A na túto tému sú dve veľké školy. A ak existujú dve otázky, tak buď jedna z nich musí byť správna alebo ani jedna nie je správna. Tak sa pokúsime dnes ráno pozrieť do Božieho Slova, aby sme toto vyriešili. Podľa mňa, ak je to biblická otázka, tak Biblia má na ňu určite odpoveď.
Tomuto Písmu (Mat.19:1-8), tejto otázke čelil Ježiš hneď na samom začiatku Svojej služby. A čelil jej Mojžiš hneď na začiatku svojej služby. To je najdôležitejšia otázka v srdciach veriacich. Hriešnik sa o to nestará. Ale to je pre veriacich, pretože veriaci sa usiluje robiť všetko, čo vie, ako žiť správne pred Bohom. Preto, ak vyvstane nejaká otázka ohľadne náboženstva, potom prípad manželstva a rozvodu vystupuje dopredu. Prečo? Lebo to je príčinou prvotného hriechu. To je to, kde sa hriech začal, a to je dôvod, prečo je to vždy nadhodené, lebo je to úplný počiatok hriechu.
1Skloňme teraz na chvíľu naše hlavy k modlitbe. Najmilostivejší Otče, ďakujeme ti dnes ráno za toto privilégium, že môžeme byť tu v tomto auditóriu, čeliac tomu, čo nám tento deň prinesie. Nevieme, čo prinesie tento deň, ale vieme Kto drží tento deň. Tak my sa modlíme, aby Ten, Kto drží dnešný a zajtrajší deň a celú večnosť, aby nás dnes požehnal, ako sme sa spolu zhromaždili v Jeho Mene, aby sme lepšie poznali, ako žiť a slúžiť Mu. To je naším jediným zámerom, Otče. Bože, ktorý poznáš naše srdcia, vieš, že to je pravda. Odovzdávame sa Ti na zbytok tohto dňa, do Tvojej služby, v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Amen.
2 Môžete si sadnúť. [Brat Branham hovorí s niekým na pódiu-vyd. "Ďakujem. Tu je ešte jeden."]
3Dobré ráno, poslucháčom, ktorých vidím, aj tým, ktorých nevidím, v celej krajine, kde sme rozhlasovo spojení. Je to pre mňa veľké privilégium prísť sem a hovoriť dnes ráno na túto dôležitú tému. Pre poslucháčov, ktorých vidím: je to skutočne trochu mätúce, pretože sú predo mnou závesy, tak musím kázať napravo a naľavo. A pre neviditeľnú časť poslucháčov: po mojej pravej strane je auditórium a po ľavej strane je tiež telocvičňa; ja som na pódiu medzi odsunutými závesmi po mojej pravej a ľavej strane. Všetky miesta na sedenie sú dnes ráno preplnené a tiež telocvičňa aj cirkev na Ôsmej a Pennovej Ulici a na tých preplnených miestach to ide cez telefónnu linku na druhé miesta.
4 Prežili sme krásne chvíle s Pánom a sme vo veľkom očakávaní na túto službu dnes ráno. A keďže dnes večer je posledná služba tejto štvordennej kampane, tak, samozrejme, pozývame všetkých, ktorí tu môžu byť. Veríme, že Pán nám dá dnes večer veľké vyvrcholenie tým, že učiní niečo skutočne mimoriadne, výnimočné, do tej miery, že uzdraví všetkých chorých a urobí veľké veci, ktoré On obyčajne robí. Sme vo veľkom očakávaní na dnešný večer. Každého srdečne pozývame, každú cirkev, z každej denominácie. Nemusíš byť dokonca kresťanom; my pozývame samozrejme aj hriešnikov, aby prišli medzi nás. A my robíme všetko, čo môžeme, aby sme ich naučili ceste Pánovej, aby sme mohli žiť.
5Tak dúfam, že obecenstvo nebude nervózne. A verím Bohu, že ani ja nebudem nervózny, lebo som mal hroznú noc, plnú napätia. Pretože si uvedomujem, že za veci, ktoré poviem dnes ráno, sa budem zodpovedať v deň súdu. A ja – ja som nemohol spať. Viem, že ak to nepoviem, budem sa zodpovedať za to v deň súdu. Tak to robí tie veci ťažkými. Nedá sa to vysvetliť.
6Dnes ráno budeme rozoberať dôležitú tému: Manželstvo a Rozvod. Dôvod, prečo som túto tému vybral ako nedeľnú školu je ten, že môžeme o tom rozprávať a venovať svoj čas. Miesto toho, aby sme na to kázali kázeň. Je to vyučovanie z Písma.
7Chcem povedať, že ak nejaký kazateľ alebo kazatelia, kdekoľvek sa dostanú ku tejto páske, ak ju vydáme... Neviem, čo zbor v tej veci urobí. Poprosím brata Freda, aby sa stretol s radou zboru, predtým, ako vydá túto pásku. A vy všetci po celom kraji, ktorí to nahrávate, nerozširujte tú pásku, pokiaľ Brat Sothman nepovie, čo s tým treba urobiť.
8Nuž, a ak to bude rozšírené a niekto z mojich bratov kazateľov alebo nejakí kresťania, kdekoľvek, ktorí by sa nezhodovali s tým, čo ja hovorím na túto tému, ja dúfam, že To nebudete kritizovať. Ak tomu nerozumieš tak, ako to ja učím, nuž, máš na to právo ako kazateľ, ako pastier, a ja rešpektujem čokoľvek, čomu veríš.
9A na túto tému sú dve veľké školy. A ak existujú dve otázky, tak buď jedna z nich musí byť správna alebo ani jedna nie je správna. Tak sa pokúsime dnes ráno pozrieť do Božieho Slova, aby sme toto vyriešili. Podľa mňa, ak je to biblická otázka, tak Biblia má na ňu určite odpoveď.
10A teraz, predtým, ako máme tieto - začneme túto tému, či predtým, ako sa pomodlím nad Slovom, chcem vyjadriť každému z vás, že ja - zvlášť vám, kresťanom - že túžim, chcem, aby ste sa za mňa dnes ráno modlili. A všetci vonku v neviditeľnom poslucháčstve, ktorí dnes ráno počúvajú, modlite sa za mňa, lebo chcem byť úprimný a hovoriť pravdu.
11Nuž, uvedomujeme si, hovoriac tieto vyhlásenia, že niekto, ak je to len jedna osoba, ktorá sa toho bude držať, ako by to bolo medzi životom a smrťou. Mnohí z vás odídu preč veriac. Iste, mnohí z vás, možno, nebudú veriť. Ale viem vo svojej službe, že sú ľudia, ktorí ma prichádzajú počúvať, počúvať, čo mám povedať; z... No, oni sú rovno tu dnes ráno, medzinárodne, z mnohých zo Spojených Štátov, Kanady a spoza oceánu. A viete si predstaviť to napätie, ktoré spôsobuje, že viete, že večné miesto určenia človeka leží vo vašich rukách, lebo on sa bude držať toho, čo vy poviete. Tak Boh ma bude brať za to na zodpovednosť. A ja chcem k tomu pristúpiť tak úprimne ako len môžem.
12Teraz, prosím naše sestry, a zmenil som niektoré moje slová tak, aby som ich mohol hovoriť pred nimi. Billy má dnes ráno vo svojom vrecku, tam vonku, niektoré veci, ktoré nemôžu byť vypovedané pred zmiešaným obecenstvom, a niektoré, ktoré pravdepodobne poviem, musíte porozumieť. Prijmite to ako od svojho brata, je to najlepšie, ako viem. Vy by ste sedeli u lekára a počúvali ho, on by vám musel povedať veľmi jasné slová. A niektorí z vás, mladé dámy a mladí páni, nechcem, aby ste získali zlý dojem. Chcem, aby ste verili a len sedeli pokojne. Pamätajte, Pravda musí byť prehlásená Pravdou.
13A teraz, bez pochybnosti, ale bude mnoho z vás takých, ktorí sa nezhodnú s tým čo bude povedané, ale ja vám to chcem dokázať Bibliou. A potom, verím, že ak len budete úctiví a budete počúvať, potom budete mať lepšie zrozumenie a predstavu toho, na čo som po celý čas udieral. Verím, že toto vám to objasní. A dôverujem, že to urobí.
14Nuž, možno budeme trochu zdĺhaví, asi hodinu a pol alebo možno dlhšie na túto tému. Neviem, ako dlho nám to bude trvať.
15A teraz znova, rád by som povedal, že v tomto čase, keď viete, že ľudia sa držia vašich slov... Držia sa slov svojho pastora, a, samozrejme, ja som bol pastor.
16A oni sa držia pastorových slov, ako by to bolo medzi smrťou a životom. Držia sa slov svojho kňaza, ako keby to bola smrť a život. A samozrejme pastor, možno so všetkým, čo vie, ako to robiť, on učí svojich ľudí presne tak, ako bol naučený v seminári. Bez pochybnosti, ale to, čo kňaz... tiež v rôznych náboženstvách, ktoré majú kňazov... Iste, pastor je skutočne kňazom, on je prostredníkom. Tak ak ten kňaz, vo všetkom, čo ho naučili v jeho... v seminári, v kláštore, človek s hlbokou úprimnosťou hovorí presne to, čo ho naučili...
17Nuž, potom, ja nemám nijakú skúsenosť zo seminára alebo kláštora. A vôbec nič proti tomu, ale ja mám veľmi zvláštny život.
18 Bol som povolaný, keď som bol ešte len malým chlapcom. A v tomto mi bol daný viditeľný a počuteľný znak: Ohnivý Stĺp, visiaci v kroví, keď som mal sedem rokov, práve tu v Utica Pike. Môj otec pracoval pre pána O.H. Wathena, ktorý práve nedávno zomrel. A čítali ste tú knihu; poznáte ten príbeh. A od toho času... Potom dolu pri rieke, zjavilo sa To viditeľne pred ľuďmi, a teraz... bolo To mnohokrát odfotografované a visí to vo Washington D.C. s autorským právom, v Sále Náboženského Umenia ako jediná nadprirodzená bytosť, ktorá kedy bola vedecky dokázaná, že bola odfotografovaná: ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp vyzerajúci presne tak isto a pod každým vzhľadom ako ten, ktorý vyviedol Izrael z Egypta. Verím, že to je Ježiš Kristus vo forme Ducha, v Synovstve Boha.
19Lebo On bol nazvaný Synom človeka, keď prišiel prvý krát, teraz je nazvaný Synom Božím; v Tisícročnom Kráľovstve bude Syn Dávidov. On prišiel ako Syn človeka, prorok, ako o Ňom hovorili. Teraz je Synom Božím, nadprirodzený; v tom veľkom Tisícročnom Kráľovstve, ktoré prichádza, On bude Synom Dávidovým, sediacim na tróne Dávidovom. Ako všetci čitatelia Biblie vedia, že to je Božské zasľúbenie Boha dané Dávidovi: On vzbudí Svojho Syna, aby sedel na Jeho tróne.
20 A tak v nezvyčajnej, zvláštnej službe, bol som nazvaný všetkým možným, od Boha až po diabla. A to je proste... Vždy je to takto.
21To je to, čo mi tento arcibiskup katolíckej cirkvi jedného večera povedal, tam dolu, keď sme diskutovali. On povedal: „Brat Branham, Ján Krstiteľ jasne identifikoval samého seba v Písme, ako je to povedané skrze proroka Izaiáša." On povedal: „Tvoja služba je jasne identifikovaná v cirkvi." Povedal: " Luteráni sú v Biblii." Povedal: „Luteráni poznali Luthera, Metodisti poznajú Wesleya, ale čo Letniční?" Povedal: „Oni blúdia, nevedia, kam majú ísť." A ja som povedal: "Pane, vážim si to."
22A bolo to v tom čase, keď spadol Duch Svätý na tú pani, nikdy ma nevidela, jeho žena... a prehovoril a identifikoval tú istú vec.
23Nuž, aby som bol úprimný, skôr ako vyhlásim toto posolstvo dnes ráno, ja neviem. Povedal som mu, povedal som: "Pane, nemohol by som to povedať. To je ohromne veľká vec, povedať to. Vyzerá to tak."
24Jedna vec, ktorú viem, je, že sa určite niečo stalo. Všetky tieto veci, vedecky dokázané a dokázané po celom svete, to nemôže byť len nejaký mýtus. Je to pravda. Čo je to? Dovoľte, aby som povedal, vyznávam to, skôr ako ku vám budem dnes ráno kázať, ja neviem. A ja by som sa neodvážil urobiť nejaký krok, až kým by som nepočuť od Neho, ktorý ku mne hovoril v minulosti a povedal mi tieto veci.
25Pamätajte, náš Pán Ježiš Kristus nikdy nestotožňoval Samého Seba s Božím Synom. On povedal: „Vy hovoríte, že ním som, k tomuto koncu som sa narodil," a tak ďalej, ale On nikdy neidentifikoval Seba.
26A tak to bol ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol deti Izraela, to bol Pán Ježiš Kristus vo forme Ducha (veríte tomu?), to Logos, ktoré vyšlo od Boha. [Zhromaždenie hovorí: „Amen" – vyd.]
27A potom, keď bol na zemi, povedal: „Ja prichádzam od Boha a idem k Bohu." Všetci to vieme.
28A po Jeho smrti, pohrebe a zmŕtvychvstaní, Saul z Tarzu bol na svojej ceste dolu do Damašku, aby prenasledoval kresťanov, lebo učili veci, ktoré boli v rozpore s tým, čomu boli oni učení. A on bol veľkým bojovníkom pod Gamalielom, jedným z vynikajúcich učiteľov toho dňa v ich škole, ich kláštore, a veľký človek a cirkevný dôstojník. A bolo to tam, kde to veľké Svetlo, znovu ten Ohnivý Stĺp, zhodil ho dolu uprostred dňa. A Hlas povedal: „Saulu, Saulu, prečo Ma prenasleduješ?"
29Teraz, ak si všimnete, keď Pavol, Saul vstal, povedal: "Kto si, Pane?" No, ten mládenec, ktorý bol Židom, on by istotne nič nenazval, iba ak by to bolo niečo, čo symbolizovalo Boha, on by to nenazval "Pane". Tak, to bol ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp.
30Ako Ježiš povedal: "Ja idem ku Bohu... Prišiel som od Boha a vraciam sa k Bohu."
31Tam On bol, znovu vo forme Ohnivého stĺpu. Povedal: „Ja som Ježiš, ktorého ty prenasleduješ, ťažko ti je protiviť sa ostňu."
32A uvedomujeme si, že keď Apoštol Peter, ktorému boli dané kľúče, aby vybudoval cirkev, zisťujeme, že on bol vo väzení, a ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp prešiel cez mreže, otvoril dvere väznice a vyviedol tajomne Petra von, dokonca bez toho, aby vyrušil strážnikov. Pre mňa je To Ježiš Kristus, ten istý, včera, dnes a naveky.
33A potom budete vždy každú vec poznať podľa jej prirodzenosti. Čokoľvek je poznané podľa svojej prirodzenosti, podľa ovocia, ktoré prináša. A ja vás prosím, aby ste sledovali ten druh ovocia, ktorý To prináša, toto Svetlo, ktoré je Boh, pretože Ono sa stále vracia do Slova Božieho a potvrdzuje Slovo Božie, káže Slovo Božie a Boh materiálne potvrdzuje to Slovo pred vami. Za tým niečo musí byť.
34Ľudia ma nazývali prorokom. Ja sa nenazývam prorokom, lebo by som sa to neodvážil povedať. Ale mám... môžem povedať toto, že Pán mi dovolil predvidieť veci a povedať veci, ktoré sa stali, ktoré sa stanú, ktoré sa dejú, a ani raz to nezlyhalo v tých desiatkoch tisícov prípadov. Všetko, čo On povedal, že sa stane, stalo sa. Všetci to vieme. Ak je medzi viditeľným poslucháčstvom dnes ráno osoba alebo hocikde, ktorá by mohla povedať, že to raz sklamalo, môže sa pokojne postaviť a povedať to. Ale ak každý vie, že za každým z tisícov ráz to bolo úplne správne, povedzte „Amen" [Obecenstvo odpovedá, „Amen." – Vyd.] Vidíte? Tak isto by to bolo na celom svete.
35Niečo sa má práve stať. Boh nikdy neposiela tieto veci bez toho, aby za tým nebol nejaký zámer.
36 Práve som tu rozmýšľal, umiestnil som to tu, jednu z mojich poznámok, že mám dnes ráno súpravu manžiet. A mnohí z vás počuli o tejto filmovej hviezde Jane Russell. Jej mama je letničná a Danny Henry je jej bratranec, jej vlastný bratranec, dieťa sestry jej matky. On bol Baptistom. Pred dvoma rokmi stál na zhromaždení, na stretnutí Obchodníkov v Los Angeles, v Californii.
37A ja som práve prešiel cez kázanie veľkého, silného a mocného prehlásenia, že dokonca dozorca, jeden zo všeobecných dozorcov Zborov Božích, zišiel dolu ku pódiu z balkóna, kde sedel, a povedal, „Ja neverím, že brat Branham to tak myslí."
38Povedal som,: „Musím to tak myslieť, pane. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." A potom... bolo to o cirkvi v tomto čase.
39A asi v tom čase tento mladý muž, ktorý je obchodníkom... jeho brat je nad..., on tam bol to ráno a robil fotografie pre televíziu. Jeho druhý brat je štátnym dopravným inšpektorom v Californii. A Danny Henry kráčal dopredu, keď sa stretnutie skončilo, na pódium, ako je toto, kde sedeli všetci muži, kráčal dolu, aby ma objal okolo ramien a povedal tieto slová: „Brat Branham, dúfam že toto neznie rúhavo," ale povedal „toto by mohla byť 23. kapitola Zjavenia," pričom Zjavenie má len 22 kapitol. Povedal, „Dúfam že to neznie rúhavo."
Sotva to povedal... Nuž, ten chlapec bol baptistom a nevedel nič o nadprirodzených veciach. Objímajúc ma začal hovoriť v neznámom jazyku.
40A keď dohovoril v neznámom jazyku, bola tam mohutná, tmavá žena, ktorá sedela hneď predo mnou; postavila sa a povedala, "To nepotrebuje nijaký výklad." Povedala, „Ja som zo Shreveportu, Louisiany – alebo Baton Rouge, Louisiana." Povedala, „To je čistá francúzština."
41Victor Le Doux, ktorý je Francúzom, tam tiež sedel. On povedal: "Samozrejme, ja som Francúz a to bola dokonalá francúzština."
42Ja som povedal, „Počkajte chvíľu. Ty napíš to, čo povedal, aj ty napíš, čo povedal, skôr ako čokoľvek poviete. Zapíšte, čo ste povedali a nech vidíme vaše poznámky." A tak jeden zapísal, aj druhý zapísal. To bolo – dokonca aj interpunkčné znamienka boli rovnaké.
43A vtedy, práve v tom čase, keď priniesli tie poznámky, pekne vyzerajúci, mladý svetlovlasý mládenec prišiel kráčajúc zozadu, kde nebolo dostatok miesta, aby sedel; stál tam vzadu. On podišiel dopredu a povedal,: „Počkajte chvíľku. Aj ja by som chcel predložiť moje poznámky." On povedal,: „Som francúzsky tlmočník pre OSN”. Povedal, „Chcem vám dať moje poznámky."
44A tu boli všetky tri poznámky z francúzštiny presne také isté. A tu je to, čo bolo napísané. Toto sú tie originálne poznámky, zaznamenané hneď na mieste. Toto sú poznámky Dannyho, ktoré sám napísal. Zbalil to do svojho vrecka. Samozrejme dostalo sa to Kresťanským obchodníkom a tak ďalej.
„Preto že si si vyvolil ten úzky chodník, tú ťažšiu cestu, kráčal si podľa svojho vlastného výberu.
Zvolil si si správne a presné rozhodnutie a to je Moja cesta.
Skrze toto dôležité rozhodnutie čaká na teba veľká porcia neba.
Aké nádherné rozhodnutie si urobil.
Toto samé je to, čo prinesie a spôsobí ohromné víťazstvo v Božskej láske."
45 No, ten človek sa tu podpísal. „Vyššie napísaný výrok bol preložený z proroctva Danny Henryho o bratovi Branhamovi, daný skrze troch svedkov v kaviarni v Los Angeles, California."
46Nuž, tento istý mladý muž, ktorý priniesol toto proroctvo, nevediac, čo hovorí, bol v Jeruzaleme asi pred mesiacom. Mal to privilégium vyjsť a ľahnúť si v hrobe, kde Ježiš zomrel a bol pochovaný. A ako tam ležal, povedal, že som mu prišiel na myseľ skutočne mocne a rozplakal sa. Povedal, ako „ťažko musí byť pre brata Branhama stáť proti svetu a týmto veciam a všetkým cirkvám."
47Podobne ako raz povedal jeden, ktorý bol na strane Billyho Grahama, povedal,: „Môžeme vidieť Billyho Grahama, pretože všetky cirkvi sa pre neho zjednocujú. Vidíme Orala Robertsa, Letničných, ale ako my kedy môžeme mať čokoľvek, keď je to v protiklade k tomu, čomu boli ľudia naučení?" To je Boh.
48A Danny, jeho koníčkom je robenie malých kamienkov. On vyšiel na miesto, kde bol postavený ten kríž, kde povedali, že bol ten kríž postavený na skale. Nikto nebol nablízku, tak odlomil malý kúsok skaly a vložil ho do svojho vrecka ako suvenír, prišiel domov a urobil mi z toho pár manžetových gombíkov. A zvláštne, keď ich urobil, vyzerali ako poškvrnené krvou a rovno cez každý jeden z nich, súvisle, prechádzala rovná, úzka čiara, rovno cez oba z nich. Tak to muselo byť len... Vidíte, ja - niekto iný by si to možno nevšimol, ale pre mňa je to pochvala vecí, ktoré verím. Verím, že všetko má svoj význam.
49A tak, v tomto čase, čokoľvek Pán má... Ak toto nie je tá vec, o ktorej On prorokoval cez Malachiáša 4 a tiež Lukáša 17 a mnoho iných miest Písma, ktoré sa majú stať v tomto poslednom dni, môžem to povedať v závere, to položilo základ pre toho muža, keď on príde. Tak som veľmi vďačný, že Všemohúci Boh, ak to bude takto, mi dovolil vykonať niečo málo v mojom nevzdelanom stave, aby som ukázal svoju vďačnosť za Jeho lásku ku mne, moju lásku k Nemu a našu lásku k ľuďom.
50Preto, v úprimnosti, pristupujem k tejto téme: „Manželstvo a Rozvod." Nech nám všetkým Boh dá milosť.
51A teraz, počúvajte pozorne. A sestry, nevstávajte a nevychádzajte von, seďte len chvíľu pokojne. Bratia, tak isto. Vy, ktorí ste pripojení, nevypínajte svoje prijímače. Nerobte to. Seďte len pokojne niekoľko minút, pokiaľ neskončíme. Počúvajte pozorne. Ak nesúhlasíte, zapíšte si miesta Písma, ktoré používam, a potom ich študujte pri modlitbe, skôr ako urobíte svoje rozhodnutie. Bože, pomôž nám, keď sa pokúšame pristúpiť k tejto téme.
52No, možno to bude trošku dlhé. Nechcem, aby ste sa ponáhľali a ja.... Len venujme svoj čas, každý z nás, a študujme Slovo Božie úprimne a dôkladne, ako vieme, že To máme študovať.
53Začnime so Sv. Matúšom 19. kapitola a začiatok, myslím, že od 8. verša 19. kapitoly by som chcel začat. Mohol by som tiež začať od 1. verša a čítať do 8. verša 19. kapitoly.
54Nuž, pamätajte, tieto veci, ktoré hovorím, musia prísť zo Slova Božieho. To nemôže byť môj vlastný názor, lebo môj názor je taký istý ako názor hocikoho iného, ale to musí byť v súlade so Slovom Božím. Zapamätajte si, Boh drží všetko v súvislosti. On sa nikdy nemení. On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Veríte tomu? On je ten istý.
55Teraz, budem čítať z 19. kapitoly:
A stalo sa, keď dokončil Ježiš tie slová, že sa zobral z Galilee a prišiel do Judského kraja za Jordánom.
A išli za ním mnohé zástupy a uzdravoval ich tam.
A pristúpili k nemu farizeovia pokúšajúc ho...
56Prerušujem tu, aby ste mohli porozumieť ten dôraz, že kto to bol, kto Ho pokúšal.
...a hovorili: Či smie človek prepustiť svoju manželku pre jakúkoľvek príčinu?
A on odpovedal a riekol im: Či ste nečítali, že ten, ktorý ich učinil, od počiatku učinil ich muža a ženu
a povedal: Preto opustí človek otca i mať a bude sa pridŕžať svojej ženy, a tí dvaja budú jedno telo?
Takže nie sú viacej dvoje, ale jedno telo. A tedy toho, čo Bôh spojil, človek nech nerozlučuje!
A povedali mu: Prečo tedy prikázal Mojžiš dať rozvodný list a prepustiť ju?
Povedal im: Mojžiš vám dovolil pre tvrdosť vášho srdca prepustiť vaše ženy, ale od počiatku nebolo tak.
Bože, pomôž nám teraz.
57Tomuto Písmu, tejto otázke čelil Ježiš hneď na samom začiatku Svojej služby. A čelil jej Mojžiš hneď na začiatku svojej služby. To je najdôležitejšia otázka v srdciach veriacich. Hriešnik sa o to nestará. Ale to je pre veriacich, pretože veriaci sa usiluje robiť všetko, čo vie, ako žiť správne pred Bohom. Preto, ak vyvstane nejaká otázka ohľadne náboženstva, potom prípad manželstva a rozvodu vystupuje dopredu. Prečo? Lebo to je príčinou prvotného hriechu. To je to, kde sa hriech začal, a to je dôvod, prečo je to vždy nadhodené, lebo je to úplný počiatok hriechu.
58No, nebudem mať čas vysvetliť všetky tieto veci, ale rád odpoviem na vaše listy alebo čokoľvek môžem, alebo máme knihy, ktoré o tom píšu, a mnohé otázky a dokonca výstrižky z novín a rôzne veci, aby sme to dokázali. Vieme, že to bola Eva... jablko, o ktorom sa domnievajú, že zjedla, lebo to vôbec nie je podľa Biblie, teraz oni tvrdia, že to bola marhuľa... nebolo to ani jedno z nich. Ona spáchala cudzoložstvo, z ktorého prišlo prvé dieťa, ktorým bol Kain, Satanov vlastný syn. Lebo v ňom ležalo zlo. Ono neprišlo cez Ábela. Satanov syn bol Kain.
59Viem, čo je teraz vašou otázkou: Eva povedala, „Nadobudla som muža od Hospodina." To je úplne správne.
60Môžete zobrať najhoršiu ženu v meste, najhoršieho muža; keby oni mali dieťa, muselo by prísť od Pána, lebo Boh ustanovil zákony. A z týchto zákonov, ako východ slnka... vložíte kúkoľ do dobrého poľa, bude rásť a musí rásť, pretože to je Boží zákon. Keď je semeno zasiate, ono musí rásť. A nič nemôže priniesť život, jedine Boh, pretože to funguje na Jeho zákonoch. A preto, keď zlé semeno bolo zasadené do lona Evy, ono muselo niečo zrodiť, lebo to je Boží zákon rozmnožovania. A to nemohlo urobiť nič iné, len priniesť to, a to muselo prísť od Boha.
61To je dôvod, že ľudia hovoria, že malé deti, niekedy, ktoré sa nenarodili kresťanským rodičom, sú stratené.
62Krv Ježiša Krista stojí ako zmierenie za dieťa, bez ohľadu na to, ako sa narodilo, aké zlé sa narodilo. On je Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriechy sveta. Malé dieťa nemôže činiť pokánie, lebo nemá nič, za čo by malo činiť pokánie, a to bol hriech sveta, ktorý bol zhladený Krvou Kristovou. Nemluvňatá idú do neba.
63Je to prvotný hriech, a to je dôvod, prečo je to otázka. Keď prichádza od Boha nejaký veľký úkaz, asi prvá vec je: „A čo manželstvo a rozvod?" Nuž, ako vždy, je to stále otázkou medzi ľuďmi, ako to bolo v čase Ježiša, ako to bolo v čase Mojžiša, to vždy bolo a je otázkou medzi ľuďmi až do dnešného dňa, pretože ľudia chcú vedieť, aká je Pravda.
64Ale kde je otázka, tam musí byť aj odpoveď. A teraz, pretože existuje odpoveď, ako som predtým povedal, v týždni, musí existovať správna odpoveď. A ak dostaneme na niečo odpoveď a ona je... nie je správna, potom vieme, že bola zlá. Ale tu je... My stále prosíme, až kým tá skutočná otázka nie je zodpovedaná, ak chcete vedieť pravdu. A keďže toto je Biblická otázka, mala by to byť Biblická odpoveď.
65Je to tak, ako som povedal: Ak by som chcel ísť dnes ráno na východ a najlepšie ako by som to vedel... musel by som nájsť niečo určité na poli, a to by bolo priamo na východ a šiel by som na východ. Niekto by povedal, „Brat Branham, toto je východ." Potenciálne je to východ, ale je to severovýchod. Minul by som ten cieľ, ktorý som hľadal; musel by som sa vrátiť späť, vediac, že som sa pomýlil. A potom, ak by niekto povedal, „Brat Branham, choď touto cestou, napravo." No, to je tiež potenciálne východ, ale je to juhovýchod. Stratil by som cieľ, ktorý som hľadal, lebo by som išiel poza hranice tej dokonalej a priamej cesty.
66Nuž, ak je to tak, máme dva smery učenia o manželstve a rozvode. A to je, jeden z nich hovorí, že „Muž sa môže oženiť len raz, jedine, že jeho žena je mŕtva." A to je jedna z otázok. Ale ak to budete nasledovať, pôjdete mimo. A potom ďalší hovorí: „ Ó, ak by manželka alebo manžel (niekto z nich) spáchali cudzoložstvo, ktokoľvek z nich môže byť prepustený a znovu vstúpiť do manželstva." S tým sa nájdete pomimo.
67Tak vidíte, nie je to ani juhovýchod, ani severovýchod; my chceme ísť priamo na východ. Vypadnete z Písma, ak pôjdete touto cestou. Vypadnete z Písma, ak pôjdete tamtou cestou. Chceme vedieť, kde sa Písmo stretáva s Písmom a poznať, aká je o tom Pravda. Každý si vyberá iný smer a nedokáže priniesť správnu odpoveď, ale stále tam musí byť odpoveď.
68To je práve tak ako dnes; sú dve veľké doktrinálne učenia v cirkvi: jedno z nich je Kalvinizmus; to druhé je Arminianizmus. Jedno z nich je zákonnícke, a to druhé je milosť. A my zisťujeme, že ľudia, ktorí veria v milosť, kalvinisti, oni hovoria „Požehnaný Boh, fajčenie mi neublíži, pitie mi neublíži. Ja môžem robiť tieto veci. Mám večnú bezpečnosť." Potom nachádzame tú druhú stranu, legalistov, ako hovorí, „Ó, chcel by som mu vynadať, chcel by som mu povedať, čo si o ňom myslím, ale som kresťan, musím zostať pokojný." Vidíte, nachádzate sa na dvoch odlišných cestách a ani jedna z nich nie je správna. Nuž, je ťažké to povedať, ale je to pravda.
69Nachádzame sa na dvoch rôznych cestách: jedna ide jedným smerom, druhá iným. No, pozrime sa, aká je Pravda.
70Teraz počúvajte a vidzte, či vám to znie rozumne. Napríklad, ak by som bol pripravený ísť za oceán. Teraz, vezmem moju vlastnú rodinu. Zavolám k sebe svoju ženu a poviem jej: „Drahá, my... idem za oceán." No, tu je tá zákonnícka strana. „Teraz, žena moja, predkladám ti zákon. Ak budeš flirtovať s nejakým mužom, pokiaľ budem preč, keď sa vrátim, si rozvedenou ženou. A nechcem, aby si na niekoho žmurkala, nechcem, aby si flirtovala. Rozumieš tomu? Ja som tvoj manžel! Ak to urobíš, prepustím ťa, keď sa vrátim."
71Potom ona siahne a chytí ma za kravatu a povie, „Môj dobrý muž, chcem ti niečo povedať (vidíte, vidíte?), ak ty hodíš očkom na nejakú ženu, alebo vezmeš nejakú ženu von, alebo budeš flirtovať s nejakou ženou, budeš rozvedený muž, keď sa vrátiš domov." Nuž, bol by to šťastný domov? To sú legalisti. V poriadku.
72No, tá druhá strana je taká, že keby som išiel za oceán, a urobil by som nejakú chybu, išiel by som tam a povedal by som: „No, teraz sa pozrite, vezmem tú ženu von. Oh, s mojou ženou je to v poriadku, jej to nevadí." Moja žena povie: „Vyjdem si s týmto mužom. S Billym je to v poriadku, jemu to nevadí." Keby mi to nevadilo, potom so mnou niečo nie je v poriadku. Nemilujem tú ženu správnym spôsobom. A ak jej to nevadí, potom s ňou nie je niečo v poriadku. Ona je moja žena. Nechcem, aby si s ňou iný muž zahrával. Ona je moja žena.
73Nuž, tá správna cesta toho je, obe z nich majú pravdu, ale nie presnú pravdu.
74Nuž, keď odchádzam za oceán, aby som to urobil správne, moja malá rodinka sa zhromaždí a modlíme sa spolu a ja ich odovzdávam Bohu a oni mňa odovzdávajú Bohu. A keď to urobíme, ideme za oceán – idem za oceán. Nuž, ja viem, že ona ma miluje a ja jej dôverujem. A ja milujem ju, ona dôveruje mne. Tak dlho, ako ju takto milujem, ona nemá žiadne obavy o to, že si vyjdem s nejakou inou ženou. Tak dlho, ako ma ona správne miluje, prečo, nepotrebujem rozmýšľať o tom, že nejaký iný muž si s ňou vyjde, lebo ona je moja žena a ja jej verím.
75Verím, že ak by som skutočne urobil niečo zlé, urobil chybu a vyšiel by som s nejakou ženou a vrátil sa späť a vyznal jej to a povedal jej: „Meda, nechcel som to urobiť, bol som len chytený do pasce, táto žena len ku mne rovno pribehla a – a – a schmatla ma za rameno a začala tak a tak," verím, že ona by to rozumela. Verím, že by mi to odpustila. Ale ja by som to nespravil za nič na svete, lebo ju milujem. Hoci by mi to odpustila, ja by som to neurobil. Neublížil by som jej za nič na svete. Hoci viem, že by mi odpustila, nechcem jej ublížiť.
76A tak je to aj s Bohom. Ak ja – ak láska fileo, ktorá je ľudskou láskou, priateľskou láskou, môže spôsobiť, že muž tak cíti voči svojej žene, čo potom láska agape? To grécke slovo znamená „láska Božia". Čo má ona spôsobiť vo mne voči Ježišovi Kristovi? Ako... pokiaľ to ja chcem urobiť, je to v mojom srdci, aby som to urobil. Nuž, oni... poviem, pokiaľ je to v mojom srdci, aby som to urobil – ja to urobím. Legalizmus mi to nedovolí urobiť. Je to preto, lebo ja viem, že budem za to potrestaný. Ale skutočná Pravda o tom je taká, že láska Božia vchádza do tvojho srdca, až To ty chceš robiť. To je Pravda o tom. Sú dve učenia. Nie legalizmus alebo niečo iné, alebo Kalvinizmus, sú to obidve.
77No, taktiež dnes zisťujeme, že existuje veľa rôznych denominácií, je katolícka cirkev, protestantská cirkev. Každá z nich hovorí, že oni sú tou cestou. „Vidíte, my máme tú cestu, my sme tá pravda." Metodisti hovoria: „My máme pravdu". Baptisti hovoria: „My máme pravdu."
78Nuž, podľa mňa, pokiaľ to oni tak cítia, tak to tak nie je, lebo Ježiš povedal: „Ja som Pravda." Vidíte?
79A tak, ako bola moja kázeň včera večer, že On je tým miestom, kde Boh položil Svoje Meno, jediným miestom na uctievanie. Ty nie si kresťan preto, že si protestant, ty nie si kresťan preto, že si katolík, ty nie si kresťan preto, lebo si metodista, baptista, alebo letničný. Ty si kresťan, pretože si bol pokrstený v Ježiša Krista skrze Ducha Svätého, nie skrze vodu. „Je jedna viera, jeden Pán, jeden krst" a to je krst Duchom Svätým. Vodný krst ťa vovádza do spoločenstva. Krst Duchom Svätým ťa vovádza do Krista. Tu je Pravda.
80Máme tiež dva názory o tomto manželstve a rozvode. No, že náš Pán otvoril pre nás tajomstvo Siedmich Pečatí Svojho Slova v tomto poslednom dni... nuž, mnohí z vás, pre vás to môže byť gréčtina, ale môj zbor rozumie, z čoho... keď ste počuli o tých videniach a čo sa stalo. A tá otázka je biblickou otázkou. Sme tu pozvaní, aby sme verili, že musí byť pravdivá odpoveď toho celého skrytého tajomstva, ktoré bol skryté od založenia sveta. A Biblia prorokuje a hovorí, že v tomto dni budú tieto tajomstvá oznámené. Zjavenie 10: „Ale keď bude znieť hlas siedmeho anjela, posla do Laodicei, tajomstvá Božie budú oznámené." A toto je posledný vek, ktorým je Laodicea.
81Pozrite sa na celé toto prebudenie, ktoré trvá pätnásť rokov alebo viac a žiadna denominácia z toho nepovstala. Luther mal prebudenie, povstala denominácia, Wesley, povstala denominácia, Alexander Campbell, povstali denominácie. Všetci títo ďalší veľkí – John Smith, a tak ďalej, denominácie, Moody po celú dobu. Ale tu bolo jedno... Obyčajne prebudenie trvá len okolo tri roky, ale toto prebieha už viac ako pätnásť rokov a ani jedna denominácia z toho nepovstala, lebo toto je čas semena. Nie je viac šupky. Potom, ako tá jedna šupka odpadne, je semeno.
82Boh je pripravený. Ak to On nerobí teraz, On povolá cirkev do dokonalosti skrze Svoje Slovo, Ježiša Krista. Všimnite si, musí byť niekde odpoveď. A to je to sedem-krát zapečatené tajomstvo Božie, Sedem Pečatí.
83Koľkí z vás tomu rozumiete, pozdvihnite svoje ruky. Pozrime sa. Myslím, že väčšina z nich je naše obecenstvo z okolia. Počúvajte. Ak nie, tie knihy budú čoskoro vydané, ohľadne tejto témy. Máme na to teraz knihy, nejaké knihy.
84Ježiš, v našom texte, nás vyzýva, aby sme sa vrátili na začiatok pre pravdivú biblickú odpoveď.
85Nuž, keď sa On s týmto stretol, boli zjavné dve veci. Kňaz Mu povedal: „Môže muž prepustiť svoju ženu a oženiť sa s inou pre akúkoľvek príčinu?"
A Ježiš povedal: „Na počiatku tak nebolo."
Potom oni povedali: „Mojžiš nám dovolil napísať rozvodný list a prepustiť ju pre akúkoľvek príčinu."
86On povedal, že “Mojžiš to dovolil kvôli...” trochu to naťahujem, “pre tvrdosť vašich sŕdc, ale od – alebo na počiatku tak nebolo.”
87Tá otázka, tá otázka dneška ako svetový mier, prichádza to skrze politiku, úniu národov, spojených? Ja vám hovorím, že nie. Vždy to sklamalo a znovu to sklame. Ale zostáva pravdivá odpoveď na tú otázku: „Bude mier na zemi?" Áno, keď zem bude zbavená hriechu, vtedy bude mier. Ale až do toho času mier nebude. „Národ povstane proti národu a kráľovstvo proti kráľovstvu."
Boh dal liek na hriech. Teraz pozorne počúvajte. Boh dal prostriedok na odstránenie hriechu zo zeme, ale ľudia tej zeme neprijmú Boží prostriedok.
88Boh nám dal radu, spôsob ako si máme brať naše manželky a žiť s nimi, ale ľudia neprijímajú Boží spôsob, neakceptujú Jeho Slovo o tom.
Ježiš to povedal. A to nám pripomína Jeho Slovo, vediac, že On povedal ‘Nebesia a zem pominú, ale Moje Slová nepominú.’
89Tá otázka, tá pravdivá odpoveď, do ktorej chce Ježiš, aby sme sa vrátili, je vrátiť sa na počiatok. Potom by to malo byť v Genesis, pretože slovo Genesis je kapitola semena pre každú otázku v Biblii. A vždy sa musíte vrátiť k semenu, aby ste videli, aký druh semena je na poli, aby ste zistili, aká bude vaša úroda.
Nuž, aký druh semena je zasiaty? Genesis, súc kapitolou semena, ideme naspäť do Genesis. Ježiš nás uvádza do toho miesta Písma na počiatku. Nuž, pamätajte, to je vtedy, keď sa začal čas. Pred tým bola Večnosť. Nuž, naša otázka bola... všimnite si, ak ideme naspäť na počiatok...
90Teraz nech vám toto neunikne. A to je dôvod, prečo chcem rozprávať pomaly, aby ľudia vonku, ktorí počúvajú cez telefónne vedenie... a aby to tá páska povedala jasne.
91Ak Ježiš povedal, "Vráťte sa na počiatok", tam bol zo všetkého iba jeden pár na zemi. Bol jeden Adam, jedna Eva, oni boli spojení samotným Bohom. Jedna samica koňa, jeden kôň, jedna samica papagája, jeden samec. „Na počiatku“, ako nám On povedal, aby sme sa tam vrátili, bol iba jeden pár zo všetkého. Je to pravda? Potom zisťujeme, že všetko na počiatku prebiehalo v dokonalom poriadku a v harmónii s Bohom; nič nebolo mimo.
92Všetko v nebi je stále v poriadku; všetky hviezdy, galaxie, slnečná sústava, všetko je dokonale v poriadku. Ak by sa jedno z nich pohlo, prerušilo by celý program.
93 Teraz počúvajte. Vidíte? Jedno narušenie kazí celý program. Nuž, keď ľudské bytosti chodili v súlade s Bohom, jeden muž a jedna žena, táto žena zhrešila. A to uvrhlo celý zemský program mimo súladu s Bohom. Preto, jedno slovo pridané do tejto Knihy alebo jedno slovo z Toho vyňaté odvrhuje kresťana zo súladu s Bohom, odvrhuje cirkev zo súladu s Bohom, odvrhuje rodinu zo súladu s Bohom. Každý veriaci môže byť odvrhnutý mimo tým, že neprijíma každé Božie Slovo.
94Potom to bola žena, ktorá spôsobila rozdelenie toho milého domova. To nebol Cherubín, ktorý trápil zem. To nebol Adam, ktorý odvrhol ten domov. To nebolo nič iné, čo odvrhlo ten domov mimo a uvrhlo celú tú vec von zo súladu, ako žena, Eva. A je to tu, že ten počiatok, o ktorom Ježiš hovoril, bol porušený. Ježiš povedal: "Na počiatku Boh stvoril jedného samca a jednu samicu z každého druhu." A teraz, keď táto žena…nie samica koňa, nie samica psa, ale žena, ona porušila celý súlad Božieho konania na zemi a uvrhla všetko do smrti. Žena, nie muž, ona porušila zmluvu. Prečo porušila zmluvu? Prekročila hranice Božieho Slova.
Nuž, ak ona porušila svoju zmluvu so svojím mužom, porušila svoju zmluvu s Bohom. A keďže porušila zmluvu s Bohom, porušila ju so svojím mužom.
95A keď porušíte svoj sľub a svoju zmluvu s Božím Slovom, to je to, čo zapríčinilo toľko nepravých členov cirkvi, pretože skupina ľudí sa zišla a povedala, "No, to neznamenalo to," a to odvrhuje celú organizáciu mimo súladu so Slovom. "Ó, my tomu neveríme. Dr. Jones povedal, že to tak nie je." Ale pokiaľ Boh povedal, že je to tak, On povedal, "Nech každé slovo človeka je klamstvom a moje je Pravdou." Tam sa porušuje ten súlad.
96No, vidíme, že keď bol porušený ten súlad, potom bola porušená tá línia Života. Takisto aj línia času bola porušená, zmluva bola porušená, všetko zničené. Čo to spôsobilo? Žena. To je to, čo porušilo tú zmluvu. Nuž, ak si to chcete prečítať, môžete to čítať v Genesis 3.
97 Nuž, potom sa stalo, že muž bol učinený, aby vládol nad ženou, skrze Božie Slovo. Ona mu nebola viac rovnocenná. Ona bola rovnocenná podľa prírody, viete. Ale keď porušila Božie Slovo, Boh ustanovil muža, aby bol nad ňou pánom. Genesis 3:16, ak si to chcete poznačiť. Ona už viac nebola rovnocenná mužovi. Ona porušila Božie Slovo.
98Nevidíte, že ona – ona, tu tá cirkev, porušovateľka Božieho Slova, čo ju odvrhlo úplne z toho súladu. A to je to, čo cirkev vykonala a uvrhla duchovnú smrť na celú vec. Teraz budete rozumieť, prečo tak na tieto veci udieram, ako udieram. Je to Pravda. Toto sú biblické fakty.
99Všimnite si, prečo ona urobila takúto vec? Ako mohla taká milá, nádherná, dokonalá žena...
100Raz som videl obraz, myslím že to bolo v Grécku, jedného maliara, ktorý namaľoval obraz Evy. Bola tou najstrašnejšie vyzerajúcou vecou, ktorú ste kedy videli. To ukazuje, na čo sa telesná myseľ môže pozerať. Ale ona nebola. Ona bola nádherná, pretože ona bola dokonalá žena, celá žena.
101 Všimnite si, prečo ona urobila takú vec, keď bola v takom vysokom postavení? Bola rovná mužovi, jemu rovnocenná. Ale všetci vieme, že stratila svoju rovnocennosť s mužom, keď zhrešila, a Boh povedal, "Muž bude odteraz tvojím pánom." Nuž, to je Písmo. Ak chcete, mohli by sme to prečítať.
102Dávam vám tie miesta Písma, aby ste si to mohli sami prečítať, aby sme ušetrili čas z ohľadu na rozhlasové spojenie po celej krajine.
103Všimnite si, ten dôvod, prečo to urobila... Ako sa vôbec satan k nej dostal?
104Vedeli ste, že kedysi bol Satan rovnocenný Bohu? Isteže bol, vo všetkom okrem Stvoriteľa. Bol všetkým, stál po pravici Božej v nebesiach, veľký hlavný cherubín.
105Všimnite si, ten dôvod, prečo toto urobila, bol, že ona nebola v originálnom stvorení. Ona nie je v originálnom Božom stvorení; ona je vedľajší produkt. Preto, "na počiatku", ako sa na to odvolával Ježiš, ona nebola originálne stvorenou bytosťou Božou. Ona je vedľajším produktom z muža, keď Ježiš poukázal na "počiatok".
106 Pamätajte, Adam bol v originálnom stvorení oboje, mužským aj ženským, jeden, ale potom bol oddelený skrze rebro.
107Všimnite si. Ale vedľajší produkt... a všimnite si, že len jediná z celého Božieho stvorenia, z každého zvieraťa a čohokoľvek iného, ona bola jediná navrhnutá týmto spôsobom. Každá iná samica bola v originálnom stvorení. Každá iná samica bola v originálnom stvorení, ale Eva nebola v originálnom stvorení. Vidíte? To muselo byť učinené takým spôsobom. Dostaneme sa k tomu za chvíľu. Všimnite si, v tomto stvorení, v ktorom ona bola, nie v originálnom, ale ako vedľajší produkt, a v tomto stvorení, tam je...
108Teraz, ja nechcem zraňovať vaše city, ale chcem vám povedať Pravdu. A len seďte pokojne, správate sa milo.
109 Nič nie je navrhnuté tak, aby bolo tak zvodné ako žena, ktorá je zvodná. Nemôže byť nič iné; nič nie je stvorené, aby bolo také.
110Taktiež nie je nič, čo mohlo byť tak ľahko zvedené ako žena. Nuž, ten úpadok potvrdzuje toto tvrdenie, že je pravdivé, ten úpadok na počiatku.
111Ona nebola v originálnom, počiatočnom stvorení. Na počiatku, ona bola v Adamovi, ale nie sama ako ženské pohlavie. Ona bola vedľajším produktom, stvorená.
112Nuž, nič nie je navrhnuté tak, aby mohlo zvádzať a byť zvedené tak ľahko ako žena. Nič nie je navrhnuté alebo nič nemôže klesnúť tak nízko ako môže žena. Pomyslite teraz. V celom stvorení nie je nič navrhnuté tak, aby mohlo klesnúť tak nízko ako môže žena. Ona môže roztrhať mužove srdce na kusy ľahšie ako čokoľvek iné na svete – jeho žena. Nech len tá milá malá manželka začne behať s nejakým iným mužom. Pozrite na toho chlapíka, ako tam sedí so svojimi deťmi, slzy mu stekajú po tvári. Ona je takto navrhnutá. Ona je navrhnutá, aby toto robila. Nie je žiadna sviňa, žiaden pes alebo žiadne iné zviera navrhnuté tak ako ona, ani nemôže klesnúť tak nízko ako môže ona. Nuž, to je pravda. S úctou k mojim sestrám, chcem iba, aby ste sledovali.
113Žiadne zviera nemôže byť nemorálne. Voláte psa suka (samicu psa). Voláte samca – prasa sviňa, ale ich morálka o milióny míľ prevyšuje mnohé hollywoodské hviezdy. To je to, ako nízko je utvorená klesnúť. Ona nemôže... Len sa teraz nad tým zamyslite. Nie je nič na svete stvorené v Božom stvorení, čo by mohlo byť nemorálne, čo by mohlo klesnúť tak nízko.
114Poviete, "Počkaj chvíľu, človeče." Dostávame sa k tomu. Žena musí povedať "Áno".
115Všimnite si, nič nie je uformované, aby kleslo tak nízko, alebo bolo tak oplzlé ako žena. Pes to nemôže urobiť, prasa to nemôže urobiť, vták to nemôže urobiť. Žiadne zviera nie je nemorálne, ani nemôže byť, lebo nie je stvorené, aby takým bolo. Samica prasaťa nemôže byť nemorálna, samica psa nemôže byť nemorálna, samica vtáka nemôže byť nemorálna. Žena je tá jediná, ktorá to môže robiť.
116Vidíte teraz, kde išiel Satan? Vidíte? Ale ona stále má... Ona je tá, ktorá má moc povedať "áno" alebo "nie." Vidíte? Záleží na tom, čoho sa chce držať. Vidíte? No, tu môžeme vidieť jasne semeno hada, kadiaľ ono vošlo. Je iba jedno miesto, kde mohol ísť. Ak to nezabije ten klinec, tak niekto je slepý. Vidíte, vidíte? Muselo to do toho prísť.
117Všimnite si, dôvod, prečo to zvieratá nemohli urobiť, samice, je, že ony boli v originálnom stvorení. Ale žena nebola v tom originálnom stvorení. Teraz sa vrátime späť, aby sme to vytiahli na povrch, a potom to priniesli rovno do dnešného dňa v Zákone.
118Ona jediná je sformovaná pre nemorálnosť a nečistý život. Pes nemôže, žiadna iná samica nemôže. Je to iba žena, ktorá môže. Pes alebo akékoľvek iné zvieratá: raz za rok, a to preto, aby mali mláďatá, nie pre sexuálny pôžitok, ale kvôli mladým. To staré prasa, tá stará suka, raz za rok, jeden moment, to je, aby mali mláďatá. Ale žena je stvorená pre akúkoľvek dobu, keď zatúži. Niektoré veci som z toho teraz vyčiarkol, môžete si domyslieť ten zvyšok. Pes nemôže, žena môže. Dúfam, že Svätý Duch vám zjavuje zvyšok tohoto, čo som tu vyčiarkol.
119 Ona je jediným druhom, druhom samice, ktorá je učinená krajšou od samca. Nie je žiaden iný taký druh spomedzi všetkých. U všetkých iných stvorení Božích sú nádherné samce, tak ako u zvierat, vtákov a tak ďalej. Vždy je krajší ten samec.
120Pozrite na veľkého žrebca jeleňa, veľké krásne parožie, veľký druh, a malá skromná laň. Pozrite na veľkého kohúta so všetkými jeho krásnymi perami a na malú hnedú sliepku. Pozrite na vtákov, kohút a sliepka. Prečo? Prečo to tak bolo u všetkých Božích stvorení? U všetkých stvorení je samec najkrajší. Medzi ovcami, medzi prasatami, medzi koňmi, medzi všetkým ostatným, je to vždy ten veľký samec, kto je pekný, a medzi vtákmi.
121Ale v ľudskej rase je to žena, ktorá je pekná, nie muž. Ak je krajší on, tam niečo nie je v poriadku, niekde je skrížené semeno. Prvotne to bolo takto.
Prečo? Prečo to bolo tak učinené? Aby bolo čím zvádzať. Jej dizajnér, satan, stále na nej pracuje aj v týchto posledných dňoch.
122Dovoľte mi zastaviť sa tu na chvíľu. Pekná... vedeli ste, že prvé medzinárodné zničenie sveta (alebo celosvetovo) bolo spôsobené kvôli krásnym ženám? „Keď videli synovia Boží ľudské dcéry, že sú krásne, brali si ich za ženy." Je to pravda?
123Všimli ste si ten vzrast krásy žien v týchto dňoch? Videl som fotografiu Pearl O'Brien, ktorá bola jedného času považovaná za najkrajšiu ženu v národe. Teraz nie je v tejto škole tínedžerské dievča, ktoré by ju nezatienilo, ak ide o krásu.
124Vzrast ženskej krásy ukazuje čas zvodu.
Kedy vyzerala cirkev krajšie ako dnes? Všetko je výrazné, slávne, veľké, krásne budovy a milióny z tohoto a milióny z tamtoho. Či nevidíte, „ona", ten zvod?
125Nuž, neexistuje nič, čo by mohlo klesnúť tak ako ona, a ona je tak učinená, aby mohla byť zvodná. A satan skutočne na nej dnes pracuje, v týchto posledných dňoch, lebo on je jej dizajnérom. Môžem to teraz dokázať, vrátiť sa rovno späť na počiatok. Kto začal na nej pracovať, Adam alebo satan? Boh alebo satan? Vidíte? To je jej dizajnér. Je to jej hlavná zbraň, aby uvrhla muža do svojej nemravnosti, súc peknou ženou, ona môže ovládať muža, ako len chce. Brat, to nie je pokútny alkohol, ktorý dostáva muža do pasce. Je to pekná žena, ktorá kráča ulicou, krúti sa, napoly oblečená. To je to... To je ten zvoditeľ, rovno tam. A ona s tým spôsobuje smrť, je absolútne smrteľná. Môžete sa ma pýtať, ako to, že je satan jej dizajnérom, ale to je pravda. Satan ju upravil. On to ešte stále robí.
126Dovoľte mi ukázať vám niečo v Písme. Musím vás vziať naspäť do Písma a vy si vytvoríte svoj názor, ako sa na to pozeráte dnes.
127Satan je ten, ktorý predstavuje ten druh krásy. Ak si všimneme, on bol najkrajší zo všetkých tých anjelov v nebi. Je to tak? A on zatúžil učiniť Nebo krajším miestom než kráľovstvo Michaela. Je to pravda? Taktiež, to ukazuje, že Kain bol jeho synom, on obetoval krajšiu obeť, ozdobil svoj oltár ovocím a kvetmi atď. Je to pravda? Krásny, hriech je krásny, čo dnes nazývame krásnym. A hriech zvádza skrze krásu. Vy by ste sa nikdy nepozreli na ženu, ktorá ide po ulici, a nemohli by ste povedať, čo sa nachádza v jej srdci. Vidíte? Ale ja som chcel povedať tieto veci, aby ste mohli vidieť, prečo je satan jej dizajnérom. To je presne tak. Jeho vlastný syn to dokázal: Kain.
