príde skupina siedmych anjelov, a to zatrasie celou zemou okolo teba." A povedal. "Z tade ti bude povedané."

164Koľkí si pamätáte, keď som to tu hovoril, dlho predtým ako sa to stalo? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Sú ľudia, ktorí sedia dnes večer rovno tu v tejto sále, ktorí tam stáli práve, keď sa to stalo.

165A bolo povedané: "Sedem Pečatí, v ktorých sú skryté tajomstvá celej Biblii budú otvorené, a vyplní sa Zjavenie 10, že vo dňoch siedmeho anjelského posolstva sa stanú tieto veci." Dnes sa toto Písmo vyplnilo pred našimi očami. Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo.

166Minulý rok, stáli sme na tom istom mieste, tu pán Wood a ja, išli sme hore na ten kopec, smútil nad svojou ženou, bola chorá. Duch Svätý povedal: "Zodvihni kameň, ktorý tam leží. Vyhoď ho do vzduchu. Keď spadne, povedz: "Tak hovorí Pán, súd narazí na zem." Povedz mu, že za niekoľko hodín uvidí ruku Božiu."

167Povedal som pánovi Woodovi; je tu dnes večer. A hádam, osem, alebo desať ľudí, alebo pätnásť, ktorí tam vtedy boli, keď sa to stalo. Na druhý deň ráno tam Pán zostúpil v krútiacom sa vetre a rozpáral ten vrch okolo nás a postínal vrcholce stromov a tri razy zaburácal a povedal: "Súd sa valí na západné pobrežie."

168 Dva dni po tom sa Aljaška takmer prepadla pod zem. A odvtedy, hore dole po pobreží, duní Boží súd proti tej duchovnej záclone. Je železná opona, je bambusová opona, a je opona hriechu.

169Civilizácia putovala so slnkom; tak isto evanjelium. Oni prišli od východu a išli na západ, ako slnko. A teraz je ono na západnom pobreží. Už ďalej nemôže ísť; keby išlo ďalej, bolo by znovu na východe.

170Prorok povedal: "Príde deň, ktorý nemožno nazvať dňom ani nocou," pochmúrny deň, veľa dažďu a hmla, sotva to stačí na to aby vedieť, ako sa pripojiť do nejakej cirkvi, alebo ako sa zapísať do knihy. "Ale v čase večera bude Svetlo." Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo.

171To isté - to isté s-l-n-k-o, ktoré vychádza na východe je to isté s-l-n-k-o, ktoré zapadá na západe. A ten istý S-y-n Boží, ktorý prišiel na východe a potvrdil sa, ako Boh zjavený v tele, je ten istý S-y-n Boží tu na západnej pologuli, ktorý sa dnes večer potvrdzuje medzi cirkvou, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. To večerné svetlo Syna prišlo. Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo pred nami. [V angličtine slovo slnko - (sun) a slovo syn - (son), znejú rovnako. Poznámka prekladateľa.]

172Kde sa nachádzame v tomto Abrahámovskom veku? Kde sme v tomto veľkom čase, v ktorom stojíme, v tejto veľkej hodine, v ktorej žijeme? Všetky videnia sa vyplnili.

173A čo s tým, keď tu jeden náš priateľ, kazateľ zo spriazneného sesterského zboru, Junior Jackson, pribehol tu ku nám jedného večera, tam ku mne. Povedal: "Mal som sen, brat Branham, ktorý ma trápi. Videl som všetkých bratov zhromaždených na kopci." A povedal: "Ty si nás na tomto kopci vyučoval z písma, ktoré tam bolo napísané, vyzeralo to ako nejaké písmo vytesané v skale. Keď si to skončil, keď sa to všetko skončilo, povedal si nám," povedal: "'Poďte bližšie,' a my sme sa všetci zhromaždili hore."

174Povedal: "Ty si sa načiahol a vzal z niekade niečo, čo vyzeralo ako sochor a zavážil si ním a otvoril si tento malý vrcholec pyramídy. A keď sa to stalo, " povedal: "bola tam žulová skala a na nej nebolo nič napísané. A ty si nám povedal aby sme sa na to dívali. A my sme sa všetci začali dívať." Povedal: "Obrátil som hlavu, a všimol som si, že odchádzaš smerom na západ, tak rýchlo, ako si len mohol, smerom zapadajúceho slnka." Koľkí si to pamätáte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."]

175A stál som tam za chvíľu až kým to Duch Svätý nezjavil. Povedal som: "Celá Biblia, nakoľko bola človekovi zjavená, cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým, krst vo meno Ježiša, a všetky tieto veci, zostala zjavená. Ale sú tajomstvá, ktoré sú ukryté vo vnútri, pretože Biblia je zapečatená Siedmimi Pečaťami. Musím tam ísť, aby som na to prišiel."

176V to ráno, keď prišlo dole tých sedem anjelov a zatriasli zemou a skaly lietali na všetky strany, stálo tam sedem anjelov a povedali: "Vráť sa naspäť do Jeffersonville, odkiaľ si prišiel, lebo bude otvorené Sedem Pečatí siedmych tajomstiev."

177Tu sme, dnes, rozumieme Semeno Hada. Za niekoľko dní, ak bude vôľa Božia, budeme rozumieť po správnosti to, čo sa týka Manželstva a Rozvodu. A všetky tieto veci, ktoré Boh otvoril, každú Pečať, tie tajomstvá od založenia sveta. A my sa radujeme požehnaniam v Jeho prítomnosti! Je to pravda. Dnes, toto Písmo!

178Časopis "Life" priniesol o tom článok: "Tajomný kruh svetla sa vznáša do vzduchu nad Tucsonom a Phoenixom," presne ako som vám to povedal takmer pred rokom, že sa to stane, ako to bude, a v tvare trojuholníka. Ten obrázok visí tam v zbore. Vy ktorí ste si kúpili ten časopis, to máte. Tam to bolo, presne. Oni povedali: "Je to dvadsať sedem míľ vysoko o priemere tridsať míľ." Ale oni aj tak nerozumejú čo sa stalo. Tajomne sa To zjavilo a tajomne to odišlo.

179Brat Fred Sothmann, brat Gene Norman a ja sme tam stáli. Na svedectvo treba troch. Ako On zobral hore na horu; Petra, Jakoba a Jána, aby vydali svedectvo. Stáli sme tam a pozorovali to, keď sa to stalo, a videli sme, ako sa to stalo.

180Tam To je, visí to na oblohe; tak vysoko, tam nie je žiadna vlhkosť, žiadna vlaha, ani nič z čoho by povstala hmla. Ako to tam mohlo prísť? To boli Anjeli Boží vracajúci sa naspäť, po ich posolstve. Dnes sa to proroctvo vyplnilo medzi nami. Dnes je toto Písmo vyplnené.

181Dávajte pozor, Sedem Pečatí zostalo otvorených. Ten vzdušný vír do západného pobrežia. No, neprehliadnite to, ako to urobili oni vtedy.

182No, obráťme našu pozornosť, trochu bližšie do nášho času. Čo hovorí Písmo o dnešku, a o čase v ktorom žijeme? Ježiš hovorí ... Nemám čas prebrať všetky tie miesta, ale chcem zobrať toto jedno, prv ako zakončíme.

183Ježiš povedal, v svätom Lukášovi, v 17. kapitole, v 30. verši. Ježiš Kristus, samo Slovo! Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Ježiš Kristus, samo Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom, prehovoril a povedal, aké bude Slovo v čase konca, aký bude znak času konca na svete. On im povedal, že národ povstane proti národu, ale On povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak to bude v tom dni, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka."

184No, keď Ježiš prišiel na zem, On prišiel v mene troch Synov. Syn človeka, čo je prorok; Syn Boží; a Syn Dávidov.

185No, On žil tu na zemi. On nikdy nehovoril, že je Syn Boží. On povedal: "Ja som Syn človeka." Sám Jehova nazýval Ezechiela a prorokov, "Syn človeka." Pretože, On musel prísť vyplniť Písmo, ako prorok. Mojžiš povedal: "Pán náš Boh vám vzbudí Proroka, ako mňa." Preto On tam nemohol byť Syn Boží, pretože On bol Syn človeka. On ... "Slovo prichádzalo ku prorokom." A On bol Slovo v celej jeho plnosti. Syn človeka, hlavný prorok ... Nie hlavný prorok, ale Boh - Prorok. Plnosť Božstva telesne bola v Ňom. A tak On bol Syn človeka.

186No, za dva tisíc rokov nám bol známy ako Syn Boží, Duch.

187A v Miléniu, On bude Syn Dávidov, na tróne. My to všetci vieme, kto verí Písmam.

188No, Ježiš povedal, že tesne na konci tohoto cirkevného veku, v ktorom my žijeme, že "Syn človeka sa znovu zjaví takým istým spôsobom, ako v čase Sodomy."

189Pozrite sa ako historicky to On predstavil. On povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch," najprv "Noeho. Ako oni jedli, pili, ženili sa, vydávali." Potom predstavuje ďalšie, posledné, hovorí o Synovi človeka, v čase Sodomy. Pretože, tam On jednal so Židmi. Tu, v čase Sodomy jedná s Pohanmi. Tam, On ich všetkých zatopil vodou, v súde. Tu, pri Pohanoch, On ich všetkých spálil v čase Sodomy. Je to tak. Pohanský svet tam zhorel: "A tak to bude, keď sa zjaví Syn človeka." To už nie je viac voda, ale teraz to bude oheň. Ježiš čítal z tej istej Genesis 23, z ktorej my čítame, keď čítal o Sodome.

190No, my priznávame, že je taký stav, o akom sa tam hovorí, svet je v stave Sodomy, Sodomiti, stav Sodomy. My, každý na to povieme "amen". My tomu veríme. No dobre.

191A čo sa týka duchovného stavu Laodicei, tej prirodzenej cirkvi, povieme na to "amen", a vidíme ich znaky. Vieme, že každý znak to nasvedčuje. Cirkev je v Laodicei. Vieme to.

192Vieme, že svet je v stave Sodomy. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Uznáme, že je to tak.

193Ale čo so znakom Abraháma, toho ktorý čaká na zasľúbeného syna? To bol ďalší.

194Pamätajte, oni tam v Sodome; oni mali svojho posla. A Abrahám mal Posla, ktorý prišiel ku nemu.

195Abrahám čakal, deň za dňom, na ... že sa stane takmer nemožná vec. "Sára mala deväťdesiat a on sto." Podľa zasľúbenia Božieho, on stále čakal. V strede všetkej kritiky, on čakal na toho syna.

196Tak isto skutočný veriaci stále očakáva, že sa vráti ten zasľúbený Syn. Všimnite si, tesne predtým ako prišiel ten syn, jemu bol daný znak. Či nemá byť zjavený znak prichádzajúceho Syna, tomu kráľovskému semenu Abraháma, ktoré očakáva na toho Kráľovského Syna, tak isto, ako bol daný otcovi Abrahámovi pri tom telesnom synovi? ["Amen."] Je to tak? ["Amen."] Ježiš tak povedal tu v ev. Lukáša 17:30: "Prv ako príde tento čas, Syn človeka sa zjaví, ako sa zjavil vo dňoch Sodomy, pred zničením Sodomy." My teraz očakávame na znak.

