Miesto uctievania, ktoré vybral Boh



No, zistili sme tu, že tu v Deuternomiu, na začiatku, Mojžiš znovu prednáša Písmo, tie veci, ktoré im už povedal; ako ich vyviedol veľkým, mocným ramenom z Egypta a ako ich najprv založil. Boli nazvaní “ľudom Božím,” až kým nevyšli z Egypta. A potom boli nazvaní “cirkvou Božou.” Pretože cirkev je zhromažďovanie sa, alebo, v skutočnosti, cirkev znamená “tí vyvolaní,” tí, ktorí boli zavolaní von. A oni vyšli z Egypta, aby boli cirkvou.

Boh im povedal, prv ako postavili chrám a čokoľvek urobili, “Ja vyberiem miesto, kde ma budete uctievať a položím tam moje meno.” A to je jediné miesto kde Boh kedy koho stretne, On sám ho vybral. On vybral to miesto. A keď vybral svoje miesto, položil tam svoje meno. Ten druhý verš tu nám hovorí, že  “On položí svoje meno na to miesto, ktoré vybral aby ho ľudia tam uctievali.” No, to hlavné na tom je, že chceme nájsť kde je to miesto.

1Zostaňme na chvíľu stáť a skloňme svoje hlavy a pomodlime sa. A teraz, so sklonenými hlavami a dúfam, že tiež máme sklonené srdcia, chcel by som vedieť koľkí by ste tu dnes večer chceli byť spomenutí v modlitbe, s niečím mimoriadnym? Zodvihli by ste ruku a povedali, “Bože, daj mi dnes večer to čo hľadám.” Nech vás Pán žehná.

2Náš nebeský Otče, keď teraz pokorne pristupujeme ku tomuto veľkému trónu milosti, skrze vieru, presúvame sa do toho čo je ďalej, tam kde je Boh a anjeli a cherubíni a kde sú spolu zhromaždené všetky nebeské zástupy. Lebo On povedal, že ani len vrabec nespadne na zem bez toho, že by o tom nevedel nebeský Otec. O koľko viac On vie, keď tu stovky ľudí má sklonené hlavy a volajú ku tebe o vypočutie ich mimoriadnych prosieb. Otče, pozri sa dole dnes večer na svet, ktorý je v potrebe, lebo sme núdzni ľudia.

3A modlím sa, Bože, lebo sme sa tu zhromaždili a vyjadrujeme ti našu vieru v živého Boha, ktorý odpovedá na modlitbu; prišli sme sem, von zo sveta z pomedzi neobrezaných, na srdci a ušiach, vyšli sme odtiaľ, aby sme žili oddeleným životom a aby sme žili životom, ktorý vyznáva našu vieru v teba. Zodvihli sme dnes večer naše ruky a hovoríme, “Sme núdzni,” Drahý Bože, odpovedz na každú jednu z ich prosieb.

4A potom, Otče, modlíme sa aby si nás navštívil dnes večer v Slove. Prichádzame sem pre nápravu, pre porozumenie, aby sme vedeli ako máme žiť v tomto dni, ktorý teraz prebieha; na čo máme očakávať, čo máme robiť. Lebo vieme, že príchod Pánov sa približuje, podľa všetkých znakov, ktoré proroci predpovedali. Približujeme sa ku tomu času, Pane, keď tvojim deťom bude dané úplné vyslobodenie. Bože, daj nám, každému aby sme tam boli, Otče. Aby ani jeden nechýbal. To je dôvod prečo sme tu, Pane. Milujeme ťa a snažíme sa pripraviť na tú hodinu.

5Hovor ku nám dnes večer, znovu prosíme. A uzdrav chorých. Všetkých chorých a postihnutých, ktorí sú v tejto budove, prosíme aby si ich uzdravil, Pane; a zvlášť tých, ktorí majú duchovné potreby. Prosíme aby si spasil každú stratenú dušu. Naplň každého veriaceho Svätým Duchom. A obnov silu a moc v tvojich veriacich deťoch. Udeľ tieto veci, Otče. Žiadame veľa, lebo si nám povedal aby sme prosili, “proste hojne, proste o veľké veci, mnohé z nich,” aby sa naša radosť vyplnila. A prosíme o ne v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Môžete si sadnúť.

6Skutočne považujem toto dnes večer za veľké privilégium, byť tu znovu na pódiu, tu na tejto strednej škole, pred týmito fajnými ľuďmi, ktorí sa tu zhromaždili aby počúvali Evanjelium. Prosím Boha o milosť, aby mi pomohol povedať vám pravdu, pokiaľ poznám pravdu. On môže stále zavrieť ústa človeka, tak ako mohol zavrieť ústa ľva. A ak by som sa snažil povedať niečo, čo je zlé a nezhodné s jeho vôľou, mojou úprimnou modlitbou je, aby On zavrel moje ústa, aby som to nepovedal. Lebo, skutočne, ja tiež chcem byť v nebi, a nebol by som tam, pomimo všetkého, keby som bol falošným vodcom, niekto kto robí niečo falošne. Ak to robím, to preto, že inak to neviem. Nech vás Pán žehná.

7No, zajtra ráno, ak bude vôľa Pánova, mám zámer hovoriť na tému, Manželstvo a Rozvod. A dúfame, že prídete a prinesiete si ceruzku a papier. Nechceme zabrať veľa času, ale rád by som ... To bol dôvod, že som sem znovu prišiel, prv, do Indiány, že som vám toto sľúbil. A budem sa snažiť, zajtra ráno. Ak by som sa ku tomu nedostal zajtra ráno, tak to budem kázať zajtra večer. Ale budem sa snažiť zajtra ráno, ak dá Pán, hovoriť na tú tému, dve školy myslenia. A nech nám Pán pomôže aby sme vedeli čo je pravda, aby sme proste vedeli čo je pravda, tak môžeme chodiť v pravde a vo Svetle. My ...

8Viete, mal som jedného farebného priateľa. Povedal mi, “Brat Billy, nechcem mať žiadne problémy pri tej rieke. Chcem mať lístok v ruke. A keď zaznie píšťaľka, nechcem mať tam žiadne problémy. Už dávno som sa pýtal Pána, ak je so mnou niečo zle, nech mi to dá napraviť hneď teraz, pretože tam bude tma a búrka to ráno, keď sa tá loď pohne na druhú stranu. Nechcem mať žiadne zablokovanie., chcem sa o to všetko postarať teraz.” A to je to, kvôli čomu sme tu aby sme sa snažili postarať o všetko čo by nás mohlo zablokovať, aby sme mohli v tej hodine nastúpiť na palubu.

9 Nechcem dnes večer hovoriť veľmi dlho, pretože zajtra máme dve zhromaždenia. A potom mám hneď na inom mieste ďalšie zhromaždenia.

10Ale, teraz, v knihe Deuteronomium. Chcem čítať zo 16. kapitoly, prvé tri verše. Deuteronomiou 16:1-3.

Ostríhať budeš mesiac abíb, aby si slávil Veľkú noc Hospodinovi, svojmu Bohu, lebo v mesiaci abíbe ťa vyviedol Hospodin tvoj Boh z Egypta, v noci.

A budeš obetovať veľkonočnú obeť Hospodinovi, svojmu Bohu, z drobného dobytka a z hoviad na mieste, ktoré vyvolí Hospodin nato, aby tam prebývalo jeho meno.

11Moja téma dnes večer je “Miesto uctievania, ktoré vybral Boh.

Ak si všimnete, mesiac A-b-í-b je, znamená apríl. To bol mesiac apríl, keď boli vyvedení.

A teraz to zvláštne na tom je, že my dnes večer, keď uctievame Boha, v tomto dni, v ktorom žijeme, nachádzame tak veľa rôznych ľudských názorov. A pokiaľ sú rôzne názory na tú vec, sú rôzne otázky; musí byť jedna pravá odpoveď na každú otázku, ktorá povstala.

Keby som sa opýtal, “Čo je toto?”

“No,” povedali by, “stôl.”

“Na čo to je?” Vidíte?

12A niekto by mohol povedať, “To nie je stôl. To je doska.” Dobre, to je doska ale jednako je to stôl. Vidíte? Musí byť na to pravá odpoveď.

A ak máte ohľadne čohokoľvek nejakú otázku, musí byť na to správna odpoveď. Môže byť niečo, čo je blízko toho; ale musí byť pravda, priama odpoveď na každú otázku. A tak, preto, na každú otázku, ktorá povstáva v našom živote, musí byť pravdivá, správna odpoveď.

13A teraz, dnes, počujeme - hovoria to, tak veľa našich ľudí dnes vo svete ...

Ako misionár, niekoľko krát som bol za morom a okolo sveta, stretol som sa s mnohými, rôznymi náboženstvami, ako sú Buddhisti a Mohamedáni, a Sikhovia, a Jainovia a rôzne iné svetové náboženstvá. A potom tu v našich vlastných Spojených Štátoch; a iných cudzích krajinách, stretávam sa so všetkými našimi rôznymi cirkvami, takými ako sú naše denominačné cirkvi, počínajúc od včasnej Rímsko Katolíckej a potom Gréckej, a tak ďalej a rôzne ceremónie, a potom ďalej, až ku ... všetky tie denominačné veky, je okolo deväťsto a niečo rôznych Protestantských denominácií.

No, v každej z nich, samozrejme, by ste mohli vidieť ich názor, nemôžem im to vyčítať. Každá jedna tvrdí, že sú tí praví, že majú pravdu. A ľudia, ktorí patria ku týmto cirkvám by tomu mali veriť, pretože na základe toho chcú dôjsť do svojho cieľu, na svoje večné miesto určenia, podľa učenia ich cirkvi. A oni sa tak veľmi líšia jedna od druhej, že až je z toho ponad deväťsto rôznych sporných otázok.

A preto, keď je ponad deväťsto rôznych otázok, musí byť jedna správna odpoveď. A bol by som rád, aby sme dnes večer, ako ľudia, ktorí sa snažíme ísť do neba a stretnúť nášho Pána Ježiša, ktorého milujeme, chcel by som skúmať Písma aby sme to zistili.

14Ak povstáva Biblická otázka, musí byť na ňu Biblická odpoveď. Nebude ju schopná zodpovedať nejaká skupina ľudí, ani žiadne určité spoločenstvo, ani žiadny pedagóg alebo nejaká denominácia. Tá odpoveď musí pochádzať rovno z Písma, kde je miesto na stretnutie sa s Bohom, miesto uctievania. A istotne, keď je Boh, niekde je miesto na stretnutie, kde sa môže s ním stretnúť.

15No, zistili sme tu, že tu v Deuteronomium, na začiatku, Mojžiš znovu prednáša Písmo, tie veci, ktoré im už povedal; ako ich vyviedol veľkým, mocným ramenom z Egypta a ako ich najprv založil.

Boli nazvaní “ľudom Božím,” až kým nevyšli z Egypta. A potom boli nazvaní “cirkvou Božou.” Pretože cirkev je zhromažďovanie sa, alebo, v skutočnosti, cirkev znamená “tí vyvolaní,” tí, ktorí boli zavolaní von. A oni vyšli z Egypta, aby boli cirkvou.

16Boh im povedal, keď ... prv ako postavili chrám a čokoľvek urobili, “Ja vyberiem miesto, kde ma budete uctievať a položím tam moje meno.” A to je jediné miesto kde Boh kedy koho stretne, On sám ho vybral. On vybral to miesto. A keď vybral svoje miesto, položil tam svoje meno. Ten druhý verš tu nám hovorí, že “On položí svoje meno na to miesto, ktoré vybral aby ho ľudia tam uctievali.” No, to hlavné na tom je, že chceme nájsť kde je to miesto.

17S ponad deväťsto rôznymi názormi, keď obchádzame všetky pohanské náboženstvá a hovoríme len o kresťanskom náboženstve. A to, mám súcit s pohanmi, neišiel by som niekde a nehovoril niečo na nich. Ale, mýlia sa. Kresťanstvo je jediné správne náboženstvo, Kresťanstvo. A nehovorím to preto, že ja som kresťan; preto, že verím, že to je pravda. To je jediné náboženstvo, ktoré je správne.

18Bol som pri hrobe, kde každé štyri hodiny menia bieleho koňa. Kde, Mohamed, veľký kňaz a vodca, hneď po Kristovi, je považovaný za proroka a nepochybujem o tom čo on bol, rovno za tými Makabejskými bratmi. Ale keď ... zomrel. On povedal, že znovu vstane a dobije celý svet. No, asi každé štyri hodiny zamieňajú stráže a pri hrobe majú bieleho koňa. Dvetisíc rokov očakávajú, že vstane a dobije svet. Ale vidíte ...

19A idete ku Budhovi; Budha žil pred stovkami rokov, asi pred dvetisíc tristo rokmi, Japonský boh. A tak on bol filozof, podobne ako Confucius a podobní.

Ale všetci títo zakladatelia, a podobní, oni všetci zomreli so svojou filozofiou a sú pochovaní, a sú v hrobe.

Ale Kresťanstvo, ktoré založil Ježiš Kristus, tam je prázdny hrob. On je jediný Muž, ktorý kedy stál na zemi a žil a povedal, “Mám moc položiť svoj život a znovu ho vziať.” A On to urobil. A dnes žije.

A vieme že žije, pretože je s nami a potvrdzuje sa reálnymi znameniami a zázrakmi, ktoré zasľúbil, že ich bude robiť aby to ukázal. Až tak, ako ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol deti Izraela po púšti, je dnes s nami, dokonca máme jeho fotografiu; činí znamenia a zázraky, ktoré zasľúbil, že bude robiť v tomto dni, vidíme všetky slová, ktoré zasľúbil, ako sa manifestujú v tomto dni. A preto, ten ostatný pohanský svet je mimo. To je Kresťanstvo!

20No, keď je ponad deväťsto otázok ohľadne toho, kde sa Boh s nami stretne, “Stretne sa u Metodistov, alebo sa stretne u Baptistov a stretne sa s nami v tomto, a v tom, a tam v tom.” To je otázka, no každý musí hľadať svoje spasenie s bázňou a s trasením.

Ale dnes sa chcem pokúsiť zistiť a dokázať v Písme, kde je to správne miesto, kde sa Boh stretáva s ľuďmi, kde Ho uctievajú. A keď to je ono, to je to jediné miesto kde Ho kedy stretneme.

21A teraz, zoberieme tento text z Deuteronomia. To je grécke slovo, ktoré má zložený význam, alebo znamená “dva zákony.” To grécke slovo, Deuteronomium, znamená “dva rozdielne zákony.”

A to je práve to čo Boh má, dva rozdielne zákony. A jeden z nich je zákon smrti a ten druhý je zákon života. Boh má dva zákony. Nasledovať ho a slúžiť mu a uctievať ho, to je život; odmietnuť to je smrť. V Bohu sú dva zákony.

22Jeden z týchto zákonov bol ... svet sa s ním stretol na hore Sinaj. Boh dal zákon Mojžišovi a Izraelovi. Nie žeby im zákon mohol pomôcť, ale zákon len ukazoval na ľudí, že sú hriešnici. Až do toho času nevedeli čo je to hriech, až keď dostali zákon. Nemôže byť zákon bez trestu. Zákon nie je zákonom, ak nie je trest. A tak, “Prestúpenie zákona je hriech a odplata za hriech je smrť.” A tak, až kým im Boh nedal zákon, nebolo im započítané žiadne prestúpenie.

Ak tu nieto zákon, ktorý hovorí, že nemôžeš ísť rýchlejšie ako 20 míľ za hodinu, tak potom môžeš ísť rýchlejšie. Ale keď je zákon, ktorý hovorí, že to nemôžeš robiť, potom je zákon a za ním nasleduje pokuta.

23Tak smrť, zákon smrti, to boli prikázania dané na hore Sinai, ktoré povedali človekovi, že je hriešnik. A prestúpiť Boží zákon, on zomrel. Ale v zákone nieto spasenie. To bol len policajt, ktorý ťa mohol zavrieť do vezenia; on nemal nič na to aby ťa odtiaľ dostal von.

Ale potom On dal iný zákon, ten bol na hore Golgota, kde bol hriech pripočítaný Ježišovi Kristovi a cena za hriech bola zaplatená. A nie s ... bez zákona, “ale milosťou ste spasení,” z milosti Božej, cez predurčenie Božieho predvedenia vašej bytosti.

24A teraz vidíme tie dva zákony, Deuteronomium, to hovorí o dvoch zákonoch. Boli dva zákony. Jeden bol zákon smrti, a ten druhý zákon Života.

25Tiež boli dané dve zmluvy ľuďom. Budeme o nich hovoriť ráno.

Jedna z nich bola daná Adamovi pod podmienkou, “keď budeš robiť toto a nebudeš robiť tamto,” ale ten zákon bol porušený. Adam, Eva to porušili v záhrade Eden.

Potom Boh urobil druhú zmluvu a dal ju Abrahámovi a ten zákon bol bez akýchkoľvek podmienok. “To nestojí na tom čo si ty urobil alebo čo urobíš.” On povedal, “Ja som to už urobil.” To je milosť. To je zákon Života. Boh to urobil pre Abraháma a jeho Semeno po ňom, to znamená, pre všetko Abrahámove Semeno.

Ako povedala Biblia, “Celý Izrael bude spasený,” ale to neznamená všetci Židia. Ako Pavol povedal, “Ten Izrael, ktorý je ním vnútorne, alebo je Izraelom navonok.” “Navonok” ako sme to hovorili minulý večer, to boli Izákove deti, narodení cez sex. Ale Boží zákon bol skrze Krista, ktorý bol Abrahámovým Kráľovským Semenom, že “z milosti celý Izrael je spasený.” To je, “Všetci, ktorí sú v Kristovi sú spasení,” všetci, Božia druhá zmluva. Ale všetky tieto veci ukazovali na Krista.

26Všimnite si teraz ten druhý verš, druhý verš tu v Deuteronomium 16, “Uctievať na mieste, ktoré som Ja vybral.” A tak musíte uctievať Boha, On povedal, “Na mieste, ktoré som Ja vybral,” nie na mieste, ktoré vybral niekto iný, ale, “ktoré som Ja vybral.”

A tak, ak Boh vybral miesto, potom sa patrí, aby sme zistili čo On o tom povedal. A kde to je? Ja to chcem zistiť, pretože, ja Ho naozaj chcem uctievať.

My všetci sme tu dnes večer aby sme Ho uctievali. Sedíme tu dnes večer ako Metodisti, Baptisti, Katolíci. Svedkovia Jehovovi, Kresťanská veda a všetci, ale všetci hľadáme niečo.

Chceme poznať pravdu. Biblia povedala, “Poznáte pravdu a pravda vás vyslobodí.”

Niekto, nemôžete vedieť čo robíte, neviete ako to robiť, až kým neviete ako to máte robiť. Lepšie povedané, neviete čo máte robiť až kým neviete ako to robiť. Musíte vedieť čo robíte a ako to máte robiť.

27Toto nám ukazuje, že Boh má pre svojich ctiteľov miesto, kde sa s nimi stretne, na jednom určitom mieste. Jedine na tom mieste, Boh stretáva svojich ctiteľov.

28No a to je tiež, miesto, ktoré vybral pre svojich ctiteľov, o ktorom vyhlásil, že tam položí svoje meno. A teraz hľadajme a nájdime, v Písme, kde je to miesto. Skutočne, keď Boh povedal, že položí svoje meno na toto miesto, ktoré On vybral aby sa tam stretol s ľuďmi a uctieval s nimi ... či vlastne, kde oni uctievajú Jeho, to je niekde v Biblii, pretože to bolo dané pre všetky veky.

29A ten veľký nemeniaci sa Boh to nemôže zmeniť. Človek sa mení. Ale vy môžete položiť svoj život na čokoľvek, čo Boh kedy povedal, v ktoromkoľvek čase, pretože to je pravda. To je pravda. Pretože jediná vec ktorej môžem dôverovať je Biblia. Pretože ľudské slová sklamú ale Boh je zvrchovaný.

Tento rok by som mal vedieť viacej ako som vedel minulý rok. Vy tiež, každým dňom. My sme obmedzení, tak nadobúdame vedomosti.

Ale Boh je neohraničený. On je neohraničený. A, keď je neohraničený, nemôže nadobúdať vedomosti. Je dokonalý od začiatku. Každé rozhodnutie musí byť úplne správne.

30A spôsob, podľa ktorého Boh raz postupoval, On stále musí postupovať takým spôsobom, inak postupoval nesprávne, keď to tak robil prvý krát. Ak kedy človek išiel ku Bohu pre spasenie, na základe ktorého ho Boh prijal, musí to byť prijaté na tom istom základe stále. Je to tak. Ak človek kedy prišiel ku Bohu pre Božské uzdravenie a Boh ho prijal na určitom základe; keď príde ďalší človek, musí ho prijať takým istým spôsobom, inak urobil zle, keď prijal toho prvého. Boh podal princíp na základe ktorého sa stretne s človekom. On podal princíp čo bude robiť, ako to bude robiť, a to bolo skrze obetovanú krv baránka v záhrade Eden. Boh to nikdy, v žiadnom čase nijako nezmenil.

31On rozhodol ako spasí človeka. My sme dnes skúšali skrze vzdelanie dostať človeka do toho; snažili sme sa ich vyškoliť, snažili sme sa to zaradením do nejakej denominácie, snažili sme sa to robiť všetkými týmito ďalšími rôznymi vecami; priniesť ich do toho, dostať ich tam potrasením rúk, pokrstiť ich do toho, všetkým možným spôsobom aký existuje, priviesť ich tam pomocou listov. Ale stále zostáva to isté, Boh stretáva človeka pod preliatou krvou baránka. Krv bola Božou cestou na začiatku, a krv je Božou cestou dnes večer. Dobre je kajať sa a robiť všetky tieto veci, ale spasenie prichádza jedine skrze krv. Krv je jediný spôsob, ktorý Boh vybral aby spasil človeka a On to nemôže zmeniť.

32Job mal to isté. On vedel, že je spravodlivý, pretože obetoval obeť, ktorú Boh od neho požadoval.

33Hľadajme teraz aby sme zistili čo je to miesto, a miesto kde On položil svoje meno. Ideme zistiť kde položil svoje meno. Potom, keď zistíme aké je Božie meno a kde ho položil, potom máme miesto uctievania, akonáhle to zistíme.

Všetky tieto veci, samozrejme, to bolo tieňom vecí, ktoré mali nastať. Celý zákon naznačoval veci, ktoré mali nastať.

34Práve tak ako mesiac je tieňom slnka. Slúži v neprítomnosti slnka, práve tak ako cirkev má slúžiť v neprítomnosti Syna Božieho. V neprítomnosti Syna, menšie svetlo, cirkev, veriaci, slúžia Bohu a dávajú svetlo v neprítomnosti Syna. Ale keď slnko vychádza, mesiac viac nevidíte, pretože zapadol. Netreba už viac jeho svetlo, pretože on vydáva svoje svetlo druhorade, zo slnka. Ako muž a žena, je slnko a mesiac, cirkev a Kristus.

35No zisťujeme, že tieto sú tieňom Krista. Každá obeť, sviatok, a všetko v Starom Zákone, znázorňovalo Krista; práve tak ako tieň, ktorý padá na podlahu. A tak tu je to, kde ideme nájsť to správne miesto uctievania, treba ísť naspäť tu do Starého Zákona, kde to bolo dané aby sme videli čo tieto veci znamenali.

36No, keď ide tieň po zemi, môžete povedať či je to muž, žena alebo zviera, alebo čokoľvek to môže byť, pretože to vrhá na zem tieň. A keď sa tieň skracuje, tieň je negatív; a nemôže byť negatív bez pozitívu. A tak, keď sa pozitív približuje viac ku negatívu, ten negatív je pohltený do pozitívu. Ten tieň a ten pozitív sa spolu schádzajú a to robí potom pozitív.

A ak “všetky tie staré veci,” Biblia povedala, “v Starom Zákone, boli tieňom vecí, ktoré mali nastať,” tak potom Kristus bol tieňom, tých vecí, ktoré mali nastať.

37Tak môžeme vidieť, na príkladoch Starého Zákona, kde On vybral, že položí svoje meno a ... na teraz. No keď tieň na podlahe, ako som povedal, je negatív, je príkladom. Tak my, ctitelia, tiež môžeme vidieť tie tiene Starého Zákona, ako vchádzajú a miznú v pozitíve Nového.

38 Všetky tie oslavy, sviatky, celý svätostánok, všetko to drevo, všetko v tom stánku, všetko znázorňovalo Krista. Všetky obete, celý zákon, všetko bolo príkladom, ktorý znázorňoval Krista. Preberali sme to tu v modlitebni čas od času.

Potom vidíme, cez toto, že každé vyznanie, cirkev, a denominácia, to všetko je ďaleko za tým. To nie je vôbec ani na trase. Každé vyznanie, každá cirkev, každá denominácia, je úplne pomimo. Nie je pre nich vôbec miesto.

39Nič také nie je znázornené v Starom Zákone ani nikde v Biblii, ohľadne cirkvi, okrem násilného jednotenia okolo Babylonskej veži. To je jediná vec, ktorá znázorňuje takúto jednotu. Pretože, to bol Nimród, podlý človek, ktorý vyšiel a násilím nútil všetky malé krajiny aby prišli na jedno miesto, ku tej veľkej veži. To bolo náboženské uctievanie, samozrejme, ale nie podľa toho ako to bolo v Slove Božom. Tak tam vidíte znázornené denominačné náboženstvo, na príklade Babylonskej veži, v Starom zákone. Pri čom, toto náboženstvo bolo samozrejme náboženstvo ale nie náboženstvo Božieho Slova.

40Boh nevybral žiadnu denomináciu aby do nej položil svoje meno. Chcem na to miesto Písma, ak je nejaké. Ja viem, že oni tvrdia, že položil ale nepoložil. On nemôže položiť svoje meno na mnohé miesta, pretože povedal, že položí svoje meno na jedno miesto. A to jedno miesto, každá jedna z našich denominácií chce povedať, že oni sú tým miestom, ale to nesúhlasí.

Ale kde On položil svoje meno?

41No, čo je najprv jeho meno? Musíme zistiť meno, čo je Božie meno, skôr ako môžeme zistiť, čo je to za miesto, kde ho On kladie.

No, zisťujeme, že On má veľa titulov. On je nazvaný ... bol nazvaný “Otec,” čo je titul. A bol nazvaný “Syn,” čo je titul. Bol nazvaný “Duch Svätý,” čo je titul. Bol nazvaný “Ruža Sáronská,” čo je titul. “Ľalia z údolia,” titul, “Ranná Hviezda.” “Jehova-jirech, Jehova-rafa,” sedem rôznych, zložených, spasiteľských mien, a oni všetky boli tituly. Žiadne z nich nebolo menom.

Ale On má meno.

42Keď stretol Mojžiša, ešte nemal meno a povedal Mojžišovi, “Ja Som, Ktorý Som.” A keď vidíme Ježiša na zemi, ako hovorí v liste Židom, v šiestej kapitole ... prepáčte, v evanjeliu Jána, v šiestej kapitole. On povedal, “Ja Som Ten Ja Som.”

Oni povedali, “Čo, ty si človek a nemáš ešte ani päťdesiat rokov a hovoríš, že si videl Abraháma?”

43 On povedal, “Prv ako bol Abrahám, Ja Som.” A “Ja Som” to bol Ten v horiacom kríku, ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý bol v tom horiacom kríku, tam vtedy vo dňoch Mojžiša, “Ja Som Ten Ja Som.”

44A teraz vidíme, že Ježiš povedal tiež, “Prišiel som v mene svojho Otca a vy ste ma neprijali.” Tak potom, meno Otca musí byť Ježiš. Je to tak. Meno Otca je Ježiš, pretože Ježiš tak povedal. “Nesiem meno svojho Otca. Prišiel som v mene svojho Otca a vy ste ma neprijali.” Potom, jeho meno bolo Ježiš.

A Gabriel ho nazval Ježiš, proroci ho nazvali Ježiš, a on bol absolútne Ježiš. Pred jeho narodením, ešte aj svätý prorok nazval jeho meno Emanuel, čo je, “Boh s nami.” Potom, “Boh bol zamanifestovaný v tele aby odstránil hriech sveta,” a keď to robil, bolo mu dané meno Ježiš. A tak Ježiš je to meno.

A to meno bolo položené do človeka; nie do cirkvi, nie do denominácie, nie do vyznania, ale do Človeka! On sa rozhodol umiestniť svoje meno v Ježišovi Kristovi. A teraz zisťujeme, že potom On sa stal miestom Božieho uctievania, kde Ho uctievate.

45Ešte skôr ako sa narodil, bolo jeho meno nazvané Ježiš. To bolo tak dôležité, bolo to dané jeho matke cez anjela Gabriela, že jeho meno sa bude nazývať “Ježiš, Syn Boží,” to On bol.

46Tak potom, tu to máme. Toto je jedine to. To je jedine pre Neho, Božie vybrané miesto na uctievanie. Božie miesto, ktoré vybral. Ktoré Boh vybral aby tam stretol človeka; nie v cirkvi, nie v denominácii, nie vo vyznaní, ale v Kristovi. To je to jediné miesto, na ktorom sa Boh stretne s človekom a on môže uctievať Boha, a to je v Kristovi. To je to jediné miesto. Bez ohľadu na to či si Metodista, Baptista, Katolík, Protestant, čokoľvek môžeš byť, je len jedno miesto kde môžeš správne uctievať Boha, to je v Kristovi.

Rimanom 8:1, hovorí, “A tak teraz už nieto nijakého odsúdenia tým, ktorí sú v Kristovi Ježišovi, ktorí nechodia podľa tela, ale podľa Ducha.” To je evanjelium.

47Môžeme sa líšiť vo vyznaniach. Môžeme sa líšiť v ľudských teóriách. Môžete chodiť do Metodistickej cirkvi, musíte byť Metodistom, do Baptistickej, Baptistom, do Katolíckej, Katolíkom. Ale keď ste raz pokrstení do Krista a stali ste sa členom jeho tela, tam nie sú žiadne rozdiely. Tie steny rozdelenia uprostred sú zrútené a ste slobodní, pretože ste v Kristovi Ježišovi. A uctievate Boha v Duchu a v Pravde, keď ste v Kristovi Ježišovi. To je Boží plán pre vás, aby ste ho uctievali v Kristovi Ježišovi.

48No, žiadna denominačná cirkev nemôže toto tvrdiť o sebe, žiadna to nemôže tvrdiť. Ako sa odvážite vyhlasovať niečo také? Tvrdiť niečo také, to je duch antikrista, odoberanie z Krista, odňatie z neho. Nemôžete to robiť. Kristus je jediné miesto kde Boh stretáva veriacich.

49Oni dnes hovoria. Stretol som ľudí, ktorí mi povedali. Nedávno mi zavolal jeden muž z Beaumont, z Texasu. Povedal, “Pán Branham, ak vaše meno nie je zapísané v našej knihe, nemôžete ísť do neba.” Pomysleli by ste si niekedy niečo také? Neverte niečomu takému. Oni si myslia, že musíte patriť do tej určitej cirkvi, inak nemôžete ísť do neba. To nie je pravda. Veriť tomu, to je antikrist. Poviem vám to: ak veríte takému duchu, ste stratení. To je dobrý znak, že ste stratení, pretože to je odoberanie z toho, čo Boh urobil. Boh nikdy nepoložil svoje meno do žiadnej cirkvi. On ho položil do Syna, Krista Ježiša, keď sa On a jeho Syna stali Jedno. To je to skutočné miesto uctievania. Žiadne iné základy neboli založené, žiadna iná skala.

Na Kristovi, tej pevnej Skale stojím

A všetky iné základy sú topiacim sa pieskom.

Denominácie sa rozsypú a padnú, národy pominú, ale On zostane naveky. Človek nemôže nájsť žiadne iné miesto aby ctil Boha, kde bude Boh hovoriť naspäť ku nemu, žiadne miesto len v Ježišovi Kristovi. To je jediné miesto, jediné miesto, ktoré Boh vybral aby tam položil svoje meno, a jediné miesto, na ktorom stretáva človeka, na uctievanie. Ak to veríš nejako inak, si stratený.

50Všimnite si, všetkých sedem Židovských sviatkov slávili na tom istom mieste. Neslávili jeden sviatok tu pre Metodistov a ďalší niekde tu pre Baptistov, a ďalší tam pre Presbyteriánov, ďalší tu pre Katolíkov, a ďalší pre Protestantov. Všetkých sedem sviatkov slávili na tom istom mieste.

51To je tu veľmi pekný príklad. Práve sme prebrali tých Sedem Cirkevných Vekov, chcem tým ukázať, že Boh udržuje všetkých sedem cirkevných vekov v Slove, lebo každý cirkevný vek predviedol časť Slova, a zakaždým, keď ho predviedli videli svetlo.

Tak ako ľudia, ktorí prví objavili krst vo meno Ježiš. Čo urobili? Urobili z toho denomináciu, a to hneď tam zomrelo. Potom sa Boh posunul odtiaľ ku niekomu inému. On nezostane v nejakých týchto vyznaniach a dogmách. On s tým nemá nič spoločné. Na Bohu nie je nič skazené. Božie Slovo je sväté, neskazené. Kristus je Božím centrálnym miestom uctievania. On je Boh.

52Všetkých sedem sviatkov sa muselo sláviť na tomto jednom mieste. Nemohli ste sláviť ten sviatok na žiadnom inom mieste. Ale tých sedem, miesto ... Tých sedem sviatkov v roku museli sláviť na jednom mieste. A preto, tých sedem cirkevných vekov muselo pochádzať z toho jediného miesta, to bol Kristus, ktorý hovoril vo všetkých siedmich cirkevných vekoch. To je presne tak. Príklad siedmich cirkevných vekov, ale oni z toho spravili denominácie.

53No, pozrime sa na ďalší príklad, kým sa tu s tým zaoberáme, to je, na príklad Veľkej Noci, to znázorňovalo Ježiša. Vidíme tu obeť krvi, skrze smrť. Tá obeť krvi bola miestom, ktoré znázorňovalo Krista. Či môže denominácia krvácať; myslíte, že by mohla nejaká cirkev krvácať, mohla by denominácia krvácať? Samozrejme že nie. Na to je potrebná krv, aby krvácala zo života. A ten život, cez toho baránka tu začíname vidieť Ježiša. Ten baránok bol príkladom Krista a znázorňoval Krista, pretože On bol “Baránok Boží,” ktorého Ján predstavil, “ktorý sníma hriech sveta.” Tu v Exoduse v 12. kapitole začíname vidieť Ježiša.

