A nevieš o tom



Dovoľte, aby som vám niečo prorokoval prv, ako sa to stane. Celý svet tápa v nenormálnosti a pôjde to do horšieho a horšieho a horšieho, až to bude banda maniakov a už teraz je to skoro tak.

Pozrite sa na Kainove deti; ako oni do toho vošli. Keď synovia Boží videli ľudské dcéry, že sú pekné, brali si ich za ženy a Boh im to nikdy neodpustil.

Pozrite sa, keď tie izraelské ženy s mozoľmi na rukách a so spletenými vlasmi; keď títo synovia Boží prešli cez Moábsku krajinu a stretli tie pôvabné ženy s dobre upravenými vlasmi, atraktívne a na tvárach veľa manikúry či ako to nazývate; a keď títo synovia Boží videli tie skutočne pekné ženy, falošný prorok povedal, „My sme všetci jedno.“ Oni si brali z nich za ženy a Boh im to nikdy neodpustil; oni zahynuli na púšti. Každý jeden z nich tam zomrel.

1Ďakujem ti, brat Neville; nech ťa Pán žehná. Dostal som sa do niečoho, či nie? Chcem skutočne veľmi poďakovať Pánovi, že sa ujal chlapca od brata Cappsa. Proste sa tak stalo, že toto je krátky čas, keď prichádzam naspäť do Indiány. Viem, že toto nenahrávajú; myslím, že nie. A tak potom, nikoho tam nevidím. Tak oni ... Prišiel som poľovať na veveričky. A tak, Charlie to hádam bude musieť so mnou teraz vydržať, on a Nellie a oni tam v Ketucky, že pôjdeme na deň alebo dva poľovať na veveričky. Radšej by som vynechal čokoľvek, každý iný druh rekreácie, ako prísť sem v polovici augusta a ísť poľovať na veveričky s Charliem a s Banksom a so všetkými nimi. To je u mňa určitá tradícia. A tak, zobral som Jozefa ...

2Keď sme tu boli minule, každý ochorel; tá zmena tam z toho skutočne horúceho podnebia do tohoto chladného podnebia, ktoré tu máte. Viem, že si myslíte, že toto nie je chladné, ale príďte raz do Arizony. Bolo tam sto deväť stupňov v tieni, keď som ráno odchádzal; a potom okolo polnoci, v noci, keď prišiel dole z hôr ten chladný vzduch, stále bolo 96. Vidíte? To je o polnoci, keď ten chladný vzduch prichádza dole. A tak to je - to miesto je dobré v zime, ale cez leto je to pre škorpióny a jašterice, nie pre ľudí. Dokonca všetky zvieratá odchádzajú do hôr. Nedokážu to zniesť.

3Bol som vyskúšať svoju malú pušku a ... Chcem vám len trochu povedať to o tom malom Cappsovom chlapcovi. A povedal som ... A Jozef, budem mu musieť dať tú pušku, pretože strieľa lepšie ako ja. Boli sme ju vyskúšať, pripevnil som terče na 50 yardov a povedal som Jozefovi ... Jozef povedal, „ocko, myslím, že to dokážem zostreliť.“ (Chudák chlapec, bolela ho hlava. Modlil som sa za neho, mal vysokú horúčku. Išiel so mnou na strelnicu a ...) A dve desatinový kaliber v puške 22 križuje svoju letovú dráhu pri 25 yardoch a potom znovu pri 50, presne tak isto, ak je to dve desatiny. Tak potom, vyskúšal som ju na 25 yardov. A tak mal som ešte dve pripínačky a dal som ich hore a či ich Jozef obe nezostrelil. Už som viacej nemal, tak som zobral malý kúsok hlineného holuba, ktorý tam bol rozbitý, na to strieľajú niektorí strelci, mal priemer len štvrť côľa a trafil ho na 50 yardov a prestrelil ho na polovicu. A optické merítko bolo nastavené na moje oči, som o pár rokov starší ako on. Tak on povedal, „Vieš čo? Musím ísť a povedať Billymu aby mi už od teraz nechodil do cesty.“ Viete?

4Tak, ja som povedal, „Poviem ti niečo, poďme a ukážeme to bratovi Normanovi.“

Povedal som, „Jozef, v súťažiach po svete ...“ Bez ohľadu kto by to mohol byť, nikto ... No, tie neboli trafené do boku, boli prestrelené cez prostriedok. A ten kúsok nie väčší, než hádam štvrť côľa a 4/16 hrubý a štvrť vysoký, a on to z 50 yardov prestrelil na polovicu. Povedal som, nikto na svete by to nemohol lepšie trafiť. Tí šampióni by mohli urobiť to isté, ale nemohli by ste streliť tri lepšie zásahy ako tie. Tie pripínacie terče nezohnuté - presná diera cez ten papier, kde prešiel ten cvoček. Povedal som, „Nikto by to nemohol lepšie trafiť.“ Myslím, že hneď ho prestala bolieť hlava!

Povedal som, „Dobre, poďme a ukážeme to bratovi Normanovi,“ ktorý pracuje pre Field and Stream, u brata Tonyho Stremera so športovým tovarom.

On povedal, „Poďme prv pozrieť Billyho. Chcem Bubbymu niečo povedať.“ Úprimne povedané, jeho brat to nikdy tak dobre nedokázal. Tak on povedal, „Pôjdeme prv tam.“

5Potom, len čo som vošiel do dverí, Billy bol stále v pyžame. My sme išli zavčasu, pretože potom začína byť horúco a on povedal ... Zvonil telefón a ja som povedal ... On sa tak na mňa pozrel. Povedal som, „Možno volajú, že niekto je chorý;“ a to volal brat Caps ohľadne svojho chlapca, na operačnej sále, so zápalom podbrušnice a jeho život bol ohrozený. A práve teraz mi povedal, že jeho chlapec sa zotavuje, skutočne dobre.

6Tak, vidíte ako to Boh urobil, ešte aj cez hlas toho malého chlapca, Jozefa. Namiesto toho, aby sme išli ku bratovi Normanovi ... Neboli by sme tam a keď sme tam prišli spojil som sa s bratom Cappsom. Nehovorím, že to boli naše modlitby, ktoré to urobili, ale to pre neho niečo znamenalo, že sme došli do takého kontaktu. Úprimne povedané, preto ... No, musíte mať vieru v to čo robíte. On mal vieru aby zavolal a Billy bol ... Dával tam peniaze a povedal, „To musí byť skutočne zďaleka,“ povedal, „Dal som tam skoro 5 dolárov za tri minútový rozhovor.“

7Myslel som, že to prichádza z New Yorku alebo niekde z tých ostrovov alebo z niekade, ale on mal hovor osoba ku osobe aby dostal ku telefónu Billyho namiesto Loyce, viete, a to ho toľko stálo, že tak volal.

Teraz sa jeho chlapec zotavuje. Brat Capps povedal, že doktor mu dával veľmi malú nádej, že sa z toho dostane, viete, z tej operácii a sme vďační Bohu dnes ráno - veľmi sme radi za neho.

No, prišli sme dnes ráno pred svitaním, spal som asi tri hodiny a som skutočne unavený. Ale keď zhromaždenie ... keď prišiel čas ísť na zhromaždenie, tak som prišiel.

8Keď Pán dá ... No, musím ísť do Kentucky, ako som povedal; potom som sľúbil, že jednu nedeľu budem kázať, kým sme tu a radšej by som kázal na budúcu nedeľu, pretože tú ďalšiu budem ... musím ísť naspäť, pretože odchádzam preč, znovu do Kanady. Tak radšej by som kázal budúcu nedeľu, na budúcu nedeľu ráno.

9 Brat Neville povedal, „No, prečo by si nevystúpil, pozdravíš ľudí a budeš im hovoriť len pár minút.“

Povedal som, „Brat Neville, neotvoril som si ešte ani Bibliu ...“

On povedal, „Dobre, vystúpiš a niečo im povieš.“

Sestra Nevilleová, neviem ako to ty robíš. On je veľmi presvedčivý človek.

10Ale zatiaľ ... Nemám možnosť povedať toto, keď je to tu tak naplnené ľuďmi, sú tu natlačení, ale som veľmi vďačný Bohu za pastora ako je brat Orman Neville. Verný, tak verný ako len môže byť a nikdy som ho nepočul, že by sa sťažoval. Sedel som tam vzadu. Dobrú pol hodinu som sa s ním rozprával, zatiaľ čo som sa tešil z toho čo povedal brat Mann a tak, poviem mu viacej o tom, keď tohoto roku zájdeme do Colorádo.

11Tak keď sme sa tešili z jeho posolstva; a mal som dobrý rozhovor s bratom Neville. Povedal som, „Nedostal som sa ešte ku tomu aby som ľuďom povedal niečo o našom dobrom pastorovi.“ Opýtal som sa, „Chovajú sa ľudia ku tebe dobre?“

On povedal, „Lepšie sa ani nemôžu.“

Povedal som, „To rád počujem.“ Keď pastor je spokojný a ľudia sú spokojní, to robí skutočne dobrý zbor. A potom Boh je spokojný. A myslím, že ich budem vidieť spokojných spolu, zvlášť v tomto dni posolstva, ktoré nesieme. Myslím, že to ukazuje tú súvislosť posolstva s ľuďmi a s Bohom.

12A som veľmi vďačný za brata Ormana Nevilleho a za jeho milú ženu a rodinu. A modlím sa aby ich Boh zachoval verných pre Neho a pre celú vec. A ak sa to Jemu bude tak ľúbiť, nech by sme stáli tu v modlitebni, keď príde Pán Ježiš pre nás, aby nás zobral preč vo vytrhnutí. Dúfame, že obidvaja sme tak starí, brat Neville, že jednou rukou sa budeme navzájom objímať a s paličkou sa budem snažiť udržať na nohách.

13Potom budeme v momente premenení, v okamihu. Tieto staré telesné rúcha spadnú a povstanú, uchopia večnú cenu a budeme volať, zatiaľ čo budeme prechádzať vzduchom. Zbohom, zbohom, sladká hodina modlitby. Potom odídeme hore.

14Počul som, že Pán uzdravil brata Coomersa a som za to vďačný. Tak veľa vecí ... Tak, som vďačný, že tu môžem byť dnes ráno a myslel som, že namiesto ... Stále tu prichádzam s určitým textom a hovorím ... Myslel som, že dnes ráno len prídem. Povedal som, „Brat Neville, dnes budem dobre dávať pozor na hodiny a pravdepodobne na čas rozpustím ľudí a budem ku vám hovoriť zo srdca, niekoľko minút.; proste veci, ktoré máme - viem, že to nenahrávajú ani nič, tak budeme mať len obecenstvo kým sú tu ľudia zo zboru, viete, proste my spolu.“ Tak, pomodlime sa.

15Drahý Ježišu, sme ti tak vďační za túto možnosť, že sa môžeme spolu zísť tu a ó, ako som sa díval na túto modlitebňu včasne dnes ráno po polnoci - keď som okolo prechádzal - rozmýšľal som ako si ty stál pri nej. Myslím na ten dávny rybník, ktorý tu bol, stálo tu veľké rákosie, rovno tu kde stojí táto kazateľňa. Ako malý chlapec som tu stál. Pán Ingram povedal, že by sme mohli mať ten diel za trochu peňazí a zaplatiť niečo a žiadne peniaze, žiadne ručenie ani nič na zálohu, ale len skúsiť. Ako to potom, celková cena bola niečo povyše 2000 dolárov; s vyplatení do dvadsiatych rokov.

A teraz, Pane pozri sa teraz na to. Keď to bolo vo svojom počiatočnom štádiu, stále to tu sedelo v diere, voda tiekla do toho; ako si nám zasľúbil v Slove: „Ja Pán som sadil, ja to budem polievať dňom a nocou aby to nikto nevytrhol z mojej ruky.“ Vtedy ľudia hovorili, „za šesť mesiacov to prerobia na garáž.“

16Ale doslovne tisíce duší našlo Krista tu pri oltári. Modlitebňa, baptizérium neustále ... Ľudia boli krstení vo meno Pána Ježiša; vzývajúc nad nimi Jeho meno, obmývaní od svojich hriechov. Stovky chromých, postihnutých, slepých, krivých, kuľhavých, zožraných rakovinou, odišli z tohoto pódia - prišli zomierajúci muži, ženy, chlapci a dievčatá a odišli aby žili nový život s novým telom na svojich telách, znovu chodili; opúšťali svoje invalidné kreslá, barly a tak ďalej. Ó, Bože, táto tridsaťročná služba ...

17Otče, pamätáš sa na to ráno, keď sme kládli ten uholný kameň. Ty si tam dal videnie, ukázal si toto miesto, natlačené a napchané ľuďmi, nádherný uhol; Vedel som, že to nemôže sklamať. Tak, ďakujem ti za všetky tieto veci.

18Mnohí z nich bojovali dobrý boj, dokončili dielo a zachovali vieru; ležia tam, čakajú, odpočívajú teraz od svojej práci a ich skutky idú za nimi - očakávajú na hodinu, keď zaznie trúba, aby znovu povstali do nového života, v novom tele. Mnohí z nich starí a trasúci sa, niektorí mladí, v strednom veku a tak ďalej ... Ale tvoje meno je oslavované za všetko.

19A teraz, znovu tu stojíme, pred živými a mŕtvymi. Modlím sa aby si pomazal tvoje slová dnes ráno. Neviem nič čo by som mal povedať, ale modlím sa aby si to ty zariadil, čo si stále robil, Pane. Požehnaj nášho pastora, brata Nevilleho; jeho ženu. Požehnaj starších, diakonov; každého člena tela. Nech by sme spolu žili tak v tomto živote, aby v živote, ktorý príde sme mali Večný Život.

20Pomôž nám dnes ráno prijať napravenia od Ducha a Slova, aby sme sa mohli pripraviť, keď budeme odchádzať cez dvere dnes ráno, rozhodnutí vo svojich srdciach žiť lepší život, než ako sme žili predtým. Prosíme to v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

21No, otvoril som tu práve Bibliu a to sa stal pred pár minútami ... Som v Zjavení 3, tak budem tu čítať, z posolstva do Laodicejskej cirkvi.

22Chcem tiež oznámiť. (Brat Neville mi práve hovoril.) Brat Parnell - práve som sa pozrel a vidím ho, že tu sedí - má evanjelizáciu, na tejto strane Memphis, pri ... Všetci viete kde zvykol stáť starý Wimpyho stánok s hamburgermi, on tam má rozložený stan, snaží sa priniesť tie snopy a nájsť, či tam nie je nejaký stratený na tej ceste, ktorý bol určený do života, ktorého by mohol získať svojou službou pre Krista. On to na nedeľu zavrel kvôli zhromaždeniam, ktoré sú tu v modlitebni a to je veľmi lojálne od toho brata. Chceme aby ste vedeli, že slúžiť sa tam bude v pondelok večer, na budúci týždeň a viem, že ste všetci srdečne pozvaní aby ste počúvali brata Parnella, keď bude kázať svoje posolstvo o láske Kristovej.

23A teraz čítajme zo Zjavenia z tretej kapitoly, len určitú časť aby sme povedali, že sme čítali Bibliu, pretože to, čo ja poviem môže sklamať ale to, čo On hovorí nesklame. Neviem odkade začať, čo robiť, kde ísť, ale čítajme Laodicejský cirkevný vek.

A anjelovi zboru Laodičanov napíš: Toto hovorí Amen, ten verný a pravdivý svedok, počiatok stvorenia Božieho:

Znám tvoje skutky, že nie si ani studený ani horúci. Bárs by si bol studený alebo horúci!

Takto, že si vlažný, ani studený ani horúci, vypľujem ťa zo svojich úst.

Lebo hovoríš: Som bohatý a zbohatnul som a nepotrebujem nikoho, a nevieš, že si ty biedny i mizerný na poľutovanie i chudobný i slepý i nahý.

Radím ti, aby si si kúpil odo mňa zlata, prečisteného v ohni, aby si zbohatol, a biele rúcho, aby si sa odial, aby sa neukázala hanba tvojej nahoty, a kollýrium pomazať svoje oči, aby si videl.

Ja všetkých, ktorých milujem, karhám a otcovsky trescem. Rozhorli sa tedy a učiň pokánie.

24Viete, niekde tam ako som čítal, ak mi chvíľku prepáčite, nájdem to miesto, ktoré mi tak dobre znelo. Neviem kde to presne bolo, no. Tu to je: „A nevieš, biedny, mizerný, na poľutovanie, slepý, nahý.“ Ó! To tu je obraz dnešnej cirkvi. No, to je ... Myslím, že tu ten cirkevný vek, o ktorom hovoríme ... Samozrejme máme ten cirkevný vek, on teraz vychádza v knihách. Ale preto, že to je ten Laodicejský cirkevný vek, v ktorom sme, pozrime sa len na tie okolnosti.

Nechcem zobrať žiadny text ani nič, pretože nie sme ... len príležitostne hovoríme a budeme vidieť čo ďalej povedať - do čohokoľvek nás Pán bude viesť. Ale niečo čo nám pomôže.

25Zamyslime sa nad Laodicejským cirkevným vekom a nad jeho stavom dnes. Pokiaľ viem, nevidím nič, čo by zdržiavalo v tomto čase príchod Pánov, okrem pripravenosti Jeho cirkvi. Myslím, že to je jedno z proroctiev.

26Včera, keď sme prichádzali na aute ... Išli sme dva dni z Tucsonu sem, rovných dvetisíc míľ, Billy a ja. A tak sme ... No, neprekročili sme žiadnu povolenú rýchlosť. Stále sme boli presne ... Sedel som tam, keď on keroval ... udieral som ho päsťou do chrbta ako puška so spätným nárazom. Keď som ho videl, že ide ... Povedal som, „Počkaj, chlapče.“ Je nám povedané, „Dávajte cisárovi, čo je cisárove.“

27Potom, keď sme sem prichádzali včera v noci ... Malé dievča ležalo rozvalené na ceste, okolo tri ročné; matka mŕtva v jarku. Nejaký opitý chlapec, išiel z toho R.O.T.C., osemnásť ročný, išiel stodvadsať míľ na hodinu po ľavej strane cesty a myslím, že on sa tiež zabil. Potom si môžete uvedomiť čo to je. „Dávajte cisárovi, čo je cisárove.

28Nevinní ľudia zomierajú. Malé trojročné dievčatko stratilo život, kvôli nejakému opitému vojakovi, ktorý išiel asi stodvadsať míľ na hodinu, po zlej strane. Prechádzal cez ten kopec a zletel rovno dole a všetkých spolu ich tam naraz zabil. On tiež zomrel, tak ... Potom vidíte, že aj nevinný večierok robí ...

Ten chlapec je vinný chladnokrvnej vraždy. Myslím, že ak niekoho chytia na ceste opitého, mal by hneď dostať 10 rokov za úmysel vraždy - nech je to ktokoľvek. Pretože oni ...

29S politikou nedosiahneme nič dobrého. Ona je zhnitá. Boží úmysel mať kráľa, spravodlivého kráľa, je správny. Politika len jednoducho rozširuje - zo všetkého sa môžete vykúpiť; z podvodu, z klamstva, z krádeže a zo všetkého ďalšieho. Ako som povedal pred pár nedeľami. Hľaďte kde ste. Vidíte? Samé vykrivené masy všetkého možného. Ale spravodlivý kráľ môže vydať svoje vlastné zákony. Môžete zabiť človeka a ak ste známy v politike, to je v poriadku, môžete sa z toho dostať. Demokracia je dobrý nápad, ale to nebude fungovať. Práve tak ako komunizmus; všetko je spoločné. To znie dobre, ale to nebude fungovať. Nie. Boží spôsob mať kráľa, ako bol Dávid, je správny. Máte myseľ skoncentrovanú na ... Ako jeden vodca v kŕdli husí, alebo v niečom takom. Nemôžete ich mať dvoch alebo troch. Potom by ste ich všetkých poplietli, prichádzate so všetkými možnými nápadmi. Tak nachádzame, že ten stav dnes je hotový na príchod Pánov.

30Ale, kým brat Neville a ja, a títo ostatní bratia sa snažíme pásť stádo, prišlo mi teraz niečo na myseľ, o čom by sme mohli hovoriť. To je, dostalo som nedávno list od jednej milej panej. Nedostal som ho ja, prišlo to cez inú osobu. Trhala ma skutočne na kusy, alebo sa snažila. Hovorila, „Urobili ste niečo ... Či vy kresťanskí obchodníci nemôžete urobiť niečo aby ste zastavili brata Branhama? Pretože on vydal túto knihu, ktorá sa nazýva, „Laodicejský cirkevný vek,“ vydáva ich viacej.“ A povedala, „On jednoducho trhá letničnú náuku na kusy. On hovorí, že počiatočným dôkazom nie je hovorenie v jazykoch. Potom, on je proti ženám, kazateľkám.“ (A toto bola žena kazateľka.)

A jej chlapci - jedni z mojich najlepších priateľov akých mám na svete - oni sú medzi mojimi najlepšími priateľmi, ktorých mám.

Tento muž a jeho žena, (Jedol som s nimi raňajky) povedal, „Brat Branham, pozri sa na toto, pomyslel by si si to?“ a vytiahol dopis.

Povedal som, „No sestra, ona to proste nerozumie.“

Tí chlapci mi povedali, že ich mama bola kazateľka, a že neide za posolstvom. No, ona tu hovorí, „on hovorí, že ženy nemajú mať autoritu nad mužmi. A čo Fojba v Biblii, Pavlova pomocníčka.“

31Samozrejme. Ona predávala tovar. Pavel sa pýtal ľudí ... Či myslíte, že Pavel by povedal, „Nech sú ženy v zboroch ticho,“ nedovoľoval im hovoriť a otočil by sa a povedal, „a teraz Fojba, moja pomocníčka v evanjeliu nám bude kázať niekoľko dní.“ Veď by protirečil svojim vlastným slovám.

A povedala, „potom na vrchol toho všetkého, (myslím, že to bola Ester, jedna zo sudcov v Biblii) žena bola sudcom v Biblii. Či to nie je autorita nad mužom ...“

Tento obchodník, ktorý bol nedávno uzdravený, rovno tu v zhromaždení, jeho žena povedala, „Brat Branham, to ma stále plietlo.

Povedal som, „Prečo, sestra, ako ťa to môže pliesť.“

Ona povedala, „No, tu je sudcom žena.“

32Povedal som, to je politika, nie cirkev. To nemá nič spoločného s cirkvou. Pavel povedal, „Nech je pod poslušnosťou ako tiež hovorí zákon.“ Zákon nemohol postaviť ženu, aby bola kňazom, nemohol postaviť ... Nikdy ste nevideli, ženu, žeby bola najvyšším kňazom; nikdy ste nevideli ženu, žeby bola kňazom - nikde v Biblii. Nikdy ste nevideli v Biblii ženu kazateľku. Samozrejme, niektoré boli prorokyne a tak ďalej; Miriam a rôzne iné a Ester bola sudkyňa nad Izraelom. Niekedy oni boli kráľovné nad nimi a tak ďalej, kráľ a kráľovné. Keď zomrel kráľ, kráľovná musela zastúpiť jeho miesto, kým nezvolili ďalšieho kráľa a tak ďalej.

33V Tucsone, v Arizone, máme tam v meste ženu, sudkyňu. Preto je to mesto také poškvrnené. Žena nemá čo hľadať v politike. Nemá čo hľadať nad žiadnou autoritou v zbore. Jej miesto je byť doma mužovou kráľovnou. Pomimo toho nemá nič. My vieme, že to je pravda. Nikdy nenájdete ... Viem, že to zneje staromódne, ale ja som zodpovedný.

34Viem, že po mojom odchode z tejto zeme tieto pásky a knihy budú ďalej žiť a mnohí z vás malých detí nájdete v tých dňoch, ktoré prídu, že toto je úplná pravda, pretože to hovorím v mene Pánovom.

No, divíme sa ako je to, že žena, ktorá je dobrou ženou - a priviedla na tento svet skrze svojho verného manžela, dobrého muža, najlepších chlapcov, akých som kedy stretol, sú to muži, akých som kedy stretol ... A tak rýchlo, akonáhle počuli to posolstvo, boli ním na 100% nadšení. No, to mohlo prísť len skrze predurčenie. To je jediný spôsob ako to môže prísť.

35No, tu je otázka, rozmýšľal som o tom, keď ma teraz Pán privádzal naspäť, „a nevieš, že si nahý, mizerný, biedny, slepý a nevieš o tom.“

Prv ako sa dostanem ku tomu miestu, mohol by som stručne vyjadriť, čo som tu povedal pred niekoľkými dňami v posolstve, myslím že to bolo, „Boh tohoto sveta,“ zaslepil oči ľudí, že oni na náboženských službách úplne uctievajú diabla. Pochopili ste to všetci - všetci ste to porozumeli?

Potom, v tom istom posolstve som priniesol tému, že žena, ktorá nosí nemorálne oblečenie, neslušné, má byť súdená na súde ako pouličná prostitútka. To zneje veľmi divne.

36Dovoľte, že vám nakreslím malý obraz. No, tu v meste je advokát, mladý muž. Je to milý človek, čo sa týka politiky ... Predstavujem si, že môže byť slušný vo svojej politike; a potom chodí s nejakým dievčaťom, ktoré je veľmi populárne. Zamilujú sa a vezmú sa. Navštevujú všetky večierky a veľké podujatia a všetci spolu pijú. Nakoniec, ona ... On má milý domov; žije v milom susedstve. Medzi ľuďmi sa teší dobrej povesti, ale on ... Obaja pijú; ona chodí v šortkách, strihá si vlasy, maľuje sa; všetko tak sexy ... pekná žena - ukazuje sa.

37No, vôbec nechodí do cirkvi, ani jeden z nich. Tak, vedľa nich sa nasťahovali, prichádza sem žena z Baptistickej cirkvi alebo Metodistic- kej, ona so svojím mužom. No, táto žena ... Povedzme, že sú Metodisti, pretože Metodisti trochu viac zakladajú na svätosti než Baptisti - okrem Novozákonných Baptistov; oni veria v posvätenie. Ale obyčajne Baptisti nezakladajú vôbec na posvätení, viete, oni neveria v niečo také. Tak, povedzme teraz, že to sú Metodisti, pretože oni veria v posvätenie.

38Tak, Metodistická žena sa nasťahovala vedľa tejto ženy, na tej istej ulici. Jej muž je - povedzme, že je nejaký účtovník alebo nejaký úradník. No, táto Metodistická žena sa díva tam na tú druhú a keď tento advokát odchádza do mesta - jeho meno je John. Povedzme, že jeho meno je John. No, nedomýšľajte si nič za tým. Ja len beriem vymyslené mená, jeho meno je John. No, ona chodí s Ralfom. To je vymyslené meno, oni všetky, len aby ste pochopili ten príbeh a videli obraz.

No, viete prv na večierku, kde sa pilo, Ralf ju znovu objal. No, ona sa celá vzrušila, pretože sa znovu zamilovala do Ralfa, myslí si. Potom, po nejakom čase sa Ralf s ňou začne stretávať a ona môže Johnovi prejsť cez rozum; zakryť mu oči a myslí si, že je dosť chytrou kačicou, pretože môže behať s Ralfom, vydatá za Johna.

Vidíte, tá žena nemá ani trochu slušné správanie. A nič si z toho nerobí.

39Ale táto metodistka bola vychovaná v inej skupine. Ona aspoň chodí do zboru; a myslí si, že tá žena je strašná. Aha, ona hovorí svojmu mužovi, keď prichádza domov, „Videla som toho chlapa ako tam išiel ku nej. A keď John nie je doma a rieši niekde nejaký prípad, vo Philadelphii alebo niekde; on ju berie na motorku a ležia vonku na pláži. Videla som ich prísť domov; niekedy ani nezatiahli rolety, bozkáva ju a miluje sa s ňou. Ó, či to nie je strašné?“ hovorí svojmu mužovi. „Aha, to je proste verejná prostitútka.“

To je pravda. Ona je horšia ako verejná prostitútka, pretože je vydatou ženou. Vidíte? A táto žena, táto metodistka, si myslí, že to je strašné. Ona vôbec nechodí do zboru.

40No, táto metodistka by neurobila niečo také. Nie, skutočne. Ona je slušná. Ďalšia vec, nedotkla by sa pálenky, pretože Metodistická cirkev - 90% jej programu je zákaz alkoholu, proti alkoholu. Tak, oni majú program o zákaze alkoholu a títo ľudia z Metodistickej cirkvi nežijú vyššie, než ako učí ich cirkev.

Ale táto istá žena, táto Metodistka vychádza večer von so svojím mužom, v nedeľu, po nedeľnej škole chodí v šortkách, strihá si vlasy, maľuje si ústa a dokonca trochu fajčí.

41No, v Božom Slove, oni obidve sú prostitútky. Ale táto tu je nahá, biedna, mizerná, slepá a nevie o tom. Jedna je tak isto vinná, ako tá druhá. Lebo muž, ktorý žiadostivo hľadí na ženu, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci.

Ak táto žena ... No, ona by povedala, „No počkaj trochu, brat Branham. Dám ti porozumieť, že nie som prostitútka!“ Moja sestra, možno ak by si bolo zobraná pred Bibliu; položila by si na ňu svoju ruku v prítomnosti Božej a odprisahala, že si bola tak verná svojmu mužovi ako len môžeš byť. Tvoje telo patrí tvojmu mužovi, ale tvoja duša patrí Bohu. Pomazáva ťa zlý duch. Ak nie, potom ti môžem dokázať, že si úplne nenormálna.

Čo by sa bolo stalo tvojej starej mame, keby išla po ulici v takých šortkách? Zavreli by ju do blázinca - vyšla von bez šiat. V jej rozume nie je niečo v poriadku. Ak to vtedy bolo tak, je to tak aj teraz.

Tak to ukazuje, že celý svet stratil rozum. Celá vec je nenormálna. A to sa tak postupne votrelo, že to ľudia ani nevedia.

42No, je prostitútka? Čo sa týka jej tela, podľa sľubu, ktorý dala svojmu mužovi, nie ale pred Bohom má na sebe zlého prostitútskeho ducha, ktorý spôsobuje, že sa tak oblieka a je v Laodicejslom cirkevnom veku a nevie, že to robí. Tá nevinná žena nevie, že Boh ju bude súdiť za prostitúciu. Tu to máte.

Povedzte jej to! Nemôžete jej to povedať. Nedá sa jej to nijako povedať. Biblia povedala, „Oni sú nahí a nevedia o tom.“

43Keby ste ju nazvali prostitútkou, osobne, dala by vás zatknúť - urobila by to. Ja nehovorím osobne o nikom. Ja hovorím o hriechu. Nehovorím, „Tento určitý zbor, pán ten a ten tu, referend ten a ten, on je ...“ Nie, ja hovorím, že - tá náuka - všetko to spolu. „Nenazývam jednotlivých ľudí. To nie sú individuálni ľudia; to je systém, v ktorom sú, to je svetový systém.

44Brat George Wright, ktorý tu sedí - on má hádam 75 alebo 78 rokov. Čo myslíš, že by sa stalo, keby si bol išiel navštíviť jedného dňa sestru Wrightovú a ona by bola v šortkách? No, nikdy by si ... dal by si tú ženu zatknúť. Nikdy by si sa s ňou neoženil.

No, ak každý mladý muž v tých dňoch by to urobil, či by sa nemalo diať to isté. No, ak to bolo zlé a hriešne vtedy, je to to isté; ale ľudia dorástli do nenormálnosti.

45Dovoľte, aby som vám niečo prorokoval prv, ako sa to stane. Celý svet tápa v nenormálnosti a pôjde to do horšieho a horšieho a horšieho, až to bude banda maniakov a už teraz je to skoro tak.

Mohli by ste si predstaviť človeka, ktorý ide na aute bez svetiel po zlej strane? Nejaký Ricky, dieťa, ktoré možno práve skončilo strednú školu. Zabil skupinu ľudí - či ich to zastavilo?

Ďalší išiel rovno za ním a robil to isté. Môžete si predstaviť mladého človeka, ktorý si myslí o sebe všetko možné, vychádzajú tu a tak sa správajú? Mohli by ste si predstaviť mladú ženu v rozkvete ženskosti, peknú, dobre stavanú, pekne sformovanú postavu, tvár, peknú ... a práve tá jej krása ukazuje, že sme v čase konca. Vidíte, ona sa celkom dostala do svetských rysov - svetských vecí a nie do krásy svätosti a nežnosti vo svojej duši. Videl som ženy, navonok nebolo na nich nič na pohľad ale raz s nimi prehovoríte, chvíľku sa s nimi rozprávate; sú opravdu rýdze; majú niečo čo nemôžete od nich odstrániť. Vidíte, vonkajšia krása je z diabla - to je svetské.

46Pozrite sa na Kainove deti; ako oni do toho vošli. Keď synovia Boží videli ľudské dcéry, že sú pekné, brali si ich za ženy a Boh im to nikdy neodpustil.

Pozrite sa, keď tie izraelské ženy s mozoľmi na rukách a so spletenými vlasmi; keď títo synovia Boží prešli cez Moábsku krajinu a stretli tie pôvabné ženy s dobre upravenými vlasmi, atraktívne a na tvárach veľa manikúry či ako to nazývate; a keď títo synovia Boží videli tie skutočne pekné ženy, falošný prorok povedal, „My sme všetci jedno.“ Oni si brali z nich za ženy a Boh im to nikdy neodpustil; oni zahynuli na púšti. Každý jeden z nich tam zomrel.

47Bez nádeje, bez Boha a je večne stratený. Zatratení naveky hoci videli dobrotu Božiu; hoci pili z prameňa, ktorý nikdy nevysychá. Pili z tej udretej skaly. Videli toho medeného hada, ktorý činil zázraky. Vyšli odtiaľ pod Mojžišovým krstom v mori. Videli ruku Božiu. Jedli anjelsky chlieb a urobili všetky tie veci. Ale oženili sa. Nechali tie ženy - priviedli ich do tábora a ženili sa s nimi. Nepáchali cudzoložstvo, proste sa s nimi oženili. Boh im to nikdy neodpustil.

To je druhý krát, keď ku tomu došlo. Teraz, tu sme, keď je to tretí krát - viacej zvodiace teraz než kedykoľvek. Viem, že je to tvrdé a často som nad tým uvažoval mnohorakým spôsobom, ako to vôbec bude? Prečo musím hovoriť ľuďom tak prudko. Čo to spôsobuje? Jednako si všímam, keby to nebol Boh, nebolo by nikoho. Žiadna žena by tu nesedela a nepočúvala ma. Ale oni znovu prichádzajú! Pretože je niekto kto tam má kotvu pravdy, kto vie, že je to pravda - bez ohľadu, oni vedia, že je to pravda.

48No, pozorujte čo sa deje. Viem, že je to tvrdé. To je tak, ako keď vám doktor dá liek; a vy ho odmietnete zjesť; potom neobviňujte doktora ak zomriete. A toto je ako liek. A čo títo ľudia, ktorí stále hovoria, že ja nenávidím ženy. Viete, len pozorujte ako sa správajú ženy a ja vám ukážem kde je cirkev. Ženská morálka je Laodicea, vo svete, telesne - nahá, mizerná, slepá a neviem o tom.

Ľudia, ženy tohoto sveta a cirkev je na tom istom stupni. Pozorujte, to prirodzené znázorňuje presne to duchovné, stále.

No, niekedy na súde ... Viem, že to nie je populárne hovoriť a ak človek nie je určený aby to povedal, radšej to nehovorte, pretože napodobujete; a potom sa iste dostanete do problému.

49No, všimnite si, ja skutočne vyzerám akoby som niekedy držal žene otvorené ústa a lial jej do úst liek; a potom jej držím ruku na ústach a ona to zakaždým vypľuje. Čo keby to tak doktor robil s pacientom, potom by ten pacient zomrel, pretože to odmietol prehltnúť, ten liek. Na súde, keď všetky tieto veci, ako strihanie vlasov a nosenie šortiek a ...

Ja len staviam. Tá hodina je na blízku, na dosah, keď uvidíte, že sa niečo stane, keď sa niečo bude diať a všetok tento podklad, tu, bolo len kladenie základu pre krátke, rýchle posolstvo, ktoré zatrasie celým národom.

50No, kritizujem ženy; to je tu práve nezdravé, lebo s tým môžete urobiť presne to, čo je potrebné. Ešte sa im aj snažím povedať, čo je správne. Držím takto ruku na ich ústach; oni to vypľúvajú. Potom, kto môže obviňovať doktora?

Ako sa vypoviete v deň súdu, keď práve tieto hlasy, ktoré proti tomu kričia, znovu odohrajú tento záznam pred tými ľuďmi? Ako potom utečú od toho?

Vypľúvajú vám to pomedzi prsty. Nalejete trochu viac a trochu im potrasiete hlavou, znovu a znovu - neprehltnú to. Jednako, prídete znovu naspäť a znovu im to nalejete. Na koho sa potom sťažovať? Nie na doktora; nie na liek, ale na postoj tej osoby. Je to presne tak.

Bude to strašný deň v jednom z týchto dní, keď sa táto hriešna, cudzoložná generácia postaví pred Všemohúceho Boha.

Keď vidím ako mi roky pribúdajú, ramená sa mi krčia a ja viem ... 30 rokov tu na tomto pódiu, áno, 33 rokov tu na poli; to je dlhý život. To je 33 rokov služby. Len jedno ľutujem; že to nebolo 133 rokov. Lebo toto bude posledná možnosť, ktorú vôbec budem mať, kým tu ako smrteľník môžem kázať evanjelium; Nech mi Boh pomôže stáť tak verne ku tomuto Slovu, ako je to len možné - hovoriť presne to, čo On povedal.

51Čo to urobilo s tou Metodistkou; ako by ste jej to vôbec mohli dať? Ona je tu v tom Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku.

52No, zoberieme Letničnú ženu. Ona nebude nosiť šortky, líčidlo, ani si strihať vlasy ale díva sa tam na tú Metodistku; Aha, pozri sa na tú ženu, ona robí to a to.“ Povedzme, že tá žena nenosí šortky ale povedala ... a sama má ostrihané vlasy. Čím vyššie vzrastáte v Bohu, tým hriešnejšia celá tá vec vyzerá.

53Potom niekedy na modlitbe, môžete si predstaviť, keď vás Duch Svätý zoberie do určitej oblasti potom všetko vyzerá chaotické. Potom keď prídete naspäť dole, vyzeráte ako - ľuďom sa zdá, že vy ste lotor, že nie ste nič iné, ako starý uštipačný ... Ste blázon, pretože stojíte tam, ako starý blázon a stále napomínate ľudí, ale ak sa raz vyšplháte hore do tých oblastí, keď môžete byť v prítomnosti Božej - nie skrze emóciu, ale zodvihnutí tam skrze skutočného Ducha Svätého - to všetko má nápis „Ichabot.“ Sláva Pánova odstúpila od všetkého toho denominačného vystrojenia. Je to tak. Žiadna z tích nie je v poriadku.

54 No, dovoľte, že vám nakreslím malý kruh. Keby som mal tabuľu ... Chcem, aby ste sa sem dívali. Urobím takto jeden kruh. Ďalší kruh urobím vo vnútri toho kruhu; to sú dva. A potom, urobím kruh vo vnútri toho kruhu, to sú tri kruhy, kružnice. No, to ste vy. To je Boh. Boh v trojici je Jeden a bez trojici On nie je Boh. On sa nemôže nijako inak zamanifestovať. Ani vy sa nemôžete zamanifestovať bez toho, ak by ste neboli trojitou osobou, ktorou ste. To je telo, duch a duša. Bez ktorejkoľvek z tých častí nie ste kompletní. Vidíte? Keby ste nemali dušu, neboli by ste ničím. Keby ste nemali ducha, boli by ste ničím. Keby ste nemali telo, boli by ste duchom - nie telom. Tak, Boh je kompletný v troj-jednote bytosti; nie jednota troch bytostí ale jedna bytosť v troj-jednote. Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý je jeden skutočný zamanifestovaný Boh.

55Boh ... Všimnite si tu ... Len čakajte. Myslím, že som to pred chvíľou čítal. Počúvajte toto: „...anjelovi zboru Laodičanov napíš: Toto hovorí Amen, ten verný a pravdivý svedok, počiatok stvorenia Božieho;“ Boh je stvoriteľ, ako On bol kedy stvorený? Ale toto je počiatok stvorenia Božieho. Keď Boh, ten Duch, bol stvorený do formy človeka; to bol Boh, ktorý bol stvorený. Boh Stvoriteľ, On sám sa stáva stvorením. Boh, ktorý urobil hlinu; urobil kalcium a urobil draslík; kozmické svetlo, ropu, dal tie veci dokopy a stvoril Seba samého, na počiatku stvorenia Božieho - to Amen, to konečné. „Amen“ znamená, tak to je. To konečné Božie, keď Boh dokončil vo svojom stvorení.

No, ako to bolo? Nikto nikdy nevidel Boha, ale ten Jednorodený Otcov Ho ukázal. Rozumiete tomu?

56Ešte chvíľu. Neponáhľate sa. Otvorme si List Kološanom, ešte chvíľu. Práve mi prišlo na myseľ jedno miesto Písma. Otvorme si Kološanom, List Kološanom a myslím, že to je 1. kapitola. Musím sa na to pozrieť, pretože to tu nie je dopredu premyslené, tak budem ... Ako som to zvykol, keď som bol mladý kazateľ, mohol som myslieť o týchto veciach hneď rovno teraz, ale keď starnem, nedokážem ... Začnime od 9. verša, myslím.

Preto aj my“Pavel hovorí Kološanom o Kristovi, Kto On bol.

Preto aj my odo dňa, ktorého sme to počuli, neprestávame modliť sa za vás, žeby ste boli naplnení čo do známosti jeho vôle všetkou múdrosťou a rozumnosťou duchovnou,

žeby ste chodili hodne Pána, aby ste sa mu vo všetkom ľúbili, nesúc ovocie v každom skutku dobrom a rastúc v známosť Boha,

zmocňovaní každou mocou podľa sily jeho slávy ku všetkej trpezlivosti a zhovievavosti s radosťou,

ďakujúc Otcovi, ktorý nás učinil schopnými k podielu na lose svätých vo svetle,

ktorý nás vytrhol z moci temnosti a premiestnil do kráľovstva Syna svojej lásky,

(Tu sa teraz dostávame. Dívajte sa.)

v ktorom máme vykúpenie skrze jeho krv, odpustenie hriechov,

ktorý je obrazom neviditeľného Boha, prvorodený všetkého stvorenstva,“

(Vidíte to? Pätnásty verš, Kološanom 1:15

„prvorodený všetkého stvorenstva.“

Amen! Čo? „Prvorodený všetkého stvorenstva.“ Nech by to bol anjel; nech by to bol ktokoľvek, On je prvorodený všetkého stvorenia.

Lebo v ňom je stvorené všetko,“

(všetko stvorené.)

„čo je na nebesiach i čo je na zemi, viditeľné i neviditeľné, buď tróny buď panstvá buď kniežatstvá buď vrchnosti, to všetko je stvorené skrze neho a cieľom neho;“

Nech je to čokoľvek čo to len môže byť, žiadna iná bytosť. Všimnite si.

a on je predo všetkým, a všetko v ňom povstalo a stojí,“

Či je to Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý; čokoľvek to je,

„A on je predo všetkým.“

57Pred všetkým čo je na nebesiach, na zemi, viditeľné, neviditeľné; čokoľvek to je, tento Syn Boží bol pred všetkým. Je to pravda? Nestarám sa či sú to, tróny, panstvá, čokoľvek to je, nebeské tróny, kráľovstvá, čokoľvek to môže byť v tých veľkých nadprirodzených oblastiach tam, vo večnostiach, kde to je, čokoľvek to je, anjeli, bohovia, čokoľvek to je, „On je predo všetkým.“ Amen! Či Ho môžete vidieť? „On bol pred všetkými vecami“ a „boli stvorené skrze neho.“

On ... teraz 17. verš:

a on je predo všetkým a všetko v ňom povstalo a stojí.“

58Nič to nemôže spustiť do chodu okrem Neho. Či je to Boh Otec, Boh Duch Svätý. Či sú to anjeli, kniežatstvá, moci, vlády, čokoľvek to je - všetko funguje skrze Neho. Všetko záleží na Ňom.

a on je hlavou tela, cirkvi, ktorý je počiatkom,“

(Ktorý je počiatkom.)

„prvorodeným z mŕtvych,“

(To je, že povstal, keď prišiel vykúpiť)

„aby on bol vo všetkom prvý.“

Byť vo všetkom prvý - viete čo to znamená? To znamená, byť nad všetkým. On je nad všetkými vecami, ktoré kedy boli stvorené: nad každým anjelom, nad každou bytosťou, nad každým ... nad všetkým čo je, - On je nad všetkým. Čo je toto za stvorenie? Kto to môže byť? Nad všetkým.

a urobiac pokoj,“ ...

