Ježiš povedal: "Moje slová sú Duch a sú Život." Ježiš to povedal. A znovu: "Slovo je Semeno, ktoré sial rozsievač." Vieme, že to je pravda. To je Boh vo forme Slova, a jedine On sám Ho môže vykladať. Ľudská myseľ nie je schopná vykladať myseľ Božiu. Ako môže táto malá ohraničená myseľ vykladať myseľ Božiu, keď my ani nie sme schopní vykladať myseľ jeden druhého?
A všimnite si, On je ten jediný, ktorý To môže vykladať, a On To vykladá tomu, komu chce. Tam nie je povedané: "Smrteľníci za dávna, keď chodili po zemi, mnoho krát a rôznym spôsobom." Boh sa mnoho krát a rôznym spôsobom zjavil svojim prorokom. Vidíte?
A všimnite si. Tomu, komu To On zjavi ... A On to tak urobil, aby sa mohol v Písme ukryť, pred tým najchytrejším teológom. Ó! On sa môže proste tak ukryť, stáť rovno v Písme, a vy sa celý deň môžete dívať a nevidieť to, môžete sa dívať celý život a nevidieť to. On sa môže proste ukryť a pritom sa tam nachádza.
1 Skloňme svoje hlavy. Pane Ježišu, Pastier toho veľkého stáda, Pane sme Ti takí dlžní, že Ti nikdy nebudeme môcť zaplatiť za lásku, ktorú si tak široko rozlial v našich srdciach. Cítime sa takí nehodní, keď skláňame svoje hlavy a stojíme v Tvojej prítomnosti. Prosíme Ťa aby si nás očistil od všetkých vín a od všetkých hriechov. Prosíme aby si posilnil dnes naše telá. Mnohí sú chorí a postihnutí, ako to tu vidieť podľa vreckoviek a prosieb, ktoré prichádzajú cez telefón a zo všade.
2 A veríme, že sme teraz na konci histórie tohoto sveta, a zanedlho čas pominie a nastane večnosť, a my chceme byť pripravení na tú hodinu. Preto sme sa tu dnes ráno zhromaždili, aby sme sa pripravili na ten čas. Povedali mi, že dnes ráno sú mnohí po celom národe spojení s nami pomocou telefónu, od pobrežia ku pobrežiu. Nech je požehnaná tá malá skupina, všade kde prichádzajú naše hlasy. Uzdrav chorých, ktorí sú medzi nimi. A prosím aby si očistil ich duše od všetkého zlého. A pomôž nám tu dnes ráno v modlitebni, aby sme sa tiež mohli tešiť z tohoto veľkého privilégia.
3A prosíme Ťa, aby si hovoril dnes ku nám cez Tvoje napísané Slovo, a nech by nám Duch zjavil to čo nám je potrebné, pri tom keď sme sa teraz zhromaždili po celom národe, cítime, že sme malí ľudia, ale máme miesto medzi vykúpenými, pretože sme uverili v Ježiša Krista.
4Udeľ nám tohoto, Pane, a keď zakončíme toto zhromaždenie a pôjdeme každý do svojho domu, po celom národe, nech by sme mohli povedať ako tí z Emaus: "Či nehoreli naše srdcia, keď nám hovoril na ceste?"
5A teraz, Otče, ja viem, že čokoľvek by som ja povedal by aj tak bolo nedostatočné. Teraz s týmito milými kresťanmi po celom národe, ktorí sú s nami spojení, to by sa nehodilo. To čo by bolo na niečo dobré, to nie je to čo by som ja mohol povedať, pretože my všetci sme v tej istej kategórii. My sme ľudia, smrteľníci, ale nech hovorí ten veľký Duch Svätý; nech On vezme Slovo a nech proste zjaví Seba samého. My teraz čakáme na Neho, v mene Ježiša. Amen. (Môžete si sadnúť.)
6Som tak trochu prekvapený; povedal som žene, ak náhodou teraz počúva v Tucsone, že som si nemyslel, že budem mať nejaké zhromaždenie, keď sem prídem; a nepriniesol som si ani šaty. A povedal som svojej neveste - žehlila mi kabát - a povedal som: "Budem stáť za kazateľňou v ... Nebudú vedieť, že kabát nie je od tých nohavíc." A tak, tie ktoré nosím doma ... Ale Méda, ona mi vyžehlila košeľu a všetko, tak - neboj sa. Všetko je v poriadku.
7No, máme tu prosbu, že jeden veľmi milý brat ... A myslím, že - že Prescott, zdá sa mi, že je pripojený dnes ráno, Prescott v Arizone. Otec sestry Mercierovej, bol na ceste sem do zhromaždenia, ako tomu rozumiem, a musel byť odvezený do nemocnice lebo dostal srdcový záchvat, brat Coggins. A tiež brat Junior Jacson, myslím že je napojený tu dole cez to ďalšie rádio - či telefón, dole v Clarksville, či New Alabany, a jeho otec je v nemocnici, ako mi povedali, s vážnou operáciou rakoviny na pečienky. A tak chceme skutočne pamätať na nich, vo svojich modlitbách. A teraz, sú tu tiež iní, ale nechceme zaberať čas. Boh vie o nich o všetkých, a tak sa teraz za nich modlime.
8Drahý Bože, keď ten drahý, starý muž so zvráskavenými rukami, brat Coggins, starý veterán na misijnom poli, leží dnes ráno niekde v nemocnici, trpí na následok srdcového záchvatu, Bože, to staré biedne srdce prešlo cez mnoho problémov. Prosím, Bože, pomôž mu. Udeľ toho. On miluje život, ako my všetci, a chce žiť. Pane Bože, udeľ toho. My sa po celom národe modlíme za neho v mene Ježiša, aby si ho uzdravil a zobral ho z tade. Veríme, že to urobíš a on bude - príde rovno na zhromaždenie.
9Prosíme za brata Jacsona, za jeho vzácneho otca, ktorý tam teraz leží, blízky smrti. A priviedol na svet milého chlapca akým je Junior, a ja prosím, drahý Bože, aby si ho uzdravil. Viem, že to vyzerá nemožné. Medicína, lekári, oni nevedia čo robiť, v takomto prípade ... Ale my si pripomíname tiež brata Halla, keď najlepší doktori tu v Luisvile povedali: "Zostáva mu len niekoľko hodín života," s rakovinou na pečienky, a on z tvojej milosti dnes žije (a to bolo pred dvadsiatymi piatymi rokmi). A tak sa modlím, aby si uzdravil dnes brata Jacsona, Pane. Nech je pri ňom Tvoja milosť a milosrdenstvo.
10A celá táto veľká hromada vreckoviek a šatiek a všetkého čo je tu, a prosieb, Ty o nich o všetkých vieš, Otče. Prosím, aby si im všetkým udelil uzdravenia. V mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
11No, na začiatok chcem dnes ráno povedať, že už minulú nedeľu som si nemyslel, že sem prídem. A potom znovu keď sme to ohlásili, tak som prišiel. Brat Neville chcel aby som hovoril, a potom sme ohlásili ľuďom vonku po krajine. A teraz máme tento telefónny systém, a to je veľmi, veľmi dobré. Ľudia môžu sedieť rovno vo svojich domoch, alebo na zhromaždení na svojich miestach, vo svojich zboroch, a tak ďalej, a počúvať kázanie. Cením si to.
12No, vidím, že tu leží ... tento minulý týždeň tu bolo mnoho prosieb ohľadne toho, čo som povedal minulú nedeľu v posolstve ... myslím - zabudol som teraz ako som ho nazval. Ale hovoril som tam niečo o platení našich dlhov. A viete, bez ohľadu na to čo hovoríte, mnohí to zle porozumejú, nie preto, že by to - oni to nechcú zle rozumieť, ale to proste nerozumiete. A tak, niekto povedal: "Máme si kúpiť auto?" alebo, "Čo by som mal ... " No, to nie je to o čom tam Ježiš hovoril, alebo Biblia, kde je povedané: "Nebuďte nikomu nič dlžní." Tu ide o dlhy, ktoré preťahujete, ktoré by ste mohli zaplatiť. Zaplaťte ich. Vy ne ... To znamená, nebuďte nikomu nič dlžní. To neznamená ... Ó, my dlhujeme svoje nájomné, alebo účet za telefón, my - a iné. My dlhujeme tieto veci, a platíme ich. Ale staré nevyrovnané dlhy, ktoré majú byť zaplatené, zaplaťte ich. Vidíte? No, nemajte na sebe niečo takéto.
13Pamätám sa, keď som bol raz chorý, keď som bol chlapec. Prišiel som z nemocnice a bol som dĺžny okolo dve tisíc dolárov. A tu bývala lekáreň, pán Swainger, bol som mu dĺžny za lieky asi tri alebo štyri sto dolárov. On ma ani nepoznal. A ten človek ... Išiel som za ním. Nepoznal som ho, a on ich aj tak posielal, nikdy neodmietol poslať tie lieky; a povedal som mu: "Som vám dlžný." A povedal som ... Myslím, že nie Swainger, to bol pán Mason tam dole na ulici Court a Spring. A povedal som: "Som vám dĺžny. A stále som veľmi slabý, ale snažím sa ísť do práce. No, ak vám nebudem môcť zaplatiť ..." Práve som sa stal kresťanom; Povedal som: "Prvá vec, pán Mason, ako moja povinnosť ku Bohu, Jemu dlhujem svoju desatinu. Prv chcem Jemu zaplatiť svoju desatinu." A povedal som: "Potom ďalšia moja povinnosť je platiť moje dlhy." A povedal som: "Môj otec je chorý a on - a máme ... Je nás desať detí." Ale povedal som: "Ja ... Ak vám nebudem môcť platiť viac, ako dvadsať päť centov pri každej výplate ... Ak vám nebudem schopný zaplatiť ani tých dvadsať päť centov, prídem a poviem vám to. Poviem vám, 'Nie som schopný vám to teraz zaplatiť.'" No, s pomocou Božou, všetko som to zaplatil. Vidíte? Ale to je to, čo chcem povedať. Vidíte?
14Proste ne... Niekto povie ... Och, nejaký kresťan tu zo zboru raz išiel a dal si tu na aute niečo urobiť, a ten človek sem prišiel ... Ten človek povedal: "Ja ti zaplatím. Sobotu mám výplatu," či tak nejako, a nezaplatil mu. A ubiehali týždne za týždňami a stále mu nezaplatil, nepovedal ani slovo. A ten človek prišiel a opýtal sa ma, on povedal ... Vidíte, to vrhá zlé svetlo na zbor. To vrhá zlé svetlo na Krista. Ak mu nemôžeš zaplatiť, choď a povedz mu to, povedz: "Som ti dĺžny, a zaplatím ti, Som Kresťan, ale proste - nemôžem hneď teraz, mám ... toto som dĺžny." A pamätaj, to je tiež zapísané v Božích knihách, vieš, to čo robíš. A tak to je ... Ja sa snažím za seba a spolu za nás všetkých, snažím sa byť pripravený, lebo vieme, že sa približujeme ku niečomu, sme veľmi blízko niečoho, čo sa má stať. A tak chceme byť pripravení. Keď sa teraz príchod Pánov tak veľmi približuje, chceme byť pripravení na tú veľkú hodinu.
15No, chceme sa pripraviť a hovoriť tu teraz malú tému, ktorú som vybral na dnes ráno s pomocou Pánovou. A budeme hovoriť tak stručne ako budeme môcť, kvôli ľuďom, ktorí sú pripojení cez telefón. Dúfam že všetci máte - po celom národe, že máte pekné ráno, ako my tu v Indiáne. Máme teraz po daždi pekné, chladné počasie, a je veľmi pekne.
16No, ako text chcem čítať z listu Židom z prvej kapitole a z evanjelia svätého Jána z prvej kapitoly. Židom 1: 1-3 a ev. Jána 1: 1. Mojou témou dnes ráno je skúmať Písma. No, čítajme Židom 1: 1:
Kým za dávna mnoho ráz a mnohým spôsobom hovorieval Boh otcom v prorokoch,
za týchto posledných dní nám hovoril v Synovi, ktorého ustanovil za dediča všetkého, skrze ktorého učinil aj veky,
ktorý súc odbleskom jeho slávy a obrazom jeho podstaty a nesúc všetko slovom svojej moci a učiniac si skrze samého seba očistenie od našich hriechov posadil sa po pravici Veličenstva na výsostiach
Ako to nádherne znie. A teraz ev. Jána 1:1.Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh.
17No, a môj text dnes ráno je: Kristus je zjavený vo svojom vlastnom Slove. No, to čo ma priviedlo ku tomu aby som o tomto hovoril bolo, pretože to ... Vieme, že to čo hovoríme, nemôžeme hovoriť len preto, že sme sa spolu zhromaždili, aby sme len tak hovorili o niečom, ale to je niečo čo pomôže stabilizovať ľudí, pretože budeme prechádzať cez nebezpečenstvá, cez zákerné vody. Už sa cez ne plavíme. A niekedy, hádam je to s vami tak ako so mnou, že vyzerá, že je toho tak veľa, že to naháňa strach.
18Pred chvíľou som sa rozprával s mladým kazateľom a s jeho ženou. A obaja sú nervózni, ako aj ostatný svet - ako ostatní ľudia na zemi. Povedal som: "Pamätajte, Satan prichádza na vás s úderom." Nestarám sa kto ste, Boh ... On má právo na ten jeden úder. Čo by ste radšej chceli, ten úder, byť slepí, alebo mať artritídu a sedieť v kresle, alebo byť nervózny? Vidíte? On sa niekde dostal, aby vám mohol zadať úder. On má právo na to otvorené miesto. No, to je to miesto, ktoré po celý čas musíte mať prikryté.
19A keď vidíme tento nervózny vek, v ktorom žijeme ... A pásky z minulého týždňa, myslím, vám zjavia tie veľké ohavné veci, o ktorých budeme hovoriť niekedy v týchto dňoch, keď budeme môcť zohnať vhodné miesto, o otvorení tých posledných pliag, ktoré majú byť vyliate na zem - o tých Čašiach, vlastne, o vyliatí tých Čiaš, a o Siedmich Hromoch ... A o týchto strašných znameniach, ktoré prichádzajú na zem ...
20Človek teraz a ľudia dnes sú v takom nervóznom stave, celý svet ... Čítali ste Reader's Digest z minulého mesiaca, všimnite si tam tú tému; je tam o Billy Grahamovi, veľkom evanjelistovi. Tak sa vyčerpal, že nemohol mať svoje zhromaždenia a išiel na Mayovu kliniku na lekárske vyšetrenie. A tam zistili, že mu nič nie je, že len proste málo fyzicky pracuje. A nariadili mu aby behal - telesné cvičenie. Každý deň behá míľu. A potom, článok pokračuje, a tam je povedané, že veda dnes dokázala, že mladé deti, títo malí chlapci a dievčatá dosahujú svoj stredný vek, keď majú dvadsať rokov. A mnohokrát, v mnohých prípadoch dievčence v dvadsiatich piatych rokoch sú po prechodoch, vo veku dvadsať päť rokov.
Neviem, či ste to vedeli alebo nie, ale pred niekoľkými večerami, keď tu Duch Svätý hovoril na zhromaždení, sedelo tu mladé dievča; to bolo presne to čo bolo tomu dieťaťu, keď ju On vyvolal. Pozrel som sa na ňu druhý krát, pozrel som sa znovu, a videl som čo to bolo. Pomyslel som si: "To nie je možné, to dieťa je príliš mladé." Ale bolo to tak, prechody - okolo dvadsať ročná, dvadsať tri, alebo tak nejako. Vidíte?
21Moju matku a tvoju matku to stihlo vo veku od štyridsať päť do päťdesiat. Moju ženu to zastihlo vo veku okolo tridsať päť. Teraz je to okolo dvadsiatky. Celá ľudská rasa je zhnitá. No, ak tie telesné bytosti, naše telo sa takto rúca, zo skrížených pokrmov, ktoré sa jedia, z nervového napnutia, a to spôsobuje ich hnitie, či to tiež nespôsobuje hnitie mozgových buniek? Potom môžeme vidieť ako ženy môžu chodiť nahé po ulici. Môžeme vidieť ako ľudia jazdia po ulici sto dvadsať míľovou rýchlosťou, a všetko toto. Prišlo to do takého stavu, že celý národ, celý svet, nie len tento národ, ale všade, stratili rozum.
22A potom keď otvoríme tie, ak Pán dá, tých Sedem Čiaš a ukážeme tie ohavné veci ... Ľudia budú za nejaký čas takí zbláznení, až si budú predstavovať, že vidia mravce veľké ako hora. Oni budú trýzniť ženy, prídu na zem kobylky s dlhými vlasmi, aby trýznili ženy, ktoré si strihajú vlasy, budú mať vlasy ako žena, a dlhé zuby ako lev, na chvostoch žihadlá ako škorpión, a tak ďalej, aby trýznili ľudí na zemi. Ale potom, už bude príliš neskoro, aby sa s tým dalo niečo robiť. Robte to hneď teraz. Vidíte? Trýznenie...
23A minulú nedeľu, keď sme hovorili o týchto okruhoch, o tom ako tých päť zmyslov v tej vonkajšej oblasti ... To je vstup do tela, tých päť zmyslov. Je len jeden spôsob ako sa môžete dostať do tela, a to skrze týchto päť zmyslov: Zrak, chuť, cit, čuch, a sluch; nieto inej cesty ako sa kontaktovať s telom.
24Vo vnútri toho človeka je človek, ktorý sa nazýva duch. A on má päť zmyslov: Myseľ - myšlienka, myslenie, a láska a svedomie, a tak ďalej. No dobre.
25No, vy nemôžete myslieť pomocou svojho tela; vy myslíte pomocou svojej mysli. A príliš veľa kresťanov prichádza len po tadeto a zastanú. A oni môžu ... práve tak ako zrno na poli a kúkoľ na poli, oni môžu byť pomazaní tým istým Duchom Svätým, ktorým je pomazaný ozajstný veriaci. Ale dole vo vnútri tej ďalšej oblasti, tej tretej oblasti, je duša; a ona je predurčená od Boha. Tam leží ten skutočný zárodok semena, tam vo vnútri.
26A pamätajte, keby som zobral kúkoľ a rozkrojil by som ho, zaštepil do neho srdce pšenici a dal ho do zemi, zahrabal, z toho kúkoľa by vyrástla pšenica, nezáleží na tom, čo je to navonok, aké má emócie.
27Dnes, je také zamiešanie ohľadne dôkazu Ducha Svätého a tak ďalej. Satan dokáže napodobniť každý dar, ktorý Boh má, ale nemôže priniesť to Slovo, slovo za slovom. Na tom on zlyhal v záhrade Eden; na tom on stále zlyhá. Na tom oni ... Páska o falošných pomazancoch ... Oni môžu byť pomazaní Duchom, hovoriť v jazykoch, tancovať, kričať, kázať Evanjelium, a stále je to diabol. To je to vnútro. No pamätajte, Ježiš povedal: "Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne. Nikto nemôže prísť, keby ho prv nepotiahol Otec."
No, prebrali sme tú lekciu, aby ste videli že vo - vy ste boli vo svojom pra, pra, pra starom otcovi po celý čas, telesne povedané. Potom, to je to čo ste ako telesná bytosť, prirodzenosť. Niekedy sa v rodine narodí dieťa s červenými vlasmi. Otec je z toho prekvapený, pretože nepozná nikoho vo svojej rodine, kto by mal červené vlasy, ani v rodine matky. Ale ak začnete skúmať dozadu niekoľko generácií, zistíte, že niekto mal červené vlasy. To semeno tam stále pretrváva, a ty prichádzaš s prirodzenosťou niekoho z predkov. Ako v liste Židom v 7. kapitole je povedané, že Melchisedech ... Abrahám Mu zaplatil desiatok, keď sa vracal od porážky kráľov. A Lévi, ktorý prijíma desiatky, zaplatil desiatok, lebo bol v bedrách Abraháma, keď on stretol Melchisedecha.
28No, tak isto je to s týmto: "Ak si syn Boží, a ak som ja syn Boží, alebo dcéra Božia, my sme boli na začiatku v Bohu. A keď sa Ježiš stal Plnosťou Slova, my sme vtedy boli v Ňom, vo forme zárodku. Keď On bol ukrižovaný, my sme boli ukrižovaní v Jeho tele. Keď On vstal z mŕtvych, my sme vstali s Ním. A teraz, od vtedy ako sme to rozpoznali, teraz sedíme spolu s Ním v ponebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi. Vidíte? Lebo On ... My, ak sme synovia a dcéry Božie, sme Božie deti; a potom sme Božími atribútmi. Potom sme boli - máme Večný Život. A Boh je jediný Večný Život, ktorý existuje. Potom sme boli v Ňom od začiatku. A keď sa Ježiš stal celým tým Slovom, tak my sme vtedy boli Jeho časťou. Amen! Tu to máte. Keď je to tam, žiadny diabol, žiadna moc ani nič nedokáže tým pohnúť. To je kotva duši.
29Môžeš byť pomazaný tu vonku na tomto duchu, a máš túžbu a robíš všetky tieto iné veci, ale keď to príde ku tejto kotve, do Slova, nikdy sa od toho nepohnete. To sa bude tak mocne a verne držať toho Slova, ako len môže. Pomimo toho, bez ohľadu na to čo robíš, si stále stratený.
30Ten Laodicejský cirkevný vek, nahý, slepý, biedny a ani o tom nevie. Vidíte, to nie je - on má pomazaných, pomazaných skutočným Duchom. Vidíte ten Duch Svätý môže spadnúť na človeka na jeho ducha, ale jeho zárodkom je jeho duša. Tým zárodkom je Slovo. Vidíte? A ako ... Nestarám sa o to koľko kážete, ako dobre robíte toto, a ako veľmi milujete ... To je jeden zo vstupov do ducha. Nemôžete milovať svojím telom; milujete svojím duchom. To je jeden zo vstupov. A vy môžete milovať a dokonca milovať Boha, a stále nebyť v poriadku. Ježiš tak povedal; povedal že mnohí prídu v ten deň. Rozhodujúce je to Slovo.
Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh.
A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami -
31Všimnite si. Chcem hovoriť na túto tému Biblii, Kristus zjavený vo svojom vlastnom Slove. Ku tomuto rozhodnutiu som prišiel vo svojej izbe. Nejaká drahá osoba (možno že tu dnes ráno sedí) ... Mám tam vo svojej izbe zavesený obrázok, je to hlava Kristova od Hoffmana, na ktorom sú napísané blahoslavenstvá. A práve tam, kde prídete na miesto, tam kde má byť časť vlasov, oni pritlačili trochu viac perom, keď to písali v tej časti. Tak On tam je, umiestnený vo svojom Slove a díva sa z neho. Kristus v blahoslavenstvách. Niekto, ktokoľvek to bol, ďakujem ti za to. Niekto priniesol ten obrázok a dal ho tam do mojej izby, ako Eliáš odchádza hore na ohnivom voze. Ceníme si tieto veci. Mnohokrát, keď sú tu veľké zástupy ľudí, nemám proste možnosť aby som toto povedal, ale vidím to, brat, sestra. Viem o tom. Boh o tom vie.
32A teraz budem hovoriť na túto tému, Kristus zjavený vo svojom vlastnom Slove. Ako je tam v tých blahoslavenstvách viditeľne umiestnený obraz Krista. Ako ... Tam mi prišla na myseľ táto téma.
33No, Kristus a Slovo, to je to isté. Vidíte? Oni hovoria: "Ako bola Biblia ...?" Ľudia hovoria .... Pred nedávnom som išiel na aute s jedným človekom. On povedal: "Len si to predstav. My tu na tejto zemi, tak ako sme, a my vieme len, alebo môžeme len povedať, že sme spasení, skrze nejakú Židovskú bájku, ktorá sa nazýva Biblia."
34Povedal som: "Pane, neviem ako to ty nazývaš, ale ja neverím, že to je židovská bájka." Povedal som ...
On povedal: "No, modlíš sa ... Ku čomu sa modlíš? Ja som prosil za to a za to a za určité veci; A nedostal som to."
35Povedal som: "Ty sa zle modlíš. My sa nikdy nemáme modliť aby sme zmenili Božiu myseľ; my sa máme modliť o zmenu našej mysli. Božia myseľ nepotrebuje žiadnu zmenu. (Vidíte?) To je správne." Povedal som: "Nie to, za čo sa ty modlíš ..."
Poznám katolíckeho chlapca, ktorý sa raz - mal modlitebnú knižku, z ktorej odriekával modlitby a jeho - za svoju matku, aby žila. A ona zomrela, a on zahodil tú modlitebnú knižku do ohňa. No, vidíte ... Ja neidem pre modlitebnú knižku, ale aj tak ... Vidíte, vy máte zlý postoj. Vy chcete povedať Bohu čo má robiť. Modlitba má byť: "Pane, zmeň ma aby som pasoval do Tvojho Slova," nie zmeniť - nie: "Dovoľ mi zmeniť Tvoju myseľ, Ty zmeň moju myseľ. (Vidíte?) Ty premeň moju myseľ podľa Tvojej vôli, a Tvoja vôľa je napísaná tu v tej Knihe. A Pane, a nedovoľ mi odísť kým nenastavíš moju myseľ presne podľa Tvojej mysli. A potom, keď bude moja myseľ nastavená tak ako Tvoja, potom budem veriť každému Slovu, ktoré si napísal. A Ty si tam povedal, že robíš, aby všetko bolo na dobré tým, ktorí Ťa milujú, a ja Ťa milujem, Pane. To všetko spolu pôsobí na dobré."
36Tento týždeň som bol tam v tom kraji a zastavil som sa u svojich veľmi dobrých priateľov. Opýtal som sa ich včera pri stole, keď sme jedli ... Stále tak sedávame a máme malé - niečo ako malé štúdium Biblii. Hovorili sme o láske, a tam bol jeden človek, ktorý mi povedal, on povedal: "Mám dojem, že si antikrist."
37Povedal som: "Keby sa to páčilo môjmu Pánovi, tak by som ním chcel byť. Chcem byť tým, čím On chce, aby som bol. Milujem Ho. A ak by ma On uvrhol do pekla, stále Ho budem milovať, keby som tam išiel s tým istým duchom, ktorého mám teraz." On sa pozrel na mňa trochu udivene. Videl som ich tam štyroch alebo piatych, mladých mužov so svojimi ženami, milé ženy. Vedel som ako títo chlapci milujú svoje ženy, a tak som im povedal, povedal som: "Tu je spôsob ako to môžete vyskúšať. Ak tvoja žena, prv ako ste sa vzali ... No, poďme naspäť, povedzme že ty - tento manželský život, že snívalo sa ti, že si bol ženatý. V skutočnosti si nebol ženatý, ale sa ti snívalo že si bol. A zobudil si sa, a išiel si a porozprával si to svojej priateľke, a povedal si: 'Vieš, snívalo sa mi, že sme sa vzali, a mali sme deti, a šťastne sme žili, a očakávali sme na príchod Pána a tak ďalej!' A potom by ti toto dievča povedalo: 'Vieš ja milujem iného muža viac ako teba. Ja môžem byť šťastnejšia s tým druhým mužom.' Mohol by si ju zo srdca milovať až tak, že aby si povedal: 'Nech splynú na teba požehnania Božie, drahá. Vydaj sa za toho druhého muža.' No, skontrolujte to teraz, každý jeden z vás mužov, alebo z vás žien. Vidíte? No, ak je vaša láska správna, urobili by ste to, pretože sa vám jedná o jej blaho. Čo ... Vieš, že by si ju mohol mať, mohol by si s ňou žiť, že je tvojou ženou - že bude tvojou ženou, že sa za teba vydá, ale by nebola šťastná. Bola by šťastnejšia ... A potom, ak ju miluješ, potom chceš aby bola šťastná. Preto, akákoľvek je vôľa Božia, nech sa stane vôľa Božia, či som ja pri tom šťastný alebo nie. Chcem žiť tak, aby On mal radosť z toho čo robím. A tak skontrolujte takto svoje zámery a motívy a budete vedieť či milujte Boha alebo nie."
Čo ak by On povedal: "Ty si Mi slúžil, ale Ja ťa odvrhnem?"
"Aj tak Ťa milujem." Vidíte, vidíte?
38A tak, ak by cirkvi toto videli a mohli takto tomu veriť, nesnažil by sa jeden vytrhnúť loptu druhému, keď s ňou beží. On by ho chránil, (Vidíte?) keď má skutočný, pravý motív a zámer. Nebude chcieť povedať: "Hej, ja toto tiež mám, ja - ja ... Toto je moje; toto ... Vidíte, Boh nemôže použiť takého človeka. Ide za tým tak veľa napodobovania, a to je Satan; a ľudia si to nevedia uvedomiť. Oni sa snažia zobrať loptu niekomu, komu bola daná. Nech Boh vzbudí nejakú službu a pozorujte koľkí za tým idú. Vidíte, vidíte?
39No, ozajstná láska ku Bohu: "Nezáleží na tom akou som časťou, Pane, ak budem môcť povedať len slovo aby som Tomu pomohol, podoprel To, daj mi to urobiť." Vidíš? To je to isté ako ohľadne tvojej ženy. Ak ju skutočne miluješ (vidíš?), to nie je - to nie je láska fileo, to je láska Agape, skutčoná láska. Ak by ona mohla žiť s niekým iným a byť šťastnejšia ... Vy nie ste v tomto prípade ženatý, pretože, nemôžete ...
40A mimochodom, ľudia počúvajú tieto pásky. Niektorí - toľkí posielajú listy a píšu: "No, v Manželstve a Rozvode si povedal toto a povedal si tamto." Povedal som to tak veľa krát; tieto pásky sú len ... Hovorím ku svojmu zhromaždeniu, brat. Nie som zodpovedný za to, čo Boh dáva tebe, ako duchovnému pastierovi. Ja som zodpovedný za to, akým pokrmom kŕmim týchto ľudí. Toto je len pre tento zbor. Rozumiete? No, ak ľudia chcú počúvať tie pásky, to záleží na nich. Ale ja hovorím to, čo Boh dal mne. To boli ich hriechy, ktoré zostali zabudnuté. Niekto napísal a povedal: "No, ja som učinil to a ja som učinil tamto. Ty si povedal, že naše hriechy ..." Ja som to nepovedal.
Ja som povedal: "Pozrite sa na toto; toto je len pre týchto ľudí tu, pre ľudí tu v tomto zbore, pre moje vlastné stádo." No, ak chcú ľudia krížiť pokrm a strkať tam ... Vy - vy máte zjavenie od Boha a robte to čo vám Boh hovorí. Ja budem robiť to isté. Ale tieto posolstvá sú pre túto cirkev.
41Všimnite si. No, my ideme naspäť, musíme mať ešte niečo, čoho sa musíme držať. Niečo musí byť kotvou, inými slovami, to je konečná autorita. A každý musí mať nejakú konečnú autoritou, alebo nejaký absolút. Kázal som raz o tom pred pár rokmi, o absolúte, o mieste ktoré má posledné slovo. Ako rozhodca pri loptovej hre, ak on povie, že to je gól, tak je to tak a hotovo. Nezáleží na tom ako to ty vidíš, rozhodca povedal, že to je gól.
42Ty si povedal: "Ja - ja - ja ... To nebol gól. To išlo- Ja som videl- " Nezáleží na tom čo to je, keď on povedal: "Gól," tak je to gól, a tým je to vybavené, proste čo ... On je konečnou autoritou.
43Semafór je konečnou autoritou. Ak on signalizuje: "Choď." Ty hovoríš: "No ja sa ponáhľam, ja mám ... " Nie, nie, on signalizuje: "Ty stoj kým prechádzajú tí druhí." To je konečná autorita.
44No, pri všetkom čo robíš musí existovať konečné rozhodnutie. Muselo prísť konečné rozhodnutie, keď si si vyberal ženu. Musela byť žena, ktorú si si vybral.
45No, musí byť čas, keď si ideš kúpiť auto, aké urobíš konečné rozhodnutie. Bude to Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth, zahraničné auto, čokoľvek, musíš urobiť konečné rozhodnutie. A tak je to v kresťanskom živote; musí existovať konečná autorita.
46No, ak niekto povedal, išiel k inému človeku a povedal - počul, že niekto hovoril: "No, ty máš byť pokrstený," a tento človek nikdy ... Možno že on ... Nejaká cirkev, ktorá nekrstila, oni len fŕkajú ... myslím, povedzme napríklad metodisti, oni krstia ak je potreba, ako som počul. Alebo možno katolíci, myslím, že oni len fŕkajú. Tak potom, ak ten človek počul niečo že má byť ponorený do vody, no, on tomu nerozumel; on bol vychovaný ako katolík, tak on ide ku kňazovi a hovorí: "Otče, dopočul som sa že máme byť pokrstení ponorením. Čo o tom hovorí naša cirkev?"
47"Aha, ona hovorí, že máme byť pofŕkaní." No, ak jeho konečnou autoritou je tá cirkev, tak tým je to vybavené. Všetkým sporom je koniec. Cirkev tak povedala a hotovo.
48Čo ak - ak brat z baptistov nás počul hovoriť, že my veríme, že máme byť pokrstení ponorením - on by povedal: "Ja tomu verím," - a v mene Ježiša Krista. No, tento - tento člen cirkvi ide ku pastorovi a hovorí: "Pastor, jeden človek mi povedal, že krstiť ponorením, že to je v poriadku, ale v mene Ježiša Krista."
49"No," on by povedal: "No, pozrime. Aha, tu táto kniha hovorí, že máme byť pokrstení používajúc slová Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý." Ak tá cirkev je konečnou autoritou, tým je to vybavené. On sa nestará o to, čo hovorí niekto iný, to je pre neho konečná autorita.
50No, každá denominácia je pre svojich veriacich konečnou autoritou. Ale pre mňa a pre týchto, o ktorých mám nádej, že ich vediem ku Kristovi, a skrze Krista, pre nás je konečnou autoritou Biblia. Nezáleží ... Pretože Boh povedal: "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvo, a Moje Pravdou." A ja verím že Biblia je Božou konečnou autoritou. Bez ohľadu na to čo ktokoľvek hovorí, Ona je konečnou autoritou.
Biblia nie je kniha systémov. Nie veru! Ona nie je knihou systémov, ani morálneho kódexu. Biblia nie je knihou systému, toľkých systémov a tak ďalej. Nie veru! Nie je to kniha morálky. Nie veru, nie je. Ani To nie je kniha histórii, vôbec nie, a ani to nie je kniha teológii, lebo Ona je zjavením Ježiša Krista. No, ak by ste si to chceli prečítať, vy ktorí máte papier, a zapisujete si to, je to Zjavenie 1: 1-3. Biblia je Zjavením Ježiša Krista.
51Prečítajme si to, kým máme čas. Myslím ... Nemám príliš veľa poznámkou z ktorých by som hovoril. Ak bude Pán čakať, no, budeme sa snažiť čerpať z nich …
Zjavenie Ježiša Krista, ktoré mu dal Boh, aby ukázal svojim sluhom, čo sa musí udiať naskore, a on pošlúc ho po svojom anjelovi ukázal v znameniach svojmu sluhovi Jánovi,
ktorý svedčil slovo Božie a svedectvo Ježiša Krista a všetko, čo videl.
Blahoslavený, kto číta a tí, ktorí čujú slová tohoto proroctva a ostríhajú to, čo je napísané v ňom, lebo čas je blízko.
52Tak Biblia je kompletným zjavením Ježiša Krista, a bola napísaná skrze prorokov, Židom 1:1, "Kým za dávna mnoho ráz a mnohým spôsobom hovorieval Boh otcom skrze prorokov v tomto poslednom dni hovorí ku nám skrze Svojho Syna, Ježiša Krista," ktorý bol naraz všetkými tými prorokmi spolu. Ježiš bol Malachiášom; Ježiš bol Jeremiášom, Izaiášom, Eliášom. Všetko to čo oni boli, bolo v Ňom. A všetko čo ste vy, a všetko čo som ja, je v Ňom. Slová, svedectvo, ktoré svedčí o Slove. Tak to nie je kniha systémov, ani kódex morálnej etiky, ani to nie je kniha histórii, ani kniha teológii. Nie je. Ale to je zjavenie Ježiša Krista: Sám Boh zjavený z formy Slova do tela. To je to, čo ona je. Biblia je Slovo a Boh je telo. Boh v ... Lepšie povedané Boh je Slovo, a Ježiš je telo. To je zjavenie ako sa Boh, Slovo zamanifestovalo v ľudskom tele a zjavilo sa nám. A preto sa On stal Synom Božím. On je časťou Boha. Rozumiete?
53No, On nie je ... To telo je až tak časťou Boha, že ono je Synom. Syn ... Ako to hovoria katolíci (a všetky ďalšie cirkvi), Večný Syn, to slovo nemá ani zmysel. Vidíte? Nemôže byť večný a pri tom byť synom, pretože syn, to je niečo čo bolo počaté z ... A slovo večný ... On nemôže byť ... On môže byť Syn, ale On nemôže byť večný Syn. Nie veru! On nemôže byť Večný Syn.
54No, ale On je natoľko Synom, že všetko Slovo, ktoré bolo v Jeremiášovi, v Mojžišovi ... A všetky tie Slová, ako On povedal: "Oni hovorili o Mne." Všetko to pravé Božské zjavenie Slova sa zvinulo do toho jedného ľudského tela, a Boh okolo Toho položil telo. Preto On bol nazvaný "Syn," preto sa obracia na "Otca." Aha, to je proste také jednoduché, ak len dovolíte Bohu aby to vlial do vašej mysli. Vidíte? Boh zjavený v tele z mäsa (všimnite si!) - zjavený z tela - či z formy Slova do tela. To je ev. Jána 1: 14: "A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami."
55No, všimnite si túto Bibliu. Niekto z nich povedal: "Ó, dobre, To je napísané takto, To je písané tak." A dovoľte že vám niečo poviem; poďme na chvíľu do histórii Biblii a pozrime sa odkiaľ Ona pochádza. Bola napísaná skrze štyridsať rôznych pisateľov. Štyridsať ľudí písalo Bibliu v priebehu tisíc šesťsto rokov a v rôznych dobách, a predpovedali tie najdôležitejšie udalosti, ktoré sa kedy stali v histórii sveta, a mnohokrát stovky rokov predtým ako sa stali. A nie je tam ani jedna chyba vo všetkých tých šesťdesiatich šiestich knihách. Ó! Žiadny autor okrem samého Boha by nemohol byť taký presný. Ani jedno slovo si navzájom neodporuje. Pamätajte, Biblia bola písaná v priebehu tisíc šesťsto rokov, od Mojžiša a do - do smrti Jána na ostrove Patmos, tisíc šesťsto rokov. A písalo ju štyridsať rôznych autorov. Jeden ani nepoznal druhého, a oni Ju nemali ako Slovo. Niektorí z nich dokonca ani nevideli Slovo. Ale keď To oni písali, a potom porozumeli že to boli proroci, potom keď dali ich proroctvá dokopy, každé zapadalo jedno do druhého.
56Pozrite sa na Petra, ktorý ohlásil v deň letníc: Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov." Pavol o tom nikdy nič nepočul. On odišiel do Arábii na tri roky, aby študoval Starý Zákon, aby zistil Kto bol ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý ku nemu prehovoril na ceste a povedal: "Saule, prečo Ma prenasleduješ?" Ako by sa on mohol mýliť? On sa vôbec ani neradil s cirkvou. A po štrnástych rokoch, keď stretol Petra, oni kázali to isté, slovo za slovom. To je naša Biblia. Nech ostatné ľudské slová sklamú. Toto ... Nikto nemôže ku Tomu pridať. Nič viac do Biblii nepridávajte. Nie veru! Toto je kompletné zjavenie. To je všetko.
57Ako Sedem Pečatí. Sedem Pečatí ... Niekto mi stále hovoril. "Ty tam ... Pán bude ku tebe hovoriť, brat Branham, keď budú zjavené tieto pečate a ty nám povieš, ako sa dostaneme bližšie ku Bohu, a ako ... "
58Povedal som: "Nie! To tak nemôže byť, pretože Biblia, tých Sedem Pečatí na nej ukrývalo sedem tajomstiev. To už bolo napísané, ale oni nerozumeli čo to bolo." Pozorujte ako oni vyrukovali s tým, že sa dávali krstiť vo meno Ježiš. Vidíte? To nebolo to: vo meno Pána Ježiša Krista. Vidíte? Všetky tieto veci, ako to bolo ... Pretože je mnoho Ježišov ... Mám tu na zemi niekoľko priateľov, ktorí majú meno Ježiš, priatelia kazatelia. To nie je to; To je náš Pán Ježiš Kristus. Žiadny autor okrem Boha by nemohol byť taký presný.
59No, len sa pozrime, ako bola táto Biblia napísaná. No, povedzme napríklad, od ... Čo keby sme teraz išli a zobrali šesťdesiat šesť lekárskych kníh, ktoré sa zaoberajú telom, ktoré by boli napísané štyridsiatymi rôznymi lekárskymi školami, v priebehu tisíc šesťsto rokov? Som zvedavý s akou spojitosťou by sme sa stretli?
Keď George Washington, náš prezident ... Asi pred dvesto rokmi dostal zápal pľúc, strhli mu necht na nohy a vypustili mu asi pol litra krvi. Čo keby sme zobrali ... Poďme trochu ďalej ku niektorým veciam, ktoré nás dnes tak priťahujú; to je veda.
60Čo keby sme zobrali štyridsať rôznych vedcov, v rozpätí tisíc šesťsto rokov a pozrime sa, čo by sme zistili? Nejaký Francúzsky vedec pred tristo rokmi vedecky dokázal, pomocou kotúľania guli, že ak by niekedy nejaký predmet nabral ohromnú rýchlosť ponad tridsať míľ za hodinu, že ten predmet by sa vzniesol od zeme a vzlietol. Myslíte že by sa veda ešte niekedy na to povolala? Či to súhlasí s tým, čo je teraz, keď ľudia uháňajú na autách po ceste tu na tej ulici rýchlosťou sto päťdesiat míľ za hodinu? Vidíte? Ale on vedecky dokázal, že následkom tlaku kotúľajúcej sa guli po zemi, že pri tridsiatych míľach za hodinu, že každý predmet by sa zodvihol od zeme a vzlietol, odpadol by do vesmíru.
61Nie, s ničím sa to ďalej nezhoduje, ale v Biblii ani jedno slovo neodporuje druhému. Ani jeden prorok nikdy neodporoval druhému. Oni boli dokonalí, každý jeden, a keď niekto prišiel a prorokoval, povstal ten skutočný prorok a sfúkol ho. Potom sa to ukázalo. Vidíte, vidíte? Tak Biblia je Slovo Božie pre všetkých sutočných veriacich.
62No, nemohli by ste nájsť niečo, na čom by sa doktori boli presne zhodli. Dokonca ani teraz sa medzi sebou nezhodujú. Nemôžete nájsť teraz niečo na čom sa veda dokáže presne zhodnúť.
No, viete, pred nejakým časom nám hovorili, že keď je v Biblii povedané, že on videl stáť štyroch anjelov na štyroch uhloch zeme, že to nemôže byť; že zem je okrúhla. Ale Biblia povedala: "na štyroch uhloch." No, videli ste teraz, pred dvoma alebo troma týždňami, noviny priniesli tento článok, zistili že svet je štvorec. Koľkí ste to videli? Naozaj, vidíte? Mám z toho všetkého kópie a len čakám, že niekto niečo povie.
63A oni jedného dňa zistia, že nevidia žiadny priestor vzdialený sto päťdesiat miliónov svetelných rokov; ale že chodia rovno dookola v nejakom kruhu. Presne tak. V jednom z týchto dní zistíte, že keď pôjdete do neba, neodletíte niekde inde, tiež ste stále rovno tu, len v inej dimenzii, rýchlejšej ako táto. Rovno cez túto miestnosť prechádzajú farby. Každá farba košeli, oblečenia, čokoľvek máte oblečené je večné, hneď sa to zaznamenáva, obchádza to ďalej okolo sveta. Zakaždým keď mihnete okom, hneď je to zaznamenané. Pozrite, televízia to dokáže.
64Keď sa narodíte, Boh zapne nahrávanie. To ne ... Zapnite nahrávanie, to chvíľu nerobí veľa hluku, viete; to je malé dieťa, až kým nepríde do zodpovednosti. Potom začne ten hluk. On začne hovoriť veci a robiť veci, za ktoré sa musí zodpovedať. A potom keď život končí, tá platňa alebo páska sa berie a kladie do veľkej Božej knihovni. No, ako sa chcete tomu vyhnúť na súde? Je to premietnuté rovno pred vami: Každý pohyb, ktorý ste urobili, každá myšlienka, ktorá prešla cez vašu myseľ. Dokážete to porozumieť? No, môžete vidieť, kde Boh ...
65Keď som tu raz večer stál, a na pódiu bol vysoký, holohlavý muž, vyzeral ako naozaj statný, silný človek. A on odišiel ... Pán mu povedal mnoho vecí o jeho rodine a čo má robiť. A on odišiel a sadol si. Za niekoľko minút prišiel sem takto predo mňa iný muž, ale mal sklonenú hlavu. Nemohol som zistiť, a pozrel som sa znovu tam na toho muža; a to nebol on, pretože to bolo niečo iné. A tento človek, nemohol som ho nájsť. Pozrel som sa dookola, nikto nebol za mnou. Povedal som: "ten muž sedí tam za tými záclonami. " A to bol náš brat, ktorý tu chodí do zboru, vysoký, holohlavý, urastený muž, tak tam sedel. A mal zvesenú hlavu, modlil sa, pretože bol chorý na žalúdok a každú chvíľu mohol zomrieť. Mal si ísť kúpiť topánky. Jeho žena chcela, aby si kúpil nové topánky. On povedal: "Nie, nemusím ich kupovať, pretože nebudem žiť a nosiť ich." Zomieral. A ako tam sedel (Rozumiete?), v tej dimenzii ... Haleluja! Boh sa len tam pohol a povedal: "On tam sedí," presne v tej pozícii v akej bol. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať?
66No, všimnite si. A v Písme nie je žiadna chyba. Ježiš, Slovo Božie, vidí myšlienky ktoré sú v ľudskom srdci. Slovo Božie je silnejšie, ostrejšie, Židom 4:12: "Slovo Božie je ostrejšie, účinnejšie než dvojsečný meč, schopné rozoznať myšlienky a zámery mysli." Vidíte? Prechádza až do mysli, a vyťahuje, a rozoznáva. Čo je to rozoznať? "Dávať najavo, zjaviť." A to robí Slovo Božie. Dnes hovoríme: "Katolícka cirkev je Slovo Božie, baptisti, metodisti, letniční, kostol." To nie je pravda. Slovo je zjavenie, Boh zjavený skrze Slovo!
67Nie, mohli by sme zobrať akúkoľvek súvislosť medzi lekármi medzi vedcami, a inými. Keby len bol Einstein vynaložil také duchovné úsilie, aké vynakladal to telesné, keď študoval zákon svetla a tak ďalej, mohol by nám niečo povedať. Keď som počul jeho posolstvo o tom veľkom centre niekde v oblakoch, že keby ste sa len skontaktovali s tým centrom, mohli by ste stvoriť zem, robiť všetko; moc by bola neohraničená. Vidíte? On to videl.
