Hanbiť sa



Vidíte, tí ľudia, to Slovo sa dostáva niekedy tam, kde ani nevieme. Nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi je svet proti Tomu, Boh potvrdzuje, že je To Pravda. Keď nakoniec udrie tá posledná hodina, možno sa stanú veci, o ktorých ste ani nemysleli.

Áno, to ukazuje, že ste si nie istí, ak ste privedení do rozpakov, a tak radšej by ste o tom nediskutovali. Ak sa budete za to hanbiť nechceli by ste o tom diskutovať; držíte sa vzadu.

Ale ako môže nejaký človek, ktorý je naplnený Duchom Božím, ako môže muž, plný moci Božej, a lásky Božej vo svojom srdci, hovoriť s niekým nejaký čas a nespomenúť niečo o tej láske, ktorá je v jeho srdci? Vidíte, je niečo čo to spôsobuje; vy to nedokážete.

To musí to byť ten zlý deň, o ktorom hovoril Ježiš. Ľudia sa hanbia za Slovo a za Ducha Božieho, ktorý v nich koná. Ale, keď je Pravda vyjasnená ľuďom, potom Boh, On Sám, sa zjavuje cez Slovo.

1Ďakujem ti brat Neville. Dobré ráno, priatelia. Som rád, že tu dnes ráno môžem byť. A myslím, že som urobil ... Zaberám čas bratovi Nevillemu. Keď sedel tam vzadu a pripravoval si svoj text; a ja som vošiel dovnútra, on začal baliť svoje poznámky a povedal, "Dobre ..."

2To mi pripomínam dávne roky. Tu dole zvykol sedávať farebný brat, nazýval sa brat Smith, a sestra Cross. Boli to moji veľmi dobrí priatelia. A keď som večer vošiel sem dovnútra, ten starý muž zvykol ... On mal biele fúzy. Neviem, či si z vás niekto na neho pamätá alebo nie. A on mal zastať na pódiu, viete. A všetci spievali, "To je cesta do Neba." A brat Smith, on len takto sedel, viete. A ja som vošiel tými zadnými dverami.

3A bolo také malé dievča, také naozaj tmavé, ona zvykla sedávať tam v tom rohu. Ona začala tlieskať rukami a volala, "Vyvýš Ho," tú pieseň, poznáte ju. Oni mali na to svoju vlastnú melódiu, viete. A potom v tom druhom rohu, tam sedel niekto ďalší, ktorý to znovu opakoval a volal, "Vyvýš Ho." Nuž, to oni spievali, keď som vchádzal do dverí. Mám proste rád takých ľudí.

4A tak, starý brat Smith sedel tam, tak trochu obrátený chrbtom, viete, a on bol, taký pokojný človek. On zvykol hovorievať, "Vojdi dnu, starší, nech si oddýchne tvoj klobúk." Nehovoril, "Oddýchni si"; ale "Nech si oddýchne tvoj klobúk," rozumiete, "Vojdi dnu, starší, nech si oddýchne tvoj klobúk." On sa tam mal postaviť, a ja som mohol povedať, ako od toho upustí. Ja som tam bol na to, rozumiete.

5On zvykol hovoriť, "Nuž," hovoril, "viete, deti," tak vravieval, "Sedel som tu tak a uvažoval, ' Pane, čo mi dáš do povedania?' " Hovoril, "A On len stále potriasal na mňa hlavou, 'Nič ti nedám do povedania.' " Povedal, "Videl som, ako tam vošiel Starší Branham, a povedal som si, Pane, práve teraz si začínam uvedomovať ..." Nuž, bol som tam práve kvôli tomu!

6Brat George Wright, ako sa máš, brat? [Brat Wright hovorí, Ó, dobre, skutočne."] Nech ťa Pán žehná, brat Wright! Skutočne. ["Tam vzadu je brat Eliáš."] Ó, naozaj? On povedal, že brat Eliáš Perry je tu vzadu. Kde si brat Eliáš? Nevidel som ho už dlhý ... A ozaj, no toto! Tak by sme tu mali mať ozajstné zhromaždenie! Eliáš Perry, George Wright, a niektorí ďalší s tých starých veteránov, ktorí tu zvykli bývať, keď ste takmer museli rukami pridŕžať okenice, tak dul ten vietor. Mám radosť, že vás vidím! Matka, sestra Wrightová, je s tebou? Je tu sestra Wrightová? Ona je tiež tam vzadu. Naozaj. Ó, to je naozaj nádherné. Je to skvelé. Som rád, že sme tu. Je to dobre byť spolu.

7Toľko som toho mal naplánované, vracajúc sa domov; obťažený na srdci. Práve som sa vrátil z Afriky, ako všetci viete. A keď som tam prišiel, mal som obmedzené víza, a nedovolili mi, nedovolili mi kázať, pretože sa pri tom schádza naraz priveľa ľudí. Každú chvíľu tam očakávajú nejaké povstanie, a - a nedovolili mi kázať, kvôli tomu, že sa pri tom zhromažďuje príliš mnoho ľudí. Jedine, ako by som bol mohol kázať, by bolo, mať nejakú organizáciu, ktorá by bola reprezentovaná vládou, vo vláde, aby ma tam pozvala, potom by vláda automaticky poslala vojenskú ochranu. Vidíte, oni sú práve ... Chystá sa tam práve nejaké povstanie, a to všetko kvôli tomu. Je to už skoro na dosah, vidíte. Ten muž z vlády povedal, "Posledne, keď on tu bol, mal zhromaždených okolo štvrť milióna ľudí." A povedal, "Potom, vidíte, to by bolo práve to na čo čaká komunizmus, na vzburu." A tak som nemohol kázať.

8Tí ľudia, ktorí tam stáli, mávali rukami a volali, "Pros za moju matku! Pros, zomrel môj brat! Môj ... " A ja som bol za ostnatým drôtom, poznáte to, drôtová bariéra, a to proste spôsobuje, že sa cítite naozaj zle. A vrátil som sa domov.

9Myslel som si, "No dobre ..." Môj syn Jozef, vtedy sa trochu spustil, pokiaľ ide o čítanie. A mal ... Prešiel v poriadku, ale musel cez to prejsť; to čítanie mu nešlo celkom dobre. A tak som si myslel, "No, nejaký čas budeme musieť zostať doma." A povedal som, "Ak zostaneme doma, to pokazí deťom prázdniny." A tak sme to proste odložili, a prídeme tam s ním na ďalšiu časť v auguste, a nech ... a prídeme sem na dva, tri týždne.

10Povedal som, "Verím, že zatiaľ čo tu budeme, môžeme mať nejaké zhromaždenie. Najmeme si tam tú školskú poslucháreň, a budeme mať zhromaždenia od 28. až do prvého, tam v tej školskej posluchárni. Chcel som kázať na tému o vyliatí tých siedmich posledných čiaš." A tak sme tam najprv zavolali, a prežili sme malé sklamanie. Už nám to viac v tej škole nechcú dovoliť, natisne sa tam príliš veľa ľudí. Nemôžeme to nikde mať. A tak potom som sa rozhodol, zatiaľ čo tu budem, namiesto toho ...

11Nemohli by sme tu popratať všetkých ľudí, keby sme to oznámili ... Teraz to nebolo vôbec oznámené. A tak, ak by sme popratali všetkých ľudí, ak by sme sa ich snažili popratať tu v modlitebni, neboli by sme to schopní. Vidíte, to jednoducho ... tých päť dní, to by tu bolo hrozné.

12A tak, keď sme tam sedeli a rozprávali sa s bratom Neville a s bratom Woodom a s ostatnými, rozhodli sme sa to urobiť takto. Ak nemôžeme, tak namiesto toho, by sme mali päť zhromaždení; to by bolo 28., 29., 30., 31. a prvého. Nuž, myslím, ak by sme začali na budúcu nedeľu, môžeme mať dve zhromaždenia, v nedeľu ráno a v nedeľu večer, to je osemnásteho. A potom, 25., v nedeľu ráno a v nedeľu večer. To sú štyri zhromaždenia. Potom prvého augusta, v nedeľu ráno a v nedeľu večer. To by sme mali šesť zhromaždení, a tak by z toho nebola taká tlačenica, dostať tých ľudí dovnútra. Tak si myslím.

13Nemyslíte, že by to bolo tak lepšie, než ako keby sa tu všetci naraz zhromaždili a tlačili, a tak ďalej? Potom len tie dve zhromaždenia, to by sme zvládli, všetci by sa tak trochu tlačili. Ale päť večerov v jednom kuse, to by bolo veľmi obtiažne.

14A chcem sa tu o tom dohodnúť s dôverníkmi a so staršími, zatiaľ čo som tu.

15 Všade sa to tak začína diať. Žijeme v posledných dňoch, v ktorých Evanjelium už nemá to miesto, aké by malo mať. Nemá tie práva, ktoré by malo mať. Všetko je to pospletané s politikou a so všetkým, tak ako nejaká únia. A to je to do čoho sa to nakoniec dostáva, pretože znamenie šelmy, ako vieme, musí prísť skrze úniu. A tam my ... Pretože, to je bojkot, "nikto nebude môcť kupovať alebo predávať, okrem toho kto bude mať znamenie tej šelmy."

16A teraz chcem zistiť prostredníctvom starších. Cítim sa tak vedený. Nikdy som nemal taký hlad po Bohu vo svojom srdci, v celom mojom živote, aký mám teraz, vidíte. Pretože ... A chcem si zaobstarať svoj vlastný stan a svoje vlastné veci, tak ako mi to dal Pán vo videní, a ja verím, že ten čas je práve teraz na dosah. A chcem vedieť, zatiaľ čo som tu, prečo nemôžeme zaobstarať ten stan.

17A - a potom, keď pôjdeme, tak ako prichádzame sem do Jeffersonville, namiesto toho, aby sme mali len jeden, dva, tri alebo štyri dňové zhromaždenia, môžeme vyjsť tam von a rozložiť ten stan, a mať dva alebo tri týždňové zhromaždenia, rozumiete, a nikto nebude môcť nič na to povedať. Mohli by sme ho postaviť buď v parku, alebo, ak by nám to tam nedovolili, tam za mestom je farmár, ktorý nám to dovolí mať na farme. Najmeme tú farmu a - a postavíme to tam. To jediné, čo by sme tam museli urobiť, by bolo postaviť naše prístavky [sociálne zariadenia], a tak ďalej, ku nášmu kompletnému vybaveniu. A to by sa ľahko dalo spraviť. A potom tam takto začneme naše zhromaždenia, pretože to je podľa videnia od Pána, a má to byť urobené takým spôsobom.

18A ako som sem prichádzal, včera, a nachádzal, to i tamto, veď viete. A ako som išiel po ulici, stretol som tam svojho dobrého priateľa, zavolal na mňa, "Nazdar Billy." Pozrel som sa na neho, má už snehovo biele vlasy, a také veľké brucho. A on je v mojom veku. Behávali sme spolu, [fešák mládenec], keď som bol ešte dieťa. Bolo mi to tak trochu smiešne.

Môj malý syn, Jozef sa opýtal, "Prečo si smutný, ocko?"

19"Och," povedal som, "neviem ti to vysvetliť, Jozef. Neviem, ako by som ti to povedal."

20A dívam sa na Elij Perryho, ako sedí tam vzadu, a na jeho pani; zdá sa, ako by to bolo včera, bol to taký čiernovlasý párik, bývali vedľa mňa, keď sme mali ten starý čln, Wahoo, a po nociach sme dole na rieke chytali ryby. Teraz ich vidím oboch bielovlasých, viete, to svedčí o jednom, je to akoby nejaký malý bzučiak, ktorý začína vydávať signál, "Nemáš tu už príliš veľa času." Vidíte?

21A tak chcem každý deň svojho života oddeliť pre Neho. To čo mi ešte zostalo, ten čas, ktorý ešte mám, chcem ho stráviť niekde a robiť niečo, ak by to nebolo nič viacej, než len ako stáť na rohu ulici, a vydávať svedectvo ku cti a chvále Božej. A kvôli tomu som tu.

22Mám také tajné miestečko, tu v Indiáne pri Zelenom Mlyne. Nie je to mesto, nuž, je to pustatina. A niektorí ľudia to zabrali a nedovolia vám tam ani len vkročiť. Ale ja tam mám jaskyňu, a on by ma nikdy nenašiel, keď vojdem do nej. Chodím tam v noci, a on nikdy nevie, kedy tam prichádzam alebo kedy odchádzam. A on ani nevie, kde tá jaskyňa je, a nemôže sa do nej dostať, a nezáleží na tom kde to je. A chcem tam ísť a hovoriť ku Pánovi, nejaký čas, cítim, že je to potrebné.

23Manželka, ona chcela prísť, chcela sem prísť a ponavštevovať toto okolie, a Rebeka a Sára, a oni, so svojimi priateľmi. A sme tu teraz na tri týždne, ak bude vôľa Pánova.

24A myslím, že namiesto toho, aby sme sa snažili tu natlačiť všetkých ľudí, na tie zhromaždenia tu v Modlitebni ... Pretože, to patrí nám, patrí to Pánovi, ktorý nám to dal. A je tu klimatizácia. Radi by sme mali zhromaždenie v nedeľu ráno a v nedeľu večer. Tak by sa ľudia mohli vrátiť domov a potom počkať až na ďalší týždeň.

25Nemyslím, že by som mohol vziať a oficiálne vystihnúť to vyliatie tých posledných Čiaš, pretože oni sú v tom veľmi, veľmi veľkým posolstvom. Ale mohol by som sa modliť za chorých, a robiť veci, ktoré ... Tiež mám posolstvá, ako mi ich Pán dá pre cirkev. Cez týždeň, pôjdem tu niekde von do pustatiny a budem študovať, vrátim sa nedeľu ráno, a budeme mať nedeľné zhromaždenie, ako toto, a tiež v nedeľu večer budeme mať zhromaždenie. Náš najvzácnejší pastor, brat Neville, opýtal som sa ho, či bude s tým spokojný. To zaberie všetky jeho zhromaždenia, ale on bol viac ako rád, že sa toho môže vzdať kvôli tomuto. Ja len ...

26Brat Capps, tak sa mi vidí, on tiež dostal vandrovaciu horúčku, a vidím, že odišiel, a - a brat Humes. A Pán tu mal brata Manna, aby zaujal to miesto. Viete, či je to nie nádherné, ako Boh bude všetko robiť? On mal vždy všetko presne načasované. Prišiel som sem a počul som tu niekoho kázať. Povedal som, "To ne... verím ..."

27Brat Capps, on prišiel do Tucsonu, a myslím, že ho to priam ohúrilo, bolo okolo 110 stupňov [F]. On s tým nechcel mať nič spoločného, a tak odišiel preč, on i brat Humes, a odišli späť do Phonixu. Samozrejme, že tam je okolo 115 stupňov [F], až 116 či 118. To bolo ešte horšie, a tak si myslím, že potom odišiel do Texasu; snažiac sa nájsť miesto.

28Hovorím vám, neželajte si žiadnu Arizonu v tomto ročnom období. Nedávno tam bolo 140 stupňov [F], minulý piatok, 140 stupňov, pri Parkerovi. A to je tam kde býva brat Craig, tu zo zboru. Môžete rozbiť vajce, a ono sa upečie skôr, ako dopadne na zem. [Brat Branham sa smeje -Vyd.] Napľujete a tá vlhkosť sa okamžite vyparí, to len ... Nie je tam žiadnej vlhkosti ani ničoho, v tomto ročnom období je to ako nejaká vypaľovacia pec. Ale asi tak od novembra, decembra a januára, je to nádherné. Ale keď prichádza, tak asi marec a apríl, lepšie je ak s tade odídete, ak sa nechcete zadusiť.

29A tak brat Capps a ďalší mali prísť práve v tom čase, čo si myslím, že ich odohnalo. Možno, že to Pán urobil za nejakým účelom. Verím tomu, že Boh napráva kroky spravodlivých. Niekedy sa nám to zdá ťažké.

30Tak ako nedávno na tejto ceste do Afriky, bol som si tak istý, že sa pohybujem vo vôli Božej. Pretože, pred rokom, som bol tam dole na juhu, kde som mal celú radu zhromaždení, a oni - oni, myslel som ...

31Prišli z tej organizácii, a povedali, "Môžeš chodiť ďalej skrze Kresťanských obchodníkov, ale my s tým nebudeme mať nič spoločného."

32Nuž, nechcem zhodiť tých ľudí hneď na tom, rozumiete, robiť nejaký konflikt. Chcem aby sa cítili dobre jeden pri druhom. A tak som len povedal, "No dobre ..." Napísal som im dopis, povedal som, "Pamätajte, snažil som sa znovu, po viacerých rokoch dostať do Afriky, cítiac, že moja služba v Afriky nie je skončená. Nemám ..."

33Prečo by som musel ísť do Afriky, keď mám šesťsto, sedemsto miest hneď tu v Spojených štátoch, kde ma pozývajú, vidíte, rovno tu, nerátajúc Kanadu, Mexiko, či iné z týchto miest? Prečo by som tam mal chcieť ísť? Ale v mojom srdci je niečo, čo ma tiahne do Afriky. Tam, tí ľudia, tam - tam je na nich niečo, čo milujem, a chcem tam ísť len kvôli tým farebným ľuďom. A je niečo v nich ... Mnohí z nich, z tých vedúcich, necítia, že by som to mal robiť. Ja chcem ísť ku mojím farebným priateľom. To je to, kde ma povolal Pán. A budem ... Oni sú v potrebe. Mnoho z tých ľudí ... Tí bieli, si môžu zaobstarať lekárov i všetko. Ale tí biedny domorodci žijú tam vonku, a napoly zhnití. Cítim, že oni sú tí, ktorí vyzerajú na to, že by to prijali. Oni sú tí jediní. Niečo na tom je.

34Keď sa dostanete do nejakého bodu, ste taký chytrý, že viete všetko, a potom Boh nemôže s vami nič urobiť. Ale keď sa dostanete na miesto, že ste ochotný počúvať a učiť sa, potom to je Boží čas, keď On môže vojsť a hovoriť ku vám.

35A tak som im napísal, a povedal som im. A riekol som, "Pamätajte, v Deň Súdu, nech sa tie kostnaté ruky vymania z toho dymu, odsúdia vás! Ich krv bude na vás, nie na mne, pretože ja som sa snažil okolo desať rokov, aby som sa tam znovu dostal."

36A potom, keď som poslal ten dopis, a prišiel som naspäť, Niečo ku mne prehovorilo, "Navštív Sidney Jacksona, choďte na poľovačku." A v tom istom čase, Pán prehovoril ku Sidney Jacksonovi a povedal, "Lev so žltou hrivou, brat Branham, camping, Durban - veľké zhromaždenie."

37Nuž, on tu bol, a on tu s vami hovoril. Mimochodom, pokrstili sme ... On bol rozhodne proti tomuto krstu vo Meno Ježiša Krista. A jeho žena bola proti tomu ešte viac ako on, ona by proste odišla preč. Mohli ste ... Hovorím vám, nikdy som nevidel oddanejších ľudí. Oni tam pozháňali asi stopäťdesiat kazateľov, boli pokrstení vo meno Ježiša Krista, a oni proste zapálili tú krajinu. To Posolstvo sa proste valí cez Afriku, všade. Letci i veľkí mužovia prichádzajú, sú pokrstení vo Meno Ježiša Krista.

38A tak, keď som sa začínal pripravovať tam na cestu, hovorím vám, v celom svojom živote som nemal toľko problémov, ako pritom, keď som sa snažil tam dostať. A potom, v tej poslednej chvíli, v tej poslednej chvíli, keď som tam už mal ísť, tu oni napísali krížom cez moje vízum, "Nemôže vykonávať žiadne náboženské zhromaždenie; môže prísť len na poľovačku." Nuž, potom, to bola vyššia hodnosť.

39Ale povedal som si, "Nestarám sa o to čo robí diabol, nebudem ... Nemôžem sa odvolávať na to čo povedal brat Jackson o levovi so žltou hrivou, či na toto tu či tamto. Nemôžem to zaručiť. Ale viem, že Boh mi povedal, 'navštív brata Sidney Jacksona a choďte na poľovačku.' " A povedal som si, "Idem." A niekedy ... A bol to jeden z mojich najväčších výletov.

40A zistil som čo to boli za problémy. No a myslím si, že tak asi v októbri, ak bude vôľa Pánova, budem môcť ísť naspäť a mať zhromaždenia i všetko, plná spolupráca, i všetko iné, vidíte, teraz v Afrike. Dostal som sa tomu na dno a zistil som, že v čom to bolo, čo to zapríčinilo. Tu hore, keď som tam písal, jeden hovoril toto, druhý hovoril niečo iné, a ďalší zase tamto. Ale najlepšie je zistiť si to sám. A viem v čom spočívali tie problémy, a čo tomu bolo príčinou; bolo to kvôli tomu, že sa tam naraz zíde tak veľa ľudí, a vláda mi to nedovolila mať.

41A teraz, ak Kresťanský Obchodníci, alebo akákoľvek organizácia, skrze ktorú prídeme, potom vláda automaticky ... pretože to je organizácia, reprezentovaná vládou a vláda posiela vojenskú ochranu. Ak by tam bolo dvadsať päť ľudí z jednej denominácii, dvadsať päť ľudí z druhej, oni by to stále nemohli prijať. To musí byť vedenie tej organizácii. A Kresťanskí Obchodníci, to je nesektárska organizácia reprezentujúca všetky cirkvi. Doktor Simon, ktorý je ich predstaveným, veľmi fajn človek, stretol som ho a rozprával som sa s ním. A oni si berú na starosť tie zhromaždenia, a všetky ostatné cirkvi tam spolu prídu. Vidíte? A verím, že budeme mať jedny z najväčších zhromaždení, ktoré boli v Afriky.

42Ale mojím oporným bodom bolo toto, že keď viete, že sa snažíte robiť to čo je dobré. Tá prvá vec je, ak cítite, že ste vedení do čohokoľvek, potom to skontrolujte so Slovom a dívajte sa, či to s Ním presne súhlasí, a potom nech vás nič nezastaví. Nestarám sa o to koľko kolies nám Diabol hádže do cesty, prenášajte sa len rovno ponad ne.

43Povedal som svojej žene a povedal som bratovi Woodovi, keď som sem prišiel, i niektorým priateľom, ktorých som včera stretol. Mal som tu taký čas, že asi päť rokov som ani nevedel čo robiť. Bolo to nervové ... Vidíte, to prebudenie medzi cirkvami zomrelo. Každý to vie. Môžete to cítiť v tejto modlitebni. Kdekoľvek to môžete pocítiť. Je to úder, smrteľný pocit. Niečo nie je proste v poriadku. Je to preto, že to nadšenie prebudenia odišlo preč od ľudí. Choďte do cirkví, budete ich vidieť ako tam sedia. A pastor stále kokce nejaké posolstvo i niečo iné. A prvé čo sa dozviete, on hneď zvrtne reč na nejaký večierok, ktorý budú mať, alebo niečo také. Vyzerá to všade, ako nejaká smrteľná rana.

44Billy Graham si to všíma; Oral Roberts. Pán Allen mal nejaký problém, ako viete. Oral Roberts má tam tie budovy za päťdesiat miliónov dolárov, a tak ďalej. Má nejakú školu. Nuž a nikto nie je teraz na poli.

45Odišiel som odtiaľto, podľa videnia, aby som išiel do Tucsonu, aby som videl, čo Pán odo mňa chce. Tam sa On so mnou stretol, ako vám to tu On povedal, že to urobí a ... to zoskupenie tých siedmich Anjelov, a povedal, aby som sa vrátil naspäť a tých Sedem Pečatí malo byť otvorených. To je presne to čo sa stalo.

46On povedal, keď som jedného dňa bol s bratom Woodom, keď on tam prišiel, zašli sme na to isté miesto, a vyhodil som do vzduchu skalu, ona spadla dole, On povedal, "Za deň a noc, budete ..." Zabudol som, ako presne boli tie slová. "Budete vidieť slávu Božiu."

47A na druhý deň, zostúpila dole z oblohy víchrica, a poznáte to, ako sa to stalo. Keď to odišlo hore, oni sa opýtali, čo to bolo. Povedal som, "Povedalo to tri slová v tých veľkých troch výbuchoch." Tí mužovia počuli iba to burácanie. Ja som rozumel, čo To hovorilo. A povedal som, "Súd udiera západné pobrežie!" Dva dni potom, Aljaška sa takmer potopila. Hrmelo tam, zem sa triasla i všetko. Hľaďte len na ne, každý deň, na tie zemetrasenia, všade.

48Moje posledné zhromaždenie, posledné zhromaždenie, ktoré som mal. Toto bude moje prvé Posolstvo, skutočne, ktoré odvtedy kážem. Kázal som v Los Angeles, v Baltimorskom auditóriu, a hovoril som o mužovi, ktorý si vyberá ženu. Vy pravdepodobne máte tú pásku o tom. Je to, povedal som, "To odzrkadľuje jeho charakter a jeho ambície." To, keď si muž berie ženu, on si berie mladé dievča, aby sa stala jeho ženou; on si berie, ako viete, nejaké moderné dievča, to je obyčajne nejaká Riketa, to - to len ukazuje čo on ... Ak si berie nejakú kráľovnú krásy, alebo kráľovnú sexu, čokoľvek to je, to ukazuje jeho, to čo je skutočne v tom mužovi. Ale kresťan, on hľadá v tej žene charakter, pretože on s tou ženou plánuje svoj budúci domov. On plánuje, berie si niekoho, kto vytvára domácnosť. A ja som povedal, "Potom, Kristus, tu podľa Jeho Slova, nám hovorí, aký bude náš budúci domov. Aký druh ženy si On potom vyberie, denominačnú prostitútku? Nikdy! On si vyberie ženu, ktorá je charakterizovaná Jeho Slovom, a to bude Nevesta."

49A zatiaľ, čo som to tam kázal, niečo do mňa udrelo, a ja som nevedel o ničom, asi tak za tridsať minút. Tam bolo vypovedané proroctvo. Prvé čo si pamätám, že tam bol brat Mosley a Billy, a kráčali sme vonku po ulici. A bolo povedané, "Ty Kafarnaum, ktoré sa nazývaš menom Anjelov," to je Los Angeles, mesto anjelov, vidíte, anjeli, "ktoré si sa vyvýšilo do Neba, budeš zvrhnuté do pekla. Lebo, keby sa tie mocné skutky boli stali v Sodome, ktoré sa stali v tebe, bola by stála, až do tohoto dňa." A to všetko sa dialo mimo môjho vedomia. Vidíte?

50A ako som sa práve dostával cez napomínanie, - Krista, vyvyšujúc Ho a hovoriac cirkvi. Povedal som, "Vy ženy, je vám to jedno, ako sa snažím ku vám podísť, alebo ako kážem proti týmto veciam; a vy mužovia, vy kazatelia; vy ste sa ustavične stavali proti, po celý ten čas, robíte to presne tak isto. Chodíte okolo Toho, akoby Slovo Božie nebolo ničím."

51A keď som to porozumel, odišiel som, povedal som, "Niekde v Písme je o tom napísané." A odišiel som a našiel som, že to bol Ježiš, ktorý karhal Kafarnaum, ktoré stálo na brehu mora. Ten večer som pozrel do Písma. Prišiel som domov, vzal som si tú historickú knihu; A Sodoma a Gomora bolo voľakedy prosperujúce mesto, Pohanský hlavný stan sveta. A viete, to mesto, sa pri zemetrasení potopilo do Mŕtveho mora. A Ježiš tam stál a povedal, "Kafarnaum, keby sa v Sodome boli udiali tieto skutky, ktoré sa udiali v tebe, stála by až do dnešného dňa. Ale teraz musíš byť uvrhnuté do pekla!" A asi po dvesto, alebo tristo rokoch po jeho proroctve, všetky tie pobrežné mestá, každé z nich stojí ešte doteraz, okrem Kafarnauma, ono leží na dne mora. Zemetrasenie ho potopilo do mora.

52A potom prorokujúc, "Los Angeles bude na dne mora." A prišiel som domov, a odišiel som do Afriky. A zatiaľ čo som bol v Afrike, oni tam mali zemetrasenie. A vedci ... Videli ste to, bolo to v správach, tie niektoré veľké, pekné domy sa zrútili, tam v Los Angeles, a nejaký motel, a tak ďalej. A teraz je tam ...

53A od toho zemetrasenia, je tam dva alebo tri palcová trhlina, ktorá sa urobila v zemi, tiahnúca sa od Aljašky, prechádza okolo cez Aleutské ostrovy, zachádza okolo sto päťdesiat alebo dvesto míľ do mora, vracia sa naspäť, pri San Diego; zasahuje Kaliforniu, či Los Angeles, a znovu vychádza von tesne tam pod severnou časťou Kalifornie, pri malom mieste, ktoré sa nazýva San José, tesne pod tým.

54A ten vedecký pracovník hovoril, keď s ním mali interview. Dívali sme sa na to v televízore. A on povedal, "Pod tým sa práve nachádza spenená láva." A on povedal toto, on povedal, "To je klát, ktorý sa odlomí," a povedal, "a on sa odlomí." A toto inter...

55Ten muž, ten vedec, ktorý robil to interview s tým vedúcim tých vedcov, on mu povedal, opýtal sa, "Nuž, mohlo by sa to potom všetko potopiť?"

On povedal, "Či mohlo? To sa musí!"

56Povedal, "Nuž, ale, to bude pravdepodobne za veľa, veľa rokov od teraz."

57A on povedal, "Môže to byť od teraz za päť minút, alebo to môže byť za päť rokov. On tomu tipoval len päť rokov.

58Ale tak, ako som si bol istý, keď som tam stál pod tou inšpiráciou, vypovedajúc súd o tom západnom pobreží, a potom tu hneď nasledovalo to s potopením Los Angeles, je po nej! Je to tak. To sa stane. Kedy? Ja neviem.

59Ale, och, čo sa stalo? Viete, teraz máme len šesť kontinentov. Mali sme ich sedem, ten jeden, ktorý bol medzi Afrikou a Spojenými štátmi, sa potopil. Och, to je história, viete o tom. Nuž, keď to pôjde ku dnu, potom by som chcel, aby ste dávali pozor keď ...

60To bola kázeň, ktorú som kázal, tak sa mi vidí, keď brat Elij' Perry tu v zbore mohol byť diakonom, v tom čase, podľa všetkého. Ale tam bolo povedané, "Príde čas ..." Ja som to nevedel, až keď pani Simpsonová mi priniesla jedného dňa tú kázeň. A mal som to zapísané v malom bločku, že púšť - "že oceán sa vleje do púšti." To bolo pred tridsiatymi rokmi.

61A, samozrejme, jazero Salton sa nachádza asi dvesto stôp pod úrovňou oceánu, a ak toto veľké kypenie mora, keď to takto pohltí tú zem, so stovkami štvorcových míľ, stovky a stovky štvorcových míľ sa potopí do zeme, to vyvrhne prílivovú vlnu rovno na Arizonu. Skutočne, tak to bude.

62Och, sme v čase konca, veľkolepá hodina, zjavenie sa Pána Ježiša! On povedal, "Na rôznych miestach budú zemetrasenia, čas zmätku, úzkosť medzi národmi, takže zmŕtvejú ľudia od strachu." Povedal, "A keď sa toto začne diať, pozdvihnite svoje hlavy, lebo sa blíži vaše vykúpenie." Ó, môj Bože!

Národy sa rozlamujú,

Izrael sa budí,

To sú znaky, ktoré predpovedali proroci;

Dni pohanov sú spočítané, v strachu zatarasené;

Navráťte sa, Ó roztrúsení, do svojho vlastníctva.

(Skutočne, urobte to.)

Deň vykúpenia je blízko,

Ľudské srdcia mŕtvejú od strachu;

Buďte naplnení Duchom Božím,

majte svoje lampy ozdobené a čisté,

Pozrite, vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo (Je to tak)

Falošní proroci klamú,

Božiu Pravdu zapierajú,

Že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh.

63Videli ste vtedy tú fotografiu, ako On tam ten obraz otočil nabok? A ten istý obrázok, tých siedmich anjelov, ktorí sa povzniesli hore, keď to otočíte doprava, je tam znovu tvár Pána Ježiša, ako sa díva na zem.

64Pamätáte sa, keď som kázal Sedem Cirkevných Vekov, Nemohol som porozumieť, prečo tam Ježiš stojí s niečím bielym okolo svojej hlavy. On bol mladý muž. Pozeral som sa znovu do Biblii a tam stojí, "Prišiel ku Starodávnemu Dňov, Ktorého vlasy boli biele ako vlna." Ježiš mal len tridsať tri a pol roka, keď Ho ukrižovali.

65Zavolal som Brata Jacka Moora, on je teológ. On povedal, "Ó, brat Branham, to je Ježiš vo Svojom oslávenom stave." Povedal, "Po Svojej smrti, pohrebe a zmŕtvychvstaní, prešiel do takého stavu." Pre teológa to znelo dobre, ale ďalej to dobre nenadväzovalo, niečo tam nepasovalo.

66Išiel som tam a začal som kázať o prvom cirkevnom veku, tam to Duch Svätý zjavil. Nuž máte to teraz priamo vo svojich Cirkevných Vekoch. Dúfam, že tie knihy teraz už zanedlho vyjdú, so všetkými detailmi. A to ukazuje, že Ježiš bol Sudcom. Ide o bielu parochňu, ktorú oni zvykli nosiť - založil si parochňu, ktorú nosil ako sudca, v Anglicku to stále robia, keď sa stávate najvyššou autoritou. A keď ten obrázok otočíte na bok, On tam je, Jeho čierne vlasy, môžete to vidieť zo strany Jeho brady, a na nich bielu parochňu. On je tou poslednou autoritou, On je Najvyššou Autoritou. Dokonca sám Boh to tak povedal, "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, Jeho počúvajte."

67On je tam s tými Angelami, to Posolstvo, ktoré bolo tými siedmimi prelomeniami, tých siedmich pečatí, čo zjavilo semeno hada a všetky tie veci tu. A to ukazuje, že je to práve tá Jeho pokrývka, to je - to je Jeho Najvyššia Autorita. On je Najvyšší, a má na hlave parochňu, alebo prikrytie. Biblia hovorí, že On menil Svoj výzor, alebo inak povedané On premieňal Seba Samého, en morphe. To slovo pochádza z gréckeho slova, to - en morphe, čo označuje nejakého gréckeho herca, ktorý hrá viacej rolí; dnes vystupuje v jednej, pri ďalšom vystúpení je v nejakej inej roli. On bol Boh, Otec, v jednom vystúpení; Boh, Syn, v ďalšom vystúpení; a potom Boh, Duch Svätý, v tomto vystúpení. Vidíte? To je On, Jeho Slovo je stále Ponad všetko. Žijeme v posledných dňoch.

68Keď som sa vrátil toho dňa z Afriky, bol som tak trochu unavený. Viete, tam je práve teraz noc, a musíte sa preorientovať. A potom, keď som sa vrátil, musel som sa znovu preorientovať. Mali sme krásny výlet, poľovačku, jednu z najlepších, akú som vo svojom živote mal. Billy má nejaké fotografie, možno že bude mať čas a bude vám to môcť niekde ukázať, ukáže vám ten výlet.

69Mal som sen. Vždy sa mi sníva, že som znovu niekde u Spoločnosti Verejných Služieb. A tak sa mi zdalo, že so tak trochu zanedbával tú prácu, domnievali sa že som ... Oni ma proste nechali robiť, tak ako som ja chcel, a ja som si myslel, že by som ... Namiesto toho, aby som išiel von a prechádzal po trasách, alebo vyberal účty, či niečo také, čo sa oni domnievali, že robím, ja som si proste povedal, "Som si svojím vlastným pánom," a odišiel som si proste zaplávať. Zišiel som tam dole, vyzliekol som si ... tieto šaty, a obliekol som si plavky. Bol som tam sám. A myslel som si, "No, nie je to správne, spoločnosť ... Toto je pracovný čas, spoločnosť mi platí tento čas." Rozmýšľal som, "Je to divné." A potom som si pomyslel, "No dobre, tie peniaze, ktoré som vybral na obchôdzke ..." Mal som oboje, patrolovanie a obchôdzku spolu spojené, a povedal som si, "No dobre, tie peniaze, ktoré som vybral, urobil som niečo, ako som tam pobehoval; Stratil som všetky svoje lístky, a ich peniaze sa mi pomiešali spolu s mojimi. Ako teraz budem vedieť, kto zaplatil za lístok?" Pomyslel som si, "Len preto, že som nedával vôbec pozor!" Pomyslel som si, "Nie je to správne. Ostáva mi len jedno, čo môžem urobiť, a to ísť za svojím hlavným dozorcom a povedať mu to." Bol ním Don Willis, povedal som, "Don, stratil som tie lístky. Tu sú všetky peniaze ktoré mám, a tu sú ich peniaze, je to dokopy. Nechaj to tu u pokladníka. A tí ľudia, keď oni prídu, oni budú mať potvrdenku, že som obdržal ich lístok."

70Možno, že nejakí ľudia sedia práve teraz tu, od ktorých som ... viem, že sú tu. Od ktorých som vybral v tých dňoch a ... a dal som im potvrdenku. Viete, bolo to len desať percent, ak ste priniesli naspäť svoj lístok. A možno, to stálo dolár a pol, a tak to bolo pätnásť centov. Mnoho z tých ľudí žilo ... Radi sme sa proste stretli a porozprávali, a oni znovu vracali svoje lístky, a ja som sa s nimi mohol za chvíľu rozprávať. Dať pätnásť centov, poznáte to, len si sadnúť na chvíľu a porozprávali sa, a pozbierať ich lístky. A tak sa toho nahromadilo, proste toľko lístkov, že som ich nemohol ani pozbierať.

71Nuž, pomyslel som si, že to je jediný spôsob, ako to môžem urobiť. A prebudil som sa.

72Bývali sme u sestry Larson. Myslím, že nie je tu. Bola ku nám veľmi milá; a nebola by rada, že o tom hovorím. Ale ona je veľmi milá pani, a my sme bývali v jej izbách. Prenajímala dve garsónky, spolu dve malé izby, obe sme ich mali prenajaté. Manželka a ja sme spali tu v jednej - a v tej druhej, keď som mohol, som tak trochu prijímal ľudí, a tam boli dve detské postieľky.

73Prebudil som sa. Ona ešte spala. A po nejakej chvíli sa prebudila. Kývol som na ňu, pozrela sa na mňa a žmurkala za chvíľu očami. Opýtal som sa, "Spala si dobre?"

Povedala, "Nie."

74A ja som povedal, "Mal som hrozný sen. Znovu som bol zamestnaný u Spoločnosti Verejných Služieb." Povedal som, "Čo som urobil?"

75Pamätám sa, ako malý chlapec, alebo mladý muž, prechádzal som všetky tie trasy pri Saleme, v Indiáne, rôzne ... Vošiel som dovnútra, kúpil som si raňajky, možno misku ovsených vločiek. V tom horúcom slnku a pri tom všetkom, ani mi nechutilo jesť. Utratil som na to desať centov z mojej skromnej hotovosti. Ten vrchný dozorca prišiel a povedal, "Viete čo oni povedali na schôdzi? Kto je ten padlý na hlavu, ktorý by na raňajky utratil len desať centov? Povedal, "Máte minúť prinajmenej päťdesiat centov." Nuž a všetci viete, že v tom čase, za päťdesiat centov boli už poriadne raňajky.

A ja som povedal, "No dobre, ale ja tak veľa nejem."

On povedal, "No dobre, to do tých päťdesiat centov utrať. Mal by si utratiť päťdesiat centov.

Ja som povedal, "No, ale ja to nepoužijem."

Povedal, "Jednako to utrať." To bol môj vrchný dozorca.

76No dobre, rozmýšľal som, "Nuž, čo môžem robiť? Musím mať útraty za päťdesiat centov, a ja zjem len za desať centov." A tak som chodil von na ulicu a bral deti, ktoré nič nejedli a kupoval som im raňajky za štyridsať centov.

Tak potom som si myslel, "Nuž, čo by ... Možno, že to je to čo On proti mne má."

77A pamätám sa, tu, nie tak dávno, oni prišli pri patrolovaní, poškodili ten zadný dvor, a povedali, "Napíš si to na účet." Viete oni majú právo patrolovať, ale za škodu musia platiť.

78Ja som proste napísal, "Nie ste nič dĺžni." Myslel som si, "Platil som za nich štyridsať centov. Možno, že dovtedy som utratil dvadsať alebo tridsať dolárov, dávajúc to deťom. Možno, že to na to vystačí." Snívajúc ďalej.

79Potom som tam mal veľký strom, deti sa pod ním hrávali, a patrola ... Oni patrolovali z helikoptéry. A tak on prišiel a povedal, "Billy, čo tak zoťať ten strom?"

80Povedal som, "Nie, nestínajte ho. Upravíme mu korunu." Povedal som, "Brat Wood a ja pôjdeme a upravíme mu korunu."

Povedal, "No dobre, pošlem tam chlapov aby ho upravili."

Povedal som, "Nuž, nedajte ho zoťať."

On povedal, "Nedám ho zoťať."

81Odišiel som na dovolenku. Keď som sa vrátil, strom bol zoťatý a ležal tam na zemi. Potom som mal ísť ku súdu, viete. Povedal som, "Pane, týmto vyjde najavo, koľko som dlžný." A tak som s tým vyšiel na svetlo, bolo to v poriadku, nechali to proste bežať. Stále sa mi to snívalo.

82Keď som sa v to ráno zobudil, povedal som si , "No dobre ..." Prvé čo ráno robíme, keď vstaneme, je, že sa spolu modlíme, a potom sa modlíme večer, keď ideme spať. A potom, keď ona odišla pripraviť deťom raňajky, začal som sa modliť. Povedal som, "Pane, ja musím byť hrozný človek. Čo som v živote urobil, že som sa nemohol dostať preč od tej Spoločnosti Verejných Služieb?"

83Išiel som sa okúpať, a prišiel som naspäť. A zdalo sa mi, ako keby niečo ku mne hovorilo, "Možno, že zanedbávam Jeho prácu." Rozmýšľal som, "Som tu asi päť rokov a nič som neurobil, len čakám na Neho."

84Ako som tam stál, jedného dňa. Stavali nám tam nový dom, brat Mosley tam prišiel, hovoril o tom. Povedal som, "To je len malý dar od môjho Otca." A on začal plakať. Povedal som, "Vieš, On povedal, 'Ak opustíte svoje domy, domy, polia, otcov, matky, Ja vám dám domy, polia, otcov, matky, a stonásobne viac v tomto živote, a Večný Život.' " Povedal som, "Musel som opustiť túto modlitebňu, ktorú tak veľmi milujem. Môj domov, ktorý mi tam Pán dáva - musel som to opustiť. On mi proste dáva tento naspäť." Povedal som, "Vidíš aký je On nádherný." A on začal plakať.

85No, povedal som, "Musel som sem prísť a oddeliť sa, prísť do tejto púšti." A myslím si, "Zaujímavé, prečo ma Boh priviedol do púšti, sem, kde nie je nič okrem škorpiónov a jašteríc?"

86Nie je to len púšť, je tam horúco, ale je to duchovná púšť. Och! Nie je tam žiadny duchovný život, v tých zboroch, oni sú proti ... V živote ste nevideli niečo také! Nemáme ani zbor do ktorého by sme išli, ani nič. A potom keď ... Tí ľudia takmer hynú, duchovne. Všimol som si to na tých ľuďoch, ktorí z tade vychádzali, vidno na nich tie rozdiely, keď ich pozorujete.

87A tak stojte pod Duchom Božím, a váš život sa bude stávať milý, jemný, tak ako to voda vypôsobuje na tráve a jemných púčkoch. Ak ... táto tráva by v Arizone nerástla; z týchto stromov by boli kaktusy, ich listy sa proste zvíjajú a vytvárajú pichliače. Tak to je, keď to vysychá okolo zboru, všetci sa navzájom pichajú, veď viete. A, pozrite, vy musíte mať jemný dážď, ktorý vás zjemňuje, a spôsobuje, že rastú listy, ktoré vytvárajú tieň pre okoloidúceho pútnika.

88A tak niečo povedalo ku mne, "Možno, že zanedbávaš Božiu prácu." A tak, modlil som sa o videnie.

89A Méda mi práve dala novú Bibliu; A brat Brown, z Ohia, mi dal novú Bibliu; obidvaja v tom istom čase, na vianoce. Išiel som a vzal som jednu z tých nových Biblií. Povedal som, "Pane, v tých dávnych dňoch, Ty si mal Urím a Thumím."

90Počúvajte, dovoľte mi povedať toto. Samozrejme, oni nie sú ... toto, toto zhromaždenie sa nenahráva, preto to hovorím. Dovoľte mi povedať, nerobte to. Nie je to dobrá vec.

91Ale povedal som, "Pane, zvyklo to tak byť, keď sa niekomu sníval nejaký sen, tak oni to vzali pred Urím a Thumím, a povedali to. A ak - ak Urím a Thumím odrazilo naspäť svetlo, nadprirodzené Svetlo, ten sen bol pravdivý." Povedal som, "Ale to kňazstvo a to Urím a Thumím je preč. Tvoja Biblia je teraz tým Urím a Thumím; Pane, nech by som to už nikdy viac neurobil. Ale prosil Ťa a modlil som sa ku Tebe, aby si mi dal videnie a povedal mi prečo sa mi snívali tieto sny. A čo som urobil? Ak som urazil niekoho, ak som niekomu niečo na svete urobil, daj mi to vedieť. Ja - ja pôjdem a dám to do poriadku. Ak dlhujem Spoločnosti Verejných Služieb, ak som im vykonal niečo zlé, či niekomu inému, ak som Tebe urobil niečo zlé, daj mi to vedieť. Chcem to dať do poriadku."

