Tento Eliáš, v priebehu tohoto času mal tajné miesto, ktoré Boh pre neho vybral, aby tam išiel. To je to, čo teraz chceme vidieť, prv ako začneme vyvolávať ľudí do radu, aby sme sa za nich modlili. Eliáš mal tajné miesto, ktoré mu pripravil sám Boh.
No, to miesto mu nepripravila cirkev, nepripravil mu ho kráľ, ani on sám si ho nepripravil, ale Boh pripravil pre Eliáša tajné miesto aby tam bol zaopatrovaný potravou po celý čas toho sucha, kde bol zabezpečovaný potravou deň za dňom. On sa nepotreboval starať čo sa stane zajtra ani sa nemusel starať či vydrží tá zásoba potravín. Boh povedal: „Rozkázal som krkavcom a oni ťa budu zaopatrovať potravou." Aká ohromná vec, obraz na naše tajné miesto v Kristovi.
Len ver, len ver, všetko je možné len ver.
Ako? Teraz takto:
Teraz verím, teraz verím,
všetko je možné, teraz verím,
teraz verím teraz verím,
všetko je možné teraz verím.
Zostaňme stáť a skloňme svoje hlavy.
Pane, nech toto nie je len pieseň, ale nech je to spev z najhlbšieho vnútra nášho srdca „Teraz verím!" Učeníci raz povedali, potom, keď Ježiš vykonal toľko mocných skutkov, oni povedali: „Pane, teraz veríme."
Ježiš povedal: „Teraz že veríte?"
2 Oni povedali: „Veríme, že Ty vieš všetko a nepotrebuješ nikoho aby ťa učil." Tak, Otče, dnes si uvedomujeme, že Ty nepotrebuješ naše učenie, ale my potrebujeme Tvoje. A tak sa modlíme aby si nás učil ako sa máme modliť, ako žiť, a ako veriť. Udeľ nám to Pane, cez túto službu dnes večer. Ak nám niečo chýba, daj nám to Pane. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
3 Viem, že mnohí znovu dnes večer stojíte. A vonku, stretol som skupiny ľudí, ktorí hovorili, že sa nemôžu dostať dovnútra a počúvajú cez rádio v rôznych autách. A teraz sa budeme snažiť prebrať to tak rýchlo ako sa len bude dať, v nedeľu večer mávame modlitby za chorých, máme modlitební rad, keď tu môžeme zavolať tých ľudí. Ale toto zhromaždenie dnes večer posväcujeme na modlitbu za chorých.
4 A chcem aby ste sa teraz povzniesli do - do týchto svätých Božích výrokov, do viery, do viery na túto hodinu. Do tej viery! Na to je treba viacej viery, než ako bolo v ktoromkoľvek inom veku, lebo toto musí byť viera do vytrhnutia, aby sme boli vzatí hore. A tak chceme aby ste verili dnes večer všetkému čo ste videli, počuli, Slovu, ktoré ste počuli ako vám bolo kázané, znameniam a zázrakom, ktoré ste videli, že sa stali. Chceme aby sa to všetko nahromadilo vo vašom srdci a aby ste uvážili, či je to Boh alebo nie.
5 Ako voľakedy dávno povedal Eliáš: „Ak je Boh Bohom tak mu slúžme." A ak je Ježiš pre kresťana centrom všetkého, potom si myslím, že by sme mali odložiť všetko ostatné a priľnúť ku Nemu. Pamätajte, On je centrom, On je severnou hviezdou, On je ten ktorý má posledné Slovo, On je Absolút. A keď je On severnou hviezdou ... Je len jedna vec, ktorá bude ukazovať na severnú hviezdu a to je váš kompas, podľa ktorého sa plavíte. A kompas, podľa ktorého sa vás snažím viesť je Slovo a Slovo stále ukazuje na Neho.
6 A cítime, že prechádzame cez mimoriadne obdobie ťažkostí a skúšok, cez obdobie, v ktorom nastáva zmätok a ťažkosti medzi národmi a dejú sa všetky rôzne veci a niekedy sa zdá akoby ma to zaplavilo ... Všade, kde sa pozriem je to ako na ... ako v lodi na šírom mori a mne je daný na starosť ten čln. A ako to dokážeme preplávať? Tu prichádza jedna vlna s bielou čiapkou, stokrát väčšia ako moja loď. Ale my ich zdoláme, každú jednu, skrze Neho sme viac ako víťazi. Kapitán, ten hlavný Kapitán chytil ten povraz na konci tej lode, On ju cez to pretiahne. Zdoláme každú jenu z nich.
7 Dnes večer sa môžeme poponáhľať aby ste mohli skorej ísť. Ceníme si to, že ste prišli z takých veľkých vzdialeností a tak ďalej, a to ako ste museli cestovať a koľko ste museli kvôli tomu obetovať. A vidíte, to ma privádza ku tomu, že by som sa chcel len postaviť a stále len hovoriť a robiť všetko čo môžem aby som vám pomohol. Ale keď som tu snažím sa natlačiť do vás všetko, čo vám len môžem dať ku pomoci za túto chvíľu keď sme teraz tu. Potom zoberiete ... Ak dáte ľuďom naraz príliš veľa, nedokážu si to zapamätať. Musíte zobrať len jednu vec a riadne ju predložiť tej osobe, až kým to neuvidia. A potom, keď to majú jasné vo svojich srdciach potom budú ... potom ich učte niečo ďalšie. Proste krok za krokom ako ideme.
8 No, modlite sa a buďte teraz odvážni a verte, dnes večer v uzdravenie. Nemyslím, že máte nejakú nejasnosť ohľadne času v ktorom žijeme. Nemyslím, že máte nejakú nejasnosť vo svojej mysli o tom, či je Boh v strede svojho ľudu alebo nie. Verím, že všetci tomu veríte. A ja ... Nemám o tom žiadnu pochybnosť. A viem, že moji ľudia, moji priatelia, priatelia Kristovi, deti Kristove tomu veria.
9 A to mi robí veľkú radosť, keď vidím, keď viete, že máte posolstvo od Boha, dávate ho ľuďom a oni naň reagujú. Potom sa pozriete naspäť a poviete: „Ďakujem Ti, Otče." Ó aká je to potom radosť, keď vidím deti ako jedia Chlieb, ktorý im bol poslaný! Uvedomujete si, že o tom bolo videnie rovno tu v tejto modlitebni pred rokmi? Je to tak: „Chlieb Života." Brat Neville, ty sa na to pamätáš. Slávny - veľkolepý čas!
10 No, otvorme si, ak chcete sledovať čo bude čítané, alebo si to chcete poznačiť. Len ... Nemyslím že by to bolo vhodné, mať zhromaždenie bez čítania Božieho Slova a bez nejakých komentárov. Či to bude zhromaždenie s uzdravovaním alebo akékoľvek. Všetci to rozumieme. Nie sú medzi nami cudzí, tak sa mi zdá. Ale všetci rozumieme čo je to uzdravenie. To nie je niečo čo niekto pre vás urobí, to je to čo Boh už pre vás urobil. Tak isto je to so spasením. Jediné na tom je, priviesť ľudí ku tomu aby verili, že je to pravda. A Boh to učí vo Svojom Slove a potom to dokazuje tým, ktorí budú tomu veriť, lebo On povedal: „Všetko je možné tomu, kto verí."
11 Vy poviete: „Pre Boha nie je nič nemožné." Veríte tomu? Tak isto pre vás nie je nič nemožné lebo: „Všetko je možné tým," (Boh je jedna osoba) „tým, ktorí veria." Vidíte? Tak nič nie je nemožné pre vás, pre vás, ak len dokážete veriť.
12 A teraz, v 1. Kráľovskej, 17. kapitola, chcem čítať sedem veršov, keď dá Pán.
Vtedy povedal Eliáš Tišbänský, ktorý bol z cudzích obyvateľov Gileáda, Achabovi: Ako že žije Hospodin, Boh Izraelov, pred ktorého tvárou stojím, tak isté je, že nebude po tieto roky rosy ani dažďa, len na moje slovo.
A stalo sa slovo Hospodinovo ku nemu povediac:
Odídi odtiaľto a obráť sa na východ a skry sa pri potoku Karite, ktorý je naproti Jordánu.
A bude tak, že z potoka budeš piť a krkavcom som prikázal aby ťa tam zaopatrovali potravou.
(Všimnite si: „aby ťa tam zaopatrovali potravou," nie niekde inde, „tam!")A tak odišiel a učinil podľa slova Hospodinovho a odíduc usadil sa pri potoku Karite, ktorý je naproti Jordánu.
A krkavci mu donášali chlieb a mäso ráno a chlieb a mäso večer a z potoka pil.
A stalo sa po nejakom čase, že vyschnul potok, pretože nebolo dažďa v zemi.
13 Nech Pán pridá Svoje požehnanie ku čítaniu Jeho Slova. A teraz, dnes večer chcem z tade zobrať text, ktorý sa nazýva, Duchovný pokrm na svoj čas. Dnes ráno sme mali lekciu o slúžení Bohu ... alebo Snažiť sa Mu slúžiť bez toho aby to bola ... bol ten pravý čas, doba, miesto alebo osoba. A teraz toto je: Duchovný pokrm v pravý čas.
14 Tento prorok, Eliáš, vieme o ňom veľmi málo. Ale vieme, že to bol Boží sluha a to sluha Boží na tú hodinu.
15 A Boh použil jeho Ducha, ktorý bol na Eliášovi už tri krát a zasľúbil, že ho ešte dvakrát použije; spolu päť krát, na milosť. On ho použil na Eliášovi; v dvojitej miereOn prišiel na Elizea; bol na Jánovi Krstiteľovi a má prísť aby dokončil Pohanskú Nevestu; a príde s Mojžišom zobrať domov Židov. Je to tak. Boh zasľúbil použiť Eliášovho Ducha päť krát a už to trikrát urobil.
16 No, tento veľký prorok, nevieme odkiaľ prišiel. Vieme že bol Tišbänský. Ale ako prišiel ...
17 O prorokoch vieme málo. Nevieme odkiaľ prišli. Veľmi zriedka je ... Neviem ani o jednom, ktorý by pochádzal z cirkvi alebo mal za sebou nejaký rodokmeň. Bol to len obyčajný človek, ktorý bol nebojácny a mnohokrát nevzdelaný. A oni sami nikdy nič nepísali. Izaiáš a Jeremiáš, niekoľkí z nich niečo napísali, ale tento veľký muž Eliáš nikdy nič nenapísal. Mnohí z nich nepísali, možno, že nevedeli písať. Ale boli to mužovia, ktorí boli drsní. Nie sú v Biblii takí muži ako títo starodávni proroci. Oni sa stavali na odpor kráľovstvám, kráľom, ľuďom, cirkvám, a všetkému ďalšiemu a stáli pevne na Božom Slove. A Boh dokázal, že majú pravdu! Boli to veľmi drsní jednotlivci.
18 A tento Eliáš bol jeden z najdrsnejších. Bol to človek pustatiny. Prišiel z púšte; žil na púšti.Biblia hovorí, že sa obliekal do srsti (vlasatý) a okolo seba si okrúcal ovčiu kožu a okolo bedier mal ovinutý kus ťavej koži. Na tvári bol zarastený a predstavujem si, že na pohľad to bol veľmi drsný muž.
19 Ale mi ne ... Oni všetci nevymreli. Nie sú všetci mŕtvi. V čase Nicejského koncilu ... mnohí z vás ste čítali Nicejský koncil včasnej cirkvi, keď oni chceli z toho spraviť organizáciu a zrušiť všetky ostatné cirkvi a prísť do jednej, keď mali ten Nicejský koncil, prišli tam z púšte drsní mužovia ako Eliáš, ktorí jedli len byliny. Veľký drsní mužovia. Ale tí hodnostári, vysoko postavení, za Konštantína a tak ďalej, zahlušili ich hlasy. Pretože títo, boli proroci, oni vedeli, že pšeničné zrno cirkevnej Nevesty musí spadnúť do zeme, tak isto ako pšeničné zrno v Ženíchovi muselo spadnúť do zeme. A ležalo tam tisíc rokov.
20 A preto dnes píšu knihy: „Kde je ten mlčanlivý Boh, ktorý tam dokázal stáť a dívať sa ako vraždili tie malé deti a ženy, levi ich trhali na kusy ako mohol sedieť na nebesiach a nič na to nepovedal?" Oni nepoznajú Slovo. To pšeničné zrno muselo spadnúť do zeme. Ako mohol spravodlivý Boh stáť a dívať sa ako zomiera Jeho vlastný Syn a ako na neho pľujú a tak ďalej? Ale to je podľa Slova, muselo to tak byť. A takto je to až do tejto hodiny.
21 Tento muž, bol to veľký muž. Mal pred sebou hriešnu generáciu. Kráľom bol Achab, jeho otec pred ním bol zlý. Každí od Šalamúna, jeden zlý kráľ nasledoval za druhým. A tento človek, Achab, ktorý vládol dvadsať dva rokov v Samárii, bol najhorší z nich zo všetkých. Bol to skutočný modernista. Veril v náboženstvo, samozrejme. A všetko mal v modernom trende. Mal svojich štyristo Hebrejských prorokov, všetci z nich boli vyškolení a vytrénovaní. Boh mu poslal jedného a on tomu neveril a to bol Eliáš.
22 Ale Eliáš, tento Tišbänský, bol človek púšte. Nie uhladený človek, on bol drsný človek. A jedného dňa, keď Achab tak hrešil, že Boh to už nemohol viacej zniesť, On prehovoril ku Eliášovi na púšti. A tu on prichádza po ceste do Samárii, ako som to často predstavoval. Možno, že biele fúzy mu trčali všade po tvári a plešivá hlava sa mu svietila na slnku, mal drobné úzke oči a tam s palicou v ruke s úsmevom na tvári, kráčal rovno ku kráľovi Izraela a povedal: „Ani len rosa nespadne, až kým ju ja nezavolám."
23 Bože, daj nám takýchto mužov. Mužov, ktorí vedia čo robia s tým TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.
24 No, videli sme, že prv ako toto urobil, že Boh ho zavolal. Boh sa s ním rozprával a preto sa on ničoho nebál. On sa nebál ohľadne svojho posolstva, či sa ono vyplní, on vedel, že sa to vyplní! On vedel, že to je podľa Slova Pánovho a on vedel, že je Božím prorokom na tú hodinu. A tak či by mu kráľ odsekol hlavu, či by ho hodil do väzenia, čokoľvek by mu urobili, to s ním ani nepohlo, on mal poverenie: „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN", rovno kráľovi do tváre. Čo za drsného človeka! Ale prv ako toto urobil, prv ako predpovedal toto veľké sucho ...
25 Lebo Boh nenechá hriech bez trestu. Musí byť trest. Načo je nejaký zákon bez trestu? Čo z toho, keby sme hovorili: „to je proti zákonu prechádzať na svetlá" a nebola by za to žiadna pokuta alebo by nebol za to žiadny trest? To by nebol zákon. Tak za hriech je trest. A keď Boh dáva zákon a ten zákon je porušený, potom bude za to trest.
26 A tento národ prestúpil všetky Jeho zákony. Och, oni mali veľkú cirkev, oni mali chrám. Mali veľa vzdelaných ľudí. Po celej krajine mali prorkov, mali prorocké školy, vychádzali z tade ako na páse. A mali veľa prorkov, mali veľa kňazov, mali veľa učených v Písme a boli veľmi nábožní ale boli pomimo Božieho Slova. Tak Boh zavolal človeka, ktorý nepatril do žiadnych ich kruhov a poslal ho tam s TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.
27 A všimnite si ako sa On stará o svojich vlastných. Prv ako poslal svojho prorka s posolstvom, On povedal: „Eliáš, choď tam a povedz kráľovi Achabovi tieto veci. A teraz, keď to urobíš, odíď rýchlo od neho, lebo ja som urobil pre teba miesto kde máš ísť počas toho sucha. Budem sa o teba starať, Eliáš, ak budeš len kázať Moje Slovo, robiť presne to, čo ti poviem."
28 A teraz, dnes večer, chcem prirovnať túto veľkú službu Eliáša a čas Eliáša s hodinou v ktorej my teraz žijeme. Verím, že je to dokonalý predobraz. Mohli by sme prirovnať národy, keby som mal - keby sme mali čas ísť naspäť ale chcem venovať viacej času na modlitby za chorých v modlitebnom rade.
29 Tak keby sme mohli ísť naspäť a pozrieť sa na Izrael, on zabral Palestínu na tom istom základe, ako sme my zabrali Spojené Štáty. Prišli sme do týchto Spojených Štátov a zahnali sme tých obyvateľov, ktorými boli Indiány a zabrali sme zem. A tak Izrael prišiel do Palestíny pod vedením Józueho, pod vedením Božím a zahnali obyvateľov a zabrali zem.
30 A ich prví králi boli mocní mužovia, Dávid, Šalamún, mocní mužovia. Naši prví prezidenti boli veľký mužovia, Washington, Lincoln a tak ďalej. Potom nakoniec tí prezidenti alebo králi začali byť čím ďalej tým viacej skazení a nakoniec oni zakončili s týmto Achabom. Presný obraz, zobrazujúci náš deň. A ľudia sa stali takí moderní, že nechceli počúvať pravdivé Slovo Pánovo.
31 A môžete si predstaviť, pri takýchto moderných ľudí, aký dojem robil na nich skutočný pravý sluha Boží: „Čo, to je blázon, stratil rozum. Také niečo sa nemôže stať." Oni boli nábožní, veľmi nábožní. Mali úprimného človeka, úprimných ľudí. Boli veľmi nábožní.
32 Tak on vedel, že bude treba na to viacej než len obyčajná teológia, bude treba viacej než len obyčajné posolstvo, bude treba viacej než len kázanie Slova, aby rozbil ich kamenné srdcia. On vedel, že na to treba TAK HOVORÍ PÁN aby poslal dole na tých ľudí ten súd. Tak on vedel, že keď on tam vystúpi s tým TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. A to bolo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, pohrdnúť Tým, znamenalo súd. My to vidíme tiež v našom čase. Vidíme to v každom čase. Nezostáva nič len súd, keď prekročíte hranicu milosti.
33 No, tento obraz tam, v ktorom chcem prirovnať Eliáša s cirkvou dnes alebo s dnešnou cirkvou. Tesne pred súdom on dostal toto posolstvo. Eliáš, on reprezentuje, Boh sa o neho staral v tom telesnom, prirodzenom pokrme, pretože teraz nemalo pršať, podľa Božieho Slova, za tri roky a šesť mesiacov, alebo až kým to Eliáš nezavolá. „Kedykoľvek povieš, Eliáš, vtedy to bude." A tak on išiel ku kráľovi a povedal: „Ani len rosa nespadne až kým ju ja nezavolám." To je riadne posolstvo.
34 A teraz to ideme znázorniť na duchovnej suchote v dnešnom čase. Všetci vieme, sme si jasne vedomí, že dnes je v zemi veľká duchovná suchota, v duchovnom význame. A viete, bolo to predpovedané cez prorokov, že to tak bude tesne pred druhým Kristovým príchodom. Je povedané: „Hľa, príde hlad na zem, nebude to hlad po samom chlebe, ale hlad počuť Slovo Božie." A ten deň je teraz, „Počuť pravdivé Slovo Božie." No, toto zobrazuje telesnú suchotu s duchovnou.
35 Hriech a nevera, skrze falošných učiteľov a modernistov v cirkvi priviedla to miesto do tohoto prichádzajúceho, nadchádzajúceho súdu. Oni sa vtedy odvrátili od Božieho Slova a od Jeho proroka, ku moderným teologickým termínom Slova.
36 Všimli ste si tu, to je práve v tom čase, keď Boh stále niečo vzbudzuje? Pretože On stále ... On nerobí nič, až kým to prv nezjaví ľuďom a On to stále zjavuje cez svojich sluhov.
37 No, ale tento Eliáš, v priebehu tohoto času mal tajné miesto, ktoré Boh pre neho vybral, aby tam išiel. To je to, čo teraz chceme vidieť, prv ako začneme vyvolávať ľudí do radu, aby sme sa za nich modlili. Eliáš mal tajné miesto, ktoré mu pripravil sám Boh. No, to miesto mu nepripravila cirkev, nepripravil mu ho kráľ, ani on sám si ho nepripravil, ale Boh pripravil pre Eliáša tajné miesto aby tam bol zaopatrovaný potravou po celý čas toho sucha, kde bol zabezpečovaný potravou deň za dňom. On sa nepotreboval starať čo sa stane zajtra ani sa nemusel starať či vydrží tá zásoba potravín. Boh povedal: „Rozkázal som krkavcom a oni ťa budu zaopatrovať potravou." Aká ohromná vec, obraz na naše tajné miesto v Kristovi.
38 Keď tá svetová rada a všetko to čo sa dnes deje, to hovorí: „Dni zázrakov skončili." Tie veľké moci Božie boli zobrané z cirkví. Oni už viacej nemajú nič, sú len zvučiacim zvonom a cvendžiacim cimbalom. My vieme, že je to pravda. „Majú formu pobožnosti a zapierajú jej moc."
39 Je to presne to isté, čo urobil Dávid dnes ráno s tým novým vozom , odišiel preč od Slova. Keď im bolo predstavené a podané Slovo, oni to nechceli, a tak od Toho odstúpili.
40 To je to čo urobili títo ľudia vo dňoch Eliáša, odstúpili od Slova. Oni si mysleli, že majú Slovo, ale ho nemali.
41 Tak si všimnite, potom v priebehu toho času, keď On išiel potrestať neveriacich, On pre veriaceho urobil cestu. On robí stále to isté. Vo dňoch, keď išiel zničiť svet vodou, On pre Noeho urobil cestu úniku. V čase, keď išiel potopiť Egypt, pripravil pre Svoj ľud cestu úniku cez more. Ako Boh robí svoju cestu! A tam kde nie je žiadna cesta, On je tou cestou. On je tou cestou!
42 Uvedomujeme si, že stojíme pred niečím ... pred jednou z najväčších hodín, ktorú história kedy poznala. To nie je vlastne nejaká raketová vyleštená zbraň s výbušnou hlavicou, ktorej sa máme báť, to sú cikrvi, ktorých sa máme báť. To je hodina v ktorej žijeme, v ktorej máme dávať pozor.
43 Všimnite si teraz ale Boh urobil pre Eliáša cestu aby tomu unikol. A On urobil cestu pre svoje veriace deti aby tomu teraz unikli, tomu hnevu a všetkému čo má prísť.
44 Pretože Boh by nebol spravodlivý, že súdil týchto ľudí a potrestal ich a potopil Sodomu a Gomoru a potopil Kafarnaum v strede mora a odsúdil tie generácie a Sodomu a Gomoru a potom by nás nechal robiť to isté a obišiel by to. My prepadneme pod súd s takou istotou ako prepadli pod súd oni.
45 A teraz vidíme, že keď nastávali tieto veci, ten moderný trend toho času, Boh vzbudil muža v tom čase aby bojoval proti tým mociam a oni to nechceli počúvať. Oni si mysleli, že to je blázon: „Stratil rozum. To je len starý fanatik, blázon z púšte, taký pomätený divoch." Ale jednako, on mal Slovo Pánove.
46 „Slovo neznamená to čo ono hovorí," dnes hovoria. „Ó, dobre, Biblia je historická kniha." Hádam ste toto videli a teraz tvrdia, že Eva nezjedla jablko, že ziedla ... Čo to bolo? Zdá sa mi, že teraz hovoria, že to bola marhuľa. „To bola marhuľa." A potom, že Mojžiš nikdy nepreviedol tie deti cez Červené more. To tam bola veľká plocha trstiny na konci toho mora a že on prešiel cez more trstiny. Ako potom tá voda, v-o-d-a, stála ako múr z obidvoch strán a oni prešli po suchej zemi? Ó, také nezmysly! Ale, vidíte, treba na to taký deň aby bol dole na ľudí prinesený Boží hnev. Tak sa to deje.
47 Oni hovoria, že nieto niečo také, ako tieto ... Dokonca ani cirkevní ľudia neveria v zázraky. „Dám ti tisíc dolárov," hovoria, „ukáž mi zázrak. Ukáž mi nejaký zázrak!" No, oni to nemôžu vidieť, keby sa pred nimi stalo aj desať tisíc vecí. Prečo, oni to nikdy nebudú vidieť.
Poviete: „To je nemožné." Ale nie, to je možné.
48 Eliáš bol raz dole v Dotán a prišla tam Sýrska armáda a obkľúčila mesto, aby ho zajali, pretože sa dozvedeli v čom leží sila toho národa, že to je v tom vidiacom. No, kráľ ... Jeden človek povedal Sýrskemu kráľovi: „Vieš čo, prorok Eliáš Tišbänský hovorí Izraelskému kráľovi to, o čom sa ty rozprávaš vo svojej tajnej miestnosti."
49 Povedal: „Choďte a priveďte toho človeka! To je ten, ktorý nám robí problémy." A celá Sýrska armáda tam vkĺzla a obkľúčila Dotán, boli všade okolo.
50 A Geházi, prorokov sluha sa zobudil a povedal: „Ó, môj otče, všade okolo je tu armáda. Sme úplne obkľúčení."
51 On povedal: „S nami je viacej ako s nimi." Vidíte?
A Geházi sa pozrel okolo a povedal: „Nikoho nevidím."
52 On povedal: Pane Bože, otvor tomu chlapcovi oči." A jeho oči sa otvorili a všade po kopcoch bolo plno anjelov a vozov, neviditeľná moc.
53 Eliáš išiel rovno tam a Biblia hovorí, že ich ranil slepotou. On išiel ku nim, oni boli slepí na neho. Išiel tam a povedal: „Hľadáte Eliáša?"
Povedali: „Áno, jeho hľadáme."
54 Povedal: „Poďte, poviem vám presne kde je" a viedol ich rovno do pasce, rovno tam kde bola armáda ... a išiel tam a dostal ich.
55 No, Biblia hovorí: „On ich ranil slepotou." A hotovo. A ľudia sú dnes tak duchovne slepí, že hoci Pán Boh prichádza dole medzi ľudí a robí všetko, veci, ktoré zasľúbil, oni to stále nemôžu vidieť. Sú duchovne slepí, nepoznajú Boha, nepoznajú jeho veľkú moc. No, vidíme, že to tak robili v čase Eliáša a dnes to stále tak robia. Boh ich ranil slepotou. Oni dnes hovoria, že zázraky neexistujú, že nieto niečo také, že všetko to je len emócia.
56 A oni to isté hovorili o Eliášovi, pretože keď on bol vzatý a Elizeus nastúpil na jeho miesto, mladý muž, mladý plešivý, deti za ním behali a hovorili: „Plešivý, prečo si neišiel s Eliášom?" Vidíte? Tí ľudia tomu vôbec neverili, potom hoci sa stalo tak veľa vecí. A tento veľký muž Boží bol prenesený do neba na ohnivom voze a ľudia tomu stále neverili. A nechali svoje malé deti pobehovať za týmto mužom a oni volali: „Plešivec, prečo si ty neišiel hore?" Vidíte? A prorok potom preklial tie deti a medvedica zabila z nich 42.
57 Všimnite si teraz. Dnes, ako to bolo aj vtedy, oni dávajú Slovu svoj vlastný výklad. No, keď to chcú robiť, to je ich vec, ale oni sa snažia spraviť aby sme tomu verili. Biblia hovorí: „TotoBožie Slovo nedeje sa z vlastného rozlúštenia." Boh mu dáva svoj vlastný výklad. Boh potvrdzuje svoje Slovo a to je jeho výklad. Ako som už veľakrát povedal, On povedal na začiatku: „Buď svetlo." A bolo svetlo. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad, to sa stalo. On povedal: „Panna počne." A ona počala. On povedal, že vyleje svojho Ducha a vylial. A On povedal: „V posledných dňoch," veci, ktoré On bude robiť a On to robí. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad. Boh tomu dáva svoj vlastný výklad. Nezáleží na tom čo hovoria hlúpi ľudia, to Boha ani trochu nezastaví.
58 Keď bol Ježiš na zemi, On mal toľko nevery s ktorou musel zápasiť, koľko máme aj my dnes a možno viacej. Ale to Ho nezastavilo. On išiel rovno ďalej, činil svoju službu a Boh potvrdzoval všetko čo robil. On povedal: „Ja nie som sám. Môj Otec a Ja sme jedno. On prebýva vo mne. To nie som ja, ktorý činí tie skutky, to je Otec, ktorý prebýva vo mne. A ak nekonám Jeho skutky, potom Mi neverte; ale ak konám tie skutky a jednako mi nemôžete veriť, verte tým skutkom." Vidíte? Inými slovami, oni ... „Skúmajte Písma," On povedal: „pretože si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, tým, že ich poznáte. A samé tie Písma svedčia o Mne." Amen! Čo za výrok! Oni sú to (Tie Písma), ktoré vám hovoria kto som." Povedal Ježiš.
59 A to sú Písma, ktoré vám hovoria o hodine v ktorej žijeme a o veciach, ktoré vidíte, že sa stali, to je Sám Boh medzi svojím ľudom. Nič nemôže vzkriesiť mŕtveho, okrem Boha. Nič nemôže robiť tie veci, ktoré On teraz robí, okrem Neho. Lebo Biblia povedala: On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky."
60 No, vidíme potom ten moderní trend ľudí: „Ó tie dni pominuli, nieto niečo také ako zázraky. Tí ľudia sa všetci dostali len do emócie."
61 Počúvajte toho Eliáša, proroka, kričal proti ním a proti ich teológom. Všimnite si, všimnite si, on hovoril ako keby on sám bol Boh. Eliáš hovoril ako keby on sám bol Boh: „Nespadne z neba ani rosa až kým ju ja nezavolám." Amen! Tak veru. Ten prorok bol tak dlho v prítomnosti Božej ...
62 Tí proroci v starom Zákone, alebo kedykoľvek, keď žili v prítomnosti Božej, že až sa stali Slovom, ich posolstvo je samo Slovo. Pamätajte, on povedal „TAK HOVRÍ PÁN!" A keď títo muži mali tie posolstvá od Boha a oni boli do toho tak zabalení, že ich vlastné myslenie ... To mohlo byť proti ich mysleniu, oni to možno neboli schopní vidieť správne. Ale oni hovorili Slovo Božie, „TAK HOVRÍ PÁN!"
63 „Nebude dažď až kým ho ja nezavolám!" Ó, čo za výrok! On bol v prítomnosti Božej a bol tak dokonale potvrdení. A pamätajte, to tiež nasleduje Ámos 3:7: „Lebo Pán Boh nečiní ničoho až kým to prv nezjaví svojím sluhom prorokom." On povedal: „Nebude žiadneho dažďa!" On prv ...
64 Oni sa mu vysmievali, mysleli si, že je blázon. „Ten fanatik." Ale vidíte? On mal TAK HOVRÍ PÁN, že nebude pršať. A Boh, prv ako to urobil On to zjavil Eliášovi, svojmu sluhovi. A on bol potvrdený, dokázaný prorok, tak ľudia mali činiť pokánie. Ale namiesto toho, oni sa mu vysmievali, vraveli: „Máme dosť dažďa! Rezervátory sú plné. Rieky tečú dobre."
65 Biblia hovorí, že za tri roky a šesť mesiacov nebola ani len rosa. Všetky potoky a voda vyschli, všade! To nebol ten človek, to bol Boh, ktorý hovoril cez toho človeka! Tak to bolo. Stále to vieme. Tak on ...
66 Vidíme, že keď prichádza nejaký muž, poslaný od Boha, Bohom ustanovený, s tým skutočným TAK HOVRÍ PÁN, to posolstvo a posol sú jedno a to isté. Pretože on je poslaný aby reprezentoval TAK HOVRÍ PÁN, Slovo za Slovom, tak on a jeho posolstvo, to je to isté.
67 Nejaký denominačný človek pod záštitou denominácie, on a jeho cirkev sú jedno. Teológ pod teológiou, vytvorenou nejakou denomináciou, on a jeho posolstvo sú jedno. Cirkevná teológia a teológ. Je to tak.
68 Tak keď nejaký človek prichádza s TAK HOVRÍ PÁN, on a jeho posolstvo sú jedno. A keď prichádza Eliáš s TAK HOVRÍ PÁN, on a jeho posolstvo sa stali jedno. Tak ako Ježiš, keď On prišiel, On bol Slovo. Ev. Jána 1. Tak Slovo Božie a posol na ten vek to bolo to isté, po celý čas. Je to tak.
69 Ježiš bol Slovo, ktoré bolo prorokované. On bol to, čo tí proroci hovorili, že sa stane: „Panna počne a porodí toto dieťa." Tam na začiatku im Boh povedal: „Semeno ženy rozdrtí hadovi hlavu, a on rozdrtí jeho pätu." Všetky tieto proroctvá boli už dané. Plačúci Dávid, všetci tí ostatní proroci počas tých vekov hovorili o Ňom. On bol manifestáciou toho Slova! Haleluja!
70 Vidíte teraz ku čomu sa snažím dostať? Hovoril som ku vám dnes ráno veľmi jasne. Či nevidíte autoritu živého Boha v živej cirkvi, v Neveste? Chorí sú uzdravení, mŕtvi vzkriesení, chromí chodia, slepí vidia, evanjelium sa šíri vo svojej moci, lebo Posolstvo a Posol sú jedno. Slovo je v cirkvi, v osobe.
71 Slovo Božie bolo v Eliášovi keď on tam vystúpil s TAK HOVRÍ PÁN a povedal: „Nebude pršať." To nebol Eliáš, to bol Boh v Eliášovi.
72 Veľkrát som povedal, ako mi raz povedala tá pani z kresťanskej vedy, už som to veľakrát hovoril. Ona povedala: „Pán Branham, príliš veľkú chválu pripisujete Ježišovi."
Povedal som: „Dúfam, že to je jediná vec za ktorú sa musím zodpovedať."
Ona povedala: „Snažíte sa pripísať mu Božskosť."
Povedal som: „On bol Božský."
73 Povedala: „Ó, On bol prorok, On bol dobrý človek, ale nebol Boh."
74 A ja som povedal: „Dobre, ukážte mi jedno miesto Písma, ktoré hovorí, že nebol."
75 A ona povedala: „V ev. sv. Jána je povedané, že On zaplakal, keď išiel ku Lazárovmu hrobu."
76 „Dobre." Povedal som: „On skutočne zaplakal. On bol oboje, človek aj Boh. On bol človek, keď plakal; ale aby vzkriesil mŕtveho, to musel byť Boh." Je to tak. A ja som povedal: „On bol človek, hladný; ale bol Boh, keď nakŕmil päť tisíc ľudí z pár chlebov a piatich rýb." Je to tak. „On bol človek, keď spal vzadu v člne; ale to bol Boh v Ňom, ktorý dokázal utíšiť more." Lebo prečo? On a jeho posolstvo boli jedno.
77 On povedal: „Ja a môj Otec sme jedno. Môj Otec prebýva vo mne." On bol plnosť Božstva telesne.
78 Myslím, že to bolo také zarážajúce jedného dňa, keď som priniesol sedem cirkevných vekov. Zo začiatku som nevedel ako to, že Ježiš tam stojí s tými ... s tým bielym takto okolo, kde je povedané: „Jeho vlasi boli ako biela vlna." Nevedel som pochopiť ako tridsať tri ročný človek bude snehobiely.
79 Zavolal som dobrému teológovi, letničnému teológovi, dobrému drahému priateľovi. Bol to brat Jack Moore. On je bystrý, inteligentný človek. On povedal: „Brat Branham, to bol oslávený Ježiš. On takto vyzerá po tom keď bol oslávený." Nie, nemohol som tomu uveriť. Nie.
Povedal som: „Dobre brat Moore, ďakujem."
80 Išiel som tam do tej miestnosti a hovoril som ku Bohu. Zobral som hneď konkordanciu a našiel som to tam v Danielovi, kde je povedané: „A prišiel ku Starodávnemu dňov, ktorého vlasy boli ako biela vlna." Povedal som: „Pane, neviem čo povedať a ja mám zodpovednosť." No, to bolo pred ... a pamätajte, pred otvorením siedmich pečatí, asi rok alebo aj viac predtým. A ja som sa tam modlil: „Pane, čo to znamená?"
81 A pozrel som sa, niečo predo mnou stálo, stál tam nejaký človek a to bol sudca a na hlave mal bielu parochňu. Tí starí sudcovia v dávnych dňoch zvykli nosiť bielu parochňu aby tým bolo ukázané, že on má najvyššiu autoritu.
82 A potom keď som videl Ježiša s bielou parochňou, povedal som, že to len potvrdzuje pravdu, ktorú poznáme, že On je najvyššou autoritou. Boh vydal svedectvo o tom istom na hore Premenenia. Povedal: „Toto je môj milovaný Syn, jeho počúvajte," najvyššia Autorita!
83 Potom tam vtedy na začiatku Siedmich Pečatí, keď prišli dole tí anjeli vo forme pyramídy, stál tam a povedal mi aby som sa vrátil sem naspäť a hovoril o týchto Siedmich Pečatiach. Že On bude so mnou. Ukázal mi čo to bolo, tie stratené veci. Ja som si stále myslel, že to bolo zapečatené na zadnej strane tej knihy, že to je niečo, čo nebolo zapísané v Knihe, ale ukázalo sa, že je oznámené, že On by to nemohol urobiť. To nie je niečo, čo nebolo zapísané v Knihe ... To je niečo, čo v tej Knihe bolo skryté. „Lebo ktokoľvek z toho odníme jedno slovo alebo pridá jedno slovo do toho .." Tak to je tajomstvo, ktoré bolo v tej Knihe v týchto siedmich cirkevných vekoch. Každý jeden z nich vyprodukoval tajomstvo, všetko ohľadne vodného krstu a týchto iných vecí, ohľadne ktorých oni tak dlho tápali.