68Vidíte tieto malé objekty lietajúce v povetrí, ktoré nazývajú "lietajúce taniere" a tak ďalej. Ľudia tak ... No, račej to necháme. Hovorí sa: "Počuli ste o tom ako zmizli títo ľudia?" Nepočuť o nich; stoja tam a zrazu tam nie sú. Tak to bude s vytrhnutím. Niekto z nich zrazu zmizne, a toto zemské telo prioblečie nebeské telo. A oni budú mať naďalej kožu, vlasy, alebo kosti. V momente to bude premenené, zmiznú z tohoto priestoru a odídu domov ... Vidíme že sa toto všetko teraz deje, a v Pentagone sa divia, čo znamenajú tieto svetlá, a tajomné svetlá, a všetko čo vidia na oblohe. Videli ste, oni mali tento týždeň jedno tu v novinách v Jeffersonville a tak ďalej, tajomné svetlo. Myslia, "Ó, oni nevedia čo to je." Ale počúvajte deti, to vás v jednom z týchto dní zoberie hore (Vidíte, vidíte?); netrápte sa.
69Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy ...? Čo sa stalo tesne pred Sodomou? Boh prišiel dole s nejakými anjelmi, a oni vykonali vyšetrujúci súd. Povedal: "Počul som ten krik, ktorý je taký hriešny, taký veľký, a tak som zostúpil, aby som zistil, či je to všetko pravda alebo nie." Je to tak? Všimnite si toho Hlavného, ktorý zostal s Abrahámom, ktorý mohol rozpoznať myšlienky, v srdci Sáry, ktorá bola za Ním. No, mali by ste sa trochu rozhliadnuť okolo a všimnúť si (vidíte?), pozorujte čo To robí, to isté sa deje dnes. To je vyšetrujúci súd. Keď za nejaký čas Cirkev, keď To bude môcť prísť na to miesto a každé semeno príde na svoje miesto, oni zmiznú. Oni nebudú vedieť čo sa im stalo. Jeden pôjde tam. Vidíte? Jeden pôjde tam, do domu pastora, a jeden pôjde tu, alebo tam; a prvé čo zistíte, že oni tam nie sú. Lebo Enoch, ktorý bol predobrazom, Boh ho zobral, a nenašli ho. Prichádza dole aby vyšetril ...
70Tá súvislosť, ako bol prenesený Enoch, Izrael bol v predobraze prenesený v korábe ... Tak dokonale ... Slovo Božie je také dokonalé, ešte i Starý a Nový Zákon sú dve polovice a jeden celok. Tak veru. Starý Zákon je polovica, a Nový Zákon je polovica. Dajte To dokopy, a dostanete celé zjavenie Ježiša Krista. Tam hovorí prorok, a tu je On ako Osoba. Vidíte? Dve polovice a jeden celok.
71No, nechceme zabrať príliš veľa času. Pamätajte, Starý Zákon bez Nového je neúplný. A Nový nemôže byť úplný bez Starého. Preto som povedal, dve polovice - jeden celok. Lebo prorok povedal: "On tu bude; On tu bude; On tu bude. Oni Mu urobia toto; oni Mu urobia toto." A tu Ho máme: "On tu bol; On tu bol. A urobili Mu toto, a urobili Mu toto." Práve pred niekoľkými dňami som o tom kázal.
72No, aby sme študovali Písmo - Pavol povedal Timotejovi: "študuj Ho kroj Slovo Božie, ktoré je Pravdou." Potom v Písme sú tri veci, ktoré nesmieš. Keď používaš Božie Slovo sú tri veci, ktoré nesmieš robiť. No, preštudujme ich za ďalších desať minút: Tri veci, ktoré nesmieš robiť. A všetci pomimo po celom kraji, kdekoľvek ste po celom národe, dobre si to zapíšte vo svojich mysliach, ak nemáte pero. Tieto veci nesmiete robiť. Stále hovoríme čo musíte robiť; teraz, vám poviem čo nesmiete robiť.
73No, nesmiete nesprávne vykladať Slovo. Vy poviete: "Dobre, ja verím, že Ono znamená toto." Ono znamená presne to, čo Ono hovorí. Ono nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. A nesmiete klásť Slovo na nesprávne miesto. A nesmiete prestaviť Slovo. A ak z tohoto niečo urobíme, to vrhá celú Bibliu do zamiešania a chaosu.
74Všimnite si. Nesprávne vykladať Ježiša, ako formu Boha v človeku, urobíte z Neho - urobíte z Neho jedeného z troch bohov. Nesprávne vyložiť Ježiša Krista, že je Slovo, urobíte z Neho jedného z troch bohov. Alebo urobíte z Neho druhú osobou božstva. A keď to robíte, zamiešate celé Písmo. Nikdy sa nikde nedostanete. Tak Ono nesmie byť nesprávne vyložené.
75A keď poviete že určitá vec, dáte Tomu nejaký výklad, a kladiete To do iného času, alebo To bolo dané do iného času, tak isto podávate nesprávny výklad.
76Ak ktokoľvek zle vykladá v Biblii Ježiša Krista, že On nie je sám Boh, robí Ho druhou osobou, alebo, jedného z troch bohov, toto naruší každé Slovo v celej Biblii. To poruší prvé prikázanie: "Nebudeš mať iného boha okrem Mňa." No dobre. To urobí z celej kresťanskej rasy hromadu pohanských ctiteľov, ktorí uctievajú troch rôznych bohov. Vidíte akú by ste mali Bibliu? Potom by to z nás urobilo, to čo židia hovoria, že sme. Hovoria: "Ktorý z tých bohov je vaším bohom?" Vidíte? Tak vidíte, nemôžete - nesmiete Bibliu zle vykladať, pretože sám Ježiš je výkladom Biblii, keď je zamanifestovaný v tom veku, v ktorom je zamanifestovaná daná časť Jeho Tela. Ak je to vek ruky, musí to byť ruka; nemôže to byť vek hlavy. Ak je to vek hlasu, tak dobre, nemôže to byť vek spodku nôh. Vidíte? A teraz, my sme vo veku očí. A teraz, to ďalšie, to má prísť On sám. Zrak, prorocké ...
77Vidíte, začali sme cez tie veky od základu, od prvého cirkevného veku, keď to Semeno vošlo do zemi, to kompletné Semeno. Potom ono vystupovalo cez nohy, Luther, potom tam vystupovalo hore cez Wesleya, potom do letničných, jazyky a rty. Vidíte? A teraz je to v očiach, prorockých, z Malachiáša 4 a tak ďalej. A teraz už nezostalo nič iné, čo by malo prísť, okrem Neho Samého aby do toho vstúpil, pretože to je to posledné. To ďalšie je inteligencia, a my nemáme žiadnu svoju vlastnú inteligenciu; to je Jeho. Vidíte? My nemáme svoj vlastný zrak. Ako môže človek predpovedať tie veci? On to nedokáže; To je Sám Boh. Vidíte, to prichádza na miesto ... A On po celý čas vládol nad tým telom. Potom kompletné Kristovo telo je zjavené vo forme Nevesty, ktorá bola vzatá z Jeho boku, ako to urobil Adam na začiatku - či vlastne, ako z Adamovho na začiatku.
78Áno, Boh ... Toto by urobilo zamiešanie v celej Biblii, porušilo by to prvé prikázanie, a urobilo boha, nejakého z troch pohanských bohov. To by proste - to by proste zruinovalo celý obraz Biblii, a tak nesmiete Bibliu zle vykladať. No, a to je len jedna vec.
79Keď každé miesto Písma v Biblii má to isté použitie, musíte ho dať na jeho miesto. A keď Ho zle umiestnite, môžete Ho v jednom veku urobiť Bohom a v ďalšom veku by ste z Neho mohli urobiť históriu - keď to dáte na nesprávne miesto. Tak nesmiete klásť Písmo na nesprávne miesto. On je po celý čas Bohom. Ak ste Ho dnes urobili Bohom histórii, že to bolo voľakedy, a že dnes nie je ten istý, čo urobíte s textom - Židom 13: 8? Vidíte? On je ten istý včera, dnes, i naveky.
80No, tak vidíte čo by toto urobilo, a čo to už urobilo. To sa už stalo. Umiestniť Písmo na nesprávne miesto spôsobuje, že On zapiera svoje vlastné Slovo.
81Keď poprestavujete miesta Písma, môžete nesprávne poskladať Jeho telo. Nohy by ste mali tam, kde má byť hlava alebo niečo také. Práve tak ako pri ... Inými slovami, môžete mať Ježiša, ktorý učí Mojžišove posolstvo. Môžete mať - alebo Wesleya, ktorý učí Lutherov vek. Môžete mať teraz, náš vek, že učí náuku letičných, letničné posolstvo. Vidíte aký by bol v tom neporiadok? Letniční už ukázali svoje farby. Luteráni tiež ukázali svoje - odišli do denominácii. V tej chvíli to zomrelo. Vek šupky; tam to odišlo.
82Všimnite si, len čo sa to zorganizovalo, zomrelo to. No, len sa pozrite či to nie je pravda. Pozrite sa naspäť cez stránky histórie. Zakaždým, keď sa to zorganizovalo, v tej chvíli to zomrelo; nič už z toho nebolo. Stalo sa z toho uctievanie boha tohoto sveta. Odpadlo to do organizmov a organizácií a denominácií, a falošných predstáv. Dostala sa do toho hromada svetských ľudí a dali do toho svoje vlastné námietky, alebo lepšie povedané, tam vniesli svoje vlastné predstavy. A čo to spôsobilo? Vzniklo z toho zamiešanie. Bude to zavŕšené bohom tohoto sveta, keď dosadia na trón samého Satana, a budú si myslieť, že majú veľkého svetového vodcu, ktorý im prinesie mier.
83Už som vám raz povedal - a znovu to hovorím - že i samotná civilizácia je dnes úplne proti Bohu. Civilizácia je proti Bohu. Vzdelanie je vzdialené od Neho milión míľ. Veda je vzdialená milión míľ. Veda a vzdelanie sa snažia vyvrátiť Boha (vidíte?) cez teologické semináre a školy, a vedecké obory a tak ďalej. Oni už mali svoj otras. Ako to videnie ten večer, o tom mužovi, keď skríkol tam na tých vedcov, ktorí tam takto do toho lievali tú vec. Oni sa len otočili, a pozreli sa hore, a pokračovali. Ešte bude jedna jazda.
84Všimnite si. Ó, tieto tri nesmieš, nesmú byť. No, nemôžeš ... Ježiš keď prišiel, nekázal Noeho posolstvo. On keď prišiel, nekázal Mojžišove posolstvo, ani Mojžiš nekázal ... Vidíte, neprehadzujte Písma. Ono musí byť v danom čase. No, nemôžete dať ... Keď vystúpil ten veľký muž, John Wesley, alebo ten veľký muž Luther ... Keď vystúpil Luther so svojím posolstvom ospravedlnenia ... No, keď ... To bolo ... Luther bol veľký muž. On vyvolal cirkev z temnosti a priniesol ospravedlnenie z viery. A keď to urobil, oni na tom urobili organizáciu; a to zomrelo. Ten Život putoval tak ako je to v steble pšenici, rovno do Wesleyovho veku, do klasu. Z Luthera vyšli ďalšie lístky, ktoré s tým zomreli, ktorými boli Zwingli a Kalvín a všetci ostatní, ktorí vystúpili pri tej veľkej reformácii.
85Potom ďalej prišiel Wesley, ďalší vek, ktorý rozkvitol do klasu. Wesley a Atterbury a všetci tí a Ján a jeho brat, a všetci tí, veľkí mužovia Boží s posolstvom, ktoré preletelo po celej krajine. Oni to zorganizovali; to zomrelo. Potom to vystúpilo a vyzeralo to presne, akoby ona mala teraz priniesť zrno, a ukázalo sa, že to bola šupka, letniční. Ale vzadu, za tým všetkým prichádza malý zárodok. A všimnite si, obyčajne ... Myslím, že za okolo tri alebo štyri roky, po tom čo Luther bol na misijnom poli, že bola zorganizovaná Luteránska cirkev. Len krátky čas po tom, čo bol Wesley na misijnom poli, bolo to zorganizované.
86V Tucsone sme mali program o tom ako povstala Wesleyova cirkev - Metodistická cirkev. A keď prišli sem do Ameriky, mnohí sa vrátili a povedali, že zaviedli stanovy a tak ďalej, z Anglicka, aby to sem priniesli, a ako to bolo všetko zdramatizované. Hneď som videl čo sa stalo. Tam ona zomrela.
87No, vystúpili letniční, tí čo robili krik, dávno v tých dňoch, mali dar hovorenia v jazykoch a začali s hovorením v jazykoch. Potom to nazvali, že to je dôkaz Ducha Svätého. Potom sa zorganizovali. Jeden povedal, že bude robiť toto, a druhý tamto. A povstávali jedni takí a jedni takí. Čo to spôsobilo? Každý z tých lístkov sa proste rozvinul, práve tak ako to bolo so stopkou a ako to bolo s klasom. Oni mali jednotárov, vyznávačov dvojice, vyznávačov trojice, a cirkev Božiu, a všetky tieto ďalšie, len sa rozvíjali, rozvíjali, rozvíjali. Ale teraz, podľa prírody, ktorá je dokonalým príkladom, už z toho nevypestujete nič ďalšie.
88Jedna rodina mojich priateľov v Ketucky mali malé dieťa, ktoré sa narodilo pred niekoľkými dňami, a tá matka tam bola, keď nám oni pripravovali večeru. Ona pomáhala tým ostatným sestrám pripravovať večeru, pre nás skupinu mužov, ktorí sme tam boli na poľovačke. A to dieťa začalo plakať, a ja som rozprával. Myslím, že tá matka sa cítila trochu v rozpakoch, tak bežala a zobrala to dieťa a začala kŕmiť toho malého. Povedal som: "Viete, to je proste príroda." Vidíte? No, nemôžete ... Nevynašli pre dieťa žiadny lepší spôsob od toho, že keď niečo chce, že začne kvôli tomu plakať. No, môžete mu dať knihu slušného správania, a posadiť ho tu a povedať mu: "Chcem ťa synu naučiť teológii. No, nevrešti tu stále, ako ostatné deti; ty si iný. No, keď chceš jesť, zazvoň tu týmto zvončekom." To nefunguje. Nie, to proste nefunguje. Tak, keď pozorujete prírodu ...
89No, vidíme kde každý vek ... a tým je to jasne znázornené, že sme v poslednom veku. šupka sa odtiahla, a my už pätnásť rokov - teraz skoro dvadsať rokov, máme Posolstvo, ktoré letí krížom od národa ku národu - a dnes ráno máme telefónne vysielanie po celom národe (vidíte?) - a nepovstala z toho žiadna organizácia. To sa nemôže zorganizovať. Nikdy nebolo niečo takéto ani už odteraz nebude. Vidíte? To, čo sa s tým Posolstvom dnes deje, je to, že tí, ktorí ho prijali do svojho srdca, musia ležať v prítomnosti Syna, aby dozreli. Vidíte? Môžete prijať to Posolstvo, a potom dovoľte Synovi aby vypálil z vás všetko to zelené (Rozumiete?), aby vás urobil dozretými kresťanmi. Rozumiete čo myslím? Boh zakrátko príde, aby zobral Svoju cirkev, a my musíme mať takých kresťanov, ktorých On prijme. Pšenica musí dozrieť. No dobre.
90Tieto tri nesmieš, nesmú byť. Nesmieš To zle vykladať alebo s Tým zle narábať, zle vykladať alebo presúvať. Musí To byť zachované presne tak, ako To Boh povedal. Pre svet je to Kniha tajomstva. Ľudia veria, že je to je proste tajomná Kniha.
Raz som sa rozprával s jedným veľmi známym mužom tu v meste, ktorý zastáva vysoké postavenie medzi kresťanmi, a on povedal: "Raz večer som sa snažil čítať Knihu Zjavenia." Povedal: "Ján sa musel najesť tuhej papriky a mal nočnú moru." Vidíte, Kniha tajomstva, zatiaľ čo pre skutočného veriaceho je To zjavenie Božie, ktoré sa prišlo v tomto veku v ktorom žijeme.
91On povedal: "Moje slová sú Duch a sú Život." Ježiš to povedal. A znovu: "Slovo je Semeno, ktoré sial rozsievač." Vieme že to je pravda. To je Boh vo forme Slova, a jedine On sám Ho môže vykladať. Ľudská myseľ nie je schopná vykladať myseľ Božiu. Ako môže táto malá - malá ohraničená myseľ vykladať myseľ Božiu, keď my ani nie sme schopní vykladať myseľ jeden druhého?
92A všimnite si, On je ten jediný, ktorý To môže vykladať, a On To vykladá tomu, komu chce. Tam nie je povedané: "Smrteľníci za dávna, keď chodili po zemi, mnoho krát a rôznym spôsobom." Boh sa mnoho krát a rôznym spôsobom zjavil svojim prorokom. Vidíte?
93A všimnite si. Tomu, komu To On zjavi ... A On to tak urobil, aby sa mohol v Písme ukryť, pred tým najchytrejším teológom. Ó! On sa môže proste tak ukryť, stáť rovno v Písme, a vy sa celý deň môžete dívať a nevidieť to, môžete sa dívať celý život a nevidieť to. On sa môže proste ukryť a pritom sa tam nachádza.
94No prosím, všade kde ste, nech vám to prenikne do vedomia, že Boh sa môže v Slove tak ukryť, že nieto teológa, ani žiadnej školy na svete, ktorá by Ho mohla nájsť. A pri tom sa práve tam nachádza. Poviete: "Brat Branham, či je to pravda?" A ako to bolo s Farizejmi a Saducejmi? Ako to bolo v každom veku? On to robil. Skutočne! On to tak robil v každom veku. No, môžeme to skontrolovať. Predstavme si dni Noeho, chytrý, intelektuálny vek, ako sa On skryl vo Svojom zasľúbenom Slove. Vo dňoch Mojžiša, ako sa On skryl. Vo dňoch Eliáša, ako sa On skryl. Vo dňoch Ježiša, ako sa On skryl. "Na svete bol, a svet povstal skrze Neho, a svet Ho nepoznal. Prišiel ku svojim vlastným, a Jeho vlastní Ho neprijali." Vidíte? On sa skrýva pred tým najmúdrejším, intelektuálnym človekom, aký je na svete.
95Poviete: "No, toto je doktor, svätý otec, taký a taký." Nestarám sa o to, kto on je, Boh sa pred ním skrýva a zjavi to nemluvňatám, takým, ktorí sa budú učiť (vidíte?), Božím nemluvňatám, predurčenému semenu.
96Predstavte si. Ten mocný Boh, prebýva vo svojom vlastnom Slove, oslepuje chytrých vzdelaných ľudí tohoto prítomného veku a oni to nevidia. Oni si myslia, že to je hromada fanatizmu. Pozrite sa na Neho, ako tam stojí a skrýva sa pred letničními, baptistami, metodistami, presbyteriánmi: a pritom sa verejne zjavil a ukazuje všetky rôzne veci, dokonca je to i v novinách, a všetko takéto, a jednako to oni nevidia. Ó, náš Boh, aký veľký. Zjavuje sa tomu, komu chce.
97"Ó," vy poviete: "Brat Jones a brat taký a taký, on je - on je veľký človek. On to bude vidieť." Ó, nie! On To zjavuje tomu, komu On chce. Poviete: "Moja žena to nevidí, a ona je kresťanka." On sa zjavuje tomu, komu chce. Vidíte? "Dobre, môj pastor je veľký človek." To je v poriadku, ale On sa zjavuje tomu komu chce! No, skontrolujte to, čo bolo zjave- né, s tým čo sa deje, potom budete - potom môžete jasne porozumieť.
98No, tak potom vidíme, že to ju robí Božou Knihou a nie ľudskou knihou. Keby bola ľudskou ... No, pozrime sa len, ako sa Ona vyjadruje. Pozrite sa ako Ona odkrýva hriech ľudí, ktorí ju písali. Všimnite si, ľudia ktorí žili v jej dňoch, napríklad Abrahám. On je nazvaný otec viery. Všimnite si ako to ... Myslíte si, že by Abrahám napísal o sebe túto knihu, o svojom vlastnom zbabelstve? Čo si myslíte, že by napísal, že to ráno klamal tomu kráľovi a povedal, že ona je jeho sestra, keď ona bola jeho žena? Či by sa v nej písalo o jeho zbabelých skutkoch, ktoré vykonal? Samozrejme, on by to nikdy nenapísal.
99A ako by to bolo s Jakobom, keď podvádzal? Jakob bol tak trochu podvodník. Či by nejaký človek, Hebrej, písal o svojom hebrejskom bratovi, podľa ktorého zostal pomenovaný celý Izrael, či by sa odvážil písať o klamstve samotného otca celého národa? Z Jakoba sa zrodili patriarchovia; z patriarchov sa zrodili pokolenia. A ten základný kameň toho všetkého, Biblia ho ukazuje ako klamára. Je to tak? Myslíte že by to človek napísal? Nie veru!
100A čo človek, ktorý písal o najväčšom kráľovi, akého kedy mali na zemi, ako korunovaného kráľa, o Dávidovi, o tom, že spáchal cudzoložstvo? Či by tí židia boli napísali niekedy o ich najvznešenejšom kráľovi, že bol cudzoložník? Ó, my máme históriu o tom, že George Washington nikdy nepovedal klamstvo, a tomu podobné. My hovoríme - nazývame to históriou, ale toto je človek - Biblia, ktorá nazýva Dávida cudzoložníkom a on bol Izraelský kráľ, cudzoložník, ktorý mal byť synom ... Ježiš mal byť Syn Dávidov, samotný štítový kameň, a Jeho otec podľa tela bol cudzoložník. Židia by nikdy nenapísali takúto knihu. Či by človek napísal toto o samom sebe? Samozrejme, že nie!
101Akoby ten pyšný Izraelský národ (Viete aký boli oni pyšní.) - pyšný Izraelský národ, akoby išiel a napísal o svojom vlastnom modlárstve, akoby napísali o svojej rebélii proti svojmu Bohu, akoby písali proti špine a nečistých veciach, ktoré robili, a napísali by to do Knihy? Samozrejme, že by to ukryli. Ukázali by len tie dobré veci. Ale táto Biblia, ktorá - hovorí o tom, čo je dobré a čo je zlé. To je ... Každý vie, že Židia by nikdy nenapísali takúto Knihu o ich vlastnej nečistote, a modlárstve, a nedostatkoch, a o všetkom čo urobili. Oni by to nikdy nenapísali. Ó, nie! Kto to potom napísal? Biblia hovorí v liste Židom 1:1: "Boh za dávna, mnoho ráz a mnohým spôsobom hovorieval otcom skrze prorokov." Potom to neboli tí proroci. To nebol smrteľník. Boh, nie proroci, za dávna, ale: "Boh za dávna mnoho ráz a mnohým spôsobom hovorieval otcom skrze prorokov." Mám tu zapísané nejaké miesto Písma. Neviem čo to je; nemôžem sa naň povolať. Obyčajne keď sa odvolávam na tieto veci, dívam sa do Písma. Vyhľadám to za chvíľu, ak mi prepáčite. Je to ll. list Timotejovi 3:16. Zdá sa mi, že si spomínam, ale prepáčte. Len na chvíľu zastanem, aby som zistil čo to je.
102Boh za dávna mnoho ráz a mnohým spôsobom hovoril otcom skrze prorokov." No, ll. Timotejovi 3: 16. Pozrime sa čo je povedané v 3: 16.
Každé písmo ...
(Áno!)... vdýchnuté ...
(Kým, prorokmi? Nie! Vdýchnuté kým?)... Bohom, je aj užitočné na vynaučovanie, karhanie, naprávanie, na výchovné káznenie v spravodlivosti,
aby bol človek Boží dokonalý, ku každému dobrému skutku pripravený.
103Dobre potom, každé písmo je napísané skrze vdýchnutie, inšpiráciu. Ježiš tu na zemi povedal, že nebo i zem pominú, ale Jeho Slovo nepominie. On povedal, že všetky Písma sa musia vyplniť. Tak potom, tá Kniha nie je knihou ľudských spisov; To sú Knihy Božích spisov.
104No, vieme, že Boh vybral skrze predurčenie Svoju Cirkev, Svoje miesto, Svojich prorokov, a všetko o tom. Skrze predzvedenie On predurčil Svojho proroka. A keď prišiel ten vek, On spravil, že v tom istom čase prišiel Jeho prorok a inšpiroval ho a pomocou neho písal Bibliu. No, Boh ku písaniu Biblii používal jedine proroka, pretože to je Jeho spôsob. Tak vidíte, to nie je slovo ... Tak vidíte, to je Slovo Božie a nie ľudské.
105Boh je Osoba. Boh môže hovoriť. Boh môže vravieť. Boh môže písať. On to nemusel robiť takým spôsobom, ale to je spôsob, ktorý si On na to vybral. On to tak nemusel robiť, ale On sa rozhodol, že to tak bude robiť. No vy poviete: "Boh napísal Svojím prstom, Svojím majestátnym prstom, Desať Prikázaní. Tak Boh by to mohol napísať sám, keby chcel." Vidíte? Ale On - On sa rozhodol písať to skrze prorokov (Vidíte?), pretože to boli Jeho vlastnosti, Jeho Slovo, On Ho vyjadril cez nich, robiac to všetko časťou Seba. Vidíte? On by to mohol napísať Svojím prstom. On tiež vzal Svoj prst a napísal na steny Babylonu: "Zvážený si na váhe a nájdený si ľahký." On písal Svojím vlastným prstom.
106Boh môže hovoriť. Veríte že Boh môže hovoriť? On hovoril s Mojžišom na vrchu, v horiacom kríku. Veríte tomu? Tak veru! On hovoril Jánovi, vo forme holubici. Veríte tomu? Povedal: "Toto je Môj Syn v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať." On hovoril ku Nemu. On hovoril ku Ježišovi na vrchu Premenenia pred Petrom, Jakobom a Jánom. On môže hovoriť; On nie je nemý. Boh môže hovoriť. Tak On hovoril ku Ježišovi na vrchu premeneia. A On hovoril ku Ježišovi pred celým zástupom ľudí, keď ľudia povedali: "Zahrmelo." Ale to Boh, ktorý hovoril ku Ježišovi. A takmer celý Matúš, Marek, Lukáš a Ján to hovorí Ježiš. On je Boh. Tak Boh môže hovoriť.
107Jedného dňa písal prstami do piesku. On hovoril; kázal; prorokoval svojimi vlastnými rtami - Boh - keď sa stal telom a prebýval medzi nami, Boh zjavený v tele. Ak On môže písať, hovoriť, či nemôže tak isto povedať iným, čo majú robiť? Samozrejme že môže! On môže ku ním hovoriť, ľudským hlasom. On môže písať a ukázať im čo majú robiť. On to robil. Tak, Boh mnoho krát a rôznym spôsobom hovoril ku otcom skrze prorokov. A On povedal v týchto písmách, že ani jedna jota ani čiarka nepominie, až kým sa To nevyplní, a potom je To zamanifestované. Potom to pominie, pretože je to zamanifestované, a To potom nemôže pominúť. Ale práve Samo Slovo sa stalo telom. Jota znamená "malé slovo." Čiarka znamená "malý znak." Ani jeden punktík, jedno vyjadrenie, nič, nikdy v Božom Slove nesklame. To nemôže sklamať, pretože to je Boh, Boh zjavený vo forme ľudského tela. Lebo to je sám Boh vo forme písma, vo forme proroka, zamanifestovaný v tele. No, preto Ježiš mohol povedať: "Tí ktorí hovorili ku vám, nazývali ste ich bohmi, ktorí hovorili ku vám skrze Slovo Božie," povedal: "a oni boli bohovia." Tí proroci, keď boli pomazaní Duchom Božím a priniesli presne Slovo Božie, potom oni boli bohovia. To bolo Božie Slovo hovorené cez nich.
108To môže ... Oni to mohli vykladať len tak, ako im to Autor dovolil. No, ak si to chcete nájsť, to je ll. Petra 1. a 20. a 21. Dobre. Pretože toto ... Tam kde Boh ... Nedeje sa z vlastného rozlúštenia (výkladu), On podával Svoj vlastný výklad. Boh hovorí a Sám to vykladá, potom to zjavuje komukoľvek On chce, a skrýva to pred všetkými ostatnými. On to nemusí zjaviť nikomu, ak nechce. A On ne ... On vyjadril celú svoju vec v Písme; a tak celá vec je už oznámená; to je len - On tam len sedí a pozoruje ako sa to deje. Len sa pozerá ako sa tvorí to Telo a prichádza naspäť do svojej - znovu do formy Jeho Nevesty. Dobre.
109Veriaci tomu veria, ako Abrahám, ktorý nazýval veci, ktoré sa s tým nezhodovali, ako keby neboli.
110Ono tiež, toto Slovo, dokáže posúdiť, rozpoznáva tajomstvá srdca. Židom 4:12. Ono rozpoznáva tajomstvá srdca.
111Proroci nie vždy rozumeli to čo písali, alebo to čo hovorili, inak by to nijako neboli povedali, keby tomu boli mohli rozumieť. Vidíte? Ale Biblia povedala, že oni boli pudení Duchom Svätým. Pudení! Keď ťa Duch Svätý pudí, tak sa hýbeš. Človek ... Boh mnoho ráz a rôznym spôsobom hovoril prorokom, ktorý boli pudení Duchom Svätým. Preto vo všetkých vekoch, ľudia ktorí boli duchovní sa radili prorokov ohľadne časov a toho čo sa malo stať. Prorok - pisateľ musí byť v neustálom obecenstve s Autorom. Vidíte? On musí žiť neustále v prítomnosti Autora aby vedel čím bude tá Kniha. Vidíte? Prorok - pisateľ, mal pero a v každej chvíli bol pripravený, neustále mal obecenstvo s Autorom, ktorým je Boh, aby zapísal čokoľvek On povie. Vidíte? To ukazuje, akým druhom života on musel ... Oddeleným životom od všetkých svojich bratov.
112No, preto mal prorok svoju myseľ nastavenú stále na to, čo hovoril Boh, nie na to, čo si myslia ľudia, čo si myslí ten vek, čo si myslí cirkev, čo si myslí kráľovstvo; na to čo si myslí Boh. On len vyjadroval Božie myšlienky do formy Slova, pretože slovo to je vyjadrená myšlienka. Rozumiete teraz tomu? Slovo je vyjadrená myšlienka, tak prorok čakal na Božie myšlienky. A keď mu Boh zjavil svoje myšlienky, on ich vyjadril vo forme slova: TAK HOVORÍ PÁN (vidíte?), nie "Tak hovorím ja, prorok, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." Vidíte? Dobre.
113Preto sa oni stavali na odpor kráľovstvám a cirkevným vekom, hoci to v ich čase stálo život. Kto by išiel pred kráľa a povedal mu: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, to a to sa stane"? Odsekli by vám hlavu. Cirkev by vás namieste za to usmrtila. Ale títo proroci boli smelí. Prečo? Oni boli pudení Duchom Svätým (vidíte?), a oni - preto boli smelí. A oni napísali neomylné Božie Slovo.
114Bolo veľa takých, ktorí sa snažili napodobniť tých prorokov, ako kňazi a tak ďalej. A čo oni robili? Len zamiešanie, nič iné. Oni to nemohli robiť, pretože Boh vybral človeka pre ten vek, a vybral Posolstvo, a ešte i povahu toho človeka, a cez čo bude prechádzať v tom veku - čo bude môcť vykonať a ako bude ... S povahou toho daného človeka, On mohol zaslepiť oči iných. Slová, ktoré ten človek hovoril, spôsob ako sa správal, jedných oslepovali a druhým otvárali oči. Vidíte? On obliekol toho človeka do takého druhu oblečenia, akým on bol, povaha, ambícia, a všetko, práve takým akým musel byť, tak presne vybraný pre tých určitých ľudí, ktorých On povolal v tom danom veku. Zatiaľ čo druhí tam stáli a pozerali sa na neho a hovorili: "No ja nemôžem ... To je ... Ja nemôžem ... " Vidíte, oni boli slepí.
115Ježiš prišiel tak isto, oblečený - nesmrteľný Boh oblečený v ľudskom tele, a pretože sa narodil v jasliach, v maštali plnej hnoja, nemal miesto kde by hlavu sklonil, mysleli si, že sa narodil ako nemanželské dieťa, a tak Ho nazývali ... Vidíte? Všetko toto čo On bol, a ako On vyrastal, ako tesárov syn, ako nemal žiadne vzdelanie, viac menej vo svete, múdrosť tohoto sveta, On s tým nemal nič spoločného. Nič z tej svetovej civilizácii, vzdelania, ani ničoho, On s tým nemal nič dočinenia. Veď On je Boh. To by si odporovalo. Keby sa On snažil chodiť niekde na seminár a učil sa niečo, čo robili tieto svetové cirkvi, čo v - prečo, to by ne - prečo, to by vôbec ani nezodpovedalo s Jeho zrozumením, lebo On bol Boh. A tak, vzdelanie, školenie, semináre a to všetko, to je úplne nezhodné s vôľou Božou. Celý vzdelávací systém je nezhodný s Bohom. Všetko to vyučovanie odvádza ľudí stále ďalej od Boha. Keď počujem hovoriť nejakého človeka, že on je doktor PhD, LLQ, to ho len, podľa mňa, o toľko viac vzďaľuje od Boha. Vidíte? On sa proste skrze svoje vzdelanie tak veľmi oddialil od toho do čoho bol skutočne povolaný. Je to tak.
116Všimnite si ako to ... no, oni boli pudení Duchom Božím. No, to neznamená, že vzdelaný človek nemôže vojsť. Pozrite sa na Pavla. Myslím, že nebolo múdrejšieho človeka v jeho čase ako Pavol, ktorý bol Saul z Tarzu. On bol vyučený od Gamaliela, od jedného z najlepších učiteľov v tých dňoch, veľkého, nekompromisného hebreja, z denominácii farizejov; a Pavol bol vychovaný u neho. On poznal celé židovské náboženstvo; ale keď prišiel do cirkvi, povedal: "Neprišiel som ku vám v ľudskej múdrosti a tak ďalej, pretože ak by to tak bolo, potom by ste dúfali v to. Ale ja som prišiel ku vám v moci a manifestácii Ducha Svätého, aby vaša viera bola v Boha." Tu to máte. Je to tak.
117Mnohí sa snažili napodobniť týchto ľudí, ale oni to všetko zamiešali, tak ako to robia aj dnes.
Bol jeden, ktorý povstal pred časom Ježiša a odviedol štyristo ľudí. A viete čo o týchto veciach hovoria Písma, snažili sa to robiť prv, ako prišiel ten čas. A niektorí z nich sa Ho snažili napodobniť, a oni boli všetci tým, tamtým, alebo ešte niečím. A On povedal, že v posledných dňoch, ako v posledných dňoch povstanú falošní kristovia a falošní proroci a ukážu znamenia a zázraky. To všetko máme. Vidíte? Ale to nevylučuje toho pravého. To len spôsobuje že to jasnejšie svieti, pretože my máme skutočného Krista, nie falošného.
118No, no, uvedomujeme si teraz, že Boh posielal Svojich prorokov. To bol spôsob, ako On prinášal ľuďom Svoje Slovo, cez ústa Svojich prorokov. A všimnite si, viete, Mojžiš povedal, ak si to chcete prečítať ... V ll. Mojžišovej v 4. kapitole a 10. a 12. verš, Mojžiš povedal, že Boh ku nemu hovoril. Boh hovoril ku človeku z úst do ucha, a On povedal ... "Ja som ťažkých úst." Mojžiš povedal: "Ja sa nehodím; ja - ja - ja nemôžem ísť."
119On povedal: "Kto dal ústa človekovi, alebo kto ho urobil nemým? Kto učinil že vidí, alebo kto mu dal sluch? Či azda nie ja, Pán?" Povedal: "Ja budem s tvojimi ústami." Vidíte? Tak ...
120A Jeremiáš povedal, ak si to chcete prečítať v Jeremiášovi 1:6, Jeremiáš povedal že: "Boh položil slová do mojich úst." Vidíte? On s jedným prorokom hovoril z úst do ucha a skrze druhého proroka hovoril, a ten nad tým vôbec nevládol a On hovoril cez jeho ústa. On má spôsoby, ako vypovedať Svoje Slovo, viete. Tak veru!
121Tak vidíte, Biblia je Božie Slovo, nie ľudské. Mojžiš povedal: "Boh hovoril ku mne hlasom a ja som Ho počul. Zapísal som, to čo On povedal."
122Jeremiáš povedal: "Ja vôbec nedokážem hovoriť," a zrazu zistil, že jeho ústa hovorili a on písal. Boh hovoril cez jeho ústa, a to sa vyplnilo. Daniel, Izaiáš, a tak ďalej, so všetkými týmito prorokmi bolo proste tak isto.
123Viete, v samotnom Starom Zákone je viac ako dvetisíc krát, kde tí proroci povedali TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. No, ak človek povie TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, to nehovorí ten človek. Ak by hovoril, nebol by prorok, bol by to pokrytec (vidíte?); pretože to by sa nikdy nestalo. Oni mali šanci jednu z milióna, že by to mohli uhádnuť. Ale keď je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, to povedal Pán Boh. Keby som ja povedal: "Tak hovorí Orman Neville ..." Môj brat povie: "Tak hovorí pán Mann ..." Keby som povedal: "Tak hovorí brat Vayle," niekto tu alebo niekto z týchto ďalších bratov, ktokoľvek z vás, tak hovorím to čo ste povedali. Ak som pravdovravný, hovorím len to čo ste povedali. A títo ľudia boli prorokmi a povedali: "To som nebol ja. Ja s tým nemám nič spoločného, ale to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." A tak Biblia je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN skrze prorokov.
124Všimnite si. Oni mali na sebe Ducha Kristovho a predpovedali udalosti, ktoré sa mali stať. Predpovedali. Povedali čo sa stane cez tie veky, keď sedeli, stáli, ležali chodili mali na sebe Ducha Kristovho, až tak, že sa správali ako Kristus. A tí, ktorí to čítali si mysleli, že tí proroci hovoria o sebe. Pamätáte sa na eunucha, keď čítal Izaiáša 53:1, o tom ako "On bol zranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho, a Jeho sinavicou sme boli uzdravení?" Eunuch povedal Filipovi: "O kom to hovorí prorok, sám o sebe a či o niekom inom?" Vidíte? Prorok hovoril akoby to bol on sám.
125Pozrite sa na Dávida, ktorý volá v Duchu: "Môj Bože, môj Bože, prečo si ma opustil? Moje kosti, oni hľadia na mňa - (na mňa, to hovorí Dávid!). Prebodli moje ruky i moje nohy (to hovorí Dávid!). Prebodli moje ruky i moje nohy, ale nezanecháš mojej duši v pekle, ani nedáš svojmu svätému, aby videl porušenie," akoby Dávid hovoril o sebe, že je ten svätý. To bol Syn Dávidov, v zárodku, duchovné Semeno, prichádzajúce cez neho. Hoci Dávid sám o sebe bol kúkoľ, ale tam bolo v ňom pšeničné zrno. Rozumiete tomu? Tak celá Biblia, to nie je ľudské slovo, človek ju ani nenapísal, ani nezostavil, a ani ju človek nemôže zjaviť. To je Božie Slovo zjavené skrze Samého Boha, On sám mu dáva výklad. Kristus, ktorý zjavuje samého seba vo svojom vlastnom Slove.
126Pozrite sa na Krista, ako tam vtedy stál v Dávidovi. Dávid vtedy nedokázal ani myslieť. Jeho myseľ odišla od neho, keď sa to dialo. A on videl na kríži, ako tu vidíte tú postavu, visel na kríži a volal: "Môj Bože, môj Bože prečo si Ma opustil? Ó, moje kosti, oni hľadia na Mňa. Prebodli Moje ruky i moje nohy. Prebodli Môj bok." Vidíte? Prečo si tak ďaleko odo Mňa? Obkľúčili ma všetci býkovia Bázanskí, kývajú hlavami a hovoria: 'Dúfal v Boha, že ho vyslobodí; no pozrime sa či ho vyslobodí.'" - hovorí tie isté slová. Tak vidíte, keď sa Boh zamanifestoval tu na zemi, On povedal tie isté slová, ktoré Dávid. Vidíte to? Tak vidíte, tak to nie je slovo človeka, to je Slovo Božie. To bol Boh v Dávidovi. To nebol Dávid; on nevedel čo hovorí; on bol proste tak v Duchu. Tak isto Mojžiš. On bol tak v Duchu, že vyšiel z dimenzie v ktorej žil a stál tam tvárou v tvár pred tým horiacim kríkom, rozprával sa so samým Bohom. Povedal: "Vyzuj svoju obuv. Miesto na ktorom stojíš je svätá zem."
Predstavujem si Mojžiša, keď stade odišiel, rozmýšľal: "Čo sa stalo? Čo sa to stalo? Čo to bolo?"
Povedal: "Choď do Egyptu, Ja budem s tebou."
On povedal: "Pre mňa je to také skutočné, musím ísť." Zobral svoju ženu a svoje deti, vlastne dieťa, a palicu do ruky a vydal sa do Egypta vyslobodiť tých ľudí. Vidíte? Sám Boh hovorí cez prorokov.
127Vidíte, oni - oni boli absolútne ... To neboli tí proroci, to bol Boh, pretože proroci sami o sebe, oni by nedokázali povedať tieto veci. "Kto uveril našej zvesti?" Hovorí Izaiáš, vidíte. "Kto uveril našej zvesti! A komu je zjavené rameno Pánove. Vyrastie pred nami ako teľa v stajni ..." A ako to ... "Kým On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho; Jeho sinavicou sme boli uzdravení." My sme boli uzdravení tam vtedy, tu v tomto veku, v Izaiášovi, tam tedy osemsto rokov pred Kristom. Vidíte? "Jeho sinavicami sme už boli (minulý čas) uzdravení." Ó, aké je Slovo Božie dokonalé. Verte Mu, ľudia; To je jediná vec, ktorá vás môže spasiť.
128Všetky iné Slová, nestarám sa o to ako pekne sú umiestnené, ako - od koho pochádzajú, z akej denominácii pochádzajú, alebo aký múdry je ten človek, všetko čo sa nezhoduje so Slovom si nemáte vôbec ani všímať. Ak si chcete zapísať to miesto Písma, je to Galaťanom 1:8. Vidíte? Pavol povedal: "Aj keby sme vám my, alebo anjel z neba zvestoval niečo iné, než toto čo ste už počuli, nech je prekliaty." Inými slovami, ak by prišiel ku vám anjel z neba, jasný svietiaci anjel, a postavil sa ... Chlapče, to by bola návnada na tento deň, či nie? Príde jasný svietiaci anjel, postaví sa a hovorí veci nezhodné so Slovom, povedzte: "Choď preč odo mňa Satan." Tak veru. Či je to biskup, či ... ktokoľvek to je, nikdy mu neverte ak nehovorí presne v súlade s tou Bibliou, slovo za slovom. Pozorujte ho, on ťa bude teraz viesť s tou Bibliou. On ťa dovedie na určité miesto a hneď potom to tam začne prekrúcať. Keď vidíš že Biblia hovorí jedno a on to obchádza, hneď tam si dávaj na neho pozor. Vidíte, takto to on urobil Eve. On prišiel priamo a povedal všetko tak presne. "Dobre, Boh povedal toto. To je pravda, Eva. Amen, my tomu spoločne veríme."
"Dobre, Boh povedal toto."
"Amen, my tomu spoločne veríme."
"Boh povedal toto."
"Tomu veríme, samozrejme."
"Dobre, ale Boh povedal že zomrieme."
129"No, ale vieš, On je dobrý Boh." On nepovedal, že On to neurobí, viete. "Ale určite ..." Ó! Tu ho máte. A ako on takto zvádzal, a Biblia povedala, že v posledných dňoch by zviedol i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné, kde máme dnes byť, priatelia. No, tieto malé lekcie nedeľnej školy sú - majú byť brané naozaj vážne, viete, kladené na srdcia, aby ste videli ... Máme počúvať ozaj pozorne a vidieť aké je to zvodiace.
130Všimnite si, nemôžeme, nesmieme počúvať na slová žiadneho človeka. Nestaráme sa o to aký je múdry, vzdelaný. Biblia v prísloviach hovorí, že nesmieme spoliehať na rozume. Vidíte? No, tu v tomto druhom okruhu ... Prvý okruh, to sú vaše zmysli, zrak, chuť, čuch a sluch; to je vo vašom vonkajšom tele. Vo vnútornom tele, ktorým je duch, je rozumovanie a myslenie a tak ďalej. To všetko musíme odvrhnúť. Či rozum nehovorí: "No počkaj, ak je Boh dobrý Boh ... "A dnes sa toľko veľa hovorí o tom, že je. "Ak je On dobrý Boh, potom ak som úprimný, hoci podľa Biblii nemôžem vidieť, že by to bolo správne, ale keď som úprimný, budem spasený." Budeš zatratený.
131"Keď chodím do zboru a robím proste veci o ktorých si myslím, že sú správne a snažím sa držať toho, čo si myslím že je správne, dobre ja ..." Stále si zatratený. "Je cesta, ktorá sa človekovi zdá dobrá, ale jej koniec je cestami smrti." Vidíte? Nebudeš spasený, budeš zatratený. Vidíte, vidíte? To musí byť ten vnútorný dozorca.
132"Dobre, hovoril som v jazykoch, brat Branham. Či neveríš v hovorenie v jazykoch, brat Branham?" Samozrejme! "No, ja som kričal, či ty v to neveríš?" Áno, verím! "Žijem dobrým kresťanským životom, či v to neveríš?" Áno, verím! Ale to stále ešte neznamená, že si spasený. Ty si dobrý človek, čistý, morálny, svätý, dobrý človek; takí boli tí kňazi, nábožní až do jadra, až tak nábožní, že za jedno zle podané slovo, by boli ukameňovaní na smrť. Trest smrti, za hranie sa so Slovom Božím bola smrť.
133Preto máme dnes v našom kraji takú situáciu. Preto máme dnes na svete tak veľa uvoľnených vecí, že tresty nie sú dostatočne prísne. Ak by nejaký muž bol prichytený so ženou iného muža, obaja by mali byť vzatí a verejne vykastrovaní a potom prepustení. Tak veru. Ak by bol niekto prichytený, že spáchal nejaký dopravný priestupok, prekročil rýchlosť, mali by mu na desať rokov zobrať vodičský; on mal v úmysle spáchať vraždu. Vidíte? Keď zavediete takéto pokuty, potom ich pribrzdíte. Ale keď nejaký nečestný politik môže z toho človeka dostať a obísť to a povedať: "No on bol trochu opitý, on bol - on to nechcel urobiť ... " A zabil muža, ženu, a celú skupinu nevinných detí, a nechali, že to tomu frajerovi prešlo na sucho, to je politika. To je svet; to je diabol.
134Boh povedal, že ak by bol muž alebo žena prichytená pri cudzoložstve, vyveďte ich a ukameňujte na smrť. A tým to bolo vybavené. Vidíte? Ak vás len prichytili, že v sobotu nesiete niečo - ťažké ako palica, "Vezmite ho a ukameňujte." Oni podľa toho žili. A teraz, vidíte, my nemáme dnes také zákony, ale kresťan, cirkev, ku ktorým hovorím dnes ráno, ten zákon Boží je v našich srdciach. Vidíte? Vy nemáte túžbu robiť to. To je tu vo vnútri. Vy chcete zachovávať zákony Božie tak dokonale, že bez ohľadu na to čo to je, vy chcete byť len tým ... Ak Boh potrebuje pri dverách rohožku, ak chce aby ste boli tou rohožkou, vy ste tak radi, že ňou môžete byť. Nezáleží na tom čo to bude, vy chcete byť tou rohožkou. Vidíte? Čokoľvek Boh chce aby ste robili, to je to, čo chcete robiť, pretože to je Boh. No, podľa tohoto môžete skutočne poznať, že skutočne, jedinečne, opravdu milujete Boha.