54Všimnite si, to bolo jediné miesto, kde smrť nemohla zasiahnuť. Keď smrť mala zasiahnuť tú krajinu, muselo tam byť určité miesto; všetko čo sa tam nenachádzalo zomrelo. Bolo len jedno miesto! No, to neznamená, že to bol len jeden dom; ale bolo tam len jedno miesto, to bolo tam, kde bol zabitý baránok. Tam kde bola krv baránka, tam anjel smrti nemohol zasiahnuť, pretože to bolo to jediné miesto, kde Boh položil svoje meno. A ten baránok dostal meno tam na začiatku, baránok. Všimnite si, to bolo to jediné miesto, kde on nemohol zasiahnuť.

55A tak isto je to dnes. Je len jedno miesto, kde duchovná smrť nemôže zasiahnuť, to je Slovo. Smrť nemôže zasiahnuť Slovo, pretože ono je živým Slovom Božím.

Ale keď ku tomu dáte vyznania, Slovo odchádza a ide do seba. Oddelí sa ako voda od oleja. Nemôžete to spolu zmiešať. A preto, vidíte, keď prichádza vyznanie do denominácie, oni všetci idú za vyznaním; a Slovo tam vymiera a ide ďalej s niekým iným a viacej Ho pribúda. Naberá obrátky, ako to ide od ospravedlnenia, posvätenia, krstu Duchom Svätým a ďalej do Zrna! Vidíte tú cestu, ktorú Boh prešiel? Nesie Jeho meno, po celý čas stále ďalej tak isto, pretože On je Slovo.

Všimnite si, Ono nemôže zomrieť. Slovo Života nemôže zomrieť.

56Všimnite si teraz, aké je to dokonalé. Anjel smrti nemal zakázané udrieť veľkých, vzdelaných ľudí v Egypte. On nemal zakázané udrieť ich posvätné miesta, ich veľké budovy, ich faraónov. Alebo kňazov v tej krajine, ten anjel nemal zakázané ich udrieť. On mohol udrieť každú budovu, každé miesto, každého, ale nemohol udrieť tam kde bol baránok.

Smrť nemôže udrieť tam, kde je toto Božie pripravené miesto a to je v Baránkovi.

57Všimnite si, vôbec nemal ... on nemal zakázané udrieť Izrael alebo ich Hebrejských kňazov, alebo ktorúkoľvek z ich denominácií. Všetko muselo byť na Božom vybranom, pripravenom mieste,inak zasiahla smrť.

58Cirkev, kdekoľvek si, do čohokoľvek patríš, to nerobí žiadny rozdiel. Ale, je jedna vec, ktorú musíš vedieť, musíš byť v Kristovi inak si mŕtvy. Nemôžeš žiť pomimo Neho. Tvoja cirkev môže byť v poriadku, ako budova; tvoje obecenstvo môže byť v poriadku, ako ľudia. Ale keď zaprieš telo, Krv, Slovo Ježiša Krista, si mŕtvy v tej minúte keď to urobíš. To je Božie vybrané miesto na uctievanie. Tam je Jeho meno, presne. Tam je to miesto, ktoré On vybral aby tam položil Svoje meno; nie do cirkvi, ale do Syna, Ježiša Krista.

59Všimnite si, bezpečne postavený jedine na mieste, ktoré On vybral, v Jeho baránkovi a v mene toho baránka.

60Všimnite si, to bol “samec” baránok, on, nie ona. Nie cirkev, ona; ale Jeho meno, nie jej meno. Miesto kde On išiel stretnúť ľudí nebolo v jej mene, ale v Jeho mene, v Ňom, v Baránkovi!

61No my hovoríme, “Cirkev, veľká, ohromná cirkev. Ona urobila toto a urobila tamto. Ona pretrvala búrky. Vzrástli sme v populácii. Je nás veľké množstvo. Sme mocná cirkev. Ona je niečím veľkým.”

Ale Boh nepovedal nič o nej. On povedal, “On.” “On,” je miestom stretnutia, Baránok, nie cirkev. Nie jej meno, ale Jeho meno. On nikde nedal jej meno. Boh položil svoje meno do “Neho”!

Preto, “Všetko čo robíme v slove alebo v čine, musíme to všetko robiť v mene Ježiša Krista.” Keď sa modlíme, musíme sa modliť v mene Ježiša. Keď niečo prosíme, musíme to prosiť v mene Ježiša. Keď chodíme, chodíme v mene Ježiša, keď hovoríme, hovoríme v mene Ježiša. Keď krstíme, musíme krstiť v mene Ježiša Krista. Lebo, “Všetko čo robíme v slove alebo v skutku, robíme to v mene Ježiša Krista.”

62Jeden človek mi raz povedal, keď sme o tom hovorili, povedal, “Brat Branham, moja žena, ja ne ... Ona, jej meno je to a to.” On je kazateľ, možno tu teraz sedí. A povedal, “Moja žena, ona má moje meno.” Poviem napríklad Jonesová, pretože nie je Jonesová. Povedal, “No, ona nemusí každé ráno vstávať brať metlu a hovoriť - zametám podlahu v mene Jones, umývam riad v mene Jones, prišívam záplatu na šaty v mene Jones. Myslím, že nemusíš volať vôbec žiadne meno.”

Povedal som, “Ja verím, že musíš.” Je to tak.

A on povedal, “No. Prečo? Ona to nemusí hovoriť. Všetko čo robí je v mene Jones, od začiatku.”

63Povedal som, “Ale ty si neišiel len tak po ulici a nezobral si si ju, nepovedal si - Poď Jonesová. - Ona sa prv musela stať Jonesová cez obrad, manželský obrad. Ak nie, žijete v cudzoložstve. A ak si pokrstený akýmkoľvek iným spôsobom, ako v mene Ježiša Krista, to je cudzoložný krst, a to v Biblii nenachádzame.”

Potom, “Čo robíte v Slove alebo v skutku, robte to všetko v mene Ježiša,” po tom, keď to robíš. Ale prv musíš prísť do Jeho Mena.

64Je veľa dobrých žien dnes večer v tejto budove, milých, verných žien; ale je len jedna pani Branhamová. Ona je tá, ktorá ide so mnou domov. Ona je jediná, ktorá je mojou ženou.

65Na svete sú dobrí ľudia, dobré cirkvi; ale je jedna pani Ježiš Kristus, a to je tá pre ktorú On prichádza. Tam leží Jeho meno. Tam je miesto Jeho uctievania, v nej a jedine v nej. To je pravda. Ó tak veru. Nachádzame, že to je pravda.

66No to je prečo my, “Všetko čo robíme v slove alebo v skutku, robíme to v mene Ježiša Krista.”

Nieto iného mena daného pod nebom na spasenie, okrem mena Ježiša Krista.” Skutky, druhá kapitola hovorí, že “Nech vám je to známe ...” “Nieto iného mena daného pod nebom, skrze ktoré by človek mohol byť spasený, jedine v mene Ježiša Krista.” Amen. Dúfam že to rozumiete. Meno Ježiša Krista, každý ...

Najvyššie nebesia sú pomenované podľa Neho, “Celá rodina na nebesiach má meno Ježiš,” Biblia povedala, “a celá rodina na zemi má meno Ježiš.” Tak to je Božie vybrané meno a to kde ho položil. To je jeho miesto na uctievanie, v Ježišovi Kristovi. No, vieme, že je to tak, nieto iné miesto na uctievanie, len v Ňom.

67“Nieto iného mena pod nebom daného ľuďom, skrze ktoré musia byť spasení.” On je Božím menom vykúpenia. Boh má meno, ktoré sa nazýva Jehova-jirech, Jehova-rafa, Jehova-jirech. “Pán odpúšťa všetky tvoje hriechy.” Jehova-rafa, “Pán uzdravuje všetky tvoje nemoci.” On má veľa titulov. Ale má jedno meno vykúpenia, ktoré patrí tej ľudskej rase a to je meno “Ježiš.” To je jeho meno, ktoré sa rozhodol položiť. Kde ho položil? Položil ho do Krista.

68Všetky iné cirkevné mená, vyznania, tituly, spoliehať na ne je smrť. Spoliahate na Metodistickú cirkev, že vás dostane do neba, ste stratení. Ak spoliehate na Letničných, na Letničnú cirkev, že vás dostane do neba, ste tsratení. Na Baptistickú, Luteránsku, Presbyteriánsku, Katolícku, na akúkoľvek cirkev; ak spoliehate na ich meno, alebo na ich titul, alebo na ich vyznanie, ste stratení.

Pretože, nemôžete ani ctiť Boha, až kým prv neprídete na miesto uctievania. Amen. To je jediné miesto kde Boh stretáva veriaceho, to je miesto, ktoré On vybral, aby tam položil svoje meno. Všetky iné, ak na ne spoliehate, zomriete. On tiež ...

69Tu je ďalší tieň znázorňujúci Ježiša, poznačil som si to miesto Písma. Tu je tiež znázornený, “Musí byť bez vady.” To miesto, kde On položil svoje meno, tento baránok musí byť bez vady.

No, na ktorú denomináciu alebo systém môžete toto pripnúť; na ktorú cirkev, na Katolícku, Protestantskú, Židovskú, či na akú? Na aký systém, denomináciu môžete toto pripnúť, “bez poškvrny”? To všetko je odmietnuté, zavrhnuté!

Ale je miesto! Haleluja! To miesto je v Ježišovi Kristovi. Nieto na Ňom vady. Nieto na Ňom chyby.

Nemôžete toto pripnúť. Všetci títo ľudia, ktorí sa to snažia urobiť, ktorí hovoria, že ich cirkev je bez chyby a všetko toto. To je špinavé, sú to porušovatelia Slova, milovníci, napoly mŕtvi, Laodičania, majú vyznanie, ale to ne je Pravda. Ale ešte aj sám Pilát, jeho nepriateľ povedal, “Nenachádzam na Ňom viny.” Jeho vlastný nepriateľ vydal svedectvo, že nieto na Ňom chyba. Nemôžete na Neho pripnúť žiadny hriech.

70On vo svojich dňoch povedal tým kňazom, “Kto z vás ma usvedčí z hriechu? Kto mi môže ukázať, že som hriešnik?

Ukážte mi jednu cirkev, ktorá môže povedať, že nikdy neurobili nič zlé. Úprimne povedané, nieto ani jedna z nich, sotva, ktorá by nevraždila a nerobila všetko, čo je v kalendári naplánované, sotva. A potom sa stále ešte nazývajú ... Nie, to nie je Božie miesto na stretnutie a uctievanie, v žiadnom vyznaní ani v denominácii.

71Moji priatelia, nechcem uraziť pocity, ale som zodpovedný za posolstvo a to posolstvo je “Vyjdite z toho neporiadku!” A keď vás žiadam aby ste vyšli, kde vás zoberiem? Či vás zoberiem do Branhamovej Modlitebni? Ona má toľko chýb ako aj tie ostatné.

Ale je jedno miesto na ktoré vás môžem zobrať, kde ste bezpeční a chránení od smrti, to je v Ježišovi Kristovi, na Božom mieste uctievania. To je miesto, ktoré vám predstavujem, dnes večer, kde Boh položil svoje meno. Kde zasľúbil, že stretne každého, kto tam príde, On s ním bude v uctievaní a na hostine, to je v Kristovi, nie v žiadnej cirkvi, v žiadnom zbore.

Ale v Kristovi, On je Božím príbytkom. On je tým miestom, na ktoré prišiel sám Boh a prebýval v ňom. “To je môj milovaný syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať.” Tam Boh býval, priniesol tam svoje meno a umiestnil ho tam, v Ježišovi Kristovi. A preto, jeho meno bolo vložené do človeka, do jeho syna, do Ježiša Krista, v ktorom on sám prebýval, v tom príbytku.

Kde, na príklade, ten starý Jeruzalem, tie staré sviatky, ten starý chrám, to bol príklad; do ktorého vošiel dym, toho dňa keď tam vošla truhla zmluvy a bola tam položená a bolo počuť z tade Boží hlas.

Tak bolo počuť hlas Boží, ako vchádza do Chrámu, do Ježiša Krista; a ten, starý (prirodzený) chrám bol typom a naznačoval ten nový. A keď On vošiel do Krista, povedal, “Toto je môj milovaný syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať. A Ja vyberiem miesto, kde položím svoje meno a kde sa stretnem s človekom, a kde budem uctievaný. Boh vybral to miesto; nie v žiadnej cirkevnej denominácii ale v Ježišovi Kristovi. Tak veru.

72 On musí byť tiež “bez vady,” ako som povedal. Žiadna denominácia to o sebe nemôže povedať. Hovoria to; sú antikristom.

73Vidíme tu, všimnite si znovu jeho tieň. Toho baránka mali opatrovať, dávajúc naňho pozor. No, toto je v Exoduse 12, ak si to značíte, Exodus 12:3-6. Ten baránok musel byť opatrovaný štyri dni, aby ho overili, aby zistili či je hodný ísť na obeť. Musel byť zobraný, znovu a znovu vyšetrovaný za štyri dni aby vedeli, či nie je na ňom vada, či nemá nejakú chorobu, či nie je na ňom niečo zlé. Museli ho opatrovať štyri dni.

74A všimnite si. Niektorí z vás ste si možno mysleli, že to bolo krátko, bol zabitý štrnásteho dňa. Ale, pamätajte, oni zobrali toho baránka desiateho dňa v mesiaci a zabili ho štrnásteho dňa v mesiaci, vidíte, tak ho tam držali štyri dni.

75No, Ježiš, Baránok s Božím menom, vošiel do Jeruzalema a nevyšiel až po svojej smrti, pohrabe a vzkriesení. On tam bol držaný kritikmi za štyri dni a štyri noci. Ako dokonale bol ten baránok znázornený, držaný za štyri dni. Vtedy Pilát povedal, “Nemôžem nájsť na ňom žiadnej viny.”

76Ďalší jeho predobraz, žiadna kosť na Ňom nemôže byť zlomená, čo bolo dokonale. Vtedy nemohli, pri zabíjaní tej obeti nemohla byť zlomená kosť. Ak by bola, bol by odmietnutý. A oni už priniesli kladivo aby zlomili Kristovi kosti na nohách, keď povedali, “Už je mŕtvy.” Prebodli jeho bok a vytiekla krv a voda.

77Všimnite si tu znovu ďalšiu veľkú vec. Aby som to nepreskočil, pretože On bol reprezentovaný v tých obetiach, v obeti múky.

Pamätám sa raz oni mali školu, v Biblii, nazývalo sa to škola prorokov a to bola poriadna škola. A čítame, že tam Eliáš raz išiel do tej školy a povedali mu, “My ...” Prosili ho aby odišiel, povedali, “Keď si tu, hovoríš príliš otvorene.” Tak chceli aby odišiel.

A išli mu pripraviť večeru. A niekoľko kňazov išlo, či vlastne prorokov, išli nazbierať nejaký hrach, aby mu pripravili večeru. A keď išli, nazbierali toho za veľkú zásteru; a keď prišli naspäť, boli to divé tekvice a to bola otrava, a oni ich hodili do hrnca. A to sa začalo variť a niekto povedal, “Beda, v hrnci je smrť. Nemôžeme to vôbec jesť.”

A Eliáš povedal, “Prineste mi za hrsť múky.” A zobral tú múku a hodil ju do hrnca a povedal, “Jedzte. Hrniec je uzdravený.”

78Tou obeťou múky bol Kristus. Každé jej zrnko muselo byť také isté, každý malý kúsok tej múky musel byť zomletý rovnako, na tú obeť múky. To ukazuje, že On je uzdravovateľ. On nahradzuje a odstraňuje smrť a kladie tam život; cez tie dva zákony. Haleluja! Tam kde je smrť, jedno miesto; keď tam vchádza Kristus, vchádza tam život. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A kde bola smrť, tam nastáva život, pretože tam bol privedený Kristus, obeť múky.

79Čo za veľké lekcie by boli v týchto veciach, keby sme mali čas vojsť do toho! No všimnite si, ani jedno slovo z tých predobrazov nesklamalo, z tých tieňov. Všetko presne znázornili.

On je miestom uctievania, ktoré vybral Boh a Jemu je dané Božie meno. On je Božím miestom na uctievanie a jemu je dané Božie meno. On je Slovo Božie a On je meno Božie. On je oboje, Slovo Božie a meno Božie. “On bol Slovom, ktoré sa stalo telom.” On bol Božím Slovom, Baránkom Božím, menom Božím, a bol Bohom. To je to čím On bol, tým vybraným a jediným miestom na uctievanie Boha.

80A Boh odmietol každé iné miesto okrem v Ježišovi Kristovi, nemôžete ho uctievať kdekoľvek. On povedal, “Nadarmo ma ctia, učiac učenia, ktoré sú nariadeniami ľudí.” Dnes máme vyznania, dogmy a všetko možné, ktoré učia, že toto je cesta a tamto je tá cesta.

A Ježiš povedal, “Ja som cesta, pravda a život a nikto nemôže prísť k Bohu, len skrze Mňa.” Inými slovami, “Ja som dverami do ovčínca. A vonku sú zlodeji.” On je jedinou prístupovou cestou. On je dverami. On je cesta, Pravda, Život, všetko čo je; jediný vchod, jediné miesto, jediné uctievanie, jediné meno.

Všetko je viazané na Ježiša Krista. Celý Starý Zákon je viazaný na Neho. Nový Zákon je viazaný na Neho. A cirkev dnes je viazaná na Neho, skrze Slovo jeho prikázania. Nieto iné miesto, ani iné meno ani nič nikde, kde by Boh zasľúbil stretnúť sa s človekom; jedine v Ježišovi Kristovi, na Jeho vybranom mieste uctievania.

81Všimnite si, Boh sľúbil, že stretne svojich ctiteľov jedine na tomto jednom mieste a to je miesto, ktoré On sám vybral; nie my sme to vybrali, nie z nášho vymyslenia; ale Jeho myslenie, Jeho vybranie. A to je to miesto, kde On položil svoje meno, kde to vybral. Tak vidíme, že sme našli kde je jeho meno, ktoré On vybral, skrze Jeho vlastné vybranie.

82No, našli sme miesto, kde On položil svoje meno, to je v Kristovi Ježišovi a nie je žiadne iné miesto, ani žiadne iné meno. Či ste presvedčení o tom? Povedzte “Amen.” [zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.”] No to hlavné na tom je, že keď sme našli kde je to miesto ... Miesto uctievania nie je nikde inde akceptované, jedine v Kristovi.

Môžete činiť pokánie, môžete to robiť, ale ešte Ho neuctievate. Prosíte o odpustenie. Peter povedal ...

Na deň Letníc, keď ich videli všetkých hovoriť v jazykoch a diali sa veľké znamenia a zázraky, oni sa začali smiať, cirkev sa smiala a povedali, “Títo sú naplnení novým vínom. Správajú sa ako opití. “ Mária panna, oni všetci boli spolu, sto dvadsiati. A koktali sa ako opití a hovorili v jazykoch a tak sa správali. Ľudia povedali, “Títo sú opití novým vínom.”

83Ale Peter sa postavil a povedal, “Mužovia a bratia, títo nie sú opití novým vínom, lebo je ešte len tretia hodina dňa. Ale toto je to, čo bolo povedané skrze proroka Joela. “A stane sa v posledných dňoch, hovorí Boh, že vylejem svojho Ducha na každé telo; vaši synovia a dcéry budú prorokovať; na mojich sluhov a na dievky vylejem svojho Ducha. Ukážem znamenia hore na nebi a na zemi; oheň, stĺpy ohňa, pary dymu. Stane sa prv, ako príde hrozný a strašný deň Pánov, že ktokoľvek bude vzývať meno Pánove bude spasený.”

84Keď toto počuli, boli bodnutí vo svojich srdciach a povedali, “Mužovia bratia, čo máme robiť?”

85Peter povedal, “Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Pána Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov a dostanete dar Ducha Svätého. Lebo to zasľúbenie je pre celé budúce generácie.” Uvideli sme to.

86A teraz chceme zistiť ako sa dostaneme do neho. Ako sa dostaneme na toto miesto uctievania? Prvá Korinťanom 12 to vyjasňuje, lebo “Skrze jedného Ducha!” Nie skrze jednu cirkev, nie skrze jedno vyznanie, nie skrze jedného pastora, nie skrze jedného biskupa, nie skrze jedného kňaza. Ale, “Skrze jedného Ducha Svätého sme všetci pokrstení do jedného tela.” a to je telo Ježiša Krista, poddaní každému daru, ktorý leží v tom tele. Tak veru! Nie tým, že sa niekde pripojíte, nie tým, že odrecitujete vyznanie, nie tým, že sa napumpujete hore, znížite sa dole, potrasiete si ruky, ani ničím takým. Ale, skrze Narodenie sme pokrstení do Tela Ježiša Krista! Amen. “Skrze Svätého Ducha sme všetci pokrstení do jedného Tela.”

87A čím je to Telo? “Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.” Ako môžeme byť v tom tele a zapierať jedno Slovo z neho alebo to umiestniť niekde inde, že to nie je ani v Tele? Ako môžeme niečo také robiť? Božie vybrané miesto!

88Všimnite si, a keď ste skutočne pokrstení do Neho, ten skutočný dôkaz je to, že veríte Jemu, Slovu.

Ako môžete byť časťou Neho a potom Ho zapierať? Ako môžem zapierať svoju ruku, keď je to moja ruka? Ak je ... Ak to robím, mentálne nie je niečo so mnou v poriadku. A ako môžem? Ak mentálne niečo nie je so mnou v poriadku, zapieram, že to je moja ruka, zapieram, že toto je moja noha, potom duchovne nie je niečo v poriadku s takým veriacim, ktorý zapiera nejaké Slovo, ktoré Boh povedal a zasľúbil. Niečo duchovne nie je v poriadku s tým, tak zvaným veriacim.

89Nemôžete zaprieť z Neho ani jedno písmeno, pretože ste sa stali časťou toho istého. Ste časťou Neho, pretože ste pokrstení do Neho; skrze to, Duch Svätý vás priniesol do tela Ježiša Krista. Čo za nádherná vec!

90Boh mal určité miesto, kde stretol Abraháma a tam Abrahám uctieval Boha. Cez celý Testament!

A jeho zasľúbené Slovo bude vyložené v tebe cez Neho. Porozumeli ste to? Slovo, ktoré On zasľúbil, že sa vyplní v tomto dni v ktorom vy žijete, vy budete napísanou Božou epištolou, čítanou všetkými ľuďmi. Nie to čo vy tvrdíte, ale to čo robí Boh cez vás, to bude hovoriť hlasnejšie, než čokoľvek čo môžete tvrdiť. Boh povedal, “Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať veriacich.” To hovorí cez teba.

91On hovoril o tomto veku, čo bude teraz. Veriaci tohoto veku musia veriť Tomu, čo On zasľúbil na dnes. Presne tak isto ako museli vojsť do archy, aby boli spasení; odísť z Egypta, aby boli spasení; musia vojsť do Krista aby boli teraz spasení, do Posolstva Slova, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

92Ako sa do Neho dostanete? Skrze krst! Krst čím, vodou? Skrze Ducha Svätého! “Jedným Duchom sme všetci pokrstení do tohoto jedného Tela.”

93A jeho zasľúbené Slovo, On nebude ... Vy to nemusíte vykladať. On to bude vykladať cez vás; to čo robíte, čo On zasľúbil robiť. Cirkev, ktorá Jeho nasleduje bude tak veľmi podobná na Neho, že až to ľudia budú vedieť.

Pozrite sa na Petra a na Jána, keď sa ich vypytovali ohľadne uzdravenia toho muža pri Krásnej bráne. Oni povedali, “Poznali,” tí kňazi poznali, “že boli neučení a prostí ľudia,” ale si všimli, že bývali s Ježišom. Pretože, (čo?) Robili tie veci, ktoré On robil.

94On musel byť vo veciach Otca. A dnes to musí byť to isté.

95No, pamätajte, On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky; lebo Boh vás stretáva v Ňom, na tom jedinom mieste ktoré je; lebo to je to miesto, ktoré On vybral aby tam položil svoje meno, v Ježišovi. “Ježiš” je meno Boha. Pamätajte, Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý, to sú tituly mena “Ježiša Krista.”

96Keď Matúš povedal, “A tak iďte, čiňte učeníkmi všetky národy, krstiac ich vo meno Otca i Syna, i Svätého Ducha.”

Ako je to dnes nesprávne vyložené a hovoria, “Vo meno Otca, vo meno Syna, vo meno Ducha Svätého.” To nie je ani napísané. To je, “Vo meno,” jednotné číslo, “Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého.” Otec nie je meno, Syn nie je meno, Svätý Duch nie je meno; to je titul.

Po desiatich dňoch, Peter povstal a povedal, “Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista.” Či potom urobil niečo, čo mu On nekázal? On urobil to, čo On kázal. Meno Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha je “Pán Ježiš Kristus.” Každá osoba v Novom Zákone bola pokrstená vo meno Pána Ježiša Krista.

97Ani jedna osoba v Biblii nebola nikdy pokrstená v tituly Otca, Syna, Svätého Ducha. To nikdy neprišlo do existencie až keď bolo zavedené Nicejské vyznanie v Nicei, Ríme. To bolo nariadenie Katolíckej cirkvi, nachádzame to v katechizme, ktorý to tiež potvrdzuje. Mal som to, je to tak, Fakty našej viery, a tomu podobné, že to je absolutne Rímsko katolícke vyznanie. Povedia vám, že to nie je v Biblii; ale oni hovoria, že majú moc zmeniť jej Slová; keď si to prajú, z dôvodu pápeža. Ja s nimi nesúhlasím.

Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. “A ktokoľvek odníme jedno Slovo z tejto Biblii,” povedal Ježiš, “alebo dodá jedno slovo ku tomu, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života.” Jedno Slovo; nie veta alebo odstavec, ale Slovo! “Ktokoľvek odníme jedno Slovo ...”

98Na počiatku Boh opevnil svoj ľud svojím Slovom. Jedno Slovo, zle vyložené, zapríčinilo každú smrť, každú bolesť srdca, každý žiaľ. Eva, ona neporušila vetu; ona porušila Slovo. Keď prišiel Ježiš v strede Knihy ... To bolo v tej prvej Knihe.

Keď prišiel Ježiš v strede Knihy, čo povedal? “Je napísané, že človek nebude žiť len samým chlebom, ale každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.”

V poslednej časti Knihy, v Zjavení, v 22. kapitole, v 18. verši, v úplne poslednej časti Biblie, Ježiš sám hovorí, povedal, “Ja osvedčujem, že ak by niekto odňal jedno Slovo, alebo pridal jedno slovo ku tomu, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života.” pretože to je falošný prorok a zle to vykladá ľuďom a ich krv bude pripočítaná jeho rukám, keď tak robí.

99 Musíme zostávať na tom jednom mieste uctievania, to je, Ježiš Kristus, Slovo, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Amen. V poriadku. Pamätajte, nieto iné miesto stretnutia sa na uctievanie, žiadne iné miesto. Boh to vybral.

100Ján, vtedy dávno, pri zväzovaní medzi Novým a Starým Zákonom. Počúvajte teraz dobre. Dobre si to všimnite. Ján, ten veľký anjel, priletel jedného dňa z púšte, roztiahol svoje veľké krídla. Zasvietil dole na brehu Jordána, veľký orol, prorok, ktorý premostil cestu medzi Starým a Novým Zákonom a zavolal ich sprava a zľava. On zavolal deň pokánia.

Kde prišli Farizejovia a Sadúceovia, povedal, “Nezačnite hovoriť sami v sebe - my sme deti Abrahámove - lebo vám hovorím, že Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámove.” Ó!

Keď začal rozhlasovať svoje evanjelium a hovoril, “Medzi vami stojí Ten, ktorého vy neznáte. Ja som Ho ešte neobjavil, ale keď príde budem ho poznať. Nie som hodný rozviazať jeho obuv. Ale On vás bude krstiť Svätým Duchom a Ohňom. A jeho vejačka je v jeho ruke; on dôkladne vyčistí humno a plevy bude páliť neuhasiteľným Ohňom.”

101Ten veľký orol evanjelia keď tam sedel, ako korunoval jeho veľké hrozby. A vystúpila špina, alebo Herodes, cisár v tom čase, verejný činiteľ, oženil sa so ženou svojho brata. A dokážete si predstaviť, že by ten veľký orol evanjelia tam sedel a bol potichu pri tom?

Niekto z nich povedal, “Nekáž teraz o manželstve a rozvode, Ján, pretože tam sedí Herodes.”

102On prišiel rovno pred neho a povedal, “Nepatrí sa ti ju mať.” Tak veru!

Kto to bol? On bol ten orol z púšte. On nebol cvičený pod ľudským strachom a hrozbou, alebo pod nejakou denomináciou. Ale bol cvičený pod mocou všemohúceho Boha, aby poznal to, čo tam bude. On poznal identifikáciu Mesiáša.

Haleluja! To slovo znamená, “Chvála nášmu Bohu!” Nevystrašte sa. Nikomu som ešte neublížil. Nie som vzrušený. Viem presne kde som.

Ó, keď myslím na neho, ten veľký orol lieta tam a sadá! On povedal, “Budem Ho poznať, keď príde.”

103Jedného dňa tam stál, kázal. Kňazi boli na druhej strane, povedali mu, “Chceš povedať, že príde taký čas, že denná obeť bude zrušená; tento veľký chrám, ktorý sme postavili a celá tá práca, ktorú sme do toho vložili, my veľká denominácia?”

On povedal, “Príde čas keď všetko to bude odstránené.”

“To nemôže byť. Ty si falošný prorok!”

104A on sa pozrel okolo a povedal, “Ajhľa, tam On je! Tam je miesto uctievania, ktoré vybral Boh. Tam je ten baránok, ten skutočný baránok, ktorý sníma hriech sveta.” On nepovedal, “Tu prichádza ten Metodista, tu prichádza ten Baptista, alebo Katolík.” On povedal, “Tam prichádza Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta.”

Jediná bezpečná zóna, ktorá je, je v Baránkovi Božom. Jedine v ňom je spasenie; v žiadnej cirkvi, v žiadnom vyznaní, v žiadnych ľuďoch, v žiadnom otcovi, v žiadnej matke, v žiadnom svätom mužovi, ani v ničom, v žiadnom svätom mieste. Je to v Svätom Bohu, v Pánovi Ježišovi Kristovi, kde Boh umiestnil svoje meno na ľudskú bytosť, kvôli spaseniu, ktorý zaplatil cenu za nás hriešnikov. To je jediné miesto kde je spasenie. To je skala na ktorej stojím.

105Ján ho identifikoval. Povedal, “Ja som ho nepoznal, keď som ho videl prichádzať, ale tam, kde som získal moje vyškolenie ...” Nie v seminári ako jeho otec; nie ako kňaz, vycvičený. Ale na púšti, kde bol v teologickom seminári Všemohúceho Boha, kde očakával na Božie Slovo; nie na to, čo vyliahla nejaká skupina ľudí, ale na to, čo Boh o tom povedal. A keď sa Ján pozrel hore a videl prichádzať Ducha, povedal, “Vydával svedectvo, toto je On.” Ó!

Tam je vaše miesto uctievania. Tam je vaše miesto, kde sa môžete skryť. Tam je Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta. Žiadna cirkev, žiadne vyznanie, ani nič také, ale Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta.

106Vidíte ako to Ján umiestnil? On nepovedal, “Vy Farizejovia máte pravdu, vy Sadúceovia, Herodiáni.” On povedal, “Tam je Baránok.” To je to miesto. On má to meno. On je Ten. Nieto iného mena pod nebom!

107Pozrite sa čo povedal teraz Ježiš o Jánovi. Jedného dňa Ján poslal ku nemu, aby vedel čo robí. Ježiš mu povedal, “On bol veľkým svietiacim svetlom,” aby im ukázal cestu, ktorou majú ísť pred Jeho príchodom, pred Jeho prvým príchodom. Dobre počúvajte. Neprehliadnite to. Ježiš povedal, “Ján bol tým svetlom.” Malachiáš 3, nemýľte sa! Prorok s tým veľkým svietiacim svetlom zidentifikoval Ježiša, že On je ten Jediný, “Baránok!” Všetky ostatné baránky, o ktorých hovorili kňazi a všetky tie ostatné veci boli hlúposť. Tu bol “Baránok!” Muž s veľkým, svietiacim svetlom, to povedal Ježiš, že on bol.

Malachiáš 3 povedal, “Ja pošlem svojho posla pred mojou tvárou aby pripravil cestu.” A ten, ktorý bol poslaný pripraviť cestu, Ho zidentifikoval, to miesto. “To je On! Nemýlim sa. To je On! Videl som ten znak, že ho nasleduje. Viem, že to je On; z neba prišlo Svetlo a zostalo na ňom.” Bolo to isté, to je On.

108Potom, môj brat, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať, na záver. Môžeme povedať toto. V Malachiášovi 4, či nám nie je tiež zasľúbený ďalší orol, ktorého má nasledovať Ohnivý Stĺp aby ukázal blúdiacej cirkvi tohoto dňa, že On je Židom 13/8, “ten istý včera, dnes i naveky”? Či nám nie je zasľúbený ďalší, ktorý priletí z púšte? Amen! To je presne pravda. Ako to sedí a pasuje s Lukáš 17/30, kde Syn človeka (Orol) sa zjavi aby ukázal, že všetky ostatné miesta uctievania sú nanič, ako denominácie a tak ďalej.

Boh vybral svoje miesto. Ján povedal, “Tu to je!”

109A potom nám je zasľúbené to isté v tomto dni, Malachiáš 4, “Obráti srdcia detí naspäť,” aby povedal, že On nie je mŕtvy, tieto veci nie sú pre ďalší vek; krst vo meno Ježiša, to nebolo vtedy tam, ale On je teraz ten istý. Amen. Aby ukázal, že všetky ostatné miesta uctievania sú nanič, to je to čo má urobiť ten orol posledného dňa, ukázať, že všetko to ostatné je hlúposť, denominácia je hlúposť, ale ukázať im znovu na ten istý znak, na ktorý Ján, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Haleluja!

110Tiež v Zjavení 4/7 máme štyri živé bytosti, ktoré sme práve prebrali.

Tá prvá bola, zistili sme, to bol lev. To bola tá prvá živá bytosť, ktorá vyšla aby sa stretla s vyzvaním toho dňa, lev z pokolenia Júdovho.

Po ňom prišla ďalšia živá bytosť. A zistili sme, že tá ďalšia živá bytosť bol vôl a to je zviera nosiace bremená, obetné zviera. Vo dňoch Rímskej moci, cirkev zomrela; obeť.

Prichádza ďalšia, a to bol človek, to bola živá bytosť s tvárou človeka. A ten človek, to boli reformátori, ľudské vzdelanie, teológia a tak ďalej.