Nuž, ona je pekná, preto ona môže zvádzať.
128Svet je pekný, takže môže zvádzať. Myslím tým vesmír, svetový poriadok. On je krásny, tak môže zvádzať – veľké, nádherné miesta a luxus.
129Jeden z prorokov, Amos, keď on vystúpil hore, pozrel sa dolu na mesto a videl to ako moderný Hollywood, jeho malé staré oči sa prižmúrili pod tými sivými vlasmi visiacimi na jeho tvári, a on tam dolu kráčal s posolstvom a vyhŕkol to na tom mieste. Povedal, „Ten Boh, o ktorom tvrdíte, že Mu slúžite, vás zničí." Tak je.
130Hriech je pekný. Oni predstavujú Judáša ako nejakého starého opilca niekde na ulici, s ovisnutými ústami plnými múch, atď, ako Judáša. Judáš bol krásny, silný, zvoditeľ. To nie je ten chlapík, ktorý vás pozoruje, to nie je ten chlapík, ktorý – ten starý farmár, ktorý prichádza v montérkach a pozoruje tvoju ženu. To je ten podvodník, on je tým lotrom.
131Hriech je pekný pre oči toho sveta. Ale Boh sa nepredstavuje v takom druhe krásy. Vedeli ste to? Boh sa predstavuje v charaktere, nádhernom charaktere.
132 V Biblii, Izaiáš 53, ak si chcete zapísať nejaké miesta Písma. Mám tu na to napísané rady miest Písma. Izaiáš 53. Biblia povedala o našom Pánovi Ježišovi, že „Nebolo na ňom krásy, pre čo by sme Ho bývali žiadostiví. A skryli sme pred Ním svoju tvár." Je to tak? My sme po Ňom netúžili, lebo on nebol pekný. On bol pravdepodobne malý chlapík, s ovisnutými ramenami, červenej tváre a On nebol žiadúci, aby bol vodcom. On nevyzeral ako vodca. Hovoril prostým pouličným jazykom a tak ďalej, ako hovoria ľudia, obyčajní ľudia, tak preto On nevyzeral, akoby bol nejakým veľkým učeným, vzdelaným, pekným, dobre oblečeným a tak ďalej. On bol len obyčajným človekom. „Nebolo na Ňom krásy, pre čo by sme Ho boli žiadostiví." Prechádzal sa rovno medzi ľuďmi a oni ani nevedeli, Kto On bol. On nevyzeral ako prechádzajúci sa Boh, o ktorom by sme mysleli, že bol Bohom. Ale tak či tak, On Ním bol!
133Všimli ste si, keď Pán Boh povedal Samuelovi, „Choď do domu Jesseho a pomaž jedného z jeho synov za kráľa, aby zaujal Saulove miesto?"
134Nuž, ľudia si vybrali Saula, hoci Samuel im rozhodne povedal, aby to nerobili. On povedal: „Boh nechce, aby ste mali kráľa. On je vaším Kráľom." A povedal, „ Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v Mene Pánovom, čo by sa nestalo? Prosil som vás niekedy o peniaze alebo niečo iné, z čoho by som žil?"
135Oni povedali, „Nie, nikdy si nás neprosil o peniaze a čokoľvek si povedal v Mene Pánovom, sa stalo. Ale my aj tak chceme kráľa." Tak si vybrali Saula. Pozrite sa, čo si svet vybral. Pozrite sa, čo si Izrael vybral. Izrael, Boží pomazaný, oni si vybrali človeka, ktorý bol o hlavu a ramená vyšší od každého muža v celom národe. Skvelý, veľký, milý, pekne vyzerajúci chlapík, a on bol vždy „muchou v masti".
136Ale Boh povedal, „Ja vám vyberiem kráľa podľa Môjho výberu." Tak On povedal: „Samuel, ja ti nepoviem, kto to je, ale ty tam choď, je to jeden z Jesseho synov."
137A Jesse, jeho žena, a všetci z nich sa pozreli dookola a povedali: „Áno, náš najstarší syn, je veľký, vysoký, pekný mládenec, on sa bude presne hodiť pre kráľovskú korunu. On je bystrý, je vyučený, on je milý človek. Ja viem, že on bude ten pravý. On má správnu výslovnosť."
138Keď ho predviedli, Samuel vzal nádobku s olejom a išiel k nemu. Povedal: „Nie, Pán ho odmietol." Takto prešiel pri všetkých šiestich jeho synoch a Pán odmietol každého jedného z nich. On povedal: „Nie je tu ešte jeden?"
140On povedal: „Choďte ho priviesť." A keď Dávid prišiel pred zrak proroka, prorok bežal s olejom a vylial ho na jeho hlavu a povedal: „Toto je Boží vyvolený." Nie krása, ale charakter. Boh sa pozerá na charakter.
141Človek pozerá na telesnú krásu. Ona je zvodná. A to je to, prečo bola žene daná tá krása, na zvádzanie, aby zvádzala. Krásna žena, ak to ona nepoužíva správnym spôsobom, je to pre ňu prekliatie. To ju pošle do pekla rýchlejšie než čokoľvek iné, o čom viem. Ak ona len – ak... ona môže byť pekná, samozrejme, pokiaľ ona zostáva so svojím mužom a činí to, čo je správne, a to - to je skvelé a úžasné. Ale ona môže vziať tú istú vec a, ó, ako s tým môže zvádzať, lebo jej to bolo dané, aby to tak robila.
142Všimnite si teraz, ale Boh sa prejavuje v charaktere. Nebolo žiadnej krásy, pre ktorú by sme boli žiadostiví Ježiša, ale nikdy nebol na zemi charakter, aký mal On.
143Nuž, dnes zisťujeme, že charakter cirkvi, satan a jeho skupina, vyhliadajú veľké pekné cirkvi, krásne veci. To je to, na čo dnes svet hľadí. “Ó, keď pastor, veľký taký-a-taký čas, taký-a-taký je taký kňazský a zbožný, vychádza v tých veľkých róbach a takýchto veciach”; oni to volajú krásou.
144Ale tí pravdiví svätí Boží hľadajú charakter potvrdeného Slova.
145To je to, čo svätí činili v tamten deň, keď videli Ježiša. On nebol ničím, na čo by sa dalo hľadieť, ale oni videli, že Boh bol v Ňom. Oni videli, že Boh bol s Ním.
146To je to, ako tí... Joáb a tie osobnosti s Dávidom, malý chlapík, ale oni videli, že bol v ňom muž. Oni videli, že Boh bol v ňom a vedeli, že on jedného dňa príde k moci. Oni... jeden zabil jednou rukou ostatných piatich bratov Goliáša; jeden pobil tristo mužov. Keď nejaké ženy zbierali fazuľu na večeru a armáda bola vzdialená, a on vzal kopiju a pobil tristo mužov, Filištínov. Charakter! Prečo? Oni stáli rovno pri Dávidovi. Oni vedeli, že pomazanie bolo na ňom a vedeli, že príde k moci.
147 Čistý obraz dnešnej cirkvi, ktorá bude stáť pri Slove! My vieme, že To bude potvrdené. My vieme, že To jedného dňa príde k moci.
Hoci Saul... On bol utečencom z zvyšku národa, ale oni vedeli, že on príde k moci. My vieme, že On tiež prichádza k moci, tak my vezmeme to Slovo a budeme stáť rovno tam, bez ohľadu na to, čo to stojí. Aj keby sme mali rozkrájať Filištínov alebo skočiť do jamy a zabiť leva, ako to jeden urobil; my každopádne pôjdeme, pretože to je cesta, ktorú Boh predurčil, aby to tak bolo. My hľadáme charakter.
148Možno sa ma teraz opýtate: „Prečo On dovolil, aby ona bola tak stvorená?" Nechcem zabrať príliš veľa času, lebo mám tu toho ešte oveľa viac čo povedať. „Prečo?" Potom môže povstať otázka: „Prečo Boh stvoril túto ženu takto?" „Prečo On dovolil, aby ona bola taká?" To bolo podľa Jeho vlastnej záľuby. Istotne.
149Nuž, ak si chcete otvoriť svoju Bibliu, len na chvíľu, otvorme si v Rimanom 9, len na chvíľku, a ukážem vám niečo, ako Boh činí tieto veci, ak si to chcete prečítať. A môžeme tu vidieť, čo Boh činí podľa Svojej vlastnej záľuby. Rimanom 9:14:
Čo tedy povieme? Či nie je nespravedlivosť u Boha?...
150Keď On vybral Ezava – alebo vybral Jakuba a odmietol Ezava, predtým, ako mal každý chlapec právo sám si vybrať. Ani jeden z nich, prv ako sa narodili, stále ešte v lone matky, Boh povedal: „Ezava som nenávidel a Jakoba som miloval." Vidíte? Prečo?
Lebo hovorí Mojžišovi: Zmilujem sa, nad kým sa zmilujem a zľutujem sa, nad kým sa zľutujem.
Tak tedy nie je to vecou toho kto chce, ani toho, kto beží, ale vecou Boha, ktorý sa zmilováva.
Lebo Písmo hovorí faraonovi: Práve na to som ťa vzbudil, aby som na tebe ukázal svoju moc, a aby sa rozhlasovalo moje meno po celej zemi.
Tak tedy,...
(no, sledujte tu)…nad kým sa chce zmilovať, nad tým sa zmilováva a koho chce zatvrdiť, toho zatvrdzuje.
Ale povieš mi tedy: A prečože potom karhá? Lebo veď kto kedy sa sprotivil Jeho vôli?
Nuž tedy, ó, človeče, ktože si ty, že odhováraš Bohu?! Či azda povie útvor tomu, kto ho utvoril: Prečo si ma tak učinil?
Alebo či nemá hrnčiar práva a moci nad hlinou, aby z toho istého blata učinil jednu nádobu na česť a druhú na nečesť?
A čo, ak Boh chcúc ukázať svoj hnev a oznámiť to, čo je jemu možné, znášal vo veľkej zhovievavosti nádoby hnevu, pripravené na záhubu,
a aby oznámil bohatstvo Svojej slávy na nádobách milosrdenstva, ktoré vopred prihotovil na slávu?
151No, skús na chvíľu proti tomuto argumentovať. Boh to učinil. On to musel týmto spôsobom učiniť. Muselo to tam byť. No, počúvajte. Teraz, na asi päť minút chcem na niečo upriamiť vašu pozornosť.
152Aký je Boh? Boh je ohromne nekonečný. Na počiatku, ďaleko predtým ako bol počiatok, on nebol dokonca Bohom. Vedeli ste to? Boh je objektom uctievania, a tam nebolo nič, čo by Ho uctievalo. On žil sám.
153A v Ňom boli vlastnosti. Čo je vlastnosť? Myšlienka. No, dostanete niečo, čo hraničí s kázňou na tento večer. Všimnite si, On bol Svojimi vlastnosťami, ktoré boli v Ňom. Nuž, v Ňom bolo byť Otcom, v Ňom bolo byť Bohom, v Ňom bolo byť Synom, v Ňom bolo byť Spasiteľom, v Ňom bolo byť Uzdravovateľom. A všetky tieto veci tu jednoducho zobrazujú Jeho vlastnosti. Nič nie je mimo poriadku. Myslíte si, že Boh nevidel koniec od počiatku? Samozrejme, že videl. Nič nie je mimo poriadku. To iba prejavuje Jeho vlastnosti.
154Nuž, On by nemohol byť spravodlivým a spôsobiť, aby človek upadol. On ho musel umiestniť na rovnocenný základ slobodného morálneho konania, aby učinil vlastné rozhodnutie, ale On vedel, že upadne.
155Tak, On nemôže byť Spasiteľom, ak niečo nie je stratené. On nemôže byť Uzdravovateľom, ak niečo nie je choré. Tieto veci museli takto byť. Boh ich takto učinil, aby Jeho veľké atribúty mohli byť manifestované. Ak by nebol nik, On by nikdy nebol Spasiteľom. Ale my vieme, že On Ním bol, dokonca ešte predtým, ako nastal čas, On bol Spasiteľom. On bol Spasiteľom, tak tam muselo byť niečo stratené. Ako to bude môcť byť?
156Ak On to berie a zatratí práve preto, aby to spasil, potom tam nie je v Jeho súde spravodlivosť. On by nemohol poslať človeka do pekla a byť spravodlivý. On je láskavý, jemný, pravdivý, úprimný, a On je veľkým Sudcom. Vidíte, On by konal Sám proti Sebe.
157Tak On tu musel postaviť človeka a dať mu slobodnú morálnu voľbu konania, tak On vedel - vediac, že upadne. A človek, učinený na Jeho vlastnú podobu, ako on mohol upadnúť? No, vidíte denné svetlo? Tak On musel stvoriť vedľajší produkt, niečo mimo originálneho stvorenia. Teraz to vidíte. Vidíte? Prichádzate ku tomu. Vidíte? Potom to je to, čo upadlo. On to učinil, vediac, že to upadne. A je to dané do rúk satana ako nádoba na nečesť. Kde je česť uložená dnes? Rozmýšľajte o tom. Teraz si pozorne všimnite.
158 Tak ešte raz, prečo bola ona takto stvorená a nie ako ostatné samice, prečo bola žena učinená takto a nie iné samice? Žiadna z ostatných samíc nebola takto stvorená. Nie sú také dnes. Ony nemôžu byť. Keďže nie je učinená tým spôsobom, ona to nemôže robiť. Prečo On potom neučinil túto samicu, ženu, tak ako ostatné samice, tak aby mohla taká istá, mohla by jednoducho vychovávať svoje deti? Potom by mala svojho manžela, žila by s ním a keby prišiel čas na jej dieťa, mala by dieťa. Prečo, prečo ju On takto neučinil?
159No, nemôžem povedať tieto slová. A vy rozumiete, o čom hovorím, je tak? Ak môžete rozumieť, povedzte, "Amen." [Zhromaždenie odpovedá "Amen"-- vyd.] Áno. Vidíte? Sedia tu mladé dievčatá a mladí chlapci. Rozumiete? Ale vy viete, že zviera musí prísť do určitého obdobia roka, potom sa spária, a to je všetko. Ale žena, je to kedykoľvek. On... Prečo ju On takto učinil?
160Nuž, pozorujte, ako sa odkrýva Jeho veľký program, keď cez to teraz prechádzame, tak dokonale, ako dokonale to len môže byť. Nevedel som to až do nedávna.
161Prečo ju On nestvoril takú na počiatku, ako ostatné z Jeho samíc? Pretože by to bolo pre Neho nevhodné. On je zdrojom všetkej čistoty. To je dôvod, prečo On musel dovoliť satanovi, aby sa s ňou spojil, čo on urobil v tej zvrátenosti. Také stvorenie by bolo, by nebolo pre Neho vhodné, prvotne pre to naplánované.
162Všetky Jeho diela, ktoré On naplánoval v originále, sú v jednej línii. Všetky Jeho originálne diela boli v jednej línii. Samica psa, samec psa, vidíte, samica kravy, samec kravy, všetko v jednej línii. Celá príroda je v jednej línii. Semeno zomrie, ide do zeme, tak ako smrť, pohreb, vzkriesenie. Miazga ide dole zo stromu, opadajú mu listy a v ďalšom roku prichádza so vzkriesením nového lístia. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Všetko, dokonca Božia príroda, všetko je v jednej línii, v jednom. A tu je niečo učinené mimo tej Božej línie. Príroda je tak stvorená, tak ona nemôže hrešiť. Rozmýšľajte. Originálne Božie stvorenie by nemohlo hrešiť.
163Ó, nevidíte to teraz, v tomto obraze tu, tú prevrátenosť cirkvi? Tým originálom je Božie Slovo! V Bohu nieto hriechu. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Tu je stvorenie, ktoré prichádza do existencie skrze prevrátenosť. Boh bude mať Cirkev, ale pozrite sa na túto prevrátenú vec, ktorú oni majú tam vonku.
164Boh má samca a samicu. Ale táto žena... vidíte, samé tie prejavy ukazujú naspäť, čo bolo v Božej mysli. Mohli by sme vziať hodinu alebo dve a rozoberať to. Ona... učinil toto stvorenie takým spôsobom, On učinil to stvorenie a obrátil ju tak, že Satan sa s ňou mohol spojiť a on tak učinil. On ju stále má. Mala by radšej utekať ku krížu, tak ako aj muži.
165 Všimnite si, celá príroda prebieha v jednej línii. Ak by On stvoril ženu v tom istom originálnom stvorení, nebolo by tam žiadneho hriechu, pretože ona by to nemohla urobiť. Ona by to nemohla urobiť. Ona je prevrátením originálneho stvorenia.
166Tak celý hriech je prevrátením originálnej Pravdy. Čo je klamstvo? To je prevrátená Pravda. Čo je cudzoložstvo? To je prevrátený správny akt. Tak je prevrátené stvorenie, celá vec je prevrátená. A celá tá vec sa nazýva h-r-i-e-ch. Ležiac rovno tam... To je dôvod, prečo je tá otázka taká významná.
167 Len kúsok, čiastka, vzatá z muža, aby bol skrze ňu zvedený, Boh to učinil. Práve tu to On dokázal. To je dôvod, na čo ona bola stvorená.
168 Nemorálna žena je tou najnižšou vecou na zemi, o akej sa dá pomyslieť. Prepáčte mi toto, mladé dámy. Ona nie je nič iné, len ľudský odpadkový kôš, vystavenie sexu. To je všetko, čím ona je. Nemorálna žena je ľudský sexuálny odpadkový kôš, nečistota, kde je cez ňu vystavená obscénnosť, špina, zloba, nízkosť a oplzlosť. Kvôli čomu je ona takto stvorená? Kvôli zvádzaniu. Každý hriech, ktorý kedy bol na zemi, bol spôsobený skrze ženu.
169Istý analytik z Chicaga, nejaká žena napísala tento článok, z policajného zboru, že vypátrali v Spojených Štátoch, vo veľkomestách Spojených Štátov, že deväťdesiat osem percent všetkých zločinov, ktoré boli kedy spáchané v akýchkoľvek formách v Spojených Štátoch, buď v tom priamo bola žena alebo za tým."
170Nuž, ja toto všetko hovorím, aby som sa dostal k jednej veci na konci, aby ste mohli vidieť, o čo ide.
171 Ona bola stvorená na zvádzanie, tak ako to urobila Adamovi na počiatku, hovoriac mu, že to ovocie bolo príjemné a tak ďalej, aby ho zviedla a vzala ho preč od Slova. To je spôsob, ako to robí cirkev dnes, tá istá vec. Ale potom, po tej udalosti, on sa stal jej vládcom, aby nad ňou vládol.
172No, aký rozdiel dnes, v tomto dni koncepcií. Namiesto toho, aby on bol jej pánom, ona sa stala jeho bohom. Iste, ona ním vládne. Teraz tak trochu dobre rozumiete, na čo som udieral. Skrze svoju krásu a kontrolovaný sex, svoju postavu, ktorú jej dal satan, ten vedľajší produkt, ktorý satan urobil, ona je poslaná, aby zvádzala synov Božích. A ona ich môže zhodiť viac do pekla ako ktorýkoľvek iný nástroj, ktorý satan má. To je presne tak.
173 Ja teraz hovorím o tých nemorálnych, nie o vás, sestry. Dáme vám vaše miesto, pravé miesto, za niekoľko minút tu v Slove Božom. Bolo to v Božom pláne od počiatku.
174 Nuž, robiť to dnes… Čo je bohom Spojených Štátov? Pamätáte si, Modlitebňa, pred rokmi, ako som na to kázal, "Boh tohoto moderného dňa". Malá slečinka sediaca tam s mejkapom a šatami vyhrnutými nad kolená a tomu podobné. Povedal som, "Hľa, váš boh!" A to je pravda. Ona je na každej reklame, polonahá. Ona je na ulici tak isto.
175Je to satanov nástroj. "Od počiatku," povedal Ježiš. Vidíte? Vidíme teraz, že to tak bolo a „od počiatku" a o čom On hovorí.
176Nuž, pohania z nej zvykli robiť boha, (vedeli ste to?) bohyňu. Samozrejme, že robili. Urobili ju bohyňou, pretože oni konali pohlavné akty počas jej uctievania. Oni tvrdili, že ona bola stvoriteľom. Vo svojom lone nosila semeno a tvorila. To je lož. Je iba jeden Stvoriteľ, to je Boh. Ale pamätáte si Pavla tam? Diana z Efezu, obraz zo skaly, povedal, bohyňa nebies zvrhnutá dolu." Nevidíte, aké je pohanské uctievanie?
177A my, nevediac o tom, obraciame sa rovno naspäť znovu k pohanskému uctievaniu žien, najnižšiemu stvoreniu na zemi, kult ženy. Ona ovplyvní muža akokoľvek chce. A nevediac, všetka tá krása navonok, a vo vnútri je peklo. Šalamún povedal: „Jej brány sú bránami do pekla."
178 Teraz tu jasne vidíme, o čom hovoril Ježiš v 2. kapitole Zjavenia a 15. verši o náuke Nikolaitov, príchodom ktorej sa cirkev začala odďaľovať od Slova.
179Tiež tu môžeme jasne vidieť tieto vulgárne, bezbožné, oplzlé programy, ktoré máme v televízii o hollywoodskych kráľovnách sexu. Môžeme vidieť nemorálnosť tohto mesta, ako sa tieto deti, dievčatá prechádzajú hore dole tu po ulici v malých, drobných, obtiahnutých šatách, krútiac sa okolo, a je taká zima, že môžu zmrznúť na smrť. Oni nevedia, že to je diabol, ktorý to činí. Oni sú posadnuté zlým duchom a nevedia o tom. Nevidíte to robiť samicu psa, že? Nevidíte to robiť žiadnu inú samicu. Ani žiaden samec k nej radšej neprichádza.
180Vidíte? No, zachytávate ten obraz? Predstavíme niečo zachvíľu, ak Pán dovolí. Vidíte teraz Nikolaitov, vidíte ich náuku.
181 Vidíte tie dospievajúce kráľovné, ako ich volajú, tieto striptérky vonku na ulici. Zvyčajne sa muselo chodiť na nejakú vulgárnu šou niekde naboku, vidieť striptíz. Len otvorte oči a rozhliadnite sa po ulici. To je všetko, čo musíte teraz urobiť. Celá tá vec je striptíz. Iste. Kvôli čomu to robia? Aby provokovali, pokúšali. To je tá jediná vec, kvôli čomu to ona môže robiť. Ona to robí, pretože je oplzlá. Ona to robí, pretože je tak stvorená. Ona si neuvedomuje, že je nástrojom v rukách satana. To je to, čím ona je.
182 Dokonca v našich školách dnes učia o sexuálnych aktoch. Náš zhnitý svet kultu ženy! Viem, že oni tomu nechcú veriť. Stoja a spievajú nejaký druh chvály a tak ďalej, v jeden deň a celú noc behajú vonku so ženami. Vidíte? V poriadku. Keď v Božích očiach, v Slove, je ona najnižšia zo všetkých zvierat, ktoré Boh umiestnil na zem. Pozorujte.
183 To je dôvod, prečo jej Boh zakazuje vyučovať Jeho Slovo. To je pravda. 1.Timotejovi 2:9-15: "A žene nedovoľujem učiť ani vládnuť nad mužom..." Vidíte? A tiež 1.Korinťanom 14:34: " Vaše ženy nech mlčia v zboroch, lebo sa im nedovoľuje hovoriť, ale podriaďovať sa ako aj zákon hovorí." Ale čo dnes robí cirkev? Oni z nej robia pastorky, evanjelistky, hoci Biblia to úplne zakazuje. A Biblia povedala: "... ako aj Zákon hovorí," čo ukazuje, že celá tá vec ide v jednej línii.
184Práve tak, ako bol Baránok včera večer, jediným miestom uctievania, pod preliatou Krvou Baránka. To je to jediné miesto dnes, v Kristovi. Jediný spôsob, ako to učiniť, je vojsť do Neho. To je to jediné miesto uctievania. Vždy to bolo tak. Jediné miesto uctievania je pod preliatou Krvou.
185 Takže teraz vidíme celý ten obraz toho odhalený pred nami. Tam ona je. To je dôvod, prečo jej Boh nedovoľuje vyučovať, nedovoľuje jej činiť v cirkvi čokoľvek, len pokojne sedieť so zakrytou tvárou.
186No, môžete vidieť, prečo som povedal tie veci a učinil tie veci, ktoré som učinil, vediac toto všetko vo svojom srdci, bratia, sestry? Viem, sestry, Ja... vy máte svoje miesto (len chvíľu) a nádherný charakter, ktorý Boh môže vo vás uformovať. Ale ja sa iba snažím hovoriť o tej druhej strane, aby som ukázal, kým ste vlastne „od počiatku". Ježiš nám povedal, aby sme sa vrátili na počiatok, aby sme to zistili. To je to, čo robíme.
187Nuž, musel som udrieť tie vrcholové body mnohého z tohoto a dúfam, že tomu rozumiete. A vy ľudia, ktorí budete počúvať túto pásku, dúfam, že rozumiete. Len sa vráťte naspäť. Je to len, aby som ukázal, že Ježiš povedal: "Vráťte sa na počiatok a zistite to." Všetky veci sa vracajú na počiatok. Môžete dnes vidieť, prečo ľudia...
188Oni hovoria, že nenávidím ženy. To je ďaleko od pravdy. To nie je tak. Nazývajú ma nepriateľom žien. Pamätajte, Pavla nazývali nepriateľom žien. Jedna kazateľka nedávno povedala: „Ó, ty si ako starý Pavol, všetko, čo musel robiť, bolo kritizovať nás, ženy."
189Svätý Boží, ktorému bolo dovolené napísať Bibliu, Nový Zákon, a pochybovať o jeho Slove! On povedal: „ Ak by aj Anjel z neba učil niečo iné než To, čo som ja povedal, nech je prekliaty," nieto ešte nejaká kazateľka. Vidíte?
190Oni povedali, že Eliáš nenávidel ženy. On nemal v nenávisti ženy, skutočné ženy. On iba nemal rád tie Jezábele.
191A ak to tak je, potom musí byť... Boh musí byť taký istý, lebo On je Slovom, ktoré prichádza ku prorokom. Tak to musí byť Boh, tým istým spôsobom, tak vidíte, On pozná originálne stvorenie od počiatku. On povedal: „Od počiatku... " Boli to proroci, ku ktorým prichádzalo Slovo.
192A On ju učinil pre muža a nie muža pre ňu. Vedeli ste, že: „Žena zostala učinená pre muža a nie muž pre ženu"? Koľkí to vedia? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Biblia to učí. Dobre. Pred úpadkom jej bolo dané miesto v mužovi, rovnoprávne nad všetkým stvorenstvom, ale „po" úpadku... no, tu predkladáme tú tému. Ale „po" úpadku, on bol jej vládcom, ona musí mlčať vo všetkých záležitostiach. No, po tom, ako originálny počiatok skončil...
193Ježiš povedal, „Od počiatku nebolo tak." To je to, kedy sa začal čas, keď Boh učinil to prvé vo Svojom originálnom stvorení. Všetci, ktorí rozumiete, povedzte znovu „Amen". [Zhromaždenie odpovedá „Amen" – Vyd.] Na počiatku Boh stvoril len jedného samca a jednu samicu. Ale potom žena bola stvorená odlišne od zvierat, všetkých ostatných zvierat, na zvádzanie. No, sledujte. No, od počiatku tak nebolo. Ona bola učinená... Keby ona zostala vo svojom originálnom stave, ona by nikdy neupadla. Ale ona zapríčinila pád v prerušení, ktoré zlomilo celé spojenie Božie a uvrhlo na zem smrť, smútok a všetko ostatné. Ona tak bola učinená.
194Teraz si všimnite. No, po počiatku, po počiatku, potom, ako začal čas; predtým bola Večnosť, ona sa skončila. Všimnite si, po tom úpadku, ktorý zapríčinila Eva, po úpadku bolo potrebné učiniť inú zmluvu. Nuž, o toto sa potknete, ale ja vám dám miesto Písma, aby som dokázal, že toto je Pravda.
No, všimnite si, po úpadku... Ježiš povedal... Na počiatku Boh stvoril jedno z každého druhu, ale teraz, po úpadku... Teraz prejdeme poza to. Tá Zmluva bola rovnoprávna. Ale teraz, po úpadku, je vytvorená iná zmluva. Teraz, ona už viac nevládla spolu s ním. Každý musí mať odlišnú zmluvu.
195Pozrime sa teraz, či je to tak. Vezmime Genesis 3 a zistime, či je toto teraz správne, keď pôjdeme ďalej, lebo chceme byť presvedčení o týchto veciach, že budú vyučované a prinášané presne pravdivo... Možno práve tu máme málo času, pretože nie sme teraz príliš ďaleko od konca, aby sme sa dostali k záverečnej časti tejto témy, aby sme ukázali, prečo a ako to je ohľadne rozvodov atď.
Teraz v Genesis 3. kapitola, a začneme teraz v 3.kapitole 16. veršom. Začnime od 14.verša:
A Hospodin... riekol hadovi:...
(Teraz ho On ide prekliať)... že si to urobil zlorečený budeš nad každé hovädo... nad každé zviera poľné; na svojom bruchu sa budeš plaziť a budeš žrať prach po všetky dni svojho života.
A položím nepriateľstvo medzi tebou a medzi ženou, medzi tvojím semenom a jej semenom; ono ti rozdrtí hlavu, a ty mu rozdrtíš pätu.
(Zasľúbenie prichádzajúce cez ženu, Mesiáš, aby nás vykúpil.)Potom ešte povedal žene:...
196Teraz pozrite. No, tu je zmluva s hadom. Pričom oni všetci boli v poriadku, predtým na počiatku, alebo pred počiatkom.
Potom ešte povedal žene: Veľmi rozmnožím tvoju bolesť a tvoje tehotenstvo; v bolesti budeš rodiť deti, a tvoja túžba sa ponesie k tvojmu mužovi, a on bude panovať nad tebou.
(Už viac neboli navzájom rovnoprávni.)
197Teraz sa ona obrátila, a ona vládne.
A Adamovi povedal: Preto, že si poslúchol hlas svojej ženy a jedol si zo stromu, o ktorom som ti prikázal a riekol: Nebudeš jesť z... neho, zlorečená bude zem pre teba...
(nepreklial teraz Adama, nech je prekliata zem)... s bolesťou budeš z nej jesť po všetky dni svojho života.
Tŕnie... a bodľač ti bude rodiť a budeš jesť poľnú bylinu.
V pote... svojej tvári budeš jesť chlieb, až dokiaľ sa nenavrátiš do zeme, lebo z nej si vzatý, pretože si prach a na prach sa obrátiš.
198Dve zmluvy. Nuž, to uzatvára počiatok, o ktorom povedal Ježiš: „ Na počiatku tak nebolo." Teraz máme inú zmluvu. Všimnite si, to je iná zmluva. No, teraz je zmluva pre produkt a pre vedľajší produkt. Všimnite si, úpadok priniesol problémy a smrť pre každé stvorenie celého stvorenia, spôsobiac zmeny v celej prírode.
Teraz si všimnime, čo o tom povedal Ježiš: „Od počiatku tak nebolo." No, to nie je „od", je to... No, je to „po" počiatku. No, je dvojitá zmluva.
199Prv to bola len zmluva. Adam a Eva boli rovnoprávni, jeden muž, jedna žena. Nuž, žena zhrešila. A čo ona robí? To uvrhlo ich všetkých do smrti a Boh musel kvôli tomu urobiť zmluvu, inú zmluvu. Je to práve tu v Genesis 3:16. On urobil inú zmluvu.
200Nuž, svet bude nanovo zaľudnený, nie skrze originálne Božie stvorenie ako na počiatku, nie skrze originálne stvorenie, ale skrze sexuálnu žiadosť. Nuž, to sa týka počiatku, je tak? Na počiatku bol len jeden muž a jedna žena, jeden samec, jedna samica. Ale keď ona prekročila tú líniu a priniesla tento hriech, teraz svet bude znovu zaľudnený skrze sex; nie skrze stvorenie, ale skrze sex. Vidíte, kde sa žena teraz nachádza? No, ale to je spôsob, ako je dnes svet zaľudnený, skrze ženy.
201To je ten dôvod, prečo Ježiš musel prísť cez ženu, aby to priviedol znovu naspäť do originálneho počiatku, bez sexuálnej žiadosti. On sa narodil z panny. Ale, haleluja, príde čas, keď to už nebude viac sex, ale Boh zavolá Svoje deti z prachu zeme, naspäť, ako to bolo v originále. Nie cez nejakú ženu, ale cez uformovanie z hliny, kozmického svetla a ropy. On znovu stvorí, ako stvoril Adama prvýkrát. Ježiš toto učinil možným skrze to, že Boh sa stal Človekom a prišiel na svet, aby mohol zomrieť, skrze túto ženu. Teraz je čas skúšok skrze hriech.
202Nuž, vidíte, potom „po" počiatku bolo... niečo iné bolo predstavené. No, toto vás prekvapí. Ste unavení? Seďte len potichu, ešte chvíľu.
203Potom, keď bola učinená dvojitá zmluva skrze muža a ženu kvôli sexu, úplne iná zmluva (nie tá originálna zmluva, ale iná zmluva), čo bolo teraz predstavené? Polygamia vo všetkom. Potom po počiatku, bola zavedená polygamia aj u človeka, aj u zvierat, po počiatku, po úpadku. Boh teraz druhotne ustanovil novú prírodu, skrze sex. Boh utvoril tú prvú bez sexu. Veríte tomu? Teraz, to je iná zmluva s prírodou; On ju ustanovil podľa iného poriadku, skrze sex. Druhá zmluva: jeden samec, mnoho samíc; jeden jeleň, celý hárem laní. Je to tak? Jeden býk, celé stádo kráv; jeden kohút, plný dvor sliepok. Je to tak? Jeden Dávid, podľa Jeho vlastného srdca, s päťsto ženami, so stovkou detí, ktoré sa mu narodili v jednom roku z rôznych žien, muž podľa Božieho vlastného srdca. Jeden Šalamún s tisíckou žien. Ale všimnite si teraz, tak to nebolo na počiatku, ale teraz je „po" počiatku. Žena toto spôsobila, potom sa ona jednoducho stáva tým, čím je teraz. Rozumiete?
204Dávid - kráľ, ktorý reprezentoval Krista! Držte to vo svojich mysliach. Dávid reprezentoval Krista. Veríte tomu? Kristus sedí– On zasadne na jeho tróne. A tento Dávid, muž podľa Božieho vlastného srdca, mal päťsto žien. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Dávid so svojimi päťsto ženami, Šalamún so svojou tisíckou. A Šalamún je synom Dávida telesne, ktorý reprezentuje Ježiša Krista, Syna Dávidovho duchovne. Ale to je prirodzený, sexuálny život. Toto bude duchovné, stvorené. Prečo? Stvorené. To je to, ako to bolo na počiatku, ale nie teraz, v tomto živote, v ktorom žijeme teraz.
205Všimnite si. Nech vám toto teraz neutečie, vezmite si to hlboko do svojich sŕdc. Ale ani jedna z tých žien nemohla mať ešte jedného muža. On je to originálne stvorenie, nie ona. Ani jedna z tých žien nemohla mať ešte jedného muža, ale ten jeden muž mohol mať tisíc žien. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je Biblia. Nuž, vrátil som sa späť, aby som zabral čas a ukázal vám tam späť, čo sa začalo, čo povedal Ježiš. No, vidíte to jasne? Oni mohli mať toľko veľa...
207Keď Abrahám vzal Sáru dolu do Filištínskej zeme, tam bol kráľ, ktorý sa volal Abimelech. A Sára mala sto rokov, presne tak, ale ona bola premenená späť na mladú ženu, a bola učinená krásnou. Viete o tom? Dobre. A Abimelech ju chcel za ženu. Pamätáte si moje posolstvo na tú tému? Abimelech si chcel zobrať Sáru za ženu. Pravdepodobne mal hárem. Ale on si ju nemohol zobrať, ak ona bola vydatá za Abraháma. Tak Abrahám povedal Sáre: „ Povedz, že som tvojím bratom – lebo on ma zabije, aby ťa mohol mať." Prečo on jednoducho nevyhnal Abraháma zo zeme a nevzal si jeho ženu a tak ďalej žil? Zákon neplatil len pre veriacich, ale pre všetkých ľudí v stvorení. Hriešnik alebo svätý, si zodpovedný, človeče, za tieto skutky. Tam bol pohanský kráľ. Koľkí viete, že ten príbeh je pravdivý? To je Biblia, Genesis, myslím, že 16. kapitola.
208Všimnite si, Abimelech si ju chcel zobrať za ženu. On sa rozhodol mať toto nové Židovské dievča. On povedal: "Toto je moja..." Ona povedala: "To je môj brat." On povedal, "To je moja sestra."
209A Abimelech povedal: "Tak potom si ju jednoducho vezmem za ženu." Môžete si predstaviť človeka, ako robí takú vec? Ale on to urobil.
210A potom v tú noc, keď išiel spať, Pán sa mu zjavil vo sne a povedal: „Abimelech, si ako mŕtvy človek." On chránil ten prúd Židovskej krvi, vidíte? On povedal, „Si ako mŕtvy človek. Máš ženu iného muža, s ktorou sa chceš oženiť."
211On povedal,: „Pane, ty poznáš poctivosť môjho srdca." Povedal: „Či mi ona nepovedala, že to je jej brat? Či on sám nepovedal: ‘To je moja sestra'"
212On povedal: „Poznám poctivosť tvojho srdca. To je dôvod, prečo som ti nedovolil, aby si zhrešil proti Mne." Je to pravda? Povedal: „Vráť mu jeho ženu, pretože ten človek je Mojím prorokom. A pokiaľ mu nevrátiš jeho ženu… A nech on sa modlí za teba, nie tvoj kňaz. Ak sa on nebude za teba modliť, celý tvoj národ je stratený." Amen. To je veľká milosť rovno ... „Celý tvoj národ je stratený. To je žena toho muža a on je Môj prorok." Amen. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je Písmo. Vidíte?
213Takže zistili sme, že smrť bola zapríčinená – smrť je príčinou hriechu ženy, ona prišla cez ženu a nie cez muža. Všetka smrť prišla skrze jej spôsob života a skrze ňu. Jej spôsob, ako ona dáva život, je smrť. Koľkí to viete? Job 14, ak si chcete zapísať to miesto Písma.
214Ja mám... ak sa na toto opýtate, mám zapísané miesto Písma pre každú časť tejto témy.
215Chcete si prečítať Jóba 14, hovorí: „Človek, splodený zo ženy, je krátkeho veku a sýty nepokoja." Je to tak? „Vyjde ako kvet z puku a zvädne; uteká ako tieň a nezastane," atď. Rozumiete? Každý človek, ktorý je narodený zo ženy, je narodený v smrti, hneď, ako prichádza.
216Ale keď je narodený do Božieho stvorenia, on nemôže zomrieť. On je z toho druhého Stromu, ktorý bol v záhrade Eden, z Krista. Skrze ten Strom prichádza Večný Život.
218Prečo, žena je stromom. Ona je ovocným stromom. Ty si ovocím svojej matky. Ovocím lona si ty. To je pravda. A tak ovocím Stromu Života, ktorý bol v záhrade Eden, je Kristus. Cez ženu prichádza smrť. Cez toho Muža v originálnom stvorení prichádza Život. Byť narodený zo ženy, je smrť, byť narodený z Krista, je Život. Uchytili ste tú myšlienku? To je to, kde... Teraz vidíte, kam išli tie bohyne, však?
219Prví Adam a Eva boli typom druhého Adama a Evy. Vidíte, rozmnožovanie. Nuž, rozmnožovanie Adama a Evy bolo skrze sex, aby naplnili zem, ale na počiatku tak nebolo. Boh jednoducho učinil muža a ženu, tak ako učinil Svoje ostatné stvorenia, vidíte, legálne, práve tak ako Cirkev.
220Nuž, poďme, vzhľadom k týmto potvrdeným Pravdám Božím, hľadať trochu ďalej, ak chcete. V poriadku. No, toto môže trošku raniť, pokiaľ sa nedostaneme k jadru veci. Chcem vám len ukázať pravdu toho.
221Nie je kazateľ, ktorý si môže vziať za ženu vdovu. Vedeli ste to? Chcete si to prečítať? Dobre, prejdite do Leviticus 21:7 a Ezechiela 44:22 a to vám ukáže, že kňazstvo sa nesmelo oženiť so ženou, ktorej sa už dotkol muž. Toto je predobrazom panenskej Nevesty Ježiša Krista, pretože oni mali na starosti oheň Boží, tí kňazi, synovia Árona. Nemáme čas čítať to všetko a ukončiť do poludnia, máme ešte dvadsať minút. A synovia Áronovi sa starali o oheň Boží, takže oni sa nemohli oženiť so ženou, ktorej sa dotkol iný muž. Nemeniaci sa Boh tak povedal. Oni sa nemohli oženiť s inou ženou a ženou, ktorej sa dotkol nejaký muž, ukazujúc tu v predobraze, ak to chcete vidieť, že Cirkev živého Boha je čistým, neskazeným Slovom Božím a nie denomináciou, ktorou manipuluje človek.
222Všimnite si, prečítajme toto tu. Chcem toto do vás dostať. Matúš 5, Ježiš tu hovoril o niečom, čo je skutočne životne dôležité. Chceme to vidieť, Matúš 5. Ja som si zapísal do môjho …
223Poznačil som si nejaké veci, ktoré som chcel povedať len mužom, tak som mal chvíľu času hovoriť to len pred našimi sestrami. Ale chcem teraz vyjsť z toho, kým …
224Nuž, sestra, chcem ťa umiestniť na to miesto, ktoré ti zasľúbilo Božie Slovo a potom uvidíš... zostaň tiež na tom mieste.
225Matúš 5:32. Chcem, aby ste si tu všimli, aby som podoprel túto istú myšlienku o „jednom" a „mnohých". Matúš 30... Myslím, že je to Matúš 5:32, začneme od 31. verša:
Taktiež bolo povedané, že ktokoľvek by prepustil svoju manželku, nech jej dá rozvodný list.
226No, Ježiš hovorí, Ten, ktorý povedal: „Od počiatku." Teraz pozorujte.
Ale ja vám hovorím, že ktokoľvek by prepustil svoju manželku krome príčiny smilstva, vedie ju k cudzoložstvu... Vidíte?...ktokoľvek by prepustil svoju manželku krome príčiny smilstva, vedie ju k cudzoložstvu:
(Prečo? Ona sa znovu vydá.)... a ktokoľvek... by si vzal za ženu prepustenú, cudzoloží.
227Vidíte, ona má žijúceho muža, takže žiaden muž si ju nemôže zobrať za ženu. Nezáleží čo ona robí, alebo kto ona je, ona ma žijúceho muža, pre ňu neexistuje vôbec žiadna možnosť. Ale to sa netýka jeho. „Vedie ju...” (k cudzoložstvu), nie jeho. Rozumiete to? Musíte dbať, aby slovo malo súvislosť. Vidíte, nikde nie je povedané, že on nemôže, ale ona nemôže. Vidíte, To je jej prípad, nie jeho. To je presne to, čo hovorí Biblia. „Vedie ju...” To nie je povedané proti nemu, že sa nemôže znovu oženiť, ale proti nej. Prečo? Kristus v predobraze.
228Všimnite si, je povedané, že on sa nemôže znovu oženiť, jedine z pannou. On môže, on sa môže znovu oženiť, ak je ona panna; ale sa nemôže oženiť so ženou niekoho iného. Rozhodne nie. A ak sa ožení s rozvedenou ženou, on žije v cudzoložstve. Nedbám kto on je. Biblia hovorí: „Ktokoľvek by si vzal za ženu prepustenú, cudzoloží.“ Tu to máte, žiadna rozvedená.
229Vidíte teraz tam ten originál „od počiatku"? Znovu sa oženiť... Všimnite si teraz, on môže, ale ona nemôže. Ako Dávid, ako Šalamún, ako súvislosť celej Biblie, nuž, tak isto ako Dávid a ostatní z nich...
230Všimnite si teraz v 1. Korinťanom 7:10, všimnite si, Pavol prikazuje žene, ktorá sa rozviedla so svojím mužom, aby zostala sama alebo aby sa zmierila, nie znovu vydala. Ona musí zostať sama alebo sa zmieriť so svojím mužom. Ona sa nemôže znovu vydať; ona musí zostať sama. Ale všimnite si, on nikdy nepovedal o mužovi. Vidíte, nemôžete učiniť, aby Slovo klamalo. „Od počiatku", pohlavný zákon skrze polygamiu. Nuž, Slovo Božie ide presne s Božou prírodou, ide v súvislosti.
231Vidíte, ako jedna škola odišla na východ a tá druhá na západ? Musíte sa vrátiť naspäť do Pravdy, aby ste zistili, čo to je.
232Vždy to tak bolo. To je normálna zmluva s Bohom od počiatku. Prv, pred počiatkom, od počiatku bol len jeden a jedna. Potom, ako prišiel hriech, potom bol jeden muž a skupina žien. Tak to prebieha v prírode, každé zviera; a ľudské bytosti a prirodzené telo, to je zviera. My sme cicavce. Vieme to, všetci z nás. Vidíte a to všetko je Božia príroda v jednej línii.
233Ale teraz, keď sú Pečate otvorené, Duch Pravdy nás vedie do Slova. To vysvetľuje, prečo všetky tie chyby boli učinené počas vekov, lebo Pečate neboli otvorené. Toto nebolo zjavené. To je pravda.
234Všimnite si, vy nemôžete spraviť, aby tiene zlyhali. Ako som vám to kázal včera večer o tieni na podlahe, on musí vyjsť správne. Ako môže prichádzať tieň slona na podlahe, a malý, drobný, chudý človek vychádza, aby bol slon, alebo slon, a k nemu malý chudý človek.
235No, ak si to všimnete v dokonalom obraze...
236Nuž, existuje pravdivá žena. Pravdivá žena, panna, ktorá sa vydáva za svojho manžela a žije a ona je požehnaním pre muža. Ak by Boh mohol dať Svojmu Synovi nejakú lepšiu vec ako ženu, On by mu to dal.
237Ale ona je stvorená, aby bola sexuálna. A žiadne iné zviera nie je takto stvorené. Žiadne iné stvorenie na zemi nie je tak učinené. To je dôvod, prečo vidíte mnohoženstvo, kvôli tomu. To je to, čo to prinieslo.
238Teraz, pozrite. V konečnej analýze, pozrite, je jeden Ježiš Kristus (Je to pravda?), jeden Muž, Boh, Emanuel. Veríte tomu? Ale údov Jeho Ženy je veľa, vidíte, tisíce krát tisíce tisícov. Je to pravda? Jeho Žena, Nevesta, Cirkev... Rozumiete teraz?
239 Preto On povedal Adamovi, predtým ako bol uvedený alebo zavedený sex : „Množte sa a naplňte zem," ešte pokiaľ bol na počiatku, keď bol ešte oboje, mužské a ženské v ňom samom. To potom ukazuje, že Nevesta musela prísť zo Slova, cez duchovné rozmnožovanie – rozmnožovania, vidíte, aby naplnila zem.
240Nuž, v sexe... Vidíte, tie školy pomiešali tie dve veci. Preto, nemôžete to robiť. Musíte to priniesť späť do tej Pravdy toho, „na počiatku".
241A na konci tam bude jeden Pán Ježiš, jednotné číslo, a Jeho Nevesta, mnohí. Uchytili ste to? Bol jeden Dávid na tróne, jeden kráľ (podľa Božieho srdca) a mal päťsto žien. Ježiš, sediaci na Svojom tróne, halleluja, v Tisícročnom Kráľovstve, so Ženou, ako to bolo na počiatku, stvorenou zo zeme rukou Všemohúceho Boha, vo vzkriesení, z mnohých údov. Tu to máte.
242Ženy, snažte sa byť takými, vojdite do Krista, potom nebudete v tej nemorálnej špine tam vonku. Ale pokiaľ ste len členkami cirkvi, a sami sa snažíte žiť morálne a dobre, nikdy to nedosiahnete. Ani muž to nemôže dosiahnuť mimo Krista. Ako Pavol pokračoval a povedal: „Ale v Kristovi nie je ani muža, ani ženy." Oni všetci sú jedno.
243Ale aby sme vyjasnili túto vec Manželstva a Rozvodu, tak aby ste vedeli, čo je správne a čo nesprávne, On to jasne ukazuje v týchto typoch: je jeden Kristus a vela členov Jeho Ženy. Všimnite si, On nás môže prepustiť pre duchovné smilstvá a falošnú náuku, kedykoľvek chce, ale ako sa opovažujete vy Jeho prepustiť a dôjsť do konca? Muž môže prepustiť svoju ženu a zobrať si druhú, ale žena nemôže prepustiť svojho muža a zobrať si druhého. Vidíte, že všetky tiene a predobrazy sú dokonale vyvážené. Vidíte, originálne stvorenie, nie vedľajší produkt, nikde. Nie cirkev, ale Nevesta skrze Slovo. Nie žena, muž, zakaždým. To je to, čo... Nikdy nehovorí nič proti tomu, keď to robí muž, je to vždy žena. To je presne tak.
244Ale ona môže byť Nevesta Kristova tým, že je... A pamätajte, že ona, súc časťou muža, Biblia povedala, že ona môže len... „Nedovoľujem žene učiť, alebo nárokovať si akúkoľvek autoritu, ale aby bola v tichosti. Pretože Adam bol prvý stvorený a potom Eva. A Adam nebol zvedený, ale vedľajší produkt bol zvedený. Ale napriek tomu, ona bude spasená, ak bude zotrvávať v svätosti, a v triezvosti a cez rodenie detí a tak ďalej...", lebo ona sa vtedy stáva časťou tohoto muža. To je to, čo prináša...
245Prečo Abrahám ne… Prečo Boh nezabil Sáru, ako rovno tam sedela, zapierajúc a klamúc rovno do tváre Božej, keď tam sedel ako smrteľný Človek, jedol mäso, jedol chlieb, pil mlieko? A povedal: „Prečo sa Sára smiala tam vzadu, za Ním v stane, On ju vôbec nevidel, hovoriac: ‘Tieto... ako sa tieto veci môžu stať?'"
246Ona povedala: „Ja som to nepovedala." Ó. Ú. Povedať Bohu do tváre, že On je klamár? Ale On ju nemohol vziať. Prečo? Ona je časťou Abraháma. On by jej nemohol ublížiť bez toho, aby ublížil Abrahámovi.
247Teraz, vy ženy, vidíte, kam patríte? A Biblia povedala: „Vy ženy, buďte ako Sára, ktorá sa ozdobovala slušným odením, bola verná a oddaná svojmu vlastnému mužovi, milujúc ho tak veľmi, že ho nazývala svojím „pánom", vládcom, vlastníkom.
248A vy, niektoré ženy, obliekate si to nechutné oblečenie a vychádzate von, aby ste sa predvádzali pred mužmi. Ježiš povedal: „Ktokoľvek by pozrel na ženu s myšlienkou požiadať ju, už s ňou scudzoložil vo svojom srdci." Potom, kto je na vine, ten muž alebo ty? On je muž, stvorený tak, aby mohol učiniť ten akt, vidíš? A ty si žena, ktorá by to mala odmietnuť.
249A prečo sa vy tak vystavujete? To nie je kvôli pohodliu. Vy viete, že to tak nemôže byť, keď ste napoly zmrznuté na smrť oblečené v tých šortkách. Vidíte? To nemôže byť kvôli pohodliu. Potom čo to je? To je kvôli morálnej nečistote. Vy si to nepriznáte, ale Biblia tak povedala. To je pravda. To je nečistý duch, ktorý je vo vás. Vy nechcete byť nečisté, ale vy si neuvedomujete, že duchovne ste nečisté, pretože sa reprezentujete morálne nečisto.
250No, muž, jeho staré, špinavé, hrčavé kolená, a ak by on mal na sebe ledva trochu odenia, to by nerobilo žiaden rozdiel, jeho telo nie je zvodné. Prečo? On bol v originálnom stvorení - charakter, mal by byť. Ale vy ste vedľajším produktom, ktorým sa pokúša..
251Bože, zmiluj sa! Ó, tento hriešny svet! Budem rád, keď pominie.
252Všimnite si, on môže prepustiť svoju ženu kedykoľvek on chce, ale ona ho nemôže prepustiť. On ma môže učiniť – On ma môže uvrhnúť do prachu kedykoľvek si zmyslí, ale, ó, brat, ja by som Ho radšej nemal skúšať zavrhnúť; je so mnou koniec.
253Šalamún sa mohol oženiť s ktoroukoľvek ženou, ktorá nebola vydatá. On sa mohol oženiť s ktoroukoľvek ženou, s ktorou chcel. Kazateľ sa mohol oženiť jedine so ženou, ktorá je panna. Šalamún...
254Tak ako Dávid, on si zobral... Ako sa volala? Abigail, jej muž bol človekom nazvaným „blázon". On mal peknú ženu a on zomrel. A Abigail sa vydala za Dávida, on bol kráľom a nie kňazom, rozumiete, tak on sa oženil.
255Ale kňaz by to nemohol urobiť, lebo on by sa dotkol alebo by si zobral za ženu takú, ktorá už bola ženou nejakého muža. Tak to ukazuje panenstvo Cirkvi Pána Ježiša Krista, Nevesta bude musieť byť nescudzoložená, Slovo, nikde nechýba ani jedno Slovo. Určite. Môžete si predstaviť správnu nevestu bez jedného prsníka a inú, s ktorou niečo iné nie je v poriadku, viete? Nevesta Kristova nebude taká. Ona je dokonalá. Ona je celým Slovom, ani jedno Slovo nikde nezlyháva. Nie.
256Všimnite si, On ju môže prepustiť, ale ona Jeho nemôže prepustiť. On to učinil a dokázal to vo dňoch, keď Luther, Wesley, a na Letnice, keď oni odmietli stať sa ďalšou Jeho časťou, aby mali duchovný sexuálny akt, aby sa stali tehotnými s ďalšou časťou Slova. Rozumiete tomu? Ona odmietla... Luteránska cirkev odmietla Krista, aby mal po nej žiadosť. Luther to odmietol. A dovoľte mi povedať toto; aj tak ma budú niečím nazývať; tak je to aj dnes s každým z nich, oni zanedbávajú prijať to Slovo, oni odmietajú Krista!
257A každá žena, ktorá odmieta mať s mužom jeho dieťa, nemá právo byť jeho ženou. Amen. Spomínate si v Biblii, keď sa kráľ oženil s Ester? Pretože ho kráľovná odmietla, on si jednoducho zobral inú. A keď... Čo sa stalo, keď ona odmietla prísť pred kráľa, poslúchnuť ho? Tak isto je to so ženou, ktorá odmieta byť manželkou svojmu mužovi.
258A tak je to s cirkvou, ktorá odmieta byť tehotná vo veku, v ktorom teraz žijeme, aby zrodila deti tohoto veku. My nie sme Luteráni, nie sme Wesleyovci, ani nie sme Letniční. My musíme byť deťmi tohoto veku skrze tehotenstvo so Slovom Božím, aby sme porodili Dieťa tohoto veku, Dieťa Semena. Amen. Dúfam, že rozumiete. Nemohla byť tehotná, nie, tak čo On urobil? Prepustil ju v rozvode. Tak je. Ale ona sa odvažuje prepustiť Jeho. On ju prepustil.
259On išiel ďalej zjavujúc Svoje Slovo Telu a potvrdzujúc sa cez Seba Samého. Jeho deti sa začínajú tak trochu viac podobať na Neho lebo To úplne dozrieva, alebo sa stávajú deťmi Slova, nie deťmi cirkvi. Deťmi Slova. A Nevesta bude milou, malou Dámou Slova, čistou, nedotknutou žiadnou ľudskou organizáciou, žiadnou ľuďmi vytvorenou teóriou. Ona bude čistou, nezmiešanou Nevestou Slova! Amen a amen. Dúfam, že ste to uchopili, vy tam vonku. Ona bude tehotná dcéra Božia.