84 A potom, keď sa to vznieslo hore, tie veľké observatóriá od Kalifornii, cez Mexico, Tucson a všade urobili z Toho snímky. Bol to tajomný pohľad. A brat Fred Sothmann, ktorý je tu, sedí rovno tam vzadu a ja a brat Gene Norman, stáli sme tam prítomní, keď sa to vznieslo hore. Urobili fotografiu a stále nevedia čo to je. Nedávno, každý hovoril: „Pozrite sa tu na toto, vyzerá to ako toto a ako sa v tom prelínajú krídla tých anjelov."
85 Jedného dňa, keď som to obrátil doprava, ukázalo sa, že to je Ježiš Kristus, presne tak dokonale ako Ho namaľoval Hoffman. Stál tam s bielou parochňou, díval sa dole na zem, ukazujúc, že On je najvyššia Autorita. Nebesia to vyhlasujú, Biblia to vyhlasuje, Posolstvo to vyhlasuje. Všetky tie vyhlásenia hovoria to isté. Najvyššia Autorita s bielou parochňou. Vidíte pod ňou jeho čiernu bradu. Mnohí z vás ste videli tú fotografiu. Máme ich tam. Obráťte to len doprava, pozrite sa na to z boku. Tam On je, tak dokonale ako keby to bola jeho fotka. Oni sa na to dívajú z nesprávneho uhla. Musíte sa na to dívať pod správnym uhlom. A jedine Pán Boh môže zjaviť, ktorý je ten pravý uhol. Obráťte to doprava a pozrite sa na to. Tam Ho máte tak dokonale ako keby to tam bol odfotené.
86 Keď som Ho prvýkrát videl, vyzeral ako Hlava na Hofmanovom obraze. Nikdy predtým som to (ten obraz) nevidel a po niekoľkých rokoch som to uvidel v modlitebni Billy Sundaja. Odvtedy mám stále vo svojom dome tento obraz.
87 Potom, tu na oblakoch, to ukazuje, že to je ten istý Boh, ktorého som videl tam v tom videní, keď som bol ešte len chlapec, tam vonku kde stojí tá škola. On tak vyzeral. A tu na nebesiach o tridsať tri rokov neskoršie je vyhlásené, že to je pravda. Takto On vyzerá; nie ako niečo tajomné, čo niekto vymyslel.
88 Ako vo Vatikáne, oni tam majú namaľovaného Krista s krátkou bielou briadkou okolo brady, či s briadkou asi pol cóla dlhou, okolo brady a tu takto a nazývajú to Kristus.
89 To mi pripomína jedného gréckeho umelca, videl som to raz v starodávnej katedrále, ktorý znázorňoval ako vyzerali Adam a Eva: „Vyzerali tam ako zvieratá alebo niečo také." To je to, čo môže pochopiť telesná myseľ z nejakých duchovných veci. Ja myslím, že Adam bol najkrajší muž, ktorý kedy žil a Eva bola dokonalá žena v každom zmysle.
90 No, telesná myseľ zabalí tie veci do svojich vlastných predstáv, potom to Boh posiela a odhaľuje tie veci Svojou mocou. A to je presne to, čo sa stalo tu vo dňoch Achaba.
91 No, vidíme, že Eliáš to mohol povedať pretože posolstvo na tú hodinu a Slovo Božie ... Alebo posol, Posolstvo - Posolstvo a Slovo, to bolo presne jedno a to isté. Prorok, Slovo, Posolstvo; posol, Posolstvo a človek, to bolo jedno a to isté. Ježiš povedal: „Ak nečiním skutky, ktoré sú napísané o Mne, potom Mi neverte." To je dobre. Každý človek je jedno so svojím posolstvom.
92 Preto dnes ľudia nemajú vieru do činenia skutkov Božích, pretože neprijímajú Božie Posolstvo. Oni neveria Posolstvu.
93 Ale pre tých, ktorí veria v Božiu hodinu v ktorej žijeme sú tieto veci skrytým pokrmom. Predstavte si len, Boh to tak ukryl, že oni sa dívajú rovno na to a nevidia to. Takto isto Eliáš zaslepil sírsku armádu. Takto isto Boh zaslepuje neveriacich aby nevideli skutočný, opravdový pokrm detí, veriacich.
94 Ľudia nazývali Noeho fanatik, lebo staval archu, jeho oči boli otvorené na Slovo Božie a na zasľúbenie. Tá istá vec, ktorú oni nazývali fanatizmom, spasila Noeho a jeho rodinu. Vidíte, presne tá istá vec. To z čoho sa ľudia vysmievajú, to je to za čo sa my modlíme. Vec, ktorú ľudia nazývajú bláznovstvo, my to nazývame veľkým. To čo svet nazýva veľkým, Boh to nazýva bláznovstvo. A čo svet nazýva bláznovstvo, Boh to nazýva veľkým. To je presný kontrast medzi dobrým a zlým.. Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera dnes i naveky.
95 Pamätajte on odišiel na svoje tajné miesto podľa Božieho plánu, podľa Božieho povolania a podľa Slova Božieho. Eliáš vošiel do svojej tajnej skrýši skrze Božie predzvedenie - plán a skrze povolanie, ktorým bol povolaný a podľa Slova. Ak toto nie je spôsob ako tam my vojdeme, tak potom neviem ako sa tam dostaneme.
96 A všimnite si, prv ako začala suchota, Eliáš odišiel na toto tajomné miesto aby tam žil. Presný obraz toho ako to bude predtým, keď súd začne narážať na zem, cirkev je už vyvolaná, Nevesta je už vybraná a len čaká predtým ako začne udierať súd. Už čaká, sýti sa Božou potravou, teší sa z požehnaní Božích. Každý človek podľa svojho normálneho rozumu vie, že ideme rovno naproti, že sme rovno v hodine súdu.
97 Pozrite! Brat Banks a niektorý z vás ktorý ste tu dnes večer, ktorí ste stáli to ráno na tom kopci.
98 A chcem hovoriť o tom kopci na budúcu nedeľu ráno ak dá Pán. Mám veľké zjavenie, niečo ďalej, čo sotva môžem zadržať aby som to dnes nepovedal. Ale mám ... Vidíte? To sa proste neustále po celý čas deje jedna vec za druhou. Vidíte? Nikdy sa to neprestane diať, pretože to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!
99 Každý z vás, tisíce krát tisíce na páskach, počuli ste ma povstať a povedať: „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, stane sa to a to." A ešte aj noviny a časopisy museli vyhlásiť, že je to tak. Oni nevedia čo to všetko znamená, ale to videli. Nevedia čo to je, ale videli, že to presne potvrdzuje, že Slovo je pravda.
100 Keď sme stáli tam dole pri rieke, keď vtedy prišiel dole ten anjel Pánov, 33 rokov, bolo to v 1933, prišiel dole a povedal tie veci, ktoré povedal. Vyšiel som z vody a na brehu stálo veľa ľudí, povedali: „Čo to znamená, Billy?"
101 Povedal som: „To nebolo pre mňa; to bolo pre vás. Ja verím; vy nie." A išiel som ďalej.
102 A potom mi povedal ten pastor: „Chceš povedať, že ty, ktorý si vychodil len sedem tried, že pôjdeš do celého sveta a budeš sa modliť za vládcov a ľudí vo vysokom postavení a za kráľov a všetkých?" Povedal: „Ó, zabudni na to!".
103 Nemohol som na to zabudnúť, bolo to vyryté do môjho srdca. Teraz tu, po tridsiatych troch rokoch, všetko to čo On povedal sa stalo presne tak, ako to On povedal, že to urobí. On je Boh a nemôže sklamať. On stále drží svoje Slovo. On ... Nikdy v to nepochybujte.
104 Všimnite si teraz, on tam odišiel podľa Božieho plánu, predzvedenia, Božieho povolania a podľa Božieho Slova a odišiel tam prv ako nastalo sucho.
A teraz vieme, že súd je pripravený udrieť.
105 Keď sme stáli vtedy na tom kopci, brat Banks Wood tu sedí, išli sme hore na ten kopec. Možno to znovu zopakujem, aby som posilnil vašu vieru do tohoto modlitebného radu, ktorý budeme mať za ďalších desať, pätnásť minút. Išiel som len ďalej s bratom Banksom. On bol ... Zdá sa mi, že doma nechal sestru Ruby, keď bola chorá. A išiel za mnou, všimol som si, že je červený do tváre. A pozrel som sa dozadu a pomyslel som si, že chôdza do toho kopca môže byť pre neho trošku namáhavá, tak som trochu spomalil. Bolo to rovno v tých pustatinách, rovno hore boli takéto kopce, presne tam, kde sa zjavili tí anjeli Pánovi. Išli sme vtedy rovno tým smerom, kde sa oni zjavili niekoľko mesiacov predtým.
106 A keď som išiel hore na ten kopec, Duch Boží ... Keď som sa otočil, aby som sa pozrel na vrchol toho kopca, On povedal: „Zodvihni kameň a povedz mu - TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, za niekoľko hodín uvidíš Slávu Božiu."
107 Zodvihol som len kameň a povedal som: „Brat Banks, neviem prečo" - vyhodil som ho do vzduchu a povedal som: „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, budeš vidieť Slávu Božiu."
Opýtal sa: „Týka sa to Ruby?"
108 Povedal som: „Nie, nemyslím si, že by to malo niečo spoločné s tebou, s Banksom alebo s Ruby, ani s jedným. Myslím si len, že proste bolo povedané TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, niečo sa stane."
109 A na druhý deň ráno keď sme tam stáli, mnohí , neviem koľkí tu teraz sedíte, bolo nás tam dvanásť alebo štrnásť, pätnásť. Zrazu prišiel ku mne jeden kazateľ a opýtal sa: „Brat Branham, nazývam sa tak a tak. Bol som jedným z tvojich sponzorov v Kalifornii."
110 Povedal som: „Som rád, že ťa stretával." Douglas McHughes. On povedal: „Som rád, že som sa s tebou stretol." Potriasli sme si ruky.
111 On povedal: „No, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať." Je tu brat Roy Robertson, člen staršovstva, brat Wood, Terry a Billy a ó, brat Mac Knelly a neviem kto všetko tam stál. A ja .. On povedal: „Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať." Povedal: „Dáva ti Pán videnia aj takto vonku?"
112 Povedal som: „Áno, brat, ale sem idem na to aby som tak trochu od toho odišiel, aby som si oddýchol." A takto som sa pozrel a videl som silného doktora ako sa na neho díva a povedal: „Reverend McHughes, táto alergia v tvojom oku ťa zakrátko pripraví o oko. Už ťa liečim dva roky a nič s tým nemôžem urobiť." A obrátil som sa ku nemu a povedal som mu: „ Pýtaš sa ma to preto, lebo tvoj doktor ti nedávno povedal, že máš v oku alergiu." Bolo poludnie okolo jedenásť hodín a on mal slnečné okuliare. A ja som povedal: „Nemáš ich kvôli slnku ale kvôli svojmu oku. On ti povedal, že stratíš to oko."
A on začal plakať. Povedal: „Je to tak."
113 Obrátil som sa aby som išiel ďalej. Držal som lopatu. A pozrel som sa a videl som ho tam stáť ako sa na mňa díval a oči mu len tak žiarili. Povedal som: „Ale TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, nestratíš to oko." Minulú jeseň som s ním bol na poľovačke, vidí lepšie ako ja alebo ktokoľvek tu. Tak veru.
114 A videl som staršiu pani ako stiahla dole punčochu a zodvihla na kraji sukňu. Povedala: „Synu, keď budeš vidieť brata Branhama, povedz mu aby sa pomodlil za moju nohu." A pozrel som sa tam dole a malé ... vyzeralo to ako nádory všade dookola na nohy.
115 Povedal som: „Tvoja matka je šedivá pani." („Môj synu" Vidíte?) Prv ako si sem išiel tak ti povedala, že ak ma budeš vidieť aby si mi povedal, či by som sa nepomodlil za jej nohu. Má na nej také malé nádory, všade na nohy." Zdalo sa že odpadne.
Povedal: „To je pravda."
Povedal som: „Povedz jej aby sa nebála, bude to v poriadku."
116 Vykročil som ďalej a vtedy som počul Boží Hlas, povedal: „Odstúpte sa rýchlo z cesty." Stál tam Roy Robertson, vedel som, že on je starý vojnový veterán, položil som mu ruku na plece a povedal som: „Brat Roy, rýchlo sa schovaj, čím skorej!"
Povedal: „Čo sa deje?"
Povedal som: „Odstup sa! Schovaj sa!"
117 A len čo som vykročil, odložil som lopatu, otočil som sa, zložil som si klobúk. A tu On prichádzal. Sláva Pánova zostupovala ako víchor, ktorý takto rozpáral z boku ten kopec a bolo počuť hukot a to miesto sa takto triaslo, zoťalo to vrcholce kríkov tesne okolo tri alebo štyri, päť stôp nad mojou hlavou. Zodvihlo sa to takto ako lievik a znovu to zahučalo. A tri razi to tu takto prišlo.
118 Potom keď to odišlo, tretí krát, prišiel brat Banks a povedal: „To bolo to o čom si hovoril?"
Povedal som: „Áno."
Povedal: „Čo to bolo?"
119 Povedal som: „Boh sa zjavuje vo víchrici." Nevedel som, či On chce aby som to tým ľuďom povedal alebo nie.
120 Potom som išiel ďalej a trochu som sa modlil. On mi potom povedal, že im to môžem povedať. Povedal som: „To je súd, ktorý naráža na západné pobrežie." Pozriťe sa dnes naňu! Pozrite sa čo sa stalo za niekoľko hodín potom: Aljaška sa potopila. A teraz to všetko pôjde pod vodu. Vchádzame pod súd, milosť bola odstrčená.
121 Ale vďaka Bohu, že máme skrytý pokrm, duchovný pokrm, že žijeme na dobrote a milosti zjavenia sa Ježiša Krista v týchto posledných dňoch, kde sa On sám potvrdzuje medzi svojím ľudom. Amen! Oni vošli. Eliáš tam vošiel prv ako nastalo sucho. Vďaka Bohu, že môžeme byť vo vnútri predtým ako nastáva súd. Teraz je čas vyjdenia a vojdenia, vyjdenia von z tých organizácií a vojdenia do Krista, čas vyjdenie von a vojdenie dovnútra pre všetkých skutočných veriacich.
122 On bol vtedy vyvolaný a zostal tam vo vnútri. Pamätajte, on neopustil ten potok, až kým ho Boh nezavolal.
123 A potom keď tá suchota mala už skončiť, On ho z tade zavolal a poslal ho do domu vdovy. Všimnite si, On túto vdovu povolal a táto vdova nemala žiadne spoločenstvo s neveriacimi (neprijala znamenie šelmy počas toho sucha), tak On ho zavolal ... zavolal ju ... zavolal Eliáša aby zaopatroval túto vdovu. Oni mali len jeden malý posúch, jednu malú vec ktorej sa držala. A Eliáš povedal: „Prv to daj mne. Lebo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, hrnček sa nevyprázdni ani olej v nádobe nevyschne až do toho dňa, ktoré Pán Boh pošle na zem dášť." Dajte Boha na prvé miesto, jeho Slovo na prvé miesto!
124 Všimnite si, v tom hrnčeku bola stále múka. Stále keď išla pre múku, v hrnčeku bola múka. V nádobe bol olej, stále keď išla preň. Prečo? Múka reprezentovala Krista v obeti múky. Tie zrnká museli presne pasovať, každé muselo byť zomleté. Každé zrnko tejto múky bolo úplne rovnaké, a to ukazuje, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. To bolo Slovo, Chlieb života, ktorý nasleduje to posolstvo, aby potvrdil to Slovo.
125 Tak je to dnes, pratelia. Tak je to dnes, že ten Chlieb Života, ktorým sa sýtia deti, nasleduje Pososlstvo Božie, aby im dával pokrm počas tej suchoty. Čo keby on zastal dnes v našej prítomnosti? Čo keby práve teraz zastal tu v našej prítomnosti? On by sa správal a robil presne to isté ako to robil vtedy, keď bol v tele tu na zemi. Nevesta je časťou Muža, Cirkev je taká istá ako Kristus. Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť." A to je Slovo, ktoré to vykonalo. On nám povedal, že skutky, ktoré On činil, že my tiež budeme činiť.
126 Znovu tu vidíme, že ak je v nás Slovo a prišlo ku nám, ako prišlo vtedy ku Eliášovi, ono bude robiť to isté, čo robil on, on nás bude sýtiť tajomnými vecami Božími, ktoré sú skryté pred svetom. Ó. To znovu ukazuje, že posolstvo a posol sú jedno. Duchovný pokrm je pripravený a teraz je jeho čas. A každý z vás môže mať tento pokrm ak si ho prajete, ak ste ochotní zbaviť sa všetkej nevery tejto hodiny, ak ste pripravení prísť do Krista, prísť do Jeho zasľúbenia. A pamätajte Jeho zasľúbenia v Malachiášovi 4, v Lukášovi 17:30, tiež v ev. Jána 14:12 (a oveľa viac miest Písma, ktoré hovoria!) Joel 2:38 a všetko to čo On má robiť, či vlastne 2:28, čo On bude robiť v týchto posledných dňoch. A ako povedal prorok, že v týchto posledných dňoch bude svetlo, ako to bude prebiehať, čo to bude robiť, všetky Písma ukazujú na tieto posledné dni. A to je Kristus! Ak sa teraz môžete skryť v tom, na tom tajnom mieste, môžete jesť a vidieť dobrotu a milosrdenstvo Božie. Ak ste chorí, tam je uzdravenie.
127 Pamätáte sa keď Eliáš, neskoršie, zavolal dole ... Po tej obeti múky, ktorú mal, ktorou bol Kristus, a zaopatroval tým dom tej vdovy. Všimnite si, potom neskoršie, keď zavolal z neba oheň a tak ďalej a dokázal že ho poslal Boh, prorockého Ducha ...
128 Všimnite si, na púšti, keď tam ležal pod tým jalovcom, prišiel ku nemu anjel s takým istým pokrmom a upiekol nejaké posúchy a dal mu jesť. A trochu neskoršie On dal znovu na neho spánok a zobudil ho a mal tam pre neho ešte koláče (posúchy) z múky. A on išiel v sile toho pokrmu štyridsať dní. Sláva Bohu! On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ó, ako ho milujeme, duchovný pokrm na svoj čas.
129 „Nepatrí sa zobrať chlieb deťom a dať ho psom." Či nepovedal Ježiš to isté tej Sýroféničanky? On bol poslaný ku svojim vlastným. Je to tak. A to je ten ku komu On prišiel ... On nešiel ku pohanom.
130 A teraz, dnes On navštevuje pohanov v ich čase a nesluší sa ...
131 Vy hovoríte: „Prečo to Posolstvo nejde tam na tie veľké miesta, na tie veľké kampane, medzi denominácie?"
132 To nie je ich pokrm, to nie je tak zvaný cirkevný pokrm. To je pokrm pre Nevestu. To je duchovný pokrm na daný čas. Ich by z toho bolel žalúdok, pre nich je to príliš silé. Vidíte? Vidíte? Nemôžete to urobiť. Ale pre deti je to chlieb, to je život, to je Ježiš Kristus ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky.
133 Ak teraz nezačneme vyvolávať modlitebný rad, tak by sme to pretiahli a tak skloňme na chvíľu hlavy.
134 Drahý Bože, pokrm na daný čas, duchovný pokrm. Niečo o čom svet nič nevie. Ako sme počuli nášho Pána ako povedal ten večer alebo ten deň tam dole v Samárii, na tom istom mieste kde chodil Eliáš a povedal: „Ani len rosa nespadne kým ju ja nezavolám." Tu stojí Ježiš a hovorí svojim učeníkom.
Povedal: „Majstre, prečo neješ?"
A On povedal: „Mám ja pokrm o ktorom vy neviete."
135 Skutočne, Pane, Jeho pokrmom bolo činiť vôľu Božiu, vidieť skutky Božie, ktoré Boh manifestoval v Jeho čase. On tam bol nato aby videl, že to sa stalo. „Ja nerobím nič, iba čo mi prv ukáže Otec. To čo mi Otec ukazuje, to robím."
136 A Otče, tak je to dnes. Cirkev, skutočný veriaci, to Telo veriacich má prístup ku pokrmu, ku duchovnému pokrmu, o ktorom tí veriaci len podľa mena nič nevedia. Svet nevie nič o tomto pokrme, Otče, Ale Tvoja cirkev, Tvoj ľud, Nevesta Tvojho Syna to miluje.
137 Máme prístup ku uzdraveniu nášho tela, keď sú doktori bezradní. Pristúpili sme ku tomuto. To je jeden z Božích pokrmov, ktorý dal svojej cirkvi a zasľúbil to na tento posledný deň svojím veriacim deťom. A Otče, pomôž nám byť veriacimi deťmi, lebo veriacim je všetko možné. Udeľ nám to, drahý Bože. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
138 Myslím, že Billy mi hovoril, že rozdali nejaké modlitebné karty. Ak mi povie niekto to písmeno, ktoré je na modlitebnej karte, to je všetko čo chcem. C? Dobre. Zoberme C, jedna, začnime, až kým nebudem mať na začiatok niekoľkých v rade. Viete, teraz, oni môžu byť všade. No, ak všetci ... Dobre, viete, ja sa budem snažiť toto. Neviem, či to môžeme robiť alebo nie. Alebo či môžeme len zaradom vyvolávať ľudí, seďte potichu. Mne to nevadí. Keby ste radšej prišli sem hore na pódium alebo boli zavolaní, to nevadí, akokoľvek. Ja som závislý úplne na Duchu Svätom. Ja som závislí na Ňom aby hájil toto Slovo, ktoré som kázal.
139 Brat Georg Wright, verím tomu. Od malého chlapca, keď som chodieval do tvojho domu, pred mnohými rokmi a počúval som toho lelka, ktorý sedel na strome, stále verím to isté posolstvo. Verím, že to je to isté.
140 No dobre, vidím že tu robia miesto pre tých ktorí sem budú prichádzať aby sme sa za nich modlili. No dobre, modlitebná karta C, číslo jedna, dva, tri, štyri, päť, poďte prví a postavte sa tu. Ak nemôžete sem prísť, zodvihnite len ruku, niekto vám pomôže. Prečo ne ... Áno. Modlitebná karta C, jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť. A teraz si všimnite, vy ktorí nemáte modlitebnú kartu ...
141 No, takýto modlitebný rad som nemal už veľmi, veľmi dlho. Koľkí sa pamätáte na moje poverenie, keď sme tu stavali túto modlitebňu? On povedal: „Konaj dielo evanjelistu." Nepovedal, že ja som evanjelista. Povedala: „Konaj dielo evanjelistu," vidíte? lebo príde hodina, keď sa to zmení." A tá hodina nastáva. No dobre.
142 No, v tomto, On ... Nemôžete miešať spolu dve alebo tri rôzne služby, pastorskú a evanjelizačnú naraz. Nemôžete byť prorok a napríklad pastor naraz v tom istom čase. Vidíte? Pretože máte rozdielnu prácu, rozdielnu službu.
143 Ale Pán mi dal to čo som mal robiť vo svojom posolstve. Ale potom povedal: „Konaj dielo evanjelistu, plne potvrdzuj svoju službu, pretože príde hodina, keď neznesú zdravého učenia." Či to neprišlo teraz! Každá cirkevná denominácia ma odstrčila, oni neznesú zdravého učenia. „Ale podľa svojich vlastných žiadostí si budú hromadiť učiteľov a odvrátia sa ku bájkam. A budú činiť veľké veci aby z toho ťažili, ako Janes a Jambres, ktorí sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, ale ich nerozum sa ukáže." Vidíte? Vidíte? To je ono, napodobovatelia! Vidíte ako Jambres ...
144 A Boh v nebi vie, že to leží rovno tam v uholnom kameni tejto modlitebni od 1933 roku, napísané na papieri z Biblie, leží to rovno tam. Pozrite ako to oni vyplnili. Pozrite čo sa deje. Napodobovanie, presne tak. Je povedané: „Nechaj ich tak, ich nerozum sa ukáže tak isto, ako to bolo pri Jannesovi a Jambresovi." Sme tu, v tom čase.
145 Videl som vtedy tú cirkev, keď sme ešte len kládli ten uholní kameň, ľudia sa dívali prehnutí cez parapety a všade okolo, stáli okolo stien modlitebni. Tu to máte. A hovorili, keď stavba narastala, ľudia tu z mesta hovorili: „Za šesť mesiacov ..." My s dolárom a osemdesiatimi centami sme sa pustili do stavby modlitebni, mnohí ľudia, od stavby garáží boli rozhodnutí, že to bude ich garáž. Ale to je stále košiar pre Božie ovce.
146 Jeden, dva, tri, päť, šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať. Dobre.
147 No. „Ja Pán som to sadil, Ja to budem zalievať dňom i nocou, aby to nikto nevytrhol z mojej ruky." Pozrite sa na tú kritiku! Nestojí za tým žiadna denominácia. Nie je tu v okolí žiadny taký zbor. Žiadni letniční ani nikto na okolí, kto by to podporil. Každý je proti vodnému krstu, každý je proti všetkým tým ďalším veciam. Ešte aj moja vlastná rodina, môj vlastný otec ma vyhodil zo dverí, zobral som si do papierového vreca svoje oblečenie a odišiel som a býval som v New Albany. Je to tak.
Ale prešiel som už cez mnohé nebezpečenstvá, osídla a nástrahy. Je to milosť, ktorá ma až potiaľto chránila (Mám šesťdesiat šesť rokov a zakrátko prejdem cez tú rieku) Tá milosť ma ďalej bude niesť.
Keby som ta už bol desať tisíc rokov, v jasnom svetle ako slnko; Nebudeme mať menej dní aby sme spievali Bohu na chválu, než ako vtedy, keď sme začali.
Ó, ako milujem Ježiša, On je pre mňa všetko na svete!
148 Ó. No dobre. Koľkých som ... Kde som skončil, pri čísle desať? Môžeme vyvolať ešte viacej? Dobre. Čo to bolo, desať? Pätnásť, dobre. C, od desať do pätnásť, kdekoľvek ste, ak môžete vstaňte a poďte sem. Čo hovorí? Uhm? Dobre. Potom C, od pätnásť do dvadsať. Nech je to C, od pätnásť do dvadsať. To bude o desať ľudí viac. My ... Vidíte pokade sa tiahne ten rad, nemáme ich kde postaviť. Budeme ... Dobre.
149 Venujte mi teraz svoju plnú pozornosť, nechceme to preťahovať. Ale, teraz, ó, čo za hodina, čo za čas! Prajem si aby každý mohol milovať Pána. Prajem si aby sme všetci mohli prísť na to miesto aby sme si uvedomili potenciál tejto minuty. Pokúsme sa to. Venujte mi len svoju pozornosť.
150 Čo sa tu snažíme robiť? Kladieme Božie Slovo do skúšky. Eliáš urobil to isté, vyšiel hore na ten vrch, potom keď vedel, že je poslaný od Boha aby to urobil. On povedal: „A teraz sa presvedčme kto je Boh, nech Boh, ktorý odpovie ohňom je Boh."
151 A tí pohania sa rezali, och, hovorili: „Dobre, určite, ne ..." Tí pohania vedeli, že ten oheň nespadne, tak kričali a tak sa správali.
152 Ale Eliáš vedel, že on spadne, pretože mal videnie od Pána.
Poviete: „On mal videnie?"
153 Samozrejme! Keď uložil všetko podľa poriadku, povedal: „Pane, urobil som toto všetko ako si mi prikázal." A vtedy začal padať ten oheň. Keď do písmena dodržiavame Božie Slovo, potom je to vecou Boha aby sa postaral o to ostatné. On len od vás chce aby ste to tam položili. A buďte si istí, že ste povolaní do toho aby ste to tam položili. Rozumiete? A keď ste, On sa postará o to ostatné.
154 A teraz tu budú prichádzať ľudia, v tomto rade, za ktorých sa budem modliť ... Ako ... Stojíte teraz až tam po stenu, dobre, postavte sa do toho radu aby sme začali. No, prv, aspoň niekde tu v tejto budove sú ľudia ... Koľkí ste tu chorí a nemáte modlitebnú kartu, zodvihnite ruky. Vidíte? Všade. No viete, že ak náš Pán ... A ja verím že bude, ak je On ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On prešiel cez zástupy ľudí, za ktorých sa modlil. Ľudia prichádzali ku nemu vo veľkých zástupoch, množstvá, On sa ich dotýkal, žehnal ich. Potom sa raz zastavil a povedal: „Kto sa ma dotkol?" Pozrel sa okolo, povedal tej žene kvôli čomu sa Ho dotkla a povedal, že jej krvotok prestal, že jej viera ju uzdravila.
155 Čo keby sa ona obrátila a povedala: „No, neviem, Pane, už to mám dlhý čas?" Nebolo by sa to stalo. Nie, nestalo by sa to.
156 Čo keby On povedal tej Sýroféničanke: „Pre toto slovo, ktoré si povedala, tvoja dcéra, ten diabol od nej odišiel." A čo keby ona povedala: „No, Pane, chcela som aby si to urobil inak?" Ten diabol by bol stále v tom dievčati. Ale ona očakávala, že nájde svoje dieťa v takom stave ako jej On povedal.
157 A teraz, On nám povedal: „Ak môžete veriť! Keď môžete povedať tomuto vrchu „Pohni sa" a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť tomu čo ste povedali, stane sa to, môžete to mať. Keď sa modlíte, verte že to dostanete a bude vám to dané." Čo za prehlásenie!
158 No, človek, ktorý káže sociálne evanjelium vôbec tomu neverí. On podišiel ku dverám, nazrel dovnútra, alebo stojí tam a hovorí: „No to je len ďalšia skupina fanatikov" a odchádza preč. Rozumiete? Ale on nevie, že toto je skrytý pokrm. On nevie, že toto je tá tajná vec, ktorá je pred ním skrytá. On to nevie. Je to biedny stav, rozum, ktorý je nahý, mizerný, slepý a nevie o tom. Vidíte? To je zlý stav.
159 Ó Bože daj mi radšej zomrieť, ale nikdy nedaj aby som bol takýto. Radšej by som zomrel (tak veru), než ako takto postupovať. A myslím, že každý z nás tak uvažuje, či nie?
160 Ale teraz. Boh nám zasľúbil tieto veci na posledné dni. V Malachiášovi 4 je povedané, že Ježiš Kristus príde dole a stelesní sa v ľudskom tele ako to urobil v čase Sodomy. Je to tak. A povedal, že svet bude v stave Sodomy. A je povedané: „Ako to bolo vtedy, v tom čase sa zjavi Syn človeka." Vidíte, tento Človek, ktorý prišiel dole vo forme človeka, ktorým bol Elohim, podľa Abraháma, prv ako prišiel tento zasľúbený syn. Pozrite sa čo to bolo. Abrahám povedal, že to bol Boh. A Biblia hovorí, že tam prišli ku nemu traja mužovia, na šatách mali prach, cestovali, sadli si a jedli ako ľudia. A Ježiš povedal: „Práve vtedy keď príde svet do stavu Sodomy, vtedy sa znovu Syn človeka zjavi, (nie Syn Boží) Syn človeka (Rozumiete?) sa zjavi."
161 No, porovnajte si to s tým, čo povedal ten posledný prorok: „Hľa, Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša a on prinavráti srdcia detí naspäť ku otcom." Vidíte? Ide o posolstvo, ktoré ich má priviesť naspäť do Biblie. A v tom čase sa zjavi Syn človeka. A v tom čase, pri trúbení v poslednom cirkevnom veku, siedmeho anjela, v tom čase má byť oznámené tajomstvo Božie. Sedem pečatí má byť zlomených. Tajomstvá všetkých týchto cirkví a všetkého, ako oni prebiehali a to, čo ... ako, čo sa stalo.
162 Vidíte, oni to nevedia. Ježiš povedal: „Vy slepí farizejovia!" Povedal: „Ak slepý vedie slepého, či nespadnú obidvaja do jamy?" Vidíte, preto to títo ľudia nevidia.
163 Tajomstvo toho, týchto Pečatí, spočíva v tom, že každá jedna z týchto cirkví urobila organizáciu a vošla do nej a to je jedna z tých tajomných vecí, ktorá je zlá pred Bohom. Vidíš to, doktor Lee? Vidíte? Pozrite sa. To je, to je presne to, to je jedno z tých tajomstiev. Oni urobili organizáciu (Vidíte?) a dostali sa úplne pomimo vôľu Božiu. A to bude odhalené v tých posledných dňoch a to bude viesť ľudí nie do vyznania, ani do denominácie, ale naspäť do pravého Slova. A to pravé Slovo príde ku určitej skupine ľudí a Syn človeka sa zjavi v ich strede, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ó!
164 Ó, ako to milujem. Rád sa ním chválim. Rád Ho robím veľkým pred ľuďmi. Ja Ho nemusím robiť veľkým, On už je veľký. On je taký vysoký, že sa nemôžete dostať ponad neho, taký hlboký, že sa nemôžete dostať popod neho, taký široký, že Ho nemôžete obísť a pri tom máte pre neho miesto vo svojom srdci. Či Ho nechcete prijať? Aký ohromný je náš Pán! Je to tak?
165 A teraz sa skutočne utíšme, každý jeden. Hovorili sme o tomto. A teraz to hlavné na tom je, je to prvda? No, možno sú tu cudzí. Mohol by som sa vás opýtať, ak je Kristus ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky, čo bude v tejto chvíli robiť? On bude robiť to isté, čo robil vtedy, keď tu bol predtým. Je to tak? Viera ľudí sa dotkne Jeho rúcha a On sa obráti. Ako to urobil so ženou pri studni a na iných miestach a poznal ich myšlienky.
No, vy poviete: „Mohol by ma uzdraviť?"
166 Jeho Slovo hovorí, že On to už urobil. Ale to hlavné na tom je, že On sa cez to dáva poznať, že je tu.
167 No, keby sa On tu objavil ako fyzické telo a vyzeral by presne ako Hlava Krista v veku 33 rokov na Hofmannovom obraze a z rúk by mu vytekala krv a tak ďalej, mal by na sebe jazvy od klincov, ja by som to neprijal. Nie, nie, nie, nie. Keď On príde, On sám, „Uvidí Ho každé oko, každý jazyk Ho vyzná. Bude to tak ako blesk blýskajúci sa od východu na západ." Vidíte? My neveríme týmto kultom a klanom. My veríme, že Boh je Slovo.
168 Ale On sa stelesňuje, berie vaše telo a moje telo a dáva vám dary, dáva mne dary a cez tieto dary sa On dáva poznávať. To je skrytý pokrm. Bez ohľadu na tom ako veľmi sa On dá poznať cezo mňa, vy tomu musíte veriť, musíte mať dar viery, tiež, aby ste tomu verili. Veríte tomu? A teraz, keď sa On bude manifestovať, takýmto spôsobom, budete Mu veriť z celého svojho srdca? Budete Mu veriť? Ó, to je ohromné, čakajte len na Neho, čakajte len aby ste videli čo On povie.
169 Tu stojí muž. Nikdy v živote som ho nevidel, pokiaľ viem. Vyzerá dobre, ako silný, zdravý človek a možno že je, ja neviem. Ale on tu stojí. No, Mohol by som ísť a položiť na neho ruky a modliť sa za neho, opýtať sa ho či bude veriť. On by tu mohol stáť a povedať mi: „Chcem aby si sa modlil za to a za to. Mám vyskočené platničky. Mám sústavné bolesti hlavy. Mám vredy na žalúdku," alebo niečo také. On ... Ja neviem. On by mohol niečo také.
170 Ja by som povedal: „Dobre, pane, brat. Položím na teba ruky a budem sa modliť." To by bolo celkom v poriadku. To je presne to, čo sme robili po celý ten vek. Je to tak?
171 Ale pamätajte, Ježiš povedal, že to bude inak tesne v čase Jeho príchodu, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy. A ten muž, ktorý sa tam ukázal, bol obrátený chrbtom ku stanu v ktorom bola Sárah a povedal: (nenazval ho teraz „Abram") „Abrahám."
172 Vidíte? Deň predtým to bol Abram, ale on mal videnie a Pán mu povedal, riekol: „Ja zmením tvoje meno."
173 A tu je Pán, On sám, vo forme človeka, je a pije s ním a povedal: „Abrahám, kde je tvoja žena Sarah?" S-a-r-a-h; nie S-a-r-a.
On povedal: „Je v stane za Tebou."
174 Povedal: „Navštívim ťa podľa môjho zasľúbenia, ktoré som ti dal pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi."
175 A Sára sa tak trochu v sebe zasmiala. On povedal: „Sárah sa práve teraz v stane zasmiala a povedala si - ako sa to môže stať?" Či je niečo ťažké pre Boha. Vidíte? Nič. Nie veru.