Ale tá posledná živá bytosť, ktorá mala letieť, tá posledná živá bytosť, ktorá mala prísť, Biblia hovorí, že to bol letiaci orol. Haleluja! A prorok povedal, že v tomto dni, “bude svetlo.” Ó! “ V tom dni bude svetlo.”

111Bol deň reformátorov. Bol deň ktorý je len tieňom, nemožno ho nazvať dňom ani nocou. Ale v čase večera, v čase Orla:

V čase orla bude svetlo,

cestu do slávy určite nájdete;

na ceste do vody je už svetlo dnes,

pochovaní v tom nádhernom mene Ježiša.

Mladí a starí, čiňte pokánie zo svojich hriechov,

Duch Svätý vás určite pokrstí;

lebo večerné svetlá už prišli.

Je to fakt, že Boha a Kristus sú jedno.

112Amen! V čase večera bude svetlo. Jediné miesto uctievania, ktoré vybral Boh. Ó, načo prišlo toto posolstvo, čo On ide robiť? A v tomto dni bude svetlo v čase večera a (na čo?) Aby prijal svoje deti naspäť domov do skutočnej zasľúbenej zemi, skrze ten istý znak Ohnivého Stĺpa, ktorý viedol deti Izraelove cez púšť.

Božie vybrané miesto na uctievanie, Ježiš Kristus. To je jediné miesto, ktoré je. To je jediné meno, ktoré Boh má pre spasenie. Tak On pomenoval rodinu v nebi, keď je na zemi, Ježiš Kristus.

113Ó cirkev, ó ľudia, priateľ hriešnik, nespoliehajte na nič iné okrem na Ježiša Krista. Nespoliehajte na žiadnom kazateľovi. Nespoliehajte na nikom inom, že vás spasí. Nespoliehajte na žiadnu cirkev, na žiadne vyznanie, na žiadnu denomináciu. Spoliehajte jedine na Ježiša Krista, lebo On je svetlo tejto hodiny.

Skloňme svoje hlavy.

V čase večera bude svetlo,

cestu do slávy určite nájdete;

na ceste do vody je už svetlo dnes,

pochovaní v tom nádhernom mene Ježiša.

Mladí a starí, čiňte pokánie zo svojich hriechov,

Duch Svätý vás určite pokrstí;

lebo večerné svetlá už prišli.

Je to fakt, že Boha a Kristus sú jedno.

114Ó, brat,sestra, ak ste ešte neučinili pokánie, ak ste neboli pokrstení vo meno Ježiša Krista, začneš to robiť dnes večer? Či dáš Bohu príležitosť aby ťa pozval na to miesto, kde Ho môžeš ctiť? Pamätajte, pomimo toho, nieto miesto, o ktorom by Boh zasľúbil, že ťa tam stretne a prijme tvoje uctievanie.

115Hovoríte, “Brat Branham, ja Ho uctievam v takej úprimnosti!” Kain tiež. On vykonal všetky rôzne obetovania, ktoré aj Ábel, ale to bolo zlé obetovanie. Môžeš chodiť do zboru a platiť svoje desatiny a vykonávať všetky povinnosti, ktoré má kresťan robiť, tak úprimne ako každý iný muž alebo žena.

Stojím tu teraz okolo tridsať rokov, tu v okolí tohoto mesta a kričím toto isté posolstvo. Starnem. Nemôžem byť s vami príliš dlho. Ale pamätajte, v deň súdu, môj hlas je nahraný a on bude hovoriť proti vám.

116Je len jediné miesto kde Boh položil svoje meno a to nie je v cirkvi, ale v Ježišovi. Je len jedno miesto na uctievanie, len jedno miesto na ktorom ste prijatý a to je v tom milovanom, v Ježišovi Kristovi. “Nieto iného mena pod nebom, daného ľuďom, skrze ktoré sme spasení,” žiadna cirkev, žiadne vyznanie, ani nič. Ježiš Kristus!

A to má byť posolstvo na túto hodinu, “Prinavrátiť srdcia detí naspäť do viery, ktorá raz bola daná svätým.” Či to neprijmeš dnes?

A kým máme sklonené hlavy.

117A tí ktorí chcú byť spomenutí v modlitbe, zodvihli by ste ruky. Nemôžeme zavolať ľudí ku oltáru, pretože to je príliš veľa. Nech vás Boh žehná. Ó! Po mojej ľavej strane, hádam je ich tristo.

118A teraz po mojej pravej, zodvihli by ste ruky, povedzte, “Chcem byť spomenutý v modlitbe.” Myslím, že to je tristo päťdesiat, alebo viacej, po pravej strane.

Tu dole máme modlitebňu s veľkým bazénom vody; pastora, dobrého pastora, brata Ormana Nevilleho, spolupracovníkov, títo ľudia tu okolo, ktorých vidíte a stretávate. Každý deň, každú noc. Každú hodinu, ľudia, ktorí chcú byť pokrstení, ktorí činili pokánie, bazén stále čaká. A ak budete poslušní tomu prikázaniu, ste si istí, podľa zasľúbenia Božieho, ak ste úprimní v srdci, že prijmete krst Duchom Svätým.

119Je len jedno miesto na uctievanie. No, to nie je v modlitebni. To je v Kristovi. Ako sa dostaneme do Neho? “Skrze jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení do tohoto jedného tela.”

Modlime sa.

120Drahý Bože, keď sa zodvihli tieto ruky, oni signalizovali čo bolo za tou rukou hlbšie, v srdci, presvedčenie, že sú si istí, že potrebujú pomoc od Teba. Modlím sa za každého z nich, Otče. A budem citovať tvoje Slovo. Ty si povedal, “Ten, kto čuje moje Slovo a verí v toho, ktorý ma poslal, má večný Život a nepríde na súd; ale prešiel zo smrti do života.”

Otče, niekoľko týždňov som bol preč z tohoto mesta, prichádzam naspäť, pýtam sa, “Čo je s týmto?”

“No, zomreli.”

“No a čo s týmto ...”


121Drahý Bože, jeden za druhým sme zavolaní, jeden za druhým sa musíme stretnúť s tým vyzvaním aby sme išli dolinou tieňa smrti. A to je pred každým jedným z nás, smrteľníkov. Ale, dnes večer, ty si nám ponúkol svoju petíciu, že ak budeme veriť v Neho a dáme sa pokrstiť v Jeho Meno, že nás vezmeš dovnútra. A potom v tomto Tele, v tele Kristovom, nie v cirkvi; ale v Tele Kristovom, to telo bolo už odsúdené. Ono nemusí už ísť na súd. Boh vylial svoj hnev na to telo a to telo je slobodné od hriechu; a keď sme v Ňom, stavia nás slobodných od hriechu, skrze Jeho zmierenie, že On zomrel za nás. A tam máme obecenstvo jeden s druhým, keď krv Ježiša Krista, Božieho Syna, nás zachováva čistých od každého hriechu a poškvrnenia.

122Otče, Bože, prosím aby si zobral každého z nich do Tvojho Kráľovstva. Udeľ to, Bože. Aby nikto z nich nebol stratený; žiadny chlapec ani dievča, muž ani žena. Pane, sedia tu niektorí z mojej rodiny, dnes večer, ktorí sú pomimo tej Krvi. Ako dobre si môžem pamätať slová môjho otca! A modlím sa, drahý Bože, aby nikto z nich nebol stratený. Udeľ to, Pane. Verím Ti teraz, so všetkým čím môžem veriť.

123Zavaň na mojich bratov, sestry, mojich priateľov, tu na toto miesto dnes večer a tam na tých pri telefóne. V niekoľkých rôznych štátoch sú pripojení a počúvajú, od východného pobrežia po západné. Prosím za nich, drahý Bože, tam cez púšte v Tucsone, ďalej v Kalifornii, hore v Nevade a v Idaho, ďalej na východ a všade okolo, dole v Texase; kým je dané toto pozvanie, ľudia sedia v malých zboroch, na benzínových staniciach, v domoch, počúvajú. Ó Bože, nech ten stratený muž alebo žena, chlapec alebo dievča, v tejto hodine, nech príde ku tebe. Udeľ to práve teraz. Prosíme to v Ježišovom mene, aby našli toto bezpečné miesto, kým je čas.

Keď vidíme nápis na stene, zem sa stáva nervózna, čas vyslobodenia je na blízku. Časť nášho národa sa topí, ďalšia časť sa kolíše a praská od zemetrasenia, ako Ježiš zasľúbil že to bude. Nech to nie je pre nich príliš dlho, Pane. Nech to prijmú teraz, lebo ich odovzdávame tebe, ako trofeje z tohoto zhromaždenia, evanjelia, v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

124Veríte Mu? Nech vás Boh žehná. Koľkí veríte, že to je pravda, po ľavej strane, zodvihnite ruku. Koľkí veríte po pravej strane, zodvihnite ruku. Nech vás Boh žehná. Pokiaľ môžem vidieť, každý. To je pravda, priatelia. Boh vie, že to je pravda.

125A teraz keď sme v Ňom, a keď sme v Ňom, máte prístup ku všetkému za čo On zomrel. A za čo On zomrel? “On bol ranený za naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola zložená na neho, a jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení.” Veríte tomu? Veríte teraz v jeho zmierenie za uzdravenie?

126Je niekto medzi nami nemocný? Nech zodvihnú ruky, v pravo alebo v ľavo. Veľké davy nemocných. Nemôžem vás zaradom volať. Vidíte, nemám ... nemôžete prísť na pódium. Nedá sa to tu urobiť.

Na iných miestach majú modlitebné zhromaždenia, za chorých, v zboroch a na takých miestach, tam v modlitebni.

Opýtam sa vás niečo. Koľkí ste tu veriaci. Zodvihnite ruku. Dobre. Budem vám citovať Slovo, ktorým je Kristus. Ježišove posledné poverenie pre svet, lepšie povedané pre cirkev, On povedal toto, ”Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria; keď budú klásť ruky na chorých, oni budú uzdravení.” Koľkí viete, že je to pravda, Marek 16, povedzte, “Amen.” [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.”] Dobre. Prosím vás ako veriaci aby ste položili ruky na niekoho pred vami. Len položte svoje ruky na niekoho pred vami a nech sa teraz každý modlí modlitbu jeden za druhého. Položte svoje ruky na niekoho okolo vás.

127Pane, tu predo mnou je krabica s vreckovkami, malé kúsky materiálu; niekde leží nejaká stará matka, zomiera, dieťa blízke smrti, chorí ľudia všade. Čítame v Biblii, že z tela Pavlovho brali vreckovky a zástery a kládli ich na chorých; a zlí duchovia a nečistí duchovia a choroby a nemoci odchádzali od tých ľudí. A teraz, Pane, vieme že nie sme svätý Pavol, ale vieme, že Ty zostávaš stále Ježišom, tým jediným pripraveným miestom na uctievanie. A teraz, dnes večer, títo ľudia vyznali tú istú vieru, keď veria tak ako verili tí ľudia. Ty si skutočne urobil pre nich cestu! A ja kladiem svoje ruky na tieto vreckovky a prosím aby tie choroby a utrpenia opustili telá tých ľudí na ktorých budú položené v mene Ježiša Krista.

128No, sme učení, že keď Izrael vyšiel z Egypta, v okruhu ich povinností, oni boli na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme. Červené more sa im postavilo do cesty. A Boh sa pozrel dole cez ten Ohnivý Stĺp a more sa vyľakalo, odvalilo sa a dalo Izraelovi prejsť do zasľúbenej zeme. Ó Bože, pozri sa dole cez Krv Ježiša, dnes večer, a nech je odvalená choroba a Satan nech je vyhnaný. A nech ľudia môžu prejsť do toho zasľúbenia dobrého zdravia a sily, do toho čo Boh povedal, “Ponad všetko ti prajem aby si sa mal dobre a bol zdravý.”

129A teraz ako tam vidíš, Pane Ježišu, títo ľudia položili svoje ruky jeden na druhého, to symbolizuje ich vieru, v to čo si povedal, “Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.” Oni sa modlia svojím vlastným spôsobom, jeden za druhého. Ďalší sa modlí za nich.

130A teraz, Pane, toto vyzvanie je vybavené, že Satan, veľký podvodník, nemá žiadne právo držať dieťa Božie. Je porazený. Ježiš Kristus, jediné miesto uctievania, to jediné pravé meno, On ho porazil na Golgote. A my si hneď teraz nárokujeme Jeho Krv, že On porazil každú nemoc, každú chorobu.

A ja sa dožadujem aby Satan opustil toto obecenstvo. V mene Ježiša Krista, vyjdi z týchto ľudí, a nech sú slobodní.

131Každý kto prijíma svoje uzdravenie na základe napísaného Slova, vydaj svoje svedectvo, tým že sa postavíš a povieš, “Teraz prijímam svoje uzdravenie v mene Ježiša Krista.” Postavte sa na nohy.

Chvála Bohu! Tu to máte. Hľaďte tu všade, chromí a iní vstávajú. Chvála Bohu. To je to. Len verte. On je tu. Aké ohromné!

132Tam v obecenstve, vonku, ktorí ste pripojení, mali by ste to videť! Myslím, že každá osoba tu, pokiaľ viem, alebo väčšina z nich, teraz stoja. Ó, čo za nádherný čas! Prítomnosť Pánova, to je niečo! Tam kde je prítomnosť Pánova, tam je sloboda, tam je voľnosť.” Duch Boží nás oslobodzuje.

133On nás uzdravil, veríme tomu. On nás spasil, veríme tomu. Tí, ktorí sa chcú dať pokrstiť, bazén je pripravený. Kedykoľvek, v ktorejkoľvek hodine chcete prísť, bude tam niekto aby to vykonal.

A myslím, že teraz, prv ako zakončíme mali by sme zaspievať tú starú cirkevnú pieseň. “Milujem Ho, milujem Ho, pretože On prv miloval mňa.” Zodvihnime ruky ku Bohu a spievajme to z celého srdca!

Chceme sa tu s vami stretnúť ráno, o pol desiatej, v tejto istej budove, na tému Manželstvo a Rozvod. Dobre.

Spievajme to teraz spolu.

Milujem Ho

Nech to teraz spieva toto veľké obecenstvo! A vy tam, ktorí ste pripojení tiež to spievajte.

Pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.

134Kde sa to stalo? Na Golgotskom kríži. Zatiaľ čo to znovu spievame, chem aby ste si potriasli ruky s niekým okolo vás a povedzte, “Nech ťa Boh žehná, pútnik.”

[Brat Branham si podáva ruky s bratmi.]

pretože On prv miloval mňa

A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.

135Ó, či Ho nemilujete? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, “Amen.”] Či nie je ohromný? [”Amen.”] Je On tvojím miestom ukrytia? [“Amen.”] On je skalou vo vypráhlej zemi, prístreším v čase búrky, jediným útočišťom ktoré poznám. A preto:

Moja viera hľadí na Teba,

Baránok z Golgoty,

Božský spasiteľ;

Počúvaj ma keď sa modlím,

Odním všetky moje viny,

Daj mi od teraz

byť úplne tvoj!

Zodvihnime ruky a spievajme to.

Moja viera hľadí na Teba,

Baránok z Golgoty,

Božský spasiteľ;

Počúvaj ma keď sa modlím,

Odním všetky moje viny,

Daj mi od teraz

byť úplne tvoj!

Skloňme teraz hlavy keď to hmkáme.

Keď kráčam bludiskom života,

A okolo mňa sa šíri žiaľ;

Buď mojím sprievodcom,

temnosť premeň na deň

zotri slzy žiaľu,

Nedaj mi nikdy odísť od Teba.

Kým máte sklonené hlavy, náš milovaný pastor, brat Orman Neville, rozpustí zhromaždenie.

1 Let us remain standing for a moment as we bow our heads for prayer. And now, with our heads bowed, and I trust our hearts are bowed, too, I wonder how many in here tonight would like to be remembered in prayer, of something special? Would you just raise your hand, say, "God, give to me tonight that what I'm seeking for." The Lord bless you.

2 Our Heavenly Father, as we now humbly approach this great Throne of grace, by faith, we move into the Beyonds; where God, and the Angels, and the Cherubims, and all the Heavenly host is assembled together. For He said there cannot be even a sparrow fall to the ground without the Heavenly Father knowing it. How much more does He know here when hundreds of people have their heads bowed, and calling upon Thee for special requests. Father, look down upon the needy world tonight, for we are a needy people.

3And I pray, God, that because that we have assembled here and expressing to Thee our faith in a living God Who does answer prayer; we have come out from among the world of the uncircumcised, of the heart and ears, come out to live a separate life, and to live in confessing our faith in Thee. Tonight we've raised our hands, and saying, "We're needy." Dear God, answer every one of their requests.

4 And then, Father, we pray that You'll visit us tonight in the Word. We come here for correction, for understanding, that we might know just how to live in this present day; what to look forward to, what to do. For, we know the Coming of the Lord is drawing nigh, according to all the signs that the prophets foretold. We're nearing the time, Lord, when complete deliverance will be given to Your children. God, let us, every one, be there, Father. May there not be one missing. That's our purpose of being here, Lord. We love You, and we're trying to prepare for that hour.

5Speak to us, we ask again, tonight. And heal the sick. All the sick and the afflicted that's in the building, we pray that You will heal them, Lord; and especially them with spiritual needs. We pray that You'll save every lost soul. Fill every believer with the Holy Spirit. And renew the strength and Power in Your believing children. Grant these things, Father. We ask much, because You told us to ask, "ask abundance, ask for great things, many of them," that our joys might be made full. And we ask them in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

May be seated.

6 I certainly deem this a grand privilege tonight, to be back here at the platform again, here in this high school, to face these fine people that's gathered out to hear the Gospel. I ask God's mercy to help me to tell you the Truth as far as I know the Truth. He still can close the mouth of a man, the same as He could the mouth of a lion. And if I would ever try to say anything that was wrong and contrary to His will, my sincere prayer is that He would close my mouth, that I won't say it. For, truly, I want to be in Heaven, myself; and I'd never be there, and, besides all that, I'd be a false leader, somebody who had done something falsely. If I do it, it's because I don't know no different. The Lord bless you.

7 Now, tomorrow morning, if it be the will of God, I aim to speak on that subject, Marriage And Divorce. And we trust that you'll come, and bring your pencils and papers. We won't take too long, but I'd just like to... That was my purpose of being back here, first, in Indiana, that I promised you that. And I will try, tomorrow morning. If I don't get it tomorrow morning, I will tomorrow night. But I'm going to try tomorrow morning, if the Lord willing, to speak on the subject, the two schools of thoughts. And may God help us to know what is Truth, just to know what's Truth, so we can walk in Truth and in Light. We...

8 You know, used to have an old colored friend. He said to me, he said, "Brother Billy," he said, "I--I don't want any trouble at the river." He said, "I want to have my ticket in my hand. And when the whistle blows, I don't want any trouble there. I've asked the Lord, a long time ago, if there's anything wrong, let me settle it up right now," said, "because it'll be dark and stormy on that morning when the ship pulls out for the other side." Said, "I don't want any interference. I want to take care of all of it now." That's what we're here for, try to take care of all the interferences, so that we can walk aboard on that hour.

9Now, I won't speak to you very long tonight, because we got two services tomorrow. And then I take right off, somewhere else, to another, more services.

10 But, now, in the Book of Deuteronomy. I wish to read from the 16th chapter, the first three verses, of Deuteronomy 16:1 to 3.

Observe the month of Abib, and keep the passover... the LORD thy God:... in the (fourth) month of Abib the LORD thy God brought thee forth out of--out of Egypt by night.

Thou shall therefore sacrifice the passover unto the LORD thy God, of the flocks and of the herd, in the place which the LORD has chosen to place his name there.

11 Now, my subject tonight is: God's Chosen Place Of Worship.

If you notice, the month A-b-a-d... -b there is, means, "April." The month of April is when they were brought out.

And now the strange thing is that we tonight, as worshipers of God, in this day that we live in, and we find so many different ideas of people. And as long as there is different ideas about thing, there's got different questions; there's got to be one true answer to every question that's asked.

If I would ask the question, "What is this?"

"Well," they'd say, "a desk."

"What is it for?" See?

12Now, there, somebody might say, "It isn't a desk. It's a board." Well, it is a board, but yet it's a desk. You see, there's got to be a true answer to it.

And if I would ask a question about anything, there's got to be a true answer. There can be something close to it; but there's got to be a true, direct answer to every question. So, therefore, every question that comes up in our lives, there has got to be a true, correct answer.

13 And now, today, we hear--hear it said, so many of our people in the world today...

As being a missionary, have taken several trips across the sea and around the world, I've been in contact with many different religions, such as Buddha, and Mohammedan, and Sikhs, and Jains, and whatmore, of the religions of the world. And then here in our own United States; and other foreign countries, meet with all of our different churches, such as our denominational churches, beginning with the early Roman Catholic, and then to the Greek, and so forth, and the--the different rites, and then down into the... all the denominational ages, of nine hundred and something different Protestant denominations.

Now, each one of them, course, you could see their idea, and I cannot blame them. Each one claims that they are the truth, they have the truth. And the people that belongs to those churches should believe that, because they have staked their--their destination, their Eternal destination, upon the teaching of that church. And they're so much different, one from the other, till it makes nine hundred and something different questions.

Therefore, being nine hundred and something different questions, there's got to be one correct Answer. And I would like for us tonight, being that we're trying to go to Heaven, and to meet our Lord Jesus Who we all love, I would like to search in the Scriptures to find that.

14 Now, if it is a Bible question, then it should have a Bible answer. It should not be able to come from a group of man, from any certain fellowship, or from some educator, or from some denomination. It should come straight from the Scripture, where God's meeting place is, of worship. And surely, being God, there is a meeting place somewhere, that He meets.

15Now, we find out here that in Deuteronomy here, at the beginning, Moses reciting back the Scripture, the things that he had told them; how He had brought them out with a great, strong arm, out of Egypt, and had first established them.

They were called "the people of God" until they come out of the Egypt, and then they were called "the church of God." Because, a church is a congregating, or, really, the church means "called-out ones," those who have been called out. And they come out of Egypt, in order to be the church.

16 Now God told them, when they... before they established the temple and whatever they did, "I will choose the place of My worship, and I'll put My Name in it." And that's the only place that God would ever meet anybody, was by His Own choosing. He chose His place. And where He chose His place, He put His Name. The 2nd verse here tells us that, "He would put His Name in the place that He had chosen for people to worship Him in." Now, the thing of it is, we want to find where that place is.

17With nine hundred and something different ideas, being that we're bypassing all heathen religion, and just speaking of Christian religion. Which, I have a feeling for the heathens, or I certainly wouldn't be going over there and talking to them. But, they're wrong. Christianity is the only religion that's true, is Christianity. And I'm saying that not exactly because I am a Christian; because, I believe that to be the Truth. It's the only religion that's right.

18 I've been to the grave where the white horse is changed every four hours. Where, Mohammed, a great priest and--and leader right after Christ, was supposingly to be a prophet, and, I don't doubt but what he was, right after the Maccabee brothers. But when they... He died. He claimed that he would raise again and would conquer the whole world. Now, about every four hours they change guards, and they keep a white horse at his grave. They have, for two thousand years, expecting him to rise again and conquer the world. But you see...

19And you go to Buddha; Buddha lived many hundred years, about twenty-three hundred years ago, the god of--of Japan. And so he was a philosopher, something like Confucius, and so forth.

But all these, for... founders, and so forth, all of them died with their philosophy, and is buried and in the grave.

But Christianity, which is established by Jesus Christ, there is a empty tomb. He was the only Man that ever stood on earth, and lived and said, "I have power to lay My life down and raise it up again." And He did it. And He lives today.

And we know He lives, because He is with us and proves Hisself by physical signs and wonders, that He promised that He would do to show it. Insomuch, as a Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel through the wilderness, it's with us today, even having Its picture taken; performing the signs and wonders that He promised It would do in this day, seeing all the Words that He promised being made manifest this day. Therefore, the rest of heathen world is out. It's Christianity!

20 Now, being that there is nine hundred and something questions about where God meets, "He meets with the Methodist, or He meets in the Baptist, and He meets in this, and that, and the other." Now, there's a question there, so everyone has to seek out his own salvation with fear and trembling.

But tonight I want to try to find, and prove in the Scripture, where the correct place is where God meets and worships with the people. And, if that's it, that's the only place He'll ever meet.

21 Now, we took this text out of Deuteronomy. It's a Greek word which has a compound meanings, or, it means, "two laws." The Greek word, Deuteronomy, means "two different laws."

And that's just what God has, two different laws. And one of them is a law of death, and the other one is a law of Life. God has two laws. To follow Him, and serve Him and worship Him, is Life; to reject It is death. There is two laws in God.

22Now, one of those laws was recog-... made recognized to the world, at Mount Sinai. God gave the law to Moses and Israel. Not that the law could help them, but the law only pointed out to them that they were sinners. Until that time, they didn't know what sin was, till they had a law. There cannot be a law without a penalty. A law is not a law, without penalty. So, therefore, "The transgression of the law is sin, and the wages of sin is death." So therefore, until God made them a law, there was no transgression reckoned to them.

If there's no law here that says you can't run over twenty miles an hour, then you could run over twenty miles an hour. But when there's a law says you can't do it, then there's a law and a penalty behind it.

23 Now, death, the law of death, was the commandments given on Mount Sinai, which told man that he was a sinner. And, to transgress God's law, he died. But there's no salvation in the law. The... It was only a policeman that could put you in jail; it had nothing to bring you out with.

But then He gave another law, that was at Mount Calvary, where sin was reckoned in Jesus Christ, and there the penalty was paid. And not with... Without law, "but by grace you are saved," by the grace of God, through predestination of God's foreknowledge of your being.

24Now we see these two laws, Deuteronomy, speaking of two laws. There was two laws. One was the law of death, and the other one the law of Life.

25 There was also two covenants give to the people. We're going to speak of them in the morning.

One of them was given to Adam on condition, "if you do this and don't do that," but that law was broken. Adam, Eve broke that, in the garden of Eden.

Then God made the second covenant, and give that to Abraham, and that law was unconditional. "It isn't what you've done or what you will do;" He said, "I have already done it." That's grace. That's the law of Life. God did that for Abraham and his Seed after him, that's, all of Abraham's Seed.

As the Bible said, "All Israel will be saved," but that don't mean Jews. As Paul said, "That Israel which is inward, or Israel outward." "Outward," as we spoke of the other night, it was Isaac's children, by sex. But the law of God was through Christ, which was Abraham's Royal Seed, that, "by grace all Israel is saved." That's, "All that's in Christ is saved," all, God's second covenant. But all these things foreshadowed Christ.

26 Now notice the 2nd verse. The 2nd verse here in Deuteronomy 16, "Worship in the place that I have chosen." Now you must worship God, He said, "In the place that I have chosen," not what someone else chose, but, "what I have chosen."

Now, if God chose a place, it behooves us then to find out what He said about it. And where is it? I want to find it, because, truly, I want to worship Him.

We all are here, tonight, to worship Him. We're setting here tonight, as Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Jehovah Witness, Christian Science, and all, but we're all seeking something.

We want to know Truth. The Bible said, "You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free."

Somebody, you can't know what you're doing, you don't know how to do it until you know how to do it; you don't know what to do until you know how to do it, rather. You must know what you're doing and how to do it.

27This shows us that God has a meeting place for His worshipers, in one certain place. In that place, only, God meets His worshipers.

28 Now, also, the place He has chosen for His worshipers, He claimed He would put His Name. Now let's search out and find, through the Scripture, where this place is. Surely, if God said He would put His Name in this place where He had chosen to meet the people and worship with them... or them worship Him, rather, that it's somewhere in the Bible, for it was for all ages.

29And the great unchanging God cannot change. Man changes. But you can put your life upon anything that God ever said at any time, because it is Truth. It is Truth. Because, that's the only thing I can have confidence in, is the Bible. Because, man's word will fail, but God is supreme.

This year I should know more than I knowed last year. You should, too, each day. We are finite, so we gain knowledge.

But God is infinite. He is infinite. And, being infinite, He cannot gain knowledge. He is perfect, to begin with. Every decision has to be exactly right.

30And the way God acted one time, He must forever act that way, or He acted wrong when He act the first time. If a man ever come to God for salvation, upon the basis that He accepted him on, it's got to be accepted on that same basis every time. That's right. If a man ever come to God for Divine healing, and God accepted him upon a certain base; the next man comes, He's got to accept him the same way, or He did wrong when He accepted the first man. God made a basis that He would meet a man on. He made a basis what He would do, how He would do it, and that was through the sacrificial blood of a lamb in the garden of Eden. God has never, no time, ever changed it.

31 He decided how He would save man. We've tried today to educate man into it; we tried to school them, tried to educate them, tried to denominate, tried to do all these other kinds of things; bring them in, shake them in, baptize them in, every other way there is, bring them in by letters. But still remains, the same, God meets a man under the shed Blood of the Lamb. Blood was God's way in the beginning, and Blood is God's way tonight. It's good to do penance and all these things, but salvation only comes through Blood. Blood is the only way that God chose to save man, and He cannot change it.

32Job had the same thing. He knowed that he was a righteous, because he had offered the--the sacrifice that God had required of him.

33 Now, let us search now to see what this place is, and the place He put His Name. We're going to have to find out where He put His Name. Then, if we find out what God's Name is and where He put it, then we've got the place of worship as soon as we find that.

All these things, of course, it was shadows of things to come. All the law was foreshadowing of the things to come.

34Just like, the moon is a shadow of the sun. It serves in the absence of the sun, just like the Church is to serve in the absence of the S-o-n of God. In the absence of the Son, the lesser Light, the Church, the believers, serve God and give Light in the absence of the Son. But when the sun rises, you don't see the moon no more, because it's gone down. It doesn't need its light anymore, because it only gets its light secondarily, off the sun. Now, like husband and wife, the sun and moon is, Church and Christ.

35Now we find, that, these things being a shadow of Christ. Every sacrifice, feast, and everything in the Old Testament, foreshadowed Christ; just as the shadow strikes across the floor. Now here is where we're going to have to find the correct place of worship, is to go back here in the Old Testament where it was given and see what these things were.

36 Now, when a shadow comes across the floor, you can tell whether it's man, woman, or beast, or whatever it might be, because it casts a shadow upon the floor. And as that shadow gets shorter, the shadow being the negative; and there cannot be a negative without a positive. Therefore, when the positive becomes closer to the negative, the negative is swallowed up in the positive. The shadow and the--and the positive comes together, and that's what makes it then the positive.

And if "all the old things," the Bible said, "in the Old Testament, was shadows of the things to come," then therefore Christ was the shadow of things to come.

37So we can see, by the Old Testament types, where He chose to put His Name, and to... for now. Now, as the shadow is, a crosses the floor, I said, is the negative, being a type. So we, the worshipers, also can see the shadows of the Old Testament fading into the positive of the New.

38Now, all the feasts, the holidays, all the tabernacle, all the wood, everything in the tabernacle, everything typed Christ. All the offerings, all the laws, everything was in type of Christ. We've been through it, time after time, here at the tabernacle.

Then we see, by these, that every creed, church, and denomination is left far behind. It's not even in the race, at all. Every creed, every church, every denomination, is completely left out. There is no place for them at all.

39 Nothing is typed in the Old Testament, or anywhere in the Bible, of the church, but the forced unity of Babel tower. That's the only thing that types the unity. Because, it was by Nimrod, a wicked man who went out and forced all the little countries to come into one place and this great tower. It was a religious worship, of course, but not considered in the Word of God. So there is where you see denominational religion typed, the tower of Babel, in the Old Testament. Which, this religion was certainly a religion, but not the religion of the Word of God.

40God has not chosen to put His Name in any denomination. I want the Scripture for it, if it is. I know they claim He has, but He hasn't. He cannot put His Name in many places, because He said He put His Name in one place. And, that one place, each one of our denomination wants to say they are that place, but it's contrary.

But where did He put His Name?

41 Now, and, He, what is His Name, first? We'll have to (Name) find what God's Name is before we can find what it is He is putting in the place.

Now, we find out that He had many titles. He is called the... He was called "Father," which is a title. And He was called "Son," which is a title. He was called "Holy Ghost," which is a title. He was called "Rose of Sharon," which is a title. "Lily of the Valley," a title, "Morning Star." "Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-rapha," seven different, compound, redemptive names, and all of them were titles. None of them were names.

But He has a Name.

42When He met Moses, He had not a Name yet, and He told Moses, "I AM THAT I AM." And when we see Jesus on earth, speaking in Hebrews the 6th chapter... I beg your pardon, Saint John the 6th chapter. He said, "I AM THAT I AM."

They said, "Why, You're a Man not over fifty years old, and say that You 'seen Abraham'?"

43He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." And "I AM" was the One, the burning bush, the Pillar of Fire that was in the burning bush back in the days of Moses, the "I AM THE I AM."

44 And now we find out that Jesus said, also, "I came in My Father's Name, and you received Me not." Then, the Name of the Father must be Jesus. That's right. The Name of the Father is Jesus, 'cause Jesus said so. "I carry My Father's Name. I come in My Father's Name, and you received Me not. Then, His Name was Jesus.

And Gabriel called Him Jesus, the prophets called Him Jesus, and He was absolutely Jesus. Before His birth, even the holy prophet called His Name Emmanuel, which is, "God with us." Then, "God was manifested in the flesh, in order to take away the sin of the world," and, in doing so, He was given the Name of Jesus. So, Jesus is the Name.

And the Name was placed in a Man; not a church, not a denomination, not a creed, but a Man! He chose to place His Name in Jesus Christ. Now we find out that then He becomes the place of God's worship, where you worship Him.

45Ever before He was even born, His Name was called Jesus. It was so important, it was give to His mother by the Angel Gabriel, that His Name would be called "Jesus, Son of God," what He was.

46 There we have it, then. This is it, alone. It is, for Him alone, God's chosen place of worship. God's place, chose. God chose to meet man; was not in a church, not in a denomination, not in a creed, but in Christ. That's the only place that God will meet a man, and he can worship God, is in Christ. That's the only place. No matter if you're Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, whatever you might be, there is only one place that you can correctly worship God, that's in Christ.

Romans 8:1, said, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." That's the Gospel.

47 We can different upon creeds. We can different upon man-made theories. You can go to a Methodist church, you have to be a Methodist; a Baptist, a Baptist; a Catholic, a Catholic. But when once you're baptized into Christ, and become a member of His Body, there is no differences. The middle walls of partition is tore down and you are free, because you're in Christ Jesus. And you worship God in Spirit and in Truth when you are in Christ Jesus. It's God's plan for you to worship Him in Christ Jesus.