260Vidíte, akou veľkou cťou môže byť žena? Vidíte, akou veľkou vecou môže byť cirkev? Ale vidíte, kam ju doviedla morálna nečistota? Skúste potom porovnať tú cirkev tam vonku s tou Cirkvou tu, nemôžete to urobiť. A skúste porovnať smilnicu z ulice s cirkvou živého Boha; alebo ženu, skutočnú ženu so smilnicou?
261Prečo existujú také veci ako toto? Je to Boží zákon, zákon protikladu.
Ako by sme vedeli, ako sa tešiť z denného svetla, ak by nebolo noci? Ako by sme vedeli, ako sa tešiť zo suchého počasia, ak by nebolo dažďa? Ako by sme sa vedeli tešiť a mať v úcte skutočnú ženu, ak by nebolo tej nečistej?
262On rovno ďalej pokračoval zjavujúc To, zjavoval Svoje Slovo, ale či sa opováži niekto z nás skúsiť prepustiť Jeho a vziať si druhého?
263No, určite je to jasné, prečo sú obidve teórie zlé. Nemôžete učiniť, aby to išlo tadeto, je to preč. Ak učiníte, aby to išlo tadeto, pôjde to rovno mimo zasľúbenia. Tu je to zasľúbenie. Tu je tá vec, rovno tu. Slovo si neprotirečí. Ono musí zostať v jednej línii. No, neprotirečí si viac ako Matúš 28:19 a Skutky 2:38...
264Nuž, niektoré z vás žien, niektorí z vás mužov, viem, že s tým nesúhlasíte, pretože viete, že to v tejto chvíli nemôžete ukryť. Nemôžete.
265Ale dovoľte mi len, aby som vám niečo ukázal. Ak Matúš 28:19 povedal: „Iďte teda, čiňte učeníkmi všetky národy, krstiac ich vo meno Otca i Syna i Svätého Ducha," a oni sa obrátili a každá osoba, ktorá kedy bola pokrstená, bola pokrstená v rozpore s tým, a bola pokrstená v Meno Ježiša Krista, po celé Biblické obdobie a počas tristo rokov po Biblickom období, až po Nicejský Koncil... potom oni namiesto toho prijali dogmy. Aký je rozdiel? Ak to nie je zjavené...
266A viete, že celá Kniha, celá Biblia je zjavenie? To je to, ako vy musíte poznať pravdu medzi týmto jedným a tým druhým. Pretože to je zjavenie. A zjavenie musí byť presne so Slovom, nie v protiklade so Slovom. Vy hovoríte: „No, ja, mne to bolo zjavené." Potom ak je to v protiklade so Slovom, nikdy to neprišlo od Boha. To je pravda.
267Nuž, ak chcete vziať Matúša 16:18, sám Ježiš povedal, že celá Cirkev, Jeho Cirkev bude zbudovaná na duchovnom zjavení Jeho Samého, ktorý je Slovom. „A ja ti hovorím, že ty si Peter... A telo a krv ti to nezjavili, ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v Nebesiach ti to zjavil. A na tej skale..."
268Nuž, ja viem, naši katolícki priatelia, vy hovoríte, že „to bolo vybudované na Petrovi a Peter bol apoštolský, tak...a...tak pod apoštolskou postupnosťou."
Protestanti povedal, že to bolo vybudované na Ježišovi Kristovi."
269Nie aby som sa líšil, ale vezmite len to, čo On povedal. On povedal: „Telo ani krv ti to nezjavili, ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach ti to zjavil, a na tejto skale duchovného zjavenia, čím je Slovo - ja postavím Moju Cirkev, a brány pekla ju nepremôžu." Jeho Žena nebude pokúšaná iným mužom. „Ja vybudujem Svoju Cirkev a brány pekla ju nepremôžu."
270A Ábel a Kain v záhrade Eden, Kain dotiahol svoju vlastnú koncepciu. On povedal: „Nuž, pozri. Boh je dobrým Bohom. On je nad celou prírodou, vezmem teda fazuľu a zemiaky, vezmem kvety a spravím Mu naozaj pekný oltár." To je cirkev. On si kľakol. On veril Bohu. On uctieval Boha, zodvihol svoje ruky a obetoval túto obeť. On urobil všetko nábožné, čo urobil Ábel.
271Ábel postavil taký istý druh oltára, ale keď Ábel priniesol svoju obeť, on priniesol baránka. Nuž, Kain, tým, že si to myslel, predstavoval protiliek na hriech, že jeho otec a matka museli jesť ovocie, ako boli v tej záhrade naučení. Ale Ábel skrze Božské zjavenie vedel, že to bola krv, ktorá to spôsobila. Skrze Božské zjavenie. A Biblia povedala v liste Židom v 12. kapitole – 11. tej kapitole, že „Ábel skrze vieru – zjavenie - priniesol Bohu dokonalejšiu obeť ako Kain, cez čo dostal svedectvo od Boha, že bol spravodlivý." Je to tak? Amen. Brat, sestra, mne je to tak jasné ako čokoľvek iné. Tam je celá tá vec.
272Teraz, čo sa týka manželstva a rozvodu, vidíte, to muselo byť zjavené. Pokiaľ to nie je zjavené, neviete to. Ale On zasľúbil v týchto posledných dňoch, v tomto veku, že každé skryté tajomstvo v Biblii bude zjavené. Koľkí z vás to vedia? Zjavenie 10. kapitola. Ježiš to zasľúbil, že všetky z týchto skrytých tajomstiev o manželstve a rozvode, všetky tieto ostatné tajomstvá, ktoré boli, budú zjavené v čase konca.
No, spomínate si, ten Hlas povedal: „Choď do Tucsonu." Pamätáte sa na to tajomné Svetlo na oblohe, tých sedem Anjelov, ktorí tam stáli, ako sa vrátili späť a otvorili tých Sedem Pečatí? Pozorujte, čo sa dialo. Je to pravda.
273Teraz len trochu ďalej. Ale teraz, počúvajte! Ja viem, že... je čas, aby ste sa išli najesť, ale ja sa práve dobre kŕmim.
274Všimnite si, nuž, žena má svoje miesto a ona je drahokamom. Šalamún, tento muž, ktorý mal desaťtisíc žien – či vlastne tisíc žien, on povedal, že muž, ktorý našiel ženu, našiel dobrú vec. On povedal, že dobrá žena je drahokamom v jeho korune. To je česť. Ale nespravodlivá žena je vodou v jeho krvi. To je jeho život. On povedal: „Je možné nájsť jedného spravedlivého muža z tisíca." Toto povedal Šalamún. „Ale", povedal: „Medzi tisícom žien nenájdete ani jednu spravodlivú." Šalamún to povedal, vidíte. Takže všimnite si to, ako to je.
275Ale vidíš, žena, ty si – ty si drahokamom, ak chceš byť drahokamom, ale tá túžba musí byť v tebe. A vidíte, prečo bolo manželstvo a rozvod, že Ježiš poukázal tam na počiatok? Bolo tak preto, lebo váš druh bol príčinou všetkého hriechu. Z toho dôvodu bolo vovedené mnohoženstvo a rozvod a iné veci. Na počiatku nikdy tak nebolo a nebude tak ani v tom svete na druhej strane.
276Pozrite sa na Jakuba, z ktorého pochádzajú patriarchovia. On mal najmenej tucet žien. On si vzal dve sestry a okrem nich mal konkubíny, družky žijúce v spoločnej domácnosti, s ktorými žil. A tí patriarchovia sa narodili rovno z tých družiek. Je to pravda? Vidíte, musíte nechať, aby Slovo prebiehalo v jednej línii.
277Ó, mám o nich celé strany. Ak sa ma kedykoľvek nejaký duchovný na to opýta, a keby sme sa mohli stretnúť, môžeme sa o tom porozprávať. Ale určite, ak má v sebe vôbec niečo duchovné, tak by hneď tu mohol vidieť, že to je Pravda. Niet o tom pochýb.
278Dobrá žena je dobrá vec. Ja to viem. Ja to viem vďaka skutočným ženám. Stretol som skutočné ženy, ktoré sú rýdze, práve tak ako ktorýkoľvek muž, ktorý kedy chodil po zemi.
279Ona je vedľajším produktom a je časťou neho. A pri úpadku ju on poslúchol. On len... Ona je jeho časťou. Ale záleží to od nej; ona je učinená tak, že môže byť nemorálna. A jej je dané právo, aby odmietla alebo prijala. To je v protiklade k tej originálnej prírode na počiatku, vidíte? Ale tu to máte.
280No, je dvanásť hodín, tak ja tu len niečo vynechám na pár minút. Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať.
281Nuž, pamätajte, hovorím toto len môjmu zhromaždeniu. A tam vonku; hovorím toto len mojím vlastným nasledovníkom. Toto Posolstvo je len pre nich. A to, čo tu poviem...
282Každý kazateľ, on – to je jeho – on je pastierom stáda; nech robí čokoľvek chce. To je medzi ním a Bohom. Ktorýkoľvek kňaz, ktorýkoľvek kazateľ, to je na tebe, môj brat.
283Ja hovorím len tu, v Jeffersonville, na jedinom mieste, na ktorom toto môžem povedať, pretože to je moje vlastné stádo. Je to stádo, nad ktorým mám dohliadať, ako som to počul od Svätého Ducha. On ma bude brať za to na zodpovednosť. A títo moji ľudia tu boli obrátení z celej krajiny, ktorých som priviedol ku Kristovi. Detičky, ja som tu, aby som vám pomohol a som vaším priateľom. Možno si myslíte, že hovorím proti vám; hovorím vám toto pre vaše dobro. Ja vás milujem. A ak to nie je tak, Boh je mojím Sudcom. Vy viete, že vás milujem.
284Toto je strašne silná vec. Nevedel som, ako to mám priniesť. Čo mám robiť, keď v mojom zhromaždení sedia muži a ženy, niektorí, ktorí boli dva alebo trikrát v manželstve? Dobrí muži, dobré ženy, všetci zamiešaní! Čo to zapríčinilo? Falošná náuka, presne tak! Nečakali na Pána.
285„Čo Boh spojil, nech človek nerozdeľuje." Nie čo človek spojil, „čo Boh spojil." Keď si dostal priame zjavenie od Boha, že to je tvoja žena a tá istá vec, ona je tvoja do konca tvojho života. Rozumiete? Ale čo človek spojí, ktokoľvek môže rozdeliť. Ale to, čo Boh spojí, nech sa toho žiaden človek radšej neopovažuje dotýkať. „Čokoľvek Boh spojí", On povedal: „nech žiaden človek nerozdeľuje." Nie to, čo spojil nejaký polo-opitý starosta alebo niekto iný, alebo nejaký odpadnutý kazateľ s knihou plnou vierovyznaní, ktoré im dovoľujú robiť všetko na svete, a Slovo Božie leží rovno tam. Rozumiete? Ja hovorím o tom, čo Boh spolu spojil.
286 Teraz vám toto poviem. Som veľmi opatrný v tom, čo vám hovorím. Nechcem byť voči vám, ľudia, drsný. Nechcem byť drsný voči vám, moji bratia pastori. Nemyslím to tak. Ale ja som zodpovedný, uvedomujúc si, že toto bolo dané do mojich rúk. A ak... ja To nemôžem zadržať a neviem, ako to mám podať, a viem, že táto páska bude... Ó. Ja sa už chystám. Kancelária je otvorená, lebo to prichádza. Vidíte?
287Práve tak isto, ako to bolo pri „Semene hada", ale to je absolútne dokázané, že to je pravda. Mám tu noviny, mám to z novín, kde ženy práve teraz ... a dokonca vo veľkom – jedna z najväčších diecéz má originálne fotky hada, plaziaceho sa po ženskej nohe a len... a ako ide okolo nej. Ona má všetky druhy pocitov a také veci, aké jej nikdy nemôže vyvolať žiaden muž – s týmto veľkým hadom, ovíjajúcim sa okolo nej a tak ďalej. To je úplná pravda. A je to čoraz horšie a horšie a bude ešte horšie. Had, ktorým on nebol – on nemohol mať s ňou pohlavný styk, keď bol hadom. Ale spomeňte si...
288Mal som minule diskusiu s... nie diskusiu, len jeden kazateľ Zboru Božieho a jeho spolupracovník povedal: „Ohľadne toho sa mýliš."
Ja som povedal: „Nuž, možno. Bol by som rád, keby si mi povedal kde."
289Povedal... potom šiel ďalej a začal o tom hovoriť. Po prvé, viete, on sa v tom stratil. A jedna vec, ktorú povedal, on povedal: „Brat Branham, kde je ten druh? Boh povedal: ‘každý podľa svojho druhu'. Tak kde je ten druh, o ktorom si hovoril, že bol medzi človekom a zvieraťom, ktorý vedci teraz nemôžu nájsť? Kde on je?" Povedal: „Je on na zemi? Bol to šimpanz?"
290Nie, lebo šimpanzova krv sa nezmieša so ženou. Žiadne iné zviera sa s ňou nezmieša. Nie, nezmieša. Alebo ani mužská spermia sa nezmieša so samicou zvieraťa. To sa nezmieša.
291Potom kde je to zviera? No, Boh povedal: "Nech každý zrodí podľa svojho druhu."
292Čakal som len chvíľu a ľúbeznosť Ducha Svätého povedala: „Povedz mu, že to je tu ".
Nuž, najprv som povedal: „No, možno to vyhynulo."
On povedal: „Ale brat Branham, to...My hovoríme o Slove, či nie?"
293Povedal som: „Presne tak." A povedal som: „Oni, samozrejme, tvrdia, že iné zvieratá ako dinosaury a mamuty, vlastne mamuty, oni vyhynuli a tak ďalej." Povedal som: „Mohlo to tak byť."
294On povedal: „Brat Branham, my rozprávame o dôkaze Slova. Ak je tu hriech, potom ten pôvodca hriechu tu tiež musí byť."
295A povedal som: "Pane Ježišu, Ty si povedal: ́Nestarajte sa, čo by ste mali povedať, keď stanete pred ľuďmi, lebo vám to bude dané v tej hodine.́ Pane, čo mám povedať?" On povedal: „Povedz mu, že je to tu.́ " Presne tak isto, ako vidím videnia na pódiu.
296Povedal som: „To je tu," nevediac, kde.
On povedal: „Kde?
A skôr ako som mohol pomyslieť, On povedal: „Je to had."
297To je presne to, čo to bolo, lebo on viac nie je štvornohým zvieraťom. On bol prekliaty a plazí sa na svojom bruchu do konca svojho života. On je tu. Je to pravda? A stále v tom istom čine, ktorý on učinil, je stále ten istý hriech, ktorý pôsobí na ženu tak ako mužské pohlavie, práve tak. Tam je ona v tom stave s tým neprítomným pohľadom a tieto veci, keď prežíva svoje pocity ďaleko prevyšujúce tie, aké jej môže vyvolať nejaký muž.
298Tu sa zastavím, lebo sa nachádzame v zmiešanom obecenstve. Stretnem sa s mužmi a budeme o tomto viac rozprávať. Mám všetky tie noviny a tie veci rovno tu, rovno vo svojej ruke a mal som vám to priniesť dnes ráno. Chcel som venovať celý deň tejto téme, ale zakončím teraz povediac toto.
299Toto je len pre môj zbor. Nie môj zbor... to malé stádo, ktoré mi verí a nasleduje ma, toto je pre nich.
300Nedávno, vediac, že keď vám čokoľvek poviem, musí prísť to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, potom som mal miesta Písma, ktoré mi On zjavil. Ale, „Pane Bože, čo ja môžem povedať tomu zhromaždeniu? Budem mať rozdelenia. Muži budú sedieť na verande, vonku na dvore alebo kdekoľvek inde: ́Mám ju opustiť?́ Ženy: ́Mám opustiť svojho muža? ́Čo mám urobiť?́" Povedal som: „Pane, čo môžem urobiť?"
301Niečo mi povedalo: „Choď tam hore do hôr a Ja budem ku tebe hovoriť."
302A vo chvíli, keď som bol na tej hore, nevedel som, že tam dolu v Tucsone to oni videli. Ale dokonca učitelia vyvolali deti z... moje malé dievča a iných z triedy a hovorili: „Pozrite sa tam na ten vrch. Je tam akoby ohnivý jantárový oblak, ktorý sa vznáša hore do vzduchu a zostupuje späť dolu, a vznáša sa do vzduchu a znovu zostupuje."
303Pani Evansová, ste tu? Ronnie, si tu? Vracal som sa späť dolu k stanici; tento mladý chlapec, pri čerpacej stanici, Evansových čerpacej stanici tam – a skôr ako som vedel, čo ten chlapec chcel povedať, on ma chytil za nohy a povedal: „Brat Branham, ty si bol tam v horách, však?"
304Povedal som, „Čo tým myslíš, Ronnie? Nie." Vidíte? Aby som videl, čo urobí. Častokrát sa stávajú veci, ktoré ja... ktoré nehovoríte ľuďom. Stáva sa to... Ide o to, že vidíte toľko vecí, ktoré sa dejú, až sa to pre vás stane obyčajným. Rozumiete? Ja to jednoducho nehovorím ľuďom. Povedal som: „Ronnie, čo si...?"
305On povedal: „Môžem ti presne povedať, kde si bol." Povedal: „Zavolal som mamu a stáli sme tu a pozorovali sme ten Oblak, ktorý tam hore visel, vznášal sa a zostupoval. Povedal som: ‘To musí byť brat Branham, ktorý sedí tam niekde na vrchu. To je Boh, ktorý ku nemu hovorí .'"
306A ľudia z celého mesta sa na To pozerali. V jasný deň, vôbec žiadne mraky a tam visel tento veľký jantárový Oblak, zostupujúci ako lievik a znovu sa vznášal a rozprestieral.
307Priatelia, a potom zakončím, môžete z tohoto vychádzať, to je to, kedy mi toto bolo zjavované, čo vám chcem práve teraz povedať. Tak neprehliadnite To.
308No, hovorím len k našim nasledovníkom, ktorí nasledujú mňa a len toto Posolstvo, nie ostatným. Zložíte mi o tomto svedectvo pred Bohom. Len pre túto skupinu.
309 Nuž, našli sme sa v tomto zmätku, skrze nesprávne vykladanú náuku. Je to tak? To je dôvod, prečo ste sa vy ženy vydali druhý krát a aj vy muži, kvôli nesprávnemu učeniu.
Teraz vám chcem ukázať niečo, čo mi On povedal.
310A ak Bohu, nášmu Stvoriteľovi bola zadaná tá otázka, keď bol tu na zemi, Ježiš Kristus; a keď Jeho vyslobodzujúci prorok (Mojžiš) vystúpil dolu v Egypte, aby vyviedol deti z Egypta a doviedol ich do zasľúbenej zeme; a Ježiš tu povedal, že Mojžiš videl ľudí v tomto stave a dovolil im napísať rozvodný list, lebo tá situácia bola taká, aká bola. Mojžiš našiel takých, "Dovoľ im..." Boh dovolil Mojžišovi, tomu prorokovi, ktorý bol poslaný ľuďom, aby im dovolil napísať rozvodný list.
311A v 1. Korintským v 7. kapitole, 12. až 15. verš, v Novej Zmluve prorok Pavol, ktorý sa stretol s tou istou vecou v cirkvi, povedal toto: „Toto hovorím ja, nie Pán." Je to tak? Kvôli rozvodu.
312„Od počiatku tak nebolo." Ale Mojžišovi to bolo dovolené a Boh to uznal za spravedlivosť. A Pavol mal tiež to právo, keď našiel svoju cirkev v takom stave.
313Teraz, verte, že Toto je pravda a že to pochádza od Boha. A skrze potvrdenie Jeho Oblaku a Jeho Posolstva, ktoré ma doviedlo tak ďaleko, či by mi Boh na tom vrchu nedovolil to isté, aby som vám dovolil zostať v stave, v akom ste, a nikdy viac to nerobili. Choďte so svojimi ženami a žite v pokoji, pretože je neskorá hodina. Príchod Pánov je blízko. Nemáme čas rozriešiť tieto veci. Neopovážte sa znovu to urobiť! Hovorím len ku môjmu zhromaždeniu. Ale ak ste v manželstve... A Boh mi dal o tom svedectvo tam na hore, že môžem Toto povedať (nadprirodzené zjavenie, pretože Sedem Pečatí bolo otvorených a toto je otázka v Božom Slove.) „Nech zostanú v stave, v akom sú, a nech viacej nehrešia!"
314„Od počiatku nebolo tak." Je to tak. Nebolo a nebude tak ani na konci. Ale s ohľadom na súčasné podmienky, ako Boží sluha... nenazývam sa Jeho prorokom; ale verím, že možno, ak by som nebol na to poslaný, kladiem základ pre toho, ktorý má prísť. Tak s ohľadom na súčasné podmienky, rozkazujem ti, aby si odišiel teraz domov so svojou ženou. Ak si s ňou šťastný, ži s ňou, vychovávajte svoje deti v napomínaní Božom. Ale nech vám je Boh milostivý, ak by ste to niekedy znovu urobili! Učte svoje deti, aby nikdy nerobili také veci, vychovávajte ich v napomínaní Božom. A teraz v takom stave, v akom ste, poďme teraz v tejto neskorej večernej hodine, v ktorej žijeme, „žeňme sa za cieľom horného povolania v Kristovi," kde všetky veci budú možné."
315Nech vás Pán Boh žehná, kým sa neuvidíme dnes večer, kým sa modlíme.
316Pane Bože, vzdávame ti vďaky, oddávame Ti chválu. Ty si ten istý veľký Jehova, ktorý si to dovolil Mojžišovi. Mojžiš, ten sluha, čo by on povedal svojmu ľudu? A Bože, Ty si mu dovolil, aby im dal rozvodný list. Pavol, ten veľký apoštol, ktorý napísal Novú Zmluvu, ako Mojžiš napísal Starú... Mojžiš napísal zákony a ako ich vypĺňať. Mnohí z prorokov, ich slová boli do toho vovedené, ale Mojžiš napísal zákony. A Ty si mu dovolil napísať – aby napísali rozvodný list, pre tvrdosť ich srdca.
317Ten veľký svätý Pavol, pisateľ Novej Zmluvy, mohol taktiež osvedčiť, že: „To hovorím s ohľadom na tieto podmienky, ja, nie Pán."
318Tak je to aj dnes, Pane Bože, na konci toho sveta. Ako sme tu pod Božou milosťou, vediac, že čoskoro sa budeme zodpovedať v Jeho Prítomnosti a že Ty si učinil tak veľa, Pane, som si istý, že v očiach týchto ľudí, že budú na tomto zotrvávať ako na tom, čo prichádza od Teba. A mnohí ľudia, ktorí tu sedia, môžu tu dať dnes svedectvo, že videli ten Znak hore na vrchu, kde Anjeli Pánovi prišli vo vzdušnom víre, skadiaľ prišlo sedem Anjelov, kde bolo odhalené zjavenie Siedmich Tajomstiev, a ten istý Anjel, v tom istom smere, na istej hore, toho dňa, keď to bolo zjavené...
319Pane, modlím sa, aby ľudia odišli domov s vďakou, že Boh im udelil túto milosť. Ja som To len povedal, Pane, skrze dovolenie. A ja To hovorím len vďaka dovoleniu, Pane. A nech sú ľudia natoľko vďační, že nikdy viac nebudú skúšať urobiť znovu ten hriech. A nech nikdy neskúšajú urobiť žiadny hriech, ale nech Ťa milujú celým svojím srdcom. Pane, učiň tieto rodiny šťastné, a nech vzrastajú a vychovávajú svoje deti v napomínaní Božom.
320Lebo moje Posolstvo, ktoré som mal na srdci, bolo vyhlásené, Pane. Ja som urobil všetko, čo som mohol. A satan so mnou bojoval niekoľko týždňov a hodín bez spánku. Ale teraz som im To prikázal, Pane, týmto ľuďom, aby To študovali a nech idú a žijú pre Teba. Udeľ to, Pane. Spadlo to teraz z mojich ramien. Oni sú v Tvojich rukách. Modlím sa, aby si ich požehnal.
321Požehnaj tieto vreckovky, Pane, ktoré tu boli práve donesené za chorých a trpiacich. Nech tento dnešný večer bude jeden z najväčších, mocných večerov, aby všetci ľudia boli uzdravení. Daruj to, Pane. Žehnaj nás spolu.
322Nech môžeme odísť v pokoji, šťastní a radujúci sa, lebo Boh stvorenia nám ukázal: „od počiatku," a rozprestrel na nás znovu Svoju milosť v týchto posledných dňoch, v našom zmätku, v ktorom sme. Ó, Veľký a Večný Bože, ako Ti za to ďakujeme! A nech sú naše srdcia tak šťastné, že nikdy nebudeme mať ďalšiu túžbu hrešiť proti Tebe. V Ježišovom mene. Amen.
Milujem Ho (Prečo by ste Ho nemilovali?)
Milujem Ho,
Lebo On prv miloval mňa,
A vykúpil mi spasenie
Na Golgote.
323Teraz to hovorím tak, že kazatelia budú rozumieť. Toto je len pre tých, ktorí nasledujú toto Posolstvo.
324Ó, či ste šťastní? [Zhrom. hovorí: „Amen."] Povedal som vám Pravdu, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, po celý čas. [„Amen."]
325Teraz vstaňme a pozdvihnime naše ruky, ako to budeme znovu spievať. „Milujem Ho." Milujem Ho za Jeho milosť. Milujem Ho za Jeho milosrdenstvo. Milujem Ho za Jeho Slovo." A Slovo Pánovo prišlo k prorokovi.
Milujem Ho.
326Príď sem, brat. Pokračuj. [Brat Branham prosí niekoho, aby prišiel a rozpustil zhromaždenie.]
1 Let us bow our heads now for a moment of prayer. Most Gracious Father, we thank Thee this morning for this privilege of being here in this auditorium, facing the outcome of the day. But we don't know what the day holds, but we know Who holds the day. So we pray that He Who holds today and tomorrow, and all Eternity, will bless us today as we have assembled together in His Name, that we might know better how to live to serve Him. This is our full intention, Father. God, Who knows our hearts, knows this is true. We commit ourselves to You, with the--the future part of the day, for Your service, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Be seated.
2[Brother Branham speaks to someone on the platform--Ed.]
Thank you. Here is another one, here.
3 Good morning, visible audience and also invisible audience across the nation where we're hooked up this morning. This gives me a great privilege to come here and to speak this morning on this vital subject. To the visible audience, it's indeed a little confusing, because there is just in front of me is curtains, then I have to speak to the right and to the left. And to the invisible audience, I have the auditorium to my right, and also the gymnasium to my left; and I am on the floor, with the curtains open between, making my right hand and left hand. And we've got overflow, this morning, through the auditorium, also the gymnasium, and also the church, church down on Eighth and Penn Street. And in the overflow places, the telephone system is taking it down to the other places.
4 We've had a tremendous time in the Lord, and we're under great anticipations for this service this morning. And now tonight being the closing time of this four days of campaign, why, we certainly invite all, that can, to be here. We're trusting that the Lord will give us a great climax tonight by doing something extremely extraordinary, insomuch that He would heal all the sick and do the great things that He usually does. And we're under great anticipation for the evening. The public is cordially invited, everybody, every church of every denomination. You don't even have to be a Christian; we certainly are calling for sinners to come in, set among us. And we do our very best to teach them what is the way of the Lord, that we might live.
5Now I hope that the audience will not be nervous. And I trusting to God that I will not be nervous, for I've had a tremendous night, a lot of strain. For I realize that the things that I say this morning will be held against me in the Day of the Judgment, and I--I couldn't sleep, and I know if I don't say them it'll be held against me in the Day of Judgment. So it makes it hard, you can't explain it.
6 And now this morning is that great subject we're to discuss on Marriage And Divorce. And the reason I made it Sunday school, so that we could talk about it and take our time, instead of preaching a sermon on it. It's a teaching from the Scripture.
7And I--I want to say that, if any minister or ministers, any place, should this tape ever fall into their hands, if we release this tape. I don't know what the church will do about it. I'm asking Brother Fred to see the church board before he releases this tape. And to you people out across the nation, that's got tape recorders setting, please don't let the tape out unless you hear from Brother Sothmann about it.
8Now, and if it is let loose, and any of my minister brothers, or any Christian anywhere, that would disagree upon the things that I am saying about this subject, I--I trust that you will not criticize It. If you don't understand It the way that I teach It, well, you have a right to that, as a minister, as a shepherd. And I respect anything that you believe.
9 And there is two great schools on this. And if there is two questions, there is either one of them got to be right, or neither one of them is right. So we're going to try to look to the Word of God, this morning, to settle this. To me, if it's a Bible question, the Bible surely has the answer to it.
10And now just before we have these, start this subject, rather, before I pray over the Word, I want to express to each one of you, that I... you Christians especially, that I desire... I--I want you to pray for me this morning. And all out in the unseen audience that's listening in this morning, pray for me, because I want to be honest and truthful.
11 Now we realize, in making these statements, somebody, if it's only one person, will hang onto It like It was between life and death. There is many of you here will go away believing. Course, many of you, perhaps, won't. But I know, in my ministry, there is people who come to listen at me, and listen to what I've got to say; from, well, they're sitting right here this morning, internationally, from many of the United States, Canada, and across the seas. And you can imagine the strain that it puts you, to know that that man's Eternal destination lays in your hands, 'cause he is going to hold onto what you say. So God would make me answer for it, and I want to approach this just as sincerely as I can.
12 Now I--I ask our sisters. And I altered some of my words so that I could speak it before them. Billy has in his pocket, this morning, out there, some things that could not be said out before a--a mixed audience. And some that I probably will say, you must understand. Take it as from--from your brother, to the best that I know. You would sit in a doctor's office and listen to him, he would have to say very plain words to you. And some of you young ladies and young men, I don't want you to get the wrong impression. I want you to believe, and just sit still. Remember, Truth has got to be stated Truth.
13And, now, no doubt but there'll be many of you disagree with what is to be said, but I want to prove it to you by the Bible. And then I believe, if you'll just be reverent and listen, then you'll have a better understanding and conception of what I've been hammering at, all along. I believe this will explain it, and I trust that it will.
14 Now we may be a little lengthy, an hour and a half, or maybe longer, on this. I don't know how long it will take.
15And now again, I'd like to say that, in this time, that, knowing that people holds to your words; they do, to their pastor. And, of course, I've been a pastor.
16And they hold to a pastor's words, just like it was between death and life. They hold to their priest's words, just like it was death and life. And of course, the pastor, perhaps with all that he knows how to do, he is teaching his people just exactly like he was taught in the seminary; no doubt but what the priest, also, in the different religions that have priests. Course, the pastor really is a priest; it's an intercessor. So, if the priest, in all that he is taught in his, in the seminary and the monasteries, the man with deep sincerity is telling just exactly what he is taught.
17Well, then, I don't have any seminary experience or monastery experience, and nothing against it at all, but I have a very peculiar life.
18 I was called when I was just a little boy. And in this was a visible, audible sign given me, a--a Pillar of Fire hanging in a bush, at seven years old, right here on the Utica Pike. My father was working for Mr. O. H. Wathen that just recently died. And you've read the book, you know the story. And from that time... Down on the river then It appeared visibly before the people. And now It's had the picture taken, many times, and it hangs in Washington, D.C., as a copyright, in the Religious Hall of Art, as the only supernatural Being that was ever scientifically proven to be photographed; same Pillar of Fire, exactly in the same look and every way, that brought Israel out of Egypt. I believe It's Jesus Christ in Spirit form, in the Sonship of God.
19For He was called "Son of man" when He come first, now He is called "Son of God," in the Millennium He'll be "Son of David." He come Son of man, a Prophet, as was spoke of Him; now He is Son of God, in supernatural; in the great Millennium that is to come, He'll be Son of David, setting on the throne of David. As all Bible readers know that that's a Divine promise with God, to David, He would raise up His Son to set on his throne.
20 And now in an odd, peculiar ministry, I have been called everything from "God" to "a devil." And that, just it always is that way.
21That's what this archbishop of the Catholic church said to me the other night down there, the discussion was, that he said, "Brother Branham, John the Baptist clearly identified himself in the Scriptures, as spoken by the prophet Isaiah." He said, "Your ministry is clearly identified in the Church." He said, "The Lutherans are in the Bible." He said, "Lutherans knowed Luther. Wesleys know Wesley. But what about the Pentecostals?" Said, "They're wandering. They don't know where to go."
And I said, "Sir, I appreciate that."
22And it was that time the Spirit fell upon the lady, had never seen me, his wife... and spoke and identified the same things.
23Now, to be honest, before this Message I speak this morning, I don't know. I told him, I said, "Sir, I couldn't say that. That's a great big thing to say. It looks like it."
24One thing that I know, that there is something has took place, definitely. All these things, just, it's scientifically proven, and proven around and around the world, it can't be just a myth. It's Truth. What is it? Let me say, confessionally, before I speak to you this morning, I don't know. And I would be daresn't to make any move until I heard from Him that has talked to me in the past and told me these things.
25 Remember, our Lord Jesus Christ never did identify Himself as the Son of God. He said, "You said I was; to this end I was born," and so forth, but He never identified Himself.
26And, now, that was the Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, was the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit form, (do you believe that?) the Logos that went out of God. [Congregation said, "Amen."--Ed.]
27And then when He was on earth, He said, "I come from God, and I go to God." We all know that.
28And after His death, burial, and resurrection. Saul of Tarsus was on his road down to Damascus, to persecute the--the Christians, because they were teaching things contrary to what they had been taught. And he was a great warrior; under Gamaliel, one of the outstanding teachers of the day, in their school, their monastery; and a great man, and an officer of the church. And it was there that a great Light, the Pillar of Fire again, struck him down, in the middle of the day. And a Voice said, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?"
29 Now if you notice when Paul, Saul, raised up, he said, "Lord, Who are You?" Now, that boy, being a Jew, he certainly wouldn't have called anything, unless it'd been something to symbol God, he wouldn't have called it "Lord." So, It was the same Pillar of Fire.
30As Jesus said, "I go to God. I came from God, and I return to God."
31There He was, back in the form of a Pillar of Fire again; He said, "I am Jesus Whom thou persecutest; and it's hard for you to kick against the pricks."
32And we realize that when the Apostle Peter, to who the keys was given to build the Church, we find out that he was in prison, and this same Pillar of Fire came through the bars, opened the doors of the prison, and took Peter out, mysteriously, without even disturbing the guard. To me, It's Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.
33And then you'll always know anything by the nature of it. Anything is known by its nature, the fruit it bears. And I ask you to watch the kind of fruit It bears, this Light which is God, because It always goes back to the Word of God, and proves the Word of God, preaches the Word of God, and God proves that Word materially so before you. There has got to be something behind It.
34 People has called me a prophet. I don't call myself no prophet, because I would be daresn't to say that, but I have... Say, I can say this, that the Lord has let me foresee things, tell things that has happened, will happen, is happening, and not one time has it ever failed, in the tens of thousands of times. Everything that He said would happen, happened. We all know that. If there is a person in this visible audience this morning, or anywhere, can say one time it failed, you're at liberty to stand up and say so. But if everybody knows that every time, of the thousands of times, it's been perfectly right, say, "amen." [Congregation says, "Amen!"--Ed.] See? So that would be the same thing around the world.
35Something is just about to happen. God never sends these things without being a purpose behind it.
36 I was just thinking here. I placed it here, one of my notes. That I'm wearing this morning, a set of cuff links... And many of you have heard of this movie star, Jane Russell, and her mother is a Pentecostal; and Danny Henry is her cousin, her first cousin, her mother's sister's child. He was Baptist. He was standing at the meeting, a Business Men's meeting in Los Angeles, California, two years ago.
37And I had just got through speaking of a great, powerful, forceful statements; that even the overseer, one of the general overseers of the Assemblies of God, stepped down to the platform from up in the balcony where he was sitting, and he said, "I don't believe that Brother Branham meant that."
38I said, "I have to mean it, sir. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD." And, then, it was about the church in this age.
39 And about that time, this young man who is a businessman... His brother is over... he was there taking pictures for television that morning, his other brother is--is a state road supervisor of California. And Danny Henry walked forward after the meeting was closed, on the platform, like this, where the men were all seated, walked down to put his arms around me. And he said these words, "Brother Branham, I hope this don't sound sacrilegious, but," said, "that could be made the 23rd chapter of Revelation." Which, there is only twenty-two chapters in Revelation. He said, "I hope this don't sound sacrilegious." He had no more than said it... Now, the boy was a Baptist, and knowed nothing about the supernatural. With his arms around me, he started talking in an unknown language.
40And when he got through speaking in an unknown language, there was a--a heavyset, dark woman setting right in front of me, she raised up, said, "That don't need any interpretation." She said, "I am from Shreveport, Louisiana; or Baton Rouge, Louisiana." Said, "That is clearly French."
41Victor Le Doux, which was a Frenchman, also setting up there, said, "Certainly, I'm a Frenchman, and that was perfectly French."
42I said, "Wait a minute. You write down what he said, and you write down what he said, before you say anything. Write down what you say, and let's see your notes." And so one wrote down, and the other wrote down, it was even the punctuation was the same.
43And then just about that time, when they brought the notes up, a fine-looking, young blond-headed boy come walking from the back. Where, there was not enough room for him to set down; he was standing up in the back. He come walking forth, said, "Just a minute, I'd like to place a note, too." He said, "I am the French interpreter for the U.N., United Nations." He said, "I'd like to leave my note."
44 And, here, all three notes exactly the same, of French. And here is the way it reads. This is the original notes taken, note taken right off. This is Danny's note, hisself, he packed in his pocket. Course, it went in the Christian Business Men, and so forth.
Because thou hast chosen the narrow path, the harder way; thou hast walked in your own choosing.
Thou hast picked the correct and precise decision, and it is My Way.
Because of this momentous decision, a huge portion of Heaven will await thee.
What a glorious decision thou hast made!
This in itself is that which will give and make come to pass the tremendous victory in the love Divine.
45Now, the man signed his name here. "The above statement was interpreted by, of Danny Henry prophesying over Brother Branham, given by three witnesses in the cafeteria in Los Angeles, California."
46 Now, this same young man that give this prophecy, not knowing what he was saying, was in Jerusalem about a month ago. He had the privilege of going out and--and laying in the tomb where Jesus had died and was buried. And so while he was laying there, he said I come upon his mind real strong and he started weeping. Said, "How that it has been so hard for Brother Branham to stand against the world and these things, and all churches!"
47Like it--it was once said of one, of the Billy Graham part, said, "We can see Billy Graham, 'cause all churches are united together for him. We see Oral Roberts, the Pentecostals. But how do we ever have anything, when It's contrary to what people have been taught?" It's God.
48And, Danny, what he does for a hobby, he makes little stones. He walked out to where the Cross had been put down, where they said the Cross set in the rock. No one was around, so he broke off a little piece of rock and he put it into his pocket for a souvenir, come home and made me a pair of cuff links out of it. And, strangely, when he made them, they looked to be bloodstained. And right through each one of them, in continuity, runs a straight, narrow path right through both of them. Now that might be just a... See, someone else might not notice it, but to me it's complimentary to the things I believe. I believe that everything has a meaning to it.
49 And now, in this time, whatever the Lord has. If this isn't the thing that He prophesied of, of Malachi 4 and of also of Luke 17, and many other Scriptures that's to happen in this last day, may I say this in closing, it's laid the foundation for the man when he will come. So I am very thankful that God Almighty, if it be that way, has let me do a little something, in my uneducated condition, to show my appreciation of His love to me, my love to Him, and our love to the people.
50Therefore, in sincerity, I approach this subject of Marriage And Divorce. May God have mercy on us all.
51And now listen closely. And, sisters, don't get up and go out; sit still just a little while. Brothers, do the same. Don't turn off your sets out there, that's coming on this hookup. Don't do that. Just sit still for a few minutes, until it's over. Listen close. If you disagree, put down the Scriptures that I use, and then study them prayerfully before you make your decision.
God, help us as we try to approach this subject.
52 Now, it may be a little lengthy. I don't want you to be in any hurry. And just take your time, all of us, and study the Word of God, truly and thoroughly, as we know how to study It.
53Let's begin with Saint Matthew, the 19th chapter. And beginning, I think, with the 8th verse of the 19th chapter, I wish to start. I might start also with the 1st, and read down to the 8th verse of the 19th chapter.
54Now, remember, these things that I say must come from the Word of God. It can't be my own opinion, 'cause my opinion is just like anybody else's. But it's got to be in continuity with the Word of God. Remember, God keeps everything in continuity. He never changes. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He is the same.
55Now I shall read from the 19th chapter.
And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galilee, and came into the coasts of Judaea beyond Jordan;
And great multitudes followed him; and he healed them...
The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him,...
56I pause there so you can get the emphasis on who it was that was tempting Him.
... saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
And he answered and said unto them, Have you not read, that he which made them in the beginning made them male and female,
And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
Therefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
They said unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and... put her away?
And He said unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.
Now, God, help us.
57 This Scripture, this question, confronted Jesus at the very beginning of His ministry. And it confronted Moses at the very beginning of his ministry. It's a foremost question in believers' hearts. The sinner doesn't care. But it's to believers, because the believer is trying to do all that he knows how to do to live right before God. Therefore it, any question comes up on religion, then the Marriage And Divorce case comes up, (why?) because it is the cause of the original sin. That's where sin started. And that's the reason it's brought up every time, because it is the very beginning of sin.
58Now I won't have time to explain all these things, but I'll be glad to answer your letter or anything I can. Or, we got the books wrote on it, and many questions, and even cuttings out of newspapers and things here, to prove this, we know that it was Eve. The apple that she was supposed to eat, where it's not even Scriptural, now they claim it was an apricot; it was neither one. She committed adultery, that brought forth the first child, which was Cain, Satan's own son, for in him laid evil. It did not come through Abel. Satan's son was Cain.
59 I know your question now, "Eve said, 'I have gotten a man from the Lord.'" That's exactly right.
60You could take the orneriest woman in the town, the worst man; if they had a baby, it would have to come from the Lord, because God has laws set together. And these laws, like the sun to raise; you put a cocklebur in a good field, it'll grow. And it has to grow, because it's God's law. When seed is planted, it must grow. And nothing can grow life but God, because it operates under His laws. Therefore when the evil seed was planted in the womb of--of Eve, it had to bring forth, because it's God's law of production. And it could do nothing else but bring it, and it had to come from God.
61That's the reason that people say, "Little babies," sometime, "that's not born with Christian parents, are lost."
62Jesus Christ's Blood atones for the child, I don't care how much it was born and how evil it was born. He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. The little child cannot repent, because it has nothing to repent for, and that was the sin of the world which was taken away by the Blood of Christ. Babies go to Heaven.
63 It's original sin, and that's the reason it's--it's questioned. When any great phenomena comes from God, about the first thing: "What about marriage and divorce?" Now, as ever, it still is a question amongst the people. As it was in the times of Jesus, as it was in the times of Moses, it's always been, and is till this day, a question among the people, because the people want to know what's the Truth.
64But where there is a question, there must also be an answer. And now being an answer, as I have said before, this week, there must be a correct answer. And if we get an answer to anything, and it--it isn't right, then we know that it was wrong. But there is, you would still ask until the true question is answered, if you want to know Truth. And being this is a Bible question, it should be a Bible answer.
65It's like I have said, if I wanted to go east this morning; and the best that I knowed this, I had to find a certain something in the field, and it was directly east, and I went east. Somebody said, "Brother Branham, this is east." It is east, potentially, but it's northeast. I would pass the very object I was looking for; I'd come back, knowing it was wrong. And then if somebody said, "Brother Branham, go this way, to your right." Now, that is potentially east, also, but it's southeast. I would lose the object that I was looking for, because I went beyond the boundaries of the perfect and direct way.
66 Now, if that be so, we have two schools of thought on Marriage And Divorce. And that is, one of them says, that, "A man can only be married once, unless his wife is dead." And that's one of the questions, but, you go to following that, you go overboard. And then the next says, "Oh, if the wife or the husband, either one, has committed adultery, either one of them can be put away and married again." You find yourself overboard with that.
67So, see, it's neither southeast or northeast; we want directly east. You'd run out of Scripture when you go this way, you run out of Scripture when you go that way. We want to know where Scripture meets Scripture, and know what's the Truth of it. Each takes a different way, and fail to bring up the correct answer, but there still must be an answer.
68 It's just like, today, there is two great schools of doctrine in the church; one of them is Calvinism, the other one is Armin-... Arminianism. One of them is legalist, the other one is grace. And we come to find out that the people who believe in grace, the Calvinists, they say, "Bless God, it don't hurt me to smoke. It don't hurt me to drink. I can do these things, I've got Eternal security." Then we find the other side, on the legalist, said, "Oh, I would like to bawl him out, I would like to show him a piece of my mind, but, I'm a Christian, I have to keep still." See, you find yourself on two different roads, and neither one of them is right. Now, that's hard to say that, but it is the truth.
69We find ourselves on two different roads; one going one way, one another. Now let's see what Truth is.
70 Now listen, and see if this sounds sensible to you. For instance, if I get ready to go overseas. And I'll take my own family. I'll call my wife up to me, and I will say, "We're go-... I'm going overseas, dear." Now here is the legalist's side, "Now, my wife, I'm going to lay the law down to you! If you flirt with any man while I'm gone, when I come back you're a divorced woman. And I don't want you making eyes, don't want you flirting! You understand that? I'm your husband! If you do it, I'm going to put you away when I come back."
71Then she reaches and gets me by the tie, and say, "My good man, I want to tell you something, see, see, that if you make eyes at any woman, or take any woman out, or flirt with any woman, you're going to be a divorced man when you come back." Now, wouldn't that be a happy home? That's legalists. All right.
72Now, the other side is, that if I go overseas and I make a mistake... Go over and say, "Now, look, I'll take this woman out. Oh, it's all right with my wife, she don't care." My wife say, "I'll go out with this man. It's all right with Bill, he don't care." If I don't care, then there is something wrong with me; I don't love that woman right. And if she don't care, there is something wrong with her. She is my wife; I don't want other man fooling with her. She is my wife.
73 Now, the correct way of it, is, there is both of them has got a truth, but not the exact Truth.
74Now when I go overseas, to make it right, my little family gathers around, and we pray with one another. And I commit them to God, and they commit me to God. And when we do, we go over sea, I go overseas. Now, I know she loves me; I have confidence in her. And I love her; she's got confidence in me. As long as I love her like that, she don't have any worry about me taking any other woman out. As long as she loves me right, why, there is no need of me thinking about any other man going out with her, because she is my wife and I believe her.
75I believe, if I would actually do something wrong, make a mistake and go out with some woman, and return back and would confess it to her, and tell her, "Meda, I didn't mean to do that. I just got caught in a trap; this woman just run right up to me and--and grabbed me by the arm, and started so-and-so," I believe she would be understanding. I believe she would forgive me for it. But I wouldn't do it, for nothing, because I love her. Though she would forgive me, I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't hurt her, for nothing. Though I know she would forgive me for it, I don't want to hurt her.
76 And that's the way it is with God. If I... if a phileo love, which is human love, fellowship love, can make a man feel that about his wife; what about agapao love, the Greek word meaning "the love of God," how would that make me do about Jesus Christ? I, as long as I want to go do it, it's in my heart to do it! Whether... I say, as long as it's in my heart to do it, I go do it. Legalism won't let me do it, is because that I knowed I'd get punished for doing it. But the real Truth of it is, is when the love of God comes into your heart till you want to do It. That's the Truth of it. There is the two schools. Not legalism or other, or the Calvinism, it's both.
77 Now we find out today, also, there is many different denominations. There is the Catholic church, the Protestant church. Each one of them says they're the Way, see, "We have the Way, we're the Truth." There is the Methodist, says, "We have the Truth." The Baptist says, "We have the Truth."
78Well, to me, as long as they feel that way, it's not so, because Jesus said, "I am the Truth." See?
79Therefore, as my sermon last night was, that He is the place where God put His Name, the only place to worship. You are not a Christian because you're a Protestant. You're not a Christian because you're Catholic. You're not a Christian because you're Methodist, Baptist, or Pentecostal. You are a Christian because you've been baptized into Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit, not by water. "There is one Faith; one Lord; one baptism," that's Holy Spirit baptism. Water baptism inducts you into a fellowship. The Holy Spirit baptism inducts you into Christ. There is the Truth.
80 We have also two thoughts of this Marriage And Divorce. Now, that, our Lord has opened the Seven-Seal mystery of His Word to us, in this last days. Now, many of you, this might be Greek to you, but my church understands. By what? And you've heard of the visions and what taken place. And the question is a Bible question, we are invited here to believe there must be a true answer to the whole hidden secret that's been hid since the foundation of the world. And the Bible prophesies and says that in this day these secrets would be made known. Revelations 10, "And at the sounding of the seventh angel, the Laodicea messenger, the mysteries of God would be made known." And this is the last age, which is Laodicea.
81 Look at all this revival has went on for fifteen years or more, and not one denomination come out of it. Luther had a revival, there went a denomination; Wesley, there went a denomination; Alexander Campbell, there went a denomination; all these other great... John Smith and so forth, denominations, Moody, all along. But here has been one... Usually a revival only lasts about three years. But this has been going for over fifteen years, and not one denomination has sprung up from it, for this is the Seed time. There is no more shuck; after the one shuck is gone, it's Seed.
82God is ready, if He isn't doing it now, He is going to call a Church to perfection by His Word, Jesus Christ. Notice, there must be an answer somewhere, and being That, the seven-sealed mystery of God, Seven Seals.
83How many understands that, raise up your hand. Let's see. I think most of them is our congregation from around, listen. If not, the books will be out pretty soon, upon the subject. We have books, some books on It now.
84 Jesus, in our text, invites us to go back to the beginning, for the true Scriptural answer.
85Now, when He was confronted with this, there was two things in view. The priests said to Him, "Can a man put away his wife, marry another, for any cause?"
And Jesus said, "It wasn't so from the beginning."
Then they said, "Moses suffered us a writing of divorcement, and to put her away for anything they wanted to."
86He said, "That, Moses did that because," I'm letting that string awhile, "because of the hardness of your hearts; but from, or at the beginning it wasn't so." The question!
87 The question today, like of world peace, "Is it coming by politics, union of nations, united?" I say to you, nay. It's always failed, and it will again. But there remains a true answer to the question, "Will there be peace upon the earth?" Yes, when sin is ridden off of the earth, there will be peace. But until that time, there will be no peace; "nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom." God gave a remedy for sin. Listen close now. God gave the remedy to rid sin off the earth, but man of the earth won't accept God's remedy.
88God gave us a remedy and a way to marry our wives and live with them, but man won't accept God's remedy, won't accept His Word on it. Jesus has said this. And this reminds us of--of His Words, knowing that He said, "Heavens and earth will fail, pass away, but Mine won't."
89 The question, the true answer that Jesus want us to go back to, is to go back to the beginning. Then, that would be in Genesis, 'cause the word Genesis is the seed chapter to every question in the Bible. And you always have to go back to the seed to see what kind of a seed is in the field, to find out what your crops will be. Now, what kind of seed is sown? Genesis, being the seed chapter, we'd go back to Genesis. Jesus introduces us to that Scripture, "at the beginning." Now, remember, that's when time started to begin. Before that, it was Eternity. Now, our question there was, notice, if we go back to the beginning.
90Now don't fail this! And that's the reason I want to talk slow, so that the people out on the wires, and that the tape will say it clearly.
91If Jesus said, "Go back to the beginning," there was only one pair of anything on earth. There was one Adam, one Eve, they were joined by God alone. One female horse, one male; one female parrot, one male. "At the beginning," as He told us to go back, there was only one pair of anything. Is that true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, we find out that everything "in the beginning" was running in perfect order and harmony with God, nothing was out of cater.
92Everything in heaven is still in order; all the stars, the galaxies, the solar system, everything is perfectly in order. One of them move, it would interrupt the whole program.
93 Now listen. Do you see? One interruption spoils the entire program! Now, when human beings was running in continuity with God, with one man and one woman, this woman sinned and it throwed the whole earthly program out of continuity with God. Therefore, one word added to this Book, or one Word taken from It; throws a Christian out of continuity with God, throws a church out of continuity with God, throws a family out of continuity with God. Every believer can be throwed out, by not accepting every Word of God.
94Then, it was the woman that caused the separation of the lovely home. It was not a Cherubim that bothered the earth. It was not Adam that throwed the home out. It was not anything else that throwed the home out, and throwed the whole thing out of continuity, but a woman, Eve. And it is here that "the beginning," that Jesus spoke of, was broken. Jesus said, "At the beginning, God made one male, one female, of each kind." And now when this woman... not the female horse, not the female dog; but the woman, she broke the entire continuity of God's operation on the earth, and throwed everything into death. The woman, not the man, she broke the covenant. She broke the covenant, because (why?) she stepped across the borders of God's Word. Now, if she broke her covenant with her husband, she broke her covenant with God; then, because she broke the covenant with God, she broke it with her husband.
95 And when you break your promise and your covenant to God's Word, that's what caused so many illegitimate church members, 'cause a group of men got together and said, "Well, It didn't mean that," and it throws the whole organization out of continuity with the Word. "We don't believe That. Doctor Jones said It wasn't so." But as long as God said It's so, He said, "let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth!" There it breaks the continuity.
96Now we see, being that the continuity is broken, then the Life line was broken, also the time line was broken, the covenant was broken, everything shattered! What caused it? A woman. That's what broke the covenant. Now, if you want to read that, you can read it, Genesis 3.
97 Now, it was then man was made to rule over the woman, by God's Word. She was no more co-equal with him. She was co-equal in nature, you know; but, when she broke God's Word, God made a man to be a ruler over her. Genesis 3:16, if you want to put it down. She was no more equal with the man. She was the breaker of God's Word.
98Don't you see, "she," she, the church down here? The breaker of God's Word, that throwed her completely out of continuity. And that's what the church has done, and throwed spiritual death upon the whole thing. Now you'll understand why I hammer at these things like I do. It's Truth! This is Bible facts.
99Notice, why did she do such a thing as this; how could that lovely, beautiful, perfect woman?
100I seen a picture one time, I believe it was in Greece, of an artist that painted a picture of Eve. She was the most horrible-looking thing I ever seen. That shows what a carnal mind can look at. But, she wasn't; she was beautiful, 'cause she was perfect woman, all woman.
101 Notice, why did she do such a thing, being in that high order? She was right with man, co-equal with him. But we all know now that she lost her co-equalness with man, when she sinned, and God said, "Man will be your ruler from here out." Now, that's the Scripture. If you want to, we could read it.
102I'm giving you the Scriptures, so save time for this big hookup across the country, that you might read it yourself.
103Notice the reason she did that. How did Satan ever get to her?
104Did you know Satan was co-equal with God one day? Sure was, all but a creator; he was everything, stood at the right hand of God, in the Heavens, the great leading Cherubim.
105Notice the reason that she did this, she was not in the original creation. She is not in God's original creation; she is a by-product. Therefore, "at the beginning," as Jesus referred to it, she was not original creative being of God. She is a by-product of a man, when Jesus referred to "the beginning."
106 Remember, Adam was both masculine and feminish, in the original creation, one, but then he was separated by a rib.
107Notice, but a by-product, and, notice, the only one of all God's creation, of every animal and anything else, she was the only one designed this way. Every other female was in the original creation. Every other female was in the original creation, but Eve was not in the original creation. See, that had to be made that way. We'll get to it after a while. Notice, in this creation that she was in, not in the original, but a by-product. And in this creation, there is...
108Now I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I want to tell you the Truth. And you just sit still; you're doing nice.
109 There is nothing designed to be so deceitful, as a woman that's deceitful. There cannot be nothing else; there is nothing made to be that way.
110Also, there is nothing that can be so easily deceived as a woman. Now, the fall proves this statement to be true, the fall in the beginning.
111She was not in the original beginning creation. She was in Adam, but not in a female sex, herself, at the beginning. She was the by-product made.
