Mení Boh niekedy svoju myseľ ohľadne Svojho Slova?



Preto všetky tieto veci, ktoré majú počiatok, musia mať koniec. Všetok hriech musí prísť do vyhladenia, zničenia. Všetok hriech musí byť odstránený. Preto v tom veľkom Miléniu, keď príde zmŕtvychvstanie, my sa nebudeme musieť znovu narodiť skrze našich otcov a matky, ale Boh, ako to urobil na počiatku, povolá človeka z prachu zeme a jeho pomocnicu s ním. To je pravda. To je to, ako to On urobil na počiatku.

Tak preto, Boh nikdy nemení svoju myseľ ohľadne čohokoľvek, ale On ti dovolí ísť ďalej. No, toto je obsiahle a vedie k tomu dlhá cesta, k tomu, čo sa chcem dostať a čo tu chcem o tomto povedať. Ale to je to, že vy... Chcem, aby ste to porozumeli. Rozumiete? Boh ti dovolí niečo robiť a dokonca ťa bude žehnať v tom, ako to robíš, ale to stále nie je Jeho dokonalá vôľa.

Boh dovolil Izraelu, aby vzal zákon v Exoduse v 19. kapitole, keď im už milosť dala proroka, ohnivý stĺp, obetného baránka, vyslobodzujúcu moc, ale oni kričali o zákon. To nebolo Božou vôľou, ale bolo to vsunuté, pretože človek to chcel. A on bol prekliaty práve tým zákonom, ktorý chcel.

Najlepšie je mať Božiu vôľu. To je to, čo nás On učil, „Nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa, nech príde Tvoje Kráľovstvo, Tvoja vôľa nech sa stane.“ Musíme sa podriadiť Jeho vôli a Jeho Slovu. Nepochybujte v to, verte tomu. Nesnažte sa nájsť nejakú cestu okolo Toho. Len to vezmite tak, ako to je.

 Tak mnohí chcú ísť okolo, dostať sa nejakou inou cestou, a keď to robíte, nájdete sa, ako idete ďalej, zistíte, že Boh vás žehná, ale vy pracujete v Jeho dopustenej vôli a nie v Jeho dokonalej vôli, Božskej vôli.

1Skloňme naše hlavy. Drahý Pane Ježišu, zhromaždili sme sa znovu v Tvojom Mene, s veľkým očakávaním na vyliatie oživujúcej moci Božej, aby nás priviedla do rozpoznania našej pozície a miesta a našich zodpovedností, ako povolaných ľudí, oddelených od sveta, zasvätených Bohu. Udeľ to dnes večer, Pane, aby nás požehnania Božie viedli a smerovali do vecí, ktoré robíme alebo hovoríme, aby to mohlo priniesť česť a slávu Tvojmu Menu. Amen.

2Som šťastný, že som dnes večer späť v cirkvi, aby som bol s vami, drahými ľuďmi. A ja viem, že je horúco, ale práve som volal manželke, myslím, že tam je okolo 90-95-96 stupňov alebo tak nejako. A tam je trochu teplejšie, ako je tu. Tak si trochu zvykám na to teplé počasie. Ale som tak rád, že môžem byť tu, v modlitebni, v tomto nádhernom veľkonočnom čase.

3A nemôžem povedať, že sa ospravedlním za to dlhé, dlhé posolstvo dnes ráno, ale ja... Bolo to, nechcel som, nechcel som vyčerpať vašu trpezlivosť a potom prísť sem takisto znovu dnes večer. Ale ja, chcel som do vás dostať to posolstvo, že vy ste časťou tohoto vzkriesenia. Rozumiete? A netrápte sa už o to viac. Rozumiete? Len sa nad tým radujte. Nie je nikde nič, čo vás od toho môže oddeliť. Nič. Ste večne zabezpečení v Kráľovstve Božom, keď Boh položil na vás Svoju pečať, ste tam až do miesta určenia.

4Keď vláda položí pečať na nejaký balík, keď železnice dajú pečať na dvere, s tým vozňom sa nesmie narábať, až kým nedosiahne svoje miesto určenia.

Keď Boh kladie svoju pečať na človeka, tá pečať je Duch Svätý, keď takto pečatí človeka, tak on ide až do večného miesta určenia. Nikdy, nikdy viac sa už nijako nemôže vrátiť späť. Pretože pamätajte, Efežanom 4:30 hovorí, „Nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho, ktorým ste zapečatení na všetky časy.“ Vidíte? Ste večne zapečatení. Ste zapečatení večne do kráľovstva Božieho skrze Ducha Svätého. Pomyslite na to.

5Potom vy... Diabol vás bude udierať a on vám povie všetko možné a bude vás obviňovať a bude sa snažiť spôsobiť, aby ste si mysleli, čo nie ste. Ale nepočúvajte ho.

6No, vy viete, že ste prešli zo smrti do života. Viete, že veci, ktoré ste raz milovali, už viacej nemilujete. Viete, že ste uverili každému Božiemu Slovu. Videli ste Boha pracovať rovno medzi vami bez neklamných dôkazov, že On je ten veľký, “JA SOM.“ Všimli ste si, že čokoľvek bolo povedané v Jeho mene, ani jedna vec nebola prorokovaná v Jeho Mene, ktorá by sa nebola stala presne tak, ako to bolo prorokované. Dokonca i veda, noviny, obrazy, kamery, pisatelia, všetko možné, oni to rozpoznali. Vidíte? Bez ohľadu na to, či to oni chcú alebo nie, Boh spôsobuje, že oni to jednako robia. Vidíte? Aby to dal na známosť.

7No, tým, že sme malá skupina, pamätajte, to nie je veľká skupina, pre ktorú On prichádza. „Neboj sa, malé stádečko, lebo to je dobrá vôľa Tvojho Otca...“ Vidíte?

8Chcem sa s vami s niečím podeliť. Je to šokujúce. Predtým, ako budeme ordinovať kazateľa. A toto je veľmi šokujúce, ale len, aby ste to mohli poznať. No, nejdem toto povedať presne tak do čísel, ale rád by som vám toto povedal.

9Neviem, či sú tu nejakí ľudia, ktorí kedy videli kríženie dobytka; pričom ja v to neverím, ale videl som, ako sa to deje. A videl som, ako vzali spermiu toho samca, len takú trošku, ktorú mohli nabrať na nejaký malý kúsok kovu. Ako také malé špáradlo. A položili to na kúsok mramoru a potom tam dali tie zväčšovadlá, aby to zväčšili, a ja neviem koľkokrát, až kým tá spermia... Až ste nemohli vidieť nič prirodzeným okom, ani s obyčajnými okuliarmi. Ale keď to bolo zväčšené sto alebo stovky a päťdesiatkrát. Môžete to vidieť v jednej malej kvapke spermie, možno päťdesiat alebo sto malých zárodkov tam do seba narážalo. Tiež tej samičke prichádza toľko vajíčok, v tej spermii. No, keď je to dané dohromady, no, tie prvé dve, keď sa stretnú a spoja...

10Je len jeden z milióna, ktorý bude žiť. Pomysleli ste niekedy na to? Oni sú takým istým zárodkom, takým istým vajíčkom, oboje rovnaké, ale iba jedno ide žiť. A to nie je určené tomu, ktorý sa tam prebije ako prvý. Pretože niekedy to vajíčko, tam ďaleko vzadu, a ten zárodok môže byť niekde uprostred tých spermii a on sa preplazí až k tomu druhému. A je potrebná inteligencia, ktorá vie, či to bude chlapec alebo dievča, červenovlasý, čiernovlasý alebo čokoľvek. To je vyvolenie Božie. Nemôže to byť nič iné. Vyvolenie.

11Dokonca v prirodzenom narodení je to vyvolenie, či to bude chlapec alebo dievča alebo čokoľvek to bude. A keď sa tá maličká spermia trasie a takto vojde do toho malého vajíčka a tento malý chvostík odpadne. Tam začne rásť chrbtica toho bábätka alebo čokoľvek to má byť, zviera, dieťa, alebo čokoľvek to je. A tie ostatné, tie milióny spermií, milión vajíčok, milión spermií, a iba jedno bude žiť. Všetko to isté, ale Boh vyberá skrze vyvolenie, ktoré bude žiť a tie ostatné zahynú. Jeden z milióna.

12Keď Izrael opustil Egypt, všetci verili v posolstvo jedného proroka. Oni videli znamenia Božie skrze Mojžiša. Každý jeden z nich to videl. A každý jeden vyšiel z Egypta a kráčal cez Červené more a bol pokrstený na Mojžiša. Každý jeden videl Moc Božiu, ako ho zasiahla, keď spieval v Duchu, a keď Miriam hrala na tamburínu a behala hore a dolu po brehu. Každý jeden z nich, každý večer jedli čerstvú nebeskú mannu z neba. Každý jeden pil z tej Duchovnej Skaly, ktorá bola udrená. A bolo tam dva milióny ľudí, ktorí opustili Egypt. Koľkí z nich dosiahli zasľúbenú zem? Dvaja. Jeden z milióna. Na čom sú oni všetci? Ježiš povedal, že zahynuli, „Vaši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti počas tridsiatich rokov a hovorím vám, že oni sú všetci mŕtvi.“

13Teraz je na svete asi päťsto miliónov kresťanov, keď počítame katolíkov, protestantov a všetkých. Ak by Ježiš mal prísť v tom vytrhnutí, podľa toho, čo som práve teraz povedal, bolo by len päťsto, ktorých by na svete chýbalo dnes večer v tom vytrhnutí. A toľkí pravdepodobne zmiznú každý deň, keď počítame všetky zeme, o ktorých sa ani nevie. Tak to môže byť kedykoľvek. Rozumiete?

14Ó, Kresťania, zatiahnite si výzbroj Božiu. Robme všetko, najlepšie ako vieme Mu slúžiť, milovať Ho a očakávať na ten veľký čas.

15Tak, tam nebudú a nevpochodujú veľké milióny a zástupy z nejakej generácie. Nemôžu byť.

No, pamätajme. Každý deň končí generáciu, každý deň. „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude v príchode Syna Človeka, keď osem duší bolo zachránených skrze vodu.“ Ale každým dňom končí štyridsaťročná perióda pre niekoho, pre niektorých. Rozumiete? A každý deň je toľko a toľko zapečatených do Kráľovstva. Jedného dňa nadíde ten posledný deň.

Buďme si teraz istí, kým sme v našej zdravej mysli; a v cirkvi a medzi ľuďmi, kde sa s nami Duch Svätý tak zidentifikoval, buďme si istí, že všetko je v poriadku a všetko zostáva v poriadku pred Ním.

16Nezastavujte sa. Nemajte odpočinku vo dne ani v noci, kým vás tá Oživujúca Moc nepriviedla od vecí sveta do Kráľovstva Božieho. A vy, ktorí ste skutočne privedení do Kráľovstva Božieho a oživení Duchom Božím, akí ste šťastní so slzami radosti, mali by sme byť na svojich kolenách dňom i nocou, ďakujúc Bohu za to, čo urobil.

17Dnes večer máme v bohoslužbe takú malú zmenu. Máme tu jedného milého brata, brata Cappsa. Prišiel ku nám z Nazarénskej cirkvi. Myslím, že je to pravda, brat Capps? On si praje, aby bol dnes večer ordinovaný skrze položenie rúk.

18My nemáme nejaké papiere, ktoré by sme niekomu dali, hoci sme uznaní ako... Mohli by sme mať papiere, ale veríme, že pravdivý ordinovaný kazateľ má svoje papiere v Nebi. Vidíte? A on má právo kázať Bibliu, pokiaľ Boh identifikuje jeho život s Bibliou. Veríme, že to sú jeho poverovacie listiny.

19A teraz, brat Capps bol oficiálne ordinovaný v Nazarénskej cirkvi, ale dnes večer chce, aby starší a tak ďalej, položili na neho ruky na ordinovanie, aby niesol toto posolstvo. Čo za šľachetná vec.

20Počul som správy, odkedy som bol v Tuscone, a také nádherné správy o bratovi Cappsovi tu a jeho pomoci nášmu drahému bratovi Nevillovi, ktorý drží tú sviecu svetla, tak šľachetne, ako títo dvaja muži. Položili sme ruky na brata Nevilla, ale nie na brata Cappsa. A chcem, aby kazatelia, brat Jackson a oni, ak sú tu, a brat Ruddell a starší tohoto zboru. Ak by tu teraz na chvíľu prišli a položili ruky na brata Cappsa. A...

21No, v Biblii nachádzame, že to je spôsob, ako to robili. Oni kládli na nich ruky a vyslali ich. To je to, ako to urobili Timotejovi. Povedali, „Skrze tento dar, ktorý je v tebe od tvojej starej materi Loide...“ Oni si to všimli, oni si všimli, že v tom mužovi bol dar. To prišlo na neho skrze starších, skrze kladenie rúk.

22No, bratia pozdného dňa, bratia pozdného dažďa, oni to zamiešali. Oni si mysleli, že mu dali dar skrze to, že to urobili. Nie, ten dar bol už v ňom a oni na neho len položili ruky, ako uznanie, že uverili, že Boh do neho položil tento dar. A oni to uznali skrze položenie rúk.

23A títo muži tu, v tomto zbore, o ktorých verím, že vo svojich dušiach vlastnia Jeho oživujúcu moc. Ak by ste vy, bratia, sem teraz prišli, brat Ruddell a všetci tí ostatní, ktorí sú tu v zbore, a starší a z tých sesterských cirkví z okolia, aby ste položili svoje ruky na brata Cappsa, aby mohol byť ordinovaný skrze naše uznanie pred týmto obecenstvom, a vyslali ho kázať Evanjelium Pána Ježiša, kdekoľvek ho Boh povolá. On sa stáva...

On už je jedným z nás, skrze narodenie. Je jedným z nás, pretože uveril posolstvu. Je jedným z nás, pretože stojí za pravdou Slova. A chceme, aby bol brat Capps oficiálne ordinovaný pred vami, skrze položenie rúk, že je jedným z nás.

Dobre, brat Ruddell, brat Capps, brat Neville. Brat Junior Jackson, ktorýkoľvek ďalší, tunajší kazatelia. Neviem, koľkí tu sú. Neviem... Hádam majú dnes večer svoje vlastné zhromaždenie. Tak poď sem hore, brat Capps.

No, kde je brat Hunter a oni z New Yorku? Ja... Brat Anthony? Hádam sa vrátili. [Brat Neville hovorí, „Brat Anthony je tam vzadu.“ – pozn.prek.]

Ktorýkoľvek z vás ostatných, ktorí ste tu, ktorí ste s nami. No, boli by sme radi, keby ste prišli sem a postavili sa teraz s nami, ako znak rozpoznania, že veríme, čím brat Capps je.

Koľkí z vás poznáte brata Cappsa? Zodvihnite svoju ruku. V poriadku, zložte svoju ruku. Koľkí veríte, že on je sluha Boží? Zodvihnite svoje ruky. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Milujeme ho ako nášho brata.

24No, toto nie je presne správny spôsob toho, čo by sme my nazvali ordinovanie. Ale chcem, aby toto obecenstvo... Nevedel by som spievať túto pieseň, ale chcem, aby ste mi pomohli pokúsiť sa to. To...

25Jedného dňa jeden prorok išiel ku oltáru v chráme. A kým bol tam v chráme... On bol dobrým človekom, ale on sa len opieral o ramená kráľa Uziáša a on bol dobrým človekom. Ale pri tom, jedného dňa v chráme on niečo uvidel, keď upadol do videnia, toho, čo nikdy predtým nevidel. Videl anjelov s krídlami, ako lietali tam a späť po tej budove a kričali, „Svätý, svätý, svätý, Pán Boh Všemohúci.“ Poďte, bratia. Áno. Vidíte? „Svätý, svätý, svätý, Pán Boh Všemohúci.“ Ben...

26A keď to uvidel, stĺpy chrámu sa pohli. A on povedal, „Beda mi, lebo som človek nečistých rtov.“ V prítomnosti Božej rozpoznal, že hoci bol aj prorokom, mýlil sa. Povedal, „Som človekom nečistých rtov a bývam medzi ľuďmi nečistých rtov.“

27A jeden z anjelov priletel a vzal uhlík ohňa a dotkol sa jeho rtov a povedal, „Prorokuj, synu človeka.“

Dala by si nám akord, sestra, ak môžeš? Koľkí poznáte tú pieseň? Zaspievajme to, jeden verš. V poriadku.

Keď sa žeravý uhlík dotkol proroka,

očistil ho, že bol tak čistý ako len mohol byť,

Keď hlas Boží povedal, „Kto pôjde pre nás?“

Vtedy odpovedal, “Tu som, pošli mňa!”

Hovor, môj Pane; Hovor, môj Pane;

Hovor a ja Ti rýchlo odpoviem.

Hovor, môj Pane; Hovor, môj Pane;

Hovor a ja odpoviem, “Pane, pošli mňa!”

Milióny zomierajú teraz v hriechu a hanbe;

Počúvaj ich smutný a horký plač;

Ponáhľaj sa brat, ponáhľaj sa im na pomoc;

Rýchlo odpovedz, „Majstre, tu som!“

Hovor, môj Pane; Hovor, môj Pane;

Hovor a ja Ti rýchlo odpoviem.

Hovor, môj Pane; Hovor, môj Pane;

Hovor a ja odpoviem, “Pane, pošli mňa!”

Nech starší prídu sem a nech položia ruky na brata Cappsa. Skloňme všetci svoje hlavy.

28Drahý Bože, stĺpy chrámu sa znovu pohli, ako vidíme Ducha oživujúceho života pôsobiť v našom bratovi. Modlím sa, Bože, ako to on cíti zhora, že hovorí, že musí ísť. Kladieme na neho svoje ruky ako tvoji starší, Pane, a dávame mu pravicu obecenstva a kladieme na neho svoje ruky a dávame na neho požehnania Božie, aby si pomazal jeho rty, jeho myslenie, jeho celú bytosť. A nech vezme toto posolstvo Evanjelia do každej trhliny a do každého rohu, do ktorého ho Ty povoláš. Udeľ to, Pane. Dávame ti nášho brata, ako tvojho sluhu, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

29„Káž Slovo,“ môj mladý brat. „V príhodný čas i nepríhodný. Karhaj, tresci s celou dlho zhovievavosťou a s učením.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

30[Brat Ben Bryant hovorí, „Brat Branham, položil by si na mňa ruky? Položili by na mňa ruky? Chcel by som byť ordinovaný.“ - pozn. prekl.] Či si... Nevedel som, že si nebol.

Brat Ben tu, prišiel ku nám. Myslím, že on káže už nejaký čas. Pri tom nebol oficiálne (myslel som, že bol, to je ten dôvod, prečo som ho zavolal) ordinovaný. Ani na neho tu neboli položené ruky.

31No, manželka brata Bena je tu niekde a ona je drahá osoba. Ona bola žena kazateľka, a keď sa ona a náš brat vzali a on ju priviedol do modlitebne, keď ona videla a počula Slovo (pritom bola milou dámou s milou osobnosťou), ale keď uvidela, že to bolo nesprávne pre ženu, aby to robila, odložila to nabok a zdá sa, že to padlo na jej manžela. To je správne, to je apoštolské. To je to, ako to má byť.

32Brat Ben berie pásky, ako rozumiem, so svojou manželkou. Oni idú do Re... Mimo, na rôzne miesta. Hore do hôr, do džunglí a púšťajú tieto pásky a komentujú tieto pásky. Mnohokrát sú vyhnaní, vystrčení, vyhodení. Očakávame to, „Lebo všetci, ktorí žijú zbožne v Kristu Ježišovi, budú trpieť prenasledovania.“

33Koľkí z vás tu poznáte brata Bena? Koľkí z vás veria, že je Božím sluhom? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ pozn. prekl.] A že je hodný tohoto požehnania, aby sme o to poprosili Boha pre neho? Vidíte? On nie je cudzí. On je už s nami niekoľko rokov a rokov. Poznám ho ako muža pokory. On je ako ja, má mnoho chýb. Všetci to robíme. Čo sa mi páči na bratovi Benovi, je, že on je ochotný priplaziť sa na svojich kolenách a dať to do poriadku.

A keď on počul jedného dňa kázeň Manželstvo a rozvod. On a jeho žena boli hotoví sa oddeliť jeden od druhého, pretože hoci on ju miluje a ona miluje jeho, ale oni chceli byť v poriadku so Slovom Božím. Čokoľvek Slovo povedalo, to je to, čo oni chcú. Modlím sa, aby Boh požehnal brata Bena a jeho ženu do Jeho služby.

Položme naše ruky na nášho brata.

34Drahý Bože, kladieme svoje ruky na nášho brata Bena ako znamenie, že ho milujeme. A veríme, Pane, že on je ochotný konať prácu pre Teba, aby bol vyslaný s týmito páskami a prehrával ich tam medzi ľuďmi hôr a na tých vzdialených miestach, kde by sa pravdepodobne mnohí z nás nikdy nedostali, ale jednako to Posolstvo musí ísť do celého sveta. Modlíme sa, aby si požehnal nášho brata a dal mu Svojho Ducha a nech to príde na neho. A veď ho a smeruj ho, jeho a jeho ženu na tie miesta, kde môže byť tam ďaleko jedna duša a tie dvere nemôžu byť zatvorené, kým tá jedna ovca nevojde dnu. Ty nie si uspokojený s 99 ovcami. Každé meno, ktoré je v tej knihe, musí byť privedené. Pomôž im, Pane. Kladieme na neho svoje ruky ako nášho brata, spolupracovníka. A naša pomoc a modlitba je za neho a pôjde s ním. Modlíme sa, aby si ho požehnal, Pane, kdekoľvek pôjde. V Mene Ježiša, amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Ben. Dávame ti pravicu nášho obecenstva, ako bratia kazatelia. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

35[Brat Earl Martin hovorí, „Brat Branham, položil by si na mňa svoje ruky a ordinoval ma do práce pastora?“ – pozn. prekl.] John Martin. [Earl]

Koľkí poznáte Earla Martina? Koľkí veríte, že je sluhom Kristovým? Prichádza ku nám z... Verím, že pôvodne je z letničnej skupiny, a myslím, že teraz je pastorom a koná nezávislú prácu.

36Poznám Earla, že je skutočným sluhom Kristovým. Nikdy nezabudnem jeden skutok, bolo ich mnoho, ale jeden, ktorý sa udial s Earlom. Pamätám si, že mu jedného večera zavolali, keď som bol v Dallase, v Texase, alebo myslím, nie, bolo to... [nejaká sestra hovorí, „Beaumont.“ ] Beaumont, Texas. To je pravda, sestra. A oni... Jeho dieťatko ležalo, zomieralo, a oni si mysleli, že už je mŕtve. Už viac nedýchalo. A Earl si našiel cestu až rovno do mojej izby, ako ocko so zhrbenými ramenami, sklesnutý predo mnou, ako som bol v posteli. Prišiel, objal ma a povedal, „Brat, verím, že si Boží prorok. Vždy som tomu veril. A ak len povieš Slovo, hoci moje dieťa je mŕtve, jednako bude žiť.“ A jeho dieťatko prišlo späť do života a žije.

37Či veríte, že je hoden pravice obecenstva týchto veriacich? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ -pozn. prekl.]

Modlíme sa, bratia, ako na neho kladieme svoje ruky.

38Milostivý Nebeský Otče, kladieme znovu svoje ruky na nášho brata Martina. Vyšli ho, Pane, do najďalších končín, kde si ho Ty poveril, aby išiel, kdekoľvek to je. Či mnoho, alebo málo, mimo ciest, na širokých cestách, pri plotoch, kdekoľvek to je. Čokoľvek to je, Pane, nech idú Tvoje požehnania s ním. Kladieme na neho svoje ruky, ako mu prajeme Tvoju priazeň, a dávame mu naše požehnania, aby ten Duch, ktorý je na nás, Pane, mohol ísť s ním a viedol ho a smeroval ho ku strateným dušiam tam pri plotoch a cestách. Vysielame ho v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Martin. Choď teraz a nech je Pán s tebou.

39Ten istý účel? [Brat Richard Blair hovorí bratovi Branhamovi] Voláš sa Richard? [„Áno, Richard Blair.“] Koľkí z vás poznáte Richarda Blaira? Koľkí veríte, že je sluhom Božím? Prichádza zo skupiny zjednotenej letničnej cirkvi.

A brat, brat Blair, pamätám si to jeho veľké povolanie. Pamätám si ten čas, keď brat Blair neveril, nechcel mi veriť, pretože tam bol určitý duch, ktorý s ním pracoval, ktorý mu hovoril, že ja som falošný. A zatiaľ, čo sedel rovno na zhromaždení, Duch Svätý sa k nemu obrátil a vyvolal ho. [Brat Blair hovorí, „To je pravda.“] A on bol rovno pred zrútením a to je to, čo ho dostalo do takého stavu.

A pamätám si, ako mi jedného dňa zavolala jeho milá manželka. Povedala, „Brat Branham, myslím, že Richard ide zomrieť.“ A ona, myslím, že mala nejaký šál. A ona išla a položila to na neho, ako som ju požiadal, a modlila sa. Tu on je. [Brat Blair hovorí, „Amen.“]

40Nejaké malé dieťa bolo v nejakej autonehode, alebo... [Brat Blair hovorí, „Môj chlapec.“] Jeho chlapec v nehode a oni mu nedávali mnoho nádeje. Mal otras mozgu. A s modlitbou, dokonca cez telefón, a to dieťa bolo uzdravené. [Amen.]

Veríte, že brat Blair je pravdivý svedok Kristov? [Zhromaždenie hovorí? „ Amen.“] Modlite sa, aby vaše požehnania išli s ním.

Bratia, položme na neho svoje ruky.

41Drahý Bože, aby sme identifikovali nášho drahého a šľachetného brata, tvojho sluhu, ktorý dokonca vyšiel zo svojej vlastnej skupiny, aby kráčal vo Svetle. Otče, modlíme sa, aby si požehnal nášho brata Blaira, ako ho vysielame s našimi požehnaniami a s naším schválením, skrze naše ruky, ktoré sú na ňom, kdekoľvek ho povoláš, Pane, do akejkoľvek práce to môže byť, nech Tvoj Duch ide s bratom Blairom. Veď ho a smeruj ho ku strateným a zomierajúcim tohto sveta, aby mohol pomôcť nájsť tú stratenú ovcu, aby ju mohol priviesť späť do ovčínca. Kdekoľvek to môže byť, čokoľvek máš pre neho, Pane. Prosíme, aby ho tvoj Duch viedol a smeroval cez jeho životnú púť. Sme jeho bratia a dávame mu pravicu obecenstva. Prosíme, aby si išiel s ním v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Pravica obecenstva. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Blair. Sme s tebou na sto percent. Modlíme sa za teba a urobíme, čokoľvek môžeme, aby sme ti pomohli. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

42[Brat Merlin Anton hovorí, „Takisto pre mňa, brat Branham, ohľadne ordinovania.“ – pozn.prekl.] Prosím? [„Ordinovanie“] Kto si? [Merlin Anton.] Merlin Anton. [Som tu v cirkvi.] Kde? [Tu v cirkvi.] V cirkvi. Každý pozná brata Merlina Antona? On je pre mňa nový. [Z Armády Spásy. Pamätáš si ma?] Ó, áno. Prepáč mi, brat.

Z Armády Spásy, to je pravda, pamätám si ho. Iste, že ho poznám, len som... Jeho tvár sa mi len nezdala v tej chvíli známa. Koľkí ho poznáte ako muža Božieho? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“] Koľkí veríte, že Boh pracuje s ním, zodvihnite ruku. [„Amen.“] Budete sa za neho modliť? [„Amen.“]

43Tak, brat, vieme, že pochádzaš z veľkej skupiny ľudí, z Armády Spásy, oni sú veľkí ľudia. Ale Armáda Spásy, ona robí veľkú prácu na ulici. Nemôžme nič povedať proti Nazarénom, Letničnej cirkvi alebo Armáde Spásy, alebo ktorejkoľvek z nich, oni sú naši bratia. Ale, vidíte, my veríme, že sme nositeľmi toho veľkého posolstva, pre práve tú hodinu, v ktorej žijeme. Chceš to robiť s nami? [Brat Anthony hovorí, „Amen.“]

Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy a položme svoje ruky na nášho brata.

44Drahý Nebeský Otče, Ty si ten, ktorý robí to zavolanie. Ty si Ten, ktorý oživuje Slovo, aby tak mohli veriť. A my kladieme svoje ruky na nášho vzácneho brata, ako pomazanie, že veríme, že Ty si s ním a pomôžeš mu. Vysielame naše požehnania s ním, aby my, ktorí veríme, že sme prešli zo smrti do života, a teraz držíme našu oživujúcu moc v našich srdciach, skrze milosť Božiu. Kladieme ruky na nášho brata a vysielame ho s naším požehnaním, aby si ho Ty viedol, sprevádzal a smeroval do každej trhliny zeme, Pane, že Ty si ho ordinoval, aby išiel. Nech ide Tvoj Duch s ním a nech mu dá zdravie, silu a úspech v jeho službe, lebo ho vysielame v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

45Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. To je pravica obecenstva, viete, bratia si s ním potrasú ruky, títo bratia. Tak to znamená, že si... V poriadku, nech vás Pán všetkých žehná.

46[Brat Carolls hovorí, „Nikdy som nebol oficiálne ordinovaný. Či by si na mňa položil tiež svoje ruky, v Mene Ježiša?] Čokoľvek si praješ a tvoje... [V tento čas, tak isto ako oni.] Tak, ako sa voláš? [Brat Carrell z Cincinnati] Brat Carrell. [Brat Carrell hovorí, „Bol som ordinovaným kazateľom, ale nemohol som súhlasiť s tým bratom, ktorý ordinoval ženy ako kazateľky, a musel som sa od nich oddeliť.“]

Toto je brat Carrell z Cincinnati. Ktokoľvek pozná brata Carrela, zodvihnite svoju ruku... Prichádza z Cincinnati. Pochybujem, že niekto ho pozná. Hovorí, že bol so svojou skupinou, a tá skupina chcela ordinovať ženy kazateľky. Nemohol s tým súhlasiť a musel sa od nich oddeliť.

To je presne to, ako som sa ja oddelil od Misionárskych Baptistov. Doktor Roy E. Davis, koľkí ste o ňom počuli? Iste, že ste počuli. Chcel ordinovať nejaké ženy kazateľky a ja som povedal, „Nie veru, ako starší.“ Povedal som, „Nemôžem to urobiť vedome. Je to proti Božiemu Slovu.“

47Nepoznám ťa, brat Carrell. Ale na základe tvojho svedectva a tej pravdy, za ktorou stojíš... Nemáme nič proti týmto ženám. Ony sú sestrami. Milujeme ich. Ale veríme, že oni majú svoje miesto a tam musia zostať. Rozumiete? A veríme, že ony sú drahými pre svojich mužov, ako pomocnice. A nijakým spôsobom... Myslíme si, že to je najväčší dar pomimo spasenia, ktorý Boh kedy dal mužovi. Ale ona nemá žiadne miesto za kazateľňou, podľa Božieho Slova. Na tom základe a tvojej viery v Boha, kladieme na teba ruky, ako obecenstvo, aby si išiel s nami.

Položme na neho svoje ruky.

48Náš drahý Nebeský Otče! Tento mladý muž, dokážem si predstaviť, ako sa cíti, bol vystrčený pre skutočné pravdy. A to, „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale každým Slovom.“ Tak kladieme na neho svoje ruky, umiestňujeme na neho svoje požehnania. Nech ho Tvoj Duch vedie, sprevádza a smeruje cez púť života, kdekoľvek ho chceš poslať, Pane. Nech vie, že sa za neho modlíme a že budeme pre neho pomocou a podporou, pokiaľ bude stáť za pravdou. Udeľ to, Pane. Vysielame ho v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Carrell.

Položte na neho svoje ruky, vy rôzni bratia. Vy všetci, dávate mu tým takú pravicu obecenstva.

49Brat Rudell tu nebol nikdy oficiálne ordinovaný v cirkvi. Môže... Koľkí poznáte brata Ruddella? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“] Všetci ho poznáme. Koľkí ho poznáte ako muža Božieho? Amen.

Drahý nebeský Otče, ako tvoj starší, kladieme ruky na tohto brata, ktorý prešiel cez hlboké bahenné vody. Uvidel svoje zhromaždenie, ako odpadlo. Uvidel, ako sa to stalo, ale pritom veril. Hoci... Kladiem na neho svoje ruky a dávame naše požehnania na neho... Pomaž ho, Pane, mocne, so Slovom, Pane, a pošli ho do každej trhliny zeme... Nech je na ňom a nech mu pomáha. A vyšli ho v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

50Brat Ruddell, vždy si mal pravicu obecenstva. Poznám brata Ruddella. Zdá sa mi ako môj chlapec. Jeho ocko a ja, matka, sme sa poznali už dávno. A poznám brata Ruddella ako sluhu Božieho. Slúžil som s ním. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Ruddell.

51Ako sa volá? Kto si, brat? [Niekto hovorí, „švagor brata Martina“.] Brat Martin, poznáte ho? Brat Martin.

Ako sa voláš? Brat hovorí, „Reverend McComas. Brat McComas. Nazdávam sa, že ho tu nikto nepozná, ale on je... Áno, tento človek ho pozná, brat Tyler. A on prichádza, aby bol... Aby boli na neho položené ruky, aby bol nositeľom Evanjelia. Brat McComas. Odkiaľ si, brat McComas? [Rockford, Illinois.] Rockford, Illinois. [Volal si mi domov minulý týždeň, alebo minulý pondelok večer a modlil sa za moju manželku.] Ó, je to tak, z Tusconu. Tuscon, Arizona. Ó, pamätám si ten hovor. Ona vstala na druhé ráno. Chvála Pánovi.

[Brat Martin niečo hovorí bratovi Branhamovi.] Prosím? [Moja najmladšia sestra.] Tvoja sestra. [Ona tu je. Bola paralyzovaná.] Tak ona je tu a modlili sme sa za ňu, niektorý večer z Tucsonu cez telefón. [Paralyzovaná.] Bola paralyzovaná a teraz je tu. Bola pred niekoľkými dňami ochrnutá a teraz je tu. Brat Martin sa za teba modlil. Niet divu, že chce brať to posolstvo.

Položme na neho svoje ruky, bratia.

52Drahý Bože, kladiem svoje ruky aj s týmito ďalšími na tvojho sluhu a dávame mu pravicu obecenstva, modlíme sa, aby požehnania Božie... [Slová brata Branhama sú nejasné – pozn.prekl.]... že ty si ho ordinoval, aby tým bol. Nech sú tvoje požehnania na ňom. A veď ho a smeruj ho v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Pravica obecenstva, môj brat, a tí, ktorí sú s tebou. Nech je Boh s tebou.

53[Niekto hovorí, „Brat Branham?“] Áno, brat. [Mám ešte jedného, ktorý to chce tiež.] V poriadku, pane. Myslím, že toto je... [brat Derris]. Brat Derris. Neviem... [Poznám brata Earla a brata Brewera.] Tento muž je brat Derris. Odkiaľ si, brat? [Black Rock, Arkanssas.] Black Rock, Arkanssas. Brat... [poznám ho, brat]... pozná ho. Niekto iný, verím, že tu povedal... Brat Brewer. Myslí, že som sa s nimi dnes ráno stretol. A sestra Vayle, nazdávam sa, brat Vayle a oni, ktorí ho poznajú a poznajú ho ako muža Božieho, sluhu Božieho. Nádherné.

54No, dobre, môj drahý brat chce byť nositeľom posolstva. Chceme, aby si vedel, že budeme stáť za tebou a budeme robiť všetko, čo môžeme. Budeme sa za teba modliť, aby si tiež niesol toto posolstvo do najďalších častí, kdekoľvek ťa Boh poveril ísť.

Položme svoje ruky na brata Derrisa.

Drahý Bože, kladieme svoje ruky na nášho brata, dávame mu pravicu obecenstva a vysielame ho v Mene Ježiša Krista, aby si ho pomazal. A dávame mu pravicu obecenstva... A nech tvoj Duch ide s ním a veď ho a smeruj ho, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

55Myslím, že toto je brat Anthony. Mnohí z vás poznajú brata Anthonyho. Je tu už s nami dlhý čas. Poznám ho ako sluhu Kristovho, verím, že on je zasväteným mladým mužom. Nikdy neboli na neho oficiálne položené ruky. On nevedel, že toto prichádza, priatelia. Vidíte? Ale práve teraz je to vhodné. Tak ideme položiť svoje ruky na brata Anthonyho a dať mu pravicu obecenstva. Boh musí urobiť to ordinovanie. Toto je len, dať Mu vedieť a vám, že veríme tomuto bratovi a milujeme ho, a že on je jedným z nás v posolstve. A chceme, aby mal Božie požehnania, a to je to, čo pre neho prosíme. Modlime sa, ako na neho položíme svoje ruky, brat.

56Drahý Bože, tento tvoj pokorný malý taliansky sluha, Pane, on dnes večer prichádza, aby na neho boli položené ruky a podaná mu pravica obecenstva, oficiálne. Podaná mu cirkvou. Pane, tvoja veľká moc, nech pošle tohto mladého chlapca do... Zeme a trhliny, kde si ho povolal. A nech ide a vyslobodí tých ľudí z hriechu a nemocí, a aby ti slúžil, Pane, po všetky dni svojho života. Nech ho môžeš viesť a sprevádzať. Nech naše požehnania idú s ním, ako ho vysielame. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná.

57[Niekto sa rozpráva s bratom Branhamom.] A, ó, nevedel som. Sme pripojení cez telefón, 50 centov na minútu. Či tam bol, kto chcel... Vystúpte sem a povedzte svoje mená, kým ste bratia, rovno tu do mikrofónu. Len im to povedzte. [Každý brat hovorí svoje meno, „"Pat Tyler," "Claude Boggess," "Dale Potter," "...?... Henasey," "James Humes," "Earl Horner."] Sú to všetci? [Niekto hovorí, „Áno.“] Moji bratia.

Títo muži, či veríte, že toto posolstvo je pravdou z Božieho Slova? [Tí bratia hovoria, „Amen.“] Veríte to z celého svojho srdca? [Amen.] V poriadku. A vy túžite a chcete, aby sme položili na vás svoje ruky... Chceme vám dať vedieť, že sme s vami a urobíme všetko, čo môžeme, aby sme vám pomohli.

A teraz chcem, bratia, aby sme tak mohli položiť na nich svoje ruky, aby ste tu vystúpili. A všetci skloňme svoje hlavy a my kladieme na nich svoje ruky.

Drahý Bože, tu je skupina mužov, kladiem svoje ruky na každého jedného z nich v Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho. A nech Ty, ktorý si ich povolal, aby boli kazateľmi, nech to kážu, Pane, po všetky dni svojho života. A nech kážu Evanjelium každému stvoreniu. Dávame im pravicu obecenstva a modlíme sa o Tvoje požehnania, aby boli s nimi, Pane. Ako ich žehnáme, pošli naše požehnania. Nech to ide do každej trhliny zeme, do ktorej si ich povolal. Nech pracujú a nech ti slúžia v tej kapacite, do ktorej si ich povolal. Nech sú šľachetní a skutoční sluhovia Boží. Udeľ to, Pane. A my to prosíme v Mene Ježiša Krista.

58Nech vás Boh žehná každého, bratia. Nech ťa Boh žehná, nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Humes. Pán nech je s tebou, s každým jedným.

Požehnané sú putá, ktoré zväzujú
naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske.
Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí je to, ako tam hore.

59Či nie je On nádherný? Len teraz pomyslite, koľkí kazatelia sú tu dnes večer, aby na nich boli položené ruky.

60Nevedel som, že sme pripojení telefonicky. A ak mi tí ľudia tam vonku toto odpustia, nevedel som to. Nevedel som, že oni budú pripojení pri tomto dnešnom malom posolstve, dnes večer. Ale sme...

61Budeme teraz čítať Slovo a pomodlíme sa a pôjdeme rovno do tohto posolstva, ktoré cítim, že mi Duch Svätý dal, aby som dnes večer priniesol.

62A zatiaľ, čo sa obraciame ku textu, chcel by som to na chvíľu oznámiť. Obráťme sa do Numeri 22. kapitola, verš 31. 4. Mojžišova 22. kapitola, 31. verš, ako text. Zatiaľ, čo si obraciate, ak by ste to chceli prečítať a označiť si to.

63Chcem, aby ste všetci na mňa teraz pamätali, kým vás znovu neuvidím, dúfam, že niekedy toto leto, ak Pán bude chcieť. A ak sa čokoľvek stane, ak nepôjdem za more, tak sa vrátim. Ale teraz to veríme, ako je to všetko pripravené, že Duch Svätý nás ide teraz poslať na tú cestu, ktorú vybral On sám, aby nás poslal. A to je to, ako to chceme robiť. Nech vás Pán žehná.

64Otče, chystáme sa čítať Tvoje Slovo. Požehnaj ho a pomaž ho k nášmu porozumeniu, prosíme v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

654. Mojžišova, 22. kapitola a 31. verš.

Tu odkryl Hospodin oči Balámove a videl anjela Hospodinovho stáť na ceste, ktorý mal svoj meč vytasený vo svojej ruke. A skloniac hlavu, klaňal sa mu, padnúc na svoju tvár.

66Tak, pri čítaní tohto, chceme okolo toho vybudovať kontext a chcem hovoriť na tému: Mení Boh niekedy svoju myseľ ohľadne Svojho Slova?

67To je celkom zaujímavý text a je to veľká pravda, ktorú by sme mali porozumieť. Či môže Boh niečo povedať a potom povedať, „Je mi ľúto, že som to povedal?“ Či môže Boh vziať späť svoje Slovo, potom, ako ho povedal?

68No, v tomto vyhlásení tu, ten dôvod, prečo som vybral toto vyhlásenie, je kvôli tomu, že je to jedno z vyhlásení Biblie, ktoré čitateľ, ktorý sa snaží vidieť, alebo sa snaží povedať, že Boh mení svoju myseľ, tak tu sa to javí viac, ako na ktoromkoľvek inom mieste v Biblii, ktoré poznám, že On zmenil svoju myseľ, pretože povedal Balámovi jednu vec a potom mu povedal druhú. A tak mnoho ľudí sa snažilo urobiť z Baláma len nejakého, ó, veštca alebo niečo také. Ale Balám nebol veštcom. On bol prorokom Pánovým.

69Tak urobme teraz najprv trochu taký náčrt toho posolstva. Izrael bol na svojej ceste z Pales... Išiel do Palestíny, vychádzal z Egypta. A Pán bol s nimi a oni boli... Každý nepriateľ, ktorý pred Izraelom povstal, bol odsunutý z cesty, lebo Boh povedal, že pošle pred nimi sršňov a že vyženie nepriateľa, pokiaľ budú kráčať v poslušnosti Jeho príkazu. Tá práca nebola nikdy príliš veľká. Amalechiti, obrovia toho dňa, neznamenali pre Izrael nič. Hoci boli malými mužmi, čo sa týka vzrastu, ale oni kráčali s Tým, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Tak nezáleží na tom, aká bola opozícia, Boh vždy videl, že Jeho Slovo zasľúbenia nikdy Izrael nesklamalo.

70 A Izrael Starého Zákona je typom nevesty Nového Zákona, ktorá vychádza zo sveta, pochoduje na ceste do Kanaánu, alebo Kanaán, do ktorého ideme, Milénium.

71Tak teraz si všímame, že Moáb tu je typom cirkvi. A Moáb... Oni práve zabili nejakých kráľov a odklonili nepriateľa, všetko zabili, vzali zem do vlastníctva a presťahovali sa do Moábu. No, Moáb nebol v žiadnom prípade pohanský národ. Moáb bol národom, ktorý slúžil tomu istému Bohu, ktorému slúžil Izrael. A Moábska zem pôvodne rozpočala Lotovým synom, skrze jeho vlastnú dcéru. A on, tým, že bol zakladateľom tohto národa, a zorganizoval svoje celebrity a tak ďalej. A učinil z toho veľký národ. A oni sa rozmnožili a išli ďalej.

72A tak Izrael bol semenom Abraháma, nie Lóta. Izrael prišiel z Izáka, Jákoba. A Izrael vyklíčil z tých dvanástich kmeňov od Jákoba, ktorý bol neskôr nazvaný „Izrael“, pretože zápasil s Pánom. A Moáb tu...

73Tak v tomto a vy ľudia tam vonku na telefónoch, chcem najprv povedať, že ja nechcem byť kritický, a dúfam, že nie som. Ale Posolstvo, ktoré mi bolo dané, ja musím byť verný tomu Posolstvu, inak by som bol pokrytcom. Rozumiete? Ja nemôžem povedať nič viac, ako to, čo som poslaný povedať.

A ja si myslím, že tým veľkým nepriateľom kresťanskej spoločnosti dnes sú organizované cirkvi. Verím z celého svojho srdca, že sa to nakoniec vyformuje do znamenia šelmy, ktoré môžem, myslím, že ho môžem dokázať skrze Bibliu s Božou pomocou. Už som to urobil. A to sa vyformuje do znamenia šelmy, do federácie cirkvi. Pretože Boh nikdy v žiadnom čase neuznal nejakú ordinovanú cirkev, organizovanú cirkev, nikdy. Nikdy to neurobil.

A zakaždým, ako človek urobil organizáciu, Duch Boží to opustil a nikdy sa znovu nevrátil. Opýtajte sa ktoréhokoľvek historika, alebo si to môžete sami prečítať. Nikdy. Keď sa zorganizovali, Boh to položil na policu a tam to išlo. Tam to zostalo, odvtedy a ďalej. Oni rástli v počte členov, ale nikdy nie v prebudení Ducha, nikdy, nikdy viac.

74Moáb je tu takým typom, pretože oni boli organizovaným národom vo svojej vlastnej zemi, ako vo svojej vlastnej denominácii. A tam mali vlastné náboženstvá a ich náboženstvo bolo to isté náboženstvo, ktoré mal Izrael. Oni boli Moábitmi a verili v Boha Jehovu, ale oni boli organizovanou skupinou ľudí.

75A tak, ako oni reprezentovali tú prirodzenú cirkev, Izrael reprezentuje tú duchovnú cirkev na svojej ceste. Tak Izrael nebol organizovaným národom. Pokiaľ nasledovali Boha, boli nezávislí. Oni vyšli, putovali, nemali miesta, kam by išli. Kdekoľvek išiel ten Ohnivý Stĺp, oni išli s ním. Neboli organizovaným národom. Mali medzi sebou organizmus, pretože obriezka im to dala pod príkazom skrze Boha, ale nikdy v tomto čase neboli organizovaným národom. Keď sa nakoniec stali organizovaným národom, to je to, kde upadli a odmietli svojho Mesiáša.

76A zisťujeme teraz, že vždy, keď sa tá prirodzená a duchovná, tie duchy cirkví a organizácií stretnú, tam je vždy konflikt. Vždy to tak bolo. To vždy príde do konfliktu. Pretože nachádzame, že tam je žiarlivosť. A v tejto žiarlivosti to spôsobuje telesné porovnávania, napodobňovania. A dnes to nachádzame tak, ako to bolo vtedy. Keď Boh robí niečo pre nejakého jednotlivca, každý sa snaží kopírovať to, čo Boh pre tú osobu urobil. Vidíte, to spôsobuje súťaživosť a spôsobuje to telesnosť. A potom na druhej strane, ak oni nedokážu dostať tie duchovné výsledky, potom to zaberajú politickou mocou, alebo to niečím nahrádzajú, aby rozrušili mysle ľudí, aby tiahli učeníkov za sebou.

77To je presne to, čo sa dialo na samom začiatku, ako Kain a Ábel, obaja chlapci, keď boli tu na zemi. A keď Ábel obetoval Bohu lepšiu obeť ako Kain a Boh potvrdil Ábela skrze to, že zostúpil a prijal jeho obeť, to spôsobilo u Kaina žiarlivosť, pretože bol žiarlivý na svojho brata a zabil svojho brata.

78Tak to začalo na počiatku, že keď ten prirodzený a duchovný, pritom Kain a Ábel uctievali toho istého Boha. Obaja postavili rovnaký druh oltára a obaja uctievali toho istého Boha, v tej istej cirkvi, pri tom istom oltári. Ale Kain skrze telesné rozumovanie priniesol ovocie zeme a položil ich na oltár ako obeť, mysliac si, že to istotne Boh prijme ako zmierenie. Tak on musel priniesť niečo, ako ľudia rozmýšľajú dnes, „Jablká, ktoré Adam a Eva vzali, ktoré spôsobili hriech.“ A čokoľvek, myslím, že oni prišli na to, že to bolo „granátové jablko“, alebo niečo také. Niekto to prednedávnom povedal, že to bolo niečo iné.

79Ale Ábel mal tú správnu obeť. On vedel, že to bola krv, ktorá to spôsobila, tak priniesol baránka. A keď Boh prijal jeho, Ábela, skrze vieru, skrze zjavenie, žiadnym iným spôsobom. Nebola napísaná žiadna Biblia. Tak vidíte. Počiatkom spravodlivosti je Božia zjavená pravda a celá cirkev živého Boha je na tom postavená.

80Jedného dňa Ježiš, keď schádzal z vrchu, povedal svojím učeníkom, „Čo hovoria ľudia, že Ja, Syn človeka, som?“

„Jeden povedal, že ty si Mojžiš, a iný povedal, že si Eliáš a že si Jeremiáš, alebo jeden z prorokov.“

On povedal, „Ale čo hovoríte vy, že Ja som?“

81To je to, keď apoštol Peter, inšpirovaný Bohom, oživený Duchom, učinil to ohromné vyhlásenie, „Ty si Kristus, Syn Živého Boha.“

82Všimnite si to vyhlásenie, „Požehnaný si, Šimone, synu Jonášov, telo a krv ti toto nezjavili, Môj Nebeský Otec ti toto zjavil. Ty si Šimon, na tejto skale...“

Akej skale? No, katolíci hovoria, „Na Petrovi, skale, kameni.“ A protestant hovorí, „Na Kristovi, skale.“

Nie, aby som sa líšil, ale to bolo na zjavení, ktoré Peter mal, kým On bol. „Nikto nepríde ku Mne,“ povedal Ježiš, „jedine, že ho potiahne Môj Otec. A všetkých, ktorých mi Otec dal, ku Mne prídu.“

„Ty si Kristus, Syn Živého Boha.“

83„Požehnaný si, Šimone, synu Jonášov, telo a krv ti toto nezjavili, ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach. Na tejto skale vybudujem svoju cirkev a brány pekla ju nebudú môcť premôcť.“ Duchovné zjavené Slovo Božie.

84Všimnite si. Ábel skrze vieru v Boha obetoval lepšiu obeť a telesný veriaci si myslel, že to boli skutky jeho vlastných rúk, a že jeho ovocie a jeho krásna obeť, ktorú priniesol, že to Boh uzná, a to spôsobilo konflikt.

Zisťujeme, že Abrahám a Lót mali konflikt.