197No, pozrime v akom stave sa teraz nachádza svet. Je to tak, ako to bolo v Sodome. Pozrite, oni všetci vošli do Sodomizmu.

198Myslím, že nejaký režisér natočil nedávno film "Sodoma". Bol som sa naň pozrieť. Ak niekedy budete vidieť, že to dávajú a nebudete mať nič lepšie do roboty, pozrite sa na to. Je to skutočne dobrý obraz dnešných Spojených štátov. Celkom ako Hollywood; také isté oblečenie a všetko to, čo oni už vtedy robili. Veľké pijatiky a všetko ostatné, nábožný kult ľudí, akoby nábožní.

199Všimnite si, Sodoma mala svedka, a to bol človek menom Lot, ktorý bol Abrahámov synovec.

200No, Abrahám nešiel dole do Sodomy. Ani on, ani jeho skupina. On mal pri sebe veľkú skupinu, dosť veľkú na to, aby premohol okolo tucet kráľov a ich armádu. Tak on mal pri sebe veľkú skupinu. A on tam jedného dňa sedel vonku pod dubom, keď mu všetko išlo zle; nikto nechcel mať s ním nič dočinenia, ale on sa stále držal toho zasľúbenia.

Počúvajte teraz, pozorne, prv ako zakončíme.

201Keď tam sedel, prišli traja mužovia, kráčali ku nemu. Dvaja z nich odišli do Sodomy a kázali im evanjelium, aby vyšli, Lotovi. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Ale Jeden zostal s Abrahámom. Všimnite si, ten Jeden, ktorý zostal s Abrahámom bolo sám Boh. Tí ďalší dvaja boli anjelskí poslovia.

202No, dole v Sodome, oni neurobili žiadne zázraky, okrem toho, že ich ranili slepotou. A kázanie evanjelia stále raní takých ľudí slepotou.

203No pozrite sa ako to bolo rozmiestnené v tom čase. Je telesná cirkev. Boh je reprezentovaný stále v čísle tri, ako som povedal minulý večer. Sú Sodomiti; Lotovci; a Abrahámovci. Tak isto je to dnes večer, svet je presne tak uložený.

204Dovoľte, že sa vás niečo opýtam. Pozrite sa teraz na toto uloženie. Abrahám nazval tohoto Muža, ktorý s ním hovoril, "Elohim." Hebrejské slovo Elohim znamená "Samovystačujúci, Večný". Elohim, sám Boh!

205Na počiatku ... V Genesis 1, je povedané: "Na počiatku stvoril Boh ..." Zoberme tam to Hebrejské slovo, či vlastne Grécke: "Na počiatku stvoril Elohim nebesia a zem."

206A tu v Genesis asi 22. kapitola, tu je znovu povedané, alebo asi 20. Tam je povedané, že on nazval meno tohoto Muža Elohim. Prečo to urobil? Boh, reprezentovaný v ľudskom tele, ktorý sedí s Abrahámom a je teľací sendvič, pije mlieko, a je chlieb. Sám Boh, a zmizol rovno z pred Abraháma.

207Ale On mu dal znak. Všimnite si. A ten znak bol to, že On bol otočený chrbtom ku stanu.

208A pamätajte, Abrahám, jeho meno bolo Abram, niekoľko dní predtým, a Sárah bola predtým Sara; S-a-r-a potom S-á-r-a-h, a A-b-r-a-m premenovaný na A-b-r-a-h-á-m. Abrahám znamená "otec národov."

209Dávajte tu teraz dobrý pozor, a budeme vidieť to uloženie tejto hodiny v ktorej žijeme, ako nám povedal Ježiš, aby sme očakávali ne toto uloženie. Videli sme, že všetko to ostatné pasuje; pozrime sa teraz na to kráľovské Semeno, aké uloženie majú vidieť oni.

210No tento Muž povedal: "Abrahám, kde je tvoja žena Sárah?"

A Abrahám povedal: "Je v stane za Tebou."

211No, On ju nikdy nevidel. Ako On vedel, že jeho meno je Abrahám? Ako On vedel, že jej meno je Sárah? "Abrahám, kde je tvoja žena Sárah?"

Povedal: "Je v stane za Tebou."

212On povedal: "Ja ..." "Ja", osobné zámeno. "Ja ťa navštívim podľa zasľúbenia. Tvoja žena bude mať to dieťa. Ty si Mi veril, Ja teraz urobím, že to sa stane."

213A Sárah, vzadu v stane, naťahovala ucho, alebo ako to hovoríte, počúvala cez stan, zasmiala sa sama v sebe a povedala: "Čo? Ja, takáto stará žena budem mať rozkoš so svojím pánom; a on je tiež starý, má sto rokov. No, toho nebolo už veľa, veľa rokov."

214A ten Muž. M-u-ž, ktorý tam sedel a jedol, v ľudskom tele, pil a jedol, ako obyčajný človek; na šatách mal prach, a na nohách mal prach, a Abrahám ho zmyl. Sám Boh, rozhliadol sa a povedal: "Prečo sa smiala Sárah vzadu v stane, a hovorila toto?" On poznal, mohol rozpoznať myšlienky Sáry, ktorá bola za Ním v stane. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."]

215A teraz, keď to Kráľovské Semeno Abraháma, Syn človeka, prišiel na zem, aký znak On predviedol. Jedného dňa prišiel ku Nemu šimon; Andrej ho priviedol. On povedal: "Tvoje meno je Šimon. Ty si syn Jonášov," On povedal ... Vidíte, to ho urobilo veriacim.

216Filip išiel a našiel Natanaela: "Poď tam", povedal: "Poď sa pozrieť na Muža, ktorého sme našli; Ježiša z Nazaretu, syna Jozefovho."

217On povedal: "No počkaj chvíľu. Či z toho fanatizmu môže povstať niečo dobré?"

On povedal: "Poď a vidz."

218Tak keď Filip prišiel do prítomnosti Ježiša s Natanaelom, Ježiš sa pozrel na neho a povedal: "Hľa Izraelita, v ktorom nieto ľsti."

On povedal: "Rabbi, odkedy ma poznáš?"

219Povedal: "Prv ako ťa Filip zavolal, keď si bol pod tým stromom, videl som ťa."

220On povedal: "Rabbi, Ty si ten Syn Boží. Ty si ten Kráľ Izraelov!"

221Keď tá prostá žena pri studni, vo svojom nemorálnom stave, prišla vytiahnuť vodu, (aby som to trochu predstavil). Ježiš poslal preč svojich učeníkov, aby kúpili jedlo. Keď ona prišla pre vodu, On povedal: "Daj sa Mi napiť, žena."

222Ona povedala: "Nie je to zvykom, aby si takto hovoril. My tu máme segregáciu. Vy Židia nemáte nič s nami, Samaritánmi; a my nemáme nič s vami."

223On povedal: "Ale, žena, keby si vedela s kým hovoríš, ty by si Mňa prosila, aby som ti dal napiť. Ja by som ti dal vodu, ktorú by si nechodila sem naberať."

224On zistil kde bol jej problém, čo to bolo. On povedal: "Choď vezmi svojho muža a príďte sem."

Ona povedala: "Nemám žiadneho muža."

225On povedal: "Povedala si pravdu. Mala si piatych a ten s ktorým teraz žiješ nie je tvoj."

226Ona povedala: "Pane, vidím že si prorok. My vieme, že keď Mesiáš príde On nám ukáže tieto veci."

Ježiš povedal: "To som Ja."

227Počujúc to, bežala do mesta a povedal: "Poďte, vidzte človeka, ktorý mi povedal všetko, čo som urobila. Či to nie je sám Mesiáš?"

228Pozrite, On toto urobil pred Židmi a pred Samaritánmi, ale nie pred pohanmi. My ľudia z iných národov sme boli v tých časoch pohania, iné národy, nosili sme na pleci kyjak a klaňali sme sa modlám. My sme neočakávali na žiadneho Mesiáša.

229On sa zjavil len tým, ktorí na neho očakávali. A my máme očakávať na Neho.

230Ale tí, ktorí tvrdili, že očakávajú na Neho, sama cirkev, keď oni videli diať sa tie veci, oni povedali: "On je diabol. On je veštec, Belzebúb!"

231A Ježiš povedal: "Ten hriech im bude odpustený," pretože On ešte nezomrel. "Ale jedného dňa príde Duch Svätý a bude robiť toto isté, a povedať proti Nemu jedno slovo, to nikdy nebude odpustené." To je tento deň, kde každé slovo musí držať spolu. "Povedať slovo proti tomu; to nikdy nebude odpustené v tomto svete ani v budúcom."

232To bolo to Kráľovské Semeno Abraháma. A tu to Kráľovské Semeno Abraháma - ktoré prišlo a identifikovalo sa tak isto, ako ten Muž, ktorý tam sedel s Abrahámom, prišlo aby dokázalo, že to bol ten istý Boh - dáva zasľúbenie na tento deň: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, keď sa On zjavuje, ako Syn človeka." Amen. Toto je ten deň, keď sa toto Písmo má vyplniť.

233Pozrite sa na to uloženie, v akom sa dnes nachádzame. Pozrite sa na cirkev, kde Syn Boží ... Pozrite sa na ten pochmúrny deň. Pozrite sa na všetky tie proroctvá. No, divná vec, naši návštevníci musia potom prísť, ak to uloženie musí byť také, ako v čase Sodomy.

234Oni boli traja, ktorí tam prišli, traja zvláštny mužovia poslaný z Neba. To pripustíme. Boli traja; Jeden zostal s Abrahámom. Oni všetci tam začali, ale Jeden zostal s Abrahámom. Tí ostatní odišli dole do Sodomy. Je to tak? ["Amen."] A Abrahám mal zmenené meno, z Abrama na Abraháma. Je to Pravda? ["Amen."]

235Ani raz v histórii, cirkev na svete nemala nikdy evanjelistu ktorého meno by končilo na h-a-m, až do tohoto času, Billy G-r-a-h-a-m. Je to tak? ["Amen."] G-r-a-h-a-m, šesť písmen. A-b-r-a-h-a-m je sedem písmen. Ale G-r-a-h-a-m je šesť písmen, čo znamená svet, človek. Vidíte?

236Pozrite sa čo tam vyšlo dnes, to sú tí traja poslovia z neba.

237Či je na svete človek, ktorý by tak jasne kázal pokánie, ako Billy Graham? Či bol niekedy taký človek, ktorý by mal na ľudí taký vplyv, ako Billy Graham? Nikdy nebol taký človek, v medzinárodnom merítku. Och, Billy Sunday, a tak ďalej, bol tu v Spojených štátoch, ale Billy Graham je známy po celom svete. Vidíte kde on volá? Von zo Sodomy.

238A on má svojho spoločníka tam v Letničnej cirkvi, Orala Robertsa.