92Dajme to teraz do poriadku. Nečakajme, že to urobíme až po nejakom čase, to môže byť príliš neskoro. Urobme to teraz.

93A povedal som, "Určite, je niečo v tomto Slove Božom, od Genesis do Zjavenia, nejaký charakter, s ktorým si jednal, ktorý by bol na tej istej báze, na ktorej by bola aj moja otázka. Ak niekto niečo urobil, a Ty si kvôli tomu proti nemu niečo mal, potom daj nech sa mi otvorí to miesto v Biblii. A ak niekto, čokoľvek by oni urobili, ak sa to bude opierať o moju cestu. Tam, kde som učinil zle, alebo niečo, čo chceš aby som robil, alebo niečo, čo som neurobil, daj mi vidieť v Biblii nejaký taký charakter."

94A zavrel som oči, a nechal som len aby sa Biblia roztvorila, položil som svoj prst na Písmo, Genesis 24. 7. Eliezér, Abrahámov verný sluha, ten vzor Biblického sluhu, bol poslaný aby, upoľoval nevestu pre Izáka. Mráz mi prešiel po chrbte. Skutočne, to je môj ... je to tak, s ďalšou časťou môjho Posolstva, vytiahnuť von Nevestu.

95On povedal, "Prisahaj, že nevezmeš nevestu z týchto, ale choď ku môjmu vlastnému ľudu."

On povedal, "A čo ak tá žena nebude chcieť ísť so mnou?"

96Povedal, "Potom si voľný od tejto prísahy." On povedal, "A Nebeský Boh pošle Svojho anjela pred tebou, aby ťa viedol." On hneď išiel rovno tam a začal sa modliť, a stretol nádhernú Rebeku, ktorá sa stala Izákovou ženou.

97Tak dokonalé Posolstvo, späť do Slova, "Choď zobrať tú Nevestu!" To je povinnosť. To je kvôli čomu som tu. To je to, čo sa snažím robiť, vyvolať Nevestu.

98Pamätáte sa tam v Kalifornii, to interview Nevesty, tá prehliadka, mal som to tu. Ako vyšla prv tá Nevesta, a videl som Ju ako išla okolo. Potom prichádzala Miss Ameriky, Miss Ázii, a všetky, och, strašné len pozrieť na to! A potom, tá istá Nevesta znovu prešla okolo. Jedna z nich vyšla z kroku, a ja som ju viedol naspäť do kroku; boli to dve z nich. A to je to, čo som mal robiť, držať Nevestu v kroku, upoľovať tých ľudí.

99Povedal som, "Bože, odchádzam naspäť domov, obnoviť znovu svoje sľuby, a začať nanovo." A tak to je to, čo plánujem ďalej robiť, to je to kvôli čomu som tu.

100Myslím, že by bolo dobré, keby sme urobili toto, začali na budúci týždeň osemnásteho, na budúcu nedeľu ráno a večer; tú ďalšiu nedeľu, a tú ďalšiu nedeľu. Koľkí si z vás mysli, že by to bolo dobre? [ Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." ] Ďakujem.

101A teraz chcem, aby ste niečo pre mňa urobili. Ak ste niekomu oznámili, že dvadsiateho ôsmeho bude zhromaždenie, oznámte im znovu, že to nemôžeme mať. Povedzte, napíšte im, alebo niečo podobné. Nechceme, aby tí ľudia prišli a boli sklamaní, nemôžeme dostať to auditórium.

102Vidíte, nemôžeme to dostať. A tak preto to posledné zhromaždenie, myslím, že sme ich tam hore mali tak mnoho, i všetko, oni proste ... Viete aká je verejnosť, a oni ... Nuž, žijeme proste v posledných dňoch, to je všetko. A oni tvrdia, že tí ľudia tam prídu a vyrušujú školu, a oni tam boli príliš zavčasu, a robili toto a tamto, či niečo iné, a to miesto bolo príliš pošliapané, a ten požiarnický veliteľ robil toto i tamto. A tak, veď viete.

103A tak predstavíme tie Čaše a tie Trúby, chcem ich tam umiestniť. Povedal som vám, že by som to rád urobil. Oni prichádzajú pod niečím iným. Tak tie čaše prídu počas toho trúbenia trúb; ale chceme vziať ten celý priebeh a prejsť zaradom cez to a priniesť to, zviazať to dokopy.

104Koľkí z vás čítali niečo od brata Vayleho, ktorý mi to prepisuje, a dáva tomu správnu gramatickú formu? Čítali ste niečo z toho? Čítali? Dvaja či traja. Myslím, že si vykonal ozajstný kus roboty, brat Vayle, ozajstný kus roboty! Myslím, že to robila sestra Vayle; a ty si to len zapísal a ona to urobila. Ona bola ... Vidíte, nie som vždy proti ženám, či som, sestra Vayle?

105A tak teraz za ďalších pätnásť minút, dvadsať minút prečítajme tu niečo z Písma.

106Mám tu malý bloček. Povedal som, myslím, že som to hovoril bratovi Vaylemu, alebo, kto to bol, alebo myslím, že to bol brat Roy Borders. Brat Vayle mi kúpil ten bloček. Chcem si robiť nejaké poznámky.

107Ale ak by sa niekto niekedy pozrel na to čo ja nazývam poznámky! Napríklad, keď chcem kázať o Rannej hviezde, nakreslím hviezdu. A keď chcem kázať o nejakom ... Značím si to tu všetko v symboloch, narýchlo to načarbem, nikto by nikdy nemohol vedieť čo to znamená. Zatiaľ čo som niekde vonku, a rozmýšľam o všetkom možnom, musím, pritom ako sme niekde v aute na ceste, niekedy auto poskakuje hore dole, a ja si niečo zapisujem, a hovoríme to i tamto, a robím si malé značky, a pritom prechádzame cez mosty, a - a cez všetko možné. Napríklad, keď chcem kázať o tej zostupujúcej Hviezde; Nakreslím tam pyramídu, nakreslím si to tu a tú päťcípu Davidovu hviezdu, ako zostupuje na to. A ja pritom viem, kde chcem ísť v Písmach; a Mojžiš, a určitá vec, ktorú urobil - niečo čo vyzeralo ako stopy od malého moriaka.

108A ja som ich tu mal niekoľko. A myslím, že dnes ráno, keď som tam rozmýšľal, hovoril by som niekoľko minút tu na tú tému, mám tu nejakú poznámku, možno že by som zabral nejakých dvadsať minút.

109A potom nebudem zaberať bratovi Nevillemu dnes večer jeho službu. Dnes večer budem oddychovať a počúvať ho.

110A potom, ak bude vôľa Božia, na budúcu nedeľu ráno začneme zhromaždenia. A vy všetci mi pomôžte a budeme sa modliť, pretože to bolo v mojom srdci snažiť sa ... Oni povedali, "No dobre, mohli by sme ísť do Louisville alebo dole do New Albany." ale to zhromaždenie malo byť pre Jeffersonville. Pôjdem do Louisville a New Albany, hocikedy inokedy, ale toto po správnosti má byť tu v Jeffersonville.

111A teraz skloňme za chvíľu svoje hlavy, zatiaľ čo budeme ... Budem tu ku vám hovoriť okolo tridsať minút. Hovorme za chvíľu ku Nemu.

112Pane Ježišu, my sme - my sme skutočne požehnanými ľuďmi, nad naše pomyslenie a nad naše porozumenie. Pretože, keby bol medzi nami niekto vznešený, tak ako nejaký personál z nejakej inej krajiny, alebo nejaký diplomat, mohli by sme si myslieť, že to by bolo veľké mať medzi sebou nejakú takúto vznešenú osobu. Ale dnes tu máme Boha Nebies, a nie len medzi nami, ale v nás, prebýva, žije skrze nás Svoj Život. A my sme za to tak vďační, Pane! To je samozrejme ponad naše porozumenie.

113Ale teraz hovoriac o tom, ako tie zhromaždenia ... a o tom, ako sme išli do Afriky, a o tom všetkom čo sme sa snažili zariadiť, na týchto niekoľko dní tu v Indiáne. A tak či inak, Pane, snáď si to Ty, ktorý nás vedieš ku tomu stanu, aby si vyplnil to videnie. Tak nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa, porúčame Ti to takto, podľa nášho najlepšieho zrozumenia. A tak sa modlíme, Pane, ak je tu nejaká myšlienka nezhodná s Tvojou vôľou, daj nám to vedieť, aby sme mohli vedieť ako vypĺňať Tvoju dokonalú vôľu.

114A teraz nás požehnaj v týchto nasledujúcich niekoľkých minútach. Hovor ku nám cez Tvoje Slovo, Pane, pretože Tvoje Slovo je Pravda. Prosíme o to v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

Otvorme si Biblie, do Marka, ôsmej kapitoly.

115O koľkej tak zvyknete končievať, o dvanástej? [Niekto hovorí, "Tak okolo dvanástej."] No dobre. A teraz, len také krátke posolstvo, ktoré môžem ku vám hovoriť o Slove, o vydaní svedectva z toho, a tak ďalej.

116Marek, ôsma kapitola, a začnime od 34. verša do tridsiateho ... prečítajme to do 38., do konca tej kapitoly. Rád čítam to čo On povedal, pretože viem, že je to pravda. A tak teraz ...

A privolal si k sebe zástup so svojimi učeníkmi a povedal im: Ak chce niekto prísť za mnou, nech zaprie sám seba a nech vezme svoj kríž a ide za mnou.

Lebo ktokoľvek by chcel zachrániť svoju dušu, stratí ju, a kto by stratil svoju dušu pre mňa a pre evanjelium, ten ju zachráni.

Lebo čo osoží človekovi, keby získal čo hneď i celý svet a svoju dušu utratil?

Lebo veď aké výmenné dá človek za svoju dušu?

Lebo ktokoľvek by sa hanbil za mňa a za moje slová v tomto pokolení cudzoložnom a hriešnom, za toho sa bude aj Syn človeka hanbiť, keď príde v sláve svojho Otca so svätými anjelmi.

117Chcem z toho vziať taký krátky text, ak by som tomu mal dať názov, nazval by som to: Hanbiť sa. Viete, mám to rád. "Ktokoľvek by sa hanbil za Mňa a za Moje Slová, za toho sa budem aj Ja hanbiť."

118Nuž, slovo hanbiť sa, môže byť tak isto prekladané ako "byť v rozpakoch." Viete, že niekedy ste ... Postavený ste pred niečo a ste pri tom v rozpakoch, hanbíte sa.

119To, keď sa hanbíme, to ďalšie čo to spôsobuje, to ukazuje, že ste si nie istý toho o čom hovoríte. Ak viete o čom hovoríte, a máte istotu, že viete o čom hovoríte, môžete to komukoľvek povedať; nehanbíte sa. Ale ak cítite, že ste mimo, že ste nie na mieste, to ukazuje, že ste si nie istý.

120Všimli ste si, že dnes je toho tak mnoho, zvlášť v tom o čom hovorím "hanbiť sa za Slovo". A On a Jeho Slovo sú jedno.

Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh.

A to Slovo sa stalo telom, a prebývalo, ...

Ten istý včera dnes i naveky!

121A tak, "Ktokoľvek by sa hanbil za Mňa a za Moje slová," a On a Jeho Slovo sú Jedno, a tak, kto by sa hanbil za Jeho Slovo v tomto hriešnom, terajšom pokolení, "Ja sa budem hanbiť za neho."

122A všímame si dnes, ak sa niekto pýta, "Si kresťan?" Je to veľmi populárnou vecou, povedať, "Ó, ja som kresťan!" Vidíte?

123"Ale veríš Božiemu Slovu, kde Ono hovorí, 'Tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať tých ktorí veria' ?"

124"Och!" Dokonca kazatelia sa začervenajú do tvári. Vidíte?

125"Hanbíte sa povedať, že Boh uzdravuje? Hanbíte sa za plné Evanjelium? Hanbíte sa za svoje letničné prežitia?" To znamená hanbiť sa za Jeho Slovo. To je Jeho Slovo, ktoré sa vo vás stalo telom.

126A tak, Jeho Slovo musí Samo o sebe žiť cez každú generáciu. Ono Samo o Sebe žilo vo dňoch Mojžiša. Pretože, v tých dňoch, Biblia hovorí, v liste Židom, v prvej kapitoly, "Boh za dávna mnoho ráz a mnohým spôsobom hovorieval ku otcom skrze prorokov."

127A títo proroci! Cirkev všetko tak poprekrúcala, že keď ... Títo proroci, títo smelí poslovia Boží, prichádzali bez cirkvi, bez denominácii, bez organizácii, bez všetkého. Keď títo kňazi boli privedení pred ... Oni boli privedení pred tých kňazov, oni sa nehanbili, pretože oni mali jasne TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

128Ak ste si všimli, prorok, v tom jednom význame slova, v Starom Zákone, keď on povedal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, nuž pozorujte ho, on začal hovoriť rovno, ako na mieste Boha. Potom on vypovedal svoje Posolstvo, to bolo to čo Boh cez neho hovoril, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!"

129 Rozmýšľam o tých dávnych prorokoch, keď oni prišli s tým Posolstvom, a Ono uvádzalo do rozpakov kráľov, a spôsobovalo, že ľudia sa cítili nepohodlne, pretože oni sa rátali za vodcov, nábožných ľudí, a keď oni ... to Slovo vyšlo za tým účelom, Ono ich vystavilo najavo, a oni sa cítili v rozpakoch, hanbili sa.

130A mnoho krát to vidíme, nie mnohokrát, ale príliš často! Tí ľudia, vy poviete, "Ja som kresťan!"

Prijali ste Ducha Svätého po tom čo ste uverili?"

"Och! Joj!" Vidíte, oni sú - oni sú z toho v rozpakoch.

131Niekto povie, "Ty patríš tam do tej skupiny, medzi ktorými sa deje všetko tam to vykrikovanie, a všetko to s tým Božským uzdravovaním?" Mnoho krát sa kresťania cúvnu späť.

132Oni chcú oznámiť, ak - ak oni majú nejakú denomináciu, "Ja som Baptista. Ja som Presbyterián. Ja som Luterán." Oni sa za to nehanbia.

133Ale keď to prichádza ku tomu, byť kresťanom, to treba vziať Božie Slovo tak ako Ono je, potom, to sa oni hanbia. "Ja nepatrím do žiadnej denominácii," vidíte, oni, oni sa to hanbia povedať. Oni musia byť takí, ako ten ostatný svet, reprezentovaný nejakou organizáciou.

134Nuž, došlo do toho len nedávno. Vo dňoch Luthera, aby sa dať poznať ako Luteráni, či nasledovníci Luthera, nuž, to znamenalo takmer smrť od katolíckej cirkvi. Vo dňoch Wesleya, dať najavo, že ste sa vzopreli anglikánskej cirkvi, za to sa takmer platilo smrťou od anglikánov, oznámiť, že ste metodista. Vo dňoch letničných, to bola hanba, takmer, povedať, že vy ste - že vy ste letničný, pretože ste boli hneď zarátaný ako svätý povalenec, alebo nejaký jazykomluvec, alebo niečo také. Nuž oni zorganizovali a vošli rovno dovnútra aj s ostatnými s tej skupiny.

135Ale keď príde čas vyvolávania von, že nepatríte ani do jednej z nich! Je veľmi populárne povedať, "Som Letničný." Je veľmi populárne povedať, "Som Presbyterián. Luterán." Ale čo, keď nastane taký čas, že budete musieť vyjsť a postaviť sa za Slovo, "Nepatrím ani do jednej z nich"? To, to uvedie do rozpakov.

136Ježiš povedal, "Ak sa vy budete hanbiť za Mňa, potom sa Ja budem hanbiť za vás." Prečo by sa On hanbil za vás? Preto, že vy ste tvrdili, že patríte Jemu, a pritom ste Ho nenasledovali.

137Čo, ak by som povedal, "Tento malý chlapec, to je - to je môj syn"; a on by sa otočil a povedal, "Kto, ja že som tvoj syn? Čo si myslíš, že ja som!" To by som sa dostal do rozpakov. Tak veru, kvôli vášmu synovi.

138A tak je to s tak zvaným kresťanstvom dnes. Ak to nazývate menom, menom nejakej denominácie, v poriadku, oni prijímajú otcovstvo nejakej denominácie. Ale keď to prichádza ku tomu, aby prijali otcovstvo Slova Božieho, Krista, nie, oni sú v rozpakoch. Oni nechcú povedať, "Áno, hovoril som v jazykoch. Áno, videl som videnia. Áno, verím v Božské uzdravenie. Áno, chválim Pána. Som slobodný od všetkých organizácií, neklaniam sa ani jednej z nich. Som Kristov sluha." Ó, to by ich priam potrhalo na kusy.

139Jedného večera, medzi Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia v Chicagu, prišiel veľký rečník.

140A môžem sa tu na chvíľu zastaviť a povedať to. Prepáčite mi. Ale mnohokrát si myslíte, a ja tak isto, že to o čom hovoríme, tá Biblická Pravda, sa nedostáva medzi ľudí. Ale, ona sa dostáva. Niekedy sa oni postavia rovno proti Tomu, ale v skutočnosti to oni tak nemyslia. Oni sa snažia zistiť kde stojíte.

141Ako ten príbeh o tých opilcoch, ktorí sa dohadovali, že neexistuje niečo také, ako kresťanstvo. Jeden muž povedal, "Ja viem, kde je jedna, to je moja žena."

Druhý povedal, "No, ja tomu neverím."

Ten povedal, "Tak poď, budeme ... správajme sa, ako keby sme boli skutočne opití."

142Prišli do toho domu, a robili všetko, čo len chceli. A - a povedali, aby im pripravila nejakú praženicu, a on to potom hodil o zem, a povedal, "To nevieš pre mňa lepšie pripraviť praženicu!" Tak sa tam zachovávali v tom dome. A odišli do druhej izby a zvalili sa do fotelov. Počuli ako to tam niekto zametá, bez slova, a spieva si, takú pesničku, tak pre seba.

Musel Ježiš sám niesť kríž, A celý svet pôjde bez neho? Je pre každého kríž, a je kríž pre mňa..

Budem niesť tento posvätený kríž, Až kým ma ho smrť nezbaví, A potom doma budem nosiť korunu.

143A jeden z tých opilcov povedal, "Čo som vám povedal?" Povedal, "Ona je kresťanka!" Vidíte, oni ju len skúšali. A niekedy svet, zistil som to, skúša vás.

144A tak nikdy by som si nemyslel, že toto by sa stalo, ale minulú sobotu večer, myslím, že to bolo v sobotu, alebo v nedeľu večer, ten veľký rečník ... Ja nenazývam veci ľudovými menami. Ale on sa snažil pracovať presne opačne. Ja sa snažím tie cirkvi držať preč od ekumenického hnutia, a tento človek sa ich snaží do neho dostať. A tak, on hovoril ku Kresťanským obchodníkom. Čo, sa očakávalo odo mňa, že ja budem mať to zhromaždenie v Chicagu, ale ja som si myslel, že budem v tom čase v Afrike, a tak som to nemohol vziať. Tento muž povedal, prišiel tam a povedal, "To najväčšie hnutie, tá najväčšie vec, ktorá kedy bola, ktorá je teraz na zemi, je to, že všetky cirkvi sa vracajú späť do katolíckej cirkvi, v tom ekumenickom hnutí, a katolíci prijmú Ducha Svätého." Čo za pasca diablova!

145A ten vedúci, brat Shakarian, predseda Medzinárodného združenia Obchodníkov, sa tam postavil a povedal, potom čo sa ten muž posadil, a povedal, "To nie je tak ako sme to počuli." Povedal, "Brat Branham nám povedal, že, ' Toto ekumenické hnutie ich všetkých privedie do znamenia šelmy.' " A ten muž sedel na pódiu. Povedal, "To privedie to znamenie šelmy." A povedal ešte, "My sa nakláňame veriť, že je Pravda to čo on povedal." [Niekto v zhromaždení zavolal, "Amen! My tiež!" ] A on povedal, "Koľkí z vás by radi počuli brata Branhama, aby prišiel a predstavil vám pravdivú stranu tej veci? Povstaňte." A bolo tam niečo ponad päť tisíc ľudí. Oni kričali a volali, len aby som prišiel na jeden deň, jeden deň.

146Brat Carl Williams mi zatelefonoval a hovoril, "Brat Branham, chlapče, prešiel som cez ten zástup," povedal, "naskladali my do rúk sto dolárové bankovky, aby som ti zaistil letenku na cestu sem a späť." Vidíte, len na jeden deň!

147Vidíte, tí ľudia, to Slovo sa dostáva niekedy tam, kde ani nevieme. Vidíte? Ale, vidíte, keď ste skutočne ... Nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi je svet proti Tomu, Boh potvrdzuje, že je To Pravda. Keď nakoniec udrie tá posledná hodina, možno sa stanú veci, o ktorých ste ani nemysleli.

148Áno, to ukazuje, že ste si nie istí, ak ste privedení do rozpakov, a tak radšej by ste o tom nediskutovali. Ak sa budete za to hanbiť nechceli by ste o tom diskutovať; držíte sa vzadu.

149Ale ako môže nejaký človek, ktorý je naplnený Duchom Božím, ako môže muž, plný moci Božej, a lásky Božej vo svojom srdci, hovoriť s niekým nejaký čas a nespomenúť niečo o tej láske, ktorá je v jeho srdci? Vidíte, je niečo čo to spôsobuje; vy to nedokážete.

150To je, musí to byť ten zlý deň, o ktorom hovoril Ježiš. Ľudia sa hanbia za Slovo a za Ducha Božieho, ktorý v nich koná. Ale, keď je Pravda vyjasnená ľuďom, potom Boh, On Sám, sa zjavuje cez Slovo.

151Nuž, ktokoľvek si na čokoľvek môže činiť nároky. A to tu máme v týchto dňoch, v ktorých je tak mnoho nárokovaných tvrdení, že je to strašné. Ale, vidíte, ak je to Pravda, musí to byť podľa Slova. Pretože, oni hovoria, že majú všetky rôzne veci, olej vytekajúci z ľudí, a krv, ktorá im vyteká z rúk, a ženy, ktoré na chrbte majú túto krv, a steká im do topánok, a oni berú svoje topánky a vylievajú z nich olej, a žaby, ktoré vyskakujú a skáču po pódiu, a všetky možné takéto veci. V Biblii neexistuje niečo také. V Biblii nič takéto nie je zasľúbené. Tam stojí, jedine, "V posledných dňoch bude ten duch tak blízky, že by zviedol aj vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné." Ale o tamtom neexistuje žiadne Písmo.

152Ale keď to prichádza ku pravému nefalšovanému Slovu Božiemu, ktoré Boh potvrdil, zdá sa, že To dokonca prekáža tej druhej skupine, na tej radikálnej strane. Vidíte, sú pri Tom v rozpakoch.

153Ale je To realitou pre muža, či ženu, chlapca či dievča, ktorí sú naozaj skutočnými kresťanmi. Keď dal Boh zasľúbenie o krste Duchom Svätým, a vy Ho prijmete, je Niečo čo odpočinie vo vás, tak že nič nemôže zaujať Jeho miesto. Kedykoľvek, keď sa človek stretne s Bohom; nie v nejakom emocionálnom prepracovaní sa, nie nejakom nadšení, alebo v nejakej náboženskej doktríne, nie nejakom katechizme alebo vyznaní, alebo dogme, ktorú prijal, aby sa z nej tešil. Ale keď on skutočne príde na to miesto, ako prišiel Mojžiš, tam vzadu v púšti, chodil tvárou v tvár so Všemohúcim Bohom, a vy vidíte ten Hlas, ktorý hovorí ku vám, presne podľa Slova a zasľúbenia na túto hodinu, je niečo, čo odpočinie vo vás. Nuž, pozrime sa teraz na to, za ďalších pätnásť minút.

154Sú niektorí ľudia, ktorí obdržali také prežitie. A ako vám dnes hovorím, nie ako ku nejakej cirkvi, alebo nejakej denominácii, hovorím ku vám, ako k jednotlivcom; nie preto, že chodíte sem do tejto modlitebni, ale pretože vás milujem a vy milujete mňa, nie kvôli tamtomu. Dovoľte mi hovoriť ku vám, ako ku zomierajúcim smrteľníkom, že jedného dňa musíte prísť ku koncu tohoto života. A ja tam nemusím byť, ani iný kazateľ tam nemusí byť. Ale je len Jeden, ktorý vás tam môže stretnúť a to je Boh. A vy - vy počúvajte na To a nie na to či, "moja žena je dobrou kresťankou" alebo - alebo "môj muž je dobrým kresťanom," ale na to či "som v poriadku s Bohom? Stretol som sa tak s Bohom?" Nie pretože, "môj pastor sa stretol s Bohom, ani preto, že môj diakon sa stretol s Bohom," ale, "Stretol som Ho ja?" Nie preto, že "som vykrikoval," nie preto, že "som hovoril v jazykoch," ale pretože, "Som Ho stretol ako Osobu!" Potom sa nikdy nebudete za To hanbiť, je Niečo čo je tak dokonalé a čisté, a pravdivé.

155A pamätajte, mohli ste stretnúť nejakého ducha, ktorý sa bude zachovávať ako Boh. Mohli ste stretnúť nejakého ducha, ktorý bude robiť toto, tamto, či niečo ďalšie; sledujte to za chvíľu a budete vidieť, ako sa to zrovnáva so Slovom Božím. Mohli ste sa stretnúť s nejakým duchom, ktorý by vám povedal, že ste spasený, a dal vám nádherný pocit, a vy by ste kričali a výskali; a keď príde ku tomu, zapierate Slovo, ako môže Duch Svätý, ktorý napísal to Slovo, zapierať Svoje vlastné Slovo? Duch musí dotvrdzovať každé zasľúbenie Božie s "amen"! Ak to tak nie je, potom ste nikdy nestretli Boha, stretli ste zvodného ducha. A svet je dnes toho plný!

156Ale keď vidíte, že Boh zostupuje dole a prehlasuje, že ide urobiť určitú vec, a potom sa to stane, a znovu a znovu sa to tak opakuje, potom máte skutočného Ducha Božieho.

157Ako by na človeku mohol byť Duch, Duch Svätý, ktorý napísal Bibliu, a potom by sa on otočil a zapieral, že To nie je pravda, že To bolo na nejaký iný deň?

158On povedal: "To zasľúbenie je pre vás, a pre vaše deti, a pre tých na široko-ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh." To sú Skutky 2. 38. Ako môže potom nejaký duch prijať niečo odlišné od Toho, a byť z Boha, keď Židom 13. 8. hovorí: "Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky"?

159Čo, ak by niekto povedal: "Ó, ja verím, že On bol filozof. On bol dobrý človek. On bol prorok. Ale pokiaľ ide o Jeho moc ..."

160Rozprával som sa raz večer s bratom Georgom Smithom, to je ten chlapec, ktorý chodí s mojou dcérou, Rebekou; fajn chlapec, spieval tu v modlitebni. Chlapec od baptistov, ktorý sa práve vzchopil, povedal: "Moje meno z toho vymažte! Ja s tým nechcem mať nič spoločného." A bola tam nejaká mladá pani ... Oni mali konferenciu, ten baptistický zbor, tam hore na kopci.

161A oni sú tak silno proti mne, oni všetci tam, a okolo ... Oni nemajú nič proti mne; to je proti tomuto Slovu. Proti mne, ako človeku, nemôžu nič povedať, nikdy som im v ničom neublížil. Ale To je to čoho sa oni obávajú. Vidíte? Nuž, boli sme ...

162Oni, keď tam mali mať to zhromaždenie, či vlastne, keď ho mali, na posledné tri večere, tej veľkej konferencii, tam mal byť nejaký misionár, tam hore na vrchoch, kde bolo dosť chladno. Stalo sa, že ten misionár tam prišiel a vošiel do Marka 16, a povedal: "Dnes je mnoho ľudí, ktorý nemôžu uveriť tomu, že Boh uzdravuje." Povedal: "Ja som bol v Indii. Ja som ind. A bol som v Indii, keď tam prišiel nejaký muž, tu zo Spojených štátov, nazýval sa brat Branham." Ten pastor sa začal dvíhať z miesta. Povedal: "Moja žena zomierala na rakovinu. Ja som bol slepý," alebo niečo také. "On sa modlil za jedného z nás, a druhého z nás vyvolal z publika, a dokonca nepoznal ani náš jazyk, a hovoril z Moci Božej." A povedal: "My sme tu. Uzdravený!" Oni sa ho snažili zastaviť. Ale nemohli to urobiť. To je, vidíte, rovno na ich vlastnej konferencii.

163Potom oni všetko zapreli. A niektorí z tých ľudí, dokonca môj ... sestra tohoto chlapca, tým tam dole, nedali ani nič povedať. Oni chceli vedieť, či ona nebola v kontakte, oni sa snažili nejakým spôsobom dostať dole a zistiť to.

Jedna z tých paní povedala: "Nuž, ja tomu verím."

164Rebeka a George išli navštíviť tú pani. A ona odišla a priviedla dievča, ktoré trpelo na ... bola tak trochu nevyvinutá. A tak ma tam zaviedli, aby som sa pozrel na to dievča, jedného večera. A išiel som tam, tá malá panička tam sedela, a ja som sa opýtal: "Si veriaca?"

165Ona odpovedala: "No, neviem či som alebo nie." Nuž, ona nebola nevyvinutá; išlo proste o zlého ducha. Oni si to neuvedomovali. Vidíte, on vás posadne, a vy to ani neviete. To prichádza, potom zúrivosť premôže tú osobu, a oni to nevedia.

166Ženy, ktoré tu chodia vonku po ulici, v tých šortkách, oni si to neuvedomujú. Oni môžu byť, oni by mohli dokázať a odprisahať to, že sa nikdy nedopustili nevery voči svojmu mužovi, a tak ďalej, či niečo také. Ale vo svojom srdci, oni si neuvedomujú, ale duch diablov ich vzal pod kontrolu. Oni sú ním posadnuté. Prečo by si žena chcela vyzliekať šaty, pred nejakým mužom? V Biblii je len jedna osoba, ktorá to tak urobila, a oni boli bez zmyslov. Ostatné sa chceli prikryť; oni si to neuvedomujú. Je to tak vychytralé, tak záludné. Musíte sa pozorovať, vážiť sa Slovom Božím, aby ste videli kde stojíte.

167 Táto mladá pani povedala: "Och, povedali mi, že som bola pokrstená keď som bola dieťa." Povedala: "Neviem či veriť niečomu takému alebo nie."

Opýtal som sa: "Či neveríš v Ježiša Krista?"

168A ona povedala: "Nuž, neviem či verím alebo nie." Povedala: "Tie nejaké hókus-pókus, ja tomu neverím."

169Povedal som: "No, samozrejme, ja neverím v nejaké hókus-pókus." Povedal som: "Ale veríš, že On bol Syn Boží?"

"Ó," povedala: "Mohol byť."

170A ja som povedal: "Veríš, že On je dnes ten istý Boh, ktorý ťa môže spasiť?"

171Ona povedala: "Je tam na tom niečo z tých zázrakov, či niečo také? Ja ničomu takému neverím."

172A ja som povedal: "Čo by si robila, keby si sedela v zhromaždení a videla Boha, Ducha Svätého, ktorý je tým jediným Bohom, prejavujúceho sa medzi ľuďmi; Boh v Otcovstve, ten Ohnivý Stĺp ... prorokov; Boh vo Svojom Synovi; potom Boh vo Svojich ľuďoch? To sú len atribúty Božie, jedného veľkého Boha, ktorý pokrýva večnosť." Povedal som: "Ako by si sa na to dívala, ak by On, medzi Svojimi ľuďmi robil to, že by slepí videli, hluchí počuli, že by hľadel do publika a hovoril ľuďom čo im je, tak ako to On robil, keď tu bol na zemi?"

Ona povedala: "Verím, že to by bol horoskop."

173Povedal som: "Si v horšom stave, ako som si myslel. Bolo by ti lepšie, keby si bola bláznivá, vidíš, nebola by si za to zodpovedná." Ale povedal som: "Si proste posadnutá zlým duchom." Povedal som: "Keď Ježiš povedal tej žene pri studni o jej mužoch, keď sa On díval na tých ľudí a poznával ich myšlienky, nazvala by si to horoskopom?" Vidíte, tak zavinutá do denominácii, nazvanej Luteráni, že všetko čo sa s tým nezhoduje je zlé!

174Boh chce človeka, ktorý je zavinutý do Slova. Všetko, čo sa nezhoduje s Tým je zlé" Ježiš povedal: "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom a Moje Pravdou."

175Bol jeden muž, ktorý žil vo veľmi vedeckej dobe, nazýval sa Noe. On sa nehanbil za Slovo Božie. Boh ho stretol a hovoril ku nemu. On vedel, že to bol Boh. A On povedal: "Bude pršať!" Nikdy ešte nepršalo, ale on veril, že bude pršať. A tá viera, ktorú on mal, on sa ju nehanbil trénovať. On za sto dvadsať rokov staval archu, keď svet bol proti nemu. On sa nehanbil za Slovo Božie, vo svojom čase. Boh za to spasil jeho i jeho dom. Boli tam ... Akokoľvek hlúpe sa to mohlo zdať tým iným ľuďom; ale nie jemu, on stretol Boha. Bez ohľadu na to, na akej vedeckej úrovni boli tí ostatní, bolo to v rozpore s vedou, ako ona hovorila: "to sa nemôže stať, to sa nemôže stať," on stretol Boha!

176To je to, keď viete, že hovoríte ku Nemu! Mohli by ste si myslieť, že je to hlúpe, keď niekto ... Keď, viem, že je niekoľko ľudí na svete, ktorí sa držia toho, že čo som povedal je Pravda. Keď tu zastanem a poviem: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, pôjdem do Arizony, tam stretnem skupinu siedmich anjelov," nuž, bola skupina ľudí, ktorí tam stáli a videli, ako sa to stalo. Iného večera bolo povedané: "Los Angeles spadne do oceánu." Ale, keď ste stretli Boha, a Boh, ktorý sa nikdy nemýli, ten Boh, ktorý robí presne to čo povie, On to vždy urobil, potom sa za to nehanbíte. Nemusíte kráčať vzadu a byť z toho v rozpakoch; môžete to povedať celému svetu. Keď niekto stretne Boha, hovorí ku Nemu, a táto skutočnosť Boha sa stala jeho v jeho srdci, on sa za to nehanbí.

177Noe sa nehanbil. Vyzeralo To hlúpe, pre ten ostatný svet, ale nie pre neho.

178Mojžiš, keď on stál pred faraónom, on sa nehanbil povedať faraónovi, že tie určité veci sa stanú, pretože on stretol Boha. Boh mu povedal, v tom horiacom kríku. Mojžiš povedal: "Ja sa zajakávam." To mal, vadu reči.

179On povedal: "Tam prichádza Áron. Ty mu budeš Bohom, a on ti bude prorokom. Ja viem, že on môže dobre hovoriť. Ale Ja budem s tvojimi ústami. Kto dal človeku reč?" Amen. To sa mi páči. To je Boh. "Kto učinil, aby bol človek hluchý alebo nemý, alebo kto učinil človeka, aby rozprával?" Boh.

On povedal: "Pane, ukáž mi Tvoju slávu."

Povedal: "Čo je v tvojej ruke?"

On povedal: "Palica."

180Povedal: "Hoď ju na zem," obrátila sa na hada. Povedal: "Chyť ju znovu," obrátila sa späť na palicu. Amen. On je Boh. "Vlož svoju ruku za svoje ňadrá." On ju tam vložil, vytiahol ju von, bola biela od malomocenstva. Povedal: "Vlož ju tam znovu," a bola taká ako druhá ruka. "Ja som Boh."

181Potom on predstúpil pred faraóna a hovoril to, čo mu On povedal. On povedal: "Stane sa tak a tak." Zodvihol piesok a vyhodil ho do vzduchu, a povedal: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, nech prídu blchy na celú zem," a blchy prišli. Nabral vodu a vylial ju do rieky, a povedal: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN," a všetky rieky a všetko sa obrátilo na krv. Zavolal dole z neba krupobitie.

182Viete, v posledných dňoch sa očakáva, že tieto pliagy sa znovu zopakujú. A pamätajte, cudzoložník, v Biblických časoch, jeho trest bola smrť ukameňovaním. A tá neveriaca cirkev bude ukameňovaná na smrť, kamenným krupobitím, to bol raz Boží spôsob trestu. On ukameňuje tento neveriaci svet, túto cudzoložnú generáciu. On ju ukameňuje z neba kamenným krupobitím, o váhy talentu, čo je sto libier. Tá cudzoložná cirkev zomrie, cudzoložný svet zomrie pod Božím trestom, pod kameňovaním, tak ako to On urobil na počiatku. Daj sa do poriadku s Bohom, cirkev! To je to čo všetci musíme urobiť, obrátiť sa naspäť ku Bohu!

183Ten starý zarastený, so šedivou bradou, holohlavý, s vychudnutými ramenami, osemdesiat ročný Eliáš, ktorý sedel tam niekde na púšti, hľadel na hriechy tých ľudí. Boh raz ráno ku nemu prehovoril, povedal: "Choď tam dole a povedz Achabovi, že ani len rosa nespadne z neba, až kým ju ty nezavoláš."

184Môžem si predstaviť jeho drobné staré oči, ako hľadia spoza tej rozstrapatenej bielej brady, ako má v ruke palicu, a kráča dole po ceste, ako šestnásť ročný chlapec. Ide rovno ku kráľovi, a hovorí: "Ani len rosa nespadne z neba, až kým ju ja nezavolám." On sa nehanbil za Boha, alebo za Jeho Slovo; povedať kráľovi či komukoľvek. On sa nehanbil. Nemusel sa skryť, hovoriť: "Nuž, Achab, ty by si ..."

185To mi pripomína niečo, aký sme my. Potom som povedal ľuďom: "Prichádzam ku miestu, že potrebujem viacej viery." To je to, kvôli čomu som teraz doma, dostať sa do nového prepuknutia viery.

186Stalo sa tak, že keď sa modlíte za ľudí, ako by ste sa ospravedlňovali: "pán Diabol, odstúpil by si sa prosím nabok a dovolil mi ...?" Nič takého! Viera má svaly a zarastené prsia. Keď ona hovorí, všetko musí stíchnuť. Nepristupujte tak ku tomu: "pán Diabol, odídeš ?"

187"Ber sa z tadeto! Ja som syn Boží, mám Božie poverenie. Opusti ich!" To hýbe. Nemáte sa čo ospravedlňovať Diablovi, nemáte s ním nič spoločného. Nehanbíte sa za Slovo Božie, nehanbíte sa za svoje poverenie, nehanbíte sa za to kým sme.

188Jediné, za čo sa hanbím, že som, to je že som Branham, to je moje zemské narodenie. Hanbím sa za svoju nedostatočnosť.

189Ale ako Jeho sluha sa nehanbím! Nehanbím sa za Jeho Slovo. Či je to pred denomináciami, kráľmi, vladármi, alebo pred čímkoľvek; som proste pripravený dať im odpoveď, keď to Boh bude chcieť.

190Mojžiš išiel pred faraóna. On sa nehanbil povedať mu, že nepristanú na kompromis, aby prijali to jeho, na "toľko dní" von do púšti.

On povedal: "Niektoré ženy tu zostanú so svojimi deťmi."

191Povedal: "My všetci pôjdeme! Ani kopyto tu nezostane, vezmeme svoj dobytok a všetko." On sa nehanbil. Prečo? On vošiel do Svetla vyslobodenia.

192Preto muž či žena, chorí, alebo čokoľvek mu je, keď raz vojde do prítomnosti Božej, a vedia, že ich Boh uzdravil, vy vstupujete do Svetla vyslobodenia. Na ničom nerobíte kompromis.

193Vyslobodenie bolo v jeho srdci, pretože on stretol Boha, ktorý mu povedal: "Ja som Boh Abrahámov, ktorý dal Abrahámovi to zasľúbenie. A ten čas, čas vykúpenia, vyslobodenia, je na blízku. Ja ťa posielam tam dole, aby si ich vyviedol von." Aké že treba ku tomu ospravedlnenie?

194Faraón ho mohol dať zabiť. On bol len obyčajný človek. On bol otrok. On ho mohol dať zabiť. Ale on sa nehanbil za to Slovo. On tam neprišiel a nepadol na svoje kolená a za nič neprosil faraóna. On povedal: "Prišiel som ich vziať."

Faraón povedal: "Ty ich nemôžeš vziať!"

195On povedal: "No dobre, tak potom prídu na celú zem blchy, až sa cez ne budete brodiť." A to sa aj stalo.

Povedal: "Ó, Mojžiš, ber ich preč!"

On povedal: "No dobre. Činíš teraz pokánie?"

Povedal: "No dobre, môžete ísť na toľko a toľko dní do púšti."

196On povedal: "Tak potom prídu muchy:" Amen. Povedal: "Nastane tma." Bola taká tma, že nebolo vidno z jedného miesta na druhé.

197A nakoniec prišla smrť. Od Faraóna až po sluhu, smrť najstaršieho dieťaťa v rodine. Nemuseli sa vôbec ospravedlňovať. On bol synom Abrahámovým, narodený v Duchu Božom, ktorý dostal poverenie od Boha, Posolstvo Božie, aby išiel tam dole a vyviedol von tých ľudí.

198Nuž, či nemôže Boh vyvolať to isté v tejto hodine, aby si z cirkvi vzal Nevestu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."]

199Daniel sa ... či vlastne David, sa nehanbil pred Saulom. Keď sa tam všetci báli Goliáša, on sa nebál tam vystúpiť. A povedal: "Tvoj sluha ..." Ten mladý ryšavý mládenec povedal: "Tvoj služobník pásol ovce svojho otca a prišiel medveď a vzal jednu z nich. Dohonil som ho na púšti a zabil som ho, s týmto prakom. Prišiel lev." Ó! "Prišiel lev a vzal jednu z nich, a utiekol do púšti, a ja som ho zrazil k zemi prakom. A keď sa postavil, zabil som ho." On povedal: "A Boh ..." Ten upadnutý kráľ tam stál, tí mizerní vojaci sa snažili slúžiť Nebeskému Bohu, a nechali toho neobrezaného filištína tam stáť a hanobiť armády Živého Boha. Povedal: "Tvoj sluha zabije tak isto i jeho. Pretože, ten Boh, ktorý ma zachránil pred levom i medveďom, ma tak isto zachráni pred tým neobrezaným filištínom." On sa nekoktal, nehovoril: "možno že sa to stane." On povedal: "To sa stane!" On sa nehanbil.

200Daniel, pred kráľom, on sa nebál postaviť proti jeho nariadeniam, že sa nikto nemá modliť, jedine len ku nemu. On otvoril okná, vytiahol roletu, a modlil sa trikrát za deň. On sa nebál.

201Sadrách, Mézach a Abednégo sa nebáli tej ohnivej peci. Povedali: "Náš Boh je schopný vyslobodiť nás. Boh nás môže vyslobodiť. Ale aj keď nie, nebudeme sa klaňať tvojmu obrazu." Oni sa za to nehanbili. Nie veru. Nie veru. Oni sa skutočne za to nehanbili, pretože vedeli.

202Samson sa nehanbil pred Filištínmi. Keď dobehlo na neho tisíc filištínov, on zodvihol kosť z oslej čeľusti. A ich prilby, oni boli hrubé asi jeden a pol palca, z mosadzi. A on ich s tým pobil tisíc, a stále držal v ruke tú osliu čeľusť. On nebol v rozpakoch. Vzal proste to čo mal v ruke, a pustil sa s tým do roboty On vedel, že Duch Boží je na ňom. On vedel, že sa narodil, ako nazarej. On vedel, že nič ho nemôže rozhádzať. On bol sluha Boží. Až dotiaľ kým zotrvával v súlade s vôľou Božou, nič sa mu nemohlo postaviť do cesty, bez ohľadu na to koľko kráľov, alebo filištínov, či čokoľvek to bolo, čo povstalo proti nemu. Tak veru.

203Ján sa nehanbil za Slovo Božie, ktoré prišlo ku nemu na púšti, a povedalo mu, aby išiel krstiť vodou. On sa nehanbil povedať: "Ajhľa baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta," pretože Duch Boží bol na ňom. On sa nehanbil pred tými kňazmi.

204On sa nehanbil za Slovo Božie, keď predstúpil pred Herodesa. Filipova žena žila s Herodesom. Prišiel rovno pred kráľa! Tento chlapík so zarastenou tvárou, ktorý prišiel tam z púšti, prišiel z tade, bez žiadneho vzdelania ani ničoho takého, a išiel rovno pred Herodesa, a povedal: "Nepatrí sa ti ju mať!" On sa nehanbil za Božie Slovo. Skutočne. On sa zaň vôbec nehanbil.

Štefan sa nehanbil za Božie Slovo.

205Tí prví, tí letniční ľudia tam v Deň Letníc, keď boli zhromaždení v tej vrchnej dvorane, Duch Svätý spadol na nich, podľa Božieho zasľúbenia. Lukáš 24. 49. hovorí

... hľa, ja posielam zasľúbenie svojho Otca na vás, ale čakajte ... v meste Jeruzaleme, dokiaľ nebudete odiati do moci z výsosti.