Pozrime sa ... ešte chvíľu.

Lebo sa zaľúbilo Otcovi, aby v ňom prebývala všetká plnosť,“

59Všetka plnosť všetkých vecí, všetka plnosť Boha, všetka plnosť anjelov, všetka plnosť času, všetka plnosť večnosti - všetko prebýva v Ňom. To je tento muž.

a urobiac pokoj skrze krv jeho kríža, skrze neho zmieril všetko so sebou, skrze neho, buď to čo je na zemi, buď to čo je v nebesiach.“

Tu máme tú veľkú bytosť o ktorej hovoríme, počiatok stvorenia Božieho.

No, teraz aby cirkev - celým Jeho účelom bola Cirkev. No, ako sa dostaneme do tejto Cirkvi? Skrze jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení do jedného Tela, do cirkvi, do Tela Kristovho; to nemôže zlyhať. No, tu je to čo sa deje. Sledujte len tu tento malý obrázok.

60No, tento vonkajší človek, to je telo. To je to na čo sa dívame; čo vidíme. A ono má päť vstupov do toho tela. Každé dieťa zo základnej školy, ako aj ja, vie, že je päť zmyslov, ktoré ovládajú telo: zrak, chuť, cit, čuch a sluch. Bez toho nemôžete byť v kontakte s telom. To je jediná cesta ktorú máte ku telu - zrak, chuť, cit, čuch a sluch. Vidíte to, ochutnáte to, cítite to. No, to je ten zlý, tam vonku.

No, vo vnútri toho je duch, ktorým sa stanete keď sa tu narodíte a dych života je vdýchnutý do vás - ten duch má svetskú povahu, pretože nebol daný od Boha, ale bol daný, Boh to dovolil. No, rozumiete tomu?

61Lebo každé dieťa, ktoré sa narodí na svet je narodené v hriechu, sformované v neprávosti; prichádza na svet, hovorí klamstvo. Je to tak?

Tak, tá osoba tam vo vnútri, to je od začiatku hriešnik. Ale teraz, ona má päť vstupov a týchto päť vstupov ... Neviem či ich teraz dokážem správne vymenovať. Prvý, viem, že je myslenie, svedomie a láska, voľba ... Nie. Svedomie, láska, uvažovanie - to je päť vstupov do ducha. Telom nedokážete myslieť; musíte myslieť svojím duchom. Nemôžete mať svedomie vo svojom tele. Ono nemá vôbec duchovné schopnosti - vaše telo to nemá. Tak, musíte myslieť svojím duchom. Musíte uvažovať. Nemôžete uvažovať svojou fyzickou bytosťou, pretože uvažovanie nevidí, nechutná, nevonia, nečuchá a nepočuje. Uvažovanie je to čo môžete robiť vo svojej mysli.

62Ak spíte alebo ste mimo; vaše telo tam leží mŕtve, ale váš duch môže stále uvažovať - je tam päť zmyslov, ktoré ovládajú toho vnútorného človeka. A teraz, poďme ku tomu poslednému človeku, ktorým je duša. Je len jeden zmysel, ktorý ju ovláda a to je slobodná morálna sila, slobodná vôľa, chcieť alebo odmietnuť.

63A teraz, príčina, že ľudia dnes - no, nezabudnite toto, a uvidíte čo Duch ... čo je počiatočným dôkazom Ducha Svätého. Ľudia môžu žiť v tomto duchu a tancujú v duchu. Vykrikujú v duchu. Chodia do zboru v duchu a môžu mať absolútne Ducha Božieho, ktorým sú pomazaní na tom duchu ale stále sú stratení a tak posadnutí diablom, ako len môžu byť na tom duchu. Pretože ...

64Dávajte pozor. To je tá príčina, že nemôžete povedať tej žene, že keď nosí šortky, že to je zlé. Nemôžete jej povedať, že je to zlé, keď si strihá vlasy. „No, aký na to majú vplyv tvoje vlasy?“ No, u Samsona to malo vplyv. Ktokoľvek pridá ku tomu jedno slovo alebo uberie z toho jedno slovo ...“ Musíte mať niekde rozhodujúce slovo.

Napríklad, keby som bol Baptistom a vy by ste prišli a povedali mi, že musím byť pokrstený vo meno Ježiša Krista: to je v Biblii. Dobre, prvé čo viete, by som povedal, „Opýtam sa svojho pastora.“

65Idem ku pastorovi a on povie, „Ó, to je niečo čo bolo voľakedy. (Vidíte?) My Baptisti; my veríme tomuto: My veríme, že máme byť ponorení v tituly Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého. Takto to robili všetky cirkvi. Odvtedy ako to John Smith založil, tak sa to robilo.“

Tak, to je pre vás rozhodujúce slovo. „Nevšímaj si, čo ti tamten hovorí“

66Čo ak ste Metodistom a váš systém je pofŕkanie a niekto vám povedal, že musíte byť ponorený? Vidíte čo chcem povedať? Idete ku Metodistickému pastorovi, on napíše a opýta sa biskupa, „Ten a ten povedal o tom, tak a tak.“ „Ale my Metodistická cirkev, ktorú založil pred 300 alebo 400 rokmi v Anglicku John Wesley a Whitfield a všetci tí ostatní tam a Asbury; Založili sme tento dokument, nasledujúc Johna Wesleya, že máme byť pofŕkaní, pretože to je len vonkajšia forma. My si myslíme, že dať sa pofŕkať je tak isto dobré, ako ktorýkoľvek iný spôsob.“

Ak ste skutočný ... Ak Metodistická cirkev má pre vás rozhodujúce slovo, idete tak ďaleko.

67Ak ste Katolík ... A ja vám poviem, že v Biblii nie je, že v piatok sa nemá jesť mäso a všetky takéto veci, a že svätá sviatosť oltárna nie je oplátka, pretože to je Duch a tak ďalej, a ty ideš ku svojmu kňazovi a kňaz povie, „Tu je to napísané rovno v našich dokumentoch.“ A ak je cirkev pre teba konečným slovom, je ti úplne jedno čo niekto hovorí. To je pre teba konečné slovo.

Ó, Bože pomôž aby to preniklo dovnútra!

Pre mňa, to všetko je zlé. Božie Slovo je rozhodujúce! Čokoľvek hovorí to Slovo, potom to je pravda.

No, jediný spôsob tu hore v týchto sférach, že ste vôbec mohli byť v tomto malom vnútornom človeku, museli ste byť predurčený, pretože ste boli s Bohom; ste časťou Boha.

68Ja som bol v mojom otcovi. Tiež som bol v mojom starom otcovi, v starom otcovi môjho starého otca. Skrze semeno som tam bol. A bol som v Kristovi! Vy ste boli v Kristovi pred založením sveta! On prišiel vykúpiť svojich vlastných - Svojich vlastných, ktorí boli v Ňom. Haleluja! Svoje deti, ktoré boli v Ňom.

On vôbec neprišiel spasiť diablove deti. Oni to nikdy nebudú poznať. Oni sú takí chytrí v spôsoboch svojho intelektuálneho učenia, že sa s nimi nemôžete vôbec porovnať. Nedokážete ich prehovoriť. Ale skrze vieru to vidíte.

No, veda nepotrebuje žiadnu vieru. Veda dokazuje to, o čom oni hovoria. To nepotrebuje žiadnu vieru.

Katolícky kňaz vám povie, „Pozrite sa ako dlho už trvá Katolícka cirkev. Pozrite ako dlho znášala pohanské prenasledovanie.“ Metodistická cirkev hovorí, „Pozrite sa sem. Ako dlho ...“

Videl som cirkev ... Hovorí to o pokryteckom znaku. Keď som sem včera prichádzal videl som pri ceste nápis, „Cirkev Kristova založená v 33.“ A nemá ešte ani 100 rokov! (Tá denominácia.)

69Ó, náuka apoštolov. Sotva niečo mali - to sú Sadúceovia tohoto dňa. Žiadny duch ... a nemôžete im to povedať. Nemôžete sa s nimi rozprávať; nemôžete ich presvedčiť, pretože zachádzame ďalej než je rozumné argumentovanie. „Nespoliehaj na svoju rozumnosť.“ Viera vôbec neargumentuje. Viera tomu verí. Oni hovoria, „No, pozrite sa sem. Vy veríte, že musíme robiť toto tam? Nezmysel.“ Ale Biblia to tak hovorí. Ja neviem vysvetliť ako sa to deje, ale to sa deje! Boh tak povedal. Tak nemusíte ... Neviem vám nič o tom povedať.

Viera to nevysvetľuje. Vedeli ste to? Viera tomu proste verí.

Ježiš povedal Nikodémovi, ktorý bol z tej ekumenickej rady v jeho čase; prišiel ku Nemu v noci a povedal, „Majster, my vieme, že Ty si Učiteľ, ktorý prišiel od Boha, pretože nikto nemôže robiť tie veci, ktoré ty robíš, keby nebol s ním Boh.

On povedal, „Amen ti hovorím, ak sa človek nenarodí znovu, nemôže ani vidieť kráľovstvo Božie.“

On povedal, „Ja, starý človek, mám vojsť do života matky aby som sa narodil?“

Ježiš povedal, „No, ako ti poviem nebeské veci, keď neveríš ani zemským veciam?“

Potom On jedného dňa povedal, „Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho krv, nemáte v sebe žiadny život.“ On to nevysvetlil.

70Tí apoštolovia a tí v tom čase, ktorí boli určení do života, On to vedel. On povedal, „Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec prídu. Jediné čo musel urobiť bolo len dať poznať Môj hlas; oni ho poznajú. Pretože Moje ovce poznajú Môj hlas.“ A hlasom je vyjadrené Slovo. Vidíte? ... oni tomu aj tak verili. Oni nemuseli nič vedecky dokázať ani sa pýtať žiadneho Sadúcea alebo Farizeja ani nič o tom. „Ja som to povedal ; oni tomu veria. Lebo Moje ovce počujú môj hlas.“ Toto je hlas Boží v písanej forme, pretože toto je plné zjavenie Ježiša Krista, Starý a Nový Zákon spolu. Amen! Tu to máte.

Prečo? Hovoríte že toto sú dobrí ľudia. Čo to robí? Príčinou je jedna vec. Ich pozícia, s ktorou sú zviazaní je cirkev. A tu ...

71Pamätáte sa na minulú nedeľu pred týždňom ... Koľkí ste tu boli a počúvali ste kázeň, Pomazanci posledného času? Myslím, že všetci. Vidíte? Oni sú pomazaní. Ich duchovia sú pomazaní v tejto druhej oblasti.

No, tá prvá žena hovorí, „Nie ...“ Jej vôbec nezáleží na tom čo hovorí cirkev, čo niekto iný hovorí. Ona je chytrá kačica. Má vysokú školu. Môže vodiť za nos svojho muža a myslí si pri tom, že je chytrá.

Táto druhá žena je nahá, slepá a nevie o tom. Ó, to je žalostné, ale to je obraz, ktorý podáva Biblia.

72No, ona chodí do zboru. Tá žena - to by bolo asi lepšie, tá žena by ... Ona žije dobrý čistý život. Nič proti tomu. Boh bude sudcom toho. Ja neviem; Ja nie som sudca. Ja som len zodpovedný za to, čo mi On ukazuje.

To je to, čo povedali apoštolovia: „Hovoríme to čo vieme, čo sme počuli, čo sme videli.“ To je to za čo som zodpovedný. To je to za čo ste vy zodpovední.

Ale teraz, viete, keby ste zobrali tú istú ženu ... kde ona skončila? Ona sa pohybovala rovno okolo. Ona počula; určite veľa krát zapla rádio. Hlas Boží veľa krát hovoril.

73No, teraz vidíte, ona chodí tu do tohoto kultu alebo klanu - všetky cirkvi sú klany - všetko. Presne tak. To sú len kluby, kde sa ľudia spolu schádzajú ako členovia. A ona sem chodí; no, to jej presne pasuje. No, keby ste jej išli povedať čo má robiť, nebude vás počúvať. Ukážete jej to v Biblii; ona to nebude počúvať.

No, môj drahý brat alebo sestra, už len jednu alebo dve poznámky na záver - za pätnásť minút je čas rozísť sa.

74No, pozrite sa, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Prečo to tá žena nemôže vidieť! Prečo! Čo sa týka telesného cudzoložstva, voči svojmu mužovi; nie je vinná. Nemusí nič vyznať. Je taká čistá ako bola v ten deň keď sa narodila; nedotkol sa jej žiadny muž. Hovorím teraz súbežne, pre ženu a pre cirkev. Ona je taká čistá ako keď sa narodila.

No, presne taká je cirkev, ako keď sa narodila, ale ona sa narodila v hriechu; sformovaná v neprávosti. Rozumiete, čo chcem povedať?

75No, poviete jej, že to nie je v poriadku, keď si strihá vlasy. Biblia tak hovorí! To nie je v poriadku, keď nosí šortky. Biblia tak hovorí! Ona by povedala, „Nezmysel.“ Prečo? Jej konečné rozhodnutie nie je tu v tom treťom človeku, v duši, ktorá je predurčená a poslaná od Boha, ale jej konečné rozhodnutie je v nejakej organizácii, tu vonku; ktorú zorganizoval nejaký človek pomimo tohoto. Ale ak Slovo Božie je dole v tej duši, hovorí, „Amen, vidím to.“ To sa s tým zhodne.

76No, pozrite sa sem. Preto človek, ktorý je narodený z Ducha Božieho ... Vidíte? Tu je to vonkajšie telo. No, hovorím do zmiešaného publika, ale hovorím to ako váš pastor; ako váš brat. Tu je telo; ono je slabé. Také je. Mladá pani ide po ulici a nejaký mladý muž, práve vo svojom mladom veku, keď má 17, 18, 20 rokov 25, 30 prechádza tam; a táto mladá pani ide a točí všetkými formami svojho tela; ide na vysokých podpätkoch, jej oblečenie priliehavé spredu aj zozadu, šaty povyše kolien alebo v šortkách. Viete, že Biblia povedala, že ona sa takto bude správať? Viete, Biblia povedala, že takto sa ona bude správať, aká bude nečistá.

77Čítali ste toto tu - tento mesiac v Reader Digest, že dnešní muži a ženy - dievčatá vo veku od 20 alebo 25 rokov sú v prechodoch; že prechádzate cez tú zmenu života v strednom veku, podľa vedy, medzi 20 a 25 rokom. Bývalo to okolo 30 alebo 35 v mojom čase; a v čase mojej matky, žena mala prechody až v 40 alebo 45 rokoch. Čo to je? To je skrze vedu a potraviny, to skríženie, ktoré skazilo celé ľudské telo až sme sa stali hromadou skazenej hmoty. No, ak je tá telesná bytosť skazená, čí nie sú v tej telesnej bytosti mozgové bunky?

78No, pozorujte toho ducha, ktorý ide za tým. Príde čas, v mene Pánovom, že ľudia budú úplne šialení. Biblia tak povedala. Budú jačať a kričať - veľké príšerné veci v ich predstavivosti. Rádiá a také veci alebo televízne programy to produkujú. Budú také veci ako mravce, ktoré povstanú na zemi, ktoré budú také vysoké ako 14 stromov. Budú - vták bude letieť nad zemou s rozpätím krídel 4 alebo 5 míľ a ľudia ich budú vidieť; budú jačať a kričať a volať o milosť; ale to bude pliaga. Čakajte keď budem kázať o otvorení tých pliag.

79Sledujte, čo urobil Mojžiš v rámci tej telesnej bytosti, nie v rámci Ducha. Keď mu povedal, „Mojžiš ...“ Boh povedal Mojžišovi, „Choď tam,“ (svojmu prorokovi) „Zober za hrsť prachu, vyhoď ho do vzduchu a povedz, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, na zem prídu blchy.“ Nebolo žiadnych bĺch. A zrazu ste uvideli, že niečo lezie po kríku. Pozreli sa tamto; tam je niečo ďalšie. A po nejakom čase ich bolo tak veľa, že ste sa nemohli cez ne prebrodiť. Odkiaľ sa vzali? Boh je stvoriteľ! On môže urobiť čo chce. On je suverénny. On môže spraviť vtáka, ktorý dosiahne svojimi krídlami od jednej strany zeme na druhú.

On povedal, „Nech sa zjavia blchy“ - a pokryli celú zem. V zemi nebola žiadna blcha. To prvé ako viete, veľká mäsiarka začala poletovať okolo. A zrazu ich bolo 8, 10 alebo 12. A zrazu ste nemohli cez ne prejsť. Boh Stvoriteľ, dodržuje svoje Slovo.

80On vystrel svoju palicu na Boží rozkaz, „Nech sa zjavia žaby a pokryjú zem.“ A žaby sa zjavili až ich nahŕňali na hromady a všade bol smrad, možno 40 alebo 50 stôp vysoké hromady žiab. Boli faraónovi v skrini. Boli v ... odhrnul prestieradlo a tam pod plachtou bolo 500 žiab, pod posteľou, pod rohožkami. Všade boli žaby, žaby, žaby. Odkiaľ sa vzali? Boh Stvoriteľ je suverénny! Čo hovorí to robí.

81A On povedal, že na zemi uvidia strašné veci. Kobylky s vlasmi ako žena - s dlhými vlasmi, aby prenasledovali tie ženy, ktoré si strihajú vlasy. So zubami ako lev, so žihadlami vo svojich chvostoch ako škorpióny. Oni budú mesiace trápiť ľudí.

Len čakajte až prídeme ku tomu, aby sme otvorili tie pliagy a pečate a tých sedem hromov! Sledujte čo sa deje. Ó, brat, radšej choď do Góšenu, kým je čas ísť do Góšenu. Nevenuj žiadnu pozornosť tomuto vonkajšku.

82Pozrite sa sem, tu je nejaká pani, krúti sa a ide po ulici. Tu je mladý muž; jeho oči to uvideli, on je členom zboru, je letničný, je čokoľvek je; ale hneď viete, v tom nie je nič, čo ťa udrží.

Ona povie, „Ahoj.“ On má kučeravé vlasy a pekný; mladý muž s vystretým chrbtom; možno sa snažil žiť správne. Ona začína ísť ku nemu. Dokonca kazateľ ... To prvé čo viete ... Čo to je? Toto vonkajšie tu, telesná žiadosť, a duch tu, hoci pomazaný, hovorí, „Nerob to, nerob to.“ Ale čo to urobí? To prejde rovno okolo toho, čo ho malo držať - on ide. Prvé čo viete, chce si s ňou dohodnúť schôdzku. On je vinný spáchania cudzoložstva, či sa jej dotkol alebo nie. Ale skutočne znovuzrodený syn Boží ... Amen!

83Ty to nedokážeš sám od seba. To je úplne nemožné pre červenokrvného muža ísť tak pred ženou, bez toho aby sa niečo stalo. Ale keď je niečo vo vnútri, to malé znovuzrodené niečo tam ... Hoci ten človek mohol vykrikovať, hovoriť v jazykoch, vyskakovať, tancovať, všetko možné; pomazaný Duchom; robil všetky znamenia a zázraky, o ktorých Boh tam povedal. Skrze Jeho Ducha ...

84Ježiš povedal, „Mnohí prídu ku Mne v ten deň a povedia, Pane, či som neprorokoval v tvojom mene. Či som nevyháňal démonov v tvojom mene. Či som ...“ On povie, „Odíďte odo mňa, činitelia neprávosti.“ Čo je to neprávosť? Niečo čo viete, čo máte robiť a nerobíte to. Odídite odo mňa, činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal.“

Ale dole vo vnútri toho človeka ... Ak je tam to malé miesto na zakotvenie, to Semeno Božie, ktoré bolo predurčené pred založením sveta - Nestarám sa o to, čo sa deje - to ho drží; to je tam aby obstálo.

85Preto tá žena bude nosiť tie šortky. Ona je počítaná za prostitútku tak isto, ako tá žena v tom skutku. Ona nevie, že ten duch ... Ako to môže vedieť? Jej najvyššia inštancia. Čo je to najvyššia inštancia? To je posledné slovo. Najvyššia inštancia je Amen; to je koniec celého konfliktu - vaša najvyššia inštancia.

86Ak tvoja cirkev, letničná cirkev ti hovorí, že dlhé vlasy to je len fanatizmus - „Máš rezervu vzadu na hlave,“ a tak ďalej a také veci, ten človek je posadnutý diablom; lebo Božie Slovo hovorí, že pre ženu je hanba strihať si vlasy. Hanobí svoju hlavu. A ak hanobí svojho muža a jej muž je cirkev a cirkev je Kristus ... Ona je hanebná nábožná prostitútka - nahá a nevie o tom. Nahá? Či nehovorí Biblia, že žena má vlasy na prikrytie? Či nie sú jej dané vlasy na prikrytie?

87Jedného dňa tam na súde ... Ja som sa snažil naliať vám do úst liek a pridržať to rukou a vy ste to hneď vypľuli pomedzi prsty. Ale Boh ich jedného dňa bude súdiť. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To nebolo množstvo hlúpostí alebo výmysly nejakého starého blázna. Nie, pretože to je Slovo Pánove.

88Skutočný opravdový kresťan sa vyrovná s tým vnútorným človekom; s tým Duchom, ktorý bol tam na počiatku, ktorým je Slovo! Keď On bol plnosťou všetkých vás, vy ste boli v Ňom tam vtedy na Golgote.

On vás predzvedel, že tu budete. On len vysiela čo sa stane. A vy ste boli v Ňom. Zomreli ste s Ním. Zomreli ste svojej pýche, zomreli ste svojej vášni, zomreli ste svetu! Keď On ... Zomreli ste s Ním na Golgote a povstali ste s Ním, keď On znovu vstal na tretí deň - a pretože ste Ho prijali, teraz, sedíte v ponebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi. Haleluja!

89Tu to máte. To je ten vnútorný človek. Ten vnútorný, ktorý bude ukazovať na Slovo. Drží sa Slova bez ohľadu ... nemôžete si pomôcť. Naučil som sa to, pred mnohými rokmi.

Moje malé dieťa tam ležalo a zomieralo. Moja žena ležala v márnici, zabalzamovaná, ležala tam. Zavolali ma, Šáron zomierala. To bolo najväčšie pokušenie aké ma v živote stretlo. Mal som okolo 25 rokov. Pracoval som tam vonku a Billy Paul ležal na hranici smrti ...

90Prišiel Dr. Sam a povedal, „Bill, myslím, že nezachránime Billyho. Je to s ním veľmi zle. Bill, cítim s tebou ľútosť.“ A objal ma.

Povedal som, „Doc, nemám už viacej sily. Za pár hodín ma volali k malej Šáron, bežal som tam ... Práve som ju videl v kŕčoch, neprestalo to. Dali je do chrbtice ihlicu; urobili jej punkciu, urobili značku - tuberkulóza meningitíty.

Vydal som sa do nemocnice; zastavil som tam svoj starý náklaďák, vysadol som a začal som ísť do tej miestnosti. Tu cez vestibul išiel Sam s klobúkom v ruke, plakal - objal ma a povedal, „Poď naspäť Bill.“

Povedal som, „Čo sa deje.“ Povedal, Nemôžeš ju vidieť. Ona zomiera.“

Povedal som, „Nie, Sam, nie moje dieťa.

On povedal, „Áno. Ani za ňu nepros, Billy, keby žila bola by postihnutá. Stále by bola vyšinutá, celý život by bola postihnutá. Má mengitídu. Nechoď ku nej. Zabiješ tým Billiho.“

Povedal som, „Sam, musím ju vidieť.“

On povedal, „Nemôžeš, Bill. Zakazujem ti. Vieš ako veľmi na teba myslím. Si môj priateľ a všetko; ako veľmi na teba myslím a ako veľmi ti verím, Bill, ale nechoď ku tomu dieťaťu. Ak to urobíš, na nej je tá mengitída. Ona za niekoľko minút zomrie a pochováme ju. Bill, tak veľmi s tebou súcitím.“ Zavolal ošetrovateľku a dal mi nejaký liek. Povedal. „Neviem ako to ten muž znesie.“

Chvíľu som tam stál. Priniesol ten liek a ja som si tam sadol vo vestibule. Povedal, „Sadni si,“ a tá ošetrovateľka to priniesla, povedala, „Vypi to, brat Branham.“

Povedal som, „Ďakujem, nechaj to tu za chvíľu.“

91Keď odišla, vylial som to do pľuvadla a pohár som položil naspäť. Povedal som, „Ó, Bože, čo som urobil? Ty si dobrý Boh. Prečo si ju nechal zomrieť a nechal si ma, že som ju držal takto za ruky; prosil som za ňu. Prečo si ju nechal odísť? Tam leží Billy a zomiera a tu ona zomiera! Čo som urobil? Povedz mi! Pane, ja tiež môžem ísť s nimi.“ Otvoril som dvere, nebola tam žiadna sestra, prekĺzol som sa dole do suterénu. To bolo predtým ako tú nemocnicu opravili. V oknách neboli skoro žiadne sklá; na jej malých očiach boli muchy. Bol nad ňou kúsok siete proti komárom, nad tvárou. Odohnal som tie muchy; ležala tam. Jej malé oči, tak veľmi trpela, že ich mala až škuľavé.

Potom sa Satan prisunul tam ku mne a povedal, „Ty si hovoril, že On je dobrý Boh?“

Povedal som, „Áno, hovoril som to.“

„Ty si hovoril, že On je uzdravovateľ: No, prečo zomrel tam tvoj otec v tvojom náručí a volal si (on, hriešnik) - volal si o jeho život. Prečo zomrel tvoj brat, tam v náručí tvojho ďalšieho brata a ty si stál za kazateľňou, niekoľko týždňov pred tým a kázal si? Prečo ti potom neodpovedal? Povedal si, že On ťa miluje, že ťa spasil.“

92Nemohol mi povedať, že nieto Boha, pretože som Ho už videl. Ale mi hovoril, že On sa o mňa nestará.

Povedal, „Tam leží tvoja žena; za chvíľu tam bude tvoje dieťa. Tvoj otec je pochovaný. Tvoj brat je pochovaný. Teraz bude pochovaná tvoja žena, zajtra a tu zomiera tvoje ďalšie dieťa. On je dobrý Boh. Čo? On je uzdravovateľ. Urobil si zo seba blázna. Čo to urobilo?

On teraz pracoval z vonku, na tomto prvom človeku.

On povedal, „No, pozri sa. Vieš kde si bol pred niekoľkými rokmi, pred okolo dvoma alebo troma rokmi, prv ako si prijal toto, medzi ľuďmi si sa tešil dobrej povesti. Žil si dobrým, čistým životom. Každé dievča v meste, ktoré chcelo ísť von by s tebou išlo, pretože sa cítili čisto a slušne.“

93Môžem sa postaviť pred každú z nich. Nikdy som sa žiadnej nedotkol, nikdy som nič nepovedal. Keby sa správala prefíkane, nechal by som ju doma.

„A bol si obľúbený medzi ľuďmi, ale čo si teraz? Náboženský fanatik.“

To je pravda. Som. Vidíte tieto veci začali ísť spolu. To vonkajšie usudzovanie a duch dávajú tieto veci dokopy. „To je pravda, Satan.“

„A potom si povedal, že On je Uzdravovateľ?“

„Áno, áno.“

„A ty si prosil a nariekal a tí ľudia ti hovorili, že to tak nie je, že si úplne mimo. Tvoja vlastná cirkev ťa kvôli tomuto odmietla. Tam tvoja vlastná Baptistická cirkev, poslali ťa za dvere práve kvôli tomuto.“


„Tvoj otec je pochovaný; tvoj brat je pochovaný. Tvoja žena tam leží a bude pochovaná a tu je tvoje dieťa, ktorému zostáva ešte okolo 15 minút a bude po nej. A On je Uzdravovateľ? Tvoje vlastné telo a krv; jedno slovo od Neho by zachránilo život toho dieťaťa. On je Uzdravovateľ - ty si to povedal. Ľudia sa ti snažili povedať. Ich kazatelia ti povedali, že si celý zamiešaný, že si pobláznený. Stal si sa nábožen- ským fanatikom, a povedal si, že On ťa miluje. Či ťa On ozaj miluje?“

94„A ako si plakal za svojho otca. Ako si sa večer za večerom postil; a cez deň si sa musel modliť, aby si bol schopný ísť na stĺp a pracovať a On ho nechal zomrieť v tvojom náručí ako hriešnika. Ako tvoja žena; aká dobrá žena to bola a ako si ju miloval.“ (Billiho matka - mnohí si pamätáte Hope) „Aké dobré dievča to bolo. Aký ste boli šťastní; váš malý dom tam, váš nábytok mal hodnotu okolo sedem, osem dolárov. Čo za nábytok ste mali, ale jednako ty si ju miloval; milovali ste sa. A ty si išiel a modlil si sa za iných a nejaké vnútorné emócie - vstali, odišli a povedal si, že sú zdraví. Ale teraz tvoja vlastná žena ... A ona je tam, mŕtva, už je to druhý deň. Leží tam v pohrebnom ústave Scott a Combs. On je uzdravovateľ, čo? Tvoj malý chlapec je na hranici smrti, Billy Paul, má 18 mesiacov. Tvoje malé dievčatko má 8 mesiacov a tu leží zomiera na meningtídu a ty si sa práve modlil a Boh zatiahol záclonu a povedal, „Buď ticho,“ nepočúva - nechce ťa vôbec počuť. Obrátil sa ti chrbtom. On je dobrý Boh, čo? On ťa miluje? Každé dievča s ktorým si chodil; každý chlapec s ktorým si sa kamarátil, tvoji najlepší priatelia odišli od teba ako od náboženského fanatika!“

95Všetko čo hovoril bola pravda. Všetko čo povedal presne pasovalo. Vidíte to tu? Bol som vtedy skoro hotový povedať, „Potom ja ... ak sa On takto bude správať, potom Mu nebudem slúžiť.“ Tak ako som už povedal, bolo niečo, čo prišlo z niekade inde, tam ďalej z vnútra, povedalo, „Kto ty vôbec si? Pán dal, Pán vzal.“

96Vidíte, to je ten vnútorný človek. Vôbec neuvažuje. Pozrel som sa naspäť a pomyslel som si, „Ako som prišiel na zem. Pochádzam z bandy opilcov. Ako som sa sem dostal? Kto mi dal život? Kto mi dal to dieťa? Odkiaľ prišla moja žena? Odkiaľ prišiel môj život?

Povedal som, „Hoci by ma zabil, aj tak Mu budem veriť.“ Povedal som, „Odíď odo mňa Satan.“

Položil som ruku na svoje dieťa. Povedal som, „Šáron, drahá, polo- žím ťa do náručia tvojej matky za niekoľko minút, keď ťa Anjeli Boží prídu zobrať preč. Ale jedného dňa ťa otecko znovu uvidí. Neviem ako to bude, drahá. Neviem ti povedať ako, keď On sa mi obrátil chrbtom; nechce ma vôbec vypočuť za teba. Nechal zomrieť moju ženu a ja som ju držal za ruky, prosil som za ňu. A môj otec vo svojich ramenách zomrel rovno tu na tomto ramene, díval sa na mňa snažil sa nadýchnuť. Modlil som sa ako som len mohol.“ Ako by som sa mohol znovu postaviť pred publikum a kázať božské uzdravenie? Ako by som mohol kázať, že On je dobrý Boh a nechal zomrieť môjho otca ako hriešnika? Ako by som to mohol kázať? Neviem ako, ale viem, že On má pravdu.

97Slovo Božie nikdy nesklame. Ono bude triumfovať nad všetkým, nech je to čokoľvek. Vtedy som vedel, že je niečo hlbšie než sú všetky tie úvahy, niečo hlbšie než všetky emócie, než všetko takéto; je vnútorný človek, ktorý obstál v tej hodine, nič iného by to nedokázalo. Každá úvaha, všetko mohlo ukázať, všetko mohlo potvrdiť, že to je zlé a ja som bol v tom zlom, ale Slovo Božie, ktoré bolo predurčené pred založením sveta, tam vo vnútri obstálo.

Pocítil som slabý vietor ako prešiel cez tú miestnosť. Jej duch odišiel stretnúť Boha.

98Brat, sestra, dovoľ aby som ti povedal: To je tá jediná vec. Nesnaž sa to vyriešiť rozumom. Nesnaž sa mať dlhé vlasy, pretože som to ja tak povedal. Nesnaž sa robiť tieto veci pretože... vo svojom tele. Nesnaž sa to robiť len aby si to nejako splnil, ale čakaj len pred Pánom, až kým sa niečo tam dole vo vnútri ...

99Mnohé z vás si myslia, že pretože máte dlhé vlasy, že to znamená, že pôjdete do neba. To neznamená, že je to tak. Mnohé si myslia, že pretože si dobrá morálna žena, pôjdeš do ... To neznamená to. Mnohí ľudia si myslia, že kvôli svojím zborom a že patria do tejto a tejto veľkej skupiny a kvôli veľkým doktorom teológie ... To neznamená to. Rozumiete? Mnohí si myslia, že preto, že hovoria v jazykoch majú Ducha Svätého. To neznamená to, hoci Duch Svätý hovorí v jazykoch. Ale až kým sa ten skutočný, opravdový Duch Svätý tam nevysporiada s každým slovom ...

100Ak ten Duch Svätý vo vás spôsobuje, že hovoríte v jazykoch; dívate sa tam a nesúhlasíte s tým ostatným Slovom, potom je to zlý duch. To musí pochádzať z vnútra, a to je Slovo od začiatku. Na začiatku stvorenia Božieho, keď Boh začal tvoriť a privádza vás do existencie ... Vidíte, vy ste začali tam ako semeno a to sa prepracovalo do toho, kde ste teraz. A vtedy ste boli všetci v Kristovi. Vtedy keď Kristus zomrel, On zomrel aby vás všetkých vykúpil. A vy ste časťou tohoto Slova. A ako môže Biblia - všetko to, príkaz na príkaz, riadok za riadkom, trochu tu, trochu tam, ani jedna jota ani čiarka nepominie ... Ako by ste predsa mohli, keď ste časťou Slova, nesúhlasiť s tým ostatným Slovom, alebo s ktoroukoľvek časťou z neho?

101Nech vás Boh žehná. Pretiahol som to teraz. Nemal som to v úmysle - držať vás tak dlho. Prepáčte, že som vás tak držal; nie za to, čo som povedal. Sme práve na konci niečoho, priatelia.

Vy všetci tu, hádam, ste tu len členovia tohoto zboru. Neprichádzam sem práve na to, aby som videl koľko je tu členov. Predpokladám, že vy všetci sem pravidelne chodíte.

Dovoľte, že vám poviem niečo čo sa stalo. Vydržíte ešte ďalších, povedzme šesť minút?

102Je tu Rev. pán Orland Walker z Oregonu, ktorý tu bol vtedy v nedeľu, keď som tu bol? Viete niekto o tejto veľkej, zvláštnej veci? Prišiel som sem. Bolo tu tak veľa ľudí - mal som veľmi veľa rozhovorov a každý z nich dôležitý - ich vydaté deti, opilci, rôzne veci a proste veci, ktoré boli dôležité. S každým jedným sa bolo treba oboznámiť. Nedá sa mi to všetko. Porúčam vás Bohu a držím svoje ruky nad tými modlitbami.

Ó, Bože, nedokážem to. Vezmi ich, Pane. Urob ... Ty vieš ako to urobiť. Modlím sa za každého jedného.

103Billy ma zavolal a ja som proste prišiel s bratom Banksom. On povedal, „Tata, ty ...“ A pozrel som sa, videl som tam ísť ľudí autom, niekde v rade; pozrel som sa dovnútra, pozrel som sa na nich a zakýval som im a oni si skoro vykrútili hlavy. Nechcem aby ste to robili.

104Jedného dňa, keď tam v Tucsone kupovali pre mňa to miesto na bývanie, brat Tony tam mal miesto, ktoré mi chcel kúpiť asi 3 alebo 4 krát drahšie ako toto. On chcel dokonca sám dať za to toľko tisíc dolárov, ale jediný spôsob, ako sa tam mohol dostať - stál tam nejaký vrátnik. Veľký ... no, to je tam nejaký dodatok, ale všetci ľudia, ktorí tam bývajú, musíte mať písomné povolenie. Potom tento vrátnik vás zavolá aby videl, či je to s tými ľuďmi v poriadku keď tam idú.

105Povedal som, „Dokážeš si predstaviť mňa? Moji bratia a sestry, ktorí ma prichádzajú navštíviť, ktorí mi chcú potriasť ruku a žiadať pre mňa Božie požehnanie. Dokázal by si si mňa tam predstaviť, Tony?“

On povedal, „No, ty máš ...“

Povedal som, „Tony, spôsob ako to cirkev robí a všetci, oni nechcú aby tam ľudia chodili.“

Povedal som, „To je pre ľudí, ktorí chcú aby som robil všetko, čo oni chcú.“ Oni hovoria. „No, Pán mi povedal ... Haleluja! Zostanem rovno tu! Sláva Bohu! Pán mi povedal, že máš mať zhromaždenia tu v našej skupine, tak veru. Sláva Bohu! Boh mi to povedal. Ak to neurobíš brat Branham, si skutočne odpadlík.“ A ja mám byť tam a snažiť sa študovať. Vidíte? To je ... A mnohým dobrým ľuďom je zabránené tam prísť, kvôli tomu.

106Tak ako keď niekto ide poľovať tu na farmu. Farmár povedal, „Len poď, môžeš poľovať.“ A on tam ide a zastrelí jednu jeho kravu. Zajac bežal popod kravu a on aj tak strieľal na zajaca. Lezieš na plot, namiesto toho aby si prišiel ku stĺpu a tam preliezol, ako to slušný človek má robiť; lezieš na plot a takto ho zlomíš. A potom on povie. „Budem strážiť to miesto!“ Vôbec mu to nemám za zlé. Ale čo on robí? On zabraňuje tomu slušnému poľovníkovi tam prísť. To je stále tak. To je ten zlý, ktorý sa snaží zabrániť aby ten dobrý nemal výhody. To je stále tak.

Ale tí ľudia sú ... Tisíce z nich sú skutočne núdzni a milí ľudia, milujúci ľudia, plní Božej milosti.

107No, my máme tento dom ... Títo ľudia takto prichádzajú. My to nechceme. Nie. Ale tento muž prišiel. Billy povedal, „Choď, bež tam teraz, rýchlo, tata.“ Povedal, „Pani Waldorfová je tu s nejakými pudmi, zomiera. Musíš ísť hneď ku ním,“ a ja som tam bežal, prišiel som sem a keď som išiel naspäť, povedali, „Nikto tu nie je len nejaký človek, ktorý tam spí na vankúši, tam vonku, každý deň tu pri budove. Povedal, že by chcel aby som sa za neho pomodlil.“

108Povedal som, „Dobre.“ On povedal, „Priveziem ho.“ Nasadol som do ... Myslím, že tam stál Cadilac alebo nejaké veľké auto, išiel som s ... A ten muž povedal, „Dobrý deň.“ Nepoznal ma. Prišiel som tam. Prišla tam sestra Waldorfová, chudáčik. Viete, ona bola ... Poznáte jej prípad, či nie? Viete, ona mala rakovinu; zomrela v modlitebnom rade asi hodinu pred tým, ako som sa ku nej dostal a jej doktor prišiel a ukázal ... To bolo asi pred 18 rokmi: rakovina v srdci. Vidíte? A ona dnes žije. Ona žije teraz tam v Arkansase a vtedy bola vo Phonixe. A ona povedala, „Brat Willi, nerada takto prichádzam, ale nemala som miesto. Nerada ... Povedali, títo ľudia, táto žena zomiera. Brat Willi. Chcela som priniesť v ruke malú obeť, brat Willi, ale nedalo sa mi ale zavarila som černicový džem.

109Keď som tam vošiel a videl som tie malé poháre džemu, ktoré tam postavila, zdalo sa mi to príliš posvätené aby som to jedol. Tá drahá stará žena, okolo 70 ročná. Povedal som, „Sestra Hattie, nemôžem povedať nie.“

Ježiš videl tú vdovu ako hodila tam tri pence, a On ju nechal. Vidíte? Boh ju za to odplatí. A tak, Pán uzdravil tú ženu; uzdravil všetko čo mala, zjavil jej pastorovi čo mal vo svojej mysli, čo má robiť, ďalšiu vec. Ó, oni všetci odišli s radostným krikom.

Potom pribehol Billy a povedal, „Tata, ten človek odišiel. Ne...

Povedal som, „Kto je to tam v tom aute?“

„Ó,“povedal, „nejaký chlap prišiel z Oregonu; mal nejaký sen a ja som mu povedal, že mu nedám žiadnu falošnú nádej. Je tu 300 ľudí, ktorí tu teraz čakajú. A povedal som mu aby napísal ten sen. Aj tak som ich mal hromadu a len to ku tomu pridajú.“

Povedal som, „Priveď ho. Daj mu päť minút.“

110No, len čo ten muž prišiel - na päť minút! Povedal, „Ja som rev. Walker,“ (Myslím, že tak sa nazýval,) z Oregonu. Myslím, že bol z neja- kej denominácie. Neviem - Presbyterián, Epyskopál, alebo niečo také.

On povedal, „Stretol som ťa asi pred 20 rokmi. Prišiel som do Grand Pass, tam kde - nie Grant Pass ale zabudol som meno toho miesta. Celá krajina ... každé ráno boli nadpisy v novinách. Každý o tom vedel. Nemohol som sa ani dostať do vnútra, kde si bol ale videl som ťa raz na ulici. Prišiel som ku tebe. Okolo teba boli štyria alebo piati muži. Potriasol som ti ruku. Povedal som ti, že som brat Walker a ty si mi povedal, kto si ty a prehodili sme pár slov a potom traja alebo štyria silní muži ťa proste odtlačili ďalej.“ Povedal, „Nebol som tvojím kritikom, ani som nebol za teba.“ Povedal, „Proste som nerozumel.“

Povedal, „Tak to išlo niekoľko rokov a po nejakom čase, asi pred tromi rokmi mi povedal jeden človek, aby som prišiel a počúval nejaké pásky. Ten človek púšťal tie pásky a keď to robil, počul som ho hovoriť, že verí, že ty si prorok. Povedal som mu, „Neviem o týchto veciach, možno je, pokiaľ viem.“

111Tak povedal, „Potom prišiel do nášho mesta iný človek; mal tam zhromaždenia. Stretol som ho a on povedal, „Ja som Boží prorok na tento deň.“ Povedal, „Koľko vás je potom? Počul som, jeden tu počúva pásky a povedal, že William Branham, tam z východu je prorok na tento deň a takéto veci.“

112On povedal, „Tento človek ...“ (Nebudem hovoriť jeho meno, pretože to tu neznie dobre, viete?) On povedal, „Ja poznám Williama Branhama.“ Povedal, „Ale on je úplne falošný vo svojej náuke. On nie je letničný, on neverí v počiatočný dôkaz. Ďalšia vec,“ povedal, „títo hlavní a menej hlavní proroci - nie je niečo také.“ Povedal, „Buď si prorok alebo nie si prorok, to je všetko.“

On povedal, „Dobre, pane, ja som sa s tebou o tom nehádal, ja som len povedal, že som počul, že tento muž hovorí, že tento William Branham je ... Ten človek tvrdil, že on je prorok.“ Povedal, „Ja som sa len divil, koľko ich je ...“ On povedal, „Ale chcem aby si vedel toto. Ja som prorok tohoto veku.“

On povedal, „Ty si? Nech ťa Pán žehná a nech je s tebou.“

On odišiel, nevenoval tomu žiadnu pozornosť. Povedal, že začal ďalej medzi svojimi bratmi sériu troch alebo štyroch zhromaždení. Odišiel na poštu a povedal, „Neodosielajte mi poštu inde. Nechajte ju tu, ja prídem za okolo štyri, päť dní.“ „Dobre,“ povedali. Dali tam lístok aby to neodosielali inde. On odišiel; navštívil svoju dcéru. Cestou sa zastavil v jednom zbore a mal tam večerné zhromaždenie. Na druhý deň ráno, povedal, že mu len tak prišlo na myseľ, „Choď sa pozrieť na dopisy určené na osobné vyzdvihnutie,“ a keď tam prišiel, jeden dopis sa nejako prekĺzol cez poštu a prišiel ku jeho dcére. Jeho dcéra to poslala, aby si ho vyzdvihol.

113Otvoril ho, bolo to od pána Hildebrandta, ktorý je mojím priateľom, ktorý púšťal tie pásky. Tam stálo, že pán Hildebrandt mal správu od Roy Bordersa (a to je jeden z manažérov, viete), že budem mať tu zhromaždenia, od dvadsiateho ôsmeho do prvého. Mal prísť naspäť a sám sa presvedčiť. Povedal, „No, pozrime sa. Títo ľudia sa ma snažia vtiahnuť do niečoho takého.“ On len hodil ten list do koša a išiel ďalej.