239Ale ako je to s tou vyvolenou skupinou? Aký znak majú vidieť oni? Čo oni majú mať? Haleluja! "V čase večera bude svetlo." Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo. [Zhromaždenie sa raduje.] Dnes sa vyplnilo Božie zasľúbenie. My vieme, že toto je pravda. On je tu dnes večer, tak ako bol vtedy.

240No, kázať to, ako som povedal pred chvíľou, ak čokoľvek kážete, a je to pravda evanjelia, potom Boh je zaviazaný potvrdiť to. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] No, ak je to tak, nech Boh, ktorý napísal to Slovo, nech Boh, ktorý dal to proroctvo, nech Boh, ktorý je Bohom Slova, vystúpi a potvrdí, že On je stále Bohom.

241Ako Eliáš vyšiel hore na ten vrch; pozoroval ... Elizeus išiel a pozoroval Eliáša, on povedal: "Ja chcem dvojnásobnú porciu." A plášť, ktorý bol na Eliášovi spadol na Elizea. On išiel a zložil ten plášť vo dvoje a udrel tú rieku a povedal: "Kde je Boh Eliášov?" A tá istá vec, ktorá sa stala pri Eliášovi, sa stala pri Elizeovi.

242A to isté Evanjelium, tá istá Moc, ten istý Syn človeka, ktorý bol včera, je i dnes a bude naveky. Židom 13: 8. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Potom sa vás pýtam. Ja nemôžem byť On, ale On je tu. ["Amen."] My sme len nositeľ.

243Niektorí z vás tam, ktorí ste chorí a trpíte, a vy viete, že ja vás nepoznám, nech teraz Boh ... ak sa budem môcť dostatočne pokoriť. Modlite sa a proste Boha.

244Hádam ... Nie sú tu rozdané modlitebné karty, či sú? Nie, ja ne ... Nerozdávame žiadne modlitebné karty. Budeme mať modlitebné zhromaždenie ... či za uzdravovanie chorých, v zbore. Ale, modlite sa.

245A vy viete, že ja som vám úplne neznámy. Pozrite, vy ma poznáte, Jeffersonville! Nechcem, aby to robili ľudia z Jeffersonville. Chcem ľudí, ktorí nie sú tu z tadeto. Pozrime sa, či Boh stále zjavuje! Pozrime sa, či je stále ten istý včera, dnes i naveky!

246Robte tak ako urobila tá prostá žena. On prechádzal, a ona povedala: "Ja verím tomuto Mužovi." Ona mala krvotok, a ona povedala: "Ak sa budem môcť dotknúť lemu Jeho rúcha, verím, že budem uzdravená." Je to tak?

247Vďaka jej viere sa v ten deň vyplnilo to Písmo. "On obväzoval srdcia, skrúšené srdcia, uzdravoval chorých a chromých."

248Keď sa dotkla Jeho rúcha a vyšla spomedzi ľudí a sadla si, On sa otočil a povedal: "Kto sa Ma dotkol?" Ako by On vôbec vedel, v tom veľkom zástupe ľudí, možno tridsať krát väčšom, ako je tu dnes večer, tisíce ľudí? Ako to On vedel? On povedal: "Kto sa Ma dotkol?" On to nepovedal len tak, aby niečo povedal; On to povedal, pretože to bola pravda. A On povedal: "Kto sa Ma dotkol?" A On sa pozrel rovno dookola a uvidel tú prostú ženu, kde ona sedela, alebo stála, v akejkoľvek bola pozícii, povedal jej, že jej krvotok prestal.

249Taký bol Ježiš včera. A taký je On dnes. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."]

250Ja ťa nepoznám; Boh ťa pozná. Ale ty máš bolesti vo svojom boku, to ťa trápi. Je to tak. Ty tam sedíš a modlíš sa za to. Či som ti cudzí, a sme si cudzí jeden druhému? Vstaň, ak je to tak. Ja ťa nepoznám. To je ten muž rovno tam na rohu, tento mladý človek. Máš tiež choré hrdlo. Je to tak. Modlíš sa za to. Si celý nervózny, kvôli niečomu. Budeš musieť opustiť toto zhromaždenie, pretože si kazateľ, máš nejaké povinnosti, o ktoré sa musíš postarať. Je to tak. Aha. Veríš, že Boh vie kto si? Reverend Smith, teraz môžeš ísť a byť uzdravený. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravil. Choď do svojho zhromaždenia; tvoje hrdlo ťa nebude trápiť.

Koho sa on dotkol?

251Tam sedí človek, rovno tu vzadu; on trpí. Má nádor na ľavej strane pľúc. On ne ... Nie je odtiaľto. Ty si bol baník. Je to tak. Ja som ti úplne cudzí. Ak je to pravda, zamávaj rukou. Ten nádor je na ľavej strane tvojich pľúc a práve máš ísť na operáciu. Je to tak? Nie si odtiaľto. Si z pomimo tohoto mesta. Si z Virgínii. Je to tak. Veríš, že Boh vie kto si? Pán Mitchel, je to tak, choď domov a buď zdravý. Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje. Opýtajte sa toho človeka! Nikdy v živote som ho nevidel. On tam sedel, modlil sa.

Dnes toto Písmo! [Brat Branham sa obracia chrbtom do obecenstva.]

252Tu sedí nejaká pani rovno tu vzadu, za mnou, tak ako bola Sára v stane. Ona sa modlí za dcéru. Vstaň. Tá dcéra nie je tu; ona je inde, tá dcéra. A s tebou je to tak isto, ako to bolo, keď prišla ku Ježišovi tá žena, ona mala dcéru, ktorá bola strašne trápená od diabla. Tá žena ... to dievča je posadnuté démonom. Ona nie je tu. Ona je z ... Ty si zo Severnej Karolíny. Veríš tomu? A to je pravda, však? Pani Ordersová, môžeš ísť domov. Keď budeš veriť z celého svojho srdca nájdeš svoju dcéru tak, ako našla tá, dávno vtedy vo dňoch Ježiša Krista, keď povedal, že zostala uzdravená.

253 Dnes toto Písmo; znak Sodomy, znak super Semena, znak telesnej cirkvi! Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo vo vašom strede. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."]

254Prijmete Ho hneď teraz, ako svojho Spasiteľa, uzdravovateľa? Vstaňte na svoje nohy, každý jeden z vás, povedzte: "Prijímam svoje uzdravenie. Prijímam Ho, ako svojho Spasiteľa. Prijímam Ho, ako svojho Kráľa." Povstaňte všetci.

Dnes! Počúvajte, priatelia.

255On prečítal to Písmo, odovzdal tú Bibliu naspäť tomu kňazovi, a je povedané, že oči všetkých boli obrátené na Neho, a povedal: "Dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo."

256Prečítal som to Písmo, kde bolo tucet, alebo i viac dôkazov, že žijeme v tom poslednom dni, generácia, ktorá bude vidieť Ježiša Krista vracať sa na zem. A hovorím vám dnes večer, znovu, dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo vo vašich očiach.

257Vy v Tucsone, vy v Kalifornii, vy v New Yorku, ktorí ste napojení cez telefón, dnes sa vyplnilo toto Písmo vo vašich očiach.

258Veseľme sa a radujme sa, lebo sa priblížila svadba Baránkova a Jeho Nevesta sa pripravila.

259Zodvihnime svoje ruky a chváľme Ho, všetci ľudia. Nech vás Boh žehná. [Zhromaždenie pretrváva v radosti a v chválení Boha.]

THIS DAY THIS SCRIPTURE IS FULFILLED, 65-0219, Park View Junior High School, Park View Junior High School, Jeffersonville, IN, 82 min

1 Just remain standing, if you will, while we bow our heads for a word of prayer.

2Dear Heavenly Father, we are grateful tonight for this, another opportunity to come and present this glorious, marvelous Gospel of Jesus Christ. We thank Thee because that He still remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. We thank Thee for these people who have gathered out here in the time of this cold weather, and still with their anticipations great, looking, believing that something extraordinary is going to be given us from God. We come with that hope, Lord, to every meeting. We thank Thee for the services, night before last, at the tabernacle; thank Thee for the service here last evening, and for the service today, at the tabernacle. We're looking forward now what You will have for us tonight.

3Father, we know that anyone that's able to move their hands could turn back the pages of the Bible, but there is only One Who can make It live and be real, and that's You. And, Father, we're looking for You to do that tonight. Bless us in every way. Our hearts are so full of joy as we see the time approaching when we're going to meet Him, face to face, the One that we've loved and lived for all these years.

4Many new converts, Lord, has been made. Understanding that a great host, forty or fifty, is to be baptized in Your Name, in the morning, from the service last night. O God, please continue, we pray, until every predestinated Seed of God has seen the Gospel Light, and has come into the fold.

5We ask You to hide us tonight behind the Word; blind us to the things of the world, and let us see Jesus. May there be a Mount Transfiguration experience among us, tonight, that we see no man save Jesus only. We ask it in His Name, and for His glory and a vindication of His Gospel. Amen.

You may be seated.

6 I'm just going to turn this mike, or this desk, just slightly sideways, if it's all right, so that I can see both sides of the audience. I guess I can get these microphones around here right. All right, just a moment.

7We are greeting, from the main auditorium here tonight, our friends in Arizona, California, Texas, and across the United States, by the way of telephone. This, this is going nationwide, this service tonight, by the way of telephone, so we trust that God will bless us.

8Can you hear, back over to the--the auditorium to the left? All right, they're going to check now the telephone system, to see if it's working all right.

9 Everybody happy tonight? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Say, that's fine! On this side? ["Amen."] Amen. I'm so glad to see that you're all seated comfortably.

10And now tomorrow night, if the crowds keep increasing, they'll also be telephone direct. There is tonight. I think some of them is down there at the tabernacle.

11And, tomorrow morning, the services cannot be had at the tabernacle, because the... there'll be a florist there decorating the church for a wedding tomorrow afternoon. And they have transferred the--the services, in the morning, up to Brother Ruddell's church, one of our associates, and up on the--the highway here, sixty-two. Has it been announced? [Brother Neville says, "Yes."--Ed.] It's been announced. And, if it overflows up there, we'll take the rest and send another minister down to Brother Junior Jackson's, down in Clarksville. The reason we had it at Brother Ruddell's, it's close here, and we can... and we thought you could find that easier. And then we'll take care of it in some way. And be sure to get all those baptisms in for tomorrow, and I hope there'll be another hundred or two added to those for baptism tomorrow. And now tomorrow night...

12 I never like to announce anything you speak on ahead of time, but one night in the service, or one day, I want to speak on the subject of: Who Is This Melchisedec? Because, it's a--a subject that I think we're living in the time when these revelations, of which has been the question down through the age, of, "Who is this Fellow?" And I believe that God has the answer, Who He was. Some said, "a priesthood," some said, "a king," some... But there's got...

13As long as there's a question, there has got to be a answer to that question, which is right. Cannot be a question without first being an answer.

14 Now, we trusting that God will give us a blessing tonight out of His Word, as we read It.

15And you've had... Billy told me to tell you that you've sure had fine cooperation with the peoples here that's been in the parking system, the police and everything. Keep it up; that's very, very good.