85Zisťujeme, že Mojžiš a Dátan, Kórach, mali tak isto konflikt.

Mojžiš, tým, že bol ordinovaným prorokom so Slovom Pánovým, potvrdeným, že bol vybraný, aby bol ich vodcom tej hodiny, a že Abrahám zasľúbil všetky tieto veci, a Mojžiš tu, urobil presne to, čo Boh povedal, že urobí, že sa stane.

A Kórach, súc telesným, chcel medzi nimi vyzdvihnúť organizáciu. Chcel učiniť skupinu ľudí. A Boh nekoná takto s ľuďmi. To rovno tu ukazuje, že v tom Písme, kde typ dnešného putovania, že organizácia nie je to, čo Boh ustanovuje. Lebo akonáhle to Kórach urobil, povedal Mojžišovi, „Ty berieš na seba príliš mnoho.“ Inými slovami, „Celé zhromaždenie je sväté. No, ty hovoríš, že ty si jediným svätým mužom. Nemáš žiadne právo takto konať. Snažíš sa urobiť niekým veľkým. My sme všetci svätí, všetci sme Božími deťmi.“

86A Mojžiš len obrátil svoju hlavu a odišiel preč. Povedal, „Pane, čo mám robiť?“

87Boh povedal, „Oddeľ sa od neho. Mám už toho dosť.“ A nechal ho pohltiť zemou.

88Vidíte? Tam bol konflikt. Keď sa ten telesný a ten duchovný stretávajú, tam je vždy konflikt. Keď sa stretol Judáš a Ježiš, bol tam konflikt. Jeden bol Synom Božím, druhý synom Satana. Presne tak, ako Kain a Ábel, tam bol konflikt, keď sa oni stretli. Jeden z nich bol pokladníkom cirkvi a ten druhý bol pastor. A tak ako teraz, prichádzame v tomto dni znovu k tej istej veci. Telesná denominácia a duchovná Nevesta Krista. Duchovná Nevesta Kristova je tak odlišná od tých telesných organizácií, až sa s nimi nemôže vôbec porovnať.

89Všimnite si teraz. Ten prirodzený sa vždy snaží byť typom duchovného, ale tak, ako pri Jákobovi a Ezavovi, to nebude fungovať. Nefungovalo by to. No, čo sa týka konania dobrých skutkov, verím, že Ezav bol v skutočnosti lepším človekom ako Jákob, v očiach človeka. Snažil sa starať o svojho ocka, ktorý bol slepý, prorok. A všetky tieto veci, ktoré sa snažil robiť, ale pri tom Ezav o tom nezmýšľal len ako o konaní telesného skutku. On si myslel, že on sa tam môže dostať skrze to, čo on urobil, že urobil niečo dobré pre niekoho, čo bolo v poriadku. Ale Jákob, celá jeho duša bola v tom, dostať to právo prvorodenstva, a to je to, čo Boh v ňom uznal, to duchovné.

90Všimnite si. A to vždy spôsobuje, že to prirodzené nenávidí to duchovné. To spôsobilo, že Kain nenávidel Ábela. To spôsobilo, že Kórach nenávidel Mojžiša. To spôsobilo, že Judáš nenávidel Ježiša. A ide to tak ďalej a ďalej. To spôsobuje, že ten prirodzený nenávidí toho duchovného, práve tak, ako Kain na začiatku nenávidel Ábela, toho, od ktorého Boh prijal obeť, a snaží sa ho zničiť.

A oni sa snažia zničiť vplyv. Snažia sa zničiť všetko, pretože to nie je nič iné ako žiarlivosť. Začalo to pri Kainovi a bolo dokázané, že to bola žiarlivosť. A je to stále to isté dnes, keď sa ten prirodzený, telesný a ten duchovný spolu stretnú. To dokázalo, že to bol Satan, nijako inak, pretože žiarlivosť pochádza od Satana. A potom spôsobuje napodobovanie pravdy, niekto, kto sa snaží napodobiť niečo, čo nie je, do čoho nie je ustanovený, aby činil. Koľko sme toho uvideli v týchto posledných dňoch. Ó, ako mnoho.

91Tak vidíme, že keď Boh robí... On nikdy nemení svoju myseľ ohľadne Svojho originálneho Slova. Ale ten, koho povoláva, to je ten, koho on ustanovuje. Nikto druhý nemôže zaujať to miesto. Nikto nemohol zaujať miesto Mojžiša. Nezáležalo na tom, koľko Kórachov povstalo a koľko Dátanov, to bol Mojžiš, ktorého Boh povolal, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek.

92Ale, ak ľudia nebudú kráčať v Jeho dokonalej vôli, On dáva dopustenú vôľu, v ktorej ťa nechá kráčať. Všimnite si. On to dovoľuje. V poriadku. Ale On spôsobí, že to bude pracovať na Jeho slávu, na Jeho dokonalú vôľu. No, ako by ste radi...

93Práve tak, ako na počiatku, to nebolo Božou dokonalou vôľou, aby sa deti rodili na zemi skrze sex. Nie veru. Boh stvoril človeka z prachu zeme, vdýchol do neho dych života a On sa stal živou dušou. A on vzal z toho muža pomocnicu a učinil pre neho ženu. To bola Božia prvá a originálna vôľa. Ale keď vstúpil hriech a urobil tú vec, ktorú urobil, potom on dovolil mužovi, aby sa zosobášil so ženou legálne a mal s ňou deti. „Množte sa a ploďte sa a naplňte zem a to je to, ako to bude.“ Ale vidíte? To nebolo nikdy Jeho dokonalou vôľou.

94Preto všetky tieto veci, ktoré majú počiatok, musia mať koniec. Všetok hriech musí prísť do vyhladenia, zničenia. Všetok hriech musí byť odstránený. Preto v tom veľkom Miléniu, keď príde zmŕtvychvstanie, my sa nebudeme musieť znovu narodiť skrze našich otcov a matky, ale Boh, ako to urobil na počiatku, povolá človeka z prachu zeme a jeho pomocnicu s ním. To je pravda. To je to, ako to On urobil na počiatku.

95Tak preto, Boh nikdy nemení svoju myseľ ohľadne čohokoľvek, ale On ti dovolí ísť ďalej. No, toto je obsiahle a vedie k tomu dlhá cesta, k tomu, čo sa chcem dostať a čo tu chcem o tomto povedať. Ale to je to, že vy... Chcem, aby ste to porozumeli. Rozumiete? Boh ti dovolí niečo robiť a dokonca ťa bude žehnať v tom, ako to robíš, ale to stále nie je Jeho dokonalá vôľa.

96Boh dovolil Izraelu, aby vzal zákon v Exoduse v 19. kapitole, keď im už milosť dala proroka, ohnivý stĺp, obetného baránka, vyslobodzujúcu moc, ale oni kričali o zákon. To nebolo Božou vôľou, ale bolo to vsunuté, pretože človek to chcel. A on bol prekliaty práve tým zákonom, ktorý chcel.

97Najlepšie je mať Božiu vôľu. To je to, čo nás On učil, „Nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa, nech príde Tvoje Kráľovstvo, Tvoja vôľa nech sa stane.“ Musíme sa podriadiť Jeho vôli a Jeho Slovu. Nepochybujte v to, verte tomu. Nesnažte sa nájsť nejakú cestu okolo Toho. Len to vezmite tak, ako to je.

Tak mnohí chcú ísť okolo, dostať sa nejakou inou cestou, a keď to robíte, nájdete sa, ako idete ďalej, zistíte, že Boh vás žehná, ale vy pracujete v Jeho dopustenej vôli a nie v Jeho dokonalej vôli, Božskej vôli.

98 On to dovoľuje, ako som už povedal, ale On nebude... On nenechá, aby to bolo Jeho dokonalou vôľou, ale On spôsobí, že to uctí a požehná Jeho dokonalú vôľu. A rodenie detí skrze sex, je jedna z tých vecí.

99Všimnite si teraz. Moáb bol na začiatku nelegitímnym národom. On rozpočal nelegitímne, hoci otec bol veriaci, dcéra bola veriaca.

Ale presne tak, ak uvidíte ten typ a použijete duchovnú myseľ, môžete vidieť, ako tam stojí denominácia, tak jasne ako neviem čo. Iste. Vidíte. Celá tá vec je úplne zlá. A pozrite sa, keď je to privedené, keď to tak rozpočalo, to nikdy nemôže... To ide ďalej ako snehová guľa. To sa len ďalej kotúľa viac a viac. Dostávate jednu chybu a začínate s tou jednou chybou a ďalej sa kotúľate, jedna vec za druhou a jedna vec za druhou a tak ďalej.

100A to je to, ako začala cirkev. To je to, ako to začalo v Nicei, Ríme, keď rímskokatolícka cirkev... A samotný počiatok, odkiaľ to prišlo, boli Letnice.

Ale keď sa zorganizovali a vniesli tam do cirkvi celebrity a začali tam robiť, mať modlitby a modliť sa ružence a modliť sa za mŕtvych a všetky tieto ďalšie veci. A potom sa to začalo len gúľať od jednej chyby ku druhej, od jedného bludu ku druhému, až pozrite, ku čomu to prišlo. Nie je v tom ani jedna reprezentácia Letníc. Vôbec žiadna. Rozumiete? To je jeden blud, ktorý naberá ďalší a naberá ďalší. Je iba jediná vec a to je, vyčistiť ten záznam a vrátiť sa na počiatok.

101Keď Martin Luther rozpočal s ospravedlnením, toto by mala byť vyspelejšia Luteránska cirkev. Rozumiete? Ak... Luther, keď sa zorganizoval, nemohol vziať Wesleyho posvätenie, pretože bol zorganizovaný a tí ľudia by za tým nestáli, tak Duch sa pohol z toho von.

102Tak tu je Lótova skupina, alebo Moáb bol dieťaťom Lótovej dcéry, od začiatku nelegitímny. Všimnite si, ako tá prirodzená cirkev, Moáb, reprezentuje prirodzenú denomináciu.

Izrael reprezentuje duchovnú cirkev. Izrael, tam bola pravá cirkev, ktorá bola nevestou toho dňa vyvolaná z Egypta a potvrdená, že je pravdou.

103Všimnite si, keď sa tí dvaja spolu zišli. Obaja obetovali tú istú obeť, obaja postavili sedem oltárov, obaja obetovali čistú obeť vola a dokonca obetovali baranov, svedčiac, že prichádza Mesiáš. Fundamentálne boli na tom obaja rovnako. Izrael tu dolu v údolí a Moáb tu hore na kopci. A Moáb so siedmymi oltármi, Izrael so siedmymi oltármi. Moáb so siedmymi volmi, Izrael so siedmymi volmi. Moáb so siedmymi baranmi, hovoriaci o prichádzajúcom Mesiášovi, Izrael so siedmimi baranmi.

Tak v čom bol medzi nimi rozdiel. Fundamentálne mali obaja pravdu. Ale vidíte, Moáb nemal medzi sebou to potvrdenie Boha, oni boli iba národom, skupinou celebrít, ale Izrael mal medzi sebou proroka. Oni mali medzi sebou tú udretú Skalu, mali Ohnivý Stĺp, mali medeného hada pre uzdravenie, mali požehnania Božie, ktoré sa s nimi ďalej pohybovali a oni boli vyvolanými deťmi Božími.

104Zisťujeme tak dokonale, že tu v nich je typ dnešných cirkví. S Moábom to nebolo tak. Izrael bol putujúci z miesta na miesto, kdekoľvek sa Ohnivý Stĺp pohol, oni sa pohli s ním. S Moábom to tak nebolo, oni sa usadili vo svojej vlastnej denominácii, dolu vo svojom vlastnom národe. Oni sa nehýbali, zostávali rovno tam. Mali svoje celebrity. Ustanovili veci, aké by mali robiť, a mali svojich bojovníkov, mali svojich vojakov, mali svojho kráľa, ktorého mali, od ktorého dostávali príkazy a tak ďalej.

105Ale Moáb videl Izraela s niečím, čo sami nemali. Videli mocnú silu medzi Izraelom a to bol prorok. A tým prorokom bol Mojžiš. A oni vedeli, že keď sa v boji nedarilo, oni len zodvihli jeho ruky a držali ich hore a ten boj sa zmenil. A tak tamtí nemali niečo také, tak sa to snažili dosiahnuť svojou politikou, svojím politickým tiahnutím. Oni vyslali do inej krajiny a najali proroka, aby prišiel, aby tak mohli mať proroka a mohli tak mať moc medzi sebou práve tak, ako mal Izrael medzi sebou.

106Vidíte tú telesnú napodobeninu? Môžete vidieť tú telesnú cirkev dnes? To je presne tak isto.

107Všimnite si teraz, oni obaja budú mať prorokov. Ten jediný rozdiel bol, že Mojžiš, prorok Boží, jeho Kráľom bol Boh. To je to, odkiaľ dostával svoje príkazy, zo Slova Pánovho. A Balám, on mal tiež kráľa, ale ten kráľ bol Balák, kráľ Moába, a to je to, odkiaľ on dostal svoje príkazy a svoje požehnania. Tak Moáb povedal Balákovi, „Príď dolu,“ alebo Balám povedal, „Príď dolu a prekľaj mi tento ľud, pretože oni pokrývajú celú tvár zeme. Oni len prídu a zlížu všetko, ako vôl zlíže trávu.“ Povedal, „Príď sem dolu. A ja rozumiem, že ty dokážeš prekliať, môžeš požehnať a čokoľvek ty urobíš, je uznané.“

108No, chceme si všimnúť, že tento človek bol prorok ustanovený od Boha, ale on zapredal svoje práva prvorodenstva z politických dôvodov. Presne tak, ako to urobila cirkev dnes, ako to urobil Luther, Wesley, letniční a celá ich skupina. Zapredali to za vplyvy vo svojich organizáciách. Mojžiš pod Bohom, Balám pod Balákom. A pritom, obaja boli proroci povolaní Bohom a obaja duchovní. Všimnite si ten rozdiel. Každý mal hlavu. Mojžišovou hlavou bol Boh, Balámovou bol Balák.

109Všimnite si, ako je tu aplikované to duchovné, aby dokázalo, že to prirodzené sa mýli. Mojžiš, poslaný od Boha, v línii povinností sa stretáva a je vyzvaný iným prorokom Božím. Dokážete si to predstaviť? Mojžiš, povolaný od Boha, ustanovený od Boha, stojaci v povinnostiach Božích, pohnutý ku tejto chladnej formálnej skupine a bol vyzvaný iným prorokom Božím, ktorého Boh požehnal a ustanovil. Ako by ste dokázali povedať ten rozdiel? Obaja mali prorokov. Boh hovoril k obom prorokom.

110A niektorí z nich hovoria, „Boh povedal, 'Urob toto.' Boh povedal, 'Urob tamto.'“ No ja to nechcem spochybňovať, ale to je mimo tej línie Božieho Slova. Prorok, bez ohľadu na to, či on je prorokom, je mimo tej línie. Tak mnohí sú takto zvedení. „Ó, tento brat môže robiť toto a tento brat môže robiť toto,“ a zapierať Slovo?

111„Hoci by som hovoril jazykmi ľudskými a anjelskými, hoci by som mal dary, že by som mohol hýbať vrchmi, hoci by som dal všetko svoje imanie, aby som nasýtil chudobných, stále nie som ničím.“

„Mnohí ku mne prídu v ten deň a povedia, 'Pane, Pane, či som neprorokoval v Tvojom Mene? Či som v tvojom mene nevyháňal diablov a nečinil mocné skutky?' A Ja im poviem, 'Odstúpte odo mňa vy... Odstúpte odo mňa, vy činitelia neprávosti. Nikdy som vás nepoznal.'“ A pri tom prichádzajú s vyznaním, že oni to urobili, ale Ježiš povedal, „Oni sú činitelia neprávosti.“ Čo je neprávosť? To je niečo, čo viete, že by ste mali robiť, čo je správne robiť, a pritom to nerobíte. Vidíte, ako to bude v tých posledných dňoch?

112Počúvajte celú tú líniu. To je mojím zámerom dnes večer. Povedal som, že skončím do deviatej, ale trošku ju možno presiahnem. Pozrite, to bol celý môj zámer, aby som vám ukázal túto líniu skrze Slovo Božie. Rozumiete? Že Boh musí zachovať svoje Slovo na poriadku, aby zostal Bohom.

113Tak všímame si teraz, že obaja boli duchovnými mužmi, obaja boli prorokmi, obaja boli povolaní. A Mojžiš rovno v línii povinností, s čerstvým ohnivým stĺpom pred sebou každého dňa, s Duchom Božím na sebe v línii povinností. A tu prichádza ďalší služobník Boží povolaný Bohom, ustanovený Bohom, prorok, ku ktorému prichádza Slovo Božie. Tu je tá nebezpečná hranica. Nie je nikto, kto by mohol pochybovať, že ten človek bol Boží, z Boha, pretože Biblia hovorí, že Duch Boží ku nemu prehovoril a on bol prorokom. Ale vidíte, keď on dostal tú skutočnú odpoveď od Boha, on ju nezachoval. On si to nevšimol a potom išiel, aby vyzval Mojžiša.

114Tak Balám hľadal vôľu Božiu z celého svojho srdca. No, keď títo veľkí mužovia prišli tam a povedali, „Balám, kráľ Balák nás poslal, aby si k nemu ihneď prišiel a preklial tento ľud Izrael, pretože oni sú roztrúsení po celej tvári zeme a teraz sú rozložení táborom proti mne. A oni zrovnali každé kráľovstvo naokolo, dostali ich pod seba. A teraz chceme, aby si prišiel a preklial tento ľud. Pretože, ja rozumiem, že ak ty niekoho prekľaješ, tak bude prekliaty.“ Tak vidíte, on bol mužom Božím. „Čo požehnáš, je požehnané.“ On bol Sluhom Božím.

115A Balám si teraz myslel, tým, že je prorok, „Je len jedna vec, ktorú musím urobiť, a to je zistiť, či je to vôľa Božia.“

116To je povinnosť proroka, ak je povolaný byť prorokom. Najprv, čo musí prorok urobiť? To je hľadať vôľu, Slovo Božie. On to musí urobiť. Pretože tým, že je prorokom, Slovo Božie k nemu prichádza. Ľudia hovoria, „No, ty nie si teológ.“ Biblia nikdy nehovorí, že Slovo Božie prichádza k teológovi. To sú tí, ktorí to zamiešajú. Slovo prichádza k prorokovi Božiemu.

117A tu bol človek, ktorý bol prorokom Božím. A keď bol najatý, bol najatým, aby tam prišiel a preklial iný ľud Boží. Všimnite si, on išiel hľadať vôľu Božiu. A on chcel poznať Jeho dokonalú vôľu a Boh mu dal jeho dokonalú vôľu v tej záležitosti. Jeho dokonalá vôľa mu bola predstavená. Čo bola Jeho vôľa? „Nechoď.“ To je Božie prvé slovo. „Nechoď s nimi, nesnaž sa zaútočiť na môj ľud, ktorý kráča v mojich dokonalých cestách.“

118Ako je to dnes, oni sa chcú hádať, debatovať a všetko možné, keď vidia Ducha Božieho medzi vami pracovať. A snažia sa a snažili sa to po roky udusiť, ututlať, ale čím viac sa to snažia dusiť, tým viac to rastie. Nemôžete prekliať, čo Boh požehnal. Jednoducho nemôžete. Skrátka to nedokážete.

119Tak vidíte, to bol Boží ľud. Tak prorok, hoci bol tam hore a bol najatý kráľom, pracoval medzi tými celebritami a tak ďalej. A Slovo Božie k nemu prišlo. On hľadal vôľu Božiu a vôľa Božia k nemu späť prehovorila a povedala, „Neprekľaj tento ľud. Ja som ich požehnal.“

120Neexistuje žiaden teológ pod nebom, ktorý by mohol zaprieť toto posolstvo, ktoré my kážeme, ale ktoré je presne so Slovom Božím správne na čas. Boh to potvrdil vo všetkom, čo bolo povedané alebo učinené. On to dokázal, že je to pravda. Tak neexistuje žiaden teológ, čitateľ Biblie, prorok, ktorý sa môže pozrieť do Slova, ak je on prorokom, on uvidí tú istú vec. Ale ak on nevidí tú istú vec, to ukazuje, že tam je niečo nesprávne. Pretože...

121Poviete, „No, ó, mohol by som to zobrať presne naopak.“ Tak isto to mohol Balák, Balám. Rozumiete? Ale Boh zidentifikoval Mojžiša.

A potom, čo bol ten dôkaz? Slovo Božie. A On počul jasné, priame rozhodnutie Božie, „Nechoď. Nesnaž sa prekliať to, čo som Ja požehnal. To sú moji ľudia.“

Ale viete čo? Balám už od začiatku nemal tých ľudí rád. Ó, čo za... Koľko Balámov je vo svete dnes. On od samého začiatku nemal tú skupinu rád.

122Tak potom, ako dostal to Božie priame rozhodnutie, „Nechoď,“ ale vidíte, namiesto toho, aby to urobil, to bolo to isté, ako pri Kainovi, ako pri Kórachovi. On bol žiarlivý a on každopádne chcel nejaký dôvod, aby mohol ísť.

123 Všimnite si. Jeho denominačný hlavný stan, potom, ako znovu po neho poslali, povedal, „Nemyslím, že tam pôjdem, nemyslím, že s nimi budem mať niečo do činenia, nebudem s tými ľuďmi debatovať, pretože Boh mi už povedal, že oni sú Jeho ľudia, a ja si nemyslím, že pôjdem.“ Ak by len s tým zostal.

Ale dolu, vo svojom srdci, on ich nemal rád. Rozumiete? To nebola jeho skupina. A čokoľvek, čo nepatrilo do jeho skupiny, „nebolo od začiatku správne.“ Vidíte? A on sa na nich pozrel zhora a povedal, „Bolo tam už viac hrozných vecí, ktoré tí ľudia urobili. Iste, že Svätý Boh prekľaje taký ľud ako to. Oni sú, oni sú negramotní. Oni nie sú vzdelaní ako my, my sme chytrejší ľudia. Ó, oni si nárokujú, že slúžia Bohu, ale pozrite sa na nich, čím oni sú? Banda, ó, banda otrokov, miesičov blata, ktorých tam dolu vyhnali Egypťania. No, Boh by nikdy nemal nič s takou špinavou skupinou ako to.“

124On zlyhal vidieť tú udrenú Skalu a medeného hada a ten Ohnivý Stĺp. On sa ich snažil posudzovať z morálneho hľadiska. On zlyhal vidieť to vyššie povolanie Božie. Skrze milosť, skrze vyvolenie oni boli v tej línii a s Božím Slovom. A keď ich chcel prekliať, Boh povedal, „Nerob to, oni sú moji. Nechaj ich na pokoji, nedotýkaj sa ich.“

125Takže, ten človek sa obrátil a išiel naspäť. Avšak sledujte teraz jeho denominačný hlavný stan, potom, ako sa vrátil späť. Poslali za ním vplyvnejšiu skupinu. Tentokrát to mohli byť nejakí, namiesto obyčajného laického člena, teraz to mohli byť doktori teológie, ktorí prišli tentokrát. Mohli to byť biskupi, alebo nejakí štátni presbyteri za všetko... On poslal lepšiu skupinu, niekoho, kto mal lepšie vzdelanie a mohol mu ten plán lepšie predložiť, mohol to pre neho urobiť takým rozumným.

126Vidíte? To je to, čo urobil Kain. On rozumoval. To je to, čo urobil Kórach, rozumoval. To nie je na tom, kto rozumuje.

„My zavrhujeme rozumovania.“ My veríme Bohu bez ohľadu na to, čo ktokoľvek hovorí. My veríme Bohu. My nerozumujeme nad tým, čo Boh hovorí, nemôžte s tým rozumovať, musíte to akceptovať vierou. A čokoľvek, čo viete, vy nemusíte už viac nad tým rozumovať. Ja neviem, ako to on robí, ja len verím, že On to robí. Ja neviem, ako On ide dodržať zasľúbenie, ale On povedal, že to urobí. Ja tomu verím. Ja to prijímam na základe toho, že verím, že je to Božie Slovo.

Poviete, „No, to ti nemôže prejsť.“ Ja neviem, ako s tým prejdem, ale On povedal, „Povedz to.“

Pamätám si, ako mi môj baptistický pastor povedal, „Budeš kázať v cirkvi stĺpom. Myslíš si, že niekto bude niečo také počúvať?“

Povedal som, „Boh tak povedal.“

„Ako to dokážeš so vzdelaním len siedmych tried modliť sa za kráľov a kázať po celom svete?“

127Povedal som, „Ja neviem, ako to idem urobiť, ale On tak povedal, a to je pre mňa celkom dostatočné.“ Vidíte? „On tak povedal, ja neviem, ako sa to stane.“

On povedal, „Či si nemyslíš, že tí ľudia v tomto veľkom vzdelanom svete, proti ktorému ideš zastať, na túto tému toho Božského uzdravenia a tak ďalej, či si myslíš, že oni tomu budú veriť?“

128Ja som povedal, „To nie je na mne vedieť, či tomu budú veriť alebo nie.“ Povedal som, „Mojou povinnosťou je kázať to. To je to, čo mi On povedal. On povedal, že bude so mnou a On povedal, čo to spraví.“

A stalo sa to presne tak, ako On povedal, že sa to stane. „Prvá vec bude, budeš ich brať za svoju ruku a potom sa stane, že budeš dokonca poznať tajomstvo ich srdca.“ A ja som vám o tom povedal a to sa tak stalo. Ako sa to deje? Ja to stále neviem, ako sa to deje. To nie je vôbec mojou vecou, ako sa to deje, to sa jednoducho deje.

129Kto mohol vysvetliť, keď Boh povedal Eliášovi, „Choď tam hore a posaď sa na ten vrch a ja ťa budem kŕmiť. Rozkázal som krkavcom, aby ťa kŕmili.“ Ako by mohol krkavec vziať kúsok chleba a kúsok ryby upečenej a priniesť to prorokovi? To je poza čímkoľvek, čo dokážem vysvetliť. A nemyslím si, že vy by ste to vedeli vysvetliť, alebo niekto druhý. Ale On to urobil! To je všetko, čo bolo potrebné. On to urobil a to je tá pravda toho.

Ako to On urobil, ja neviem, to nie je mojou vecou. Ale On to urobil. Ako On učinil zem, ja neviem, ale On ju urobil. Ako On poslal Svojho Syna, ja neviem, ale urobil to. Ako On vstal z mŕtvych, ja neviem, ale On to urobil. Ako On ma spasil, ja neviem, ale urobil to. To je pravda. Ako spasil teba? Neviem ti to povedať, ale urobil to. Ako ma On uzdravil? Ja neviem, ale urobil to. On zasľúbil, že to urobí, a On dodržuje svoje Slovo.

Tak Balám to mal vedieť a on to veľmi dobre vedel.

130Všimnite si, táto lepšia vplyvná skupina prišla a čo bolo lepšie? Oni mali lepšie dary. A nie len to, Oni mu mohli dať viac peňazí a mohli mu ponúknuť lepšiu pozíciu. „No, okrem toho, aby si bol len obyčajným kazateľom v organizácii, urobíme z teba okresného dozorcu. Urobíme pre teba niečo a ty len vyženieš túto skupinu ľudí odtiaľto a zastavíš to.“ Ó, oni mu ponúkli veľkú pozíciu. Povedali, „Čím viac budeš žehnať...“ Povedali, „Vieš, ja som schopný ťa podporiť, urobiť ti reklamu.“ Pozrite, odkiaľ on dostáva svoje slová, od hlavy národa.

131Odkiaľ dostával Mojžiš svoje Slová? Od Kráľa Neba. Jedno z Božích Slov zasľúbenia bolo, „Vezmem vás do zasľúbenej zeme a nikto pred vami neobstojí. Pošlem pred vami sršňov a vyženiem ich sprava i zľava a vy zaujmete tú zem. Ja som už... Už som vám ju dal. Pokračujte, zaujmite ju, vlastnite ju, je vaša.“ A tak teraz vidíte, to je to, čo počúval Mojžiš. A tento muž počúval, až kým tam v jeho srdci nebolo niečo, na čo bol žiarlivý, a tak išiel potom k tej klerikálnej hlave. Vidíte?

132Všimnite si, lepšia pozícia. On povedal, „Či vieš, že som schopný presadiť tvoje záujmy? Zabezpečím ti lepšie miesto. Urobím pre teba viac. Zdvihnem ti plat, dám ti lepšiu výplatu.“ A keď mu všetko toto ponúkol, to ho zaslepilo.

133Koľko Balámov je dnes vo svete, ktorí kvôli lepšej pozícii, lepšej cirkvi niečo sľubujú. Keď človek otvorí svoje oči na Slovo a na pôsobenie Boha... A ten dobrý človek, ktorý ma vplyv, začne ako služobník Boží a má dobré zhromaždenie, po chvíli, kedy je mu predstavený krst Duchom Svätým, je mu predstavený krst na Ježišove Meno, čo je podľa Písma a jediný spôsob krstenia podľa Písma. A keď mu je to predstavené a tá denominácia vie, že ho stratí, keď to on začne, oni mu ponúknu lepšiu pozíciu a urobia zmenu v cirkvi. Vidíte? Znovu starý balámizmus. Presne tak, ako to bolo od počiatku.

134No, človek, ktorý číta Bibliu, nemôže ju čítať, jedine, že uvidí, že to je pravda. Nie je nikto, kto bol kedy pokrstený použijúc tituly „Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého“. To je katolícke vyznanie a nie Biblická náuka. Žiadna osoba v Biblii nikdy nebola tak pokrstená, až tristo rokov po smrti posledného apoštola, ale dovtedy krstili na Meno Ježiša Krista. A katolícka cirkev to začala a tí ostatní do toho prišli. A ktorýkoľvek kazateľ, ktorý sedí vo svojej študovni a pozrie sa na to, vie, že je to pravda. Ale kvôli popularite, aby si udržal svoju pozíciu, lepšie postavenie medzi ľuďmi, on robí kompromis.

„Dobre,“ poviete, „Boh ho požehnal.“

135Samozrejme. Niektorí z nich majú dary uzdravenia, niektorí z nich majú veľké kampane. A to im triafa rovno späť do tváre a dostávajú tu istú odpoveď zo Slova Božieho, ktorú by si ty alebo ktorýkoľvek iný človek dostal. Boh sa nemení. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli?

136Balám si kvôli lepšej pozícii pomyslel... No, pozrite, keď prišla späť tá lepšia skupina... Balám tu vzal taký predstieraný text. Rozumiete? On povedal... Tá lepšia skupina sa vrátila a on mal povedať, „Vypadnite z mojej prítomnosti. Povedal som vám Slovo Božie. Odíďte, toto je Tak Hovorí Pán.“ Ale videl tie dary a možnosť byť populárnejším človekom.

137Ó, ako to radi robia, „Pošleme ťa do celého sveta, dáme ti špeciálne lietadlo, budeme sponzorovať tvoje zhromaždenia, kdekoľvek, ak len ty...“ Ó, nie, aha. Vidíte?

My vieme, čo Slovo hovorí, vieme, čo Boh povedal. Ideme s tým zostať s Božou pomocou. Rozumiete? Nezáleží na tom, aký druh zasľúbenia, alebo koľko môžete zaplatiť, koľko tohto a tamtoho alebo iného môžete vyprodukovať. My chceme TAK HOVORÍ PÁN a to, čo On tu povedal najprv.

„Dobre, cirkev hovorí, „To je druhoradé“.“

My chceme to, čo Boh povedal na počiatku. „A čokoľvek pridané k tomu, alebo zobraté z toho, dokonca vaše meno bude vzaté z Knihy Života, ak pridáte k tomu jedno slovo, alebo vezmete z toho jedno slovo.“ Chceme to, čo On povedal, nie to, čo cirkev povedala, čo povedal Doktor Jones, čo niekto iný povedal. Chceme to, čo povedalo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, čo povedalo Slovo.

138Tak teraz nachádzame Baláma, služobníka Božieho. A mnohí z tých mužov začali a boli ordinovaní Bohom a hovoria Božie Slovo v mnohých veciach, ale keď to prichádza k plnej pravde, nebudú to robiť.

139Všimnite si tu, ako prorok Boží, on v prvom rade nemal byť vôbec v takej skupine prichytený. On s nimi nemal ísť. Ale pozorujte, kvôli popularite, kvôli jeho svedomiu povedal, „No, dobre, zostaňte celú noc, ja sa znovu pokúsim.“ Vidíte? „Znovu sa pokúsim.“ O čo sa chceš znovu pokúšať?

140Boh mu už povedal, čo má povedať. Boh povedal, „Povedz im, že nejdeš.“ To je Jeho originálne Slovo. „Nejdem.“ „A nechoď, nepreklínaj to, čo som požehnal.“ No, sledujte, to mu po chvíli strelilo naspäť. Vidíte? A to urobí zakaždým. Keď Boh niečo hovorí, On to tak myslí. On ohľadne toho nemení Svoju myseľ. On zostáva rovno so Svojím Slovom. Nezáleží na tom, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí, On zostáva rovno so Slovom.

141Tak Balám to mal vedieť lepšie. On sa mal od takej spoločnosti oddeliť, ale všetky tie pekné dary a ten sľub, ktorý dal tento kráľ, „Ty vieš, že ja to môžem urobiť, som biskupom, môžem urobiť, čo chcem, a ja ťa zabezpečím a ty prídeš toto pre mňa urobiť.“

A Boh mu už povedal, „Nerob to.“

142Ale pri tom Balám povedal, „Zostaňte tu cez noc a ja sa znovu pokúsim.“

Vidíte? On mal Slovo, nemusíte sa ohľadne toho už viac hádať. Boh to už povedal. S takou skupinou, oni vás vždy vyhovoria z vôle Božej, ak im to len dovolíte.

143Raz bola jedna skupina, ktorá prišla ku prorokovi, ktorý sa volal Jób. Nemohli mu to vyhovoriť. On videl videnie. Vedel, čo bolo správne.

Balám videl videnie a pritom s ním nezostal.

144Nezáležalo na tom, koľko jeho cirkevné skupiny hovorili, „Ó, Jób, mal by si robiť toto, mal by si robiť tamto.“ Dokonca i jeho žena, on povedal, „Hovoríš ako bláznivá osoba.“ Rozumiete? „Ja viem, čo Pán povedal, ja viem, čo On vyžadoval, a to je to, čo som urobil.“ Vidíte? On zostal s tým, čo mu Boh povedal.

145Všimnite si. Balám použil túto predstieranú reč kvôli svojmu svedomiu. Vidíte? On povedal, „No, ja to zistím, pokúsim sa znovu.“ No, to je to, kam prichádzate. Tá druhá vec. Koľkých Balámov máme dnes večer, ktorí radi použijú tú predstieranú reč z Matúša 28:19 [Brat Branham klope trikrát na kazateľňu. - pozn. prekl.] len kvôli svojmu svedomiu? Koľkí chcú použiť Malachiáša 4 kvôli svojmu svedomiu? Koľkí chcú použiť Lukáša 17:30 len kvôli svojmu svedomiu? Koľkí chcú použiť tieto veci a pritom, „No, poviem vám, verím, že oni sú v tom celí zamiešaní?“

146A potom tu bol Balám, ktorý sa snažil povedať, „Možno, že Boh je v tom zamiešaný, znovu sa pokúsim, aby som videl, čo On povedal.“ Tak, On pozná tvoje srdce. Všimnite si. Balám použil túto predstieranú reč kvôli svojmu svedomiu, pretože v skutočnosti chcel tie peniaze. On chcel tú vznešenosť. On to chcel. On chcel tú prácu, on chcel tú pozíciu, aby sa na neho dívali, ako na doktora takého a takého. Tak on povedal, „Znovu sa pokúsim.“

147Ó, Balámovia v dnešnom svete, sľubované pozície, popularita. Ó, oni tými vecami umlčujú svoje svedomie. Kvôli svojim denomináciám hovoria, „Ak urobíš toto, prac sa preč. Viem, že si dobrý človek, a my ťa milujeme.“ A on je dobrý človek, „My ťa milujeme, ale ty toto nemôžeš kázať. Naša náuka hovorí, že to nemôžeš robiť, doktor taký a taký povedal, že toto je ten spôsob. Tak ty to musíš veriť takto, ak chceš zostať s nami. No, ale ak chceš, viem, že si mal ťažký čas, no, uvidím, či ťa môžem podporiť. Možno zmeníme cirkvi.“ Ó, ty Balám. Keď poznáš vôľu Božiu, konaj ju. Boh nejde zmeniť svoju myseľ. Nie.

148Niečo, okolo čoho by mohol prejsť, pravda ohľadne Jeho poverenia. On povedal, „No, znovu sa pokúsim.“ Všimnite si toho Baláma, ako tam je.

149Tak pamätajte teraz, keď prišiel tú druhú noc s touto veľkou celebritou, už mal svoje svedomie otupené a umlčané. A Boh ho nechal ísť. Tak, Boh nikdy nemení svoju myseľ, ale On dáva Svoju dopustenú vôľu, „Potom choď.“ Ale on zistil, že to nebude fungovať.

150Boh vedel, čo bolo v Balámovom srdci. Hoci on bol prorokom, on vedel, že nenávidel tých náboženských fanatikov a on len... On ich jednako chcel ísť prekliať. A Boh mu povedal, aby to nerobil, ale jednako prichádza, chcel to urobiť znovu, tak Boh ho nechal ísť vpred. Boh povedal, „Choď.“ No, pamätajte, On nikdy nemení svoju myseľ.

151Všimnite si. To bola jeho túžba prekliať ich. Tí ľudia, ktorých klasifikoval ako fanatikov, on ich chcel prekliať. On chcel pozíciu. On sa s nimi nechcel priamo zahrávať, tak on si myslel, že by mohol urobiť túto malú vec pre kráľa a potom by bol odmenený. Boh nikdy nemení svoju myseľ, alebo Svoje Slovo.

Ale On ti dá túžbu tvojho srdca, čo je v tvojom srdci. On to zasľúbil. Viete to? On zasľúbil, že ti dá túžbu tvojho srdca. A nech je tvojou túžbou Slovo Božie. Nech je tvojou túžbou Jeho Vôľa, nikdy tvoja vlastná vôľa. Jeho vôľa. Ak On... Prosíš Ho o niečo, a ak On ti to nedá, povedz, „Ďakujem ti, Pane, Ty vieš, čo je dobré.“

152Pozrite sa dokonca na kráľa Ezechiáša, keď k nemu Boh poslal tam hore proroka a povedal, „Daj do poriadku svoj dom, zomrieš.“

Ezechiáš obrátil svoju tvár ku stene a horko nariekal a povedal, „Pane Bože, prosím ťa, pohliadni na mňa. Kráčal som pred Tebou s dokonalým srdcom. Chcem, aby si ma nechal žiť pätnásť rokov dlhšie.“

153„V poriadku.“ Boh prehovoril k prorokovi a povedal, „Vráť sa a povedz mu, že som ho vyslyšal.“

A čo urobil? Priniesol hanbu na celý národ. Rozpálil hnev Boží, kým ho nezabil. To je pravda. Viete to. Odpadol od Boha. Bolo by bývalo omnoho lepšie pre národ, pre toho kráľa, pre všetkých, ak by bol išiel vpred a vzal tú prvú vec, ktorú mu Boh povedal.

Ale to sa zdalo pre toho proroka ťažké, keď sa ten prorok musel vrátiť a povedať mu Slovo Božie, potom, čo mu ho už povedal. Ale Boh povedal, „Choď vpred.“ Ale vidíte? To prinieslo hanbu.

154Čo urobil Balám? Potom, čo poznal vôľu Božiu a pritom bol vytrvalý, jednako to išiel urobiť. A čo urobil? Všimnite si. Boh nikdy nemení svoju myseľ. On vedel, čo bolo v jeho srdci.

155Viete? Raz Tomáš, on to jednoducho nemohol veriť. Povedal, „Nie, tomu nemôžem uveriť. Ak by som mohol strčiť svoju ruku do Jeho boku, strčiť ju tam, kde v Jeho rukách boli klince, no, dobre, potom by som tomu uveril.“

On povedal, „Poď sem, Tomáš.“ Vidíte? „No, polož sem svoje ruky.“

Tak Tomáš teraz povedal, „To je Môj Pán a Môj Boh.“

156Povedal, „Áno, ty si videl a teraz tomu veríš. O koľko väčšia je ich odplata, ktorí nikdy nevideli a pritom veria.“

Ľudia niekedy neprijmú Ducha Svätého, ak nehovoria v jazykoch. Ja verím v hovorenie v jazykoch, samozrejme. On je dobrý Boh, On ti dáva túžbu tvojho srdca, ale nezáleží na tom, koľko hovoríš v jazykoch, ak zapieraš toto Slovo, si jednako na omyle. Rozumiete? Vy nevchádzate skrze hovorenie v jazykoch. Vy vchádzate skrze zachovávanie každého Slova. To je dôkazom Ducha Svätého, keď veríte Slovu Božiemu. Rozumiete?

157Ja verím v hovorenie v jazykoch. Verím, že môžete byť oživení, ako som povedal dnes ráno, až budete hovoriť novým jazykom. Sám som hovoril a viem, že to je pravda. Viem, že je to pravdivé. Ale to nie je znamenie, že ty si Božie vybrané dieťa. Rozumiete? Skutočne nie. On nikdy nepovedal...

„Mnohí ku mne prídu a povedia, Pane, či sme neprorokovali a neučinili všetky tieto veľké veci v Tvojom Mene? On povie, „Odíďte odo Mňa, činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal.“

158Hovoríš v jazykoch a potom odmietaš byť pokrstený na Meno Ježiša Krista? Niečo je niekde zle. Áno, skutočne, ktorékoľvek z tých vecí, ktorékoľvek z tých príkazov, ktoré Boh dal. Niečo je niekde nesprávne. Skúmaj svoje vlastné svedomie a vidz, čo povedala Biblia. Ukážte mi niektoré miesto, kde bol niekto pokrstený v mene „Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého.“ Vidíte? To tam nie je. Ale vidíte, niekedy kvôli svojmu svedomiu poviete, „No, ...“

Poviete, „Boh hovorí ku ženám o tom, čo musia robiť, aby nenosili šortky a také veci, ale viete, pastor povedal...“ Tak oni berú tú ľahkú cestu.

159Oni vedia, že Boh tu o tom povedal. Vidíte? Iste, Boh tak povedal.

Tak oni to jednako chcú robiť. Oni si snažia nájsť výhovorku, „No, myslím, že to je omnoho lepšie. To nie je... Vietor nefúka...“ Áno.

Ale Boh povedal, že muž sa má obliekať odlišne od ženy, „Ak si žena oblieka odev, ktorý patrí mužovi, je to ohavnosťou v Jeho očiach.“ Tak to nie je správne. Áno. A nemali by ste to robiť. Nie. Rozumiete? Tak preto, to je nesprávne.

160Ale vidíte, oni sa snažia nájsť výhovorku, že „Pán mi povedal, aby som toto urobila.“ Ja nehovorím, že nepovedal, ale pozri, to nie je Jeho dokonalá vôľa. To musí byť Jeho dopustená vôľa. Vidíš, čo to urobí? To poškvrní celú skupinu. To poškvrnilo celý tábor.

161Všimnite si tu, Boh nikdy nezmenil Svoju myseľ, Svoje Slovo, ale On je dobrý Boh a On ti dá túžbu tvojho srdca, hoci to bude proti Jeho vôli. Veríte tomu?

Pozrite, Boh povedal Mojžišovi, „Choď tam dolu.“ Tento pomazaný prorok. Povedal, „Choď tam dolu a prehovor ku tej Skale.“ Ona už bola udrená.

162Mojžiš išiel vo svojom hneve dolu, zodvihol palicu a povedal, „Vy, rebeli, či vám máme priniesť z tejto skaly vodu?“ a udrel tú Skalu. Voda nevyšla. Udrel ju znova, vyšla. Bolo to proti Božej vôli. Narušilo to každý plán v Biblii. Kristus musel byť udretý druhýkrát. Vidíte? Kristus bol raz udretý. A to narušilo celý plán. Ale On mu dal Svoju dopustenú vôľu. Potom povedal, „Vidíte, dali sme vám vodu, áno, ja som vám ju priviedol, vy banda rebelov.“

163Boh povedal, „Poď sem, Mojžiš, poď sem. Poď sem hore na vrch... Ty si bol verným služobníkom.“ (Ako pri tej žene s vysokými opätkami. „Vyšplhaj sa sem“) pozri sa tam do diaľky. Vidíš tú zasľúbenú zem?

„Ó, Pane.“

„Ale ty tam nevojdeš. Ty si vzal Moju dopustenú vôľu, tam dolu pri tej Skale. Ty si oslávil samého seba a nie Mňa. Ty si posvätil seba, ty si neposvätil Mňa. Ty si nezachoval Moje originálne Slovo, čo som ti povedal, aby si robil.“ Pritom, tie vody prišli.

Môžete klásť ruky na chorých a oni sa zotavia. Môžete prorokovať, alebo hovoriť jazykmi, ale tá vec je, zachovajte Jeho originálne Slovo. Boh nemení svoju myseľ, priateľu. Musíš zachovať Jeho poverenie, Jeho vôľu.

„Ó, dobre. To bolo pre učeníkov.“

164On sa nemení. Ak ma On stále učeníka, tak to je to isté poverenie. „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ To sa nikdy nemení, On sa nemôže meniť.

Teraz môžete povedať, „No, poviem ti, to nie je na tento deň.“ Ó, ty balámita! Vidíš? Vidíš, Boh sa nemení. On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

165Pozrite sa na tých balámitov dnes, „Ó, ja viem, že v Biblii krstili na Ježišovo Meno, ale pozri, všetci ľudia...“

Ja sa nestarám, čo ľudia urobili. „Nie je žiadne iné Meno pod nebom dané ľuďom, v ktorom by sme mohli byť spasení.“ „Nie je žiadne odstránenie hriechov, jedine skrze Meno Ježiša Krista.“ To, ako si dobrý, čo robíš, to nemá s tým ani jednu vec dočinenia. To je Božie originálne Slovo a ty musíš zostať s tým. Ó, v poriadku.

166„Poslušnosť ku Jeho Slovu je lepšia ako obeť.“ Pamätáte si ten čas, keď sa Saul vrátil.

167Balám mal dar viery a mohol to dokonale použiť, tým originálnym Božím Slovom.

Mnoho mužov dnes na poli s darmi uzdravenia by mohlo robiť to isté. Mnoho mužov tu, ľudia hovoriaci v jazykoch, ľudia, ktorí prorokujú, majú dar, by to mohli použiť pre Kráľovstvo Božie, ale oni to nerobia. Oni berú... A Boh ich jednako žehná a dáva im dopustenú vôľu. Ale kvôli popularite a radostiam a osobným ziskom zapredávajú svoje práva prvorodenstva, ako to urobil Ezav. Vidíte? Zapredal sa organizácii. Zapredal sa, ako to urobil Balám. Vidíte?

Tak mnohí dnes robia to isté. Vieme, že je to pravda. Oni predávajú svoje prvorodenstvo. Ach, ženy vyznávajú Ducha Svätého a nosia šortky, muži im dovoľujú ísť za kazateľne, ostrihané ženy za kazateľňami, s namaľovanou tvárou a s nejakým nábožným rúchom. To je ten najväčší kameň potknutia, aký kedy cirkev mala.

168Ak to chcete vedieť, čo sa týka politických mocí a v akom čase to stojí v kráľovstve veku, tak sa pozrite, kde sa nachádzajú Židia. Sledujte, ako je to so Židmi, pretože oni sú národom. Ak chcete vedieť, kde stoja národy, sledujte Židov.

Ak chcete vedieť, kde stojí cirkev, pozorujte ženy. Pozorujte morálku medzi ženami, pretože žena reprezentuje cirkev. Keď vidíte porušenie medzi ženami, zistíte, že je porušenie v cirkvi. Čím sa ona stáva, vymaľovanou Jezábeľou, presne takou, akou sa stáva cirkev. Vidíte? No to je pravda a vy to viete. Ak chcete vedieť, kde sa nachádza cirkev, pozorujte morálku medzi ženami, pretože ona, cirkev, je žena.

Ak chcete zistiť národný status, pozorujte Židov.

169Všimnite si, ako Boh povedal Balámovi, potom, ako počul to pravdivé jasné rozhodnutie, to Slovo, „Nechoď.“ Áno, keď mu to povedal, potom, ako videl v jeho srdci, čo to tam spraví, On mu dal Svoju dopustenú vôľu a tak povedal, „Choď.“

170A s tebou to môže byť tak isto. Ak nechceš kráčať v pravde, môžeš ísť a mať veľkú službu. Istotne, môžeš, ale berieš Jeho dopustenú vôľu. Prekračuješ Jeho Slovo. On ti dá zdar, istotne.

Práve tak, ako dal Balámovi. On bol úspešný, ale nemohol tých ľudí prekliať. Nemohol to urobiť, pretože zakaždým, keď začal preklínať, tak žehnal. Vidíte? Nemohol to urobiť. Ale keď to prišlo k tomu, aby bol úspešný so svojím cieľom, tak učil tých ľudí skrze Baláka, aby spáchali cudzoložstvo. Voviedol dnu tábor Izraela a sobášil ich. A povedal, „No, my sme všetci jedno. Vy uctievate toho istého Boha. A my tu máme proroka a vy tam tiež máte proroka. A máme tú istú obeť a toho istého Jahveho ako naši otcovia. Tak prečo len všetci neprídete a nespojíte sa s nami?“

„Nespájajte sa s neveriacimi. Vôbec sa s nimi nepriahajte do jarma. Ak tomu oni neveria, držte sa od nich preč.“ Vidíte? „Vyjdite, oddeľte,“ hovorí Pán, „a Ja vás prijmem.“ Vidíte? „Nedotýkajte sa ich nečistých vecí.“ To je pravda. Ich špina proti Slovu a také veci. Držte sa od toho. Nepočúvajte to.

171A tu nachádzame, že Balám išiel tam dolu a začal vyučovať ľudí a on mal blud. A on bežal cestou Baláma, ako to on urobil, a učil Baláka a deti Izraelove páchať cudzoložstvo. A národ Izrael zasiahla pliaga, tých ľudí, a tisíce z nich zomrelo v jednom dni.

A zatiaľ, čo tam všetci boli pred oltárom Božím, modlili sa, tu prichádza nejaký izraelský muž s madiánskou ženou, s denominačnou ženou, a vošli do stanu. A kňazov syn tam vošiel a vzal kopiju a oboch ich zabil. A to zastavilo Boží hnev. Viete, že to je v Písme. Je to tak? Vidíte?

172Ale čo sa stalo? Balám, on uspel v oslabení Izraela. Čo urobil? On oslabil ich tábor. Boh ho nechal ísť a oslabiť ich tábor a to celý ten tábor poškvrnilo.