112Now, there is nothing designed that can deceive, and be deceived, as easy as a woman. There is nothing designed or can stoop as low as a woman can. Think now. There is nothing designed, in all creation, that can stoop as low as a woman can. She can tear a man's heart to pieces easier than anything else there is in the world, is his wife. Let that nice little wife get to running around with some other man; look at that fellow sitting there with his children, the tears dropping out of his eyes. She is designed that way. She is designed to do this. There is no hog, no dog, or no other animal, designed like her or can stoop as low as she can stoop. Now, that is true.
With regards to my sisters, I just want you to watch.
113 No animal can be immoral. You call the dog a "slut," the female dog, you call the male... hog a "sow," but her morals is a million miles beyond many Hollywood star. That's how low she is designed to stoop. She can't... Just think of this now. There is nothing in the world, made in God's creation, that can be immoral, stoop that low.
114You say, "Wait a minute, 'man'!" We're going to get to that. The woman has to say "yes."
115Notice, there is nothing designed to stoop so low, or be filthy, but a woman. A dog can't do it, a hog can't do it, a bird can't do it. No animal is immoral, nor it can be, for it is not designed so it can be. A female hog can't be immoral, a female dog can't be immoral, a female bird can't be immoral. A woman is the only thing can do it.
116 Now you see where Satan went? See? But still she has, she is the one that's got the power to say "yes" or "no." See, depends on where she wants to hold herself. See? Now here we can see plainly the serpent's seed, where it come in. There is only one place he could go to. If that wouldn't nail it down, somebody is blind. See? See, it had to go to that.
117Notice, the reason that animals couldn't do it, a female animal, they were in the original creation. But the woman was not in that original creation. Now we're going back to dig this up, then bring you right down to the modern day, in the Testament.
118She is designed, alone, for filth and unclean living. A dog can't, and no other female can. It's just the woman that can. A dog or any other animals, once a year, and that for her babies; not for sexual pleasure, but for her babies. The old sow hog, the old slut dog, once a year, one moment, that's for her babies. But a woman is designed for any time she desires. I've got some stuff crossed out here now; you can imagine the rest. A dog can't; woman can. I hope that the Holy Spirit reveals to you the rest of this I crossed out here.
119 She is the only specie, specie of female, that is made prettier than the male. There is not another specie among anything. All other creatures of God is beautiful males, such as in animals, birds, and so forth, always the male is pretty.
120Look at the big buck deer, big fine horns, great specie; and the little, humble doe. Look at the big rooster with all of his pretty feathers; and the little, brown hen. Look at the birds, the cock and the hen. Why, why was it such, of all the creatures of God? Every creature, in the male is the prettiest. Between the sheep, between the--the hogs, between the horses, between anything else, it's always the big male that's pretty, and in the birds.
121But in the human race, it's the woman that's pretty, not the man; if he is, there is something wrong, there is crossed-up seed somewhere. Originally it's that way. Why, why was it done? To deceive by. Her designer, Satan, is still working on her, too, in these last days.
122 Let me stop here just for a moment. "Pretty!" Did you know, at the first destruction, internationally, of the world, or worldwide, was because of pretty women? "When the sons of God saw the daughters of men were fair, they taken unto them women." Is that right?
123Have you noticed the increase of beauty of women in this day? I have seen the picture of Pearl Bryan, which was supposed to be the prettiest woman in the nation, at one time. There isn't a teen-age girl in this school but what would out-shadow her, when it comes to beauty.
124The increase of the beauty of women is showing the time of deception. When did the church look any more prettier than it does today? Everything is featuring great, big fine buildings, and millions of this and millions of that. Don't you see, "she," the deception!
125 Now, there is nothing can stoop like her, and she is designed so that she can be deceiving. And Satan is really working on her today, in these last days, because he is her designer. I can prove that now. To go right back at the beginning, who started to work on her, Adam or Satan, God or Satan? See, that's her designer. It's her chief weapon to throw man to her filth, being a pretty woman, she can sway a man any way she wants to. Brother, it ain't the bootleg joint down here that gets the man; it's the pretty woman walking down the street, twisting herself, half dressed. That's what takes... That's the deceiver right there. And she is deadly with it, absolutely deadly. You may question me about Satan being her designer, but that's the Truth. Satan designed her. He still does it.
126 Let me show you something in the Scripture. I got to take you back to Scripture, and you draw your opinion as you look at it today.
127Satan is the one who features that kind of beauty. If we'll notice, he was the most beautiful of all the Angels in Heaven. Is that right? And he desired to make Heaven a more beautiful place than the kingdom of Michael. Is that right? Also, to show that Cain was his son, he offered a more beautiful worship, decorated his altars with fruits and flowers, and so forth. Is that right? Beautiful! Sin is beautiful, what we call beauty today. And sin is deceiving, by beauty. You'd never look at a woman going down the street and tell what's in her heart. See? But I wanted to say these things so that you could see why that Satan is her designer. That's exactly right, his own son proved it, Cain. Now, she is beautiful so she can deceive.
128 The world is beautiful so it can deceive. I mean kosmos, the order of the world. It's beautiful so it can deceive, great fine places and luxury.
129Remember the prophet, Amos, when he come up over and looked down into the city, and seen it like a modern Hollywood, his little old eyes got little, under that gray hair hanging in his face. He walked down there with a Message, and burst It out on that place. He said, "The very God that you claim to serve, will destroy you!" That's right.
130Sin is pretty. They picture Judas as some old drunken sot out here on the street somewhere, and mouth hanging with flies in it, and so forth, as Judas. Judas was handsome, strong, a deceiver. It ain't that guy to watch around you, it ain't a guy that (the old farmer) come in with a pair of overalls on, to watch around your wife; it's that slicker, he's the rascal.
131Sin is beautiful to the eyes of the world, but God is not featured in that kind of beauty. Did you know that? God is featured in character, beautiful character.
132 In the Bible, Isaiah 53, if you want to put the Scripture down. It's got rows of Scripture wrote on the side here for it. Isaiah 53, the Bible said of our Lord Jesus, that, "There was no beauty that we should desire Him. And we hid as it was our faces from Him." Is that right? We didn't desire Him, because He wasn't pretty. He was probably a little Fellow, stoop-shouldered, ruddy-looking, and He wasn't desirable to be a leader. He didn't look like a leader. Talked with common street-talk, and so forth, like the people does, the common people, so therefore He didn't look like He was any great scholar, educated, fine, all robed up, and everything. He was just an ordinary Man. "There was no beauty of Him, that we should desire Him." He walked in and out of man, right along, they didn't even know Who He was. He didn't look like a god walking along, what we would think was a god. But, the same, He was!
133 Did you notice when the Lord God said to--to Samuel, "Go up to the house of Jesse and anoint one of his sons, king, to take Saul's place"?
134Now, the people chose Saul, when Samuel absolutely told them not to do it. He said, "God don't want you to have a king; He is your King." And said, "Have I ever said anything to you, in the Name of the Lord, but what come to pass? Have I ever begged you for money or something, another, for my living?"
135They said, "No, you never begged us for money. And whatever you said, in the Name of the Lord, it come to pass. But we want the king, anyhow," so they chose Saul. Look what the world chose! Look what Israel chose! Israel, God's anointed, they chose a man that was head and shoulders above any man in the nation; great, big, fine, handsome-looking fellow, and he always was a fly in the ointment.
136But God said, "I'm going to choose you a king to My choosing." So He said, "Samuel, I ain't going to tell you who he is, but you go up there. He is one of Jesse's sons."
137 And Jesse, his wife, and all of them looked around, said, "Yes, our oldest son, he's a great, tall, handsome man, he'll look just right for the king's crown. He is smart. He is educated. He is a fine man. I know he'll be just right. He speaks his word proper."
138When they brought him out, Samuel took the cruse of oil and went towards him. He said, "No, the Lord refused him." So he went all the way down, to six sons, and the Lord refused every one of them. He said, "Isn't there another one?"
139"Oh," he said, "yes, there is one, he is back out there herding the sheep. He just sets back there and plays songs, and sings it, and shouts, and goes on. But, he's a little old stoop-shouldered, ruddy-looking guy, he would never make a king."
140He said, "Go get him." And while David come in the sight of the prophet, the prophet run with the oil and poured it upon his head, said, "This is God's chosen." Not pretty; but character. God looks at character.
141 Man looks at natural beauty. It's deceiving. And that's why a woman was given that beauty, for deception, to deceive. A beautiful woman, if she don't use it in the right way, it's a curse to her; that will send her to hell quicker than anything else I know of. If she just... If she can be pretty, sure, as long as she stays with her husband and does what's right, and that--that's fine and dandy. But she can take that same thing and, my, how she can deceive with it, for it was give to her to do so.
142Notice, now, but God is featured in character. "There was no beauty we should desire Jesus," but there never was a character like Him, on the earth.
143Now we find out, today, that the--the church character, Satan and his group, look after big, beautiful churches, beautiful things. That's what the world looks at today. "Oh, it's the pastor, the great so-and-so times so-and-so, so priestly and godly, walk out with his big robes, and things like that." They call that beauty.
144But the real saints of God looks for the character of the vindicated Word.
145That's what the saints did in that day, when they seen Jesus. He wasn't nothing to look at, but they seen God was in Him. They seen God was with Him.
146 That's how that those, Joab and those characters with David, a little old fellow, but they seen the--the man was in him. They seen that God was in him, and they knowed he was coming into power someday. They... One slew them other five brothers of Goliath, single-handed. One killed three hundred men; when some women was picking some beans for dinner, and the army had gone away, and he took a spear and killed three hundred men, Philistines. Character! Why? They stayed right by David. They knowed the anointing was upon him, and they knowed he was coming into power.
147A pure picture of the Church today that will stand by the Word! We know It's going to be made vindicated. We know It's coming into power someday. Although Saul... And he was a fugitive from the rest of the nations, but they knowed he was coming into power. We know He is coming into power, too, so we take that Word and stand right there, no matter what it costs. If we have to cut Philistines, or jump in a pit and kill a lion, as one did, we go anyhow, 'cause it's the... that's the way God designed it to be. We look for character.
148 You may now ask me, "Why did He permit her to be designed thus?" I don't want to take too much time, 'cause I got a lot more to say here. "Why," the question might arise then, "why did God make this woman like this? Why did He permit her to be like that?" It was for His Own good pleasure. Sure.
149Now if you want to turn in your Bible just a minute, let's turn to Romans 9, just a minute, and show you something, how God does these things, if you want to--to read it. And we can see here what God does for His Own good pleasure. Romans 9:14.
Then what shall we say then?
Is there unrighteousness before God?...
150When He chose Esau, or chose Jacob and rejected Esau, before either boy could have a right to make a choice, himself, neither one of them; before they was born, still in the womb of the mother, God said, "I hate Esau, and I love Jacob." See? Why?
For he said unto Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
So then it is not... him that willeth, nor... him that runneth, but it's God that sheweth mercy.
For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might show my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
Therefore he... (now watch here)... for he... mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
Thou will say... unto me, Why then does he... find fault? For who has resisted his will?
Nay but, O man, who art thou that rilest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me this?
Has not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel to honour, and the other to dishonour?
What if God, willing to show his wrath, and to make his power known, endured... such long-suffering the vessel of wrath fitted to destruction:
... that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessel of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,
151 Now argue with That a while. God did it! He had to make it this a way. It had to be there. Now listen now for about five minutes, I want to call your attention to something.
152What is God? God is a great Eternal. At the beginning, way back before there was a beginning, He wasn't even God. Did you know that? God is an "object of worship," and there wasn't nothing to worship Him. He lived alone.
153And in Him was attributes. What is an attribute? A thought. Now you'll get something that will border on the lesson for tonight. Notice, He was His attributes that was in Him. Now, it was in Him to be Father, it was in Him to be God, it was in Him to be Son, it was in Him to be Saviour, it was in Him to be Healer. And all these things here are just displaying His attributes. There is nothing out of order. You think God didn't see the end from the beginning? Certainly, He did. There's nothing out of order, it's just displaying His attributes.
154 Now, He could not be just and make a man to fall. He had to put him on equal basis, of free moral agency, to make his own choice, but knowing he would fall.
155Now, He can't be a Saviour unless something is lost. He can't be a Healer unless something is sick. These things had to be that way. God made them thus so that His great attributes could be displayed. If there wasn't that, He'd have never been a Saviour. But we know He was, even before there was a time, He was a Saviour. He was a Saviour, so there has to be something lost. How is it going to be?
156If He takes and loses it, just in order to save it, then it isn't justice to His judgment. He couldn't send a man to hell, and be just. He is kind, gentle, true, honest, and He is a great Judge. See, He would be working against Himself.
157So He had to put a man out here, and make him on free moral agency, so he would, knowing, would fall; and the man, in His Own image, how could he fall? Now you seeing daylight? So, He had to make a by-product, something out of the original creation. Now you see it. See? There you come. See? Then, that's what fell. He made it, knowing it would fall. And it's put over in the hands of Satan, for a vessel of dishonor. Where is honor bestowed today? You think on that. Notice closely now.
158 Then again, why she was designed this way and not like other females, why was the woman designed so and not other females? None of the other females was designed like that. They're not, today. They can't. Not being made that way, she can't do it. Why did He not make this female then, a woman, just like other females, so she would just be the same way, could just raise her babies? Then she would have her husband, and live; and when it come time for her baby, she would have her baby. Why, why didn't He make her like this?
159I can't say these words. And you understand what I'm talking about, don't you? If you can understand, say "amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Yeah. See? There is young girls setting here, and young boys, see. But you know, the animal has to come to a certain time of the year, then her mate, then that's all. But, a woman, it's any time. And why did He make her like this?
160 Now watch His great program unfold, as we go on through here now, just as perfect as perfect can be. I didn't know this till the other day.
161Why didn't He make her like that in the beginning, like the rest of His females? Because it would be unbecoming to Him. He is the Fountain of all purity. That's the reason He had to let Satan get a hold of her, what he done in the perversion. Such a creature would be, would not be becoming to Him, originally designed for.
162All His works that He designed, in the original, is in continuity. All of His original works was in continuity. The female dog, the male dog; see, female cow, the male cow; everything in continuity. All nature is in continuity. Seed die, go in the ground; just like death, burial, resurrection. The sap goes down out of a tree, drops its leaf, comes back the next year with the resurrection of a new leaf. See what I mean? Everything, even nature, of God, is all in a continuity, in one; and here is one designed out of the continuity of God. Nature is so designed so it can't sin. Think! The original creation, of God, could not sin.
163Oh, don't you see it now, in this view here, the perversion of the church? The original is God's Word! There is no sin in God. See what I mean? Here is a creature that come into existence by a perversion. God is going to have a Church, but look at this perverted thing they got out here.
164God has male and female. But, this woman, see, the very symptoms of it shows back what was in God's mind. We could take an hour, or two, and break that down. She, made this creature for that way, He made the creature and turned her so Satan could get a hold of her, and he did. He has still got her. She had better flee to the Cross, like man, too.
165 Notice, all nature runs in continuity. If He'd have made the woman in the same original creation, there'd have been no sin, because she couldn't have done it, she couldn't have done it. She is a perversion of the original creation.
166So is all sin a perversion of the original Truth! What is a lie? Is the Truth perverted. What is an adultery? Is the right act perverted. So there is the perverted creature, there is the perverted whole thing. And the whole thing is spelled s-i-n, laying right there. That's why the question is so great.
167Only a piece, scrap, made of a man, to deceive him by; God made it, right here has proved it. That's what she was made for.
168An immoral woman is the lowest thing that can be thought of, in the earth. Excuse this, young ladies. She is nothing but a human garbage can, a sex exposal. That's all she is, an immoral woman, is a human sexual garbage can, a pollution, where filthy, dirty, ornery, low-down filth is disposed by her. What is she made this way for? For deception. Every sin that ever was on the earth was caused by a woman.
169And an analyst just from Chicago, a--a woman wrote this article, the police force; that they chased down, in United States, metropolitan United States, that "Ninety-eight percent of every crime that was ever did in any form, in the United States, there was either a woman in it or behind it."
170Now I'm saying all this, to get to one thing here at the end, so that you can see what's the matter.
171 She was made to deceive, like she did Adam at the beginning, tell him that the fruit was pleasant, and so forth, to deceive him and take him away from the Word. That's the way the church does today, same thing.
But then, after that, he become her ruler, to rule over her.
172Now what a difference in this day, in this day of conception. Instead of him being her ruler, she has become his god. Sure, she rules him. Now you can probably well understand what I've been hitting at. By her beauty and her sex control, her shape that was given to her by Satan, the by-product that Satan did, she is sent to deceive sons of God. And she can sway more of them to hell than any other instrument Satan has got. That's exactly right.
173I'm talking of the immoral now, not you sisters. We'll give you your place, right place, in a few minutes, in the Word of God here. It was in God's plan from begin--beginning.
174 Now to do this today, what is the god of the United States? You remember in the tabernacle years ago, I preached on that? The god of this modern day, a little flapper sitting there with make-up on, and dress pulled up over her knees, and things like that. I said, "Behold your god!" And that's right, she is on every advertisement, half naked. She is on the street, the same way.
175It's an instrument of Satan, "from the beginning," Jesus says. See? We see that it's so now, and "from the beginning," and what He's talking about.
176Now, the heathens used to make her a god, (did you know that?) a goddess. Sure did. They make her a goddess, for they did have sex acts in their worship. They claimed that, "She was the creator. In her womb she carried the seed and created." That's a lie. There is only one Creator, that's God. But you remember Paul there? "Diana, of Ephesus," a image of a rock, said, "the goddess of Heaven, throwed down." Don't you see how heathen worship is?
177And we, not knowing it, turns right straight back to heathen worship again, to women, the very lowest creature on the earth, woman-worship! She will sway man any way she wants to. And not knowing, all that beauty on the outside, that hell is on the inside. Solomon said, "Her, her gates is the gates to hell."
178 Now we see plainly here what Jesus spoke of in Revelation, the 2nd chapter and the 15th verse, of the Nicolaitane doctrine, the oncoming of that church pulling itself away from the Word.
179Also we can see here, plainly, these vulgar, ungodly, filthy programs that we have on television, of Hollywood sex queens. We can see the filth of this city, as these kids, little old girls walking up-and-down the street here, with little bitty, tight clothes, twisting around, and it cold enough to freeze them to death. They don't know that that's the Devil doing that. They are possessed of an evil spirit, and don't know it! You don't see a female dog doing that, do you? You don't see any other female doing that, and no male better walk up to her, either.
180 See, now you get the picture? We'll introduce something just in a moment, the Lord willing.
Now you see the Nicolaitanes, you see their doctrine.
181You see the teen-age queens, they call them, these stripteases out on the street. Used to have to go to some vulgar show on the side, to see a striptease. Just open your eyes, look out on the street, that's all you have to do now. The whole thing is a striptease. Sure. What do they do it for? To tantalize, tempt, that's the only thing she can do it for. She does it because she is filthy. She does it because she is made that way. She don't realize that she is an instrument in the hands of Satan, and that's what she is.
182Even in our schools today, they're teaching sex acts. Our rotten world of woman-worship! I know they don't want to believe that. Stand and sing some kind of hymn, and so forth, on one day; and out with women, running around, all night long. See? All right. When, in God's sight, the Word, she is the lowest of all animals that God put on the earth. Watch.
183 That's why God forbids her to teach His Word. That's right. First Timothy 2:9-15, "I suffer not a woman to teach, or to have any authority." See? And also First Corinthians 14:34, "Let your women keep silent in the churches, for it's not permitted to them to speak, for they are commanded to be in silent; also saith the Law." But, today, what does the church do? They make her pastors, evangelists, when the Bible completely forbids it. And the Bible said, "as also saith the Law," making it run in continuity, the whole thing.
184Just like the Lamb was, last night, the only place of worship, under the shed Blood of the Lamb. It's the only place today, in Christ. Only way you do is come into Him. That's the only place to worship. It always was that way. The only place to worship is under the shed Blood.
185 So now we see the whole picture of it unfolding to us. There she is. That's why God won't let her teach, won't let her do anything in the church but to sit still with a veiled face.
186Now can you see why I have said the things and done the things that I have done, knowing all this in my heart, brother, sisters? I know, sisters, I'm... you got your place (just in a moment), and the wonderful character that God can mold in you. But I'm just trying to speak on the other side, to show what you're actually from, "in the beginning." Jesus told us to "go back to the beginning," to find it. That's what we're doing.
187Now I've had to hit the high points on a lot of this, and I hope you understand it. And you people who will be listening to this tape, I hope you understand. Just go back. It's only to show that Jesus said, "Go back, from the beginning, and find out." All things, go back to the beginning. You can see, today.
188 Why, people, they say I'm a woman-hater. That's far from the Truth. I do not. They call, "A woman-hater!" Remember, they called Paul a woman-hater. A woman minister, not long ago, said, "Oh, you're like old Paul, all he had to do is pick on us women."
189A saint of God, that was permitted to write the Bible, the New Testament, and dispute his Words? He said, "If an Angel from Heaven teaches any other thing than This that I have said, let him be accursed," let alone some woman preacher.
190They said Elijah was a woman-hater. He wasn't a woman-hater, of real women. He just didn't like them Jezebels.
191And if that be so, then must be God must be the same way, because He is the Word which come to the prophets. So it must be God, the same way, so, see, He knows the original creation, "from the beginning," He said, "from the beginning." They were prophets who the Word came to.
192 And He made her for man, and not man for her. Did you know that, that, "Woman was made for man, and not man for woman"? How many knows that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Bible teaches that. All right. She was given a place in man, before the fall, equal over all creation. But "after" the fall, now here we bring the subject up. But "after" the fall, he was her ruler, she must keep silent in all matters, now after the original beginning is over.
193Jesus said, "It wasn't so from the beginning." That's when time began, when God made it first in His original creation. All that understand, say "amen" again. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] In the beginning God created just one male and one female. But then the woman was made different from the animals, all other animals, for deception. Now watch now, "It wasn't so from the beginning." She was made, if she had stayed in original condition, she would have never been no fall. But she caused the fall and the interruption that broke the whole continuity of God, and throwed death, sorrow, and everything else, on the earth. She was made thus.
194 Now notice now "after" the beginning, after the beginning, after time began; back in that was Eternity, is over. Notice, after that fall was made by Eve, after the fall, there was need to be another covenant made. Now this is going to stumble you, but I'm going to give you the Scripture to prove that this is the Truth. Now notice after the fall, Jesus said... God, at the beginning, made one of a kind; but now, after the fall, now we're going beyond that. The covenant was co-equal; but now, after the fall, there is another covenant made. Now she was no longer ruler with him, each must have a separate covenant.
195 Now let's see if that's right. Let's take Genesis 3, and find out if this is right, now as we go along, 'cause we want to be positive of these things, they are taught out and brought out exactly true. So that maybe right here we have a little time, 'cause we're not too far from the end now, to get to the closing part of the subject, to show why and what about divorces, and so forth. Now in Genesis the 3rd chapter, and we will begin now with the 3rd, and the 16th verse. Let's begin at the 14th verse.
And the LORD... said unto the serpent, (now He is going to curse it), Because thou hast--thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all the cattle,... above every beast of the field; and upon thy belly thou shall go, and dust shall thou eat all the days of thy life:
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and the woman's seed; and it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel. (The promising, "coming through the woman," the Messiah, to redeem.)
Unto the woman he said,...
196Now look, now there is the covenant with the serpent. Which, they were all alright beforehand, at the beginning, or before the beginning.
Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrows and thy conception; and in sorrow shall thou bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee, not no more co-equal together at all.
197Now she has turned right around, and she is the ruler.
And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat... it: cursed be the ground (not cursed Adam, now) cursed be the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shall thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
Thorns... and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herbs of the field;
And in sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread, till thou returns to the ground; for out of it, out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
198 Two covenants. Now that closes "the beginning," of what Jesus said, "It wasn't so at the beginning." We got another covenant now. Notice, it's another covenant. Now there is a covenant for the product, and the by-product. Notice, the fall brought trouble, death, to every creature of the creation, making a difference in all nature. Now let us notice what Jesus said about, "from the beginning it wasn't so." Now it is not so "from," it is now it is "after" the beginning. Now there is a double covenant.
199First was just a covenant, Adam and Eve was co-equal, one man and one woman. Now the woman sinned, and (what does she do?) that throwed them all to death, and God had to make a covenant by that, another covenant. Here it is right here in Genesis 3:16, He made another covenant.
200 Now the world is to be repopulated, not by the original creation of God, like in the beginning, not by the original creation, but by sex desire. Now that takes care of "the beginning," doesn't it? In the beginning there was only one man and one woman, one male and one female; but when she crossed that line and brought this sin, now the world is to be repopulated again, by sex, not by creation; by sex. See where the woman is at now, now? But that's the way the world is populated today, through women.
201That's the reason Jesus had to come through the woman, to bring it back to its original beginning again, without sex desire. He is virgin born. But, hallelujah, there will come a time where it won't be no more sex, but God shall call His children from the dust of the earth, back like they was in the original, not through any woman; but through the molding of the clay and the cosmic lights, and the petroleum, He will create again like He did Adam at the first time. Jesus made this possible, by God making Himself a Man and come into the world so He could die, through this woman. Now is testing time, by sin.
202 Now you see then, "after" the beginning, it was something else was introduced. Now this is going to shock you. Are you tired? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Just sit still just a little longer.
203Then when the double covenant was made by man and woman, through sex, another covenant altogether (not the original covenant, but another covenant), now what's introduced? Polygamy, in all. Then, after the beginning, polygamy was introduced both in man and in beasts; after the beginning, the fall. God now, secondarily, sets a new nature again, by sex. God created the first without sex. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now it's another covenant with nature, He sets it in another order, by sex. Second covenant: one male, many females; one buck deer, a whole harem of does. Is that right? One bull, a whole herd of cattle, cows; one rooster, a yardful of hens. Is that right? One David, after His Own heart, with five hundred wives; with a hundred children born to him, in one year, of different women, a man after God's Own heart. One Solomon, with a thousand wives. But notice now, it wasn't so at the beginning, but now it's "after" the beginning. The woman has done this, then she just becomes what she is now. See?
204 David, the king which represented Christ! Hold that in your mind. David represented Christ. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Christ is setting, going to sit on his throne. And this David, a man after God's Own heart, had five hundred wives. See what I mean? David with his five hundred wives, Solomon with his thousand. And Solomon is the son of David, in the natural; which represents Jesus Christ, the Son of David, in the spiritual. But that's natural, sex life. This is going to be spiritual, created. Why? Created. See, that's the way it was at the beginning, but not now in this life we live in now.
205Notice, don't fail this now, take it all down in your hearts. But not one of those women could even have one more husband. He is the original creation, not her. Not one of those women could have one more husband, but that one husband could have a thousand wives. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's the Bible. Now I've went back, took my time and showed you back yonder where it started, what Jesus said. Now do you see it clearly? They could have as many...
206 "Oh," you say, "that was just for Israel." Is it?
207When Abraham took Sarah down into the Philistine country, there was a king down there named Abimelech. And Sarah was a hundred years old, right at it, but she had been changed back to a young woman and been made beautiful. Do you know that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. And Abimelech wanted her for a wife. You remember my Message on it? Abimelech wanted to take Sarah for a wife. Probably had a harem, but he could not take her if she was married to Abraham. So Abraham said to Sarah, "Say that you are, 'my brother,' because he'll kill me so that he can have you." Why didn't he just chase Abraham out of the country, and take his wife and go on? Not only a law was it with believers, but to all people in the creation. Sinner or a saint, you are responsible, man, for these acts. There was a heathen king. How many knows that story is true? ["Amen."] It's the Bible, Genesis, about the 16th chapter, I think.
208 You notice, Abimelech would have took her for a wife. He fixed hisself to have this new Hebrew girl. And he said, "This is my..." She said, "That's my brother."
He said, "That's my sister."
209And Abimelech said, "I'll just take her for a wife then." Could you imagine a man doing a thing like that? But he did it.
210And then that night, while he went to sleep, the Lord appeared to him in a dream, and said, "Abimelech, you're as good as a dead man." He was protecting that, that stream of Jewish blood there, you see. He said, "You're as good as a dead man. You've got another man's wife you're fixing to marry."
211He said, "Lord, You knowed the integrity of my heart." Said, "Did not she tell me that was her 'brother'? Did not he himself say, 'That's my sister'?"
212He said, "I know the integrity of your heart, that is the reason I wouldn't permit you to sin against Me." Is that right? Said, "Restore his wife, because that man is My prophet. And unless you take him back his wife... And let him pray for you, not your priest. If he don't pray for you, your whole nation is gone." Amen. There is amazing grace. Right. "Your whole nation is gone. That's that man's wife, and he is My prophet." Amen. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's the Scripture. Right.
213 Now we find out, death was caused. Death is the cause of sin of the woman, come through the woman and not the man. By her way of living her life, and by her, all death comes. Her way of giving life is death. How many knows that? Job 14, if you want to put down the Scripture.
214I got, if you question this, I got Scriptures wrote down for every bit of this.
215If you want to read Job 14 there, It says, "Man that is born of woman is of a few days, and full of trouble." Is that right? "He cometh up like the flower, he is cut down, and wastes away," and so forth. See? Every man that's born of a woman, is born in death as soon as he comes.
216But when he is born into the creation of God, he cannot die; he is from that other Tree that was in the garden of Eden, Christ. Eternal Life come by the Tree.
217"Oh," you say, "she was a tree?" Sure. "Well, they said, 'Thou shall not take of this tree.' God said, in Genesis back there, 'Thou shall not take of this tree.'"
218Well the woman is the tree. She is the fruit tree. You're the fruit of your mother. The fruit of the womb is you. That's right. And then the fruit of the Tree of Life, that was in the garden of Eden, is Christ. Through the woman come death; through the Man, in the original creation, come Life. To be born of a woman is death; to be born of Christ is Life. Get the idea? That's where. Now you see where the goddesses went to, don't you?
219First Adam and Eve typed the second Adam and Eve, see, the multiplication. Now the multiplication of Adam and Eve was through sex, to replenish the earth, but it wasn't so at the beginning. God just made a male and a female, like He did His other creatures, see, legal, just like the Church.
220 Now let us, in view of these vindicated Truths of God, search a little further, if you want to. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Now this may hurt just a little bit till we get down to the bottom of it, but I'm just going to show you the Truth of it.
221There is no minister that can marry a widow. Did you know that? You want to read that? All right, you get in the Leviticals, Leviticus 21:7 and Ezekiel 44:22, and It'll show you that the priesthood was not to marry a woman that's been touched by man. This type is of the virgin Bride of Jesus Christ, because they handled the Fire of God, the priests did, Aaron's sons. We haven't got time to read It all, and get out by noon, we got twenty minutes yet. And them is Aaron's sons that handled the--the--the Fire of God, so they could not marry a woman that had been touched by another man. The unchanging God said so. They could not marry another woman, and a woman been touched by a man, showing in type here, if you want to see it, that the Church of the living God is purely, unadulterated, the Word of God, and not a denomination that's been handled by man.
222 Note, let's read this here. I want to get this to you. Matthew 5, Jesus spoke here of something that's really of a vital importance. We want to see it, Matthew 5. I wrote on my...
223I marked out some of the things I was going to say just to the men, so had quite a little time saying it just before our sisters. But I want to--to go out here now before...
224Now, sister, I want to put you to the place where God's Word promised you, and you see then you stay in that place, too.
225Matthew 5:32. I want you to notice here, to support this same idea of "one" and "many." Matthew, thirty-... I think it's Matthew 5:32, 31 to begin with.
It has been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement:
226That's Jesus speaking, the One said, "from the beginning." Now watch.
But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving... the cause of fornications, causes her to commit adultery; see, whosoever shall put away his wife, saving... the cause of fornication, causes her to commit adultery: (why? she'll marry again) and whosoever marrieth her that is divorced committed adultery.
227 See, she has got a living husband, so no man can marry her. Care what she does and who she is, she's got a living husband, there is no grounds for her at all. But, it's not, for him. "Causes her," not him. Get it? You have to make the Word run in continuity. See, nothing saying he couldn't, but she can't. See, "causes her," not him. That's exactly what the Bible says, "causes her." It is not stated against him to remarry, but "her." Why? Christ in the type.
228Notice, it is stated that he cannot remarry, only a virgin. He can remarry. He can, he can remarry again if it's a virgin, but he can't marry somebody else's wife. No indeedy. And if he does marry a divorced woman, he is living in adultery, I don't care who he is. The Bible said, "Whosoever marrieth her that is put away, liveth in adultery." There you are, not no divorcees.
229See that original back there, "from the beginning," now? Remarrying, now notice, he can, but she can't. Like David, like Solomon, like the continuity of the whole Bible, now, same as David and the rest of them.
230 Now you notice in First Corinthians 7:10, notice, Paul commands the wife that is, that divorces her husband, to remain single or be reconciled, not to remarry. She must remain single, or to be reconciled back to her husband. She cannot remarry. She must remain single, but, notice, he never said about the man. See, you can't make the Word lie. "From the beginning," the sex law by polygamy. Now, the Word of God runs true with nature of God, runs in to continuity.
231See how there is one school went east, and the other one went west, on it? You got to come back to the Truth, to find out what it is.
232It's always been that way, that's the regular covenant with God from the beginning. First, before the beginning, from the beginning there was just one and one. After the sin came in, then there was one man and a bunch of women; run that way in nature, every animal, and human beings and natural flesh is animal. We are mammal, we know that, all of us, see, and it's all God's nature in continuity.
233 But now that the Seals are opened, the Spirit of Truth directs us to the Word. That explains why all the mistakes has been down through the ages, because the Seals was not opened, This was not revealed. It's true.
234Notice, you, you can't make the shadows fail. As I preached to you last night about the shadow across the floor, it's got to come out right. How can there be a shadow of an elephant coming across the floor, and a little bitty, spindly man come out to be the elephant, or the elephant to a little, spindly man?
235Now if you'll notice it in perfect type.
236Now, there is a true woman, a true woman, virgin, that marries her husband, and lives, and she is a blessed thing to the man. If God could have give His son any better thing than a wife, He would have give that to him.
237But she is designed to be a sex act, and no other animal is designed like that. No other creature on the earth is designed like that. That's the reason you see polygamy, because of that. That's what brought it in.
238 Now look, in the final analysis, look, there is one Jesus Christ (is that right?), one Man, God, Immanuel. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] But the members of His Wife are many, see, thousands times thousands of thousands (is that right?), His Wife, the Bride, the Church. You understand now? ["Amen."]
239That's why He said to Adam, before sex was ever induced or introduced, "Multiply, to replenish the earth," when he was yet in the beginning, when he was yet both male and female in himself. There, shows then that the Bride has got to come from the Word, by spiritual multiplication, multiplications, see, replenishing the earth.
240 Now in the sex act, see, the schools got those two things mixed up. Therefore you can't do it, you've got to bring it back to the Truth of it, "in the beginning."
241And at the end there will be one Lord Jesus, and His Bride many, singular. You get it? There was one David on one throne, one king (after God's Own heart) with five hundred wives. Jesus sitting on His Throne, hallelujah, in the Millennium, with a Wife; like it was at the beginning, created out of the earth, by the hand of Almighty God, in the resurrection, of many members. There you are.
242Women, struggle to be that, come into Christ, then you'll not be in that filthy mess out there. But as long as you're just a church member trying to live moral and good, yourself, you'll never make it. Neither can a man make it outside of Christ. As Paul went on to say, "But they're in Christ, there is neither male nor female." They're all one.
243 But to get this Marriage And Divorce straightened out, so that you would know which was right and which was wrong, now He plainly shows here in these types. There is one Christ; and many members of that Wife. Notice, He can put us away for spiritual fornications and false doctrine, any time He wants to; but how dare you try to put Him away, and make it? The man can put away his wife and marry another one; but not the woman put away her husband and marry another one. See all the shadows and types there perfectly balanced up? See the original creation; not the by-product nowhere. Not the church; the Bride through the Word. Not the woman; the man, each time. That's why it never says anything against the man doing it; it's always the woman. That's exactly.
244But she can be the Bride of Christ, by being... And remember, she being a part of a man, the Bible said she can on-... "Nevertheless I suffer not a woman to teach, or to usurp any authority, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, and then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the by-product was deceived. Notwithstanding she shall be saved if she continues in holiness and sobriety, and in childbearing, and all such," because then she becomes a part of this man. That's what bring...
245 Why didn't Abraham... Why didn't God kill Sarah sitting right there, denying, and lying right in the face of God? Sitting there as a mortal Man, eating flesh, eating bread, drinking milk, and He said, "Why did Sarah laugh back there in the back," behind Him, in the tent, He had never seen her, "saying this, 'How can these things be'?"
246She said, "I never said it!" Uh-oh, my, tell God that He is a liar, to His face? But He couldn't take her. Why? She's a part of Abraham. Amen. He couldn't hurt her without hurting Abraham.
247Now you women see where you belong. And the Bible said, "You women be like Sarah was, which adorned herself in modest apparel, lived honest and true to her own husband, loving him so much that (he) she called him her 'lord,'" ruler, ownership.
248 And you, some of the women, put on these nasty clothes and get out here to throw yourself before man. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." Then who is guilty, the man or you? He is a male, made so he could take this act, see; and you're the female, that ought to refuse.
249And why do you put yourself out like that? It ain't for comfort, you know it can't be, when you're half froze to death with them shorts on. See, can't be for comfort. Then what is it? It's for filth! You won't admit it, but it's the Bible says so. It's the Truth. It's a filthy spirit that's in you. You don't want to be filthy; but you don't realize, spiritually you are filthy, because you're presenting yourself filthy.
250Now, a man, his old, dirty, knotty knees, and if he had on hardly any clothes at all, wouldn't make any difference, his body is not tempting. Why? He was in the original creation, character; should be, see. But, you're the by-product, to tempt by.
251God, have mercy! Oh, my, this sinful world! I'll be glad when it's over.
252 Notice, He can put away His wife any time He wants to, but she can't put Him away; He can make me, He can throw me in the dust any time He takes a notion to, but, oh, brother, I better never try to throw Him there, I am finished.
253Solomon could marry any woman that wasn't married, he could marry any woman he wanted to. A priest could marry only a woman that was a virgin. Solomon...
254Like David, he married (what was her name?) Abigail. Which, there was a man called a "fool," he had a nice wife, and he died. And Abigail was married to David; he was a king, not a priest, see, so he--he married.
255But a priest could not do that, because he had touched or got a woman to be his wife that was already been some man's wife. So that shows the virgincy of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Bride will have to be unadulterated, the Word, not one Word missing nowhere. Certainly. Could you imagine a correct bride, one breast off, and, the other one, something another wrong, you know? That's not going to be the Bride of Christ. She is perfect. She is everything the Word, not one Word failing anywhere. No.
256 Notice, He can put her away, but she cannot put Him away. He did it, has proved it, in the days when Luther, Wesley, and Pentecost, when they refused to become the further part of Him by having spiritual sexual affair to become pregnated with further part of the Word. You understand? She refused. The Lutheran church refused for Christ to have any more desire with her; Luther refused it. And let me say this, going to call me something anyhow; so is it today with every one of them, they fail to take that Word, they refuse Christ!
257And any woman that refuses a man his child, has no right to be a wife to him. Amen. You remember, in the Bible, when the king married Esther? Because the queen refused, he just got him another one. And when the... What happened when she refused to come out with the king and obey him? The same thing it is with a woman that refuses to be wife to her husband.
258 And so is it with the church that refuses to become pregnated in the age that we now live in, to bring forth children of this age. We are not Lutherans, we're not Wesleys, neither are we Pentecostals! We've got to be the children of this age, through the pregnancy of the Word of God, to bring forth a Child of this age, the Seed Child. Amen. I hope you understand. Couldn't be pregnated, no, so what did He do? Put her away, in divorcement. That's right. But she daresn't put Him away. He put her away.
259He went right on revealing His Word to the Body, and vindicating Him, same, by Himself. His children begin to kind of look more like Him, because It's fully maturing, or, they become children of the Word, not children of the church. Children of the Word! And the Bride will be a lovely little Lady of the Word, unadulterated, not touched by any man's organization, any man-made theory. She'll be purely unadulterated, Bride of the Word! Amen and amen! I hope you get that, out on the air. She will be the pregnated daughter of God.
260 See what a great honor a woman can be? See what a great thing the church can be, but you see where filth has got her to? Then trying to compare that church out there with the Church here, you can't do it. And try to compare the street harlot with the Church of the living God; or the woman, the correct woman, with a harlot?
261Why is there such things as that? It's a law of God, the law of contrasts. How will we know how to enjoy the daylight if there wasn't a night? How will we know how to enjoy the dry weather if there wasn't rain? How would we know to enjoy and respect a real woman, if there wasn't a dirty one?
262 Went right on revealing It, revealing His Word, but dare any one of us to try to put away Him and marry another.
263Now surely it's plain why both theories are wrong. You can't make it run this way, it's gone; you make it run that, it'd run plumb past the promise. Here is the promise, here is the thing right here. The Word is not contradictory. It has to stay in continuity now, no more than Matthew 28:19 contradicts Acts 2:38.
264Now, some of you women, some of you men, I--I know you're--you're disagreeing with It. Cause, you know, you can't hide that right now. You can't.
265But let me just show you something. If Matthew 28:19 said, "Go ye therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost," and they turned around, and every person that was ever baptized was baptized contrary to that, baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, for even all through the Bible age and for three hundred years after the Bible age, to the Nicaea Council. Then they adopted dogmas instead. What's the difference, if it isn't revealed?
266 And do you know the whole Book, the whole Bible, is a revelation? That's how you have to know the truth between this one and the other, it's because It's a revelation. And the revelation must be exactly with the Word, not contrary to the Word. You say, "Well, I, it was revealed to me." Then if it's contrary to the Word, it never come from God. That's right.
267Now if you want to take Mat-... Matthew 16:18. Jesus said, Himself, that the entire Church, His Church, would be built upon spiritual revelation of Himself, which is the Word. "I say unto thee, that thou art Peter... And flesh and blood never revealed this to you, but My Father which is in Heaven has revealed this to you. And upon this rock..."
268Now, I know, our Catholic friends there, you say, "It was built upon Peter, and Peter the apostolic, so, So-and-so, in an apostolic consent, succession."
The Protestants said, "It was built upon Jesus Christ."
269Not to be different, but take just what He said! He said, "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in Heaven has revealed this to you. And upon this rock, spiritual revelation of what the Word is, I'll build My Church; and the gates of hell will never shake It down." His Wife will not be tempted with other man. "I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell can never shake It."
270 And Abel and Cain, in the garden of Eden. Cain drawed his own conception, he said, "Now, look, God is a good God. He is over all nature, so I'll get the beans and potatoes, and I'll get the--the flowers, and I'll make Him a real pretty altar." That's a church. He knelt down. He believed God. He worshiped God, put up his hands, and offered this sacrifice. He done everything religious that Abel did.
271Abel built the same kind of an altar. But when Abel brought his, he brought a lamb. Now, Cain thought that, making an antidote for sin, that his father and mother must have eat fruit, as they were taught in that garden. But Abel, by Divine revelation, knowed that it was the blood that did it. By Divine revelation! And the Bible said in Hebrews, the 12th chapter, 11th chapter, that, "Abel, by faith, revelation, offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which God testified that he was righteous." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen! Brother, sister, it's just as plain as anything can be, to me. There is the whole thing.
272 Now on the Marriage And Divorce, see, it has to be revealed. Until it's revealed, you don't know it. But He promised in this last days, in this age, that every hidden mystery in the Bible would be revealed. How many knows that? Revelation, the 10th chapter! Jesus promised it, that all of these hidden mysteries on--on Marriage And Divorce, all these other hidden mysteries that's been, would be revealed in the end time. Now you remember, the Voice said, "Go to Tucson." Remember the mystic Light in the sky; the seventh Angel standing there; come back, and the opening of the Seven Seals? Watch what's taken place. That is true.
273Now just a little bit farther. But now hear, ye! I know it's getting time for you to go eat, but I'm just eating fine. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
274 Notice, now, the woman has got her place, and she is a jewel. Solomon, this man that had ten thousand wives... or had a thousand wives, rather, he said that, "A man that's found a wife, has found a good thing." He said, "A good woman is a jewel in his crown," that's an honor. "But an unrighteous one is water in his blood," that's his life. He said, "There might be one righteous man found in a thousand," Solomon said this, "but," said, "you wouldn't find one righteous woman in a thousand." Solomon said that, see. Now notice that, that how it is.
275But, you see, woman, you are--you are a jewel if you want to be a jewel, but the desire has to be by you. And you see why the Marriage And Divorce was, that Jesus pointed back yonder, it was because your kind was the cause of all sin. That's the reason polygamy and divorce, and things, was introduced. At the beginning it never was so, and it won't be so in the world over yonder.
276 Look at Jacob, out of whom come the patriarchs. He had at least a dozen wives. He married two sisters, and had concubine wives besides that, common-law women that he lived with. And those patriarchs was born right out of those concubine women. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See, you have to make the Word run smooth.
277Oh, I got pages on them. If a clergyman ever questions me on it, and we would get together, we could talk it. But surely, if he's got any spirituality at all, he can see right here it's the Truth. There is no question to It.
278A good woman is a good thing. I know that. I know it by real women. I have met real women that's genuine, just as real as any man that ever walked.
279She is a by-product and a piece of him, and in the fall he listened to her. He just... She is part of him. But, it's up to her, she is made so she can be filthy, and she is given the right to refuse or to accept. That's contrary to the original nature at the beginning, see, but there you are.
280 Now it's twelve o'clock, so I'll just omit something here for a few minutes. I want to ask you something.
281Now, remember, I say this to just my group only. And out in the air, I'm saying this to only my own followers. This Message is only to them, and what I'm going to say here.
282Any minister, he, that's his, yeah, he's the shepherd of the flock, let him do whatever he wants to. That's up to him and God. Any priest, any preacher, that's up to you, my brother.
283I'm only speaking here in Jeffersonville, the only place I would speak this at, is because it's my own flock. It's the flock that the Holy Ghost give me to understand to be overseer over, and He will hold me responsible for it. And these people of mine has been converts here from across the land, that I've led to Christ. And, little children, I'm here to help you, and I am your friend. You might think I speak against you; I'm saying this, see, for your good. I love you. And if that isn't so, God is my Judge. You know I love you.
284 This is an awful strong thing, I didn't know how to bring it out. What will I do, when I got men and women sitting in my congregation, some of them has been married twice or three times? Good men and good women, all mixed up! What done it? False teaching, exactly, not waiting on the Lord.
285"What God has joined together, let no man put asunder." Not what man joined together; what "God" joined together! When you've got a direct revelation from God, that's your wife, and the same thing, that's yours, the rest of your life. See? But what man joins together, anybody can put apart. But what God joins together, no man better dare to touch it. "Whatsoever God joins together," He said, "let no man put asunder." Not what some half-drunk magistrate or something else put together, or some backslidden preacher with a bunch of creeds in a book, that would let them do anything in the world, and the Word of God laying right there. See? I'm talking about what God joined together.
286 Now I'm going to say this to you. I am very careful what I say to you. I don't mean to be rough with you people. I don't mean to be rough with you, my pastor brothers. I don't mean that. But I am responsible, realizing that this has been given into my hands. And if... I can't hold It. I don't know how to give It out, and I know that this tape will. Oh, my, I'll just get ready, the office open up, 'cause here it comes. See?
287Just like it was on The Serpent's Seed, but it's absolutely proven to be right. I got papers right here, out of the paper, where women right now... and even in--in the great... Some of the great dioceses has got the pictures of the original, a snake crawling on a woman's leg, and just in how it goes around her; she has all kinds of sensations and things, something a man could never touch her with, with this huge snake wrapping around her, and so forth. That's exactly the truth. And it's going worse and worse, and will get worse. Serpent, which he was not, he could not have had the sex affair with her when he was a serpent, but remember...
288 I was having a debate the other day with a... not a debate, just an Assembly of God minister and associate, said, "You're wrong, on That."
I said, "Well, I may be. I'd like for you to tell me."
289He said, then he went ahead and begin to talk about it. First thing you know, he got hisself lost. And one thing he said, he said, "Brother Branham, where is that specie? God said 'one of his kind.' Now where is that specie you said was between man and beast, that science can't find now? Where is he at?" Said, "Is he on the earth? Was he a chimpanzee?"
290"No, because a chimpanzee's blood won't mix with a woman, no other animal will mix with her. No, it won't, nor neither will a man's sperm mix with the--with the female. It won't do it."
291"Then where is that certain animal? Now, God said, 'Let everything bring forth of its kind.'"
292I waited just a minute. And the sweetness of the Holy Spirit said, "Tell him, 'It's here.'"
Now, at first I said, "Well, it may have become distinct."
He said, "But, Brother Branham, that, we are talking about the Word, aren't we?"
293I said, "Yes, sir." And I said, "They, course, claim that the other things, like dinosaurs and--and mammoth, and so forth, mammoths, mammoths, rather, they are distinct, and so forth." I said, "It could have been that."
294He said, "Brother Branham, we are talking about proof of the Word. If sin is here; then, the original sin, it ought to be here also."
295And I said, "Lord Jesus, You said, 'Take no thought what you shall say when you come before man, because it'll be given to you in that hour.' Lord, what shall I say?" He said, "Tell him, 'It's here.'" Just the same as I see the visions on the platform.
296I said, "It's here," not knowing where.
He said, "Where?"
And before I could even think, He said, "It's the serpent."
297 That's exactly what it was, for he is no longer a beast. He was cursed and put on his belly for the rest of his days. He is here. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And still in that act that he done, there is still the same sin works around a woman, like a male sex like that. There is where she has her walleyed conditions and things, when she has her sensations far beyond what any man could ever do.
298I'll stop there 'cause we're in a mixed crowd. I'll get some men, I'll... we'll talk more about it. Got all the papers and things laying right here, right at my hand right now, and I was going to bring it to you this morning. I was going to take the full day in this, but I'll close now in saying this.
299 This is to my church only. Not my church... The little flock that believes me and follows me, this is to them.
300The other day, knowing that when I tell you anything, it must come THUS SAITH THE LORD, then I had the Scriptures as He revealed it to me. But, "Lord God, what can I say to that congregation? I'll have separations. Man will be sitting on the porch and out in the yard, and everywhere else, 'Shall I leave her?' Women, 'Shall I leave my husband?' 'What shall I do?'" I said, "Lord, what can I do?"
301Something said to me, "Go up yonder in the mountain, and I'll talk to you."
302And while I was up in the mountain, not knowing that down in Tucson they were seeing It. But even the teachers called the children from... my little girl and them, from the schoolroom, and said, "Look yonder in that mountain! There is a fiery-looking amber Cloud going up in the air and coming back down, going up in the air and coming back down."
303 Mrs. Evans, are you here? Ronnie, you here? I come on back down by the station, this young boy by the filling station, the Evans' filling station there. And before I knowed what the boy was going to say, he took me on my feet, he said, "Brother Branham, you was up in that mountain over yonder, wasn't you?"
304I said, "What do you mean, Ronnie? No," see, to see what he was going to do. A lot of times things happen, I don't, you don't say it to people. It become... The thing of it is, you see so much happening, it becomes common to you. See? I just don't tell the people. I said, "Ronnie, what was you..."
305He said, "I can show you right where you were at." Said, "I called mama, and we stood here and watched that Cloud hanging up in yonder, going up and down. I said, 'It's got to be Brother Branham sitting up in there somewhere. That's God talking to him.'"
306And the whole city, people, looked at It. On a bright day with no clouds nowhere at all, with this big amber Cloud hanging there; coming down like a funnel, and going back and spreading out.
307 Friends, and then I'm closing, you can go from this. That's when This was being revealed to me, what I'm going to tell you right now, so don't miss It.
308Now I'm speaking to our followers only, who is following me and this Message only, not the outside. Bear me record of this before God. Just to this group only!
309Now we are found in this mess because of misinterpreted theology. Is that right? That's why you women married the second time, and you men, because misinterpreted theology. Now I want to show you something that He told me.
310And if God, our Creator, was questioned the question when He was here on earth, Jesus Christ; and when His delivering prophet came forth, Moses, down in Egypt, to bring the children out of--of Egypt, to put them in the promised land; and Jesus said here that Moses seen the people in this condition, and he granted them a writing of divorcement, because the situation was what it was. Moses found such, as, "Let him suffer..." God permitted Moses, that prophet sent to the people, to grant this writing of divorcement to them.
311 And in First Corinthians, the--the 7th chapter, the 12th and 15th verse, in the New Testament prophet, Paul, who met the same thing in the church, and spoke this, "This is I, not the Lord." That right? Because of the divorce condition.
312"It wasn't so from the beginning." But Moses was permitted it, and God recognized it righteousness. And Paul also had a right, when he found his church in that condition.
313Now you believe This to be true, and believe It to come from God! And by the vindication of His Cloud and His Message that's brought me this far, should not God upon the mountain permit me to do the same thing, to suffer you to go on the way you are, and do it no more! Go with your wives and live in peace, for the hour is late. The Coming of the Lord is at hand. We haven't got time to break these things up. Don't you dare try to do it again! I'm speaking only to my congregation. But if you are married... And God bore me witness of that, on the mountain, that I could say This, a supernatural revelation, because of the opening of the Seven Seals, and this is a question in God's Word. "Let them go on in as they are, and sin no more!"
314 "It wasn't so from the beginning." That is right, it wasn't so, and it will not be at the end. But under modern conditions, as God's servant... I won't call myself His prophet; but I believe maybe, if I wouldn't be sent for that, I'm laying a ground for him when he does come. So under the modern conditions, I command you to go to your home, with your wife now. If you are happy with her, live with her, raise your children in the admonition of God. But God be merciful to you if you ever do that again! You teach your children to never do a thing like that, bring them up in the admonition of God. And now that you are as you are, let us go now, at the late evening hour that we're living in, and "press towards the mark of the high calling in Christ," where all things will be possible.
315Until I see you tonight, the Lord God bless you, while we pray.
316 Lord God, we give You thanks. We give You praise. Thou art the same great Jehovah that suffered Moses. Moses, that servant, and what would he tell his people? And, God, You suffered him to give a writing of divorcement. Paul, the great apostle who was the writer of the New Testament, as Moses was of the Old. Moses wrote the Laws and a dispensation of laws. Many of the prophets, their words was injected into It, but Moses wrote the Laws. And You suffered him a writing, to write them a writing of divorcement, because of the hardness of their heart.
317The great Saint Paul, being the writer of the New Testament, could also make such an assertion, that, "I speak under these conditions; I, not the Lord."
318 So is it today, Lord God, at the end of the world, as we are here under the mercy of God, knowing that soon we are to answer in His Presence. And that You have did so much, Lord, I am sure, in the sight of these people, they'll hang onto This like It come from You. And to bear record here today, of many people sitting here that even saw that Sign up in the mountain, where the Angels of the Lord came in the whirlwind, where it came in the seven Angels, where the revealing of the Seven Mysteries was unfolded; and that same Angel, in the same direction, on the same mountain, the day that This was revealed!
319God, I pray that the people will go home being thankful that God has granted this grace to them. I only spoke It, Lord, through permission. And I only say It through permission, Lord. And let the people be so grateful that they'll never try to do that sin again! And may they never try to do any sin, but love You with all their hearts. Lord, make these families happy, and may they grow and raise their children in the admonition of God.
320 For, my Message that was on my heart is delivered, Lord. I've done all I know how to do. And Satan has fought me for weeks, and hours without sleep. But now I command It, Lord, to these people, that they study It, and go and live for You. Grant it, Lord. It's off my shoulders now. They're in Your hands. I pray that You will bless them.
321Bless these handkerchiefs, Lord, that's just been set on here, for the sick and afflicted. May this night be one of the greatest, powerful nights, that all the people will be healed. Grant it, Lord. Bless us together.
322 May we go in peace, happy and rejoicing, because the God of creation has showed us "since the beginning," and has extended to us, in our mess that we're in, His grace again, in this last days. O Great and Eternal God, how we thank You for it! And may our hearts be so happy, that we'll never have another desire to sin against You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
I love Him, (why shouldn't you love Him?) I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's...