16We hope to see the time, maybe in the near future, when maybe we could bring the tent here to the city and put it up out here in the ballpark, where we could stay for some length of time, maybe for three or four weeks, revival, constantly. And here we just barely get to know each other, and then we have to say good-bye and we go again. But I'd like to come and stay an extensive trip, one time where you could stay so we don't have to close out in a night or two, but just stay and teach, day and night, day and night, on and on. Maybe somebody go home and feed the chickens, milk the cows, and come back next week and continue on with the service. I--I like that. So the Lord be with you.

17 Now, before I leave, perhaps Sunday morning or Sunday night, or sometime, one of these services, I know you're all waiting to hear the Message on the Truth about Marriage And Divorce, which is one of the great problems of the day. And I'm just as sure as I'm standing here, I believe that the correct answer is in the Word of God, and I believe that that's what I promised to come back for.

18And I suppose, knowingly, as far as I know, I want to have another service here in Jeffersonville, on Easter Sunday, and we'll... for sunrise service, and then Easter Sunday. So we'll announce it ahead and try maybe to get the auditorium, if possible, or somewhere, for Sunday, maybe come Saturday and Sunday. Have to fly in and back out, because it's near the time... I have to check it, first, with the schedule I have, and one of my--my--my itinerary in California. And then, immediately after that, I've got to go down in to--to Africa. So keep in touch and pray for us.

19 Now, tonight, I want to call your attention to a portion of God's Word, found in the 4th chapter of Saint Luke. The 4th chapter and the 16th verse, it will begin, Jesus speaking.

... This day is this Word fulfilled in your ears.

20Now we want to draw, from That, a conclusion of how dynamic is the Word of God! Now, we all can figure out the mechanics, but it takes the Dynamics to make It work.

21We can figure out what the mechanics of a machine, automobile, but then it takes the dynamics to make the wheels go to operating and moving.

22Now, Jesus had returned to--to Nazareth, where He was brought up. On down in the Scriptures here, we find that they said, "We heard You did such-and-such over in Capernaum. Now let us see You do it here in Your Own country."

23Jesus said, "A--a prophet is not without honor except in his own country." And, course, that's where you're brought up at, and where people know you. And there He had a--a--a bad name, to begin with, by Him being born without an earthly father. They called Him "an illegitimate child," that Mary was actually pregnant before she married, officially, Joseph. But, that isn't so, we know it isn't so.

24 And on this Scripture, what caused me to fall my eyes upon this, was something that happened just recently in Phoenix, Arizona. It was the last day, of the service that I was to speak at the International Convention of the Full Gospel Business Men.

25And in this convention there was a visitor with us, which was a Catholic bishop, which is--is of "the Chaldean Rites of the Apostolic Catholic church; the Most Rev. John S. Stanley, O.S.D." He is "the archbishop of metropolitan United States," in the Catholic church. This happened to be his card and his--and his address.

26And he was a visitor with the Christian Business Men, and I had seen him there, the day before. And when I was speaking on Saturday night, I believe it was, or Saturday morning at the breakfast, and I... As I was speaking, he kept watching me. I thought, "That man certainly is disagreeing with everything I say." And, you know, you could--you could just see him; he would keep his head up-and-down, but I didn't know what was just exactly working on him.

27 So on Sunday afternoon, when I got up to speak, I was going to take my text on Birth Pains, where Jesus said, that, "As a woman in travail with a child," she is travailing in birth. And so I was going to speak from there, as, Birth Pains, the subject, saying that the world is in birth pains now. The old has to be done away with, so the new can be born; just like a--a seed has to rot away, in order to give new life.

28And how the pains, birth pains struck the world! In World War One, she had a terrific pain, because they had poison gas, and so forth, that almost could destroy the world. And in World War Two, she struck another, harder pain; they had blockbusters, and also an atomic bomb. She cannot stand another labor pain. With these missiles and things today, one more war will throw her out into space, for she will now be delivered. And there will be a new earth. The Bible said there will be.

29Under every prophet's Message, Israel got a birth pain, because that these prophets would come on the scene after the theologians and clergymen would have the church all in a organization form. And when them prophets come on the scene with THUS SAITH THE LORD, they shook them churches, and she had a birth pain. Finally, she had birth pains plumb on up until she delivered a Son of the Gospel, which was the Word Itself made flesh.

30 So the church really is in birth pains tonight, again, for the deliverance of the Son, Son of God to come again. All of our theologians, all of our systems, all of our denominations, has rotted right out from under us. So we are in birth pain, and a Message from God always throws the church in heavier pain, but after a while she is going to be delivered of a Bride. That'll bring forth Jesus Christ to His Bride.

31And, then, thinking this man had disagreed with me so much. When I'd raised up to speak this Message, I turned in my Bible, to find the page.

32And my wife had just given me a new Bible, for Christmas. My old Bible is about fifteen years old, and the thing was just about tore to pieces. The pages, every time it'd open up, would fly out of it. And, but I knowed just where to find every Scripture, so I study close in that Bible. And I just picked up the new one, because the other one looked so ragged, to go to church with.

33 And when I started to turn over in Saint John, where the Scripture was found, I started to read the 16th chapter, and the verse that I was looking for wasn't there. So I thought, "Strange!" I turned back again; still it wasn't there.

34And Brother Jack Moore, from Shreveport, Louisiana, a bosom friend of mine, he was sitting there. I said, "Brother Jack, isn't that found in Saint John 16?"

He said, "Yes."

35And this Catholic priest got up out of his seat, from about a hundred clergymen sitting on the platform; walked over close to me, with all of his robes and gowns and crosses, and so forth, and got right up close to me. And he said, "My son, be steady. God is fixing to move."

I thought, "A Catholic bishop telling me that?"

He said, "Read it out of my Book."

36And I read the Scripture out of his Book, and took my text and went on, preached my sermon.

37Afterwards, when I got through, he got up after I was gone, and said, "There is one thing has to happen. After that, the church has to get out of the mess that it's in, or we have to get out of the mess the church is in." So, one or the other.

38 And I was on my road home, back down to Tucson, that evening. The kids was crying for a sandwich, and I stopped to get a sandwich at a little stand. And my wife said, "Bill, I never was so nervous in all my life, to see you standing up there fumbling through that Bible." Said, "Didn't it make you nervous?"

39I said, "Nope." I said, "I knowed it was in there somewhere. They just didn't have the page in. It's a misprint."

40And she said, "To think, that I got you that Bible! Looked like every eye in there was right upon me."

41And I said, "Well, you couldn't help that. That was a misprint in the Bible." I said, "They just never put the page in."

42Well, I got down and looked at it again, just perfect as it could be; but the 16th chapter ends, portion, the portion of it just about three inches from the bottom, over at the 17th chapter on the other side, does the same thing. And, being a new Bible, those two pages had perfectly stuck together, and I was reading from the 17th chapter instead of the 16th. "Well," I said, "that's all fine. It's for some cause."

43 And just as plain as you could hear any voice, a Voice come to me, and said, "He entered into Nazareth, to where He was brought up at; and went into the synagogue, as it was His custom. And the priest gave Him the Scriptures to read, and He read Isaiah 61. And when He had read the Scriptures, He set down; handed the priest back the Bible, the Book, and sat down. And all the eyes of the congregation was upon Him. And precious Words proceeded from His mouth. And He said, 'This day this Scripture is fulfilled.'"

"This day this Scripture is fulfilled."

44How accurate is the Scripture! If you'll notice this in Isaiah 61:1 to 2, is where our Lord was reading from, Isaiah 61:1 to 2. But in the middle of the 2nd verse of Isaiah 61, He stopped. Where it said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me; to preach the acceptable year," then He stopped. Why? The other part, to bring judgment, didn't apply to His first coming, but His second Coming. See, it didn't apply there. How the Scriptures never make a mistake! They are always perfect. Jesus stopped just where the Scripture stopped, 'cause that was exactly what was to be vindicated in His day, now, in that first coming. The second Coming He will bring judgment upon the earth; but not then. He was "to preach the acceptable year."

45 Notice the Messiah standing in the platform, to identify Himself with the Word of promise for that age. How strange, the Messiah standing up before the church! And look at these precious Words, when He says here, "To preach the acceptable year."

46"The acceptable year," as we all know, as Bible readers, was "the year of jubilee." That, when all slaves and prisoners, as they were, been taken, prison; and had to give a son, to pay a debt; or a daughter, to pay a debt, [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] and they were in bondage. No matter how long they had been in bondage, or how long they was supposed to stay there; when the year come, of the jubilee, when the trumpet sounded, every man could go free if he wanted to go free. [Blank.spot.on.tape.] You're free. You was no more slave.

47But if you desired to remain a slave, then you had to be taken down to the temple, stood by the temple post, and they took an awl and bored a hole in your ear, and then you had to serve that slave master the rest of your days.

48 What a perfect example it is of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! When It's preached, the acceptable time, and the time of Jubilee; anybody, no matter who you are, what color you are, what denomination you belong to, how it's far you've stooped in sin, or what's wrong with you; you can go free when you hear the Gospel trumpet sound out. You are free!

49But if you turn your back upon the Message and refuse to hear It, notice, you were bored in the ear, with an awl. That means, to say, that you have crossed the line between grace and judgment, and you will never hear the Gospel again. You'll never get any further. You must be a slave to the system you're in, the rest of your days, if you refuse to hear the acceptable year.

50Now, the other part of it, as I said, didn't need to be answered, because this coming Messiah, a time now, is when He will bring judgment.

51 Now, how could those people ever fail to see Who He was? How did they ever miss it? How could it be, when it was so plainly made known and showed? How could they have ever missed seeing? When He...

52What a Word! Think of it, "This day is this Scripture fulfilled before your eyes." Who said it? God Himself, Who is the interpreter of His Own Word. "This day is this Scripture fulfilled." The Messiah, Himself, standing in the presence of the congregation and reading a Word out of the Bible, pertaining to Himself, and then saying, "Today this Scripture is fulfilled," and they still failed to see It.

53What a tragedy that that would be, but it's happened. It's happened many times. How could it happen? Of course, like it did in other times, by believing man's interpretation of the Word. That's what caused it. Those believers in them days, so-called believers, was taking the interpretation of what the priest had said about the Scripture. Therefore Jesus, not belonging to any of their ranks or their societies, He was excommunicated from their company.

54And, therefore, they could not identify Him with them, because He was different from them. The Person of Jesus Christ was so unique that no one should have missed seeing that that was the Son of God, because He was the perfect identification of the Scripture that was wrote of Him.

55That's the way any Christian is known, when his life identifies the very things that's the Christian is supposed to do.

56 How He could stand there and say, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled right before your eyes!" How outstanding, how so plainly, and yet those people misunderstood. Why? Is because they took the interpretation of some order of priests that they were listening to.

57And history always repeats itself. And Scripture has a compound meaning to It, and a compound revelation.

58For instance, like it says in the Bible, that, "Out of Egypt I have called my son," referring to Jesus. Run the margin on that, and you find out, also referred to Jacob, same Scripture. Jesus was His greater Son. Jacob was His son that He called out of Egypt, which the Scofield reference and all other references give to it, because that's the Scripture it was referring to. So it had a--a double answer; it had a answer to Jacob called out, and to Jesus called out.