135No, zistili sme potom, že ak by aj anjel kázal niečo inšie, než to čo prišlo ku - čo už bolo povedané v Biblii, nech je prekliaty. Nikto to nemôže robiť; To musí byť presne tak, ako je to povedané v Biblii.
136A znovu v Zjavení 22: 18. a 19. "Keby niekto pridal ku Tomu jedno slovo, alebo odňal z Toho jedno slovo, tomu odníme Boh jeho diel z Knihy Života." Je to tak. Boh odníme jeho diel, hoci by to bol kazateľ, čokoľvek on môže byť a jeho slovo - jeho meno je zapísané v Knihe Života, Boh povedal: "Ja ho proste hneď vymažem (Tak veru.) Ak on pridá ku Nej jednu vec, alebo z Nej odníme jedno slovo." Takto neomylne Boh podal Svoje Slovo. Vidíte? Vy môžete pridať do cirkvi, alebo odňať z cirkvi, ale nedodávajte do toho Slova, ani z neho neodnímajte, pretože Boh v tej chvíli odníme vaše meno z Knihy Života. A to je - potom je s vami koniec. Vidíte? Vy nemôžete do toho dodať ani z neho odňať. Ono je presne to čo ...
137Ono nepotrebuje nikoho, kto by ho vykladal, lebo Biblia povedala, že Boh si sám vykladá Bibliu. "Ono sa nedeje z vlastného rozlúštenia," povedal Peter. Dobre.
138A všetky Písma sú dané Božským spôsobom, uložené Božským spôsobom; a to všetko je zjavením Ježiša Krista. Nový a Starý Zákon, kde oni predpovedali Jeho príchod, čo On bude robiť keď sem príde, a čo bude robiť v tomto veku, ktorý má prísť. Tak to Ho robí, že je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Vidíte? Ako tam v liste Židom, keď to Pavel písal: On je Boh, Ježiš Kristus včera, v Starom Zákone. On je Ježiš Kristus dnes, zamanifestovaný v tele, a On je Ježiš Kristus naveky v Duchu, ktorý má prísť (Vidíte, vidíte?), ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A On stále žije, aby oživil Svoje Slovo, aby to čo Ono povedalo, aby to Ono v tom veku urobilo. On je živý. On bol živý v Starom zákone, zamanifestovaný.
139No, ja len chcem, aby ste tu mohli vidieť trochu niečo, ak to môžete zniesť. Hľaďte! Keď bol Ježiš zamanifestovaný v Starom Zákone, ako tomu veríme ... No, vy kazatelia tam vonku, vy môžete proti tomu namietať, hovorte si čokoľvek chcete, ale ja hovorím zo svojho - to čo si ja myslím. Vidíte?
140Keď bol Ježiš zamanifestovaný v Starom Zákone v teofánii, v osobe Melchisedeka, to nebolo kňazstvo, ale Osoba, Muž ... Vidíte? Lebo tento Muž sa ešte nebol narodil, ale On bol v teofánii, tak On nemal otca, ani matku. To bol sám Boh. On sa zamanifestoval vo forme Muža, ktorý sa nazýval Kráľ Sálemu, čo znamená Kráľ Pokoja a Kráľ Spravodlivosti. Vidíte? On bol Mechisedech. On nemal ani otca ani matku, začiatok dní, ani koniec života. Vidíte? To bol Ježiš v teofánii, vo forme človeka. Mohli ste to pochopiť? Dobre.
141Potom sa On skutočne stal ľudským telom a prebýval medzi nami v osobe samého Ježiša Krista, ktorý sa narodil z panny Márie. On prišiel v tejto forme, aby mohol zomrieť a odišiel naspäť do neba. A teraz, v týchto posledných dňoch On zasľúbil, že sa znovu v plnosti zamanifestuje vo Svojom tele v Duchu. Rozumiete? Lebo tak ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. No, pozrite sa na Sodomu, v akom to bolo položení, čo sa stalo, a Ježiš Kristus je dnes zamanifestovaný v telesnej forme Svojej Cirkvi (Vidíte?), robí tie isté veci, tie isté skutky, tie isté veci, ktoré robil po celý čas, nemení sa, Ten večný. Vidíte? A dnes na zemi sa On zamanifestoval v ľudských telách, v našich ľudských telách, ktoré On povolal, a urobil presne to isté, čo robil za dávna, a v čase Svojho tela na zemi. A dnes robí tie isté veci, pretože Boh za dávna hovorieval ku otcom cez prorokov, v týchto posledných dňoch cez Svojho Syna, Ježiša Krista (Vidíte?), v týchto posledných dňoch zostal zjavený Syn, Boh zamanifestovaný v ľudskom tele, to je položenie ako tesne pred zničením Sodomy, pred koncom pohanského sveta. Vidíte to? Sú tri manifestácie.
142No, tá ďalšia vec sa deje, keď je to všetko zhromaždené do tej jednej Osoby, Ježiša Krista, Nevesta a Telo, pri tom telesnom návrate Pána Ježiša. On to robí tri krát. Keď sa narodil na zemi a bol zabitý, ukrižovaný, vstal z mŕtvych, zamanifestoval sa vo forme Svojho tela, ktorým je Jeho Nevesta, Jeho Žena. Rozumiete tomu? Ona je časťou Jeho tela. A muž a žena sú proste tak blízko spolu, že sú takmer - sú jedno - v každom prípade majú byť. Tu ich máte. Vidíte? Oni zamanifestovali presne to isté. Ona je časťou Neho, pretože bola vzatá z Neho. A Nevesta je dnes vzatá z tela Kristovho, pri čom postupuje a robí presne to, čo On povedal, že bude robiť na tento deň, Nevesta, Kráľovná, Kráľ a Kráľovná.
Dobre. Už je dosť neskoro, tak sa budeme musieť ponáhľať, aby sme to prebrali. Dobre.
143Celá Biblia je kompletným zjavením Ježiša Krista, ktorý sa v každom veku dáva poznať. Vo dňoch Luthera sa dal poznať ako základ, cirkev, spodok nôh, nohy. Ako to urobil v čase kráľa Nabuchodonozora. Pamätáte sa ako sa mu snívali tie sny. To prichádzalo dole od hlavy. Vidíte? A teraz On vystupuje hore od spodku nôh. Vidíte? V Babylonskom kráľovstve On ukázal všetkých tých starozákonných, On zostupoval od hlavy dole, až kým nezostúpil dole, že až sám Boh sa na spodku toho rebríku stal telom. A teraz, tu v Novom Zákone, On znovu vynáša samého Seba rovno naspäť, znovu do Hlavy, do Hlavy zo zlata, aby bol korunovaný. Vidíte? Pozrite, rozumiete tomu? Vidíte? Boh bol na začiatku; a On sa stále znižoval cez prorokov, nižšie a nižšie, až sa Sám Boh stal človekom ako my, rovno dole na spodku toho rebríku, dieťa narodené v jasliach, nenávidený, odmietnutý, pohrdnutý, a zlého mena, a všetko čo On bol. Potom On začal povstávať (vidíte?), a od nôh začína stavať svoju Cirkev, Nevestu, prichádza naspäť a naspäť, a teraz vystupuje do štítového kameňa, kde sa to všetko spolu spája a tvorí to jedno veľké premenené telo Ježiša Krista.
144Boh je zjavený v každom veku skrze Svoje zasľúbené Slovo na ten vek. No, pozrime sa len teraz na záver v týchto posledných slovách, aké sú niektoré Jeho zasľúbenia na dnes.
145No, Boh sa zjavuje v čase večerného svetla.
146Pozrime sa teraz. Vidíme ... Mám tu zapísaných veľa miest Písma, ako to môžete vidieť na tejto strane, koľko miest Písma tu mám zapísaných, ale do dvanástej máme už len okolo pätnásť minút. Chcem to prebrať, a dnes ráno som nezachrípol, zatiaľ čo hovorím. Niekedy tu z tejto klimatizácii zachíipnem, tak ak brat Neville nemá ... Nemáš nič na dnes večer? [Brat Branham sa pýta brata Nevilleho] Dobre, ak - dobre, ja ... Ak je to v poriadku, ja mám niečo. Nedávno som našiel balíček z cigariet, pohodený v lese a na dnes večer mám posolstvo z toho balíčku cigariet, ak Pán dá. Vidíte? A tak mám tu zapísané tieto miesta Písma, a nechcem preťahovať, aby ste sa mohli dostať domov. Balíček z cigariet, ktorý hovorí. Dobre.
147Prechádzal som cez lesy a tam ležal na zemi balíček z cigariet. A ja som proste kráčal ďalej, myslel som si: "No, niekto je predo mnou."
A niečo mi povedalo: "Vráť sa a zodvihli to."
Pomyslel som si: "Ja mám dvíhať balíček z cigariet."
Niečo mi povedalo: "Vráť sa a zodvihni ten balíček z cigariet." A išiel som tam; bol to prázdny balíček, a niečo som uvidel. Poviem vám o tom dnes večer, ak Pán dá. No dobre.
148A teraz budeme hovoriť o večerných Svetlách, len za chvíľu. Biblia predpovedá, že príde čas, tesne pri konci času, že vyjde slnko a nastane večerné Svetlo. To všetci poznáme, však? My, ktorí sme oboznámení dnes s naším Posolstvom od Pána Ježiša, veríme, že bude večerné Svetlo. A toto Večerné Svetlo ... Samozrejme, to veľké Svetlo príde keď sa sám Ježiš zamanifestuje tu na zemi, či hore v nebesiach, vezme Svoju Nevestu a potom nastane Milénium.
149Ale my máme jeden z najstrašnejších časov, cez ktorý máme prejsť, aký kedy ležal pred ľuďmi. A ja len čakám na tú hodinu a - keď budeme môcť dostať - každý bude mať možnosť, keď si budete môcť zobrať voľno z roboty a stráviť niekoľko dní, a budeme môcť mať niekde zhromaždenia, kde by som mohol hovoriť o týchto pliagach a týchto veciach, ktoré majú padať v tých posledných dňoch, a mali by sme to v kuse, dva alebo tri týždne, a priniesli to spolu, ak mi Pán dá žiť, aby som to urobil a bude ma inšpirovať, aby som to tak robil. Aby ste videli, ako zrazu tieto veci spadnú a tieto hromy, potom porozumiete o čom sa snívalo tomu mužovi a týmto ľuďom a všetky tie veci tam; to sa stane. Vidíte? Dozviete sa čo oni zjavili, ten veľký hrom vychádzajúci z oblohy. No ... Samozrejme, veľká skupina z vás, vy viete, že ja viem čo to znamená. Vidíte? A ... Ale čakajme len až príde ten čas (rozumiete?) aby sa to ...? ... No ... A to bude vo vhodnejšom čase.
150No .. Tak budeme čítať niektoré z týchto - tu z týchto miest Písma. No, v čase večera prichádza Svetlo. No, vidíme, že to bude musieť byť to isté Svetlo, ktoré bolo ráno, pretože ráno nie je jedno slnko a popoludní druhé. To je to isté slnko; popoludní je to isté slnko, ktoré je aj ráno a ráno je to isté slnko, ktoré je i popoludní. No, tam je povedané, že ten deň, ten deň pomedzi tým časom bude taký, ako - ó - pochmúrny, tmavý deň, nebude nazvaný dňom ani nocou, medzi tým. Vidíte, to je formovanie Tela, ktoré vystupuje hore od spodku nôh.
151Keď bol On tu na zemi, On bol Syn, Svetlo. On bol potom zabitý. Cirkev v mučeníctve zaujala Jeho miesto, a prechádzala cez Temné Veky, a keď vychádzala, začala sa stavba na základe. Kde sa potom nachádza zrak? Na vrchu hlavy. Vidíte to Nabuchodonozorove videnie? Vidíte ako On tam od začiatku Pohanského veku ide dole, pred tým ako bola za nich preliata Krv a vykonala zmierenie. Oni boli Jeho stúpencami - prozelitami. Ale všimnite si to išlo stále dole, stále dole, stále dole až do spodku, v symboloch (vidíte?), znieslo sa to dole; a potom to začalo ísť hneď naspäť, vracať sa. Cirkev sa vracia naspäť od spodku nôh, vystupuje hore. A teraz je v čase hlavy - v čase hlavy.
152No, všimnite si, to Svetlo ... Vy nemôžete vidieť pomocou svojich rúk, hoci sú časťou tela. Nemôžete vidieť pomocou uší, hoci oni môžu počuť. Nemôžete vidieť nosom, hoci on má čuch. Nemôžete - nemôžete vidieť pomocou úst, hoci oni hovoria. Vidíte? To bol letničný vek. Ale teraz je to v čase očí, zraku. Vidíte? No, ponad očami už nie je nič, čo by malo schopnosť hýbať sa. Je to tak? To ďalšie je inteligencia, ktorou je sám Kristus, ktorý ovláda celé telo. Za tým nieto už nič, čo by sa hýbalo. Vidíte? Všetko to predtým sa hýbalo. Vidíte? Hýbete nohou, hýbete svalmi na nohách, hýbete všetkým, hýbete svojimi - svojimi očami, hýbete nosom, ústami a tak ďalej, ale ponad očami, nie je nič, čo by sa hýbalo. Preto tvrdia, že ľuďom rýchlo vypadávajú vlasy, (Vidíte?) lebo tam nie sú žiadne cviky, ktoré by rozvíjali svaly vo vlasoch a v pokožke hlavy. Vidíte? Nie je tam vrstva, do ktorej by sa mohla napumpovať krv. Nebude tam pulzovať krv (Vidíte?), nepôjde hore a nebude to zaopatrovať krvou, lebo tie korienky vlasov žijú z krvi. A teraz, vidíme, že tá časť (Vidíte?) ... Ponad očami nie je už nič.
153No, pozrime sa ako to je. Či v čase poludnia bude svetlo? V čase večera. Načo je poslané svetlo? Aby ste mohli vidieť kde ste a ako sa pohybovať. Je to tak? Aby ste videli kde ste. V čase večera bude Svetlo.
154No, zoberieme to teraz a porovnáme s Malachiášom 4. On zasľúbil, že znovu v čase večera príde Svetlo. Vidíte? "Lebo hľa, Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša a on prinavráti deti naspäť ku otcom a otcov ku deťom (Je to tak?), aby som neprišiel a neranil zem kliatbou."
155No, zoberme Jána - alebo evanjelium Lukáša 17: 30 a pozrime sa čo Ježiš tam prorokoval, keď hovoril že: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak isto bude ..." No, pamätajte. Všimnite si. Toto je v tom čase, keď sa má zjaviť Syn človeka, v čase zjavenia sa Syna človeka. No, Syn človeka sa tam v skutočnosti potenciálne zjavil len na krátku chvíľu, tesne pred tým ako bola spálená Sodoma. No, ten Muž, to bol Elohim. To bol Boh, a Ježiš je Boh. A Boh sa zjavil potenciálne práve tam, na krátku chvíľu, aby sa rozprával s Abrahámom v čase vyšetrovacieho súdu, len na krátku chvíľu. Syn človeka sa zjavil, Syn človeka Elohim. Vidíte to, cirkev? Syn človeka, Elohim, sa zjavil len na niekoľko minút, lebo hneď to nasledujúce ráno, ona bola spálená. Kedy? Prv ako mohlo znovu vyjsť slnko. Tak nemôže povstať už žiadna organizácia, ani nemôže byť žiadny ďalší postup, než to, čo sa deje práve teraz, pretože ona bude spálená, prv ako znovu svitne deň. Prebudenie v tomto národe skončilo. Nebudú už žiadne ďalšie prebudenia. Žiadne veľké zaplavujúce prebudenie, tento národ ho nikdy nedostane. Môžete mať intelektuálne zhromaždenie, ale ja mám na mysli duchovné prebudenie. Všetky sme ich už videli. Dúfam že tomu rozumiete. Hovorím to takým spôsobom, že - že dúfam, že tomu rozumiete. Vidíte? To skončilo.
Jeden milý kazateľ mi nedávno povedal: "Brat Branham, keby som len mohol mať radosť Pánovu vo svojom srdci ..."
156Povedal som: "Synu, prebudenie skončilo." Vidíte? No, stabilizátory sú dané do lodi. Pred nami sú veľké, strašné vlny, ale vieme že hneď tam za tou vlnou sa približujeme ku brehu. Vidíte? Približujeme sa ku brehu. Len pevne stojte. Stojte len v Slove, stojte pri Bohu. Bez ohľadu na to ako sa cítite, čokoľvek sa deje, stojte rovno na Slove. Nech to pevne stojí. Keď vidíte okolo nás všetky tieto veľké mračná, a prichádzať búrky, a atómové bomby a všetko ďalšie o čom hovoria, ale náš stabilizátor je presne, rovno v Slove. Boh povedal, že to tu bude; a my sa preplavíme ponad každú jednu. Áno! Pôjdeme rovno ponad ich vrcholy. Áno, skutočne! Oni nás nemôžu potopiť; oni nás nemôžu utopiť. Dajte nás do hrobu; znovu z neho vyjdeme. V tom je proste všetko. Neexistuje nič na svete, čo by mohlo tomu zabrániť. My sa preplavíme ponad každú jednu, pretože náš veľký, Hlavný Kapitán volá na druhej strane.
My sme zakotvení v Ježišovi, budem čeliť búrkam života; som zakotvený v Ježišovi, nebojím sa žiadneho vetra ani vĺn;
157Nech je to čokoľvek, nech to príde, čo to môže byť, čo to bude, na tom vôbec nezáleží, my sme zakotvený rovno tam v Ježišovi. Ak budem žiť, budem žiť na slávu Božiu. Ak zomriem, zomriem na slávu Božiu. Ja len chcem ... Len na slávu Božiu, to je to čo chcem robiť. Keď to všetko skončí, nechcem tu už viac zostať. Chcem ísť tam, kde - pre moju odmenu, ktorú On pre mňa vykúpil, nie čo som si zaslúžil, ale čo mi On dal zo svojej milosti.
158Tak vidíme že to večerné Svetlo je tu. A načo by ste mali svetlo, ak by ste nemali žiadne oči, aby ste videli, ako sa v tom máte pohybovať. Čo je to večerné Svetlo? Svetlo prichádza aby niečo zjavilo. Je to tak? Ak je tu niečo čo cítite, a vy sa v tme nemôžete dozvedieť čo to je, potom zapálite svetlo. Ono má zjaviť. Čo mal urobiť Malachiáš 4? Vidíte? To isté. Čo malo urobiť to otvorenie Siedmich Pečatí? Čo sa všetky tieto denominácie potkýnajú v tomto ...?... To má zjaviť, priniesť na svetlo. Keby ste nemali žiadne oči, potom čo z toho, že by to bolo zjavené. Prv musíte mať oči, aby ste videli. Je to tak? Ono zjavi Malachiáša 4, zjavi ev. Lukáša 17:30, ev. Jána 14:12, tiež Jána 15:24; 16:13, a tiež má zjaviť Zjavenie 10:1-7, otvorenie SiedmichPečatí a Posolstvo Siedmeho anjela, aby otvorilo, zjavilo - keď príde to večerné Svetlo.
159No, ak človek ... V Laodicejskom veku ľudia boli akí? Nahí. Sú takí? Slepí. Načo je slepému svetlo? Ak slepý vedie slepého, či nespadnú obidvaja do jamy? Nahí, slepí, a nevedia o tom. Dokonca zanikli aj ich rozumové schopnosti, ich duchovné schopnosti rozumového - duchovného chápania. Vidíte? Náhli, nadutí, viacej milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha, nesmierliví, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, a pohŕdajú tými ktorí sú dobrí, majú formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajú jej moc (Moc zjavenia, v ktoré oni vôbec ani neveria. Vidíte?) ... Oni neveria v také veci ako proroci, a tak ďalej ... Oni v to neveria. Oni veria, že - že Malachiáš 4 má byť nejaká cirkev alebo nejaká organizácia. Keď on prišiel prvý krát, on bol človek. Keď prišiel druhý krát s dvojitou porciou, bol to človek. Vidíte? Keď prišiel vo forme Jána Krstiteľa, bol to človek. Vidíte? V tých posledných dňoch, keď začínajú svietiť tie večerné Svetlá, oči sa vám otvoria a budete vidieť kde idete. Potom je to Telo už sformované, stojí na svojich nohách, hýbe sa, pudené Duchom Svätým. Čo to je? Ten istý, ktorý pudil prorokov, ktorí písali Bibliu, ten istý Duch Svätý sa pohybuje v Tele, ktoré je naplnené Duchom Svätým, ktoré pod vedením Ducha Svätého vychádza z každej organizácii a z každého národa, jazyka a ľudí.
160Tu jedna pani, ona nepatrí do tejto organizácii (tejto organizácii) - patrí do tohoto zhromaždenia. Ona prichádza z inakade a ona dnes ráno prišla a mala tam obrázok. Ona bola - dala to môjmu synovi, ten bol veľmi prekvapený. Neviem či ona o tomto niekedy počula alebo nie. Neviem. Ona mala obrázok tohoto anjela Pánovho, ktorý bol tam pri otvorení Siedmich Cirkevných Vekoch – Siedmich Pečatí. Keď sa to stalo. Povedala: "Pozrela som sa na to." A videla ho vo sne stáť na oblohe. A pozrela sa tam cez to a videla - videla niekoho v bielom pochodovať dopredu a za ním ... Povedala, to vyzeralo - povedala: "Brat Branham, to si bol ty." A povedala, že tam pochodovali, povedala: "Za tebou boli ľudia rôznej farby pleti a niesli transparenty, Georgia, Alabama, z všetkých rôznych miest a pochodovali napred, idúc hore do hlavy, tam kde v tom videní bol zjavený Kristus. Ó, haleluja! Sme v posledných dňoch, v posledných hodinách dňa.
161Vidíte Ho teraz v jeho Slove a celé jeho Slovo sa zamanifestovalo rovno tu pred nami? Ó Cirkev živého Boha, povstaňte na svoje nohy, verte Mu so všetkým čo je vo vás. Držte sa toho malého Kolesa v strede Kolesa; nech to stabilizuje každý pohyb, každé hnutie ktoré robíte. Každú myšlienku, ktorú máte, nech je kontrolovaná skrze túto Moc vo vašom vnútornom človeku, pretože Boh sedí rovno vo svojom Slove na túto hodinu, vo večernom Svetle a ukazuje to Svetlo.
162Slepota netopiera, mohli by ste zapáliť svetlo, a netopier by bol taký slepý, že by nedokázal lietať. Húkajúca sova, všetci títo noční tuláci, a ím podobní, šváby, a tomu podobné, v dennom svetle nevidia. Oni nevedia nič čo to je. Oni nemôžu vidieť. A večerné Svetlá svietia. Každé podobenstvo, kdekoľvek sa pozrieme v prírode, do Biblii, na tú sochu, ktorú Mel- ktorú videl Daniel a - a ten kráľ v tom čase, všetci ktorí to videli, a všetky tieto veci, každý, každá forma, každé hnutie, každé miesto v tom Tele zo svojej pozícii nám ukazuje, presne tú hodinu, v ktorej žijeme. Za tým už nemôže prísť žiadny pohyb. Bol pohyb ruky, láska, Wesley. Bol pohyb základu, Luther. Láska ... Nikdy nebolo väčšej. Nazývalo sa to Wesleyove hnutie, oni vyslali misionárov do celého sveta. Jedno z najväčších hnutí, ktoré bolo v tom veku pred tým. Potom prišiel letničný vek, potom to vošlo do rôznych prstov a vecí, letničný vek jazykov, a nosa a tak ďalej. Teraz je to v očiach. Na čo by vám boli oči, či Svetlo, keby ste nemali oči, aby ste videli. Prv musia byť oči aby ste videli, a potom keď to prišlo, On otvoril Sedem Pečatí a zjavil to večerné Svetlo, berúc všetky tie tajomstvá, ktoré tam boli skryté cez tieto cirkevné veky, a teraz ich On zjavil ako to zasľúbil v Zjavení 10: 1 - 7. Tu sme dnes, posadení v strede Slova a to Slovo nám je zjavené skrze Ježiša Krista. Potom toto je Božie Slovo.
163A keď sme Jeho poddaní musíme chodiť blízko Autora, aby sme Tomu rozumeli, aby To zjavilo: "Ó, Pane čo chceš aby som robil? Či musím ísť na misijné polia a kázať Evanjelium, alebo mám zostať doma? Bez ohľadu na to čo to je. Či mám byť dobrou ženou v domácnosti ... Či mám byť dobrou matkou ... Či mám robiť toto, to, alebo tamto, čokoľvek to je ... Ak mám byť hospodár ... Či ... Čokoľvek to je, Pane, čo chceš aby som robil?"
164Či to nie je to čo vykríkol tam vtedy Saul: "Pane, čo chceš aby som urobil?" On bol tam na ceste do - aby zavrel do vezenia celú cirkev, ale potom on vykríkol: "Čo chceš aby som robil?" Keď to Svetlo zasvietilo ako veľký Ohnivý Stĺp visiaci nad ním: "Čo chceš aby som robil?"
165Myslím, že to je dobré slovo, aby sme zakončili a povedali: "Pane, čo chceš aby som ja robil? Keď práve teraz vidím toto Písmo tak dokonale zjavené, Pane, čo chceš aby som robil?"
166Skloňme svoje hlavy. Žiadam vás tu všetkých aby ste preskúmali svoje srdcia a položili si túto otázku: "Pane, čo chceš aby som robil?" A vy ľudia po celom národe, ak ste ešte stále pripojení cez telefón, skloňte svoje hlavy a opýtajte sa: "Pane, čo chceš aby som robil, keď vidíme práve teraz tak dokonale pred nami, tak jasne zjavené, že sme tu v posledných dňoch a posledných hodinách. Čo chceš aby som robil?"
167Drahý Bože, kým sa ťa to oni pýtajú, ja sám sa ťa pýtam: Čo chceš aby som urobil, Pane, keď si uvedomujem, že z každého dňa treba vydať počet. A prosím, aby si mi pomohol, Pane, aby som žil každý deň tak, aby to bolo pripočítané na Tvoju chválu a slávu. Prosím, aby si pomohol každému po celom národe, a týmto ktorí sú tu prítomní v tejto modlitebni, keď skúmame svoje srdcia a hovoríme: "Pane, čo chceš aby som urobil? Čo mám robiť, Pane, aby sme podporili Tvoje Kráľovstvo a Tvoju vec." Udeľ to, Bože. Preskúmaj nás - naše srdcia a skús nás; ak je v nás nejaká neprávosť, Pane, nejaké sebectvo, nejaké zlé motívy alebo úmysly, ó Bože, očisti nás krvou Tvojho Syna, Ježiša Krista, ktorý ... Pokorne prijímame Jeho zmierenie, skrze Jeho smrť a zmŕtvychvstanie. A ospravedlnení skrze vieru v to, že On toto urobil, s radosťou prijímame plán spasenia, ktorý nám dávaš. Otče, ďakujeme Ti za Posolstvo na tento deň, ktorému veríme a ktorého sa držíme, vieme a veríme, že to je Tvoje Slovo a Tvoje Posolstvo. Nie aby sme sa líšili od druhých ľudí, ale aby sme sa snažili byť viac podobní Ježišovi Kristovi, ktorý je naším vzorom.
168Drahý Bože, ležia tu vreckovky, a všade sú chorí ľudia. A ja sám, Pane, som dnes ráno unavený a vyčerpaný. Prosím, aby si nám pomohol, drahý Bože. Hľadáme u Teba posilnenie. Ty si našou silou. Ty si toľkým pomohol, drahý Bože.
169Jedného dňa, rozmýšľal som tam v lesoch, išli sme tam s bratom Banks Woodom, keď doktori ... Jeho srdce bolo také slabé, že ledva išiel. Potom, keď som si pomyslel ako som - vedel som to trochu tam hore, po tom videní: "Musím toho leva dostať. Musím ho vidieť zabitého." A potom keď som tam prišiel a bol som tam v Tucsone v reštaurácii Farr, a videl som ako na ňom visia šaty, a jeho vpadnuté oči, povedal som: "Bože, keď Ty môžeš ukázať videnie, kde sa nachádza ten lev, Ty určite môžeš ukázať to, čo sa týka Brata Wooda.
A potom to prišlo: "Polož na neho svoje ruky." A on je tu dnes, znovu naspäť, náš brat Banks, silný behá hore dole po týchto horách. Ako Ti ďakujeme drahý Bože. Ty si ten istý Boh pre nás všetkých, aký si bol pre brata Wooda. Viem, že Ty ho miluješ, pretože on je Tvoj sluha, čestný a úprimný.
170A prosím, drahý Bože, aby si sa zaoberal s každým jedným z nás, a odpustil nám naše hriechy, a uzdravil nemoci nášho tela. Urob nás, aby sme zo dňa na deň boli viac podobní Tebe, Pane, až kým neprídeme do tej plnej postavy Ježiša Krista. Udeľ nám toho Pane. Verím, že si preskúmal teraz každé srdce a my vieme, čo robiť. Prosíme, aby si nás teraz požehnal, v mene Ježiša.
171A kým máme sklonené hlavy, je tu niekto, alebo tam pri telefóne, po celom kraji, kto by rád, zatiaľ kým sa modlíte, a máte sklonené hlavy, len zodvihnite teraz svoju ruku ku Bohu. To je všetko čo môžete urobiť; je to tu dnes ráno preplnené. Len zodvihnite svoju ruku ku Bohu, povedzte: "Bože, urob ma viacej takým, ako je Ježiš; chcem byť viac taký ako Ježiš." Nech vás Boh žehná. Vonku po celom národe, všade sú proste zodvihnuté ruky, proste veľká masa. Ja som tiež zodvihol svoje: "Ja chcem byť viac taký, ako On. Skúmaj ma, Pane, a zisti či je vo mne niečo zlé; zober to odo mňa. Ja chcem to, čo ..." Sme tu tak dlho, no odídeme odtiaľto už či ste - či - nezáleží na tom čo ste, akí bohatí, akí chudobní, akí mladí, akí starí ...
172Zastavil som sa včera pri malej biednej skupine ľudí tam v horách pri potoku. Bola tam prostá rodina. Človek, ktorému som tak dlho rozprával o Bohu. Prišiel tam so svojou ženou, siedmymi alebo ôsmymi deťmi, on, trochu taký dlháň, snažil sa tam pracovať za pár dolárov na deň. A nejaký človek im dovolil bývať v malej chatrči, a jeho žena bude mať zanedlho ďalšie dieťa; a ona mala veľkú, širokú sekeru a sekala drevo a sťahovala ho dole. Na jednom boku držala dieťa a druhou rukou ťahala drevo. Prišla nasekať drevo, aby zavarila nejaké čučoriedky, aby cez zimu neboli hladní ... Ó, ako nám ju bolo ľúto. A brat Wood a ja sme zobrali vozík a odišli sme tam a narúbali jej drevo a doviezli jej ho. Ona tam stála, prostá vďačná žena. Bolo mi jej ľúto, a stále sme sa za nich modlili.
173A jej malé dieťa dostalo epilepsiu. Išli sme tam a modlili sme sa za to dieťa a Boh ho uzdravil. A druhého dňa jej muž dostal pruh. A vošiel som ... rozprával som sa s ním. On fajčil, oni obidvaja. Ona žuvala tabak a on tiež, typické u ľudí z hôr. A potom som im ďalej o tom rozprával. A včera ráno, keď som tam cez deň prišiel, on vychádza drží zopnuté ruky a hovorí: Brat Billy, ja som zmenený človek." On povedal: "Vyfajčil som svoju poslednú cigaretu, a som na Pánovej strane."
Ona povedala: "Ja som tiež vyfajčila svoju poslednú cigaretu." Ó, saďte semeno! "Ja Pán ho polievam ... Ja ho podlievam dňom i nocou, a nikto ho nevytrhne z Mojich rúk."
174Ó, Bože prosím buď nám teraz milostivý, a daj nám to po čom túžia naše srdcia, pretože v našich srdciach chceme slúžiť Tebe. No, Otče, oni sú všetci v Tvojich rukách, všade. Oni sú Tvoje deti, zachádzaj s nimi podľa Tvojej milosti, Pane, nie v súde, ale v milosti. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
175Milujte Ho? Z celého svojho srdca ... No, vy ktorí tu máte vreckovky, môžete si ich zobrať. A teraz, na še zhromaždenia, myslím že začnú trochu skorej. O siedmej alebo tak nejako. Brat Neville to za chvíľu ohlási, kedy to začne. A je krst, zdá sa mi, dnes ráno? Voda je pripravená ak je tu niekto kto ešte nie je pokrstený v mene nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, pozrite, skutočne je - voda je pripravená na krst.
176Ceníme si všetkých bratov kazateľov, Vidím brata ... Ako tvoje zhromaždenie, prebehlo v poriadku? Brat Parnell a brat Martin a ó tak veľa ich je tu, brat Lee Vayle ... Ó, tu všade sú samí kazatelia. Opravdu si to ceníme, že ste tu, že máte s nami obecenstvo okolo Slova.
177Možno že s týmto so mnou celkom nesúhlasíte. Nežiadam vás o to. Rozumiete? Jedno čo chcem, Zamyslite sa len nad tým. Čo mi hovoríte, ja o tom uvažujem. A kazatelia dostanú túto pásku a povedia: " No, ja nesúhlasím s ..." To je v poriadku, môj brat, ty môžeš byť - pasieš nejaké ovce, ty - ty ich kŕmiš tým čím chceš. Ja sa snažím, ako len môžem, držať sa presne Slova kvôli tým, ktorí mi boli daní do rúk pre Boha, pretože ovca chce to čo jedia ovce. Samozrejme: "Moje ovce počujú môj hlas." A to je to čo ... Žijeme každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza ... Nie všetko ... Nie len slovom tu a tam, ale každým slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích. To je to skrze čo majú svätí žiť.
Povstaňme teraz na svoje nohy. Kým máte sklonené svoje hlavy ... Brat Neville, máš niečo čo chceš povedať? Prosím? Brat Mann? Dobre.
Každý kto sa cíti dobre nech povie: "Amen!" [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: "Amen."] A teraz, skloňme svoje hlavy. Poprosím brata Lee Vayleho, či by sem neprišiel, alebo - ak môže. Ak sem môžeš prísť, brat Vayle, ak môžeš ...
Brat Vayle je náš brat, píše knihy. Teraz pripravuje knihu Sedem Cirkevných Vekov a pracuje na Siedmich Pečatiach. A dúfame, že zakrátko ich budeme mať. No dobre. Brat Lee Vayle, nech ťa Boh žehná.
1 Let us bow our heads. Lord Jesus, the Shepherd of the great Flock, we are so in debt to Thee, Lord, that we could never pay Thee for the love that Thou has shed abroad in our hearts. We feel so unworthy as we bow our heads and stand in Thy presence. We ask You to cleanse us from all faults and all sin. We pray that You'll strengthen our bodies today. Many are sick and afflicted, as it shows here, of handkerchiefs and requests coming in on the phone and everywhere.
2And we believe that we are ending up this world's history now, and soon time will fade into Eternity, and we want to be ready for that hour. And that's why we have assembled here this morning, is to prepare for that time. I am told that there are many of the telephone hooks-ups this morning across the nation, from coast to coast. Wherever our voices is coming, may that little group be blessed. Heal the sick that's among them, and I pray that You'll cleanse their souls from all evil. And help us here this morning, at the tabernacle, that we also may enjoy that great privilege.
3 And we ask that You'll speak to us today through Thy written Word, and may the Spirit reveal to us the things that we have need of, as we have gathered nationwide now, feeling that we are a small people, but have a place among the redeemed, because we have believed on Jesus Christ. Grant these things to us, Lord.
4And when we close the service and we go to our different homes across the nation, may we say, like those from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He spoke to us along the road?"
5Now, Father, I know that whatever I would say would be certainly insufficient, with the--the fine Christians throughout the nation now that's tuned in, it wouldn't be--it wouldn't be adequate. It would not be something that I could say that could do any good, because we're all in the same category. We're human, mortals. But let the great Holy Spirit speak; may He take a hold of the Word and just reveal Himself. We're waiting on Him now, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
You may be seated.
6 I kinda... surprising myself. I told my wife, if she happens to be listening in, down in Tucson, that I didn't think I'd have any service when I come back; and I didn't even bring clothes. And I said to my daughter-in-law, she had pressed my coat, and I said, "I'm staying behind the pulpit, with... They don't know the trousers is one kind and the coat's another." It's the ones I wore home. But, Meda, she got my shirt ironed and everything, so every... Don't worry; everything is fine.
7 Now, we have a request here, that there's a very dear brother... And I think that--that Prescott, I believe, is hooked in this morning, up in--in Prescott, Arizona. Sister Mercier's father is just been on his road here to the meeting, I understand, and was had to be taken to the hospital in a heart attack, Brother Coggins. And, also, Brother Junior Jackson, I think he's in on the next radio down, or the next phone down in Clarksville or New Albany, and his father is in the hospital, I understand, with serious operation of cancer in the liver. So we want certainly remember those in our prayers. And now there's others here, too, but we don't want to take up the time. God knows all about them, so let us pray for them now.
8 Dear God, as that dear, old, wrinkled-hand man, Brother Coggins, an old veteran of the field, has... laying in the hospital this morning, somewhere, suffering from an attack on his heart. God, that poor old heart's went through much troubles. I pray, God, to help him. Grant it. He like... He loves life like all of us does, and he wants to live. Lord God, grant it. We across the nation pray in Jesus' Name for him, that You'll heal him and bring him out. We believe that You will; he'll be come right to the meeting.
9 We pray for Brother Jackson, his precious daddy laying there near death now, and bring in the world a fine boy like Junior. I--I--I pray, dear God, that You'll heal him. I know it seems impossible. The medics, the doctors, they--they don't know what to do in that kind of a case. But we remember Brother Hall, also, when the very best of the physicians here said, in Louisville, said, "He's just a few hours to live," with cancer in the liver. And he's living today, and that's twenty-five years ago, because of Your grace. So I pray that You'll heal Brother Jackson today, Lord, let Your grace and mercy be with him.
10And all this great pile of handkerchiefs and cloths and things that's placed here in request; You know them all, Father. I pray that You'll grant healing to all of them. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
11 Now start, this morning, I didn't think that I was going to come down, at the first place, last Sunday. And then again, when we announced it, I come down. Brother Neville had me to speak! And then we announced to be down today, and it hasn't been notified out around the country to the peoples. And we got this telephone system now, which is very, very fine. The people can set right in their homes or their... gather in their places, their churches, and so forth, and hear the service. I appreciate that.
12 Now I see laying here, there had been many requests this last week, on what I said last Sunday on the Message. I believe I forget what I titled it now. But I said something about paying your debts. And you know, no matter what you say, it's misunderstood by many. Not 'cause they... they don't want to misunderstand it, but you just simply misunderstand it.
And now someone said, "Should we buy a car?" Or, "What should I..."
Now, that isn't what Jesus spoke of, or the Bible there, that said, "Owe no man nothing." That's lingering debts that you could pay. Pay them. It don't... That's owing no man nothing. It doesn't mean... My, we owe our rent, our telephone bill, we... and whatmore. We--we owe those things, and we pay them. But, an old lingering debt that you could be paying on, pay it off. See? Now, don't go with anything hanging on you like that.
13 I remember a time when I was sick, once when I was a boy. I came out of the hospital owing about two thousand dollars. And used to be a drugstore here, Mr. Swaniger, I owed him about three or four hundred dollars, a medicine bill. He didn't even know me. And the man... I went to him. I didn't know him. And he just send it up there, anyhow, never refused to send it. And I said, "I owe you."And I said... I believe, Swaniger... It was Mr. Mason down on Court Avenue and Spring.
And I said, "I owe you. And I'm--I'm just still awfully weak, but I'm trying to go to work. Now, if I can't pay you..." I just become a Christian. I said, "First thing, Mr. Mason, as my duty to God, I owe Him my tithes. I want to pay Him my tithings, first." And I said, "Then my next duty is pay my debts." I said, "My father is sickly, and he... And we got... There's ten of us children in the family." But I said, "I'll... If I can't pay you no more than twenty-five cents on that bill, each payday; if I can't pay you even the twenty-five cents, I'll come by and tell you about it. I'll tell you, 'I--I--I can't do it this time.'" Now, by the help of God, I paid every bit off. See? But that's what I mean, see? Just don't somebody say...
14 Oh, some Christian here at the church one time went out and got some work done on a car here, and the man come down... The man said, "I'll pay you. I get paid Saturday," or something another. And he never paid him. And weeks after weeks rolled by, and never paid him, never said a word. And--and the man come and asked me, he said... See, it reflects against the church. It reflects against Christ.
You can't pay him, go tell him, say, "I owe you, and I'm going to pay you. I'm a Christian, but I--I just... I can't do it right now, I've got... I owe this." And, remember, it's on God's books too, you know, that you do. So that's... I'm trying to, for myself and for all of us together, try to be ready, for we know we're getting near something, very near of something is going to take place. So we want to be ready. When the Coming of the Lord is drawing so nigh now, we want to be ready for that great hour.
15 Now we want to get ready and speak now on a little subject here that I chose for this morning, by the help of the Lord. And we'll speak just as briefly as we can, because of the hook-up of the people. I hope you all got a... all across the nation, got a fine morning like we have here in Indiana. Nice, cool, fine weather we're having now since the rain. And it's very fine.
16 Now I want to read from the Book of Hebrews, the 1st chapter; and from the Book of Saint John, the 1st chapter. Hebrews 1:1 to 3, and Saint John 1:1, for a text. My subject this morning is a study in the Scriptures. Now let's read Hebrews 1:1.
God, who at sundry times... divers manners spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets,
But in these last days spoken to us by his Son, who he has appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the world;
Who being in the brightness of his glory, and... express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
What a beautiful reading! Now Saint John 1:1.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
17 Now, and my text this morning is: Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word. Now, where I come to the conclusion to talk on this, was because that... Knowing that what we say we mustn't just say because we're gathered together to just haphazardly speak on anything, but it's something that will help stabilize the people, for we are going to pass through dangerous, treacherous waters. We're already sailing through them. And sometimes I guess it's with you like it is with me, that seems like that, so much of it, it's such a scary.
18 I was just talking to a young minister and his wife, in the room, just a few moments ago. And both of them are nervous just like the rest of the world, rest of the human beings on earth. I said, "Remember, Satan's got a punch coming at you." Don't care who you are, God... He's got a right for that one punch. Which had you rather be, that punch; be blind, or be an arthritic setting in a chair, or be nervous? See? He's got somewhere he can punch you. He's got a right to that open place. Now, that's the spot you got to keep covered all the time. And to see this nervous age that we're living in!
19 And last week's tapes, I think, will reveal to you the great hideous things that we're going to speak on one of these days when we can get a place sufficient, of the opening of those last plagues to be poured out upon the earth, those Vials, rather, pouring out of the Vials, and the Seven Thunders, and those hideous sights that's coming upon the earth. Man now, and people today, are in such a neurotic condition; the whole world!
20 You read this last month's Reader's Digest, you'll notice the subject there; it's on Billy Graham, the great evangelist. He got so tired he just couldn't hold his meetings, and he--he went to Mayo's clinic for a physical checkup. There wasn't nothing wrong with him, only he just doesn't do enough work. And they put him to running; physical exercise. He runs a mile every day.
And then the article goes on to say that science has proved that today, that young children, these little boys and girls, "hit their middle age at twenty years old." And by twenty-five, many times, in many cases, girls are out of menopause, at twenty-five years old.
I don't know if you knew it or not, but a few nights ago while the Holy Spirit was speaking here in the meeting, a little girl setting down here, that's exactly what was wrong with that child when it called out. I looked at her the second time, looked again, and I seen what was the matter. I thought, "It can't be; that child is too young." But it was menopause, about twenty years old, twenty-three, something like that. See?
21 My mother and your mother struck that age about forty-five to fifty. My wife struck that age about thirty-five. Now it's down to twenty. The whole human race is rotten. Well, if them physical beings of our body is tearing down like that from eating hybrid foods, tensions, that rotten it, does not that also rot the brain cell? Then we can see how women can get on the street, naked. We can see how they can speed through the--the streets at a hundred and twenty miles an hour, all these things. It's come to a place where the whole nation, the whole world, not only this nation, but everywhere, mentally gone.
22 And then when we open up those, the Lord willing, on those Seven Vials and show those hideous things. Men will be so insane, after a while, till they'll imagine they're seeing ants the size of a mountain. It'll be tormenting women; be locusts come upon the earth, with long hair, to torment women who cut theirs off; hair like women, hanging down; and long teeth, like a lion; stingers in their tail, like a scorpion, and--and so forth, to torment men upon the earth. But then it'll be too late to do anything about it. You get right now. Tormenting!
23 And last Sunday when we was going into those cycles, about how that the five senses on the outer realm. That's the inlet, five senses to the body. There's only one way you can get into the body, that's by those five senses: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. There's no other way to contact the--the body.
24On the inside of that man is a man called spirit, and he has five senses: think, thought... and thought, and love, and conscience, and so forth. All right.
25Now, you can't think with your body. You think with your mind. And in there is where too many, of Christians, only stop. And they can, just like the corn in the field and the weed in the field, they can be anointed with the same Holy Spirit that the real believer is anointed with.
But down on the inside of that, next realm, the third realm, is the soul; and that's predestinated by God. There is where the real seed-germ lays, is in there.
26And, remember, if I'd take a cocklebur and cut it open, draft into it the heart of a--of a wheat and put it there, bury it, it would bring forth a wheat out of the cocklebur; no matter what the outside is, what the emotions.
27 Today, so confused about the evidence of the Holy Ghost, and so forth. Satan can impersonate any kind of a gift that God has got, but he cannot bring that Word, Word by Word. That's where he failed in the garden of Eden. That's where he's always failed. That's where them, the tape on "false, anointed ones," or anointed ones; they can be anointed with the Spirit, speak in tongues, dance, shout, preach the Gospel, and still a devil.
It's the inside! Now remember, Jesus said, "All the Father has given Me will come to Me. No man can come except My Father draws him first."
Now, we taken through the lesson, to show that in... You were in your great-great-great-grandfather, all the way back, physically speaking. Then, that's what you are in physical being, nature. Sometimes a child will be born in a family, red-headed. It astonishes the father, 'cause there's nobody he knows, of his people, red-headed, or the mother's. But if you'll go way back to several generations, you'll find out somebody was red-headed. That seed keeps coming on down, and you come the nature of one from way back.
Like as Hebrews the 7th chapter said, that, "Melchisedec, Abraham paid tithes to Him when he was returning from the slaughter of the kings. And Levi, who received tithes, paid tithes," for he was in the loins of Melchisedec at... or, "the loins of Abraham," rather, when he met Melchisedec.