Išiel ďalej a mal ten večer zhromaždenie a potom na druhý deň ráno, začal si držať srdce a plakal, rovno tam v tej izbe.

Povedal, „Pán Branham, uvedomil som si, že sa musím postaviť pred Bohom. Neviem či som spal alebo čo sa stalo. Snívalo sa mi - budem hovoriť, že som spal a snívalo sa mi. Zdalo sa mi, že môj syn, na trhu, strčil ruku do nejakého vreca. Keď to urobil, to bolo vrece s jablkami, ono sa prevrátilo a všetky sa rozsypali. Keď som išiel, aby som ich pozbieral, boli to všetko zelené jablká a z každého bolo raz odhryznuté. Zbieral som ich; dával som ich naspäť do vreca; niektoré z nich sa odkotúľali ďalej. Išiel som a snažil som sa ich pozbierať na tráve a oni sa odkotúľali pod jeden z týchto reťazových zamknutých plotov a tam prechádzala táto veľká super diaľnica. Pozrel som sa dozadu na východ. Tá reťaz bola upevnená na veľkej skale tam na východe. Išiel som tam; myslel som, že dám dole tú reťaz a potom tam pôjdem a pozbieram tie jablká pre toho chlapa. Začal som odopínať tú reťaz; a nejaký hlas zatriasol celou zemou. Zem sa mi zatriasla pod nohami.“

114On povedal, „Potom keď sa prestala triasť, počul som hlas; brat Branham, to bol tvoj hlas! Vedel som, niečo mi povedalo. Bolo tam povedané, „Ja ešte raz prejdem po tomto chodníku!“ Pozrel som sa takto hore na tú skalu a díval som sa ďalej, do prechádzajúcich oblakov a tam hore si stál na skale, ktorá viedla od východu na západ v takom špicatom tvare ako pyramída. Tiahla sa tam na východ a ty si tam stál na koni, že nikdy v živote som nič takého nevidel - veľký biely kôň, biela hriva mu visela a ty si bol oblečený ako indiánsky náčelník - so všetkými tými vecami, ktoré indiáni používajú. Malo to náprsník; tie náramky na ramenách a všade takto dole dookola. Ty si mal takto hore ruky - ten kôň, stál tam ako vojnový kôň, vzpínal sa takto keď išiel, ja som stál bez pohnutia.“ A povedal, „potiahol si za opraty; začal si odchádzať smerom na západ. Pozrel som sa dole a tam bolo veľké množstvo vedcov.“

115Na druhý deň ráno (to bolo v sobotu) na druhý deň ráno som kázal o vedcoch, viete, že sú z diabla.

A on povedal, „Vedci tam lievali do skúmaviek nejaké veci a miešali ich. Ty si zastavil koňa; zodvihol si ruky a začal si kričať: „Ešte raz prejdem po tomto chodníku!“ a povedal, že celá zem sa zatriasla. Tí ľudia sa zatriasli; pozreli sa takto jeden na druhého, pozreli sa hore na teba, pokrčili plecami a pustili sa ďalej do svojich vedeckých výskumov.“

116„Začal si ísť smerom na západ a keď sa to stalo, videl som tohoto muža, ktorý hovoril o sebe, že je prorok, viete. On prišiel na koni, ktorý bol zmiešaný s bielou a čiernou. On sa dostal za tohoto veľkého mohutného koňa. To bolo hore nad oblakmi a tá cesta nebola širšia ako toto. Ten kôň len bežal s vetrom a tie perá a všetko na tvojom odeve vialo, potom, koňovi viala hriva a chvost. Veľký majster, veľký biely kôň išiel presne v línii ... a tento chlap bežal za tebou - prišiel z Kanady,“ (a ten človek žil v Kanade) a on povedal, „ ... prišiel a viedol tohoto malého koňa, snažil sa vystrčiť tvojho veľkého koňa; obracal ho, bokami udieral do toho ... Toho veľkého koňa vôbec neodtisol; on len ďalej išiel. Potom, zrazu si sa otočil. To bude potretie čo si prehovoril, ale druhý krát si povedal, „Ja prejdem.“ Nehovoril si tak ako predtým; rozkázal si. Otočil si sa, nazval si toho muža po mene a povedal si, „Ber sa preč odtiaľto. Vieš, že žiadny človek nemá právo ísť tu po tejto ceste bez toho, aby ho Boh určil do toho. Ber sa preč odtiaľto.“

A povedal, „Ten muž sa otočil; a ten muž mi písal dopisy a na bokoch jeho koňa (toho čierno-sivého a spolu zmiešaného), na bokoch jeho koňa bolo napísané jeho meno, podpis, presne taký aký je v tom dopise. On odišiel smerom na sever.“

117Povedal, „potom si išiel ďalej; tento veľký kôň sa otočil na cestu a išiel si tak ďaleko na západ ako si len mohol. Zastavil si sa, zodvihol si takto ruky.“ On potom začal plakať. Povedal, „Brat Branham, keď vidím tam stáť toho koňa, vojnovú čelenku a všetko také a ten náprsník a všetko žiarilo.“ Povedal, „Chvíľu si mal zodvihnuté ruky, znovu si sa pozrel dole; chytil si opraty a povedal si, „Ešte raz prejdem po tomto chodníku.“ Povedal, „Celá zem sa takto zatriasla hore, dole. Vo mne viac nezostalo života. Padol som proste vedľa tej skaly a zobudil som sa.“

Opýtal sa, „Čo to znamená?“

Povedal som, „Neviem.“

118Na druhý deň ráno Junior Jackson, ktorému sa snívalo o tej pyramíde, viete, keď som išiel na západ - pamätáte sa na to? Zavolal mi mesiac alebo dva predtým. Mal sen ktorý pálil; musel mi ho povedať. Ale povedal som, „Billy ... Stoja tam asi dvadsiati.“ On povedal, „Junior Jacson povedal, že ti musí povedať ten sen.“

Povedal som, „Pošli ho len na okolo päť minút.“

Doviedol tam svoju ženu a povedal „ako svedka.“ Povedal, „Snívalo sa mi brat Branham, ja a moja žena sme išli na aute. Pozrel som sa dozadu na východ a videl som - vyzeralo to ako bodka - ako jeden z tých lietajúcich tanierov.“

119Viete, svet nevie čo to je. Viete ... viete, to je všetko v ... My vieme, čo to je. My vieme, že to sú anjeli vyšetrovacieho súdu, viete, a oni ... Ako to Pentagon, všetko ako to ide rovno dole ku tej inteligencii; ako oni idú ako zablesknutie a sú preč; vzdialili sa od všetkého čo oni mali. Vidíte a oni si neuvedomujú čo to je. Nech si myslia čo chcú. Oni to nazývajú lietajúce taniere alebo akokoľvek; oni nevedia.

On povedal, „Videl som to prichádzať a pozoroval som to. Čo to bolo, bol to muž na koni a prichádzal rýchlosťou svetla. Videl som, že prichádzal dole rovno predo mňa, zastavil som auto, vyskočil som von. Keď som to urobil na ceste stál kôň, veľký biely vojnový kôň, išiel a vzpínal sa.“ To je Slovo, samozrejme, to viete, ide a vzpína sa.

Povedal, „Na ňom sedel muž. Mal na sebe západniarsky odev - nebol to kovboj ale vyzeral ako veliteľ jazdeckého komanda alebo niečo také.“ (Vidíte, celá jeho autorita zo západu. Indián nad Indiánmi, komando nad ...) „Ten muž mal zatiahnutý klobúk a díval sa nabok a keď sa otočil nabok,“ povedal, „Bol si to ty brat Branham. Nikdy si tak nehovoril ako tam. Povedal si, Junior (trikrát som na neho zavolal) poviem ti čo máš robiť. Potom si potiahol za opraty toho koňa; On urobil asi tri skoky a vzniesol sa do oblakov a bol si preč - smerom na západ!

Povedal, „Za chvíľu, pozrel som sa a tu prichádza kôň, menší než ten, tej istej rasy ale menší a zastal tam. Prišiel som k nemu.“ Povedal, „On musel poslať tohoto pre mňa. Nasadol som.“ - Junior si tiež trochu pojazdil; a povedal, „Vieš brat Branham ako ti pasuje sedlo a strmene a všetko. Pomyslel som si, no toto presne pasuje pre mňa. Potiahol som za opraty; vzniesol som sa na oblohu. Zatiahol som za opraty a zastavil som ho, otočil som ho a išiel som naspäť. Keď som prišiel naspäť, zastavil som koňa, zosadol som z neho a rozprával som sa so svojou ženou a kôň zmizol.“ On sa prebudil.

120Potom predvčerom, pred tromi dňami prišiel Leo Mercier - prišiel presne s tým istým snom, nevediac nič o tom - o tom ako sa snažili skrížiť veľkého bieleho žrebca s čiernou kobylou a nemohli to urobiť - boli nervózni. Povedal, že som tam prišiel a povedal „Leo“ a povedal som mu, čo som povedal. Nechcem to tu hovoriť. Povedal som mu, to čo som povedal. „Nevidíš, nevieš toto?“ Nevedel som, že Ed Daulton mal zaťa a ten zať mal psa, ktorý sa takto volal.

Porozumieš, Leo, ten tvoj sen, ale keď sa prebudíš, pamätaj na to! On povedal, „Nikdy som nepočul taký rozkaz.“

Asi v tom čase prišiel Roy Roberson; povedal, „Brat Branham, pamätáš sa tam vtedy pred tým ako si prvý krát opustil cirkev? Videl som ťa sedieť ako v Palestíne. Boli sme ... celá rada a všetci, sedeli sme ako pri stole večery Pánovej a ty si potom hovoril a nebol si si istý o čom si hovoril.“ On povedal, „Prišiel dole biely oblak a vzal ťa; odniesol ťa preč.“

121Koľkí si pamätáte sen brata Roya? Povedal, „A ten biely oblak ťa odniesol preč a potom ťa nebolo a ja som chodil po uliciach vykrikoval a plakal.“ Keď som prišiel sem a to chromé rameno takto ... On odhodil hrable a začal plakať, keď ma videl tam prichádzať. Ja som ho nevidel, tak mi rozprával ten sen. A povedal ... hrabal ... a povedal, „A ty si odišiel preč, tak som chodil všade po uliciach a snažil som sa ťa nájsť; Nikde som ťa nemohol nájsť. Kričal som, Ó, brat Branham, neodchádzaj! Nejaký biely oblak prišiel a zobral ťa a odniesol ťa preč od nás smerom na západ.“

122To bolo pred tou pyramídou či čímkoľvek. On povedal, „To ťa odnieslo smerom na západ. Ja som plakal a chodil po uliciach a po nejakom čase som odišiel a sadol som si za stôl. Náhodou som sa pozrel hore za vrch stolu. Mohol som vidieť z teba len toľko, že si bol biely ako sneh. Stál si tam a hovoril si v autorite. Nebolo v tom žiadneho domnievania sa. Každý rozumel presne čo si povedal.“

123Ó, môj brat, sestra; teraz každý jeden z vás si je vedomý, že ja viem čo to znamená. Rozumiete? Dávajte len pozor! Stojte tesne pri Kristovi. Dovoľte aby som vás teraz varoval, ako kazateľ evanjelia, že toto ... nechytajte sa žiadnych hlúpostí! Nič si nepredstavujte! Stojte rovno tam až kým toto vnútro toho vnútra nebude zakotvené do Slova, že ste rovno v Kristovi, pretože to je tá jediná vec, ktorá bude ... Pretože sa nachádzame v najviac zvodiacom čase v akom sme kedy žili. To by zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné, pretože oni majú pomazanie. Oni môžu robiť čokoľvek ako tí ostatní.

124Očistite svoje životy, plaťte svoje dlhy; nebuďte nikomu nič dĺžni. Ježiš povedal, „Nebuďte ...“ No, nemyslím také ako nájomné za dom a také veci. To musíte robiť. Dajte všetko zo svojich rúk. Dajte všetko do poriadku. Pripravte sa. Buďte pripravení. Pamätajte v mene Pánovom, niečo sa má stať!

Tento týždeň pôjdem do tých kopcov. Nie celkom na poľovanie veveričiek - samozrejme, že rád poľujem na veveričky, ale idem tam kvôli tomuto aby som povedal, „Ó, Bože, neviem ktorou cestou sa vydať, nechcem toto minúť! Pomôž mi.“

125Modlite sa za mňa. Budete? Ja sa budem modliť za vás. Dúfam, skrze milosti Božie, že stretnem každého z vás a stretneme sa v lepšej zemi ako je táto tu.

Kvôli čomu sem prichádzame? Čo robíme? Či sem prichádzame preto aby sme sa hrali nejakú hru? Či sem prichádzame aby sme sa stretli v nejakom klube? Kristus nemôže prísť až kým tá Cirkev nebude úplne v poriadku. On čaká na nás. Verím, že sme na konci.

126Pozrite sa na Kaliforniu. Pozrite sa na tie nepokoje. Pozrite sa na tých 19 ľudí, ktorí boli zabití, rasoví. Či som vám to tu nedávno nepovedal, že ten Martin Luther King dovedie svojich ľudí na masaker? Koľkí si to pamätáte? To nie sú tí farební ľudia, to sú tí vodcovia, ktorí ich podnecujú. To nie je integrácia, segregácia a akokoľvek to chcete nazvať! To je diabol! Je to tak. Nie len bieli, farební; to sú všetci. To je diabol. Duševné vlohy a uvažovanie človeka je skazené. Nieto žiadna nádej. To je poza nádejou. To všetko je hnisajúci vred.

127Duševné schopnosti človeka - oni nedokážu robiť rozhodnutia. Ja nie som politik. Ja ne ... ani demokrat ani republikán, oni sú všetci špinaví. Ja som za jedno kráľovstvo a to je kráľovstvo Ježiša Krista. To je všetko. Ale ako na svete - videli ste niekedy hromadu figúriek, aké tam teraz máme? Ako tá hromada Texasanov, ktorú tam máme. Aha, oni hovoria, „Čokoľvek ľudia chcú. Ak chcú komunizmus, dáme im komunizmus. Ak chcú integráciu, dáme im integráciu. Chcú segregáciu, dáme im ... čokoľvek.“ Čo je človek!

Ó, Bože, to je ako kazateľňa. Kde je muž! Muž, ktorý je mužom, ktorý stojí na určitom princípe! Kde je nejaká žena, ktorá stojí za určitým princípom! Kde je cirkev, ktorá stojí na určitom princípe! Nevenoval by som času ani za päť centov mizernému, kompromisnému duchu!

128Ak je žena ženou, nech je dáma. Ak je muž mužom, nech je mužom. Ak je prezident ... Kde je náš John Quincy Adams? Kde sú naši Lincolnovia? - muži, ktorí majú pevné zásady. Kde je náš Patrick Henry? Povedal, „Dajte mi slobodu alebo mi dajte smrť.“ Kde je muž, ktorý stojí za tým, čo je správne! Kde je muž, ktorý sa nebojí hovoriť bez ohľadu, či je proti nemu celý svet, hovoriť to čo je správne, stáť za tým, zomrieť za to?

129Kde je náš Arnold von Winkelried dnes v tomto svete? Kde je muž integrácii? Kde je muž s duchom? Oni sú nerozhodní a ošuntelí, že nevedia ani kde stoja. Bože, daj mi stáť ako kazateľovi na zásadách jedného muža, na slove Ježiša Krista. „Lebo nebo i zem pominú, ale ono nikdy nepominie. Na tejto Skale postavím svoju cirkev. Brány pekelné ju nepremôžu.“ Povstaňme.

Požehnané sú zväzky ktoré viažu

naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske;

Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí

je ako to tam hore.

A teraz, pochytajte sa navzájom za ruky.

Keď sa rozchádzame,

robí nám to vnútornú bolesť

ale v srdciach budeme stále spojení,

a dúfame, že sa znovu stretneme.

Až sa stretneme, až sa stretneme,

Až sa stretneme pri nohách Ježiša

Až sa stretneme, až sa stretneme,

Nech je Boh s vami až kým sa znovu stretneme!

130Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, kým nás brat Neville rozpustí slovami modlitby. Budeme tu znovu dnes večer. Očakávame dnes večer veľkú službu, tu v modlitebni. Nech vás Boh žehná a modlite sa za mňa; ja sa budem modliť za vás. Nemyslite si, že som fanatik, priatelia. Nemyslite si, že sa snažím na vás niečo natisnúť. Milujem vás. Mám princíp, to je Biblia. Ani jedno slovo z nej nemôže byť odňaté! Ani jedno slovo nemôže byť do nej pridané! Ja jej verím tak ako je napísaná.

Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy. Náš verný, dobrý pastor rozpustí zhromaždenie. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Neville.

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. The Lord bless you. I got into something, didn't I? I want to thank the Lord, real well, for undertaking for Brother Capps' boy. It just so happened that this is the little time that I come back to Indiana. I know that they're not recording this; I suppose they're not. And so then I don't see nobody in there, so they... I come back to go squirrel hunting. And so I guess Charlie is going to have to put up with me, him and Nellie, and them down in Kentucky, now for a day or two, to squirrel hunt. So, I'd rather miss anything, any other kind of recreation, then come here on... about the middle of August, and go squirrel hunting with Charlie and Banks, and all of them. It's kind of a traditional thing with me. And so I took Joe...

2 When we was here the other time, everybody got sick, the change from that real hot climate down to this--to this cool climate you got here. I know you think this is not cool, but you come out to Arizona once. It was a hundred and nine in the shade when I left the other morning; and then at around midnight, in the night, when the cool air come down off the mountains, it was still ninety-six. Uh-huh. See, that's at midnight, when the cool air was coming down. And so it's... That place is all right in the wintertime, but it's for scorpions and lizards in the summertime, not human beings. Even all the animals take off for the mountains. They just can't stand it.

3 And I had been out and shooting my little rifle in. I... Somehow I just want to tell you about the little Capps boy. And I said... And, Joe, I'll just have to give him the rifle, 'cause he can outshoot me. We had got it shot in, and I was--I was driving tacks at fifty yards. And I said to--to Joe... Joe said, "Daddy, I believe I could do that." Poor little fellow had had a headache. I had been praying for him, a high fever. He went out to the range with me, and I...

4Any two-over-ten bore in a twenty-two rifle, it crosses its line of fire at twenty-five yards; is in again at fifty, just the same, if it is two-over-ten. So then... And I had shot it in at twenty-five yards. And so I had two more tacks and I put them up, and if Joe didn't drive both them tacks! I didn't have no more tacks, so I put a little bit of piece of an old clay pigeon had been bursted there, what trap shooters shoot at, just about a quarter of an inch across, and took it out on fifty yards, and he cut it half in two. And the scope was set for my eyes, just a few years older than he was. So he said, "You know what? I've got to go by and tell Billy to keep off of my feet from now on."See? [Brother Branham and congregation laughs--Ed.]

5So, so I said, "Well, I'll tell you what," said, "let's go down and show Brother Norman that."

6 I said, "Joe, in matches across the world, I don't care who it would be, nobody..." Now, the tacks wasn't drove sideways, they were drove straight through. And that piece, not over, I guess, a quarter of an inch, and a sixteenth thick, and a quarter of an inch high, he cut it half in two, at fifty yards. I said, "There is no one in the world could have made a better shot. They could, champions, could have done the same thing, but you couldn't have made three better shots than them." The tacks, not bent, just a straight hole through the paper where the tack went through. And I said, "No one could have made a--a better shot." All right. I think his headache left him right away.

7And I said, "Well, let's go show this to Brother Norman," which works for the Field And Stream, Brother Tony Stromei's sporting goods place.

8He said, "Let's go by Billy's first." He said, "I--I just want to tell Bubby something." See? And, frankly, his brother has never done that good. So he said, "We go by there first."

9 And just as I got in the door, Billy was still in his pajamas. And he said... We went down early, 'cause it gets so hot. And so he said... The phone rang. And I said... He kind of looked at me like that. I said, "Maybe a sick call."And it was Brother Capps for his boy, in the operating room then, with peritonitis and that pending. And just now he told me his boy is recovering real, real good.

10So, see how God just worked that, even in the voice of that little boy, Joe? Instead of going down to Brother Norman's, wouldn't have been there, and come up. And Brother Capps and I joined together. I don't say it was our prayers that done it, but it did mean something to him for us to make contact like that. And, frankly, that's what... When you got--you got to have faith in what you're doing. See? And, that, his faith to call, and Billy was...

11They was putting in money. He said, "This must be a real long distance," said, "he was putting in pretty near five dollars worth of change, in a three... for a three minute call." And I thought it would be coming from New York or out in one of the islands or something. But he made a person-to-person call, to get Billy instead of Loyce, you see, and that's what cost him to do that.

12And now his boy is recovering. Brother Capps said the doctor give him very little hope of ever coming out of it, you see, from the operation. And we are thankful to God this morning for this, very glad for it.

13 Now, we got in, towards daylight this morning, and I had about three hours sleep, and--and I'm pretty tired. But when the church... come time to come to church, why, I come down.

14And the Lord willing, now I've got to go down in Kentucky, as I said. Then I got promised to speak one Sunday while I was back here, and I had better make it this next Sunday, because the following I'll be... I have to go back. Because I'm going away again, up in Canada. So I--I better make it next Sunday, and next Sunday morning.

15And Brother Neville said, "Why don't you just go out and greet the people, and talk to them just a few minutes?"

16I said, "Brother Neville, I haven't even opened my Bible, hardly." I said, "I..."

17He said, "Well, go out and say something to them." And, Sister Neville, I--I--I don't know how you do it. He's a very persuasive fellow. But while...

18 I don't get a chance to say this when the place is all packed, and crowded, and everything, but I'm very grateful to God for a pastor like Brother Orman Neville. Faithful, just as faithful as he can be, to the Cause, and never hear him grumbling. I sit back there... I had a good half-hour's talk with him while I was enjoying Brother Mann, and so I'll tell him more about that when we get in Colorado this year. So when we was enjoying his message, and I got a good talk with Brother Neville. I said, "I don't even get to tell the people nothing about our fine pastor." I said, "Are the people treating you right?"

Said, "It couldn't be any better."

And I said, "Well, that's what I'm glad to hear."

19When a pastor is satisfied, and the people is satisfied, it makes a real good church, and then God is satisfied. And I think, to see them satisfied together, especially in this day of the Message that we're carrying, I think that shows the continuity of the Message with the people and with God. See?

20 And I'm very grateful for Brother Orman Neville, and his fine wife and family. And I pray that God will keep them loyal to Him and the Cause. And if it so please Him, may we be standing here in the tabernacle when the Lord Jesus comes for us, you see, to take us away at the Rapture. We hope we're both so old, Brother Neville, that one will have one arm around the other, and standing there on our canes, still trying to hold up. See? "Then we'll be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye."

And these old robes of flesh will drop,

And rise and seize the everlasting prize,

And shout while passing through the air,

"Farewell, farewell," sweet hour of prayer.

We moved on up then.

21 Heard about Brother Coomers' healing from the Lord, and so thankful for that. So many things. So I am grateful to be here this morning. And I thought, instead of...

22I'm always coming here with a certain text, and speaking. I thought I'd just come out this morning. And I said, "Brother Neville, I'll watch the clock real easy, and probably let the people out on time, and just talk to you from my heart, a few minutes; just things just, that we just have... No, they're not taping it or anything, so we just have fellowship while there's just the church folks here, you see, just us together."

So let's pray.

23 Dear Jesus, we are grateful to You for the privilege that we have of assembling together here. And, oh, as I looked upon this tabernacle early this morning, after midnight, passed by, I thought of how You have stood by it.

24And I think of the old pond that was here, and big old weeds standing up, right about where this pulpit is at. As a little boy, I--I stood here. Mr. Ingram said we could have the lot for just a little money, and pay something down; and no money, no collateral, or nothing to offer, but just to try. How that it, then, as full face value was a little over two thousand dollars; with twenty years to pay it out.

25And now, Lord, look at it now! And while it was in its infancy, still sitting down in a hole here, water pouring into it; how that You promised us, by the Word: "I the Lord have planted it, I'll water it day and night, lest some shall pluck it from My hands."

26The same time, the people said, "Within six months, it'll be turned into a garage."

27 But literally thousands of souls has found Christ here at the altar. And the tabernacle, the baptistery has constantly... People has been baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus; calling upon His Name, washing away their sins. Hundreds of crippled, afflicted, blind, halt, lame, cancer-eaten, have walked away from this platform; come in, dying, men and women, boys and girls, and gone out to live a new life, with a new flesh on their bodies, and walking again; leave their wheel chairs, crutches, and so forth. O God, this thirty years of service!

28Father, I remember the morning that we laid the cornerstone. And You gave the vision over there, showing the place, packed and jammed, a beautiful corner; I--I knew that that could not fail. So I thank You for all these things.

29 Many of them has done fought a good fight, and finished the course, and kept the Faith; laying yonder, waiting, resting now from their labors, and their works following them; waiting for the hour for the trumpet to sound, and to spring forth again unto new life, a new body. Many of them old and shaken, some young, middle-aged, and so forth. But Thy Name be praised for all.

30Now we're standing here again, before the--the living and the dead. I pray that You'll anoint Your Words this morning. I don't know one thing to say, but I pray that You'll furnish that, which You've always did it, Lord.

31Bless our pastor, Brother Neville, his wife. Bless the trustees, deacon boards, every member of the body. May, together, we live so in this life, that in the life to come we'll have Eternal Life.

32Help us this morning to take corrections from the Spirit and the Word, that we might prepare ourselves as we move away from the doors this morning, determined in our heart to live a better life than we have in the past. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

33 Now, I--I just opened the Bible here, and it happened to be a few minutes ago. I'm in Revelations 3, so I'll just read here, on the--the Message to the Laodicea Church.

34And I want to announce, also, Brother Neville was just telling me; Brother Parnell, as I happened to look down and see him sitting here, is in a--in a revival, just this side of Memphis. At the--the... any of you know where the old Wimpy, the hamburger stand used to be, he's got a--a tent setting in there, trying to bring in the sheaves and find if there's any lost ones out in that way that's been ordained to life, that he might win through his ministry to Christ. And he closed it up for Sunday, on account of the services being at the tabernacle, and--and that's very loyal of the brother. And we want you to know that the services will be open Monday night following, next week. And I know you're all cordially invited out to hear Brother Parnell bring his message of the love of Christ.

35 And now let us read from Revelations the 3rd chapter, just a portion, to say that we read the Bible. Because, what I would say might fail, but what He says won't fail. And I don't know where to start from, what to do, where to go, but I'm just reading the Laodicea Church Age.

... unto the angel of the church of... Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, and the beginning of the creation of God;

I know thy works,... thou art neither cold nor hot: I would... wert that cold or hot.

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased in goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou are wretched,... miserable,... poor,... blind,... naked:

I counsel of thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich;... white raimnent, that thou mayest be clothed, and that thy shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

36 You know, somewhere in there, as I was reading, I... If you'll excuse me a minute, I--I found some place that sounded good to me, and I don't know just where it was at now. Here it is.

... and knowest thou not... wretched,... miserable,... poor,... blind,... naked:

37Oh, my, that's kind of the picture here of the church of today! Now, it's, I--I think that that church age here, that we're speaking of... Course, I've got the church age coming forth now in the books. But being that is the Laodicean Church Age that we're in, let's just look at the conditions.

38I don't want to take any text or anything, because we're not... just talking casually, as we see to talk on whatever the Lord would lead us to do, but something that would help us.

39Let's think of the Laodicea Church Age and its condition today. As far as I know, I don't see anything to hinder, at this time, the Coming of the Lord Jesus, outside of the readiness of His Church. I think that one of the--the prophesies...

40 Yesterday, coming up in the car, we drove it in two days, from Tucson, here, right two thousand miles, Billy and I. And so we, now, that wasn't breaking any speed laws. We stayed right. I sat there, if he's driving, and I--I rolled--rolled up my fists back like a shotgun with the hammer back. I seen him go over. I said, "Wait a minute, boy."

Now, we're told, "Give Caesar what's Caesar's."

41Then we come in down here last night, a little girl lying sprawled across the road, about three years old; mother dead over in the ditch. Some drunken boy, coming from the R.O.T.C., is eighteen years old, driving a hundred and twenty miles an hour, on the left hand side of the road, killed. And I guess he was dying, too. Then you could realize what it is.

"Give Caesar what's Caesar's."

42 Innocent people dying. A little three-year-old girl lost her life, because of some drunken soldier, see, driving hundred and twenty miles an hour, estimated, on the wrong side of the road. Coming up over the hill, and shot right down, and killed them all right there together. I... He was dying, too. So then you can see, even though the innocent party was doing...

43Now that boy is guilty of cold-blooded murder. See? I think if a man would be caught on the road, drinking, he ought to be given ten years, flat, for premature... premeditated murder; any man, 'cause he just... any man.

44 We, we'll never do any good with politics. It's rotten. God's idea of having a king, a righteous king, is right. But politics just simply spread out, you can buy anything out; cheat, lie, steal, everything else. As I said a few Sundays ago: and look where you're at, see, nothing but just a crooked mass of everything. But a righteous king can make his own laws. And you can kill a man; you know a good politics, that's all right, you get out of it. See? And so, it's, it--it...

45The democracy is a good idea, but it won't work. Just like communism, all things in common; it sounds good, but it won't work. No. The God's way of having a king, like David was, was right, and you got one mind centered over. Like one leader and a bunch of geese, or so forth, you can't take two or three of them. Then, you mess them all together, you come up with any kind of an idea.

46So we find the conditions, today, ready for the Coming of the Lord.

47 But, while Brother Neville and I, and these other brothers are trying to shepherd a flock, I've got something on my mind now, that comes, that we might talk about.

48That is, I got a letter the other day from a fine lady. I never got it; it come through another person. And she was certainly tearing me to pieces, or trying to. Was saying, "Did you ever... Can't you Christian Business Men do something to stop Brother Branham?" Said, "Because that he's got this book out now called The Laodicea Church Age, bringing out more." And said, "He's just simply tearing Pentecostal doctrine to pieces." Said, "Now he's talking about the initial evidence ain't speaking in tongues." And said, "Then, he's against women preachers." And this was a woman preacher. And her boys, some of the best friends that I got in the world. She... They're among the best friends that I got. And she said, "Now..."

49 And this man and wife, I was eating breakfast with them; they said, "Brother Branham, look at this. Would you think it?" and pulled out a letter.

I said, "Well, sister, she just don't understand."

50The boys told me their mother was a woman preacher, and that she didn't go for the Message.

51And now she says in here, she said, "Now he said, 'Women should not have authority over man.'" Said, "How about Phebe in the Bible, Paul's helper?"

52Certainly, she was a seller of goods. And Paul asked the people... Do you think Paul would say, "Let the women keep silent in the churches, not permitted them to speak," and turn around and say, "Now, Phebe, my helper in the Gospel, she is going to preach a few nights"? Why, he would contradict his own word. See?

53And said, then, to top it all, "I believe it was Esther... was one of the judges in the Bible." Said, "A woman was a judge in the Bible. If that's not authority over man!"

54 And this businessman that was healed right here in the church not long ago, he said... Now, his wife said, "Brother Branham, that always puzzled me."

I said, "Why, sister, how would that puzzle you?"

Said, "Well, here is a woman judge."

55I said, "That's politics, not the church. That don't have nothing to do with the church."

56Paul said, "Let them be under obedience, as also saith the law." And the law can't put a woman up to be a priest; can't put it up. You never seen a woman high priest. You never seen a woman a priest, nowhere in the Bible. You never seen a woman a preacher, in the Bible. Certainly.

57Some of them was prophetesses, and so forth; Miriam and different ones. And Esther... One of them was a judge over Israel. Sometimes they were queens over them, and so forth like that, king and queen. At the decease of the king, the queen had to take his place till they elected another king, and so forth.

58 In--in Tucson, Arizona, we got a woman judge there in the city. That's the reason the city is so polluted. And we got... A woman ain't got no business in politics. She ain't got no business in the... over any authority in the church.

59Her place is a man's queen at home. Outside of that, she has nothing. And we know that to be the Truth. You'll never find... I know that sounds old-fashioned, but I'm responsible.

60And I know that, after my going away from this earth, them tapes and them books will be living on, and many of you young children will find, in the days to come, that this is exactly the Truth, because I speak it in the Name of the Lord.

61 Now, we wonder how a woman, that's a good woman, and she has brought on this earth by her loyal husband, a good man, some of the finest boys that I ever met, they're man, that I've ever met. And just quickly, just as soon as they heard the Message, they were sold on It, one hundred percent. Now, that could only come by foreordination. It's the only way it can come.

62Now, the question is, here. I was thinking that, see, now why the Lord was bringing me back. "And know it, knowest... Know it not; thou art naked, miserable, wretched, blind, and know it not."

63 Before I get to that spot, I might brief what I said a few days ago, here in a Message on, I believe it was, The God Of This World; blinded the eyes of the people, that they absolutely worship the devil in religious services. Did you all get that? All of you understood it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

64And then in that same Message, I brought the subject, that, a woman wearing immoral clothes, indecently, she is be judged at the Judgment Bar as a street prostitute. That sounds awful strange.

Let me draw you a little picture.

65 Now, here is an attorney in the city, a young fellow, and he's a nice man. As far as--as politically, I imagine he may be decent as any, his politics. And then he goes with a girl that's very popular. They fall in love and marry. They attend to all the parties and the great things, and they all drink together. Finally, she... He has a nice home. He lives in a nice neighborhood. He is well thought of amongst the people. But he... Both of them drink. She wears shorts, cuts her hair, wears makeup, everything just as sexy-ish, beautiful woman displaying herself. Well, she never goes to church, at all, neither one of them.

66So, move in, next door to them, comes a woman from the Baptist church or the Methodist church, her and her husband. Now, this woman...

67Let's make it Methodist, because the Methodist go a little more on holiness than the Baptist; all except the New Testament Baptist, they believe in holiness. But, usually, Baptists don't go for holiness at all, see. They don't believe in such a thing. So then, now, let's make it Methodist 'cause they believe in holiness.

68 And then a Methodist woman moves next door to this woman, on the same street. Her husband is a... Let's say he's a public accountant, and, or some office. Well, this Methodist woman looks over to the other woman.

69And when this lawyer goes out of town... His name is John; say his name is John. Now, don't presume on that now. I'm just taking fiction names now. And his name is John. Well, she used to go with Ralph. And that's fiction name, all of it, see, just so you get the story, to make the picture.

70Well, first thing you know, at a drunken party, Ralph hugs her again. Well, she gets all fired up, because she's in love again with Ralph, she thinks. Then, after a while, Ralph begins to meet her. And she can put it over John, pull it over his eyes. And she thinks she's a pretty smart duck, because she can run with Ralph, married to John. See, the woman don't even have the very bearing of decency, and she thinks nothing about that.

71 But this Methodist woman has raised up in another bracket. She does, at least, go to church, and she thinks that that woman is horrible. Why, she says to her husband, when he comes in, "I see that man go in there and meet her. And when John is out on a case somewhere, Philadelphia or somewhere, he takes her out in his roadster, and they lay out on the beach. I see them come home; don't even pull the curtains down sometimes, kissing her and making love to her, next... Oh, isn't that awful?" she says to her husband. "Why, she is nothing but a public prostitute." It's true. She is worse than a public prostitute, because she is a married woman. See? And she, this woman, this Methodist woman, thinks that's horrible, she never goes to church.

72 Now, this Methodist woman would not do a thing like that. No, indeedy. She is a decent woman. And another thing, she would not touch a bit of whiskey, because, the Methodist church, ninety percent of their program is prohibition against whiskey, against whiskey. So, they got a prohibition program, and them people of that Methodist church don't live no higher than that church teaches.

73But this same woman, this Methodist woman, goes out, of a evening, with her husband, wearing shorts on Sunday, after Sunday school. She cuts her hair. She wears lipstick, and even smokes a little.

74Now, in God's Word, they are both prostitutes, but this one here is "naked, miserable, wretched, blind, and don't know it." One is just as guilty as the other, for, "A man that looks upon a woman, to lust after her, has committed adultery with her already in his heart."

75 And if this woman, now, she would say, "Wait just a minute, Mr. Branham. I'll give you to understand, I am no prostitute." My sister, maybe if you'd be took before a Bible, and put your hands upon It in the Presence of God, and swear an oath that you've been just as true-l, true to your husband as you could be. Your body belongs to your husband, but your soul belongs to God. There is a evil spirit that's anointed you. If that, if you are not, then you're... I can prove that you're totally insane.

76What would have happened to your grandmother if she'd have walked out on the street with those shorts on? They'd have put her in the insane institution; she come out without her dress on. There is something wrong with her mind. If it was so then, it's so now.

77So it throws the whole world into insanity. The whole thing is insane. And it so gradually crept in till the people don't know it.

78 Now, is she a prostitute? Not by her husband, vow to her body. But, before God, she has got an evil, prostitute spirit on her, that makes her dress like that. And she's in the Laodicean Church Age, and don't know that she's doing that. The innocent woman don't know that God will judge her for a prostitute. There you are.

79You get It to her; you can't tell her. There is no way of getting It to her. The Bible said, "They're naked and don't know it."

80If you would call her a prostitute, personally, she would have you arrested. She would. I never talk personally about anybody. I talk about sin. I don't say, "This certain church, Mr. So-and-so there, Rev. So-and-so, he's a..." No, no. I say that, the doctrine of that, see, the whole thing together. I don't call individual. It's not individuals. It's the system that they're in. It's the world system.

81 Brother George Wright sitting here is... He is seventy-five or seventy-eight years old, I guess. What would you think would have happened if you would have went to seen Sister Wright some day, and she would have been standing in a pair of shorts? Why, you'd have never, you'd--you'd have had the woman locked up. You'd have never married her. Well, if any young man in that day would have done it, the same thing would have took place. Well, if it was sin and wrong then, it's the same thing; but the people has growed into insanity.

82 Let me prophesy something to you, just before it comes to pass. The whole world is grouping in insanity, and will get worse and worse and worse, until they'll be a bunch of maniacs. And it's almost that way now.

83Could you imagine a man driving with his lights off, on the wrong side of the road; a ricky, young kid, supposed to be right out of high school, kill a bunch of people. Does that stop them? The next one come right behind him, doing the same thing. Can you imagine a young man that thinks any self... anything of himself, getting out here and acting the way they do?

84Could you imagine a young woman, and a bloom of womanhood, beautiful, well-built, shaped, profile, face, beautiful; and the very thing of her being pretty shows that we're at the end time. See, she has went all together to worldly feature, worldly things and not the beauty of holiness, sweetness in her soul. I've seen women, on the outside of them wasn't nothing to look at, but you speak to them one time, talk to them a few minutes, they're a real genuine something that you can't get away from. See, beauty of the outside is of the devil, it's of the world.

85 Look at Cain's children, how they went into it. "When the sons of God saw the daughters of man were fair, they taken unto them wives," and God never did forgive them.

86Look, when them Israelite women with--with calloused hands, and hair stringing; when them sons of God came up through the land of Moab, and met them dainty women with well-set hair, and fancy, and a lot of manicure on their faces, or what you call it; and when them sons of God saw those real fair women, a false prophet said, "We're all the same." [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit six times--Ed.] And they married among them, and God never did forgive them.

87They perished in the wilderness. Every one of them died there, without hope, without God, and is Eternally lost; damned forever, though they had seen the goodness of God, though they had drank from the fountain that never runs dry. They had drunk from the smitten rock. They had seen the brass serpent perform miracles. They come out from under the baptism of Moses in the sea. They had seen the hand of God. They had eat Angel's food, and had done all of those things. But married in, let women bring them in, and marry among them. Not commit adultery, just marry among them; God never did forgive it.

88 That's the second time it met. Now here we are on third time, more deceiving now than ever.

89I know that's hard. And I've often wondered, in many ways, how will it ever be? Why do I have to talk so rashel to people? What makes it so? And yet, I notice, if it wasn't God, there wouldn't be nobody, not a woman would sit and listen at me. But they come back, because there is somebody that's got a little anchor of Truth there, that knows that That's right. Regardless, they know It's right. Now watch what happens. I know it's hard.

90 It's just like if a doctor give you medicine, and you refused to take it, then don't blame the doctor if you die. And This is like medicine. What about these people that always claim to me being a woman hater?

91You see, you just watch the way the women act, and I'll show you where the church is. The women morals is in Laodicea, in the world, physically, "naked, miserable, blind, and don't know it," the--the people, the women of the world. And the church is in the same stage. Watch the natural type the spiritual, right through, each time. Now, someday at the Judgment Bar...

92 I know it's not popular to say it. And if a man is not ordained to say it, you better not say it; 'cause you're impersonating, and then you'll get in trouble, sure enough.

93Now notice. I've actually, look like, in times, held a woman's mouth open and poured the Medicine in her mouth, and then hold my hands over her mouth, and she'll spit It out every time. What if a doctor did that to a patient, then the patient died because they refused to swallow the medicine? At the Judgment Bar, when all these things like cutting hair and wearing shorts and...

94 I'm only building. The hour is close at hand when you're going to see something happen, when something is going to take place. And all this background here has only been laying a foundation for a short, quick Message that will shake the whole nations.

95Why I been picking on women, it's just been laying up here for something that you can hit it right on the head, with it. Even trying to tell them what's right. And I holding a hand down like this, as it where the mouth, and they spit It out. Then who can blame the doctor?

96How you going to say, at the Day of the Judgment, when the very voices that's cried out against it, will play the record right back in the face of the people? Then how they going to get away from it?

97 Spit It out between your fingers. Pour some more down, then finally shake their head and revolt back, and go back, won't do it. Yet, you come back again and pour It in again. Then who is to blame? Not the doctor, not the Medicine, but the attitude of the person. That's exactly. Be a horrible day, one of these days, when this sinful adulter-ness generation stands before Almighty God.

98 I see my years creeping up, my shoulders stooping; and, I know, thirty years here in this platform, yeah, thirty-three years here on the field. That's a long life. That's thirty-three years of service. Only one regret I have; that I didn't have a hundred and thirty-three years of it. For this will be the last opportunity I'll ever have, while here mortal, to preach the Gospel. God help me to stand true as true can be, to that Word, and say just as He says.

99What made that Methodist woman... How could you ever get It to her? Here she is, in that Laodicea Church Age.

100 Now we'll take the Pentecostal woman. She shouldn't wear shorts, make-up, or cut her hair, but she looks back down at the Methodist, say, "Look at that woman do so-and-so!" Say the woman don't wear shorts, but she say... and herself with bobbed hair. See?

101Higher you rise in God, the more sinful the whole thing looks. And then sometimes, in prayer, you can imagine, when the Holy Spirit take you up into a sphere, then the whole thing looks chaos. Then when you come back down, you seem like you're, to the people, you're a rascal, that you're--you're nothing but an old sarcastic. You're a fool, because you stand as an old crank and always rebuking the people. But if you ever climb into them spheres one time, where you can be in the Presence of God (not through emotion, but through genuine Holy Spirit lifting up), the whole thing is wrote, "ICHABOD." The Glory of the Lord has departed from the whole denominational outfit. That's right. There none of them that's right.

102 Now let me draw you a little circle. If I had a blackboard... But I want you to watch here. [Brother Branham draws the following rings on something--Ed.] I'm going to make one ring like this, and I'm going to make another ring on the inside of that ring, that's two, then I'm going to make a ring on the inside of that ring. That's three rings, three circles. Now, that's you.

103That's God. God in a trinity is One, and without a trinity He's not God. He can't be manifested any other way.

104And neither can you be manifested without being the trinity person that you are, that's: body, spirit, soul. Without either one of them, you're not complete. See? You didn't have a soul, you'd be nothing; you didn't have a spirit, you wouldn't be nothing; you didn't have a body, you just be a spirit, not a body.

105So, God is complete in the tri-unity of a Being; not tri-unity of beings, but One Being in a tri-unity. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is one true manifested God. God!

106 Notice here, just wait, I--I believe I read it just a few minutes ago. Listen to this.

... unto the angel of the church of... Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

107God is the Creator. And how was He ever created? But this is "the beginning of the creation of God." When God, the Spirit, was created in a form of a Man, that was God being created; God the Creator, Himself, becoming a creation. God, Who made the dirt, made the calcium, made the potash, cosmic light, petroleums, took the thing together and created Himself, in "the beginning of the creation of God."

108"The Amen," the final. Amen means "so be it." "The final of God," when God completed in His creation.

109Now, how was it? "No man has seen God at any time, but the only Begotten of the Father has declared Him." You get it?

110 Say, just a minute, you no hurry. Let's turn over to Colossians, just a minute. I just happened to... come a Scripture in my mind. Let's turn to Colossians, the Book of Colossians, and get the... I believe it's the 1st chapter. I'll have to look at this, 'cause it's not premeditated here. So I'll... As I used to be, when I was a young preacher, I could think of these things [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] just right now, but as I get older I can't. Let's begin at the 9th verse, I believe. "For this cause..." Is Paul telling the Colossians about Christ, Who He was.