59And so is it today! Is because that we're in such a turmoil as we are, and people fail to see the Truth of God, is because there is too many man-made interpretations of God's Word. God don't need nobody to interpret His Word. He is His Own interpreter.

60 God said, in the beginning, "Let there be light," and there was light. That doesn't need an interpretation.

61He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. That doesn't need any interpretation.

62When, God's interpretation of His Word is when He vindicates and proves It to be so. That's His interpretation, by making it come to pass. That's where God's interpretation is, is when He makes His Word come to pass. He is interpreting It to you.

63Like if there had never been light, and He said, "Let there be light," and there was, that don't need anybody to interpret.

64But we get man-made systems mixed into It, and, when you do, you--you get It out of line. It's always been that way.

65 But I still think of how striking it must have been. Think of it, the Messiah! Why did they fail to see Him? Because, their very leaders that ought to have knowed Him, that ought to have been versed in the Scripture, that ought to have been understanding of the Scriptures, they belittled this Man and said, "He's a illegitimate child, to--to begin with. We wouldn't believe That."

66Years later, we don't believe that. We would die for the purpose to say that He was a virgin-born Son.

67And it'll come to pass someday that, the very things that we see Jehovah doing today, men in the ages to come, if there is, will die for the thing that we're talking about today. You'll have to do it when the mark of the beast comes on, and you're not allowed to preach the Gospel this way. When the great union of churches comes together, which is in order right now for the world church, you'll have to seal your testimony with your own life, to This.

68 You must believe It now. If those priests could rise up, that condemned Him, would not condemn Him. "But," you say, "if I'd have been there, I would have done so-and-so." Well, that wasn't your age. But, this is your age, this is the time.

You say, "Well, if He was here!"

69The Bible said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever," the same, so He is here. But, He's here. As the world has civilized, become greater, and educated more; He's here in the Spirit form, which they cannot kill or put to death. He died once; He cannot die again. He had to be made flesh in order for God to be put to death in the flesh, for sin. But this time He could never die; It's the Holy Spirit.

70 Now, how to think that they had them things against Him! Another thing, that He would not join any of their ranks. Then, you see, that still made Him a bad person. He wouldn't join their--their organizations, wouldn't join their priesthood, and He wouldn't have nothing to do with it. And then, besides all that, He tried to tear down what they had built up.

71He went into the temple. We call Him a meek Man; He was, but many times we misunderstand what meekness is.

72He was a Man of compassion, but yet we fail sometime to understand what compassions is. Not human sympathy, isn't compassion. But, compassion, is, "doing the will of God."

73He passed through the pool of--of Bethesda, the gate. There laid people, multitudes of them. Multitudes is no certain number. But there laid multitudes; lame, blind, halt, withered. And He had compassion on the people, always. And He went to one person that was not lame, blind, halt, nor withered; maybe had a prostrate trouble, maybe he had some little infirmity that was retarded. He had it thirty-eight years. It wasn't going to bother him, wasn't going to kill him. He was lying on a pallet. And He said, "Wilt thou be made whole?"

74And the man said, "I have nobody to put me in the water, but while I'm coming, well, someone steps down ahead of me." See, he could walk, he could see, he could get around, but he was just feeble.

75And Jesus said to him, "Rise up. Take up your bed and go to your house." And Jesus was questioned on that, for you remember the Scripture said this.

76 No wonder! If He would come to Jeffersonville tonight and make an act like that, they would still talk about Him.

77But, remember, He came to do one thing, was the will of God. Now, that's found in Saint John 5:19, you'll get the answer. He said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself; but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son."

78Now, they ought to have knowed that that was the very vindication of the prophecy of Moses, "For the Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me."

79Did you notice, when He seen the man, He said... Jesus knew that he had been in this condition for many years. See, being a Prophet, He saw that man in that condition; and went down there and waved--waved His way around through those people, mincing through the crowd, until He found that certain man.

80Passed by the lame, halt, blind, and withered, yet a Man full of compassion. But, compassion, is, "doing the will of God."

81 Now, we find Him, as He would not join up with them, He would not have nothing to do in their ranks, then He was an outcast. He would not have any...

82Besides that, He went into the temple one day. A Man went in there and found the house of God just about contaminated as it is today. They were buying, selling, changing money. And He turned over the money tables; took ropes and plaited them, and beat the moneychangers out of the temple. And looked upon them with anger, and said, "It's written," hallelujah, "My Father's house is a house of prayer; and you've made it a den of thieves. And you, with your traditions, has made the commandments of God of none effect."

83Oh, could a bunch like that ever believe in Him? No, sir. They had been so hog-wallowed in the muck of societies and filth of the day, until they were so ecclesiastical froze up until they couldn't feel the vibrations of the Power of Almighty God. No wonder the little woman could touch His garment and get healed by It; and a drunken soldier could spit in His face and feel no virtue! Depends on how you approach It. Depends on what you're looking for. When you go to church, it depends on what you're looking for.

84 Now we see Him standing there. No doubt but what the people had already warned him, warned, the priest had warned the people, "Now He's coming over here next Sabbath, and, when He does, don't you listen to Him. Now, you might go and sit here, but don't pay no attention to what He says, because He don't belong to our group. He's an outcast. He has no fellowship card. He don't even have an organ-... an organization paper with him. He doesn't have nothing like that."

"What is He?"

85"Some renegade boy that was born down here, illegitimate birth, by a carpenter's home, that a mother conceived Him before they were married, and they're trying to hide the thing up with some supernatural thing.

86"We know that, when the Messiah cometh, He'll come down the corridors of Heaven and go to our high priest and say, 'Here I am, Caiaphas.'" But we find out that He didn't do it that way, because it wasn't written in the Word that way. It was a man-made tradition that caused them to believe that.

87The Word had said that He would come just the way He come. And there He stood, reading the Word, and saying to them, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your eyes." And still they fail to see Him or recognize Him, like they did in all other ages.

88 Noah could have said the same thing, the day that he entered into the ark and the door closed. Moses could have raised that window in the top of the ark, looked out upon the congregation... Remember, God closed the door. And he could have said, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your eyes," but it was too late for them then. He had preached a hundred and twenty years, to try to get them into that boat that he had built, telling them that the Scripture said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, it's going to rain," but they waited too long. But Noah could a easily said that, "Today, this day, the Scripture is fulfilled."

89Moses, the same day that the Pillar of Fire come down on Mount Sinai and give witness to his testimony, Moses could have said, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled."

90Moses, you know, was a called man of God, a prophet. And while he was being called, being a prophet, he had to have a supernatural experience. In order to be a prophet, he had to meet God face to face and talk with Him. And another thing, what he said had to come to pass, or no one would have believed him.

91So no man has a right to call himself thus until he's talked face to face with God, on a back side of a desert somewhere, where he met God, himself. And all the atheists in the world could not explain it away from him; he was there, he know it happened. Every Christian should have that experience before they say anything about being a Christian. Your own experience!

92 I talked to my nephew, a while ago, a little Catholic boy, that said, "Uncle Bill, I've run from pillar to post, going everywhere, trying to find something." Night after night, before this meeting started, he has been crying. And at nighttime, he's been dreaming dreams of coming in, running up to the altar, where preaching, and making a confession that he's been wrong.

93I said, "Melvin, no matter where you try to go, how many churches you join, how many 'Hail Mary's, you say, or how many blessings you get from man, you've got to be born again of the Spirit of God. It's the only thing that'll satisfy the human heart."

94That's, I know they got a substitute, today, of being born again, just shake hands with the preacher and put your name on the book. But, friends, that is a dogma. It's not a Bible Truth. If it would, the Acts of the Apostles, in the 2nd chapter, would have to read like this, "When the Day of Pentecost was fully come, the pastor walked out and shook hands with the people."

95But said, "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come," at the inauguration of the Church, "there came a sound from Heaven like a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting." That's how the Holy Spirit come the first time. That's how It's come every time since that time. He is God, and changes not. Now, It stumbles people.

They say, "That was for another day."

96 Well, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Every time the Church ever received the Holy Ghost, It's always come like He did the first time, under the same prescription, Acts 2:38; never has changed, never will change.

97Like a doctor's prescription for a disease. He'll write out a prescription for a disease, the doctor does. And take it to some quack druggist, and he puts too much of the antidote in it, it's so weak it won't do you any good; if he puts too much of the poison in it, it'll kill you. It's got to be wrote just according to the doctor.

98And the doctor's prescription on how to receive the Holy Ghost is given to us by Doctor Simon Peter, on the Day of Pentecost. "I'll give you a prescription. Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the prescription is to them that's far off, and even as in many as the Lord our God shall call. The Eternal prescription!

99 Moses had had this experience. He went down into the country and he began to tell the people, "I met a Pillar of Fire. It was in a burning bush. And He told me to tell you. 'I AM THAT I AM. Go down; I'll be with you. Take up the stick in your hand and hold it up over Egypt; whatever you ask, it'll be done.'"

Well, probably some priest said, "Nonsense!"

100But when they seen the real facts of this, take, come to pass, they couldn't hold it any longer. They knowed he was sent of God.

101Then, if Moses said he saw that, and testified to it to be the Truth, then God is obligated, if that is the Truth, to identify and vindicate that man's word, the Truth. That's true.

102If Jesus Christ stood there and read, that day, "This day is this Word fulfilled before you," God is obligated to make that Word come to pass.

103We stand here tonight and say, that, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." God is obligated to prove that to be so, because It's His Word. Now, what does it do? It takes faith, in believing It. Takes faith, in believing His Word, that It is the Truth.

104 Notice what come to pass when Moses brought the children out, and all those that followed him. Those who did not follow stayed in Egypt. But those who followed Moses, when they come out of the Red Sea and got out into the wilderness, God came down upon Mount Sinai. That Pillar of Fire set the whole mountain on fire, and a Voice spoke out of there, and God gave the ten commandments.

105Moses could have walked up there before the people, and say, "This day the Scripture that I have told you, as His prophet, comes to pass this day. I've told you that God met me, and up there in a burning bush, in a Pillar of Fire, and He said this, 'I'll... This will be a sign. You'll bring them people right back to this place here again.' And there is God, in the same Pillar of Fire I told you He was in, hanging right yonder on the mountain. This day this prophecy is fulfilled. Here He is to vindicate that the things that I have said is the Truth."

106God give us more man like that, that's honest and sincere, and tell the Truth, that God Almighty could vindicate that His Word is still Truth! He remains the same yesterday, and ever. Why wouldn't He do it? He promised to do it.

107 Joshua might have said the same, the day that he come back to Kadesh-barnea, where they had journeyed so far in the wilderness. They were doubting the land being the kind of land that God said it would be. But God told them it was a good land, it was flowing with milk and honey. And Joshua and Caleb was the only two that would believe it, out of the other ten that left. When they come back, they had the evidence; they had a bunch of grapes that two strong man could only carry.