48Now, no church denomination can claim this, no one can claim that. How dare you to make such claims? To do such a thing would be an antichrist spirit, be taking away from Christ; to take from Him. You cannot do that. Christ is the only place that God meets the worshipers.

49 They say, today. I've had people to tell me. A man called me not long ago, in Beaumont, Texas. He said, "Mr. Branham, if your name is not on our church book, you cannot go to Heaven." Would you ever think of that? Don't you believe such a thing as that. They think you have to belong to that certain church or you cannot go to Heaven. That's wrong. To believe that, is antichrist. I'll say this: if you believe such a spirit, you're lost. That's a good sign you are lost, because it's taking away from what God did. God never put His Name in any church. He put It in His Son, Christ Jesus, when He and His Son became One. That's the genuine place of worship. No other foundations was laid, no other rock.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;

All other grounds is sinking sands.

Denominations will crumble and fall, nations will pass away, but He will remain forever. No other place that a man can find, to worship God, that God will speak back to him, no place but in Christ Jesus. That's the only place, the only place that God chose to put His Name, and the only place that He meets man, to worship. You're lost, to believe anything else.

50 Notice, all seven Jewish feasts was kept in the same place. They never kept one feast here for the Methodist, and one over here for the Baptist, one over there for the Presbyterian, one back here for the Catholic, and one for the Protestant. All seven feasts was kept in the same place.

51It's a very beautiful type here. We've just went through the Seven Church Ages, going to show that God keep all Seven Church Ages in the Word, for each church age produced a part of the Word, and whenever they produced it and they saw the Light.

Just like the people who first discovered to baptize in Jesus' Name. What did they do? They made a denomination out of it, and it died right there. Then God moved right out into somebody else. He will not stay in one of those creeds and dogmas. He has nothing to do with it. There is nothing perverted about God. God's Word is holy, unadulterated. Christ is God's center spot of worship. He is God.

52All seven feasts must be kept in this one place. You couldn't keep the feast in any other place. But them seven, place... The seven feasts of the year must be kept in one place. Therefore, the Seven Church Ages had to come from the one single place, that was Christ speaking in all Seven Church Ages. That's exactly right. Type, of the Seven Church Ages, but they made denominations out of it.

53 Now let's look at another type while we're along here, that's, the type of the passover, foreshadowed Jesus. We notice here the sacrifice of blood, by death. The sacrifice of blood was the place that foreshadowed Christ. Can a denomination bleed; could you think of a church bleeding, a denominational bleeding? Certainly not. It taken blood, to bleed from a life. And, the life, here Jesus comes in view by the lamb. The lamb was a type of Christ, and foreshadowed Christ, because He was "the Lamb of God," that John introduced, "that takes away the sin of the world." We find Jesus coming into view, here in Exodus the 12th chapter.

54Notice, it was the only place death could not strike. When death was about to strike the land, there had to be a certain place; all from under this died. Only one place! Now, it didn't mean it was one house; but there was one place, that's where the lamb was killed. Where the lamb's blood was, the death angel could not strike, because it was the one place God had put His Name. And that lamb was named back there in the beginning, a lamb. Notice, it was the one place he could not strike.

55 And now the same is today. There is only one place that spiritual death cannot strike, that's the Word. Death can't strike the Word, because It's the living Word of God.

But when you put creeds with It, the Word moves out to Itself. It'll separate like water from oil. You cannot mix it together. Therefore, you see, when the creed comes into a denomination, they all go after the creed; and the Word dies out, and goes on with somebody else and increases It more. Picks up the momentum, as It go from justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, and on out into the Grain! Do you see the path God has trod? Bringing His Name, all the time, right down the same way, because He is the Word.

Notice, It can't die. The Word of Life can't die.

56Notice how perfect, now. The death angel was not forbidden to strike Egypt's great intellectual people. It wasn't forbidden to strike its sacred lands, its great buildings, its pharaohs. Or, the priests of the land, the angel was not forbidden to strike. It could strike any building, any place, anybody, but it could not strike where the lamb was.

Death cannot strike where this provided place of God is, and that is in the Lamb.

57Notice, not even was the... he forbidden to strike Israel or its Hebrew priests, and, or any of their denominations. All must be in God's chosen, provided place, or death struck.

58 Church, wherever you are, what you belong to, makes me no difference. But, there's one thing you must know, you've got to be in Christ or you're dead. You can't live outside of Him. Your church might be alright, as a building; your fellowship might be alright, as man. But when you deny the Body, the Blood, the Word of Jesus Christ, you're dead the minute you do it. It's God's chosen place of worship. There is where His Name is, exactly. There is where He chose to put His Name; not in the church, but in the Son, Jesus Christ.

59Notice, safety lied only in the place of His choosing, in His lamb, and in the name of the lamb.

60Notice, it was a "male" lamb, a he, not a her. Not a church, she; but His Name, not her name. Where He was going to meet the people was not in her name, but in His Name, Him, the Lamb!

61 Now we say, "The church, the great, mighty church, she did this and she did that. She has weighed the storms. We've picked up in population. We're great in numbers. We're a mighty church. She is a great thing."

But God never said anything about a she. He said, "Him." "Him," is the meeting place, the Lamb, not the church. Not her name, but His Name. He didn't put her name anywhere. He put His Name in "Him"!

That's why, "All we must do, or word or deed, we must do it all in the Name of Jesus Christ." If we pray, we got to pray in the Name of Jesus. If we ask petition, we've got to ask in Jesus' Name. If we walk, we walk in Jesus' Name. If we talk, we talk in Jesus' Name. If we baptize, we've got to baptize in the Name of Jesus Christ. For, "All that we do in word or in deed, do it in the Name of Jesus Christ."

62 A fellow said to me one time, discussing that, he said, "Brother Branham, my wife, I don't..." He said, "She, her name is Such-and-such." He's a minister, may be setting here now. And he said, "My wife," said, "she's got my name." I'll just say Jones, because it wasn't Jones. He said, "Now, she don't have to get up every morning, get the broom and say, 'Now I sweep the floor in the name of Jones, and I wash the dishes in the name of Jones, and I patch the clothes in the name of Jones.'" He said, "I don't think you have to call any name at all."

I said, "I believe you do." That's right.

And he said, "Well, why? She don't have to say it. Everything she does is in the name of Jones, to begin with."

63I say, "But you never walked down on a street and got her, and said, 'Come on, Jones.' She had to become, first, by a ceremony, a marriage ceremony, 'Jones.' If she didn't, you're living in adultery. And if you're baptized any other way but in the Name of Jesus Christ, it's an adultery baptism, which is not found in the Bible."

Then, "What you do in word and deed, do it all in the Name of Jesus," after that, what you do. But first you have to come in His Name.

64 There is many fine women in this building tonight, fine, loyal women; but there's one Mrs. William Branham. She's the one goes home with me. She's the one that's my wife.

65There is fine people in the world, fine churches; but there's one Mrs. Jesus Christ, and that's who He's coming for. That's where His Name lays. There is where His worship is, in Her and Her alone. That is true. Oh, yes, sir. We find that to be true.

66Now, that's why, we, "All we do in word or in deed, we do it in the Name of Jesus Christ."

"There is not another name given under Heaven for salvation, but the Name of Jesus Christ." Acts, the 2nd chapter, says that, "For be it known unto you..." "There's not another name given under Heaven whereby a man must be saved, only in the Name of Jesus Christ." Amen. I hope you get it. The Name of Jesus Christ, every...

Highest Heaven is named Him, "All the family in Heaven is named Jesus," the Bible said, "and all the family on earth is named Jesus." So that's God's chosen Name and where He has put It. That's His place of worship, is in Jesus Christ. Now, we know that to be so, no other place to worship but in Him.

67 "There is no another name under Heaven given among man, whereby they must be saved." His is God's Name of redemption. God has a name called Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-rapha, Jehovah-jireh. "The Lord forgives all thy sins." Jehovah-rapha, "the Lord heals all thy diseases." He had many titles. But He's got one Name of Redemption, that belongs to the human race, and that is the Name of "Jesus." That's His Name, He chose to put. Where did He put It? He put It in Christ.

68All other church names, creeds, titles, is death to trust them. You're trusting the Methodist church to take you to Heaven, you're lost. If you're trusting the Pentecostals, the Pentecostal church to take you to Heaven, you're lost. And the Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Catholic, any other church; you're trusting their name, or their title, or their creed, you are lost.

Because, you can't even worship until first you come into the place of worship. Amen. That's the only place God meets the worshiper, is the place He chose to put His Name. All others, you trust in them, you'll die. He also...

69 Another shadow of Jesus here, I've got marked down, the Scripture. Also, He--He foreshadowed here, "He must be without a blemish." The place He puts His Name, this lamb must be without a blemish.

Now, what denomination or system can you pin this to; what church, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, whatever it is? What system, denomination, can you pin that to, "without a blemish on it"? It's all rejected, and refused!

But there is a place! Hallelujah! That place is in Jesus Christ. There is not a blemish on Him. There is no fault in Him.

You cannot pin this. All these people that try to do so, say their church is without fault and all this. It's filthy, Word-breakers, lovers, half dead, Laodicean, creed, but it is not the Truth. But even Pilate himself, His enemy, said, "I can find no fault in Him." His Own enemy testified there was no fault in Him. You can't pin any sin on Him.

70He said to the priests of His days, "Which one of you can accuse Me of sin? Who can show Me that I'm a sinner?"

Tell me one church that can say they never did do anything wrong. Frankly, there is not a one of them, hardly, but what's murdered and done everything there is on the calendar to do, hardly. Then still call themself... No, it's not God's meeting place of worship, in any creed or denomination.

71 My friends, I don't want to hurt feelings, but I am responsible for a Message, and, that Message is, "Come out of this mess!" And if I ask you to come out, where am I going to take you to? Would I take you to the Branham Tabernacle? It's as much fault as any of the rest of them.

But there's one place I can take you to, where you're safe and protected from death, that's in Jesus Christ, God's place of worship. That's the place I'm introducing to you, tonight, where God put His Name. Where He promised He would meet every person that come in there, He would worship with him and feast with him, that's in Christ; not in no church, no tabernacle.

But, in Christ, He is God's Tabernacle. He is the place that God came into, Himself, and dwelt in Him. "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am pleased to dwell in." There is where God tabernacled, brought His Name and placed It upon, Jesus Christ. Therefore, His Name was put in a Man, His Son, Jesus Christ, in which He tabernacled Himself, and in that Tabernacle.

Where, in a type, the old Jerusalem, the old feasts, the old temple, was a type; when the smoke come in, the day that the ark went in, of the covenant, and settled down, and the Voice of God was heard from it.

So did the Voice of God be heard, coming into the Tabernacle, Jesus Christ; which, the Old (natural) was a type and a shadow of the New. And when He come into Christ, He said, "This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in. And I'll choose the place where I'll put My Name, and where I will meet man, and where I will worship at." God chose the place; not in no church denomination, but in Jesus Christ. Yes, sir.

72 He must also be "without a blemish," as I said. No denomination can claim that. They do; they're antichrist.

73Now we find out here, notice His shadow again. The--the lamb is to be kept up. Now, this is found in Exodus 12, if you're marking it down, Exodus 12:3 to 6. The lamb must be kept up four days, to be tried, to see if it's worthy to go to the sacrifice yet. Must be took, examined over and over, for four days, to see if there's a blemish on it, see if there's any sickness in it, see if there's anything wrong with the lamb. It must be kept up four days.

74Now notice. Some of you might have thought that was a little bit, killed on the fourteenth. But, you remember, they took the lamb on the tenth day of the month, and killed it on the fourteenth day of the month, see, which was kept up for four days.

75Now, Jesus, God's Name, Lamb, went into Jerusalem and never came out again until after His death, burial, and resurrection. He was kept up under critics for four days and four nights. How perfect that Lamb was typed, kept up for four days. That's when Pilate said, "I can find no fault in Him."

76 Another shadow of Him, no bone could be broken in Him, which was perfectly, when they couldn't. In killing the sacrifice, they couldn't break a bone. If it was, it was refused. And they already drawed the hammer back to break the bones in the legs of Christ, when they said, "He's already dead." They pierced His side and found Blood and water.

77Notice again another great thing here. I wouldn't skip it by, because He was represented in the offerings, the meal offering.

I remember one time they had a school, in the Bible, called the school of the prophets, and it was quite a school. And we find out that Elijah went up there to that school one day, and they said, "We..." They prayed him to leave, said, "When you're around here, things are too straight." So they wanted him to get away.

And they went out to get him a dinner. And a bunch of the priests went out, or prophets, to get some peas, to make a dinner for him. And when they did, they gathered a great big apronful of them; and when they come back, it was wild gourds, which was poison, and they throwed them into the pot. And the pots begin to boil, and they, somebody, said, "Alas, there is death in the pot. Now we can't even eat."

And Elijah said, "Bring me a handful of meal." And he took the meal and threw it into the pot, and said, "Eat. The pot is healed."

78The meal offering was Christ. Every burr had to be set the same, and every little piece of meal had to be ground the same, for the meal offering. Showing, that, He is the healer. He substitutes, and takes away death, and puts Life; by the two laws. Hallelujah! Where death is, one place; when Christ comes in, Life comes in. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And where there was death, there became Life, because that Christ was brought in, the meal offering.

79 What a great lessons that these things would be if we take time to break them out! Now notice, not one word of the shadows fail. Not one word ever failed, of the shadow. Everything typed perfectly.

He is God's chosen place of worship, and God's Name is given to Him. He is God's place of worship, and God's Name is given to Him. He is the Word of God, and He is the Name of God. He is both the Word of God and the Name of God. "He was the Word made flesh." He was the Word of God, Lamb of God, Name of God, and was God. That's what He was, the chosen and only place of worship to God.

80And God refuses any other place besides in Jesus Christ; you cannot worship Him anywhere. He said, "In vain they do worship Me, teaching for Doctrine the commandments of man." Today we have creeds, dogmas, and everything, that teaches this is the way and that is the way.

And Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man can come to God except by Me." In other words, "I am the Door to the sheepfold. All without are thieves." He is the only approach. He is the Door. He is the Way, the Truth, the Life, all that there is; the only entrance, the only place, the only worship, the only Name.

Everything is tied to Jesus Christ. All the Old Testament is tied to Him. The New Testament tied to Him. And the Church today is tied to Him, by the Word of His commandment. There is not another place, or another Name, or anywhere, where God ever promised to meet a man; only in Jesus Christ, His chosen place of worship.

81 Notice, God has promised to meet His worshipers in only this one place, and that is of His Own choosing; not of our choosing, not of our thinking; but of His thinking, His choosing. And it would be the place where He put His Name, where He chose. So we find out that we find where His Name was, what He chose, by His Own choosing.

82Now that we have found the place He put His Name, that is, in Christ Jesus, and there is no other place, or no other name, are you satisfied of that? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, the thing of it is, if we find where the place is... The worship place is nowhere accepted, only in Christ.

You can repent, you can do that, but you're not worshiping yet. You're asking for pardon. Peter said...

On the Day of Pentecost, when they seen them all speaking with tongues, and great signs and wonders taking place, they begin to laugh, the church did, and said, "These man are full of new wine. They act like drunk people. The..." Mary the virgin, all of them, was together, hundred and twenty of them. And they were staggering like drunk man, and speaking in tongues, and carrying on. They said, "These man are full of new wine."

83 But Peter, standing up, said, "Men and brethren, these men are not full of new wine, for this is just the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoke of by the prophet Joel, 'And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy; upon My handmaids and maidservant will I pour out of My Spirit. I'll show signs in the heavens above, and on earth; fire, pillars of fire, vapors of smoke. It shall come to pass, before the great and terrible Day of the Lord shall come, that whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.'"

84When they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said, "Men and brethren, what can we do?"

85Peter said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is that all future generations." Now we find that.

86 Now we want to find how we get into Him. How do we get into this place of worship? First Corinthians 12 settles it, for, "By one Spirit!" Not by one church, not by one creed, not by one pastor, not by one bishop, not by one priest. But, "By one Holy Spirit we are all baptized into one Body," which is the Body of Jesus Christ, and subject to every gift that lays in that Body. Yes, sir! No joining, no reciting of creeds, no pumping up, letting down, handshaking, or nothing else. But, by Birth we are baptized into the Body of Jesus Christ! Amen. "By one Holy Spirit we are all baptized into one Body."

87And what is that Body? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." How can we be in that Body and deny one Word of It, or place It off somewhere else that It's not even in the Body? How can we ever do it? God's chosen place!

88 Notice, and when you are truly baptized into Him, the true evidence is that you believe Him, the Word.

How can you be a part of Him and then deny Him? How can I deny my hand being my hand? If there... If I do, there is something mentally wrong with me. And how can I? If there is something mentally wrong with me, deny that's my hand, deny that's my foot, there is something spiritually wrong with the believer that denies any Word that God ever said and promised. There is something spiritually wrong with that so-called believer.

89You can't deny one letter of Him, because you have become a part of the same. You are a part of Him because you're baptized into Him; by, the Holy Spirit has brought you into the Body of Jesus Christ. What a beautiful thing!

90 God had a certain place He met--He met Abraham, and there Abraham worshiped. All down through the Testament!

And His promised Word will be interpreted in you, by Him. Did you get that? The Word that He promised to fulfill in the day that you're living in, you will be a written epistle of God, read of all man. Not what you claim, but what God does through you, will speak out louder than anything you could claim. God said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." That speaks through you.

91He spoke of this age, what would be now. The believers of this age has to believe This, what He promised today. Just the same as they had to come into the ark, to be saved; go out of Egypt to be saved; they have to come into Christ, to be saved now, into the Word Message, that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

92How do you get into It? By baptism! Baptism of what, water? By the Holy Ghost! "One Spirit, we're all baptized into this one Body."

93 And His promised Word, He will not... You won't have to interpret It. He will interpret It through you; what you are doing, what He promised to do. The Church that follows Him will be so much like Him until the people will know.

Look at Peter and John when they was questioned about healing a man at the gate called Beautiful. They said, "They perceived," those priests did, "that they were both ignorant and unlearned man," but they take notice that they had been with Jesus. Because, (what?) they were doing the things that He did.

94He must be about the Father's business. And today it must be the same.

95Now, remember, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever; for God meets you in Him, the only place there is; for that is where He has chosen to put His Name, in Jesus. "Jesus" is the Name of God. Remember, Father, Son, Holy Ghost, is titles to the Name "Jesus Christ."

96 When Matthew said, "Go ye therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them into the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."

How it's been misinterpreted today, and say, "In the name of the Father, name of the Son, name of the Holy Ghost." It's not even written. It's, "In the Name," singular, "of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost." Father is not a name, Son is not a name, Holy Ghost is not a name; it's a title.

Ten days later, Peter stood up and said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ." Then did he do what He told him not to do? He did what He told him to do. The Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is "the Lord Jesus Christ." Every person in the New Testament was baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

97 Not one person in the Bible was ever baptized in the titles of Father, Son, Holy Ghost. That never did come into existence until the Nicaea creed was put on at Nicaea, Rome. It was an order of the Catholic church, found, vindicated the same thing, in the catechism. I've got it, that's right, Facts Of Our Faith, and so forth, that it absolutely is a Roman Catholic creed. They'll tell you it's not in the Bible; but they say they have power to change them Words, if they wish to, because of the pope. I different.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. "And whosoever shall take one Word out of this Bible," said Jesus, "or put one word in It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." One Word; not a sentence, or a paragraph, but a Word! "Whosoever shall take one Word..."

98 In the beginning, God fortified His people with His Word. One Word, misconstrued, caused every death, every heartache, every sorrow. Eve, she never broke a sentence; she broke a Word. When Jesus come in the middle of the Book... That was the first of the Book.

When Jesus come in the middle of the Book, what'd He say? "It is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

In the last of the Book, Revelations the 22nd chapter, the 18th verse, the very last part of the Bible, Jesus speaks Himself, said, "I testify that if any man shall take one Word out of this Book, or add one word to It, his part will be taken out of the Book of Life," because he's a false prophet and has misconstrued the people, and their blood will be accounted to his hand, of doing so.

99We must keep that one place of worship, that is, Jesus Christ the Word, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen. All right. Remember, there is no other meeting place to worship, not a place. God chose It.

100 John, way back yonder at the tie between the New and Old Testament. Listen close now. Notice closely. John, that great eagle, come flying from the wilderness one day, his great wings spread. He lit down on the bank of the Jordan, a great eagle prophet that bridged the way between the Old and New Testament, and he called them from right and left. He was calling a day of repentance.

Where come the Pharisees and Sadducees out; he said, "Don't begin to say within yourself, 'We have Abraham to our father,' 'cause I tell you God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." Oh, my!

When he begin to throw his Gospel out, and saying, "There stands One among you, Who you don't know. I've not yet identified Him, but I'll know Him when He comes. I'm not worthy to loose His shoe. But He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire. And His fan is in His hand; He'll thoroughly purge His floor, and He'll burn the chaff with unquenchable Fire."

101 That great Gospel eagle setting there, as he crowed out his great threats. And the filth come out, or Herod, the emperor at that time, proclamator, married his brother's wife. And could you imagine that big Gospel eagle setting there and holding his peace at that?

Some of them said, "Don't you preach on marriage and divorce now, John, 'cause there sets Herod."

102He walked right up in his face and said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." Right!

What, he, was it? He was that eagle from the wilderness. He wasn't trained under man's scares and threats, of some denomination. But he was trained under the power of Almighty God, to know what would be there. He knowed the identification of the Messiah.

Hallelujah! The word means, "Praise our God!" Don't get scared. I've never hurt nobody yet. I am not excited. I know right where I am.

Oh, when I think of him, that big eagle flying out there and setting down! He said, "I'll know Him when He comes."

103 One day he was standing there, a preaching. The priests was across the other side, said, "You mean there'll come a time the daily sacrifice will be taken away; this great temple that we've built, and all the work we put on, us big denomination?"

He said, "There'll come a time when all that'll be done away."

"It can't be. You're a false prophet!"

104And he looked around. He said, "Behold, there He is! There's God's chosen place of worship. There's the Lamb, the real Lamb that takes away the sin of the world." He didn't say, "Here comes the Methodist, here comes the Baptist, or the Catholic." He said, "There comes the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."

The only safety zone there is is in that Lamb of God. In Him alone is salvation; not in any church, any creed, any people, any father, any mother, any holy man, or nothing, holy place. It's in the Holy God, the Lord Jesus Christ, where God placed His Name on a human Being, for redemption, Who paid the price for us sinners. That's the only place that there is salvation. That's the Rock I stand on.

105 John identified Him. He said, "I didn't know Him when I saw Him come walking up, but out there where I got my schooling..." Not in the seminary like his daddy did; not as a priest, trained. But in the wilderness, where he was in the theological seminary of Almighty God, waiting for God's Word; not what some group of man had hatched up, but what God had said about It. And when John looked up and saw the Spirit coming, he said, "I bear record, this is Him." Oh, my!

There is your place of worship. There is your hiding place. There is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. Not no church, no creed, or nothing else, but the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.

106See how John placed it? He didn't say, "You Pharisees is right, you Sadducees, Herodians." He said, "There is the Lamb." That's the place. He has got the Name. He is the One. Not another name under Heaven!

107 Watch what Jesus said about John now. One day John sent to Him, to see what He was doing. Jesus said of him, "He was that great and shining light," to show them the right path that they should follow before His advent, His first advent. Listen close. Don't miss it. Jesus said, "John was that light." Malachi 3, no mistake! The prophet with the great shining light identified Jesus as being the only One, "the Lamb." All other lambs them priests was talking about, and all them other things, was foolish. Here was "the Lamb!" The man with the great shining light, that Jesus said he was.

Malachi 3 said, "I'll send My messenger before My face to prepare the way." And the one that was sent to prepare the way, identified Him, the place. "That's Him! There's no mistake. That's Him! I see the sign following Him. I know that that's Him; a Light coming down from Heaven and going upon Him." It was positive, that was Him.

108 Then, my brother, I want to ask you something, in closing. We might say this. In Malachi 4, aren't we also promised another eagle, a Pillar of Light to be following, to show the erring church this day that He is Hebrews 13:8, "the same yesterday, today, and forever"? Aren't we promised another one to come flying from the wilderness? Amen! That's exactly the Truth. How fitting and matching it is to Luke 17:30, where the Son of man (Eagle) will be revealing Himself to bring to naught all other worship places, such as denominations and so forth!

God chose His place. John said, "There It is!"

109And then we're promised the same thing in this day, Malachi 4, "To turn the hearts of the children back," to say that He is not dead, these things are not for another age; baptism in Jesus' Name was not for back there, but He is now the same. Amen. To bring to naught all other places of worship, that's what the last-day eagle is to do, to show that all the rest of it is foolishness, denomination is folly, but to point them again with the same sign that he did, that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hallelujah!

110 Also, in Revelations 4:7, we had four Beasts that we've just been through with.

The first one was, we've found out, was the lion. That was the first Beast that went forth to meet the challenge of that day, the Lion of the Tribe of Juda.

After Him come the next Beast. And we find out, the next Beast was an ox, which is a beast of burden, a sacrifice. In the days of the Roman cathedral, the Church died out; sacrifice.

The next come, was a man, was a Beast with a face of a man. And that man was the reformers, man's education, theology, and so forth.

But the last Beast that was to fly, the last Beast that was to come, the Bible said it was a flying eagle. Hallelujah! And the prophet said, in this day, "It shall be Light." Oh, my! "In that day there will be Light."

111There is been a day of reformers. There is been a day that's just a shadow, can't call day or night. But in the evening time, in the Eagle time:

It shall be Light about Eagle time,

The path to Glory you will surely find;

In the water way is the Light today,

Buried in the precious Name of Jesus.

Young and old, repent of all your sins,

The Holy Ghost will surely baptize you in;

For the evening Lights have come,

It is a fact that God and Christ are One.

112 Amen! It shall be Light about the evening time, God's only chosen place to worship. Oh, what's this Message come to, what is He going to do? And in his day it shall be Light at the evening time, and (what?) to welcome His children back home to the true promised Land, by the same sign of the Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel through the wilderness.

God's chosen place to worship, Jesus Christ. That's the only place there is. That's the only Name God has for salvation. That's what He has named the family in Heaven, when it's on earth, is Jesus Christ.

113O church, O people, sinner friend, don't trust in nothing else but Jesus Christ. Don't trust in any preacher. Don't trust in anybody else to save you. Trust not in any church, any creed, any denomination. Trust only in Jesus Christ, for He is the Light of the hour.

Let us bow our heads.

It shall be Light about the evening time,

The path to Glory you will surely find;

In the water way is the Light today,

Buried in the precious Name of Jesus.

Young and old, repent of all your sins,

The Holy Ghost will surely enter in;

The evening Lights have come,

It is the facts that God and Christ are One.

114 Oh, brother, sister, if you haven't repented yet, if you haven't been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, would you make that start tonight? Would you give God the opportunity to welcome you into the place where you can worship Him? Remember, outside of there, there is no place that God promised to meet you and welcome your worship.

115You say, "Brother Branham, I worship just as sincere!" So did Cain. He made every kind of an offering that Abel did, but it was the wrong offering. You might go to church, and pay your tithes, and do your duty as a Christian ought to, just as sincere as any man or woman.

I've stood here now for some thirty years, around the city here, and screamed this same Message. I'm getting old. I can't be with you too much longer. But remember, in the Day of Judgment, my voice is recorded, and it'll speak out against you.

116There is only one place that God puts His Name, and that's not in a church, but in Jesus. There is only one place of worship, only one place that you are received, and that is in the Beloved, Jesus Christ. "There is not another name under Heaven, given among men, whereby be saved," no church, no creed, no nothing. Jesus Christ!

And that's supposed to be the Message of the hour, "To restore back the hearts of the children, back to the Faith that was once delivered to the saints." Won't you accept It tonight?

And while we have our heads bowed.

117 And those that would like to be remembered in prayer, would you just raise your hands. We can't make an altar call, because it's just too many. God bless you. My! On my left, I guess there is three hundred.

118Now to my right, would you raise your hands, say, "I want to be remembered." I guess there's a hundred and fifty, or more, on my right.

We have a tabernacle down here with a big pool of water; a pastor, a fine pastor, Brother Orman Neville, associates, these man around here that you see and meet. Every day, every night, every hour, people that wants to be baptized, that's repented, it's always waiting. And if you'll obey that commandment, you are sure, by a promise of God, if you're sincere in your heart, to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

119There is only one place of worship. Now, that isn't in the tabernacle. That's in Christ. How do we get into Him? "By one Spirit we're all baptized into this one Body."

Let us pray.

120 Dear God, as these hands went up, they signified what was beneath that hand in the heart, a conviction that they are sure they need help from You. I pray for each of them, Father. And I'm going to quote Your Word. You said, "He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life, and shall not come to the Judgment; but has passed from death unto Life."

Father, just being gone from the city a few weeks, come back, asked, "About this one?"

"Why, they're gone."

"Well, what about..."

"They're gone."

121Dear God, one by one we are called, one by one we have to meet the challenge to walk down through the valley of the shadow of death. And it's due to every one of us, as mortals. But, tonight, You have offered us Your petition, that if we would believe on Him and be baptized in His Name, that You would take us in. And then in this Body, the Body of Christ, not in the church; but in the Body of Christ, that Body has already been judged. It will not have to come to Judgment. God poured out His wrath upon that body, and that body is free from sin; and, being in Him, puts us free from sin, by His Atonement that died for us. And in there we have fellowship with one another, while the Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, keeps us clean from all sin and defilement.

122 Father, God, I pray that You will take each of them into Your Kingdom. Grant it, God. May there not be a one of them lost; may there be not a boy or girl, man or woman. Lord, some of my own people is setting here, tonight, that's out from under that Blood. How well I can remember my daddy's words! And I pray, Dear God, that none of them will be lost. Grant it, Lord. I'm believing You now, with all that I have to believe with.

123Move upon my brothers, sisters, my friends, here in this place tonight and out yonder by the phone. Several different states listening in, all the way from the East Coast to the West. I pray, Dear God, way down across the deserts there in Tucson, way over in California, up in Nevada and Idaho, way over in the East and around, down in Texas; while this invitation is given, people setting in--in little churches, filling stations, homes, listening in. O God, may that lost man or woman, boy or girl, at this hour, come to Thee. Grant it just now. We ask it in Jesus' Name, that they'll find this safety place while it is time.

When, we see the handwriting on the wall, the earth getting nervous, the time of deliverance is at hand. Part of our nation is sinking, the other part rolling and bursting with earthquakes, as Jesus promised would be. Let it not be too long for them, Lord. May they accept it now, for we present them to You as trophies of the meeting, of the Gospel, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

124 Do you believe Him? God bless you. How many believes that's the Truth, to my left, raise your hand. How many to the right, raise your hand. God bless you. As far as I see, every one. That's Truth, friends. God knows that's true.

125Now while in Him, and being in Him, you have access to everything He died for. And what did He die for? "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we were healed." Do you believe that? Do you believe in His atonement for healing now?

126 Is there any sick among us? Let them raise their hands, right or left. Great crowds of sickness. I can't call the line. You see, I haven't... can't come up on the platform. There is no way of doing it.

They're having prayer meetings out in the other places, for the sick, in the churches and things, down in the tabernacle.

I'm going to ask you something. How many believers is there? Raise your hand. All right. I'm going to quote to you the Word, which is Christ. Jesus' last commission to the world, and to the Church, rather, He said this, "These signs shall follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." How many knows that's true, Mark 16, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. I'm asking you as a believer to lay hands on somebody in front of you. Just lay your hands over on somebody in front of you, and let's each one pray a prayer for each other now. Put your hands over on somebody around you.

127 Lord, here before me is a box of handkerchiefs, little pieces of goods; some old mother laying somewhere, dying, a baby near death, sick people everywhere. We read in the Bible that they took from the body of Paul handkerchiefs and aprons, and they were placed upon the sick; and evil spirits, and unclean spirits, and sicknesses, and diseases, departed from the people. Now, Lord, we know we're not Saint Paul, but we know that You still remain Jesus, the only God-provided place of worship. And now, today, these people has confessed their same faith, as believing like those people did. Surely You have made a way for them! And I put my hands upon these handkerchiefs and ask that the diseases and afflictions leave the bodies of the people these will be laid on in the Name of Jesus Christ.

128 Now, we are taught, that as Israel was coming out of Egypt, in the line of duty, they were on their road to the promised land. The Red Sea got in their way. And God looked down through the Pillar of Fire, and the sea got scared, rolled back, and let Israel pass to the promised land. O God, look down through the Blood of Jesus, tonight, and may the sickness roll back, and Satan be cast out. And may the people pass to that promise of good health and strength, that God said, "Above all things, I wish you would prosper in health."

129Now as You see there, Lord Jesus, the hands of these people laying on each other, they are symbolizing their faith, that You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." They are praying in their own way, for one another. The next person is praying for them.

130Now, Lord, this challenge has been met, that Satan, the big bluff, he has no right to hold a child of God. He is a defeated being. Jesus Christ, the only place of worship, the only true Name, defeated him at Calvary. And we claim His Blood right now, that He defeated every sickness, every disease.

And I call for Satan to leave this audience. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of this people, and they be made free.

131 Everybody that accepts their healing upon the basis of the written Word, make your testimony by stand to your feet and say, "I now accept my healing in the Name of Jesus Christ." Rise up to your feet.

Praise be to God! There you are. Watch over here, of cripples and things getting up. Praise be to God. That's it. Just believe. He's here. How wonderful!

132Out in the audience, on the outside, by the wires, you should see! I think every person in here, as far as I know, or most of them, are standing up at this time. Oh, what a wonderful time! The Presence of the Lord, that's what! "Where the Presence of the Lord is, there is liberty, there is freedom." The Spirit of God makes us free.

133Now that He has healed us, we believe it. He saved us; we believe it. Those who wants to be baptized, the pool is ready. Any time, any hour that you want to come, there'll be someone there to attend to it.

And now I think, before we close, we ought to sing an old hymn of the church. "I love Him, I love Him because He first loved me." Raise up our hands to God and sing it with all of our hearts!

We want to meet you here in the morning, at nine-thirty, this same building, for the subject of Marriage And Divorce. All right.

Let's sing it now together.

I love Him,

Let this great audience sing that now! Way out on the wires, sing it, also.

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

134 Where was it done? On Calvary's tree. While we sing it again, I want you to shake hands with somebody around you, say, "God bless you, pilgrim."


[Brother Branham shakes hands with the brethren--Ed.]

Because He first...

And purchased my salvation


135Oh, don't you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Isn't He wonderful? ["Amen."] Is He your Hiding Place? ["Amen."] He's a Rock in a weary land, a Shelter in the time of storm, the only Refuge I know. Therefore:

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

Saviour Divine;

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my guilt away,

Let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

Let's raise our hands as we sing it.