28 Now the same thing is this. If you are a son of God, and if I am a son of God, or a daughter of God, we were in God at the beginning. And when Jesus became the fullness of the Word, then we were in Him, germ form. When He was crucified, we was crucified in His body. When He arose from the dead, we rose with Him. And now, since we have recognized it, "now we set together with Him, in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus." See? For He... We, if we are sons and daughters of God, we are God's children, then we are attributes of God. Then we were... got Eternal Life. And God is the only Eternal Life there is. Then, we were in Him from the beginning. And when Jesus became all that Word, then we were a part of Him then. Amen! There you are. When that's in there, there is no devil, no powers, no nothing can ever move it. That's the tie post of the soul.
29You can be anointed out here, in this spirit, and desire, and do all these other things. But when it comes to this tie post to that Word, you'll never move from there. It'll hold right steady and true, to that Word, as it can be. Outside of that, regardless of what you do, you're still lost.
30 That Laodicean Church Age, "naked, blind, miserable; don't even know it." See, it's out... It's that anointed, anointed with the real Spirit. See, that Holy Spirit can fall upon a man, in his spirit. But his soul is his germ; that germ is the Word. See? And how... I don't care how much you can preach, how well you do this, and how much you love; that's one of the inlets to spirit. You can't love with your body; you love with your spirit. That's one of the inlets. And you can love, and even love God, and still not be right. You can cast out devils, and preach, and do these things; still not be right. Jesus said so, said many would come in that day. That Word settles it!
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us,...
31 Notice, I'm going to speak on this subject of the Bible, of, Christ Revealed In His Own Word. Where I drawed this conclusion, was in my room.
Some dear person, may be setting here this morning... I got a picture hanging in my study up there, that's a picture of Hofmann's Head of Christ, wrote in the Beatitudes. And right where you would come to place like you need a part of the hair, they pressed a little harder on the pen as you pass that part. There, there He is, setting in His Word, looking right out; Christ in the Beatitudes. Someone, ever who it was, I thank you for it.
And somebody brought that picture and put it in my study there, of Elijah going up in a chariot of fire. We appreciate these things. Many times, big crowds, I just don't get a chance to speak and say these things, but I see it, brother, sister. I--I know it, and God knows it.
32Now I'm going to speak on this subject of: Christ Revealed In His Own Word. How, in the Beatitudes, there stands a picture of Christ, standing right out, like. That's where I thought of this subject. Now, Christ and the Word is the same. See?
33 They say, "How was the Bible...?" People says. I was riding with a man not long ago. He said, "Think of it. We here on this earth, the way we are, and we only know or can only say that we're saved by some Jewish fable called the Bible."
34I said, "Sir, I don't know how you say that, but I don't believe it's a Jewish fable," I said.
He said, "Well, you pray, what do you pray to? I asked for so-and-so and certain things; I didn't get it."
35 I said, "You pray wrong. We should never pray to change God's mind; we should pray to change our mind. God's mind don't need any changing. See? See, it's right." I said, "Not what you prayed for..."
I know a young Catholic boy, one time, was had a prayer book, saying prayers, and for his mother to live. And she died, and he throwed the prayer book in the fire. Well, see, I don't go for the prayer book; but, anyhow, see, you take the wrong attitude. You're trying to tell God what to do.
Prayer should be, "Lord, change me to fit Your Word." Not, "Change," not, "let me change Your mind. You change my mind." See? "You change my mind to Your will. And Your will is written here in the Book. And, Lord, don't--don't let me go till You got my--my mind set just like Your mind. And then when my mind is set like Your mind, then I'll believe every Word You wrote. And You said, in there, You'd make 'everything work together for good' to them that loves You. And I love You, Lord. It's all working together for the good."
36 I been this week down in the country, staying with some very dear friends. I asked some of them at the table, yesterday, when we was eating. We always set around and have a little... like a little study on the Bible. We was talking about love.
And there was a certain person said to me, he said, "I believe you're an antichrist."
37I said, "If that would be pleasing to my Lord, that's what I want to be. I want to be whatever He wants me to be. I love Him. And if He should cast me into hell, I still will love Him, if I go with the same spirit I have now." He looked at me kind of strange.
I seen four or five of them there, young men; young wives, fine women. I knowed how them boys loved their wives, so I said to them, I said, "Here is the way to test it. If your wife, before you were married... Now, you go back, say you... this married life, you been dreaming you were married; you really wasn't married, but you dreamed you were. And you woke up, and you went and talked it over with your girlfriend, and said, 'You know, I dreamed that we were married, and we had children. We living happy, and--and waiting for the Coming of the Lord, and everything.' And then this girl would say to you, 'You know, I love another man better than I love you. I could be happier with the other man.' Could you, from your heart, love her well enough to say, 'God's blessings rest upon you, my dear. Go with this other man'?"
Now, now check that, each of you men or you women. See? Well, if your love is correct, you would do that, for you are interested in her welfare. What, you know you could have her, you can live with her, you... She's your wife; she will be. She'll marry you, but she won't be happy. She would be happier... And then, if you love her, then you want her to be happy.
Therefore, whatever the will of God is, let God's will be done, whether I'm happy with it or not. I want to live so He will be pleased with what I do. Therefore check your--your objective and your motive by that; you know whether you love God or not.
What if He'd say, "You serve Me if I'm going to cast you away?"
"I love You, anyhow."
38 Therefore, if the churches would see that and could believe it in that manner, it wouldn't be one trying to jerk the football away from the other fellow when he's running with it. He would be protecting that one. See? When, real true motive and objective, wouldn't be one trying to say, "Hey, I got this too! I, this is me, this." See, God can't use a man. There is so much impersonation follows it, and that's Satan. And the people can't realize that. They're trying to take the ball from somebody that's been give it. Let God raise up a certain ministry and watch how many goes after it. See? See?
39 Now, genuine love for God, "No matter what part I am, Lord, if I can only say a word for It, help protect It, let me do that." See?
That's the same thing would be about your wife. If you really love her, see, it's not a--it's not a--a phileo love; it's an Agapao love, a genuine love. She could live with somebody else, happier; you're not married now, course, you can't.
40 And, by the way, people listening to these tapes. Some, so many, sends in, said, "Why, in the Marriage And Divorce, you said this and you said that." I said that so many times; these tapes goes only... I'm speaking to my congregation, brother. I'm not responsible for what God give you to shepherd; I'm responsible for what kind of Food I feed these people. This is for this tabernacle only. See? Now, if the people want to listen to the tapes, that's up to them. But I'm speaking to what God has give to me. It was their sins that was omitted.
Someone wrote out, and said, "Well, I done this and I done that. You said our sins..." I--I didn't say that.
I said, "See it to this; this is only to this people right here, the people here in the tabernacle, my own flock." Now, if people wants to hybreed food and stuff out there, you--you get the revelation from God and do what God tells you to do. I'll do the same thing. But these Messages are to this church.
41 Notice now, we come back, we've got to have something another that we have to hold onto. Something has to be a tie post, in other words, it's an ultimate. And everyone must have an ultimate or an absolute. I preached on it one time, years ago, on an absolute, a place that's the last word.
42Like the umpire at a ball game, if he says it's a strike, that's just exactly what it is. No matter how you seen it, the umpire said it's a strike. You said, "I--I--I... It wasn't a strike. It went... I seen the..." No matter what it is, when he said, "strike," that's it, that settle just what. He, he is the ultimate.
43And the traffic light is an ultimate, if it says, "go." You say, "Well, I, I'm in a hurry, I got..." No, no. It says, "You stand still while the other fellow goes." See? It's the ultimate.
44 Now, there's got to be an ultimate to everything you do. There had to be an ultimate when you chose your wife. There had to be a woman you had to select.
45Now, there has to be a time where, when you're going to buy a car, what kind of an ultimate you're going to make. Will it be Ford, Chevy, Plymouth, foreign car, whatever it is, you got to have an ultimate.
And so is it with Christian living. There has got to be an ultimate.
46 Now, if a man said, went to another man and said... heard somebody say, "Well, you should be baptized," and this fellow never... Maybe, his, some church that didn't baptize, they just sprinkled. I think, say for instance, the Methodist, they do baptize if it's requested, I understand. Or maybe the... A Catholic, I think they sprinkle only. So then if--if a man heard something about being "immersed in the water," well, he didn't understand that; he was raised Catholic. So he goes up to the priest, and said, "Father, I understand that we're supposed to be baptized by immersing. What does our church say about that?"
47"Why, it says that--that we're to be sprinkled." If that church is his ultimate, that settles it. All strife is over; the church said so, and that's all.
48 What if the... if a Baptist brother heard us say that we believe in being baptized by "immersing"? He'd say, "I believe that."
"And in the Name of 'Jesus Christ.'"
Now, this--this member of the church goes back to the pastor and says, "Pastor, I heard a fellow say to me that we should be baptized by immersing, all right, but in the Name of 'Jesus Christ.'"
49"Well," he'd say, "now, let us see. Why, here the book says that we're to be baptized using 'Father, Son, Holy Ghost.'" If that church is the ultimate, that settles it. He don't care about what anything else says; that's his ultimate.
50 Well, every denomination is an ultimate to their believers.
But, to me, and to the ones that I hope that I'm leading to Christ, and by Christ, the Bible is our ultimate. No matter... Cause, God said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine Truth." And I believe that the Bible is God's ultimate. No matter what anyone else says; It's the ultimate.
The Bible is not a book of systems. No, sir. It is not a book of systems, nor a code of morals. The Bible is not a book of systems, so many systems, and so forth. No, sir. It is not a book of morals. No, sir. It is not. Nor is It a book of history, altogether. Or, neither is It a book of theology. For, It is the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Now if you'd like to read that, you who have your papers, marking it down, that's Revelations 1:1 to 3, as, the Bible is "the Revelation of Jesus Christ."
51 Let us just read it while we got time. I believe my... haven't got too many notes here to speak from. If the Lord tarries, why, we'll try to get from them.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him, to show to his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signify it by his angel to his servant John:
Who bare record of the word of God, and... the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the word of this prophecy, and keep the things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
52 So, the Bible is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ. And It was wrote by prophets. Hebrews 1:1, in... "God, Who in sundry times spake to the fathers by the prophets, in this last day speaks to us through His Son, Jesus Christ," which was the prophets, all of them, put together. Jesus was Malachi; Jesus was Jeremiah, Isaiah, Elijah. All that they were, were in Him. And all that you are, and all I am, is in Him; Words, witnesses of the Word.
So It is not a book of systems, a code of moral ethics, neither is It a history book, or a book of theology. It is not. But It's a revelation of Jesus Christ, God Himself revealed, from Word to flesh. That's what It is. The Bible is the Word, and God is the flesh, God in... God is the Word, rather, and Jesus being the flesh. It's the revelation, how God (the Word) was manifested in human flesh, and revealed to us. And that's why He becomes a Son of God; He is a part of God. You understand? Now, He is not... The body is part of God, so much that it's a Son.
53 A Son, as the Catholic puts it, "Eternal Son," and all the rest of the churches; the word don't even make sense. See? There cannot be Eternal, and then be a Son, 'cause a Son is something that's "begotten from." And the word Eternal, He cannot be an Eter-... He can be a Son, but He cannot be an Eternal Son. No, sir. It cannot be an Eternal Son.
54Now, but He is the Son, so much, that all the Word that was in Jeremiah, in Moses, and all those Words, like He said, "They speak of Me." All that true Divine revelation of Word was wound up into one human body, and God put flesh around It. That's the reason He was called "Son," reason He refers, "Father." Why, it's just as simple, if you just let God pour it down into your mind. See? God revealed in a body of flesh, notice, revealed from flesh... or from Word unto flesh. That's Saint John 1:14, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us."
55 Now notice this Bible. Some of them said, "Oh, well, It's done this, It's done that." But let me tell you something, let's just...
Let's go into the history of the Bible, just a minute, see where It come from. It was written by forty different writers. Forty men wrote the Bible, over a space of sixteen hundred years apart, and at different times, predicting the most important events that ever happened in world's history, and, many times, hundreds of years before it happened. And there is not one error in the entire sixty-six Books. Oh, my! No author but God Himself could be so accurate. Not one Word contradicts the other.
Remember, sixteen hundred years apart, the Bible was wrote, from Moses to--to the death of--of John at the isle, or the Isle of Patmos. Sixteen hundred years, and was wrote by forty different authors; one didn't even know the other one, and they never had It as "the Word." Some of them never even seen "the Word." But when they wrote It, and was understood to be prophets, then, when they put their prophecies together, each one of them dovetailed one to the other.
56 Look at Peter, who announced on the Day of Pentecost, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins."
Paul had never heard nothing about It. He went down to Arabia for three years, to study the Old Testament, to see Who this Pillar of Fire was that spoke to him on the road, saying, "Saul, why persecutest thou Me?" How could he be wrong? He never even consulted the church at all.
And fourteen years later, when he met Peter, they was preaching the same thing, Word by Word. That's our Bible. Let other man's words fail. This, no man can add to It. You don't add no more to the Bible. No, sir. This is the complete Revelation. It's all.
57 Like the Seven Seals. "The Seven Seals," someone kept saying to me, "now you'll... The Lord will speak to you, Brother Branham, when these Seals are revealed, and will tell us how to get closer to God, and how to do it."
58I said, "No, sir, it can't be. Because, the Bible, the Seven Seals on It had the seven mysteries hid. It was already wrote, but they didn't understand what It was."
Watch how they plowed along with that, being baptized in "Jesus" Name; see, that wasn't it. The Name of the "Lord Jesus Christ"! See all those things, how it was. Cause, there's many Jesuses; I got several friends here on earth named "Jesus," minister friends. It isn't that. It's our "Lord Jesus Christ."
No author but God could be so correct. Now let's just see how this Bible was written.
59 Now, say for instance, from... What if we went now and took sixty-six medical books that deals with the body, wrote by forty different medical schools, a hundred and sixteen... or sixteen hundred years apart? Wonder what kind of continuity we'd come up with?
When, George Washington, our president, about two hundred years ago, for pneumonia, they pulled his toenail out and bled him a pint. What if we took...
60Let's go a little further, on some things that we so attracted to today, that's science. What if we took forty different science, from sixteen hundred years apart, and see what we'd come up with? A French scientist, three hundred years ago, proved by science, by rolling a ball, that, if any terrific speed was obtained over thirty miles an hour, the object would leave the earth and fall off. Do you think science would ever refer back to that? Is any continuity with that now, when they drive down the street, on the road here, a hundred and fifty miles an hour? See? But he scientifically proved that, by the pressure of the ball rolling across the ground, that at thirty miles an hour, that, any object would lift up off the earth and go away, it'd fall off into space. No, there's no continuity to that.
61 But not one Word in the Bible contradicts the other. Not one prophet ever contradicted the other one. They was, every one, perfect. And when one come in and did prophesy, and that real prophet raised up and called him down, then it was made manifest. See? See? So the Bible is the Word of God, to all true believers.
62 Now, you couldn't get no accuracy in what doctors would agree upon. You can't even get accuracy of them now. You can't get accuracy in science now.
Now, you know, sometime ago, they told us that the... that, "When the Bible said that 'he saw four Angels standing on the four corners of the earth,' that that couldn't be. The earth was round." But the Bible said, "four corners." Well, now you seen, two weeks ago, or three weeks ago, it's been now, the papers packing this article, they found out that the world is square. How many seen that? Why, sure. See? I got it all copied off, just waiting for somebody to say something.
63 And they're going to find out, someday, that they're not seeing a hundred and fifty million years of light space either. They're going right around in a circle. That's exactly.
You're going to find out, one of these days, that when you go to Heaven, you don't fly off somewhere else. You're still right here, too, just in another dimension faster than this.
Right through this room is coming color. Every color, shirt, dress, whatever you got on, is Eternal, laying right on records, going around and around the world. Every time you bat your eyes, it's right on record. Watch, television will prove that.
64 When you are born, God sets a record on. It don't make... Put a record on, it don't make much noise for a little while, you know. That's the little baby, till it comes to accountability; then the noise starts, he starts saying things and doing things he has to answer for. And then when that life ends, that record or tape is took off and laid in the--in the great big library of God. Now, how you going to get around it at the Judgment Bar? It's played right back in front of you, every move you made, every thought that went through your mind. Can you see that? Now can you see where God...
65 Standing here, other night, there been a man on the platform, tall, bald-headed man, real handsome-looking fellow, strong. And he went out... The Lord had told him a whole lot of things about his family and what he should do. And he went out and set down. In a few minutes, here come before me another man like that, but he had his head down. I couldn't make out, and I looked at the man again out there; and he... Wasn't him, because it was something else. And this man, I couldn't find it. Looked around, nobody behind, me. I said, "The man is setting inside of those curtains there." And it was our... a brother that comes to church here, tall, bald-headed, handsome sort of a fellow setting up there like that. And he had his head hung over, praying, because he was just about to die with stomach trouble.
He was going to get a pair of shoes. His wife wanted him to get a new pair of shoes. He said, "No, I don't have to get it, 'cause I ain't going to live to wear them."
He was dying. And setting there, you see, in that dimension, hallelujah, God just moved over in there and said, "There he sets," just the position he was in. See what I mean?
66 Now notice, and there is not any error in the Scriptures. Jesus, the Word of God, perceives the thought that's in the heart. "The Word of God is stronger, sharper," Hebrews 4:12. "The Word of God is sharper, more powerful than a two-edged sword, even a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the mind." See? Goes way down into the mind, and pulls out, and discerns. What is discern? "Make known, reveal out." And that's what the Word of God does.
Today we say, "The Catholic church is the Word of God; the Baptists, the Methodists, the Pentecostal, the tabernacle." That's wrong. The Word is the revelation; God, revealed by the Word.
67 No, we could have got... get any continuity amongst medics, amongst scientists, different ones.
If Einstein had only had the spiritual application, as he had the--the physical application, as he studied the laws of light, and so forth, he could have told us something. When I heard his message on that great center somewhere into the skies, that, "Ever contacted with that center, you could create earths, do anything, and the power would be unlimited." See? He had seen that.
68 You see these little pockets going through the air, they call "saucers," so forth. People so... That, well, we better leave that alone. "Hear all these people come up missing?" you say. Don't hear from them; they're standing there, and they're not there.
That's the way the Rapture is going to be. One of them will drop right down, and this terrestrial body will take on a celestial body. And they'll be... hide, hair, or bones left; it'll be transformed in a moment of time, dropping right out of space and taking Home that. We see all this going on now, and the--and the Pentagon wondering about these lights, and mystic lights, and everything they're seeing in the--in the sky. You seen they had one here in the paper at Jeffersonville this week, and so forth, "a mystic light." So, oh, they don't know what that is. But listen, little children, It's going to pick you up, one of these days. See? See? Don't worry.
Remember, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom."
69 What happened just before Sodom? God came down with some Angels, and they had an investigation judgment. Said, "I've heard the cry, that it's so sinful, so great, so I've come down to find out whether it's altogether the truth or not." That right? Watch that main One that stayed with Abraham, could discern the thoughts was in Sarah's heart, behind Him.
Now, you look around just a little bit and notice, see, watch what It's doing, the same thing today. It's an investigation judgment.
Why, after a while, the Church, when It can stay in that place, and every seed has been brought to its spot, they'll be gone. They won't know what happened to them. One will be going one way. See? One will be going over to the pastor's house, and one will be going here, or down there, and, the first thing you know, they're not there. For Enoch which was the type, "God took him, and he was found not." Come down to investigate! The continuity, how the Enoch translation, a type of Israel being carried over in the ark.
70 So perfect, the Word of God is so perfect, even to the Old and New Testament, is two halves and one whole. That's right. Old Testament is half of It, and New Testament is half of It; put It together, you got the whole revelation of Jesus Christ. There is the prophets speaking, and here He is in Person; see, two halves and one whole. Now we don't want to take too much...
71 Now, remember, the Old Testament is not complete without the New. And the New could not be complete without the Old. That's the reason I said two halves, one whole. For, the prophets said, "He'll be here! He'll be here! He'll be here; they'll do this to Him. They'll do this to Him!" And here He is, "He was here! He was here, and they did this to Him, and they did this to Him." I just preached on that a few nights ago.
72 Now, in order to study the Scripture, Paul told Timothy, "Study It, rightly dividing the Word of God, which is Truth."
Them is three musts in the Scripture. In using God's Word, there is three things that you must not do. Now let's study those for the next ten minutes; three things that you must not do. And all out in the land, wherever you are, across the nation, be sure to put these down in your mind if you haven't got a pencil. You must not do these things. We tell you all the time how you must do, now I'm going to tell you what you must not do.
73Now, you must not misinterpret the Word. You say, "Well, I believe It means this." It means just what It says. It needs no interpreter. And you must not misplace the Word. And you must not dislocate the Word. And if we would do either of these, it throws the whole Bible in a confusion and in a chaos.
74 Notice. To misinterpret Jesus, in the form of God in a man, you would make Him--you would make Him one God out of three. To misinterpret Jesus Christ being the Word, you would make Him one God out of three, or you would make Him the second Person in a Godhead. And to do that, you would mess the whole Scripture up. You'd never get nowhere. So It must not be misinterpreted.
75And if you say that a certain thing, you put an interpretation on It, and you apply It to another time; or It's been applied to another time, you also make an incorrect interpreting.
76 If anybody misinterpret Jesus Christ in the Bible, of not being God Himself, make Him the second Person, or one God out of three, this would upset every Word in the entire Bible. It would break the first commandment, "Thou shalt not have any other god before Me." All right. It would make the whole Christian race a bunch of pagan worshippers worshipping three different gods. See what kind of a Bible you'd have? Then it'd make us what the Jews say we are. Said, "Which one of them gods is your God?" See? So, you see, you can't... You mustn't misinterpret the Bible.
For, Jesus Himself is the interpretation of the Bible, when He's made manifest in the age that the part of His Body is being made manifest. If it's a hand age, it must be a hand; it can't be a head age. If it's a voice age, well, then, it can't be a foot age. See? And now we're at the eye age. And now the next, is Him Hisself, to come. Seeing; prophetic!
77 See, down through the age, we started off from the foundation, from the first church age; when the Seed went in the ground, the complete Seed. Then it come out through the feet, Luther; come back out then through Wesley; then in to Pentecostals, the tongues, in the lips, see; now it's in the eyes, prophetic, of Malachi 4, and so forth. And now there's nothing else left for it to come but Him Himself to step into that, 'cause that's the last thing there is.
The next is the intelligence, and we have no intelligence of our own; it's His. We have no sight of our own. How can a man foresee those things? He can't do it. It's God Himself. See, it's--it's becoming to a place. And He's governed the body all the way through, then the complete Body of Christ is revealed in the form of a Bride that was taken out of His side, like Adam did at the beginning... like Adam's was, rather, at the beginning.
78 Yes, "god," this would set the whole Bible in a confusion, break the first commandment, and make a god, a pagan god of three. It would just--it would just ruin the whole picture of the Bible. So you must not misinterpret the Bible. Now, that's just one thing.
79When, every Scripture in the Bible has the same application, you've got to set It in Its place. And to misplace It, you might make Him God in one age, and--and the next age you'd make Him a history, to misplace It. So you mustn't misplace the Scripture. He is God all the time. If you made Him today a God of history, what was back yonder, and He isn't the same today, what are you going to do with Hebrews 13:8? See, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever."
80Now, so see what this would do, and what it has done. It's already done it, make Him deny His Own Word, to misplace the Scriptures.
81 To dislocate the Scriptures, you might put His body together wrong, the foot where the head should be, or something. Just the same as a... Other words, you might have Jesus teaching Moses' message. You might have... or even Wesley teaching Luther's age. You might have now, our age, teaching Pentecost, the Pentecostal message. You see what a mess It would be in? Pentecost has already showed its colors. Luther has already showed his, went off into denomination. It died right there. The age struck; there it went.
82Notice, just as soon as it was organized, it died. Now, just see if that isn't right. Look back through the pages of history. Every time it organized, it died right there; there never was no more to it. It become a--a worshiper of the god of this world, and went off into organisms, and organizations, and denominations, and illusions. A bunch of Rickys got into there and put their own objections into it, or injected their own thoughts, rather, into it. And what did it happen? It become a mess. Going to head up in the god of this world, where they'll throne Satan himself, thinking that they're having a great world leader to bring them peace.
83 I told you the other day, I'll say it again, that even civilization itself today is absolutely contrary to God. Civilization is contrary to God. Education is a million miles from Him; science is a million miles. Science and education is trying to disprove God, see, through theological seminaries and schools, and rooms of science, and so forth. They've had their shake.
How about the vision the other night, of the man when he screamed to those scientists down there pouring that stuff in like that? They just turned and looked up, and went on. There'll be one more ride.
84 Notice, oh, these three musts must be. Now, you cannot... Jesus didn't come preaching Noah's message. He didn't come preaching Moses' message. Or, Moses didn't come preaching... See, don't mislocate the Scripture. It's got to be in the time. Now, you cannot apply... When that great man, John Wesley, come out, or...
The great man, Luther, when Luther came out with his message of justification. Now when that was a... Luther was a great man. He called the church out of darkness, and he set justification by faith. And when he did it, they built a organization on top of it, and it died. The Life traveled, like it is in a stalk of wheat, right out into the Wesley age, to the tassel. Out of Luther come other leaves, that died with it, which was Zwingli, and Calvin, and all the rest that come out from that great reformation.
85 Then along came Wesley, another age had bloomed out into a tassel. Wesley, and Atterbury, and all those, and--and John and his brother, and all of them, great men of God with a message, just swept the country. They organized it; it died.
Then it come out looking just exactly like she was going to put forth the grain now, and, come to find out, it was a shuck, Pentecost.
But back in behind all of it, come a little bud.
And you notice, usually... I think, in about three or four years after Luther was on the field, that the Lutheran church was organized. Just a short time after Wesley was on the field, it was organized.
86 Tucson, we've had a--a program of how the Wesley church, or Methodist church, come into existence. And when they come to America here, many of them had come back and said they had set up a--a charter and so forth, from England, to bring it over here, and how it was all dramatized out. I seen right then what happened. There she died.
87Well, out come the Pentecostal, them old shouters back in the long days ago, got the gift of speaking in tongues, and started off with speaking in tongues. Then they named it, "the evidence of the Holy Ghost." Then they organized. One said he's going to do this, and the other that, and they had issues and issues. What'd it do? Each one of them leaves just unfolded, just like it did in the stalk and like it did on the tassel. They had the oneness, twoness, threeness, and the church of God, and all these others; just unfolded, unfolded, unfolded.
But now, according to nature, which is a perfect example, you'll never be anything to educate It out of it.
88 A family, of friends of mine down in Kentucky, just had a little--little baby born the other day, and the mother was up when they was cooking our dinner. And she was helping the other sister cook dinner for a bunch of us men that had been out hunting. And so the baby got to crying, and I was talking. I think the mother felt a little embarrassed, so she runs and gets the baby, and--and starts to--to feed the little fellow. I said, "You know, that's just nature." See? Now, you can't...
They have never found any better way for a baby to get what it wants than to cry for it. Now, you might give it a--a book of ethics, and set down here and say, "I want to teach you theology, son. Now, don't you go to squalling around here like other kids; you're different. Now, when you want to be fed, you ring this little bell over here." Just don't work. No, it just don't work.
89 So, when you watch nature, now we see where every age, and directly designed it out that we're in the last age. The shuck has pulled away. And we've had fifteen years, nearly twenty now, years, of the Message sweeping across from nation to nation, and this morning hooked-up across this nation, see, and no organization. It can't organize. There has nothing ever been like it, or will be hereafter. See?
The--the thing that's the matter with the Message today, is, those who obtain It in their hearts must lay in the Presence of the Son, to get ripened. See? You can pick up the Message, and then let the Son bake all the greenness out of you, see, making matured Christians. See what I mean? God is coming soon, to receive His Church, and we must have that type of Christians for Him to receive. The--the wheat has got to get ripe. All right.
90 These three musts must be. Must not misinterpret, or mishandle It, misinterpret It, or mis-... or dislocate It. It must be kept just exactly the way God said it was.
To the world, It's a Book of mystery. The people believe It's just a mysterious Book. One time I was talking to a very famous man here in the city, that holds a great standing of Christianity, and he said, "I tried to read the Book of Revelations one night." Said, "John must have had a big bait of hot pepper and had a nightmare." See, a Book of mystery.
91 But, while to the true believer, It's the revelation of God being revealed in the age we're living in. He said, "My words are Spirit and Life." Jesus said that. Again, "The Word is a Seed that a sower sowed." We know that that's true. It's God in Word form, and can only be interpreted by Himself.
The human mind is not capable to interpret the mind of God. How can the little--little finite mind interpret the infinite Mind, when we can't even interpret one another's mind?
92And you notice, He is the only One can interpret It, and He interprets It to whom He will. It didn't say, "Mortals of old, as they strode across the earth in sundry times and divers manner." "God, in sundry times and divers manner revealed Himself to His prophets." See?
93 And, notice, "To whom He will reveal It." And He so designed that He can hide Himself in the Scripture, to the smartest theologian there is. Oh, my! He can just hide Himself, set right there in the Scripture, and you look all day long and never see it; look a lifetime, and never see it. He can just hide Himself, setting there.
94Now, please, everywhere, let that soak in. That, God, in the Word, can hide Himself so in the Word, that there isn't a theologian or a school in the world could ever find Him, and yet He's setting right there.
You say, "Is that right, Brother Branham?"
How about the Pharisees and Sadducees? How about in every age? He's done it. Sure. He's done so in every age. Now we could check that. Let's think about the days of Noah; smart, intellectual age, how He hid Hisself in His promised Word. In the days of Moses, how He hid Hisself. In the days of Elijah, how He hid Hisself. In the days of Jesus, how He hid Hisself. "He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came to His Own; His Own received Him not." See?
95 He hides Himself from the smartest, intellectual man there is on the earth. You say, "Well, this is Dr. Holy Father So-and-so." I don't care who he is, God hides Himself from him; and will reveal it to babies such as will learn, see, babies of God, predestinated seed.
96Think. The Mighty God, setting in His Own Words, blinding the smart, educated people of this present age, and they don't see it. They think it's just a bunch of fanaticism. Look at Him standing there hiding, to Pentecostals, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterian. Reveal Himself right out publicly, and showing all kinds of things, even putting it in the papers, and things like that, yet they don't see it. Oh, our God, how great, revealing Himself to whomever He will.
97"Oh," you say, "Brother Jones or Brother So-and-so, he's--he's a great man. He'll see It." Oh, no. He reveals It to whom He will. Say, "My wife don't see It, and she's a Christian woman." He reveals Himself to whom He will. "Well, my pastor is a great man." That's right, but He reveals Himself to whom He will. Now, check with what's been revealed, to what's happening, then you'll... you can quite understand.
98 Now we notice then, it makes It a Book of God and not a book of man. If It was of man... Now let us look how It would express Itself. Look how It exposes sin of the men who wrote It, notice, the men who--who lived in Its day.
Abraham, for instance, he's called "the father of the faithful." Notice how that... Do you think Abraham would've wrote this Book on himself, of his own cowardliness? How you think he would've wrote that he lied to the king that morning, and said that was his sister, when it was his wife? Would it write of his cowardly deeds that he done? Sure, he'd never done that.
99How about Jacob in his deceit? A little deceiver that Jacob was. Would a--a--a man, a Hebrew writing of his Hebrew brother, that in him that all of Israel was called, would he dare to write the deceit of the very father of the whole nation? In Jacob, come forth the patriarchs; from the patriarchs, come forth the tribes. And the foundation stone of all of it, the Bible exposes him as a deceiver. Is that right? You think man would've wrote that? No, sir.
100 How about a man writing of the greatest king they ever had here on earth, as crowned king; David, in his committing adultery? Would those Jews ever wrote of their most noble king being an adulterous?
Oh, we have history, like, "George Washington never told a lie," and things like that. We say, call that history.
But this is a man, a Bible that calls David an "adulterous," and he was. The king of Israel, an adulterous who was to be the son... Jesus to be the Son of David. The very Headstone; and His father, according to flesh, was an adulterous. Jews would never wrote a Book like that. Would man write this of his own self? Certainly not.
101 How would that proud nation of Israel? You know how proud they were. Proud nation of Israel, went and wrote about their own idolatry, wrote about their rebellion against their God, wrote against the dirty, filthy things that they did, and wrote out in a book? They'd have sure hid that. They'd have just showed the good things. But, this Bible, that tells what's right and what's wrong. It's, anyone knows that the Jews would've never wrote a Book like that, about their own uncleanness, and idolatry, and failure, and everything they had. They'd have never wrote that. Oh, no.
Then, Who wrote It? The Bible said, in Hebrews 1:1, "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the prophets." Then, it wasn't the prophets, it wasn't mortal. "God!" Not "prophets in sundry time." But, "God, in sundry time, divers manners spoke to the fathers through the prophets."
I got a Scripture wrote down here. I don't know what It is; I can't refer to It. Usually, when these things I'm referring to them, I'm looking at a Scripture. I'm going to look it up just for a minute, if you'll excuse me. It's Second Timothy 3:16. I--I--I thought I would remember that, but I'm sorry. I'll just stop a minute to find out what it is.
102 "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the prophets."
Now Second Timothy 3, 3:16. Let's see what it says in 3:16.
All scripture (yeah) is given by inspiration of (Prophets? No.)... inspiration of (What?) God, and is profitable for doctrine, and reproof, and correction, and instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may stand perfect, throughly furnished in all good works.
103All right, then, all Scripture is wrote by inspiration. Jesus, here on the earth, said that heavens and earth would pass away, but His Word wouldn't. He said all Scripture must be fulfilled. So then the Book is not a book of man's writings. It's the Books of God's writings.
104 Now, we know God chose by predestination His Church, His place, His prophets, and all about it. By foreknowledge, He predestinated His prophet. And when the age arrived, He had His prophet arrive at the same time, and inspired him as He wrote the Bible by him. Now, God wrote the Bible only using the prophet, because that's His way of doing it. So, see, it is not the word... So, see, It is the Word of God, and not the word of man.
105 God is a Person. God can speak. God can talk. God can write. He didn't have to do it that way, but that's the way He--He chose to do it. He didn't have to do it that way, but He chose to do it that way. Now you say, "God wrote with His finger, His Own majestic finger, the ten commandments. So God could write, Hisself, if He wanted to." See? But He--He chose to write It through prophets, see. Because it was His attributes, His Word, He expressed through them, making all a part, or a part of Him. See? He could write with His finger. He also took His finger and wrote on the walls of Babylon, "Thou are weighed in the balance and found wanting." He wrote with His Own finger.
106 God can talk. Do you believe God can talk? He talked to Moses on the mount, in a burning bush. You believe that? Yes, sir. He talked to John, in the form of a dove, (you believe that?) that, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." He talked to him. He spoke to Jesus on Mount Transfiguration, before Peter, James, and John. He can talk. He's not a mute. God can talk. So He spoke to--to Jesus on Mount Transfiguration. And He spoke to Jesus before a whole multitude of people; when, the people said it thundered, but it was God speaking to Jesus. And almost all of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, is Jesus speaking. He is God. So, God can talk.
107 Took His Own fingers and wrote on the sand, one day. He spoke, He preached, He prophesied, with His Own lips, God did, when He was made flesh and dwelled among us, "God manifested in flesh." If He can write, speak, can't He also tell others what to do? Certainly can. He can talk to them, in a human voice. He can write and show them what to do. He has done it.
So, "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the prophets." And He said, on this Writing, that, "Not one jot or tittle shall ever pass away until It's fulfilled," and then It's manifested; then It will pass, because It's manifested. It can't pass then, but just the Word Itself is made flesh. Jot means "small word." Tittle means "small mark." Not even one punctuation, one expression, anything, shall ever fail in the Word of God. It can't fail, because It's God, God manifested in a form of a human flesh. For, it's God Himself in letter form, prophet form, manifested in flesh.
Now, that's the reason Jesus could say, "The ones who spoke to you, you call them 'gods,' who spoke to you by the Word of God," said, "and they were gods." Those prophets when they were anointed with the Spirit of God, and brought exactly the Word of God, then they were gods. It was God's Word speaking through them. And can...
108 They only interpret as the Author would permit them to interpret. Now if you want to find that, that's Second Peter 1:20 and 21. All right. Cause, this, where God... "There's no private interpreter." He does His Own interpretation.
God speaks and interprets It, Himself, then reveals it to whomever He will, hides from all others. He don't have to reveal It to anybody 'less He wants to. And He don't... He, He has expressed His whole thing in the Scripture, therefore the whole thing is already made known; it's just He's just setting there watching it happen. See? No. Just seeing the Body be made and come back to Its, to the form, His Bride again. All right.
109 Believers believe It, like Abraham that called things contrary to It as though it was not.
110It also, this Word, discerns the secrets of the hearts, Hebrews 4:12. "It discerns the secrets of the heart."
111 Prophets did not always understand what they were writing or what they were saying, or they would in no wise have said it, if they could a understood It. See? But the Bible said, "They were moved by the Holy Ghost." Moved! When the Holy Ghost moves you, you move. Man... "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the prophets that were moved by the Holy Ghost." That's why, all ages, the people who were spiritual consulted the prophets about the times and what was to happen.
The prophet-writer must be in constant fellowship with the Author. See? He must live constantly in Presence of the Author, to know what the Book is going to be. See? The prophet-writer, he had the pen ready anytime, constant fellowship with the Author, which was God, to strike down whatever He said put down. See? Showed what kind of a life he must... a separated life from all of his brethren.
112 Now, that's why the prophet had his mind set constantly on what God said; not what man thought, what the age thought, what the church thought, what the kingdom thought. What God thought! He only expressed God's thoughts to Word, 'cause a word is a thought when it's expressed. You got it now? The Word is a thought expressed, so the prophet was waiting for God's thoughts. And when God revealed His thoughts to him, he expressed it in Word, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." See, not "Thus saith I, the prophet." "THUS SAITH THE LORD!" See? All right.
113That's why they defied kingdoms and church ages, which, to do so in their days, was a death penalty. You walk up in a king's face and tell him, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, such-and-such is going to happen," you'd have your head chopped off. The church would put you to death right now for doing it. But these prophets were bold. Why? They were moved by the Holy Ghost, see, and, they, that's why they become bold. And they wrote the--the infallible Word of God.
114 There was many tried to impersonate them prophets, like priests, or so forth. And what did they do? Just messed up, that's all. They couldn't do it.
Cause, God had selected the man for the age, and selected the Message, and even the nature of the man and what would go over in that age, what He could put over, how He could. With the nature of that certain man, He could blind the eyes of others. The words that that man would say, the way he acted, would blind others, and open other's eyes. See? He dressed the man in the type of dress that he was; the nature, the ambition, and everything just the way he had to be, just perfectly selected for that certain people that He would call for that certain age.
While, others would stand and look at him, say, "Well, I can't. There's... I--I can't see." They were blinded.
115 Jesus came the same way, dressed, immortal God dressed in human flesh. And because He was born in a manger, in a stable full of manure, not a place to lay His head; born, thinkingly, with a illegitimate name tacked to Him. See? All these things that He was, and how He come up, a carpenter's son, how He had no schooling.
More or less, in the world, the wisdom of this world, He didn't have nothing to do with it. None of this world's civilization, education, or anything, He had not one thing to do with it. Why? He's God. It would clash. If He tried to go to a seminary somewhere and learn something that these world's churches was doing, what in the... Why, it wouldn't even... why, it wouldn't even... wouldn't correspond at all with His understanding, for He was God.
So, education, schooling, seminaries, and things, is absolutely contrary to the will of God. The whole educational system is contrary to God. Everything teaches away from God, all the time. When I hear a man say that he is Dr., Ph.D., L.L.Q., that just makes him that much farther from God, to me. See? He just educated hisself that much farther from what he really was called to do. That's right.
Notice how that now they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
116 Now, that don't mean that educated man don't come in. Look at Paul. I guess there wasn't a smarter fellow in his day than Paul, who was Saul of Tarsus. He was educated under Gamaliel, one of the greatest teachers of the day; great, strict Hebrew, a Pharisee of denomination. And Paul was brought up under him. He knowed all the Jewish religion. But when he come to the church, he said, "I never come to you in the education of man, and so forth. Because, if you would, then you would trust in that. But I come to you in the power and manifestation of the Holy Ghost, that your faith would be in God." There you are. See? That's right.
117 Many tried to impersonate these people, but they got the thing all messed up just like they do today. There was one raised up before the time of Jesus, led four hundred people off. And you know how the Scriptures read about these things, trying to do it before the time come. And some of them tried to impersonate Him, and they was all this, that, or the other one. And He said, "In the last days, how they would raise up false Christs, in the last days, and false prophets, and show signs and wonders." We have all that. See? But that doesn't do away from the real. It only makes It shine out better, because we have a real Christ, not a false one.
118 Now, now, we realize then that God sent His prophets. That was the way He had of bringing His Word to the people, through the lips of His prophets.
And notice, you know, Moses said, if you want to read it in Exodus the 4th chapter, and the 10th and 12th verse. Moses said God spoke to him. God talked to a man, lip to ear. And he said, "I'm slow of speech," Moses said. "I, I'm not sufficient. I--I can't go."
119He said, "Who made man to talk, or Who made him dumb? Who made him to see, or Who made him to hear? Didn't I, the Lord?" Said, "I'll be with your mouth." See? So...
120And Jeremiah said, if you want to read that in Jeremiah 1:6. Jeremiah said that, "God put words in my mouth." See? He--He talked, lip to ear, with one prophet; and spoke through the other prophet, he had no control at all, and spoke through his lips.
121 He's got ways of getting His Word out, you know. Yes, sir. So you see the Bible is God's Word, not man's word.
Moses said, "God spoke to me with a voice, and I heard Him. I wrote down what He said."
122Jeremiah said, "I couldn't speak at all. And, the first thing you know, my lips was talking, and--and--and I was writing." God spoke through his lips, and it come to pass.
Daniel, Isaiah, and so forth, all those prophets were just about the same.
123 You know, in the Old Testament alone, it's more than two thousand times those prophets said THUS SAITH THE LORD. Now, if a man says THUS SAITH THE LORD, it's not the man talking. If he would, he wouldn't be a prophet, he'd be a hypocrite, see, 'cause it wouldn't (never) come to pass; one chance out of ten hundred thousand times, see, they might guess it. But if it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, the Lord God has said it.
If I would say, "Thus saith Orman Neville"; my brother say, "Thus saith Mr. Mann"; I'd say, "Thus saith Brother Vayle," out here, or some of these other brethren, any of you; I'm speaking what you said. If I'm truthful, I'm saying just what you said.
And these men, being prophets, said, "It's not me. I have nothing to do with it, but it's THUS SAITH THE LORD." So the Bible is THUS SAITH THE LORD by the prophets.
124 Notice, they took Christ's Spirit upon themselves, and forecast the events that would come to pass. Talk about forecasts! They said what would take place down through the ages, as they set, stood, laid, walked with the Spirit of Christ upon them, insomuch that they acted like Christ. And the readers would read it and think that the prophets was speaking of themselves.
You remember the eunuch when he was reading Isaiah 53:1, about how, that, "He had wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, with His stripes we were healed"? The eunuch said to Philip, "Who is the prophet speaking of, himself or some other man?" See, the prophet spoke as if it was himself.
125 Look at David crying in the Spirit, "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? My bones, they stare at me, at me," David. "They pierced my feet and my hands," David. "They pierced my feet and my hands. But Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither will Thou suffer Thy holy one to see corruption," as though David was speaking of himself being holy. It was the Son of David, that germitized, spiritual Seed coming down through there. Though David himself was a cocklebur, but on the inside of there was a Wheat grain. You get it?
So, the whole Bible is not the word of man, neither was It wrote by man, brought by man, or neither can It be--be revealed by man. It's God's Word revealed by God Himself, His Own Interpreter, Christ revealing Himself in His Own Word.
126 Look at Christ standing back here in David. David couldn't even think now. His mind had gone from him, as it were. And He was hanging on the cross, like you see the statue here; hanging on the cross, crying, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? All My bones, they stare at Me. They pierced My hands and My feet. They thrust My side." See? "Why art Thou so far from Me? All the bulls of Bashan compass about. They wag their heads, saying, 'He trusted in God, that He would deliver Him; now let's see if He'll deliver Him,'" speaking the same words.
So, you see, when God was made manifest on earth here, He said the same words David did. You get it? So, you see, It's not the word of man; it's the Word of God. That was God in David; that wasn't David. He didn't know what he was saying; he was just so in the Spirit.
That's the way Moses was. He was so in the Spirit, passed out of the dimension that he was living in, and stood there face to face, in that burning bush, talking to--to--to God Himself. Said, "Take off your shoes. The ground you're standing on is holy ground."
I imagine when Moses left there, he thought, "What happened? What taken place? What was it?"
Said, "Go down in Egypt. I'll go with you."
He said, "It's so real to me, I must go." He got his wife and his children... and--and his child, rather, and his stick in his hand, and took off down to Egypt, to deliver the people. See?
127 God speaking, Himself, through the prophets. See, they, they're absolutely... It isn't the prophets; it was God. Cause, the prophets, of themself, they couldn't say those things.
"Who has believed our report?" Isaiah saying, you see. "Who has believed our report? To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? He shall grow up before us as a calf in a--in a stall. And how that, yet, He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, chastisement of our peace upon Him; with His stripes we were healed." We were healed, way over here in this age here; and Isaiah, back yonder eight hundred years before Christ. See? "By His stripes we were," past tense, already, "healed." Oh, my!
How, the Word of God, so perfect! Trust in It, folks. It's the only thing that can save you.
128 All other words, I don't care how well they are placed, how, who they come from, what denomination they come from, or how smart the man is, is to be absolutely ignored, anything contrary to the Word. You want to put that Scripture down, it's Galatians 1:8. See? Paul said, "Though we, or an Angel from Heavens, would preach any other thing than This that you've already heard, let him be cursed."
In other words, if an Angel would come to you from Heaven, a bright shining Angel, and would stand; boy, that would be bait for this day, wouldn't it? A bright shining Angel come up there and stand, and say things was contrary to the Word; you say, "Satan, get away from me." That's right. If he's a bishop, if he's a... whatever he is, don't you never believe him if he doesn't speak exactly with that Bible, Word by Word. Watch him, he'll carry you with the Bible now. He'll carry you to a certain place, and then hook it right there. When you see the Bible saying one thing, and he bypasses that, watch him right there.
See, that's the way he done Eve. He come right down and said everything just exactly. "Well, God said this. That's right, Eve. Amen. We believe that, together."
"Well, God said this."
"Amen. We believe that, together."
"God said this."
"We believe that, sure."
"Well, but God said we'll die."
129"Well, now, you know He's a good God." He didn't say He wouldn't, you know. "But surely..." Oh, me! There he is.
And if he was deceitful like that, and the Bible said, "In the last days he would deceive the Elected if it was possible," where ought we to be today, friends? Now, these little Sunday school lessons are, should be carried pretty close, you know, to our hearts, to see... We ought to listen real close and see how deceiving that thing is.
130 Notice, we cannot, we must not, listen to any other man's word. We don't care how smart, how educated. The Bible, in Proverbs, says, "We must cast down reasonings." See? Now, here in this second realm...
First realm is your senses of see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. That's in your outer body.
On the inner body, which is the spirit, is reasonings and thought, and so forth. We must cast all that down. Can't reason, say, "Now wait, if God is a good God..." And we're told so much today that He is. "If He is a good God, then if I be sincere, though I can't see that in that Bible being right, though I be sincere, I'll be saved." You'll be lost. []
131"If I go to church and just do the things that I believe that's right, and try to hold up for what I think is right, well, I..." You're still lost.
"There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death." See? You won't be saved; you'll be lost. See? See? It must be that inside control Man.