206A práve toto zasľúbenie, ktoré im zasľúbilo Slovo Božie: "Ajhľa, Ja posielam zasľúbenie Svojho Otca na vás, ale čakajte tam; nezískavajte viacej teológie alebo vzdelania, a tak ďalej, čakajte až budete naplnený Mocou." A keď prišla tá Moc z Neba, ako nesúci sa silný vietor, oni sa nehanbili za Evanjelium.

207Peter povstal a povedal: "Čiňte pokánie, každý z vás. Vy ľudia, rukami bezbožných ste ukrižovali Knieža Pokoja, ktorého Boh vzkriesil z mŕtvych. A my sme toho svedkami. Pretože toto je to čo povedal Joel, že sa stane v posledných dňoch, ' Ja vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo.' " On sa nehanbil za to Evanjelium.

208Ten prostý Štefan, ako som ho spomenul pred chvíľou, keď tam prechádzal ako nejaké tornádo. On nebol kazateľ. On bol len diakon, ale on všade svedčil o zmŕtvychvstaní. On stretol Boha. A to je práve tak ako ...

209Pokúste sa ho zastaviť? Nuž, to by bolo, ako keby sa niekto snažil dostať dom, horiaci dom, dostať z neho preč ten oheň, za veterného dňa, počas sucha. Nuž, zakaždým, keď vietor zaduje, zapáli ďalší oheň.

210Oni ho dotiahli pred radu Sanhedrínu. Viete si predstaviť čo to bolo? To je ako Ekumenická rada. Všetky náboženstvá vchádzajú pod Ekumenickú radu. Oni všetci vošli tam pod Radu Sanhedrínu. Farizeovia, Sadúceovia, Herodiáni, čokoľvek oni boli, oni museli vojsť do tej rady. A oni ho schvatli, nie len jedna organizácia, ale ten veľký koncil ho schvatol. "Vyplašíme z neho pečeň."

211Keď tam on predstúpil, v to ráno, Biblia hovorí, že jeho tvár vyzerala, ako tvár anjela. On povedal: "Mužovia a bratia, dovoľte aby som ku vám prehovoril. Naši otcovia bývali v Mezopotámii, predtým ako prišli do Chárana," a tak ďalej. On stále pokračoval a predkladal Písma. Potom, keď všetko rozuzlil, Duch prišiel na neho a on povedal: "Vy tvrdého krku a neobrezaných sŕdc a uší, vy sa stále protivíte Duchu Svätému; ako vaši otcovia, tak aj vy." On sa nehanbil za to Evanjelium, nehanbil sa za Slovo. Nebol v rozpakoch pred Radou Sanhedrínu. Nie.

212Pavol povedal pred Agripom. On bol žid, vyučený pod Gamalielom, on mal veľkú hodnosť. Ale jedného dňa, na ceste do Damašku, on prišiel do Prítomnosti, do kontaktu s Bohom. Anjel zostúpil dole z neba, vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpu, Svetla, ktoré ho zrazilo na zem. Zodvihol sa a povedal: "Pane, kto si?"

A On povedal: "Ja som Ježiš."

213Ako stál pred Agripom, on znovu porozprával ten príbeh. On povedal: "Nehanbím sa za Evanjelium Ježiša Krista, pretože Ono je Mocou Božou ku spaseniu, každému kto verí." Skutočne.

214A tak, priatelia prechádzali sme s tými mužmi cez tie veky, ale to sme boli v minulom čase.

215Ale dovoľte mi povedať toto. Človek, ktorý raz prišiel do kontaktu s Bohom, ktorý je Slovom, a to Slovo sa mu stalo jasným a zamanifestovalo sa pred ním, ohľadne toho potom nieto žiadnej hanby. Nie ste v rozpakoch. Neprivádza ma to do rozpakov, povedať, že verím každému Božiemu Slovu. Neprivádza ma to do rozpakov, keď mi Pán povie, aby som niečo povedal, išiel a povedal niečo a urobil to. Neprivádza ma to do rozpakov povedať, že som bol naplnený Duchom Svätým. Neprivádza ma to do rozpakov, povedať, že som hovoril v iných jazykoch. Neprivádza ma to do rozpakov, povedať, že mi náš Pán ukázal videnia. Neprivádza ma to do rozpakov povedať, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

216"Keď budete vedení pred vládcov a pred kráľov pre Moje Meno, nestarajte sa o to čo budete hovoriť, pretože vám to bude dané v tej hodine. Nie ste to vy, ktorý hovoríte, ale Môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo vás. Ale ktokoľvek by sa hanbil za Mňa a za Moje Slovo, v tejto generácii, za toho sa budem hanbiť aj Ja pred Mojím Otcom a pred svätými Anjelmi." Bože, pomôž nám nehanbiť sa, ale nám pomôž byť živým svedectvom.

217Každý muž v Starom Zákone, keď prišli tí proroci, oni sa stávali - oni sa stávali živým Slovom. Oni boli tým Slovom. Ježiš povedal, že oni boli nazvaný bohmi, a oni nimi boli. pretože Slovo Božie prišlo ku nim. Oni hovorili: "To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN."

218A každý učeník Kristov, ktorý vo vykúpení prišiel s Ním do kontaktu, a spasenie prišlo do jeho srdca, on má Boha. A aký druh života by sme mali žiť, a ako by sme mali chodiť, a ako by sme mali rozprávať, ak sám Boh sa znázorňuje cez naše smrteľné telá? Kto by sa za to mohol hanbiť?

219Ak by som prišiel, v autorite policajta, tu v Jeffersonville na nejaké miesto, išiel by som dole ulicou, v plnej autorite, nehanbil by som sa toho mesta. Bol by som časťou toho mesta. Bol by som policajtom, časťou mesta, aby som udržiaval poriadok a riadil dopravu. Ak by niekto prešiel na červené svetlo, nehanbil by som sa mu povedať, že urobil zle, dal by som mu pokutu. To je moja povinnosť, pretože som platený od mesta. Živí ma mesto. Mám autoritu, ktorú mi dalo mesto. Bez ohľadu, či ten človek bol opitý, alebo čokoľvek by s ním bolo, oni ma podoprú. Ja zastávam svoje miesto, pretože som policajt a ... Som tu ustanovený, alebo dosadený a je mi daná autorita, aby som toto robil. Očakáva sa od vás, že budete dbať na zákony a práva, a na všetko, a dozerať, či sa to správne vykonáva.

220Potom, ak som kresťan, a bol som naplnený tým Duchom, nesiem svedectvo zmŕtvychvstania Ježiša Krista, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky. Nedovolím žiadnemu diablovi, ktorý sa vás snaží sekírovať, hovoriť: "Nerob toto a nerob tamto." Ti To len rob. Boh ti dal to ...

221Vidíte, my nemáme moc. Ten policajt nemá moc, aby zastavil nejaké auto. Ono má okolo ... niekedy tie motory majú tristo alebo štyristo konských síl, čo by on s tým mohol urobiť? Ale on má autoritu.

222A tak isto je to s cirkvou. My máme autoritu, skrze zmŕtvychvstanie Ježiša Krista a skrze Jeho zasľúbené Slovo, haleluja: "Skutky ktoré Ja činím aj vy budete činiť; väčšie ako tie budete činiť, pretože Ja idem k Otcovi."

223Nehanbite sa za Neho v tejto generácii; hriešnej, pomätenej, poslednej generácii, ktorá kedy bude na zemi, táto hriešna, cudzoložná, plná všetkých bolestí rozkladu. Všetko, všetko čo bolo slušné sa stalo neslušné. Národná politika, špina! Národy sú rozlámané.

224Ďaleko v džungliach Afriky, poľovníci v safari, oni si so sebou musia brať vysoko výkonné rádiá, aby počúvali Elvisa Presleyho, Pata Boona, a tých ďalších s tým rock-and-roll-om a twistom. A tí domorodci, sa ich snažia pozorovať, ako sa pri tom zachovávajú, ako šklbú hlavami, a ako sa takto zachovávajú, tí domorodci tam stoja a dívajú sa na to. Ale, viete, oni sú nie Američania ako Pat Boone, a Elvis Presley, a Ricky Nelson, a tí ďalší. Oni nie sú Judášovia toho typu, ale oni sú ... Vidíte, to je duch. A ten duch nie je len v Amerike, on sa rozšíril po celom svete, aby ich priviedol ku bitke pri Armagedone. Oni sa tak správajú, či sú ... Z ktoréhokoľvek národa pochádzajú, z Afriky, Indii, či odkiaľkoľvek, tá vulgárnosť a to všetko sa rozšírilo po celej zemi, len skrze jedného muža, ktorý to začal.

225A tak sa Evanjelium a Moc Všemohúceho Boha rozniesla okolo sveta! A teraz nastal čas oddelenia, keď Boh vyvoláva Nevestu, a Diabol vyvoláva cirkev. Daj mi byť časťou Nevesty!

Modlime sa.

226Drahý Bože, vidíme ten nápis na stene, Pane. Sme v čase konca. Vieme, že pred nami ležia veľké veci, avšak niekde, niekde vonku v tejto mase, tu vonku, sú stále čestný ľudia, ktorí boli určení do Života. Bolo by to nemožné pre jedného alebo dvoch ľudí; ale, Boh, všetci dokopy, roznesme do každého kúta, kde len môžeme, tú dobrú novinu, že Ježiš prichádza, a hľaďte, rozširujme len dookola trochu Chleba, trochu Slova. Kdekoľvek sú orly, oni pôjdu za tým Pokrmom. Či to prichádza cez magnetofónové pásky, alebo či to prichádza skrze slovo alebo svedectvo. Orly To budú nasledovať, až do Toho hlavného stanu. Pretože je napísané: "Tam kde je obeť, tam sa zhromaždia aj orly." Drahý Ježišu, my vieme, že Ty si tou Obeťou, ktorú my jeme. Ty si Slovo, a Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami. Modlíme sa Bože, aby pritom ako rozširujeme to Slovo, aby To tie skutočné orly našli.

227Nech sa nehanbíme, keď sa postavíme pred ľuďmi, zlými, ľahostajnými ľuďmi, nábožnými, či akýmikoľvek. Ako Pavol povedal Timoteovi:

... Pristupujme v pravý i nepravý čas; karhaj, tresci, a ... s celou zhovievavosťou a s učením.

Lebo príde čas, keď neznesú zdravého učenia; ale podľa svojich vlastných žiadostí si budú hromadiť učiteľov, lebo ich budú svrbieť uši;

A odvrátia ... od pravdy, ... k bájkam.

228Bože, my žijeme v tom čase. Dal si mi žiť už dosť dlho aby som videl, že to sa deje. Ako to leží rovno tu v základnom kameni tejto modlitebni, dnes už tridsať tri rokov.

229Bože, požehnaj tu každého jedného. Ak by tu bol jeden, Pane, ktorý nie je pripravený stretnúť sa s Tebou, takí ktorí proste nemôžu súhlasiť s Tvojím Slovom, a oni sa s Tebou nestretli tvárou v tvár a vedia, že sa s Tebou nemožno stretnúť len skrze nejaký skutok, nejakého prijatia, ako keby si bol nejakým vyznaním alebo niečím, ale stretnúť Živého Boha; a ak oni toto neurobili, Pane, nech by to mohli urobiť práve teraz.

230Verím, že Ty si - Ty si v tejto hodine skutočne blízko. Ja neviem kto oni sú. Ja neviem , či je tu niekto taký, ale cítim proste, že som vedený modliť sa ku Tebe. Nie preto, že ma počúvajú títo ľudia, pretože to by bolo pokrytectvo. Bože uchovaj. Ja nechcem byť pokrytcom. Ale sa modlím s úprimnosťou v srdci, Pane, nech to oni urobia hneď teraz.

231Ktokoľvek on alebo ona je, ku ktorému Ty dnes ráno hovoríš, nech by prišli ponížene a nehanbili sa, ale hlboko vo svojich srdciach Ťa teraz prijali, aby prišli dnes večer a dali sa pokrstiť vo Meno Ježiša Krista, nasledujúc každé Slovo, každé Slovo; ak boli inak pokrstení, alebo pofŕkaní, poliati. Pamätajte, (my pamätáme, Pane), že Ty si povedal: "Ktokoľvek by odňal jedno Slovo z tej Knihy, alebo pridal jedno slovo do Toho, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života." Hoci sa on snaží, prichádza, zapisuje svoje meno do knihy, to nebude fungovať. Buďme úprimní a pokorní.

232Oni sú v Tvojich rukách, Pane. Učiň s nimi ako uznáš za vhodné, pretože oni sú Tvoji. V Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho.

233A teraz, zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy, chcem aby ste teraz skutočne vážne rozmýšľali. Ospravedlňujem sa prv, že som pretiahol o pätnásť minút. Teraz chceme hm-kať. A vy len rozmýšľajte vo svojich srdciach: "Stretol som sa skutočne s Bohom?" Rozmýšľajte teraz len o tom, skutočne úprimne. Pretože, to nebude príliš mnoho krát, možno až do ... Toto teraz môže byť posledný krát, čo sa stretneme pred Jeho príchodom. Je To blízko, priatelia. Každé Písmo, vyzerá tak, akoby sa už skoro vyplnilo. A to môže byť, pre teba alebo pre mňa, toto môže byť posledná šanca. Môže byť po nás prv ako nastane noc.

Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celou cestou.

Môžem počuť: "Hanbíš sa za Mňa a za Moje Slová?"

Môžem počuť môjho Spasiteľa ...

234Predstavte si len, že ležíte teraz na svojej smrteľnej posteli. "Môžem počuť ..." Potom to môže byť príliš neskoro, ale zatiaľ je ešte čas.

"Vezmi svoj kríž a," (mohol by som sa teraz obetovať?) "nasleduj Ma."

A teraz si odpovedz toto vo svojom srdci:

Ja s Ním pôjdem cez záhradu,

Ja s Ním pôjdem cez záhradu,

Ja s Ním pôjdem cez záhradu,

Ja s Ním pôjdem, s Ním celou ...

235A teraz so svojimi sklonenými hlavami, zodvihnime len svoje ruky a povedzme:

Ja pôjdem s Ním cez súd,

Nuž, to je to čo práve teraz prichádza, On nás súdi

Ja pôjdem ...

Pane, našiel si ma vinného? Potom mi odpusť.

... cez Jeho súd,

V čom ma súdiš dnes ráno, Pane?

...s Ním cez súd ...

Skús ma, Pane, vidz či je vo mne niečo nečisté.

...s Ním, s Ním celou cestou.

236Otče, ďakujeme Ti dnes ráno za tie pozdvihnuté ruky. Nevšímal som si iných, iba tých čo zodvihli svoje ruky. Ďakujem Ti, Pane. Dôverujem Ti, že tiež tí, ktorí nezodvihli ruky, Pane, že i všetci tí, ktorí nezodvihli svoje ruky, že sú pripravení prejsť cez súd. Súď nás, Pane. A ak je v nás niečo zlé, odpusť nám to, Otče. Daj nám Tvoju milosť, pretože sa nechceme stretnúť s Tvojím súdom, potom keď nebude prítomná milosť. A tak, milosť je tu teraz prítomná, a tak sa modlíme, Bože, aby si nás súdil a odpustil nám naše viny, podľa Tvojho Slova a Tvojho zasľúbenia. A daj nám žiť pre Teba po všetky dni svojho života, aby sme sa nehanbili za Evanjelium.

237A teraz, Otče, ak je to Tvoja vôľa, začíname zhromaždenia, ktoré budú teraz tri nedele za sebou. Priprav ku tomu naše srdcia, Pane. Priprav mňa, ó Bože. Ja som ten, ktorý Ťa tak veľmi potrebujem. Prosím, aby si ma viedol a smeroval, do toho čo by som mal robiť a povedať, v tých nadchádzajúcich dňoch.

238Veď a smeruj nášho drahého brata Neville, ktorý je Tvojím verným služobníkom, Pane; a tak isto brata Manna, a diakonov zboru a starších, a každého kto tu prichádza.

239Priprav nás Pane, aby sme boli schopní, skutočným kresťanským spôsobom, privádzať ku Tebe hriešnika, a privádzať členov zboru ku poznaniu Boha, o ktorom vieme, že sme Ho osobne stretli, nech sa On môže stať tiež ich Bohom. A teraz, Otče, toto nedokážeme urobiť, my ich tam nemôžeme poslať. Ale Ty, Duch Svätý, pohybuj sa nad tými ľuďmi, tými členmi cirkví.

240A ako to malé prežitie, ktoré som mal s Tebou raz ráno: "Choď a vezmi môjmu Synovi Nevestu. Vezmi ju s pomedzi ľudí, z pomedzi cirkví. Vytiahni von Nevestu." Dovoľ mi teraz modliť sa, Pane. Ty pošli Rebeku; Ja sa budem snažiť byť Eliezérom. Pomôž mi byť verným sluhom. A nech Nebeský Boh pošle Svojho Anjela predo mnou, pred nami, aby sme pozbierali tie veci dokopy a vybrali Nevestu, ktorú On vyvolil. Prosíme to v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

241Prepáčte, že som vás zdržal troch dlhšie. Je to o dvadsať päť minút dlhšie ako obyčajne. Mal som sa dostať ku tomu už pred dvadsiatimi piatymi minútami. No, ale teraz ... Máte radi tú starú pieseň: "Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš?" [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Či nie je nádherná? Už spievam tú pieseň okolo tridsať tri rokov, ako zabudnutú pieseň. Vodný krst: "Stojím na rozbúrenom brehu Jordánu." A myslím si, že je tak pekná: "Ber Ho proste kdekoľvek ideš!"

Predrahé meno, ó aké sladké! Nádej ...

Potraste si ruky, s tým kto stojí vedľa vás.

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno,

ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

242Pamätajte dnes večer máme zhromaždenie, sedem tridsať, sedem tridsať dnes večer. Spievajme teraz jeden verš.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,

Ako ochranu pred každou pascou;

Keď ťa obkľúčia pokušenia ... (Čo potom urobíš)

Len vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe.

Predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;

Predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

243Je tu niekto, kto prišiel aby sa dal pokrstiť, po zhromaždení? Ak áno, zodvihnite svoje ruky. Kto sa chce dať pokrstiť? Dvaja, v poriadku, chcú byť hneď po zhromaždení pokrstení. Ak vy ostatní, ak sa niekto z vás chce dať pokrstiť, budeme krstiť každý deň v tých zhromaždeniach. To jediné, čo musíte urobiť, je požiadať o to. Sme pripravení pokrstiť vás. Je to naša povinnosť, pokrstiť vás vo meno Pána Ježiša Krista. Je to naša povinnosť urobiť to. A my to s radosťou kedykoľvek urobíme. Vy, ktorí sa budete krstiť, hneď po zhromaždení vojdite tam do tých miestností, a my hneď pristúpime ku krstu. Ktokoľvek chce ísť za nimi, buďte si istý, že sme tu ... ak ste učinili pokánie zo svojich hriechov a prijali ste Ježiša ako svojho Spasiteľa.

244Roky ste boli kresťanom, a nikdy ste nevideli to Svetlo, a to Svetlo vyslobodenia teraz prišlo. Žena, Nevesta, musí prijať to meno! Ježiš povedal: "Ja som prišiel v Mene Svojho Otca, a vy ste Ma neprijali. Ale keď príde niekto vo svojom vlastnom mene, vy ho prijmete," to je vaša denominácia.

245Každý syn prichádza v mene svojho otca. Ja prichádzam v mene svojho otca. Vy mužovia prichádzate v mene svojho otca.

246A aké bolo Jeho Meno, aké je meno Jeho Otca? Ježiš! On: "prišiel v Mene Svojho Otca, a vy ste Ma neprijali." A teraz, Jeho Nevesta bude mať Jeho meno, samozrejme.

247Ja som si vzal ženu, ktorá sa nazývala Broyová, a ona sa stala Branhamová.

248On prichádza pre Nevestu, buďte si toho istý a pamätajte na to, ako prichádzate ku tomu bazénu.

Skloňme teraz naše hlavy.

249 A brat Vayle, on je tu nie pre nás cudzí. On je veľmi vzácny brat, bol so mnou na mnohých zhromaždeniach, on i jeho žena. A on tak isto teraz prepisuje tie kázne i všetko, čo má vyjsť vo forme knihy. Brat Vayle, rozpustil by si nás s modlitbou, zatiaľ čo máme sklonené naše hlavy.

[Brat Vayle sa modlí.]

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. Good morning, friends. It's good to be here this morning. And I think I made a... I am an intruder on Brother Neville's time. Sitting back there with his, getting his text together; and I walked in, he started folding up his text, and said, "Well..."

2 It reminds me of years ago. There used to be a colored brother down here, named Brother Smith, and Sister Cross. They were very good friends of mine. And when I'd walk in the building at night, the old fellow used... He had a white mustache. Don't know whether any of you remember him, or not. And he would be on the platform, you know. And all of them would be singing, "It's A Highway To Heaven." And Brother Smith, he just sit like this, you know. And I would walk in the back door.

3There was a little girl, kind of real dark, she used to sit in the corner. She'd start clapping her hands, saying, "Lift Him up," that song, you know. They put their own melody to it, you know. And then over in the next corner, be somebody else, says, come in again, "Lift Him up." Well, that's what they'd sing when I come in the door. I just love that bunch of people.

4And so old Brother Smith sit back there, a little bit, you know, and he was kind of a quiet sort of a fellow. He would say, "Come in, elder, rest your hat." Not "rest yourself"; "rest your hat," hang it up, see. "Come in, elder, rest your hat." He would get up there, and, I could tell the way he started off, I was in for it, see.

5He would say, "Well," he says, "children, you know," he said, "I--I was sitting here just wondering, 'Lord, what You going to give me to say?'" Said, "He--He--He kept shaking His head at me, 'I ain't going to give you nothing to say.'" Said, "I seen Elder Branham walk in back there, and I said, now, 'Lord, I just begin to remember... '" Well, I was right in for it!

6 Brother George Wright, how are you, brother? [Brother Wright says, "Oh, good. Sure."--Ed.] Bless you, Brother Wright! Certainly. ["Brother Elijah is back there."] Oh, is that right? Brother Elij' Perry, he said, is back here. Where you at, Brother Elij'? I haven't seen him in a long... Well, my, goodness! Now we ought to have a real meeting here! Elij' Perry, George Wright, and some of them old timers that used to be here when you almost had to hold the shutters on the place, with our hands, the wind blowing. Good seeing you! Mother, Sister Wright with you? Sister Wright in? She is back there, too. Yes, sir. Well, how fine! Sister Perry, I see them all now. Well, that's really fine. Good to be in. It's good to sit in these places. It's good to be together.

7 I had planned on, so hard, coming back; burdened in the heart. I just returned from Africa, as you all know. And when I got over there, I had a restricted visa, and wouldn't let me, wouldn't let me preach because it gathers too many together. They're expecting an uprise there at any time, and--and they--they wouldn't let me preach because of that gathering too many people together. The only way I could, would to have some organization that's represented by the government, in the government, to invite me over, then that would automatically let the government send out a militia for protection. See, they're just... There is just going to be an uprise, and that's all there is to it. It's just right in hand, see. That government man said, "The last time he was here, he had about a quarter of a million people together." And he said, "Then, you see, that would just be the very thing that communism is looking for, for an uprise." So, I couldn't preach.

8Those people standing there, waving their hands, and crying, "Remember my mother! Remember, my brother died! My..." There, and in behind a bar, you know, bars of wire, and it just made you feel real bad. And I come back home.

9 And I thought, "Well..." My son, Joseph, back there, had let down a little bit in his reading. And he had... He passed all right, but he had to take it over; wasn't reading good enough. So I thought, "Well, we're going to have to stay home a little while." And I said, "If we stay home, it's going to ruin the kids' vacation." See we just postponed it, and taken him over to another part in August, and let... and come back here for a couple, three weeks.

10I said, "I believe, while we're back there, I'll just take and hold a meeting. We'll get that school auditorium up here, and--and we'll have a meeting from the twenty-eighth on through to the first, a meeting at the school auditorium. I wanted to preach on the subject of the outpouring of them seven last Vials." And so we called ahead, and we had a little disappointment. They won't let us have these schools no more, too many people crowds in. We can't have it nowhere. And so then I decided, while I was back here then, instead of...

11 We can't put all the people, if we'd adver-... It's never been advertised, now. So if we put all the people, try to put them in the Tabernacle here, we couldn't do it. See, it just... five days in here would be awful.

12So, sitting in there talking with Brother Neville and Brother Woods, and them, we have decided to do this. If we can't, instead, that would make us have five services; that would be twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth, thirty-first, and first. Well, I feel if we have, beginning next Sunday, we can have two services, Sunday morning and Sunday night, that's the eighteenth. And then on the--on the twenty-fifth, have Sunday morning and Sunday night. That's four services. Then on August the first, have a Sunday morning and Sunday night. That would give us six services, and then it won't make such a jam to get the people in. And I think that.

13Don't you think that would be better than having everybody just crowded and mashed together, and everything? Then just that for them two services, we can put up with that, but everybody kind of pull together. For five nights, straight, it would make it hard.

14And I want to get with the trustees and the elders here, while I'm here.

15 This is becoming everywhere. We're living in these last days, to where the Gospel does not have the--the premises as It should have. It don't have the rights that It should have. It's all sewed up in politics and things, and just like a union. And that's what it's finally coming to, because the mark of the beast has to come by union, we know. So we--we... Cause, it's a boycott, "no man can buy or sell, save him that have the mark of the beast."

16 And now I want to find out, through the elders. I feel led. I've never had such a hunger in my heart for God, in all my life, than I have now, see. For... And I--I want to get my own tent and my--my stuff, like the Lord gave me a vision to, and I believe the time is just now at hand. And I want to see while I'm here, why we can't get the tent.

17And--and then when we go, like come here to Jeffersonville, instead of having just a day or two, or three or four days, we can go out here and put up this tent, and have two or three weeks, you see, and nobody can say nothing about it. We can either take a ballpark, or, if they won't let us have that, there is farmer out here will let us have a farm. We'll rent the farm and--and put it up. The only thing we'd just have to do there, would be make our--our outbuildings, and so forth, and for our conveniences. And that could be easily done. And then we'll start having our services like that because that's according to a vision from the Lord, and it's to be done that way.

18 And coming in, yesterday, and finding, you know, this, that. And was going up the street, and a good friend of mine going along there, said, "Hello, Billy." I looked at him, and snow-white hair, that much tummy. And the boy is my age. We run around together, handsome young fellow, when I was a kid. It kind of made me feel funny.

My little son, Joseph, said, "Why you sad, Daddy?"

19"Oh," I said, "I can't explain it to you, Joseph. See, I can't, can't tell you."

20And I look at Elij' Perry sitting back there, and Mrs. Perry; seem like yesterday they were a little black-headed couple out there, living next door to me, when we had the old boat, Wahoo, and down on the river and fished at night. See them both white-headed, you know, it says one thing, it's a little buzzer that comes on, "You ain't got much more time." See?

21So, I want every day of my life to count for Him. What I have left, what time I have, I want to spend it somewhere doing something, if it's no more than stand on a street corner, testifying to the glory and honor of God. And I--I'm here for that purpose.

22 And I've got a little secret place up here at Green's Mill, Indiana. It's not a city, now, it's--it's a wilderness. And some people has taken it over, and they don't even let you set a foot on it. But I got a cave there that he would never find me when I got into it. I go at nighttime, and he'll never know when I go in or come out. And he don't know where the cave is, and couldn't get to it no matter where it was. And I want to go over and talk to the Lord, a while, I feel that it's a necessity.

23The wife, she wants to come, want to come back and visit around, and Rebekah and Sarah, and them, with their friends. And we're back here now for the next three weeks, and if the Lord willing.

24 And I think, instead of trying to jam the people all together, for them meetings here in the Tabernacle... Course, this belongs to us, belongs to the Lord, give it to us. And it's air-conditioned. Like to have a Sunday morning service, a Sunday night service. That would let people go back to their place, then wait over until the next coming week.

25I don't think I could take and--and officially do justice to the pouring out of those last Vials, 'cause they're very, very great Message in that. But I could pray for the sick, and do things that... I have Messages, too, as the Lord will give them to me, for the church. Through the week, I'll get out here in the wilderness somewhere and study, come back on Sunday morning, have Sunday morning service like this, and a Sunday night service. Our most gracious little pastor, Brother Neville, I asked him if that would be satisfaction to him. That's taking all of his services away from him, but he was more than glad to surrender it to--to over to that. I just...

26 Brother Capps, he, I guess, got the roaming fever, too, and I see he has left, and--and Brother Humes. And the Lord had a Brother Mann here just to take right over, and the place. You know, isn't that wonderful how God will do things? He always has everything timed just right. I come up and I heard somebody preaching. I said, "That don't... I believe..."

27Brother Capps, he come to Tucson, and I think it bluffed him right quick, it was about a hundred and ten degrees. He didn't want nothing to do with that, so away he went, him and Brother Humes, and went up to Phoenix. Course, it's a hundred and fifteen to sixteen, eighteen up there. That was still worse, so I think he took off to Texas after that; he, trying to find a place.

28But you don't want no Arizona this time of year, I tell you. It was a hundred and forty, the other day, last Friday, a hundred and forty degrees, at Parker. And that's where Brother Craig, from the church here, lives. And you can break an egg, and it'll fry before it hits the ground. [Brother Branham laughs--Ed.] You, you spit and--and the moisture is gone, it just... There is no humidity nor nothing, it's really a bake oven this time of year. But from about November, December and January, wonderful. But when it comes about March and April, you better get away if you don't want to suffocate.

29And so Brother Capps and them happened to come just at that time, which I think run them out. So maybe the Lord did that for a purpose. I'm believing this, that God orders the footsteps of the righteous. Sometimes it seems hard.

30 Like the other day on this trip to Africa, I was so sure that I was moving in the will of God. Because, a year ago, I was down in the South, holding a series of meetings, and, they--they, I thought...

31Coming from that organization, said, "You can come on, through the Christian Business Men, but we'll have nothing to do with it."

32Well, I don't want to throw them man right in on it, you know, make conflict. I--I want to make them feel good at one another. So I just said, "Well..." Wrote them a letter, I said, "Remember, I have tried to get into Africa for years, again, feeling that my ministry isn't finished in Africa. I have no..."

33Why would I have to go to Africa, when I got six, seven hundred cities right here in the United States, calling, see, just right here, without leaving Canada, Mexico, or any of those places? Why should I want to go there? But it's something in my heart, that pulls me to Africa. There, those people, there--there is something about them, that I love, and I want to go just for the colored people only. And there is something in a lot of them, them leaders, they don't feel I should do that. I--I want to go to my colored friends. That's where the Lord called me. And now they're needy. Many of those people, those white people, can have doctors and everything. But them poor natives live out there, and half rot. I--I--I feel they're the ones that looks like they would receive It. They're the ones. There is something about it.

34 When you get to a spot, you're so smart that you know everything, then God can't do nothing with you. But if you get to a place that you're willing to listen and learn, then--then it's God's time, can move in and talk to you.

35And so I wrote them a letter back, and told them. And I said, "Remember, at the Day of the Judgment, let them boney hands reach out of the smoke, condemn you! Their blood be upon you, not on me, 'cause I've tried for about ten years to get back."

36Then when I mailed the letter, come back, Something said to me, "See Sidney Jackson, take a hunting trip." And, the same time, the Lord spoke to Sidney Jackson, said, "Yellow-mane lion, Brother Branham camping; Durban, big meeting."

37Well, he was over here, and he spoke with you here. By the way, we baptized... He was firmly against this baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ. And his wife was worse than he was, she would just walk away. You could... I'm telling you, I never seen any more devout people. They've got about a hundred and fifty ministers over there, baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, and they're just burning the country up. The Message is just sweeping Africa, everywhere, aviators and great man coming, being baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.

38 And so I, when I started to go over, I'm telling you, I never had so much trouble in all my life, of trying to get there. And then at the very last minute, very last minute to go, here was wrote across my visa, "Cannot anticipate in any kind of religious service; can only come hunting." Well, then, it was rank.

39But I said, "I don't care what the Devil does, I--I can't... I can't voucher for what Brother Jackson said about yellow-mane lion, and this, that, or the other. I--I can't vouch it. But I do know God told me to 'see Sidney Jackson, and go hunting.'"And I said, "I'm going." And sometime... And I had one of the greatest trips.

40I found out what the trouble was. Now I think, about October, the Lord willing, I can go back and have a meeting and everything, full cooperation, everything else, see, in Africa now. I got to the bottom of it and found out where it was at, what caused it. Up here, writing, this one has got this to say, and something's got something to say, and this one there. The best thing to do, is go find out, yourself. And I know where the trouble was, and what the reason of it was; it was because of so many people gathering together, the government wouldn't let me have it.

41 Now if the Christian Business Men or any organization, which will bring us in, then the government automatically... because it's the organization is represented with the government, the government sends militia protection. If there would be twenty-five man out of one denomination, twenty-five out of another, still they won't receive that. It's got to be the--the head of this organization. And Christian Business Men is a nonsectarian organization representing all the churches. Doctor Simon, their head over there, a very fine man, I got to meet him and talk with him. And they are taking the meetings, and all the rest of the churches is coming in together. See? And I believe we'll have one of the greatest meetings that's been had in--in Africa.

42 But my point was this, when you know that you--you're trying to do what's right. The first thing is, if you feel led to do anything, then check it with the Word and see if it's right with the Word, and then let nothing stop you. I don't care how many wheels the Devil throws in our way, just move right over the top of them.

43I told my wife and I told Brother Wood, when I got here, and some friends that I met yesterday. I have had about five years here that I hardly knowed what to do. It's been a--a nervous... See, the revival itself, amongst the churches, had died. Everyone knows that. You feel it in this Tabernacle. You feel it everywhere. There is a thump, dead feeling. There is just something isn't right. It's because the revival enthusiasm has gone away from the people. Go into the churches, you'll see them sitting there. And the pastor is stumbling around for a message and something another. And the first thing you know, he turned it off on some kind of a party they're going to have, or something. It seems to be a dead thump everywhere.

44Billy Graham notices it; Oral Roberts. Mr. Allen had some trouble, as you know. Oral Roberts has got that fifty-million-dollar buildings, and so forth, in there. He's got a school. And, well, nobody on the field now.

45 I left here, by a vision, to go yonder to Tucson, to see what the Lord wanted me to do. There He met me up there, as He told you here that He would do it, and the form of seven Angels, and said to return back and the Seven Seals was to be opened. That's just exactly what happened.

46He said, one day with Brother Woods when he come out there, we went to the same place, and throw up a rock, it come down, He said, "Within a day and night, you're..." Some, I forget just what the words was. "You're going to see the glory of God."

47And the next day, a whirlwind came down out of the skies, and we know the story of what taken place. When it went up, they asked what it was. I said, "It spoke three words, in three great blasts." The men only heard the blasting. I understood what It said. And said, "'Judgment striking West Coast!'" Two days after that, Alaska like to have sunk. It's been thundering around, earthquakes, everything. Just look at them, every day, earthquakes just shaking everywhere.

48 My last meeting, last meeting I had. This will be my first Message, really, to preach since then. I was preaching in Los Angeles, at the Biltmore Auditorium, and I was speaking on a man choosing himself a wife. You probably got the tape of it. It's, I said, "It reflects his character and his ambitions." That, when a man takes a woman, he takes a young girl, and to be his wife; he takes, you know, a modern girl that's a common Ricketta, it--it just shows what he's... If he marries a beauty queen or a sex queen, whatever it is, it shows his, what's really in the man. But a Christian, he looks for character in a woman, because he is planning a future home with that woman. He plan, he gets a homemaker. And I said, "Then, Christ, according to His Word here, tells us what our future Home will be. What kind of a wife will He choose then, a denominational prostitute? Never! He'll choose a woman that's characterized by His Word, and that will be the Bride."

49 And while in there, Something struck me, and I didn't know nothing for about thirty minutes. There was a prophecy went out. First thing I remember, Brother Moseley and Billy, I was out on the street, walking. And It said, "Thou Capernaum, which calls yourself by the name of the Angels," that's Los Angeles, city of angels, see, the angels, "which are exalted into heaven, will be brought down into hell. For, if the mighty works had been done in Sodom, that's been done in you, it would have been standing till this day." And that was all unconsciously, to me. See?

50And how I just got through exhorting, Christ, exalting Him and telling the church. I said, "You women, no matter how I try to come to you, or preach against these things; and you man, you preachers; you constantly conned all the time, do it just the same. You walk over It as if the Word of God wasn't nothing."

51 And when I understood that, I went, I said, "There is a Scripture about that somewhere." And I went and found it was Jesus, rebuking Capernaum by the seacoast. That night I looked up the Scriptures. Come home, got the history book; and Sodom and Gomorrah was once a--a thriving city, a Gentile headquarters of the world. And you know, that city, by an earthquake, sank into the Dead Sea. And Jesus stood, and said, "Capernaum, if Sodom would have had the works done in it that you've had done in you, it would have been standing today. But now you must be brought down to hell!" And about two hundred or three hundred years after His prophecy, with all them coastal towns, every one of them still standing but Capernaum, and it lays in the bottom of the sea. An earthquake sunk it into the sea.

52 And then prophesying, "Los Angeles will be in the bottom of the sea." And I come home, and went to Africa. And while I was in Africa, they had an earthquake. And scientists... You seen it, it was on a broadcast, that some big, fine homes tumbled in, in Los Angeles, and a motel, and so forth. And now there is a...

53Since that earthquake, there is a two- or three-inch crack that come in the earth, starting in Alaska, goes around through the Aleutian Islands, comes out about a hundred and fifty or two hundred miles in the sea, comes back up at San Diego; takes in California, or Los Angeles, and comes out again just below the northern part of California there, a little place called San Jose, just below there.

54 And this scientist was speaking, being on an interview. We was watching on television. And he said, "Beneath that is just a churning lava." And he said this, he said, "That is a chunk will break loose," and said, "and it will." And this inter-...

55The man, scientist interviewing this chief scientist, said to him, said, "Well, that could then all sink?"

He said, "Could? It's got to!"

56Said, "Well, course, will probably be many, many years from now."

57He said, "It can be in five minutes from now, or it can be in five years from now." He just lotted five years.

58But just as I sure was standing there under that Inspiration, put judgment on that West Coast, and then followed it right up here with the sinking of Los Angeles, she is gone! That's right. It will happen. When? I don't know.

59But, oh, what happened? You know, we only got six continents now. We had seven, that one that sunk between Africa and the United States. Oh, it's historical, you know about it. Now, if that goes down, then I want you to watch when...

60 This was a sermon that I preached on when, I believe, Brother Elij' Perry might have been deacon here in the church at the time, for all I know. But it said, "The time will come..." I didn't know it until Mrs. Simpson brought me the--the sermon the other day. And I got it wrote in a little book, that the desert that..." The ocean shall weep its way into the desert." That was thirty years ago.

61And, of course, the Salton Sea is about two hundred feet below sea level, and if that big churning, that earth swallowing in like that, with hundreds of square miles, hundreds and hundreds of square miles sinking into the earth, that will throw a tidal wave plumb to Arizona. Sure, it would.

62 Oh, we're at the end time, glorious hour, the appearing of the Lord Jesus! He said, "There shall be earthquakes in divers places, perplexed of time, distress between nations, men's hearts failing in fear." Said, "When these things begin to happen, raise up your head, your redemption is drawing nigh." Oh, my!

Nations are breaking, Israel's awaking,

The signs that the prophets foretold;

The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;

Return, O dispersed, to your own. (Be sure to do that!)

That day of redemption is near,

Man's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with God's Spirit, have your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near! (That's right.)

False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying,

That Jesus the Christ is our God.

63 You see the picture the other day, how He turned that picture sideways there? And the very picture of those seven Angels being lifted up, turn it to the right-hand side, and there is the face of the Lord Jesus looking down to the earth again.

64You remember when I preached The Seven Church Ages, I couldn't understand why Jesus standing there with a "white" over His head. He was a young Man. I took it back in the Bible, it said, "He came to the Ancient of Days, Whose hair was white as wool." Jesus was only thirty-three and a half years old, at His crucifixion.

65I called up Brother Jack Moore, a theologian. He said, "Oh, Brother Branham, that's Jesus in His glorified stage." Said, "After His death, burial, and resurrection, He turned to that." That sounded all right for a theologian, but it didn't go good, it didn't hit the something.

66I went up there and started on that first church age, there the Holy Spirit revealed it. Now you got it right on your Church Ages. I guess the books will be out pretty soon now, the full detail of it. And it showed that Jesus was Judge. There is a white wig that they used to wear, put a wig on and wear it as a judge, England still does it when you got supreme authority. And that turning sideways in this picture, there He is, His black hair, you can see it in the side of His beard, and the white wig on. He is the last of the authority, He is Supreme Authority. Even God said so, Himself, "This is My beloved Son, hear ye Him."

67 There He is with them Angels, the Message, which was the seven breaking of them seven seals that revealed serpent seed and all these things here. And it shows that it is His very covering, it's--it's His Supreme Authority. He is Supreme, and He is wigged, or--or covered. The Bible said that He changed His countenance, or He changed Himself, en morphe. The word comes from the Greek word, en morphe, which means a Greek actor that plays many parts; today he is one thing, in the next act he is something else. He was God, the Father, in one act; God, the Son, in another act; and then God, the Holy Ghost, in this act. See? There He is, His Word is still Supreme. We're living in the last days.

68 Coming back from Africa the other day, I kind of tired. You see, it's just it's nighttime there now, and you have to turn around. And then time I got turned around, come back again. We had a wonderful trip, hunting trip, one of the best I ever had in my life. Then Billy's got some pictures, maybe he'd have a time he can show it somewhere, and show you the trip.

69I had a dream. I'm always dreaming of being back at that Public Service Company, somehow. So I--I thought I was kind of ratting on the job, I was supposed... They just let me have my own way, and I thought I would... Instead of going out and walking the line or collecting the bills, or something I was supposed to do, I just said, "Well, I'm my own boss," I just went swimming. And I got down there and took off my... these clothes, and put on my swimming clothes. I was by myself. And I thought, "Say, this ain't right, the company... This is daytime, the company is paying me for this time." Thought, "That's strange." And then I thought, "Well, the money I collected on the route..." I had both the patrol and the route mixed together, and I said, "Well, the money I collected, I've done something, romping around here; I've lost all my tickets, and I got their money and my money mixed together. Now how will I know who paid the bill?" I thought, "Just because I wasn't paying any attention!" I thought, "That's not right. There is only one thing for me to do, that's, go back to my superintendent and tell him." That was Don Willis, I said, "Don, I lost those tickets. Now here is all the money I got, and here is their money, together. Leave it here at the cashier. And the people, when they come in, they'll have a receipt that I received their bill."

70 Probably people sitting right here that I--I... I know there is. That I collected from them in--in the days, and I'd... and I'd give a receipt. You know, it was only ten percent if you let your bill run over. And maybe, a dollar and a half, be fifteen cents over. A lot of them people lived... We just liked.to get together and talk, and they'd just let their bill go, and me come talk to them a while. Give fifteen cents, you know, just to sit down and talk a little while, and to collect their bill. So it got it rank, and just got so many bills I couldn't collect them.

71Well, I thought that's the only way I could do it. And I woke up.

72 The place where we live, Sister Larson. I don't think she is here. She's been very nice to us; and she don't like for me to say that. But she is a very fine lady, and we've been living in her rooms. She's got two apartments, small apartments together, we rented them both. And wife and I sleep over here in--in the other apartment where I kind of receive the people when I can, and there is a couple of little twin beds in there.

73I woke up. She wasn't awake yet. And after a while, she woke up. And I waved over at her, and she looked back and batted her eyes a few times. I said, "You sleep good?"

She said, "No."

74And I said, "I had the awfulest dream. I was back at that Public Service Company again." I said, "What have I done?"

75 I remember, as a little boy, or a young man, I walked all those lines at Salem, Indiana, different... I'd go in, buy a--a breakfast, maybe a bowl of oats. In that hot sun and everything, and it'd just make me sick, to eat breakfast. I'd turn in ten cents, on my petty cash. The superintendent come down and said, said, "You know what they said in the--in the meeting? 'Who is that knothead that would turn in ten cents, for breakfast?' Said, "You ought to at least turn in fifty cents." Now, all of you know, fifty cents was a big breakfast in them days.

And I said, "Well, I don't eat that much."

He said, "Well, the rest of them turns in fifty cents. You ought to turn in fifty cents."

I said, "Well, I don't use it."

Said, "Turn it in, anyhow." That was my superintendent.

76Well, I thought, "Well, what can I do? I have to charge fifty cents, and I eat ten cents." So I'd go out on the street and get some little kids that didn't have no breakfast, and get them forty-cents worth of breakfast.

So then I thought, "Well, what could... Maybe that's what He holds against me."

77 And I remember, here not long ago, they come through on the patrol, tore up that back yard back there, and said, "Turn in your bill." You know they got patrol rights, but they have to pay for damage.

78I just wrote back and said, "You don't owe nothing." I thought, "That'd pay for them forty-centses. Maybe I've spent twenty or thirty dollars during that time, giving it to kids. Maybe that will do it." Kept on dreaming.

79Then I had a big tree out there, the kids played under it, and the patrol... Now they patrol in a helicopter. And so he come in and said, "Billy, how about cutting that tree?"

80I said, "No, don't cut it. We're going to trim it." I said, "Brother Wood and I are going to trim it."

Said, "Well, I'll just have the man come by and trim it."

I said, "Now, don't cut it."

He said, "I won't cut it."

81I went off on a trip. When I come back, she was cut plumb on the ground. Then I had a lawsuit coming, you see. I said, "Well, Lord, this will clear it up, what I owed." So I struck that off, that was all right, just let it go. Well, I still dreamed it.

