Stratil Boh kontrolu alebo len dovoľuje inej sile to kontrolovať? Som zvedavý. Správna odpoveď na túto otázku je ... Podľa môjho názoru, dnes proti sebe stoja vo svete dvaja duchovia. No, nemôže ich byť viacej ako dvaja, dve hlavy. A jedným z nich je Duch Svätý; ten druhý je duch diablov a v týchto posledných dňoch, v klamstve. No, chcem založiť moje myšlienky hneď tu pre ten ďalší text, ďalšiu časť nášho posolstva.
Tí dvaja duchovia, jeden z nich, Boží Svätý Duch , ten druhý, diablov duch účinkujúci v klamstve. Ľudia vo svete robia teraz svoje rozhodnutie. Duch Svätý je tu, vyvoláva Nevestu pre Krista. On to robí tým, že Jej potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo zasľúbenia na tento vek a ukazuje, že to je Kristus. Ak sa má v tomto veku hýbať prst, bude sa hýbať prst. Ak sa v tomto veku má hýbať noha, bude sa hýbať noha. Ak oko má vidieť v tomto veku, oko bude vidieť. Rozumiete? Duch Boží, ako rastie do plnej postavy Boha, je ... Vek, v ktorom my teraz žijeme, Duch Svätý je tu, potvrdzuje Posolstvo na túto hodinu. A Duch Svätý robí toto, aby ľudia, ktorí veria v Boha, boli vyvolaní z tohoto chaosu. Diablov nesvätý duch je tu, vyvoláva svoju cirkev skrze blud, ako obyčajne, skrze prevrátenie Slova Božieho, ako to urobil na začiatku. Vidíte ako to prichádza rovno naspäť do toho času semena? Od Edenu, znovu je to tu.
1Skloňme svoje hlavy. Drahý nebeský Otče, sme vďační dnes ráno, že môžeme veriť. Bolo nám to umožnené skrze preliatu krv tvojho Syna Ježiša, že sme účastníkmi Jeho milosti a stali sme sa synmi a dcérami Božími skrze Jeho poslušnosť na smrť na kríži, sme ospravedlnení tým že veríme v Neho a v Jeho vzkriesenie. A teraz je Duch Svätý rozliaty naširoko v našich srdciach.
2Sme vďační za túto možnosť prísť sem dnes ráno aby sme sa podelili s našimi mysľami, s našou úctou a prežitiami, skrze piesne, svedectvá, čítanie žalmov, čítanie Tvojho Slova a očakávaním vážne na Ducha Svätého aby nám dal posolstvo určené na túto hodinu. Udeľ to, Pane. Aby sme mali z toho úžitok, že sme dnes tu. A keď opustíme túto budovu, nech by sme povedali ako tí, ktorí prichádzali z Emaus, „Či nehoreli v nás naše srdcia, keď ku nám hovoril dnes ráno.“ Udeľ nám tieto veci, Večný Bože, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Sadnite si.
3Dobré ráno, vám tu v modlitebni priatelia a naším priateľom po celom národe, od západného pobrežia, znovu dnes ráno, ku východnému pobrežiu a na sever a juh, vám, ktorí ste pripojení cez telefón.
4Tu v Indiáne je pekný deň, trochu zamračené, sviežo, veľmi pekne. Modlitebňa je plná, že ľudia stoja až na dvore a okolo stien. Sme vo veľkom očakávaní na Pána, že nás dnes navštívi. A dúfame, že vám Boh dal dobrý deň, kdekoľvek ste. A to je dobrý deň, lebo nám ho dal Pán. Nezáleží na tom aké je počasie, je dobrý deň. Sme šťastní, že sme tu, šťastní, že máme príležitosť vyjadriť svetu našu vieru v Ježiša Krista. A oni - chceme využiť každú príležitosť aby sme vyjadrili Jeho lásku a to, čo pre nás vykonal.
5Dnes sme ... Pred chvíľou mi dali aby som niečo oznámil a potom tu mám niekoľko vecí, ktoré by som rád povedal. A jedna z nich, to oznámenie sa týka zhromaždenia rady starších zajtra večer. A je jeden diakon zo zboru, ktorý sa presťahoval do Arizony a to je brat Collins, náš vzácny brat. A kým je preč, oni, rada starších vybrala brata Charliho Coxa aby zaujal jeho miesto, kým je preč. A brat Charlie Cox je oficiálne určený radou starších, či radou diakonov tohoto zboru aby zastával úrad brata Collinsa v jeho neprítomnosti.
6A ďalšia vec ... Znovu chcem povedať, chcem vám všetkým poďakovať - pretože niektorí z vás možno pôjdete domov pred uzdravovacím zhromaž- dením dnes večer - za tie milé dary, znaky. Za to množstvo jedla, ktoré ste nám priniesli odkedy sme tu. A moja žena a ja a moja rodina, skutočne si to ceníme. Niekedy zabudnem o tom niečo povedať. Som tak zaneprázdne- ný, viete. Moja myseľ je celý čas v takom víre. Môžete si to predstaviť koľko je to ľudí, nie len tu z tohoto zboru ale po celom svete. Viete. A to ma po celý čas drží vo víre.
7Niekto hovoril niečo o posvätení detí a o krste a tak ďalej. To je veľmi dobre. Prajem si aby som to mohol urobiť ale je to také, že sotva mám čas. Musím držať svoju myseľ rovno v tomto, v tomto Posolstve. Viete Biblia hovorí apoštolom, či radšej apoštolovia v Biblii hovoria „Choďte, vyhľadajte z pomedzi seba mužov dobrej povesti a čestných a naplnených Duchom Svätým aby sa oni mohli venovať týmto veciam.“ A povedal som Billimu ...
Opýtal sa: „Tata, budeš teraz posvätcovať deti?“
Povedal som: „Ó joj!“ Rozumiete? Ak ich máme veľa, ktorí čakajú na posvätenie - a to je dobre - budem musieť prísť inokedy a mať zvlášť deň na posvätenie detí. Rád by som to urobil.
8No ... Ale chceme vám zo srdca každému poďakovať, moja žena, ja a naša rodina. Tí ľudia priniesli hotový tovar, čerstvé fazule, melóny, ananásové melóny, jahody. Priniesli proste všetko, na čo by ste si len pomysleli.
9Jeden vzácny brat a jeho sestra nám včera priniesli veľkého moriaka. Stále ho jem. A tak ... Ó, a budem to musieť hádam zjesť lebo odchádzam. Tak ak nie, zoberieme to zo sebou. A tak budeme - skutočne si ceníme tieto veci. Poznám mnohých tých ľudí. Niektorých nepoznám. Budú ležať vo verande keď prídeme. A tak skutočne si to cením. A mnohých poznám. Mnohých som navštívil ale ku mnohým som sa nedostal. Som si istý, že všetci rozumiete, že rád by som zašiel za každým, keby som mohol, ale ja som len sám. Viete. Nemôžem každého navštíviť. Robím všetko čo viem.
10Tak nech je Boh s vami. Som si istý, že je Jeden, ktorý bude s vami; to je Ježiš Kristus a On môže byť. On je tá jediná osoba, ktorá je všade- prítomná a On je tiež všemohúci; tak On môže uspokojiť každú potrebu. A tiež je vševedúci a pozná vaše potreby, to čo potrebujete.
11Porúčam vás každého, keď nebudem ... Ponáhľal som sa, tak ako som len mohol, tiež aj keď som sem prišiel dnes ráno a prídem ku každému, ako len budem môcť. A ak ja niečo prehliadnem, Všemohúci Boh uspokojí všetky vaše potreby podľa bohatstva svojej slávy.
12Nedokážem to dobre prečítať. Je to nejaké zvláštne oznámenie. Zdá sa mi, že to musel písať Billy Paul, tak ... On je ako ja. Ja nedokážem prečítať ani po sebe. Mám svoje vlastné skratky. A keby ste tu videl nejaké moje poznámky - ktoré mám tu napísané ... Myslíte, že by ste to porozumeli? Mám tu niečo, ako hviezdu prechádzajúcu cez most a tak ďalej, proste všetko ... „Brat Adair - Adair z Arkansasu choď hneď ku dverám dozadu čaká tam na teba reverend Pearry Green.“ No dobre.
13No, ďalšia vec, ktorú by som tu rád oznámil je to, že dnes večer je uzdravovacie zhromaždenie. Dnes večer sa budeme modliť za chorých a tak dúfam, že tu budete.
14Posielam pozdravy všetkým po celej krajine v mene Pána Ježiša, aby vás Boh žehnal dnes ráno. Niektorí máte poludnie. V New Yorku je skoro poludnie a v Arizone, na západnom pobreží je len okolo 7 hodín. Tak ... A tu je to presne medzi tým. Tak nech vás Boh žehná, keď budete počúvať.
15Tak toto môže byť ... Mal som to na srdci, pokiaľ som tu a nebolo nám dovolené mať to auditórium ... a nakoniec nám dali povolenie; mohli sme mať jedno zhromaždenie ale nedovolili nám modliť sa za chorých. A ja ne ... To je moja služba. Ja musím robiť to, čo mi povie Duch Svätý. Tak som to odmietol, pretože chcem byť slobodný a robiť čokoľvek, čo hovorí Duch Svätý. Rozumiete. Tak som myslel, že nejako vydržíme o jeden deň dlhšie v modlitebni. A dnes ráno je chladno. Pán nám tu dal dobrý deň, tak sme vďační.
16No pri tomto, prišiel som sem kvôli tomu aby som učil posledné čaše, posledných sedem čiaš, a posledných sedem trúb a posledných sedem hromov z Knihy Zjavenia, a zviazal to spolu do tejto hodiny, v ktorej teraz žijeme aby sme nasledovali otvorenie siedmich pečatí, siedmich cirkevných vekov. Tak nemohli sme na to zohnať miesto, tak dúfam, že zanedlho, ako budem môcť, zoženieme na to vhodné miesto, buď tu alebo v Louiseville, v New Albany, alebo rozložíme stan aby sme mohli zostať tak dlho, ako nás Pán bude viesť.
17Ale v tomto teraz, využil som túto príležitosť aby som vyjadril ľuďom moje presvedčenie a vieru v Boha a potom aby som vás priviedol do hodiny, v ktorej žijeme. A skrze toto, to nie je namierené na žiadnu zvláštnu osobu, vyznania, ani na nič také; to je len, ako ja vidím Slovo Božie. A minulú nedeľu sme mali veľmi dobré vyliatie Ducha na Slovo. Bolo to veľmi dlhé, nerád to predlžujem; ale jednako nevieme kedy sa stretneme a bude to naposledy. A musíme - chceme byť, presnejšie povedané, ja chcem byť, ako povedal Pavel, „Nevyhýbal som sa aby som vám nepovedal celú radu Božiu.“ Ježiš povedal, že nezadržal ničoho pred svojimi učeníkmi. A keď ja, tak zamestnaný snahou zostávať pod pomazaním Svätého Ducha aby som zistil hodinu - čím je posolstvo na túto hodinu, niekedy zanedbám vyjsť a urobiť svoje povinnosti, ako sluha Kristov, ako kazateľ. Ale mám niekoľkých mužov, ktorí sa mi snažia pomôcť toto robiť, ktorým som vďačný, všetkým svojím bratom kazateľom.
18No, nemám v úmysle snažiť sa držať ľudí. Keby ste sa vy, ktorí ste inde v kraji, kde ide toto posolstvo, mohli sem postaviť a pozrieť sa na tento zbor dnes ráno, v uličkách, v miestnostiach pre deti, vonku, cez rádiá, v autobusoch, prívesoch a tak ďalej a v autách, videli by ste aký je problém. A potom každé zhromaždenie veľa, veľa prechádza okolo a volajú, a tak ďalej nemôžu sa sem dostať. Potrebujeme viacej miesta aby sa ľudia mohli posadiť a cítili sa pohodlne. A potom priniesť posolstvo, čo myslím je tak veľmi dôležité. Cítim, že by sme mali mať pohodlie a sedieť aby sme tak mohli počúvať s ceruzkou a s papierom a robiť si poznámky a s Bibliou a tak ďalej, aby sme si mohli robiť poznámky. Ale takto som rozmýšľal, že by som išiel naspäť do času, v ktorom žijeme a snažil sa priniesť niektoré z týchto vecí, s ktorými sa ideme stretnúť. A vy ich budete potrebovať.
19A keby som sem dnes prišiel alebo ktorýkoľvek iný deň alebo ktorýkoľvek iný kazateľ a snažil sa priniesť ľuďom posolstvo, zomierajú- cim ľuďom, akými sme a čas je tak blízko, ako verím, pre tento deň, bol by som pokrytcom, keby som sa snažil priniesť niečo, o čom by som vedel, že by sa vám to páčilo a bolo by to proti Božiemu Slovu, alebo niečo aby som potiahol zástupy alebo niečo také. Nebol by som - nebol by som tým, čím tu mám byť, sluhom Kristovým. Chcem priniesť niečo, čo je skutočne dôležité pre vás, nie len aby ste ma videli, ale pomyslieť si, že to je niečo, že ak by som dnes zomrel, zajtra to bude zakotvené vo vašich srdciach aby ste išli dopredu a slúžili Bohu.
20A teraz, chcem povedať, že niečo sa práve chystá aby sa to stalo. Viem to. Mnohí z vás tu si pamätáte, keď prišiel ku mne brat Junior Jackson so snom, ktorý mal, krátko pred tým, ako som išiel do Arizony. Zvláštna vec. Koľkí si na to pamätáte? A Pán nám dal výklad a to sa do písmena stalo. No, práve teraz mal ďalší sen, niečo.
21A zvláštna vec, nedávno tu bol jeden muž z Oregonu. Sotva ma môže poznať a sníval sa mu ten istý sen, ktorý sa sníval Juniorovi Jacksonovi a prišiel mi ho povedať. Nepoznám výklad; Očakávam na Pána. Ale viem, že to bude niečo od Boha. Pamätajte len na to. TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je niečo, čo prichádza od Boha. Neviem čo to je. Je to skutočne zvláštne, veľmi zvláštne. Úprimne povedané, podľa tých snov, oboch tých mužov... Jeden z nich... On je asi baptista, presbyterián; možno, že tu teraz sedí, neviem. On tu bol nedávno, nepoznám toho muža.
22Ale on povedal ten sen so slzami v očiach. A to ho otriaslo. On sem prišiel až z Oregonu aby to povedal. Brat Jackson prišiel, ako má vo zvyku dnes ráno. Pritom jeden nepozná druhého, tisíc míľ jeden od druhého a oba sny presne o tom istom. Tak Duch Svätý zatajuje predomnou výklad toho. Neviem, čo povedať tomu mužovi. Ale viem, že Boh sa chystá niečo urobiť a to bude slávne v našich očiach.
23No, posolstvo dnes ráno, chcem čítať z listu Galaťanom. Nekážem alebo len ... To je lekcia nedeľnej školy. A teraz, vy muži a ženy, ktorí stojíte okolo stien a ak sa chce niekto vymeniť a dať vám sadnúť si na chvíľu alebo niečo také, nerušíte ma tým; len buďte úctiví. A ak matky, ak ich deti zaplačú alebo niečo, niekto vyjde z miestnosti pre matky aby oni mali miesto pre svoje maličké.
24A teraz, zoberte si ceruzky, Bibliu a buďte pripravení zapísať si niektoré miesta Písma, ktoré budeme čítať. Nechcem aby ste sa cítili stiesnení. Nechcem aby ste sa cítili ... Chcem aby ste sa cítili slobodne aby ste sedeli a študovali. A vy môžete nesúhlasiť - čo je v poriadku - ale ja toto len hovorím dnes krížom po národe, aby ľudia, ktorí veria posolstvu, ktoré mi dal Pán Ježiš na túto hodinu, aby mohli vedieť čo sa deje a umiestniť to v Písme.
25Minulú nedeľu sme hovorili o Pomazancoch v poslednom dni. A ak - ktokoľvek, kto počúva pásky, uistite sa aby ste dostali tú pásku, nie preto, že my chceme predávať pásky; to nie kvôli tomu. To je kvôli tomu aby sa roznieslo Posolstvo. Rozumiete? Ak máte magnetofón, zhromaždite spolu skupinu ľudí a zapnite to a dobre počúvajte.
26 Pomazanci. Počuli ste, ako ľudia povstali a povedali, „Ó, Biblia povedala, že v posledných dňoch povstanú proroci a budú činiť tieto znamenia. (To je presne podľa Písma.) Čoho sa to potom týka?“ Musíme to dať na správne miesto. Dnes večer som chcel hovoriť na tému, ak Pán dá, Boh zjavený vo svojom vlastnom Slove, ako oči nemôžete dať na miesto kde majú byť uši. Rozumiete? Práve tak ako tlačenie celej Biblie a v celej Biblii je zobrazený Ježiš Kristus. Tak o tom chcem hovoriť dnes večer, ak Pán dá. A teraz, ak nie, tak neskoršie.
27Teraz, v Liste Galaťanom a v Druhom Korinťanom 4/1-6 a Galaťanom 1/1-4 chcem čítať niektoré miesta Písma. No, Galaťanom 1/1-4:
Pavel, apoštol, ...
(Pozrite sa rýchlo, tu je čiarka. Apoštol znamená „niekto, kto je poslaný alebo misionár.“)Pavel, apoštol, nie od ľudí ani nie skrze človeka ale skrze Ježiša Krista a Boha Otca, ktorý ho vzkriesil z mŕtvych a všetci bratia, ktorí sú so mnou, zborom Galácie:
milosť vám a pokoj od Boha Otca a nášho Pána Ježiša Krista,
ktorý dal sám seba za naše hriechy, aby nás vytrhol z prítomného veku zlého podľa vôle Boha a nášho Otca, ktorému sláva na veky vekov. Amen.
28A teraz, v Druhom liste Korinťanom 4. kapitola a budeme čítať od 1. do 6. verša.
Preto majúc túto službu, ako sme dostali milosrdenstvo, neustávame;
ale sme sa odriekli skrytých vecí hanebnosti a nerobíme chytrácky ani nefalšujeme slova Božieho, ale zjavovaním pravdy odporúčame seba každému svedomiu ľudskému pred Bohom.
A jestli je aj zakryté naše evanjelium, zakryté je u tých, ktorí hynú,
(Ak to neukazuje na predurčenie, tak neviem čo to robí.)u ktorých boh tohoto sveta oslepil zmysly, zmysly neveriacich, aby sa im nezablesklo osvietenie evanjelia slávy Kristovej, ktorý je obrazom Boha.
(Tak isto, ako to bolo v záhrade Eden: vystrčil ich, aby sa nedotkli toho stromu.)Lebo nekážeme sami seba, ale Krista Ježiša ako Pána a sami že sme vašimi sluhami pre Krista.
Lebo je to Boh, ktorý povedal aby zo tmy zaskvelo svetlo, ktorý sa zaskvel v našich srdciach na osvietenie známosti slávy Božej v tvári Ježiša Krista.
(Amen! Tak sa číta Slovo.)29No, môj text dnes ráno je, Boh tohoto zlého veku. Ako sme to čítali v Písme, boh tohoto sveta, tohoto zlého veku ... No, toto posolstvo ukazuje na to zlé v tomto zlom veku a pasuje to do proroctva na tento zlý vek. A ja verím, že každé - že Biblia má každú odpoveď pre každý vek už napísanú v Biblii pre veriaceho daného veku. Verím, že všetko, čo potrebujeme, je napísané presne tu, len potrebujeme aby nám to bolo vyložené skrze Ducha Svätého. Neverím, že niekto na svete má právo dať Slovu svoj vlastný výklad. Boh nepotrebuje nikoho aby vykladal Jeho Slovo. On ho sám vykladá. On povedal, že to bude robiť a On to robí.
30Ako som už veľakrát povedal, On povedal, „Panna počne.“ On to povedal cez ústa proroka. A ona počala. Nikto to nemusel vykladať. Na počiatku On povedal, „Buď svetlo!“ a bolo. Nikto to nemusel vykladať. On povedal, že v posledných dňoch vyleje Svojho Ducha na každé telo, a On to urobil. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad. On povedal, že v posledných dňoch, tieto veci, ktoré vidíme, že sa teraz dejú, tu budú. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad. To je už vyložené. Vidíte?
31No, dobre si všimnite teraz, keď preberáme Slovo, boh tohoto zlého veku, v ktorom teraz žijeme. Môže to vyzerať zvláštne, veľmi zvláštne veci v tomto veku milosti, keď Boh berie ľudí pre Svoje meno, to je jeho Nevesta, v tomto zlom veku, ktorý mal byť nazvaný vek zla. Práve ten vek, v ktorom Boh povoláva ľudí pre svoje meno - skrze milosť - je nazvaný zlý vek. No, Dokážeme to Bibliou, že toto je ten vek, o ktorom On hovoril.
32Je to veľmi zvláštne pomyslieť si to, že v zlom veku ako je tento, že Boh bude povolávať svoju Nevestu. Všimli ste si, On povedal ľudí, nie cirkev. Prečo? A pritom je to nazvané cirkev, ale On bude povolávať ľudí. No, cirkev je zhromaždenie mnohých ľudí všetkých rôznych charakterov. Ale Boh povoláva jedného tu. On nepovedal, „Ja povolám Metodistov, Baptistov, Letničných“; On povedal, že povolá ľudí pre čo? Pre Jeho meno. Vidíte? Ľudí. Jedného z Metodistov, jedného z Baptistov, jedného z Luteránov, jedného z Katolíkov. Vidíte? Ale On povoláva nie nejakú cirkevnú skupinu, ale ľudí pre jeho meno, ktorí prijímajú jeho meno, sú zasnúbení v Jeho mene, idú na svadbu, aby sa vydali za Neho, aby sa stali časťou Neho, (vidíte?) skrze predurčenie. Tak ako muž, ktorý si vyberá správnu ženu do života, ktorá bola určená aby bola časťou jeho tela. Tak to je Nevesta Kristova, ktorá bude a teraz je od dávna určená Bohom, aby bola časťou toho Tela. Vidíte? Ó, Písma sú také bohaté, plné medu.
33Všimnite si, nie to, čo niekto povedal, čo niekto povolal, ale čo Boh vybral pred založením sveta a povoláva týchto ľudí v posledných dňoch. Nie nejakú organizáciu, ľudí pre Jeho meno. A tento zlý vek je tým, kedy to On robí, práve tento vek zvedenia.
34Posledný týždeň, v Matúšovi 24, to bol najviac zvodiaci vek zo všetkých vekov. Všetky veky zvodu od záhrady Eden a ďalej po celý čas. Nikdy nebol taký zvodiaci vek, ako tento vek. Povstanú falošní proroci a ukážu znamenia a zázraky, ak by bolo možné, že by zviedli aj Vyvolených. Vidíte? No, len chladné, formálne, naškrobené cirkvi a tak ďalej, s ľudskou teológiou, to nebude - Vyvolení nebudú nikdy venovať tomu pozornosť. Ale tam je to skoro, ako tá skutočná vec. Vypustite len jedno slovo, to je všetko, čo musíte urobiť. Zasľúbené na tento vek, ten najväčší čas ... Kresťania všade, dávajte pozor na hodinu v ktorej žijeme. Poznačte si a čítajte, a dobre počúvajte.
35Prečo bude Boh volať ľudí z tohoto zlého veku pre svoje meno? Preto aby ju vyskúšal, Svoju Nevestu. To má byť ... Keď sa zamanifestovala bola vyskúšaná, je dokázané, dokázal Satanovi ... Ako to bolo na počiatku, tak to bude na konci.
36Tak ako semeno začína, keď padne do zeme, vyrastá a prechádza cez nositele, ten život. Ale na konci je to to isté semeno, aké bolo vtedy, keď išlo do zeme. A tak isto semeno zvodu padlo do zeme v Edene, tak isto končí v posledných dňoch. Práve tak ako bolo evanjelium, keď padlo do denominácie v Nicei, v Ríme, končí v super organizácii. Práve tak ako semeno cirkvi padlo tam vtedy so znameniami, zázrakmi a živým Kristom medzi nimi, ono končí v posledných dňoch pod službou Malachiáša 4 a prinavracia znovu naspäť originálnu vieru, ktorá raz bola daná.
37Nachádzame teraz, že tento zlý vek má dokázať Satanovi, že Ona nie je ako Eva, že ona nie je žena takého typu. A Ona bude skúsená Jeho Slovom, Nevesta. Ako bola skúsená Adamova nevesta Slovom. A Adamova nevesta verila každému kúsku Slova, všetkému, až na jedno zasľúbenie na ktorom sa zamotala (že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Vidíte?) - ale upadla na jednom zasľúbení, keď ju nepriateľ pokúšal, tvárou v tvár. A teraz, ľudia, ktorí sú povolaní pre Jeho meno, samozrejme, to je Jeho Nevesta. Ona má prísť znovu do kontaktu cez tie isté veci, nie cez len denominačnú pravdu alebo niečo také, ale cez každé slovo.
38Lebo na začiatku Biblie bolo dané človeku Slovo Božie aby ním žil. Jedno slovo zle vyložené cez muža, ktorý sa nazýval Satan, v osobe zviera- ťa, ktoré sa nazývalo had ... Satan v tejto osobe sa mohol rozprávať s Evou a zle jej vyložil Slovo a bola stratená. Vidíte? To musí byť každé slovo.
39V prostriedku Biblie prišiel Ježiš a povedal, „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom slove,“ keď ho pokúšal Satan. No, Boh nám hovorí tu v posledných dňoch, že boh tohoto sveta povstane v posledných dňoch a ktokoľvek pridá ku Tomu jedno slovo alebo odoberie z Toho jedno slovo, jeho diel bude odobraný z Knihy Života. Bože buď nám milostivý. A nedaj aby sme chodili ako nafúkané košele, s vypnutou hruďou, zodvih- nutou hlavou, ja to všetko viem, pretože my sme tiež raz boli v neposluš- nosti. Daj nám s milosťou a milosrdenstvom a s citom v srdci voči Bohu, pokorne prichádzať ku trónu milosti.
40Je to zvláštne ale teraz, po nejakých tisíc deväťsto rokoch kázania evanjielia a teraz ona, to je ten svetový systém, je to horšie, ako vo dňoch keď tu bol On. Ten svetový systém je horší. Svet ide do veľkého vyvrcholenia. Viete o tom. Pán vyplňuje Svoje Slovo na každom mieste.
41Včera, keď som stál ... Dúfam, že ten človek nie je ... On nebude. Prišiel som s mojou ženou a pani Woodovou, s bratom Roy Robersonom, je niekde tu, s bratom Woodom, zastavili sme sa tu v tomto malom Youngstown obchodnom centre, aby sme zobrali balíček, ktorý mala sestra Woodová. A kým sme tam stáli prišiel tam mladý človek a predstavil sa, nepoznal som ho. Ďalší mladý muž prišiel a povedal, že sú buď z Alabami ... Myslím z Georgii, lebo som sa ich pýtal či poznajú nášho brata Welcha Evansa. A chvíľu sme sa rozprávali a keď som chcel odísť, tento mladý muž sa na mňa pozrel, keď ten druhý so svojím malým chlapcom odišiel, tento muž sa na mňa pozrel, povedal, „Chcem povedať ešte jedno.“
Povedal som, „Si veriaci, si kresťan?“
Povedal, „Nie, pane!“ Povedal ...
42Nedokážem citovať presne ako to on tu povedal, ale možno že je trochu skeptik. Opýtal som sa ho na veci ohľadne zjavenia sa Anjela Pánovho. Povedal, že o tom počul, ale že nikdy predtým nebol v cirkvi, v tomto zbore. Povedal som, „Veríš tomu?“
Povedal, „Áno, pane! Sledoval som niečo. Ľudia mi hovorili o týchto predpovediach a takých veciach a počul som na páske, že ste predpovedali ako sa Kalifornia odlomí. Keď som to videl v novinách, potom som tomu uveril. Prídem dnes alebo zajtra (to je dnes) po prvé.“
Povedal som, „Nech ťa Pán požehná, synu“ a podal som mu ruku.
On povedal, „Ale chcem vám niečo povedať. Som tak stratený ako len môžem byť. Som ako minca v kope piesku, stratený!“
43Povedal som, „Ale nemusíš zostať v takom stave; je tu Niekto teraz prítomný, ktorý ťa môže nájsť v tej chvíli, keď budeš pripravený dať sa nájsť.“
On povedal, „Som pripravený!“
Povedal som, „Sklonil by si svoju hlavu?“
On povedal, „Ja sa nehanbím.“ Nie len to ale on si tam kľakol, na parkovisku pred všetkými tými ľuďmi. Ľudia na ulici sa dívali na neho, tam sme sa s ním pomodlili až dal Bohu svoje srdce. Prišiel ako hriešnik, odišiel ako dieťa Božie. Vyšiel z auta mŕtvy a odišiel navrátený do života.
44Povedal som, „Bazén bude zajtra otvorený.“
Je zdroj naplnený krvou,
vytekajúcou zo žíl Emanuela;
Kde sa hriešnici do nej ponoria,
Stratia všetky svoje škvrny vín.
Povedal som, „Vstaň a daj sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista, vzývajúc meno Pánove. Boh ťa naplní Duchom Svätým a dá ti tieto veľké veci a spraví, že to budeš môcť vidieť.“
45Čo to je? Svet ide do vyvrcholenia. Prečo? Duch bezzákonnosti, morálneho skazenia, vedeckého náboženstva to doviedol do klietky (žalára) každého nenávideného a nečistého vtáka, ako povedala Biblia. Čítajme to, Zjavenie 18. Kým sa uberáme týmto smerom, zoberme Zjavenie 18:1-5. Dúfam, že som si to dobre poznačil.
Potom som videl iného anjela zostupujúceho z neba, ktorý mal velikú moc, a zem bola osvietená od jeho slávy.
A skríkol silne, velikým hlasom ...
(No, vy ktorí ste mali tie sny, ...)a hovoril: Padol, padol veľký Babylon a stal sa bývaniskom démonov a žalárom každého ducha nečistého a žalárom každého vtáka nečistého a nenávideného,
lebo z vína prchlivosti jeho ...
(Cirkvi!)... smilstva pili všetky národy a kráľovia zeme smilnili s ním, a kupci zeme zbohatli z moci jej buje.
A počul som iný hlas z neba, ktorý hovoril: Vyjdite z neho môj ľude, aby ste sa nezúčastnili jeho hriechov a aby ste nedostali z jeho rán.
Lebo jeho hriechy dosiahli až do neba a Boh sa rozpamätal na jeho neprávosti.
46Čo za varovanie. To vrhá cirkev presne naspäť do Zjavenia 3:14, do Laodicejského veku, bezzákonnosti, skutočne nábožní, ale bezzákonní. „Pretože hovoríš, že sme bohatí, nepotrebujeme ničoho, neviež, že si nahý, mizerný, slepý a nevieš o tom!“ Dokonale podľa Písma na tento vek, nie pre Písmo veku Daniela, nie pre tých vo veku Noeho, ale v tomto posledom zlom veku.
47Všimnite si tu. Si nahý! Nech to vsiakne skutočne hlboko. Viem, že môžem mať veľa nezhody v tejto mysli, ale to musí prísť na miesto, že kresťan bude sotva môcť vyjsť z domu, aby neprišiel do prítomnosti tohoto zlého veku cez neprístojne oblečené ženy.
48Ženy, poviem toto a chcem aby ste počúvali. A muži a ženy, môžete s týmto nesúhlasiť, ale cítim, že som vedený aby som to povedal. Vedeli ste, že každá žena, ktorá sa takto odhaľuje nie je pri zdravom rozume? Viete, ona je, či tomu verí alebo nie, či si to myslí alebo nie, ona je prostitútka. Hoci tá žena sa môže postaviť pred Boha zodvihnúť ruku a prisahať, že sa jej nedotkol žiadny iný muž okrem jej manžela a to môže byť skutočná pravda, ale ona je aj tak prostitútka. Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek pozrie žiadostivo na ženu, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo.“ A tá žena môže byť ...
49Vidíte? Ona je nahá, Biblia povedala a nevie o tom. Duch, ktorý ju pomazáva aby robila také veci je zlý, prostitútsky duch. Jej vonkajšia bytosť, jej fyzické telo, jej telo, ona môže byť čistá. Nemusela spáchať žiadne cudzoložstvo a mohla by to odprisahať Bohu - a bola by to pravda - že to nikdy neurobila, ale jej duch je prostitútsky duch. Ona je tak oslepená bohom tejto svetovej módy; oblieka sa sexy a ide von.
50Jedného dňa brat Wood a ja sme dávali čln na rieku. Mal som sa dostať preč z domu za niekoľko minút a ísť ku rieke. A kdekoľvek ste išli, ženy tam mali na sebe taký kúskom nazvaný „kiny“ alebo tak nejako ... To je hanba. Žena nemôže mať zdravý rozum, keď si oblieka niečo také. Je posadnutá duchom prostitúcie. No, vybavte si to s Bohom, dámy, pretože jedného dňa zistíte, že to je pravda.
51Ako môžeš, dáma, keď vieš, aké posvätné je tvoje telo a vystavovať ho tam tým žiadostivým, hriešnym diablom, ktorý chodia dnes po uliciach? Keby synovia Boží boli všetci stále synovia Boží, keby tvoj muž bol synom Božím, buď by ťa doviedol do toho aby si si obliekla šaty alebo by ťa opustil. Ak je nejaký chlapec synom Božím, nikdy sa neožení s niečím takýmto. Rozumiete? Vy poviete, „Ty robíš ...“ Nie, ja vám hovorím pravdu. A jedného dňa sa s tým stretnete. Nahí, cudzoložní, a nevedia o tom.
52„Ó, prisahám, že som nikdy neporušila sľuby dané môjmu mužovi.“ Ak si ich porušila bude ťa za to súdiť tvoj muž. Ale Boh ťa bude súdiť podľa toho, akého ducha si mala v sebe, nie podľa tvojho tela, ale podľa tvojho ducha, toho vnútorného človeka.
53Ten vonkajší človek je fyzická bytosť, ktorá je kontrolovaná šiestimi zmyslami, či vlastne piatimi. Ten vnútorný človek je duchovný človek, ktorý je kontrolovaný piatimi zmyslami: Svedomie a láska a tak ďalej. Ten vonkajší: zrak, chuť, cit, čuch, sluch. Ale to vnútro toho ducha je duša, a ona je kontrolovaná jednou vecou; vašou slobodnou vôľou. Vy môžete prijať to, čo hovorí diabol alebo prijať to, čo hovorí Boh. A to určí, aký duch je tam. Ak je to duch Boží, bude sa živiť Božími vecami a nebude sa živiť ničím z tohoto sveta. Ježiš povedal, „Ak milujete svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, to preto, že do tej vnútornej časti vôbec nevošla láska Božia.“ Satan vás zviedol. „A človek nebude žiť len chlebom ale každým slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“
54Všimnite si. No, nachádzame, že ona je nahá, necudná a holá. A zdá sa, že svet je v najhoršom veku, v akom kedy ... Nikdy v žiadnom veku sa ženy takto nesprávali, nikdy, len pred zničením predpotopného sveta. A Ježiš poukazuje na to. Za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme.
55Stratil Boh kontrolu alebo len dovoľuje inej sile to kontrolovať? Som zvedavý. Správna odpoveď na túto otázku je ... Podľa môjho názoru, dnes proti sebe stoja vo svete dvaja duchovia. No, nemôže ich byť viacej ako dvaja, dve hlavy. A jedným z nich je Duch Svätý; ten druhý je duch diablov a v týchto posledných dňoch, v klamstve. No, chcem založiť moje myšlienky hneď tu pre ten ďalší text, ďalšiu časť nášho posolstva.
56Tí dvaja duchovia, jeden z nich, Boží Svätý Duch , ten druhý, diablov duch účinkujúci v klamstve. Ľudia vo svete robia teraz svoje rozhodnutie. Duch Svätý je tu, vyvoláva Nevestu pre Krista. On to robí tým, že Jej potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo zasľúbenia na tento vek a ukazuje, že to je Kristus. Ak sa má v tomto veku hýbať prst, bude sa hýbať prst. Ak sa v tomto veku má hýbať noha, bude sa hýbať noha. Ak oko má vidieť v tomto veku, oko bude vidieť. Rozumiete? Duch Boží, ako rastie do plnej postavy Boha, je ... Vek, v ktorom my teraz žijeme, Duch Svätý je tu, potvrdzuje Posolstvo na túto hodinu. A Duch Svätý robí toto, aby ľudia, ktorí veria v Boha, boli vyvolaní z tohoto chaosu. Diablov nesvätý duch je tu, vyvoláva svoju cirkev skrze blud, ako obyčajne, skrze prevrátenie Slova Božieho, ako to urobil na začiatku. Vidíte ako to prichádza rovno naspäť do toho času semena? Od Edenu, znovu je to tu.
57No, vtedy cez tie iné veky ste patrili do denominácií; patrili ste do tohoto, toho, či tamtoho. Čo sa stalo s tým denominačným steblom? Ono uschlo. Duch ho opúšťa, ide ďalej. A ide to do semena.
58Vidíte v pokúšaní oboch to ide naspäť tak isto, ako to bolo na začiatku. Všimnite si, nezabudnite na to teraz. Keď Ján, 1.Jána 4:5 a 6 - ak si to chcete zapísať, on to zapísal „duch bludu.“ Eva nikdy len tak jednoducho neodišla a nepovedala ochotne, „Neverím v Boha!“ Nie, to bol blud, ktorému uverila.
59Satan nikdy neprišiel a nepovedal, „No, to nie je vôbec Slovo Božie!“ On pripustil, že To bolo Slovo Božie ale on dal Tomu svoj vlastný výklad, čo im Boh jasne povedal aby to nerobili. Čo toto robí? To robí mocné pôso- benie bludu aby ľudia uverili lži a tým boli odsúdení. No, ak si to chcete prečítať, 2. Tesaloničanom 2:11. Mám tu niekoľko miest Písma a neboli by sme schopní ich všetky prečítať. Jedno tu a tam, dáv vám ich ako ...
60Vyzerá to divne, že vy sa na to pýtate alebo niečo také a môžeme si to zapísať a čítať to na vaše dobro.
61Posiela mocné pôsobenie bludu, ako to hovorí Biblia, že to bude (2. Tesaloničanom), ako tento človek hriechu príde do existencie a posadí sa v chráme Božom, bude sa vydávať za Boha a spôsobí, že ľudia pôjdu do silného bludu a uveria lži; a tým, že tomu budú veriť budú odsúdení. To je to isté, čo urobil Eve, dal jej ... Nikdy jej nepovedal, že Slovo nie je správne, ale jej dal silný blud, že ona uverila lži.
62Duch bludu je z diabla, diabli teraz pôsobia v deťoch neposlušnosti. Neposlušnosť čomu? Čomu sú deti tohoto dňa neposlušné? Ako Eva na začiatku: pravému Slovu Božiemu. Je to tak. No, ak si to chcete poznačiť, otvorme si to, Efežanom 2, na chvíľu, pretože to vyzerá dobre aby sme - zastavím sa na chvíľu, ak sa veľmi neponáhľate a prečítam niečo z toho. Efežanom 2:1 až 2.
Aj vás oživil, ktorí ste boli mŕtvi vo svojich previneniach a vo svojich hriechoch,
v ktorých ste kedysi chodili podľa veku tohoto sveta, podľa kniežaťa mocnosti povetria, ducha to, ktorý teraz pôsobí v synoch neposlušnosti.
(v deťoch neposlušnosti!)63A ak antikrist bol tam v deckom stave neposlušnosti, čo to bude, keď to vyvrcholí v osobe antikrista? Aké zvodiace to bude. O čo viacej moci zviesť môže dať dospelý svetu než malé dieťa? A tam je povedané, „Ten duch bludu teraz pôsobí v deťoch neposlušnosti,“ neposlušnosť Slovu.
64Všimnite si. Chcem toto trochu rozobrať, deti neposlušnosti, dieťa. Vedeli ste, vy, váš začiatok, môžem to dokázať Slovom Božím, že vy, každá osoba tu žila vo svojom prastarom otcovi. A váš pra pra starý otec ... Boli ste prenesený do vášho starého otca, potom do vášho otca a potom vy. Viete o tom? Biblia povedala, myslím, že je to v liste Židom 7, že Melchisedech ... Keď sa Abrahám vracal od porážky kráľov, Abrahám zaplatil Mechisedechovi desatinu zo všetkej koristi. A tu teraz Pavel hovorí, že Lévi, ktorý prijíma desiatky, bol vtedy ešte ... On zaplatil desatinu, pretože vtedy bol ešte v bedrách Abrahámových, keď on stretol Melchisedecha. Tak čokoľvek čo Abrahám urobil, potom nachádzame, že Lévi bol vtedy v Abrahámovi, ktorý bol jeho prastarým otcom. Abrahám splodil Izáka; Izák splodil Jákoba; Jakob splodil patriarchov: Leviho ... Tak potom, tu teraz začíname jasne vidieť, predurčenie.
65Teraz, v týchto posolstvách chcem zdôrazniť tie veci, ktoré som vám povedal v Posolstve tohoto večerného svetla, o ktorom Boh povedal, že príde na zem.
66A všimnite si, človek, tá šelma, ktorá mala prísť na zem, zvedie všetkých, ktorých mená nie sú zapísané v Baránkovej knihe života, zabitého pred založením sveta.
67V Božom vlastnom myslení ... Boh, ten veľký Duch, na začiatku, predtým, ako nastal začiatok, On bol Boh. A vedeli ste, že vy ste vtedy boli v ňom? Ak si teraz kresťan, bol si vtedy v Ňom. A potom, ak je to tak, celé Božstvo telesne sa sformovalo v osobe Ježiša Krista. A potom, keď Ježiš zomrel na kríži, ja som zomrel s Ním, lebo som bol v vtedy Ňom; lebo On bol Plnosťou Slova, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, vedel, že my budeme zamanifestovaní neskoršie. A my sme boli na Golgote s Ním. Išli sme s Ním do hrobu a povstali sme s Ním v Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní, a teraz sme vystúpili skrze Jeho Ducha ku Trónu milosti, sedíme spolu v ponebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi, stále.
68Lebo ako zárodok prirodzeného života je prenášaný, zárodok od otca do otca, do otca, do otca, tak je to so zárodkom života Kristovho. Preto Boh používa Eliášovho ducha päť krát. Čo to je? To je podávanie ďalej.
69Práve tak ako váš prirodzený život so svojimi vlastnosťami je prenášaný z prirodzeného narodena, z vášho otca, tak je Duch Boží, ktorý bol predurčený pred založením sveta. A keď celé Slovo Božie v úplnosti vyvrcholilo v ľudskom tele, nazvanom Ježiš Kristus, tam Boh spravil, že tam v Ňom som zaplatil za moje hriechy. Potom ma On vzbudil - zodvihol ma s Ním vo vzkriesení. A teraz sedíme s Ním s mocou a autoritou nad každým diablom. Ó, keby ste mohli len tomu veriť, čo nám Boh dal. Ale ak tam nesedíte, nemáte to. A ak tam sedíte, a neveríte a bojíte sa pohnúť, nikdy to nepoužijete. Ale ak tam sedíte, použijete to, lebo ste určení aby ste robili čo robíte.
70Faraón, na druhej strane bol vzbudený kvôli tomu, hovorí Biblia, aby bol faraónom. Judáš Iškariotský bol vzbudený, aby bol synom zatratenia.
71No, všimnite si tieto veľké Pravdy, ku ktorým pristupujeme. Teraz vidíme, že cirkev odmietla prijať Božie Slovo aby vládlo nad nimi a namiesto toho prijala Barabáša. No, ak chcete na to miesto Písma, je to Matúš 27:15-23. Čo toto urobilo? Akú pozíciu toto zaujalo? No, rozmýšľajte nad tým. Keď cirkevný svet vo svojom zorganizovanom živote spravodlivých, svätých ľudí - ako si mysleli, že sú a v očiach ľudí nimi boli - oni ukrižovali Ježiša a povedali, „Nechceme aby tento vládol nad nami.“ A Ježiš bol plnosť Božieho Slova; 1. Jána 1 to vyjadruje. A oni povedali, „Nebudeme mať toto Slovo Božie aby vládlo nad nami.“ A pritom On bol Slovo ale ich oči boli slepé na to, čo On bol. Lebo On bol priamou odpoveďou na každé proroctvo, ktoré malo prísť a vyplniť sa v Ňom. Teraz všetci tomu veríme, pretože sa dívame naspäť a vidíme, že to sa stalo. Ale keby svet - to je teraz, tento prítomný zlý vek, keby bol tam vtedy v tom čase, oni by urobili to isté čo robia dnes, pretože to je stále to isté Slovo na tento vek, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. Oni to urobia. Oni nemôžu urobiť nič iné. Oni sú deti neposlušnosti, dané je im mocné pôsobenie bludu aby verili lži a cez to boli odsúdení.
72Všimnite si, keď cirkevný svet neakceptoval Ježiša, Slovo zamanifesto- vané na ten deň, prečo? Oni si ho vyložili inak. Ale oni mali vedieť, že On bol tým Slovom, pretože všetko, čo Boh povedal, že urobí, urobil. A On im povedal, „Skúmajte Písma na túto hodinu a ak nesplňujem kvalifikáciu, to čo bolo povedané, že mám robiť, potom mi neverte.“
Oni povedal, „My veríme Mojžišovi.“
73On povedal, „Keby ste verili Mojžišovi, verili by ste mne, lebo Mojžiš hovoril o mne.“ A oni to stále nevideli. Sám Boh neba zomiera na kríži a hovorí tie isté slová, o ktorých proroci povedali, že bude hovoriť a oni to stále nevideli. Vidíte? Oni neboli z Jeho druhu. Oni neboli Slovom - neboli Slovom a pritom boli veľmi nábožní. Ale oni neboli Slovom, lebo Ono by rozpoznalo Svoje miesto na tú hodinu.
74Všimnite si ako nádherne Písma držia spolu v každom veku. Všimnite si teraz. A keď cirkevný svet nemal Slovo Božie aby vládlo nad nimi, oni prijali vraha, Barabáša. Čo toto urobilo? To vyvýšilo Satana, boha tohoto zlého veku na miesto, ktoré on stále chcel. Počúvajte teraz. O Satanovi nie je hovorené ako o bohovi v žiadnom inom veku len v tomto veku. On nebol nazvaný bohom vo dňoch Noeho. On nebol nazvaný bohom vo veku Mojžiša, bohom veku Eliášovho, ale v tomto zlom veku on je ... Ó, neprehliadnite to! On je bohom tohoto zlého veku a uctievajú ho milióny a bilióny ľudí, a nevedia o tom.
75Ale nechajme nech ho dnes ráno Písmo odhalí a pozrime sa, potom budete vedieť. Nech Písmo, ako na zhromaždení s rozpoznávaním, keď Duch Svätý vchádza do Svojho Slova a vyvoláva tohoto muža a hovorí, „Ty nemáš čo žiť s touto druhou ženou. Čo si urobil pred desiatimi rokmi, keď si behal so ženou iného muža?“ Čo On robí? Odhaľuje ho, vystavuje Satana, ktorý zviazal toho muža, alebo ženu, ktorá žije s mužom inej ženy, alebo hriechy, ktoré urobili a to, čo urobili. Čo to robí? Odkrýva ho.
76Lekári berú prístroje a snažia sa zistiť, čo je zlé. Oni to nedokážu. My to nedokážeme povedať. Ale potom vystupuje Duch Svätý a zjavuje, čo on je a odkrýva ho. Rozumiete? To je vlastne Slovo Božie. Ono je Svetlom, ktoré svieti v temnosti. Keď snímate v miestnosti zvuk, zneje to tajomne. Skupina niečoho pracuje a vy neviete, čo to je, zapálite svetlo. Rýchlo, cvrčky, ploštice, to sú deti temnosti. A keď svetlo zasvieti, rozbiehajú sa na všetky strany. „Vyšli z nás, pretože neboli z nás,“ hovorí Biblia. Vidíte? Oni nemôžu žiť vo Svetle sveta, lebo Boh neba poslal svoje Svetlo v tomto poslednom dni aby mohol osvietiť chodník pre svoje deti, aby nemuseli chodiť potme a nepotkli sa, ale aby mohli chodiť vo Svetle svietiaceho Ježiša Krista, toho istého včera, dnes i naveky. Amen!
77Všimnite si, Satan nie je nazvaný boh žiadneho iného veku len tohoto veku. To bola jeho ambícia od samého začiatku aby bol ako Boh. Prečítajme to. Venujeme tomu svoj čas. Poďme naspäť ... Pozrime sa; Zapísal som si to tu, Izaiáš 14. Poďme na chvíľu sem do Izaiáša 14 a pozrime sa čo Boh povedal, čo Satan urobil. Izaiáš 14:12 a 14. Všimnite si!
Ako si len padol z nebies, jasná hviezdo, synu ranej zory! Zoťatý si na zem, ktorý si porážal národy.
A veď ty si povedal vo svojom, srdci: Vystúpim hore do neba; vyvýšim svoj trón nad hviezdy silného Boha ...
(To sú Synovia Boží.)... a posadím sa na vrchu slávnostného zhromaždenia Božieho, v najďalších krajoch severa.
78To bola Satanova túžba aby bol uctievaný ako Boh. On zobral dve tretiny - dve tretiny nebeských hviezd, vyvýšil sa nad tieto hviezdy a kázal im a zviedol dve tretiny z nich. Vidíte to? No dobre. Všimnite si, to bola jeho žiadosť. A teraz je pripravený so svojou dôkladne vybranou, vzdelanou nevestou, jeho vlastnými vedomosťami (vidíte?), celá vymaľovaná v jeho klamstve veľkých budov a veľkých denominácií a nátermi vedomosti a teológie a chytrá a intelektuálna, vzdelaná aby zviedol celý svet a stal sa bohom (to je to, čo on urobil!), všetko smeruje do tej osoby antikrista, ktorý je už korunovaný vicar Boha, skrze jeho, svet milujúcu, vedeckú nevestu, všetko oblečené v nádheru intelektualizmu, náboženského vzdelania. Ona je nábožná ako on a skrze jeho vlastný výklad Božieho Slova, tak ako ho vyložil Eve, a ako robil jeho syn Kain.
79No, poviete, „Satanov syn?“Ukážte mi jedno miesto v Biblii, kde bol Kain kedy nazvaný Adamovým synom. Biblia hovorí, že on bol syn toho zlého, semeno hada. Brat, záclona bola teraz odstránená. Pyramída bola otvorená, ako ukázalo zjavenie.
80Všimnite si čo on bude robiť, jeho myšlienky. On si myslel, že Boh prebýva v svetskej kráse. On to urobil v Nebi. Hriech vôbec nezačal v záhrade Eden; on začal v nebi, keď Lucifer, syn rána sa vyvýšil v kráse a chcel krajšie kráľovstvo než to Michaelove. A on si myslel, že Boh prebýva v kráse.
81A všimnite si Kaina. On nechcel žiadnu krvavú obeť. On prišiel a obetoval ovocie poľa, krásne na svojom oltári. Veľmi nábožný, urobil všetko čo - presne tak isto, ako Ábel. Priniesol obeť, padol pred Bohom a klaňal sa Mu, poslušný v každom spôsobe, ale bez zjavenia Slova. A Slovo bolo od začiatku Božím plánom. Ale Boh zjavil skrze zjavenie presne tú vec, ktorú potvrdil a zdôraznil, že to je správne. Nie náboženstvo, nie oltár, nie prináležanie do cirkvi, nie prinášanie obetí, nie byť úprimný, ale skrze zjavenie Božieho Slova. Boh mu zjavuje, čo - čo to - jeho matka nezobrala jablko, ktoré jej dal had, ale mala sexuálny pomer s tou osobou Satana vo forme toho zvieraťa, ktoré nebolo plazom ale bolo najchytrejšie, najbystrejšie zo všetkých zvierat poľných, s postavou človeka, jediné ktorého semeno sa zmiešalo. No, veda sa ho snaží nájsť. A oni ho nikdy nenájdu, pretože každá kosť v jeho tele je premenená. Ale Biblia hovorí, že je to tak.
82Všimnite si čo tento človek bude teraz robiť. Tento človek, on sa posadí do chrámu Božieho, to je cirkev, vydávajúc sa za Boha. No, ak si to chcete prečítať, to je 2. Tesaloničanom 2:3 a 4 a Zjavenie 13:4, 11 a 12, kde obaja proroci hovoria, obaja, Ján a Pavel, čo on bude v tomto poslednom dni. No ... Prečítajte si to, pretože som si to tu zapísal, ale aby, ja len ... aby sme teraz ušetrili čas.
83Deň v ktorom žijeme je v Biblii nazvaný, deň človeka, ľudský deň. Toto nie je Boží deň. Boh nie je bohom tejto zeme; Biblia hovorí, že nie je; On je Boh Neba. Ale toto nie je Boží deň; toto je deň rozhodovania sa. Buď budeš žiť pre dnešok a zomrieš; alebo sa rozhodneš pre Boha a budeš žiť; a Boh je Slovo. A Slovo je zamanifestované Slovo na túto hodinu a deň.
84Všimnite si, deň človeka. Ak si to chcete zapísať, prečítam to, 1. Korinťanom 5:1-5 prepáčte 1. Korinťanom 4:1-5, Pavel tu hovorí o súdení ľudským súdom v ľudskom dni.
85Deň ... Poviete „Prečo to nazývaš ľudským dňom?“ To je deň, keď sú oslavované ľudské diela, dosiahnuté ich znalosťami. Pozrite sa, v čom je celá chvála komunistov. Niekto sa snaží dostať niekoho na mesiac. Boh sa snaží dostať niekoho do Neba. Rozumiete? Ale pozrite sa, ako oni utrácajú milióny a bilióny a trilióny dolárov v námahe bez úžitku. Keď sa tam dostanú, nič nenájdu. Čo sa s nimi deje? Ja sa nestarám o mesiac. Ja chcem prejsť okolo neho tak rýchlo, že ho ani neuvidím, idúc vyššie a vyššie. Chcem prejsť okolo mliečnej, bielej dráhy, ísť ďalej, stále ďalej. Áno!
86A svet sa dnes posväcuje vedomosti, ktorá prišla cez Satana; a oslavovaný je deň človeka, nie Slovom Božím, ale vedomosťami, ktoré človek má. Zamyslite sa teraz, nech to do vás vsiakne. A keď si znovu budete púšťať túto pásku, zastavte ju na chvíľu tu v tomto mieste a zamyslite sa. Jeho diela sú vyvýšené ponad Božie Slovo a zamanifestované skutky. Satanova múdrosť, ktorú on na začiatku dal Eve ... Počúvajte teraz, neprehliadnite toto! Satanova múdrosť je vyvýšená na trón uctievania v človeku vyššie, než potvrdené Slovo Božie na túto hodinu. Naše cirkvi dokazujú, že skrze ich semináre, školy vyučovania, oni si myslia, že tam sa naučia viac, než ako o tom vie Božie Slovo. A doktor taký a taký, a učiteľ taký a taký, a profesor taký a taký, vyvýšili svoje vlastné vedomosti, tak zvanú pravdu, od Satana, nad potvrdené zasľúbenie Božie, ktoré je jasne predstavené rovno pred nimi. A človek na to naletel. Vidíte?
87Jeho vedecké dosiahnutia sa snažia dokázať, že Božie Slovo sa mýli ... Len si to predstavte. On, jeho, to je, ľudská teológia, vysvetľuje ľuďom Božie Slovo a znovu Ho pozbavuje moci, ako to robil v denominačnom veku, keď sa Ježiš ukázal na zemi. Ježiš povedal, „Vy pokrytci, vy ste skrze svoje tradície, (to bol ich výklad) zobrali Slovo Božie a spravili ste, že nemá na ľuďoch moc.“ A to je to isté, čo urobili dnes. Ono nemá moc.
88Všimnite si, oni, ľudia, vyvýšili jeho ponad všetko, čo sa nazýva Bohom. Či 2. Tesaloničanom nehovorí, že to urobia? A autorita denominač- nej cirkvi, ľudia veria tej denominácii viac než Bohu - a Boh je Slovo - oni budú veriť svojmu denominačnému vyznaniu viac ako Slovu, a to vyvyšuje jeho nad všetko, čo sa nazýva Boh. A je len jeden Boh, a to je Slovo. Všetko čo sa nazýva Boh ... Tak on sedí ako Boh v cirkvi Božej, dokazuje, že on je boh, pretože doviedol ľudí do toho, že ho uctievajú. Boh je Slovo. A on sa vyvýšil nad všetko, čo sa nazýva Boh. A je len jeden Boh a tým Bohom je Slovo. Rozumiete? A všetko, čo sa nazýva bohom je ... Boh tohoto veku sa vyvýšil nad tú pravdu, nad potvrdené Slovo Božie (To je Ján 1. Vidíte?) - nad všetko, čo sa nazýva Boh, tak, že on ako Boh sedí v chráme Božom s autoritou (Pozrite!); a preto je zvelebovaný. Ó Bože, nech ľudia vidia to zvedenie. On je za to zvelebovaný a ľudia tohoto zlého veku mu vážne veria. No, vidíte boha a jeho sluhov tohoto zlého veku?
89No, dávajme pozor to bude očividné. On hovorí, že vytvára pre nich lepší svet, aby sa im na ňom lepšie žilo, skrze svoju vedomosť, nezhodnú s neklamným Božím Slovom. Ale svojím príchodom spolu v denomináciách a vyznaniach a intelektuálne a vedecky a tak ďalej, vytvára lepší svet, aby sa ľuďom na ňom lepšie žilo a ignoruje zasľúbenie Božie, že jediný čas, kedy svet bude vhodný pre život, je v Miléniu. Viete, podľa mojej mienky on vytvoril lepší svet pre hriech a nie pre život.
90Všimnite si. Urobil to? On zlegalizoval hriech. On zlegalizoval pitie alkoholu, fajčenie cigariet. A potom cirkvi zlegalizovali, že žena môže byť členkou zboru s krátkymi vlasmi. No, nech sa na chvíľu zastaví.
91Ona môže nosiť šortky, maľovať sa a stále patriť do svojej náboženskej skupiny, čo je úplne proti Božiemu Slovu. On hovorí, že to je v poriadku. Vidíte jeho vedomosť? „Čo to má spoločné so ženou?“ To isté ako brať zakázané ovocie alebo nezakázané ovocie; to je to. Boh povedal aby sa to nerobilo, ale on to robí.
92A ona mu verí a miluje ho za to. Ona nenávidí Boha. Jej vlastné počínanie to dokazuje. Ona hovorí, že Ho miluje, ale miluje Satana. Ona ctí boha módy, boha sveta, Hollywoodské bohyne. Ona miluje jeho, ale nenávidí pravé Slovo Božie, ktoré je jediným pravým Bohom, ktorý je. Legalizuje to: „V cirkvách nič nevadí. Naše ženy môžu robiť toto, to, či tamto.“ Ale do prítomnosti živého Boha jej ani nie je dovolené prísť, jedine, že činí pokánie.