108Joshua and Caleb could have stood right there and said, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled. Here is the evidence that it is a good land." Sure. Why? "There is the evidence that it's a good land. Where'd you ever get such things as that, in Egypt? There was no such places. But this day this Scripture is fulfilled."

109He could have said the thing, same, when he prophesied and said the walls of Jericho would fall down after they had marched around seven times, seven days, seven times a day. And when they marched around that last time, the walls fell down. Joshua could have stood up and said, "This day, the Chief Captain of the host of the Lord that told me weeks ago that it would happen like this, this day this Scripture is fulfilled." There laid the walls, flat on the ground. "Come on, let's go take it. It belongs to us. This day this Scripture is fulfilled."

110How wonderful, man of God has stood for the things that's right!

111 Israel, at the river, when they possessed the land, went over. How they going to do it? It's the month of April. The floods are coming down because the snow is melting, up in Judaea. Oh, what a poor general it seemed like that God was, to bring His people there, in the month of April, when the Jordan was higher back than it ever was. Sometimes...

112I might could stop here, if I had time, to give you just a little tip. Sometimes you may be setting out there with cancer, or you might be setting with a disease; you think, "Why, me, being a Christian, would be in this a way? Why would I be sitting like this, if I'm a Christian?" Sometimes God lets the things get so dark that you can't see up, around, or anywhere else, and then He comes and makes a way through it for you, that you might say, "This day this Scripture is being fulfilled, that He promised to do."

113 He let the Hebrew children walk right into the fiery furnace. They said, "Our God is able to deliver us from this fire in the furnace. But, nevertheless, we'll not bow down to your image." When they walked out of there, the smell of the furnace upon them... no smell of the furnace, rather, upon them; they could have said, "This day is this Scripture fulfilled."

114When Daniel come from the lions' den, he could have said the same thing.

115John the Baptist. After four hundred years of ecclesiastical teaching, no wonder that church was in a mess at that time! When he appeared in the wilderness, the Jordan, he could have stood right there on the bank, as he did, and say, "This day this Scripture, Isaiah 40, is fulfilled."

116 How I could stop here and tell you what that old priest told me! Said, "Son, you never finished that Message."

I said, "Keep still."

He said, "You mean them Pentecostals don't see that?"

I said, "No."

117He said, "I see it." And a Catholic priest, too! Uh-huh. He said, "Why didn't you go on?"

I said, "Keep still."

He said, "Glory to God! I see it."

118And about that time the Holy Ghost fell on his sister, setting out there in the meeting. And she raised up, speaking in unknown tongues, and gave the interpretation of the very thing that the priest and I were talking about, on the platform. The whole church, the whole place, went into a roar. Carried on over into Oral Robert's convention last week, or week before last, and was the talk of the convention. How that that priest... Setting under the Holy Spirit, revealed out there through a woman, his sister I believe it was, of what was taking place up there on the platform, and revealed that thing that we were hiding.

119The hour that we're living, this day this Scripture is fulfilled. This day the evening Lights have come, and we fail to see It. Notice.

120 John said, "This day I am 'the voice of one crying in the wilderness,' as said the prophet Isaiah. Prepare the way for the Lord!"

121They didn't understand it. Say, "Oh, you're Jesus... you're--you're the Christ," rather.

122He said, "I am not the Christ." He said, "I'm not worthy to loose His shoes. But," he said, "He is standing among you, somewhere," for he was sure that He would be there. He would be in his day, 'cause God told him he was to introduce the Messiah.

123One day a young Man's come walking down through there, and he seen like a Light over the top of Him, a sign. And he cried out, "Behold the Lamb of God! This day this Scripture is fulfilled before you." Sure.

124 At the Day of Pentecost, how Peter stood up and quoted their Scripture, of Joel 2:38. When, they was all laughing, those people. They couldn't talk in their own language. They were jabbering off something else. The Bible said, "Cloven tongues." Cloven is a "parted" tongue, not saying nothing, just a jabbering. Running around like a bunch of drunk people!

125They all said, "Well, these people are drunk. Look at them, look how they're acting, how them women and man. They're disorderly," said that religious group of that day.

126Peter stood up in the midst of them, said, "Man and brethren, you that dwell in Jerusalem, and you that dwell in Judaea, let it be known unto you that these are not drunk, as you suppose, seeing it's the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoke of by the prophet Joel, 'It'll come to pass in the last days, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.' This day this Scripture was fulfilled." Certainly.

127 Luther was right on time. Wesley was right on time. Pentecost was right on time. Nothing out of the order.

128Now I ask you to consider the age and time we now live in, with the promised Word for today. If back in other ages, man could say, "this day this Scripture," "this day this Scripture," then what about the Scripture for this day? What's promised for this day? Where are we standing? What hour are we living; when the clock is beating, the scientific clock, three minutes before midnight? World has got the jitters. The church is in a bed of corruption. There nobody knows where they're standing. What time of day is it? What about the Scripture for this day? The conditions of the church, or, the conditions of the church today!

129 In the world, politics, our world system, is just as rotten as it can be. I'm not a politician. I'm a Christian. But, I ain't got no business talking about politics, but I just want to say they're rotten on both sides.

130I voted once, that was for Christ; I got to win. The devil voted against me, and Christ voted for me; depends on which way I cast my vote. I'm glad I cast it on Him; let the world say what they want to. I still believe that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He'll prove it. He certainly will. Certainly.

The increase in crime, juvenile delinquency!

131Look at our nation, once the flower of the earth. Our great democracy was formed back there in--in the... at the Declaration of Independence. And Declaration of Independence was signed, and we had a democracy. And our great forefathers, and the things that they done; we had a great nation.

132But she is now rottening, and crumbling, and shaking, and giving away. And trying to tax people, to get money to send over yonder, to buy friendship with their enemies; they're throwing it back in our face. One world war, two world war, and still moving on to a third one. Certainly. Politics is rotten, corrupted, rotten to the bottom. Just exactly what Matthew 24 said it would be, "Nation would be against nation, kingdom against kingdom." All these things would take place. Let's consider this now. All right.

133 Notice another, the increase in scientific research. Now, one time, just a... My grandfather went to see my grandmother, in an ox cart. Now it's a jet plane, or even an orbit into the air, into outer space. Its great... How, who said this? Daniel 12:4, said, "Knowledge shall increase in the last days." We see the hour we're living. Notice now the--the conditions of the world, the condition of science.

134And notice again, today, in our educational system. Now don't try to deny this. I've got the newspaper clippings, teaching sex in our chur-... in our schools, of young students to have sexual affairs with one another and see if they can mate in the world. Yes, sir.

135How about in our priesthood? Tonight I got a piece out of the paper. Over in Los Angeles, California, of where a bunch of clergymen, Baptist and Presbyterians, ministers, brought a bunch of homosexuals in and practiced homosexual, saying they was trying to win them to God. When, that's one of the curses of the hour, a Sodomite! And the law even arrested them.

136 Then where we at? Our whole system has rottened out from under us. I seen the increase in homosexual across the United States has increased twenty or thirty percent over last year. Think of that, man living with man, just exactly like they did in Sodom.

137Increase in crime, juvenile delinquency! What hour are we living? This day this Word of prophecy is fulfilled.

138The religious world, the church itself, the church, the called-out church, that we call the called-out church, the last church age, the Pentecostal church age, where is it? It's in Laodicea, as the Scripture said.

139Today they've let down the bars. Their women are half dressed. Their man are... It's a horrible thing. Some of them married three or four times, on deacon boards, and everything else. They've let down, and brought in corruption, because they've set in councils and took the place with the world.

140And, today, they got better buildings, they ever had. Some place, one of them is building a fifty-million-dollar auditorium, fifty million dollar. Pentecostals! It used to be down on the corner, twenty-five years ago, beating a tambourine. Said, "We..."

141Because, the Scripture said, in Revelations 3, that you are "'Rich,' said, 'I'm rich. I sit as a queen. I have need of nothing.' And knowest thou not that thou are wretched, miserable, poor, naked, blind, and don't know it!"

142This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your eyes. Amen! Amen means "so be it." I'm not amening myself, but I mean I believe It's the Truth. This day this Scripture is fulfilled.

143 The Pentecostal church is in a Laodicean condition. Oh, they still jump and holler, and carry on when the music is beating. When the music stops beating, or the beatnik music some of them play and calling it Christianity, and whenever that stops, all the glory is gone. See?

144If it's a real praise of God, there isn't enough whistles and enough--enough power in the world to stop it. When it really comes from God, it don't take music to be beat up. It takes the Spirit of God to come down on it. That's what does it.

145And they've long forgot It, because they've classed the gift of the Holy Ghost, "initial evidence of speaking in tongues." And I heard devils and witches speak in tongues.

146The Holy Ghost is the Word of God in you, that identifies Itself by accepting that Word. Outside of that, it can't be the Holy Ghost. If it says it's the Holy Spirit, and denies one Word of that Bible, it cannot be the Holy Spirit. That's the evidence whether you believe or not.

147 Notice another great sign. The Jews are in their homeland; their own nation, their own money, a member of the United Nations. They got their own army. They got everything. They're in their homeland; which, Jesus said, "Learn a parable of the fig tree." There they are, right back in their nation. This day this Scripture is fulfilled, the Jews in their homeland.

148This day this Scripture is fulfilled, the Laodicea Church Age.

149This day this Scripture, Matthew 24, is fulfilled. The world is in a corruption, the whole thing; nations against nations, earthquakes in divers places, great whirlwinds coming down, shaking the nations, and so forth, great disasters everywhere. This day this Scripture is fulfilled.

150 Now we found out the condition of the world. We see where the church normal, normal... Organization, denomination, we see where they are. We see where the nations are. And we see that this day these promises is fulfilled.

151Now, but in this day there is to come a super, Royal Seed of Abraham. That's exactly what It'd be, would be a Royal Bride to the Royal, promised Son. As I spoke last night, it won't be a natural seed, it'll be a spiritual Seed. There is to be a spiritual Bride raise up, which will be the Royal Seed of the royal Faith of Abraham's Royal Son. She is to come on the scene in the last days, and the time and the place is a promise that's given to Her.

152According to Malachi 4, a Scripture, there is to rise a Message that will shake the hearts of the people right back to the apostolic fathers again. There is to rise one on the scene, in the power of Elijah, that'll rise on the scene; a wilderness man that'll come out, and will have a Message that'll run right straight back to the Word again. That's the hour that we're living in.

153 Then, consider now, I ask you at this hour, you people here of Jeffersonville. In 1933, the supernatural Light that fell down yonder on the river, that day when I was baptizing five hundred in the Name of Jesus Christ, as about a twenty-year-old boy. What did It say, Jeffersonville? What was It at the foot of Spring Street there, when the Courier Journal, I believe it was the Louisville Herald, packed the article of It? It went plumb across the Associated Press, plumb into Canada. Doctor Lee Vayle cut it out of the paper, way up in Canada, in 1933.

154When I was baptizing my seventeenth person, under this Witness; and you know the rest of the story. And when I was standing there, baptizing the seventeenth person, a Light come down from Heaven, shining down above there, like a Star falling from the Heaven. A Voice said, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message shall forerun His second Coming, into all the world." This day this Scripture is fulfilled.