82 When I got up the other morning, I said, "Well..." The first thing we do of a morning when we get up, is pray together, then pray when we go to bed at night. And then after she went on over to get the kiddies' breakfast, I started to pray. I said, "Lord, I must have been an awful guy. What have I done in life, that I--I can't get away from that Public Service Company.

83I went in and took a bath, and come back out. And something just seemed to say to me, "Maybe I'm ratting on His job." I thought, "Here is about five years I ain't done nothing, just waiting on Him."

84 Standing up there the other day. They built us a new home up there, and Brother Moseley come down, was talking about it. I said, "That's just a little gift from my Father." And he started crying. I said, "You see, He said, 'If you will leave your homes, houses, lands, fathers, mothers, I'll give you houses, lands, fathers, mothers, and a hundredfold in this life, and Eternal Life to come.'" I said, "See, I had to leave the Tabernacle that I love so dearly. My home that the Lord give me up there, had to leave it. He just give me this one back." I said, "He is wonderful, you see." [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] And he started crying.

85Well, I--I said, "I had to come out here and separate myself, come to this desert." And I thought, "Wonder why God would bring me to a desert, out here where there is nothing but scorpions and Gila monsters?"

86 It's not only a desert, is it hot, but it's spiritually a desert. Oh, my! There is no spiritual life at all, in the churches, they're against... Why, you never seen such in your life! We don't even have a church to go to, or nothing. And then when... The people almost perish, spiritually. I notice it in the people that come out there, see the differences in them, watching it.

87And so you stay under the Spirit of God, and your life becomes sweet, tender, like water brings this grass and soft buds. If... this grass, in Arizona, wouldn't grow; these trees would be cactus, them leaves just wind up and make stickery. That's the way it is when you get dry around the church, everybody is sticking one another, you know. And, see, you got to have soft waters of rain soften you up, and make leaves and shade for the pilgrim that passes by.

88 And so something said to me, "Maybe you're ratting on God's job." So, I prayed for a vision.

89And Meda just got me a new Bible; and Brother--Brother Brown, from up in Ohio, got me a new Bible; both of them at the same time, at Christmas. I went and got one of the new Bibles. I said, "Lord, in the days gone by, You had a Urim and Thummim."

90Now listen, let me say this. Course, they're not... this, is not taping this meeting, the reason I'm ask... saying this. Let me say, don't do this. It's not a good thing.

91But I said, "Lord, it used to be, when a dreamer dreamed a dream, that they took it down to the Urim and Thummim, and told it. And if the--if the Urim and Thummim flashed the lights back, a supernatural Light, the dream was true." I said, "But that priesthood and that Urim and Thummim is done away with. Your Bible is the Urim and Thummim now; Lord, may I never do this again. But I've asked You and prayed to You, to give me a vision, speak to me about why am I dreaming these dreams. And what have I done? If I've harmed, if I've done anything to any person in the world, let me know. I'll--I'll--I'll go make it right. If I owe the Public Service Company, if I done something wrong to them or any other person, if I done something wrong to You, let me know. I--I want to make it right."

92Let's make it right, now. Don't wait till after a while, it may be too late. Let's do it now.

93 And I said, "Surely, there is something in this Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation, that some character in there that You dealt with, would be on the same basis that would be my question. If somebody done something, and--and You got after him about it, then let me turn to that place in the Bible. And if somebody, whatever they done, it'll lean my way. Where I've done wrong, or something You want me to do, or haven't done, let me see some character in the Bible like that."

94And I closed my eyes, just let the Bible fall open, put my finger on a Scripture, Genesis 24:7. Eliezer, Abraham's faithful servant, the model servant of the Bible, being sent to hunt the bride for Isaac. Chills run over me. Sure, that's my... that's right with the rest of my Message, pulling out the Bride.

95He said, "Sware that you'll not take a bride out of these, but go to my own people."

He said, "What if the woman won't come with me?"

96Said, "Then you're free of this oath." He said, "And the God of Heaven will send His Angel before you, to direct you." He went right straight out and begin praying, and he met the beautiful Rebekah that become the bride of Isaac.

97Just a perfect Message, back to the Word, "Go get that Bride!" That's a duty. That's what I'm here for. That's what I'm trying to do, is call out a Bride.

98 Remember in California there, that interview of the Bride, preview, I had it here. How that Bride come up first, and seen Her go by. Then here come Miss America, Miss Asia, and all, oh, the awfulest looking thing! And then the same Bride passed by again. One of them got out of step, and I was getting Her back in step; two of them, it was. And that's what I was supposed to do, keep that Bride in step, hunt that man.

99I said, "God, I'm going back home, renew my vows again, and start out anew." So that's what we're planning on doing, that's what I'm here for.

100 I think it would be a good thing if we did this, started on the eighteenth, next week, next Sunday morning, next Sunday night; the following Sunday, and the following Sunday. How many thinks that would be a good thing? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Thank you.

101Now I want you to do something for me. If you have notified any people that there--there is going to be a meeting on the twenty-eighth, will you renotify them again, that we couldn't do it. Tell, write them a letter, or something another. We don't want the people come and be disappointed, but we could not get the auditorium.

102See, we couldn't get it. And so because the last meeting I think we had so many up there, and everything, they just... You know how the public is, and they... Well, we're just living in the last days, that's all. And they claim that the people come in and disturb the school, and they were there too early, and they did this, or that, or something another, and the place was too jammed up, and the fire marshall does this and that. And, well, you know.

103So we will set up those Vials and those Trumpets, I want to place them in. I told you I would. They come under another thing. So does the Vials come over, the sounding of trumpets; but we want to take the entire course right straight through, and bring it, tie it in together.

104 How many has read any of Brother Vayle, on rewriting that, and fixing it up and grammarizing it for me? Have you read any of it? You have, two or three of you. I think you done a real job, Brother Vayle, a real job! You, I think Sister Vayle did it; and you just wrote it down and she done it. She was a... See, I'm not always against the women, am I, Sister Vayle?

105So now let us, for the next fifteen, twenty minutes, read a Scripture here.

106And I got a little book here. I told, I believe, it was to Brother Vayle, or, who was it, or I believe it was Roy Borders. Brother Vayle bought me the book. I want to make a little textbook.

107 But if anybody ever looked at what I call notes! Like I want to preach about the Morning Star, I'll draw a star. And if I want to preach something about... I make it all in symbols here, scratches, nobody can ever know what it was. While I'm out, and I think of anything, I got to, on riding on the road, sometimes the car is jumping up-and-down, and I'll jot this down, and say this and that, and make little signs, and cross and bridges, and--and all kinds of things. Like I want to preach on the descending of the Star; and I'll put the pyramid, draw it out here and put the five-point star of David coming down on it. And I know where I'm going in the Scriptures like that; and Moses, a certain thing he done. Just make little turkey tracks, like.

108I got several of them in here. And I thought, this morning, back there when I thought I'd speak on this subject for a few minutes here, on a note, maybe it'd take me twenty minutes.

109 And then I ain't going to take Brother Neville's service tonight. I--I--I'm going to rest tonight, listen to him.

110And then, the Lord willing, next Sunday morning we'll start the service. And you all help me, and we'll pray, because it was in my heart to try... They said, "Well, we could go to Louisville or we could go down in New Albany." But the meeting was supposed to be for Jeffersonville. I'll go to Louisville and New Albany, at different times, but this is supposed to be here at Jeffersonville.

111 Now let's bow our heads just a minute while we been... I been talking to you here for about thirty minutes. Let's speak to Him a moment.

112Lord Jesus, we are--we are certainly a blessed people, above our thinking, above our understanding. For, if there was a noble among us, such as some personnel from some other country, or a diplomat of some sort, we would think it was great to have such a noble person among us. But today we have the God of Heaven, not only among us, but in us, dwelling, living His Life through us. And we're so thankful for this, Lord! It's beyond our understanding, of course.

113But now speaking on what the services, and going to Africa, and the things that we've tried to arrange for these few days here in Indiana. And somehow or another, Lord, it may be You are driving us to that tent, to make that vision fulfill. So Thy will be done, we've committed it this way, the best of our understanding. So we pray, Lord, if there is anything contrary to Your will, You'll make it known to us, that we might know to do Your perfect will.

114Now bless us in these next few minutes. Speak to us through Thy Word, Lord, for Thy Word is Truth. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Let's turn in the Bible, to Mark, the 8th chapter.

115 When do you usually let out, twelve o'clock? [Someone says, "About twelve o'clock."--Ed.] All right. Now, now just a little short Message here that I can speak to you about the Word, after testifying about over there, and so forth.

116Mark, the 8th chapter, and let's begin about the 34th verse, to the thirty-... taking the 38th, the rest of that chapter. I like to read what He said, 'cause I know that's true. Now we...

And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it;... whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.

For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

117 I want to take a little text from there, if it'd be called that, called: Ashamed. You know, I like that. "Whosoever is ashamed of Me and of My Words, I'll be ashamed of him."

118Now, the word ashamed could be also translated "embarrassed." You know, something that you're... You are faced with something that you're embarrassed about, being ashamed.

119That, another thing being ashamed does, it shows that you are not sure of what you're talking about. If you know what you're talking about, and have the assurance that you know what you're talking about, you can tell anybody that; you're not ashamed. But if you feel put out, out of place, it shows you're not sure.

120 You notice there is so much of that today, especially on the subject that I'm speaking of, "ashamed of the Word." Now, He and the Word are the same.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,... The same yesterday, today, and forever!

121So, "Whosoever is ashamed of Me and My Word," and He and His Word are One, so being ashamed of His Word in this sinful, present generation, "I'll be ashamed of him."

122 Now we notice today, if somebody says, "Are--are you a Christian?" It's very much a popular thing, say, "Oh, I'm a Christian!" See?

123"But do you believe the Word of God, where It said, 'These signs shall follow them that believe'?"

124"Oh!" Even ministers' faces will blush. See?

125Are you ashamed of, say, of Divine healing? Are you ashamed of the full Gospel? Are you ashamed of your pentecostal experience? That's being ashamed of His Word. That's His Word made flesh in you.

126 So, His Word has to live Itself out for every generation. It lived Itself in the days of Moses. Because, in that day, the Bible said, in Hebrews, 1st chapter, "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers by the prophets."

127And those prophets! The church got all so twisted up that when... Those prophets, those daring messengers of God, come without church, without denomination, without organization, without anything; defied kings, kingdoms, churches, and everything. When the priests was brought before... They was brought before the priests, they wasn't ashamed, because they had directly THUS SAITH THE LORD.

128If you notice, the prophet, in one sense of the word, in the Old Testament, when he said THUS SAITH THE LORD, now watch him, he goes right into the phrase of taking the place of God. You notice, when he placed out before him, THUS SAITH THE LORD, he fell right into God, and he acted as God. Then he gave his Message, which was God speaking through him, "THUS SAITH THE LORD!"

129 I think of the prophets of old, when they come with that Message, and It embarrassed the kings, and It made the people feel uncomfortable. The priests, even, they would feel uncomfortable, because they were supposed to be leaders, religious man, and when they... the Word came forth in that manner, It exposed them, and they felt embarrassed, or ashamed.

130And many times we see that, not many, too often today! That man, you say, "I am a Christian!"

"Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"

"Oh! Huh!" You see, they're--they're embarrassed about It.

131Somebody say, "Do you belong to that group up there that does all that there shouting, and all that Divine healing stuff?" Many times, Christians back up.

132They want to announce, if--if they got a denomination, now, "I'm Baptist. I'm Presbyterian. I'm Lutheran." They're not ashamed of that.

133 But when it comes to being a Christian that can take God's Word just the way It is, then they're--they're--they're ashamed. "I don't belong to any denomination," see, they, they're--they're ashamed to say that. They've got to be like the rest of the world, represented by some organization.

134Now, that's just recently come into that. In the days of Luther, to recognize yourself as a Lutheran or a follower of Luther, well, it almost meant death by the Catholic church. In the days of Wesley, to know that you had defied the Anglican church, it was almost a penalty of death by the Anglicans, to announce that you were a Methodist. In the days of Pentecost, it was a shame, almost, to say that you was--that you was a pentecostal, because you was quickly counted a holy-roller, or--or some tongue-speaker, or something like that. Now they organized and went right in with the rest of the group.

135 Now when the calling-out time comes, that you don't belong to any of it! It's very popular to say, "I'm Pentecost." It's very popular to say, "I'm Presbyterian. Lutheran." But what when it comes to the time that you'll have to come out and stand for the Word, "I don't belong to any of it"? That, that embarrassed.

136Jesus said, "Now, if you are ashamed of Me, then I'll be ashamed of you." Why would He be ashamed of you? Because you are claiming to be His, when you won't follow Him.

137What if I said, "This little boy, he's--he's my son"; he turn around and say, "Who, me be your son? What do you think I am!" It would embarrass me. It would, to your son.

138And that's the way that's so-called Christianity today. If you name it a name of a denomination, all right, they accept the fatherhood of a denomination. But when it comes to accepting the fatherhood of the Word of God, Christ, no, they're embarrassed. They don't want to say, "Yes, I have spoke with tongues. Yes, I have seen visions. Yes, I believe in Divine healing. Yes, I praise the Lord. I'm free from all organization, I'm not bowing down to any of that. I'm a servant of Christ." Oh, my, that'd just tear them to pieces.

139 The other night, a great speaker come in amongst the Full Gospel Business Men in Chicago.

140And may I stop here just a minute, to say this. You excuse me. But many times you think, and I do too, that what we're talking about, the Truth of the Bible, don't go over amongst the people. But, It does. Sometime they'll rear right up against It, but they really don't mean it. They're trying to find where you're standing.

141 As the story was about a bunch of drunks, arguing that there was no such thing as Christianity. One man said, "I know where there is one at, that's my wife."

Said, "Well, I--I don't believe it."

Said, "Come on, we'll... let's all act like we're really drunk."

142Went up there at the house, and done everything they could. And--and told them cook them some eggs, and then he throwed them out on the floor, and said, "You know better than to cook my eggs like that!" Carrying on in the house. And they went over in the other room, fell down in a chair. They heard somebody out there sweeping it up, not saying a word, saying, singing a little song to herself.

Must Jesus bear the cross alone,

And all the world go free?

There is a cross for every one,

And there is a cross for me.

And this consecrated cross I'll bear,

Till death shall set me free,

And then go home a crown to wear.

143That one old drunk said, "What'd I tell you?" Said, "She is a Christian!" See, they was only trying her. And sometimes the world, I've found out, try you.

144 So I never thought this would happen, but last Saturday night, I believe it was, or Sunday night, the great speaker... I don't subject to calling people's names. But he's trying, working exactly contrary. I'm trying to keep them churches out of that ecumenical move, and this man is trying to put them in there. So, he was speaking for the Christian Business Men. Which, I was supposed to have had the meeting in Chicago, and I thought I'd be in Africa at that time, so I couldn't take it. This man said, got up there and said, "The greatest move, the greatest thing in the earth now, that's ever been; all the churches are returning back to the Catholic church, in the ecumenical move, and the Catholics will receive the Holy Ghost." What a trap of the Devil!

145 And this leader, Brother Shakarian, the president of the International Business Men, stood up and said, after the man sat down, said, "That's not the way we've heard it." Said, "Brother Branham has told us, that, 'This ecumenical move will move them all to the mark of the beast.'" And the man setting on the platform. Said, "'It'll move it to the mark of the beast.'" And said, "We're inclined to believe what he says is the Truth." [Someone in congregation says, "Amen! So are we!"--Ed.] And he said, "How many of you would like to hear Brother Branham come and give you the true side of it? Raise." And there was five thousand something people. They screamed and cried, just to come for one day, one day.

146 Brother Carl Williams called me up, said, "Brother Branham, boy, I went out through that crowd," said, "they had piles of hundred-dollar bills laying in my hands, to get your airplane ticket up here, and back." See, just for one day!

147See, those people, that Word is sinking in where sometimes we don't know it. See? But, see, when you're really... No matter how much the world is against It, how much the denominations are against It, God is proving It to be the Truth. When the great hour finally strikes, things will happen maybe that we didn't think about.

148 Yes, it shows you're not sure, if you're embarrassed, so you would rather not discuss the subject. If you're going to be ashamed of it, you wouldn't want to discuss it; hold back.

149But how can a man who is filled with the Holy Ghost, how can a man full of the Power of God, and the love of God in his heart, talk to a man a few minutes and not mention something about that love that's in his heart? See, there is something that it--it happens; you can't do it.

150This is, must be that evil day that Jesus was speaking of. People are ashamed of the Word and of the Spirit of God that acts within them. But when the Truth is made plain to the people, God then, Himself, revealing Himself through the Word.

151 Now, any man can make any kind of claims. And we've had it in these days, where there has been so many claims claimed, that it's been horrible. But, you see, if there is a Truth, it must be by the Word. Because, they say they had all kinds of things, of oil flowing through people, and blood out of their hands, and women on their back in this blood, and running down their shoes, and raise up their shoes and pour oil out, and frogs jumping out and hopping down the platform, and all kinds of things like that. There is no such stuff as that in the Bible. There is no promise of anything like that, in the Bible. Only, It said, "In the last days, the spirit would be so close it would deceive the Elected if possible." But there is no Scripture for that.

152 But when it comes to genuine, unadulterated Word of God, confirmed by God, It seems to even embarrass the other group, on the radical side. See, there is an embarrassment about It.

153But It's a reality to a man or woman, boy or girl, who really is a genuine Christian. When God made the promise of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and you receive It, there is Something that settles within you, that there is nothing takes Its place. When a man ever meets God; not in some emotional work up, some enthusiasm, or some religious doctrine, some catechism or creed, or a dogma that he has accepted for a--a comfort for hisself. But when he really comes to the place like Moses did, on the back side of the desert, walk up face to face with Almighty God, and you see the Voice speaking to you, exactly with the Word and the promise of the hour, there is something It does to you! See, you're not ashamed of It, It does something to you. Now, let us look now, for just the next fifteen minutes.

154 There is some people that receive such an experience. And as I speak to you today, not as a church or as a denomination, I speak to you as an individual; not because you come here to this Tabernacle, because that I love you and you love me, not because of that. Let me speak to you as a dying mortal, that someday you've got to come to the end of this life. And I may not be there, and another preacher might not be there. But there is only One Who can meet you there, and that's God. And you--you listen to It, and not whether "my wife is a good Christian" or--or "my husband is a good Christian," but, "Am I right with God? Have I met God like that?" Not because "my pastor met God," or because "my deacon met God," but, "Have I met Him?" Not because "I shouted," not because "I spoke in tongues," but because, "I met Him as a Person!" Then you'll never be ashamed of That, there is Something that's so perfect and pure, and true.

155 And remember, you might meet a spirit that would act like God. You might meet a spirit, would do this, that, or the other; follow it a little bit and see how it compares with the Word of God. You might meet a spirit that would tell you you are saved, and give you a glorious feeling, and you would shout and scream; then when it comes to denying the Word, how can the Holy Spirit, that wrote the Word, deny His Own Word? That Spirit must punctuate every promise of God with an "amen"! If it isn't, then you never met God, you met a deceiving spirit. And the world is full of it today!

156But when you see God come down and make a statement, that He's going to do a certain thing, then it comes back and does that, time after time after time, then you've got a genuine Spirit of God.

157How could a Spirit be on a man, the Holy Spirit that wrote the Bible, then turn around and deny, "That's not right, That was for some other day"?

158He said, "The promise is unto you, and to your children, to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." That was Acts 2:38. How can a spirit then accept anything different from That, and be of God, when Hebrews 13:8 said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever"?

159 What if somebody said, "Oh, I believe He was a philosopher. He was a good man. He was a prophet. But as far as His power..."

160I was speaking the other night with George Smith, the boy that goes with my daughter, Rebekah; a fine kid, sang here in the Tabernacle. A Baptist boy that just took, told, "Take my name off of that thing! I want nothing to do with it." And there was a young lady... They was having a conference, this certain Baptist church, up in the hills.

161And--and they're so firmly against me, all of them out there, and about not... They've not got nothing against me; it's against this Word. Me, as a man, they can't say nothing against me, I never done them any harm. But That is what they're afraid of. See? Now we were...

162 They was having this meeting up there, rather, and they had, was going to have a missionary to take the last three nights of this great conference, up in the hills where it was cool. Happen to be, this missionary got up and come onto Mark 16, and he said, "There is many people today who can't believe in Divine healing." Said, "I was in India. I'm an Indian. And I was in India when a man here in the United States, by the name of Brother Branham, come." The pastor begin to move over. Said, "My wife was dying with cancer. I was blind," or something like that. "He prayed for one of us, and the other one he called out in the audience, not even knowing our own language, and spoke the Power of God." And said, "We're here, healed!" Well, they tried to shut him up. They couldn't do it. That's, see, right in their own conference.

163Then they even denied of anything. And some of the people, even my... this boy's sister, them on the ground, wouldn't even have nothing to say. They wanted to know if she wasn't connected, some way they could get down to find out.

One of the ladies said, "Well, I believe it."

164 Rebekah and George went to see this lady. And she went and got a girl that was suffering with a--a... kind of retarded, a little. So they had me come over there to see the girl, the other night. And I went over there, the little lady was sitting there, and I said, "Are you a believer?"

165She said, "Nah, I don't know whether I am or not." Well, she wasn't retarded; just a devil spirit. They don't realize it. See, it takes you, and you don't know it. It comes, then violence overcomes the person, and they don't know it.

166Women that walks out here on the street, with these shorts on, they don't realize. They might be, they could might could prove and sware to it, that they've never done anything evil against their husband, or so forth, like that. But in their heart, they don't realize, but the spirit of the Devil has took them over. They are possessed of it. Why would a woman want to strip her clothes off, off before a man? There is only one person who done it, in the Bible, and they were insane. Others try to cover themselves; they don't realize. It's so cunning, so subtle! You have to watch, weigh yourself with the Word of God, and see where you're standing.

167 This young lady said, "Oh, they told me that I was baptized when I was a kid." Said, "I don't know whether to believe that stuff or not."

I said, "Don't you believe Jesus Christ?"

168And she said, "Well, I don't know whether I do or not." She said, "Some of that hocus-pocus stuff, I don't believe it."

169I said, "Well, of course, you don't believe hocus-pocus stuff." I said, "But do you believe that He was the Son of God?"

"Oh," said, "He could have been."

170I said, and I said, "Do you believe He is the same today, the God that would save you?"

171She said, "Is any of that there stuff about that there miracles and stuff like that? I don't believe nothing about it."

172 And I said, "What would you do if you were setting in a meeting and seen God, the Holy Spirit, which is the only God there is, working amongst the people; God in the Fatherhood, the Pillar of Fire, and the prophets; God in His Son; then God in His people? It's just attributes of God, one great God Who covers Eternity." I said, "What would you see if He, among His people, made the--the blind to see, the deaf to hear, look out upon the audience and tell the people what was wrong with them, and like He did when He was here on earth?"

She said, "I believe it would be horoscope."

173I said, "You are in a worse shape than I thought you were. You would be better off if you was crazy, see, you wouldn't be accountable." But I said, "You're just possessed of an evil spirit." I said, "When Jesus told the woman at the well about her husbands, when He looked upon the people and perceived their thoughts, would you call that horoscope?" See, just so wrapped up in a denomination, called Lutheran, that anything contrary to that would be wrong!

174Now God wants man who is wrapped up in the Word. Anything contrary to That is wrong! Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth."

175 There was a man in a very scientific age, by the name of Noah. He wasn't ashamed of God's Word. God met him, and He talked to him. He knowed it was God. And He said, "It's going to rain!" It never had rained, but he believed it was going to rain. And the faith that he had, he wasn't ashamed to exercise it. He took a hundred and twenty years to build an ark, when the world was against him. He wasn't ashamed of God's Word, in his day. God saved him and his household, for it. There was a... How foolish it might have seemed to be to other people; but, to him, he met God. No matter how scientific the other was, that was contrary, how it said "it couldn't happen, it couldn't happen," he met God!

176That's what it is when you know that you're talking to Him! You would think it was a foolish thing when somebody... When, I know that there is a few people in the world holds on to what I say to be the Truth. To stand here and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, I'm going to Arizona, there I'll meet seven Angels in a cluster," well, there was a group of man standing there to see it happen. The other night, saying it, "Los Angeles would fall into the ocean." But when you have met God, and the God Who doesn't fail, the God Who does exactly what He said He would do, He has always done it, you're not ashamed of it then. You don't have to walk back and be embarrassed about it; you can tell the whole world. When a man meets God, talks to Him, and the reality of God becomes his in his heart, he's not ashamed of It.

177 Noah wasn't ashamed. It seemed foolish to the rest of the world, but not to him.

178Moses, when he was before Pharaoh, he wasn't ashamed to tell Pharaoh that these certain things would happen, because he had met God. God told him, in the burning bush. Moses said, "I--I stutter." That's what he had, an impediment of speech.

179He said, "There comes Aaron. You be God to him, and he'll be prophet to you. I know he can speak well. But I'll be with your mouth. Who made man to speak?" Amen. I like that. That's God. "Who made man be deaf or dumb, or who made man to speak?" God has.

He said, "Lord, show me Your glory."

Said, "What's that in your hand?"

He said, "It's a stick."

180Said, "Throw it on the ground," it turned to a serpent. Said, "Take it up again," it turned back to a stick. Amen. He's God. "Put your hand in your bosom." He put it in, pulled it out, white with leprosy. Said, "Put it back and pull it again," and it was like the other hand. "I'm God."

181Then he walk up before Pharaoh and say what He said he would say. He said, "It's going to be thus and thus." Picked up sand and throwed it up in the air, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, let fleas come upon the earth," and the fleas came. Took water and poured it out into the river, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," and the whole rivers and everything turned to blood. Called hail down out of heaven.

182 You know, in the last days there is supposed to be them plagues repeat again. And remember, an adulterer, in the Bible time, his penalty was death by stoning. And the unbelieving church will be stoned to death, with hailstones, was once God's way of punishment. He'll stone this unbelieving world, this adulterous generation. He'll stone it from heaven, with hailstones weighing a talent apiece, which is a hundred pounds. The adulterous church will die, adulterous world will die under the punishment of God, under stoning, like He did in the beginning. Get right with God, church! That's what we all must do, turn back to God!

183 That old fuzzy-faced, gray-haired whiskers, bald-headed, skinny arms, eighty-year-old Elijah sitting up there in the wilderness, looking out upon the sins of the people. God spoke to him one morning, said, "Go down there and tell Ahab that not even the dew will fall from heaven till you call for it."

184I can see his little old eyes looking out from under that fuzzy-looking white beard, that stick in his hand, walking down the road like a sixteen-year-old boy. Walked right up in the presence of the king, and said, "Not even dew will come from heaven till I call for it." He wasn't ashamed of God or His Word; tell a king or anybody else. He wasn't ashamed. Didn't have to hide, say, "Now, Ahab, you'd be a..."

185 It puts me in mind of something like ourselves. Then I said to the people, "I'm getting to a spot, I need more faith." That's what I'm home for now is to get a--a new burst of faith.

186Got so, look like, when you pray for people, you apologize, "Mr. Devil, would you please move over and let me...?" Nothing! Faith has got muscles, and hair on its chest. When it speaks, everything else shuts up. Don't go in, "Mr. Devil, you move out?"

187"Get out of here! I'm a son of God, commissioned of God. Leave them alone!" That moves. You have no apology to the Devil, nothing to do with him. Not ashamed of the Word of God, not ashamed of your commission, not ashamed of who we are.

188The only shame that I am, is I'm a Branham, that's my earthly birth. I'm ashamed of my failures.

189But as His servant, I'm not ashamed! I'm not ashamed of His Word. Whether it's denominations, kings, potentates, or whatever it might be; just ready to give an answer, God calls for it.

190 Moses walked up before Pharaoh. He wasn't ashamed to tell him that they would not compromise and take his so-many days out in the wilderness.

He said, "Some of the women stay, by your children."

191Said, "We'll all go! Not even one hoof will be left behind, we'll take our cattle and all." He wasn't ashamed. Why? He had come into the Light of deliverance.

192That's the reason a man or a woman, sick or anything, once comes into the Presence of God, and knows that God has healed them, you're stepping into the Light of deliverance. You don't compromise on anything.

193Deliverance was in his heart, for he had met the God Who said, "I am the God of Abraham, Who give Abraham the promise. And the time, time of redemption, of deliverance, is at hand. I'm sending you down there to take them out." What's to apologize, about that?

194 Pharaoh could have killed him. He was just a man. He was a slave. He could have killed him. But he wasn't ashamed of the Word. He didn't come down and get on his knees and beg to Pharaoh for nothing. He said, "I come to take them."

Pharaoh said, "Well, you can't take them!"

195He said, "All right, then there will be fleas upon the earth, till you will wade through them." And there is what happened.

Said, "Oh, Moses, take them away!"

He said, "All right. Now do you repent?"

Said, "Well, you can go so-many days in the wilderness."

196He said, "Then flies will come." Amen. Said, "Darkness will come." It was so dark you couldn't see one place to the other.

197And finally death come. From Pharaoh to the servant, it was death for the oldest child in the family. Didn't have no apology to nobody. He was a son of Abraham, born in the Spirit of God, given commission by God, the Message of God, to go down and take those people out.

198Well, can't God call the same thing in this hour, to take out of the church a Bride? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Daniel wasn't, or...

199 David, rather, wasn't afraid before Saul. When everybody was afraid of Goliath out there, he wasn't afraid to walk up. And said, "Your servant..." This little ruddy-looking fellow said, "Your servant was herding his father's sheep, and a bear come in and got one of them. I chased him out in the wilderness and killed him, with this slingshot. A lion come in." Oh, my! "A lion come in and got one of them, and run out in the wilderness, and I knocked him down with a slingshot. When he got up, I killed him." He said, "And the God..." That backslidden king standing there, them wishy-washy soldiers claiming to serve the God of Heaven, and let that uncircumcised Philistine stand out there and defy the armies of the living God. Said, "Your servant also will slay him. For, the God Who delivered the lion and the bear to me, will also deliver that uncircumcised Philistine." He didn't stutter, didn't say, "perhaps it'll be done." He said, "It'll be done!" He wasn't ashamed.

200 Daniel, before the king, wasn't afraid to defy his orders that nobody would pray, only to him. He opened up the windows and threw up the sash, and prayed three times a day. He wasn't afraid.

201Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, wasn't afraid of that fiery furnace. Said, "Our God is able to deliver us. God can deliver us. But if He don't, we're not bowing down to your image." They wasn't ashamed of it. No, sir. No, sir. They certainly wasn't ashamed of it, because they knew.

202Samson wasn't ashamed before the Philistines. When a thousand run up to him, he picked up the jawbone of a mule. And them helmets, they was about an inch and a half thick, of brass. He beat a thousand down with it, and still had the jawbone in his hand. He wasn't embarrassed. He just picked up what was in his hands, and went to work with it. He knowed that the Spirit of God was upon him. He knowed he was borned a Nazarite. He knowed that nothing could bother him. He was a servant of God. As long as he was in the will of God, nothing could stand in his way, no matter how many kings or Philistines, or whatever more come up. Right.

203 John wasn't ashamed of the Word of God that came to him in the wilderness, and told him to go baptize with water. He wasn't ashamed to say, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world," for the Spirit of God was upon him. He wasn't ashamed before the priests.

204He wasn't ashamed of the Word of God when he walked up to Herod. Philip's wife was living with Herod. Walked right up in the face of the king! This old wooly-faced fellow out of the wilderness there, come out of there, with no education or nothing else, and walked right up in the face of Herod, and said, "It's not lawful for you to have her!" He wasn't ashamed of God's Word. Sure. He absolutely was not ashamed of It.

Stephen, he wasn't ashamed of God's Word.

205 First, the pentecostal people up there on the Day of Pentecost, when they gathered in the upper room, the Holy Ghost fell upon them, by a promise of God. Luke 24:49 said:

... behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but wait... in the city of Jerusalem, until you receive power from on high.

206And the very promise that the Word of God promised to them, "Behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you, but wait there; don't get no more theology or educations, and so forth, wait till you're endued with Power." And when that Power from Heaven came, like a rushing mighty wind, they wasn't ashamed of the Gospel.

207Peter stood up, said, "Repent, every one of you. You man, with wicked hands, you've crucified the Prince of Peace, which God has raised from the dead. And we're a witness. For this is what Joel said would come to pass in the last days, 'I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.'" He wasn't ashamed of the Gospel.

208 Little Stephen, as I mentioned him a few minutes ago, when he went through there like a--a--a tornado. He wasn't a preacher. He was just a deacon, but he testified everywhere of the resurrection. He had met God. And it's just like...

209Try to stop him? Well, it was like trying to put a--a house, a burning house, fire out of it, on a windy day, in a dry time. Why, every time the wind blew, it just set another fire.

210They jerked him up before the Sanhedrin Council. Can you realize what that is? That's like the Ecumenical Council. All religions head up, in under the Ecumenical Council. All of them headed up there under the Sanhedrin Council. Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians, whatever they were, they had to come into that council. And they snatched him up, just not one organization, but the big council snatched him up. "We'll scare the liver out of him."

211When he walked up, that morning, the Bible said his face looked like an Angel. He said, "Men and brethren, let me speak to you. Our fathers dwelled in Mesopotamia before they came to Charran," and so forth. He still went and give the Scriptures. Then when he got all wound up, the Spirit come upon him, he said, "You stiff-necked, uncircumcised of heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Ghost; like your fathers did, so do you." He wasn't ashamed of the Gospel, wasn't ashamed of the Word. He wasn't embarrassed before any Sanhedrin Council. No.

212 Paul said before Agrippa. Being a Jew, taught under Gamaliel, a great dignitary he was. But one day, on the road down to Damascus, he come in Presence, contact with God. An Angel came down from Heaven, in a form of a Pillar of Fire, a Light that struck him on the ground. Raised up, and said, "Lord, Who are You?"

And He said, "I am Jesus."

213Standing before Agrippa, he repeated the story again. He said, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for It's the Power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believes." Sure.

214 Now, friends, we come on down with man, down through the age, but we're past time.

215But let me say this. A man who has once come in contact with God, which is the Word, and the Word has been made plain and manifested to him, there is no shameness about that. You're not embarrassed. Doesn't embarrass me to say I believe every Word of God. Doesn't embarrass me when the Lord says to say anything, you go say it and do it. It don't embarrass me to say that I've been filled with the Holy Ghost. It don't embarrass me to say that I've spoke with other tongues. It don't embarrass me to say that our Lord has showed me visions. It don't embarrass me to say He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

216"When you're brought before rulers and kings, for My Name's sake, take no thought what you shall say, for it'll be given to you in that hour. It's not you that speaketh, but My Father that dwelleth in you. But whosoever is ashamed of Me and My Word, in this generation, him will I be ashamed of before My Father and the holy Angels." God help us not to be ashamed, but help us to be a living testimony.

217 Every man in the Old Testament, when them prophets came, they become--they become the living Word. They was the Word. Jesus said they were called gods, and they were, because the Word of God came to them. They say, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD."

218And any disciple of Christ who has come in contact with Him in redemption, and salvation has come into his heart, he is a possessor of God. And what kind of a life should we live, and how should we walk, and how should we talk, if God is representing Himself through our own mortal bodies? Who could be ashamed of that?

219If I come to a place that I was on the police force here in Jeffersonville, walk down the street, in all the authorities, I wouldn't be ashamed of the city. I would be part of the city. I would be a police, a part of the city, to keep order and conduct. If a man run a red light, I wouldn't be ashamed to tell him he done wrong, give him a ticket. That's my duty, 'cause I'm--I'm getting paid by the city. I'm living by the city. I have the authority from the city. No matter if he was drunk, or what was the matter with him, they'll back me up. I stand my grounds, 'cause I'm a policeman and or-... I'm ordained, or put in here and given authority to do this. You're supposed to take the law and rights, and things, and see that it's done right.

220 Then, if I'm a Christian and been filled with the Spirit, wearing the testimony of Jesus Christ's resurrection, that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, don't let any devil try to push you around, say, "You don't do this and you don't do that." You do do It. God has give you the...

221See, we don't have power. That policeman don't have power to stop one car. It's about... sometime they're three or four hundred horsepower motor, what could he do about it? But he's got authority.

222And that's the Church. We have authority, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His promised Word, hallelujah, "The things that I do shall you do also; more than this will you do, for I go unto the Father."

223 Don't be ashamed of Him in this generation; sinful, perplexed, the last generation that'll ever be on the earth, this sinful, adulterous, and full of all putrefied sores. All, everything that's been decent has become indecent. National politics, filth! Nations are broke up.

224Way back in the jungles of Africa, on safari hunters, they had to take high-powered radios to hear Elvis Presley, Pat Boone, and them guys with that rock-and-roll and twist. And the natives, trying to see them act along, jerking their head and acting like that, the natives stood and looked at him. But, you see, they're not Americans like Pat Boone, and Elvis Presley, and Ricky Nelson, and them guys are. They're not Judases of that type, but they're... See, it's a spirit. And the spirit is not only in America, it has spread itself out over the world, to bring them to the battle of Armageddon. They act like that, whether they are... Whatever nation they come from, Africa, India, wherever it is, that vulgar and stuff has spread all over the earth, by just one man starting it.

225 So has the Gospel and the Power of Almighty God, has spread around the world! And the separation time is now taking place, when God is a-calling a Bride, and the Devil is calling a church. Let me be part of the Bride!

Let us pray.

226Dear God, we see the handwriting on the wall, Lord. We're at the end time. We know that there is great things laying ahead, but yet somewhere, somewhere out in this mess out here, is still honest people that's been ordained to Life. It would be impossible for one man or two man; but, God, all of us together, let us spread in every corner we can, the good news that Jesus is coming, and, see, just spread a little Bread along, a little Word. Wherever the Eagles are, they'll follow that Food. Whether It comes by a tape, or whether It comes by a word or a testimony, Eagles will follow It to Its headquarters. For It is written, "Where the Carcass is, there the Eagles will gather." Dear Jesus, we know that Thou art the Carcass that we eat. Thou art the Word, and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. We pray, God, that as we scatter the Word, that the true Eagles will find It.

227Let us not be ashamed when we stand before people, wicked, indifferent people, religious, whatever it is. As Paul told Timothy:

... Let's be instant in season, out of season; reprove, and rebuke, and... with all longsuffering and doctrine.

For the time will come when they'll not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall... heap for themselves together teachers, having itching ears;

And will be turned... from the truth,... to fables.

228God, we're living in that day. You've let me live long enough to see that happen. As, that lays right here in the cornerstone of this tabernacle today, of thirty-three years ago.

229 God, bless each one in here. If there be one in here, Lord, that's not ready to meet You, that they cannot just agree with Your Word, and they haven't met You face to face and know that You're not just by an act of some sort of a--of a--of an acception, like you would a creed or something, but has met the living God; and if they haven't did this, Lord, may they do it right now.

230I--I believe You are--You are real near at this hour. I don't know who they are. I don't know even if there is any here, but I just feel led to pray to You. Not that the people hear me, for that would be a hypocrite rite. God forbid. I don't want to be a hypocrite. But I pray it with the sincerity in my heart, Lord.

231Whoever he or she is that You speak to this morning, may they humbly not be ashamed, but way down deep in their heart receive You now, coming this evening and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, following every Word, every Word; if they've been baptized different, or sprinkled, poured. Remember (we do, Lord) that You said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of the Book, add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." Though he tries, comes, puts his name on the book, it--it won't work. Let us be sincere and humble.

232Now they're in Your hands, Lord. You do with them as You see fit, for they're Yours. In the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

233 Now while we have our heads bowed, I want you to think real seriously now. I apologize, first, for being about fifteen minutes late. Now we want to hum. And you just think in your heart now, "Have I really met God?" Just think it real sincerely now. Cause, it won't be too many times maybe until... May be the last time now, that we'll meet before His Coming. It's close, friends. Every Scripture, looks like, is just about fulfilled. And it might be, for you or I, this might be our last chance. We may be gone before night.

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

I can hear, "Are you ashamed of Me and of My Word?"

I can hear my Saviour...

234Now just imagine you are laying on your deathbed now. "Can hear..." Then it might be too late, but it isn't right now.

"Take thy cross, and," might have to sacrifice now, "follow Me."

Now, in your heart, answer this:

I'll go with Him through the garden,

I'll go with Him through the garden,

I'll go with Him through the garden,

I'll go with Him, with Him all...

235Now with our heads bowed, let's just raise our hands and say:

I'll go with Him through the judgment,

Now, that's what's going on right now, He is judging us.

I'll go...

Lord, do You find me guilty? Then, forgive me.

... through His judgment,

What do You judge me to be this morning, Lord?

... with Him through the judg-...

Try me, Lord, see if there be any unclean thing in me.

... with Him, with Him all the way.

236 Father, we thank You this morning for all these hands. I didn't see one person but what they had their hands up. I thank You, Lord. I--I trust You didn't either, Lord. No one that didn't have their hands up, they are ready to go through the judgment. Judge us, Lord. And if there be any wrong in us, forgive us for it, Father. Give us of Your mercy, for we don't want to meet Your judgment when mercy is not present. So, mercy is present now, so we pray, God, that You will judge us and forgive us of our sins, according to Your Word and Your promise. And let us live for You all the days of our life, not being ashamed of the Gospel.

237Now, Father, if it's Your will, we're starting three straight Sundays now, of meetings. Prepare our hearts for it, Lord. Prepare me, O God. I'm the one that is standing so deeply in need of You. I pray that You will guide me and direct me in the things that I should do and say, in these days to come.

238Guide and direct our precious Brother Neville, that gallant servant of Yours, Lord; and also Brother Mann, and the deacons of the church, and the trustees, and every person that assembles here.

239 Prepare us, Lord, that we might be able, in a--a real Christian way, to bring sinners to You, and to bring church members to a knowing the God that we know, that we have met personally, let Him become their God, too. Now, Father, this we cannot do, we cannot send them in. But Thou, Holy Spirit, move upon the people, the members of churches.

240And as the little experience I had with You the other morning, "Go get my Son a Bride. Take It from among the people, among the churches. Pull out that Bride." Let me, in prayer now, Lord. You send the Rebekah; I'll try to be the Eliezer. Help me to be a faithful servant. And may the God of Heaven send His Angel before me, before us, that we will collect the things together and select the Bride that He has chosen. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

241 Now, I'm sorry to have kept you a little late. It's twenty-five after. I should have been out here, twenty-five minutes ago. But, now, you like that old song, "Take The Name Of Jesus With You"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Ain't that pretty? I've sang that now for some thirty-three years, as a dismissing song. Water baptism, "On Jordan's stormy banks I stand." And I think this is so pretty, "Just take It everywhere you go!"

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope... (Now shake hands with somebody by you.)

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

242Now remember the service of tonight, seven-thirty, seven-thirty tonight. Now let's sing just one verse, see.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

When temptations around you... (What do you do then?)

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

243 Was there any come to be baptized after this service? If so, raise your hands. Somebody to be baptized? Two, all right, to be baptized immediately after this service. If the rest of you, any of you that wants to be baptized, we'll have baptismal services at every one of these services. The only thing you have to do is ask. We're ready to baptize you. That's our duty, to baptize you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It's our duty to do it. And we'll be glad to do it, anytime. You that's to be baptized, just go to the rooms, immediately after the service, and we'll go right ahead with the water baptism. Anybody wants to follow them, you'd be sure that we're here... if you have repented of your sin and you've accepted Jesus as your Saviour.

244You have been a Christian for years, and never seen the Light, and the Light of deliverance has come now. A woman, a Bride that must take the Name! Jesus said, "I came in My Father's Name, and you received Me not. But there will be one come in his own name, and you'll receive him," that's your denomination.

245Any son comes in his father's name. I come in my father's name. You man come in your father's name.

246And what was His Name, what is the Name of the Father? Jesus! He, "came in My Father's Name, you received Me not." Now His Bride will have His Name, of course.

247I took a woman, by the name of Broy, and she become a Branham.

248He is coming for a Bride, be sure and remember that as you come to the pool.

Let us bow our heads now.

249 And Brother Vayle here is no stranger to us. He's a very precious brother, been with me in many meetings, him and his wife. And he is also now the writer of these sermons and things that goes into book form. Brother Vayle, would you dismiss us in prayer, while we bow our heads. [Brother Vayle prays--Ed.]

250 [Brother William Marrion Branham expressed his desire to take the Message to Africa in this statement on Thursday evening, May 27, 1965, outside of a house in Johannesburg, South Africa, as an interpreter translated it into Afrikaans. He spoke about this Africa trip in his next Message, Ashamed, July 11, 1965. Due to its brevity (3 minutes, 40 seconds), it is placed here at the end of "Ashamed."--Ed.]

This is one of the highest moments of my life. I have waited fifteen years for this time. My heart has longed to see you again, ever since I left you. I have prayed very much, to get to come back. And a few weeks ago, I was under great anticipation, believing that I would get to come and have a meeting. But when I got the visa, "restricted," I almost had a heart attack. I wanted to come so bad!

But I still believe that, through God, I will minister again, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, among the people of Africa. God has promised to give us the desire of our heart, and that's one of the desires of my heart.

I can remember the great meetings here in Johannesburg. I remember the boy with the short leg, coming long again, normal. And the lady, that the little girl was healed from a back condition, and her mother fainted and fell back in the--the cot.

[The interpreter speaks in English, "Brother Branham, that was my wife's cousin."--Ed.] Your wife... Oh!

There is so many great things! No doubt, there is many of those people, attended those meetings, are with the Lord now. I have gotten old, too, since then. It won't be too long till my time to go up, then we will be together forever, no visas.

I feel like bringing the Message. But it is written in the Scripture, "Give unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."