93Vidíte? On je bohom svetskej krásy; on je. Ona chce vyzerať nádherne a on je bohom krásy od začiatku. On môže a dosiahol skrze svoje vedomosti vo vede a v materiáloch vyrobiť krásu pre svoj - pre tento moderný zlý vek. On vyrobil krásu.
94Všimnite si, to je hodné povšimnutia, na začiatku Set a jeho deti nikdy nešli vedeckou cestou. No, budeme chvíľu hovoriť o vede. Keď to hovorím, neospravedlňujem svoju nevedomosť ale to hovorím kvôli hromade nevedomosti, kvôli všetkému, čo zapiera Slovo Božie. Rozumiete? Skutočne! To je hodné povšimnutia. Sledujte to. Setove deti nikdy neodišli na vedeckú dráhu. Oni boli pokorní pastieri, farmári a tak ďalej. Ale Kainove deti tam odišli. Prečo? Boli inšpirované svojim otcom, diablom. Kain, inšpirovaný svojím otcom, diablom, a títo inšpirovaní tým semenom, ktoré prichádzalo ...
95Pozorujte semeno Božie ako prechádza ďalej cez každý vek a sledujete kde ono dnes vrcholí. Kresťania, skutoční kresťania nie sú všade okolo vedeckých výskumov a takých vecí. Nie, za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme. Ale Kainove išli podľa povahy ich otca, diabla, plné svetských vedomostí, krásy, vedy a tak ďalej. Kainove deti boli vedecké; boli vzdelané. Boli hráčmi na hudobných nástrojoch, (Moderný Elvis Presley a nejakí takí, ktorým školská rada tu povyše nechá robiť to, čo robia každú sobotu večer.) stavitelia miest, okrášľujú ženy kvôli osobným žiadostiam, ako diabol dáva ženám líčidlo a strihá im vlasy a oblieka ich do šortiek a do takých vecí. Oni ... To je pre jeho vlastné špinavé žiadosti. Je to povedané dosť otvorene ale nepoznám žiadny iný spôsob ako to povedať.
96No, vieme, že Satanove evanjelium je evanjelium vedy a pokroku. On to kázal v Edene, nie Boh, Satan, vedecký pokrok. Veda a pokrok je Satanove evanjelium. Pozrite kde nás dnes s tým doviedol. Vidíte?
97Všimnite si, on to kázal v Edene komu? Adamovej neveste a ona na tom upadla. On ju zviedol do toho aby zapochybovala v jedno Božie Slovo. Pozrime sa, čo on mohol povedať. On musel povedať, „To nie je vedecké aby niekto zomrel v tejto svätej cirkvi,“ alebo, „Ty budeš vyučená a vzdelaná, že nebudeš veriť takým nerozumným veciam ako smrť. Nestarám sa o to či to Božie Slovo povedalo, to je nerozumné.“
98Ó, pozrite sa dnes na neho. „Boh je dobrý Boh. Ty si v Jeho svätej cirkvi. Prečo, ty nemôžeš zomrieť!“ Ale Boh povedal, že zomrieš, a tým je to vybavené! Vidíte ho dnes? „Ó, len patri do cirkvi. Nejde o to čo robíš, či toto, to alebo tamto. Len prichádzaj do cirkvi a buď dobrým členom. Strihanie vlasov, to je hlúposť. A nosenie šortiek a maľovanie sa a chodenie na tance a občas trochu piva, to ti nezaškodí pokiaľ sa tomu neoddávaš. Úprimne povedané, prajem vám deti aby ste to okúsili, aby sa tak mohli naučiť či sa im to páči alebo nie.“ Tu ho máte, boha tohoto veku, tohoto zlého veku.
99Boh je dobrý Boh.“ Toľkokrát som to počul až mi je z toho zle. Boh je tiež Bohom spravodlivosti. On nie je starý detinský dedko, ktorého môžete postrkovať kde chcete a jeho vnúčatá nemajú žiadny hriech; On je Bohom spravodlivosti a svätosti. On to dokázal v záhrade Eden pri svojich prvých deťoch. Prekročíte tú líniu jedného z Jeho slov a ste mŕtvi. Tie isté veci platia dnes.
100 A všimnite si on kázal také vedecké, sociálne, vzdelané, pokrokové evanjelium Eve a Adamova nevesta tomu uverila. A on pokračoval vo vyplňovaní tej tak zvanej nevesty Kristovej, cirkvi Druhého Adama, s tými istými argumentmi. Je to tak.
101„Ó, to nie je - to nie je na Boha. Boh je príliš dobrý aby to urobil. Prečo, pokiaľ chodíš do cirkvi. Ak veríš ...“ Diabol verí, nie len na oko ale on skutočne verí. A nie je spasený. „Ak veríš ...“
102On hovorí tej druhej neveste - alebo neveste Druhého Adama to isté, čo povedal tej prvej, ako, „No, božské uzdravovanie, také niečo neexistuje. My to môžeme dokázať. Taký prípad nebol nikdy dokázaný. A tento krst vo meno Ježiša, no, či si neuvedomujete, že ja som autoritou cirkvi,“ on hovorí. „My sme to ustanovili v Nicei, v Ríme,“ keď tí traja nečistí duchovia vyšli z draka, z falošného proroka a tak ďalej. „My veríme, že je trojica bohov.“ Ó, niečo také. To je také pohanstvo, aké len môže byť. Nikdy neprichádzajte pred Boha s takými vecami, nesnažte sa stáť v Jeho prítomnosti.
103„Ó, v tom nie je žiadny rozdiel či si pokrstený v tituly Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý. Aký je v tom rozdiel?“ To je taký veľký rozdiel, že až Pavel prikázal skupine Baptistov, že museli byť znovu pokrstení vo meno Ježiša Krista prv, ako Duch Svätý mohol na nich prísť a tiež to doviedlo toho apoštola ku tomu, že skríkol a povedal, „Keby prišiel anjel z neba a kázal čokoľvek iné, nech je prekliaty.“ Samozrejme, že to robí rozdiel. Ó!
104„Nie je niečo také ako krst Duchom Svätým v týchto dňoch. To bolo len pre apoštolov. To už skončilo. A také niečo ako proroci? To je úplne neznáme. Zázraky? To je nevedecké. Malachiáš 4? To bolo na iný vek. Ján 14:12? Ó, Ježiš to v skutočnosti tak nemyslel. Lukáš 17:30? Ó, to bol len mýt.“ Vidíte? „To je zle preložené. V originály to nebolo.“ Také nezmysly, keď Všemohúci Boh prichádza dole medzi nás a potvrdzuje to. Keď On hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, On dokazuje, že je to tak. Nestarám sa kto hovorí, že to tak nie je; Boh vykladá svoje vlastné Slovo. On povedal, že bude robiť tieto veci v posledných dňoch, „V čase večera bude svetlo.“ A je Svetlo na manifestáciu Syna Božieho.
105To isté slnko, ktoré vychádza na východe, je to isté slnko, ktoré zapadá na západe. Prorok povedal, „Bude deň, ktorý by nemohol byť nazvaný dňom ani nocou.“ To je pochmúrny; mraky zakrývajú tvár slnka. Ale povedal, „V čase večera znovu bude svetlo.“ Ten istý Syn, On je Alfa a Omega. Ten istý Syn, ktorý povstal na východe, bolo predpovedané, že povstane znovu na západe v posledných dňoch, tesne predtým ako skončí ten deň. Neviem ako to oni vykladajú; Boh vykladá svoje vlastné Slovo. On Ho dokazuje. Toto je čas večera.
106Je to smutné, ale ona skutočne na tom upadla. Kristova nevesta upadla na tom a zobrala intelektuálne poznanie nejakého seminárneho kazateľa namiesto toho aby verila čistému potvrdenému Slovu Božiemu.
107No, kazatelia tam vonku v kraji, kdekoľvek ste, nemusíte s týmto súhlasiť; Neurážam vás. Len sa snažím ... Hovorím ku svojej vlastnej skupine. Rozumiete? Snažím sa len ... Ak sa chcete ku nim započítať, budem naozaj rád. A potom to počúvajte. Rozumiete? Ale ja im len hovorím čo majú - čo videli a ukazujem im to, Boh potvrdzuje, že je to pravda. Rozumiete? Toto je tá hodina. On nepotrebuje nikoho aby to vysvetľoval. Vaša svetská vedomosť nemá nič ... Môžete mať tituly B.A., D.D., A.D. alebo čokoľvek iné; to vôbec nič neznamená. Boh sám vykladá Svoje Slovo. On to zasľúbil a tu to je.
108Ale skrze seminárne vedomosti, denominačné kázanie, spôsobil, že celý svet sa divil šelme, ktorej smrteľná rana bola uzdravená z pohanstva na pápežstvo. Vidíte kde ona vrcholí? Ona tomu verí. Ona verí vedomosti, ktorú jej on hovorí.
109To je ... Sledujte to teraz! To je, že obe zasľúbené nevesty veria Satanovej vedomosti proti Božiemu Slovu. Adamova nevesta uverila Satanovej vedomosti proti Božiemu Slovu a nevesta Kristova uverila Satanovej vedomosti v tomto intelektuálnom zlom veku proti Božiemu Slovu. A všimnite si, Eva tomu uverila prirodzene a strhla celú ľudskú rasu do smrti. Tá prirodzená nevesta ... Adam ten prirodzený muž zeme, jeho nevesta, prv ako si ju on vzal aby mu bola ženou, strhla celú ľudskú rasu do smrti. Či je to vedecké alebo nie, my tak isto zomrieme, pretože Boh povedal, že zomrieme. Či ste vo svätom Edene, či vo svätej cirkvi, alebo svätej denominácii alebo v čomkoľvek, zomriete toho dňa, keď spochybníte jedno slovo z Božieho Slova, že nie je pravdou, keď vám je Ono potvrdené a dokázané. Ten deň sa oddelíte od Boha. Nie celú vetu, jedno slovo. Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo alebo odoberie jedno slovo, ten deň zomriete.
110Všimnite si. Adamova nevesta zapríčinila prirodzenú smrť svojej rase, ľudskej rase a nevesta Druhého Adama, Kristova zasnúbená nevesta, uvrhla celú cirkev do denominačnej smrti, do prijatia znaku šelmy cez vedecké, intelektuálne, veľké denominácie. „My sme Baptisti,“ My sme Presbyteriáni.“ My sme Letniční,“ a tak ďalej. „My máme toto a máme viacej majetku. My - nás zaznamenala vláda, my sme po celom svete.,“ a všetko také. „A tí najlepší ... Starosta mesta a iní chodia ku nám.“ Dokonca, „Prezident prichádza aby mal s nami omšu, a my - prichádza do tohoto, toho či tamtoho.“ Celý svet bol uvrhnutý do duchovnej, denominačnej smrti, celá cirkev. Ona je mŕtva!
Poviete, „Zasahuješ veľké územie.“
111Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, kde osem duší bolo zachránených, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Vo dňoch Lota, kde boli traja vyvedení von zo Sodomy, v ten deň ... „ No, už je skupina, ktorá je už vonku, pamätajte, ale ako to bolo vtedy, keď sa zamanifestuje Syn človeka. Pozrite sa - pozrite sa kde žijeme.
112No, ona zapríčinila, že celý svet prijal vedecké vedenie vzdelávacieho programu, ktorý jej dal Satan pod meno cirkvi, vedenie vzdelávacieho, vedeckého programu. Vykresľujem vám boha tohoto sveta. Keď ona, ako Eva, mala samotné vyplnenie Božieho Slova vo svojej ruke ... Ona mohla zobrať Božie Slovo ale čo s tým urobila? Namiesto aby očakávala na krst Duchom Svätým, nechala vedu aby jej dokázala, že Duch Svätý bol len pre učeníkov. Namiesto aby nechal ísť Božie uzdravenie, keď teraz mala kriesiť mŕtvych a činiť veľké zázraky, ona nechala Satana pod jeho vedením nábožného muža zobrať Božie Slovo a snažiť sa povedať, že To bolo na iný vek. A ona tomu uverila.
113Keď Biblia hovorí, „Veci, ktoré ja činím vy tiež budete činiť.“ Ježiš to povedal ... „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu.“ My sme stále stvorenia. „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať každého kto verí.“ Ona to všetko zapiera.
114Ona zapiera všetko nadprirodzené, keď to vymenila za jeho intelektuálne zrozumenie Biblie, kde kňazi a svätí otcovia, tak zvaní, kde biskupi, arcibiskupi, kde okresní presbyteri, generálni naddozorcovia a tak ďalej, dali Tomu svoj vlastný výklad. A Boh ich tam nechá sedieť mŕtvych ako polnoc. A jediná vec, ktorá zostala v týchto posledných dňoch je skupina Letničných s hudbou, pri ktorej vrieskajú ako len vládzu, behajú hore dole, hovoria v jazykoch a vykrikujú a majú formu pobožnosti ale zapierajú Slovo. Povedzte im aby sa dali pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista, vysmejú sa vám do tvári. Ale to ... Boh ide rovno ďalej a robí to presne tak isto, potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo, že je to tak.
115Všimnite si. Strom, na ktorý Satan naviedol Evu aby z neho vzala, bol strom dobrého a zlého. To bol zmiešaný strom. No, pozrite sa na deň v ktorom žijeme. Keď on vyvoláva nevestu, on má cirkev, ktorá tvrdí, že robí dobre a pri tom je to zle lebo zapiera Slovo. Zmiešaný strom. Ó, áno, „Oni majú veľké spoločenstvo. Oni pomáhajú tomuto. A Červený Kríž to podpísal a všetky školy, oni ... „ Pozrite sa sem! Ó, ale zaprite len jedno slovo; to stačí na to aby ste zomreli, nezáleží na tom aké je to intelektuálne, aké dobré to je. Ježiš povedal, „Trochu kvasu nakvasí celé cesto.“ Kúsok kvasu skazí celé cesto. Jedno Božie slovo nesprávne umiestnené, skazí celý obraz. Čo keby moja ruka bola na mieste, kde má byť noha? Rozumiete? Čo keby moje ucho bolo tu dole, kde je ruka? Trochu kvasu nakvasí celé cesto.
Poviete, „Ako vieš, že to je správne?“ Boh potvrdzuje, že je to správne. On to potvrdzuje. On to povedal tu v Slove, potom to dokázal. Tak vieme, či je to správne alebo nie. Zapri len jedno Slovo a to stačí aby si zomrel. To prinieslo tie isté výsledky v tomto zlom veku, duchovnú smrť, ako to spôsobilo telesnú smrť celej ľudskej rase.
116Všimnite si ako Satan dostal tento vedecký vek naspäť tam do času Noeho aby spoliehali na svojej vlastnej múdrosti. Biblia nám hovorí v Prísloviach, „Na svojej vlastnej múdrosti nespoliehaj.“ A, „Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvo a Božie pravdou.“ Ale Satan skrze svoje poznanie od začiatku v záhrade Eden drží ľudí aby spoliehali na ich vlastnej múdrosti. A viete, skrze veľké účinky svojho Max Factoru, ktorý mal tam vtedy, spravil, že ženy boli také pekné, že to spôsobilo, že synovia Boží upadali do hriechu a brali si ich. Je to tak! Ženy boli také krásne, také pekné.
117Zoberte dnes obyčajnú ženu na ulici. Mnohí ste čítali ten príbeh; nepočuli ste to, pretože to bolo ešte vo dňoch predo mnou. Pearl ÓBrien, koľkí ste o nej počuli? Skutočne, ona bola pokladaná za najkrajšiu ženu na svete. No či dnes deti, ktoré chodia do školy nie sú dvakrát krajšie, ako bola ona? Prečo je to tak? Krása žien sa mala prejaviť v posledných dňoch. Oni si strihajú vlasy. Obliekajú sa do dievčenských šiat. Obliekajú si šortky, bikiny, či akokoľvek to nazývate. Maľujú si tváre, používajú rtenku a všetky tieto rôzne veci aby to z nich urobilo niečo, čím nie sú. Vidíte? Ale skrze vedecké poznanie sú schopní toto dosiahnuť. Či viete, že v Spojených Štátoch sa vydáva viac na kozmetiku pre ženy, dva alebo trikrát viac než sa vydáva na potraviny? To je dokázané (je to tak), na kozmetiku.
118Všimnite si, synovia Boží videli ľudské dcéry, nie dcéry Božie, dcéry ľudské, že sú pekné. A to spôsobilo že synovia Boží upadli do toho klamstva, a brali si také ženy a ženili sa s nimi. A to prinieslo vek prostitúcie, práve tak ako je to dnes, ako to bolo v Sodome, ako je to predpovedané, že to bude dnes, keď muži a ženy tohoto dňa si vymieňajú manželky. Ak sa im nepáči táto manželka idú do Reno, v Nevade a zosobášia sa - rozvedú sa a za pätnásť minút ich znovu zosobášia. A ženy sú také pekné, že sú takmer neoddolateľné. A čo to je? Diabol! Vidíte? Satan je stále v peknosti!
119Všimnite si, všimnite si! Ten hriech im nikdy nebol odpustený. Ten pekný, vedecký vek bol práve ten zlý vek, ktorý Boh zničil z tvári zeme, ten pekný, vedecký vek. Ježiš povedal, že znovu to tak bude práve pred príchodom Syna človeka. Je to tak?
120Všimnite si, Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ Keď sa oni všetci snažili ženiť a vydávať ... Sledujete to, synovia Boží sa ženili s tými peknými ľudskými dcérami a Boh im to nikdy neodpustil. To bolo to isté, ako Balámove učenie, ktoré spôsobilo, že pekné, intelektuálne, vedecké Moábitky s flirtujúcimi očami, so svojimi líčidlami a púdrami, svojimi jemnými voňavkami vyšli aby zlákali synov Božích proti svojim vlastným ženám, ktoré pracovali a mali na rukách mozole a nemali na sebe žiadny makeup. Nalákali ich a, „Vytvárajme zväzky jedni s druhými, pretože my sme všetci ten istý ľud.“ To bolo klamstvo! To bolo klamstvo a diablov úspech dostať synov Božích aby sa ženili s dcérami ľudskými. To bolo klamstvo diablovo pre Baláma, toho falošného proroka, aby sa snažil prorokovať proti Mojžišovi, ktorý sa snažil držať tú rasu spolu, aby povedal. „Dobre, my veríme v toho istého Boha. Obetujeme tie isté obete. Máme tie isté obete. Robíme všetko rovnako.“ Tak blízke, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Rozumiete? Choďte preč od nej ľudia. Vy s ňou nemáte nič spoločného.
121Všimnite si, to nepripadalo v úvahu aby Boh vykladal svoje Slovo zlej Kainovej generácii. No, Boh im nebude vykladať svoje Slovo. Všimnite si ... (Končí jedna strana pásky začína druhá, nekompletne - vyd.) Boh, tie vedomosti aby urobil svet takým pekným a vedeckým a hriešnym, že On ho musel zničiť? Či by to Boh urobil, či by urobil svet taký pekný? Pozrite sa sem, či Boh robí svoje dcéry také pekné a oblečie ich tak sexy, že jeho synovia budú žiadostiví po nich a budú páchať cudzoložstvo? Čo? Či Boh robí niečo také? Táto nahá, vyzlečená banda Laodičanov, ktorí uctievajú boha tohoto sveta skrze svoju etiku a vzdelanie a chytrosť a nádheru ... „Vyjdite z nej!“ hovorí Biblia, „Nebuďte účastní jej hriechov aby ste neprijali z jej rán.“ Boh jedného dňa spustí krupobitie z oblohy, ktorého jednotlivé kusy budú veľké päťdesiat kilo a zničí ju, ukameňuje ju, ako jeho Slovo, jeho zákon stále hovoril, že to urobí. No, keby Boh urobil niečo také, žeby zjavil svoje Slovo takým ľuďom, skazil by tým svoj vlastný zámer. Boh nie je hlúpy; On je zdroj všetkej múdrosti. Tak vidíte odkiaľ niečo také pochádza? To pochádza od Satana, a to je stále od Satana. A cirkev tomu verí.
122No, vidíte, ženy, snažím sa ako len môžem aby som vám ukázal Slovo Božie. Biblia hovorí, že ak si žena strihá vlasy, hanobí svoju hlavu, ktorou je jej muž. A jej muž je tou hlavou s Bohom. Tak ona hanobí Boha a svojho muža.
123No, toto ukazuje kto je hlavou tohoto svetového cirkevného systému. To ukazuje, kto je toho hlavou. To je Satan vo forme superčloveka, osoby vedomostí, super vedomostí. On vie viacej než všetci ostatní. Nezáleží na tom čo hovorí Slovo, on má do Toho svoj vlastný výklad (rozumiete?), výklad pre tento zlý vek.
124Všimnite si jeho plány stavať super denominačnú cirkev, Svetovú Radu Cirkví (vidíte?), super denomináciu, tak bude celý svet uctievať jeho, šelmu, pod menom zjednoteného kresťanstva. Chceli by ste si to prečítať v Biblii? Zjavenie 13:6 a 8. To je moderná Babylonská veža.
125Či sa nepamätáte ako ten Nimrod, ten pokrytec, staval svoju veľkú vežu a spravil aby všetky tie malé mestá platili tomu daň? Babble a Bábeľ to je to isté. To len zmieňa svoje mená a - ako to vystupuje. To je - Rím je teraz Babylon. A celý svet je privedený do Babylonu a je tam privedený skrze Svetovú Radu Cirkví, ktorá donúti každého aby sa jej poklonil. A prijmete znamenie šelmy a ani nebudete vedieť čo ste urobili, pretože ... Ale tí, ktorí sú vyvolení budú počuť Slovo a vyjdú z toho.
126Aký opačný zmysel má denominácia voči Božiemu Slovu. On nemal nikdy ani jednu, nikdy v žiadnej nekonal, nikdy sa žiadnou nezaoberal. Chcem aby mi nejaký historik ukázal kde kedy prišiel nejaký prorok z cirkvi. Ukážte mi kde Boh požehnal niekedy nejakú cirkev, potom keď sa zorganizovala. Bola odložená nabok a zomrela s intelektuálnou múdrosťou od diabla skrze svojich vodcov a odmietla Slovo Božie, ako Ono vzrastalo do dokonalého obrazu Krista. A teraz je to pri hlave. Aký opačný zmysel ... Oddeľte sa od tej neveriacej Evy, vy deti Večerného Svetla.
127Satan, boh tohoto veku, skrze svoje vedomosti dáva ľuďom jesť zo svojho miešaného stromu dobrého a zlého ... Všimnite si, Satan skrze svoje vedomosti pôsobí na ľudí tohoto zlého veku aby jedli z jeho stromu dobrého a zlého. On hovorí, že buduje väčšiu kresťanskú civilizáciu skrze jeho poznanie dobrého a zlého. Väčšiu kresťanskú civilizáciu. Ale Kristove malé stádečko, panna Slova, Nevesta sa nestará o jeho poznanie. Ona zostáva slobodná od neho. Čo to je?
128No, hovorme za chvíľu o Nej. Ona očakáva na svojho Pána a jeho Miléniový medový mesiac (je to tak!) so Ženíchom, ktorý je Slovom, keď ona je Nevestou Slova.
129Poznanie a civilizácia, a pravé kresťanstvo nemá so sebou nič spoločného. Civilizácia a pravé kresťanstvo nemá ani jedinú vec spoločnú. Civilizácia funguje skrze poznanie. Všetci to vieme. A poznanie je z Edenu - dokázal to skrze to čo kázal v Edene a poznanie spôsobuje smrť. Je to tak? Čo spôsobilo smrť v záhrade Eden? Poznanie. No tak, to nemôže byť od Boha, tak to je od diabla. Ó, to bolo to dobré. Poznanie, veda, vzdelanie, to je najväčšou prekážkou, ktorú Boh kedy mal. To je z diabla. No, Viem, že ohľadne toho dostanem nejaké listy. Čakám na ne.
130Pozrite sa do čoho nás teraz doviedla kultúra. Vidíte? Pozrite čo ona vykonala. Kde sme? Spoliehali sme na tieto veci skrze naše vlastné porozumenie pomocou našej vedy. Poviete, „A čo Boh, myslíš, že on je nevzdelaný?“ Ó, nie. Boh založí svoj vlastný druh civilizácie na zemi keď ju prevezme. Toto je Satanov svet; on je teraz bohom svojho svetového vedeckého poznania. Ale Boh založí svoj vlastný druh civilizácie. To nebude takáto civilizácia; pamätajte len na to. To nebude taká civilizácia akú máme dnes. Nie, nie! To bude podľa jeho Slova a jeho účelu. Lebo boh tohoto prítomného zlého veku bude zničený a jeho kráľovstvo s ním.
131Tento moderný vek, ktorý miluje poznanie by nemohol mať lepšieho vodcu ako je ten, ktorého majú, Satana, prevracača Božieho Slova, ako to začal v záhrade Eden. Ale nábožná osoba spolieha na svojej vlastnej múdrosti - ako som to už povedal Príslovia 3:5, že nespoliehame na našej vlastnej múdrosti - oni musia mať boha, pretože sú ľudia a pritom on im robí čo chcú. Ako ľudské bytosti, stále všetky ľudské bytosti ... Keď sme prišli sem našli sme Indiánov, ktorí uctievali modly a slnko a všetko možné. Ako ľudské bytosti, oni musia mať boha. Tak tento veľký intelektuálny vek musí mať boha. Tak to sa stalo - bohom tohoto sveta sa stalo poznanie, denominácia, veda, majúci formu pobožnosti ale zapierajú jej moc.
132Všimnite si, ich boh im robí presne to, čo chcú. Oni sú žiadostiví tela. A to je to, čo im on dáva. „Chcú nosiť bikiny, nech ich nosia. (Vidíte?) Ak chcú robiť toto alebo tamto, nechá ich to robiť. Na tom nie je nič zlého; oni chodia do cirkvi. Ich matka bola z Metodistov, Baptistov, Letničných, Presbyteriánov, len ich nechajte.“ To je boh tohoto zlého veku. Chytrý, múdry, vedecký, to nepotrebuje žiadnu vieru. To nemusí nič dokázať. To je už dokázané skrze ich poznanie. „Aha, my sme tá najväčšia cirkev v meste.“ Ich poznanie ... „Náš pastor má titul D.D., Ph.D.“ Vidíte? Nepotrebujú žiadnu vieru, spoliehajú na poznaní. Nech si žijú akokoľvek, pokiaľ prichádzajú aby ho uctievali skrze svoje denominácie a vyznanie. A tam je veľké čierne oko, ale pozrite sa na to. Vysmievajú sa z Božieho Slova, hovoria veci nezhodné so Slovom a snažia sa skrze svoje poznanie dokázať vedecky, že Slovo nemá pravdu. Ó, čo za vek v ktorom žijeme. Vidíte boha tohoto veku?
133Všimnite si, ale Boh čaká až kým sa doplní neprávosť týchto moderných Amorejov. Netrápte sa, Boh bude mať pripraveného svojho Mojžiša na ten čas. Jedného dňa bude exodus do tej zasľúbenej zeme Príde Mojžiš, ktorý vyvolá, prinavráti vieru detí naspäť otcom. V jednom z týchto dní to príde. Hovoríte, „No, pozri sa aké robíme pokroky.“ Samozrejme, neprávosť Amoreja sa ešte nevyplnila. To príde v jednom z týchto dní, nech sa sami zničia.
134Civilizácia, poznanie prevracia Božie Slovo aby pasovalo ich vlastným chutiam. Každá denominácia robí to isté. Satan potom káže svoje vlastné evanjelium poznania vo svojej vlastnej cirkvi.
135Sú len dve kategórie ľudí o ktorých sa hovorí v Novom Zákone, deti Božie a deti diablove. Vedeli ste to? Chcete si zapísať ku tomu miesto Písma? 1. ep. Jána 3:10, ak chcete miesto Písma. Čítam to rovno tu, vypísal som si to. Dobre. Dobre.
136V Efežanom 2:2, sú nazvaní deti neposlušnosti, ako bola Eva, neposlušná Božiemu Slovu. Deti poslušnosti a neposlušnosti nemajú nič spoločného. Ako sa potom Nevesta Kristova môže spolčovať v denominácii, keď to jedno je neposlušné a to druhé poslušné? Ako jedna môže byť Slovom a tá druhá prevráteným, Slovom? Ako môžu ísť spolu v zhode prostitútka a čistá žena? To sa nedá. Oni vôbec nemajú spoločenstvo. Vyjdite z pomedzi nich. To je z diabla; to je znamenie šelmy, smeruje to teraz rovno do toho, všetky denominácie, nestarám sa o to čia to je. Boh neberie denomináciu, ale ľudí pre svoje meno. Denominácia neprijme tieto pravdy, na to je treba individuálna osoba, ktorá môže vidieť Boha a dívať sa na jeho Slovo a veriť mu a nepatriť do žiadnej organizácie, ale žiť pre Boha, nie pre jeho organizáciu alebo intelektuálnu múdrosť nejakého biskupa alebo niečo, čo ich učili. Je to tak.
137Deti neposlušnosti a deti poslušnosti nemajú nič spoločné. Jedni sú dňom a svetlom, tí druhí nocou a temnosťou, zlým vekom, týmto zlým vekom temnosti, nočných klubov, tancov a pri tom patria do cirkvi. U ich boha je to v poriadku. Oni nemajú žiadne odsúdenie kvôli tomu; nič ich netrápi. „Mňa to neodsudzuje, keď si strihám vlasy,“ povedala jedna žena. „To netrápi moje svedomie.“ Ona už nemá žiadne svedomie, tak ako ani had nemá bedrá. Je to tak! Samozrejme že nemá. Ona nevie, čo to je svedomie. To bolo tak veľmi vysušené, že ona ani nevie čo to je. Je to tak.
138Keď idú okolo Božieho Slova, hovoria, „Aha, to je nejaký spiatočník. Nechoďte tam, to je aj tak len množstvo hluku a takého správania.“ Nevedia nič viac o Bohu, než ako vie Hotentót o egyptskej noci. Je to tak! To je pravda! Majú formu pobožnosti ale zapierajú jej moc; od takých sa stráň; lebo to sú tí, ktorí chodia z domu do domu a vedú hlúpe ženy, „Ó, drahá, mala by si robiť toto. Ó, drahá, myslím, že tam tvoj spiatočnícky kazateľ, keby si len ... Ó v kikinách by si vyzerala roztomile,“ alebo akokoľvek to nazývate. „Keby si robila všetko toto, to a tamto ... Prečo, cigareta nikomu neuškodí. Ja patrím do cirkvi a vieš naša denominácia je vyhľadávaná tak ako nikto.“ Never tej vymaľovanej klamárky. Ona ťa klame. Je to tak. Tak veru!
139Pri jej bohovi je to poriadku. Ó, on si myslí že to je ohromné. A oni ho proste za to milujú. Ó, oni sa budú s vami hádať. Oni sa postavia a budú sa s vami o tom hádať. No, skutočne, Satan stál rovno pred Ježišom Kristom, pred Slovom a snažil sa mu povedať, že je napísané. A On tam stál, potvrdené Slovo Božie. On povedal, „Choď preč odo mňa Satan!“ Len choďte a robte to isté.
Ako mi povedal raz jeden človek, povedal, „No, ak veríš, že krst Duchom Svätým je správny a veríš, že ho máš,“ povedal, „Raň ma slepotou.“ To bol kazateľ, povedal, „Raň ma slepotou. Pavel jedného dňa oslepil jedného muža.
140Povedal som, „Pane, ako ťa môžem raniť slepotou, keď si už slepý. Ako ťa môžem zabiť, keď si už mŕtvy.“
On povedal, „Ja? Moje oči sú 20-20.“
Povedal som, „Tvoja telesná časť, ale ty si stále slepý.“
„To je nemožné! Biblia nevykladá veci. My hovoríme tam, kde Biblia hovorí a sme ticho, kde je ona ticho.“
141Povedal som, „Dobre, keď Eliáš bol v Dotáne (viete?), tam prišla celá Sýrska armáda a ten sluha vybehol a povedal, „Ó môj otče, môj otče. Sýrovia nás obkľúčili.“ Eliáš si pretrel oči, zobudil sa a povedal, „S nami je viac, než s nimi.“ On povedal, „Ja nevidím nikoho.“ On povedal, „Bože, otvor mu oči.“ No, on bol slepý a pozrel sa na toho starého proroka a na kopcoch dookola bolo plno Anjelov a ohnivé vozy a ohnivé kone. A on tam išiel a Biblia hovorí, že ich ranil slepotou. Slepotou na čo? Na neho. On tam prišiel, opýtal sa, „Hľadáte Eliáša?“ „Áno, jeho hľadáme.“ Povedal, „Poďte, ukážem vám kde je.“ Eliáš ich viedol ku Eliášovi. Boli slepí!“Povedal som, „Vieš čo ti poviem? Presne to isté, čo povedal môj Pán tvojmu otcovi, choď preč!“
142Všimnite si! Deti poslušnosti a neposlušnosti nemajú so sebou nič spoločného. Neposlušní ctia svojho boha. „Ó.“ Hovoria, „My veríme v Bibliu.“ Áno, to je zmiešaný strom, (vidíte?); oni do toho pridávajú svet a poznanie, to je Satanov zmiešaný strom. Vidíte? Ona zobrala zo Satanovho stromu, dobrého a zlého. „Ó, my veríme Slovu, skutočne, ale nie všetko z toho.“ Eva tiež verila Slovu, ale nechala Satana zobrať svoj strom a prevrátiť to trochu. To je to. „Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo alebo odoberie jedno slovo z toho.“ On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.
143Všimnite si. Dobre. Tento zlý vek je z temnosti, a jednako chodia do cirkvi. Ich boh, oni ho za to milujú, že im to dovolí tak robiť. Oni nemajú žiadne odsúdenie; nič ich netrápi pokiaľ patria do cirkvi. Balám učil cirkev to isté. „Spojme sa; my sme všetci rovnakí.“ To bol posledný trik. Boh im nikdy neodpustil, že verili takému klamstvu.
144Pamätajte, to bol neodpustiteľný hriech tri krát v Biblii pre každého, pridať jedno slovo ich vlastného výkladu do Božieho Slova, potom keď bolo potvrdené, že je pravdou. V záhrade Eden (je to tak?) - v záhrade Eden jedno pridané slovo spôsobilo smrť; keď Balám pridal slovo, že my sme všetci rovnakí. Oni ... Boh to Izraelovi nikdy neodpustil. Každý jeden z nich zahynul na púšti, okrem tých troch, ktorých Boh vyviedol. Každý ... Ježiš povedal, „Oni sú všetci mŕtvi.“ To znamená večne oddelení. Oni všetci pomreli, nebolo im odpustené. To je neodpustiteľný hriech, nikdy im nebol odpustený. Ó, utečte od toho, deti Večerného Svetla.
145Vidíte teraz kto je vodca tohoto moderného, nábožného, zlého veku? To je diabol, ktorý berie strom dobrého a zlého a umiestňuje ho tam (všimnite si!), privádza svoju nádhernú cirkevnú nevestu do ekumenickej rady na svadbu (to je dobré!), svoju nádhernú vedeckú cirkev so všetkými hodnosťami, ktoré sa dajú dosiahnuť, Ph.D, z Cirkvi Kristovej, Ph.D z Baptistov, Presbyteriánov, Letničných a všetkých, privádza ich všetkých s ich dekorovanými parádami a veľkými cirkvami, všetkých do ekumenickej rady - „My sme jedno.“ To im nikdy nebude odpustené. Denominácia ... Nosiť značku denominácie je znamením šelmy. Prebrali sme to tu. Utečte od toho, deti, utečte od toho. Rozumiete? Veľká pekná cirkev na ekumenickú svadbu, nesie jeho znamenie, šortky (skutočne!), svetské oblečenie, sexy, líčidlo, skutočne dobrí učeníci diablovi aby chytiť synov Božích - oženiť dobrého plno-zrodeného chlapca s takouto zavrhnutou. Je to tak. Čo za ...
146On povedal, „Strihanie vlasov, čo to má čo spoločného?“ Brat, zastavme sa tu na chvíľu. Práve som pocítil, že niekto sa na to nahneval. Môže to byť niekde kde sme pripojení. Počúvaj! Vlasy sú pre ženu Nazarejským sľubom. A keď si žena strihá vlasy, úplne zapiera svoj Nazarejský sľub, že je nevestou Kristovi, pretože tam, tá jedna vec kazí celý obraz. Presne tak! Nazarej je niekto, kto je zasvätený pre určitý účel. Je to tak? Samson bol posvätený pre vek a pre účel; preto mal dlhé vlasy.
147Žena, ktorá je dieťaťom Božím si necháva rásť vlasy aby ukázala, že je posvätená každému Božiemu Slovu. Ak si ich strihá, nestarám sa o to, koľko tancuje, spieva, či je v chóre, hovorí v jazykoch, behá hore dole, vykonáva všetky rôzne sociálne pomoci, je mŕtva. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, Slovo Božie, 1. Korinťanom 14. Vidíte? Ona zapiera svoj Nazarejský sľub a predala sa bohu tohoto moderného veku. Ona to robí. Hanbi sa pani, či žena.
148Skutočné chytačky Božích synov, ako to bolo, ako Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, (ženy boli krásne a synovia Boží si začali z nich brať za ženy) tak to bude keď sa vráti Syn človeka.“ A ich boh si myslí, že to je veľké a nádherné a vedecké.
149Poznanie, Hollywoodská móda v jeho vlastnom obchode (skutočne), všetko toto tu lepkavé a také, viete. Ona, jeho cirkev, to jednoducho miluje. Ó! Dávam ti na vedomie, že ja som Metodista. Ja som Presbyterián. Náš pastor má lepší zmysel, než aby hovoril také veci.“ On potom nemá dostatočný zmysel aby hovoril veci, ktoré hovorí Boh.
150Ona, cirkev, to jednoducho zvelebuje; ona to miluje. To je práve to, čo ona chcela. Ona sa nespojí s ničím, brat, ani nepôjde do ničoho, ona sa musí správať ako niečo iné, než ako tieto moderné Jezábele, pretože to je povaha, ktorá je v nej. Ako môžete byť nejakou povahou ... „Kto si myslí, že môže pridať jeden lakeť do svojej postavy?“ Ak ste sa narodili aby ste boli vysokí päť stôp (150 cm) nebudete mať šesť stôp (180 cm). Ako naťahovací stroj Bootha Clibborna ...
151Potom počúvajte, muži, vy banda Rickyov, ak si sa narodil aby si bol mužom, potom sa správaj ako muž. Tieto ofiny, ktoré vám visia do tvári a nabrčkavené vlasy, ako nejaká sexuálna príťažlivosť. Vy prevrátená generácia hadov, čo sa s vami deje? Môj Boh bude súdiť jedného dňa tento národ ohňom. Potopí ho do oceánu. Hodina jeho súdu je na dosah. Celý svet pôjde.
152Náboženská zvrátenosť, ľudská zvrátenosť, muži ani nevedia do akého pohlavia patria, ani ženy. Postávajú v mužských nohaviciach, alebo v malých šortkách, v šatách obtiahnutých, že vidieť každú formu jej tela a hovorí si, že je kresťanka. Ona nie je ani dáma a nie to ešte kresťanka. To je pouličná prostitútka, ktorú Satan používa, inšpirovaná Satanom aby poslala synov Božích do pekla aby sa vyplnilo Slovo, ktoré Ježiš Kristus povedal, že sa stane. Nemyslel som, že to poviem, ale On to jednako povedal. Vidíte odkiaľ prichádza tento náboženský duch, tento zmiešaný strom?
153Poviete, „Čo je zlé na tých voľných nohaviciach,“ alebo akokoľvek to nazývajú, na pedálovanie alebo čokoľvek to je. Biblia povedala, že každá žena, ktorá bude nosiť oblečenie, ktoré prináleží mužovi, to je ohavnosť v očiach Božích. To je TAK HOVORÍ BIBLIA. A žena, ktorá si strihá vlasy hanobí svoju hlavu. A to nie je ani ... To je hriešna vec pre ženu obetovať modlitbu s krátkymi vlasmi, Biblia tak hovorí, modliť sa verejne s nepokrytou hlavou a jej ...
154Ó, poviete, „Ja nosím klobúk.“ Ty pokrytec. Také veci učíš tie ženy, keď Biblia hovorí, že jej vlasy sú jej dané namiesto prikrytia, nie nejaký ľuďmi vyrobený klobúk! To je to, čo hovorí Biblia. Ja nie som zodpovedný; Ja som len zodpovedný aby som povedal pravdu. Nebuďte nečestní, nenarábajte so Slovom Božím klamlivo aby ste vyhoveli požiadavkám bande nejakých Rikiet.
155Zapísal som si tu slovo evil; Zapísal som si Elvis namiesto evil, to je všetko o tom istom. (evil znamená zlý - poznámka prekl.) Slovo Elvis znamená mačka a slovo Ricky znamená potkan. Keď hovoríte „malý Ricky“ mienite tým „malý potkan.“ Ako ho nazývate, taký je. Vaše deti majú také mená, rýchlo ich zmeňte pre evanjelium. Nedávajte dieťaťu meno ... Nikdy ste nepočuli také mená v Biblii ani v žiadnom inom veku. To je vek - meno pre tento vek. Ak kedy boli prevrátené potkany a mačky, to je tam.
156Všetko toto - milióndolároví disk džokej a tieto malé deti tam idú ... Nemôžu ísť ani do školy bez tej veci, ktorú majú v ušiach a bez tranzistorového rádia vo vačku, proste dunenie. Ó, oni prišli tam do domu a my sme ... Tí chlapci mi chceli vymaľovať dom, povedali sme, „Zoberte preč tú vec odtiaľto. Ak bez toho nemôžete robiť, tak nechajte tú robotu. Som z toho taký nervózny, že to tu nemôžem vystáť. My sme posvätili toto miesto Bohu. Nechceme tu také bugi-wugi, hlúposť týchto posledných dní.“ Povedal som, „Vypnite to alebo nechajte tak tú robotu!“
157Všimnite si, aj keď nábožní, ó samozrejme chodia rovno do zboru a stoja vo vestibule a počúvajú bugi-wugi.
158A tiež si všimnite, Kristova nevesta Slova tiež dochádza do vyvrcholenia ako vidíme, keď antikrist dochádza do vyvrcholenia. Začal tam vtedy a teraz prichádza ku hlave, ekumenická rada to položí do náboženskej hlavy. A tá malá cirkev, ktorá tiež ide cez ten vek, Kristova nevesta Slova prichádza do hlavy, pretože bude zjednotená naspäť so svojím Druhom. Stále, tak ako cirkev a všetko iné sa musí zjednotiť. Pšenica, všetko ďalšie prichádza rovno naspäť do svojej hlavy z ktorej to začalo, ako Kain a Ábel. Nevesta Slova vrcholí v Osobe Slova Božieho, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo v tomto zlom veku, v ktorom žijeme. Vidíte kde to vrcholí?
159A Satan zakrátko vezme svoju intelektuálnu nevestu a vyvýši tohoto veľkého, ktorým je antikrist, tá hierarchia a posadí ho na tróne a celý svet ho bude obdivovať. A potom príde Kristus a dvaja nemôžu existovať v tom istom čase. A jeho kráľovstvo bude zobraté. On bude zničený a Kristus, Slovo Božie ... Pričom žena je časťou mužovho tela. Oni nie sú dvaja; oni sú jedno. A Nevesta, Cirkev Slova, ľudia, ktorí sú zavolaní tu a tam pre Jeho meno sa zjednotia v tele Ježiša Krista. A kráľovstvo antikrista bude zobraté a zničené a Kristus prevezme trón a zasadne na trón svojho otca Dávida a bude vládnuť na zemi tisíc rokov a potom predstaví Cirkev Bohu bez vrásky a bez poškvrny. Áno!
160No, všimnite si jej dlhé vlasy, Nazarejský sľub Slovu. Chcem zobraziť teraz Kristovu Nevestu. Zobrazili sme antikrista, kde ona je, nábožná a všetko, vedecká. A teraz, tá malá pokorná Kristova Nevesta len jednoducho verí Slovu, ktokoľvek ona je; to sú jednotlivci. Dúfam a nadejem sa, že mnohí z nich tu teraz sedia, mnohí počúvajú. A dúfam, že ja sám a každý jeden z vás všetkých je časťou tej nevesty. Dúfam, že mnohí ... To bude, všetci, ktorí boli určení do toho tam budú, pretože to je ich povaha. Oni ... Vidíte, Slovo môže uznať len Slovo. Ono nemôže uznať denomináciu alebo niečo prevrátené. Ono to vie lepšie; To je Slovo. Rozumiete? To nemôže uznať nič ... Pšenica nemôže byť ničím inším než pšenicou. To začalo ako pšenica, to vyvrcholí ako pšenica. A kúkoľ nemôže nikdy byť pšenicou, hoci je zalievaný tým istým pomazaním. Rozumiete? Ale nie je pšenicou, ako som raz hovoril o strome, ktorý mal na sebe rôzne konáre.
161Jej dlhé vlasy, Nazarejský sľub ukazuje, že Ona je zaviazaná Bohu. Jej nádherné šaty Jeho zasľúbeného Slova na tento vek, v ktorom ona žije, ovinuté okolo nej, potvrdzuje ju samým Sebou zo Židom 13:8, Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ako Ona je časťou Slova Ženícha, verná Jemu v každom bode ...
162No, pozrite sa. Ak sa tu nejaká žena vydá za nejakého muža a ide a miluje sa s iným a má s ním pomer a príde naspäť ku svojmu mužovi, on by ju mal vykopnúť. Je to tak? Ona mu musí byť verná, pretože mu je zasľúbená. A Nevesta Kristova je zasľúbená Kristovi a On je Slovo. Ani mrknutie na druhú stranu, žena nemá ani mrknúť na iného muža. Nemá dávať žiadne znamenia, prejavovať žiadne emócie voči nemu, pretože je úplne nevestou jedného ženícha. My nechceme žiadne vaše zmiešané stromy, vaše denominácie. Byť verní Kristovi, Slovu. On potvrdí, že Ono je pravda.
163Nie! Ani žiadny cit ohľadne zaľúbenia si ho, nepripájanie sa do jeho kruhov ani do ničoho iného, ani mu nedovoliť aby vás bral do náručia alebo do svojej opatere, alebo aby vám takto alebo takto niečo hovoril, vy počúvate len na jeden Hlas: „Moje ovce poznajú môj hlas a za cudzím nepôjdu.“ Čo je jeho hlas? Hlasom každého človeka je jeho slovo a toto je to, Biblia. Ani jedno slovo nebude ku tomu pridané ani z toho odobrané, stojte len presne s tým Hlasom. Za cudzím nepôjdu, za denomináciou.
164Ako je ona časťou ženícha, verná Jemu v každom bode, čaká na svadbu, zjednotenie, nie v ekumenickej rade ale na oblakoch, na Svadobnej hostine. Bolo jej dané (toto je len pre náš zbor) ... Bolo jej dané a zjavené sedem zapečatených tajomstiev z Biblie. Ona - ona vidí hlúposť zvoditeľa, tak veľmi blízko Pravdy, že by skoro zviedol aj Vyvolených; Ona to vidí. Ona.
165Vidíte tých dvoch odporujúcich si duchov pri práci v tomto zlom veku? Môžete to vidieť? Každý veľmi nábožný, Kain a Ábel, tí duchovia znovu prichádzajú ku svojim hlavám, stále také isté ako keď začali: jeden uctieval Boha skrze krásu a skrze poznanie a vzdelanie a vedu a etiku; a ten druhý skrze vieru zjavenia Slova Božieho. Obaja stoja dnes ráno rovno v tejto budove. Je to tak.
166Zjavenie alebo viera v Jeho Slovo si nečiní žiadne nároky z vedomostí. Skutočný pravý kresťan ... Oni hovoria, „Máš doktorát?“ Nečiní si žiadne nároky. „Verím Jeho Slovu.“ Vidíte? Nerobí si žiadne nároky, nechváli sa že je vzdelaný. Nepatrí do žiadnej denominácie, do žiadnej strany, do žiadnej sekty, To patrí Kristovi. To je jeho žena, nie cirkevná žena; tá je prostitútka. Biblia hovorí, že ona bola smilnica a mater smilníc a oni sa všetky schádzajú spolu a tvoria tú istú smilnicu. A taká žena je žena, ktorá je neverná svojmu manželovi a tvrdí, že Kristus je jej manžel a patrí denominácii. Taký nezmysel! Vy patríte Kristovi!
167Ale v poslušnosti táto malá žena viery, ktorá žije vierou, Nevesta, tá osoba tu, tam, tu, tam niekde inde, v nejakom inom zbore, nejakej inej denominácii, čokoľvek to je, a nejakej ...?... veria Božiemu Slovu, sú poslušní, čakajú v láske na zasľúbenie tohoto veku aby sa potvrdilo. Ona na to očakáva. Ona je časťou toho Slova a pozoruje svoj život, aby manifestoval to Slovo. Bratia, či to môžete vidieť? Dúfam, že to neprechádza ponad vás. To Telo očakáva, ktorým je Slovo, očakáva na život, ktorým je Duch, aby to potvrdil alebo To oživil. To je to, na čo ona očakáva. Žiadny iný život v nej nebude fungovať. Ona nijako inak nemôže prísť do života, hoci to ona tam cíti a vie, že to sa stane; potom tu sa to deje, ona sa potom prebúdza. Boh povedal, „Nech sa stane,“ a Ona vychádza ako vyšla tá prvá.
168Deti neposlušnosti, neposlušnosť znamená vzbura. Vyhľadal som to v slovníku aby som si bol istý. Vzbura, búriť sa proti čomu? Proti zjavenému Božiemu Slovu. Ako Kain sa vzbúril proti Ábelovmu zjavenému zjaveniu, ktoré Boh potvrdil, že to je spravodlivosť. A Kain sa proti tomu vzbúril a zabil svojho brata. Farizeji so svojím vlastným denominačným poznaním toho, čím je Božie Slovo vybrali výberového človeka, vzbúrili sa proti potvrdenému Božiemu Slovu, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo na ten deň, proti Ježišovi Kristovi a zabili Ho. Je to tak? To je to, čím sú deti neposlušnosti, vzbura proti Božiemu Slovu. No, vidíte kde sú? „Ó, dni zázrakov skončili. Ježiš nie je ten istý ... Nieto niečo také, ako krst Duchom Svätým. To všetko je nezmysel.“ Vidíte? Vzbura. Nemusia povedať dve veci, majú do povedania len jedno. To je všetko; to je vzbura rovno tam. Oni nemôžu povedať, „Ty nemáš oči; ty nemáš uši.“ Musíte zobrať celé telo, celé Slovo. Rozumiete?
Duch Svätý volá vyjdite z nej, „Nemajte účasť na jej denominačnej dogme,“ ako sa ona smeje a vysmieva zo Slova Božieho na tento deň. Pretože z Boha sa nebude nikto vysmievať. Len pamätajte, ona to dostane. Netrápte sa. Ona to dostane. Biblia hovorí v Efežanom 4:30, ak si to chcete zapísať, Efežanom 4:30 hovorí: „Z Boha sa nebude nikto vysmievať, Čokoľvek bude človek siať, to bude aj žať.“ Oni sa nemôžu vysmievať a robiť si žarty a hovoriť tieto veci a prejsť s tým. Ako chlieb na vode, to sa vráti.
169Ona je diablova nevesta omotaná v jeho náboženstve, hriešne milujúca poznanie pre tento prítomný zlý vek aby vás zviedla. Ó, celá klika alebo denominácia zvodiacich duchov skrze vedecké poznanie a modernú civilizáciu tvrdí ... (Za niekoľko minút končíme. Budem musieť prestať, nemôžem to všetko prebrať. Vidíte?) - tvrdí, že vám buduje väčší svet aby ste v ňom žili. Ona to tvrdí vo svojej civilizácii, stavia krásne kostoly, univerzity, školy, nemocnice, knihovne a dočasnú pomoc pre ľudí - bez Božieho Slova. Ona to urobila. Ona dokázala, že to môže urobiť. A ľudia na to naleteli. Tak veru! Školy, denominácie, kultúra, lepšie sa obliekajú, jedia lepšie jedlá ... Radšej by som stál v rade na chleba a bol v poriadku s Bohom, než ako mať tri krát za deň pečené kurence a patril takejto prostitútky.
170Pamätajte, tá hodina je na blízku keď príde to znamenie. Budete buď v tom alebo pomimo toho. A to príde ako zlodej v noci. To vás zastihne rovno tam a budete tam. Potom sa už z toho nedá dostať; dostali ste to. Vyjdite von! Z neba prišiel anjel a jeho tvár mocne svietila a zakričal na ľudí až sa zem otriasla, „Vyjdite z Babylonu, lebo padol. Nebuďte účastní jej pliag, môj ľude!“ Vyjdite z nej. Vyjdite! Či sme to nečítali pred chvíľou v Slove? Anjel je posol, vidíte, prichádza dole. Všimnite si, Duch Svätý, „Vyjdite z nej aby ste neboli účastní.“
171No, ona stavia všetky tieto veci. Ona postavila veľké kostoly. Postavila fakulty, školy, berie ľudí a vzdeláva ich do lepšej, tak zvanej civilizácie a vzdelali ich pomocou modernej civilizácie, ktorá ich priviedla do smrteľnej priepasti skrze poznanie, preč od Boha a Jeho Slova. Či nevidíte celú tú schému? Vidíte to, cirkev? Tam vonku, ak to vidíte tam, kde ste vo svojom vlastnom zhromaždení povedzte Amen. Potom tí ostatní budú vedieť kde stojíte. Vidíte? Ona to urobila. Ona ... To je boh tejto zeme a ona postavila fakulty, postavila univerzity, postavila nemocnice. Postavila knihovne. Postavila všetky tieto veci na dočasnú pomoc pre človeka, čo je dosť aby ich zviedla aby odišli od Slova. A ku čomu ich doviedla? Celý cirkevný svet je ponorený do smrti, lebo Boh povedal, že On spáli tú smilnicu a jej deti večným ohňom. Vyjdite z toho, ľudia! Nebuďte tam prichytení. Odídite preč od toho, tak rýchlo, ako len môžete! Pomocou svojho vedeckého poznania je schopná toto robiť (všimnite si teraz!) - bez Božieho Slova.
172Boh nás nikdy neustanovil aby sme išli a mali školy. Nikdy. On nám nikdy nepovedal aby sme stavali nemocnice. Oni sú dobré. On nám nikdy nepovedal aby sme stavali knihovne. Nie veru! Nikdy. On povedal, „Kážte evanjelium.“ A evanjelium je manifestovanie, demonštrovanie moci Ducha Svätého. Pavel povedal, „Evanjelium neprišlo ku nám len skrze slovo, ale skrze manifestáciu a demonštráciu Ducha Svätého.“ Pavel povedal, „neprišiel som ku vám s veľkými slovami múdrosti od nejakého doktora alebo s niečím takým, ale som prišiel ku vám v moci a demonštrácii Ducha Svätého aby vaša viera nebola v múdrosti alebo v poznaní človeka tohoto sveta, ale v moci vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista; pretože On žije a je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ Bože pomôž nám veriť tomu istému a Bože potvrď to isté tak, ako to On robil.
173On vás drží aby ste nevideli pravé zjavenie a aby ste nemali vieru v Božie Slovo, ktoré je dnes zjavené a potvrdené. Robí to pomocou svojich škôl, skrze knihovne, literatúru, nemocnice a tak ďalej. Vidíte? On vás drží preč od toho. On teraz vykladá ako vykladal faraónovi, snaží sa vás držať aby ste nevideli čo znamená to potvrdené Slovo jeho zasľúbeného veku vo večernom svetle, potvrdené a dokázané. On sa to snaží skrze svoje poznanie a školy a lepšie vzdelaných ľudí a etiku a tak ďalej, aby vás držal ďalej od toho aby ste to nevideli. Všetkým možným, aby ste sa na to nemohli pozrieť aby ste nevideli, že to je Ježiš Kristus. Ako viete, že je to Ježiš Kristus? On je Slovo a On je Slovo na tento vek. A tento vek hovorí, že toto sa bude diať v tomto veku a tu sa to deje. Vidíte, vidíte? On sa snaží ako len môže aby vám to zabránil uvidieť. On zavesí na to každé nečisté meno, aké len môže. Vidíte? On to bude nazývať „fanatizmom“ a všetkým možným. On nazval Ježiša „Belzebubom.“ A ak domáceho Pána nazývali o čo viac budú nazývať jeho učeníkov? Vidíte?
174Snaží sa vás udržať v tom aby ste neuvideli skutočný význam Slova, nie to čo ... Vidíte? On ho vykladá, hovorí, že ono znamená toto. Boh povedal, „Zasľúbil som, že v posledných dňoch vám pošlem Malachiáša 4.“ To nemusí byť vyložené; On to vyložil. On povedal, „A ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, svet bude v stave Sodomy; a vtedy zjavím Syna človeka presne podľa toho.“ Mali sme všetky možné napodobeniny a všetko z toho ale tiež máme toho pravého. Vidíte? On povedal, že to urobí. On povedal, že povstane antikrist a takmer zvedie vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Ale povedal, „Nechajte ich tak. Nechajte ich ísť. Ich nerozum vyjde najavo.“ Prečo? Test Slova to potvrdí. Vidíte? Keď prídete do toho Slova, „To bolo takto, to ... Ó, ja neverím v semeno hada; Neverím v toto, to ani v tamto.“ Nebolo ti to zjavené. Rozumieš? Nikdy!
Ó, brat, len sa pozri kde ... Budeme musieť končiť, lebo je 12 hodín.
175Všimnite si, snaží sa vás udržať v tom, aby ste nevideli význam Slova na tento vek večerného svetla, ktoré je vyložené. To je ... Čo to znamená? To je čas exodusu, ktorý je na blízku a Boh prichádza pre ňu, s takou istotou ako je svet. Vidíte?
176No, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať, kým ... Teraz je 12 hodín, päť minút po a dnes večer budeme pokračovať. Vidíte boha tohoto veku? Veríte tomu? Vidíte ako to je, cirkev, vzdelanie, veda? Celý svet patrí do toho (vidíte?) denominácie. Poviete, „Ja som kresťan. Do akej denominácie patríš?“ Keby som patril do nejakej denominácie, neverím, že by som bol kresťan. No, to je veľké slovo, ale je to tak. Prešiel som práve cez to a hovorím, že znalosti a veda a kresťanstvo nemajú spolu vôbec žiadne obecenstvo. Jedno je z diabla a to druhé z Boha. Všetko, čo zapiera Božie Slovo, držte sa preč od toho. Rozumiete?