For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and... desire that you might be filled with all the knowledge of his will in all wisdom of spirit and understanding;

That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and to the increase in the knowledge of God;

Strengthened all... according to the glorious power, of patience and longsuffering with joy;

Giving thanks to the Father, which has meet... which made us meet to... partakers of the inheritance of the saints...

Who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

111Here we're getting now. Watch.

In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sin:

Who is in the image of the invisible God,...

112Get it? 15th verse, Colossians 1:15.

... the firstborn of every creature:

113Amen! The what? "The firstborn of every creature." Let it be Angel, let it be any what it may be; He's the firstborn of every creature.

For by him were all things created--all things created, that are in heaven, or... in earth, visible... invisible, whether they be thrones, whether they be dominions,... principalities,... powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

114 Let it be anything it might be; no other being! Notice, "And in... And he is therefore..."

... he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

115Whether it be Father, Son, Holy Ghost, whatever it is, "He is before all things." "Before all things that's in Heaven, in earth; visible, invisible, or anything," this Son of God was before all things. That right? I don't care, it's thrones, dominions, whatever it is; Heavenly thrones, kingdoms, whatever it might be in the great supernatural realms beyond, in the Eternities where it was; whatever it was, Angels, gods, whatever it was, "He is before all things." Amen! Can't you see Him? "He was before all things; and were created by Him. He..." The 17th verse.

And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

116 There is nothing can make it run but Him. Whether it's God the Father, God the Holy Ghost; whether it's the Angels, principalities, powers, dominions; whatever it is, all things run by Him. "All things consist by Him." He!

And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning--who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead (that is, raise up what He come to redeem); that in all things he might have the preeminences.

117"Might have preeminence," you know what it means? That's, "over all." He is over all things that was ever created; every Angel, every being, every--every thing that there is. He is over all things. What Creature is This? Who can it be? Over all things! "And having made peace..." Let's see, just a minute. Preemi-...

For it pleased the Father that in him should all the fulness dwell;

118"All the fullness of all things." All the fullness of God, all the fullness of Angels, all the fullness of time, all the fullness of Eternity; everything dwelt in Him. That's this Fellow.

And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

119There is that great Being we're talking about, "The beginning of the creation of God."

120 Now, now that, the Church, that His very whole purpose was the Church. Now how do we get into this Church? "By one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body," the Church, the Body of Christ. It cannot fail.

121Now, here is what happens. Now watch this, just a little figurative picture here. [Brother Branham again shows his drawing of three rings--Ed.]

122Now, this outside man is the flesh. That's what we look at; what we see. And it has five inlets to that body. And any grammar school child, as myself, would know there is five senses control the body; see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. Without that, you can't touch the body. That's the only way you have to the body; see, taste, feel, smell, hear; you see it, taste it, feel it... Now, that is the evil one, on the outside.

123 Now, inside of that is a spirit, which you become when you're born in the earth and the breath of life is breathed into him. That spirit is of a worldly nature because it was not given from God, but it was (given) permitted by God. Now you got that? For, every child that's born in the world, "is born in sin, shaped in iniquity; come to the world speaking lies." That right? So, that person, inside there, is a sinner, to begin with. Now, but...

124Now, it's got five inlets. And them five inlets... I don't know whether I can call them right off now. When the... First, I know, is thought, conscience, and love, choice... No. Conscience, love, reason... There is five inlets to the spirit. You can't think with your body; you have to think with your spirit. You can't have conscience in your body. It has no mental faculties at all; your body doesn't, so you have to think with your spirit. You have to reason. You can't reason with your physical being, 'cause reason doesn't see, taste, feel, smell, or hear. Reason is what you can make in your mind. If you're asleep or you're out, your body is lying there dead, but your spirit can still reason. There is five senses that controls that inside man. And that...

125Now, to the last man, which is the soul, there is only one sense that controls that, and that is free... moral agency's free will to choose or to reject.

126 And now the reason that people today... Now, don't forget this now, and you'll--you'll see what the Holy... what the initial evidence of the Holy Ghost is. See?

127Now, people can live in this spirit, and they dance in the spirit. They shout in the spirit. They go to church in the spirit, and they can absolutely have the real Spirit of God anointed on that spirit, but still be lost and just as devil-possessed as they can be, with that spirit.

128Because, watch, that's the reason you couldn't tell that woman, she was wearing shorts, was wrong. You couldn't tell her bobbing her hair was wrong. "Well, what's your hair got to do with it?" Well, it did to Samson. See?

129"Whosoever shall add one word to This, or take one Word from It." You've got to have an ultimate somewhere.

130 Now, for instance, if I was a--a--a--a Baptist man, and you come down and told me I must be--I must be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ; it's in the Bible. Well, first thing you know, I'd say, "I'll ask my pastor."

131And I go to the pastor; he say, "Oh, that's something back yonder, see. Yeah, see, we Baptists, here is what we believe; we believe that we should be immersed in the titles of 'Father, Son, Holy Ghost.' That's the way all the church has done it. Since John Smith founded it, that's the way it's done." Well, that's your ultimate. "Heck with what that guy says!"

132 What if you're a Methodist, and sprinkling is your system, and you are told you must be immersed? See what I mean? You go back to the Methodist pastor, and he'll write and ask the bishop, if so-and-so said so-and-so about this. "But we, the Methodist church, we was founded three or four hundred years ago, in England, by John Wesley, and Whitefield, and all the rest of them there, and Asbury. We founded this document, following John Wesley, that we are to be sprinkled, because it's just an outward emo-... form. And we think that sprinkling is just as good as it is the other way."If you're a real... If the Methodist church is your ultimation, that's as far as you go.

133If you're a Catholic... And I'll tell you, it's not in the Bible not to eat meat on Fridays, and all these things like this, and "the Holy Eucharist isn't a wafer, because it's a Spirit," and so forth. And you go to your priest, the priest say, "Here it is, wrote right in our document." And if the church is your ultimate, you don't give a hoot what anybody says. That's your ultimate.

134O God, help this to sink in! To me, the whole thing is wrong. God's Word is the ultimate. Whatever that Word says, then that's right.

135 Now, the only way up here in this spheres, that you could ever be in this little inside man; and you have to be foreordained. Because you was with God, you're a part of God.

136I was in my father. I also was in my grandfather, and my grandfather's grandfather. By seed, I was in that.

137And I was in Christ. You were in Christ before the foundation of the world. He came to redeem His Own, His Own that was in Him. Hallelujah! His children that was in Him!

138He never came to--to save the devil's children. They never will know It. And they are so shrewd in the ways of their intellectual learning, that you can't compare with them at all. You can't outtalk them. But, by faith you see It.

139 Now, science don't need any faith. Science proves what they're talking about. It doesn't need any faith.

140The Catholic priest will tell you, "Look how long the Catholic church has waved. Look how long she stood under the persecutions of paganism."

The Methodist church say, "Looky here how long..."

141 I seen a church... talk about a hypocrite sign; coming up the road yesterday, I seen. Said, "The church of Christ, established AD 33." It ain't a hundred years old yet, see, the denomination. Oh, my! "Doctrine of the apostles"? Hardly got anything. They're the Sadducees of the day; no Spirit, no... And you can't tell them; you can't talk to them; you can't reason with them.

142Because, we go beyond reasoning. "Lean not to your own understanding." Faith doesn't reason at all. Faith believes It.

143They say, "Now, look here, do you believe we have to do these things back there? Nonsense! That..."

144But the Bible said so. I can't explain how it happens, but it happens. God said so. So you don't have... I can't tell you nothing about it. Faith doesn't explain It. Did you know that? Faith just believes It.

145 Jesus said to Nicodemus, from the San-... ecumenical council of His day; come to Him by night, said, "Master, we know You're a Teacher comes from God, 'cause no man could do the things You do, unless God is with him."

146He said, "Verily, I say unto you, 'Except a man be born again, he can't even see the Kingdom of God.'"

147Said, "Me, an old man, enter into my mother's womb, to be born?"

148He said, "Now how am I going to tell you Heavenly things, when you won't even believe earthly things?" See?

149 Then He said, one day, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, drink His Blood, you have no Life in you." He didn't explain it.

150Those apostles and them of that day, who was ordained to Life; He knowed it. Said, "All the Father has given Me will come. Only thing you have to do is just make My Voice known; they know it, for My sheep know My Voice." And a voice is a word expressed. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] "They believe It, anyhow. They don't have to scientifically prove anything, or ask any Sadducee or Pharisee, or anything else, about it. I said it, they believe it, for My sheep hear My Voice."

151And This is the Voice of God in letter form, because This is the entire revelation of Jesus Christ, Old and New Testament put together. Amen. There you are.

152 Why? You say, "These are good people. What makes them..." Because, one thing, their tie post is on a church. And in here... You remember last Sunday's, a week ago; how many was here and heard the sermon on The Anointed Ones In The Last Days? I think all of you. See, they are anointed. Their spirits are anointed, in this second realm.

153 Now, that first woman says... No, she don't give a hoot what the church says, what anybody else said. She's a smart duck. She's got college education. She could put it over on her husband, and think she is smart by doing that.

154This other woman is "naked, blind, and don't know it." Oh, it's pitiful, but that's the picture the Bible paints us. Now, she goes to church. That woman, would probably be better, that woman would be... She lives a good, clean life; there is nothing against that. God will be the Judge of it. I don't know; I'm not the Judge.

155I'm only the... responsible for what He shows me. That's what the apostles said. "We do speak that what we know, what we heard, what we seen." That's all I'm responsible for. That's all you're responsible for.

156 But now, you see, if you would take that same woman... Where did she wind up at? See? She moved right around. She heard, no doubt; turned the radio on, many times. The Voice of God has been speaking, many times. Well, now, see, she comes over into this cult here, a clan. All churches are clans. Everything, that's exactly right, they're just lodges where people group together as membership. And she comes over here; well, that fits her just right. Now if you go to telling her what she has to do, she won't listen to you. You show it to her in the Bible; she won't listen to It.

157 Now, my dear brother, sister, just one or two more comments before closing. It's quarter till, time to let out; fifteen minutes.

158 Now look, I want to ask you something. Why can't that woman see it? Why can't she? As far as being in adultery physically, to her husband, she's not guilty; she has nothing to confess. She's as clean as she was the day she was born; no man has touched her.

159I'm speaking parallel now, to the woman, to the church. She's as clean as she was born. Well, that's exactly what the church is, as she was born, but she was "born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come..." See what I mean?

160Now you tell her that it's wrong for her to cut her hair; the Bible said so. It's wrong for her to wear them shorts; the Bible said so. She would say, "Nonsense." Why? Her ultimate is not down here, in that third man, the soul that's predestinated and sent from God. But her ultimate is on an organization out here, that some man has organized outside of This. See?

161 But if the Word of God is down in that soul, it says, "Amen! I see it."It lines up with It. Now look here. Therefore, the man that's born of the Spirit of God...

162See, here is the outside flesh. And I speak in a mixed audience, going to speak as your--as your pastor, as your brother. Here is the flesh, it's weak, it's bound to... A little lady walks down the street; some young man just in his young age, when he's seventeen, eighteen, twenty years old, twenty-five, thirty, walks around in there... And this young lady comes, twisting every form, her body, walking with a pair of high-heeled shoes on; herself stuck all out in front and back; and dress is that high above her knees, or a pair of shorts on. Do you know the Bible said she would act like that? You know, the Bible said that's the way she would act, how she would be so filthy.

163 Did you read this here, this month's Reader's Digest, that men and women of this day, little girls, from twenty or twenty-five years old, is in menopause, that you go through the change of life in the middle-age of life, according to science, between twenty and twenty-five. It used to be around thirty or thirty-five, in my age. In my mother's age, a woman never struck menopause till she was forty or forty-five.

164What is it? It's through science, and the food, the hybrids, that's perverted the whole human body till we've become a bunch of--of--of a mass of corruption. Well, if the physical being is corrupted, isn't the brain cell in that physical being?

165 Now watch the Spirit, following it. There'll come a time, in the Name of the Lord, that people will go completely insane. The Bible says so. They'll scream and holler; great hideous things in their imaginary mind. The radios and things, our television programs, are producing it. There'll be such things as ants raise up on the earth, that will be as high as fourteen trees; there will be a--a--a bird will fly across the earth, with wings four or five miles across; and people see them, they'll scream and holler, and cry for mercy. But it'll be the Plagues. Wait till I preach on those Plagues opening up.

166 Watch what Moses done under the physical being, not the Spirit, when He said, "Moses..." God said to Moses, "Go out there," to His prophet, "pick up a handful of dust, throw it up in the air and say, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, fleas will come upon the earth.'" There was no fleas. The first thing you know, they begin to see something crawl on a bush. Looked over, there is something else. And after a while, they was so deep you couldn't wade through them.

167Where did they come from? God is the Creator. He can do what He will. He is sovereign. He could make a--a bird that would reach--reach his wings from one side of the earth to the other.

168He said, "Let there come flies, enclothed upon all the earth." There wasn't a fly in the land. First thing you know, an old blowfly begin to fly around. First thing, there was eight or ten, twelve. First thing you know, you couldn't walk through them. God, the Creator, keeps His Word.

169 And he stretched forth his rod, at the command of God, and said, "Let frogs come up and cover the earth." And the frogs come till they heaped them up, piles, and stink was everywhere, maybe forty or fifty feet high, of frogs. They were in the cupboard of--of Pharaoh. They were in the... turn down the sheet, and there would be a five hundred frogs under the sheet, under the bed, in the grub. Everywhere they went, was frogs, frogs, frogs. Where did they come from? God, the Creator, is sovereign. What He says, He'll do!

170And He said there'll be hideous sights upon the earth. "Locusts with hair like women," long hair, to haunt them women that cut their hair. "Teeth like lion; stingers in their tails, like scorpions; they would torment men, months." Just wait till we get in to opening them Plagues and Seals, and them Seven Thunders, watch what takes place. Oh, brother, you better get to Goshen while there's time to get to Goshen. Don't pay any attention to this outside.

171 Looky here. Here's a little lady twisting herself down the street; here's a young fellow, his eyes catches it. He's a member of the church. He's a Pentecostal. He's whatever he is. But the first thing you know, there's no hold post in there. She'll say, "Hello." He's got curly hair, and kind of nice-looking, straight-shouldered young man; maybe tried to live right. She start walking up to him, even a preacher. The first thing you know...

172What is it? This out here, the flesh desire; and the spirit down here, yet anointed, saying, "Don't do it, don't do it." But what will it do? It'll move right around, there hold, there it goes. First thing you know, he's trying to make a date with her. He is guilty of committing adultery, whether he touches her or not.

173 But, a genuine, born-again son of God! Amen! You can't do it yourself. It's totally impossible for a--a red-blooded male to walk before a female like that, without something taking place. But when there is Something on the inside; that little born-again Something here!

174Though that man might have shouted, spoke in tongues, jumped, danced, everything else, anointed with the Spirit; done all the signs and wonders that God said in there, by His Spirit! Jesus said, "Many will come to Me in that day, say, 'Lord, haven't I prophesied in Your Name? Haven't I cast out devils in Your Name? Have not... ' He said, 'Depart from Me, you that work iniquity.'" What is iniquity? Something that you know to do, and don't do it. "'Depart from Me, you that work iniquity; I didn't even know you.'"

175But down on the inside of that man, if that little tie post is in there, that Seed of God that was predestinated before the foundation of the world; I don't care what takes place, it holds him. It's there to stay.

176 That's why that woman will wear them shorts. She is counted a prostitute, the same as the woman in the act. See? She doesn't know that that spirit... How does she know? Her ultimate.

177What is an ultimate? Is the last word. The ultimate is the amen. It's the end of all strife, your ultimate.

178And if your church, a Pentecostal church, that tells you that, "Long hair and stuff is just fanaticism. You got a spare tire, the back of your head," and so forth, them kind of things, the man is possessed of the devil.

179For, God's Word said, "It's a shame for a woman to cut her hair. She'll dishonor her head." If she dishonors her husband, and her husband is the Church, and the Church is Christ, she is a dishonorable religious prostitute; naked and don't know it. Naked! Don't the Bible said, "The woman's covering is her hair"? Isn't the hair give to her for a covering?

180 Someday, yonder at the Judgment Bar! I've tried to pour the Medicine in, and hold It with my hands, and you spit It right straight back out between your fingers. God will judge them someday. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. It hasn't been a bunch of foolishness, or some crazy old man all worked up. It isn't. Because, it's the Word of the Lord.

181And a real, genuine Christian will cope with that inside man, that Spirit that was back yonder at the beginning, which is the Word.

182As He was the fullness of all of you, you were in Him back yonder at Calvary. He foreknew you would be here. He only broadcast what would take place. And you were in Him; you died with Him. You died to your pride, you died to your fashions, you died to the world. When He... You died with Him in Calvary, and you arose with Him when He arose again on the third day. And because you've accepted it, now you're sitting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

183 There you are. It's that inside man. That inside that will punctuate the Word, hang with the Word, regardless. You can't help it. I learned that, many years ago.

184My little baby laying here, dying. My wife laying here in a... in--in the morgue, embalmed and laid out. They called me out there, and Sharon was dying. That's the hardest temptation I ever met in my life. I was about twenty-five years old. I walked out there, and Billy Paul lying at the point of death.

185Doctor Sam come, said, "Bill, I don't think we're going to save Billy. And I..." He said, "He's so bad." Said, "Bill, I feel so sorry for you."He put his arms around me.

I said, "Doc, I ain't got no more strength."

186Couple of hours, I called him, my baby, Sharon, I run her out there, he... to see her in spasm; it wouldn't stop. They put a needle in the spine; they punctured it, brought the sign up, tubercular meningitis. That's all.

187 I waved my way out to the hospital; stopped my old truck out there, and got out and started walking down to the room. Here came Sam down the hall, with his hat in his hand, crying, put his arm around me, said, "Come on back, Bill."

I said, "What's the matter?"

Said, "You can't see her." Said, "She is dying, Bill."

And I said, "No, Sam, not my baby."

188Said, "Yep." Said, "Don't even ask for her, Bill. She'd ever live," said, "she'd be afflicted." Said, "She'd always be drawed up, and she'd be afflicted all of her life." Said, "She's got meningitis." Said, "Don't go around her; you--you'll just kill Billy by doing it."

I said, "Sam, I got to see her."

189Said, "You can't do it, Bill. I--I forbid you. Now, you know how much I think of you, and you're my buddy and everything," said, "how much I think of you," said, "and how much I believe you, Bill," he said, "but don't--don't go to that baby." Said, "If you do that,... Meningitis is on her." See? Said, "She'll be gone in a few minutes, and," said, "you can... we'll bury her." Said, "Bill, I just feel so sorry for you."

190 And he call, told, called a nurse, to order me some kind of medicine. Said, "I don't know how the man is standing up."

191I stood there a little bit. He brought the medicine in. I sat down, in the hall. He said, "Sit." And the nurse brought it, said, "Drink this, Brother Branham."

192I said, "Thank you. Just set it down there a minute." When she left like that, I poured it over in a spittoon; set the glass back down.

193I set there. I thought, "O God, what have I done? You're a good God. Why did You let her die, the other day, me holding her two little arms like that?" Begging Him for her. "Why'd You let her go? There is Billy laying there, dying; and here she is, dying. What have I done? Tell me! Well, I just might as well go with them."

194I opened the door, and no nurse was there. I slipped down in the basement. That was before the hospital was fixed. Screens, no screens on the windows, hardly, and flies on her little eyes. Had a piece of mosquito bar, we call it, netting put over her face. I shooed the flies off; laid there. Her little eyes, she suffered so hard till they were crossing.

195 Then Satan moved up by the side of me there, and said, "Did you say He was a good God?"

I said, "Yeah, I said that."

196"Did you say He was a healer? Well, why did your father die in your arms over there, and you calling, him a sinner, calling for his life? Why did your brother die in your other brother's arms, out there, and you standing in the pulpit preaching, a few weeks ago?" Said, "Then why didn't He answer you? You said He loved you and saved you."

197He couldn't tell me there was no God, 'cause I already seen Him. But he was telling me He didn't care for me.

198Said, "There lays your wife. Your babies will be there pretty soon. Your daddy is buried. Your brother is buried. And your wife is going to be buried now, tomorrow. And here is your other baby, dying. He's a good God? Huh? He's a healer?" Said, "You made a sap out of yourself!"

199 What did it do? From... it was working from the outside, now, to this first man.

200Said, "Now look. You know, when you was a few years ago, about two or three years ago, before you accepted This, you was well thought of amongst the people. You lived a good, clean life. Any girl in the city, that wanted to go out, go out with you, 'cause they felt clean and decent." I could stand before any of them. I never insulted one, never said anything. She even act smart, I'd take her home. "And you were liked amongst the people. But what are you now? A religious fanatic."

201"That's right. I was." See these things begin to move together? The outside, reasoning in the spirit, moving these things together. "That's right, Satan."

"And did you say He was a healer?"

"Yes. Hum. Yeah."

202"And you begging and crying, and the people telling you it wasn't so, that you're all off the line. Your own church turned you out, for This. Your own Baptist church down there, put you out the door, for the very same cause."


203"Your daddy buried. Your brother buried. Your wife lying there, to be buried. Here is your baby, just about fifteen minutes longer and it'll be gone. And He's a healer? Your own flesh and blood; one word from Him would save the baby's life. 'He's a healer,' you said. The people tried to tell you. The preacher told you you was all messed up; you was all insane; you was become a religious fanatic. And you said He loved you. Could He love you?

204 "And how you cried for your daddy! How, night after night, you fasted, and when you... in daytime, when you'd have to pray, to get up a pole, to work. And when He let him die in your arms, a sinner.

205"How your wife, what a fine woman she was, and how you loved her!"Billy's mother; many of you remember Hope. "What a fine girl she was! How happy you was, your little home over there; with about seven or eight dollars worth of furniture, what furniture you had, but yet you loved her; and you... and you loved one another. And you went and prayed for others; and, some mental emotion, they got up and walked away and said they were all right. But now your own wife; and there she is, dead, second day now, lying in the undertaker's establishment down yonder, Scott and Combs. He's a healer? Huh?

206"And your little boy at the point of death, Billy Paul, eighteen months old. And your little girl, at eight months old, is lying here, dying, with meningitis. And you just prayed; and God pulled a sheet down, said, 'Shut up!' Don't hear, won't hear you, at all! Turned His back on you. He's a good God? Huh? He loves you? And every girl you ever went with, every boy you ever associated with, your very best friends, has walked away from you as a religious fanatic."

207 Everything he was telling me was the truth. Everything that he would say, just fall right in line, see, here. I was just then about ready to say, "Then I, if that's the way He has to act, then I won't serve Him."

208Just as I said that, there was Something came from somewhere else, way down on the inside. Said, "Who are you, to begin with? The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away." See, that's that inside man, don't reason at all.

209I looked back, and I thought, "How did I get on earth? I come from a bunch of drunkards. How did I get here? Who give me life? Who give me that wife? Who give me that baby? Where did my wife come from? Where did my life come from?" I said, "Though He slay me, yet I'll trust Him."

I said, "Get away from me, Satan!"

210 I laid my hand over on the baby. I said, "Sharon, honey, I'll lay you on your mother's arms in a few minutes, when the Angels of God comes to take you away, but one day daddy will see you again. I don't know how it's going to be, honey. I can't tell you how; when He turns His back upon me, won't even hear for you."

211He let my wife die, and me holding her by the hands, crying for her. And my daddy, in his arms, died on this arm right here; looking up at me, trying to get his breath. And I prayed as hard as I could. How could I face the public again, to preach Divine healing? How could I preach He was a good God, and let my own daddy die, a sinner? How could I preach that? I don't know how, but I know He's right.

212 The Word of God shall never fail. It'll triumph, no matter what that is. Then I knowed there was Something inside of all reasonings, Something inside of all emotions, everything else like that. There was a inside Man that held in that hour. Nothing else could a-done it; every reason, everything could be showed, everything could prove that It was wrong, and I was in the wrong. But the Word of God, that was predestinated before the foundation of the world, held on the inside.

213I felt a little Wind come through the building. Her spirit went to meet God.

214 Brother, sister, let me tell you, That's the only thing. Don't try to reason It out. Don't try to have long hair because I said so. Don't try to do these things just, because, in your flesh. Don't try to do it, just kind of cope up. But just wait before the Lord, till Something way down on the inside!

215Many of you think, 'cause you've got long hair, that means you're going to go to Heaven. That doesn't mean that. Many of them thinks, 'cause you're a good, moral woman, you're going to...?... It don't mean that. Many of them think, because their churches, and belong to this, and this great groups, and great doctors of Divinity. That don't mean that. See?

216 Many think, because they speak with tongues, they've got the Holy Ghost. That don't mean that. Though, the Holy Ghost does speak with tongues. But until that real, genuine Holy Spirit in there will cope with every Word! If that Holy Spirit in you, that makes you speak with tongues, looks back there and doesn't agree with the rest of the Word, then it's the wrong spirit. See?

217It's got to come from the inside, which is the Word, from the beginning. "In the beginning of the creation of God," when God begin to create, bring you into existence, you see. You started back there as a seed, and worked down to where you are now. And, then, you were all in Christ. And then when Christ died, He died to redeem all of you. And you are a part of this Word, and how can... the Bible, all of It! "Precept upon precept, line upon line; here a little, there a little." "Not one jot or a tittle shall fail." How in the world can you, being part of that Word, disagree with the rest of It, or any part of It?

218 God bless you. I'm overtime now. I didn't mean to do this, keep you that long. Sorry that I kept you; not sorry for what I said.

We're right at the end of something, friends.

219All of you here, I guess, are just the members here of the church. I don't get around, in time, to see what members there is. I imagine all of you are constant comers here. Let me tell you something that happened. Will you spare, say, six more minutes? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

220 Is that Rev. Mr. O. Walker here from Oregon, that was here that--that Sunday I was here? Anybody know about? Was great, strange thing.

221I come down here, there was so many people in, I--I had... I had a pile of interviews, and every one of them worthy; their boy, children, married, drunkards, and--and different things, and just things that was worthy. Every one of them should have been seen. I can't do all that. And I commit you to God, and hold my hands over them, in prayer. I said, "O God, I--I couldn't do it. Get to them, Lord, do... You know how to do it. I pray for each one."

222 Billy called me. And I just come in with Brother Banks. He said, "Daddy, if you..."

223And, look, I see people drive out there sometime, in the lane, look in. And I look out at them, then wave at them like that, and they--they almost turn their head. I don't want you to do that.

224The other day when they was buying that place out there at Tucson for me to live in, Brother Tony had a place up there he wanted to buy me, for about three or four times what this place cost. He even wanted to put in so many thousand dollars on it, himself. But the only way you get in there, a gateman was standing out there. A great big... Well, it's a addition up there. But any... This people that lives there, you have to have a written permission, then this gateman calls you and see if it's all right for them to come in.

225I said, "Could you imagine, me, my brothers and sisters who come to see me, that wants to shake my hand and ask God's blessings for me, could you imagine me put myself in there, Tony?"

He said, "Well, you have..."

226I said, "Tony, the way the church and all of them has the people not to come around," I said, "that's for people that's got everything they want me to do."

227They, they say, "Well, the Lord told me. Hallelujah! I'm going to stay right here. Glory to God! The Lord told me you have to hold a meeting over here in our group. Yes, sir, glory to God! The God told me that. If you don't do it, Brother Branham, you're sure backslid." Me in there trying to study, see. That's what, see. And many a good person gets beat out, of coming in, because of that.

228 Just like a man going hunting out here on a farm. A farmer say, "Come on in. You can hunt."And you get out there and shoot one of his cows; a rabbit run under the cow, and just shoot the rabbit, anyhow. You get up on the fence, instead of going to the post and climb over like a decent man should do; climb up on the fence and break it down like that. See? And then he'll say, "I'll post the place!" I don't--I don't blame him one bit, not one bit. Well, what does he do? He keeps the decent hunter from coming in. It's always that way. It's the evil that keeps the good from having the preeminences. It's always.

229 Now, but them people are, thousands are really needy and nice people, loving people, full of God's grace.

230Now we have this, how these people come like that. We don't, we don't want that, no.

But this man come...

231Billy said, "Run down now, right quick, daddy." Said, "Mrs. Waldrop is down here with some people dying; must see them right at once." And I run in; come down here.

232And coming back, they said, "There is nobody down here but a man sleeping on a side of the side, out there, on a pillow every day, on the side of the building." Said, "He wants you to pray for him."

I said, "All right." Said, "I'll put him in." I came in.

233There was, I think, a Cadillac sitting back here in the back, or some kind of big car. I rode in, was... And that man said, "How do you do." He didn't know me.

234And I walked in. And Sister Waldrop, poor old thing, came in. You know, she was...

235You know her case, don't you? See, she had cancer; died in the prayer line, about an hour before I got to her. Her doctor come, showed... That's been about eighteen years ago, cancer in the heart, see, and she is living today. And she's living down in Arkansas now.

236And she was in Phoenix, then. And she said, "Brother Willie, I hated to come in like this, but," said, "I didn't have no place to stay. They did... They said this pa-... this woman is going to die. Oh, Brother Willie!"

237Said, "I wanted to bring you a little offering in my hand, Brother Willie," said, "but I couldn't do it. But I canned some blackberry jelly."

238 Oh, when I went up there and seen them little glasses of jelly she had sitting there, I... it looked too sacred for me to eat. See? That dear little old woman, about seventy years old. I said, "Sister Hattie..." I--I couldn't say no. No. Jesus seen that widow putting in three pennies, and He--He--He let her alone. See? No. God will reward her for it. Yeah.

239And so the Lord healed the woman, healed all she had, revealed to her pastor what he, she, had on his mind, what he's supposed to do, another thing. And, oh, they all went out, shouting.

240 Then Billy run in. He said, "Daddy, that man is gone. I can't..."

I said, "Who is that out there in the car?"

241"Oh," he said, "some guy came down from Oregon, said he's got some kind of a dream. And I told him, 'I wouldn't give you no false hope. There's three hundred here, waiting now.'" And said, "And I told him, 'Just write the dream out.' Said, 'I got a pile of them in here, that high, anyhow, and I just add it to it.'"

I said, "Bring him in. Give him five minutes."

242Well, as soon as the man walked in, five minutes? He said, "I am Rev. Walker," I think his name was, "from Oregon." I think he's a some other denomination, I don't know, Presbyterian, Presbyterian something.

243He said, "I met you about twenty years ago. I come down to Grants Pass where you..." Or, not Grants Pass, but I forget the name of the place. "There," said, "whole country, headlines in the paper every morning." Said, "Everybody knew about it." Said, "I couldn't even get to the building where you was at, but I seen you go up. And one day, on the street, I walked up," said, "four or five man around you, and I shook your hand. And you... I told you I was Brother Walker, and you told me who you was." Said, "We passed a couple words, and then three or four big man with you just pushed you on." He said, "I wasn't your critic, and I wasn't for you." He said, "I just didn't understand."

244 He said, "It went on that way for a few years, and after while," said, "I... a man told me to come listen to some tapes, about three years ago." And said, "The man played the tapes. And, when he did," he said, "I heard him talk." And said, "This man believed that you was a--a prophet. I said, I told the man, 'I don't know about those things; might be, for all I know.'"

245So, said, "Then another man moved into our town, had a meeting, and I met him. And he said, 'I'm God's prophet for this day.'"

246He said, "'How many of you guys are there, anyhow?' Said, 'I--I--I hear where a man down here is listening to tapes, said, "William Branham, back in the east, was a prophet of the day," and things like that.'"

247He said, "This man..." I ain't going to call his name, 'cause it don't sound right, here, you see. "And he said, 'I know William Branham,' said, 'but he's all false in his Doctrine.' Said, 'He isn't Pentecostal; he doesn't believe in initial evidence.' And said, 'Another thing, he says there is major and minor prophets. There is no such a thing.' Said, 'You're a prophet or not a prophet, and that's all.'"

248 He said, "'Well, mister, I'm... didn't argue with you about it. I just said I heard this man say that this man, William Branham... and that this man claimed that he was a prophet.'" Said, "'I just wondered how many there was.'"

249"He said, 'But I want you to know this. I'm the prophet of this age.'"

250He said, "'Well, you are?'" Said, "'The Lord bless you and be with you.'"

251He went on, never paid any attention to it. And said he started on, amongst his brethren, a series of three or four meetings. And he went down to the post office, said, "Don't--don't change my mail. Leave it here till I come back, about four or five days later."

252"All right," they said. They put a ticket up there, not to change it.

He went down and seen his daughter.

253And on the road out, he--he stopped at a church. And he had that night's meeting. The next morning, he said he just happened to think, "Go get general delivery." And when he did, one letter had creeped through the post office and got to his daughter; his daughter sent there, general delivery.

254 And he opened it up. And said it was a man, Mr. Hildebrandt, which is a friend of mine, that had been the man playing the tapes. Said Mr. Hildebrandt had a word from Roy Borders (and that's one of the managers, you know), that I was going to hold a meeting back here, for from the twenty-eighth through the first, come back and see for himself.

255He said, "Now, looky here, them guys trying to pull me in something like that!" See? And he just flipped the letter over in the wastebasket, and went on, see, like that. Went on in and held that meeting that night. And the next morning...

256Then he started holding his heart, to crying, right there in the room.

257 He said, "Mr. Branham, I realize I got to stand before God." He said, "I don't know whether I was asleep or what happened." He said, "I dreamed. I'm going to say I was asleep and I dreamed."

258Said, "I thought my son, in the market, stuck his hand in a--a sack." And said, "When he did, it was a sack of apples, and they all turned over." Said, "When I went to pick them up, they was all green apples with one bite taken out of them." Said, "I was picking them up, put them back in the sack." Said, "Some of them rolled out, and rolled down, so I went to try to get them, and under... on the grass." And said, "They rolled under one of these chain-lock fences. And there was a big super highway run in there. I looked back east, and," he said, "the--the--the chain was hooked against a--a big rock back in the east. And I went back there, and thought I'd let this chain down, then go over and get the apples for the man." Said, "I started to let the chain down."

259 Said, "A voice shook the whole earth." Said, "The earth shook, from under my feet." And said, "After it quit shaking, I heard a voice." And said, "Brother Branham, it was your voice," said, "I knowed; there was something said that." Said--said, "It said, 'I'll ride this trail once more!'"

260And said, "I started looking up the rock, like this, and looked on, in a past the clouds. And way up there, standing on a rock that reached from the east to the west, in a pointed shape like that, like a pyramid, run back here to the east, and," said, "there you were standing there, on a horse that I never seen anything like it in my life; great white horse, white mane hanging down." And said, "You was dressed like an Indian chief, with all the things the Indians use." Said, "He had a breastplate; them bangles on the arms, and all down around like that." Said, "You had your hands up like that." And said, "That horse standing there like a military horse, with a prance like this, walking," me standing still. And said, "You pulled on the reins, went riding off towards the west."

261 Said, "I looked down there, and there was a whole lot of scientists." And the next morning... That was Saturday. On the next morning, I preached on scientists, you know, being of the devil. And said, "Scientists there were pouring things in tubes, and mixing it." Said, "You stopped the horse, raised up your hands again and screamed, 'I'll ride this trail once more!'" And said, "The whole earth shook. Them people shook," said, "looked up and looked at one another, like that, and looked up to you. They just shrugged their shoulders, went on with their scientific research." And said, "You started going on towards the west."

262"And when it did," said, "I seen this man that called himself a prophet, you know," said, "he come up on a horse that was mixed with white and black together." And said, "He got up behind this great big horse." Said, "It was," said, "way up above the clouds, and the road wasn't over about that wide." And said, "That horse just danced, to the wind blowing the feathers and everything on--on your garb," and said, "then the horse mane and tail blowing. Great master, big white horse, walking right in line." And said--and said, "This guy ran up behind you, come from towards Canada," and the man lives in Canada. And he said, "Come back, and," said, "he took his little horse, trying to knock your big horse off; turning him around; make his hips hit against the..." Said, "It never moved the big horse; he just kept walking."

263Said, "Then, all of a sudden," said, "you turned around." Said, "That would be the third time you had spoke, but the second time you said 'I'll ride.'" And said, "You didn't speak like you did. You commanded." Said, "You turned around and called the man by name, and said, 'Get off of here! You know that no man can ride this road here without God be ordaining him to do it. Get off of here!'"

264 And said, "The man turned around." And said, "The man has wrote me letters." And said, "Across his horse's hips," that black and gray, and mixed up together, said, "across his horse's hips was wrote his name, signature just exactly like is on his letter. And he rode off towards the north."

265Said, "Then you went on down; that big horse turned around, way as far west as you could." Said, "You stood and raised your hands up like that." Then he started crying. Said, "Brother Branham, to see that horse standing there; all that war bonnet and everything like that, and," said, "that breastplate and everything shine." Said, "You held your hands up a little while." And said, "You looked down again, picked up the reins, said, 'I'll ride this trail just once more!'" Said, "The whole earth shook back and forth, like that." And said, "There was no more life left in me; I just fell down aside of the rock. Then I woke up."

Said, "What does it mean, sir?"

I said, "I don't know."

266 Next morning... Junior Jackson, who dreamed about the pyramid, you know, when I went out west. You remember that? He called me, a month or two before that. He had a dream that's burning; he had to tell me. And I said, "Billy..."

267There was about twenty standing out there. He said, "Junior Jackson, down there, said he had to tell you that dream."

I said, "Send him in, just about five minutes."

268He brought his wife in, and, he said, for a witness. He said, "I dreamed, Brother Branham, me and my wife was out riding." And said, "I looked back in the east, and I saw, look like, a spot, like one of them flying saucers."

269 See, the world don't know what that is, you know. You know it's on. We know what it is. See? We know it's investigating, judgment Angels, you see. And how at the Pentagon and all, about how it comes right down; and the intelligence, how they can [Brother Branham snaps his fingers once--Ed.] go like a flash and be gone, pull away from anything they got. See, they don't realize what it is, see. Let them think whatever they want to. They call it flying saucers, or whatever. They don't know, see.

270 Said, "And I seen it coming, and I watched it. And what it was, it was a man on a horse." And said, "He was coming with lightning speed." Said, "I seen he was going to come down in front of me. And I stopped my car, jumped out. When it did," said, "the car... horse was standing in the road, a great white military horse walking in a prance." That's the Word, of course, you know, walking in a prance.

271Said, "There was a man sitting on there." Said, "He--he was dressed in western garb; wasn't a cowboy, but," said, "looked like a chief over rangers or something." See, all of his chief authority, from the west; the Indians over the Indians; rangers over, see. And said, "The man had his hat pulled down, and had... was looking sideways." And said, "When he turned sideways," said, "it was you, Brother Branham." Said, "You never talked like you did. You said, 'Junior!' Called him three times. And said, 'I'll tell you what to do.'" And said, "Then you pulled up on the reins of this horse. You made about three lopes, and took to the skies, and you were gone towards the west."

272 He said, "Just a minute, I looked around, and here came a horse smaller than that one, of the same breed, but smaller, and stood." Said, "I walked around, said, 'He must have sent this back for me.'" Said, "I got in it." (Junior has done a little riding, too. He said, "You know how your saddle fits you, Brother Branham, the stirrups and everything?") Said, "I thought, 'Well, this fits me just right.' So I pulled up on the reins, off through the skies." Said, "I pulled on the reins and stopped him, turned him around and went back. See? When I went back," said, "I stopped the horse, got off, talked to the wife. The horse was gone." And he woke up.

273 Then, day before yesterday, three days ago, come Leo Mercier, coming down with exactly the same dream, not knowing nothing about it; about trying to breed a big white stallion to a black mare, and they couldn't do it; nervous. Said I walked up there, said, "'Leo,'" and told him what I did. I don't want to say it here, see, but I told him what I did. "Said, 'Don't you see? Now, to know this; I didn't know Ed Daulton had a son-in-law, and the son-in-law had a dog by this name. You'll know, Leo, that you're dreaming. But, when you wake up, remember it!'" And said, "I never heard such a command."

274 About that time, Roy Roberson come in, said, "Brother Branham, you remember back there before you left the church the first time? We was... I seen you sitting, like in Palestine. We was all, the board and everything, was sitting like the Lord's supper table, and then you talked. And you... He wasn't sure what you was talking about." Said, "A white cloud come down and got you, packed you away." How many remembers the--the dream of Brother Roy? And said, "The white cloud packed you away," and said, "then you was gone. I walked through the streets, screaming and crying."

275When I come up out here, and that little old arm crippled up, like he was, a reading this. He dropped the rake and started crying when he seen me coming up out there. I hadn't seen him so he tell me the dream. And he said... And he was raking. I said...

276 "And--and you went away." Said, "I walked the streets, everywhere, trying to find you. I couldn't find you, nowhere. I was screaming, 'Oh, Brother Branham, don't leave!'" Said, "A white cloud come in and got you, and packed you away from us, towards the west." That was before the pyramid or anything. Said, "Packed you towards the west. And I cried, and I walked the streets."

277Said, "After a while I went and sat at the table. I happened to look up there at the head of the table." Said, "I could just see that much of you, was snow white." Said, "You was standing there." And said, "You spoke with authority. There was no guessing to it." Said, "Every man understood exactly what you said."

278Oh, my brother, sister, now, every one of you conscious, I know what that means. See?

279Just watch! Stay close to Christ. Let me warn you now, as a minister of the Gospel, of this. Don't take any foolishness. Don't imagine anything. Stay right there until this inside of the inside is anchored to the Word, that you're right in Christ, 'cause that's the only thing that's going to... Cause, we're in the most deceiving age that we ever lived in. "It would deceive the very Elected if it was possible," because they have anointing, they can do anything like the rest of them.

280 Clean your lives up. Pay your debts. "Owe no man," Jesus said. Now, now, I mean, like your house rent and stuff, you got to do it. Get all your things off your hands. Get everything right. Make ready. Get ready. Remember, in the Name of the Lord, something is fixing to happen.

281I'm going into the hills this week, not exactly to hunt squirrels; course, I like to hunt squirrels. But I'm going out there for this purpose, saying, "O God, I don't know which way to move, and I don't want to miss this. Help me."

282You pray for me. Will you do it? I'll be praying for you. I hope, by the mercies of God, that I meet every one of you, and we meet in a better Land than this here.

283 And what are we coming here for? What are we doing? Are we coming here, playing a game? Are we coming here, meeting as a lodge? It's, Christ can't come until that Church is perfectly right. He is waiting on us. I believe we're at the end.

284Look at, in California. Look at the riots. Look at nineteen people being killed, racial. Didn't I tell you, here not long ago, that that Martin Luther King would lead his people to a massacre? How many remembers that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It isn't them colored people; it's them leaders stirring them up. It isn't integration, segregations, and whatever they want to call it; it's the devil. That's right. Not only to the white, colored; this is all of them. It's the devil.

285 The mental faculties and reasons of man is broke down. There is no hopes. It's beyond hope. The whole thing is a putridated sore. The mental faculties of man; they can't make decisions.

286I'm not a politician. I don't, neither Democrat or Republican. They're all filthy. I'm for one Kingdom, and that's the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. That's all. But how in the world did you ever see a bunch of puppets like we got up there now, like that bunch of Texans we got in there? "Why," they say, "whatever the people wants! If they want communism, we'll give them communism. If they want integration, we'll give them integration. Want segregation, we give whatever." Did it... Where is man?

287O God! That's like the pulpit. Where is man, man that's man, that stands for a principle? Where is women that stands for a principle? Where is a church that stands for a principle? I ain't got a nickel's worth of time for a wishy-washy, give in, compromising spirit. A woman is a woman, let her be lady. If a man is a man, let him be man.

288 If he's a president... Where is our John Quincy Adamses? Where is our Abraham Lincolns, man of principle? Where is our Patrick Henry, said, "Give me liberty or give me death"?

289Where is a man that stands for what's right? Where is the man that's not afraid to speak out? Regardless, the whole world's against him, speak out for what's right; and stand for it and die for it. Where is our Arnold von Winkelried again today? Where is men of integrity? Where is men with spirit? They're so wishy-washy and gaumed up until they don't know where they stand.

290God, let me stand with the principles of one Man, as a minister, the Word of Jesus Christ. "For heavens and earth will pass away, but It'll never fail. On this Rock I'll build My Church; the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Let us stand.

Blest be the tie that binds

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred mind

Is like to that Above.

Now join your hands with one another.

When we asunder part,

It gives us inward pain;

But we shall still be joined in heart,

And hope to meet again.

Till we meet! till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus, feet;

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

291 Let's bow our heads now, while Brother Neville dismiss us, in a word of prayer.

292Be back tonight, now. We're expecting a great service tonight, here at the tabernacle. God bless you. And pray for me; I'll pray for you.