I'm expecting to meet you here in a few moments, shake your hand and have fellowship again together. I appreciate all these fine men.

I wish I had all my brethren, in Africa, here today, of all the denominations, that we could just get together and talk, all evening. And I would like to hear what the Lord has been doing over here for you. I would like to tell you what He's doing for us across the sea. Maybe He will permit that, someday. Until that day, I'll be praying for you, and you be praying for me. God bless you.

1Ďakujem ti brat Neville. Dobré ráno, priatelia. Som rád, že tu dnes ráno môžem byť. A myslím, že som urobil ... Zaberám čas bratovi Nevillemu. Keď sedel tam vzadu a pripravoval si svoj text; a ja som vošiel dovnútra, on začal baliť svoje poznámky a povedal, "Dobre ..."

2To mi pripomínam dávne roky. Tu dole zvykol sedávať farebný brat, nazýval sa brat Smith, a sestra Cross. Boli to moji veľmi dobrí priatelia. A keď som večer vošiel sem dovnútra, ten starý muž zvykol ... On mal biele fúzy. Neviem, či si z vás niekto na neho pamätá alebo nie. A on mal zastať na pódiu, viete. A všetci spievali, "To je cesta do Neba." A brat Smith, on len takto sedel, viete. A ja som vošiel tými zadnými dverami.

3A bolo také malé dievča, také naozaj tmavé, ona zvykla sedávať tam v tom rohu. Ona začala tlieskať rukami a volala, "Vyvýš Ho," tú pieseň, poznáte ju. Oni mali na to svoju vlastnú melódiu, viete. A potom v tom druhom rohu, tam sedel niekto ďalší, ktorý to znovu opakoval a volal, "Vyvýš Ho." Nuž, to oni spievali, keď som vchádzal do dverí. Mám proste rád takých ľudí.

4A tak, starý brat Smith sedel tam, tak trochu obrátený chrbtom, viete, a on bol, taký pokojný človek. On zvykol hovorievať, "Vojdi dnu, starší, nech si oddýchne tvoj klobúk." Nehovoril, "Oddýchni si"; ale "Nech si oddýchne tvoj klobúk," rozumiete, "Vojdi dnu, starší, nech si oddýchne tvoj klobúk." On sa tam mal postaviť, a ja som mohol povedať, ako od toho upustí. Ja som tam bol na to, rozumiete.

5On zvykol hovoriť, "Nuž," hovoril, "viete, deti," tak vravieval, "Sedel som tu tak a uvažoval, ' Pane, čo mi dáš do povedania?' " Hovoril, "A On len stále potriasal na mňa hlavou, 'Nič ti nedám do povedania.' " Povedal, "Videl som, ako tam vošiel Starší Branham, a povedal som si, Pane, práve teraz si začínam uvedomovať ..." Nuž, bol som tam práve kvôli tomu!

6Brat George Wright, ako sa máš, brat? [Brat Wright hovorí, Ó, dobre, skutočne."] Nech ťa Pán žehná, brat Wright! Skutočne. ["Tam vzadu je brat Eliáš."] Ó, naozaj? On povedal, že brat Eliáš Perry je tu vzadu. Kde si brat Eliáš? Nevidel som ho už dlhý ... A ozaj, no toto! Tak by sme tu mali mať ozajstné zhromaždenie! Eliáš Perry, George Wright, a niektorí ďalší s tých starých veteránov, ktorí tu zvykli bývať, keď ste takmer museli rukami pridŕžať okenice, tak dul ten vietor. Mám radosť, že vás vidím! Matka, sestra Wrightová, je s tebou? Je tu sestra Wrightová? Ona je tiež tam vzadu. Naozaj. Ó, to je naozaj nádherné. Je to skvelé. Som rád, že sme tu. Je to dobre byť spolu.

7Toľko som toho mal naplánované, vracajúc sa domov; obťažený na srdci. Práve som sa vrátil z Afriky, ako všetci viete. A keď som tam prišiel, mal som obmedzené víza, a nedovolili mi, nedovolili mi kázať, pretože sa pri tom schádza naraz priveľa ľudí. Každú chvíľu tam očakávajú nejaké povstanie, a - a nedovolili mi kázať, kvôli tomu, že sa pri tom zhromažďuje príliš mnoho ľudí. Jedine, ako by som bol mohol kázať, by bolo, mať nejakú organizáciu, ktorá by bola reprezentovaná vládou, vo vláde, aby ma tam pozvala, potom by vláda automaticky poslala vojenskú ochranu. Vidíte, oni sú práve ... Chystá sa tam práve nejaké povstanie, a to všetko kvôli tomu. Je to už skoro na dosah, vidíte. Ten muž z vlády povedal, "Posledne, keď on tu bol, mal zhromaždených okolo štvrť milióna ľudí." A povedal, "Potom, vidíte, to by bolo práve to na čo čaká komunizmus, na vzburu." A tak som nemohol kázať.

8Tí ľudia, ktorí tam stáli, mávali rukami a volali, "Pros za moju matku! Pros, zomrel môj brat! Môj ... " A ja som bol za ostnatým drôtom, poznáte to, drôtová bariéra, a to proste spôsobuje, že sa cítite naozaj zle. A vrátil som sa domov.

9Myslel som si, "No dobre ..." Môj syn Jozef, vtedy sa trochu spustil, pokiaľ ide o čítanie. A mal ... Prešiel v poriadku, ale musel cez to prejsť; to čítanie mu nešlo celkom dobre. A tak som si myslel, "No, nejaký čas budeme musieť zostať doma." A povedal som, "Ak zostaneme doma, to pokazí deťom prázdniny." A tak sme to proste odložili, a prídeme tam s ním na ďalšiu časť v auguste, a nech ... a prídeme sem na dva, tri týždne.

10Povedal som, "Verím, že zatiaľ čo tu budeme, môžeme mať nejaké zhromaždenie. Najmeme si tam tú školskú poslucháreň, a budeme mať zhromaždenia od 28. až do prvého, tam v tej školskej posluchárni. Chcel som kázať na tému o vyliatí tých siedmich posledných čiaš." A tak sme tam najprv zavolali, a prežili sme malé sklamanie. Už nám to viac v tej škole nechcú dovoliť, natisne sa tam príliš veľa ľudí. Nemôžeme to nikde mať. A tak potom som sa rozhodol, zatiaľ čo tu budem, namiesto toho ...

11Nemohli by sme tu popratať všetkých ľudí, keby sme to oznámili ... Teraz to nebolo vôbec oznámené. A tak, ak by sme popratali všetkých ľudí, ak by sme sa ich snažili popratať tu v modlitebni, neboli by sme to schopní. Vidíte, to jednoducho ... tých päť dní, to by tu bolo hrozné.

12A tak, keď sme tam sedeli a rozprávali sa s bratom Neville a s bratom Woodom a s ostatnými, rozhodli sme sa to urobiť takto. Ak nemôžeme, tak namiesto toho, by sme mali päť zhromaždení; to by bolo 28., 29., 30., 31. a prvého. Nuž, myslím, ak by sme začali na budúcu nedeľu, môžeme mať dve zhromaždenia, v nedeľu ráno a v nedeľu večer, to je osemnásteho. A potom, 25., v nedeľu ráno a v nedeľu večer. To sú štyri zhromaždenia. Potom prvého augusta, v nedeľu ráno a v nedeľu večer. To by sme mali šesť zhromaždení, a tak by z toho nebola taká tlačenica, dostať tých ľudí dovnútra. Tak si myslím.

13Nemyslíte, že by to bolo tak lepšie, než ako keby sa tu všetci naraz zhromaždili a tlačili, a tak ďalej? Potom len tie dve zhromaždenia, to by sme zvládli, všetci by sa tak trochu tlačili. Ale päť večerov v jednom kuse, to by bolo veľmi obtiažne.

14A chcem sa tu o tom dohodnúť s dôverníkmi a so staršími, zatiaľ čo som tu.

15 Všade sa to tak začína diať. Žijeme v posledných dňoch, v ktorých Evanjelium už nemá to miesto, aké by malo mať. Nemá tie práva, ktoré by malo mať. Všetko je to pospletané s politikou a so všetkým, tak ako nejaká únia. A to je to do čoho sa to nakoniec dostáva, pretože znamenie šelmy, ako vieme, musí prísť skrze úniu. A tam my ... Pretože, to je bojkot, "nikto nebude môcť kupovať alebo predávať, okrem toho kto bude mať znamenie tej šelmy."

16A teraz chcem zistiť prostredníctvom starších. Cítim sa tak vedený. Nikdy som nemal taký hlad po Bohu vo svojom srdci, v celom mojom živote, aký mám teraz, vidíte. Pretože ... A chcem si zaobstarať svoj vlastný stan a svoje vlastné veci, tak ako mi to dal Pán vo videní, a ja verím, že ten čas je práve teraz na dosah. A chcem vedieť, zatiaľ čo som tu, prečo nemôžeme zaobstarať ten stan.

17A - a potom, keď pôjdeme, tak ako prichádzame sem do Jeffersonville, namiesto toho, aby sme mali len jeden, dva, tri alebo štyri dňové zhromaždenia, môžeme vyjsť tam von a rozložiť ten stan, a mať dva alebo tri týždňové zhromaždenia, rozumiete, a nikto nebude môcť nič na to povedať. Mohli by sme ho postaviť buď v parku, alebo, ak by nám to tam nedovolili, tam za mestom je farmár, ktorý nám to dovolí mať na farme. Najmeme tú farmu a - a postavíme to tam. To jediné, čo by sme tam museli urobiť, by bolo postaviť naše prístavky [sociálne zariadenia], a tak ďalej, ku nášmu kompletnému vybaveniu. A to by sa ľahko dalo spraviť. A potom tam takto začneme naše zhromaždenia, pretože to je podľa videnia od Pána, a má to byť urobené takým spôsobom.

18A ako som sem prichádzal, včera, a nachádzal, to i tamto, veď viete. A ako som išiel po ulici, stretol som tam svojho dobrého priateľa, zavolal na mňa, "Nazdar Billy." Pozrel som sa na neho, má už snehovo biele vlasy, a také veľké brucho. A on je v mojom veku. Behávali sme spolu, [fešák mládenec], keď som bol ešte dieťa. Bolo mi to tak trochu smiešne.

Môj malý syn, Jozef sa opýtal, "Prečo si smutný, ocko?"

19"Och," povedal som, "neviem ti to vysvetliť, Jozef. Neviem, ako by som ti to povedal."

20A dívam sa na Elij Perryho, ako sedí tam vzadu, a na jeho pani; zdá sa, ako by to bolo včera, bol to taký čiernovlasý párik, bývali vedľa mňa, keď sme mali ten starý čln, Wahoo, a po nociach sme dole na rieke chytali ryby. Teraz ich vidím oboch bielovlasých, viete, to svedčí o jednom, je to akoby nejaký malý bzučiak, ktorý začína vydávať signál, "Nemáš tu už príliš veľa času." Vidíte?

21A tak chcem každý deň svojho života oddeliť pre Neho. To čo mi ešte zostalo, ten čas, ktorý ešte mám, chcem ho stráviť niekde a robiť niečo, ak by to nebolo nič viacej, než len ako stáť na rohu ulici, a vydávať svedectvo ku cti a chvále Božej. A kvôli tomu som tu.

22Mám také tajné miestečko, tu v Indiáne pri Zelenom Mlyne. Nie je to mesto, nuž, je to pustatina. A niektorí ľudia to zabrali a nedovolia vám tam ani len vkročiť. Ale ja tam mám jaskyňu, a on by ma nikdy nenašiel, keď vojdem do nej. Chodím tam v noci, a on nikdy nevie, kedy tam prichádzam alebo kedy odchádzam. A on ani nevie, kde tá jaskyňa je, a nemôže sa do nej dostať, a nezáleží na tom kde to je. A chcem tam ísť a hovoriť ku Pánovi, nejaký čas, cítim, že je to potrebné.

23Manželka, ona chcela prísť, chcela sem prísť a ponavštevovať toto okolie, a Rebeka a Sára, a oni, so svojimi priateľmi. A sme tu teraz na tri týždne, ak bude vôľa Pánova.

24A myslím, že namiesto toho, aby sme sa snažili tu natlačiť všetkých ľudí, na tie zhromaždenia tu v Modlitebni ... Pretože, to patrí nám, patrí to Pánovi, ktorý nám to dal. A je tu klimatizácia. Radi by sme mali zhromaždenie v nedeľu ráno a v nedeľu večer. Tak by sa ľudia mohli vrátiť domov a potom počkať až na ďalší týždeň.

25Nemyslím, že by som mohol vziať a oficiálne vystihnúť to vyliatie tých posledných Čiaš, pretože oni sú v tom veľmi, veľmi veľkým posolstvom. Ale mohol by som sa modliť za chorých, a robiť veci, ktoré ... Tiež mám posolstvá, ako mi ich Pán dá pre cirkev. Cez týždeň, pôjdem tu niekde von do pustatiny a budem študovať, vrátim sa nedeľu ráno, a budeme mať nedeľné zhromaždenie, ako toto, a tiež v nedeľu večer budeme mať zhromaždenie. Náš najvzácnejší pastor, brat Neville, opýtal som sa ho, či bude s tým spokojný. To zaberie všetky jeho zhromaždenia, ale on bol viac ako rád, že sa toho môže vzdať kvôli tomuto. Ja len ...

26Brat Capps, tak sa mi vidí, on tiež dostal vandrovaciu horúčku, a vidím, že odišiel, a - a brat Humes. A Pán tu mal brata Manna, aby zaujal to miesto. Viete, či je to nie nádherné, ako Boh bude všetko robiť? On mal vždy všetko presne načasované. Prišiel som sem a počul som tu niekoho kázať. Povedal som, "To ne... verím ..."

27Brat Capps, on prišiel do Tucsonu, a myslím, že ho to priam ohúrilo, bolo okolo 110 stupňov [F]. On s tým nechcel mať nič spoločného, a tak odišiel preč, on i brat Humes, a odišli späť do Phonixu. Samozrejme, že tam je okolo 115 stupňov [F], až 116 či 118. To bolo ešte horšie, a tak si myslím, že potom odišiel do Texasu; snažiac sa nájsť miesto.

28Hovorím vám, neželajte si žiadnu Arizonu v tomto ročnom období. Nedávno tam bolo 140 stupňov [F], minulý piatok, 140 stupňov, pri Parkerovi. A to je tam kde býva brat Craig, tu zo zboru. Môžete rozbiť vajce, a ono sa upečie skôr, ako dopadne na zem. [Brat Branham sa smeje -Vyd.] Napľujete a tá vlhkosť sa okamžite vyparí, to len ... Nie je tam žiadnej vlhkosti ani ničoho, v tomto ročnom období je to ako nejaká vypaľovacia pec. Ale asi tak od novembra, decembra a januára, je to nádherné. Ale keď prichádza, tak asi marec a apríl, lepšie je ak s tade odídete, ak sa nechcete zadusiť.

29A tak brat Capps a ďalší mali prísť práve v tom čase, čo si myslím, že ich odohnalo. Možno, že to Pán urobil za nejakým účelom. Verím tomu, že Boh napráva kroky spravodlivých. Niekedy sa nám to zdá ťažké.

30Tak ako nedávno na tejto ceste do Afriky, bol som si tak istý, že sa pohybujem vo vôli Božej. Pretože, pred rokom, som bol tam dole na juhu, kde som mal celú radu zhromaždení, a oni - oni, myslel som ...

31Prišli z tej organizácii, a povedali, "Môžeš chodiť ďalej skrze Kresťanských obchodníkov, ale my s tým nebudeme mať nič spoločného."

32Nuž, nechcem zhodiť tých ľudí hneď na tom, rozumiete, robiť nejaký konflikt. Chcem aby sa cítili dobre jeden pri druhom. A tak som len povedal, "No dobre ..." Napísal som im dopis, povedal som, "Pamätajte, snažil som sa znovu, po viacerých rokoch dostať do Afriky, cítiac, že moja služba v Afriky nie je skončená. Nemám ..."

33Prečo by som musel ísť do Afriky, keď mám šesťsto, sedemsto miest hneď tu v Spojených štátoch, kde ma pozývajú, vidíte, rovno tu, nerátajúc Kanadu, Mexiko, či iné z týchto miest? Prečo by som tam mal chcieť ísť? Ale v mojom srdci je niečo, čo ma tiahne do Afriky. Tam, tí ľudia, tam - tam je na nich niečo, čo milujem, a chcem tam ísť len kvôli tým farebným ľuďom. A je niečo v nich ... Mnohí z nich, z tých vedúcich, necítia, že by som to mal robiť. Ja chcem ísť ku mojím farebným priateľom. To je to, kde ma povolal Pán. A budem ... Oni sú v potrebe. Mnoho z tých ľudí ... Tí bieli, si môžu zaobstarať lekárov i všetko. Ale tí biedny domorodci žijú tam vonku, a napoly zhnití. Cítim, že oni sú tí, ktorí vyzerajú na to, že by to prijali. Oni sú tí jediní. Niečo na tom je.

34Keď sa dostanete do nejakého bodu, ste taký chytrý, že viete všetko, a potom Boh nemôže s vami nič urobiť. Ale keď sa dostanete na miesto, že ste ochotný počúvať a učiť sa, potom to je Boží čas, keď On môže vojsť a hovoriť ku vám.

35A tak som im napísal, a povedal som im. A riekol som, "Pamätajte, v Deň Súdu, nech sa tie kostnaté ruky vymania z toho dymu, odsúdia vás! Ich krv bude na vás, nie na mne, pretože ja som sa snažil okolo desať rokov, aby som sa tam znovu dostal."

36A potom, keď som poslal ten dopis, a prišiel som naspäť, Niečo ku mne prehovorilo, "Navštív Sidney Jacksona, choďte na poľovačku." A v tom istom čase, Pán prehovoril ku Sidney Jacksonovi a povedal, "Lev so žltou hrivou, brat Branham, camping, Durban - veľké zhromaždenie."

37Nuž, on tu bol, a on tu s vami hovoril. Mimochodom, pokrstili sme ... On bol rozhodne proti tomuto krstu vo Meno Ježiša Krista. A jeho žena bola proti tomu ešte viac ako on, ona by proste odišla preč. Mohli ste ... Hovorím vám, nikdy som nevidel oddanejších ľudí. Oni tam pozháňali asi stopäťdesiat kazateľov, boli pokrstení vo meno Ježiša Krista, a oni proste zapálili tú krajinu. To Posolstvo sa proste valí cez Afriku, všade. Letci i veľkí mužovia prichádzajú, sú pokrstení vo Meno Ježiša Krista.

38A tak, keď som sa začínal pripravovať tam na cestu, hovorím vám, v celom svojom živote som nemal toľko problémov, ako pritom, keď som sa snažil tam dostať. A potom, v tej poslednej chvíli, v tej poslednej chvíli, keď som tam už mal ísť, tu oni napísali krížom cez moje vízum, "Nemôže vykonávať žiadne náboženské zhromaždenie; môže prísť len na poľovačku." Nuž, potom, to bola vyššia hodnosť.

39Ale povedal som si, "Nestarám sa o to čo robí diabol, nebudem ... Nemôžem sa odvolávať na to čo povedal brat Jackson o levovi so žltou hrivou, či na toto tu či tamto. Nemôžem to zaručiť. Ale viem, že Boh mi povedal, 'navštív brata Sidney Jacksona a choďte na poľovačku.' " A povedal som si, "Idem." A niekedy ... A bol to jeden z mojich najväčších výletov.

40A zistil som čo to boli za problémy. No a myslím si, že tak asi v októbri, ak bude vôľa Pánova, budem môcť ísť naspäť a mať zhromaždenia i všetko, plná spolupráca, i všetko iné, vidíte, teraz v Afrike. Dostal som sa tomu na dno a zistil som, že v čom to bolo, čo to zapríčinilo. Tu hore, keď som tam písal, jeden hovoril toto, druhý hovoril niečo iné, a ďalší zase tamto. Ale najlepšie je zistiť si to sám. A viem v čom spočívali tie problémy, a čo tomu bolo príčinou; bolo to kvôli tomu, že sa tam naraz zíde tak veľa ľudí, a vláda mi to nedovolila mať.

41A teraz, ak Kresťanský Obchodníci, alebo akákoľvek organizácia, skrze ktorú prídeme, potom vláda automaticky ... pretože to je organizácia, reprezentovaná vládou a vláda posiela vojenskú ochranu. Ak by tam bolo dvadsať päť ľudí z jednej denominácii, dvadsať päť ľudí z druhej, oni by to stále nemohli prijať. To musí byť vedenie tej organizácii. A Kresťanskí Obchodníci, to je nesektárska organizácia reprezentujúca všetky cirkvi. Doktor Simon, ktorý je ich predstaveným, veľmi fajn človek, stretol som ho a rozprával som sa s ním. A oni si berú na starosť tie zhromaždenia, a všetky ostatné cirkvi tam spolu prídu. Vidíte? A verím, že budeme mať jedny z najväčších zhromaždení, ktoré boli v Afriky.

42Ale mojím oporným bodom bolo toto, že keď viete, že sa snažíte robiť to čo je dobré. Tá prvá vec je, ak cítite, že ste vedení do čohokoľvek, potom to skontrolujte so Slovom a dívajte sa, či to s Ním presne súhlasí, a potom nech vás nič nezastaví. Nestarám sa o to koľko kolies nám Diabol hádže do cesty, prenášajte sa len rovno ponad ne.

43Povedal som svojej žene a povedal som bratovi Woodovi, keď som sem prišiel, i niektorým priateľom, ktorých som včera stretol. Mal som tu taký čas, že asi päť rokov som ani nevedel čo robiť. Bolo to nervové ... Vidíte, to prebudenie medzi cirkvami zomrelo. Každý to vie. Môžete to cítiť v tejto modlitebni. Kdekoľvek to môžete pocítiť. Je to úder, smrteľný pocit. Niečo nie je proste v poriadku. Je to preto, že to nadšenie prebudenia odišlo preč od ľudí. Choďte do cirkví, budete ich vidieť ako tam sedia. A pastor stále kokce nejaké posolstvo i niečo iné. A prvé čo sa dozviete, on hneď zvrtne reč na nejaký večierok, ktorý budú mať, alebo niečo také. Vyzerá to všade, ako nejaká smrteľná rana.

44Billy Graham si to všíma; Oral Roberts. Pán Allen mal nejaký problém, ako viete. Oral Roberts má tam tie budovy za päťdesiat miliónov dolárov, a tak ďalej. Má nejakú školu. Nuž a nikto nie je teraz na poli.

45Odišiel som odtiaľto, podľa videnia, aby som išiel do Tucsonu, aby som videl, čo Pán odo mňa chce. Tam sa On so mnou stretol, ako vám to tu On povedal, že to urobí a ... to zoskupenie tých siedmich Anjelov, a povedal, aby som sa vrátil naspäť a tých Sedem Pečatí malo byť otvorených. To je presne to čo sa stalo.

46On povedal, keď som jedného dňa bol s bratom Woodom, keď on tam prišiel, zašli sme na to isté miesto, a vyhodil som do vzduchu skalu, ona spadla dole, On povedal, "Za deň a noc, budete ..." Zabudol som, ako presne boli tie slová. "Budete vidieť slávu Božiu."

47A na druhý deň, zostúpila dole z oblohy víchrica, a poznáte to, ako sa to stalo. Keď to odišlo hore, oni sa opýtali, čo to bolo. Povedal som, "Povedalo to tri slová v tých veľkých troch výbuchoch." Tí mužovia počuli iba to burácanie. Ja som rozumel, čo To hovorilo. A povedal som, "Súd udiera západné pobrežie!" Dva dni potom, Aljaška sa takmer potopila. Hrmelo tam, zem sa triasla i všetko. Hľaďte len na ne, každý deň, na tie zemetrasenia, všade.

48Moje posledné zhromaždenie, posledné zhromaždenie, ktoré som mal. Toto bude moje prvé Posolstvo, skutočne, ktoré odvtedy kážem. Kázal som v Los Angeles, v Baltimorskom auditóriu, a hovoril som o mužovi, ktorý si vyberá ženu. Vy pravdepodobne máte tú pásku o tom. Je to, povedal som, "To odzrkadľuje jeho charakter a jeho ambície." To, keď si muž berie ženu, on si berie mladé dievča, aby sa stala jeho ženou; on si berie, ako viete, nejaké moderné dievča, to je obyčajne nejaká Riketa, to - to len ukazuje čo on ... Ak si berie nejakú kráľovnú krásy, alebo kráľovnú sexu, čokoľvek to je, to ukazuje jeho, to čo je skutočne v tom mužovi. Ale kresťan, on hľadá v tej žene charakter, pretože on s tou ženou plánuje svoj budúci domov. On plánuje, berie si niekoho, kto vytvára domácnosť. A ja som povedal, "Potom, Kristus, tu podľa Jeho Slova, nám hovorí, aký bude náš budúci domov. Aký druh ženy si On potom vyberie, denominačnú prostitútku? Nikdy! On si vyberie ženu, ktorá je charakterizovaná Jeho Slovom, a to bude Nevesta."

49A zatiaľ, čo som to tam kázal, niečo do mňa udrelo, a ja som nevedel o ničom, asi tak za tridsať minút. Tam bolo vypovedané proroctvo. Prvé čo si pamätám, že tam bol brat Mosley a Billy, a kráčali sme vonku po ulici. A bolo povedané, "Ty Kafarnaum, ktoré sa nazývaš menom Anjelov," to je Los Angeles, mesto anjelov, vidíte, anjeli, "ktoré si sa vyvýšilo do Neba, budeš zvrhnuté do pekla. Lebo, keby sa tie mocné skutky boli stali v Sodome, ktoré sa stali v tebe, bola by stála, až do tohoto dňa." A to všetko sa dialo mimo môjho vedomia. Vidíte?

50A ako som sa práve dostával cez napomínanie, - Krista, vyvyšujúc Ho a hovoriac cirkvi. Povedal som, "Vy ženy, je vám to jedno, ako sa snažím ku vám podísť, alebo ako kážem proti týmto veciam; a vy mužovia, vy kazatelia; vy ste sa ustavične stavali proti, po celý ten čas, robíte to presne tak isto. Chodíte okolo Toho, akoby Slovo Božie nebolo ničím."

51A keď som to porozumel, odišiel som, povedal som, "Niekde v Písme je o tom napísané." A odišiel som a našiel som, že to bol Ježiš, ktorý karhal Kafarnaum, ktoré stálo na brehu mora. Ten večer som pozrel do Písma. Prišiel som domov, vzal som si tú historickú knihu; A Sodoma a Gomora bolo voľakedy prosperujúce mesto, Pohanský hlavný stan sveta. A viete, to mesto, sa pri zemetrasení potopilo do Mŕtveho mora. A Ježiš tam stál a povedal, "Kafarnaum, keby sa v Sodome boli udiali tieto skutky, ktoré sa udiali v tebe, stála by až do dnešného dňa. Ale teraz musíš byť uvrhnuté do pekla!" A asi po dvesto, alebo tristo rokoch po jeho proroctve, všetky tie pobrežné mestá, každé z nich stojí ešte doteraz, okrem Kafarnauma, ono leží na dne mora. Zemetrasenie ho potopilo do mora.

52A potom prorokujúc, "Los Angeles bude na dne mora." A prišiel som domov, a odišiel som do Afriky. A zatiaľ čo som bol v Afrike, oni tam mali zemetrasenie. A vedci ... Videli ste to, bolo to v správach, tie niektoré veľké, pekné domy sa zrútili, tam v Los Angeles, a nejaký motel, a tak ďalej. A teraz je tam ...

53A od toho zemetrasenia, je tam dva alebo tri palcová trhlina, ktorá sa urobila v zemi, tiahnúca sa od Aljašky, prechádza okolo cez Aleutské ostrovy, zachádza okolo sto päťdesiat alebo dvesto míľ do mora, vracia sa naspäť, pri San Diego; zasahuje Kaliforniu, či Los Angeles, a znovu vychádza von tesne tam pod severnou časťou Kalifornie, pri malom mieste, ktoré sa nazýva San José, tesne pod tým.

54A ten vedecký pracovník hovoril, keď s ním mali interview. Dívali sme sa na to v televízore. A on povedal, "Pod tým sa práve nachádza spenená láva." A on povedal toto, on povedal, "To je klát, ktorý sa odlomí," a povedal, "a on sa odlomí." A toto inter...

55Ten muž, ten vedec, ktorý robil to interview s tým vedúcim tých vedcov, on mu povedal, opýtal sa, "Nuž, mohlo by sa to potom všetko potopiť?"

On povedal, "Či mohlo? To sa musí!"

56Povedal, "Nuž, ale, to bude pravdepodobne za veľa, veľa rokov od teraz."

57A on povedal, "Môže to byť od teraz za päť minút, alebo to môže byť za päť rokov. On tomu tipoval len päť rokov.

58Ale tak, ako som si bol istý, keď som tam stál pod tou inšpiráciou, vypovedajúc súd o tom západnom pobreží, a potom tu hneď nasledovalo to s potopením Los Angeles, je po nej! Je to tak. To sa stane. Kedy? Ja neviem.

59Ale, och, čo sa stalo? Viete, teraz máme len šesť kontinentov. Mali sme ich sedem, ten jeden, ktorý bol medzi Afrikou a Spojenými štátmi, sa potopil. Och, to je história, viete o tom. Nuž, keď to pôjde ku dnu, potom by som chcel, aby ste dávali pozor keď ...

60To bola kázeň, ktorú som kázal, tak sa mi vidí, keď brat Elij' Perry tu v zbore mohol byť diakonom, v tom čase, podľa všetkého. Ale tam bolo povedané, "Príde čas ..." Ja som to nevedel, až keď pani Simpsonová mi priniesla jedného dňa tú kázeň. A mal som to zapísané v malom bločku, že púšť - "že oceán sa vleje do púšti." To bolo pred tridsiatymi rokmi.

61A, samozrejme, jazero Salton sa nachádza asi dvesto stôp pod úrovňou oceánu, a ak toto veľké kypenie mora, keď to takto pohltí tú zem, so stovkami štvorcových míľ, stovky a stovky štvorcových míľ sa potopí do zeme, to vyvrhne prílivovú vlnu rovno na Arizonu. Skutočne, tak to bude.

62Och, sme v čase konca, veľkolepá hodina, zjavenie sa Pána Ježiša! On povedal, "Na rôznych miestach budú zemetrasenia, čas zmätku, úzkosť medzi národmi, takže zmŕtvejú ľudia od strachu." Povedal, "A keď sa toto začne diať, pozdvihnite svoje hlavy, lebo sa blíži vaše vykúpenie." Ó, môj Bože!

Národy sa rozlamujú,

Izrael sa budí,

To sú znaky, ktoré predpovedali proroci;

Dni pohanov sú spočítané, v strachu zatarasené;

Navráťte sa, Ó roztrúsení, do svojho vlastníctva.

(Skutočne, urobte to.)

Deň vykúpenia je blízko,

Ľudské srdcia mŕtvejú od strachu;

Buďte naplnení Duchom Božím,

majte svoje lampy ozdobené a čisté,

Pozrite, vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo (Je to tak)

Falošní proroci klamú,

Božiu Pravdu zapierajú,

Že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh.

63Videli ste vtedy tú fotografiu, ako On tam ten obraz otočil nabok? A ten istý obrázok, tých siedmich anjelov, ktorí sa povzniesli hore, keď to otočíte doprava, je tam znovu tvár Pána Ježiša, ako sa díva na zem.

64Pamätáte sa, keď som kázal Sedem Cirkevných Vekov, Nemohol som porozumieť, prečo tam Ježiš stojí s niečím bielym okolo svojej hlavy. On bol mladý muž. Pozeral som sa znovu do Biblii a tam stojí, "Prišiel ku Starodávnemu Dňov, Ktorého vlasy boli biele ako vlna." Ježiš mal len tridsať tri a pol roka, keď Ho ukrižovali.

65Zavolal som Brata Jacka Moora, on je teológ. On povedal, "Ó, brat Branham, to je Ježiš vo Svojom oslávenom stave." Povedal, "Po Svojej smrti, pohrebe a zmŕtvychvstaní, prešiel do takého stavu." Pre teológa to znelo dobre, ale ďalej to dobre nenadväzovalo, niečo tam nepasovalo.

66Išiel som tam a začal som kázať o prvom cirkevnom veku, tam to Duch Svätý zjavil. Nuž máte to teraz priamo vo svojich Cirkevných Vekoch. Dúfam, že tie knihy teraz už zanedlho vyjdú, so všetkými detailmi. A to ukazuje, že Ježiš bol Sudcom. Ide o bielu parochňu, ktorú oni zvykli nosiť - založil si parochňu, ktorú nosil ako sudca, v Anglicku to stále robia, keď sa stávate najvyššou autoritou. A keď ten obrázok otočíte na bok, On tam je, Jeho čierne vlasy, môžete to vidieť zo strany Jeho brady, a na nich bielu parochňu. On je tou poslednou autoritou, On je Najvyššou Autoritou. Dokonca sám Boh to tak povedal, "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, Jeho počúvajte."

67On je tam s tými Angelami, to Posolstvo, ktoré bolo tými siedmimi prelomeniami, tých siedmich pečatí, čo zjavilo semeno hada a všetky tie veci tu. A to ukazuje, že je to práve tá Jeho pokrývka, to je - to je Jeho Najvyššia Autorita. On je Najvyšší, a má na hlave parochňu, alebo prikrytie. Biblia hovorí, že On menil Svoj výzor, alebo inak povedané On premieňal Seba Samého, en morphe. To slovo pochádza z gréckeho slova, to - en morphe, čo označuje nejakého gréckeho herca, ktorý hrá viacej rolí; dnes vystupuje v jednej, pri ďalšom vystúpení je v nejakej inej roli. On bol Boh, Otec, v jednom vystúpení; Boh, Syn, v ďalšom vystúpení; a potom Boh, Duch Svätý, v tomto vystúpení. Vidíte? To je On, Jeho Slovo je stále Ponad všetko. Žijeme v posledných dňoch.

68Keď som sa vrátil toho dňa z Afriky, bol som tak trochu unavený. Viete, tam je práve teraz noc, a musíte sa preorientovať. A potom, keď som sa vrátil, musel som sa znovu preorientovať. Mali sme krásny výlet, poľovačku, jednu z najlepších, akú som vo svojom živote mal. Billy má nejaké fotografie, možno že bude mať čas a bude vám to môcť niekde ukázať, ukáže vám ten výlet.

69Mal som sen. Vždy sa mi sníva, že som znovu niekde u Spoločnosti Verejných Služieb. A tak sa mi zdalo, že so tak trochu zanedbával tú prácu, domnievali sa že som ... Oni ma proste nechali robiť, tak ako som ja chcel, a ja som si myslel, že by som ... Namiesto toho, aby som išiel von a prechádzal po trasách, alebo vyberal účty, či niečo také, čo sa oni domnievali, že robím, ja som si proste povedal, "Som si svojím vlastným pánom," a odišiel som si proste zaplávať. Zišiel som tam dole, vyzliekol som si ... tieto šaty, a obliekol som si plavky. Bol som tam sám. A myslel som si, "No, nie je to správne, spoločnosť ... Toto je pracovný čas, spoločnosť mi platí tento čas." Rozmýšľal som, "Je to divné." A potom som si pomyslel, "No dobre, tie peniaze, ktoré som vybral na obchôdzke ..." Mal som oboje, patrolovanie a obchôdzku spolu spojené, a povedal som si, "No dobre, tie peniaze, ktoré som vybral, urobil som niečo, ako som tam pobehoval; Stratil som všetky svoje lístky, a ich peniaze sa mi pomiešali spolu s mojimi. Ako teraz budem vedieť, kto zaplatil za lístok?" Pomyslel som si, "Len preto, že som nedával vôbec pozor!" Pomyslel som si, "Nie je to správne. Ostáva mi len jedno, čo môžem urobiť, a to ísť za svojím hlavným dozorcom a povedať mu to." Bol ním Don Willis, povedal som, "Don, stratil som tie lístky. Tu sú všetky peniaze ktoré mám, a tu sú ich peniaze, je to dokopy. Nechaj to tu u pokladníka. A tí ľudia, keď oni prídu, oni budú mať potvrdenku, že som obdržal ich lístok."

70Možno, že nejakí ľudia sedia práve teraz tu, od ktorých som ... viem, že sú tu. Od ktorých som vybral v tých dňoch a ... a dal som im potvrdenku. Viete, bolo to len desať percent, ak ste priniesli naspäť svoj lístok. A možno, to stálo dolár a pol, a tak to bolo pätnásť centov. Mnoho z tých ľudí žilo ... Radi sme sa proste stretli a porozprávali, a oni znovu vracali svoje lístky, a ja som sa s nimi mohol za chvíľu rozprávať. Dať pätnásť centov, poznáte to, len si sadnúť na chvíľu a porozprávali sa, a pozbierať ich lístky. A tak sa toho nahromadilo, proste toľko lístkov, že som ich nemohol ani pozbierať.

71Nuž, pomyslel som si, že to je jediný spôsob, ako to môžem urobiť. A prebudil som sa.

72Bývali sme u sestry Larson. Myslím, že nie je tu. Bola ku nám veľmi milá; a nebola by rada, že o tom hovorím. Ale ona je veľmi milá pani, a my sme bývali v jej izbách. Prenajímala dve garsónky, spolu dve malé izby, obe sme ich mali prenajaté. Manželka a ja sme spali tu v jednej - a v tej druhej, keď som mohol, som tak trochu prijímal ľudí, a tam boli dve detské postieľky.

73Prebudil som sa. Ona ešte spala. A po nejakej chvíli sa prebudila. Kývol som na ňu, pozrela sa na mňa a žmurkala za chvíľu očami. Opýtal som sa, "Spala si dobre?"

Povedala, "Nie."

74A ja som povedal, "Mal som hrozný sen. Znovu som bol zamestnaný u Spoločnosti Verejných Služieb." Povedal som, "Čo som urobil?"

75Pamätám sa, ako malý chlapec, alebo mladý muž, prechádzal som všetky tie trasy pri Saleme, v Indiáne, rôzne ... Vošiel som dovnútra, kúpil som si raňajky, možno misku ovsených vločiek. V tom horúcom slnku a pri tom všetkom, ani mi nechutilo jesť. Utratil som na to desať centov z mojej skromnej hotovosti. Ten vrchný dozorca prišiel a povedal, "Viete čo oni povedali na schôdzi? Kto je ten padlý na hlavu, ktorý by na raňajky utratil len desať centov? Povedal, "Máte minúť prinajmenej päťdesiat centov." Nuž a všetci viete, že v tom čase, za päťdesiat centov boli už poriadne raňajky.

A ja som povedal, "No dobre, ale ja tak veľa nejem."

On povedal, "No dobre, to do tých päťdesiat centov utrať. Mal by si utratiť päťdesiat centov.

Ja som povedal, "No, ale ja to nepoužijem."

Povedal, "Jednako to utrať." To bol môj vrchný dozorca.

76No dobre, rozmýšľal som, "Nuž, čo môžem robiť? Musím mať útraty za päťdesiat centov, a ja zjem len za desať centov." A tak som chodil von na ulicu a bral deti, ktoré nič nejedli a kupoval som im raňajky za štyridsať centov.

Tak potom som si myslel, "Nuž, čo by ... Možno, že to je to čo On proti mne má."

77A pamätám sa, tu, nie tak dávno, oni prišli pri patrolovaní, poškodili ten zadný dvor, a povedali, "Napíš si to na účet." Viete oni majú právo patrolovať, ale za škodu musia platiť.

78Ja som proste napísal, "Nie ste nič dĺžni." Myslel som si, "Platil som za nich štyridsať centov. Možno, že dovtedy som utratil dvadsať alebo tridsať dolárov, dávajúc to deťom. Možno, že to na to vystačí." Snívajúc ďalej.

79Potom som tam mal veľký strom, deti sa pod ním hrávali, a patrola ... Oni patrolovali z helikoptéry. A tak on prišiel a povedal, "Billy, čo tak zoťať ten strom?"

80Povedal som, "Nie, nestínajte ho. Upravíme mu korunu." Povedal som, "Brat Wood a ja pôjdeme a upravíme mu korunu."

Povedal, "No dobre, pošlem tam chlapov aby ho upravili."

Povedal som, "Nuž, nedajte ho zoťať."

On povedal, "Nedám ho zoťať."

81Odišiel som na dovolenku. Keď som sa vrátil, strom bol zoťatý a ležal tam na zemi. Potom som mal ísť ku súdu, viete. Povedal som, "Pane, týmto vyjde najavo, koľko som dlžný." A tak som s tým vyšiel na svetlo, bolo to v poriadku, nechali to proste bežať. Stále sa mi to snívalo.

82Keď som sa v to ráno zobudil, povedal som si , "No dobre ..." Prvé čo ráno robíme, keď vstaneme, je, že sa spolu modlíme, a potom sa modlíme večer, keď ideme spať. A potom, keď ona odišla pripraviť deťom raňajky, začal som sa modliť. Povedal som, "Pane, ja musím byť hrozný človek. Čo som v živote urobil, že som sa nemohol dostať preč od tej Spoločnosti Verejných Služieb?"

83Išiel som sa okúpať, a prišiel som naspäť. A zdalo sa mi, ako keby niečo ku mne hovorilo, "Možno, že zanedbávam Jeho prácu." Rozmýšľal som, "Som tu asi päť rokov a nič som neurobil, len čakám na Neho."

84Ako som tam stál, jedného dňa. Stavali nám tam nový dom, brat Mosley tam prišiel, hovoril o tom. Povedal som, "To je len malý dar od môjho Otca." A on začal plakať. Povedal som, "Vieš, On povedal, 'Ak opustíte svoje domy, domy, polia, otcov, matky, Ja vám dám domy, polia, otcov, matky, a stonásobne viac v tomto živote, a Večný Život.' " Povedal som, "Musel som opustiť túto modlitebňu, ktorú tak veľmi milujem. Môj domov, ktorý mi tam Pán dáva - musel som to opustiť. On mi proste dáva tento naspäť." Povedal som, "Vidíš aký je On nádherný." A on začal plakať.

85No, povedal som, "Musel som sem prísť a oddeliť sa, prísť do tejto púšti." A myslím si, "Zaujímavé, prečo ma Boh priviedol do púšti, sem, kde nie je nič okrem škorpiónov a jašteríc?"

86Nie je to len púšť, je tam horúco, ale je to duchovná púšť. Och! Nie je tam žiadny duchovný život, v tých zboroch, oni sú proti ... V živote ste nevideli niečo také! Nemáme ani zbor do ktorého by sme išli, ani nič. A potom keď ... Tí ľudia takmer hynú, duchovne. Všimol som si to na tých ľuďoch, ktorí z tade vychádzali, vidno na nich tie rozdiely, keď ich pozorujete.

87A tak stojte pod Duchom Božím, a váš život sa bude stávať milý, jemný, tak ako to voda vypôsobuje na tráve a jemných púčkoch. Ak ... táto tráva by v Arizone nerástla; z týchto stromov by boli kaktusy, ich listy sa proste zvíjajú a vytvárajú pichliače. Tak to je, keď to vysychá okolo zboru, všetci sa navzájom pichajú, veď viete. A, pozrite, vy musíte mať jemný dážď, ktorý vás zjemňuje, a spôsobuje, že rastú listy, ktoré vytvárajú tieň pre okoloidúceho pútnika.

88A tak niečo povedalo ku mne, "Možno, že zanedbávaš Božiu prácu." A tak, modlil som sa o videnie.

89A Méda mi práve dala novú Bibliu; A brat Brown, z Ohia, mi dal novú Bibliu; obidvaja v tom istom čase, na vianoce. Išiel som a vzal som jednu z tých nových Biblií. Povedal som, "Pane, v tých dávnych dňoch, Ty si mal Urím a Thumím."

90Počúvajte, dovoľte mi povedať toto. Samozrejme, oni nie sú ... toto, toto zhromaždenie sa nenahráva, preto to hovorím. Dovoľte mi povedať, nerobte to. Nie je to dobrá vec.

91Ale povedal som, "Pane, zvyklo to tak byť, keď sa niekomu sníval nejaký sen, tak oni to vzali pred Urím a Thumím, a povedali to. A ak - ak Urím a Thumím odrazilo naspäť svetlo, nadprirodzené Svetlo, ten sen bol pravdivý." Povedal som, "Ale to kňazstvo a to Urím a Thumím je preč. Tvoja Biblia je teraz tým Urím a Thumím; Pane, nech by som to už nikdy viac neurobil. Ale prosil Ťa a modlil som sa ku Tebe, aby si mi dal videnie a povedal mi prečo sa mi snívali tieto sny. A čo som urobil? Ak som urazil niekoho, ak som niekomu niečo na svete urobil, daj mi to vedieť. Ja - ja pôjdem a dám to do poriadku. Ak dlhujem Spoločnosti Verejných Služieb, ak som im vykonal niečo zlé, či niekomu inému, ak som Tebe urobil niečo zlé, daj mi to vedieť. Chcem to dať do poriadku."

92Dajme to teraz do poriadku. Nečakajme, že to urobíme až po nejakom čase, to môže byť príliš neskoro. Urobme to teraz.

93A povedal som, "Určite, je niečo v tomto Slove Božom, od Genesis do Zjavenia, nejaký charakter, s ktorým si jednal, ktorý by bol na tej istej báze, na ktorej by bola aj moja otázka. Ak niekto niečo urobil, a Ty si kvôli tomu proti nemu niečo mal, potom daj nech sa mi otvorí to miesto v Biblii. A ak niekto, čokoľvek by oni urobili, ak sa to bude opierať o moju cestu. Tam, kde som učinil zle, alebo niečo, čo chceš aby som robil, alebo niečo, čo som neurobil, daj mi vidieť v Biblii nejaký taký charakter."