176 No, On povedal, Ježiš zasľúbil, že „On (Syn človeka) ktorým je Slovo (veríte tomu?) príde v posledných dňoch a zjavi sa v čase, keď bude svet ako Sodoma a Gomora." Veríte, že je to pravda?
177 Prv ako sa začneme modliť, nech sa niekto z vás sa tam modlí a bude vidieť či je Syn človeka stále ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky. Opýtajte sa len a povedzte: „Pane, ten človek ma nepozná, ale ja viem, že Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky," a budete vidieť či vám to On povie. Tak veru. Zodvihnite teraz na chvíľu hlavy.
178 To je za mnou. Je to dieťa. Práve teraz má vysokú horúčku. Je to malé dievča. Nie si z tohoto mesta. To dieťa je choré na žalúdok. Bolo. Len ver.
179 No, či je to to, čo On povedal, že bude robiť? Nikdy v živote som nevidel tú osobu. Boh na nebi to vie.
180 Tento muž tu, on vyzerá veľmi silný a zdravý, Ale vidíte tu nad ním ten tieň? To znamená, že ak mu Boh nepomôže, nebude tu veľmi dlho. Máš rakovinu, na pľúcach. Tak, Syn človeka je tu. A v srdci sa trápi za malého chlapca, dieťa. Je to tak? Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, čo je tomu dieťaťu? On to môže. Má obdobia, keď stráca vedomie, niečo ako forma epilepsie. Práve nedávno mal niečo také. Je to tak, dnes ráno. Veríš, že budeš žiť aby si vychoval toho chlapca a že on bude zdravý?
181 Kde je Charlie Cox? Kde je? Charlie, kde si? Myslel som, že je tu dnes večer. Aha tam, Charlie. Gary, kde si? Larry, je tu? Jeho malý chlapec tam, mal to isté. Jeho otec a matka sú moji veľmi dobrí priatelia. Pred rokmi som tam bol a prišlo to na toho malého chlapca a stratil vedomie a odpadol. To bola epilepsia. Videl som to na tom chlapcovi, prosil som Boha aby ho uzdravil, odvtedy to už viac nemal. To je jeho otec, jeho matka tu niekde sedí, a tu je sám ten chlapec. Veríš teraz, pane? Ďakujem ti, Larry.
182 Veríš, pane? Nech ti Boh na nebi udelí to isté a môžeš žiť a vychovať svoje dieťa. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Modlime sa.
183 Drahý Bože, pomôž mu. Prosím aby bola na ňom Tvoja milosť a milosrdenstvo a žehnaj ho. V mene Ježiša.
184 Choď teraz naspäť do Louisiany, buď šťastný a chváľ za neho Boha.
185 Ó, áno, on je z Louisiany, skutočne, býva neďaleko jazera Charles. Tak veru. Vidíte? Môžem teraz zachytiť vaše myšlienky. Áno. Chvála Bohu!
186 No, ty prosíš za dobrú vec, chceš mať dieťa. Už máš deti, niekoľko detí, ale chcete mať ďalšie. Nech ti to dá nebeský Boh, moja sestra. Poď sem, chcem len položiť na teba ruky.
187 Drahý Bože, daj tejto žene žiadosť jej srdca, pretože to je dobrá vec. V mene Ježiša. Amen.
A teraz choď a maj to dieťa.
188 Boh je dobrý Boh. Veríte tomu? On vie všetko čo potrebujeme, On uspokojuje každú našu potrebu ak tomu veríme. On povedal: „Ak môžete veriť!"
189 Niekde som si s tebou potriasol ruku. Nepamätám sa kde to bolo, ale niekde sme si potriasli ruky. Nepamätám sa presne, ale niekde sme boli, niekde dnes. Neviem kde to bolo. Ale nie sme tu na to aby sme o tom hovorili. Ty si tu na to aby si povedal, alebo aby si sa modlil, chceš aby som sa za niekoho pomodlil. Je to tak. On tu nie je, on je v Georgii, chorý. Nie len že je chorý, telesne, ale je duchovne chorý. Je to tvoj bratranec. Veríš, že Boh sa o to postará, keď tu kvôli nemu stojíš? Veríš? Poď sem a pomodlime sa spolu.
190 Drahý Bože, daj tomuto mužovi žiadosť jeho srdca, aby mohol ísť a nájsť toho človeka ako volá po Bohu. Prosím to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nepochybuj, ver z celého svojho srdca.
191 Ako sa máš? To neznamenalo, že som si nechcel s tebou potriasť ruku, keď si mi ju ty podával, práve som sa na niečo díval. Bol to tieň, skutočne tmavý a čierny. Preto viem, keby som ťa chytil za ruku, takým spôsobom by som to poznal. Vieš? Ale to je rakovina. veríš, že Boh ju môže odstrániť? Máš to na prsiach, na ľavej strane. Chceš ísť naspäť do Karolína a chváliť Boha za uzdravenie, či nie? Rozumieš čo myslím? Modlime sa.
192 Drahý Bože, v mene Ježiša Krista, Toho, ktorý je teraz prítomný, deti jedia chlieb Boží, nech toto dieťa sa tiež raduje vo viere z Božieho chleba, ktorý mu teraz dávaš na jeho uzdravenie. Nech ide a je zdravý. V mene Ježiša. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Ver z celého svojho srdca.
Ako sa máš?
193 Nie je to ohromný čas? Všimnite si len aká bázeň prišla na ľudí, v mojich ušiach to zaznelo takto, ako keď niečo ide [Brat Branham fúka do mikrofónu a zneje to ako mocní, ženúci sa vietor] „Šššš", takto. Vidíte? To je chlieb pre deti. Vidíte? To je vaše. To je pre vás. To nie je pre mňa, to je pre vás. Som veľmi vďačný práve teraz. Neviem ... Pokiaľ viem cítim sa dobre, ale to je tiež chlieb pre mňa, keď to potrebujem. To je chlieb pre vás. To je povzbudenie. Aj pre vás, ktorí nie ste ani chorí, to proste prináša naše srdcia pred Boha.
194 Toto je skutočne v pravý čas, čo On povedal, že bude robiť: „A ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, keď sa zjavi Syn človeka." Vidíte? „A hľa, Ja vám posielam proroka Eliáša, pred tým ako príde veľký a strašný deň Pánov. On prinavráti srdcia ľudí naspäť ku Otcovi." Vidíte? Vidíte?
195 „A potom spravodliví budú kráčať po popole bezbožných." Budú horieť ako pec. Vidíte? Zem bude horieť. Vidíme že to tam bude padať. Vulkán sa roznesie po zemi a nebesia budú v ohni.
Ó Skala Vekov, buď mi teraz milostivý a potom.
196 Ako sa máš? No, jedno čo máš, sú ženské problémy. Máš iné veci. Si nervózna, to je proste ten vek, ktorý spôsobuje nervozitu. Všetky možné komplikácie. Ale ti máš tiež túžbu, a to je prijať Ducha Svätého. Je to tak. Veríš že si ... Vyznala si všetko? Veríš, že keď položím na teba ruky a budem prosiť Boha aby to urobil, že príde Duch Svätý? Veríš tomu? Modlime sa.
197 Drahý Bože, kladiem svoje ruky na túto ženu, podľa toho ako to robili apoštolovia a prosím aby prijala krst Duchom Svätým. V mene Ježiša Krista, nech Ho prijme. Amen.
198 Nepochybuj v to. To ti patrí. Rozumieš? To je tvoje. To je chlieb pre deti.
199 Mala si trochu smiešny pocit, keď som povedal, že máš ženské problémy, však? Pretože to je to, čo tiež máš. A veríš, že budeš teraz zdravá? Choď, ďakuj len Bohu.
200 Ako sa máš? Veríš z celého svojho srdca? Veríš že budeš môcť jesť tak ako si zvykol dávno tomu? Dobre. Choď a hovor: „Ďakujem ti Pane. Verím tomu. To je prítomnosť Pánova.
201 Veríš, že tie problémy s chrbticou ťa opustia a budeš zdravý? Dobre len choď a povedz: „Ďakujem ti drahý Bože," a Boh ti to dá.
202 Veríš, že môžeš byť zdravý, že Pán ťa uzdravý a nebudeš mať žiadny zápal kĺbov, že budeš v poriadku a budeš zdravý? Veríš tomu? Choď, ďakuj Mu a povedz: „Pane, prijímam to z celého svojho srdca a verím tomu."
A čo vy všetci tam, veríte tomu?
203 Ty, hneď tu, polož svoju ruku na tú ženu, ktorá sedí tam hneď vedľa teba, povedz jej, že tie kŕčové žily a zápal kĺbov ju opustí ak môže len veriť.
204 Nech ťa Pán žehná. Veríš, že budeš teraz zdravý? Choď a povedz: „Ďakujem ti Pane Ježišu."
205 Ako sa máš? Veríš, že tie ženské ťažkosti ťa opustia, tiež, a že budeš zdravá? Choď a povedz: „Ďakujem ti Pane."
206 Ako sa máš? Ó, joj! Teba poznám, bol som ... keď som bol pastorom v baptistickom zbore. Toddin, sestra Dilly Toddin. Trpíš teraz na problémy s chrbticou. Bude to v poriadku. Veríš, že On ťa uzdraví? Pamätáš sa čo sa vtedy pred rokmi stalo tam v baptistickom zbore v Milltown? On je dnes ten istý Boh. Nech ťa Boh žehná. (George Wright, kde si? Pamätáš sa?) Ó! Veríš, že ak len položím ruky na teba, s týmto pomazaním, veríš že budeš zdravá? Poď sem. Nech je uzdravená v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Maj vieru!
Dobre, veríte všetci z celého svojho srdca?
207 No, ako mi to pripomenulo všetky tie staré spomienky, keď vidím tú pani. Nemôžem si už spomenúť jej meno, ale ... Toddin - Toddin,
to je ono. Ó, áno, jej dcéra sa nazývala Gertie, je to tak. Je to presne tak. Nemyslite si, že som bez seba, len som tak trochu, viete, to je niečo také ... neviem to vysvetliť.
208 Ale tvoje problémi s chrbticou prestali, pani. Choď, chváľ Pána a povedz: „Ďakujem ti Pane."
209 Ty tiež veríš že s tvojimi ťažkosťami srdca to bude v poriadku? Len choď, raduj sa, povedz: „Ďakujem ti Pane Ježišu," a ver Tomu. Dobre. Maj teraz vieru, nepochybuj.
210 Poď sem, pani. Veríš z celého svojho srdca? Trpíš na veľa vecí. Tiež máš chorý chrbát. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Dobre, len choď, raduj sa. To je On, ktorý spôsobuje, že sa takto cítiš. Vďaka Pánovi.
211 Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Ahoj chlapče. Veríš, že Boh uzdraví tú nervozitu toho chlapca a spraví, že to bude v poriadku? Veríš tomu? Dobre. Ahoj, kamarát, dovoľ aby som ti potriasol ruku.
212 Drahý Bože, odstráň od tohoto chlapca tú zlú vec a nech môže žiť a byť normálny. V mene Ježiša. Amen.
213 Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Veríš tomu, však? On to dá do poriadku, vôbec nepochybuj.
214 Mocný a mladý a má mať problémy so srdcom, veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Choď a povedz: „Ďakujem Ti Pane, že si ma uzdravil."
215 Veríš, že Boh uzdraví tvoj chorí žalúdok a dá ti zdravie? Choď, raduj sa a povedz: „Ďakujem ti Pane."
216 On je stále Boh, či nie? Jediné čo musíte robiť, to je len veriť. Nie je to tak? Veríte v Syna človeka v týchto posledných dňoch?
217 Niečo sa tu stalo pred niekoľkými minútami a nemôžem ... snažim sa nájsť kde to bolo. Niekto mal vieru a niečo urobil. Alebo možno ich nájdem na budúcu nedeľu alebo keď budem môcť. Ty si ... znovu. Ty si zodvihla ruku. Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť tie srdcové problémy, dať ti zdravie, uzdraviť tvoju dcéru tam s ...? Veríš tomu? Pani Neff, veríš že Boh ... Leo Neff. Ja ťa nepoznám, ale to si ty. Si chorá na srdce a tvoja malá dcéra má problémy s obličkami. Veríš, že bude zdravá? Tvoja viera ťa uzdravila. Ver z celého svojho srdca.
218 Ty tam v zadu pri tom bazéne, ktorý stojíš tam vzadu a si chorý na žalúdok, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.
219 Veríte? On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Položme teraz ruky jeden na druhého. Ó, predstavte si čo je to za hodina v ktorej žijeme, predstavte si, čo je to za čas. Predstavte si, že sme v samotnej prítomnosti Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho. On zasľúbil, že v posledných dňoch bude toto robiť. Položil som ruky na tieto vreckovky.
220 Drahý Bože, prosím aby si požehnal tieto vreckovky ku uzdraveniu tela tých ľudí, skrze meno Ježiša Krista.
221 A teraz, keď máme položené ruky jeden na druhého, každý jeden z vás je členom Kristovho tela. Ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý zasľúbil, že bude zjavovať tajomstvá sŕdc a robiť tieto veci, On je vo vás.Vy ste časťou Neho a On je časťou vás. A On povedal toto: „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." To ste vy. „Keď budú klásť ruky na chorých, oni budú uzdravení." A teraz sa nemodlite za seba, modlite sa za toho, na koho ste položili ruky, pretože oni sa modlia za vás. Modlime sa teraz spolu a nech tu v tejto budove nie je slabá osoba. Prečo by sme mali čakať ešte dlhšie, môj drahý brat, sestra, tu To je, Duch Svätý, Boh, rovno tu, presne tá vec o ktorej sme hovorili.
222 Drahý Ježiš, my sme rozpoznali Tvoju prítomnosť. Ty si jedného dňa priviedol naspäť do života to malé dieťa, keď bolo už mŕtve, skrze modlitbu viery. Drahý Bože, tu je mnoho ľudí, ku ktorým sa nemôžeme dostať, čas plynie, ale oni majú položené ruky jeden na druhom. Oni sú veriaci. Sedíme v prítomnosti Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý vstal z mŕtvych, ktorý je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.
223 Satan, si porazený! Ježiš Kristus ťa porazil! On vstal z mŕtvych a stojí dnes večer medzi nami, potvrdzuje toto posolstvo tohoto posledného dňa. Vyjdi z týchto ľudí! Opusti ich, v mene Ježiša Krista! V Mojom mene budú vyháňať démoni," a ty si vyhnaný! V mene Ježiša Krista, opusti toto zhromaždenie!
224 A teraz každý jeden z vás, ktorý prijíma svoje uzdravenie, povstaňte. Každý, kto prijíma uzdravenie, postavte sa. Zodvihnite teraz ruky a oddajte Mu chválu. „Teraz prijímam svoje uzdravenie." Povedzte to Bohu. „Teraz prijímam svoje uzdravenie. Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, Kristus. Ja Ti teraz verím, pomôž mojej nevere." Amen.
Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť, Chváliť baránka zabitého za hriešnikov, Chváľte Ho všetci ľudia, pretože Jeho Krv zmyla každú škvrnu.
225 Či Ho nemilujete? Tak Ho chváľme. Každý, zodvihnite ruky, chváľte Ho, kým tu nepríde brat a nerozpustí zhromaždenie.
1 Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only...
How, now this way:
Now I believe, now I believe,
All things are possible, now I believe;
Now I believe, now I believe,
All things are possible, now I believe.
Let's remain standing now, with our heads bowed.
Lord, may this not only be a song, but be the very depths of our heart singing out, "Now I believe!" The disciples said one time, after Jesus had done so many mighty works, they said, "Lord, now we believe."
Jesus said, "Do you now believe?"
2They said, "We believe that Thou knowest all things and need that no man teach Thee." So, Father, tonight we realize that You don't need our teaching, but we need Yours. So we pray that You'll teach us how to pray, how to live, and how to believe. Grant it, Lord, through this service tonight. If we lack anything, give it to us, Lord. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
3 I know many of you are standing again tonight. And, outside, met groups that said they couldn't get in, and they're listening to their radio in the different cars. And now we'll try to make just as quick as we can tonight, on Sunday night, we give over to pray for the sick, have a prayer line as we can get one up here. But we are dedicating this service tonight for prayer for the sick.
4And I want you to get built up now in the... this Holy Oracles of God, in the Faith, the Faith of this hour. The Faith! It's going to take more faith than ever was in any age, for this has to be rapturing faith, be taken up. And so we want you to believe tonight in all that you have seen, heard, the Word that you have heard preached, the--the signs and wonders that you have seen done. We want you to accumulate all that together in your heart, and consider it, whether if that be God or not.
5Is like Elisha of old, said, "If God be God, then serve Him." And if Jesus is the center of all things to the Christian, then I think we ought to let loose of everything else and cleave to Him. Remember, He is the Center, He is the North Star, He is the Ultimate, He is the Absolute. And if He is the North Star... There's only one thing that'll point to the North Star, that's your compass that you're sailing with. And the Compass that I'm trying you to sail with is the Word, and the Word always points to Him.
6 And we feel like that we're going through a great time of distress and trials, perplexity of the time and distress between the nations, and all kinds of things happening, and sometimes I get engulfed like... Everywhere I look, it's like on a... in a ship out on the sea. And I've been give charge of the Boat. And how we going to make it? And here comes one with a white cap, hundred times bigger than my ship. But we'll crest them, every one. "We are more than victors through Him." The Captain, the Chief Captain, has got a hold of the string on the end of the ship, He'll pull it through. We'll crest every one of them.
7 Now, tonight, so we can hurry and let you get out early. We appreciate your long drives, and so forth, and how you have to drive, and the sacrifice you have to make. And, see, that makes me to where I'd just like to stand and just keep talking and doing everything I can to help you. But when I'm here I try to press in everything that I possibly can, to give help for that moment that we're now here. Then you take... If you give people too much at a time they can't remember it. You--you've got to just take one thing and hold it right to the person until they see that. And then when they get that solid in their heart, then they'll... then teach them something else. Just step by step as we go.
8Now, you pray and be of a good courage, and believe now tonight for healing. I don't think there's any question in your mind about the time we're living. I don't believe there's a question in your mind about whether God is in the midst of His people or not. I believe you all believe that. And I... There's no doubt in my mind about it. And I--I--I know my people, my friends, the friends of Christ, the children of--of Christ, believe that.
9 And it gives me great pleasure to get to see when you know that you have a Message from God, and you give it to the people and see the people respond to That. Then you look back and say, "Thank You, Father." Oh, what a joy it is then to see the children eating the Bread that's been sent to them! You realize that was a vision years ago, right here at this Tabernacle? That's right, "The Bread of Life." Brother Neville, you remember it, might. Mighty time!
10 Now let us turn, if you want to follow the reading or mark it down, just... I don't believe it would be appropriate to have a service without reading God's Word and passing a few comments, if it's going to be a healing service or any kind. We all understand. There's no strangers among us, I suppose. But we all understand what healing is. It's nothing that somebody does for you; it's what God has already done for you. Salvation is on the same line. The only thing, is, to get the people to believe that's the Truth. And God teaches it in His Word and then proves it to them who will believe It, for He said, "All things are possible to them that believe."
11You say, "There's nothing impossible with God." You believe that? There's nothing impossible with you, either. "For all things are possible to them," (God is one Person) "to them that believe." See? So there's nothing impossible with you, for you, if you can only believe.
12 Now in First Kings, the 17th chapter, I want to read the first seven verses, the Lord willing.
And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.
And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying,
Get thee hence, and turn eastward, turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan.
And it shall be, that thou shall drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.
Notice, "feed thee there," not somewhere else. "There!"
So he went and did according unto the LORD, or the word of the LORD: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan.
And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook.
And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land.
13 The Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. And now, tonight, I want to take a text from there, that's called, "spiritual Food in Its season." This morning we had a--a lesson on--on "Doing God a service, or trying to do Him a service without being... -out being the time, the season, the place, or the person." And now this is: Spiritual Food In Due Season.
14 This prophet, Elijah, we know very little about him. But we know that he was God's servant, and the servant of God for that hour.
15And God has used His Spirit that was upon Elijah, already three times, and promises twice more; five times, for grace. He used It upon Elijah; It came on Elisha in a double portion; was on John the Baptist; and supposed to come just to issue in the Gentile Bride; and come with Moses to take the Jews home. That's right. Five times that God promises to use the Spirit of Elijah, and already done it three times.
16Now, this great prophet, we don't know where he come from. We know he was a Tishbite. But how he come...
17 We know little about the prophets. We don't know where they come from. Very seldom... As, I don't know of any that come out of the church or had any genealogy behind them. It was just ordinary man that was fearless, and, many times, uneducated. And they never done any writing, themselves. Isaiah and Jeremiah, a couple of them, done some writings, but this great man Elijah never wrote one thing. Many of them didn't write; maybe they couldn't write. But they were man that were rugged. There's no man in the Bible like those ancient prophets. They defied kingdoms, kings, peoples, churches, and everything else, and stood firm on the Word of God, and God proved them to be right. They were very rugged individuals.
18And this Elijah was one of the ruggedest of all of them. He was a man of the wilderness. He came out of the wilderness; he lived in the wilderness. The Bible said he dressed hairy. He had sheepskin wrapped around him, and a piece of leather, of camel skin wrapped around his loins, very... whiskers over his face, and I'd imagine he was a very rugged-looking man, and to look at.
19 But we didn't... they all didn't all die. They're not all--all dead. In the days of the Nicene Council... many of you people that's read The Nicene Council of the Early Church, when they wanted to make an organization out of it and break up all the other churches, and come into one, when they had that Nicene Council, rugged man like Elisha come in there from the wilderness, eating herbs alone; great rugged man. But the dignitaries, the high-ups, under Constantine, and so forth, stilled their voice. Because those, being prophets, knowed that the corn of wheat of the Church Bride had to fall in the ground, the same as a corn of wheat in the Bridegroom had to fall in the ground. And there it laid for a thousand years.
20That's why they write in the books today, "Where is that silent God that could stand and look, see little children murdered, and women tore to pieces by lions, and sit in the skies and say nothing about it?" They don't know the Word. That corn of wheat's got to fall in the earth. How could a righteous God stand and look at His Own Son die and be spit on, and so forth? But it's according to the Word, it has to be. And that's the way it is even to this hour.
21 This man, he was a great man. He had a sinful generation before him. Ahab was king, his father before him had been evil. Ever since Solomon, there just been one evil king after the other. And this man, Ahab, who reigned twenty-two years in Samaria, was the worst of all of them. He was a real modernist. He believed in religion, certainly. And he had everything in a modern trend. He had his four hundred Hebrew prophets, all of them well-schooled and trained. God sent him one and he wouldn't believe it, and that was Elijah.
22But Elijah, this Tishbite, was a man of the wilderness. Not a smooth man; he was a rugged man. And one day, after Ahab had sinned until God could stand it no more, He spoke to Elijah in the wilderness. And here he comes down the road to Samaria, as I've often illustrated; maybe the white whiskers sticking out around his face, bald head shining in the sun, little old narrow eyes, back there with a stick in his hand, a smile in his face, walked right up to the king of Israel, and said, "The... Not even dew will fall till I call for it."
23God give us man like that, see, man who know what they're doing with THUS SAITH THE LORD.
24 Now, we find out that before he did this, that God had called him. God had talked to him and, therefore, he wasn't afraid of anything. He wasn't afraid of his message, it wouldn't happen; he knowed it would happen! He knowed it was according to the Word of the Lord, and he knowed he was God's prophet for the hour. Therefore whether the king would cut his head off, throw him in jail, whatever they'd do, it made no difference to him; he had a commission, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," right in the face of the king. What a rugged person! But before he did this, predicted this great drought...
25For God will not let sin go unpunished. There must be punishment. What good is a law without a--a punishment? What would it do good, say, "it's against the law to run the light," and no fine behind it, or no punishment behind it? It wouldn't be a law. So there's a punishment to sin. And when God makes a law, and that law--law is defied, then there's got to be punishment for that.
26And this nation had violated all of His laws. Oh, they had big church, they had the temple. They had plenty of educated man. They had prophets all over the country, had schools of them, turning them out like a machine. And they had plenty of prophets, they had plenty of--of priests, they had plenty of scribes, and they had plenty of religion, but they were away from the Word of God. So God called a man outside of any of their ranks at all, and sent him in with THUS SAITH THE LORD.
27 And notice how He cares for His Own. Before He sent this prophet with the message, He said, "Elijah, go down and tell King Ahab these things. And now, when you do, get yourself away from him right quick, for I have made a place for you to go during the drought. I'm going to take care of you, Elijah, if you just preach My Word, do just what I tell you to do."
28Now I'm going to type this great ministry, tonight, of Elijah and the time of Elijah, with the hour that we're now in. I believe It's a perfect type. I think of the nations... if I... we had time to go back, but I want to put plenty of time in the prayer line.
29 So if we could go back and see, Israel had taken Palestine upon the same basis that we took this United States. We come into this United States and drove back the occupants, which was the Indians, and possessed the land. And so did Israel come into Palestine, under leadership of Joshua, under God, and drove back the occupants and took the land.
30And their first kings were mighty man; David, Solomon, and great man. Our first presidents were great man; Washington, Lincoln, and so forth. Then finally the presidents or the kings become getting more rotten all the time, and finally they ended up with this Ahab. Very type, typical of our day. And the people had got so modern they didn't want to hear the true Word of the Lord.
31 And you can imagine, on a modern people like that, what a real true servant of God would sound like to them. "Why, he was crazy, he was out of his mind. There couldn't be such a thing." They were religious, very religious. They had sincere man, they had sincere people. They was very religious.
32So he knew that it would take more than just a ordinary theology, it would take more than--than any ordinary message, it would take more than just preaching the Word, to crack their stony hearts. He knowed it took THUS SAITH THE LORD to send that judgment down upon that people, so he knowed that when he went out with THUS SAITH THE LORD. And it was THUS SAITH THE LORD. To spurn That, was judgment. We see that in our day, too. We see that in any day. There's nothing left but judgment when you step over the line of mercy.
33 Now, that type there, that, I'm going to type Elijah with the church today, the church of today. Just before judgment, he received this message. Elijah, he represented, being cared for in the natural, his natural food, because it wasn't going to rain now, according to the Word of God, for three years and six months, or until Elijah called for it. "Whatever time you say, Elijah, that's what it'll be." Therefore he walked up to the king, and said, "There'll not even be dew fall till I call for it." That's quite a--a load, isn't it? That's quite a message!
34And now we're going to type that with the spiritual drought of today. Now, we all know, we are very aware, that there is a great spiritual drought in the land today, spiritually speaking. And, you know, that was predicted by the prophets, just before the second Coming of Christ would be, said, "There will come a famine in the land, and it won't be for bread alone, but for the hearing of the Word of God." And that day is now, "hearing the true Word of God." Now, this types the natural drought with the spiritual.
35Sin and unbelief, by false teachers and modernists in the church, had brought the place to this coming, oncoming judgment. Then they had turned from God's Word and His prophet, to a modern theological terms of the Word.
36 You notice here, it's just at that time that God always raises up something. Cause, He, always, He does nothing until first He reveals it to the people, and He always reveals it by His servants.
37Now, but Elijah, during this time, had a secret place that God had ordained for him to go to. That's the thing we want to see now just before we have the prayer line. Elijah had a secret place provided by God Himself. Now, the church never provided it for him, the king never provided it for him, he didn't provide hisself, but God provided a secret place for Elijah to be fed all the time during the drought, where his food was provided day by day. He didn't need to wonder what's going to happen tomorrow or wonder if the supply run out. God said, "I have commanded the ravens and they'll feed you." What a wonderful thing, a type of our secret place in Christ.
38 When the world council and all that's going on today, that says, "The days of miracles is past." The great powers of God has been taken out of the churches. They seem like, anymore, they don't have nothing but "a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal." We know that to be the truth. "And form of godliness, and denying the Power thereof."
39It's just the same thing that David did this morning, with the ox carts, got away from the Word. When the Word was presented and give to them, they did not want It; therefore, they had gotten away from It.
40That's what these people had done in the days of Elijah, gotten away from the Word. They thought they had the Word, but they didn't have It. So notice then in the...
41 During the time that He was going to punish the unbeliever, He made a way for the believer. The same thing He does each time. In the days when He was going to destroy the world by water, He made a way of escape for Noah. In the days that He was going to drown Egypt, He made a way of escape across the sea for His people. How God makes His way! And where there is no way, He is that Way. He is that Way!
42Now we realize that we are facing some of the... one of the greatest hours that history has ever known. It isn't exactly the warhead with the bright shiny missile, with a head on it, that we should be afraid of. It's the churches we should be afraid of. It's the hour that we're living that we should watch.
43 Now notice, but God made a way for Elijah to escape it. And He has made a way for His believing children to escape it now, the wrath and things that is to come.
44Because, God could not be just to judge those people and send them punishment, and sink Sodom and Gomorrah, and sink Capernaum in the middle of the sea, and condemn those generations, and Sodom and Gomorrah, and then let us do the same thing and get by with it. We're just as sure for judgment as they were sure for judgment. Now we notice that the...
45 When these things come up, the modern trend of that day, God rose up a man in that day, or raised up a man, rather, to combat the forces, and they wouldn't listen to it. They thought he was crazy, "He had lost his mind. He was just some old fanatic, fool from the wilderness, kinda bush-crazed." But, yet, he had the Word of the Lord.
46 "The Word doesn't mean what It says," they say today. "Oh, well, the Bible is a history book." I guess you've seen this, that now they claim, that, "Eve didn't eat the apple, she eat a..." What was it? I believe..."It was a apricot," they say now. "It was an apricot." And then, that, "Moses never brought the children through the Red Sea. It was a big bunch of reeds, up the other end of that sea, and he went through a sea of reeds." Then how did the water, w-a-t-e-r, wall up on both sides; they went through on dry land, then? Oh, such nonsense! But, you see, it takes that kind of a day to bring God's wrath down upon the people. It does it.
47They say there's no such a thing as--as these... Even church people don't believe in miracles. "I'll give you a thousand dollars," they said, "show me a miracle. Show me a miracle!" Well, they couldn't see it if there was ten thousand things done before them. Why, they, they'd never see it.
You say, "That's the impossible." Oh, no, it isn't.
48 Elijah one time was down at Dothan, and the Syrian army had come over and surrounded the city, to take him, because they knowed that's where the--the nation's power laid, was in that seer. Why, the king... One of the man told the king of Syria, said, "Why, you know, Elijah the prophet, the Tishbite, tells the king of Israel what you talk about in your secret chamber."
49Said, "Go get that guy! That's the fellow that's hindering us." And the whole Syrian army slipped in around Dothan. They was all around it.
50And Gehazi, the--the servant of the prophet, woke up, and he said, "Oh, my father, the armies is all around us here. We're completely surrounded."
51He said, "Why, there is more with us than there is with them." See?
And Gehazi looked around, said, "I don't see nobody."
52He said, "Lord God, open up that boy's eyes." And his eyes opened up, and all the hills was full of Angels and chariots sitting around, the unseen Forces.
53 Elijah walked right out there, and the Bible said, "He smote them blind." He walked out to them; they were blind to him. Walked out and said, "Are you looking for Elijah?"
He said, "Yes, we're looking for him."
54Said, "Come on, tell you right where he's at," and led them right into ambush, right straight where the armies walked right out and got them.
55Now, the Bible said, "He smote them blind." That settles it. And people are so spiritual blind today, though the Lord God come down in the midst of the people and do anything, and the things He promised, they still can't see It. They are spiritually blind; don't know God, don't know His great Power. Now, we notice that they did that in the days of Elijah, and they still do it today. God smites them blind. They say today, that, "There is no miracles, there is no such a thing, all this is emotion."
56 And they said the same thing about Elijah, because when he was taken up and Elisha took his place, a young man, went bald-headed young, the children run out behind him, and said, "Old baldhead, why didn't you go up with Elijah?" See, they didn't even believe It in the beginning, the people, after so many things had been done. And this great man of God had been translated into Heaven by a chariot of fire, and the people still didn't believe It. And had their little children run behind this man and say, "Old baldhead, why didn't you go up?" See? And then the prophet cursed the children, and a she bear killed forty-two of them.
57 Now notice. Today, as it was then, they put their own interpretation to the Word. Now, if they want to do that, that's up to them, but they try to make us believe it. The Bible said that, "This Word of God is of no private interpretation." God does His Own interpretating. God confirms His Word, and that's the interpretation of It. As I many times said, He said in the beginning, "Let there be light," and there was light. That don't need to be interpreted; it happened. He said, "A virgin would conceive," she did. He said He'd "pour out His Spirit," He did. And He said, "in the last days," the things that He would do, and He's doing it! It don't need any interpretation; God is doing His Own interpretating. No matter what foolish man say, that doesn't stop God a bit.
58 When Jesus was on earth, He had as much unbelief to contend with that we have today, and maybe more. But it didn't stop Him; He went right on performing and carrying out His duty, and God confirming everything He done. He said, "I'm not by Myself. My Father and I are one; He dwells in Me. It ain't Me that doeth the works, it's the Father that dwelleth in Me. And if I do not His works, then don't believe Me; but if I do the works and yet you can't believe Me, believe the works." See? In other words, they..."Search the Scriptures," He said, "for that's where you think you got Eternal Life, is by knowing the Scriptures. And the Scriptures, Itself, testifies of Me." Amen! What a statement! "They are they, the Scriptures, that tell you Who I am," Jesus said.
59And it's the Scriptures that tell you the hour that we're living. And the things that you see done, it's God Himself among His people. Nothing can raise the dead but God. Nothing can do the things that He's doing now but Him. For the Bible said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever."
60 Now we see that modern trend of the people, then, "Oh, the days are past, there's no such a thing as miracles. The people are all emotionally worked up."
61Listen to that Elijah, the prophet, cry out against them and their theologians. Notice, notice, he spoke as if he was God Himself. Elijah spoke as if he was God Himself, "The dew will not fall from heaven until I call for it." Amen! Yes, sir. The prophet had been so long in the Presence of God!
62The prophets of the Old Testament, or any time, when they lived in the Presence of God until they become the Word, their Message is the Word Itself. And, remember, he said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." And when those man had those messages from God, and they become so wrapped up that their own thinking... It might have been against their thinking, they might not have been able to--to see it right. But they was speaking the Word of God, "THUS SAITH THE LORD."
63"There will not be any rain till I call for it." Oh, what a statement! He had been in the Presence of God and been vindicated so perfect. And, remember, that also follows Amos 3:7, "The Lord God will do nothing until first He reveals it to His servants the prophets." Said, "There's not going to be any rain fall!" He first...
64 They laughed at him, they thought he was crazy, "That fanatic!" But, see, he had THUS SAITH THE LORD that it wasn't going to rain. And, God, before he did that, He revealed it to Elijah His servant. And he was a vindicated, proven prophet, so the people ought to have repented. But, instead of that, they laughed at him, said, "Oh, we got plenty of rain! The reservoirs are full. The rivers are running good."
65The Bible said that, "There was not even dew for three years and six months." All the brooks and waters dried up, everywhere. That wasn't that man, that was God speaking through that man. That was the "I" it was. We always know. So he...
66 We find out that when a man comes, sent from God, ordained of God, with the true THUS SAITH THE LORD, the message and the messenger are one and the same. Because he is sent to represent THUS SAITH THE LORD, Word by Word, so he and his message is the same.
67A denominational man under denominational auspices, he and the church is the "one." A theologian under theology, made by some denomination, he and his message are one; church of theology, a theologian. It's correctly.
68Then when a man comes with THUS SAITH THE LORD, he and the Message is one. And when Elijah come with THUS SAITH THE LORD, he and his message became one. Just as Jesus, when He come, He was the Word, Saint John 1. So the Word of God and the messenger of the age was the selfsame thing, all the time. That's right.
69 Jesus was the Word that was prophesied of. He was what the prophets said would happen, "A virgin shall conceive and bear this Child." Way back in the beginning, God told them, said, "The woman's Seed shall bruise the serpent's head, and he'll bruise her heel." All these prophecies had been given. David crying, all the rest of the prophets down through the ages, speaking of Him. He was that Word manifested! Hallelujah!
70 Now do you see where I'm trying to get to? I spoke with you pretty plain this morning. Don't you see the authority of the living God in the living Church, the Bride? The sick are healed, the dead are raised up, the cripples walk, the blind see, the Gospel goes forth in Its power, for the Message and the messenger are the same. The Word is in the Church, in the person.
71The Word of God was in Elijah when he walked up there with THUS SAITH THE LORD, and said, "It isn't going to rain." That wasn't Elijah; that was God in Elijah.
72 I said a many time, like the Christian Science lady that told me one time. I've told it many times about it. She said, "Mr. Branham, you put too much bragging on Jesus."
I said, "I hope that's the only thing I've got to answer for."
And she said, "You try to make Him Divine."
I said, "He was Divine."
73Said, "Oh, He was a prophet, He was a good man, but He wasn't Divine."
74And I said, "Well, show me one Scripture that says He wasn't."
75She said, "In the Book of Saint John, it says that He 'wept' when He went to the grave of Lazarus."
76"Well," I said, "sure, He wept. He was both human and Divine. He was a man, weeping; but He had to be God to raise the dead." That's right. I said, "He was a man, hungry; but He was God feeding five thousand, with a couple biscuits and five fishes." That's right. "He was a man, sleeping on the back of a boat; but it was God in Him that could still the waters." For why? He and His Message was One.