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

O Saviour Divine;

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my sin away,

O let me from this day Be wholly Thine!

Let us bow our heads now while we hum it.

While life's dark maze I tread,

And grief around me spread,

Be Thou my Guide;

Bid darkness turn to day,

Wipe sorrow's tears away,

Nor let me ever stray

From Thee aside.

While you have your heads bowed, our beloved pastor, Brother Orman Neville, will dismiss the audience.

1Zostaňme na chvíľu stáť a skloňme svoje hlavy a pomodlime sa. A teraz, so sklonenými hlavami a dúfam, že tiež máme sklonené srdcia, chcel by som vedieť koľkí by ste tu dnes večer chceli byť spomenutí v modlitbe, s niečím mimoriadnym? Zodvihli by ste ruku a povedali, “Bože, daj mi dnes večer to čo hľadám.” Nech vás Pán žehná.

2Náš nebeský Otče, keď teraz pokorne pristupujeme ku tomuto veľkému trónu milosti, skrze vieru, presúvame sa do toho čo je ďalej, tam kde je Boh a anjeli a cherubíni a kde sú spolu zhromaždené všetky nebeské zástupy. Lebo On povedal, že ani len vrabec nespadne na zem bez toho, že by o tom nevedel nebeský Otec. O koľko viac On vie, keď tu stovky ľudí má sklonené hlavy a volajú ku tebe o vypočutie ich mimoriadnych prosieb. Otče, pozri sa dole dnes večer na svet, ktorý je v potrebe, lebo sme núdzni ľudia.

3A modlím sa, Bože, lebo sme sa tu zhromaždili a vyjadrujeme ti našu vieru v živého Boha, ktorý odpovedá na modlitbu; prišli sme sem, von zo sveta z pomedzi neobrezaných, na srdci a ušiach, vyšli sme odtiaľ, aby sme žili oddeleným životom a aby sme žili životom, ktorý vyznáva našu vieru v teba. Zodvihli sme dnes večer naše ruky a hovoríme, “Sme núdzni,” Drahý Bože, odpovedz na každú jednu z ich prosieb.

4A potom, Otče, modlíme sa aby si nás navštívil dnes večer v Slove. Prichádzame sem pre nápravu, pre porozumenie, aby sme vedeli ako máme žiť v tomto dni, ktorý teraz prebieha; na čo máme očakávať, čo máme robiť. Lebo vieme, že príchod Pánov sa približuje, podľa všetkých znakov, ktoré proroci predpovedali. Približujeme sa ku tomu času, Pane, keď tvojim deťom bude dané úplné vyslobodenie. Bože, daj nám, každému aby sme tam boli, Otče. Aby ani jeden nechýbal. To je dôvod prečo sme tu, Pane. Milujeme ťa a snažíme sa pripraviť na tú hodinu.

5Hovor ku nám dnes večer, znovu prosíme. A uzdrav chorých. Všetkých chorých a postihnutých, ktorí sú v tejto budove, prosíme aby si ich uzdravil, Pane; a zvlášť tých, ktorí majú duchovné potreby. Prosíme aby si spasil každú stratenú dušu. Naplň každého veriaceho Svätým Duchom. A obnov silu a moc v tvojich veriacich deťoch. Udeľ tieto veci, Otče. Žiadame veľa, lebo si nám povedal aby sme prosili, “proste hojne, proste o veľké veci, mnohé z nich,” aby sa naša radosť vyplnila. A prosíme o ne v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Môžete si sadnúť.

6Skutočne považujem toto dnes večer za veľké privilégium, byť tu znovu na pódiu, tu na tejto strednej škole, pred týmito fajnými ľuďmi, ktorí sa tu zhromaždili aby počúvali Evanjelium. Prosím Boha o milosť, aby mi pomohol povedať vám pravdu, pokiaľ poznám pravdu. On môže stále zavrieť ústa človeka, tak ako mohol zavrieť ústa ľva. A ak by som sa snažil povedať niečo, čo je zlé a nezhodné s jeho vôľou, mojou úprimnou modlitbou je, aby On zavrel moje ústa, aby som to nepovedal. Lebo, skutočne, ja tiež chcem byť v nebi, a nebol by som tam, pomimo všetkého, keby som bol falošným vodcom, niekto kto robí niečo falošne. Ak to robím, to preto, že inak to neviem. Nech vás Pán žehná.

7No, zajtra ráno, ak bude vôľa Pánova, mám zámer hovoriť na tému, Manželstvo a Rozvod. A dúfame, že prídete a prinesiete si ceruzku a papier. Nechceme zabrať veľa času, ale rád by som ... To bol dôvod, že som sem znovu prišiel, prv, do Indiány, že som vám toto sľúbil. A budem sa snažiť, zajtra ráno. Ak by som sa ku tomu nedostal zajtra ráno, tak to budem kázať zajtra večer. Ale budem sa snažiť zajtra ráno, ak dá Pán, hovoriť na tú tému, dve školy myslenia. A nech nám Pán pomôže aby sme vedeli čo je pravda, aby sme proste vedeli čo je pravda, tak môžeme chodiť v pravde a vo Svetle. My ...

8Viete, mal som jedného farebného priateľa. Povedal mi, “Brat Billy, nechcem mať žiadne problémy pri tej rieke. Chcem mať lístok v ruke. A keď zaznie píšťaľka, nechcem mať tam žiadne problémy. Už dávno som sa pýtal Pána, ak je so mnou niečo zle, nech mi to dá napraviť hneď teraz, pretože tam bude tma a búrka to ráno, keď sa tá loď pohne na druhú stranu. Nechcem mať žiadne zablokovanie., chcem sa o to všetko postarať teraz.” A to je to, kvôli čomu sme tu aby sme sa snažili postarať o všetko čo by nás mohlo zablokovať, aby sme mohli v tej hodine nastúpiť na palubu.

9 Nechcem dnes večer hovoriť veľmi dlho, pretože zajtra máme dve zhromaždenia. A potom mám hneď na inom mieste ďalšie zhromaždenia.

10Ale, teraz, v knihe Deuteronomium. Chcem čítať zo 16. kapitoly, prvé tri verše. Deuteronomiou 16:1-3.

Ostríhať budeš mesiac abíb, aby si slávil Veľkú noc Hospodinovi, svojmu Bohu, lebo v mesiaci abíbe ťa vyviedol Hospodin tvoj Boh z Egypta, v noci.

A budeš obetovať veľkonočnú obeť Hospodinovi, svojmu Bohu, z drobného dobytka a z hoviad na mieste, ktoré vyvolí Hospodin nato, aby tam prebývalo jeho meno.

11Moja téma dnes večer je “Miesto uctievania, ktoré vybral Boh.

Ak si všimnete, mesiac A-b-í-b je, znamená apríl. To bol mesiac apríl, keď boli vyvedení.

A teraz to zvláštne na tom je, že my dnes večer, keď uctievame Boha, v tomto dni, v ktorom žijeme, nachádzame tak veľa rôznych ľudských názorov. A pokiaľ sú rôzne názory na tú vec, sú rôzne otázky; musí byť jedna pravá odpoveď na každú otázku, ktorá povstala.

Keby som sa opýtal, “Čo je toto?”

“No,” povedali by, “stôl.”

“Na čo to je?” Vidíte?

12A niekto by mohol povedať, “To nie je stôl. To je doska.” Dobre, to je doska ale jednako je to stôl. Vidíte? Musí byť na to pravá odpoveď.

A ak máte ohľadne čohokoľvek nejakú otázku, musí byť na to správna odpoveď. Môže byť niečo, čo je blízko toho; ale musí byť pravda, priama odpoveď na každú otázku. A tak, preto, na každú otázku, ktorá povstáva v našom živote, musí byť pravdivá, správna odpoveď.

13A teraz, dnes, počujeme - hovoria to, tak veľa našich ľudí dnes vo svete ...

Ako misionár, niekoľko krát som bol za morom a okolo sveta, stretol som sa s mnohými, rôznymi náboženstvami, ako sú Buddhisti a Mohamedáni, a Sikhovia, a Jainovia a rôzne iné svetové náboženstvá. A potom tu v našich vlastných Spojených Štátoch; a iných cudzích krajinách, stretávam sa so všetkými našimi rôznymi cirkvami, takými ako sú naše denominačné cirkvi, počínajúc od včasnej Rímsko Katolíckej a potom Gréckej, a tak ďalej a rôzne ceremónie, a potom ďalej, až ku ... všetky tie denominačné veky, je okolo deväťsto a niečo rôznych Protestantských denominácií.

No, v každej z nich, samozrejme, by ste mohli vidieť ich názor, nemôžem im to vyčítať. Každá jedna tvrdí, že sú tí praví, že majú pravdu. A ľudia, ktorí patria ku týmto cirkvám by tomu mali veriť, pretože na základe toho chcú dôjsť do svojho cieľu, na svoje večné miesto určenia, podľa učenia ich cirkvi. A oni sa tak veľmi líšia jedna od druhej, že až je z toho ponad deväťsto rôznych sporných otázok.

A preto, keď je ponad deväťsto rôznych otázok, musí byť jedna správna odpoveď. A bol by som rád, aby sme dnes večer, ako ľudia, ktorí sa snažíme ísť do neba a stretnúť nášho Pána Ježiša, ktorého milujeme, chcel by som skúmať Písma aby sme to zistili.

14Ak povstáva Biblická otázka, musí byť na ňu Biblická odpoveď. Nebude ju schopná zodpovedať nejaká skupina ľudí, ani žiadne určité spoločenstvo, ani žiadny pedagóg alebo nejaká denominácia. Tá odpoveď musí pochádzať rovno z Písma, kde je miesto na stretnutie sa s Bohom, miesto uctievania. A istotne, keď je Boh, niekde je miesto na stretnutie, kde sa môže s ním stretnúť.

15No, zistili sme tu, že tu v Deuteronomium, na začiatku, Mojžiš znovu prednáša Písmo, tie veci, ktoré im už povedal; ako ich vyviedol veľkým, mocným ramenom z Egypta a ako ich najprv založil.

Boli nazvaní “ľudom Božím,” až kým nevyšli z Egypta. A potom boli nazvaní “cirkvou Božou.” Pretože cirkev je zhromažďovanie sa, alebo, v skutočnosti, cirkev znamená “tí vyvolaní,” tí, ktorí boli zavolaní von. A oni vyšli z Egypta, aby boli cirkvou.

16Boh im povedal, keď ... prv ako postavili chrám a čokoľvek urobili, “Ja vyberiem miesto, kde ma budete uctievať a položím tam moje meno.” A to je jediné miesto kde Boh kedy koho stretne, On sám ho vybral. On vybral to miesto. A keď vybral svoje miesto, položil tam svoje meno. Ten druhý verš tu nám hovorí, že “On položí svoje meno na to miesto, ktoré vybral aby ho ľudia tam uctievali.” No, to hlavné na tom je, že chceme nájsť kde je to miesto.

17S ponad deväťsto rôznymi názormi, keď obchádzame všetky pohanské náboženstvá a hovoríme len o kresťanskom náboženstve. A to, mám súcit s pohanmi, neišiel by som niekde a nehovoril niečo na nich. Ale, mýlia sa. Kresťanstvo je jediné správne náboženstvo, Kresťanstvo. A nehovorím to preto, že ja som kresťan; preto, že verím, že to je pravda. To je jediné náboženstvo, ktoré je správne.

18Bol som pri hrobe, kde každé štyri hodiny menia bieleho koňa. Kde, Mohamed, veľký kňaz a vodca, hneď po Kristovi, je považovaný za proroka a nepochybujem o tom čo on bol, rovno za tými Makabejskými bratmi. Ale keď ... zomrel. On povedal, že znovu vstane a dobije celý svet. No, asi každé štyri hodiny zamieňajú stráže a pri hrobe majú bieleho koňa. Dvetisíc rokov očakávajú, že vstane a dobije svet. Ale vidíte ...

19A idete ku Budhovi; Budha žil pred stovkami rokov, asi pred dvetisíc tristo rokmi, Japonský boh. A tak on bol filozof, podobne ako Confucius a podobní.

Ale všetci títo zakladatelia, a podobní, oni všetci zomreli so svojou filozofiou a sú pochovaní, a sú v hrobe.

Ale Kresťanstvo, ktoré založil Ježiš Kristus, tam je prázdny hrob. On je jediný Muž, ktorý kedy stál na zemi a žil a povedal, “Mám moc položiť svoj život a znovu ho vziať.” A On to urobil. A dnes žije.

A vieme že žije, pretože je s nami a potvrdzuje sa reálnymi znameniami a zázrakmi, ktoré zasľúbil, že ich bude robiť aby to ukázal. Až tak, ako ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol deti Izraela po púšti, je dnes s nami, dokonca máme jeho fotografiu; činí znamenia a zázraky, ktoré zasľúbil, že bude robiť v tomto dni, vidíme všetky slová, ktoré zasľúbil, ako sa manifestujú v tomto dni. A preto, ten ostatný pohanský svet je mimo. To je Kresťanstvo!

20No, keď je ponad deväťsto otázok ohľadne toho, kde sa Boh s nami stretne, “Stretne sa u Metodistov, alebo sa stretne u Baptistov a stretne sa s nami v tomto, a v tom, a tam v tom.” To je otázka, no každý musí hľadať svoje spasenie s bázňou a s trasením.

Ale dnes sa chcem pokúsiť zistiť a dokázať v Písme, kde je to správne miesto, kde sa Boh stretáva s ľuďmi, kde Ho uctievajú. A keď to je ono, to je to jediné miesto kde Ho kedy stretneme.

21A teraz, zoberieme tento text z Deuteronomia. To je grécke slovo, ktoré má zložený význam, alebo znamená “dva zákony.” To grécke slovo, Deuteronomium, znamená “dva rozdielne zákony.”

A to je práve to čo Boh má, dva rozdielne zákony. A jeden z nich je zákon smrti a ten druhý je zákon života. Boh má dva zákony. Nasledovať ho a slúžiť mu a uctievať ho, to je život; odmietnuť to je smrť. V Bohu sú dva zákony.

22Jeden z týchto zákonov bol ... svet sa s ním stretol na hore Sinaj. Boh dal zákon Mojžišovi a Izraelovi. Nie žeby im zákon mohol pomôcť, ale zákon len ukazoval na ľudí, že sú hriešnici. Až do toho času nevedeli čo je to hriech, až keď dostali zákon. Nemôže byť zákon bez trestu. Zákon nie je zákonom, ak nie je trest. A tak, “Prestúpenie zákona je hriech a odplata za hriech je smrť.” A tak, až kým im Boh nedal zákon, nebolo im započítané žiadne prestúpenie.

Ak tu nieto zákon, ktorý hovorí, že nemôžeš ísť rýchlejšie ako 20 míľ za hodinu, tak potom môžeš ísť rýchlejšie. Ale keď je zákon, ktorý hovorí, že to nemôžeš robiť, potom je zákon a za ním nasleduje pokuta.

23Tak smrť, zákon smrti, to boli prikázania dané na hore Sinai, ktoré povedali človekovi, že je hriešnik. A prestúpiť Boží zákon, on zomrel. Ale v zákone nieto spasenie. To bol len policajt, ktorý ťa mohol zavrieť do vezenia; on nemal nič na to aby ťa odtiaľ dostal von.

Ale potom On dal iný zákon, ten bol na hore Golgota, kde bol hriech pripočítaný Ježišovi Kristovi a cena za hriech bola zaplatená. A nie s ... bez zákona, “ale milosťou ste spasení,” z milosti Božej, cez predurčenie Božieho predvedenia vašej bytosti.

24A teraz vidíme tie dva zákony, Deuteronomium, to hovorí o dvoch zákonoch. Boli dva zákony. Jeden bol zákon smrti, a ten druhý zákon Života.

25Tiež boli dané dve zmluvy ľuďom. Budeme o nich hovoriť ráno.

Jedna z nich bola daná Adamovi pod podmienkou, “keď budeš robiť toto a nebudeš robiť tamto,” ale ten zákon bol porušený. Adam, Eva to porušili v záhrade Eden.

Potom Boh urobil druhú zmluvu a dal ju Abrahámovi a ten zákon bol bez akýchkoľvek podmienok. “To nestojí na tom čo si ty urobil alebo čo urobíš.” On povedal, “Ja som to už urobil.” To je milosť. To je zákon Života. Boh to urobil pre Abraháma a jeho Semeno po ňom, to znamená, pre všetko Abrahámove Semeno.

Ako povedala Biblia, “Celý Izrael bude spasený,” ale to neznamená všetci Židia. Ako Pavol povedal, “Ten Izrael, ktorý je ním vnútorne, alebo je Izraelom navonok.” “Navonok” ako sme to hovorili minulý večer, to boli Izákove deti, narodení cez sex. Ale Boží zákon bol skrze Krista, ktorý bol Abrahámovým Kráľovským Semenom, že “z milosti celý Izrael je spasený.” To je, “Všetci, ktorí sú v Kristovi sú spasení,” všetci, Božia druhá zmluva. Ale všetky tieto veci ukazovali na Krista.

26Všimnite si teraz ten druhý verš, druhý verš tu v Deuteronomium 16, “Uctievať na mieste, ktoré som Ja vybral.” A tak musíte uctievať Boha, On povedal, “Na mieste, ktoré som Ja vybral,” nie na mieste, ktoré vybral niekto iný, ale, “ktoré som Ja vybral.”

A tak, ak Boh vybral miesto, potom sa patrí, aby sme zistili čo On o tom povedal. A kde to je? Ja to chcem zistiť, pretože, ja Ho naozaj chcem uctievať.

My všetci sme tu dnes večer aby sme Ho uctievali. Sedíme tu dnes večer ako Metodisti, Baptisti, Katolíci. Svedkovia Jehovovi, Kresťanská veda a všetci, ale všetci hľadáme niečo.

Chceme poznať pravdu. Biblia povedala, “Poznáte pravdu a pravda vás vyslobodí.”

Niekto, nemôžete vedieť čo robíte, neviete ako to robiť, až kým neviete ako to máte robiť. Lepšie povedané, neviete čo máte robiť až kým neviete ako to robiť. Musíte vedieť čo robíte a ako to máte robiť.

27Toto nám ukazuje, že Boh má pre svojich ctiteľov miesto, kde sa s nimi stretne, na jednom určitom mieste. Jedine na tom mieste, Boh stretáva svojich ctiteľov.

28No a to je tiež, miesto, ktoré vybral pre svojich ctiteľov, o ktorom vyhlásil, že tam položí svoje meno. A teraz hľadajme a nájdime, v Písme, kde je to miesto. Skutočne, keď Boh povedal, že položí svoje meno na toto miesto, ktoré On vybral aby sa tam stretol s ľuďmi a uctieval s nimi ... či vlastne, kde oni uctievajú Jeho, to je niekde v Biblii, pretože to bolo dané pre všetky veky.

29A ten veľký nemeniaci sa Boh to nemôže zmeniť. Človek sa mení. Ale vy môžete položiť svoj život na čokoľvek, čo Boh kedy povedal, v ktoromkoľvek čase, pretože to je pravda. To je pravda. Pretože jediná vec ktorej môžem dôverovať je Biblia. Pretože ľudské slová sklamú ale Boh je zvrchovaný.

Tento rok by som mal vedieť viacej ako som vedel minulý rok. Vy tiež, každým dňom. My sme obmedzení, tak nadobúdame vedomosti.

Ale Boh je neohraničený. On je neohraničený. A, keď je neohraničený, nemôže nadobúdať vedomosti. Je dokonalý od začiatku. Každé rozhodnutie musí byť úplne správne.

30A spôsob, podľa ktorého Boh raz postupoval, On stále musí postupovať takým spôsobom, inak postupoval nesprávne, keď to tak robil prvý krát. Ak kedy človek išiel ku Bohu pre spasenie, na základe ktorého ho Boh prijal, musí to byť prijaté na tom istom základe stále. Je to tak. Ak človek kedy prišiel ku Bohu pre Božské uzdravenie a Boh ho prijal na určitom základe; keď príde ďalší človek, musí ho prijať takým istým spôsobom, inak urobil zle, keď prijal toho prvého. Boh podal princíp na základe ktorého sa stretne s človekom. On podal princíp čo bude robiť, ako to bude robiť, a to bolo skrze obetovanú krv baránka v záhrade Eden. Boh to nikdy, v žiadnom čase nijako nezmenil.

31On rozhodol ako spasí človeka. My sme dnes skúšali skrze vzdelanie dostať človeka do toho; snažili sme sa ich vyškoliť, snažili sme sa to zaradením do nejakej denominácie, snažili sme sa to robiť všetkými týmito ďalšími rôznymi vecami; priniesť ich do toho, dostať ich tam potrasením rúk, pokrstiť ich do toho, všetkým možným spôsobom aký existuje, priviesť ich tam pomocou listov. Ale stále zostáva to isté, Boh stretáva človeka pod preliatou krvou baránka. Krv bola Božou cestou na začiatku, a krv je Božou cestou dnes večer. Dobre je kajať sa a robiť všetky tieto veci, ale spasenie prichádza jedine skrze krv. Krv je jediný spôsob, ktorý Boh vybral aby spasil človeka a On to nemôže zmeniť.

32Job mal to isté. On vedel, že je spravodlivý, pretože obetoval obeť, ktorú Boh od neho požadoval.

33Hľadajme teraz aby sme zistili čo je to miesto, a miesto kde On položil svoje meno. Ideme zistiť kde položil svoje meno. Potom, keď zistíme aké je Božie meno a kde ho položil, potom máme miesto uctievania, akonáhle to zistíme.

Všetky tieto veci, samozrejme, to bolo tieňom vecí, ktoré mali nastať. Celý zákon naznačoval veci, ktoré mali nastať.

34Práve tak ako mesiac je tieňom slnka. Slúži v neprítomnosti slnka, práve tak ako cirkev má slúžiť v neprítomnosti Syna Božieho. V neprítomnosti Syna, menšie svetlo, cirkev, veriaci, slúžia Bohu a dávajú svetlo v neprítomnosti Syna. Ale keď slnko vychádza, mesiac viac nevidíte, pretože zapadol. Netreba už viac jeho svetlo, pretože on vydáva svoje svetlo druhorade, zo slnka. Ako muž a žena, je slnko a mesiac, cirkev a Kristus.

35No zisťujeme, že tieto sú tieňom Krista. Každá obeť, sviatok, a všetko v Starom Zákone, znázorňovalo Krista; práve tak ako tieň, ktorý padá na podlahu. A tak tu je to, kde ideme nájsť to správne miesto uctievania, treba ísť naspäť tu do Starého Zákona, kde to bolo dané aby sme videli čo tieto veci znamenali.

36No, keď ide tieň po zemi, môžete povedať či je to muž, žena alebo zviera, alebo čokoľvek to môže byť, pretože to vrhá na zem tieň. A keď sa tieň skracuje, tieň je negatív; a nemôže byť negatív bez pozitívu. A tak, keď sa pozitív približuje viac ku negatívu, ten negatív je pohltený do pozitívu. Ten tieň a ten pozitív sa spolu schádzajú a to robí potom pozitív.

A ak “všetky tie staré veci,” Biblia povedala, “v Starom Zákone, boli tieňom vecí, ktoré mali nastať,” tak potom Kristus bol tieňom, tých vecí, ktoré mali nastať.

37Tak môžeme vidieť, na príkladoch Starého Zákona, kde On vybral, že položí svoje meno a ... na teraz. No keď tieň na podlahe, ako som povedal, je negatív, je príkladom. Tak my, ctitelia, tiež môžeme vidieť tie tiene Starého Zákona, ako vchádzajú a miznú v pozitíve Nového.

38 Všetky tie oslavy, sviatky, celý svätostánok, všetko to drevo, všetko v tom stánku, všetko znázorňovalo Krista. Všetky obete, celý zákon, všetko bolo príkladom, ktorý znázorňoval Krista. Preberali sme to tu v modlitebni čas od času.

Potom vidíme, cez toto, že každé vyznanie, cirkev, a denominácia, to všetko je ďaleko za tým. To nie je vôbec ani na trase. Každé vyznanie, každá cirkev, každá denominácia, je úplne pomimo. Nie je pre nich vôbec miesto.

39Nič také nie je znázornené v Starom Zákone ani nikde v Biblii, ohľadne cirkvi, okrem násilného jednotenia okolo Babylonskej veži. To je jediná vec, ktorá znázorňuje takúto jednotu. Pretože, to bol Nimród, podlý človek, ktorý vyšiel a násilím nútil všetky malé krajiny aby prišli na jedno miesto, ku tej veľkej veži. To bolo náboženské uctievanie, samozrejme, ale nie podľa toho ako to bolo v Slove Božom. Tak tam vidíte znázornené denominačné náboženstvo, na príklade Babylonskej veži, v Starom zákone. Pri čom, toto náboženstvo bolo samozrejme náboženstvo ale nie náboženstvo Božieho Slova.

40Boh nevybral žiadnu denomináciu aby do nej položil svoje meno. Chcem na to miesto Písma, ak je nejaké. Ja viem, že oni tvrdia, že položil ale nepoložil. On nemôže položiť svoje meno na mnohé miesta, pretože povedal, že položí svoje meno na jedno miesto. A to jedno miesto, každá jedna z našich denominácií chce povedať, že oni sú tým miestom, ale to nesúhlasí.

Ale kde On položil svoje meno?

41No, čo je najprv jeho meno? Musíme zistiť meno, čo je Božie meno, skôr ako môžeme zistiť, čo je to za miesto, kde ho On kladie.

No, zisťujeme, že On má veľa titulov. On je nazvaný ... bol nazvaný “Otec,” čo je titul. A bol nazvaný “Syn,” čo je titul. Bol nazvaný “Duch Svätý,” čo je titul. Bol nazvaný “Ruža Sáronská,” čo je titul. “Ľalia z údolia,” titul, “Ranná Hviezda.” “Jehova-jirech, Jehova-rafa,” sedem rôznych, zložených, spasiteľských mien, a oni všetky boli tituly. Žiadne z nich nebolo menom.

Ale On má meno.

42Keď stretol Mojžiša, ešte nemal meno a povedal Mojžišovi, “Ja Som, Ktorý Som.” A keď vidíme Ježiša na zemi, ako hovorí v liste Židom, v šiestej kapitole ... prepáčte, v evanjeliu Jána, v šiestej kapitole. On povedal, “Ja Som Ten Ja Som.”

Oni povedali, “Čo, ty si človek a nemáš ešte ani päťdesiat rokov a hovoríš, že si videl Abraháma?”

43 On povedal, “Prv ako bol Abrahám, Ja Som.” A “Ja Som” to bol Ten v horiacom kríku, ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý bol v tom horiacom kríku, tam vtedy vo dňoch Mojžiša, “Ja Som Ten Ja Som.”

44A teraz vidíme, že Ježiš povedal tiež, “Prišiel som v mene svojho Otca a vy ste ma neprijali.” Tak potom, meno Otca musí byť Ježiš. Je to tak. Meno Otca je Ježiš, pretože Ježiš tak povedal. “Nesiem meno svojho Otca. Prišiel som v mene svojho Otca a vy ste ma neprijali.” Potom, jeho meno bolo Ježiš.

A Gabriel ho nazval Ježiš, proroci ho nazvali Ježiš, a on bol absolútne Ježiš. Pred jeho narodením, ešte aj svätý prorok nazval jeho meno Emanuel, čo je, “Boh s nami.” Potom, “Boh bol zamanifestovaný v tele aby odstránil hriech sveta,” a keď to robil, bolo mu dané meno Ježiš. A tak Ježiš je to meno.

A to meno bolo položené do človeka; nie do cirkvi, nie do denominácie, nie do vyznania, ale do Človeka! On sa rozhodol umiestniť svoje meno v Ježišovi Kristovi. A teraz zisťujeme, že potom On sa stal miestom Božieho uctievania, kde Ho uctievate.

45Ešte skôr ako sa narodil, bolo jeho meno nazvané Ježiš. To bolo tak dôležité, bolo to dané jeho matke cez anjela Gabriela, že jeho meno sa bude nazývať “Ježiš, Syn Boží,” to On bol.

46Tak potom, tu to máme. Toto je jedine to. To je jedine pre Neho, Božie vybrané miesto na uctievanie. Božie miesto, ktoré vybral. Ktoré Boh vybral aby tam stretol človeka; nie v cirkvi, nie v denominácii, nie vo vyznaní, ale v Kristovi. To je to jediné miesto, na ktorom sa Boh stretne s človekom a on môže uctievať Boha, a to je v Kristovi. To je to jediné miesto. Bez ohľadu na to či si Metodista, Baptista, Katolík, Protestant, čokoľvek môžeš byť, je len jedno miesto kde môžeš správne uctievať Boha, to je v Kristovi.

Rimanom 8:1, hovorí, “A tak teraz už nieto nijakého odsúdenia tým, ktorí sú v Kristovi Ježišovi, ktorí nechodia podľa tela, ale podľa Ducha.” To je evanjelium.

47Môžeme sa líšiť vo vyznaniach. Môžeme sa líšiť v ľudských teóriách. Môžete chodiť do Metodistickej cirkvi, musíte byť Metodistom, do Baptistickej, Baptistom, do Katolíckej, Katolíkom. Ale keď ste raz pokrstení do Krista a stali ste sa členom jeho tela, tam nie sú žiadne rozdiely. Tie steny rozdelenia uprostred sú zrútené a ste slobodní, pretože ste v Kristovi Ježišovi. A uctievate Boha v Duchu a v Pravde, keď ste v Kristovi Ježišovi. To je Boží plán pre vás, aby ste ho uctievali v Kristovi Ježišovi.

48No, žiadna denominačná cirkev nemôže toto tvrdiť o sebe, žiadna to nemôže tvrdiť. Ako sa odvážite vyhlasovať niečo také? Tvrdiť niečo také, to je duch antikrista, odoberanie z Krista, odňatie z neho. Nemôžete to robiť. Kristus je jediné miesto kde Boh stretáva veriacich.

49Oni dnes hovoria. Stretol som ľudí, ktorí mi povedali. Nedávno mi zavolal jeden muž z Beaumont, z Texasu. Povedal, “Pán Branham, ak vaše meno nie je zapísané v našej knihe, nemôžete ísť do neba.” Pomysleli by ste si niekedy niečo také? Neverte niečomu takému. Oni si myslia, že musíte patriť do tej určitej cirkvi, inak nemôžete ísť do neba. To nie je pravda. Veriť tomu, to je antikrist. Poviem vám to: ak veríte takému duchu, ste stratení. To je dobrý znak, že ste stratení, pretože to je odoberanie z toho, čo Boh urobil. Boh nikdy nepoložil svoje meno do žiadnej cirkvi. On ho položil do Syna, Krista Ježiša, keď sa On a jeho Syna stali Jedno. To je to skutočné miesto uctievania. Žiadne iné základy neboli založené, žiadna iná skala.

Na Kristovi, tej pevnej Skale stojím

A všetky iné základy sú topiacim sa pieskom.

Denominácie sa rozsypú a padnú, národy pominú, ale On zostane naveky. Človek nemôže nájsť žiadne iné miesto aby ctil Boha, kde bude Boh hovoriť naspäť ku nemu, žiadne miesto len v Ježišovi Kristovi. To je jediné miesto, jediné miesto, ktoré Boh vybral aby tam položil svoje meno, a jediné miesto, na ktorom stretáva človeka, na uctievanie. Ak to veríš nejako inak, si stratený.

50Všimnite si, všetkých sedem Židovských sviatkov slávili na tom istom mieste. Neslávili jeden sviatok tu pre Metodistov a ďalší niekde tu pre Baptistov, a ďalší tam pre Presbyteriánov, ďalší tu pre Katolíkov, a ďalší pre Protestantov. Všetkých sedem sviatkov slávili na tom istom mieste.

51To je tu veľmi pekný príklad. Práve sme prebrali tých Sedem Cirkevných Vekov, chcem tým ukázať, že Boh udržuje všetkých sedem cirkevných vekov v Slove, lebo každý cirkevný vek predviedol časť Slova, a zakaždým, keď ho predviedli videli svetlo.

Tak ako ľudia, ktorí prví objavili krst vo meno Ježiš. Čo urobili? Urobili z toho denomináciu, a to hneď tam zomrelo. Potom sa Boh posunul odtiaľ ku niekomu inému. On nezostane v nejakých týchto vyznaniach a dogmách. On s tým nemá nič spoločné. Na Bohu nie je nič skazené. Božie Slovo je sväté, neskazené. Kristus je Božím centrálnym miestom uctievania. On je Boh.

52Všetkých sedem sviatkov sa muselo sláviť na tomto jednom mieste. Nemohli ste sláviť ten sviatok na žiadnom inom mieste. Ale tých sedem, miesto ... Tých sedem sviatkov v roku museli sláviť na jednom mieste. A preto, tých sedem cirkevných vekov muselo pochádzať z toho jediného miesta, to bol Kristus, ktorý hovoril vo všetkých siedmich cirkevných vekoch. To je presne tak. Príklad siedmich cirkevných vekov, ale oni z toho spravili denominácie.

53No, pozrime sa na ďalší príklad, kým sa tu s tým zaoberáme, to je, na príklad Veľkej Noci, to znázorňovalo Ježiša. Vidíme tu obeť krvi, skrze smrť. Tá obeť krvi bola miestom, ktoré znázorňovalo Krista. Či môže denominácia krvácať; myslíte, že by mohla nejaká cirkev krvácať, mohla by denominácia krvácať? Samozrejme že nie. Na to je potrebná krv, aby krvácala zo života. A ten život, cez toho baránka tu začíname vidieť Ježiša. Ten baránok bol príkladom Krista a znázorňoval Krista, pretože On bol “Baránok Boží,” ktorého Ján predstavil, “ktorý sníma hriech sveta.” Tu v Exoduse v 12. kapitole začíname vidieť Ježiša.

54Všimnite si, to bolo jediné miesto, kde smrť nemohla zasiahnuť. Keď smrť mala zasiahnuť tú krajinu, muselo tam byť určité miesto; všetko čo sa tam nenachádzalo zomrelo. Bolo len jedno miesto! No, to neznamená, že to bol len jeden dom; ale bolo tam len jedno miesto, to bolo tam, kde bol zabitý baránok. Tam kde bola krv baránka, tam anjel smrti nemohol zasiahnuť, pretože to bolo to jediné miesto, kde Boh položil svoje meno. A ten baránok dostal meno tam na začiatku, baránok. Všimnite si, to bolo to jediné miesto, kde on nemohol zasiahnuť.

55A tak isto je to dnes. Je len jedno miesto, kde duchovná smrť nemôže zasiahnuť, to je Slovo. Smrť nemôže zasiahnuť Slovo, pretože ono je živým Slovom Božím.