94A zavrel som oči, a nechal som len aby sa Biblia roztvorila, položil som svoj prst na Písmo, Genesis 24. 7. Eliezér, Abrahámov verný sluha, ten vzor Biblického sluhu, bol poslaný aby, upoľoval nevestu pre Izáka. Mráz mi prešiel po chrbte. Skutočne, to je môj ... je to tak, s ďalšou časťou môjho Posolstva, vytiahnuť von Nevestu.

95On povedal, "Prisahaj, že nevezmeš nevestu z týchto, ale choď ku môjmu vlastnému ľudu."

On povedal, "A čo ak tá žena nebude chcieť ísť so mnou?"

96Povedal, "Potom si voľný od tejto prísahy." On povedal, "A Nebeský Boh pošle Svojho anjela pred tebou, aby ťa viedol." On hneď išiel rovno tam a začal sa modliť, a stretol nádhernú Rebeku, ktorá sa stala Izákovou ženou.

97Tak dokonalé Posolstvo, späť do Slova, "Choď zobrať tú Nevestu!" To je povinnosť. To je kvôli čomu som tu. To je to, čo sa snažím robiť, vyvolať Nevestu.

98Pamätáte sa tam v Kalifornii, to interview Nevesty, tá prehliadka, mal som to tu. Ako vyšla prv tá Nevesta, a videl som Ju ako išla okolo. Potom prichádzala Miss Ameriky, Miss Ázii, a všetky, och, strašné len pozrieť na to! A potom, tá istá Nevesta znovu prešla okolo. Jedna z nich vyšla z kroku, a ja som ju viedol naspäť do kroku; boli to dve z nich. A to je to, čo som mal robiť, držať Nevestu v kroku, upoľovať tých ľudí.

99Povedal som, "Bože, odchádzam naspäť domov, obnoviť znovu svoje sľuby, a začať nanovo." A tak to je to, čo plánujem ďalej robiť, to je to kvôli čomu som tu.

100Myslím, že by bolo dobré, keby sme urobili toto, začali na budúci týždeň osemnásteho, na budúcu nedeľu ráno a večer; tú ďalšiu nedeľu, a tú ďalšiu nedeľu. Koľkí si z vás mysli, že by to bolo dobre? [ Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." ] Ďakujem.

101A teraz chcem, aby ste niečo pre mňa urobili. Ak ste niekomu oznámili, že dvadsiateho ôsmeho bude zhromaždenie, oznámte im znovu, že to nemôžeme mať. Povedzte, napíšte im, alebo niečo podobné. Nechceme, aby tí ľudia prišli a boli sklamaní, nemôžeme dostať to auditórium.

102Vidíte, nemôžeme to dostať. A tak preto to posledné zhromaždenie, myslím, že sme ich tam hore mali tak mnoho, i všetko, oni proste ... Viete aká je verejnosť, a oni ... Nuž, žijeme proste v posledných dňoch, to je všetko. A oni tvrdia, že tí ľudia tam prídu a vyrušujú školu, a oni tam boli príliš zavčasu, a robili toto a tamto, či niečo iné, a to miesto bolo príliš pošliapané, a ten požiarnický veliteľ robil toto i tamto. A tak, veď viete.

103A tak predstavíme tie Čaše a tie Trúby, chcem ich tam umiestniť. Povedal som vám, že by som to rád urobil. Oni prichádzajú pod niečím iným. Tak tie čaše prídu počas toho trúbenia trúb; ale chceme vziať ten celý priebeh a prejsť zaradom cez to a priniesť to, zviazať to dokopy.

104Koľkí z vás čítali niečo od brata Vayleho, ktorý mi to prepisuje, a dáva tomu správnu gramatickú formu? Čítali ste niečo z toho? Čítali? Dvaja či traja. Myslím, že si vykonal ozajstný kus roboty, brat Vayle, ozajstný kus roboty! Myslím, že to robila sestra Vayle; a ty si to len zapísal a ona to urobila. Ona bola ... Vidíte, nie som vždy proti ženám, či som, sestra Vayle?

105A tak teraz za ďalších pätnásť minút, dvadsať minút prečítajme tu niečo z Písma.

106Mám tu malý bloček. Povedal som, myslím, že som to hovoril bratovi Vaylemu, alebo, kto to bol, alebo myslím, že to bol brat Roy Borders. Brat Vayle mi kúpil ten bloček. Chcem si robiť nejaké poznámky.

107Ale ak by sa niekto niekedy pozrel na to čo ja nazývam poznámky! Napríklad, keď chcem kázať o Rannej hviezde, nakreslím hviezdu. A keď chcem kázať o nejakom ... Značím si to tu všetko v symboloch, narýchlo to načarbem, nikto by nikdy nemohol vedieť čo to znamená. Zatiaľ čo som niekde vonku, a rozmýšľam o všetkom možnom, musím, pritom ako sme niekde v aute na ceste, niekedy auto poskakuje hore dole, a ja si niečo zapisujem, a hovoríme to i tamto, a robím si malé značky, a pritom prechádzame cez mosty, a - a cez všetko možné. Napríklad, keď chcem kázať o tej zostupujúcej Hviezde; Nakreslím tam pyramídu, nakreslím si to tu a tú päťcípu Davidovu hviezdu, ako zostupuje na to. A ja pritom viem, kde chcem ísť v Písmach; a Mojžiš, a určitá vec, ktorú urobil - niečo čo vyzeralo ako stopy od malého moriaka.

108A ja som ich tu mal niekoľko. A myslím, že dnes ráno, keď som tam rozmýšľal, hovoril by som niekoľko minút tu na tú tému, mám tu nejakú poznámku, možno že by som zabral nejakých dvadsať minút.

109A potom nebudem zaberať bratovi Nevillemu dnes večer jeho službu. Dnes večer budem oddychovať a počúvať ho.

110A potom, ak bude vôľa Božia, na budúcu nedeľu ráno začneme zhromaždenia. A vy všetci mi pomôžte a budeme sa modliť, pretože to bolo v mojom srdci snažiť sa ... Oni povedali, "No dobre, mohli by sme ísť do Louisville alebo dole do New Albany." ale to zhromaždenie malo byť pre Jeffersonville. Pôjdem do Louisville a New Albany, hocikedy inokedy, ale toto po správnosti má byť tu v Jeffersonville.

111A teraz skloňme za chvíľu svoje hlavy, zatiaľ čo budeme ... Budem tu ku vám hovoriť okolo tridsať minút. Hovorme za chvíľu ku Nemu.

112Pane Ježišu, my sme - my sme skutočne požehnanými ľuďmi, nad naše pomyslenie a nad naše porozumenie. Pretože, keby bol medzi nami niekto vznešený, tak ako nejaký personál z nejakej inej krajiny, alebo nejaký diplomat, mohli by sme si myslieť, že to by bolo veľké mať medzi sebou nejakú takúto vznešenú osobu. Ale dnes tu máme Boha Nebies, a nie len medzi nami, ale v nás, prebýva, žije skrze nás Svoj Život. A my sme za to tak vďační, Pane! To je samozrejme ponad naše porozumenie.

113Ale teraz hovoriac o tom, ako tie zhromaždenia ... a o tom, ako sme išli do Afriky, a o tom všetkom čo sme sa snažili zariadiť, na týchto niekoľko dní tu v Indiáne. A tak či inak, Pane, snáď si to Ty, ktorý nás vedieš ku tomu stanu, aby si vyplnil to videnie. Tak nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa, porúčame Ti to takto, podľa nášho najlepšieho zrozumenia. A tak sa modlíme, Pane, ak je tu nejaká myšlienka nezhodná s Tvojou vôľou, daj nám to vedieť, aby sme mohli vedieť ako vypĺňať Tvoju dokonalú vôľu.

114A teraz nás požehnaj v týchto nasledujúcich niekoľkých minútach. Hovor ku nám cez Tvoje Slovo, Pane, pretože Tvoje Slovo je Pravda. Prosíme o to v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

Otvorme si Biblie, do Marka, ôsmej kapitoly.

115O koľkej tak zvyknete končievať, o dvanástej? [Niekto hovorí, "Tak okolo dvanástej."] No dobre. A teraz, len také krátke posolstvo, ktoré môžem ku vám hovoriť o Slove, o vydaní svedectva z toho, a tak ďalej.

116Marek, ôsma kapitola, a začnime od 34. verša do tridsiateho ... prečítajme to do 38., do konca tej kapitoly. Rád čítam to čo On povedal, pretože viem, že je to pravda. A tak teraz ...

A privolal si k sebe zástup so svojimi učeníkmi a povedal im: Ak chce niekto prísť za mnou, nech zaprie sám seba a nech vezme svoj kríž a ide za mnou.

Lebo ktokoľvek by chcel zachrániť svoju dušu, stratí ju, a kto by stratil svoju dušu pre mňa a pre evanjelium, ten ju zachráni.

Lebo čo osoží človekovi, keby získal čo hneď i celý svet a svoju dušu utratil?

Lebo veď aké výmenné dá človek za svoju dušu?

Lebo ktokoľvek by sa hanbil za mňa a za moje slová v tomto pokolení cudzoložnom a hriešnom, za toho sa bude aj Syn človeka hanbiť, keď príde v sláve svojho Otca so svätými anjelmi.

117Chcem z toho vziať taký krátky text, ak by som tomu mal dať názov, nazval by som to: Hanbiť sa. Viete, mám to rád. "Ktokoľvek by sa hanbil za Mňa a za Moje Slová, za toho sa budem aj Ja hanbiť."

118Nuž, slovo hanbiť sa, môže byť tak isto prekladané ako "byť v rozpakoch." Viete, že niekedy ste ... Postavený ste pred niečo a ste pri tom v rozpakoch, hanbíte sa.

119To, keď sa hanbíme, to ďalšie čo to spôsobuje, to ukazuje, že ste si nie istý toho o čom hovoríte. Ak viete o čom hovoríte, a máte istotu, že viete o čom hovoríte, môžete to komukoľvek povedať; nehanbíte sa. Ale ak cítite, že ste mimo, že ste nie na mieste, to ukazuje, že ste si nie istý.

120Všimli ste si, že dnes je toho tak mnoho, zvlášť v tom o čom hovorím "hanbiť sa za Slovo". A On a Jeho Slovo sú jedno.

Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh.

A to Slovo sa stalo telom, a prebývalo, ...

Ten istý včera dnes i naveky!

121A tak, "Ktokoľvek by sa hanbil za Mňa a za Moje slová," a On a Jeho Slovo sú Jedno, a tak, kto by sa hanbil za Jeho Slovo v tomto hriešnom, terajšom pokolení, "Ja sa budem hanbiť za neho."

122A všímame si dnes, ak sa niekto pýta, "Si kresťan?" Je to veľmi populárnou vecou, povedať, "Ó, ja som kresťan!" Vidíte?

123"Ale veríš Božiemu Slovu, kde Ono hovorí, 'Tieto znamenia budú sprevádzať tých ktorí veria' ?"

124"Och!" Dokonca kazatelia sa začervenajú do tvári. Vidíte?

125"Hanbíte sa povedať, že Boh uzdravuje? Hanbíte sa za plné Evanjelium? Hanbíte sa za svoje letničné prežitia?" To znamená hanbiť sa za Jeho Slovo. To je Jeho Slovo, ktoré sa vo vás stalo telom.

126A tak, Jeho Slovo musí Samo o sebe žiť cez každú generáciu. Ono Samo o Sebe žilo vo dňoch Mojžiša. Pretože, v tých dňoch, Biblia hovorí, v liste Židom, v prvej kapitoly, "Boh za dávna mnoho ráz a mnohým spôsobom hovorieval ku otcom skrze prorokov."

127A títo proroci! Cirkev všetko tak poprekrúcala, že keď ... Títo proroci, títo smelí poslovia Boží, prichádzali bez cirkvi, bez denominácii, bez organizácii, bez všetkého. Keď títo kňazi boli privedení pred ... Oni boli privedení pred tých kňazov, oni sa nehanbili, pretože oni mali jasne TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

128Ak ste si všimli, prorok, v tom jednom význame slova, v Starom Zákone, keď on povedal TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, nuž pozorujte ho, on začal hovoriť rovno, ako na mieste Boha. Potom on vypovedal svoje Posolstvo, to bolo to čo Boh cez neho hovoril, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!"

129 Rozmýšľam o tých dávnych prorokoch, keď oni prišli s tým Posolstvom, a Ono uvádzalo do rozpakov kráľov, a spôsobovalo, že ľudia sa cítili nepohodlne, pretože oni sa rátali za vodcov, nábožných ľudí, a keď oni ... to Slovo vyšlo za tým účelom, Ono ich vystavilo najavo, a oni sa cítili v rozpakoch, hanbili sa.

130A mnoho krát to vidíme, nie mnohokrát, ale príliš často! Tí ľudia, vy poviete, "Ja som kresťan!"

Prijali ste Ducha Svätého po tom čo ste uverili?"

"Och! Joj!" Vidíte, oni sú - oni sú z toho v rozpakoch.

131Niekto povie, "Ty patríš tam do tej skupiny, medzi ktorými sa deje všetko tam to vykrikovanie, a všetko to s tým Božským uzdravovaním?" Mnoho krát sa kresťania cúvnu späť.

132Oni chcú oznámiť, ak - ak oni majú nejakú denomináciu, "Ja som Baptista. Ja som Presbyterián. Ja som Luterán." Oni sa za to nehanbia.

133Ale keď to prichádza ku tomu, byť kresťanom, to treba vziať Božie Slovo tak ako Ono je, potom, to sa oni hanbia. "Ja nepatrím do žiadnej denominácii," vidíte, oni, oni sa to hanbia povedať. Oni musia byť takí, ako ten ostatný svet, reprezentovaný nejakou organizáciou.

134Nuž, došlo do toho len nedávno. Vo dňoch Luthera, aby sa dať poznať ako Luteráni, či nasledovníci Luthera, nuž, to znamenalo takmer smrť od katolíckej cirkvi. Vo dňoch Wesleya, dať najavo, že ste sa vzopreli anglikánskej cirkvi, za to sa takmer platilo smrťou od anglikánov, oznámiť, že ste metodista. Vo dňoch letničných, to bola hanba, takmer, povedať, že vy ste - že vy ste letničný, pretože ste boli hneď zarátaný ako svätý povalenec, alebo nejaký jazykomluvec, alebo niečo také. Nuž oni zorganizovali a vošli rovno dovnútra aj s ostatnými s tej skupiny.

135Ale keď príde čas vyvolávania von, že nepatríte ani do jednej z nich! Je veľmi populárne povedať, "Som Letničný." Je veľmi populárne povedať, "Som Presbyterián. Luterán." Ale čo, keď nastane taký čas, že budete musieť vyjsť a postaviť sa za Slovo, "Nepatrím ani do jednej z nich"? To, to uvedie do rozpakov.

136Ježiš povedal, "Ak sa vy budete hanbiť za Mňa, potom sa Ja budem hanbiť za vás." Prečo by sa On hanbil za vás? Preto, že vy ste tvrdili, že patríte Jemu, a pritom ste Ho nenasledovali.

137Čo, ak by som povedal, "Tento malý chlapec, to je - to je môj syn"; a on by sa otočil a povedal, "Kto, ja že som tvoj syn? Čo si myslíš, že ja som!" To by som sa dostal do rozpakov. Tak veru, kvôli vášmu synovi.

138A tak je to s tak zvaným kresťanstvom dnes. Ak to nazývate menom, menom nejakej denominácie, v poriadku, oni prijímajú otcovstvo nejakej denominácie. Ale keď to prichádza ku tomu, aby prijali otcovstvo Slova Božieho, Krista, nie, oni sú v rozpakoch. Oni nechcú povedať, "Áno, hovoril som v jazykoch. Áno, videl som videnia. Áno, verím v Božské uzdravenie. Áno, chválim Pána. Som slobodný od všetkých organizácií, neklaniam sa ani jednej z nich. Som Kristov sluha." Ó, to by ich priam potrhalo na kusy.

139Jedného večera, medzi Obchodníkov Plného Evanjelia v Chicagu, prišiel veľký rečník.

140A môžem sa tu na chvíľu zastaviť a povedať to. Prepáčite mi. Ale mnohokrát si myslíte, a ja tak isto, že to o čom hovoríme, tá Biblická Pravda, sa nedostáva medzi ľudí. Ale, ona sa dostáva. Niekedy sa oni postavia rovno proti Tomu, ale v skutočnosti to oni tak nemyslia. Oni sa snažia zistiť kde stojíte.

141Ako ten príbeh o tých opilcoch, ktorí sa dohadovali, že neexistuje niečo také, ako kresťanstvo. Jeden muž povedal, "Ja viem, kde je jedna, to je moja žena."

Druhý povedal, "No, ja tomu neverím."

Ten povedal, "Tak poď, budeme ... správajme sa, ako keby sme boli skutočne opití."

142Prišli do toho domu, a robili všetko, čo len chceli. A - a povedali, aby im pripravila nejakú praženicu, a on to potom hodil o zem, a povedal, "To nevieš pre mňa lepšie pripraviť praženicu!" Tak sa tam zachovávali v tom dome. A odišli do druhej izby a zvalili sa do fotelov. Počuli ako to tam niekto zametá, bez slova, a spieva si, takú pesničku, tak pre seba.

Musel Ježiš sám niesť kríž, A celý svet pôjde bez neho? Je pre každého kríž, a je kríž pre mňa..

Budem niesť tento posvätený kríž, Až kým ma ho smrť nezbaví, A potom doma budem nosiť korunu.

143A jeden z tých opilcov povedal, "Čo som vám povedal?" Povedal, "Ona je kresťanka!" Vidíte, oni ju len skúšali. A niekedy svet, zistil som to, skúša vás.

144A tak nikdy by som si nemyslel, že toto by sa stalo, ale minulú sobotu večer, myslím, že to bolo v sobotu, alebo v nedeľu večer, ten veľký rečník ... Ja nenazývam veci ľudovými menami. Ale on sa snažil pracovať presne opačne. Ja sa snažím tie cirkvi držať preč od ekumenického hnutia, a tento človek sa ich snaží do neho dostať. A tak, on hovoril ku Kresťanským obchodníkom. Čo, sa očakávalo odo mňa, že ja budem mať to zhromaždenie v Chicagu, ale ja som si myslel, že budem v tom čase v Afrike, a tak som to nemohol vziať. Tento muž povedal, prišiel tam a povedal, "To najväčšie hnutie, tá najväčšie vec, ktorá kedy bola, ktorá je teraz na zemi, je to, že všetky cirkvi sa vracajú späť do katolíckej cirkvi, v tom ekumenickom hnutí, a katolíci prijmú Ducha Svätého." Čo za pasca diablova!

145A ten vedúci, brat Shakarian, predseda Medzinárodného združenia Obchodníkov, sa tam postavil a povedal, potom čo sa ten muž posadil, a povedal, "To nie je tak ako sme to počuli." Povedal, "Brat Branham nám povedal, že, ' Toto ekumenické hnutie ich všetkých privedie do znamenia šelmy.' " A ten muž sedel na pódiu. Povedal, "To privedie to znamenie šelmy." A povedal ešte, "My sa nakláňame veriť, že je Pravda to čo on povedal." [Niekto v zhromaždení zavolal, "Amen! My tiež!" ] A on povedal, "Koľkí z vás by radi počuli brata Branhama, aby prišiel a predstavil vám pravdivú stranu tej veci? Povstaňte." A bolo tam niečo ponad päť tisíc ľudí. Oni kričali a volali, len aby som prišiel na jeden deň, jeden deň.

146Brat Carl Williams mi zatelefonoval a hovoril, "Brat Branham, chlapče, prešiel som cez ten zástup," povedal, "naskladali my do rúk sto dolárové bankovky, aby som ti zaistil letenku na cestu sem a späť." Vidíte, len na jeden deň!

147Vidíte, tí ľudia, to Slovo sa dostáva niekedy tam, kde ani nevieme. Vidíte? Ale, vidíte, keď ste skutočne ... Nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi je svet proti Tomu, Boh potvrdzuje, že je To Pravda. Keď nakoniec udrie tá posledná hodina, možno sa stanú veci, o ktorých ste ani nemysleli.

148Áno, to ukazuje, že ste si nie istí, ak ste privedení do rozpakov, a tak radšej by ste o tom nediskutovali. Ak sa budete za to hanbiť nechceli by ste o tom diskutovať; držíte sa vzadu.

149Ale ako môže nejaký človek, ktorý je naplnený Duchom Božím, ako môže muž, plný moci Božej, a lásky Božej vo svojom srdci, hovoriť s niekým nejaký čas a nespomenúť niečo o tej láske, ktorá je v jeho srdci? Vidíte, je niečo čo to spôsobuje; vy to nedokážete.

150To je, musí to byť ten zlý deň, o ktorom hovoril Ježiš. Ľudia sa hanbia za Slovo a za Ducha Božieho, ktorý v nich koná. Ale, keď je Pravda vyjasnená ľuďom, potom Boh, On Sám, sa zjavuje cez Slovo.

151Nuž, ktokoľvek si na čokoľvek môže činiť nároky. A to tu máme v týchto dňoch, v ktorých je tak mnoho nárokovaných tvrdení, že je to strašné. Ale, vidíte, ak je to Pravda, musí to byť podľa Slova. Pretože, oni hovoria, že majú všetky rôzne veci, olej vytekajúci z ľudí, a krv, ktorá im vyteká z rúk, a ženy, ktoré na chrbte majú túto krv, a steká im do topánok, a oni berú svoje topánky a vylievajú z nich olej, a žaby, ktoré vyskakujú a skáču po pódiu, a všetky možné takéto veci. V Biblii neexistuje niečo také. V Biblii nič takéto nie je zasľúbené. Tam stojí, jedine, "V posledných dňoch bude ten duch tak blízky, že by zviedol aj vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné." Ale o tamtom neexistuje žiadne Písmo.

152Ale keď to prichádza ku pravému nefalšovanému Slovu Božiemu, ktoré Boh potvrdil, zdá sa, že To dokonca prekáža tej druhej skupine, na tej radikálnej strane. Vidíte, sú pri Tom v rozpakoch.

153Ale je To realitou pre muža, či ženu, chlapca či dievča, ktorí sú naozaj skutočnými kresťanmi. Keď dal Boh zasľúbenie o krste Duchom Svätým, a vy Ho prijmete, je Niečo čo odpočinie vo vás, tak že nič nemôže zaujať Jeho miesto. Kedykoľvek, keď sa človek stretne s Bohom; nie v nejakom emocionálnom prepracovaní sa, nie nejakom nadšení, alebo v nejakej náboženskej doktríne, nie nejakom katechizme alebo vyznaní, alebo dogme, ktorú prijal, aby sa z nej tešil. Ale keď on skutočne príde na to miesto, ako prišiel Mojžiš, tam vzadu v púšti, chodil tvárou v tvár so Všemohúcim Bohom, a vy vidíte ten Hlas, ktorý hovorí ku vám, presne podľa Slova a zasľúbenia na túto hodinu, je niečo, čo odpočinie vo vás. Nuž, pozrime sa teraz na to, za ďalších pätnásť minút.

154Sú niektorí ľudia, ktorí obdržali také prežitie. A ako vám dnes hovorím, nie ako ku nejakej cirkvi, alebo nejakej denominácii, hovorím ku vám, ako k jednotlivcom; nie preto, že chodíte sem do tejto modlitebni, ale pretože vás milujem a vy milujete mňa, nie kvôli tamtomu. Dovoľte mi hovoriť ku vám, ako ku zomierajúcim smrteľníkom, že jedného dňa musíte prísť ku koncu tohoto života. A ja tam nemusím byť, ani iný kazateľ tam nemusí byť. Ale je len Jeden, ktorý vás tam môže stretnúť a to je Boh. A vy - vy počúvajte na To a nie na to či, "moja žena je dobrou kresťankou" alebo - alebo "môj muž je dobrým kresťanom," ale na to či "som v poriadku s Bohom? Stretol som sa tak s Bohom?" Nie pretože, "môj pastor sa stretol s Bohom, ani preto, že môj diakon sa stretol s Bohom," ale, "Stretol som Ho ja?" Nie preto, že "som vykrikoval," nie preto, že "som hovoril v jazykoch," ale pretože, "Som Ho stretol ako Osobu!" Potom sa nikdy nebudete za To hanbiť, je Niečo čo je tak dokonalé a čisté, a pravdivé.

155A pamätajte, mohli ste stretnúť nejakého ducha, ktorý sa bude zachovávať ako Boh. Mohli ste stretnúť nejakého ducha, ktorý bude robiť toto, tamto, či niečo ďalšie; sledujte to za chvíľu a budete vidieť, ako sa to zrovnáva so Slovom Božím. Mohli ste sa stretnúť s nejakým duchom, ktorý by vám povedal, že ste spasený, a dal vám nádherný pocit, a vy by ste kričali a výskali; a keď príde ku tomu, zapierate Slovo, ako môže Duch Svätý, ktorý napísal to Slovo, zapierať Svoje vlastné Slovo? Duch musí dotvrdzovať každé zasľúbenie Božie s "amen"! Ak to tak nie je, potom ste nikdy nestretli Boha, stretli ste zvodného ducha. A svet je dnes toho plný!

156Ale keď vidíte, že Boh zostupuje dole a prehlasuje, že ide urobiť určitú vec, a potom sa to stane, a znovu a znovu sa to tak opakuje, potom máte skutočného Ducha Božieho.

157Ako by na človeku mohol byť Duch, Duch Svätý, ktorý napísal Bibliu, a potom by sa on otočil a zapieral, že To nie je pravda, že To bolo na nejaký iný deň?

158On povedal: "To zasľúbenie je pre vás, a pre vaše deti, a pre tých na široko-ďaleko, ktorých a koľkýchkoľvek si povolá Pán náš Boh." To sú Skutky 2. 38. Ako môže potom nejaký duch prijať niečo odlišné od Toho, a byť z Boha, keď Židom 13. 8. hovorí: "Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera, dnes i naveky"?

159Čo, ak by niekto povedal: "Ó, ja verím, že On bol filozof. On bol dobrý človek. On bol prorok. Ale pokiaľ ide o Jeho moc ..."

160Rozprával som sa raz večer s bratom Georgom Smithom, to je ten chlapec, ktorý chodí s mojou dcérou, Rebekou; fajn chlapec, spieval tu v modlitebni. Chlapec od baptistov, ktorý sa práve vzchopil, povedal: "Moje meno z toho vymažte! Ja s tým nechcem mať nič spoločného." A bola tam nejaká mladá pani ... Oni mali konferenciu, ten baptistický zbor, tam hore na kopci.

161A oni sú tak silno proti mne, oni všetci tam, a okolo ... Oni nemajú nič proti mne; to je proti tomuto Slovu. Proti mne, ako človeku, nemôžu nič povedať, nikdy som im v ničom neublížil. Ale To je to čoho sa oni obávajú. Vidíte? Nuž, boli sme ...

162Oni, keď tam mali mať to zhromaždenie, či vlastne, keď ho mali, na posledné tri večere, tej veľkej konferencii, tam mal byť nejaký misionár, tam hore na vrchoch, kde bolo dosť chladno. Stalo sa, že ten misionár tam prišiel a vošiel do Marka 16, a povedal: "Dnes je mnoho ľudí, ktorý nemôžu uveriť tomu, že Boh uzdravuje." Povedal: "Ja som bol v Indii. Ja som ind. A bol som v Indii, keď tam prišiel nejaký muž, tu zo Spojených štátov, nazýval sa brat Branham." Ten pastor sa začal dvíhať z miesta. Povedal: "Moja žena zomierala na rakovinu. Ja som bol slepý," alebo niečo také. "On sa modlil za jedného z nás, a druhého z nás vyvolal z publika, a dokonca nepoznal ani náš jazyk, a hovoril z Moci Božej." A povedal: "My sme tu. Uzdravený!" Oni sa ho snažili zastaviť. Ale nemohli to urobiť. To je, vidíte, rovno na ich vlastnej konferencii.

163Potom oni všetko zapreli. A niektorí z tých ľudí, dokonca môj ... sestra tohoto chlapca, tým tam dole, nedali ani nič povedať. Oni chceli vedieť, či ona nebola v kontakte, oni sa snažili nejakým spôsobom dostať dole a zistiť to.

Jedna z tých paní povedala: "Nuž, ja tomu verím."

164Rebeka a George išli navštíviť tú pani. A ona odišla a priviedla dievča, ktoré trpelo na ... bola tak trochu nevyvinutá. A tak ma tam zaviedli, aby som sa pozrel na to dievča, jedného večera. A išiel som tam, tá malá panička tam sedela, a ja som sa opýtal: "Si veriaca?"

165Ona odpovedala: "No, neviem či som alebo nie." Nuž, ona nebola nevyvinutá; išlo proste o zlého ducha. Oni si to neuvedomovali. Vidíte, on vás posadne, a vy to ani neviete. To prichádza, potom zúrivosť premôže tú osobu, a oni to nevedia.

166Ženy, ktoré tu chodia vonku po ulici, v tých šortkách, oni si to neuvedomujú. Oni môžu byť, oni by mohli dokázať a odprisahať to, že sa nikdy nedopustili nevery voči svojmu mužovi, a tak ďalej, či niečo také. Ale vo svojom srdci, oni si neuvedomujú, ale duch diablov ich vzal pod kontrolu. Oni sú ním posadnuté. Prečo by si žena chcela vyzliekať šaty, pred nejakým mužom? V Biblii je len jedna osoba, ktorá to tak urobila, a oni boli bez zmyslov. Ostatné sa chceli prikryť; oni si to neuvedomujú. Je to tak vychytralé, tak záludné. Musíte sa pozorovať, vážiť sa Slovom Božím, aby ste videli kde stojíte.

167 Táto mladá pani povedala: "Och, povedali mi, že som bola pokrstená keď som bola dieťa." Povedala: "Neviem či veriť niečomu takému alebo nie."

Opýtal som sa: "Či neveríš v Ježiša Krista?"

168A ona povedala: "Nuž, neviem či verím alebo nie." Povedala: "Tie nejaké hókus-pókus, ja tomu neverím."

169Povedal som: "No, samozrejme, ja neverím v nejaké hókus-pókus." Povedal som: "Ale veríš, že On bol Syn Boží?"

"Ó," povedala: "Mohol byť."

170A ja som povedal: "Veríš, že On je dnes ten istý Boh, ktorý ťa môže spasiť?"

171Ona povedala: "Je tam na tom niečo z tých zázrakov, či niečo také? Ja ničomu takému neverím."

172A ja som povedal: "Čo by si robila, keby si sedela v zhromaždení a videla Boha, Ducha Svätého, ktorý je tým jediným Bohom, prejavujúceho sa medzi ľuďmi; Boh v Otcovstve, ten Ohnivý Stĺp ... prorokov; Boh vo Svojom Synovi; potom Boh vo Svojich ľuďoch? To sú len atribúty Božie, jedného veľkého Boha, ktorý pokrýva večnosť." Povedal som: "Ako by si sa na to dívala, ak by On, medzi Svojimi ľuďmi robil to, že by slepí videli, hluchí počuli, že by hľadel do publika a hovoril ľuďom čo im je, tak ako to On robil, keď tu bol na zemi?"

Ona povedala: "Verím, že to by bol horoskop."

173Povedal som: "Si v horšom stave, ako som si myslel. Bolo by ti lepšie, keby si bola bláznivá, vidíš, nebola by si za to zodpovedná." Ale povedal som: "Si proste posadnutá zlým duchom." Povedal som: "Keď Ježiš povedal tej žene pri studni o jej mužoch, keď sa On díval na tých ľudí a poznával ich myšlienky, nazvala by si to horoskopom?" Vidíte, tak zavinutá do denominácii, nazvanej Luteráni, že všetko čo sa s tým nezhoduje je zlé!

174Boh chce človeka, ktorý je zavinutý do Slova. Všetko, čo sa nezhoduje s Tým je zlé" Ježiš povedal: "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom a Moje Pravdou."

175Bol jeden muž, ktorý žil vo veľmi vedeckej dobe, nazýval sa Noe. On sa nehanbil za Slovo Božie. Boh ho stretol a hovoril ku nemu. On vedel, že to bol Boh. A On povedal: "Bude pršať!" Nikdy ešte nepršalo, ale on veril, že bude pršať. A tá viera, ktorú on mal, on sa ju nehanbil trénovať. On za sto dvadsať rokov staval archu, keď svet bol proti nemu. On sa nehanbil za Slovo Božie, vo svojom čase. Boh za to spasil jeho i jeho dom. Boli tam ... Akokoľvek hlúpe sa to mohlo zdať tým iným ľuďom; ale nie jemu, on stretol Boha. Bez ohľadu na to, na akej vedeckej úrovni boli tí ostatní, bolo to v rozpore s vedou, ako ona hovorila: "to sa nemôže stať, to sa nemôže stať," on stretol Boha!

176To je to, keď viete, že hovoríte ku Nemu! Mohli by ste si myslieť, že je to hlúpe, keď niekto ... Keď, viem, že je niekoľko ľudí na svete, ktorí sa držia toho, že čo som povedal je Pravda. Keď tu zastanem a poviem: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, pôjdem do Arizony, tam stretnem skupinu siedmich anjelov," nuž, bola skupina ľudí, ktorí tam stáli a videli, ako sa to stalo. Iného večera bolo povedané: "Los Angeles spadne do oceánu." Ale, keď ste stretli Boha, a Boh, ktorý sa nikdy nemýli, ten Boh, ktorý robí presne to čo povie, On to vždy urobil, potom sa za to nehanbíte. Nemusíte kráčať vzadu a byť z toho v rozpakoch; môžete to povedať celému svetu. Keď niekto stretne Boha, hovorí ku Nemu, a táto skutočnosť Boha sa stala jeho v jeho srdci, on sa za to nehanbí.

177Noe sa nehanbil. Vyzeralo To hlúpe, pre ten ostatný svet, ale nie pre neho.

178Mojžiš, keď on stál pred faraónom, on sa nehanbil povedať faraónovi, že tie určité veci sa stanú, pretože on stretol Boha. Boh mu povedal, v tom horiacom kríku. Mojžiš povedal: "Ja sa zajakávam." To mal, vadu reči.

179On povedal: "Tam prichádza Áron. Ty mu budeš Bohom, a on ti bude prorokom. Ja viem, že on môže dobre hovoriť. Ale Ja budem s tvojimi ústami. Kto dal človeku reč?" Amen. To sa mi páči. To je Boh. "Kto učinil, aby bol človek hluchý alebo nemý, alebo kto učinil človeka, aby rozprával?" Boh.

On povedal: "Pane, ukáž mi Tvoju slávu."

Povedal: "Čo je v tvojej ruke?"

On povedal: "Palica."

180Povedal: "Hoď ju na zem," obrátila sa na hada. Povedal: "Chyť ju znovu," obrátila sa späť na palicu. Amen. On je Boh. "Vlož svoju ruku za svoje ňadrá." On ju tam vložil, vytiahol ju von, bola biela od malomocenstva. Povedal: "Vlož ju tam znovu," a bola taká ako druhá ruka. "Ja som Boh."

181Potom on predstúpil pred faraóna a hovoril to, čo mu On povedal. On povedal: "Stane sa tak a tak." Zodvihol piesok a vyhodil ho do vzduchu, a povedal: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, nech prídu blchy na celú zem," a blchy prišli. Nabral vodu a vylial ju do rieky, a povedal: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN," a všetky rieky a všetko sa obrátilo na krv. Zavolal dole z neba krupobitie.

182Viete, v posledných dňoch sa očakáva, že tieto pliagy sa znovu zopakujú. A pamätajte, cudzoložník, v Biblických časoch, jeho trest bola smrť ukameňovaním. A tá neveriaca cirkev bude ukameňovaná na smrť, kamenným krupobitím, to bol raz Boží spôsob trestu. On ukameňuje tento neveriaci svet, túto cudzoložnú generáciu. On ju ukameňuje z neba kamenným krupobitím, o váhy talentu, čo je sto libier. Tá cudzoložná cirkev zomrie, cudzoložný svet zomrie pod Božím trestom, pod kameňovaním, tak ako to On urobil na počiatku. Daj sa do poriadku s Bohom, cirkev! To je to čo všetci musíme urobiť, obrátiť sa naspäť ku Bohu!

183Ten starý zarastený, so šedivou bradou, holohlavý, s vychudnutými ramenami, osemdesiat ročný Eliáš, ktorý sedel tam niekde na púšti, hľadel na hriechy tých ľudí. Boh raz ráno ku nemu prehovoril, povedal: "Choď tam dole a povedz Achabovi, že ani len rosa nespadne z neba, až kým ju ty nezavoláš."

184Môžem si predstaviť jeho drobné staré oči, ako hľadia spoza tej rozstrapatenej bielej brady, ako má v ruke palicu, a kráča dole po ceste, ako šestnásť ročný chlapec. Ide rovno ku kráľovi, a hovorí: "Ani len rosa nespadne z neba, až kým ju ja nezavolám." On sa nehanbil za Boha, alebo za Jeho Slovo; povedať kráľovi či komukoľvek. On sa nehanbil. Nemusel sa skryť, hovoriť: "Nuž, Achab, ty by si ..."

185To mi pripomína niečo, aký sme my. Potom som povedal ľuďom: "Prichádzam ku miestu, že potrebujem viacej viery." To je to, kvôli čomu som teraz doma, dostať sa do nového prepuknutia viery.

186Stalo sa tak, že keď sa modlíte za ľudí, ako by ste sa ospravedlňovali: "pán Diabol, odstúpil by si sa prosím nabok a dovolil mi ...?" Nič takého! Viera má svaly a zarastené prsia. Keď ona hovorí, všetko musí stíchnuť. Nepristupujte tak ku tomu: "pán Diabol, odídeš ?"

187"Ber sa z tadeto! Ja som syn Boží, mám Božie poverenie. Opusti ich!" To hýbe. Nemáte sa čo ospravedlňovať Diablovi, nemáte s ním nič spoločného. Nehanbíte sa za Slovo Božie, nehanbíte sa za svoje poverenie, nehanbíte sa za to kým sme.

188Jediné, za čo sa hanbím, že som, to je že som Branham, to je moje zemské narodenie. Hanbím sa za svoju nedostatočnosť.

189Ale ako Jeho sluha sa nehanbím! Nehanbím sa za Jeho Slovo. Či je to pred denomináciami, kráľmi, vladármi, alebo pred čímkoľvek; som proste pripravený dať im odpoveď, keď to Boh bude chcieť.

190Mojžiš išiel pred faraóna. On sa nehanbil povedať mu, že nepristanú na kompromis, aby prijali to jeho, na "toľko dní" von do púšti.

On povedal: "Niektoré ženy tu zostanú so svojimi deťmi."

191Povedal: "My všetci pôjdeme! Ani kopyto tu nezostane, vezmeme svoj dobytok a všetko." On sa nehanbil. Prečo? On vošiel do Svetla vyslobodenia.

192Preto muž či žena, chorí, alebo čokoľvek mu je, keď raz vojde do prítomnosti Božej, a vedia, že ich Boh uzdravil, vy vstupujete do Svetla vyslobodenia. Na ničom nerobíte kompromis.

193Vyslobodenie bolo v jeho srdci, pretože on stretol Boha, ktorý mu povedal: "Ja som Boh Abrahámov, ktorý dal Abrahámovi to zasľúbenie. A ten čas, čas vykúpenia, vyslobodenia, je na blízku. Ja ťa posielam tam dole, aby si ich vyviedol von." Aké že treba ku tomu ospravedlnenie?

194Faraón ho mohol dať zabiť. On bol len obyčajný človek. On bol otrok. On ho mohol dať zabiť. Ale on sa nehanbil za to Slovo. On tam neprišiel a nepadol na svoje kolená a za nič neprosil faraóna. On povedal: "Prišiel som ich vziať."

Faraón povedal: "Ty ich nemôžeš vziať!"

195On povedal: "No dobre, tak potom prídu na celú zem blchy, až sa cez ne budete brodiť." A to sa aj stalo.

Povedal: "Ó, Mojžiš, ber ich preč!"

On povedal: "No dobre. Činíš teraz pokánie?"

Povedal: "No dobre, môžete ísť na toľko a toľko dní do púšti."

196On povedal: "Tak potom prídu muchy:" Amen. Povedal: "Nastane tma." Bola taká tma, že nebolo vidno z jedného miesta na druhé.

197A nakoniec prišla smrť. Od Faraóna až po sluhu, smrť najstaršieho dieťaťa v rodine. Nemuseli sa vôbec ospravedlňovať. On bol synom Abrahámovým, narodený v Duchu Božom, ktorý dostal poverenie od Boha, Posolstvo Božie, aby išiel tam dole a vyviedol von tých ľudí.

198Nuž, či nemôže Boh vyvolať to isté v tejto hodine, aby si z cirkvi vzal Nevestu? [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."]

199Daniel sa ... či vlastne David, sa nehanbil pred Saulom. Keď sa tam všetci báli Goliáša, on sa nebál tam vystúpiť. A povedal: "Tvoj sluha ..." Ten mladý ryšavý mládenec povedal: "Tvoj služobník pásol ovce svojho otca a prišiel medveď a vzal jednu z nich. Dohonil som ho na púšti a zabil som ho, s týmto prakom. Prišiel lev." Ó! "Prišiel lev a vzal jednu z nich, a utiekol do púšti, a ja som ho zrazil k zemi prakom. A keď sa postavil, zabil som ho." On povedal: "A Boh ..." Ten upadnutý kráľ tam stál, tí mizerní vojaci sa snažili slúžiť Nebeskému Bohu, a nechali toho neobrezaného filištína tam stáť a hanobiť armády Živého Boha. Povedal: "Tvoj sluha zabije tak isto i jeho. Pretože, ten Boh, ktorý ma zachránil pred levom i medveďom, ma tak isto zachráni pred tým neobrezaným filištínom." On sa nekoktal, nehovoril: "možno že sa to stane." On povedal: "To sa stane!" On sa nehanbil.

200Daniel, pred kráľom, on sa nebál postaviť proti jeho nariadeniam, že sa nikto nemá modliť, jedine len ku nemu. On otvoril okná, vytiahol roletu, a modlil sa trikrát za deň. On sa nebál.

201Sadrách, Mézach a Abednégo sa nebáli tej ohnivej peci. Povedali: "Náš Boh je schopný vyslobodiť nás. Boh nás môže vyslobodiť. Ale aj keď nie, nebudeme sa klaňať tvojmu obrazu." Oni sa za to nehanbili. Nie veru. Nie veru. Oni sa skutočne za to nehanbili, pretože vedeli.

202Samson sa nehanbil pred Filištínmi. Keď dobehlo na neho tisíc filištínov, on zodvihol kosť z oslej čeľusti. A ich prilby, oni boli hrubé asi jeden a pol palca, z mosadzi. A on ich s tým pobil tisíc, a stále držal v ruke tú osliu čeľusť. On nebol v rozpakoch. Vzal proste to čo mal v ruke, a pustil sa s tým do roboty On vedel, že Duch Boží je na ňom. On vedel, že sa narodil, ako nazarej. On vedel, že nič ho nemôže rozhádzať. On bol sluha Boží. Až dotiaľ kým zotrvával v súlade s vôľou Božou, nič sa mu nemohlo postaviť do cesty, bez ohľadu na to koľko kráľov, alebo filištínov, či čokoľvek to bolo, čo povstalo proti nemu. Tak veru.

203Ján sa nehanbil za Slovo Božie, ktoré prišlo ku nemu na púšti, a povedalo mu, aby išiel krstiť vodou. On sa nehanbil povedať: "Ajhľa baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta," pretože Duch Boží bol na ňom. On sa nehanbil pred tými kňazmi.

204On sa nehanbil za Slovo Božie, keď predstúpil pred Herodesa. Filipova žena žila s Herodesom. Prišiel rovno pred kráľa! Tento chlapík so zarastenou tvárou, ktorý prišiel tam z púšti, prišiel z tade, bez žiadneho vzdelania ani ničoho takého, a išiel rovno pred Herodesa, a povedal: "Nepatrí sa ti ju mať!" On sa nehanbil za Božie Slovo. Skutočne. On sa zaň vôbec nehanbil.

Štefan sa nehanbil za Božie Slovo.

205Tí prví, tí letniční ľudia tam v Deň Letníc, keď boli zhromaždení v tej vrchnej dvorane, Duch Svätý spadol na nich, podľa Božieho zasľúbenia. Lukáš 24. 49. hovorí

... hľa, ja posielam zasľúbenie svojho Otca na vás, ale čakajte ... v meste Jeruzaleme, dokiaľ nebudete odiati do moci z výsosti.

206A práve toto zasľúbenie, ktoré im zasľúbilo Slovo Božie: "Ajhľa, Ja posielam zasľúbenie Svojho Otca na vás, ale čakajte tam; nezískavajte viacej teológie alebo vzdelania, a tak ďalej, čakajte až budete naplnený Mocou." A keď prišla tá Moc z Neba, ako nesúci sa silný vietor, oni sa nehanbili za Evanjelium.

207Peter povstal a povedal: "Čiňte pokánie, každý z vás. Vy ľudia, rukami bezbožných ste ukrižovali Knieža Pokoja, ktorého Boh vzkriesil z mŕtvych. A my sme toho svedkami. Pretože toto je to čo povedal Joel, že sa stane v posledných dňoch, ' Ja vylejem Svojho Ducha na každé telo.' " On sa nehanbil za to Evanjelium.