77He said, "I and My Father are One. My Father dwelleth in Me." He was the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
78 I think it was so striking the other day, when I was bringing The Seven Church Ages. To start off with, I--I couldn't make out Jesus standing there with those... with that white over Him like that, said, "His hair was white as wool." I couldn't understand how a man thirty-three years old would be snow white.
79I called a good theologian, Pentecostal theologian, a good dear friend. Well, it was Brother Jack Moore. He's smart, intelligent man. He said, "Brother Branham, that was Jesus glorified. That's what He looked like after He was glorified." No, I couldn't believe that. No.
I--I--I said, "Well, Brother Moore, thank you."
80 I got in the room there and got to speaking to God. I run my concordance to take Him back to Daniel, where it said, "And he came to the Ancient of Days Whose hair was white as wool." I said, "Lord, I--I--I don't know what to say, and I've got the responsibility." Now, that was before the se-... and remember, before the Seven Seals was opened, about a year or more, before. I was praying there, "Lord, what was it?"
81And I looked, standing before me, and there stood a man and he was a judge, and he had a white wig on. The old judges of ancient days used to wear a white wig to show that he was a supreme authority.
82And then when I seen Jesus with the white wig, I said it only vindicates the truth that we know, that He is the Supreme Authority. God witnessed the same thing on Mount Transfiguration, said, "This is My beloved Son, hear Him, the Supreme Authority!"
83 Then back out there at the beginning of the Seven Seals, when those seven Angels come down in that pyramid form, stood there and told me to return back here and speak on those Seven Seals, and He'd be with me, He'd show me what they were, the lost things. I always thought it was sealed on the back of the Book and it'd be something wasn't wrote in the Book, but it turned out that it was made known that He cannot do that. It isn't something that's written in the Book... It's something that's been hid in the Book. "For whosoever shall take one Word from It or add one word to It..." So it is a mystery that's been in the Book in these seven church ages. Each one of them produced a--a mystery, all about water baptism and these other things that they've fumbled about so long.
84Then when that went up, the big observatories from way down in California, plumb down in Mexico, over Tucson, everywhere, taking the picture of It. It was a mysterious sight. Brother Fred Sothmann there, sitting right back there, and I and Brother Gene Norman, standing right there present when it went up. They took the picture, still they don't know what about it. Here sometime ago, everybody saying, "Looky here. This looks like this, and them Angels' wings, how they're folded in there."
85 One day, turning it to the right, looking, there was Jesus Christ just as perfect as Hofmann ever drawed Him. It was standing there with a white wig on, looking back down towards the earth, showing that He is Supreme Authority. The Heavens declare it, the Bible declares it, the Message declares it, all the same. Supreme Authority, with the white wig on; you see His black beard under. Many of you have seen the picture. We got it back there. Just turn it to the right, sideways, look at it. There He is, just as perfect as it was, if it had been photographed of Him. They're looking at it from the wrong angle. You got to look at it in the right angle. And only the Lord God can reveal which is the right angle. Turn it to your right and look at it. There He is, just as perfect, had it a-been photographed up there.
86The first time I ever seen Him, He looked like the Head of... Hofmann. I had never seen that before. And in Billy Sunday's tabernacle, years later, I saw it. My house has never been without one of the pictures since.
87Then, here in the skies, saying that the very God that I saw up in this vision out here, just a little boy out here by where this schoolhouse stands, He looked like that. And here in the Heavens, thirty-three years later, declare it, that it's the truth. That's the way He looks; not some mystic something of somebody's idea.
88 Like in the Vatican, they got a--a--a Christ drawed over there, with a little white ring of beard or a ring of beard around His chin, about a half inch long, runs right around the top of His mouth and like this, and call that the Christ.
89That just puts me in mind of a Greek artist I seen one time in an ancient cathedral, showing what Adam and Eve looked like; they looked like beasts or something. That's what the carnal mind can perceive of some spiritual thing. I think Adam was the most handsome man that ever lived, and Eve was a perfect woman in every way.
90Now carnal minds wraps up the Thing in their own ideas, then God sends down and unfolds the Thing by His Power. That's exactly what took place here in the days of Ahab.
91 Now, we find out that Elijah could say that because the Message of the hour and the Word of God... The messenger, the Message--the Message, and the Word, was exactly the same thing. The prophet, the Word, the Message; messenger, Message, and Message, was the same. Jesus said, "If I do not the works that's written of Me, then don't believe Me." That's good. Any man and his message is one.
92That's why today that they do not believe in doing the works of God, because they do not accept the Message of God. They don't believe the Message.
93But those who believe God's hour that we're living in, these things are hidden Food. Just think, God has so hid It that they look right at It and don't see It. The same way that Elijah blinded the Syrian army. The same way that God blinds the unbeliever from the true genuine Food of the child, the believer.
94 What they called Noah, "a fanatic," building an ark, his eyes were open to the Word of God and the promise. The very thing that they called fanaticism, saved Noah and his family. See, the very same thing. The thing that people laugh at, is the thing that we pray for. The thing that people calls "crazy," we call "Great!" What the world calls "great," God calls "foolish." And what the world calls "foolish," God calls "Great!" It's just exactly the contrast between the Right and wrong. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
95 Remember, he went into his secret place by the plan of God, by the call of God, and the Word of God. Elijah entered into his secret place by God's foreknowledge (plan), and the call upon his life, and according to the Word. If that ain't the way we entered, I don't know why we get there.
96And notice, before the drought begin, Elijah went into this place of secret for his living. A very type of before the judgment starts to strike the earth, the Church is already called out, the Bride is already chosen, and just waiting before the judgment strikes. Already waiting, eating the Food of God, enjoying the blessings of God. Any man in his normal mind knows that we're headed straight, we're right in the hour of judgment.
97 Look! Brother Banks, several of you man that's here tonight, that standing out there on that mountain that morning.
98And I want to speak about that mountain, next Sunday morning, the Lord willing. Got a great revelation, something further that I can't hardly keep from telling it tonight. But I have... See? And it just constantly, all the time, one thing happening after the other. See? It'll never stop happening, for it was THUS SAITH THE LORD.
99Every one of you here, thousands times thousands over the tape, heard me stand and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, it will be thus and thus." And even the newspapers and magazines have to declare it to be the so. They don't know what it's all about, but they seen it. They don't know what it is, but they seen it making the Word exactly the truth.
100 We was standing down here on the river, that Angel of the Lord came down that day, thirty-three years, or 1933 it was, come down and spoke the things that He did. Walked out, and many man stand upon the bank there, said, "What did that mean, Billy?"
101I said, "That wasn't for me; that was for you. I believe; you don't." And just went walking on.
102Then the pastor said to me, he said, "You mean that you, with a seventh-grade education, is going to go all over the world and pray for monarchs and potentates and kings and things? And, oh," said, "forget It!"
103I couldn't forget It, It was engraved upon my heart. Now here, thirty-three years later, everything He said has happened perfectly the way He said He would do it. He's God and can't fail. He always keeps His Word. He... Don't never doubt It.
104 Now, notice, he went in by the plan of God (foreknowledge), call of God, and the Word of God, and went in before the drought set in.
Now, we know that judgment is ready to strike.
105Standing on the hill that day, Brother Banks Woods standing here, we was walking up the hill. Maybe I quote it again, so that build your faith for this prayer line that's fixing to take place in the next ten, fifteen minutes. I was just walking ahead of Brother Banks. He was... I think he had left Sister Ruby when she was sick. And he coming behind me, I noticed his face, red. I looked back. I thought the hill might be a little hard for him to pull, so I kind of slowed up. Right in them deserts, right up hills like that, right where the Angels of the Lord appeared. We was heading right in that direction then, where they appeared a few months before that.
106And as I went up the hill, the Spirit of God... When I turned around, look on top of the mountain, He said, "Pick up that rock, and say to him, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, you'll see the Glory of God in the next few hours.'"
107I just picked up the rock, and said, "Brother Banks, I don't know why," throwed it up the air, and I said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, you're going to see the Glory of God."
He said, "That meant Ruby?"
108I said, "No, I don't think it had anything to do with you, Banks or Ruby, either one. I just think It was just saying, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, something's going to happen.'"
109 And the next morning when we were standing there, many of the men, I don't know how many is sitting here now, there was twelve or fourteen, fifteen of us sitting there. All of a sudden, a minister walked up to me and he said, "Brother Branham," he said, "my name is So-and-so." Said, "I was one of your sponsors in California."
110I said, "I'm glad to meet you, sir." Douglas McHughes. He said, "I'm..." I said, "I'm glad to meet you." Shook hands with him.
111He said, "Well, now, I want to ask you a question." Said... Roy Roberson, trustee here; Brother Woods, Terry and Billy, and, oh, Brother Mc Anally, and I don't know who all was standing there. And I... He said, "I want to ask you something." He said, "Does the Lord ever give you visions out like this?"
112I said, "Yes, brother, but I come out here to kind of get away from it, to rest up."
And I looked around like this, and I seen a heavyset doctor looking at him, said, "Rev. McHughes, this allergy in your eye will soon put your eye out. I've doctored you for two years, and I can do nothing about it."
And I turned around to him. I said, "What you asked me that for, your doctor told you, the other day, 'That allergy was in your eye.'" It was middle of the day, about eleven o'clock, and he was wearing sunglasses. And I said, "The reason; you're not wearing that because it's the sun, it's because of your eye. He told you you was 'going to lose that eye.'"
And he started crying, said, "That's right."
113 I turned to walk around again, had a shovel in my hand. (And I looked; I seen him standing there looking at me, his eyes just as bright.) I said, "But THUS SAITH THE LORD, you're not going to lose that eye." I was hunting with him this last fall, he can see better than me and anybody in the crowd. He never...
114And I seen an elderly lady pull down her stocking and raise up the side of her skirt. She said, "Son, if you see Brother Branham, tell him to pray for my feet." And I looked down there, and little... look like tumors hanging on her feet, all around.
115I said, "Your mother is a gray-headed lady. 'My son,' you see. She told you before you left, if you seen me, to have me to pray for her feet. She's got little tumors, like, hanging all over her feet." He liked to have fainted.
Said, "That's the truth."
I said, "Tell her not to worry. It'll be all right."
116 I started to walk around. Then I heard the Voice of God speak, said, "Get out of the way, quickly."
Roy Roberson standing there, knowing he was a veteran of the war, I put my hand on his shoulder, I said, "Brother Roy, hide, as quick as you can!"
Said, "What's the matter?"
I said, "Get out of the way! Hide!"
117And just started walking around, put my shovel down, turned around, took off my hat. And here He come, the Glory of God falling in a whirlwind that tore the side of the mountain out like that, and blasted and shook the place like that, cut the top of the bushes out; just about three or four, five feet above my head. Went back up like a funnel like that; it blasted again. And, here it come, three times.
118Then when it left, the third time, Brother Banks come over, said, "That's what you was talking about?"
I said, "Yes."
Said, "What was it?"
119I said, "God appears in whirlwinds." I didn't know whether He wanted me to tell the people or not.
120Then I went on and prayed a little bit. Then He told me I could tell them. I said, "It's judgment striking the West Coast." Look at her today! Look what happened a few hours after that: Alaska sunk. And now the whole thing is going under. We're entering into the judgment. Mercy has been spurned.
121 But thanks be to God, we got hidden Food, spiritual Food, that we're living on the goodness and mercy of the revelation of Jesus Christ in these last days, vindicating Himself among His people. Amen! They went in. Elijah went in before the drought set in. Thank God for being in before the judgment sets in. Now is a time of coming out and going in, getting out of those organizations and getting into Christ, a coming-out and going-in time for all true believers.
122Then he was called, and stayed in there. Remember, he never left that brook until God called him.
123And after the drought was about over, He called him out of there, down to a widow's house. Notice, He called to this widow. And this widow had not associated herself with the unbelievers; took the mark of the beast during the drought. So He called her out to... called Elijah to sustain this widow. They just had one little cake, one little thing she was holding onto. And Elijah said, "Give that to me, first. For, THUS SAITH THE LORD, that barrel will not go empty neither will the cruse run dry, until the day that the Lord God sends rain upon the earth." Putting God first, His Word first!
124 Notice, there was meal in the barrel. Every time she went after meal, there was meal in the barrel. There was oil in the cruse, every time she went for it. Why? Meal represented Christ in the meal-offering. The burrs had to be set just right, to grind every one of them. Every burr of this meal exactly the same, showing that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That was the Word, the Bread of Life following the message, to vindicate the Word.
125So is it today, friends. So is it today, that the Bread of Life that the children eat on, follows the Message of God, to sustain them during the time of the drought. What if He stood in our presence today? What if He stood in our presence right now? He would act and do just exactly like He done the days when He was in flesh here on the earth. The Bride is part of the Husband, the Church is the same as Christ. "The works that I do shall you do also." And it is the Word that done it. He told us that the things that He did that we would do also.
126 We notice here again, if the Word is in us and has come to us, as It did Elijah in that day, It'll do the same thing that he did, he would feed on the secret Things of God which is hid from the world. Oh! Again, it makes the Message and the messenger as one. The spiritual Food is ready, and It's in the season now. And each one of you can have this Food if you wish It, if you are willing to steal away from all of the unbelief of this hour, if you are ready to come into Christ, come into His promise.
And remember His promises, in Malachi 4, Luke 17:30, also in Saint John 14:12, and how many more Scriptures, of telling, Joel 2:38, and all that He would do, or 2:28, rather, what He would do in these last days. And how the prophet said that it'd be Light in these last days, how It would work, what It would do, all the Scriptures pointing to this last days. And that is Christ! If you can hide away in That now, in that secret Place, you can eat and see the goodness and mercy of God. If you're sick, there is healing there.
127 You remember when Elisha, later on, had called down... After that meal-offering that he had, Christ, and sustained the widow's house with It. Notice later on when he called fire down out of the heavens, and so forth, and proved his sending, of God, the prophet's Spirit.
128Notice in the wilderness, when he was laying down there under the juniper tree, a Angel come down with that same kind of meal, and baked some cakes and fed him. And a little later on He put him to sleep again, and woke him up, and He had some more meal cakes baked there for him. And he went in the strength of those cakes for forty days. Glory to God! He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Oh, how we love Him, spiritual Food in Its season!
129 "It's not meet to take the children's bread and give it to dogs." Didn't Jesus say the same thing to the Syrophenician women? He was sent to His Own. That is right. And that's who He come... He never went to the Gentiles.
130And now today He visits the Gentiles in their time, and it's not meet...
131You say, "Why is it that the Message don't go out in these great big places, these big crusades, like amongst the denominations?"
132It's not their Food. It's not the church, so calls, Food. It's the Bride Food. It's spiritual Food in season. It would make them sick at their stomach. It's too rich for them. See? See? You--you--you can't do it. But, for the children, It's Bread, It's Life, It's Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.
133 We're going to get too late if we don't start the prayer line now, so let us bow our heads just a moment.
134Dear God, Food in due season, spiritual Food. Something that the world knows nothing of. How we hear our Lord say that night, or that day down there at Samaria, the same place that Elisha walked up and said, "Why, the dew will not fall till I call for it." Here stood Jesus there telling His disciples.
Said, "Master, why don't You eat?"
He said, "I have Food that you know not of."
135Truly, Lord, His Food was to do the will of God, to see the works of God made manifest in His hour. He was there to see that it was done. "I do nothing except My Father shows Me first. What the Father shows Me, that I do."
136And, Father, so is it today. The Church, the true believer, the Body of believers, has access to Food, spiritual Food, that the nominals know nothing about. The world knows nothing of this Food, Father. But Your Church, Your people, the Bride of Your Son, loves It.
137We have access to healing of our bodies when the doctors has failed. We have access to this. It's one of the Foods of God, that He gave to His Church, and promised it in the last day to His believing children. And, Father, help us to be believing children, for all things are possible to the believers. Grant it, Dear God. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
138 I believe Billy told me that they give out some prayer cards. If somebody would tell me the letter that's on the prayer card, that's all I want. [Someone says, "C."--Ed.] C, all right, let's take C, one, start off, till I get our line started. See, now, they may be all over. Now, if everyone... Well, see, I'm going to try this. I don't know whether we can do it or not. Or either we can just have a calling line; you sit still. It doesn't matter to me. If you'd rather come up here on the platform, or have a calling line, it doesn't matter, just either way. I'm just depending solely on the Holy Ghost. I'm depending Him to defend this Word that I have preached.
139Brother George Wright, I believe It. Since a little boy, coming down to your house many years ago, listen at that old whippoorwill set in the tree, I still believe that same Message. I believe It's the same.
140 All right, I see they're clearing back here for a prayer line. All right, prayer card C, number one, two, three, four, five, come first and stand right here. If you can't get up, if you'll just raise your hands, some of them will come pack you. [Someone speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] What is it? Yeah. Uh-huh. Prayer card C, one, two, three, four, five. And now notice, you that do not have a prayer card...
141Now, I haven't had a prayer line of this type for a long, long time. How many remembers my commission when we built the Tabernacle here? Said, "Do the work of an evangelist." Didn't say I was an evangelist. Said, "Do the work of an evangelist," see, "for the hour will come when that's to be changed." That hour is arriving. All right. Now, in this, He...
142You can't mix two or three different ministries together, pastor and evangelize, the same time. You can't be a--a prophet and maybe a pastor, at the same time, see, 'cause you have different works, different ministry.
143But the Lord gave me what I should do in my Message. But then He said, "Do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of your ministry, for the hour will arrive when they will not endure sound Doctrine." If that hasn't come now! Every church denomination has turned me down. They wouldn't endure sound Doctrine. "But after their own lusts they'll bring their own teachers in, and they'll be turned into fables. And they will do great things of exploit like Jambres and Jannes that withstood Moses, but their folly will be made manifest." See? See? All right, impersonations! You see how Jambres...
144 And, God in Heaven knows, that lays right there in the corner of that Tabernacle stone since 1933, wrote on a page of a Bible, laying right there. Look how they've done it. Look what's come to pass. Impersonations, just exact. Said, "Let them alone, their folly will be made known in the same manner as Jambres and Jannes was." Here we are in that day.
145I seen the church then when we was just laying the cornerstone, people hanging in the sills and all around, standing around the walls of the Tabernacle. There you are. And they said, when it come up, the people of the city here, said, "Within the space of six months..." Us with one dollar and eighty cents to build a Tabernacle, a lot of the garage people done decided it was going to be their garage. But it's still a sheep pen for God's Sheep.
146 One, two, three, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. C, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. All right.
147Now, "I the Lord have planted it, I will water it day and night lest some should pluck it from My hand." Look at the criticism! No denomination to back It up. No churches like It around the country here. No Pentecost in the country, nothing else to sustain It. Everybody against the water baptism, everybody against all these other things. Even to my own family, my own daddy turned me away from the door, I got my clothes in a little paper sack and went and lived in New Albany. Right.
But through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
It's grace that brought me safe this far,
I'm fifty-six years old, and soon I've got to cross the river.
Grace will take me on.
When I've been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun;
We'll have no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we first begun.
Oh, how I love Jesus! He's all the world to me!
148 Oh, all right, how many did I... Where'd I leave off, ten? Can we take some more? All right. What was that, ten, fifteen? All right. C, ten to fifteen, wherever you are, if you can stand up and get in. What say? Huh? All right. C, fifteen to twenty, then. Let that be C, fifteen to twenty. That would be ten more people. We see... You see--see where the line is standing there, we don't get them--get them crowded. And we'll... All right.
149Now give me your undivided attention; we won't be long. But, now, oh, what a hour, what a time! I--I wish that everybody could love the Lord. I--I wish that we could all just come to that spot to realize the potential of this minute. Let's try it. Just give me your attention.
150 What--what are we trying to do here? We are placing God's Word through a test. Elijah done the same thing, walked out upon the mount after he knowed that he was sent from God to do it. He said, "Now let's prove who is God, let the God that answers by fire be God."
151And the heathens cut, oh, say, "Well, sure, no..." The--the heathens knowed fire wasn't going to fall, so they'd scream and carry on.
152But Elijah knowed it was going to fall, 'cause he had a vision from the Lord.
You say, "He had a vision?"
153Yes, sir! When he got everything laid in order, he said, "Lord, I've done all this at Your command." And then the fire begin to fall. When God's Word is kept to the letter, then it's God's business to take care of the rest of it. He just asks you to lay it out there. And be sure that you're called to lay it out there. See? And if you are, He'll take care of the rest of it.
154 Now, here will be people coming through this line that I'll be praying... Now, well, you're just about to the wall now, all right, to the line to start. Now, first, at least somewhere here in the building, some people...
How many here is sick and don't have a prayer card, raise up your hand. See, just all over. Now, you know if our Lord... And I believe He will, if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He run prayer lines. People come to Him in great lines, multitudes, He touched them, blessed them. Then He stopped sometime and said, "Who touched Me?" Look around, told a woman what she touched Him for; and said her blood issue was gone, her faith had made her whole.
155What if she had turned around and said, "Well, I don't know, Lord, I've had this a long time"? It wouldn't have happened. No, it wouldn't have happened. No.
156What if He told the Syrophenician woman, "Because of this word that you said, your daughter, the devil is gone out of her," what if say, "Well, now, Lord, I--I wanted You to do it this a way"? The--the devil would have still been in the girl. But she expected to find her child the way He said she would find her.
157 Now, He told us, "If thou canst believe! If you can say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have it. When you pray, believe that you receive it, it'll be given to you." What a promise!
158Now the man who preaches the social gospel don't believe that at all. He'd walk up to the door, look in, or stand there, and say, "Well, just another bunch of holy rollers," and walk away. See? But he don't know that this is the hidden Food. He don't know that this is the secret Thing that's hid from him. He doesn't know it. It's--it's--it's pitiful, a mind that's naked, miserable, blind, and don't know it. See? That's a bad thing.
159O God, let me die first, but don't never get me like that. I'd rather die (yes, sir) than to do that. And I think every one of us would, wouldn't we? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
160 But, now, God has promised us these things in the last days. In Malachi 4, said that Jesus Christ would come down and impersonate Himself in human flesh like He did at Sodom. That's right. And said the world would be in a Sodom condition. And said, "As it was then, the Son of man will be revealed that day." See, this Man that come down in the form of a man, which was "Elohim," by Abraham, before this promised son came. Look what it was, Abraham said it was God. And the Bible said there was three man came to him, dust on their clothes, travel, set down and eat like man. And Jesus said, "Just at the time the world gets in a Sodom condition, then the Son of man would reveal Himself again," not Son of God. Son of man, see, would reveal Himself.
161Now mark that with what the last prophet said, "Behold I send to you Elijah the prophet, and he will restore the--the hearts of the children back to the fathers." See? A Message to bring them back to the Bible, and the Son of man will be revealing Himself in that day. And at that day of the sounding of the last church age, the seventh angel, the mysteries of God should be made known in that day. The Seven Seals would be broken. The mysteries of all these churches and things, how they happened, and what tak-... how, what taken place.
162 See, they don't know It. Jesus said, "You blind Pharisees!" Said, "If the blind leads the blind, don't they both fall in the ditch?" See, that's the reason those people don't see That.
163The mystery of It, is, those Seals, each one of those churches made an organization and got into it, and that's one of the secret things that's been wrong before God. You see it, Doctor Lee? See, look. It is. That's the thing right there. That's one of the secrets. They organized and, see, and was completely out of the will of God. And that will be exposed in the last days, and lead the people, not to a creed or a denomination, but back to the true Word. And the true Word will come to a certain group of people, and the Son of man will reveal Himself in the midst of them, "the same yesterday, today, and forever."
164Oh, my! Oh, I love that. I love--I love to brag on Him. I love to--to make Him big before the people. I don't have to make Him big; He's already big. He is so high you can't get over Him, so deep you can't get under Him, so wide you can't get around Him, and yet you got room in your heart for Him. Won't you receive Him? How wonderful our Lord is! All right.
165 Now let's get real quiet, everybody. Now, we've talked about This. And now the thing of it is, is It true? Now, there may be some strangers in here. I might say if... to you, if Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, what would He do in this minute? He would do the same thing that He did when He was here before. Is that right? The people's faith would touch His garment, and He would turn. Like He did the woman at the well, and He did other places, and He perceived their thoughts.
Now, you say, "Could He heal me?"
166His Word said He's already done that. But the thing of it is, is, to make Himself known that He's here.
167 Now, if He appeared to us in a physical body, looked just exactly like Hofmann's Head of Christ at Thirty-three, and blood running out of His hand, and so forth, nail scars all over Him, I wouldn't accept it. No, no. No, no. When He comes, Hisself, "Every eye shall see Him, every tongue shall confess Him; and as the lightning cometh from the East unto the West, so shall it be." See? We don't believe these cults and clans. We believe God is the Word.
168But He embodies Himself, taking your body and my body, and gives you gifts, gives me gifts, and through these gifts He makes Hisself known. That's the secret Food. No matter how much He would make Hisself known by me, you've got to believe It, you've got to have a gift of faith, too, to believe It. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And now if He will manifest Himself in that manner, will you believe Him? ["Amen."] With all your heart, you'll believe Him? Oh, how wonderful, just waiting on Him, just waiting to see what He says.
169 Here is a man standing here. I've never seen him in my life, as I know of. Looks like a good, strong, healthy man, and he probably is, I--I--I don't know. But he is standing there. Now, I could go lay hands on that man and pray for him, ask him if he would believe. He could stand here and tell me, say, "I--I--I want you to pray for So-and-so. And I got--I got fallen arches. I got a headache, constantly. I got ulcers in my stomach," or something. He--he, I don't know. He could say any of those things.
170I'd say, "All right, sir, brother. I'll lay my hands upon you and pray for you." That would be perfectly all right. That's exactly what we've done all down through the age. Is that right?
171But, remember, Jesus said it would be different just at the time of His Coming, like it was in the days of Sodom. And the Man that came up, had His back turned to the tent where Sarah was, and He said, (not "Abram," now) "Abraham."
172See, he was Abram, the day before. But he met a vision, and the Lord told him that, "I'm going to change your name."
173And here is the Lord, Himself, in the form of a man, eating and drinking with him. Said, "Abraham, where is your wife, Sarah?" S-a-r... r-a-h; not S-a-r-r-a.
He said, "She is in the tent, behind You."
174Said, "I'm going to visit you, according to My promise twenty-five years ago."
175And Sarah kind of laughed to herself. He said, "Sarah laughed in the tent just then, saying, 'How can these things be?'" Is there anything too hard for God? See? Nothing. No, sir.
176 Now He said, Jesus promised that, "He, the Son of man," which is the Word, (do you believe that?) "would come in the last days and would reveal Himself in the time that the world was like Sodom and Gomorrah." You believe that's right?
177Before we have one prayer, some of you out there pray and see if the Son of man is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just ask if He is, say, "Lord, the man don't know me, but I know that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever," see if He tells you that.
Yes, sir. Now raise up your head just a moment.
178It's behind me. It's a child. It's burning up right now with a fever. It's a little girl. You're from out of town. The child has a stomach trouble. It did. Just believe.
179Now, is that what He said He would do? I never seen that person in my life. God in Heaven knows that.
180 This man here, he looks very strong and healthy. But see that shadow over him there? That means, unless God helps him, he ain't going to be here very long. He's got cancer. It's in your lung.
Now, the Son of man is here.
He's got a burden on his heart for a little boy, a little child. Is that right? You believe God can tell me what's wrong with that child? [The brother says, "I know he can."--Ed] He can. He has little blackout spells like a form of epilepsy. He's just had one just recently. ["This morning."] That's right, this morning. And you believe you're going to live to raise that boy, and he'll be all right? ["Yes."]
181Where is Charlie Cox at? Where's he at? Charlie, where you at? I thought he was here tonight. Over here, Charlie. Gary, where you at? Larry, is he here? His little boy had the same thing, exactly the same thing. Where you at, Larry? Come here a minute. Well, here you are. This little boy here had the same thing. His father and mother is a very good friend of mine. Years ago I was down there, and this little boy would take spells, just blackout and fade away. It was epilepsy. I caught it on the little boy, asked God to heal him. He's never had one since. That's his father; his mother is sitting here somewhere; and here's the little boy, himself.
182Now do you believe, sir? (Thank you, Larry.) You believe, sir? May the God of Heaven grant the same thing to you, and you to live to raise the child. God bless you.
Let's pray.
183Dear God, help him. I pray that Your mercy and grace will be upon him and bless him. In Jesus' Name.
184Go back to Louisiana now, happy, praise God for him.
185Oh, yeah, he was from Louisiana, sure was, around Lake Charles. Right. See, I can catch your thoughts now. Praise be to God!
186 Well, you're asking for a--a good thing, you want to have a baby. You already had children, couple of children, but you want another one. May God of Heaven grant it to you, my sister. Come here, I just want to lay hands.
187Dear God, give the woman the desire of her heart, because it's a worthy cause. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Now go have the child.
188God is a good God. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."] He knows all that we have need of. He supplies our every need if we believe it. He said, "If thou canst believe!"
189 I shook your hand somewhere. I don't remember where it was at, but somewhere I shook your hand. I don't just exactly remember, but we was just somewhere, today somewhere, but I don't know where it was at. But that's not where, what we're here to talk about. You're here to talk about, or to pray, want me to pray for somebody else. That's right. He isn't here. He's in Georgia, sick. Not only is he sick, physically, but spiritually he's sick; your cousin. You believe God will take care of this because you've stood for him? You do? Come here and let's pray together.
190Dear God, grant this man the desire of his heart, that he might go and find this man crying out for God. In Jesus' Name I ask it. Amen.
God bless you. Don't doubt. Believe with all your heart.
191 How do you do? It wasn't that I didn't reach for your hand to shake your hand then, when you put your hand out, I was noticing something. It was a shadow, real dark and black. That's the reason. I know I caught your hand, I'd find it that way, see. But it's a cancer. You believe that God is able to move it? It's on your breast, left side. You want to go back to Carolina and praise the Lord for being well, don't you? See what I mean? Let's pray.
192Dear God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the One Who is present now; the children eating the Bread of God, may this child also enjoy the faith, the Bread of God that He gives him now for his healing. May he go and be well, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
God bless you, brother. Believe with all your heart.
How do you do?
193 Isn't this a wonderful time? Just look like an awe sets down over the people. Or, it maybe sound like, my ears, just like something going, [Brother Branham blows into the microphone--Ed.] "Whew!" Just making a noise, like, "Whew," like that, see. It's the children's Bread. See? It's yours, It's for you. It isn't for me; it's for you. I'm very thankful, right at the time now, I don't... I'm well, as far as I know; but It's Bread for me, too, when I have need of. It's Bread for you. It's encouragement. To you that's not even sick, it just brings our hearts up before God.
194This is exactly in season, what He said He would do, "And as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man shall be revealed." See? "And, behold, I send to you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord. He shall restore the hearts of the people back to the Father." See? See?
195"And then the righteous shall walk out upon the--the wicked, ashes." They'll burn like an oven, see, the earth will. We see it's going to fall in yonder. And volcanic will spread across the earth, and the heavens will be on fire.
O Rock of Ages, have mercy on me now, and then.
196 How do you do? Well, one thing, you have a lady's trouble, female trouble. Have other things. You're nervous, just that age to get nervous. Complications of all kinds. But you have a desire, too, that's to receive the Holy Ghost. That's right. That's what it is. Do you believe you're... Have you confessed everything? You believe if I lay hands upon you and ask God to do it, the Holy Ghost will come? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] You believe that? ["Yes, sir."] Let's pray.
197Dear God, I lay my hands upon this woman, in the apostolic form, and ask that she receives the baptism of the Holy Ghost. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she receive It. Amen.
198Don't doubt it. It belongs to you, see. It's yours. It's the--the children's Bread.
199Had a little funny feeling when I said, "female trouble," didn't you? Cause that's what you had, too. Now you believe you're going to be all right now? Go, just thanking the Lord.
200 How do you do? Do you believe with all your heart? You believe you're going to be able to eat like you used to a long time ago? All right. Go, and say, "Thank You, Lord. I believe it." The Presence of the Lord.
201You believe that back trouble is going to leave you and you're going to be well? Well, just go, saying, "Thank You, dear God," and God will grant it.
202You believe you can be well, the Lord will make you well; and won't have no arthritis, be well and healthy? You believe that? Go, thanking Him, say, "Lord, I accept it with all my heart, and I believe it."
What do you all out there believe about It?
203 You right here, lay your hand over on that woman sitting right next to you there, tell her the varicose veins and arthritis will leave her. When she...?...
204God bless you. You believe you're going to be well now. Go home and be... God bless you. Go on your road, and say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus."
205How do you do? [The sister says, "Praise the Lord."--Ed.] You believe the female trouble is going to leave you, too? ["I do."] And you're going to be well? ["Thank You, Jesus."] Go, and say, "Thank You, Lord." ["Thank You, Jesus."]
206How do you do? [The sister says, "Pulled a cartilage."--Ed.] Why, my, my! ["Totten."] I know your name. I--I used to... ["Totten."] when I pastored the Baptist church. ["Totten."] Totten. ["Della Totten."] Sister Della Totten. You're suffering with back trouble now. ["Yes."] It's going to be all right. You believe He's going to make you well? ["Yes."] You remember what happened down there in the Milltown Baptist church years ago? ["Yes, I remember that!"] He is still the same God today. ["Oh, thank God!"] God bless you, my sister.
George Wright, where you at? You remember? My, how...
You believe, if I just laid my hands on you, with this anointing, you believe you'll get well? Come here. In the Name of Jesus Christ may she be healed. Amen. Have faith!
Well, do you all believe with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
207 Now, how well that brings old memories, to see that lady! I can't think of her name, yet, but I... [Someone says, "Totten."] Totten. Totten, that's right. Oh, yes, her daughter was Birdie, that's right. That's exactly right. Don't think I'm beyond myself, I'm just kinda little, you know, it's kind of a... I can't explain it.
208But your back trouble is gone, lady. Go, praise the Lord, and say, "Thank You, Lord."
209You believe your heart trouble will be all right, too? [The patient says, "Yes."--Ed.] Just go, rejoice, and say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus," and believe It. All right. Have faith now. Don't doubt.
210Come, lady. Do you believe with all your heart? You got many things wrong with you. You've got back trouble, too. You believe that God is going to make you well? All right, just go, rejoicing. That, that's Him that makes you feel that way. Thank the Lord. God bless you, sister.
211 Hi, sonny. [The boy says, "Hi!"--Ed.] You believe that God is going to heal the nervousness of that child and make it well? You believe it? All right. Hi, buddy, let me shake your hand.
212Dear God, take that evil thing off of this little boy, and may he live and be normal. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
213God bless you, brother. You believe that, don't you? And get all right. Don't doubt at all.
214Mighty young to have heart trouble. You believe that God will make you well? [The patient says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] Go, say, "Thank You, Lord, for healing me."
215You believe God will heal the stomach trouble and make you well? Go on, rejoice, and say, "Thank You, Lord."
216He is still God, isn't He? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The only thing you have to do is just believe. Isn't that right? Do you believe the Son of man in the last days?
217 There was something happened here a few minutes ago, and I can't... trying to find where it was at. Somebody had faith and done something. Or, maybe I'll get them next Sunday, or when I can. Are you--you... There it is again. You got your hand up. Do you believe God can heal that heart trouble, make you well, heal your daughter out there with--with... You believe it? Mrs. Neff, you believe that God... Leo Neff. I don't know you, but that's who you are. You got heart trouble, and your little daughter has got a kidney trouble. You believe she is going to get well? Your faith makes you whole. Believe with all your heart.
218You back there in the pool, standing back there with stomach trouble, Jesus Christ make you well.
219You believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let's lay our hands over on each other now. Oh, think of the hour where we're at, think of the time. Think that we're in the very Presence of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He promised He would do this in the last days. I got hands laying on these handkerchiefs.
220Dear God, I pray that You'll bless these handkerchiefs to the healing of the people's bodies, through Jesus Christ's Name.
221 Now, with your hands on one another, each one of you are members of the Body of Christ. The same Holy Spirit that promised to reveal the secrets of the hearts and do these things, He is in you. You are a part of Him, and He's a part of you. Now, He said this, "These signs shall follow them that believe." That's you. "If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Now, don't pray for yourself, pray for the one that you got your hands on, 'cause they're praying for you. Now let's pray together, and may there not be a feeble person in this building. Why would we wait any longer, my dear brother, sister, here It is, the Holy Spirit, God, right here, the very thing we've talked about.
222 Dear Jesus we are recognizing Your Presence. You brought that little baby back to life the other day, after it being dead, by the prayer of faith. Dear God, there is many here we couldn't get to, the time is passing, but they got their hands on one another. They're believers. We're sitting in the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, the same yesterday, today, and forever.
223Satan, you are defeated! Jesus Christ defeated you! He rose from the dead and stands among us tonight, vindicating this Message of the last days. Come out of this people! Leave them, in the Name of Jesus Christ! "In My Name they shall cast out devils," and you are cast out. In the Name of Jesus Christ, leave this congregation!
224 Every one of you now that accept your healing, stand on your feet. Everybody that accepts healing, stand on your feet. Raise your hands now and give Him praise!
"I now accept my healing," say that to God. I now accept my healing. [Congregation says, "I now accept my healing."--Ed.] You are the same yesterday, today, and forever, Christ. ["You are the same yesterday, today, and forever, Christ."] I now believe You. ["I now believe You."] Help Thou my unbelief." ["Help Thou my unbelief."] Amen. ["Amen."]