323I say it now so the ministers will understand. This is to them that follows this Message only!
324Oh, are you happy? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I have told you the Truth, THUS SAITH THE LORD, all the way through! ["Amen!"]
325Now let us stand and raise our hands, as we sing it again, "I love Him." I love Him for His grace. I love Him for His mercy. I love Him for His Word. "And the Word of the Lord came to the prophets!"
I love Him.
326Come on, brother. [Brother Branham has someone to come and dismiss the congregation--Ed.]
1Skloňme teraz na chvíľu naše hlavy k modlitbe. Najmilostivejší Otče, ďakujeme ti dnes ráno za toto privilégium, že môžeme byť tu v tomto auditóriu, čeliac tomu, čo nám tento deň prinesie. Nevieme, čo prinesie tento deň, ale vieme Kto drží tento deň. Tak my sa modlíme, aby Ten, Kto drží dnešný a zajtrajší deň a celú večnosť, aby nás dnes požehnal, ako sme sa spolu zhromaždili v Jeho Mene, aby sme lepšie poznali, ako žiť a slúžiť Mu. To je naším jediným zámerom, Otče. Bože, ktorý poznáš naše srdcia, vieš, že to je pravda. Odovzdávame sa Ti na zbytok tohto dňa, do Tvojej služby, v Mene Pána Ježiša Krista. Amen.
2 Môžete si sadnúť. [Brat Branham hovorí s niekým na pódiu-vyd. "Ďakujem. Tu je ešte jeden."]
3Dobré ráno, poslucháčom, ktorých vidím, aj tým, ktorých nevidím, v celej krajine, kde sme rozhlasovo spojení. Je to pre mňa veľké privilégium prísť sem a hovoriť dnes ráno na túto dôležitú tému. Pre poslucháčov, ktorých vidím: je to skutočne trochu mätúce, pretože sú predo mnou závesy, tak musím kázať napravo a naľavo. A pre neviditeľnú časť poslucháčov: po mojej pravej strane je auditórium a po ľavej strane je tiež telocvičňa; ja som na pódiu medzi odsunutými závesmi po mojej pravej a ľavej strane. Všetky miesta na sedenie sú dnes ráno preplnené a tiež telocvičňa aj cirkev na Ôsmej a Pennovej Ulici a na tých preplnených miestach to ide cez telefónnu linku na druhé miesta.
4 Prežili sme krásne chvíle s Pánom a sme vo veľkom očakávaní na túto službu dnes ráno. A keďže dnes večer je posledná služba tejto štvordennej kampane, tak, samozrejme, pozývame všetkých, ktorí tu môžu byť. Veríme, že Pán nám dá dnes večer veľké vyvrcholenie tým, že učiní niečo skutočne mimoriadne, výnimočné, do tej miery, že uzdraví všetkých chorých a urobí veľké veci, ktoré On obyčajne robí. Sme vo veľkom očakávaní na dnešný večer. Každého srdečne pozývame, každú cirkev, z každej denominácie. Nemusíš byť dokonca kresťanom; my pozývame samozrejme aj hriešnikov, aby prišli medzi nás. A my robíme všetko, čo môžeme, aby sme ich naučili ceste Pánovej, aby sme mohli žiť.
5Tak dúfam, že obecenstvo nebude nervózne. A verím Bohu, že ani ja nebudem nervózny, lebo som mal hroznú noc, plnú napätia. Pretože si uvedomujem, že za veci, ktoré poviem dnes ráno, sa budem zodpovedať v deň súdu. A ja – ja som nemohol spať. Viem, že ak to nepoviem, budem sa zodpovedať za to v deň súdu. Tak to robí tie veci ťažkými. Nedá sa to vysvetliť.
6Dnes ráno budeme rozoberať dôležitú tému: Manželstvo a Rozvod. Dôvod, prečo som túto tému vybral ako nedeľnú školu je ten, že môžeme o tom rozprávať a venovať svoj čas. Miesto toho, aby sme na to kázali kázeň. Je to vyučovanie z Písma.
7Chcem povedať, že ak nejaký kazateľ alebo kazatelia, kdekoľvek sa dostanú ku tejto páske, ak ju vydáme... Neviem, čo zbor v tej veci urobí. Poprosím brata Freda, aby sa stretol s radou zboru, predtým, ako vydá túto pásku. A vy všetci po celom kraji, ktorí to nahrávate, nerozširujte tú pásku, pokiaľ Brat Sothman nepovie, čo s tým treba urobiť.
8Nuž, a ak to bude rozšírené a niekto z mojich bratov kazateľov alebo nejakí kresťania, kdekoľvek, ktorí by sa nezhodovali s tým, čo ja hovorím na túto tému, ja dúfam, že To nebudete kritizovať. Ak tomu nerozumieš tak, ako to ja učím, nuž, máš na to právo ako kazateľ, ako pastier, a ja rešpektujem čokoľvek, čomu veríš.
9A na túto tému sú dve veľké školy. A ak existujú dve otázky, tak buď jedna z nich musí byť správna alebo ani jedna nie je správna. Tak sa pokúsime dnes ráno pozrieť do Božieho Slova, aby sme toto vyriešili. Podľa mňa, ak je to biblická otázka, tak Biblia má na ňu určite odpoveď.
10A teraz, predtým, ako máme tieto - začneme túto tému, či predtým, ako sa pomodlím nad Slovom, chcem vyjadriť každému z vás, že ja - zvlášť vám, kresťanom - že túžim, chcem, aby ste sa za mňa dnes ráno modlili. A všetci vonku v neviditeľnom poslucháčstve, ktorí dnes ráno počúvajú, modlite sa za mňa, lebo chcem byť úprimný a hovoriť pravdu.
11Nuž, uvedomujeme si, hovoriac tieto vyhlásenia, že niekto, ak je to len jedna osoba, ktorá sa toho bude držať, ako by to bolo medzi životom a smrťou. Mnohí z vás odídu preč veriac. Iste, mnohí z vás, možno, nebudú veriť. Ale viem vo svojej službe, že sú ľudia, ktorí ma prichádzajú počúvať, počúvať, čo mám povedať; z... No, oni sú rovno tu dnes ráno, medzinárodne, z mnohých zo Spojených Štátov, Kanady a spoza oceánu. A viete si predstaviť to napätie, ktoré spôsobuje, že viete, že večné miesto určenia človeka leží vo vašich rukách, lebo on sa bude držať toho, čo vy poviete. Tak Boh ma bude brať za to na zodpovednosť. A ja chcem k tomu pristúpiť tak úprimne ako len môžem.
12Teraz, prosím naše sestry, a zmenil som niektoré moje slová tak, aby som ich mohol hovoriť pred nimi. Billy má dnes ráno vo svojom vrecku, tam vonku, niektoré veci, ktoré nemôžu byť vypovedané pred zmiešaným obecenstvom, a niektoré, ktoré pravdepodobne poviem, musíte porozumieť. Prijmite to ako od svojho brata, je to najlepšie, ako viem. Vy by ste sedeli u lekára a počúvali ho, on by vám musel povedať veľmi jasné slová. A niektorí z vás, mladé dámy a mladí páni, nechcem, aby ste získali zlý dojem. Chcem, aby ste verili a len sedeli pokojne. Pamätajte, Pravda musí byť prehlásená Pravdou.
13A teraz, bez pochybnosti, ale bude mnoho z vás takých, ktorí sa nezhodnú s tým čo bude povedané, ale ja vám to chcem dokázať Bibliou. A potom, verím, že ak len budete úctiví a budete počúvať, potom budete mať lepšie zrozumenie a predstavu toho, na čo som po celý čas udieral. Verím, že toto vám to objasní. A dôverujem, že to urobí.
14Nuž, možno budeme trochu zdĺhaví, asi hodinu a pol alebo možno dlhšie na túto tému. Neviem, ako dlho nám to bude trvať.
15A teraz znova, rád by som povedal, že v tomto čase, keď viete, že ľudia sa držia vašich slov... Držia sa slov svojho pastora, a, samozrejme, ja som bol pastor.
16A oni sa držia pastorových slov, ako by to bolo medzi smrťou a životom. Držia sa slov svojho kňaza, ako keby to bola smrť a život. A samozrejme pastor, možno so všetkým, čo vie, ako to robiť, on učí svojich ľudí presne tak, ako bol naučený v seminári. Bez pochybnosti, ale to, čo kňaz... tiež v rôznych náboženstvách, ktoré majú kňazov... Iste, pastor je skutočne kňazom, on je prostredníkom. Tak ak ten kňaz, vo všetkom, čo ho naučili v jeho... v seminári, v kláštore, človek s hlbokou úprimnosťou hovorí presne to, čo ho naučili...
17Nuž, potom, ja nemám nijakú skúsenosť zo seminára alebo kláštora. A vôbec nič proti tomu, ale ja mám veľmi zvláštny život.
18 Bol som povolaný, keď som bol ešte len malým chlapcom. A v tomto mi bol daný viditeľný a počuteľný znak: Ohnivý Stĺp, visiaci v kroví, keď som mal sedem rokov, práve tu v Utica Pike. Môj otec pracoval pre pána O.H. Wathena, ktorý práve nedávno zomrel. A čítali ste tú knihu; poznáte ten príbeh. A od toho času... Potom dolu pri rieke, zjavilo sa To viditeľne pred ľuďmi, a teraz... bolo To mnohokrát odfotografované a visí to vo Washington D.C. s autorským právom, v Sále Náboženského Umenia ako jediná nadprirodzená bytosť, ktorá kedy bola vedecky dokázaná, že bola odfotografovaná: ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp vyzerajúci presne tak isto a pod každým vzhľadom ako ten, ktorý vyviedol Izrael z Egypta. Verím, že to je Ježiš Kristus vo forme Ducha, v Synovstve Boha.
19Lebo On bol nazvaný Synom človeka, keď prišiel prvý krát, teraz je nazvaný Synom Božím; v Tisícročnom Kráľovstve bude Syn Dávidov. On prišiel ako Syn človeka, prorok, ako o Ňom hovorili. Teraz je Synom Božím, nadprirodzený; v tom veľkom Tisícročnom Kráľovstve, ktoré prichádza, On bude Synom Dávidovým, sediacim na tróne Dávidovom. Ako všetci čitatelia Biblie vedia, že to je Božské zasľúbenie Boha dané Dávidovi: On vzbudí Svojho Syna, aby sedel na Jeho tróne.
20 A tak v nezvyčajnej, zvláštnej službe, bol som nazvaný všetkým možným, od Boha až po diabla. A to je proste... Vždy je to takto.
21To je to, čo mi tento arcibiskup katolíckej cirkvi jedného večera povedal, tam dolu, keď sme diskutovali. On povedal: „Brat Branham, Ján Krstiteľ jasne identifikoval samého seba v Písme, ako je to povedané skrze proroka Izaiáša." On povedal: „Tvoja služba je jasne identifikovaná v cirkvi." Povedal: " Luteráni sú v Biblii." Povedal: „Luteráni poznali Luthera, Metodisti poznajú Wesleya, ale čo Letniční?" Povedal: „Oni blúdia, nevedia, kam majú ísť." A ja som povedal: "Pane, vážim si to."
22A bolo to v tom čase, keď spadol Duch Svätý na tú pani, nikdy ma nevidela, jeho žena... a prehovoril a identifikoval tú istú vec.
23Nuž, aby som bol úprimný, skôr ako vyhlásim toto posolstvo dnes ráno, ja neviem. Povedal som mu, povedal som: "Pane, nemohol by som to povedať. To je ohromne veľká vec, povedať to. Vyzerá to tak."
24Jedna vec, ktorú viem, je, že sa určite niečo stalo. Všetky tieto veci, vedecky dokázané a dokázané po celom svete, to nemôže byť len nejaký mýtus. Je to pravda. Čo je to? Dovoľte, aby som povedal, vyznávam to, skôr ako ku vám budem dnes ráno kázať, ja neviem. A ja by som sa neodvážil urobiť nejaký krok, až kým by som nepočuť od Neho, ktorý ku mne hovoril v minulosti a povedal mi tieto veci.
25Pamätajte, náš Pán Ježiš Kristus nikdy nestotožňoval Samého Seba s Božím Synom. On povedal: „Vy hovoríte, že ním som, k tomuto koncu som sa narodil," a tak ďalej, ale On nikdy neidentifikoval Seba.
26A tak to bol ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý viedol deti Izraela, to bol Pán Ježiš Kristus vo forme Ducha (veríte tomu?), to Logos, ktoré vyšlo od Boha. [Zhromaždenie hovorí: „Amen" – vyd.]
27A potom, keď bol na zemi, povedal: „Ja prichádzam od Boha a idem k Bohu." Všetci to vieme.
28A po Jeho smrti, pohrebe a zmŕtvychvstaní, Saul z Tarzu bol na svojej ceste dolu do Damašku, aby prenasledoval kresťanov, lebo učili veci, ktoré boli v rozpore s tým, čomu boli oni učení. A on bol veľkým bojovníkom pod Gamalielom, jedným z vynikajúcich učiteľov toho dňa v ich škole, ich kláštore, a veľký človek a cirkevný dôstojník. A bolo to tam, kde to veľké Svetlo, znovu ten Ohnivý Stĺp, zhodil ho dolu uprostred dňa. A Hlas povedal: „Saulu, Saulu, prečo Ma prenasleduješ?"
29Teraz, ak si všimnete, keď Pavol, Saul vstal, povedal: "Kto si, Pane?" No, ten mládenec, ktorý bol Židom, on by istotne nič nenazval, iba ak by to bolo niečo, čo symbolizovalo Boha, on by to nenazval "Pane". Tak, to bol ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp.
30Ako Ježiš povedal: "Ja idem ku Bohu... Prišiel som od Boha a vraciam sa k Bohu."
31Tam On bol, znovu vo forme Ohnivého stĺpu. Povedal: „Ja som Ježiš, ktorého ty prenasleduješ, ťažko ti je protiviť sa ostňu."
32A uvedomujeme si, že keď Apoštol Peter, ktorému boli dané kľúče, aby vybudoval cirkev, zisťujeme, že on bol vo väzení, a ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp prešiel cez mreže, otvoril dvere väznice a vyviedol tajomne Petra von, dokonca bez toho, aby vyrušil strážnikov. Pre mňa je To Ježiš Kristus, ten istý, včera, dnes a naveky.
33A potom budete vždy každú vec poznať podľa jej prirodzenosti. Čokoľvek je poznané podľa svojej prirodzenosti, podľa ovocia, ktoré prináša. A ja vás prosím, aby ste sledovali ten druh ovocia, ktorý To prináša, toto Svetlo, ktoré je Boh, pretože Ono sa stále vracia do Slova Božieho a potvrdzuje Slovo Božie, káže Slovo Božie a Boh materiálne potvrdzuje to Slovo pred vami. Za tým niečo musí byť.
34Ľudia ma nazývali prorokom. Ja sa nenazývam prorokom, lebo by som sa to neodvážil povedať. Ale mám... môžem povedať toto, že Pán mi dovolil predvidieť veci a povedať veci, ktoré sa stali, ktoré sa stanú, ktoré sa dejú, a ani raz to nezlyhalo v tých desiatkoch tisícov prípadov. Všetko, čo On povedal, že sa stane, stalo sa. Všetci to vieme. Ak je medzi viditeľným poslucháčstvom dnes ráno osoba alebo hocikde, ktorá by mohla povedať, že to raz sklamalo, môže sa pokojne postaviť a povedať to. Ale ak každý vie, že za každým z tisícov ráz to bolo úplne správne, povedzte „Amen" [Obecenstvo odpovedá, „Amen." – Vyd.] Vidíte? Tak isto by to bolo na celom svete.
35Niečo sa má práve stať. Boh nikdy neposiela tieto veci bez toho, aby za tým nebol nejaký zámer.
36 Práve som tu rozmýšľal, umiestnil som to tu, jednu z mojich poznámok, že mám dnes ráno súpravu manžiet. A mnohí z vás počuli o tejto filmovej hviezde Jane Russell. Jej mama je letničná a Danny Henry je jej bratranec, jej vlastný bratranec, dieťa sestry jej matky. On bol Baptistom. Pred dvoma rokmi stál na zhromaždení, na stretnutí Obchodníkov v Los Angeles, v Californii.
37A ja som práve prešiel cez kázanie veľkého, silného a mocného prehlásenia, že dokonca dozorca, jeden zo všeobecných dozorcov Zborov Božích, zišiel dolu ku pódiu z balkóna, kde sedel, a povedal, „Ja neverím, že brat Branham to tak myslí."
38Povedal som,: „Musím to tak myslieť, pane. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." A potom... bolo to o cirkvi v tomto čase.
39A asi v tom čase tento mladý muž, ktorý je obchodníkom... jeho brat je nad..., on tam bol to ráno a robil fotografie pre televíziu. Jeho druhý brat je štátnym dopravným inšpektorom v Californii. A Danny Henry kráčal dopredu, keď sa stretnutie skončilo, na pódium, ako je toto, kde sedeli všetci muži, kráčal dolu, aby ma objal okolo ramien a povedal tieto slová: „Brat Branham, dúfam že toto neznie rúhavo," ale povedal „toto by mohla byť 23. kapitola Zjavenia," pričom Zjavenie má len 22 kapitol. Povedal, „Dúfam že to neznie rúhavo."
Sotva to povedal... Nuž, ten chlapec bol baptistom a nevedel nič o nadprirodzených veciach. Objímajúc ma začal hovoriť v neznámom jazyku.
40A keď dohovoril v neznámom jazyku, bola tam mohutná, tmavá žena, ktorá sedela hneď predo mnou; postavila sa a povedala, "To nepotrebuje nijaký výklad." Povedala, „Ja som zo Shreveportu, Louisiany – alebo Baton Rouge, Louisiana." Povedala, „To je čistá francúzština."
41Victor Le Doux, ktorý je Francúzom, tam tiež sedel. On povedal: "Samozrejme, ja som Francúz a to bola dokonalá francúzština."
42Ja som povedal, „Počkajte chvíľu. Ty napíš to, čo povedal, aj ty napíš, čo povedal, skôr ako čokoľvek poviete. Zapíšte, čo ste povedali a nech vidíme vaše poznámky." A tak jeden zapísal, aj druhý zapísal. To bolo – dokonca aj interpunkčné znamienka boli rovnaké.
43A vtedy, práve v tom čase, keď priniesli tie poznámky, pekne vyzerajúci, mladý svetlovlasý mládenec prišiel kráčajúc zozadu, kde nebolo dostatok miesta, aby sedel; stál tam vzadu. On podišiel dopredu a povedal,: „Počkajte chvíľku. Aj ja by som chcel predložiť moje poznámky." On povedal,: „Som francúzsky tlmočník pre OSN”. Povedal, „Chcem vám dať moje poznámky."
44A tu boli všetky tri poznámky z francúzštiny presne také isté. A tu je to, čo bolo napísané. Toto sú tie originálne poznámky, zaznamenané hneď na mieste. Toto sú poznámky Dannyho, ktoré sám napísal. Zbalil to do svojho vrecka. Samozrejme dostalo sa to Kresťanským obchodníkom a tak ďalej.
„Preto že si si vyvolil ten úzky chodník, tú ťažšiu cestu, kráčal si podľa svojho vlastného výberu.
Zvolil si si správne a presné rozhodnutie a to je Moja cesta.
Skrze toto dôležité rozhodnutie čaká na teba veľká porcia neba.
Aké nádherné rozhodnutie si urobil.
Toto samé je to, čo prinesie a spôsobí ohromné víťazstvo v Božskej láske."
45 No, ten človek sa tu podpísal. „Vyššie napísaný výrok bol preložený z proroctva Danny Henryho o bratovi Branhamovi, daný skrze troch svedkov v kaviarni v Los Angeles, California."
46Nuž, tento istý mladý muž, ktorý priniesol toto proroctvo, nevediac, čo hovorí, bol v Jeruzaleme asi pred mesiacom. Mal to privilégium vyjsť a ľahnúť si v hrobe, kde Ježiš zomrel a bol pochovaný. A ako tam ležal, povedal, že som mu prišiel na myseľ skutočne mocne a rozplakal sa. Povedal, ako „ťažko musí byť pre brata Branhama stáť proti svetu a týmto veciam a všetkým cirkvám."
47Podobne ako raz povedal jeden, ktorý bol na strane Billyho Grahama, povedal,: „Môžeme vidieť Billyho Grahama, pretože všetky cirkvi sa pre neho zjednocujú. Vidíme Orala Robertsa, Letničných, ale ako my kedy môžeme mať čokoľvek, keď je to v protiklade k tomu, čomu boli ľudia naučení?" To je Boh.
48A Danny, jeho koníčkom je robenie malých kamienkov. On vyšiel na miesto, kde bol postavený ten kríž, kde povedali, že bol ten kríž postavený na skale. Nikto nebol nablízku, tak odlomil malý kúsok skaly a vložil ho do svojho vrecka ako suvenír, prišiel domov a urobil mi z toho pár manžetových gombíkov. A zvláštne, keď ich urobil, vyzerali ako poškvrnené krvou a rovno cez každý jeden z nich, súvisle, prechádzala rovná, úzka čiara, rovno cez oba z nich. Tak to muselo byť len... Vidíte, ja - niekto iný by si to možno nevšimol, ale pre mňa je to pochvala vecí, ktoré verím. Verím, že všetko má svoj význam.
49A tak, v tomto čase, čokoľvek Pán má... Ak toto nie je tá vec, o ktorej On prorokoval cez Malachiáša 4 a tiež Lukáša 17 a mnoho iných miest Písma, ktoré sa majú stať v tomto poslednom dni, môžem to povedať v závere, to položilo základ pre toho muža, keď on príde. Tak som veľmi vďačný, že Všemohúci Boh, ak to bude takto, mi dovolil vykonať niečo málo v mojom nevzdelanom stave, aby som ukázal svoju vďačnosť za Jeho lásku ku mne, moju lásku k Nemu a našu lásku k ľuďom.
50Preto, v úprimnosti, pristupujem k tejto téme: „Manželstvo a Rozvod." Nech nám všetkým Boh dá milosť.
51A teraz, počúvajte pozorne. A sestry, nevstávajte a nevychádzajte von, seďte len chvíľu pokojne. Bratia, tak isto. Vy, ktorí ste pripojení, nevypínajte svoje prijímače. Nerobte to. Seďte len pokojne niekoľko minút, pokiaľ neskončíme. Počúvajte pozorne. Ak nesúhlasíte, zapíšte si miesta Písma, ktoré používam, a potom ich študujte pri modlitbe, skôr ako urobíte svoje rozhodnutie. Bože, pomôž nám, keď sa pokúšame pristúpiť k tejto téme.
52No, možno to bude trošku dlhé. Nechcem, aby ste sa ponáhľali a ja.... Len venujme svoj čas, každý z nás, a študujme Slovo Božie úprimne a dôkladne, ako vieme, že To máme študovať.
53Začnime so Sv. Matúšom 19. kapitola a začiatok, myslím, že od 8. verša 19. kapitoly by som chcel začat. Mohol by som tiež začať od 1. verša a čítať do 8. verša 19. kapitoly.
54Nuž, pamätajte, tieto veci, ktoré hovorím, musia prísť zo Slova Božieho. To nemôže byť môj vlastný názor, lebo môj názor je taký istý ako názor hocikoho iného, ale to musí byť v súlade so Slovom Božím. Zapamätajte si, Boh drží všetko v súvislosti. On sa nikdy nemení. On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky. Veríte tomu? On je ten istý.
55Teraz, budem čítať z 19. kapitoly:
A stalo sa, keď dokončil Ježiš tie slová, že sa zobral z Galilee a prišiel do Judského kraja za Jordánom.
A išli za ním mnohé zástupy a uzdravoval ich tam.
A pristúpili k nemu farizeovia pokúšajúc ho...
56Prerušujem tu, aby ste mohli porozumieť ten dôraz, že kto to bol, kto Ho pokúšal.
...a hovorili: Či smie človek prepustiť svoju manželku pre jakúkoľvek príčinu?
A on odpovedal a riekol im: Či ste nečítali, že ten, ktorý ich učinil, od počiatku učinil ich muža a ženu
a povedal: Preto opustí človek otca i mať a bude sa pridŕžať svojej ženy, a tí dvaja budú jedno telo?
Takže nie sú viacej dvoje, ale jedno telo. A tedy toho, čo Bôh spojil, človek nech nerozlučuje!
A povedali mu: Prečo tedy prikázal Mojžiš dať rozvodný list a prepustiť ju?
Povedal im: Mojžiš vám dovolil pre tvrdosť vášho srdca prepustiť vaše ženy, ale od počiatku nebolo tak.
Bože, pomôž nám teraz.
57Tomuto Písmu, tejto otázke čelil Ježiš hneď na samom začiatku Svojej služby. A čelil jej Mojžiš hneď na začiatku svojej služby. To je najdôležitejšia otázka v srdciach veriacich. Hriešnik sa o to nestará. Ale to je pre veriacich, pretože veriaci sa usiluje robiť všetko, čo vie, ako žiť správne pred Bohom. Preto, ak vyvstane nejaká otázka ohľadne náboženstva, potom prípad manželstva a rozvodu vystupuje dopredu. Prečo? Lebo to je príčinou prvotného hriechu. To je to, kde sa hriech začal, a to je dôvod, prečo je to vždy nadhodené, lebo je to úplný počiatok hriechu.
58No, nebudem mať čas vysvetliť všetky tieto veci, ale rád odpoviem na vaše listy alebo čokoľvek môžem, alebo máme knihy, ktoré o tom píšu, a mnohé otázky a dokonca výstrižky z novín a rôzne veci, aby sme to dokázali. Vieme, že to bola Eva... jablko, o ktorom sa domnievajú, že zjedla, lebo to vôbec nie je podľa Biblie, teraz oni tvrdia, že to bola marhuľa... nebolo to ani jedno z nich. Ona spáchala cudzoložstvo, z ktorého prišlo prvé dieťa, ktorým bol Kain, Satanov vlastný syn. Lebo v ňom ležalo zlo. Ono neprišlo cez Ábela. Satanov syn bol Kain.
59Viem, čo je teraz vašou otázkou: Eva povedala, „Nadobudla som muža od Hospodina." To je úplne správne.
60Môžete zobrať najhoršiu ženu v meste, najhoršieho muža; keby oni mali dieťa, muselo by prísť od Pána, lebo Boh ustanovil zákony. A z týchto zákonov, ako východ slnka... vložíte kúkoľ do dobrého poľa, bude rásť a musí rásť, pretože to je Boží zákon. Keď je semeno zasiate, ono musí rásť. A nič nemôže priniesť život, jedine Boh, pretože to funguje na Jeho zákonoch. A preto, keď zlé semeno bolo zasadené do lona Evy, ono muselo niečo zrodiť, lebo to je Boží zákon rozmnožovania. A to nemohlo urobiť nič iné, len priniesť to, a to muselo prísť od Boha.
61To je dôvod, že ľudia hovoria, že malé deti, niekedy, ktoré sa nenarodili kresťanským rodičom, sú stratené.
62Krv Ježiša Krista stojí ako zmierenie za dieťa, bez ohľadu na to, ako sa narodilo, aké zlé sa narodilo. On je Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriechy sveta. Malé dieťa nemôže činiť pokánie, lebo nemá nič, za čo by malo činiť pokánie, a to bol hriech sveta, ktorý bol zhladený Krvou Kristovou. Nemluvňatá idú do neba.
63Je to prvotný hriech, a to je dôvod, prečo je to otázka. Keď prichádza od Boha nejaký veľký úkaz, asi prvá vec je: „A čo manželstvo a rozvod?" Nuž, ako vždy, je to stále otázkou medzi ľuďmi, ako to bolo v čase Ježiša, ako to bolo v čase Mojžiša, to vždy bolo a je otázkou medzi ľuďmi až do dnešného dňa, pretože ľudia chcú vedieť, aká je Pravda.
64Ale kde je otázka, tam musí byť aj odpoveď. A teraz, pretože existuje odpoveď, ako som predtým povedal, v týždni, musí existovať správna odpoveď. A ak dostaneme na niečo odpoveď a ona je... nie je správna, potom vieme, že bola zlá. Ale tu je... My stále prosíme, až kým tá skutočná otázka nie je zodpovedaná, ak chcete vedieť pravdu. A keďže toto je Biblická otázka, mala by to byť Biblická odpoveď.
65Je to tak, ako som povedal: Ak by som chcel ísť dnes ráno na východ a najlepšie ako by som to vedel... musel by som nájsť niečo určité na poli, a to by bolo priamo na východ a šiel by som na východ. Niekto by povedal, „Brat Branham, toto je východ." Potenciálne je to východ, ale je to severovýchod. Minul by som ten cieľ, ktorý som hľadal; musel by som sa vrátiť späť, vediac, že som sa pomýlil. A potom, ak by niekto povedal, „Brat Branham, choď touto cestou, napravo." No, to je tiež potenciálne východ, ale je to juhovýchod. Stratil by som cieľ, ktorý som hľadal, lebo by som išiel poza hranice tej dokonalej a priamej cesty.
66Nuž, ak je to tak, máme dva smery učenia o manželstve a rozvode. A to je, jeden z nich hovorí, že „Muž sa môže oženiť len raz, jedine, že jeho žena je mŕtva." A to je jedna z otázok. Ale ak to budete nasledovať, pôjdete mimo. A potom ďalší hovorí: „ Ó, ak by manželka alebo manžel (niekto z nich) spáchali cudzoložstvo, ktokoľvek z nich môže byť prepustený a znovu vstúpiť do manželstva." S tým sa nájdete pomimo.
67Tak vidíte, nie je to ani juhovýchod, ani severovýchod; my chceme ísť priamo na východ. Vypadnete z Písma, ak pôjdete touto cestou. Vypadnete z Písma, ak pôjdete tamtou cestou. Chceme vedieť, kde sa Písmo stretáva s Písmom a poznať, aká je o tom Pravda. Každý si vyberá iný smer a nedokáže priniesť správnu odpoveď, ale stále tam musí byť odpoveď.
68To je práve tak ako dnes; sú dve veľké doktrinálne učenia v cirkvi: jedno z nich je Kalvinizmus; to druhé je Arminianizmus. Jedno z nich je zákonnícke, a to druhé je milosť. A my zisťujeme, že ľudia, ktorí veria v milosť, kalvinisti, oni hovoria „Požehnaný Boh, fajčenie mi neublíži, pitie mi neublíži. Ja môžem robiť tieto veci. Mám večnú bezpečnosť." Potom nachádzame tú druhú stranu, legalistov, ako hovorí, „Ó, chcel by som mu vynadať, chcel by som mu povedať, čo si o ňom myslím, ale som kresťan, musím zostať pokojný." Vidíte, nachádzate sa na dvoch odlišných cestách a ani jedna z nich nie je správna. Nuž, je ťažké to povedať, ale je to pravda.
69Nachádzame sa na dvoch rôznych cestách: jedna ide jedným smerom, druhá iným. No, pozrime sa, aká je Pravda.
70Teraz počúvajte a vidzte, či vám to znie rozumne. Napríklad, ak by som bol pripravený ísť za oceán. Teraz, vezmem moju vlastnú rodinu. Zavolám k sebe svoju ženu a poviem jej: „Drahá, my... idem za oceán." No, tu je tá zákonnícka strana. „Teraz, žena moja, predkladám ti zákon. Ak budeš flirtovať s nejakým mužom, pokiaľ budem preč, keď sa vrátim, si rozvedenou ženou. A nechcem, aby si na niekoho žmurkala, nechcem, aby si flirtovala. Rozumieš tomu? Ja som tvoj manžel! Ak to urobíš, prepustím ťa, keď sa vrátim."
71Potom ona siahne a chytí ma za kravatu a povie, „Môj dobrý muž, chcem ti niečo povedať (vidíte, vidíte?), ak ty hodíš očkom na nejakú ženu, alebo vezmeš nejakú ženu von, alebo budeš flirtovať s nejakou ženou, budeš rozvedený muž, keď sa vrátiš domov." Nuž, bol by to šťastný domov? To sú legalisti. V poriadku.
72No, tá druhá strana je taká, že keby som išiel za oceán, a urobil by som nejakú chybu, išiel by som tam a povedal by som: „No, teraz sa pozrite, vezmem tú ženu von. Oh, s mojou ženou je to v poriadku, jej to nevadí." Moja žena povie: „Vyjdem si s týmto mužom. S Billym je to v poriadku, jemu to nevadí." Keby mi to nevadilo, potom so mnou niečo nie je v poriadku. Nemilujem tú ženu správnym spôsobom. A ak jej to nevadí, potom s ňou nie je niečo v poriadku. Ona je moja žena. Nechcem, aby si s ňou iný muž zahrával. Ona je moja žena.
73Nuž, tá správna cesta toho je, obe z nich majú pravdu, ale nie presnú pravdu.
74Nuž, keď odchádzam za oceán, aby som to urobil správne, moja malá rodinka sa zhromaždí a modlíme sa spolu a ja ich odovzdávam Bohu a oni mňa odovzdávajú Bohu. A keď to urobíme, ideme za oceán – idem za oceán. Nuž, ja viem, že ona ma miluje a ja jej dôverujem. A ja milujem ju, ona dôveruje mne. Tak dlho, ako ju takto milujem, ona nemá žiadne obavy o to, že si vyjdem s nejakou inou ženou. Tak dlho, ako ma ona správne miluje, prečo, nepotrebujem rozmýšľať o tom, že nejaký iný muž si s ňou vyjde, lebo ona je moja žena a ja jej verím.
75Verím, že ak by som skutočne urobil niečo zlé, urobil chybu a vyšiel by som s nejakou ženou a vrátil sa späť a vyznal jej to a povedal jej: „Meda, nechcel som to urobiť, bol som len chytený do pasce, táto žena len ku mne rovno pribehla a – a – a schmatla ma za rameno a začala tak a tak," verím, že ona by to rozumela. Verím, že by mi to odpustila. Ale ja by som to nespravil za nič na svete, lebo ju milujem. Hoci by mi to odpustila, ja by som to neurobil. Neublížil by som jej za nič na svete. Hoci viem, že by mi odpustila, nechcem jej ublížiť.
76A tak je to aj s Bohom. Ak ja – ak láska fileo, ktorá je ľudskou láskou, priateľskou láskou, môže spôsobiť, že muž tak cíti voči svojej žene, čo potom láska agape? To grécke slovo znamená „láska Božia". Čo má ona spôsobiť vo mne voči Ježišovi Kristovi? Ako... pokiaľ to ja chcem urobiť, je to v mojom srdci, aby som to urobil. Nuž, oni... poviem, pokiaľ je to v mojom srdci, aby som to urobil – ja to urobím. Legalizmus mi to nedovolí urobiť. Je to preto, lebo ja viem, že budem za to potrestaný. Ale skutočná Pravda o tom je taká, že láska Božia vchádza do tvojho srdca, až To ty chceš robiť. To je Pravda o tom. Sú dve učenia. Nie legalizmus alebo niečo iné, alebo Kalvinizmus, sú to obidve.
77No, taktiež dnes zisťujeme, že existuje veľa rôznych denominácií, je katolícka cirkev, protestantská cirkev. Každá z nich hovorí, že oni sú tou cestou. „Vidíte, my máme tú cestu, my sme tá pravda." Metodisti hovoria: „My máme pravdu". Baptisti hovoria: „My máme pravdu."
78Nuž, podľa mňa, pokiaľ to oni tak cítia, tak to tak nie je, lebo Ježiš povedal: „Ja som Pravda." Vidíte?
79A tak, ako bola moja kázeň včera večer, že On je tým miestom, kde Boh položil Svoje Meno, jediným miestom na uctievanie. Ty nie si kresťan preto, že si protestant, ty nie si kresťan preto, že si katolík, ty nie si kresťan preto, lebo si metodista, baptista, alebo letničný. Ty si kresťan, pretože si bol pokrstený v Ježiša Krista skrze Ducha Svätého, nie skrze vodu. „Je jedna viera, jeden Pán, jeden krst" a to je krst Duchom Svätým. Vodný krst ťa vovádza do spoločenstva. Krst Duchom Svätým ťa vovádza do Krista. Tu je Pravda.
80Máme tiež dva názory o tomto manželstve a rozvode. No, že náš Pán otvoril pre nás tajomstvo Siedmich Pečatí Svojho Slova v tomto poslednom dni... nuž, mnohí z vás, pre vás to môže byť gréčtina, ale môj zbor rozumie, z čoho... keď ste počuli o tých videniach a čo sa stalo. A tá otázka je biblickou otázkou. Sme tu pozvaní, aby sme verili, že musí byť pravdivá odpoveď toho celého skrytého tajomstva, ktoré bol skryté od založenia sveta. A Biblia prorokuje a hovorí, že v tomto dni budú tieto tajomstvá oznámené. Zjavenie 10: „Ale keď bude znieť hlas siedmeho anjela, posla do Laodicei, tajomstvá Božie budú oznámené." A toto je posledný vek, ktorým je Laodicea.
81Pozrite sa na celé toto prebudenie, ktoré trvá pätnásť rokov alebo viac a žiadna denominácia z toho nepovstala. Luther mal prebudenie, povstala denominácia, Wesley, povstala denominácia, Alexander Campbell, povstali denominácie. Všetci títo ďalší veľkí – John Smith, a tak ďalej, denominácie, Moody po celú dobu. Ale tu bolo jedno... Obyčajne prebudenie trvá len okolo tri roky, ale toto prebieha už viac ako pätnásť rokov a ani jedna denominácia z toho nepovstala, lebo toto je čas semena. Nie je viac šupky. Potom, ako tá jedna šupka odpadne, je semeno.
82Boh je pripravený. Ak to On nerobí teraz, On povolá cirkev do dokonalosti skrze Svoje Slovo, Ježiša Krista. Všimnite si, musí byť niekde odpoveď. A to je to sedem-krát zapečatené tajomstvo Božie, Sedem Pečatí.
83Koľkí z vás tomu rozumiete, pozdvihnite svoje ruky. Pozrime sa. Myslím, že väčšina z nich je naše obecenstvo z okolia. Počúvajte. Ak nie, tie knihy budú čoskoro vydané, ohľadne tejto témy. Máme na to teraz knihy, nejaké knihy.
84Ježiš, v našom texte, nás vyzýva, aby sme sa vrátili na začiatok pre pravdivú biblickú odpoveď.
85Nuž, keď sa On s týmto stretol, boli zjavné dve veci. Kňaz Mu povedal: „Môže muž prepustiť svoju ženu a oženiť sa s inou pre akúkoľvek príčinu?"
A Ježiš povedal: „Na počiatku tak nebolo."
Potom oni povedali: „Mojžiš nám dovolil napísať rozvodný list a prepustiť ju pre akúkoľvek príčinu."
86On povedal, že “Mojžiš to dovolil kvôli...” trochu to naťahujem, “pre tvrdosť vašich sŕdc, ale od – alebo na počiatku tak nebolo.”
87Tá otázka, tá otázka dneška ako svetový mier, prichádza to skrze politiku, úniu národov, spojených? Ja vám hovorím, že nie. Vždy to sklamalo a znovu to sklame. Ale zostáva pravdivá odpoveď na tú otázku: „Bude mier na zemi?" Áno, keď zem bude zbavená hriechu, vtedy bude mier. Ale až do toho času mier nebude. „Národ povstane proti národu a kráľovstvo proti kráľovstvu."
Boh dal liek na hriech. Teraz pozorne počúvajte. Boh dal prostriedok na odstránenie hriechu zo zeme, ale ľudia tej zeme neprijmú Boží prostriedok.
88Boh nám dal radu, spôsob ako si máme brať naše manželky a žiť s nimi, ale ľudia neprijímajú Boží spôsob, neakceptujú Jeho Slovo o tom.
Ježiš to povedal. A to nám pripomína Jeho Slovo, vediac, že On povedal ‘Nebesia a zem pominú, ale Moje Slová nepominú.’
89Tá otázka, tá pravdivá odpoveď, do ktorej chce Ježiš, aby sme sa vrátili, je vrátiť sa na počiatok. Potom by to malo byť v Genesis, pretože slovo Genesis je kapitola semena pre každú otázku v Biblii. A vždy sa musíte vrátiť k semenu, aby ste videli, aký druh semena je na poli, aby ste zistili, aká bude vaša úroda.
Nuž, aký druh semena je zasiaty? Genesis, súc kapitolou semena, ideme naspäť do Genesis. Ježiš nás uvádza do toho miesta Písma na počiatku. Nuž, pamätajte, to je vtedy, keď sa začal čas. Pred tým bola Večnosť. Nuž, naša otázka bola... všimnite si, ak ideme naspäť na počiatok...
90Teraz nech vám toto neunikne. A to je dôvod, prečo chcem rozprávať pomaly, aby ľudia vonku, ktorí počúvajú cez telefónne vedenie... a aby to tá páska povedala jasne.
91Ak Ježiš povedal, "Vráťte sa na počiatok", tam bol zo všetkého iba jeden pár na zemi. Bol jeden Adam, jedna Eva, oni boli spojení samotným Bohom. Jedna samica koňa, jeden kôň, jedna samica papagája, jeden samec. „Na počiatku“, ako nám On povedal, aby sme sa tam vrátili, bol iba jeden pár zo všetkého. Je to pravda? Potom zisťujeme, že všetko na počiatku prebiehalo v dokonalom poriadku a v harmónii s Bohom; nič nebolo mimo.
92Všetko v nebi je stále v poriadku; všetky hviezdy, galaxie, slnečná sústava, všetko je dokonale v poriadku. Ak by sa jedno z nich pohlo, prerušilo by celý program.
93 Teraz počúvajte. Vidíte? Jedno narušenie kazí celý program. Nuž, keď ľudské bytosti chodili v súlade s Bohom, jeden muž a jedna žena, táto žena zhrešila. A to uvrhlo celý zemský program mimo súladu s Bohom. Preto, jedno slovo pridané do tejto Knihy alebo jedno slovo z Toho vyňaté odvrhuje kresťana zo súladu s Bohom, odvrhuje cirkev zo súladu s Bohom, odvrhuje rodinu zo súladu s Bohom. Každý veriaci môže byť odvrhnutý mimo tým, že neprijíma každé Božie Slovo.
94Potom to bola žena, ktorá spôsobila rozdelenie toho milého domova. To nebol Cherubín, ktorý trápil zem. To nebol Adam, ktorý odvrhol ten domov. To nebolo nič iné, čo odvrhlo ten domov mimo a uvrhlo celú tú vec von zo súladu, ako žena, Eva. A je to tu, že ten počiatok, o ktorom Ježiš hovoril, bol porušený. Ježiš povedal: "Na počiatku Boh stvoril jedného samca a jednu samicu z každého druhu." A teraz, keď táto žena…nie samica koňa, nie samica psa, ale žena, ona porušila celý súlad Božieho konania na zemi a uvrhla všetko do smrti. Žena, nie muž, ona porušila zmluvu. Prečo porušila zmluvu? Prekročila hranice Božieho Slova.
Nuž, ak ona porušila svoju zmluvu so svojím mužom, porušila svoju zmluvu s Bohom. A keďže porušila zmluvu s Bohom, porušila ju so svojím mužom.
95A keď porušíte svoj sľub a svoju zmluvu s Božím Slovom, to je to, čo zapríčinilo toľko nepravých členov cirkvi, pretože skupina ľudí sa zišla a povedala, "No, to neznamenalo to," a to odvrhuje celú organizáciu mimo súladu so Slovom. "Ó, my tomu neveríme. Dr. Jones povedal, že to tak nie je." Ale pokiaľ Boh povedal, že je to tak, On povedal, "Nech každé slovo človeka je klamstvom a moje je Pravdou." Tam sa porušuje ten súlad.
96No, vidíme, že keď bol porušený ten súlad, potom bola porušená tá línia Života. Takisto aj línia času bola porušená, zmluva bola porušená, všetko zničené. Čo to spôsobilo? Žena. To je to, čo porušilo tú zmluvu. Nuž, ak si to chcete prečítať, môžete to čítať v Genesis 3.
97 Nuž, potom sa stalo, že muž bol učinený, aby vládol nad ženou, skrze Božie Slovo. Ona mu nebola viac rovnocenná. Ona bola rovnocenná podľa prírody, viete. Ale keď porušila Božie Slovo, Boh ustanovil muža, aby bol nad ňou pánom. Genesis 3:16, ak si to chcete poznačiť. Ona už viac nebola rovnocenná mužovi. Ona porušila Božie Slovo.
98Nevidíte, že ona – ona, tu tá cirkev, porušovateľka Božieho Slova, čo ju odvrhlo úplne z toho súladu. A to je to, čo cirkev vykonala a uvrhla duchovnú smrť na celú vec. Teraz budete rozumieť, prečo tak na tieto veci udieram, ako udieram. Je to Pravda. Toto sú biblické fakty.
99Všimnite si, prečo ona urobila takúto vec? Ako mohla taká milá, nádherná, dokonalá žena...
100Raz som videl obraz, myslím že to bolo v Grécku, jedného maliara, ktorý namaľoval obraz Evy. Bola tou najstrašnejšie vyzerajúcou vecou, ktorú ste kedy videli. To ukazuje, na čo sa telesná myseľ môže pozerať. Ale ona nebola. Ona bola nádherná, pretože ona bola dokonalá žena, celá žena.
101 Všimnite si, prečo ona urobila takú vec, keď bola v takom vysokom postavení? Bola rovná mužovi, jemu rovnocenná. Ale všetci vieme, že stratila svoju rovnocennosť s mužom, keď zhrešila, a Boh povedal, "Muž bude odteraz tvojím pánom." Nuž, to je Písmo. Ak chcete, mohli by sme to prečítať.
102Dávam vám tie miesta Písma, aby ste si to mohli sami prečítať, aby sme ušetrili čas z ohľadu na rozhlasové spojenie po celej krajine.
103Všimnite si, ten dôvod, prečo to urobila... Ako sa vôbec satan k nej dostal?
104Vedeli ste, že kedysi bol Satan rovnocenný Bohu? Isteže bol, vo všetkom okrem Stvoriteľa. Bol všetkým, stál po pravici Božej v nebesiach, veľký hlavný cherubín.
105Všimnite si, ten dôvod, prečo toto urobila, bol, že ona nebola v originálnom stvorení. Ona nie je v originálnom Božom stvorení; ona je vedľajší produkt. Preto, "na počiatku", ako sa na to odvolával Ježiš, ona nebola originálne stvorenou bytosťou Božou. Ona je vedľajším produktom z muža, keď Ježiš poukázal na "počiatok".
106 Pamätajte, Adam bol v originálnom stvorení oboje, mužským aj ženským, jeden, ale potom bol oddelený skrze rebro.
107Všimnite si. Ale vedľajší produkt... a všimnite si, že len jediná z celého Božieho stvorenia, z každého zvieraťa a čohokoľvek iného, ona bola jediná navrhnutá týmto spôsobom. Každá iná samica bola v originálnom stvorení. Každá iná samica bola v originálnom stvorení, ale Eva nebola v originálnom stvorení. Vidíte? To muselo byť učinené takým spôsobom. Dostaneme sa k tomu za chvíľu. Všimnite si, v tomto stvorení, v ktorom ona bola, nie v originálnom, ale ako vedľajší produkt, a v tomto stvorení, tam je...
108Teraz, ja nechcem zraňovať vaše city, ale chcem vám povedať Pravdu. A len seďte pokojne, správate sa milo.
109 Nič nie je navrhnuté tak, aby bolo tak zvodné ako žena, ktorá je zvodná. Nemôže byť nič iné; nič nie je stvorené, aby bolo také.
110Taktiež nie je nič, čo mohlo byť tak ľahko zvedené ako žena. Nuž, ten úpadok potvrdzuje toto tvrdenie, že je pravdivé, ten úpadok na počiatku.
111Ona nebola v originálnom, počiatočnom stvorení. Na počiatku, ona bola v Adamovi, ale nie sama ako ženské pohlavie. Ona bola vedľajším produktom, stvorená.
112Nuž, nič nie je navrhnuté tak, aby mohlo zvádzať a byť zvedené tak ľahko ako žena. Nič nie je navrhnuté alebo nič nemôže klesnúť tak nízko ako môže žena. Pomyslite teraz. V celom stvorení nie je nič navrhnuté tak, aby mohlo klesnúť tak nízko ako môže žena. Ona môže roztrhať mužove srdce na kusy ľahšie ako čokoľvek iné na svete – jeho žena. Nech len tá milá malá manželka začne behať s nejakým iným mužom. Pozrite na toho chlapíka, ako tam sedí so svojimi deťmi, slzy mu stekajú po tvári. Ona je takto navrhnutá. Ona je navrhnutá, aby toto robila. Nie je žiadna sviňa, žiaden pes alebo žiadne iné zviera navrhnuté tak ako ona, ani nemôže klesnúť tak nízko ako môže ona. Nuž, to je pravda. S úctou k mojim sestrám, chcem iba, aby ste sledovali.
113Žiadne zviera nemôže byť nemorálne. Voláte psa suka (samicu psa). Voláte samca – prasa sviňa, ale ich morálka o milióny míľ prevyšuje mnohé hollywoodské hviezdy. To je to, ako nízko je utvorená klesnúť. Ona nemôže... Len sa teraz nad tým zamyslite. Nie je nič na svete stvorené v Božom stvorení, čo by mohlo byť nemorálne, čo by mohlo klesnúť tak nízko.
114Poviete, "Počkaj chvíľu, človeče." Dostávame sa k tomu. Žena musí povedať "Áno".
115Všimnite si, nič nie je uformované, aby kleslo tak nízko, alebo bolo tak oplzlé ako žena. Pes to nemôže urobiť, prasa to nemôže urobiť, vták to nemôže urobiť. Žiadne zviera nie je nemorálne, ani nemôže byť, lebo nie je stvorené, aby takým bolo. Samica prasaťa nemôže byť nemorálna, samica psa nemôže byť nemorálna, samica vtáka nemôže byť nemorálna. Žena je tá jediná, ktorá to môže robiť.
116Vidíte teraz, kde išiel Satan? Vidíte? Ale ona stále má... Ona je tá, ktorá má moc povedať "áno" alebo "nie." Vidíte? Záleží na tom, čoho sa chce držať. Vidíte? No, tu môžeme vidieť jasne semeno hada, kadiaľ ono vošlo. Je iba jedno miesto, kde mohol ísť. Ak to nezabije ten klinec, tak niekto je slepý. Vidíte, vidíte? Muselo to do toho prísť.
117Všimnite si, dôvod, prečo to zvieratá nemohli urobiť, samice, je, že ony boli v originálnom stvorení. Ale žena nebola v tom originálnom stvorení. Teraz sa vrátime späť, aby sme to vytiahli na povrch, a potom to priniesli rovno do dnešného dňa v Zákone.
118Ona jediná je sformovaná pre nemorálnosť a nečistý život. Pes nemôže, žiadna iná samica nemôže. Je to iba žena, ktorá môže. Pes alebo akékoľvek iné zvieratá: raz za rok, a to preto, aby mali mláďatá, nie pre sexuálny pôžitok, ale kvôli mladým. To staré prasa, tá stará suka, raz za rok, jeden moment, to je, aby mali mláďatá. Ale žena je stvorená pre akúkoľvek dobu, keď zatúži. Niektoré veci som z toho teraz vyčiarkol, môžete si domyslieť ten zvyšok. Pes nemôže, žena môže. Dúfam, že Svätý Duch vám zjavuje zvyšok tohoto, čo som tu vyčiarkol.
119 Ona je jediným druhom, druhom samice, ktorá je učinená krajšou od samca. Nie je žiaden iný taký druh spomedzi všetkých. U všetkých iných stvorení Božích sú nádherné samce, tak ako u zvierat, vtákov a tak ďalej. Vždy je krajší ten samec.
120Pozrite na veľkého žrebca jeleňa, veľké krásne parožie, veľký druh, a malá skromná laň. Pozrite na veľkého kohúta so všetkými jeho krásnymi perami a na malú hnedú sliepku. Pozrite na vtákov, kohút a sliepka. Prečo? Prečo to tak bolo u všetkých Božích stvorení? U všetkých stvorení je samec najkrajší. Medzi ovcami, medzi prasatami, medzi koňmi, medzi všetkým ostatným, je to vždy ten veľký samec, kto je pekný, a medzi vtákmi.
121Ale v ľudskej rase je to žena, ktorá je pekná, nie muž. Ak je krajší on, tam niečo nie je v poriadku, niekde je skrížené semeno. Prvotne to bolo takto.
Prečo? Prečo to bolo tak učinené? Aby bolo čím zvádzať. Jej dizajnér, satan, stále na nej pracuje aj v týchto posledných dňoch.
122Dovoľte mi zastaviť sa tu na chvíľu. Pekná... vedeli ste, že prvé medzinárodné zničenie sveta (alebo celosvetovo) bolo spôsobené kvôli krásnym ženám? „Keď videli synovia Boží ľudské dcéry, že sú krásne, brali si ich za ženy." Je to pravda?
123Všimli ste si ten vzrast krásy žien v týchto dňoch? Videl som fotografiu Pearl O'Brien, ktorá bola jedného času považovaná za najkrajšiu ženu v národe. Teraz nie je v tejto škole tínedžerské dievča, ktoré by ju nezatienilo, ak ide o krásu.
124Vzrast ženskej krásy ukazuje čas zvodu.
Kedy vyzerala cirkev krajšie ako dnes? Všetko je výrazné, slávne, veľké, krásne budovy a milióny z tohoto a milióny z tamtoho. Či nevidíte, „ona", ten zvod?
125Nuž, neexistuje nič, čo by mohlo klesnúť tak ako ona, a ona je tak učinená, aby mohla byť zvodná. A satan skutočne na nej dnes pracuje, v týchto posledných dňoch, lebo on je jej dizajnérom. Môžem to teraz dokázať, vrátiť sa rovno späť na počiatok. Kto začal na nej pracovať, Adam alebo satan? Boh alebo satan? Vidíte? To je jej dizajnér. Je to jej hlavná zbraň, aby uvrhla muža do svojej nemravnosti, súc peknou ženou, ona môže ovládať muža, ako len chce. Brat, to nie je pokútny alkohol, ktorý dostáva muža do pasce. Je to pekná žena, ktorá kráča ulicou, krúti sa, napoly oblečená. To je to... To je ten zvoditeľ, rovno tam. A ona s tým spôsobuje smrť, je absolútne smrteľná. Môžete sa ma pýtať, ako to, že je satan jej dizajnérom, ale to je pravda. Satan ju upravil. On to ešte stále robí.
126Dovoľte mi ukázať vám niečo v Písme. Musím vás vziať naspäť do Písma a vy si vytvoríte svoj názor, ako sa na to pozeráte dnes.
127Satan je ten, ktorý predstavuje ten druh krásy. Ak si všimneme, on bol najkrajší zo všetkých tých anjelov v nebi. Je to tak? A on zatúžil učiniť Nebo krajším miestom než kráľovstvo Michaela. Je to pravda? Taktiež, to ukazuje, že Kain bol jeho synom, on obetoval krajšiu obeť, ozdobil svoj oltár ovocím a kvetmi atď. Je to pravda? Krásny, hriech je krásny, čo dnes nazývame krásnym. A hriech zvádza skrze krásu. Vy by ste sa nikdy nepozreli na ženu, ktorá ide po ulici, a nemohli by ste povedať, čo sa nachádza v jej srdci. Vidíte? Ale ja som chcel povedať tieto veci, aby ste mohli vidieť, prečo je satan jej dizajnérom. To je presne tak. Jeho vlastný syn to dokázal: Kain.
Nuž, ona je pekná, preto ona môže zvádzať.
128Svet je pekný, takže môže zvádzať. Myslím tým vesmír, svetový poriadok. On je krásny, tak môže zvádzať – veľké, nádherné miesta a luxus.
129Jeden z prorokov, Amos, keď on vystúpil hore, pozrel sa dolu na mesto a videl to ako moderný Hollywood, jeho malé staré oči sa prižmúrili pod tými sivými vlasmi visiacimi na jeho tvári, a on tam dolu kráčal s posolstvom a vyhŕkol to na tom mieste. Povedal, „Ten Boh, o ktorom tvrdíte, že Mu slúžite, vás zničí." Tak je.