208Ten prostý Štefan, ako som ho spomenul pred chvíľou, keď tam prechádzal ako nejaké tornádo. On nebol kazateľ. On bol len diakon, ale on všade svedčil o zmŕtvychvstaní. On stretol Boha. A to je práve tak ako ...

209Pokúste sa ho zastaviť? Nuž, to by bolo, ako keby sa niekto snažil dostať dom, horiaci dom, dostať z neho preč ten oheň, za veterného dňa, počas sucha. Nuž, zakaždým, keď vietor zaduje, zapáli ďalší oheň.

210Oni ho dotiahli pred radu Sanhedrínu. Viete si predstaviť čo to bolo? To je ako Ekumenická rada. Všetky náboženstvá vchádzajú pod Ekumenickú radu. Oni všetci vošli tam pod Radu Sanhedrínu. Farizeovia, Sadúceovia, Herodiáni, čokoľvek oni boli, oni museli vojsť do tej rady. A oni ho schvatli, nie len jedna organizácia, ale ten veľký koncil ho schvatol. "Vyplašíme z neho pečeň."

211Keď tam on predstúpil, v to ráno, Biblia hovorí, že jeho tvár vyzerala, ako tvár anjela. On povedal: "Mužovia a bratia, dovoľte aby som ku vám prehovoril. Naši otcovia bývali v Mezopotámii, predtým ako prišli do Chárana," a tak ďalej. On stále pokračoval a predkladal Písma. Potom, keď všetko rozuzlil, Duch prišiel na neho a on povedal: "Vy tvrdého krku a neobrezaných sŕdc a uší, vy sa stále protivíte Duchu Svätému; ako vaši otcovia, tak aj vy." On sa nehanbil za to Evanjelium, nehanbil sa za Slovo. Nebol v rozpakoch pred Radou Sanhedrínu. Nie.

212Pavol povedal pred Agripom. On bol žid, vyučený pod Gamalielom, on mal veľkú hodnosť. Ale jedného dňa, na ceste do Damašku, on prišiel do Prítomnosti, do kontaktu s Bohom. Anjel zostúpil dole z neba, vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpu, Svetla, ktoré ho zrazilo na zem. Zodvihol sa a povedal: "Pane, kto si?"

A On povedal: "Ja som Ježiš."

213Ako stál pred Agripom, on znovu porozprával ten príbeh. On povedal: "Nehanbím sa za Evanjelium Ježiša Krista, pretože Ono je Mocou Božou ku spaseniu, každému kto verí." Skutočne.

214A tak, priatelia prechádzali sme s tými mužmi cez tie veky, ale to sme boli v minulom čase.

215Ale dovoľte mi povedať toto. Človek, ktorý raz prišiel do kontaktu s Bohom, ktorý je Slovom, a to Slovo sa mu stalo jasným a zamanifestovalo sa pred ním, ohľadne toho potom nieto žiadnej hanby. Nie ste v rozpakoch. Neprivádza ma to do rozpakov, povedať, že verím každému Božiemu Slovu. Neprivádza ma to do rozpakov, keď mi Pán povie, aby som niečo povedal, išiel a povedal niečo a urobil to. Neprivádza ma to do rozpakov povedať, že som bol naplnený Duchom Svätým. Neprivádza ma to do rozpakov, povedať, že som hovoril v iných jazykoch. Neprivádza ma to do rozpakov, povedať, že mi náš Pán ukázal videnia. Neprivádza ma to do rozpakov povedať, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

216"Keď budete vedení pred vládcov a pred kráľov pre Moje Meno, nestarajte sa o to čo budete hovoriť, pretože vám to bude dané v tej hodine. Nie ste to vy, ktorý hovoríte, ale Môj Otec, ktorý prebýva vo vás. Ale ktokoľvek by sa hanbil za Mňa a za Moje Slovo, v tejto generácii, za toho sa budem hanbiť aj Ja pred Mojím Otcom a pred svätými Anjelmi." Bože, pomôž nám nehanbiť sa, ale nám pomôž byť živým svedectvom.

217Každý muž v Starom Zákone, keď prišli tí proroci, oni sa stávali - oni sa stávali živým Slovom. Oni boli tým Slovom. Ježiš povedal, že oni boli nazvaný bohmi, a oni nimi boli. pretože Slovo Božie prišlo ku nim. Oni hovorili: "To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN."

218A každý učeník Kristov, ktorý vo vykúpení prišiel s Ním do kontaktu, a spasenie prišlo do jeho srdca, on má Boha. A aký druh života by sme mali žiť, a ako by sme mali chodiť, a ako by sme mali rozprávať, ak sám Boh sa znázorňuje cez naše smrteľné telá? Kto by sa za to mohol hanbiť?

219Ak by som prišiel, v autorite policajta, tu v Jeffersonville na nejaké miesto, išiel by som dole ulicou, v plnej autorite, nehanbil by som sa toho mesta. Bol by som časťou toho mesta. Bol by som policajtom, časťou mesta, aby som udržiaval poriadok a riadil dopravu. Ak by niekto prešiel na červené svetlo, nehanbil by som sa mu povedať, že urobil zle, dal by som mu pokutu. To je moja povinnosť, pretože som platený od mesta. Živí ma mesto. Mám autoritu, ktorú mi dalo mesto. Bez ohľadu, či ten človek bol opitý, alebo čokoľvek by s ním bolo, oni ma podoprú. Ja zastávam svoje miesto, pretože som policajt a ... Som tu ustanovený, alebo dosadený a je mi daná autorita, aby som toto robil. Očakáva sa od vás, že budete dbať na zákony a práva, a na všetko, a dozerať, či sa to správne vykonáva.

220Potom, ak som kresťan, a bol som naplnený tým Duchom, nesiem svedectvo zmŕtvychvstania Ježiša Krista, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky. Nedovolím žiadnemu diablovi, ktorý sa vás snaží sekírovať, hovoriť: "Nerob toto a nerob tamto." Ti To len rob. Boh ti dal to ...

221Vidíte, my nemáme moc. Ten policajt nemá moc, aby zastavil nejaké auto. Ono má okolo ... niekedy tie motory majú tristo alebo štyristo konských síl, čo by on s tým mohol urobiť? Ale on má autoritu.

222A tak isto je to s cirkvou. My máme autoritu, skrze zmŕtvychvstanie Ježiša Krista a skrze Jeho zasľúbené Slovo, haleluja: "Skutky ktoré Ja činím aj vy budete činiť; väčšie ako tie budete činiť, pretože Ja idem k Otcovi."

223Nehanbite sa za Neho v tejto generácii; hriešnej, pomätenej, poslednej generácii, ktorá kedy bude na zemi, táto hriešna, cudzoložná, plná všetkých bolestí rozkladu. Všetko, všetko čo bolo slušné sa stalo neslušné. Národná politika, špina! Národy sú rozlámané.

224Ďaleko v džungliach Afriky, poľovníci v safari, oni si so sebou musia brať vysoko výkonné rádiá, aby počúvali Elvisa Presleyho, Pata Boona, a tých ďalších s tým rock-and-roll-om a twistom. A tí domorodci, sa ich snažia pozorovať, ako sa pri tom zachovávajú, ako šklbú hlavami, a ako sa takto zachovávajú, tí domorodci tam stoja a dívajú sa na to. Ale, viete, oni sú nie Američania ako Pat Boone, a Elvis Presley, a Ricky Nelson, a tí ďalší. Oni nie sú Judášovia toho typu, ale oni sú ... Vidíte, to je duch. A ten duch nie je len v Amerike, on sa rozšíril po celom svete, aby ich priviedol ku bitke pri Armagedone. Oni sa tak správajú, či sú ... Z ktoréhokoľvek národa pochádzajú, z Afriky, Indii, či odkiaľkoľvek, tá vulgárnosť a to všetko sa rozšírilo po celej zemi, len skrze jedného muža, ktorý to začal.

225A tak sa Evanjelium a Moc Všemohúceho Boha rozniesla okolo sveta! A teraz nastal čas oddelenia, keď Boh vyvoláva Nevestu, a Diabol vyvoláva cirkev. Daj mi byť časťou Nevesty!

Modlime sa.

226Drahý Bože, vidíme ten nápis na stene, Pane. Sme v čase konca. Vieme, že pred nami ležia veľké veci, avšak niekde, niekde vonku v tejto mase, tu vonku, sú stále čestný ľudia, ktorí boli určení do Života. Bolo by to nemožné pre jedného alebo dvoch ľudí; ale, Boh, všetci dokopy, roznesme do každého kúta, kde len môžeme, tú dobrú novinu, že Ježiš prichádza, a hľaďte, rozširujme len dookola trochu Chleba, trochu Slova. Kdekoľvek sú orly, oni pôjdu za tým Pokrmom. Či to prichádza cez magnetofónové pásky, alebo či to prichádza skrze slovo alebo svedectvo. Orly To budú nasledovať, až do Toho hlavného stanu. Pretože je napísané: "Tam kde je obeť, tam sa zhromaždia aj orly." Drahý Ježišu, my vieme, že Ty si tou Obeťou, ktorú my jeme. Ty si Slovo, a Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami. Modlíme sa Bože, aby pritom ako rozširujeme to Slovo, aby To tie skutočné orly našli.

227Nech sa nehanbíme, keď sa postavíme pred ľuďmi, zlými, ľahostajnými ľuďmi, nábožnými, či akýmikoľvek. Ako Pavol povedal Timoteovi:

... Pristupujme v pravý i nepravý čas; karhaj, tresci, a ... s celou zhovievavosťou a s učením.

Lebo príde čas, keď neznesú zdravého učenia; ale podľa svojich vlastných žiadostí si budú hromadiť učiteľov, lebo ich budú svrbieť uši;

A odvrátia ... od pravdy, ... k bájkam.

228Bože, my žijeme v tom čase. Dal si mi žiť už dosť dlho aby som videl, že to sa deje. Ako to leží rovno tu v základnom kameni tejto modlitebni, dnes už tridsať tri rokov.

229Bože, požehnaj tu každého jedného. Ak by tu bol jeden, Pane, ktorý nie je pripravený stretnúť sa s Tebou, takí ktorí proste nemôžu súhlasiť s Tvojím Slovom, a oni sa s Tebou nestretli tvárou v tvár a vedia, že sa s Tebou nemožno stretnúť len skrze nejaký skutok, nejakého prijatia, ako keby si bol nejakým vyznaním alebo niečím, ale stretnúť Živého Boha; a ak oni toto neurobili, Pane, nech by to mohli urobiť práve teraz.

230Verím, že Ty si - Ty si v tejto hodine skutočne blízko. Ja neviem kto oni sú. Ja neviem , či je tu niekto taký, ale cítim proste, že som vedený modliť sa ku Tebe. Nie preto, že ma počúvajú títo ľudia, pretože to by bolo pokrytectvo. Bože uchovaj. Ja nechcem byť pokrytcom. Ale sa modlím s úprimnosťou v srdci, Pane, nech to oni urobia hneď teraz.

231Ktokoľvek on alebo ona je, ku ktorému Ty dnes ráno hovoríš, nech by prišli ponížene a nehanbili sa, ale hlboko vo svojich srdciach Ťa teraz prijali, aby prišli dnes večer a dali sa pokrstiť vo Meno Ježiša Krista, nasledujúc každé Slovo, každé Slovo; ak boli inak pokrstení, alebo pofŕkaní, poliati. Pamätajte, (my pamätáme, Pane), že Ty si povedal: "Ktokoľvek by odňal jedno Slovo z tej Knihy, alebo pridal jedno slovo do Toho, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života." Hoci sa on snaží, prichádza, zapisuje svoje meno do knihy, to nebude fungovať. Buďme úprimní a pokorní.

232Oni sú v Tvojich rukách, Pane. Učiň s nimi ako uznáš za vhodné, pretože oni sú Tvoji. V Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho.

233A teraz, zatiaľ čo máme sklonené svoje hlavy, chcem aby ste teraz skutočne vážne rozmýšľali. Ospravedlňujem sa prv, že som pretiahol o pätnásť minút. Teraz chceme hm-kať. A vy len rozmýšľajte vo svojich srdciach: "Stretol som sa skutočne s Bohom?" Rozmýšľajte teraz len o tom, skutočne úprimne. Pretože, to nebude príliš mnoho krát, možno až do ... Toto teraz môže byť posledný krát, čo sa stretneme pred Jeho príchodom. Je To blízko, priatelia. Každé Písmo, vyzerá tak, akoby sa už skoro vyplnilo. A to môže byť, pre teba alebo pre mňa, toto môže byť posledná šanca. Môže byť po nás prv ako nastane noc.

Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celou cestou.

Môžem počuť: "Hanbíš sa za Mňa a za Moje Slová?"

Môžem počuť môjho Spasiteľa ...

234Predstavte si len, že ležíte teraz na svojej smrteľnej posteli. "Môžem počuť ..." Potom to môže byť príliš neskoro, ale zatiaľ je ešte čas.

"Vezmi svoj kríž a," (mohol by som sa teraz obetovať?) "nasleduj Ma."

A teraz si odpovedz toto vo svojom srdci:

Ja s Ním pôjdem cez záhradu,

Ja s Ním pôjdem cez záhradu,

Ja s Ním pôjdem cez záhradu,

Ja s Ním pôjdem, s Ním celou ...

235A teraz so svojimi sklonenými hlavami, zodvihnime len svoje ruky a povedzme:

Ja pôjdem s Ním cez súd,

Nuž, to je to čo práve teraz prichádza, On nás súdi

Ja pôjdem ...

Pane, našiel si ma vinného? Potom mi odpusť.

... cez Jeho súd,

V čom ma súdiš dnes ráno, Pane?

...s Ním cez súd ...

Skús ma, Pane, vidz či je vo mne niečo nečisté.

...s Ním, s Ním celou cestou.

236Otče, ďakujeme Ti dnes ráno za tie pozdvihnuté ruky. Nevšímal som si iných, iba tých čo zodvihli svoje ruky. Ďakujem Ti, Pane. Dôverujem Ti, že tiež tí, ktorí nezodvihli ruky, Pane, že i všetci tí, ktorí nezodvihli svoje ruky, že sú pripravení prejsť cez súd. Súď nás, Pane. A ak je v nás niečo zlé, odpusť nám to, Otče. Daj nám Tvoju milosť, pretože sa nechceme stretnúť s Tvojím súdom, potom keď nebude prítomná milosť. A tak, milosť je tu teraz prítomná, a tak sa modlíme, Bože, aby si nás súdil a odpustil nám naše viny, podľa Tvojho Slova a Tvojho zasľúbenia. A daj nám žiť pre Teba po všetky dni svojho života, aby sme sa nehanbili za Evanjelium.

237A teraz, Otče, ak je to Tvoja vôľa, začíname zhromaždenia, ktoré budú teraz tri nedele za sebou. Priprav ku tomu naše srdcia, Pane. Priprav mňa, ó Bože. Ja som ten, ktorý Ťa tak veľmi potrebujem. Prosím, aby si ma viedol a smeroval, do toho čo by som mal robiť a povedať, v tých nadchádzajúcich dňoch.

238Veď a smeruj nášho drahého brata Neville, ktorý je Tvojím verným služobníkom, Pane; a tak isto brata Manna, a diakonov zboru a starších, a každého kto tu prichádza.

239Priprav nás Pane, aby sme boli schopní, skutočným kresťanským spôsobom, privádzať ku Tebe hriešnika, a privádzať členov zboru ku poznaniu Boha, o ktorom vieme, že sme Ho osobne stretli, nech sa On môže stať tiež ich Bohom. A teraz, Otče, toto nedokážeme urobiť, my ich tam nemôžeme poslať. Ale Ty, Duch Svätý, pohybuj sa nad tými ľuďmi, tými členmi cirkví.

240A ako to malé prežitie, ktoré som mal s Tebou raz ráno: "Choď a vezmi môjmu Synovi Nevestu. Vezmi ju s pomedzi ľudí, z pomedzi cirkví. Vytiahni von Nevestu." Dovoľ mi teraz modliť sa, Pane. Ty pošli Rebeku; Ja sa budem snažiť byť Eliezérom. Pomôž mi byť verným sluhom. A nech Nebeský Boh pošle Svojho Anjela predo mnou, pred nami, aby sme pozbierali tie veci dokopy a vybrali Nevestu, ktorú On vyvolil. Prosíme to v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

241Prepáčte, že som vás zdržal troch dlhšie. Je to o dvadsať päť minút dlhšie ako obyčajne. Mal som sa dostať ku tomu už pred dvadsiatimi piatymi minútami. No, ale teraz ... Máte radi tú starú pieseň: "Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš?" [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Amen."] Či nie je nádherná? Už spievam tú pieseň okolo tridsať tri rokov, ako zabudnutú pieseň. Vodný krst: "Stojím na rozbúrenom brehu Jordánu." A myslím si, že je tak pekná: "Ber Ho proste kdekoľvek ideš!"

Predrahé meno, ó aké sladké! Nádej ...

Potraste si ruky, s tým kto stojí vedľa vás.

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno,

ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

242Pamätajte dnes večer máme zhromaždenie, sedem tridsať, sedem tridsať dnes večer. Spievajme teraz jeden verš.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,

Ako ochranu pred každou pascou;

Keď ťa obkľúčia pokušenia ... (Čo potom urobíš)

Len vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe.

Predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;

Predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

243Je tu niekto, kto prišiel aby sa dal pokrstiť, po zhromaždení? Ak áno, zodvihnite svoje ruky. Kto sa chce dať pokrstiť? Dvaja, v poriadku, chcú byť hneď po zhromaždení pokrstení. Ak vy ostatní, ak sa niekto z vás chce dať pokrstiť, budeme krstiť každý deň v tých zhromaždeniach. To jediné, čo musíte urobiť, je požiadať o to. Sme pripravení pokrstiť vás. Je to naša povinnosť, pokrstiť vás vo meno Pána Ježiša Krista. Je to naša povinnosť urobiť to. A my to s radosťou kedykoľvek urobíme. Vy, ktorí sa budete krstiť, hneď po zhromaždení vojdite tam do tých miestností, a my hneď pristúpime ku krstu. Ktokoľvek chce ísť za nimi, buďte si istý, že sme tu ... ak ste učinili pokánie zo svojich hriechov a prijali ste Ježiša ako svojho Spasiteľa.

244Roky ste boli kresťanom, a nikdy ste nevideli to Svetlo, a to Svetlo vyslobodenia teraz prišlo. Žena, Nevesta, musí prijať to meno! Ježiš povedal: "Ja som prišiel v Mene Svojho Otca, a vy ste Ma neprijali. Ale keď príde niekto vo svojom vlastnom mene, vy ho prijmete," to je vaša denominácia.

245Každý syn prichádza v mene svojho otca. Ja prichádzam v mene svojho otca. Vy mužovia prichádzate v mene svojho otca.

246A aké bolo Jeho Meno, aké je meno Jeho Otca? Ježiš! On: "prišiel v Mene Svojho Otca, a vy ste Ma neprijali." A teraz, Jeho Nevesta bude mať Jeho meno, samozrejme.

247Ja som si vzal ženu, ktorá sa nazývala Broyová, a ona sa stala Branhamová.

248On prichádza pre Nevestu, buďte si toho istý a pamätajte na to, ako prichádzate ku tomu bazénu.

Skloňme teraz naše hlavy.

249 A brat Vayle, on je tu nie pre nás cudzí. On je veľmi vzácny brat, bol so mnou na mnohých zhromaždeniach, on i jeho žena. A on tak isto teraz prepisuje tie kázne i všetko, čo má vyjsť vo forme knihy. Brat Vayle, rozpustil by si nás s modlitbou, zatiaľ čo máme sklonené naše hlavy.

[Brat Vayle sa modlí.]

ASHAMED, 65-0711, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 99 min

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. Good morning, friends. It's good to be here this morning. And I think I made a... I am an intruder on Brother Neville's time. Sitting back there with his, getting his text together; and I walked in, he started folding up his text, and said, "Well..."

2 It reminds me of years ago. There used to be a colored brother down here, named Brother Smith, and Sister Cross. They were very good friends of mine. And when I'd walk in the building at night, the old fellow used... He had a white mustache. Don't know whether any of you remember him, or not. And he would be on the platform, you know. And all of them would be singing, "It's A Highway To Heaven." And Brother Smith, he just sit like this, you know. And I would walk in the back door.

3There was a little girl, kind of real dark, she used to sit in the corner. She'd start clapping her hands, saying, "Lift Him up," that song, you know. They put their own melody to it, you know. And then over in the next corner, be somebody else, says, come in again, "Lift Him up." Well, that's what they'd sing when I come in the door. I just love that bunch of people.

4And so old Brother Smith sit back there, a little bit, you know, and he was kind of a quiet sort of a fellow. He would say, "Come in, elder, rest your hat." Not "rest yourself"; "rest your hat," hang it up, see. "Come in, elder, rest your hat." He would get up there, and, I could tell the way he started off, I was in for it, see.

5He would say, "Well," he says, "children, you know," he said, "I--I was sitting here just wondering, 'Lord, what You going to give me to say?'" Said, "He--He--He kept shaking His head at me, 'I ain't going to give you nothing to say.'" Said, "I seen Elder Branham walk in back there, and I said, now, 'Lord, I just begin to remember... '" Well, I was right in for it!

6 Brother George Wright, how are you, brother? [Brother Wright says, "Oh, good. Sure."--Ed.] Bless you, Brother Wright! Certainly. ["Brother Elijah is back there."] Oh, is that right? Brother Elij' Perry, he said, is back here. Where you at, Brother Elij'? I haven't seen him in a long... Well, my, goodness! Now we ought to have a real meeting here! Elij' Perry, George Wright, and some of them old timers that used to be here when you almost had to hold the shutters on the place, with our hands, the wind blowing. Good seeing you! Mother, Sister Wright with you? Sister Wright in? She is back there, too. Yes, sir. Well, how fine! Sister Perry, I see them all now. Well, that's really fine. Good to be in. It's good to sit in these places. It's good to be together.

7 I had planned on, so hard, coming back; burdened in the heart. I just returned from Africa, as you all know. And when I got over there, I had a restricted visa, and wouldn't let me, wouldn't let me preach because it gathers too many together. They're expecting an uprise there at any time, and--and they--they wouldn't let me preach because of that gathering too many people together. The only way I could, would to have some organization that's represented by the government, in the government, to invite me over, then that would automatically let the government send out a militia for protection. See, they're just... There is just going to be an uprise, and that's all there is to it. It's just right in hand, see. That government man said, "The last time he was here, he had about a quarter of a million people together." And he said, "Then, you see, that would just be the very thing that communism is looking for, for an uprise." So, I couldn't preach.

8Those people standing there, waving their hands, and crying, "Remember my mother! Remember, my brother died! My..." There, and in behind a bar, you know, bars of wire, and it just made you feel real bad. And I come back home.

9 And I thought, "Well..." My son, Joseph, back there, had let down a little bit in his reading. And he had... He passed all right, but he had to take it over; wasn't reading good enough. So I thought, "Well, we're going to have to stay home a little while." And I said, "If we stay home, it's going to ruin the kids' vacation." See we just postponed it, and taken him over to another part in August, and let... and come back here for a couple, three weeks.

10I said, "I believe, while we're back there, I'll just take and hold a meeting. We'll get that school auditorium up here, and--and we'll have a meeting from the twenty-eighth on through to the first, a meeting at the school auditorium. I wanted to preach on the subject of the outpouring of them seven last Vials." And so we called ahead, and we had a little disappointment. They won't let us have these schools no more, too many people crowds in. We can't have it nowhere. And so then I decided, while I was back here then, instead of...

11 We can't put all the people, if we'd adver-... It's never been advertised, now. So if we put all the people, try to put them in the Tabernacle here, we couldn't do it. See, it just... five days in here would be awful.

12So, sitting in there talking with Brother Neville and Brother Woods, and them, we have decided to do this. If we can't, instead, that would make us have five services; that would be twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth, thirty-first, and first. Well, I feel if we have, beginning next Sunday, we can have two services, Sunday morning and Sunday night, that's the eighteenth. And then on the--on the twenty-fifth, have Sunday morning and Sunday night. That's four services. Then on August the first, have a Sunday morning and Sunday night. That would give us six services, and then it won't make such a jam to get the people in. And I think that.

13Don't you think that would be better than having everybody just crowded and mashed together, and everything? Then just that for them two services, we can put up with that, but everybody kind of pull together. For five nights, straight, it would make it hard.

14And I want to get with the trustees and the elders here, while I'm here.

15 This is becoming everywhere. We're living in these last days, to where the Gospel does not have the--the premises as It should have. It don't have the rights that It should have. It's all sewed up in politics and things, and just like a union. And that's what it's finally coming to, because the mark of the beast has to come by union, we know. So we--we... Cause, it's a boycott, "no man can buy or sell, save him that have the mark of the beast."

16 And now I want to find out, through the elders. I feel led. I've never had such a hunger in my heart for God, in all my life, than I have now, see. For... And I--I want to get my own tent and my--my stuff, like the Lord gave me a vision to, and I believe the time is just now at hand. And I want to see while I'm here, why we can't get the tent.

17And--and then when we go, like come here to Jeffersonville, instead of having just a day or two, or three or four days, we can go out here and put up this tent, and have two or three weeks, you see, and nobody can say nothing about it. We can either take a ballpark, or, if they won't let us have that, there is farmer out here will let us have a farm. We'll rent the farm and--and put it up. The only thing we'd just have to do there, would be make our--our outbuildings, and so forth, and for our conveniences. And that could be easily done. And then we'll start having our services like that because that's according to a vision from the Lord, and it's to be done that way.

18 And coming in, yesterday, and finding, you know, this, that. And was going up the street, and a good friend of mine going along there, said, "Hello, Billy." I looked at him, and snow-white hair, that much tummy. And the boy is my age. We run around together, handsome young fellow, when I was a kid. It kind of made me feel funny.

My little son, Joseph, said, "Why you sad, Daddy?"

19"Oh," I said, "I can't explain it to you, Joseph. See, I can't, can't tell you."

20And I look at Elij' Perry sitting back there, and Mrs. Perry; seem like yesterday they were a little black-headed couple out there, living next door to me, when we had the old boat, Wahoo, and down on the river and fished at night. See them both white-headed, you know, it says one thing, it's a little buzzer that comes on, "You ain't got much more time." See?

21So, I want every day of my life to count for Him. What I have left, what time I have, I want to spend it somewhere doing something, if it's no more than stand on a street corner, testifying to the glory and honor of God. And I--I'm here for that purpose.

22 And I've got a little secret place up here at Green's Mill, Indiana. It's not a city, now, it's--it's a wilderness. And some people has taken it over, and they don't even let you set a foot on it. But I got a cave there that he would never find me when I got into it. I go at nighttime, and he'll never know when I go in or come out. And he don't know where the cave is, and couldn't get to it no matter where it was. And I want to go over and talk to the Lord, a while, I feel that it's a necessity.

23The wife, she wants to come, want to come back and visit around, and Rebekah and Sarah, and them, with their friends. And we're back here now for the next three weeks, and if the Lord willing.

24 And I think, instead of trying to jam the people all together, for them meetings here in the Tabernacle... Course, this belongs to us, belongs to the Lord, give it to us. And it's air-conditioned. Like to have a Sunday morning service, a Sunday night service. That would let people go back to their place, then wait over until the next coming week.

25I don't think I could take and--and officially do justice to the pouring out of those last Vials, 'cause they're very, very great Message in that. But I could pray for the sick, and do things that... I have Messages, too, as the Lord will give them to me, for the church. Through the week, I'll get out here in the wilderness somewhere and study, come back on Sunday morning, have Sunday morning service like this, and a Sunday night service. Our most gracious little pastor, Brother Neville, I asked him if that would be satisfaction to him. That's taking all of his services away from him, but he was more than glad to surrender it to--to over to that. I just...

26 Brother Capps, he, I guess, got the roaming fever, too, and I see he has left, and--and Brother Humes. And the Lord had a Brother Mann here just to take right over, and the place. You know, isn't that wonderful how God will do things? He always has everything timed just right. I come up and I heard somebody preaching. I said, "That don't... I believe..."

27Brother Capps, he come to Tucson, and I think it bluffed him right quick, it was about a hundred and ten degrees. He didn't want nothing to do with that, so away he went, him and Brother Humes, and went up to Phoenix. Course, it's a hundred and fifteen to sixteen, eighteen up there. That was still worse, so I think he took off to Texas after that; he, trying to find a place.

28But you don't want no Arizona this time of year, I tell you. It was a hundred and forty, the other day, last Friday, a hundred and forty degrees, at Parker. And that's where Brother Craig, from the church here, lives. And you can break an egg, and it'll fry before it hits the ground. [Brother Branham laughs--Ed.] You, you spit and--and the moisture is gone, it just... There is no humidity nor nothing, it's really a bake oven this time of year. But from about November, December and January, wonderful. But when it comes about March and April, you better get away if you don't want to suffocate.

29And so Brother Capps and them happened to come just at that time, which I think run them out. So maybe the Lord did that for a purpose. I'm believing this, that God orders the footsteps of the righteous. Sometimes it seems hard.

30 Like the other day on this trip to Africa, I was so sure that I was moving in the will of God. Because, a year ago, I was down in the South, holding a series of meetings, and, they--they, I thought...

31Coming from that organization, said, "You can come on, through the Christian Business Men, but we'll have nothing to do with it."

32Well, I don't want to throw them man right in on it, you know, make conflict. I--I want to make them feel good at one another. So I just said, "Well..." Wrote them a letter, I said, "Remember, I have tried to get into Africa for years, again, feeling that my ministry isn't finished in Africa. I have no..."

33Why would I have to go to Africa, when I got six, seven hundred cities right here in the United States, calling, see, just right here, without leaving Canada, Mexico, or any of those places? Why should I want to go there? But it's something in my heart, that pulls me to Africa. There, those people, there--there is something about them, that I love, and I want to go just for the colored people only. And there is something in a lot of them, them leaders, they don't feel I should do that. I--I want to go to my colored friends. That's where the Lord called me. And now they're needy. Many of those people, those white people, can have doctors and everything. But them poor natives live out there, and half rot. I--I--I feel they're the ones that looks like they would receive It. They're the ones. There is something about it.

34 When you get to a spot, you're so smart that you know everything, then God can't do nothing with you. But if you get to a place that you're willing to listen and learn, then--then it's God's time, can move in and talk to you.

35And so I wrote them a letter back, and told them. And I said, "Remember, at the Day of the Judgment, let them boney hands reach out of the smoke, condemn you! Their blood be upon you, not on me, 'cause I've tried for about ten years to get back."

36Then when I mailed the letter, come back, Something said to me, "See Sidney Jackson, take a hunting trip." And, the same time, the Lord spoke to Sidney Jackson, said, "Yellow-mane lion, Brother Branham camping; Durban, big meeting."

37Well, he was over here, and he spoke with you here. By the way, we baptized... He was firmly against this baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ. And his wife was worse than he was, she would just walk away. You could... I'm telling you, I never seen any more devout people. They've got about a hundred and fifty ministers over there, baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, and they're just burning the country up. The Message is just sweeping Africa, everywhere, aviators and great man coming, being baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.

38 And so I, when I started to go over, I'm telling you, I never had so much trouble in all my life, of trying to get there. And then at the very last minute, very last minute to go, here was wrote across my visa, "Cannot anticipate in any kind of religious service; can only come hunting." Well, then, it was rank.

39But I said, "I don't care what the Devil does, I--I can't... I can't voucher for what Brother Jackson said about yellow-mane lion, and this, that, or the other. I--I can't vouch it. But I do know God told me to 'see Sidney Jackson, and go hunting.'"And I said, "I'm going." And sometime... And I had one of the greatest trips.

40I found out what the trouble was. Now I think, about October, the Lord willing, I can go back and have a meeting and everything, full cooperation, everything else, see, in Africa now. I got to the bottom of it and found out where it was at, what caused it. Up here, writing, this one has got this to say, and something's got something to say, and this one there. The best thing to do, is go find out, yourself. And I know where the trouble was, and what the reason of it was; it was because of so many people gathering together, the government wouldn't let me have it.

41 Now if the Christian Business Men or any organization, which will bring us in, then the government automatically... because it's the organization is represented with the government, the government sends militia protection. If there would be twenty-five man out of one denomination, twenty-five out of another, still they won't receive that. It's got to be the--the head of this organization. And Christian Business Men is a nonsectarian organization representing all the churches. Doctor Simon, their head over there, a very fine man, I got to meet him and talk with him. And they are taking the meetings, and all the rest of the churches is coming in together. See? And I believe we'll have one of the greatest meetings that's been had in--in Africa.

42 But my point was this, when you know that you--you're trying to do what's right. The first thing is, if you feel led to do anything, then check it with the Word and see if it's right with the Word, and then let nothing stop you. I don't care how many wheels the Devil throws in our way, just move right over the top of them.

43I told my wife and I told Brother Wood, when I got here, and some friends that I met yesterday. I have had about five years here that I hardly knowed what to do. It's been a--a nervous... See, the revival itself, amongst the churches, had died. Everyone knows that. You feel it in this Tabernacle. You feel it everywhere. There is a thump, dead feeling. There is just something isn't right. It's because the revival enthusiasm has gone away from the people. Go into the churches, you'll see them sitting there. And the pastor is stumbling around for a message and something another. And the first thing you know, he turned it off on some kind of a party they're going to have, or something. It seems to be a dead thump everywhere.

44Billy Graham notices it; Oral Roberts. Mr. Allen had some trouble, as you know. Oral Roberts has got that fifty-million-dollar buildings, and so forth, in there. He's got a school. And, well, nobody on the field now.

45 I left here, by a vision, to go yonder to Tucson, to see what the Lord wanted me to do. There He met me up there, as He told you here that He would do it, and the form of seven Angels, and said to return back and the Seven Seals was to be opened. That's just exactly what happened.

46He said, one day with Brother Woods when he come out there, we went to the same place, and throw up a rock, it come down, He said, "Within a day and night, you're..." Some, I forget just what the words was. "You're going to see the glory of God."

47And the next day, a whirlwind came down out of the skies, and we know the story of what taken place. When it went up, they asked what it was. I said, "It spoke three words, in three great blasts." The men only heard the blasting. I understood what It said. And said, "'Judgment striking West Coast!'" Two days after that, Alaska like to have sunk. It's been thundering around, earthquakes, everything. Just look at them, every day, earthquakes just shaking everywhere.

48 My last meeting, last meeting I had. This will be my first Message, really, to preach since then. I was preaching in Los Angeles, at the Biltmore Auditorium, and I was speaking on a man choosing himself a wife. You probably got the tape of it. It's, I said, "It reflects his character and his ambitions." That, when a man takes a woman, he takes a young girl, and to be his wife; he takes, you know, a modern girl that's a common Ricketta, it--it just shows what he's... If he marries a beauty queen or a sex queen, whatever it is, it shows his, what's really in the man. But a Christian, he looks for character in a woman, because he is planning a future home with that woman. He plan, he gets a homemaker. And I said, "Then, Christ, according to His Word here, tells us what our future Home will be. What kind of a wife will He choose then, a denominational prostitute? Never! He'll choose a woman that's characterized by His Word, and that will be the Bride."

49 And while in there, Something struck me, and I didn't know nothing for about thirty minutes. There was a prophecy went out. First thing I remember, Brother Moseley and Billy, I was out on the street, walking. And It said, "Thou Capernaum, which calls yourself by the name of the Angels," that's Los Angeles, city of angels, see, the angels, "which are exalted into heaven, will be brought down into hell. For, if the mighty works had been done in Sodom, that's been done in you, it would have been standing till this day." And that was all unconsciously, to me. See?

50And how I just got through exhorting, Christ, exalting Him and telling the church. I said, "You women, no matter how I try to come to you, or preach against these things; and you man, you preachers; you constantly conned all the time, do it just the same. You walk over It as if the Word of God wasn't nothing."

51 And when I understood that, I went, I said, "There is a Scripture about that somewhere." And I went and found it was Jesus, rebuking Capernaum by the seacoast. That night I looked up the Scriptures. Come home, got the history book; and Sodom and Gomorrah was once a--a thriving city, a Gentile headquarters of the world. And you know, that city, by an earthquake, sank into the Dead Sea. And Jesus stood, and said, "Capernaum, if Sodom would have had the works done in it that you've had done in you, it would have been standing today. But now you must be brought down to hell!" And about two hundred or three hundred years after His prophecy, with all them coastal towns, every one of them still standing but Capernaum, and it lays in the bottom of the sea. An earthquake sunk it into the sea.

52 And then prophesying, "Los Angeles will be in the bottom of the sea." And I come home, and went to Africa. And while I was in Africa, they had an earthquake. And scientists... You seen it, it was on a broadcast, that some big, fine homes tumbled in, in Los Angeles, and a motel, and so forth. And now there is a...

53Since that earthquake, there is a two- or three-inch crack that come in the earth, starting in Alaska, goes around through the Aleutian Islands, comes out about a hundred and fifty or two hundred miles in the sea, comes back up at San Diego; takes in California, or Los Angeles, and comes out again just below the northern part of California there, a little place called San Jose, just below there.

54 And this scientist was speaking, being on an interview. We was watching on television. And he said, "Beneath that is just a churning lava." And he said this, he said, "That is a chunk will break loose," and said, "and it will." And this inter-...

55The man, scientist interviewing this chief scientist, said to him, said, "Well, that could then all sink?"

He said, "Could? It's got to!"

56Said, "Well, course, will probably be many, many years from now."

57He said, "It can be in five minutes from now, or it can be in five years from now." He just lotted five years.

58But just as I sure was standing there under that Inspiration, put judgment on that West Coast, and then followed it right up here with the sinking of Los Angeles, she is gone! That's right. It will happen. When? I don't know.

59But, oh, what happened? You know, we only got six continents now. We had seven, that one that sunk between Africa and the United States. Oh, it's historical, you know about it. Now, if that goes down, then I want you to watch when...

60 This was a sermon that I preached on when, I believe, Brother Elij' Perry might have been deacon here in the church at the time, for all I know. But it said, "The time will come..." I didn't know it until Mrs. Simpson brought me the--the sermon the other day. And I got it wrote in a little book, that the desert that..." The ocean shall weep its way into the desert." That was thirty years ago.

61And, of course, the Salton Sea is about two hundred feet below sea level, and if that big churning, that earth swallowing in like that, with hundreds of square miles, hundreds and hundreds of square miles sinking into the earth, that will throw a tidal wave plumb to Arizona. Sure, it would.

62 Oh, we're at the end time, glorious hour, the appearing of the Lord Jesus! He said, "There shall be earthquakes in divers places, perplexed of time, distress between nations, men's hearts failing in fear." Said, "When these things begin to happen, raise up your head, your redemption is drawing nigh." Oh, my!

Nations are breaking, Israel's awaking,

The signs that the prophets foretold;

The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;

Return, O dispersed, to your own. (Be sure to do that!)

That day of redemption is near,

Man's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with God's Spirit, have your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near! (That's right.)

False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying,

That Jesus the Christ is our God.

63 You see the picture the other day, how He turned that picture sideways there? And the very picture of those seven Angels being lifted up, turn it to the right-hand side, and there is the face of the Lord Jesus looking down to the earth again.

64You remember when I preached The Seven Church Ages, I couldn't understand why Jesus standing there with a "white" over His head. He was a young Man. I took it back in the Bible, it said, "He came to the Ancient of Days, Whose hair was white as wool." Jesus was only thirty-three and a half years old, at His crucifixion.

65I called up Brother Jack Moore, a theologian. He said, "Oh, Brother Branham, that's Jesus in His glorified stage." Said, "After His death, burial, and resurrection, He turned to that." That sounded all right for a theologian, but it didn't go good, it didn't hit the something.

66I went up there and started on that first church age, there the Holy Spirit revealed it. Now you got it right on your Church Ages. I guess the books will be out pretty soon now, the full detail of it. And it showed that Jesus was Judge. There is a white wig that they used to wear, put a wig on and wear it as a judge, England still does it when you got supreme authority. And that turning sideways in this picture, there He is, His black hair, you can see it in the side of His beard, and the white wig on. He is the last of the authority, He is Supreme Authority. Even God said so, Himself, "This is My beloved Son, hear ye Him."

67 There He is with them Angels, the Message, which was the seven breaking of them seven seals that revealed serpent seed and all these things here. And it shows that it is His very covering, it's--it's His Supreme Authority. He is Supreme, and He is wigged, or--or covered. The Bible said that He changed His countenance, or He changed Himself, en morphe. The word comes from the Greek word, en morphe, which means a Greek actor that plays many parts; today he is one thing, in the next act he is something else. He was God, the Father, in one act; God, the Son, in another act; and then God, the Holy Ghost, in this act. See? There He is, His Word is still Supreme. We're living in the last days.

68 Coming back from Africa the other day, I kind of tired. You see, it's just it's nighttime there now, and you have to turn around. And then time I got turned around, come back again. We had a wonderful trip, hunting trip, one of the best I ever had in my life. Then Billy's got some pictures, maybe he'd have a time he can show it somewhere, and show you the trip.

69I had a dream. I'm always dreaming of being back at that Public Service Company, somehow. So I--I thought I was kind of ratting on the job, I was supposed... They just let me have my own way, and I thought I would... Instead of going out and walking the line or collecting the bills, or something I was supposed to do, I just said, "Well, I'm my own boss," I just went swimming. And I got down there and took off my... these clothes, and put on my swimming clothes. I was by myself. And I thought, "Say, this ain't right, the company... This is daytime, the company is paying me for this time." Thought, "That's strange." And then I thought, "Well, the money I collected on the route..." I had both the patrol and the route mixed together, and I said, "Well, the money I collected, I've done something, romping around here; I've lost all my tickets, and I got their money and my money mixed together. Now how will I know who paid the bill?" I thought, "Just because I wasn't paying any attention!" I thought, "That's not right. There is only one thing for me to do, that's, go back to my superintendent and tell him." That was Don Willis, I said, "Don, I lost those tickets. Now here is all the money I got, and here is their money, together. Leave it here at the cashier. And the people, when they come in, they'll have a receipt that I received their bill."

70 Probably people sitting right here that I--I... I know there is. That I collected from them in--in the days, and I'd... and I'd give a receipt. You know, it was only ten percent if you let your bill run over. And maybe, a dollar and a half, be fifteen cents over. A lot of them people lived... We just liked.to get together and talk, and they'd just let their bill go, and me come talk to them a while. Give fifteen cents, you know, just to sit down and talk a little while, and to collect their bill. So it got it rank, and just got so many bills I couldn't collect them.

71Well, I thought that's the only way I could do it. And I woke up.

72 The place where we live, Sister Larson. I don't think she is here. She's been very nice to us; and she don't like for me to say that. But she is a very fine lady, and we've been living in her rooms. She's got two apartments, small apartments together, we rented them both. And wife and I sleep over here in--in the other apartment where I kind of receive the people when I can, and there is a couple of little twin beds in there.

73I woke up. She wasn't awake yet. And after a while, she woke up. And I waved over at her, and she looked back and batted her eyes a few times. I said, "You sleep good?"

She said, "No."

74And I said, "I had the awfulest dream. I was back at that Public Service Company again." I said, "What have I done?"

75 I remember, as a little boy, or a young man, I walked all those lines at Salem, Indiana, different... I'd go in, buy a--a breakfast, maybe a bowl of oats. In that hot sun and everything, and it'd just make me sick, to eat breakfast. I'd turn in ten cents, on my petty cash. The superintendent come down and said, said, "You know what they said in the--in the meeting? 'Who is that knothead that would turn in ten cents, for breakfast?' Said, "You ought to at least turn in fifty cents." Now, all of you know, fifty cents was a big breakfast in them days.

And I said, "Well, I don't eat that much."

He said, "Well, the rest of them turns in fifty cents. You ought to turn in fifty cents."

I said, "Well, I don't use it."

Said, "Turn it in, anyhow." That was my superintendent.

76Well, I thought, "Well, what can I do? I have to charge fifty cents, and I eat ten cents." So I'd go out on the street and get some little kids that didn't have no breakfast, and get them forty-cents worth of breakfast.

So then I thought, "Well, what could... Maybe that's what He holds against me."

77 And I remember, here not long ago, they come through on the patrol, tore up that back yard back there, and said, "Turn in your bill." You know they got patrol rights, but they have to pay for damage.

78I just wrote back and said, "You don't owe nothing." I thought, "That'd pay for them forty-centses. Maybe I've spent twenty or thirty dollars during that time, giving it to kids. Maybe that will do it." Kept on dreaming.

79Then I had a big tree out there, the kids played under it, and the patrol... Now they patrol in a helicopter. And so he come in and said, "Billy, how about cutting that tree?"

80I said, "No, don't cut it. We're going to trim it." I said, "Brother Wood and I are going to trim it."

Said, "Well, I'll just have the man come by and trim it."

I said, "Now, don't cut it."

He said, "I won't cut it."

81I went off on a trip. When I come back, she was cut plumb on the ground. Then I had a lawsuit coming, you see. I said, "Well, Lord, this will clear it up, what I owed." So I struck that off, that was all right, just let it go. Well, I still dreamed it.

82 When I got up the other morning, I said, "Well..." The first thing we do of a morning when we get up, is pray together, then pray when we go to bed at night. And then after she went on over to get the kiddies' breakfast, I started to pray. I said, "Lord, I must have been an awful guy. What have I done in life, that I--I can't get away from that Public Service Company.

83I went in and took a bath, and come back out. And something just seemed to say to me, "Maybe I'm ratting on His job." I thought, "Here is about five years I ain't done nothing, just waiting on Him."