132 "Well, I've spoke in tongues, Brother Branham. Well, don't you believe in speaking in tongues, Brother Branham?" Absolutely. "Well, I shouted; don't you believe that?" Yes, sir. "I live a good Christian life. Don't you believe in that?" Yes, sir. But still that don't mean you're saved. You're a good person; clean, moral, holy, good person.
So was those priests, religious to the core, so religious till one misconstrued, they'd be stoned to death. The death penalty of fooling with the Word of God was death.
133 That's what's the matter with our country today. The reason we got so many loose-leaf things in the earth today, the penalties are not strong enough. If a man was caught running out with another man's wife, they should both be taken out in public and castrated, right, public, and turned loose. That's right. If a man is caught doing anything wrong, down the road, speeding, he oughtn't to be given less than ten years; he's pre-... premeditated murder. See? You put penalties like that on it, you'll slow them down.
But when some crooked politician can get to this one over here and pass it off, and say, "Well, he was drinking a little, he was... didn't mean to do that." And would kill a man, wife, and a whole bunch of innocent children, let the Ricky get by with it, that's politics. That's the world. That's the devil.
134 God said if a man was caught in adultery, or a woman, take them out there and stone them to death. That settled it. See? If he's even caught picking up a weight of a stick, on the sabbath day, "Take him and stone him." They lived by it then. And now, see, we don't have them kind of laws today.
But the Christian, the church, what I'm talking to this morning, that law of God is in your heart. See? You have no desire to do it. It's inside here. You want to keep God's law so perfect. No matter what it is, you want to be just what... If--if God needs a doormat at the door, He wants you to be that doormat, you're so happy to be that. No matter what it would be, you want to be the doormat. See? Whatever God wants you to do, that's what you want to do, 'cause it's God. Now, that's where you really find your real, genuine, true love for God.
135 Now we find out then, that, "An Angel would preach anything else," besides what's gone that... already been said in the Bible, "let him be cursed." Nobody can. Can't do that; It must be just exactly the way It says.
136And again we read, in Revelations 22:18 and 19, "If any man will add one word to This, or take one Word from It, God will take his part out of the Book of Life." Right. God will take his part, though he be a minister, whatever he may be, and his word... his name is wrote on the Book of Life. God said, "I'll just rub it right off," that's right, "if he adds one thing to It, or takes one Word from It." That's how infallible God has made His Word. See? You can add to the church, or take from the church. Don't you add to that Word, or take from It, 'cause God will take your name right off the Book of Life. And, that's, you're finished then. See? You can't add to It, or take from It. It's just exactly what...
137 It needs no interpreter, for the Bible said that God does His Own interpreting of the Bible. "It's of no private interpretation," said Peter. All right.
138And all the Scripture is Divinely given, Divinely set in order, and the whole thing is the revelation of Jesus Christ. The New and Old Testament, where they foretold of Him coming, what He would do when He got here, and what He would do in this age to come. So that makes Him the same yesterday, today, and forever. See?
Like in Hebrews there, when Paul wrote it. He is God, "Jesus Christ yesterday," of the Old Testament. He is "Jesus Christ today," manifested in the flesh. "And He's Jesus Christ forever," in the Spirit, "to come." See? See? "Same yesterday, today, and forever."
And He ever lives to make His Word live what It said It would do for that age. He is alive.
139 He was alive in the Old Testament, manifested. I just want to let you see a little something here, if you can stand it. Watch, when Jesus was manifested in the Old Testament, as we believe it.
Now, you preachers out there, you can argue with it, do whatever you want to, but I'm talking for my... what I think. See?
140When Jesus was manifested in the Old Testament, in a theophany, in the person of Melchisedec; not a priesthood, but the Person, the Man. See? For, this Man had yet not been born, but He was in a theophany, so He had no father, no mother. He was God Himself. He was manifested in the form of a Man, called, "King of Salem, which is King of Peace, and King of Righteousness." See? He was Melchisedec. "He had neither father nor mother, beginning of days or ending of life." See? It was Jesus in a theophany, in the form of a Man. Could you go that? All right.
141 Then He was made actually human flesh, and dwelled among us, in the Person of Jesus Christ Himself, born of the virgin Mary. He come in that form so He could die, and went back into Heaven.
Now in this last days, He has promised to manifest Himself in the fullness again, of His flesh, in Spirit. See? "For as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man." Now look at the Sodom, how it set, and what taken place. And Jesus Christ being manifested in bodily form, of His Church today, see, doing the same thing, same work, same things that He did all the time, never changes, the Eternal One. See? And upon earth today, He has manifested Himself in the human bodies, our human bodies that He has called, and done exactly the same thing He done in sundry times, and in the times of His flesh upon the earth. And doing the same thing today, because, "God in sundry times spoke to the fathers through the prophets, in this last days through His Son, Jesus Christ." See, the Son being revealed in the last days, God manifested in human flesh, setting just before Sodom's destruction, the end of the Gentile world. You see it?
There is three manifestations.
142 Now, the next thing happens, is when it's all gathered up into that one Person, Jesus Christ, Bride and Body, at the physical return of the Lord Jesus. Making His three times... When He was brought on earth; killed, crucified, raised up. Manifesting Hisself in the form of His Body, which is His Bride, the Woman. You get it? She is part of His Body.
And the woman and man is just so close together, till they're just almost... They are the same. They ought to be, anyhow. There they are, see, they just exactly manifested the same. She is a part of him, because she was taken out from him.
And the Bride today is taken out from the body of Christ, which is acting and doing just exactly like He said It would do for this day, the Bride, the Queen; King and the Queen. All right.
We're getting late now, so we're going to have to hurry and get through.
143 All right, the entire Bible is the entire revelation of Jesus Christ, making Himself known to every age. He made Hisself known in the days of Luther, as a foundation; the church, the foot, the legs.
Like He did King Nebuchadnezzar; you remember how he dreamed those dreams, and come from the head down? See? Now He comes from the feet up. See? In the Babylonian kingdom He showed all those Old Testament's, He come from the head down, until He come down till God Himself become flesh at the foot of the ladder. Now here in the New Testament, He brings Hisself right back up again, to the Head again, the Head of gold, to be crowned. See? Look. You get it?
See, God was in the beginning, and He kept coming down, through the prophets, and on down, until God Himself became human like us, plumb down at the foot of the ladder, a Baby born in a manger; hated, rejected, despised, and a bad name, and everything He was. Then He started rising, see, and from the feet He begin to build the Church, the Bride, coming back, on back; and now coming out into the Headstone, where it all joins together and makes the one great transfigured Body of Jesus Christ.
144 God is revealed in every age by His promised Word to that age. Now let's just look what some of His promises is for today, while we're closing now in these last words.
145Now God is revealing Himself in the evening Light time. Let's see now. We see...
146I just got a bunch of Scriptures wrote down here. As you can see on this page, how many Scriptures is written there. But, we just got about fifteen minutes till twelve. I want to get out. And I haven't gotten hoarse, this morning, speaking. Sometimes these air conditioners here makes me real hoarse.
So if Brother Neville don't... You ain't got anything for tonight? [Brother Neville says, "No."--Ed.] Well, well, I'll... If it's all right, I got something. I found a cigarette pack, the other day, laying in the woods; and I got a Message from that cigarette pack, for tonight, the Lord willing. See?
So, I got these Scriptures here. And I don't want to run overtime, so you can get back.
147 A cigarette pack, speaking. All right. I was starting out through the woods, and there laid a cigarette pack, and I just walked on away. I thought, "Well, somebody is ahead of me."
And Something said, "Turn back and pick that up."
I thought, "Pick up a cigarette pack? Not me."
Something said, "Turn back and pick that cigarette pack."
And I went down, there was an old empty pack, and I seen something. I'll tell you about it, tonight, the Lord willing. All right.
148 Now we're going to speak about evening Lights, just for a few moments. The Bible predicts that there would come a time, right at the closing time, that the sun would come out, and there would be an evening Light. We all know that. Don't we? We, we're... We who are familiar with our Message today from the Lord Jesus, we believe that there will be a evening Light. And this evening Light...
Of course, the great Light will come when Jesus Himself will be manifested here on earth, or up in the Heavens, taking away His Bride, and then the Millennium will set in.
149 But we've got one of the most dreadful times to go through, that ever laid before human beings. And I'm just waiting for the hour, and when we can get... everybody can get a chance where you get off from work and spend a few days, and we can get set up somewhere where I can speak on those Plagues and things that's to fall in the last days; and throw about two or three weeks together, and bring that together, if the Lord lets me live to do it and will inspire me to do so, see how those things will be dropped in, and those Thunders. Then you'll find out what that man and them people have been dreaming about, and all these things there, it'll come to pass; see, you'll notice what them revealed, that great Thunder a coming forth out of the--out of the skies. Now, of course, the whole bunch of you, you know that I know what that--what that means, you see. And, but let's just wait till the time comes, you see, for it to be, see, now, and it'll be more in season.
150 Now, so we are going to read some of these--these Scriptures in here. Now, in the evening Lights come, now, we notice that it'll have to be the same Light that was in the morning.
Cause, there's not one sun in the morning and another sun in the afternoon. It's the same sun. Same sun that's in the afternoon is in the morning; the same in the morning as in the afternoon.
Now, It said, "The day itself," the day between that time, "will be kind of like, oh, like a dismal, dark day. It could not be called day or night, in between that."
151 See, that's the forming of the Body, from the feet, coming up. When He was here on earth, He was the Son, the Lightness, then He was killed. The Church took His place, then martyrdom and went through the Dark Ages, and begin to build on the foundation coming out. Then where does the sight come from? At the top of the head.
See that vision; Nebuchadnezzar? See Him going down, from the beginning of the Gentile age before the Blood was shed for them and made an atonement. They were proselytes brought in. But notice it went right down, right down, right down to the bottom, in symbol, see, brought it down.
Then it started right back, coming back, the Church come back from the feet, coming up. Now it's in the head time--head time. Now notice the Light.
152 You can't see with your hands, yet it's part of the body. You can't see with the ears, yet it can hear. You can't see with the nose, yet it smells. You can't--you can't see with the lips, though it speaks; see, that was the Pentecostal age. But now it's in the eye time, the seeing. See? Now, there isn't one moving faculty beyond the eye. Is that right?
The next is the intelligence, which is Christ Itself, Who controls the whole Body.
No moving, motion beyond that. See? Everything else has moved. See? Move your feet, move your muscles in your legs, move everything. Move your... Your ears can move, your nose, your lips, and so forth. But after your eyes, there is nothing moves.
That's why they claim that man get baldheaded quick, is because, see, there's no exercise to develop the muscles in--in the hair, the scalp. See? And it's not got a cushion so that they get blood up in there. The blood won't pump through, see, won't go up and furnish blood. Course, the--the hair root lives by blood.
And now we find out that that part, you see, there is nothing beyond the eye.
153 Now let's find out. "It shall be Light" (about the middle day?) "at the evening time!" What is Light sent for? So you can see where you're... how to get around. Is that right? See where you're at. "It shall be Light about the evening time."
154Now, we take that now and compare it over with Malachi 4. He promised that there would be Light come again in the evening time, see, "For, behold, I will send to you Elijah the prophet, and he will restore the--the children back to the fathers, and the fathers to the children," (is that right?) "lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."
155Now let's take John or... Saint Luke 17:30, and watch what Jesus prophesied there, saying that, "As it was in the days of Sodom, it'll be the same..."
Now remember, notice, this is at the time that the Son of man would be revealed; the revealing of the Son of man. Now, the Son of man was actually revealed potentially, just for a few moments there, just before Sodom was burned. Now, that Man was Elohim. That was God; and Jesus is God. And God was revealed potentially right there for a few moments, to talk to Abraham, in the investigation judgment. Just for a little bit, the Son of man was revealed; the Son of man, Elohim. Do you see it, church? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Son of man, Elohim, was revealed just for a few minutes. For, the very next morning she was burned, (when?) before the sun could come up again.
So there can't be no organization left, neither can there be any further advancement than what's going right now, for she'll burn before the day breaks again. The revival is over, across the nation. There ain't going to be no more revivals, big sweeping revivals; this nation never receive it. You might have a intellectual gathering. But, I mean, a Spiritual revival, we've seen all of it. I hope you're catching it. I'm saying it in such a way that--that I hope you get it. See? It's over.
A fine minister said, a while ago, said, "Brother Branham, if I could just have the joy of the Lord in my heart!"
I said, "Son, the revival is over." See?
156 Now the stabilizers has been put on the ship. Great fearful waves are out here before us; but we know, just beyond that wave yonder, we're nearing the shore. See? We're nearing the shore. Just stay stabled. Just stay in the Word. Stay with God. No matter how you feel, what anything else; stay right with the Word. Let--let--let it stay stable, when you see all these great big old clouds around us, and storms coming, and atomic bombs, and everything else they're talking about. But our stabilizer is right straight in the Word. God said it would be here; we'll crest every one of them. Yeah, we'll go right over the top of them. Yes, indeed! They, they can't sink us. They can't drown us. You put us in the grave; we'll come out again. That's just all there is to it. There ain't no way in the world to keep it down there. We'll crest every one of them, 'cause our great Chief Captain is calling at the other side.
We're anchored in Jesus, the storms of life I'll brave;
I've anchored in Jesus, I fear no wind or wave;
157 Whatever it might be, let it come. What may, what will, doesn't make any difference. We're anchored right there in Jesus. If I live, I'll live to the glory of God. If I die, I die to the glory of God. I--I--I just want to just... It's to the glory of God, is what I want to do. When that's all over, I don't want to stay any longer. I want to go to where... to my reward that He bought for me; not what I earned, but what He bought for me, what He give to me by His grace.
158 So we see the evening Light's here. And what does it do to have Light, if you don't have any eyes to see how to get around in It? What is the evening Light? The Light comes on, to reveal something. Is that right? If there's something here, you feel and you can't understand what it is, in the darkness, then turn a light on. It's to reveal! What's Malachi 4 to do? See? Do the same thing. What was the opening of the Seven Seals to do, where all these denominations staggering around in this...?... Is to reveal, bring out. If you haven't got any eyes, then what's the use to reveal? There has to be eyes, first, to see. Is that right? To reveal Malachi 4, reveal Saint Luke 17:30, Saint John 14:12, also John 15:24, 16:13. And to also reveal Revelations 10:1 to 7, the opening of the Seven Seals, and the seventh angel's Message; to open up, to reveal, when the evening Light's come. Now if a man...
159 In the Laodicean Age, the people were (what?) "naked." Are they? "Blind." What good does Light do to a blind man? If the blind leads the blind, don't they all fall in the ditch? "Naked, blind, and don't know it." Even their mental faculties are gone, their spiritual faculties of mental, spiritual understanding. See?
"Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are good; having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof." The power of revelation; they don't even believe in it. See? They don't believe in such things as prophets. And so they don't believe in it. They believe that--that Malachi 4 is to be a certain church or a certain organization.
When he come the first time, he was a man. When he come the second time, with a double portion, he was a man. When he come in the form of John the Baptist, he was a man. See?
In the last days, when the evening Lights begin to shine, eyes will become open and you'll see where you're going. Then the Body is already formed, standing upon its feet, taking motion, moving by the Holy Spirit. What? The same One that moved upon the prophets that wrote the Bible, the same Holy Ghost moving in a Body filled with the Holy Ghost, moved in the Holy Ghost, out of every organization, every kindred, tongue, and people.
160 A little lady here, she don't belong in this organization, or this organization... belong in this congregation. She comes from somewhere else, and she come in this morning, got a picture there. She was... give it to my son, who was very much astonished. I don't know whether she ever heard about This or not. I don't know. She had a picture of this Angel of the Lord that was on the Seven Church Ages, Seven Seals opened, out there, when it did. Said, looked back through there, and she seen that standing in the sky, in a dream. And she looked back through there and seen that, seen somebody in white, marching forward; and behind it, said it looked... Said, "Brother Branham, it was you." And said, "Marched in there," said, "behind you, was people of different colors, packing banners; Georgia, Alabama, all different kind of places, marching forward," coming up into the headship to where Christ was being revealed into the vision. Oh, hallelujah!
161 We're in the last days, and the last hours of the days. Do you see Him now in His Word, and all of His Word made manifest right here before us? Oh, Church of the living God, get to your feet, believe Him with all that's in you. Hold to that little Wheel in the middle of the wheel, let It stabilize every move and every motion that you make. Every thought that you have, may it be controlled by this Tower on the inside of you. Because, God is setting right in His Word of this hour, in the evening Light, showing forth the Light.
162 The blindness of a bat! You could turn on a light, and the bat--bat would be so blind he couldn't fly. A hoot owl, all those night prowlers, and things like that, roaches and things, can't see in the daytime. They don't know what it's all about. They can't see.
And the evening Lights has come on. Every parable, everywhere we go, to nature, to the Bible, to the--the statues that Melc-... that Daniel saw, and--and the king of that day, all of them saw; and all these things, everybody, every form, every move, every place in the Body, positionally shows us the very hour that we're living in. Not another move can come above it.
There was a move of the hand; charity, Wesley. There was a move, of foundation; Luther. Charity, there never was a greater; it was called the Wesley move. They sent missionaries to all the world. One of the greatest moves that was made, in the age before that.
Then come the Pentecostal age; then come in the different fingers and things, the Pentecostal age, of tongues, and nose, and so forth.
Now it's in the eyes. What good will you need eyes, or need light, if that eyes wasn't there to see? There has to be eyes, first, to see. And then when that come, He opened the Seven Seals and revealed the evening Light, taking all the mysteries that's been hid down through these church ages, and now revealed them as He promised to do in Revelations 10:1 to 7. Here we are today setting in the midst of the Word, and the Word being revealed to us by Jesus Christ. Then, This is God's Word.
163 And be His subjects, we must walk close to the Author, to understand It, for It to reveal. "O Lord, what will Thou have to me, to do? If I must go to the fields and preach the Gospel, or must I stay at home? No matter what it is, if I must be a good housewife, if I must be a good mother, if I must do this, that, or the other? Whatever it is, if I must be a farmer, if I... Whatever it is, Lord, what would You have me do?"
164Wasn't that what Saul cried out down there, "Lord, what would You have me do?" He was down on the ch-... on his road down to--to put all the church into prison. But then he cried out, "What would You have me do?" When the Light turned on, as a big Pillar of Fire hanging above him. "What would You have me do?"
165Think, that's a good word to close on, and say, "Lord, what would You have me do? When I see this Scripture so perfectly revealed right now; Lord, what would You have me do?"
Let us bow our heads.
166 I ask everyone in here to search out your hearts now and ask that question, "Lord, what would You have me do?" And you people, if you're still on the telephone wires out across the nation, you bow your head and ask, "Lord, what would You have me do? Seeing that we're here in the last days and the last hours, just so perfectly before us, so plainly revealed, what would You have me do?"
167 Dear God, while they're asking You that question; I ask, myself, to You, what would You have me do, Lord, as I realize that each day must be counted for. And I pray that You'll help me, Lord, to live so that each day, it'll be counted to Your honor and glory.
I pray that You'll help everyone all across the nation, and those here that's present in the tabernacle as we search out our hearts and say, "Lord, what would You have me do? What could I do, Lord, to further Your Kingdom and Your Cause?" Grant it, the God.
Search us, our hearts, and try us. If there be any iniquity in us, Lord, any selfishness, any bad motives or objectives, O God, cleanse us with the Blood of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, who we humbly accept His propitiation of His death and His resurrection. And being justified by believing that He did this, we gladly accept the plan of salvation that You give us, to us.
Father, we thank You for the Message of the day, what we believe and what we hold onto, to know and believe that it's Your Word and Your Message. Not to be different from the other people, but to try to be more like Jesus Christ Who is our example.
168 Dear God, laying here is handkerchiefs, and there is sick people everywhere. And I myself, Lord, am tired and wore out, this morning. I pray that You'll help us, dear God. We look to You for strength. You are our Strength. You've helped so many, dear God.
169The other day, thinking down there in the woods, walking around with Brother Banks Woods, when the doctors... His heart was so bad he couldn't hardly walk around. Then to think how I... little I knowed up there, walking in those mountains after that vision, "I must get that lion. I must see that lion killed."
And then coming down there, and standing there in Tucson, at Furr's Cafeteria, and see his clothes all bagging down, his eyes drooped. Said, "God, if You can show a vision, where a lion is, surely You can show about Brother Woods."
And then it come, "Lay your hands upon him."
And here he is today, back, our Brother Banks again, strong, running up-and-down those mountains. How we thank Thee, dear God. You're the same God to all of us as You would be to Brother Woods. I know You love him, because he's Your servant, honest and sincere.
170 And I pray, dear God, that You will deal with each one of us, and forgive our sins, and heal our sicknesses of our bodies. Make us more like You, day by day, Lord, until we come in that full stature of Jesus Christ. Grant it, Lord. I trust that You've searched every heart, now, and we know what to do. We ask for You to bless us now, in Jesus' Name.
171 And while we have our heads bowed, is there any here present, or out in the--in the telephone land across the nation, that would just like to, while you're praying, and your head bowed, just raise up your hand to God now. That's all you can do; it's crowded in here this morning. Just raise up your hand to God, say, "God, make me more like Jesus. I--I want to be more like Jesus." God bless you. Out into the land across the nation, hands just everywhere, just a solid mass. Also, mine lifted up. "I want to be more like Him. Search me, Lord, and find if there be any evil in me; take it out. I--I want..." What? We're just here so long, yet we're going to leave whether you're... whether, no matter what you are, how rich, how poor, how young, how old.
172 Standing yesterday to a--a little, poor bunch of people way up in a mountain, down at the... on the creek. There was a little family there, a man I been talking to about God, so long. Come down, his little wife, seven or eight children; him, a little bitty, spindly thing, out there trying to work, couple dollars a day. And a man let him live in a little shanty. And there his wife up there, nearly ready to have another child, and she had a big broad axe up there, chopping wood, to pull it down; baby on one hip, pulling the wood with another; come down to cut that wood, to can some blackberries, keep from going hungry through the winter. My, how we felt sorry for her! Brother Woods and I went and got the truck, and went over there and cut her wood, and brought it in. She, grateful little woman, just standing there. I felt sorry for her. And we kept praying for them.
173 And her little baby took epilepsy. We went and prayed for the little baby, and God healed it. And the other day, her husband had a hernia, and went in...
I been talking to him. He smoked, both of them. She used tobacco, and he did, too, typical of mountain people. And then I kept talking to them about it. And yesterday morning when I went in, about daylight, here he come walking out, holding his hands together, and said, "Brother Billy, I'm a changed man." He said, "I've smoked my last cigarette, and I'm over on the Lord's side."
She said, "I just smoked my last one, too."
Oh, plant the seed! "I the Lord have watered. I'll water it day and night, lest some shall pluck it from My hands."
174 O God, be merciful now, I pray, and give us the desire of our heart, 'cause in our hearts we want to serve You. Now, Father, they're all in Your hands, everywhere. They're Your children. Deal with them according to mercy, Lord; not in judgment, but in mercy. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.
175 You love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen. "--Ed.] All your heart! Now, you that have the handkerchiefs, can get them.
And now, our services, I think they start a little early, seven o'clock, or something like that. Brother Neville will announce it, just in a minute, about when to start.
Is there a baptism, I guess, this morning? [Brother Neville says, "The water is ready."--Ed.] The water is ready, if somebody is here and has not yet been baptized in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, why, it certainly is... Water is ready for the baptismal service.
176 We appreciate all the minister brothers. I see Brother... How was your meeting, went all right, Brother Parnell? And Brother Martin, and, oh, so many of them here, Brother Lee Vayle. Oh, there's just ministers all over the place. We certainly appreciate you being here, fellowshipping with us around the Word.
177 Maybe you might not agree with me just exactly on This; don't ask you to, you see. Only thing, you just consider It. What you tell me, I consider it. If ministers would pick up the tape, and they say, "Well, I disagree with." That's all right, my brother. You maybe shepherd some sheep; you--you feed them whatever you wish to.
I'm trying my best to stay right with the Word, for these that's been put in my hands for God, 'cause sheep want sheep food, of course. "My sheep hear My Voice." And that's what we live by, every Word that proceedeth... Not all... Not just a Word now and then; but every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, that's what the saints should live by.
Let us stand now to our feet. While we bow our heads...
And Brother Neville, you got something you want to say to them? [Brother Neville says, "No."--Ed.] Brother Mann? All right.
Everybody feeling good? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."Ed.] All right.
Now let us bow our heads.
I'm going to ask Brother Lee Vayle if he'll come up here, or he can. If you can get over there, Brother Vayle, if you can.
Brother Vayle is our brother here, a writer of the books. And he's getting the book ready now, The Seven Church Ages, and working with The Seven Seals. And we'll soon hope to have them out pretty soon. All right. Brother Lee Vayle.
God bless you.
1 Skloňme svoje hlavy. Pane Ježišu, Pastier toho veľkého stáda, Pane sme Ti takí dlžní, že Ti nikdy nebudeme môcť zaplatiť za lásku, ktorú si tak široko rozlial v našich srdciach. Cítime sa takí nehodní, keď skláňame svoje hlavy a stojíme v Tvojej prítomnosti. Prosíme Ťa aby si nás očistil od všetkých vín a od všetkých hriechov. Prosíme aby si posilnil dnes naše telá. Mnohí sú chorí a postihnutí, ako to tu vidieť podľa vreckoviek a prosieb, ktoré prichádzajú cez telefón a zo všade.
2 A veríme, že sme teraz na konci histórie tohoto sveta, a zanedlho čas pominie a nastane večnosť, a my chceme byť pripravení na tú hodinu. Preto sme sa tu dnes ráno zhromaždili, aby sme sa pripravili na ten čas. Povedali mi, že dnes ráno sú mnohí po celom národe spojení s nami pomocou telefónu, od pobrežia ku pobrežiu. Nech je požehnaná tá malá skupina, všade kde prichádzajú naše hlasy. Uzdrav chorých, ktorí sú medzi nimi. A prosím aby si očistil ich duše od všetkého zlého. A pomôž nám tu dnes ráno v modlitebni, aby sme sa tiež mohli tešiť z tohoto veľkého privilégia.
3A prosíme Ťa, aby si hovoril dnes ku nám cez Tvoje napísané Slovo, a nech by nám Duch zjavil to čo nám je potrebné, pri tom keď sme sa teraz zhromaždili po celom národe, cítime, že sme malí ľudia, ale máme miesto medzi vykúpenými, pretože sme uverili v Ježiša Krista.
4Udeľ nám tohoto, Pane, a keď zakončíme toto zhromaždenie a pôjdeme každý do svojho domu, po celom národe, nech by sme mohli povedať ako tí z Emaus: "Či nehoreli naše srdcia, keď nám hovoril na ceste?"
5A teraz, Otče, ja viem, že čokoľvek by som ja povedal by aj tak bolo nedostatočné. Teraz s týmito milými kresťanmi po celom národe, ktorí sú s nami spojení, to by sa nehodilo. To čo by bolo na niečo dobré, to nie je to čo by som ja mohol povedať, pretože my všetci sme v tej istej kategórii. My sme ľudia, smrteľníci, ale nech hovorí ten veľký Duch Svätý; nech On vezme Slovo a nech proste zjaví Seba samého. My teraz čakáme na Neho, v mene Ježiša. Amen. (Môžete si sadnúť.)
6Som tak trochu prekvapený; povedal som žene, ak náhodou teraz počúva v Tucsone, že som si nemyslel, že budem mať nejaké zhromaždenie, keď sem prídem; a nepriniesol som si ani šaty. A povedal som svojej neveste - žehlila mi kabát - a povedal som: "Budem stáť za kazateľňou v ... Nebudú vedieť, že kabát nie je od tých nohavíc." A tak, tie ktoré nosím doma ... Ale Méda, ona mi vyžehlila košeľu a všetko, tak - neboj sa. Všetko je v poriadku.
7No, máme tu prosbu, že jeden veľmi milý brat ... A myslím, že - že Prescott, zdá sa mi, že je pripojený dnes ráno, Prescott v Arizone. Otec sestry Mercierovej, bol na ceste sem do zhromaždenia, ako tomu rozumiem, a musel byť odvezený do nemocnice lebo dostal srdcový záchvat, brat Coggins. A tiež brat Junior Jacson, myslím že je napojený tu dole cez to ďalšie rádio - či telefón, dole v Clarksville, či New Alabany, a jeho otec je v nemocnici, ako mi povedali, s vážnou operáciou rakoviny na pečienky. A tak chceme skutočne pamätať na nich, vo svojich modlitbách. A teraz, sú tu tiež iní, ale nechceme zaberať čas. Boh vie o nich o všetkých, a tak sa teraz za nich modlime.
8Drahý Bože, keď ten drahý, starý muž so zvráskavenými rukami, brat Coggins, starý veterán na misijnom poli, leží dnes ráno niekde v nemocnici, trpí na následok srdcového záchvatu, Bože, to staré biedne srdce prešlo cez mnoho problémov. Prosím, Bože, pomôž mu. Udeľ toho. On miluje život, ako my všetci, a chce žiť. Pane Bože, udeľ toho. My sa po celom národe modlíme za neho v mene Ježiša, aby si ho uzdravil a zobral ho z tade. Veríme, že to urobíš a on bude - príde rovno na zhromaždenie.
9Prosíme za brata Jacsona, za jeho vzácneho otca, ktorý tam teraz leží, blízky smrti. A priviedol na svet milého chlapca akým je Junior, a ja prosím, drahý Bože, aby si ho uzdravil. Viem, že to vyzerá nemožné. Medicína, lekári, oni nevedia čo robiť, v takomto prípade ... Ale my si pripomíname tiež brata Halla, keď najlepší doktori tu v Luisvile povedali: "Zostáva mu len niekoľko hodín života," s rakovinou na pečienky, a on z tvojej milosti dnes žije (a to bolo pred dvadsiatymi piatymi rokmi). A tak sa modlím, aby si uzdravil dnes brata Jacsona, Pane. Nech je pri ňom Tvoja milosť a milosrdenstvo.
10A celá táto veľká hromada vreckoviek a šatiek a všetkého čo je tu, a prosieb, Ty o nich o všetkých vieš, Otče. Prosím, aby si im všetkým udelil uzdravenia. V mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.
11No, na začiatok chcem dnes ráno povedať, že už minulú nedeľu som si nemyslel, že sem prídem. A potom znovu keď sme to ohlásili, tak som prišiel. Brat Neville chcel aby som hovoril, a potom sme ohlásili ľuďom vonku po krajine. A teraz máme tento telefónny systém, a to je veľmi, veľmi dobré. Ľudia môžu sedieť rovno vo svojich domoch, alebo na zhromaždení na svojich miestach, vo svojich zboroch, a tak ďalej, a počúvať kázanie. Cením si to.
12No, vidím, že tu leží ... tento minulý týždeň tu bolo mnoho prosieb ohľadne toho, čo som povedal minulú nedeľu v posolstve ... myslím - zabudol som teraz ako som ho nazval. Ale hovoril som tam niečo o platení našich dlhov. A viete, bez ohľadu na to čo hovoríte, mnohí to zle porozumejú, nie preto, že by to - oni to nechcú zle rozumieť, ale to proste nerozumiete. A tak, niekto povedal: "Máme si kúpiť auto?" alebo, "Čo by som mal ... " No, to nie je to o čom tam Ježiš hovoril, alebo Biblia, kde je povedané: "Nebuďte nikomu nič dlžní." Tu ide o dlhy, ktoré preťahujete, ktoré by ste mohli zaplatiť. Zaplaťte ich. Vy ne ... To znamená, nebuďte nikomu nič dlžní. To neznamená ... Ó, my dlhujeme svoje nájomné, alebo účet za telefón, my - a iné. My dlhujeme tieto veci, a platíme ich. Ale staré nevyrovnané dlhy, ktoré majú byť zaplatené, zaplaťte ich. Vidíte? No, nemajte na sebe niečo takéto.
13Pamätám sa, keď som bol raz chorý, keď som bol chlapec. Prišiel som z nemocnice a bol som dĺžny okolo dve tisíc dolárov. A tu bývala lekáreň, pán Swainger, bol som mu dĺžny za lieky asi tri alebo štyri sto dolárov. On ma ani nepoznal. A ten človek ... Išiel som za ním. Nepoznal som ho, a on ich aj tak posielal, nikdy neodmietol poslať tie lieky; a povedal som mu: "Som vám dlžný." A povedal som ... Myslím, že nie Swainger, to bol pán Mason tam dole na ulici Court a Spring. A povedal som: "Som vám dĺžny. A stále som veľmi slabý, ale snažím sa ísť do práce. No, ak vám nebudem môcť zaplatiť ..." Práve som sa stal kresťanom; Povedal som: "Prvá vec, pán Mason, ako moja povinnosť ku Bohu, Jemu dlhujem svoju desatinu. Prv chcem Jemu zaplatiť svoju desatinu." A povedal som: "Potom ďalšia moja povinnosť je platiť moje dlhy." A povedal som: "Môj otec je chorý a on - a máme ... Je nás desať detí." Ale povedal som: "Ja ... Ak vám nebudem môcť platiť viac, ako dvadsať päť centov pri každej výplate ... Ak vám nebudem schopný zaplatiť ani tých dvadsať päť centov, prídem a poviem vám to. Poviem vám, 'Nie som schopný vám to teraz zaplatiť.'" No, s pomocou Božou, všetko som to zaplatil. Vidíte? Ale to je to, čo chcem povedať. Vidíte?
14Proste ne... Niekto povie ... Och, nejaký kresťan tu zo zboru raz išiel a dal si tu na aute niečo urobiť, a ten človek sem prišiel ... Ten človek povedal: "Ja ti zaplatím. Sobotu mám výplatu," či tak nejako, a nezaplatil mu. A ubiehali týždne za týždňami a stále mu nezaplatil, nepovedal ani slovo. A ten človek prišiel a opýtal sa ma, on povedal ... Vidíte, to vrhá zlé svetlo na zbor. To vrhá zlé svetlo na Krista. Ak mu nemôžeš zaplatiť, choď a povedz mu to, povedz: "Som ti dĺžny, a zaplatím ti, Som Kresťan, ale proste - nemôžem hneď teraz, mám ... toto som dĺžny." A pamätaj, to je tiež zapísané v Božích knihách, vieš, to čo robíš. A tak to je ... Ja sa snažím za seba a spolu za nás všetkých, snažím sa byť pripravený, lebo vieme, že sa približujeme ku niečomu, sme veľmi blízko niečoho, čo sa má stať. A tak chceme byť pripravení. Keď sa teraz príchod Pánov tak veľmi približuje, chceme byť pripravení na tú veľkú hodinu.
15No, chceme sa pripraviť a hovoriť tu teraz malú tému, ktorú som vybral na dnes ráno s pomocou Pánovou. A budeme hovoriť tak stručne ako budeme môcť, kvôli ľuďom, ktorí sú pripojení cez telefón. Dúfam že všetci máte - po celom národe, že máte pekné ráno, ako my tu v Indiáne. Máme teraz po daždi pekné, chladné počasie, a je veľmi pekne.
16No, ako text chcem čítať z listu Židom z prvej kapitole a z evanjelia svätého Jána z prvej kapitoly. Židom 1: 1-3 a ev. Jána 1: 1. Mojou témou dnes ráno je skúmať Písma. No, čítajme Židom 1: 1:
Kým za dávna mnoho ráz a mnohým spôsobom hovorieval Boh otcom v prorokoch,
za týchto posledných dní nám hovoril v Synovi, ktorého ustanovil za dediča všetkého, skrze ktorého učinil aj veky,
ktorý súc odbleskom jeho slávy a obrazom jeho podstaty a nesúc všetko slovom svojej moci a učiniac si skrze samého seba očistenie od našich hriechov posadil sa po pravici Veličenstva na výsostiach
Ako to nádherne znie. A teraz ev. Jána 1:1.Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh.
17No, a môj text dnes ráno je: Kristus je zjavený vo svojom vlastnom Slove. No, to čo ma priviedlo ku tomu aby som o tomto hovoril bolo, pretože to ... Vieme, že to čo hovoríme, nemôžeme hovoriť len preto, že sme sa spolu zhromaždili, aby sme len tak hovorili o niečom, ale to je niečo čo pomôže stabilizovať ľudí, pretože budeme prechádzať cez nebezpečenstvá, cez zákerné vody. Už sa cez ne plavíme. A niekedy, hádam je to s vami tak ako so mnou, že vyzerá, že je toho tak veľa, že to naháňa strach.
18Pred chvíľou som sa rozprával s mladým kazateľom a s jeho ženou. A obaja sú nervózni, ako aj ostatný svet - ako ostatní ľudia na zemi. Povedal som: "Pamätajte, Satan prichádza na vás s úderom." Nestarám sa kto ste, Boh ... On má právo na ten jeden úder. Čo by ste radšej chceli, ten úder, byť slepí, alebo mať artritídu a sedieť v kresle, alebo byť nervózny? Vidíte? On sa niekde dostal, aby vám mohol zadať úder. On má právo na to otvorené miesto. No, to je to miesto, ktoré po celý čas musíte mať prikryté.
19A keď vidíme tento nervózny vek, v ktorom žijeme ... A pásky z minulého týždňa, myslím, vám zjavia tie veľké ohavné veci, o ktorých budeme hovoriť niekedy v týchto dňoch, keď budeme môcť zohnať vhodné miesto, o otvorení tých posledných pliag, ktoré majú byť vyliate na zem - o tých Čašiach, vlastne, o vyliatí tých Čiaš, a o Siedmich Hromoch ... A o týchto strašných znameniach, ktoré prichádzajú na zem ...
20Človek teraz a ľudia dnes sú v takom nervóznom stave, celý svet ... Čítali ste Reader's Digest z minulého mesiaca, všimnite si tam tú tému; je tam o Billy Grahamovi, veľkom evanjelistovi. Tak sa vyčerpal, že nemohol mať svoje zhromaždenia a išiel na Mayovu kliniku na lekárske vyšetrenie. A tam zistili, že mu nič nie je, že len proste málo fyzicky pracuje. A nariadili mu aby behal - telesné cvičenie. Každý deň behá míľu. A potom, článok pokračuje, a tam je povedané, že veda dnes dokázala, že mladé deti, títo malí chlapci a dievčatá dosahujú svoj stredný vek, keď majú dvadsať rokov. A mnohokrát, v mnohých prípadoch dievčence v dvadsiatich piatych rokoch sú po prechodoch, vo veku dvadsať päť rokov.
Neviem, či ste to vedeli alebo nie, ale pred niekoľkými večerami, keď tu Duch Svätý hovoril na zhromaždení, sedelo tu mladé dievča; to bolo presne to čo bolo tomu dieťaťu, keď ju On vyvolal. Pozrel som sa na ňu druhý krát, pozrel som sa znovu, a videl som čo to bolo. Pomyslel som si: "To nie je možné, to dieťa je príliš mladé." Ale bolo to tak, prechody - okolo dvadsať ročná, dvadsať tri, alebo tak nejako. Vidíte?
21Moju matku a tvoju matku to stihlo vo veku od štyridsať päť do päťdesiat. Moju ženu to zastihlo vo veku okolo tridsať päť. Teraz je to okolo dvadsiatky. Celá ľudská rasa je zhnitá. No, ak tie telesné bytosti, naše telo sa takto rúca, zo skrížených pokrmov, ktoré sa jedia, z nervového napnutia, a to spôsobuje ich hnitie, či to tiež nespôsobuje hnitie mozgových buniek? Potom môžeme vidieť ako ženy môžu chodiť nahé po ulici. Môžeme vidieť ako ľudia jazdia po ulici sto dvadsať míľovou rýchlosťou, a všetko toto. Prišlo to do takého stavu, že celý národ, celý svet, nie len tento národ, ale všade, stratili rozum.
22A potom keď otvoríme tie, ak Pán dá, tých Sedem Čiaš a ukážeme tie ohavné veci ... Ľudia budú za nejaký čas takí zbláznení, až si budú predstavovať, že vidia mravce veľké ako hora. Oni budú trýzniť ženy, prídu na zem kobylky s dlhými vlasmi, aby trýznili ženy, ktoré si strihajú vlasy, budú mať vlasy ako žena, a dlhé zuby ako lev, na chvostoch žihadlá ako škorpión, a tak ďalej, aby trýznili ľudí na zemi. Ale potom, už bude príliš neskoro, aby sa s tým dalo niečo robiť. Robte to hneď teraz. Vidíte? Trýznenie...
23A minulú nedeľu, keď sme hovorili o týchto okruhoch, o tom ako tých päť zmyslov v tej vonkajšej oblasti ... To je vstup do tela, tých päť zmyslov. Je len jeden spôsob ako sa môžete dostať do tela, a to skrze týchto päť zmyslov: Zrak, chuť, cit, čuch, a sluch; nieto inej cesty ako sa kontaktovať s telom.
24Vo vnútri toho človeka je človek, ktorý sa nazýva duch. A on má päť zmyslov: Myseľ - myšlienka, myslenie, a láska a svedomie, a tak ďalej. No dobre.
25No, vy nemôžete myslieť pomocou svojho tela; vy myslíte pomocou svojej mysli. A príliš veľa kresťanov prichádza len po tadeto a zastanú. A oni môžu ... práve tak ako zrno na poli a kúkoľ na poli, oni môžu byť pomazaní tým istým Duchom Svätým, ktorým je pomazaný ozajstný veriaci. Ale dole vo vnútri tej ďalšej oblasti, tej tretej oblasti, je duša; a ona je predurčená od Boha. Tam leží ten skutočný zárodok semena, tam vo vnútri.
26A pamätajte, keby som zobral kúkoľ a rozkrojil by som ho, zaštepil do neho srdce pšenici a dal ho do zemi, zahrabal, z toho kúkoľa by vyrástla pšenica, nezáleží na tom, čo je to navonok, aké má emócie.
27Dnes, je také zamiešanie ohľadne dôkazu Ducha Svätého a tak ďalej. Satan dokáže napodobniť každý dar, ktorý Boh má, ale nemôže priniesť to Slovo, slovo za slovom. Na tom on zlyhal v záhrade Eden; na tom on stále zlyhá. Na tom oni ... Páska o falošných pomazancoch ... Oni môžu byť pomazaní Duchom, hovoriť v jazykoch, tancovať, kričať, kázať Evanjelium, a stále je to diabol. To je to vnútro. No pamätajte, Ježiš povedal: "Všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne. Nikto nemôže prísť, keby ho prv nepotiahol Otec."
No, prebrali sme tú lekciu, aby ste videli že vo - vy ste boli vo svojom pra, pra, pra starom otcovi po celý čas, telesne povedané. Potom, to je to čo ste ako telesná bytosť, prirodzenosť. Niekedy sa v rodine narodí dieťa s červenými vlasmi. Otec je z toho prekvapený, pretože nepozná nikoho vo svojej rodine, kto by mal červené vlasy, ani v rodine matky. Ale ak začnete skúmať dozadu niekoľko generácií, zistíte, že niekto mal červené vlasy. To semeno tam stále pretrváva, a ty prichádzaš s prirodzenosťou niekoho z predkov. Ako v liste Židom v 7. kapitole je povedané, že Melchisedech ... Abrahám Mu zaplatil desiatok, keď sa vracal od porážky kráľov. A Lévi, ktorý prijíma desiatky, zaplatil desiatok, lebo bol v bedrách Abraháma, keď on stretol Melchisedecha.
28No, tak isto je to s týmto: "Ak si syn Boží, a ak som ja syn Boží, alebo dcéra Božia, my sme boli na začiatku v Bohu. A keď sa Ježiš stal Plnosťou Slova, my sme vtedy boli v Ňom, vo forme zárodku. Keď On bol ukrižovaný, my sme boli ukrižovaní v Jeho tele. Keď On vstal z mŕtvych, my sme vstali s Ním. A teraz, od vtedy ako sme to rozpoznali, teraz sedíme spolu s Ním v ponebeských miestach v Kristovi Ježišovi. Vidíte? Lebo On ... My, ak sme synovia a dcéry Božie, sme Božie deti; a potom sme Božími atribútmi. Potom sme boli - máme Večný Život. A Boh je jediný Večný Život, ktorý existuje. Potom sme boli v Ňom od začiatku. A keď sa Ježiš stal celým tým Slovom, tak my sme vtedy boli Jeho časťou. Amen! Tu to máte. Keď je to tam, žiadny diabol, žiadna moc ani nič nedokáže tým pohnúť. To je kotva duši.
29Môžeš byť pomazaný tu vonku na tomto duchu, a máš túžbu a robíš všetky tieto iné veci, ale keď to príde ku tejto kotve, do Slova, nikdy sa od toho nepohnete. To sa bude tak mocne a verne držať toho Slova, ako len môže. Pomimo toho, bez ohľadu na to čo robíš, si stále stratený.
30Ten Laodicejský cirkevný vek, nahý, slepý, biedny a ani o tom nevie. Vidíte, to nie je - on má pomazaných, pomazaných skutočným Duchom. Vidíte ten Duch Svätý môže spadnúť na človeka na jeho ducha, ale jeho zárodkom je jeho duša. Tým zárodkom je Slovo. Vidíte? A ako ... Nestarám sa o to koľko kážete, ako dobre robíte toto, a ako veľmi milujete ... To je jeden zo vstupov do ducha. Nemôžete milovať svojím telom; milujete svojím duchom. To je jeden zo vstupov. A vy môžete milovať a dokonca milovať Boha, a stále nebyť v poriadku. Ježiš tak povedal; povedal že mnohí prídu v ten deň. Rozhodujúce je to Slovo.
Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh.
A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami -
31Všimnite si. Chcem hovoriť na túto tému Biblii, Kristus zjavený vo svojom vlastnom Slove. Ku tomuto rozhodnutiu som prišiel vo svojej izbe. Nejaká drahá osoba (možno že tu dnes ráno sedí) ... Mám tam vo svojej izbe zavesený obrázok, je to hlava Kristova od Hoffmana, na ktorom sú napísané blahoslavenstvá. A práve tam, kde prídete na miesto, tam kde má byť časť vlasov, oni pritlačili trochu viac perom, keď to písali v tej časti. Tak On tam je, umiestnený vo svojom Slove a díva sa z neho. Kristus v blahoslavenstvách. Niekto, ktokoľvek to bol, ďakujem ti za to. Niekto priniesol ten obrázok a dal ho tam do mojej izby, ako Eliáš odchádza hore na ohnivom voze. Ceníme si tieto veci. Mnohokrát, keď sú tu veľké zástupy ľudí, nemám proste možnosť aby som toto povedal, ale vidím to, brat, sestra. Viem o tom. Boh o tom vie.
32A teraz budem hovoriť na túto tému, Kristus zjavený vo svojom vlastnom Slove. Ako je tam v tých blahoslavenstvách viditeľne umiestnený obraz Krista. Ako ... Tam mi prišla na myseľ táto téma.
33No, Kristus a Slovo, to je to isté. Vidíte? Oni hovoria: "Ako bola Biblia ...?" Ľudia hovoria .... Pred nedávnom som išiel na aute s jedným človekom. On povedal: "Len si to predstav. My tu na tejto zemi, tak ako sme, a my vieme len, alebo môžeme len povedať, že sme spasení, skrze nejakú Židovskú bájku, ktorá sa nazýva Biblia."
34Povedal som: "Pane, neviem ako to ty nazývaš, ale ja neverím, že to je židovská bájka." Povedal som ...