A keď začína nejaká náuka, ktorá nie je biblickou pravdou, to poškvrňuje celý tábor. Niekto povstáva s odlišnou myšlienkou, ako Kórach, a hovorí, „No, toto, tamto a iné a ja mám odlišnú myšlienku.“ To poškvrňuje celý tábor. A to je to, čo sa stalo dnes v celom cirkevnom tábore. To je pravda.

173To vyučovanie, ktoré on robil, oslabovalo celý tábor pre Kádeš Barneu, to konečné odhalenie Slova. Keď sa potom dostali do Kádeš Barney, tam bolo oslabenie tábora. Vrátili sa, oni už prešli za...

Pamätajte, oni jedli anjelský pokrm, mali Slovo Božie každý večer, manifestovalo sa to. A oni ten pokrm jedli, pili zo Skaly. Všetko to robili a videli zázraky. Pozorovali Mojžiša a videli Jeho Slovo, videli to všetko, ako on prorokuje.

A potom nakoniec, keď počúvli tohto falošného učiteľa, ako medzi nich prišiel a učil ich nesprávne, on oslabil tábor a bol úspešný.

Mohol vystaviť milióndolárové budovy, mohol mať veľké denominácie, mohli sa tam pridať tisíce krát tisíce a mohli byť vykonané veľké skutky a mocné skutky. On bol prorokom. To je v poriadku, ale pokiaľ to nejde so Slovom Božím, radšej by ste od toho mali zostať preč.

Boh nemení Svoju myseľ. Zostaňte rovno s Jeho Slovom, pretože to je to, čo nakoniec vyjde, Slovo, Slovo za Slovom. „Ktokoľvek vezme jedno slovo preč od toho, alebo pridá ku tomu jedno slovo.“ To musí zostať to Slovo.

174Počúvajte teraz pozorne. Keď prišiel test Slova, keď tam išli a videli, že tá opozícia je taká veľká, tá najväčšia opozícia, akú kedy videli, tí Amalechiti boli desaťkrát väčší ako oni. Oni povedali, „Vyzeráme ako kobylky. Ich ploty, alebo ich mestá sú tak vystavené múrmi, až môže po nich jazdiť koč, dva koče, tak rýchlo, ako len môžu ísť okolo tých múrov, tých ich miest. No, a ich kopije sú obrovské, dlhé a oni sú obri. No a my vyzeráme ako kobylky. Nedokážeme to.“

A dvaja muži stáli na Slove, Kálef a Jozua, povedali, „Počkajte chvíľu. Vy, dva milióny ľudí, buďte na chvíľu ticho, sme viac ako schopní to dokázať. Pozrite. Oni na nás nemajú.“

Na čom to oni zakladali? Boh povedal, „Dal som vám tú zem. Je vaša.“ A na tom stáli. Ale tí ľudia sa ženili a vydávali medzi inými a mali všetky možné druhy vyznaní a rituálov medzi sebou a boli takí zoslabení, nemastní, neslaní, nevedeli, kam sa obrátiť a čo robiť. To je pravda. Potom prišiel test Slova.

175On ti pritom udelí povolenie, aby si urobil, dovolí ti tvoju vôľu, dopustenú vôľu, vediac, čo je v tvojom srdci, On to vie.

Poviete, „No, brat Branham, robím tak a tak. Netrápi ma to. Boh ma každý deň žehná. Spievam v Duchu, tancujem v Duchu, ja...“ On to dopustí. Choď vpred. To je pravda. Ale čo s tým ideš urobiť?

176„Nosím šortky a robím toto. Netrápi ma to. Ja viem, že moja viera je v Kristovi, a nie v tom, čo nosím na sebe.“

Ale Biblia hovorí, že na tom tiež niečo je. Vidíte? Čo s tým urobíš? Položíš kameň potknutia, ako to urobil Balám, pred niektorú z tých ostatných žien. Čo to spôsobí pre tvoje mladé dievčatá? Budeš mať bandu Rikít, to je presne tak, bandu malých vymaľovaných Jezábelí.

177Ale Boh ti dá prosperovať, „No, On ma žehná.“ Ja o tom nepochybujem, On tiež žehnal Baláma. Istotne to urobí, budeš kráčať v Jeho dopustenej vôli, nie v Jeho dokonalej vôli. Boh nemení svoju myseľ, pretože On ťa žehná.

On žehnal Izraela celých štyridsať rokov. A čo urobili? Ženili sa, vychovali rodiny, bozkali deti, platili svoje desiatky a žili tam správne. A Boh ich tam na púšti žehnal, kŕmil ich s mannou po celý čas. A každý jeden z nich zahynul, pretože oni vôbec nezachovali Jeho originálnu dopustenú... Jeho originálnu vôľu, Jeho Slovo. Oni vzali Jeho dopustenú cestu.

178Choď vpred, ale pamätaj, keď oni opustili Kádeš, nikdy viac ďalej neputovali. Oni len chodili dokola a dokola tam na púšti. Pričom, oni tam mohli byť už o dva dni, mohli tam už byť, v tej zasľúbenej zemi. Ale oni putovali štyridsať rokov a každý jeden z nich zomrel, okrem Jozuu a Kálefa, tých, ktorí zostali na tom originálnom Slove.

179Ó, Bože, pomôž nám. Boh nemení svoju vôľu, On nemení svoju myseľ, ale On ťa bude žehnať.

Iste, On požehnal Baláma. A čo on tam urobil? Poškvrnil celý tábor. Vidíte, vy musíte zostať na tom, čo On povedal. On nikdy nemení Svoj originálny plán.

180Pozrite sa na tých Balámov, ktorí sú na poli dnes. Urobíte to? Len sa poobzerajte. Prosperujú, hovoria v jazykoch, iste, používajú Boží dar pre zisk a všetko možné. Istotne. Ale oni poškvrňujú celú cirkev Božiu so svojím porušeným učením. To je pravda.

Niekto mi raz povedal, „Kvôli čomu toto robíš? Kvôli čomu to robíš?“

Povedal som, „Či ty neveríš, že to je pravda?“

181„O, áno, ale...“ On povedal, „Vieš čo, to nie je tvoja práca. Ty sa máš modliť za chorých. Ľudia veria, že si prorok. No, ty by si mal učiť tie ženy, ako majú, a tých mužov, ako majú robiť toto, to a tamto.“

„Ako ich môžeš učiť algebru, keď sa oni nenaučia ani abecedu. Povedz. Ako ich môžeš učiť tie veci, keď oni nenanesú ani ten základný náter.“ Vidíte? Musíte sa vrátiť späť a začať tam, kde ste rozpočali, alebo kde ste to opustili, a vziať každé Božie Slovo.

182Len sa na to pozrite na tom dnešnom poli. Tak ako Balám zosobášil tú Božiu cirkev so smilnicou, zosobášil tú smilnicu s Božou cirkvou, tak isto sa vám to dnes snažia povedať títo falošní učitelia. Oni idú zosobášiť každú jednu z týchto organizácií a týchto ľudí s tou starou smilnicou zo Zjavenia 17. Ich Balámova náuka dnes obchádza a hovorí, „My sme všetci rovnakí, všetci sme kresťania.“ Kňazi a pápeži a všetko ďalšie a všetci robia kompromis a robia to, či ono.

183Jeden kazateľ raz povedal, ktorého dokonca poznám ako letničného kazateľa, všetci z nich teraz začínajú podávať kruhový kóšer chlieb. Čo znamená Aštarta, „Boh Mesiaca,“ kóšerovu oplátku. Hovoria, „Zavrite oči a vezmite to, ak to zraňuje vaše svedomie.“ Zavrieť si oči? Kruhová oplátka? Čo to znamená? My berieme zlámané telo Ježiša Krista, zlámané, nie kruhového boha mesiaca, Aštartu, ktorá zaujala miesto Márie. A rímsky kóšer je stále kruhový, pretože to je boh mesiaca, bohyňa, nie Boh. My máme zlámaný kóšer. Istotne. Ó.

184Tak teraz tá veľká smilnica zo Zjavenia 17, títo balámski učitelia svojou falošnou náukou sobášia cirkev s týmto druhom zmätku. Sledujte, keď to prichádza k tomu záverečnému odhaleniu v čase konca, sledujte teraz tú slabosť toho. Niečo cez deväťsto rozličných organizácií, jedna ťahá jedným smerom, druhá druhým. Nie je medzi nimi žiadna jednota. A oni sa snažia priniesť jednotu, nie podporenú Slovom Božím, Božím originálnym plánom. Oni to berú skrze politiku a organizáciu.

Boh nemení svoju myseľ. On zostáva rovno so Svojím Slovom. On povedal, „Nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nepominie.“ To je pravda. On zostáva so svojím originálnym Slovom. Ó.

185Hoci oni kvôli tomu stále rozumujú, práve tak, ako to robili vtedy a práve... Je iba jediná vec, ktorá sa dá urobiť. On to nezmení, len veriť. Pretože oboje, nebo i zem pominú, ale Jeho Slovo nikdy nezlyhá. Rozumiete?

186Vidíte, do čoho sa sobášite? Vidíte tú politiku a tie veci, ako sa snažia pripojiť cirkev, spojiť ju dohromady skrze politiku v cirkvi? My sa nepripájame ku Kristovi skrze politiku.

My sme spojení, cirkev ku Kristovi skrze krst Duchom Svätým. A to je spôsob, ako poznáte krst Duchom Svätým, pretože ten duch vo vás identifikuje každé Slovo Božie, že je pravdou. Tak to je. „Lebo ktokoľvek vezme z toho jedno slovo, alebo pridá ku tomu jedno slovo, jeho diel bude vzatý z Knihy života.“

187Pritom, „On prosperuje,“ hovoríte. Vy tomu nemôžete veriť skrze prosperovanie, nemôžete posudzovať Boha skrze prosperitu. Svet prosperuje, Balám tým prosperoval.

Ale brat, vy posudzujete Boha skrze Jeho Slovo. On zachováva Svoje Slovo a identifikuje ho, že je pravdou. Tak pamätaj, priateľu, tak dlho, ako žiješ, nikdy nezabudni na toto, že Boh nemení Svoju myseľ. Pritom, On ťa bude žehnať. On ti dovolí ísť v Jeho dopustenej vôli, ale On nezmení Svoju myseľ. On nezmení Svoj plán, On pri tebe nezmení Svoje Slovo. Nie veru.

Ty sa musíš zmeniť. Ty nemôžeš spôsobiť, aby Božie Slovo pasovalo do tvojho prežitia, ty musíš spôsobiť, aby tvoje prežitie pasovalo s Božím Slovom. Rozumiete? To je spôsob, ako máte...

Poviete, „No, ja som dobrý človek. Boh robí toto, tamto alebo iné.“ Ale či zachovávaš Jeho Slovo? „No, poviem ti, to nie je celkom... Nie.“ V poriadku, potom je niekde niečo nesprávne. Boh bude... Áno, On ti dá prosperovať. Istotne, On urobí, že budeš...

188Denominácie majú úspech u tých, ktorí to nebudú mať. Oni rozprestierajú svoje stany, veľké krásne cirkvi a všetko možné po celej zemi. Sú bohatí a tečú tam peniaze a majú členov odvšadiaľ. Či nepovedala Biblia, „Bolo v nej nájdené bohatstvo sveta a dokonca duše ľudí.“ A všetko možné, to bolo všetko nájdené v tejto starej smilnici, ktorá je matkou celej tej veci, politiky a organizácie.

189Ale Božia malá skupina je Jeho nevestou zaostrenou na Slovo. Nech vás ten drahý Nebeský Otec vždy drží stabilizovaných rovno v tom. Nikdy sa z toho Slova nepohnite.

Môžeš žehnať, môžeš... Boh cez teba môže uzdraviť chorých, môže uzdraviť tvoje choré dieťa, môže uzdraviť tvojho manžela, manželku, môže uzdraviť tvoju matku alebo niekoho, môžeš skákať v Duchu a tancovať hore dolu.

Pamätajte, dážď padá rovnako na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých. Ale keď tam leží to semeno, ono je buď určené do života alebo nie je určené, a ak je určené, ono môže... Ak je to pšenica, musí priniesť pšenicu, ak je to Božie Slovo, to musí vyprodukovať Božie Slovo, ak to nie je, no tak potom to nie je. Rozumiete? Rozumiete tomu teraz?

190Nech vás Pán žehná. Povedal som vám tu, že skončím o deviatej, a tu to je. Je za dvadsať minút desať. Mnohí z vás ľudí sem prišli dlhú cestu. Milujem vás a ten dôvod, že som vás tak dlho držal, nie je preto, že by som chcel byť ku vám krutý, ale ja vás milujem a to, čo viem, nič si pre seba nezadržiavam. Hovorím vám pravdu.

191Tam vonku na zhromaždeniach, kam chodím, ma nikdy nepočujete kázať tieto posolstvá. Nie, ja som vám sľúbil, že budem prichádzať do tejto modlitebne. Rovno tu je to, kde kážem svoje posolstvá. Mám tu ešte tri alebo štyri, ktoré mi Pán dal, mám na to miesta Písma, posolstvá, ktoré by som sa neopovážil kázať niekde inde okrem tohto miesta. Tu je to, odkiaľ začalo vychádzať Slovo Božie. A kým to Boh nezmení, zostanem rovno tu a budem to rovno tu prinášať. Tak to je.

Tam vonku na tých zhromaždeniach sa modlím za chorých a podobne. A na druhej strane poviem okrajom určité veci, aby to tie ovce mohli počuť. Oni vedia, o čom je hovorené, inak je to len návnada na háčiku. Viete. Ukazujem znamenia a snažím sa ukázať, že Boh ľudí pozná v tom rozpoznaní a že pozná srdcia ľudí a robí tieto veci. To je evanjelizačný dar, len aby to ľudí podnietilo.

To prvé, čo zistíte, že sa do ich domu dostala nejaká páska a oni to potom dostávajú. Ak je to ovca, príde rovno s tým, ak je to kozol, vykopne tú pásku preč. Aha [brat Ben Bryant hovorí, „A vás tiež.“ – pozn. prekl.] Vidíte? To je... „A vás tiež.“ To je pravda, Ben. To je presne tak, Ben už ma nejaké skúsenosti. V poriadku. No, je to pravda.

192Či nie ste radi, že ste Jeho? [zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“-pozn. prekl.] Či nie ste radi? Amen. Zvykli sme spievať jednu malú letničnú pieseň pred dlhým časom, takúto.

Som tak rád, že ma Pán vyviedol
Som tak rád, že ma Pán vyviedol
nebyť Ježiša, kde by som bol?
Som tak rád, že ma Pán vyviedol

Som šťastný odkedy ma Pán vyviedol
Som šťastný odkedy ma Pán vyviedol
nebyť Ježiša, kde by som bol?
Som šťastný odkedy ma Pán vyviedol

Kričím od radosti odkedy ma Pán vyviedol
Kričím od radosti odkedy ma Pán vyviedol
nebyť Ježiša, kde by som bol?
Kričím od radosti odkedy ma Pán vyviedol

Sláva! Nie ste radi? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] „Nie si rád...?“ Spievajme to.

Nie si rád odkedy ťa Pán vyviedol?
Nie si rád odkedy ťa Pán vyviedol?
nebyť Ježiša, kde by som bol?
Nie si rád odkedy ťa Pán vyviedol?

Spievam odkedy ma Pán vyviedol
Spievam odkedy ma Pán vyviedol
nebyť Ježiša, kde by som bol?
Spievam odkedy ma Pán vyviedol

Nie ste za to radi? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Potom, kráčajme v tom Svetle. Poznáte tú pieseň?

Kráčame vo svetle, je to nádherné svetlo,
Príď tam, kde je milosť ako kvapky rosy jasná,
Svieti okolo nás dňom i nocou, Ježiš, Svetlo sveta

Nemáte to radi? Spievajme to znovu.

Kráčame vo svetle, je to nádherné svetlo,
Prichádza to tam, kde je milosť ako kvapky rosy jasná,
Svieti okolo nás dňom i nocou, Ježiš, Svetlo sveta

To je východ slnka!
Všetci svätí svetla, vyhlasujte,
Ježiš, Svetlo sveta
Pravda a milosť v Jeho mene
Ježiš, Svetlo sveta

Zodvihnime teraz svoje ruky zatiaľčo to spievame.

Kráčame vo svetle, je to nádherné svetlo,
Prichádza to tam tam, kde je milosť ako kvapky rosy jasná,
Svieti okolo nás dňom i nocou, Ježiš, Svetlo sveta

Potraste si navzájom ruky.

Prichádza to tam tam, kde je milosť ako kvapky rosy jasná,

Či nie ste radi, že ste deťmi Svetla? Slnko vyšlo.

...všade okolo nás dňom i nocou...

„Vy, malé deti, milujte jedni druhých.“

...Svetlo sveta.

Kráčame vo svetle, je to nádherné... (manifestácia Jeho Slova)
Prichádza to tam tam, kde je milosť ako kvapky rosy jasná,
Svieti okolo nás dňom i nocou, Ježiš, Svetlo sveta

Veríte to všetci?

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

Nech nespievajú tí, čo neznajú nášho Boha,
a deti Kráľa nebeského, deti Kráľa nebeského,
nech spievajú radostne,
spievajú radostne.

Lebo kráčame... (Sláva!), nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu 
Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

193Vezmite si svoje vreckovky, vytiahnite si vreckovky len na chvíľu, dajme Pánovi obeť povznášania, to nie je snop, ale oni brali z tela Pavla vreckovky a tie veci.

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

194Amen. Či to nespôsobilo, že sa cítite dobre? Viem si len predstaviť tých starých svätých tam, predtým, ako boli vedení do toho rímskeho cirkusu, začali kráčať hore do vrchu, viete, hore tým malým príjazdom a išli do jamy s levmi a hovorili, „Ó, kráčame na Sion, ten nádherný, nádherný Sion.“

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

Vrch Sion ponúka
tisíc tajomstiev sladkých
kým dosiahneme nebies polia
dosiahneme nebies polia
či ulice zo zlata, ulice zo zlata.

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

195Opakujte po mne. Pane Bože, [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Pane Bože.“ - pozn. Prekl.] zaväzujem sa ti nanovo, [„zaväzujem sa ti nanovo“] očisti ma od každej nespravodlivosti, [„očisti ma od každej nespravodlivosti“] očisti ma od všetkej pochybnosti v Tvoje Slovo. [„očisti ma od všetkej pochybnosti v Tvoje Slovo“] Dovoľ mi od tejto Veľkej noci [„Dovoľ mi od tejto Veľkej noci“] byť novým stvorením [„byť novým stvorením“] v Kristu Ježišovi, [„v Kristu Ježišovi“] Nech nesiem vo svojom srdci [„Nech nesiem vo svojom srdci“] Tvoje Slovo. [„Tvoje Slovo“] Nech je lampou mojím nohám, [„Nech je lampou mojím nohám“] ktorá osvieti moju cestu, [„ktorá osvieti moju cestu“] odteraz [„odteraz“] Ťa budem nasledovať, [„Ťa budem nasledovať“] v Ježišovom Mene. [„v Ježišovom Mene“] Amen. [„Amen.“]

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

196Či to nespôsobuje, že sa cítite dobre? Nanovo sme sa zaviazali, vediac, že vo svojich srdciach sme boli oživení z mŕtvych, privedení do života. Či to nerobí, že sa cítite dobre? Ó, milujem vás tou nezomierajúcou láskou.

Počúvajte, milujte jeden druhého, pretože nemôžeš nemilovať svojho brata, ktorého vidíš, a povedať, že miluješ Boha, ktorého si nevidel. Rozumiete? Len milujte jeden druhého.

Potom, keď slúžite jeden druhému, slúžite Bohu. Je to tak? „Čo ste urobili jednému z týchto mojich najmenších, ktorí majú tú oživujúcu moc v sebe, Mne ste urobili.“

„Kedy sme ťa videli v potrebe? Kedy sme ťa navštívili vo väznici, kedy sme urobili tieto veci?“

„Čo ste im urobili, mne ste urobili.“

197Či to nie je nádherné? Milujem Ho a vy?

198Ó, existuje ešte jedna pieseň, ktorú musíme zaspievať, ak máte ešte minútku času. Ó, dobre, vezmeme ich teda. V poriadku, tak v poriadku. Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš. Nezabudnite to, priatelia. Spievajme to teraz všetci. Každý jeden a spolu, len v jednom veľkom srdci, vezmite to Jemu. Vezmime to so všetkým, čo je v nás.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,
Dieťa smútku, bolesti.
Dá ti radosť, potešenie,

vezmi Ho, kde len vykročíš.

Vzácne Meno, aké sladké
Nádej Zeme, radosť neba,
vzácne Meno, nádherné,

Nádej Zeme, radosť Neba.

199Pamätajte teraz, modlite sa za mňa, kedy dujú tieto horúce vetry prenasledovania, keď diabli na každom rohu vyzývajú a ja budem pamätať, že vy sa za mňa modlíte dňom i nocou, a ja sa budem modliť za vás.

Stojte za svojím dobrým pastorom, bratom Neville a jeho zástupcom, bratom Cappsom. Počúvajte ich, budú vás vyučovať Slovo Života. Verím tomu. Ak by som tomu neveril, istotne by som ich tu nemal, istotne nie. Verím, že oni veria tomu posolstvu a zostanú s ním podľa najlepšej známosti a ja mám vieru v nich oboch. Zostaňte s nimi, títo ostatní bratia, kde majú naokolo svoje zhromaždenia, ktorí sa tu dnes večer postavili, ak ste blízko ich susedstva, stojte s nimi. Počuli ste, kvôli čomu sem dnes večer prišli.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,
Dieťa smútku, bolesti.
Dá ti radosť, potešenie,

vezmi Ho, kde len vykročíš.

Vzácne Meno, aké sladké

Drahý Bože, uzdrav týchto ľudí, modlím sa ku Tebe v Ježišovom Mene. Udeľ to, Pane, modlím sa.

...aké sladké!
Nádej Zeme, radosť neba.

Až sa zídeme zas, spolu zas
pri Ježišových nohách,
až sa zídeme zas, spolu zas
Boh buď s vami, až sa zídeme zas.

Skloňme svoje hlavy.

[Brat Branham si začína hmkať, „Nech je Boh s vami. – pozn. prekl.] Ó, Bože, buď s nami, pomôž nám, Pane.

...až sa zídeme zas pri Ježišových nohách, (Kým sa stretneme!)
až sa zídeme zas, spolu zas
Boh buď s vami, až sa zídeme zas.

200To je skutočne moju modlitbou, kým sa znovu nestretneme. Nech vás Boh žehná. A teraz požiadam nášho vzácneho brata Neville, aby rozpustil toto milé zhromaždenie.

Boh vás miluje, každého jedného, som tak vďačný mať ľudí, ako ste vy všetci. Čím by bolo moje posolstvo, ak by som nemal nikoho, kto by tomu veril? A tu sú ľudia, vy by ste zomreli za toto Posolstvo. Nech vám Boh každému jednému pomôže. Moje modlitby sú s vami. Moje požehnania idú s každým jedným z vás. Nech nezabudnete, že ste časťou toho vzkriesenia. Oživujúca Moc je teraz vo vás. Je to všetko vybavené. Si Božím dieťaťom.

Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, kým nás nepríde brat Neville rozpustiť. Nech vás Boh žehná.

1 Let us bow our heads. Dear Lord Jesus, we are assembled again in Your Name, with great expectation for the outpouring of the quickening Power of God to bring us into recognition of our position and place, and our responsibilities, as being a called people, separated from the world, dedicated to God. Grant, Lord, tonight, that the blessings of God will guide us and direct us in the things we do or say, that it might bring honor and glory to Your Name. Amen.

2 I am happy to be back in the church tonight and to be with you dear people. And I know it's warm, but I just called my wife, I think it's ninety something there, ninety-five or ninety-six or something, and it's quite a bit warmer than it is here. So I'm getting used to the warm weather now. So, but I'm so glad to be here at the tabernacle at this wonderful Easter time.

3And I can't say that I'll apologize for that long, long Message this morning, but I... It was, I didn't want--want to wear out your patience and then come at it again tonight. But I--I wanted to--to get that Message to you, that you are a part of this resurrection. See? And don't worry about It, no more, see. Just rejoice over It! There is nothing, nowhere, can separate you from It; nothing; Eternally secured in the Kingdom of God. When God has stamped His Seal upon you, you're to the end of the destination.

4 When the government puts a seal upon a package, the railroad puts a seal on a door, that car cannot be tampered with until it reached its destination.

When God puts His Seal upon a man. And the Seal is the Holy Spirit. When He seals a man like that, he is gone to his Eternal destination. Never no more can he ever, ever go back, anymore. Cause remember, Ephesians 4:30 says, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed for all times." See, you are sealed forever. You are sealed, Eternally, into the Kingdom of God, by the Holy Spirit. Now think of that!

5 Then, you, the devil will punch at you, and he'll say everything to you, and accuse you, and--and try to make you think that you're not. But don't you listen to him.

6Now, you know you've passed from death unto Life. You know the things that you once loved, you don't love no more. You know that you have believed every Word of God. You've seen God working right among us, without... Infallible proofs that He is the great "I AM." You've notice that ever what has been said in His Name, never has one thing been prophesied in His Name but what happened just exactly the way it did. Even to science, newspaper, picture, cameras, writers, everything else, has to recognize it. See, regardless of whether they want to or not, God makes them do it, anyhow, see, to make it known.

7 Now, being a little group. Remember, it's not a big group that He comes for. "Fear not, little flock; it's your Father's good will..." See?

8I want to leave a word with you, shocking, just before we have a ordination of a minister. And this is very shocking, but just that you might know. Now, I ain't saying that this is exact to number, but I'd like to leave this with you.

9I don't know whether any peoples in here has ever seen hybreeding of cattle. Which, I don't believe in it, but I've watched it done. And I have seen them take the sperm of the male, just enough, could be touched on a little metal, like a little toothpick, and lay it upon a piece of marble. And turn those glasses which magnify it, I don't know how many times, until that sperm... Where you could see nothing with the natural eye, any ordinary glass. But when it's magnified, hundred or hundred and fifty times, you can see in that one little drop, of sperm, maybe fifty to a hundred little germs a bouncing around. Also, in the female comes as many eggs, in--in the sperm. Now, when they are--are brought together, now, the first two that meets and connects...

10 There is only one out of that million is going to live. Did you ever think of that? They are the same germ, and the same egg, both of them just alike, but there is only one going to live. And that's not determined which one beats there first. Because, sometime the egg, way back in the back, and the germ might be up in the middle of the sperm, and they'll crawl over one another. It takes an Intelligence to know whether it's going to be boy or girl, red-headed, black-headed, or whatmore. It's the election of God. It can be nothing else. Election!

11Even in the natural birth, is election, whether it's going to be boy or girl, or whatever it's going to be. And when that little germ wiggles into this little egg, and the little tails drop off, it starts the baby's spine of whatever it's after; animal, baby, or whatever it is. And the rest of those million germs... A million eggs, a million germs, and only one lives. All the same, but God chooses by election what's going to live, and the rest of them perish. One out of a million!

12 When Israel left Egypt, they all believed in one prophet's message. They seen the signs of God, by Moses. Every one of them saw them. And they each one come out of Egypt, and walked through the Red Sea, and was baptized unto Moses. Each one saw the power of God strike him, when he sang in the Spirit; and when Miriam beat the tambourine, run up-and-down the coast. Each one of them, every night, eat fresh, heavenly manna out of the skies. Each of those drank from that spiritual Rock that was smitten. And there was two million people left Egypt. How many made the promised land? Two. One out of a million! Where they all at? Jesus said they perished. "Your fathers eat manna in the wilderness, for the space of thirty years, and I say unto you that they are all dead."

13 Now there is about five hundred million Christians in the world tonight, counting Catholic, Protestant, and all. If Jesus should come in that Rapture, according to what I've just said, there would be five hundred missing in the world tonight, in the Rapture. And they probably is that every day, counting all the lands, that's never accounted for. So it could be at any time, see.

14Oh, Christians, let us buckle on the armor of God. Let us do all that we know how, to serve Him, love Him, and wait for that great time.

15 Now, there is not going to be a great millions and multitudes come out of a generation and march in. There--there can't be.

Now, remember, each day ends a generation, each day. "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man, wherein eight souls was saved by water." But each day ends a forty-year period for somebody, for some. See? And each day, so many is sealed away in the Kingdom. One day, the last day will arrive.

Let us be sure now, while we are in our right mind. And in the church, and amongst the people, where the Holy Spirit so has identified Hisself with us, let's be sure that everything is all right, and stays all right, before Him.

16Don't you stop. Don't rest, day and night, until that quickening Power has brought you from the things of the world, into the Kingdom of God. And you that truly are brought into the Kingdom of God and quickened by the Spirit of God, how happy! With tears of joy we should be on our knees, day and night, thanking God for what He's done.

17 Tonight we have a little change in the service. We have a fine brother here, Brother Capps. He come to us from the Nazarene church. And I think that is right, Brother Capps? He is wishing tonight to be ordained by us, by laying on hands.

18We do not have papers to give out to anyone, yet we're recognized as... We could have papers, but we believe that a true, ordained minister, his papers is in Heaven. See? And he--he has the rights to preach the Bible as long as God identifies his life with the Bible. We believe that's his credentials.

19And, now, Brother Capps has been ordained officially in the--the Nazarene church, but tonight he wants the elders, and so forth, to lay hands upon him for ordination, to carry this Message. What a gallant thing!

20 I have--I have heard the reports ever since I been in Tucson, and such wonderful reports, of Brother Capps here in his assistance to our gracious Brother Neville, who is holding the candle of Light just as gallantly as these two man can hold. We have laid hands on Brother Neville, but not upon Brother Capps. And I want those who are ministers, Brother Jackson and them, if they're here, and Brother Ruddell and the elders of the church here, if they'll come up here just for a few minutes now, and laying hands on Brother Capps. And the...

21Now we find, in the Bible, that that's the way they did it, they lay hands upon them and set them apart then. And that's the way they did Timothy. Said, "By this gift that was in thee, from the grandmother Lois..." They had noticed it, that there was a gift in the man, had come to him by the presbyters, by laying on of hands.

22 Now, latter-day brethren, latter-day-rain brethren, got, though, that mixed up. They thought they gave him a gift, by doing that. No, the gift was already in him, and they just laid their hands upon him as a sanction that they believed that God had already put the gift in him. And they sanctioned it, by laying on of hands.

23And these men here in this church, that I believe that's possessed in their soul with His quickening Power; if you brothers will come up just now, Brother Ruddell and all the rest of you that's here in the church, and the elders and sister churches around, to lay hands upon Brother Capps, that he might be ordained by our sanction, before this audience, and sent out to preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus, wherever God may call him. He becomes...

He is already one of us, by Birth. He is one of us because he has believed the Message. He is one of us because that--that he stands for the Truth of the Word. And we want Brother Capps to be officially ordained, before you, by laying on of hands, that he is one of us.

Okay, Brother Ruddell, Brother Capps, Brother Neville. Brother Junior Jackson, any of them other ministers here, I don't know just how many there is. I don't... I guess they got their own services tonight. So come right up here, Brother Capps.

Now where is Brother Hunter and them from New York, I... Brother Anthony? I guess they have gone back. [Brother Neville says, "There is Brother Anthony back there."--Ed.]

Any of you others that's here, that's with us, why, we would be glad for you to come up here and stand with us now, as a recognition that we believe Brother Capps to be.

How many of you here know Brother Capps, raise your hand. All right, put your hand down. How many believe he's a servant of God, raise your hands. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We love him, as our brother.

24 Now this is not exactly a correct way of what we would call ordination, but I want this audience... I couldn't sing this song, but I want you to help me try it. That...

25One day a prophet went down to the altar, in the temple. And while he was there at the temple... He had been a good man, but he had just been laying upon the arms of Uzziah the king, and he was a--he was a good man. But yet, one day, at the temple, he saw something, when he fell into a vision, that he had never saw before. He saw Angels, with wings, flying back and forth, through the building, crying, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!"

Come on, brother. Yeah. See?

"Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!"


26 And when he did, the posts of the temple moved out. And he said, "Woe is me! for I'm a man of unclean lips." In the Presence of God he recognized, that even though being a prophet, he had been wrong. He said, "I'm a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among people with unclean lips."

27And one of the Angels flew, and took a coal of Fire and touched his lips, and said, "Prophesy, son of man!"

Would you give us a chord on that, sister, if you will. How many knows this song? Let's, one verse. All right.

When the coal of Fire had touched the prophet,

Making him as pure as pure can be,

When the voice of God said, "Who will go for us?"

Then he answered, "Here am I, send me."

[]... speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I'll be quick to answer Thee;

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

Millions now in sin and shame are dying;

Listen to their sad and bitter cry;

Hasten, brother, hasten to their rescue;

Quickly answer, "Master, here am I."

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I'll be quick to answer Thee;

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

Let the elders walk around now and lay hands upon Brother Capps. Let's all bow our heads.

28 Dear God, the temple posts has moved again, and as seeing the Spirit of the quickening Life working in our brother. I pray, God, as he feels this from Above, that says that he must go. We lay hands upon him, as Your elders, Lord, and give to him the right hand of fellowship; and lay our hands upon him, and pass the blessings of God upon him, that You'll anoint his lips, his thinking, his entire being. And may he take this Message of the Gospel to every crack and corner that You'll call him to. Grant it, Lord. We give You our brother, as a servant of Yours, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

29"Preach the Word," my young brother. "Be in season, and out of season; reprove, rebuke, with all long-suffering and Doctrine." God bless you, brother.

30 [Brother Ben Bryant says, "Brother Branham, would you lay hands on me? Would they lay hands on me? I'd like to be ordained."--Ed.] Have you... I didn't know you hadn't.

Brother Ben, here, has come to us. I think he's been preaching for some time. Yet, he hasn't been officially (I thought he had; that's the reason I called him up) ordained, or hands laid on him here.

31Now, Brother Ben's wife is here somewhere, and she is a dear person. She was a woman preacher. And when she and our brother were married, and he brought her to the tabernacle, when she seen and heard the Word, yet a fine little lady with a fine personality, but when she seen that it was wrong for the women to do that, she laid aside; and it seemed to fall upon her husband. That's correctly. That's apostolic. That's the way it should be.

32Brother Ben takes the tapes, as I understand, with his wife. They go into the re-... out-of-way places, way back into the mountains, into the jungles, and they play these tapes and comment on the tapes. Many times they are run out, cast out, throwed out. We expect that. "For all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions."

33 How many here knows Brother Ben? How many believes him to be God's servant, [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] worthy of this blessing that we'll ask of God for him? See, he is not a stranger. He has been with us for years and years. I know him as a man of humility. He is like me; he makes many mistakes. We all do that. What I like about Brother Ben, he is willing to crawl on his knees to make it right.

And when he heard, the other day, on Marriage And Divorce, he and his wife was ready to separate, because that he loves her, and she loves him, but they want to cope with the Word of God. Whatever the Word said, that's what they wanted. I pray that God will bless Ben and his wife, to His service.

Let's lay our hands upon our brother.

34 Dear God, we lay our hands upon our Brother Ben, by a sign that we love him. And we believe, Lord, that he is willing to do a work for You, to be sent out with these tapes, to play them among some mountain people in the way away places where probably many of us would never get, but yet the Message must go to all the world. We pray that You will bless our brother, and give to him Your Spirit, and may It come upon him. And guide him, and direct him and his wife to those places where maybe that one soul is way out there, and the doors cannot close until that one sheep is brought in. Thou art not satisfied with ninety and nine. The... Every name that's on the Book must be brought in. Help them, Lord, as we lay hands upon him, as associating him with us as our brother. And our help and prayer for him, will go with him. And we pray that You'll bless him, Lord, wherever he goes. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Bless you, Brother Ben! The right hand of fellowship we give you, as minister brothers. God bless you, brother.

35 [Brother Earl Martin says, "Brother Branham, would you lay hands on me, ordain me to work as a pastor?"--Ed.] John Martin... ["Earl."] Earl.

How many knows Earl Martin? How many believes him to be a servant of Christ? He comes to us from a... I believe the, originally, from a Pentecostal group, and now I think he pastors and does a independent work.

36I've knowed Earl to be a real servant of Christ. I'll never forget one act, many has been, but one act with Earl. I remember one night they called him when I was in Dallas, Texas; or I--I believe, no, it was... [A sister says, "Beaumont."--Ed.] Beaumont, Texas, is right, sister. And they--they... His baby was laying, dying, and they thought it was already dead. It wasn't breathing no more. And Earl made his way around to my room, as a daddy, bending shoulders, stooped down before me, as I was in bed. Rolled out; he put his arms around me and said, "Brother, I believe you are God's prophet. I've always believed that. And if you'll just say the word, though my baby is dead, yet shall it live." And his baby come back to life, is living.

37 Do you believe he is worthy of the right hand of fellowship of these believers? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Let us pray, brothers, as we lay hands on him.

38Gracious Heavenly Father, we lay hands, again, on our Brother Martin. We send him, Lord, to the utmost parts that Thou has ordained that he should go; wherever it is, many or few, by-ways, highways, hedges, if it be. Wherever it is, Lord, may Your blessings be with him. We lay our hands upon him as we bid him Your speed and give him our blessings, that the Spirit that's upon us, Lord, may go with him, and will guide him and direct him to the lost souls out in the hedges and highways. We send him, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you, Brother Martin. Go now, and the Lord be with you.

39 For the same purpose? [Brother Richard Blair speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Richard is your name? ["Right. Richard Blair."] How many know Richard Blair? How many believe him to be a servant of God? He comes from the--the group of the United Pentecostal church.

And brother, Brother Blair, I remember a great calling, of his. I remember the time where Brother Blair would not, didn't want to believe me, because that there was a spirit working with him, telling him that I was false. And while he was setting right in the meeting, the Holy Spirit turned around and called it out. [Brother Blair says, "That's right."--Ed.] And he was just about ready for a--a breakdown, and that's what got him in that shape.

And I remember his lovely wife calling me one day. She said, "Brother Branham, I believe Richard is going to die." And she had, I believe, a scarf. She went and laid it on him, as I asked her, and prayed. Here he is. [Brother Blair says, "Amen."--Ed.]

40A little baby had been in an accident, or... [Brother Blair says, "My boy."--Ed.] His boy, in an accident, that they didn't give much hope for it, with a concussion of the brain. And with prayer, even by the phone, the baby was made well. ["Amen."]

Do you believe Brother Blair is a true witness of Christ? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You pray that your blessings go with him.

Brethren, lay your hands on him.

41 Dear God, to identify our gracious and noble brother, Your servant, that has even come from his own group, to walk in Light. Father, we pray that You'll bless our Brother Blair, as we send him with our blessings and our sanction, by our hands upon him, to wherever You may call him, Lord, to whatever work it may be. May Your Spirit go with Brother Blair. Guide him and direct him to the lost and dying of this world, that he may help find that lost sheep, that he might bring it back to the fold. Wherever it might be, whatever You have for him, Lord, we just ask that Your Spirit guide him and direct him throughout his life's journey. We are his brethren. In giving him the right hand of fellowship, we ask You to go with him, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

The right hand of fellowship! God bless you, Brother Blair. We are with you, one hundred percent, pray for you and will do anything we can to help you along. God bless you.

42 [Brother Merlin Anthon says, "It's the same for me, Brother Branham, for ordination."--Ed.] What say? ["Ordination."] Who are you? ["Merlin Anthon."] Merlin Anthon. ["I'm in the church."] Where? ["Here in the church."] In the church. Anybody know Brother Merlin Anthon? He is new, to me. ["With the Salvation Army. Remember me?"] Oh, yes. Pardon me, brother.

From the Salvation Army, that's right, I remember him. Sure, I know him now. I just... His face didn't look familiar to me just then, at this time. How many knows him to be a man of God? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] How many believes that--that God is working with him, raise your hand. ["Amen."] Will you pray for him? ["Amen."]

43Now, brother, we know that you coming from a great group of people, Salvation Army, they're a great people. But, and, but the Salvation Army does do a great work out on the street. We can say nothing against the Nazarene, the Pentecostal church, or the Salvation Army, or any of them; they are our brethren. But, you see, we believe that we are carriers of a great Message for this very hour that we're living in. You want to do that with us? [Brother Anthon says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Let us bow our heads while we lay our hands on our brother.

44 Dear Heavenly Father, You are the One that does the calling. You are the One that quickens the Word, so that they can believe. And we lay our hands upon our precious brother, as a sanction that we believe that You are with him and will help him. We send our blessings with him, that we who believe that we've passed from death unto Life and now hold quickening Power in our hearts, by the grace of God. We lay hands upon our brother and send him with our blessings, that You will lead him and guide him and direct him to every crevice of the earth, Lord, that You have ordained for him to go. May Your Spirit go with him and give him health, strength, and success in his ministry, for we send him in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

45God bless you, brother. That's the right hand of fellowship, you know, brothers shake hands with him, brethren like that. So that's you're... All right, the Lord bless you all.

46 [Brother Carrell says, "I--I never was done, officially. Want you to lay your hands on me, as those, in the Name of Jesus."--Ed.] You, whatever you wish. And yours... ["Time to be, and for same as them."] Now what's your name? ["Brother Carrell, from Cincinnati."] Brother Carrell.

[Brother Carrell says, "I was an ordained minister, but I couldn't agree with the brother who was ordaining women as ministers, and I had to break off from it."--Ed.]

This is Brother Carrell from Cincinnati. Anybody know Brother Carrell, raise your... Being from Cincinnati, I doubt it, that anybody know. He says that he was with a group, and the group wanted to ordain women ministers. He couldn't stand it, and he had to break away from them.

That's exactly how I broke away from the Missionary Baptists. Doctor Roy E. Davis, how many ever heard him? Sure, you did, see. He wanted to ordain some women preachers, and I said, "No, sir. As an elder," I said, "I cannot do that, consciously. It's against the Word of God."

47I don't know you, Brother Carrell. But upon the basis of your testimony, and that Truth that you stand for... We have nothing against those women. They are sisters. We love them. But we believe that they got their place, and that they must stay. See? And we believe that they are a darling to a man, a helpmate. And by no means... We think they're the greatest gift, outside of salvation, that God ever give a man. But she's got no place in the pulpit, according to the Word of God. Upon that basis, and your faith in God, we lay hands on you, as fellowship, to come go with us.

Let us lay our hands on him.

48 Our dear Heavenly Father! This young man, I can just about know how he feels. He's been pushed out because of the real Truths. That, "Man shall live not by bread alone, but by every Word." So we lay hands on him, placing our blessings upon him. May Your Spirit lead him, guide him, and direct him throughout life's journey to wherever You may send him, Lord. Let him know that we are praying for him, and will be a help to him, and support him as long as he will stand for the Truth. Grant it, Lord. We send him, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you, Brother Carrell.

You just get them hands laid on, the different ones. All of you give kind of the right hands of fellowship for that.

49 Brother Ruddell, here, has never officially been ordained here at the church. Can... How many knows Brother Ruddell? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We all know him. How many knows he's a man of God? ["Amen."]

Dear Heavenly Father, we, as Your elders, lay hands upon this brother who has moved through deep, muddy waters. He has seen his congregation falling off. He's seen everything take place, but yet believe. Though the...?... We lay our hands upon him, and pass our blessings to him...?... Anoint him, Lord, mightily, with the Word, Lord, and send him to every crevice of the earth!...?... may be upon him and help him. And send him, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

50Brother Ruddell, you've always got a right hand of fellowship. I know Brother Ruddell. Seems like--like my own boy. His daddy and I, mother, have knowed one another so long. And I know Brother Ruddell to be a servant of God. I've served with him. God bless you, Brother Ruddell.

51 What's his name? Who are you, brother? [Someone says, "Brother-in-law to Brother Martin."--Ed.] Brother Martin, you know him, Brother Martin?

What's your name? [The brother says, "Rev. McComas."--Ed.] Brother McComas. I guess there's no one here knows him, but he is a... Yes, this man here knows him, Brother Tyler. And he comes to be... have hands laid upon him, that he'll be a carrier of the Gospel. Brother McComas, where you from, Brother McComas? ["Rockford, Illinois."] Rockford, Illinois. ["You called my home, last week, or last Monday night, and prayed for my wife."] Oh, is that right? From Tucson. ["Tucson, Arizona."] Oh, I remember the call now. ["She got up the next morning."] Praise the Lord!

[Brother Martin says something to Brother Branham--Ed.] What say? ["My youngest sister."] Your sister. ["She is here now. Was paralyzed."] So, she is here now, was prayed for, the other night, from Tucson, by telephone. ["Paralyzed."] Par-... ["She was paralyzed, and she is here now."] She was paralyzed, a few nights ago, and she is here now. Brother Martin knows it, friend. No wonder he wants to take the Message!

Let us lay hands upon, brethren.

52 Dear God, I lay hands, with these others, upon Your servant, and give to him the right hand of fellowship, praying that the blessings of God will...?... [Brother Branham's statements cannot be heard clearly--Ed.]...?... that You've ordained him to be. Your blessing be on him, and guide him and direct him, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

The right hand of fellowship, my brother, and those be with you. God be with you.

53 [Someone says, "Brother Branham?"--Ed.] Yes, brother? ["I have one more that wants this also."] All right, sir. I believe this is... ["Brother Darris."] Brother Darris. I don't... ["I know Brother Earl and Brother Brewer."] This man is Brother Darris. Where you from, brother? ["Black Rock, Arkansas."] Black Rock, Arkansas. Brother... ["I know him, brother."]... known him. Someone else, I believe, here, said... Brother Brewer. I believe I met them, this morning. And--and Sister Vayle, I guess, Brother Vayle, and them who know him, and know him to be a man of God, a servant of God. Wonderful!

54Well, now, my dear brother, to be a carrier of the Message, we want you to know that we'll stand behind you, do everything that we can. We'll be praying for you, that you also will carry this Message to the utmost parts of wherever God has ordained you to go.

Let us lay our hands on our Brother Darris.

Dear God, now we lay our hands upon our brother, giving him the right hand of fellowship, and send him in the Name of Jesus Christ, that You'll anoint him. And...?... give him the right hand of fellowship!...?... And Your Spirit go with him, and guide him and direct him, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you, brother.

55 I--I believe, Brother Anthony. Many of you know Brother Anthony. He has been here with us a long time. I know him to be a servant of Christ, myself. I believe he's a dedicated young man. He's never officially had hands laid on him. He didn't know this was coming, friends. See? But right now is good as any. So we're going to lay hands on Brother Anthony and just give him the right hand of fellowship. God has to do the ordaining. This is just to let him know, and you know, that we believe this brother and we love him, and he's one of us, in the Message. And we want him to have God's blessings, and that's what we ask on him. Let's pray, as we lay our hands on, brother.

56 Dear God, this humble little, Italian servant of Yours, Lord, comes tonight, that to--to have hands laid upon him, and the right hand of fellowship, officially, extend unto him, from the church. Lord, Your great Power send this young boy to the far end of the earth, in the crevice that you've called him to. And may he go and deliver them people from sin and sickness, and to serve You, Lord, all the days of his life. May You lead him, guide him. May our blessings be with him, as we send him, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

God bless you.

57 [Someone speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Huh? Oh, I don't know. We're on a telephone hookup; fifty cents a minute. Was there somebody else here was want...

Step up here and call your names, who you are, brethren, just through the microphone, right up here. Just tell them. [Each brother says his own name, "Pat Tyler," "Claude Boggess," "Dale Potter," "...?... Henasey," "James Humes," "Earl Horner."--Ed.] Is that them? [Someone says, "Yes."] My brethren.

These men, do you believe this Message to be the Truth from God's Word? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe that with all your heart? ["Amen."] All right. And you are desirous, and think if we lay hands upon you... We want you to know that we are with you, and we'll do anything that we can do to help you.

And now I want you brethren, so that I can lay hands on them too, to step right up here now. And let's all bow our heads, as we lay hands on them.

Dear God, here is a group of man. I lay my hands upon each of them, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And may You, Who has called them to be ministers, that may they a preach It, Lord, all the days of their life. And...?... preach the Gospel to every creature. We give to them the right hand of fellowship, and pray Your blessings to be with them, Lord, as we bless them, send our blessings. May it go to every crevice of the earth that you've called them to go to. May they work and serve You in the capacity that You called them to. May they be gallant and real servants of God. Grant it, Lord. And we ask it in Jesus Christ's Name.

58 God bless you, each, brothers. God bless you. God bless you, brother. God bless you. God bless you, Brother Humes. The Lord be with you, each one.

Blest be the tie that binds

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred mind

Is like to that Above.

59Isn't He wonderful? Just think now, how many ministers is here tonight to have hands laid upon them!

60I didn't know that we were on this telephone hookup. If the people out there will forgive me for that; I didn't know it. See? I just didn't know they was going to hook this little Message up tonight. But we're...

61 Now we'll read the Word and pray, and get straight into this Message that I feel that the Holy Spirit would have me to bring to you tonight.

62And now while we are turning back in the... for the text, I'll announce it in a moment. Let's turn to Numbers, the 22nd chapter, verse 31. Numbers 22:31, for a text. While you're turning, if you like to read, read it or mark it.

63I want you all remember me now, until I get to see you again, I hope, sometime this summer, the Lord willing. And if anything happens, I don't get to go overseas, I'll be back. But we are now believing that, how all this has worked around, that the Holy Spirit is going to send us now on a way that He has chosen for Himself to send us. And that's the way we want to do it. The Lord bless!

64Father, we're about to read Your Word. Will You bless It and anoint It to our understanding, we ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

65The Book of Numbers, the 22nd chapter and the 31st verse.

And the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face.

66Now, in the reading of this, to build a context around it, I want to take the subject: Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word?

67That's quite a text, and it's a great Truth that we ought to understand. Can God say anything and then say, "I'm sorry I said it"? Can God take His Word back, after He said It?

68 Now, in this statement here, the reason I chose this statement, was because it's one of the statements of the Bible that a reader, trying to see, or try to say that God does change His mind; this would be more like that He changed His mind than any place in the Bible, I know of, because He told Balaam one thing and then told him another. And now, many people has tried to make Balaam just a, oh, a soothsayer or something. But Balaam was not a soothsayer. He was a prophet of the Lord.

69Now, we'll kind of get the outline of the Message, first. Israel was in their journey from Pales-... going to Palestine, coming from Egypt. And the Lord was with them, and they were... Every enemy that had raised up before Israel was moved out of the way, for God said He would send hornets before them and would drive out the enemy, as long as they walked in obedience to His command. The job was never too big. The Amalekites, the giants of the day, meant nothing to Israel. Though they were small man in stature, but they were walking in THUS SAITH THE LORD. So no matter what the opposition was, God always seen that His Words of promise never failed Israel.

70 And Israel of the Old Testament is a type of the Bride of the New Testament, coming up out of the--the world, marching on the road to Canaan, or the Canaan that we go to, the Millennium.