293Don't think that I'm a fanatic, friends. Don't think I'm trying to push something on you. I love you. And I have a principle, that's the Bible. Not one Word can be taken from It. Not one word can be added to It. And I believe It the way It's written.

294Let's bow our heads now, and our loyal, good pastor dismiss the congregation. God bless you, Brother Neville.

1Ďakujem ti, brat Neville; nech ťa Pán žehná. Dostal som sa do niečoho, či nie? Chcem skutočne veľmi poďakovať Pánovi, že sa ujal chlapca od brata Cappsa. Proste sa tak stalo, že toto je krátky čas, keď prichádzam naspäť do Indiány. Viem, že toto nenahrávajú; myslím, že nie. A tak potom, nikoho tam nevidím. Tak oni ... Prišiel som poľovať na veveričky. A tak, Charlie to hádam bude musieť so mnou teraz vydržať, on a Nellie a oni tam v Ketucky, že pôjdeme na deň alebo dva poľovať na veveričky. Radšej by som vynechal čokoľvek, každý iný druh rekreácie, ako prísť sem v polovici augusta a ísť poľovať na veveričky s Charliem a s Banksom a so všetkými nimi. To je u mňa určitá tradícia. A tak, zobral som Jozefa ...

2Keď sme tu boli minule, každý ochorel; tá zmena tam z toho skutočne horúceho podnebia do tohoto chladného podnebia, ktoré tu máte. Viem, že si myslíte, že toto nie je chladné, ale príďte raz do Arizony. Bolo tam sto deväť stupňov v tieni, keď som ráno odchádzal; a potom okolo polnoci, v noci, keď prišiel dole z hôr ten chladný vzduch, stále bolo 96. Vidíte? To je o polnoci, keď ten chladný vzduch prichádza dole. A tak to je - to miesto je dobré v zime, ale cez leto je to pre škorpióny a jašterice, nie pre ľudí. Dokonca všetky zvieratá odchádzajú do hôr. Nedokážu to zniesť.

3Bol som vyskúšať svoju malú pušku a ... Chcem vám len trochu povedať to o tom malom Cappsovom chlapcovi. A povedal som ... A Jozef, budem mu musieť dať tú pušku, pretože strieľa lepšie ako ja. Boli sme ju vyskúšať, pripevnil som terče na 50 yardov a povedal som Jozefovi ... Jozef povedal, „ocko, myslím, že to dokážem zostreliť.“ (Chudák chlapec, bolela ho hlava. Modlil som sa za neho, mal vysokú horúčku. Išiel so mnou na strelnicu a ...) A dve desatinový kaliber v puške 22 križuje svoju letovú dráhu pri 25 yardoch a potom znovu pri 50, presne tak isto, ak je to dve desatiny. Tak potom, vyskúšal som ju na 25 yardov. A tak mal som ešte dve pripínačky a dal som ich hore a či ich Jozef obe nezostrelil. Už som viacej nemal, tak som zobral malý kúsok hlineného holuba, ktorý tam bol rozbitý, na to strieľajú niektorí strelci, mal priemer len štvrť côľa a trafil ho na 50 yardov a prestrelil ho na polovicu. A optické merítko bolo nastavené na moje oči, som o pár rokov starší ako on. Tak on povedal, „Vieš čo? Musím ísť a povedať Billymu aby mi už od teraz nechodil do cesty.“ Viete?

4Tak, ja som povedal, „Poviem ti niečo, poďme a ukážeme to bratovi Normanovi.“

Povedal som, „Jozef, v súťažiach po svete ...“ Bez ohľadu kto by to mohol byť, nikto ... No, tie neboli trafené do boku, boli prestrelené cez prostriedok. A ten kúsok nie väčší, než hádam štvrť côľa a 4/16 hrubý a štvrť vysoký, a on to z 50 yardov prestrelil na polovicu. Povedal som, nikto na svete by to nemohol lepšie trafiť. Tí šampióni by mohli urobiť to isté, ale nemohli by ste streliť tri lepšie zásahy ako tie. Tie pripínacie terče nezohnuté - presná diera cez ten papier, kde prešiel ten cvoček. Povedal som, „Nikto by to nemohol lepšie trafiť.“ Myslím, že hneď ho prestala bolieť hlava!

Povedal som, „Dobre, poďme a ukážeme to bratovi Normanovi,“ ktorý pracuje pre Field and Stream, u brata Tonyho Stremera so športovým tovarom.

On povedal, „Poďme prv pozrieť Billyho. Chcem Bubbymu niečo povedať.“ Úprimne povedané, jeho brat to nikdy tak dobre nedokázal. Tak on povedal, „Pôjdeme prv tam.“

5Potom, len čo som vošiel do dverí, Billy bol stále v pyžame. My sme išli zavčasu, pretože potom začína byť horúco a on povedal ... Zvonil telefón a ja som povedal ... On sa tak na mňa pozrel. Povedal som, „Možno volajú, že niekto je chorý;“ a to volal brat Caps ohľadne svojho chlapca, na operačnej sále, so zápalom podbrušnice a jeho život bol ohrozený. A práve teraz mi povedal, že jeho chlapec sa zotavuje, skutočne dobre.

6Tak, vidíte ako to Boh urobil, ešte aj cez hlas toho malého chlapca, Jozefa. Namiesto toho, aby sme išli ku bratovi Normanovi ... Neboli by sme tam a keď sme tam prišli spojil som sa s bratom Cappsom. Nehovorím, že to boli naše modlitby, ktoré to urobili, ale to pre neho niečo znamenalo, že sme došli do takého kontaktu. Úprimne povedané, preto ... No, musíte mať vieru v to čo robíte. On mal vieru aby zavolal a Billy bol ... Dával tam peniaze a povedal, „To musí byť skutočne zďaleka,“ povedal, „Dal som tam skoro 5 dolárov za tri minútový rozhovor.“

7Myslel som, že to prichádza z New Yorku alebo niekde z tých ostrovov alebo z niekade, ale on mal hovor osoba ku osobe aby dostal ku telefónu Billyho namiesto Loyce, viete, a to ho toľko stálo, že tak volal.

Teraz sa jeho chlapec zotavuje. Brat Capps povedal, že doktor mu dával veľmi malú nádej, že sa z toho dostane, viete, z tej operácii a sme vďační Bohu dnes ráno - veľmi sme radi za neho.

No, prišli sme dnes ráno pred svitaním, spal som asi tri hodiny a som skutočne unavený. Ale keď zhromaždenie ... keď prišiel čas ísť na zhromaždenie, tak som prišiel.

8Keď Pán dá ... No, musím ísť do Kentucky, ako som povedal; potom som sľúbil, že jednu nedeľu budem kázať, kým sme tu a radšej by som kázal na budúcu nedeľu, pretože tú ďalšiu budem ... musím ísť naspäť, pretože odchádzam preč, znovu do Kanady. Tak radšej by som kázal budúcu nedeľu, na budúcu nedeľu ráno.

9 Brat Neville povedal, „No, prečo by si nevystúpil, pozdravíš ľudí a budeš im hovoriť len pár minút.“

Povedal som, „Brat Neville, neotvoril som si ešte ani Bibliu ...“

On povedal, „Dobre, vystúpiš a niečo im povieš.“

Sestra Nevilleová, neviem ako to ty robíš. On je veľmi presvedčivý človek.

10Ale zatiaľ ... Nemám možnosť povedať toto, keď je to tu tak naplnené ľuďmi, sú tu natlačení, ale som veľmi vďačný Bohu za pastora ako je brat Orman Neville. Verný, tak verný ako len môže byť a nikdy som ho nepočul, že by sa sťažoval. Sedel som tam vzadu. Dobrú pol hodinu som sa s ním rozprával, zatiaľ čo som sa tešil z toho čo povedal brat Mann a tak, poviem mu viacej o tom, keď tohoto roku zájdeme do Colorádo.

11Tak keď sme sa tešili z jeho posolstva; a mal som dobrý rozhovor s bratom Neville. Povedal som, „Nedostal som sa ešte ku tomu aby som ľuďom povedal niečo o našom dobrom pastorovi.“ Opýtal som sa, „Chovajú sa ľudia ku tebe dobre?“

On povedal, „Lepšie sa ani nemôžu.“

Povedal som, „To rád počujem.“ Keď pastor je spokojný a ľudia sú spokojní, to robí skutočne dobrý zbor. A potom Boh je spokojný. A myslím, že ich budem vidieť spokojných spolu, zvlášť v tomto dni posolstva, ktoré nesieme. Myslím, že to ukazuje tú súvislosť posolstva s ľuďmi a s Bohom.

12A som veľmi vďačný za brata Ormana Nevilleho a za jeho milú ženu a rodinu. A modlím sa aby ich Boh zachoval verných pre Neho a pre celú vec. A ak sa to Jemu bude tak ľúbiť, nech by sme stáli tu v modlitebni, keď príde Pán Ježiš pre nás, aby nás zobral preč vo vytrhnutí. Dúfame, že obidvaja sme tak starí, brat Neville, že jednou rukou sa budeme navzájom objímať a s paličkou sa budem snažiť udržať na nohách.

13Potom budeme v momente premenení, v okamihu. Tieto staré telesné rúcha spadnú a povstanú, uchopia večnú cenu a budeme volať, zatiaľ čo budeme prechádzať vzduchom. Zbohom, zbohom, sladká hodina modlitby. Potom odídeme hore.

14Počul som, že Pán uzdravil brata Coomersa a som za to vďačný. Tak veľa vecí ... Tak, som vďačný, že tu môžem byť dnes ráno a myslel som, že namiesto ... Stále tu prichádzam s určitým textom a hovorím ... Myslel som, že dnes ráno len prídem. Povedal som, „Brat Neville, dnes budem dobre dávať pozor na hodiny a pravdepodobne na čas rozpustím ľudí a budem ku vám hovoriť zo srdca, niekoľko minút.; proste veci, ktoré máme - viem, že to nenahrávajú ani nič, tak budeme mať len obecenstvo kým sú tu ľudia zo zboru, viete, proste my spolu.“ Tak, pomodlime sa.

15Drahý Ježišu, sme ti tak vďační za túto možnosť, že sa môžeme spolu zísť tu a ó, ako som sa díval na túto modlitebňu včasne dnes ráno po polnoci - keď som okolo prechádzal - rozmýšľal som ako si ty stál pri nej. Myslím na ten dávny rybník, ktorý tu bol, stálo tu veľké rákosie, rovno tu kde stojí táto kazateľňa. Ako malý chlapec som tu stál. Pán Ingram povedal, že by sme mohli mať ten diel za trochu peňazí a zaplatiť niečo a žiadne peniaze, žiadne ručenie ani nič na zálohu, ale len skúsiť. Ako to potom, celková cena bola niečo povyše 2000 dolárov; s vyplatení do dvadsiatych rokov.

A teraz, Pane pozri sa teraz na to. Keď to bolo vo svojom počiatočnom štádiu, stále to tu sedelo v diere, voda tiekla do toho; ako si nám zasľúbil v Slove: „Ja Pán som sadil, ja to budem polievať dňom a nocou aby to nikto nevytrhol z mojej ruky.“ Vtedy ľudia hovorili, „za šesť mesiacov to prerobia na garáž.“

16Ale doslovne tisíce duší našlo Krista tu pri oltári. Modlitebňa, baptizérium neustále ... Ľudia boli krstení vo meno Pána Ježiša; vzývajúc nad nimi Jeho meno, obmývaní od svojich hriechov. Stovky chromých, postihnutých, slepých, krivých, kuľhavých, zožraných rakovinou, odišli z tohoto pódia - prišli zomierajúci muži, ženy, chlapci a dievčatá a odišli aby žili nový život s novým telom na svojich telách, znovu chodili; opúšťali svoje invalidné kreslá, barly a tak ďalej. Ó, Bože, táto tridsaťročná služba ...

17Otče, pamätáš sa na to ráno, keď sme kládli ten uholný kameň. Ty si tam dal videnie, ukázal si toto miesto, natlačené a napchané ľuďmi, nádherný uhol; Vedel som, že to nemôže sklamať. Tak, ďakujem ti za všetky tieto veci.

18Mnohí z nich bojovali dobrý boj, dokončili dielo a zachovali vieru; ležia tam, čakajú, odpočívajú teraz od svojej práci a ich skutky idú za nimi - očakávajú na hodinu, keď zaznie trúba, aby znovu povstali do nového života, v novom tele. Mnohí z nich starí a trasúci sa, niektorí mladí, v strednom veku a tak ďalej ... Ale tvoje meno je oslavované za všetko.

19A teraz, znovu tu stojíme, pred živými a mŕtvymi. Modlím sa aby si pomazal tvoje slová dnes ráno. Neviem nič čo by som mal povedať, ale modlím sa aby si to ty zariadil, čo si stále robil, Pane. Požehnaj nášho pastora, brata Nevilleho; jeho ženu. Požehnaj starších, diakonov; každého člena tela. Nech by sme spolu žili tak v tomto živote, aby v živote, ktorý príde sme mali Večný Život.

20Pomôž nám dnes ráno prijať napravenia od Ducha a Slova, aby sme sa mohli pripraviť, keď budeme odchádzať cez dvere dnes ráno, rozhodnutí vo svojich srdciach žiť lepší život, než ako sme žili predtým. Prosíme to v Ježišovom mene. Amen.

21No, otvoril som tu práve Bibliu a to sa stal pred pár minútami ... Som v Zjavení 3, tak budem tu čítať, z posolstva do Laodicejskej cirkvi.

22Chcem tiež oznámiť. (Brat Neville mi práve hovoril.) Brat Parnell - práve som sa pozrel a vidím ho, že tu sedí - má evanjelizáciu, na tejto strane Memphis, pri ... Všetci viete kde zvykol stáť starý Wimpyho stánok s hamburgermi, on tam má rozložený stan, snaží sa priniesť tie snopy a nájsť, či tam nie je nejaký stratený na tej ceste, ktorý bol určený do života, ktorého by mohol získať svojou službou pre Krista. On to na nedeľu zavrel kvôli zhromaždeniam, ktoré sú tu v modlitebni a to je veľmi lojálne od toho brata. Chceme aby ste vedeli, že slúžiť sa tam bude v pondelok večer, na budúci týždeň a viem, že ste všetci srdečne pozvaní aby ste počúvali brata Parnella, keď bude kázať svoje posolstvo o láske Kristovej.

23A teraz čítajme zo Zjavenia z tretej kapitoly, len určitú časť aby sme povedali, že sme čítali Bibliu, pretože to, čo ja poviem môže sklamať ale to, čo On hovorí nesklame. Neviem odkade začať, čo robiť, kde ísť, ale čítajme Laodicejský cirkevný vek.

A anjelovi zboru Laodičanov napíš: Toto hovorí Amen, ten verný a pravdivý svedok, počiatok stvorenia Božieho:

Znám tvoje skutky, že nie si ani studený ani horúci. Bárs by si bol studený alebo horúci!

Takto, že si vlažný, ani studený ani horúci, vypľujem ťa zo svojich úst.

Lebo hovoríš: Som bohatý a zbohatnul som a nepotrebujem nikoho, a nevieš, že si ty biedny i mizerný na poľutovanie i chudobný i slepý i nahý.

Radím ti, aby si si kúpil odo mňa zlata, prečisteného v ohni, aby si zbohatol, a biele rúcho, aby si sa odial, aby sa neukázala hanba tvojej nahoty, a kollýrium pomazať svoje oči, aby si videl.

Ja všetkých, ktorých milujem, karhám a otcovsky trescem. Rozhorli sa tedy a učiň pokánie.

24Viete, niekde tam ako som čítal, ak mi chvíľku prepáčite, nájdem to miesto, ktoré mi tak dobre znelo. Neviem kde to presne bolo, no. Tu to je: „A nevieš, biedny, mizerný, na poľutovanie, slepý, nahý.“ Ó! To tu je obraz dnešnej cirkvi. No, to je ... Myslím, že tu ten cirkevný vek, o ktorom hovoríme ... Samozrejme máme ten cirkevný vek, on teraz vychádza v knihách. Ale preto, že to je ten Laodicejský cirkevný vek, v ktorom sme, pozrime sa len na tie okolnosti.

Nechcem zobrať žiadny text ani nič, pretože nie sme ... len príležitostne hovoríme a budeme vidieť čo ďalej povedať - do čohokoľvek nás Pán bude viesť. Ale niečo čo nám pomôže.

25Zamyslime sa nad Laodicejským cirkevným vekom a nad jeho stavom dnes. Pokiaľ viem, nevidím nič, čo by zdržiavalo v tomto čase príchod Pánov, okrem pripravenosti Jeho cirkvi. Myslím, že to je jedno z proroctiev.

26Včera, keď sme prichádzali na aute ... Išli sme dva dni z Tucsonu sem, rovných dvetisíc míľ, Billy a ja. A tak sme ... No, neprekročili sme žiadnu povolenú rýchlosť. Stále sme boli presne ... Sedel som tam, keď on keroval ... udieral som ho päsťou do chrbta ako puška so spätným nárazom. Keď som ho videl, že ide ... Povedal som, „Počkaj, chlapče.“ Je nám povedané, „Dávajte cisárovi, čo je cisárove.“

27Potom, keď sme sem prichádzali včera v noci ... Malé dievča ležalo rozvalené na ceste, okolo tri ročné; matka mŕtva v jarku. Nejaký opitý chlapec, išiel z toho R.O.T.C., osemnásť ročný, išiel stodvadsať míľ na hodinu po ľavej strane cesty a myslím, že on sa tiež zabil. Potom si môžete uvedomiť čo to je. „Dávajte cisárovi, čo je cisárove.

28Nevinní ľudia zomierajú. Malé trojročné dievčatko stratilo život, kvôli nejakému opitému vojakovi, ktorý išiel asi stodvadsať míľ na hodinu, po zlej strane. Prechádzal cez ten kopec a zletel rovno dole a všetkých spolu ich tam naraz zabil. On tiež zomrel, tak ... Potom vidíte, že aj nevinný večierok robí ...

Ten chlapec je vinný chladnokrvnej vraždy. Myslím, že ak niekoho chytia na ceste opitého, mal by hneď dostať 10 rokov za úmysel vraždy - nech je to ktokoľvek. Pretože oni ...

29S politikou nedosiahneme nič dobrého. Ona je zhnitá. Boží úmysel mať kráľa, spravodlivého kráľa, je správny. Politika len jednoducho rozširuje - zo všetkého sa môžete vykúpiť; z podvodu, z klamstva, z krádeže a zo všetkého ďalšieho. Ako som povedal pred pár nedeľami. Hľaďte kde ste. Vidíte? Samé vykrivené masy všetkého možného. Ale spravodlivý kráľ môže vydať svoje vlastné zákony. Môžete zabiť človeka a ak ste známy v politike, to je v poriadku, môžete sa z toho dostať. Demokracia je dobrý nápad, ale to nebude fungovať. Práve tak ako komunizmus; všetko je spoločné. To znie dobre, ale to nebude fungovať. Nie. Boží spôsob mať kráľa, ako bol Dávid, je správny. Máte myseľ skoncentrovanú na ... Ako jeden vodca v kŕdli husí, alebo v niečom takom. Nemôžete ich mať dvoch alebo troch. Potom by ste ich všetkých poplietli, prichádzate so všetkými možnými nápadmi. Tak nachádzame, že ten stav dnes je hotový na príchod Pánov.

30Ale, kým brat Neville a ja, a títo ostatní bratia sa snažíme pásť stádo, prišlo mi teraz niečo na myseľ, o čom by sme mohli hovoriť. To je, dostalo som nedávno list od jednej milej panej. Nedostal som ho ja, prišlo to cez inú osobu. Trhala ma skutočne na kusy, alebo sa snažila. Hovorila, „Urobili ste niečo ... Či vy kresťanskí obchodníci nemôžete urobiť niečo aby ste zastavili brata Branhama? Pretože on vydal túto knihu, ktorá sa nazýva, „Laodicejský cirkevný vek,“ vydáva ich viacej.“ A povedala, „On jednoducho trhá letničnú náuku na kusy. On hovorí, že počiatočným dôkazom nie je hovorenie v jazykoch. Potom, on je proti ženám, kazateľkám.“ (A toto bola žena kazateľka.)

A jej chlapci - jedni z mojich najlepších priateľov akých mám na svete - oni sú medzi mojimi najlepšími priateľmi, ktorých mám.

Tento muž a jeho žena, (Jedol som s nimi raňajky) povedal, „Brat Branham, pozri sa na toto, pomyslel by si si to?“ a vytiahol dopis.

Povedal som, „No sestra, ona to proste nerozumie.“

Tí chlapci mi povedali, že ich mama bola kazateľka, a že neide za posolstvom. No, ona tu hovorí, „on hovorí, že ženy nemajú mať autoritu nad mužmi. A čo Fojba v Biblii, Pavlova pomocníčka.“

31Samozrejme. Ona predávala tovar. Pavel sa pýtal ľudí ... Či myslíte, že Pavel by povedal, „Nech sú ženy v zboroch ticho,“ nedovoľoval im hovoriť a otočil by sa a povedal, „a teraz Fojba, moja pomocníčka v evanjeliu nám bude kázať niekoľko dní.“ Veď by protirečil svojim vlastným slovám.

A povedala, „potom na vrchol toho všetkého, (myslím, že to bola Ester, jedna zo sudcov v Biblii) žena bola sudcom v Biblii. Či to nie je autorita nad mužom ...“

Tento obchodník, ktorý bol nedávno uzdravený, rovno tu v zhromaždení, jeho žena povedala, „Brat Branham, to ma stále plietlo.

Povedal som, „Prečo, sestra, ako ťa to môže pliesť.“

Ona povedala, „No, tu je sudcom žena.“

32Povedal som, to je politika, nie cirkev. To nemá nič spoločného s cirkvou. Pavel povedal, „Nech je pod poslušnosťou ako tiež hovorí zákon.“ Zákon nemohol postaviť ženu, aby bola kňazom, nemohol postaviť ... Nikdy ste nevideli, ženu, žeby bola najvyšším kňazom; nikdy ste nevideli ženu, žeby bola kňazom - nikde v Biblii. Nikdy ste nevideli v Biblii ženu kazateľku. Samozrejme, niektoré boli prorokyne a tak ďalej; Miriam a rôzne iné a Ester bola sudkyňa nad Izraelom. Niekedy oni boli kráľovné nad nimi a tak ďalej, kráľ a kráľovné. Keď zomrel kráľ, kráľovná musela zastúpiť jeho miesto, kým nezvolili ďalšieho kráľa a tak ďalej.

33V Tucsone, v Arizone, máme tam v meste ženu, sudkyňu. Preto je to mesto také poškvrnené. Žena nemá čo hľadať v politike. Nemá čo hľadať nad žiadnou autoritou v zbore. Jej miesto je byť doma mužovou kráľovnou. Pomimo toho nemá nič. My vieme, že to je pravda. Nikdy nenájdete ... Viem, že to zneje staromódne, ale ja som zodpovedný.

34Viem, že po mojom odchode z tejto zeme tieto pásky a knihy budú ďalej žiť a mnohí z vás malých detí nájdete v tých dňoch, ktoré prídu, že toto je úplná pravda, pretože to hovorím v mene Pánovom.

No, divíme sa ako je to, že žena, ktorá je dobrou ženou - a priviedla na tento svet skrze svojho verného manžela, dobrého muža, najlepších chlapcov, akých som kedy stretol, sú to muži, akých som kedy stretol ... A tak rýchlo, akonáhle počuli to posolstvo, boli ním na 100% nadšení. No, to mohlo prísť len skrze predurčenie. To je jediný spôsob ako to môže prísť.

35No, tu je otázka, rozmýšľal som o tom, keď ma teraz Pán privádzal naspäť, „a nevieš, že si nahý, mizerný, biedny, slepý a nevieš o tom.“

Prv ako sa dostanem ku tomu miestu, mohol by som stručne vyjadriť, čo som tu povedal pred niekoľkými dňami v posolstve, myslím že to bolo, „Boh tohoto sveta,“ zaslepil oči ľudí, že oni na náboženských službách úplne uctievajú diabla. Pochopili ste to všetci - všetci ste to porozumeli?

Potom, v tom istom posolstve som priniesol tému, že žena, ktorá nosí nemorálne oblečenie, neslušné, má byť súdená na súde ako pouličná prostitútka. To zneje veľmi divne.

36Dovoľte, že vám nakreslím malý obraz. No, tu v meste je advokát, mladý muž. Je to milý človek, čo sa týka politiky ... Predstavujem si, že môže byť slušný vo svojej politike; a potom chodí s nejakým dievčaťom, ktoré je veľmi populárne. Zamilujú sa a vezmú sa. Navštevujú všetky večierky a veľké podujatia a všetci spolu pijú. Nakoniec, ona ... On má milý domov; žije v milom susedstve. Medzi ľuďmi sa teší dobrej povesti, ale on ... Obaja pijú; ona chodí v šortkách, strihá si vlasy, maľuje sa; všetko tak sexy ... pekná žena - ukazuje sa.

37No, vôbec nechodí do cirkvi, ani jeden z nich. Tak, vedľa nich sa nasťahovali, prichádza sem žena z Baptistickej cirkvi alebo Metodistic- kej, ona so svojím mužom. No, táto žena ... Povedzme, že sú Metodisti, pretože Metodisti trochu viac zakladajú na svätosti než Baptisti - okrem Novozákonných Baptistov; oni veria v posvätenie. Ale obyčajne Baptisti nezakladajú vôbec na posvätení, viete, oni neveria v niečo také. Tak, povedzme teraz, že to sú Metodisti, pretože oni veria v posvätenie.

38Tak, Metodistická žena sa nasťahovala vedľa tejto ženy, na tej istej ulici. Jej muž je - povedzme, že je nejaký účtovník alebo nejaký úradník. No, táto Metodistická žena sa díva tam na tú druhú a keď tento advokát odchádza do mesta - jeho meno je John. Povedzme, že jeho meno je John. No, nedomýšľajte si nič za tým. Ja len beriem vymyslené mená, jeho meno je John. No, ona chodí s Ralfom. To je vymyslené meno, oni všetky, len aby ste pochopili ten príbeh a videli obraz.

No, viete prv na večierku, kde sa pilo, Ralf ju znovu objal. No, ona sa celá vzrušila, pretože sa znovu zamilovala do Ralfa, myslí si. Potom, po nejakom čase sa Ralf s ňou začne stretávať a ona môže Johnovi prejsť cez rozum; zakryť mu oči a myslí si, že je dosť chytrou kačicou, pretože môže behať s Ralfom, vydatá za Johna.

Vidíte, tá žena nemá ani trochu slušné správanie. A nič si z toho nerobí.

39Ale táto metodistka bola vychovaná v inej skupine. Ona aspoň chodí do zboru; a myslí si, že tá žena je strašná. Aha, ona hovorí svojmu mužovi, keď prichádza domov, „Videla som toho chlapa ako tam išiel ku nej. A keď John nie je doma a rieši niekde nejaký prípad, vo Philadelphii alebo niekde; on ju berie na motorku a ležia vonku na pláži. Videla som ich prísť domov; niekedy ani nezatiahli rolety, bozkáva ju a miluje sa s ňou. Ó, či to nie je strašné?“ hovorí svojmu mužovi. „Aha, to je proste verejná prostitútka.“

To je pravda. Ona je horšia ako verejná prostitútka, pretože je vydatou ženou. Vidíte? A táto žena, táto metodistka, si myslí, že to je strašné. Ona vôbec nechodí do zboru.

40No, táto metodistka by neurobila niečo také. Nie, skutočne. Ona je slušná. Ďalšia vec, nedotkla by sa pálenky, pretože Metodistická cirkev - 90% jej programu je zákaz alkoholu, proti alkoholu. Tak, oni majú program o zákaze alkoholu a títo ľudia z Metodistickej cirkvi nežijú vyššie, než ako učí ich cirkev.

Ale táto istá žena, táto Metodistka vychádza večer von so svojím mužom, v nedeľu, po nedeľnej škole chodí v šortkách, strihá si vlasy, maľuje si ústa a dokonca trochu fajčí.

41No, v Božom Slove, oni obidve sú prostitútky. Ale táto tu je nahá, biedna, mizerná, slepá a nevie o tom. Jedna je tak isto vinná, ako tá druhá. Lebo muž, ktorý žiadostivo hľadí na ženu, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci.

Ak táto žena ... No, ona by povedala, „No počkaj trochu, brat Branham. Dám ti porozumieť, že nie som prostitútka!“ Moja sestra, možno ak by si bolo zobraná pred Bibliu; položila by si na ňu svoju ruku v prítomnosti Božej a odprisahala, že si bola tak verná svojmu mužovi ako len môžeš byť. Tvoje telo patrí tvojmu mužovi, ale tvoja duša patrí Bohu. Pomazáva ťa zlý duch. Ak nie, potom ti môžem dokázať, že si úplne nenormálna.

Čo by sa bolo stalo tvojej starej mame, keby išla po ulici v takých šortkách? Zavreli by ju do blázinca - vyšla von bez šiat. V jej rozume nie je niečo v poriadku. Ak to vtedy bolo tak, je to tak aj teraz.

Tak to ukazuje, že celý svet stratil rozum. Celá vec je nenormálna. A to sa tak postupne votrelo, že to ľudia ani nevedia.

42No, je prostitútka? Čo sa týka jej tela, podľa sľubu, ktorý dala svojmu mužovi, nie ale pred Bohom má na sebe zlého prostitútskeho ducha, ktorý spôsobuje, že sa tak oblieka a je v Laodicejslom cirkevnom veku a nevie, že to robí. Tá nevinná žena nevie, že Boh ju bude súdiť za prostitúciu. Tu to máte.

Povedzte jej to! Nemôžete jej to povedať. Nedá sa jej to nijako povedať. Biblia povedala, „Oni sú nahí a nevedia o tom.“

43Keby ste ju nazvali prostitútkou, osobne, dala by vás zatknúť - urobila by to. Ja nehovorím osobne o nikom. Ja hovorím o hriechu. Nehovorím, „Tento určitý zbor, pán ten a ten tu, referend ten a ten, on je ...“ Nie, ja hovorím, že - tá náuka - všetko to spolu. „Nenazývam jednotlivých ľudí. To nie sú individuálni ľudia; to je systém, v ktorom sú, to je svetový systém.

44Brat George Wright, ktorý tu sedí - on má hádam 75 alebo 78 rokov. Čo myslíš, že by sa stalo, keby si bol išiel navštíviť jedného dňa sestru Wrightovú a ona by bola v šortkách? No, nikdy by si ... dal by si tú ženu zatknúť. Nikdy by si sa s ňou neoženil.

No, ak každý mladý muž v tých dňoch by to urobil, či by sa nemalo diať to isté. No, ak to bolo zlé a hriešne vtedy, je to to isté; ale ľudia dorástli do nenormálnosti.

45Dovoľte, aby som vám niečo prorokoval prv, ako sa to stane. Celý svet tápa v nenormálnosti a pôjde to do horšieho a horšieho a horšieho, až to bude banda maniakov a už teraz je to skoro tak.

Mohli by ste si predstaviť človeka, ktorý ide na aute bez svetiel po zlej strane? Nejaký Ricky, dieťa, ktoré možno práve skončilo strednú školu. Zabil skupinu ľudí - či ich to zastavilo?

Ďalší išiel rovno za ním a robil to isté. Môžete si predstaviť mladého človeka, ktorý si myslí o sebe všetko možné, vychádzajú tu a tak sa správajú? Mohli by ste si predstaviť mladú ženu v rozkvete ženskosti, peknú, dobre stavanú, pekne sformovanú postavu, tvár, peknú ... a práve tá jej krása ukazuje, že sme v čase konca. Vidíte, ona sa celkom dostala do svetských rysov - svetských vecí a nie do krásy svätosti a nežnosti vo svojej duši. Videl som ženy, navonok nebolo na nich nič na pohľad ale raz s nimi prehovoríte, chvíľku sa s nimi rozprávate; sú opravdu rýdze; majú niečo čo nemôžete od nich odstrániť. Vidíte, vonkajšia krása je z diabla - to je svetské.

46Pozrite sa na Kainove deti; ako oni do toho vošli. Keď synovia Boží videli ľudské dcéry, že sú pekné, brali si ich za ženy a Boh im to nikdy neodpustil.

Pozrite sa, keď tie izraelské ženy s mozoľmi na rukách a so spletenými vlasmi; keď títo synovia Boží prešli cez Moábsku krajinu a stretli tie pôvabné ženy s dobre upravenými vlasmi, atraktívne a na tvárach veľa manikúry či ako to nazývate; a keď títo synovia Boží videli tie skutočne pekné ženy, falošný prorok povedal, „My sme všetci jedno.“ Oni si brali z nich za ženy a Boh im to nikdy neodpustil; oni zahynuli na púšti. Každý jeden z nich tam zomrel.

47Bez nádeje, bez Boha a je večne stratený. Zatratení naveky hoci videli dobrotu Božiu; hoci pili z prameňa, ktorý nikdy nevysychá. Pili z tej udretej skaly. Videli toho medeného hada, ktorý činil zázraky. Vyšli odtiaľ pod Mojžišovým krstom v mori. Videli ruku Božiu. Jedli anjelsky chlieb a urobili všetky tie veci. Ale oženili sa. Nechali tie ženy - priviedli ich do tábora a ženili sa s nimi. Nepáchali cudzoložstvo, proste sa s nimi oženili. Boh im to nikdy neodpustil.

To je druhý krát, keď ku tomu došlo. Teraz, tu sme, keď je to tretí krát - viacej zvodiace teraz než kedykoľvek. Viem, že je to tvrdé a často som nad tým uvažoval mnohorakým spôsobom, ako to vôbec bude? Prečo musím hovoriť ľuďom tak prudko. Čo to spôsobuje? Jednako si všímam, keby to nebol Boh, nebolo by nikoho. Žiadna žena by tu nesedela a nepočúvala ma. Ale oni znovu prichádzajú! Pretože je niekto kto tam má kotvu pravdy, kto vie, že je to pravda - bez ohľadu, oni vedia, že je to pravda.

48No, pozorujte čo sa deje. Viem, že je to tvrdé. To je tak, ako keď vám doktor dá liek; a vy ho odmietnete zjesť; potom neobviňujte doktora ak zomriete. A toto je ako liek. A čo títo ľudia, ktorí stále hovoria, že ja nenávidím ženy. Viete, len pozorujte ako sa správajú ženy a ja vám ukážem kde je cirkev. Ženská morálka je Laodicea, vo svete, telesne - nahá, mizerná, slepá a neviem o tom.

Ľudia, ženy tohoto sveta a cirkev je na tom istom stupni. Pozorujte, to prirodzené znázorňuje presne to duchovné, stále.

No, niekedy na súde ... Viem, že to nie je populárne hovoriť a ak človek nie je určený aby to povedal, radšej to nehovorte, pretože napodobujete; a potom sa iste dostanete do problému.

49No, všimnite si, ja skutočne vyzerám akoby som niekedy držal žene otvorené ústa a lial jej do úst liek; a potom jej držím ruku na ústach a ona to zakaždým vypľuje. Čo keby to tak doktor robil s pacientom, potom by ten pacient zomrel, pretože to odmietol prehltnúť, ten liek. Na súde, keď všetky tieto veci, ako strihanie vlasov a nosenie šortiek a ...

Ja len staviam. Tá hodina je na blízku, na dosah, keď uvidíte, že sa niečo stane, keď sa niečo bude diať a všetok tento podklad, tu, bolo len kladenie základu pre krátke, rýchle posolstvo, ktoré zatrasie celým národom.

50No, kritizujem ženy; to je tu práve nezdravé, lebo s tým môžete urobiť presne to, čo je potrebné. Ešte sa im aj snažím povedať, čo je správne. Držím takto ruku na ich ústach; oni to vypľúvajú. Potom, kto môže obviňovať doktora?

Ako sa vypoviete v deň súdu, keď práve tieto hlasy, ktoré proti tomu kričia, znovu odohrajú tento záznam pred tými ľuďmi? Ako potom utečú od toho?

Vypľúvajú vám to pomedzi prsty. Nalejete trochu viac a trochu im potrasiete hlavou, znovu a znovu - neprehltnú to. Jednako, prídete znovu naspäť a znovu im to nalejete. Na koho sa potom sťažovať? Nie na doktora; nie na liek, ale na postoj tej osoby. Je to presne tak.

Bude to strašný deň v jednom z týchto dní, keď sa táto hriešna, cudzoložná generácia postaví pred Všemohúceho Boha.

Keď vidím ako mi roky pribúdajú, ramená sa mi krčia a ja viem ... 30 rokov tu na tomto pódiu, áno, 33 rokov tu na poli; to je dlhý život. To je 33 rokov služby. Len jedno ľutujem; že to nebolo 133 rokov. Lebo toto bude posledná možnosť, ktorú vôbec budem mať, kým tu ako smrteľník môžem kázať evanjelium; Nech mi Boh pomôže stáť tak verne ku tomuto Slovu, ako je to len možné - hovoriť presne to, čo On povedal.

51Čo to urobilo s tou Metodistkou; ako by ste jej to vôbec mohli dať? Ona je tu v tom Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku.

52No, zoberieme Letničnú ženu. Ona nebude nosiť šortky, líčidlo, ani si strihať vlasy ale díva sa tam na tú Metodistku; Aha, pozri sa na tú ženu, ona robí to a to.“ Povedzme, že tá žena nenosí šortky ale povedala ... a sama má ostrihané vlasy. Čím vyššie vzrastáte v Bohu, tým hriešnejšia celá tá vec vyzerá.

53Potom niekedy na modlitbe, môžete si predstaviť, keď vás Duch Svätý zoberie do určitej oblasti potom všetko vyzerá chaotické. Potom keď prídete naspäť dole, vyzeráte ako - ľuďom sa zdá, že vy ste lotor, že nie ste nič iné, ako starý uštipačný ... Ste blázon, pretože stojíte tam, ako starý blázon a stále napomínate ľudí, ale ak sa raz vyšplháte hore do tých oblastí, keď môžete byť v prítomnosti Božej - nie skrze emóciu, ale zodvihnutí tam skrze skutočného Ducha Svätého - to všetko má nápis „Ichabot.“ Sláva Pánova odstúpila od všetkého toho denominačného vystrojenia. Je to tak. Žiadna z tích nie je v poriadku.

54 No, dovoľte, že vám nakreslím malý kruh. Keby som mal tabuľu ... Chcem, aby ste sa sem dívali. Urobím takto jeden kruh. Ďalší kruh urobím vo vnútri toho kruhu; to sú dva. A potom, urobím kruh vo vnútri toho kruhu, to sú tri kruhy, kružnice. No, to ste vy. To je Boh. Boh v trojici je Jeden a bez trojici On nie je Boh. On sa nemôže nijako inak zamanifestovať. Ani vy sa nemôžete zamanifestovať bez toho, ak by ste neboli trojitou osobou, ktorou ste. To je telo, duch a duša. Bez ktorejkoľvek z tých častí nie ste kompletní. Vidíte? Keby ste nemali dušu, neboli by ste ničím. Keby ste nemali ducha, boli by ste ničím. Keby ste nemali telo, boli by ste duchom - nie telom. Tak, Boh je kompletný v troj-jednote bytosti; nie jednota troch bytostí ale jedna bytosť v troj-jednote. Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý je jeden skutočný zamanifestovaný Boh.

55Boh ... Všimnite si tu ... Len čakajte. Myslím, že som to pred chvíľou čítal. Počúvajte toto: „...anjelovi zboru Laodičanov napíš: Toto hovorí Amen, ten verný a pravdivý svedok, počiatok stvorenia Božieho;“ Boh je stvoriteľ, ako On bol kedy stvorený? Ale toto je počiatok stvorenia Božieho. Keď Boh, ten Duch, bol stvorený do formy človeka; to bol Boh, ktorý bol stvorený. Boh Stvoriteľ, On sám sa stáva stvorením. Boh, ktorý urobil hlinu; urobil kalcium a urobil draslík; kozmické svetlo, ropu, dal tie veci dokopy a stvoril Seba samého, na počiatku stvorenia Božieho - to Amen, to konečné. „Amen“ znamená, tak to je. To konečné Božie, keď Boh dokončil vo svojom stvorení.

No, ako to bolo? Nikto nikdy nevidel Boha, ale ten Jednorodený Otcov Ho ukázal. Rozumiete tomu?

56Ešte chvíľu. Neponáhľate sa. Otvorme si List Kološanom, ešte chvíľu. Práve mi prišlo na myseľ jedno miesto Písma. Otvorme si Kološanom, List Kološanom a myslím, že to je 1. kapitola. Musím sa na to pozrieť, pretože to tu nie je dopredu premyslené, tak budem ... Ako som to zvykol, keď som bol mladý kazateľ, mohol som myslieť o týchto veciach hneď rovno teraz, ale keď starnem, nedokážem ... Začnime od 9. verša, myslím.

Preto aj my“Pavel hovorí Kološanom o Kristovi, Kto On bol.

Preto aj my odo dňa, ktorého sme to počuli, neprestávame modliť sa za vás, žeby ste boli naplnení čo do známosti jeho vôle všetkou múdrosťou a rozumnosťou duchovnou,

žeby ste chodili hodne Pána, aby ste sa mu vo všetkom ľúbili, nesúc ovocie v každom skutku dobrom a rastúc v známosť Boha,

zmocňovaní každou mocou podľa sily jeho slávy ku všetkej trpezlivosti a zhovievavosti s radosťou,

ďakujúc Otcovi, ktorý nás učinil schopnými k podielu na lose svätých vo svetle,

ktorý nás vytrhol z moci temnosti a premiestnil do kráľovstva Syna svojej lásky,

(Tu sa teraz dostávame. Dívajte sa.)

v ktorom máme vykúpenie skrze jeho krv, odpustenie hriechov,

ktorý je obrazom neviditeľného Boha, prvorodený všetkého stvorenstva,“

(Vidíte to? Pätnásty verš, Kološanom 1:15

„prvorodený všetkého stvorenstva.“

Amen! Čo? „Prvorodený všetkého stvorenstva.“ Nech by to bol anjel; nech by to bol ktokoľvek, On je prvorodený všetkého stvorenia.

Lebo v ňom je stvorené všetko,“

(všetko stvorené.)

„čo je na nebesiach i čo je na zemi, viditeľné i neviditeľné, buď tróny buď panstvá buď kniežatstvá buď vrchnosti, to všetko je stvorené skrze neho a cieľom neho;“

Nech je to čokoľvek čo to len môže byť, žiadna iná bytosť. Všimnite si.

a on je predo všetkým, a všetko v ňom povstalo a stojí,“

Či je to Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý; čokoľvek to je,

„A on je predo všetkým.“

57Pred všetkým čo je na nebesiach, na zemi, viditeľné, neviditeľné; čokoľvek to je, tento Syn Boží bol pred všetkým. Je to pravda? Nestarám sa či sú to, tróny, panstvá, čokoľvek to je, nebeské tróny, kráľovstvá, čokoľvek to môže byť v tých veľkých nadprirodzených oblastiach tam, vo večnostiach, kde to je, čokoľvek to je, anjeli, bohovia, čokoľvek to je, „On je predo všetkým.“ Amen! Či Ho môžete vidieť? „On bol pred všetkými vecami“ a „boli stvorené skrze neho.“

On ... teraz 17. verš:

a on je predo všetkým a všetko v ňom povstalo a stojí.“

58Nič to nemôže spustiť do chodu okrem Neho. Či je to Boh Otec, Boh Duch Svätý. Či sú to anjeli, kniežatstvá, moci, vlády, čokoľvek to je - všetko funguje skrze Neho. Všetko záleží na Ňom.

a on je hlavou tela, cirkvi, ktorý je počiatkom,“

(Ktorý je počiatkom.)

„prvorodeným z mŕtvych,“

(To je, že povstal, keď prišiel vykúpiť)

„aby on bol vo všetkom prvý.“

Byť vo všetkom prvý - viete čo to znamená? To znamená, byť nad všetkým. On je nad všetkými vecami, ktoré kedy boli stvorené: nad každým anjelom, nad každou bytosťou, nad každým ... nad všetkým čo je, - On je nad všetkým. Čo je toto za stvorenie? Kto to môže byť? Nad všetkým.

a urobiac pokoj,“ ...

Pozrime sa ... ešte chvíľu.

Lebo sa zaľúbilo Otcovi, aby v ňom prebývala všetká plnosť,“

59Všetka plnosť všetkých vecí, všetka plnosť Boha, všetka plnosť anjelov, všetka plnosť času, všetka plnosť večnosti - všetko prebýva v Ňom. To je tento muž.

a urobiac pokoj skrze krv jeho kríža, skrze neho zmieril všetko so sebou, skrze neho, buď to čo je na zemi, buď to čo je v nebesiach.“

Tu máme tú veľkú bytosť o ktorej hovoríme, počiatok stvorenia Božieho.