177Nie veru. Biblia volá kresťanov v týchto posledných dňoch aby vyšli z tej prostitútky, od toho stromu poznania dobrého a zlého. Skutočne ona má dobré. Či môže niekto povedať niečo zlé na nemocnice? Nie! Na knihovne? Nie! Na vzdelanie? Nie! Vidíte, ale oni im to dávajú bez Slova. Vidíte aké je to zvodiace? Dávajú im cirkev aby do nej chodili, uctievanie aby uctievali, boha sediaceho na tróne. Biblia to predpovedala.
178No, ak patríte do jedného z týchto tiel ... Sú len dve telá teraz na zemi, vždy boli a budú, až kým Ježiš nepríde a jedno z nich bude zničené. Teraz patríte do jedného z tých tiel. Do jedeného z nich ste sa pripojili, do toho druhého ste sa narodili. Jedného ste časťou, pretože ste sa do neho narodili; musíte byť jeho časťou. Či by som mohol zaprieť, že mám ruku? Tak isto potom nemôžem zaprieť žiadne Božie Slovo. Ak som časťou Boha, som časťou Williama Branhama, ja som v častiach a každá časť je časťou mňa, a každé Slovo Božie musí pasovať môjmu duchu, musí pasovať mojej duši, musí pasovať môjmu životu. Musí pasovať mojim ideám. Ak sú moje idei nezhodné s Tým, potom Duch Boží neprebýva vo mne. Je to tak. Nemôžem zaprieť z Toho ani jedno slovo.
179Patríte do jedného z týchto tiel. Musí to tak byť, proste to tak musí byť. Buď je to telo Božie, ktoré je skrze Slovo, alebo telo Satana skrze cirkev. A celý svet - musím patriť do nejakej cirkvi; to uctieva nejakého boha. Musíte uctievať buď boha vedomosti, spoliehate na tom, čo počujete skrze poznanie, spoliehate na tomto alebo na tom, či tamtom, alebo spoliehate na Božom Slove skrze vieru, očakávate na Neho aby to potvrdil a učinil to pravdou. Skutočná cirkev Božia je,
Očakávame na príchod radostného dňa Milénia, Keď náš požehnaný Pán príde a vezme preč svoju nevestu, ktorá na neho čaká. Ó, moje srdce je naplnené vytrhnutím, keď pracujem, očakávam a modlím sa lebo náš Pán prichádza znovu na zem. Ó, náš Pán prichádza znovu naspäť na zem.
Satan bude zviazaný tisíc rokov; Nebudeme mať potom žiadne pokušenie, Potom keď Ježiš znovu príde naspäť na zem.
180Ó, ľudia týchto Spojených Štátov, kde ide teraz toto posolstvo, utekajte ako len vládzete od tohoto veku poznania a vedy, v ktorom žijeme. Utekajte do Slova Božieho! Vy, ja, nikto nemôže - nemôže to poznať; nikto to nemôže dokázať, Boh to sám dokazuje. Nikto nemá právo vykladať to; ani ja ani nikto nemá právo. Boh to sám vykladá. On dal zasľúbenie; On povedal, že bude toto robiť v tých posledných dňoch. A v týchto posledných dňoch boh tohoto zlého veku zaslepuje oči ľuďom s intelektuálnym poznaním na zmiešanom strome dobrého a zlého, stále to dáva ľuďom. A tu to prichádza, tá vec prichádza do vyvrcholenia, tá denominácia tam z doby temna a z pred doby temna, všetko vrcholí v supermužovi, v Satanovi, ktorý povedal, „Ja sa vyvýšim nad synov Božích. A oni ma budú počúvať.“ A on sa posadí do chrámu ako boh a synovia Boží na to naletia.
181Aha, syn Boží povie, „Moja žena, to nemá ... Ona je dobrá ...“ Len choď, choď len ďalej. Vidíte? Vy poviete, „No, on povedal synovia Boží.“ Tak veru! Muž, ktokoľvek on je, bol vykonaný na obraz Boží na slávu Božiu a žena je vedľajším produktom pre muža, nie z Boha. Je to tak. Keď synovia Boží videli ľudské dcéry, že sú pekné, brali si z nich za ženy. „A ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ No pozrite sa, ak chcete vidieť, na akom stupni je cirkev, pozorujte na akom stupni sú ženy, (rozumiete?), pretože ona je cirkev. Pozorujte čo ona robí. Rozumiete? A v tomto zlom prostitútskom veku ...
182Pozrite, nebolo opovrženejšie, viac upadnuté, prostitúckejšie mesto na svete ako Nazaret a z tade si Boh vybral pannu. Či z Nazaretu môže byť niečo dobré? A z tohoto zlého veku, kde boh tohoto sveta zaslepil ľuďom oči ich dogmami a denomináciami, práve z tohoto veku, Boh si vyberá ľudí pre svoje meno.
Hoci tu opovrhnutý a pohrdnutý, jedného dňa Pán privedie svojich vyvolených do brány A to je hodno všetkého.
Potom budeme spievať a vykrikovať a tancovať. Baránok vysuší naše slzy. Budeme mať jeden šťastný týždňový návrat domov, prvých desaťtisíc rokov. (Je to tak.) Výborní ľudia pre jeho meno, A oni sú nazvaní jeho nevesta. (Je to tak?) Hoci opovržení a pohrdnutí, jedného dňa Pán privedie svojich vyvolených do brány; (V exoduse.) A to je hodno všetkého.
183Stávam sa už starým mužom; a moje dni začínajú vädnúť; a moje oči začínajú slabnúť; a môj malý plamienok života začína slabšie horieť; Nebojím sa temnosti, lebo chcem toto povedať s Pavlom, „Poznám Ho v moci jeho vzkriesenia“ Bez ohľadu, kde ma pochovajú, ak sa utopím v mori alebo zhorím v peci, alebo ma zožerie lev, On zavolá moje meno a ja poviem. Amen! Modlime sa.
184Ak bude tu alebo niekde v kraji, tam kde ide teraz toto posolstvo cez pripojenie, vo vašich malých zboroch a skupinách a halách a kdekoľvek sedíte, ak je tam niekto, nechajte ma presvedčiť vás, dovoľte, že vás poprosím ako kazateľ evanjelia, dovoľte, že vás poprosím v mene Ježiša Krista, utečte pred hnevom, ktorý ide na tento zlý vek. Neslúžte bohu tohoto zlého veku. Viem, že poviete, „To je dobre, oni sú pekné.“ Presne, zmiešaný strom. Nemôžete miešať poznanie s Božím Slovom. To je Slovo, ktorému sa má veriť skrze vieru, nie poznaním. Vy tomu nerozumiete, vy to prijímate. Hovoríte, že to je pravda a potom tým žijete. To je všetko o čo vás On žiada aby ste robili. Ak je tu v tejto skupine niekto prítomný (nemôže urobiť výzvu ku oltáru aby ste sem prišli, pretože tu nie je miesto), alebo tam vonku, kde ste pripojení cez telefón, ak je tam niekto, kto nepozná Jeho, ne ...
185Ó, ženy, dnes ráno som na vás nakričal, nie ja, ja som len citoval Slovo. Krátke vlasy, nosenie tých malých oblečení, obliekate sa aby ste vyzerali sexy, či si neuvedomujete, že ten duch, ktorý ... Ty môžeš byť čistá, drahá sestra, čo sa týka tvojho tela, ale vo svojej duši či nevidíš čo ťa uchopilo? Či by Boh učinil svoju dcéru aby vyzerala sexy, aby zvádzala jeho vlastného syna do žiadosti po nej, aby sa obaja zodpovedali z cudzoložstva? Či by to On urobil, sestra? Polož si sama tú otázku. Nie, ani na desať milión míľ; neklaď to na Boha.
186Brat, či ti dal Boh ducha tohoto sveta, že až nemôžeš vidieť, že to je zlé? Či zaslepil tvoje oči na etiku cirkvi, denomináciu, vyznanie a tak ďalej, že nemôžeš vidieť, že Boh potvrdzuje svoje Slovo a robí to tak? Či ťa tvoja práca, tvoj šéf, tvoja žena, tvoje deti, tvoj zbor, alebo čokoľvek , či ťa to oddelilo od Božieho Slova, ktoré je jediným zdrojom života? Uteč od toho, môj brat. Milujem ťa božou láskou. Nemám väčší ohľad na žiadnych mojich bratov, ako na vás, vôbec. Ak by som mal, bral by som ohľad na osoby. Nehovorím tieto veci aby som vás nahneval; Ukázal som - hovorím tieto veci, pretože sú v Božom Slove. A ako Boží sluha a s láskou Božou v srdci hovorím vám tieto veci aby ste videli a porozumeli. Možno, že by ste to nevedeli, keby som vám to nepovedal. Či utečiete dnes od toho? No, kdekoľvek ste po celom kraji, skloňme svoje hlavy.
187Drahý Bože, ležia tu predo mnou vreckovky. Ľudia sú chorí, kladiem na ne svoje ruky aby si ich uzdravil. A verím, Pane, že dnes večer bude veľké zhromaždenie, že moc Božia bude tu.
188Veľké znamenia a zázraky, ako sme počuli výsledok z týchto posledných niekoľkých zhromaždení, aké ohromné, vidieť čo sa stalo. Modlím sa drahý Bože, aby si nám dnes večer dal dvojitú porciu. Prosím o to s úprimným srdcom, Pane, pretože to je moja láska ku Tebe a k Tvojmu Slovu a ku týmto ľuďom. Udeľ to, drahý Bože.
189A ak ste niekde na druhej strane krajiny alebo aj tu teraz, ak je niekto chorý alebo na niečo trpí a musí odísť a nebude tu dnes večer, alebo je niekde pomimo v tých zboroch alebo na miestach, kde sa schádzajú, prosím, uzdrav ich. A teraz, Pane, pre to najväčšie zo všetkých uzdravení, keď uzdravíš ich telesné telo z rakoviny, TB, zápalu pľúc, či niečoho iného, oni znovu ochorejú, určite, ak budú dlho žiť, pretože ich telo je stále pod hriechom, pod kliatbou. Ale daj im obdržať to skutočné Božské uzdravenie, uzdravenie duše, ktoré ich činí novým stvorením, spôsobuje prechod zo smrti do života a potom, keď čakajú v tomto starom príbytku na vykúpenie tela, potom čo duša bola vykúpená. Udeľ to, Pane.
190Nech utečú tým denomináciám a vyznaniam. Bože, Tam v tých vyznaniach a denomináciách som stretol niektorých najlepších bratov a Bože, ako to mám povedať aby to uvideli a dalo im to vidieť Slovo? To ma trápi ale znovu viem, že Ty si povedal, „Nikto nemôže prísť, bez ohľadu na to aký je dobrý, aký pokorný, príjemný, ak ho nezavolá Môj Otec. A všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, oni prídu.“ A, Pane, cítim svoju jedinú zodpovednosť aby som hovoril Pravdu a nie, ako to Pavel povedal, že manipulujú Slovom Božím s klamstvom, miešajú ho s denominačnou dogmou, ako strom zmiešanina dobrého a poznania - dobrého a zlého, ale s otvoreným srdcom a s Duchom Svätým. Udeľ to, Bože. Spas každého jedného.
191A teraz, so sklonenými hlavami a so zavrenými očami, nie pre mňa, ja to takto nemôžem povedať, „Pre mňa to nie je rozdiel či to robíte alebo nie,“ pre mňa to je rozdiel. Milujem vás a dúfam, že si nemyslíte, že preto, že som musel tvrdo hovoriť, ako povedal Pavel, „Rád by som bol prítomný a zmenil svoj postoj.“ To nebolo preto, že ich nemal rád; on ich miloval. Nie ako Ježiš ich musel pokarhať a potom za nich zomrel. Rozumiete? „Otče, odpusť im; oni nevedia čo činia.“ Myslieť, že človek ktorý chce byť v poriadku a snaží sa byť v poriadku a vidieť, že diabol ... To je ten, proti ktorému som. To zaslepuje oči týchto ľudí. Tento národ by mal svietiť Božou slávou, vidieť čo sa v ňom stalo v tomto poslednom dni, tento posledný ... Prečo nezasiahli tieto prebudenia tie staré krajiny? Toto tu je západné pobrežie, nemôžete ísť viacej na západ.
192No, tá bariéra hriechu zahrmela dole pod zemou, a ona sa potápa. Rôzne miesta a Los Angeles a Hollywood sa potápajú tak veľa cólov za hodinu, nie je možnosť zastaviť to. Áno, sme tu! Takmer v ktorejkoľvek chvíli budeme počuť zavolania. Ak to viete ... No, nikto sa nedívajte, ale ak viete zo svojho srdca ... Žiadam vás, ja nemôžem poznať vaše srdce, len ak to Boh zjavi. Ale zo svojho srdca, ak to môžete vidieť, že nie ste tam, kde by ste mali byť s Bohom a Jeho Slovom vo viere, zodvihli by ste ruku ku Nemu, povedzte, Jemu, „Pane, Ty mi pomôž.“ Ó, Bože, v tomto zbore, ktorý je napchaný, plný, ľudia stoja okolo stien a vonku, zodvihlo sa doslovne stovky rúk, možno dvesto. Ďakujem vám za úprimnosť.
193Drahý Ježišu, nedaj ani jednému z nich aby sa stratil. Ako tvoj sluha, ktorý stojí medzi živými a mŕtvymi, ukazujem im prstom na Slovo Božie, ja ich nemôžem spasiť, Pane, ale oni chcú byť spasení. A Otče, ako som veľakrát povedal, slnko svieti ráno a ako prechádza po zemi, Boh ho posiela aby dalo dozrievať zrnu, aby bol z toho prirodzený pokrm pre prirodzený život. Ale, Ó Bože, Ty si povedal, „Tým ktorí sa boja Jeho Mena vyjde Slnko spravodlivosti s uzdravením na jeho krídlach.“ Nech to Slnko spravodlivosti, Slovo Božie, povstane v srdciach tých ľudí a uzdravujúce lúče viery v to Slovo vyliečia každú neposlušnosť voči Slovu a priveď ich do plnosti synov a dcér Božích. Oni sú Tvoji, Pane. V mene Ježiša Krista, oboji, tu aj vonku, predstavujem ich , ktorí zodvihli ruky, tebe na spasenie ich duší. Amen!
Tam moja vytrhnutá duša nájde ...
(Kde? Pri tomto oltári.)
Odpočinutie (Vierou hľadím tam kde idem.)
Blízko tvojho kríža, (Tam visí Slovo.) ... kríža,
Stále moja sláva;
Až moja vytrhnutá duša nájde odpočinutie za riekou.
Ježišu, drž ma (To je byť ukrižovaný spolu s Ním. Nechcem nič zo sveta; drž ma ukrižovaného!)
Tam je ten vzácny zdroj;
Je zadarmo pre všetkých - prameň uzdravenia,
Vyteká z Golgotského zdroju.
V kríži, v kríži,
Tam je stále moja sláva (Zodvihnime ruky.)
Až moja vytrhnutá duša nájde odpočinutie za riekou.
194Načiahnime sa a podajme si ruky a povedzme, „Nech ťa Boh žehná, kresťan.“ Cítite Jeho prítomnosť? Tam vonku, kde počúvate pri telefónoch, podajte si ruky a povedzte, „Nech ťa Boh žehná, kresťan.“
195Viete, tu je bazén s vodou. On berie ľudí, ktorí nosia Jeho meno. Ak ste neboli pokrstení vo Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov, je tu bazén, sú tu oblečenia, stoja tu pripravení muži. Ste pozvaní ak ste skutočne prijali Ježiša ako svojho Spasiteľa a veríte, že to je pravda.
196Pamätajte, nikdy nebola v Biblii osoba, ani nikdy pred zorganizovaním Katolíckej cirkvi, ktorá by bola pokrstená nejako inak, než ako vo meno Ježiša Krista. Nenájdeme žiadne miesto v Písme ani v histórii, že by niekto bol niekedy pokrstený do cirkvi živého Boha v mene titulov Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého. To je Katolícka dogma a nie Biblické učenie.
197Keď som sa rozprával s jedným kňazom opýtal som sa ho to. On povedal, „To je pravda, ale my sme cirkev. My môžeme zmeniť, čo chceme. Vážnosť je v cirkvi. Boh je vo svojej cirkvi.“
198Povedal som, „Boh je vo svojom Slove. A ak je cirkev ...“ Povedal som, „Boh je Slovo. A ak je cirkev nezhodná so Slovom, potom neverím cirkvi.“ Nechám každé ľudské slovo byť klamstvom, či je to kňaz, pápež, čokoľvek on môže byť, a Božie Slovo byť pravdou. A Pavel spravil aby každý človek, bez ohľadu ako bol pokrstený, ak nebol pokrstený vo meno Ježiša Krista aby prišiel a znovu bol pokrstený.
199A potom, keď niektorí už prijali Ducha Svätého, Peter povedal, „Či môžeme zabrániť vode, keď vidíme, že títo prijali Ducha Svätého (Skutky 10:49) - keď vidíme, že títo prijali Ducha Svätého, ako aj my...“ A rozkázal im, „Prv ako opustíte toto miesto, hoci ste prijali Ducha Svätého, poďte a budete pokrstení vo meno Ježiša Krista,“ lebo Petrovi bol daný kľúč do kráľovstva ... Povediac, „Čokoľvek zviažeš na zemi, ja zviažem v nebi.“ A čo robí kľúč? On odomyká niečo, tajomstvo.
200A keď Ježiš povedal, „Choďte a krstite ich vo meno Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého,“ postavil to tam aby oslepil neveriaceho ... Pozorujte to! Prečo to Peter nevyniesol slovo za slovom? On musel. Ak je človek pokrstený v tituly Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého, on vôbec nie je pokrstený; on nemá žiadne meno. Otec nie je meno; Syn nie je meno, a Duch Svätý nie je meno. Duch Svätý, to je to čo to je, ako ja som človek. To je Duch Svätý. Otec je titul; Ja som otec. Syn je titul; ja som syn. Človek je titul; to je to, čo som. Ale moje meno je William Branham. Vo meno Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého je meno Ježiša Krista, „Prišiel som v mene svojho otca.“ Čo je meno otca? Každý syn prichádza v mene svojho otca a meno Otca je Ježiš Kristus. Rozumiete? Rozumiete čo chcem povedať?
201Keby som vám povedal aby ste išli a doniesli niečo z pokladni v mene starostu mesta, koľkí viete kto je starostom mesta? Môj dobrý priateľ Rich Vissing. No, nepôjdete tam a nepoviete v mene starostu mesta. Poviete, „V mene Richarda Vissinga.“ Vy ľudia v Jeffersonville viete kto to je. Preto On povedal Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý. V Ňom prebýva Božstvo, plnosť Božstva telesne. On povedal, „Pokrstite ich vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého.“
202Peter, ktorý tam stál so zjavením, na ktorom On postavil svoju cirkev, že kto On je, on povedal, „Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista.“ A nikdy ... Tie kľúče sa otočili v nebi a na zemi. Nieto iného mena pod nebom daného medzi ľuďmi, v ktorom by ste boli spasení.“
203Prečo krstíte vo meno Ježiša Krista? Na odpustenie hriechov. Komukoľvek hriechy odpustíte, tým budú odpustené. Vidíte? Ale ak myslíte, že ten nie je hodný a nehodí sa aby bol pokrstený, nerobte to. Lebo keď to robíte, to to robí. Vidíte? Rozumiete čo chcem povedať?
Môžem počuť ako môj spasiteľ (Slovo) volá (Volá dole do hrobu.) Môžem (Či nezomrieš so mnou, aby si mohol so mnou povstať?“) Spasiteľ volá. Môžem počuť ako môj spasiteľ volá, (Čo Slovo povie?) Vezmi kríž a nasleduj ma.
(No ak ste neboli ...) Keď On (On je Slovo!) (Je tu pripravený bazén.) Tam kde ma vedie tam Ho budem nasledovať. Tam kde ma vedie tam Ho budem nasledovať., Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celou cestou.
Skloňme hlavy.
204Drahý Bože, bazén je pripravený. Hovor teraz do sŕdc Pane. Nech počujú Krista, Slovo, ktoré ich volá a oni pôjdu s Ním celou cestou. „Pôjdem s Ním cez záhradu. Pôjdem s Ním do bazénu. Vezmem na seba jeho meno. Chcem byť jedným z tých ľudí, ktorých On volá pre svoje meno. Budem veriť jeho Slovu. Budem Ho nasledovať. Nikdy nebudem flirtovať so svetom. Budem vernou vydanou Nevestou. Nevynechám ani jednu jotu z jeho Slova. Každú prosbu, budem skutočnou vernou Nevestou. Všetko o čo ma žiada aby som robil, to budem robiť. Keď môj nadchádzajúci manžel chce aby som si nechala rásť vlasy, urobím to. Keď chce aby som odložila tento make up, urobím to. Ak On chce - On mi hovorí, že to je zlý duch, ten zlý, s ktorým flirtujem, keď nosím toto sexy oblečenie. Poslúchnem Ho; dám preč také oblečenie. Nestarám sa o to, čo ktokoľvek hovorí, dám to preč. Keď On chce aby som odišla z tej skupiny ľudí, z pomedzi neveriacich, urobím to. Hoci robím svoj chlieb alebo čokoľvek, On mi zasľúbil, že ma nezanechá ani neopustí, urobím to. Pôjdem s Ním celou cestou. Keď chce aby som sa dal pokrstiť v jeho meno, urobím to. A Pane, Ty si to zasľúbil v svojom Slove, to je to čo Ty chceš. Nech to každý môže vidieť, Pane, a milo, pokorne sa skloniť pred tým v Ježišovom mene prosím. Amen.
205Patríte Bohu. Nech Boh vezme tých niekoľko rozhádzaných slov a spraví ich pre vás skutočné, to je moja úprimná prosba. Bazén bude pripravený. Každý kto chce prísť, oni majú - kazateľ to ohlási trochu neskoršie. Každý kto učinil pokánie a chce sa dať pokrstiť, použitím mena Ježiša Krista, príď rovno sem. Všetko je pripravené. Všetko je pripravené. Všetko čo my môžeme urobiť aby sme vám pomohli žiť pre Boha, sme tu aby sme to urobili. Nech vás Boh žehná.
206A teraz povstaňme. A teraz zaspievame našu krátku pieseň, Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho, pretože On prv miloval mňa. Zaspievajme to, teraz všetci.
Milujem Ho, (Zodvihnime ruky keď spievame.) Milujem ho, Pretože On prv miloval mňa a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
A teraz so svojimi sklonenými hlavami aj srdcami, hmkajme mu to. [Brat Branham začína hmkať a modliť sa – pozn.prekl.]
Milujem Ho ...
Ó, Bože náš Otče, buď milostivý nám biednym stvoreniam, Pane. Zmocni nás do práce, ktorá leží pred nami. Pomôž mi, ó, Bože, pomôž mi! Cítim, že niečo leží rovno tu, Otče. Pomôž mi, ó Bože poznať pravdu. Požehnaj týchto ľudí, drahý Bože. Veď ich, prosím v mene Ježiša.
207A teraz, kým máme sklonené hlavy, poprosím tu pastora, brata Nevilleho, nášho drahého brata aby sem teraz prišiel a povedal čo bude ohľadne krstu neskoršie. Oznámil som to, myslím, že bazén je otvorený.
1 [Brother Orman Neville says, "This report, after the joint meeting of the deacon and the trustee board of the tabernacle of Friday night, we are reading these resolutions which will pertain to every man, every woman, that as an endorsed follower of this ministry, would like to know the mind of the board, the pastor and the associate pastor. I read these resolutions this morning. Everyone give as earnest heed and attention to it as you can."
Brother Neville reads the following resolutions:
"These resolutions were made and passed by the board of trustees, and deacons in full agreement with the pastor and the assistant pastor."
"All tapes of Rev. William Branham's sermons are to be made by Fred Sothmann only, until further notified by the board. We do not at this time recognize any free tape ministry. These tapes are franchised, and cannot be reproduced by any other person than Fred Sothmann without his written permission."
"Number two. No person holding meetings, selling books or tapes, writing tracts, giving out prayer cloths or cards of any kind, or soliciting any gifts, are not recognized by this church or its pastor. They are doing this under false pretense, and have not been given the authority to do so."
"Three. This church does not send out any ministers other than its pastor, Rev. William Branham, to hold services elsewhere."
"The reasons for these resolutions are as follows:"
"It has been brought to our attention that ministers are crossing the country entering into other fellowships, saying they are associated with, and are sent out by this church to hold these meetings."
"It has also been brought to our attention that people are printing cards and tracts, sending out prayer cloths and so forth, as though they were authorized to do so by this church and its pastor, which is not true. It will be appreciated if you will notify the church of any person found doing this."
"These resolutions have been read and approved by the pastor Rev. William Branham, associate pastor Rev. Orman Neville, and the trustee and deacon board."--Ed.]
[Brother Neville then says, "May the Lord bless you." In the evening service, 65--0801E, Brother Branham tells how the church board made these decisions.]
1a Things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only...
Let us bow our head.
Dear Heavenly Father, we are grateful this morning that we can believe. It's been made possible by the shed Blood of Thy Son, Jesus, that we would be partakers of His grace; and become sons and daughters of God, through His obedience to death at the cross, be justified by believing on Him and His resurrection, and now the Holy Spirit's shed abroad in our hearts.
2We are grateful for this opportunity to come here this morning to share our thoughts and our adorations, expressions by songs, testimonies, reading of Psalms, reading of Thy Word, and waiting solemnly upon the Holy Spirit to deliver to us the Message appointed for this hour. Grant it, Lord. May we profit by being here today. And when we leave the building, may we say like those coming from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He spoke to us this morning?" Grant these things, Eternal God, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Be seated.
3Good morning, friends, here, out here in the tabernacle and to our friends out across the nation, all the way from the West Coast, again this morning, to the East Coast, and north and south, on the telephone hookups.
4It's a nice day here in Indiana, a little, slightly cloudy, cool, very fine. Tabernacle is packed, out into the yards and around the walls. We're under great expectations for the Lord to visit us today. And we hope that God has give you a fine day wherever you are. And it is a good day, for the Lord has given it. No matter what the weather is, it's a good day. We're happy to be here, happy yet that we have the opportunity to express to the world our faith in Jesus Christ. And we want to take every opportunity we can to give our expressions of His love and what He's done for us. Today we are...
5 I was given, a few moments ago, a--an announcement to make, and then I've got a few things here I'd like to say. And one of them, the announcement was given me concerning a board meeting the other night. And there's been one deacon from the church that's took up resident in Arizona, which is Brother Collins, our noble brother. And while he's away, they, the board, has appointed Brother Charlie Cox to take his place while he's gone. And Brother Charlie Cox is officially appointed by the trustee... or the deacon board of this church, to take the office of Brother Collins, in his absence.
6 And a thing I want to say, again, I want to thank all you people, 'cause some of you may go home before the healing service tonight, for the nice little gifts, tokens. Much food has been brought to us since we been here. And from my wife and I, and my family, we certainly appreciate it. Sometimes I forget to even say anything about it. It's so busy, you know. My mind is in such a whirl all the time. You can imagine what it is, of people, not only from right here at this church, but from around the world. See? And it sort of keeps me in a whirl all the time.
7Someone was saying about the dedication of the babies, and baptismal services, and so forth. That's very fine. Wish I could do it, but it's just so twisting, I--I hardly have time. I got to keep my mind right on this, this Message. You know the Bible said to the apostles, or... The apostles, rather, in the Bible, said, "Go, look yourself out, among you, men of good report, and honest and filled with the Holy Ghost, that they might attend to the affairs." And I told Billy...
He said, "You going to dedicate the baby this time, daddy?"
I said, "Oh, my!" See? If... We got many of them waiting to be dedicated, and that's right, I'll just have to come back and take a special day for dedication of babies. So I'd like to do that, now.
8 But we want to thank each one of you from our hearts; wife, I, and our family. The people bring us canned goods, fresh butterbeans, watermelons, cantaloupes, oh, strawberries. Just anything could be thought of, they bring it.
9A precious brother and his sister, the other day, brought us a great big turkey. I'm still eating on it. And so just... Oh, and I'll have to clean it up before I leave, I guess. So if I don't, she'll take it right with us. And so--so we'll... We are certainly appreciative of these things. I know many of the people; some of them I don't know. They'll be laying on the porch when we come in. And so I certainly appreciate it.
And many I know. I've got... I've seen many, and there's many that I don't get to see. I--I'm sure that everybody understands that I--I'd like to get to every one if I could, but I'm only one. See? To... I can't get to everyone. I'm doing everything I know how to do it.
10 So, God be with you. I'm sure that there's One that will be with you; that's Jesus Christ, and He can be. He's the only Person that's omnipresent. And He's also omnipotent, so He can supply every need. And, omniscient, also, knows your needs, of what you have need of.
11I command everyone that I will not... I've been getting just as fast as I could, even since I been here this morning, and I'll get everyone that I can. And if... What I miss, the omnipotent God will--will supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory.
12[Brother Branham pauses, then speaks to Brother Neville--Ed.] I can't read that too well. Will you read it?
It's a special announcement of some sort. And I think Billy Paul must have wrote it. So he's like me; I can't even read my own writing. And so I have a shorthand all of my own. And if you'd see some of my texts here, wrote on here, you think you'd ever understand that? [Brother Branham shows his written text to the congregation, and he laughs with them--Ed.] I have like a star, crossing a bridge, and so forth, just all...
[Brother Neville reads an announcement--Ed.]
Brother Adair, Adair of Arkansas, to see Rev. Pearry Green at the back of the church immediately. All right.
13 Now, so another thing that I would--would like to announce here is--is that, this tonight now for the healing services. We're going to pray for the sick tonight, and so I--I trust that you'll be here.
14And we send the greetings to all the people out across the land, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, that God will bless you this morning. Some of you are up towards noon. Up in New York, it is about noontime. And out in Arizona, the West Coast, it's only about seven o'clock. So there's... And here we're right in between. So God bless you as you listen. Now this may be...
I've took it upon my heart, while being here...
15 And was not allowed to have the auditoriums, and finally they kind of give us permission; we could have one service, but we should not pray for any sick. I--I don't... That's my ministry. I have to do what the Holy Spirit tells me to do. So I--I refused it, because that I want to be at liberty to do whatever the Holy Spirit says do. See? So I thought we can just suffer one more day, anyhow, in the tabernacle. And it's cool this morning. The Lord has just made a fine day for us here, so we're thankful.
16 Now, in doing this, I have come here for the purpose of teaching the last Vials, last Seven Vials, and the last Seven Trumpets, and the last Seven Thunders, of the Book of Revelation, tying them together in this hour that we're now living; to follow the opening of the Seven Seals, the Seven Church Ages. So, we couldn't get room to do it. So I--I hope that, soon as I can, we'll... can get a place sufficient for that, either here or in Louisville, New Albany, or either put up a tent, so we can just stay as long as the Lord leads us to do.
17But in this now, I took this opportunity to express to the people my belief and faith in God, and then bringing you to the hour that we're living in. And by this, it's not appointed to any certain person, creeds, whatever it might be; it's just as I see God's Word. And last Sunday we had a very fine outpouring of the Spirit upon the Word. It was very lengthy, and I hated to stay that long; but yet we don't know what time that we're going to meet for our last time. And we must, as... want to be. I want to be, rather, as Paul said of old, "I have not shunned to declare to you the whole Counsel of God." Jesus said He kept nothing back from His disciples.
And as I, so busy with trying to stay under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, to find what the--the hour, the Message of the hour is, I sometimes fail to get out and do my duties as a servant of Christ, as a minister. But I've got several men who try to help me to do this, to which I'm thankful for, all my minister brothers.
18 Now, I don't mean to try to keep people. If you, out into the land where the Message is going, could stand and look around this church this morning, in the aisles, the nurseries, outside, radios on, in buses, trailers, and so forth, and automobiles, you would see what the problem is. And then each service, many, many driving by; and calling, and so forth, they couldn't get in or around. And we need more room so the people can set and be comfortable.
And then to bring down to a--a Message that I think is so vital important, I feel that we ought to, every one, be comfortable and seated, and so we can listen; with our pencils and paper, and notes and Bible, and so forth, to take down the--the notes. But this way I thought I would go back on the time that we have, we're living in, and try to bring some of these things that you're going to meet. And you're going to need them.
19 If I come here today, or any other day, or any other minister, to try to bring a message to a people, a dying people as we are, and the time so close at hand, as I believe for this day; I'd be a hypocrite to try to bring something that I know that you would be pleased with and it'd be against God's Word, or something to draw a crowd, or--or something like that; I--I wouldn't be... I wouldn't be what I--I'm here to be, a minister of Christ. I want to bring something that I think is a vital use to you, not just to be seen; but to think it's something that if I die today, tomorrow it'll be anchored in your heart to go on and serve God.
20 Now I want to say that there is something just getting ready to happen. I know it. Many of you here remember when Brother Junior Jackson come to me a little bit before going towards Arizona, of a dream he had. Strange thing! How many remembers that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And the Lord gave us the interpretation, and it happened to the letter. Now, he's just had another dream, something.
21And the strange thing, a man was here the other day, from Oregon. Doesn't hardly know me, and was... dreamed the same dream about, that Junior Jackson dreamed, and--and come told me. I--I don't know the interpretation; I'm waiting for the Lord. But I know it's going to be something from God. Just remember that. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. It's something coming forth from God. I don't know what it is. Really striking, very striking! Frankly, according to the--the dreams that both men... One of them I'd... he might be a Baptist, Presbyterian. He--he might be setting here this morning. I don't know. He was here the other day. I don't know the man.
22But he told the dream, with tears in his eyes. And it shook him. He come all the way from Oregon here, to express it. Brother Jackson come in like manner, this morning. One man not knowing the other; one, thousands of miles from the other, and both dreams just exactly on the same thing. So the Holy Spirit is withholding the interpretation thereof from me. I don't know what to tell the man. But I know God is fixing to do something, and it'll be glorious in our eyes.
23 Now, the Message this morning, I want to read from the Book of Galatians. I don't preach or just... It's a Sunday school lesson. And now, you men and women that's standing along the walls, and somebody wants to swap and let you set down a while, or something, now, you won't bother me; just be reverently. And if the mothers, their little ones cry or something, someone will step out of the nursery so they can have room for the little one.
24And now you get your pencil, Bible, and ready for to take down some of the Scriptures that we will read. I don't want you to feel bound down. I want you to feel--I want you to feel at liberty to set and study. And you might disagree, which is all right. But I'm only speaking this across the nation this morning, so that the peoples that has believed the Message that the Lord Jesus has given me for this hour, might know what's taking place, and placing it in the Scripture.
25 Last Sunday we spoke on The Anointed Ones In The Last Day. And if you, any of you, are tape listeners, be sure to get that tape. Not that we want to sell tapes; that isn't the idea. It's the idea of getting the Message out. See? See? If you've got a tape machine, get a group of people together, and play it, and listen close. "The anointed ones."
26You hear people raise up and say, "Oh, the Bible said, 'The last days, false prophets would rise and do these signs.'" That's exactly the Scripture. Then where does that apply? It's got to be applied right.
Tonight I want to speak on, if the Lord is willing, of: God Revealed In His Own Word, how that the eye cannot be applied where the ear ought to be. See? Just like printing the whole Bible, and, in the whole Bible, pictures Jesus Christ. So I want to speak on that tonight, the Lord willing. And now, if not, some later date.
27 Now in the Book of Galatians. And in the Book of Second Corinthians 4:1 to 6, then Galatians 1:1 to 4, I wish to read some Scripture. Now in Galatians 1:1 to 4, "Paul, an apostle," watch the stopping right quick. Apostle means "one sent," or, "a missionary."
Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but... Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)
And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:
Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ,
Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God... our Father:
To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
28 Now in the Book of Second Corinthians, the 4th chapter, and we're going to read from 1 to 6, verses.
Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;
But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
But if our gospel be hid, it's hid to them that are lost:
If that don't bring in predestination, I don't know what does.
In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
Same as it was at the garden of Eden, "Put them forth, lest they touch that Tree."
For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord;... ourselves your servants for Christ's sake.
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, and give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
29 Amen! So reads the Word! Now, my text this morning, is: The God Of This Evil Age. As we have read in the Scriptures, "the god of this world, this evil age." Now, this Message points out the evils of this evil age, and it is fitting to prophecy for this evil age.
And it's my belief that every... that the Bible has every answer for every age, already written in the Bible, for the believer of that age. I believe that everything that we have need of is written right Here, just needs to be interpreted by the Holy Spirit. I don't believe that any man on earth has a right to put his own interpretation to the Word. God doesn't need anybody to interpret His Word. He is His Own Interpreter. He said He would do it, and He does it.
30As I've said many times. He said, "A virgin shall conceive," He spoke that through the lips of a prophet, and she did. Nobody has to interpret that. In the beginning, He said, "Let there be light," and there was. Nobody has to interpret It. He said, "In the last days, He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh," and He did. Don't need any interpret It. He said, "In the last days, these things" (that we see happening now) "would be here." It don't need any interpreting. It's already interpreted. See?
31 Now, notice closely now as we study the Word. The God Of This Evil Age, that we're now living. May seem strange, a very strange thing, in this age of grace, when, "God is taking a people for His Name's sake," that is His Bride, in this evil age that should be called the age of evil. The very age that "God is calling a people for His Name's sake," by grace, out, and is called an evil age. Now, we'll prove by the Bible that this is the age that He was speaking of. Very strange thing to think that, that in a evil age like this, that God then would be calling His Bride.
32You notice, He said, "a people," not "a church." Why? Yet, It's called the Church, but He would call "a people." Now, a church is a gathering of many people of all different makeups. But God is calling one here... He didn't say, "I'll call the Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal." He said He would call a people. What for? His Name. See, a people; one from the Methodist, one from the Baptist, one from the Lutheran, one from the Catholic. See?
But He is calling, not a church group, but "a people for His Name," that receives His Name, engaged in His Name, going to a wedding to be married to Him, to become part of Him, see, by a predestination. Just as a man that chooses a right wife in life, was ordained to be part of his body. So, that is, the Bride of Christ will be, and is now, from old, ordained by God to be a part of that Body. See? Oh, the Scriptures are so rich, full of honey!
33 Notice, not what someone has said, what someone called; but what God chose before the foundation of the world, and is calling these people in the last days; not an organization. "A people for His Name." And this evil age is when He's doing it, this very age of deception.
34Last week, in Matthew 24, it was the most deceiving age of all ages. All the ages of deceit, from the garden of Eden, all the way down, there's never been an age so deceptive as this age. "False prophets will rise and show signs and wonders, if possible to deceive the very Elected." See? Now, just a cold, formal, starchy churches, and so forth, of man-made theology, that wouldn't; the Elect would never pay no attention to that. But it's up there almost like the real thing. Just leaving out one Word is all you have to do. Promised of the age; very great time! Christians, everywhere, take heed to the hour we're living! Mark down, and read, and listen close.
35 What would God call a people out of this evil age for, His Name? The reason it is, is to try Her, His Bride. It's to... When She is made manifest, been tried, been proven, proved to Satan. Like it was at the beginning, so shall it be at the end.
36As a seed starts in the ground, it comes up through carriers, the life of it, but it ends up the same seed that it was when it went in the ground.
And the same way the seed of deceit fell in the ground, in Eden, is the same way it ends up in the last days.
Just as the Gospel was when it fell to a denomination at Nicaea, Rome, it ends up in a super organization.
Just as the Seed of the Church fell back there, with the signs, wonders, and the living Christ among them, it ends up in the last days under the ministry of Malachi 4, and restores back again the original Faith that was once given.
37 We find now, this evil age is to prove, to Satan, She is not like Eve, that She is not that type of a woman. And She will be tried by His Word, the Bride, as Adam's bride was tried by the Word. And Adam's bride believed every bit of the Word, all, but confused on one promise, that, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever," today, see; but failed on one promise, under the temptation of the enemy, face to face. And now, the people that's called for His Name, of course, is His Bride. She is to come in contact again by the same thing; not by just denominational truth or something, but every Word!
38For, in the beginning of the Bible, man was given the Word of God to live by. One Word, misinterpreted by a--a man called Satan, in a person of an animal called the serpent. Satan, in this person, could talk to Eve, and misinterpreted the Word to her, and was lost. See, It must be every Word.
39 In the middle of the Bible, Jesus come and said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word," when He was tempted by Satan.
Now, God telling us here in the last days, that, "The god of this world will rise up in the last days."
"And whosoever shall add one word to It, or take one Word from It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life."
God be merciful to us! And let us not walk as stiff shirts, chests stuck out, head up, know it all, for we too one time were in disobedience. Let us with grace, and mercy, and feeling in our heart towards God, humbly come to the Throne of grace.
40Strange now, after some nineteen hundred years of Gospel preaching, and now she, that is the world system, is more evil than in the days when that, when He was here. The world system is more evil. The world is heading to a great climax. You know that. The Lord is fulfilling His Word on every hand.
41 Yesterday, standing... I hope the little fellow don't... He won't. I had come with my wife, and Mrs. Woods, Brother Roy Roberson, somewhere here, Brother Woods, we had stopped in over here at this little Youngstown Shopping Center, to get a--a package that Sister Woods had. And on... while we was standing there, a young fellow walked up and introduced himself, and a stranger to me. Another young man walked up and said they were from either Alabama, Georg-... I believe Georgia, 'cause I asked them if they knowed our Brother Welch Evans. And we talked a few minutes. And when I went to leave, this young man looked at me. As the young other fellow and his little boy walked away, this young man looked at me. He said, "Just one thing I want to say."
I said, "Are--are you a believer? Are you a Christian?"
Said, "No, sir." He said, "I've..."
42 I might not quote just the word he said here, but he might have been a little skeptic. I had asked him about the things of the Angel of the Lord appearing. And he said he had heard about it, but he never been to church before, this church. I said, "Do you believe It?"
Said, "Yes, sir." He said, "I--I been watching something." Said, "People has been telling me about these predictions and things, and I heard on a tape that you predicted how California would crack away like that." And said, "When I saw that in the paper, then I believed it." He said, "I'm coming today or tomorrow," that's today, "for my first time."
I said, "The Lord bless you, son," and started to shake his hand.
He said, "But I want to say something to you, sir." He said, "I'm as lost as lost can be." He said, "I'm like a coin in a sandpile, lost!"
43I said, "But you don't have to stay that way. There is Someone standing present now Who can find you the minute that you're ready to be found."
He said, "I'm ready."
I said, "Would you bow your head?"
He said, "I'm not ashamed."
Not only that, but he got down on his knees, there in that parking lot, before all the peoples. People on the street watching him. There we prayed with him, till he gave God his heart. He come up, a sinner; went back, a child of God. He walked up the side of the car, dead; and went back, alive.
44I said, "The pool will be open tomorrow."
There is a fountain filled with Blood,
Drawn from Immanuel's veins,
Where sinners plunged beneath the flood,
Lose all their guilty stain.
I said, "Rise and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, calling upon the Name of the Lord. God will fill you with the Holy Spirit, and give to you these great things, and make you so you can see It."
45 What is it? The world is heading to a climax. Why? The spirit of lawlessness, moral decay, scientific religion, has led it to "the cage of every hateful and unclean birds," as the Bible said. Let's read it, Revelation 18. Just while we're getting this point started, we get Revelation 18:1 to 5. I think I've got that marked right.
And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, (now you people that had the dreams)... saying, Babylon the great is falling, is falling, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit,... a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
For all nations have drank of the wine of the wrath of her (church) fornications, and the kings of the earth have committed fornications with her, and the merchants of the earth has waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins,... that you receive not of her plagues.
For her sin has reached unto heaven, and God remembers her iniquity.
46 What a warning! That throws the church exactly back to Revelations 3:14, to the Laodicean age, lawlessness; real religious, but lawlessness. "Thou, because thou sayest that, 'We are rich, have need of nothing,' knowest thou not that thou art naked, miserable, blind, and knows it not." Perfectly with the Scripture of this age, not for the Scripture of the age of Daniel, not for the ones in the name of... the age of Noah, but in this last, evil age.
47Notice here, "Thou art naked." Let that soak real deep. I know I may have much disagreement on this thought, but it's got to a place that a Christian can hardly walk out of his house and not be brought in the presence of this evil age, by unsufficient dressed women.
48 Women, I'm going to say this, and I want you to listen. And, men and women, you might disagree with this, but I feel led to say it. Did you know, any woman that undresses herself like that is not in her right mind? Do you know, she is, whether she believes it or not, or thinks not, she is a prostitute? Though the woman might stand with her hand before God and swear that she's never been touched by any other man but her husband, and that might be the honest truth, but still she is a prostitute. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already." And the woman may be...
49See, she is "naked," the Bible said, "and don't know it." The spirit that's anointing her to do such things is a evil, prostitute spirit. Her outward being, her physical body, her flesh, she might be clean. She might not commit any adultery, and could swear to God and be the truth, that she never, but her spirit is a prostitute spirit. She has been so blinded by the god of this world of fashion; she dressed herself sexy and got out there.
50 The other day, Brother Woods and I were putting our boat in the river. I was to get away from the house for a few minutes, to go up on the river. And wherever you went, women with these little bunches of... called 'kinis or something, around them. That is a disgrace. A woman can't be in her right mind and put on anything like that. She is possessed with a prostitute spirit. Now, you settle that with God, lady, 'cause you'll find out someday that that is the Truth.
51How could you, a lady, knowing how sacred your body is, and expose it out there to these lustful, sinful devils that walk the street of this day? If sons of God was all still sons of God, your husband was a son of God, he would either make you put on clothes or leave you. If a boy was a son of God, he would never marry such a thing. See?
You say, "You're mak-..." No.
I'm telling you the Truth, and someday you'll meet It. "Naked, adulteress; don't know it."
52"Oh, I swear that I never trespassed the vows of my husband." Your husband will judge you for it if you did. But God will judge you by what kind of a spirit you got in you; not judge you by your body, but by your spirit, that inner man.
53 The outside man is a physical being which is controlled by six senses... or five senses, rather. The inside man is a spirit man which is controlled by five senses; conscience, and love, and so forth. The outside man; see, taste, feel, smell, hear.
But the inside of that spirit is a soul, and it's controlled by one thing, your free will. You can accept what the devil says or accept what God says. And that'll determine what spirit is in there. If it's the Spirit of God, It'll feed on the things of God, and It won't feed on anything of the world. Jesus said, "If you love the world or the things of the world, it's because the love of God has not even entered this inner part." Satan has deceived you. "And man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
Notice now, we find that she is "naked," lewd and nude.
54 And the world seems to be in the most evil age that ever was. Never in any age did women ever act like that, never but just before the destruction of the antediluvian world. And Jesus referred to it. We'll get to that after a while.
55Has God lost control, or is He just permitting another agency to control? I wonder. The true answer to this question is, to my opinion, there is two opposing spirits in the world today, at work. Now, there can't be no more than two, two heads. And One of them is the Holy Spirit at work; the other one is the spirit of the devil, and, in this last days, in deception.
Now I'm going to base my thoughts right on here for the rest of the text, the rest of the... our Message.
56 The two spirits. One of them, God's Holy Spirit; the other one, the devil's spirit, working in deception. The people of the earth are now making their choice.
The Holy Spirit is here calling out a Bride for Christ. He is doing it by vindicating His Word of promise to Her, for this age, showing that It is Christ.
If the finger is supposed to move in this age, the finger will move. If the foot is supposed to move in this age, the foot will move. If the eye is to see in this age, the eye will see. See?
The Spirit of God, as It's growed into the full stature of God, is the age that we're now living in. The Holy Spirit is here vindicating the Message of the hour. And the Holy Spirit is doing this, so that the people that believe God will be called out of this chaos.
The Devil's unholy spirit is here calling his church by the error, as usual, by perversion of the Word of God, like he did at the beginning. See it coming right back to that seed time again, from Eden? Here it is again.
57 Now, back through there, you belong-... other ages, you belonged to denominations, you belonged to this, that, or the other. What happened to the denominational stalk? It dries up. The Spirit keeps leaving and going on, and It heads up in a Seed. You see?
58And the temptation, of both, heads back the same way it was at the beginning. Notice. Don't--don't, no, don't forget it now.
As John, First John 4:5 and 6, if you want to put that down, he puts it, "the spirit of error."
Eve never just simply walked out, willfully, say, "I don't believe in God." No. It was an error she believed.
59Satan never come out and said, "Oh, well, that's not even the Word of God." He admitted It was the Word of God, but he put his own interpretation to It. Which, God plainly told them not to do it.
What does this do? "It makes a strong delusion, for the people to believe a lie, and be damned by it." Now if you want to read that, Second Thessalonians 2:11.
60As I have about, quite a few Scriptures here, and we won't be able to read them all. One now and then, I'll give them to you. As it seems strange, that you question it or something, and we might put it down and read for your--your good.
61 "Making a strong delusion," as the Bible said it would, Second Thessalonians. "Now, this man of sin would come into existence, and set in the temple of God, showing himself he was God, and cause the people to go into strong delusions, to believe a lie; and, believe it, will be damned by it."
That's the same thing he did to Eve. Give her... Never--never told her the Word wasn't right, but give her a strong delusion, that she believed a lie.
62The spirit of delusion is of the devil. "Devils now working in the children of disobedient." Disobedient to what? What's the children of this day disobedient to? Like Eve was, at the beginning, the true Word of God. That's right. Now if you would want to get that...
Let's turn to it, Ephesians 2, just a minute, 'cause it seems good that we... I'll stop just a minute, if you're in no big hurry, and read some of this. Ephesians 2:1 to 2.
And you has he quickened, who were once dead in trespasses and sin:
Wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
63 "Children of disobedience." And if the antichrist, beginning there in the infancy of disobedience, what will it be when it heads up in the person of the antichrist? How deceptive it'll be! How much more powerful of deception could a--an adult give to the world, than an infant child! And he said, "The spirit of--of delusion now working in the children of disobedient," disobedient to the Word. Notice. Now I want to dwell on this just a minute, "the children of disobedient," a child.
64Did you know, you, your beginning, I can prove by God's Word that you, any person in here, was alive in your great-grandfather. And your great-grandfather, you were produced down to your grandfather, then to your father, and then to you. You know that?
The Bible said, I believe it's Hebrews 7, that, Melchisedec, when Abraham returned from the slaughter of the kings, "Abraham paid Melchisedec tithing of all the spoils." And here is Paul saying now, that, "Levi, who received tithes, was yet... He paid tithes, for he was yet in the loins of Abraham when he met Melchisedec." So whatever that Abraham did, then we find that Levi was then in Abraham, which was his great-grandfather. Abraham begot Isaac; Isaac begot Jacob; Jacob begot the patriarchs, Levi.
Now, then, you see, here comes into perfect view, predestination.
65 Now, in these Messages, I want to--to--to emphasize the things that I have told you in the Message, of this evening Light that God said would come upon the earth.
66And notice, then, "The beast that was to come upon the earth, would deceive all whose names were not put in the Lamb's Book of Life, slain before the foundation of the world."
67In God's own thinking; God, the great Spirit. In the beginning, before there was a beginning, He was God, and did you know you were in Him then? If you are a Christian now, you was in Him then.
And then, if that be so, the whole Godhead bodily shaped up in the Person of Jesus Christ. And then when Jesus died at the cross, I died with Him, for I was in Him then; for He was the fullness of the Word, manifested, knowing that we would be manifested later. And we was at Calvary with Him. We went in the grave with Him. And we raised with Him and His resurrection. And now we've ascended, by His Spirit, to the Throne of grace, sitting together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Always!
68 For as the germ of natural life is brought down, germitized from father to father, to father, to father, so is the Life of Christ germatized.
That's the reason God uses Elijah's Spirit five different times. What is it? It's the handing down.
69Just as your natural life and traits is handed down from the natural breeding of your father, so is the Spirit of God, that was predestinated before the foundation of the world.
And when the entire Word of God, in complete, was headed up in a human body called Jesus Christ, in there God made me pay for my sins, in Him there. Then He rose me, raised me up with Him, in the resurrection. And now we are seated with Him, with power and authority over every devil. Oh, if you could only believe what God has given! But if you're not seated there, you don't have it. And if you're seated there, and don't believe it, and afraid to move, you'll never use it. But if you are seated there, you will use it, for you're ordained to do what you do.
70"Pharaoh," on the other side, "was raised up for this purpose," the Bible said, to be Pharaoh. "Judas Iscariot was raised up to be the son of perdition."
Now notice these great Truths that we are approaching.
71 Now we see that the church refused to accept God's Word to rule over them, and accepted Barabbas instead. Now, if you want the Scripture on that, it's Matthew 27:15 to 23. What did this do? What position did this do? Now think of it. When the church world, in its organized life of righteous, holy men, as they thought they were, and were in the eyes of the people, they crucified Jesus, and said, "We'll not have this Man rule over us." And Jesus was the fullness of the Word of God. First John 1, expresses it. And they said, "We'll not have this Word of God to rule over us." Yet, He was the Word, but their eyes were blinded to what He was. For He was the direct answer to every prophecy that was to come to pass in Him.
Now, we all believe that, because we're looking back to see it happen. But if the world would, that is now, this present evil age, that would have been back there at that time, they would do the same thing they're doing today, because it's still the same Word, for this age, being manifested. He'll do it. They can't do nothing else. "They are children of disobedience." "Given a strong delusion, to believe a lie, and be damned by it."
72 Notice when the church world would not accept Jesus, the Word, manifested of that day, because (why?) they had It interpreted another way. But they ought to have knowed that He was that Word, because everything that God said He would do, He did it. And He said to them, "Search the Scriptures for this hour; and if I do not meet the qualification that was spoke for Me to do, then don't believe Me."
They said, "We believe Moses."
73He said, "If you would have believed Moses, you would have believed Me, for Moses spoke of Me." And still they didn't see it. The very God of Heaven dying on the cross, and saying the same words the prophet said He would say, and still they didn't see it. See?
They were not of His kind. They was not the Word, not the Word; and they, yet, they were--were very religious. But they was not the Word, for It--It would a recognized Its place for that hour.
74 Notice how beautiful the Scriptures tie themselves together in every age. Notice now.
And when the church world would not have the Word of God to rule over them, they accepted a murderer, Barabbas. What did this do? It exalted Satan, the god of this evil age, to the place that he's always wanted.
Now listen. For, Satan is not spoke of as a god of any other age but this age. He wasn't spoke of the god of the age of Noah. He wasn't spoke of--of the god of the age of Moses, the god of the age of Elijah. But, this evil age, he is the... Oh, don't miss it! He is the god of this evil age, worshiped by millions and billions of people, and they don't know it. But let's let the Scripture uncover him this morning, and let's see, then you'll know. Let the Scripture...
75As in the meetings of discernment, when the Holy Spirit gets among His Word and He calls out this man and said, "You have no business living with this other woman. What did you do that for, ten years ago, when you run off with that man's wife?" What's He doing? Uncovering him, exposing Satan, that's got the man bound, or the woman living with some other woman's husband, or the sins that they've done, the things that they have done. What does it do? Expose him.
76 The doctors take instruments and try to find what's wrong. They can't do it. We can't tell. But then the Holy Spirit comes out and reveals what he is, and exposes him. See? That's what the Word of God is. It is a Light that shines in darkness.
And when you take a noise in the room, it sounds mysterious; a bunch of something working, and you don't know what it is. Turn on the light, quickly... Crickets, roaches, they're--they are children of the darkness. And when the light flashes, they scatter away.
"They went out from us because they wasn't of us," the Bible said. See? They cannot live in the Light of the world... For, the God of Heaven has sent His Light in this last days, that He might lighten the path for His children, that they might not walk in darkness and stumble, but they might walk in the Light of the shining of Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen!
77 Notice, Satan not called the god of any other age but this age. It was his ambition to be like God, from the very beginning.
Let's read that. We'll just take our time. Let's go back to... See, I got it wrote down, Isaiah 14. Let's go back here to Isaiah 14, just a minute, and see what God said. "The god," what Satan did. Isaiah 14:12 and 14. Notice.
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cast down to the ground, which did weaken the nations!
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God (sons of God, now): and I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
78It was Satan's ambition to be worshiped like God. He took two-thirds, two-thirds of the stars of Heaven. Ascended hisself above those stars, and preached to them, and deceived two-thirds of them. You see it? All right. Notice, that's his ambition.
And now he is ready, with his careful selected, educated bride by his own knowledge, see, all painted up in his deceit, of big buildings and big denominations, and paints of knowledge and theology, and smart and intellectual, and educated, to deceive the whole world, and become a "god." That's what he's done. All heading up into the person of the antichrist, which is already crowned "the vicar of God," by his worldly-loving, scientific bride, all dressed up in pomp of intellectual, religious education. She is made religious like him, and by his own interpretation of the Word of God as he did Eve, and as his son Cain did.
Now you said, "Satan's son?"
79 Show me one place in the Bible that Cain was ever called Adam's son. The Bible said he was "the son of that evil one," serpent's seed. No, the cover has been took off now, brother. The pyramid has been opened, as the revelation showed.
80Notice what he will do, his thoughts. He thought God dwelled in worldly beauty. He did that in Heaven. Sin never begin in the garden of Eden; it begin in Heaven, when Lucifer, the son of the morning, exalted himself in beauty, and wanted a more beautiful kingdom than that of Michael. And he thought that God dwelt in beauty.
81And notice Cain. He didn't want no blood sacrifice. He come down and offered the fruit, or--or the fields of beauty upon his altar. Very religious, done everything, that, just exactly like Abel done; offered a sacrifice, fell down before God in worship, obedient in every way, but without the revelation of the Word.
And the Word was, from the beginning, God's plan. But God revealed, by revelation, the very thing that He vindicated and punctuated that that was right. Not religion, not an altar, not belonging to church, not making a sacrifice, not being sincere; but by the revelation of the Word of God. God revealing to him what that it...
His mother did not take a apple that a snake give her, but she had a sexual affair with the person of Satan, in the form of the beast; not a reptile, but the most smartest, subtlest of all the field, the image of man, the only thing that the seed would mix in. Now science is trying to find him. And they never will find him, because every bone in his body is changed. But the Bible declares it to be so.
82 Notice what this fellow will do now. This fellow, "He will set in the temple of God," that is, the church, "revealing himself to be God." Now if you want to read that, that's Second Thessalonians 2:3 and 4, and Revelation 13:4, 11 and 12; where spoke, both prophets, both John and Paul, of what he would be in the last days. Now you read it, because I've got wrote down here. But I... to save time now.
83The day we are living is called, in the Bible, "the day of man," man's day. This is not God's day. God is not the god of this earth; the Bible says He isn't. He's the God of Heaven. But this is not God's day.