71Now, now, we notice Moab here is a type of the church. And Moab... They had just slew some kings and had routed the enemy, killed off everything, possessed the land, and moved up by Moab. Now, Moab was by no means a heathen nation. Moab was a nation that served the same God that Israel served. And the land of Moab was originally started with Lot's son, by his own daughter. And he, being the founder of this nation, and had organized his celebrities and so forth, and made a great nation out of it, and they had multiplied and went on.

72And, now, Israel was of the seed of Abraham, not of Lot. Israel come out of Isaac, Jacob. And Israel sprung out of those twelve tribes from Jacob, which was later called "Israel," because he wrestled with the Lord. And Moab here...

73 Now, in this, and you people out in the--on the telephones, I want to first say that I--I do not wish to be critical, and I hope I'm not. But, the Message that's been given to me, I must be faithful to that Message, or I'll be a hypocrite. See? I--I can't say no more than what I am sent to say.

And I--I am thinking that the great enemy of the Christian society today is the organized churches. I do believe with all my heart that it'll finally form into the mark of the beast, which I can, think I can prove that by the Bible with God's help. I have already done it. That, it will form into the mark of the beast, in the federation of the churches. Because, God never did, at any time, ever recognize a ordained church, organized church, never. He never did do it.

And every time that man made an organization, the Spirit of God left it and never did return again. Ask any historian, or you may be a reader yourself. Never! When they organized, God laid it on the shelf, and that's where it went; it stayed, from then on. They growed in members, but never a wakening of the Spirit; never, no more.

74 Moab, here, is a type of such, because they were a--a organized nation; in their own land, like in their denomination. And there had their own religions, and their religion was the same religion that Israel had. They were Moabites and believed in Jehovah God, but they was an organized group of people.

75And, now, as they represent the natural church, Israel represents the spiritual church in its journey. Now, Israel was not an organized nation. As long as they followed God, they were independent. They come up, sojourners, no place to go. Wherever the Pillar of Fire went, they went with It. They were not a organized nation. They had a organism among them, because circumcision gave them that under the commandment by God, but never an organized nation at this time. When they finally become an organized nation, that's where they fell and rejected their Messiah.

76 And now we find, always, that when these natural and spiritual, spirits of churches and organizations, meet, there is always a clash. It's never failed to be so. It always clashes. Because, we find that in there is a jealousy. And there... In this jealousy, it causes carnal comparisons, impersonations. And we find it in today, as it was then. When God does something for an individual, everybody tries to copy just like God did for that person. See, it causes a competition, and it makes carnality. And then if they cannot, the other side, get the spiritual results, then they take it by a political power, or they substitute something, to upset the people's minds, to draw disciples after themselves.

77That's exactly what took place at the very beginning; as Cain and Abel, both boys here on earth. And when Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, and God vindicated Abel, by coming down and receiving his sacrifice; it caused jealousy with Cain, because he was jealous of his brother, and slew his brother.

78 It started at the beginning, that when the natural and the spiritual, yet Cain and Abel worshiped the same God. They both built the same kind of altars. And they both worshiped the same God, at the same church, same altar. But Cain, by carnal reasoning, brought in the fruits of the land and laid them upon the altar as a sacrifice, thinking that surely that this would answer to God for an atonement. So he must have brought in, as people think today, "apples that Adam and Eve took, that caused the sin." And, whatever, I think now they got it down to a "pomegranate" or something now. Some of them said, not long ago, it was something else.

79And, but Abel had the right sacrifice. He knowed that it was blood that did it, so he brought a lamb. And when God received his, now, Abel, by faith, by revelation, no other way. There was no Bible written. So, you see, the beginning of righteousness is God's revealed Truth, and the entire Church of the living God is built upon that.

80 Jesus, one day, coming off the mount, said to His disciples, "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"

"One said You're 'Moses' and the other one say You're 'Elias' and You're 'Jeremias, or one of the prophets.'"

He said, "But who do you say that I am?"

81That's when the apostle Peter, inspired of God, quickened by the Spirit, made that tremendous statement, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

82Notice the statement. "Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas, flesh and blood has not revealed this to you. My Heavenly Father has revealed this to you. Thou art Simon. Upon this rock..."

What rock? Now, the Catholic says, "Upon Peter, the rock, little stone." And the Protestant says, "Upon Christ, the Rock."

Not to be different; but it was upon the revelation that Peter had, Who He was. "No man can come to Me," said Jesus, "except My Father draws him. And all the Father has given Me will come to Me."

"Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God."

83"Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas; flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in Heaven. Upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell can't prevail against it." Spiritual revealed Word of God!

84 Notice, Abel, by faith in God, offered a more excellent sacrifice. And the carnal believer thought that it was the works of his own hands, that, and his fruits and his beautiful offering that he brought, that God would recognize, and it made a clash.

We find that Abraham and Lot had to clash.

85We find that Moses and--and Dathan, Korah, had the same clash.

Moses, being a ordained prophet with the Word of the Lord, vindicated that he was chosen to be their leader of the hour, and that Abraham had promised all these things, and here Moses did exactly what God said it would be, take place.

And Korah, being carnal, wanted to raise up an organization among them. He wanted to make a group of men. And God doesn't deal with people like that. It shows right there, in that Scripture, a type of the journey today, that organization is not what God ordains. For, as soon as Korah done it, he said to Moses, "You take too much upon yourself." In other words, "The whole congregation is holy! Why, you say you're the only holy man. You have no right to do any such as that. You try to make yourself somebody big. We're all holy. We're all God's children."

86And Moses just turned his head and walked away. He said, "Lord, what will I do?"

87God said, "Separate yourself from him. I've had enough of it." And He swallowed him up in the earth.

88 See, there was a clash. When the carnal and the spiritual meets, there is always a clash. When Judas and Jesus met, there was a clash; One, the Son of God; the other one, the son of Satan. Just like Cain and Abel, there was a clash when they met. One of them was the treasurer of the church, and the other One a Pastor. And as now, we come in this day, to the same thing again. The carnal denomination to the spiritual Bride of Christ. The spiritual Bride of Christ is so much different from the carnal organizations, till there's no comparison in them at all.

89 Now notice, the natural always tries to type the spiritual. But, as in Jacob and Esau, it will not work. It would not. Now, when it come to doing good works, I--I believe that Esau actually was a better man than Jacob, in the sight of man. He tried to take care of his daddy; he was blind, a prophet. And all these things that he tried to do, but yet Esau didn't think about that being just carnal work. He thought he could get in by what he done, do something good for somebody, which was all right. But Jacob, his whole soul was to get that birthright, and that's what God recognized in him spiritual.

90 Notice, and it's always caused the natural to hate the spiritual. It caused Cain to hate Abel. It caused Korah to hate Moses. It caused Judas to hate Jesus. And on and on it goes. It causes the natural to hate the spiritual, just as Cain at the beginning hated Abel, the one that God received the sacrifice from, and tries to destroy them.

Even they try to destroy the influence. They try to destroy everything, because it's nothing but jealousy. It started in Cain and proved that it was jealousy, and it's still the same thing today when the natural (the carnal) and the spiritual meet together. It proves it's Satan, no other way, because jealousy comes from Satan. And then causes an impersonation of the Truth, somebody to try to impersonate something that isn't, they are not ordained to do. How much of that have we seen in these last days! Oh, my, how much of it!

91So we see God does for-... not forever change His mind about His original Word. But, who He calls, that's who He ordains. No one else can take that place. No one could take Moses' place. No matter how many Korah's raised up, and how many Dathan's; it was Moses, God had called, regardless.

92 But, and if the people won't walk in His perfect will, He does have a permissive will He'll let you walk in. Notice, He permits it, all right, but He will make it work out for His glory, in His perfect will. Now if you'd like...

93Just like, in the beginning, it was not God's perfect will for children to be born on the earth through sex. No, sir. God created man out of the dust of the earth, breathed the breath of life into him, and he become a living soul. He took from that man a helpmate, and made a wife to him. That was God's first and original will. But when sin come in and did the thing that it did, then He permitted man to marry a wife, legally, and have children by her. "Multiply and replenish the earth, then, if that's the way you're going to do it." But, you see, it never was His perfect will.

94 Therefore, all these things that had a beginning has to have an end. All sin has to come to annihilation. All sin has to be done away with. Therefore, in the great Millennium when the resurrection comes, we will not have to be reborn again by our fathers and mothers, but God like He did in the beginning will call man from the dust of the earth, and his helpmate with him. That's right. That's the way He did it at the beginning.

95So therefore, God never changes His mind about anything, but He will permit you to go on. Now, this is a long ways around to get to what I want to say here about this. But, and, but, it's, you'll... I want you to understand it. See? God will permit you to do something, and even bless you in doing it, but still it isn't His perfect will.

96 God permitted Israel to take a law, in Exodus the 19th chapter. When grace had already give them a prophet, Pillar of Fire, a sacrifice lamb, a delivering power, but they cried out for a Law. It wasn't God's will, but it was injected because man wanted it. And he was cursed by the very law that he wanted.

97It's best to have God's will. That's what He taught us. "Thy will be done. Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done." We must submit ourselves to His will and His Word. Don't question It. Believe It. Don't try to find a way around It. Just take It the way It is.

So many wants to go around, get some other way. And when you do, you find yourself going on, you find God blessing you, but you're working in His permissive will and not in His perfect, Divine will.

98He permits it, as I said, but He will not--He will not let it be His perfect will; but He'll make it work to honor and bless His perfect will. And childbearing, by sex, is one of that.

99 Now notice, Moab, to begin with, was a illegitimate nation. It started out, illegitimate, yet by a--a father believer and a daughter believer.

Just exactly, if you will type that and use a spiritual mind, you can see that denomination standing there just as plain as anything. Sure. See, the whole thing is altogether wrong. And, look, when it's brought, started like that, it can never... It keeps, like a ball of snow, it just keeps rolling more and more and more. You get one error, and start on that one error, and you just keep rolling one thing after another, and one thing like another, all after another.

100And that's the way the church started. That's the way it started at Nicaea, Rome, when the Roman Catholic church... At the very beginning, where it come from, was Pentecost. But when they organized and brought in the celebrity, into the church, they started to making, having prayers, and running beads, and--and praying for the dead, and all these other things. And then it just started rolling, from one error to another, one error to another, until look where it's gone to. There is not one representation of pentecost in it, at all. See? It's one error picking up another, picking up another. There is only one thing to do, that's, clean off the record and go back to the beginning.

101When, Martin Luther started off with justification. This ought to be the further advanced, Lutheran church. See? If... Luther, when he organized, he could not take Wesley's sanctification, because he was organized; and the men wouldn't stand for it, so the Spirit moved out of it.

102 Now, Lot's group here; or, Moab was Lot's daughter's child, illegitimate to start with. Now notice, as the natural church, Moab, represents the natural denomination.

Israel represents the spiritual Church. Israel, there was a church true, was the bride of that day, called out of Egypt, and vindicated to be the truth.

103Notice when they, them two come together. Both of them offered the same sacrifice, both built, saw seven altars, both offered up clean sacrifice, ox. And they even offered up rams, testifying that there was a coming Messiah. Fundamentally, they were both exactly the same. Israel, down here in the valley; Moab, up on the hill. And Moab with seven altars; Israel with seven altars. Moab with seven ox; Israel with seven ox. Moab with seven rams, speaking of the coming Messiah; Israel with seven rams.

What was the difference in them? Fundamentally, both right. But, you see, Moab did not have the vindication of God with them; they were only a nation, a group of celebrities. But Israel had a prophet with them. They had a smitten Rock with them. They had a Pillar of Fire. They had a brass serpent, for healing. They had the blessings of God moving right along with them, and they was the called-out children of God.

104 Now we find that so perfectly typed here in them churches of today. As, Moab was not so. Israel was a sojourner, from place to place; wherever that Pillar of Fire moved, they moved with It. Moab, not so; they were settled down in their own denomination, down in their own nation. They didn't move, they stayed right there. They had their celebrities. They ordained things as they should do, and they had their warriors, they had their fighters, they had their king they had, that they got their orders from, and so on.

105But Moab seen Israel with something that they didn't have. They seen a mighty power amongst Israel, and it was a prophet. And that prophet was Moses. And they knowed that when the battle went wrong, they just raised up his hands and held them up there, and the battle changed. So they didn't have such as that, so they try to match it with politics, with a political pull. They sent over to another country and hired a prophet to come over, so they could have a prophet, and would have power amongst them just like Israel had amongst them.

106Do you see the carnal comparison? Can you see the carnal church today? It's done the very same thing.

107 Notice, now, they're both going to have prophets. The only different was, Moses, the prophet of God, his King was God. That's where he got his orders, the Word of the Lord. And Balaam, he also, he had a king, and that king was Balak, the king of Moab, and that's where he got his orders and his blessings. So Moab said to Balak, "Come down," or Balaam, said, "come down and curse me this people, for they cover the whole face of the earth. They just come and lick up everything like an ox licks up the grass." Said, "Come down now. And I understand that you can curse, you can bless, whatever you do is recognized."

108Now, we want to notice that this man was a prophet ordained of God, but he sold his birthrights for political reasons. Just as the church did today, like Luther, Wesley, Pentecost, and the whole group of them, sold it out for pulls in their organization. Moses, under God; Balaam, under Balak. Yet, both prophets were called men of God, and both spiritual. Notice the difference. Each had a head; Moses' was God; Balaam, was Balak.

109 Notice here how the spiritual is applied, to prove that the natural is wrong. Moses, sent of God, in line of duty, is met and challenged by another prophet of God. Can you imagine that! Moses, called of God, ordained of God, standing in the duty of God; moved up into this cold, formal group, and was challenged by another prophet of God, what God had blessed and ordained. How would you tell the difference? They both had prophets. God spoke to both prophets.

110And some of them say, "God said, 'Do this.' God said, 'Do that.'" Now, I don't question that, but it's out of the line of God's Word. The prophet, no matter if he is a prophet, he's out of the line. So many people get deceived like that. "Oh, this brother can do this, and this brother can do that," and deny the Word?

111 "Though I speak with tongue of men and angels, though that I have gifts, that I can move mountains, though I give all my goods to feed the poor, I am yet nothing."

"Many will come to Me in that day, and say, 'Lord, Lord, have not I prophesied in Your Name? Have not, in Your Name, I've cast out devils and done mighty works?' And I will say unto them, 'Depart from, you... Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. I never even knew you.'" Yet, they come with a confession that they have did it, but Jesus said, "They were workers of iniquity." What is iniquity? Is something that you know you should do, that's right to do, and yet you don't do it. See what it's going to be in the last days?

112Hear the whole line! That was my purpose tonight. I said I'd be out at nine o'clock, but I'm going to be a little bit after, maybe. Look, that was my whole purpose, to show you this line, by the Word of God, see, that--that God has to keep His Word in order to stay God.

113 Now, we notice that both of these were spiritual men, both were prophets, both were called. And Moses, right in the line of duty, with a fresh Pillar of Fire before him every day, the Spirit of God upon him, in the line of duty. Here comes another servant of God, called of God, ordained of God, a prophet to whom the Word of God comes to. Here is the danger line. There is nobody could dispute that man being of God--of God, because the Bible said the Spirit of God spoke to him, and he was a prophet. But, you see, when he got the real answer from God, he wouldn't keep It. He didn't notice It, then he went to challenge Moses.

114 Now, Balaam sought the will of God, with all of his heart. Now, when these great men come over and said, "Balaam! Balak the king has sent, that you come to him immediately and curse this people Israel, because they're scattered all over the face of the earth, and now they're camping against me. And they've licked up every kingdom around, below them. And now we want you to come over and curse this people. Because, I understand that if you curse anyone, he is cursed." Now, you see, he was a man of God. "What you bless, is blessed." He was a servant of God.

115And Balaam now thought, being a prophet, "There is only one thing for me to do, and that's seek out what is the will of God."

116 That's the duty of a prophet, if he's called to be a prophet. First, what must a prophet do? Is seek out the will, the Word of God. He must do it. Because, being a prophet, the Word of God comes to him. The... They say, "Well, you're not a theologian." Never does the Bible say the Word of God come to a theologian. They're the one who messes It up. The Word comes to the prophet of God.

117And here was a man who was a prophet of God. And when he was hired, to be hired, to come over and curse another people of God, notice, he went to seek the will of God. And he wanted to know His perfect will, and God gave him His perfect will in the matter. His perfect will was presented to him. What was His will? "Don't you go!" That's God's first Word. "Don't go with them. Don't you try to attack My people, walking in My perfect ways."

118How that is today, want to fuss, debate, and everything else, when they see the Spirit of God working among you. And they're trying to, they've tried it for years, to smother It down. But more they try to smother It, the greater It grows. You can't curse what God has blessed. You just can't. You just can't do it.

119 So, you see, that was God's people. Now, that prophet, though he was up there and hired by the king, worked among the celebrities, and so forth. And the Word of God came to him. He sought the will of God, and the will of God spoke back to him, and said, "Don't curse this people. I blessed them."

120Now there isn't a theologian under the skies that can deny this Message that we're preaching, but what It's exactly the Word of God right in time. God has a vindicate it, in everything that's been said or done. He's proved It to be right. Now, there's no theologian, no Bible reader, no prophet, can look in that Word, if he is a prophet, he'll see the same thing. But if he doesn't see the same thing, that show's there is something wrong. Because...

121You say, "Well, oh, I could take it vice versa." So could Balak, Balaam. See? But God identified Moses.

And then what was the proof? The Word of God. And he heard the plain, clean-cut decision of God, "Don't you go. Don't try to--to curse what I've blessed. Them is My people."

But you know what? Balaam didn't like them people, to begin with. Oh, what a... How many Balaams is there in the world today! He didn't like that group, to start with.

122 Now, after he got God's clean-cut decision, "Don't you go." But, you see, instead of doing it, it was the same thing like Cain, like Korah, he was jealous, and he--he wanted to, a reason to go, anyhow.

123Notice, his denominational headquarters, after he sent back, said, "Nope, don't believe I'll go down. Don't believe I'll have anything to do with them. I won't debate with them people, 'cause God's done told me they are His people, and I don't believe I'll go." If he'd have stayed with that!

But, down in his heart, he didn't like them. See? They wasn't of his group. And anything that didn't belong in his group, "wasn't right, to begin with." See? And he looked down at them, said, "There has been some awful things them people did. Surely a holy God will curse such a people as that. They're, they're illiterate. They're not educated like us. We're a smarter people. Oh, they claim to serve God, but, look at them, what are they? A bunch of, why, a bunch of slaves, mud-daubers, that the Egyptians run out down there. Why, God would never have anything to do with a dirty bunch like that!"

124 He failed to see that smitten Rock and that brass serpent, that Pillar of Fire. He tried to judge them from a moral standpoint. He failed to see the higher call of God. By grace, by election, they were in that line, and with God's Word. And when he wanted to curse them, God said, "Don't you do it. They're Mine. Leave them alone. Don't you touch them."

125Now, so the man turned around, went back. Now watch his denominational headquarters, though, when he gets back. They sent a more influential group. This time they might have been some, instead of just regular layman, they might have been doctors of divinity come this time. They might have been bishops, or maybe state presbyters, for all... He sent a--a--a better group, and a--a little more influential group, somebody that had a little better education and could lay out the plan to him better, could make it reasonable.

126 See, that's what Cain did; he reasoned. That's what Korah did; he reasoned. It's not him that reasons.

"We cast down reasonings." We believe God, no matter what anything else says. We believe God. We don't reason what God says. You can't reason with It. You have to accept It by faith. And anything that you know, you don't have to reason any more. I don't know how He does it; I just believe He does it. I don't know how He is going to keep that promise; but He said He would do it. I believe it. I accept it on the basis that I believe that it's the Word of God.

You say, "Well, you can't get by with that." I don't know how I'll get by with it, but He said, "Say it."

I remember my Baptist pastor told me, said, "Why, Billy, you will preach to the posts in the church. Why, you think anybody will hear a thing like that?"

I said, "God has said so."

"How are you going to, with a seventh-grade education, pray for kings, and preach around the world?"

127 I said, "I don't know how I'm going to do it, but, He said so, and that's just good enough for me." See? "He said so. I don't know how it's going to be done."

He said, "Do you think the people in this great, educated world that you're going to stand up against, on this subject of Divine healing and so forth, do you think they'll believe that?"

128I said, "It ain't for me to know whether they believe It or not." I said, "My duty is to preach It. That's what He told me. He said He would be with me, and He's told me what it would do."

And it's done just exactly what He said it would do. "First, take a hold of their hands; then it'll come to pass that you'll even know the secret of their heart." And I told you about it, and it happened that way. How does it do it? I still don't know how it does it. It's none of my business how it's done; it's just done.

129 Who could explain when God told Elijah, "Go up there and set on the mount, and I'll feed you. I've ordained the--the crows to feed you"? How could a crow get a slice of bread and a piece--a piece of fish, baked, and bring it to a prophet? That's beyond anything I could explain. I don't think you can either, or nobody can. But He did it. That's all was necessary. He did it, and that's the truth of it.

How He did it, I don't know; it's none of my business. But He did it. How He made the earth, I don't know; but He did it. How He sent His Son, I don't know; but He did it. How He rose from the dead, I don't know; but He did it. How did He save me? I don't know; but He did it. That's right. How did He save you? I can't tell you; but He did it. How did He heal me? I don't know; but He did it. He promised He would do it, and He keeps His Word.

Now, Balaam should have knowed that, and he did know better.

130 Notice, this better, influential group, come, and what better? They had better gifts. And not only that, they could give him more money, and they could, offered him a better position. "Now, besides just a regular minister in the organization, we'll make you district superintendent. See? That, we'll--we'll do something for you if you'll just run that bunch of people out of there, see, and stop that." Oh, they offered him a great position. Said, "The more you bless..." Said, "You know, I'm able to promote you." Look where he's getting his words from, the head of the nation.

131 Where was Moses getting his Words from? The King of Heaven. One was the Word of God's promise, "I'll take you to the promised land, and no man will stand before you. I'll send hornets before you and drive them out, from right to left. And you're going to take the land. I've prom-... I've already give it to you. Go on, take it, possess it; it's yours." And now, see, that's Who Moses was listening to. And this man was listening until it come to something in his own heart he was jealous of, and so then he went to his ecclesiastical head. See?

132Notice, a better position. He said, "You know I'm able to promote you? I will promote you to a better place. I'll do more for you. I'll raise your wages. I'll give you a better salary." And when he offered him all of this, it blinded him.

133How many Balaams are there in the world today, that, by a better position, a better church, a promise of something! When a man gets his eyes opened to the Word and the workings of God... And that good man, who has got influence, will start out as a servant of God, and he holds a good congregation. After a while, the Holy Ghost baptism is presented to him; the baptism in Jesus' Name is presented to him, which is a Scripture and the only Scriptural way to baptize. And when it is presented to him, and the denomination knows they're going to lose him when he starts that, they offer him a better position and a change in church. See, old Balaamism, again, just exactly like it was at the beginning.

134 Now, that man who reads that Bible, he can't read It unless he sees that that's the Truth. There is nobody ever baptized using the titles of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost." It's a Catholic creed and not a Bible Doctrine. No person in the Bible was ever baptized, or three hundred years after the death of the last apostle, but what was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. The Catholic church started that, and the rest of them come to it. And any minister setting in his study and will look at that, knows that's the Truth. But, for popularity, to hold his position, better thought of among the people, he compromises.

"Well," you say, "God blessed him."

135Certainly. Some of them have got gifts of healing, some of them have great campaigns. And that rubbed right in their face, and they get the same answer from the Word of God that you or any other man would get. God doesn't change. See what I mean?

136 Balaam, for a better position, he thought. Now look, when that better group come back, the right... Balaam, here, took a phony text. See? He said... The--the better group come back, he--he ought to have said, "Get out of my presence! I've told you the Word of God. Get going! This is THUS SAITH THE LORD." But, you see, the gifts, and to be a more popular man!

137Oh, how they like to do it! "We'll send you all over the world. We'll give you a special plane. We'll sponsor your meetings everywhere if you'll just..." Oh, no. Uh-huh. See?

We know what the Word says. We know what God said. We're going to stay with that, by God's help. See? No matter what kind of a promise, and how much more you can pay, and how many this, that, or the other you can--you can produce; we want the THUS SAITH THE LORD, and what He said Here first.

"Well, the church said, 'That's secondarily.'"

We want what the God said at the beginning. "And anything added to It or taken away from It, even your name will be taken off the Book of Life; to add one word to It, or take one Word away from It." We want what He said; not what the church said, what Doctor Jones said, what somebody else said. We want what THUS SAITH THE LORD said, what the Word said.

138 But now we find Balaam, a servant of God. And many of those men start out, and are ordained of God, and does speak God's Word in many things; but when it comes to the full Truth, they won't do it.

139Notice here, as a prophet of God, he should not been caught in such a group as that, to begin with. He shouldn't have went with them. But, watch, for popularity sake, see, for his conscience's sake, he said, "Well, stay all night, and I'll try again." See, "I'll try again"? What do you want to try again for?

140God already told him what to say. God said, "Tell them you're not going." That's His original Word. "I'm not going. 'And don't you go. Don't you curse what I blessed.'" Now watch how it backfired on him, after a while. See? And it will, every time. When God says anything, He means it. He don't change His mind about it. He stays right with His Word. No matter what anyone else says, He stays right with that Word.

141 Now, Balaam should have knowed better. He should have dismissed himself from such company, but all them nice gifts and a--a--the promise that this king said, "You know I can do it. I'm the bishop. I can do just whatever I want to, and I'll promote you if you'll come do it for me."

And God done told him, "Don't do it."

142But yet Balaam said, "You, you stay all night, and I'll--I'll try again."

See, he had the Word. You don't have to argue anymore about It. God has done said so. With a group like that, they always talk you out of the will of God, if you'll let them.

143 There was one group to come to a prophet, one time, named Job. They couldn't talk him out. He saw the vision. He knowed what was right.

Balaam saw the vision, and still didn't stay with It.

144No matter how much his church groups said, "Oh, Job, you ought to do this, you ought to do that." Even his wife, he said, "You talk like a foolish person." See? "I know what the Lord said. I know what He required, and that's what I've done." See, he stayed with what God told him.

145Notice, Balaam using this phony text for his conscience. See? He said, "Well, I'll--I'll find out. I'll try again." Now, there is where you come, secondarily. How many Balaams have we got tonight, that likes to use that phony text of Matthew 28:19 just for their conscience's sake? How many wants to use Malachi 4 for their conscience's sake? How many wants to use Luke 17:30 just for conscience's sake? How many wants to use these things, yet, "Well, I tell you, I--I believe they're all mixed up on That"?

146 And then here was Balaam trying to say, "Perhaps maybe God got mixed up. I'll try again, see, see what He said." Now, He knows your heart. Notice, Balaam used this phony text for his own conscience's sake, because, actually, he wanted that money. He wanted that dignitary. He wanted that. He wanted that job. He wanted that position, to be looked up to, as Doctor So-and-so. So he--he--he said, "I'll try again."

147Oh, at the Balaams in the world tonight, promised positions, popularity! My, oh, my! They numb their conscience by them. Because of their denominations, they say, "If you do that, out you go. I know you're a good man, and we love you," and he is a good man, "we love you. But you can't preach that. Our--our doctrine says you can't do that. Doctor So-and-so said this is the way it is. Now you've got to believe it this way, if you stay with us. Now, if you want to, I know you had a hard time, well, I'll see if I can't get you promoted, maybe change churches." Oh, you Balaam! When you know the will of God, you do it! God ain't going to change His mind. No.

148 Something that he could pass by, the Truth, for his commission. He said, "Well, I'll--I'll try again." Notice the Balaams there is.

149So now remember, when he come the second night, with this great celebrity, already had his conscience dull and numb, God let him go. Now, God never changed His mind, but He give him His permissive will. "Go ahead then." But he found out it'll not work.

150God knew what was in Balaam's heart. Though he was a prophet, He knowed he hated them holy-rollers, and he--and he just... he--he was going to want to curse them, anyhow. And God done told him not to do it, but yet he come, wanted to do it, again, so God let him go ahead. God said, "Go ahead." Now, remember, He never changed His mind.

151 Notice, it was his desire to curse them. The people that he classed as fanatics, he wanted to curse them. He wanted a position. He didn't want to fool with them, so he thought if he could do this little act for the king, then he would be promoted. God never changed His mind or His Word.

But He will give you the desire of his heart, of your heart. He promised that. You know that? He promised to give you the desire of your heart. And let your desire be the Word of God. Let your desire be His will, never your own will. His will! If He... You ask Him for something, He don't give it to you, say, "Thank You, Lord. You know what's good."

152 Look at even King Hezekiah, when He sent that prophet up there to him, God did, and said, "Put your house in order. You're going to die."

Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and wept bitterly, and said, "Lord God, I--I ask You to consider me. I've walked before You with a perfect heart. I want You to let me live fifteen years longer."

153"All right." God spoke to the prophet, said, "Go back and tell him I heard him."

And what did he do? He brought disgrace upon the whole nation. He kindled the anger of God till He would have killed him. That's right. You know that. Backslid on God. It would have been far better on, off, nation, king, and all, if he'd have went on and took God's first thing to him.

But it looked hard on the prophet, when the prophet had to go back and speak the Word of God to him, after he done told him. But God said, "Go ahead." But, you see, it brought a disgrace.

154What did Balaam do? After knowing the will of God, and yet he was persistent, he was going to do it, anyhow. And what did it do? Notice. He never changed His mind. He knowed what was in his heart.

155 You know, Thomas, one time he just couldn't believe it. No, he--he said, "Naw, I can't believe that. If I could take my hand and stick it in His side, put it in the nails of His hand, well, then, then I'll--I'll believe it then."

He said, "Come here, Thomas. See? Now put your hands in here."

Now, oh, Thomas said now, "It's my Lord and my God."

156Said, "Yes, you've seen, and now you believe it. How much greater is their reward, has never seen and yet believe!"

People sometimes won't receive the Holy Ghost unless they speak with tongues. I believe in speaking in tongues, certainly. He's a good God; He'll give you the desire of your heart. But no matter how much you speak in tongues, and deny this Word, you're wrong anyhow. See? See, you don't go in by speaking in tongues. You go in by keeping every Word. That's the evidence of the Holy Ghost, when you believe the Word of God. See?

157 I believe in speaking in tongues. I believe you can be quickened, like I said this morning, till you'll speak with a new tongue. I have, myself, and I know it's the Truth. I know it's true. But that's not the sign, you, that you're God's selected child. See? No, indeedy. He never said...

"Many will come to Me and say, 'Lord, haven't I prophesied and done all these great things in Your Name?' He'll say, 'Depart from Me, you that work iniquity, I never knew you.'"

158You speak with tongues and then refuse to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ? Something wrong somewhere. Yes, indeed; any of those things, any of those orders God give. There is something wrong. Just search your own conscience, and see what--see what the Bible said. Show me some place where somebody was baptized in the name of the "Father, Son, Holy Ghost." See? It's not there. But, you see, sometimes for your conscience's sake, you say, "Well..."

You say, "God speaks to the women about how they must do, not wear shorts and things, but, you know, the pastor said..." So they take the easy way.

159 They know what God said about it Here. See? Sure, God said so.

So they--they--they want to do it, anyhow, see. They try to find an excuse. "Well, I think it's much better. It's--it's not... The wind don't blow..." Yeah.

But God said for a man to dress different from a woman. "If a woman put on a garment pertained to a man, it was abomination in His sight." So it's not right, yes, and you shouldn't do it. No. See? So, therefore, it's wrong.

160But, you see, they try to find an excuse, that, "The Lord told me to do this." I don't say He didn't, but, look, it ain't His perfect will. It's got to be His permissive will. You see what it'll do? It'll pollute the whole bunch. It polluted all the camp.

161 Notice here, God never changed His mind, His Word. But He is a good God, and He'll give you the desire of your heart, though it be against His will. You believe that?

Look, God told Moses, "You go down there," this anointed prophet. Said, "Go down there and speak to that rock." It's already been smitten.

162Moses went down there in his anger, picked up the rod, and said, "You rebels, must we fetch you water out of this rock?" and smote the rock. The water didn't come. He smote it again; it come. It was against God's will. It broke every plan in the Bible; Christ had to be smitten second time. See? Christ was smitten once. It broke the whole plan. But He give him His permissive will. Then, after, he said, "See, we got the water for you. Yeah, I brought it for you, you bunch of rebels!"

163 God said, "Come here, Moses. Come here. Come up here on top... You've been a faithful servant." (Like the woman with the high heels, "You climbed," see.) "Look over yonder. See the promised land?"

"O Lord!"

"But you're not going over. You took My permissive will, down here at the Rock. You have glorified yourself, see, and not Me. You sanctified yourself. You didn't sanctify Me. You didn't keep My original Word, what I told you to do." Yet, the waters did come.

You can lay hands on the sick and they recover. You can prophesy, or speak with tongues. But, the thing is, keep His original Word! God don't change His mind, friend. You've got to keep His commission, His will.

"Oh, well, that was for the disciples."

164 He doesn't change. If He's still got a disciple, that's the same commission. "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel. These signs shall follow them that believe." It's never change. He can't change.

Now, you can say, "Well, I tell you, it ain't for this day." Oh, you Balaamite! You see? See, God don't change. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

165Just look at the Balaamites today. "Oh, I know, in the Bible they baptized in Jesus' Name, but, look, all the people..."

I don't care what the people has done. "There is not another Name under Heaven given among men whereby you can be saved." "No remission of sin, only through the Name of Jesus Christ." What, how good you are, what you do, that don't have one thing to do with it. It's God's original Word; you got to stay with That. Whew! All right.

166"Obedience to His Word is better than sacrifice." You remember that time when Saul came back.

167 Balaam had a gift of faith and could have used it to the perfect, original Word of God.

Many men on the field today, with gifts of healing, could do the same thing. Many men out here, people speaking in tongues, people prophesying, a gift, could use it for the Kingdom of God, but they don't do it. They take... And God blesses them, anyhow, gets the permissive will. But for popularity, and pleasures, personal gains, sold their birthrights, as Esau did, see, sold out to a organization. Sold out, like Balaam did. See?

So many are doing today the same thing. We know that's right. They sell out their birthright. Huh! Women professing the Holy Ghost, wearing shorts; man permitting them in the pulpits, bobbed-haired women in the pulpits; paint on their face, with religious gowns on. The biggest stumbling block the church has ever had.

168 If you want to know, in political powers, what time it is in the kingdom age, see where the Jews are. Watch how the Jews are, because they are a nation. If you want to know where the nations are standing, watch the Jews.

If you want to know where the church is standing, watch the women. Watch the morals among the women, 'cause she's a representation of the church. When you see the pollution amongst the women, you find the pollution in the church. What she become, a painted-up Jezebel, just exactly what the church has become. See? Now, that's the truth, and you know that. See? If you want to know where the church is, watch the morals among your women. Cause, she is, the church is a woman.

If you want to know the national status, watch the Jews.

169 Notice, as God said to Balaam, after he had heard the true-cut decision, Word, "Don't go." Yes, then He told him, after He seen in his--in his heart, what it was to do; He give him His permissive will, so He said, "Go."

170And you can do the same thing. If you don't want to walk in the Truth, you can go and have--have a great ministry. Certainly, you can. But you're taking His permissive will. You're walking over His Word. He'll prosper you, certainly. The...

Just like He did Balaam. He was a success, but he couldn't curse that people. He couldn't do it. Cause, every time he started to curse, he blessed. See, he couldn't do it. But when he come to being prosperous in his achievement, he taught those people, through Balak, to commit adultery. He brought in the camp of Israel and married them off, said, "Why, we are all one. Why, you've worshipped the same God. We got a prophet up here; and you got a prophet down there. And we have the same sacrifice, the same Jehovah as our fathers. Now, why not you all just come and associate with us?"

The Bible said, "Don't join yourself up amongst unbelievers. Don't yoke up with them, at all. If they don't believe It, stay away from them." See? "Come out, be separate," saith the Lord, "and I'll receive you." See? "Touch not their unclean things." That's right. Their filth against the Word, and things like that, stay away from it. Don't listen to it.

171 And here we find out that Balaam went down there and he begin to teach the people, and he had an error. And he--he run in the way of Balaam, how that he did, and taught Balak, and the children of Israel committed adultery. And a plague struck the nation of Israel, the people, and thousands of them died in one day.

And while they were all there, before the altar of God, praying, here come an Israelite man with a Midianite woman, a denominational woman, and went into the tent. And the priest's son walked over there, and took a javelin and killed them both. And that stayed God's wrath. You know that's the Scripture. It that right? See?

172 But what happened? Balaam, he succeeded in weakening Israel. What did he do? He weakened their camp. God let him go and weaken their camp, and it polluted the whole camp.

And when some doctrine starts, that's not the Bible Truth, it pollutes the whole camp. Somebody raise up with a different idea, like Korah, and say, "Well, this, that, and the other, and I got a different idea," it pollutes the whole camp. And that's what's done the whole church camp today. That's right.

173Teaching as he did, weakening the whole camp for Kadesh-barnea, the Word showdown. When they got to Kadesh-barnea, then, the weakening of the camp. They come back. They had went right after...

Remember, they had eat angels' food. They had the Word of God, every night, made manifest. And they eat the food. They drink from the rock. They did all, seen the miracles. They watched Moses, and seen his word, seen his prophesies, everything.

And then finally when they listened to this false teacher, come in among them and teach wrong, he weakened the camp, and prospered by it.

He might have built a million-dollar buildings. He might have had great denominations. He might have added thousands times thousands, and done great works, and mighty works, and was a prophet. That's alright, but, as long as it's not with the Word of God, you better stay away from it.

God don't change His mind. Stay right with His Word, 'cause that's what's going to come out in the end, the Word, Word by Word. "Whosoever shall take one Word away from It, or add one word to It!" It's got to stay, that Word.

174 Now listen closely now. When the Word test came, when they went over and seen the opposition so great, the greatest opposition they ever seen, the Amalekites was--was ten times their size. They said, "We look like grasshoppers. Their fences, or their cities are so walled till they can run a chariot race around it, two chariots, as hard as they can go, around the walls, see, of their cities. Why, their spears are way out, they're long. And they're giants. Why, we look like grasshoppers. We can't do it."

And two men stood on that Word, Caleb and Joshua, said, "Wait a minute! You two million people shut up just a minute. We are more than able to do it. See, we are more than a match for them."

What was they basing on? God said, "I've given you the land. It's yours." And there they stood. But the people had gotten married off, amongst other things, and all kinds of creeds and rituals among them, and they just weaky, wishy-washy, didn't know which a way to turn and what to do. That's right. There come the Word test.

175 Yet, He grants you permission for to make, permit your will, a permissive will, knowing that... What's in your heart, He knows it.

You say, "Well, Brother Branham, I do so-and-so. It don't bother me. God blesses me every day. I sing in the Spirit. I dance in the Spirit. I..." He'll permit it. Go ahead. That's right. But what are you going to do?

176"I wear shorts, and I do this. It don't bother me. I know my faith is in Christ, not in what I wear."

But, the Bible said there is something to it. See? What'll you do? You'll make a stumbling block, like Balaam did, before every one of the other women. What'll you do to your young girls? You'll have a bunch of Rickettas, that's exactly right, a bunch of little painted-up Jezebels. See?

177 But God will prosper you. "Why, He blesses me." I don't doubt that. He blessed Balaam, too. See? Certainly He will. You're walking in His permissive will, not His perfect will. God doesn't change His mind, 'cause He blesses you.

He blessed Israel right out there for forty years. What did they do? Married wives, raised families, kissed the children, paid their tithes, lived right out there. And the God blessed them in the wilderness, fed them with the manna, on and on. And every one of them perished, 'cause they never kept His original, permissive... His original will, His Word. They took His permissive way.

178Go ahead, but, you remember, when they left Kadesh, they never journeyed any farther. They just went around and around, in the wilderness. Where, they could have been out, in two days after that, they could been in the promised land. They journeyed forty years, and every one of them died but Joshua and Caleb, the ones that stayed on the original Word.

179 O God, help us. God don't change His will. He don't change His mind, but He'll bless you.

Sure, He blessed Balaam. And what did he do down there? He polluted the whole camp. See, you have to stay on what He said. He never changed His original plan.

180Now look at the Balaams today, in the field, would you. Just look around. Prospering, speaking in tongues, sure, using God's gift to gain, everything, sure. But it defiles the whole church of God with their corrupt teaching. That's right.

One said to me, he said, "What you doing this for? What you doing that for?"

I said, "Don't you believe that That's the Truth?"

181"Oh, yes. But," he said, "you know what? That's not your business. You're to pray for the sick. They believe you to be a prophet. Why, you could teach them women how to, and them men, how to do this, that, the other."

"How can you teach them algebra when they won't even learn their ABC's? Huh? Huh? How can you teach them them things when they won't even take their primer?" See? You've got to come back and start where you began, or where you left off, and take every Word of God.

182 Just look at it in the field today. As Balaam married into God's church, a harlot, married the harlot into God's church, so is these false teachers today trying to tell you. They're going to marry every one of these organizations and these people into the old harlot of Revelation 17. Their Balaam doctrine going around today, and say, "We're just the same. We're all Christians." And priests and popes, and whatevermore, all compromising and doing this.

183The preacher said... Even I know a Pentecostal preacher, all of them, started now giving a round kosher. Which means, Ashtoreth, the "moon-god," a kosher wafer. Say, "Shut your eyes and take it, if it hurts your conscience." Shut your eyes? A round wafer, what does it mean? We are taking a broken body, Jesus Christ, broken; not a round moon-god, Ashtoreth, who Mary took the place of. And the Roman kosher is still round, for the moon-god, goddess, not god. We have a broken kosher, certainly. Oh!

184 So now the great harlot of Revelations 17, these Balaam teachers with their false doctrine, is marrying the church into that kind of a mess. Watch when it comes to the showdown at the end time, look the weakness of it now. Nine hundred and something different organizations, one pulling one way, and one the other. There is no unity among them. And they're trying to bring unity; not backed by the Word of God, God's original plan. They are taking it in by a politics and an organization.

God don't change His mind. He stays right with His Word. He said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word won't." That's right. He stays with His original Word. Oh, my!

185Though they still reason against It, just like they did, and just... There is only one thing to do. He won't change It. Just believe. Because, both heavens and earth will pass away; His Word will never fail. See?

186 You see where you're getting married into? See the politics and things, how they're trying to join the church together by a politics in the church? We are not joined to Christ by politics.

We are joined, the Church, to Christ, by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And the way you know the baptism of the Holy Ghost, is 'cause that Spirit in you identifies every Word of God to be the Truth. That's right. "For whosoever shall take one Word out of It, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life."

187Yet, "He prospers," you say. You can't believe That by prosperity. You can't judge God by prosperity. The world prospers. Balaam prospered by it.

But, brother, you judge God by His Word. He keeps His Word and identifies It the Truth. So, remember, friend, as long as you live, don't you never forget this: God doesn't change His mind. Yet, He will bless. He will let you go His permissive will, but He won't change His mind. He won't change His plan. He won't change His Word, for you. No, sir.

You've got to change. You can't have God's Word to match your experience; you've got to have your experience to match God's Word. See? That's the way you've got...

You say, "Well, I'm a good man. God does this, that, or the other." But do you keep His Word? "Oh, well, I tell you, that ain't just... Naw." All right, there is something wrong somewhere. God's going... Yes, He'll prosper you. Sure, He'll make you...

188 The denominations is prospering to who wouldn't have it! They spread their tents, the great, fine churches, and everything, throughout the land. They're rich, and money pouring in, and members from everywhere. Didn't the Bible say, "There was found in her even riches of the world, and even souls of man," and everything, that was found in this old harlot, which is the mother of the whole thing, politics and organization?

189 But God's little group is His Bride, centered on that Word. May the dear Heavenly Father ever keep you stabilized right there. Don't you never move from that Word.

You may bless, you may... God may heal your sick. He may heal your sick baby. He may heal your husband, your wife. He may heal your mother, somebody else. You may jump at His Spirit, and dance up-and-down.

Remember, the rain falls on the just and the unjust, just the same. But when that seed is laying there, it's either ordained or it's not ordained. And if it's ordained, it can... If it's a wheat, it has to bring forth wheat. If it's a Word of God, it has to produce the Word of God. If it isn't, well, then it isn't. See? You get that now?

190 The Lord bless you. Here I told you I was going to quit at nine o'clock, and here it is, twenty minutes till ten. Many of you people, a long ways to go. I love you. And the reason I hold you like this, is not because I want to be cruel to you, but I love you. And what I know, I don't keep nothing back; I tell you the Truth.

191Out in the meetings where I go, you never hear me preach these Messages. No, I promised you, to come to this tabernacle. Right here is where I preach my Messages from. I've got three or four more here, that the Lord has given me, I've got the Scriptures on it, that I would be daresn't to preach it anywhere else but right here. Here is where the Word of God started going from. And, till God changes it, I'm staying right here and bringing it out right here. That's right.

Out yonder in the meetings, I pray for the sick, and everything like that; and, on the side, say things in a roundabout way, that the sheep hear It. They know what it's talking about. Otherwise, it's just the bait on the hook, you see. I show the signs of--of trying to show that God knows, in discernment, and knows the hearts of the people, and does these things. That's an evangelistic gift, just to stir the people.

The first thing you know, a tape drops into their house. That's got it, then. If he's a sheep, he comes right with It. If he's a goat, he kicks the tape out. Uh-huh. [Brother Ben Bryant says, "And you, too."--Ed.] You see, that's... "And you, too," is right, Ben. That, that's exactly right. Ben has had some experience. All right. Well, that's right.

192 Aren't you glad that you're His? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Aren't you glad? ["Amen."] We used to sing a little pentecostal song, a long time, like:

I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out;

I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out;

If it had not been for Jesus, where would I be?

I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out.

Oh, I been happy since the Lord brought me out;

I been happy since the Lord brought me out;

If it had not been for Jesus, where would I be?

I'm so glad since the Lord brought me out.

I been shouting since the Lord brought me out;

I been shouting since the Lord brought me out;

If it had not been for Jesus, oh, where would I be?

I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out.

Glory! Aren't you glad? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "Aren't you glad..." Let's sing it.

Aren't you glad that the Lord brought you out?

Aren't you glad that the Lord brought you out?

If it had not been for Jesus, oh, where would I be?

I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out.

Well, I been singing since the Lord brought me out;

I been singing since the Lord brought me out;

If it had not been for Jesus, oh, where would I be?

I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out.

Aren't you glad of it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, we'll walk in the Light. You know that song?

We'll walk in the Light, It's a beautiful Light,

Comes where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;

Shine all around us by day and by night,

Oh, Jesus, the Light of the world.

Don't you like that? Let's sing it again.

We'll walk in the Light, It's a beautiful Light,

Comes where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;

Shine all around us by day and by night,

Oh, Jesus, the Light of the world.

It's sunup!

All ye saints of Light proclaim,

Jesus, the Light of the world;

Truth and mercy in His Name,

Jesus, the Light of...

Now let's raise our hands when we sing it.

Oh, we'll walk in this Light, It's such a beautiful Light,

It comes where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;

Shine all around us by day and by night,

Jesus, the Light of the world.

Shake one another's hand.

Oh, It comes where the dewdrops of mercy are bright.

Aren't you glad you're children of the Light? The Son is up.

... all around us by day and by night,

"Ye little children, love one another."

Oh, we'll just walk in the Light, It's such a beauti-... (manifestation of His Word)

Comes where the dewdrops of mercy are bright,

Just shine all around us by day and by night,

It's Jesus, the Light of the world.

You all believe it?

We're marching to Zion,

The beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

Oh, we're marching to Zion,

Beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

Let those refuse to sing

Who never knew our God;

But children of the Heavenly King,

And but children of the Heavenly King,

And may speak their joys abroad,

May speak their joys abroad.

For we're marching... (Glory!)

The beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

Oh, we're marching to Zion,

Oh, beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

193 Get your handkerchief out. Take out your handkerchiefs, just a minute. Let's give the Lord a wave offering. It ain't a sheaf, but they took from the body of Paul handkerchiefs and things, see.

Oh, we're marching to Zion,

Oh, beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

Oh, we're marching to Zion,

Oh, beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

194 Amen! Oh, don't it make you feel good? I can just imagine those old saints back there, before going into the Roman circus there, start walking up that hill, you know, up that little ramp, going up into the lions' den, saying:

Oh, we are marching to Zion,

This beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

The fields of Zion yields

A thousand sacred sweets

Before we reach the Heavenly Throne,

Before we reach the Heavenly Throne,

Or walk the golden streets,

Or walk the golden streets.

We're marching to Zion,

It's beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

195 Repeat after me. Lord God, [Congregation says, "Lord God,"--Ed.] I pledge myself anew to You. ["I pledge myself anew to You."] Cleanse me from all unrighteousness. ["Cleanse me from all unrighteousness."] Cleanse me from all doubt in Thy Word. ["Cleanse me from all doubt in Thy Word."] Let me, from this Easter, ["Let me, from this Easter,"] be a new creature ["be a new creature"] in Christ Jesus. ["in Christ Jesus."] Let me bear, in my heart, ["Let me bear, in my heart,"] Your Word. ["Your Word."] May It be a Lamp to my feet ["May it be a Lamp to my feet"] that will Light my path. ["that will Light my path."] From henceforth, ["From henceforth"'] I will follow You. ["I will follow You."] In Jesus' Name. ["In Jesus' Name."] Amen. ["Amen."]

We're marching to Zion,

Oh, beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful city of God.

196 Don't that make you feel good? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We have pledged ourself anew, knowing that in our hearts we have been quickened from the dead, made alive. Don't it make you feel good? ["Amen."] My, oh, my! I love you, with undying love.

Listen. "Love one another. For you cannot dislike your brother, who you see, and say you love God, Who you haven't seen." See? So just love one another.

Then, you serve one another, you serve God. Is that right? "As you do unto the least of these that's got quickening Power in them, you've done it unto Me."

"When did we see You in need? When did we visit You in prison? When did we do these things?"

"What you done to them, you did it to Me."

197Isn't that wonderful? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I love Him, don't you? ["Amen."]

198 Oh, there is one more song we have to sing, if you just got a minute more time. Oh, well, we'll just take them. All right. All right, sir. Oh! Take The Name Of Jesus With You. Don't forget that, friends. Let's all sing it now. Each one, together now, just with one big heart, take it to Him. Let's, with all we got in us.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it everywhere you go.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

199 Remember now, pray for me when the hot persecution winds are blowing, when devils on every side is challenging, I'll remember you're praying for me night or day, and I'll be praying for you.

Stand by your good pastor, Brother Neville, and the associate, Brother Capps. Listen to them. They'll teach you the Word of Life. I believe that. If I didn't believe it, I certainly wouldn't have them here. I certainly would not. I believe that they believe the Message, and they stay with it to the best of their knowledge, and I've got faith in both men. Stay with them. These other brothers, around where they got their meeting, that stood here tonight, if you're around their neighborhood, stand by them. You heard what they come here for, tonight.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare; (listen at this)

When temptations round you gather,

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!O how sweet!

Hope of...

Dear God, heal these people. I pray Thee, Father, in Jesus' Name. Grant it, Lord, I pray.