155 [Congregation is rejoicing--Ed.] This day! [Congregation is greatly rejoicing and praising God.] God promised it. What happened? This day It's went around the world.

156And when God came down there and said that, when I was a little boy, in a burning bush, or a bush up there, on fire with a Pillar of Fire, up here at Wathen's place on the Utica Pike; packing water back there, from that barn to a moonshine still, you know the truth of it. He said, "Don't you never smoke, or drink, or defile your body, for there's a work for you to do when you get older." I testify to that being the Truth, that I saw It. And God, as He did with Moses, spoke out before the congregation down yonder, and said, "This is the Truth."

This day this Scripture is fulfilled in the midst of us.

157Watch what He said about the discernment, and how it would be; from laying hands upon them, to knowing the secret of the heart. This day this Scripture is fulfilled before our very eyes.

158 These promises that was made, notice, all these promises had been vindicated and fulfilled by the God of the promise. Look, hanging in Washington, D.C., tonight, the picture of the Angel of the Lord!

159As George J. Lacy, the head of the FBI fingerprint and document for the United States government, examined It from Houston, Texas, and said, "This is the only supernatural Being was ever photographed in all the world." He ought to know; he's the best that's in the world, for it.

160Notice, there It hangs, as the Truth, the same Pillar of Fire that led Israel back yonder at the wilderness. It's leading today, the same kind of a Message, of, "Come up out of Egypt!"...?... This day this Scripture is fulfilled. You know the Message that He said.

161 Look at the vision of Tucson, three years ago, when standing up here on the lane. When, five years before that, He said, "The day that the city drives a stake down in front of that gate, turn yourself towards the West." My tabernacle folks that's here, knows that prop-... that--that time. That's right.

162And the day that Mr. Goynes and them was up there, and drove that stake down, I said to the wife, "There is something about this."

She said, "What is it?"

And I went in and looked in my little book. There it was.

163And that next morning, at ten o'clock, sitting in there, my room there, about ten o'clock, the Angel of the Lord came down. He said, "Go to Tucson. You'll be northeast of Tucson, and there will come seven Angels in a cluster that will shake the whole earth around you." And said, "It'll be told you from there."

164How many remembers that, here, way before it happened? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] There is men sitting right here in this building tonight, was standing right there when it happened.

165And said, "The Seven Seals of the hidden mysteries of the entire Bible will be opened, and fulfill Revelations 10, that in the seventh angel's Message these things should come to pass." This day this Scripture is fulfilled before our eyes. This day this Scripture is fulfilled.

166 Last year, standing in the same place, Mr. Woods here and I, going up the hill, in a kind of mourning, about his wife being sick. The Holy Spirit said, "Pick up a rock laying there. Throw it up in the air. When it comes down, say, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, there will be judgment strike the earth.' Tell him that he'll see the hand of God, the next few hours."

167I told Mr. Woods; is present tonight. And, I guess, eight or ten of the man, or fifteen, that was there at that time when it took place; the next morning, where the Lord came down in a whirlwind and ripped the mountain out around us, and cut the tops of the trees loose, and made three blasts, and said, "Judgment is headed towards the West Coast."

168Two days after that, Alaska almost sunk beneath the earth. And since then, up-and-down the Coast, the belches of God's judgment against that spiritual screen. There is a iron curtain, there is a bamboo curtain, and there is a sin curtain.

169 Civilization has traveled with the sun; so has the Gospel. They've come from the east and went west, like the sun goes. And now It's on the West Coast. It can't go no further; if It goes further, It'll be back east again.

170The prophet said, "There will come a day that cannot be called night or day," a dismal day, a lot of rain and fog, just enough how to know how to join a church or put your name on a book. "But it shall be Light about the evening time." This day this Scripture is fulfilled.

171The same--the same s-u-n that rises in the east is the same s-u-n that sets in the west. And the same S-o-n of God that come in the east and vindicated Himself as God manifested in the flesh, is the same S-o-n of God in the western hemisphere here, that's identifying Himself among the church tonight, the same yesterday, today, and forever. The evening Light of the Son has come. This day this Scripture is fulfilled before us.

172 Where we at in this Abrahamic age? Where are we in this great time we're standing, the great hour that we're living in? All the visions has been fulfilled.

173How about when a little minister friend of ours here, associate sister church, Junior Jackson, come running up to us one night, me down there. Said, "I had a--a dream, Brother Branham, that's bothering me. I seen all the brethren gathered upon a hill." And said, "Upon this hill, you were teaching us out of letters that was wrote, looked like, in some letters that time had carved out in the rock. When you finished that, all that was finished, you told us, said, 'Come close,' and we all gathered up."

174Said, "You reached from somewhere and, looked like, got like a crowbar and whipped the top of this little pyramid open. And, when it did," said, "granite rock with no writing on it. And you told us to 'look in upon this.' And you all... We all started looking." Said, "I turned my head, and I noticed you going towards the west, just as hard as you could, towards the setting of the sun." How many remembers it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

175 And I stood there a little bit till the Holy Spirit revealed it. I said, "The entire Bible, as much as been revealed to man, through justification, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the baptism in Jesus' Name, and all these things, has been revealed; but there is secrets that's hid inside, because the Bible is sealed with Seven Seals. I must go there to find it."

176That morning when those seven Angels come down and blasted the earth, and rocks flew every way, seven Angels stood there and said, "Return back to Jeffersonville, from where you come from, for the Seven Seals of the seven mysteries will be opened."

177Here we are, today, understanding Serpent's Seed. In a few days, if God willing, we'll understand the correctness of Marriage And Divorce. And all these things that God has opened, every Seal, the mysteries since the foundation of the world. And we've been in joy, the Presence of His blessings! That is true. This day, this Scripture!

178 The Life magazine packed an article of it, "Mystic circle of Light goes up in the air above Tucson and Phoenix," in the same way that I told you nearly a year before it happened, how it would be, and like a triangle. The picture hangs in the church down there. You that took that magazine has it. There it was, just exactly. They said, "It's twenty-seven miles high and thirty miles across." They don't understand yet what happened. It appeared mysteriously and went away mysteriously.

179Brother Fred Sothmann, Brother Gene Norman and I, standing there. Three is a witness. Like He took up on top of the mount; Peter, James, and John, to give witness. Stood there and watched it when it happened, and seen it done.

180There It is, hanging in the sky; so far, there is no humidity, no moisture or nothing to make a--a fog. How could they come there? It was the Angels of God returning back, after their Message. This day that prophecy has been fulfilled in our midst. This day this Scripture has been fulfilled.

181Watch, Seven Seals has been opened. The whirlwind is to the West Coast. Now, don't miss it, like they did back yonder.

182 Now, our attention, a little closer to our day. What does the Scripture say about today, and about the time we live in? Jesus speaking... I won't have time to take them all, but I want to take this one before we close.

183Jesus said, in Saint Luke the 17th chapter, the 30th verse. Jesus Christ, the Word Himself! Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Jesus Christ, the Word Himself, made flesh, spoke and said what the Word would be in the end time, what will be the sign of the end of the world. He told them nation would rise against nation, but He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the day when the Son of man is being revealed."

184Now, when Jesus came to the earth, He came in the name of three Sons. Son of man, which is a prophet; Son of God; and Son of David.

185Now, He lived here on earth. He never did say He was the Son of God. He said, "I'm the Son of man." Jehovah Himself called Ezekiel and the prophets, "Son of man." Because, He had to come to fulfill Scripture as a prophet. Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me." That's the reason He could not be the Son of God there, because He was the Son of man. He... "The Word came to the prophets." And He was the Word in Its fullness. Son of man, the--the major prophet... Not the major prophet, but the God-Prophet, "The fullness of the Godhead bodily was in Him." Therefore, He was the Son of man.

186Now, for two thousand years, He's been known to us as Son of God, Spirit.

187And in the Millennium, He'll be Son of David, upon the Throne. We all know that, who believe the Scriptures.

188 Now, Jesus said, just at the end of this church age that we're living in, that, "The Son of man would be revealed again in the same manner it was, as it was at Sodom."

189Watch how, historically, He gave it. He said, "As it was in the days," first, "of Noah, how they were eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage." Then He brought, next, the last, to the Son of man, at Sodom. Cause, there He was dealing with Jews; here, at Sodom, He is dealing with Gentiles. There, He drowned them all by water, in judgment; here, at the Gentiles, He burnt them all at the day at Sodom. That's right. The Gentile world burnt there, "and so will it be when the Son of man reveals." It's not no more water, but it'll be fire this time. Jesus read from the same Genesis 23 that we read from, when He read about Sodom.

190 Now, we admit the conditions that's spoke of, of the world condition of Sodom, Sodomites, Sodom condition. We, every one, will say "amen" to that. We believe that. All right.

191And the spiritual condition of Laodicea, the church natural, we'll say "amen" to that, and accept their signs. We know that every sign is there. The church is in Laodicea. We know that. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

192We know the world is in a Sodom condition. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We'll accept that.

193But what about the sign of Abraham, the one waiting for the promised son? That was another one.

194Remember, they had a Sodom back there; they had their messenger. And Abraham had a Messenger to him.

195Abraham was waiting, day by day, for, almost an impossible thing to happen. "Sarah, ninety, and him a hundred." According to the promise of God, he was still waiting. In the midst of all criticism, he was waiting for that son.

196So is the true believer still waiting for that promised Son to return! Notice, just before the son arrived, there was a sign given him. Is not the sign of the coming Son to be revealed to the royal Seed of Abraham that's waiting for the Royal Son, the same as it was to father Abraham for the natural son? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That right? ["Amen."] Jesus said so, here in Saint Luke 17:30, "Before this time come, that, the Son of man would be revealed like He did in the days of Sodom, before the destruction of Sodom." Now we're looking for a sign.

197 Now let's take the conditions of time as it was in Sodom. Notice, they all went out in Sodomite, the world.

198I think one of the movie directors put on a picture, not long ago, and I got to see it, that was, Sodom. If you ever see it and there's nothing else on but that, take a look at it. It's a certainly a good picture of the United States today, Hollywood, just exactly; same kind of dress and everything else that they did as right then; big drunken sprees and everything else, a religious cult of people, so-called religious.

199Notice, and Sodom had a witness, and it was a fellow by the name of Lot, which was just a nephew to--to Abraham.

200Now, Abraham did not go down in Sodom, he and his group. He had a big group with him, enough to fight off about a dozen kings and their army. So, he had a big group with him. And he was sitting out there under an oak tree, one day, when everything was going wrong for him; nobody had anything to do with him, but he was still holding onto that promise.

Watch now, closely, before we close.

201While he was sitting there, down come three man, walking to him. Two of them went down into Sodom and preached the Gospel to them, to come out, to Lot. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] But One stayed with Abraham. Notice, the One that stayed with Abraham was God Himself. The other two were Angel messengers.

202 Now, down in Sodom, they done no miracles, only smiting them blind. And preaching the Gospel always smites them blind.