No, teraz aby cirkev - celým Jeho účelom bola Cirkev. No, ako sa dostaneme do tejto Cirkvi? Skrze jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení do jedného Tela, do cirkvi, do Tela Kristovho; to nemôže zlyhať. No, tu je to čo sa deje. Sledujte len tu tento malý obrázok.

60No, tento vonkajší človek, to je telo. To je to na čo sa dívame; čo vidíme. A ono má päť vstupov do toho tela. Každé dieťa zo základnej školy, ako aj ja, vie, že je päť zmyslov, ktoré ovládajú telo: zrak, chuť, cit, čuch a sluch. Bez toho nemôžete byť v kontakte s telom. To je jediná cesta ktorú máte ku telu - zrak, chuť, cit, čuch a sluch. Vidíte to, ochutnáte to, cítite to. No, to je ten zlý, tam vonku.

No, vo vnútri toho je duch, ktorým sa stanete keď sa tu narodíte a dych života je vdýchnutý do vás - ten duch má svetskú povahu, pretože nebol daný od Boha, ale bol daný, Boh to dovolil. No, rozumiete tomu?

61Lebo každé dieťa, ktoré sa narodí na svet je narodené v hriechu, sformované v neprávosti; prichádza na svet, hovorí klamstvo. Je to tak?

Tak, tá osoba tam vo vnútri, to je od začiatku hriešnik. Ale teraz, ona má päť vstupov a týchto päť vstupov ... Neviem či ich teraz dokážem správne vymenovať. Prvý, viem, že je myslenie, svedomie a láska, voľba ... Nie. Svedomie, láska, uvažovanie - to je päť vstupov do ducha. Telom nedokážete myslieť; musíte myslieť svojím duchom. Nemôžete mať svedomie vo svojom tele. Ono nemá vôbec duchovné schopnosti - vaše telo to nemá. Tak, musíte myslieť svojím duchom. Musíte uvažovať. Nemôžete uvažovať svojou fyzickou bytosťou, pretože uvažovanie nevidí, nechutná, nevonia, nečuchá a nepočuje. Uvažovanie je to čo môžete robiť vo svojej mysli.

62Ak spíte alebo ste mimo; vaše telo tam leží mŕtve, ale váš duch môže stále uvažovať - je tam päť zmyslov, ktoré ovládajú toho vnútorného človeka. A teraz, poďme ku tomu poslednému človeku, ktorým je duša. Je len jeden zmysel, ktorý ju ovláda a to je slobodná morálna sila, slobodná vôľa, chcieť alebo odmietnuť.

63A teraz, príčina, že ľudia dnes - no, nezabudnite toto, a uvidíte čo Duch ... čo je počiatočným dôkazom Ducha Svätého. Ľudia môžu žiť v tomto duchu a tancujú v duchu. Vykrikujú v duchu. Chodia do zboru v duchu a môžu mať absolútne Ducha Božieho, ktorým sú pomazaní na tom duchu ale stále sú stratení a tak posadnutí diablom, ako len môžu byť na tom duchu. Pretože ...

64Dávajte pozor. To je tá príčina, že nemôžete povedať tej žene, že keď nosí šortky, že to je zlé. Nemôžete jej povedať, že je to zlé, keď si strihá vlasy. „No, aký na to majú vplyv tvoje vlasy?“ No, u Samsona to malo vplyv. Ktokoľvek pridá ku tomu jedno slovo alebo uberie z toho jedno slovo ...“ Musíte mať niekde rozhodujúce slovo.

Napríklad, keby som bol Baptistom a vy by ste prišli a povedali mi, že musím byť pokrstený vo meno Ježiša Krista: to je v Biblii. Dobre, prvé čo viete, by som povedal, „Opýtam sa svojho pastora.“

65Idem ku pastorovi a on povie, „Ó, to je niečo čo bolo voľakedy. (Vidíte?) My Baptisti; my veríme tomuto: My veríme, že máme byť ponorení v tituly Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého. Takto to robili všetky cirkvi. Odvtedy ako to John Smith založil, tak sa to robilo.“

Tak, to je pre vás rozhodujúce slovo. „Nevšímaj si, čo ti tamten hovorí“

66Čo ak ste Metodistom a váš systém je pofŕkanie a niekto vám povedal, že musíte byť ponorený? Vidíte čo chcem povedať? Idete ku Metodistickému pastorovi, on napíše a opýta sa biskupa, „Ten a ten povedal o tom, tak a tak.“ „Ale my Metodistická cirkev, ktorú založil pred 300 alebo 400 rokmi v Anglicku John Wesley a Whitfield a všetci tí ostatní tam a Asbury; Založili sme tento dokument, nasledujúc Johna Wesleya, že máme byť pofŕkaní, pretože to je len vonkajšia forma. My si myslíme, že dať sa pofŕkať je tak isto dobré, ako ktorýkoľvek iný spôsob.“

Ak ste skutočný ... Ak Metodistická cirkev má pre vás rozhodujúce slovo, idete tak ďaleko.

67Ak ste Katolík ... A ja vám poviem, že v Biblii nie je, že v piatok sa nemá jesť mäso a všetky takéto veci, a že svätá sviatosť oltárna nie je oplátka, pretože to je Duch a tak ďalej, a ty ideš ku svojmu kňazovi a kňaz povie, „Tu je to napísané rovno v našich dokumentoch.“ A ak je cirkev pre teba konečným slovom, je ti úplne jedno čo niekto hovorí. To je pre teba konečné slovo.

Ó, Bože pomôž aby to preniklo dovnútra!

Pre mňa, to všetko je zlé. Božie Slovo je rozhodujúce! Čokoľvek hovorí to Slovo, potom to je pravda.

No, jediný spôsob tu hore v týchto sférach, že ste vôbec mohli byť v tomto malom vnútornom človeku, museli ste byť predurčený, pretože ste boli s Bohom; ste časťou Boha.

68Ja som bol v mojom otcovi. Tiež som bol v mojom starom otcovi, v starom otcovi môjho starého otca. Skrze semeno som tam bol. A bol som v Kristovi! Vy ste boli v Kristovi pred založením sveta! On prišiel vykúpiť svojich vlastných - Svojich vlastných, ktorí boli v Ňom. Haleluja! Svoje deti, ktoré boli v Ňom.

On vôbec neprišiel spasiť diablove deti. Oni to nikdy nebudú poznať. Oni sú takí chytrí v spôsoboch svojho intelektuálneho učenia, že sa s nimi nemôžete vôbec porovnať. Nedokážete ich prehovoriť. Ale skrze vieru to vidíte.

No, veda nepotrebuje žiadnu vieru. Veda dokazuje to, o čom oni hovoria. To nepotrebuje žiadnu vieru.

Katolícky kňaz vám povie, „Pozrite sa ako dlho už trvá Katolícka cirkev. Pozrite ako dlho znášala pohanské prenasledovanie.“ Metodistická cirkev hovorí, „Pozrite sa sem. Ako dlho ...“

Videl som cirkev ... Hovorí to o pokryteckom znaku. Keď som sem včera prichádzal videl som pri ceste nápis, „Cirkev Kristova založená v 33.“ A nemá ešte ani 100 rokov! (Tá denominácia.)

69Ó, náuka apoštolov. Sotva niečo mali - to sú Sadúceovia tohoto dňa. Žiadny duch ... a nemôžete im to povedať. Nemôžete sa s nimi rozprávať; nemôžete ich presvedčiť, pretože zachádzame ďalej než je rozumné argumentovanie. „Nespoliehaj na svoju rozumnosť.“ Viera vôbec neargumentuje. Viera tomu verí. Oni hovoria, „No, pozrite sa sem. Vy veríte, že musíme robiť toto tam? Nezmysel.“ Ale Biblia to tak hovorí. Ja neviem vysvetliť ako sa to deje, ale to sa deje! Boh tak povedal. Tak nemusíte ... Neviem vám nič o tom povedať.

Viera to nevysvetľuje. Vedeli ste to? Viera tomu proste verí.

Ježiš povedal Nikodémovi, ktorý bol z tej ekumenickej rady v jeho čase; prišiel ku Nemu v noci a povedal, „Majster, my vieme, že Ty si Učiteľ, ktorý prišiel od Boha, pretože nikto nemôže robiť tie veci, ktoré ty robíš, keby nebol s ním Boh.

On povedal, „Amen ti hovorím, ak sa človek nenarodí znovu, nemôže ani vidieť kráľovstvo Božie.“

On povedal, „Ja, starý človek, mám vojsť do života matky aby som sa narodil?“

Ježiš povedal, „No, ako ti poviem nebeské veci, keď neveríš ani zemským veciam?“

Potom On jedného dňa povedal, „Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho krv, nemáte v sebe žiadny život.“ On to nevysvetlil.

70Tí apoštolovia a tí v tom čase, ktorí boli určení do života, On to vedel. On povedal, „Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec prídu. Jediné čo musel urobiť bolo len dať poznať Môj hlas; oni ho poznajú. Pretože Moje ovce poznajú Môj hlas.“ A hlasom je vyjadrené Slovo. Vidíte? ... oni tomu aj tak verili. Oni nemuseli nič vedecky dokázať ani sa pýtať žiadneho Sadúcea alebo Farizeja ani nič o tom. „Ja som to povedal ; oni tomu veria. Lebo Moje ovce počujú môj hlas.“ Toto je hlas Boží v písanej forme, pretože toto je plné zjavenie Ježiša Krista, Starý a Nový Zákon spolu. Amen! Tu to máte.

Prečo? Hovoríte že toto sú dobrí ľudia. Čo to robí? Príčinou je jedna vec. Ich pozícia, s ktorou sú zviazaní je cirkev. A tu ...

71Pamätáte sa na minulú nedeľu pred týždňom ... Koľkí ste tu boli a počúvali ste kázeň, Pomazanci posledného času? Myslím, že všetci. Vidíte? Oni sú pomazaní. Ich duchovia sú pomazaní v tejto druhej oblasti.

No, tá prvá žena hovorí, „Nie ...“ Jej vôbec nezáleží na tom čo hovorí cirkev, čo niekto iný hovorí. Ona je chytrá kačica. Má vysokú školu. Môže vodiť za nos svojho muža a myslí si pri tom, že je chytrá.

Táto druhá žena je nahá, slepá a nevie o tom. Ó, to je žalostné, ale to je obraz, ktorý podáva Biblia.

72No, ona chodí do zboru. Tá žena - to by bolo asi lepšie, tá žena by ... Ona žije dobrý čistý život. Nič proti tomu. Boh bude sudcom toho. Ja neviem; Ja nie som sudca. Ja som len zodpovedný za to, čo mi On ukazuje.

To je to, čo povedali apoštolovia: „Hovoríme to čo vieme, čo sme počuli, čo sme videli.“ To je to za čo som zodpovedný. To je to za čo ste vy zodpovední.

Ale teraz, viete, keby ste zobrali tú istú ženu ... kde ona skončila? Ona sa pohybovala rovno okolo. Ona počula; určite veľa krát zapla rádio. Hlas Boží veľa krát hovoril.

73No, teraz vidíte, ona chodí tu do tohoto kultu alebo klanu - všetky cirkvi sú klany - všetko. Presne tak. To sú len kluby, kde sa ľudia spolu schádzajú ako členovia. A ona sem chodí; no, to jej presne pasuje. No, keby ste jej išli povedať čo má robiť, nebude vás počúvať. Ukážete jej to v Biblii; ona to nebude počúvať.

No, môj drahý brat alebo sestra, už len jednu alebo dve poznámky na záver - za pätnásť minút je čas rozísť sa.

74No, pozrite sa, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Prečo to tá žena nemôže vidieť! Prečo! Čo sa týka telesného cudzoložstva, voči svojmu mužovi; nie je vinná. Nemusí nič vyznať. Je taká čistá ako bola v ten deň keď sa narodila; nedotkol sa jej žiadny muž. Hovorím teraz súbežne, pre ženu a pre cirkev. Ona je taká čistá ako keď sa narodila.

No, presne taká je cirkev, ako keď sa narodila, ale ona sa narodila v hriechu; sformovaná v neprávosti. Rozumiete, čo chcem povedať?

75No, poviete jej, že to nie je v poriadku, keď si strihá vlasy. Biblia tak hovorí! To nie je v poriadku, keď nosí šortky. Biblia tak hovorí! Ona by povedala, „Nezmysel.“ Prečo? Jej konečné rozhodnutie nie je tu v tom treťom človeku, v duši, ktorá je predurčená a poslaná od Boha, ale jej konečné rozhodnutie je v nejakej organizácii, tu vonku; ktorú zorganizoval nejaký človek pomimo tohoto. Ale ak Slovo Božie je dole v tej duši, hovorí, „Amen, vidím to.“ To sa s tým zhodne.

76No, pozrite sa sem. Preto človek, ktorý je narodený z Ducha Božieho ... Vidíte? Tu je to vonkajšie telo. No, hovorím do zmiešaného publika, ale hovorím to ako váš pastor; ako váš brat. Tu je telo; ono je slabé. Také je. Mladá pani ide po ulici a nejaký mladý muž, práve vo svojom mladom veku, keď má 17, 18, 20 rokov 25, 30 prechádza tam; a táto mladá pani ide a točí všetkými formami svojho tela; ide na vysokých podpätkoch, jej oblečenie priliehavé spredu aj zozadu, šaty povyše kolien alebo v šortkách. Viete, že Biblia povedala, že ona sa takto bude správať? Viete, Biblia povedala, že takto sa ona bude správať, aká bude nečistá.

77Čítali ste toto tu - tento mesiac v Reader Digest, že dnešní muži a ženy - dievčatá vo veku od 20 alebo 25 rokov sú v prechodoch; že prechádzate cez tú zmenu života v strednom veku, podľa vedy, medzi 20 a 25 rokom. Bývalo to okolo 30 alebo 35 v mojom čase; a v čase mojej matky, žena mala prechody až v 40 alebo 45 rokoch. Čo to je? To je skrze vedu a potraviny, to skríženie, ktoré skazilo celé ľudské telo až sme sa stali hromadou skazenej hmoty. No, ak je tá telesná bytosť skazená, čí nie sú v tej telesnej bytosti mozgové bunky?

78No, pozorujte toho ducha, ktorý ide za tým. Príde čas, v mene Pánovom, že ľudia budú úplne šialení. Biblia tak povedala. Budú jačať a kričať - veľké príšerné veci v ich predstavivosti. Rádiá a také veci alebo televízne programy to produkujú. Budú také veci ako mravce, ktoré povstanú na zemi, ktoré budú také vysoké ako 14 stromov. Budú - vták bude letieť nad zemou s rozpätím krídel 4 alebo 5 míľ a ľudia ich budú vidieť; budú jačať a kričať a volať o milosť; ale to bude pliaga. Čakajte keď budem kázať o otvorení tých pliag.

79Sledujte, čo urobil Mojžiš v rámci tej telesnej bytosti, nie v rámci Ducha. Keď mu povedal, „Mojžiš ...“ Boh povedal Mojžišovi, „Choď tam,“ (svojmu prorokovi) „Zober za hrsť prachu, vyhoď ho do vzduchu a povedz, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, na zem prídu blchy.“ Nebolo žiadnych bĺch. A zrazu ste uvideli, že niečo lezie po kríku. Pozreli sa tamto; tam je niečo ďalšie. A po nejakom čase ich bolo tak veľa, že ste sa nemohli cez ne prebrodiť. Odkiaľ sa vzali? Boh je stvoriteľ! On môže urobiť čo chce. On je suverénny. On môže spraviť vtáka, ktorý dosiahne svojimi krídlami od jednej strany zeme na druhú.

On povedal, „Nech sa zjavia blchy“ - a pokryli celú zem. V zemi nebola žiadna blcha. To prvé ako viete, veľká mäsiarka začala poletovať okolo. A zrazu ich bolo 8, 10 alebo 12. A zrazu ste nemohli cez ne prejsť. Boh Stvoriteľ, dodržuje svoje Slovo.

80On vystrel svoju palicu na Boží rozkaz, „Nech sa zjavia žaby a pokryjú zem.“ A žaby sa zjavili až ich nahŕňali na hromady a všade bol smrad, možno 40 alebo 50 stôp vysoké hromady žiab. Boli faraónovi v skrini. Boli v ... odhrnul prestieradlo a tam pod plachtou bolo 500 žiab, pod posteľou, pod rohožkami. Všade boli žaby, žaby, žaby. Odkiaľ sa vzali? Boh Stvoriteľ je suverénny! Čo hovorí to robí.

81A On povedal, že na zemi uvidia strašné veci. Kobylky s vlasmi ako žena - s dlhými vlasmi, aby prenasledovali tie ženy, ktoré si strihajú vlasy. So zubami ako lev, so žihadlami vo svojich chvostoch ako škorpióny. Oni budú mesiace trápiť ľudí.

Len čakajte až prídeme ku tomu, aby sme otvorili tie pliagy a pečate a tých sedem hromov! Sledujte čo sa deje. Ó, brat, radšej choď do Góšenu, kým je čas ísť do Góšenu. Nevenuj žiadnu pozornosť tomuto vonkajšku.

82Pozrite sa sem, tu je nejaká pani, krúti sa a ide po ulici. Tu je mladý muž; jeho oči to uvideli, on je členom zboru, je letničný, je čokoľvek je; ale hneď viete, v tom nie je nič, čo ťa udrží.

Ona povie, „Ahoj.“ On má kučeravé vlasy a pekný; mladý muž s vystretým chrbtom; možno sa snažil žiť správne. Ona začína ísť ku nemu. Dokonca kazateľ ... To prvé čo viete ... Čo to je? Toto vonkajšie tu, telesná žiadosť, a duch tu, hoci pomazaný, hovorí, „Nerob to, nerob to.“ Ale čo to urobí? To prejde rovno okolo toho, čo ho malo držať - on ide. Prvé čo viete, chce si s ňou dohodnúť schôdzku. On je vinný spáchania cudzoložstva, či sa jej dotkol alebo nie. Ale skutočne znovuzrodený syn Boží ... Amen!

83Ty to nedokážeš sám od seba. To je úplne nemožné pre červenokrvného muža ísť tak pred ženou, bez toho aby sa niečo stalo. Ale keď je niečo vo vnútri, to malé znovuzrodené niečo tam ... Hoci ten človek mohol vykrikovať, hovoriť v jazykoch, vyskakovať, tancovať, všetko možné; pomazaný Duchom; robil všetky znamenia a zázraky, o ktorých Boh tam povedal. Skrze Jeho Ducha ...

84Ježiš povedal, „Mnohí prídu ku Mne v ten deň a povedia, Pane, či som neprorokoval v tvojom mene. Či som nevyháňal démonov v tvojom mene. Či som ...“ On povie, „Odíďte odo mňa, činitelia neprávosti.“ Čo je to neprávosť? Niečo čo viete, čo máte robiť a nerobíte to. Odídite odo mňa, činitelia neprávosti, nikdy som vás nepoznal.“

Ale dole vo vnútri toho človeka ... Ak je tam to malé miesto na zakotvenie, to Semeno Božie, ktoré bolo predurčené pred založením sveta - Nestarám sa o to, čo sa deje - to ho drží; to je tam aby obstálo.

85Preto tá žena bude nosiť tie šortky. Ona je počítaná za prostitútku tak isto, ako tá žena v tom skutku. Ona nevie, že ten duch ... Ako to môže vedieť? Jej najvyššia inštancia. Čo je to najvyššia inštancia? To je posledné slovo. Najvyššia inštancia je Amen; to je koniec celého konfliktu - vaša najvyššia inštancia.

86Ak tvoja cirkev, letničná cirkev ti hovorí, že dlhé vlasy to je len fanatizmus - „Máš rezervu vzadu na hlave,“ a tak ďalej a také veci, ten človek je posadnutý diablom; lebo Božie Slovo hovorí, že pre ženu je hanba strihať si vlasy. Hanobí svoju hlavu. A ak hanobí svojho muža a jej muž je cirkev a cirkev je Kristus ... Ona je hanebná nábožná prostitútka - nahá a nevie o tom. Nahá? Či nehovorí Biblia, že žena má vlasy na prikrytie? Či nie sú jej dané vlasy na prikrytie?

87Jedného dňa tam na súde ... Ja som sa snažil naliať vám do úst liek a pridržať to rukou a vy ste to hneď vypľuli pomedzi prsty. Ale Boh ich jedného dňa bude súdiť. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To nebolo množstvo hlúpostí alebo výmysly nejakého starého blázna. Nie, pretože to je Slovo Pánove.

88Skutočný opravdový kresťan sa vyrovná s tým vnútorným človekom; s tým Duchom, ktorý bol tam na počiatku, ktorým je Slovo! Keď On bol plnosťou všetkých vás, vy ste boli v Ňom tam vtedy na Golgote.

On vás predzvedel, že tu budete. On len vysiela čo sa stane. A vy ste boli v Ňom. Zomreli ste s Ním. Zomreli ste svojej pýche, zomreli ste svojej vášni, zomreli ste svetu! Keď On ... Zomreli ste s Ním na Golgote a povstali ste s Ním, keď On znovu vstal na tretí deň - a pretože ste Ho prijali, teraz, sedíte v ponebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi. Haleluja!

89Tu to máte. To je ten vnútorný človek. Ten vnútorný, ktorý bude ukazovať na Slovo. Drží sa Slova bez ohľadu ... nemôžete si pomôcť. Naučil som sa to, pred mnohými rokmi.

Moje malé dieťa tam ležalo a zomieralo. Moja žena ležala v márnici, zabalzamovaná, ležala tam. Zavolali ma, Šáron zomierala. To bolo najväčšie pokušenie aké ma v živote stretlo. Mal som okolo 25 rokov. Pracoval som tam vonku a Billy Paul ležal na hranici smrti ...

90Prišiel Dr. Sam a povedal, „Bill, myslím, že nezachránime Billyho. Je to s ním veľmi zle. Bill, cítim s tebou ľútosť.“ A objal ma.

Povedal som, „Doc, nemám už viacej sily. Za pár hodín ma volali k malej Šáron, bežal som tam ... Práve som ju videl v kŕčoch, neprestalo to. Dali je do chrbtice ihlicu; urobili jej punkciu, urobili značku - tuberkulóza meningitíty.

Vydal som sa do nemocnice; zastavil som tam svoj starý náklaďák, vysadol som a začal som ísť do tej miestnosti. Tu cez vestibul išiel Sam s klobúkom v ruke, plakal - objal ma a povedal, „Poď naspäť Bill.“

Povedal som, „Čo sa deje.“ Povedal, Nemôžeš ju vidieť. Ona zomiera.“

Povedal som, „Nie, Sam, nie moje dieťa.

On povedal, „Áno. Ani za ňu nepros, Billy, keby žila bola by postihnutá. Stále by bola vyšinutá, celý život by bola postihnutá. Má mengitídu. Nechoď ku nej. Zabiješ tým Billiho.“

Povedal som, „Sam, musím ju vidieť.“

On povedal, „Nemôžeš, Bill. Zakazujem ti. Vieš ako veľmi na teba myslím. Si môj priateľ a všetko; ako veľmi na teba myslím a ako veľmi ti verím, Bill, ale nechoď ku tomu dieťaťu. Ak to urobíš, na nej je tá mengitída. Ona za niekoľko minút zomrie a pochováme ju. Bill, tak veľmi s tebou súcitím.“ Zavolal ošetrovateľku a dal mi nejaký liek. Povedal. „Neviem ako to ten muž znesie.“

Chvíľu som tam stál. Priniesol ten liek a ja som si tam sadol vo vestibule. Povedal, „Sadni si,“ a tá ošetrovateľka to priniesla, povedala, „Vypi to, brat Branham.“

Povedal som, „Ďakujem, nechaj to tu za chvíľu.“

91Keď odišla, vylial som to do pľuvadla a pohár som položil naspäť. Povedal som, „Ó, Bože, čo som urobil? Ty si dobrý Boh. Prečo si ju nechal zomrieť a nechal si ma, že som ju držal takto za ruky; prosil som za ňu. Prečo si ju nechal odísť? Tam leží Billy a zomiera a tu ona zomiera! Čo som urobil? Povedz mi! Pane, ja tiež môžem ísť s nimi.“ Otvoril som dvere, nebola tam žiadna sestra, prekĺzol som sa dole do suterénu. To bolo predtým ako tú nemocnicu opravili. V oknách neboli skoro žiadne sklá; na jej malých očiach boli muchy. Bol nad ňou kúsok siete proti komárom, nad tvárou. Odohnal som tie muchy; ležala tam. Jej malé oči, tak veľmi trpela, že ich mala až škuľavé.

Potom sa Satan prisunul tam ku mne a povedal, „Ty si hovoril, že On je dobrý Boh?“

Povedal som, „Áno, hovoril som to.“

„Ty si hovoril, že On je uzdravovateľ: No, prečo zomrel tam tvoj otec v tvojom náručí a volal si (on, hriešnik) - volal si o jeho život. Prečo zomrel tvoj brat, tam v náručí tvojho ďalšieho brata a ty si stál za kazateľňou, niekoľko týždňov pred tým a kázal si? Prečo ti potom neodpovedal? Povedal si, že On ťa miluje, že ťa spasil.“

92Nemohol mi povedať, že nieto Boha, pretože som Ho už videl. Ale mi hovoril, že On sa o mňa nestará.

Povedal, „Tam leží tvoja žena; za chvíľu tam bude tvoje dieťa. Tvoj otec je pochovaný. Tvoj brat je pochovaný. Teraz bude pochovaná tvoja žena, zajtra a tu zomiera tvoje ďalšie dieťa. On je dobrý Boh. Čo? On je uzdravovateľ. Urobil si zo seba blázna. Čo to urobilo?

On teraz pracoval z vonku, na tomto prvom človeku.

On povedal, „No, pozri sa. Vieš kde si bol pred niekoľkými rokmi, pred okolo dvoma alebo troma rokmi, prv ako si prijal toto, medzi ľuďmi si sa tešil dobrej povesti. Žil si dobrým, čistým životom. Každé dievča v meste, ktoré chcelo ísť von by s tebou išlo, pretože sa cítili čisto a slušne.“

93Môžem sa postaviť pred každú z nich. Nikdy som sa žiadnej nedotkol, nikdy som nič nepovedal. Keby sa správala prefíkane, nechal by som ju doma.

„A bol si obľúbený medzi ľuďmi, ale čo si teraz? Náboženský fanatik.“

To je pravda. Som. Vidíte tieto veci začali ísť spolu. To vonkajšie usudzovanie a duch dávajú tieto veci dokopy. „To je pravda, Satan.“

„A potom si povedal, že On je Uzdravovateľ?“

„Áno, áno.“

„A ty si prosil a nariekal a tí ľudia ti hovorili, že to tak nie je, že si úplne mimo. Tvoja vlastná cirkev ťa kvôli tomuto odmietla. Tam tvoja vlastná Baptistická cirkev, poslali ťa za dvere práve kvôli tomuto.“


„Tvoj otec je pochovaný; tvoj brat je pochovaný. Tvoja žena tam leží a bude pochovaná a tu je tvoje dieťa, ktorému zostáva ešte okolo 15 minút a bude po nej. A On je Uzdravovateľ? Tvoje vlastné telo a krv; jedno slovo od Neho by zachránilo život toho dieťaťa. On je Uzdravovateľ - ty si to povedal. Ľudia sa ti snažili povedať. Ich kazatelia ti povedali, že si celý zamiešaný, že si pobláznený. Stal si sa nábožen- ským fanatikom, a povedal si, že On ťa miluje. Či ťa On ozaj miluje?“

94„A ako si plakal za svojho otca. Ako si sa večer za večerom postil; a cez deň si sa musel modliť, aby si bol schopný ísť na stĺp a pracovať a On ho nechal zomrieť v tvojom náručí ako hriešnika. Ako tvoja žena; aká dobrá žena to bola a ako si ju miloval.“ (Billiho matka - mnohí si pamätáte Hope) „Aké dobré dievča to bolo. Aký ste boli šťastní; váš malý dom tam, váš nábytok mal hodnotu okolo sedem, osem dolárov. Čo za nábytok ste mali, ale jednako ty si ju miloval; milovali ste sa. A ty si išiel a modlil si sa za iných a nejaké vnútorné emócie - vstali, odišli a povedal si, že sú zdraví. Ale teraz tvoja vlastná žena ... A ona je tam, mŕtva, už je to druhý deň. Leží tam v pohrebnom ústave Scott a Combs. On je uzdravovateľ, čo? Tvoj malý chlapec je na hranici smrti, Billy Paul, má 18 mesiacov. Tvoje malé dievčatko má 8 mesiacov a tu leží zomiera na meningtídu a ty si sa práve modlil a Boh zatiahol záclonu a povedal, „Buď ticho,“ nepočúva - nechce ťa vôbec počuť. Obrátil sa ti chrbtom. On je dobrý Boh, čo? On ťa miluje? Každé dievča s ktorým si chodil; každý chlapec s ktorým si sa kamarátil, tvoji najlepší priatelia odišli od teba ako od náboženského fanatika!“

95Všetko čo hovoril bola pravda. Všetko čo povedal presne pasovalo. Vidíte to tu? Bol som vtedy skoro hotový povedať, „Potom ja ... ak sa On takto bude správať, potom Mu nebudem slúžiť.“ Tak ako som už povedal, bolo niečo, čo prišlo z niekade inde, tam ďalej z vnútra, povedalo, „Kto ty vôbec si? Pán dal, Pán vzal.“

96Vidíte, to je ten vnútorný človek. Vôbec neuvažuje. Pozrel som sa naspäť a pomyslel som si, „Ako som prišiel na zem. Pochádzam z bandy opilcov. Ako som sa sem dostal? Kto mi dal život? Kto mi dal to dieťa? Odkiaľ prišla moja žena? Odkiaľ prišiel môj život?

Povedal som, „Hoci by ma zabil, aj tak Mu budem veriť.“ Povedal som, „Odíď odo mňa Satan.“

Položil som ruku na svoje dieťa. Povedal som, „Šáron, drahá, polo- žím ťa do náručia tvojej matky za niekoľko minút, keď ťa Anjeli Boží prídu zobrať preč. Ale jedného dňa ťa otecko znovu uvidí. Neviem ako to bude, drahá. Neviem ti povedať ako, keď On sa mi obrátil chrbtom; nechce ma vôbec vypočuť za teba. Nechal zomrieť moju ženu a ja som ju držal za ruky, prosil som za ňu. A môj otec vo svojich ramenách zomrel rovno tu na tomto ramene, díval sa na mňa snažil sa nadýchnuť. Modlil som sa ako som len mohol.“ Ako by som sa mohol znovu postaviť pred publikum a kázať božské uzdravenie? Ako by som mohol kázať, že On je dobrý Boh a nechal zomrieť môjho otca ako hriešnika? Ako by som to mohol kázať? Neviem ako, ale viem, že On má pravdu.

97Slovo Božie nikdy nesklame. Ono bude triumfovať nad všetkým, nech je to čokoľvek. Vtedy som vedel, že je niečo hlbšie než sú všetky tie úvahy, niečo hlbšie než všetky emócie, než všetko takéto; je vnútorný človek, ktorý obstál v tej hodine, nič iného by to nedokázalo. Každá úvaha, všetko mohlo ukázať, všetko mohlo potvrdiť, že to je zlé a ja som bol v tom zlom, ale Slovo Božie, ktoré bolo predurčené pred založením sveta, tam vo vnútri obstálo.

Pocítil som slabý vietor ako prešiel cez tú miestnosť. Jej duch odišiel stretnúť Boha.

98Brat, sestra, dovoľ aby som ti povedal: To je tá jediná vec. Nesnaž sa to vyriešiť rozumom. Nesnaž sa mať dlhé vlasy, pretože som to ja tak povedal. Nesnaž sa robiť tieto veci pretože... vo svojom tele. Nesnaž sa to robiť len aby si to nejako splnil, ale čakaj len pred Pánom, až kým sa niečo tam dole vo vnútri ...

99Mnohé z vás si myslia, že pretože máte dlhé vlasy, že to znamená, že pôjdete do neba. To neznamená, že je to tak. Mnohé si myslia, že pretože si dobrá morálna žena, pôjdeš do ... To neznamená to. Mnohí ľudia si myslia, že kvôli svojím zborom a že patria do tejto a tejto veľkej skupiny a kvôli veľkým doktorom teológie ... To neznamená to. Rozumiete? Mnohí si myslia, že preto, že hovoria v jazykoch majú Ducha Svätého. To neznamená to, hoci Duch Svätý hovorí v jazykoch. Ale až kým sa ten skutočný, opravdový Duch Svätý tam nevysporiada s každým slovom ...

100Ak ten Duch Svätý vo vás spôsobuje, že hovoríte v jazykoch; dívate sa tam a nesúhlasíte s tým ostatným Slovom, potom je to zlý duch. To musí pochádzať z vnútra, a to je Slovo od začiatku. Na začiatku stvorenia Božieho, keď Boh začal tvoriť a privádza vás do existencie ... Vidíte, vy ste začali tam ako semeno a to sa prepracovalo do toho, kde ste teraz. A vtedy ste boli všetci v Kristovi. Vtedy keď Kristus zomrel, On zomrel aby vás všetkých vykúpil. A vy ste časťou tohoto Slova. A ako môže Biblia - všetko to, príkaz na príkaz, riadok za riadkom, trochu tu, trochu tam, ani jedna jota ani čiarka nepominie ... Ako by ste predsa mohli, keď ste časťou Slova, nesúhlasiť s tým ostatným Slovom, alebo s ktoroukoľvek časťou z neho?

101Nech vás Boh žehná. Pretiahol som to teraz. Nemal som to v úmysle - držať vás tak dlho. Prepáčte, že som vás tak držal; nie za to, čo som povedal. Sme práve na konci niečoho, priatelia.

Vy všetci tu, hádam, ste tu len členovia tohoto zboru. Neprichádzam sem práve na to, aby som videl koľko je tu členov. Predpokladám, že vy všetci sem pravidelne chodíte.

Dovoľte, že vám poviem niečo čo sa stalo. Vydržíte ešte ďalších, povedzme šesť minút?

102Je tu Rev. pán Orland Walker z Oregonu, ktorý tu bol vtedy v nedeľu, keď som tu bol? Viete niekto o tejto veľkej, zvláštnej veci? Prišiel som sem. Bolo tu tak veľa ľudí - mal som veľmi veľa rozhovorov a každý z nich dôležitý - ich vydaté deti, opilci, rôzne veci a proste veci, ktoré boli dôležité. S každým jedným sa bolo treba oboznámiť. Nedá sa mi to všetko. Porúčam vás Bohu a držím svoje ruky nad tými modlitbami.

Ó, Bože, nedokážem to. Vezmi ich, Pane. Urob ... Ty vieš ako to urobiť. Modlím sa za každého jedného.

103Billy ma zavolal a ja som proste prišiel s bratom Banksom. On povedal, „Tata, ty ...“ A pozrel som sa, videl som tam ísť ľudí autom, niekde v rade; pozrel som sa dovnútra, pozrel som sa na nich a zakýval som im a oni si skoro vykrútili hlavy. Nechcem aby ste to robili.

104Jedného dňa, keď tam v Tucsone kupovali pre mňa to miesto na bývanie, brat Tony tam mal miesto, ktoré mi chcel kúpiť asi 3 alebo 4 krát drahšie ako toto. On chcel dokonca sám dať za to toľko tisíc dolárov, ale jediný spôsob, ako sa tam mohol dostať - stál tam nejaký vrátnik. Veľký ... no, to je tam nejaký dodatok, ale všetci ľudia, ktorí tam bývajú, musíte mať písomné povolenie. Potom tento vrátnik vás zavolá aby videl, či je to s tými ľuďmi v poriadku keď tam idú.

105Povedal som, „Dokážeš si predstaviť mňa? Moji bratia a sestry, ktorí ma prichádzajú navštíviť, ktorí mi chcú potriasť ruku a žiadať pre mňa Božie požehnanie. Dokázal by si si mňa tam predstaviť, Tony?“

On povedal, „No, ty máš ...“

Povedal som, „Tony, spôsob ako to cirkev robí a všetci, oni nechcú aby tam ľudia chodili.“

Povedal som, „To je pre ľudí, ktorí chcú aby som robil všetko, čo oni chcú.“ Oni hovoria. „No, Pán mi povedal ... Haleluja! Zostanem rovno tu! Sláva Bohu! Pán mi povedal, že máš mať zhromaždenia tu v našej skupine, tak veru. Sláva Bohu! Boh mi to povedal. Ak to neurobíš brat Branham, si skutočne odpadlík.“ A ja mám byť tam a snažiť sa študovať. Vidíte? To je ... A mnohým dobrým ľuďom je zabránené tam prísť, kvôli tomu.

106Tak ako keď niekto ide poľovať tu na farmu. Farmár povedal, „Len poď, môžeš poľovať.“ A on tam ide a zastrelí jednu jeho kravu. Zajac bežal popod kravu a on aj tak strieľal na zajaca. Lezieš na plot, namiesto toho aby si prišiel ku stĺpu a tam preliezol, ako to slušný človek má robiť; lezieš na plot a takto ho zlomíš. A potom on povie. „Budem strážiť to miesto!“ Vôbec mu to nemám za zlé. Ale čo on robí? On zabraňuje tomu slušnému poľovníkovi tam prísť. To je stále tak. To je ten zlý, ktorý sa snaží zabrániť aby ten dobrý nemal výhody. To je stále tak.

Ale tí ľudia sú ... Tisíce z nich sú skutočne núdzni a milí ľudia, milujúci ľudia, plní Božej milosti.

107No, my máme tento dom ... Títo ľudia takto prichádzajú. My to nechceme. Nie. Ale tento muž prišiel. Billy povedal, „Choď, bež tam teraz, rýchlo, tata.“ Povedal, „Pani Waldorfová je tu s nejakými pudmi, zomiera. Musíš ísť hneď ku ním,“ a ja som tam bežal, prišiel som sem a keď som išiel naspäť, povedali, „Nikto tu nie je len nejaký človek, ktorý tam spí na vankúši, tam vonku, každý deň tu pri budove. Povedal, že by chcel aby som sa za neho pomodlil.“

108Povedal som, „Dobre.“ On povedal, „Priveziem ho.“ Nasadol som do ... Myslím, že tam stál Cadilac alebo nejaké veľké auto, išiel som s ... A ten muž povedal, „Dobrý deň.“ Nepoznal ma. Prišiel som tam. Prišla tam sestra Waldorfová, chudáčik. Viete, ona bola ... Poznáte jej prípad, či nie? Viete, ona mala rakovinu; zomrela v modlitebnom rade asi hodinu pred tým, ako som sa ku nej dostal a jej doktor prišiel a ukázal ... To bolo asi pred 18 rokmi: rakovina v srdci. Vidíte? A ona dnes žije. Ona žije teraz tam v Arkansase a vtedy bola vo Phonixe. A ona povedala, „Brat Willi, nerada takto prichádzam, ale nemala som miesto. Nerada ... Povedali, títo ľudia, táto žena zomiera. Brat Willi. Chcela som priniesť v ruke malú obeť, brat Willi, ale nedalo sa mi ale zavarila som černicový džem.

109Keď som tam vošiel a videl som tie malé poháre džemu, ktoré tam postavila, zdalo sa mi to príliš posvätené aby som to jedol. Tá drahá stará žena, okolo 70 ročná. Povedal som, „Sestra Hattie, nemôžem povedať nie.“

Ježiš videl tú vdovu ako hodila tam tri pence, a On ju nechal. Vidíte? Boh ju za to odplatí. A tak, Pán uzdravil tú ženu; uzdravil všetko čo mala, zjavil jej pastorovi čo mal vo svojej mysli, čo má robiť, ďalšiu vec. Ó, oni všetci odišli s radostným krikom.

Potom pribehol Billy a povedal, „Tata, ten človek odišiel. Ne...

Povedal som, „Kto je to tam v tom aute?“

„Ó,“povedal, „nejaký chlap prišiel z Oregonu; mal nejaký sen a ja som mu povedal, že mu nedám žiadnu falošnú nádej. Je tu 300 ľudí, ktorí tu teraz čakajú. A povedal som mu aby napísal ten sen. Aj tak som ich mal hromadu a len to ku tomu pridajú.“

Povedal som, „Priveď ho. Daj mu päť minút.“

110No, len čo ten muž prišiel - na päť minút! Povedal, „Ja som rev. Walker,“ (Myslím, že tak sa nazýval,) z Oregonu. Myslím, že bol z neja- kej denominácie. Neviem - Presbyterián, Epyskopál, alebo niečo také.

On povedal, „Stretol som ťa asi pred 20 rokmi. Prišiel som do Grand Pass, tam kde - nie Grant Pass ale zabudol som meno toho miesta. Celá krajina ... každé ráno boli nadpisy v novinách. Každý o tom vedel. Nemohol som sa ani dostať do vnútra, kde si bol ale videl som ťa raz na ulici. Prišiel som ku tebe. Okolo teba boli štyria alebo piati muži. Potriasol som ti ruku. Povedal som ti, že som brat Walker a ty si mi povedal, kto si ty a prehodili sme pár slov a potom traja alebo štyria silní muži ťa proste odtlačili ďalej.“ Povedal, „Nebol som tvojím kritikom, ani som nebol za teba.“ Povedal, „Proste som nerozumel.“

Povedal, „Tak to išlo niekoľko rokov a po nejakom čase, asi pred tromi rokmi mi povedal jeden človek, aby som prišiel a počúval nejaké pásky. Ten človek púšťal tie pásky a keď to robil, počul som ho hovoriť, že verí, že ty si prorok. Povedal som mu, „Neviem o týchto veciach, možno je, pokiaľ viem.“

111Tak povedal, „Potom prišiel do nášho mesta iný človek; mal tam zhromaždenia. Stretol som ho a on povedal, „Ja som Boží prorok na tento deň.“ Povedal, „Koľko vás je potom? Počul som, jeden tu počúva pásky a povedal, že William Branham, tam z východu je prorok na tento deň a takéto veci.“

112On povedal, „Tento človek ...“ (Nebudem hovoriť jeho meno, pretože to tu neznie dobre, viete?) On povedal, „Ja poznám Williama Branhama.“ Povedal, „Ale on je úplne falošný vo svojej náuke. On nie je letničný, on neverí v počiatočný dôkaz. Ďalšia vec,“ povedal, „títo hlavní a menej hlavní proroci - nie je niečo také.“ Povedal, „Buď si prorok alebo nie si prorok, to je všetko.“

On povedal, „Dobre, pane, ja som sa s tebou o tom nehádal, ja som len povedal, že som počul, že tento muž hovorí, že tento William Branham je ... Ten človek tvrdil, že on je prorok.“ Povedal, „Ja som sa len divil, koľko ich je ...“ On povedal, „Ale chcem aby si vedel toto. Ja som prorok tohoto veku.“

On povedal, „Ty si? Nech ťa Pán žehná a nech je s tebou.“

On odišiel, nevenoval tomu žiadnu pozornosť. Povedal, že začal ďalej medzi svojimi bratmi sériu troch alebo štyroch zhromaždení. Odišiel na poštu a povedal, „Neodosielajte mi poštu inde. Nechajte ju tu, ja prídem za okolo štyri, päť dní.“ „Dobre,“ povedali. Dali tam lístok aby to neodosielali inde. On odišiel; navštívil svoju dcéru. Cestou sa zastavil v jednom zbore a mal tam večerné zhromaždenie. Na druhý deň ráno, povedal, že mu len tak prišlo na myseľ, „Choď sa pozrieť na dopisy určené na osobné vyzdvihnutie,“ a keď tam prišiel, jeden dopis sa nejako prekĺzol cez poštu a prišiel ku jeho dcére. Jeho dcéra to poslala, aby si ho vyzdvihol.

113Otvoril ho, bolo to od pána Hildebrandta, ktorý je mojím priateľom, ktorý púšťal tie pásky. Tam stálo, že pán Hildebrandt mal správu od Roy Bordersa (a to je jeden z manažérov, viete), že budem mať tu zhromaždenia, od dvadsiateho ôsmeho do prvého. Mal prísť naspäť a sám sa presvedčiť. Povedal, „No, pozrime sa. Títo ľudia sa ma snažia vtiahnuť do niečoho takého.“ On len hodil ten list do koša a išiel ďalej.

Išiel ďalej a mal ten večer zhromaždenie a potom na druhý deň ráno, začal si držať srdce a plakal, rovno tam v tej izbe.