... O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

Till we meet! till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again.

Let's bow our heads now.

[Brother Branham begins humming God Be With You--Ed.]O God, be with us. Help us, Lord.

... we meet at Jesus' feet! (till we meet!)

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again.

200 That's truly my prayer. Till we meet again, God bless you! And now I'm going to ask our precious Brother Neville if he'll dismiss this fine congregation.

God love you, each one. I'm so thankful to have people like you all. What would my Message be if I had nobody that believed It? And there is people here, you would die for It, for this Message we got. May God help you, each one. My prayers are with you. My blessings go with each one of you. May you not forget that you're a part in that resurrection. The quickening Power is now in you. It's all settled. You're God's child.

Let's bow our heads, until Brother Neville dismisses. And God bless you.

1Skloňme naše hlavy. Drahý Pane Ježišu, zhromaždili sme sa znovu v Tvojom Mene, s veľkým očakávaním na vyliatie oživujúcej moci Božej, aby nás priviedla do rozpoznania našej pozície a miesta a našich zodpovedností, ako povolaných ľudí, oddelených od sveta, zasvätených Bohu. Udeľ to dnes večer, Pane, aby nás požehnania Božie viedli a smerovali do vecí, ktoré robíme alebo hovoríme, aby to mohlo priniesť česť a slávu Tvojmu Menu. Amen.

2Som šťastný, že som dnes večer späť v cirkvi, aby som bol s vami, drahými ľuďmi. A ja viem, že je horúco, ale práve som volal manželke, myslím, že tam je okolo 90-95-96 stupňov alebo tak nejako. A tam je trochu teplejšie, ako je tu. Tak si trochu zvykám na to teplé počasie. Ale som tak rád, že môžem byť tu, v modlitebni, v tomto nádhernom veľkonočnom čase.

3A nemôžem povedať, že sa ospravedlním za to dlhé, dlhé posolstvo dnes ráno, ale ja... Bolo to, nechcel som, nechcel som vyčerpať vašu trpezlivosť a potom prísť sem takisto znovu dnes večer. Ale ja, chcel som do vás dostať to posolstvo, že vy ste časťou tohoto vzkriesenia. Rozumiete? A netrápte sa už o to viac. Rozumiete? Len sa nad tým radujte. Nie je nikde nič, čo vás od toho môže oddeliť. Nič. Ste večne zabezpečení v Kráľovstve Božom, keď Boh položil na vás Svoju pečať, ste tam až do miesta určenia.

4Keď vláda položí pečať na nejaký balík, keď železnice dajú pečať na dvere, s tým vozňom sa nesmie narábať, až kým nedosiahne svoje miesto určenia.

Keď Boh kladie svoju pečať na človeka, tá pečať je Duch Svätý, keď takto pečatí človeka, tak on ide až do večného miesta určenia. Nikdy, nikdy viac sa už nijako nemôže vrátiť späť. Pretože pamätajte, Efežanom 4:30 hovorí, „Nezarmucujte Svätého Ducha Božieho, ktorým ste zapečatení na všetky časy.“ Vidíte? Ste večne zapečatení. Ste zapečatení večne do kráľovstva Božieho skrze Ducha Svätého. Pomyslite na to.

5Potom vy... Diabol vás bude udierať a on vám povie všetko možné a bude vás obviňovať a bude sa snažiť spôsobiť, aby ste si mysleli, čo nie ste. Ale nepočúvajte ho.

6No, vy viete, že ste prešli zo smrti do života. Viete, že veci, ktoré ste raz milovali, už viacej nemilujete. Viete, že ste uverili každému Božiemu Slovu. Videli ste Boha pracovať rovno medzi vami bez neklamných dôkazov, že On je ten veľký, “JA SOM.“ Všimli ste si, že čokoľvek bolo povedané v Jeho mene, ani jedna vec nebola prorokovaná v Jeho Mene, ktorá by sa nebola stala presne tak, ako to bolo prorokované. Dokonca i veda, noviny, obrazy, kamery, pisatelia, všetko možné, oni to rozpoznali. Vidíte? Bez ohľadu na to, či to oni chcú alebo nie, Boh spôsobuje, že oni to jednako robia. Vidíte? Aby to dal na známosť.

7No, tým, že sme malá skupina, pamätajte, to nie je veľká skupina, pre ktorú On prichádza. „Neboj sa, malé stádečko, lebo to je dobrá vôľa Tvojho Otca...“ Vidíte?

8Chcem sa s vami s niečím podeliť. Je to šokujúce. Predtým, ako budeme ordinovať kazateľa. A toto je veľmi šokujúce, ale len, aby ste to mohli poznať. No, nejdem toto povedať presne tak do čísel, ale rád by som vám toto povedal.

9Neviem, či sú tu nejakí ľudia, ktorí kedy videli kríženie dobytka; pričom ja v to neverím, ale videl som, ako sa to deje. A videl som, ako vzali spermiu toho samca, len takú trošku, ktorú mohli nabrať na nejaký malý kúsok kovu. Ako také malé špáradlo. A položili to na kúsok mramoru a potom tam dali tie zväčšovadlá, aby to zväčšili, a ja neviem koľkokrát, až kým tá spermia... Až ste nemohli vidieť nič prirodzeným okom, ani s obyčajnými okuliarmi. Ale keď to bolo zväčšené sto alebo stovky a päťdesiatkrát. Môžete to vidieť v jednej malej kvapke spermie, možno päťdesiat alebo sto malých zárodkov tam do seba narážalo. Tiež tej samičke prichádza toľko vajíčok, v tej spermii. No, keď je to dané dohromady, no, tie prvé dve, keď sa stretnú a spoja...

10Je len jeden z milióna, ktorý bude žiť. Pomysleli ste niekedy na to? Oni sú takým istým zárodkom, takým istým vajíčkom, oboje rovnaké, ale iba jedno ide žiť. A to nie je určené tomu, ktorý sa tam prebije ako prvý. Pretože niekedy to vajíčko, tam ďaleko vzadu, a ten zárodok môže byť niekde uprostred tých spermii a on sa preplazí až k tomu druhému. A je potrebná inteligencia, ktorá vie, či to bude chlapec alebo dievča, červenovlasý, čiernovlasý alebo čokoľvek. To je vyvolenie Božie. Nemôže to byť nič iné. Vyvolenie.

11Dokonca v prirodzenom narodení je to vyvolenie, či to bude chlapec alebo dievča alebo čokoľvek to bude. A keď sa tá maličká spermia trasie a takto vojde do toho malého vajíčka a tento malý chvostík odpadne. Tam začne rásť chrbtica toho bábätka alebo čokoľvek to má byť, zviera, dieťa, alebo čokoľvek to je. A tie ostatné, tie milióny spermií, milión vajíčok, milión spermií, a iba jedno bude žiť. Všetko to isté, ale Boh vyberá skrze vyvolenie, ktoré bude žiť a tie ostatné zahynú. Jeden z milióna.

12Keď Izrael opustil Egypt, všetci verili v posolstvo jedného proroka. Oni videli znamenia Božie skrze Mojžiša. Každý jeden z nich to videl. A každý jeden vyšiel z Egypta a kráčal cez Červené more a bol pokrstený na Mojžiša. Každý jeden videl Moc Božiu, ako ho zasiahla, keď spieval v Duchu, a keď Miriam hrala na tamburínu a behala hore a dolu po brehu. Každý jeden z nich, každý večer jedli čerstvú nebeskú mannu z neba. Každý jeden pil z tej Duchovnej Skaly, ktorá bola udrená. A bolo tam dva milióny ľudí, ktorí opustili Egypt. Koľkí z nich dosiahli zasľúbenú zem? Dvaja. Jeden z milióna. Na čom sú oni všetci? Ježiš povedal, že zahynuli, „Vaši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti počas tridsiatich rokov a hovorím vám, že oni sú všetci mŕtvi.“

13Teraz je na svete asi päťsto miliónov kresťanov, keď počítame katolíkov, protestantov a všetkých. Ak by Ježiš mal prísť v tom vytrhnutí, podľa toho, čo som práve teraz povedal, bolo by len päťsto, ktorých by na svete chýbalo dnes večer v tom vytrhnutí. A toľkí pravdepodobne zmiznú každý deň, keď počítame všetky zeme, o ktorých sa ani nevie. Tak to môže byť kedykoľvek. Rozumiete?

14Ó, Kresťania, zatiahnite si výzbroj Božiu. Robme všetko, najlepšie ako vieme Mu slúžiť, milovať Ho a očakávať na ten veľký čas.

15Tak, tam nebudú a nevpochodujú veľké milióny a zástupy z nejakej generácie. Nemôžu byť.

No, pamätajme. Každý deň končí generáciu, každý deň. „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude v príchode Syna Človeka, keď osem duší bolo zachránených skrze vodu.“ Ale každým dňom končí štyridsaťročná perióda pre niekoho, pre niektorých. Rozumiete? A každý deň je toľko a toľko zapečatených do Kráľovstva. Jedného dňa nadíde ten posledný deň.

Buďme si teraz istí, kým sme v našej zdravej mysli; a v cirkvi a medzi ľuďmi, kde sa s nami Duch Svätý tak zidentifikoval, buďme si istí, že všetko je v poriadku a všetko zostáva v poriadku pred Ním.

16Nezastavujte sa. Nemajte odpočinku vo dne ani v noci, kým vás tá Oživujúca Moc nepriviedla od vecí sveta do Kráľovstva Božieho. A vy, ktorí ste skutočne privedení do Kráľovstva Božieho a oživení Duchom Božím, akí ste šťastní so slzami radosti, mali by sme byť na svojich kolenách dňom i nocou, ďakujúc Bohu za to, čo urobil.

17Dnes večer máme v bohoslužbe takú malú zmenu. Máme tu jedného milého brata, brata Cappsa. Prišiel ku nám z Nazarénskej cirkvi. Myslím, že je to pravda, brat Capps? On si praje, aby bol dnes večer ordinovaný skrze položenie rúk.

18My nemáme nejaké papiere, ktoré by sme niekomu dali, hoci sme uznaní ako... Mohli by sme mať papiere, ale veríme, že pravdivý ordinovaný kazateľ má svoje papiere v Nebi. Vidíte? A on má právo kázať Bibliu, pokiaľ Boh identifikuje jeho život s Bibliou. Veríme, že to sú jeho poverovacie listiny.

19A teraz, brat Capps bol oficiálne ordinovaný v Nazarénskej cirkvi, ale dnes večer chce, aby starší a tak ďalej, položili na neho ruky na ordinovanie, aby niesol toto posolstvo. Čo za šľachetná vec.

20Počul som správy, odkedy som bol v Tuscone, a také nádherné správy o bratovi Cappsovi tu a jeho pomoci nášmu drahému bratovi Nevillovi, ktorý drží tú sviecu svetla, tak šľachetne, ako títo dvaja muži. Položili sme ruky na brata Nevilla, ale nie na brata Cappsa. A chcem, aby kazatelia, brat Jackson a oni, ak sú tu, a brat Ruddell a starší tohoto zboru. Ak by tu teraz na chvíľu prišli a položili ruky na brata Cappsa. A...

21No, v Biblii nachádzame, že to je spôsob, ako to robili. Oni kládli na nich ruky a vyslali ich. To je to, ako to urobili Timotejovi. Povedali, „Skrze tento dar, ktorý je v tebe od tvojej starej materi Loide...“ Oni si to všimli, oni si všimli, že v tom mužovi bol dar. To prišlo na neho skrze starších, skrze kladenie rúk.

22No, bratia pozdného dňa, bratia pozdného dažďa, oni to zamiešali. Oni si mysleli, že mu dali dar skrze to, že to urobili. Nie, ten dar bol už v ňom a oni na neho len položili ruky, ako uznanie, že uverili, že Boh do neho položil tento dar. A oni to uznali skrze položenie rúk.

23A títo muži tu, v tomto zbore, o ktorých verím, že vo svojich dušiach vlastnia Jeho oživujúcu moc. Ak by ste vy, bratia, sem teraz prišli, brat Ruddell a všetci tí ostatní, ktorí sú tu v zbore, a starší a z tých sesterských cirkví z okolia, aby ste položili svoje ruky na brata Cappsa, aby mohol byť ordinovaný skrze naše uznanie pred týmto obecenstvom, a vyslali ho kázať Evanjelium Pána Ježiša, kdekoľvek ho Boh povolá. On sa stáva...

On už je jedným z nás, skrze narodenie. Je jedným z nás, pretože uveril posolstvu. Je jedným z nás, pretože stojí za pravdou Slova. A chceme, aby bol brat Capps oficiálne ordinovaný pred vami, skrze položenie rúk, že je jedným z nás.

Dobre, brat Ruddell, brat Capps, brat Neville. Brat Junior Jackson, ktorýkoľvek ďalší, tunajší kazatelia. Neviem, koľkí tu sú. Neviem... Hádam majú dnes večer svoje vlastné zhromaždenie. Tak poď sem hore, brat Capps.

No, kde je brat Hunter a oni z New Yorku? Ja... Brat Anthony? Hádam sa vrátili. [Brat Neville hovorí, „Brat Anthony je tam vzadu.“ – pozn.prek.]

Ktorýkoľvek z vás ostatných, ktorí ste tu, ktorí ste s nami. No, boli by sme radi, keby ste prišli sem a postavili sa teraz s nami, ako znak rozpoznania, že veríme, čím brat Capps je.

Koľkí z vás poznáte brata Cappsa? Zodvihnite svoju ruku. V poriadku, zložte svoju ruku. Koľkí veríte, že on je sluha Boží? Zodvihnite svoje ruky. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn. prekl.] Milujeme ho ako nášho brata.

24No, toto nie je presne správny spôsob toho, čo by sme my nazvali ordinovanie. Ale chcem, aby toto obecenstvo... Nevedel by som spievať túto pieseň, ale chcem, aby ste mi pomohli pokúsiť sa to. To...

25Jedného dňa jeden prorok išiel ku oltáru v chráme. A kým bol tam v chráme... On bol dobrým človekom, ale on sa len opieral o ramená kráľa Uziáša a on bol dobrým človekom. Ale pri tom, jedného dňa v chráme on niečo uvidel, keď upadol do videnia, toho, čo nikdy predtým nevidel. Videl anjelov s krídlami, ako lietali tam a späť po tej budove a kričali, „Svätý, svätý, svätý, Pán Boh Všemohúci.“ Poďte, bratia. Áno. Vidíte? „Svätý, svätý, svätý, Pán Boh Všemohúci.“ Ben...

26A keď to uvidel, stĺpy chrámu sa pohli. A on povedal, „Beda mi, lebo som človek nečistých rtov.“ V prítomnosti Božej rozpoznal, že hoci bol aj prorokom, mýlil sa. Povedal, „Som človekom nečistých rtov a bývam medzi ľuďmi nečistých rtov.“

27A jeden z anjelov priletel a vzal uhlík ohňa a dotkol sa jeho rtov a povedal, „Prorokuj, synu človeka.“

Dala by si nám akord, sestra, ak môžeš? Koľkí poznáte tú pieseň? Zaspievajme to, jeden verš. V poriadku.

Keď sa žeravý uhlík dotkol proroka,

očistil ho, že bol tak čistý ako len mohol byť,

Keď hlas Boží povedal, „Kto pôjde pre nás?“

Vtedy odpovedal, “Tu som, pošli mňa!”

Hovor, môj Pane; Hovor, môj Pane;

Hovor a ja Ti rýchlo odpoviem.

Hovor, môj Pane; Hovor, môj Pane;

Hovor a ja odpoviem, “Pane, pošli mňa!”

Milióny zomierajú teraz v hriechu a hanbe;

Počúvaj ich smutný a horký plač;

Ponáhľaj sa brat, ponáhľaj sa im na pomoc;

Rýchlo odpovedz, „Majstre, tu som!“

Hovor, môj Pane; Hovor, môj Pane;

Hovor a ja Ti rýchlo odpoviem.

Hovor, môj Pane; Hovor, môj Pane;

Hovor a ja odpoviem, “Pane, pošli mňa!”

Nech starší prídu sem a nech položia ruky na brata Cappsa. Skloňme všetci svoje hlavy.

28Drahý Bože, stĺpy chrámu sa znovu pohli, ako vidíme Ducha oživujúceho života pôsobiť v našom bratovi. Modlím sa, Bože, ako to on cíti zhora, že hovorí, že musí ísť. Kladieme na neho svoje ruky ako tvoji starší, Pane, a dávame mu pravicu obecenstva a kladieme na neho svoje ruky a dávame na neho požehnania Božie, aby si pomazal jeho rty, jeho myslenie, jeho celú bytosť. A nech vezme toto posolstvo Evanjelia do každej trhliny a do každého rohu, do ktorého ho Ty povoláš. Udeľ to, Pane. Dávame ti nášho brata, ako tvojho sluhu, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

29„Káž Slovo,“ môj mladý brat. „V príhodný čas i nepríhodný. Karhaj, tresci s celou dlho zhovievavosťou a s učením.“ Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

30[Brat Ben Bryant hovorí, „Brat Branham, položil by si na mňa ruky? Položili by na mňa ruky? Chcel by som byť ordinovaný.“ - pozn. prekl.] Či si... Nevedel som, že si nebol.

Brat Ben tu, prišiel ku nám. Myslím, že on káže už nejaký čas. Pri tom nebol oficiálne (myslel som, že bol, to je ten dôvod, prečo som ho zavolal) ordinovaný. Ani na neho tu neboli položené ruky.

31No, manželka brata Bena je tu niekde a ona je drahá osoba. Ona bola žena kazateľka, a keď sa ona a náš brat vzali a on ju priviedol do modlitebne, keď ona videla a počula Slovo (pritom bola milou dámou s milou osobnosťou), ale keď uvidela, že to bolo nesprávne pre ženu, aby to robila, odložila to nabok a zdá sa, že to padlo na jej manžela. To je správne, to je apoštolské. To je to, ako to má byť.

32Brat Ben berie pásky, ako rozumiem, so svojou manželkou. Oni idú do Re... Mimo, na rôzne miesta. Hore do hôr, do džunglí a púšťajú tieto pásky a komentujú tieto pásky. Mnohokrát sú vyhnaní, vystrčení, vyhodení. Očakávame to, „Lebo všetci, ktorí žijú zbožne v Kristu Ježišovi, budú trpieť prenasledovania.“

33Koľkí z vás tu poznáte brata Bena? Koľkí z vás veria, že je Božím sluhom? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ pozn. prekl.] A že je hodný tohoto požehnania, aby sme o to poprosili Boha pre neho? Vidíte? On nie je cudzí. On je už s nami niekoľko rokov a rokov. Poznám ho ako muža pokory. On je ako ja, má mnoho chýb. Všetci to robíme. Čo sa mi páči na bratovi Benovi, je, že on je ochotný priplaziť sa na svojich kolenách a dať to do poriadku.

A keď on počul jedného dňa kázeň Manželstvo a rozvod. On a jeho žena boli hotoví sa oddeliť jeden od druhého, pretože hoci on ju miluje a ona miluje jeho, ale oni chceli byť v poriadku so Slovom Božím. Čokoľvek Slovo povedalo, to je to, čo oni chcú. Modlím sa, aby Boh požehnal brata Bena a jeho ženu do Jeho služby.

Položme naše ruky na nášho brata.

34Drahý Bože, kladieme svoje ruky na nášho brata Bena ako znamenie, že ho milujeme. A veríme, Pane, že on je ochotný konať prácu pre Teba, aby bol vyslaný s týmito páskami a prehrával ich tam medzi ľuďmi hôr a na tých vzdialených miestach, kde by sa pravdepodobne mnohí z nás nikdy nedostali, ale jednako to Posolstvo musí ísť do celého sveta. Modlíme sa, aby si požehnal nášho brata a dal mu Svojho Ducha a nech to príde na neho. A veď ho a smeruj ho, jeho a jeho ženu na tie miesta, kde môže byť tam ďaleko jedna duša a tie dvere nemôžu byť zatvorené, kým tá jedna ovca nevojde dnu. Ty nie si uspokojený s 99 ovcami. Každé meno, ktoré je v tej knihe, musí byť privedené. Pomôž im, Pane. Kladieme na neho svoje ruky ako nášho brata, spolupracovníka. A naša pomoc a modlitba je za neho a pôjde s ním. Modlíme sa, aby si ho požehnal, Pane, kdekoľvek pôjde. V Mene Ježiša, amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Ben. Dávame ti pravicu nášho obecenstva, ako bratia kazatelia. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

35[Brat Earl Martin hovorí, „Brat Branham, položil by si na mňa svoje ruky a ordinoval ma do práce pastora?“ – pozn. prekl.] John Martin. [Earl]

Koľkí poznáte Earla Martina? Koľkí veríte, že je sluhom Kristovým? Prichádza ku nám z... Verím, že pôvodne je z letničnej skupiny, a myslím, že teraz je pastorom a koná nezávislú prácu.

36Poznám Earla, že je skutočným sluhom Kristovým. Nikdy nezabudnem jeden skutok, bolo ich mnoho, ale jeden, ktorý sa udial s Earlom. Pamätám si, že mu jedného večera zavolali, keď som bol v Dallase, v Texase, alebo myslím, nie, bolo to... [nejaká sestra hovorí, „Beaumont.“ ] Beaumont, Texas. To je pravda, sestra. A oni... Jeho dieťatko ležalo, zomieralo, a oni si mysleli, že už je mŕtve. Už viac nedýchalo. A Earl si našiel cestu až rovno do mojej izby, ako ocko so zhrbenými ramenami, sklesnutý predo mnou, ako som bol v posteli. Prišiel, objal ma a povedal, „Brat, verím, že si Boží prorok. Vždy som tomu veril. A ak len povieš Slovo, hoci moje dieťa je mŕtve, jednako bude žiť.“ A jeho dieťatko prišlo späť do života a žije.

37Či veríte, že je hoden pravice obecenstva týchto veriacich? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ -pozn. prekl.]

Modlíme sa, bratia, ako na neho kladieme svoje ruky.

38Milostivý Nebeský Otče, kladieme znovu svoje ruky na nášho brata Martina. Vyšli ho, Pane, do najďalších končín, kde si ho Ty poveril, aby išiel, kdekoľvek to je. Či mnoho, alebo málo, mimo ciest, na širokých cestách, pri plotoch, kdekoľvek to je. Čokoľvek to je, Pane, nech idú Tvoje požehnania s ním. Kladieme na neho svoje ruky, ako mu prajeme Tvoju priazeň, a dávame mu naše požehnania, aby ten Duch, ktorý je na nás, Pane, mohol ísť s ním a viedol ho a smeroval ho ku strateným dušiam tam pri plotoch a cestách. Vysielame ho v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Martin. Choď teraz a nech je Pán s tebou.

39Ten istý účel? [Brat Richard Blair hovorí bratovi Branhamovi] Voláš sa Richard? [„Áno, Richard Blair.“] Koľkí z vás poznáte Richarda Blaira? Koľkí veríte, že je sluhom Božím? Prichádza zo skupiny zjednotenej letničnej cirkvi.

A brat, brat Blair, pamätám si to jeho veľké povolanie. Pamätám si ten čas, keď brat Blair neveril, nechcel mi veriť, pretože tam bol určitý duch, ktorý s ním pracoval, ktorý mu hovoril, že ja som falošný. A zatiaľ, čo sedel rovno na zhromaždení, Duch Svätý sa k nemu obrátil a vyvolal ho. [Brat Blair hovorí, „To je pravda.“] A on bol rovno pred zrútením a to je to, čo ho dostalo do takého stavu.

A pamätám si, ako mi jedného dňa zavolala jeho milá manželka. Povedala, „Brat Branham, myslím, že Richard ide zomrieť.“ A ona, myslím, že mala nejaký šál. A ona išla a položila to na neho, ako som ju požiadal, a modlila sa. Tu on je. [Brat Blair hovorí, „Amen.“]

40Nejaké malé dieťa bolo v nejakej autonehode, alebo... [Brat Blair hovorí, „Môj chlapec.“] Jeho chlapec v nehode a oni mu nedávali mnoho nádeje. Mal otras mozgu. A s modlitbou, dokonca cez telefón, a to dieťa bolo uzdravené. [Amen.]

Veríte, že brat Blair je pravdivý svedok Kristov? [Zhromaždenie hovorí? „ Amen.“] Modlite sa, aby vaše požehnania išli s ním.

Bratia, položme na neho svoje ruky.

41Drahý Bože, aby sme identifikovali nášho drahého a šľachetného brata, tvojho sluhu, ktorý dokonca vyšiel zo svojej vlastnej skupiny, aby kráčal vo Svetle. Otče, modlíme sa, aby si požehnal nášho brata Blaira, ako ho vysielame s našimi požehnaniami a s naším schválením, skrze naše ruky, ktoré sú na ňom, kdekoľvek ho povoláš, Pane, do akejkoľvek práce to môže byť, nech Tvoj Duch ide s bratom Blairom. Veď ho a smeruj ho ku strateným a zomierajúcim tohto sveta, aby mohol pomôcť nájsť tú stratenú ovcu, aby ju mohol priviesť späť do ovčínca. Kdekoľvek to môže byť, čokoľvek máš pre neho, Pane. Prosíme, aby ho tvoj Duch viedol a smeroval cez jeho životnú púť. Sme jeho bratia a dávame mu pravicu obecenstva. Prosíme, aby si išiel s ním v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Pravica obecenstva. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Blair. Sme s tebou na sto percent. Modlíme sa za teba a urobíme, čokoľvek môžeme, aby sme ti pomohli. Nech ťa Boh žehná.

42[Brat Merlin Anton hovorí, „Takisto pre mňa, brat Branham, ohľadne ordinovania.“ – pozn.prekl.] Prosím? [„Ordinovanie“] Kto si? [Merlin Anton.] Merlin Anton. [Som tu v cirkvi.] Kde? [Tu v cirkvi.] V cirkvi. Každý pozná brata Merlina Antona? On je pre mňa nový. [Z Armády Spásy. Pamätáš si ma?] Ó, áno. Prepáč mi, brat.

Z Armády Spásy, to je pravda, pamätám si ho. Iste, že ho poznám, len som... Jeho tvár sa mi len nezdala v tej chvíli známa. Koľkí ho poznáte ako muža Božieho? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“] Koľkí veríte, že Boh pracuje s ním, zodvihnite ruku. [„Amen.“] Budete sa za neho modliť? [„Amen.“]

43Tak, brat, vieme, že pochádzaš z veľkej skupiny ľudí, z Armády Spásy, oni sú veľkí ľudia. Ale Armáda Spásy, ona robí veľkú prácu na ulici. Nemôžme nič povedať proti Nazarénom, Letničnej cirkvi alebo Armáde Spásy, alebo ktorejkoľvek z nich, oni sú naši bratia. Ale, vidíte, my veríme, že sme nositeľmi toho veľkého posolstva, pre práve tú hodinu, v ktorej žijeme. Chceš to robiť s nami? [Brat Anthony hovorí, „Amen.“]

Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy a položme svoje ruky na nášho brata.

44Drahý Nebeský Otče, Ty si ten, ktorý robí to zavolanie. Ty si Ten, ktorý oživuje Slovo, aby tak mohli veriť. A my kladieme svoje ruky na nášho vzácneho brata, ako pomazanie, že veríme, že Ty si s ním a pomôžeš mu. Vysielame naše požehnania s ním, aby my, ktorí veríme, že sme prešli zo smrti do života, a teraz držíme našu oživujúcu moc v našich srdciach, skrze milosť Božiu. Kladieme ruky na nášho brata a vysielame ho s naším požehnaním, aby si ho Ty viedol, sprevádzal a smeroval do každej trhliny zeme, Pane, že Ty si ho ordinoval, aby išiel. Nech ide Tvoj Duch s ním a nech mu dá zdravie, silu a úspech v jeho službe, lebo ho vysielame v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

45Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. To je pravica obecenstva, viete, bratia si s ním potrasú ruky, títo bratia. Tak to znamená, že si... V poriadku, nech vás Pán všetkých žehná.

46[Brat Carolls hovorí, „Nikdy som nebol oficiálne ordinovaný. Či by si na mňa položil tiež svoje ruky, v Mene Ježiša?] Čokoľvek si praješ a tvoje... [V tento čas, tak isto ako oni.] Tak, ako sa voláš? [Brat Carrell z Cincinnati] Brat Carrell. [Brat Carrell hovorí, „Bol som ordinovaným kazateľom, ale nemohol som súhlasiť s tým bratom, ktorý ordinoval ženy ako kazateľky, a musel som sa od nich oddeliť.“]

Toto je brat Carrell z Cincinnati. Ktokoľvek pozná brata Carrela, zodvihnite svoju ruku... Prichádza z Cincinnati. Pochybujem, že niekto ho pozná. Hovorí, že bol so svojou skupinou, a tá skupina chcela ordinovať ženy kazateľky. Nemohol s tým súhlasiť a musel sa od nich oddeliť.

To je presne to, ako som sa ja oddelil od Misionárskych Baptistov. Doktor Roy E. Davis, koľkí ste o ňom počuli? Iste, že ste počuli. Chcel ordinovať nejaké ženy kazateľky a ja som povedal, „Nie veru, ako starší.“ Povedal som, „Nemôžem to urobiť vedome. Je to proti Božiemu Slovu.“

47Nepoznám ťa, brat Carrell. Ale na základe tvojho svedectva a tej pravdy, za ktorou stojíš... Nemáme nič proti týmto ženám. Ony sú sestrami. Milujeme ich. Ale veríme, že oni majú svoje miesto a tam musia zostať. Rozumiete? A veríme, že ony sú drahými pre svojich mužov, ako pomocnice. A nijakým spôsobom... Myslíme si, že to je najväčší dar pomimo spasenia, ktorý Boh kedy dal mužovi. Ale ona nemá žiadne miesto za kazateľňou, podľa Božieho Slova. Na tom základe a tvojej viery v Boha, kladieme na teba ruky, ako obecenstvo, aby si išiel s nami.

Položme na neho svoje ruky.

48Náš drahý Nebeský Otče! Tento mladý muž, dokážem si predstaviť, ako sa cíti, bol vystrčený pre skutočné pravdy. A to, „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale každým Slovom.“ Tak kladieme na neho svoje ruky, umiestňujeme na neho svoje požehnania. Nech ho Tvoj Duch vedie, sprevádza a smeruje cez púť života, kdekoľvek ho chceš poslať, Pane. Nech vie, že sa za neho modlíme a že budeme pre neho pomocou a podporou, pokiaľ bude stáť za pravdou. Udeľ to, Pane. Vysielame ho v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Carrell.

Položte na neho svoje ruky, vy rôzni bratia. Vy všetci, dávate mu tým takú pravicu obecenstva.

49Brat Rudell tu nebol nikdy oficiálne ordinovaný v cirkvi. Môže... Koľkí poznáte brata Ruddella? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“] Všetci ho poznáme. Koľkí ho poznáte ako muža Božieho? Amen.

Drahý nebeský Otče, ako tvoj starší, kladieme ruky na tohto brata, ktorý prešiel cez hlboké bahenné vody. Uvidel svoje zhromaždenie, ako odpadlo. Uvidel, ako sa to stalo, ale pritom veril. Hoci... Kladiem na neho svoje ruky a dávame naše požehnania na neho... Pomaž ho, Pane, mocne, so Slovom, Pane, a pošli ho do každej trhliny zeme... Nech je na ňom a nech mu pomáha. A vyšli ho v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

50Brat Ruddell, vždy si mal pravicu obecenstva. Poznám brata Ruddella. Zdá sa mi ako môj chlapec. Jeho ocko a ja, matka, sme sa poznali už dávno. A poznám brata Ruddella ako sluhu Božieho. Slúžil som s ním. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Ruddell.

51Ako sa volá? Kto si, brat? [Niekto hovorí, „švagor brata Martina“.] Brat Martin, poznáte ho? Brat Martin.

Ako sa voláš? Brat hovorí, „Reverend McComas. Brat McComas. Nazdávam sa, že ho tu nikto nepozná, ale on je... Áno, tento človek ho pozná, brat Tyler. A on prichádza, aby bol... Aby boli na neho položené ruky, aby bol nositeľom Evanjelia. Brat McComas. Odkiaľ si, brat McComas? [Rockford, Illinois.] Rockford, Illinois. [Volal si mi domov minulý týždeň, alebo minulý pondelok večer a modlil sa za moju manželku.] Ó, je to tak, z Tusconu. Tuscon, Arizona. Ó, pamätám si ten hovor. Ona vstala na druhé ráno. Chvála Pánovi.

[Brat Martin niečo hovorí bratovi Branhamovi.] Prosím? [Moja najmladšia sestra.] Tvoja sestra. [Ona tu je. Bola paralyzovaná.] Tak ona je tu a modlili sme sa za ňu, niektorý večer z Tucsonu cez telefón. [Paralyzovaná.] Bola paralyzovaná a teraz je tu. Bola pred niekoľkými dňami ochrnutá a teraz je tu. Brat Martin sa za teba modlil. Niet divu, že chce brať to posolstvo.

Položme na neho svoje ruky, bratia.

52Drahý Bože, kladiem svoje ruky aj s týmito ďalšími na tvojho sluhu a dávame mu pravicu obecenstva, modlíme sa, aby požehnania Božie... [Slová brata Branhama sú nejasné – pozn.prekl.]... že ty si ho ordinoval, aby tým bol. Nech sú tvoje požehnania na ňom. A veď ho a smeruj ho v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Pravica obecenstva, môj brat, a tí, ktorí sú s tebou. Nech je Boh s tebou.

53[Niekto hovorí, „Brat Branham?“] Áno, brat. [Mám ešte jedného, ktorý to chce tiež.] V poriadku, pane. Myslím, že toto je... [brat Derris]. Brat Derris. Neviem... [Poznám brata Earla a brata Brewera.] Tento muž je brat Derris. Odkiaľ si, brat? [Black Rock, Arkanssas.] Black Rock, Arkanssas. Brat... [poznám ho, brat]... pozná ho. Niekto iný, verím, že tu povedal... Brat Brewer. Myslí, že som sa s nimi dnes ráno stretol. A sestra Vayle, nazdávam sa, brat Vayle a oni, ktorí ho poznajú a poznajú ho ako muža Božieho, sluhu Božieho. Nádherné.

54No, dobre, môj drahý brat chce byť nositeľom posolstva. Chceme, aby si vedel, že budeme stáť za tebou a budeme robiť všetko, čo môžeme. Budeme sa za teba modliť, aby si tiež niesol toto posolstvo do najďalších častí, kdekoľvek ťa Boh poveril ísť.

Položme svoje ruky na brata Derrisa.

Drahý Bože, kladieme svoje ruky na nášho brata, dávame mu pravicu obecenstva a vysielame ho v Mene Ježiša Krista, aby si ho pomazal. A dávame mu pravicu obecenstva... A nech tvoj Duch ide s ním a veď ho a smeruj ho, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat.

55Myslím, že toto je brat Anthony. Mnohí z vás poznajú brata Anthonyho. Je tu už s nami dlhý čas. Poznám ho ako sluhu Kristovho, verím, že on je zasväteným mladým mužom. Nikdy neboli na neho oficiálne položené ruky. On nevedel, že toto prichádza, priatelia. Vidíte? Ale práve teraz je to vhodné. Tak ideme položiť svoje ruky na brata Anthonyho a dať mu pravicu obecenstva. Boh musí urobiť to ordinovanie. Toto je len, dať Mu vedieť a vám, že veríme tomuto bratovi a milujeme ho, a že on je jedným z nás v posolstve. A chceme, aby mal Božie požehnania, a to je to, čo pre neho prosíme. Modlime sa, ako na neho položíme svoje ruky, brat.

56Drahý Bože, tento tvoj pokorný malý taliansky sluha, Pane, on dnes večer prichádza, aby na neho boli položené ruky a podaná mu pravica obecenstva, oficiálne. Podaná mu cirkvou. Pane, tvoja veľká moc, nech pošle tohto mladého chlapca do... Zeme a trhliny, kde si ho povolal. A nech ide a vyslobodí tých ľudí z hriechu a nemocí, a aby ti slúžil, Pane, po všetky dni svojho života. Nech ho môžeš viesť a sprevádzať. Nech naše požehnania idú s ním, ako ho vysielame. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Nech ťa Boh žehná.

57[Niekto sa rozpráva s bratom Branhamom.] A, ó, nevedel som. Sme pripojení cez telefón, 50 centov na minútu. Či tam bol, kto chcel... Vystúpte sem a povedzte svoje mená, kým ste bratia, rovno tu do mikrofónu. Len im to povedzte. [Každý brat hovorí svoje meno, „"Pat Tyler," "Claude Boggess," "Dale Potter," "...?... Henasey," "James Humes," "Earl Horner."] Sú to všetci? [Niekto hovorí, „Áno.“] Moji bratia.

Títo muži, či veríte, že toto posolstvo je pravdou z Božieho Slova? [Tí bratia hovoria, „Amen.“] Veríte to z celého svojho srdca? [Amen.] V poriadku. A vy túžite a chcete, aby sme položili na vás svoje ruky... Chceme vám dať vedieť, že sme s vami a urobíme všetko, čo môžeme, aby sme vám pomohli.

A teraz chcem, bratia, aby sme tak mohli položiť na nich svoje ruky, aby ste tu vystúpili. A všetci skloňme svoje hlavy a my kladieme na nich svoje ruky.

Drahý Bože, tu je skupina mužov, kladiem svoje ruky na každého jedného z nich v Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho. A nech Ty, ktorý si ich povolal, aby boli kazateľmi, nech to kážu, Pane, po všetky dni svojho života. A nech kážu Evanjelium každému stvoreniu. Dávame im pravicu obecenstva a modlíme sa o Tvoje požehnania, aby boli s nimi, Pane. Ako ich žehnáme, pošli naše požehnania. Nech to ide do každej trhliny zeme, do ktorej si ich povolal. Nech pracujú a nech ti slúžia v tej kapacite, do ktorej si ich povolal. Nech sú šľachetní a skutoční sluhovia Boží. Udeľ to, Pane. A my to prosíme v Mene Ježiša Krista.

58Nech vás Boh žehná každého, bratia. Nech ťa Boh žehná, nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Humes. Pán nech je s tebou, s každým jedným.

Požehnané sú putá, ktoré zväzujú
naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske.
Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí je to, ako tam hore.

59Či nie je On nádherný? Len teraz pomyslite, koľkí kazatelia sú tu dnes večer, aby na nich boli položené ruky.

60Nevedel som, že sme pripojení telefonicky. A ak mi tí ľudia tam vonku toto odpustia, nevedel som to. Nevedel som, že oni budú pripojení pri tomto dnešnom malom posolstve, dnes večer. Ale sme...

61Budeme teraz čítať Slovo a pomodlíme sa a pôjdeme rovno do tohto posolstva, ktoré cítim, že mi Duch Svätý dal, aby som dnes večer priniesol.

62A zatiaľ, čo sa obraciame ku textu, chcel by som to na chvíľu oznámiť. Obráťme sa do Numeri 22. kapitola, verš 31. 4. Mojžišova 22. kapitola, 31. verš, ako text. Zatiaľ, čo si obraciate, ak by ste to chceli prečítať a označiť si to.

63Chcem, aby ste všetci na mňa teraz pamätali, kým vás znovu neuvidím, dúfam, že niekedy toto leto, ak Pán bude chcieť. A ak sa čokoľvek stane, ak nepôjdem za more, tak sa vrátim. Ale teraz to veríme, ako je to všetko pripravené, že Duch Svätý nás ide teraz poslať na tú cestu, ktorú vybral On sám, aby nás poslal. A to je to, ako to chceme robiť. Nech vás Pán žehná.

64Otče, chystáme sa čítať Tvoje Slovo. Požehnaj ho a pomaž ho k nášmu porozumeniu, prosíme v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

654. Mojžišova, 22. kapitola a 31. verš.

Tu odkryl Hospodin oči Balámove a videl anjela Hospodinovho stáť na ceste, ktorý mal svoj meč vytasený vo svojej ruke. A skloniac hlavu, klaňal sa mu, padnúc na svoju tvár.

66Tak, pri čítaní tohto, chceme okolo toho vybudovať kontext a chcem hovoriť na tému: Mení Boh niekedy svoju myseľ ohľadne Svojho Slova?

67To je celkom zaujímavý text a je to veľká pravda, ktorú by sme mali porozumieť. Či môže Boh niečo povedať a potom povedať, „Je mi ľúto, že som to povedal?“ Či môže Boh vziať späť svoje Slovo, potom, ako ho povedal?

68No, v tomto vyhlásení tu, ten dôvod, prečo som vybral toto vyhlásenie, je kvôli tomu, že je to jedno z vyhlásení Biblie, ktoré čitateľ, ktorý sa snaží vidieť, alebo sa snaží povedať, že Boh mení svoju myseľ, tak tu sa to javí viac, ako na ktoromkoľvek inom mieste v Biblii, ktoré poznám, že On zmenil svoju myseľ, pretože povedal Balámovi jednu vec a potom mu povedal druhú. A tak mnoho ľudí sa snažilo urobiť z Baláma len nejakého, ó, veštca alebo niečo také. Ale Balám nebol veštcom. On bol prorokom Pánovým.

69Tak urobme teraz najprv trochu taký náčrt toho posolstva. Izrael bol na svojej ceste z Pales... Išiel do Palestíny, vychádzal z Egypta. A Pán bol s nimi a oni boli... Každý nepriateľ, ktorý pred Izraelom povstal, bol odsunutý z cesty, lebo Boh povedal, že pošle pred nimi sršňov a že vyženie nepriateľa, pokiaľ budú kráčať v poslušnosti Jeho príkazu. Tá práca nebola nikdy príliš veľká. Amalechiti, obrovia toho dňa, neznamenali pre Izrael nič. Hoci boli malými mužmi, čo sa týka vzrastu, ale oni kráčali s Tým, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Tak nezáleží na tom, aká bola opozícia, Boh vždy videl, že Jeho Slovo zasľúbenia nikdy Izrael nesklamalo.

70 A Izrael Starého Zákona je typom nevesty Nového Zákona, ktorá vychádza zo sveta, pochoduje na ceste do Kanaánu, alebo Kanaán, do ktorého ideme, Milénium.

71Tak teraz si všímame, že Moáb tu je typom cirkvi. A Moáb... Oni práve zabili nejakých kráľov a odklonili nepriateľa, všetko zabili, vzali zem do vlastníctva a presťahovali sa do Moábu. No, Moáb nebol v žiadnom prípade pohanský národ. Moáb bol národom, ktorý slúžil tomu istému Bohu, ktorému slúžil Izrael. A Moábska zem pôvodne rozpočala Lotovým synom, skrze jeho vlastnú dcéru. A on, tým, že bol zakladateľom tohto národa, a zorganizoval svoje celebrity a tak ďalej. A učinil z toho veľký národ. A oni sa rozmnožili a išli ďalej.

72A tak Izrael bol semenom Abraháma, nie Lóta. Izrael prišiel z Izáka, Jákoba. A Izrael vyklíčil z tých dvanástich kmeňov od Jákoba, ktorý bol neskôr nazvaný „Izrael“, pretože zápasil s Pánom. A Moáb tu...

73Tak v tomto a vy ľudia tam vonku na telefónoch, chcem najprv povedať, že ja nechcem byť kritický, a dúfam, že nie som. Ale Posolstvo, ktoré mi bolo dané, ja musím byť verný tomu Posolstvu, inak by som bol pokrytcom. Rozumiete? Ja nemôžem povedať nič viac, ako to, čo som poslaný povedať.

A ja si myslím, že tým veľkým nepriateľom kresťanskej spoločnosti dnes sú organizované cirkvi. Verím z celého svojho srdca, že sa to nakoniec vyformuje do znamenia šelmy, ktoré môžem, myslím, že ho môžem dokázať skrze Bibliu s Božou pomocou. Už som to urobil. A to sa vyformuje do znamenia šelmy, do federácie cirkvi. Pretože Boh nikdy v žiadnom čase neuznal nejakú ordinovanú cirkev, organizovanú cirkev, nikdy. Nikdy to neurobil.

A zakaždým, ako človek urobil organizáciu, Duch Boží to opustil a nikdy sa znovu nevrátil. Opýtajte sa ktoréhokoľvek historika, alebo si to môžete sami prečítať. Nikdy. Keď sa zorganizovali, Boh to položil na policu a tam to išlo. Tam to zostalo, odvtedy a ďalej. Oni rástli v počte členov, ale nikdy nie v prebudení Ducha, nikdy, nikdy viac.

74Moáb je tu takým typom, pretože oni boli organizovaným národom vo svojej vlastnej zemi, ako vo svojej vlastnej denominácii. A tam mali vlastné náboženstvá a ich náboženstvo bolo to isté náboženstvo, ktoré mal Izrael. Oni boli Moábitmi a verili v Boha Jehovu, ale oni boli organizovanou skupinou ľudí.

75A tak, ako oni reprezentovali tú prirodzenú cirkev, Izrael reprezentuje tú duchovnú cirkev na svojej ceste. Tak Izrael nebol organizovaným národom. Pokiaľ nasledovali Boha, boli nezávislí. Oni vyšli, putovali, nemali miesta, kam by išli. Kdekoľvek išiel ten Ohnivý Stĺp, oni išli s ním. Neboli organizovaným národom. Mali medzi sebou organizmus, pretože obriezka im to dala pod príkazom skrze Boha, ale nikdy v tomto čase neboli organizovaným národom. Keď sa nakoniec stali organizovaným národom, to je to, kde upadli a odmietli svojho Mesiáša.

76A zisťujeme teraz, že vždy, keď sa tá prirodzená a duchovná, tie duchy cirkví a organizácií stretnú, tam je vždy konflikt. Vždy to tak bolo. To vždy príde do konfliktu. Pretože nachádzame, že tam je žiarlivosť. A v tejto žiarlivosti to spôsobuje telesné porovnávania, napodobňovania. A dnes to nachádzame tak, ako to bolo vtedy. Keď Boh robí niečo pre nejakého jednotlivca, každý sa snaží kopírovať to, čo Boh pre tú osobu urobil. Vidíte, to spôsobuje súťaživosť a spôsobuje to telesnosť. A potom na druhej strane, ak oni nedokážu dostať tie duchovné výsledky, potom to zaberajú politickou mocou, alebo to niečím nahrádzajú, aby rozrušili mysle ľudí, aby tiahli učeníkov za sebou.

77To je presne to, čo sa dialo na samom začiatku, ako Kain a Ábel, obaja chlapci, keď boli tu na zemi. A keď Ábel obetoval Bohu lepšiu obeť ako Kain a Boh potvrdil Ábela skrze to, že zostúpil a prijal jeho obeť, to spôsobilo u Kaina žiarlivosť, pretože bol žiarlivý na svojho brata a zabil svojho brata.

78Tak to začalo na počiatku, že keď ten prirodzený a duchovný, pritom Kain a Ábel uctievali toho istého Boha. Obaja postavili rovnaký druh oltára a obaja uctievali toho istého Boha, v tej istej cirkvi, pri tom istom oltári. Ale Kain skrze telesné rozumovanie priniesol ovocie zeme a položil ich na oltár ako obeť, mysliac si, že to istotne Boh prijme ako zmierenie. Tak on musel priniesť niečo, ako ľudia rozmýšľajú dnes, „Jablká, ktoré Adam a Eva vzali, ktoré spôsobili hriech.“ A čokoľvek, myslím, že oni prišli na to, že to bolo „granátové jablko“, alebo niečo také. Niekto to prednedávnom povedal, že to bolo niečo iné.

79Ale Ábel mal tú správnu obeť. On vedel, že to bola krv, ktorá to spôsobila, tak priniesol baránka. A keď Boh prijal jeho, Ábela, skrze vieru, skrze zjavenie, žiadnym iným spôsobom. Nebola napísaná žiadna Biblia. Tak vidíte. Počiatkom spravodlivosti je Božia zjavená pravda a celá cirkev živého Boha je na tom postavená.

80Jedného dňa Ježiš, keď schádzal z vrchu, povedal svojím učeníkom, „Čo hovoria ľudia, že Ja, Syn človeka, som?“

„Jeden povedal, že ty si Mojžiš, a iný povedal, že si Eliáš a že si Jeremiáš, alebo jeden z prorokov.“

On povedal, „Ale čo hovoríte vy, že Ja som?“

81To je to, keď apoštol Peter, inšpirovaný Bohom, oživený Duchom, učinil to ohromné vyhlásenie, „Ty si Kristus, Syn Živého Boha.“

82Všimnite si to vyhlásenie, „Požehnaný si, Šimone, synu Jonášov, telo a krv ti toto nezjavili, Môj Nebeský Otec ti toto zjavil. Ty si Šimon, na tejto skale...“

Akej skale? No, katolíci hovoria, „Na Petrovi, skale, kameni.“ A protestant hovorí, „Na Kristovi, skale.“

Nie, aby som sa líšil, ale to bolo na zjavení, ktoré Peter mal, kým On bol. „Nikto nepríde ku Mne,“ povedal Ježiš, „jedine, že ho potiahne Môj Otec. A všetkých, ktorých mi Otec dal, ku Mne prídu.“

„Ty si Kristus, Syn Živého Boha.“

83„Požehnaný si, Šimone, synu Jonášov, telo a krv ti toto nezjavili, ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach. Na tejto skale vybudujem svoju cirkev a brány pekla ju nebudú môcť premôcť.“ Duchovné zjavené Slovo Božie.

84Všimnite si. Ábel skrze vieru v Boha obetoval lepšiu obeť a telesný veriaci si myslel, že to boli skutky jeho vlastných rúk, a že jeho ovocie a jeho krásna obeť, ktorú priniesol, že to Boh uzná, a to spôsobilo konflikt.

Zisťujeme, že Abrahám a Lót mali konflikt.

85Zisťujeme, že Mojžiš a Dátan, Kórach, mali tak isto konflikt.

Mojžiš, tým, že bol ordinovaným prorokom so Slovom Pánovým, potvrdeným, že bol vybraný, aby bol ich vodcom tej hodiny, a že Abrahám zasľúbil všetky tieto veci, a Mojžiš tu, urobil presne to, čo Boh povedal, že urobí, že sa stane.

A Kórach, súc telesným, chcel medzi nimi vyzdvihnúť organizáciu. Chcel učiniť skupinu ľudí. A Boh nekoná takto s ľuďmi. To rovno tu ukazuje, že v tom Písme, kde typ dnešného putovania, že organizácia nie je to, čo Boh ustanovuje. Lebo akonáhle to Kórach urobil, povedal Mojžišovi, „Ty berieš na seba príliš mnoho.“ Inými slovami, „Celé zhromaždenie je sväté. No, ty hovoríš, že ty si jediným svätým mužom. Nemáš žiadne právo takto konať. Snažíš sa urobiť niekým veľkým. My sme všetci svätí, všetci sme Božími deťmi.“

86A Mojžiš len obrátil svoju hlavu a odišiel preč. Povedal, „Pane, čo mám robiť?“

87Boh povedal, „Oddeľ sa od neho. Mám už toho dosť.“ A nechal ho pohltiť zemou.