This is choosing day. Either, live for today, and die; choose God, and live. And God is the Word, and the Word is the Word manifested for the hour and the day.
84 Notice, "the day of man." If you want to put that down, I was going to read it. But First Corinthians 5:1-5... First Corinthians 4:1-5, pardon me, First Corinthians 4:1 and 5, was Paul speaking of being judged by man, in man's day.
85"The day, what do you call it the man's day for?" you would say. It's the day that the works by the knowledge of man is glorified.
Look what, all the brag of the communists, somebody trying to get somebody to the moon. God is trying to get somebody to Heaven. See? But look how they're spending millions and billions and trillions of dollars, in a wasted effort. When they get there, they ain't going to find nothing. What's the matter with them?
I don't care about the moon. I want to pass the moon so fast I won't even see it; just keep going higher. I want to pass the Milky White Way, go on, just keep going. Yes!
86 And the world today is dedicating themselves to the knowledge which came by Satan. And man's day is glorified, not by the Word of God, but by the knowledge that he has.
Now think. Let that soak in. And when you play this tape back, on this point here, stop for a while and think.
His works are exalted above God's Word and manifested works; the wisdom of Satan, which he give to Eve at the beginning. Now listen; don't miss this. The wisdom of Satan is exalted to the throne of worship, in man, above the vindicated Word of God for the hour. Our churches proves that by their--their seminaries, schools of learning, that's learnt more than God's Word knows about It, they think. And there, Doctor So-and-so, and Teacher So-and-so, and Professor So-and-so has exalted their own knowledge, so-called (from Satan) truth, above the vindicated promise of God, made clear right before them. And man fall for it. See?
87His scientific achievements, trying to prove God's Word wrong. Just think of that. He, his, that is, the man's theology, explains God's Word to the people, and makes It of no effect again, like he had it in the denominational age when Jesus appeared on the earth. Jesus said, "You hypocrites! You, by your tradition," that's their interpretation, "has took the Word of God and made It of no effect to the people." And that's the same thing they've done today. It doesn't have the effect.
88 Notice, "They," the people, "exalt him above all that's called God." Don't Second Thessalonians say they would do it? And the authority of a denominational church, the people believing that denomination more than they believe God. And God is the Word. They'll believe their denominational creed above the Word, which "exalts him above all that's called God." And there's only one God, and that's the Word.
"All that's called God; so he as God sets in the church of the God, proving that he is God," because he's got the people worshiping him. God is the Word. And he exalts himself above all that's called God. And there's only one God, and that God is the Word. See? "And all that's called God," is, the god of this age has exalted himself above the true, vindicated Word of God. That's Saint John 1. See? "Above all that's called God, so that he as God sets in the temple of God," with authority.
Look, and he is praised for it! Oh, let the people, God, see that deception! He is praised for it, and solemnly believed by the people of this evil age. Now do you see the god and his servants of this evil age?
89 Now let's watch it be manifested. He says he is making a better world for them to live in, by his knowledge apart from the never-failing Word of God. But by his coming together, in denominations, and creeds, and intellectual, and scientific, and so forth, he is making a better world for man to live in, and ignoring the promise of God, that the only time the world will be fit to live in is in the Millennium. You know, my opinion, he's made a better world to sin in instead of live in.
90Notice. Did he do it? He legalized sin. He legalized whiskey drinking, cigarette smoking. And in the churches, legalized that a woman could be a member of the church, with short hair. Now may you stop just a minute.
91 She can wear shorts, wear paints, and still belong to his religious group, which is absolutely contrary to the Word of God. He says it's all right. See his knowledge? "What's that got to do with a woman?" Just the same as taking the forbidden fruit, or not the forbidden fruit, that's what it is. God said not to do it, but he does it.
92And she believes him, and she loves him for it. She hates God. Her own actions prove she does. She says she loves Him, but she loves Satan. She worships the god of fashion, the god of the world, the Hollywood goddesses. She loves him, but she hates the true Word of God, which is the only true God there is.
Legalizes it in the churches. "There's no harm. Our women can do this, that, or the other." But in the Presence of the living God, she's not even permitted to come, 'less she's repenting.
93Sees, he is the god of worldly beauty, he is. She wants to look beautiful. And he is the god of beauty, from the beginning. He can, and has achieved by his knowledge in science and materials, to make beauty for his, this model age... this modern age, rather, of evil. It's made beauty.
94 Notice. It's noteworthy to notice. At the beginning, Seth and his children never went the scientific way.
Now we're going to talk about science for a few minutes. If I say this, not excusing my ignorance; but, a bunch of ignoramuses, anything that'll deny the Word of God. See? Sure.
It's noteworthy. Watch it. Seth's children never went the scientific route. They were humble herdsmen, farmers, and so forth.
But Cain's children did. Why? Inspired by their daddy, the devil. Cain, inspired by his daddy, the devil, and these inspired by that seed coming down.
95Watch the seed of God coming down through every age, and watch where it's heading up today. Christians, genuine Christians, are not all about scientific research and stuff. No. Just a minute, we'll get into that.
But Cain's did, after the nature of their father, the devil, full of worldly knowledge, beauty, and science, so forth. Cain's children was scientific. They were educated. They was the players of music--music instruments; a modern Elvis Presley, some of this stuff like that the school board lets happen up here in the lane every Saturday night. Builders of city, beautifying women for personal lusts, as the devil giving women paint, and bobbing their hair, and put them in the shorts, and things like that. They, it's for his own dirty lusts. That's pretty flat, but I don't know any other way to say it.
96 Now, we know that Satan's gospel is a gospel of science and progress. He preached it in Eden; not God; Satan did, the science of progress. Science and progress is Satan's gospel. Look where he's led us to today, with it. See?
97Notice, he preached it in Eden, to who? To Adam's bride. And she fell for it. He deceived her into questioning one of God's Words. Let's see what he might have said. He must have said, "It is not scientific to die, in this holy church." Or, "You will be schooled and educated, not to believe in such unreasonable things as death. I don't care if God's Word did say it; it's unreasonable."
98 Oh, look at him today. "God is a good God. You're in His holy church; why, you cannot die." But God said you would, and that settles it. See him today? "Oh, just belong to church. It ain't what you do, or this, that, or the other. Just come to church and be a good member. Cutting your hair, that's nonsense. And wearing shorts, and putting on paint, and going to dances, and a little beer once in a while, won't hurt you, as long as you don't indulge in it. Frankly, I wish you children would take it, so that they could learn whether they liked it or not." There he is, the god of this age, this evil age.
99"God is a good God." I've heard that so much till I get sick. God is also a God of justice. He ain't an old dotty grandpa that can be pushed around, and His grandkids don't have any sin. He's a God of justice and holiness. He proved it in the garden of Eden, by His first children. You cross that line, of one of His Words, you're dead. Same thing applies today.
100 And notice, he preached that kind of a scientific, social, educated, progressive gospel to Eve, and Adam's bride believed it. And he has succeeded in filling the so-called bride of Christ, the church of the Second Adam, with the same arguments. That's right.
101"Oh, it's not--it's not for God; God is too good to do it. Why, as long as you go to church. 'If thou believest.'" The devil believes; not make-believes, but he actually believes. He is not saved. "'If thou believest.'" Huh!
102He tells the second bride, or the Second Adam's Bride, the same as he told the first. Such as, "Now, Divine healing, there is no such thing. We can prove that. There's never been a case proved." "And this baptism in Jesus' Name, now don't you realize that I'm the authority of the church?" he says. "We've settled that at Nicaea, Rome," when them three unclean spirits went out of the dragon, the false prophets, and so forth. "We believe there is a trinity of Gods." Oh, for goodness' sakes! That's as heathen as can be. Don't you never come before God with such a thing as that, try to stand in His Presence. "Oh, it don't make any difference if you are baptized in the titles of 'Father, Son, Holy Ghost.' What difference does it make?"
103 It made so much difference, until Paul commanded a bunch of Baptists that they had to be rebaptized in the Name of Jesus Christ before the Holy Ghost would ever come on them. And also caused that apostle to scream out, and said, "If a angel comes from Heaven and preaches anything else, let him be cursed." Sure, it makes a difference. Oh, my!
104"There is no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost in these days. That was only for the apostles. It's passed. And such a thing as prophets? It's not even known of. Miracles? They're unscientific. Malachi 4? That was for another age. John 14:12? Oh, Jesus didn't really mean that. Luke 17:30? Oh, that was just a myth. See, it--it's misinterpreted; it wasn't in the original." Such tommyrot!
When God Almighty comes down in our midst and proves it. When He says, that, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever," He proves that so. I don't care who says not about it; God interprets His Own Word. He said He would do this thing in the last days. "There will be Light in the evening time." And there is Light, for the manifestation of the Son of God.
105 The same sun that rises in the east is the same sun that sets in the west. The prophet said, "There will be a day that couldn't be called day nor night." It's a dismal, the clouds, as over the face of the sun. But said, "About evening time it shall come Light again." The same Son! He is Alpha and Omega. Same Son that rose in the east was predicted to rise in the west again, in the last days, just before the day was over. I don't know how they interpret It; God interprets His Own Word. He proves It. This is the evening time.
106It's sad, but she sure fell for it again. Christ's bride fell for it, and took the intellectual knowledge of some seminary preacher instead of believing the pure, vindicated Word of God.
107 Now ministers out yonder in the land wherever you are, you might disagree with This. I'm not hurting you. I'm just try-... I'm talking to my own group. I'm just trying... If you want to set in, I'll sure be glad for you to hear It. And then you listen at It. See? But I'm just telling them what they have--what they have seen, and showing it to them; God proving it, that it's right. See?
This is the hour. Don't need anybody to interpret It. Your worldly knowledge don't have anything... You might have a B.A., D.D., A.D., or whatever it might be; it don't mean one thing. God interprets His Word, Himself. He promised it, and here it is.
108But by the knowledge of seminary, denominational preaching, "has caused the whole world to wonder after the beast whose deadly wound was healed," from pagan to papal. See where she's heading up? She believes it. She believes the knowledge that he tells her.
109 It is, now watch, it is that both engaged brides believed Satan's knowledge against God's Word. The bride of Adam believed Satan's knowledge against God's Word, and the bride of Christ has believed Satan's knowledge, in this intellectual evil age, against God's Word.
And notice. Eve, in the natural, that believed it, and plunged the whole human race to death. The natural bride! Adam, the natural man of the earth; his bride, before he got to her, to be wife, plunged the whole human race into death. Whether it's scientific or not, we die just the same, 'cause God said we would.
Whether you're in holy Eden, or holy church, or holy denomination, or whatever it might be, you'll die the day you disbelieve one Word of God's Word to be the Truth, when It's vindicated and proved to you. That's the day you separate yourself from God. Not just the whole sentence; one Word. "Whosoever shall add one word, or take One away," that's the day you die.
110 Notice, Adam's bride caused natural death to her race, the human race.
And the Second Adam's bride, Christ's engaged bride, has plunged the whole church to a denominational death, to take the mark of the beast, by the scientific, intellectual, big denominations. "We are Baptists. We are Presbyterian. We are Pentecostals," and so forth. "We got this, and we own more property. We, we are noted by the government. We're all around the world," and all such things. "And the best, and the mayor of the city, and so forth, comes to us. Even the President comes to have mass said with us, and we comes to this, that, or the other." The whole world has been plunged to a spiritual, denominational death; the whole church. She is dead!
You say, "You're covering a lot of territory."
111Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, wherein eight souls were saved, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." "In the days of Lot, where three was brought out of Sodom, at that day..." Now there's already a group already out, remember. "But, as it was then, when the Son of man will be manifested." Look what a day, look where we're living!
112 Now she has caused the whole world to accept the scientific leadership of the educational program that Satan has given to her under the name of a church, the leadership of a educational, scientific program. I'm picturing to you the god of this world.
When she, as Eve, had the very filling of God's Word in her hand, she could have took God's Word. But what did she do to That? Instead of tarrying for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, let science prove to her that the Holy Ghost was only for the disciples.
Instead of keeping Divine healing going, when she ought to be now raising the dead and doing great miracles; she has let Satan, under his leadership of religious man, take the Word of God and try to say that It was for another age. And she's believed it.
113 When, the Bible said, "The things that I do shall you do also." Jesus said that. "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." We're still creatures. "These signs shall follow every one of them that believe." She denies every bit of It.
114She denies all the supernatural, and she swapped It for his intellectual conception of the Bible; where priests, and holy fathers, so-called, where bishops, archbishops, where district presbyters, general overseers, and so forth, has put their own interpretation to It. And God has left them, set there, dead as twelve o'clock.
The only things left in the last days is a bunch of little Pentecostals with a bunch of music whooped up as hard as they can, running up-and-down the floors, speaking in tongues and shouting, "and having a form of godliness, but denying the Word thereof." Tell them to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ; laugh in your face. But, that, God goes right on making it so just the same, proving His Word to be so.
115 Notice, the tree that Satan caused Eve to partake of, was "the tree of good and evil." It was a mixed tree.
Now look at the day we're living in, when He's calling out a Bride. He's got a church that claims to be doing good, when it's evil, by denying the Word. A mixed tree. Oh, say, "They--they have great societies. They--they--they--they help the this. And the Red Cross endorses it. And all the schools, they... Looky here!"
Oh, but just deny one Word, that's all you have to do to die; no matter how intellectual, how good it is. Jesus said, "A little leaven leavens the whole lump." One spot of leaven ruins the lump. One Word of God, displaced, spoils the whole Picture. What about my arm being where my foot should be? See? What if my ear was down here where my hand should be? "A little leaven leavens the whole lump."
Say, "How do you know It's right?" God proves It right. He vindicates It. He said It here in the Word, then He proves It. That's how we know It's right or not.
Just deny one Word is all it takes to die. It brought the same results in this evil age, spiritual death, as it did physical death to the whole human race.
116 Notice how Satan got that scientific age back there, of Noah's, to lean upon their own understanding. Huh! The Bible tells us, in Proverbs, "Lean not to our own understanding." And, "Let every man's word be a lie, and God's be true." But Satan, by his knowledge, from beginning at the garden of Eden, got the people to lean upon their own understanding. And, you know, through his great Max Factor's works that he had back there, he got women so fair that it caused the son of man's... the sons of God, rather, to fall to sin and marry them. Right. He... Women was so fair, so pretty.
117Now you take the ordinary woman on the street today. A lot of you has read the story; you never heard it, 'cause it before my days. Pearl Bryan, how many ever heard of her? Sure. She was supposed to be the world's most beautiful woman. Why, there ain't a school kid that goes in the schoolhouse today but what's twice as pretty as she was. Why is it? The beauty of women is to happen in the last days.
They've cut their hair. They put them in little girls dresses. They put shorts, and bikinis, and ever what you call, on them. They put paint, and rouge, and all these kind of things, to make them something that they're not. See? But through scientific knowledge they've been able to achieve this. Do you know there's more spent for cosmetics for women, than there is, in the United States, twice or three times as much, as spent for food to live on? Prove that, that's right, for cosmetics.
118 Notice, "The sons of God saw the daughters of men," not daughters of God, "the daughters of men, that they were beautiful," and it caused the sons of God to fall into this delusion. "And took them kind of women and married them," and it brought a age of prostitution, just like it is today; like it was in Sodom, like it's predicted to be today.
That, when men and women of this day swap wives. If they don't like this wife, they--they go over to Reno, Nevada, and get married; and, or get a divorce, that one, and marry again in fifteen minutes. And women so pretty that they're almost irresistible. And what is it? The devil! See Satan still in beauty? Notice.
119Notice, that sin was never forgiven them. That pretty, scientific age was the very evil age that God destroyed off of the face of the earth; that pretty, scientific age. Jesus said it'll be that again just before the coming of the Son of man. That right? Notice, Jesus said, "As it was in days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man," when they all tried to marry... Now watch, "The sons of God married the pretty daughters of men," and God never did forgive them for it.
120 Just the same as Balaam's teaching, that he caused the pretty, intellectual, scientific women of Moab to... with their flirty eyes, her paints and powders, her fine perfumes, to entice the sons of God; against their own women that worked and had callouses in their hands, with no makeup on. Enticed them over, and, "Let us marry one another, because we're all the same people." That was a lie! It was a--a lie, and an achievement of the devil, to get the sons of God to marry the--the daughters of men.
It was the lie of the devil, for Balaam, that false prophet, to try to prophesy against Moses that tried to hold the race together; to say, "Well, we believe the same God. We offer the same offerings. We have the same sacrifices. We do everything just alike."
"So close that it would deceive the Elected if possible." See? [] Come away from her, people! You have nothing to do with her!
121 Notice, it was not likely that God would interpret His Word to Cain's evil generation. No. God would not interpret His Word to them. Notice... []
God, the knowledge to make a world so pretty and scientific and sinful, He had to destroy it? Would God do that, make a world so pretty; look here, God making His daughters so pretty, and would dress them so sexy, that His sons would lust after them and would commit adultery? What? God do a thing like that?
This naked, stripped off bunch of Laodiceans, worshiping the god of this world, through their ethics, and education, and shrewdness, and prettiness! "Come out of her," the Bible said, "be not partakers of her sins, and don't receive her plagues." God will rain hail out of the skies one day, as big as a hundred pounds apiece, and will destroy her by stoning her; like His Word always said He done, His laws.
Well, if God did a thing like that, revealed His Word to such a people as that, He would be--be defeating His Own purpose. God is not foolish. He's the source of all wisdom.
So you see where that stuff come from? It come from Satan, and it's still of Satan. And the church has believed it.
122 Now you see, women, I'm trying my best to show you the Word of God. The Bible said, "If a woman cuts her hair, she dishonors her head," which is her husband. And her husband is the head, with God, so she dishonors God and her husband.
123Now this shows who is the head of this world's church system. That shows who is the head of it. It's Satan, in the form of a super man, person of knowledge, a super knowledge. He knows more than all the rest of them. No matter what the Word says, he--he's got his own interpretation to It, see, the interpretation for this evil age.
124 Notice his plans to build a super denominational church, the World Council of Churches, see, a super denominate, so that all the world will worship him, the beast, under the name of united Christianity. Would you like to read that in the Bible? Revelation 13:6 and 8. It's a modern tower of Babel.
125Don't you remember how that Nimrod, that hypocrite, built this big tower and made all the other little cities pay tribute to it? Babble and Babel is the same thing. It just changes its names, and, as it comes on up. It's, Rome now is Babylon. And the whole world is brought to Babylon, and it's brought in by the World Council of Churches which will make every one of them bow to her. And you've took the mark of the beast, not knowing what you were doing. Because...
But those who are elected will hear the Word and come out of it.
126 How contrary is denomination to God's Word! He never had one, never dealt in one, and never dealt with one. I want some historian to show me where ever a prophet ever come out of the church. Show me where God ever blessed a church that was... after it was organized. She went on the shelf and died, with intellectual wisdom from the devil, by their leaders, and refused the Word of God as It growed up into the perfect stature of Christ. Now it's at the head. How contrary!
Separate from that unbelieving Eve, you children of the evening Light!
127Satan, god of this age, by his knowledge, getting the people to eat from his mixed tree of good and evil. Notice, Satan, by his knowledge, causing the people of this evil age to eat from his tree of good and evil. He says that he is building a greater Christian civilization, by his knowledge of good and evil, a greater Christian civilization.
128But Christ's little Virgin, Word, Flock, Bride, don't care for his knowledge. She keeps, him, free of him. What is... Now let's talk about Her, a minute. She waits for Her Lord and His Millennium honeymoon, right, with the Word Groom, as She is the Word Bride.
129 Knowledge and civilization, and true Christianity, has nothing in common. Civilization, and true Christianity, has not one thing in common.
Civilization is by knowledge. We all know that. And knowledge is from Eden, proved it, by what he preached in Eden. And knowledge causes death. Is that right? What caused death in the garden of Eden? Knowledge. But can't be of God, so it's of the devil. Whew, was that a good one! Knowledge, science, education, is the greatest hindrance that God ever had. It is of the devil.
Now I'll get some letters on that, I know. I'm waiting for them.
130Look what culture has got us into now. See? Look what it's done. Where we at? We've leaned to those things, through our own understanding by our science.
You say, "What about God, you think He is ignorance?" Oh, no.
God will set up His Own kind of civilization on earth, when He takes it over. This is Satan's world; he is god now of his worldly scientific knowledge. But God will set His Own kind of civilization up. It won't be a civilization like this. You just remember that. It won't be the kind of civilization we got today. No, no. It will be according to His Word and His purpose. For, the god of this present evil age will be destroyed, and his kingdom with him.
131 This modern knowledge-loving age could have no better leader than the one they've got, Satan, a perverter of the Word of God, like he started off in the garden of Eden, but a religious person relying upon his own understanding.
As I've said before, Proverbs 3:5, that, "We're not to lean to our own understanding."
They must have a god, for they are human. Yet, he makes them what they want. As being a human being, always, all human beings... When we come here, we found the Indians even worshiping idols, and the sun, and everything. As a human being, they must have a god. So this great intellectual age must have a god, so it's become... The god of this world has become knowledge, denomination, science, "having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof."
132 Notice, their god makes them just what they want. They lust for the flesh, and that's what he gives them. "They want to wear bikinis. Let them wear it. See? If they want to do this or that, let them do it. Ain't no harm in it; they go to church. Their mother was Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian. Just let them alone."
That's the god of this age; smart, wise, scientific. It needs no faith. It don't have to prove anything. It's already proven, by their knowledge. "Well, we're the biggest church there is in town," their knowledge. "Our pastor has got a D.D., Ph.D." See, don't need no faith; relies on knowledge. Let them live any way, as long as they come to worship him by their denomination and creed. There's a big black eye there, but look at it.
Laughs at God's Word, saying things contrary to the Word; and tries, by their knowledge, to prove scientifically that the Word isn't true. Oh, what a age we're living in! See the god of this age?
133 Notice, but God is waiting till the iniquity of these modern Amorites is filled. Don't worry, He'll have His Moses ready at that time. There will be an exodus, someday, to the promised land. There will be a Moses come along, who will call out, "restore the Faith of the children back to the fathers." It'll come, one of these days. Did...
You say, "Well, look how we're progressing."
Sure, the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full. It'll come, one of these days. Let them destroy themselves.
134Civilization, knowledge, perverts God's Word to suit their own taste. Every denomination does the same thing. Satan then preaches his own gospel of knowledge in his own church.
135 There is only two classes of people spoke of in the New Testament. "The children of God, and the children of the devil." Did you know that? You want to put a Scripture down for it? First John 3:10, if you want the Scripture. I'm reading it right here, got it wrote out. All right. All right.
136In Ephesians 2:2, they are called, "The children of disobedience." Like Eve was, disobedient to God's Word. The children of obedience, and disobedience, have nothing in common.
Then how can the Bride of Christ associate in a denomination, when one is disobedient and the other obedient? How can one, be the Word; and the other one, perverted word? How can a prostitute and a clean woman walk together in agreement? They can't do it. They have no fellowship at all. "Come out from amongst them!" It's of the devil. It's the mark of the beast. Heading right into it now; all denominations. I don't care whose it is.
God is taking, not a denomination, "a people for His Name." A denomination won't receive these Truths. It'll take an individual person that can see God, look at His Word and believe It, and belong to no organization; but live for God, not for his organization, the intellectual wisdom of some bishop or something has taught it. That's right.
137 The children of disobedience, and the children of obedience, has nothing in common. One of the... is of the day of Light; the other one, of night and darkness, evil age, this evil age of darkness, nightclubs, dances, yet belong to church. It's okay with their god. They don't have any condemnation about it; nothing bothers them.
"Why, it don't condemn me to cut my hair," a woman said. "Don't hurt my conscience." She's got no more conscience than a snake has got hips. That's right. Certainly not. She don't know what a conscience is. It had been seared so hard till she don't even know what it is. That's right.
138Walking around, over the Word of God, saying, "Why, that's some old fogy. Don't go up there; they're just a bunch of noise and carry-on, anyhow." Huh! Know no more about God than a Hottentot would know about an Egyptian night. That's right. It's true.
"Having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof; from such turn away. For this is the sort that go from house to house, and lead silly women."
"Oh, dear, you're, you should do this. Oh, dear, I think your old fogy preacher down there, if you just... Oh, you would look cute in a 'kini," or ever what you call the thing. "You, if you'd do all this, that, and the other. Why, a little cigarette won't hurt nobody. I belong to church, and you know our denomination is looked up to as well as anybody's." Don't you believe that old painted-up liar. She is lying to you. That's right. Yes, sir.
139 It's okay with their god. Oh, he thinks that's wonderful, and they just love him for it.
My, they'll argue with you. They'll stand right up and fuss at you about it. Why, sure, Satan stood right in the face of Jesus Christ, the Word, and tried to say, "It's written."
And there He was, the vindicated Word of God. He said, "Get behind Me, Satan!" Just walk and do the same thing.
Like a fellow said to me one time, said, "Now, if you believe the baptism of the Holy Ghost is right, and you believe you've got It," said, "now you strike me blind." That was a preacher. Said, "You strike me blind!" He said, "Paul struck a--a man blind one day."
140I said, "Mister, how can I strike you blind when you're already blind? How can I kill you when you're already dead?" Uh-huh.
He said, "Me, my eyes is twenty-twenty!"
I said, "Your physical part; but you're still blind."
"It's impossible! The Bible don't interpret things. We speak where the Bible speaks, and silent where It's silent."
141 I said, "All right, when Elijah was down at--at Dothan, see, there come up the whole Syrian army around. And the servant run up, said, 'Oh, my father!' Said, 'My father,' said, 'the Syrians is surrounded us.'"
"Elijah rubbed his eyes, woke up and said, 'There's more with us than there is with them.'"
"He said, 'I don't see nobody.'"
"Said, 'God, open his eyes.' Now, he was blind. And he looked around at that old prophet, and upon the mountains; was full of Angels, and chariots of Fire, and horses of Fire.
"And he walked out there, and the Bible said, 'He smote them blind.' Blind to what? To him. He walked out, said, 'Are you looking for Elijah?'"
"'Yes, we're looking for him.'"
"Said, 'Come on, I'll show you where he's at.' Elijah leading them to Elijah. Blind!"
I said, "You know what I'm going to say to you? Just exactly what my Lord said to your father, 'get behind me.'" Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
142 Notice, the children of obedience, and disobedience, has nothing in common. The disobedience worship their god. "Oh," they say, "we believe the Bible." Yes, it's a mixed tree. See, they add the world and knowledge to It. Satan's tree, mixed; see, she took from Satan's tree, good and evil. "Oh, we believe the Word." Sure, but not all of It. Eve believed the Word, too, but let--let Satan take his tree and pervert It a little bit. That's what it is.
"Whosoever shall add one word, or take one Word from It." He is still the same yesterday, today, and forever! Notice. All right.
143 This evil age is of darkness, yet belongs to church. Their god, they love him for it, the way he lets them do. They have no condemnation. Nothing bothers them as long as they belong to church.
Balaam taught the church the same thing. "Let us unite; we're all the same." It was the last trick. God never forgave them for believing such a lie.
144Remember, it was a unpardonable sin, three times in the Bible, for any persons to add one word of their own interpretation to God's Word after It had been vindicated the Truth.
In the garden of Eden, right, in the garden of Eden, one word added caused death.
When Balaam added the word, that, "We're all the same," they, God never did forgive Israel that. Every one of them perished in the wilderness, except the three that God brought out.
Jesus said, "They're, every one, dead," that's Eternally separated. They're all gone; never was forgiven. It's a unpardonable sin; never forgiven them. Oh, my!
Flee it, children of the evening Lights!
145 See now who is the leader of this modern, religious, evil age? It's the devil, taking that tree of good and evil, and placing it out there, notice, bringing his beautiful church bride to the ecumenical council for a wedding. That's a good one. His beautiful scientific church, with all the--the--the degrees that can be gotten; the Ph.D's out of the church of Christ, the Ph.D's out of the Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostals, and all. Bringing them all, with their decorated fineries and big churches, all to the ecumenical council, "We are one." It'll never be forgiven them. A denomination, to wear the brand of a denomination, is the mark of the beast. We've done been through it on here; to do it. Flee it, children, flee it! See? Great, beautiful church to the ecumenical wedding, wearing his mark!
Shorts, sure, worldly dress, sexy, paint, really good disciples of the devil, to catch the sons of God; marry a good full-born boy off into some old reprobate like that. That's right. What a...
146 You said, "Cutting hair, what's that got to do?"
Brother, let's stop here just a minute. I just feel somebody resented that. Might have been out on the wire somewhere.
Listen. A hair to a woman is a Nazarite vow. Hair to Samson was a Nazarite vow. And when a woman cuts off her hair, she--she absolutely denies her Nazarite vow that she is a Bride to Christ. Because, there, that one thing, she spoils the whole Picture. Correctly! A Nazarite is "one that is consecrated for a purpose." Is that right? Samson was consecrated to a age and to a purpose, therefore he had long hair. The woman that's a child of God, lets her hair grow, to show that's she's consecrated to every Word of God.
147If she cuts it off, I don't care how much she dances, sings, is in the choir, speaks in tongues, runs up-and-down, or has all kind of aid societies, she is dead. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD, the Word of God. First Corinthians 14. Yeah. She has denied her Nazarite vow and sold out to the god of this modern age. She does it. Now, shame on you, lady, or woman!
148Really catchers of God's sons, like it was. As Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, the women fair, and the sons of God begin to marry among them, so will it be when the Son of man returns." And their god thinks it's great, and pretty, and scientific, knowledge; Hollywood fashion, styled in his own shop, sure, all this here gooey and stuff, you know.
149 And she, his church, simply loves it! Oh, my! "I'll give you to understand, I am Methodist. I am Presbyterian. Our pastor has got better sense than to say a thing like that." He's got not enough sense to say the things that God says then. See?
150She, the church, simply worships it. She loves it. Just what she's wanted! She won't join up with nothing, brother, or come into nothing she has to act like something different from what these modern Jezebels are, 'cause that's the nature that's in her.
How can you be any nature... "Who taking thought can add one cubit to his stature?" If you were born to be five-foot tall, you'll not be six foot. Oh, yeah, like Booth-Clibborn's "stretching machine."
151 Then listen, man, you bunch of rickies! If you were born to be a man, then act like a man. These bangs hanging down in your face, and curled up like some sex appeal, why, you perverted generation of snakes! What's the matter with you, anyhow?
My God will judge this nation someday with fire. He'll sink it beneath the ocean. The hour of His judgment is at hand. The whole world will go.
152Religious perversion! Human perversion; men don't even know what sex they belong to, neither does women. Stand up with a pair of man's overalls on, or a pair of little old shorts, clothes that's... her every move and form of her body, and call herself a Christian. She's not even a lady, let alone a Christian. She's a street prostitute used by Satan, inspired by Satan, to send the sons of God to hell, to fulfill the Word that Jesus Christ said would take place. I didn't mean to say that, but He said it, anyhow. See where this religious spirit comes from? The mixed tree.
153 Say, "What's wrong with them slacks," or whatever they call it, "pedal-pushers?" or ever what it is.
The Bible said, that, "Any woman that'll wear a garment that pertains to a man, it's an abomination in the sight of God." That's THUS SAITH THE BIBLE.
And a woman that'll cut her hair, dishonors her head. And it's not even... It's a sinful thing for a woman to offer prayer with short hair, the Bible said so, pray in public with her head uncovered. And her...
Oh, you say, "I wear a hat."
154You hypocrite, teach them women such things as that! When, the Bible said, "Her hair is given her for a covering," not some man-made hat. That's what the Bible said. I'm not responsible; I'm only responsible to tell the Truth. Don't be dishonest, as the Bible said, "Handling the Word of God with deceit," to--to fix or--or meet the request of a bunch of rickettas.
155 I got the word evil here. I got "Elvis" wrote down instead of evil. It's all about the same. The word Elvis means a "cat," and the word Ricky means a "rat." When you say "little Ricky," you mean, "little rat." What you call him, that's what he is. Your kid is named that, change it quickly, for the sake of the Gospel. Don't name a kid...
You never heard such names as that back in the Bible, or in any other age. It's the age, name for this age. There ever was perverted rats and cats, it's there.
156All this...?... million-dollar disc jockies, and these kids walking out here, can't even go to--to school without a thing sticking in the ear, and a little old transistor radio in their pocket, just, "boom-de-boom."
Oh, they come up there at the house, and we made... Them guys trying to paint my house up there. We said, "Get that thing out of here. If you can't work without that, then get off the job. Makes me so nervous I can't even stand around here. We've dedicated this place to God. We don't want that kind of boogie-woogie nonsense of this last days around here." I said, "Shut it up or get off the job!"
157Notice, religious, though, oh, sure, go right to church and stand in the vestibule, with listening to boogie-woogie.
158 Also, notice, Christ's Word-Bride is heading up, also. As we see where the antichrist is heading, begin back there and now coming to a head; a ecumenical council will put it to an ecclesiastical head. And the little Church that's come along, also, Christ's Word-Bride down through the age, is coming to a Head, 'cause She's going to be united back to Its Mate. Always, just like the church and everything else, It's got to unite. The Wheat, everything else, comes right back to its head where it started from; like Cain and Abel. Word-Bride heading up in the Person of the Word of God made manifest in this evil age that we're living. See where it's heading up?
159 And Satan will soon take his intellectual bride and exalt this great one, which is the antichrist, the hierarchy's, and set him upon a throne, "and the whole world will wonder after him."
And then Christ will come. And two cannot exist in the same time. And his kingdom will be taken; he'll be destroyed.
And Christ, the Word of God... Which, the woman is a part of the man's body. They're not two; they're one. And the Bride, Church, Word, "a people called out from here and there, for His Name's sake," will unite in the Body of Jesus Christ.
And the kingdom of the antichrist will be taken and destroyed. And Christ shall take throne, and set upon the throne of His father David, and reign upon the earth for a thousand years; then present the Church to God, "without spot or blemish." Yes!
160 Now notice her long hair, Nazarite vow to the Word. I'll picture the Bride of Christ now. We picture the antichrist, where she is, religious and everything, science. Now the humble little Bride of Christ just simply believes the Word, whoever She is. It's individuals. I hope and trust that there's many setting present, many listening in. And I hope that myself, and every one of you all, are part of that Bride. I hope many. And, it will, all that's been ordained to that will be that, 'cause it's their nature. They see. The Word can only recognize the Word. It can't recognize a denomination or a perversion. It knows better; It's the Word. See? It can't recognize nothing...
A wheat can't be nothing but a wheat. It started, a wheat; it'll head up, a wheat. And a weed can never be a wheat, yet it's watered by the same anointing. See? But it ain't a wheat. As I said the other day, about the tree with the different branches in it.
161 Her long hair, Nazarite vow, shows that She is vowed to God. Her beautiful gown of His promised Word for the age that She is living in, wrapped around Her, vindicating Her with Himself, of Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." As, She is a part of the Word Groom, true to Him in every point.
162Now look. If a woman goes out here and is married to a man, and she goes out and makes love with another man and has an affairs with him, and come back to her husband, he should kick her out. Is that right? She must be true to him, 'cause she is vowed to him.
And the Bride of Christ is vowed to Christ; and He is the Word.
Not even wink at the other side, a woman should not even wink at another man. She should make no signs, no emotions at all towards him, for she is absolutely a bride to one bridegroom.
163We don't want none of your mixed trees, your denominations. Be true to Christ, the Word. He'll vindicate It to be true. No, sir, not even any emotion of anything towards making love to him, not join his ranks or anything else, or let him get you in his arms or in his care, or--or talk to you over this way, that way.
You listen only to one Voice. "My sheep know My Voice. A stranger they'll not..." What is His Voice? Any man's voice is his word. And this is It, the Bible, not one word to be added to It or taken from It. Just stay right with that Voice. "A stranger they won't follow," a denomination.
164 As, She is part of the Groom, true to Him in every point, waiting the Wedding. Uniting, not at the ecumenical council; but in the sky, at the Wedding Supper. She has been given... This is for our own church. The... She has been given, and revealed to Her, the Seven-Seal mysteries of the Bible. See? She sees the folly of the deceiver, so very close to the Truth, that almost deceive the Elected. She sees it. She...
165See the two opposing spirits at work in this evil age? Can you see it? Each very religious, Cain and Abel, spirits again coming to their heads, still same as they started. One, worshiping by beauty, and by knowledge, and by education, and by science, and by ethics. And the other One, by faith of the revelation of the Word of God. Both of them is standing right in this building this morning. That's right.
166 Revelation, or faith, in His Word, makes no claims of knowledge; the real, true Christian.
They say, "Have you got a--you got a doctor's degree?"
Makes no claims. "I--I believe His Word." See? Doesn't make any claims. Doesn't claim to be educated. Doesn't belong to any denomination, any party, any sect. It belongs to Christ. It's His Wife; not a church wife.
She's a prostitute. The Bible said she was a "whore," and, "THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS," and they all come together and make the same whore. And that kind of a woman is a woman that's untrue to her Husband; and claiming Christ as her husband, and belonging to a denomination. Such nonsense! We belong to Christ.
167 But, in obedience, this little faith Woman, that lives by faith, the Bride; the person here, there; here, off somewhere else, some other church, some other denomination, whatever it is, in some not... Believes the Word of God, obedient, waiting in love, for the promise of the age to be confirmed. She is watching for it. She is part of that Word, and She is watching for Her life to manifest that Word.
Brethren, can't you see that? I hope that didn't go over you.
The Body is waiting for (which is the Word), waiting for the Life (which is the Spirit) to confirm or make It alive. That's what She is waiting for. No other life will work in Her. She can't come to life any other way. Yet, She feels it out there, and She knows it's going to happen; then here it happens, then She wakes up. God said, "Let there be," and She came forth like the first one come forth.
168 "Children of disobedient" means obedience... Disobedience means "rebellion." I looked that up in the dictionary, to be sure. Rebellion, rebelling against (what?) the revealed Word of God. Like Cain revealed... rebelled against Abel's revealed revelation, vindicated of God that it was righteous. And Cain rebelled against it, and slew his brother.
The Pharisees, with their own denominational knowledge of what the Word of God was, selected hand-picked man, rebelled against the vindicated Word of God made manifest for the day, Jesus Christ, and killed Him. That right?
That's what "the children of disobedience" is, a rebellion against the Word of God.
Now see where they are? "Oh, days of miracles is past. Jesus Christ is not the same yet. There is no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost. All that stuff is nonsense!" See, rebellion! They don't have to say two things; just have to say one, that's all. That's rebellion, right there. They can't say you don't have eyes, you don't have ears; you got to take the whole body, the whole Word. See?
The Holy Spirit call, "Comes out of her, be not partakers of her denominational dogma," as he laughs and scorns at the Word of God of this day.
"For God is not mocked," just remember. She'll get it. Don't be worry. She'll get it. The Bible, in Ephesians 4:30, if you want to put that down, Ephesians 4:30, said. "God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap." They can't mock and make fun, and say these things, and get by with it. "Like bread upon the water, it'll return."
169 She is the devil's bride, wrapped in his religious, sin-loving knowledge for this present evil age, to deceive you. Oh, my! A whole clique or denomination of seducing spirits, by scientific knowledge and a modern civilization! Claiming...
We're going to close just in a few minutes. I'm going to have to stop, 'cause I can't get through it all, see.
Claiming that she is building a great world for you to live in. She claims, that, in her civilization, she has built fine churches, colleges, schools, hospitals, libraries, and temporary help for man, without God's Word. She's done it. She's proved that she could do it. And the people has fell for it; yes, sir; schools, denominations, culture, better-dressed people, better-fed people.
I'd rather be in a bread line, and be right with God; than to have fried chicken three times a day, and have to belong to a prostitute like that.
170 Remember, the hour is close at hands when the mark will come. You'll either be in it or out of it. It'll come like a thief in the night. It'll catch you right in there, and you're there. There ain't no getting out of it then; you done took it. Come out!
An angel came down from Heaven, with a great shining face, and cried out to the people. It shook the earth. "Come out of Babylon, for she is fallen. Be not partakers of her plagues, My people!" Get out of her. Get out! Didn't we just read it in the Word, a while ago? An angel is a "messenger," see, coming down. Notice the Holy Spirit, "Come out of her, that you be not partakers."
171 Now she's built all these things. She has built great churches. She has built college, schools, taking the people and educating them into a--a better, so-called, civilization. And they've educated them by a modern civilization that's brought them into the pit of death, by knowledge, away from God and His Word.
Don't you see the whole scheme? Do you see that, church? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Out on the air, if you see it in your own congregations out there, say "amen," the rest of them will know where you're standing. See?
She's did it. She's... It's a god of this earth, and she has built colleges. She has built universities. She has built hospitals. She has built libraries. She has built all these things for temporary help of man, just enough to deceive them, to get off of that Word. And what's she led them to? The whole church world is plunged into death, for God said that He would burn the whore, and her children, with an everlasting fire.
Come out of it, people! Don't you be caught in there. You get away from that thing as quick as you can!
By her scientific knowledge, she is been able to do this, now notice, without God's Word.
172 God never did ordain us to go out and have schools. He never. He never told us to build hospitals. They're good. He never told us to build libraries. No, sir. He never.
He said, "Preach the Gospel." And, the Gospel, is manifesting, demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit.
Paul said, "The Gospel come to us, not through word only, but through the manifestation and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit." Paul said, "I never come to you with great words of wisdom by some doctor of so forth, but I come to you in power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit; that your faith would not be in the wisdom or knowledge of the men of this world, but in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ; because He lives, the same yesterday, today, and forever." God help us to believe the same thing, and God vindicate the same thing as He has been doing.
173 He keeps you from seeing the true revelation and faith of God's Word being revealed and vindicated today, by his schools, libraries, literature, hospitals, and so forth. See? He keeps you from it. He is now interpreting, as he did to Pharaoh, trying to keep you from seeing the meaning of the vindicated Word of His promised age in the evening Light, vindicated and proved. He has tried, by his knowledge, and schools, and better educated people, and ethics, and so forth, to keep you away from seeing That.
Anything, so that you won't look at That and see that's Jesus Christ! How you know it's Jesus Christ? He is the Word, and He's the Word of this age. And this age, said that this would take place in this age, and here it is happening. See? See? He trying his best to keep you from seeing That.
He'll tack any dirty name onto It he can. See? He'll call It "holy-rollers" and everything else. He called Jesus "Beelzebub." "And they call the Master of the house Beelzebub, how much more they going to call the disciples?" See?
174 See, trying to keep you from seeing the real meaning of the Word. Not what... See, he is interpreting It, saying It means this.
God said, "I promised in the last days I'd send you Malachi 4." It don't have to be interpreted; He did it. He said, "And as it was in the days of Lot, the world will be in a Sodom condition; and in that time, I will reveal the Son of man by it, exactly." We got all kinds of impersonations and everything else, of it, but we got the real One, too. See? He said He would do it.
He said the antichrist would raise up and almost deceive the Elected if it was possible. But said, "Let them alone. Let them go ahead. Their folly will be found out." Why? The Word test proves it. See?
When it come to that Word, "That had been back this way, that? Oh, I don't believe in serpent's seed. I don't believe in this, that, and the other." It's never been revealed, see, no, never. Oh, brother, just look where...
We're going to have to close, because it's twelve o'clock.
175 Notice, trying to keep you from seeing the meaning of the Word of this age, of evening Light being interpreted. It is... What does it mean? It's the time of exodus is at hand, God is coming for Her, as sure as the world. See?
176Now I want to ask you a question. While, it is twelve o'clock now, five minutes after; and we'll go on, tonight. Do you see the god of this age? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe it? ["Amen."] See how it is, a church, intellectual, science?
The whole world belongs to it, see, the denominations. And, you say, "I'm a Christian." "What denomination do you belong to?" Well, if I belonged to a denomination, I don't believe I'd be a Christian. Now, that's a big word, but that's right.
I just got through saying that knowledge and science, and Christianity, has no fellowship at all. One is of the devil, and the other one is of God. Anything that denies God's Word, keep away from it. See? No, sir. The Bible calls, for this last days, for Christians to come out of that prostitute, that's tree of good and evil.
177 Sure, she has good. Can anybody speak evil of a hospital? No, sir. Library? No, sir. Education? No, sir. But, see, they're giving them that without the Word. See how deceiving it is? Giving them a church to go to, a worship to worship, "a god setting upon a throne." The Bible foretold it.
178Now you belong to one of those bodies. There is only two of them in the earth now, always has been, and will be till Jesus comes, and one of them will be destroyed. Now you belong to one of the bodies. One of them, you've joined; the other one, you are born in It. See?
One of them, you're a part of because you are born into It. You have to be a part of It. Could I deny I got an arm? No more than I can deny any Word of God, if I'm part of God. I'm part of William Branham; I'm in parts, and every part is a part of me. And every Word of God has to fit my spirit, has to fit my soul, has to fit my living, It has to fit my ideas. If my ideas is contrary to That, then God's Spirit don't dwell in me. That's right. Can't deny one Word of It.
179 You belong to one of the bodies. Got to be, it's just got to be. It's either the Body of God, which is by the Word; or the body of Satan, by the church. And the whole world will have to belong to some church; it worships some god. You've got to worship either the god of knowledge, you rely upon what you hear by knowledge, you rely upon this, or that, or the other; or you rely upon God's Word, by faith, watching for Him to vindicate It and make It true.
The real Church of God is watching for the coming of that glad Millennium day,
When our blessed Lord shall come and catch His waiting Bride away;
Oh, my heart is filled with rapture as I labor, watch and pray,
For our Lord is coming back to earth again.
Oh, our Lord is coming back to earth again,
Satan will be bound a thousand years, we'll have no tempter then,
After Jesus shall come back to earth again.
180 Oh, peoples of this United States, where this Message is going now, flee as hard as you can from this knowledge, scientific age that we're living in. Flee to the Word of God!
You, I, no one can--can knows It. No one can prove It. God does His Own proving. No one has a right to interpret It; me, no other man has a right. God does His Own interpreting. He made the promise. He said He would do this in the last days.
And in the last days the god of this evil age would blind the eyes of the people, with his intellectual knowledge, on a mixed tree of good and evil, still giving it to the people. And here comes, that thing heading up, that denomination from way back in the Dark Ages, and before the Dark Ages, all heading up in a super man, Satan, who said, "I will exalt myself above the sons of God, and they will listen to me." "And he as God will sit in the temple of God, and the sons of God will fall for it."
181 Why, the son of God, say, "Well, my wife, it ain't; she's a good..." Go ahead, just go on. See?
You say, "Well, He said 'sons of God.'" Yes, sir.
Man, whoever he is, was made in the image of God, for the glory of God. And a woman is a by-product for man, not of God. Right. "When the sons of God saw the daughters of men were fair, they took unto them women."
"And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."
Now look, if you want to know what stage the church is, watch what stage the women is, see, 'cause she is the church. Watch what she is doing, see, and in this evil prostitute age.
182Look, there wasn't a meaner, wickeder, lower, prostituting city in the world, than Nazareth, and out of there God chose a virgin. "Could any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
And out of this evil age, where the god of this age has blinded the eyes of the people, with their dogmas and denominations; out of that very age, God is choosing a people for His Name.
Though here neglected and despised, one day the Lord will bring
His chosen ones within the gate, and that's worth everything.
Then we'll sing and shout, and dance about,
The Lamb will dry our tears;
We'll have one glad homecoming week,
The first ten thousand years. (That's right.)
A wondrous people for His Name and they are called His Bride. (Is that right?)
Though neglected and despised, one day the Lord will bring
Those chosen ones within the gate, (in the exodus) and that's worth everything to me.
183 I'm getting to be an old man. And my days begin to fade out; and my eyesight begins to get dim; and my little flame of life begins to burn low. I don't fear the darkness. For I want to say this, with Paul, "I know Him in the power of His resurrection." No matter where they bury me, if I drown in the sea, or burn in a furnace, or eat up by a lion, He'll call my name, and I'll speak. Amen!
Let us pray.
184If there be in here, or out on the wires of this Message across the nation, in your little churches and groups and halls, and wherever you're seated, if there is one, oh, let me persuade you; let me beg you, as a minister of the Gospel; let me beg you, in the Name of Jesus Christ; flee the wrath of this wicked age! Don't serve the god of this evil age.
Oh, I know you say, "It's good. They're fine." Exactly, a mixed tree. You can't mix knowledge with God's Word.
It's a Word that's to be believed by faith, not knowledge. You don't understand It; you accept It. You say It's right, and then you live by It. That's all He asks you to do.
If there's any present here in our group, we can't make the altar call to bring you up here, because there's not no room; or out over the air, over the telephone lines, if there is any out there that doesn't know Him. Don't...
185 Oh, women, I've scolded you this morning, not me, I've only quoted the Word. Short hair, wearing them little old clothes, dressing yourself real sexy-looking, don't you realize that the spirit that... You may be clean, sister, dear, when it comes to your body, but in your soul don't you see what's got a hold of you?
Would God make His daughter look sexy to deceive His Own son, to lust after her, to make them both be answer for adultery? Would He do it, sister? Ask yourself that question. No, not by ten million miles. Don't lay that onto God.
186Brother, has god give you a spirit of this world till you can't see that that's wrong? Has he blinded your eyes, to the ethics of the church, the denomination, the creed, and so forth, that you can't see that God is vindicating His Word and making It so? Has your job, has your boss, has your wife, has your children, has your church, or anything, separated you from the Word of God, which is the only source of Life? Flee it, my brother! I love you, with godly love. I don't respect any of my brothers above you, not at all. If I did, I'd show respect of person. I don't say these things to make you angry. I show, say these things because they're in the Word of God. And as a servant of God, and the love of God in my heart, I tell you those things so you will see and understand. Maybe you wouldn't know if I didn't tell you. Will you flee it today?
Now, with everywhere across the land, let's bow our heads.
187 Dear God, laying before me is handkerchiefs. People are sick; I'm laying my hands upon them, that You'll heal them.
188And I trust, Lord, tonight, that there'll be a great service, that the Power of God will be here, great signs and wonders. As we heard the results from these last couple meetings, how tremendous, see what happened! I pray, dear God, that You will give us a double portion tonight. I pray it with a sincere heart, Lord, because it's my love for You and Your Word, and for these people. Grant it, dear God.
189And if out across the land, or even in here now, that there's some that's sick and afflicted, and has to be gone for tonight, won't be here, or be out there in the churches or places where they're met; I pray You heal them. Now, Lord, but for the greatest of all healing! If You heal their physical body from cancer, TB, pneumonia, something, they'll get sick again, no doubt, if they live very long, for their body is still under sin, the curse. But let them get the--the real Divine healing, the healing of the soul, which makes a new creature, passes from death unto Life, and then waiting in this old tabernacle for the redemption of the body after the soul has been redeemed. Grant it, Lord.
190May they flee them denominations and creeds. God, way out there in them creeds and denominations I've met some of the finest brothers. And, God, how can I say it that they'll see, and let them see the Word? It bothers me. But I know, again, that You said, "No man can come," no matter how good, how meek, how gentle, "unless My Father has called him. And all My Father has given Me, they will come." And, Lord, I feel my solely responsibility for telling the Truth.
And not as Paul said, "Handle the Word of God with deceit," with denominational dogma mixed into It, as a tree of mixture of good and knowledge, good and evil; but with a open heart and the Holy Spirit. Grant it, God. Save every one.
191 Now with our heads bowed and our eyes closed. And not to me... I can't say it this way, "It makes me no difference whether you do or not." It does make me a difference. I love you. And I hope you don't think 'cause I have to speak harsh... As Paul said, "I'd like to be present with you, and I'd change my attitude." It wasn't because he didn't like them; he loved them. Not... As Jesus had to rebuke them, and then die for them. See, "Father, forgive them; they don't even know what they're doing." To think, a human being that wants to be right, and trying to be right, and to see that devil... That's the one I'm against, that's blinded the eyes of these people.
192 This nation should be burning with the glory of God, to see what's took place in her in this last day, this last. Why ain't these revivals hit the old countries? This is the West Coast over here, furtherest west you can go. Now the sin barrier has thundered down beneath the earth, and she is sinking; places, and Los Angeles and Hollywood, sinking so many inches per hour, no way to stop it. Yeah, we're here. Most any time we'll hear the summons. If you know that...
Now, don't nobody look. But if you know, from your heart... I'm asking you. I can't know your heart, 'less God reveals it. But from your heart, if you can see that you're not where you should be with God and His Word, in faith, would you just to Him raise your hand, say to Him, "Lord, help Thou me." O God! Out of this church, packed, packed around the walls, inside and out, literally hundreds of hands, maybe two hundred hands raised up. Thank you for your honesty.
193 Dear Jesus, don't let one of them be lost. As Your servant, that stands between the living and the dead, pointing them, with a finger, to the Word of God. I cannot save them, Lord, but they want to be saved. And, Father, as I have said many times, the sun rises in the morning; and as it comes up across the earth, it's sent by God to ripen the grain, to make natural food for natural living. But, O God, You said, "To them that fear His Name shall the Sun of righteousness rise with healing in His wings." Let the Sun of righteousness, the Word of God, rise in the hearts of the people, and the healing rays of faith in that Word cure every disobedient to the Word, and bring them till the fullness of the sons and daughters of God.
They are Yours, Lord. In the Name of Jesus Christ, both here and out over the air, I present them that raised their hands to You for the salvation of their souls. Amen.
There my raptured soul shall find (Where? At this altar.)
Rest beyond... (by faith I look over there where I'm going)
Near the cross, (that's where the Word hangs)... the cross,
Be my glory ever;
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
Jesus, keep me... (That's, crucified with Him, don't want nothing of the world. "Keep me crucified.")
There's a precious fountain,
It's free to all, a healing stream,
Flows from Calvary's mountain.
In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory (let's raise our hands) ever;
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
194 [Brother Branham speaks now to the musicians--Ed.] "I can hear my Saviour calling."
Reach over and get a hold of somebody's hand, and say, "God bless you, Christian."
[Brother Branham speaks again to the musicians--Ed.] "I can hear my Saviour calling."
You feel His Presence? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Out there over the waves of the phones, you all shake one another's hands out there, and say, "God bless you, Christian."
195 You know, there's a pool of water back here. He's taking a people that's wearing His Name. You haven't been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, there's a pool, there is robes, there is man standing ready. You are welcome, if you truly accept Jesus as your Saviour and believe that that is the Truth.
196Remember, there was never a person in the Bible, or any time before the organizing of the Catholic church, was ever baptized any other way than in the Name of Jesus Christ. There is no place found in Scripture, or history, that any persons was ever baptized, in to the Church of the living God, in the name of the titles of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost." It is a Catholic dogma, and not a Bible teaching.
197 Being interviewed by a priest, I asked him that. He said, "That is the truth. But we are the church; we can change whatever we want to. The solemnity is in the church. God is in His church."
198I said, "God is in His Word. And if the church is..." I said, "God is the Word. And if the church is contrary to the Word, then I don't believe the church."
I let every man's word be a lie, whether it be priest, pope, whatever he might be, and God's Word be true.
And Paul caused every man, no matter how he had been baptized, if he wasn't baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, to come and be baptized over again.
199And after some had already received the Holy Ghost, Peter said, "Can we forbid water, seeing that these have received the Holy Ghost," Acts 10:49, "seeing that these received the Holy Ghost like we did at the..." And he commanded them, "Before you leave the place, although you've received the Holy Ghost, come and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ."
For, Peter was given the key to the Kingdom, saying, "Whatever you bind on earth, I'll bind it in Heaven." And what does a key do? It unlocks something, the mystery.
200 And when Jesus said, "Go, baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost," setting that there to blind the unbeliever.
Watch! Why didn't Peter carry that out, word by word? He had to.
If a man is baptized in the titles, "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," he's never been baptized at all; he has no Name. Father is no name, Son is no name, and Holy Ghost is no name. The Holy Ghost is what It is; like, I'm a human. It is the Holy Ghost.
Father is a title; I'm a father. Son is a title; I'm a son. Human is a title; that's what I am. But my name is William Branham.
And the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost is the Name of "Jesus Christ." Jesus said, "I come in My Father's Name." What is the Father's Name? Any son comes in his father's name. And the Father's Name is Jesus Christ. See? See what I mean?
201 If I told you to go down and get me something off of the counter down here, in the name of the mayor of the city. How many knows who the mayor of the city is? My good friend, Rich Vissing. Well, you wouldn't go down there and say "in the name of the mayor of the city." You say, "In the name of Richard Vissing." You people here in Jeffersonville knows who he is.
And that's the reason He said, "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." In Him dwells the Deity, the fullness of the Godhead bodily. He said, "Baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost."
202Peter standing there with the revelation on which He built the Church, of Who He was, he said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ." And never... The keys turned in Heaven and on earth. "There's not another Name under Heaven given among men whereby you must be saved."
203 Why do you baptize in the Name of Jesus Christ? For the remission of sins. "Whosesoever sins you remit, to them they are remitted." See? But if you don't think he's worthy and fit to be baptized, don't you do it. For, when you do it, that does it, see. You get what I mean?
I can hear my Sav-... (the Word) calling, (calling down there to the grave)
I can... ("Won't you die with Me, so you can rise with Me?")... -iour calling,
I can hear my Saviour calling, (what's the world going to say?)
"Take thy cross, and follow, follow..."
Now, if you haven't been:
Where He (He is the Word) leads me I... (there is the pool)
Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.
Let's bow our head.
204 Dear God, the pool is ready. Now speak to hearts, Lord. May they hear Christ, the Word, calling them, and go with Him all the way.
"I'll go with Him through the garden. I'll go with Him to the pool. I'll take on His Name. I want to be one of the people He is calling for His Name. I'll believe His Word. I'll follow. I'll never flirt with the world. I'll be a true, espoused Bride. I'll not leave off one iota of His Word. Every request, I'll be a real, true Bride. Everything He requests me to do, that will I do.
"If my coming Husband wants me to let my hair grow, I'll do it. If He wants me to take off all this makeup, I'll do it. If He want... He tells me it's a evil spirit, the evil one I'm flirting with, with these sexy-looking clothes; I'll do it, I'll take them off. I don't care what anybody else says, I'll take them off.
"He wants me to come out of that group that I'm with, of unbelievers, I'll do it; though I make my bread, or whatever it is. He promised He would never leave me nor forsake me. I'll--I'll do it. I'll go with Him all the way. He wants me to be baptized in His Name, I'll do it."
Lord, You promised it in Your Word here, that's what You wanted. May every person see it, Lord, and sweetly, humbly bow to It. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.
205 You belong to God. May God take the little broken words and make them real to you, is my sincere prayer.
The pool will be ready. Anybody that wants to come, they have... The minister will announce that a little later. Anybody that's repented and wants to be baptized, using the Name of Jesus Christ, you just come right ahead. Everything is ready. "All things are ready." Everything that we can do to help you to live for God, we're here to do it. God bless you.