I will praise Him, I will praise Him,
Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;
Give Him glory, all ye people,
For His Blood has washed away each stain.
225Don't you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Let's praise Him then. Everybody, with your hands up, give Him praise, while the brother comes here to dismiss us.
Len ver, len ver, všetko je možné len ver.
Ako? Teraz takto:
Teraz verím, teraz verím,
všetko je možné, teraz verím,
teraz verím teraz verím,
všetko je možné teraz verím.
Zostaňme stáť a skloňme svoje hlavy.
Pane, nech toto nie je len pieseň, ale nech je to spev z najhlbšieho vnútra nášho srdca „Teraz verím!" Učeníci raz povedali, potom, keď Ježiš vykonal toľko mocných skutkov, oni povedali: „Pane, teraz veríme."
Ježiš povedal: „Teraz že veríte?"
2 Oni povedali: „Veríme, že Ty vieš všetko a nepotrebuješ nikoho aby ťa učil." Tak, Otče, dnes si uvedomujeme, že Ty nepotrebuješ naše učenie, ale my potrebujeme Tvoje. A tak sa modlíme aby si nás učil ako sa máme modliť, ako žiť, a ako veriť. Udeľ nám to Pane, cez túto službu dnes večer. Ak nám niečo chýba, daj nám to Pane. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
3 Viem, že mnohí znovu dnes večer stojíte. A vonku, stretol som skupiny ľudí, ktorí hovorili, že sa nemôžu dostať dovnútra a počúvajú cez rádio v rôznych autách. A teraz sa budeme snažiť prebrať to tak rýchlo ako sa len bude dať, v nedeľu večer mávame modlitby za chorých, máme modlitební rad, keď tu môžeme zavolať tých ľudí. Ale toto zhromaždenie dnes večer posväcujeme na modlitbu za chorých.
4 A chcem aby ste sa teraz povzniesli do - do týchto svätých Božích výrokov, do viery, do viery na túto hodinu. Do tej viery! Na to je treba viacej viery, než ako bolo v ktoromkoľvek inom veku, lebo toto musí byť viera do vytrhnutia, aby sme boli vzatí hore. A tak chceme aby ste verili dnes večer všetkému čo ste videli, počuli, Slovu, ktoré ste počuli ako vám bolo kázané, znameniam a zázrakom, ktoré ste videli, že sa stali. Chceme aby sa to všetko nahromadilo vo vašom srdci a aby ste uvážili, či je to Boh alebo nie.
5 Ako voľakedy dávno povedal Eliáš: „Ak je Boh Bohom tak mu slúžme." A ak je Ježiš pre kresťana centrom všetkého, potom si myslím, že by sme mali odložiť všetko ostatné a priľnúť ku Nemu. Pamätajte, On je centrom, On je severnou hviezdou, On je ten ktorý má posledné Slovo, On je Absolút. A keď je On severnou hviezdou ... Je len jedna vec, ktorá bude ukazovať na severnú hviezdu a to je váš kompas, podľa ktorého sa plavíte. A kompas, podľa ktorého sa vás snažím viesť je Slovo a Slovo stále ukazuje na Neho.
6 A cítime, že prechádzame cez mimoriadne obdobie ťažkostí a skúšok, cez obdobie, v ktorom nastáva zmätok a ťažkosti medzi národmi a dejú sa všetky rôzne veci a niekedy sa zdá akoby ma to zaplavilo ... Všade, kde sa pozriem je to ako na ... ako v lodi na šírom mori a mne je daný na starosť ten čln. A ako to dokážeme preplávať? Tu prichádza jedna vlna s bielou čiapkou, stokrát väčšia ako moja loď. Ale my ich zdoláme, každú jednu, skrze Neho sme viac ako víťazi. Kapitán, ten hlavný Kapitán chytil ten povraz na konci tej lode, On ju cez to pretiahne. Zdoláme každú jenu z nich.
7 Dnes večer sa môžeme poponáhľať aby ste mohli skorej ísť. Ceníme si to, že ste prišli z takých veľkých vzdialeností a tak ďalej, a to ako ste museli cestovať a koľko ste museli kvôli tomu obetovať. A vidíte, to ma privádza ku tomu, že by som sa chcel len postaviť a stále len hovoriť a robiť všetko čo môžem aby som vám pomohol. Ale keď som tu snažím sa natlačiť do vás všetko, čo vám len môžem dať ku pomoci za túto chvíľu keď sme teraz tu. Potom zoberiete ... Ak dáte ľuďom naraz príliš veľa, nedokážu si to zapamätať. Musíte zobrať len jednu vec a riadne ju predložiť tej osobe, až kým to neuvidia. A potom, keď to majú jasné vo svojich srdciach potom budú ... potom ich učte niečo ďalšie. Proste krok za krokom ako ideme.
8 No, modlite sa a buďte teraz odvážni a verte, dnes večer v uzdravenie. Nemyslím, že máte nejakú nejasnosť ohľadne času v ktorom žijeme. Nemyslím, že máte nejakú nejasnosť vo svojej mysli o tom, či je Boh v strede svojho ľudu alebo nie. Verím, že všetci tomu veríte. A ja ... Nemám o tom žiadnu pochybnosť. A viem, že moji ľudia, moji priatelia, priatelia Kristovi, deti Kristove tomu veria.
9 A to mi robí veľkú radosť, keď vidím, keď viete, že máte posolstvo od Boha, dávate ho ľuďom a oni naň reagujú. Potom sa pozriete naspäť a poviete: „Ďakujem Ti, Otče." Ó aká je to potom radosť, keď vidím deti ako jedia Chlieb, ktorý im bol poslaný! Uvedomujete si, že o tom bolo videnie rovno tu v tejto modlitebni pred rokmi? Je to tak: „Chlieb Života." Brat Neville, ty sa na to pamätáš. Slávny - veľkolepý čas!
10 No, otvorme si, ak chcete sledovať čo bude čítané, alebo si to chcete poznačiť. Len ... Nemyslím že by to bolo vhodné, mať zhromaždenie bez čítania Božieho Slova a bez nejakých komentárov. Či to bude zhromaždenie s uzdravovaním alebo akékoľvek. Všetci to rozumieme. Nie sú medzi nami cudzí, tak sa mi zdá. Ale všetci rozumieme čo je to uzdravenie. To nie je niečo čo niekto pre vás urobí, to je to čo Boh už pre vás urobil. Tak isto je to so spasením. Jediné na tom je, priviesť ľudí ku tomu aby verili, že je to pravda. A Boh to učí vo Svojom Slove a potom to dokazuje tým, ktorí budú tomu veriť, lebo On povedal: „Všetko je možné tomu, kto verí."
11 Vy poviete: „Pre Boha nie je nič nemožné." Veríte tomu? Tak isto pre vás nie je nič nemožné lebo: „Všetko je možné tým," (Boh je jedna osoba) „tým, ktorí veria." Vidíte? Tak nič nie je nemožné pre vás, pre vás, ak len dokážete veriť.
12 A teraz, v 1. Kráľovskej, 17. kapitola, chcem čítať sedem veršov, keď dá Pán.
Vtedy povedal Eliáš Tišbänský, ktorý bol z cudzích obyvateľov Gileáda, Achabovi: Ako že žije Hospodin, Boh Izraelov, pred ktorého tvárou stojím, tak isté je, že nebude po tieto roky rosy ani dažďa, len na moje slovo.
A stalo sa slovo Hospodinovo ku nemu povediac:
Odídi odtiaľto a obráť sa na východ a skry sa pri potoku Karite, ktorý je naproti Jordánu.
A bude tak, že z potoka budeš piť a krkavcom som prikázal aby ťa tam zaopatrovali potravou.
(Všimnite si: „aby ťa tam zaopatrovali potravou," nie niekde inde, „tam!")A tak odišiel a učinil podľa slova Hospodinovho a odíduc usadil sa pri potoku Karite, ktorý je naproti Jordánu.
A krkavci mu donášali chlieb a mäso ráno a chlieb a mäso večer a z potoka pil.
A stalo sa po nejakom čase, že vyschnul potok, pretože nebolo dažďa v zemi.
13 Nech Pán pridá Svoje požehnanie ku čítaniu Jeho Slova. A teraz, dnes večer chcem z tade zobrať text, ktorý sa nazýva, Duchovný pokrm na svoj čas. Dnes ráno sme mali lekciu o slúžení Bohu ... alebo Snažiť sa Mu slúžiť bez toho aby to bola ... bol ten pravý čas, doba, miesto alebo osoba. A teraz toto je: Duchovný pokrm v pravý čas.
14 Tento prorok, Eliáš, vieme o ňom veľmi málo. Ale vieme, že to bol Boží sluha a to sluha Boží na tú hodinu.
15 A Boh použil jeho Ducha, ktorý bol na Eliášovi už tri krát a zasľúbil, že ho ešte dvakrát použije; spolu päť krát, na milosť. On ho použil na Eliášovi; v dvojitej miereOn prišiel na Elizea; bol na Jánovi Krstiteľovi a má prísť aby dokončil Pohanskú Nevestu; a príde s Mojžišom zobrať domov Židov. Je to tak. Boh zasľúbil použiť Eliášovho Ducha päť krát a už to trikrát urobil.
16 No, tento veľký prorok, nevieme odkiaľ prišiel. Vieme že bol Tišbänský. Ale ako prišiel ...
17 O prorokoch vieme málo. Nevieme odkiaľ prišli. Veľmi zriedka je ... Neviem ani o jednom, ktorý by pochádzal z cirkvi alebo mal za sebou nejaký rodokmeň. Bol to len obyčajný človek, ktorý bol nebojácny a mnohokrát nevzdelaný. A oni sami nikdy nič nepísali. Izaiáš a Jeremiáš, niekoľkí z nich niečo napísali, ale tento veľký muž Eliáš nikdy nič nenapísal. Mnohí z nich nepísali, možno, že nevedeli písať. Ale boli to mužovia, ktorí boli drsní. Nie sú v Biblii takí muži ako títo starodávni proroci. Oni sa stavali na odpor kráľovstvám, kráľom, ľuďom, cirkvám, a všetkému ďalšiemu a stáli pevne na Božom Slove. A Boh dokázal, že majú pravdu! Boli to veľmi drsní jednotlivci.
18 A tento Eliáš bol jeden z najdrsnejších. Bol to človek pustatiny. Prišiel z púšte; žil na púšti.Biblia hovorí, že sa obliekal do srsti (vlasatý) a okolo seba si okrúcal ovčiu kožu a okolo bedier mal ovinutý kus ťavej koži. Na tvári bol zarastený a predstavujem si, že na pohľad to bol veľmi drsný muž.
19 Ale mi ne ... Oni všetci nevymreli. Nie sú všetci mŕtvi. V čase Nicejského koncilu ... mnohí z vás ste čítali Nicejský koncil včasnej cirkvi, keď oni chceli z toho spraviť organizáciu a zrušiť všetky ostatné cirkvi a prísť do jednej, keď mali ten Nicejský koncil, prišli tam z púšte drsní mužovia ako Eliáš, ktorí jedli len byliny. Veľký drsní mužovia. Ale tí hodnostári, vysoko postavení, za Konštantína a tak ďalej, zahlušili ich hlasy. Pretože títo, boli proroci, oni vedeli, že pšeničné zrno cirkevnej Nevesty musí spadnúť do zeme, tak isto ako pšeničné zrno v Ženíchovi muselo spadnúť do zeme. A ležalo tam tisíc rokov.
20 A preto dnes píšu knihy: „Kde je ten mlčanlivý Boh, ktorý tam dokázal stáť a dívať sa ako vraždili tie malé deti a ženy, levi ich trhali na kusy ako mohol sedieť na nebesiach a nič na to nepovedal?" Oni nepoznajú Slovo. To pšeničné zrno muselo spadnúť do zeme. Ako mohol spravodlivý Boh stáť a dívať sa ako zomiera Jeho vlastný Syn a ako na neho pľujú a tak ďalej? Ale to je podľa Slova, muselo to tak byť. A takto je to až do tejto hodiny.
21 Tento muž, bol to veľký muž. Mal pred sebou hriešnu generáciu. Kráľom bol Achab, jeho otec pred ním bol zlý. Každí od Šalamúna, jeden zlý kráľ nasledoval za druhým. A tento človek, Achab, ktorý vládol dvadsať dva rokov v Samárii, bol najhorší z nich zo všetkých. Bol to skutočný modernista. Veril v náboženstvo, samozrejme. A všetko mal v modernom trende. Mal svojich štyristo Hebrejských prorokov, všetci z nich boli vyškolení a vytrénovaní. Boh mu poslal jedného a on tomu neveril a to bol Eliáš.
22 Ale Eliáš, tento Tišbänský, bol človek púšte. Nie uhladený človek, on bol drsný človek. A jedného dňa, keď Achab tak hrešil, že Boh to už nemohol viacej zniesť, On prehovoril ku Eliášovi na púšti. A tu on prichádza po ceste do Samárii, ako som to často predstavoval. Možno, že biele fúzy mu trčali všade po tvári a plešivá hlava sa mu svietila na slnku, mal drobné úzke oči a tam s palicou v ruke s úsmevom na tvári, kráčal rovno ku kráľovi Izraela a povedal: „Ani len rosa nespadne, až kým ju ja nezavolám."
23 Bože, daj nám takýchto mužov. Mužov, ktorí vedia čo robia s tým TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.
24 No, videli sme, že prv ako toto urobil, že Boh ho zavolal. Boh sa s ním rozprával a preto sa on ničoho nebál. On sa nebál ohľadne svojho posolstva, či sa ono vyplní, on vedel, že sa to vyplní! On vedel, že to je podľa Slova Pánovho a on vedel, že je Božím prorokom na tú hodinu. A tak či by mu kráľ odsekol hlavu, či by ho hodil do väzenia, čokoľvek by mu urobili, to s ním ani nepohlo, on mal poverenie: „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN", rovno kráľovi do tváre. Čo za drsného človeka! Ale prv ako toto urobil, prv ako predpovedal toto veľké sucho ...
25 Lebo Boh nenechá hriech bez trestu. Musí byť trest. Načo je nejaký zákon bez trestu? Čo z toho, keby sme hovorili: „to je proti zákonu prechádzať na svetlá" a nebola by za to žiadna pokuta alebo by nebol za to žiadny trest? To by nebol zákon. Tak za hriech je trest. A keď Boh dáva zákon a ten zákon je porušený, potom bude za to trest.
26 A tento národ prestúpil všetky Jeho zákony. Och, oni mali veľkú cirkev, oni mali chrám. Mali veľa vzdelaných ľudí. Po celej krajine mali prorkov, mali prorocké školy, vychádzali z tade ako na páse. A mali veľa prorkov, mali veľa kňazov, mali veľa učených v Písme a boli veľmi nábožní ale boli pomimo Božieho Slova. Tak Boh zavolal človeka, ktorý nepatril do žiadnych ich kruhov a poslal ho tam s TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.
27 A všimnite si ako sa On stará o svojich vlastných. Prv ako poslal svojho prorka s posolstvom, On povedal: „Eliáš, choď tam a povedz kráľovi Achabovi tieto veci. A teraz, keď to urobíš, odíď rýchlo od neho, lebo ja som urobil pre teba miesto kde máš ísť počas toho sucha. Budem sa o teba starať, Eliáš, ak budeš len kázať Moje Slovo, robiť presne to, čo ti poviem."
28 A teraz, dnes večer, chcem prirovnať túto veľkú službu Eliáša a čas Eliáša s hodinou v ktorej my teraz žijeme. Verím, že je to dokonalý predobraz. Mohli by sme prirovnať národy, keby som mal - keby sme mali čas ísť naspäť ale chcem venovať viacej času na modlitby za chorých v modlitebnom rade.
29 Tak keby sme mohli ísť naspäť a pozrieť sa na Izrael, on zabral Palestínu na tom istom základe, ako sme my zabrali Spojené Štáty. Prišli sme do týchto Spojených Štátov a zahnali sme tých obyvateľov, ktorými boli Indiány a zabrali sme zem. A tak Izrael prišiel do Palestíny pod vedením Józueho, pod vedením Božím a zahnali obyvateľov a zabrali zem.
30 A ich prví králi boli mocní mužovia, Dávid, Šalamún, mocní mužovia. Naši prví prezidenti boli veľký mužovia, Washington, Lincoln a tak ďalej. Potom nakoniec tí prezidenti alebo králi začali byť čím ďalej tým viacej skazení a nakoniec oni zakončili s týmto Achabom. Presný obraz, zobrazujúci náš deň. A ľudia sa stali takí moderní, že nechceli počúvať pravdivé Slovo Pánovo.
31 A môžete si predstaviť, pri takýchto moderných ľudí, aký dojem robil na nich skutočný pravý sluha Boží: „Čo, to je blázon, stratil rozum. Také niečo sa nemôže stať." Oni boli nábožní, veľmi nábožní. Mali úprimného človeka, úprimných ľudí. Boli veľmi nábožní.
32 Tak on vedel, že bude treba na to viacej než len obyčajná teológia, bude treba viacej než len obyčajné posolstvo, bude treba viacej než len kázanie Slova, aby rozbil ich kamenné srdcia. On vedel, že na to treba TAK HOVORÍ PÁN aby poslal dole na tých ľudí ten súd. Tak on vedel, že keď on tam vystúpi s tým TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. A to bolo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, pohrdnúť Tým, znamenalo súd. My to vidíme tiež v našom čase. Vidíme to v každom čase. Nezostáva nič len súd, keď prekročíte hranicu milosti.
33 No, tento obraz tam, v ktorom chcem prirovnať Eliáša s cirkvou dnes alebo s dnešnou cirkvou. Tesne pred súdom on dostal toto posolstvo. Eliáš, on reprezentuje, Boh sa o neho staral v tom telesnom, prirodzenom pokrme, pretože teraz nemalo pršať, podľa Božieho Slova, za tri roky a šesť mesiacov, alebo až kým to Eliáš nezavolá. „Kedykoľvek povieš, Eliáš, vtedy to bude." A tak on išiel ku kráľovi a povedal: „Ani len rosa nespadne až kým ju ja nezavolám." To je riadne posolstvo.
34 A teraz to ideme znázorniť na duchovnej suchote v dnešnom čase. Všetci vieme, sme si jasne vedomí, že dnes je v zemi veľká duchovná suchota, v duchovnom význame. A viete, bolo to predpovedané cez prorokov, že to tak bude tesne pred druhým Kristovým príchodom. Je povedané: „Hľa, príde hlad na zem, nebude to hlad po samom chlebe, ale hlad počuť Slovo Božie." A ten deň je teraz, „Počuť pravdivé Slovo Božie." No, toto zobrazuje telesnú suchotu s duchovnou.
35 Hriech a nevera, skrze falošných učiteľov a modernistov v cirkvi priviedla to miesto do tohoto prichádzajúceho, nadchádzajúceho súdu. Oni sa vtedy odvrátili od Božieho Slova a od Jeho proroka, ku moderným teologickým termínom Slova.
36 Všimli ste si tu, to je práve v tom čase, keď Boh stále niečo vzbudzuje? Pretože On stále ... On nerobí nič, až kým to prv nezjaví ľuďom a On to stále zjavuje cez svojich sluhov.
37 No, ale tento Eliáš, v priebehu tohoto času mal tajné miesto, ktoré Boh pre neho vybral, aby tam išiel. To je to, čo teraz chceme vidieť, prv ako začneme vyvolávať ľudí do radu, aby sme sa za nich modlili. Eliáš mal tajné miesto, ktoré mu pripravil sám Boh. No, to miesto mu nepripravila cirkev, nepripravil mu ho kráľ, ani on sám si ho nepripravil, ale Boh pripravil pre Eliáša tajné miesto aby tam bol zaopatrovaný potravou po celý čas toho sucha, kde bol zabezpečovaný potravou deň za dňom. On sa nepotreboval starať čo sa stane zajtra ani sa nemusel starať či vydrží tá zásoba potravín. Boh povedal: „Rozkázal som krkavcom a oni ťa budu zaopatrovať potravou." Aká ohromná vec, obraz na naše tajné miesto v Kristovi.
38 Keď tá svetová rada a všetko to čo sa dnes deje, to hovorí: „Dni zázrakov skončili." Tie veľké moci Božie boli zobrané z cirkví. Oni už viacej nemajú nič, sú len zvučiacim zvonom a cvendžiacim cimbalom. My vieme, že je to pravda. „Majú formu pobožnosti a zapierajú jej moc."
39 Je to presne to isté, čo urobil Dávid dnes ráno s tým novým vozom , odišiel preč od Slova. Keď im bolo predstavené a podané Slovo, oni to nechceli, a tak od Toho odstúpili.
40 To je to čo urobili títo ľudia vo dňoch Eliáša, odstúpili od Slova. Oni si mysleli, že majú Slovo, ale ho nemali.
41 Tak si všimnite, potom v priebehu toho času, keď On išiel potrestať neveriacich, On pre veriaceho urobil cestu. On robí stále to isté. Vo dňoch, keď išiel zničiť svet vodou, On pre Noeho urobil cestu úniku. V čase, keď išiel potopiť Egypt, pripravil pre Svoj ľud cestu úniku cez more. Ako Boh robí svoju cestu! A tam kde nie je žiadna cesta, On je tou cestou. On je tou cestou!
42 Uvedomujeme si, že stojíme pred niečím ... pred jednou z najväčších hodín, ktorú história kedy poznala. To nie je vlastne nejaká raketová vyleštená zbraň s výbušnou hlavicou, ktorej sa máme báť, to sú cikrvi, ktorých sa máme báť. To je hodina v ktorej žijeme, v ktorej máme dávať pozor.
43 Všimnite si teraz ale Boh urobil pre Eliáša cestu aby tomu unikol. A On urobil cestu pre svoje veriace deti aby tomu teraz unikli, tomu hnevu a všetkému čo má prísť.
44 Pretože Boh by nebol spravodlivý, že súdil týchto ľudí a potrestal ich a potopil Sodomu a Gomoru a potopil Kafarnaum v strede mora a odsúdil tie generácie a Sodomu a Gomoru a potom by nás nechal robiť to isté a obišiel by to. My prepadneme pod súd s takou istotou ako prepadli pod súd oni.
45 A teraz vidíme, že keď nastávali tieto veci, ten moderný trend toho času, Boh vzbudil muža v tom čase aby bojoval proti tým mociam a oni to nechceli počúvať. Oni si mysleli, že to je blázon: „Stratil rozum. To je len starý fanatik, blázon z púšte, taký pomätený divoch." Ale jednako, on mal Slovo Pánove.
46 „Slovo neznamená to čo ono hovorí," dnes hovoria. „Ó, dobre, Biblia je historická kniha." Hádam ste toto videli a teraz tvrdia, že Eva nezjedla jablko, že ziedla ... Čo to bolo? Zdá sa mi, že teraz hovoria, že to bola marhuľa. „To bola marhuľa." A potom, že Mojžiš nikdy nepreviedol tie deti cez Červené more. To tam bola veľká plocha trstiny na konci toho mora a že on prešiel cez more trstiny. Ako potom tá voda, v-o-d-a, stála ako múr z obidvoch strán a oni prešli po suchej zemi? Ó, také nezmysly! Ale, vidíte, treba na to taký deň aby bol dole na ľudí prinesený Boží hnev. Tak sa to deje.
47 Oni hovoria, že nieto niečo také, ako tieto ... Dokonca ani cirkevní ľudia neveria v zázraky. „Dám ti tisíc dolárov," hovoria, „ukáž mi zázrak. Ukáž mi nejaký zázrak!" No, oni to nemôžu vidieť, keby sa pred nimi stalo aj desať tisíc vecí. Prečo, oni to nikdy nebudú vidieť.
Poviete: „To je nemožné." Ale nie, to je možné.
48 Eliáš bol raz dole v Dotán a prišla tam Sýrska armáda a obkľúčila mesto, aby ho zajali, pretože sa dozvedeli v čom leží sila toho národa, že to je v tom vidiacom. No, kráľ ... Jeden človek povedal Sýrskemu kráľovi: „Vieš čo, prorok Eliáš Tišbänský hovorí Izraelskému kráľovi to, o čom sa ty rozprávaš vo svojej tajnej miestnosti."
49 Povedal: „Choďte a priveďte toho človeka! To je ten, ktorý nám robí problémy." A celá Sýrska armáda tam vkĺzla a obkľúčila Dotán, boli všade okolo.
50 A Geházi, prorokov sluha sa zobudil a povedal: „Ó, môj otče, všade okolo je tu armáda. Sme úplne obkľúčení."
51 On povedal: „S nami je viacej ako s nimi." Vidíte?
A Geházi sa pozrel okolo a povedal: „Nikoho nevidím."
52 On povedal: Pane Bože, otvor tomu chlapcovi oči." A jeho oči sa otvorili a všade po kopcoch bolo plno anjelov a vozov, neviditeľná moc.
53 Eliáš išiel rovno tam a Biblia hovorí, že ich ranil slepotou. On išiel ku nim, oni boli slepí na neho. Išiel tam a povedal: „Hľadáte Eliáša?"
Povedali: „Áno, jeho hľadáme."
54 Povedal: „Poďte, poviem vám presne kde je" a viedol ich rovno do pasce, rovno tam kde bola armáda ... a išiel tam a dostal ich.
55 No, Biblia hovorí: „On ich ranil slepotou." A hotovo. A ľudia sú dnes tak duchovne slepí, že hoci Pán Boh prichádza dole medzi ľudí a robí všetko, veci, ktoré zasľúbil, oni to stále nemôžu vidieť. Sú duchovne slepí, nepoznajú Boha, nepoznajú jeho veľkú moc. No, vidíme, že to tak robili v čase Eliáša a dnes to stále tak robia. Boh ich ranil slepotou. Oni dnes hovoria, že zázraky neexistujú, že nieto niečo také, že všetko to je len emócia.
56 A oni to isté hovorili o Eliášovi, pretože keď on bol vzatý a Elizeus nastúpil na jeho miesto, mladý muž, mladý plešivý, deti za ním behali a hovorili: „Plešivý, prečo si neišiel s Eliášom?" Vidíte? Tí ľudia tomu vôbec neverili, potom hoci sa stalo tak veľa vecí. A tento veľký muž Boží bol prenesený do neba na ohnivom voze a ľudia tomu stále neverili. A nechali svoje malé deti pobehovať za týmto mužom a oni volali: „Plešivec, prečo si ty neišiel hore?" Vidíte? A prorok potom preklial tie deti a medvedica zabila z nich 42.
57 Všimnite si teraz. Dnes, ako to bolo aj vtedy, oni dávajú Slovu svoj vlastný výklad. No, keď to chcú robiť, to je ich vec, ale oni sa snažia spraviť aby sme tomu verili. Biblia hovorí: „TotoBožie Slovo nedeje sa z vlastného rozlúštenia." Boh mu dáva svoj vlastný výklad. Boh potvrdzuje svoje Slovo a to je jeho výklad. Ako som už veľakrát povedal, On povedal na začiatku: „Buď svetlo." A bolo svetlo. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad, to sa stalo. On povedal: „Panna počne." A ona počala. On povedal, že vyleje svojho Ducha a vylial. A On povedal: „V posledných dňoch," veci, ktoré On bude robiť a On to robí. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad. Boh tomu dáva svoj vlastný výklad. Nezáleží na tom čo hovoria hlúpi ľudia, to Boha ani trochu nezastaví.
58 Keď bol Ježiš na zemi, On mal toľko nevery s ktorou musel zápasiť, koľko máme aj my dnes a možno viacej. Ale to Ho nezastavilo. On išiel rovno ďalej, činil svoju službu a Boh potvrdzoval všetko čo robil. On povedal: „Ja nie som sám. Môj Otec a Ja sme jedno. On prebýva vo mne. To nie som ja, ktorý činí tie skutky, to je Otec, ktorý prebýva vo mne. A ak nekonám Jeho skutky, potom Mi neverte; ale ak konám tie skutky a jednako mi nemôžete veriť, verte tým skutkom." Vidíte? Inými slovami, oni ... „Skúmajte Písma," On povedal: „pretože si myslíte, že v nich máte večný život, tým, že ich poznáte. A samé tie Písma svedčia o Mne." Amen! Čo za výrok! Oni sú to (Tie Písma), ktoré vám hovoria kto som." Povedal Ježiš.
59 A to sú Písma, ktoré vám hovoria o hodine v ktorej žijeme a o veciach, ktoré vidíte, že sa stali, to je Sám Boh medzi svojím ľudom. Nič nemôže vzkriesiť mŕtveho, okrem Boha. Nič nemôže robiť tie veci, ktoré On teraz robí, okrem Neho. Lebo Biblia povedala: On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky."
60 No, vidíme potom ten moderní trend ľudí: „Ó tie dni pominuli, nieto niečo také ako zázraky. Tí ľudia sa všetci dostali len do emócie."
61 Počúvajte toho Eliáša, proroka, kričal proti ním a proti ich teológom. Všimnite si, všimnite si, on hovoril ako keby on sám bol Boh. Eliáš hovoril ako keby on sám bol Boh: „Nespadne z neba ani rosa až kým ju ja nezavolám." Amen! Tak veru. Ten prorok bol tak dlho v prítomnosti Božej ...
62 Tí proroci v starom Zákone, alebo kedykoľvek, keď žili v prítomnosti Božej, že až sa stali Slovom, ich posolstvo je samo Slovo. Pamätajte, on povedal „TAK HOVRÍ PÁN!" A keď títo muži mali tie posolstvá od Boha a oni boli do toho tak zabalení, že ich vlastné myslenie ... To mohlo byť proti ich mysleniu, oni to možno neboli schopní vidieť správne. Ale oni hovorili Slovo Božie, „TAK HOVRÍ PÁN!"
63 „Nebude dažď až kým ho ja nezavolám!" Ó, čo za výrok! On bol v prítomnosti Božej a bol tak dokonale potvrdení. A pamätajte, to tiež nasleduje Ámos 3:7: „Lebo Pán Boh nečiní ničoho až kým to prv nezjaví svojím sluhom prorokom." On povedal: „Nebude žiadneho dažďa!" On prv ...
64 Oni sa mu vysmievali, mysleli si, že je blázon. „Ten fanatik." Ale vidíte? On mal TAK HOVRÍ PÁN, že nebude pršať. A Boh, prv ako to urobil On to zjavil Eliášovi, svojmu sluhovi. A on bol potvrdený, dokázaný prorok, tak ľudia mali činiť pokánie. Ale namiesto toho, oni sa mu vysmievali, vraveli: „Máme dosť dažďa! Rezervátory sú plné. Rieky tečú dobre."
65 Biblia hovorí, že za tri roky a šesť mesiacov nebola ani len rosa. Všetky potoky a voda vyschli, všade! To nebol ten človek, to bol Boh, ktorý hovoril cez toho človeka! Tak to bolo. Stále to vieme. Tak on ...
66 Vidíme, že keď prichádza nejaký muž, poslaný od Boha, Bohom ustanovený, s tým skutočným TAK HOVRÍ PÁN, to posolstvo a posol sú jedno a to isté. Pretože on je poslaný aby reprezentoval TAK HOVRÍ PÁN, Slovo za Slovom, tak on a jeho posolstvo, to je to isté.
67 Nejaký denominačný človek pod záštitou denominácie, on a jeho cirkev sú jedno. Teológ pod teológiou, vytvorenou nejakou denomináciou, on a jeho posolstvo sú jedno. Cirkevná teológia a teológ. Je to tak.
68 Tak keď nejaký človek prichádza s TAK HOVRÍ PÁN, on a jeho posolstvo sú jedno. A keď prichádza Eliáš s TAK HOVRÍ PÁN, on a jeho posolstvo sa stali jedno. Tak ako Ježiš, keď On prišiel, On bol Slovo. Ev. Jána 1. Tak Slovo Božie a posol na ten vek to bolo to isté, po celý čas. Je to tak.
69 Ježiš bol Slovo, ktoré bolo prorokované. On bol to, čo tí proroci hovorili, že sa stane: „Panna počne a porodí toto dieťa." Tam na začiatku im Boh povedal: „Semeno ženy rozdrtí hadovi hlavu, a on rozdrtí jeho pätu." Všetky tieto proroctvá boli už dané. Plačúci Dávid, všetci tí ostatní proroci počas tých vekov hovorili o Ňom. On bol manifestáciou toho Slova! Haleluja!
70 Vidíte teraz ku čomu sa snažím dostať? Hovoril som ku vám dnes ráno veľmi jasne. Či nevidíte autoritu živého Boha v živej cirkvi, v Neveste? Chorí sú uzdravení, mŕtvi vzkriesení, chromí chodia, slepí vidia, evanjelium sa šíri vo svojej moci, lebo Posolstvo a Posol sú jedno. Slovo je v cirkvi, v osobe.
71 Slovo Božie bolo v Eliášovi keď on tam vystúpil s TAK HOVRÍ PÁN a povedal: „Nebude pršať." To nebol Eliáš, to bol Boh v Eliášovi.
72 Veľkrát som povedal, ako mi raz povedala tá pani z kresťanskej vedy, už som to veľakrát hovoril. Ona povedala: „Pán Branham, príliš veľkú chválu pripisujete Ježišovi."
Povedal som: „Dúfam, že to je jediná vec za ktorú sa musím zodpovedať."
Ona povedala: „Snažíte sa pripísať mu Božskosť."
Povedal som: „On bol Božský."
73 Povedala: „Ó, On bol prorok, On bol dobrý človek, ale nebol Boh."
74 A ja som povedal: „Dobre, ukážte mi jedno miesto Písma, ktoré hovorí, že nebol."
75 A ona povedala: „V ev. sv. Jána je povedané, že On zaplakal, keď išiel ku Lazárovmu hrobu."
76 „Dobre." Povedal som: „On skutočne zaplakal. On bol oboje, človek aj Boh. On bol človek, keď plakal; ale aby vzkriesil mŕtveho, to musel byť Boh." Je to tak. A ja som povedal: „On bol človek, hladný; ale bol Boh, keď nakŕmil päť tisíc ľudí z pár chlebov a piatich rýb." Je to tak. „On bol človek, keď spal vzadu v člne; ale to bol Boh v Ňom, ktorý dokázal utíšiť more." Lebo prečo? On a jeho posolstvo boli jedno.
77 On povedal: „Ja a môj Otec sme jedno. Môj Otec prebýva vo mne." On bol plnosť Božstva telesne.
78 Myslím, že to bolo také zarážajúce jedného dňa, keď som priniesol sedem cirkevných vekov. Zo začiatku som nevedel ako to, že Ježiš tam stojí s tými ... s tým bielym takto okolo, kde je povedané: „Jeho vlasi boli ako biela vlna." Nevedel som pochopiť ako tridsať tri ročný človek bude snehobiely.
79 Zavolal som dobrému teológovi, letničnému teológovi, dobrému drahému priateľovi. Bol to brat Jack Moore. On je bystrý, inteligentný človek. On povedal: „Brat Branham, to bol oslávený Ježiš. On takto vyzerá po tom keď bol oslávený." Nie, nemohol som tomu uveriť. Nie.
Povedal som: „Dobre brat Moore, ďakujem."
80 Išiel som tam do tej miestnosti a hovoril som ku Bohu. Zobral som hneď konkordanciu a našiel som to tam v Danielovi, kde je povedané: „A prišiel ku Starodávnemu dňov, ktorého vlasy boli ako biela vlna." Povedal som: „Pane, neviem čo povedať a ja mám zodpovednosť." No, to bolo pred ... a pamätajte, pred otvorením siedmich pečatí, asi rok alebo aj viac predtým. A ja som sa tam modlil: „Pane, čo to znamená?"
81 A pozrel som sa, niečo predo mnou stálo, stál tam nejaký človek a to bol sudca a na hlave mal bielu parochňu. Tí starí sudcovia v dávnych dňoch zvykli nosiť bielu parochňu aby tým bolo ukázané, že on má najvyššiu autoritu.
82 A potom keď som videl Ježiša s bielou parochňou, povedal som, že to len potvrdzuje pravdu, ktorú poznáme, že On je najvyššou autoritou. Boh vydal svedectvo o tom istom na hore Premenenia. Povedal: „Toto je môj milovaný Syn, jeho počúvajte," najvyššia Autorita!
83 Potom tam vtedy na začiatku Siedmich Pečatí, keď prišli dole tí anjeli vo forme pyramídy, stál tam a povedal mi aby som sa vrátil sem naspäť a hovoril o týchto Siedmich Pečatiach. Že On bude so mnou. Ukázal mi čo to bolo, tie stratené veci. Ja som si stále myslel, že to bolo zapečatené na zadnej strane tej knihy, že to je niečo, čo nebolo zapísané v Knihe, ale ukázalo sa, že je oznámené, že On by to nemohol urobiť. To nie je niečo, čo nebolo zapísané v Knihe ... To je niečo, čo v tej Knihe bolo skryté. „Lebo ktokoľvek z toho odníme jedno slovo alebo pridá jedno slovo do toho .." Tak to je tajomstvo, ktoré bolo v tej Knihe v týchto siedmich cirkevných vekoch. Každý jeden z nich vyprodukoval tajomstvo, všetko ohľadne vodného krstu a týchto iných vecí, ohľadne ktorých oni tak dlho tápali.