88Vidíte? Tam bol konflikt. Keď sa ten telesný a ten duchovný stretávajú, tam je vždy konflikt. Keď sa stretol Judáš a Ježiš, bol tam konflikt. Jeden bol Synom Božím, druhý synom Satana. Presne tak, ako Kain a Ábel, tam bol konflikt, keď sa oni stretli. Jeden z nich bol pokladníkom cirkvi a ten druhý bol pastor. A tak ako teraz, prichádzame v tomto dni znovu k tej istej veci. Telesná denominácia a duchovná Nevesta Krista. Duchovná Nevesta Kristova je tak odlišná od tých telesných organizácií, až sa s nimi nemôže vôbec porovnať.

89Všimnite si teraz. Ten prirodzený sa vždy snaží byť typom duchovného, ale tak, ako pri Jákobovi a Ezavovi, to nebude fungovať. Nefungovalo by to. No, čo sa týka konania dobrých skutkov, verím, že Ezav bol v skutočnosti lepším človekom ako Jákob, v očiach človeka. Snažil sa starať o svojho ocka, ktorý bol slepý, prorok. A všetky tieto veci, ktoré sa snažil robiť, ale pri tom Ezav o tom nezmýšľal len ako o konaní telesného skutku. On si myslel, že on sa tam môže dostať skrze to, čo on urobil, že urobil niečo dobré pre niekoho, čo bolo v poriadku. Ale Jákob, celá jeho duša bola v tom, dostať to právo prvorodenstva, a to je to, čo Boh v ňom uznal, to duchovné.

90Všimnite si. A to vždy spôsobuje, že to prirodzené nenávidí to duchovné. To spôsobilo, že Kain nenávidel Ábela. To spôsobilo, že Kórach nenávidel Mojžiša. To spôsobilo, že Judáš nenávidel Ježiša. A ide to tak ďalej a ďalej. To spôsobuje, že ten prirodzený nenávidí toho duchovného, práve tak, ako Kain na začiatku nenávidel Ábela, toho, od ktorého Boh prijal obeť, a snaží sa ho zničiť.

A oni sa snažia zničiť vplyv. Snažia sa zničiť všetko, pretože to nie je nič iné ako žiarlivosť. Začalo to pri Kainovi a bolo dokázané, že to bola žiarlivosť. A je to stále to isté dnes, keď sa ten prirodzený, telesný a ten duchovný spolu stretnú. To dokázalo, že to bol Satan, nijako inak, pretože žiarlivosť pochádza od Satana. A potom spôsobuje napodobovanie pravdy, niekto, kto sa snaží napodobiť niečo, čo nie je, do čoho nie je ustanovený, aby činil. Koľko sme toho uvideli v týchto posledných dňoch. Ó, ako mnoho.

91Tak vidíme, že keď Boh robí... On nikdy nemení svoju myseľ ohľadne Svojho originálneho Slova. Ale ten, koho povoláva, to je ten, koho on ustanovuje. Nikto druhý nemôže zaujať to miesto. Nikto nemohol zaujať miesto Mojžiša. Nezáležalo na tom, koľko Kórachov povstalo a koľko Dátanov, to bol Mojžiš, ktorého Boh povolal, bez ohľadu na čokoľvek.

92Ale, ak ľudia nebudú kráčať v Jeho dokonalej vôli, On dáva dopustenú vôľu, v ktorej ťa nechá kráčať. Všimnite si. On to dovoľuje. V poriadku. Ale On spôsobí, že to bude pracovať na Jeho slávu, na Jeho dokonalú vôľu. No, ako by ste radi...

93Práve tak, ako na počiatku, to nebolo Božou dokonalou vôľou, aby sa deti rodili na zemi skrze sex. Nie veru. Boh stvoril človeka z prachu zeme, vdýchol do neho dych života a On sa stal živou dušou. A on vzal z toho muža pomocnicu a učinil pre neho ženu. To bola Božia prvá a originálna vôľa. Ale keď vstúpil hriech a urobil tú vec, ktorú urobil, potom on dovolil mužovi, aby sa zosobášil so ženou legálne a mal s ňou deti. „Množte sa a ploďte sa a naplňte zem a to je to, ako to bude.“ Ale vidíte? To nebolo nikdy Jeho dokonalou vôľou.

94Preto všetky tieto veci, ktoré majú počiatok, musia mať koniec. Všetok hriech musí prísť do vyhladenia, zničenia. Všetok hriech musí byť odstránený. Preto v tom veľkom Miléniu, keď príde zmŕtvychvstanie, my sa nebudeme musieť znovu narodiť skrze našich otcov a matky, ale Boh, ako to urobil na počiatku, povolá človeka z prachu zeme a jeho pomocnicu s ním. To je pravda. To je to, ako to On urobil na počiatku.

95Tak preto, Boh nikdy nemení svoju myseľ ohľadne čohokoľvek, ale On ti dovolí ísť ďalej. No, toto je obsiahle a vedie k tomu dlhá cesta, k tomu, čo sa chcem dostať a čo tu chcem o tomto povedať. Ale to je to, že vy... Chcem, aby ste to porozumeli. Rozumiete? Boh ti dovolí niečo robiť a dokonca ťa bude žehnať v tom, ako to robíš, ale to stále nie je Jeho dokonalá vôľa.

96Boh dovolil Izraelu, aby vzal zákon v Exoduse v 19. kapitole, keď im už milosť dala proroka, ohnivý stĺp, obetného baránka, vyslobodzujúcu moc, ale oni kričali o zákon. To nebolo Božou vôľou, ale bolo to vsunuté, pretože človek to chcel. A on bol prekliaty práve tým zákonom, ktorý chcel.

97Najlepšie je mať Božiu vôľu. To je to, čo nás On učil, „Nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa, nech príde Tvoje Kráľovstvo, Tvoja vôľa nech sa stane.“ Musíme sa podriadiť Jeho vôli a Jeho Slovu. Nepochybujte v to, verte tomu. Nesnažte sa nájsť nejakú cestu okolo Toho. Len to vezmite tak, ako to je.

Tak mnohí chcú ísť okolo, dostať sa nejakou inou cestou, a keď to robíte, nájdete sa, ako idete ďalej, zistíte, že Boh vás žehná, ale vy pracujete v Jeho dopustenej vôli a nie v Jeho dokonalej vôli, Božskej vôli.

98 On to dovoľuje, ako som už povedal, ale On nebude... On nenechá, aby to bolo Jeho dokonalou vôľou, ale On spôsobí, že to uctí a požehná Jeho dokonalú vôľu. A rodenie detí skrze sex, je jedna z tých vecí.

99Všimnite si teraz. Moáb bol na začiatku nelegitímnym národom. On rozpočal nelegitímne, hoci otec bol veriaci, dcéra bola veriaca.

Ale presne tak, ak uvidíte ten typ a použijete duchovnú myseľ, môžete vidieť, ako tam stojí denominácia, tak jasne ako neviem čo. Iste. Vidíte. Celá tá vec je úplne zlá. A pozrite sa, keď je to privedené, keď to tak rozpočalo, to nikdy nemôže... To ide ďalej ako snehová guľa. To sa len ďalej kotúľa viac a viac. Dostávate jednu chybu a začínate s tou jednou chybou a ďalej sa kotúľate, jedna vec za druhou a jedna vec za druhou a tak ďalej.

100A to je to, ako začala cirkev. To je to, ako to začalo v Nicei, Ríme, keď rímskokatolícka cirkev... A samotný počiatok, odkiaľ to prišlo, boli Letnice.

Ale keď sa zorganizovali a vniesli tam do cirkvi celebrity a začali tam robiť, mať modlitby a modliť sa ružence a modliť sa za mŕtvych a všetky tieto ďalšie veci. A potom sa to začalo len gúľať od jednej chyby ku druhej, od jedného bludu ku druhému, až pozrite, ku čomu to prišlo. Nie je v tom ani jedna reprezentácia Letníc. Vôbec žiadna. Rozumiete? To je jeden blud, ktorý naberá ďalší a naberá ďalší. Je iba jediná vec a to je, vyčistiť ten záznam a vrátiť sa na počiatok.

101Keď Martin Luther rozpočal s ospravedlnením, toto by mala byť vyspelejšia Luteránska cirkev. Rozumiete? Ak... Luther, keď sa zorganizoval, nemohol vziať Wesleyho posvätenie, pretože bol zorganizovaný a tí ľudia by za tým nestáli, tak Duch sa pohol z toho von.

102Tak tu je Lótova skupina, alebo Moáb bol dieťaťom Lótovej dcéry, od začiatku nelegitímny. Všimnite si, ako tá prirodzená cirkev, Moáb, reprezentuje prirodzenú denomináciu.

Izrael reprezentuje duchovnú cirkev. Izrael, tam bola pravá cirkev, ktorá bola nevestou toho dňa vyvolaná z Egypta a potvrdená, že je pravdou.

103Všimnite si, keď sa tí dvaja spolu zišli. Obaja obetovali tú istú obeť, obaja postavili sedem oltárov, obaja obetovali čistú obeť vola a dokonca obetovali baranov, svedčiac, že prichádza Mesiáš. Fundamentálne boli na tom obaja rovnako. Izrael tu dolu v údolí a Moáb tu hore na kopci. A Moáb so siedmymi oltármi, Izrael so siedmymi oltármi. Moáb so siedmymi volmi, Izrael so siedmymi volmi. Moáb so siedmymi baranmi, hovoriaci o prichádzajúcom Mesiášovi, Izrael so siedmimi baranmi.

Tak v čom bol medzi nimi rozdiel. Fundamentálne mali obaja pravdu. Ale vidíte, Moáb nemal medzi sebou to potvrdenie Boha, oni boli iba národom, skupinou celebrít, ale Izrael mal medzi sebou proroka. Oni mali medzi sebou tú udretú Skalu, mali Ohnivý Stĺp, mali medeného hada pre uzdravenie, mali požehnania Božie, ktoré sa s nimi ďalej pohybovali a oni boli vyvolanými deťmi Božími.

104Zisťujeme tak dokonale, že tu v nich je typ dnešných cirkví. S Moábom to nebolo tak. Izrael bol putujúci z miesta na miesto, kdekoľvek sa Ohnivý Stĺp pohol, oni sa pohli s ním. S Moábom to tak nebolo, oni sa usadili vo svojej vlastnej denominácii, dolu vo svojom vlastnom národe. Oni sa nehýbali, zostávali rovno tam. Mali svoje celebrity. Ustanovili veci, aké by mali robiť, a mali svojich bojovníkov, mali svojich vojakov, mali svojho kráľa, ktorého mali, od ktorého dostávali príkazy a tak ďalej.

105Ale Moáb videl Izraela s niečím, čo sami nemali. Videli mocnú silu medzi Izraelom a to bol prorok. A tým prorokom bol Mojžiš. A oni vedeli, že keď sa v boji nedarilo, oni len zodvihli jeho ruky a držali ich hore a ten boj sa zmenil. A tak tamtí nemali niečo také, tak sa to snažili dosiahnuť svojou politikou, svojím politickým tiahnutím. Oni vyslali do inej krajiny a najali proroka, aby prišiel, aby tak mohli mať proroka a mohli tak mať moc medzi sebou práve tak, ako mal Izrael medzi sebou.

106Vidíte tú telesnú napodobeninu? Môžete vidieť tú telesnú cirkev dnes? To je presne tak isto.

107Všimnite si teraz, oni obaja budú mať prorokov. Ten jediný rozdiel bol, že Mojžiš, prorok Boží, jeho Kráľom bol Boh. To je to, odkiaľ dostával svoje príkazy, zo Slova Pánovho. A Balám, on mal tiež kráľa, ale ten kráľ bol Balák, kráľ Moába, a to je to, odkiaľ on dostal svoje príkazy a svoje požehnania. Tak Moáb povedal Balákovi, „Príď dolu,“ alebo Balám povedal, „Príď dolu a prekľaj mi tento ľud, pretože oni pokrývajú celú tvár zeme. Oni len prídu a zlížu všetko, ako vôl zlíže trávu.“ Povedal, „Príď sem dolu. A ja rozumiem, že ty dokážeš prekliať, môžeš požehnať a čokoľvek ty urobíš, je uznané.“

108No, chceme si všimnúť, že tento človek bol prorok ustanovený od Boha, ale on zapredal svoje práva prvorodenstva z politických dôvodov. Presne tak, ako to urobila cirkev dnes, ako to urobil Luther, Wesley, letniční a celá ich skupina. Zapredali to za vplyvy vo svojich organizáciách. Mojžiš pod Bohom, Balám pod Balákom. A pritom, obaja boli proroci povolaní Bohom a obaja duchovní. Všimnite si ten rozdiel. Každý mal hlavu. Mojžišovou hlavou bol Boh, Balámovou bol Balák.

109Všimnite si, ako je tu aplikované to duchovné, aby dokázalo, že to prirodzené sa mýli. Mojžiš, poslaný od Boha, v línii povinností sa stretáva a je vyzvaný iným prorokom Božím. Dokážete si to predstaviť? Mojžiš, povolaný od Boha, ustanovený od Boha, stojaci v povinnostiach Božích, pohnutý ku tejto chladnej formálnej skupine a bol vyzvaný iným prorokom Božím, ktorého Boh požehnal a ustanovil. Ako by ste dokázali povedať ten rozdiel? Obaja mali prorokov. Boh hovoril k obom prorokom.

110A niektorí z nich hovoria, „Boh povedal, 'Urob toto.' Boh povedal, 'Urob tamto.'“ No ja to nechcem spochybňovať, ale to je mimo tej línie Božieho Slova. Prorok, bez ohľadu na to, či on je prorokom, je mimo tej línie. Tak mnohí sú takto zvedení. „Ó, tento brat môže robiť toto a tento brat môže robiť toto,“ a zapierať Slovo?

111„Hoci by som hovoril jazykmi ľudskými a anjelskými, hoci by som mal dary, že by som mohol hýbať vrchmi, hoci by som dal všetko svoje imanie, aby som nasýtil chudobných, stále nie som ničím.“

„Mnohí ku mne prídu v ten deň a povedia, 'Pane, Pane, či som neprorokoval v Tvojom Mene? Či som v tvojom mene nevyháňal diablov a nečinil mocné skutky?' A Ja im poviem, 'Odstúpte odo mňa vy... Odstúpte odo mňa, vy činitelia neprávosti. Nikdy som vás nepoznal.'“ A pri tom prichádzajú s vyznaním, že oni to urobili, ale Ježiš povedal, „Oni sú činitelia neprávosti.“ Čo je neprávosť? To je niečo, čo viete, že by ste mali robiť, čo je správne robiť, a pritom to nerobíte. Vidíte, ako to bude v tých posledných dňoch?

112Počúvajte celú tú líniu. To je mojím zámerom dnes večer. Povedal som, že skončím do deviatej, ale trošku ju možno presiahnem. Pozrite, to bol celý môj zámer, aby som vám ukázal túto líniu skrze Slovo Božie. Rozumiete? Že Boh musí zachovať svoje Slovo na poriadku, aby zostal Bohom.

113Tak všímame si teraz, že obaja boli duchovnými mužmi, obaja boli prorokmi, obaja boli povolaní. A Mojžiš rovno v línii povinností, s čerstvým ohnivým stĺpom pred sebou každého dňa, s Duchom Božím na sebe v línii povinností. A tu prichádza ďalší služobník Boží povolaný Bohom, ustanovený Bohom, prorok, ku ktorému prichádza Slovo Božie. Tu je tá nebezpečná hranica. Nie je nikto, kto by mohol pochybovať, že ten človek bol Boží, z Boha, pretože Biblia hovorí, že Duch Boží ku nemu prehovoril a on bol prorokom. Ale vidíte, keď on dostal tú skutočnú odpoveď od Boha, on ju nezachoval. On si to nevšimol a potom išiel, aby vyzval Mojžiša.

114Tak Balám hľadal vôľu Božiu z celého svojho srdca. No, keď títo veľkí mužovia prišli tam a povedali, „Balám, kráľ Balák nás poslal, aby si k nemu ihneď prišiel a preklial tento ľud Izrael, pretože oni sú roztrúsení po celej tvári zeme a teraz sú rozložení táborom proti mne. A oni zrovnali každé kráľovstvo naokolo, dostali ich pod seba. A teraz chceme, aby si prišiel a preklial tento ľud. Pretože, ja rozumiem, že ak ty niekoho prekľaješ, tak bude prekliaty.“ Tak vidíte, on bol mužom Božím. „Čo požehnáš, je požehnané.“ On bol Sluhom Božím.

115A Balám si teraz myslel, tým, že je prorok, „Je len jedna vec, ktorú musím urobiť, a to je zistiť, či je to vôľa Božia.“

116To je povinnosť proroka, ak je povolaný byť prorokom. Najprv, čo musí prorok urobiť? To je hľadať vôľu, Slovo Božie. On to musí urobiť. Pretože tým, že je prorokom, Slovo Božie k nemu prichádza. Ľudia hovoria, „No, ty nie si teológ.“ Biblia nikdy nehovorí, že Slovo Božie prichádza k teológovi. To sú tí, ktorí to zamiešajú. Slovo prichádza k prorokovi Božiemu.

117A tu bol človek, ktorý bol prorokom Božím. A keď bol najatý, bol najatým, aby tam prišiel a preklial iný ľud Boží. Všimnite si, on išiel hľadať vôľu Božiu. A on chcel poznať Jeho dokonalú vôľu a Boh mu dal jeho dokonalú vôľu v tej záležitosti. Jeho dokonalá vôľa mu bola predstavená. Čo bola Jeho vôľa? „Nechoď.“ To je Božie prvé slovo. „Nechoď s nimi, nesnaž sa zaútočiť na môj ľud, ktorý kráča v mojich dokonalých cestách.“

118Ako je to dnes, oni sa chcú hádať, debatovať a všetko možné, keď vidia Ducha Božieho medzi vami pracovať. A snažia sa a snažili sa to po roky udusiť, ututlať, ale čím viac sa to snažia dusiť, tým viac to rastie. Nemôžete prekliať, čo Boh požehnal. Jednoducho nemôžete. Skrátka to nedokážete.

119Tak vidíte, to bol Boží ľud. Tak prorok, hoci bol tam hore a bol najatý kráľom, pracoval medzi tými celebritami a tak ďalej. A Slovo Božie k nemu prišlo. On hľadal vôľu Božiu a vôľa Božia k nemu späť prehovorila a povedala, „Neprekľaj tento ľud. Ja som ich požehnal.“

120Neexistuje žiaden teológ pod nebom, ktorý by mohol zaprieť toto posolstvo, ktoré my kážeme, ale ktoré je presne so Slovom Božím správne na čas. Boh to potvrdil vo všetkom, čo bolo povedané alebo učinené. On to dokázal, že je to pravda. Tak neexistuje žiaden teológ, čitateľ Biblie, prorok, ktorý sa môže pozrieť do Slova, ak je on prorokom, on uvidí tú istú vec. Ale ak on nevidí tú istú vec, to ukazuje, že tam je niečo nesprávne. Pretože...

121Poviete, „No, ó, mohol by som to zobrať presne naopak.“ Tak isto to mohol Balák, Balám. Rozumiete? Ale Boh zidentifikoval Mojžiša.

A potom, čo bol ten dôkaz? Slovo Božie. A On počul jasné, priame rozhodnutie Božie, „Nechoď. Nesnaž sa prekliať to, čo som Ja požehnal. To sú moji ľudia.“

Ale viete čo? Balám už od začiatku nemal tých ľudí rád. Ó, čo za... Koľko Balámov je vo svete dnes. On od samého začiatku nemal tú skupinu rád.

122Tak potom, ako dostal to Božie priame rozhodnutie, „Nechoď,“ ale vidíte, namiesto toho, aby to urobil, to bolo to isté, ako pri Kainovi, ako pri Kórachovi. On bol žiarlivý a on každopádne chcel nejaký dôvod, aby mohol ísť.

123 Všimnite si. Jeho denominačný hlavný stan, potom, ako znovu po neho poslali, povedal, „Nemyslím, že tam pôjdem, nemyslím, že s nimi budem mať niečo do činenia, nebudem s tými ľuďmi debatovať, pretože Boh mi už povedal, že oni sú Jeho ľudia, a ja si nemyslím, že pôjdem.“ Ak by len s tým zostal.

Ale dolu, vo svojom srdci, on ich nemal rád. Rozumiete? To nebola jeho skupina. A čokoľvek, čo nepatrilo do jeho skupiny, „nebolo od začiatku správne.“ Vidíte? A on sa na nich pozrel zhora a povedal, „Bolo tam už viac hrozných vecí, ktoré tí ľudia urobili. Iste, že Svätý Boh prekľaje taký ľud ako to. Oni sú, oni sú negramotní. Oni nie sú vzdelaní ako my, my sme chytrejší ľudia. Ó, oni si nárokujú, že slúžia Bohu, ale pozrite sa na nich, čím oni sú? Banda, ó, banda otrokov, miesičov blata, ktorých tam dolu vyhnali Egypťania. No, Boh by nikdy nemal nič s takou špinavou skupinou ako to.“

124On zlyhal vidieť tú udrenú Skalu a medeného hada a ten Ohnivý Stĺp. On sa ich snažil posudzovať z morálneho hľadiska. On zlyhal vidieť to vyššie povolanie Božie. Skrze milosť, skrze vyvolenie oni boli v tej línii a s Božím Slovom. A keď ich chcel prekliať, Boh povedal, „Nerob to, oni sú moji. Nechaj ich na pokoji, nedotýkaj sa ich.“

125Takže, ten človek sa obrátil a išiel naspäť. Avšak sledujte teraz jeho denominačný hlavný stan, potom, ako sa vrátil späť. Poslali za ním vplyvnejšiu skupinu. Tentokrát to mohli byť nejakí, namiesto obyčajného laického člena, teraz to mohli byť doktori teológie, ktorí prišli tentokrát. Mohli to byť biskupi, alebo nejakí štátni presbyteri za všetko... On poslal lepšiu skupinu, niekoho, kto mal lepšie vzdelanie a mohol mu ten plán lepšie predložiť, mohol to pre neho urobiť takým rozumným.

126Vidíte? To je to, čo urobil Kain. On rozumoval. To je to, čo urobil Kórach, rozumoval. To nie je na tom, kto rozumuje.

„My zavrhujeme rozumovania.“ My veríme Bohu bez ohľadu na to, čo ktokoľvek hovorí. My veríme Bohu. My nerozumujeme nad tým, čo Boh hovorí, nemôžte s tým rozumovať, musíte to akceptovať vierou. A čokoľvek, čo viete, vy nemusíte už viac nad tým rozumovať. Ja neviem, ako to on robí, ja len verím, že On to robí. Ja neviem, ako On ide dodržať zasľúbenie, ale On povedal, že to urobí. Ja tomu verím. Ja to prijímam na základe toho, že verím, že je to Božie Slovo.

Poviete, „No, to ti nemôže prejsť.“ Ja neviem, ako s tým prejdem, ale On povedal, „Povedz to.“

Pamätám si, ako mi môj baptistický pastor povedal, „Budeš kázať v cirkvi stĺpom. Myslíš si, že niekto bude niečo také počúvať?“

Povedal som, „Boh tak povedal.“

„Ako to dokážeš so vzdelaním len siedmych tried modliť sa za kráľov a kázať po celom svete?“

127Povedal som, „Ja neviem, ako to idem urobiť, ale On tak povedal, a to je pre mňa celkom dostatočné.“ Vidíte? „On tak povedal, ja neviem, ako sa to stane.“

On povedal, „Či si nemyslíš, že tí ľudia v tomto veľkom vzdelanom svete, proti ktorému ideš zastať, na túto tému toho Božského uzdravenia a tak ďalej, či si myslíš, že oni tomu budú veriť?“

128Ja som povedal, „To nie je na mne vedieť, či tomu budú veriť alebo nie.“ Povedal som, „Mojou povinnosťou je kázať to. To je to, čo mi On povedal. On povedal, že bude so mnou a On povedal, čo to spraví.“

A stalo sa to presne tak, ako On povedal, že sa to stane. „Prvá vec bude, budeš ich brať za svoju ruku a potom sa stane, že budeš dokonca poznať tajomstvo ich srdca.“ A ja som vám o tom povedal a to sa tak stalo. Ako sa to deje? Ja to stále neviem, ako sa to deje. To nie je vôbec mojou vecou, ako sa to deje, to sa jednoducho deje.

129Kto mohol vysvetliť, keď Boh povedal Eliášovi, „Choď tam hore a posaď sa na ten vrch a ja ťa budem kŕmiť. Rozkázal som krkavcom, aby ťa kŕmili.“ Ako by mohol krkavec vziať kúsok chleba a kúsok ryby upečenej a priniesť to prorokovi? To je poza čímkoľvek, čo dokážem vysvetliť. A nemyslím si, že vy by ste to vedeli vysvetliť, alebo niekto druhý. Ale On to urobil! To je všetko, čo bolo potrebné. On to urobil a to je tá pravda toho.

Ako to On urobil, ja neviem, to nie je mojou vecou. Ale On to urobil. Ako On učinil zem, ja neviem, ale On ju urobil. Ako On poslal Svojho Syna, ja neviem, ale urobil to. Ako On vstal z mŕtvych, ja neviem, ale On to urobil. Ako On ma spasil, ja neviem, ale urobil to. To je pravda. Ako spasil teba? Neviem ti to povedať, ale urobil to. Ako ma On uzdravil? Ja neviem, ale urobil to. On zasľúbil, že to urobí, a On dodržuje svoje Slovo.

Tak Balám to mal vedieť a on to veľmi dobre vedel.

130Všimnite si, táto lepšia vplyvná skupina prišla a čo bolo lepšie? Oni mali lepšie dary. A nie len to, Oni mu mohli dať viac peňazí a mohli mu ponúknuť lepšiu pozíciu. „No, okrem toho, aby si bol len obyčajným kazateľom v organizácii, urobíme z teba okresného dozorcu. Urobíme pre teba niečo a ty len vyženieš túto skupinu ľudí odtiaľto a zastavíš to.“ Ó, oni mu ponúkli veľkú pozíciu. Povedali, „Čím viac budeš žehnať...“ Povedali, „Vieš, ja som schopný ťa podporiť, urobiť ti reklamu.“ Pozrite, odkiaľ on dostáva svoje slová, od hlavy národa.

131Odkiaľ dostával Mojžiš svoje Slová? Od Kráľa Neba. Jedno z Božích Slov zasľúbenia bolo, „Vezmem vás do zasľúbenej zeme a nikto pred vami neobstojí. Pošlem pred vami sršňov a vyženiem ich sprava i zľava a vy zaujmete tú zem. Ja som už... Už som vám ju dal. Pokračujte, zaujmite ju, vlastnite ju, je vaša.“ A tak teraz vidíte, to je to, čo počúval Mojžiš. A tento muž počúval, až kým tam v jeho srdci nebolo niečo, na čo bol žiarlivý, a tak išiel potom k tej klerikálnej hlave. Vidíte?

132Všimnite si, lepšia pozícia. On povedal, „Či vieš, že som schopný presadiť tvoje záujmy? Zabezpečím ti lepšie miesto. Urobím pre teba viac. Zdvihnem ti plat, dám ti lepšiu výplatu.“ A keď mu všetko toto ponúkol, to ho zaslepilo.

133Koľko Balámov je dnes vo svete, ktorí kvôli lepšej pozícii, lepšej cirkvi niečo sľubujú. Keď človek otvorí svoje oči na Slovo a na pôsobenie Boha... A ten dobrý človek, ktorý ma vplyv, začne ako služobník Boží a má dobré zhromaždenie, po chvíli, kedy je mu predstavený krst Duchom Svätým, je mu predstavený krst na Ježišove Meno, čo je podľa Písma a jediný spôsob krstenia podľa Písma. A keď mu je to predstavené a tá denominácia vie, že ho stratí, keď to on začne, oni mu ponúknu lepšiu pozíciu a urobia zmenu v cirkvi. Vidíte? Znovu starý balámizmus. Presne tak, ako to bolo od počiatku.

134No, človek, ktorý číta Bibliu, nemôže ju čítať, jedine, že uvidí, že to je pravda. Nie je nikto, kto bol kedy pokrstený použijúc tituly „Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého“. To je katolícke vyznanie a nie Biblická náuka. Žiadna osoba v Biblii nikdy nebola tak pokrstená, až tristo rokov po smrti posledného apoštola, ale dovtedy krstili na Meno Ježiša Krista. A katolícka cirkev to začala a tí ostatní do toho prišli. A ktorýkoľvek kazateľ, ktorý sedí vo svojej študovni a pozrie sa na to, vie, že je to pravda. Ale kvôli popularite, aby si udržal svoju pozíciu, lepšie postavenie medzi ľuďmi, on robí kompromis.

„Dobre,“ poviete, „Boh ho požehnal.“

135Samozrejme. Niektorí z nich majú dary uzdravenia, niektorí z nich majú veľké kampane. A to im triafa rovno späť do tváre a dostávajú tu istú odpoveď zo Slova Božieho, ktorú by si ty alebo ktorýkoľvek iný človek dostal. Boh sa nemení. Rozumiete, čo mám na mysli?

136Balám si kvôli lepšej pozícii pomyslel... No, pozrite, keď prišla späť tá lepšia skupina... Balám tu vzal taký predstieraný text. Rozumiete? On povedal... Tá lepšia skupina sa vrátila a on mal povedať, „Vypadnite z mojej prítomnosti. Povedal som vám Slovo Božie. Odíďte, toto je Tak Hovorí Pán.“ Ale videl tie dary a možnosť byť populárnejším človekom.

137Ó, ako to radi robia, „Pošleme ťa do celého sveta, dáme ti špeciálne lietadlo, budeme sponzorovať tvoje zhromaždenia, kdekoľvek, ak len ty...“ Ó, nie, aha. Vidíte?

My vieme, čo Slovo hovorí, vieme, čo Boh povedal. Ideme s tým zostať s Božou pomocou. Rozumiete? Nezáleží na tom, aký druh zasľúbenia, alebo koľko môžete zaplatiť, koľko tohto a tamtoho alebo iného môžete vyprodukovať. My chceme TAK HOVORÍ PÁN a to, čo On tu povedal najprv.

„Dobre, cirkev hovorí, „To je druhoradé“.“

My chceme to, čo Boh povedal na počiatku. „A čokoľvek pridané k tomu, alebo zobraté z toho, dokonca vaše meno bude vzaté z Knihy Života, ak pridáte k tomu jedno slovo, alebo vezmete z toho jedno slovo.“ Chceme to, čo On povedal, nie to, čo cirkev povedala, čo povedal Doktor Jones, čo niekto iný povedal. Chceme to, čo povedalo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, čo povedalo Slovo.

138Tak teraz nachádzame Baláma, služobníka Božieho. A mnohí z tých mužov začali a boli ordinovaní Bohom a hovoria Božie Slovo v mnohých veciach, ale keď to prichádza k plnej pravde, nebudú to robiť.

139Všimnite si tu, ako prorok Boží, on v prvom rade nemal byť vôbec v takej skupine prichytený. On s nimi nemal ísť. Ale pozorujte, kvôli popularite, kvôli jeho svedomiu povedal, „No, dobre, zostaňte celú noc, ja sa znovu pokúsim.“ Vidíte? „Znovu sa pokúsim.“ O čo sa chceš znovu pokúšať?

140Boh mu už povedal, čo má povedať. Boh povedal, „Povedz im, že nejdeš.“ To je Jeho originálne Slovo. „Nejdem.“ „A nechoď, nepreklínaj to, čo som požehnal.“ No, sledujte, to mu po chvíli strelilo naspäť. Vidíte? A to urobí zakaždým. Keď Boh niečo hovorí, On to tak myslí. On ohľadne toho nemení Svoju myseľ. On zostáva rovno so Svojím Slovom. Nezáleží na tom, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí, On zostáva rovno so Slovom.

141Tak Balám to mal vedieť lepšie. On sa mal od takej spoločnosti oddeliť, ale všetky tie pekné dary a ten sľub, ktorý dal tento kráľ, „Ty vieš, že ja to môžem urobiť, som biskupom, môžem urobiť, čo chcem, a ja ťa zabezpečím a ty prídeš toto pre mňa urobiť.“

A Boh mu už povedal, „Nerob to.“

142Ale pri tom Balám povedal, „Zostaňte tu cez noc a ja sa znovu pokúsim.“

Vidíte? On mal Slovo, nemusíte sa ohľadne toho už viac hádať. Boh to už povedal. S takou skupinou, oni vás vždy vyhovoria z vôle Božej, ak im to len dovolíte.

143Raz bola jedna skupina, ktorá prišla ku prorokovi, ktorý sa volal Jób. Nemohli mu to vyhovoriť. On videl videnie. Vedel, čo bolo správne.

Balám videl videnie a pritom s ním nezostal.

144Nezáležalo na tom, koľko jeho cirkevné skupiny hovorili, „Ó, Jób, mal by si robiť toto, mal by si robiť tamto.“ Dokonca i jeho žena, on povedal, „Hovoríš ako bláznivá osoba.“ Rozumiete? „Ja viem, čo Pán povedal, ja viem, čo On vyžadoval, a to je to, čo som urobil.“ Vidíte? On zostal s tým, čo mu Boh povedal.

145Všimnite si. Balám použil túto predstieranú reč kvôli svojmu svedomiu. Vidíte? On povedal, „No, ja to zistím, pokúsim sa znovu.“ No, to je to, kam prichádzate. Tá druhá vec. Koľkých Balámov máme dnes večer, ktorí radi použijú tú predstieranú reč z Matúša 28:19 [Brat Branham klope trikrát na kazateľňu. - pozn. prekl.] len kvôli svojmu svedomiu? Koľkí chcú použiť Malachiáša 4 kvôli svojmu svedomiu? Koľkí chcú použiť Lukáša 17:30 len kvôli svojmu svedomiu? Koľkí chcú použiť tieto veci a pritom, „No, poviem vám, verím, že oni sú v tom celí zamiešaní?“

146A potom tu bol Balám, ktorý sa snažil povedať, „Možno, že Boh je v tom zamiešaný, znovu sa pokúsim, aby som videl, čo On povedal.“ Tak, On pozná tvoje srdce. Všimnite si. Balám použil túto predstieranú reč kvôli svojmu svedomiu, pretože v skutočnosti chcel tie peniaze. On chcel tú vznešenosť. On to chcel. On chcel tú prácu, on chcel tú pozíciu, aby sa na neho dívali, ako na doktora takého a takého. Tak on povedal, „Znovu sa pokúsim.“

147Ó, Balámovia v dnešnom svete, sľubované pozície, popularita. Ó, oni tými vecami umlčujú svoje svedomie. Kvôli svojim denomináciám hovoria, „Ak urobíš toto, prac sa preč. Viem, že si dobrý človek, a my ťa milujeme.“ A on je dobrý človek, „My ťa milujeme, ale ty toto nemôžeš kázať. Naša náuka hovorí, že to nemôžeš robiť, doktor taký a taký povedal, že toto je ten spôsob. Tak ty to musíš veriť takto, ak chceš zostať s nami. No, ale ak chceš, viem, že si mal ťažký čas, no, uvidím, či ťa môžem podporiť. Možno zmeníme cirkvi.“ Ó, ty Balám. Keď poznáš vôľu Božiu, konaj ju. Boh nejde zmeniť svoju myseľ. Nie.

148Niečo, okolo čoho by mohol prejsť, pravda ohľadne Jeho poverenia. On povedal, „No, znovu sa pokúsim.“ Všimnite si toho Baláma, ako tam je.

149Tak pamätajte teraz, keď prišiel tú druhú noc s touto veľkou celebritou, už mal svoje svedomie otupené a umlčané. A Boh ho nechal ísť. Tak, Boh nikdy nemení svoju myseľ, ale On dáva Svoju dopustenú vôľu, „Potom choď.“ Ale on zistil, že to nebude fungovať.

150Boh vedel, čo bolo v Balámovom srdci. Hoci on bol prorokom, on vedel, že nenávidel tých náboženských fanatikov a on len... On ich jednako chcel ísť prekliať. A Boh mu povedal, aby to nerobil, ale jednako prichádza, chcel to urobiť znovu, tak Boh ho nechal ísť vpred. Boh povedal, „Choď.“ No, pamätajte, On nikdy nemení svoju myseľ.

151Všimnite si. To bola jeho túžba prekliať ich. Tí ľudia, ktorých klasifikoval ako fanatikov, on ich chcel prekliať. On chcel pozíciu. On sa s nimi nechcel priamo zahrávať, tak on si myslel, že by mohol urobiť túto malú vec pre kráľa a potom by bol odmenený. Boh nikdy nemení svoju myseľ, alebo Svoje Slovo.

Ale On ti dá túžbu tvojho srdca, čo je v tvojom srdci. On to zasľúbil. Viete to? On zasľúbil, že ti dá túžbu tvojho srdca. A nech je tvojou túžbou Slovo Božie. Nech je tvojou túžbou Jeho Vôľa, nikdy tvoja vlastná vôľa. Jeho vôľa. Ak On... Prosíš Ho o niečo, a ak On ti to nedá, povedz, „Ďakujem ti, Pane, Ty vieš, čo je dobré.“

152Pozrite sa dokonca na kráľa Ezechiáša, keď k nemu Boh poslal tam hore proroka a povedal, „Daj do poriadku svoj dom, zomrieš.“

Ezechiáš obrátil svoju tvár ku stene a horko nariekal a povedal, „Pane Bože, prosím ťa, pohliadni na mňa. Kráčal som pred Tebou s dokonalým srdcom. Chcem, aby si ma nechal žiť pätnásť rokov dlhšie.“

153„V poriadku.“ Boh prehovoril k prorokovi a povedal, „Vráť sa a povedz mu, že som ho vyslyšal.“

A čo urobil? Priniesol hanbu na celý národ. Rozpálil hnev Boží, kým ho nezabil. To je pravda. Viete to. Odpadol od Boha. Bolo by bývalo omnoho lepšie pre národ, pre toho kráľa, pre všetkých, ak by bol išiel vpred a vzal tú prvú vec, ktorú mu Boh povedal.

Ale to sa zdalo pre toho proroka ťažké, keď sa ten prorok musel vrátiť a povedať mu Slovo Božie, potom, čo mu ho už povedal. Ale Boh povedal, „Choď vpred.“ Ale vidíte? To prinieslo hanbu.

154Čo urobil Balám? Potom, čo poznal vôľu Božiu a pritom bol vytrvalý, jednako to išiel urobiť. A čo urobil? Všimnite si. Boh nikdy nemení svoju myseľ. On vedel, čo bolo v jeho srdci.

155Viete? Raz Tomáš, on to jednoducho nemohol veriť. Povedal, „Nie, tomu nemôžem uveriť. Ak by som mohol strčiť svoju ruku do Jeho boku, strčiť ju tam, kde v Jeho rukách boli klince, no, dobre, potom by som tomu uveril.“

On povedal, „Poď sem, Tomáš.“ Vidíte? „No, polož sem svoje ruky.“

Tak Tomáš teraz povedal, „To je Môj Pán a Môj Boh.“

156Povedal, „Áno, ty si videl a teraz tomu veríš. O koľko väčšia je ich odplata, ktorí nikdy nevideli a pritom veria.“

Ľudia niekedy neprijmú Ducha Svätého, ak nehovoria v jazykoch. Ja verím v hovorenie v jazykoch, samozrejme. On je dobrý Boh, On ti dáva túžbu tvojho srdca, ale nezáleží na tom, koľko hovoríš v jazykoch, ak zapieraš toto Slovo, si jednako na omyle. Rozumiete? Vy nevchádzate skrze hovorenie v jazykoch. Vy vchádzate skrze zachovávanie každého Slova. To je dôkazom Ducha Svätého, keď veríte Slovu Božiemu. Rozumiete?

157Ja verím v hovorenie v jazykoch. Verím, že môžete byť oživení, ako som povedal dnes ráno, až budete hovoriť novým jazykom. Sám som hovoril a viem, že to je pravda. Viem, že je to pravdivé. Ale to nie je znamenie, že ty si Božie vybrané dieťa. Rozumiete? Skutočne nie. On nikdy nepovedal...

„Mnohí ku mne prídu a povedia, Pane, či sme neprorokovali a neučinili všetky tieto veľké veci v Tvojom Mene? On povie, „Odíďte odo Mňa, činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal.“

158Hovoríš v jazykoch a potom odmietaš byť pokrstený na Meno Ježiša Krista? Niečo je niekde zle. Áno, skutočne, ktorékoľvek z tých vecí, ktorékoľvek z tých príkazov, ktoré Boh dal. Niečo je niekde nesprávne. Skúmaj svoje vlastné svedomie a vidz, čo povedala Biblia. Ukážte mi niektoré miesto, kde bol niekto pokrstený v mene „Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého.“ Vidíte? To tam nie je. Ale vidíte, niekedy kvôli svojmu svedomiu poviete, „No, ...“

Poviete, „Boh hovorí ku ženám o tom, čo musia robiť, aby nenosili šortky a také veci, ale viete, pastor povedal...“ Tak oni berú tú ľahkú cestu.

159Oni vedia, že Boh tu o tom povedal. Vidíte? Iste, Boh tak povedal.

Tak oni to jednako chcú robiť. Oni si snažia nájsť výhovorku, „No, myslím, že to je omnoho lepšie. To nie je... Vietor nefúka...“ Áno.

Ale Boh povedal, že muž sa má obliekať odlišne od ženy, „Ak si žena oblieka odev, ktorý patrí mužovi, je to ohavnosťou v Jeho očiach.“ Tak to nie je správne. Áno. A nemali by ste to robiť. Nie. Rozumiete? Tak preto, to je nesprávne.

160Ale vidíte, oni sa snažia nájsť výhovorku, že „Pán mi povedal, aby som toto urobila.“ Ja nehovorím, že nepovedal, ale pozri, to nie je Jeho dokonalá vôľa. To musí byť Jeho dopustená vôľa. Vidíš, čo to urobí? To poškvrní celú skupinu. To poškvrnilo celý tábor.

161Všimnite si tu, Boh nikdy nezmenil Svoju myseľ, Svoje Slovo, ale On je dobrý Boh a On ti dá túžbu tvojho srdca, hoci to bude proti Jeho vôli. Veríte tomu?

Pozrite, Boh povedal Mojžišovi, „Choď tam dolu.“ Tento pomazaný prorok. Povedal, „Choď tam dolu a prehovor ku tej Skale.“ Ona už bola udrená.

162Mojžiš išiel vo svojom hneve dolu, zodvihol palicu a povedal, „Vy, rebeli, či vám máme priniesť z tejto skaly vodu?“ a udrel tú Skalu. Voda nevyšla. Udrel ju znova, vyšla. Bolo to proti Božej vôli. Narušilo to každý plán v Biblii. Kristus musel byť udretý druhýkrát. Vidíte? Kristus bol raz udretý. A to narušilo celý plán. Ale On mu dal Svoju dopustenú vôľu. Potom povedal, „Vidíte, dali sme vám vodu, áno, ja som vám ju priviedol, vy banda rebelov.“

163Boh povedal, „Poď sem, Mojžiš, poď sem. Poď sem hore na vrch... Ty si bol verným služobníkom.“ (Ako pri tej žene s vysokými opätkami. „Vyšplhaj sa sem“) pozri sa tam do diaľky. Vidíš tú zasľúbenú zem?

„Ó, Pane.“

„Ale ty tam nevojdeš. Ty si vzal Moju dopustenú vôľu, tam dolu pri tej Skale. Ty si oslávil samého seba a nie Mňa. Ty si posvätil seba, ty si neposvätil Mňa. Ty si nezachoval Moje originálne Slovo, čo som ti povedal, aby si robil.“ Pritom, tie vody prišli.

Môžete klásť ruky na chorých a oni sa zotavia. Môžete prorokovať, alebo hovoriť jazykmi, ale tá vec je, zachovajte Jeho originálne Slovo. Boh nemení svoju myseľ, priateľu. Musíš zachovať Jeho poverenie, Jeho vôľu.

„Ó, dobre. To bolo pre učeníkov.“

164On sa nemení. Ak ma On stále učeníka, tak to je to isté poverenie. „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ To sa nikdy nemení, On sa nemôže meniť.

Teraz môžete povedať, „No, poviem ti, to nie je na tento deň.“ Ó, ty balámita! Vidíš? Vidíš, Boh sa nemení. On je ten istý včera, dnes a naveky.

165Pozrite sa na tých balámitov dnes, „Ó, ja viem, že v Biblii krstili na Ježišovo Meno, ale pozri, všetci ľudia...“

Ja sa nestarám, čo ľudia urobili. „Nie je žiadne iné Meno pod nebom dané ľuďom, v ktorom by sme mohli byť spasení.“ „Nie je žiadne odstránenie hriechov, jedine skrze Meno Ježiša Krista.“ To, ako si dobrý, čo robíš, to nemá s tým ani jednu vec dočinenia. To je Božie originálne Slovo a ty musíš zostať s tým. Ó, v poriadku.

166„Poslušnosť ku Jeho Slovu je lepšia ako obeť.“ Pamätáte si ten čas, keď sa Saul vrátil.

167Balám mal dar viery a mohol to dokonale použiť, tým originálnym Božím Slovom.

Mnoho mužov dnes na poli s darmi uzdravenia by mohlo robiť to isté. Mnoho mužov tu, ľudia hovoriaci v jazykoch, ľudia, ktorí prorokujú, majú dar, by to mohli použiť pre Kráľovstvo Božie, ale oni to nerobia. Oni berú... A Boh ich jednako žehná a dáva im dopustenú vôľu. Ale kvôli popularite a radostiam a osobným ziskom zapredávajú svoje práva prvorodenstva, ako to urobil Ezav. Vidíte? Zapredal sa organizácii. Zapredal sa, ako to urobil Balám. Vidíte?

Tak mnohí dnes robia to isté. Vieme, že je to pravda. Oni predávajú svoje prvorodenstvo. Ach, ženy vyznávajú Ducha Svätého a nosia šortky, muži im dovoľujú ísť za kazateľne, ostrihané ženy za kazateľňami, s namaľovanou tvárou a s nejakým nábožným rúchom. To je ten najväčší kameň potknutia, aký kedy cirkev mala.

168Ak to chcete vedieť, čo sa týka politických mocí a v akom čase to stojí v kráľovstve veku, tak sa pozrite, kde sa nachádzajú Židia. Sledujte, ako je to so Židmi, pretože oni sú národom. Ak chcete vedieť, kde stoja národy, sledujte Židov.

Ak chcete vedieť, kde stojí cirkev, pozorujte ženy. Pozorujte morálku medzi ženami, pretože žena reprezentuje cirkev. Keď vidíte porušenie medzi ženami, zistíte, že je porušenie v cirkvi. Čím sa ona stáva, vymaľovanou Jezábeľou, presne takou, akou sa stáva cirkev. Vidíte? No to je pravda a vy to viete. Ak chcete vedieť, kde sa nachádza cirkev, pozorujte morálku medzi ženami, pretože ona, cirkev, je žena.

Ak chcete zistiť národný status, pozorujte Židov.

169Všimnite si, ako Boh povedal Balámovi, potom, ako počul to pravdivé jasné rozhodnutie, to Slovo, „Nechoď.“ Áno, keď mu to povedal, potom, ako videl v jeho srdci, čo to tam spraví, On mu dal Svoju dopustenú vôľu a tak povedal, „Choď.“

170A s tebou to môže byť tak isto. Ak nechceš kráčať v pravde, môžeš ísť a mať veľkú službu. Istotne, môžeš, ale berieš Jeho dopustenú vôľu. Prekračuješ Jeho Slovo. On ti dá zdar, istotne.

Práve tak, ako dal Balámovi. On bol úspešný, ale nemohol tých ľudí prekliať. Nemohol to urobiť, pretože zakaždým, keď začal preklínať, tak žehnal. Vidíte? Nemohol to urobiť. Ale keď to prišlo k tomu, aby bol úspešný so svojím cieľom, tak učil tých ľudí skrze Baláka, aby spáchali cudzoložstvo. Voviedol dnu tábor Izraela a sobášil ich. A povedal, „No, my sme všetci jedno. Vy uctievate toho istého Boha. A my tu máme proroka a vy tam tiež máte proroka. A máme tú istú obeť a toho istého Jahveho ako naši otcovia. Tak prečo len všetci neprídete a nespojíte sa s nami?“

„Nespájajte sa s neveriacimi. Vôbec sa s nimi nepriahajte do jarma. Ak tomu oni neveria, držte sa od nich preč.“ Vidíte? „Vyjdite, oddeľte,“ hovorí Pán, „a Ja vás prijmem.“ Vidíte? „Nedotýkajte sa ich nečistých vecí.“ To je pravda. Ich špina proti Slovu a také veci. Držte sa od toho. Nepočúvajte to.

171A tu nachádzame, že Balám išiel tam dolu a začal vyučovať ľudí a on mal blud. A on bežal cestou Baláma, ako to on urobil, a učil Baláka a deti Izraelove páchať cudzoložstvo. A národ Izrael zasiahla pliaga, tých ľudí, a tisíce z nich zomrelo v jednom dni.

A zatiaľ, čo tam všetci boli pred oltárom Božím, modlili sa, tu prichádza nejaký izraelský muž s madiánskou ženou, s denominačnou ženou, a vošli do stanu. A kňazov syn tam vošiel a vzal kopiju a oboch ich zabil. A to zastavilo Boží hnev. Viete, že to je v Písme. Je to tak? Vidíte?

172Ale čo sa stalo? Balám, on uspel v oslabení Izraela. Čo urobil? On oslabil ich tábor. Boh ho nechal ísť a oslabiť ich tábor a to celý ten tábor poškvrnilo.

A keď začína nejaká náuka, ktorá nie je biblickou pravdou, to poškvrňuje celý tábor. Niekto povstáva s odlišnou myšlienkou, ako Kórach, a hovorí, „No, toto, tamto a iné a ja mám odlišnú myšlienku.“ To poškvrňuje celý tábor. A to je to, čo sa stalo dnes v celom cirkevnom tábore. To je pravda.

173To vyučovanie, ktoré on robil, oslabovalo celý tábor pre Kádeš Barneu, to konečné odhalenie Slova. Keď sa potom dostali do Kádeš Barney, tam bolo oslabenie tábora. Vrátili sa, oni už prešli za...

Pamätajte, oni jedli anjelský pokrm, mali Slovo Božie každý večer, manifestovalo sa to. A oni ten pokrm jedli, pili zo Skaly. Všetko to robili a videli zázraky. Pozorovali Mojžiša a videli Jeho Slovo, videli to všetko, ako on prorokuje.

A potom nakoniec, keď počúvli tohto falošného učiteľa, ako medzi nich prišiel a učil ich nesprávne, on oslabil tábor a bol úspešný.