206Now let us stand. Now our little song, I Love Him. "I love Him because He first loved me." Let's sing it, everybody now.
I love Him,...
Let's raise our hands as we sing it.
... I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
With our heads and hearts bowed now, let's hum it to Him. [Brother Branham begins humming I Love Him--Ed.]
I love Him.
[Brother Branham continues humming I Love Him--Ed.]
O God, our Father, be merciful to us poor creatures, Lord. Strengthen us for the job that lays ahead. Help me, O God, help me! I feel that something is laying right out here, Father. Help me, O God, to know the Truth. Bless these people, dear God. Lead them, I pray, in Jesus' Name.
207Now while we bow our heads, I'm going to ask the pastor here, Brother Neville, our precious brother, step right up here now and say what he's going to, about whether... about the baptism. I might announce that. I think the pool is open, though.
1Skloňme svoje hlavy. Drahý nebeský Otče, sme vďační dnes ráno, že môžeme veriť. Bolo nám to umožnené skrze preliatu krv tvojho Syna Ježiša, že sme účastníkmi Jeho milosti a stali sme sa synmi a dcérami Božími skrze Jeho poslušnosť na smrť na kríži, sme ospravedlnení tým že veríme v Neho a v Jeho vzkriesenie. A teraz je Duch Svätý rozliaty naširoko v našich srdciach.
2Sme vďační za túto možnosť prísť sem dnes ráno aby sme sa podelili s našimi mysľami, s našou úctou a prežitiami, skrze piesne, svedectvá, čítanie žalmov, čítanie Tvojho Slova a očakávaním vážne na Ducha Svätého aby nám dal posolstvo určené na túto hodinu. Udeľ to, Pane. Aby sme mali z toho úžitok, že sme dnes tu. A keď opustíme túto budovu, nech by sme povedali ako tí, ktorí prichádzali z Emaus, „Či nehoreli v nás naše srdcia, keď ku nám hovoril dnes ráno.“ Udeľ nám tieto veci, Večný Bože, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Sadnite si.
3Dobré ráno, vám tu v modlitebni priatelia a naším priateľom po celom národe, od západného pobrežia, znovu dnes ráno, ku východnému pobrežiu a na sever a juh, vám, ktorí ste pripojení cez telefón.
4Tu v Indiáne je pekný deň, trochu zamračené, sviežo, veľmi pekne. Modlitebňa je plná, že ľudia stoja až na dvore a okolo stien. Sme vo veľkom očakávaní na Pána, že nás dnes navštívi. A dúfame, že vám Boh dal dobrý deň, kdekoľvek ste. A to je dobrý deň, lebo nám ho dal Pán. Nezáleží na tom aké je počasie, je dobrý deň. Sme šťastní, že sme tu, šťastní, že máme príležitosť vyjadriť svetu našu vieru v Ježiša Krista. A oni - chceme využiť každú príležitosť aby sme vyjadrili Jeho lásku a to, čo pre nás vykonal.
5Dnes sme ... Pred chvíľou mi dali aby som niečo oznámil a potom tu mám niekoľko vecí, ktoré by som rád povedal. A jedna z nich, to oznámenie sa týka zhromaždenia rady starších zajtra večer. A je jeden diakon zo zboru, ktorý sa presťahoval do Arizony a to je brat Collins, náš vzácny brat. A kým je preč, oni, rada starších vybrala brata Charliho Coxa aby zaujal jeho miesto, kým je preč. A brat Charlie Cox je oficiálne určený radou starších, či radou diakonov tohoto zboru aby zastával úrad brata Collinsa v jeho neprítomnosti.
6A ďalšia vec ... Znovu chcem povedať, chcem vám všetkým poďakovať - pretože niektorí z vás možno pôjdete domov pred uzdravovacím zhromaž- dením dnes večer - za tie milé dary, znaky. Za to množstvo jedla, ktoré ste nám priniesli odkedy sme tu. A moja žena a ja a moja rodina, skutočne si to ceníme. Niekedy zabudnem o tom niečo povedať. Som tak zaneprázdne- ný, viete. Moja myseľ je celý čas v takom víre. Môžete si to predstaviť koľko je to ľudí, nie len tu z tohoto zboru ale po celom svete. Viete. A to ma po celý čas drží vo víre.
7Niekto hovoril niečo o posvätení detí a o krste a tak ďalej. To je veľmi dobre. Prajem si aby som to mohol urobiť ale je to také, že sotva mám čas. Musím držať svoju myseľ rovno v tomto, v tomto Posolstve. Viete Biblia hovorí apoštolom, či radšej apoštolovia v Biblii hovoria „Choďte, vyhľadajte z pomedzi seba mužov dobrej povesti a čestných a naplnených Duchom Svätým aby sa oni mohli venovať týmto veciam.“ A povedal som Billimu ...
Opýtal sa: „Tata, budeš teraz posvätcovať deti?“
Povedal som: „Ó joj!“ Rozumiete? Ak ich máme veľa, ktorí čakajú na posvätenie - a to je dobre - budem musieť prísť inokedy a mať zvlášť deň na posvätenie detí. Rád by som to urobil.
8No ... Ale chceme vám zo srdca každému poďakovať, moja žena, ja a naša rodina. Tí ľudia priniesli hotový tovar, čerstvé fazule, melóny, ananásové melóny, jahody. Priniesli proste všetko, na čo by ste si len pomysleli.
9Jeden vzácny brat a jeho sestra nám včera priniesli veľkého moriaka. Stále ho jem. A tak ... Ó, a budem to musieť hádam zjesť lebo odchádzam. Tak ak nie, zoberieme to zo sebou. A tak budeme - skutočne si ceníme tieto veci. Poznám mnohých tých ľudí. Niektorých nepoznám. Budú ležať vo verande keď prídeme. A tak skutočne si to cením. A mnohých poznám. Mnohých som navštívil ale ku mnohým som sa nedostal. Som si istý, že všetci rozumiete, že rád by som zašiel za každým, keby som mohol, ale ja som len sám. Viete. Nemôžem každého navštíviť. Robím všetko čo viem.
10Tak nech je Boh s vami. Som si istý, že je Jeden, ktorý bude s vami; to je Ježiš Kristus a On môže byť. On je tá jediná osoba, ktorá je všade- prítomná a On je tiež všemohúci; tak On môže uspokojiť každú potrebu. A tiež je vševedúci a pozná vaše potreby, to čo potrebujete.
11Porúčam vás každého, keď nebudem ... Ponáhľal som sa, tak ako som len mohol, tiež aj keď som sem prišiel dnes ráno a prídem ku každému, ako len budem môcť. A ak ja niečo prehliadnem, Všemohúci Boh uspokojí všetky vaše potreby podľa bohatstva svojej slávy.
12Nedokážem to dobre prečítať. Je to nejaké zvláštne oznámenie. Zdá sa mi, že to musel písať Billy Paul, tak ... On je ako ja. Ja nedokážem prečítať ani po sebe. Mám svoje vlastné skratky. A keby ste tu videl nejaké moje poznámky - ktoré mám tu napísané ... Myslíte, že by ste to porozumeli? Mám tu niečo, ako hviezdu prechádzajúcu cez most a tak ďalej, proste všetko ... „Brat Adair - Adair z Arkansasu choď hneď ku dverám dozadu čaká tam na teba reverend Pearry Green.“ No dobre.
13No, ďalšia vec, ktorú by som tu rád oznámil je to, že dnes večer je uzdravovacie zhromaždenie. Dnes večer sa budeme modliť za chorých a tak dúfam, že tu budete.
14Posielam pozdravy všetkým po celej krajine v mene Pána Ježiša, aby vás Boh žehnal dnes ráno. Niektorí máte poludnie. V New Yorku je skoro poludnie a v Arizone, na západnom pobreží je len okolo 7 hodín. Tak ... A tu je to presne medzi tým. Tak nech vás Boh žehná, keď budete počúvať.
15Tak toto môže byť ... Mal som to na srdci, pokiaľ som tu a nebolo nám dovolené mať to auditórium ... a nakoniec nám dali povolenie; mohli sme mať jedno zhromaždenie ale nedovolili nám modliť sa za chorých. A ja ne ... To je moja služba. Ja musím robiť to, čo mi povie Duch Svätý. Tak som to odmietol, pretože chcem byť slobodný a robiť čokoľvek, čo hovorí Duch Svätý. Rozumiete. Tak som myslel, že nejako vydržíme o jeden deň dlhšie v modlitebni. A dnes ráno je chladno. Pán nám tu dal dobrý deň, tak sme vďační.
16No pri tomto, prišiel som sem kvôli tomu aby som učil posledné čaše, posledných sedem čiaš, a posledných sedem trúb a posledných sedem hromov z Knihy Zjavenia, a zviazal to spolu do tejto hodiny, v ktorej teraz žijeme aby sme nasledovali otvorenie siedmich pečatí, siedmich cirkevných vekov. Tak nemohli sme na to zohnať miesto, tak dúfam, že zanedlho, ako budem môcť, zoženieme na to vhodné miesto, buď tu alebo v Louiseville, v New Albany, alebo rozložíme stan aby sme mohli zostať tak dlho, ako nás Pán bude viesť.
17Ale v tomto teraz, využil som túto príležitosť aby som vyjadril ľuďom moje presvedčenie a vieru v Boha a potom aby som vás priviedol do hodiny, v ktorej žijeme. A skrze toto, to nie je namierené na žiadnu zvláštnu osobu, vyznania, ani na nič také; to je len, ako ja vidím Slovo Božie. A minulú nedeľu sme mali veľmi dobré vyliatie Ducha na Slovo. Bolo to veľmi dlhé, nerád to predlžujem; ale jednako nevieme kedy sa stretneme a bude to naposledy. A musíme - chceme byť, presnejšie povedané, ja chcem byť, ako povedal Pavel, „Nevyhýbal som sa aby som vám nepovedal celú radu Božiu.“ Ježiš povedal, že nezadržal ničoho pred svojimi učeníkmi. A keď ja, tak zamestnaný snahou zostávať pod pomazaním Svätého Ducha aby som zistil hodinu - čím je posolstvo na túto hodinu, niekedy zanedbám vyjsť a urobiť svoje povinnosti, ako sluha Kristov, ako kazateľ. Ale mám niekoľkých mužov, ktorí sa mi snažia pomôcť toto robiť, ktorým som vďačný, všetkým svojím bratom kazateľom.
18No, nemám v úmysle snažiť sa držať ľudí. Keby ste sa vy, ktorí ste inde v kraji, kde ide toto posolstvo, mohli sem postaviť a pozrieť sa na tento zbor dnes ráno, v uličkách, v miestnostiach pre deti, vonku, cez rádiá, v autobusoch, prívesoch a tak ďalej a v autách, videli by ste aký je problém. A potom každé zhromaždenie veľa, veľa prechádza okolo a volajú, a tak ďalej nemôžu sa sem dostať. Potrebujeme viacej miesta aby sa ľudia mohli posadiť a cítili sa pohodlne. A potom priniesť posolstvo, čo myslím je tak veľmi dôležité. Cítim, že by sme mali mať pohodlie a sedieť aby sme tak mohli počúvať s ceruzkou a s papierom a robiť si poznámky a s Bibliou a tak ďalej, aby sme si mohli robiť poznámky. Ale takto som rozmýšľal, že by som išiel naspäť do času, v ktorom žijeme a snažil sa priniesť niektoré z týchto vecí, s ktorými sa ideme stretnúť. A vy ich budete potrebovať.
19A keby som sem dnes prišiel alebo ktorýkoľvek iný deň alebo ktorýkoľvek iný kazateľ a snažil sa priniesť ľuďom posolstvo, zomierajú- cim ľuďom, akými sme a čas je tak blízko, ako verím, pre tento deň, bol by som pokrytcom, keby som sa snažil priniesť niečo, o čom by som vedel, že by sa vám to páčilo a bolo by to proti Božiemu Slovu, alebo niečo aby som potiahol zástupy alebo niečo také. Nebol by som - nebol by som tým, čím tu mám byť, sluhom Kristovým. Chcem priniesť niečo, čo je skutočne dôležité pre vás, nie len aby ste ma videli, ale pomyslieť si, že to je niečo, že ak by som dnes zomrel, zajtra to bude zakotvené vo vašich srdciach aby ste išli dopredu a slúžili Bohu.
20A teraz, chcem povedať, že niečo sa práve chystá aby sa to stalo. Viem to. Mnohí z vás tu si pamätáte, keď prišiel ku mne brat Junior Jackson so snom, ktorý mal, krátko pred tým, ako som išiel do Arizony. Zvláštna vec. Koľkí si na to pamätáte? A Pán nám dal výklad a to sa do písmena stalo. No, práve teraz mal ďalší sen, niečo.
21A zvláštna vec, nedávno tu bol jeden muž z Oregonu. Sotva ma môže poznať a sníval sa mu ten istý sen, ktorý sa sníval Juniorovi Jacksonovi a prišiel mi ho povedať. Nepoznám výklad; Očakávam na Pána. Ale viem, že to bude niečo od Boha. Pamätajte len na to. TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je niečo, čo prichádza od Boha. Neviem čo to je. Je to skutočne zvláštne, veľmi zvláštne. Úprimne povedané, podľa tých snov, oboch tých mužov... Jeden z nich... On je asi baptista, presbyterián; možno, že tu teraz sedí, neviem. On tu bol nedávno, nepoznám toho muža.
22Ale on povedal ten sen so slzami v očiach. A to ho otriaslo. On sem prišiel až z Oregonu aby to povedal. Brat Jackson prišiel, ako má vo zvyku dnes ráno. Pritom jeden nepozná druhého, tisíc míľ jeden od druhého a oba sny presne o tom istom. Tak Duch Svätý zatajuje predomnou výklad toho. Neviem, čo povedať tomu mužovi. Ale viem, že Boh sa chystá niečo urobiť a to bude slávne v našich očiach.
23No, posolstvo dnes ráno, chcem čítať z listu Galaťanom. Nekážem alebo len ... To je lekcia nedeľnej školy. A teraz, vy muži a ženy, ktorí stojíte okolo stien a ak sa chce niekto vymeniť a dať vám sadnúť si na chvíľu alebo niečo také, nerušíte ma tým; len buďte úctiví. A ak matky, ak ich deti zaplačú alebo niečo, niekto vyjde z miestnosti pre matky aby oni mali miesto pre svoje maličké.
24A teraz, zoberte si ceruzky, Bibliu a buďte pripravení zapísať si niektoré miesta Písma, ktoré budeme čítať. Nechcem aby ste sa cítili stiesnení. Nechcem aby ste sa cítili ... Chcem aby ste sa cítili slobodne aby ste sedeli a študovali. A vy môžete nesúhlasiť - čo je v poriadku - ale ja toto len hovorím dnes krížom po národe, aby ľudia, ktorí veria posolstvu, ktoré mi dal Pán Ježiš na túto hodinu, aby mohli vedieť čo sa deje a umiestniť to v Písme.
25Minulú nedeľu sme hovorili o Pomazancoch v poslednom dni. A ak - ktokoľvek, kto počúva pásky, uistite sa aby ste dostali tú pásku, nie preto, že my chceme predávať pásky; to nie kvôli tomu. To je kvôli tomu aby sa roznieslo Posolstvo. Rozumiete? Ak máte magnetofón, zhromaždite spolu skupinu ľudí a zapnite to a dobre počúvajte.
26 Pomazanci. Počuli ste, ako ľudia povstali a povedali, „Ó, Biblia povedala, že v posledných dňoch povstanú proroci a budú činiť tieto znamenia. (To je presne podľa Písma.) Čoho sa to potom týka?“ Musíme to dať na správne miesto. Dnes večer som chcel hovoriť na tému, ak Pán dá, Boh zjavený vo svojom vlastnom Slove, ako oči nemôžete dať na miesto kde majú byť uši. Rozumiete? Práve tak ako tlačenie celej Biblie a v celej Biblii je zobrazený Ježiš Kristus. Tak o tom chcem hovoriť dnes večer, ak Pán dá. A teraz, ak nie, tak neskoršie.
27Teraz, v Liste Galaťanom a v Druhom Korinťanom 4/1-6 a Galaťanom 1/1-4 chcem čítať niektoré miesta Písma. No, Galaťanom 1/1-4:
Pavel, apoštol, ...
(Pozrite sa rýchlo, tu je čiarka. Apoštol znamená „niekto, kto je poslaný alebo misionár.“)Pavel, apoštol, nie od ľudí ani nie skrze človeka ale skrze Ježiša Krista a Boha Otca, ktorý ho vzkriesil z mŕtvych a všetci bratia, ktorí sú so mnou, zborom Galácie:
milosť vám a pokoj od Boha Otca a nášho Pána Ježiša Krista,
ktorý dal sám seba za naše hriechy, aby nás vytrhol z prítomného veku zlého podľa vôle Boha a nášho Otca, ktorému sláva na veky vekov. Amen.
28A teraz, v Druhom liste Korinťanom 4. kapitola a budeme čítať od 1. do 6. verša.
Preto majúc túto službu, ako sme dostali milosrdenstvo, neustávame;
ale sme sa odriekli skrytých vecí hanebnosti a nerobíme chytrácky ani nefalšujeme slova Božieho, ale zjavovaním pravdy odporúčame seba každému svedomiu ľudskému pred Bohom.
A jestli je aj zakryté naše evanjelium, zakryté je u tých, ktorí hynú,
(Ak to neukazuje na predurčenie, tak neviem čo to robí.)u ktorých boh tohoto sveta oslepil zmysly, zmysly neveriacich, aby sa im nezablesklo osvietenie evanjelia slávy Kristovej, ktorý je obrazom Boha.
(Tak isto, ako to bolo v záhrade Eden: vystrčil ich, aby sa nedotkli toho stromu.)Lebo nekážeme sami seba, ale Krista Ježiša ako Pána a sami že sme vašimi sluhami pre Krista.
Lebo je to Boh, ktorý povedal aby zo tmy zaskvelo svetlo, ktorý sa zaskvel v našich srdciach na osvietenie známosti slávy Božej v tvári Ježiša Krista.
(Amen! Tak sa číta Slovo.)29No, môj text dnes ráno je, Boh tohoto zlého veku. Ako sme to čítali v Písme, boh tohoto sveta, tohoto zlého veku ... No, toto posolstvo ukazuje na to zlé v tomto zlom veku a pasuje to do proroctva na tento zlý vek. A ja verím, že každé - že Biblia má každú odpoveď pre každý vek už napísanú v Biblii pre veriaceho daného veku. Verím, že všetko, čo potrebujeme, je napísané presne tu, len potrebujeme aby nám to bolo vyložené skrze Ducha Svätého. Neverím, že niekto na svete má právo dať Slovu svoj vlastný výklad. Boh nepotrebuje nikoho aby vykladal Jeho Slovo. On ho sám vykladá. On povedal, že to bude robiť a On to robí.
30Ako som už veľakrát povedal, On povedal, „Panna počne.“ On to povedal cez ústa proroka. A ona počala. Nikto to nemusel vykladať. Na počiatku On povedal, „Buď svetlo!“ a bolo. Nikto to nemusel vykladať. On povedal, že v posledných dňoch vyleje Svojho Ducha na každé telo, a On to urobil. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad. On povedal, že v posledných dňoch, tieto veci, ktoré vidíme, že sa teraz dejú, tu budú. To nepotrebuje žiadny výklad. To je už vyložené. Vidíte?
31No, dobre si všimnite teraz, keď preberáme Slovo, boh tohoto zlého veku, v ktorom teraz žijeme. Môže to vyzerať zvláštne, veľmi zvláštne veci v tomto veku milosti, keď Boh berie ľudí pre Svoje meno, to je jeho Nevesta, v tomto zlom veku, ktorý mal byť nazvaný vek zla. Práve ten vek, v ktorom Boh povoláva ľudí pre svoje meno - skrze milosť - je nazvaný zlý vek. No, Dokážeme to Bibliou, že toto je ten vek, o ktorom On hovoril.
32Je to veľmi zvláštne pomyslieť si to, že v zlom veku ako je tento, že Boh bude povolávať svoju Nevestu. Všimli ste si, On povedal ľudí, nie cirkev. Prečo? A pritom je to nazvané cirkev, ale On bude povolávať ľudí. No, cirkev je zhromaždenie mnohých ľudí všetkých rôznych charakterov. Ale Boh povoláva jedného tu. On nepovedal, „Ja povolám Metodistov, Baptistov, Letničných“; On povedal, že povolá ľudí pre čo? Pre Jeho meno. Vidíte? Ľudí. Jedného z Metodistov, jedného z Baptistov, jedného z Luteránov, jedného z Katolíkov. Vidíte? Ale On povoláva nie nejakú cirkevnú skupinu, ale ľudí pre jeho meno, ktorí prijímajú jeho meno, sú zasnúbení v Jeho mene, idú na svadbu, aby sa vydali za Neho, aby sa stali časťou Neho, (vidíte?) skrze predurčenie. Tak ako muž, ktorý si vyberá správnu ženu do života, ktorá bola určená aby bola časťou jeho tela. Tak to je Nevesta Kristova, ktorá bude a teraz je od dávna určená Bohom, aby bola časťou toho Tela. Vidíte? Ó, Písma sú také bohaté, plné medu.
33Všimnite si, nie to, čo niekto povedal, čo niekto povolal, ale čo Boh vybral pred založením sveta a povoláva týchto ľudí v posledných dňoch. Nie nejakú organizáciu, ľudí pre Jeho meno. A tento zlý vek je tým, kedy to On robí, práve tento vek zvedenia.
34Posledný týždeň, v Matúšovi 24, to bol najviac zvodiaci vek zo všetkých vekov. Všetky veky zvodu od záhrady Eden a ďalej po celý čas. Nikdy nebol taký zvodiaci vek, ako tento vek. Povstanú falošní proroci a ukážu znamenia a zázraky, ak by bolo možné, že by zviedli aj Vyvolených. Vidíte? No, len chladné, formálne, naškrobené cirkvi a tak ďalej, s ľudskou teológiou, to nebude - Vyvolení nebudú nikdy venovať tomu pozornosť. Ale tam je to skoro, ako tá skutočná vec. Vypustite len jedno slovo, to je všetko, čo musíte urobiť. Zasľúbené na tento vek, ten najväčší čas ... Kresťania všade, dávajte pozor na hodinu v ktorej žijeme. Poznačte si a čítajte, a dobre počúvajte.
35Prečo bude Boh volať ľudí z tohoto zlého veku pre svoje meno? Preto aby ju vyskúšal, Svoju Nevestu. To má byť ... Keď sa zamanifestovala bola vyskúšaná, je dokázané, dokázal Satanovi ... Ako to bolo na počiatku, tak to bude na konci.
36Tak ako semeno začína, keď padne do zeme, vyrastá a prechádza cez nositele, ten život. Ale na konci je to to isté semeno, aké bolo vtedy, keď išlo do zeme. A tak isto semeno zvodu padlo do zeme v Edene, tak isto končí v posledných dňoch. Práve tak ako bolo evanjelium, keď padlo do denominácie v Nicei, v Ríme, končí v super organizácii. Práve tak ako semeno cirkvi padlo tam vtedy so znameniami, zázrakmi a živým Kristom medzi nimi, ono končí v posledných dňoch pod službou Malachiáša 4 a prinavracia znovu naspäť originálnu vieru, ktorá raz bola daná.
37Nachádzame teraz, že tento zlý vek má dokázať Satanovi, že Ona nie je ako Eva, že ona nie je žena takého typu. A Ona bude skúsená Jeho Slovom, Nevesta. Ako bola skúsená Adamova nevesta Slovom. A Adamova nevesta verila každému kúsku Slova, všetkému, až na jedno zasľúbenie na ktorom sa zamotala (že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Vidíte?) - ale upadla na jednom zasľúbení, keď ju nepriateľ pokúšal, tvárou v tvár. A teraz, ľudia, ktorí sú povolaní pre Jeho meno, samozrejme, to je Jeho Nevesta. Ona má prísť znovu do kontaktu cez tie isté veci, nie cez len denominačnú pravdu alebo niečo také, ale cez každé slovo.
38Lebo na začiatku Biblie bolo dané človeku Slovo Božie aby ním žil. Jedno slovo zle vyložené cez muža, ktorý sa nazýval Satan, v osobe zviera- ťa, ktoré sa nazývalo had ... Satan v tejto osobe sa mohol rozprávať s Evou a zle jej vyložil Slovo a bola stratená. Vidíte? To musí byť každé slovo.
39V prostriedku Biblie prišiel Ježiš a povedal, „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom slove,“ keď ho pokúšal Satan. No, Boh nám hovorí tu v posledných dňoch, že boh tohoto sveta povstane v posledných dňoch a ktokoľvek pridá ku Tomu jedno slovo alebo odoberie z Toho jedno slovo, jeho diel bude odobraný z Knihy Života. Bože buď nám milostivý. A nedaj aby sme chodili ako nafúkané košele, s vypnutou hruďou, zodvih- nutou hlavou, ja to všetko viem, pretože my sme tiež raz boli v neposluš- nosti. Daj nám s milosťou a milosrdenstvom a s citom v srdci voči Bohu, pokorne prichádzať ku trónu milosti.
40Je to zvláštne ale teraz, po nejakých tisíc deväťsto rokoch kázania evanjielia a teraz ona, to je ten svetový systém, je to horšie, ako vo dňoch keď tu bol On. Ten svetový systém je horší. Svet ide do veľkého vyvrcholenia. Viete o tom. Pán vyplňuje Svoje Slovo na každom mieste.
41Včera, keď som stál ... Dúfam, že ten človek nie je ... On nebude. Prišiel som s mojou ženou a pani Woodovou, s bratom Roy Robersonom, je niekde tu, s bratom Woodom, zastavili sme sa tu v tomto malom Youngstown obchodnom centre, aby sme zobrali balíček, ktorý mala sestra Woodová. A kým sme tam stáli prišiel tam mladý človek a predstavil sa, nepoznal som ho. Ďalší mladý muž prišiel a povedal, že sú buď z Alabami ... Myslím z Georgii, lebo som sa ich pýtal či poznajú nášho brata Welcha Evansa. A chvíľu sme sa rozprávali a keď som chcel odísť, tento mladý muž sa na mňa pozrel, keď ten druhý so svojím malým chlapcom odišiel, tento muž sa na mňa pozrel, povedal, „Chcem povedať ešte jedno.“
Povedal som, „Si veriaci, si kresťan?“
Povedal, „Nie, pane!“ Povedal ...
42Nedokážem citovať presne ako to on tu povedal, ale možno že je trochu skeptik. Opýtal som sa ho na veci ohľadne zjavenia sa Anjela Pánovho. Povedal, že o tom počul, ale že nikdy predtým nebol v cirkvi, v tomto zbore. Povedal som, „Veríš tomu?“
Povedal, „Áno, pane! Sledoval som niečo. Ľudia mi hovorili o týchto predpovediach a takých veciach a počul som na páske, že ste predpovedali ako sa Kalifornia odlomí. Keď som to videl v novinách, potom som tomu uveril. Prídem dnes alebo zajtra (to je dnes) po prvé.“
Povedal som, „Nech ťa Pán požehná, synu“ a podal som mu ruku.
On povedal, „Ale chcem vám niečo povedať. Som tak stratený ako len môžem byť. Som ako minca v kope piesku, stratený!“
43Povedal som, „Ale nemusíš zostať v takom stave; je tu Niekto teraz prítomný, ktorý ťa môže nájsť v tej chvíli, keď budeš pripravený dať sa nájsť.“
On povedal, „Som pripravený!“
Povedal som, „Sklonil by si svoju hlavu?“
On povedal, „Ja sa nehanbím.“ Nie len to ale on si tam kľakol, na parkovisku pred všetkými tými ľuďmi. Ľudia na ulici sa dívali na neho, tam sme sa s ním pomodlili až dal Bohu svoje srdce. Prišiel ako hriešnik, odišiel ako dieťa Božie. Vyšiel z auta mŕtvy a odišiel navrátený do života.
44Povedal som, „Bazén bude zajtra otvorený.“
Je zdroj naplnený krvou,
vytekajúcou zo žíl Emanuela;
Kde sa hriešnici do nej ponoria,
Stratia všetky svoje škvrny vín.
Povedal som, „Vstaň a daj sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista, vzývajúc meno Pánove. Boh ťa naplní Duchom Svätým a dá ti tieto veľké veci a spraví, že to budeš môcť vidieť.“
45Čo to je? Svet ide do vyvrcholenia. Prečo? Duch bezzákonnosti, morálneho skazenia, vedeckého náboženstva to doviedol do klietky (žalára) každého nenávideného a nečistého vtáka, ako povedala Biblia. Čítajme to, Zjavenie 18. Kým sa uberáme týmto smerom, zoberme Zjavenie 18:1-5. Dúfam, že som si to dobre poznačil.
Potom som videl iného anjela zostupujúceho z neba, ktorý mal velikú moc, a zem bola osvietená od jeho slávy.
A skríkol silne, velikým hlasom ...
(No, vy ktorí ste mali tie sny, ...)a hovoril: Padol, padol veľký Babylon a stal sa bývaniskom démonov a žalárom každého ducha nečistého a žalárom každého vtáka nečistého a nenávideného,
lebo z vína prchlivosti jeho ...
(Cirkvi!)... smilstva pili všetky národy a kráľovia zeme smilnili s ním, a kupci zeme zbohatli z moci jej buje.
A počul som iný hlas z neba, ktorý hovoril: Vyjdite z neho môj ľude, aby ste sa nezúčastnili jeho hriechov a aby ste nedostali z jeho rán.
Lebo jeho hriechy dosiahli až do neba a Boh sa rozpamätal na jeho neprávosti.
46Čo za varovanie. To vrhá cirkev presne naspäť do Zjavenia 3:14, do Laodicejského veku, bezzákonnosti, skutočne nábožní, ale bezzákonní. „Pretože hovoríš, že sme bohatí, nepotrebujeme ničoho, neviež, že si nahý, mizerný, slepý a nevieš o tom!“ Dokonale podľa Písma na tento vek, nie pre Písmo veku Daniela, nie pre tých vo veku Noeho, ale v tomto posledom zlom veku.
47Všimnite si tu. Si nahý! Nech to vsiakne skutočne hlboko. Viem, že môžem mať veľa nezhody v tejto mysli, ale to musí prísť na miesto, že kresťan bude sotva môcť vyjsť z domu, aby neprišiel do prítomnosti tohoto zlého veku cez neprístojne oblečené ženy.
48Ženy, poviem toto a chcem aby ste počúvali. A muži a ženy, môžete s týmto nesúhlasiť, ale cítim, že som vedený aby som to povedal. Vedeli ste, že každá žena, ktorá sa takto odhaľuje nie je pri zdravom rozume? Viete, ona je, či tomu verí alebo nie, či si to myslí alebo nie, ona je prostitútka. Hoci tá žena sa môže postaviť pred Boha zodvihnúť ruku a prisahať, že sa jej nedotkol žiadny iný muž okrem jej manžela a to môže byť skutočná pravda, ale ona je aj tak prostitútka. Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek pozrie žiadostivo na ženu, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo.“ A tá žena môže byť ...
49Vidíte? Ona je nahá, Biblia povedala a nevie o tom. Duch, ktorý ju pomazáva aby robila také veci je zlý, prostitútsky duch. Jej vonkajšia bytosť, jej fyzické telo, jej telo, ona môže byť čistá. Nemusela spáchať žiadne cudzoložstvo a mohla by to odprisahať Bohu - a bola by to pravda - že to nikdy neurobila, ale jej duch je prostitútsky duch. Ona je tak oslepená bohom tejto svetovej módy; oblieka sa sexy a ide von.
50Jedného dňa brat Wood a ja sme dávali čln na rieku. Mal som sa dostať preč z domu za niekoľko minút a ísť ku rieke. A kdekoľvek ste išli, ženy tam mali na sebe taký kúskom nazvaný „kiny“ alebo tak nejako ... To je hanba. Žena nemôže mať zdravý rozum, keď si oblieka niečo také. Je posadnutá duchom prostitúcie. No, vybavte si to s Bohom, dámy, pretože jedného dňa zistíte, že to je pravda.
51Ako môžeš, dáma, keď vieš, aké posvätné je tvoje telo a vystavovať ho tam tým žiadostivým, hriešnym diablom, ktorý chodia dnes po uliciach? Keby synovia Boží boli všetci stále synovia Boží, keby tvoj muž bol synom Božím, buď by ťa doviedol do toho aby si si obliekla šaty alebo by ťa opustil. Ak je nejaký chlapec synom Božím, nikdy sa neožení s niečím takýmto. Rozumiete? Vy poviete, „Ty robíš ...“ Nie, ja vám hovorím pravdu. A jedného dňa sa s tým stretnete. Nahí, cudzoložní, a nevedia o tom.
52„Ó, prisahám, že som nikdy neporušila sľuby dané môjmu mužovi.“ Ak si ich porušila bude ťa za to súdiť tvoj muž. Ale Boh ťa bude súdiť podľa toho, akého ducha si mala v sebe, nie podľa tvojho tela, ale podľa tvojho ducha, toho vnútorného človeka.
53Ten vonkajší človek je fyzická bytosť, ktorá je kontrolovaná šiestimi zmyslami, či vlastne piatimi. Ten vnútorný človek je duchovný človek, ktorý je kontrolovaný piatimi zmyslami: Svedomie a láska a tak ďalej. Ten vonkajší: zrak, chuť, cit, čuch, sluch. Ale to vnútro toho ducha je duša, a ona je kontrolovaná jednou vecou; vašou slobodnou vôľou. Vy môžete prijať to, čo hovorí diabol alebo prijať to, čo hovorí Boh. A to určí, aký duch je tam. Ak je to duch Boží, bude sa živiť Božími vecami a nebude sa živiť ničím z tohoto sveta. Ježiš povedal, „Ak milujete svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, to preto, že do tej vnútornej časti vôbec nevošla láska Božia.“ Satan vás zviedol. „A človek nebude žiť len chlebom ale každým slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.“
54Všimnite si. No, nachádzame, že ona je nahá, necudná a holá. A zdá sa, že svet je v najhoršom veku, v akom kedy ... Nikdy v žiadnom veku sa ženy takto nesprávali, nikdy, len pred zničením predpotopného sveta. A Ježiš poukazuje na to. Za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme.
55Stratil Boh kontrolu alebo len dovoľuje inej sile to kontrolovať? Som zvedavý. Správna odpoveď na túto otázku je ... Podľa môjho názoru, dnes proti sebe stoja vo svete dvaja duchovia. No, nemôže ich byť viacej ako dvaja, dve hlavy. A jedným z nich je Duch Svätý; ten druhý je duch diablov a v týchto posledných dňoch, v klamstve. No, chcem založiť moje myšlienky hneď tu pre ten ďalší text, ďalšiu časť nášho posolstva.
56Tí dvaja duchovia, jeden z nich, Boží Svätý Duch , ten druhý, diablov duch účinkujúci v klamstve. Ľudia vo svete robia teraz svoje rozhodnutie. Duch Svätý je tu, vyvoláva Nevestu pre Krista. On to robí tým, že Jej potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo zasľúbenia na tento vek a ukazuje, že to je Kristus. Ak sa má v tomto veku hýbať prst, bude sa hýbať prst. Ak sa v tomto veku má hýbať noha, bude sa hýbať noha. Ak oko má vidieť v tomto veku, oko bude vidieť. Rozumiete? Duch Boží, ako rastie do plnej postavy Boha, je ... Vek, v ktorom my teraz žijeme, Duch Svätý je tu, potvrdzuje Posolstvo na túto hodinu. A Duch Svätý robí toto, aby ľudia, ktorí veria v Boha, boli vyvolaní z tohoto chaosu. Diablov nesvätý duch je tu, vyvoláva svoju cirkev skrze blud, ako obyčajne, skrze prevrátenie Slova Božieho, ako to urobil na začiatku. Vidíte ako to prichádza rovno naspäť do toho času semena? Od Edenu, znovu je to tu.
57No, vtedy cez tie iné veky ste patrili do denominácií; patrili ste do tohoto, toho, či tamtoho. Čo sa stalo s tým denominačným steblom? Ono uschlo. Duch ho opúšťa, ide ďalej. A ide to do semena.
58Vidíte v pokúšaní oboch to ide naspäť tak isto, ako to bolo na začiatku. Všimnite si, nezabudnite na to teraz. Keď Ján, 1.Jána 4:5 a 6 - ak si to chcete zapísať, on to zapísal „duch bludu.“ Eva nikdy len tak jednoducho neodišla a nepovedala ochotne, „Neverím v Boha!“ Nie, to bol blud, ktorému uverila.
59Satan nikdy neprišiel a nepovedal, „No, to nie je vôbec Slovo Božie!“ On pripustil, že To bolo Slovo Božie ale on dal Tomu svoj vlastný výklad, čo im Boh jasne povedal aby to nerobili. Čo toto robí? To robí mocné pôso- benie bludu aby ľudia uverili lži a tým boli odsúdení. No, ak si to chcete prečítať, 2. Tesaloničanom 2:11. Mám tu niekoľko miest Písma a neboli by sme schopní ich všetky prečítať. Jedno tu a tam, dáv vám ich ako ...
60Vyzerá to divne, že vy sa na to pýtate alebo niečo také a môžeme si to zapísať a čítať to na vaše dobro.
61Posiela mocné pôsobenie bludu, ako to hovorí Biblia, že to bude (2. Tesaloničanom), ako tento človek hriechu príde do existencie a posadí sa v chráme Božom, bude sa vydávať za Boha a spôsobí, že ľudia pôjdu do silného bludu a uveria lži; a tým, že tomu budú veriť budú odsúdení. To je to isté, čo urobil Eve, dal jej ... Nikdy jej nepovedal, že Slovo nie je správne, ale jej dal silný blud, že ona uverila lži.
62Duch bludu je z diabla, diabli teraz pôsobia v deťoch neposlušnosti. Neposlušnosť čomu? Čomu sú deti tohoto dňa neposlušné? Ako Eva na začiatku: pravému Slovu Božiemu. Je to tak. No, ak si to chcete poznačiť, otvorme si to, Efežanom 2, na chvíľu, pretože to vyzerá dobre aby sme - zastavím sa na chvíľu, ak sa veľmi neponáhľate a prečítam niečo z toho. Efežanom 2:1 až 2.
Aj vás oživil, ktorí ste boli mŕtvi vo svojich previneniach a vo svojich hriechoch,
v ktorých ste kedysi chodili podľa veku tohoto sveta, podľa kniežaťa mocnosti povetria, ducha to, ktorý teraz pôsobí v synoch neposlušnosti.
(v deťoch neposlušnosti!)63A ak antikrist bol tam v deckom stave neposlušnosti, čo to bude, keď to vyvrcholí v osobe antikrista? Aké zvodiace to bude. O čo viacej moci zviesť môže dať dospelý svetu než malé dieťa? A tam je povedané, „Ten duch bludu teraz pôsobí v deťoch neposlušnosti,“ neposlušnosť Slovu.
64Všimnite si. Chcem toto trochu rozobrať, deti neposlušnosti, dieťa. Vedeli ste, vy, váš začiatok, môžem to dokázať Slovom Božím, že vy, každá osoba tu žila vo svojom prastarom otcovi. A váš pra pra starý otec ... Boli ste prenesený do vášho starého otca, potom do vášho otca a potom vy. Viete o tom? Biblia povedala, myslím, že je to v liste Židom 7, že Melchisedech ... Keď sa Abrahám vracal od porážky kráľov, Abrahám zaplatil Mechisedechovi desatinu zo všetkej koristi. A tu teraz Pavel hovorí, že Lévi, ktorý prijíma desiatky, bol vtedy ešte ... On zaplatil desatinu, pretože vtedy bol ešte v bedrách Abrahámových, keď on stretol Melchisedecha. Tak čokoľvek čo Abrahám urobil, potom nachádzame, že Lévi bol vtedy v Abrahámovi, ktorý bol jeho prastarým otcom. Abrahám splodil Izáka; Izák splodil Jákoba; Jakob splodil patriarchov: Leviho ... Tak potom, tu teraz začíname jasne vidieť, predurčenie.
65Teraz, v týchto posolstvách chcem zdôrazniť tie veci, ktoré som vám povedal v Posolstve tohoto večerného svetla, o ktorom Boh povedal, že príde na zem.
66A všimnite si, človek, tá šelma, ktorá mala prísť na zem, zvedie všetkých, ktorých mená nie sú zapísané v Baránkovej knihe života, zabitého pred založením sveta.
67V Božom vlastnom myslení ... Boh, ten veľký Duch, na začiatku, predtým, ako nastal začiatok, On bol Boh. A vedeli ste, že vy ste vtedy boli v ňom? Ak si teraz kresťan, bol si vtedy v Ňom. A potom, ak je to tak, celé Božstvo telesne sa sformovalo v osobe Ježiša Krista. A potom, keď Ježiš zomrel na kríži, ja som zomrel s Ním, lebo som bol v vtedy Ňom; lebo On bol Plnosťou Slova, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo, vedel, že my budeme zamanifestovaní neskoršie. A my sme boli na Golgote s Ním. Išli sme s Ním do hrobu a povstali sme s Ním v Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní, a teraz sme vystúpili skrze Jeho Ducha ku Trónu milosti, sedíme spolu v ponebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi, stále.
68Lebo ako zárodok prirodzeného života je prenášaný, zárodok od otca do otca, do otca, do otca, tak je to so zárodkom života Kristovho. Preto Boh používa Eliášovho ducha päť krát. Čo to je? To je podávanie ďalej.
69Práve tak ako váš prirodzený život so svojimi vlastnosťami je prenášaný z prirodzeného narodena, z vášho otca, tak je Duch Boží, ktorý bol predurčený pred založením sveta. A keď celé Slovo Božie v úplnosti vyvrcholilo v ľudskom tele, nazvanom Ježiš Kristus, tam Boh spravil, že tam v Ňom som zaplatil za moje hriechy. Potom ma On vzbudil - zodvihol ma s Ním vo vzkriesení. A teraz sedíme s Ním s mocou a autoritou nad každým diablom. Ó, keby ste mohli len tomu veriť, čo nám Boh dal. Ale ak tam nesedíte, nemáte to. A ak tam sedíte, a neveríte a bojíte sa pohnúť, nikdy to nepoužijete. Ale ak tam sedíte, použijete to, lebo ste určení aby ste robili čo robíte.
70Faraón, na druhej strane bol vzbudený kvôli tomu, hovorí Biblia, aby bol faraónom. Judáš Iškariotský bol vzbudený, aby bol synom zatratenia.
71No, všimnite si tieto veľké Pravdy, ku ktorým pristupujeme. Teraz vidíme, že cirkev odmietla prijať Božie Slovo aby vládlo nad nimi a namiesto toho prijala Barabáša. No, ak chcete na to miesto Písma, je to Matúš 27:15-23. Čo toto urobilo? Akú pozíciu toto zaujalo? No, rozmýšľajte nad tým. Keď cirkevný svet vo svojom zorganizovanom živote spravodlivých, svätých ľudí - ako si mysleli, že sú a v očiach ľudí nimi boli - oni ukrižovali Ježiša a povedali, „Nechceme aby tento vládol nad nami.“ A Ježiš bol plnosť Božieho Slova; 1. Jána 1 to vyjadruje. A oni povedali, „Nebudeme mať toto Slovo Božie aby vládlo nad nami.“ A pritom On bol Slovo ale ich oči boli slepé na to, čo On bol. Lebo On bol priamou odpoveďou na každé proroctvo, ktoré malo prísť a vyplniť sa v Ňom. Teraz všetci tomu veríme, pretože sa dívame naspäť a vidíme, že to sa stalo. Ale keby svet - to je teraz, tento prítomný zlý vek, keby bol tam vtedy v tom čase, oni by urobili to isté čo robia dnes, pretože to je stále to isté Slovo na tento vek, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo. Oni to urobia. Oni nemôžu urobiť nič iné. Oni sú deti neposlušnosti, dané je im mocné pôsobenie bludu aby verili lži a cez to boli odsúdení.
72Všimnite si, keď cirkevný svet neakceptoval Ježiša, Slovo zamanifesto- vané na ten deň, prečo? Oni si ho vyložili inak. Ale oni mali vedieť, že On bol tým Slovom, pretože všetko, čo Boh povedal, že urobí, urobil. A On im povedal, „Skúmajte Písma na túto hodinu a ak nesplňujem kvalifikáciu, to čo bolo povedané, že mám robiť, potom mi neverte.“
Oni povedal, „My veríme Mojžišovi.“
73On povedal, „Keby ste verili Mojžišovi, verili by ste mne, lebo Mojžiš hovoril o mne.“ A oni to stále nevideli. Sám Boh neba zomiera na kríži a hovorí tie isté slová, o ktorých proroci povedali, že bude hovoriť a oni to stále nevideli. Vidíte? Oni neboli z Jeho druhu. Oni neboli Slovom - neboli Slovom a pritom boli veľmi nábožní. Ale oni neboli Slovom, lebo Ono by rozpoznalo Svoje miesto na tú hodinu.
74Všimnite si ako nádherne Písma držia spolu v každom veku. Všimnite si teraz. A keď cirkevný svet nemal Slovo Božie aby vládlo nad nimi, oni prijali vraha, Barabáša. Čo toto urobilo? To vyvýšilo Satana, boha tohoto zlého veku na miesto, ktoré on stále chcel. Počúvajte teraz. O Satanovi nie je hovorené ako o bohovi v žiadnom inom veku len v tomto veku. On nebol nazvaný bohom vo dňoch Noeho. On nebol nazvaný bohom vo veku Mojžiša, bohom veku Eliášovho, ale v tomto zlom veku on je ... Ó, neprehliadnite to! On je bohom tohoto zlého veku a uctievajú ho milióny a bilióny ľudí, a nevedia o tom.
75Ale nechajme nech ho dnes ráno Písmo odhalí a pozrime sa, potom budete vedieť. Nech Písmo, ako na zhromaždení s rozpoznávaním, keď Duch Svätý vchádza do Svojho Slova a vyvoláva tohoto muža a hovorí, „Ty nemáš čo žiť s touto druhou ženou. Čo si urobil pred desiatimi rokmi, keď si behal so ženou iného muža?“ Čo On robí? Odhaľuje ho, vystavuje Satana, ktorý zviazal toho muža, alebo ženu, ktorá žije s mužom inej ženy, alebo hriechy, ktoré urobili a to, čo urobili. Čo to robí? Odkrýva ho.
76Lekári berú prístroje a snažia sa zistiť, čo je zlé. Oni to nedokážu. My to nedokážeme povedať. Ale potom vystupuje Duch Svätý a zjavuje, čo on je a odkrýva ho. Rozumiete? To je vlastne Slovo Božie. Ono je Svetlom, ktoré svieti v temnosti. Keď snímate v miestnosti zvuk, zneje to tajomne. Skupina niečoho pracuje a vy neviete, čo to je, zapálite svetlo. Rýchlo, cvrčky, ploštice, to sú deti temnosti. A keď svetlo zasvieti, rozbiehajú sa na všetky strany. „Vyšli z nás, pretože neboli z nás,“ hovorí Biblia. Vidíte? Oni nemôžu žiť vo Svetle sveta, lebo Boh neba poslal svoje Svetlo v tomto poslednom dni aby mohol osvietiť chodník pre svoje deti, aby nemuseli chodiť potme a nepotkli sa, ale aby mohli chodiť vo Svetle svietiaceho Ježiša Krista, toho istého včera, dnes i naveky. Amen!
77Všimnite si, Satan nie je nazvaný boh žiadneho iného veku len tohoto veku. To bola jeho ambícia od samého začiatku aby bol ako Boh. Prečítajme to. Venujeme tomu svoj čas. Poďme naspäť ... Pozrime sa; Zapísal som si to tu, Izaiáš 14. Poďme na chvíľu sem do Izaiáša 14 a pozrime sa čo Boh povedal, čo Satan urobil. Izaiáš 14:12 a 14. Všimnite si!
Ako si len padol z nebies, jasná hviezdo, synu ranej zory! Zoťatý si na zem, ktorý si porážal národy.
A veď ty si povedal vo svojom, srdci: Vystúpim hore do neba; vyvýšim svoj trón nad hviezdy silného Boha ...
(To sú Synovia Boží.)... a posadím sa na vrchu slávnostného zhromaždenia Božieho, v najďalších krajoch severa.
78To bola Satanova túžba aby bol uctievaný ako Boh. On zobral dve tretiny - dve tretiny nebeských hviezd, vyvýšil sa nad tieto hviezdy a kázal im a zviedol dve tretiny z nich. Vidíte to? No dobre. Všimnite si, to bola jeho žiadosť. A teraz je pripravený so svojou dôkladne vybranou, vzdelanou nevestou, jeho vlastnými vedomosťami (vidíte?), celá vymaľovaná v jeho klamstve veľkých budov a veľkých denominácií a nátermi vedomosti a teológie a chytrá a intelektuálna, vzdelaná aby zviedol celý svet a stal sa bohom (to je to, čo on urobil!), všetko smeruje do tej osoby antikrista, ktorý je už korunovaný vicar Boha, skrze jeho, svet milujúcu, vedeckú nevestu, všetko oblečené v nádheru intelektualizmu, náboženského vzdelania. Ona je nábožná ako on a skrze jeho vlastný výklad Božieho Slova, tak ako ho vyložil Eve, a ako robil jeho syn Kain.
79No, poviete, „Satanov syn?“Ukážte mi jedno miesto v Biblii, kde bol Kain kedy nazvaný Adamovým synom. Biblia hovorí, že on bol syn toho zlého, semeno hada. Brat, záclona bola teraz odstránená. Pyramída bola otvorená, ako ukázalo zjavenie.
80Všimnite si čo on bude robiť, jeho myšlienky. On si myslel, že Boh prebýva v svetskej kráse. On to urobil v Nebi. Hriech vôbec nezačal v záhrade Eden; on začal v nebi, keď Lucifer, syn rána sa vyvýšil v kráse a chcel krajšie kráľovstvo než to Michaelove. A on si myslel, že Boh prebýva v kráse.
81A všimnite si Kaina. On nechcel žiadnu krvavú obeť. On prišiel a obetoval ovocie poľa, krásne na svojom oltári. Veľmi nábožný, urobil všetko čo - presne tak isto, ako Ábel. Priniesol obeť, padol pred Bohom a klaňal sa Mu, poslušný v každom spôsobe, ale bez zjavenia Slova. A Slovo bolo od začiatku Božím plánom. Ale Boh zjavil skrze zjavenie presne tú vec, ktorú potvrdil a zdôraznil, že to je správne. Nie náboženstvo, nie oltár, nie prináležanie do cirkvi, nie prinášanie obetí, nie byť úprimný, ale skrze zjavenie Božieho Slova. Boh mu zjavuje, čo - čo to - jeho matka nezobrala jablko, ktoré jej dal had, ale mala sexuálny pomer s tou osobou Satana vo forme toho zvieraťa, ktoré nebolo plazom ale bolo najchytrejšie, najbystrejšie zo všetkých zvierat poľných, s postavou človeka, jediné ktorého semeno sa zmiešalo. No, veda sa ho snaží nájsť. A oni ho nikdy nenájdu, pretože každá kosť v jeho tele je premenená. Ale Biblia hovorí, že je to tak.
82Všimnite si čo tento človek bude teraz robiť. Tento človek, on sa posadí do chrámu Božieho, to je cirkev, vydávajúc sa za Boha. No, ak si to chcete prečítať, to je 2. Tesaloničanom 2:3 a 4 a Zjavenie 13:4, 11 a 12, kde obaja proroci hovoria, obaja, Ján a Pavel, čo on bude v tomto poslednom dni. No ... Prečítajte si to, pretože som si to tu zapísal, ale aby, ja len ... aby sme teraz ušetrili čas.
83Deň v ktorom žijeme je v Biblii nazvaný, deň človeka, ľudský deň. Toto nie je Boží deň. Boh nie je bohom tejto zeme; Biblia hovorí, že nie je; On je Boh Neba. Ale toto nie je Boží deň; toto je deň rozhodovania sa. Buď budeš žiť pre dnešok a zomrieš; alebo sa rozhodneš pre Boha a budeš žiť; a Boh je Slovo. A Slovo je zamanifestované Slovo na túto hodinu a deň.
84Všimnite si, deň človeka. Ak si to chcete zapísať, prečítam to, 1. Korinťanom 5:1-5 prepáčte 1. Korinťanom 4:1-5, Pavel tu hovorí o súdení ľudským súdom v ľudskom dni.
85Deň ... Poviete „Prečo to nazývaš ľudským dňom?“ To je deň, keď sú oslavované ľudské diela, dosiahnuté ich znalosťami. Pozrite sa, v čom je celá chvála komunistov. Niekto sa snaží dostať niekoho na mesiac. Boh sa snaží dostať niekoho do Neba. Rozumiete? Ale pozrite sa, ako oni utrácajú milióny a bilióny a trilióny dolárov v námahe bez úžitku. Keď sa tam dostanú, nič nenájdu. Čo sa s nimi deje? Ja sa nestarám o mesiac. Ja chcem prejsť okolo neho tak rýchlo, že ho ani neuvidím, idúc vyššie a vyššie. Chcem prejsť okolo mliečnej, bielej dráhy, ísť ďalej, stále ďalej. Áno!
86A svet sa dnes posväcuje vedomosti, ktorá prišla cez Satana; a oslavovaný je deň človeka, nie Slovom Božím, ale vedomosťami, ktoré človek má. Zamyslite sa teraz, nech to do vás vsiakne. A keď si znovu budete púšťať túto pásku, zastavte ju na chvíľu tu v tomto mieste a zamyslite sa. Jeho diela sú vyvýšené ponad Božie Slovo a zamanifestované skutky. Satanova múdrosť, ktorú on na začiatku dal Eve ... Počúvajte teraz, neprehliadnite toto! Satanova múdrosť je vyvýšená na trón uctievania v človeku vyššie, než potvrdené Slovo Božie na túto hodinu. Naše cirkvi dokazujú, že skrze ich semináre, školy vyučovania, oni si myslia, že tam sa naučia viac, než ako o tom vie Božie Slovo. A doktor taký a taký, a učiteľ taký a taký, a profesor taký a taký, vyvýšili svoje vlastné vedomosti, tak zvanú pravdu, od Satana, nad potvrdené zasľúbenie Božie, ktoré je jasne predstavené rovno pred nimi. A človek na to naletel. Vidíte?
87Jeho vedecké dosiahnutia sa snažia dokázať, že Božie Slovo sa mýli ... Len si to predstavte. On, jeho, to je, ľudská teológia, vysvetľuje ľuďom Božie Slovo a znovu Ho pozbavuje moci, ako to robil v denominačnom veku, keď sa Ježiš ukázal na zemi. Ježiš povedal, „Vy pokrytci, vy ste skrze svoje tradície, (to bol ich výklad) zobrali Slovo Božie a spravili ste, že nemá na ľuďoch moc.“ A to je to isté, čo urobili dnes. Ono nemá moc.
88Všimnite si, oni, ľudia, vyvýšili jeho ponad všetko, čo sa nazýva Bohom. Či 2. Tesaloničanom nehovorí, že to urobia? A autorita denominač- nej cirkvi, ľudia veria tej denominácii viac než Bohu - a Boh je Slovo - oni budú veriť svojmu denominačnému vyznaniu viac ako Slovu, a to vyvyšuje jeho nad všetko, čo sa nazýva Boh. A je len jeden Boh, a to je Slovo. Všetko čo sa nazýva Boh ... Tak on sedí ako Boh v cirkvi Božej, dokazuje, že on je boh, pretože doviedol ľudí do toho, že ho uctievajú. Boh je Slovo. A on sa vyvýšil nad všetko, čo sa nazýva Boh. A je len jeden Boh a tým Bohom je Slovo. Rozumiete? A všetko, čo sa nazýva bohom je ... Boh tohoto veku sa vyvýšil nad tú pravdu, nad potvrdené Slovo Božie (To je Ján 1. Vidíte?) - nad všetko, čo sa nazýva Boh, tak, že on ako Boh sedí v chráme Božom s autoritou (Pozrite!); a preto je zvelebovaný. Ó Bože, nech ľudia vidia to zvedenie. On je za to zvelebovaný a ľudia tohoto zlého veku mu vážne veria. No, vidíte boha a jeho sluhov tohoto zlého veku?
89No, dávajme pozor to bude očividné. On hovorí, že vytvára pre nich lepší svet, aby sa im na ňom lepšie žilo, skrze svoju vedomosť, nezhodnú s neklamným Božím Slovom. Ale svojím príchodom spolu v denomináciách a vyznaniach a intelektuálne a vedecky a tak ďalej, vytvára lepší svet, aby sa ľuďom na ňom lepšie žilo a ignoruje zasľúbenie Božie, že jediný čas, kedy svet bude vhodný pre život, je v Miléniu. Viete, podľa mojej mienky on vytvoril lepší svet pre hriech a nie pre život.
90Všimnite si. Urobil to? On zlegalizoval hriech. On zlegalizoval pitie alkoholu, fajčenie cigariet. A potom cirkvi zlegalizovali, že žena môže byť členkou zboru s krátkymi vlasmi. No, nech sa na chvíľu zastaví.
91Ona môže nosiť šortky, maľovať sa a stále patriť do svojej náboženskej skupiny, čo je úplne proti Božiemu Slovu. On hovorí, že to je v poriadku. Vidíte jeho vedomosť? „Čo to má spoločné so ženou?“ To isté ako brať zakázané ovocie alebo nezakázané ovocie; to je to. Boh povedal aby sa to nerobilo, ale on to robí.
92A ona mu verí a miluje ho za to. Ona nenávidí Boha. Jej vlastné počínanie to dokazuje. Ona hovorí, že Ho miluje, ale miluje Satana. Ona ctí boha módy, boha sveta, Hollywoodské bohyne. Ona miluje jeho, ale nenávidí pravé Slovo Božie, ktoré je jediným pravým Bohom, ktorý je. Legalizuje to: „V cirkvách nič nevadí. Naše ženy môžu robiť toto, to, či tamto.“ Ale do prítomnosti živého Boha jej ani nie je dovolené prísť, jedine, že činí pokánie.
93Vidíte? On je bohom svetskej krásy; on je. Ona chce vyzerať nádherne a on je bohom krásy od začiatku. On môže a dosiahol skrze svoje vedomosti vo vede a v materiáloch vyrobiť krásu pre svoj - pre tento moderný zlý vek. On vyrobil krásu.