84 A potom, keď sa to vznieslo hore, tie veľké observatóriá od Kalifornii, cez Mexico, Tucson a všade urobili z Toho snímky. Bol to tajomný pohľad. A brat Fred Sothmann, ktorý je tu, sedí rovno tam vzadu a ja a brat Gene Norman, stáli sme tam prítomní, keď sa to vznieslo hore. Urobili fotografiu a stále nevedia čo to je. Nedávno, každý hovoril: „Pozrite sa tu na toto, vyzerá to ako toto a ako sa v tom prelínajú krídla tých anjelov."
85 Jedného dňa, keď som to obrátil doprava, ukázalo sa, že to je Ježiš Kristus, presne tak dokonale ako Ho namaľoval Hoffman. Stál tam s bielou parochňou, díval sa dole na zem, ukazujúc, že On je najvyššia Autorita. Nebesia to vyhlasujú, Biblia to vyhlasuje, Posolstvo to vyhlasuje. Všetky tie vyhlásenia hovoria to isté. Najvyššia Autorita s bielou parochňou. Vidíte pod ňou jeho čiernu bradu. Mnohí z vás ste videli tú fotografiu. Máme ich tam. Obráťte to len doprava, pozrite sa na to z boku. Tam On je, tak dokonale ako keby to bola jeho fotka. Oni sa na to dívajú z nesprávneho uhla. Musíte sa na to dívať pod správnym uhlom. A jedine Pán Boh môže zjaviť, ktorý je ten pravý uhol. Obráťte to doprava a pozrite sa na to. Tam Ho máte tak dokonale ako keby to tam bol odfotené.
86 Keď som Ho prvýkrát videl, vyzeral ako Hlava na Hofmanovom obraze. Nikdy predtým som to (ten obraz) nevidel a po niekoľkých rokoch som to uvidel v modlitebni Billy Sundaja. Odvtedy mám stále vo svojom dome tento obraz.
87 Potom, tu na oblakoch, to ukazuje, že to je ten istý Boh, ktorého som videl tam v tom videní, keď som bol ešte len chlapec, tam vonku kde stojí tá škola. On tak vyzeral. A tu na nebesiach o tridsať tri rokov neskoršie je vyhlásené, že to je pravda. Takto On vyzerá; nie ako niečo tajomné, čo niekto vymyslel.
88 Ako vo Vatikáne, oni tam majú namaľovaného Krista s krátkou bielou briadkou okolo brady, či s briadkou asi pol cóla dlhou, okolo brady a tu takto a nazývajú to Kristus.
89 To mi pripomína jedného gréckeho umelca, videl som to raz v starodávnej katedrále, ktorý znázorňoval ako vyzerali Adam a Eva: „Vyzerali tam ako zvieratá alebo niečo také." To je to, čo môže pochopiť telesná myseľ z nejakých duchovných veci. Ja myslím, že Adam bol najkrajší muž, ktorý kedy žil a Eva bola dokonalá žena v každom zmysle.
90 No, telesná myseľ zabalí tie veci do svojich vlastných predstáv, potom to Boh posiela a odhaľuje tie veci Svojou mocou. A to je presne to, čo sa stalo tu vo dňoch Achaba.
91 No, vidíme, že Eliáš to mohol povedať pretože posolstvo na tú hodinu a Slovo Božie ... Alebo posol, Posolstvo - Posolstvo a Slovo, to bolo presne jedno a to isté. Prorok, Slovo, Posolstvo; posol, Posolstvo a človek, to bolo jedno a to isté. Ježiš povedal: „Ak nečiním skutky, ktoré sú napísané o Mne, potom Mi neverte." To je dobre. Každý človek je jedno so svojím posolstvom.
92 Preto dnes ľudia nemajú vieru do činenia skutkov Božích, pretože neprijímajú Božie Posolstvo. Oni neveria Posolstvu.
93 Ale pre tých, ktorí veria v Božiu hodinu v ktorej žijeme sú tieto veci skrytým pokrmom. Predstavte si len, Boh to tak ukryl, že oni sa dívajú rovno na to a nevidia to. Takto isto Eliáš zaslepil sírsku armádu. Takto isto Boh zaslepuje neveriacich aby nevideli skutočný, opravdový pokrm detí, veriacich.
94 Ľudia nazývali Noeho fanatik, lebo staval archu, jeho oči boli otvorené na Slovo Božie a na zasľúbenie. Tá istá vec, ktorú oni nazývali fanatizmom, spasila Noeho a jeho rodinu. Vidíte, presne tá istá vec. To z čoho sa ľudia vysmievajú, to je to za čo sa my modlíme. Vec, ktorú ľudia nazývajú bláznovstvo, my to nazývame veľkým. To čo svet nazýva veľkým, Boh to nazýva bláznovstvo. A čo svet nazýva bláznovstvo, Boh to nazýva veľkým. To je presný kontrast medzi dobrým a zlým.. Ježiš Kristus ten istý včera dnes i naveky.
95 Pamätajte on odišiel na svoje tajné miesto podľa Božieho plánu, podľa Božieho povolania a podľa Slova Božieho. Eliáš vošiel do svojej tajnej skrýši skrze Božie predzvedenie - plán a skrze povolanie, ktorým bol povolaný a podľa Slova. Ak toto nie je spôsob ako tam my vojdeme, tak potom neviem ako sa tam dostaneme.
96 A všimnite si, prv ako začala suchota, Eliáš odišiel na toto tajomné miesto aby tam žil. Presný obraz toho ako to bude predtým, keď súd začne narážať na zem, cirkev je už vyvolaná, Nevesta je už vybraná a len čaká predtým ako začne udierať súd. Už čaká, sýti sa Božou potravou, teší sa z požehnaní Božích. Každý človek podľa svojho normálneho rozumu vie, že ideme rovno naproti, že sme rovno v hodine súdu.
97 Pozrite! Brat Banks a niektorý z vás ktorý ste tu dnes večer, ktorí ste stáli to ráno na tom kopci.
98 A chcem hovoriť o tom kopci na budúcu nedeľu ráno ak dá Pán. Mám veľké zjavenie, niečo ďalej, čo sotva môžem zadržať aby som to dnes nepovedal. Ale mám ... Vidíte? To sa proste neustále po celý čas deje jedna vec za druhou. Vidíte? Nikdy sa to neprestane diať, pretože to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!
99 Každý z vás, tisíce krát tisíce na páskach, počuli ste ma povstať a povedať: „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, stane sa to a to." A ešte aj noviny a časopisy museli vyhlásiť, že je to tak. Oni nevedia čo to všetko znamená, ale to videli. Nevedia čo to je, ale videli, že to presne potvrdzuje, že Slovo je pravda.
100 Keď sme stáli tam dole pri rieke, keď vtedy prišiel dole ten anjel Pánov, 33 rokov, bolo to v 1933, prišiel dole a povedal tie veci, ktoré povedal. Vyšiel som z vody a na brehu stálo veľa ľudí, povedali: „Čo to znamená, Billy?"
101 Povedal som: „To nebolo pre mňa; to bolo pre vás. Ja verím; vy nie." A išiel som ďalej.
102 A potom mi povedal ten pastor: „Chceš povedať, že ty, ktorý si vychodil len sedem tried, že pôjdeš do celého sveta a budeš sa modliť za vládcov a ľudí vo vysokom postavení a za kráľov a všetkých?" Povedal: „Ó, zabudni na to!".
103 Nemohol som na to zabudnúť, bolo to vyryté do môjho srdca. Teraz tu, po tridsiatych troch rokoch, všetko to čo On povedal sa stalo presne tak, ako to On povedal, že to urobí. On je Boh a nemôže sklamať. On stále drží svoje Slovo. On ... Nikdy v to nepochybujte.
104 Všimnite si teraz, on tam odišiel podľa Božieho plánu, predzvedenia, Božieho povolania a podľa Božieho Slova a odišiel tam prv ako nastalo sucho.
A teraz vieme, že súd je pripravený udrieť.
105 Keď sme stáli vtedy na tom kopci, brat Banks Wood tu sedí, išli sme hore na ten kopec. Možno to znovu zopakujem, aby som posilnil vašu vieru do tohoto modlitebného radu, ktorý budeme mať za ďalších desať, pätnásť minút. Išiel som len ďalej s bratom Banksom. On bol ... Zdá sa mi, že doma nechal sestru Ruby, keď bola chorá. A išiel za mnou, všimol som si, že je červený do tváre. A pozrel som sa dozadu a pomyslel som si, že chôdza do toho kopca môže byť pre neho trošku namáhavá, tak som trochu spomalil. Bolo to rovno v tých pustatinách, rovno hore boli takéto kopce, presne tam, kde sa zjavili tí anjeli Pánovi. Išli sme vtedy rovno tým smerom, kde sa oni zjavili niekoľko mesiacov predtým.
106 A keď som išiel hore na ten kopec, Duch Boží ... Keď som sa otočil, aby som sa pozrel na vrchol toho kopca, On povedal: „Zodvihni kameň a povedz mu - TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, za niekoľko hodín uvidíš Slávu Božiu."
107 Zodvihol som len kameň a povedal som: „Brat Banks, neviem prečo" - vyhodil som ho do vzduchu a povedal som: „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, budeš vidieť Slávu Božiu."
Opýtal sa: „Týka sa to Ruby?"
108 Povedal som: „Nie, nemyslím si, že by to malo niečo spoločné s tebou, s Banksom alebo s Ruby, ani s jedným. Myslím si len, že proste bolo povedané TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, niečo sa stane."
109 A na druhý deň ráno keď sme tam stáli, mnohí , neviem koľkí tu teraz sedíte, bolo nás tam dvanásť alebo štrnásť, pätnásť. Zrazu prišiel ku mne jeden kazateľ a opýtal sa: „Brat Branham, nazývam sa tak a tak. Bol som jedným z tvojich sponzorov v Kalifornii."
110 Povedal som: „Som rád, že ťa stretával." Douglas McHughes. On povedal: „Som rád, že som sa s tebou stretol." Potriasli sme si ruky.
111 On povedal: „No, chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať." Je tu brat Roy Robertson, člen staršovstva, brat Wood, Terry a Billy a ó, brat Mac Knelly a neviem kto všetko tam stál. A ja .. On povedal: „Chcem sa ťa niečo opýtať." Povedal: „Dáva ti Pán videnia aj takto vonku?"
112 Povedal som: „Áno, brat, ale sem idem na to aby som tak trochu od toho odišiel, aby som si oddýchol." A takto som sa pozrel a videl som silného doktora ako sa na neho díva a povedal: „Reverend McHughes, táto alergia v tvojom oku ťa zakrátko pripraví o oko. Už ťa liečim dva roky a nič s tým nemôžem urobiť." A obrátil som sa ku nemu a povedal som mu: „ Pýtaš sa ma to preto, lebo tvoj doktor ti nedávno povedal, že máš v oku alergiu." Bolo poludnie okolo jedenásť hodín a on mal slnečné okuliare. A ja som povedal: „Nemáš ich kvôli slnku ale kvôli svojmu oku. On ti povedal, že stratíš to oko."
A on začal plakať. Povedal: „Je to tak."
113 Obrátil som sa aby som išiel ďalej. Držal som lopatu. A pozrel som sa a videl som ho tam stáť ako sa na mňa díval a oči mu len tak žiarili. Povedal som: „Ale TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, nestratíš to oko." Minulú jeseň som s ním bol na poľovačke, vidí lepšie ako ja alebo ktokoľvek tu. Tak veru.
114 A videl som staršiu pani ako stiahla dole punčochu a zodvihla na kraji sukňu. Povedala: „Synu, keď budeš vidieť brata Branhama, povedz mu aby sa pomodlil za moju nohu." A pozrel som sa tam dole a malé ... vyzeralo to ako nádory všade dookola na nohy.
115 Povedal som: „Tvoja matka je šedivá pani." („Môj synu" Vidíte?) Prv ako si sem išiel tak ti povedala, že ak ma budeš vidieť aby si mi povedal, či by som sa nepomodlil za jej nohu. Má na nej také malé nádory, všade na nohy." Zdalo sa že odpadne.
Povedal: „To je pravda."
Povedal som: „Povedz jej aby sa nebála, bude to v poriadku."
116 Vykročil som ďalej a vtedy som počul Boží Hlas, povedal: „Odstúpte sa rýchlo z cesty." Stál tam Roy Robertson, vedel som, že on je starý vojnový veterán, položil som mu ruku na plece a povedal som: „Brat Roy, rýchlo sa schovaj, čím skorej!"
Povedal: „Čo sa deje?"
Povedal som: „Odstup sa! Schovaj sa!"
117 A len čo som vykročil, odložil som lopatu, otočil som sa, zložil som si klobúk. A tu On prichádzal. Sláva Pánova zostupovala ako víchor, ktorý takto rozpáral z boku ten kopec a bolo počuť hukot a to miesto sa takto triaslo, zoťalo to vrcholce kríkov tesne okolo tri alebo štyri, päť stôp nad mojou hlavou. Zodvihlo sa to takto ako lievik a znovu to zahučalo. A tri razi to tu takto prišlo.
118 Potom keď to odišlo, tretí krát, prišiel brat Banks a povedal: „To bolo to o čom si hovoril?"
Povedal som: „Áno."
Povedal: „Čo to bolo?"
119 Povedal som: „Boh sa zjavuje vo víchrici." Nevedel som, či On chce aby som to tým ľuďom povedal alebo nie.
120 Potom som išiel ďalej a trochu som sa modlil. On mi potom povedal, že im to môžem povedať. Povedal som: „To je súd, ktorý naráža na západné pobrežie." Pozriťe sa dnes naňu! Pozrite sa čo sa stalo za niekoľko hodín potom: Aljaška sa potopila. A teraz to všetko pôjde pod vodu. Vchádzame pod súd, milosť bola odstrčená.
121 Ale vďaka Bohu, že máme skrytý pokrm, duchovný pokrm, že žijeme na dobrote a milosti zjavenia sa Ježiša Krista v týchto posledných dňoch, kde sa On sám potvrdzuje medzi svojím ľudom. Amen! Oni vošli. Eliáš tam vošiel prv ako nastalo sucho. Vďaka Bohu, že môžeme byť vo vnútri predtým ako nastáva súd. Teraz je čas vyjdenia a vojdenia, vyjdenia von z tých organizácií a vojdenia do Krista, čas vyjdenie von a vojdenie dovnútra pre všetkých skutočných veriacich.
122 On bol vtedy vyvolaný a zostal tam vo vnútri. Pamätajte, on neopustil ten potok, až kým ho Boh nezavolal.
123 A potom keď tá suchota mala už skončiť, On ho z tade zavolal a poslal ho do domu vdovy. Všimnite si, On túto vdovu povolal a táto vdova nemala žiadne spoločenstvo s neveriacimi (neprijala znamenie šelmy počas toho sucha), tak On ho zavolal ... zavolal ju ... zavolal Eliáša aby zaopatroval túto vdovu. Oni mali len jeden malý posúch, jednu malú vec ktorej sa držala. A Eliáš povedal: „Prv to daj mne. Lebo TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, hrnček sa nevyprázdni ani olej v nádobe nevyschne až do toho dňa, ktoré Pán Boh pošle na zem dášť." Dajte Boha na prvé miesto, jeho Slovo na prvé miesto!
124 Všimnite si, v tom hrnčeku bola stále múka. Stále keď išla pre múku, v hrnčeku bola múka. V nádobe bol olej, stále keď išla preň. Prečo? Múka reprezentovala Krista v obeti múky. Tie zrnká museli presne pasovať, každé muselo byť zomleté. Každé zrnko tejto múky bolo úplne rovnaké, a to ukazuje, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. To bolo Slovo, Chlieb života, ktorý nasleduje to posolstvo, aby potvrdil to Slovo.
125 Tak je to dnes, pratelia. Tak je to dnes, že ten Chlieb Života, ktorým sa sýtia deti, nasleduje Pososlstvo Božie, aby im dával pokrm počas tej suchoty. Čo keby on zastal dnes v našej prítomnosti? Čo keby práve teraz zastal tu v našej prítomnosti? On by sa správal a robil presne to isté ako to robil vtedy, keď bol v tele tu na zemi. Nevesta je časťou Muža, Cirkev je taká istá ako Kristus. Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť." A to je Slovo, ktoré to vykonalo. On nám povedal, že skutky, ktoré On činil, že my tiež budeme činiť.
126 Znovu tu vidíme, že ak je v nás Slovo a prišlo ku nám, ako prišlo vtedy ku Eliášovi, ono bude robiť to isté, čo robil on, on nás bude sýtiť tajomnými vecami Božími, ktoré sú skryté pred svetom. Ó. To znovu ukazuje, že posolstvo a posol sú jedno. Duchovný pokrm je pripravený a teraz je jeho čas. A každý z vás môže mať tento pokrm ak si ho prajete, ak ste ochotní zbaviť sa všetkej nevery tejto hodiny, ak ste pripravení prísť do Krista, prísť do Jeho zasľúbenia. A pamätajte Jeho zasľúbenia v Malachiášovi 4, v Lukášovi 17:30, tiež v ev. Jána 14:12 (a oveľa viac miest Písma, ktoré hovoria!) Joel 2:38 a všetko to čo On má robiť, či vlastne 2:28, čo On bude robiť v týchto posledných dňoch. A ako povedal prorok, že v týchto posledných dňoch bude svetlo, ako to bude prebiehať, čo to bude robiť, všetky Písma ukazujú na tieto posledné dni. A to je Kristus! Ak sa teraz môžete skryť v tom, na tom tajnom mieste, môžete jesť a vidieť dobrotu a milosrdenstvo Božie. Ak ste chorí, tam je uzdravenie.
127 Pamätáte sa keď Eliáš, neskoršie, zavolal dole ... Po tej obeti múky, ktorú mal, ktorou bol Kristus, a zaopatroval tým dom tej vdovy. Všimnite si, potom neskoršie, keď zavolal z neba oheň a tak ďalej a dokázal že ho poslal Boh, prorockého Ducha ...
128 Všimnite si, na púšti, keď tam ležal pod tým jalovcom, prišiel ku nemu anjel s takým istým pokrmom a upiekol nejaké posúchy a dal mu jesť. A trochu neskoršie On dal znovu na neho spánok a zobudil ho a mal tam pre neho ešte koláče (posúchy) z múky. A on išiel v sile toho pokrmu štyridsať dní. Sláva Bohu! On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ó, ako ho milujeme, duchovný pokrm na svoj čas.
129 „Nepatrí sa zobrať chlieb deťom a dať ho psom." Či nepovedal Ježiš to isté tej Sýroféničanky? On bol poslaný ku svojim vlastným. Je to tak. A to je ten ku komu On prišiel ... On nešiel ku pohanom.
130 A teraz, dnes On navštevuje pohanov v ich čase a nesluší sa ...
131 Vy hovoríte: „Prečo to Posolstvo nejde tam na tie veľké miesta, na tie veľké kampane, medzi denominácie?"
132 To nie je ich pokrm, to nie je tak zvaný cirkevný pokrm. To je pokrm pre Nevestu. To je duchovný pokrm na daný čas. Ich by z toho bolel žalúdok, pre nich je to príliš silé. Vidíte? Vidíte? Nemôžete to urobiť. Ale pre deti je to chlieb, to je život, to je Ježiš Kristus ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky.
133 Ak teraz nezačneme vyvolávať modlitebný rad, tak by sme to pretiahli a tak skloňme na chvíľu hlavy.
134 Drahý Bože, pokrm na daný čas, duchovný pokrm. Niečo o čom svet nič nevie. Ako sme počuli nášho Pána ako povedal ten večer alebo ten deň tam dole v Samárii, na tom istom mieste kde chodil Eliáš a povedal: „Ani len rosa nespadne kým ju ja nezavolám." Tu stojí Ježiš a hovorí svojim učeníkom.
Povedal: „Majstre, prečo neješ?"
A On povedal: „Mám ja pokrm o ktorom vy neviete."
135 Skutočne, Pane, Jeho pokrmom bolo činiť vôľu Božiu, vidieť skutky Božie, ktoré Boh manifestoval v Jeho čase. On tam bol nato aby videl, že to sa stalo. „Ja nerobím nič, iba čo mi prv ukáže Otec. To čo mi Otec ukazuje, to robím."
136 A Otče, tak je to dnes. Cirkev, skutočný veriaci, to Telo veriacich má prístup ku pokrmu, ku duchovnému pokrmu, o ktorom tí veriaci len podľa mena nič nevedia. Svet nevie nič o tomto pokrme, Otče, Ale Tvoja cirkev, Tvoj ľud, Nevesta Tvojho Syna to miluje.
137 Máme prístup ku uzdraveniu nášho tela, keď sú doktori bezradní. Pristúpili sme ku tomuto. To je jeden z Božích pokrmov, ktorý dal svojej cirkvi a zasľúbil to na tento posledný deň svojím veriacim deťom. A Otče, pomôž nám byť veriacimi deťmi, lebo veriacim je všetko možné. Udeľ nám to, drahý Bože. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
138 Myslím, že Billy mi hovoril, že rozdali nejaké modlitebné karty. Ak mi povie niekto to písmeno, ktoré je na modlitebnej karte, to je všetko čo chcem. C? Dobre. Zoberme C, jedna, začnime, až kým nebudem mať na začiatok niekoľkých v rade. Viete, teraz, oni môžu byť všade. No, ak všetci ... Dobre, viete, ja sa budem snažiť toto. Neviem, či to môžeme robiť alebo nie. Alebo či môžeme len zaradom vyvolávať ľudí, seďte potichu. Mne to nevadí. Keby ste radšej prišli sem hore na pódium alebo boli zavolaní, to nevadí, akokoľvek. Ja som závislý úplne na Duchu Svätom. Ja som závislí na Ňom aby hájil toto Slovo, ktoré som kázal.
139 Brat Georg Wright, verím tomu. Od malého chlapca, keď som chodieval do tvojho domu, pred mnohými rokmi a počúval som toho lelka, ktorý sedel na strome, stále verím to isté posolstvo. Verím, že to je to isté.
140 No dobre, vidím že tu robia miesto pre tých ktorí sem budú prichádzať aby sme sa za nich modlili. No dobre, modlitebná karta C, číslo jedna, dva, tri, štyri, päť, poďte prví a postavte sa tu. Ak nemôžete sem prísť, zodvihnite len ruku, niekto vám pomôže. Prečo ne ... Áno. Modlitebná karta C, jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť. A teraz si všimnite, vy ktorí nemáte modlitebnú kartu ...
141 No, takýto modlitebný rad som nemal už veľmi, veľmi dlho. Koľkí sa pamätáte na moje poverenie, keď sme tu stavali túto modlitebňu? On povedal: „Konaj dielo evanjelistu." Nepovedal, že ja som evanjelista. Povedala: „Konaj dielo evanjelistu," vidíte? lebo príde hodina, keď sa to zmení." A tá hodina nastáva. No dobre.
142 No, v tomto, On ... Nemôžete miešať spolu dve alebo tri rôzne služby, pastorskú a evanjelizačnú naraz. Nemôžete byť prorok a napríklad pastor naraz v tom istom čase. Vidíte? Pretože máte rozdielnu prácu, rozdielnu službu.
143 Ale Pán mi dal to čo som mal robiť vo svojom posolstve. Ale potom povedal: „Konaj dielo evanjelistu, plne potvrdzuj svoju službu, pretože príde hodina, keď neznesú zdravého učenia." Či to neprišlo teraz! Každá cirkevná denominácia ma odstrčila, oni neznesú zdravého učenia. „Ale podľa svojich vlastných žiadostí si budú hromadiť učiteľov a odvrátia sa ku bájkam. A budú činiť veľké veci aby z toho ťažili, ako Janes a Jambres, ktorí sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, ale ich nerozum sa ukáže." Vidíte? Vidíte? To je ono, napodobovatelia! Vidíte ako Jambres ...
144 A Boh v nebi vie, že to leží rovno tam v uholnom kameni tejto modlitebni od 1933 roku, napísané na papieri z Biblie, leží to rovno tam. Pozrite ako to oni vyplnili. Pozrite čo sa deje. Napodobovanie, presne tak. Je povedané: „Nechaj ich tak, ich nerozum sa ukáže tak isto, ako to bolo pri Jannesovi a Jambresovi." Sme tu, v tom čase.
145 Videl som vtedy tú cirkev, keď sme ešte len kládli ten uholní kameň, ľudia sa dívali prehnutí cez parapety a všade okolo, stáli okolo stien modlitebni. Tu to máte. A hovorili, keď stavba narastala, ľudia tu z mesta hovorili: „Za šesť mesiacov ..." My s dolárom a osemdesiatimi centami sme sa pustili do stavby modlitebni, mnohí ľudia, od stavby garáží boli rozhodnutí, že to bude ich garáž. Ale to je stále košiar pre Božie ovce.
146 Jeden, dva, tri, päť, šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať. Dobre.
147 No. „Ja Pán som to sadil, Ja to budem zalievať dňom i nocou, aby to nikto nevytrhol z mojej ruky." Pozrite sa na tú kritiku! Nestojí za tým žiadna denominácia. Nie je tu v okolí žiadny taký zbor. Žiadni letniční ani nikto na okolí, kto by to podporil. Každý je proti vodnému krstu, každý je proti všetkým tým ďalším veciam. Ešte aj moja vlastná rodina, môj vlastný otec ma vyhodil zo dverí, zobral som si do papierového vreca svoje oblečenie a odišiel som a býval som v New Albany. Je to tak.
Ale prešiel som už cez mnohé nebezpečenstvá, osídla a nástrahy. Je to milosť, ktorá ma až potiaľto chránila (Mám šesťdesiat šesť rokov a zakrátko prejdem cez tú rieku) Tá milosť ma ďalej bude niesť.
Keby som ta už bol desať tisíc rokov, v jasnom svetle ako slnko; Nebudeme mať menej dní aby sme spievali Bohu na chválu, než ako vtedy, keď sme začali.
Ó, ako milujem Ježiša, On je pre mňa všetko na svete!
148 Ó. No dobre. Koľkých som ... Kde som skončil, pri čísle desať? Môžeme vyvolať ešte viacej? Dobre. Čo to bolo, desať? Pätnásť, dobre. C, od desať do pätnásť, kdekoľvek ste, ak môžete vstaňte a poďte sem. Čo hovorí? Uhm? Dobre. Potom C, od pätnásť do dvadsať. Nech je to C, od pätnásť do dvadsať. To bude o desať ľudí viac. My ... Vidíte pokade sa tiahne ten rad, nemáme ich kde postaviť. Budeme ... Dobre.
149 Venujte mi teraz svoju plnú pozornosť, nechceme to preťahovať. Ale, teraz, ó, čo za hodina, čo za čas! Prajem si aby každý mohol milovať Pána. Prajem si aby sme všetci mohli prísť na to miesto aby sme si uvedomili potenciál tejto minuty. Pokúsme sa to. Venujte mi len svoju pozornosť.
150 Čo sa tu snažíme robiť? Kladieme Božie Slovo do skúšky. Eliáš urobil to isté, vyšiel hore na ten vrch, potom keď vedel, že je poslaný od Boha aby to urobil. On povedal: „A teraz sa presvedčme kto je Boh, nech Boh, ktorý odpovie ohňom je Boh."
151 A tí pohania sa rezali, och, hovorili: „Dobre, určite, ne ..." Tí pohania vedeli, že ten oheň nespadne, tak kričali a tak sa správali.
152 Ale Eliáš vedel, že on spadne, pretože mal videnie od Pána.
Poviete: „On mal videnie?"
153 Samozrejme! Keď uložil všetko podľa poriadku, povedal: „Pane, urobil som toto všetko ako si mi prikázal." A vtedy začal padať ten oheň. Keď do písmena dodržiavame Božie Slovo, potom je to vecou Boha aby sa postaral o to ostatné. On len od vás chce aby ste to tam položili. A buďte si istí, že ste povolaní do toho aby ste to tam položili. Rozumiete? A keď ste, On sa postará o to ostatné.
154 A teraz tu budú prichádzať ľudia, v tomto rade, za ktorých sa budem modliť ... Ako ... Stojíte teraz až tam po stenu, dobre, postavte sa do toho radu aby sme začali. No, prv, aspoň niekde tu v tejto budove sú ľudia ... Koľkí ste tu chorí a nemáte modlitebnú kartu, zodvihnite ruky. Vidíte? Všade. No viete, že ak náš Pán ... A ja verím že bude, ak je On ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On prešiel cez zástupy ľudí, za ktorých sa modlil. Ľudia prichádzali ku nemu vo veľkých zástupoch, množstvá, On sa ich dotýkal, žehnal ich. Potom sa raz zastavil a povedal: „Kto sa ma dotkol?" Pozrel sa okolo, povedal tej žene kvôli čomu sa Ho dotkla a povedal, že jej krvotok prestal, že jej viera ju uzdravila.
155 Čo keby sa ona obrátila a povedala: „No, neviem, Pane, už to mám dlhý čas?" Nebolo by sa to stalo. Nie, nestalo by sa to.
156 Čo keby On povedal tej Sýroféničanke: „Pre toto slovo, ktoré si povedala, tvoja dcéra, ten diabol od nej odišiel." A čo keby ona povedala: „No, Pane, chcela som aby si to urobil inak?" Ten diabol by bol stále v tom dievčati. Ale ona očakávala, že nájde svoje dieťa v takom stave ako jej On povedal.
157 A teraz, On nám povedal: „Ak môžete veriť! Keď môžete povedať tomuto vrchu „Pohni sa" a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť tomu čo ste povedali, stane sa to, môžete to mať. Keď sa modlíte, verte že to dostanete a bude vám to dané." Čo za prehlásenie!
158 No, človek, ktorý káže sociálne evanjelium vôbec tomu neverí. On podišiel ku dverám, nazrel dovnútra, alebo stojí tam a hovorí: „No to je len ďalšia skupina fanatikov" a odchádza preč. Rozumiete? Ale on nevie, že toto je skrytý pokrm. On nevie, že toto je tá tajná vec, ktorá je pred ním skrytá. On to nevie. Je to biedny stav, rozum, ktorý je nahý, mizerný, slepý a nevie o tom. Vidíte? To je zlý stav.
159 Ó Bože daj mi radšej zomrieť, ale nikdy nedaj aby som bol takýto. Radšej by som zomrel (tak veru), než ako takto postupovať. A myslím, že každý z nás tak uvažuje, či nie?
160 Ale teraz. Boh nám zasľúbil tieto veci na posledné dni. V Malachiášovi 4 je povedané, že Ježiš Kristus príde dole a stelesní sa v ľudskom tele ako to urobil v čase Sodomy. Je to tak. A povedal, že svet bude v stave Sodomy. A je povedané: „Ako to bolo vtedy, v tom čase sa zjavi Syn človeka." Vidíte, tento Človek, ktorý prišiel dole vo forme človeka, ktorým bol Elohim, podľa Abraháma, prv ako prišiel tento zasľúbený syn. Pozrite sa čo to bolo. Abrahám povedal, že to bol Boh. A Biblia hovorí, že tam prišli ku nemu traja mužovia, na šatách mali prach, cestovali, sadli si a jedli ako ľudia. A Ježiš povedal: „Práve vtedy keď príde svet do stavu Sodomy, vtedy sa znovu Syn človeka zjavi, (nie Syn Boží) Syn človeka (Rozumiete?) sa zjavi."
161 No, porovnajte si to s tým, čo povedal ten posledný prorok: „Hľa, Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša a on prinavráti srdcia detí naspäť ku otcom." Vidíte? Ide o posolstvo, ktoré ich má priviesť naspäť do Biblie. A v tom čase sa zjavi Syn človeka. A v tom čase, pri trúbení v poslednom cirkevnom veku, siedmeho anjela, v tom čase má byť oznámené tajomstvo Božie. Sedem pečatí má byť zlomených. Tajomstvá všetkých týchto cirkví a všetkého, ako oni prebiehali a to, čo ... ako, čo sa stalo.
162 Vidíte, oni to nevedia. Ježiš povedal: „Vy slepí farizejovia!" Povedal: „Ak slepý vedie slepého, či nespadnú obidvaja do jamy?" Vidíte, preto to títo ľudia nevidia.
163 Tajomstvo toho, týchto Pečatí, spočíva v tom, že každá jedna z týchto cirkví urobila organizáciu a vošla do nej a to je jedna z tých tajomných vecí, ktorá je zlá pred Bohom. Vidíš to, doktor Lee? Vidíte? Pozrite sa. To je, to je presne to, to je jedno z tých tajomstiev. Oni urobili organizáciu (Vidíte?) a dostali sa úplne pomimo vôľu Božiu. A to bude odhalené v tých posledných dňoch a to bude viesť ľudí nie do vyznania, ani do denominácie, ale naspäť do pravého Slova. A to pravé Slovo príde ku určitej skupine ľudí a Syn človeka sa zjavi v ich strede, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ó!
164 Ó, ako to milujem. Rád sa ním chválim. Rád Ho robím veľkým pred ľuďmi. Ja Ho nemusím robiť veľkým, On už je veľký. On je taký vysoký, že sa nemôžete dostať ponad neho, taký hlboký, že sa nemôžete dostať popod neho, taký široký, že Ho nemôžete obísť a pri tom máte pre neho miesto vo svojom srdci. Či Ho nechcete prijať? Aký ohromný je náš Pán! Je to tak?
165 A teraz sa skutočne utíšme, každý jeden. Hovorili sme o tomto. A teraz to hlavné na tom je, je to prvda? No, možno sú tu cudzí. Mohol by som sa vás opýtať, ak je Kristus ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky, čo bude v tejto chvíli robiť? On bude robiť to isté, čo robil vtedy, keď tu bol predtým. Je to tak? Viera ľudí sa dotkne Jeho rúcha a On sa obráti. Ako to urobil so ženou pri studni a na iných miestach a poznal ich myšlienky.
No, vy poviete: „Mohol by ma uzdraviť?"
166 Jeho Slovo hovorí, že On to už urobil. Ale to hlavné na tom je, že On sa cez to dáva poznať, že je tu.
167 No, keby sa On tu objavil ako fyzické telo a vyzeral by presne ako Hlava Krista v veku 33 rokov na Hofmannovom obraze a z rúk by mu vytekala krv a tak ďalej, mal by na sebe jazvy od klincov, ja by som to neprijal. Nie, nie, nie, nie. Keď On príde, On sám, „Uvidí Ho každé oko, každý jazyk Ho vyzná. Bude to tak ako blesk blýskajúci sa od východu na západ." Vidíte? My neveríme týmto kultom a klanom. My veríme, že Boh je Slovo.
168 Ale On sa stelesňuje, berie vaše telo a moje telo a dáva vám dary, dáva mne dary a cez tieto dary sa On dáva poznávať. To je skrytý pokrm. Bez ohľadu na tom ako veľmi sa On dá poznať cezo mňa, vy tomu musíte veriť, musíte mať dar viery, tiež, aby ste tomu verili. Veríte tomu? A teraz, keď sa On bude manifestovať, takýmto spôsobom, budete Mu veriť z celého svojho srdca? Budete Mu veriť? Ó, to je ohromné, čakajte len na Neho, čakajte len aby ste videli čo On povie.
169 Tu stojí muž. Nikdy v živote som ho nevidel, pokiaľ viem. Vyzerá dobre, ako silný, zdravý človek a možno že je, ja neviem. Ale on tu stojí. No, Mohol by som ísť a položiť na neho ruky a modliť sa za neho, opýtať sa ho či bude veriť. On by tu mohol stáť a povedať mi: „Chcem aby si sa modlil za to a za to. Mám vyskočené platničky. Mám sústavné bolesti hlavy. Mám vredy na žalúdku," alebo niečo také. On ... Ja neviem. On by mohol niečo také.
170 Ja by som povedal: „Dobre, pane, brat. Položím na teba ruky a budem sa modliť." To by bolo celkom v poriadku. To je presne to, čo sme robili po celý ten vek. Je to tak?
171 Ale pamätajte, Ježiš povedal, že to bude inak tesne v čase Jeho príchodu, ako to bolo vo dňoch Sodomy. A ten muž, ktorý sa tam ukázal, bol obrátený chrbtom ku stanu v ktorom bola Sárah a povedal: (nenazval ho teraz „Abram") „Abrahám."
172 Vidíte? Deň predtým to bol Abram, ale on mal videnie a Pán mu povedal, riekol: „Ja zmením tvoje meno."
173 A tu je Pán, On sám, vo forme človeka, je a pije s ním a povedal: „Abrahám, kde je tvoja žena Sarah?" S-a-r-a-h; nie S-a-r-a.
On povedal: „Je v stane za Tebou."
174 Povedal: „Navštívim ťa podľa môjho zasľúbenia, ktoré som ti dal pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi."
175 A Sára sa tak trochu v sebe zasmiala. On povedal: „Sárah sa práve teraz v stane zasmiala a povedala si - ako sa to môže stať?" Či je niečo ťažké pre Boha. Vidíte? Nič. Nie veru.
176 No, On povedal, Ježiš zasľúbil, že „On (Syn človeka) ktorým je Slovo (veríte tomu?) príde v posledných dňoch a zjavi sa v čase, keď bude svet ako Sodoma a Gomora." Veríte, že je to pravda?
177 Prv ako sa začneme modliť, nech sa niekto z vás sa tam modlí a bude vidieť či je Syn človeka stále ten istý, včera, dnes i naveky. Opýtajte sa len a povedzte: „Pane, ten človek ma nepozná, ale ja viem, že Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky," a budete vidieť či vám to On povie. Tak veru. Zodvihnite teraz na chvíľu hlavy.