Ale keď ku tomu dáte vyznania, Slovo odchádza a ide do seba. Oddelí sa ako voda od oleja. Nemôžete to spolu zmiešať. A preto, vidíte, keď prichádza vyznanie do denominácie, oni všetci idú za vyznaním; a Slovo tam vymiera a ide ďalej s niekým iným a viacej Ho pribúda. Naberá obrátky, ako to ide od ospravedlnenia, posvätenia, krstu Duchom Svätým a ďalej do Zrna! Vidíte tú cestu, ktorú Boh prešiel? Nesie Jeho meno, po celý čas stále ďalej tak isto, pretože On je Slovo.

Všimnite si, Ono nemôže zomrieť. Slovo Života nemôže zomrieť.

56Všimnite si teraz, aké je to dokonalé. Anjel smrti nemal zakázané udrieť veľkých, vzdelaných ľudí v Egypte. On nemal zakázané udrieť ich posvätné miesta, ich veľké budovy, ich faraónov. Alebo kňazov v tej krajine, ten anjel nemal zakázané ich udrieť. On mohol udrieť každú budovu, každé miesto, každého, ale nemohol udrieť tam kde bol baránok.

Smrť nemôže udrieť tam, kde je toto Božie pripravené miesto a to je v Baránkovi.

57Všimnite si, vôbec nemal ... on nemal zakázané udrieť Izrael alebo ich Hebrejských kňazov, alebo ktorúkoľvek z ich denominácií. Všetko muselo byť na Božom vybranom, pripravenom mieste,inak zasiahla smrť.

58Cirkev, kdekoľvek si, do čohokoľvek patríš, to nerobí žiadny rozdiel. Ale, je jedna vec, ktorú musíš vedieť, musíš byť v Kristovi inak si mŕtvy. Nemôžeš žiť pomimo Neho. Tvoja cirkev môže byť v poriadku, ako budova; tvoje obecenstvo môže byť v poriadku, ako ľudia. Ale keď zaprieš telo, Krv, Slovo Ježiša Krista, si mŕtvy v tej minúte keď to urobíš. To je Božie vybrané miesto na uctievanie. Tam je Jeho meno, presne. Tam je to miesto, ktoré On vybral aby tam položil Svoje meno; nie do cirkvi, ale do Syna, Ježiša Krista.

59Všimnite si, bezpečne postavený jedine na mieste, ktoré On vybral, v Jeho baránkovi a v mene toho baránka.

60Všimnite si, to bol “samec” baránok, on, nie ona. Nie cirkev, ona; ale Jeho meno, nie jej meno. Miesto kde On išiel stretnúť ľudí nebolo v jej mene, ale v Jeho mene, v Ňom, v Baránkovi!

61No my hovoríme, “Cirkev, veľká, ohromná cirkev. Ona urobila toto a urobila tamto. Ona pretrvala búrky. Vzrástli sme v populácii. Je nás veľké množstvo. Sme mocná cirkev. Ona je niečím veľkým.”

Ale Boh nepovedal nič o nej. On povedal, “On.” “On,” je miestom stretnutia, Baránok, nie cirkev. Nie jej meno, ale Jeho meno. On nikde nedal jej meno. Boh položil svoje meno do “Neho”!

Preto, “Všetko čo robíme v slove alebo v čine, musíme to všetko robiť v mene Ježiša Krista.” Keď sa modlíme, musíme sa modliť v mene Ježiša. Keď niečo prosíme, musíme to prosiť v mene Ježiša. Keď chodíme, chodíme v mene Ježiša, keď hovoríme, hovoríme v mene Ježiša. Keď krstíme, musíme krstiť v mene Ježiša Krista. Lebo, “Všetko čo robíme v slove alebo v skutku, robíme to v mene Ježiša Krista.”

62Jeden človek mi raz povedal, keď sme o tom hovorili, povedal, “Brat Branham, moja žena, ja ne ... Ona, jej meno je to a to.” On je kazateľ, možno tu teraz sedí. A povedal, “Moja žena, ona má moje meno.” Poviem napríklad Jonesová, pretože nie je Jonesová. Povedal, “No, ona nemusí každé ráno vstávať brať metlu a hovoriť - zametám podlahu v mene Jones, umývam riad v mene Jones, prišívam záplatu na šaty v mene Jones. Myslím, že nemusíš volať vôbec žiadne meno.”

Povedal som, “Ja verím, že musíš.” Je to tak.

A on povedal, “No. Prečo? Ona to nemusí hovoriť. Všetko čo robí je v mene Jones, od začiatku.”

63Povedal som, “Ale ty si neišiel len tak po ulici a nezobral si si ju, nepovedal si - Poď Jonesová. - Ona sa prv musela stať Jonesová cez obrad, manželský obrad. Ak nie, žijete v cudzoložstve. A ak si pokrstený akýmkoľvek iným spôsobom, ako v mene Ježiša Krista, to je cudzoložný krst, a to v Biblii nenachádzame.”

Potom, “Čo robíte v Slove alebo v skutku, robte to všetko v mene Ježiša,” po tom, keď to robíš. Ale prv musíš prísť do Jeho Mena.

64Je veľa dobrých žien dnes večer v tejto budove, milých, verných žien; ale je len jedna pani Branhamová. Ona je tá, ktorá ide so mnou domov. Ona je jediná, ktorá je mojou ženou.

65Na svete sú dobrí ľudia, dobré cirkvi; ale je jedna pani Ježiš Kristus, a to je tá pre ktorú On prichádza. Tam leží Jeho meno. Tam je miesto Jeho uctievania, v nej a jedine v nej. To je pravda. Ó tak veru. Nachádzame, že to je pravda.

66No to je prečo my, “Všetko čo robíme v slove alebo v skutku, robíme to v mene Ježiša Krista.”

Nieto iného mena daného pod nebom na spasenie, okrem mena Ježiša Krista.” Skutky, druhá kapitola hovorí, že “Nech vám je to známe ...” “Nieto iného mena daného pod nebom, skrze ktoré by človek mohol byť spasený, jedine v mene Ježiša Krista.” Amen. Dúfam že to rozumiete. Meno Ježiša Krista, každý ...

Najvyššie nebesia sú pomenované podľa Neho, “Celá rodina na nebesiach má meno Ježiš,” Biblia povedala, “a celá rodina na zemi má meno Ježiš.” Tak to je Božie vybrané meno a to kde ho položil. To je jeho miesto na uctievanie, v Ježišovi Kristovi. No, vieme, že je to tak, nieto iné miesto na uctievanie, len v Ňom.

67“Nieto iného mena pod nebom daného ľuďom, skrze ktoré musia byť spasení.” On je Božím menom vykúpenia. Boh má meno, ktoré sa nazýva Jehova-jirech, Jehova-rafa, Jehova-jirech. “Pán odpúšťa všetky tvoje hriechy.” Jehova-rafa, “Pán uzdravuje všetky tvoje nemoci.” On má veľa titulov. Ale má jedno meno vykúpenia, ktoré patrí tej ľudskej rase a to je meno “Ježiš.” To je jeho meno, ktoré sa rozhodol položiť. Kde ho položil? Položil ho do Krista.

68Všetky iné cirkevné mená, vyznania, tituly, spoliehať na ne je smrť. Spoliahate na Metodistickú cirkev, že vás dostane do neba, ste stratení. Ak spoliehate na Letničných, na Letničnú cirkev, že vás dostane do neba, ste tsratení. Na Baptistickú, Luteránsku, Presbyteriánsku, Katolícku, na akúkoľvek cirkev; ak spoliehate na ich meno, alebo na ich titul, alebo na ich vyznanie, ste stratení.

Pretože, nemôžete ani ctiť Boha, až kým prv neprídete na miesto uctievania. Amen. To je jediné miesto kde Boh stretáva veriaceho, to je miesto, ktoré On vybral, aby tam položil svoje meno. Všetky iné, ak na ne spoliehate, zomriete. On tiež ...

69Tu je ďalší tieň znázorňujúci Ježiša, poznačil som si to miesto Písma. Tu je tiež znázornený, “Musí byť bez vady.” To miesto, kde On položil svoje meno, tento baránok musí byť bez vady.

No, na ktorú denomináciu alebo systém môžete toto pripnúť; na ktorú cirkev, na Katolícku, Protestantskú, Židovskú, či na akú? Na aký systém, denomináciu môžete toto pripnúť, “bez poškvrny”? To všetko je odmietnuté, zavrhnuté!

Ale je miesto! Haleluja! To miesto je v Ježišovi Kristovi. Nieto na Ňom vady. Nieto na Ňom chyby.

Nemôžete toto pripnúť. Všetci títo ľudia, ktorí sa to snažia urobiť, ktorí hovoria, že ich cirkev je bez chyby a všetko toto. To je špinavé, sú to porušovatelia Slova, milovníci, napoly mŕtvi, Laodičania, majú vyznanie, ale to ne je Pravda. Ale ešte aj sám Pilát, jeho nepriateľ povedal, “Nenachádzam na Ňom viny.” Jeho vlastný nepriateľ vydal svedectvo, že nieto na Ňom chyba. Nemôžete na Neho pripnúť žiadny hriech.

70On vo svojich dňoch povedal tým kňazom, “Kto z vás ma usvedčí z hriechu? Kto mi môže ukázať, že som hriešnik?

Ukážte mi jednu cirkev, ktorá môže povedať, že nikdy neurobili nič zlé. Úprimne povedané, nieto ani jedna z nich, sotva, ktorá by nevraždila a nerobila všetko, čo je v kalendári naplánované, sotva. A potom sa stále ešte nazývajú ... Nie, to nie je Božie miesto na stretnutie a uctievanie, v žiadnom vyznaní ani v denominácii.

71Moji priatelia, nechcem uraziť pocity, ale som zodpovedný za posolstvo a to posolstvo je “Vyjdite z toho neporiadku!” A keď vás žiadam aby ste vyšli, kde vás zoberiem? Či vás zoberiem do Branhamovej Modlitebni? Ona má toľko chýb ako aj tie ostatné.

Ale je jedno miesto na ktoré vás môžem zobrať, kde ste bezpeční a chránení od smrti, to je v Ježišovi Kristovi, na Božom mieste uctievania. To je miesto, ktoré vám predstavujem, dnes večer, kde Boh položil svoje meno. Kde zasľúbil, že stretne každého, kto tam príde, On s ním bude v uctievaní a na hostine, to je v Kristovi, nie v žiadnej cirkvi, v žiadnom zbore.

Ale v Kristovi, On je Božím príbytkom. On je tým miestom, na ktoré prišiel sám Boh a prebýval v ňom. “To je môj milovaný syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať.” Tam Boh býval, priniesol tam svoje meno a umiestnil ho tam, v Ježišovi Kristovi. A preto, jeho meno bolo vložené do človeka, do jeho syna, do Ježiša Krista, v ktorom on sám prebýval, v tom príbytku.

Kde, na príklade, ten starý Jeruzalem, tie staré sviatky, ten starý chrám, to bol príklad; do ktorého vošiel dym, toho dňa keď tam vošla truhla zmluvy a bola tam položená a bolo počuť z tade Boží hlas.

Tak bolo počuť hlas Boží, ako vchádza do Chrámu, do Ježiša Krista; a ten, starý (prirodzený) chrám bol typom a naznačoval ten nový. A keď On vošiel do Krista, povedal, “Toto je môj milovaný syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať. A Ja vyberiem miesto, kde položím svoje meno a kde sa stretnem s človekom, a kde budem uctievaný. Boh vybral to miesto; nie v žiadnej cirkevnej denominácii ale v Ježišovi Kristovi. Tak veru.

72 On musí byť tiež “bez vady,” ako som povedal. Žiadna denominácia to o sebe nemôže povedať. Hovoria to; sú antikristom.

73Vidíme tu, všimnite si znovu jeho tieň. Toho baránka mali opatrovať, dávajúc naňho pozor. No, toto je v Exoduse 12, ak si to značíte, Exodus 12:3-6. Ten baránok musel byť opatrovaný štyri dni, aby ho overili, aby zistili či je hodný ísť na obeť. Musel byť zobraný, znovu a znovu vyšetrovaný za štyri dni aby vedeli, či nie je na ňom vada, či nemá nejakú chorobu, či nie je na ňom niečo zlé. Museli ho opatrovať štyri dni.

74A všimnite si. Niektorí z vás ste si možno mysleli, že to bolo krátko, bol zabitý štrnásteho dňa. Ale, pamätajte, oni zobrali toho baránka desiateho dňa v mesiaci a zabili ho štrnásteho dňa v mesiaci, vidíte, tak ho tam držali štyri dni.

75No, Ježiš, Baránok s Božím menom, vošiel do Jeruzalema a nevyšiel až po svojej smrti, pohrabe a vzkriesení. On tam bol držaný kritikmi za štyri dni a štyri noci. Ako dokonale bol ten baránok znázornený, držaný za štyri dni. Vtedy Pilát povedal, “Nemôžem nájsť na ňom žiadnej viny.”

76Ďalší jeho predobraz, žiadna kosť na Ňom nemôže byť zlomená, čo bolo dokonale. Vtedy nemohli, pri zabíjaní tej obeti nemohla byť zlomená kosť. Ak by bola, bol by odmietnutý. A oni už priniesli kladivo aby zlomili Kristovi kosti na nohách, keď povedali, “Už je mŕtvy.” Prebodli jeho bok a vytiekla krv a voda.

77Všimnite si tu znovu ďalšiu veľkú vec. Aby som to nepreskočil, pretože On bol reprezentovaný v tých obetiach, v obeti múky.

Pamätám sa raz oni mali školu, v Biblii, nazývalo sa to škola prorokov a to bola poriadna škola. A čítame, že tam Eliáš raz išiel do tej školy a povedali mu, “My ...” Prosili ho aby odišiel, povedali, “Keď si tu, hovoríš príliš otvorene.” Tak chceli aby odišiel.

A išli mu pripraviť večeru. A niekoľko kňazov išlo, či vlastne prorokov, išli nazbierať nejaký hrach, aby mu pripravili večeru. A keď išli, nazbierali toho za veľkú zásteru; a keď prišli naspäť, boli to divé tekvice a to bola otrava, a oni ich hodili do hrnca. A to sa začalo variť a niekto povedal, “Beda, v hrnci je smrť. Nemôžeme to vôbec jesť.”

A Eliáš povedal, “Prineste mi za hrsť múky.” A zobral tú múku a hodil ju do hrnca a povedal, “Jedzte. Hrniec je uzdravený.”

78Tou obeťou múky bol Kristus. Každé jej zrnko muselo byť také isté, každý malý kúsok tej múky musel byť zomletý rovnako, na tú obeť múky. To ukazuje, že On je uzdravovateľ. On nahradzuje a odstraňuje smrť a kladie tam život; cez tie dva zákony. Haleluja! Tam kde je smrť, jedno miesto; keď tam vchádza Kristus, vchádza tam život. On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A kde bola smrť, tam nastáva život, pretože tam bol privedený Kristus, obeť múky.

79Čo za veľké lekcie by boli v týchto veciach, keby sme mali čas vojsť do toho! No všimnite si, ani jedno slovo z tých predobrazov nesklamalo, z tých tieňov. Všetko presne znázornili.

On je miestom uctievania, ktoré vybral Boh a Jemu je dané Božie meno. On je Božím miestom na uctievanie a jemu je dané Božie meno. On je Slovo Božie a On je meno Božie. On je oboje, Slovo Božie a meno Božie. “On bol Slovom, ktoré sa stalo telom.” On bol Božím Slovom, Baránkom Božím, menom Božím, a bol Bohom. To je to čím On bol, tým vybraným a jediným miestom na uctievanie Boha.

80A Boh odmietol každé iné miesto okrem v Ježišovi Kristovi, nemôžete ho uctievať kdekoľvek. On povedal, “Nadarmo ma ctia, učiac učenia, ktoré sú nariadeniami ľudí.” Dnes máme vyznania, dogmy a všetko možné, ktoré učia, že toto je cesta a tamto je tá cesta.

A Ježiš povedal, “Ja som cesta, pravda a život a nikto nemôže prísť k Bohu, len skrze Mňa.” Inými slovami, “Ja som dverami do ovčínca. A vonku sú zlodeji.” On je jedinou prístupovou cestou. On je dverami. On je cesta, Pravda, Život, všetko čo je; jediný vchod, jediné miesto, jediné uctievanie, jediné meno.

Všetko je viazané na Ježiša Krista. Celý Starý Zákon je viazaný na Neho. Nový Zákon je viazaný na Neho. A cirkev dnes je viazaná na Neho, skrze Slovo jeho prikázania. Nieto iné miesto, ani iné meno ani nič nikde, kde by Boh zasľúbil stretnúť sa s človekom; jedine v Ježišovi Kristovi, na Jeho vybranom mieste uctievania.

81Všimnite si, Boh sľúbil, že stretne svojich ctiteľov jedine na tomto jednom mieste a to je miesto, ktoré On sám vybral; nie my sme to vybrali, nie z nášho vymyslenia; ale Jeho myslenie, Jeho vybranie. A to je to miesto, kde On položil svoje meno, kde to vybral. Tak vidíme, že sme našli kde je jeho meno, ktoré On vybral, skrze Jeho vlastné vybranie.

82No, našli sme miesto, kde On položil svoje meno, to je v Kristovi Ježišovi a nie je žiadne iné miesto, ani žiadne iné meno. Či ste presvedčení o tom? Povedzte “Amen.” [zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.”] No to hlavné na tom je, že keď sme našli kde je to miesto ... Miesto uctievania nie je nikde inde akceptované, jedine v Kristovi.

Môžete činiť pokánie, môžete to robiť, ale ešte Ho neuctievate. Prosíte o odpustenie. Peter povedal ...

Na deň Letníc, keď ich videli všetkých hovoriť v jazykoch a diali sa veľké znamenia a zázraky, oni sa začali smiať, cirkev sa smiala a povedali, “Títo sú naplnení novým vínom. Správajú sa ako opití. “ Mária panna, oni všetci boli spolu, sto dvadsiati. A koktali sa ako opití a hovorili v jazykoch a tak sa správali. Ľudia povedali, “Títo sú opití novým vínom.”

83Ale Peter sa postavil a povedal, “Mužovia a bratia, títo nie sú opití novým vínom, lebo je ešte len tretia hodina dňa. Ale toto je to, čo bolo povedané skrze proroka Joela. “A stane sa v posledných dňoch, hovorí Boh, že vylejem svojho Ducha na každé telo; vaši synovia a dcéry budú prorokovať; na mojich sluhov a na dievky vylejem svojho Ducha. Ukážem znamenia hore na nebi a na zemi; oheň, stĺpy ohňa, pary dymu. Stane sa prv, ako príde hrozný a strašný deň Pánov, že ktokoľvek bude vzývať meno Pánove bude spasený.”

84Keď toto počuli, boli bodnutí vo svojich srdciach a povedali, “Mužovia bratia, čo máme robiť?”

85Peter povedal, “Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Pána Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov a dostanete dar Ducha Svätého. Lebo to zasľúbenie je pre celé budúce generácie.” Uvideli sme to.

86A teraz chceme zistiť ako sa dostaneme do neho. Ako sa dostaneme na toto miesto uctievania? Prvá Korinťanom 12 to vyjasňuje, lebo “Skrze jedného Ducha!” Nie skrze jednu cirkev, nie skrze jedno vyznanie, nie skrze jedného pastora, nie skrze jedného biskupa, nie skrze jedného kňaza. Ale, “Skrze jedného Ducha Svätého sme všetci pokrstení do jedného tela.” a to je telo Ježiša Krista, poddaní každému daru, ktorý leží v tom tele. Tak veru! Nie tým, že sa niekde pripojíte, nie tým, že odrecitujete vyznanie, nie tým, že sa napumpujete hore, znížite sa dole, potrasiete si ruky, ani ničím takým. Ale, skrze Narodenie sme pokrstení do Tela Ježiša Krista! Amen. “Skrze Svätého Ducha sme všetci pokrstení do jedného Tela.”

87A čím je to Telo? “Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.” Ako môžeme byť v tom tele a zapierať jedno Slovo z neho alebo to umiestniť niekde inde, že to nie je ani v Tele? Ako môžeme niečo také robiť? Božie vybrané miesto!

88Všimnite si, a keď ste skutočne pokrstení do Neho, ten skutočný dôkaz je to, že veríte Jemu, Slovu.

Ako môžete byť časťou Neho a potom Ho zapierať? Ako môžem zapierať svoju ruku, keď je to moja ruka? Ak je ... Ak to robím, mentálne nie je niečo so mnou v poriadku. A ako môžem? Ak mentálne niečo nie je so mnou v poriadku, zapieram, že to je moja ruka, zapieram, že toto je moja noha, potom duchovne nie je niečo v poriadku s takým veriacim, ktorý zapiera nejaké Slovo, ktoré Boh povedal a zasľúbil. Niečo duchovne nie je v poriadku s tým, tak zvaným veriacim.

89Nemôžete zaprieť z Neho ani jedno písmeno, pretože ste sa stali časťou toho istého. Ste časťou Neho, pretože ste pokrstení do Neho; skrze to, Duch Svätý vás priniesol do tela Ježiša Krista. Čo za nádherná vec!

90Boh mal určité miesto, kde stretol Abraháma a tam Abrahám uctieval Boha. Cez celý Testament!

A jeho zasľúbené Slovo bude vyložené v tebe cez Neho. Porozumeli ste to? Slovo, ktoré On zasľúbil, že sa vyplní v tomto dni v ktorom vy žijete, vy budete napísanou Božou epištolou, čítanou všetkými ľuďmi. Nie to čo vy tvrdíte, ale to čo robí Boh cez vás, to bude hovoriť hlasnejšie, než čokoľvek čo môžete tvrdiť. Boh povedal, “Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať veriacich.” To hovorí cez teba.

91On hovoril o tomto veku, čo bude teraz. Veriaci tohoto veku musia veriť Tomu, čo On zasľúbil na dnes. Presne tak isto ako museli vojsť do archy, aby boli spasení; odísť z Egypta, aby boli spasení; musia vojsť do Krista aby boli teraz spasení, do Posolstva Slova, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

92Ako sa do Neho dostanete? Skrze krst! Krst čím, vodou? Skrze Ducha Svätého! “Jedným Duchom sme všetci pokrstení do tohoto jedného Tela.”

93A jeho zasľúbené Slovo, On nebude ... Vy to nemusíte vykladať. On to bude vykladať cez vás; to čo robíte, čo On zasľúbil robiť. Cirkev, ktorá Jeho nasleduje bude tak veľmi podobná na Neho, že až to ľudia budú vedieť.

Pozrite sa na Petra a na Jána, keď sa ich vypytovali ohľadne uzdravenia toho muža pri Krásnej bráne. Oni povedali, “Poznali,” tí kňazi poznali, “že boli neučení a prostí ľudia,” ale si všimli, že bývali s Ježišom. Pretože, (čo?) Robili tie veci, ktoré On robil.

94On musel byť vo veciach Otca. A dnes to musí byť to isté.

95No, pamätajte, On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky; lebo Boh vás stretáva v Ňom, na tom jedinom mieste ktoré je; lebo to je to miesto, ktoré On vybral aby tam položil svoje meno, v Ježišovi. “Ježiš” je meno Boha. Pamätajte, Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý, to sú tituly mena “Ježiša Krista.”

96Keď Matúš povedal, “A tak iďte, čiňte učeníkmi všetky národy, krstiac ich vo meno Otca i Syna, i Svätého Ducha.”

Ako je to dnes nesprávne vyložené a hovoria, “Vo meno Otca, vo meno Syna, vo meno Ducha Svätého.” To nie je ani napísané. To je, “Vo meno,” jednotné číslo, “Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého.” Otec nie je meno, Syn nie je meno, Svätý Duch nie je meno; to je titul.

Po desiatich dňoch, Peter povstal a povedal, “Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden z vás a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista.” Či potom urobil niečo, čo mu On nekázal? On urobil to, čo On kázal. Meno Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha je “Pán Ježiš Kristus.” Každá osoba v Novom Zákone bola pokrstená vo meno Pána Ježiša Krista.

97Ani jedna osoba v Biblii nebola nikdy pokrstená v tituly Otca, Syna, Svätého Ducha. To nikdy neprišlo do existencie až keď bolo zavedené Nicejské vyznanie v Nicei, Ríme. To bolo nariadenie Katolíckej cirkvi, nachádzame to v katechizme, ktorý to tiež potvrdzuje. Mal som to, je to tak, Fakty našej viery, a tomu podobné, že to je absolutne Rímsko katolícke vyznanie. Povedia vám, že to nie je v Biblii; ale oni hovoria, že majú moc zmeniť jej Slová; keď si to prajú, z dôvodu pápeža. Ja s nimi nesúhlasím.

Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. “A ktokoľvek odníme jedno Slovo z tejto Biblii,” povedal Ježiš, “alebo dodá jedno slovo ku tomu, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života.” Jedno Slovo; nie veta alebo odstavec, ale Slovo! “Ktokoľvek odníme jedno Slovo ...”

98Na počiatku Boh opevnil svoj ľud svojím Slovom. Jedno Slovo, zle vyložené, zapríčinilo každú smrť, každú bolesť srdca, každý žiaľ. Eva, ona neporušila vetu; ona porušila Slovo. Keď prišiel Ježiš v strede Knihy ... To bolo v tej prvej Knihe.

Keď prišiel Ježiš v strede Knihy, čo povedal? “Je napísané, že človek nebude žiť len samým chlebom, ale každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.”

V poslednej časti Knihy, v Zjavení, v 22. kapitole, v 18. verši, v úplne poslednej časti Biblie, Ježiš sám hovorí, povedal, “Ja osvedčujem, že ak by niekto odňal jedno Slovo, alebo pridal jedno slovo ku tomu, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života.” pretože to je falošný prorok a zle to vykladá ľuďom a ich krv bude pripočítaná jeho rukám, keď tak robí.

99 Musíme zostávať na tom jednom mieste uctievania, to je, Ježiš Kristus, Slovo, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Amen. V poriadku. Pamätajte, nieto iné miesto stretnutia sa na uctievanie, žiadne iné miesto. Boh to vybral.

100Ján, vtedy dávno, pri zväzovaní medzi Novým a Starým Zákonom. Počúvajte teraz dobre. Dobre si to všimnite. Ján, ten veľký anjel, priletel jedného dňa z púšte, roztiahol svoje veľké krídla. Zasvietil dole na brehu Jordána, veľký orol, prorok, ktorý premostil cestu medzi Starým a Novým Zákonom a zavolal ich sprava a zľava. On zavolal deň pokánia.

Kde prišli Farizejovia a Sadúceovia, povedal, “Nezačnite hovoriť sami v sebe - my sme deti Abrahámove - lebo vám hovorím, že Boh je schopný z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámove.” Ó!

Keď začal rozhlasovať svoje evanjelium a hovoril, “Medzi vami stojí Ten, ktorého vy neznáte. Ja som Ho ešte neobjavil, ale keď príde budem ho poznať. Nie som hodný rozviazať jeho obuv. Ale On vás bude krstiť Svätým Duchom a Ohňom. A jeho vejačka je v jeho ruke; on dôkladne vyčistí humno a plevy bude páliť neuhasiteľným Ohňom.”

101Ten veľký orol evanjelia keď tam sedel, ako korunoval jeho veľké hrozby. A vystúpila špina, alebo Herodes, cisár v tom čase, verejný činiteľ, oženil sa so ženou svojho brata. A dokážete si predstaviť, že by ten veľký orol evanjelia tam sedel a bol potichu pri tom?

Niekto z nich povedal, “Nekáž teraz o manželstve a rozvode, Ján, pretože tam sedí Herodes.”

102On prišiel rovno pred neho a povedal, “Nepatrí sa ti ju mať.” Tak veru!

Kto to bol? On bol ten orol z púšte. On nebol cvičený pod ľudským strachom a hrozbou, alebo pod nejakou denomináciou. Ale bol cvičený pod mocou všemohúceho Boha, aby poznal to, čo tam bude. On poznal identifikáciu Mesiáša.

Haleluja! To slovo znamená, “Chvála nášmu Bohu!” Nevystrašte sa. Nikomu som ešte neublížil. Nie som vzrušený. Viem presne kde som.

Ó, keď myslím na neho, ten veľký orol lieta tam a sadá! On povedal, “Budem Ho poznať, keď príde.”

103Jedného dňa tam stál, kázal. Kňazi boli na druhej strane, povedali mu, “Chceš povedať, že príde taký čas, že denná obeť bude zrušená; tento veľký chrám, ktorý sme postavili a celá tá práca, ktorú sme do toho vložili, my veľká denominácia?”

On povedal, “Príde čas keď všetko to bude odstránené.”

“To nemôže byť. Ty si falošný prorok!”

104A on sa pozrel okolo a povedal, “Ajhľa, tam On je! Tam je miesto uctievania, ktoré vybral Boh. Tam je ten baránok, ten skutočný baránok, ktorý sníma hriech sveta.” On nepovedal, “Tu prichádza ten Metodista, tu prichádza ten Baptista, alebo Katolík.” On povedal, “Tam prichádza Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta.”

Jediná bezpečná zóna, ktorá je, je v Baránkovi Božom. Jedine v ňom je spasenie; v žiadnej cirkvi, v žiadnom vyznaní, v žiadnych ľuďoch, v žiadnom otcovi, v žiadnej matke, v žiadnom svätom mužovi, ani v ničom, v žiadnom svätom mieste. Je to v Svätom Bohu, v Pánovi Ježišovi Kristovi, kde Boh umiestnil svoje meno na ľudskú bytosť, kvôli spaseniu, ktorý zaplatil cenu za nás hriešnikov. To je jediné miesto kde je spasenie. To je skala na ktorej stojím.

105Ján ho identifikoval. Povedal, “Ja som ho nepoznal, keď som ho videl prichádzať, ale tam, kde som získal moje vyškolenie ...” Nie v seminári ako jeho otec; nie ako kňaz, vycvičený. Ale na púšti, kde bol v teologickom seminári Všemohúceho Boha, kde očakával na Božie Slovo; nie na to, čo vyliahla nejaká skupina ľudí, ale na to, čo Boh o tom povedal. A keď sa Ján pozrel hore a videl prichádzať Ducha, povedal, “Vydával svedectvo, toto je On.” Ó!

Tam je vaše miesto uctievania. Tam je vaše miesto, kde sa môžete skryť. Tam je Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta. Žiadna cirkev, žiadne vyznanie, ani nič také, ale Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta.

106Vidíte ako to Ján umiestnil? On nepovedal, “Vy Farizejovia máte pravdu, vy Sadúceovia, Herodiáni.” On povedal, “Tam je Baránok.” To je to miesto. On má to meno. On je Ten. Nieto iného mena pod nebom!

107Pozrite sa čo povedal teraz Ježiš o Jánovi. Jedného dňa Ján poslal ku nemu, aby vedel čo robí. Ježiš mu povedal, “On bol veľkým svietiacim svetlom,” aby im ukázal cestu, ktorou majú ísť pred Jeho príchodom, pred Jeho prvým príchodom. Dobre počúvajte. Neprehliadnite to. Ježiš povedal, “Ján bol tým svetlom.” Malachiáš 3, nemýľte sa! Prorok s tým veľkým svietiacim svetlom zidentifikoval Ježiša, že On je ten Jediný, “Baránok!” Všetky ostatné baránky, o ktorých hovorili kňazi a všetky tie ostatné veci boli hlúposť. Tu bol “Baránok!” Muž s veľkým, svietiacim svetlom, to povedal Ježiš, že on bol.

Malachiáš 3 povedal, “Ja pošlem svojho posla pred mojou tvárou aby pripravil cestu.” A ten, ktorý bol poslaný pripraviť cestu, Ho zidentifikoval, to miesto. “To je On! Nemýlim sa. To je On! Videl som ten znak, že ho nasleduje. Viem, že to je On; z neba prišlo Svetlo a zostalo na ňom.” Bolo to isté, to je On.

108Potom, môj brat, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať, na záver. Môžeme povedať toto. V Malachiášovi 4, či nám nie je tiež zasľúbený ďalší orol, ktorého má nasledovať Ohnivý Stĺp aby ukázal blúdiacej cirkvi tohoto dňa, že On je Židom 13/8, “ten istý včera, dnes i naveky”? Či nám nie je zasľúbený ďalší, ktorý priletí z púšte? Amen! To je presne pravda. Ako to sedí a pasuje s Lukáš 17/30, kde Syn človeka (Orol) sa zjavi aby ukázal, že všetky ostatné miesta uctievania sú nanič, ako denominácie a tak ďalej.

Boh vybral svoje miesto. Ján povedal, “Tu to je!”

109A potom nám je zasľúbené to isté v tomto dni, Malachiáš 4, “Obráti srdcia detí naspäť,” aby povedal, že On nie je mŕtvy, tieto veci nie sú pre ďalší vek; krst vo meno Ježiša, to nebolo vtedy tam, ale On je teraz ten istý. Amen. Aby ukázal, že všetky ostatné miesta uctievania sú nanič, to je to čo má urobiť ten orol posledného dňa, ukázať, že všetko to ostatné je hlúposť, denominácia je hlúposť, ale ukázať im znovu na ten istý znak, na ktorý Ján, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Haleluja!

110Tiež v Zjavení 4/7 máme štyri živé bytosti, ktoré sme práve prebrali.

Tá prvá bola, zistili sme, to bol lev. To bola tá prvá živá bytosť, ktorá vyšla aby sa stretla s vyzvaním toho dňa, lev z pokolenia Júdovho.

Po ňom prišla ďalšia živá bytosť. A zistili sme, že tá ďalšia živá bytosť bol vôl a to je zviera nosiace bremená, obetné zviera. Vo dňoch Rímskej moci, cirkev zomrela; obeť.

Prichádza ďalšia, a to bol človek, to bola živá bytosť s tvárou človeka. A ten človek, to boli reformátori, ľudské vzdelanie, teológia a tak ďalej.

Ale tá posledná živá bytosť, ktorá mala letieť, tá posledná živá bytosť, ktorá mala prísť, Biblia hovorí, že to bol letiaci orol. Haleluja! A prorok povedal, že v tomto dni, “bude svetlo.” Ó! “ V tom dni bude svetlo.”

111Bol deň reformátorov. Bol deň ktorý je len tieňom, nemožno ho nazvať dňom ani nocou. Ale v čase večera, v čase Orla:

V čase orla bude svetlo,

cestu do slávy určite nájdete;

na ceste do vody je už svetlo dnes,

pochovaní v tom nádhernom mene Ježiša.