Mohol vystaviť milióndolárové budovy, mohol mať veľké denominácie, mohli sa tam pridať tisíce krát tisíce a mohli byť vykonané veľké skutky a mocné skutky. On bol prorokom. To je v poriadku, ale pokiaľ to nejde so Slovom Božím, radšej by ste od toho mali zostať preč.

Boh nemení Svoju myseľ. Zostaňte rovno s Jeho Slovom, pretože to je to, čo nakoniec vyjde, Slovo, Slovo za Slovom. „Ktokoľvek vezme jedno slovo preč od toho, alebo pridá ku tomu jedno slovo.“ To musí zostať to Slovo.

174Počúvajte teraz pozorne. Keď prišiel test Slova, keď tam išli a videli, že tá opozícia je taká veľká, tá najväčšia opozícia, akú kedy videli, tí Amalechiti boli desaťkrát väčší ako oni. Oni povedali, „Vyzeráme ako kobylky. Ich ploty, alebo ich mestá sú tak vystavené múrmi, až môže po nich jazdiť koč, dva koče, tak rýchlo, ako len môžu ísť okolo tých múrov, tých ich miest. No, a ich kopije sú obrovské, dlhé a oni sú obri. No a my vyzeráme ako kobylky. Nedokážeme to.“

A dvaja muži stáli na Slove, Kálef a Jozua, povedali, „Počkajte chvíľu. Vy, dva milióny ľudí, buďte na chvíľu ticho, sme viac ako schopní to dokázať. Pozrite. Oni na nás nemajú.“

Na čom to oni zakladali? Boh povedal, „Dal som vám tú zem. Je vaša.“ A na tom stáli. Ale tí ľudia sa ženili a vydávali medzi inými a mali všetky možné druhy vyznaní a rituálov medzi sebou a boli takí zoslabení, nemastní, neslaní, nevedeli, kam sa obrátiť a čo robiť. To je pravda. Potom prišiel test Slova.

175On ti pritom udelí povolenie, aby si urobil, dovolí ti tvoju vôľu, dopustenú vôľu, vediac, čo je v tvojom srdci, On to vie.

Poviete, „No, brat Branham, robím tak a tak. Netrápi ma to. Boh ma každý deň žehná. Spievam v Duchu, tancujem v Duchu, ja...“ On to dopustí. Choď vpred. To je pravda. Ale čo s tým ideš urobiť?

176„Nosím šortky a robím toto. Netrápi ma to. Ja viem, že moja viera je v Kristovi, a nie v tom, čo nosím na sebe.“

Ale Biblia hovorí, že na tom tiež niečo je. Vidíte? Čo s tým urobíš? Položíš kameň potknutia, ako to urobil Balám, pred niektorú z tých ostatných žien. Čo to spôsobí pre tvoje mladé dievčatá? Budeš mať bandu Rikít, to je presne tak, bandu malých vymaľovaných Jezábelí.

177Ale Boh ti dá prosperovať, „No, On ma žehná.“ Ja o tom nepochybujem, On tiež žehnal Baláma. Istotne to urobí, budeš kráčať v Jeho dopustenej vôli, nie v Jeho dokonalej vôli. Boh nemení svoju myseľ, pretože On ťa žehná.

On žehnal Izraela celých štyridsať rokov. A čo urobili? Ženili sa, vychovali rodiny, bozkali deti, platili svoje desiatky a žili tam správne. A Boh ich tam na púšti žehnal, kŕmil ich s mannou po celý čas. A každý jeden z nich zahynul, pretože oni vôbec nezachovali Jeho originálnu dopustenú... Jeho originálnu vôľu, Jeho Slovo. Oni vzali Jeho dopustenú cestu.

178Choď vpred, ale pamätaj, keď oni opustili Kádeš, nikdy viac ďalej neputovali. Oni len chodili dokola a dokola tam na púšti. Pričom, oni tam mohli byť už o dva dni, mohli tam už byť, v tej zasľúbenej zemi. Ale oni putovali štyridsať rokov a každý jeden z nich zomrel, okrem Jozuu a Kálefa, tých, ktorí zostali na tom originálnom Slove.

179Ó, Bože, pomôž nám. Boh nemení svoju vôľu, On nemení svoju myseľ, ale On ťa bude žehnať.

Iste, On požehnal Baláma. A čo on tam urobil? Poškvrnil celý tábor. Vidíte, vy musíte zostať na tom, čo On povedal. On nikdy nemení Svoj originálny plán.

180Pozrite sa na tých Balámov, ktorí sú na poli dnes. Urobíte to? Len sa poobzerajte. Prosperujú, hovoria v jazykoch, iste, používajú Boží dar pre zisk a všetko možné. Istotne. Ale oni poškvrňujú celú cirkev Božiu so svojím porušeným učením. To je pravda.

Niekto mi raz povedal, „Kvôli čomu toto robíš? Kvôli čomu to robíš?“

Povedal som, „Či ty neveríš, že to je pravda?“

181„O, áno, ale...“ On povedal, „Vieš čo, to nie je tvoja práca. Ty sa máš modliť za chorých. Ľudia veria, že si prorok. No, ty by si mal učiť tie ženy, ako majú, a tých mužov, ako majú robiť toto, to a tamto.“

„Ako ich môžeš učiť algebru, keď sa oni nenaučia ani abecedu. Povedz. Ako ich môžeš učiť tie veci, keď oni nenanesú ani ten základný náter.“ Vidíte? Musíte sa vrátiť späť a začať tam, kde ste rozpočali, alebo kde ste to opustili, a vziať každé Božie Slovo.

182Len sa na to pozrite na tom dnešnom poli. Tak ako Balám zosobášil tú Božiu cirkev so smilnicou, zosobášil tú smilnicu s Božou cirkvou, tak isto sa vám to dnes snažia povedať títo falošní učitelia. Oni idú zosobášiť každú jednu z týchto organizácií a týchto ľudí s tou starou smilnicou zo Zjavenia 17. Ich Balámova náuka dnes obchádza a hovorí, „My sme všetci rovnakí, všetci sme kresťania.“ Kňazi a pápeži a všetko ďalšie a všetci robia kompromis a robia to, či ono.

183Jeden kazateľ raz povedal, ktorého dokonca poznám ako letničného kazateľa, všetci z nich teraz začínajú podávať kruhový kóšer chlieb. Čo znamená Aštarta, „Boh Mesiaca,“ kóšerovu oplátku. Hovoria, „Zavrite oči a vezmite to, ak to zraňuje vaše svedomie.“ Zavrieť si oči? Kruhová oplátka? Čo to znamená? My berieme zlámané telo Ježiša Krista, zlámané, nie kruhového boha mesiaca, Aštartu, ktorá zaujala miesto Márie. A rímsky kóšer je stále kruhový, pretože to je boh mesiaca, bohyňa, nie Boh. My máme zlámaný kóšer. Istotne. Ó.

184Tak teraz tá veľká smilnica zo Zjavenia 17, títo balámski učitelia svojou falošnou náukou sobášia cirkev s týmto druhom zmätku. Sledujte, keď to prichádza k tomu záverečnému odhaleniu v čase konca, sledujte teraz tú slabosť toho. Niečo cez deväťsto rozličných organizácií, jedna ťahá jedným smerom, druhá druhým. Nie je medzi nimi žiadna jednota. A oni sa snažia priniesť jednotu, nie podporenú Slovom Božím, Božím originálnym plánom. Oni to berú skrze politiku a organizáciu.

Boh nemení svoju myseľ. On zostáva rovno so Svojím Slovom. On povedal, „Nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nepominie.“ To je pravda. On zostáva so svojím originálnym Slovom. Ó.

185Hoci oni kvôli tomu stále rozumujú, práve tak, ako to robili vtedy a práve... Je iba jediná vec, ktorá sa dá urobiť. On to nezmení, len veriť. Pretože oboje, nebo i zem pominú, ale Jeho Slovo nikdy nezlyhá. Rozumiete?

186Vidíte, do čoho sa sobášite? Vidíte tú politiku a tie veci, ako sa snažia pripojiť cirkev, spojiť ju dohromady skrze politiku v cirkvi? My sa nepripájame ku Kristovi skrze politiku.

My sme spojení, cirkev ku Kristovi skrze krst Duchom Svätým. A to je spôsob, ako poznáte krst Duchom Svätým, pretože ten duch vo vás identifikuje každé Slovo Božie, že je pravdou. Tak to je. „Lebo ktokoľvek vezme z toho jedno slovo, alebo pridá ku tomu jedno slovo, jeho diel bude vzatý z Knihy života.“

187Pritom, „On prosperuje,“ hovoríte. Vy tomu nemôžete veriť skrze prosperovanie, nemôžete posudzovať Boha skrze prosperitu. Svet prosperuje, Balám tým prosperoval.

Ale brat, vy posudzujete Boha skrze Jeho Slovo. On zachováva Svoje Slovo a identifikuje ho, že je pravdou. Tak pamätaj, priateľu, tak dlho, ako žiješ, nikdy nezabudni na toto, že Boh nemení Svoju myseľ. Pritom, On ťa bude žehnať. On ti dovolí ísť v Jeho dopustenej vôli, ale On nezmení Svoju myseľ. On nezmení Svoj plán, On pri tebe nezmení Svoje Slovo. Nie veru.

Ty sa musíš zmeniť. Ty nemôžeš spôsobiť, aby Božie Slovo pasovalo do tvojho prežitia, ty musíš spôsobiť, aby tvoje prežitie pasovalo s Božím Slovom. Rozumiete? To je spôsob, ako máte...

Poviete, „No, ja som dobrý človek. Boh robí toto, tamto alebo iné.“ Ale či zachovávaš Jeho Slovo? „No, poviem ti, to nie je celkom... Nie.“ V poriadku, potom je niekde niečo nesprávne. Boh bude... Áno, On ti dá prosperovať. Istotne, On urobí, že budeš...

188Denominácie majú úspech u tých, ktorí to nebudú mať. Oni rozprestierajú svoje stany, veľké krásne cirkvi a všetko možné po celej zemi. Sú bohatí a tečú tam peniaze a majú členov odvšadiaľ. Či nepovedala Biblia, „Bolo v nej nájdené bohatstvo sveta a dokonca duše ľudí.“ A všetko možné, to bolo všetko nájdené v tejto starej smilnici, ktorá je matkou celej tej veci, politiky a organizácie.

189Ale Božia malá skupina je Jeho nevestou zaostrenou na Slovo. Nech vás ten drahý Nebeský Otec vždy drží stabilizovaných rovno v tom. Nikdy sa z toho Slova nepohnite.

Môžeš žehnať, môžeš... Boh cez teba môže uzdraviť chorých, môže uzdraviť tvoje choré dieťa, môže uzdraviť tvojho manžela, manželku, môže uzdraviť tvoju matku alebo niekoho, môžeš skákať v Duchu a tancovať hore dolu.

Pamätajte, dážď padá rovnako na spravodlivých i na nespravodlivých. Ale keď tam leží to semeno, ono je buď určené do života alebo nie je určené, a ak je určené, ono môže... Ak je to pšenica, musí priniesť pšenicu, ak je to Božie Slovo, to musí vyprodukovať Božie Slovo, ak to nie je, no tak potom to nie je. Rozumiete? Rozumiete tomu teraz?

190Nech vás Pán žehná. Povedal som vám tu, že skončím o deviatej, a tu to je. Je za dvadsať minút desať. Mnohí z vás ľudí sem prišli dlhú cestu. Milujem vás a ten dôvod, že som vás tak dlho držal, nie je preto, že by som chcel byť ku vám krutý, ale ja vás milujem a to, čo viem, nič si pre seba nezadržiavam. Hovorím vám pravdu.

191Tam vonku na zhromaždeniach, kam chodím, ma nikdy nepočujete kázať tieto posolstvá. Nie, ja som vám sľúbil, že budem prichádzať do tejto modlitebne. Rovno tu je to, kde kážem svoje posolstvá. Mám tu ešte tri alebo štyri, ktoré mi Pán dal, mám na to miesta Písma, posolstvá, ktoré by som sa neopovážil kázať niekde inde okrem tohto miesta. Tu je to, odkiaľ začalo vychádzať Slovo Božie. A kým to Boh nezmení, zostanem rovno tu a budem to rovno tu prinášať. Tak to je.

Tam vonku na tých zhromaždeniach sa modlím za chorých a podobne. A na druhej strane poviem okrajom určité veci, aby to tie ovce mohli počuť. Oni vedia, o čom je hovorené, inak je to len návnada na háčiku. Viete. Ukazujem znamenia a snažím sa ukázať, že Boh ľudí pozná v tom rozpoznaní a že pozná srdcia ľudí a robí tieto veci. To je evanjelizačný dar, len aby to ľudí podnietilo.

To prvé, čo zistíte, že sa do ich domu dostala nejaká páska a oni to potom dostávajú. Ak je to ovca, príde rovno s tým, ak je to kozol, vykopne tú pásku preč. Aha [brat Ben Bryant hovorí, „A vás tiež.“ – pozn. prekl.] Vidíte? To je... „A vás tiež.“ To je pravda, Ben. To je presne tak, Ben už ma nejaké skúsenosti. V poriadku. No, je to pravda.

192Či nie ste radi, že ste Jeho? [zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“-pozn. prekl.] Či nie ste radi? Amen. Zvykli sme spievať jednu malú letničnú pieseň pred dlhým časom, takúto.

Som tak rád, že ma Pán vyviedol
Som tak rád, že ma Pán vyviedol
nebyť Ježiša, kde by som bol?
Som tak rád, že ma Pán vyviedol

Som šťastný odkedy ma Pán vyviedol
Som šťastný odkedy ma Pán vyviedol
nebyť Ježiša, kde by som bol?
Som šťastný odkedy ma Pán vyviedol

Kričím od radosti odkedy ma Pán vyviedol
Kričím od radosti odkedy ma Pán vyviedol
nebyť Ježiša, kde by som bol?
Kričím od radosti odkedy ma Pán vyviedol

Sláva! Nie ste radi? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] „Nie si rád...?“ Spievajme to.

Nie si rád odkedy ťa Pán vyviedol?
Nie si rád odkedy ťa Pán vyviedol?
nebyť Ježiša, kde by som bol?
Nie si rád odkedy ťa Pán vyviedol?

Spievam odkedy ma Pán vyviedol
Spievam odkedy ma Pán vyviedol
nebyť Ježiša, kde by som bol?
Spievam odkedy ma Pán vyviedol

Nie ste za to radi? [Zhromaždenie hovorí „Amen“ - pozn.prekl.] Potom, kráčajme v tom Svetle. Poznáte tú pieseň?

Kráčame vo svetle, je to nádherné svetlo,
Príď tam, kde je milosť ako kvapky rosy jasná,
Svieti okolo nás dňom i nocou, Ježiš, Svetlo sveta

Nemáte to radi? Spievajme to znovu.

Kráčame vo svetle, je to nádherné svetlo,
Prichádza to tam, kde je milosť ako kvapky rosy jasná,
Svieti okolo nás dňom i nocou, Ježiš, Svetlo sveta

To je východ slnka!
Všetci svätí svetla, vyhlasujte,
Ježiš, Svetlo sveta
Pravda a milosť v Jeho mene
Ježiš, Svetlo sveta

Zodvihnime teraz svoje ruky zatiaľčo to spievame.

Kráčame vo svetle, je to nádherné svetlo,
Prichádza to tam tam, kde je milosť ako kvapky rosy jasná,
Svieti okolo nás dňom i nocou, Ježiš, Svetlo sveta

Potraste si navzájom ruky.

Prichádza to tam tam, kde je milosť ako kvapky rosy jasná,

Či nie ste radi, že ste deťmi Svetla? Slnko vyšlo.

...všade okolo nás dňom i nocou...

„Vy, malé deti, milujte jedni druhých.“

...Svetlo sveta.

Kráčame vo svetle, je to nádherné... (manifestácia Jeho Slova)
Prichádza to tam tam, kde je milosť ako kvapky rosy jasná,
Svieti okolo nás dňom i nocou, Ježiš, Svetlo sveta

Veríte to všetci?

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

Nech nespievajú tí, čo neznajú nášho Boha,
a deti Kráľa nebeského, deti Kráľa nebeského,
nech spievajú radostne,
spievajú radostne.

Lebo kráčame... (Sláva!), nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu 
Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

193Vezmite si svoje vreckovky, vytiahnite si vreckovky len na chvíľu, dajme Pánovi obeť povznášania, to nie je snop, ale oni brali z tela Pavla vreckovky a tie veci.

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

194Amen. Či to nespôsobilo, že sa cítite dobre? Viem si len predstaviť tých starých svätých tam, predtým, ako boli vedení do toho rímskeho cirkusu, začali kráčať hore do vrchu, viete, hore tým malým príjazdom a išli do jamy s levmi a hovorili, „Ó, kráčame na Sion, ten nádherný, nádherný Sion.“

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

Vrch Sion ponúka
tisíc tajomstiev sladkých
kým dosiahneme nebies polia
dosiahneme nebies polia
či ulice zo zlata, ulice zo zlata.

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

195Opakujte po mne. Pane Bože, [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Pane Bože.“ - pozn. Prekl.] zaväzujem sa ti nanovo, [„zaväzujem sa ti nanovo“] očisti ma od každej nespravodlivosti, [„očisti ma od každej nespravodlivosti“] očisti ma od všetkej pochybnosti v Tvoje Slovo. [„očisti ma od všetkej pochybnosti v Tvoje Slovo“] Dovoľ mi od tejto Veľkej noci [„Dovoľ mi od tejto Veľkej noci“] byť novým stvorením [„byť novým stvorením“] v Kristu Ježišovi, [„v Kristu Ježišovi“] Nech nesiem vo svojom srdci [„Nech nesiem vo svojom srdci“] Tvoje Slovo. [„Tvoje Slovo“] Nech je lampou mojím nohám, [„Nech je lampou mojím nohám“] ktorá osvieti moju cestu, [„ktorá osvieti moju cestu“] odteraz [„odteraz“] Ťa budem nasledovať, [„Ťa budem nasledovať“] v Ježišovom Mene. [„v Ježišovom Mene“] Amen. [„Amen.“]

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

Kráčame na Sion, nádherný, nádherný Sion,
kráčame na horu
 Sion, to prekrásne mesto Božie.

196Či to nespôsobuje, že sa cítite dobre? Nanovo sme sa zaviazali, vediac, že vo svojich srdciach sme boli oživení z mŕtvych, privedení do života. Či to nerobí, že sa cítite dobre? Ó, milujem vás tou nezomierajúcou láskou.

Počúvajte, milujte jeden druhého, pretože nemôžeš nemilovať svojho brata, ktorého vidíš, a povedať, že miluješ Boha, ktorého si nevidel. Rozumiete? Len milujte jeden druhého.

Potom, keď slúžite jeden druhému, slúžite Bohu. Je to tak? „Čo ste urobili jednému z týchto mojich najmenších, ktorí majú tú oživujúcu moc v sebe, Mne ste urobili.“

„Kedy sme ťa videli v potrebe? Kedy sme ťa navštívili vo väznici, kedy sme urobili tieto veci?“

„Čo ste im urobili, mne ste urobili.“

197Či to nie je nádherné? Milujem Ho a vy?

198Ó, existuje ešte jedna pieseň, ktorú musíme zaspievať, ak máte ešte minútku času. Ó, dobre, vezmeme ich teda. V poriadku, tak v poriadku. Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš. Nezabudnite to, priatelia. Spievajme to teraz všetci. Každý jeden a spolu, len v jednom veľkom srdci, vezmite to Jemu. Vezmime to so všetkým, čo je v nás.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,
Dieťa smútku, bolesti.
Dá ti radosť, potešenie,

vezmi Ho, kde len vykročíš.

Vzácne Meno, aké sladké
Nádej Zeme, radosť neba,
vzácne Meno, nádherné,

Nádej Zeme, radosť Neba.

199Pamätajte teraz, modlite sa za mňa, kedy dujú tieto horúce vetry prenasledovania, keď diabli na každom rohu vyzývajú a ja budem pamätať, že vy sa za mňa modlíte dňom i nocou, a ja sa budem modliť za vás.

Stojte za svojím dobrým pastorom, bratom Neville a jeho zástupcom, bratom Cappsom. Počúvajte ich, budú vás vyučovať Slovo Života. Verím tomu. Ak by som tomu neveril, istotne by som ich tu nemal, istotne nie. Verím, že oni veria tomu posolstvu a zostanú s ním podľa najlepšej známosti a ja mám vieru v nich oboch. Zostaňte s nimi, títo ostatní bratia, kde majú naokolo svoje zhromaždenia, ktorí sa tu dnes večer postavili, ak ste blízko ich susedstva, stojte s nimi. Počuli ste, kvôli čomu sem dnes večer prišli.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,
Dieťa smútku, bolesti.
Dá ti radosť, potešenie,

vezmi Ho, kde len vykročíš.

Vzácne Meno, aké sladké

Drahý Bože, uzdrav týchto ľudí, modlím sa ku Tebe v Ježišovom Mene. Udeľ to, Pane, modlím sa.

...aké sladké!
Nádej Zeme, radosť neba.

Až sa zídeme zas, spolu zas
pri Ježišových nohách,
až sa zídeme zas, spolu zas
Boh buď s vami, až sa zídeme zas.

Skloňme svoje hlavy.

[Brat Branham si začína hmkať, „Nech je Boh s vami. – pozn. prekl.] Ó, Bože, buď s nami, pomôž nám, Pane.

...až sa zídeme zas pri Ježišových nohách, (Kým sa stretneme!)
až sa zídeme zas, spolu zas
Boh buď s vami, až sa zídeme zas.

200To je skutočne moju modlitbou, kým sa znovu nestretneme. Nech vás Boh žehná. A teraz požiadam nášho vzácneho brata Neville, aby rozpustil toto milé zhromaždenie.

Boh vás miluje, každého jedného, som tak vďačný mať ľudí, ako ste vy všetci. Čím by bolo moje posolstvo, ak by som nemal nikoho, kto by tomu veril? A tu sú ľudia, vy by ste zomreli za toto Posolstvo. Nech vám Boh každému jednému pomôže. Moje modlitby sú s vami. Moje požehnania idú s každým jedným z vás. Nech nezabudnete, že ste časťou toho vzkriesenia. Oživujúca Moc je teraz vo vás. Je to všetko vybavené. Si Božím dieťaťom.

Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, kým nás nepríde brat Neville rozpustiť. Nech vás Boh žehná.

DOES GOD EVER CHANGE HIS MIND ABOUT HIS WORD?, 65-0418E, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 132 min

1 Let us bow our heads. Dear Lord Jesus, we are assembled again in Your Name, with great expectation for the outpouring of the quickening Power of God to bring us into recognition of our position and place, and our responsibilities, as being a called people, separated from the world, dedicated to God. Grant, Lord, tonight, that the blessings of God will guide us and direct us in the things we do or say, that it might bring honor and glory to Your Name. Amen.

2 I am happy to be back in the church tonight and to be with you dear people. And I know it's warm, but I just called my wife, I think it's ninety something there, ninety-five or ninety-six or something, and it's quite a bit warmer than it is here. So I'm getting used to the warm weather now. So, but I'm so glad to be here at the tabernacle at this wonderful Easter time.

3And I can't say that I'll apologize for that long, long Message this morning, but I... It was, I didn't want--want to wear out your patience and then come at it again tonight. But I--I wanted to--to get that Message to you, that you are a part of this resurrection. See? And don't worry about It, no more, see. Just rejoice over It! There is nothing, nowhere, can separate you from It; nothing; Eternally secured in the Kingdom of God. When God has stamped His Seal upon you, you're to the end of the destination.

4 When the government puts a seal upon a package, the railroad puts a seal on a door, that car cannot be tampered with until it reached its destination.

When God puts His Seal upon a man. And the Seal is the Holy Spirit. When He seals a man like that, he is gone to his Eternal destination. Never no more can he ever, ever go back, anymore. Cause remember, Ephesians 4:30 says, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed for all times." See, you are sealed forever. You are sealed, Eternally, into the Kingdom of God, by the Holy Spirit. Now think of that!

5 Then, you, the devil will punch at you, and he'll say everything to you, and accuse you, and--and try to make you think that you're not. But don't you listen to him.

6Now, you know you've passed from death unto Life. You know the things that you once loved, you don't love no more. You know that you have believed every Word of God. You've seen God working right among us, without... Infallible proofs that He is the great "I AM." You've notice that ever what has been said in His Name, never has one thing been prophesied in His Name but what happened just exactly the way it did. Even to science, newspaper, picture, cameras, writers, everything else, has to recognize it. See, regardless of whether they want to or not, God makes them do it, anyhow, see, to make it known.

7 Now, being a little group. Remember, it's not a big group that He comes for. "Fear not, little flock; it's your Father's good will..." See?

8I want to leave a word with you, shocking, just before we have a ordination of a minister. And this is very shocking, but just that you might know. Now, I ain't saying that this is exact to number, but I'd like to leave this with you.

9I don't know whether any peoples in here has ever seen hybreeding of cattle. Which, I don't believe in it, but I've watched it done. And I have seen them take the sperm of the male, just enough, could be touched on a little metal, like a little toothpick, and lay it upon a piece of marble. And turn those glasses which magnify it, I don't know how many times, until that sperm... Where you could see nothing with the natural eye, any ordinary glass. But when it's magnified, hundred or hundred and fifty times, you can see in that one little drop, of sperm, maybe fifty to a hundred little germs a bouncing around. Also, in the female comes as many eggs, in--in the sperm. Now, when they are--are brought together, now, the first two that meets and connects...

10 There is only one out of that million is going to live. Did you ever think of that? They are the same germ, and the same egg, both of them just alike, but there is only one going to live. And that's not determined which one beats there first. Because, sometime the egg, way back in the back, and the germ might be up in the middle of the sperm, and they'll crawl over one another. It takes an Intelligence to know whether it's going to be boy or girl, red-headed, black-headed, or whatmore. It's the election of God. It can be nothing else. Election!

11Even in the natural birth, is election, whether it's going to be boy or girl, or whatever it's going to be. And when that little germ wiggles into this little egg, and the little tails drop off, it starts the baby's spine of whatever it's after; animal, baby, or whatever it is. And the rest of those million germs... A million eggs, a million germs, and only one lives. All the same, but God chooses by election what's going to live, and the rest of them perish. One out of a million!

12 When Israel left Egypt, they all believed in one prophet's message. They seen the signs of God, by Moses. Every one of them saw them. And they each one come out of Egypt, and walked through the Red Sea, and was baptized unto Moses. Each one saw the power of God strike him, when he sang in the Spirit; and when Miriam beat the tambourine, run up-and-down the coast. Each one of them, every night, eat fresh, heavenly manna out of the skies. Each of those drank from that spiritual Rock that was smitten. And there was two million people left Egypt. How many made the promised land? Two. One out of a million! Where they all at? Jesus said they perished. "Your fathers eat manna in the wilderness, for the space of thirty years, and I say unto you that they are all dead."

13 Now there is about five hundred million Christians in the world tonight, counting Catholic, Protestant, and all. If Jesus should come in that Rapture, according to what I've just said, there would be five hundred missing in the world tonight, in the Rapture. And they probably is that every day, counting all the lands, that's never accounted for. So it could be at any time, see.

14Oh, Christians, let us buckle on the armor of God. Let us do all that we know how, to serve Him, love Him, and wait for that great time.

15 Now, there is not going to be a great millions and multitudes come out of a generation and march in. There--there can't be.

Now, remember, each day ends a generation, each day. "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man, wherein eight souls was saved by water." But each day ends a forty-year period for somebody, for some. See? And each day, so many is sealed away in the Kingdom. One day, the last day will arrive.

Let us be sure now, while we are in our right mind. And in the church, and amongst the people, where the Holy Spirit so has identified Hisself with us, let's be sure that everything is all right, and stays all right, before Him.

16Don't you stop. Don't rest, day and night, until that quickening Power has brought you from the things of the world, into the Kingdom of God. And you that truly are brought into the Kingdom of God and quickened by the Spirit of God, how happy! With tears of joy we should be on our knees, day and night, thanking God for what He's done.

17 Tonight we have a little change in the service. We have a fine brother here, Brother Capps. He come to us from the Nazarene church. And I think that is right, Brother Capps? He is wishing tonight to be ordained by us, by laying on hands.

18We do not have papers to give out to anyone, yet we're recognized as... We could have papers, but we believe that a true, ordained minister, his papers is in Heaven. See? And he--he has the rights to preach the Bible as long as God identifies his life with the Bible. We believe that's his credentials.

19And, now, Brother Capps has been ordained officially in the--the Nazarene church, but tonight he wants the elders, and so forth, to lay hands upon him for ordination, to carry this Message. What a gallant thing!

20 I have--I have heard the reports ever since I been in Tucson, and such wonderful reports, of Brother Capps here in his assistance to our gracious Brother Neville, who is holding the candle of Light just as gallantly as these two man can hold. We have laid hands on Brother Neville, but not upon Brother Capps. And I want those who are ministers, Brother Jackson and them, if they're here, and Brother Ruddell and the elders of the church here, if they'll come up here just for a few minutes now, and laying hands on Brother Capps. And the...

21Now we find, in the Bible, that that's the way they did it, they lay hands upon them and set them apart then. And that's the way they did Timothy. Said, "By this gift that was in thee, from the grandmother Lois..." They had noticed it, that there was a gift in the man, had come to him by the presbyters, by laying on of hands.

22 Now, latter-day brethren, latter-day-rain brethren, got, though, that mixed up. They thought they gave him a gift, by doing that. No, the gift was already in him, and they just laid their hands upon him as a sanction that they believed that God had already put the gift in him. And they sanctioned it, by laying on of hands.

23And these men here in this church, that I believe that's possessed in their soul with His quickening Power; if you brothers will come up just now, Brother Ruddell and all the rest of you that's here in the church, and the elders and sister churches around, to lay hands upon Brother Capps, that he might be ordained by our sanction, before this audience, and sent out to preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus, wherever God may call him. He becomes...

He is already one of us, by Birth. He is one of us because he has believed the Message. He is one of us because that--that he stands for the Truth of the Word. And we want Brother Capps to be officially ordained, before you, by laying on of hands, that he is one of us.

Okay, Brother Ruddell, Brother Capps, Brother Neville. Brother Junior Jackson, any of them other ministers here, I don't know just how many there is. I don't... I guess they got their own services tonight. So come right up here, Brother Capps.

Now where is Brother Hunter and them from New York, I... Brother Anthony? I guess they have gone back. [Brother Neville says, "There is Brother Anthony back there."--Ed.]

Any of you others that's here, that's with us, why, we would be glad for you to come up here and stand with us now, as a recognition that we believe Brother Capps to be.

How many of you here know Brother Capps, raise your hand. All right, put your hand down. How many believe he's a servant of God, raise your hands. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We love him, as our brother.

24 Now this is not exactly a correct way of what we would call ordination, but I want this audience... I couldn't sing this song, but I want you to help me try it. That...

25One day a prophet went down to the altar, in the temple. And while he was there at the temple... He had been a good man, but he had just been laying upon the arms of Uzziah the king, and he was a--he was a good man. But yet, one day, at the temple, he saw something, when he fell into a vision, that he had never saw before. He saw Angels, with wings, flying back and forth, through the building, crying, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!"

Come on, brother. Yeah. See?

"Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!"


26 And when he did, the posts of the temple moved out. And he said, "Woe is me! for I'm a man of unclean lips." In the Presence of God he recognized, that even though being a prophet, he had been wrong. He said, "I'm a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among people with unclean lips."

27And one of the Angels flew, and took a coal of Fire and touched his lips, and said, "Prophesy, son of man!"

Would you give us a chord on that, sister, if you will. How many knows this song? Let's, one verse. All right.

When the coal of Fire had touched the prophet,

Making him as pure as pure can be,

When the voice of God said, "Who will go for us?"

Then he answered, "Here am I, send me."

[]... speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I'll be quick to answer Thee;

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

Millions now in sin and shame are dying;

Listen to their sad and bitter cry;

Hasten, brother, hasten to their rescue;

Quickly answer, "Master, here am I."

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I'll be quick to answer Thee;

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

Let the elders walk around now and lay hands upon Brother Capps. Let's all bow our heads.

28 Dear God, the temple posts has moved again, and as seeing the Spirit of the quickening Life working in our brother. I pray, God, as he feels this from Above, that says that he must go. We lay hands upon him, as Your elders, Lord, and give to him the right hand of fellowship; and lay our hands upon him, and pass the blessings of God upon him, that You'll anoint his lips, his thinking, his entire being. And may he take this Message of the Gospel to every crack and corner that You'll call him to. Grant it, Lord. We give You our brother, as a servant of Yours, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

29"Preach the Word," my young brother. "Be in season, and out of season; reprove, rebuke, with all long-suffering and Doctrine." God bless you, brother.

30 [Brother Ben Bryant says, "Brother Branham, would you lay hands on me? Would they lay hands on me? I'd like to be ordained."--Ed.] Have you... I didn't know you hadn't.

Brother Ben, here, has come to us. I think he's been preaching for some time. Yet, he hasn't been officially (I thought he had; that's the reason I called him up) ordained, or hands laid on him here.

31Now, Brother Ben's wife is here somewhere, and she is a dear person. She was a woman preacher. And when she and our brother were married, and he brought her to the tabernacle, when she seen and heard the Word, yet a fine little lady with a fine personality, but when she seen that it was wrong for the women to do that, she laid aside; and it seemed to fall upon her husband. That's correctly. That's apostolic. That's the way it should be.

32Brother Ben takes the tapes, as I understand, with his wife. They go into the re-... out-of-way places, way back into the mountains, into the jungles, and they play these tapes and comment on the tapes. Many times they are run out, cast out, throwed out. We expect that. "For all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions."

33 How many here knows Brother Ben? How many believes him to be God's servant, [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] worthy of this blessing that we'll ask of God for him? See, he is not a stranger. He has been with us for years and years. I know him as a man of humility. He is like me; he makes many mistakes. We all do that. What I like about Brother Ben, he is willing to crawl on his knees to make it right.

And when he heard, the other day, on Marriage And Divorce, he and his wife was ready to separate, because that he loves her, and she loves him, but they want to cope with the Word of God. Whatever the Word said, that's what they wanted. I pray that God will bless Ben and his wife, to His service.

Let's lay our hands upon our brother.

34 Dear God, we lay our hands upon our Brother Ben, by a sign that we love him. And we believe, Lord, that he is willing to do a work for You, to be sent out with these tapes, to play them among some mountain people in the way away places where probably many of us would never get, but yet the Message must go to all the world. We pray that You will bless our brother, and give to him Your Spirit, and may It come upon him. And guide him, and direct him and his wife to those places where maybe that one soul is way out there, and the doors cannot close until that one sheep is brought in. Thou art not satisfied with ninety and nine. The... Every name that's on the Book must be brought in. Help them, Lord, as we lay hands upon him, as associating him with us as our brother. And our help and prayer for him, will go with him. And we pray that You'll bless him, Lord, wherever he goes. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Bless you, Brother Ben! The right hand of fellowship we give you, as minister brothers. God bless you, brother.

35 [Brother Earl Martin says, "Brother Branham, would you lay hands on me, ordain me to work as a pastor?"--Ed.] John Martin... ["Earl."] Earl.

How many knows Earl Martin? How many believes him to be a servant of Christ? He comes to us from a... I believe the, originally, from a Pentecostal group, and now I think he pastors and does a independent work.

36I've knowed Earl to be a real servant of Christ. I'll never forget one act, many has been, but one act with Earl. I remember one night they called him when I was in Dallas, Texas; or I--I believe, no, it was... [A sister says, "Beaumont."--Ed.] Beaumont, Texas, is right, sister. And they--they... His baby was laying, dying, and they thought it was already dead. It wasn't breathing no more. And Earl made his way around to my room, as a daddy, bending shoulders, stooped down before me, as I was in bed. Rolled out; he put his arms around me and said, "Brother, I believe you are God's prophet. I've always believed that. And if you'll just say the word, though my baby is dead, yet shall it live." And his baby come back to life, is living.

37 Do you believe he is worthy of the right hand of fellowship of these believers? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Let us pray, brothers, as we lay hands on him.

38Gracious Heavenly Father, we lay hands, again, on our Brother Martin. We send him, Lord, to the utmost parts that Thou has ordained that he should go; wherever it is, many or few, by-ways, highways, hedges, if it be. Wherever it is, Lord, may Your blessings be with him. We lay our hands upon him as we bid him Your speed and give him our blessings, that the Spirit that's upon us, Lord, may go with him, and will guide him and direct him to the lost souls out in the hedges and highways. We send him, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you, Brother Martin. Go now, and the Lord be with you.

39 For the same purpose? [Brother Richard Blair speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Richard is your name? ["Right. Richard Blair."] How many know Richard Blair? How many believe him to be a servant of God? He comes from the--the group of the United Pentecostal church.

And brother, Brother Blair, I remember a great calling, of his. I remember the time where Brother Blair would not, didn't want to believe me, because that there was a spirit working with him, telling him that I was false. And while he was setting right in the meeting, the Holy Spirit turned around and called it out. [Brother Blair says, "That's right."--Ed.] And he was just about ready for a--a breakdown, and that's what got him in that shape.

And I remember his lovely wife calling me one day. She said, "Brother Branham, I believe Richard is going to die." And she had, I believe, a scarf. She went and laid it on him, as I asked her, and prayed. Here he is. [Brother Blair says, "Amen."--Ed.]

40A little baby had been in an accident, or... [Brother Blair says, "My boy."--Ed.] His boy, in an accident, that they didn't give much hope for it, with a concussion of the brain. And with prayer, even by the phone, the baby was made well. ["Amen."]

Do you believe Brother Blair is a true witness of Christ? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You pray that your blessings go with him.

Brethren, lay your hands on him.

41 Dear God, to identify our gracious and noble brother, Your servant, that has even come from his own group, to walk in Light. Father, we pray that You'll bless our Brother Blair, as we send him with our blessings and our sanction, by our hands upon him, to wherever You may call him, Lord, to whatever work it may be. May Your Spirit go with Brother Blair. Guide him and direct him to the lost and dying of this world, that he may help find that lost sheep, that he might bring it back to the fold. Wherever it might be, whatever You have for him, Lord, we just ask that Your Spirit guide him and direct him throughout his life's journey. We are his brethren. In giving him the right hand of fellowship, we ask You to go with him, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

The right hand of fellowship! God bless you, Brother Blair. We are with you, one hundred percent, pray for you and will do anything we can to help you along. God bless you.

42 [Brother Merlin Anthon says, "It's the same for me, Brother Branham, for ordination."--Ed.] What say? ["Ordination."] Who are you? ["Merlin Anthon."] Merlin Anthon. ["I'm in the church."] Where? ["Here in the church."] In the church. Anybody know Brother Merlin Anthon? He is new, to me. ["With the Salvation Army. Remember me?"] Oh, yes. Pardon me, brother.

From the Salvation Army, that's right, I remember him. Sure, I know him now. I just... His face didn't look familiar to me just then, at this time. How many knows him to be a man of God? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] How many believes that--that God is working with him, raise your hand. ["Amen."] Will you pray for him? ["Amen."]

43Now, brother, we know that you coming from a great group of people, Salvation Army, they're a great people. But, and, but the Salvation Army does do a great work out on the street. We can say nothing against the Nazarene, the Pentecostal church, or the Salvation Army, or any of them; they are our brethren. But, you see, we believe that we are carriers of a great Message for this very hour that we're living in. You want to do that with us? [Brother Anthon says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Let us bow our heads while we lay our hands on our brother.

44 Dear Heavenly Father, You are the One that does the calling. You are the One that quickens the Word, so that they can believe. And we lay our hands upon our precious brother, as a sanction that we believe that You are with him and will help him. We send our blessings with him, that we who believe that we've passed from death unto Life and now hold quickening Power in our hearts, by the grace of God. We lay hands upon our brother and send him with our blessings, that You will lead him and guide him and direct him to every crevice of the earth, Lord, that You have ordained for him to go. May Your Spirit go with him and give him health, strength, and success in his ministry, for we send him in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

45God bless you, brother. That's the right hand of fellowship, you know, brothers shake hands with him, brethren like that. So that's you're... All right, the Lord bless you all.

46 [Brother Carrell says, "I--I never was done, officially. Want you to lay your hands on me, as those, in the Name of Jesus."--Ed.] You, whatever you wish. And yours... ["Time to be, and for same as them."] Now what's your name? ["Brother Carrell, from Cincinnati."] Brother Carrell.

[Brother Carrell says, "I was an ordained minister, but I couldn't agree with the brother who was ordaining women as ministers, and I had to break off from it."--Ed.]

This is Brother Carrell from Cincinnati. Anybody know Brother Carrell, raise your... Being from Cincinnati, I doubt it, that anybody know. He says that he was with a group, and the group wanted to ordain women ministers. He couldn't stand it, and he had to break away from them.

That's exactly how I broke away from the Missionary Baptists. Doctor Roy E. Davis, how many ever heard him? Sure, you did, see. He wanted to ordain some women preachers, and I said, "No, sir. As an elder," I said, "I cannot do that, consciously. It's against the Word of God."

47I don't know you, Brother Carrell. But upon the basis of your testimony, and that Truth that you stand for... We have nothing against those women. They are sisters. We love them. But we believe that they got their place, and that they must stay. See? And we believe that they are a darling to a man, a helpmate. And by no means... We think they're the greatest gift, outside of salvation, that God ever give a man. But she's got no place in the pulpit, according to the Word of God. Upon that basis, and your faith in God, we lay hands on you, as fellowship, to come go with us.

Let us lay our hands on him.

48 Our dear Heavenly Father! This young man, I can just about know how he feels. He's been pushed out because of the real Truths. That, "Man shall live not by bread alone, but by every Word." So we lay hands on him, placing our blessings upon him. May Your Spirit lead him, guide him, and direct him throughout life's journey to wherever You may send him, Lord. Let him know that we are praying for him, and will be a help to him, and support him as long as he will stand for the Truth. Grant it, Lord. We send him, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you, Brother Carrell.

You just get them hands laid on, the different ones. All of you give kind of the right hands of fellowship for that.

49 Brother Ruddell, here, has never officially been ordained here at the church. Can... How many knows Brother Ruddell? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We all know him. How many knows he's a man of God? ["Amen."]

Dear Heavenly Father, we, as Your elders, lay hands upon this brother who has moved through deep, muddy waters. He has seen his congregation falling off. He's seen everything take place, but yet believe. Though the...?... We lay our hands upon him, and pass our blessings to him...?... Anoint him, Lord, mightily, with the Word, Lord, and send him to every crevice of the earth!...?... may be upon him and help him. And send him, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

50Brother Ruddell, you've always got a right hand of fellowship. I know Brother Ruddell. Seems like--like my own boy. His daddy and I, mother, have knowed one another so long. And I know Brother Ruddell to be a servant of God. I've served with him. God bless you, Brother Ruddell.

51 What's his name? Who are you, brother? [Someone says, "Brother-in-law to Brother Martin."--Ed.] Brother Martin, you know him, Brother Martin?

What's your name? [The brother says, "Rev. McComas."--Ed.] Brother McComas. I guess there's no one here knows him, but he is a... Yes, this man here knows him, Brother Tyler. And he comes to be... have hands laid upon him, that he'll be a carrier of the Gospel. Brother McComas, where you from, Brother McComas? ["Rockford, Illinois."] Rockford, Illinois. ["You called my home, last week, or last Monday night, and prayed for my wife."] Oh, is that right? From Tucson. ["Tucson, Arizona."] Oh, I remember the call now. ["She got up the next morning."] Praise the Lord!

[Brother Martin says something to Brother Branham--Ed.] What say? ["My youngest sister."] Your sister. ["She is here now. Was paralyzed."] So, she is here now, was prayed for, the other night, from Tucson, by telephone. ["Paralyzed."] Par-... ["She was paralyzed, and she is here now."] She was paralyzed, a few nights ago, and she is here now. Brother Martin knows it, friend. No wonder he wants to take the Message!

Let us lay hands upon, brethren.

52 Dear God, I lay hands, with these others, upon Your servant, and give to him the right hand of fellowship, praying that the blessings of God will...?... [Brother Branham's statements cannot be heard clearly--Ed.]...?... that You've ordained him to be. Your blessing be on him, and guide him and direct him, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

The right hand of fellowship, my brother, and those be with you. God be with you.

53 [Someone says, "Brother Branham?"--Ed.] Yes, brother? ["I have one more that wants this also."] All right, sir. I believe this is... ["Brother Darris."] Brother Darris. I don't... ["I know Brother Earl and Brother Brewer."] This man is Brother Darris. Where you from, brother? ["Black Rock, Arkansas."] Black Rock, Arkansas. Brother... ["I know him, brother."]... known him. Someone else, I believe, here, said... Brother Brewer. I believe I met them, this morning. And--and Sister Vayle, I guess, Brother Vayle, and them who know him, and know him to be a man of God, a servant of God. Wonderful!

54Well, now, my dear brother, to be a carrier of the Message, we want you to know that we'll stand behind you, do everything that we can. We'll be praying for you, that you also will carry this Message to the utmost parts of wherever God has ordained you to go.

Let us lay our hands on our Brother Darris.

Dear God, now we lay our hands upon our brother, giving him the right hand of fellowship, and send him in the Name of Jesus Christ, that You'll anoint him. And...?... give him the right hand of fellowship!...?... And Your Spirit go with him, and guide him and direct him, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you, brother.

55 I--I believe, Brother Anthony. Many of you know Brother Anthony. He has been here with us a long time. I know him to be a servant of Christ, myself. I believe he's a dedicated young man. He's never officially had hands laid on him. He didn't know this was coming, friends. See? But right now is good as any. So we're going to lay hands on Brother Anthony and just give him the right hand of fellowship. God has to do the ordaining. This is just to let him know, and you know, that we believe this brother and we love him, and he's one of us, in the Message. And we want him to have God's blessings, and that's what we ask on him. Let's pray, as we lay our hands on, brother.

56 Dear God, this humble little, Italian servant of Yours, Lord, comes tonight, that to--to have hands laid upon him, and the right hand of fellowship, officially, extend unto him, from the church. Lord, Your great Power send this young boy to the far end of the earth, in the crevice that you've called him to. And may he go and deliver them people from sin and sickness, and to serve You, Lord, all the days of his life. May You lead him, guide him. May our blessings be with him, as we send him, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

God bless you.

57 [Someone speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Huh? Oh, I don't know. We're on a telephone hookup; fifty cents a minute. Was there somebody else here was want...

Step up here and call your names, who you are, brethren, just through the microphone, right up here. Just tell them. [Each brother says his own name, "Pat Tyler," "Claude Boggess," "Dale Potter," "...?... Henasey," "James Humes," "Earl Horner."--Ed.] Is that them? [Someone says, "Yes."] My brethren.

These men, do you believe this Message to be the Truth from God's Word? [The brethren say, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe that with all your heart? ["Amen."] All right. And you are desirous, and think if we lay hands upon you... We want you to know that we are with you, and we'll do anything that we can do to help you.

And now I want you brethren, so that I can lay hands on them too, to step right up here now. And let's all bow our heads, as we lay hands on them.

Dear God, here is a group of man. I lay my hands upon each of them, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And may You, Who has called them to be ministers, that may they a preach It, Lord, all the days of their life. And...?... preach the Gospel to every creature. We give to them the right hand of fellowship, and pray Your blessings to be with them, Lord, as we bless them, send our blessings. May it go to every crevice of the earth that you've called them to go to. May they work and serve You in the capacity that You called them to. May they be gallant and real servants of God. Grant it, Lord. And we ask it in Jesus Christ's Name.

58 God bless you, each, brothers. God bless you. God bless you, brother. God bless you. God bless you, Brother Humes. The Lord be with you, each one.

Blest be the tie that binds

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred mind

Is like to that Above.

59Isn't He wonderful? Just think now, how many ministers is here tonight to have hands laid upon them!

60I didn't know that we were on this telephone hookup. If the people out there will forgive me for that; I didn't know it. See? I just didn't know they was going to hook this little Message up tonight. But we're...

61 Now we'll read the Word and pray, and get straight into this Message that I feel that the Holy Spirit would have me to bring to you tonight.

62And now while we are turning back in the... for the text, I'll announce it in a moment. Let's turn to Numbers, the 22nd chapter, verse 31. Numbers 22:31, for a text. While you're turning, if you like to read, read it or mark it.

63I want you all remember me now, until I get to see you again, I hope, sometime this summer, the Lord willing. And if anything happens, I don't get to go overseas, I'll be back. But we are now believing that, how all this has worked around, that the Holy Spirit is going to send us now on a way that He has chosen for Himself to send us. And that's the way we want to do it. The Lord bless!

64Father, we're about to read Your Word. Will You bless It and anoint It to our understanding, we ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

65The Book of Numbers, the 22nd chapter and the 31st verse.

And the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face.

66Now, in the reading of this, to build a context around it, I want to take the subject: Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word?

67That's quite a text, and it's a great Truth that we ought to understand. Can God say anything and then say, "I'm sorry I said it"? Can God take His Word back, after He said It?

68 Now, in this statement here, the reason I chose this statement, was because it's one of the statements of the Bible that a reader, trying to see, or try to say that God does change His mind; this would be more like that He changed His mind than any place in the Bible, I know of, because He told Balaam one thing and then told him another. And now, many people has tried to make Balaam just a, oh, a soothsayer or something. But Balaam was not a soothsayer. He was a prophet of the Lord.

69Now, we'll kind of get the outline of the Message, first. Israel was in their journey from Pales-... going to Palestine, coming from Egypt. And the Lord was with them, and they were... Every enemy that had raised up before Israel was moved out of the way, for God said He would send hornets before them and would drive out the enemy, as long as they walked in obedience to His command. The job was never too big. The Amalekites, the giants of the day, meant nothing to Israel. Though they were small man in stature, but they were walking in THUS SAITH THE LORD. So no matter what the opposition was, God always seen that His Words of promise never failed Israel.

70 And Israel of the Old Testament is a type of the Bride of the New Testament, coming up out of the--the world, marching on the road to Canaan, or the Canaan that we go to, the Millennium.

71Now, now, we notice Moab here is a type of the church. And Moab... They had just slew some kings and had routed the enemy, killed off everything, possessed the land, and moved up by Moab. Now, Moab was by no means a heathen nation. Moab was a nation that served the same God that Israel served. And the land of Moab was originally started with Lot's son, by his own daughter. And he, being the founder of this nation, and had organized his celebrities and so forth, and made a great nation out of it, and they had multiplied and went on.

72And, now, Israel was of the seed of Abraham, not of Lot. Israel come out of Isaac, Jacob. And Israel sprung out of those twelve tribes from Jacob, which was later called "Israel," because he wrestled with the Lord. And Moab here...

73 Now, in this, and you people out in the--on the telephones, I want to first say that I--I do not wish to be critical, and I hope I'm not. But, the Message that's been given to me, I must be faithful to that Message, or I'll be a hypocrite. See? I--I can't say no more than what I am sent to say.