130Hriech je pekný. Oni predstavujú Judáša ako nejakého starého opilca niekde na ulici, s ovisnutými ústami plnými múch, atď, ako Judáša. Judáš bol krásny, silný, zvoditeľ. To nie je ten chlapík, ktorý vás pozoruje, to nie je ten chlapík, ktorý – ten starý farmár, ktorý prichádza v montérkach a pozoruje tvoju ženu. To je ten podvodník, on je tým lotrom.
131Hriech je pekný pre oči toho sveta. Ale Boh sa nepredstavuje v takom druhe krásy. Vedeli ste to? Boh sa predstavuje v charaktere, nádhernom charaktere.
132 V Biblii, Izaiáš 53, ak si chcete zapísať nejaké miesta Písma. Mám tu na to napísané rady miest Písma. Izaiáš 53. Biblia povedala o našom Pánovi Ježišovi, že „Nebolo na ňom krásy, pre čo by sme Ho bývali žiadostiví. A skryli sme pred Ním svoju tvár." Je to tak? My sme po Ňom netúžili, lebo on nebol pekný. On bol pravdepodobne malý chlapík, s ovisnutými ramenami, červenej tváre a On nebol žiadúci, aby bol vodcom. On nevyzeral ako vodca. Hovoril prostým pouličným jazykom a tak ďalej, ako hovoria ľudia, obyčajní ľudia, tak preto On nevyzeral, akoby bol nejakým veľkým učeným, vzdelaným, pekným, dobre oblečeným a tak ďalej. On bol len obyčajným človekom. „Nebolo na Ňom krásy, pre čo by sme Ho boli žiadostiví." Prechádzal sa rovno medzi ľuďmi a oni ani nevedeli, Kto On bol. On nevyzeral ako prechádzajúci sa Boh, o ktorom by sme mysleli, že bol Bohom. Ale tak či tak, On Ním bol!
133Všimli ste si, keď Pán Boh povedal Samuelovi, „Choď do domu Jesseho a pomaž jedného z jeho synov za kráľa, aby zaujal Saulove miesto?"
134Nuž, ľudia si vybrali Saula, hoci Samuel im rozhodne povedal, aby to nerobili. On povedal: „Boh nechce, aby ste mali kráľa. On je vaším Kráľom." A povedal, „ Povedal som vám niekedy niečo v Mene Pánovom, čo by sa nestalo? Prosil som vás niekedy o peniaze alebo niečo iné, z čoho by som žil?"
135Oni povedali, „Nie, nikdy si nás neprosil o peniaze a čokoľvek si povedal v Mene Pánovom, sa stalo. Ale my aj tak chceme kráľa." Tak si vybrali Saula. Pozrite sa, čo si svet vybral. Pozrite sa, čo si Izrael vybral. Izrael, Boží pomazaný, oni si vybrali človeka, ktorý bol o hlavu a ramená vyšší od každého muža v celom národe. Skvelý, veľký, milý, pekne vyzerajúci chlapík, a on bol vždy „muchou v masti".
136Ale Boh povedal, „Ja vám vyberiem kráľa podľa Môjho výberu." Tak On povedal: „Samuel, ja ti nepoviem, kto to je, ale ty tam choď, je to jeden z Jesseho synov."
137A Jesse, jeho žena, a všetci z nich sa pozreli dookola a povedali: „Áno, náš najstarší syn, je veľký, vysoký, pekný mládenec, on sa bude presne hodiť pre kráľovskú korunu. On je bystrý, je vyučený, on je milý človek. Ja viem, že on bude ten pravý. On má správnu výslovnosť."
138Keď ho predviedli, Samuel vzal nádobku s olejom a išiel k nemu. Povedal: „Nie, Pán ho odmietol." Takto prešiel pri všetkých šiestich jeho synoch a Pán odmietol každého jedného z nich. On povedal: „Nie je tu ešte jeden?"
140On povedal: „Choďte ho priviesť." A keď Dávid prišiel pred zrak proroka, prorok bežal s olejom a vylial ho na jeho hlavu a povedal: „Toto je Boží vyvolený." Nie krása, ale charakter. Boh sa pozerá na charakter.
141Človek pozerá na telesnú krásu. Ona je zvodná. A to je to, prečo bola žene daná tá krása, na zvádzanie, aby zvádzala. Krásna žena, ak to ona nepoužíva správnym spôsobom, je to pre ňu prekliatie. To ju pošle do pekla rýchlejšie než čokoľvek iné, o čom viem. Ak ona len – ak... ona môže byť pekná, samozrejme, pokiaľ ona zostáva so svojím mužom a činí to, čo je správne, a to - to je skvelé a úžasné. Ale ona môže vziať tú istú vec a, ó, ako s tým môže zvádzať, lebo jej to bolo dané, aby to tak robila.
142Všimnite si teraz, ale Boh sa prejavuje v charaktere. Nebolo žiadnej krásy, pre ktorú by sme boli žiadostiví Ježiša, ale nikdy nebol na zemi charakter, aký mal On.
143Nuž, dnes zisťujeme, že charakter cirkvi, satan a jeho skupina, vyhliadajú veľké pekné cirkvi, krásne veci. To je to, na čo dnes svet hľadí. “Ó, keď pastor, veľký taký-a-taký čas, taký-a-taký je taký kňazský a zbožný, vychádza v tých veľkých róbach a takýchto veciach”; oni to volajú krásou.
144Ale tí pravdiví svätí Boží hľadajú charakter potvrdeného Slova.
145To je to, čo svätí činili v tamten deň, keď videli Ježiša. On nebol ničím, na čo by sa dalo hľadieť, ale oni videli, že Boh bol v Ňom. Oni videli, že Boh bol s Ním.
146To je to, ako tí... Joáb a tie osobnosti s Dávidom, malý chlapík, ale oni videli, že bol v ňom muž. Oni videli, že Boh bol v ňom a vedeli, že on jedného dňa príde k moci. Oni... jeden zabil jednou rukou ostatných piatich bratov Goliáša; jeden pobil tristo mužov. Keď nejaké ženy zbierali fazuľu na večeru a armáda bola vzdialená, a on vzal kopiju a pobil tristo mužov, Filištínov. Charakter! Prečo? Oni stáli rovno pri Dávidovi. Oni vedeli, že pomazanie bolo na ňom a vedeli, že príde k moci.
147 Čistý obraz dnešnej cirkvi, ktorá bude stáť pri Slove! My vieme, že To bude potvrdené. My vieme, že To jedného dňa príde k moci.
Hoci Saul... On bol utečencom z zvyšku národa, ale oni vedeli, že on príde k moci. My vieme, že On tiež prichádza k moci, tak my vezmeme to Slovo a budeme stáť rovno tam, bez ohľadu na to, čo to stojí. Aj keby sme mali rozkrájať Filištínov alebo skočiť do jamy a zabiť leva, ako to jeden urobil; my každopádne pôjdeme, pretože to je cesta, ktorú Boh predurčil, aby to tak bolo. My hľadáme charakter.
148Možno sa ma teraz opýtate: „Prečo On dovolil, aby ona bola tak stvorená?" Nechcem zabrať príliš veľa času, lebo mám tu toho ešte oveľa viac čo povedať. „Prečo?" Potom môže povstať otázka: „Prečo Boh stvoril túto ženu takto?" „Prečo On dovolil, aby ona bola taká?" To bolo podľa Jeho vlastnej záľuby. Istotne.
149Nuž, ak si chcete otvoriť svoju Bibliu, len na chvíľu, otvorme si v Rimanom 9, len na chvíľku, a ukážem vám niečo, ako Boh činí tieto veci, ak si to chcete prečítať. A môžeme tu vidieť, čo Boh činí podľa Svojej vlastnej záľuby. Rimanom 9:14:
Čo tedy povieme? Či nie je nespravedlivosť u Boha?...
150Keď On vybral Ezava – alebo vybral Jakuba a odmietol Ezava, predtým, ako mal každý chlapec právo sám si vybrať. Ani jeden z nich, prv ako sa narodili, stále ešte v lone matky, Boh povedal: „Ezava som nenávidel a Jakoba som miloval." Vidíte? Prečo?
Lebo hovorí Mojžišovi: Zmilujem sa, nad kým sa zmilujem a zľutujem sa, nad kým sa zľutujem.
Tak tedy nie je to vecou toho kto chce, ani toho, kto beží, ale vecou Boha, ktorý sa zmilováva.
Lebo Písmo hovorí faraonovi: Práve na to som ťa vzbudil, aby som na tebe ukázal svoju moc, a aby sa rozhlasovalo moje meno po celej zemi.
Tak tedy,...
(no, sledujte tu)…nad kým sa chce zmilovať, nad tým sa zmilováva a koho chce zatvrdiť, toho zatvrdzuje.
Ale povieš mi tedy: A prečože potom karhá? Lebo veď kto kedy sa sprotivil Jeho vôli?
Nuž tedy, ó, človeče, ktože si ty, že odhováraš Bohu?! Či azda povie útvor tomu, kto ho utvoril: Prečo si ma tak učinil?
Alebo či nemá hrnčiar práva a moci nad hlinou, aby z toho istého blata učinil jednu nádobu na česť a druhú na nečesť?
A čo, ak Boh chcúc ukázať svoj hnev a oznámiť to, čo je jemu možné, znášal vo veľkej zhovievavosti nádoby hnevu, pripravené na záhubu,
a aby oznámil bohatstvo Svojej slávy na nádobách milosrdenstva, ktoré vopred prihotovil na slávu?
151No, skús na chvíľu proti tomuto argumentovať. Boh to učinil. On to musel týmto spôsobom učiniť. Muselo to tam byť. No, počúvajte. Teraz, na asi päť minút chcem na niečo upriamiť vašu pozornosť.
152Aký je Boh? Boh je ohromne nekonečný. Na počiatku, ďaleko predtým ako bol počiatok, on nebol dokonca Bohom. Vedeli ste to? Boh je objektom uctievania, a tam nebolo nič, čo by Ho uctievalo. On žil sám.
153A v Ňom boli vlastnosti. Čo je vlastnosť? Myšlienka. No, dostanete niečo, čo hraničí s kázňou na tento večer. Všimnite si, On bol Svojimi vlastnosťami, ktoré boli v Ňom. Nuž, v Ňom bolo byť Otcom, v Ňom bolo byť Bohom, v Ňom bolo byť Synom, v Ňom bolo byť Spasiteľom, v Ňom bolo byť Uzdravovateľom. A všetky tieto veci tu jednoducho zobrazujú Jeho vlastnosti. Nič nie je mimo poriadku. Myslíte si, že Boh nevidel koniec od počiatku? Samozrejme, že videl. Nič nie je mimo poriadku. To iba prejavuje Jeho vlastnosti.
154Nuž, On by nemohol byť spravodlivým a spôsobiť, aby človek upadol. On ho musel umiestniť na rovnocenný základ slobodného morálneho konania, aby učinil vlastné rozhodnutie, ale On vedel, že upadne.
155Tak, On nemôže byť Spasiteľom, ak niečo nie je stratené. On nemôže byť Uzdravovateľom, ak niečo nie je choré. Tieto veci museli takto byť. Boh ich takto učinil, aby Jeho veľké atribúty mohli byť manifestované. Ak by nebol nik, On by nikdy nebol Spasiteľom. Ale my vieme, že On Ním bol, dokonca ešte predtým, ako nastal čas, On bol Spasiteľom. On bol Spasiteľom, tak tam muselo byť niečo stratené. Ako to bude môcť byť?
156Ak On to berie a zatratí práve preto, aby to spasil, potom tam nie je v Jeho súde spravodlivosť. On by nemohol poslať človeka do pekla a byť spravodlivý. On je láskavý, jemný, pravdivý, úprimný, a On je veľkým Sudcom. Vidíte, On by konal Sám proti Sebe.
157Tak On tu musel postaviť človeka a dať mu slobodnú morálnu voľbu konania, tak On vedel - vediac, že upadne. A človek, učinený na Jeho vlastnú podobu, ako on mohol upadnúť? No, vidíte denné svetlo? Tak On musel stvoriť vedľajší produkt, niečo mimo originálneho stvorenia. Teraz to vidíte. Vidíte? Prichádzate ku tomu. Vidíte? Potom to je to, čo upadlo. On to učinil, vediac, že to upadne. A je to dané do rúk satana ako nádoba na nečesť. Kde je česť uložená dnes? Rozmýšľajte o tom. Teraz si pozorne všimnite.
158 Tak ešte raz, prečo bola ona takto stvorená a nie ako ostatné samice, prečo bola žena učinená takto a nie iné samice? Žiadna z ostatných samíc nebola takto stvorená. Nie sú také dnes. Ony nemôžu byť. Keďže nie je učinená tým spôsobom, ona to nemôže robiť. Prečo On potom neučinil túto samicu, ženu, tak ako ostatné samice, tak aby mohla taká istá, mohla by jednoducho vychovávať svoje deti? Potom by mala svojho manžela, žila by s ním a keby prišiel čas na jej dieťa, mala by dieťa. Prečo, prečo ju On takto neučinil?
159No, nemôžem povedať tieto slová. A vy rozumiete, o čom hovorím, je tak? Ak môžete rozumieť, povedzte, "Amen." [Zhromaždenie odpovedá "Amen"-- vyd.] Áno. Vidíte? Sedia tu mladé dievčatá a mladí chlapci. Rozumiete? Ale vy viete, že zviera musí prísť do určitého obdobia roka, potom sa spária, a to je všetko. Ale žena, je to kedykoľvek. On... Prečo ju On takto učinil?
160Nuž, pozorujte, ako sa odkrýva Jeho veľký program, keď cez to teraz prechádzame, tak dokonale, ako dokonale to len môže byť. Nevedel som to až do nedávna.
161Prečo ju On nestvoril takú na počiatku, ako ostatné z Jeho samíc? Pretože by to bolo pre Neho nevhodné. On je zdrojom všetkej čistoty. To je dôvod, prečo On musel dovoliť satanovi, aby sa s ňou spojil, čo on urobil v tej zvrátenosti. Také stvorenie by bolo, by nebolo pre Neho vhodné, prvotne pre to naplánované.
162Všetky Jeho diela, ktoré On naplánoval v originále, sú v jednej línii. Všetky Jeho originálne diela boli v jednej línii. Samica psa, samec psa, vidíte, samica kravy, samec kravy, všetko v jednej línii. Celá príroda je v jednej línii. Semeno zomrie, ide do zeme, tak ako smrť, pohreb, vzkriesenie. Miazga ide dole zo stromu, opadajú mu listy a v ďalšom roku prichádza so vzkriesením nového lístia. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Všetko, dokonca Božia príroda, všetko je v jednej línii, v jednom. A tu je niečo učinené mimo tej Božej línie. Príroda je tak stvorená, tak ona nemôže hrešiť. Rozmýšľajte. Originálne Božie stvorenie by nemohlo hrešiť.
163Ó, nevidíte to teraz, v tomto obraze tu, tú prevrátenosť cirkvi? Tým originálom je Božie Slovo! V Bohu nieto hriechu. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Tu je stvorenie, ktoré prichádza do existencie skrze prevrátenosť. Boh bude mať Cirkev, ale pozrite sa na túto prevrátenú vec, ktorú oni majú tam vonku.
164Boh má samca a samicu. Ale táto žena... vidíte, samé tie prejavy ukazujú naspäť, čo bolo v Božej mysli. Mohli by sme vziať hodinu alebo dve a rozoberať to. Ona... učinil toto stvorenie takým spôsobom, On učinil to stvorenie a obrátil ju tak, že Satan sa s ňou mohol spojiť a on tak učinil. On ju stále má. Mala by radšej utekať ku krížu, tak ako aj muži.
165 Všimnite si, celá príroda prebieha v jednej línii. Ak by On stvoril ženu v tom istom originálnom stvorení, nebolo by tam žiadneho hriechu, pretože ona by to nemohla urobiť. Ona by to nemohla urobiť. Ona je prevrátením originálneho stvorenia.
166Tak celý hriech je prevrátením originálnej Pravdy. Čo je klamstvo? To je prevrátená Pravda. Čo je cudzoložstvo? To je prevrátený správny akt. Tak je prevrátené stvorenie, celá vec je prevrátená. A celá tá vec sa nazýva h-r-i-e-ch. Ležiac rovno tam... To je dôvod, prečo je tá otázka taká významná.
167 Len kúsok, čiastka, vzatá z muža, aby bol skrze ňu zvedený, Boh to učinil. Práve tu to On dokázal. To je dôvod, na čo ona bola stvorená.
168 Nemorálna žena je tou najnižšou vecou na zemi, o akej sa dá pomyslieť. Prepáčte mi toto, mladé dámy. Ona nie je nič iné, len ľudský odpadkový kôš, vystavenie sexu. To je všetko, čím ona je. Nemorálna žena je ľudský sexuálny odpadkový kôš, nečistota, kde je cez ňu vystavená obscénnosť, špina, zloba, nízkosť a oplzlosť. Kvôli čomu je ona takto stvorená? Kvôli zvádzaniu. Každý hriech, ktorý kedy bol na zemi, bol spôsobený skrze ženu.
169Istý analytik z Chicaga, nejaká žena napísala tento článok, z policajného zboru, že vypátrali v Spojených Štátoch, vo veľkomestách Spojených Štátov, že deväťdesiat osem percent všetkých zločinov, ktoré boli kedy spáchané v akýchkoľvek formách v Spojených Štátoch, buď v tom priamo bola žena alebo za tým."
170Nuž, ja toto všetko hovorím, aby som sa dostal k jednej veci na konci, aby ste mohli vidieť, o čo ide.
171 Ona bola stvorená na zvádzanie, tak ako to urobila Adamovi na počiatku, hovoriac mu, že to ovocie bolo príjemné a tak ďalej, aby ho zviedla a vzala ho preč od Slova. To je spôsob, ako to robí cirkev dnes, tá istá vec. Ale potom, po tej udalosti, on sa stal jej vládcom, aby nad ňou vládol.
172No, aký rozdiel dnes, v tomto dni koncepcií. Namiesto toho, aby on bol jej pánom, ona sa stala jeho bohom. Iste, ona ním vládne. Teraz tak trochu dobre rozumiete, na čo som udieral. Skrze svoju krásu a kontrolovaný sex, svoju postavu, ktorú jej dal satan, ten vedľajší produkt, ktorý satan urobil, ona je poslaná, aby zvádzala synov Božích. A ona ich môže zhodiť viac do pekla ako ktorýkoľvek iný nástroj, ktorý satan má. To je presne tak.
173 Ja teraz hovorím o tých nemorálnych, nie o vás, sestry. Dáme vám vaše miesto, pravé miesto, za niekoľko minút tu v Slove Božom. Bolo to v Božom pláne od počiatku.
174 Nuž, robiť to dnes… Čo je bohom Spojených Štátov? Pamätáte si, Modlitebňa, pred rokmi, ako som na to kázal, "Boh tohoto moderného dňa". Malá slečinka sediaca tam s mejkapom a šatami vyhrnutými nad kolená a tomu podobné. Povedal som, "Hľa, váš boh!" A to je pravda. Ona je na každej reklame, polonahá. Ona je na ulici tak isto.
175Je to satanov nástroj. "Od počiatku," povedal Ježiš. Vidíte? Vidíme teraz, že to tak bolo a „od počiatku" a o čom On hovorí.
176Nuž, pohania z nej zvykli robiť boha, (vedeli ste to?) bohyňu. Samozrejme, že robili. Urobili ju bohyňou, pretože oni konali pohlavné akty počas jej uctievania. Oni tvrdili, že ona bola stvoriteľom. Vo svojom lone nosila semeno a tvorila. To je lož. Je iba jeden Stvoriteľ, to je Boh. Ale pamätáte si Pavla tam? Diana z Efezu, obraz zo skaly, povedal, bohyňa nebies zvrhnutá dolu." Nevidíte, aké je pohanské uctievanie?
177A my, nevediac o tom, obraciame sa rovno naspäť znovu k pohanskému uctievaniu žien, najnižšiemu stvoreniu na zemi, kult ženy. Ona ovplyvní muža akokoľvek chce. A nevediac, všetka tá krása navonok, a vo vnútri je peklo. Šalamún povedal: „Jej brány sú bránami do pekla."
178 Teraz tu jasne vidíme, o čom hovoril Ježiš v 2. kapitole Zjavenia a 15. verši o náuke Nikolaitov, príchodom ktorej sa cirkev začala odďaľovať od Slova.
179Tiež tu môžeme jasne vidieť tieto vulgárne, bezbožné, oplzlé programy, ktoré máme v televízii o hollywoodskych kráľovnách sexu. Môžeme vidieť nemorálnosť tohto mesta, ako sa tieto deti, dievčatá prechádzajú hore dole tu po ulici v malých, drobných, obtiahnutých šatách, krútiac sa okolo, a je taká zima, že môžu zmrznúť na smrť. Oni nevedia, že to je diabol, ktorý to činí. Oni sú posadnuté zlým duchom a nevedia o tom. Nevidíte to robiť samicu psa, že? Nevidíte to robiť žiadnu inú samicu. Ani žiaden samec k nej radšej neprichádza.
180Vidíte? No, zachytávate ten obraz? Predstavíme niečo zachvíľu, ak Pán dovolí. Vidíte teraz Nikolaitov, vidíte ich náuku.
181 Vidíte tie dospievajúce kráľovné, ako ich volajú, tieto striptérky vonku na ulici. Zvyčajne sa muselo chodiť na nejakú vulgárnu šou niekde naboku, vidieť striptíz. Len otvorte oči a rozhliadnite sa po ulici. To je všetko, čo musíte teraz urobiť. Celá tá vec je striptíz. Iste. Kvôli čomu to robia? Aby provokovali, pokúšali. To je tá jediná vec, kvôli čomu to ona môže robiť. Ona to robí, pretože je oplzlá. Ona to robí, pretože je tak stvorená. Ona si neuvedomuje, že je nástrojom v rukách satana. To je to, čím ona je.
182 Dokonca v našich školách dnes učia o sexuálnych aktoch. Náš zhnitý svet kultu ženy! Viem, že oni tomu nechcú veriť. Stoja a spievajú nejaký druh chvály a tak ďalej, v jeden deň a celú noc behajú vonku so ženami. Vidíte? V poriadku. Keď v Božích očiach, v Slove, je ona najnižšia zo všetkých zvierat, ktoré Boh umiestnil na zem. Pozorujte.
183 To je dôvod, prečo jej Boh zakazuje vyučovať Jeho Slovo. To je pravda. 1.Timotejovi 2:9-15: "A žene nedovoľujem učiť ani vládnuť nad mužom..." Vidíte? A tiež 1.Korinťanom 14:34: " Vaše ženy nech mlčia v zboroch, lebo sa im nedovoľuje hovoriť, ale podriaďovať sa ako aj zákon hovorí." Ale čo dnes robí cirkev? Oni z nej robia pastorky, evanjelistky, hoci Biblia to úplne zakazuje. A Biblia povedala: "... ako aj Zákon hovorí," čo ukazuje, že celá tá vec ide v jednej línii.
184Práve tak, ako bol Baránok včera večer, jediným miestom uctievania, pod preliatou Krvou Baránka. To je to jediné miesto dnes, v Kristovi. Jediný spôsob, ako to učiniť, je vojsť do Neho. To je to jediné miesto uctievania. Vždy to bolo tak. Jediné miesto uctievania je pod preliatou Krvou.
185 Takže teraz vidíme celý ten obraz toho odhalený pred nami. Tam ona je. To je dôvod, prečo jej Boh nedovoľuje vyučovať, nedovoľuje jej činiť v cirkvi čokoľvek, len pokojne sedieť so zakrytou tvárou.
186No, môžete vidieť, prečo som povedal tie veci a učinil tie veci, ktoré som učinil, vediac toto všetko vo svojom srdci, bratia, sestry? Viem, sestry, Ja... vy máte svoje miesto (len chvíľu) a nádherný charakter, ktorý Boh môže vo vás uformovať. Ale ja sa iba snažím hovoriť o tej druhej strane, aby som ukázal, kým ste vlastne „od počiatku". Ježiš nám povedal, aby sme sa vrátili na počiatok, aby sme to zistili. To je to, čo robíme.
187Nuž, musel som udrieť tie vrcholové body mnohého z tohoto a dúfam, že tomu rozumiete. A vy ľudia, ktorí budete počúvať túto pásku, dúfam, že rozumiete. Len sa vráťte naspäť. Je to len, aby som ukázal, že Ježiš povedal: "Vráťte sa na počiatok a zistite to." Všetky veci sa vracajú na počiatok. Môžete dnes vidieť, prečo ľudia...
188Oni hovoria, že nenávidím ženy. To je ďaleko od pravdy. To nie je tak. Nazývajú ma nepriateľom žien. Pamätajte, Pavla nazývali nepriateľom žien. Jedna kazateľka nedávno povedala: „Ó, ty si ako starý Pavol, všetko, čo musel robiť, bolo kritizovať nás, ženy."
189Svätý Boží, ktorému bolo dovolené napísať Bibliu, Nový Zákon, a pochybovať o jeho Slove! On povedal: „ Ak by aj Anjel z neba učil niečo iné než To, čo som ja povedal, nech je prekliaty," nieto ešte nejaká kazateľka. Vidíte?
190Oni povedali, že Eliáš nenávidel ženy. On nemal v nenávisti ženy, skutočné ženy. On iba nemal rád tie Jezábele.
191A ak to tak je, potom musí byť... Boh musí byť taký istý, lebo On je Slovom, ktoré prichádza ku prorokom. Tak to musí byť Boh, tým istým spôsobom, tak vidíte, On pozná originálne stvorenie od počiatku. On povedal: „Od počiatku... " Boli to proroci, ku ktorým prichádzalo Slovo.
192A On ju učinil pre muža a nie muža pre ňu. Vedeli ste, že: „Žena zostala učinená pre muža a nie muž pre ženu"? Koľkí to vedia? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Biblia to učí. Dobre. Pred úpadkom jej bolo dané miesto v mužovi, rovnoprávne nad všetkým stvorenstvom, ale „po" úpadku... no, tu predkladáme tú tému. Ale „po" úpadku, on bol jej vládcom, ona musí mlčať vo všetkých záležitostiach. No, po tom, ako originálny počiatok skončil...
193Ježiš povedal, „Od počiatku nebolo tak." To je to, kedy sa začal čas, keď Boh učinil to prvé vo Svojom originálnom stvorení. Všetci, ktorí rozumiete, povedzte znovu „Amen". [Zhromaždenie odpovedá „Amen" – Vyd.] Na počiatku Boh stvoril len jedného samca a jednu samicu. Ale potom žena bola stvorená odlišne od zvierat, všetkých ostatných zvierat, na zvádzanie. No, sledujte. No, od počiatku tak nebolo. Ona bola učinená... Keby ona zostala vo svojom originálnom stave, ona by nikdy neupadla. Ale ona zapríčinila pád v prerušení, ktoré zlomilo celé spojenie Božie a uvrhlo na zem smrť, smútok a všetko ostatné. Ona tak bola učinená.
194Teraz si všimnite. No, po počiatku, po počiatku, potom, ako začal čas; predtým bola Večnosť, ona sa skončila. Všimnite si, po tom úpadku, ktorý zapríčinila Eva, po úpadku bolo potrebné učiniť inú zmluvu. Nuž, o toto sa potknete, ale ja vám dám miesto Písma, aby som dokázal, že toto je Pravda.
No, všimnite si, po úpadku... Ježiš povedal... Na počiatku Boh stvoril jedno z každého druhu, ale teraz, po úpadku... Teraz prejdeme poza to. Tá Zmluva bola rovnoprávna. Ale teraz, po úpadku, je vytvorená iná zmluva. Teraz, ona už viac nevládla spolu s ním. Každý musí mať odlišnú zmluvu.
195Pozrime sa teraz, či je to tak. Vezmime Genesis 3 a zistime, či je toto teraz správne, keď pôjdeme ďalej, lebo chceme byť presvedčení o týchto veciach, že budú vyučované a prinášané presne pravdivo... Možno práve tu máme málo času, pretože nie sme teraz príliš ďaleko od konca, aby sme sa dostali k záverečnej časti tejto témy, aby sme ukázali, prečo a ako to je ohľadne rozvodov atď.
Teraz v Genesis 3. kapitola, a začneme teraz v 3.kapitole 16. veršom. Začnime od 14.verša:
A Hospodin... riekol hadovi:...
(Teraz ho On ide prekliať)... že si to urobil zlorečený budeš nad každé hovädo... nad každé zviera poľné; na svojom bruchu sa budeš plaziť a budeš žrať prach po všetky dni svojho života.
A položím nepriateľstvo medzi tebou a medzi ženou, medzi tvojím semenom a jej semenom; ono ti rozdrtí hlavu, a ty mu rozdrtíš pätu.
(Zasľúbenie prichádzajúce cez ženu, Mesiáš, aby nás vykúpil.)Potom ešte povedal žene:...
196Teraz pozrite. No, tu je zmluva s hadom. Pričom oni všetci boli v poriadku, predtým na počiatku, alebo pred počiatkom.
Potom ešte povedal žene: Veľmi rozmnožím tvoju bolesť a tvoje tehotenstvo; v bolesti budeš rodiť deti, a tvoja túžba sa ponesie k tvojmu mužovi, a on bude panovať nad tebou.
(Už viac neboli navzájom rovnoprávni.)
197Teraz sa ona obrátila, a ona vládne.
A Adamovi povedal: Preto, že si poslúchol hlas svojej ženy a jedol si zo stromu, o ktorom som ti prikázal a riekol: Nebudeš jesť z... neho, zlorečená bude zem pre teba...
(nepreklial teraz Adama, nech je prekliata zem)... s bolesťou budeš z nej jesť po všetky dni svojho života.
Tŕnie... a bodľač ti bude rodiť a budeš jesť poľnú bylinu.
V pote... svojej tvári budeš jesť chlieb, až dokiaľ sa nenavrátiš do zeme, lebo z nej si vzatý, pretože si prach a na prach sa obrátiš.
198Dve zmluvy. Nuž, to uzatvára počiatok, o ktorom povedal Ježiš: „ Na počiatku tak nebolo." Teraz máme inú zmluvu. Všimnite si, to je iná zmluva. No, teraz je zmluva pre produkt a pre vedľajší produkt. Všimnite si, úpadok priniesol problémy a smrť pre každé stvorenie celého stvorenia, spôsobiac zmeny v celej prírode.
Teraz si všimnime, čo o tom povedal Ježiš: „Od počiatku tak nebolo." No, to nie je „od", je to... No, je to „po" počiatku. No, je dvojitá zmluva.
199Prv to bola len zmluva. Adam a Eva boli rovnoprávni, jeden muž, jedna žena. Nuž, žena zhrešila. A čo ona robí? To uvrhlo ich všetkých do smrti a Boh musel kvôli tomu urobiť zmluvu, inú zmluvu. Je to práve tu v Genesis 3:16. On urobil inú zmluvu.
200Nuž, svet bude nanovo zaľudnený, nie skrze originálne Božie stvorenie ako na počiatku, nie skrze originálne stvorenie, ale skrze sexuálnu žiadosť. Nuž, to sa týka počiatku, je tak? Na počiatku bol len jeden muž a jedna žena, jeden samec, jedna samica. Ale keď ona prekročila tú líniu a priniesla tento hriech, teraz svet bude znovu zaľudnený skrze sex; nie skrze stvorenie, ale skrze sex. Vidíte, kde sa žena teraz nachádza? No, ale to je spôsob, ako je dnes svet zaľudnený, skrze ženy.
201To je ten dôvod, prečo Ježiš musel prísť cez ženu, aby to priviedol znovu naspäť do originálneho počiatku, bez sexuálnej žiadosti. On sa narodil z panny. Ale, haleluja, príde čas, keď to už nebude viac sex, ale Boh zavolá Svoje deti z prachu zeme, naspäť, ako to bolo v originále. Nie cez nejakú ženu, ale cez uformovanie z hliny, kozmického svetla a ropy. On znovu stvorí, ako stvoril Adama prvýkrát. Ježiš toto učinil možným skrze to, že Boh sa stal Človekom a prišiel na svet, aby mohol zomrieť, skrze túto ženu. Teraz je čas skúšok skrze hriech.
202Nuž, vidíte, potom „po" počiatku bolo... niečo iné bolo predstavené. No, toto vás prekvapí. Ste unavení? Seďte len potichu, ešte chvíľu.
203Potom, keď bola učinená dvojitá zmluva skrze muža a ženu kvôli sexu, úplne iná zmluva (nie tá originálna zmluva, ale iná zmluva), čo bolo teraz predstavené? Polygamia vo všetkom. Potom po počiatku, bola zavedená polygamia aj u človeka, aj u zvierat, po počiatku, po úpadku. Boh teraz druhotne ustanovil novú prírodu, skrze sex. Boh utvoril tú prvú bez sexu. Veríte tomu? Teraz, to je iná zmluva s prírodou; On ju ustanovil podľa iného poriadku, skrze sex. Druhá zmluva: jeden samec, mnoho samíc; jeden jeleň, celý hárem laní. Je to tak? Jeden býk, celé stádo kráv; jeden kohút, plný dvor sliepok. Je to tak? Jeden Dávid, podľa Jeho vlastného srdca, s päťsto ženami, so stovkou detí, ktoré sa mu narodili v jednom roku z rôznych žien, muž podľa Božieho vlastného srdca. Jeden Šalamún s tisíckou žien. Ale všimnite si teraz, tak to nebolo na počiatku, ale teraz je „po" počiatku. Žena toto spôsobila, potom sa ona jednoducho stáva tým, čím je teraz. Rozumiete?
204Dávid - kráľ, ktorý reprezentoval Krista! Držte to vo svojich mysliach. Dávid reprezentoval Krista. Veríte tomu? Kristus sedí– On zasadne na jeho tróne. A tento Dávid, muž podľa Božieho vlastného srdca, mal päťsto žien. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli? Dávid so svojimi päťsto ženami, Šalamún so svojou tisíckou. A Šalamún je synom Dávida telesne, ktorý reprezentuje Ježiša Krista, Syna Dávidovho duchovne. Ale to je prirodzený, sexuálny život. Toto bude duchovné, stvorené. Prečo? Stvorené. To je to, ako to bolo na počiatku, ale nie teraz, v tomto živote, v ktorom žijeme teraz.
205Všimnite si. Nech vám toto teraz neutečie, vezmite si to hlboko do svojich sŕdc. Ale ani jedna z tých žien nemohla mať ešte jedného muža. On je to originálne stvorenie, nie ona. Ani jedna z tých žien nemohla mať ešte jedného muža, ale ten jeden muž mohol mať tisíc žien. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je Biblia. Nuž, vrátil som sa späť, aby som zabral čas a ukázal vám tam späť, čo sa začalo, čo povedal Ježiš. No, vidíte to jasne? Oni mohli mať toľko veľa...
207Keď Abrahám vzal Sáru dolu do Filištínskej zeme, tam bol kráľ, ktorý sa volal Abimelech. A Sára mala sto rokov, presne tak, ale ona bola premenená späť na mladú ženu, a bola učinená krásnou. Viete o tom? Dobre. A Abimelech ju chcel za ženu. Pamätáte si moje posolstvo na tú tému? Abimelech si chcel zobrať Sáru za ženu. Pravdepodobne mal hárem. Ale on si ju nemohol zobrať, ak ona bola vydatá za Abraháma. Tak Abrahám povedal Sáre: „ Povedz, že som tvojím bratom – lebo on ma zabije, aby ťa mohol mať." Prečo on jednoducho nevyhnal Abraháma zo zeme a nevzal si jeho ženu a tak ďalej žil? Zákon neplatil len pre veriacich, ale pre všetkých ľudí v stvorení. Hriešnik alebo svätý, si zodpovedný, človeče, za tieto skutky. Tam bol pohanský kráľ. Koľkí viete, že ten príbeh je pravdivý? To je Biblia, Genesis, myslím, že 16. kapitola.
208Všimnite si, Abimelech si ju chcel zobrať za ženu. On sa rozhodol mať toto nové Židovské dievča. On povedal: "Toto je moja..." Ona povedala: "To je môj brat." On povedal, "To je moja sestra."
209A Abimelech povedal: "Tak potom si ju jednoducho vezmem za ženu." Môžete si predstaviť človeka, ako robí takú vec? Ale on to urobil.
210A potom v tú noc, keď išiel spať, Pán sa mu zjavil vo sne a povedal: „Abimelech, si ako mŕtvy človek." On chránil ten prúd Židovskej krvi, vidíte? On povedal, „Si ako mŕtvy človek. Máš ženu iného muža, s ktorou sa chceš oženiť."
211On povedal,: „Pane, ty poznáš poctivosť môjho srdca." Povedal: „Či mi ona nepovedala, že to je jej brat? Či on sám nepovedal: ‘To je moja sestra'"
212On povedal: „Poznám poctivosť tvojho srdca. To je dôvod, prečo som ti nedovolil, aby si zhrešil proti Mne." Je to pravda? Povedal: „Vráť mu jeho ženu, pretože ten človek je Mojím prorokom. A pokiaľ mu nevrátiš jeho ženu… A nech on sa modlí za teba, nie tvoj kňaz. Ak sa on nebude za teba modliť, celý tvoj národ je stratený." Amen. To je veľká milosť rovno ... „Celý tvoj národ je stratený. To je žena toho muža a on je Môj prorok." Amen. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je Písmo. Vidíte?
213Takže zistili sme, že smrť bola zapríčinená – smrť je príčinou hriechu ženy, ona prišla cez ženu a nie cez muža. Všetka smrť prišla skrze jej spôsob života a skrze ňu. Jej spôsob, ako ona dáva život, je smrť. Koľkí to viete? Job 14, ak si chcete zapísať to miesto Písma.
214Ja mám... ak sa na toto opýtate, mám zapísané miesto Písma pre každú časť tejto témy.
215Chcete si prečítať Jóba 14, hovorí: „Človek, splodený zo ženy, je krátkeho veku a sýty nepokoja." Je to tak? „Vyjde ako kvet z puku a zvädne; uteká ako tieň a nezastane," atď. Rozumiete? Každý človek, ktorý je narodený zo ženy, je narodený v smrti, hneď, ako prichádza.
216Ale keď je narodený do Božieho stvorenia, on nemôže zomrieť. On je z toho druhého Stromu, ktorý bol v záhrade Eden, z Krista. Skrze ten Strom prichádza Večný Život.
218Prečo, žena je stromom. Ona je ovocným stromom. Ty si ovocím svojej matky. Ovocím lona si ty. To je pravda. A tak ovocím Stromu Života, ktorý bol v záhrade Eden, je Kristus. Cez ženu prichádza smrť. Cez toho Muža v originálnom stvorení prichádza Život. Byť narodený zo ženy, je smrť, byť narodený z Krista, je Život. Uchytili ste tú myšlienku? To je to, kde... Teraz vidíte, kam išli tie bohyne, však?
219Prví Adam a Eva boli typom druhého Adama a Evy. Vidíte, rozmnožovanie. Nuž, rozmnožovanie Adama a Evy bolo skrze sex, aby naplnili zem, ale na počiatku tak nebolo. Boh jednoducho učinil muža a ženu, tak ako učinil Svoje ostatné stvorenia, vidíte, legálne, práve tak ako Cirkev.
220Nuž, poďme, vzhľadom k týmto potvrdeným Pravdám Božím, hľadať trochu ďalej, ak chcete. V poriadku. No, toto môže trošku raniť, pokiaľ sa nedostaneme k jadru veci. Chcem vám len ukázať pravdu toho.
221Nie je kazateľ, ktorý si môže vziať za ženu vdovu. Vedeli ste to? Chcete si to prečítať? Dobre, prejdite do Leviticus 21:7 a Ezechiela 44:22 a to vám ukáže, že kňazstvo sa nesmelo oženiť so ženou, ktorej sa už dotkol muž. Toto je predobrazom panenskej Nevesty Ježiša Krista, pretože oni mali na starosti oheň Boží, tí kňazi, synovia Árona. Nemáme čas čítať to všetko a ukončiť do poludnia, máme ešte dvadsať minút. A synovia Áronovi sa starali o oheň Boží, takže oni sa nemohli oženiť so ženou, ktorej sa dotkol iný muž. Nemeniaci sa Boh tak povedal. Oni sa nemohli oženiť s inou ženou a ženou, ktorej sa dotkol nejaký muž, ukazujúc tu v predobraze, ak to chcete vidieť, že Cirkev živého Boha je čistým, neskazeným Slovom Božím a nie denomináciou, ktorou manipuluje človek.
222Všimnite si, prečítajme toto tu. Chcem toto do vás dostať. Matúš 5, Ježiš tu hovoril o niečom, čo je skutočne životne dôležité. Chceme to vidieť, Matúš 5. Ja som si zapísal do môjho …
223Poznačil som si nejaké veci, ktoré som chcel povedať len mužom, tak som mal chvíľu času hovoriť to len pred našimi sestrami. Ale chcem teraz vyjsť z toho, kým …
224Nuž, sestra, chcem ťa umiestniť na to miesto, ktoré ti zasľúbilo Božie Slovo a potom uvidíš... zostaň tiež na tom mieste.
225Matúš 5:32. Chcem, aby ste si tu všimli, aby som podoprel túto istú myšlienku o „jednom" a „mnohých". Matúš 30... Myslím, že je to Matúš 5:32, začneme od 31. verša:
Taktiež bolo povedané, že ktokoľvek by prepustil svoju manželku, nech jej dá rozvodný list.
226No, Ježiš hovorí, Ten, ktorý povedal: „Od počiatku." Teraz pozorujte.
Ale ja vám hovorím, že ktokoľvek by prepustil svoju manželku krome príčiny smilstva, vedie ju k cudzoložstvu... Vidíte?...ktokoľvek by prepustil svoju manželku krome príčiny smilstva, vedie ju k cudzoložstvu:
(Prečo? Ona sa znovu vydá.)... a ktokoľvek... by si vzal za ženu prepustenú, cudzoloží.
227Vidíte, ona má žijúceho muža, takže žiaden muž si ju nemôže zobrať za ženu. Nezáleží čo ona robí, alebo kto ona je, ona ma žijúceho muža, pre ňu neexistuje vôbec žiadna možnosť. Ale to sa netýka jeho. „Vedie ju...” (k cudzoložstvu), nie jeho. Rozumiete to? Musíte dbať, aby slovo malo súvislosť. Vidíte, nikde nie je povedané, že on nemôže, ale ona nemôže. Vidíte, To je jej prípad, nie jeho. To je presne to, čo hovorí Biblia. „Vedie ju...” To nie je povedané proti nemu, že sa nemôže znovu oženiť, ale proti nej. Prečo? Kristus v predobraze.
228Všimnite si, je povedané, že on sa nemôže znovu oženiť, jedine z pannou. On môže, on sa môže znovu oženiť, ak je ona panna; ale sa nemôže oženiť so ženou niekoho iného. Rozhodne nie. A ak sa ožení s rozvedenou ženou, on žije v cudzoložstve. Nedbám kto on je. Biblia hovorí: „Ktokoľvek by si vzal za ženu prepustenú, cudzoloží.“ Tu to máte, žiadna rozvedená.
229Vidíte teraz tam ten originál „od počiatku"? Znovu sa oženiť... Všimnite si teraz, on môže, ale ona nemôže. Ako Dávid, ako Šalamún, ako súvislosť celej Biblie, nuž, tak isto ako Dávid a ostatní z nich...
230Všimnite si teraz v 1. Korinťanom 7:10, všimnite si, Pavol prikazuje žene, ktorá sa rozviedla so svojím mužom, aby zostala sama alebo aby sa zmierila, nie znovu vydala. Ona musí zostať sama alebo sa zmieriť so svojím mužom. Ona sa nemôže znovu vydať; ona musí zostať sama. Ale všimnite si, on nikdy nepovedal o mužovi. Vidíte, nemôžete učiniť, aby Slovo klamalo. „Od počiatku", pohlavný zákon skrze polygamiu. Nuž, Slovo Božie ide presne s Božou prírodou, ide v súvislosti.
231Vidíte, ako jedna škola odišla na východ a tá druhá na západ? Musíte sa vrátiť naspäť do Pravdy, aby ste zistili, čo to je.
232Vždy to tak bolo. To je normálna zmluva s Bohom od počiatku. Prv, pred počiatkom, od počiatku bol len jeden a jedna. Potom, ako prišiel hriech, potom bol jeden muž a skupina žien. Tak to prebieha v prírode, každé zviera; a ľudské bytosti a prirodzené telo, to je zviera. My sme cicavce. Vieme to, všetci z nás. Vidíte a to všetko je Božia príroda v jednej línii.
233Ale teraz, keď sú Pečate otvorené, Duch Pravdy nás vedie do Slova. To vysvetľuje, prečo všetky tie chyby boli učinené počas vekov, lebo Pečate neboli otvorené. Toto nebolo zjavené. To je pravda.
234Všimnite si, vy nemôžete spraviť, aby tiene zlyhali. Ako som vám to kázal včera večer o tieni na podlahe, on musí vyjsť správne. Ako môže prichádzať tieň slona na podlahe, a malý, drobný, chudý človek vychádza, aby bol slon, alebo slon, a k nemu malý chudý človek.
235No, ak si to všimnete v dokonalom obraze...
236Nuž, existuje pravdivá žena. Pravdivá žena, panna, ktorá sa vydáva za svojho manžela a žije a ona je požehnaním pre muža. Ak by Boh mohol dať Svojmu Synovi nejakú lepšiu vec ako ženu, On by mu to dal.
237Ale ona je stvorená, aby bola sexuálna. A žiadne iné zviera nie je takto stvorené. Žiadne iné stvorenie na zemi nie je tak učinené. To je dôvod, prečo vidíte mnohoženstvo, kvôli tomu. To je to, čo to prinieslo.
238Teraz, pozrite. V konečnej analýze, pozrite, je jeden Ježiš Kristus (Je to pravda?), jeden Muž, Boh, Emanuel. Veríte tomu? Ale údov Jeho Ženy je veľa, vidíte, tisíce krát tisíce tisícov. Je to pravda? Jeho Žena, Nevesta, Cirkev... Rozumiete teraz?
239 Preto On povedal Adamovi, predtým ako bol uvedený alebo zavedený sex : „Množte sa a naplňte zem," ešte pokiaľ bol na počiatku, keď bol ešte oboje, mužské a ženské v ňom samom. To potom ukazuje, že Nevesta musela prísť zo Slova, cez duchovné rozmnožovanie – rozmnožovania, vidíte, aby naplnila zem.
240Nuž, v sexe... Vidíte, tie školy pomiešali tie dve veci. Preto, nemôžete to robiť. Musíte to priniesť späť do tej Pravdy toho, „na počiatku".
241A na konci tam bude jeden Pán Ježiš, jednotné číslo, a Jeho Nevesta, mnohí. Uchytili ste to? Bol jeden Dávid na tróne, jeden kráľ (podľa Božieho srdca) a mal päťsto žien. Ježiš, sediaci na Svojom tróne, halleluja, v Tisícročnom Kráľovstve, so Ženou, ako to bolo na počiatku, stvorenou zo zeme rukou Všemohúceho Boha, vo vzkriesení, z mnohých údov. Tu to máte.
242Ženy, snažte sa byť takými, vojdite do Krista, potom nebudete v tej nemorálnej špine tam vonku. Ale pokiaľ ste len členkami cirkvi, a sami sa snažíte žiť morálne a dobre, nikdy to nedosiahnete. Ani muž to nemôže dosiahnuť mimo Krista. Ako Pavol pokračoval a povedal: „Ale v Kristovi nie je ani muža, ani ženy." Oni všetci sú jedno.
243Ale aby sme vyjasnili túto vec Manželstva a Rozvodu, tak aby ste vedeli, čo je správne a čo nesprávne, On to jasne ukazuje v týchto typoch: je jeden Kristus a vela členov Jeho Ženy. Všimnite si, On nás môže prepustiť pre duchovné smilstvá a falošnú náuku, kedykoľvek chce, ale ako sa opovažujete vy Jeho prepustiť a dôjsť do konca? Muž môže prepustiť svoju ženu a zobrať si druhú, ale žena nemôže prepustiť svojho muža a zobrať si druhého. Vidíte, že všetky tiene a predobrazy sú dokonale vyvážené. Vidíte, originálne stvorenie, nie vedľajší produkt, nikde. Nie cirkev, ale Nevesta skrze Slovo. Nie žena, muž, zakaždým. To je to, čo... Nikdy nehovorí nič proti tomu, keď to robí muž, je to vždy žena. To je presne tak.
244Ale ona môže byť Nevesta Kristova tým, že je... A pamätajte, že ona, súc časťou muža, Biblia povedala, že ona môže len... „Nedovoľujem žene učiť, alebo nárokovať si akúkoľvek autoritu, ale aby bola v tichosti. Pretože Adam bol prvý stvorený a potom Eva. A Adam nebol zvedený, ale vedľajší produkt bol zvedený. Ale napriek tomu, ona bude spasená, ak bude zotrvávať v svätosti, a v triezvosti a cez rodenie detí a tak ďalej...", lebo ona sa vtedy stáva časťou tohoto muža. To je to, čo prináša...
245Prečo Abrahám ne… Prečo Boh nezabil Sáru, ako rovno tam sedela, zapierajúc a klamúc rovno do tváre Božej, keď tam sedel ako smrteľný Človek, jedol mäso, jedol chlieb, pil mlieko? A povedal: „Prečo sa Sára smiala tam vzadu, za Ním v stane, On ju vôbec nevidel, hovoriac: ‘Tieto... ako sa tieto veci môžu stať?'"
246Ona povedala: „Ja som to nepovedala." Ó. Ú. Povedať Bohu do tváre, že On je klamár? Ale On ju nemohol vziať. Prečo? Ona je časťou Abraháma. On by jej nemohol ublížiť bez toho, aby ublížil Abrahámovi.
247Teraz, vy ženy, vidíte, kam patríte? A Biblia povedala: „Vy ženy, buďte ako Sára, ktorá sa ozdobovala slušným odením, bola verná a oddaná svojmu vlastnému mužovi, milujúc ho tak veľmi, že ho nazývala svojím „pánom", vládcom, vlastníkom.
248A vy, niektoré ženy, obliekate si to nechutné oblečenie a vychádzate von, aby ste sa predvádzali pred mužmi. Ježiš povedal: „Ktokoľvek by pozrel na ženu s myšlienkou požiadať ju, už s ňou scudzoložil vo svojom srdci." Potom, kto je na vine, ten muž alebo ty? On je muž, stvorený tak, aby mohol učiniť ten akt, vidíš? A ty si žena, ktorá by to mala odmietnuť.
249A prečo sa vy tak vystavujete? To nie je kvôli pohodliu. Vy viete, že to tak nemôže byť, keď ste napoly zmrznuté na smrť oblečené v tých šortkách. Vidíte? To nemôže byť kvôli pohodliu. Potom čo to je? To je kvôli morálnej nečistote. Vy si to nepriznáte, ale Biblia tak povedala. To je pravda. To je nečistý duch, ktorý je vo vás. Vy nechcete byť nečisté, ale vy si neuvedomujete, že duchovne ste nečisté, pretože sa reprezentujete morálne nečisto.
250No, muž, jeho staré, špinavé, hrčavé kolená, a ak by on mal na sebe ledva trochu odenia, to by nerobilo žiaden rozdiel, jeho telo nie je zvodné. Prečo? On bol v originálnom stvorení - charakter, mal by byť. Ale vy ste vedľajším produktom, ktorým sa pokúša..
251Bože, zmiluj sa! Ó, tento hriešny svet! Budem rád, keď pominie.
252Všimnite si, on môže prepustiť svoju ženu kedykoľvek on chce, ale ona ho nemôže prepustiť. On ma môže učiniť – On ma môže uvrhnúť do prachu kedykoľvek si zmyslí, ale, ó, brat, ja by som Ho radšej nemal skúšať zavrhnúť; je so mnou koniec.
253Šalamún sa mohol oženiť s ktoroukoľvek ženou, ktorá nebola vydatá. On sa mohol oženiť s ktoroukoľvek ženou, s ktorou chcel. Kazateľ sa mohol oženiť jedine so ženou, ktorá je panna. Šalamún...
254Tak ako Dávid, on si zobral... Ako sa volala? Abigail, jej muž bol človekom nazvaným „blázon". On mal peknú ženu a on zomrel. A Abigail sa vydala za Dávida, on bol kráľom a nie kňazom, rozumiete, tak on sa oženil.
255Ale kňaz by to nemohol urobiť, lebo on by sa dotkol alebo by si zobral za ženu takú, ktorá už bola ženou nejakého muža. Tak to ukazuje panenstvo Cirkvi Pána Ježiša Krista, Nevesta bude musieť byť nescudzoložená, Slovo, nikde nechýba ani jedno Slovo. Určite. Môžete si predstaviť správnu nevestu bez jedného prsníka a inú, s ktorou niečo iné nie je v poriadku, viete? Nevesta Kristova nebude taká. Ona je dokonalá. Ona je celým Slovom, ani jedno Slovo nikde nezlyháva. Nie.
256Všimnite si, On ju môže prepustiť, ale ona Jeho nemôže prepustiť. On to učinil a dokázal to vo dňoch, keď Luther, Wesley, a na Letnice, keď oni odmietli stať sa ďalšou Jeho časťou, aby mali duchovný sexuálny akt, aby sa stali tehotnými s ďalšou časťou Slova. Rozumiete tomu? Ona odmietla... Luteránska cirkev odmietla Krista, aby mal po nej žiadosť. Luther to odmietol. A dovoľte mi povedať toto; aj tak ma budú niečím nazývať; tak je to aj dnes s každým z nich, oni zanedbávajú prijať to Slovo, oni odmietajú Krista!
257A každá žena, ktorá odmieta mať s mužom jeho dieťa, nemá právo byť jeho ženou. Amen. Spomínate si v Biblii, keď sa kráľ oženil s Ester? Pretože ho kráľovná odmietla, on si jednoducho zobral inú. A keď... Čo sa stalo, keď ona odmietla prísť pred kráľa, poslúchnuť ho? Tak isto je to so ženou, ktorá odmieta byť manželkou svojmu mužovi.
258A tak je to s cirkvou, ktorá odmieta byť tehotná vo veku, v ktorom teraz žijeme, aby zrodila deti tohoto veku. My nie sme Luteráni, nie sme Wesleyovci, ani nie sme Letniční. My musíme byť deťmi tohoto veku skrze tehotenstvo so Slovom Božím, aby sme porodili Dieťa tohoto veku, Dieťa Semena. Amen. Dúfam, že rozumiete. Nemohla byť tehotná, nie, tak čo On urobil? Prepustil ju v rozvode. Tak je. Ale ona sa odvažuje prepustiť Jeho. On ju prepustil.
259On išiel ďalej zjavujúc Svoje Slovo Telu a potvrdzujúc sa cez Seba Samého. Jeho deti sa začínajú tak trochu viac podobať na Neho lebo To úplne dozrieva, alebo sa stávajú deťmi Slova, nie deťmi cirkvi. Deťmi Slova. A Nevesta bude milou, malou Dámou Slova, čistou, nedotknutou žiadnou ľudskou organizáciou, žiadnou ľuďmi vytvorenou teóriou. Ona bude čistou, nezmiešanou Nevestou Slova! Amen a amen. Dúfam, že ste to uchopili, vy tam vonku. Ona bude tehotná dcéra Božia.
260Vidíte, akou veľkou cťou môže byť žena? Vidíte, akou veľkou vecou môže byť cirkev? Ale vidíte, kam ju doviedla morálna nečistota? Skúste potom porovnať tú cirkev tam vonku s tou Cirkvou tu, nemôžete to urobiť. A skúste porovnať smilnicu z ulice s cirkvou živého Boha; alebo ženu, skutočnú ženu so smilnicou?