Mladí a starí, čiňte pokánie zo svojich hriechov,

Duch Svätý vás určite pokrstí;

lebo večerné svetlá už prišli.

Je to fakt, že Boha a Kristus sú jedno.

112Amen! V čase večera bude svetlo. Jediné miesto uctievania, ktoré vybral Boh. Ó, načo prišlo toto posolstvo, čo On ide robiť? A v tomto dni bude svetlo v čase večera a (na čo?) Aby prijal svoje deti naspäť domov do skutočnej zasľúbenej zemi, skrze ten istý znak Ohnivého Stĺpa, ktorý viedol deti Izraelove cez púšť.

Božie vybrané miesto na uctievanie, Ježiš Kristus. To je jediné miesto, ktoré je. To je jediné meno, ktoré Boh má pre spasenie. Tak On pomenoval rodinu v nebi, keď je na zemi, Ježiš Kristus.

113Ó cirkev, ó ľudia, priateľ hriešnik, nespoliehajte na nič iné okrem na Ježiša Krista. Nespoliehajte na žiadnom kazateľovi. Nespoliehajte na nikom inom, že vás spasí. Nespoliehajte na žiadnu cirkev, na žiadne vyznanie, na žiadnu denomináciu. Spoliehajte jedine na Ježiša Krista, lebo On je svetlo tejto hodiny.

Skloňme svoje hlavy.

V čase večera bude svetlo,

cestu do slávy určite nájdete;

na ceste do vody je už svetlo dnes,

pochovaní v tom nádhernom mene Ježiša.

Mladí a starí, čiňte pokánie zo svojich hriechov,

Duch Svätý vás určite pokrstí;

lebo večerné svetlá už prišli.

Je to fakt, že Boha a Kristus sú jedno.

114Ó, brat,sestra, ak ste ešte neučinili pokánie, ak ste neboli pokrstení vo meno Ježiša Krista, začneš to robiť dnes večer? Či dáš Bohu príležitosť aby ťa pozval na to miesto, kde Ho môžeš ctiť? Pamätajte, pomimo toho, nieto miesto, o ktorom by Boh zasľúbil, že ťa tam stretne a prijme tvoje uctievanie.

115Hovoríte, “Brat Branham, ja Ho uctievam v takej úprimnosti!” Kain tiež. On vykonal všetky rôzne obetovania, ktoré aj Ábel, ale to bolo zlé obetovanie. Môžeš chodiť do zboru a platiť svoje desatiny a vykonávať všetky povinnosti, ktoré má kresťan robiť, tak úprimne ako každý iný muž alebo žena.

Stojím tu teraz okolo tridsať rokov, tu v okolí tohoto mesta a kričím toto isté posolstvo. Starnem. Nemôžem byť s vami príliš dlho. Ale pamätajte, v deň súdu, môj hlas je nahraný a on bude hovoriť proti vám.

116Je len jediné miesto kde Boh položil svoje meno a to nie je v cirkvi, ale v Ježišovi. Je len jedno miesto na uctievanie, len jedno miesto na ktorom ste prijatý a to je v tom milovanom, v Ježišovi Kristovi. “Nieto iného mena pod nebom, daného ľuďom, skrze ktoré sme spasení,” žiadna cirkev, žiadne vyznanie, ani nič. Ježiš Kristus!

A to má byť posolstvo na túto hodinu, “Prinavrátiť srdcia detí naspäť do viery, ktorá raz bola daná svätým.” Či to neprijmeš dnes?

A kým máme sklonené hlavy.

117A tí ktorí chcú byť spomenutí v modlitbe, zodvihli by ste ruky. Nemôžeme zavolať ľudí ku oltáru, pretože to je príliš veľa. Nech vás Boh žehná. Ó! Po mojej ľavej strane, hádam je ich tristo.

118A teraz po mojej pravej, zodvihli by ste ruky, povedzte, “Chcem byť spomenutý v modlitbe.” Myslím, že to je tristo päťdesiat, alebo viacej, po pravej strane.

Tu dole máme modlitebňu s veľkým bazénom vody; pastora, dobrého pastora, brata Ormana Nevilleho, spolupracovníkov, títo ľudia tu okolo, ktorých vidíte a stretávate. Každý deň, každú noc. Každú hodinu, ľudia, ktorí chcú byť pokrstení, ktorí činili pokánie, bazén stále čaká. A ak budete poslušní tomu prikázaniu, ste si istí, podľa zasľúbenia Božieho, ak ste úprimní v srdci, že prijmete krst Duchom Svätým.

119Je len jedno miesto na uctievanie. No, to nie je v modlitebni. To je v Kristovi. Ako sa dostaneme do Neho? “Skrze jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení do tohoto jedného tela.”

Modlime sa.

120Drahý Bože, keď sa zodvihli tieto ruky, oni signalizovali čo bolo za tou rukou hlbšie, v srdci, presvedčenie, že sú si istí, že potrebujú pomoc od Teba. Modlím sa za každého z nich, Otče. A budem citovať tvoje Slovo. Ty si povedal, “Ten, kto čuje moje Slovo a verí v toho, ktorý ma poslal, má večný Život a nepríde na súd; ale prešiel zo smrti do života.”

Otče, niekoľko týždňov som bol preč z tohoto mesta, prichádzam naspäť, pýtam sa, “Čo je s týmto?”

“No, zomreli.”

“No a čo s týmto ...”


121Drahý Bože, jeden za druhým sme zavolaní, jeden za druhým sa musíme stretnúť s tým vyzvaním aby sme išli dolinou tieňa smrti. A to je pred každým jedným z nás, smrteľníkov. Ale, dnes večer, ty si nám ponúkol svoju petíciu, že ak budeme veriť v Neho a dáme sa pokrstiť v Jeho Meno, že nás vezmeš dovnútra. A potom v tomto Tele, v tele Kristovom, nie v cirkvi; ale v Tele Kristovom, to telo bolo už odsúdené. Ono nemusí už ísť na súd. Boh vylial svoj hnev na to telo a to telo je slobodné od hriechu; a keď sme v Ňom, stavia nás slobodných od hriechu, skrze Jeho zmierenie, že On zomrel za nás. A tam máme obecenstvo jeden s druhým, keď krv Ježiša Krista, Božieho Syna, nás zachováva čistých od každého hriechu a poškvrnenia.

122Otče, Bože, prosím aby si zobral každého z nich do Tvojho Kráľovstva. Udeľ to, Bože. Aby nikto z nich nebol stratený; žiadny chlapec ani dievča, muž ani žena. Pane, sedia tu niektorí z mojej rodiny, dnes večer, ktorí sú pomimo tej Krvi. Ako dobre si môžem pamätať slová môjho otca! A modlím sa, drahý Bože, aby nikto z nich nebol stratený. Udeľ to, Pane. Verím Ti teraz, so všetkým čím môžem veriť.

123Zavaň na mojich bratov, sestry, mojich priateľov, tu na toto miesto dnes večer a tam na tých pri telefóne. V niekoľkých rôznych štátoch sú pripojení a počúvajú, od východného pobrežia po západné. Prosím za nich, drahý Bože, tam cez púšte v Tucsone, ďalej v Kalifornii, hore v Nevade a v Idaho, ďalej na východ a všade okolo, dole v Texase; kým je dané toto pozvanie, ľudia sedia v malých zboroch, na benzínových staniciach, v domoch, počúvajú. Ó Bože, nech ten stratený muž alebo žena, chlapec alebo dievča, v tejto hodine, nech príde ku tebe. Udeľ to práve teraz. Prosíme to v Ježišovom mene, aby našli toto bezpečné miesto, kým je čas.

Keď vidíme nápis na stene, zem sa stáva nervózna, čas vyslobodenia je na blízku. Časť nášho národa sa topí, ďalšia časť sa kolíše a praská od zemetrasenia, ako Ježiš zasľúbil že to bude. Nech to nie je pre nich príliš dlho, Pane. Nech to prijmú teraz, lebo ich odovzdávame tebe, ako trofeje z tohoto zhromaždenia, evanjelia, v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

124Veríte Mu? Nech vás Boh žehná. Koľkí veríte, že to je pravda, po ľavej strane, zodvihnite ruku. Koľkí veríte po pravej strane, zodvihnite ruku. Nech vás Boh žehná. Pokiaľ môžem vidieť, každý. To je pravda, priatelia. Boh vie, že to je pravda.

125A teraz keď sme v Ňom, a keď sme v Ňom, máte prístup ku všetkému za čo On zomrel. A za čo On zomrel? “On bol ranený za naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola zložená na neho, a jeho sinavicami sme uzdravení.” Veríte tomu? Veríte teraz v jeho zmierenie za uzdravenie?

126Je niekto medzi nami nemocný? Nech zodvihnú ruky, v pravo alebo v ľavo. Veľké davy nemocných. Nemôžem vás zaradom volať. Vidíte, nemám ... nemôžete prísť na pódium. Nedá sa to tu urobiť.

Na iných miestach majú modlitebné zhromaždenia, za chorých, v zboroch a na takých miestach, tam v modlitebni.

Opýtam sa vás niečo. Koľkí ste tu veriaci. Zodvihnite ruku. Dobre. Budem vám citovať Slovo, ktorým je Kristus. Ježišove posledné poverenie pre svet, lepšie povedané pre cirkev, On povedal toto, ”Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria; keď budú klásť ruky na chorých, oni budú uzdravení.” Koľkí viete, že je to pravda, Marek 16, povedzte, “Amen.” [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Amen.”] Dobre. Prosím vás ako veriaci aby ste položili ruky na niekoho pred vami. Len položte svoje ruky na niekoho pred vami a nech sa teraz každý modlí modlitbu jeden za druhého. Položte svoje ruky na niekoho okolo vás.

127Pane, tu predo mnou je krabica s vreckovkami, malé kúsky materiálu; niekde leží nejaká stará matka, zomiera, dieťa blízke smrti, chorí ľudia všade. Čítame v Biblii, že z tela Pavlovho brali vreckovky a zástery a kládli ich na chorých; a zlí duchovia a nečistí duchovia a choroby a nemoci odchádzali od tých ľudí. A teraz, Pane, vieme že nie sme svätý Pavol, ale vieme, že Ty zostávaš stále Ježišom, tým jediným pripraveným miestom na uctievanie. A teraz, dnes večer, títo ľudia vyznali tú istú vieru, keď veria tak ako verili tí ľudia. Ty si skutočne urobil pre nich cestu! A ja kladiem svoje ruky na tieto vreckovky a prosím aby tie choroby a utrpenia opustili telá tých ľudí na ktorých budú položené v mene Ježiša Krista.

128No, sme učení, že keď Izrael vyšiel z Egypta, v okruhu ich povinností, oni boli na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme. Červené more sa im postavilo do cesty. A Boh sa pozrel dole cez ten Ohnivý Stĺp a more sa vyľakalo, odvalilo sa a dalo Izraelovi prejsť do zasľúbenej zeme. Ó Bože, pozri sa dole cez Krv Ježiša, dnes večer, a nech je odvalená choroba a Satan nech je vyhnaný. A nech ľudia môžu prejsť do toho zasľúbenia dobrého zdravia a sily, do toho čo Boh povedal, “Ponad všetko ti prajem aby si sa mal dobre a bol zdravý.”

129A teraz ako tam vidíš, Pane Ježišu, títo ľudia položili svoje ruky jeden na druhého, to symbolizuje ich vieru, v to čo si povedal, “Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.” Oni sa modlia svojím vlastným spôsobom, jeden za druhého. Ďalší sa modlí za nich.

130A teraz, Pane, toto vyzvanie je vybavené, že Satan, veľký podvodník, nemá žiadne právo držať dieťa Božie. Je porazený. Ježiš Kristus, jediné miesto uctievania, to jediné pravé meno, On ho porazil na Golgote. A my si hneď teraz nárokujeme Jeho Krv, že On porazil každú nemoc, každú chorobu.

A ja sa dožadujem aby Satan opustil toto obecenstvo. V mene Ježiša Krista, vyjdi z týchto ľudí, a nech sú slobodní.

131Každý kto prijíma svoje uzdravenie na základe napísaného Slova, vydaj svoje svedectvo, tým že sa postavíš a povieš, “Teraz prijímam svoje uzdravenie v mene Ježiša Krista.” Postavte sa na nohy.

Chvála Bohu! Tu to máte. Hľaďte tu všade, chromí a iní vstávajú. Chvála Bohu. To je to. Len verte. On je tu. Aké ohromné!

132Tam v obecenstve, vonku, ktorí ste pripojení, mali by ste to videť! Myslím, že každá osoba tu, pokiaľ viem, alebo väčšina z nich, teraz stoja. Ó, čo za nádherný čas! Prítomnosť Pánova, to je niečo! Tam kde je prítomnosť Pánova, tam je sloboda, tam je voľnosť.” Duch Boží nás oslobodzuje.

133On nás uzdravil, veríme tomu. On nás spasil, veríme tomu. Tí, ktorí sa chcú dať pokrstiť, bazén je pripravený. Kedykoľvek, v ktorejkoľvek hodine chcete prísť, bude tam niekto aby to vykonal.

A myslím, že teraz, prv ako zakončíme mali by sme zaspievať tú starú cirkevnú pieseň. “Milujem Ho, milujem Ho, pretože On prv miloval mňa.” Zodvihnime ruky ku Bohu a spievajme to z celého srdca!

Chceme sa tu s vami stretnúť ráno, o pol desiatej, v tejto istej budove, na tému Manželstvo a Rozvod. Dobre.

Spievajme to teraz spolu.

Milujem Ho

Nech to teraz spieva toto veľké obecenstvo! A vy tam, ktorí ste pripojení tiež to spievajte.

Pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.

134Kde sa to stalo? Na Golgotskom kríži. Zatiaľ čo to znovu spievame, chem aby ste si potriasli ruky s niekým okolo vás a povedzte, “Nech ťa Boh žehná, pútnik.”

[Brat Branham si podáva ruky s bratmi.]

pretože On prv miloval mňa

A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.

135Ó, či Ho nemilujete? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, “Amen.”] Či nie je ohromný? [”Amen.”] Je On tvojím miestom ukrytia? [“Amen.”] On je skalou vo vypráhlej zemi, prístreším v čase búrky, jediným útočišťom ktoré poznám. A preto:

Moja viera hľadí na Teba,

Baránok z Golgoty,

Božský spasiteľ;

Počúvaj ma keď sa modlím,

Odním všetky moje viny,

Daj mi od teraz

byť úplne tvoj!

Zodvihnime ruky a spievajme to.

Moja viera hľadí na Teba,

Baránok z Golgoty,

Božský spasiteľ;

Počúvaj ma keď sa modlím,

Odním všetky moje viny,

Daj mi od teraz

byť úplne tvoj!

Skloňme teraz hlavy keď to hmkáme.

Keď kráčam bludiskom života,

A okolo mňa sa šíri žiaľ;

Buď mojím sprievodcom,

temnosť premeň na deň

zotri slzy žiaľu,

Nedaj mi nikdy odísť od Teba.

Kým máte sklonené hlavy, náš milovaný pastor, brat Orman Neville, rozpustí zhromaždenie.

GOD'S CHOSEN PLACE OF WORSHIP, 65-0220, Park View Junior High School, Park View Junior High School, Jeffersonville, IN, 85 min

1 Let us remain standing for a moment as we bow our heads for prayer. And now, with our heads bowed, and I trust our hearts are bowed, too, I wonder how many in here tonight would like to be remembered in prayer, of something special? Would you just raise your hand, say, "God, give to me tonight that what I'm seeking for." The Lord bless you.

2 Our Heavenly Father, as we now humbly approach this great Throne of grace, by faith, we move into the Beyonds; where God, and the Angels, and the Cherubims, and all the Heavenly host is assembled together. For He said there cannot be even a sparrow fall to the ground without the Heavenly Father knowing it. How much more does He know here when hundreds of people have their heads bowed, and calling upon Thee for special requests. Father, look down upon the needy world tonight, for we are a needy people.

3And I pray, God, that because that we have assembled here and expressing to Thee our faith in a living God Who does answer prayer; we have come out from among the world of the uncircumcised, of the heart and ears, come out to live a separate life, and to live in confessing our faith in Thee. Tonight we've raised our hands, and saying, "We're needy." Dear God, answer every one of their requests.

4 And then, Father, we pray that You'll visit us tonight in the Word. We come here for correction, for understanding, that we might know just how to live in this present day; what to look forward to, what to do. For, we know the Coming of the Lord is drawing nigh, according to all the signs that the prophets foretold. We're nearing the time, Lord, when complete deliverance will be given to Your children. God, let us, every one, be there, Father. May there not be one missing. That's our purpose of being here, Lord. We love You, and we're trying to prepare for that hour.

5Speak to us, we ask again, tonight. And heal the sick. All the sick and the afflicted that's in the building, we pray that You will heal them, Lord; and especially them with spiritual needs. We pray that You'll save every lost soul. Fill every believer with the Holy Spirit. And renew the strength and Power in Your believing children. Grant these things, Father. We ask much, because You told us to ask, "ask abundance, ask for great things, many of them," that our joys might be made full. And we ask them in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

May be seated.

6 I certainly deem this a grand privilege tonight, to be back here at the platform again, here in this high school, to face these fine people that's gathered out to hear the Gospel. I ask God's mercy to help me to tell you the Truth as far as I know the Truth. He still can close the mouth of a man, the same as He could the mouth of a lion. And if I would ever try to say anything that was wrong and contrary to His will, my sincere prayer is that He would close my mouth, that I won't say it. For, truly, I want to be in Heaven, myself; and I'd never be there, and, besides all that, I'd be a false leader, somebody who had done something falsely. If I do it, it's because I don't know no different. The Lord bless you.

7 Now, tomorrow morning, if it be the will of God, I aim to speak on that subject, Marriage And Divorce. And we trust that you'll come, and bring your pencils and papers. We won't take too long, but I'd just like to... That was my purpose of being back here, first, in Indiana, that I promised you that. And I will try, tomorrow morning. If I don't get it tomorrow morning, I will tomorrow night. But I'm going to try tomorrow morning, if the Lord willing, to speak on the subject, the two schools of thoughts. And may God help us to know what is Truth, just to know what's Truth, so we can walk in Truth and in Light. We...

8 You know, used to have an old colored friend. He said to me, he said, "Brother Billy," he said, "I--I don't want any trouble at the river." He said, "I want to have my ticket in my hand. And when the whistle blows, I don't want any trouble there. I've asked the Lord, a long time ago, if there's anything wrong, let me settle it up right now," said, "because it'll be dark and stormy on that morning when the ship pulls out for the other side." Said, "I don't want any interference. I want to take care of all of it now." That's what we're here for, try to take care of all the interferences, so that we can walk aboard on that hour.

9Now, I won't speak to you very long tonight, because we got two services tomorrow. And then I take right off, somewhere else, to another, more services.

10 But, now, in the Book of Deuteronomy. I wish to read from the 16th chapter, the first three verses, of Deuteronomy 16:1 to 3.

Observe the month of Abib, and keep the passover... the LORD thy God:... in the (fourth) month of Abib the LORD thy God brought thee forth out of--out of Egypt by night.

Thou shall therefore sacrifice the passover unto the LORD thy God, of the flocks and of the herd, in the place which the LORD has chosen to place his name there.

11 Now, my subject tonight is: God's Chosen Place Of Worship.

If you notice, the month A-b-a-d... -b there is, means, "April." The month of April is when they were brought out.

And now the strange thing is that we tonight, as worshipers of God, in this day that we live in, and we find so many different ideas of people. And as long as there is different ideas about thing, there's got different questions; there's got to be one true answer to every question that's asked.

If I would ask the question, "What is this?"

"Well," they'd say, "a desk."

"What is it for?" See?

12Now, there, somebody might say, "It isn't a desk. It's a board." Well, it is a board, but yet it's a desk. You see, there's got to be a true answer to it.

And if I would ask a question about anything, there's got to be a true answer. There can be something close to it; but there's got to be a true, direct answer to every question. So, therefore, every question that comes up in our lives, there has got to be a true, correct answer.

13 And now, today, we hear--hear it said, so many of our people in the world today...

As being a missionary, have taken several trips across the sea and around the world, I've been in contact with many different religions, such as Buddha, and Mohammedan, and Sikhs, and Jains, and whatmore, of the religions of the world. And then here in our own United States; and other foreign countries, meet with all of our different churches, such as our denominational churches, beginning with the early Roman Catholic, and then to the Greek, and so forth, and the--the different rites, and then down into the... all the denominational ages, of nine hundred and something different Protestant denominations.

Now, each one of them, course, you could see their idea, and I cannot blame them. Each one claims that they are the truth, they have the truth. And the people that belongs to those churches should believe that, because they have staked their--their destination, their Eternal destination, upon the teaching of that church. And they're so much different, one from the other, till it makes nine hundred and something different questions.

Therefore, being nine hundred and something different questions, there's got to be one correct Answer. And I would like for us tonight, being that we're trying to go to Heaven, and to meet our Lord Jesus Who we all love, I would like to search in the Scriptures to find that.

14 Now, if it is a Bible question, then it should have a Bible answer. It should not be able to come from a group of man, from any certain fellowship, or from some educator, or from some denomination. It should come straight from the Scripture, where God's meeting place is, of worship. And surely, being God, there is a meeting place somewhere, that He meets.

15Now, we find out here that in Deuteronomy here, at the beginning, Moses reciting back the Scripture, the things that he had told them; how He had brought them out with a great, strong arm, out of Egypt, and had first established them.

They were called "the people of God" until they come out of the Egypt, and then they were called "the church of God." Because, a church is a congregating, or, really, the church means "called-out ones," those who have been called out. And they come out of Egypt, in order to be the church.

16 Now God told them, when they... before they established the temple and whatever they did, "I will choose the place of My worship, and I'll put My Name in it." And that's the only place that God would ever meet anybody, was by His Own choosing. He chose His place. And where He chose His place, He put His Name. The 2nd verse here tells us that, "He would put His Name in the place that He had chosen for people to worship Him in." Now, the thing of it is, we want to find where that place is.

17With nine hundred and something different ideas, being that we're bypassing all heathen religion, and just speaking of Christian religion. Which, I have a feeling for the heathens, or I certainly wouldn't be going over there and talking to them. But, they're wrong. Christianity is the only religion that's true, is Christianity. And I'm saying that not exactly because I am a Christian; because, I believe that to be the Truth. It's the only religion that's right.

18 I've been to the grave where the white horse is changed every four hours. Where, Mohammed, a great priest and--and leader right after Christ, was supposingly to be a prophet, and, I don't doubt but what he was, right after the Maccabee brothers. But when they... He died. He claimed that he would raise again and would conquer the whole world. Now, about every four hours they change guards, and they keep a white horse at his grave. They have, for two thousand years, expecting him to rise again and conquer the world. But you see...

19And you go to Buddha; Buddha lived many hundred years, about twenty-three hundred years ago, the god of--of Japan. And so he was a philosopher, something like Confucius, and so forth.

But all these, for... founders, and so forth, all of them died with their philosophy, and is buried and in the grave.

But Christianity, which is established by Jesus Christ, there is a empty tomb. He was the only Man that ever stood on earth, and lived and said, "I have power to lay My life down and raise it up again." And He did it. And He lives today.

And we know He lives, because He is with us and proves Hisself by physical signs and wonders, that He promised that He would do to show it. Insomuch, as a Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel through the wilderness, it's with us today, even having Its picture taken; performing the signs and wonders that He promised It would do in this day, seeing all the Words that He promised being made manifest this day. Therefore, the rest of heathen world is out. It's Christianity!

20 Now, being that there is nine hundred and something questions about where God meets, "He meets with the Methodist, or He meets in the Baptist, and He meets in this, and that, and the other." Now, there's a question there, so everyone has to seek out his own salvation with fear and trembling.

But tonight I want to try to find, and prove in the Scripture, where the correct place is where God meets and worships with the people. And, if that's it, that's the only place He'll ever meet.

21 Now, we took this text out of Deuteronomy. It's a Greek word which has a compound meanings, or, it means, "two laws." The Greek word, Deuteronomy, means "two different laws."

And that's just what God has, two different laws. And one of them is a law of death, and the other one is a law of Life. God has two laws. To follow Him, and serve Him and worship Him, is Life; to reject It is death. There is two laws in God.

22Now, one of those laws was recog-... made recognized to the world, at Mount Sinai. God gave the law to Moses and Israel. Not that the law could help them, but the law only pointed out to them that they were sinners. Until that time, they didn't know what sin was, till they had a law. There cannot be a law without a penalty. A law is not a law, without penalty. So, therefore, "The transgression of the law is sin, and the wages of sin is death." So therefore, until God made them a law, there was no transgression reckoned to them.

If there's no law here that says you can't run over twenty miles an hour, then you could run over twenty miles an hour. But when there's a law says you can't do it, then there's a law and a penalty behind it.

23 Now, death, the law of death, was the commandments given on Mount Sinai, which told man that he was a sinner. And, to transgress God's law, he died. But there's no salvation in the law. The... It was only a policeman that could put you in jail; it had nothing to bring you out with.

But then He gave another law, that was at Mount Calvary, where sin was reckoned in Jesus Christ, and there the penalty was paid. And not with... Without law, "but by grace you are saved," by the grace of God, through predestination of God's foreknowledge of your being.

24Now we see these two laws, Deuteronomy, speaking of two laws. There was two laws. One was the law of death, and the other one the law of Life.

25 There was also two covenants give to the people. We're going to speak of them in the morning.

One of them was given to Adam on condition, "if you do this and don't do that," but that law was broken. Adam, Eve broke that, in the garden of Eden.

Then God made the second covenant, and give that to Abraham, and that law was unconditional. "It isn't what you've done or what you will do;" He said, "I have already done it." That's grace. That's the law of Life. God did that for Abraham and his Seed after him, that's, all of Abraham's Seed.

As the Bible said, "All Israel will be saved," but that don't mean Jews. As Paul said, "That Israel which is inward, or Israel outward." "Outward," as we spoke of the other night, it was Isaac's children, by sex. But the law of God was through Christ, which was Abraham's Royal Seed, that, "by grace all Israel is saved." That's, "All that's in Christ is saved," all, God's second covenant. But all these things foreshadowed Christ.

26 Now notice the 2nd verse. The 2nd verse here in Deuteronomy 16, "Worship in the place that I have chosen." Now you must worship God, He said, "In the place that I have chosen," not what someone else chose, but, "what I have chosen."

Now, if God chose a place, it behooves us then to find out what He said about it. And where is it? I want to find it, because, truly, I want to worship Him.

We all are here, tonight, to worship Him. We're setting here tonight, as Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Jehovah Witness, Christian Science, and all, but we're all seeking something.

We want to know Truth. The Bible said, "You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free."

Somebody, you can't know what you're doing, you don't know how to do it until you know how to do it; you don't know what to do until you know how to do it, rather. You must know what you're doing and how to do it.

27This shows us that God has a meeting place for His worshipers, in one certain place. In that place, only, God meets His worshipers.

28 Now, also, the place He has chosen for His worshipers, He claimed He would put His Name. Now let's search out and find, through the Scripture, where this place is. Surely, if God said He would put His Name in this place where He had chosen to meet the people and worship with them... or them worship Him, rather, that it's somewhere in the Bible, for it was for all ages.

29And the great unchanging God cannot change. Man changes. But you can put your life upon anything that God ever said at any time, because it is Truth. It is Truth. Because, that's the only thing I can have confidence in, is the Bible. Because, man's word will fail, but God is supreme.

This year I should know more than I knowed last year. You should, too, each day. We are finite, so we gain knowledge.

But God is infinite. He is infinite. And, being infinite, He cannot gain knowledge. He is perfect, to begin with. Every decision has to be exactly right.

30And the way God acted one time, He must forever act that way, or He acted wrong when He act the first time. If a man ever come to God for salvation, upon the basis that He accepted him on, it's got to be accepted on that same basis every time. That's right. If a man ever come to God for Divine healing, and God accepted him upon a certain base; the next man comes, He's got to accept him the same way, or He did wrong when He accepted the first man. God made a basis that He would meet a man on. He made a basis what He would do, how He would do it, and that was through the sacrificial blood of a lamb in the garden of Eden. God has never, no time, ever changed it.

31 He decided how He would save man. We've tried today to educate man into it; we tried to school them, tried to educate them, tried to denominate, tried to do all these other kinds of things; bring them in, shake them in, baptize them in, every other way there is, bring them in by letters. But still remains, the same, God meets a man under the shed Blood of the Lamb. Blood was God's way in the beginning, and Blood is God's way tonight. It's good to do penance and all these things, but salvation only comes through Blood. Blood is the only way that God chose to save man, and He cannot change it.

32Job had the same thing. He knowed that he was a righteous, because he had offered the--the sacrifice that God had required of him.

33 Now, let us search now to see what this place is, and the place He put His Name. We're going to have to find out where He put His Name. Then, if we find out what God's Name is and where He put it, then we've got the place of worship as soon as we find that.

All these things, of course, it was shadows of things to come. All the law was foreshadowing of the things to come.

34Just like, the moon is a shadow of the sun. It serves in the absence of the sun, just like the Church is to serve in the absence of the S-o-n of God. In the absence of the Son, the lesser Light, the Church, the believers, serve God and give Light in the absence of the Son. But when the sun rises, you don't see the moon no more, because it's gone down. It doesn't need its light anymore, because it only gets its light secondarily, off the sun. Now, like husband and wife, the sun and moon is, Church and Christ.

35Now we find, that, these things being a shadow of Christ. Every sacrifice, feast, and everything in the Old Testament, foreshadowed Christ; just as the shadow strikes across the floor. Now here is where we're going to have to find the correct place of worship, is to go back here in the Old Testament where it was given and see what these things were.

36 Now, when a shadow comes across the floor, you can tell whether it's man, woman, or beast, or whatever it might be, because it casts a shadow upon the floor. And as that shadow gets shorter, the shadow being the negative; and there cannot be a negative without a positive. Therefore, when the positive becomes closer to the negative, the negative is swallowed up in the positive. The shadow and the--and the positive comes together, and that's what makes it then the positive.

And if "all the old things," the Bible said, "in the Old Testament, was shadows of the things to come," then therefore Christ was the shadow of things to come.

37So we can see, by the Old Testament types, where He chose to put His Name, and to... for now. Now, as the shadow is, a crosses the floor, I said, is the negative, being a type. So we, the worshipers, also can see the shadows of the Old Testament fading into the positive of the New.

38Now, all the feasts, the holidays, all the tabernacle, all the wood, everything in the tabernacle, everything typed Christ. All the offerings, all the laws, everything was in type of Christ. We've been through it, time after time, here at the tabernacle.

Then we see, by these, that every creed, church, and denomination is left far behind. It's not even in the race, at all. Every creed, every church, every denomination, is completely left out. There is no place for them at all.

39 Nothing is typed in the Old Testament, or anywhere in the Bible, of the church, but the forced unity of Babel tower. That's the only thing that types the unity. Because, it was by Nimrod, a wicked man who went out and forced all the little countries to come into one place and this great tower. It was a religious worship, of course, but not considered in the Word of God. So there is where you see denominational religion typed, the tower of Babel, in the Old Testament. Which, this religion was certainly a religion, but not the religion of the Word of God.

40God has not chosen to put His Name in any denomination. I want the Scripture for it, if it is. I know they claim He has, but He hasn't. He cannot put His Name in many places, because He said He put His Name in one place. And, that one place, each one of our denomination wants to say they are that place, but it's contrary.

But where did He put His Name?

41 Now, and, He, what is His Name, first? We'll have to (Name) find what God's Name is before we can find what it is He is putting in the place.

Now, we find out that He had many titles. He is called the... He was called "Father," which is a title. And He was called "Son," which is a title. He was called "Holy Ghost," which is a title. He was called "Rose of Sharon," which is a title. "Lily of the Valley," a title, "Morning Star." "Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-rapha," seven different, compound, redemptive names, and all of them were titles. None of them were names.

But He has a Name.

42When He met Moses, He had not a Name yet, and He told Moses, "I AM THAT I AM." And when we see Jesus on earth, speaking in Hebrews the 6th chapter... I beg your pardon, Saint John the 6th chapter. He said, "I AM THAT I AM."

They said, "Why, You're a Man not over fifty years old, and say that You 'seen Abraham'?"

43He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." And "I AM" was the One, the burning bush, the Pillar of Fire that was in the burning bush back in the days of Moses, the "I AM THE I AM."

44 And now we find out that Jesus said, also, "I came in My Father's Name, and you received Me not." Then, the Name of the Father must be Jesus. That's right. The Name of the Father is Jesus, 'cause Jesus said so. "I carry My Father's Name. I come in My Father's Name, and you received Me not. Then, His Name was Jesus.

And Gabriel called Him Jesus, the prophets called Him Jesus, and He was absolutely Jesus. Before His birth, even the holy prophet called His Name Emmanuel, which is, "God with us." Then, "God was manifested in the flesh, in order to take away the sin of the world," and, in doing so, He was given the Name of Jesus. So, Jesus is the Name.

And the Name was placed in a Man; not a church, not a denomination, not a creed, but a Man! He chose to place His Name in Jesus Christ. Now we find out that then He becomes the place of God's worship, where you worship Him.

45Ever before He was even born, His Name was called Jesus. It was so important, it was give to His mother by the Angel Gabriel, that His Name would be called "Jesus, Son of God," what He was.

46 There we have it, then. This is it, alone. It is, for Him alone, God's chosen place of worship. God's place, chose. God chose to meet man; was not in a church, not in a denomination, not in a creed, but in Christ. That's the only place that God will meet a man, and he can worship God, is in Christ. That's the only place. No matter if you're Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, whatever you might be, there is only one place that you can correctly worship God, that's in Christ.

Romans 8:1, said, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." That's the Gospel.

47 We can different upon creeds. We can different upon man-made theories. You can go to a Methodist church, you have to be a Methodist; a Baptist, a Baptist; a Catholic, a Catholic. But when once you're baptized into Christ, and become a member of His Body, there is no differences. The middle walls of partition is tore down and you are free, because you're in Christ Jesus. And you worship God in Spirit and in Truth when you are in Christ Jesus. It's God's plan for you to worship Him in Christ Jesus.

48Now, no church denomination can claim this, no one can claim that. How dare you to make such claims? To do such a thing would be an antichrist spirit, be taking away from Christ; to take from Him. You cannot do that. Christ is the only place that God meets the worshipers.

49 They say, today. I've had people to tell me. A man called me not long ago, in Beaumont, Texas. He said, "Mr. Branham, if your name is not on our church book, you cannot go to Heaven." Would you ever think of that? Don't you believe such a thing as that. They think you have to belong to that certain church or you cannot go to Heaven. That's wrong. To believe that, is antichrist. I'll say this: if you believe such a spirit, you're lost. That's a good sign you are lost, because it's taking away from what God did. God never put His Name in any church. He put It in His Son, Christ Jesus, when He and His Son became One. That's the genuine place of worship. No other foundations was laid, no other rock.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;

All other grounds is sinking sands.