Povedal, „Pán Branham, uvedomil som si, že sa musím postaviť pred Bohom. Neviem či som spal alebo čo sa stalo. Snívalo sa mi - budem hovoriť, že som spal a snívalo sa mi. Zdalo sa mi, že môj syn, na trhu, strčil ruku do nejakého vreca. Keď to urobil, to bolo vrece s jablkami, ono sa prevrátilo a všetky sa rozsypali. Keď som išiel, aby som ich pozbieral, boli to všetko zelené jablká a z každého bolo raz odhryznuté. Zbieral som ich; dával som ich naspäť do vreca; niektoré z nich sa odkotúľali ďalej. Išiel som a snažil som sa ich pozbierať na tráve a oni sa odkotúľali pod jeden z týchto reťazových zamknutých plotov a tam prechádzala táto veľká super diaľnica. Pozrel som sa dozadu na východ. Tá reťaz bola upevnená na veľkej skale tam na východe. Išiel som tam; myslel som, že dám dole tú reťaz a potom tam pôjdem a pozbieram tie jablká pre toho chlapa. Začal som odopínať tú reťaz; a nejaký hlas zatriasol celou zemou. Zem sa mi zatriasla pod nohami.“

114On povedal, „Potom keď sa prestala triasť, počul som hlas; brat Branham, to bol tvoj hlas! Vedel som, niečo mi povedalo. Bolo tam povedané, „Ja ešte raz prejdem po tomto chodníku!“ Pozrel som sa takto hore na tú skalu a díval som sa ďalej, do prechádzajúcich oblakov a tam hore si stál na skale, ktorá viedla od východu na západ v takom špicatom tvare ako pyramída. Tiahla sa tam na východ a ty si tam stál na koni, že nikdy v živote som nič takého nevidel - veľký biely kôň, biela hriva mu visela a ty si bol oblečený ako indiánsky náčelník - so všetkými tými vecami, ktoré indiáni používajú. Malo to náprsník; tie náramky na ramenách a všade takto dole dookola. Ty si mal takto hore ruky - ten kôň, stál tam ako vojnový kôň, vzpínal sa takto keď išiel, ja som stál bez pohnutia.“ A povedal, „potiahol si za opraty; začal si odchádzať smerom na západ. Pozrel som sa dole a tam bolo veľké množstvo vedcov.“

115Na druhý deň ráno (to bolo v sobotu) na druhý deň ráno som kázal o vedcoch, viete, že sú z diabla.

A on povedal, „Vedci tam lievali do skúmaviek nejaké veci a miešali ich. Ty si zastavil koňa; zodvihol si ruky a začal si kričať: „Ešte raz prejdem po tomto chodníku!“ a povedal, že celá zem sa zatriasla. Tí ľudia sa zatriasli; pozreli sa takto jeden na druhého, pozreli sa hore na teba, pokrčili plecami a pustili sa ďalej do svojich vedeckých výskumov.“

116„Začal si ísť smerom na západ a keď sa to stalo, videl som tohoto muža, ktorý hovoril o sebe, že je prorok, viete. On prišiel na koni, ktorý bol zmiešaný s bielou a čiernou. On sa dostal za tohoto veľkého mohutného koňa. To bolo hore nad oblakmi a tá cesta nebola širšia ako toto. Ten kôň len bežal s vetrom a tie perá a všetko na tvojom odeve vialo, potom, koňovi viala hriva a chvost. Veľký majster, veľký biely kôň išiel presne v línii ... a tento chlap bežal za tebou - prišiel z Kanady,“ (a ten človek žil v Kanade) a on povedal, „ ... prišiel a viedol tohoto malého koňa, snažil sa vystrčiť tvojho veľkého koňa; obracal ho, bokami udieral do toho ... Toho veľkého koňa vôbec neodtisol; on len ďalej išiel. Potom, zrazu si sa otočil. To bude potretie čo si prehovoril, ale druhý krát si povedal, „Ja prejdem.“ Nehovoril si tak ako predtým; rozkázal si. Otočil si sa, nazval si toho muža po mene a povedal si, „Ber sa preč odtiaľto. Vieš, že žiadny človek nemá právo ísť tu po tejto ceste bez toho, aby ho Boh určil do toho. Ber sa preč odtiaľto.“

A povedal, „Ten muž sa otočil; a ten muž mi písal dopisy a na bokoch jeho koňa (toho čierno-sivého a spolu zmiešaného), na bokoch jeho koňa bolo napísané jeho meno, podpis, presne taký aký je v tom dopise. On odišiel smerom na sever.“

117Povedal, „potom si išiel ďalej; tento veľký kôň sa otočil na cestu a išiel si tak ďaleko na západ ako si len mohol. Zastavil si sa, zodvihol si takto ruky.“ On potom začal plakať. Povedal, „Brat Branham, keď vidím tam stáť toho koňa, vojnovú čelenku a všetko také a ten náprsník a všetko žiarilo.“ Povedal, „Chvíľu si mal zodvihnuté ruky, znovu si sa pozrel dole; chytil si opraty a povedal si, „Ešte raz prejdem po tomto chodníku.“ Povedal, „Celá zem sa takto zatriasla hore, dole. Vo mne viac nezostalo života. Padol som proste vedľa tej skaly a zobudil som sa.“

Opýtal sa, „Čo to znamená?“

Povedal som, „Neviem.“

118Na druhý deň ráno Junior Jackson, ktorému sa snívalo o tej pyramíde, viete, keď som išiel na západ - pamätáte sa na to? Zavolal mi mesiac alebo dva predtým. Mal sen ktorý pálil; musel mi ho povedať. Ale povedal som, „Billy ... Stoja tam asi dvadsiati.“ On povedal, „Junior Jacson povedal, že ti musí povedať ten sen.“

Povedal som, „Pošli ho len na okolo päť minút.“

Doviedol tam svoju ženu a povedal „ako svedka.“ Povedal, „Snívalo sa mi brat Branham, ja a moja žena sme išli na aute. Pozrel som sa dozadu na východ a videl som - vyzeralo to ako bodka - ako jeden z tých lietajúcich tanierov.“

119Viete, svet nevie čo to je. Viete ... viete, to je všetko v ... My vieme, čo to je. My vieme, že to sú anjeli vyšetrovacieho súdu, viete, a oni ... Ako to Pentagon, všetko ako to ide rovno dole ku tej inteligencii; ako oni idú ako zablesknutie a sú preč; vzdialili sa od všetkého čo oni mali. Vidíte a oni si neuvedomujú čo to je. Nech si myslia čo chcú. Oni to nazývajú lietajúce taniere alebo akokoľvek; oni nevedia.

On povedal, „Videl som to prichádzať a pozoroval som to. Čo to bolo, bol to muž na koni a prichádzal rýchlosťou svetla. Videl som, že prichádzal dole rovno predo mňa, zastavil som auto, vyskočil som von. Keď som to urobil na ceste stál kôň, veľký biely vojnový kôň, išiel a vzpínal sa.“ To je Slovo, samozrejme, to viete, ide a vzpína sa.

Povedal, „Na ňom sedel muž. Mal na sebe západniarsky odev - nebol to kovboj ale vyzeral ako veliteľ jazdeckého komanda alebo niečo také.“ (Vidíte, celá jeho autorita zo západu. Indián nad Indiánmi, komando nad ...) „Ten muž mal zatiahnutý klobúk a díval sa nabok a keď sa otočil nabok,“ povedal, „Bol si to ty brat Branham. Nikdy si tak nehovoril ako tam. Povedal si, Junior (trikrát som na neho zavolal) poviem ti čo máš robiť. Potom si potiahol za opraty toho koňa; On urobil asi tri skoky a vzniesol sa do oblakov a bol si preč - smerom na západ!

Povedal, „Za chvíľu, pozrel som sa a tu prichádza kôň, menší než ten, tej istej rasy ale menší a zastal tam. Prišiel som k nemu.“ Povedal, „On musel poslať tohoto pre mňa. Nasadol som.“ - Junior si tiež trochu pojazdil; a povedal, „Vieš brat Branham ako ti pasuje sedlo a strmene a všetko. Pomyslel som si, no toto presne pasuje pre mňa. Potiahol som za opraty; vzniesol som sa na oblohu. Zatiahol som za opraty a zastavil som ho, otočil som ho a išiel som naspäť. Keď som prišiel naspäť, zastavil som koňa, zosadol som z neho a rozprával som sa so svojou ženou a kôň zmizol.“ On sa prebudil.

120Potom predvčerom, pred tromi dňami prišiel Leo Mercier - prišiel presne s tým istým snom, nevediac nič o tom - o tom ako sa snažili skrížiť veľkého bieleho žrebca s čiernou kobylou a nemohli to urobiť - boli nervózni. Povedal, že som tam prišiel a povedal „Leo“ a povedal som mu, čo som povedal. Nechcem to tu hovoriť. Povedal som mu, to čo som povedal. „Nevidíš, nevieš toto?“ Nevedel som, že Ed Daulton mal zaťa a ten zať mal psa, ktorý sa takto volal.

Porozumieš, Leo, ten tvoj sen, ale keď sa prebudíš, pamätaj na to! On povedal, „Nikdy som nepočul taký rozkaz.“

Asi v tom čase prišiel Roy Roberson; povedal, „Brat Branham, pamätáš sa tam vtedy pred tým ako si prvý krát opustil cirkev? Videl som ťa sedieť ako v Palestíne. Boli sme ... celá rada a všetci, sedeli sme ako pri stole večery Pánovej a ty si potom hovoril a nebol si si istý o čom si hovoril.“ On povedal, „Prišiel dole biely oblak a vzal ťa; odniesol ťa preč.“

121Koľkí si pamätáte sen brata Roya? Povedal, „A ten biely oblak ťa odniesol preč a potom ťa nebolo a ja som chodil po uliciach vykrikoval a plakal.“ Keď som prišiel sem a to chromé rameno takto ... On odhodil hrable a začal plakať, keď ma videl tam prichádzať. Ja som ho nevidel, tak mi rozprával ten sen. A povedal ... hrabal ... a povedal, „A ty si odišiel preč, tak som chodil všade po uliciach a snažil som sa ťa nájsť; Nikde som ťa nemohol nájsť. Kričal som, Ó, brat Branham, neodchádzaj! Nejaký biely oblak prišiel a zobral ťa a odniesol ťa preč od nás smerom na západ.“

122To bolo pred tou pyramídou či čímkoľvek. On povedal, „To ťa odnieslo smerom na západ. Ja som plakal a chodil po uliciach a po nejakom čase som odišiel a sadol som si za stôl. Náhodou som sa pozrel hore za vrch stolu. Mohol som vidieť z teba len toľko, že si bol biely ako sneh. Stál si tam a hovoril si v autorite. Nebolo v tom žiadneho domnievania sa. Každý rozumel presne čo si povedal.“

123Ó, môj brat, sestra; teraz každý jeden z vás si je vedomý, že ja viem čo to znamená. Rozumiete? Dávajte len pozor! Stojte tesne pri Kristovi. Dovoľte aby som vás teraz varoval, ako kazateľ evanjelia, že toto ... nechytajte sa žiadnych hlúpostí! Nič si nepredstavujte! Stojte rovno tam až kým toto vnútro toho vnútra nebude zakotvené do Slova, že ste rovno v Kristovi, pretože to je tá jediná vec, ktorá bude ... Pretože sa nachádzame v najviac zvodiacom čase v akom sme kedy žili. To by zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné, pretože oni majú pomazanie. Oni môžu robiť čokoľvek ako tí ostatní.

124Očistite svoje životy, plaťte svoje dlhy; nebuďte nikomu nič dĺžni. Ježiš povedal, „Nebuďte ...“ No, nemyslím také ako nájomné za dom a také veci. To musíte robiť. Dajte všetko zo svojich rúk. Dajte všetko do poriadku. Pripravte sa. Buďte pripravení. Pamätajte v mene Pánovom, niečo sa má stať!

Tento týždeň pôjdem do tých kopcov. Nie celkom na poľovanie veveričiek - samozrejme, že rád poľujem na veveričky, ale idem tam kvôli tomuto aby som povedal, „Ó, Bože, neviem ktorou cestou sa vydať, nechcem toto minúť! Pomôž mi.“

125Modlite sa za mňa. Budete? Ja sa budem modliť za vás. Dúfam, skrze milosti Božie, že stretnem každého z vás a stretneme sa v lepšej zemi ako je táto tu.

Kvôli čomu sem prichádzame? Čo robíme? Či sem prichádzame preto aby sme sa hrali nejakú hru? Či sem prichádzame aby sme sa stretli v nejakom klube? Kristus nemôže prísť až kým tá Cirkev nebude úplne v poriadku. On čaká na nás. Verím, že sme na konci.

126Pozrite sa na Kaliforniu. Pozrite sa na tie nepokoje. Pozrite sa na tých 19 ľudí, ktorí boli zabití, rasoví. Či som vám to tu nedávno nepovedal, že ten Martin Luther King dovedie svojich ľudí na masaker? Koľkí si to pamätáte? To nie sú tí farební ľudia, to sú tí vodcovia, ktorí ich podnecujú. To nie je integrácia, segregácia a akokoľvek to chcete nazvať! To je diabol! Je to tak. Nie len bieli, farební; to sú všetci. To je diabol. Duševné vlohy a uvažovanie človeka je skazené. Nieto žiadna nádej. To je poza nádejou. To všetko je hnisajúci vred.

127Duševné schopnosti človeka - oni nedokážu robiť rozhodnutia. Ja nie som politik. Ja ne ... ani demokrat ani republikán, oni sú všetci špinaví. Ja som za jedno kráľovstvo a to je kráľovstvo Ježiša Krista. To je všetko. Ale ako na svete - videli ste niekedy hromadu figúriek, aké tam teraz máme? Ako tá hromada Texasanov, ktorú tam máme. Aha, oni hovoria, „Čokoľvek ľudia chcú. Ak chcú komunizmus, dáme im komunizmus. Ak chcú integráciu, dáme im integráciu. Chcú segregáciu, dáme im ... čokoľvek.“ Čo je človek!

Ó, Bože, to je ako kazateľňa. Kde je muž! Muž, ktorý je mužom, ktorý stojí na určitom princípe! Kde je nejaká žena, ktorá stojí za určitým princípom! Kde je cirkev, ktorá stojí na určitom princípe! Nevenoval by som času ani za päť centov mizernému, kompromisnému duchu!

128Ak je žena ženou, nech je dáma. Ak je muž mužom, nech je mužom. Ak je prezident ... Kde je náš John Quincy Adams? Kde sú naši Lincolnovia? - muži, ktorí majú pevné zásady. Kde je náš Patrick Henry? Povedal, „Dajte mi slobodu alebo mi dajte smrť.“ Kde je muž, ktorý stojí za tým, čo je správne! Kde je muž, ktorý sa nebojí hovoriť bez ohľadu, či je proti nemu celý svet, hovoriť to čo je správne, stáť za tým, zomrieť za to?

129Kde je náš Arnold von Winkelried dnes v tomto svete? Kde je muž integrácii? Kde je muž s duchom? Oni sú nerozhodní a ošuntelí, že nevedia ani kde stoja. Bože, daj mi stáť ako kazateľovi na zásadách jedného muža, na slove Ježiša Krista. „Lebo nebo i zem pominú, ale ono nikdy nepominie. Na tejto Skale postavím svoju cirkev. Brány pekelné ju nepremôžu.“ Povstaňme.

Požehnané sú zväzky ktoré viažu

naše srdcia v kresťanskej láske;

Obecenstvo príbuzných myslí

je ako to tam hore.

A teraz, pochytajte sa navzájom za ruky.

Keď sa rozchádzame,

robí nám to vnútornú bolesť

ale v srdciach budeme stále spojení,

a dúfame, že sa znovu stretneme.

Až sa stretneme, až sa stretneme,

Až sa stretneme pri nohách Ježiša

Až sa stretneme, až sa stretneme,

Nech je Boh s vami až kým sa znovu stretneme!

130Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, kým nás brat Neville rozpustí slovami modlitby. Budeme tu znovu dnes večer. Očakávame dnes večer veľkú službu, tu v modlitebni. Nech vás Boh žehná a modlite sa za mňa; ja sa budem modliť za vás. Nemyslite si, že som fanatik, priatelia. Nemyslite si, že sa snažím na vás niečo natisnúť. Milujem vás. Mám princíp, to je Biblia. Ani jedno slovo z nej nemôže byť odňaté! Ani jedno slovo nemôže byť do nej pridané! Ja jej verím tak ako je napísaná.

Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy. Náš verný, dobrý pastor rozpustí zhromaždenie. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Neville.

AND KNOWETH IT NOT, 65-0815, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 107 min

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. The Lord bless you. I got into something, didn't I? I want to thank the Lord, real well, for undertaking for Brother Capps' boy. It just so happened that this is the little time that I come back to Indiana. I know that they're not recording this; I suppose they're not. And so then I don't see nobody in there, so they... I come back to go squirrel hunting. And so I guess Charlie is going to have to put up with me, him and Nellie, and them down in Kentucky, now for a day or two, to squirrel hunt. So, I'd rather miss anything, any other kind of recreation, then come here on... about the middle of August, and go squirrel hunting with Charlie and Banks, and all of them. It's kind of a traditional thing with me. And so I took Joe...

2 When we was here the other time, everybody got sick, the change from that real hot climate down to this--to this cool climate you got here. I know you think this is not cool, but you come out to Arizona once. It was a hundred and nine in the shade when I left the other morning; and then at around midnight, in the night, when the cool air come down off the mountains, it was still ninety-six. Uh-huh. See, that's at midnight, when the cool air was coming down. And so it's... That place is all right in the wintertime, but it's for scorpions and lizards in the summertime, not human beings. Even all the animals take off for the mountains. They just can't stand it.

3 And I had been out and shooting my little rifle in. I... Somehow I just want to tell you about the little Capps boy. And I said... And, Joe, I'll just have to give him the rifle, 'cause he can outshoot me. We had got it shot in, and I was--I was driving tacks at fifty yards. And I said to--to Joe... Joe said, "Daddy, I believe I could do that." Poor little fellow had had a headache. I had been praying for him, a high fever. He went out to the range with me, and I...

4Any two-over-ten bore in a twenty-two rifle, it crosses its line of fire at twenty-five yards; is in again at fifty, just the same, if it is two-over-ten. So then... And I had shot it in at twenty-five yards. And so I had two more tacks and I put them up, and if Joe didn't drive both them tacks! I didn't have no more tacks, so I put a little bit of piece of an old clay pigeon had been bursted there, what trap shooters shoot at, just about a quarter of an inch across, and took it out on fifty yards, and he cut it half in two. And the scope was set for my eyes, just a few years older than he was. So he said, "You know what? I've got to go by and tell Billy to keep off of my feet from now on."See? [Brother Branham and congregation laughs--Ed.]

5So, so I said, "Well, I'll tell you what," said, "let's go down and show Brother Norman that."

6 I said, "Joe, in matches across the world, I don't care who it would be, nobody..." Now, the tacks wasn't drove sideways, they were drove straight through. And that piece, not over, I guess, a quarter of an inch, and a sixteenth thick, and a quarter of an inch high, he cut it half in two, at fifty yards. I said, "There is no one in the world could have made a better shot. They could, champions, could have done the same thing, but you couldn't have made three better shots than them." The tacks, not bent, just a straight hole through the paper where the tack went through. And I said, "No one could have made a--a better shot." All right. I think his headache left him right away.

7And I said, "Well, let's go show this to Brother Norman," which works for the Field And Stream, Brother Tony Stromei's sporting goods place.

8He said, "Let's go by Billy's first." He said, "I--I just want to tell Bubby something." See? And, frankly, his brother has never done that good. So he said, "We go by there first."

9 And just as I got in the door, Billy was still in his pajamas. And he said... We went down early, 'cause it gets so hot. And so he said... The phone rang. And I said... He kind of looked at me like that. I said, "Maybe a sick call."And it was Brother Capps for his boy, in the operating room then, with peritonitis and that pending. And just now he told me his boy is recovering real, real good.

10So, see how God just worked that, even in the voice of that little boy, Joe? Instead of going down to Brother Norman's, wouldn't have been there, and come up. And Brother Capps and I joined together. I don't say it was our prayers that done it, but it did mean something to him for us to make contact like that. And, frankly, that's what... When you got--you got to have faith in what you're doing. See? And, that, his faith to call, and Billy was...

11They was putting in money. He said, "This must be a real long distance," said, "he was putting in pretty near five dollars worth of change, in a three... for a three minute call." And I thought it would be coming from New York or out in one of the islands or something. But he made a person-to-person call, to get Billy instead of Loyce, you see, and that's what cost him to do that.

12And now his boy is recovering. Brother Capps said the doctor give him very little hope of ever coming out of it, you see, from the operation. And we are thankful to God this morning for this, very glad for it.

13 Now, we got in, towards daylight this morning, and I had about three hours sleep, and--and I'm pretty tired. But when the church... come time to come to church, why, I come down.

14And the Lord willing, now I've got to go down in Kentucky, as I said. Then I got promised to speak one Sunday while I was back here, and I had better make it this next Sunday, because the following I'll be... I have to go back. Because I'm going away again, up in Canada. So I--I better make it next Sunday, and next Sunday morning.

15And Brother Neville said, "Why don't you just go out and greet the people, and talk to them just a few minutes?"

16I said, "Brother Neville, I haven't even opened my Bible, hardly." I said, "I..."

17He said, "Well, go out and say something to them." And, Sister Neville, I--I--I don't know how you do it. He's a very persuasive fellow. But while...

18 I don't get a chance to say this when the place is all packed, and crowded, and everything, but I'm very grateful to God for a pastor like Brother Orman Neville. Faithful, just as faithful as he can be, to the Cause, and never hear him grumbling. I sit back there... I had a good half-hour's talk with him while I was enjoying Brother Mann, and so I'll tell him more about that when we get in Colorado this year. So when we was enjoying his message, and I got a good talk with Brother Neville. I said, "I don't even get to tell the people nothing about our fine pastor." I said, "Are the people treating you right?"

Said, "It couldn't be any better."

And I said, "Well, that's what I'm glad to hear."

19When a pastor is satisfied, and the people is satisfied, it makes a real good church, and then God is satisfied. And I think, to see them satisfied together, especially in this day of the Message that we're carrying, I think that shows the continuity of the Message with the people and with God. See?

20 And I'm very grateful for Brother Orman Neville, and his fine wife and family. And I pray that God will keep them loyal to Him and the Cause. And if it so please Him, may we be standing here in the tabernacle when the Lord Jesus comes for us, you see, to take us away at the Rapture. We hope we're both so old, Brother Neville, that one will have one arm around the other, and standing there on our canes, still trying to hold up. See? "Then we'll be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye."

And these old robes of flesh will drop,

And rise and seize the everlasting prize,

And shout while passing through the air,

"Farewell, farewell," sweet hour of prayer.

We moved on up then.

21 Heard about Brother Coomers' healing from the Lord, and so thankful for that. So many things. So I am grateful to be here this morning. And I thought, instead of...

22I'm always coming here with a certain text, and speaking. I thought I'd just come out this morning. And I said, "Brother Neville, I'll watch the clock real easy, and probably let the people out on time, and just talk to you from my heart, a few minutes; just things just, that we just have... No, they're not taping it or anything, so we just have fellowship while there's just the church folks here, you see, just us together."

So let's pray.

23 Dear Jesus, we are grateful to You for the privilege that we have of assembling together here. And, oh, as I looked upon this tabernacle early this morning, after midnight, passed by, I thought of how You have stood by it.

24And I think of the old pond that was here, and big old weeds standing up, right about where this pulpit is at. As a little boy, I--I stood here. Mr. Ingram said we could have the lot for just a little money, and pay something down; and no money, no collateral, or nothing to offer, but just to try. How that it, then, as full face value was a little over two thousand dollars; with twenty years to pay it out.

25And now, Lord, look at it now! And while it was in its infancy, still sitting down in a hole here, water pouring into it; how that You promised us, by the Word: "I the Lord have planted it, I'll water it day and night, lest some shall pluck it from My hands."

26The same time, the people said, "Within six months, it'll be turned into a garage."

27 But literally thousands of souls has found Christ here at the altar. And the tabernacle, the baptistery has constantly... People has been baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus; calling upon His Name, washing away their sins. Hundreds of crippled, afflicted, blind, halt, lame, cancer-eaten, have walked away from this platform; come in, dying, men and women, boys and girls, and gone out to live a new life, with a new flesh on their bodies, and walking again; leave their wheel chairs, crutches, and so forth. O God, this thirty years of service!

28Father, I remember the morning that we laid the cornerstone. And You gave the vision over there, showing the place, packed and jammed, a beautiful corner; I--I knew that that could not fail. So I thank You for all these things.

29 Many of them has done fought a good fight, and finished the course, and kept the Faith; laying yonder, waiting, resting now from their labors, and their works following them; waiting for the hour for the trumpet to sound, and to spring forth again unto new life, a new body. Many of them old and shaken, some young, middle-aged, and so forth. But Thy Name be praised for all.

30Now we're standing here again, before the--the living and the dead. I pray that You'll anoint Your Words this morning. I don't know one thing to say, but I pray that You'll furnish that, which You've always did it, Lord.

31Bless our pastor, Brother Neville, his wife. Bless the trustees, deacon boards, every member of the body. May, together, we live so in this life, that in the life to come we'll have Eternal Life.

32Help us this morning to take corrections from the Spirit and the Word, that we might prepare ourselves as we move away from the doors this morning, determined in our heart to live a better life than we have in the past. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

33 Now, I--I just opened the Bible here, and it happened to be a few minutes ago. I'm in Revelations 3, so I'll just read here, on the--the Message to the Laodicea Church.

34And I want to announce, also, Brother Neville was just telling me; Brother Parnell, as I happened to look down and see him sitting here, is in a--in a revival, just this side of Memphis. At the--the... any of you know where the old Wimpy, the hamburger stand used to be, he's got a--a tent setting in there, trying to bring in the sheaves and find if there's any lost ones out in that way that's been ordained to life, that he might win through his ministry to Christ. And he closed it up for Sunday, on account of the services being at the tabernacle, and--and that's very loyal of the brother. And we want you to know that the services will be open Monday night following, next week. And I know you're all cordially invited out to hear Brother Parnell bring his message of the love of Christ.

35 And now let us read from Revelations the 3rd chapter, just a portion, to say that we read the Bible. Because, what I would say might fail, but what He says won't fail. And I don't know where to start from, what to do, where to go, but I'm just reading the Laodicea Church Age.

... unto the angel of the church of... Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, and the beginning of the creation of God;

I know thy works,... thou art neither cold nor hot: I would... wert that cold or hot.

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased in goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou are wretched,... miserable,... poor,... blind,... naked:

I counsel of thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich;... white raimnent, that thou mayest be clothed, and that thy shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

36 You know, somewhere in there, as I was reading, I... If you'll excuse me a minute, I--I found some place that sounded good to me, and I don't know just where it was at now. Here it is.

... and knowest thou not... wretched,... miserable,... poor,... blind,... naked:

37Oh, my, that's kind of the picture here of the church of today! Now, it's, I--I think that that church age here, that we're speaking of... Course, I've got the church age coming forth now in the books. But being that is the Laodicean Church Age that we're in, let's just look at the conditions.

38I don't want to take any text or anything, because we're not... just talking casually, as we see to talk on whatever the Lord would lead us to do, but something that would help us.

39Let's think of the Laodicea Church Age and its condition today. As far as I know, I don't see anything to hinder, at this time, the Coming of the Lord Jesus, outside of the readiness of His Church. I think that one of the--the prophesies...

40 Yesterday, coming up in the car, we drove it in two days, from Tucson, here, right two thousand miles, Billy and I. And so we, now, that wasn't breaking any speed laws. We stayed right. I sat there, if he's driving, and I--I rolled--rolled up my fists back like a shotgun with the hammer back. I seen him go over. I said, "Wait a minute, boy."

Now, we're told, "Give Caesar what's Caesar's."

41Then we come in down here last night, a little girl lying sprawled across the road, about three years old; mother dead over in the ditch. Some drunken boy, coming from the R.O.T.C., is eighteen years old, driving a hundred and twenty miles an hour, on the left hand side of the road, killed. And I guess he was dying, too. Then you could realize what it is.

"Give Caesar what's Caesar's."

42 Innocent people dying. A little three-year-old girl lost her life, because of some drunken soldier, see, driving hundred and twenty miles an hour, estimated, on the wrong side of the road. Coming up over the hill, and shot right down, and killed them all right there together. I... He was dying, too. So then you can see, even though the innocent party was doing...

43Now that boy is guilty of cold-blooded murder. See? I think if a man would be caught on the road, drinking, he ought to be given ten years, flat, for premature... premeditated murder; any man, 'cause he just... any man.

44 We, we'll never do any good with politics. It's rotten. God's idea of having a king, a righteous king, is right. But politics just simply spread out, you can buy anything out; cheat, lie, steal, everything else. As I said a few Sundays ago: and look where you're at, see, nothing but just a crooked mass of everything. But a righteous king can make his own laws. And you can kill a man; you know a good politics, that's all right, you get out of it. See? And so, it's, it--it...

45The democracy is a good idea, but it won't work. Just like communism, all things in common; it sounds good, but it won't work. No. The God's way of having a king, like David was, was right, and you got one mind centered over. Like one leader and a bunch of geese, or so forth, you can't take two or three of them. Then, you mess them all together, you come up with any kind of an idea.

46So we find the conditions, today, ready for the Coming of the Lord.

47 But, while Brother Neville and I, and these other brothers are trying to shepherd a flock, I've got something on my mind now, that comes, that we might talk about.

48That is, I got a letter the other day from a fine lady. I never got it; it come through another person. And she was certainly tearing me to pieces, or trying to. Was saying, "Did you ever... Can't you Christian Business Men do something to stop Brother Branham?" Said, "Because that he's got this book out now called The Laodicea Church Age, bringing out more." And said, "He's just simply tearing Pentecostal doctrine to pieces." Said, "Now he's talking about the initial evidence ain't speaking in tongues." And said, "Then, he's against women preachers." And this was a woman preacher. And her boys, some of the best friends that I got in the world. She... They're among the best friends that I got. And she said, "Now..."

49 And this man and wife, I was eating breakfast with them; they said, "Brother Branham, look at this. Would you think it?" and pulled out a letter.

I said, "Well, sister, she just don't understand."

50The boys told me their mother was a woman preacher, and that she didn't go for the Message.

51And now she says in here, she said, "Now he said, 'Women should not have authority over man.'" Said, "How about Phebe in the Bible, Paul's helper?"

52Certainly, she was a seller of goods. And Paul asked the people... Do you think Paul would say, "Let the women keep silent in the churches, not permitted them to speak," and turn around and say, "Now, Phebe, my helper in the Gospel, she is going to preach a few nights"? Why, he would contradict his own word. See?

53And said, then, to top it all, "I believe it was Esther... was one of the judges in the Bible." Said, "A woman was a judge in the Bible. If that's not authority over man!"

54 And this businessman that was healed right here in the church not long ago, he said... Now, his wife said, "Brother Branham, that always puzzled me."

I said, "Why, sister, how would that puzzle you?"

Said, "Well, here is a woman judge."

55I said, "That's politics, not the church. That don't have nothing to do with the church."

56Paul said, "Let them be under obedience, as also saith the law." And the law can't put a woman up to be a priest; can't put it up. You never seen a woman high priest. You never seen a woman a priest, nowhere in the Bible. You never seen a woman a preacher, in the Bible. Certainly.

57Some of them was prophetesses, and so forth; Miriam and different ones. And Esther... One of them was a judge over Israel. Sometimes they were queens over them, and so forth like that, king and queen. At the decease of the king, the queen had to take his place till they elected another king, and so forth.

58 In--in Tucson, Arizona, we got a woman judge there in the city. That's the reason the city is so polluted. And we got... A woman ain't got no business in politics. She ain't got no business in the... over any authority in the church.

59Her place is a man's queen at home. Outside of that, she has nothing. And we know that to be the Truth. You'll never find... I know that sounds old-fashioned, but I'm responsible.

60And I know that, after my going away from this earth, them tapes and them books will be living on, and many of you young children will find, in the days to come, that this is exactly the Truth, because I speak it in the Name of the Lord.

61 Now, we wonder how a woman, that's a good woman, and she has brought on this earth by her loyal husband, a good man, some of the finest boys that I ever met, they're man, that I've ever met. And just quickly, just as soon as they heard the Message, they were sold on It, one hundred percent. Now, that could only come by foreordination. It's the only way it can come.

62Now, the question is, here. I was thinking that, see, now why the Lord was bringing me back. "And know it, knowest... Know it not; thou art naked, miserable, wretched, blind, and know it not."

63 Before I get to that spot, I might brief what I said a few days ago, here in a Message on, I believe it was, The God Of This World; blinded the eyes of the people, that they absolutely worship the devil in religious services. Did you all get that? All of you understood it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

64And then in that same Message, I brought the subject, that, a woman wearing immoral clothes, indecently, she is be judged at the Judgment Bar as a street prostitute. That sounds awful strange.

Let me draw you a little picture.

65 Now, here is an attorney in the city, a young fellow, and he's a nice man. As far as--as politically, I imagine he may be decent as any, his politics. And then he goes with a girl that's very popular. They fall in love and marry. They attend to all the parties and the great things, and they all drink together. Finally, she... He has a nice home. He lives in a nice neighborhood. He is well thought of amongst the people. But he... Both of them drink. She wears shorts, cuts her hair, wears makeup, everything just as sexy-ish, beautiful woman displaying herself. Well, she never goes to church, at all, neither one of them.

66So, move in, next door to them, comes a woman from the Baptist church or the Methodist church, her and her husband. Now, this woman...

67Let's make it Methodist, because the Methodist go a little more on holiness than the Baptist; all except the New Testament Baptist, they believe in holiness. But, usually, Baptists don't go for holiness at all, see. They don't believe in such a thing. So then, now, let's make it Methodist 'cause they believe in holiness.

68 And then a Methodist woman moves next door to this woman, on the same street. Her husband is a... Let's say he's a public accountant, and, or some office. Well, this Methodist woman looks over to the other woman.

69And when this lawyer goes out of town... His name is John; say his name is John. Now, don't presume on that now. I'm just taking fiction names now. And his name is John. Well, she used to go with Ralph. And that's fiction name, all of it, see, just so you get the story, to make the picture.

70Well, first thing you know, at a drunken party, Ralph hugs her again. Well, she gets all fired up, because she's in love again with Ralph, she thinks. Then, after a while, Ralph begins to meet her. And she can put it over John, pull it over his eyes. And she thinks she's a pretty smart duck, because she can run with Ralph, married to John. See, the woman don't even have the very bearing of decency, and she thinks nothing about that.

71 But this Methodist woman has raised up in another bracket. She does, at least, go to church, and she thinks that that woman is horrible. Why, she says to her husband, when he comes in, "I see that man go in there and meet her. And when John is out on a case somewhere, Philadelphia or somewhere, he takes her out in his roadster, and they lay out on the beach. I see them come home; don't even pull the curtains down sometimes, kissing her and making love to her, next... Oh, isn't that awful?" she says to her husband. "Why, she is nothing but a public prostitute." It's true. She is worse than a public prostitute, because she is a married woman. See? And she, this woman, this Methodist woman, thinks that's horrible, she never goes to church.

72 Now, this Methodist woman would not do a thing like that. No, indeedy. She is a decent woman. And another thing, she would not touch a bit of whiskey, because, the Methodist church, ninety percent of their program is prohibition against whiskey, against whiskey. So, they got a prohibition program, and them people of that Methodist church don't live no higher than that church teaches.

73But this same woman, this Methodist woman, goes out, of a evening, with her husband, wearing shorts on Sunday, after Sunday school. She cuts her hair. She wears lipstick, and even smokes a little.

74Now, in God's Word, they are both prostitutes, but this one here is "naked, miserable, wretched, blind, and don't know it." One is just as guilty as the other, for, "A man that looks upon a woman, to lust after her, has committed adultery with her already in his heart."

75 And if this woman, now, she would say, "Wait just a minute, Mr. Branham. I'll give you to understand, I am no prostitute." My sister, maybe if you'd be took before a Bible, and put your hands upon It in the Presence of God, and swear an oath that you've been just as true-l, true to your husband as you could be. Your body belongs to your husband, but your soul belongs to God. There is a evil spirit that's anointed you. If that, if you are not, then you're... I can prove that you're totally insane.

76What would have happened to your grandmother if she'd have walked out on the street with those shorts on? They'd have put her in the insane institution; she come out without her dress on. There is something wrong with her mind. If it was so then, it's so now.

77So it throws the whole world into insanity. The whole thing is insane. And it so gradually crept in till the people don't know it.

78 Now, is she a prostitute? Not by her husband, vow to her body. But, before God, she has got an evil, prostitute spirit on her, that makes her dress like that. And she's in the Laodicean Church Age, and don't know that she's doing that. The innocent woman don't know that God will judge her for a prostitute. There you are.

79You get It to her; you can't tell her. There is no way of getting It to her. The Bible said, "They're naked and don't know it."

80If you would call her a prostitute, personally, she would have you arrested. She would. I never talk personally about anybody. I talk about sin. I don't say, "This certain church, Mr. So-and-so there, Rev. So-and-so, he's a..." No, no. I say that, the doctrine of that, see, the whole thing together. I don't call individual. It's not individuals. It's the system that they're in. It's the world system.

81 Brother George Wright sitting here is... He is seventy-five or seventy-eight years old, I guess. What would you think would have happened if you would have went to seen Sister Wright some day, and she would have been standing in a pair of shorts? Why, you'd have never, you'd--you'd have had the woman locked up. You'd have never married her. Well, if any young man in that day would have done it, the same thing would have took place. Well, if it was sin and wrong then, it's the same thing; but the people has growed into insanity.

82 Let me prophesy something to you, just before it comes to pass. The whole world is grouping in insanity, and will get worse and worse and worse, until they'll be a bunch of maniacs. And it's almost that way now.

83Could you imagine a man driving with his lights off, on the wrong side of the road; a ricky, young kid, supposed to be right out of high school, kill a bunch of people. Does that stop them? The next one come right behind him, doing the same thing. Can you imagine a young man that thinks any self... anything of himself, getting out here and acting the way they do?

84Could you imagine a young woman, and a bloom of womanhood, beautiful, well-built, shaped, profile, face, beautiful; and the very thing of her being pretty shows that we're at the end time. See, she has went all together to worldly feature, worldly things and not the beauty of holiness, sweetness in her soul. I've seen women, on the outside of them wasn't nothing to look at, but you speak to them one time, talk to them a few minutes, they're a real genuine something that you can't get away from. See, beauty of the outside is of the devil, it's of the world.

85 Look at Cain's children, how they went into it. "When the sons of God saw the daughters of man were fair, they taken unto them wives," and God never did forgive them.

86Look, when them Israelite women with--with calloused hands, and hair stringing; when them sons of God came up through the land of Moab, and met them dainty women with well-set hair, and fancy, and a lot of manicure on their faces, or what you call it; and when them sons of God saw those real fair women, a false prophet said, "We're all the same." [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit six times--Ed.] And they married among them, and God never did forgive them.

87They perished in the wilderness. Every one of them died there, without hope, without God, and is Eternally lost; damned forever, though they had seen the goodness of God, though they had drank from the fountain that never runs dry. They had drunk from the smitten rock. They had seen the brass serpent perform miracles. They come out from under the baptism of Moses in the sea. They had seen the hand of God. They had eat Angel's food, and had done all of those things. But married in, let women bring them in, and marry among them. Not commit adultery, just marry among them; God never did forgive it.

88 That's the second time it met. Now here we are on third time, more deceiving now than ever.

89I know that's hard. And I've often wondered, in many ways, how will it ever be? Why do I have to talk so rashel to people? What makes it so? And yet, I notice, if it wasn't God, there wouldn't be nobody, not a woman would sit and listen at me. But they come back, because there is somebody that's got a little anchor of Truth there, that knows that That's right. Regardless, they know It's right. Now watch what happens. I know it's hard.

90 It's just like if a doctor give you medicine, and you refused to take it, then don't blame the doctor if you die. And This is like medicine. What about these people that always claim to me being a woman hater?

91You see, you just watch the way the women act, and I'll show you where the church is. The women morals is in Laodicea, in the world, physically, "naked, miserable, blind, and don't know it," the--the people, the women of the world. And the church is in the same stage. Watch the natural type the spiritual, right through, each time. Now, someday at the Judgment Bar...

92 I know it's not popular to say it. And if a man is not ordained to say it, you better not say it; 'cause you're impersonating, and then you'll get in trouble, sure enough.

93Now notice. I've actually, look like, in times, held a woman's mouth open and poured the Medicine in her mouth, and then hold my hands over her mouth, and she'll spit It out every time. What if a doctor did that to a patient, then the patient died because they refused to swallow the medicine? At the Judgment Bar, when all these things like cutting hair and wearing shorts and...

94 I'm only building. The hour is close at hand when you're going to see something happen, when something is going to take place. And all this background here has only been laying a foundation for a short, quick Message that will shake the whole nations.

95Why I been picking on women, it's just been laying up here for something that you can hit it right on the head, with it. Even trying to tell them what's right. And I holding a hand down like this, as it where the mouth, and they spit It out. Then who can blame the doctor?

96How you going to say, at the Day of the Judgment, when the very voices that's cried out against it, will play the record right back in the face of the people? Then how they going to get away from it?

97 Spit It out between your fingers. Pour some more down, then finally shake their head and revolt back, and go back, won't do it. Yet, you come back again and pour It in again. Then who is to blame? Not the doctor, not the Medicine, but the attitude of the person. That's exactly. Be a horrible day, one of these days, when this sinful adulter-ness generation stands before Almighty God.

98 I see my years creeping up, my shoulders stooping; and, I know, thirty years here in this platform, yeah, thirty-three years here on the field. That's a long life. That's thirty-three years of service. Only one regret I have; that I didn't have a hundred and thirty-three years of it. For this will be the last opportunity I'll ever have, while here mortal, to preach the Gospel. God help me to stand true as true can be, to that Word, and say just as He says.

99What made that Methodist woman... How could you ever get It to her? Here she is, in that Laodicea Church Age.

100 Now we'll take the Pentecostal woman. She shouldn't wear shorts, make-up, or cut her hair, but she looks back down at the Methodist, say, "Look at that woman do so-and-so!" Say the woman don't wear shorts, but she say... and herself with bobbed hair. See?

101Higher you rise in God, the more sinful the whole thing looks. And then sometimes, in prayer, you can imagine, when the Holy Spirit take you up into a sphere, then the whole thing looks chaos. Then when you come back down, you seem like you're, to the people, you're a rascal, that you're--you're nothing but an old sarcastic. You're a fool, because you stand as an old crank and always rebuking the people. But if you ever climb into them spheres one time, where you can be in the Presence of God (not through emotion, but through genuine Holy Spirit lifting up), the whole thing is wrote, "ICHABOD." The Glory of the Lord has departed from the whole denominational outfit. That's right. There none of them that's right.

102 Now let me draw you a little circle. If I had a blackboard... But I want you to watch here. [Brother Branham draws the following rings on something--Ed.] I'm going to make one ring like this, and I'm going to make another ring on the inside of that ring, that's two, then I'm going to make a ring on the inside of that ring. That's three rings, three circles. Now, that's you.

103That's God. God in a trinity is One, and without a trinity He's not God. He can't be manifested any other way.

104And neither can you be manifested without being the trinity person that you are, that's: body, spirit, soul. Without either one of them, you're not complete. See? You didn't have a soul, you'd be nothing; you didn't have a spirit, you wouldn't be nothing; you didn't have a body, you just be a spirit, not a body.

105So, God is complete in the tri-unity of a Being; not tri-unity of beings, but One Being in a tri-unity. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is one true manifested God. God!

106 Notice here, just wait, I--I believe I read it just a few minutes ago. Listen to this.

... unto the angel of the church of... Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

107God is the Creator. And how was He ever created? But this is "the beginning of the creation of God." When God, the Spirit, was created in a form of a Man, that was God being created; God the Creator, Himself, becoming a creation. God, Who made the dirt, made the calcium, made the potash, cosmic light, petroleums, took the thing together and created Himself, in "the beginning of the creation of God."

108"The Amen," the final. Amen means "so be it." "The final of God," when God completed in His creation.

109Now, how was it? "No man has seen God at any time, but the only Begotten of the Father has declared Him." You get it?

110 Say, just a minute, you no hurry. Let's turn over to Colossians, just a minute. I just happened to... come a Scripture in my mind. Let's turn to Colossians, the Book of Colossians, and get the... I believe it's the 1st chapter. I'll have to look at this, 'cause it's not premeditated here. So I'll... As I used to be, when I was a young preacher, I could think of these things [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] just right now, but as I get older I can't. Let's begin at the 9th verse, I believe. "For this cause..." Is Paul telling the Colossians about Christ, Who He was.

For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and... desire that you might be filled with all the knowledge of his will in all wisdom of spirit and understanding;

That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and to the increase in the knowledge of God;

Strengthened all... according to the glorious power, of patience and longsuffering with joy;

Giving thanks to the Father, which has meet... which made us meet to... partakers of the inheritance of the saints...