261Prečo existujú také veci ako toto? Je to Boží zákon, zákon protikladu.
Ako by sme vedeli, ako sa tešiť z denného svetla, ak by nebolo noci? Ako by sme vedeli, ako sa tešiť zo suchého počasia, ak by nebolo dažďa? Ako by sme sa vedeli tešiť a mať v úcte skutočnú ženu, ak by nebolo tej nečistej?
262On rovno ďalej pokračoval zjavujúc To, zjavoval Svoje Slovo, ale či sa opováži niekto z nás skúsiť prepustiť Jeho a vziať si druhého?
263No, určite je to jasné, prečo sú obidve teórie zlé. Nemôžete učiniť, aby to išlo tadeto, je to preč. Ak učiníte, aby to išlo tadeto, pôjde to rovno mimo zasľúbenia. Tu je to zasľúbenie. Tu je tá vec, rovno tu. Slovo si neprotirečí. Ono musí zostať v jednej línii. No, neprotirečí si viac ako Matúš 28:19 a Skutky 2:38...
264Nuž, niektoré z vás žien, niektorí z vás mužov, viem, že s tým nesúhlasíte, pretože viete, že to v tejto chvíli nemôžete ukryť. Nemôžete.
265Ale dovoľte mi len, aby som vám niečo ukázal. Ak Matúš 28:19 povedal: „Iďte teda, čiňte učeníkmi všetky národy, krstiac ich vo meno Otca i Syna i Svätého Ducha," a oni sa obrátili a každá osoba, ktorá kedy bola pokrstená, bola pokrstená v rozpore s tým, a bola pokrstená v Meno Ježiša Krista, po celé Biblické obdobie a počas tristo rokov po Biblickom období, až po Nicejský Koncil... potom oni namiesto toho prijali dogmy. Aký je rozdiel? Ak to nie je zjavené...
266A viete, že celá Kniha, celá Biblia je zjavenie? To je to, ako vy musíte poznať pravdu medzi týmto jedným a tým druhým. Pretože to je zjavenie. A zjavenie musí byť presne so Slovom, nie v protiklade so Slovom. Vy hovoríte: „No, ja, mne to bolo zjavené." Potom ak je to v protiklade so Slovom, nikdy to neprišlo od Boha. To je pravda.
267Nuž, ak chcete vziať Matúša 16:18, sám Ježiš povedal, že celá Cirkev, Jeho Cirkev bude zbudovaná na duchovnom zjavení Jeho Samého, ktorý je Slovom. „A ja ti hovorím, že ty si Peter... A telo a krv ti to nezjavili, ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v Nebesiach ti to zjavil. A na tej skale..."
268Nuž, ja viem, naši katolícki priatelia, vy hovoríte, že „to bolo vybudované na Petrovi a Peter bol apoštolský, tak...a...tak pod apoštolskou postupnosťou."
Protestanti povedal, že to bolo vybudované na Ježišovi Kristovi."
269Nie aby som sa líšil, ale vezmite len to, čo On povedal. On povedal: „Telo ani krv ti to nezjavili, ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach ti to zjavil, a na tejto skale duchovného zjavenia, čím je Slovo - ja postavím Moju Cirkev, a brány pekla ju nepremôžu." Jeho Žena nebude pokúšaná iným mužom. „Ja vybudujem Svoju Cirkev a brány pekla ju nepremôžu."
270A Ábel a Kain v záhrade Eden, Kain dotiahol svoju vlastnú koncepciu. On povedal: „Nuž, pozri. Boh je dobrým Bohom. On je nad celou prírodou, vezmem teda fazuľu a zemiaky, vezmem kvety a spravím Mu naozaj pekný oltár." To je cirkev. On si kľakol. On veril Bohu. On uctieval Boha, zodvihol svoje ruky a obetoval túto obeť. On urobil všetko nábožné, čo urobil Ábel.
271Ábel postavil taký istý druh oltára, ale keď Ábel priniesol svoju obeť, on priniesol baránka. Nuž, Kain, tým, že si to myslel, predstavoval protiliek na hriech, že jeho otec a matka museli jesť ovocie, ako boli v tej záhrade naučení. Ale Ábel skrze Božské zjavenie vedel, že to bola krv, ktorá to spôsobila. Skrze Božské zjavenie. A Biblia povedala v liste Židom v 12. kapitole – 11. tej kapitole, že „Ábel skrze vieru – zjavenie - priniesol Bohu dokonalejšiu obeť ako Kain, cez čo dostal svedectvo od Boha, že bol spravodlivý." Je to tak? Amen. Brat, sestra, mne je to tak jasné ako čokoľvek iné. Tam je celá tá vec.
272Teraz, čo sa týka manželstva a rozvodu, vidíte, to muselo byť zjavené. Pokiaľ to nie je zjavené, neviete to. Ale On zasľúbil v týchto posledných dňoch, v tomto veku, že každé skryté tajomstvo v Biblii bude zjavené. Koľkí z vás to vedia? Zjavenie 10. kapitola. Ježiš to zasľúbil, že všetky z týchto skrytých tajomstiev o manželstve a rozvode, všetky tieto ostatné tajomstvá, ktoré boli, budú zjavené v čase konca.
No, spomínate si, ten Hlas povedal: „Choď do Tucsonu." Pamätáte sa na to tajomné Svetlo na oblohe, tých sedem Anjelov, ktorí tam stáli, ako sa vrátili späť a otvorili tých Sedem Pečatí? Pozorujte, čo sa dialo. Je to pravda.
273Teraz len trochu ďalej. Ale teraz, počúvajte! Ja viem, že... je čas, aby ste sa išli najesť, ale ja sa práve dobre kŕmim.
274Všimnite si, nuž, žena má svoje miesto a ona je drahokamom. Šalamún, tento muž, ktorý mal desaťtisíc žien – či vlastne tisíc žien, on povedal, že muž, ktorý našiel ženu, našiel dobrú vec. On povedal, že dobrá žena je drahokamom v jeho korune. To je česť. Ale nespravodlivá žena je vodou v jeho krvi. To je jeho život. On povedal: „Je možné nájsť jedného spravedlivého muža z tisíca." Toto povedal Šalamún. „Ale", povedal: „Medzi tisícom žien nenájdete ani jednu spravodlivú." Šalamún to povedal, vidíte. Takže všimnite si to, ako to je.
275Ale vidíš, žena, ty si – ty si drahokamom, ak chceš byť drahokamom, ale tá túžba musí byť v tebe. A vidíte, prečo bolo manželstvo a rozvod, že Ježiš poukázal tam na počiatok? Bolo tak preto, lebo váš druh bol príčinou všetkého hriechu. Z toho dôvodu bolo vovedené mnohoženstvo a rozvod a iné veci. Na počiatku nikdy tak nebolo a nebude tak ani v tom svete na druhej strane.
276Pozrite sa na Jakuba, z ktorého pochádzajú patriarchovia. On mal najmenej tucet žien. On si vzal dve sestry a okrem nich mal konkubíny, družky žijúce v spoločnej domácnosti, s ktorými žil. A tí patriarchovia sa narodili rovno z tých družiek. Je to pravda? Vidíte, musíte nechať, aby Slovo prebiehalo v jednej línii.
277Ó, mám o nich celé strany. Ak sa ma kedykoľvek nejaký duchovný na to opýta, a keby sme sa mohli stretnúť, môžeme sa o tom porozprávať. Ale určite, ak má v sebe vôbec niečo duchovné, tak by hneď tu mohol vidieť, že to je Pravda. Niet o tom pochýb.
278Dobrá žena je dobrá vec. Ja to viem. Ja to viem vďaka skutočným ženám. Stretol som skutočné ženy, ktoré sú rýdze, práve tak ako ktorýkoľvek muž, ktorý kedy chodil po zemi.
279Ona je vedľajším produktom a je časťou neho. A pri úpadku ju on poslúchol. On len... Ona je jeho časťou. Ale záleží to od nej; ona je učinená tak, že môže byť nemorálna. A jej je dané právo, aby odmietla alebo prijala. To je v protiklade k tej originálnej prírode na počiatku, vidíte? Ale tu to máte.
280No, je dvanásť hodín, tak ja tu len niečo vynechám na pár minút. Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať.
281Nuž, pamätajte, hovorím toto len môjmu zhromaždeniu. A tam vonku; hovorím toto len mojím vlastným nasledovníkom. Toto Posolstvo je len pre nich. A to, čo tu poviem...
282Každý kazateľ, on – to je jeho – on je pastierom stáda; nech robí čokoľvek chce. To je medzi ním a Bohom. Ktorýkoľvek kňaz, ktorýkoľvek kazateľ, to je na tebe, môj brat.
283Ja hovorím len tu, v Jeffersonville, na jedinom mieste, na ktorom toto môžem povedať, pretože to je moje vlastné stádo. Je to stádo, nad ktorým mám dohliadať, ako som to počul od Svätého Ducha. On ma bude brať za to na zodpovednosť. A títo moji ľudia tu boli obrátení z celej krajiny, ktorých som priviedol ku Kristovi. Detičky, ja som tu, aby som vám pomohol a som vaším priateľom. Možno si myslíte, že hovorím proti vám; hovorím vám toto pre vaše dobro. Ja vás milujem. A ak to nie je tak, Boh je mojím Sudcom. Vy viete, že vás milujem.
284Toto je strašne silná vec. Nevedel som, ako to mám priniesť. Čo mám robiť, keď v mojom zhromaždení sedia muži a ženy, niektorí, ktorí boli dva alebo trikrát v manželstve? Dobrí muži, dobré ženy, všetci zamiešaní! Čo to zapríčinilo? Falošná náuka, presne tak! Nečakali na Pána.
285„Čo Boh spojil, nech človek nerozdeľuje." Nie čo človek spojil, „čo Boh spojil." Keď si dostal priame zjavenie od Boha, že to je tvoja žena a tá istá vec, ona je tvoja do konca tvojho života. Rozumiete? Ale čo človek spojí, ktokoľvek môže rozdeliť. Ale to, čo Boh spojí, nech sa toho žiaden človek radšej neopovažuje dotýkať. „Čokoľvek Boh spojí", On povedal: „nech žiaden človek nerozdeľuje." Nie to, čo spojil nejaký polo-opitý starosta alebo niekto iný, alebo nejaký odpadnutý kazateľ s knihou plnou vierovyznaní, ktoré im dovoľujú robiť všetko na svete, a Slovo Božie leží rovno tam. Rozumiete? Ja hovorím o tom, čo Boh spolu spojil.
286 Teraz vám toto poviem. Som veľmi opatrný v tom, čo vám hovorím. Nechcem byť voči vám, ľudia, drsný. Nechcem byť drsný voči vám, moji bratia pastori. Nemyslím to tak. Ale ja som zodpovedný, uvedomujúc si, že toto bolo dané do mojich rúk. A ak... ja To nemôžem zadržať a neviem, ako to mám podať, a viem, že táto páska bude... Ó. Ja sa už chystám. Kancelária je otvorená, lebo to prichádza. Vidíte?
287Práve tak isto, ako to bolo pri „Semene hada", ale to je absolútne dokázané, že to je pravda. Mám tu noviny, mám to z novín, kde ženy práve teraz ... a dokonca vo veľkom – jedna z najväčších diecéz má originálne fotky hada, plaziaceho sa po ženskej nohe a len... a ako ide okolo nej. Ona má všetky druhy pocitov a také veci, aké jej nikdy nemôže vyvolať žiaden muž – s týmto veľkým hadom, ovíjajúcim sa okolo nej a tak ďalej. To je úplná pravda. A je to čoraz horšie a horšie a bude ešte horšie. Had, ktorým on nebol – on nemohol mať s ňou pohlavný styk, keď bol hadom. Ale spomeňte si...
288Mal som minule diskusiu s... nie diskusiu, len jeden kazateľ Zboru Božieho a jeho spolupracovník povedal: „Ohľadne toho sa mýliš."
Ja som povedal: „Nuž, možno. Bol by som rád, keby si mi povedal kde."
289Povedal... potom šiel ďalej a začal o tom hovoriť. Po prvé, viete, on sa v tom stratil. A jedna vec, ktorú povedal, on povedal: „Brat Branham, kde je ten druh? Boh povedal: ‘každý podľa svojho druhu'. Tak kde je ten druh, o ktorom si hovoril, že bol medzi človekom a zvieraťom, ktorý vedci teraz nemôžu nájsť? Kde on je?" Povedal: „Je on na zemi? Bol to šimpanz?"
290Nie, lebo šimpanzova krv sa nezmieša so ženou. Žiadne iné zviera sa s ňou nezmieša. Nie, nezmieša. Alebo ani mužská spermia sa nezmieša so samicou zvieraťa. To sa nezmieša.
291Potom kde je to zviera? No, Boh povedal: "Nech každý zrodí podľa svojho druhu."
292Čakal som len chvíľu a ľúbeznosť Ducha Svätého povedala: „Povedz mu, že to je tu ".
Nuž, najprv som povedal: „No, možno to vyhynulo."
On povedal: „Ale brat Branham, to...My hovoríme o Slove, či nie?"
293Povedal som: „Presne tak." A povedal som: „Oni, samozrejme, tvrdia, že iné zvieratá ako dinosaury a mamuty, vlastne mamuty, oni vyhynuli a tak ďalej." Povedal som: „Mohlo to tak byť."
294On povedal: „Brat Branham, my rozprávame o dôkaze Slova. Ak je tu hriech, potom ten pôvodca hriechu tu tiež musí byť."
295A povedal som: "Pane Ježišu, Ty si povedal: ́Nestarajte sa, čo by ste mali povedať, keď stanete pred ľuďmi, lebo vám to bude dané v tej hodine.́ Pane, čo mám povedať?" On povedal: „Povedz mu, že je to tu.́ " Presne tak isto, ako vidím videnia na pódiu.
296Povedal som: „To je tu," nevediac, kde.
On povedal: „Kde?
A skôr ako som mohol pomyslieť, On povedal: „Je to had."
297To je presne to, čo to bolo, lebo on viac nie je štvornohým zvieraťom. On bol prekliaty a plazí sa na svojom bruchu do konca svojho života. On je tu. Je to pravda? A stále v tom istom čine, ktorý on učinil, je stále ten istý hriech, ktorý pôsobí na ženu tak ako mužské pohlavie, práve tak. Tam je ona v tom stave s tým neprítomným pohľadom a tieto veci, keď prežíva svoje pocity ďaleko prevyšujúce tie, aké jej môže vyvolať nejaký muž.
298Tu sa zastavím, lebo sa nachádzame v zmiešanom obecenstve. Stretnem sa s mužmi a budeme o tomto viac rozprávať. Mám všetky tie noviny a tie veci rovno tu, rovno vo svojej ruke a mal som vám to priniesť dnes ráno. Chcel som venovať celý deň tejto téme, ale zakončím teraz povediac toto.
299Toto je len pre môj zbor. Nie môj zbor... to malé stádo, ktoré mi verí a nasleduje ma, toto je pre nich.
300Nedávno, vediac, že keď vám čokoľvek poviem, musí prísť to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, potom som mal miesta Písma, ktoré mi On zjavil. Ale, „Pane Bože, čo ja môžem povedať tomu zhromaždeniu? Budem mať rozdelenia. Muži budú sedieť na verande, vonku na dvore alebo kdekoľvek inde: ́Mám ju opustiť?́ Ženy: ́Mám opustiť svojho muža? ́Čo mám urobiť?́" Povedal som: „Pane, čo môžem urobiť?"
301Niečo mi povedalo: „Choď tam hore do hôr a Ja budem ku tebe hovoriť."
302A vo chvíli, keď som bol na tej hore, nevedel som, že tam dolu v Tucsone to oni videli. Ale dokonca učitelia vyvolali deti z... moje malé dievča a iných z triedy a hovorili: „Pozrite sa tam na ten vrch. Je tam akoby ohnivý jantárový oblak, ktorý sa vznáša hore do vzduchu a zostupuje späť dolu, a vznáša sa do vzduchu a znovu zostupuje."
303Pani Evansová, ste tu? Ronnie, si tu? Vracal som sa späť dolu k stanici; tento mladý chlapec, pri čerpacej stanici, Evansových čerpacej stanici tam – a skôr ako som vedel, čo ten chlapec chcel povedať, on ma chytil za nohy a povedal: „Brat Branham, ty si bol tam v horách, však?"
304Povedal som, „Čo tým myslíš, Ronnie? Nie." Vidíte? Aby som videl, čo urobí. Častokrát sa stávajú veci, ktoré ja... ktoré nehovoríte ľuďom. Stáva sa to... Ide o to, že vidíte toľko vecí, ktoré sa dejú, až sa to pre vás stane obyčajným. Rozumiete? Ja to jednoducho nehovorím ľuďom. Povedal som: „Ronnie, čo si...?"
305On povedal: „Môžem ti presne povedať, kde si bol." Povedal: „Zavolal som mamu a stáli sme tu a pozorovali sme ten Oblak, ktorý tam hore visel, vznášal sa a zostupoval. Povedal som: ‘To musí byť brat Branham, ktorý sedí tam niekde na vrchu. To je Boh, ktorý ku nemu hovorí .'"
306A ľudia z celého mesta sa na To pozerali. V jasný deň, vôbec žiadne mraky a tam visel tento veľký jantárový Oblak, zostupujúci ako lievik a znovu sa vznášal a rozprestieral.
307Priatelia, a potom zakončím, môžete z tohoto vychádzať, to je to, kedy mi toto bolo zjavované, čo vám chcem práve teraz povedať. Tak neprehliadnite To.
308No, hovorím len k našim nasledovníkom, ktorí nasledujú mňa a len toto Posolstvo, nie ostatným. Zložíte mi o tomto svedectvo pred Bohom. Len pre túto skupinu.
309 Nuž, našli sme sa v tomto zmätku, skrze nesprávne vykladanú náuku. Je to tak? To je dôvod, prečo ste sa vy ženy vydali druhý krát a aj vy muži, kvôli nesprávnemu učeniu.
Teraz vám chcem ukázať niečo, čo mi On povedal.
310A ak Bohu, nášmu Stvoriteľovi bola zadaná tá otázka, keď bol tu na zemi, Ježiš Kristus; a keď Jeho vyslobodzujúci prorok (Mojžiš) vystúpil dolu v Egypte, aby vyviedol deti z Egypta a doviedol ich do zasľúbenej zeme; a Ježiš tu povedal, že Mojžiš videl ľudí v tomto stave a dovolil im napísať rozvodný list, lebo tá situácia bola taká, aká bola. Mojžiš našiel takých, "Dovoľ im..." Boh dovolil Mojžišovi, tomu prorokovi, ktorý bol poslaný ľuďom, aby im dovolil napísať rozvodný list.
311A v 1. Korintským v 7. kapitole, 12. až 15. verš, v Novej Zmluve prorok Pavol, ktorý sa stretol s tou istou vecou v cirkvi, povedal toto: „Toto hovorím ja, nie Pán." Je to tak? Kvôli rozvodu.
312„Od počiatku tak nebolo." Ale Mojžišovi to bolo dovolené a Boh to uznal za spravedlivosť. A Pavol mal tiež to právo, keď našiel svoju cirkev v takom stave.
313Teraz, verte, že Toto je pravda a že to pochádza od Boha. A skrze potvrdenie Jeho Oblaku a Jeho Posolstva, ktoré ma doviedlo tak ďaleko, či by mi Boh na tom vrchu nedovolil to isté, aby som vám dovolil zostať v stave, v akom ste, a nikdy viac to nerobili. Choďte so svojimi ženami a žite v pokoji, pretože je neskorá hodina. Príchod Pánov je blízko. Nemáme čas rozriešiť tieto veci. Neopovážte sa znovu to urobiť! Hovorím len ku môjmu zhromaždeniu. Ale ak ste v manželstve... A Boh mi dal o tom svedectvo tam na hore, že môžem Toto povedať (nadprirodzené zjavenie, pretože Sedem Pečatí bolo otvorených a toto je otázka v Božom Slove.) „Nech zostanú v stave, v akom sú, a nech viacej nehrešia!"
314„Od počiatku nebolo tak." Je to tak. Nebolo a nebude tak ani na konci. Ale s ohľadom na súčasné podmienky, ako Boží sluha... nenazývam sa Jeho prorokom; ale verím, že možno, ak by som nebol na to poslaný, kladiem základ pre toho, ktorý má prísť. Tak s ohľadom na súčasné podmienky, rozkazujem ti, aby si odišiel teraz domov so svojou ženou. Ak si s ňou šťastný, ži s ňou, vychovávajte svoje deti v napomínaní Božom. Ale nech vám je Boh milostivý, ak by ste to niekedy znovu urobili! Učte svoje deti, aby nikdy nerobili také veci, vychovávajte ich v napomínaní Božom. A teraz v takom stave, v akom ste, poďme teraz v tejto neskorej večernej hodine, v ktorej žijeme, „žeňme sa za cieľom horného povolania v Kristovi," kde všetky veci budú možné."
315Nech vás Pán Boh žehná, kým sa neuvidíme dnes večer, kým sa modlíme.
316Pane Bože, vzdávame ti vďaky, oddávame Ti chválu. Ty si ten istý veľký Jehova, ktorý si to dovolil Mojžišovi. Mojžiš, ten sluha, čo by on povedal svojmu ľudu? A Bože, Ty si mu dovolil, aby im dal rozvodný list. Pavol, ten veľký apoštol, ktorý napísal Novú Zmluvu, ako Mojžiš napísal Starú... Mojžiš napísal zákony a ako ich vypĺňať. Mnohí z prorokov, ich slová boli do toho vovedené, ale Mojžiš napísal zákony. A Ty si mu dovolil napísať – aby napísali rozvodný list, pre tvrdosť ich srdca.
317Ten veľký svätý Pavol, pisateľ Novej Zmluvy, mohol taktiež osvedčiť, že: „To hovorím s ohľadom na tieto podmienky, ja, nie Pán."
318Tak je to aj dnes, Pane Bože, na konci toho sveta. Ako sme tu pod Božou milosťou, vediac, že čoskoro sa budeme zodpovedať v Jeho Prítomnosti a že Ty si učinil tak veľa, Pane, som si istý, že v očiach týchto ľudí, že budú na tomto zotrvávať ako na tom, čo prichádza od Teba. A mnohí ľudia, ktorí tu sedia, môžu tu dať dnes svedectvo, že videli ten Znak hore na vrchu, kde Anjeli Pánovi prišli vo vzdušnom víre, skadiaľ prišlo sedem Anjelov, kde bolo odhalené zjavenie Siedmich Tajomstiev, a ten istý Anjel, v tom istom smere, na istej hore, toho dňa, keď to bolo zjavené...
319Pane, modlím sa, aby ľudia odišli domov s vďakou, že Boh im udelil túto milosť. Ja som To len povedal, Pane, skrze dovolenie. A ja To hovorím len vďaka dovoleniu, Pane. A nech sú ľudia natoľko vďační, že nikdy viac nebudú skúšať urobiť znovu ten hriech. A nech nikdy neskúšajú urobiť žiadny hriech, ale nech Ťa milujú celým svojím srdcom. Pane, učiň tieto rodiny šťastné, a nech vzrastajú a vychovávajú svoje deti v napomínaní Božom.
320Lebo moje Posolstvo, ktoré som mal na srdci, bolo vyhlásené, Pane. Ja som urobil všetko, čo som mohol. A satan so mnou bojoval niekoľko týždňov a hodín bez spánku. Ale teraz som im To prikázal, Pane, týmto ľuďom, aby To študovali a nech idú a žijú pre Teba. Udeľ to, Pane. Spadlo to teraz z mojich ramien. Oni sú v Tvojich rukách. Modlím sa, aby si ich požehnal.
321Požehnaj tieto vreckovky, Pane, ktoré tu boli práve donesené za chorých a trpiacich. Nech tento dnešný večer bude jeden z najväčších, mocných večerov, aby všetci ľudia boli uzdravení. Daruj to, Pane. Žehnaj nás spolu.
322Nech môžeme odísť v pokoji, šťastní a radujúci sa, lebo Boh stvorenia nám ukázal: „od počiatku," a rozprestrel na nás znovu Svoju milosť v týchto posledných dňoch, v našom zmätku, v ktorom sme. Ó, Veľký a Večný Bože, ako Ti za to ďakujeme! A nech sú naše srdcia tak šťastné, že nikdy nebudeme mať ďalšiu túžbu hrešiť proti Tebe. V Ježišovom mene. Amen.
Milujem Ho (Prečo by ste Ho nemilovali?)
Milujem Ho,
Lebo On prv miloval mňa,
A vykúpil mi spasenie
Na Golgote.
323Teraz to hovorím tak, že kazatelia budú rozumieť. Toto je len pre tých, ktorí nasledujú toto Posolstvo.
324Ó, či ste šťastní? [Zhrom. hovorí: „Amen."] Povedal som vám Pravdu, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, po celý čas. [„Amen."]
325Teraz vstaňme a pozdvihnime naše ruky, ako to budeme znovu spievať. „Milujem Ho." Milujem Ho za Jeho milosť. Milujem Ho za Jeho milosrdenstvo. Milujem Ho za Jeho Slovo." A Slovo Pánovo prišlo k prorokovi.
Milujem Ho.
326Príď sem, brat. Pokračuj. [Brat Branham prosí niekoho, aby prišiel a rozpustil zhromaždenie.]
1 Let us bow our heads now for a moment of prayer. Most Gracious Father, we thank Thee this morning for this privilege of being here in this auditorium, facing the outcome of the day. But we don't know what the day holds, but we know Who holds the day. So we pray that He Who holds today and tomorrow, and all Eternity, will bless us today as we have assembled together in His Name, that we might know better how to live to serve Him. This is our full intention, Father. God, Who knows our hearts, knows this is true. We commit ourselves to You, with the--the future part of the day, for Your service, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Be seated.
2[Brother Branham speaks to someone on the platform--Ed.]
Thank you. Here is another one, here.
3 Good morning, visible audience and also invisible audience across the nation where we're hooked up this morning. This gives me a great privilege to come here and to speak this morning on this vital subject. To the visible audience, it's indeed a little confusing, because there is just in front of me is curtains, then I have to speak to the right and to the left. And to the invisible audience, I have the auditorium to my right, and also the gymnasium to my left; and I am on the floor, with the curtains open between, making my right hand and left hand. And we've got overflow, this morning, through the auditorium, also the gymnasium, and also the church, church down on Eighth and Penn Street. And in the overflow places, the telephone system is taking it down to the other places.
4 We've had a tremendous time in the Lord, and we're under great anticipations for this service this morning. And now tonight being the closing time of this four days of campaign, why, we certainly invite all, that can, to be here. We're trusting that the Lord will give us a great climax tonight by doing something extremely extraordinary, insomuch that He would heal all the sick and do the great things that He usually does. And we're under great anticipation for the evening. The public is cordially invited, everybody, every church of every denomination. You don't even have to be a Christian; we certainly are calling for sinners to come in, set among us. And we do our very best to teach them what is the way of the Lord, that we might live.
5Now I hope that the audience will not be nervous. And I trusting to God that I will not be nervous, for I've had a tremendous night, a lot of strain. For I realize that the things that I say this morning will be held against me in the Day of the Judgment, and I--I couldn't sleep, and I know if I don't say them it'll be held against me in the Day of Judgment. So it makes it hard, you can't explain it.
6 And now this morning is that great subject we're to discuss on Marriage And Divorce. And the reason I made it Sunday school, so that we could talk about it and take our time, instead of preaching a sermon on it. It's a teaching from the Scripture.
7And I--I want to say that, if any minister or ministers, any place, should this tape ever fall into their hands, if we release this tape. I don't know what the church will do about it. I'm asking Brother Fred to see the church board before he releases this tape. And to you people out across the nation, that's got tape recorders setting, please don't let the tape out unless you hear from Brother Sothmann about it.
8Now, and if it is let loose, and any of my minister brothers, or any Christian anywhere, that would disagree upon the things that I am saying about this subject, I--I trust that you will not criticize It. If you don't understand It the way that I teach It, well, you have a right to that, as a minister, as a shepherd. And I respect anything that you believe.
9 And there is two great schools on this. And if there is two questions, there is either one of them got to be right, or neither one of them is right. So we're going to try to look to the Word of God, this morning, to settle this. To me, if it's a Bible question, the Bible surely has the answer to it.
10And now just before we have these, start this subject, rather, before I pray over the Word, I want to express to each one of you, that I... you Christians especially, that I desire... I--I want you to pray for me this morning. And all out in the unseen audience that's listening in this morning, pray for me, because I want to be honest and truthful.
11 Now we realize, in making these statements, somebody, if it's only one person, will hang onto It like It was between life and death. There is many of you here will go away believing. Course, many of you, perhaps, won't. But I know, in my ministry, there is people who come to listen at me, and listen to what I've got to say; from, well, they're sitting right here this morning, internationally, from many of the United States, Canada, and across the seas. And you can imagine the strain that it puts you, to know that that man's Eternal destination lays in your hands, 'cause he is going to hold onto what you say. So God would make me answer for it, and I want to approach this just as sincerely as I can.
12 Now I--I ask our sisters. And I altered some of my words so that I could speak it before them. Billy has in his pocket, this morning, out there, some things that could not be said out before a--a mixed audience. And some that I probably will say, you must understand. Take it as from--from your brother, to the best that I know. You would sit in a doctor's office and listen to him, he would have to say very plain words to you. And some of you young ladies and young men, I don't want you to get the wrong impression. I want you to believe, and just sit still. Remember, Truth has got to be stated Truth.
13And, now, no doubt but there'll be many of you disagree with what is to be said, but I want to prove it to you by the Bible. And then I believe, if you'll just be reverent and listen, then you'll have a better understanding and conception of what I've been hammering at, all along. I believe this will explain it, and I trust that it will.
14 Now we may be a little lengthy, an hour and a half, or maybe longer, on this. I don't know how long it will take.
15And now again, I'd like to say that, in this time, that, knowing that people holds to your words; they do, to their pastor. And, of course, I've been a pastor.
16And they hold to a pastor's words, just like it was between death and life. They hold to their priest's words, just like it was death and life. And of course, the pastor, perhaps with all that he knows how to do, he is teaching his people just exactly like he was taught in the seminary; no doubt but what the priest, also, in the different religions that have priests. Course, the pastor really is a priest; it's an intercessor. So, if the priest, in all that he is taught in his, in the seminary and the monasteries, the man with deep sincerity is telling just exactly what he is taught.
17Well, then, I don't have any seminary experience or monastery experience, and nothing against it at all, but I have a very peculiar life.
18 I was called when I was just a little boy. And in this was a visible, audible sign given me, a--a Pillar of Fire hanging in a bush, at seven years old, right here on the Utica Pike. My father was working for Mr. O. H. Wathen that just recently died. And you've read the book, you know the story. And from that time... Down on the river then It appeared visibly before the people. And now It's had the picture taken, many times, and it hangs in Washington, D.C., as a copyright, in the Religious Hall of Art, as the only supernatural Being that was ever scientifically proven to be photographed; same Pillar of Fire, exactly in the same look and every way, that brought Israel out of Egypt. I believe It's Jesus Christ in Spirit form, in the Sonship of God.
19For He was called "Son of man" when He come first, now He is called "Son of God," in the Millennium He'll be "Son of David." He come Son of man, a Prophet, as was spoke of Him; now He is Son of God, in supernatural; in the great Millennium that is to come, He'll be Son of David, setting on the throne of David. As all Bible readers know that that's a Divine promise with God, to David, He would raise up His Son to set on his throne.
20 And now in an odd, peculiar ministry, I have been called everything from "God" to "a devil." And that, just it always is that way.
21That's what this archbishop of the Catholic church said to me the other night down there, the discussion was, that he said, "Brother Branham, John the Baptist clearly identified himself in the Scriptures, as spoken by the prophet Isaiah." He said, "Your ministry is clearly identified in the Church." He said, "The Lutherans are in the Bible." He said, "Lutherans knowed Luther. Wesleys know Wesley. But what about the Pentecostals?" Said, "They're wandering. They don't know where to go."
And I said, "Sir, I appreciate that."
22And it was that time the Spirit fell upon the lady, had never seen me, his wife... and spoke and identified the same things.
23Now, to be honest, before this Message I speak this morning, I don't know. I told him, I said, "Sir, I couldn't say that. That's a great big thing to say. It looks like it."
24One thing that I know, that there is something has took place, definitely. All these things, just, it's scientifically proven, and proven around and around the world, it can't be just a myth. It's Truth. What is it? Let me say, confessionally, before I speak to you this morning, I don't know. And I would be daresn't to make any move until I heard from Him that has talked to me in the past and told me these things.
25 Remember, our Lord Jesus Christ never did identify Himself as the Son of God. He said, "You said I was; to this end I was born," and so forth, but He never identified Himself.
26And, now, that was the Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, was the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit form, (do you believe that?) the Logos that went out of God. [Congregation said, "Amen."--Ed.]
27And then when He was on earth, He said, "I come from God, and I go to God." We all know that.
28And after His death, burial, and resurrection. Saul of Tarsus was on his road down to Damascus, to persecute the--the Christians, because they were teaching things contrary to what they had been taught. And he was a great warrior; under Gamaliel, one of the outstanding teachers of the day, in their school, their monastery; and a great man, and an officer of the church. And it was there that a great Light, the Pillar of Fire again, struck him down, in the middle of the day. And a Voice said, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?"
29 Now if you notice when Paul, Saul, raised up, he said, "Lord, Who are You?" Now, that boy, being a Jew, he certainly wouldn't have called anything, unless it'd been something to symbol God, he wouldn't have called it "Lord." So, It was the same Pillar of Fire.
30As Jesus said, "I go to God. I came from God, and I return to God."
31There He was, back in the form of a Pillar of Fire again; He said, "I am Jesus Whom thou persecutest; and it's hard for you to kick against the pricks."
32And we realize that when the Apostle Peter, to who the keys was given to build the Church, we find out that he was in prison, and this same Pillar of Fire came through the bars, opened the doors of the prison, and took Peter out, mysteriously, without even disturbing the guard. To me, It's Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.
33And then you'll always know anything by the nature of it. Anything is known by its nature, the fruit it bears. And I ask you to watch the kind of fruit It bears, this Light which is God, because It always goes back to the Word of God, and proves the Word of God, preaches the Word of God, and God proves that Word materially so before you. There has got to be something behind It.
34 People has called me a prophet. I don't call myself no prophet, because I would be daresn't to say that, but I have... Say, I can say this, that the Lord has let me foresee things, tell things that has happened, will happen, is happening, and not one time has it ever failed, in the tens of thousands of times. Everything that He said would happen, happened. We all know that. If there is a person in this visible audience this morning, or anywhere, can say one time it failed, you're at liberty to stand up and say so. But if everybody knows that every time, of the thousands of times, it's been perfectly right, say, "amen." [Congregation says, "Amen!"--Ed.] See? So that would be the same thing around the world.
35Something is just about to happen. God never sends these things without being a purpose behind it.
36 I was just thinking here. I placed it here, one of my notes. That I'm wearing this morning, a set of cuff links... And many of you have heard of this movie star, Jane Russell, and her mother is a Pentecostal; and Danny Henry is her cousin, her first cousin, her mother's sister's child. He was Baptist. He was standing at the meeting, a Business Men's meeting in Los Angeles, California, two years ago.
37And I had just got through speaking of a great, powerful, forceful statements; that even the overseer, one of the general overseers of the Assemblies of God, stepped down to the platform from up in the balcony where he was sitting, and he said, "I don't believe that Brother Branham meant that."
38I said, "I have to mean it, sir. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD." And, then, it was about the church in this age.
39 And about that time, this young man who is a businessman... His brother is over... he was there taking pictures for television that morning, his other brother is--is a state road supervisor of California. And Danny Henry walked forward after the meeting was closed, on the platform, like this, where the men were all seated, walked down to put his arms around me. And he said these words, "Brother Branham, I hope this don't sound sacrilegious, but," said, "that could be made the 23rd chapter of Revelation." Which, there is only twenty-two chapters in Revelation. He said, "I hope this don't sound sacrilegious." He had no more than said it... Now, the boy was a Baptist, and knowed nothing about the supernatural. With his arms around me, he started talking in an unknown language.
40And when he got through speaking in an unknown language, there was a--a heavyset, dark woman setting right in front of me, she raised up, said, "That don't need any interpretation." She said, "I am from Shreveport, Louisiana; or Baton Rouge, Louisiana." Said, "That is clearly French."
41Victor Le Doux, which was a Frenchman, also setting up there, said, "Certainly, I'm a Frenchman, and that was perfectly French."
42I said, "Wait a minute. You write down what he said, and you write down what he said, before you say anything. Write down what you say, and let's see your notes." And so one wrote down, and the other wrote down, it was even the punctuation was the same.
43And then just about that time, when they brought the notes up, a fine-looking, young blond-headed boy come walking from the back. Where, there was not enough room for him to set down; he was standing up in the back. He come walking forth, said, "Just a minute, I'd like to place a note, too." He said, "I am the French interpreter for the U.N., United Nations." He said, "I'd like to leave my note."
44 And, here, all three notes exactly the same, of French. And here is the way it reads. This is the original notes taken, note taken right off. This is Danny's note, hisself, he packed in his pocket. Course, it went in the Christian Business Men, and so forth.
Because thou hast chosen the narrow path, the harder way; thou hast walked in your own choosing.
Thou hast picked the correct and precise decision, and it is My Way.
Because of this momentous decision, a huge portion of Heaven will await thee.
What a glorious decision thou hast made!
This in itself is that which will give and make come to pass the tremendous victory in the love Divine.
45Now, the man signed his name here. "The above statement was interpreted by, of Danny Henry prophesying over Brother Branham, given by three witnesses in the cafeteria in Los Angeles, California."
46 Now, this same young man that give this prophecy, not knowing what he was saying, was in Jerusalem about a month ago. He had the privilege of going out and--and laying in the tomb where Jesus had died and was buried. And so while he was laying there, he said I come upon his mind real strong and he started weeping. Said, "How that it has been so hard for Brother Branham to stand against the world and these things, and all churches!"
47Like it--it was once said of one, of the Billy Graham part, said, "We can see Billy Graham, 'cause all churches are united together for him. We see Oral Roberts, the Pentecostals. But how do we ever have anything, when It's contrary to what people have been taught?" It's God.
48And, Danny, what he does for a hobby, he makes little stones. He walked out to where the Cross had been put down, where they said the Cross set in the rock. No one was around, so he broke off a little piece of rock and he put it into his pocket for a souvenir, come home and made me a pair of cuff links out of it. And, strangely, when he made them, they looked to be bloodstained. And right through each one of them, in continuity, runs a straight, narrow path right through both of them. Now that might be just a... See, someone else might not notice it, but to me it's complimentary to the things I believe. I believe that everything has a meaning to it.
49 And now, in this time, whatever the Lord has. If this isn't the thing that He prophesied of, of Malachi 4 and of also of Luke 17, and many other Scriptures that's to happen in this last day, may I say this in closing, it's laid the foundation for the man when he will come. So I am very thankful that God Almighty, if it be that way, has let me do a little something, in my uneducated condition, to show my appreciation of His love to me, my love to Him, and our love to the people.
50Therefore, in sincerity, I approach this subject of Marriage And Divorce. May God have mercy on us all.
51And now listen closely. And, sisters, don't get up and go out; sit still just a little while. Brothers, do the same. Don't turn off your sets out there, that's coming on this hookup. Don't do that. Just sit still for a few minutes, until it's over. Listen close. If you disagree, put down the Scriptures that I use, and then study them prayerfully before you make your decision.
God, help us as we try to approach this subject.
52 Now, it may be a little lengthy. I don't want you to be in any hurry. And just take your time, all of us, and study the Word of God, truly and thoroughly, as we know how to study It.
53Let's begin with Saint Matthew, the 19th chapter. And beginning, I think, with the 8th verse of the 19th chapter, I wish to start. I might start also with the 1st, and read down to the 8th verse of the 19th chapter.
54Now, remember, these things that I say must come from the Word of God. It can't be my own opinion, 'cause my opinion is just like anybody else's. But it's got to be in continuity with the Word of God. Remember, God keeps everything in continuity. He never changes. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He is the same.
55Now I shall read from the 19th chapter.
And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galilee, and came into the coasts of Judaea beyond Jordan;
And great multitudes followed him; and he healed them...
The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him,...
56I pause there so you can get the emphasis on who it was that was tempting Him.
... saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
And he answered and said unto them, Have you not read, that he which made them in the beginning made them male and female,
And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
Therefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
They said unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and... put her away?
And He said unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.
Now, God, help us.
57 This Scripture, this question, confronted Jesus at the very beginning of His ministry. And it confronted Moses at the very beginning of his ministry. It's a foremost question in believers' hearts. The sinner doesn't care. But it's to believers, because the believer is trying to do all that he knows how to do to live right before God. Therefore it, any question comes up on religion, then the Marriage And Divorce case comes up, (why?) because it is the cause of the original sin. That's where sin started. And that's the reason it's brought up every time, because it is the very beginning of sin.
58Now I won't have time to explain all these things, but I'll be glad to answer your letter or anything I can. Or, we got the books wrote on it, and many questions, and even cuttings out of newspapers and things here, to prove this, we know that it was Eve. The apple that she was supposed to eat, where it's not even Scriptural, now they claim it was an apricot; it was neither one. She committed adultery, that brought forth the first child, which was Cain, Satan's own son, for in him laid evil. It did not come through Abel. Satan's son was Cain.
59 I know your question now, "Eve said, 'I have gotten a man from the Lord.'" That's exactly right.
60You could take the orneriest woman in the town, the worst man; if they had a baby, it would have to come from the Lord, because God has laws set together. And these laws, like the sun to raise; you put a cocklebur in a good field, it'll grow. And it has to grow, because it's God's law. When seed is planted, it must grow. And nothing can grow life but God, because it operates under His laws. Therefore when the evil seed was planted in the womb of--of Eve, it had to bring forth, because it's God's law of production. And it could do nothing else but bring it, and it had to come from God.
61That's the reason that people say, "Little babies," sometime, "that's not born with Christian parents, are lost."
62Jesus Christ's Blood atones for the child, I don't care how much it was born and how evil it was born. He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. The little child cannot repent, because it has nothing to repent for, and that was the sin of the world which was taken away by the Blood of Christ. Babies go to Heaven.
63 It's original sin, and that's the reason it's--it's questioned. When any great phenomena comes from God, about the first thing: "What about marriage and divorce?" Now, as ever, it still is a question amongst the people. As it was in the times of Jesus, as it was in the times of Moses, it's always been, and is till this day, a question among the people, because the people want to know what's the Truth.
64But where there is a question, there must also be an answer. And now being an answer, as I have said before, this week, there must be a correct answer. And if we get an answer to anything, and it--it isn't right, then we know that it was wrong. But there is, you would still ask until the true question is answered, if you want to know Truth. And being this is a Bible question, it should be a Bible answer.
65It's like I have said, if I wanted to go east this morning; and the best that I knowed this, I had to find a certain something in the field, and it was directly east, and I went east. Somebody said, "Brother Branham, this is east." It is east, potentially, but it's northeast. I would pass the very object I was looking for; I'd come back, knowing it was wrong. And then if somebody said, "Brother Branham, go this way, to your right." Now, that is potentially east, also, but it's southeast. I would lose the object that I was looking for, because I went beyond the boundaries of the perfect and direct way.
66 Now, if that be so, we have two schools of thought on Marriage And Divorce. And that is, one of them says, that, "A man can only be married once, unless his wife is dead." And that's one of the questions, but, you go to following that, you go overboard. And then the next says, "Oh, if the wife or the husband, either one, has committed adultery, either one of them can be put away and married again." You find yourself overboard with that.
67So, see, it's neither southeast or northeast; we want directly east. You'd run out of Scripture when you go this way, you run out of Scripture when you go that way. We want to know where Scripture meets Scripture, and know what's the Truth of it. Each takes a different way, and fail to bring up the correct answer, but there still must be an answer.
68 It's just like, today, there is two great schools of doctrine in the church; one of them is Calvinism, the other one is Armin-... Arminianism. One of them is legalist, the other one is grace. And we come to find out that the people who believe in grace, the Calvinists, they say, "Bless God, it don't hurt me to smoke. It don't hurt me to drink. I can do these things, I've got Eternal security." Then we find the other side, on the legalist, said, "Oh, I would like to bawl him out, I would like to show him a piece of my mind, but, I'm a Christian, I have to keep still." See, you find yourself on two different roads, and neither one of them is right. Now, that's hard to say that, but it is the truth.
69We find ourselves on two different roads; one going one way, one another. Now let's see what Truth is.
70 Now listen, and see if this sounds sensible to you. For instance, if I get ready to go overseas. And I'll take my own family. I'll call my wife up to me, and I will say, "We're go-... I'm going overseas, dear." Now here is the legalist's side, "Now, my wife, I'm going to lay the law down to you! If you flirt with any man while I'm gone, when I come back you're a divorced woman. And I don't want you making eyes, don't want you flirting! You understand that? I'm your husband! If you do it, I'm going to put you away when I come back."
71Then she reaches and gets me by the tie, and say, "My good man, I want to tell you something, see, see, that if you make eyes at any woman, or take any woman out, or flirt with any woman, you're going to be a divorced man when you come back." Now, wouldn't that be a happy home? That's legalists. All right.
72Now, the other side is, that if I go overseas and I make a mistake... Go over and say, "Now, look, I'll take this woman out. Oh, it's all right with my wife, she don't care." My wife say, "I'll go out with this man. It's all right with Bill, he don't care." If I don't care, then there is something wrong with me; I don't love that woman right. And if she don't care, there is something wrong with her. She is my wife; I don't want other man fooling with her. She is my wife.
73 Now, the correct way of it, is, there is both of them has got a truth, but not the exact Truth.
74Now when I go overseas, to make it right, my little family gathers around, and we pray with one another. And I commit them to God, and they commit me to God. And when we do, we go over sea, I go overseas. Now, I know she loves me; I have confidence in her. And I love her; she's got confidence in me. As long as I love her like that, she don't have any worry about me taking any other woman out. As long as she loves me right, why, there is no need of me thinking about any other man going out with her, because she is my wife and I believe her.
75I believe, if I would actually do something wrong, make a mistake and go out with some woman, and return back and would confess it to her, and tell her, "Meda, I didn't mean to do that. I just got caught in a trap; this woman just run right up to me and--and grabbed me by the arm, and started so-and-so," I believe she would be understanding. I believe she would forgive me for it. But I wouldn't do it, for nothing, because I love her. Though she would forgive me, I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't hurt her, for nothing. Though I know she would forgive me for it, I don't want to hurt her.
76 And that's the way it is with God. If I... if a phileo love, which is human love, fellowship love, can make a man feel that about his wife; what about agapao love, the Greek word meaning "the love of God," how would that make me do about Jesus Christ? I, as long as I want to go do it, it's in my heart to do it! Whether... I say, as long as it's in my heart to do it, I go do it. Legalism won't let me do it, is because that I knowed I'd get punished for doing it. But the real Truth of it is, is when the love of God comes into your heart till you want to do It. That's the Truth of it. There is the two schools. Not legalism or other, or the Calvinism, it's both.
77 Now we find out today, also, there is many different denominations. There is the Catholic church, the Protestant church. Each one of them says they're the Way, see, "We have the Way, we're the Truth." There is the Methodist, says, "We have the Truth." The Baptist says, "We have the Truth."
78Well, to me, as long as they feel that way, it's not so, because Jesus said, "I am the Truth." See?
79Therefore, as my sermon last night was, that He is the place where God put His Name, the only place to worship. You are not a Christian because you're a Protestant. You're not a Christian because you're Catholic. You're not a Christian because you're Methodist, Baptist, or Pentecostal. You are a Christian because you've been baptized into Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit, not by water. "There is one Faith; one Lord; one baptism," that's Holy Spirit baptism. Water baptism inducts you into a fellowship. The Holy Spirit baptism inducts you into Christ. There is the Truth.
80 We have also two thoughts of this Marriage And Divorce. Now, that, our Lord has opened the Seven-Seal mystery of His Word to us, in this last days. Now, many of you, this might be Greek to you, but my church understands. By what? And you've heard of the visions and what taken place. And the question is a Bible question, we are invited here to believe there must be a true answer to the whole hidden secret that's been hid since the foundation of the world. And the Bible prophesies and says that in this day these secrets would be made known. Revelations 10, "And at the sounding of the seventh angel, the Laodicea messenger, the mysteries of God would be made known." And this is the last age, which is Laodicea.
81 Look at all this revival has went on for fifteen years or more, and not one denomination come out of it. Luther had a revival, there went a denomination; Wesley, there went a denomination; Alexander Campbell, there went a denomination; all these other great... John Smith and so forth, denominations, Moody, all along. But here has been one... Usually a revival only lasts about three years. But this has been going for over fifteen years, and not one denomination has sprung up from it, for this is the Seed time. There is no more shuck; after the one shuck is gone, it's Seed.
82God is ready, if He isn't doing it now, He is going to call a Church to perfection by His Word, Jesus Christ. Notice, there must be an answer somewhere, and being That, the seven-sealed mystery of God, Seven Seals.
83How many understands that, raise up your hand. Let's see. I think most of them is our congregation from around, listen. If not, the books will be out pretty soon, upon the subject. We have books, some books on It now.
84 Jesus, in our text, invites us to go back to the beginning, for the true Scriptural answer.
85Now, when He was confronted with this, there was two things in view. The priests said to Him, "Can a man put away his wife, marry another, for any cause?"
And Jesus said, "It wasn't so from the beginning."
Then they said, "Moses suffered us a writing of divorcement, and to put her away for anything they wanted to."
86He said, "That, Moses did that because," I'm letting that string awhile, "because of the hardness of your hearts; but from, or at the beginning it wasn't so." The question!
87 The question today, like of world peace, "Is it coming by politics, union of nations, united?" I say to you, nay. It's always failed, and it will again. But there remains a true answer to the question, "Will there be peace upon the earth?" Yes, when sin is ridden off of the earth, there will be peace. But until that time, there will be no peace; "nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom." God gave a remedy for sin. Listen close now. God gave the remedy to rid sin off the earth, but man of the earth won't accept God's remedy.
88God gave us a remedy and a way to marry our wives and live with them, but man won't accept God's remedy, won't accept His Word on it. Jesus has said this. And this reminds us of--of His Words, knowing that He said, "Heavens and earth will fail, pass away, but Mine won't."
89 The question, the true answer that Jesus want us to go back to, is to go back to the beginning. Then, that would be in Genesis, 'cause the word Genesis is the seed chapter to every question in the Bible. And you always have to go back to the seed to see what kind of a seed is in the field, to find out what your crops will be. Now, what kind of seed is sown? Genesis, being the seed chapter, we'd go back to Genesis. Jesus introduces us to that Scripture, "at the beginning." Now, remember, that's when time started to begin. Before that, it was Eternity. Now, our question there was, notice, if we go back to the beginning.
90Now don't fail this! And that's the reason I want to talk slow, so that the people out on the wires, and that the tape will say it clearly.
91If Jesus said, "Go back to the beginning," there was only one pair of anything on earth. There was one Adam, one Eve, they were joined by God alone. One female horse, one male; one female parrot, one male. "At the beginning," as He told us to go back, there was only one pair of anything. Is that true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, we find out that everything "in the beginning" was running in perfect order and harmony with God, nothing was out of cater.
92Everything in heaven is still in order; all the stars, the galaxies, the solar system, everything is perfectly in order. One of them move, it would interrupt the whole program.
93 Now listen. Do you see? One interruption spoils the entire program! Now, when human beings was running in continuity with God, with one man and one woman, this woman sinned and it throwed the whole earthly program out of continuity with God. Therefore, one word added to this Book, or one Word taken from It; throws a Christian out of continuity with God, throws a church out of continuity with God, throws a family out of continuity with God. Every believer can be throwed out, by not accepting every Word of God.
94Then, it was the woman that caused the separation of the lovely home. It was not a Cherubim that bothered the earth. It was not Adam that throwed the home out. It was not anything else that throwed the home out, and throwed the whole thing out of continuity, but a woman, Eve. And it is here that "the beginning," that Jesus spoke of, was broken. Jesus said, "At the beginning, God made one male, one female, of each kind." And now when this woman... not the female horse, not the female dog; but the woman, she broke the entire continuity of God's operation on the earth, and throwed everything into death. The woman, not the man, she broke the covenant. She broke the covenant, because (why?) she stepped across the borders of God's Word. Now, if she broke her covenant with her husband, she broke her covenant with God; then, because she broke the covenant with God, she broke it with her husband.
95 And when you break your promise and your covenant to God's Word, that's what caused so many illegitimate church members, 'cause a group of men got together and said, "Well, It didn't mean that," and it throws the whole organization out of continuity with the Word. "We don't believe That. Doctor Jones said It wasn't so." But as long as God said It's so, He said, "let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth!" There it breaks the continuity.
96Now we see, being that the continuity is broken, then the Life line was broken, also the time line was broken, the covenant was broken, everything shattered! What caused it? A woman. That's what broke the covenant. Now, if you want to read that, you can read it, Genesis 3.
97 Now, it was then man was made to rule over the woman, by God's Word. She was no more co-equal with him. She was co-equal in nature, you know; but, when she broke God's Word, God made a man to be a ruler over her. Genesis 3:16, if you want to put it down. She was no more equal with the man. She was the breaker of God's Word.
98Don't you see, "she," she, the church down here? The breaker of God's Word, that throwed her completely out of continuity. And that's what the church has done, and throwed spiritual death upon the whole thing. Now you'll understand why I hammer at these things like I do. It's Truth! This is Bible facts.
99Notice, why did she do such a thing as this; how could that lovely, beautiful, perfect woman?
100I seen a picture one time, I believe it was in Greece, of an artist that painted a picture of Eve. She was the most horrible-looking thing I ever seen. That shows what a carnal mind can look at. But, she wasn't; she was beautiful, 'cause she was perfect woman, all woman.
101 Notice, why did she do such a thing, being in that high order? She was right with man, co-equal with him. But we all know now that she lost her co-equalness with man, when she sinned, and God said, "Man will be your ruler from here out." Now, that's the Scripture. If you want to, we could read it.
102I'm giving you the Scriptures, so save time for this big hookup across the country, that you might read it yourself.
103Notice the reason she did that. How did Satan ever get to her?
104Did you know Satan was co-equal with God one day? Sure was, all but a creator; he was everything, stood at the right hand of God, in the Heavens, the great leading Cherubim.
105Notice the reason that she did this, she was not in the original creation. She is not in God's original creation; she is a by-product. Therefore, "at the beginning," as Jesus referred to it, she was not original creative being of God. She is a by-product of a man, when Jesus referred to "the beginning."
106 Remember, Adam was both masculine and feminish, in the original creation, one, but then he was separated by a rib.
107Notice, but a by-product, and, notice, the only one of all God's creation, of every animal and anything else, she was the only one designed this way. Every other female was in the original creation. Every other female was in the original creation, but Eve was not in the original creation. See, that had to be made that way. We'll get to it after a while. Notice, in this creation that she was in, not in the original, but a by-product. And in this creation, there is...
108Now I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I want to tell you the Truth. And you just sit still; you're doing nice.
109 There is nothing designed to be so deceitful, as a woman that's deceitful. There cannot be nothing else; there is nothing made to be that way.
110Also, there is nothing that can be so easily deceived as a woman. Now, the fall proves this statement to be true, the fall in the beginning.
111She was not in the original beginning creation. She was in Adam, but not in a female sex, herself, at the beginning. She was the by-product made.
112Now, there is nothing designed that can deceive, and be deceived, as easy as a woman. There is nothing designed or can stoop as low as a woman can. Think now. There is nothing designed, in all creation, that can stoop as low as a woman can. She can tear a man's heart to pieces easier than anything else there is in the world, is his wife. Let that nice little wife get to running around with some other man; look at that fellow sitting there with his children, the tears dropping out of his eyes. She is designed that way. She is designed to do this. There is no hog, no dog, or no other animal, designed like her or can stoop as low as she can stoop. Now, that is true.
With regards to my sisters, I just want you to watch.