Denominations will crumble and fall, nations will pass away, but He will remain forever. No other place that a man can find, to worship God, that God will speak back to him, no place but in Christ Jesus. That's the only place, the only place that God chose to put His Name, and the only place that He meets man, to worship. You're lost, to believe anything else.

50 Notice, all seven Jewish feasts was kept in the same place. They never kept one feast here for the Methodist, and one over here for the Baptist, one over there for the Presbyterian, one back here for the Catholic, and one for the Protestant. All seven feasts was kept in the same place.

51It's a very beautiful type here. We've just went through the Seven Church Ages, going to show that God keep all Seven Church Ages in the Word, for each church age produced a part of the Word, and whenever they produced it and they saw the Light.

Just like the people who first discovered to baptize in Jesus' Name. What did they do? They made a denomination out of it, and it died right there. Then God moved right out into somebody else. He will not stay in one of those creeds and dogmas. He has nothing to do with it. There is nothing perverted about God. God's Word is holy, unadulterated. Christ is God's center spot of worship. He is God.

52All seven feasts must be kept in this one place. You couldn't keep the feast in any other place. But them seven, place... The seven feasts of the year must be kept in one place. Therefore, the Seven Church Ages had to come from the one single place, that was Christ speaking in all Seven Church Ages. That's exactly right. Type, of the Seven Church Ages, but they made denominations out of it.

53 Now let's look at another type while we're along here, that's, the type of the passover, foreshadowed Jesus. We notice here the sacrifice of blood, by death. The sacrifice of blood was the place that foreshadowed Christ. Can a denomination bleed; could you think of a church bleeding, a denominational bleeding? Certainly not. It taken blood, to bleed from a life. And, the life, here Jesus comes in view by the lamb. The lamb was a type of Christ, and foreshadowed Christ, because He was "the Lamb of God," that John introduced, "that takes away the sin of the world." We find Jesus coming into view, here in Exodus the 12th chapter.

54Notice, it was the only place death could not strike. When death was about to strike the land, there had to be a certain place; all from under this died. Only one place! Now, it didn't mean it was one house; but there was one place, that's where the lamb was killed. Where the lamb's blood was, the death angel could not strike, because it was the one place God had put His Name. And that lamb was named back there in the beginning, a lamb. Notice, it was the one place he could not strike.

55 And now the same is today. There is only one place that spiritual death cannot strike, that's the Word. Death can't strike the Word, because It's the living Word of God.

But when you put creeds with It, the Word moves out to Itself. It'll separate like water from oil. You cannot mix it together. Therefore, you see, when the creed comes into a denomination, they all go after the creed; and the Word dies out, and goes on with somebody else and increases It more. Picks up the momentum, as It go from justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, and on out into the Grain! Do you see the path God has trod? Bringing His Name, all the time, right down the same way, because He is the Word.

Notice, It can't die. The Word of Life can't die.

56Notice how perfect, now. The death angel was not forbidden to strike Egypt's great intellectual people. It wasn't forbidden to strike its sacred lands, its great buildings, its pharaohs. Or, the priests of the land, the angel was not forbidden to strike. It could strike any building, any place, anybody, but it could not strike where the lamb was.

Death cannot strike where this provided place of God is, and that is in the Lamb.

57Notice, not even was the... he forbidden to strike Israel or its Hebrew priests, and, or any of their denominations. All must be in God's chosen, provided place, or death struck.

58 Church, wherever you are, what you belong to, makes me no difference. But, there's one thing you must know, you've got to be in Christ or you're dead. You can't live outside of Him. Your church might be alright, as a building; your fellowship might be alright, as man. But when you deny the Body, the Blood, the Word of Jesus Christ, you're dead the minute you do it. It's God's chosen place of worship. There is where His Name is, exactly. There is where He chose to put His Name; not in the church, but in the Son, Jesus Christ.

59Notice, safety lied only in the place of His choosing, in His lamb, and in the name of the lamb.

60Notice, it was a "male" lamb, a he, not a her. Not a church, she; but His Name, not her name. Where He was going to meet the people was not in her name, but in His Name, Him, the Lamb!

61 Now we say, "The church, the great, mighty church, she did this and she did that. She has weighed the storms. We've picked up in population. We're great in numbers. We're a mighty church. She is a great thing."

But God never said anything about a she. He said, "Him." "Him," is the meeting place, the Lamb, not the church. Not her name, but His Name. He didn't put her name anywhere. He put His Name in "Him"!

That's why, "All we must do, or word or deed, we must do it all in the Name of Jesus Christ." If we pray, we got to pray in the Name of Jesus. If we ask petition, we've got to ask in Jesus' Name. If we walk, we walk in Jesus' Name. If we talk, we talk in Jesus' Name. If we baptize, we've got to baptize in the Name of Jesus Christ. For, "All that we do in word or in deed, do it in the Name of Jesus Christ."

62 A fellow said to me one time, discussing that, he said, "Brother Branham, my wife, I don't..." He said, "She, her name is Such-and-such." He's a minister, may be setting here now. And he said, "My wife," said, "she's got my name." I'll just say Jones, because it wasn't Jones. He said, "Now, she don't have to get up every morning, get the broom and say, 'Now I sweep the floor in the name of Jones, and I wash the dishes in the name of Jones, and I patch the clothes in the name of Jones.'" He said, "I don't think you have to call any name at all."

I said, "I believe you do." That's right.

And he said, "Well, why? She don't have to say it. Everything she does is in the name of Jones, to begin with."

63I say, "But you never walked down on a street and got her, and said, 'Come on, Jones.' She had to become, first, by a ceremony, a marriage ceremony, 'Jones.' If she didn't, you're living in adultery. And if you're baptized any other way but in the Name of Jesus Christ, it's an adultery baptism, which is not found in the Bible."

Then, "What you do in word and deed, do it all in the Name of Jesus," after that, what you do. But first you have to come in His Name.

64 There is many fine women in this building tonight, fine, loyal women; but there's one Mrs. William Branham. She's the one goes home with me. She's the one that's my wife.

65There is fine people in the world, fine churches; but there's one Mrs. Jesus Christ, and that's who He's coming for. That's where His Name lays. There is where His worship is, in Her and Her alone. That is true. Oh, yes, sir. We find that to be true.

66Now, that's why, we, "All we do in word or in deed, we do it in the Name of Jesus Christ."

"There is not another name given under Heaven for salvation, but the Name of Jesus Christ." Acts, the 2nd chapter, says that, "For be it known unto you..." "There's not another name given under Heaven whereby a man must be saved, only in the Name of Jesus Christ." Amen. I hope you get it. The Name of Jesus Christ, every...

Highest Heaven is named Him, "All the family in Heaven is named Jesus," the Bible said, "and all the family on earth is named Jesus." So that's God's chosen Name and where He has put It. That's His place of worship, is in Jesus Christ. Now, we know that to be so, no other place to worship but in Him.

67 "There is no another name under Heaven given among man, whereby they must be saved." His is God's Name of redemption. God has a name called Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-rapha, Jehovah-jireh. "The Lord forgives all thy sins." Jehovah-rapha, "the Lord heals all thy diseases." He had many titles. But He's got one Name of Redemption, that belongs to the human race, and that is the Name of "Jesus." That's His Name, He chose to put. Where did He put It? He put It in Christ.

68All other church names, creeds, titles, is death to trust them. You're trusting the Methodist church to take you to Heaven, you're lost. If you're trusting the Pentecostals, the Pentecostal church to take you to Heaven, you're lost. And the Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Catholic, any other church; you're trusting their name, or their title, or their creed, you are lost.

Because, you can't even worship until first you come into the place of worship. Amen. That's the only place God meets the worshiper, is the place He chose to put His Name. All others, you trust in them, you'll die. He also...

69 Another shadow of Jesus here, I've got marked down, the Scripture. Also, He--He foreshadowed here, "He must be without a blemish." The place He puts His Name, this lamb must be without a blemish.

Now, what denomination or system can you pin this to; what church, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, whatever it is? What system, denomination, can you pin that to, "without a blemish on it"? It's all rejected, and refused!

But there is a place! Hallelujah! That place is in Jesus Christ. There is not a blemish on Him. There is no fault in Him.

You cannot pin this. All these people that try to do so, say their church is without fault and all this. It's filthy, Word-breakers, lovers, half dead, Laodicean, creed, but it is not the Truth. But even Pilate himself, His enemy, said, "I can find no fault in Him." His Own enemy testified there was no fault in Him. You can't pin any sin on Him.

70He said to the priests of His days, "Which one of you can accuse Me of sin? Who can show Me that I'm a sinner?"

Tell me one church that can say they never did do anything wrong. Frankly, there is not a one of them, hardly, but what's murdered and done everything there is on the calendar to do, hardly. Then still call themself... No, it's not God's meeting place of worship, in any creed or denomination.

71 My friends, I don't want to hurt feelings, but I am responsible for a Message, and, that Message is, "Come out of this mess!" And if I ask you to come out, where am I going to take you to? Would I take you to the Branham Tabernacle? It's as much fault as any of the rest of them.

But there's one place I can take you to, where you're safe and protected from death, that's in Jesus Christ, God's place of worship. That's the place I'm introducing to you, tonight, where God put His Name. Where He promised He would meet every person that come in there, He would worship with him and feast with him, that's in Christ; not in no church, no tabernacle.

But, in Christ, He is God's Tabernacle. He is the place that God came into, Himself, and dwelt in Him. "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am pleased to dwell in." There is where God tabernacled, brought His Name and placed It upon, Jesus Christ. Therefore, His Name was put in a Man, His Son, Jesus Christ, in which He tabernacled Himself, and in that Tabernacle.

Where, in a type, the old Jerusalem, the old feasts, the old temple, was a type; when the smoke come in, the day that the ark went in, of the covenant, and settled down, and the Voice of God was heard from it.

So did the Voice of God be heard, coming into the Tabernacle, Jesus Christ; which, the Old (natural) was a type and a shadow of the New. And when He come into Christ, He said, "This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in. And I'll choose the place where I'll put My Name, and where I will meet man, and where I will worship at." God chose the place; not in no church denomination, but in Jesus Christ. Yes, sir.

72 He must also be "without a blemish," as I said. No denomination can claim that. They do; they're antichrist.

73Now we find out here, notice His shadow again. The--the lamb is to be kept up. Now, this is found in Exodus 12, if you're marking it down, Exodus 12:3 to 6. The lamb must be kept up four days, to be tried, to see if it's worthy to go to the sacrifice yet. Must be took, examined over and over, for four days, to see if there's a blemish on it, see if there's any sickness in it, see if there's anything wrong with the lamb. It must be kept up four days.

74Now notice. Some of you might have thought that was a little bit, killed on the fourteenth. But, you remember, they took the lamb on the tenth day of the month, and killed it on the fourteenth day of the month, see, which was kept up for four days.

75Now, Jesus, God's Name, Lamb, went into Jerusalem and never came out again until after His death, burial, and resurrection. He was kept up under critics for four days and four nights. How perfect that Lamb was typed, kept up for four days. That's when Pilate said, "I can find no fault in Him."

76 Another shadow of Him, no bone could be broken in Him, which was perfectly, when they couldn't. In killing the sacrifice, they couldn't break a bone. If it was, it was refused. And they already drawed the hammer back to break the bones in the legs of Christ, when they said, "He's already dead." They pierced His side and found Blood and water.

77Notice again another great thing here. I wouldn't skip it by, because He was represented in the offerings, the meal offering.

I remember one time they had a school, in the Bible, called the school of the prophets, and it was quite a school. And we find out that Elijah went up there to that school one day, and they said, "We..." They prayed him to leave, said, "When you're around here, things are too straight." So they wanted him to get away.

And they went out to get him a dinner. And a bunch of the priests went out, or prophets, to get some peas, to make a dinner for him. And when they did, they gathered a great big apronful of them; and when they come back, it was wild gourds, which was poison, and they throwed them into the pot. And the pots begin to boil, and they, somebody, said, "Alas, there is death in the pot. Now we can't even eat."

And Elijah said, "Bring me a handful of meal." And he took the meal and threw it into the pot, and said, "Eat. The pot is healed."

78The meal offering was Christ. Every burr had to be set the same, and every little piece of meal had to be ground the same, for the meal offering. Showing, that, He is the healer. He substitutes, and takes away death, and puts Life; by the two laws. Hallelujah! Where death is, one place; when Christ comes in, Life comes in. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And where there was death, there became Life, because that Christ was brought in, the meal offering.

79 What a great lessons that these things would be if we take time to break them out! Now notice, not one word of the shadows fail. Not one word ever failed, of the shadow. Everything typed perfectly.

He is God's chosen place of worship, and God's Name is given to Him. He is God's place of worship, and God's Name is given to Him. He is the Word of God, and He is the Name of God. He is both the Word of God and the Name of God. "He was the Word made flesh." He was the Word of God, Lamb of God, Name of God, and was God. That's what He was, the chosen and only place of worship to God.

80And God refuses any other place besides in Jesus Christ; you cannot worship Him anywhere. He said, "In vain they do worship Me, teaching for Doctrine the commandments of man." Today we have creeds, dogmas, and everything, that teaches this is the way and that is the way.

And Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man can come to God except by Me." In other words, "I am the Door to the sheepfold. All without are thieves." He is the only approach. He is the Door. He is the Way, the Truth, the Life, all that there is; the only entrance, the only place, the only worship, the only Name.

Everything is tied to Jesus Christ. All the Old Testament is tied to Him. The New Testament tied to Him. And the Church today is tied to Him, by the Word of His commandment. There is not another place, or another Name, or anywhere, where God ever promised to meet a man; only in Jesus Christ, His chosen place of worship.

81 Notice, God has promised to meet His worshipers in only this one place, and that is of His Own choosing; not of our choosing, not of our thinking; but of His thinking, His choosing. And it would be the place where He put His Name, where He chose. So we find out that we find where His Name was, what He chose, by His Own choosing.

82Now that we have found the place He put His Name, that is, in Christ Jesus, and there is no other place, or no other name, are you satisfied of that? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, the thing of it is, if we find where the place is... The worship place is nowhere accepted, only in Christ.

You can repent, you can do that, but you're not worshiping yet. You're asking for pardon. Peter said...

On the Day of Pentecost, when they seen them all speaking with tongues, and great signs and wonders taking place, they begin to laugh, the church did, and said, "These man are full of new wine. They act like drunk people. The..." Mary the virgin, all of them, was together, hundred and twenty of them. And they were staggering like drunk man, and speaking in tongues, and carrying on. They said, "These man are full of new wine."

83 But Peter, standing up, said, "Men and brethren, these men are not full of new wine, for this is just the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoke of by the prophet Joel, 'And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy; upon My handmaids and maidservant will I pour out of My Spirit. I'll show signs in the heavens above, and on earth; fire, pillars of fire, vapors of smoke. It shall come to pass, before the great and terrible Day of the Lord shall come, that whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.'"

84When they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said, "Men and brethren, what can we do?"

85Peter said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is that all future generations." Now we find that.

86 Now we want to find how we get into Him. How do we get into this place of worship? First Corinthians 12 settles it, for, "By one Spirit!" Not by one church, not by one creed, not by one pastor, not by one bishop, not by one priest. But, "By one Holy Spirit we are all baptized into one Body," which is the Body of Jesus Christ, and subject to every gift that lays in that Body. Yes, sir! No joining, no reciting of creeds, no pumping up, letting down, handshaking, or nothing else. But, by Birth we are baptized into the Body of Jesus Christ! Amen. "By one Holy Spirit we are all baptized into one Body."

87And what is that Body? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." How can we be in that Body and deny one Word of It, or place It off somewhere else that It's not even in the Body? How can we ever do it? God's chosen place!

88 Notice, and when you are truly baptized into Him, the true evidence is that you believe Him, the Word.

How can you be a part of Him and then deny Him? How can I deny my hand being my hand? If there... If I do, there is something mentally wrong with me. And how can I? If there is something mentally wrong with me, deny that's my hand, deny that's my foot, there is something spiritually wrong with the believer that denies any Word that God ever said and promised. There is something spiritually wrong with that so-called believer.

89You can't deny one letter of Him, because you have become a part of the same. You are a part of Him because you're baptized into Him; by, the Holy Spirit has brought you into the Body of Jesus Christ. What a beautiful thing!

90 God had a certain place He met--He met Abraham, and there Abraham worshiped. All down through the Testament!

And His promised Word will be interpreted in you, by Him. Did you get that? The Word that He promised to fulfill in the day that you're living in, you will be a written epistle of God, read of all man. Not what you claim, but what God does through you, will speak out louder than anything you could claim. God said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." That speaks through you.

91He spoke of this age, what would be now. The believers of this age has to believe This, what He promised today. Just the same as they had to come into the ark, to be saved; go out of Egypt to be saved; they have to come into Christ, to be saved now, into the Word Message, that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

92How do you get into It? By baptism! Baptism of what, water? By the Holy Ghost! "One Spirit, we're all baptized into this one Body."

93 And His promised Word, He will not... You won't have to interpret It. He will interpret It through you; what you are doing, what He promised to do. The Church that follows Him will be so much like Him until the people will know.

Look at Peter and John when they was questioned about healing a man at the gate called Beautiful. They said, "They perceived," those priests did, "that they were both ignorant and unlearned man," but they take notice that they had been with Jesus. Because, (what?) they were doing the things that He did.

94He must be about the Father's business. And today it must be the same.

95Now, remember, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever; for God meets you in Him, the only place there is; for that is where He has chosen to put His Name, in Jesus. "Jesus" is the Name of God. Remember, Father, Son, Holy Ghost, is titles to the Name "Jesus Christ."

96 When Matthew said, "Go ye therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them into the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."

How it's been misinterpreted today, and say, "In the name of the Father, name of the Son, name of the Holy Ghost." It's not even written. It's, "In the Name," singular, "of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost." Father is not a name, Son is not a name, Holy Ghost is not a name; it's a title.

Ten days later, Peter stood up and said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ." Then did he do what He told him not to do? He did what He told him to do. The Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is "the Lord Jesus Christ." Every person in the New Testament was baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

97 Not one person in the Bible was ever baptized in the titles of Father, Son, Holy Ghost. That never did come into existence until the Nicaea creed was put on at Nicaea, Rome. It was an order of the Catholic church, found, vindicated the same thing, in the catechism. I've got it, that's right, Facts Of Our Faith, and so forth, that it absolutely is a Roman Catholic creed. They'll tell you it's not in the Bible; but they say they have power to change them Words, if they wish to, because of the pope. I different.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. "And whosoever shall take one Word out of this Bible," said Jesus, "or put one word in It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." One Word; not a sentence, or a paragraph, but a Word! "Whosoever shall take one Word..."

98 In the beginning, God fortified His people with His Word. One Word, misconstrued, caused every death, every heartache, every sorrow. Eve, she never broke a sentence; she broke a Word. When Jesus come in the middle of the Book... That was the first of the Book.

When Jesus come in the middle of the Book, what'd He say? "It is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

In the last of the Book, Revelations the 22nd chapter, the 18th verse, the very last part of the Bible, Jesus speaks Himself, said, "I testify that if any man shall take one Word out of this Book, or add one word to It, his part will be taken out of the Book of Life," because he's a false prophet and has misconstrued the people, and their blood will be accounted to his hand, of doing so.

99We must keep that one place of worship, that is, Jesus Christ the Word, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen. All right. Remember, there is no other meeting place to worship, not a place. God chose It.

100 John, way back yonder at the tie between the New and Old Testament. Listen close now. Notice closely. John, that great eagle, come flying from the wilderness one day, his great wings spread. He lit down on the bank of the Jordan, a great eagle prophet that bridged the way between the Old and New Testament, and he called them from right and left. He was calling a day of repentance.

Where come the Pharisees and Sadducees out; he said, "Don't begin to say within yourself, 'We have Abraham to our father,' 'cause I tell you God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." Oh, my!

When he begin to throw his Gospel out, and saying, "There stands One among you, Who you don't know. I've not yet identified Him, but I'll know Him when He comes. I'm not worthy to loose His shoe. But He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire. And His fan is in His hand; He'll thoroughly purge His floor, and He'll burn the chaff with unquenchable Fire."

101 That great Gospel eagle setting there, as he crowed out his great threats. And the filth come out, or Herod, the emperor at that time, proclamator, married his brother's wife. And could you imagine that big Gospel eagle setting there and holding his peace at that?

Some of them said, "Don't you preach on marriage and divorce now, John, 'cause there sets Herod."

102He walked right up in his face and said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." Right!

What, he, was it? He was that eagle from the wilderness. He wasn't trained under man's scares and threats, of some denomination. But he was trained under the power of Almighty God, to know what would be there. He knowed the identification of the Messiah.

Hallelujah! The word means, "Praise our God!" Don't get scared. I've never hurt nobody yet. I am not excited. I know right where I am.

Oh, when I think of him, that big eagle flying out there and setting down! He said, "I'll know Him when He comes."

103 One day he was standing there, a preaching. The priests was across the other side, said, "You mean there'll come a time the daily sacrifice will be taken away; this great temple that we've built, and all the work we put on, us big denomination?"

He said, "There'll come a time when all that'll be done away."

"It can't be. You're a false prophet!"

104And he looked around. He said, "Behold, there He is! There's God's chosen place of worship. There's the Lamb, the real Lamb that takes away the sin of the world." He didn't say, "Here comes the Methodist, here comes the Baptist, or the Catholic." He said, "There comes the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."

The only safety zone there is is in that Lamb of God. In Him alone is salvation; not in any church, any creed, any people, any father, any mother, any holy man, or nothing, holy place. It's in the Holy God, the Lord Jesus Christ, where God placed His Name on a human Being, for redemption, Who paid the price for us sinners. That's the only place that there is salvation. That's the Rock I stand on.

105 John identified Him. He said, "I didn't know Him when I saw Him come walking up, but out there where I got my schooling..." Not in the seminary like his daddy did; not as a priest, trained. But in the wilderness, where he was in the theological seminary of Almighty God, waiting for God's Word; not what some group of man had hatched up, but what God had said about It. And when John looked up and saw the Spirit coming, he said, "I bear record, this is Him." Oh, my!

There is your place of worship. There is your hiding place. There is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. Not no church, no creed, or nothing else, but the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.

106See how John placed it? He didn't say, "You Pharisees is right, you Sadducees, Herodians." He said, "There is the Lamb." That's the place. He has got the Name. He is the One. Not another name under Heaven!

107 Watch what Jesus said about John now. One day John sent to Him, to see what He was doing. Jesus said of him, "He was that great and shining light," to show them the right path that they should follow before His advent, His first advent. Listen close. Don't miss it. Jesus said, "John was that light." Malachi 3, no mistake! The prophet with the great shining light identified Jesus as being the only One, "the Lamb." All other lambs them priests was talking about, and all them other things, was foolish. Here was "the Lamb!" The man with the great shining light, that Jesus said he was.

Malachi 3 said, "I'll send My messenger before My face to prepare the way." And the one that was sent to prepare the way, identified Him, the place. "That's Him! There's no mistake. That's Him! I see the sign following Him. I know that that's Him; a Light coming down from Heaven and going upon Him." It was positive, that was Him.

108 Then, my brother, I want to ask you something, in closing. We might say this. In Malachi 4, aren't we also promised another eagle, a Pillar of Light to be following, to show the erring church this day that He is Hebrews 13:8, "the same yesterday, today, and forever"? Aren't we promised another one to come flying from the wilderness? Amen! That's exactly the Truth. How fitting and matching it is to Luke 17:30, where the Son of man (Eagle) will be revealing Himself to bring to naught all other worship places, such as denominations and so forth!

God chose His place. John said, "There It is!"

109And then we're promised the same thing in this day, Malachi 4, "To turn the hearts of the children back," to say that He is not dead, these things are not for another age; baptism in Jesus' Name was not for back there, but He is now the same. Amen. To bring to naught all other places of worship, that's what the last-day eagle is to do, to show that all the rest of it is foolishness, denomination is folly, but to point them again with the same sign that he did, that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hallelujah!

110 Also, in Revelations 4:7, we had four Beasts that we've just been through with.

The first one was, we've found out, was the lion. That was the first Beast that went forth to meet the challenge of that day, the Lion of the Tribe of Juda.

After Him come the next Beast. And we find out, the next Beast was an ox, which is a beast of burden, a sacrifice. In the days of the Roman cathedral, the Church died out; sacrifice.

The next come, was a man, was a Beast with a face of a man. And that man was the reformers, man's education, theology, and so forth.

But the last Beast that was to fly, the last Beast that was to come, the Bible said it was a flying eagle. Hallelujah! And the prophet said, in this day, "It shall be Light." Oh, my! "In that day there will be Light."

111There is been a day of reformers. There is been a day that's just a shadow, can't call day or night. But in the evening time, in the Eagle time:

It shall be Light about Eagle time,

The path to Glory you will surely find;

In the water way is the Light today,

Buried in the precious Name of Jesus.

Young and old, repent of all your sins,

The Holy Ghost will surely baptize you in;

For the evening Lights have come,

It is a fact that God and Christ are One.

112 Amen! It shall be Light about the evening time, God's only chosen place to worship. Oh, what's this Message come to, what is He going to do? And in his day it shall be Light at the evening time, and (what?) to welcome His children back home to the true promised Land, by the same sign of the Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel through the wilderness.

God's chosen place to worship, Jesus Christ. That's the only place there is. That's the only Name God has for salvation. That's what He has named the family in Heaven, when it's on earth, is Jesus Christ.

113O church, O people, sinner friend, don't trust in nothing else but Jesus Christ. Don't trust in any preacher. Don't trust in anybody else to save you. Trust not in any church, any creed, any denomination. Trust only in Jesus Christ, for He is the Light of the hour.

Let us bow our heads.

It shall be Light about the evening time,

The path to Glory you will surely find;

In the water way is the Light today,

Buried in the precious Name of Jesus.

Young and old, repent of all your sins,

The Holy Ghost will surely enter in;

The evening Lights have come,

It is the facts that God and Christ are One.

114 Oh, brother, sister, if you haven't repented yet, if you haven't been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, would you make that start tonight? Would you give God the opportunity to welcome you into the place where you can worship Him? Remember, outside of there, there is no place that God promised to meet you and welcome your worship.

115You say, "Brother Branham, I worship just as sincere!" So did Cain. He made every kind of an offering that Abel did, but it was the wrong offering. You might go to church, and pay your tithes, and do your duty as a Christian ought to, just as sincere as any man or woman.

I've stood here now for some thirty years, around the city here, and screamed this same Message. I'm getting old. I can't be with you too much longer. But remember, in the Day of Judgment, my voice is recorded, and it'll speak out against you.

116There is only one place that God puts His Name, and that's not in a church, but in Jesus. There is only one place of worship, only one place that you are received, and that is in the Beloved, Jesus Christ. "There is not another name under Heaven, given among men, whereby be saved," no church, no creed, no nothing. Jesus Christ!

And that's supposed to be the Message of the hour, "To restore back the hearts of the children, back to the Faith that was once delivered to the saints." Won't you accept It tonight?

And while we have our heads bowed.

117 And those that would like to be remembered in prayer, would you just raise your hands. We can't make an altar call, because it's just too many. God bless you. My! On my left, I guess there is three hundred.

118Now to my right, would you raise your hands, say, "I want to be remembered." I guess there's a hundred and fifty, or more, on my right.

We have a tabernacle down here with a big pool of water; a pastor, a fine pastor, Brother Orman Neville, associates, these man around here that you see and meet. Every day, every night, every hour, people that wants to be baptized, that's repented, it's always waiting. And if you'll obey that commandment, you are sure, by a promise of God, if you're sincere in your heart, to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

119There is only one place of worship. Now, that isn't in the tabernacle. That's in Christ. How do we get into Him? "By one Spirit we're all baptized into this one Body."

Let us pray.

120 Dear God, as these hands went up, they signified what was beneath that hand in the heart, a conviction that they are sure they need help from You. I pray for each of them, Father. And I'm going to quote Your Word. You said, "He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life, and shall not come to the Judgment; but has passed from death unto Life."

Father, just being gone from the city a few weeks, come back, asked, "About this one?"

"Why, they're gone."

"Well, what about..."

"They're gone."

121Dear God, one by one we are called, one by one we have to meet the challenge to walk down through the valley of the shadow of death. And it's due to every one of us, as mortals. But, tonight, You have offered us Your petition, that if we would believe on Him and be baptized in His Name, that You would take us in. And then in this Body, the Body of Christ, not in the church; but in the Body of Christ, that Body has already been judged. It will not have to come to Judgment. God poured out His wrath upon that body, and that body is free from sin; and, being in Him, puts us free from sin, by His Atonement that died for us. And in there we have fellowship with one another, while the Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, keeps us clean from all sin and defilement.

122 Father, God, I pray that You will take each of them into Your Kingdom. Grant it, God. May there not be a one of them lost; may there be not a boy or girl, man or woman. Lord, some of my own people is setting here, tonight, that's out from under that Blood. How well I can remember my daddy's words! And I pray, Dear God, that none of them will be lost. Grant it, Lord. I'm believing You now, with all that I have to believe with.

123Move upon my brothers, sisters, my friends, here in this place tonight and out yonder by the phone. Several different states listening in, all the way from the East Coast to the West. I pray, Dear God, way down across the deserts there in Tucson, way over in California, up in Nevada and Idaho, way over in the East and around, down in Texas; while this invitation is given, people setting in--in little churches, filling stations, homes, listening in. O God, may that lost man or woman, boy or girl, at this hour, come to Thee. Grant it just now. We ask it in Jesus' Name, that they'll find this safety place while it is time.

When, we see the handwriting on the wall, the earth getting nervous, the time of deliverance is at hand. Part of our nation is sinking, the other part rolling and bursting with earthquakes, as Jesus promised would be. Let it not be too long for them, Lord. May they accept it now, for we present them to You as trophies of the meeting, of the Gospel, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

124 Do you believe Him? God bless you. How many believes that's the Truth, to my left, raise your hand. How many to the right, raise your hand. God bless you. As far as I see, every one. That's Truth, friends. God knows that's true.

125Now while in Him, and being in Him, you have access to everything He died for. And what did He die for? "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we were healed." Do you believe that? Do you believe in His atonement for healing now?

126 Is there any sick among us? Let them raise their hands, right or left. Great crowds of sickness. I can't call the line. You see, I haven't... can't come up on the platform. There is no way of doing it.

They're having prayer meetings out in the other places, for the sick, in the churches and things, down in the tabernacle.

I'm going to ask you something. How many believers is there? Raise your hand. All right. I'm going to quote to you the Word, which is Christ. Jesus' last commission to the world, and to the Church, rather, He said this, "These signs shall follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." How many knows that's true, Mark 16, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. I'm asking you as a believer to lay hands on somebody in front of you. Just lay your hands over on somebody in front of you, and let's each one pray a prayer for each other now. Put your hands over on somebody around you.

127 Lord, here before me is a box of handkerchiefs, little pieces of goods; some old mother laying somewhere, dying, a baby near death, sick people everywhere. We read in the Bible that they took from the body of Paul handkerchiefs and aprons, and they were placed upon the sick; and evil spirits, and unclean spirits, and sicknesses, and diseases, departed from the people. Now, Lord, we know we're not Saint Paul, but we know that You still remain Jesus, the only God-provided place of worship. And now, today, these people has confessed their same faith, as believing like those people did. Surely You have made a way for them! And I put my hands upon these handkerchiefs and ask that the diseases and afflictions leave the bodies of the people these will be laid on in the Name of Jesus Christ.

128 Now, we are taught, that as Israel was coming out of Egypt, in the line of duty, they were on their road to the promised land. The Red Sea got in their way. And God looked down through the Pillar of Fire, and the sea got scared, rolled back, and let Israel pass to the promised land. O God, look down through the Blood of Jesus, tonight, and may the sickness roll back, and Satan be cast out. And may the people pass to that promise of good health and strength, that God said, "Above all things, I wish you would prosper in health."

129Now as You see there, Lord Jesus, the hands of these people laying on each other, they are symbolizing their faith, that You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." They are praying in their own way, for one another. The next person is praying for them.

130Now, Lord, this challenge has been met, that Satan, the big bluff, he has no right to hold a child of God. He is a defeated being. Jesus Christ, the only place of worship, the only true Name, defeated him at Calvary. And we claim His Blood right now, that He defeated every sickness, every disease.

And I call for Satan to leave this audience. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of this people, and they be made free.

131 Everybody that accepts their healing upon the basis of the written Word, make your testimony by stand to your feet and say, "I now accept my healing in the Name of Jesus Christ." Rise up to your feet.

Praise be to God! There you are. Watch over here, of cripples and things getting up. Praise be to God. That's it. Just believe. He's here. How wonderful!

132Out in the audience, on the outside, by the wires, you should see! I think every person in here, as far as I know, or most of them, are standing up at this time. Oh, what a wonderful time! The Presence of the Lord, that's what! "Where the Presence of the Lord is, there is liberty, there is freedom." The Spirit of God makes us free.

133Now that He has healed us, we believe it. He saved us; we believe it. Those who wants to be baptized, the pool is ready. Any time, any hour that you want to come, there'll be someone there to attend to it.

And now I think, before we close, we ought to sing an old hymn of the church. "I love Him, I love Him because He first loved me." Raise up our hands to God and sing it with all of our hearts!

We want to meet you here in the morning, at nine-thirty, this same building, for the subject of Marriage And Divorce. All right.

Let's sing it now together.

I love Him,

Let this great audience sing that now! Way out on the wires, sing it, also.

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

134 Where was it done? On Calvary's tree. While we sing it again, I want you to shake hands with somebody around you, say, "God bless you, pilgrim."


[Brother Branham shakes hands with the brethren--Ed.]

Because He first...

And purchased my salvation


135Oh, don't you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Isn't He wonderful? ["Amen."] Is He your Hiding Place? ["Amen."] He's a Rock in a weary land, a Shelter in the time of storm, the only Refuge I know. Therefore:

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

Saviour Divine;

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my guilt away,

Let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

Let's raise our hands as we sing it.

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

O Saviour Divine;

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my sin away,

O let me from this day Be wholly Thine!

Let us bow our heads now while we hum it.

While life's dark maze I tread,

And grief around me spread,

Be Thou my Guide;

Bid darkness turn to day,

Wipe sorrow's tears away,

Nor let me ever stray

From Thee aside.

While you have your heads bowed, our beloved pastor, Brother Orman Neville, will dismiss the audience.