94Všimnite si, to je hodné povšimnutia, na začiatku Set a jeho deti nikdy nešli vedeckou cestou. No, budeme chvíľu hovoriť o vede. Keď to hovorím, neospravedlňujem svoju nevedomosť ale to hovorím kvôli hromade nevedomosti, kvôli všetkému, čo zapiera Slovo Božie. Rozumiete? Skutočne! To je hodné povšimnutia. Sledujte to. Setove deti nikdy neodišli na vedeckú dráhu. Oni boli pokorní pastieri, farmári a tak ďalej. Ale Kainove deti tam odišli. Prečo? Boli inšpirované svojim otcom, diablom. Kain, inšpirovaný svojím otcom, diablom, a títo inšpirovaní tým semenom, ktoré prichádzalo ...
95Pozorujte semeno Božie ako prechádza ďalej cez každý vek a sledujete kde ono dnes vrcholí. Kresťania, skutoční kresťania nie sú všade okolo vedeckých výskumov a takých vecí. Nie, za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme. Ale Kainove išli podľa povahy ich otca, diabla, plné svetských vedomostí, krásy, vedy a tak ďalej. Kainove deti boli vedecké; boli vzdelané. Boli hráčmi na hudobných nástrojoch, (Moderný Elvis Presley a nejakí takí, ktorým školská rada tu povyše nechá robiť to, čo robia každú sobotu večer.) stavitelia miest, okrášľujú ženy kvôli osobným žiadostiam, ako diabol dáva ženám líčidlo a strihá im vlasy a oblieka ich do šortiek a do takých vecí. Oni ... To je pre jeho vlastné špinavé žiadosti. Je to povedané dosť otvorene ale nepoznám žiadny iný spôsob ako to povedať.
96No, vieme, že Satanove evanjelium je evanjelium vedy a pokroku. On to kázal v Edene, nie Boh, Satan, vedecký pokrok. Veda a pokrok je Satanove evanjelium. Pozrite kde nás dnes s tým doviedol. Vidíte?
97Všimnite si, on to kázal v Edene komu? Adamovej neveste a ona na tom upadla. On ju zviedol do toho aby zapochybovala v jedno Božie Slovo. Pozrime sa, čo on mohol povedať. On musel povedať, „To nie je vedecké aby niekto zomrel v tejto svätej cirkvi,“ alebo, „Ty budeš vyučená a vzdelaná, že nebudeš veriť takým nerozumným veciam ako smrť. Nestarám sa o to či to Božie Slovo povedalo, to je nerozumné.“
98Ó, pozrite sa dnes na neho. „Boh je dobrý Boh. Ty si v Jeho svätej cirkvi. Prečo, ty nemôžeš zomrieť!“ Ale Boh povedal, že zomrieš, a tým je to vybavené! Vidíte ho dnes? „Ó, len patri do cirkvi. Nejde o to čo robíš, či toto, to alebo tamto. Len prichádzaj do cirkvi a buď dobrým členom. Strihanie vlasov, to je hlúposť. A nosenie šortiek a maľovanie sa a chodenie na tance a občas trochu piva, to ti nezaškodí pokiaľ sa tomu neoddávaš. Úprimne povedané, prajem vám deti aby ste to okúsili, aby sa tak mohli naučiť či sa im to páči alebo nie.“ Tu ho máte, boha tohoto veku, tohoto zlého veku.
99Boh je dobrý Boh.“ Toľkokrát som to počul až mi je z toho zle. Boh je tiež Bohom spravodlivosti. On nie je starý detinský dedko, ktorého môžete postrkovať kde chcete a jeho vnúčatá nemajú žiadny hriech; On je Bohom spravodlivosti a svätosti. On to dokázal v záhrade Eden pri svojich prvých deťoch. Prekročíte tú líniu jedného z Jeho slov a ste mŕtvi. Tie isté veci platia dnes.
100 A všimnite si on kázal také vedecké, sociálne, vzdelané, pokrokové evanjelium Eve a Adamova nevesta tomu uverila. A on pokračoval vo vyplňovaní tej tak zvanej nevesty Kristovej, cirkvi Druhého Adama, s tými istými argumentmi. Je to tak.
101„Ó, to nie je - to nie je na Boha. Boh je príliš dobrý aby to urobil. Prečo, pokiaľ chodíš do cirkvi. Ak veríš ...“ Diabol verí, nie len na oko ale on skutočne verí. A nie je spasený. „Ak veríš ...“
102On hovorí tej druhej neveste - alebo neveste Druhého Adama to isté, čo povedal tej prvej, ako, „No, božské uzdravovanie, také niečo neexistuje. My to môžeme dokázať. Taký prípad nebol nikdy dokázaný. A tento krst vo meno Ježiša, no, či si neuvedomujete, že ja som autoritou cirkvi,“ on hovorí. „My sme to ustanovili v Nicei, v Ríme,“ keď tí traja nečistí duchovia vyšli z draka, z falošného proroka a tak ďalej. „My veríme, že je trojica bohov.“ Ó, niečo také. To je také pohanstvo, aké len môže byť. Nikdy neprichádzajte pred Boha s takými vecami, nesnažte sa stáť v Jeho prítomnosti.
103„Ó, v tom nie je žiadny rozdiel či si pokrstený v tituly Otec, Syn, Duch Svätý. Aký je v tom rozdiel?“ To je taký veľký rozdiel, že až Pavel prikázal skupine Baptistov, že museli byť znovu pokrstení vo meno Ježiša Krista prv, ako Duch Svätý mohol na nich prísť a tiež to doviedlo toho apoštola ku tomu, že skríkol a povedal, „Keby prišiel anjel z neba a kázal čokoľvek iné, nech je prekliaty.“ Samozrejme, že to robí rozdiel. Ó!
104„Nie je niečo také ako krst Duchom Svätým v týchto dňoch. To bolo len pre apoštolov. To už skončilo. A také niečo ako proroci? To je úplne neznáme. Zázraky? To je nevedecké. Malachiáš 4? To bolo na iný vek. Ján 14:12? Ó, Ježiš to v skutočnosti tak nemyslel. Lukáš 17:30? Ó, to bol len mýt.“ Vidíte? „To je zle preložené. V originály to nebolo.“ Také nezmysly, keď Všemohúci Boh prichádza dole medzi nás a potvrdzuje to. Keď On hovorí, že Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, On dokazuje, že je to tak. Nestarám sa kto hovorí, že to tak nie je; Boh vykladá svoje vlastné Slovo. On povedal, že bude robiť tieto veci v posledných dňoch, „V čase večera bude svetlo.“ A je Svetlo na manifestáciu Syna Božieho.
105To isté slnko, ktoré vychádza na východe, je to isté slnko, ktoré zapadá na západe. Prorok povedal, „Bude deň, ktorý by nemohol byť nazvaný dňom ani nocou.“ To je pochmúrny; mraky zakrývajú tvár slnka. Ale povedal, „V čase večera znovu bude svetlo.“ Ten istý Syn, On je Alfa a Omega. Ten istý Syn, ktorý povstal na východe, bolo predpovedané, že povstane znovu na západe v posledných dňoch, tesne predtým ako skončí ten deň. Neviem ako to oni vykladajú; Boh vykladá svoje vlastné Slovo. On Ho dokazuje. Toto je čas večera.
106Je to smutné, ale ona skutočne na tom upadla. Kristova nevesta upadla na tom a zobrala intelektuálne poznanie nejakého seminárneho kazateľa namiesto toho aby verila čistému potvrdenému Slovu Božiemu.
107No, kazatelia tam vonku v kraji, kdekoľvek ste, nemusíte s týmto súhlasiť; Neurážam vás. Len sa snažím ... Hovorím ku svojej vlastnej skupine. Rozumiete? Snažím sa len ... Ak sa chcete ku nim započítať, budem naozaj rád. A potom to počúvajte. Rozumiete? Ale ja im len hovorím čo majú - čo videli a ukazujem im to, Boh potvrdzuje, že je to pravda. Rozumiete? Toto je tá hodina. On nepotrebuje nikoho aby to vysvetľoval. Vaša svetská vedomosť nemá nič ... Môžete mať tituly B.A., D.D., A.D. alebo čokoľvek iné; to vôbec nič neznamená. Boh sám vykladá Svoje Slovo. On to zasľúbil a tu to je.
108Ale skrze seminárne vedomosti, denominačné kázanie, spôsobil, že celý svet sa divil šelme, ktorej smrteľná rana bola uzdravená z pohanstva na pápežstvo. Vidíte kde ona vrcholí? Ona tomu verí. Ona verí vedomosti, ktorú jej on hovorí.
109To je ... Sledujte to teraz! To je, že obe zasľúbené nevesty veria Satanovej vedomosti proti Božiemu Slovu. Adamova nevesta uverila Satanovej vedomosti proti Božiemu Slovu a nevesta Kristova uverila Satanovej vedomosti v tomto intelektuálnom zlom veku proti Božiemu Slovu. A všimnite si, Eva tomu uverila prirodzene a strhla celú ľudskú rasu do smrti. Tá prirodzená nevesta ... Adam ten prirodzený muž zeme, jeho nevesta, prv ako si ju on vzal aby mu bola ženou, strhla celú ľudskú rasu do smrti. Či je to vedecké alebo nie, my tak isto zomrieme, pretože Boh povedal, že zomrieme. Či ste vo svätom Edene, či vo svätej cirkvi, alebo svätej denominácii alebo v čomkoľvek, zomriete toho dňa, keď spochybníte jedno slovo z Božieho Slova, že nie je pravdou, keď vám je Ono potvrdené a dokázané. Ten deň sa oddelíte od Boha. Nie celú vetu, jedno slovo. Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo alebo odoberie jedno slovo, ten deň zomriete.
110Všimnite si. Adamova nevesta zapríčinila prirodzenú smrť svojej rase, ľudskej rase a nevesta Druhého Adama, Kristova zasnúbená nevesta, uvrhla celú cirkev do denominačnej smrti, do prijatia znaku šelmy cez vedecké, intelektuálne, veľké denominácie. „My sme Baptisti,“ My sme Presbyteriáni.“ My sme Letniční,“ a tak ďalej. „My máme toto a máme viacej majetku. My - nás zaznamenala vláda, my sme po celom svete.,“ a všetko také. „A tí najlepší ... Starosta mesta a iní chodia ku nám.“ Dokonca, „Prezident prichádza aby mal s nami omšu, a my - prichádza do tohoto, toho či tamtoho.“ Celý svet bol uvrhnutý do duchovnej, denominačnej smrti, celá cirkev. Ona je mŕtva!
Poviete, „Zasahuješ veľké územie.“
111Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, kde osem duší bolo zachránených, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Vo dňoch Lota, kde boli traja vyvedení von zo Sodomy, v ten deň ... „ No, už je skupina, ktorá je už vonku, pamätajte, ale ako to bolo vtedy, keď sa zamanifestuje Syn človeka. Pozrite sa - pozrite sa kde žijeme.
112No, ona zapríčinila, že celý svet prijal vedecké vedenie vzdelávacieho programu, ktorý jej dal Satan pod meno cirkvi, vedenie vzdelávacieho, vedeckého programu. Vykresľujem vám boha tohoto sveta. Keď ona, ako Eva, mala samotné vyplnenie Božieho Slova vo svojej ruke ... Ona mohla zobrať Božie Slovo ale čo s tým urobila? Namiesto aby očakávala na krst Duchom Svätým, nechala vedu aby jej dokázala, že Duch Svätý bol len pre učeníkov. Namiesto aby nechal ísť Božie uzdravenie, keď teraz mala kriesiť mŕtvych a činiť veľké zázraky, ona nechala Satana pod jeho vedením nábožného muža zobrať Božie Slovo a snažiť sa povedať, že To bolo na iný vek. A ona tomu uverila.
113Keď Biblia hovorí, „Veci, ktoré ja činím vy tiež budete činiť.“ Ježiš to povedal ... „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu.“ My sme stále stvorenia. „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať každého kto verí.“ Ona to všetko zapiera.
114Ona zapiera všetko nadprirodzené, keď to vymenila za jeho intelektuálne zrozumenie Biblie, kde kňazi a svätí otcovia, tak zvaní, kde biskupi, arcibiskupi, kde okresní presbyteri, generálni naddozorcovia a tak ďalej, dali Tomu svoj vlastný výklad. A Boh ich tam nechá sedieť mŕtvych ako polnoc. A jediná vec, ktorá zostala v týchto posledných dňoch je skupina Letničných s hudbou, pri ktorej vrieskajú ako len vládzu, behajú hore dole, hovoria v jazykoch a vykrikujú a majú formu pobožnosti ale zapierajú Slovo. Povedzte im aby sa dali pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista, vysmejú sa vám do tvári. Ale to ... Boh ide rovno ďalej a robí to presne tak isto, potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo, že je to tak.
115Všimnite si. Strom, na ktorý Satan naviedol Evu aby z neho vzala, bol strom dobrého a zlého. To bol zmiešaný strom. No, pozrite sa na deň v ktorom žijeme. Keď on vyvoláva nevestu, on má cirkev, ktorá tvrdí, že robí dobre a pri tom je to zle lebo zapiera Slovo. Zmiešaný strom. Ó, áno, „Oni majú veľké spoločenstvo. Oni pomáhajú tomuto. A Červený Kríž to podpísal a všetky školy, oni ... „ Pozrite sa sem! Ó, ale zaprite len jedno slovo; to stačí na to aby ste zomreli, nezáleží na tom aké je to intelektuálne, aké dobré to je. Ježiš povedal, „Trochu kvasu nakvasí celé cesto.“ Kúsok kvasu skazí celé cesto. Jedno Božie slovo nesprávne umiestnené, skazí celý obraz. Čo keby moja ruka bola na mieste, kde má byť noha? Rozumiete? Čo keby moje ucho bolo tu dole, kde je ruka? Trochu kvasu nakvasí celé cesto.
Poviete, „Ako vieš, že to je správne?“ Boh potvrdzuje, že je to správne. On to potvrdzuje. On to povedal tu v Slove, potom to dokázal. Tak vieme, či je to správne alebo nie. Zapri len jedno Slovo a to stačí aby si zomrel. To prinieslo tie isté výsledky v tomto zlom veku, duchovnú smrť, ako to spôsobilo telesnú smrť celej ľudskej rase.
116Všimnite si ako Satan dostal tento vedecký vek naspäť tam do času Noeho aby spoliehali na svojej vlastnej múdrosti. Biblia nám hovorí v Prísloviach, „Na svojej vlastnej múdrosti nespoliehaj.“ A, „Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvo a Božie pravdou.“ Ale Satan skrze svoje poznanie od začiatku v záhrade Eden drží ľudí aby spoliehali na ich vlastnej múdrosti. A viete, skrze veľké účinky svojho Max Factoru, ktorý mal tam vtedy, spravil, že ženy boli také pekné, že to spôsobilo, že synovia Boží upadali do hriechu a brali si ich. Je to tak! Ženy boli také krásne, také pekné.
117Zoberte dnes obyčajnú ženu na ulici. Mnohí ste čítali ten príbeh; nepočuli ste to, pretože to bolo ešte vo dňoch predo mnou. Pearl ÓBrien, koľkí ste o nej počuli? Skutočne, ona bola pokladaná za najkrajšiu ženu na svete. No či dnes deti, ktoré chodia do školy nie sú dvakrát krajšie, ako bola ona? Prečo je to tak? Krása žien sa mala prejaviť v posledných dňoch. Oni si strihajú vlasy. Obliekajú sa do dievčenských šiat. Obliekajú si šortky, bikiny, či akokoľvek to nazývate. Maľujú si tváre, používajú rtenku a všetky tieto rôzne veci aby to z nich urobilo niečo, čím nie sú. Vidíte? Ale skrze vedecké poznanie sú schopní toto dosiahnuť. Či viete, že v Spojených Štátoch sa vydáva viac na kozmetiku pre ženy, dva alebo trikrát viac než sa vydáva na potraviny? To je dokázané (je to tak), na kozmetiku.
118Všimnite si, synovia Boží videli ľudské dcéry, nie dcéry Božie, dcéry ľudské, že sú pekné. A to spôsobilo že synovia Boží upadli do toho klamstva, a brali si také ženy a ženili sa s nimi. A to prinieslo vek prostitúcie, práve tak ako je to dnes, ako to bolo v Sodome, ako je to predpovedané, že to bude dnes, keď muži a ženy tohoto dňa si vymieňajú manželky. Ak sa im nepáči táto manželka idú do Reno, v Nevade a zosobášia sa - rozvedú sa a za pätnásť minút ich znovu zosobášia. A ženy sú také pekné, že sú takmer neoddolateľné. A čo to je? Diabol! Vidíte? Satan je stále v peknosti!
119Všimnite si, všimnite si! Ten hriech im nikdy nebol odpustený. Ten pekný, vedecký vek bol práve ten zlý vek, ktorý Boh zničil z tvári zeme, ten pekný, vedecký vek. Ježiš povedal, že znovu to tak bude práve pred príchodom Syna človeka. Je to tak?
120Všimnite si, Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ Keď sa oni všetci snažili ženiť a vydávať ... Sledujete to, synovia Boží sa ženili s tými peknými ľudskými dcérami a Boh im to nikdy neodpustil. To bolo to isté, ako Balámove učenie, ktoré spôsobilo, že pekné, intelektuálne, vedecké Moábitky s flirtujúcimi očami, so svojimi líčidlami a púdrami, svojimi jemnými voňavkami vyšli aby zlákali synov Božích proti svojim vlastným ženám, ktoré pracovali a mali na rukách mozole a nemali na sebe žiadny makeup. Nalákali ich a, „Vytvárajme zväzky jedni s druhými, pretože my sme všetci ten istý ľud.“ To bolo klamstvo! To bolo klamstvo a diablov úspech dostať synov Božích aby sa ženili s dcérami ľudskými. To bolo klamstvo diablovo pre Baláma, toho falošného proroka, aby sa snažil prorokovať proti Mojžišovi, ktorý sa snažil držať tú rasu spolu, aby povedal. „Dobre, my veríme v toho istého Boha. Obetujeme tie isté obete. Máme tie isté obete. Robíme všetko rovnako.“ Tak blízke, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Rozumiete? Choďte preč od nej ľudia. Vy s ňou nemáte nič spoločného.
121Všimnite si, to nepripadalo v úvahu aby Boh vykladal svoje Slovo zlej Kainovej generácii. No, Boh im nebude vykladať svoje Slovo. Všimnite si ... (Končí jedna strana pásky začína druhá, nekompletne - vyd.) Boh, tie vedomosti aby urobil svet takým pekným a vedeckým a hriešnym, že On ho musel zničiť? Či by to Boh urobil, či by urobil svet taký pekný? Pozrite sa sem, či Boh robí svoje dcéry také pekné a oblečie ich tak sexy, že jeho synovia budú žiadostiví po nich a budú páchať cudzoložstvo? Čo? Či Boh robí niečo také? Táto nahá, vyzlečená banda Laodičanov, ktorí uctievajú boha tohoto sveta skrze svoju etiku a vzdelanie a chytrosť a nádheru ... „Vyjdite z nej!“ hovorí Biblia, „Nebuďte účastní jej hriechov aby ste neprijali z jej rán.“ Boh jedného dňa spustí krupobitie z oblohy, ktorého jednotlivé kusy budú veľké päťdesiat kilo a zničí ju, ukameňuje ju, ako jeho Slovo, jeho zákon stále hovoril, že to urobí. No, keby Boh urobil niečo také, žeby zjavil svoje Slovo takým ľuďom, skazil by tým svoj vlastný zámer. Boh nie je hlúpy; On je zdroj všetkej múdrosti. Tak vidíte odkiaľ niečo také pochádza? To pochádza od Satana, a to je stále od Satana. A cirkev tomu verí.
122No, vidíte, ženy, snažím sa ako len môžem aby som vám ukázal Slovo Božie. Biblia hovorí, že ak si žena strihá vlasy, hanobí svoju hlavu, ktorou je jej muž. A jej muž je tou hlavou s Bohom. Tak ona hanobí Boha a svojho muža.
123No, toto ukazuje kto je hlavou tohoto svetového cirkevného systému. To ukazuje, kto je toho hlavou. To je Satan vo forme superčloveka, osoby vedomostí, super vedomostí. On vie viacej než všetci ostatní. Nezáleží na tom čo hovorí Slovo, on má do Toho svoj vlastný výklad (rozumiete?), výklad pre tento zlý vek.
124Všimnite si jeho plány stavať super denominačnú cirkev, Svetovú Radu Cirkví (vidíte?), super denomináciu, tak bude celý svet uctievať jeho, šelmu, pod menom zjednoteného kresťanstva. Chceli by ste si to prečítať v Biblii? Zjavenie 13:6 a 8. To je moderná Babylonská veža.
125Či sa nepamätáte ako ten Nimrod, ten pokrytec, staval svoju veľkú vežu a spravil aby všetky tie malé mestá platili tomu daň? Babble a Bábeľ to je to isté. To len zmieňa svoje mená a - ako to vystupuje. To je - Rím je teraz Babylon. A celý svet je privedený do Babylonu a je tam privedený skrze Svetovú Radu Cirkví, ktorá donúti každého aby sa jej poklonil. A prijmete znamenie šelmy a ani nebudete vedieť čo ste urobili, pretože ... Ale tí, ktorí sú vyvolení budú počuť Slovo a vyjdú z toho.
126Aký opačný zmysel má denominácia voči Božiemu Slovu. On nemal nikdy ani jednu, nikdy v žiadnej nekonal, nikdy sa žiadnou nezaoberal. Chcem aby mi nejaký historik ukázal kde kedy prišiel nejaký prorok z cirkvi. Ukážte mi kde Boh požehnal niekedy nejakú cirkev, potom keď sa zorganizovala. Bola odložená nabok a zomrela s intelektuálnou múdrosťou od diabla skrze svojich vodcov a odmietla Slovo Božie, ako Ono vzrastalo do dokonalého obrazu Krista. A teraz je to pri hlave. Aký opačný zmysel ... Oddeľte sa od tej neveriacej Evy, vy deti Večerného Svetla.
127Satan, boh tohoto veku, skrze svoje vedomosti dáva ľuďom jesť zo svojho miešaného stromu dobrého a zlého ... Všimnite si, Satan skrze svoje vedomosti pôsobí na ľudí tohoto zlého veku aby jedli z jeho stromu dobrého a zlého. On hovorí, že buduje väčšiu kresťanskú civilizáciu skrze jeho poznanie dobrého a zlého. Väčšiu kresťanskú civilizáciu. Ale Kristove malé stádečko, panna Slova, Nevesta sa nestará o jeho poznanie. Ona zostáva slobodná od neho. Čo to je?
128No, hovorme za chvíľu o Nej. Ona očakáva na svojho Pána a jeho Miléniový medový mesiac (je to tak!) so Ženíchom, ktorý je Slovom, keď ona je Nevestou Slova.
129Poznanie a civilizácia, a pravé kresťanstvo nemá so sebou nič spoločného. Civilizácia a pravé kresťanstvo nemá ani jedinú vec spoločnú. Civilizácia funguje skrze poznanie. Všetci to vieme. A poznanie je z Edenu - dokázal to skrze to čo kázal v Edene a poznanie spôsobuje smrť. Je to tak? Čo spôsobilo smrť v záhrade Eden? Poznanie. No tak, to nemôže byť od Boha, tak to je od diabla. Ó, to bolo to dobré. Poznanie, veda, vzdelanie, to je najväčšou prekážkou, ktorú Boh kedy mal. To je z diabla. No, Viem, že ohľadne toho dostanem nejaké listy. Čakám na ne.
130Pozrite sa do čoho nás teraz doviedla kultúra. Vidíte? Pozrite čo ona vykonala. Kde sme? Spoliehali sme na tieto veci skrze naše vlastné porozumenie pomocou našej vedy. Poviete, „A čo Boh, myslíš, že on je nevzdelaný?“ Ó, nie. Boh založí svoj vlastný druh civilizácie na zemi keď ju prevezme. Toto je Satanov svet; on je teraz bohom svojho svetového vedeckého poznania. Ale Boh založí svoj vlastný druh civilizácie. To nebude takáto civilizácia; pamätajte len na to. To nebude taká civilizácia akú máme dnes. Nie, nie! To bude podľa jeho Slova a jeho účelu. Lebo boh tohoto prítomného zlého veku bude zničený a jeho kráľovstvo s ním.
131Tento moderný vek, ktorý miluje poznanie by nemohol mať lepšieho vodcu ako je ten, ktorého majú, Satana, prevracača Božieho Slova, ako to začal v záhrade Eden. Ale nábožná osoba spolieha na svojej vlastnej múdrosti - ako som to už povedal Príslovia 3:5, že nespoliehame na našej vlastnej múdrosti - oni musia mať boha, pretože sú ľudia a pritom on im robí čo chcú. Ako ľudské bytosti, stále všetky ľudské bytosti ... Keď sme prišli sem našli sme Indiánov, ktorí uctievali modly a slnko a všetko možné. Ako ľudské bytosti, oni musia mať boha. Tak tento veľký intelektuálny vek musí mať boha. Tak to sa stalo - bohom tohoto sveta sa stalo poznanie, denominácia, veda, majúci formu pobožnosti ale zapierajú jej moc.
132Všimnite si, ich boh im robí presne to, čo chcú. Oni sú žiadostiví tela. A to je to, čo im on dáva. „Chcú nosiť bikiny, nech ich nosia. (Vidíte?) Ak chcú robiť toto alebo tamto, nechá ich to robiť. Na tom nie je nič zlého; oni chodia do cirkvi. Ich matka bola z Metodistov, Baptistov, Letničných, Presbyteriánov, len ich nechajte.“ To je boh tohoto zlého veku. Chytrý, múdry, vedecký, to nepotrebuje žiadnu vieru. To nemusí nič dokázať. To je už dokázané skrze ich poznanie. „Aha, my sme tá najväčšia cirkev v meste.“ Ich poznanie ... „Náš pastor má titul D.D., Ph.D.“ Vidíte? Nepotrebujú žiadnu vieru, spoliehajú na poznaní. Nech si žijú akokoľvek, pokiaľ prichádzajú aby ho uctievali skrze svoje denominácie a vyznanie. A tam je veľké čierne oko, ale pozrite sa na to. Vysmievajú sa z Božieho Slova, hovoria veci nezhodné so Slovom a snažia sa skrze svoje poznanie dokázať vedecky, že Slovo nemá pravdu. Ó, čo za vek v ktorom žijeme. Vidíte boha tohoto veku?
133Všimnite si, ale Boh čaká až kým sa doplní neprávosť týchto moderných Amorejov. Netrápte sa, Boh bude mať pripraveného svojho Mojžiša na ten čas. Jedného dňa bude exodus do tej zasľúbenej zeme Príde Mojžiš, ktorý vyvolá, prinavráti vieru detí naspäť otcom. V jednom z týchto dní to príde. Hovoríte, „No, pozri sa aké robíme pokroky.“ Samozrejme, neprávosť Amoreja sa ešte nevyplnila. To príde v jednom z týchto dní, nech sa sami zničia.
134Civilizácia, poznanie prevracia Božie Slovo aby pasovalo ich vlastným chutiam. Každá denominácia robí to isté. Satan potom káže svoje vlastné evanjelium poznania vo svojej vlastnej cirkvi.
135Sú len dve kategórie ľudí o ktorých sa hovorí v Novom Zákone, deti Božie a deti diablove. Vedeli ste to? Chcete si zapísať ku tomu miesto Písma? 1. ep. Jána 3:10, ak chcete miesto Písma. Čítam to rovno tu, vypísal som si to. Dobre. Dobre.
136V Efežanom 2:2, sú nazvaní deti neposlušnosti, ako bola Eva, neposlušná Božiemu Slovu. Deti poslušnosti a neposlušnosti nemajú nič spoločného. Ako sa potom Nevesta Kristova môže spolčovať v denominácii, keď to jedno je neposlušné a to druhé poslušné? Ako jedna môže byť Slovom a tá druhá prevráteným, Slovom? Ako môžu ísť spolu v zhode prostitútka a čistá žena? To sa nedá. Oni vôbec nemajú spoločenstvo. Vyjdite z pomedzi nich. To je z diabla; to je znamenie šelmy, smeruje to teraz rovno do toho, všetky denominácie, nestarám sa o to čia to je. Boh neberie denomináciu, ale ľudí pre svoje meno. Denominácia neprijme tieto pravdy, na to je treba individuálna osoba, ktorá môže vidieť Boha a dívať sa na jeho Slovo a veriť mu a nepatriť do žiadnej organizácie, ale žiť pre Boha, nie pre jeho organizáciu alebo intelektuálnu múdrosť nejakého biskupa alebo niečo, čo ich učili. Je to tak.
137Deti neposlušnosti a deti poslušnosti nemajú nič spoločné. Jedni sú dňom a svetlom, tí druhí nocou a temnosťou, zlým vekom, týmto zlým vekom temnosti, nočných klubov, tancov a pri tom patria do cirkvi. U ich boha je to v poriadku. Oni nemajú žiadne odsúdenie kvôli tomu; nič ich netrápi. „Mňa to neodsudzuje, keď si strihám vlasy,“ povedala jedna žena. „To netrápi moje svedomie.“ Ona už nemá žiadne svedomie, tak ako ani had nemá bedrá. Je to tak! Samozrejme že nemá. Ona nevie, čo to je svedomie. To bolo tak veľmi vysušené, že ona ani nevie čo to je. Je to tak.
138Keď idú okolo Božieho Slova, hovoria, „Aha, to je nejaký spiatočník. Nechoďte tam, to je aj tak len množstvo hluku a takého správania.“ Nevedia nič viac o Bohu, než ako vie Hotentót o egyptskej noci. Je to tak! To je pravda! Majú formu pobožnosti ale zapierajú jej moc; od takých sa stráň; lebo to sú tí, ktorí chodia z domu do domu a vedú hlúpe ženy, „Ó, drahá, mala by si robiť toto. Ó, drahá, myslím, že tam tvoj spiatočnícky kazateľ, keby si len ... Ó v kikinách by si vyzerala roztomile,“ alebo akokoľvek to nazývate. „Keby si robila všetko toto, to a tamto ... Prečo, cigareta nikomu neuškodí. Ja patrím do cirkvi a vieš naša denominácia je vyhľadávaná tak ako nikto.“ Never tej vymaľovanej klamárky. Ona ťa klame. Je to tak. Tak veru!
139Pri jej bohovi je to poriadku. Ó, on si myslí že to je ohromné. A oni ho proste za to milujú. Ó, oni sa budú s vami hádať. Oni sa postavia a budú sa s vami o tom hádať. No, skutočne, Satan stál rovno pred Ježišom Kristom, pred Slovom a snažil sa mu povedať, že je napísané. A On tam stál, potvrdené Slovo Božie. On povedal, „Choď preč odo mňa Satan!“ Len choďte a robte to isté.
Ako mi povedal raz jeden človek, povedal, „No, ak veríš, že krst Duchom Svätým je správny a veríš, že ho máš,“ povedal, „Raň ma slepotou.“ To bol kazateľ, povedal, „Raň ma slepotou. Pavel jedného dňa oslepil jedného muža.
140Povedal som, „Pane, ako ťa môžem raniť slepotou, keď si už slepý. Ako ťa môžem zabiť, keď si už mŕtvy.“
On povedal, „Ja? Moje oči sú 20-20.“
Povedal som, „Tvoja telesná časť, ale ty si stále slepý.“
„To je nemožné! Biblia nevykladá veci. My hovoríme tam, kde Biblia hovorí a sme ticho, kde je ona ticho.“
141Povedal som, „Dobre, keď Eliáš bol v Dotáne (viete?), tam prišla celá Sýrska armáda a ten sluha vybehol a povedal, „Ó môj otče, môj otče. Sýrovia nás obkľúčili.“ Eliáš si pretrel oči, zobudil sa a povedal, „S nami je viac, než s nimi.“ On povedal, „Ja nevidím nikoho.“ On povedal, „Bože, otvor mu oči.“ No, on bol slepý a pozrel sa na toho starého proroka a na kopcoch dookola bolo plno Anjelov a ohnivé vozy a ohnivé kone. A on tam išiel a Biblia hovorí, že ich ranil slepotou. Slepotou na čo? Na neho. On tam prišiel, opýtal sa, „Hľadáte Eliáša?“ „Áno, jeho hľadáme.“ Povedal, „Poďte, ukážem vám kde je.“ Eliáš ich viedol ku Eliášovi. Boli slepí!“Povedal som, „Vieš čo ti poviem? Presne to isté, čo povedal môj Pán tvojmu otcovi, choď preč!“
142Všimnite si! Deti poslušnosti a neposlušnosti nemajú so sebou nič spoločného. Neposlušní ctia svojho boha. „Ó.“ Hovoria, „My veríme v Bibliu.“ Áno, to je zmiešaný strom, (vidíte?); oni do toho pridávajú svet a poznanie, to je Satanov zmiešaný strom. Vidíte? Ona zobrala zo Satanovho stromu, dobrého a zlého. „Ó, my veríme Slovu, skutočne, ale nie všetko z toho.“ Eva tiež verila Slovu, ale nechala Satana zobrať svoj strom a prevrátiť to trochu. To je to. „Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo alebo odoberie jedno slovo z toho.“ On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.
143Všimnite si. Dobre. Tento zlý vek je z temnosti, a jednako chodia do cirkvi. Ich boh, oni ho za to milujú, že im to dovolí tak robiť. Oni nemajú žiadne odsúdenie; nič ich netrápi pokiaľ patria do cirkvi. Balám učil cirkev to isté. „Spojme sa; my sme všetci rovnakí.“ To bol posledný trik. Boh im nikdy neodpustil, že verili takému klamstvu.
144Pamätajte, to bol neodpustiteľný hriech tri krát v Biblii pre každého, pridať jedno slovo ich vlastného výkladu do Božieho Slova, potom keď bolo potvrdené, že je pravdou. V záhrade Eden (je to tak?) - v záhrade Eden jedno pridané slovo spôsobilo smrť; keď Balám pridal slovo, že my sme všetci rovnakí. Oni ... Boh to Izraelovi nikdy neodpustil. Každý jeden z nich zahynul na púšti, okrem tých troch, ktorých Boh vyviedol. Každý ... Ježiš povedal, „Oni sú všetci mŕtvi.“ To znamená večne oddelení. Oni všetci pomreli, nebolo im odpustené. To je neodpustiteľný hriech, nikdy im nebol odpustený. Ó, utečte od toho, deti Večerného Svetla.
145Vidíte teraz kto je vodca tohoto moderného, nábožného, zlého veku? To je diabol, ktorý berie strom dobrého a zlého a umiestňuje ho tam (všimnite si!), privádza svoju nádhernú cirkevnú nevestu do ekumenickej rady na svadbu (to je dobré!), svoju nádhernú vedeckú cirkev so všetkými hodnosťami, ktoré sa dajú dosiahnuť, Ph.D, z Cirkvi Kristovej, Ph.D z Baptistov, Presbyteriánov, Letničných a všetkých, privádza ich všetkých s ich dekorovanými parádami a veľkými cirkvami, všetkých do ekumenickej rady - „My sme jedno.“ To im nikdy nebude odpustené. Denominácia ... Nosiť značku denominácie je znamením šelmy. Prebrali sme to tu. Utečte od toho, deti, utečte od toho. Rozumiete? Veľká pekná cirkev na ekumenickú svadbu, nesie jeho znamenie, šortky (skutočne!), svetské oblečenie, sexy, líčidlo, skutočne dobrí učeníci diablovi aby chytiť synov Božích - oženiť dobrého plno-zrodeného chlapca s takouto zavrhnutou. Je to tak. Čo za ...
146On povedal, „Strihanie vlasov, čo to má čo spoločného?“ Brat, zastavme sa tu na chvíľu. Práve som pocítil, že niekto sa na to nahneval. Môže to byť niekde kde sme pripojení. Počúvaj! Vlasy sú pre ženu Nazarejským sľubom. A keď si žena strihá vlasy, úplne zapiera svoj Nazarejský sľub, že je nevestou Kristovi, pretože tam, tá jedna vec kazí celý obraz. Presne tak! Nazarej je niekto, kto je zasvätený pre určitý účel. Je to tak? Samson bol posvätený pre vek a pre účel; preto mal dlhé vlasy.
147Žena, ktorá je dieťaťom Božím si necháva rásť vlasy aby ukázala, že je posvätená každému Božiemu Slovu. Ak si ich strihá, nestarám sa o to, koľko tancuje, spieva, či je v chóre, hovorí v jazykoch, behá hore dole, vykonáva všetky rôzne sociálne pomoci, je mŕtva. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, Slovo Božie, 1. Korinťanom 14. Vidíte? Ona zapiera svoj Nazarejský sľub a predala sa bohu tohoto moderného veku. Ona to robí. Hanbi sa pani, či žena.
148Skutočné chytačky Božích synov, ako to bolo, ako Ježiš povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, (ženy boli krásne a synovia Boží si začali z nich brať za ženy) tak to bude keď sa vráti Syn človeka.“ A ich boh si myslí, že to je veľké a nádherné a vedecké.
149Poznanie, Hollywoodská móda v jeho vlastnom obchode (skutočne), všetko toto tu lepkavé a také, viete. Ona, jeho cirkev, to jednoducho miluje. Ó! Dávam ti na vedomie, že ja som Metodista. Ja som Presbyterián. Náš pastor má lepší zmysel, než aby hovoril také veci.“ On potom nemá dostatočný zmysel aby hovoril veci, ktoré hovorí Boh.
150Ona, cirkev, to jednoducho zvelebuje; ona to miluje. To je práve to, čo ona chcela. Ona sa nespojí s ničím, brat, ani nepôjde do ničoho, ona sa musí správať ako niečo iné, než ako tieto moderné Jezábele, pretože to je povaha, ktorá je v nej. Ako môžete byť nejakou povahou ... „Kto si myslí, že môže pridať jeden lakeť do svojej postavy?“ Ak ste sa narodili aby ste boli vysokí päť stôp (150 cm) nebudete mať šesť stôp (180 cm). Ako naťahovací stroj Bootha Clibborna ...
151Potom počúvajte, muži, vy banda Rickyov, ak si sa narodil aby si bol mužom, potom sa správaj ako muž. Tieto ofiny, ktoré vám visia do tvári a nabrčkavené vlasy, ako nejaká sexuálna príťažlivosť. Vy prevrátená generácia hadov, čo sa s vami deje? Môj Boh bude súdiť jedného dňa tento národ ohňom. Potopí ho do oceánu. Hodina jeho súdu je na dosah. Celý svet pôjde.
152Náboženská zvrátenosť, ľudská zvrátenosť, muži ani nevedia do akého pohlavia patria, ani ženy. Postávajú v mužských nohaviciach, alebo v malých šortkách, v šatách obtiahnutých, že vidieť každú formu jej tela a hovorí si, že je kresťanka. Ona nie je ani dáma a nie to ešte kresťanka. To je pouličná prostitútka, ktorú Satan používa, inšpirovaná Satanom aby poslala synov Božích do pekla aby sa vyplnilo Slovo, ktoré Ježiš Kristus povedal, že sa stane. Nemyslel som, že to poviem, ale On to jednako povedal. Vidíte odkiaľ prichádza tento náboženský duch, tento zmiešaný strom?
153Poviete, „Čo je zlé na tých voľných nohaviciach,“ alebo akokoľvek to nazývajú, na pedálovanie alebo čokoľvek to je. Biblia povedala, že každá žena, ktorá bude nosiť oblečenie, ktoré prináleží mužovi, to je ohavnosť v očiach Božích. To je TAK HOVORÍ BIBLIA. A žena, ktorá si strihá vlasy hanobí svoju hlavu. A to nie je ani ... To je hriešna vec pre ženu obetovať modlitbu s krátkymi vlasmi, Biblia tak hovorí, modliť sa verejne s nepokrytou hlavou a jej ...
154Ó, poviete, „Ja nosím klobúk.“ Ty pokrytec. Také veci učíš tie ženy, keď Biblia hovorí, že jej vlasy sú jej dané namiesto prikrytia, nie nejaký ľuďmi vyrobený klobúk! To je to, čo hovorí Biblia. Ja nie som zodpovedný; Ja som len zodpovedný aby som povedal pravdu. Nebuďte nečestní, nenarábajte so Slovom Božím klamlivo aby ste vyhoveli požiadavkám bande nejakých Rikiet.
155Zapísal som si tu slovo evil; Zapísal som si Elvis namiesto evil, to je všetko o tom istom. (evil znamená zlý - poznámka prekl.) Slovo Elvis znamená mačka a slovo Ricky znamená potkan. Keď hovoríte „malý Ricky“ mienite tým „malý potkan.“ Ako ho nazývate, taký je. Vaše deti majú také mená, rýchlo ich zmeňte pre evanjelium. Nedávajte dieťaťu meno ... Nikdy ste nepočuli také mená v Biblii ani v žiadnom inom veku. To je vek - meno pre tento vek. Ak kedy boli prevrátené potkany a mačky, to je tam.
156Všetko toto - milióndolároví disk džokej a tieto malé deti tam idú ... Nemôžu ísť ani do školy bez tej veci, ktorú majú v ušiach a bez tranzistorového rádia vo vačku, proste dunenie. Ó, oni prišli tam do domu a my sme ... Tí chlapci mi chceli vymaľovať dom, povedali sme, „Zoberte preč tú vec odtiaľto. Ak bez toho nemôžete robiť, tak nechajte tú robotu. Som z toho taký nervózny, že to tu nemôžem vystáť. My sme posvätili toto miesto Bohu. Nechceme tu také bugi-wugi, hlúposť týchto posledných dní.“ Povedal som, „Vypnite to alebo nechajte tak tú robotu!“
157Všimnite si, aj keď nábožní, ó samozrejme chodia rovno do zboru a stoja vo vestibule a počúvajú bugi-wugi.
158A tiež si všimnite, Kristova nevesta Slova tiež dochádza do vyvrcholenia ako vidíme, keď antikrist dochádza do vyvrcholenia. Začal tam vtedy a teraz prichádza ku hlave, ekumenická rada to položí do náboženskej hlavy. A tá malá cirkev, ktorá tiež ide cez ten vek, Kristova nevesta Slova prichádza do hlavy, pretože bude zjednotená naspäť so svojím Druhom. Stále, tak ako cirkev a všetko iné sa musí zjednotiť. Pšenica, všetko ďalšie prichádza rovno naspäť do svojej hlavy z ktorej to začalo, ako Kain a Ábel. Nevesta Slova vrcholí v Osobe Slova Božieho, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo v tomto zlom veku, v ktorom žijeme. Vidíte kde to vrcholí?
159A Satan zakrátko vezme svoju intelektuálnu nevestu a vyvýši tohoto veľkého, ktorým je antikrist, tá hierarchia a posadí ho na tróne a celý svet ho bude obdivovať. A potom príde Kristus a dvaja nemôžu existovať v tom istom čase. A jeho kráľovstvo bude zobraté. On bude zničený a Kristus, Slovo Božie ... Pričom žena je časťou mužovho tela. Oni nie sú dvaja; oni sú jedno. A Nevesta, Cirkev Slova, ľudia, ktorí sú zavolaní tu a tam pre Jeho meno sa zjednotia v tele Ježiša Krista. A kráľovstvo antikrista bude zobraté a zničené a Kristus prevezme trón a zasadne na trón svojho otca Dávida a bude vládnuť na zemi tisíc rokov a potom predstaví Cirkev Bohu bez vrásky a bez poškvrny. Áno!
160No, všimnite si jej dlhé vlasy, Nazarejský sľub Slovu. Chcem zobraziť teraz Kristovu Nevestu. Zobrazili sme antikrista, kde ona je, nábožná a všetko, vedecká. A teraz, tá malá pokorná Kristova Nevesta len jednoducho verí Slovu, ktokoľvek ona je; to sú jednotlivci. Dúfam a nadejem sa, že mnohí z nich tu teraz sedia, mnohí počúvajú. A dúfam, že ja sám a každý jeden z vás všetkých je časťou tej nevesty. Dúfam, že mnohí ... To bude, všetci, ktorí boli určení do toho tam budú, pretože to je ich povaha. Oni ... Vidíte, Slovo môže uznať len Slovo. Ono nemôže uznať denomináciu alebo niečo prevrátené. Ono to vie lepšie; To je Slovo. Rozumiete? To nemôže uznať nič ... Pšenica nemôže byť ničím inším než pšenicou. To začalo ako pšenica, to vyvrcholí ako pšenica. A kúkoľ nemôže nikdy byť pšenicou, hoci je zalievaný tým istým pomazaním. Rozumiete? Ale nie je pšenicou, ako som raz hovoril o strome, ktorý mal na sebe rôzne konáre.
161Jej dlhé vlasy, Nazarejský sľub ukazuje, že Ona je zaviazaná Bohu. Jej nádherné šaty Jeho zasľúbeného Slova na tento vek, v ktorom ona žije, ovinuté okolo nej, potvrdzuje ju samým Sebou zo Židom 13:8, Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Ako Ona je časťou Slova Ženícha, verná Jemu v každom bode ...
162No, pozrite sa. Ak sa tu nejaká žena vydá za nejakého muža a ide a miluje sa s iným a má s ním pomer a príde naspäť ku svojmu mužovi, on by ju mal vykopnúť. Je to tak? Ona mu musí byť verná, pretože mu je zasľúbená. A Nevesta Kristova je zasľúbená Kristovi a On je Slovo. Ani mrknutie na druhú stranu, žena nemá ani mrknúť na iného muža. Nemá dávať žiadne znamenia, prejavovať žiadne emócie voči nemu, pretože je úplne nevestou jedného ženícha. My nechceme žiadne vaše zmiešané stromy, vaše denominácie. Byť verní Kristovi, Slovu. On potvrdí, že Ono je pravda.
163Nie! Ani žiadny cit ohľadne zaľúbenia si ho, nepripájanie sa do jeho kruhov ani do ničoho iného, ani mu nedovoliť aby vás bral do náručia alebo do svojej opatere, alebo aby vám takto alebo takto niečo hovoril, vy počúvate len na jeden Hlas: „Moje ovce poznajú môj hlas a za cudzím nepôjdu.“ Čo je jeho hlas? Hlasom každého človeka je jeho slovo a toto je to, Biblia. Ani jedno slovo nebude ku tomu pridané ani z toho odobrané, stojte len presne s tým Hlasom. Za cudzím nepôjdu, za denomináciou.
164Ako je ona časťou ženícha, verná Jemu v každom bode, čaká na svadbu, zjednotenie, nie v ekumenickej rade ale na oblakoch, na Svadobnej hostine. Bolo jej dané (toto je len pre náš zbor) ... Bolo jej dané a zjavené sedem zapečatených tajomstiev z Biblie. Ona - ona vidí hlúposť zvoditeľa, tak veľmi blízko Pravdy, že by skoro zviedol aj Vyvolených; Ona to vidí. Ona.
165Vidíte tých dvoch odporujúcich si duchov pri práci v tomto zlom veku? Môžete to vidieť? Každý veľmi nábožný, Kain a Ábel, tí duchovia znovu prichádzajú ku svojim hlavám, stále také isté ako keď začali: jeden uctieval Boha skrze krásu a skrze poznanie a vzdelanie a vedu a etiku; a ten druhý skrze vieru zjavenia Slova Božieho. Obaja stoja dnes ráno rovno v tejto budove. Je to tak.
166Zjavenie alebo viera v Jeho Slovo si nečiní žiadne nároky z vedomostí. Skutočný pravý kresťan ... Oni hovoria, „Máš doktorát?“ Nečiní si žiadne nároky. „Verím Jeho Slovu.“ Vidíte? Nerobí si žiadne nároky, nechváli sa že je vzdelaný. Nepatrí do žiadnej denominácie, do žiadnej strany, do žiadnej sekty, To patrí Kristovi. To je jeho žena, nie cirkevná žena; tá je prostitútka. Biblia hovorí, že ona bola smilnica a mater smilníc a oni sa všetky schádzajú spolu a tvoria tú istú smilnicu. A taká žena je žena, ktorá je neverná svojmu manželovi a tvrdí, že Kristus je jej manžel a patrí denominácii. Taký nezmysel! Vy patríte Kristovi!
167Ale v poslušnosti táto malá žena viery, ktorá žije vierou, Nevesta, tá osoba tu, tam, tu, tam niekde inde, v nejakom inom zbore, nejakej inej denominácii, čokoľvek to je, a nejakej ...?... veria Božiemu Slovu, sú poslušní, čakajú v láske na zasľúbenie tohoto veku aby sa potvrdilo. Ona na to očakáva. Ona je časťou toho Slova a pozoruje svoj život, aby manifestoval to Slovo. Bratia, či to môžete vidieť? Dúfam, že to neprechádza ponad vás. To Telo očakáva, ktorým je Slovo, očakáva na život, ktorým je Duch, aby to potvrdil alebo To oživil. To je to, na čo ona očakáva. Žiadny iný život v nej nebude fungovať. Ona nijako inak nemôže prísť do života, hoci to ona tam cíti a vie, že to sa stane; potom tu sa to deje, ona sa potom prebúdza. Boh povedal, „Nech sa stane,“ a Ona vychádza ako vyšla tá prvá.
168Deti neposlušnosti, neposlušnosť znamená vzbura. Vyhľadal som to v slovníku aby som si bol istý. Vzbura, búriť sa proti čomu? Proti zjavenému Božiemu Slovu. Ako Kain sa vzbúril proti Ábelovmu zjavenému zjaveniu, ktoré Boh potvrdil, že to je spravodlivosť. A Kain sa proti tomu vzbúril a zabil svojho brata. Farizeji so svojím vlastným denominačným poznaním toho, čím je Božie Slovo vybrali výberového človeka, vzbúrili sa proti potvrdenému Božiemu Slovu, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo na ten deň, proti Ježišovi Kristovi a zabili Ho. Je to tak? To je to, čím sú deti neposlušnosti, vzbura proti Božiemu Slovu. No, vidíte kde sú? „Ó, dni zázrakov skončili. Ježiš nie je ten istý ... Nieto niečo také, ako krst Duchom Svätým. To všetko je nezmysel.“ Vidíte? Vzbura. Nemusia povedať dve veci, majú do povedania len jedno. To je všetko; to je vzbura rovno tam. Oni nemôžu povedať, „Ty nemáš oči; ty nemáš uši.“ Musíte zobrať celé telo, celé Slovo. Rozumiete?
Duch Svätý volá vyjdite z nej, „Nemajte účasť na jej denominačnej dogme,“ ako sa ona smeje a vysmieva zo Slova Božieho na tento deň. Pretože z Boha sa nebude nikto vysmievať. Len pamätajte, ona to dostane. Netrápte sa. Ona to dostane. Biblia hovorí v Efežanom 4:30, ak si to chcete zapísať, Efežanom 4:30 hovorí: „Z Boha sa nebude nikto vysmievať, Čokoľvek bude človek siať, to bude aj žať.“ Oni sa nemôžu vysmievať a robiť si žarty a hovoriť tieto veci a prejsť s tým. Ako chlieb na vode, to sa vráti.
169Ona je diablova nevesta omotaná v jeho náboženstve, hriešne milujúca poznanie pre tento prítomný zlý vek aby vás zviedla. Ó, celá klika alebo denominácia zvodiacich duchov skrze vedecké poznanie a modernú civilizáciu tvrdí ... (Za niekoľko minút končíme. Budem musieť prestať, nemôžem to všetko prebrať. Vidíte?) - tvrdí, že vám buduje väčší svet aby ste v ňom žili. Ona to tvrdí vo svojej civilizácii, stavia krásne kostoly, univerzity, školy, nemocnice, knihovne a dočasnú pomoc pre ľudí - bez Božieho Slova. Ona to urobila. Ona dokázala, že to môže urobiť. A ľudia na to naleteli. Tak veru! Školy, denominácie, kultúra, lepšie sa obliekajú, jedia lepšie jedlá ... Radšej by som stál v rade na chleba a bol v poriadku s Bohom, než ako mať tri krát za deň pečené kurence a patril takejto prostitútky.
170Pamätajte, tá hodina je na blízku keď príde to znamenie. Budete buď v tom alebo pomimo toho. A to príde ako zlodej v noci. To vás zastihne rovno tam a budete tam. Potom sa už z toho nedá dostať; dostali ste to. Vyjdite von! Z neba prišiel anjel a jeho tvár mocne svietila a zakričal na ľudí až sa zem otriasla, „Vyjdite z Babylonu, lebo padol. Nebuďte účastní jej pliag, môj ľude!“ Vyjdite z nej. Vyjdite! Či sme to nečítali pred chvíľou v Slove? Anjel je posol, vidíte, prichádza dole. Všimnite si, Duch Svätý, „Vyjdite z nej aby ste neboli účastní.“
171No, ona stavia všetky tieto veci. Ona postavila veľké kostoly. Postavila fakulty, školy, berie ľudí a vzdeláva ich do lepšej, tak zvanej civilizácie a vzdelali ich pomocou modernej civilizácie, ktorá ich priviedla do smrteľnej priepasti skrze poznanie, preč od Boha a Jeho Slova. Či nevidíte celú tú schému? Vidíte to, cirkev? Tam vonku, ak to vidíte tam, kde ste vo svojom vlastnom zhromaždení povedzte Amen. Potom tí ostatní budú vedieť kde stojíte. Vidíte? Ona to urobila. Ona ... To je boh tejto zeme a ona postavila fakulty, postavila univerzity, postavila nemocnice. Postavila knihovne. Postavila všetky tieto veci na dočasnú pomoc pre človeka, čo je dosť aby ich zviedla aby odišli od Slova. A ku čomu ich doviedla? Celý cirkevný svet je ponorený do smrti, lebo Boh povedal, že On spáli tú smilnicu a jej deti večným ohňom. Vyjdite z toho, ľudia! Nebuďte tam prichytení. Odídite preč od toho, tak rýchlo, ako len môžete! Pomocou svojho vedeckého poznania je schopná toto robiť (všimnite si teraz!) - bez Božieho Slova.
172Boh nás nikdy neustanovil aby sme išli a mali školy. Nikdy. On nám nikdy nepovedal aby sme stavali nemocnice. Oni sú dobré. On nám nikdy nepovedal aby sme stavali knihovne. Nie veru! Nikdy. On povedal, „Kážte evanjelium.“ A evanjelium je manifestovanie, demonštrovanie moci Ducha Svätého. Pavel povedal, „Evanjelium neprišlo ku nám len skrze slovo, ale skrze manifestáciu a demonštráciu Ducha Svätého.“ Pavel povedal, „neprišiel som ku vám s veľkými slovami múdrosti od nejakého doktora alebo s niečím takým, ale som prišiel ku vám v moci a demonštrácii Ducha Svätého aby vaša viera nebola v múdrosti alebo v poznaní človeka tohoto sveta, ale v moci vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista; pretože On žije a je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ Bože pomôž nám veriť tomu istému a Bože potvrď to isté tak, ako to On robil.
173On vás drží aby ste nevideli pravé zjavenie a aby ste nemali vieru v Božie Slovo, ktoré je dnes zjavené a potvrdené. Robí to pomocou svojich škôl, skrze knihovne, literatúru, nemocnice a tak ďalej. Vidíte? On vás drží preč od toho. On teraz vykladá ako vykladal faraónovi, snaží sa vás držať aby ste nevideli čo znamená to potvrdené Slovo jeho zasľúbeného veku vo večernom svetle, potvrdené a dokázané. On sa to snaží skrze svoje poznanie a školy a lepšie vzdelaných ľudí a etiku a tak ďalej, aby vás držal ďalej od toho aby ste to nevideli. Všetkým možným, aby ste sa na to nemohli pozrieť aby ste nevideli, že to je Ježiš Kristus. Ako viete, že je to Ježiš Kristus? On je Slovo a On je Slovo na tento vek. A tento vek hovorí, že toto sa bude diať v tomto veku a tu sa to deje. Vidíte, vidíte? On sa snaží ako len môže aby vám to zabránil uvidieť. On zavesí na to každé nečisté meno, aké len môže. Vidíte? On to bude nazývať „fanatizmom“ a všetkým možným. On nazval Ježiša „Belzebubom.“ A ak domáceho Pána nazývali o čo viac budú nazývať jeho učeníkov? Vidíte?
174Snaží sa vás udržať v tom aby ste neuvideli skutočný význam Slova, nie to čo ... Vidíte? On ho vykladá, hovorí, že ono znamená toto. Boh povedal, „Zasľúbil som, že v posledných dňoch vám pošlem Malachiáša 4.“ To nemusí byť vyložené; On to vyložil. On povedal, „A ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, svet bude v stave Sodomy; a vtedy zjavím Syna človeka presne podľa toho.“ Mali sme všetky možné napodobeniny a všetko z toho ale tiež máme toho pravého. Vidíte? On povedal, že to urobí. On povedal, že povstane antikrist a takmer zvedie vyvolených, keby to bolo možné. Ale povedal, „Nechajte ich tak. Nechajte ich ísť. Ich nerozum vyjde najavo.“ Prečo? Test Slova to potvrdí. Vidíte? Keď prídete do toho Slova, „To bolo takto, to ... Ó, ja neverím v semeno hada; Neverím v toto, to ani v tamto.“ Nebolo ti to zjavené. Rozumieš? Nikdy!
Ó, brat, len sa pozri kde ... Budeme musieť končiť, lebo je 12 hodín.
175Všimnite si, snaží sa vás udržať v tom, aby ste nevideli význam Slova na tento vek večerného svetla, ktoré je vyložené. To je ... Čo to znamená? To je čas exodusu, ktorý je na blízku a Boh prichádza pre ňu, s takou istotou ako je svet. Vidíte?
176No, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať, kým ... Teraz je 12 hodín, päť minút po a dnes večer budeme pokračovať. Vidíte boha tohoto veku? Veríte tomu? Vidíte ako to je, cirkev, vzdelanie, veda? Celý svet patrí do toho (vidíte?) denominácie. Poviete, „Ja som kresťan. Do akej denominácie patríš?“ Keby som patril do nejakej denominácie, neverím, že by som bol kresťan. No, to je veľké slovo, ale je to tak. Prešiel som práve cez to a hovorím, že znalosti a veda a kresťanstvo nemajú spolu vôbec žiadne obecenstvo. Jedno je z diabla a to druhé z Boha. Všetko, čo zapiera Božie Slovo, držte sa preč od toho. Rozumiete?
177Nie veru. Biblia volá kresťanov v týchto posledných dňoch aby vyšli z tej prostitútky, od toho stromu poznania dobrého a zlého. Skutočne ona má dobré. Či môže niekto povedať niečo zlé na nemocnice? Nie! Na knihovne? Nie! Na vzdelanie? Nie! Vidíte, ale oni im to dávajú bez Slova. Vidíte aké je to zvodiace? Dávajú im cirkev aby do nej chodili, uctievanie aby uctievali, boha sediaceho na tróne. Biblia to predpovedala.