And I--I am thinking that the great enemy of the Christian society today is the organized churches. I do believe with all my heart that it'll finally form into the mark of the beast, which I can, think I can prove that by the Bible with God's help. I have already done it. That, it will form into the mark of the beast, in the federation of the churches. Because, God never did, at any time, ever recognize a ordained church, organized church, never. He never did do it.

And every time that man made an organization, the Spirit of God left it and never did return again. Ask any historian, or you may be a reader yourself. Never! When they organized, God laid it on the shelf, and that's where it went; it stayed, from then on. They growed in members, but never a wakening of the Spirit; never, no more.

74 Moab, here, is a type of such, because they were a--a organized nation; in their own land, like in their denomination. And there had their own religions, and their religion was the same religion that Israel had. They were Moabites and believed in Jehovah God, but they was an organized group of people.

75And, now, as they represent the natural church, Israel represents the spiritual church in its journey. Now, Israel was not an organized nation. As long as they followed God, they were independent. They come up, sojourners, no place to go. Wherever the Pillar of Fire went, they went with It. They were not a organized nation. They had a organism among them, because circumcision gave them that under the commandment by God, but never an organized nation at this time. When they finally become an organized nation, that's where they fell and rejected their Messiah.

76 And now we find, always, that when these natural and spiritual, spirits of churches and organizations, meet, there is always a clash. It's never failed to be so. It always clashes. Because, we find that in there is a jealousy. And there... In this jealousy, it causes carnal comparisons, impersonations. And we find it in today, as it was then. When God does something for an individual, everybody tries to copy just like God did for that person. See, it causes a competition, and it makes carnality. And then if they cannot, the other side, get the spiritual results, then they take it by a political power, or they substitute something, to upset the people's minds, to draw disciples after themselves.

77That's exactly what took place at the very beginning; as Cain and Abel, both boys here on earth. And when Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, and God vindicated Abel, by coming down and receiving his sacrifice; it caused jealousy with Cain, because he was jealous of his brother, and slew his brother.

78 It started at the beginning, that when the natural and the spiritual, yet Cain and Abel worshiped the same God. They both built the same kind of altars. And they both worshiped the same God, at the same church, same altar. But Cain, by carnal reasoning, brought in the fruits of the land and laid them upon the altar as a sacrifice, thinking that surely that this would answer to God for an atonement. So he must have brought in, as people think today, "apples that Adam and Eve took, that caused the sin." And, whatever, I think now they got it down to a "pomegranate" or something now. Some of them said, not long ago, it was something else.

79And, but Abel had the right sacrifice. He knowed that it was blood that did it, so he brought a lamb. And when God received his, now, Abel, by faith, by revelation, no other way. There was no Bible written. So, you see, the beginning of righteousness is God's revealed Truth, and the entire Church of the living God is built upon that.

80 Jesus, one day, coming off the mount, said to His disciples, "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"

"One said You're 'Moses' and the other one say You're 'Elias' and You're 'Jeremias, or one of the prophets.'"

He said, "But who do you say that I am?"

81That's when the apostle Peter, inspired of God, quickened by the Spirit, made that tremendous statement, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

82Notice the statement. "Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas, flesh and blood has not revealed this to you. My Heavenly Father has revealed this to you. Thou art Simon. Upon this rock..."

What rock? Now, the Catholic says, "Upon Peter, the rock, little stone." And the Protestant says, "Upon Christ, the Rock."

Not to be different; but it was upon the revelation that Peter had, Who He was. "No man can come to Me," said Jesus, "except My Father draws him. And all the Father has given Me will come to Me."

"Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God."

83"Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas; flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in Heaven. Upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell can't prevail against it." Spiritual revealed Word of God!

84 Notice, Abel, by faith in God, offered a more excellent sacrifice. And the carnal believer thought that it was the works of his own hands, that, and his fruits and his beautiful offering that he brought, that God would recognize, and it made a clash.

We find that Abraham and Lot had to clash.

85We find that Moses and--and Dathan, Korah, had the same clash.

Moses, being a ordained prophet with the Word of the Lord, vindicated that he was chosen to be their leader of the hour, and that Abraham had promised all these things, and here Moses did exactly what God said it would be, take place.

And Korah, being carnal, wanted to raise up an organization among them. He wanted to make a group of men. And God doesn't deal with people like that. It shows right there, in that Scripture, a type of the journey today, that organization is not what God ordains. For, as soon as Korah done it, he said to Moses, "You take too much upon yourself." In other words, "The whole congregation is holy! Why, you say you're the only holy man. You have no right to do any such as that. You try to make yourself somebody big. We're all holy. We're all God's children."

86And Moses just turned his head and walked away. He said, "Lord, what will I do?"

87God said, "Separate yourself from him. I've had enough of it." And He swallowed him up in the earth.

88 See, there was a clash. When the carnal and the spiritual meets, there is always a clash. When Judas and Jesus met, there was a clash; One, the Son of God; the other one, the son of Satan. Just like Cain and Abel, there was a clash when they met. One of them was the treasurer of the church, and the other One a Pastor. And as now, we come in this day, to the same thing again. The carnal denomination to the spiritual Bride of Christ. The spiritual Bride of Christ is so much different from the carnal organizations, till there's no comparison in them at all.

89 Now notice, the natural always tries to type the spiritual. But, as in Jacob and Esau, it will not work. It would not. Now, when it come to doing good works, I--I believe that Esau actually was a better man than Jacob, in the sight of man. He tried to take care of his daddy; he was blind, a prophet. And all these things that he tried to do, but yet Esau didn't think about that being just carnal work. He thought he could get in by what he done, do something good for somebody, which was all right. But Jacob, his whole soul was to get that birthright, and that's what God recognized in him spiritual.

90 Notice, and it's always caused the natural to hate the spiritual. It caused Cain to hate Abel. It caused Korah to hate Moses. It caused Judas to hate Jesus. And on and on it goes. It causes the natural to hate the spiritual, just as Cain at the beginning hated Abel, the one that God received the sacrifice from, and tries to destroy them.

Even they try to destroy the influence. They try to destroy everything, because it's nothing but jealousy. It started in Cain and proved that it was jealousy, and it's still the same thing today when the natural (the carnal) and the spiritual meet together. It proves it's Satan, no other way, because jealousy comes from Satan. And then causes an impersonation of the Truth, somebody to try to impersonate something that isn't, they are not ordained to do. How much of that have we seen in these last days! Oh, my, how much of it!

91So we see God does for-... not forever change His mind about His original Word. But, who He calls, that's who He ordains. No one else can take that place. No one could take Moses' place. No matter how many Korah's raised up, and how many Dathan's; it was Moses, God had called, regardless.

92 But, and if the people won't walk in His perfect will, He does have a permissive will He'll let you walk in. Notice, He permits it, all right, but He will make it work out for His glory, in His perfect will. Now if you'd like...

93Just like, in the beginning, it was not God's perfect will for children to be born on the earth through sex. No, sir. God created man out of the dust of the earth, breathed the breath of life into him, and he become a living soul. He took from that man a helpmate, and made a wife to him. That was God's first and original will. But when sin come in and did the thing that it did, then He permitted man to marry a wife, legally, and have children by her. "Multiply and replenish the earth, then, if that's the way you're going to do it." But, you see, it never was His perfect will.

94 Therefore, all these things that had a beginning has to have an end. All sin has to come to annihilation. All sin has to be done away with. Therefore, in the great Millennium when the resurrection comes, we will not have to be reborn again by our fathers and mothers, but God like He did in the beginning will call man from the dust of the earth, and his helpmate with him. That's right. That's the way He did it at the beginning.

95So therefore, God never changes His mind about anything, but He will permit you to go on. Now, this is a long ways around to get to what I want to say here about this. But, and, but, it's, you'll... I want you to understand it. See? God will permit you to do something, and even bless you in doing it, but still it isn't His perfect will.

96 God permitted Israel to take a law, in Exodus the 19th chapter. When grace had already give them a prophet, Pillar of Fire, a sacrifice lamb, a delivering power, but they cried out for a Law. It wasn't God's will, but it was injected because man wanted it. And he was cursed by the very law that he wanted.

97It's best to have God's will. That's what He taught us. "Thy will be done. Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done." We must submit ourselves to His will and His Word. Don't question It. Believe It. Don't try to find a way around It. Just take It the way It is.

So many wants to go around, get some other way. And when you do, you find yourself going on, you find God blessing you, but you're working in His permissive will and not in His perfect, Divine will.

98He permits it, as I said, but He will not--He will not let it be His perfect will; but He'll make it work to honor and bless His perfect will. And childbearing, by sex, is one of that.

99 Now notice, Moab, to begin with, was a illegitimate nation. It started out, illegitimate, yet by a--a father believer and a daughter believer.

Just exactly, if you will type that and use a spiritual mind, you can see that denomination standing there just as plain as anything. Sure. See, the whole thing is altogether wrong. And, look, when it's brought, started like that, it can never... It keeps, like a ball of snow, it just keeps rolling more and more and more. You get one error, and start on that one error, and you just keep rolling one thing after another, and one thing like another, all after another.

100And that's the way the church started. That's the way it started at Nicaea, Rome, when the Roman Catholic church... At the very beginning, where it come from, was Pentecost. But when they organized and brought in the celebrity, into the church, they started to making, having prayers, and running beads, and--and praying for the dead, and all these other things. And then it just started rolling, from one error to another, one error to another, until look where it's gone to. There is not one representation of pentecost in it, at all. See? It's one error picking up another, picking up another. There is only one thing to do, that's, clean off the record and go back to the beginning.

101When, Martin Luther started off with justification. This ought to be the further advanced, Lutheran church. See? If... Luther, when he organized, he could not take Wesley's sanctification, because he was organized; and the men wouldn't stand for it, so the Spirit moved out of it.

102 Now, Lot's group here; or, Moab was Lot's daughter's child, illegitimate to start with. Now notice, as the natural church, Moab, represents the natural denomination.

Israel represents the spiritual Church. Israel, there was a church true, was the bride of that day, called out of Egypt, and vindicated to be the truth.

103Notice when they, them two come together. Both of them offered the same sacrifice, both built, saw seven altars, both offered up clean sacrifice, ox. And they even offered up rams, testifying that there was a coming Messiah. Fundamentally, they were both exactly the same. Israel, down here in the valley; Moab, up on the hill. And Moab with seven altars; Israel with seven altars. Moab with seven ox; Israel with seven ox. Moab with seven rams, speaking of the coming Messiah; Israel with seven rams.

What was the difference in them? Fundamentally, both right. But, you see, Moab did not have the vindication of God with them; they were only a nation, a group of celebrities. But Israel had a prophet with them. They had a smitten Rock with them. They had a Pillar of Fire. They had a brass serpent, for healing. They had the blessings of God moving right along with them, and they was the called-out children of God.

104 Now we find that so perfectly typed here in them churches of today. As, Moab was not so. Israel was a sojourner, from place to place; wherever that Pillar of Fire moved, they moved with It. Moab, not so; they were settled down in their own denomination, down in their own nation. They didn't move, they stayed right there. They had their celebrities. They ordained things as they should do, and they had their warriors, they had their fighters, they had their king they had, that they got their orders from, and so on.

105But Moab seen Israel with something that they didn't have. They seen a mighty power amongst Israel, and it was a prophet. And that prophet was Moses. And they knowed that when the battle went wrong, they just raised up his hands and held them up there, and the battle changed. So they didn't have such as that, so they try to match it with politics, with a political pull. They sent over to another country and hired a prophet to come over, so they could have a prophet, and would have power amongst them just like Israel had amongst them.

106Do you see the carnal comparison? Can you see the carnal church today? It's done the very same thing.

107 Notice, now, they're both going to have prophets. The only different was, Moses, the prophet of God, his King was God. That's where he got his orders, the Word of the Lord. And Balaam, he also, he had a king, and that king was Balak, the king of Moab, and that's where he got his orders and his blessings. So Moab said to Balak, "Come down," or Balaam, said, "come down and curse me this people, for they cover the whole face of the earth. They just come and lick up everything like an ox licks up the grass." Said, "Come down now. And I understand that you can curse, you can bless, whatever you do is recognized."

108Now, we want to notice that this man was a prophet ordained of God, but he sold his birthrights for political reasons. Just as the church did today, like Luther, Wesley, Pentecost, and the whole group of them, sold it out for pulls in their organization. Moses, under God; Balaam, under Balak. Yet, both prophets were called men of God, and both spiritual. Notice the difference. Each had a head; Moses' was God; Balaam, was Balak.

109 Notice here how the spiritual is applied, to prove that the natural is wrong. Moses, sent of God, in line of duty, is met and challenged by another prophet of God. Can you imagine that! Moses, called of God, ordained of God, standing in the duty of God; moved up into this cold, formal group, and was challenged by another prophet of God, what God had blessed and ordained. How would you tell the difference? They both had prophets. God spoke to both prophets.

110And some of them say, "God said, 'Do this.' God said, 'Do that.'" Now, I don't question that, but it's out of the line of God's Word. The prophet, no matter if he is a prophet, he's out of the line. So many people get deceived like that. "Oh, this brother can do this, and this brother can do that," and deny the Word?

111 "Though I speak with tongue of men and angels, though that I have gifts, that I can move mountains, though I give all my goods to feed the poor, I am yet nothing."

"Many will come to Me in that day, and say, 'Lord, Lord, have not I prophesied in Your Name? Have not, in Your Name, I've cast out devils and done mighty works?' And I will say unto them, 'Depart from, you... Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. I never even knew you.'" Yet, they come with a confession that they have did it, but Jesus said, "They were workers of iniquity." What is iniquity? Is something that you know you should do, that's right to do, and yet you don't do it. See what it's going to be in the last days?

112Hear the whole line! That was my purpose tonight. I said I'd be out at nine o'clock, but I'm going to be a little bit after, maybe. Look, that was my whole purpose, to show you this line, by the Word of God, see, that--that God has to keep His Word in order to stay God.

113 Now, we notice that both of these were spiritual men, both were prophets, both were called. And Moses, right in the line of duty, with a fresh Pillar of Fire before him every day, the Spirit of God upon him, in the line of duty. Here comes another servant of God, called of God, ordained of God, a prophet to whom the Word of God comes to. Here is the danger line. There is nobody could dispute that man being of God--of God, because the Bible said the Spirit of God spoke to him, and he was a prophet. But, you see, when he got the real answer from God, he wouldn't keep It. He didn't notice It, then he went to challenge Moses.

114 Now, Balaam sought the will of God, with all of his heart. Now, when these great men come over and said, "Balaam! Balak the king has sent, that you come to him immediately and curse this people Israel, because they're scattered all over the face of the earth, and now they're camping against me. And they've licked up every kingdom around, below them. And now we want you to come over and curse this people. Because, I understand that if you curse anyone, he is cursed." Now, you see, he was a man of God. "What you bless, is blessed." He was a servant of God.

115And Balaam now thought, being a prophet, "There is only one thing for me to do, and that's seek out what is the will of God."

116 That's the duty of a prophet, if he's called to be a prophet. First, what must a prophet do? Is seek out the will, the Word of God. He must do it. Because, being a prophet, the Word of God comes to him. The... They say, "Well, you're not a theologian." Never does the Bible say the Word of God come to a theologian. They're the one who messes It up. The Word comes to the prophet of God.

117And here was a man who was a prophet of God. And when he was hired, to be hired, to come over and curse another people of God, notice, he went to seek the will of God. And he wanted to know His perfect will, and God gave him His perfect will in the matter. His perfect will was presented to him. What was His will? "Don't you go!" That's God's first Word. "Don't go with them. Don't you try to attack My people, walking in My perfect ways."

118How that is today, want to fuss, debate, and everything else, when they see the Spirit of God working among you. And they're trying to, they've tried it for years, to smother It down. But more they try to smother It, the greater It grows. You can't curse what God has blessed. You just can't. You just can't do it.

119 So, you see, that was God's people. Now, that prophet, though he was up there and hired by the king, worked among the celebrities, and so forth. And the Word of God came to him. He sought the will of God, and the will of God spoke back to him, and said, "Don't curse this people. I blessed them."

120Now there isn't a theologian under the skies that can deny this Message that we're preaching, but what It's exactly the Word of God right in time. God has a vindicate it, in everything that's been said or done. He's proved It to be right. Now, there's no theologian, no Bible reader, no prophet, can look in that Word, if he is a prophet, he'll see the same thing. But if he doesn't see the same thing, that show's there is something wrong. Because...

121You say, "Well, oh, I could take it vice versa." So could Balak, Balaam. See? But God identified Moses.

And then what was the proof? The Word of God. And he heard the plain, clean-cut decision of God, "Don't you go. Don't try to--to curse what I've blessed. Them is My people."

But you know what? Balaam didn't like them people, to begin with. Oh, what a... How many Balaams is there in the world today! He didn't like that group, to start with.

122 Now, after he got God's clean-cut decision, "Don't you go." But, you see, instead of doing it, it was the same thing like Cain, like Korah, he was jealous, and he--he wanted to, a reason to go, anyhow.

123Notice, his denominational headquarters, after he sent back, said, "Nope, don't believe I'll go down. Don't believe I'll have anything to do with them. I won't debate with them people, 'cause God's done told me they are His people, and I don't believe I'll go." If he'd have stayed with that!

But, down in his heart, he didn't like them. See? They wasn't of his group. And anything that didn't belong in his group, "wasn't right, to begin with." See? And he looked down at them, said, "There has been some awful things them people did. Surely a holy God will curse such a people as that. They're, they're illiterate. They're not educated like us. We're a smarter people. Oh, they claim to serve God, but, look at them, what are they? A bunch of, why, a bunch of slaves, mud-daubers, that the Egyptians run out down there. Why, God would never have anything to do with a dirty bunch like that!"

124 He failed to see that smitten Rock and that brass serpent, that Pillar of Fire. He tried to judge them from a moral standpoint. He failed to see the higher call of God. By grace, by election, they were in that line, and with God's Word. And when he wanted to curse them, God said, "Don't you do it. They're Mine. Leave them alone. Don't you touch them."

125Now, so the man turned around, went back. Now watch his denominational headquarters, though, when he gets back. They sent a more influential group. This time they might have been some, instead of just regular layman, they might have been doctors of divinity come this time. They might have been bishops, or maybe state presbyters, for all... He sent a--a--a better group, and a--a little more influential group, somebody that had a little better education and could lay out the plan to him better, could make it reasonable.

126 See, that's what Cain did; he reasoned. That's what Korah did; he reasoned. It's not him that reasons.

"We cast down reasonings." We believe God, no matter what anything else says. We believe God. We don't reason what God says. You can't reason with It. You have to accept It by faith. And anything that you know, you don't have to reason any more. I don't know how He does it; I just believe He does it. I don't know how He is going to keep that promise; but He said He would do it. I believe it. I accept it on the basis that I believe that it's the Word of God.

You say, "Well, you can't get by with that." I don't know how I'll get by with it, but He said, "Say it."

I remember my Baptist pastor told me, said, "Why, Billy, you will preach to the posts in the church. Why, you think anybody will hear a thing like that?"

I said, "God has said so."

"How are you going to, with a seventh-grade education, pray for kings, and preach around the world?"

127 I said, "I don't know how I'm going to do it, but, He said so, and that's just good enough for me." See? "He said so. I don't know how it's going to be done."

He said, "Do you think the people in this great, educated world that you're going to stand up against, on this subject of Divine healing and so forth, do you think they'll believe that?"

128I said, "It ain't for me to know whether they believe It or not." I said, "My duty is to preach It. That's what He told me. He said He would be with me, and He's told me what it would do."

And it's done just exactly what He said it would do. "First, take a hold of their hands; then it'll come to pass that you'll even know the secret of their heart." And I told you about it, and it happened that way. How does it do it? I still don't know how it does it. It's none of my business how it's done; it's just done.

129 Who could explain when God told Elijah, "Go up there and set on the mount, and I'll feed you. I've ordained the--the crows to feed you"? How could a crow get a slice of bread and a piece--a piece of fish, baked, and bring it to a prophet? That's beyond anything I could explain. I don't think you can either, or nobody can. But He did it. That's all was necessary. He did it, and that's the truth of it.

How He did it, I don't know; it's none of my business. But He did it. How He made the earth, I don't know; but He did it. How He sent His Son, I don't know; but He did it. How He rose from the dead, I don't know; but He did it. How did He save me? I don't know; but He did it. That's right. How did He save you? I can't tell you; but He did it. How did He heal me? I don't know; but He did it. He promised He would do it, and He keeps His Word.

Now, Balaam should have knowed that, and he did know better.

130 Notice, this better, influential group, come, and what better? They had better gifts. And not only that, they could give him more money, and they could, offered him a better position. "Now, besides just a regular minister in the organization, we'll make you district superintendent. See? That, we'll--we'll do something for you if you'll just run that bunch of people out of there, see, and stop that." Oh, they offered him a great position. Said, "The more you bless..." Said, "You know, I'm able to promote you." Look where he's getting his words from, the head of the nation.

131 Where was Moses getting his Words from? The King of Heaven. One was the Word of God's promise, "I'll take you to the promised land, and no man will stand before you. I'll send hornets before you and drive them out, from right to left. And you're going to take the land. I've prom-... I've already give it to you. Go on, take it, possess it; it's yours." And now, see, that's Who Moses was listening to. And this man was listening until it come to something in his own heart he was jealous of, and so then he went to his ecclesiastical head. See?

132Notice, a better position. He said, "You know I'm able to promote you? I will promote you to a better place. I'll do more for you. I'll raise your wages. I'll give you a better salary." And when he offered him all of this, it blinded him.

133How many Balaams are there in the world today, that, by a better position, a better church, a promise of something! When a man gets his eyes opened to the Word and the workings of God... And that good man, who has got influence, will start out as a servant of God, and he holds a good congregation. After a while, the Holy Ghost baptism is presented to him; the baptism in Jesus' Name is presented to him, which is a Scripture and the only Scriptural way to baptize. And when it is presented to him, and the denomination knows they're going to lose him when he starts that, they offer him a better position and a change in church. See, old Balaamism, again, just exactly like it was at the beginning.

134 Now, that man who reads that Bible, he can't read It unless he sees that that's the Truth. There is nobody ever baptized using the titles of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost." It's a Catholic creed and not a Bible Doctrine. No person in the Bible was ever baptized, or three hundred years after the death of the last apostle, but what was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. The Catholic church started that, and the rest of them come to it. And any minister setting in his study and will look at that, knows that's the Truth. But, for popularity, to hold his position, better thought of among the people, he compromises.

"Well," you say, "God blessed him."

135Certainly. Some of them have got gifts of healing, some of them have great campaigns. And that rubbed right in their face, and they get the same answer from the Word of God that you or any other man would get. God doesn't change. See what I mean?

136 Balaam, for a better position, he thought. Now look, when that better group come back, the right... Balaam, here, took a phony text. See? He said... The--the better group come back, he--he ought to have said, "Get out of my presence! I've told you the Word of God. Get going! This is THUS SAITH THE LORD." But, you see, the gifts, and to be a more popular man!

137Oh, how they like to do it! "We'll send you all over the world. We'll give you a special plane. We'll sponsor your meetings everywhere if you'll just..." Oh, no. Uh-huh. See?

We know what the Word says. We know what God said. We're going to stay with that, by God's help. See? No matter what kind of a promise, and how much more you can pay, and how many this, that, or the other you can--you can produce; we want the THUS SAITH THE LORD, and what He said Here first.

"Well, the church said, 'That's secondarily.'"

We want what the God said at the beginning. "And anything added to It or taken away from It, even your name will be taken off the Book of Life; to add one word to It, or take one Word away from It." We want what He said; not what the church said, what Doctor Jones said, what somebody else said. We want what THUS SAITH THE LORD said, what the Word said.

138 But now we find Balaam, a servant of God. And many of those men start out, and are ordained of God, and does speak God's Word in many things; but when it comes to the full Truth, they won't do it.

139Notice here, as a prophet of God, he should not been caught in such a group as that, to begin with. He shouldn't have went with them. But, watch, for popularity sake, see, for his conscience's sake, he said, "Well, stay all night, and I'll try again." See, "I'll try again"? What do you want to try again for?

140God already told him what to say. God said, "Tell them you're not going." That's His original Word. "I'm not going. 'And don't you go. Don't you curse what I blessed.'" Now watch how it backfired on him, after a while. See? And it will, every time. When God says anything, He means it. He don't change His mind about it. He stays right with His Word. No matter what anyone else says, He stays right with that Word.

141 Now, Balaam should have knowed better. He should have dismissed himself from such company, but all them nice gifts and a--a--the promise that this king said, "You know I can do it. I'm the bishop. I can do just whatever I want to, and I'll promote you if you'll come do it for me."

And God done told him, "Don't do it."

142But yet Balaam said, "You, you stay all night, and I'll--I'll try again."

See, he had the Word. You don't have to argue anymore about It. God has done said so. With a group like that, they always talk you out of the will of God, if you'll let them.

143 There was one group to come to a prophet, one time, named Job. They couldn't talk him out. He saw the vision. He knowed what was right.

Balaam saw the vision, and still didn't stay with It.

144No matter how much his church groups said, "Oh, Job, you ought to do this, you ought to do that." Even his wife, he said, "You talk like a foolish person." See? "I know what the Lord said. I know what He required, and that's what I've done." See, he stayed with what God told him.

145Notice, Balaam using this phony text for his conscience. See? He said, "Well, I'll--I'll find out. I'll try again." Now, there is where you come, secondarily. How many Balaams have we got tonight, that likes to use that phony text of Matthew 28:19 just for their conscience's sake? How many wants to use Malachi 4 for their conscience's sake? How many wants to use Luke 17:30 just for conscience's sake? How many wants to use these things, yet, "Well, I tell you, I--I believe they're all mixed up on That"?

146 And then here was Balaam trying to say, "Perhaps maybe God got mixed up. I'll try again, see, see what He said." Now, He knows your heart. Notice, Balaam used this phony text for his own conscience's sake, because, actually, he wanted that money. He wanted that dignitary. He wanted that. He wanted that job. He wanted that position, to be looked up to, as Doctor So-and-so. So he--he--he said, "I'll try again."

147Oh, at the Balaams in the world tonight, promised positions, popularity! My, oh, my! They numb their conscience by them. Because of their denominations, they say, "If you do that, out you go. I know you're a good man, and we love you," and he is a good man, "we love you. But you can't preach that. Our--our doctrine says you can't do that. Doctor So-and-so said this is the way it is. Now you've got to believe it this way, if you stay with us. Now, if you want to, I know you had a hard time, well, I'll see if I can't get you promoted, maybe change churches." Oh, you Balaam! When you know the will of God, you do it! God ain't going to change His mind. No.

148 Something that he could pass by, the Truth, for his commission. He said, "Well, I'll--I'll try again." Notice the Balaams there is.

149So now remember, when he come the second night, with this great celebrity, already had his conscience dull and numb, God let him go. Now, God never changed His mind, but He give him His permissive will. "Go ahead then." But he found out it'll not work.

150God knew what was in Balaam's heart. Though he was a prophet, He knowed he hated them holy-rollers, and he--and he just... he--he was going to want to curse them, anyhow. And God done told him not to do it, but yet he come, wanted to do it, again, so God let him go ahead. God said, "Go ahead." Now, remember, He never changed His mind.

151 Notice, it was his desire to curse them. The people that he classed as fanatics, he wanted to curse them. He wanted a position. He didn't want to fool with them, so he thought if he could do this little act for the king, then he would be promoted. God never changed His mind or His Word.

But He will give you the desire of his heart, of your heart. He promised that. You know that? He promised to give you the desire of your heart. And let your desire be the Word of God. Let your desire be His will, never your own will. His will! If He... You ask Him for something, He don't give it to you, say, "Thank You, Lord. You know what's good."

152 Look at even King Hezekiah, when He sent that prophet up there to him, God did, and said, "Put your house in order. You're going to die."

Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and wept bitterly, and said, "Lord God, I--I ask You to consider me. I've walked before You with a perfect heart. I want You to let me live fifteen years longer."

153"All right." God spoke to the prophet, said, "Go back and tell him I heard him."

And what did he do? He brought disgrace upon the whole nation. He kindled the anger of God till He would have killed him. That's right. You know that. Backslid on God. It would have been far better on, off, nation, king, and all, if he'd have went on and took God's first thing to him.

But it looked hard on the prophet, when the prophet had to go back and speak the Word of God to him, after he done told him. But God said, "Go ahead." But, you see, it brought a disgrace.

154What did Balaam do? After knowing the will of God, and yet he was persistent, he was going to do it, anyhow. And what did it do? Notice. He never changed His mind. He knowed what was in his heart.

155 You know, Thomas, one time he just couldn't believe it. No, he--he said, "Naw, I can't believe that. If I could take my hand and stick it in His side, put it in the nails of His hand, well, then, then I'll--I'll believe it then."

He said, "Come here, Thomas. See? Now put your hands in here."

Now, oh, Thomas said now, "It's my Lord and my God."

156Said, "Yes, you've seen, and now you believe it. How much greater is their reward, has never seen and yet believe!"

People sometimes won't receive the Holy Ghost unless they speak with tongues. I believe in speaking in tongues, certainly. He's a good God; He'll give you the desire of your heart. But no matter how much you speak in tongues, and deny this Word, you're wrong anyhow. See? See, you don't go in by speaking in tongues. You go in by keeping every Word. That's the evidence of the Holy Ghost, when you believe the Word of God. See?

157 I believe in speaking in tongues. I believe you can be quickened, like I said this morning, till you'll speak with a new tongue. I have, myself, and I know it's the Truth. I know it's true. But that's not the sign, you, that you're God's selected child. See? No, indeedy. He never said...

"Many will come to Me and say, 'Lord, haven't I prophesied and done all these great things in Your Name?' He'll say, 'Depart from Me, you that work iniquity, I never knew you.'"

158You speak with tongues and then refuse to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ? Something wrong somewhere. Yes, indeed; any of those things, any of those orders God give. There is something wrong. Just search your own conscience, and see what--see what the Bible said. Show me some place where somebody was baptized in the name of the "Father, Son, Holy Ghost." See? It's not there. But, you see, sometimes for your conscience's sake, you say, "Well..."

You say, "God speaks to the women about how they must do, not wear shorts and things, but, you know, the pastor said..." So they take the easy way.

159 They know what God said about it Here. See? Sure, God said so.

So they--they--they want to do it, anyhow, see. They try to find an excuse. "Well, I think it's much better. It's--it's not... The wind don't blow..." Yeah.

But God said for a man to dress different from a woman. "If a woman put on a garment pertained to a man, it was abomination in His sight." So it's not right, yes, and you shouldn't do it. No. See? So, therefore, it's wrong.

160But, you see, they try to find an excuse, that, "The Lord told me to do this." I don't say He didn't, but, look, it ain't His perfect will. It's got to be His permissive will. You see what it'll do? It'll pollute the whole bunch. It polluted all the camp.

161 Notice here, God never changed His mind, His Word. But He is a good God, and He'll give you the desire of your heart, though it be against His will. You believe that?

Look, God told Moses, "You go down there," this anointed prophet. Said, "Go down there and speak to that rock." It's already been smitten.

162Moses went down there in his anger, picked up the rod, and said, "You rebels, must we fetch you water out of this rock?" and smote the rock. The water didn't come. He smote it again; it come. It was against God's will. It broke every plan in the Bible; Christ had to be smitten second time. See? Christ was smitten once. It broke the whole plan. But He give him His permissive will. Then, after, he said, "See, we got the water for you. Yeah, I brought it for you, you bunch of rebels!"

163 God said, "Come here, Moses. Come here. Come up here on top... You've been a faithful servant." (Like the woman with the high heels, "You climbed," see.) "Look over yonder. See the promised land?"

"O Lord!"

"But you're not going over. You took My permissive will, down here at the Rock. You have glorified yourself, see, and not Me. You sanctified yourself. You didn't sanctify Me. You didn't keep My original Word, what I told you to do." Yet, the waters did come.

You can lay hands on the sick and they recover. You can prophesy, or speak with tongues. But, the thing is, keep His original Word! God don't change His mind, friend. You've got to keep His commission, His will.

"Oh, well, that was for the disciples."

164 He doesn't change. If He's still got a disciple, that's the same commission. "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel. These signs shall follow them that believe." It's never change. He can't change.

Now, you can say, "Well, I tell you, it ain't for this day." Oh, you Balaamite! You see? See, God don't change. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

165Just look at the Balaamites today. "Oh, I know, in the Bible they baptized in Jesus' Name, but, look, all the people..."

I don't care what the people has done. "There is not another Name under Heaven given among men whereby you can be saved." "No remission of sin, only through the Name of Jesus Christ." What, how good you are, what you do, that don't have one thing to do with it. It's God's original Word; you got to stay with That. Whew! All right.

166"Obedience to His Word is better than sacrifice." You remember that time when Saul came back.

167 Balaam had a gift of faith and could have used it to the perfect, original Word of God.

Many men on the field today, with gifts of healing, could do the same thing. Many men out here, people speaking in tongues, people prophesying, a gift, could use it for the Kingdom of God, but they don't do it. They take... And God blesses them, anyhow, gets the permissive will. But for popularity, and pleasures, personal gains, sold their birthrights, as Esau did, see, sold out to a organization. Sold out, like Balaam did. See?

So many are doing today the same thing. We know that's right. They sell out their birthright. Huh! Women professing the Holy Ghost, wearing shorts; man permitting them in the pulpits, bobbed-haired women in the pulpits; paint on their face, with religious gowns on. The biggest stumbling block the church has ever had.

168 If you want to know, in political powers, what time it is in the kingdom age, see where the Jews are. Watch how the Jews are, because they are a nation. If you want to know where the nations are standing, watch the Jews.

If you want to know where the church is standing, watch the women. Watch the morals among the women, 'cause she's a representation of the church. When you see the pollution amongst the women, you find the pollution in the church. What she become, a painted-up Jezebel, just exactly what the church has become. See? Now, that's the truth, and you know that. See? If you want to know where the church is, watch the morals among your women. Cause, she is, the church is a woman.

If you want to know the national status, watch the Jews.

169 Notice, as God said to Balaam, after he had heard the true-cut decision, Word, "Don't go." Yes, then He told him, after He seen in his--in his heart, what it was to do; He give him His permissive will, so He said, "Go."

170And you can do the same thing. If you don't want to walk in the Truth, you can go and have--have a great ministry. Certainly, you can. But you're taking His permissive will. You're walking over His Word. He'll prosper you, certainly. The...

Just like He did Balaam. He was a success, but he couldn't curse that people. He couldn't do it. Cause, every time he started to curse, he blessed. See, he couldn't do it. But when he come to being prosperous in his achievement, he taught those people, through Balak, to commit adultery. He brought in the camp of Israel and married them off, said, "Why, we are all one. Why, you've worshipped the same God. We got a prophet up here; and you got a prophet down there. And we have the same sacrifice, the same Jehovah as our fathers. Now, why not you all just come and associate with us?"

The Bible said, "Don't join yourself up amongst unbelievers. Don't yoke up with them, at all. If they don't believe It, stay away from them." See? "Come out, be separate," saith the Lord, "and I'll receive you." See? "Touch not their unclean things." That's right. Their filth against the Word, and things like that, stay away from it. Don't listen to it.

171 And here we find out that Balaam went down there and he begin to teach the people, and he had an error. And he--he run in the way of Balaam, how that he did, and taught Balak, and the children of Israel committed adultery. And a plague struck the nation of Israel, the people, and thousands of them died in one day.

And while they were all there, before the altar of God, praying, here come an Israelite man with a Midianite woman, a denominational woman, and went into the tent. And the priest's son walked over there, and took a javelin and killed them both. And that stayed God's wrath. You know that's the Scripture. It that right? See?

172 But what happened? Balaam, he succeeded in weakening Israel. What did he do? He weakened their camp. God let him go and weaken their camp, and it polluted the whole camp.

And when some doctrine starts, that's not the Bible Truth, it pollutes the whole camp. Somebody raise up with a different idea, like Korah, and say, "Well, this, that, and the other, and I got a different idea," it pollutes the whole camp. And that's what's done the whole church camp today. That's right.

173Teaching as he did, weakening the whole camp for Kadesh-barnea, the Word showdown. When they got to Kadesh-barnea, then, the weakening of the camp. They come back. They had went right after...

Remember, they had eat angels' food. They had the Word of God, every night, made manifest. And they eat the food. They drink from the rock. They did all, seen the miracles. They watched Moses, and seen his word, seen his prophesies, everything.

And then finally when they listened to this false teacher, come in among them and teach wrong, he weakened the camp, and prospered by it.

He might have built a million-dollar buildings. He might have had great denominations. He might have added thousands times thousands, and done great works, and mighty works, and was a prophet. That's alright, but, as long as it's not with the Word of God, you better stay away from it.

God don't change His mind. Stay right with His Word, 'cause that's what's going to come out in the end, the Word, Word by Word. "Whosoever shall take one Word away from It, or add one word to It!" It's got to stay, that Word.

174 Now listen closely now. When the Word test came, when they went over and seen the opposition so great, the greatest opposition they ever seen, the Amalekites was--was ten times their size. They said, "We look like grasshoppers. Their fences, or their cities are so walled till they can run a chariot race around it, two chariots, as hard as they can go, around the walls, see, of their cities. Why, their spears are way out, they're long. And they're giants. Why, we look like grasshoppers. We can't do it."

And two men stood on that Word, Caleb and Joshua, said, "Wait a minute! You two million people shut up just a minute. We are more than able to do it. See, we are more than a match for them."

What was they basing on? God said, "I've given you the land. It's yours." And there they stood. But the people had gotten married off, amongst other things, and all kinds of creeds and rituals among them, and they just weaky, wishy-washy, didn't know which a way to turn and what to do. That's right. There come the Word test.

175 Yet, He grants you permission for to make, permit your will, a permissive will, knowing that... What's in your heart, He knows it.

You say, "Well, Brother Branham, I do so-and-so. It don't bother me. God blesses me every day. I sing in the Spirit. I dance in the Spirit. I..." He'll permit it. Go ahead. That's right. But what are you going to do?

176"I wear shorts, and I do this. It don't bother me. I know my faith is in Christ, not in what I wear."

But, the Bible said there is something to it. See? What'll you do? You'll make a stumbling block, like Balaam did, before every one of the other women. What'll you do to your young girls? You'll have a bunch of Rickettas, that's exactly right, a bunch of little painted-up Jezebels. See?

177 But God will prosper you. "Why, He blesses me." I don't doubt that. He blessed Balaam, too. See? Certainly He will. You're walking in His permissive will, not His perfect will. God doesn't change His mind, 'cause He blesses you.

He blessed Israel right out there for forty years. What did they do? Married wives, raised families, kissed the children, paid their tithes, lived right out there. And the God blessed them in the wilderness, fed them with the manna, on and on. And every one of them perished, 'cause they never kept His original, permissive... His original will, His Word. They took His permissive way.

178Go ahead, but, you remember, when they left Kadesh, they never journeyed any farther. They just went around and around, in the wilderness. Where, they could have been out, in two days after that, they could been in the promised land. They journeyed forty years, and every one of them died but Joshua and Caleb, the ones that stayed on the original Word.

179 O God, help us. God don't change His will. He don't change His mind, but He'll bless you.

Sure, He blessed Balaam. And what did he do down there? He polluted the whole camp. See, you have to stay on what He said. He never changed His original plan.

180Now look at the Balaams today, in the field, would you. Just look around. Prospering, speaking in tongues, sure, using God's gift to gain, everything, sure. But it defiles the whole church of God with their corrupt teaching. That's right.

One said to me, he said, "What you doing this for? What you doing that for?"

I said, "Don't you believe that That's the Truth?"

181"Oh, yes. But," he said, "you know what? That's not your business. You're to pray for the sick. They believe you to be a prophet. Why, you could teach them women how to, and them men, how to do this, that, the other."

"How can you teach them algebra when they won't even learn their ABC's? Huh? Huh? How can you teach them them things when they won't even take their primer?" See? You've got to come back and start where you began, or where you left off, and take every Word of God.

182 Just look at it in the field today. As Balaam married into God's church, a harlot, married the harlot into God's church, so is these false teachers today trying to tell you. They're going to marry every one of these organizations and these people into the old harlot of Revelation 17. Their Balaam doctrine going around today, and say, "We're just the same. We're all Christians." And priests and popes, and whatevermore, all compromising and doing this.

183The preacher said... Even I know a Pentecostal preacher, all of them, started now giving a round kosher. Which means, Ashtoreth, the "moon-god," a kosher wafer. Say, "Shut your eyes and take it, if it hurts your conscience." Shut your eyes? A round wafer, what does it mean? We are taking a broken body, Jesus Christ, broken; not a round moon-god, Ashtoreth, who Mary took the place of. And the Roman kosher is still round, for the moon-god, goddess, not god. We have a broken kosher, certainly. Oh!

184 So now the great harlot of Revelations 17, these Balaam teachers with their false doctrine, is marrying the church into that kind of a mess. Watch when it comes to the showdown at the end time, look the weakness of it now. Nine hundred and something different organizations, one pulling one way, and one the other. There is no unity among them. And they're trying to bring unity; not backed by the Word of God, God's original plan. They are taking it in by a politics and an organization.

God don't change His mind. He stays right with His Word. He said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word won't." That's right. He stays with His original Word. Oh, my!

185Though they still reason against It, just like they did, and just... There is only one thing to do. He won't change It. Just believe. Because, both heavens and earth will pass away; His Word will never fail. See?

186 You see where you're getting married into? See the politics and things, how they're trying to join the church together by a politics in the church? We are not joined to Christ by politics.

We are joined, the Church, to Christ, by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And the way you know the baptism of the Holy Ghost, is 'cause that Spirit in you identifies every Word of God to be the Truth. That's right. "For whosoever shall take one Word out of It, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life."

187Yet, "He prospers," you say. You can't believe That by prosperity. You can't judge God by prosperity. The world prospers. Balaam prospered by it.

But, brother, you judge God by His Word. He keeps His Word and identifies It the Truth. So, remember, friend, as long as you live, don't you never forget this: God doesn't change His mind. Yet, He will bless. He will let you go His permissive will, but He won't change His mind. He won't change His plan. He won't change His Word, for you. No, sir.

You've got to change. You can't have God's Word to match your experience; you've got to have your experience to match God's Word. See? That's the way you've got...

You say, "Well, I'm a good man. God does this, that, or the other." But do you keep His Word? "Oh, well, I tell you, that ain't just... Naw." All right, there is something wrong somewhere. God's going... Yes, He'll prosper you. Sure, He'll make you...

188 The denominations is prospering to who wouldn't have it! They spread their tents, the great, fine churches, and everything, throughout the land. They're rich, and money pouring in, and members from everywhere. Didn't the Bible say, "There was found in her even riches of the world, and even souls of man," and everything, that was found in this old harlot, which is the mother of the whole thing, politics and organization?

189 But God's little group is His Bride, centered on that Word. May the dear Heavenly Father ever keep you stabilized right there. Don't you never move from that Word.

You may bless, you may... God may heal your sick. He may heal your sick baby. He may heal your husband, your wife. He may heal your mother, somebody else. You may jump at His Spirit, and dance up-and-down.

Remember, the rain falls on the just and the unjust, just the same. But when that seed is laying there, it's either ordained or it's not ordained. And if it's ordained, it can... If it's a wheat, it has to bring forth wheat. If it's a Word of God, it has to produce the Word of God. If it isn't, well, then it isn't. See? You get that now?

190 The Lord bless you. Here I told you I was going to quit at nine o'clock, and here it is, twenty minutes till ten. Many of you people, a long ways to go. I love you. And the reason I hold you like this, is not because I want to be cruel to you, but I love you. And what I know, I don't keep nothing back; I tell you the Truth.

191Out in the meetings where I go, you never hear me preach these Messages. No, I promised you, to come to this tabernacle. Right here is where I preach my Messages from. I've got three or four more here, that the Lord has given me, I've got the Scriptures on it, that I would be daresn't to preach it anywhere else but right here. Here is where the Word of God started going from. And, till God changes it, I'm staying right here and bringing it out right here. That's right.

Out yonder in the meetings, I pray for the sick, and everything like that; and, on the side, say things in a roundabout way, that the sheep hear It. They know what it's talking about. Otherwise, it's just the bait on the hook, you see. I show the signs of--of trying to show that God knows, in discernment, and knows the hearts of the people, and does these things. That's an evangelistic gift, just to stir the people.

The first thing you know, a tape drops into their house. That's got it, then. If he's a sheep, he comes right with It. If he's a goat, he kicks the tape out. Uh-huh. [Brother Ben Bryant says, "And you, too."--Ed.] You see, that's... "And you, too," is right, Ben. That, that's exactly right. Ben has had some experience. All right. Well, that's right.

192 Aren't you glad that you're His? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Aren't you glad? ["Amen."] We used to sing a little pentecostal song, a long time, like:

I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out;

I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out;

If it had not been for Jesus, where would I be?

I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out.

Oh, I been happy since the Lord brought me out;

I been happy since the Lord brought me out;

If it had not been for Jesus, where would I be?

I'm so glad since the Lord brought me out.

I been shouting since the Lord brought me out;

I been shouting since the Lord brought me out;

If it had not been for Jesus, oh, where would I be?

I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out.

Glory! Aren't you glad? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "Aren't you glad..." Let's sing it.

Aren't you glad that the Lord brought you out?

Aren't you glad that the Lord brought you out?

If it had not been for Jesus, oh, where would I be?

I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out.

Well, I been singing since the Lord brought me out;

I been singing since the Lord brought me out;

If it had not been for Jesus, oh, where would I be?

I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out.

Aren't you glad of it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, we'll walk in the Light. You know that song?

We'll walk in the Light, It's a beautiful Light,

Comes where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;

Shine all around us by day and by night,

Oh, Jesus, the Light of the world.

Don't you like that? Let's sing it again.

We'll walk in the Light, It's a beautiful Light,

Comes where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;

Shine all around us by day and by night,

Oh, Jesus, the Light of the world.

It's sunup!

All ye saints of Light proclaim,

Jesus, the Light of the world;

Truth and mercy in His Name,

Jesus, the Light of...

Now let's raise our hands when we sing it.

Oh, we'll walk in this Light, It's such a beautiful Light,

It comes where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;

Shine all around us by day and by night,

Jesus, the Light of the world.

Shake one another's hand.

Oh, It comes where the dewdrops of mercy are bright.

Aren't you glad you're children of the Light? The Son is up.

... all around us by day and by night,

"Ye little children, love one another."

Oh, we'll just walk in the Light, It's such a beauti-... (manifestation of His Word)

Comes where the dewdrops of mercy are bright,

Just shine all around us by day and by night,

It's Jesus, the Light of the world.

You all believe it?

We're marching to Zion,

The beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

Oh, we're marching to Zion,

Beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

Let those refuse to sing

Who never knew our God;

But children of the Heavenly King,

And but children of the Heavenly King,

And may speak their joys abroad,

May speak their joys abroad.

For we're marching... (Glory!)

The beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

Oh, we're marching to Zion,

Oh, beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

193 Get your handkerchief out. Take out your handkerchiefs, just a minute. Let's give the Lord a wave offering. It ain't a sheaf, but they took from the body of Paul handkerchiefs and things, see.

Oh, we're marching to Zion,

Oh, beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

Oh, we're marching to Zion,

Oh, beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

194 Amen! Oh, don't it make you feel good? I can just imagine those old saints back there, before going into the Roman circus there, start walking up that hill, you know, up that little ramp, going up into the lions' den, saying:

Oh, we are marching to Zion,

This beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

The fields of Zion yields

A thousand sacred sweets

Before we reach the Heavenly Throne,

Before we reach the Heavenly Throne,

Or walk the golden streets,

Or walk the golden streets.

We're marching to Zion,

It's beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful City of God.

195 Repeat after me. Lord God, [Congregation says, "Lord God,"--Ed.] I pledge myself anew to You. ["I pledge myself anew to You."] Cleanse me from all unrighteousness. ["Cleanse me from all unrighteousness."] Cleanse me from all doubt in Thy Word. ["Cleanse me from all doubt in Thy Word."] Let me, from this Easter, ["Let me, from this Easter,"] be a new creature ["be a new creature"] in Christ Jesus. ["in Christ Jesus."] Let me bear, in my heart, ["Let me bear, in my heart,"] Your Word. ["Your Word."] May It be a Lamp to my feet ["May it be a Lamp to my feet"] that will Light my path. ["that will Light my path."] From henceforth, ["From henceforth"'] I will follow You. ["I will follow You."] In Jesus' Name. ["In Jesus' Name."] Amen. ["Amen."]

We're marching to Zion,

Oh, beautiful, beautiful Zion;

We're marching upward to Zion,

That beautiful city of God.

196 Don't that make you feel good? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We have pledged ourself anew, knowing that in our hearts we have been quickened from the dead, made alive. Don't it make you feel good? ["Amen."] My, oh, my! I love you, with undying love.

Listen. "Love one another. For you cannot dislike your brother, who you see, and say you love God, Who you haven't seen." See? So just love one another.

Then, you serve one another, you serve God. Is that right? "As you do unto the least of these that's got quickening Power in them, you've done it unto Me."

"When did we see You in need? When did we visit You in prison? When did we do these things?"

"What you done to them, you did it to Me."

197Isn't that wonderful? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I love Him, don't you? ["Amen."]

198 Oh, there is one more song we have to sing, if you just got a minute more time. Oh, well, we'll just take them. All right. All right, sir. Oh! Take The Name Of Jesus With You. Don't forget that, friends. Let's all sing it now. Each one, together now, just with one big heart, take it to Him. Let's, with all we got in us.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it everywhere you go.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

199 Remember now, pray for me when the hot persecution winds are blowing, when devils on every side is challenging, I'll remember you're praying for me night or day, and I'll be praying for you.

Stand by your good pastor, Brother Neville, and the associate, Brother Capps. Listen to them. They'll teach you the Word of Life. I believe that. If I didn't believe it, I certainly wouldn't have them here. I certainly would not. I believe that they believe the Message, and they stay with it to the best of their knowledge, and I've got faith in both men. Stay with them. These other brothers, around where they got their meeting, that stood here tonight, if you're around their neighborhood, stand by them. You heard what they come here for, tonight.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare; (listen at this)

When temptations round you gather,

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!O how sweet!

Hope of...

Dear God, heal these people. I pray Thee, Father, in Jesus' Name. Grant it, Lord, I pray.

... O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

Till we meet! till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again.

Let's bow our heads now.

[Brother Branham begins humming God Be With You--Ed.]O God, be with us. Help us, Lord.

... we meet at Jesus' feet! (till we meet!)

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again.

200 That's truly my prayer. Till we meet again, God bless you! And now I'm going to ask our precious Brother Neville if he'll dismiss this fine congregation.

God love you, each one. I'm so thankful to have people like you all. What would my Message be if I had nobody that believed It? And there is people here, you would die for It, for this Message we got. May God help you, each one. My prayers are with you. My blessings go with each one of you. May you not forget that you're a part in that resurrection. The quickening Power is now in you. It's all settled. You're God's child.

Let's bow our heads, until Brother Neville dismisses. And God bless you.