178 To je za mnou. Je to dieťa. Práve teraz má vysokú horúčku. Je to malé dievča. Nie si z tohoto mesta. To dieťa je choré na žalúdok. Bolo. Len ver.
179 No, či je to to, čo On povedal, že bude robiť? Nikdy v živote som nevidel tú osobu. Boh na nebi to vie.
180 Tento muž tu, on vyzerá veľmi silný a zdravý, Ale vidíte tu nad ním ten tieň? To znamená, že ak mu Boh nepomôže, nebude tu veľmi dlho. Máš rakovinu, na pľúcach. Tak, Syn človeka je tu. A v srdci sa trápi za malého chlapca, dieťa. Je to tak? Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, čo je tomu dieťaťu? On to môže. Má obdobia, keď stráca vedomie, niečo ako forma epilepsie. Práve nedávno mal niečo také. Je to tak, dnes ráno. Veríš, že budeš žiť aby si vychoval toho chlapca a že on bude zdravý?
181 Kde je Charlie Cox? Kde je? Charlie, kde si? Myslel som, že je tu dnes večer. Aha tam, Charlie. Gary, kde si? Larry, je tu? Jeho malý chlapec tam, mal to isté. Jeho otec a matka sú moji veľmi dobrí priatelia. Pred rokmi som tam bol a prišlo to na toho malého chlapca a stratil vedomie a odpadol. To bola epilepsia. Videl som to na tom chlapcovi, prosil som Boha aby ho uzdravil, odvtedy to už viac nemal. To je jeho otec, jeho matka tu niekde sedí, a tu je sám ten chlapec. Veríš teraz, pane? Ďakujem ti, Larry.
182 Veríš, pane? Nech ti Boh na nebi udelí to isté a môžeš žiť a vychovať svoje dieťa. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Modlime sa.
183 Drahý Bože, pomôž mu. Prosím aby bola na ňom Tvoja milosť a milosrdenstvo a žehnaj ho. V mene Ježiša.
184 Choď teraz naspäť do Louisiany, buď šťastný a chváľ za neho Boha.
185 Ó, áno, on je z Louisiany, skutočne, býva neďaleko jazera Charles. Tak veru. Vidíte? Môžem teraz zachytiť vaše myšlienky. Áno. Chvála Bohu!
186 No, ty prosíš za dobrú vec, chceš mať dieťa. Už máš deti, niekoľko detí, ale chcete mať ďalšie. Nech ti to dá nebeský Boh, moja sestra. Poď sem, chcem len položiť na teba ruky.
187 Drahý Bože, daj tejto žene žiadosť jej srdca, pretože to je dobrá vec. V mene Ježiša. Amen.
A teraz choď a maj to dieťa.
188 Boh je dobrý Boh. Veríte tomu? On vie všetko čo potrebujeme, On uspokojuje každú našu potrebu ak tomu veríme. On povedal: „Ak môžete veriť!"
189 Niekde som si s tebou potriasol ruku. Nepamätám sa kde to bolo, ale niekde sme si potriasli ruky. Nepamätám sa presne, ale niekde sme boli, niekde dnes. Neviem kde to bolo. Ale nie sme tu na to aby sme o tom hovorili. Ty si tu na to aby si povedal, alebo aby si sa modlil, chceš aby som sa za niekoho pomodlil. Je to tak. On tu nie je, on je v Georgii, chorý. Nie len že je chorý, telesne, ale je duchovne chorý. Je to tvoj bratranec. Veríš, že Boh sa o to postará, keď tu kvôli nemu stojíš? Veríš? Poď sem a pomodlime sa spolu.
190 Drahý Bože, daj tomuto mužovi žiadosť jeho srdca, aby mohol ísť a nájsť toho človeka ako volá po Bohu. Prosím to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nepochybuj, ver z celého svojho srdca.
191 Ako sa máš? To neznamenalo, že som si nechcel s tebou potriasť ruku, keď si mi ju ty podával, práve som sa na niečo díval. Bol to tieň, skutočne tmavý a čierny. Preto viem, keby som ťa chytil za ruku, takým spôsobom by som to poznal. Vieš? Ale to je rakovina. veríš, že Boh ju môže odstrániť? Máš to na prsiach, na ľavej strane. Chceš ísť naspäť do Karolína a chváliť Boha za uzdravenie, či nie? Rozumieš čo myslím? Modlime sa.
192 Drahý Bože, v mene Ježiša Krista, Toho, ktorý je teraz prítomný, deti jedia chlieb Boží, nech toto dieťa sa tiež raduje vo viere z Božieho chleba, ktorý mu teraz dávaš na jeho uzdravenie. Nech ide a je zdravý. V mene Ježiša. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Ver z celého svojho srdca.
Ako sa máš?
193 Nie je to ohromný čas? Všimnite si len aká bázeň prišla na ľudí, v mojich ušiach to zaznelo takto, ako keď niečo ide [Brat Branham fúka do mikrofónu a zneje to ako mocní, ženúci sa vietor] „Šššš", takto. Vidíte? To je chlieb pre deti. Vidíte? To je vaše. To je pre vás. To nie je pre mňa, to je pre vás. Som veľmi vďačný práve teraz. Neviem ... Pokiaľ viem cítim sa dobre, ale to je tiež chlieb pre mňa, keď to potrebujem. To je chlieb pre vás. To je povzbudenie. Aj pre vás, ktorí nie ste ani chorí, to proste prináša naše srdcia pred Boha.
194 Toto je skutočne v pravý čas, čo On povedal, že bude robiť: „A ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, keď sa zjavi Syn človeka." Vidíte? „A hľa, Ja vám posielam proroka Eliáša, pred tým ako príde veľký a strašný deň Pánov. On prinavráti srdcia ľudí naspäť ku Otcovi." Vidíte? Vidíte?
195 „A potom spravodliví budú kráčať po popole bezbožných." Budú horieť ako pec. Vidíte? Zem bude horieť. Vidíme že to tam bude padať. Vulkán sa roznesie po zemi a nebesia budú v ohni.
Ó Skala Vekov, buď mi teraz milostivý a potom.
196 Ako sa máš? No, jedno čo máš, sú ženské problémy. Máš iné veci. Si nervózna, to je proste ten vek, ktorý spôsobuje nervozitu. Všetky možné komplikácie. Ale ti máš tiež túžbu, a to je prijať Ducha Svätého. Je to tak. Veríš že si ... Vyznala si všetko? Veríš, že keď položím na teba ruky a budem prosiť Boha aby to urobil, že príde Duch Svätý? Veríš tomu? Modlime sa.
197 Drahý Bože, kladiem svoje ruky na túto ženu, podľa toho ako to robili apoštolovia a prosím aby prijala krst Duchom Svätým. V mene Ježiša Krista, nech Ho prijme. Amen.
198 Nepochybuj v to. To ti patrí. Rozumieš? To je tvoje. To je chlieb pre deti.
199 Mala si trochu smiešny pocit, keď som povedal, že máš ženské problémy, však? Pretože to je to, čo tiež máš. A veríš, že budeš teraz zdravá? Choď, ďakuj len Bohu.
200 Ako sa máš? Veríš z celého svojho srdca? Veríš že budeš môcť jesť tak ako si zvykol dávno tomu? Dobre. Choď a hovor: „Ďakujem ti Pane. Verím tomu. To je prítomnosť Pánova.
201 Veríš, že tie problémy s chrbticou ťa opustia a budeš zdravý? Dobre len choď a povedz: „Ďakujem ti drahý Bože," a Boh ti to dá.
202 Veríš, že môžeš byť zdravý, že Pán ťa uzdravý a nebudeš mať žiadny zápal kĺbov, že budeš v poriadku a budeš zdravý? Veríš tomu? Choď, ďakuj Mu a povedz: „Pane, prijímam to z celého svojho srdca a verím tomu."
A čo vy všetci tam, veríte tomu?
203 Ty, hneď tu, polož svoju ruku na tú ženu, ktorá sedí tam hneď vedľa teba, povedz jej, že tie kŕčové žily a zápal kĺbov ju opustí ak môže len veriť.
204 Nech ťa Pán žehná. Veríš, že budeš teraz zdravý? Choď a povedz: „Ďakujem ti Pane Ježišu."
205 Ako sa máš? Veríš, že tie ženské ťažkosti ťa opustia, tiež, a že budeš zdravá? Choď a povedz: „Ďakujem ti Pane."
206 Ako sa máš? Ó, joj! Teba poznám, bol som ... keď som bol pastorom v baptistickom zbore. Toddin, sestra Dilly Toddin. Trpíš teraz na problémy s chrbticou. Bude to v poriadku. Veríš, že On ťa uzdraví? Pamätáš sa čo sa vtedy pred rokmi stalo tam v baptistickom zbore v Milltown? On je dnes ten istý Boh. Nech ťa Boh žehná. (George Wright, kde si? Pamätáš sa?) Ó! Veríš, že ak len položím ruky na teba, s týmto pomazaním, veríš že budeš zdravá? Poď sem. Nech je uzdravená v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Maj vieru!
Dobre, veríte všetci z celého svojho srdca?
207 No, ako mi to pripomenulo všetky tie staré spomienky, keď vidím tú pani. Nemôžem si už spomenúť jej meno, ale ... Toddin - Toddin,
to je ono. Ó, áno, jej dcéra sa nazývala Gertie, je to tak. Je to presne tak. Nemyslite si, že som bez seba, len som tak trochu, viete, to je niečo také ... neviem to vysvetliť.
208 Ale tvoje problémi s chrbticou prestali, pani. Choď, chváľ Pána a povedz: „Ďakujem ti Pane."
209 Ty tiež veríš že s tvojimi ťažkosťami srdca to bude v poriadku? Len choď, raduj sa, povedz: „Ďakujem ti Pane Ježišu," a ver Tomu. Dobre. Maj teraz vieru, nepochybuj.
210 Poď sem, pani. Veríš z celého svojho srdca? Trpíš na veľa vecí. Tiež máš chorý chrbát. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Dobre, len choď, raduj sa. To je On, ktorý spôsobuje, že sa takto cítiš. Vďaka Pánovi.
211 Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Ahoj chlapče. Veríš, že Boh uzdraví tú nervozitu toho chlapca a spraví, že to bude v poriadku? Veríš tomu? Dobre. Ahoj, kamarát, dovoľ aby som ti potriasol ruku.
212 Drahý Bože, odstráň od tohoto chlapca tú zlú vec a nech môže žiť a byť normálny. V mene Ježiša. Amen.
213 Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Veríš tomu, však? On to dá do poriadku, vôbec nepochybuj.
214 Mocný a mladý a má mať problémy so srdcom, veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Choď a povedz: „Ďakujem Ti Pane, že si ma uzdravil."
215 Veríš, že Boh uzdraví tvoj chorí žalúdok a dá ti zdravie? Choď, raduj sa a povedz: „Ďakujem ti Pane."
216 On je stále Boh, či nie? Jediné čo musíte robiť, to je len veriť. Nie je to tak? Veríte v Syna človeka v týchto posledných dňoch?
217 Niečo sa tu stalo pred niekoľkými minútami a nemôžem ... snažim sa nájsť kde to bolo. Niekto mal vieru a niečo urobil. Alebo možno ich nájdem na budúcu nedeľu alebo keď budem môcť. Ty si ... znovu. Ty si zodvihla ruku. Veríš, že Boh môže uzdraviť tie srdcové problémy, dať ti zdravie, uzdraviť tvoju dcéru tam s ...? Veríš tomu? Pani Neff, veríš že Boh ... Leo Neff. Ja ťa nepoznám, ale to si ty. Si chorá na srdce a tvoja malá dcéra má problémy s obličkami. Veríš, že bude zdravá? Tvoja viera ťa uzdravila. Ver z celého svojho srdca.
218 Ty tam v zadu pri tom bazéne, ktorý stojíš tam vzadu a si chorý na žalúdok, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdravuje.
219 Veríte? On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Položme teraz ruky jeden na druhého. Ó, predstavte si čo je to za hodina v ktorej žijeme, predstavte si, čo je to za čas. Predstavte si, že sme v samotnej prítomnosti Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho. On zasľúbil, že v posledných dňoch bude toto robiť. Položil som ruky na tieto vreckovky.
220 Drahý Bože, prosím aby si požehnal tieto vreckovky ku uzdraveniu tela tých ľudí, skrze meno Ježiša Krista.
221 A teraz, keď máme položené ruky jeden na druhého, každý jeden z vás je členom Kristovho tela. Ten istý Duch Svätý, ktorý zasľúbil, že bude zjavovať tajomstvá sŕdc a robiť tieto veci, On je vo vás.Vy ste časťou Neho a On je časťou vás. A On povedal toto: „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." To ste vy. „Keď budú klásť ruky na chorých, oni budú uzdravení." A teraz sa nemodlite za seba, modlite sa za toho, na koho ste položili ruky, pretože oni sa modlia za vás. Modlime sa teraz spolu a nech tu v tejto budove nie je slabá osoba. Prečo by sme mali čakať ešte dlhšie, môj drahý brat, sestra, tu To je, Duch Svätý, Boh, rovno tu, presne tá vec o ktorej sme hovorili.
222 Drahý Ježiš, my sme rozpoznali Tvoju prítomnosť. Ty si jedného dňa priviedol naspäť do života to malé dieťa, keď bolo už mŕtve, skrze modlitbu viery. Drahý Bože, tu je mnoho ľudí, ku ktorým sa nemôžeme dostať, čas plynie, ale oni majú položené ruky jeden na druhom. Oni sú veriaci. Sedíme v prítomnosti Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý vstal z mŕtvych, ktorý je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.
223 Satan, si porazený! Ježiš Kristus ťa porazil! On vstal z mŕtvych a stojí dnes večer medzi nami, potvrdzuje toto posolstvo tohoto posledného dňa. Vyjdi z týchto ľudí! Opusti ich, v mene Ježiša Krista! V Mojom mene budú vyháňať démoni," a ty si vyhnaný! V mene Ježiša Krista, opusti toto zhromaždenie!
224 A teraz každý jeden z vás, ktorý prijíma svoje uzdravenie, povstaňte. Každý, kto prijíma uzdravenie, postavte sa. Zodvihnite teraz ruky a oddajte Mu chválu. „Teraz prijímam svoje uzdravenie." Povedzte to Bohu. „Teraz prijímam svoje uzdravenie. Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, Kristus. Ja Ti teraz verím, pomôž mojej nevere." Amen.
Budem Ho chváliť, budem Ho chváliť, Chváliť baránka zabitého za hriešnikov, Chváľte Ho všetci ľudia, pretože Jeho Krv zmyla každú škvrnu.
225 Či Ho nemilujete? Tak Ho chváľme. Každý, zodvihnite ruky, chváľte Ho, kým tu nepríde brat a nerozpustí zhromaždenie.
1 Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only...
How, now this way:
Now I believe, now I believe,
All things are possible, now I believe;
Now I believe, now I believe,
All things are possible, now I believe.
Let's remain standing now, with our heads bowed.
Lord, may this not only be a song, but be the very depths of our heart singing out, "Now I believe!" The disciples said one time, after Jesus had done so many mighty works, they said, "Lord, now we believe."
Jesus said, "Do you now believe?"
2They said, "We believe that Thou knowest all things and need that no man teach Thee." So, Father, tonight we realize that You don't need our teaching, but we need Yours. So we pray that You'll teach us how to pray, how to live, and how to believe. Grant it, Lord, through this service tonight. If we lack anything, give it to us, Lord. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
3 I know many of you are standing again tonight. And, outside, met groups that said they couldn't get in, and they're listening to their radio in the different cars. And now we'll try to make just as quick as we can tonight, on Sunday night, we give over to pray for the sick, have a prayer line as we can get one up here. But we are dedicating this service tonight for prayer for the sick.
4And I want you to get built up now in the... this Holy Oracles of God, in the Faith, the Faith of this hour. The Faith! It's going to take more faith than ever was in any age, for this has to be rapturing faith, be taken up. And so we want you to believe tonight in all that you have seen, heard, the Word that you have heard preached, the--the signs and wonders that you have seen done. We want you to accumulate all that together in your heart, and consider it, whether if that be God or not.
5Is like Elisha of old, said, "If God be God, then serve Him." And if Jesus is the center of all things to the Christian, then I think we ought to let loose of everything else and cleave to Him. Remember, He is the Center, He is the North Star, He is the Ultimate, He is the Absolute. And if He is the North Star... There's only one thing that'll point to the North Star, that's your compass that you're sailing with. And the Compass that I'm trying you to sail with is the Word, and the Word always points to Him.
6 And we feel like that we're going through a great time of distress and trials, perplexity of the time and distress between the nations, and all kinds of things happening, and sometimes I get engulfed like... Everywhere I look, it's like on a... in a ship out on the sea. And I've been give charge of the Boat. And how we going to make it? And here comes one with a white cap, hundred times bigger than my ship. But we'll crest them, every one. "We are more than victors through Him." The Captain, the Chief Captain, has got a hold of the string on the end of the ship, He'll pull it through. We'll crest every one of them.
7 Now, tonight, so we can hurry and let you get out early. We appreciate your long drives, and so forth, and how you have to drive, and the sacrifice you have to make. And, see, that makes me to where I'd just like to stand and just keep talking and doing everything I can to help you. But when I'm here I try to press in everything that I possibly can, to give help for that moment that we're now here. Then you take... If you give people too much at a time they can't remember it. You--you've got to just take one thing and hold it right to the person until they see that. And then when they get that solid in their heart, then they'll... then teach them something else. Just step by step as we go.
8Now, you pray and be of a good courage, and believe now tonight for healing. I don't think there's any question in your mind about the time we're living. I don't believe there's a question in your mind about whether God is in the midst of His people or not. I believe you all believe that. And I... There's no doubt in my mind about it. And I--I--I know my people, my friends, the friends of Christ, the children of--of Christ, believe that.
9 And it gives me great pleasure to get to see when you know that you have a Message from God, and you give it to the people and see the people respond to That. Then you look back and say, "Thank You, Father." Oh, what a joy it is then to see the children eating the Bread that's been sent to them! You realize that was a vision years ago, right here at this Tabernacle? That's right, "The Bread of Life." Brother Neville, you remember it, might. Mighty time!
10 Now let us turn, if you want to follow the reading or mark it down, just... I don't believe it would be appropriate to have a service without reading God's Word and passing a few comments, if it's going to be a healing service or any kind. We all understand. There's no strangers among us, I suppose. But we all understand what healing is. It's nothing that somebody does for you; it's what God has already done for you. Salvation is on the same line. The only thing, is, to get the people to believe that's the Truth. And God teaches it in His Word and then proves it to them who will believe It, for He said, "All things are possible to them that believe."
11You say, "There's nothing impossible with God." You believe that? There's nothing impossible with you, either. "For all things are possible to them," (God is one Person) "to them that believe." See? So there's nothing impossible with you, for you, if you can only believe.
12 Now in First Kings, the 17th chapter, I want to read the first seven verses, the Lord willing.
And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.
And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying,
Get thee hence, and turn eastward, turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan.
And it shall be, that thou shall drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.
Notice, "feed thee there," not somewhere else. "There!"
So he went and did according unto the LORD, or the word of the LORD: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan.
And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook.
And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land.
13 The Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. And now, tonight, I want to take a text from there, that's called, "spiritual Food in Its season." This morning we had a--a lesson on--on "Doing God a service, or trying to do Him a service without being... -out being the time, the season, the place, or the person." And now this is: Spiritual Food In Due Season.
14 This prophet, Elijah, we know very little about him. But we know that he was God's servant, and the servant of God for that hour.
15And God has used His Spirit that was upon Elijah, already three times, and promises twice more; five times, for grace. He used It upon Elijah; It came on Elisha in a double portion; was on John the Baptist; and supposed to come just to issue in the Gentile Bride; and come with Moses to take the Jews home. That's right. Five times that God promises to use the Spirit of Elijah, and already done it three times.
16Now, this great prophet, we don't know where he come from. We know he was a Tishbite. But how he come...
17 We know little about the prophets. We don't know where they come from. Very seldom... As, I don't know of any that come out of the church or had any genealogy behind them. It was just ordinary man that was fearless, and, many times, uneducated. And they never done any writing, themselves. Isaiah and Jeremiah, a couple of them, done some writings, but this great man Elijah never wrote one thing. Many of them didn't write; maybe they couldn't write. But they were man that were rugged. There's no man in the Bible like those ancient prophets. They defied kingdoms, kings, peoples, churches, and everything else, and stood firm on the Word of God, and God proved them to be right. They were very rugged individuals.
18And this Elijah was one of the ruggedest of all of them. He was a man of the wilderness. He came out of the wilderness; he lived in the wilderness. The Bible said he dressed hairy. He had sheepskin wrapped around him, and a piece of leather, of camel skin wrapped around his loins, very... whiskers over his face, and I'd imagine he was a very rugged-looking man, and to look at.
19 But we didn't... they all didn't all die. They're not all--all dead. In the days of the Nicene Council... many of you people that's read The Nicene Council of the Early Church, when they wanted to make an organization out of it and break up all the other churches, and come into one, when they had that Nicene Council, rugged man like Elisha come in there from the wilderness, eating herbs alone; great rugged man. But the dignitaries, the high-ups, under Constantine, and so forth, stilled their voice. Because those, being prophets, knowed that the corn of wheat of the Church Bride had to fall in the ground, the same as a corn of wheat in the Bridegroom had to fall in the ground. And there it laid for a thousand years.
20That's why they write in the books today, "Where is that silent God that could stand and look, see little children murdered, and women tore to pieces by lions, and sit in the skies and say nothing about it?" They don't know the Word. That corn of wheat's got to fall in the earth. How could a righteous God stand and look at His Own Son die and be spit on, and so forth? But it's according to the Word, it has to be. And that's the way it is even to this hour.
21 This man, he was a great man. He had a sinful generation before him. Ahab was king, his father before him had been evil. Ever since Solomon, there just been one evil king after the other. And this man, Ahab, who reigned twenty-two years in Samaria, was the worst of all of them. He was a real modernist. He believed in religion, certainly. And he had everything in a modern trend. He had his four hundred Hebrew prophets, all of them well-schooled and trained. God sent him one and he wouldn't believe it, and that was Elijah.
22But Elijah, this Tishbite, was a man of the wilderness. Not a smooth man; he was a rugged man. And one day, after Ahab had sinned until God could stand it no more, He spoke to Elijah in the wilderness. And here he comes down the road to Samaria, as I've often illustrated; maybe the white whiskers sticking out around his face, bald head shining in the sun, little old narrow eyes, back there with a stick in his hand, a smile in his face, walked right up to the king of Israel, and said, "The... Not even dew will fall till I call for it."
23God give us man like that, see, man who know what they're doing with THUS SAITH THE LORD.
24 Now, we find out that before he did this, that God had called him. God had talked to him and, therefore, he wasn't afraid of anything. He wasn't afraid of his message, it wouldn't happen; he knowed it would happen! He knowed it was according to the Word of the Lord, and he knowed he was God's prophet for the hour. Therefore whether the king would cut his head off, throw him in jail, whatever they'd do, it made no difference to him; he had a commission, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," right in the face of the king. What a rugged person! But before he did this, predicted this great drought...
25For God will not let sin go unpunished. There must be punishment. What good is a law without a--a punishment? What would it do good, say, "it's against the law to run the light," and no fine behind it, or no punishment behind it? It wouldn't be a law. So there's a punishment to sin. And when God makes a law, and that law--law is defied, then there's got to be punishment for that.
26And this nation had violated all of His laws. Oh, they had big church, they had the temple. They had plenty of educated man. They had prophets all over the country, had schools of them, turning them out like a machine. And they had plenty of prophets, they had plenty of--of priests, they had plenty of scribes, and they had plenty of religion, but they were away from the Word of God. So God called a man outside of any of their ranks at all, and sent him in with THUS SAITH THE LORD.
27 And notice how He cares for His Own. Before He sent this prophet with the message, He said, "Elijah, go down and tell King Ahab these things. And now, when you do, get yourself away from him right quick, for I have made a place for you to go during the drought. I'm going to take care of you, Elijah, if you just preach My Word, do just what I tell you to do."
28Now I'm going to type this great ministry, tonight, of Elijah and the time of Elijah, with the hour that we're now in. I believe It's a perfect type. I think of the nations... if I... we had time to go back, but I want to put plenty of time in the prayer line.
29 So if we could go back and see, Israel had taken Palestine upon the same basis that we took this United States. We come into this United States and drove back the occupants, which was the Indians, and possessed the land. And so did Israel come into Palestine, under leadership of Joshua, under God, and drove back the occupants and took the land.
30And their first kings were mighty man; David, Solomon, and great man. Our first presidents were great man; Washington, Lincoln, and so forth. Then finally the presidents or the kings become getting more rotten all the time, and finally they ended up with this Ahab. Very type, typical of our day. And the people had got so modern they didn't want to hear the true Word of the Lord.
31 And you can imagine, on a modern people like that, what a real true servant of God would sound like to them. "Why, he was crazy, he was out of his mind. There couldn't be such a thing." They were religious, very religious. They had sincere man, they had sincere people. They was very religious.
32So he knew that it would take more than just a ordinary theology, it would take more than--than any ordinary message, it would take more than just preaching the Word, to crack their stony hearts. He knowed it took THUS SAITH THE LORD to send that judgment down upon that people, so he knowed that when he went out with THUS SAITH THE LORD. And it was THUS SAITH THE LORD. To spurn That, was judgment. We see that in our day, too. We see that in any day. There's nothing left but judgment when you step over the line of mercy.
33 Now, that type there, that, I'm going to type Elijah with the church today, the church of today. Just before judgment, he received this message. Elijah, he represented, being cared for in the natural, his natural food, because it wasn't going to rain now, according to the Word of God, for three years and six months, or until Elijah called for it. "Whatever time you say, Elijah, that's what it'll be." Therefore he walked up to the king, and said, "There'll not even be dew fall till I call for it." That's quite a--a load, isn't it? That's quite a message!
34And now we're going to type that with the spiritual drought of today. Now, we all know, we are very aware, that there is a great spiritual drought in the land today, spiritually speaking. And, you know, that was predicted by the prophets, just before the second Coming of Christ would be, said, "There will come a famine in the land, and it won't be for bread alone, but for the hearing of the Word of God." And that day is now, "hearing the true Word of God." Now, this types the natural drought with the spiritual.
35Sin and unbelief, by false teachers and modernists in the church, had brought the place to this coming, oncoming judgment. Then they had turned from God's Word and His prophet, to a modern theological terms of the Word.
36 You notice here, it's just at that time that God always raises up something. Cause, He, always, He does nothing until first He reveals it to the people, and He always reveals it by His servants.
37Now, but Elijah, during this time, had a secret place that God had ordained for him to go to. That's the thing we want to see now just before we have the prayer line. Elijah had a secret place provided by God Himself. Now, the church never provided it for him, the king never provided it for him, he didn't provide hisself, but God provided a secret place for Elijah to be fed all the time during the drought, where his food was provided day by day. He didn't need to wonder what's going to happen tomorrow or wonder if the supply run out. God said, "I have commanded the ravens and they'll feed you." What a wonderful thing, a type of our secret place in Christ.
38 When the world council and all that's going on today, that says, "The days of miracles is past." The great powers of God has been taken out of the churches. They seem like, anymore, they don't have nothing but "a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal." We know that to be the truth. "And form of godliness, and denying the Power thereof."
39It's just the same thing that David did this morning, with the ox carts, got away from the Word. When the Word was presented and give to them, they did not want It; therefore, they had gotten away from It.
40That's what these people had done in the days of Elijah, gotten away from the Word. They thought they had the Word, but they didn't have It. So notice then in the...
41 During the time that He was going to punish the unbeliever, He made a way for the believer. The same thing He does each time. In the days when He was going to destroy the world by water, He made a way of escape for Noah. In the days that He was going to drown Egypt, He made a way of escape across the sea for His people. How God makes His way! And where there is no way, He is that Way. He is that Way!
42Now we realize that we are facing some of the... one of the greatest hours that history has ever known. It isn't exactly the warhead with the bright shiny missile, with a head on it, that we should be afraid of. It's the churches we should be afraid of. It's the hour that we're living that we should watch.
43 Now notice, but God made a way for Elijah to escape it. And He has made a way for His believing children to escape it now, the wrath and things that is to come.
44Because, God could not be just to judge those people and send them punishment, and sink Sodom and Gomorrah, and sink Capernaum in the middle of the sea, and condemn those generations, and Sodom and Gomorrah, and then let us do the same thing and get by with it. We're just as sure for judgment as they were sure for judgment. Now we notice that the...
45 When these things come up, the modern trend of that day, God rose up a man in that day, or raised up a man, rather, to combat the forces, and they wouldn't listen to it. They thought he was crazy, "He had lost his mind. He was just some old fanatic, fool from the wilderness, kinda bush-crazed." But, yet, he had the Word of the Lord.
46 "The Word doesn't mean what It says," they say today. "Oh, well, the Bible is a history book." I guess you've seen this, that now they claim, that, "Eve didn't eat the apple, she eat a..." What was it? I believe..."It was a apricot," they say now. "It was an apricot." And then, that, "Moses never brought the children through the Red Sea. It was a big bunch of reeds, up the other end of that sea, and he went through a sea of reeds." Then how did the water, w-a-t-e-r, wall up on both sides; they went through on dry land, then? Oh, such nonsense! But, you see, it takes that kind of a day to bring God's wrath down upon the people. It does it.
47They say there's no such a thing as--as these... Even church people don't believe in miracles. "I'll give you a thousand dollars," they said, "show me a miracle. Show me a miracle!" Well, they couldn't see it if there was ten thousand things done before them. Why, they, they'd never see it.
You say, "That's the impossible." Oh, no, it isn't.
48 Elijah one time was down at Dothan, and the Syrian army had come over and surrounded the city, to take him, because they knowed that's where the--the nation's power laid, was in that seer. Why, the king... One of the man told the king of Syria, said, "Why, you know, Elijah the prophet, the Tishbite, tells the king of Israel what you talk about in your secret chamber."
49Said, "Go get that guy! That's the fellow that's hindering us." And the whole Syrian army slipped in around Dothan. They was all around it.
50And Gehazi, the--the servant of the prophet, woke up, and he said, "Oh, my father, the armies is all around us here. We're completely surrounded."
51He said, "Why, there is more with us than there is with them." See?
And Gehazi looked around, said, "I don't see nobody."
52He said, "Lord God, open up that boy's eyes." And his eyes opened up, and all the hills was full of Angels and chariots sitting around, the unseen Forces.
53 Elijah walked right out there, and the Bible said, "He smote them blind." He walked out to them; they were blind to him. Walked out and said, "Are you looking for Elijah?"
He said, "Yes, we're looking for him."
54Said, "Come on, tell you right where he's at," and led them right into ambush, right straight where the armies walked right out and got them.
55Now, the Bible said, "He smote them blind." That settles it. And people are so spiritual blind today, though the Lord God come down in the midst of the people and do anything, and the things He promised, they still can't see It. They are spiritually blind; don't know God, don't know His great Power. Now, we notice that they did that in the days of Elijah, and they still do it today. God smites them blind. They say today, that, "There is no miracles, there is no such a thing, all this is emotion."
56 And they said the same thing about Elijah, because when he was taken up and Elisha took his place, a young man, went bald-headed young, the children run out behind him, and said, "Old baldhead, why didn't you go up with Elijah?" See, they didn't even believe It in the beginning, the people, after so many things had been done. And this great man of God had been translated into Heaven by a chariot of fire, and the people still didn't believe It. And had their little children run behind this man and say, "Old baldhead, why didn't you go up?" See? And then the prophet cursed the children, and a she bear killed forty-two of them.
57 Now notice. Today, as it was then, they put their own interpretation to the Word. Now, if they want to do that, that's up to them, but they try to make us believe it. The Bible said that, "This Word of God is of no private interpretation." God does His Own interpretating. God confirms His Word, and that's the interpretation of It. As I many times said, He said in the beginning, "Let there be light," and there was light. That don't need to be interpreted; it happened. He said, "A virgin would conceive," she did. He said He'd "pour out His Spirit," He did. And He said, "in the last days," the things that He would do, and He's doing it! It don't need any interpretation; God is doing His Own interpretating. No matter what foolish man say, that doesn't stop God a bit.
58 When Jesus was on earth, He had as much unbelief to contend with that we have today, and maybe more. But it didn't stop Him; He went right on performing and carrying out His duty, and God confirming everything He done. He said, "I'm not by Myself. My Father and I are one; He dwells in Me. It ain't Me that doeth the works, it's the Father that dwelleth in Me. And if I do not His works, then don't believe Me; but if I do the works and yet you can't believe Me, believe the works." See? In other words, they..."Search the Scriptures," He said, "for that's where you think you got Eternal Life, is by knowing the Scriptures. And the Scriptures, Itself, testifies of Me." Amen! What a statement! "They are they, the Scriptures, that tell you Who I am," Jesus said.
59And it's the Scriptures that tell you the hour that we're living. And the things that you see done, it's God Himself among His people. Nothing can raise the dead but God. Nothing can do the things that He's doing now but Him. For the Bible said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever."
60 Now we see that modern trend of the people, then, "Oh, the days are past, there's no such a thing as miracles. The people are all emotionally worked up."
61Listen to that Elijah, the prophet, cry out against them and their theologians. Notice, notice, he spoke as if he was God Himself. Elijah spoke as if he was God Himself, "The dew will not fall from heaven until I call for it." Amen! Yes, sir. The prophet had been so long in the Presence of God!
62The prophets of the Old Testament, or any time, when they lived in the Presence of God until they become the Word, their Message is the Word Itself. And, remember, he said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." And when those man had those messages from God, and they become so wrapped up that their own thinking... It might have been against their thinking, they might not have been able to--to see it right. But they was speaking the Word of God, "THUS SAITH THE LORD."
63"There will not be any rain till I call for it." Oh, what a statement! He had been in the Presence of God and been vindicated so perfect. And, remember, that also follows Amos 3:7, "The Lord God will do nothing until first He reveals it to His servants the prophets." Said, "There's not going to be any rain fall!" He first...
64 They laughed at him, they thought he was crazy, "That fanatic!" But, see, he had THUS SAITH THE LORD that it wasn't going to rain. And, God, before he did that, He revealed it to Elijah His servant. And he was a vindicated, proven prophet, so the people ought to have repented. But, instead of that, they laughed at him, said, "Oh, we got plenty of rain! The reservoirs are full. The rivers are running good."
65The Bible said that, "There was not even dew for three years and six months." All the brooks and waters dried up, everywhere. That wasn't that man, that was God speaking through that man. That was the "I" it was. We always know. So he...
66 We find out that when a man comes, sent from God, ordained of God, with the true THUS SAITH THE LORD, the message and the messenger are one and the same. Because he is sent to represent THUS SAITH THE LORD, Word by Word, so he and his message is the same.
67A denominational man under denominational auspices, he and the church is the "one." A theologian under theology, made by some denomination, he and his message are one; church of theology, a theologian. It's correctly.
68Then when a man comes with THUS SAITH THE LORD, he and the Message is one. And when Elijah come with THUS SAITH THE LORD, he and his message became one. Just as Jesus, when He come, He was the Word, Saint John 1. So the Word of God and the messenger of the age was the selfsame thing, all the time. That's right.
69 Jesus was the Word that was prophesied of. He was what the prophets said would happen, "A virgin shall conceive and bear this Child." Way back in the beginning, God told them, said, "The woman's Seed shall bruise the serpent's head, and he'll bruise her heel." All these prophecies had been given. David crying, all the rest of the prophets down through the ages, speaking of Him. He was that Word manifested! Hallelujah!
70 Now do you see where I'm trying to get to? I spoke with you pretty plain this morning. Don't you see the authority of the living God in the living Church, the Bride? The sick are healed, the dead are raised up, the cripples walk, the blind see, the Gospel goes forth in Its power, for the Message and the messenger are the same. The Word is in the Church, in the person.
71The Word of God was in Elijah when he walked up there with THUS SAITH THE LORD, and said, "It isn't going to rain." That wasn't Elijah; that was God in Elijah.
72 I said a many time, like the Christian Science lady that told me one time. I've told it many times about it. She said, "Mr. Branham, you put too much bragging on Jesus."
I said, "I hope that's the only thing I've got to answer for."
And she said, "You try to make Him Divine."
I said, "He was Divine."
73Said, "Oh, He was a prophet, He was a good man, but He wasn't Divine."
74And I said, "Well, show me one Scripture that says He wasn't."
75She said, "In the Book of Saint John, it says that He 'wept' when He went to the grave of Lazarus."
76"Well," I said, "sure, He wept. He was both human and Divine. He was a man, weeping; but He had to be God to raise the dead." That's right. I said, "He was a man, hungry; but He was God feeding five thousand, with a couple biscuits and five fishes." That's right. "He was a man, sleeping on the back of a boat; but it was God in Him that could still the waters." For why? He and His Message was One.
77He said, "I and My Father are One. My Father dwelleth in Me." He was the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
78 I think it was so striking the other day, when I was bringing The Seven Church Ages. To start off with, I--I couldn't make out Jesus standing there with those... with that white over Him like that, said, "His hair was white as wool." I couldn't understand how a man thirty-three years old would be snow white.