178No, ak patríte do jedného z týchto tiel ... Sú len dve telá teraz na zemi, vždy boli a budú, až kým Ježiš nepríde a jedno z nich bude zničené. Teraz patríte do jedného z tých tiel. Do jedeného z nich ste sa pripojili, do toho druhého ste sa narodili. Jedného ste časťou, pretože ste sa do neho narodili; musíte byť jeho časťou. Či by som mohol zaprieť, že mám ruku? Tak isto potom nemôžem zaprieť žiadne Božie Slovo. Ak som časťou Boha, som časťou Williama Branhama, ja som v častiach a každá časť je časťou mňa, a každé Slovo Božie musí pasovať môjmu duchu, musí pasovať mojej duši, musí pasovať môjmu životu. Musí pasovať mojim ideám. Ak sú moje idei nezhodné s Tým, potom Duch Boží neprebýva vo mne. Je to tak. Nemôžem zaprieť z Toho ani jedno slovo.
179Patríte do jedného z týchto tiel. Musí to tak byť, proste to tak musí byť. Buď je to telo Božie, ktoré je skrze Slovo, alebo telo Satana skrze cirkev. A celý svet - musím patriť do nejakej cirkvi; to uctieva nejakého boha. Musíte uctievať buď boha vedomosti, spoliehate na tom, čo počujete skrze poznanie, spoliehate na tomto alebo na tom, či tamtom, alebo spoliehate na Božom Slove skrze vieru, očakávate na Neho aby to potvrdil a učinil to pravdou. Skutočná cirkev Božia je,
Očakávame na príchod radostného dňa Milénia, Keď náš požehnaný Pán príde a vezme preč svoju nevestu, ktorá na neho čaká. Ó, moje srdce je naplnené vytrhnutím, keď pracujem, očakávam a modlím sa lebo náš Pán prichádza znovu na zem. Ó, náš Pán prichádza znovu naspäť na zem.
Satan bude zviazaný tisíc rokov; Nebudeme mať potom žiadne pokušenie, Potom keď Ježiš znovu príde naspäť na zem.
180Ó, ľudia týchto Spojených Štátov, kde ide teraz toto posolstvo, utekajte ako len vládzete od tohoto veku poznania a vedy, v ktorom žijeme. Utekajte do Slova Božieho! Vy, ja, nikto nemôže - nemôže to poznať; nikto to nemôže dokázať, Boh to sám dokazuje. Nikto nemá právo vykladať to; ani ja ani nikto nemá právo. Boh to sám vykladá. On dal zasľúbenie; On povedal, že bude toto robiť v tých posledných dňoch. A v týchto posledných dňoch boh tohoto zlého veku zaslepuje oči ľuďom s intelektuálnym poznaním na zmiešanom strome dobrého a zlého, stále to dáva ľuďom. A tu to prichádza, tá vec prichádza do vyvrcholenia, tá denominácia tam z doby temna a z pred doby temna, všetko vrcholí v supermužovi, v Satanovi, ktorý povedal, „Ja sa vyvýšim nad synov Božích. A oni ma budú počúvať.“ A on sa posadí do chrámu ako boh a synovia Boží na to naletia.
181Aha, syn Boží povie, „Moja žena, to nemá ... Ona je dobrá ...“ Len choď, choď len ďalej. Vidíte? Vy poviete, „No, on povedal synovia Boží.“ Tak veru! Muž, ktokoľvek on je, bol vykonaný na obraz Boží na slávu Božiu a žena je vedľajším produktom pre muža, nie z Boha. Je to tak. Keď synovia Boží videli ľudské dcéry, že sú pekné, brali si z nich za ženy. „A ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ No pozrite sa, ak chcete vidieť, na akom stupni je cirkev, pozorujte na akom stupni sú ženy, (rozumiete?), pretože ona je cirkev. Pozorujte čo ona robí. Rozumiete? A v tomto zlom prostitútskom veku ...
182Pozrite, nebolo opovrženejšie, viac upadnuté, prostitúckejšie mesto na svete ako Nazaret a z tade si Boh vybral pannu. Či z Nazaretu môže byť niečo dobré? A z tohoto zlého veku, kde boh tohoto sveta zaslepil ľuďom oči ich dogmami a denomináciami, práve z tohoto veku, Boh si vyberá ľudí pre svoje meno.
Hoci tu opovrhnutý a pohrdnutý, jedného dňa Pán privedie svojich vyvolených do brány A to je hodno všetkého.
Potom budeme spievať a vykrikovať a tancovať. Baránok vysuší naše slzy. Budeme mať jeden šťastný týždňový návrat domov, prvých desaťtisíc rokov. (Je to tak.) Výborní ľudia pre jeho meno, A oni sú nazvaní jeho nevesta. (Je to tak?) Hoci opovržení a pohrdnutí, jedného dňa Pán privedie svojich vyvolených do brány; (V exoduse.) A to je hodno všetkého.
183Stávam sa už starým mužom; a moje dni začínajú vädnúť; a moje oči začínajú slabnúť; a môj malý plamienok života začína slabšie horieť; Nebojím sa temnosti, lebo chcem toto povedať s Pavlom, „Poznám Ho v moci jeho vzkriesenia“ Bez ohľadu, kde ma pochovajú, ak sa utopím v mori alebo zhorím v peci, alebo ma zožerie lev, On zavolá moje meno a ja poviem. Amen! Modlime sa.
184Ak bude tu alebo niekde v kraji, tam kde ide teraz toto posolstvo cez pripojenie, vo vašich malých zboroch a skupinách a halách a kdekoľvek sedíte, ak je tam niekto, nechajte ma presvedčiť vás, dovoľte, že vás poprosím ako kazateľ evanjelia, dovoľte, že vás poprosím v mene Ježiša Krista, utečte pred hnevom, ktorý ide na tento zlý vek. Neslúžte bohu tohoto zlého veku. Viem, že poviete, „To je dobre, oni sú pekné.“ Presne, zmiešaný strom. Nemôžete miešať poznanie s Božím Slovom. To je Slovo, ktorému sa má veriť skrze vieru, nie poznaním. Vy tomu nerozumiete, vy to prijímate. Hovoríte, že to je pravda a potom tým žijete. To je všetko o čo vás On žiada aby ste robili. Ak je tu v tejto skupine niekto prítomný (nemôže urobiť výzvu ku oltáru aby ste sem prišli, pretože tu nie je miesto), alebo tam vonku, kde ste pripojení cez telefón, ak je tam niekto, kto nepozná Jeho, ne ...
185Ó, ženy, dnes ráno som na vás nakričal, nie ja, ja som len citoval Slovo. Krátke vlasy, nosenie tých malých oblečení, obliekate sa aby ste vyzerali sexy, či si neuvedomujete, že ten duch, ktorý ... Ty môžeš byť čistá, drahá sestra, čo sa týka tvojho tela, ale vo svojej duši či nevidíš čo ťa uchopilo? Či by Boh učinil svoju dcéru aby vyzerala sexy, aby zvádzala jeho vlastného syna do žiadosti po nej, aby sa obaja zodpovedali z cudzoložstva? Či by to On urobil, sestra? Polož si sama tú otázku. Nie, ani na desať milión míľ; neklaď to na Boha.
186Brat, či ti dal Boh ducha tohoto sveta, že až nemôžeš vidieť, že to je zlé? Či zaslepil tvoje oči na etiku cirkvi, denomináciu, vyznanie a tak ďalej, že nemôžeš vidieť, že Boh potvrdzuje svoje Slovo a robí to tak? Či ťa tvoja práca, tvoj šéf, tvoja žena, tvoje deti, tvoj zbor, alebo čokoľvek , či ťa to oddelilo od Božieho Slova, ktoré je jediným zdrojom života? Uteč od toho, môj brat. Milujem ťa božou láskou. Nemám väčší ohľad na žiadnych mojich bratov, ako na vás, vôbec. Ak by som mal, bral by som ohľad na osoby. Nehovorím tieto veci aby som vás nahneval; Ukázal som - hovorím tieto veci, pretože sú v Božom Slove. A ako Boží sluha a s láskou Božou v srdci hovorím vám tieto veci aby ste videli a porozumeli. Možno, že by ste to nevedeli, keby som vám to nepovedal. Či utečiete dnes od toho? No, kdekoľvek ste po celom kraji, skloňme svoje hlavy.
187Drahý Bože, ležia tu predo mnou vreckovky. Ľudia sú chorí, kladiem na ne svoje ruky aby si ich uzdravil. A verím, Pane, že dnes večer bude veľké zhromaždenie, že moc Božia bude tu.
188Veľké znamenia a zázraky, ako sme počuli výsledok z týchto posledných niekoľkých zhromaždení, aké ohromné, vidieť čo sa stalo. Modlím sa drahý Bože, aby si nám dnes večer dal dvojitú porciu. Prosím o to s úprimným srdcom, Pane, pretože to je moja láska ku Tebe a k Tvojmu Slovu a ku týmto ľuďom. Udeľ to, drahý Bože.
189A ak ste niekde na druhej strane krajiny alebo aj tu teraz, ak je niekto chorý alebo na niečo trpí a musí odísť a nebude tu dnes večer, alebo je niekde pomimo v tých zboroch alebo na miestach, kde sa schádzajú, prosím, uzdrav ich. A teraz, Pane, pre to najväčšie zo všetkých uzdravení, keď uzdravíš ich telesné telo z rakoviny, TB, zápalu pľúc, či niečoho iného, oni znovu ochorejú, určite, ak budú dlho žiť, pretože ich telo je stále pod hriechom, pod kliatbou. Ale daj im obdržať to skutočné Božské uzdravenie, uzdravenie duše, ktoré ich činí novým stvorením, spôsobuje prechod zo smrti do života a potom, keď čakajú v tomto starom príbytku na vykúpenie tela, potom čo duša bola vykúpená. Udeľ to, Pane.
190Nech utečú tým denomináciám a vyznaniam. Bože, Tam v tých vyznaniach a denomináciách som stretol niektorých najlepších bratov a Bože, ako to mám povedať aby to uvideli a dalo im to vidieť Slovo? To ma trápi ale znovu viem, že Ty si povedal, „Nikto nemôže prísť, bez ohľadu na to aký je dobrý, aký pokorný, príjemný, ak ho nezavolá Môj Otec. A všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, oni prídu.“ A, Pane, cítim svoju jedinú zodpovednosť aby som hovoril Pravdu a nie, ako to Pavel povedal, že manipulujú Slovom Božím s klamstvom, miešajú ho s denominačnou dogmou, ako strom zmiešanina dobrého a poznania - dobrého a zlého, ale s otvoreným srdcom a s Duchom Svätým. Udeľ to, Bože. Spas každého jedného.
191A teraz, so sklonenými hlavami a so zavrenými očami, nie pre mňa, ja to takto nemôžem povedať, „Pre mňa to nie je rozdiel či to robíte alebo nie,“ pre mňa to je rozdiel. Milujem vás a dúfam, že si nemyslíte, že preto, že som musel tvrdo hovoriť, ako povedal Pavel, „Rád by som bol prítomný a zmenil svoj postoj.“ To nebolo preto, že ich nemal rád; on ich miloval. Nie ako Ježiš ich musel pokarhať a potom za nich zomrel. Rozumiete? „Otče, odpusť im; oni nevedia čo činia.“ Myslieť, že človek ktorý chce byť v poriadku a snaží sa byť v poriadku a vidieť, že diabol ... To je ten, proti ktorému som. To zaslepuje oči týchto ľudí. Tento národ by mal svietiť Božou slávou, vidieť čo sa v ňom stalo v tomto poslednom dni, tento posledný ... Prečo nezasiahli tieto prebudenia tie staré krajiny? Toto tu je západné pobrežie, nemôžete ísť viacej na západ.
192No, tá bariéra hriechu zahrmela dole pod zemou, a ona sa potápa. Rôzne miesta a Los Angeles a Hollywood sa potápajú tak veľa cólov za hodinu, nie je možnosť zastaviť to. Áno, sme tu! Takmer v ktorejkoľvek chvíli budeme počuť zavolania. Ak to viete ... No, nikto sa nedívajte, ale ak viete zo svojho srdca ... Žiadam vás, ja nemôžem poznať vaše srdce, len ak to Boh zjavi. Ale zo svojho srdca, ak to môžete vidieť, že nie ste tam, kde by ste mali byť s Bohom a Jeho Slovom vo viere, zodvihli by ste ruku ku Nemu, povedzte, Jemu, „Pane, Ty mi pomôž.“ Ó, Bože, v tomto zbore, ktorý je napchaný, plný, ľudia stoja okolo stien a vonku, zodvihlo sa doslovne stovky rúk, možno dvesto. Ďakujem vám za úprimnosť.
193Drahý Ježišu, nedaj ani jednému z nich aby sa stratil. Ako tvoj sluha, ktorý stojí medzi živými a mŕtvymi, ukazujem im prstom na Slovo Božie, ja ich nemôžem spasiť, Pane, ale oni chcú byť spasení. A Otče, ako som veľakrát povedal, slnko svieti ráno a ako prechádza po zemi, Boh ho posiela aby dalo dozrievať zrnu, aby bol z toho prirodzený pokrm pre prirodzený život. Ale, Ó Bože, Ty si povedal, „Tým ktorí sa boja Jeho Mena vyjde Slnko spravodlivosti s uzdravením na jeho krídlach.“ Nech to Slnko spravodlivosti, Slovo Božie, povstane v srdciach tých ľudí a uzdravujúce lúče viery v to Slovo vyliečia každú neposlušnosť voči Slovu a priveď ich do plnosti synov a dcér Božích. Oni sú Tvoji, Pane. V mene Ježiša Krista, oboji, tu aj vonku, predstavujem ich , ktorí zodvihli ruky, tebe na spasenie ich duší. Amen!
Tam moja vytrhnutá duša nájde ...
(Kde? Pri tomto oltári.)
Odpočinutie (Vierou hľadím tam kde idem.)
Blízko tvojho kríža, (Tam visí Slovo.) ... kríža,
Stále moja sláva;
Až moja vytrhnutá duša nájde odpočinutie za riekou.
Ježišu, drž ma (To je byť ukrižovaný spolu s Ním. Nechcem nič zo sveta; drž ma ukrižovaného!)
Tam je ten vzácny zdroj;
Je zadarmo pre všetkých - prameň uzdravenia,
Vyteká z Golgotského zdroju.
V kríži, v kríži,
Tam je stále moja sláva (Zodvihnime ruky.)
Až moja vytrhnutá duša nájde odpočinutie za riekou.
194Načiahnime sa a podajme si ruky a povedzme, „Nech ťa Boh žehná, kresťan.“ Cítite Jeho prítomnosť? Tam vonku, kde počúvate pri telefónoch, podajte si ruky a povedzte, „Nech ťa Boh žehná, kresťan.“
195Viete, tu je bazén s vodou. On berie ľudí, ktorí nosia Jeho meno. Ak ste neboli pokrstení vo Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov, je tu bazén, sú tu oblečenia, stoja tu pripravení muži. Ste pozvaní ak ste skutočne prijali Ježiša ako svojho Spasiteľa a veríte, že to je pravda.
196Pamätajte, nikdy nebola v Biblii osoba, ani nikdy pred zorganizovaním Katolíckej cirkvi, ktorá by bola pokrstená nejako inak, než ako vo meno Ježiša Krista. Nenájdeme žiadne miesto v Písme ani v histórii, že by niekto bol niekedy pokrstený do cirkvi živého Boha v mene titulov Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého. To je Katolícka dogma a nie Biblické učenie.
197Keď som sa rozprával s jedným kňazom opýtal som sa ho to. On povedal, „To je pravda, ale my sme cirkev. My môžeme zmeniť, čo chceme. Vážnosť je v cirkvi. Boh je vo svojej cirkvi.“
198Povedal som, „Boh je vo svojom Slove. A ak je cirkev ...“ Povedal som, „Boh je Slovo. A ak je cirkev nezhodná so Slovom, potom neverím cirkvi.“ Nechám každé ľudské slovo byť klamstvom, či je to kňaz, pápež, čokoľvek on môže byť, a Božie Slovo byť pravdou. A Pavel spravil aby každý človek, bez ohľadu ako bol pokrstený, ak nebol pokrstený vo meno Ježiša Krista aby prišiel a znovu bol pokrstený.
199A potom, keď niektorí už prijali Ducha Svätého, Peter povedal, „Či môžeme zabrániť vode, keď vidíme, že títo prijali Ducha Svätého (Skutky 10:49) - keď vidíme, že títo prijali Ducha Svätého, ako aj my...“ A rozkázal im, „Prv ako opustíte toto miesto, hoci ste prijali Ducha Svätého, poďte a budete pokrstení vo meno Ježiša Krista,“ lebo Petrovi bol daný kľúč do kráľovstva ... Povediac, „Čokoľvek zviažeš na zemi, ja zviažem v nebi.“ A čo robí kľúč? On odomyká niečo, tajomstvo.
200A keď Ježiš povedal, „Choďte a krstite ich vo meno Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého,“ postavil to tam aby oslepil neveriaceho ... Pozorujte to! Prečo to Peter nevyniesol slovo za slovom? On musel. Ak je človek pokrstený v tituly Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého, on vôbec nie je pokrstený; on nemá žiadne meno. Otec nie je meno; Syn nie je meno, a Duch Svätý nie je meno. Duch Svätý, to je to čo to je, ako ja som človek. To je Duch Svätý. Otec je titul; Ja som otec. Syn je titul; ja som syn. Človek je titul; to je to, čo som. Ale moje meno je William Branham. Vo meno Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého je meno Ježiša Krista, „Prišiel som v mene svojho otca.“ Čo je meno otca? Každý syn prichádza v mene svojho otca a meno Otca je Ježiš Kristus. Rozumiete? Rozumiete čo chcem povedať?
201Keby som vám povedal aby ste išli a doniesli niečo z pokladni v mene starostu mesta, koľkí viete kto je starostom mesta? Môj dobrý priateľ Rich Vissing. No, nepôjdete tam a nepoviete v mene starostu mesta. Poviete, „V mene Richarda Vissinga.“ Vy ľudia v Jeffersonville viete kto to je. Preto On povedal Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý. V Ňom prebýva Božstvo, plnosť Božstva telesne. On povedal, „Pokrstite ich vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého.“
202Peter, ktorý tam stál so zjavením, na ktorom On postavil svoju cirkev, že kto On je, on povedal, „Čiňte pokánie a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista.“ A nikdy ... Tie kľúče sa otočili v nebi a na zemi. Nieto iného mena pod nebom daného medzi ľuďmi, v ktorom by ste boli spasení.“
203Prečo krstíte vo meno Ježiša Krista? Na odpustenie hriechov. Komukoľvek hriechy odpustíte, tým budú odpustené. Vidíte? Ale ak myslíte, že ten nie je hodný a nehodí sa aby bol pokrstený, nerobte to. Lebo keď to robíte, to to robí. Vidíte? Rozumiete čo chcem povedať?
Môžem počuť ako môj spasiteľ (Slovo) volá (Volá dole do hrobu.) Môžem (Či nezomrieš so mnou, aby si mohol so mnou povstať?“) Spasiteľ volá. Môžem počuť ako môj spasiteľ volá, (Čo Slovo povie?) Vezmi kríž a nasleduj ma.
(No ak ste neboli ...) Keď On (On je Slovo!) (Je tu pripravený bazén.) Tam kde ma vedie tam Ho budem nasledovať. Tam kde ma vedie tam Ho budem nasledovať., Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním celou cestou.
Skloňme hlavy.
204Drahý Bože, bazén je pripravený. Hovor teraz do sŕdc Pane. Nech počujú Krista, Slovo, ktoré ich volá a oni pôjdu s Ním celou cestou. „Pôjdem s Ním cez záhradu. Pôjdem s Ním do bazénu. Vezmem na seba jeho meno. Chcem byť jedným z tých ľudí, ktorých On volá pre svoje meno. Budem veriť jeho Slovu. Budem Ho nasledovať. Nikdy nebudem flirtovať so svetom. Budem vernou vydanou Nevestou. Nevynechám ani jednu jotu z jeho Slova. Každú prosbu, budem skutočnou vernou Nevestou. Všetko o čo ma žiada aby som robil, to budem robiť. Keď môj nadchádzajúci manžel chce aby som si nechala rásť vlasy, urobím to. Keď chce aby som odložila tento make up, urobím to. Ak On chce - On mi hovorí, že to je zlý duch, ten zlý, s ktorým flirtujem, keď nosím toto sexy oblečenie. Poslúchnem Ho; dám preč také oblečenie. Nestarám sa o to, čo ktokoľvek hovorí, dám to preč. Keď On chce aby som odišla z tej skupiny ľudí, z pomedzi neveriacich, urobím to. Hoci robím svoj chlieb alebo čokoľvek, On mi zasľúbil, že ma nezanechá ani neopustí, urobím to. Pôjdem s Ním celou cestou. Keď chce aby som sa dal pokrstiť v jeho meno, urobím to. A Pane, Ty si to zasľúbil v svojom Slove, to je to čo Ty chceš. Nech to každý môže vidieť, Pane, a milo, pokorne sa skloniť pred tým v Ježišovom mene prosím. Amen.
205Patríte Bohu. Nech Boh vezme tých niekoľko rozhádzaných slov a spraví ich pre vás skutočné, to je moja úprimná prosba. Bazén bude pripravený. Každý kto chce prísť, oni majú - kazateľ to ohlási trochu neskoršie. Každý kto učinil pokánie a chce sa dať pokrstiť, použitím mena Ježiša Krista, príď rovno sem. Všetko je pripravené. Všetko je pripravené. Všetko čo my môžeme urobiť aby sme vám pomohli žiť pre Boha, sme tu aby sme to urobili. Nech vás Boh žehná.
206A teraz povstaňme. A teraz zaspievame našu krátku pieseň, Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho, pretože On prv miloval mňa. Zaspievajme to, teraz všetci.
Milujem Ho, (Zodvihnime ruky keď spievame.) Milujem ho, Pretože On prv miloval mňa a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote.
A teraz so svojimi sklonenými hlavami aj srdcami, hmkajme mu to. [Brat Branham začína hmkať a modliť sa – pozn.prekl.]
Milujem Ho ...
Ó, Bože náš Otče, buď milostivý nám biednym stvoreniam, Pane. Zmocni nás do práce, ktorá leží pred nami. Pomôž mi, ó, Bože, pomôž mi! Cítim, že niečo leží rovno tu, Otče. Pomôž mi, ó Bože poznať pravdu. Požehnaj týchto ľudí, drahý Bože. Veď ich, prosím v mene Ježiša.
207A teraz, kým máme sklonené hlavy, poprosím tu pastora, brata Nevilleho, nášho drahého brata aby sem teraz prišiel a povedal čo bude ohľadne krstu neskoršie. Oznámil som to, myslím, že bazén je otvorený.
1 [Brother Orman Neville says, "This report, after the joint meeting of the deacon and the trustee board of the tabernacle of Friday night, we are reading these resolutions which will pertain to every man, every woman, that as an endorsed follower of this ministry, would like to know the mind of the board, the pastor and the associate pastor. I read these resolutions this morning. Everyone give as earnest heed and attention to it as you can."
Brother Neville reads the following resolutions:
"These resolutions were made and passed by the board of trustees, and deacons in full agreement with the pastor and the assistant pastor."
"All tapes of Rev. William Branham's sermons are to be made by Fred Sothmann only, until further notified by the board. We do not at this time recognize any free tape ministry. These tapes are franchised, and cannot be reproduced by any other person than Fred Sothmann without his written permission."
"Number two. No person holding meetings, selling books or tapes, writing tracts, giving out prayer cloths or cards of any kind, or soliciting any gifts, are not recognized by this church or its pastor. They are doing this under false pretense, and have not been given the authority to do so."
"Three. This church does not send out any ministers other than its pastor, Rev. William Branham, to hold services elsewhere."
"The reasons for these resolutions are as follows:"
"It has been brought to our attention that ministers are crossing the country entering into other fellowships, saying they are associated with, and are sent out by this church to hold these meetings."
"It has also been brought to our attention that people are printing cards and tracts, sending out prayer cloths and so forth, as though they were authorized to do so by this church and its pastor, which is not true. It will be appreciated if you will notify the church of any person found doing this."
"These resolutions have been read and approved by the pastor Rev. William Branham, associate pastor Rev. Orman Neville, and the trustee and deacon board."--Ed.]
[Brother Neville then says, "May the Lord bless you." In the evening service, 65--0801E, Brother Branham tells how the church board made these decisions.]
1a Things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only...
Let us bow our head.
Dear Heavenly Father, we are grateful this morning that we can believe. It's been made possible by the shed Blood of Thy Son, Jesus, that we would be partakers of His grace; and become sons and daughters of God, through His obedience to death at the cross, be justified by believing on Him and His resurrection, and now the Holy Spirit's shed abroad in our hearts.
2We are grateful for this opportunity to come here this morning to share our thoughts and our adorations, expressions by songs, testimonies, reading of Psalms, reading of Thy Word, and waiting solemnly upon the Holy Spirit to deliver to us the Message appointed for this hour. Grant it, Lord. May we profit by being here today. And when we leave the building, may we say like those coming from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He spoke to us this morning?" Grant these things, Eternal God, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Be seated.
3Good morning, friends, here, out here in the tabernacle and to our friends out across the nation, all the way from the West Coast, again this morning, to the East Coast, and north and south, on the telephone hookups.
4It's a nice day here in Indiana, a little, slightly cloudy, cool, very fine. Tabernacle is packed, out into the yards and around the walls. We're under great expectations for the Lord to visit us today. And we hope that God has give you a fine day wherever you are. And it is a good day, for the Lord has given it. No matter what the weather is, it's a good day. We're happy to be here, happy yet that we have the opportunity to express to the world our faith in Jesus Christ. And we want to take every opportunity we can to give our expressions of His love and what He's done for us. Today we are...
5 I was given, a few moments ago, a--an announcement to make, and then I've got a few things here I'd like to say. And one of them, the announcement was given me concerning a board meeting the other night. And there's been one deacon from the church that's took up resident in Arizona, which is Brother Collins, our noble brother. And while he's away, they, the board, has appointed Brother Charlie Cox to take his place while he's gone. And Brother Charlie Cox is officially appointed by the trustee... or the deacon board of this church, to take the office of Brother Collins, in his absence.
6 And a thing I want to say, again, I want to thank all you people, 'cause some of you may go home before the healing service tonight, for the nice little gifts, tokens. Much food has been brought to us since we been here. And from my wife and I, and my family, we certainly appreciate it. Sometimes I forget to even say anything about it. It's so busy, you know. My mind is in such a whirl all the time. You can imagine what it is, of people, not only from right here at this church, but from around the world. See? And it sort of keeps me in a whirl all the time.
7Someone was saying about the dedication of the babies, and baptismal services, and so forth. That's very fine. Wish I could do it, but it's just so twisting, I--I hardly have time. I got to keep my mind right on this, this Message. You know the Bible said to the apostles, or... The apostles, rather, in the Bible, said, "Go, look yourself out, among you, men of good report, and honest and filled with the Holy Ghost, that they might attend to the affairs." And I told Billy...
He said, "You going to dedicate the baby this time, daddy?"
I said, "Oh, my!" See? If... We got many of them waiting to be dedicated, and that's right, I'll just have to come back and take a special day for dedication of babies. So I'd like to do that, now.
8 But we want to thank each one of you from our hearts; wife, I, and our family. The people bring us canned goods, fresh butterbeans, watermelons, cantaloupes, oh, strawberries. Just anything could be thought of, they bring it.
9A precious brother and his sister, the other day, brought us a great big turkey. I'm still eating on it. And so just... Oh, and I'll have to clean it up before I leave, I guess. So if I don't, she'll take it right with us. And so--so we'll... We are certainly appreciative of these things. I know many of the people; some of them I don't know. They'll be laying on the porch when we come in. And so I certainly appreciate it.
And many I know. I've got... I've seen many, and there's many that I don't get to see. I--I'm sure that everybody understands that I--I'd like to get to every one if I could, but I'm only one. See? To... I can't get to everyone. I'm doing everything I know how to do it.
10 So, God be with you. I'm sure that there's One that will be with you; that's Jesus Christ, and He can be. He's the only Person that's omnipresent. And He's also omnipotent, so He can supply every need. And, omniscient, also, knows your needs, of what you have need of.
11I command everyone that I will not... I've been getting just as fast as I could, even since I been here this morning, and I'll get everyone that I can. And if... What I miss, the omnipotent God will--will supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory.
12[Brother Branham pauses, then speaks to Brother Neville--Ed.] I can't read that too well. Will you read it?
It's a special announcement of some sort. And I think Billy Paul must have wrote it. So he's like me; I can't even read my own writing. And so I have a shorthand all of my own. And if you'd see some of my texts here, wrote on here, you think you'd ever understand that? [Brother Branham shows his written text to the congregation, and he laughs with them--Ed.] I have like a star, crossing a bridge, and so forth, just all...
[Brother Neville reads an announcement--Ed.]
Brother Adair, Adair of Arkansas, to see Rev. Pearry Green at the back of the church immediately. All right.
13 Now, so another thing that I would--would like to announce here is--is that, this tonight now for the healing services. We're going to pray for the sick tonight, and so I--I trust that you'll be here.
14And we send the greetings to all the people out across the land, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, that God will bless you this morning. Some of you are up towards noon. Up in New York, it is about noontime. And out in Arizona, the West Coast, it's only about seven o'clock. So there's... And here we're right in between. So God bless you as you listen. Now this may be...
I've took it upon my heart, while being here...
15 And was not allowed to have the auditoriums, and finally they kind of give us permission; we could have one service, but we should not pray for any sick. I--I don't... That's my ministry. I have to do what the Holy Spirit tells me to do. So I--I refused it, because that I want to be at liberty to do whatever the Holy Spirit says do. See? So I thought we can just suffer one more day, anyhow, in the tabernacle. And it's cool this morning. The Lord has just made a fine day for us here, so we're thankful.
16 Now, in doing this, I have come here for the purpose of teaching the last Vials, last Seven Vials, and the last Seven Trumpets, and the last Seven Thunders, of the Book of Revelation, tying them together in this hour that we're now living; to follow the opening of the Seven Seals, the Seven Church Ages. So, we couldn't get room to do it. So I--I hope that, soon as I can, we'll... can get a place sufficient for that, either here or in Louisville, New Albany, or either put up a tent, so we can just stay as long as the Lord leads us to do.
17But in this now, I took this opportunity to express to the people my belief and faith in God, and then bringing you to the hour that we're living in. And by this, it's not appointed to any certain person, creeds, whatever it might be; it's just as I see God's Word. And last Sunday we had a very fine outpouring of the Spirit upon the Word. It was very lengthy, and I hated to stay that long; but yet we don't know what time that we're going to meet for our last time. And we must, as... want to be. I want to be, rather, as Paul said of old, "I have not shunned to declare to you the whole Counsel of God." Jesus said He kept nothing back from His disciples.
And as I, so busy with trying to stay under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, to find what the--the hour, the Message of the hour is, I sometimes fail to get out and do my duties as a servant of Christ, as a minister. But I've got several men who try to help me to do this, to which I'm thankful for, all my minister brothers.
18 Now, I don't mean to try to keep people. If you, out into the land where the Message is going, could stand and look around this church this morning, in the aisles, the nurseries, outside, radios on, in buses, trailers, and so forth, and automobiles, you would see what the problem is. And then each service, many, many driving by; and calling, and so forth, they couldn't get in or around. And we need more room so the people can set and be comfortable.
And then to bring down to a--a Message that I think is so vital important, I feel that we ought to, every one, be comfortable and seated, and so we can listen; with our pencils and paper, and notes and Bible, and so forth, to take down the--the notes. But this way I thought I would go back on the time that we have, we're living in, and try to bring some of these things that you're going to meet. And you're going to need them.
19 If I come here today, or any other day, or any other minister, to try to bring a message to a people, a dying people as we are, and the time so close at hand, as I believe for this day; I'd be a hypocrite to try to bring something that I know that you would be pleased with and it'd be against God's Word, or something to draw a crowd, or--or something like that; I--I wouldn't be... I wouldn't be what I--I'm here to be, a minister of Christ. I want to bring something that I think is a vital use to you, not just to be seen; but to think it's something that if I die today, tomorrow it'll be anchored in your heart to go on and serve God.
20 Now I want to say that there is something just getting ready to happen. I know it. Many of you here remember when Brother Junior Jackson come to me a little bit before going towards Arizona, of a dream he had. Strange thing! How many remembers that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And the Lord gave us the interpretation, and it happened to the letter. Now, he's just had another dream, something.
21And the strange thing, a man was here the other day, from Oregon. Doesn't hardly know me, and was... dreamed the same dream about, that Junior Jackson dreamed, and--and come told me. I--I don't know the interpretation; I'm waiting for the Lord. But I know it's going to be something from God. Just remember that. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. It's something coming forth from God. I don't know what it is. Really striking, very striking! Frankly, according to the--the dreams that both men... One of them I'd... he might be a Baptist, Presbyterian. He--he might be setting here this morning. I don't know. He was here the other day. I don't know the man.
22But he told the dream, with tears in his eyes. And it shook him. He come all the way from Oregon here, to express it. Brother Jackson come in like manner, this morning. One man not knowing the other; one, thousands of miles from the other, and both dreams just exactly on the same thing. So the Holy Spirit is withholding the interpretation thereof from me. I don't know what to tell the man. But I know God is fixing to do something, and it'll be glorious in our eyes.
23 Now, the Message this morning, I want to read from the Book of Galatians. I don't preach or just... It's a Sunday school lesson. And now, you men and women that's standing along the walls, and somebody wants to swap and let you set down a while, or something, now, you won't bother me; just be reverently. And if the mothers, their little ones cry or something, someone will step out of the nursery so they can have room for the little one.
24And now you get your pencil, Bible, and ready for to take down some of the Scriptures that we will read. I don't want you to feel bound down. I want you to feel--I want you to feel at liberty to set and study. And you might disagree, which is all right. But I'm only speaking this across the nation this morning, so that the peoples that has believed the Message that the Lord Jesus has given me for this hour, might know what's taking place, and placing it in the Scripture.
25 Last Sunday we spoke on The Anointed Ones In The Last Day. And if you, any of you, are tape listeners, be sure to get that tape. Not that we want to sell tapes; that isn't the idea. It's the idea of getting the Message out. See? See? If you've got a tape machine, get a group of people together, and play it, and listen close. "The anointed ones."
26You hear people raise up and say, "Oh, the Bible said, 'The last days, false prophets would rise and do these signs.'" That's exactly the Scripture. Then where does that apply? It's got to be applied right.
Tonight I want to speak on, if the Lord is willing, of: God Revealed In His Own Word, how that the eye cannot be applied where the ear ought to be. See? Just like printing the whole Bible, and, in the whole Bible, pictures Jesus Christ. So I want to speak on that tonight, the Lord willing. And now, if not, some later date.
27 Now in the Book of Galatians. And in the Book of Second Corinthians 4:1 to 6, then Galatians 1:1 to 4, I wish to read some Scripture. Now in Galatians 1:1 to 4, "Paul, an apostle," watch the stopping right quick. Apostle means "one sent," or, "a missionary."
Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but... Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)
And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:
Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ,
Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God... our Father:
To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
28 Now in the Book of Second Corinthians, the 4th chapter, and we're going to read from 1 to 6, verses.
Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;
But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
But if our gospel be hid, it's hid to them that are lost:
If that don't bring in predestination, I don't know what does.
In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
Same as it was at the garden of Eden, "Put them forth, lest they touch that Tree."
For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord;... ourselves your servants for Christ's sake.
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, and give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
29 Amen! So reads the Word! Now, my text this morning, is: The God Of This Evil Age. As we have read in the Scriptures, "the god of this world, this evil age." Now, this Message points out the evils of this evil age, and it is fitting to prophecy for this evil age.
And it's my belief that every... that the Bible has every answer for every age, already written in the Bible, for the believer of that age. I believe that everything that we have need of is written right Here, just needs to be interpreted by the Holy Spirit. I don't believe that any man on earth has a right to put his own interpretation to the Word. God doesn't need anybody to interpret His Word. He is His Own Interpreter. He said He would do it, and He does it.
30As I've said many times. He said, "A virgin shall conceive," He spoke that through the lips of a prophet, and she did. Nobody has to interpret that. In the beginning, He said, "Let there be light," and there was. Nobody has to interpret It. He said, "In the last days, He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh," and He did. Don't need any interpret It. He said, "In the last days, these things" (that we see happening now) "would be here." It don't need any interpreting. It's already interpreted. See?
31 Now, notice closely now as we study the Word. The God Of This Evil Age, that we're now living. May seem strange, a very strange thing, in this age of grace, when, "God is taking a people for His Name's sake," that is His Bride, in this evil age that should be called the age of evil. The very age that "God is calling a people for His Name's sake," by grace, out, and is called an evil age. Now, we'll prove by the Bible that this is the age that He was speaking of. Very strange thing to think that, that in a evil age like this, that God then would be calling His Bride.
32You notice, He said, "a people," not "a church." Why? Yet, It's called the Church, but He would call "a people." Now, a church is a gathering of many people of all different makeups. But God is calling one here... He didn't say, "I'll call the Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal." He said He would call a people. What for? His Name. See, a people; one from the Methodist, one from the Baptist, one from the Lutheran, one from the Catholic. See?
But He is calling, not a church group, but "a people for His Name," that receives His Name, engaged in His Name, going to a wedding to be married to Him, to become part of Him, see, by a predestination. Just as a man that chooses a right wife in life, was ordained to be part of his body. So, that is, the Bride of Christ will be, and is now, from old, ordained by God to be a part of that Body. See? Oh, the Scriptures are so rich, full of honey!
33 Notice, not what someone has said, what someone called; but what God chose before the foundation of the world, and is calling these people in the last days; not an organization. "A people for His Name." And this evil age is when He's doing it, this very age of deception.
34Last week, in Matthew 24, it was the most deceiving age of all ages. All the ages of deceit, from the garden of Eden, all the way down, there's never been an age so deceptive as this age. "False prophets will rise and show signs and wonders, if possible to deceive the very Elected." See? Now, just a cold, formal, starchy churches, and so forth, of man-made theology, that wouldn't; the Elect would never pay no attention to that. But it's up there almost like the real thing. Just leaving out one Word is all you have to do. Promised of the age; very great time! Christians, everywhere, take heed to the hour we're living! Mark down, and read, and listen close.
35 What would God call a people out of this evil age for, His Name? The reason it is, is to try Her, His Bride. It's to... When She is made manifest, been tried, been proven, proved to Satan. Like it was at the beginning, so shall it be at the end.
36As a seed starts in the ground, it comes up through carriers, the life of it, but it ends up the same seed that it was when it went in the ground.
And the same way the seed of deceit fell in the ground, in Eden, is the same way it ends up in the last days.
Just as the Gospel was when it fell to a denomination at Nicaea, Rome, it ends up in a super organization.
Just as the Seed of the Church fell back there, with the signs, wonders, and the living Christ among them, it ends up in the last days under the ministry of Malachi 4, and restores back again the original Faith that was once given.
37 We find now, this evil age is to prove, to Satan, She is not like Eve, that She is not that type of a woman. And She will be tried by His Word, the Bride, as Adam's bride was tried by the Word. And Adam's bride believed every bit of the Word, all, but confused on one promise, that, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever," today, see; but failed on one promise, under the temptation of the enemy, face to face. And now, the people that's called for His Name, of course, is His Bride. She is to come in contact again by the same thing; not by just denominational truth or something, but every Word!
38For, in the beginning of the Bible, man was given the Word of God to live by. One Word, misinterpreted by a--a man called Satan, in a person of an animal called the serpent. Satan, in this person, could talk to Eve, and misinterpreted the Word to her, and was lost. See, It must be every Word.
39 In the middle of the Bible, Jesus come and said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word," when He was tempted by Satan.
Now, God telling us here in the last days, that, "The god of this world will rise up in the last days."
"And whosoever shall add one word to It, or take one Word from It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life."
God be merciful to us! And let us not walk as stiff shirts, chests stuck out, head up, know it all, for we too one time were in disobedience. Let us with grace, and mercy, and feeling in our heart towards God, humbly come to the Throne of grace.
40Strange now, after some nineteen hundred years of Gospel preaching, and now she, that is the world system, is more evil than in the days when that, when He was here. The world system is more evil. The world is heading to a great climax. You know that. The Lord is fulfilling His Word on every hand.
41 Yesterday, standing... I hope the little fellow don't... He won't. I had come with my wife, and Mrs. Woods, Brother Roy Roberson, somewhere here, Brother Woods, we had stopped in over here at this little Youngstown Shopping Center, to get a--a package that Sister Woods had. And on... while we was standing there, a young fellow walked up and introduced himself, and a stranger to me. Another young man walked up and said they were from either Alabama, Georg-... I believe Georgia, 'cause I asked them if they knowed our Brother Welch Evans. And we talked a few minutes. And when I went to leave, this young man looked at me. As the young other fellow and his little boy walked away, this young man looked at me. He said, "Just one thing I want to say."
I said, "Are--are you a believer? Are you a Christian?"
Said, "No, sir." He said, "I've..."
42 I might not quote just the word he said here, but he might have been a little skeptic. I had asked him about the things of the Angel of the Lord appearing. And he said he had heard about it, but he never been to church before, this church. I said, "Do you believe It?"
Said, "Yes, sir." He said, "I--I been watching something." Said, "People has been telling me about these predictions and things, and I heard on a tape that you predicted how California would crack away like that." And said, "When I saw that in the paper, then I believed it." He said, "I'm coming today or tomorrow," that's today, "for my first time."
I said, "The Lord bless you, son," and started to shake his hand.
He said, "But I want to say something to you, sir." He said, "I'm as lost as lost can be." He said, "I'm like a coin in a sandpile, lost!"
43I said, "But you don't have to stay that way. There is Someone standing present now Who can find you the minute that you're ready to be found."
He said, "I'm ready."
I said, "Would you bow your head?"
He said, "I'm not ashamed."
Not only that, but he got down on his knees, there in that parking lot, before all the peoples. People on the street watching him. There we prayed with him, till he gave God his heart. He come up, a sinner; went back, a child of God. He walked up the side of the car, dead; and went back, alive.
44I said, "The pool will be open tomorrow."
There is a fountain filled with Blood,
Drawn from Immanuel's veins,
Where sinners plunged beneath the flood,
Lose all their guilty stain.
I said, "Rise and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, calling upon the Name of the Lord. God will fill you with the Holy Spirit, and give to you these great things, and make you so you can see It."
45 What is it? The world is heading to a climax. Why? The spirit of lawlessness, moral decay, scientific religion, has led it to "the cage of every hateful and unclean birds," as the Bible said. Let's read it, Revelation 18. Just while we're getting this point started, we get Revelation 18:1 to 5. I think I've got that marked right.
And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, (now you people that had the dreams)... saying, Babylon the great is falling, is falling, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit,... a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
For all nations have drank of the wine of the wrath of her (church) fornications, and the kings of the earth have committed fornications with her, and the merchants of the earth has waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins,... that you receive not of her plagues.
For her sin has reached unto heaven, and God remembers her iniquity.
46 What a warning! That throws the church exactly back to Revelations 3:14, to the Laodicean age, lawlessness; real religious, but lawlessness. "Thou, because thou sayest that, 'We are rich, have need of nothing,' knowest thou not that thou art naked, miserable, blind, and knows it not." Perfectly with the Scripture of this age, not for the Scripture of the age of Daniel, not for the ones in the name of... the age of Noah, but in this last, evil age.
47Notice here, "Thou art naked." Let that soak real deep. I know I may have much disagreement on this thought, but it's got to a place that a Christian can hardly walk out of his house and not be brought in the presence of this evil age, by unsufficient dressed women.
48 Women, I'm going to say this, and I want you to listen. And, men and women, you might disagree with this, but I feel led to say it. Did you know, any woman that undresses herself like that is not in her right mind? Do you know, she is, whether she believes it or not, or thinks not, she is a prostitute? Though the woman might stand with her hand before God and swear that she's never been touched by any other man but her husband, and that might be the honest truth, but still she is a prostitute. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already." And the woman may be...
49See, she is "naked," the Bible said, "and don't know it." The spirit that's anointing her to do such things is a evil, prostitute spirit. Her outward being, her physical body, her flesh, she might be clean. She might not commit any adultery, and could swear to God and be the truth, that she never, but her spirit is a prostitute spirit. She has been so blinded by the god of this world of fashion; she dressed herself sexy and got out there.
50 The other day, Brother Woods and I were putting our boat in the river. I was to get away from the house for a few minutes, to go up on the river. And wherever you went, women with these little bunches of... called 'kinis or something, around them. That is a disgrace. A woman can't be in her right mind and put on anything like that. She is possessed with a prostitute spirit. Now, you settle that with God, lady, 'cause you'll find out someday that that is the Truth.
51How could you, a lady, knowing how sacred your body is, and expose it out there to these lustful, sinful devils that walk the street of this day? If sons of God was all still sons of God, your husband was a son of God, he would either make you put on clothes or leave you. If a boy was a son of God, he would never marry such a thing. See?
You say, "You're mak-..." No.
I'm telling you the Truth, and someday you'll meet It. "Naked, adulteress; don't know it."
52"Oh, I swear that I never trespassed the vows of my husband." Your husband will judge you for it if you did. But God will judge you by what kind of a spirit you got in you; not judge you by your body, but by your spirit, that inner man.
53 The outside man is a physical being which is controlled by six senses... or five senses, rather. The inside man is a spirit man which is controlled by five senses; conscience, and love, and so forth. The outside man; see, taste, feel, smell, hear.
But the inside of that spirit is a soul, and it's controlled by one thing, your free will. You can accept what the devil says or accept what God says. And that'll determine what spirit is in there. If it's the Spirit of God, It'll feed on the things of God, and It won't feed on anything of the world. Jesus said, "If you love the world or the things of the world, it's because the love of God has not even entered this inner part." Satan has deceived you. "And man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
Notice now, we find that she is "naked," lewd and nude.
54 And the world seems to be in the most evil age that ever was. Never in any age did women ever act like that, never but just before the destruction of the antediluvian world. And Jesus referred to it. We'll get to that after a while.
55Has God lost control, or is He just permitting another agency to control? I wonder. The true answer to this question is, to my opinion, there is two opposing spirits in the world today, at work. Now, there can't be no more than two, two heads. And One of them is the Holy Spirit at work; the other one is the spirit of the devil, and, in this last days, in deception.
Now I'm going to base my thoughts right on here for the rest of the text, the rest of the... our Message.
56 The two spirits. One of them, God's Holy Spirit; the other one, the devil's spirit, working in deception. The people of the earth are now making their choice.
The Holy Spirit is here calling out a Bride for Christ. He is doing it by vindicating His Word of promise to Her, for this age, showing that It is Christ.
If the finger is supposed to move in this age, the finger will move. If the foot is supposed to move in this age, the foot will move. If the eye is to see in this age, the eye will see. See?
The Spirit of God, as It's growed into the full stature of God, is the age that we're now living in. The Holy Spirit is here vindicating the Message of the hour. And the Holy Spirit is doing this, so that the people that believe God will be called out of this chaos.
The Devil's unholy spirit is here calling his church by the error, as usual, by perversion of the Word of God, like he did at the beginning. See it coming right back to that seed time again, from Eden? Here it is again.
57 Now, back through there, you belong-... other ages, you belonged to denominations, you belonged to this, that, or the other. What happened to the denominational stalk? It dries up. The Spirit keeps leaving and going on, and It heads up in a Seed. You see?
58And the temptation, of both, heads back the same way it was at the beginning. Notice. Don't--don't, no, don't forget it now.
As John, First John 4:5 and 6, if you want to put that down, he puts it, "the spirit of error."
Eve never just simply walked out, willfully, say, "I don't believe in God." No. It was an error she believed.
59Satan never come out and said, "Oh, well, that's not even the Word of God." He admitted It was the Word of God, but he put his own interpretation to It. Which, God plainly told them not to do it.
What does this do? "It makes a strong delusion, for the people to believe a lie, and be damned by it." Now if you want to read that, Second Thessalonians 2:11.
60As I have about, quite a few Scriptures here, and we won't be able to read them all. One now and then, I'll give them to you. As it seems strange, that you question it or something, and we might put it down and read for your--your good.
61 "Making a strong delusion," as the Bible said it would, Second Thessalonians. "Now, this man of sin would come into existence, and set in the temple of God, showing himself he was God, and cause the people to go into strong delusions, to believe a lie; and, believe it, will be damned by it."
That's the same thing he did to Eve. Give her... Never--never told her the Word wasn't right, but give her a strong delusion, that she believed a lie.
62The spirit of delusion is of the devil. "Devils now working in the children of disobedient." Disobedient to what? What's the children of this day disobedient to? Like Eve was, at the beginning, the true Word of God. That's right. Now if you would want to get that...
Let's turn to it, Ephesians 2, just a minute, 'cause it seems good that we... I'll stop just a minute, if you're in no big hurry, and read some of this. Ephesians 2:1 to 2.
And you has he quickened, who were once dead in trespasses and sin:
Wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
63 "Children of disobedience." And if the antichrist, beginning there in the infancy of disobedience, what will it be when it heads up in the person of the antichrist? How deceptive it'll be! How much more powerful of deception could a--an adult give to the world, than an infant child! And he said, "The spirit of--of delusion now working in the children of disobedient," disobedient to the Word. Notice. Now I want to dwell on this just a minute, "the children of disobedient," a child.
64Did you know, you, your beginning, I can prove by God's Word that you, any person in here, was alive in your great-grandfather. And your great-grandfather, you were produced down to your grandfather, then to your father, and then to you. You know that?
The Bible said, I believe it's Hebrews 7, that, Melchisedec, when Abraham returned from the slaughter of the kings, "Abraham paid Melchisedec tithing of all the spoils." And here is Paul saying now, that, "Levi, who received tithes, was yet... He paid tithes, for he was yet in the loins of Abraham when he met Melchisedec." So whatever that Abraham did, then we find that Levi was then in Abraham, which was his great-grandfather. Abraham begot Isaac; Isaac begot Jacob; Jacob begot the patriarchs, Levi.
Now, then, you see, here comes into perfect view, predestination.
65 Now, in these Messages, I want to--to--to emphasize the things that I have told you in the Message, of this evening Light that God said would come upon the earth.
66And notice, then, "The beast that was to come upon the earth, would deceive all whose names were not put in the Lamb's Book of Life, slain before the foundation of the world."
67In God's own thinking; God, the great Spirit. In the beginning, before there was a beginning, He was God, and did you know you were in Him then? If you are a Christian now, you was in Him then.
And then, if that be so, the whole Godhead bodily shaped up in the Person of Jesus Christ. And then when Jesus died at the cross, I died with Him, for I was in Him then; for He was the fullness of the Word, manifested, knowing that we would be manifested later. And we was at Calvary with Him. We went in the grave with Him. And we raised with Him and His resurrection. And now we've ascended, by His Spirit, to the Throne of grace, sitting together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Always!
68 For as the germ of natural life is brought down, germitized from father to father, to father, to father, so is the Life of Christ germatized.
That's the reason God uses Elijah's Spirit five different times. What is it? It's the handing down.
69Just as your natural life and traits is handed down from the natural breeding of your father, so is the Spirit of God, that was predestinated before the foundation of the world.
And when the entire Word of God, in complete, was headed up in a human body called Jesus Christ, in there God made me pay for my sins, in Him there. Then He rose me, raised me up with Him, in the resurrection. And now we are seated with Him, with power and authority over every devil. Oh, if you could only believe what God has given! But if you're not seated there, you don't have it. And if you're seated there, and don't believe it, and afraid to move, you'll never use it. But if you are seated there, you will use it, for you're ordained to do what you do.
70"Pharaoh," on the other side, "was raised up for this purpose," the Bible said, to be Pharaoh. "Judas Iscariot was raised up to be the son of perdition."
Now notice these great Truths that we are approaching.
71 Now we see that the church refused to accept God's Word to rule over them, and accepted Barabbas instead. Now, if you want the Scripture on that, it's Matthew 27:15 to 23. What did this do? What position did this do? Now think of it. When the church world, in its organized life of righteous, holy men, as they thought they were, and were in the eyes of the people, they crucified Jesus, and said, "We'll not have this Man rule over us." And Jesus was the fullness of the Word of God. First John 1, expresses it. And they said, "We'll not have this Word of God to rule over us." Yet, He was the Word, but their eyes were blinded to what He was. For He was the direct answer to every prophecy that was to come to pass in Him.
Now, we all believe that, because we're looking back to see it happen. But if the world would, that is now, this present evil age, that would have been back there at that time, they would do the same thing they're doing today, because it's still the same Word, for this age, being manifested. He'll do it. They can't do nothing else. "They are children of disobedience." "Given a strong delusion, to believe a lie, and be damned by it."
72 Notice when the church world would not accept Jesus, the Word, manifested of that day, because (why?) they had It interpreted another way. But they ought to have knowed that He was that Word, because everything that God said He would do, He did it. And He said to them, "Search the Scriptures for this hour; and if I do not meet the qualification that was spoke for Me to do, then don't believe Me."
They said, "We believe Moses."
73He said, "If you would have believed Moses, you would have believed Me, for Moses spoke of Me." And still they didn't see it. The very God of Heaven dying on the cross, and saying the same words the prophet said He would say, and still they didn't see it. See?
They were not of His kind. They was not the Word, not the Word; and they, yet, they were--were very religious. But they was not the Word, for It--It would a recognized Its place for that hour.
74 Notice how beautiful the Scriptures tie themselves together in every age. Notice now.
And when the church world would not have the Word of God to rule over them, they accepted a murderer, Barabbas. What did this do? It exalted Satan, the god of this evil age, to the place that he's always wanted.
Now listen. For, Satan is not spoke of as a god of any other age but this age. He wasn't spoke of the god of the age of Noah. He wasn't spoke of--of the god of the age of Moses, the god of the age of Elijah. But, this evil age, he is the... Oh, don't miss it! He is the god of this evil age, worshiped by millions and billions of people, and they don't know it. But let's let the Scripture uncover him this morning, and let's see, then you'll know. Let the Scripture...
75As in the meetings of discernment, when the Holy Spirit gets among His Word and He calls out this man and said, "You have no business living with this other woman. What did you do that for, ten years ago, when you run off with that man's wife?" What's He doing? Uncovering him, exposing Satan, that's got the man bound, or the woman living with some other woman's husband, or the sins that they've done, the things that they have done. What does it do? Expose him.
76 The doctors take instruments and try to find what's wrong. They can't do it. We can't tell. But then the Holy Spirit comes out and reveals what he is, and exposes him. See? That's what the Word of God is. It is a Light that shines in darkness.
And when you take a noise in the room, it sounds mysterious; a bunch of something working, and you don't know what it is. Turn on the light, quickly... Crickets, roaches, they're--they are children of the darkness. And when the light flashes, they scatter away.
"They went out from us because they wasn't of us," the Bible said. See? They cannot live in the Light of the world... For, the God of Heaven has sent His Light in this last days, that He might lighten the path for His children, that they might not walk in darkness and stumble, but they might walk in the Light of the shining of Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen!
77 Notice, Satan not called the god of any other age but this age. It was his ambition to be like God, from the very beginning.
Let's read that. We'll just take our time. Let's go back to... See, I got it wrote down, Isaiah 14. Let's go back here to Isaiah 14, just a minute, and see what God said. "The god," what Satan did. Isaiah 14:12 and 14. Notice.
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cast down to the ground, which did weaken the nations!
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God (sons of God, now): and I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
78It was Satan's ambition to be worshiped like God. He took two-thirds, two-thirds of the stars of Heaven. Ascended hisself above those stars, and preached to them, and deceived two-thirds of them. You see it? All right. Notice, that's his ambition.
And now he is ready, with his careful selected, educated bride by his own knowledge, see, all painted up in his deceit, of big buildings and big denominations, and paints of knowledge and theology, and smart and intellectual, and educated, to deceive the whole world, and become a "god." That's what he's done. All heading up into the person of the antichrist, which is already crowned "the vicar of God," by his worldly-loving, scientific bride, all dressed up in pomp of intellectual, religious education. She is made religious like him, and by his own interpretation of the Word of God as he did Eve, and as his son Cain did.
Now you said, "Satan's son?"
79 Show me one place in the Bible that Cain was ever called Adam's son. The Bible said he was "the son of that evil one," serpent's seed. No, the cover has been took off now, brother. The pyramid has been opened, as the revelation showed.
80Notice what he will do, his thoughts. He thought God dwelled in worldly beauty. He did that in Heaven. Sin never begin in the garden of Eden; it begin in Heaven, when Lucifer, the son of the morning, exalted himself in beauty, and wanted a more beautiful kingdom than that of Michael. And he thought that God dwelt in beauty.
81And notice Cain. He didn't want no blood sacrifice. He come down and offered the fruit, or--or the fields of beauty upon his altar. Very religious, done everything, that, just exactly like Abel done; offered a sacrifice, fell down before God in worship, obedient in every way, but without the revelation of the Word.
And the Word was, from the beginning, God's plan. But God revealed, by revelation, the very thing that He vindicated and punctuated that that was right. Not religion, not an altar, not belonging to church, not making a sacrifice, not being sincere; but by the revelation of the Word of God. God revealing to him what that it...
His mother did not take a apple that a snake give her, but she had a sexual affair with the person of Satan, in the form of the beast; not a reptile, but the most smartest, subtlest of all the field, the image of man, the only thing that the seed would mix in. Now science is trying to find him. And they never will find him, because every bone in his body is changed. But the Bible declares it to be so.
82 Notice what this fellow will do now. This fellow, "He will set in the temple of God," that is, the church, "revealing himself to be God." Now if you want to read that, that's Second Thessalonians 2:3 and 4, and Revelation 13:4, 11 and 12; where spoke, both prophets, both John and Paul, of what he would be in the last days. Now you read it, because I've got wrote down here. But I... to save time now.
83The day we are living is called, in the Bible, "the day of man," man's day. This is not God's day. God is not the god of this earth; the Bible says He isn't. He's the God of Heaven. But this is not God's day.
This is choosing day. Either, live for today, and die; choose God, and live. And God is the Word, and the Word is the Word manifested for the hour and the day.
84 Notice, "the day of man." If you want to put that down, I was going to read it. But First Corinthians 5:1-5... First Corinthians 4:1-5, pardon me, First Corinthians 4:1 and 5, was Paul speaking of being judged by man, in man's day.
85"The day, what do you call it the man's day for?" you would say. It's the day that the works by the knowledge of man is glorified.
Look what, all the brag of the communists, somebody trying to get somebody to the moon. God is trying to get somebody to Heaven. See? But look how they're spending millions and billions and trillions of dollars, in a wasted effort. When they get there, they ain't going to find nothing. What's the matter with them?
I don't care about the moon. I want to pass the moon so fast I won't even see it; just keep going higher. I want to pass the Milky White Way, go on, just keep going. Yes!