203Now look at the set of that day. There is a church natural. Always in three's, as I said last night, God is represented. There was Sodomites; the Lotites; and the Abrahamites. It's in the same position tonight, the world setting just like that.

204Let me ask you something. Look at this setting now. Abraham called this Man that talked to him, "Elohim." The Hebrew word Elohim means "the all-sufficient One, the One that's the Eternal One," Elohim, God Himself!

205In the beginning, Genesis 1, said, "In the beginning God..." Take the Hebrew word there, either, or Greek word, rather, "In the beginning Elohim created heavens and earth."

206 Here, He, in Genesis, about 22 here, He says again, or--or about the 20, He said, and he called this Man's name "Elohim." Why did he do it? God, represented in a human flesh, that set down with Abraham and eat a calf sandwich, drinking some milk, and eat some bread. God Himself, and disappeared right before Abraham.

207But He give him a sign. Notice. And that sign was that He had His back turned to the tent.

208And remember, Abraham, his name was Abram a few days before that, and Sarah was Sarra before that; S-a-r-r-a then S-a-r-a-h, and A-b-r-a-m to A-b-r-a-h-a-m. Abraham means "father of nations."

209Now watch real close here, and we'll see the setting of the hour that we're now living, as Jesus told us to look for this setting. We've seen all the rest of it right; now let's see to the royal Seed, what setting they're supposed to see.

210Now this Man said, "Abraham, where is your wife, Sarah?"

And Abraham said, "She is in the tent, behind You."

211Now, He had never seen her. How did He know that his name was Abraham? How did He know her name was S-a-r-a-h? "Abraham, where is your wife, Sarah?"

Said, "She is in the tent, behind You."

212He said, "I..." "I," a personal pronoun. "I am going to visit you according to the promise. Your wife is going to have that baby. You've trusted Me, now I'm going to make it come to pass."

213 And Sarah, in the tent, behind, eavedropping or eardropping, ever what you call it, listening through the tent, she laughed up her sleeve, and she said, "Now, me, an old woman like I am, have pleasure with my lord; and him old, too, out there a hundred years old? While, this hasn't happened for many, many years."

214And the Man, M-a-n, setting there eating, in human flesh, drinking and eating like an ordinary man; with dust on His clothes, and had dust on His feet, and Abraham washed it off. God, Himself, looked around, and He said, "Why did Sarah laugh, back in the tent, saying this?" He knew, could discern the thoughts of Sarah in the tent, behind Him. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

215Now, when the Royal Seed of Abraham come on the earth, what sign did He show, Son of man. Simon came up to Him one day; Andrew brought him. He said, "Your name is Simon. You're the son of Jonas," He said. See, that made a believer out of him.

216 Philip went over and got Nathanael; come back, said, "Come, see a Man Who we have--we've found; Jesus of Nazareth, son of Joseph."

217He said, "Now wait a minute. Could anything good come out of that fanaticism?"

He said, "Come, see."

218So when Philip come up in the Presence of Jesus, with Nathanael, Jesus looked over at him and said, "Behold an Israelite in whom there's no guile."

He said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?"

219Said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."

220He said, "Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God. You're the King of Israel!"

221 When the little woman at the well, in her immoral condition, come up, a little panoramic something like this, to draw some water. Jesus had sent His disciples away, to get victuals. When she come up to draw water, He said, "Bring Me a drink, woman."

222She said, "It's not customary for You to say that. We have segregation here. Now, you Jews have nothing to do with us Samaritans; we have nothing to do with you."

223He said, "But, woman, if you knew Who you were talking to, you would ask Me for a drink. I'd give you waters you don't come here to draw."

224He found where her condition was, what it was. He said, "Go get your husband and come here."

She said, "I don't have any husband."

225He said, "You've said the truth. You've had five, and the one you're living with now is not yours."

226She said, "Sir, I perceive that Thou art a prophet. We know when the Messiah cometh He'll show us these things."

Jesus said, "I am He."

227On that, she run into the city and said, "Come, see a Man Who has told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?"

228 Watch, He did that before the Jews, and the Samaritans, but never the Gentiles. The Gentiles, we people, were heathens in them days, the other nations, packing a club on our back, worshiping idols. We wasn't looking for no Messiah.

229He only appears to those who is looking for Him, and we are supposed to be looking for Him.

230But those who claimed to be looking for Him, the church itself, when they seen that done, they said, "He's a devil. He's a fortuneteller, a Beelzebub!"

231And Jesus said, "That sin would be forgiven them," because He hadn't died yet. "But," said, "someday the Holy Ghost will come and do the same thing, and to speak one word against It will never be forgiven." That's this day, where every Word has to hang together. "Speak a word against It; it'll never be forgiven in this world or the world to come."

232 That was the Royal Seed of Abraham. And here that Royal Seed of Abraham, which come because of that identification of that Man sitting there with Abraham, come to prove it was the same God, promising in this day, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when He is revealing Himself as Son of man." Amen. This is the day for this Scripture to be fulfilled.

233Look at the setting we are today. Look at the church where the Son of God... Look at the dismal day. Look at all the prophecies. Now, a strange thing, our visitors are due then, if the setting has to be like at Sodom.

234There were three of them come along, three outstanding man sent from Heaven. We'll admit that. Three of them; One stayed with Abraham. They all started there, but One stayed with Abraham. The rest of them went down in Sodom. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And Abraham had a changed name, from Abram to Abraham. True? ["Amen."]

235Not one time has the history, church of the world, ever had an evangelist to go to it, with a name ending in h-a-m, till this day, Billy G-r-a-h-a-m. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] G-r-a-h-a-m, six letters. A-b-r-a-h-a-m is seven letters. But G-r-a-h-a-m is six letters, which is the world, man. See?

236 Look what's went out there, today, is them messengers from Heaven.

237Is there a man on earth has got repentance so preached so plainly as Billy Graham? Has there been a man that has had an effect upon the people, like Billy Graham? Never has there been, internationally, a man. Oh, Billy Sunday, and so forth, was here in the United States, but Billy Graham is knowed worldwide. See where he's calling? Out of Sodom.

238And he's got his accompanying party there with the Pentecostal church, an Oral Roberts.

239But what about the Elect group? What kind of a sign are they supposed to see? What are they supposed to have? Hallelujah! "It shall be Light in the evening time." This day this Scripture is fulfilled. [Congregation rejoices--Ed.] This day God's promise is fulfilled. We know that to be the Truth. He is here tonight as He was then.

240 Now, to preach it, that I said a while ago, if you preach anything and it's the Gospel Truth, then God is obligated to vindicate that. Is that true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, if that be so, let the God that wrote the Word, let the God that made the prophecy, let the God who is God of the Word, come forth and prove that He is still God.

241As Elijah went up on the mountain; watching, Elisha went watching Elijah, he said, "I want a double portion." And the mantle that was on Elijah fell upon Elisha. He walked down, and doubled that blanket up and struck the river, and said, "Where is the God of Elijah?" And the same thing that happened for Elijah, happened for Elisha.

242And the same Gospel, the same Power, the same Son of man that was yesterday, is today, and will be forever. Hebrews 13:8. Do you believe It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, I ask you. I cannot be Him, but He is here. ["Amen."] We are only a carrier.

243 Some of you people out there, that's sick and afflicted, that you know that I don't know you, let God now... if I can humble myself enough. You pray and ask God.

244I don't guess... There isn't a prayer card in the building, is there? No, I don't... We never give out any prayer cards. We're going to have prayer meeting at... or healing of sick, at the church. But, you pray.

245And you know that I'm a total stranger to you. See, you know me, Jeffersonville! I don't want people from Jeffersonville to do that. I want people from away from here somewhere. See if God still reveals! See if He is still the same yesterday, today, and forever!

246Do like the little woman did. He passed through, and she said, "I believe this Man." She had a blood issue, and she said, "If I can touch the border of His garment, I believe I'll be made whole." Is that right?

247Because of her faith, that day, the Scripture was fulfilled. "He bind up the heart of the broken heart, healed the sick and the lame."

248When she touched His garment, and walked out and sat down, He turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" How'd He ever know, in that great throng of people, probably thirty times what's here tonight, thousands of them? How did He know it? He said, "Who touched Me?" He didn't say that just to be saying; He said that because it was true. And He said, "Who touched Me?" And directly He looked around and seen the little woman, where she was setting or standing, whatever position she was in, told her her blood issue was over.

249That was Jesus yesterday. That's Him today. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

250 I don't know you; God does. But you got pains in your side, that's bothering you. That's right. You're setting there praying about it. Am I a stranger to you, and we're stranger to one another? Stand up, if it is. I don't know you. It's this man right here on the corner, this young fellow. You also got a bad throat. That's right. You're praying about that. You're all nervous about something. You're going to have to leave the meeting because, you're a minister, you got some engagements you got to take care of. That is right. Uh-huh. You believe God knows who you are? Rev. Mr. Smith, now you can go and be healed. Jesus Christ made you whole. Go on to your meeting; your throat won't bother you.

Who did he touch?

251 There is a man sitting right back here; he is suffering. He's got a tumor on his left lung. He doesn't... He isn't from here. You have been a mine worker. That is right. I'm a total stranger to you. If that's right, shake your hand. The tumor is in your left lung, and you're up for an operation right away. That's right? You're not from here. You're from out of town. You're from Virginia. That's right. You believe God knows who you are? Mr. Mitchell, that's right, go home and be well. Jesus Christ makes you whole. Ask the man! Never seen him, in my life. He was sitting there, praying.

This day this Scripture!

252[Brother Branham turns his back to the congregation--Ed.] Here is a lady sitting right back here, behind me, as Sarah was in the tent. She is praying for a daughter. Stand up. The daughter is not here; she is away, the daughter. And you're the same as it was when a woman come to Jesus, who had a woman that was variously vexed with a devil. The woman is... girl is demon possessed. She is not here. She is from... You're from North Carolina. You believe that? And that's the truth, isn't it? Mrs. Orders, you can go home. If you'll believe with all your heart, you'll find your daughter like found when Jesus Christ in the days gone by, said it was healed.

253 This day this Scripture; the sign of Sodom, the sign of the super Seed, the sign of the natural church! This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your midst. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

254Will you accept Him right now as your Saviour, healer? Stand up to your feet, every one of you, say, "I accept my healing. I accept Him as my Saviour. I accept Him as my King." Each one stand to your feet.

This day! Listen, friends.

255"He read the Scripture, handed the Bible back to the priest, and," said, "all the eyes of the people were fastened upon Him. And He looked upon them, and said, 'This day this Scripture is fulfilled.'"

256I've read the Scripture, with a dozen or more evidences that we're living in the last day, the generation that will see Jesus Christ return to the earth. And I say to you tonight, again, this day this Scripture is fulfilled in your sight.

257You in Tucson, you in California, you in New York, on these telephone hook-ups, this day this Scripture is fulfilled in your sight.

258Let us be glad and make merry, for the Marriage of the Lamb is at hand, and Her Bride... His Bride has made Herself ready.

259Let's raise our hands and give Him glory, all ye people. God bless you. [Congregation continues rejoicing and praising God--Ed.]