79I called a good theologian, Pentecostal theologian, a good dear friend. Well, it was Brother Jack Moore. He's smart, intelligent man. He said, "Brother Branham, that was Jesus glorified. That's what He looked like after He was glorified." No, I couldn't believe that. No.
I--I--I said, "Well, Brother Moore, thank you."
80 I got in the room there and got to speaking to God. I run my concordance to take Him back to Daniel, where it said, "And he came to the Ancient of Days Whose hair was white as wool." I said, "Lord, I--I--I don't know what to say, and I've got the responsibility." Now, that was before the se-... and remember, before the Seven Seals was opened, about a year or more, before. I was praying there, "Lord, what was it?"
81And I looked, standing before me, and there stood a man and he was a judge, and he had a white wig on. The old judges of ancient days used to wear a white wig to show that he was a supreme authority.
82And then when I seen Jesus with the white wig, I said it only vindicates the truth that we know, that He is the Supreme Authority. God witnessed the same thing on Mount Transfiguration, said, "This is My beloved Son, hear Him, the Supreme Authority!"
83 Then back out there at the beginning of the Seven Seals, when those seven Angels come down in that pyramid form, stood there and told me to return back here and speak on those Seven Seals, and He'd be with me, He'd show me what they were, the lost things. I always thought it was sealed on the back of the Book and it'd be something wasn't wrote in the Book, but it turned out that it was made known that He cannot do that. It isn't something that's written in the Book... It's something that's been hid in the Book. "For whosoever shall take one Word from It or add one word to It..." So it is a mystery that's been in the Book in these seven church ages. Each one of them produced a--a mystery, all about water baptism and these other things that they've fumbled about so long.
84Then when that went up, the big observatories from way down in California, plumb down in Mexico, over Tucson, everywhere, taking the picture of It. It was a mysterious sight. Brother Fred Sothmann there, sitting right back there, and I and Brother Gene Norman, standing right there present when it went up. They took the picture, still they don't know what about it. Here sometime ago, everybody saying, "Looky here. This looks like this, and them Angels' wings, how they're folded in there."
85 One day, turning it to the right, looking, there was Jesus Christ just as perfect as Hofmann ever drawed Him. It was standing there with a white wig on, looking back down towards the earth, showing that He is Supreme Authority. The Heavens declare it, the Bible declares it, the Message declares it, all the same. Supreme Authority, with the white wig on; you see His black beard under. Many of you have seen the picture. We got it back there. Just turn it to the right, sideways, look at it. There He is, just as perfect as it was, if it had been photographed of Him. They're looking at it from the wrong angle. You got to look at it in the right angle. And only the Lord God can reveal which is the right angle. Turn it to your right and look at it. There He is, just as perfect, had it a-been photographed up there.
86The first time I ever seen Him, He looked like the Head of... Hofmann. I had never seen that before. And in Billy Sunday's tabernacle, years later, I saw it. My house has never been without one of the pictures since.
87Then, here in the skies, saying that the very God that I saw up in this vision out here, just a little boy out here by where this schoolhouse stands, He looked like that. And here in the Heavens, thirty-three years later, declare it, that it's the truth. That's the way He looks; not some mystic something of somebody's idea.
88 Like in the Vatican, they got a--a--a Christ drawed over there, with a little white ring of beard or a ring of beard around His chin, about a half inch long, runs right around the top of His mouth and like this, and call that the Christ.
89That just puts me in mind of a Greek artist I seen one time in an ancient cathedral, showing what Adam and Eve looked like; they looked like beasts or something. That's what the carnal mind can perceive of some spiritual thing. I think Adam was the most handsome man that ever lived, and Eve was a perfect woman in every way.
90Now carnal minds wraps up the Thing in their own ideas, then God sends down and unfolds the Thing by His Power. That's exactly what took place here in the days of Ahab.
91 Now, we find out that Elijah could say that because the Message of the hour and the Word of God... The messenger, the Message--the Message, and the Word, was exactly the same thing. The prophet, the Word, the Message; messenger, Message, and Message, was the same. Jesus said, "If I do not the works that's written of Me, then don't believe Me." That's good. Any man and his message is one.
92That's why today that they do not believe in doing the works of God, because they do not accept the Message of God. They don't believe the Message.
93But those who believe God's hour that we're living in, these things are hidden Food. Just think, God has so hid It that they look right at It and don't see It. The same way that Elijah blinded the Syrian army. The same way that God blinds the unbeliever from the true genuine Food of the child, the believer.
94 What they called Noah, "a fanatic," building an ark, his eyes were open to the Word of God and the promise. The very thing that they called fanaticism, saved Noah and his family. See, the very same thing. The thing that people laugh at, is the thing that we pray for. The thing that people calls "crazy," we call "Great!" What the world calls "great," God calls "foolish." And what the world calls "foolish," God calls "Great!" It's just exactly the contrast between the Right and wrong. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
95 Remember, he went into his secret place by the plan of God, by the call of God, and the Word of God. Elijah entered into his secret place by God's foreknowledge (plan), and the call upon his life, and according to the Word. If that ain't the way we entered, I don't know why we get there.
96And notice, before the drought begin, Elijah went into this place of secret for his living. A very type of before the judgment starts to strike the earth, the Church is already called out, the Bride is already chosen, and just waiting before the judgment strikes. Already waiting, eating the Food of God, enjoying the blessings of God. Any man in his normal mind knows that we're headed straight, we're right in the hour of judgment.
97 Look! Brother Banks, several of you man that's here tonight, that standing out there on that mountain that morning.
98And I want to speak about that mountain, next Sunday morning, the Lord willing. Got a great revelation, something further that I can't hardly keep from telling it tonight. But I have... See? And it just constantly, all the time, one thing happening after the other. See? It'll never stop happening, for it was THUS SAITH THE LORD.
99Every one of you here, thousands times thousands over the tape, heard me stand and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, it will be thus and thus." And even the newspapers and magazines have to declare it to be the so. They don't know what it's all about, but they seen it. They don't know what it is, but they seen it making the Word exactly the truth.
100 We was standing down here on the river, that Angel of the Lord came down that day, thirty-three years, or 1933 it was, come down and spoke the things that He did. Walked out, and many man stand upon the bank there, said, "What did that mean, Billy?"
101I said, "That wasn't for me; that was for you. I believe; you don't." And just went walking on.
102Then the pastor said to me, he said, "You mean that you, with a seventh-grade education, is going to go all over the world and pray for monarchs and potentates and kings and things? And, oh," said, "forget It!"
103I couldn't forget It, It was engraved upon my heart. Now here, thirty-three years later, everything He said has happened perfectly the way He said He would do it. He's God and can't fail. He always keeps His Word. He... Don't never doubt It.
104 Now, notice, he went in by the plan of God (foreknowledge), call of God, and the Word of God, and went in before the drought set in.
Now, we know that judgment is ready to strike.
105Standing on the hill that day, Brother Banks Woods standing here, we was walking up the hill. Maybe I quote it again, so that build your faith for this prayer line that's fixing to take place in the next ten, fifteen minutes. I was just walking ahead of Brother Banks. He was... I think he had left Sister Ruby when she was sick. And he coming behind me, I noticed his face, red. I looked back. I thought the hill might be a little hard for him to pull, so I kind of slowed up. Right in them deserts, right up hills like that, right where the Angels of the Lord appeared. We was heading right in that direction then, where they appeared a few months before that.
106And as I went up the hill, the Spirit of God... When I turned around, look on top of the mountain, He said, "Pick up that rock, and say to him, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, you'll see the Glory of God in the next few hours.'"
107I just picked up the rock, and said, "Brother Banks, I don't know why," throwed it up the air, and I said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, you're going to see the Glory of God."
He said, "That meant Ruby?"
108I said, "No, I don't think it had anything to do with you, Banks or Ruby, either one. I just think It was just saying, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, something's going to happen.'"
109 And the next morning when we were standing there, many of the men, I don't know how many is sitting here now, there was twelve or fourteen, fifteen of us sitting there. All of a sudden, a minister walked up to me and he said, "Brother Branham," he said, "my name is So-and-so." Said, "I was one of your sponsors in California."
110I said, "I'm glad to meet you, sir." Douglas McHughes. He said, "I'm..." I said, "I'm glad to meet you." Shook hands with him.
111He said, "Well, now, I want to ask you a question." Said... Roy Roberson, trustee here; Brother Woods, Terry and Billy, and, oh, Brother Mc Anally, and I don't know who all was standing there. And I... He said, "I want to ask you something." He said, "Does the Lord ever give you visions out like this?"
112I said, "Yes, brother, but I come out here to kind of get away from it, to rest up."
And I looked around like this, and I seen a heavyset doctor looking at him, said, "Rev. McHughes, this allergy in your eye will soon put your eye out. I've doctored you for two years, and I can do nothing about it."
And I turned around to him. I said, "What you asked me that for, your doctor told you, the other day, 'That allergy was in your eye.'" It was middle of the day, about eleven o'clock, and he was wearing sunglasses. And I said, "The reason; you're not wearing that because it's the sun, it's because of your eye. He told you you was 'going to lose that eye.'"
And he started crying, said, "That's right."
113 I turned to walk around again, had a shovel in my hand. (And I looked; I seen him standing there looking at me, his eyes just as bright.) I said, "But THUS SAITH THE LORD, you're not going to lose that eye." I was hunting with him this last fall, he can see better than me and anybody in the crowd. He never...
114And I seen an elderly lady pull down her stocking and raise up the side of her skirt. She said, "Son, if you see Brother Branham, tell him to pray for my feet." And I looked down there, and little... look like tumors hanging on her feet, all around.
115I said, "Your mother is a gray-headed lady. 'My son,' you see. She told you before you left, if you seen me, to have me to pray for her feet. She's got little tumors, like, hanging all over her feet." He liked to have fainted.
Said, "That's the truth."
I said, "Tell her not to worry. It'll be all right."
116 I started to walk around. Then I heard the Voice of God speak, said, "Get out of the way, quickly."
Roy Roberson standing there, knowing he was a veteran of the war, I put my hand on his shoulder, I said, "Brother Roy, hide, as quick as you can!"
Said, "What's the matter?"
I said, "Get out of the way! Hide!"
117And just started walking around, put my shovel down, turned around, took off my hat. And here He come, the Glory of God falling in a whirlwind that tore the side of the mountain out like that, and blasted and shook the place like that, cut the top of the bushes out; just about three or four, five feet above my head. Went back up like a funnel like that; it blasted again. And, here it come, three times.
118Then when it left, the third time, Brother Banks come over, said, "That's what you was talking about?"
I said, "Yes."
Said, "What was it?"
119I said, "God appears in whirlwinds." I didn't know whether He wanted me to tell the people or not.
120Then I went on and prayed a little bit. Then He told me I could tell them. I said, "It's judgment striking the West Coast." Look at her today! Look what happened a few hours after that: Alaska sunk. And now the whole thing is going under. We're entering into the judgment. Mercy has been spurned.
121 But thanks be to God, we got hidden Food, spiritual Food, that we're living on the goodness and mercy of the revelation of Jesus Christ in these last days, vindicating Himself among His people. Amen! They went in. Elijah went in before the drought set in. Thank God for being in before the judgment sets in. Now is a time of coming out and going in, getting out of those organizations and getting into Christ, a coming-out and going-in time for all true believers.
122Then he was called, and stayed in there. Remember, he never left that brook until God called him.
123And after the drought was about over, He called him out of there, down to a widow's house. Notice, He called to this widow. And this widow had not associated herself with the unbelievers; took the mark of the beast during the drought. So He called her out to... called Elijah to sustain this widow. They just had one little cake, one little thing she was holding onto. And Elijah said, "Give that to me, first. For, THUS SAITH THE LORD, that barrel will not go empty neither will the cruse run dry, until the day that the Lord God sends rain upon the earth." Putting God first, His Word first!
124 Notice, there was meal in the barrel. Every time she went after meal, there was meal in the barrel. There was oil in the cruse, every time she went for it. Why? Meal represented Christ in the meal-offering. The burrs had to be set just right, to grind every one of them. Every burr of this meal exactly the same, showing that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That was the Word, the Bread of Life following the message, to vindicate the Word.
125So is it today, friends. So is it today, that the Bread of Life that the children eat on, follows the Message of God, to sustain them during the time of the drought. What if He stood in our presence today? What if He stood in our presence right now? He would act and do just exactly like He done the days when He was in flesh here on the earth. The Bride is part of the Husband, the Church is the same as Christ. "The works that I do shall you do also." And it is the Word that done it. He told us that the things that He did that we would do also.
126 We notice here again, if the Word is in us and has come to us, as It did Elijah in that day, It'll do the same thing that he did, he would feed on the secret Things of God which is hid from the world. Oh! Again, it makes the Message and the messenger as one. The spiritual Food is ready, and It's in the season now. And each one of you can have this Food if you wish It, if you are willing to steal away from all of the unbelief of this hour, if you are ready to come into Christ, come into His promise.
And remember His promises, in Malachi 4, Luke 17:30, also in Saint John 14:12, and how many more Scriptures, of telling, Joel 2:38, and all that He would do, or 2:28, rather, what He would do in these last days. And how the prophet said that it'd be Light in these last days, how It would work, what It would do, all the Scriptures pointing to this last days. And that is Christ! If you can hide away in That now, in that secret Place, you can eat and see the goodness and mercy of God. If you're sick, there is healing there.
127 You remember when Elisha, later on, had called down... After that meal-offering that he had, Christ, and sustained the widow's house with It. Notice later on when he called fire down out of the heavens, and so forth, and proved his sending, of God, the prophet's Spirit.
128Notice in the wilderness, when he was laying down there under the juniper tree, a Angel come down with that same kind of meal, and baked some cakes and fed him. And a little later on He put him to sleep again, and woke him up, and He had some more meal cakes baked there for him. And he went in the strength of those cakes for forty days. Glory to God! He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Oh, how we love Him, spiritual Food in Its season!
129 "It's not meet to take the children's bread and give it to dogs." Didn't Jesus say the same thing to the Syrophenician women? He was sent to His Own. That is right. And that's who He come... He never went to the Gentiles.
130And now today He visits the Gentiles in their time, and it's not meet...
131You say, "Why is it that the Message don't go out in these great big places, these big crusades, like amongst the denominations?"
132It's not their Food. It's not the church, so calls, Food. It's the Bride Food. It's spiritual Food in season. It would make them sick at their stomach. It's too rich for them. See? See? You--you--you can't do it. But, for the children, It's Bread, It's Life, It's Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.
133 We're going to get too late if we don't start the prayer line now, so let us bow our heads just a moment.
134Dear God, Food in due season, spiritual Food. Something that the world knows nothing of. How we hear our Lord say that night, or that day down there at Samaria, the same place that Elisha walked up and said, "Why, the dew will not fall till I call for it." Here stood Jesus there telling His disciples.
Said, "Master, why don't You eat?"
He said, "I have Food that you know not of."
135Truly, Lord, His Food was to do the will of God, to see the works of God made manifest in His hour. He was there to see that it was done. "I do nothing except My Father shows Me first. What the Father shows Me, that I do."
136And, Father, so is it today. The Church, the true believer, the Body of believers, has access to Food, spiritual Food, that the nominals know nothing about. The world knows nothing of this Food, Father. But Your Church, Your people, the Bride of Your Son, loves It.
137We have access to healing of our bodies when the doctors has failed. We have access to this. It's one of the Foods of God, that He gave to His Church, and promised it in the last day to His believing children. And, Father, help us to be believing children, for all things are possible to the believers. Grant it, Dear God. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
138 I believe Billy told me that they give out some prayer cards. If somebody would tell me the letter that's on the prayer card, that's all I want. [Someone says, "C."--Ed.] C, all right, let's take C, one, start off, till I get our line started. See, now, they may be all over. Now, if everyone... Well, see, I'm going to try this. I don't know whether we can do it or not. Or either we can just have a calling line; you sit still. It doesn't matter to me. If you'd rather come up here on the platform, or have a calling line, it doesn't matter, just either way. I'm just depending solely on the Holy Ghost. I'm depending Him to defend this Word that I have preached.
139Brother George Wright, I believe It. Since a little boy, coming down to your house many years ago, listen at that old whippoorwill set in the tree, I still believe that same Message. I believe It's the same.
140 All right, I see they're clearing back here for a prayer line. All right, prayer card C, number one, two, three, four, five, come first and stand right here. If you can't get up, if you'll just raise your hands, some of them will come pack you. [Someone speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] What is it? Yeah. Uh-huh. Prayer card C, one, two, three, four, five. And now notice, you that do not have a prayer card...
141Now, I haven't had a prayer line of this type for a long, long time. How many remembers my commission when we built the Tabernacle here? Said, "Do the work of an evangelist." Didn't say I was an evangelist. Said, "Do the work of an evangelist," see, "for the hour will come when that's to be changed." That hour is arriving. All right. Now, in this, He...
142You can't mix two or three different ministries together, pastor and evangelize, the same time. You can't be a--a prophet and maybe a pastor, at the same time, see, 'cause you have different works, different ministry.
143But the Lord gave me what I should do in my Message. But then He said, "Do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of your ministry, for the hour will arrive when they will not endure sound Doctrine." If that hasn't come now! Every church denomination has turned me down. They wouldn't endure sound Doctrine. "But after their own lusts they'll bring their own teachers in, and they'll be turned into fables. And they will do great things of exploit like Jambres and Jannes that withstood Moses, but their folly will be made manifest." See? See? All right, impersonations! You see how Jambres...
144 And, God in Heaven knows, that lays right there in the corner of that Tabernacle stone since 1933, wrote on a page of a Bible, laying right there. Look how they've done it. Look what's come to pass. Impersonations, just exact. Said, "Let them alone, their folly will be made known in the same manner as Jambres and Jannes was." Here we are in that day.
145I seen the church then when we was just laying the cornerstone, people hanging in the sills and all around, standing around the walls of the Tabernacle. There you are. And they said, when it come up, the people of the city here, said, "Within the space of six months..." Us with one dollar and eighty cents to build a Tabernacle, a lot of the garage people done decided it was going to be their garage. But it's still a sheep pen for God's Sheep.
146 One, two, three, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. C, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. All right.
147Now, "I the Lord have planted it, I will water it day and night lest some should pluck it from My hand." Look at the criticism! No denomination to back It up. No churches like It around the country here. No Pentecost in the country, nothing else to sustain It. Everybody against the water baptism, everybody against all these other things. Even to my own family, my own daddy turned me away from the door, I got my clothes in a little paper sack and went and lived in New Albany. Right.
But through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
It's grace that brought me safe this far,
I'm fifty-six years old, and soon I've got to cross the river.
Grace will take me on.
When I've been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun;
We'll have no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we first begun.
Oh, how I love Jesus! He's all the world to me!
148 Oh, all right, how many did I... Where'd I leave off, ten? Can we take some more? All right. What was that, ten, fifteen? All right. C, ten to fifteen, wherever you are, if you can stand up and get in. What say? Huh? All right. C, fifteen to twenty, then. Let that be C, fifteen to twenty. That would be ten more people. We see... You see--see where the line is standing there, we don't get them--get them crowded. And we'll... All right.
149Now give me your undivided attention; we won't be long. But, now, oh, what a hour, what a time! I--I wish that everybody could love the Lord. I--I wish that we could all just come to that spot to realize the potential of this minute. Let's try it. Just give me your attention.
150 What--what are we trying to do here? We are placing God's Word through a test. Elijah done the same thing, walked out upon the mount after he knowed that he was sent from God to do it. He said, "Now let's prove who is God, let the God that answers by fire be God."
151And the heathens cut, oh, say, "Well, sure, no..." The--the heathens knowed fire wasn't going to fall, so they'd scream and carry on.
152But Elijah knowed it was going to fall, 'cause he had a vision from the Lord.
You say, "He had a vision?"
153Yes, sir! When he got everything laid in order, he said, "Lord, I've done all this at Your command." And then the fire begin to fall. When God's Word is kept to the letter, then it's God's business to take care of the rest of it. He just asks you to lay it out there. And be sure that you're called to lay it out there. See? And if you are, He'll take care of the rest of it.
154 Now, here will be people coming through this line that I'll be praying... Now, well, you're just about to the wall now, all right, to the line to start. Now, first, at least somewhere here in the building, some people...
How many here is sick and don't have a prayer card, raise up your hand. See, just all over. Now, you know if our Lord... And I believe He will, if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He run prayer lines. People come to Him in great lines, multitudes, He touched them, blessed them. Then He stopped sometime and said, "Who touched Me?" Look around, told a woman what she touched Him for; and said her blood issue was gone, her faith had made her whole.
155What if she had turned around and said, "Well, I don't know, Lord, I've had this a long time"? It wouldn't have happened. No, it wouldn't have happened. No.
156What if He told the Syrophenician woman, "Because of this word that you said, your daughter, the devil is gone out of her," what if say, "Well, now, Lord, I--I wanted You to do it this a way"? The--the devil would have still been in the girl. But she expected to find her child the way He said she would find her.
157 Now, He told us, "If thou canst believe! If you can say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have it. When you pray, believe that you receive it, it'll be given to you." What a promise!
158Now the man who preaches the social gospel don't believe that at all. He'd walk up to the door, look in, or stand there, and say, "Well, just another bunch of holy rollers," and walk away. See? But he don't know that this is the hidden Food. He don't know that this is the secret Thing that's hid from him. He doesn't know it. It's--it's--it's pitiful, a mind that's naked, miserable, blind, and don't know it. See? That's a bad thing.
159O God, let me die first, but don't never get me like that. I'd rather die (yes, sir) than to do that. And I think every one of us would, wouldn't we? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
160 But, now, God has promised us these things in the last days. In Malachi 4, said that Jesus Christ would come down and impersonate Himself in human flesh like He did at Sodom. That's right. And said the world would be in a Sodom condition. And said, "As it was then, the Son of man will be revealed that day." See, this Man that come down in the form of a man, which was "Elohim," by Abraham, before this promised son came. Look what it was, Abraham said it was God. And the Bible said there was three man came to him, dust on their clothes, travel, set down and eat like man. And Jesus said, "Just at the time the world gets in a Sodom condition, then the Son of man would reveal Himself again," not Son of God. Son of man, see, would reveal Himself.
161Now mark that with what the last prophet said, "Behold I send to you Elijah the prophet, and he will restore the--the hearts of the children back to the fathers." See? A Message to bring them back to the Bible, and the Son of man will be revealing Himself in that day. And at that day of the sounding of the last church age, the seventh angel, the mysteries of God should be made known in that day. The Seven Seals would be broken. The mysteries of all these churches and things, how they happened, and what tak-... how, what taken place.
162 See, they don't know It. Jesus said, "You blind Pharisees!" Said, "If the blind leads the blind, don't they both fall in the ditch?" See, that's the reason those people don't see That.
163The mystery of It, is, those Seals, each one of those churches made an organization and got into it, and that's one of the secret things that's been wrong before God. You see it, Doctor Lee? See, look. It is. That's the thing right there. That's one of the secrets. They organized and, see, and was completely out of the will of God. And that will be exposed in the last days, and lead the people, not to a creed or a denomination, but back to the true Word. And the true Word will come to a certain group of people, and the Son of man will reveal Himself in the midst of them, "the same yesterday, today, and forever."
164Oh, my! Oh, I love that. I love--I love to brag on Him. I love to--to make Him big before the people. I don't have to make Him big; He's already big. He is so high you can't get over Him, so deep you can't get under Him, so wide you can't get around Him, and yet you got room in your heart for Him. Won't you receive Him? How wonderful our Lord is! All right.
165 Now let's get real quiet, everybody. Now, we've talked about This. And now the thing of it is, is It true? Now, there may be some strangers in here. I might say if... to you, if Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, what would He do in this minute? He would do the same thing that He did when He was here before. Is that right? The people's faith would touch His garment, and He would turn. Like He did the woman at the well, and He did other places, and He perceived their thoughts.
Now, you say, "Could He heal me?"
166His Word said He's already done that. But the thing of it is, is, to make Himself known that He's here.
167 Now, if He appeared to us in a physical body, looked just exactly like Hofmann's Head of Christ at Thirty-three, and blood running out of His hand, and so forth, nail scars all over Him, I wouldn't accept it. No, no. No, no. When He comes, Hisself, "Every eye shall see Him, every tongue shall confess Him; and as the lightning cometh from the East unto the West, so shall it be." See? We don't believe these cults and clans. We believe God is the Word.
168But He embodies Himself, taking your body and my body, and gives you gifts, gives me gifts, and through these gifts He makes Hisself known. That's the secret Food. No matter how much He would make Hisself known by me, you've got to believe It, you've got to have a gift of faith, too, to believe It. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And now if He will manifest Himself in that manner, will you believe Him? ["Amen."] With all your heart, you'll believe Him? Oh, how wonderful, just waiting on Him, just waiting to see what He says.
169 Here is a man standing here. I've never seen him in my life, as I know of. Looks like a good, strong, healthy man, and he probably is, I--I--I don't know. But he is standing there. Now, I could go lay hands on that man and pray for him, ask him if he would believe. He could stand here and tell me, say, "I--I--I want you to pray for So-and-so. And I got--I got fallen arches. I got a headache, constantly. I got ulcers in my stomach," or something. He--he, I don't know. He could say any of those things.
170I'd say, "All right, sir, brother. I'll lay my hands upon you and pray for you." That would be perfectly all right. That's exactly what we've done all down through the age. Is that right?
171But, remember, Jesus said it would be different just at the time of His Coming, like it was in the days of Sodom. And the Man that came up, had His back turned to the tent where Sarah was, and He said, (not "Abram," now) "Abraham."
172See, he was Abram, the day before. But he met a vision, and the Lord told him that, "I'm going to change your name."
173And here is the Lord, Himself, in the form of a man, eating and drinking with him. Said, "Abraham, where is your wife, Sarah?" S-a-r... r-a-h; not S-a-r-r-a.
He said, "She is in the tent, behind You."
174Said, "I'm going to visit you, according to My promise twenty-five years ago."
175And Sarah kind of laughed to herself. He said, "Sarah laughed in the tent just then, saying, 'How can these things be?'" Is there anything too hard for God? See? Nothing. No, sir.
176 Now He said, Jesus promised that, "He, the Son of man," which is the Word, (do you believe that?) "would come in the last days and would reveal Himself in the time that the world was like Sodom and Gomorrah." You believe that's right?
177Before we have one prayer, some of you out there pray and see if the Son of man is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just ask if He is, say, "Lord, the man don't know me, but I know that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever," see if He tells you that.
Yes, sir. Now raise up your head just a moment.
178It's behind me. It's a child. It's burning up right now with a fever. It's a little girl. You're from out of town. The child has a stomach trouble. It did. Just believe.
179Now, is that what He said He would do? I never seen that person in my life. God in Heaven knows that.
180 This man here, he looks very strong and healthy. But see that shadow over him there? That means, unless God helps him, he ain't going to be here very long. He's got cancer. It's in your lung.
Now, the Son of man is here.
He's got a burden on his heart for a little boy, a little child. Is that right? You believe God can tell me what's wrong with that child? [The brother says, "I know he can."--Ed] He can. He has little blackout spells like a form of epilepsy. He's just had one just recently. ["This morning."] That's right, this morning. And you believe you're going to live to raise that boy, and he'll be all right? ["Yes."]
181Where is Charlie Cox at? Where's he at? Charlie, where you at? I thought he was here tonight. Over here, Charlie. Gary, where you at? Larry, is he here? His little boy had the same thing, exactly the same thing. Where you at, Larry? Come here a minute. Well, here you are. This little boy here had the same thing. His father and mother is a very good friend of mine. Years ago I was down there, and this little boy would take spells, just blackout and fade away. It was epilepsy. I caught it on the little boy, asked God to heal him. He's never had one since. That's his father; his mother is sitting here somewhere; and here's the little boy, himself.
182Now do you believe, sir? (Thank you, Larry.) You believe, sir? May the God of Heaven grant the same thing to you, and you to live to raise the child. God bless you.
Let's pray.
183Dear God, help him. I pray that Your mercy and grace will be upon him and bless him. In Jesus' Name.
184Go back to Louisiana now, happy, praise God for him.
185Oh, yeah, he was from Louisiana, sure was, around Lake Charles. Right. See, I can catch your thoughts now. Praise be to God!
186 Well, you're asking for a--a good thing, you want to have a baby. You already had children, couple of children, but you want another one. May God of Heaven grant it to you, my sister. Come here, I just want to lay hands.
187Dear God, give the woman the desire of her heart, because it's a worthy cause. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Now go have the child.
188God is a good God. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."] He knows all that we have need of. He supplies our every need if we believe it. He said, "If thou canst believe!"
189 I shook your hand somewhere. I don't remember where it was at, but somewhere I shook your hand. I don't just exactly remember, but we was just somewhere, today somewhere, but I don't know where it was at. But that's not where, what we're here to talk about. You're here to talk about, or to pray, want me to pray for somebody else. That's right. He isn't here. He's in Georgia, sick. Not only is he sick, physically, but spiritually he's sick; your cousin. You believe God will take care of this because you've stood for him? You do? Come here and let's pray together.
190Dear God, grant this man the desire of his heart, that he might go and find this man crying out for God. In Jesus' Name I ask it. Amen.
God bless you. Don't doubt. Believe with all your heart.
191 How do you do? It wasn't that I didn't reach for your hand to shake your hand then, when you put your hand out, I was noticing something. It was a shadow, real dark and black. That's the reason. I know I caught your hand, I'd find it that way, see. But it's a cancer. You believe that God is able to move it? It's on your breast, left side. You want to go back to Carolina and praise the Lord for being well, don't you? See what I mean? Let's pray.
192Dear God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the One Who is present now; the children eating the Bread of God, may this child also enjoy the faith, the Bread of God that He gives him now for his healing. May he go and be well, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
God bless you, brother. Believe with all your heart.
How do you do?
193 Isn't this a wonderful time? Just look like an awe sets down over the people. Or, it maybe sound like, my ears, just like something going, [Brother Branham blows into the microphone--Ed.] "Whew!" Just making a noise, like, "Whew," like that, see. It's the children's Bread. See? It's yours, It's for you. It isn't for me; it's for you. I'm very thankful, right at the time now, I don't... I'm well, as far as I know; but It's Bread for me, too, when I have need of. It's Bread for you. It's encouragement. To you that's not even sick, it just brings our hearts up before God.
194This is exactly in season, what He said He would do, "And as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man shall be revealed." See? "And, behold, I send to you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord. He shall restore the hearts of the people back to the Father." See? See?
195"And then the righteous shall walk out upon the--the wicked, ashes." They'll burn like an oven, see, the earth will. We see it's going to fall in yonder. And volcanic will spread across the earth, and the heavens will be on fire.
O Rock of Ages, have mercy on me now, and then.
196 How do you do? Well, one thing, you have a lady's trouble, female trouble. Have other things. You're nervous, just that age to get nervous. Complications of all kinds. But you have a desire, too, that's to receive the Holy Ghost. That's right. That's what it is. Do you believe you're... Have you confessed everything? You believe if I lay hands upon you and ask God to do it, the Holy Ghost will come? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] You believe that? ["Yes, sir."] Let's pray.
197Dear God, I lay my hands upon this woman, in the apostolic form, and ask that she receives the baptism of the Holy Ghost. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she receive It. Amen.
198Don't doubt it. It belongs to you, see. It's yours. It's the--the children's Bread.
199Had a little funny feeling when I said, "female trouble," didn't you? Cause that's what you had, too. Now you believe you're going to be all right now? Go, just thanking the Lord.
200 How do you do? Do you believe with all your heart? You believe you're going to be able to eat like you used to a long time ago? All right. Go, and say, "Thank You, Lord. I believe it." The Presence of the Lord.
201You believe that back trouble is going to leave you and you're going to be well? Well, just go, saying, "Thank You, dear God," and God will grant it.
202You believe you can be well, the Lord will make you well; and won't have no arthritis, be well and healthy? You believe that? Go, thanking Him, say, "Lord, I accept it with all my heart, and I believe it."
What do you all out there believe about It?
203 You right here, lay your hand over on that woman sitting right next to you there, tell her the varicose veins and arthritis will leave her. When she...?...
204God bless you. You believe you're going to be well now. Go home and be... God bless you. Go on your road, and say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus."
205How do you do? [The sister says, "Praise the Lord."--Ed.] You believe the female trouble is going to leave you, too? ["I do."] And you're going to be well? ["Thank You, Jesus."] Go, and say, "Thank You, Lord." ["Thank You, Jesus."]
206How do you do? [The sister says, "Pulled a cartilage."--Ed.] Why, my, my! ["Totten."] I know your name. I--I used to... ["Totten."] when I pastored the Baptist church. ["Totten."] Totten. ["Della Totten."] Sister Della Totten. You're suffering with back trouble now. ["Yes."] It's going to be all right. You believe He's going to make you well? ["Yes."] You remember what happened down there in the Milltown Baptist church years ago? ["Yes, I remember that!"] He is still the same God today. ["Oh, thank God!"] God bless you, my sister.
George Wright, where you at? You remember? My, how...
You believe, if I just laid my hands on you, with this anointing, you believe you'll get well? Come here. In the Name of Jesus Christ may she be healed. Amen. Have faith!
Well, do you all believe with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
207 Now, how well that brings old memories, to see that lady! I can't think of her name, yet, but I... [Someone says, "Totten."] Totten. Totten, that's right. Oh, yes, her daughter was Birdie, that's right. That's exactly right. Don't think I'm beyond myself, I'm just kinda little, you know, it's kind of a... I can't explain it.
208But your back trouble is gone, lady. Go, praise the Lord, and say, "Thank You, Lord."
209You believe your heart trouble will be all right, too? [The patient says, "Yes."--Ed.] Just go, rejoice, and say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus," and believe It. All right. Have faith now. Don't doubt.
210Come, lady. Do you believe with all your heart? You got many things wrong with you. You've got back trouble, too. You believe that God is going to make you well? All right, just go, rejoicing. That, that's Him that makes you feel that way. Thank the Lord. God bless you, sister.
211 Hi, sonny. [The boy says, "Hi!"--Ed.] You believe that God is going to heal the nervousness of that child and make it well? You believe it? All right. Hi, buddy, let me shake your hand.
212Dear God, take that evil thing off of this little boy, and may he live and be normal. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
213God bless you, brother. You believe that, don't you? And get all right. Don't doubt at all.
214Mighty young to have heart trouble. You believe that God will make you well? [The patient says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] Go, say, "Thank You, Lord, for healing me."
215You believe God will heal the stomach trouble and make you well? Go on, rejoice, and say, "Thank You, Lord."
216He is still God, isn't He? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The only thing you have to do is just believe. Isn't that right? Do you believe the Son of man in the last days?
217 There was something happened here a few minutes ago, and I can't... trying to find where it was at. Somebody had faith and done something. Or, maybe I'll get them next Sunday, or when I can. Are you--you... There it is again. You got your hand up. Do you believe God can heal that heart trouble, make you well, heal your daughter out there with--with... You believe it? Mrs. Neff, you believe that God... Leo Neff. I don't know you, but that's who you are. You got heart trouble, and your little daughter has got a kidney trouble. You believe she is going to get well? Your faith makes you whole. Believe with all your heart.
218You back there in the pool, standing back there with stomach trouble, Jesus Christ make you well.
219You believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let's lay our hands over on each other now. Oh, think of the hour where we're at, think of the time. Think that we're in the very Presence of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He promised He would do this in the last days. I got hands laying on these handkerchiefs.
220Dear God, I pray that You'll bless these handkerchiefs to the healing of the people's bodies, through Jesus Christ's Name.
221 Now, with your hands on one another, each one of you are members of the Body of Christ. The same Holy Spirit that promised to reveal the secrets of the hearts and do these things, He is in you. You are a part of Him, and He's a part of you. Now, He said this, "These signs shall follow them that believe." That's you. "If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Now, don't pray for yourself, pray for the one that you got your hands on, 'cause they're praying for you. Now let's pray together, and may there not be a feeble person in this building. Why would we wait any longer, my dear brother, sister, here It is, the Holy Spirit, God, right here, the very thing we've talked about.
222 Dear Jesus we are recognizing Your Presence. You brought that little baby back to life the other day, after it being dead, by the prayer of faith. Dear God, there is many here we couldn't get to, the time is passing, but they got their hands on one another. They're believers. We're sitting in the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, the same yesterday, today, and forever.
223Satan, you are defeated! Jesus Christ defeated you! He rose from the dead and stands among us tonight, vindicating this Message of the last days. Come out of this people! Leave them, in the Name of Jesus Christ! "In My Name they shall cast out devils," and you are cast out. In the Name of Jesus Christ, leave this congregation!
224 Every one of you now that accept your healing, stand on your feet. Everybody that accepts healing, stand on your feet. Raise your hands now and give Him praise!
"I now accept my healing," say that to God. I now accept my healing. [Congregation says, "I now accept my healing."--Ed.] You are the same yesterday, today, and forever, Christ. ["You are the same yesterday, today, and forever, Christ."] I now believe You. ["I now believe You."] Help Thou my unbelief." ["Help Thou my unbelief."] Amen. ["Amen."]
I will praise Him, I will praise Him,
Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;
Give Him glory, all ye people,
For His Blood has washed away each stain.
225Don't you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Let's praise Him then. Everybody, with your hands up, give Him praise, while the brother comes here to dismiss us.