86 And the world today is dedicating themselves to the knowledge which came by Satan. And man's day is glorified, not by the Word of God, but by the knowledge that he has.
Now think. Let that soak in. And when you play this tape back, on this point here, stop for a while and think.
His works are exalted above God's Word and manifested works; the wisdom of Satan, which he give to Eve at the beginning. Now listen; don't miss this. The wisdom of Satan is exalted to the throne of worship, in man, above the vindicated Word of God for the hour. Our churches proves that by their--their seminaries, schools of learning, that's learnt more than God's Word knows about It, they think. And there, Doctor So-and-so, and Teacher So-and-so, and Professor So-and-so has exalted their own knowledge, so-called (from Satan) truth, above the vindicated promise of God, made clear right before them. And man fall for it. See?
87His scientific achievements, trying to prove God's Word wrong. Just think of that. He, his, that is, the man's theology, explains God's Word to the people, and makes It of no effect again, like he had it in the denominational age when Jesus appeared on the earth. Jesus said, "You hypocrites! You, by your tradition," that's their interpretation, "has took the Word of God and made It of no effect to the people." And that's the same thing they've done today. It doesn't have the effect.
88 Notice, "They," the people, "exalt him above all that's called God." Don't Second Thessalonians say they would do it? And the authority of a denominational church, the people believing that denomination more than they believe God. And God is the Word. They'll believe their denominational creed above the Word, which "exalts him above all that's called God." And there's only one God, and that's the Word.
"All that's called God; so he as God sets in the church of the God, proving that he is God," because he's got the people worshiping him. God is the Word. And he exalts himself above all that's called God. And there's only one God, and that God is the Word. See? "And all that's called God," is, the god of this age has exalted himself above the true, vindicated Word of God. That's Saint John 1. See? "Above all that's called God, so that he as God sets in the temple of God," with authority.
Look, and he is praised for it! Oh, let the people, God, see that deception! He is praised for it, and solemnly believed by the people of this evil age. Now do you see the god and his servants of this evil age?
89 Now let's watch it be manifested. He says he is making a better world for them to live in, by his knowledge apart from the never-failing Word of God. But by his coming together, in denominations, and creeds, and intellectual, and scientific, and so forth, he is making a better world for man to live in, and ignoring the promise of God, that the only time the world will be fit to live in is in the Millennium. You know, my opinion, he's made a better world to sin in instead of live in.
90Notice. Did he do it? He legalized sin. He legalized whiskey drinking, cigarette smoking. And in the churches, legalized that a woman could be a member of the church, with short hair. Now may you stop just a minute.
91 She can wear shorts, wear paints, and still belong to his religious group, which is absolutely contrary to the Word of God. He says it's all right. See his knowledge? "What's that got to do with a woman?" Just the same as taking the forbidden fruit, or not the forbidden fruit, that's what it is. God said not to do it, but he does it.
92And she believes him, and she loves him for it. She hates God. Her own actions prove she does. She says she loves Him, but she loves Satan. She worships the god of fashion, the god of the world, the Hollywood goddesses. She loves him, but she hates the true Word of God, which is the only true God there is.
Legalizes it in the churches. "There's no harm. Our women can do this, that, or the other." But in the Presence of the living God, she's not even permitted to come, 'less she's repenting.
93Sees, he is the god of worldly beauty, he is. She wants to look beautiful. And he is the god of beauty, from the beginning. He can, and has achieved by his knowledge in science and materials, to make beauty for his, this model age... this modern age, rather, of evil. It's made beauty.
94 Notice. It's noteworthy to notice. At the beginning, Seth and his children never went the scientific way.
Now we're going to talk about science for a few minutes. If I say this, not excusing my ignorance; but, a bunch of ignoramuses, anything that'll deny the Word of God. See? Sure.
It's noteworthy. Watch it. Seth's children never went the scientific route. They were humble herdsmen, farmers, and so forth.
But Cain's children did. Why? Inspired by their daddy, the devil. Cain, inspired by his daddy, the devil, and these inspired by that seed coming down.
95Watch the seed of God coming down through every age, and watch where it's heading up today. Christians, genuine Christians, are not all about scientific research and stuff. No. Just a minute, we'll get into that.
But Cain's did, after the nature of their father, the devil, full of worldly knowledge, beauty, and science, so forth. Cain's children was scientific. They were educated. They was the players of music--music instruments; a modern Elvis Presley, some of this stuff like that the school board lets happen up here in the lane every Saturday night. Builders of city, beautifying women for personal lusts, as the devil giving women paint, and bobbing their hair, and put them in the shorts, and things like that. They, it's for his own dirty lusts. That's pretty flat, but I don't know any other way to say it.
96 Now, we know that Satan's gospel is a gospel of science and progress. He preached it in Eden; not God; Satan did, the science of progress. Science and progress is Satan's gospel. Look where he's led us to today, with it. See?
97Notice, he preached it in Eden, to who? To Adam's bride. And she fell for it. He deceived her into questioning one of God's Words. Let's see what he might have said. He must have said, "It is not scientific to die, in this holy church." Or, "You will be schooled and educated, not to believe in such unreasonable things as death. I don't care if God's Word did say it; it's unreasonable."
98 Oh, look at him today. "God is a good God. You're in His holy church; why, you cannot die." But God said you would, and that settles it. See him today? "Oh, just belong to church. It ain't what you do, or this, that, or the other. Just come to church and be a good member. Cutting your hair, that's nonsense. And wearing shorts, and putting on paint, and going to dances, and a little beer once in a while, won't hurt you, as long as you don't indulge in it. Frankly, I wish you children would take it, so that they could learn whether they liked it or not." There he is, the god of this age, this evil age.
99"God is a good God." I've heard that so much till I get sick. God is also a God of justice. He ain't an old dotty grandpa that can be pushed around, and His grandkids don't have any sin. He's a God of justice and holiness. He proved it in the garden of Eden, by His first children. You cross that line, of one of His Words, you're dead. Same thing applies today.
100 And notice, he preached that kind of a scientific, social, educated, progressive gospel to Eve, and Adam's bride believed it. And he has succeeded in filling the so-called bride of Christ, the church of the Second Adam, with the same arguments. That's right.
101"Oh, it's not--it's not for God; God is too good to do it. Why, as long as you go to church. 'If thou believest.'" The devil believes; not make-believes, but he actually believes. He is not saved. "'If thou believest.'" Huh!
102He tells the second bride, or the Second Adam's Bride, the same as he told the first. Such as, "Now, Divine healing, there is no such thing. We can prove that. There's never been a case proved." "And this baptism in Jesus' Name, now don't you realize that I'm the authority of the church?" he says. "We've settled that at Nicaea, Rome," when them three unclean spirits went out of the dragon, the false prophets, and so forth. "We believe there is a trinity of Gods." Oh, for goodness' sakes! That's as heathen as can be. Don't you never come before God with such a thing as that, try to stand in His Presence. "Oh, it don't make any difference if you are baptized in the titles of 'Father, Son, Holy Ghost.' What difference does it make?"
103 It made so much difference, until Paul commanded a bunch of Baptists that they had to be rebaptized in the Name of Jesus Christ before the Holy Ghost would ever come on them. And also caused that apostle to scream out, and said, "If a angel comes from Heaven and preaches anything else, let him be cursed." Sure, it makes a difference. Oh, my!
104"There is no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost in these days. That was only for the apostles. It's passed. And such a thing as prophets? It's not even known of. Miracles? They're unscientific. Malachi 4? That was for another age. John 14:12? Oh, Jesus didn't really mean that. Luke 17:30? Oh, that was just a myth. See, it--it's misinterpreted; it wasn't in the original." Such tommyrot!
When God Almighty comes down in our midst and proves it. When He says, that, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever," He proves that so. I don't care who says not about it; God interprets His Own Word. He said He would do this thing in the last days. "There will be Light in the evening time." And there is Light, for the manifestation of the Son of God.
105 The same sun that rises in the east is the same sun that sets in the west. The prophet said, "There will be a day that couldn't be called day nor night." It's a dismal, the clouds, as over the face of the sun. But said, "About evening time it shall come Light again." The same Son! He is Alpha and Omega. Same Son that rose in the east was predicted to rise in the west again, in the last days, just before the day was over. I don't know how they interpret It; God interprets His Own Word. He proves It. This is the evening time.
106It's sad, but she sure fell for it again. Christ's bride fell for it, and took the intellectual knowledge of some seminary preacher instead of believing the pure, vindicated Word of God.
107 Now ministers out yonder in the land wherever you are, you might disagree with This. I'm not hurting you. I'm just try-... I'm talking to my own group. I'm just trying... If you want to set in, I'll sure be glad for you to hear It. And then you listen at It. See? But I'm just telling them what they have--what they have seen, and showing it to them; God proving it, that it's right. See?
This is the hour. Don't need anybody to interpret It. Your worldly knowledge don't have anything... You might have a B.A., D.D., A.D., or whatever it might be; it don't mean one thing. God interprets His Word, Himself. He promised it, and here it is.
108But by the knowledge of seminary, denominational preaching, "has caused the whole world to wonder after the beast whose deadly wound was healed," from pagan to papal. See where she's heading up? She believes it. She believes the knowledge that he tells her.
109 It is, now watch, it is that both engaged brides believed Satan's knowledge against God's Word. The bride of Adam believed Satan's knowledge against God's Word, and the bride of Christ has believed Satan's knowledge, in this intellectual evil age, against God's Word.
And notice. Eve, in the natural, that believed it, and plunged the whole human race to death. The natural bride! Adam, the natural man of the earth; his bride, before he got to her, to be wife, plunged the whole human race into death. Whether it's scientific or not, we die just the same, 'cause God said we would.
Whether you're in holy Eden, or holy church, or holy denomination, or whatever it might be, you'll die the day you disbelieve one Word of God's Word to be the Truth, when It's vindicated and proved to you. That's the day you separate yourself from God. Not just the whole sentence; one Word. "Whosoever shall add one word, or take One away," that's the day you die.
110 Notice, Adam's bride caused natural death to her race, the human race.
And the Second Adam's bride, Christ's engaged bride, has plunged the whole church to a denominational death, to take the mark of the beast, by the scientific, intellectual, big denominations. "We are Baptists. We are Presbyterian. We are Pentecostals," and so forth. "We got this, and we own more property. We, we are noted by the government. We're all around the world," and all such things. "And the best, and the mayor of the city, and so forth, comes to us. Even the President comes to have mass said with us, and we comes to this, that, or the other." The whole world has been plunged to a spiritual, denominational death; the whole church. She is dead!
You say, "You're covering a lot of territory."
111Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, wherein eight souls were saved, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." "In the days of Lot, where three was brought out of Sodom, at that day..." Now there's already a group already out, remember. "But, as it was then, when the Son of man will be manifested." Look what a day, look where we're living!
112 Now she has caused the whole world to accept the scientific leadership of the educational program that Satan has given to her under the name of a church, the leadership of a educational, scientific program. I'm picturing to you the god of this world.
When she, as Eve, had the very filling of God's Word in her hand, she could have took God's Word. But what did she do to That? Instead of tarrying for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, let science prove to her that the Holy Ghost was only for the disciples.
Instead of keeping Divine healing going, when she ought to be now raising the dead and doing great miracles; she has let Satan, under his leadership of religious man, take the Word of God and try to say that It was for another age. And she's believed it.
113 When, the Bible said, "The things that I do shall you do also." Jesus said that. "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." We're still creatures. "These signs shall follow every one of them that believe." She denies every bit of It.
114She denies all the supernatural, and she swapped It for his intellectual conception of the Bible; where priests, and holy fathers, so-called, where bishops, archbishops, where district presbyters, general overseers, and so forth, has put their own interpretation to It. And God has left them, set there, dead as twelve o'clock.
The only things left in the last days is a bunch of little Pentecostals with a bunch of music whooped up as hard as they can, running up-and-down the floors, speaking in tongues and shouting, "and having a form of godliness, but denying the Word thereof." Tell them to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ; laugh in your face. But, that, God goes right on making it so just the same, proving His Word to be so.
115 Notice, the tree that Satan caused Eve to partake of, was "the tree of good and evil." It was a mixed tree.
Now look at the day we're living in, when He's calling out a Bride. He's got a church that claims to be doing good, when it's evil, by denying the Word. A mixed tree. Oh, say, "They--they have great societies. They--they--they--they help the this. And the Red Cross endorses it. And all the schools, they... Looky here!"
Oh, but just deny one Word, that's all you have to do to die; no matter how intellectual, how good it is. Jesus said, "A little leaven leavens the whole lump." One spot of leaven ruins the lump. One Word of God, displaced, spoils the whole Picture. What about my arm being where my foot should be? See? What if my ear was down here where my hand should be? "A little leaven leavens the whole lump."
Say, "How do you know It's right?" God proves It right. He vindicates It. He said It here in the Word, then He proves It. That's how we know It's right or not.
Just deny one Word is all it takes to die. It brought the same results in this evil age, spiritual death, as it did physical death to the whole human race.
116 Notice how Satan got that scientific age back there, of Noah's, to lean upon their own understanding. Huh! The Bible tells us, in Proverbs, "Lean not to our own understanding." And, "Let every man's word be a lie, and God's be true." But Satan, by his knowledge, from beginning at the garden of Eden, got the people to lean upon their own understanding. And, you know, through his great Max Factor's works that he had back there, he got women so fair that it caused the son of man's... the sons of God, rather, to fall to sin and marry them. Right. He... Women was so fair, so pretty.
117Now you take the ordinary woman on the street today. A lot of you has read the story; you never heard it, 'cause it before my days. Pearl Bryan, how many ever heard of her? Sure. She was supposed to be the world's most beautiful woman. Why, there ain't a school kid that goes in the schoolhouse today but what's twice as pretty as she was. Why is it? The beauty of women is to happen in the last days.
They've cut their hair. They put them in little girls dresses. They put shorts, and bikinis, and ever what you call, on them. They put paint, and rouge, and all these kind of things, to make them something that they're not. See? But through scientific knowledge they've been able to achieve this. Do you know there's more spent for cosmetics for women, than there is, in the United States, twice or three times as much, as spent for food to live on? Prove that, that's right, for cosmetics.
118 Notice, "The sons of God saw the daughters of men," not daughters of God, "the daughters of men, that they were beautiful," and it caused the sons of God to fall into this delusion. "And took them kind of women and married them," and it brought a age of prostitution, just like it is today; like it was in Sodom, like it's predicted to be today.
That, when men and women of this day swap wives. If they don't like this wife, they--they go over to Reno, Nevada, and get married; and, or get a divorce, that one, and marry again in fifteen minutes. And women so pretty that they're almost irresistible. And what is it? The devil! See Satan still in beauty? Notice.
119Notice, that sin was never forgiven them. That pretty, scientific age was the very evil age that God destroyed off of the face of the earth; that pretty, scientific age. Jesus said it'll be that again just before the coming of the Son of man. That right? Notice, Jesus said, "As it was in days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man," when they all tried to marry... Now watch, "The sons of God married the pretty daughters of men," and God never did forgive them for it.
120 Just the same as Balaam's teaching, that he caused the pretty, intellectual, scientific women of Moab to... with their flirty eyes, her paints and powders, her fine perfumes, to entice the sons of God; against their own women that worked and had callouses in their hands, with no makeup on. Enticed them over, and, "Let us marry one another, because we're all the same people." That was a lie! It was a--a lie, and an achievement of the devil, to get the sons of God to marry the--the daughters of men.
It was the lie of the devil, for Balaam, that false prophet, to try to prophesy against Moses that tried to hold the race together; to say, "Well, we believe the same God. We offer the same offerings. We have the same sacrifices. We do everything just alike."
"So close that it would deceive the Elected if possible." See? [] Come away from her, people! You have nothing to do with her!
121 Notice, it was not likely that God would interpret His Word to Cain's evil generation. No. God would not interpret His Word to them. Notice... []
God, the knowledge to make a world so pretty and scientific and sinful, He had to destroy it? Would God do that, make a world so pretty; look here, God making His daughters so pretty, and would dress them so sexy, that His sons would lust after them and would commit adultery? What? God do a thing like that?
This naked, stripped off bunch of Laodiceans, worshiping the god of this world, through their ethics, and education, and shrewdness, and prettiness! "Come out of her," the Bible said, "be not partakers of her sins, and don't receive her plagues." God will rain hail out of the skies one day, as big as a hundred pounds apiece, and will destroy her by stoning her; like His Word always said He done, His laws.
Well, if God did a thing like that, revealed His Word to such a people as that, He would be--be defeating His Own purpose. God is not foolish. He's the source of all wisdom.
So you see where that stuff come from? It come from Satan, and it's still of Satan. And the church has believed it.
122 Now you see, women, I'm trying my best to show you the Word of God. The Bible said, "If a woman cuts her hair, she dishonors her head," which is her husband. And her husband is the head, with God, so she dishonors God and her husband.
123Now this shows who is the head of this world's church system. That shows who is the head of it. It's Satan, in the form of a super man, person of knowledge, a super knowledge. He knows more than all the rest of them. No matter what the Word says, he--he's got his own interpretation to It, see, the interpretation for this evil age.
124 Notice his plans to build a super denominational church, the World Council of Churches, see, a super denominate, so that all the world will worship him, the beast, under the name of united Christianity. Would you like to read that in the Bible? Revelation 13:6 and 8. It's a modern tower of Babel.
125Don't you remember how that Nimrod, that hypocrite, built this big tower and made all the other little cities pay tribute to it? Babble and Babel is the same thing. It just changes its names, and, as it comes on up. It's, Rome now is Babylon. And the whole world is brought to Babylon, and it's brought in by the World Council of Churches which will make every one of them bow to her. And you've took the mark of the beast, not knowing what you were doing. Because...
But those who are elected will hear the Word and come out of it.
126 How contrary is denomination to God's Word! He never had one, never dealt in one, and never dealt with one. I want some historian to show me where ever a prophet ever come out of the church. Show me where God ever blessed a church that was... after it was organized. She went on the shelf and died, with intellectual wisdom from the devil, by their leaders, and refused the Word of God as It growed up into the perfect stature of Christ. Now it's at the head. How contrary!
Separate from that unbelieving Eve, you children of the evening Light!
127Satan, god of this age, by his knowledge, getting the people to eat from his mixed tree of good and evil. Notice, Satan, by his knowledge, causing the people of this evil age to eat from his tree of good and evil. He says that he is building a greater Christian civilization, by his knowledge of good and evil, a greater Christian civilization.
128But Christ's little Virgin, Word, Flock, Bride, don't care for his knowledge. She keeps, him, free of him. What is... Now let's talk about Her, a minute. She waits for Her Lord and His Millennium honeymoon, right, with the Word Groom, as She is the Word Bride.
129 Knowledge and civilization, and true Christianity, has nothing in common. Civilization, and true Christianity, has not one thing in common.
Civilization is by knowledge. We all know that. And knowledge is from Eden, proved it, by what he preached in Eden. And knowledge causes death. Is that right? What caused death in the garden of Eden? Knowledge. But can't be of God, so it's of the devil. Whew, was that a good one! Knowledge, science, education, is the greatest hindrance that God ever had. It is of the devil.
Now I'll get some letters on that, I know. I'm waiting for them.
130Look what culture has got us into now. See? Look what it's done. Where we at? We've leaned to those things, through our own understanding by our science.
You say, "What about God, you think He is ignorance?" Oh, no.
God will set up His Own kind of civilization on earth, when He takes it over. This is Satan's world; he is god now of his worldly scientific knowledge. But God will set His Own kind of civilization up. It won't be a civilization like this. You just remember that. It won't be the kind of civilization we got today. No, no. It will be according to His Word and His purpose. For, the god of this present evil age will be destroyed, and his kingdom with him.
131 This modern knowledge-loving age could have no better leader than the one they've got, Satan, a perverter of the Word of God, like he started off in the garden of Eden, but a religious person relying upon his own understanding.
As I've said before, Proverbs 3:5, that, "We're not to lean to our own understanding."
They must have a god, for they are human. Yet, he makes them what they want. As being a human being, always, all human beings... When we come here, we found the Indians even worshiping idols, and the sun, and everything. As a human being, they must have a god. So this great intellectual age must have a god, so it's become... The god of this world has become knowledge, denomination, science, "having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof."
132 Notice, their god makes them just what they want. They lust for the flesh, and that's what he gives them. "They want to wear bikinis. Let them wear it. See? If they want to do this or that, let them do it. Ain't no harm in it; they go to church. Their mother was Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian. Just let them alone."
That's the god of this age; smart, wise, scientific. It needs no faith. It don't have to prove anything. It's already proven, by their knowledge. "Well, we're the biggest church there is in town," their knowledge. "Our pastor has got a D.D., Ph.D." See, don't need no faith; relies on knowledge. Let them live any way, as long as they come to worship him by their denomination and creed. There's a big black eye there, but look at it.
Laughs at God's Word, saying things contrary to the Word; and tries, by their knowledge, to prove scientifically that the Word isn't true. Oh, what a age we're living in! See the god of this age?
133 Notice, but God is waiting till the iniquity of these modern Amorites is filled. Don't worry, He'll have His Moses ready at that time. There will be an exodus, someday, to the promised land. There will be a Moses come along, who will call out, "restore the Faith of the children back to the fathers." It'll come, one of these days. Did...
You say, "Well, look how we're progressing."
Sure, the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full. It'll come, one of these days. Let them destroy themselves.
134Civilization, knowledge, perverts God's Word to suit their own taste. Every denomination does the same thing. Satan then preaches his own gospel of knowledge in his own church.
135 There is only two classes of people spoke of in the New Testament. "The children of God, and the children of the devil." Did you know that? You want to put a Scripture down for it? First John 3:10, if you want the Scripture. I'm reading it right here, got it wrote out. All right. All right.
136In Ephesians 2:2, they are called, "The children of disobedience." Like Eve was, disobedient to God's Word. The children of obedience, and disobedience, have nothing in common.
Then how can the Bride of Christ associate in a denomination, when one is disobedient and the other obedient? How can one, be the Word; and the other one, perverted word? How can a prostitute and a clean woman walk together in agreement? They can't do it. They have no fellowship at all. "Come out from amongst them!" It's of the devil. It's the mark of the beast. Heading right into it now; all denominations. I don't care whose it is.
God is taking, not a denomination, "a people for His Name." A denomination won't receive these Truths. It'll take an individual person that can see God, look at His Word and believe It, and belong to no organization; but live for God, not for his organization, the intellectual wisdom of some bishop or something has taught it. That's right.
137 The children of disobedience, and the children of obedience, has nothing in common. One of the... is of the day of Light; the other one, of night and darkness, evil age, this evil age of darkness, nightclubs, dances, yet belong to church. It's okay with their god. They don't have any condemnation about it; nothing bothers them.
"Why, it don't condemn me to cut my hair," a woman said. "Don't hurt my conscience." She's got no more conscience than a snake has got hips. That's right. Certainly not. She don't know what a conscience is. It had been seared so hard till she don't even know what it is. That's right.
138Walking around, over the Word of God, saying, "Why, that's some old fogy. Don't go up there; they're just a bunch of noise and carry-on, anyhow." Huh! Know no more about God than a Hottentot would know about an Egyptian night. That's right. It's true.
"Having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof; from such turn away. For this is the sort that go from house to house, and lead silly women."
"Oh, dear, you're, you should do this. Oh, dear, I think your old fogy preacher down there, if you just... Oh, you would look cute in a 'kini," or ever what you call the thing. "You, if you'd do all this, that, and the other. Why, a little cigarette won't hurt nobody. I belong to church, and you know our denomination is looked up to as well as anybody's." Don't you believe that old painted-up liar. She is lying to you. That's right. Yes, sir.
139 It's okay with their god. Oh, he thinks that's wonderful, and they just love him for it.
My, they'll argue with you. They'll stand right up and fuss at you about it. Why, sure, Satan stood right in the face of Jesus Christ, the Word, and tried to say, "It's written."
And there He was, the vindicated Word of God. He said, "Get behind Me, Satan!" Just walk and do the same thing.
Like a fellow said to me one time, said, "Now, if you believe the baptism of the Holy Ghost is right, and you believe you've got It," said, "now you strike me blind." That was a preacher. Said, "You strike me blind!" He said, "Paul struck a--a man blind one day."
140I said, "Mister, how can I strike you blind when you're already blind? How can I kill you when you're already dead?" Uh-huh.
He said, "Me, my eyes is twenty-twenty!"
I said, "Your physical part; but you're still blind."
"It's impossible! The Bible don't interpret things. We speak where the Bible speaks, and silent where It's silent."
141 I said, "All right, when Elijah was down at--at Dothan, see, there come up the whole Syrian army around. And the servant run up, said, 'Oh, my father!' Said, 'My father,' said, 'the Syrians is surrounded us.'"
"Elijah rubbed his eyes, woke up and said, 'There's more with us than there is with them.'"
"He said, 'I don't see nobody.'"
"Said, 'God, open his eyes.' Now, he was blind. And he looked around at that old prophet, and upon the mountains; was full of Angels, and chariots of Fire, and horses of Fire.
"And he walked out there, and the Bible said, 'He smote them blind.' Blind to what? To him. He walked out, said, 'Are you looking for Elijah?'"
"'Yes, we're looking for him.'"
"Said, 'Come on, I'll show you where he's at.' Elijah leading them to Elijah. Blind!"
I said, "You know what I'm going to say to you? Just exactly what my Lord said to your father, 'get behind me.'" Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
142 Notice, the children of obedience, and disobedience, has nothing in common. The disobedience worship their god. "Oh," they say, "we believe the Bible." Yes, it's a mixed tree. See, they add the world and knowledge to It. Satan's tree, mixed; see, she took from Satan's tree, good and evil. "Oh, we believe the Word." Sure, but not all of It. Eve believed the Word, too, but let--let Satan take his tree and pervert It a little bit. That's what it is.
"Whosoever shall add one word, or take one Word from It." He is still the same yesterday, today, and forever! Notice. All right.
143 This evil age is of darkness, yet belongs to church. Their god, they love him for it, the way he lets them do. They have no condemnation. Nothing bothers them as long as they belong to church.
Balaam taught the church the same thing. "Let us unite; we're all the same." It was the last trick. God never forgave them for believing such a lie.
144Remember, it was a unpardonable sin, three times in the Bible, for any persons to add one word of their own interpretation to God's Word after It had been vindicated the Truth.
In the garden of Eden, right, in the garden of Eden, one word added caused death.
When Balaam added the word, that, "We're all the same," they, God never did forgive Israel that. Every one of them perished in the wilderness, except the three that God brought out.
Jesus said, "They're, every one, dead," that's Eternally separated. They're all gone; never was forgiven. It's a unpardonable sin; never forgiven them. Oh, my!
Flee it, children of the evening Lights!
145 See now who is the leader of this modern, religious, evil age? It's the devil, taking that tree of good and evil, and placing it out there, notice, bringing his beautiful church bride to the ecumenical council for a wedding. That's a good one. His beautiful scientific church, with all the--the--the degrees that can be gotten; the Ph.D's out of the church of Christ, the Ph.D's out of the Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostals, and all. Bringing them all, with their decorated fineries and big churches, all to the ecumenical council, "We are one." It'll never be forgiven them. A denomination, to wear the brand of a denomination, is the mark of the beast. We've done been through it on here; to do it. Flee it, children, flee it! See? Great, beautiful church to the ecumenical wedding, wearing his mark!
Shorts, sure, worldly dress, sexy, paint, really good disciples of the devil, to catch the sons of God; marry a good full-born boy off into some old reprobate like that. That's right. What a...
146 You said, "Cutting hair, what's that got to do?"
Brother, let's stop here just a minute. I just feel somebody resented that. Might have been out on the wire somewhere.
Listen. A hair to a woman is a Nazarite vow. Hair to Samson was a Nazarite vow. And when a woman cuts off her hair, she--she absolutely denies her Nazarite vow that she is a Bride to Christ. Because, there, that one thing, she spoils the whole Picture. Correctly! A Nazarite is "one that is consecrated for a purpose." Is that right? Samson was consecrated to a age and to a purpose, therefore he had long hair. The woman that's a child of God, lets her hair grow, to show that's she's consecrated to every Word of God.
147If she cuts it off, I don't care how much she dances, sings, is in the choir, speaks in tongues, runs up-and-down, or has all kind of aid societies, she is dead. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD, the Word of God. First Corinthians 14. Yeah. She has denied her Nazarite vow and sold out to the god of this modern age. She does it. Now, shame on you, lady, or woman!
148Really catchers of God's sons, like it was. As Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, the women fair, and the sons of God begin to marry among them, so will it be when the Son of man returns." And their god thinks it's great, and pretty, and scientific, knowledge; Hollywood fashion, styled in his own shop, sure, all this here gooey and stuff, you know.
149 And she, his church, simply loves it! Oh, my! "I'll give you to understand, I am Methodist. I am Presbyterian. Our pastor has got better sense than to say a thing like that." He's got not enough sense to say the things that God says then. See?
150She, the church, simply worships it. She loves it. Just what she's wanted! She won't join up with nothing, brother, or come into nothing she has to act like something different from what these modern Jezebels are, 'cause that's the nature that's in her.
How can you be any nature... "Who taking thought can add one cubit to his stature?" If you were born to be five-foot tall, you'll not be six foot. Oh, yeah, like Booth-Clibborn's "stretching machine."
151 Then listen, man, you bunch of rickies! If you were born to be a man, then act like a man. These bangs hanging down in your face, and curled up like some sex appeal, why, you perverted generation of snakes! What's the matter with you, anyhow?
My God will judge this nation someday with fire. He'll sink it beneath the ocean. The hour of His judgment is at hand. The whole world will go.
152Religious perversion! Human perversion; men don't even know what sex they belong to, neither does women. Stand up with a pair of man's overalls on, or a pair of little old shorts, clothes that's... her every move and form of her body, and call herself a Christian. She's not even a lady, let alone a Christian. She's a street prostitute used by Satan, inspired by Satan, to send the sons of God to hell, to fulfill the Word that Jesus Christ said would take place. I didn't mean to say that, but He said it, anyhow. See where this religious spirit comes from? The mixed tree.
153 Say, "What's wrong with them slacks," or whatever they call it, "pedal-pushers?" or ever what it is.
The Bible said, that, "Any woman that'll wear a garment that pertains to a man, it's an abomination in the sight of God." That's THUS SAITH THE BIBLE.
And a woman that'll cut her hair, dishonors her head. And it's not even... It's a sinful thing for a woman to offer prayer with short hair, the Bible said so, pray in public with her head uncovered. And her...
Oh, you say, "I wear a hat."
154You hypocrite, teach them women such things as that! When, the Bible said, "Her hair is given her for a covering," not some man-made hat. That's what the Bible said. I'm not responsible; I'm only responsible to tell the Truth. Don't be dishonest, as the Bible said, "Handling the Word of God with deceit," to--to fix or--or meet the request of a bunch of rickettas.
155 I got the word evil here. I got "Elvis" wrote down instead of evil. It's all about the same. The word Elvis means a "cat," and the word Ricky means a "rat." When you say "little Ricky," you mean, "little rat." What you call him, that's what he is. Your kid is named that, change it quickly, for the sake of the Gospel. Don't name a kid...
You never heard such names as that back in the Bible, or in any other age. It's the age, name for this age. There ever was perverted rats and cats, it's there.
156All this...?... million-dollar disc jockies, and these kids walking out here, can't even go to--to school without a thing sticking in the ear, and a little old transistor radio in their pocket, just, "boom-de-boom."
Oh, they come up there at the house, and we made... Them guys trying to paint my house up there. We said, "Get that thing out of here. If you can't work without that, then get off the job. Makes me so nervous I can't even stand around here. We've dedicated this place to God. We don't want that kind of boogie-woogie nonsense of this last days around here." I said, "Shut it up or get off the job!"
157Notice, religious, though, oh, sure, go right to church and stand in the vestibule, with listening to boogie-woogie.
158 Also, notice, Christ's Word-Bride is heading up, also. As we see where the antichrist is heading, begin back there and now coming to a head; a ecumenical council will put it to an ecclesiastical head. And the little Church that's come along, also, Christ's Word-Bride down through the age, is coming to a Head, 'cause She's going to be united back to Its Mate. Always, just like the church and everything else, It's got to unite. The Wheat, everything else, comes right back to its head where it started from; like Cain and Abel. Word-Bride heading up in the Person of the Word of God made manifest in this evil age that we're living. See where it's heading up?
159 And Satan will soon take his intellectual bride and exalt this great one, which is the antichrist, the hierarchy's, and set him upon a throne, "and the whole world will wonder after him."
And then Christ will come. And two cannot exist in the same time. And his kingdom will be taken; he'll be destroyed.
And Christ, the Word of God... Which, the woman is a part of the man's body. They're not two; they're one. And the Bride, Church, Word, "a people called out from here and there, for His Name's sake," will unite in the Body of Jesus Christ.
And the kingdom of the antichrist will be taken and destroyed. And Christ shall take throne, and set upon the throne of His father David, and reign upon the earth for a thousand years; then present the Church to God, "without spot or blemish." Yes!
160 Now notice her long hair, Nazarite vow to the Word. I'll picture the Bride of Christ now. We picture the antichrist, where she is, religious and everything, science. Now the humble little Bride of Christ just simply believes the Word, whoever She is. It's individuals. I hope and trust that there's many setting present, many listening in. And I hope that myself, and every one of you all, are part of that Bride. I hope many. And, it will, all that's been ordained to that will be that, 'cause it's their nature. They see. The Word can only recognize the Word. It can't recognize a denomination or a perversion. It knows better; It's the Word. See? It can't recognize nothing...
A wheat can't be nothing but a wheat. It started, a wheat; it'll head up, a wheat. And a weed can never be a wheat, yet it's watered by the same anointing. See? But it ain't a wheat. As I said the other day, about the tree with the different branches in it.
161 Her long hair, Nazarite vow, shows that She is vowed to God. Her beautiful gown of His promised Word for the age that She is living in, wrapped around Her, vindicating Her with Himself, of Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." As, She is a part of the Word Groom, true to Him in every point.
162Now look. If a woman goes out here and is married to a man, and she goes out and makes love with another man and has an affairs with him, and come back to her husband, he should kick her out. Is that right? She must be true to him, 'cause she is vowed to him.
And the Bride of Christ is vowed to Christ; and He is the Word.
Not even wink at the other side, a woman should not even wink at another man. She should make no signs, no emotions at all towards him, for she is absolutely a bride to one bridegroom.
163We don't want none of your mixed trees, your denominations. Be true to Christ, the Word. He'll vindicate It to be true. No, sir, not even any emotion of anything towards making love to him, not join his ranks or anything else, or let him get you in his arms or in his care, or--or talk to you over this way, that way.
You listen only to one Voice. "My sheep know My Voice. A stranger they'll not..." What is His Voice? Any man's voice is his word. And this is It, the Bible, not one word to be added to It or taken from It. Just stay right with that Voice. "A stranger they won't follow," a denomination.
164 As, She is part of the Groom, true to Him in every point, waiting the Wedding. Uniting, not at the ecumenical council; but in the sky, at the Wedding Supper. She has been given... This is for our own church. The... She has been given, and revealed to Her, the Seven-Seal mysteries of the Bible. See? She sees the folly of the deceiver, so very close to the Truth, that almost deceive the Elected. She sees it. She...
165See the two opposing spirits at work in this evil age? Can you see it? Each very religious, Cain and Abel, spirits again coming to their heads, still same as they started. One, worshiping by beauty, and by knowledge, and by education, and by science, and by ethics. And the other One, by faith of the revelation of the Word of God. Both of them is standing right in this building this morning. That's right.
166 Revelation, or faith, in His Word, makes no claims of knowledge; the real, true Christian.
They say, "Have you got a--you got a doctor's degree?"
Makes no claims. "I--I believe His Word." See? Doesn't make any claims. Doesn't claim to be educated. Doesn't belong to any denomination, any party, any sect. It belongs to Christ. It's His Wife; not a church wife.
She's a prostitute. The Bible said she was a "whore," and, "THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS," and they all come together and make the same whore. And that kind of a woman is a woman that's untrue to her Husband; and claiming Christ as her husband, and belonging to a denomination. Such nonsense! We belong to Christ.
167 But, in obedience, this little faith Woman, that lives by faith, the Bride; the person here, there; here, off somewhere else, some other church, some other denomination, whatever it is, in some not... Believes the Word of God, obedient, waiting in love, for the promise of the age to be confirmed. She is watching for it. She is part of that Word, and She is watching for Her life to manifest that Word.
Brethren, can't you see that? I hope that didn't go over you.
The Body is waiting for (which is the Word), waiting for the Life (which is the Spirit) to confirm or make It alive. That's what She is waiting for. No other life will work in Her. She can't come to life any other way. Yet, She feels it out there, and She knows it's going to happen; then here it happens, then She wakes up. God said, "Let there be," and She came forth like the first one come forth.
168 "Children of disobedient" means obedience... Disobedience means "rebellion." I looked that up in the dictionary, to be sure. Rebellion, rebelling against (what?) the revealed Word of God. Like Cain revealed... rebelled against Abel's revealed revelation, vindicated of God that it was righteous. And Cain rebelled against it, and slew his brother.
The Pharisees, with their own denominational knowledge of what the Word of God was, selected hand-picked man, rebelled against the vindicated Word of God made manifest for the day, Jesus Christ, and killed Him. That right?
That's what "the children of disobedience" is, a rebellion against the Word of God.
Now see where they are? "Oh, days of miracles is past. Jesus Christ is not the same yet. There is no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost. All that stuff is nonsense!" See, rebellion! They don't have to say two things; just have to say one, that's all. That's rebellion, right there. They can't say you don't have eyes, you don't have ears; you got to take the whole body, the whole Word. See?
The Holy Spirit call, "Comes out of her, be not partakers of her denominational dogma," as he laughs and scorns at the Word of God of this day.
"For God is not mocked," just remember. She'll get it. Don't be worry. She'll get it. The Bible, in Ephesians 4:30, if you want to put that down, Ephesians 4:30, said. "God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap." They can't mock and make fun, and say these things, and get by with it. "Like bread upon the water, it'll return."
169 She is the devil's bride, wrapped in his religious, sin-loving knowledge for this present evil age, to deceive you. Oh, my! A whole clique or denomination of seducing spirits, by scientific knowledge and a modern civilization! Claiming...
We're going to close just in a few minutes. I'm going to have to stop, 'cause I can't get through it all, see.
Claiming that she is building a great world for you to live in. She claims, that, in her civilization, she has built fine churches, colleges, schools, hospitals, libraries, and temporary help for man, without God's Word. She's done it. She's proved that she could do it. And the people has fell for it; yes, sir; schools, denominations, culture, better-dressed people, better-fed people.
I'd rather be in a bread line, and be right with God; than to have fried chicken three times a day, and have to belong to a prostitute like that.
170 Remember, the hour is close at hands when the mark will come. You'll either be in it or out of it. It'll come like a thief in the night. It'll catch you right in there, and you're there. There ain't no getting out of it then; you done took it. Come out!
An angel came down from Heaven, with a great shining face, and cried out to the people. It shook the earth. "Come out of Babylon, for she is fallen. Be not partakers of her plagues, My people!" Get out of her. Get out! Didn't we just read it in the Word, a while ago? An angel is a "messenger," see, coming down. Notice the Holy Spirit, "Come out of her, that you be not partakers."
171 Now she's built all these things. She has built great churches. She has built college, schools, taking the people and educating them into a--a better, so-called, civilization. And they've educated them by a modern civilization that's brought them into the pit of death, by knowledge, away from God and His Word.
Don't you see the whole scheme? Do you see that, church? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Out on the air, if you see it in your own congregations out there, say "amen," the rest of them will know where you're standing. See?
She's did it. She's... It's a god of this earth, and she has built colleges. She has built universities. She has built hospitals. She has built libraries. She has built all these things for temporary help of man, just enough to deceive them, to get off of that Word. And what's she led them to? The whole church world is plunged into death, for God said that He would burn the whore, and her children, with an everlasting fire.
Come out of it, people! Don't you be caught in there. You get away from that thing as quick as you can!
By her scientific knowledge, she is been able to do this, now notice, without God's Word.
172 God never did ordain us to go out and have schools. He never. He never told us to build hospitals. They're good. He never told us to build libraries. No, sir. He never.
He said, "Preach the Gospel." And, the Gospel, is manifesting, demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit.
Paul said, "The Gospel come to us, not through word only, but through the manifestation and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit." Paul said, "I never come to you with great words of wisdom by some doctor of so forth, but I come to you in power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit; that your faith would not be in the wisdom or knowledge of the men of this world, but in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ; because He lives, the same yesterday, today, and forever." God help us to believe the same thing, and God vindicate the same thing as He has been doing.
173 He keeps you from seeing the true revelation and faith of God's Word being revealed and vindicated today, by his schools, libraries, literature, hospitals, and so forth. See? He keeps you from it. He is now interpreting, as he did to Pharaoh, trying to keep you from seeing the meaning of the vindicated Word of His promised age in the evening Light, vindicated and proved. He has tried, by his knowledge, and schools, and better educated people, and ethics, and so forth, to keep you away from seeing That.
Anything, so that you won't look at That and see that's Jesus Christ! How you know it's Jesus Christ? He is the Word, and He's the Word of this age. And this age, said that this would take place in this age, and here it is happening. See? See? He trying his best to keep you from seeing That.
He'll tack any dirty name onto It he can. See? He'll call It "holy-rollers" and everything else. He called Jesus "Beelzebub." "And they call the Master of the house Beelzebub, how much more they going to call the disciples?" See?
174 See, trying to keep you from seeing the real meaning of the Word. Not what... See, he is interpreting It, saying It means this.
God said, "I promised in the last days I'd send you Malachi 4." It don't have to be interpreted; He did it. He said, "And as it was in the days of Lot, the world will be in a Sodom condition; and in that time, I will reveal the Son of man by it, exactly." We got all kinds of impersonations and everything else, of it, but we got the real One, too. See? He said He would do it.
He said the antichrist would raise up and almost deceive the Elected if it was possible. But said, "Let them alone. Let them go ahead. Their folly will be found out." Why? The Word test proves it. See?
When it come to that Word, "That had been back this way, that? Oh, I don't believe in serpent's seed. I don't believe in this, that, and the other." It's never been revealed, see, no, never. Oh, brother, just look where...
We're going to have to close, because it's twelve o'clock.
175 Notice, trying to keep you from seeing the meaning of the Word of this age, of evening Light being interpreted. It is... What does it mean? It's the time of exodus is at hand, God is coming for Her, as sure as the world. See?
176Now I want to ask you a question. While, it is twelve o'clock now, five minutes after; and we'll go on, tonight. Do you see the god of this age? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe it? ["Amen."] See how it is, a church, intellectual, science?
The whole world belongs to it, see, the denominations. And, you say, "I'm a Christian." "What denomination do you belong to?" Well, if I belonged to a denomination, I don't believe I'd be a Christian. Now, that's a big word, but that's right.
I just got through saying that knowledge and science, and Christianity, has no fellowship at all. One is of the devil, and the other one is of God. Anything that denies God's Word, keep away from it. See? No, sir. The Bible calls, for this last days, for Christians to come out of that prostitute, that's tree of good and evil.
177 Sure, she has good. Can anybody speak evil of a hospital? No, sir. Library? No, sir. Education? No, sir. But, see, they're giving them that without the Word. See how deceiving it is? Giving them a church to go to, a worship to worship, "a god setting upon a throne." The Bible foretold it.
178Now you belong to one of those bodies. There is only two of them in the earth now, always has been, and will be till Jesus comes, and one of them will be destroyed. Now you belong to one of the bodies. One of them, you've joined; the other one, you are born in It. See?
One of them, you're a part of because you are born into It. You have to be a part of It. Could I deny I got an arm? No more than I can deny any Word of God, if I'm part of God. I'm part of William Branham; I'm in parts, and every part is a part of me. And every Word of God has to fit my spirit, has to fit my soul, has to fit my living, It has to fit my ideas. If my ideas is contrary to That, then God's Spirit don't dwell in me. That's right. Can't deny one Word of It.
179 You belong to one of the bodies. Got to be, it's just got to be. It's either the Body of God, which is by the Word; or the body of Satan, by the church. And the whole world will have to belong to some church; it worships some god. You've got to worship either the god of knowledge, you rely upon what you hear by knowledge, you rely upon this, or that, or the other; or you rely upon God's Word, by faith, watching for Him to vindicate It and make It true.
The real Church of God is watching for the coming of that glad Millennium day,
When our blessed Lord shall come and catch His waiting Bride away;
Oh, my heart is filled with rapture as I labor, watch and pray,
For our Lord is coming back to earth again.
Oh, our Lord is coming back to earth again,
Satan will be bound a thousand years, we'll have no tempter then,
After Jesus shall come back to earth again.
180 Oh, peoples of this United States, where this Message is going now, flee as hard as you can from this knowledge, scientific age that we're living in. Flee to the Word of God!
You, I, no one can--can knows It. No one can prove It. God does His Own proving. No one has a right to interpret It; me, no other man has a right. God does His Own interpreting. He made the promise. He said He would do this in the last days.
And in the last days the god of this evil age would blind the eyes of the people, with his intellectual knowledge, on a mixed tree of good and evil, still giving it to the people. And here comes, that thing heading up, that denomination from way back in the Dark Ages, and before the Dark Ages, all heading up in a super man, Satan, who said, "I will exalt myself above the sons of God, and they will listen to me." "And he as God will sit in the temple of God, and the sons of God will fall for it."
181 Why, the son of God, say, "Well, my wife, it ain't; she's a good..." Go ahead, just go on. See?
You say, "Well, He said 'sons of God.'" Yes, sir.
Man, whoever he is, was made in the image of God, for the glory of God. And a woman is a by-product for man, not of God. Right. "When the sons of God saw the daughters of men were fair, they took unto them women."
"And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."
Now look, if you want to know what stage the church is, watch what stage the women is, see, 'cause she is the church. Watch what she is doing, see, and in this evil prostitute age.
182Look, there wasn't a meaner, wickeder, lower, prostituting city in the world, than Nazareth, and out of there God chose a virgin. "Could any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
And out of this evil age, where the god of this age has blinded the eyes of the people, with their dogmas and denominations; out of that very age, God is choosing a people for His Name.
Though here neglected and despised, one day the Lord will bring
His chosen ones within the gate, and that's worth everything.
Then we'll sing and shout, and dance about,
The Lamb will dry our tears;
We'll have one glad homecoming week,
The first ten thousand years. (That's right.)
A wondrous people for His Name and they are called His Bride. (Is that right?)
Though neglected and despised, one day the Lord will bring
Those chosen ones within the gate, (in the exodus) and that's worth everything to me.
183 I'm getting to be an old man. And my days begin to fade out; and my eyesight begins to get dim; and my little flame of life begins to burn low. I don't fear the darkness. For I want to say this, with Paul, "I know Him in the power of His resurrection." No matter where they bury me, if I drown in the sea, or burn in a furnace, or eat up by a lion, He'll call my name, and I'll speak. Amen!
Let us pray.
184If there be in here, or out on the wires of this Message across the nation, in your little churches and groups and halls, and wherever you're seated, if there is one, oh, let me persuade you; let me beg you, as a minister of the Gospel; let me beg you, in the Name of Jesus Christ; flee the wrath of this wicked age! Don't serve the god of this evil age.
Oh, I know you say, "It's good. They're fine." Exactly, a mixed tree. You can't mix knowledge with God's Word.
It's a Word that's to be believed by faith, not knowledge. You don't understand It; you accept It. You say It's right, and then you live by It. That's all He asks you to do.
If there's any present here in our group, we can't make the altar call to bring you up here, because there's not no room; or out over the air, over the telephone lines, if there is any out there that doesn't know Him. Don't...
185 Oh, women, I've scolded you this morning, not me, I've only quoted the Word. Short hair, wearing them little old clothes, dressing yourself real sexy-looking, don't you realize that the spirit that... You may be clean, sister, dear, when it comes to your body, but in your soul don't you see what's got a hold of you?
Would God make His daughter look sexy to deceive His Own son, to lust after her, to make them both be answer for adultery? Would He do it, sister? Ask yourself that question. No, not by ten million miles. Don't lay that onto God.
186Brother, has god give you a spirit of this world till you can't see that that's wrong? Has he blinded your eyes, to the ethics of the church, the denomination, the creed, and so forth, that you can't see that God is vindicating His Word and making It so? Has your job, has your boss, has your wife, has your children, has your church, or anything, separated you from the Word of God, which is the only source of Life? Flee it, my brother! I love you, with godly love. I don't respect any of my brothers above you, not at all. If I did, I'd show respect of person. I don't say these things to make you angry. I show, say these things because they're in the Word of God. And as a servant of God, and the love of God in my heart, I tell you those things so you will see and understand. Maybe you wouldn't know if I didn't tell you. Will you flee it today?
Now, with everywhere across the land, let's bow our heads.
187 Dear God, laying before me is handkerchiefs. People are sick; I'm laying my hands upon them, that You'll heal them.
188And I trust, Lord, tonight, that there'll be a great service, that the Power of God will be here, great signs and wonders. As we heard the results from these last couple meetings, how tremendous, see what happened! I pray, dear God, that You will give us a double portion tonight. I pray it with a sincere heart, Lord, because it's my love for You and Your Word, and for these people. Grant it, dear God.
189And if out across the land, or even in here now, that there's some that's sick and afflicted, and has to be gone for tonight, won't be here, or be out there in the churches or places where they're met; I pray You heal them. Now, Lord, but for the greatest of all healing! If You heal their physical body from cancer, TB, pneumonia, something, they'll get sick again, no doubt, if they live very long, for their body is still under sin, the curse. But let them get the--the real Divine healing, the healing of the soul, which makes a new creature, passes from death unto Life, and then waiting in this old tabernacle for the redemption of the body after the soul has been redeemed. Grant it, Lord.
190May they flee them denominations and creeds. God, way out there in them creeds and denominations I've met some of the finest brothers. And, God, how can I say it that they'll see, and let them see the Word? It bothers me. But I know, again, that You said, "No man can come," no matter how good, how meek, how gentle, "unless My Father has called him. And all My Father has given Me, they will come." And, Lord, I feel my solely responsibility for telling the Truth.
And not as Paul said, "Handle the Word of God with deceit," with denominational dogma mixed into It, as a tree of mixture of good and knowledge, good and evil; but with a open heart and the Holy Spirit. Grant it, God. Save every one.
191 Now with our heads bowed and our eyes closed. And not to me... I can't say it this way, "It makes me no difference whether you do or not." It does make me a difference. I love you. And I hope you don't think 'cause I have to speak harsh... As Paul said, "I'd like to be present with you, and I'd change my attitude." It wasn't because he didn't like them; he loved them. Not... As Jesus had to rebuke them, and then die for them. See, "Father, forgive them; they don't even know what they're doing." To think, a human being that wants to be right, and trying to be right, and to see that devil... That's the one I'm against, that's blinded the eyes of these people.
192 This nation should be burning with the glory of God, to see what's took place in her in this last day, this last. Why ain't these revivals hit the old countries? This is the West Coast over here, furtherest west you can go. Now the sin barrier has thundered down beneath the earth, and she is sinking; places, and Los Angeles and Hollywood, sinking so many inches per hour, no way to stop it. Yeah, we're here. Most any time we'll hear the summons. If you know that...
Now, don't nobody look. But if you know, from your heart... I'm asking you. I can't know your heart, 'less God reveals it. But from your heart, if you can see that you're not where you should be with God and His Word, in faith, would you just to Him raise your hand, say to Him, "Lord, help Thou me." O God! Out of this church, packed, packed around the walls, inside and out, literally hundreds of hands, maybe two hundred hands raised up. Thank you for your honesty.
193 Dear Jesus, don't let one of them be lost. As Your servant, that stands between the living and the dead, pointing them, with a finger, to the Word of God. I cannot save them, Lord, but they want to be saved. And, Father, as I have said many times, the sun rises in the morning; and as it comes up across the earth, it's sent by God to ripen the grain, to make natural food for natural living. But, O God, You said, "To them that fear His Name shall the Sun of righteousness rise with healing in His wings." Let the Sun of righteousness, the Word of God, rise in the hearts of the people, and the healing rays of faith in that Word cure every disobedient to the Word, and bring them till the fullness of the sons and daughters of God.
They are Yours, Lord. In the Name of Jesus Christ, both here and out over the air, I present them that raised their hands to You for the salvation of their souls. Amen.
There my raptured soul shall find (Where? At this altar.)
Rest beyond... (by faith I look over there where I'm going)
Near the cross, (that's where the Word hangs)... the cross,
Be my glory ever;
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
Jesus, keep me... (That's, crucified with Him, don't want nothing of the world. "Keep me crucified.")
There's a precious fountain,
It's free to all, a healing stream,
Flows from Calvary's mountain.
In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory (let's raise our hands) ever;
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
194 [Brother Branham speaks now to the musicians--Ed.] "I can hear my Saviour calling."
Reach over and get a hold of somebody's hand, and say, "God bless you, Christian."
[Brother Branham speaks again to the musicians--Ed.] "I can hear my Saviour calling."
You feel His Presence? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Out there over the waves of the phones, you all shake one another's hands out there, and say, "God bless you, Christian."
195 You know, there's a pool of water back here. He's taking a people that's wearing His Name. You haven't been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, there's a pool, there is robes, there is man standing ready. You are welcome, if you truly accept Jesus as your Saviour and believe that that is the Truth.
196Remember, there was never a person in the Bible, or any time before the organizing of the Catholic church, was ever baptized any other way than in the Name of Jesus Christ. There is no place found in Scripture, or history, that any persons was ever baptized, in to the Church of the living God, in the name of the titles of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost." It is a Catholic dogma, and not a Bible teaching.
197 Being interviewed by a priest, I asked him that. He said, "That is the truth. But we are the church; we can change whatever we want to. The solemnity is in the church. God is in His church."
198I said, "God is in His Word. And if the church is..." I said, "God is the Word. And if the church is contrary to the Word, then I don't believe the church."
I let every man's word be a lie, whether it be priest, pope, whatever he might be, and God's Word be true.
And Paul caused every man, no matter how he had been baptized, if he wasn't baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, to come and be baptized over again.
199And after some had already received the Holy Ghost, Peter said, "Can we forbid water, seeing that these have received the Holy Ghost," Acts 10:49, "seeing that these received the Holy Ghost like we did at the..." And he commanded them, "Before you leave the place, although you've received the Holy Ghost, come and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ."
For, Peter was given the key to the Kingdom, saying, "Whatever you bind on earth, I'll bind it in Heaven." And what does a key do? It unlocks something, the mystery.
200 And when Jesus said, "Go, baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost," setting that there to blind the unbeliever.
Watch! Why didn't Peter carry that out, word by word? He had to.
If a man is baptized in the titles, "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," he's never been baptized at all; he has no Name. Father is no name, Son is no name, and Holy Ghost is no name. The Holy Ghost is what It is; like, I'm a human. It is the Holy Ghost.
Father is a title; I'm a father. Son is a title; I'm a son. Human is a title; that's what I am. But my name is William Branham.
And the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost is the Name of "Jesus Christ." Jesus said, "I come in My Father's Name." What is the Father's Name? Any son comes in his father's name. And the Father's Name is Jesus Christ. See? See what I mean?
201 If I told you to go down and get me something off of the counter down here, in the name of the mayor of the city. How many knows who the mayor of the city is? My good friend, Rich Vissing. Well, you wouldn't go down there and say "in the name of the mayor of the city." You say, "In the name of Richard Vissing." You people here in Jeffersonville knows who he is.
And that's the reason He said, "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." In Him dwells the Deity, the fullness of the Godhead bodily. He said, "Baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost."
202Peter standing there with the revelation on which He built the Church, of Who He was, he said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ." And never... The keys turned in Heaven and on earth. "There's not another Name under Heaven given among men whereby you must be saved."
203 Why do you baptize in the Name of Jesus Christ? For the remission of sins. "Whosesoever sins you remit, to them they are remitted." See? But if you don't think he's worthy and fit to be baptized, don't you do it. For, when you do it, that does it, see. You get what I mean?
I can hear my Sav-... (the Word) calling, (calling down there to the grave)
I can... ("Won't you die with Me, so you can rise with Me?")... -iour calling,
I can hear my Saviour calling, (what's the world going to say?)
"Take thy cross, and follow, follow..."
Now, if you haven't been:
Where He (He is the Word) leads me I... (there is the pool)
Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.
Let's bow our head.
204 Dear God, the pool is ready. Now speak to hearts, Lord. May they hear Christ, the Word, calling them, and go with Him all the way.
"I'll go with Him through the garden. I'll go with Him to the pool. I'll take on His Name. I want to be one of the people He is calling for His Name. I'll believe His Word. I'll follow. I'll never flirt with the world. I'll be a true, espoused Bride. I'll not leave off one iota of His Word. Every request, I'll be a real, true Bride. Everything He requests me to do, that will I do.
"If my coming Husband wants me to let my hair grow, I'll do it. If He wants me to take off all this makeup, I'll do it. If He want... He tells me it's a evil spirit, the evil one I'm flirting with, with these sexy-looking clothes; I'll do it, I'll take them off. I don't care what anybody else says, I'll take them off.
"He wants me to come out of that group that I'm with, of unbelievers, I'll do it; though I make my bread, or whatever it is. He promised He would never leave me nor forsake me. I'll--I'll do it. I'll go with Him all the way. He wants me to be baptized in His Name, I'll do it."
Lord, You promised it in Your Word here, that's what You wanted. May every person see it, Lord, and sweetly, humbly bow to It. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.
205 You belong to God. May God take the little broken words and make them real to you, is my sincere prayer.
The pool will be ready. Anybody that wants to come, they have... The minister will announce that a little later. Anybody that's repented and wants to be baptized, using the Name of Jesus Christ, you just come right ahead. Everything is ready. "All things are ready." Everything that we can do to help you to live for God, we're here to do it. God bless you.
206Now let us stand. Now our little song, I Love Him. "I love Him because He first loved me." Let's sing it, everybody now.
I love Him,...
Let's raise our hands as we sing it.
... I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
With our heads and hearts bowed now, let's hum it to Him. [Brother Branham begins humming I Love Him--Ed.]
I love Him.
[Brother Branham continues humming I Love Him--Ed.]
O God, our Father, be merciful to us poor creatures, Lord. Strengthen us for the job that lays ahead. Help me, O God, help me! I feel that something is laying right out here, Father. Help me, O God, to know the Truth. Bless these people, dear God. Lead them, I pray, in Jesus' Name.
207Now while we bow our heads, I'm going to ask the pastor here, Brother Neville, our precious brother, step right up here now and say what he's going to, about whether... about the baptism. I might announce that. I think the pool is open, though.