On povedal: "No, modlíš sa ... Ku čomu sa modlíš? Ja som prosil za to a za to a za určité veci; A nedostal som to."
35Povedal som: "Ty sa zle modlíš. My sa nikdy nemáme modliť aby sme zmenili Božiu myseľ; my sa máme modliť o zmenu našej mysli. Božia myseľ nepotrebuje žiadnu zmenu. (Vidíte?) To je správne." Povedal som: "Nie to, za čo sa ty modlíš ..."
Poznám katolíckeho chlapca, ktorý sa raz - mal modlitebnú knižku, z ktorej odriekával modlitby a jeho - za svoju matku, aby žila. A ona zomrela, a on zahodil tú modlitebnú knižku do ohňa. No, vidíte ... Ja neidem pre modlitebnú knižku, ale aj tak ... Vidíte, vy máte zlý postoj. Vy chcete povedať Bohu čo má robiť. Modlitba má byť: "Pane, zmeň ma aby som pasoval do Tvojho Slova," nie zmeniť - nie: "Dovoľ mi zmeniť Tvoju myseľ, Ty zmeň moju myseľ. (Vidíte?) Ty premeň moju myseľ podľa Tvojej vôli, a Tvoja vôľa je napísaná tu v tej Knihe. A Pane, a nedovoľ mi odísť kým nenastavíš moju myseľ presne podľa Tvojej mysli. A potom, keď bude moja myseľ nastavená tak ako Tvoja, potom budem veriť každému Slovu, ktoré si napísal. A Ty si tam povedal, že robíš, aby všetko bolo na dobré tým, ktorí Ťa milujú, a ja Ťa milujem, Pane. To všetko spolu pôsobí na dobré."
36Tento týždeň som bol tam v tom kraji a zastavil som sa u svojich veľmi dobrých priateľov. Opýtal som sa ich včera pri stole, keď sme jedli ... Stále tak sedávame a máme malé - niečo ako malé štúdium Biblii. Hovorili sme o láske, a tam bol jeden človek, ktorý mi povedal, on povedal: "Mám dojem, že si antikrist."
37Povedal som: "Keby sa to páčilo môjmu Pánovi, tak by som ním chcel byť. Chcem byť tým, čím On chce, aby som bol. Milujem Ho. A ak by ma On uvrhol do pekla, stále Ho budem milovať, keby som tam išiel s tým istým duchom, ktorého mám teraz." On sa pozrel na mňa trochu udivene. Videl som ich tam štyroch alebo piatych, mladých mužov so svojimi ženami, milé ženy. Vedel som ako títo chlapci milujú svoje ženy, a tak som im povedal, povedal som: "Tu je spôsob ako to môžete vyskúšať. Ak tvoja žena, prv ako ste sa vzali ... No, poďme naspäť, povedzme že ty - tento manželský život, že snívalo sa ti, že si bol ženatý. V skutočnosti si nebol ženatý, ale sa ti snívalo že si bol. A zobudil si sa, a išiel si a porozprával si to svojej priateľke, a povedal si: 'Vieš, snívalo sa mi, že sme sa vzali, a mali sme deti, a šťastne sme žili, a očakávali sme na príchod Pána a tak ďalej!' A potom by ti toto dievča povedalo: 'Vieš ja milujem iného muža viac ako teba. Ja môžem byť šťastnejšia s tým druhým mužom.' Mohol by si ju zo srdca milovať až tak, že aby si povedal: 'Nech splynú na teba požehnania Božie, drahá. Vydaj sa za toho druhého muža.' No, skontrolujte to teraz, každý jeden z vás mužov, alebo z vás žien. Vidíte? No, ak je vaša láska správna, urobili by ste to, pretože sa vám jedná o jej blaho. Čo ... Vieš, že by si ju mohol mať, mohol by si s ňou žiť, že je tvojou ženou - že bude tvojou ženou, že sa za teba vydá, ale by nebola šťastná. Bola by šťastnejšia ... A potom, ak ju miluješ, potom chceš aby bola šťastná. Preto, akákoľvek je vôľa Božia, nech sa stane vôľa Božia, či som ja pri tom šťastný alebo nie. Chcem žiť tak, aby On mal radosť z toho čo robím. A tak skontrolujte takto svoje zámery a motívy a budete vedieť či milujte Boha alebo nie."
Čo ak by On povedal: "Ty si Mi slúžil, ale Ja ťa odvrhnem?"
"Aj tak Ťa milujem." Vidíte, vidíte?
38A tak, ak by cirkvi toto videli a mohli takto tomu veriť, nesnažil by sa jeden vytrhnúť loptu druhému, keď s ňou beží. On by ho chránil, (Vidíte?) keď má skutočný, pravý motív a zámer. Nebude chcieť povedať: "Hej, ja toto tiež mám, ja - ja ... Toto je moje; toto ... Vidíte, Boh nemôže použiť takého človeka. Ide za tým tak veľa napodobovania, a to je Satan; a ľudia si to nevedia uvedomiť. Oni sa snažia zobrať loptu niekomu, komu bola daná. Nech Boh vzbudí nejakú službu a pozorujte koľkí za tým idú. Vidíte, vidíte?
39No, ozajstná láska ku Bohu: "Nezáleží na tom akou som časťou, Pane, ak budem môcť povedať len slovo aby som Tomu pomohol, podoprel To, daj mi to urobiť." Vidíš? To je to isté ako ohľadne tvojej ženy. Ak ju skutočne miluješ (vidíš?), to nie je - to nie je láska fileo, to je láska Agape, skutčoná láska. Ak by ona mohla žiť s niekým iným a byť šťastnejšia ... Vy nie ste v tomto prípade ženatý, pretože, nemôžete ...
40A mimochodom, ľudia počúvajú tieto pásky. Niektorí - toľkí posielajú listy a píšu: "No, v Manželstve a Rozvode si povedal toto a povedal si tamto." Povedal som to tak veľa krát; tieto pásky sú len ... Hovorím ku svojmu zhromaždeniu, brat. Nie som zodpovedný za to, čo Boh dáva tebe, ako duchovnému pastierovi. Ja som zodpovedný za to, akým pokrmom kŕmim týchto ľudí. Toto je len pre tento zbor. Rozumiete? No, ak ľudia chcú počúvať tie pásky, to záleží na nich. Ale ja hovorím to, čo Boh dal mne. To boli ich hriechy, ktoré zostali zabudnuté. Niekto napísal a povedal: "No, ja som učinil to a ja som učinil tamto. Ty si povedal, že naše hriechy ..." Ja som to nepovedal.
Ja som povedal: "Pozrite sa na toto; toto je len pre týchto ľudí tu, pre ľudí tu v tomto zbore, pre moje vlastné stádo." No, ak chcú ľudia krížiť pokrm a strkať tam ... Vy - vy máte zjavenie od Boha a robte to čo vám Boh hovorí. Ja budem robiť to isté. Ale tieto posolstvá sú pre túto cirkev.
41Všimnite si. No, my ideme naspäť, musíme mať ešte niečo, čoho sa musíme držať. Niečo musí byť kotvou, inými slovami, to je konečná autorita. A každý musí mať nejakú konečnú autoritou, alebo nejaký absolút. Kázal som raz o tom pred pár rokmi, o absolúte, o mieste ktoré má posledné slovo. Ako rozhodca pri loptovej hre, ak on povie, že to je gól, tak je to tak a hotovo. Nezáleží na tom ako to ty vidíš, rozhodca povedal, že to je gól.
42Ty si povedal: "Ja - ja - ja ... To nebol gól. To išlo- Ja som videl- " Nezáleží na tom čo to je, keď on povedal: "Gól," tak je to gól, a tým je to vybavené, proste čo ... On je konečnou autoritou.
43Semafór je konečnou autoritou. Ak on signalizuje: "Choď." Ty hovoríš: "No ja sa ponáhľam, ja mám ... " Nie, nie, on signalizuje: "Ty stoj kým prechádzajú tí druhí." To je konečná autorita.
44No, pri všetkom čo robíš musí existovať konečné rozhodnutie. Muselo prísť konečné rozhodnutie, keď si si vyberal ženu. Musela byť žena, ktorú si si vybral.
45No, musí byť čas, keď si ideš kúpiť auto, aké urobíš konečné rozhodnutie. Bude to Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth, zahraničné auto, čokoľvek, musíš urobiť konečné rozhodnutie. A tak je to v kresťanskom živote; musí existovať konečná autorita.
46No, ak niekto povedal, išiel k inému človeku a povedal - počul, že niekto hovoril: "No, ty máš byť pokrstený," a tento človek nikdy ... Možno že on ... Nejaká cirkev, ktorá nekrstila, oni len fŕkajú ... myslím, povedzme napríklad metodisti, oni krstia ak je potreba, ako som počul. Alebo možno katolíci, myslím, že oni len fŕkajú. Tak potom, ak ten človek počul niečo že má byť ponorený do vody, no, on tomu nerozumel; on bol vychovaný ako katolík, tak on ide ku kňazovi a hovorí: "Otče, dopočul som sa že máme byť pokrstení ponorením. Čo o tom hovorí naša cirkev?"
47"Aha, ona hovorí, že máme byť pofŕkaní." No, ak jeho konečnou autoritou je tá cirkev, tak tým je to vybavené. Všetkým sporom je koniec. Cirkev tak povedala a hotovo.
48Čo ak - ak brat z baptistov nás počul hovoriť, že my veríme, že máme byť pokrstení ponorením - on by povedal: "Ja tomu verím," - a v mene Ježiša Krista. No, tento - tento člen cirkvi ide ku pastorovi a hovorí: "Pastor, jeden človek mi povedal, že krstiť ponorením, že to je v poriadku, ale v mene Ježiša Krista."
49"No," on by povedal: "No, pozrime. Aha, tu táto kniha hovorí, že máme byť pokrstení používajúc slová Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý." Ak tá cirkev je konečnou autoritou, tým je to vybavené. On sa nestará o to, čo hovorí niekto iný, to je pre neho konečná autorita.
50No, každá denominácia je pre svojich veriacich konečnou autoritou. Ale pre mňa a pre týchto, o ktorých mám nádej, že ich vediem ku Kristovi, a skrze Krista, pre nás je konečnou autoritou Biblia. Nezáleží ... Pretože Boh povedal: "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvo, a Moje Pravdou." A ja verím že Biblia je Božou konečnou autoritou. Bez ohľadu na to čo ktokoľvek hovorí, Ona je konečnou autoritou.
Biblia nie je kniha systémov. Nie veru! Ona nie je knihou systémov, ani morálneho kódexu. Biblia nie je knihou systému, toľkých systémov a tak ďalej. Nie veru! Nie je to kniha morálky. Nie veru, nie je. Ani To nie je kniha histórii, vôbec nie, a ani to nie je kniha teológii, lebo Ona je zjavením Ježiša Krista. No, ak by ste si to chceli prečítať, vy ktorí máte papier, a zapisujete si to, je to Zjavenie 1: 1-3. Biblia je Zjavením Ježiša Krista.
51Prečítajme si to, kým máme čas. Myslím ... Nemám príliš veľa poznámkou z ktorých by som hovoril. Ak bude Pán čakať, no, budeme sa snažiť čerpať z nich …
Zjavenie Ježiša Krista, ktoré mu dal Boh, aby ukázal svojim sluhom, čo sa musí udiať naskore, a on pošlúc ho po svojom anjelovi ukázal v znameniach svojmu sluhovi Jánovi,
ktorý svedčil slovo Božie a svedectvo Ježiša Krista a všetko, čo videl.
Blahoslavený, kto číta a tí, ktorí čujú slová tohoto proroctva a ostríhajú to, čo je napísané v ňom, lebo čas je blízko.
52Tak Biblia je kompletným zjavením Ježiša Krista, a bola napísaná skrze prorokov, Židom 1:1, "Kým za dávna mnoho ráz a mnohým spôsobom hovorieval Boh otcom skrze prorokov v tomto poslednom dni hovorí ku nám skrze Svojho Syna, Ježiša Krista," ktorý bol naraz všetkými tými prorokmi spolu. Ježiš bol Malachiášom; Ježiš bol Jeremiášom, Izaiášom, Eliášom. Všetko to čo oni boli, bolo v Ňom. A všetko čo ste vy, a všetko čo som ja, je v Ňom. Slová, svedectvo, ktoré svedčí o Slove. Tak to nie je kniha systémov, ani kódex morálnej etiky, ani to nie je kniha histórii, ani kniha teológii. Nie je. Ale to je zjavenie Ježiša Krista: Sám Boh zjavený z formy Slova do tela. To je to, čo ona je. Biblia je Slovo a Boh je telo. Boh v ... Lepšie povedané Boh je Slovo, a Ježiš je telo. To je zjavenie ako sa Boh, Slovo zamanifestovalo v ľudskom tele a zjavilo sa nám. A preto sa On stal Synom Božím. On je časťou Boha. Rozumiete?
53No, On nie je ... To telo je až tak časťou Boha, že ono je Synom. Syn ... Ako to hovoria katolíci (a všetky ďalšie cirkvi), Večný Syn, to slovo nemá ani zmysel. Vidíte? Nemôže byť večný a pri tom byť synom, pretože syn, to je niečo čo bolo počaté z ... A slovo večný ... On nemôže byť ... On môže byť Syn, ale On nemôže byť večný Syn. Nie veru! On nemôže byť Večný Syn.
54No, ale On je natoľko Synom, že všetko Slovo, ktoré bolo v Jeremiášovi, v Mojžišovi ... A všetky tie Slová, ako On povedal: "Oni hovorili o Mne." Všetko to pravé Božské zjavenie Slova sa zvinulo do toho jedného ľudského tela, a Boh okolo Toho položil telo. Preto On bol nazvaný "Syn," preto sa obracia na "Otca." Aha, to je proste také jednoduché, ak len dovolíte Bohu aby to vlial do vašej mysli. Vidíte? Boh zjavený v tele z mäsa (všimnite si!) - zjavený z tela - či z formy Slova do tela. To je ev. Jána 1: 14: "A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami."
55No, všimnite si túto Bibliu. Niekto z nich povedal: "Ó, dobre, To je napísané takto, To je písané tak." A dovoľte že vám niečo poviem; poďme na chvíľu do histórii Biblii a pozrime sa odkiaľ Ona pochádza. Bola napísaná skrze štyridsať rôznych pisateľov. Štyridsať ľudí písalo Bibliu v priebehu tisíc šesťsto rokov a v rôznych dobách, a predpovedali tie najdôležitejšie udalosti, ktoré sa kedy stali v histórii sveta, a mnohokrát stovky rokov predtým ako sa stali. A nie je tam ani jedna chyba vo všetkých tých šesťdesiatich šiestich knihách. Ó! Žiadny autor okrem samého Boha by nemohol byť taký presný. Ani jedno slovo si navzájom neodporuje. Pamätajte, Biblia bola písaná v priebehu tisíc šesťsto rokov, od Mojžiša a do - do smrti Jána na ostrove Patmos, tisíc šesťsto rokov. A písalo ju štyridsať rôznych autorov. Jeden ani nepoznal druhého, a oni Ju nemali ako Slovo. Niektorí z nich dokonca ani nevideli Slovo. Ale keď To oni písali, a potom porozumeli že to boli proroci, potom keď dali ich proroctvá dokopy, každé zapadalo jedno do druhého.
56Pozrite sa na Petra, ktorý ohlásil v deň letníc: Čiňte pokánie, každý jeden a dajte sa pokrstiť vo meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov." Pavol o tom nikdy nič nepočul. On odišiel do Arábii na tri roky, aby študoval Starý Zákon, aby zistil Kto bol ten Ohnivý Stĺp, ktorý ku nemu prehovoril na ceste a povedal: "Saule, prečo Ma prenasleduješ?" Ako by sa on mohol mýliť? On sa vôbec ani neradil s cirkvou. A po štrnástych rokoch, keď stretol Petra, oni kázali to isté, slovo za slovom. To je naša Biblia. Nech ostatné ľudské slová sklamú. Toto ... Nikto nemôže ku Tomu pridať. Nič viac do Biblii nepridávajte. Nie veru! Toto je kompletné zjavenie. To je všetko.
57Ako Sedem Pečatí. Sedem Pečatí ... Niekto mi stále hovoril. "Ty tam ... Pán bude ku tebe hovoriť, brat Branham, keď budú zjavené tieto pečate a ty nám povieš, ako sa dostaneme bližšie ku Bohu, a ako ... "
58Povedal som: "Nie! To tak nemôže byť, pretože Biblia, tých Sedem Pečatí na nej ukrývalo sedem tajomstiev. To už bolo napísané, ale oni nerozumeli čo to bolo." Pozorujte ako oni vyrukovali s tým, že sa dávali krstiť vo meno Ježiš. Vidíte? To nebolo to: vo meno Pána Ježiša Krista. Vidíte? Všetky tieto veci, ako to bolo ... Pretože je mnoho Ježišov ... Mám tu na zemi niekoľko priateľov, ktorí majú meno Ježiš, priatelia kazatelia. To nie je to; To je náš Pán Ježiš Kristus. Žiadny autor okrem Boha by nemohol byť taký presný.
59No, len sa pozrime, ako bola táto Biblia napísaná. No, povedzme napríklad, od ... Čo keby sme teraz išli a zobrali šesťdesiat šesť lekárskych kníh, ktoré sa zaoberajú telom, ktoré by boli napísané štyridsiatymi rôznymi lekárskymi školami, v priebehu tisíc šesťsto rokov? Som zvedavý s akou spojitosťou by sme sa stretli?
Keď George Washington, náš prezident ... Asi pred dvesto rokmi dostal zápal pľúc, strhli mu necht na nohy a vypustili mu asi pol litra krvi. Čo keby sme zobrali ... Poďme trochu ďalej ku niektorým veciam, ktoré nás dnes tak priťahujú; to je veda.
60Čo keby sme zobrali štyridsať rôznych vedcov, v rozpätí tisíc šesťsto rokov a pozrime sa, čo by sme zistili? Nejaký Francúzsky vedec pred tristo rokmi vedecky dokázal, pomocou kotúľania guli, že ak by niekedy nejaký predmet nabral ohromnú rýchlosť ponad tridsať míľ za hodinu, že ten predmet by sa vzniesol od zeme a vzlietol. Myslíte že by sa veda ešte niekedy na to povolala? Či to súhlasí s tým, čo je teraz, keď ľudia uháňajú na autách po ceste tu na tej ulici rýchlosťou sto päťdesiat míľ za hodinu? Vidíte? Ale on vedecky dokázal, že následkom tlaku kotúľajúcej sa guli po zemi, že pri tridsiatych míľach za hodinu, že každý predmet by sa zodvihol od zeme a vzlietol, odpadol by do vesmíru.
61Nie, s ničím sa to ďalej nezhoduje, ale v Biblii ani jedno slovo neodporuje druhému. Ani jeden prorok nikdy neodporoval druhému. Oni boli dokonalí, každý jeden, a keď niekto prišiel a prorokoval, povstal ten skutočný prorok a sfúkol ho. Potom sa to ukázalo. Vidíte, vidíte? Tak Biblia je Slovo Božie pre všetkých sutočných veriacich.
62No, nemohli by ste nájsť niečo, na čom by sa doktori boli presne zhodli. Dokonca ani teraz sa medzi sebou nezhodujú. Nemôžete nájsť teraz niečo na čom sa veda dokáže presne zhodnúť.
No, viete, pred nejakým časom nám hovorili, že keď je v Biblii povedané, že on videl stáť štyroch anjelov na štyroch uhloch zeme, že to nemôže byť; že zem je okrúhla. Ale Biblia povedala: "na štyroch uhloch." No, videli ste teraz, pred dvoma alebo troma týždňami, noviny priniesli tento článok, zistili že svet je štvorec. Koľkí ste to videli? Naozaj, vidíte? Mám z toho všetkého kópie a len čakám, že niekto niečo povie.
63A oni jedného dňa zistia, že nevidia žiadny priestor vzdialený sto päťdesiat miliónov svetelných rokov; ale že chodia rovno dookola v nejakom kruhu. Presne tak. V jednom z týchto dní zistíte, že keď pôjdete do neba, neodletíte niekde inde, tiež ste stále rovno tu, len v inej dimenzii, rýchlejšej ako táto. Rovno cez túto miestnosť prechádzajú farby. Každá farba košeli, oblečenia, čokoľvek máte oblečené je večné, hneď sa to zaznamenáva, obchádza to ďalej okolo sveta. Zakaždým keď mihnete okom, hneď je to zaznamenané. Pozrite, televízia to dokáže.
64Keď sa narodíte, Boh zapne nahrávanie. To ne ... Zapnite nahrávanie, to chvíľu nerobí veľa hluku, viete; to je malé dieťa, až kým nepríde do zodpovednosti. Potom začne ten hluk. On začne hovoriť veci a robiť veci, za ktoré sa musí zodpovedať. A potom keď život končí, tá platňa alebo páska sa berie a kladie do veľkej Božej knihovni. No, ako sa chcete tomu vyhnúť na súde? Je to premietnuté rovno pred vami: Každý pohyb, ktorý ste urobili, každá myšlienka, ktorá prešla cez vašu myseľ. Dokážete to porozumieť? No, môžete vidieť, kde Boh ...
65Keď som tu raz večer stál, a na pódiu bol vysoký, holohlavý muž, vyzeral ako naozaj statný, silný človek. A on odišiel ... Pán mu povedal mnoho vecí o jeho rodine a čo má robiť. A on odišiel a sadol si. Za niekoľko minút prišiel sem takto predo mňa iný muž, ale mal sklonenú hlavu. Nemohol som zistiť, a pozrel som sa znovu tam na toho muža; a to nebol on, pretože to bolo niečo iné. A tento človek, nemohol som ho nájsť. Pozrel som sa dookola, nikto nebol za mnou. Povedal som: "ten muž sedí tam za tými záclonami. " A to bol náš brat, ktorý tu chodí do zboru, vysoký, holohlavý, urastený muž, tak tam sedel. A mal zvesenú hlavu, modlil sa, pretože bol chorý na žalúdok a každú chvíľu mohol zomrieť. Mal si ísť kúpiť topánky. Jeho žena chcela, aby si kúpil nové topánky. On povedal: "Nie, nemusím ich kupovať, pretože nebudem žiť a nosiť ich." Zomieral. A ako tam sedel (Rozumiete?), v tej dimenzii ... Haleluja! Boh sa len tam pohol a povedal: "On tam sedí," presne v tej pozícii v akej bol. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať?
66No, všimnite si. A v Písme nie je žiadna chyba. Ježiš, Slovo Božie, vidí myšlienky ktoré sú v ľudskom srdci. Slovo Božie je silnejšie, ostrejšie, Židom 4:12: "Slovo Božie je ostrejšie, účinnejšie než dvojsečný meč, schopné rozoznať myšlienky a zámery mysli." Vidíte? Prechádza až do mysli, a vyťahuje, a rozoznáva. Čo je to rozoznať? "Dávať najavo, zjaviť." A to robí Slovo Božie. Dnes hovoríme: "Katolícka cirkev je Slovo Božie, baptisti, metodisti, letniční, kostol." To nie je pravda. Slovo je zjavenie, Boh zjavený skrze Slovo!
67Nie, mohli by sme zobrať akúkoľvek súvislosť medzi lekármi medzi vedcami, a inými. Keby len bol Einstein vynaložil také duchovné úsilie, aké vynakladal to telesné, keď študoval zákon svetla a tak ďalej, mohol by nám niečo povedať. Keď som počul jeho posolstvo o tom veľkom centre niekde v oblakoch, že keby ste sa len skontaktovali s tým centrom, mohli by ste stvoriť zem, robiť všetko; moc by bola neohraničená. Vidíte? On to videl.
68Vidíte tieto malé objekty lietajúce v povetrí, ktoré nazývajú "lietajúce taniere" a tak ďalej. Ľudia tak ... No, račej to necháme. Hovorí sa: "Počuli ste o tom ako zmizli títo ľudia?" Nepočuť o nich; stoja tam a zrazu tam nie sú. Tak to bude s vytrhnutím. Niekto z nich zrazu zmizne, a toto zemské telo prioblečie nebeské telo. A oni budú mať naďalej kožu, vlasy, alebo kosti. V momente to bude premenené, zmiznú z tohoto priestoru a odídu domov ... Vidíme že sa toto všetko teraz deje, a v Pentagone sa divia, čo znamenajú tieto svetlá, a tajomné svetlá, a všetko čo vidia na oblohe. Videli ste, oni mali tento týždeň jedno tu v novinách v Jeffersonville a tak ďalej, tajomné svetlo. Myslia, "Ó, oni nevedia čo to je." Ale počúvajte deti, to vás v jednom z týchto dní zoberie hore (Vidíte, vidíte?); netrápte sa.
69Pamätajte, Ježiš povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy ...? Čo sa stalo tesne pred Sodomou? Boh prišiel dole s nejakými anjelmi, a oni vykonali vyšetrujúci súd. Povedal: "Počul som ten krik, ktorý je taký hriešny, taký veľký, a tak som zostúpil, aby som zistil, či je to všetko pravda alebo nie." Je to tak? Všimnite si toho Hlavného, ktorý zostal s Abrahámom, ktorý mohol rozpoznať myšlienky, v srdci Sáry, ktorá bola za Ním. No, mali by ste sa trochu rozhliadnuť okolo a všimnúť si (vidíte?), pozorujte čo To robí, to isté sa deje dnes. To je vyšetrujúci súd. Keď za nejaký čas Cirkev, keď To bude môcť prísť na to miesto a každé semeno príde na svoje miesto, oni zmiznú. Oni nebudú vedieť čo sa im stalo. Jeden pôjde tam. Vidíte? Jeden pôjde tam, do domu pastora, a jeden pôjde tu, alebo tam; a prvé čo zistíte, že oni tam nie sú. Lebo Enoch, ktorý bol predobrazom, Boh ho zobral, a nenašli ho. Prichádza dole aby vyšetril ...
70Tá súvislosť, ako bol prenesený Enoch, Izrael bol v predobraze prenesený v korábe ... Tak dokonale ... Slovo Božie je také dokonalé, ešte i Starý a Nový Zákon sú dve polovice a jeden celok. Tak veru. Starý Zákon je polovica, a Nový Zákon je polovica. Dajte To dokopy, a dostanete celé zjavenie Ježiša Krista. Tam hovorí prorok, a tu je On ako Osoba. Vidíte? Dve polovice a jeden celok.
71No, nechceme zabrať príliš veľa času. Pamätajte, Starý Zákon bez Nového je neúplný. A Nový nemôže byť úplný bez Starého. Preto som povedal, dve polovice - jeden celok. Lebo prorok povedal: "On tu bude; On tu bude; On tu bude. Oni Mu urobia toto; oni Mu urobia toto." A tu Ho máme: "On tu bol; On tu bol. A urobili Mu toto, a urobili Mu toto." Práve pred niekoľkými dňami som o tom kázal.
72No, aby sme študovali Písmo - Pavol povedal Timotejovi: "študuj Ho kroj Slovo Božie, ktoré je Pravdou." Potom v Písme sú tri veci, ktoré nesmieš. Keď používaš Božie Slovo sú tri veci, ktoré nesmieš robiť. No, preštudujme ich za ďalších desať minút: Tri veci, ktoré nesmieš robiť. A všetci pomimo po celom kraji, kdekoľvek ste po celom národe, dobre si to zapíšte vo svojich mysliach, ak nemáte pero. Tieto veci nesmiete robiť. Stále hovoríme čo musíte robiť; teraz, vám poviem čo nesmiete robiť.
73No, nesmiete nesprávne vykladať Slovo. Vy poviete: "Dobre, ja verím, že Ono znamená toto." Ono znamená presne to, čo Ono hovorí. Ono nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. A nesmiete klásť Slovo na nesprávne miesto. A nesmiete prestaviť Slovo. A ak z tohoto niečo urobíme, to vrhá celú Bibliu do zamiešania a chaosu.
74Všimnite si. Nesprávne vykladať Ježiša, ako formu Boha v človeku, urobíte z Neho - urobíte z Neho jedeného z troch bohov. Nesprávne vyložiť Ježiša Krista, že je Slovo, urobíte z Neho jedného z troch bohov. Alebo urobíte z Neho druhú osobou božstva. A keď to robíte, zamiešate celé Písmo. Nikdy sa nikde nedostanete. Tak Ono nesmie byť nesprávne vyložené.
75A keď poviete že určitá vec, dáte Tomu nejaký výklad, a kladiete To do iného času, alebo To bolo dané do iného času, tak isto podávate nesprávny výklad.
76Ak ktokoľvek zle vykladá v Biblii Ježiša Krista, že On nie je sám Boh, robí Ho druhou osobou, alebo, jedného z troch bohov, toto naruší každé Slovo v celej Biblii. To poruší prvé prikázanie: "Nebudeš mať iného boha okrem Mňa." No dobre. To urobí z celej kresťanskej rasy hromadu pohanských ctiteľov, ktorí uctievajú troch rôznych bohov. Vidíte akú by ste mali Bibliu? Potom by to z nás urobilo, to čo židia hovoria, že sme. Hovoria: "Ktorý z tých bohov je vaším bohom?" Vidíte? Tak vidíte, nemôžete - nesmiete Bibliu zle vykladať, pretože sám Ježiš je výkladom Biblii, keď je zamanifestovaný v tom veku, v ktorom je zamanifestovaná daná časť Jeho Tela. Ak je to vek ruky, musí to byť ruka; nemôže to byť vek hlavy. Ak je to vek hlasu, tak dobre, nemôže to byť vek spodku nôh. Vidíte? A teraz, my sme vo veku očí. A teraz, to ďalšie, to má prísť On sám. Zrak, prorocké ...
77Vidíte, začali sme cez tie veky od základu, od prvého cirkevného veku, keď to Semeno vošlo do zemi, to kompletné Semeno. Potom ono vystupovalo cez nohy, Luther, potom tam vystupovalo hore cez Wesleya, potom do letničných, jazyky a rty. Vidíte? A teraz je to v očiach, prorockých, z Malachiáša 4 a tak ďalej. A teraz už nezostalo nič iné, čo by malo prísť, okrem Neho Samého aby do toho vstúpil, pretože to je to posledné. To ďalšie je inteligencia, a my nemáme žiadnu svoju vlastnú inteligenciu; to je Jeho. Vidíte? My nemáme svoj vlastný zrak. Ako môže človek predpovedať tie veci? On to nedokáže; To je Sám Boh. Vidíte, to prichádza na miesto ... A On po celý čas vládol nad tým telom. Potom kompletné Kristovo telo je zjavené vo forme Nevesty, ktorá bola vzatá z Jeho boku, ako to urobil Adam na začiatku - či vlastne, ako z Adamovho na začiatku.
78Áno, Boh ... Toto by urobilo zamiešanie v celej Biblii, porušilo by to prvé prikázanie, a urobilo boha, nejakého z troch pohanských bohov. To by proste - to by proste zruinovalo celý obraz Biblii, a tak nesmiete Bibliu zle vykladať. No, a to je len jedna vec.
79Keď každé miesto Písma v Biblii má to isté použitie, musíte ho dať na jeho miesto. A keď Ho zle umiestnite, môžete Ho v jednom veku urobiť Bohom a v ďalšom veku by ste z Neho mohli urobiť históriu - keď to dáte na nesprávne miesto. Tak nesmiete klásť Písmo na nesprávne miesto. On je po celý čas Bohom. Ak ste Ho dnes urobili Bohom histórii, že to bolo voľakedy, a že dnes nie je ten istý, čo urobíte s textom - Židom 13: 8? Vidíte? On je ten istý včera, dnes, i naveky.
80No, tak vidíte čo by toto urobilo, a čo to už urobilo. To sa už stalo. Umiestniť Písmo na nesprávne miesto spôsobuje, že On zapiera svoje vlastné Slovo.
81Keď poprestavujete miesta Písma, môžete nesprávne poskladať Jeho telo. Nohy by ste mali tam, kde má byť hlava alebo niečo také. Práve tak ako pri ... Inými slovami, môžete mať Ježiša, ktorý učí Mojžišove posolstvo. Môžete mať - alebo Wesleya, ktorý učí Lutherov vek. Môžete mať teraz, náš vek, že učí náuku letičných, letničné posolstvo. Vidíte aký by bol v tom neporiadok? Letniční už ukázali svoje farby. Luteráni tiež ukázali svoje - odišli do denominácii. V tej chvíli to zomrelo. Vek šupky; tam to odišlo.
82Všimnite si, len čo sa to zorganizovalo, zomrelo to. No, len sa pozrite či to nie je pravda. Pozrite sa naspäť cez stránky histórie. Zakaždým, keď sa to zorganizovalo, v tej chvíli to zomrelo; nič už z toho nebolo. Stalo sa z toho uctievanie boha tohoto sveta. Odpadlo to do organizmov a organizácií a denominácií, a falošných predstáv. Dostala sa do toho hromada svetských ľudí a dali do toho svoje vlastné námietky, alebo lepšie povedané, tam vniesli svoje vlastné predstavy. A čo to spôsobilo? Vzniklo z toho zamiešanie. Bude to zavŕšené bohom tohoto sveta, keď dosadia na trón samého Satana, a budú si myslieť, že majú veľkého svetového vodcu, ktorý im prinesie mier.
83Už som vám raz povedal - a znovu to hovorím - že i samotná civilizácia je dnes úplne proti Bohu. Civilizácia je proti Bohu. Vzdelanie je vzdialené od Neho milión míľ. Veda je vzdialená milión míľ. Veda a vzdelanie sa snažia vyvrátiť Boha (vidíte?) cez teologické semináre a školy, a vedecké obory a tak ďalej. Oni už mali svoj otras. Ako to videnie ten večer, o tom mužovi, keď skríkol tam na tých vedcov, ktorí tam takto do toho lievali tú vec. Oni sa len otočili, a pozreli sa hore, a pokračovali. Ešte bude jedna jazda.
84Všimnite si. Ó, tieto tri nesmieš, nesmú byť. No, nemôžeš ... Ježiš keď prišiel, nekázal Noeho posolstvo. On keď prišiel, nekázal Mojžišove posolstvo, ani Mojžiš nekázal ... Vidíte, neprehadzujte Písma. Ono musí byť v danom čase. No, nemôžete dať ... Keď vystúpil ten veľký muž, John Wesley, alebo ten veľký muž Luther ... Keď vystúpil Luther so svojím posolstvom ospravedlnenia ... No, keď ... To bolo ... Luther bol veľký muž. On vyvolal cirkev z temnosti a priniesol ospravedlnenie z viery. A keď to urobil, oni na tom urobili organizáciu; a to zomrelo. Ten Život putoval tak ako je to v steble pšenici, rovno do Wesleyovho veku, do klasu. Z Luthera vyšli ďalšie lístky, ktoré s tým zomreli, ktorými boli Zwingli a Kalvín a všetci ostatní, ktorí vystúpili pri tej veľkej reformácii.
85Potom ďalej prišiel Wesley, ďalší vek, ktorý rozkvitol do klasu. Wesley a Atterbury a všetci tí a Ján a jeho brat, a všetci tí, veľkí mužovia Boží s posolstvom, ktoré preletelo po celej krajine. Oni to zorganizovali; to zomrelo. Potom to vystúpilo a vyzeralo to presne, akoby ona mala teraz priniesť zrno, a ukázalo sa, že to bola šupka, letniční. Ale vzadu, za tým všetkým prichádza malý zárodok. A všimnite si, obyčajne ... Myslím, že za okolo tri alebo štyri roky, po tom čo Luther bol na misijnom poli, že bola zorganizovaná Luteránska cirkev. Len krátky čas po tom, čo bol Wesley na misijnom poli, bolo to zorganizované.
86V Tucsone sme mali program o tom ako povstala Wesleyova cirkev - Metodistická cirkev. A keď prišli sem do Ameriky, mnohí sa vrátili a povedali, že zaviedli stanovy a tak ďalej, z Anglicka, aby to sem priniesli, a ako to bolo všetko zdramatizované. Hneď som videl čo sa stalo. Tam ona zomrela.
87No, vystúpili letniční, tí čo robili krik, dávno v tých dňoch, mali dar hovorenia v jazykoch a začali s hovorením v jazykoch. Potom to nazvali, že to je dôkaz Ducha Svätého. Potom sa zorganizovali. Jeden povedal, že bude robiť toto, a druhý tamto. A povstávali jedni takí a jedni takí. Čo to spôsobilo? Každý z tých lístkov sa proste rozvinul, práve tak ako to bolo so stopkou a ako to bolo s klasom. Oni mali jednotárov, vyznávačov dvojice, vyznávačov trojice, a cirkev Božiu, a všetky tieto ďalšie, len sa rozvíjali, rozvíjali, rozvíjali. Ale teraz, podľa prírody, ktorá je dokonalým príkladom, už z toho nevypestujete nič ďalšie.
88Jedna rodina mojich priateľov v Ketucky mali malé dieťa, ktoré sa narodilo pred niekoľkými dňami, a tá matka tam bola, keď nám oni pripravovali večeru. Ona pomáhala tým ostatným sestrám pripravovať večeru, pre nás skupinu mužov, ktorí sme tam boli na poľovačke. A to dieťa začalo plakať, a ja som rozprával. Myslím, že tá matka sa cítila trochu v rozpakoch, tak bežala a zobrala to dieťa a začala kŕmiť toho malého. Povedal som: "Viete, to je proste príroda." Vidíte? No, nemôžete ... Nevynašli pre dieťa žiadny lepší spôsob od toho, že keď niečo chce, že začne kvôli tomu plakať. No, môžete mu dať knihu slušného správania, a posadiť ho tu a povedať mu: "Chcem ťa synu naučiť teológii. No, nevrešti tu stále, ako ostatné deti; ty si iný. No, keď chceš jesť, zazvoň tu týmto zvončekom." To nefunguje. Nie, to proste nefunguje. Tak, keď pozorujete prírodu ...
89No, vidíme kde každý vek ... a tým je to jasne znázornené, že sme v poslednom veku. šupka sa odtiahla, a my už pätnásť rokov - teraz skoro dvadsať rokov, máme Posolstvo, ktoré letí krížom od národa ku národu - a dnes ráno máme telefónne vysielanie po celom národe (vidíte?) - a nepovstala z toho žiadna organizácia. To sa nemôže zorganizovať. Nikdy nebolo niečo takéto ani už odteraz nebude. Vidíte? To, čo sa s tým Posolstvom dnes deje, je to, že tí, ktorí ho prijali do svojho srdca, musia ležať v prítomnosti Syna, aby dozreli. Vidíte? Môžete prijať to Posolstvo, a potom dovoľte Synovi aby vypálil z vás všetko to zelené (Rozumiete?), aby vás urobil dozretými kresťanmi. Rozumiete čo myslím? Boh zakrátko príde, aby zobral Svoju cirkev, a my musíme mať takých kresťanov, ktorých On prijme. Pšenica musí dozrieť. No dobre.
90Tieto tri nesmieš, nesmú byť. Nesmieš To zle vykladať alebo s Tým zle narábať, zle vykladať alebo presúvať. Musí To byť zachované presne tak, ako To Boh povedal. Pre svet je to Kniha tajomstva. Ľudia veria, že je to je proste tajomná Kniha.
Raz som sa rozprával s jedným veľmi známym mužom tu v meste, ktorý zastáva vysoké postavenie medzi kresťanmi, a on povedal: "Raz večer som sa snažil čítať Knihu Zjavenia." Povedal: "Ján sa musel najesť tuhej papriky a mal nočnú moru." Vidíte, Kniha tajomstva, zatiaľ čo pre skutočného veriaceho je To zjavenie Božie, ktoré sa prišlo v tomto veku v ktorom žijeme.
91On povedal: "Moje slová sú Duch a sú Život." Ježiš to povedal. A znovu: "Slovo je Semeno, ktoré sial rozsievač." Vieme že to je pravda. To je Boh vo forme Slova, a jedine On sám Ho môže vykladať. Ľudská myseľ nie je schopná vykladať myseľ Božiu. Ako môže táto malá - malá ohraničená myseľ vykladať myseľ Božiu, keď my ani nie sme schopní vykladať myseľ jeden druhého?
92A všimnite si, On je ten jediný, ktorý To môže vykladať, a On To vykladá tomu, komu chce. Tam nie je povedané: "Smrteľníci za dávna, keď chodili po zemi, mnoho krát a rôznym spôsobom." Boh sa mnoho krát a rôznym spôsobom zjavil svojim prorokom. Vidíte?
93A všimnite si. Tomu, komu To On zjavi ... A On to tak urobil, aby sa mohol v Písme ukryť, pred tým najchytrejším teológom. Ó! On sa môže proste tak ukryť, stáť rovno v Písme, a vy sa celý deň môžete dívať a nevidieť to, môžete sa dívať celý život a nevidieť to. On sa môže proste ukryť a pritom sa tam nachádza.
94No prosím, všade kde ste, nech vám to prenikne do vedomia, že Boh sa môže v Slove tak ukryť, že nieto teológa, ani žiadnej školy na svete, ktorá by Ho mohla nájsť. A pri tom sa práve tam nachádza. Poviete: "Brat Branham, či je to pravda?" A ako to bolo s Farizejmi a Saducejmi? Ako to bolo v každom veku? On to robil. Skutočne! On to tak robil v každom veku. No, môžeme to skontrolovať. Predstavme si dni Noeho, chytrý, intelektuálny vek, ako sa On skryl vo Svojom zasľúbenom Slove. Vo dňoch Mojžiša, ako sa On skryl. Vo dňoch Eliáša, ako sa On skryl. Vo dňoch Ježiša, ako sa On skryl. "Na svete bol, a svet povstal skrze Neho, a svet Ho nepoznal. Prišiel ku svojim vlastným, a Jeho vlastní Ho neprijali." Vidíte? On sa skrýva pred tým najmúdrejším, intelektuálnym človekom, aký je na svete.
95Poviete: "No, toto je doktor, svätý otec, taký a taký." Nestarám sa o to, kto on je, Boh sa pred ním skrýva a zjavi to nemluvňatám, takým, ktorí sa budú učiť (vidíte?), Božím nemluvňatám, predurčenému semenu.
96Predstavte si. Ten mocný Boh, prebýva vo svojom vlastnom Slove, oslepuje chytrých vzdelaných ľudí tohoto prítomného veku a oni to nevidia. Oni si myslia, že to je hromada fanatizmu. Pozrite sa na Neho, ako tam stojí a skrýva sa pred letničními, baptistami, metodistami, presbyteriánmi: a pritom sa verejne zjavil a ukazuje všetky rôzne veci, dokonca je to i v novinách, a všetko takéto, a jednako to oni nevidia. Ó, náš Boh, aký veľký. Zjavuje sa tomu, komu chce.
97"Ó," vy poviete: "Brat Jones a brat taký a taký, on je - on je veľký človek. On to bude vidieť." Ó, nie! On To zjavuje tomu, komu On chce. Poviete: "Moja žena to nevidí, a ona je kresťanka." On sa zjavuje tomu, komu chce. Vidíte? "Dobre, môj pastor je veľký človek." To je v poriadku, ale On sa zjavuje tomu komu chce! No, skontrolujte to, čo bolo zjave- né, s tým čo sa deje, potom budete - potom môžete jasne porozumieť.
98No, tak potom vidíme, že to ju robí Božou Knihou a nie ľudskou knihou. Keby bola ľudskou ... No, pozrime sa len, ako sa Ona vyjadruje. Pozrite sa ako Ona odkrýva hriech ľudí, ktorí ju písali. Všimnite si, ľudia ktorí žili v jej dňoch, napríklad Abrahám. On je nazvaný otec viery. Všimnite si ako to ... Myslíte si, že by Abrahám napísal o sebe túto knihu, o svojom vlastnom zbabelstve? Čo si myslíte, že by napísal, že to ráno klamal tomu kráľovi a povedal, že ona je jeho sestra, keď ona bola jeho žena? Či by sa v nej písalo o jeho zbabelých skutkoch, ktoré vykonal? Samozrejme, on by to nikdy nenapísal.
99A ako by to bolo s Jakobom, keď podvádzal? Jakob bol tak trochu podvodník. Či by nejaký človek, Hebrej, písal o svojom hebrejskom bratovi, podľa ktorého zostal pomenovaný celý Izrael, či by sa odvážil písať o klamstve samotného otca celého národa? Z Jakoba sa zrodili patriarchovia; z patriarchov sa zrodili pokolenia. A ten základný kameň toho všetkého, Biblia ho ukazuje ako klamára. Je to tak? Myslíte že by to človek napísal? Nie veru!
100A čo človek, ktorý písal o najväčšom kráľovi, akého kedy mali na zemi, ako korunovaného kráľa, o Dávidovi, o tom, že spáchal cudzoložstvo? Či by tí židia boli napísali niekedy o ich najvznešenejšom kráľovi, že bol cudzoložník? Ó, my máme históriu o tom, že George Washington nikdy nepovedal klamstvo, a tomu podobné. My hovoríme - nazývame to históriou, ale toto je človek - Biblia, ktorá nazýva Dávida cudzoložníkom a on bol Izraelský kráľ, cudzoložník, ktorý mal byť synom ... Ježiš mal byť Syn Dávidov, samotný štítový kameň, a Jeho otec podľa tela bol cudzoložník. Židia by nikdy nenapísali takúto knihu. Či by človek napísal toto o samom sebe? Samozrejme, že nie!
101Akoby ten pyšný Izraelský národ (Viete aký boli oni pyšní.) - pyšný Izraelský národ, akoby išiel a napísal o svojom vlastnom modlárstve, akoby napísali o svojej rebélii proti svojmu Bohu, akoby písali proti špine a nečistých veciach, ktoré robili, a napísali by to do Knihy? Samozrejme, že by to ukryli. Ukázali by len tie dobré veci. Ale táto Biblia, ktorá - hovorí o tom, čo je dobré a čo je zlé. To je ... Každý vie, že Židia by nikdy nenapísali takúto Knihu o ich vlastnej nečistote, a modlárstve, a nedostatkoch, a o všetkom čo urobili. Oni by to nikdy nenapísali. Ó, nie! Kto to potom napísal? Biblia hovorí v liste Židom 1:1: "Boh za dávna, mnoho ráz a mnohým spôsobom hovorieval otcom skrze prorokov." Potom to neboli tí proroci. To nebol smrteľník. Boh, nie proroci, za dávna, ale: "Boh za dávna mnoho ráz a mnohým spôsobom hovorieval otcom skrze prorokov." Mám tu zapísané nejaké miesto Písma. Neviem čo to je; nemôžem sa naň povolať. Obyčajne keď sa odvolávam na tieto veci, dívam sa do Písma. Vyhľadám to za chvíľu, ak mi prepáčite. Je to ll. list Timotejovi 3:16. Zdá sa mi, že si spomínam, ale prepáčte. Len na chvíľu zastanem, aby som zistil čo to je.
102Boh za dávna mnoho ráz a mnohým spôsobom hovoril otcom skrze prorokov." No, ll. Timotejovi 3: 16. Pozrime sa čo je povedané v 3: 16.
Každé písmo ...
(Áno!)... vdýchnuté ...
(Kým, prorokmi? Nie! Vdýchnuté kým?)... Bohom, je aj užitočné na vynaučovanie, karhanie, naprávanie, na výchovné káznenie v spravodlivosti,
aby bol človek Boží dokonalý, ku každému dobrému skutku pripravený.