84 Standing up there the other day. They built us a new home up there, and Brother Moseley come down, was talking about it. I said, "That's just a little gift from my Father." And he started crying. I said, "You see, He said, 'If you will leave your homes, houses, lands, fathers, mothers, I'll give you houses, lands, fathers, mothers, and a hundredfold in this life, and Eternal Life to come.'" I said, "See, I had to leave the Tabernacle that I love so dearly. My home that the Lord give me up there, had to leave it. He just give me this one back." I said, "He is wonderful, you see." [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] And he started crying.

85Well, I--I said, "I had to come out here and separate myself, come to this desert." And I thought, "Wonder why God would bring me to a desert, out here where there is nothing but scorpions and Gila monsters?"

86 It's not only a desert, is it hot, but it's spiritually a desert. Oh, my! There is no spiritual life at all, in the churches, they're against... Why, you never seen such in your life! We don't even have a church to go to, or nothing. And then when... The people almost perish, spiritually. I notice it in the people that come out there, see the differences in them, watching it.

87And so you stay under the Spirit of God, and your life becomes sweet, tender, like water brings this grass and soft buds. If... this grass, in Arizona, wouldn't grow; these trees would be cactus, them leaves just wind up and make stickery. That's the way it is when you get dry around the church, everybody is sticking one another, you know. And, see, you got to have soft waters of rain soften you up, and make leaves and shade for the pilgrim that passes by.

88 And so something said to me, "Maybe you're ratting on God's job." So, I prayed for a vision.

89And Meda just got me a new Bible; and Brother--Brother Brown, from up in Ohio, got me a new Bible; both of them at the same time, at Christmas. I went and got one of the new Bibles. I said, "Lord, in the days gone by, You had a Urim and Thummim."

90Now listen, let me say this. Course, they're not... this, is not taping this meeting, the reason I'm ask... saying this. Let me say, don't do this. It's not a good thing.

91But I said, "Lord, it used to be, when a dreamer dreamed a dream, that they took it down to the Urim and Thummim, and told it. And if the--if the Urim and Thummim flashed the lights back, a supernatural Light, the dream was true." I said, "But that priesthood and that Urim and Thummim is done away with. Your Bible is the Urim and Thummim now; Lord, may I never do this again. But I've asked You and prayed to You, to give me a vision, speak to me about why am I dreaming these dreams. And what have I done? If I've harmed, if I've done anything to any person in the world, let me know. I'll--I'll--I'll go make it right. If I owe the Public Service Company, if I done something wrong to them or any other person, if I done something wrong to You, let me know. I--I want to make it right."

92Let's make it right, now. Don't wait till after a while, it may be too late. Let's do it now.

93 And I said, "Surely, there is something in this Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation, that some character in there that You dealt with, would be on the same basis that would be my question. If somebody done something, and--and You got after him about it, then let me turn to that place in the Bible. And if somebody, whatever they done, it'll lean my way. Where I've done wrong, or something You want me to do, or haven't done, let me see some character in the Bible like that."

94And I closed my eyes, just let the Bible fall open, put my finger on a Scripture, Genesis 24:7. Eliezer, Abraham's faithful servant, the model servant of the Bible, being sent to hunt the bride for Isaac. Chills run over me. Sure, that's my... that's right with the rest of my Message, pulling out the Bride.

95He said, "Sware that you'll not take a bride out of these, but go to my own people."

He said, "What if the woman won't come with me?"

96Said, "Then you're free of this oath." He said, "And the God of Heaven will send His Angel before you, to direct you." He went right straight out and begin praying, and he met the beautiful Rebekah that become the bride of Isaac.

97Just a perfect Message, back to the Word, "Go get that Bride!" That's a duty. That's what I'm here for. That's what I'm trying to do, is call out a Bride.

98 Remember in California there, that interview of the Bride, preview, I had it here. How that Bride come up first, and seen Her go by. Then here come Miss America, Miss Asia, and all, oh, the awfulest looking thing! And then the same Bride passed by again. One of them got out of step, and I was getting Her back in step; two of them, it was. And that's what I was supposed to do, keep that Bride in step, hunt that man.

99I said, "God, I'm going back home, renew my vows again, and start out anew." So that's what we're planning on doing, that's what I'm here for.

100 I think it would be a good thing if we did this, started on the eighteenth, next week, next Sunday morning, next Sunday night; the following Sunday, and the following Sunday. How many thinks that would be a good thing? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Thank you.

101Now I want you to do something for me. If you have notified any people that there--there is going to be a meeting on the twenty-eighth, will you renotify them again, that we couldn't do it. Tell, write them a letter, or something another. We don't want the people come and be disappointed, but we could not get the auditorium.

102See, we couldn't get it. And so because the last meeting I think we had so many up there, and everything, they just... You know how the public is, and they... Well, we're just living in the last days, that's all. And they claim that the people come in and disturb the school, and they were there too early, and they did this, or that, or something another, and the place was too jammed up, and the fire marshall does this and that. And, well, you know.

103So we will set up those Vials and those Trumpets, I want to place them in. I told you I would. They come under another thing. So does the Vials come over, the sounding of trumpets; but we want to take the entire course right straight through, and bring it, tie it in together.

104 How many has read any of Brother Vayle, on rewriting that, and fixing it up and grammarizing it for me? Have you read any of it? You have, two or three of you. I think you done a real job, Brother Vayle, a real job! You, I think Sister Vayle did it; and you just wrote it down and she done it. She was a... See, I'm not always against the women, am I, Sister Vayle?

105So now let us, for the next fifteen, twenty minutes, read a Scripture here.

106And I got a little book here. I told, I believe, it was to Brother Vayle, or, who was it, or I believe it was Roy Borders. Brother Vayle bought me the book. I want to make a little textbook.

107 But if anybody ever looked at what I call notes! Like I want to preach about the Morning Star, I'll draw a star. And if I want to preach something about... I make it all in symbols here, scratches, nobody can ever know what it was. While I'm out, and I think of anything, I got to, on riding on the road, sometimes the car is jumping up-and-down, and I'll jot this down, and say this and that, and make little signs, and cross and bridges, and--and all kinds of things. Like I want to preach on the descending of the Star; and I'll put the pyramid, draw it out here and put the five-point star of David coming down on it. And I know where I'm going in the Scriptures like that; and Moses, a certain thing he done. Just make little turkey tracks, like.

108I got several of them in here. And I thought, this morning, back there when I thought I'd speak on this subject for a few minutes here, on a note, maybe it'd take me twenty minutes.

109 And then I ain't going to take Brother Neville's service tonight. I--I--I'm going to rest tonight, listen to him.

110And then, the Lord willing, next Sunday morning we'll start the service. And you all help me, and we'll pray, because it was in my heart to try... They said, "Well, we could go to Louisville or we could go down in New Albany." But the meeting was supposed to be for Jeffersonville. I'll go to Louisville and New Albany, at different times, but this is supposed to be here at Jeffersonville.

111 Now let's bow our heads just a minute while we been... I been talking to you here for about thirty minutes. Let's speak to Him a moment.

112Lord Jesus, we are--we are certainly a blessed people, above our thinking, above our understanding. For, if there was a noble among us, such as some personnel from some other country, or a diplomat of some sort, we would think it was great to have such a noble person among us. But today we have the God of Heaven, not only among us, but in us, dwelling, living His Life through us. And we're so thankful for this, Lord! It's beyond our understanding, of course.

113But now speaking on what the services, and going to Africa, and the things that we've tried to arrange for these few days here in Indiana. And somehow or another, Lord, it may be You are driving us to that tent, to make that vision fulfill. So Thy will be done, we've committed it this way, the best of our understanding. So we pray, Lord, if there is anything contrary to Your will, You'll make it known to us, that we might know to do Your perfect will.

114Now bless us in these next few minutes. Speak to us through Thy Word, Lord, for Thy Word is Truth. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Let's turn in the Bible, to Mark, the 8th chapter.

115 When do you usually let out, twelve o'clock? [Someone says, "About twelve o'clock."--Ed.] All right. Now, now just a little short Message here that I can speak to you about the Word, after testifying about over there, and so forth.

116Mark, the 8th chapter, and let's begin about the 34th verse, to the thirty-... taking the 38th, the rest of that chapter. I like to read what He said, 'cause I know that's true. Now we...

And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it;... whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.

For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

117 I want to take a little text from there, if it'd be called that, called: Ashamed. You know, I like that. "Whosoever is ashamed of Me and of My Words, I'll be ashamed of him."

118Now, the word ashamed could be also translated "embarrassed." You know, something that you're... You are faced with something that you're embarrassed about, being ashamed.

119That, another thing being ashamed does, it shows that you are not sure of what you're talking about. If you know what you're talking about, and have the assurance that you know what you're talking about, you can tell anybody that; you're not ashamed. But if you feel put out, out of place, it shows you're not sure.

120 You notice there is so much of that today, especially on the subject that I'm speaking of, "ashamed of the Word." Now, He and the Word are the same.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,... The same yesterday, today, and forever!

121So, "Whosoever is ashamed of Me and My Word," and He and His Word are One, so being ashamed of His Word in this sinful, present generation, "I'll be ashamed of him."

122 Now we notice today, if somebody says, "Are--are you a Christian?" It's very much a popular thing, say, "Oh, I'm a Christian!" See?

123"But do you believe the Word of God, where It said, 'These signs shall follow them that believe'?"

124"Oh!" Even ministers' faces will blush. See?

125Are you ashamed of, say, of Divine healing? Are you ashamed of the full Gospel? Are you ashamed of your pentecostal experience? That's being ashamed of His Word. That's His Word made flesh in you.

126 So, His Word has to live Itself out for every generation. It lived Itself in the days of Moses. Because, in that day, the Bible said, in Hebrews, 1st chapter, "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers by the prophets."

127And those prophets! The church got all so twisted up that when... Those prophets, those daring messengers of God, come without church, without denomination, without organization, without anything; defied kings, kingdoms, churches, and everything. When the priests was brought before... They was brought before the priests, they wasn't ashamed, because they had directly THUS SAITH THE LORD.

128If you notice, the prophet, in one sense of the word, in the Old Testament, when he said THUS SAITH THE LORD, now watch him, he goes right into the phrase of taking the place of God. You notice, when he placed out before him, THUS SAITH THE LORD, he fell right into God, and he acted as God. Then he gave his Message, which was God speaking through him, "THUS SAITH THE LORD!"

129 I think of the prophets of old, when they come with that Message, and It embarrassed the kings, and It made the people feel uncomfortable. The priests, even, they would feel uncomfortable, because they were supposed to be leaders, religious man, and when they... the Word came forth in that manner, It exposed them, and they felt embarrassed, or ashamed.

130And many times we see that, not many, too often today! That man, you say, "I am a Christian!"

"Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"

"Oh! Huh!" You see, they're--they're embarrassed about It.

131Somebody say, "Do you belong to that group up there that does all that there shouting, and all that Divine healing stuff?" Many times, Christians back up.

132They want to announce, if--if they got a denomination, now, "I'm Baptist. I'm Presbyterian. I'm Lutheran." They're not ashamed of that.

133 But when it comes to being a Christian that can take God's Word just the way It is, then they're--they're--they're ashamed. "I don't belong to any denomination," see, they, they're--they're ashamed to say that. They've got to be like the rest of the world, represented by some organization.

134Now, that's just recently come into that. In the days of Luther, to recognize yourself as a Lutheran or a follower of Luther, well, it almost meant death by the Catholic church. In the days of Wesley, to know that you had defied the Anglican church, it was almost a penalty of death by the Anglicans, to announce that you were a Methodist. In the days of Pentecost, it was a shame, almost, to say that you was--that you was a pentecostal, because you was quickly counted a holy-roller, or--or some tongue-speaker, or something like that. Now they organized and went right in with the rest of the group.

135 Now when the calling-out time comes, that you don't belong to any of it! It's very popular to say, "I'm Pentecost." It's very popular to say, "I'm Presbyterian. Lutheran." But what when it comes to the time that you'll have to come out and stand for the Word, "I don't belong to any of it"? That, that embarrassed.

136Jesus said, "Now, if you are ashamed of Me, then I'll be ashamed of you." Why would He be ashamed of you? Because you are claiming to be His, when you won't follow Him.

137What if I said, "This little boy, he's--he's my son"; he turn around and say, "Who, me be your son? What do you think I am!" It would embarrass me. It would, to your son.

138And that's the way that's so-called Christianity today. If you name it a name of a denomination, all right, they accept the fatherhood of a denomination. But when it comes to accepting the fatherhood of the Word of God, Christ, no, they're embarrassed. They don't want to say, "Yes, I have spoke with tongues. Yes, I have seen visions. Yes, I believe in Divine healing. Yes, I praise the Lord. I'm free from all organization, I'm not bowing down to any of that. I'm a servant of Christ." Oh, my, that'd just tear them to pieces.

139 The other night, a great speaker come in amongst the Full Gospel Business Men in Chicago.

140And may I stop here just a minute, to say this. You excuse me. But many times you think, and I do too, that what we're talking about, the Truth of the Bible, don't go over amongst the people. But, It does. Sometime they'll rear right up against It, but they really don't mean it. They're trying to find where you're standing.

141 As the story was about a bunch of drunks, arguing that there was no such thing as Christianity. One man said, "I know where there is one at, that's my wife."

Said, "Well, I--I don't believe it."

Said, "Come on, we'll... let's all act like we're really drunk."

142Went up there at the house, and done everything they could. And--and told them cook them some eggs, and then he throwed them out on the floor, and said, "You know better than to cook my eggs like that!" Carrying on in the house. And they went over in the other room, fell down in a chair. They heard somebody out there sweeping it up, not saying a word, saying, singing a little song to herself.

Must Jesus bear the cross alone,

And all the world go free?

There is a cross for every one,

And there is a cross for me.

And this consecrated cross I'll bear,

Till death shall set me free,

And then go home a crown to wear.

143That one old drunk said, "What'd I tell you?" Said, "She is a Christian!" See, they was only trying her. And sometimes the world, I've found out, try you.

144 So I never thought this would happen, but last Saturday night, I believe it was, or Sunday night, the great speaker... I don't subject to calling people's names. But he's trying, working exactly contrary. I'm trying to keep them churches out of that ecumenical move, and this man is trying to put them in there. So, he was speaking for the Christian Business Men. Which, I was supposed to have had the meeting in Chicago, and I thought I'd be in Africa at that time, so I couldn't take it. This man said, got up there and said, "The greatest move, the greatest thing in the earth now, that's ever been; all the churches are returning back to the Catholic church, in the ecumenical move, and the Catholics will receive the Holy Ghost." What a trap of the Devil!

145 And this leader, Brother Shakarian, the president of the International Business Men, stood up and said, after the man sat down, said, "That's not the way we've heard it." Said, "Brother Branham has told us, that, 'This ecumenical move will move them all to the mark of the beast.'" And the man setting on the platform. Said, "'It'll move it to the mark of the beast.'" And said, "We're inclined to believe what he says is the Truth." [Someone in congregation says, "Amen! So are we!"--Ed.] And he said, "How many of you would like to hear Brother Branham come and give you the true side of it? Raise." And there was five thousand something people. They screamed and cried, just to come for one day, one day.

146 Brother Carl Williams called me up, said, "Brother Branham, boy, I went out through that crowd," said, "they had piles of hundred-dollar bills laying in my hands, to get your airplane ticket up here, and back." See, just for one day!

147See, those people, that Word is sinking in where sometimes we don't know it. See? But, see, when you're really... No matter how much the world is against It, how much the denominations are against It, God is proving It to be the Truth. When the great hour finally strikes, things will happen maybe that we didn't think about.

148 Yes, it shows you're not sure, if you're embarrassed, so you would rather not discuss the subject. If you're going to be ashamed of it, you wouldn't want to discuss it; hold back.

149But how can a man who is filled with the Holy Ghost, how can a man full of the Power of God, and the love of God in his heart, talk to a man a few minutes and not mention something about that love that's in his heart? See, there is something that it--it happens; you can't do it.

150This is, must be that evil day that Jesus was speaking of. People are ashamed of the Word and of the Spirit of God that acts within them. But when the Truth is made plain to the people, God then, Himself, revealing Himself through the Word.

151 Now, any man can make any kind of claims. And we've had it in these days, where there has been so many claims claimed, that it's been horrible. But, you see, if there is a Truth, it must be by the Word. Because, they say they had all kinds of things, of oil flowing through people, and blood out of their hands, and women on their back in this blood, and running down their shoes, and raise up their shoes and pour oil out, and frogs jumping out and hopping down the platform, and all kinds of things like that. There is no such stuff as that in the Bible. There is no promise of anything like that, in the Bible. Only, It said, "In the last days, the spirit would be so close it would deceive the Elected if possible." But there is no Scripture for that.

152 But when it comes to genuine, unadulterated Word of God, confirmed by God, It seems to even embarrass the other group, on the radical side. See, there is an embarrassment about It.

153But It's a reality to a man or woman, boy or girl, who really is a genuine Christian. When God made the promise of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and you receive It, there is Something that settles within you, that there is nothing takes Its place. When a man ever meets God; not in some emotional work up, some enthusiasm, or some religious doctrine, some catechism or creed, or a dogma that he has accepted for a--a comfort for hisself. But when he really comes to the place like Moses did, on the back side of the desert, walk up face to face with Almighty God, and you see the Voice speaking to you, exactly with the Word and the promise of the hour, there is something It does to you! See, you're not ashamed of It, It does something to you. Now, let us look now, for just the next fifteen minutes.

154 There is some people that receive such an experience. And as I speak to you today, not as a church or as a denomination, I speak to you as an individual; not because you come here to this Tabernacle, because that I love you and you love me, not because of that. Let me speak to you as a dying mortal, that someday you've got to come to the end of this life. And I may not be there, and another preacher might not be there. But there is only One Who can meet you there, and that's God. And you--you listen to It, and not whether "my wife is a good Christian" or--or "my husband is a good Christian," but, "Am I right with God? Have I met God like that?" Not because "my pastor met God," or because "my deacon met God," but, "Have I met Him?" Not because "I shouted," not because "I spoke in tongues," but because, "I met Him as a Person!" Then you'll never be ashamed of That, there is Something that's so perfect and pure, and true.

155 And remember, you might meet a spirit that would act like God. You might meet a spirit, would do this, that, or the other; follow it a little bit and see how it compares with the Word of God. You might meet a spirit that would tell you you are saved, and give you a glorious feeling, and you would shout and scream; then when it comes to denying the Word, how can the Holy Spirit, that wrote the Word, deny His Own Word? That Spirit must punctuate every promise of God with an "amen"! If it isn't, then you never met God, you met a deceiving spirit. And the world is full of it today!

156But when you see God come down and make a statement, that He's going to do a certain thing, then it comes back and does that, time after time after time, then you've got a genuine Spirit of God.

157How could a Spirit be on a man, the Holy Spirit that wrote the Bible, then turn around and deny, "That's not right, That was for some other day"?

158He said, "The promise is unto you, and to your children, to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." That was Acts 2:38. How can a spirit then accept anything different from That, and be of God, when Hebrews 13:8 said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever"?

159 What if somebody said, "Oh, I believe He was a philosopher. He was a good man. He was a prophet. But as far as His power..."

160I was speaking the other night with George Smith, the boy that goes with my daughter, Rebekah; a fine kid, sang here in the Tabernacle. A Baptist boy that just took, told, "Take my name off of that thing! I want nothing to do with it." And there was a young lady... They was having a conference, this certain Baptist church, up in the hills.

161And--and they're so firmly against me, all of them out there, and about not... They've not got nothing against me; it's against this Word. Me, as a man, they can't say nothing against me, I never done them any harm. But That is what they're afraid of. See? Now we were...

162 They was having this meeting up there, rather, and they had, was going to have a missionary to take the last three nights of this great conference, up in the hills where it was cool. Happen to be, this missionary got up and come onto Mark 16, and he said, "There is many people today who can't believe in Divine healing." Said, "I was in India. I'm an Indian. And I was in India when a man here in the United States, by the name of Brother Branham, come." The pastor begin to move over. Said, "My wife was dying with cancer. I was blind," or something like that. "He prayed for one of us, and the other one he called out in the audience, not even knowing our own language, and spoke the Power of God." And said, "We're here, healed!" Well, they tried to shut him up. They couldn't do it. That's, see, right in their own conference.

163Then they even denied of anything. And some of the people, even my... this boy's sister, them on the ground, wouldn't even have nothing to say. They wanted to know if she wasn't connected, some way they could get down to find out.

One of the ladies said, "Well, I believe it."

164 Rebekah and George went to see this lady. And she went and got a girl that was suffering with a--a... kind of retarded, a little. So they had me come over there to see the girl, the other night. And I went over there, the little lady was sitting there, and I said, "Are you a believer?"

165She said, "Nah, I don't know whether I am or not." Well, she wasn't retarded; just a devil spirit. They don't realize it. See, it takes you, and you don't know it. It comes, then violence overcomes the person, and they don't know it.

166Women that walks out here on the street, with these shorts on, they don't realize. They might be, they could might could prove and sware to it, that they've never done anything evil against their husband, or so forth, like that. But in their heart, they don't realize, but the spirit of the Devil has took them over. They are possessed of it. Why would a woman want to strip her clothes off, off before a man? There is only one person who done it, in the Bible, and they were insane. Others try to cover themselves; they don't realize. It's so cunning, so subtle! You have to watch, weigh yourself with the Word of God, and see where you're standing.

167 This young lady said, "Oh, they told me that I was baptized when I was a kid." Said, "I don't know whether to believe that stuff or not."

I said, "Don't you believe Jesus Christ?"

168And she said, "Well, I don't know whether I do or not." She said, "Some of that hocus-pocus stuff, I don't believe it."

169I said, "Well, of course, you don't believe hocus-pocus stuff." I said, "But do you believe that He was the Son of God?"

"Oh," said, "He could have been."

170I said, and I said, "Do you believe He is the same today, the God that would save you?"

171She said, "Is any of that there stuff about that there miracles and stuff like that? I don't believe nothing about it."

172 And I said, "What would you do if you were setting in a meeting and seen God, the Holy Spirit, which is the only God there is, working amongst the people; God in the Fatherhood, the Pillar of Fire, and the prophets; God in His Son; then God in His people? It's just attributes of God, one great God Who covers Eternity." I said, "What would you see if He, among His people, made the--the blind to see, the deaf to hear, look out upon the audience and tell the people what was wrong with them, and like He did when He was here on earth?"

She said, "I believe it would be horoscope."

173I said, "You are in a worse shape than I thought you were. You would be better off if you was crazy, see, you wouldn't be accountable." But I said, "You're just possessed of an evil spirit." I said, "When Jesus told the woman at the well about her husbands, when He looked upon the people and perceived their thoughts, would you call that horoscope?" See, just so wrapped up in a denomination, called Lutheran, that anything contrary to that would be wrong!

174Now God wants man who is wrapped up in the Word. Anything contrary to That is wrong! Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth."

175 There was a man in a very scientific age, by the name of Noah. He wasn't ashamed of God's Word. God met him, and He talked to him. He knowed it was God. And He said, "It's going to rain!" It never had rained, but he believed it was going to rain. And the faith that he had, he wasn't ashamed to exercise it. He took a hundred and twenty years to build an ark, when the world was against him. He wasn't ashamed of God's Word, in his day. God saved him and his household, for it. There was a... How foolish it might have seemed to be to other people; but, to him, he met God. No matter how scientific the other was, that was contrary, how it said "it couldn't happen, it couldn't happen," he met God!

176That's what it is when you know that you're talking to Him! You would think it was a foolish thing when somebody... When, I know that there is a few people in the world holds on to what I say to be the Truth. To stand here and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, I'm going to Arizona, there I'll meet seven Angels in a cluster," well, there was a group of man standing there to see it happen. The other night, saying it, "Los Angeles would fall into the ocean." But when you have met God, and the God Who doesn't fail, the God Who does exactly what He said He would do, He has always done it, you're not ashamed of it then. You don't have to walk back and be embarrassed about it; you can tell the whole world. When a man meets God, talks to Him, and the reality of God becomes his in his heart, he's not ashamed of It.

177 Noah wasn't ashamed. It seemed foolish to the rest of the world, but not to him.

178Moses, when he was before Pharaoh, he wasn't ashamed to tell Pharaoh that these certain things would happen, because he had met God. God told him, in the burning bush. Moses said, "I--I stutter." That's what he had, an impediment of speech.

179He said, "There comes Aaron. You be God to him, and he'll be prophet to you. I know he can speak well. But I'll be with your mouth. Who made man to speak?" Amen. I like that. That's God. "Who made man be deaf or dumb, or who made man to speak?" God has.

He said, "Lord, show me Your glory."

Said, "What's that in your hand?"

He said, "It's a stick."

180Said, "Throw it on the ground," it turned to a serpent. Said, "Take it up again," it turned back to a stick. Amen. He's God. "Put your hand in your bosom." He put it in, pulled it out, white with leprosy. Said, "Put it back and pull it again," and it was like the other hand. "I'm God."

181Then he walk up before Pharaoh and say what He said he would say. He said, "It's going to be thus and thus." Picked up sand and throwed it up in the air, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, let fleas come upon the earth," and the fleas came. Took water and poured it out into the river, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," and the whole rivers and everything turned to blood. Called hail down out of heaven.

182 You know, in the last days there is supposed to be them plagues repeat again. And remember, an adulterer, in the Bible time, his penalty was death by stoning. And the unbelieving church will be stoned to death, with hailstones, was once God's way of punishment. He'll stone this unbelieving world, this adulterous generation. He'll stone it from heaven, with hailstones weighing a talent apiece, which is a hundred pounds. The adulterous church will die, adulterous world will die under the punishment of God, under stoning, like He did in the beginning. Get right with God, church! That's what we all must do, turn back to God!

183 That old fuzzy-faced, gray-haired whiskers, bald-headed, skinny arms, eighty-year-old Elijah sitting up there in the wilderness, looking out upon the sins of the people. God spoke to him one morning, said, "Go down there and tell Ahab that not even the dew will fall from heaven till you call for it."

184I can see his little old eyes looking out from under that fuzzy-looking white beard, that stick in his hand, walking down the road like a sixteen-year-old boy. Walked right up in the presence of the king, and said, "Not even dew will come from heaven till I call for it." He wasn't ashamed of God or His Word; tell a king or anybody else. He wasn't ashamed. Didn't have to hide, say, "Now, Ahab, you'd be a..."

185 It puts me in mind of something like ourselves. Then I said to the people, "I'm getting to a spot, I need more faith." That's what I'm home for now is to get a--a new burst of faith.

186Got so, look like, when you pray for people, you apologize, "Mr. Devil, would you please move over and let me...?" Nothing! Faith has got muscles, and hair on its chest. When it speaks, everything else shuts up. Don't go in, "Mr. Devil, you move out?"

187"Get out of here! I'm a son of God, commissioned of God. Leave them alone!" That moves. You have no apology to the Devil, nothing to do with him. Not ashamed of the Word of God, not ashamed of your commission, not ashamed of who we are.

188The only shame that I am, is I'm a Branham, that's my earthly birth. I'm ashamed of my failures.

189But as His servant, I'm not ashamed! I'm not ashamed of His Word. Whether it's denominations, kings, potentates, or whatever it might be; just ready to give an answer, God calls for it.

190 Moses walked up before Pharaoh. He wasn't ashamed to tell him that they would not compromise and take his so-many days out in the wilderness.

He said, "Some of the women stay, by your children."

191Said, "We'll all go! Not even one hoof will be left behind, we'll take our cattle and all." He wasn't ashamed. Why? He had come into the Light of deliverance.

192That's the reason a man or a woman, sick or anything, once comes into the Presence of God, and knows that God has healed them, you're stepping into the Light of deliverance. You don't compromise on anything.

193Deliverance was in his heart, for he had met the God Who said, "I am the God of Abraham, Who give Abraham the promise. And the time, time of redemption, of deliverance, is at hand. I'm sending you down there to take them out." What's to apologize, about that?

194 Pharaoh could have killed him. He was just a man. He was a slave. He could have killed him. But he wasn't ashamed of the Word. He didn't come down and get on his knees and beg to Pharaoh for nothing. He said, "I come to take them."

Pharaoh said, "Well, you can't take them!"

195He said, "All right, then there will be fleas upon the earth, till you will wade through them." And there is what happened.

Said, "Oh, Moses, take them away!"

He said, "All right. Now do you repent?"

Said, "Well, you can go so-many days in the wilderness."

196He said, "Then flies will come." Amen. Said, "Darkness will come." It was so dark you couldn't see one place to the other.

197And finally death come. From Pharaoh to the servant, it was death for the oldest child in the family. Didn't have no apology to nobody. He was a son of Abraham, born in the Spirit of God, given commission by God, the Message of God, to go down and take those people out.

198Well, can't God call the same thing in this hour, to take out of the church a Bride? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Daniel wasn't, or...

199 David, rather, wasn't afraid before Saul. When everybody was afraid of Goliath out there, he wasn't afraid to walk up. And said, "Your servant..." This little ruddy-looking fellow said, "Your servant was herding his father's sheep, and a bear come in and got one of them. I chased him out in the wilderness and killed him, with this slingshot. A lion come in." Oh, my! "A lion come in and got one of them, and run out in the wilderness, and I knocked him down with a slingshot. When he got up, I killed him." He said, "And the God..." That backslidden king standing there, them wishy-washy soldiers claiming to serve the God of Heaven, and let that uncircumcised Philistine stand out there and defy the armies of the living God. Said, "Your servant also will slay him. For, the God Who delivered the lion and the bear to me, will also deliver that uncircumcised Philistine." He didn't stutter, didn't say, "perhaps it'll be done." He said, "It'll be done!" He wasn't ashamed.

200 Daniel, before the king, wasn't afraid to defy his orders that nobody would pray, only to him. He opened up the windows and threw up the sash, and prayed three times a day. He wasn't afraid.

201Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, wasn't afraid of that fiery furnace. Said, "Our God is able to deliver us. God can deliver us. But if He don't, we're not bowing down to your image." They wasn't ashamed of it. No, sir. No, sir. They certainly wasn't ashamed of it, because they knew.

202Samson wasn't ashamed before the Philistines. When a thousand run up to him, he picked up the jawbone of a mule. And them helmets, they was about an inch and a half thick, of brass. He beat a thousand down with it, and still had the jawbone in his hand. He wasn't embarrassed. He just picked up what was in his hands, and went to work with it. He knowed that the Spirit of God was upon him. He knowed he was borned a Nazarite. He knowed that nothing could bother him. He was a servant of God. As long as he was in the will of God, nothing could stand in his way, no matter how many kings or Philistines, or whatever more come up. Right.

203 John wasn't ashamed of the Word of God that came to him in the wilderness, and told him to go baptize with water. He wasn't ashamed to say, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world," for the Spirit of God was upon him. He wasn't ashamed before the priests.

204He wasn't ashamed of the Word of God when he walked up to Herod. Philip's wife was living with Herod. Walked right up in the face of the king! This old wooly-faced fellow out of the wilderness there, come out of there, with no education or nothing else, and walked right up in the face of Herod, and said, "It's not lawful for you to have her!" He wasn't ashamed of God's Word. Sure. He absolutely was not ashamed of It.

Stephen, he wasn't ashamed of God's Word.

205 First, the pentecostal people up there on the Day of Pentecost, when they gathered in the upper room, the Holy Ghost fell upon them, by a promise of God. Luke 24:49 said:

... behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but wait... in the city of Jerusalem, until you receive power from on high.

206And the very promise that the Word of God promised to them, "Behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you, but wait there; don't get no more theology or educations, and so forth, wait till you're endued with Power." And when that Power from Heaven came, like a rushing mighty wind, they wasn't ashamed of the Gospel.

207Peter stood up, said, "Repent, every one of you. You man, with wicked hands, you've crucified the Prince of Peace, which God has raised from the dead. And we're a witness. For this is what Joel said would come to pass in the last days, 'I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.'" He wasn't ashamed of the Gospel.

208 Little Stephen, as I mentioned him a few minutes ago, when he went through there like a--a--a tornado. He wasn't a preacher. He was just a deacon, but he testified everywhere of the resurrection. He had met God. And it's just like...

209Try to stop him? Well, it was like trying to put a--a house, a burning house, fire out of it, on a windy day, in a dry time. Why, every time the wind blew, it just set another fire.

210They jerked him up before the Sanhedrin Council. Can you realize what that is? That's like the Ecumenical Council. All religions head up, in under the Ecumenical Council. All of them headed up there under the Sanhedrin Council. Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians, whatever they were, they had to come into that council. And they snatched him up, just not one organization, but the big council snatched him up. "We'll scare the liver out of him."

211When he walked up, that morning, the Bible said his face looked like an Angel. He said, "Men and brethren, let me speak to you. Our fathers dwelled in Mesopotamia before they came to Charran," and so forth. He still went and give the Scriptures. Then when he got all wound up, the Spirit come upon him, he said, "You stiff-necked, uncircumcised of heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Ghost; like your fathers did, so do you." He wasn't ashamed of the Gospel, wasn't ashamed of the Word. He wasn't embarrassed before any Sanhedrin Council. No.

212 Paul said before Agrippa. Being a Jew, taught under Gamaliel, a great dignitary he was. But one day, on the road down to Damascus, he come in Presence, contact with God. An Angel came down from Heaven, in a form of a Pillar of Fire, a Light that struck him on the ground. Raised up, and said, "Lord, Who are You?"

And He said, "I am Jesus."

213Standing before Agrippa, he repeated the story again. He said, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for It's the Power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believes." Sure.

214 Now, friends, we come on down with man, down through the age, but we're past time.

215But let me say this. A man who has once come in contact with God, which is the Word, and the Word has been made plain and manifested to him, there is no shameness about that. You're not embarrassed. Doesn't embarrass me to say I believe every Word of God. Doesn't embarrass me when the Lord says to say anything, you go say it and do it. It don't embarrass me to say that I've been filled with the Holy Ghost. It don't embarrass me to say that I've spoke with other tongues. It don't embarrass me to say that our Lord has showed me visions. It don't embarrass me to say He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

216"When you're brought before rulers and kings, for My Name's sake, take no thought what you shall say, for it'll be given to you in that hour. It's not you that speaketh, but My Father that dwelleth in you. But whosoever is ashamed of Me and My Word, in this generation, him will I be ashamed of before My Father and the holy Angels." God help us not to be ashamed, but help us to be a living testimony.

217 Every man in the Old Testament, when them prophets came, they become--they become the living Word. They was the Word. Jesus said they were called gods, and they were, because the Word of God came to them. They say, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD."

218And any disciple of Christ who has come in contact with Him in redemption, and salvation has come into his heart, he is a possessor of God. And what kind of a life should we live, and how should we walk, and how should we talk, if God is representing Himself through our own mortal bodies? Who could be ashamed of that?

219If I come to a place that I was on the police force here in Jeffersonville, walk down the street, in all the authorities, I wouldn't be ashamed of the city. I would be part of the city. I would be a police, a part of the city, to keep order and conduct. If a man run a red light, I wouldn't be ashamed to tell him he done wrong, give him a ticket. That's my duty, 'cause I'm--I'm getting paid by the city. I'm living by the city. I have the authority from the city. No matter if he was drunk, or what was the matter with him, they'll back me up. I stand my grounds, 'cause I'm a policeman and or-... I'm ordained, or put in here and given authority to do this. You're supposed to take the law and rights, and things, and see that it's done right.

220 Then, if I'm a Christian and been filled with the Spirit, wearing the testimony of Jesus Christ's resurrection, that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, don't let any devil try to push you around, say, "You don't do this and you don't do that." You do do It. God has give you the...

221See, we don't have power. That policeman don't have power to stop one car. It's about... sometime they're three or four hundred horsepower motor, what could he do about it? But he's got authority.

222And that's the Church. We have authority, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His promised Word, hallelujah, "The things that I do shall you do also; more than this will you do, for I go unto the Father."

223 Don't be ashamed of Him in this generation; sinful, perplexed, the last generation that'll ever be on the earth, this sinful, adulterous, and full of all putrefied sores. All, everything that's been decent has become indecent. National politics, filth! Nations are broke up.

224Way back in the jungles of Africa, on safari hunters, they had to take high-powered radios to hear Elvis Presley, Pat Boone, and them guys with that rock-and-roll and twist. And the natives, trying to see them act along, jerking their head and acting like that, the natives stood and looked at him. But, you see, they're not Americans like Pat Boone, and Elvis Presley, and Ricky Nelson, and them guys are. They're not Judases of that type, but they're... See, it's a spirit. And the spirit is not only in America, it has spread itself out over the world, to bring them to the battle of Armageddon. They act like that, whether they are... Whatever nation they come from, Africa, India, wherever it is, that vulgar and stuff has spread all over the earth, by just one man starting it.

225 So has the Gospel and the Power of Almighty God, has spread around the world! And the separation time is now taking place, when God is a-calling a Bride, and the Devil is calling a church. Let me be part of the Bride!

Let us pray.

226Dear God, we see the handwriting on the wall, Lord. We're at the end time. We know that there is great things laying ahead, but yet somewhere, somewhere out in this mess out here, is still honest people that's been ordained to Life. It would be impossible for one man or two man; but, God, all of us together, let us spread in every corner we can, the good news that Jesus is coming, and, see, just spread a little Bread along, a little Word. Wherever the Eagles are, they'll follow that Food. Whether It comes by a tape, or whether It comes by a word or a testimony, Eagles will follow It to Its headquarters. For It is written, "Where the Carcass is, there the Eagles will gather." Dear Jesus, we know that Thou art the Carcass that we eat. Thou art the Word, and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. We pray, God, that as we scatter the Word, that the true Eagles will find It.

227Let us not be ashamed when we stand before people, wicked, indifferent people, religious, whatever it is. As Paul told Timothy:

... Let's be instant in season, out of season; reprove, and rebuke, and... with all longsuffering and doctrine.

For the time will come when they'll not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall... heap for themselves together teachers, having itching ears;

And will be turned... from the truth,... to fables.

228God, we're living in that day. You've let me live long enough to see that happen. As, that lays right here in the cornerstone of this tabernacle today, of thirty-three years ago.

229 God, bless each one in here. If there be one in here, Lord, that's not ready to meet You, that they cannot just agree with Your Word, and they haven't met You face to face and know that You're not just by an act of some sort of a--of a--of an acception, like you would a creed or something, but has met the living God; and if they haven't did this, Lord, may they do it right now.

230I--I believe You are--You are real near at this hour. I don't know who they are. I don't know even if there is any here, but I just feel led to pray to You. Not that the people hear me, for that would be a hypocrite rite. God forbid. I don't want to be a hypocrite. But I pray it with the sincerity in my heart, Lord.

231Whoever he or she is that You speak to this morning, may they humbly not be ashamed, but way down deep in their heart receive You now, coming this evening and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, following every Word, every Word; if they've been baptized different, or sprinkled, poured. Remember (we do, Lord) that You said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of the Book, add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." Though he tries, comes, puts his name on the book, it--it won't work. Let us be sincere and humble.

232Now they're in Your hands, Lord. You do with them as You see fit, for they're Yours. In the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

233 Now while we have our heads bowed, I want you to think real seriously now. I apologize, first, for being about fifteen minutes late. Now we want to hum. And you just think in your heart now, "Have I really met God?" Just think it real sincerely now. Cause, it won't be too many times maybe until... May be the last time now, that we'll meet before His Coming. It's close, friends. Every Scripture, looks like, is just about fulfilled. And it might be, for you or I, this might be our last chance. We may be gone before night.

I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

I can hear, "Are you ashamed of Me and of My Word?"

I can hear my Saviour...

234Now just imagine you are laying on your deathbed now. "Can hear..." Then it might be too late, but it isn't right now.

"Take thy cross, and," might have to sacrifice now, "follow Me."

Now, in your heart, answer this:

I'll go with Him through the garden,

I'll go with Him through the garden,

I'll go with Him through the garden,

I'll go with Him, with Him all...

235Now with our heads bowed, let's just raise our hands and say:

I'll go with Him through the judgment,

Now, that's what's going on right now, He is judging us.

I'll go...

Lord, do You find me guilty? Then, forgive me.

... through His judgment,

What do You judge me to be this morning, Lord?

... with Him through the judg-...

Try me, Lord, see if there be any unclean thing in me.

... with Him, with Him all the way.

236 Father, we thank You this morning for all these hands. I didn't see one person but what they had their hands up. I thank You, Lord. I--I trust You didn't either, Lord. No one that didn't have their hands up, they are ready to go through the judgment. Judge us, Lord. And if there be any wrong in us, forgive us for it, Father. Give us of Your mercy, for we don't want to meet Your judgment when mercy is not present. So, mercy is present now, so we pray, God, that You will judge us and forgive us of our sins, according to Your Word and Your promise. And let us live for You all the days of our life, not being ashamed of the Gospel.

237Now, Father, if it's Your will, we're starting three straight Sundays now, of meetings. Prepare our hearts for it, Lord. Prepare me, O God. I'm the one that is standing so deeply in need of You. I pray that You will guide me and direct me in the things that I should do and say, in these days to come.

238Guide and direct our precious Brother Neville, that gallant servant of Yours, Lord; and also Brother Mann, and the deacons of the church, and the trustees, and every person that assembles here.

239 Prepare us, Lord, that we might be able, in a--a real Christian way, to bring sinners to You, and to bring church members to a knowing the God that we know, that we have met personally, let Him become their God, too. Now, Father, this we cannot do, we cannot send them in. But Thou, Holy Spirit, move upon the people, the members of churches.

240And as the little experience I had with You the other morning, "Go get my Son a Bride. Take It from among the people, among the churches. Pull out that Bride." Let me, in prayer now, Lord. You send the Rebekah; I'll try to be the Eliezer. Help me to be a faithful servant. And may the God of Heaven send His Angel before me, before us, that we will collect the things together and select the Bride that He has chosen. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

241 Now, I'm sorry to have kept you a little late. It's twenty-five after. I should have been out here, twenty-five minutes ago. But, now, you like that old song, "Take The Name Of Jesus With You"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Ain't that pretty? I've sang that now for some thirty-three years, as a dismissing song. Water baptism, "On Jordan's stormy banks I stand." And I think this is so pretty, "Just take It everywhere you go!"

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope... (Now shake hands with somebody by you.)

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

242Now remember the service of tonight, seven-thirty, seven-thirty tonight. Now let's sing just one verse, see.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

When temptations around you... (What do you do then?)

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

243 Was there any come to be baptized after this service? If so, raise your hands. Somebody to be baptized? Two, all right, to be baptized immediately after this service. If the rest of you, any of you that wants to be baptized, we'll have baptismal services at every one of these services. The only thing you have to do is ask. We're ready to baptize you. That's our duty, to baptize you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It's our duty to do it. And we'll be glad to do it, anytime. You that's to be baptized, just go to the rooms, immediately after the service, and we'll go right ahead with the water baptism. Anybody wants to follow them, you'd be sure that we're here... if you have repented of your sin and you've accepted Jesus as your Saviour.

244You have been a Christian for years, and never seen the Light, and the Light of deliverance has come now. A woman, a Bride that must take the Name! Jesus said, "I came in My Father's Name, and you received Me not. But there will be one come in his own name, and you'll receive him," that's your denomination.

245Any son comes in his father's name. I come in my father's name. You man come in your father's name.

246And what was His Name, what is the Name of the Father? Jesus! He, "came in My Father's Name, you received Me not." Now His Bride will have His Name, of course.

247I took a woman, by the name of Broy, and she become a Branham.

248He is coming for a Bride, be sure and remember that as you come to the pool.

Let us bow our heads now.

249 And Brother Vayle here is no stranger to us. He's a very precious brother, been with me in many meetings, him and his wife. And he is also now the writer of these sermons and things that goes into book form. Brother Vayle, would you dismiss us in prayer, while we bow our heads. [Brother Vayle prays--Ed.]

250 [Brother William Marrion Branham expressed his desire to take the Message to Africa in this statement on Thursday evening, May 27, 1965, outside of a house in Johannesburg, South Africa, as an interpreter translated it into Afrikaans. He spoke about this Africa trip in his next Message, Ashamed, July 11, 1965. Due to its brevity (3 minutes, 40 seconds), it is placed here at the end of "Ashamed."--Ed.]

This is one of the highest moments of my life. I have waited fifteen years for this time. My heart has longed to see you again, ever since I left you. I have prayed very much, to get to come back. And a few weeks ago, I was under great anticipation, believing that I would get to come and have a meeting. But when I got the visa, "restricted," I almost had a heart attack. I wanted to come so bad!

But I still believe that, through God, I will minister again, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, among the people of Africa. God has promised to give us the desire of our heart, and that's one of the desires of my heart.

I can remember the great meetings here in Johannesburg. I remember the boy with the short leg, coming long again, normal. And the lady, that the little girl was healed from a back condition, and her mother fainted and fell back in the--the cot.

[The interpreter speaks in English, "Brother Branham, that was my wife's cousin."--Ed.] Your wife... Oh!

There is so many great things! No doubt, there is many of those people, attended those meetings, are with the Lord now. I have gotten old, too, since then. It won't be too long till my time to go up, then we will be together forever, no visas.

I feel like bringing the Message. But it is written in the Scripture, "Give unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."

I'm expecting to meet you here in a few moments, shake your hand and have fellowship again together. I appreciate all these fine men.

I wish I had all my brethren, in Africa, here today, of all the denominations, that we could just get together and talk, all evening. And I would like to hear what the Lord has been doing over here for you. I would like to tell you what He's doing for us across the sea. Maybe He will permit that, someday. Until that day, I'll be praying for you, and you be praying for me. God bless you.