Who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

111Here we're getting now. Watch.

In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sin:

Who is in the image of the invisible God,...

112Get it? 15th verse, Colossians 1:15.

... the firstborn of every creature:

113Amen! The what? "The firstborn of every creature." Let it be Angel, let it be any what it may be; He's the firstborn of every creature.

For by him were all things created--all things created, that are in heaven, or... in earth, visible... invisible, whether they be thrones, whether they be dominions,... principalities,... powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

114 Let it be anything it might be; no other being! Notice, "And in... And he is therefore..."

... he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

115Whether it be Father, Son, Holy Ghost, whatever it is, "He is before all things." "Before all things that's in Heaven, in earth; visible, invisible, or anything," this Son of God was before all things. That right? I don't care, it's thrones, dominions, whatever it is; Heavenly thrones, kingdoms, whatever it might be in the great supernatural realms beyond, in the Eternities where it was; whatever it was, Angels, gods, whatever it was, "He is before all things." Amen! Can't you see Him? "He was before all things; and were created by Him. He..." The 17th verse.

And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

116 There is nothing can make it run but Him. Whether it's God the Father, God the Holy Ghost; whether it's the Angels, principalities, powers, dominions; whatever it is, all things run by Him. "All things consist by Him." He!

And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning--who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead (that is, raise up what He come to redeem); that in all things he might have the preeminences.

117"Might have preeminence," you know what it means? That's, "over all." He is over all things that was ever created; every Angel, every being, every--every thing that there is. He is over all things. What Creature is This? Who can it be? Over all things! "And having made peace..." Let's see, just a minute. Preemi-...

For it pleased the Father that in him should all the fulness dwell;

118"All the fullness of all things." All the fullness of God, all the fullness of Angels, all the fullness of time, all the fullness of Eternity; everything dwelt in Him. That's this Fellow.

And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

119There is that great Being we're talking about, "The beginning of the creation of God."

120 Now, now that, the Church, that His very whole purpose was the Church. Now how do we get into this Church? "By one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body," the Church, the Body of Christ. It cannot fail.

121Now, here is what happens. Now watch this, just a little figurative picture here. [Brother Branham again shows his drawing of three rings--Ed.]

122Now, this outside man is the flesh. That's what we look at; what we see. And it has five inlets to that body. And any grammar school child, as myself, would know there is five senses control the body; see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. Without that, you can't touch the body. That's the only way you have to the body; see, taste, feel, smell, hear; you see it, taste it, feel it... Now, that is the evil one, on the outside.

123 Now, inside of that is a spirit, which you become when you're born in the earth and the breath of life is breathed into him. That spirit is of a worldly nature because it was not given from God, but it was (given) permitted by God. Now you got that? For, every child that's born in the world, "is born in sin, shaped in iniquity; come to the world speaking lies." That right? So, that person, inside there, is a sinner, to begin with. Now, but...

124Now, it's got five inlets. And them five inlets... I don't know whether I can call them right off now. When the... First, I know, is thought, conscience, and love, choice... No. Conscience, love, reason... There is five inlets to the spirit. You can't think with your body; you have to think with your spirit. You can't have conscience in your body. It has no mental faculties at all; your body doesn't, so you have to think with your spirit. You have to reason. You can't reason with your physical being, 'cause reason doesn't see, taste, feel, smell, or hear. Reason is what you can make in your mind. If you're asleep or you're out, your body is lying there dead, but your spirit can still reason. There is five senses that controls that inside man. And that...

125Now, to the last man, which is the soul, there is only one sense that controls that, and that is free... moral agency's free will to choose or to reject.

126 And now the reason that people today... Now, don't forget this now, and you'll--you'll see what the Holy... what the initial evidence of the Holy Ghost is. See?

127Now, people can live in this spirit, and they dance in the spirit. They shout in the spirit. They go to church in the spirit, and they can absolutely have the real Spirit of God anointed on that spirit, but still be lost and just as devil-possessed as they can be, with that spirit.

128Because, watch, that's the reason you couldn't tell that woman, she was wearing shorts, was wrong. You couldn't tell her bobbing her hair was wrong. "Well, what's your hair got to do with it?" Well, it did to Samson. See?

129"Whosoever shall add one word to This, or take one Word from It." You've got to have an ultimate somewhere.

130 Now, for instance, if I was a--a--a--a Baptist man, and you come down and told me I must be--I must be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ; it's in the Bible. Well, first thing you know, I'd say, "I'll ask my pastor."

131And I go to the pastor; he say, "Oh, that's something back yonder, see. Yeah, see, we Baptists, here is what we believe; we believe that we should be immersed in the titles of 'Father, Son, Holy Ghost.' That's the way all the church has done it. Since John Smith founded it, that's the way it's done." Well, that's your ultimate. "Heck with what that guy says!"

132 What if you're a Methodist, and sprinkling is your system, and you are told you must be immersed? See what I mean? You go back to the Methodist pastor, and he'll write and ask the bishop, if so-and-so said so-and-so about this. "But we, the Methodist church, we was founded three or four hundred years ago, in England, by John Wesley, and Whitefield, and all the rest of them there, and Asbury. We founded this document, following John Wesley, that we are to be sprinkled, because it's just an outward emo-... form. And we think that sprinkling is just as good as it is the other way."If you're a real... If the Methodist church is your ultimation, that's as far as you go.

133If you're a Catholic... And I'll tell you, it's not in the Bible not to eat meat on Fridays, and all these things like this, and "the Holy Eucharist isn't a wafer, because it's a Spirit," and so forth. And you go to your priest, the priest say, "Here it is, wrote right in our document." And if the church is your ultimate, you don't give a hoot what anybody says. That's your ultimate.

134O God, help this to sink in! To me, the whole thing is wrong. God's Word is the ultimate. Whatever that Word says, then that's right.

135 Now, the only way up here in this spheres, that you could ever be in this little inside man; and you have to be foreordained. Because you was with God, you're a part of God.

136I was in my father. I also was in my grandfather, and my grandfather's grandfather. By seed, I was in that.

137And I was in Christ. You were in Christ before the foundation of the world. He came to redeem His Own, His Own that was in Him. Hallelujah! His children that was in Him!

138He never came to--to save the devil's children. They never will know It. And they are so shrewd in the ways of their intellectual learning, that you can't compare with them at all. You can't outtalk them. But, by faith you see It.

139 Now, science don't need any faith. Science proves what they're talking about. It doesn't need any faith.

140The Catholic priest will tell you, "Look how long the Catholic church has waved. Look how long she stood under the persecutions of paganism."

The Methodist church say, "Looky here how long..."

141 I seen a church... talk about a hypocrite sign; coming up the road yesterday, I seen. Said, "The church of Christ, established AD 33." It ain't a hundred years old yet, see, the denomination. Oh, my! "Doctrine of the apostles"? Hardly got anything. They're the Sadducees of the day; no Spirit, no... And you can't tell them; you can't talk to them; you can't reason with them.

142Because, we go beyond reasoning. "Lean not to your own understanding." Faith doesn't reason at all. Faith believes It.

143They say, "Now, look here, do you believe we have to do these things back there? Nonsense! That..."

144But the Bible said so. I can't explain how it happens, but it happens. God said so. So you don't have... I can't tell you nothing about it. Faith doesn't explain It. Did you know that? Faith just believes It.

145 Jesus said to Nicodemus, from the San-... ecumenical council of His day; come to Him by night, said, "Master, we know You're a Teacher comes from God, 'cause no man could do the things You do, unless God is with him."

146He said, "Verily, I say unto you, 'Except a man be born again, he can't even see the Kingdom of God.'"

147Said, "Me, an old man, enter into my mother's womb, to be born?"

148He said, "Now how am I going to tell you Heavenly things, when you won't even believe earthly things?" See?

149 Then He said, one day, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, drink His Blood, you have no Life in you." He didn't explain it.

150Those apostles and them of that day, who was ordained to Life; He knowed it. Said, "All the Father has given Me will come. Only thing you have to do is just make My Voice known; they know it, for My sheep know My Voice." And a voice is a word expressed. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] "They believe It, anyhow. They don't have to scientifically prove anything, or ask any Sadducee or Pharisee, or anything else, about it. I said it, they believe it, for My sheep hear My Voice."

151And This is the Voice of God in letter form, because This is the entire revelation of Jesus Christ, Old and New Testament put together. Amen. There you are.

152 Why? You say, "These are good people. What makes them..." Because, one thing, their tie post is on a church. And in here... You remember last Sunday's, a week ago; how many was here and heard the sermon on The Anointed Ones In The Last Days? I think all of you. See, they are anointed. Their spirits are anointed, in this second realm.

153 Now, that first woman says... No, she don't give a hoot what the church says, what anybody else said. She's a smart duck. She's got college education. She could put it over on her husband, and think she is smart by doing that.

154This other woman is "naked, blind, and don't know it." Oh, it's pitiful, but that's the picture the Bible paints us. Now, she goes to church. That woman, would probably be better, that woman would be... She lives a good, clean life; there is nothing against that. God will be the Judge of it. I don't know; I'm not the Judge.

155I'm only the... responsible for what He shows me. That's what the apostles said. "We do speak that what we know, what we heard, what we seen." That's all I'm responsible for. That's all you're responsible for.

156 But now, you see, if you would take that same woman... Where did she wind up at? See? She moved right around. She heard, no doubt; turned the radio on, many times. The Voice of God has been speaking, many times. Well, now, see, she comes over into this cult here, a clan. All churches are clans. Everything, that's exactly right, they're just lodges where people group together as membership. And she comes over here; well, that fits her just right. Now if you go to telling her what she has to do, she won't listen to you. You show it to her in the Bible; she won't listen to It.

157 Now, my dear brother, sister, just one or two more comments before closing. It's quarter till, time to let out; fifteen minutes.

158 Now look, I want to ask you something. Why can't that woman see it? Why can't she? As far as being in adultery physically, to her husband, she's not guilty; she has nothing to confess. She's as clean as she was the day she was born; no man has touched her.

159I'm speaking parallel now, to the woman, to the church. She's as clean as she was born. Well, that's exactly what the church is, as she was born, but she was "born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come..." See what I mean?

160Now you tell her that it's wrong for her to cut her hair; the Bible said so. It's wrong for her to wear them shorts; the Bible said so. She would say, "Nonsense." Why? Her ultimate is not down here, in that third man, the soul that's predestinated and sent from God. But her ultimate is on an organization out here, that some man has organized outside of This. See?

161 But if the Word of God is down in that soul, it says, "Amen! I see it."It lines up with It. Now look here. Therefore, the man that's born of the Spirit of God...

162See, here is the outside flesh. And I speak in a mixed audience, going to speak as your--as your pastor, as your brother. Here is the flesh, it's weak, it's bound to... A little lady walks down the street; some young man just in his young age, when he's seventeen, eighteen, twenty years old, twenty-five, thirty, walks around in there... And this young lady comes, twisting every form, her body, walking with a pair of high-heeled shoes on; herself stuck all out in front and back; and dress is that high above her knees, or a pair of shorts on. Do you know the Bible said she would act like that? You know, the Bible said that's the way she would act, how she would be so filthy.

163 Did you read this here, this month's Reader's Digest, that men and women of this day, little girls, from twenty or twenty-five years old, is in menopause, that you go through the change of life in the middle-age of life, according to science, between twenty and twenty-five. It used to be around thirty or thirty-five, in my age. In my mother's age, a woman never struck menopause till she was forty or forty-five.

164What is it? It's through science, and the food, the hybrids, that's perverted the whole human body till we've become a bunch of--of--of a mass of corruption. Well, if the physical being is corrupted, isn't the brain cell in that physical being?

165 Now watch the Spirit, following it. There'll come a time, in the Name of the Lord, that people will go completely insane. The Bible says so. They'll scream and holler; great hideous things in their imaginary mind. The radios and things, our television programs, are producing it. There'll be such things as ants raise up on the earth, that will be as high as fourteen trees; there will be a--a--a bird will fly across the earth, with wings four or five miles across; and people see them, they'll scream and holler, and cry for mercy. But it'll be the Plagues. Wait till I preach on those Plagues opening up.

166 Watch what Moses done under the physical being, not the Spirit, when He said, "Moses..." God said to Moses, "Go out there," to His prophet, "pick up a handful of dust, throw it up in the air and say, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, fleas will come upon the earth.'" There was no fleas. The first thing you know, they begin to see something crawl on a bush. Looked over, there is something else. And after a while, they was so deep you couldn't wade through them.

167Where did they come from? God is the Creator. He can do what He will. He is sovereign. He could make a--a bird that would reach--reach his wings from one side of the earth to the other.

168He said, "Let there come flies, enclothed upon all the earth." There wasn't a fly in the land. First thing you know, an old blowfly begin to fly around. First thing, there was eight or ten, twelve. First thing you know, you couldn't walk through them. God, the Creator, keeps His Word.

169 And he stretched forth his rod, at the command of God, and said, "Let frogs come up and cover the earth." And the frogs come till they heaped them up, piles, and stink was everywhere, maybe forty or fifty feet high, of frogs. They were in the cupboard of--of Pharaoh. They were in the... turn down the sheet, and there would be a five hundred frogs under the sheet, under the bed, in the grub. Everywhere they went, was frogs, frogs, frogs. Where did they come from? God, the Creator, is sovereign. What He says, He'll do!

170And He said there'll be hideous sights upon the earth. "Locusts with hair like women," long hair, to haunt them women that cut their hair. "Teeth like lion; stingers in their tails, like scorpions; they would torment men, months." Just wait till we get in to opening them Plagues and Seals, and them Seven Thunders, watch what takes place. Oh, brother, you better get to Goshen while there's time to get to Goshen. Don't pay any attention to this outside.

171 Looky here. Here's a little lady twisting herself down the street; here's a young fellow, his eyes catches it. He's a member of the church. He's a Pentecostal. He's whatever he is. But the first thing you know, there's no hold post in there. She'll say, "Hello." He's got curly hair, and kind of nice-looking, straight-shouldered young man; maybe tried to live right. She start walking up to him, even a preacher. The first thing you know...

172What is it? This out here, the flesh desire; and the spirit down here, yet anointed, saying, "Don't do it, don't do it." But what will it do? It'll move right around, there hold, there it goes. First thing you know, he's trying to make a date with her. He is guilty of committing adultery, whether he touches her or not.

173 But, a genuine, born-again son of God! Amen! You can't do it yourself. It's totally impossible for a--a red-blooded male to walk before a female like that, without something taking place. But when there is Something on the inside; that little born-again Something here!

174Though that man might have shouted, spoke in tongues, jumped, danced, everything else, anointed with the Spirit; done all the signs and wonders that God said in there, by His Spirit! Jesus said, "Many will come to Me in that day, say, 'Lord, haven't I prophesied in Your Name? Haven't I cast out devils in Your Name? Have not... ' He said, 'Depart from Me, you that work iniquity.'" What is iniquity? Something that you know to do, and don't do it. "'Depart from Me, you that work iniquity; I didn't even know you.'"

175But down on the inside of that man, if that little tie post is in there, that Seed of God that was predestinated before the foundation of the world; I don't care what takes place, it holds him. It's there to stay.

176 That's why that woman will wear them shorts. She is counted a prostitute, the same as the woman in the act. See? She doesn't know that that spirit... How does she know? Her ultimate.

177What is an ultimate? Is the last word. The ultimate is the amen. It's the end of all strife, your ultimate.

178And if your church, a Pentecostal church, that tells you that, "Long hair and stuff is just fanaticism. You got a spare tire, the back of your head," and so forth, them kind of things, the man is possessed of the devil.

179For, God's Word said, "It's a shame for a woman to cut her hair. She'll dishonor her head." If she dishonors her husband, and her husband is the Church, and the Church is Christ, she is a dishonorable religious prostitute; naked and don't know it. Naked! Don't the Bible said, "The woman's covering is her hair"? Isn't the hair give to her for a covering?

180 Someday, yonder at the Judgment Bar! I've tried to pour the Medicine in, and hold It with my hands, and you spit It right straight back out between your fingers. God will judge them someday. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. It hasn't been a bunch of foolishness, or some crazy old man all worked up. It isn't. Because, it's the Word of the Lord.

181And a real, genuine Christian will cope with that inside man, that Spirit that was back yonder at the beginning, which is the Word.

182As He was the fullness of all of you, you were in Him back yonder at Calvary. He foreknew you would be here. He only broadcast what would take place. And you were in Him; you died with Him. You died to your pride, you died to your fashions, you died to the world. When He... You died with Him in Calvary, and you arose with Him when He arose again on the third day. And because you've accepted it, now you're sitting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

183 There you are. It's that inside man. That inside that will punctuate the Word, hang with the Word, regardless. You can't help it. I learned that, many years ago.

184My little baby laying here, dying. My wife laying here in a... in--in the morgue, embalmed and laid out. They called me out there, and Sharon was dying. That's the hardest temptation I ever met in my life. I was about twenty-five years old. I walked out there, and Billy Paul lying at the point of death.

185Doctor Sam come, said, "Bill, I don't think we're going to save Billy. And I..." He said, "He's so bad." Said, "Bill, I feel so sorry for you."He put his arms around me.

I said, "Doc, I ain't got no more strength."

186Couple of hours, I called him, my baby, Sharon, I run her out there, he... to see her in spasm; it wouldn't stop. They put a needle in the spine; they punctured it, brought the sign up, tubercular meningitis. That's all.

187 I waved my way out to the hospital; stopped my old truck out there, and got out and started walking down to the room. Here came Sam down the hall, with his hat in his hand, crying, put his arm around me, said, "Come on back, Bill."

I said, "What's the matter?"

Said, "You can't see her." Said, "She is dying, Bill."

And I said, "No, Sam, not my baby."

188Said, "Yep." Said, "Don't even ask for her, Bill. She'd ever live," said, "she'd be afflicted." Said, "She'd always be drawed up, and she'd be afflicted all of her life." Said, "She's got meningitis." Said, "Don't go around her; you--you'll just kill Billy by doing it."

I said, "Sam, I got to see her."

189Said, "You can't do it, Bill. I--I forbid you. Now, you know how much I think of you, and you're my buddy and everything," said, "how much I think of you," said, "and how much I believe you, Bill," he said, "but don't--don't go to that baby." Said, "If you do that,... Meningitis is on her." See? Said, "She'll be gone in a few minutes, and," said, "you can... we'll bury her." Said, "Bill, I just feel so sorry for you."

190 And he call, told, called a nurse, to order me some kind of medicine. Said, "I don't know how the man is standing up."

191I stood there a little bit. He brought the medicine in. I sat down, in the hall. He said, "Sit." And the nurse brought it, said, "Drink this, Brother Branham."

192I said, "Thank you. Just set it down there a minute." When she left like that, I poured it over in a spittoon; set the glass back down.

193I set there. I thought, "O God, what have I done? You're a good God. Why did You let her die, the other day, me holding her two little arms like that?" Begging Him for her. "Why'd You let her go? There is Billy laying there, dying; and here she is, dying. What have I done? Tell me! Well, I just might as well go with them."

194I opened the door, and no nurse was there. I slipped down in the basement. That was before the hospital was fixed. Screens, no screens on the windows, hardly, and flies on her little eyes. Had a piece of mosquito bar, we call it, netting put over her face. I shooed the flies off; laid there. Her little eyes, she suffered so hard till they were crossing.

195 Then Satan moved up by the side of me there, and said, "Did you say He was a good God?"

I said, "Yeah, I said that."

196"Did you say He was a healer? Well, why did your father die in your arms over there, and you calling, him a sinner, calling for his life? Why did your brother die in your other brother's arms, out there, and you standing in the pulpit preaching, a few weeks ago?" Said, "Then why didn't He answer you? You said He loved you and saved you."

197He couldn't tell me there was no God, 'cause I already seen Him. But he was telling me He didn't care for me.

198Said, "There lays your wife. Your babies will be there pretty soon. Your daddy is buried. Your brother is buried. And your wife is going to be buried now, tomorrow. And here is your other baby, dying. He's a good God? Huh? He's a healer?" Said, "You made a sap out of yourself!"

199 What did it do? From... it was working from the outside, now, to this first man.

200Said, "Now look. You know, when you was a few years ago, about two or three years ago, before you accepted This, you was well thought of amongst the people. You lived a good, clean life. Any girl in the city, that wanted to go out, go out with you, 'cause they felt clean and decent." I could stand before any of them. I never insulted one, never said anything. She even act smart, I'd take her home. "And you were liked amongst the people. But what are you now? A religious fanatic."

201"That's right. I was." See these things begin to move together? The outside, reasoning in the spirit, moving these things together. "That's right, Satan."

"And did you say He was a healer?"

"Yes. Hum. Yeah."

202"And you begging and crying, and the people telling you it wasn't so, that you're all off the line. Your own church turned you out, for This. Your own Baptist church down there, put you out the door, for the very same cause."


203"Your daddy buried. Your brother buried. Your wife lying there, to be buried. Here is your baby, just about fifteen minutes longer and it'll be gone. And He's a healer? Your own flesh and blood; one word from Him would save the baby's life. 'He's a healer,' you said. The people tried to tell you. The preacher told you you was all messed up; you was all insane; you was become a religious fanatic. And you said He loved you. Could He love you?

204 "And how you cried for your daddy! How, night after night, you fasted, and when you... in daytime, when you'd have to pray, to get up a pole, to work. And when He let him die in your arms, a sinner.

205"How your wife, what a fine woman she was, and how you loved her!"Billy's mother; many of you remember Hope. "What a fine girl she was! How happy you was, your little home over there; with about seven or eight dollars worth of furniture, what furniture you had, but yet you loved her; and you... and you loved one another. And you went and prayed for others; and, some mental emotion, they got up and walked away and said they were all right. But now your own wife; and there she is, dead, second day now, lying in the undertaker's establishment down yonder, Scott and Combs. He's a healer? Huh?

206"And your little boy at the point of death, Billy Paul, eighteen months old. And your little girl, at eight months old, is lying here, dying, with meningitis. And you just prayed; and God pulled a sheet down, said, 'Shut up!' Don't hear, won't hear you, at all! Turned His back on you. He's a good God? Huh? He loves you? And every girl you ever went with, every boy you ever associated with, your very best friends, has walked away from you as a religious fanatic."

207 Everything he was telling me was the truth. Everything that he would say, just fall right in line, see, here. I was just then about ready to say, "Then I, if that's the way He has to act, then I won't serve Him."

208Just as I said that, there was Something came from somewhere else, way down on the inside. Said, "Who are you, to begin with? The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away." See, that's that inside man, don't reason at all.

209I looked back, and I thought, "How did I get on earth? I come from a bunch of drunkards. How did I get here? Who give me life? Who give me that wife? Who give me that baby? Where did my wife come from? Where did my life come from?" I said, "Though He slay me, yet I'll trust Him."

I said, "Get away from me, Satan!"

210 I laid my hand over on the baby. I said, "Sharon, honey, I'll lay you on your mother's arms in a few minutes, when the Angels of God comes to take you away, but one day daddy will see you again. I don't know how it's going to be, honey. I can't tell you how; when He turns His back upon me, won't even hear for you."

211He let my wife die, and me holding her by the hands, crying for her. And my daddy, in his arms, died on this arm right here; looking up at me, trying to get his breath. And I prayed as hard as I could. How could I face the public again, to preach Divine healing? How could I preach He was a good God, and let my own daddy die, a sinner? How could I preach that? I don't know how, but I know He's right.

212 The Word of God shall never fail. It'll triumph, no matter what that is. Then I knowed there was Something inside of all reasonings, Something inside of all emotions, everything else like that. There was a inside Man that held in that hour. Nothing else could a-done it; every reason, everything could be showed, everything could prove that It was wrong, and I was in the wrong. But the Word of God, that was predestinated before the foundation of the world, held on the inside.

213I felt a little Wind come through the building. Her spirit went to meet God.

214 Brother, sister, let me tell you, That's the only thing. Don't try to reason It out. Don't try to have long hair because I said so. Don't try to do these things just, because, in your flesh. Don't try to do it, just kind of cope up. But just wait before the Lord, till Something way down on the inside!

215Many of you think, 'cause you've got long hair, that means you're going to go to Heaven. That doesn't mean that. Many of them thinks, 'cause you're a good, moral woman, you're going to...?... It don't mean that. Many of them think, because their churches, and belong to this, and this great groups, and great doctors of Divinity. That don't mean that. See?

216 Many think, because they speak with tongues, they've got the Holy Ghost. That don't mean that. Though, the Holy Ghost does speak with tongues. But until that real, genuine Holy Spirit in there will cope with every Word! If that Holy Spirit in you, that makes you speak with tongues, looks back there and doesn't agree with the rest of the Word, then it's the wrong spirit. See?

217It's got to come from the inside, which is the Word, from the beginning. "In the beginning of the creation of God," when God begin to create, bring you into existence, you see. You started back there as a seed, and worked down to where you are now. And, then, you were all in Christ. And then when Christ died, He died to redeem all of you. And you are a part of this Word, and how can... the Bible, all of It! "Precept upon precept, line upon line; here a little, there a little." "Not one jot or a tittle shall fail." How in the world can you, being part of that Word, disagree with the rest of It, or any part of It?

218 God bless you. I'm overtime now. I didn't mean to do this, keep you that long. Sorry that I kept you; not sorry for what I said.

We're right at the end of something, friends.

219All of you here, I guess, are just the members here of the church. I don't get around, in time, to see what members there is. I imagine all of you are constant comers here. Let me tell you something that happened. Will you spare, say, six more minutes? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

220 Is that Rev. Mr. O. Walker here from Oregon, that was here that--that Sunday I was here? Anybody know about? Was great, strange thing.

221I come down here, there was so many people in, I--I had... I had a pile of interviews, and every one of them worthy; their boy, children, married, drunkards, and--and different things, and just things that was worthy. Every one of them should have been seen. I can't do all that. And I commit you to God, and hold my hands over them, in prayer. I said, "O God, I--I couldn't do it. Get to them, Lord, do... You know how to do it. I pray for each one."

222 Billy called me. And I just come in with Brother Banks. He said, "Daddy, if you..."

223And, look, I see people drive out there sometime, in the lane, look in. And I look out at them, then wave at them like that, and they--they almost turn their head. I don't want you to do that.

224The other day when they was buying that place out there at Tucson for me to live in, Brother Tony had a place up there he wanted to buy me, for about three or four times what this place cost. He even wanted to put in so many thousand dollars on it, himself. But the only way you get in there, a gateman was standing out there. A great big... Well, it's a addition up there. But any... This people that lives there, you have to have a written permission, then this gateman calls you and see if it's all right for them to come in.

225I said, "Could you imagine, me, my brothers and sisters who come to see me, that wants to shake my hand and ask God's blessings for me, could you imagine me put myself in there, Tony?"

He said, "Well, you have..."

226I said, "Tony, the way the church and all of them has the people not to come around," I said, "that's for people that's got everything they want me to do."

227They, they say, "Well, the Lord told me. Hallelujah! I'm going to stay right here. Glory to God! The Lord told me you have to hold a meeting over here in our group. Yes, sir, glory to God! The God told me that. If you don't do it, Brother Branham, you're sure backslid." Me in there trying to study, see. That's what, see. And many a good person gets beat out, of coming in, because of that.

228 Just like a man going hunting out here on a farm. A farmer say, "Come on in. You can hunt."And you get out there and shoot one of his cows; a rabbit run under the cow, and just shoot the rabbit, anyhow. You get up on the fence, instead of going to the post and climb over like a decent man should do; climb up on the fence and break it down like that. See? And then he'll say, "I'll post the place!" I don't--I don't blame him one bit, not one bit. Well, what does he do? He keeps the decent hunter from coming in. It's always that way. It's the evil that keeps the good from having the preeminences. It's always.

229 Now, but them people are, thousands are really needy and nice people, loving people, full of God's grace.

230Now we have this, how these people come like that. We don't, we don't want that, no.

But this man come...

231Billy said, "Run down now, right quick, daddy." Said, "Mrs. Waldrop is down here with some people dying; must see them right at once." And I run in; come down here.

232And coming back, they said, "There is nobody down here but a man sleeping on a side of the side, out there, on a pillow every day, on the side of the building." Said, "He wants you to pray for him."

I said, "All right." Said, "I'll put him in." I came in.

233There was, I think, a Cadillac sitting back here in the back, or some kind of big car. I rode in, was... And that man said, "How do you do." He didn't know me.

234And I walked in. And Sister Waldrop, poor old thing, came in. You know, she was...

235You know her case, don't you? See, she had cancer; died in the prayer line, about an hour before I got to her. Her doctor come, showed... That's been about eighteen years ago, cancer in the heart, see, and she is living today. And she's living down in Arkansas now.

236And she was in Phoenix, then. And she said, "Brother Willie, I hated to come in like this, but," said, "I didn't have no place to stay. They did... They said this pa-... this woman is going to die. Oh, Brother Willie!"

237Said, "I wanted to bring you a little offering in my hand, Brother Willie," said, "but I couldn't do it. But I canned some blackberry jelly."

238 Oh, when I went up there and seen them little glasses of jelly she had sitting there, I... it looked too sacred for me to eat. See? That dear little old woman, about seventy years old. I said, "Sister Hattie..." I--I couldn't say no. No. Jesus seen that widow putting in three pennies, and He--He--He let her alone. See? No. God will reward her for it. Yeah.

239And so the Lord healed the woman, healed all she had, revealed to her pastor what he, she, had on his mind, what he's supposed to do, another thing. And, oh, they all went out, shouting.

240 Then Billy run in. He said, "Daddy, that man is gone. I can't..."

I said, "Who is that out there in the car?"

241"Oh," he said, "some guy came down from Oregon, said he's got some kind of a dream. And I told him, 'I wouldn't give you no false hope. There's three hundred here, waiting now.'" And said, "And I told him, 'Just write the dream out.' Said, 'I got a pile of them in here, that high, anyhow, and I just add it to it.'"

I said, "Bring him in. Give him five minutes."

242Well, as soon as the man walked in, five minutes? He said, "I am Rev. Walker," I think his name was, "from Oregon." I think he's a some other denomination, I don't know, Presbyterian, Presbyterian something.

243He said, "I met you about twenty years ago. I come down to Grants Pass where you..." Or, not Grants Pass, but I forget the name of the place. "There," said, "whole country, headlines in the paper every morning." Said, "Everybody knew about it." Said, "I couldn't even get to the building where you was at, but I seen you go up. And one day, on the street, I walked up," said, "four or five man around you, and I shook your hand. And you... I told you I was Brother Walker, and you told me who you was." Said, "We passed a couple words, and then three or four big man with you just pushed you on." He said, "I wasn't your critic, and I wasn't for you." He said, "I just didn't understand."

244 He said, "It went on that way for a few years, and after while," said, "I... a man told me to come listen to some tapes, about three years ago." And said, "The man played the tapes. And, when he did," he said, "I heard him talk." And said, "This man believed that you was a--a prophet. I said, I told the man, 'I don't know about those things; might be, for all I know.'"

245So, said, "Then another man moved into our town, had a meeting, and I met him. And he said, 'I'm God's prophet for this day.'"

246He said, "'How many of you guys are there, anyhow?' Said, 'I--I--I hear where a man down here is listening to tapes, said, "William Branham, back in the east, was a prophet of the day," and things like that.'"

247He said, "This man..." I ain't going to call his name, 'cause it don't sound right, here, you see. "And he said, 'I know William Branham,' said, 'but he's all false in his Doctrine.' Said, 'He isn't Pentecostal; he doesn't believe in initial evidence.' And said, 'Another thing, he says there is major and minor prophets. There is no such a thing.' Said, 'You're a prophet or not a prophet, and that's all.'"

248 He said, "'Well, mister, I'm... didn't argue with you about it. I just said I heard this man say that this man, William Branham... and that this man claimed that he was a prophet.'" Said, "'I just wondered how many there was.'"

249"He said, 'But I want you to know this. I'm the prophet of this age.'"

250He said, "'Well, you are?'" Said, "'The Lord bless you and be with you.'"

251He went on, never paid any attention to it. And said he started on, amongst his brethren, a series of three or four meetings. And he went down to the post office, said, "Don't--don't change my mail. Leave it here till I come back, about four or five days later."

252"All right," they said. They put a ticket up there, not to change it.

He went down and seen his daughter.

253And on the road out, he--he stopped at a church. And he had that night's meeting. The next morning, he said he just happened to think, "Go get general delivery." And when he did, one letter had creeped through the post office and got to his daughter; his daughter sent there, general delivery.

254 And he opened it up. And said it was a man, Mr. Hildebrandt, which is a friend of mine, that had been the man playing the tapes. Said Mr. Hildebrandt had a word from Roy Borders (and that's one of the managers, you know), that I was going to hold a meeting back here, for from the twenty-eighth through the first, come back and see for himself.

255He said, "Now, looky here, them guys trying to pull me in something like that!" See? And he just flipped the letter over in the wastebasket, and went on, see, like that. Went on in and held that meeting that night. And the next morning...

256Then he started holding his heart, to crying, right there in the room.

257 He said, "Mr. Branham, I realize I got to stand before God." He said, "I don't know whether I was asleep or what happened." He said, "I dreamed. I'm going to say I was asleep and I dreamed."

258Said, "I thought my son, in the market, stuck his hand in a--a sack." And said, "When he did, it was a sack of apples, and they all turned over." Said, "When I went to pick them up, they was all green apples with one bite taken out of them." Said, "I was picking them up, put them back in the sack." Said, "Some of them rolled out, and rolled down, so I went to try to get them, and under... on the grass." And said, "They rolled under one of these chain-lock fences. And there was a big super highway run in there. I looked back east, and," he said, "the--the--the chain was hooked against a--a big rock back in the east. And I went back there, and thought I'd let this chain down, then go over and get the apples for the man." Said, "I started to let the chain down."

259 Said, "A voice shook the whole earth." Said, "The earth shook, from under my feet." And said, "After it quit shaking, I heard a voice." And said, "Brother Branham, it was your voice," said, "I knowed; there was something said that." Said--said, "It said, 'I'll ride this trail once more!'"

260And said, "I started looking up the rock, like this, and looked on, in a past the clouds. And way up there, standing on a rock that reached from the east to the west, in a pointed shape like that, like a pyramid, run back here to the east, and," said, "there you were standing there, on a horse that I never seen anything like it in my life; great white horse, white mane hanging down." And said, "You was dressed like an Indian chief, with all the things the Indians use." Said, "He had a breastplate; them bangles on the arms, and all down around like that." Said, "You had your hands up like that." And said, "That horse standing there like a military horse, with a prance like this, walking," me standing still. And said, "You pulled on the reins, went riding off towards the west."

261 Said, "I looked down there, and there was a whole lot of scientists." And the next morning... That was Saturday. On the next morning, I preached on scientists, you know, being of the devil. And said, "Scientists there were pouring things in tubes, and mixing it." Said, "You stopped the horse, raised up your hands again and screamed, 'I'll ride this trail once more!'" And said, "The whole earth shook. Them people shook," said, "looked up and looked at one another, like that, and looked up to you. They just shrugged their shoulders, went on with their scientific research." And said, "You started going on towards the west."

262"And when it did," said, "I seen this man that called himself a prophet, you know," said, "he come up on a horse that was mixed with white and black together." And said, "He got up behind this great big horse." Said, "It was," said, "way up above the clouds, and the road wasn't over about that wide." And said, "That horse just danced, to the wind blowing the feathers and everything on--on your garb," and said, "then the horse mane and tail blowing. Great master, big white horse, walking right in line." And said--and said, "This guy ran up behind you, come from towards Canada," and the man lives in Canada. And he said, "Come back, and," said, "he took his little horse, trying to knock your big horse off; turning him around; make his hips hit against the..." Said, "It never moved the big horse; he just kept walking."

263Said, "Then, all of a sudden," said, "you turned around." Said, "That would be the third time you had spoke, but the second time you said 'I'll ride.'" And said, "You didn't speak like you did. You commanded." Said, "You turned around and called the man by name, and said, 'Get off of here! You know that no man can ride this road here without God be ordaining him to do it. Get off of here!'"

264 And said, "The man turned around." And said, "The man has wrote me letters." And said, "Across his horse's hips," that black and gray, and mixed up together, said, "across his horse's hips was wrote his name, signature just exactly like is on his letter. And he rode off towards the north."

265Said, "Then you went on down; that big horse turned around, way as far west as you could." Said, "You stood and raised your hands up like that." Then he started crying. Said, "Brother Branham, to see that horse standing there; all that war bonnet and everything like that, and," said, "that breastplate and everything shine." Said, "You held your hands up a little while." And said, "You looked down again, picked up the reins, said, 'I'll ride this trail just once more!'" Said, "The whole earth shook back and forth, like that." And said, "There was no more life left in me; I just fell down aside of the rock. Then I woke up."

Said, "What does it mean, sir?"

I said, "I don't know."

266 Next morning... Junior Jackson, who dreamed about the pyramid, you know, when I went out west. You remember that? He called me, a month or two before that. He had a dream that's burning; he had to tell me. And I said, "Billy..."

267There was about twenty standing out there. He said, "Junior Jackson, down there, said he had to tell you that dream."

I said, "Send him in, just about five minutes."

268He brought his wife in, and, he said, for a witness. He said, "I dreamed, Brother Branham, me and my wife was out riding." And said, "I looked back in the east, and I saw, look like, a spot, like one of them flying saucers."

269 See, the world don't know what that is, you know. You know it's on. We know what it is. See? We know it's investigating, judgment Angels, you see. And how at the Pentagon and all, about how it comes right down; and the intelligence, how they can [Brother Branham snaps his fingers once--Ed.] go like a flash and be gone, pull away from anything they got. See, they don't realize what it is, see. Let them think whatever they want to. They call it flying saucers, or whatever. They don't know, see.

270 Said, "And I seen it coming, and I watched it. And what it was, it was a man on a horse." And said, "He was coming with lightning speed." Said, "I seen he was going to come down in front of me. And I stopped my car, jumped out. When it did," said, "the car... horse was standing in the road, a great white military horse walking in a prance." That's the Word, of course, you know, walking in a prance.

271Said, "There was a man sitting on there." Said, "He--he was dressed in western garb; wasn't a cowboy, but," said, "looked like a chief over rangers or something." See, all of his chief authority, from the west; the Indians over the Indians; rangers over, see. And said, "The man had his hat pulled down, and had... was looking sideways." And said, "When he turned sideways," said, "it was you, Brother Branham." Said, "You never talked like you did. You said, 'Junior!' Called him three times. And said, 'I'll tell you what to do.'" And said, "Then you pulled up on the reins of this horse. You made about three lopes, and took to the skies, and you were gone towards the west."

272 He said, "Just a minute, I looked around, and here came a horse smaller than that one, of the same breed, but smaller, and stood." Said, "I walked around, said, 'He must have sent this back for me.'" Said, "I got in it." (Junior has done a little riding, too. He said, "You know how your saddle fits you, Brother Branham, the stirrups and everything?") Said, "I thought, 'Well, this fits me just right.' So I pulled up on the reins, off through the skies." Said, "I pulled on the reins and stopped him, turned him around and went back. See? When I went back," said, "I stopped the horse, got off, talked to the wife. The horse was gone." And he woke up.

273 Then, day before yesterday, three days ago, come Leo Mercier, coming down with exactly the same dream, not knowing nothing about it; about trying to breed a big white stallion to a black mare, and they couldn't do it; nervous. Said I walked up there, said, "'Leo,'" and told him what I did. I don't want to say it here, see, but I told him what I did. "Said, 'Don't you see? Now, to know this; I didn't know Ed Daulton had a son-in-law, and the son-in-law had a dog by this name. You'll know, Leo, that you're dreaming. But, when you wake up, remember it!'" And said, "I never heard such a command."

274 About that time, Roy Roberson come in, said, "Brother Branham, you remember back there before you left the church the first time? We was... I seen you sitting, like in Palestine. We was all, the board and everything, was sitting like the Lord's supper table, and then you talked. And you... He wasn't sure what you was talking about." Said, "A white cloud come down and got you, packed you away." How many remembers the--the dream of Brother Roy? And said, "The white cloud packed you away," and said, "then you was gone. I walked through the streets, screaming and crying."

275When I come up out here, and that little old arm crippled up, like he was, a reading this. He dropped the rake and started crying when he seen me coming up out there. I hadn't seen him so he tell me the dream. And he said... And he was raking. I said...

276 "And--and you went away." Said, "I walked the streets, everywhere, trying to find you. I couldn't find you, nowhere. I was screaming, 'Oh, Brother Branham, don't leave!'" Said, "A white cloud come in and got you, and packed you away from us, towards the west." That was before the pyramid or anything. Said, "Packed you towards the west. And I cried, and I walked the streets."

277Said, "After a while I went and sat at the table. I happened to look up there at the head of the table." Said, "I could just see that much of you, was snow white." Said, "You was standing there." And said, "You spoke with authority. There was no guessing to it." Said, "Every man understood exactly what you said."

278Oh, my brother, sister, now, every one of you conscious, I know what that means. See?

279Just watch! Stay close to Christ. Let me warn you now, as a minister of the Gospel, of this. Don't take any foolishness. Don't imagine anything. Stay right there until this inside of the inside is anchored to the Word, that you're right in Christ, 'cause that's the only thing that's going to... Cause, we're in the most deceiving age that we ever lived in. "It would deceive the very Elected if it was possible," because they have anointing, they can do anything like the rest of them.

280 Clean your lives up. Pay your debts. "Owe no man," Jesus said. Now, now, I mean, like your house rent and stuff, you got to do it. Get all your things off your hands. Get everything right. Make ready. Get ready. Remember, in the Name of the Lord, something is fixing to happen.

281I'm going into the hills this week, not exactly to hunt squirrels; course, I like to hunt squirrels. But I'm going out there for this purpose, saying, "O God, I don't know which way to move, and I don't want to miss this. Help me."

282You pray for me. Will you do it? I'll be praying for you. I hope, by the mercies of God, that I meet every one of you, and we meet in a better Land than this here.

283 And what are we coming here for? What are we doing? Are we coming here, playing a game? Are we coming here, meeting as a lodge? It's, Christ can't come until that Church is perfectly right. He is waiting on us. I believe we're at the end.

284Look at, in California. Look at the riots. Look at nineteen people being killed, racial. Didn't I tell you, here not long ago, that that Martin Luther King would lead his people to a massacre? How many remembers that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It isn't them colored people; it's them leaders stirring them up. It isn't integration, segregations, and whatever they want to call it; it's the devil. That's right. Not only to the white, colored; this is all of them. It's the devil.

285 The mental faculties and reasons of man is broke down. There is no hopes. It's beyond hope. The whole thing is a putridated sore. The mental faculties of man; they can't make decisions.

286I'm not a politician. I don't, neither Democrat or Republican. They're all filthy. I'm for one Kingdom, and that's the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. That's all. But how in the world did you ever see a bunch of puppets like we got up there now, like that bunch of Texans we got in there? "Why," they say, "whatever the people wants! If they want communism, we'll give them communism. If they want integration, we'll give them integration. Want segregation, we give whatever." Did it... Where is man?

287O God! That's like the pulpit. Where is man, man that's man, that stands for a principle? Where is women that stands for a principle? Where is a church that stands for a principle? I ain't got a nickel's worth of time for a wishy-washy, give in, compromising spirit. A woman is a woman, let her be lady. If a man is a man, let him be man.

288 If he's a president... Where is our John Quincy Adamses? Where is our Abraham Lincolns, man of principle? Where is our Patrick Henry, said, "Give me liberty or give me death"?

289Where is a man that stands for what's right? Where is the man that's not afraid to speak out? Regardless, the whole world's against him, speak out for what's right; and stand for it and die for it. Where is our Arnold von Winkelried again today? Where is men of integrity? Where is men with spirit? They're so wishy-washy and gaumed up until they don't know where they stand.

290God, let me stand with the principles of one Man, as a minister, the Word of Jesus Christ. "For heavens and earth will pass away, but It'll never fail. On this Rock I'll build My Church; the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Let us stand.

Blest be the tie that binds

Our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred mind

Is like to that Above.

Now join your hands with one another.

When we asunder part,

It gives us inward pain;

But we shall still be joined in heart,

And hope to meet again.

Till we meet! till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus, feet;

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

291 Let's bow our heads now, while Brother Neville dismiss us, in a word of prayer.

292Be back tonight, now. We're expecting a great service tonight, here at the tabernacle. God bless you. And pray for me; I'll pray for you.

293Don't think that I'm a fanatic, friends. Don't think I'm trying to push something on you. I love you. And I have a principle, that's the Bible. Not one Word can be taken from It. Not one word can be added to It. And I believe It the way It's written.

294Let's bow our heads now, and our loyal, good pastor dismiss the congregation. God bless you, Brother Neville.