103Dobre potom, každé písmo je napísané skrze vdýchnutie, inšpiráciu. Ježiš tu na zemi povedal, že nebo i zem pominú, ale Jeho Slovo nepominie. On povedal, že všetky Písma sa musia vyplniť. Tak potom, tá Kniha nie je knihou ľudských spisov; To sú Knihy Božích spisov.
104No, vieme, že Boh vybral skrze predurčenie Svoju Cirkev, Svoje miesto, Svojich prorokov, a všetko o tom. Skrze predzvedenie On predurčil Svojho proroka. A keď prišiel ten vek, On spravil, že v tom istom čase prišiel Jeho prorok a inšpiroval ho a pomocou neho písal Bibliu. No, Boh ku písaniu Biblii používal jedine proroka, pretože to je Jeho spôsob. Tak vidíte, to nie je slovo ... Tak vidíte, to je Slovo Božie a nie ľudské.
105Boh je Osoba. Boh môže hovoriť. Boh môže vravieť. Boh môže písať. On to nemusel robiť takým spôsobom, ale to je spôsob, ktorý si On na to vybral. On to tak nemusel robiť, ale On sa rozhodol, že to tak bude robiť. No vy poviete: "Boh napísal Svojím prstom, Svojím majestátnym prstom, Desať Prikázaní. Tak Boh by to mohol napísať sám, keby chcel." Vidíte? Ale On - On sa rozhodol písať to skrze prorokov (Vidíte?), pretože to boli Jeho vlastnosti, Jeho Slovo, On Ho vyjadril cez nich, robiac to všetko časťou Seba. Vidíte? On by to mohol napísať Svojím prstom. On tiež vzal Svoj prst a napísal na steny Babylonu: "Zvážený si na váhe a nájdený si ľahký." On písal Svojím vlastným prstom.
106Boh môže hovoriť. Veríte že Boh môže hovoriť? On hovoril s Mojžišom na vrchu, v horiacom kríku. Veríte tomu? Tak veru! On hovoril Jánovi, vo forme holubici. Veríte tomu? Povedal: "Toto je Môj Syn v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať." On hovoril ku Nemu. On hovoril ku Ježišovi na vrchu Premenenia pred Petrom, Jakobom a Jánom. On môže hovoriť; On nie je nemý. Boh môže hovoriť. Tak On hovoril ku Ježišovi na vrchu premeneia. A On hovoril ku Ježišovi pred celým zástupom ľudí, keď ľudia povedali: "Zahrmelo." Ale to Boh, ktorý hovoril ku Ježišovi. A takmer celý Matúš, Marek, Lukáš a Ján to hovorí Ježiš. On je Boh. Tak Boh môže hovoriť.
107Jedného dňa písal prstami do piesku. On hovoril; kázal; prorokoval svojimi vlastnými rtami - Boh - keď sa stal telom a prebýval medzi nami, Boh zjavený v tele. Ak On môže písať, hovoriť, či nemôže tak isto povedať iným, čo majú robiť? Samozrejme že môže! On môže ku ním hovoriť, ľudským hlasom. On môže písať a ukázať im čo majú robiť. On to robil. Tak, Boh mnoho krát a rôznym spôsobom hovoril ku otcom skrze prorokov. A On povedal v týchto písmách, že ani jedna jota ani čiarka nepominie, až kým sa To nevyplní, a potom je To zamanifestované. Potom to pominie, pretože je to zamanifestované, a To potom nemôže pominúť. Ale práve Samo Slovo sa stalo telom. Jota znamená "malé slovo." Čiarka znamená "malý znak." Ani jeden punktík, jedno vyjadrenie, nič, nikdy v Božom Slove nesklame. To nemôže sklamať, pretože to je Boh, Boh zjavený vo forme ľudského tela. Lebo to je sám Boh vo forme písma, vo forme proroka, zamanifestovaný v tele. No, preto Ježiš mohol povedať: "Tí ktorí hovorili ku vám, nazývali ste ich bohmi, ktorí hovorili ku vám skrze Slovo Božie," povedal: "a oni boli bohovia." Tí proroci, keď boli pomazaní Duchom Božím a priniesli presne Slovo Božie, potom oni boli bohovia. To bolo Božie Slovo hovorené cez nich.
108To môže ... Oni to mohli vykladať len tak, ako im to Autor dovolil. No, ak si to chcete nájsť, to je ll. Petra 1. a 20. a 21. Dobre. Pretože toto ... Tam kde Boh ... Nedeje sa z vlastného rozlúštenia (výkladu), On podával Svoj vlastný výklad. Boh hovorí a Sám to vykladá, potom to zjavuje komukoľvek On chce, a skrýva to pred všetkými ostatnými. On to nemusí zjaviť nikomu, ak nechce. A On ne ... On vyjadril celú svoju vec v Písme; a tak celá vec je už oznámená; to je len - On tam len sedí a pozoruje ako sa to deje. Len sa pozerá ako sa tvorí to Telo a prichádza naspäť do svojej - znovu do formy Jeho Nevesty. Dobre.
109Veriaci tomu veria, ako Abrahám, ktorý nazýval veci, ktoré sa s tým nezhodovali, ako keby neboli.
110Ono tiež, toto Slovo, dokáže posúdiť, rozpoznáva tajomstvá srdca. Židom 4:12. Ono rozpoznáva tajomstvá srdca.
111Proroci nie vždy rozumeli to čo písali, alebo to čo hovorili, inak by to nijako neboli povedali, keby tomu boli mohli rozumieť. Vidíte? Ale Biblia povedala, že oni boli pudení Duchom Svätým. Pudení! Keď ťa Duch Svätý pudí, tak sa hýbeš. Človek ... Boh mnoho ráz a rôznym spôsobom hovoril prorokom, ktorý boli pudení Duchom Svätým. Preto vo všetkých vekoch, ľudia ktorí boli duchovní sa radili prorokov ohľadne časov a toho čo sa malo stať. Prorok - pisateľ musí byť v neustálom obecenstve s Autorom. Vidíte? On musí žiť neustále v prítomnosti Autora aby vedel čím bude tá Kniha. Vidíte? Prorok - pisateľ, mal pero a v každej chvíli bol pripravený, neustále mal obecenstvo s Autorom, ktorým je Boh, aby zapísal čokoľvek On povie. Vidíte? To ukazuje, akým druhom života on musel ... Oddeleným životom od všetkých svojich bratov.
112No, preto mal prorok svoju myseľ nastavenú stále na to, čo hovoril Boh, nie na to, čo si myslia ľudia, čo si myslí ten vek, čo si myslí cirkev, čo si myslí kráľovstvo; na to čo si myslí Boh. On len vyjadroval Božie myšlienky do formy Slova, pretože slovo to je vyjadrená myšlienka. Rozumiete teraz tomu? Slovo je vyjadrená myšlienka, tak prorok čakal na Božie myšlienky. A keď mu Boh zjavil svoje myšlienky, on ich vyjadril vo forme slova: TAK HOVORÍ PÁN (vidíte?), nie "Tak hovorím ja, prorok, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." Vidíte? Dobre.
113Preto sa oni stavali na odpor kráľovstvám a cirkevným vekom, hoci to v ich čase stálo život. Kto by išiel pred kráľa a povedal mu: "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, to a to sa stane"? Odsekli by vám hlavu. Cirkev by vás namieste za to usmrtila. Ale títo proroci boli smelí. Prečo? Oni boli pudení Duchom Svätým (vidíte?), a oni - preto boli smelí. A oni napísali neomylné Božie Slovo.
114Bolo veľa takých, ktorí sa snažili napodobniť tých prorokov, ako kňazi a tak ďalej. A čo oni robili? Len zamiešanie, nič iné. Oni to nemohli robiť, pretože Boh vybral človeka pre ten vek, a vybral Posolstvo, a ešte i povahu toho človeka, a cez čo bude prechádzať v tom veku - čo bude môcť vykonať a ako bude ... S povahou toho daného človeka, On mohol zaslepiť oči iných. Slová, ktoré ten človek hovoril, spôsob ako sa správal, jedných oslepovali a druhým otvárali oči. Vidíte? On obliekol toho človeka do takého druhu oblečenia, akým on bol, povaha, ambícia, a všetko, práve takým akým musel byť, tak presne vybraný pre tých určitých ľudí, ktorých On povolal v tom danom veku. Zatiaľ čo druhí tam stáli a pozerali sa na neho a hovorili: "No ja nemôžem ... To je ... Ja nemôžem ... " Vidíte, oni boli slepí.
115Ježiš prišiel tak isto, oblečený - nesmrteľný Boh oblečený v ľudskom tele, a pretože sa narodil v jasliach, v maštali plnej hnoja, nemal miesto kde by hlavu sklonil, mysleli si, že sa narodil ako nemanželské dieťa, a tak Ho nazývali ... Vidíte? Všetko toto čo On bol, a ako On vyrastal, ako tesárov syn, ako nemal žiadne vzdelanie, viac menej vo svete, múdrosť tohoto sveta, On s tým nemal nič spoločného. Nič z tej svetovej civilizácii, vzdelania, ani ničoho, On s tým nemal nič dočinenia. Veď On je Boh. To by si odporovalo. Keby sa On snažil chodiť niekde na seminár a učil sa niečo, čo robili tieto svetové cirkvi, čo v - prečo, to by ne - prečo, to by vôbec ani nezodpovedalo s Jeho zrozumením, lebo On bol Boh. A tak, vzdelanie, školenie, semináre a to všetko, to je úplne nezhodné s vôľou Božou. Celý vzdelávací systém je nezhodný s Bohom. Všetko to vyučovanie odvádza ľudí stále ďalej od Boha. Keď počujem hovoriť nejakého človeka, že on je doktor PhD, LLQ, to ho len, podľa mňa, o toľko viac vzďaľuje od Boha. Vidíte? On sa proste skrze svoje vzdelanie tak veľmi oddialil od toho do čoho bol skutočne povolaný. Je to tak.
116Všimnite si ako to ... no, oni boli pudení Duchom Božím. No, to neznamená, že vzdelaný človek nemôže vojsť. Pozrite sa na Pavla. Myslím, že nebolo múdrejšieho človeka v jeho čase ako Pavol, ktorý bol Saul z Tarzu. On bol vyučený od Gamaliela, od jedného z najlepších učiteľov v tých dňoch, veľkého, nekompromisného hebreja, z denominácii farizejov; a Pavol bol vychovaný u neho. On poznal celé židovské náboženstvo; ale keď prišiel do cirkvi, povedal: "Neprišiel som ku vám v ľudskej múdrosti a tak ďalej, pretože ak by to tak bolo, potom by ste dúfali v to. Ale ja som prišiel ku vám v moci a manifestácii Ducha Svätého, aby vaša viera bola v Boha." Tu to máte. Je to tak.
117Mnohí sa snažili napodobniť týchto ľudí, ale oni to všetko zamiešali, tak ako to robia aj dnes.
Bol jeden, ktorý povstal pred časom Ježiša a odviedol štyristo ľudí. A viete čo o týchto veciach hovoria Písma, snažili sa to robiť prv, ako prišiel ten čas. A niektorí z nich sa Ho snažili napodobniť, a oni boli všetci tým, tamtým, alebo ešte niečím. A On povedal, že v posledných dňoch, ako v posledných dňoch povstanú falošní kristovia a falošní proroci a ukážu znamenia a zázraky. To všetko máme. Vidíte? Ale to nevylučuje toho pravého. To len spôsobuje že to jasnejšie svieti, pretože my máme skutočného Krista, nie falošného.
118No, no, uvedomujeme si teraz, že Boh posielal Svojich prorokov. To bol spôsob, ako On prinášal ľuďom Svoje Slovo, cez ústa Svojich prorokov. A všimnite si, viete, Mojžiš povedal, ak si to chcete prečítať ... V ll. Mojžišovej v 4. kapitole a 10. a 12. verš, Mojžiš povedal, že Boh ku nemu hovoril. Boh hovoril ku človeku z úst do ucha, a On povedal ... "Ja som ťažkých úst." Mojžiš povedal: "Ja sa nehodím; ja - ja - ja nemôžem ísť."
119On povedal: "Kto dal ústa človekovi, alebo kto ho urobil nemým? Kto učinil že vidí, alebo kto mu dal sluch? Či azda nie ja, Pán?" Povedal: "Ja budem s tvojimi ústami." Vidíte? Tak ...
120A Jeremiáš povedal, ak si to chcete prečítať v Jeremiášovi 1:6, Jeremiáš povedal že: "Boh položil slová do mojich úst." Vidíte? On s jedným prorokom hovoril z úst do ucha a skrze druhého proroka hovoril, a ten nad tým vôbec nevládol a On hovoril cez jeho ústa. On má spôsoby, ako vypovedať Svoje Slovo, viete. Tak veru!
121Tak vidíte, Biblia je Božie Slovo, nie ľudské. Mojžiš povedal: "Boh hovoril ku mne hlasom a ja som Ho počul. Zapísal som, to čo On povedal."
122Jeremiáš povedal: "Ja vôbec nedokážem hovoriť," a zrazu zistil, že jeho ústa hovorili a on písal. Boh hovoril cez jeho ústa, a to sa vyplnilo. Daniel, Izaiáš, a tak ďalej, so všetkými týmito prorokmi bolo proste tak isto.
123Viete, v samotnom Starom Zákone je viac ako dvetisíc krát, kde tí proroci povedali TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. No, ak človek povie TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, to nehovorí ten človek. Ak by hovoril, nebol by prorok, bol by to pokrytec (vidíte?); pretože to by sa nikdy nestalo. Oni mali šanci jednu z milióna, že by to mohli uhádnuť. Ale keď je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, to povedal Pán Boh. Keby som ja povedal: "Tak hovorí Orman Neville ..." Môj brat povie: "Tak hovorí pán Mann ..." Keby som povedal: "Tak hovorí brat Vayle," niekto tu alebo niekto z týchto ďalších bratov, ktokoľvek z vás, tak hovorím to čo ste povedali. Ak som pravdovravný, hovorím len to čo ste povedali. A títo ľudia boli prorokmi a povedali: "To som nebol ja. Ja s tým nemám nič spoločného, ale to je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." A tak Biblia je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN skrze prorokov.
124Všimnite si. Oni mali na sebe Ducha Kristovho a predpovedali udalosti, ktoré sa mali stať. Predpovedali. Povedali čo sa stane cez tie veky, keď sedeli, stáli, ležali chodili mali na sebe Ducha Kristovho, až tak, že sa správali ako Kristus. A tí, ktorí to čítali si mysleli, že tí proroci hovoria o sebe. Pamätáte sa na eunucha, keď čítal Izaiáša 53:1, o tom ako "On bol zranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho, a Jeho sinavicou sme boli uzdravení?" Eunuch povedal Filipovi: "O kom to hovorí prorok, sám o sebe a či o niekom inom?" Vidíte? Prorok hovoril akoby to bol on sám.
125Pozrite sa na Dávida, ktorý volá v Duchu: "Môj Bože, môj Bože, prečo si ma opustil? Moje kosti, oni hľadia na mňa - (na mňa, to hovorí Dávid!). Prebodli moje ruky i moje nohy (to hovorí Dávid!). Prebodli moje ruky i moje nohy, ale nezanecháš mojej duši v pekle, ani nedáš svojmu svätému, aby videl porušenie," akoby Dávid hovoril o sebe, že je ten svätý. To bol Syn Dávidov, v zárodku, duchovné Semeno, prichádzajúce cez neho. Hoci Dávid sám o sebe bol kúkoľ, ale tam bolo v ňom pšeničné zrno. Rozumiete tomu? Tak celá Biblia, to nie je ľudské slovo, človek ju ani nenapísal, ani nezostavil, a ani ju človek nemôže zjaviť. To je Božie Slovo zjavené skrze Samého Boha, On sám mu dáva výklad. Kristus, ktorý zjavuje samého seba vo svojom vlastnom Slove.
126Pozrite sa na Krista, ako tam vtedy stál v Dávidovi. Dávid vtedy nedokázal ani myslieť. Jeho myseľ odišla od neho, keď sa to dialo. A on videl na kríži, ako tu vidíte tú postavu, visel na kríži a volal: "Môj Bože, môj Bože prečo si Ma opustil? Ó, moje kosti, oni hľadia na Mňa. Prebodli Moje ruky i moje nohy. Prebodli Môj bok." Vidíte? Prečo si tak ďaleko odo Mňa? Obkľúčili ma všetci býkovia Bázanskí, kývajú hlavami a hovoria: 'Dúfal v Boha, že ho vyslobodí; no pozrime sa či ho vyslobodí.'" - hovorí tie isté slová. Tak vidíte, keď sa Boh zamanifestoval tu na zemi, On povedal tie isté slová, ktoré Dávid. Vidíte to? Tak vidíte, tak to nie je slovo človeka, to je Slovo Božie. To bol Boh v Dávidovi. To nebol Dávid; on nevedel čo hovorí; on bol proste tak v Duchu. Tak isto Mojžiš. On bol tak v Duchu, že vyšiel z dimenzie v ktorej žil a stál tam tvárou v tvár pred tým horiacim kríkom, rozprával sa so samým Bohom. Povedal: "Vyzuj svoju obuv. Miesto na ktorom stojíš je svätá zem."
Predstavujem si Mojžiša, keď stade odišiel, rozmýšľal: "Čo sa stalo? Čo sa to stalo? Čo to bolo?"
Povedal: "Choď do Egyptu, Ja budem s tebou."
On povedal: "Pre mňa je to také skutočné, musím ísť." Zobral svoju ženu a svoje deti, vlastne dieťa, a palicu do ruky a vydal sa do Egypta vyslobodiť tých ľudí. Vidíte? Sám Boh hovorí cez prorokov.
127Vidíte, oni - oni boli absolútne ... To neboli tí proroci, to bol Boh, pretože proroci sami o sebe, oni by nedokázali povedať tieto veci. "Kto uveril našej zvesti?" Hovorí Izaiáš, vidíte. "Kto uveril našej zvesti! A komu je zjavené rameno Pánove. Vyrastie pred nami ako teľa v stajni ..." A ako to ... "Kým On bol ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň nášho pokoja bola vzložená na Neho; Jeho sinavicou sme boli uzdravení." My sme boli uzdravení tam vtedy, tu v tomto veku, v Izaiášovi, tam tedy osemsto rokov pred Kristom. Vidíte? "Jeho sinavicami sme už boli (minulý čas) uzdravení." Ó, aké je Slovo Božie dokonalé. Verte Mu, ľudia; To je jediná vec, ktorá vás môže spasiť.
128Všetky iné Slová, nestarám sa o to ako pekne sú umiestnené, ako - od koho pochádzajú, z akej denominácii pochádzajú, alebo aký múdry je ten človek, všetko čo sa nezhoduje so Slovom si nemáte vôbec ani všímať. Ak si chcete zapísať to miesto Písma, je to Galaťanom 1:8. Vidíte? Pavol povedal: "Aj keby sme vám my, alebo anjel z neba zvestoval niečo iné, než toto čo ste už počuli, nech je prekliaty." Inými slovami, ak by prišiel ku vám anjel z neba, jasný svietiaci anjel, a postavil sa ... Chlapče, to by bola návnada na tento deň, či nie? Príde jasný svietiaci anjel, postaví sa a hovorí veci nezhodné so Slovom, povedzte: "Choď preč odo mňa Satan." Tak veru. Či je to biskup, či ... ktokoľvek to je, nikdy mu neverte ak nehovorí presne v súlade s tou Bibliou, slovo za slovom. Pozorujte ho, on ťa bude teraz viesť s tou Bibliou. On ťa dovedie na určité miesto a hneď potom to tam začne prekrúcať. Keď vidíš že Biblia hovorí jedno a on to obchádza, hneď tam si dávaj na neho pozor. Vidíte, takto to on urobil Eve. On prišiel priamo a povedal všetko tak presne. "Dobre, Boh povedal toto. To je pravda, Eva. Amen, my tomu spoločne veríme."
"Dobre, Boh povedal toto."
"Amen, my tomu spoločne veríme."
"Boh povedal toto."
"Tomu veríme, samozrejme."
"Dobre, ale Boh povedal že zomrieme."
129"No, ale vieš, On je dobrý Boh." On nepovedal, že On to neurobí, viete. "Ale určite ..." Ó! Tu ho máte. A ako on takto zvádzal, a Biblia povedala, že v posledných dňoch by zviedol i vyvolených, keby to bolo možné, kde máme dnes byť, priatelia. No, tieto malé lekcie nedeľnej školy sú - majú byť brané naozaj vážne, viete, kladené na srdcia, aby ste videli ... Máme počúvať ozaj pozorne a vidieť aké je to zvodiace.
130Všimnite si, nemôžeme, nesmieme počúvať na slová žiadneho človeka. Nestaráme sa o to aký je múdry, vzdelaný. Biblia v prísloviach hovorí, že nesmieme spoliehať na rozume. Vidíte? No, tu v tomto druhom okruhu ... Prvý okruh, to sú vaše zmysli, zrak, chuť, čuch a sluch; to je vo vašom vonkajšom tele. Vo vnútornom tele, ktorým je duch, je rozumovanie a myslenie a tak ďalej. To všetko musíme odvrhnúť. Či rozum nehovorí: "No počkaj, ak je Boh dobrý Boh ... "A dnes sa toľko veľa hovorí o tom, že je. "Ak je On dobrý Boh, potom ak som úprimný, hoci podľa Biblii nemôžem vidieť, že by to bolo správne, ale keď som úprimný, budem spasený." Budeš zatratený.
131"Keď chodím do zboru a robím proste veci o ktorých si myslím, že sú správne a snažím sa držať toho, čo si myslím že je správne, dobre ja ..." Stále si zatratený. "Je cesta, ktorá sa človekovi zdá dobrá, ale jej koniec je cestami smrti." Vidíte? Nebudeš spasený, budeš zatratený. Vidíte, vidíte? To musí byť ten vnútorný dozorca.
132"Dobre, hovoril som v jazykoch, brat Branham. Či neveríš v hovorenie v jazykoch, brat Branham?" Samozrejme! "No, ja som kričal, či ty v to neveríš?" Áno, verím! "Žijem dobrým kresťanským životom, či v to neveríš?" Áno, verím! Ale to stále ešte neznamená, že si spasený. Ty si dobrý človek, čistý, morálny, svätý, dobrý človek; takí boli tí kňazi, nábožní až do jadra, až tak nábožní, že za jedno zle podané slovo, by boli ukameňovaní na smrť. Trest smrti, za hranie sa so Slovom Božím bola smrť.
133Preto máme dnes v našom kraji takú situáciu. Preto máme dnes na svete tak veľa uvoľnených vecí, že tresty nie sú dostatočne prísne. Ak by nejaký muž bol prichytený so ženou iného muža, obaja by mali byť vzatí a verejne vykastrovaní a potom prepustení. Tak veru. Ak by bol niekto prichytený, že spáchal nejaký dopravný priestupok, prekročil rýchlosť, mali by mu na desať rokov zobrať vodičský; on mal v úmysle spáchať vraždu. Vidíte? Keď zavediete takéto pokuty, potom ich pribrzdíte. Ale keď nejaký nečestný politik môže z toho človeka dostať a obísť to a povedať: "No on bol trochu opitý, on bol - on to nechcel urobiť ... " A zabil muža, ženu, a celú skupinu nevinných detí, a nechali, že to tomu frajerovi prešlo na sucho, to je politika. To je svet; to je diabol.
134Boh povedal, že ak by bol muž alebo žena prichytená pri cudzoložstve, vyveďte ich a ukameňujte na smrť. A tým to bolo vybavené. Vidíte? Ak vás len prichytili, že v sobotu nesiete niečo - ťažké ako palica, "Vezmite ho a ukameňujte." Oni podľa toho žili. A teraz, vidíte, my nemáme dnes také zákony, ale kresťan, cirkev, ku ktorým hovorím dnes ráno, ten zákon Boží je v našich srdciach. Vidíte? Vy nemáte túžbu robiť to. To je tu vo vnútri. Vy chcete zachovávať zákony Božie tak dokonale, že bez ohľadu na to čo to je, vy chcete byť len tým ... Ak Boh potrebuje pri dverách rohožku, ak chce aby ste boli tou rohožkou, vy ste tak radi, že ňou môžete byť. Nezáleží na tom čo to bude, vy chcete byť tou rohožkou. Vidíte? Čokoľvek Boh chce aby ste robili, to je to, čo chcete robiť, pretože to je Boh. No, podľa tohoto môžete skutočne poznať, že skutočne, jedinečne, opravdu milujete Boha.
135No, zistili sme potom, že ak by aj anjel kázal niečo inšie, než to čo prišlo ku - čo už bolo povedané v Biblii, nech je prekliaty. Nikto to nemôže robiť; To musí byť presne tak, ako je to povedané v Biblii.
136A znovu v Zjavení 22: 18. a 19. "Keby niekto pridal ku Tomu jedno slovo, alebo odňal z Toho jedno slovo, tomu odníme Boh jeho diel z Knihy Života." Je to tak. Boh odníme jeho diel, hoci by to bol kazateľ, čokoľvek on môže byť a jeho slovo - jeho meno je zapísané v Knihe Života, Boh povedal: "Ja ho proste hneď vymažem (Tak veru.) Ak on pridá ku Nej jednu vec, alebo z Nej odníme jedno slovo." Takto neomylne Boh podal Svoje Slovo. Vidíte? Vy môžete pridať do cirkvi, alebo odňať z cirkvi, ale nedodávajte do toho Slova, ani z neho neodnímajte, pretože Boh v tej chvíli odníme vaše meno z Knihy Života. A to je - potom je s vami koniec. Vidíte? Vy nemôžete do toho dodať ani z neho odňať. Ono je presne to čo ...
137Ono nepotrebuje nikoho, kto by ho vykladal, lebo Biblia povedala, že Boh si sám vykladá Bibliu. "Ono sa nedeje z vlastného rozlúštenia," povedal Peter. Dobre.
138A všetky Písma sú dané Božským spôsobom, uložené Božským spôsobom; a to všetko je zjavením Ježiša Krista. Nový a Starý Zákon, kde oni predpovedali Jeho príchod, čo On bude robiť keď sem príde, a čo bude robiť v tomto veku, ktorý má prísť. Tak to Ho robí, že je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Vidíte? Ako tam v liste Židom, keď to Pavel písal: On je Boh, Ježiš Kristus včera, v Starom Zákone. On je Ježiš Kristus dnes, zamanifestovaný v tele, a On je Ježiš Kristus naveky v Duchu, ktorý má prísť (Vidíte, vidíte?), ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. A On stále žije, aby oživil Svoje Slovo, aby to čo Ono povedalo, aby to Ono v tom veku urobilo. On je živý. On bol živý v Starom zákone, zamanifestovaný.
139No, ja len chcem, aby ste tu mohli vidieť trochu niečo, ak to môžete zniesť. Hľaďte! Keď bol Ježiš zamanifestovaný v Starom Zákone, ako tomu veríme ... No, vy kazatelia tam vonku, vy môžete proti tomu namietať, hovorte si čokoľvek chcete, ale ja hovorím zo svojho - to čo si ja myslím. Vidíte?
140Keď bol Ježiš zamanifestovaný v Starom Zákone v teofánii, v osobe Melchisedeka, to nebolo kňazstvo, ale Osoba, Muž ... Vidíte? Lebo tento Muž sa ešte nebol narodil, ale On bol v teofánii, tak On nemal otca, ani matku. To bol sám Boh. On sa zamanifestoval vo forme Muža, ktorý sa nazýval Kráľ Sálemu, čo znamená Kráľ Pokoja a Kráľ Spravodlivosti. Vidíte? On bol Mechisedech. On nemal ani otca ani matku, začiatok dní, ani koniec života. Vidíte? To bol Ježiš v teofánii, vo forme človeka. Mohli ste to pochopiť? Dobre.
141Potom sa On skutočne stal ľudským telom a prebýval medzi nami v osobe samého Ježiša Krista, ktorý sa narodil z panny Márie. On prišiel v tejto forme, aby mohol zomrieť a odišiel naspäť do neba. A teraz, v týchto posledných dňoch On zasľúbil, že sa znovu v plnosti zamanifestuje vo Svojom tele v Duchu. Rozumiete? Lebo tak ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. No, pozrite sa na Sodomu, v akom to bolo položení, čo sa stalo, a Ježiš Kristus je dnes zamanifestovaný v telesnej forme Svojej Cirkvi (Vidíte?), robí tie isté veci, tie isté skutky, tie isté veci, ktoré robil po celý čas, nemení sa, Ten večný. Vidíte? A dnes na zemi sa On zamanifestoval v ľudských telách, v našich ľudských telách, ktoré On povolal, a urobil presne to isté, čo robil za dávna, a v čase Svojho tela na zemi. A dnes robí tie isté veci, pretože Boh za dávna hovorieval ku otcom cez prorokov, v týchto posledných dňoch cez Svojho Syna, Ježiša Krista (Vidíte?), v týchto posledných dňoch zostal zjavený Syn, Boh zamanifestovaný v ľudskom tele, to je položenie ako tesne pred zničením Sodomy, pred koncom pohanského sveta. Vidíte to? Sú tri manifestácie.
142No, tá ďalšia vec sa deje, keď je to všetko zhromaždené do tej jednej Osoby, Ježiša Krista, Nevesta a Telo, pri tom telesnom návrate Pána Ježiša. On to robí tri krát. Keď sa narodil na zemi a bol zabitý, ukrižovaný, vstal z mŕtvych, zamanifestoval sa vo forme Svojho tela, ktorým je Jeho Nevesta, Jeho Žena. Rozumiete tomu? Ona je časťou Jeho tela. A muž a žena sú proste tak blízko spolu, že sú takmer - sú jedno - v každom prípade majú byť. Tu ich máte. Vidíte? Oni zamanifestovali presne to isté. Ona je časťou Neho, pretože bola vzatá z Neho. A Nevesta je dnes vzatá z tela Kristovho, pri čom postupuje a robí presne to, čo On povedal, že bude robiť na tento deň, Nevesta, Kráľovná, Kráľ a Kráľovná.
Dobre. Už je dosť neskoro, tak sa budeme musieť ponáhľať, aby sme to prebrali. Dobre.
143Celá Biblia je kompletným zjavením Ježiša Krista, ktorý sa v každom veku dáva poznať. Vo dňoch Luthera sa dal poznať ako základ, cirkev, spodok nôh, nohy. Ako to urobil v čase kráľa Nabuchodonozora. Pamätáte sa ako sa mu snívali tie sny. To prichádzalo dole od hlavy. Vidíte? A teraz On vystupuje hore od spodku nôh. Vidíte? V Babylonskom kráľovstve On ukázal všetkých tých starozákonných, On zostupoval od hlavy dole, až kým nezostúpil dole, že až sám Boh sa na spodku toho rebríku stal telom. A teraz, tu v Novom Zákone, On znovu vynáša samého Seba rovno naspäť, znovu do Hlavy, do Hlavy zo zlata, aby bol korunovaný. Vidíte? Pozrite, rozumiete tomu? Vidíte? Boh bol na začiatku; a On sa stále znižoval cez prorokov, nižšie a nižšie, až sa Sám Boh stal človekom ako my, rovno dole na spodku toho rebríku, dieťa narodené v jasliach, nenávidený, odmietnutý, pohrdnutý, a zlého mena, a všetko čo On bol. Potom On začal povstávať (vidíte?), a od nôh začína stavať svoju Cirkev, Nevestu, prichádza naspäť a naspäť, a teraz vystupuje do štítového kameňa, kde sa to všetko spolu spája a tvorí to jedno veľké premenené telo Ježiša Krista.
144Boh je zjavený v každom veku skrze Svoje zasľúbené Slovo na ten vek. No, pozrime sa len teraz na záver v týchto posledných slovách, aké sú niektoré Jeho zasľúbenia na dnes.
145No, Boh sa zjavuje v čase večerného svetla.
146Pozrime sa teraz. Vidíme ... Mám tu zapísaných veľa miest Písma, ako to môžete vidieť na tejto strane, koľko miest Písma tu mám zapísaných, ale do dvanástej máme už len okolo pätnásť minút. Chcem to prebrať, a dnes ráno som nezachrípol, zatiaľ čo hovorím. Niekedy tu z tejto klimatizácii zachíipnem, tak ak brat Neville nemá ... Nemáš nič na dnes večer? [Brat Branham sa pýta brata Nevilleho] Dobre, ak - dobre, ja ... Ak je to v poriadku, ja mám niečo. Nedávno som našiel balíček z cigariet, pohodený v lese a na dnes večer mám posolstvo z toho balíčku cigariet, ak Pán dá. Vidíte? A tak mám tu zapísané tieto miesta Písma, a nechcem preťahovať, aby ste sa mohli dostať domov. Balíček z cigariet, ktorý hovorí. Dobre.
147Prechádzal som cez lesy a tam ležal na zemi balíček z cigariet. A ja som proste kráčal ďalej, myslel som si: "No, niekto je predo mnou."
A niečo mi povedalo: "Vráť sa a zodvihli to."
Pomyslel som si: "Ja mám dvíhať balíček z cigariet."
Niečo mi povedalo: "Vráť sa a zodvihni ten balíček z cigariet." A išiel som tam; bol to prázdny balíček, a niečo som uvidel. Poviem vám o tom dnes večer, ak Pán dá. No dobre.
148A teraz budeme hovoriť o večerných Svetlách, len za chvíľu. Biblia predpovedá, že príde čas, tesne pri konci času, že vyjde slnko a nastane večerné Svetlo. To všetci poznáme, však? My, ktorí sme oboznámení dnes s naším Posolstvom od Pána Ježiša, veríme, že bude večerné Svetlo. A toto Večerné Svetlo ... Samozrejme, to veľké Svetlo príde keď sa sám Ježiš zamanifestuje tu na zemi, či hore v nebesiach, vezme Svoju Nevestu a potom nastane Milénium.
149Ale my máme jeden z najstrašnejších časov, cez ktorý máme prejsť, aký kedy ležal pred ľuďmi. A ja len čakám na tú hodinu a - keď budeme môcť dostať - každý bude mať možnosť, keď si budete môcť zobrať voľno z roboty a stráviť niekoľko dní, a budeme môcť mať niekde zhromaždenia, kde by som mohol hovoriť o týchto pliagach a týchto veciach, ktoré majú padať v tých posledných dňoch, a mali by sme to v kuse, dva alebo tri týždne, a priniesli to spolu, ak mi Pán dá žiť, aby som to urobil a bude ma inšpirovať, aby som to tak robil. Aby ste videli, ako zrazu tieto veci spadnú a tieto hromy, potom porozumiete o čom sa snívalo tomu mužovi a týmto ľuďom a všetky tie veci tam; to sa stane. Vidíte? Dozviete sa čo oni zjavili, ten veľký hrom vychádzajúci z oblohy. No ... Samozrejme, veľká skupina z vás, vy viete, že ja viem čo to znamená. Vidíte? A ... Ale čakajme len až príde ten čas (rozumiete?) aby sa to ...? ... No ... A to bude vo vhodnejšom čase.
150No .. Tak budeme čítať niektoré z týchto - tu z týchto miest Písma. No, v čase večera prichádza Svetlo. No, vidíme, že to bude musieť byť to isté Svetlo, ktoré bolo ráno, pretože ráno nie je jedno slnko a popoludní druhé. To je to isté slnko; popoludní je to isté slnko, ktoré je aj ráno a ráno je to isté slnko, ktoré je i popoludní. No, tam je povedané, že ten deň, ten deň pomedzi tým časom bude taký, ako - ó - pochmúrny, tmavý deň, nebude nazvaný dňom ani nocou, medzi tým. Vidíte, to je formovanie Tela, ktoré vystupuje hore od spodku nôh.
151Keď bol On tu na zemi, On bol Syn, Svetlo. On bol potom zabitý. Cirkev v mučeníctve zaujala Jeho miesto, a prechádzala cez Temné Veky, a keď vychádzala, začala sa stavba na základe. Kde sa potom nachádza zrak? Na vrchu hlavy. Vidíte to Nabuchodonozorove videnie? Vidíte ako On tam od začiatku Pohanského veku ide dole, pred tým ako bola za nich preliata Krv a vykonala zmierenie. Oni boli Jeho stúpencami - prozelitami. Ale všimnite si to išlo stále dole, stále dole, stále dole až do spodku, v symboloch (vidíte?), znieslo sa to dole; a potom to začalo ísť hneď naspäť, vracať sa. Cirkev sa vracia naspäť od spodku nôh, vystupuje hore. A teraz je v čase hlavy - v čase hlavy.
152No, všimnite si, to Svetlo ... Vy nemôžete vidieť pomocou svojich rúk, hoci sú časťou tela. Nemôžete vidieť pomocou uší, hoci oni môžu počuť. Nemôžete vidieť nosom, hoci on má čuch. Nemôžete - nemôžete vidieť pomocou úst, hoci oni hovoria. Vidíte? To bol letničný vek. Ale teraz je to v čase očí, zraku. Vidíte? No, ponad očami už nie je nič, čo by malo schopnosť hýbať sa. Je to tak? To ďalšie je inteligencia, ktorou je sám Kristus, ktorý ovláda celé telo. Za tým nieto už nič, čo by sa hýbalo. Vidíte? Všetko to predtým sa hýbalo. Vidíte? Hýbete nohou, hýbete svalmi na nohách, hýbete všetkým, hýbete svojimi - svojimi očami, hýbete nosom, ústami a tak ďalej, ale ponad očami, nie je nič, čo by sa hýbalo. Preto tvrdia, že ľuďom rýchlo vypadávajú vlasy, (Vidíte?) lebo tam nie sú žiadne cviky, ktoré by rozvíjali svaly vo vlasoch a v pokožke hlavy. Vidíte? Nie je tam vrstva, do ktorej by sa mohla napumpovať krv. Nebude tam pulzovať krv (Vidíte?), nepôjde hore a nebude to zaopatrovať krvou, lebo tie korienky vlasov žijú z krvi. A teraz, vidíme, že tá časť (Vidíte?) ... Ponad očami nie je už nič.
153No, pozrime sa ako to je. Či v čase poludnia bude svetlo? V čase večera. Načo je poslané svetlo? Aby ste mohli vidieť kde ste a ako sa pohybovať. Je to tak? Aby ste videli kde ste. V čase večera bude Svetlo.
154No, zoberieme to teraz a porovnáme s Malachiášom 4. On zasľúbil, že znovu v čase večera príde Svetlo. Vidíte? "Lebo hľa, Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša a on prinavráti deti naspäť ku otcom a otcov ku deťom (Je to tak?), aby som neprišiel a neranil zem kliatbou."
155No, zoberme Jána - alebo evanjelium Lukáša 17: 30 a pozrime sa čo Ježiš tam prorokoval, keď hovoril že: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak isto bude ..." No, pamätajte. Všimnite si. Toto je v tom čase, keď sa má zjaviť Syn človeka, v čase zjavenia sa Syna človeka. No, Syn človeka sa tam v skutočnosti potenciálne zjavil len na krátku chvíľu, tesne pred tým ako bola spálená Sodoma. No, ten Muž, to bol Elohim. To bol Boh, a Ježiš je Boh. A Boh sa zjavil potenciálne práve tam, na krátku chvíľu, aby sa rozprával s Abrahámom v čase vyšetrovacieho súdu, len na krátku chvíľu. Syn človeka sa zjavil, Syn človeka Elohim. Vidíte to, cirkev? Syn človeka, Elohim, sa zjavil len na niekoľko minút, lebo hneď to nasledujúce ráno, ona bola spálená. Kedy? Prv ako mohlo znovu vyjsť slnko. Tak nemôže povstať už žiadna organizácia, ani nemôže byť žiadny ďalší postup, než to, čo sa deje práve teraz, pretože ona bude spálená, prv ako znovu svitne deň. Prebudenie v tomto národe skončilo. Nebudú už žiadne ďalšie prebudenia. Žiadne veľké zaplavujúce prebudenie, tento národ ho nikdy nedostane. Môžete mať intelektuálne zhromaždenie, ale ja mám na mysli duchovné prebudenie. Všetky sme ich už videli. Dúfam že tomu rozumiete. Hovorím to takým spôsobom, že - že dúfam, že tomu rozumiete. Vidíte? To skončilo.
Jeden milý kazateľ mi nedávno povedal: "Brat Branham, keby som len mohol mať radosť Pánovu vo svojom srdci ..."
156Povedal som: "Synu, prebudenie skončilo." Vidíte? No, stabilizátory sú dané do lodi. Pred nami sú veľké, strašné vlny, ale vieme že hneď tam za tou vlnou sa približujeme ku brehu. Vidíte? Približujeme sa ku brehu. Len pevne stojte. Stojte len v Slove, stojte pri Bohu. Bez ohľadu na to ako sa cítite, čokoľvek sa deje, stojte rovno na Slove. Nech to pevne stojí. Keď vidíte okolo nás všetky tieto veľké mračná, a prichádzať búrky, a atómové bomby a všetko ďalšie o čom hovoria, ale náš stabilizátor je presne, rovno v Slove. Boh povedal, že to tu bude; a my sa preplavíme ponad každú jednu. Áno! Pôjdeme rovno ponad ich vrcholy. Áno, skutočne! Oni nás nemôžu potopiť; oni nás nemôžu utopiť. Dajte nás do hrobu; znovu z neho vyjdeme. V tom je proste všetko. Neexistuje nič na svete, čo by mohlo tomu zabrániť. My sa preplavíme ponad každú jednu, pretože náš veľký, Hlavný Kapitán volá na druhej strane.
My sme zakotvení v Ježišovi, budem čeliť búrkam života; som zakotvený v Ježišovi, nebojím sa žiadneho vetra ani vĺn;
157Nech je to čokoľvek, nech to príde, čo to môže byť, čo to bude, na tom vôbec nezáleží, my sme zakotvený rovno tam v Ježišovi. Ak budem žiť, budem žiť na slávu Božiu. Ak zomriem, zomriem na slávu Božiu. Ja len chcem ... Len na slávu Božiu, to je to čo chcem robiť. Keď to všetko skončí, nechcem tu už viac zostať. Chcem ísť tam, kde - pre moju odmenu, ktorú On pre mňa vykúpil, nie čo som si zaslúžil, ale čo mi On dal zo svojej milosti.
158Tak vidíme že to večerné Svetlo je tu. A načo by ste mali svetlo, ak by ste nemali žiadne oči, aby ste videli, ako sa v tom máte pohybovať. Čo je to večerné Svetlo? Svetlo prichádza aby niečo zjavilo. Je to tak? Ak je tu niečo čo cítite, a vy sa v tme nemôžete dozvedieť čo to je, potom zapálite svetlo. Ono má zjaviť. Čo mal urobiť Malachiáš 4? Vidíte? To isté. Čo malo urobiť to otvorenie Siedmich Pečatí? Čo sa všetky tieto denominácie potkýnajú v tomto ...?... To má zjaviť, priniesť na svetlo. Keby ste nemali žiadne oči, potom čo z toho, že by to bolo zjavené. Prv musíte mať oči, aby ste videli. Je to tak? Ono zjavi Malachiáša 4, zjavi ev. Lukáša 17:30, ev. Jána 14:12, tiež Jána 15:24; 16:13, a tiež má zjaviť Zjavenie 10:1-7, otvorenie SiedmichPečatí a Posolstvo Siedmeho anjela, aby otvorilo, zjavilo - keď príde to večerné Svetlo.
159No, ak človek ... V Laodicejskom veku ľudia boli akí? Nahí. Sú takí? Slepí. Načo je slepému svetlo? Ak slepý vedie slepého, či nespadnú obidvaja do jamy? Nahí, slepí, a nevedia o tom. Dokonca zanikli aj ich rozumové schopnosti, ich duchovné schopnosti rozumového - duchovného chápania. Vidíte? Náhli, nadutí, viacej milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha, nesmierliví, pomluvační, nezdržanliví, a pohŕdajú tými ktorí sú dobrí, majú formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajú jej moc (Moc zjavenia, v ktoré oni vôbec ani neveria. Vidíte?) ... Oni neveria v také veci ako proroci, a tak ďalej ... Oni v to neveria. Oni veria, že - že Malachiáš 4 má byť nejaká cirkev alebo nejaká organizácia. Keď on prišiel prvý krát, on bol človek. Keď prišiel druhý krát s dvojitou porciou, bol to človek. Vidíte? Keď prišiel vo forme Jána Krstiteľa, bol to človek. Vidíte? V tých posledných dňoch, keď začínajú svietiť tie večerné Svetlá, oči sa vám otvoria a budete vidieť kde idete. Potom je to Telo už sformované, stojí na svojich nohách, hýbe sa, pudené Duchom Svätým. Čo to je? Ten istý, ktorý pudil prorokov, ktorí písali Bibliu, ten istý Duch Svätý sa pohybuje v Tele, ktoré je naplnené Duchom Svätým, ktoré pod vedením Ducha Svätého vychádza z každej organizácii a z každého národa, jazyka a ľudí.
160Tu jedna pani, ona nepatrí do tejto organizácii (tejto organizácii) - patrí do tohoto zhromaždenia. Ona prichádza z inakade a ona dnes ráno prišla a mala tam obrázok. Ona bola - dala to môjmu synovi, ten bol veľmi prekvapený. Neviem či ona o tomto niekedy počula alebo nie. Neviem. Ona mala obrázok tohoto anjela Pánovho, ktorý bol tam pri otvorení Siedmich Cirkevných Vekoch – Siedmich Pečatí. Keď sa to stalo. Povedala: "Pozrela som sa na to." A videla ho vo sne stáť na oblohe. A pozrela sa tam cez to a videla - videla niekoho v bielom pochodovať dopredu a za ním ... Povedala, to vyzeralo - povedala: "Brat Branham, to si bol ty." A povedala, že tam pochodovali, povedala: "Za tebou boli ľudia rôznej farby pleti a niesli transparenty, Georgia, Alabama, z všetkých rôznych miest a pochodovali napred, idúc hore do hlavy, tam kde v tom videní bol zjavený Kristus. Ó, haleluja! Sme v posledných dňoch, v posledných hodinách dňa.
161Vidíte Ho teraz v jeho Slove a celé jeho Slovo sa zamanifestovalo rovno tu pred nami? Ó Cirkev živého Boha, povstaňte na svoje nohy, verte Mu so všetkým čo je vo vás. Držte sa toho malého Kolesa v strede Kolesa; nech to stabilizuje každý pohyb, každé hnutie ktoré robíte. Každú myšlienku, ktorú máte, nech je kontrolovaná skrze túto Moc vo vašom vnútornom človeku, pretože Boh sedí rovno vo svojom Slove na túto hodinu, vo večernom Svetle a ukazuje to Svetlo.
162Slepota netopiera, mohli by ste zapáliť svetlo, a netopier by bol taký slepý, že by nedokázal lietať. Húkajúca sova, všetci títo noční tuláci, a ím podobní, šváby, a tomu podobné, v dennom svetle nevidia. Oni nevedia nič čo to je. Oni nemôžu vidieť. A večerné Svetlá svietia. Každé podobenstvo, kdekoľvek sa pozrieme v prírode, do Biblii, na tú sochu, ktorú Mel- ktorú videl Daniel a - a ten kráľ v tom čase, všetci ktorí to videli, a všetky tieto veci, každý, každá forma, každé hnutie, každé miesto v tom Tele zo svojej pozícii nám ukazuje, presne tú hodinu, v ktorej žijeme. Za tým už nemôže prísť žiadny pohyb. Bol pohyb ruky, láska, Wesley. Bol pohyb základu, Luther. Láska ... Nikdy nebolo väčšej. Nazývalo sa to Wesleyove hnutie, oni vyslali misionárov do celého sveta. Jedno z najväčších hnutí, ktoré bolo v tom veku pred tým. Potom prišiel letničný vek, potom to vošlo do rôznych prstov a vecí, letničný vek jazykov, a nosa a tak ďalej. Teraz je to v očiach. Na čo by vám boli oči, či Svetlo, keby ste nemali oči, aby ste videli. Prv musia byť oči aby ste videli, a potom keď to prišlo, On otvoril Sedem Pečatí a zjavil to večerné Svetlo, berúc všetky tie tajomstvá, ktoré tam boli skryté cez tieto cirkevné veky, a teraz ich On zjavil ako to zasľúbil v Zjavení 10: 1 - 7. Tu sme dnes, posadení v strede Slova a to Slovo nám je zjavené skrze Ježiša Krista. Potom toto je Božie Slovo.