113 No animal can be immoral. You call the dog a "slut," the female dog, you call the male... hog a "sow," but her morals is a million miles beyond many Hollywood star. That's how low she is designed to stoop. She can't... Just think of this now. There is nothing in the world, made in God's creation, that can be immoral, stoop that low.
114You say, "Wait a minute, 'man'!" We're going to get to that. The woman has to say "yes."
115Notice, there is nothing designed to stoop so low, or be filthy, but a woman. A dog can't do it, a hog can't do it, a bird can't do it. No animal is immoral, nor it can be, for it is not designed so it can be. A female hog can't be immoral, a female dog can't be immoral, a female bird can't be immoral. A woman is the only thing can do it.
116 Now you see where Satan went? See? But still she has, she is the one that's got the power to say "yes" or "no." See, depends on where she wants to hold herself. See? Now here we can see plainly the serpent's seed, where it come in. There is only one place he could go to. If that wouldn't nail it down, somebody is blind. See? See, it had to go to that.
117Notice, the reason that animals couldn't do it, a female animal, they were in the original creation. But the woman was not in that original creation. Now we're going back to dig this up, then bring you right down to the modern day, in the Testament.
118She is designed, alone, for filth and unclean living. A dog can't, and no other female can. It's just the woman that can. A dog or any other animals, once a year, and that for her babies; not for sexual pleasure, but for her babies. The old sow hog, the old slut dog, once a year, one moment, that's for her babies. But a woman is designed for any time she desires. I've got some stuff crossed out here now; you can imagine the rest. A dog can't; woman can. I hope that the Holy Spirit reveals to you the rest of this I crossed out here.
119 She is the only specie, specie of female, that is made prettier than the male. There is not another specie among anything. All other creatures of God is beautiful males, such as in animals, birds, and so forth, always the male is pretty.
120Look at the big buck deer, big fine horns, great specie; and the little, humble doe. Look at the big rooster with all of his pretty feathers; and the little, brown hen. Look at the birds, the cock and the hen. Why, why was it such, of all the creatures of God? Every creature, in the male is the prettiest. Between the sheep, between the--the hogs, between the horses, between anything else, it's always the big male that's pretty, and in the birds.
121But in the human race, it's the woman that's pretty, not the man; if he is, there is something wrong, there is crossed-up seed somewhere. Originally it's that way. Why, why was it done? To deceive by. Her designer, Satan, is still working on her, too, in these last days.
122 Let me stop here just for a moment. "Pretty!" Did you know, at the first destruction, internationally, of the world, or worldwide, was because of pretty women? "When the sons of God saw the daughters of men were fair, they taken unto them women." Is that right?
123Have you noticed the increase of beauty of women in this day? I have seen the picture of Pearl Bryan, which was supposed to be the prettiest woman in the nation, at one time. There isn't a teen-age girl in this school but what would out-shadow her, when it comes to beauty.
124The increase of the beauty of women is showing the time of deception. When did the church look any more prettier than it does today? Everything is featuring great, big fine buildings, and millions of this and millions of that. Don't you see, "she," the deception!
125 Now, there is nothing can stoop like her, and she is designed so that she can be deceiving. And Satan is really working on her today, in these last days, because he is her designer. I can prove that now. To go right back at the beginning, who started to work on her, Adam or Satan, God or Satan? See, that's her designer. It's her chief weapon to throw man to her filth, being a pretty woman, she can sway a man any way she wants to. Brother, it ain't the bootleg joint down here that gets the man; it's the pretty woman walking down the street, twisting herself, half dressed. That's what takes... That's the deceiver right there. And she is deadly with it, absolutely deadly. You may question me about Satan being her designer, but that's the Truth. Satan designed her. He still does it.
126 Let me show you something in the Scripture. I got to take you back to Scripture, and you draw your opinion as you look at it today.
127Satan is the one who features that kind of beauty. If we'll notice, he was the most beautiful of all the Angels in Heaven. Is that right? And he desired to make Heaven a more beautiful place than the kingdom of Michael. Is that right? Also, to show that Cain was his son, he offered a more beautiful worship, decorated his altars with fruits and flowers, and so forth. Is that right? Beautiful! Sin is beautiful, what we call beauty today. And sin is deceiving, by beauty. You'd never look at a woman going down the street and tell what's in her heart. See? But I wanted to say these things so that you could see why that Satan is her designer. That's exactly right, his own son proved it, Cain. Now, she is beautiful so she can deceive.
128 The world is beautiful so it can deceive. I mean kosmos, the order of the world. It's beautiful so it can deceive, great fine places and luxury.
129Remember the prophet, Amos, when he come up over and looked down into the city, and seen it like a modern Hollywood, his little old eyes got little, under that gray hair hanging in his face. He walked down there with a Message, and burst It out on that place. He said, "The very God that you claim to serve, will destroy you!" That's right.
130Sin is pretty. They picture Judas as some old drunken sot out here on the street somewhere, and mouth hanging with flies in it, and so forth, as Judas. Judas was handsome, strong, a deceiver. It ain't that guy to watch around you, it ain't a guy that (the old farmer) come in with a pair of overalls on, to watch around your wife; it's that slicker, he's the rascal.
131Sin is beautiful to the eyes of the world, but God is not featured in that kind of beauty. Did you know that? God is featured in character, beautiful character.
132 In the Bible, Isaiah 53, if you want to put the Scripture down. It's got rows of Scripture wrote on the side here for it. Isaiah 53, the Bible said of our Lord Jesus, that, "There was no beauty that we should desire Him. And we hid as it was our faces from Him." Is that right? We didn't desire Him, because He wasn't pretty. He was probably a little Fellow, stoop-shouldered, ruddy-looking, and He wasn't desirable to be a leader. He didn't look like a leader. Talked with common street-talk, and so forth, like the people does, the common people, so therefore He didn't look like He was any great scholar, educated, fine, all robed up, and everything. He was just an ordinary Man. "There was no beauty of Him, that we should desire Him." He walked in and out of man, right along, they didn't even know Who He was. He didn't look like a god walking along, what we would think was a god. But, the same, He was!
133 Did you notice when the Lord God said to--to Samuel, "Go up to the house of Jesse and anoint one of his sons, king, to take Saul's place"?
134Now, the people chose Saul, when Samuel absolutely told them not to do it. He said, "God don't want you to have a king; He is your King." And said, "Have I ever said anything to you, in the Name of the Lord, but what come to pass? Have I ever begged you for money or something, another, for my living?"
135They said, "No, you never begged us for money. And whatever you said, in the Name of the Lord, it come to pass. But we want the king, anyhow," so they chose Saul. Look what the world chose! Look what Israel chose! Israel, God's anointed, they chose a man that was head and shoulders above any man in the nation; great, big, fine, handsome-looking fellow, and he always was a fly in the ointment.
136But God said, "I'm going to choose you a king to My choosing." So He said, "Samuel, I ain't going to tell you who he is, but you go up there. He is one of Jesse's sons."
137 And Jesse, his wife, and all of them looked around, said, "Yes, our oldest son, he's a great, tall, handsome man, he'll look just right for the king's crown. He is smart. He is educated. He is a fine man. I know he'll be just right. He speaks his word proper."
138When they brought him out, Samuel took the cruse of oil and went towards him. He said, "No, the Lord refused him." So he went all the way down, to six sons, and the Lord refused every one of them. He said, "Isn't there another one?"
139"Oh," he said, "yes, there is one, he is back out there herding the sheep. He just sets back there and plays songs, and sings it, and shouts, and goes on. But, he's a little old stoop-shouldered, ruddy-looking guy, he would never make a king."
140He said, "Go get him." And while David come in the sight of the prophet, the prophet run with the oil and poured it upon his head, said, "This is God's chosen." Not pretty; but character. God looks at character.
141 Man looks at natural beauty. It's deceiving. And that's why a woman was given that beauty, for deception, to deceive. A beautiful woman, if she don't use it in the right way, it's a curse to her; that will send her to hell quicker than anything else I know of. If she just... If she can be pretty, sure, as long as she stays with her husband and does what's right, and that--that's fine and dandy. But she can take that same thing and, my, how she can deceive with it, for it was give to her to do so.
142Notice, now, but God is featured in character. "There was no beauty we should desire Jesus," but there never was a character like Him, on the earth.
143Now we find out, today, that the--the church character, Satan and his group, look after big, beautiful churches, beautiful things. That's what the world looks at today. "Oh, it's the pastor, the great so-and-so times so-and-so, so priestly and godly, walk out with his big robes, and things like that." They call that beauty.
144But the real saints of God looks for the character of the vindicated Word.
145That's what the saints did in that day, when they seen Jesus. He wasn't nothing to look at, but they seen God was in Him. They seen God was with Him.
146 That's how that those, Joab and those characters with David, a little old fellow, but they seen the--the man was in him. They seen that God was in him, and they knowed he was coming into power someday. They... One slew them other five brothers of Goliath, single-handed. One killed three hundred men; when some women was picking some beans for dinner, and the army had gone away, and he took a spear and killed three hundred men, Philistines. Character! Why? They stayed right by David. They knowed the anointing was upon him, and they knowed he was coming into power.
147A pure picture of the Church today that will stand by the Word! We know It's going to be made vindicated. We know It's coming into power someday. Although Saul... And he was a fugitive from the rest of the nations, but they knowed he was coming into power. We know He is coming into power, too, so we take that Word and stand right there, no matter what it costs. If we have to cut Philistines, or jump in a pit and kill a lion, as one did, we go anyhow, 'cause it's the... that's the way God designed it to be. We look for character.
148 You may now ask me, "Why did He permit her to be designed thus?" I don't want to take too much time, 'cause I got a lot more to say here. "Why," the question might arise then, "why did God make this woman like this? Why did He permit her to be like that?" It was for His Own good pleasure. Sure.
149Now if you want to turn in your Bible just a minute, let's turn to Romans 9, just a minute, and show you something, how God does these things, if you want to--to read it. And we can see here what God does for His Own good pleasure. Romans 9:14.
Then what shall we say then?
Is there unrighteousness before God?...
150When He chose Esau, or chose Jacob and rejected Esau, before either boy could have a right to make a choice, himself, neither one of them; before they was born, still in the womb of the mother, God said, "I hate Esau, and I love Jacob." See? Why?
For he said unto Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
So then it is not... him that willeth, nor... him that runneth, but it's God that sheweth mercy.
For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might show my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
Therefore he... (now watch here)... for he... mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
Thou will say... unto me, Why then does he... find fault? For who has resisted his will?
Nay but, O man, who art thou that rilest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me this?
Has not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel to honour, and the other to dishonour?
What if God, willing to show his wrath, and to make his power known, endured... such long-suffering the vessel of wrath fitted to destruction:
... that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessel of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,
151 Now argue with That a while. God did it! He had to make it this a way. It had to be there. Now listen now for about five minutes, I want to call your attention to something.
152What is God? God is a great Eternal. At the beginning, way back before there was a beginning, He wasn't even God. Did you know that? God is an "object of worship," and there wasn't nothing to worship Him. He lived alone.
153And in Him was attributes. What is an attribute? A thought. Now you'll get something that will border on the lesson for tonight. Notice, He was His attributes that was in Him. Now, it was in Him to be Father, it was in Him to be God, it was in Him to be Son, it was in Him to be Saviour, it was in Him to be Healer. And all these things here are just displaying His attributes. There is nothing out of order. You think God didn't see the end from the beginning? Certainly, He did. There's nothing out of order, it's just displaying His attributes.
154 Now, He could not be just and make a man to fall. He had to put him on equal basis, of free moral agency, to make his own choice, but knowing he would fall.
155Now, He can't be a Saviour unless something is lost. He can't be a Healer unless something is sick. These things had to be that way. God made them thus so that His great attributes could be displayed. If there wasn't that, He'd have never been a Saviour. But we know He was, even before there was a time, He was a Saviour. He was a Saviour, so there has to be something lost. How is it going to be?
156If He takes and loses it, just in order to save it, then it isn't justice to His judgment. He couldn't send a man to hell, and be just. He is kind, gentle, true, honest, and He is a great Judge. See, He would be working against Himself.
157So He had to put a man out here, and make him on free moral agency, so he would, knowing, would fall; and the man, in His Own image, how could he fall? Now you seeing daylight? So, He had to make a by-product, something out of the original creation. Now you see it. See? There you come. See? Then, that's what fell. He made it, knowing it would fall. And it's put over in the hands of Satan, for a vessel of dishonor. Where is honor bestowed today? You think on that. Notice closely now.
158 Then again, why she was designed this way and not like other females, why was the woman designed so and not other females? None of the other females was designed like that. They're not, today. They can't. Not being made that way, she can't do it. Why did He not make this female then, a woman, just like other females, so she would just be the same way, could just raise her babies? Then she would have her husband, and live; and when it come time for her baby, she would have her baby. Why, why didn't He make her like this?
159I can't say these words. And you understand what I'm talking about, don't you? If you can understand, say "amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Yeah. See? There is young girls setting here, and young boys, see. But you know, the animal has to come to a certain time of the year, then her mate, then that's all. But, a woman, it's any time. And why did He make her like this?
160 Now watch His great program unfold, as we go on through here now, just as perfect as perfect can be. I didn't know this till the other day.
161Why didn't He make her like that in the beginning, like the rest of His females? Because it would be unbecoming to Him. He is the Fountain of all purity. That's the reason He had to let Satan get a hold of her, what he done in the perversion. Such a creature would be, would not be becoming to Him, originally designed for.
162All His works that He designed, in the original, is in continuity. All of His original works was in continuity. The female dog, the male dog; see, female cow, the male cow; everything in continuity. All nature is in continuity. Seed die, go in the ground; just like death, burial, resurrection. The sap goes down out of a tree, drops its leaf, comes back the next year with the resurrection of a new leaf. See what I mean? Everything, even nature, of God, is all in a continuity, in one; and here is one designed out of the continuity of God. Nature is so designed so it can't sin. Think! The original creation, of God, could not sin.
163Oh, don't you see it now, in this view here, the perversion of the church? The original is God's Word! There is no sin in God. See what I mean? Here is a creature that come into existence by a perversion. God is going to have a Church, but look at this perverted thing they got out here.
164God has male and female. But, this woman, see, the very symptoms of it shows back what was in God's mind. We could take an hour, or two, and break that down. She, made this creature for that way, He made the creature and turned her so Satan could get a hold of her, and he did. He has still got her. She had better flee to the Cross, like man, too.
165 Notice, all nature runs in continuity. If He'd have made the woman in the same original creation, there'd have been no sin, because she couldn't have done it, she couldn't have done it. She is a perversion of the original creation.
166So is all sin a perversion of the original Truth! What is a lie? Is the Truth perverted. What is an adultery? Is the right act perverted. So there is the perverted creature, there is the perverted whole thing. And the whole thing is spelled s-i-n, laying right there. That's why the question is so great.
167Only a piece, scrap, made of a man, to deceive him by; God made it, right here has proved it. That's what she was made for.
168An immoral woman is the lowest thing that can be thought of, in the earth. Excuse this, young ladies. She is nothing but a human garbage can, a sex exposal. That's all she is, an immoral woman, is a human sexual garbage can, a pollution, where filthy, dirty, ornery, low-down filth is disposed by her. What is she made this way for? For deception. Every sin that ever was on the earth was caused by a woman.
169And an analyst just from Chicago, a--a woman wrote this article, the police force; that they chased down, in United States, metropolitan United States, that "Ninety-eight percent of every crime that was ever did in any form, in the United States, there was either a woman in it or behind it."
170Now I'm saying all this, to get to one thing here at the end, so that you can see what's the matter.
171 She was made to deceive, like she did Adam at the beginning, tell him that the fruit was pleasant, and so forth, to deceive him and take him away from the Word. That's the way the church does today, same thing.
But then, after that, he become her ruler, to rule over her.
172Now what a difference in this day, in this day of conception. Instead of him being her ruler, she has become his god. Sure, she rules him. Now you can probably well understand what I've been hitting at. By her beauty and her sex control, her shape that was given to her by Satan, the by-product that Satan did, she is sent to deceive sons of God. And she can sway more of them to hell than any other instrument Satan has got. That's exactly right.
173I'm talking of the immoral now, not you sisters. We'll give you your place, right place, in a few minutes, in the Word of God here. It was in God's plan from begin--beginning.
174 Now to do this today, what is the god of the United States? You remember in the tabernacle years ago, I preached on that? The god of this modern day, a little flapper sitting there with make-up on, and dress pulled up over her knees, and things like that. I said, "Behold your god!" And that's right, she is on every advertisement, half naked. She is on the street, the same way.
175It's an instrument of Satan, "from the beginning," Jesus says. See? We see that it's so now, and "from the beginning," and what He's talking about.
176Now, the heathens used to make her a god, (did you know that?) a goddess. Sure did. They make her a goddess, for they did have sex acts in their worship. They claimed that, "She was the creator. In her womb she carried the seed and created." That's a lie. There is only one Creator, that's God. But you remember Paul there? "Diana, of Ephesus," a image of a rock, said, "the goddess of Heaven, throwed down." Don't you see how heathen worship is?
177And we, not knowing it, turns right straight back to heathen worship again, to women, the very lowest creature on the earth, woman-worship! She will sway man any way she wants to. And not knowing, all that beauty on the outside, that hell is on the inside. Solomon said, "Her, her gates is the gates to hell."
178 Now we see plainly here what Jesus spoke of in Revelation, the 2nd chapter and the 15th verse, of the Nicolaitane doctrine, the oncoming of that church pulling itself away from the Word.
179Also we can see here, plainly, these vulgar, ungodly, filthy programs that we have on television, of Hollywood sex queens. We can see the filth of this city, as these kids, little old girls walking up-and-down the street here, with little bitty, tight clothes, twisting around, and it cold enough to freeze them to death. They don't know that that's the Devil doing that. They are possessed of an evil spirit, and don't know it! You don't see a female dog doing that, do you? You don't see any other female doing that, and no male better walk up to her, either.
180 See, now you get the picture? We'll introduce something just in a moment, the Lord willing.
Now you see the Nicolaitanes, you see their doctrine.
181You see the teen-age queens, they call them, these stripteases out on the street. Used to have to go to some vulgar show on the side, to see a striptease. Just open your eyes, look out on the street, that's all you have to do now. The whole thing is a striptease. Sure. What do they do it for? To tantalize, tempt, that's the only thing she can do it for. She does it because she is filthy. She does it because she is made that way. She don't realize that she is an instrument in the hands of Satan, and that's what she is.
182Even in our schools today, they're teaching sex acts. Our rotten world of woman-worship! I know they don't want to believe that. Stand and sing some kind of hymn, and so forth, on one day; and out with women, running around, all night long. See? All right. When, in God's sight, the Word, she is the lowest of all animals that God put on the earth. Watch.
183 That's why God forbids her to teach His Word. That's right. First Timothy 2:9-15, "I suffer not a woman to teach, or to have any authority." See? And also First Corinthians 14:34, "Let your women keep silent in the churches, for it's not permitted to them to speak, for they are commanded to be in silent; also saith the Law." But, today, what does the church do? They make her pastors, evangelists, when the Bible completely forbids it. And the Bible said, "as also saith the Law," making it run in continuity, the whole thing.
184Just like the Lamb was, last night, the only place of worship, under the shed Blood of the Lamb. It's the only place today, in Christ. Only way you do is come into Him. That's the only place to worship. It always was that way. The only place to worship is under the shed Blood.
185 So now we see the whole picture of it unfolding to us. There she is. That's why God won't let her teach, won't let her do anything in the church but to sit still with a veiled face.
186Now can you see why I have said the things and done the things that I have done, knowing all this in my heart, brother, sisters? I know, sisters, I'm... you got your place (just in a moment), and the wonderful character that God can mold in you. But I'm just trying to speak on the other side, to show what you're actually from, "in the beginning." Jesus told us to "go back to the beginning," to find it. That's what we're doing.
187Now I've had to hit the high points on a lot of this, and I hope you understand it. And you people who will be listening to this tape, I hope you understand. Just go back. It's only to show that Jesus said, "Go back, from the beginning, and find out." All things, go back to the beginning. You can see, today.
188 Why, people, they say I'm a woman-hater. That's far from the Truth. I do not. They call, "A woman-hater!" Remember, they called Paul a woman-hater. A woman minister, not long ago, said, "Oh, you're like old Paul, all he had to do is pick on us women."
189A saint of God, that was permitted to write the Bible, the New Testament, and dispute his Words? He said, "If an Angel from Heaven teaches any other thing than This that I have said, let him be accursed," let alone some woman preacher.
190They said Elijah was a woman-hater. He wasn't a woman-hater, of real women. He just didn't like them Jezebels.
191And if that be so, then must be God must be the same way, because He is the Word which come to the prophets. So it must be God, the same way, so, see, He knows the original creation, "from the beginning," He said, "from the beginning." They were prophets who the Word came to.
192 And He made her for man, and not man for her. Did you know that, that, "Woman was made for man, and not man for woman"? How many knows that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Bible teaches that. All right. She was given a place in man, before the fall, equal over all creation. But "after" the fall, now here we bring the subject up. But "after" the fall, he was her ruler, she must keep silent in all matters, now after the original beginning is over.
193Jesus said, "It wasn't so from the beginning." That's when time began, when God made it first in His original creation. All that understand, say "amen" again. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] In the beginning God created just one male and one female. But then the woman was made different from the animals, all other animals, for deception. Now watch now, "It wasn't so from the beginning." She was made, if she had stayed in original condition, she would have never been no fall. But she caused the fall and the interruption that broke the whole continuity of God, and throwed death, sorrow, and everything else, on the earth. She was made thus.
194 Now notice now "after" the beginning, after the beginning, after time began; back in that was Eternity, is over. Notice, after that fall was made by Eve, after the fall, there was need to be another covenant made. Now this is going to stumble you, but I'm going to give you the Scripture to prove that this is the Truth. Now notice after the fall, Jesus said... God, at the beginning, made one of a kind; but now, after the fall, now we're going beyond that. The covenant was co-equal; but now, after the fall, there is another covenant made. Now she was no longer ruler with him, each must have a separate covenant.
195 Now let's see if that's right. Let's take Genesis 3, and find out if this is right, now as we go along, 'cause we want to be positive of these things, they are taught out and brought out exactly true. So that maybe right here we have a little time, 'cause we're not too far from the end now, to get to the closing part of the subject, to show why and what about divorces, and so forth. Now in Genesis the 3rd chapter, and we will begin now with the 3rd, and the 16th verse. Let's begin at the 14th verse.
And the LORD... said unto the serpent, (now He is going to curse it), Because thou hast--thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all the cattle,... above every beast of the field; and upon thy belly thou shall go, and dust shall thou eat all the days of thy life:
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and the woman's seed; and it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel. (The promising, "coming through the woman," the Messiah, to redeem.)
Unto the woman he said,...
196Now look, now there is the covenant with the serpent. Which, they were all alright beforehand, at the beginning, or before the beginning.
Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrows and thy conception; and in sorrow shall thou bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee, not no more co-equal together at all.
197Now she has turned right around, and she is the ruler.
And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat... it: cursed be the ground (not cursed Adam, now) cursed be the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shall thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
Thorns... and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herbs of the field;
And in sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread, till thou returns to the ground; for out of it, out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
198 Two covenants. Now that closes "the beginning," of what Jesus said, "It wasn't so at the beginning." We got another covenant now. Notice, it's another covenant. Now there is a covenant for the product, and the by-product. Notice, the fall brought trouble, death, to every creature of the creation, making a difference in all nature. Now let us notice what Jesus said about, "from the beginning it wasn't so." Now it is not so "from," it is now it is "after" the beginning. Now there is a double covenant.
199First was just a covenant, Adam and Eve was co-equal, one man and one woman. Now the woman sinned, and (what does she do?) that throwed them all to death, and God had to make a covenant by that, another covenant. Here it is right here in Genesis 3:16, He made another covenant.
200 Now the world is to be repopulated, not by the original creation of God, like in the beginning, not by the original creation, but by sex desire. Now that takes care of "the beginning," doesn't it? In the beginning there was only one man and one woman, one male and one female; but when she crossed that line and brought this sin, now the world is to be repopulated again, by sex, not by creation; by sex. See where the woman is at now, now? But that's the way the world is populated today, through women.
201That's the reason Jesus had to come through the woman, to bring it back to its original beginning again, without sex desire. He is virgin born. But, hallelujah, there will come a time where it won't be no more sex, but God shall call His children from the dust of the earth, back like they was in the original, not through any woman; but through the molding of the clay and the cosmic lights, and the petroleum, He will create again like He did Adam at the first time. Jesus made this possible, by God making Himself a Man and come into the world so He could die, through this woman. Now is testing time, by sin.
202 Now you see then, "after" the beginning, it was something else was introduced. Now this is going to shock you. Are you tired? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Just sit still just a little longer.
203Then when the double covenant was made by man and woman, through sex, another covenant altogether (not the original covenant, but another covenant), now what's introduced? Polygamy, in all. Then, after the beginning, polygamy was introduced both in man and in beasts; after the beginning, the fall. God now, secondarily, sets a new nature again, by sex. God created the first without sex. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now it's another covenant with nature, He sets it in another order, by sex. Second covenant: one male, many females; one buck deer, a whole harem of does. Is that right? One bull, a whole herd of cattle, cows; one rooster, a yardful of hens. Is that right? One David, after His Own heart, with five hundred wives; with a hundred children born to him, in one year, of different women, a man after God's Own heart. One Solomon, with a thousand wives. But notice now, it wasn't so at the beginning, but now it's "after" the beginning. The woman has done this, then she just becomes what she is now. See?
204 David, the king which represented Christ! Hold that in your mind. David represented Christ. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Christ is setting, going to sit on his throne. And this David, a man after God's Own heart, had five hundred wives. See what I mean? David with his five hundred wives, Solomon with his thousand. And Solomon is the son of David, in the natural; which represents Jesus Christ, the Son of David, in the spiritual. But that's natural, sex life. This is going to be spiritual, created. Why? Created. See, that's the way it was at the beginning, but not now in this life we live in now.
205Notice, don't fail this now, take it all down in your hearts. But not one of those women could even have one more husband. He is the original creation, not her. Not one of those women could have one more husband, but that one husband could have a thousand wives. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's the Bible. Now I've went back, took my time and showed you back yonder where it started, what Jesus said. Now do you see it clearly? They could have as many...
206 "Oh," you say, "that was just for Israel." Is it?
207When Abraham took Sarah down into the Philistine country, there was a king down there named Abimelech. And Sarah was a hundred years old, right at it, but she had been changed back to a young woman and been made beautiful. Do you know that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. And Abimelech wanted her for a wife. You remember my Message on it? Abimelech wanted to take Sarah for a wife. Probably had a harem, but he could not take her if she was married to Abraham. So Abraham said to Sarah, "Say that you are, 'my brother,' because he'll kill me so that he can have you." Why didn't he just chase Abraham out of the country, and take his wife and go on? Not only a law was it with believers, but to all people in the creation. Sinner or a saint, you are responsible, man, for these acts. There was a heathen king. How many knows that story is true? ["Amen."] It's the Bible, Genesis, about the 16th chapter, I think.
208 You notice, Abimelech would have took her for a wife. He fixed hisself to have this new Hebrew girl. And he said, "This is my..." She said, "That's my brother."
He said, "That's my sister."
209And Abimelech said, "I'll just take her for a wife then." Could you imagine a man doing a thing like that? But he did it.
210And then that night, while he went to sleep, the Lord appeared to him in a dream, and said, "Abimelech, you're as good as a dead man." He was protecting that, that stream of Jewish blood there, you see. He said, "You're as good as a dead man. You've got another man's wife you're fixing to marry."
211He said, "Lord, You knowed the integrity of my heart." Said, "Did not she tell me that was her 'brother'? Did not he himself say, 'That's my sister'?"
212He said, "I know the integrity of your heart, that is the reason I wouldn't permit you to sin against Me." Is that right? Said, "Restore his wife, because that man is My prophet. And unless you take him back his wife... And let him pray for you, not your priest. If he don't pray for you, your whole nation is gone." Amen. There is amazing grace. Right. "Your whole nation is gone. That's that man's wife, and he is My prophet." Amen. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's the Scripture. Right.
213 Now we find out, death was caused. Death is the cause of sin of the woman, come through the woman and not the man. By her way of living her life, and by her, all death comes. Her way of giving life is death. How many knows that? Job 14, if you want to put down the Scripture.
214I got, if you question this, I got Scriptures wrote down for every bit of this.
215If you want to read Job 14 there, It says, "Man that is born of woman is of a few days, and full of trouble." Is that right? "He cometh up like the flower, he is cut down, and wastes away," and so forth. See? Every man that's born of a woman, is born in death as soon as he comes.
216But when he is born into the creation of God, he cannot die; he is from that other Tree that was in the garden of Eden, Christ. Eternal Life come by the Tree.
217"Oh," you say, "she was a tree?" Sure. "Well, they said, 'Thou shall not take of this tree.' God said, in Genesis back there, 'Thou shall not take of this tree.'"
218Well the woman is the tree. She is the fruit tree. You're the fruit of your mother. The fruit of the womb is you. That's right. And then the fruit of the Tree of Life, that was in the garden of Eden, is Christ. Through the woman come death; through the Man, in the original creation, come Life. To be born of a woman is death; to be born of Christ is Life. Get the idea? That's where. Now you see where the goddesses went to, don't you?
219First Adam and Eve typed the second Adam and Eve, see, the multiplication. Now the multiplication of Adam and Eve was through sex, to replenish the earth, but it wasn't so at the beginning. God just made a male and a female, like He did His other creatures, see, legal, just like the Church.
220 Now let us, in view of these vindicated Truths of God, search a little further, if you want to. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Now this may hurt just a little bit till we get down to the bottom of it, but I'm just going to show you the Truth of it.
221There is no minister that can marry a widow. Did you know that? You want to read that? All right, you get in the Leviticals, Leviticus 21:7 and Ezekiel 44:22, and It'll show you that the priesthood was not to marry a woman that's been touched by man. This type is of the virgin Bride of Jesus Christ, because they handled the Fire of God, the priests did, Aaron's sons. We haven't got time to read It all, and get out by noon, we got twenty minutes yet. And them is Aaron's sons that handled the--the--the Fire of God, so they could not marry a woman that had been touched by another man. The unchanging God said so. They could not marry another woman, and a woman been touched by a man, showing in type here, if you want to see it, that the Church of the living God is purely, unadulterated, the Word of God, and not a denomination that's been handled by man.
222 Note, let's read this here. I want to get this to you. Matthew 5, Jesus spoke here of something that's really of a vital importance. We want to see it, Matthew 5. I wrote on my...
223I marked out some of the things I was going to say just to the men, so had quite a little time saying it just before our sisters. But I want to--to go out here now before...
224Now, sister, I want to put you to the place where God's Word promised you, and you see then you stay in that place, too.
225Matthew 5:32. I want you to notice here, to support this same idea of "one" and "many." Matthew, thirty-... I think it's Matthew 5:32, 31 to begin with.
It has been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement:
226That's Jesus speaking, the One said, "from the beginning." Now watch.
But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving... the cause of fornications, causes her to commit adultery; see, whosoever shall put away his wife, saving... the cause of fornication, causes her to commit adultery: (why? she'll marry again) and whosoever marrieth her that is divorced committed adultery.
227 See, she has got a living husband, so no man can marry her. Care what she does and who she is, she's got a living husband, there is no grounds for her at all. But, it's not, for him. "Causes her," not him. Get it? You have to make the Word run in continuity. See, nothing saying he couldn't, but she can't. See, "causes her," not him. That's exactly what the Bible says, "causes her." It is not stated against him to remarry, but "her." Why? Christ in the type.
228Notice, it is stated that he cannot remarry, only a virgin. He can remarry. He can, he can remarry again if it's a virgin, but he can't marry somebody else's wife. No indeedy. And if he does marry a divorced woman, he is living in adultery, I don't care who he is. The Bible said, "Whosoever marrieth her that is put away, liveth in adultery." There you are, not no divorcees.
229See that original back there, "from the beginning," now? Remarrying, now notice, he can, but she can't. Like David, like Solomon, like the continuity of the whole Bible, now, same as David and the rest of them.
230 Now you notice in First Corinthians 7:10, notice, Paul commands the wife that is, that divorces her husband, to remain single or be reconciled, not to remarry. She must remain single, or to be reconciled back to her husband. She cannot remarry. She must remain single, but, notice, he never said about the man. See, you can't make the Word lie. "From the beginning," the sex law by polygamy. Now, the Word of God runs true with nature of God, runs in to continuity.
231See how there is one school went east, and the other one went west, on it? You got to come back to the Truth, to find out what it is.
232It's always been that way, that's the regular covenant with God from the beginning. First, before the beginning, from the beginning there was just one and one. After the sin came in, then there was one man and a bunch of women; run that way in nature, every animal, and human beings and natural flesh is animal. We are mammal, we know that, all of us, see, and it's all God's nature in continuity.
233 But now that the Seals are opened, the Spirit of Truth directs us to the Word. That explains why all the mistakes has been down through the ages, because the Seals was not opened, This was not revealed. It's true.
234Notice, you, you can't make the shadows fail. As I preached to you last night about the shadow across the floor, it's got to come out right. How can there be a shadow of an elephant coming across the floor, and a little bitty, spindly man come out to be the elephant, or the elephant to a little, spindly man?
235Now if you'll notice it in perfect type.
236Now, there is a true woman, a true woman, virgin, that marries her husband, and lives, and she is a blessed thing to the man. If God could have give His son any better thing than a wife, He would have give that to him.
237But she is designed to be a sex act, and no other animal is designed like that. No other creature on the earth is designed like that. That's the reason you see polygamy, because of that. That's what brought it in.
238 Now look, in the final analysis, look, there is one Jesus Christ (is that right?), one Man, God, Immanuel. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] But the members of His Wife are many, see, thousands times thousands of thousands (is that right?), His Wife, the Bride, the Church. You understand now? ["Amen."]
239That's why He said to Adam, before sex was ever induced or introduced, "Multiply, to replenish the earth," when he was yet in the beginning, when he was yet both male and female in himself. There, shows then that the Bride has got to come from the Word, by spiritual multiplication, multiplications, see, replenishing the earth.
240 Now in the sex act, see, the schools got those two things mixed up. Therefore you can't do it, you've got to bring it back to the Truth of it, "in the beginning."
241And at the end there will be one Lord Jesus, and His Bride many, singular. You get it? There was one David on one throne, one king (after God's Own heart) with five hundred wives. Jesus sitting on His Throne, hallelujah, in the Millennium, with a Wife; like it was at the beginning, created out of the earth, by the hand of Almighty God, in the resurrection, of many members. There you are.
242Women, struggle to be that, come into Christ, then you'll not be in that filthy mess out there. But as long as you're just a church member trying to live moral and good, yourself, you'll never make it. Neither can a man make it outside of Christ. As Paul went on to say, "But they're in Christ, there is neither male nor female." They're all one.
243 But to get this Marriage And Divorce straightened out, so that you would know which was right and which was wrong, now He plainly shows here in these types. There is one Christ; and many members of that Wife. Notice, He can put us away for spiritual fornications and false doctrine, any time He wants to; but how dare you try to put Him away, and make it? The man can put away his wife and marry another one; but not the woman put away her husband and marry another one. See all the shadows and types there perfectly balanced up? See the original creation; not the by-product nowhere. Not the church; the Bride through the Word. Not the woman; the man, each time. That's why it never says anything against the man doing it; it's always the woman. That's exactly.
244But she can be the Bride of Christ, by being... And remember, she being a part of a man, the Bible said she can on-... "Nevertheless I suffer not a woman to teach, or to usurp any authority, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, and then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the by-product was deceived. Notwithstanding she shall be saved if she continues in holiness and sobriety, and in childbearing, and all such," because then she becomes a part of this man. That's what bring...
245 Why didn't Abraham... Why didn't God kill Sarah sitting right there, denying, and lying right in the face of God? Sitting there as a mortal Man, eating flesh, eating bread, drinking milk, and He said, "Why did Sarah laugh back there in the back," behind Him, in the tent, He had never seen her, "saying this, 'How can these things be'?"
246She said, "I never said it!" Uh-oh, my, tell God that He is a liar, to His face? But He couldn't take her. Why? She's a part of Abraham. Amen. He couldn't hurt her without hurting Abraham.
247Now you women see where you belong. And the Bible said, "You women be like Sarah was, which adorned herself in modest apparel, lived honest and true to her own husband, loving him so much that (he) she called him her 'lord,'" ruler, ownership.
248 And you, some of the women, put on these nasty clothes and get out here to throw yourself before man. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." Then who is guilty, the man or you? He is a male, made so he could take this act, see; and you're the female, that ought to refuse.
249And why do you put yourself out like that? It ain't for comfort, you know it can't be, when you're half froze to death with them shorts on. See, can't be for comfort. Then what is it? It's for filth! You won't admit it, but it's the Bible says so. It's the Truth. It's a filthy spirit that's in you. You don't want to be filthy; but you don't realize, spiritually you are filthy, because you're presenting yourself filthy.
250Now, a man, his old, dirty, knotty knees, and if he had on hardly any clothes at all, wouldn't make any difference, his body is not tempting. Why? He was in the original creation, character; should be, see. But, you're the by-product, to tempt by.
251God, have mercy! Oh, my, this sinful world! I'll be glad when it's over.
252 Notice, He can put away His wife any time He wants to, but she can't put Him away; He can make me, He can throw me in the dust any time He takes a notion to, but, oh, brother, I better never try to throw Him there, I am finished.
253Solomon could marry any woman that wasn't married, he could marry any woman he wanted to. A priest could marry only a woman that was a virgin. Solomon...
254Like David, he married (what was her name?) Abigail. Which, there was a man called a "fool," he had a nice wife, and he died. And Abigail was married to David; he was a king, not a priest, see, so he--he married.
255But a priest could not do that, because he had touched or got a woman to be his wife that was already been some man's wife. So that shows the virgincy of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Bride will have to be unadulterated, the Word, not one Word missing nowhere. Certainly. Could you imagine a correct bride, one breast off, and, the other one, something another wrong, you know? That's not going to be the Bride of Christ. She is perfect. She is everything the Word, not one Word failing anywhere. No.
256 Notice, He can put her away, but she cannot put Him away. He did it, has proved it, in the days when Luther, Wesley, and Pentecost, when they refused to become the further part of Him by having spiritual sexual affair to become pregnated with further part of the Word. You understand? She refused. The Lutheran church refused for Christ to have any more desire with her; Luther refused it. And let me say this, going to call me something anyhow; so is it today with every one of them, they fail to take that Word, they refuse Christ!
257And any woman that refuses a man his child, has no right to be a wife to him. Amen. You remember, in the Bible, when the king married Esther? Because the queen refused, he just got him another one. And when the... What happened when she refused to come out with the king and obey him? The same thing it is with a woman that refuses to be wife to her husband.
258 And so is it with the church that refuses to become pregnated in the age that we now live in, to bring forth children of this age. We are not Lutherans, we're not Wesleys, neither are we Pentecostals! We've got to be the children of this age, through the pregnancy of the Word of God, to bring forth a Child of this age, the Seed Child. Amen. I hope you understand. Couldn't be pregnated, no, so what did He do? Put her away, in divorcement. That's right. But she daresn't put Him away. He put her away.
259He went right on revealing His Word to the Body, and vindicating Him, same, by Himself. His children begin to kind of look more like Him, because It's fully maturing, or, they become children of the Word, not children of the church. Children of the Word! And the Bride will be a lovely little Lady of the Word, unadulterated, not touched by any man's organization, any man-made theory. She'll be purely unadulterated, Bride of the Word! Amen and amen! I hope you get that, out on the air. She will be the pregnated daughter of God.
260 See what a great honor a woman can be? See what a great thing the church can be, but you see where filth has got her to? Then trying to compare that church out there with the Church here, you can't do it. And try to compare the street harlot with the Church of the living God; or the woman, the correct woman, with a harlot?
261Why is there such things as that? It's a law of God, the law of contrasts. How will we know how to enjoy the daylight if there wasn't a night? How will we know how to enjoy the dry weather if there wasn't rain? How would we know to enjoy and respect a real woman, if there wasn't a dirty one?
262 Went right on revealing It, revealing His Word, but dare any one of us to try to put away Him and marry another.
263Now surely it's plain why both theories are wrong. You can't make it run this way, it's gone; you make it run that, it'd run plumb past the promise. Here is the promise, here is the thing right here. The Word is not contradictory. It has to stay in continuity now, no more than Matthew 28:19 contradicts Acts 2:38.
264Now, some of you women, some of you men, I--I know you're--you're disagreeing with It. Cause, you know, you can't hide that right now. You can't.
265But let me just show you something. If Matthew 28:19 said, "Go ye therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost," and they turned around, and every person that was ever baptized was baptized contrary to that, baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, for even all through the Bible age and for three hundred years after the Bible age, to the Nicaea Council. Then they adopted dogmas instead. What's the difference, if it isn't revealed?
266 And do you know the whole Book, the whole Bible, is a revelation? That's how you have to know the truth between this one and the other, it's because It's a revelation. And the revelation must be exactly with the Word, not contrary to the Word. You say, "Well, I, it was revealed to me." Then if it's contrary to the Word, it never come from God. That's right.
267Now if you want to take Mat-... Matthew 16:18. Jesus said, Himself, that the entire Church, His Church, would be built upon spiritual revelation of Himself, which is the Word. "I say unto thee, that thou art Peter... And flesh and blood never revealed this to you, but My Father which is in Heaven has revealed this to you. And upon this rock..."
268Now, I know, our Catholic friends there, you say, "It was built upon Peter, and Peter the apostolic, so, So-and-so, in an apostolic consent, succession."
The Protestants said, "It was built upon Jesus Christ."
269Not to be different, but take just what He said! He said, "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in Heaven has revealed this to you. And upon this rock, spiritual revelation of what the Word is, I'll build My Church; and the gates of hell will never shake It down." His Wife will not be tempted with other man. "I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell can never shake It."
270 And Abel and Cain, in the garden of Eden. Cain drawed his own conception, he said, "Now, look, God is a good God. He is over all nature, so I'll get the beans and potatoes, and I'll get the--the flowers, and I'll make Him a real pretty altar." That's a church. He knelt down. He believed God. He worshiped God, put up his hands, and offered this sacrifice. He done everything religious that Abel did.
271Abel built the same kind of an altar. But when Abel brought his, he brought a lamb. Now, Cain thought that, making an antidote for sin, that his father and mother must have eat fruit, as they were taught in that garden. But Abel, by Divine revelation, knowed that it was the blood that did it. By Divine revelation! And the Bible said in Hebrews, the 12th chapter, 11th chapter, that, "Abel, by faith, revelation, offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which God testified that he was righteous." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen! Brother, sister, it's just as plain as anything can be, to me. There is the whole thing.
272 Now on the Marriage And Divorce, see, it has to be revealed. Until it's revealed, you don't know it. But He promised in this last days, in this age, that every hidden mystery in the Bible would be revealed. How many knows that? Revelation, the 10th chapter! Jesus promised it, that all of these hidden mysteries on--on Marriage And Divorce, all these other hidden mysteries that's been, would be revealed in the end time. Now you remember, the Voice said, "Go to Tucson." Remember the mystic Light in the sky; the seventh Angel standing there; come back, and the opening of the Seven Seals? Watch what's taken place. That is true.
273Now just a little bit farther. But now hear, ye! I know it's getting time for you to go eat, but I'm just eating fine. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
274 Notice, now, the woman has got her place, and she is a jewel. Solomon, this man that had ten thousand wives... or had a thousand wives, rather, he said that, "A man that's found a wife, has found a good thing." He said, "A good woman is a jewel in his crown," that's an honor. "But an unrighteous one is water in his blood," that's his life. He said, "There might be one righteous man found in a thousand," Solomon said this, "but," said, "you wouldn't find one righteous woman in a thousand." Solomon said that, see. Now notice that, that how it is.
275But, you see, woman, you are--you are a jewel if you want to be a jewel, but the desire has to be by you. And you see why the Marriage And Divorce was, that Jesus pointed back yonder, it was because your kind was the cause of all sin. That's the reason polygamy and divorce, and things, was introduced. At the beginning it never was so, and it won't be so in the world over yonder.
276 Look at Jacob, out of whom come the patriarchs. He had at least a dozen wives. He married two sisters, and had concubine wives besides that, common-law women that he lived with. And those patriarchs was born right out of those concubine women. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See, you have to make the Word run smooth.
277Oh, I got pages on them. If a clergyman ever questions me on it, and we would get together, we could talk it. But surely, if he's got any spirituality at all, he can see right here it's the Truth. There is no question to It.
278A good woman is a good thing. I know that. I know it by real women. I have met real women that's genuine, just as real as any man that ever walked.
279She is a by-product and a piece of him, and in the fall he listened to her. He just... She is part of him. But, it's up to her, she is made so she can be filthy, and she is given the right to refuse or to accept. That's contrary to the original nature at the beginning, see, but there you are.
280 Now it's twelve o'clock, so I'll just omit something here for a few minutes. I want to ask you something.
281Now, remember, I say this to just my group only. And out in the air, I'm saying this to only my own followers. This Message is only to them, and what I'm going to say here.
282Any minister, he, that's his, yeah, he's the shepherd of the flock, let him do whatever he wants to. That's up to him and God. Any priest, any preacher, that's up to you, my brother.
283I'm only speaking here in Jeffersonville, the only place I would speak this at, is because it's my own flock. It's the flock that the Holy Ghost give me to understand to be overseer over, and He will hold me responsible for it. And these people of mine has been converts here from across the land, that I've led to Christ. And, little children, I'm here to help you, and I am your friend. You might think I speak against you; I'm saying this, see, for your good. I love you. And if that isn't so, God is my Judge. You know I love you.
284 This is an awful strong thing, I didn't know how to bring it out. What will I do, when I got men and women sitting in my congregation, some of them has been married twice or three times? Good men and good women, all mixed up! What done it? False teaching, exactly, not waiting on the Lord.
285"What God has joined together, let no man put asunder." Not what man joined together; what "God" joined together! When you've got a direct revelation from God, that's your wife, and the same thing, that's yours, the rest of your life. See? But what man joins together, anybody can put apart. But what God joins together, no man better dare to touch it. "Whatsoever God joins together," He said, "let no man put asunder." Not what some half-drunk magistrate or something else put together, or some backslidden preacher with a bunch of creeds in a book, that would let them do anything in the world, and the Word of God laying right there. See? I'm talking about what God joined together.
286 Now I'm going to say this to you. I am very careful what I say to you. I don't mean to be rough with you people. I don't mean to be rough with you, my pastor brothers. I don't mean that. But I am responsible, realizing that this has been given into my hands. And if... I can't hold It. I don't know how to give It out, and I know that this tape will. Oh, my, I'll just get ready, the office open up, 'cause here it comes. See?
287Just like it was on The Serpent's Seed, but it's absolutely proven to be right. I got papers right here, out of the paper, where women right now... and even in--in the great... Some of the great dioceses has got the pictures of the original, a snake crawling on a woman's leg, and just in how it goes around her; she has all kinds of sensations and things, something a man could never touch her with, with this huge snake wrapping around her, and so forth. That's exactly the truth. And it's going worse and worse, and will get worse. Serpent, which he was not, he could not have had the sex affair with her when he was a serpent, but remember...
288 I was having a debate the other day with a... not a debate, just an Assembly of God minister and associate, said, "You're wrong, on That."
I said, "Well, I may be. I'd like for you to tell me."
289He said, then he went ahead and begin to talk about it. First thing you know, he got hisself lost. And one thing he said, he said, "Brother Branham, where is that specie? God said 'one of his kind.' Now where is that specie you said was between man and beast, that science can't find now? Where is he at?" Said, "Is he on the earth? Was he a chimpanzee?"
290"No, because a chimpanzee's blood won't mix with a woman, no other animal will mix with her. No, it won't, nor neither will a man's sperm mix with the--with the female. It won't do it."
291"Then where is that certain animal? Now, God said, 'Let everything bring forth of its kind.'"
292I waited just a minute. And the sweetness of the Holy Spirit said, "Tell him, 'It's here.'"
Now, at first I said, "Well, it may have become distinct."
He said, "But, Brother Branham, that, we are talking about the Word, aren't we?"
293I said, "Yes, sir." And I said, "They, course, claim that the other things, like dinosaurs and--and mammoth, and so forth, mammoths, mammoths, rather, they are distinct, and so forth." I said, "It could have been that."
294He said, "Brother Branham, we are talking about proof of the Word. If sin is here; then, the original sin, it ought to be here also."
295And I said, "Lord Jesus, You said, 'Take no thought what you shall say when you come before man, because it'll be given to you in that hour.' Lord, what shall I say?" He said, "Tell him, 'It's here.'" Just the same as I see the visions on the platform.
296I said, "It's here," not knowing where.
He said, "Where?"
And before I could even think, He said, "It's the serpent."
297 That's exactly what it was, for he is no longer a beast. He was cursed and put on his belly for the rest of his days. He is here. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And still in that act that he done, there is still the same sin works around a woman, like a male sex like that. There is where she has her walleyed conditions and things, when she has her sensations far beyond what any man could ever do.
298I'll stop there 'cause we're in a mixed crowd. I'll get some men, I'll... we'll talk more about it. Got all the papers and things laying right here, right at my hand right now, and I was going to bring it to you this morning. I was going to take the full day in this, but I'll close now in saying this.
299 This is to my church only. Not my church... The little flock that believes me and follows me, this is to them.
300The other day, knowing that when I tell you anything, it must come THUS SAITH THE LORD, then I had the Scriptures as He revealed it to me. But, "Lord God, what can I say to that congregation? I'll have separations. Man will be sitting on the porch and out in the yard, and everywhere else, 'Shall I leave her?' Women, 'Shall I leave my husband?' 'What shall I do?'" I said, "Lord, what can I do?"
301Something said to me, "Go up yonder in the mountain, and I'll talk to you."
302And while I was up in the mountain, not knowing that down in Tucson they were seeing It. But even the teachers called the children from... my little girl and them, from the schoolroom, and said, "Look yonder in that mountain! There is a fiery-looking amber Cloud going up in the air and coming back down, going up in the air and coming back down."
303 Mrs. Evans, are you here? Ronnie, you here? I come on back down by the station, this young boy by the filling station, the Evans' filling station there. And before I knowed what the boy was going to say, he took me on my feet, he said, "Brother Branham, you was up in that mountain over yonder, wasn't you?"
304I said, "What do you mean, Ronnie? No," see, to see what he was going to do. A lot of times things happen, I don't, you don't say it to people. It become... The thing of it is, you see so much happening, it becomes common to you. See? I just don't tell the people. I said, "Ronnie, what was you..."
305He said, "I can show you right where you were at." Said, "I called mama, and we stood here and watched that Cloud hanging up in yonder, going up and down. I said, 'It's got to be Brother Branham sitting up in there somewhere. That's God talking to him.'"
306And the whole city, people, looked at It. On a bright day with no clouds nowhere at all, with this big amber Cloud hanging there; coming down like a funnel, and going back and spreading out.
307 Friends, and then I'm closing, you can go from this. That's when This was being revealed to me, what I'm going to tell you right now, so don't miss It.
308Now I'm speaking to our followers only, who is following me and this Message only, not the outside. Bear me record of this before God. Just to this group only!
309Now we are found in this mess because of misinterpreted theology. Is that right? That's why you women married the second time, and you men, because misinterpreted theology. Now I want to show you something that He told me.
310And if God, our Creator, was questioned the question when He was here on earth, Jesus Christ; and when His delivering prophet came forth, Moses, down in Egypt, to bring the children out of--of Egypt, to put them in the promised land; and Jesus said here that Moses seen the people in this condition, and he granted them a writing of divorcement, because the situation was what it was. Moses found such, as, "Let him suffer..." God permitted Moses, that prophet sent to the people, to grant this writing of divorcement to them.
311 And in First Corinthians, the--the 7th chapter, the 12th and 15th verse, in the New Testament prophet, Paul, who met the same thing in the church, and spoke this, "This is I, not the Lord." That right? Because of the divorce condition.
312"It wasn't so from the beginning." But Moses was permitted it, and God recognized it righteousness. And Paul also had a right, when he found his church in that condition.
313Now you believe This to be true, and believe It to come from God! And by the vindication of His Cloud and His Message that's brought me this far, should not God upon the mountain permit me to do the same thing, to suffer you to go on the way you are, and do it no more! Go with your wives and live in peace, for the hour is late. The Coming of the Lord is at hand. We haven't got time to break these things up. Don't you dare try to do it again! I'm speaking only to my congregation. But if you are married... And God bore me witness of that, on the mountain, that I could say This, a supernatural revelation, because of the opening of the Seven Seals, and this is a question in God's Word. "Let them go on in as they are, and sin no more!"
314 "It wasn't so from the beginning." That is right, it wasn't so, and it will not be at the end. But under modern conditions, as God's servant... I won't call myself His prophet; but I believe maybe, if I wouldn't be sent for that, I'm laying a ground for him when he does come. So under the modern conditions, I command you to go to your home, with your wife now. If you are happy with her, live with her, raise your children in the admonition of God. But God be merciful to you if you ever do that again! You teach your children to never do a thing like that, bring them up in the admonition of God. And now that you are as you are, let us go now, at the late evening hour that we're living in, and "press towards the mark of the high calling in Christ," where all things will be possible.
315Until I see you tonight, the Lord God bless you, while we pray.
316 Lord God, we give You thanks. We give You praise. Thou art the same great Jehovah that suffered Moses. Moses, that servant, and what would he tell his people? And, God, You suffered him to give a writing of divorcement. Paul, the great apostle who was the writer of the New Testament, as Moses was of the Old. Moses wrote the Laws and a dispensation of laws. Many of the prophets, their words was injected into It, but Moses wrote the Laws. And You suffered him a writing, to write them a writing of divorcement, because of the hardness of their heart.
317The great Saint Paul, being the writer of the New Testament, could also make such an assertion, that, "I speak under these conditions; I, not the Lord."
318 So is it today, Lord God, at the end of the world, as we are here under the mercy of God, knowing that soon we are to answer in His Presence. And that You have did so much, Lord, I am sure, in the sight of these people, they'll hang onto This like It come from You. And to bear record here today, of many people sitting here that even saw that Sign up in the mountain, where the Angels of the Lord came in the whirlwind, where it came in the seven Angels, where the revealing of the Seven Mysteries was unfolded; and that same Angel, in the same direction, on the same mountain, the day that This was revealed!
319God, I pray that the people will go home being thankful that God has granted this grace to them. I only spoke It, Lord, through permission. And I only say It through permission, Lord. And let the people be so grateful that they'll never try to do that sin again! And may they never try to do any sin, but love You with all their hearts. Lord, make these families happy, and may they grow and raise their children in the admonition of God.
320 For, my Message that was on my heart is delivered, Lord. I've done all I know how to do. And Satan has fought me for weeks, and hours without sleep. But now I command It, Lord, to these people, that they study It, and go and live for You. Grant it, Lord. It's off my shoulders now. They're in Your hands. I pray that You will bless them.
321Bless these handkerchiefs, Lord, that's just been set on here, for the sick and afflicted. May this night be one of the greatest, powerful nights, that all the people will be healed. Grant it, Lord. Bless us together.
322 May we go in peace, happy and rejoicing, because the God of creation has showed us "since the beginning," and has extended to us, in our mess that we're in, His grace again, in this last days. O Great and Eternal God, how we thank You for it! And may our hearts be so happy, that we'll never have another desire to sin against You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
I love Him, (why shouldn't you love Him?) I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's...
323I say it now so the ministers will understand. This is to them that follows this Message only!
324Oh, are you happy? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I have told you the Truth, THUS SAITH THE LORD, all the way through! ["Amen!"]
325Now let us stand and raise our hands, as we sing it again, "I love Him." I love Him for His grace. I love Him for His mercy. I love Him for His Word. "And the Word of the Lord came to the prophets!"
I love Him.
326Come on, brother. [Brother Branham has someone to come and dismiss the congregation--Ed.]