163A keď sme Jeho poddaní musíme chodiť blízko Autora, aby sme Tomu rozumeli, aby To zjavilo: "Ó, Pane čo chceš aby som robil? Či musím ísť na misijné polia a kázať Evanjelium, alebo mám zostať doma? Bez ohľadu na to čo to je. Či mám byť dobrou ženou v domácnosti ... Či mám byť dobrou matkou ... Či mám robiť toto, to, alebo tamto, čokoľvek to je ... Ak mám byť hospodár ... Či ... Čokoľvek to je, Pane, čo chceš aby som robil?"
164Či to nie je to čo vykríkol tam vtedy Saul: "Pane, čo chceš aby som urobil?" On bol tam na ceste do - aby zavrel do vezenia celú cirkev, ale potom on vykríkol: "Čo chceš aby som robil?" Keď to Svetlo zasvietilo ako veľký Ohnivý Stĺp visiaci nad ním: "Čo chceš aby som robil?"
165Myslím, že to je dobré slovo, aby sme zakončili a povedali: "Pane, čo chceš aby som ja robil? Keď práve teraz vidím toto Písmo tak dokonale zjavené, Pane, čo chceš aby som robil?"
166Skloňme svoje hlavy. Žiadam vás tu všetkých aby ste preskúmali svoje srdcia a položili si túto otázku: "Pane, čo chceš aby som robil?" A vy ľudia po celom národe, ak ste ešte stále pripojení cez telefón, skloňte svoje hlavy a opýtajte sa: "Pane, čo chceš aby som robil, keď vidíme práve teraz tak dokonale pred nami, tak jasne zjavené, že sme tu v posledných dňoch a posledných hodinách. Čo chceš aby som robil?"
167Drahý Bože, kým sa ťa to oni pýtajú, ja sám sa ťa pýtam: Čo chceš aby som urobil, Pane, keď si uvedomujem, že z každého dňa treba vydať počet. A prosím, aby si mi pomohol, Pane, aby som žil každý deň tak, aby to bolo pripočítané na Tvoju chválu a slávu. Prosím, aby si pomohol každému po celom národe, a týmto ktorí sú tu prítomní v tejto modlitebni, keď skúmame svoje srdcia a hovoríme: "Pane, čo chceš aby som urobil? Čo mám robiť, Pane, aby sme podporili Tvoje Kráľovstvo a Tvoju vec." Udeľ to, Bože. Preskúmaj nás - naše srdcia a skús nás; ak je v nás nejaká neprávosť, Pane, nejaké sebectvo, nejaké zlé motívy alebo úmysly, ó Bože, očisti nás krvou Tvojho Syna, Ježiša Krista, ktorý ... Pokorne prijímame Jeho zmierenie, skrze Jeho smrť a zmŕtvychvstanie. A ospravedlnení skrze vieru v to, že On toto urobil, s radosťou prijímame plán spasenia, ktorý nám dávaš. Otče, ďakujeme Ti za Posolstvo na tento deň, ktorému veríme a ktorého sa držíme, vieme a veríme, že to je Tvoje Slovo a Tvoje Posolstvo. Nie aby sme sa líšili od druhých ľudí, ale aby sme sa snažili byť viac podobní Ježišovi Kristovi, ktorý je naším vzorom.
168Drahý Bože, ležia tu vreckovky, a všade sú chorí ľudia. A ja sám, Pane, som dnes ráno unavený a vyčerpaný. Prosím, aby si nám pomohol, drahý Bože. Hľadáme u Teba posilnenie. Ty si našou silou. Ty si toľkým pomohol, drahý Bože.
169Jedného dňa, rozmýšľal som tam v lesoch, išli sme tam s bratom Banks Woodom, keď doktori ... Jeho srdce bolo také slabé, že ledva išiel. Potom, keď som si pomyslel ako som - vedel som to trochu tam hore, po tom videní: "Musím toho leva dostať. Musím ho vidieť zabitého." A potom keď som tam prišiel a bol som tam v Tucsone v reštaurácii Farr, a videl som ako na ňom visia šaty, a jeho vpadnuté oči, povedal som: "Bože, keď Ty môžeš ukázať videnie, kde sa nachádza ten lev, Ty určite môžeš ukázať to, čo sa týka Brata Wooda.
A potom to prišlo: "Polož na neho svoje ruky." A on je tu dnes, znovu naspäť, náš brat Banks, silný behá hore dole po týchto horách. Ako Ti ďakujeme drahý Bože. Ty si ten istý Boh pre nás všetkých, aký si bol pre brata Wooda. Viem, že Ty ho miluješ, pretože on je Tvoj sluha, čestný a úprimný.
170A prosím, drahý Bože, aby si sa zaoberal s každým jedným z nás, a odpustil nám naše hriechy, a uzdravil nemoci nášho tela. Urob nás, aby sme zo dňa na deň boli viac podobní Tebe, Pane, až kým neprídeme do tej plnej postavy Ježiša Krista. Udeľ nám toho Pane. Verím, že si preskúmal teraz každé srdce a my vieme, čo robiť. Prosíme, aby si nás teraz požehnal, v mene Ježiša.
171A kým máme sklonené hlavy, je tu niekto, alebo tam pri telefóne, po celom kraji, kto by rád, zatiaľ kým sa modlíte, a máte sklonené hlavy, len zodvihnite teraz svoju ruku ku Bohu. To je všetko čo môžete urobiť; je to tu dnes ráno preplnené. Len zodvihnite svoju ruku ku Bohu, povedzte: "Bože, urob ma viacej takým, ako je Ježiš; chcem byť viac taký ako Ježiš." Nech vás Boh žehná. Vonku po celom národe, všade sú proste zodvihnuté ruky, proste veľká masa. Ja som tiež zodvihol svoje: "Ja chcem byť viac taký, ako On. Skúmaj ma, Pane, a zisti či je vo mne niečo zlé; zober to odo mňa. Ja chcem to, čo ..." Sme tu tak dlho, no odídeme odtiaľto už či ste - či - nezáleží na tom čo ste, akí bohatí, akí chudobní, akí mladí, akí starí ...
172Zastavil som sa včera pri malej biednej skupine ľudí tam v horách pri potoku. Bola tam prostá rodina. Človek, ktorému som tak dlho rozprával o Bohu. Prišiel tam so svojou ženou, siedmymi alebo ôsmymi deťmi, on, trochu taký dlháň, snažil sa tam pracovať za pár dolárov na deň. A nejaký človek im dovolil bývať v malej chatrči, a jeho žena bude mať zanedlho ďalšie dieťa; a ona mala veľkú, širokú sekeru a sekala drevo a sťahovala ho dole. Na jednom boku držala dieťa a druhou rukou ťahala drevo. Prišla nasekať drevo, aby zavarila nejaké čučoriedky, aby cez zimu neboli hladní ... Ó, ako nám ju bolo ľúto. A brat Wood a ja sme zobrali vozík a odišli sme tam a narúbali jej drevo a doviezli jej ho. Ona tam stála, prostá vďačná žena. Bolo mi jej ľúto, a stále sme sa za nich modlili.
173A jej malé dieťa dostalo epilepsiu. Išli sme tam a modlili sme sa za to dieťa a Boh ho uzdravil. A druhého dňa jej muž dostal pruh. A vošiel som ... rozprával som sa s ním. On fajčil, oni obidvaja. Ona žuvala tabak a on tiež, typické u ľudí z hôr. A potom som im ďalej o tom rozprával. A včera ráno, keď som tam cez deň prišiel, on vychádza drží zopnuté ruky a hovorí: Brat Billy, ja som zmenený človek." On povedal: "Vyfajčil som svoju poslednú cigaretu, a som na Pánovej strane."
Ona povedala: "Ja som tiež vyfajčila svoju poslednú cigaretu." Ó, saďte semeno! "Ja Pán ho polievam ... Ja ho podlievam dňom i nocou, a nikto ho nevytrhne z Mojich rúk."
174Ó, Bože prosím buď nám teraz milostivý, a daj nám to po čom túžia naše srdcia, pretože v našich srdciach chceme slúžiť Tebe. No, Otče, oni sú všetci v Tvojich rukách, všade. Oni sú Tvoje deti, zachádzaj s nimi podľa Tvojej milosti, Pane, nie v súde, ale v milosti. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
175Milujte Ho? Z celého svojho srdca ... No, vy ktorí tu máte vreckovky, môžete si ich zobrať. A teraz, na še zhromaždenia, myslím že začnú trochu skorej. O siedmej alebo tak nejako. Brat Neville to za chvíľu ohlási, kedy to začne. A je krst, zdá sa mi, dnes ráno? Voda je pripravená ak je tu niekto kto ešte nie je pokrstený v mene nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, pozrite, skutočne je - voda je pripravená na krst.
176Ceníme si všetkých bratov kazateľov, Vidím brata ... Ako tvoje zhromaždenie, prebehlo v poriadku? Brat Parnell a brat Martin a ó tak veľa ich je tu, brat Lee Vayle ... Ó, tu všade sú samí kazatelia. Opravdu si to ceníme, že ste tu, že máte s nami obecenstvo okolo Slova.
177Možno že s týmto so mnou celkom nesúhlasíte. Nežiadam vás o to. Rozumiete? Jedno čo chcem, Zamyslite sa len nad tým. Čo mi hovoríte, ja o tom uvažujem. A kazatelia dostanú túto pásku a povedia: " No, ja nesúhlasím s ..." To je v poriadku, môj brat, ty môžeš byť - pasieš nejaké ovce, ty - ty ich kŕmiš tým čím chceš. Ja sa snažím, ako len môžem, držať sa presne Slova kvôli tým, ktorí mi boli daní do rúk pre Boha, pretože ovca chce to čo jedia ovce. Samozrejme: "Moje ovce počujú môj hlas." A to je to čo ... Žijeme každým Slovom, ktoré vychádza ... Nie všetko ... Nie len slovom tu a tam, ale každým slovom, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích. To je to skrze čo majú svätí žiť.
Povstaňme teraz na svoje nohy. Kým máte sklonené svoje hlavy ... Brat Neville, máš niečo čo chceš povedať? Prosím? Brat Mann? Dobre.
Každý kto sa cíti dobre nech povie: "Amen!" [Zhromaždenie odpovedá: "Amen."] A teraz, skloňme svoje hlavy. Poprosím brata Lee Vayleho, či by sem neprišiel, alebo - ak môže. Ak sem môžeš prísť, brat Vayle, ak môžeš ...
Brat Vayle je náš brat, píše knihy. Teraz pripravuje knihu Sedem Cirkevných Vekov a pracuje na Siedmich Pečatiach. A dúfame, že zakrátko ich budeme mať. No dobre. Brat Lee Vayle, nech ťa Boh žehná.
1 Let us bow our heads. Lord Jesus, the Shepherd of the great Flock, we are so in debt to Thee, Lord, that we could never pay Thee for the love that Thou has shed abroad in our hearts. We feel so unworthy as we bow our heads and stand in Thy presence. We ask You to cleanse us from all faults and all sin. We pray that You'll strengthen our bodies today. Many are sick and afflicted, as it shows here, of handkerchiefs and requests coming in on the phone and everywhere.
2And we believe that we are ending up this world's history now, and soon time will fade into Eternity, and we want to be ready for that hour. And that's why we have assembled here this morning, is to prepare for that time. I am told that there are many of the telephone hooks-ups this morning across the nation, from coast to coast. Wherever our voices is coming, may that little group be blessed. Heal the sick that's among them, and I pray that You'll cleanse their souls from all evil. And help us here this morning, at the tabernacle, that we also may enjoy that great privilege.
3 And we ask that You'll speak to us today through Thy written Word, and may the Spirit reveal to us the things that we have need of, as we have gathered nationwide now, feeling that we are a small people, but have a place among the redeemed, because we have believed on Jesus Christ. Grant these things to us, Lord.
4And when we close the service and we go to our different homes across the nation, may we say, like those from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He spoke to us along the road?"
5Now, Father, I know that whatever I would say would be certainly insufficient, with the--the fine Christians throughout the nation now that's tuned in, it wouldn't be--it wouldn't be adequate. It would not be something that I could say that could do any good, because we're all in the same category. We're human, mortals. But let the great Holy Spirit speak; may He take a hold of the Word and just reveal Himself. We're waiting on Him now, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
You may be seated.
6 I kinda... surprising myself. I told my wife, if she happens to be listening in, down in Tucson, that I didn't think I'd have any service when I come back; and I didn't even bring clothes. And I said to my daughter-in-law, she had pressed my coat, and I said, "I'm staying behind the pulpit, with... They don't know the trousers is one kind and the coat's another." It's the ones I wore home. But, Meda, she got my shirt ironed and everything, so every... Don't worry; everything is fine.
7 Now, we have a request here, that there's a very dear brother... And I think that--that Prescott, I believe, is hooked in this morning, up in--in Prescott, Arizona. Sister Mercier's father is just been on his road here to the meeting, I understand, and was had to be taken to the hospital in a heart attack, Brother Coggins. And, also, Brother Junior Jackson, I think he's in on the next radio down, or the next phone down in Clarksville or New Albany, and his father is in the hospital, I understand, with serious operation of cancer in the liver. So we want certainly remember those in our prayers. And now there's others here, too, but we don't want to take up the time. God knows all about them, so let us pray for them now.
8 Dear God, as that dear, old, wrinkled-hand man, Brother Coggins, an old veteran of the field, has... laying in the hospital this morning, somewhere, suffering from an attack on his heart. God, that poor old heart's went through much troubles. I pray, God, to help him. Grant it. He like... He loves life like all of us does, and he wants to live. Lord God, grant it. We across the nation pray in Jesus' Name for him, that You'll heal him and bring him out. We believe that You will; he'll be come right to the meeting.
9 We pray for Brother Jackson, his precious daddy laying there near death now, and bring in the world a fine boy like Junior. I--I--I pray, dear God, that You'll heal him. I know it seems impossible. The medics, the doctors, they--they don't know what to do in that kind of a case. But we remember Brother Hall, also, when the very best of the physicians here said, in Louisville, said, "He's just a few hours to live," with cancer in the liver. And he's living today, and that's twenty-five years ago, because of Your grace. So I pray that You'll heal Brother Jackson today, Lord, let Your grace and mercy be with him.
10And all this great pile of handkerchiefs and cloths and things that's placed here in request; You know them all, Father. I pray that You'll grant healing to all of them. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
11 Now start, this morning, I didn't think that I was going to come down, at the first place, last Sunday. And then again, when we announced it, I come down. Brother Neville had me to speak! And then we announced to be down today, and it hasn't been notified out around the country to the peoples. And we got this telephone system now, which is very, very fine. The people can set right in their homes or their... gather in their places, their churches, and so forth, and hear the service. I appreciate that.
12 Now I see laying here, there had been many requests this last week, on what I said last Sunday on the Message. I believe I forget what I titled it now. But I said something about paying your debts. And you know, no matter what you say, it's misunderstood by many. Not 'cause they... they don't want to misunderstand it, but you just simply misunderstand it.
And now someone said, "Should we buy a car?" Or, "What should I..."
Now, that isn't what Jesus spoke of, or the Bible there, that said, "Owe no man nothing." That's lingering debts that you could pay. Pay them. It don't... That's owing no man nothing. It doesn't mean... My, we owe our rent, our telephone bill, we... and whatmore. We--we owe those things, and we pay them. But, an old lingering debt that you could be paying on, pay it off. See? Now, don't go with anything hanging on you like that.
13 I remember a time when I was sick, once when I was a boy. I came out of the hospital owing about two thousand dollars. And used to be a drugstore here, Mr. Swaniger, I owed him about three or four hundred dollars, a medicine bill. He didn't even know me. And the man... I went to him. I didn't know him. And he just send it up there, anyhow, never refused to send it. And I said, "I owe you."And I said... I believe, Swaniger... It was Mr. Mason down on Court Avenue and Spring.
And I said, "I owe you. And I'm--I'm just still awfully weak, but I'm trying to go to work. Now, if I can't pay you..." I just become a Christian. I said, "First thing, Mr. Mason, as my duty to God, I owe Him my tithes. I want to pay Him my tithings, first." And I said, "Then my next duty is pay my debts." I said, "My father is sickly, and he... And we got... There's ten of us children in the family." But I said, "I'll... If I can't pay you no more than twenty-five cents on that bill, each payday; if I can't pay you even the twenty-five cents, I'll come by and tell you about it. I'll tell you, 'I--I--I can't do it this time.'" Now, by the help of God, I paid every bit off. See? But that's what I mean, see? Just don't somebody say...
14 Oh, some Christian here at the church one time went out and got some work done on a car here, and the man come down... The man said, "I'll pay you. I get paid Saturday," or something another. And he never paid him. And weeks after weeks rolled by, and never paid him, never said a word. And--and the man come and asked me, he said... See, it reflects against the church. It reflects against Christ.
You can't pay him, go tell him, say, "I owe you, and I'm going to pay you. I'm a Christian, but I--I just... I can't do it right now, I've got... I owe this." And, remember, it's on God's books too, you know, that you do. So that's... I'm trying to, for myself and for all of us together, try to be ready, for we know we're getting near something, very near of something is going to take place. So we want to be ready. When the Coming of the Lord is drawing so nigh now, we want to be ready for that great hour.
15 Now we want to get ready and speak now on a little subject here that I chose for this morning, by the help of the Lord. And we'll speak just as briefly as we can, because of the hook-up of the people. I hope you all got a... all across the nation, got a fine morning like we have here in Indiana. Nice, cool, fine weather we're having now since the rain. And it's very fine.
16 Now I want to read from the Book of Hebrews, the 1st chapter; and from the Book of Saint John, the 1st chapter. Hebrews 1:1 to 3, and Saint John 1:1, for a text. My subject this morning is a study in the Scriptures. Now let's read Hebrews 1:1.
God, who at sundry times... divers manners spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets,
But in these last days spoken to us by his Son, who he has appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the world;
Who being in the brightness of his glory, and... express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
What a beautiful reading! Now Saint John 1:1.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
17 Now, and my text this morning is: Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word. Now, where I come to the conclusion to talk on this, was because that... Knowing that what we say we mustn't just say because we're gathered together to just haphazardly speak on anything, but it's something that will help stabilize the people, for we are going to pass through dangerous, treacherous waters. We're already sailing through them. And sometimes I guess it's with you like it is with me, that seems like that, so much of it, it's such a scary.
18 I was just talking to a young minister and his wife, in the room, just a few moments ago. And both of them are nervous just like the rest of the world, rest of the human beings on earth. I said, "Remember, Satan's got a punch coming at you." Don't care who you are, God... He's got a right for that one punch. Which had you rather be, that punch; be blind, or be an arthritic setting in a chair, or be nervous? See? He's got somewhere he can punch you. He's got a right to that open place. Now, that's the spot you got to keep covered all the time. And to see this nervous age that we're living in!
19 And last week's tapes, I think, will reveal to you the great hideous things that we're going to speak on one of these days when we can get a place sufficient, of the opening of those last plagues to be poured out upon the earth, those Vials, rather, pouring out of the Vials, and the Seven Thunders, and those hideous sights that's coming upon the earth. Man now, and people today, are in such a neurotic condition; the whole world!
20 You read this last month's Reader's Digest, you'll notice the subject there; it's on Billy Graham, the great evangelist. He got so tired he just couldn't hold his meetings, and he--he went to Mayo's clinic for a physical checkup. There wasn't nothing wrong with him, only he just doesn't do enough work. And they put him to running; physical exercise. He runs a mile every day.
And then the article goes on to say that science has proved that today, that young children, these little boys and girls, "hit their middle age at twenty years old." And by twenty-five, many times, in many cases, girls are out of menopause, at twenty-five years old.
I don't know if you knew it or not, but a few nights ago while the Holy Spirit was speaking here in the meeting, a little girl setting down here, that's exactly what was wrong with that child when it called out. I looked at her the second time, looked again, and I seen what was the matter. I thought, "It can't be; that child is too young." But it was menopause, about twenty years old, twenty-three, something like that. See?
21 My mother and your mother struck that age about forty-five to fifty. My wife struck that age about thirty-five. Now it's down to twenty. The whole human race is rotten. Well, if them physical beings of our body is tearing down like that from eating hybrid foods, tensions, that rotten it, does not that also rot the brain cell? Then we can see how women can get on the street, naked. We can see how they can speed through the--the streets at a hundred and twenty miles an hour, all these things. It's come to a place where the whole nation, the whole world, not only this nation, but everywhere, mentally gone.
22 And then when we open up those, the Lord willing, on those Seven Vials and show those hideous things. Men will be so insane, after a while, till they'll imagine they're seeing ants the size of a mountain. It'll be tormenting women; be locusts come upon the earth, with long hair, to torment women who cut theirs off; hair like women, hanging down; and long teeth, like a lion; stingers in their tail, like a scorpion, and--and so forth, to torment men upon the earth. But then it'll be too late to do anything about it. You get right now. Tormenting!
23 And last Sunday when we was going into those cycles, about how that the five senses on the outer realm. That's the inlet, five senses to the body. There's only one way you can get into the body, that's by those five senses: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. There's no other way to contact the--the body.
24On the inside of that man is a man called spirit, and he has five senses: think, thought... and thought, and love, and conscience, and so forth. All right.
25Now, you can't think with your body. You think with your mind. And in there is where too many, of Christians, only stop. And they can, just like the corn in the field and the weed in the field, they can be anointed with the same Holy Spirit that the real believer is anointed with.
But down on the inside of that, next realm, the third realm, is the soul; and that's predestinated by God. There is where the real seed-germ lays, is in there.
26And, remember, if I'd take a cocklebur and cut it open, draft into it the heart of a--of a wheat and put it there, bury it, it would bring forth a wheat out of the cocklebur; no matter what the outside is, what the emotions.
27 Today, so confused about the evidence of the Holy Ghost, and so forth. Satan can impersonate any kind of a gift that God has got, but he cannot bring that Word, Word by Word. That's where he failed in the garden of Eden. That's where he's always failed. That's where them, the tape on "false, anointed ones," or anointed ones; they can be anointed with the Spirit, speak in tongues, dance, shout, preach the Gospel, and still a devil.
It's the inside! Now remember, Jesus said, "All the Father has given Me will come to Me. No man can come except My Father draws him first."
Now, we taken through the lesson, to show that in... You were in your great-great-great-grandfather, all the way back, physically speaking. Then, that's what you are in physical being, nature. Sometimes a child will be born in a family, red-headed. It astonishes the father, 'cause there's nobody he knows, of his people, red-headed, or the mother's. But if you'll go way back to several generations, you'll find out somebody was red-headed. That seed keeps coming on down, and you come the nature of one from way back.
Like as Hebrews the 7th chapter said, that, "Melchisedec, Abraham paid tithes to Him when he was returning from the slaughter of the kings. And Levi, who received tithes, paid tithes," for he was in the loins of Melchisedec at... or, "the loins of Abraham," rather, when he met Melchisedec.
28 Now the same thing is this. If you are a son of God, and if I am a son of God, or a daughter of God, we were in God at the beginning. And when Jesus became the fullness of the Word, then we were in Him, germ form. When He was crucified, we was crucified in His body. When He arose from the dead, we rose with Him. And now, since we have recognized it, "now we set together with Him, in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus." See? For He... We, if we are sons and daughters of God, we are God's children, then we are attributes of God. Then we were... got Eternal Life. And God is the only Eternal Life there is. Then, we were in Him from the beginning. And when Jesus became all that Word, then we were a part of Him then. Amen! There you are. When that's in there, there is no devil, no powers, no nothing can ever move it. That's the tie post of the soul.
29You can be anointed out here, in this spirit, and desire, and do all these other things. But when it comes to this tie post to that Word, you'll never move from there. It'll hold right steady and true, to that Word, as it can be. Outside of that, regardless of what you do, you're still lost.
30 That Laodicean Church Age, "naked, blind, miserable; don't even know it." See, it's out... It's that anointed, anointed with the real Spirit. See, that Holy Spirit can fall upon a man, in his spirit. But his soul is his germ; that germ is the Word. See? And how... I don't care how much you can preach, how well you do this, and how much you love; that's one of the inlets to spirit. You can't love with your body; you love with your spirit. That's one of the inlets. And you can love, and even love God, and still not be right. You can cast out devils, and preach, and do these things; still not be right. Jesus said so, said many would come in that day. That Word settles it!
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us,...
31 Notice, I'm going to speak on this subject of the Bible, of, Christ Revealed In His Own Word. Where I drawed this conclusion, was in my room.
Some dear person, may be setting here this morning... I got a picture hanging in my study up there, that's a picture of Hofmann's Head of Christ, wrote in the Beatitudes. And right where you would come to place like you need a part of the hair, they pressed a little harder on the pen as you pass that part. There, there He is, setting in His Word, looking right out; Christ in the Beatitudes. Someone, ever who it was, I thank you for it.
And somebody brought that picture and put it in my study there, of Elijah going up in a chariot of fire. We appreciate these things. Many times, big crowds, I just don't get a chance to speak and say these things, but I see it, brother, sister. I--I know it, and God knows it.
32Now I'm going to speak on this subject of: Christ Revealed In His Own Word. How, in the Beatitudes, there stands a picture of Christ, standing right out, like. That's where I thought of this subject. Now, Christ and the Word is the same. See?
33 They say, "How was the Bible...?" People says. I was riding with a man not long ago. He said, "Think of it. We here on this earth, the way we are, and we only know or can only say that we're saved by some Jewish fable called the Bible."
34I said, "Sir, I don't know how you say that, but I don't believe it's a Jewish fable," I said.
He said, "Well, you pray, what do you pray to? I asked for so-and-so and certain things; I didn't get it."
35 I said, "You pray wrong. We should never pray to change God's mind; we should pray to change our mind. God's mind don't need any changing. See? See, it's right." I said, "Not what you prayed for..."
I know a young Catholic boy, one time, was had a prayer book, saying prayers, and for his mother to live. And she died, and he throwed the prayer book in the fire. Well, see, I don't go for the prayer book; but, anyhow, see, you take the wrong attitude. You're trying to tell God what to do.
Prayer should be, "Lord, change me to fit Your Word." Not, "Change," not, "let me change Your mind. You change my mind." See? "You change my mind to Your will. And Your will is written here in the Book. And, Lord, don't--don't let me go till You got my--my mind set just like Your mind. And then when my mind is set like Your mind, then I'll believe every Word You wrote. And You said, in there, You'd make 'everything work together for good' to them that loves You. And I love You, Lord. It's all working together for the good."
36 I been this week down in the country, staying with some very dear friends. I asked some of them at the table, yesterday, when we was eating. We always set around and have a little... like a little study on the Bible. We was talking about love.
And there was a certain person said to me, he said, "I believe you're an antichrist."
37I said, "If that would be pleasing to my Lord, that's what I want to be. I want to be whatever He wants me to be. I love Him. And if He should cast me into hell, I still will love Him, if I go with the same spirit I have now." He looked at me kind of strange.
I seen four or five of them there, young men; young wives, fine women. I knowed how them boys loved their wives, so I said to them, I said, "Here is the way to test it. If your wife, before you were married... Now, you go back, say you... this married life, you been dreaming you were married; you really wasn't married, but you dreamed you were. And you woke up, and you went and talked it over with your girlfriend, and said, 'You know, I dreamed that we were married, and we had children. We living happy, and--and waiting for the Coming of the Lord, and everything.' And then this girl would say to you, 'You know, I love another man better than I love you. I could be happier with the other man.' Could you, from your heart, love her well enough to say, 'God's blessings rest upon you, my dear. Go with this other man'?"
Now, now check that, each of you men or you women. See? Well, if your love is correct, you would do that, for you are interested in her welfare. What, you know you could have her, you can live with her, you... She's your wife; she will be. She'll marry you, but she won't be happy. She would be happier... And then, if you love her, then you want her to be happy.
Therefore, whatever the will of God is, let God's will be done, whether I'm happy with it or not. I want to live so He will be pleased with what I do. Therefore check your--your objective and your motive by that; you know whether you love God or not.
What if He'd say, "You serve Me if I'm going to cast you away?"
"I love You, anyhow."
38 Therefore, if the churches would see that and could believe it in that manner, it wouldn't be one trying to jerk the football away from the other fellow when he's running with it. He would be protecting that one. See? When, real true motive and objective, wouldn't be one trying to say, "Hey, I got this too! I, this is me, this." See, God can't use a man. There is so much impersonation follows it, and that's Satan. And the people can't realize that. They're trying to take the ball from somebody that's been give it. Let God raise up a certain ministry and watch how many goes after it. See? See?
39 Now, genuine love for God, "No matter what part I am, Lord, if I can only say a word for It, help protect It, let me do that." See?
That's the same thing would be about your wife. If you really love her, see, it's not a--it's not a--a phileo love; it's an Agapao love, a genuine love. She could live with somebody else, happier; you're not married now, course, you can't.
40 And, by the way, people listening to these tapes. Some, so many, sends in, said, "Why, in the Marriage And Divorce, you said this and you said that." I said that so many times; these tapes goes only... I'm speaking to my congregation, brother. I'm not responsible for what God give you to shepherd; I'm responsible for what kind of Food I feed these people. This is for this tabernacle only. See? Now, if the people want to listen to the tapes, that's up to them. But I'm speaking to what God has give to me. It was their sins that was omitted.
Someone wrote out, and said, "Well, I done this and I done that. You said our sins..." I--I didn't say that.
I said, "See it to this; this is only to this people right here, the people here in the tabernacle, my own flock." Now, if people wants to hybreed food and stuff out there, you--you get the revelation from God and do what God tells you to do. I'll do the same thing. But these Messages are to this church.
41 Notice now, we come back, we've got to have something another that we have to hold onto. Something has to be a tie post, in other words, it's an ultimate. And everyone must have an ultimate or an absolute. I preached on it one time, years ago, on an absolute, a place that's the last word.
42Like the umpire at a ball game, if he says it's a strike, that's just exactly what it is. No matter how you seen it, the umpire said it's a strike. You said, "I--I--I... It wasn't a strike. It went... I seen the..." No matter what it is, when he said, "strike," that's it, that settle just what. He, he is the ultimate.
43And the traffic light is an ultimate, if it says, "go." You say, "Well, I, I'm in a hurry, I got..." No, no. It says, "You stand still while the other fellow goes." See? It's the ultimate.
44 Now, there's got to be an ultimate to everything you do. There had to be an ultimate when you chose your wife. There had to be a woman you had to select.
45Now, there has to be a time where, when you're going to buy a car, what kind of an ultimate you're going to make. Will it be Ford, Chevy, Plymouth, foreign car, whatever it is, you got to have an ultimate.
And so is it with Christian living. There has got to be an ultimate.
46 Now, if a man said, went to another man and said... heard somebody say, "Well, you should be baptized," and this fellow never... Maybe, his, some church that didn't baptize, they just sprinkled. I think, say for instance, the Methodist, they do baptize if it's requested, I understand. Or maybe the... A Catholic, I think they sprinkle only. So then if--if a man heard something about being "immersed in the water," well, he didn't understand that; he was raised Catholic. So he goes up to the priest, and said, "Father, I understand that we're supposed to be baptized by immersing. What does our church say about that?"
47"Why, it says that--that we're to be sprinkled." If that church is his ultimate, that settles it. All strife is over; the church said so, and that's all.
48 What if the... if a Baptist brother heard us say that we believe in being baptized by "immersing"? He'd say, "I believe that."
"And in the Name of 'Jesus Christ.'"
Now, this--this member of the church goes back to the pastor and says, "Pastor, I heard a fellow say to me that we should be baptized by immersing, all right, but in the Name of 'Jesus Christ.'"
49"Well," he'd say, "now, let us see. Why, here the book says that we're to be baptized using 'Father, Son, Holy Ghost.'" If that church is the ultimate, that settles it. He don't care about what anything else says; that's his ultimate.
50 Well, every denomination is an ultimate to their believers.
But, to me, and to the ones that I hope that I'm leading to Christ, and by Christ, the Bible is our ultimate. No matter... Cause, God said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine Truth." And I believe that the Bible is God's ultimate. No matter what anyone else says; It's the ultimate.
The Bible is not a book of systems. No, sir. It is not a book of systems, nor a code of morals. The Bible is not a book of systems, so many systems, and so forth. No, sir. It is not a book of morals. No, sir. It is not. Nor is It a book of history, altogether. Or, neither is It a book of theology. For, It is the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Now if you'd like to read that, you who have your papers, marking it down, that's Revelations 1:1 to 3, as, the Bible is "the Revelation of Jesus Christ."
51 Let us just read it while we got time. I believe my... haven't got too many notes here to speak from. If the Lord tarries, why, we'll try to get from them.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him, to show to his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signify it by his angel to his servant John:
Who bare record of the word of God, and... the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the word of this prophecy, and keep the things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
52 So, the Bible is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ. And It was wrote by prophets. Hebrews 1:1, in... "God, Who in sundry times spake to the fathers by the prophets, in this last day speaks to us through His Son, Jesus Christ," which was the prophets, all of them, put together. Jesus was Malachi; Jesus was Jeremiah, Isaiah, Elijah. All that they were, were in Him. And all that you are, and all I am, is in Him; Words, witnesses of the Word.
So It is not a book of systems, a code of moral ethics, neither is It a history book, or a book of theology. It is not. But It's a revelation of Jesus Christ, God Himself revealed, from Word to flesh. That's what It is. The Bible is the Word, and God is the flesh, God in... God is the Word, rather, and Jesus being the flesh. It's the revelation, how God (the Word) was manifested in human flesh, and revealed to us. And that's why He becomes a Son of God; He is a part of God. You understand? Now, He is not... The body is part of God, so much that it's a Son.
53 A Son, as the Catholic puts it, "Eternal Son," and all the rest of the churches; the word don't even make sense. See? There cannot be Eternal, and then be a Son, 'cause a Son is something that's "begotten from." And the word Eternal, He cannot be an Eter-... He can be a Son, but He cannot be an Eternal Son. No, sir. It cannot be an Eternal Son.
54Now, but He is the Son, so much, that all the Word that was in Jeremiah, in Moses, and all those Words, like He said, "They speak of Me." All that true Divine revelation of Word was wound up into one human body, and God put flesh around It. That's the reason He was called "Son," reason He refers, "Father." Why, it's just as simple, if you just let God pour it down into your mind. See? God revealed in a body of flesh, notice, revealed from flesh... or from Word unto flesh. That's Saint John 1:14, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us."
55 Now notice this Bible. Some of them said, "Oh, well, It's done this, It's done that." But let me tell you something, let's just...
Let's go into the history of the Bible, just a minute, see where It come from. It was written by forty different writers. Forty men wrote the Bible, over a space of sixteen hundred years apart, and at different times, predicting the most important events that ever happened in world's history, and, many times, hundreds of years before it happened. And there is not one error in the entire sixty-six Books. Oh, my! No author but God Himself could be so accurate. Not one Word contradicts the other.
Remember, sixteen hundred years apart, the Bible was wrote, from Moses to--to the death of--of John at the isle, or the Isle of Patmos. Sixteen hundred years, and was wrote by forty different authors; one didn't even know the other one, and they never had It as "the Word." Some of them never even seen "the Word." But when they wrote It, and was understood to be prophets, then, when they put their prophecies together, each one of them dovetailed one to the other.
56 Look at Peter, who announced on the Day of Pentecost, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins."
Paul had never heard nothing about It. He went down to Arabia for three years, to study the Old Testament, to see Who this Pillar of Fire was that spoke to him on the road, saying, "Saul, why persecutest thou Me?" How could he be wrong? He never even consulted the church at all.
And fourteen years later, when he met Peter, they was preaching the same thing, Word by Word. That's our Bible. Let other man's words fail. This, no man can add to It. You don't add no more to the Bible. No, sir. This is the complete Revelation. It's all.
57 Like the Seven Seals. "The Seven Seals," someone kept saying to me, "now you'll... The Lord will speak to you, Brother Branham, when these Seals are revealed, and will tell us how to get closer to God, and how to do it."
58I said, "No, sir, it can't be. Because, the Bible, the Seven Seals on It had the seven mysteries hid. It was already wrote, but they didn't understand what It was."
Watch how they plowed along with that, being baptized in "Jesus" Name; see, that wasn't it. The Name of the "Lord Jesus Christ"! See all those things, how it was. Cause, there's many Jesuses; I got several friends here on earth named "Jesus," minister friends. It isn't that. It's our "Lord Jesus Christ."
No author but God could be so correct. Now let's just see how this Bible was written.
59 Now, say for instance, from... What if we went now and took sixty-six medical books that deals with the body, wrote by forty different medical schools, a hundred and sixteen... or sixteen hundred years apart? Wonder what kind of continuity we'd come up with?
When, George Washington, our president, about two hundred years ago, for pneumonia, they pulled his toenail out and bled him a pint. What if we took...
60Let's go a little further, on some things that we so attracted to today, that's science. What if we took forty different science, from sixteen hundred years apart, and see what we'd come up with? A French scientist, three hundred years ago, proved by science, by rolling a ball, that, if any terrific speed was obtained over thirty miles an hour, the object would leave the earth and fall off. Do you think science would ever refer back to that? Is any continuity with that now, when they drive down the street, on the road here, a hundred and fifty miles an hour? See? But he scientifically proved that, by the pressure of the ball rolling across the ground, that at thirty miles an hour, that, any object would lift up off the earth and go away, it'd fall off into space. No, there's no continuity to that.
61 But not one Word in the Bible contradicts the other. Not one prophet ever contradicted the other one. They was, every one, perfect. And when one come in and did prophesy, and that real prophet raised up and called him down, then it was made manifest. See? See? So the Bible is the Word of God, to all true believers.
62 Now, you couldn't get no accuracy in what doctors would agree upon. You can't even get accuracy of them now. You can't get accuracy in science now.
Now, you know, sometime ago, they told us that the... that, "When the Bible said that 'he saw four Angels standing on the four corners of the earth,' that that couldn't be. The earth was round." But the Bible said, "four corners." Well, now you seen, two weeks ago, or three weeks ago, it's been now, the papers packing this article, they found out that the world is square. How many seen that? Why, sure. See? I got it all copied off, just waiting for somebody to say something.
63 And they're going to find out, someday, that they're not seeing a hundred and fifty million years of light space either. They're going right around in a circle. That's exactly.
You're going to find out, one of these days, that when you go to Heaven, you don't fly off somewhere else. You're still right here, too, just in another dimension faster than this.
Right through this room is coming color. Every color, shirt, dress, whatever you got on, is Eternal, laying right on records, going around and around the world. Every time you bat your eyes, it's right on record. Watch, television will prove that.
64 When you are born, God sets a record on. It don't make... Put a record on, it don't make much noise for a little while, you know. That's the little baby, till it comes to accountability; then the noise starts, he starts saying things and doing things he has to answer for. And then when that life ends, that record or tape is took off and laid in the--in the great big library of God. Now, how you going to get around it at the Judgment Bar? It's played right back in front of you, every move you made, every thought that went through your mind. Can you see that? Now can you see where God...
65 Standing here, other night, there been a man on the platform, tall, bald-headed man, real handsome-looking fellow, strong. And he went out... The Lord had told him a whole lot of things about his family and what he should do. And he went out and set down. In a few minutes, here come before me another man like that, but he had his head down. I couldn't make out, and I looked at the man again out there; and he... Wasn't him, because it was something else. And this man, I couldn't find it. Looked around, nobody behind, me. I said, "The man is setting inside of those curtains there." And it was our... a brother that comes to church here, tall, bald-headed, handsome sort of a fellow setting up there like that. And he had his head hung over, praying, because he was just about to die with stomach trouble.
He was going to get a pair of shoes. His wife wanted him to get a new pair of shoes. He said, "No, I don't have to get it, 'cause I ain't going to live to wear them."
He was dying. And setting there, you see, in that dimension, hallelujah, God just moved over in there and said, "There he sets," just the position he was in. See what I mean?
66 Now notice, and there is not any error in the Scriptures. Jesus, the Word of God, perceives the thought that's in the heart. "The Word of God is stronger, sharper," Hebrews 4:12. "The Word of God is sharper, more powerful than a two-edged sword, even a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the mind." See? Goes way down into the mind, and pulls out, and discerns. What is discern? "Make known, reveal out." And that's what the Word of God does.
Today we say, "The Catholic church is the Word of God; the Baptists, the Methodists, the Pentecostal, the tabernacle." That's wrong. The Word is the revelation; God, revealed by the Word.
67 No, we could have got... get any continuity amongst medics, amongst scientists, different ones.
If Einstein had only had the spiritual application, as he had the--the physical application, as he studied the laws of light, and so forth, he could have told us something. When I heard his message on that great center somewhere into the skies, that, "Ever contacted with that center, you could create earths, do anything, and the power would be unlimited." See? He had seen that.
68 You see these little pockets going through the air, they call "saucers," so forth. People so... That, well, we better leave that alone. "Hear all these people come up missing?" you say. Don't hear from them; they're standing there, and they're not there.
That's the way the Rapture is going to be. One of them will drop right down, and this terrestrial body will take on a celestial body. And they'll be... hide, hair, or bones left; it'll be transformed in a moment of time, dropping right out of space and taking Home that. We see all this going on now, and the--and the Pentagon wondering about these lights, and mystic lights, and everything they're seeing in the--in the sky. You seen they had one here in the paper at Jeffersonville this week, and so forth, "a mystic light." So, oh, they don't know what that is. But listen, little children, It's going to pick you up, one of these days. See? See? Don't worry.
Remember, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom."
69 What happened just before Sodom? God came down with some Angels, and they had an investigation judgment. Said, "I've heard the cry, that it's so sinful, so great, so I've come down to find out whether it's altogether the truth or not." That right? Watch that main One that stayed with Abraham, could discern the thoughts was in Sarah's heart, behind Him.
Now, you look around just a little bit and notice, see, watch what It's doing, the same thing today. It's an investigation judgment.
Why, after a while, the Church, when It can stay in that place, and every seed has been brought to its spot, they'll be gone. They won't know what happened to them. One will be going one way. See? One will be going over to the pastor's house, and one will be going here, or down there, and, the first thing you know, they're not there. For Enoch which was the type, "God took him, and he was found not." Come down to investigate! The continuity, how the Enoch translation, a type of Israel being carried over in the ark.
70 So perfect, the Word of God is so perfect, even to the Old and New Testament, is two halves and one whole. That's right. Old Testament is half of It, and New Testament is half of It; put It together, you got the whole revelation of Jesus Christ. There is the prophets speaking, and here He is in Person; see, two halves and one whole. Now we don't want to take too much...
71 Now, remember, the Old Testament is not complete without the New. And the New could not be complete without the Old. That's the reason I said two halves, one whole. For, the prophets said, "He'll be here! He'll be here! He'll be here; they'll do this to Him. They'll do this to Him!" And here He is, "He was here! He was here, and they did this to Him, and they did this to Him." I just preached on that a few nights ago.
72 Now, in order to study the Scripture, Paul told Timothy, "Study It, rightly dividing the Word of God, which is Truth."
Them is three musts in the Scripture. In using God's Word, there is three things that you must not do. Now let's study those for the next ten minutes; three things that you must not do. And all out in the land, wherever you are, across the nation, be sure to put these down in your mind if you haven't got a pencil. You must not do these things. We tell you all the time how you must do, now I'm going to tell you what you must not do.
73Now, you must not misinterpret the Word. You say, "Well, I believe It means this." It means just what It says. It needs no interpreter. And you must not misplace the Word. And you must not dislocate the Word. And if we would do either of these, it throws the whole Bible in a confusion and in a chaos.
74 Notice. To misinterpret Jesus, in the form of God in a man, you would make Him--you would make Him one God out of three. To misinterpret Jesus Christ being the Word, you would make Him one God out of three, or you would make Him the second Person in a Godhead. And to do that, you would mess the whole Scripture up. You'd never get nowhere. So It must not be misinterpreted.
75And if you say that a certain thing, you put an interpretation on It, and you apply It to another time; or It's been applied to another time, you also make an incorrect interpreting.
76 If anybody misinterpret Jesus Christ in the Bible, of not being God Himself, make Him the second Person, or one God out of three, this would upset every Word in the entire Bible. It would break the first commandment, "Thou shalt not have any other god before Me." All right. It would make the whole Christian race a bunch of pagan worshippers worshipping three different gods. See what kind of a Bible you'd have? Then it'd make us what the Jews say we are. Said, "Which one of them gods is your God?" See? So, you see, you can't... You mustn't misinterpret the Bible.
For, Jesus Himself is the interpretation of the Bible, when He's made manifest in the age that the part of His Body is being made manifest. If it's a hand age, it must be a hand; it can't be a head age. If it's a voice age, well, then, it can't be a foot age. See? And now we're at the eye age. And now the next, is Him Hisself, to come. Seeing; prophetic!
77 See, down through the age, we started off from the foundation, from the first church age; when the Seed went in the ground, the complete Seed. Then it come out through the feet, Luther; come back out then through Wesley; then in to Pentecostals, the tongues, in the lips, see; now it's in the eyes, prophetic, of Malachi 4, and so forth. And now there's nothing else left for it to come but Him Himself to step into that, 'cause that's the last thing there is.
The next is the intelligence, and we have no intelligence of our own; it's His. We have no sight of our own. How can a man foresee those things? He can't do it. It's God Himself. See, it's--it's becoming to a place. And He's governed the body all the way through, then the complete Body of Christ is revealed in the form of a Bride that was taken out of His side, like Adam did at the beginning... like Adam's was, rather, at the beginning.
78 Yes, "god," this would set the whole Bible in a confusion, break the first commandment, and make a god, a pagan god of three. It would just--it would just ruin the whole picture of the Bible. So you must not misinterpret the Bible. Now, that's just one thing.
79When, every Scripture in the Bible has the same application, you've got to set It in Its place. And to misplace It, you might make Him God in one age, and--and the next age you'd make Him a history, to misplace It. So you mustn't misplace the Scripture. He is God all the time. If you made Him today a God of history, what was back yonder, and He isn't the same today, what are you going to do with Hebrews 13:8? See, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever."
80Now, so see what this would do, and what it has done. It's already done it, make Him deny His Own Word, to misplace the Scriptures.
81 To dislocate the Scriptures, you might put His body together wrong, the foot where the head should be, or something. Just the same as a... Other words, you might have Jesus teaching Moses' message. You might have... or even Wesley teaching Luther's age. You might have now, our age, teaching Pentecost, the Pentecostal message. You see what a mess It would be in? Pentecost has already showed its colors. Luther has already showed his, went off into denomination. It died right there. The age struck; there it went.
82Notice, just as soon as it was organized, it died. Now, just see if that isn't right. Look back through the pages of history. Every time it organized, it died right there; there never was no more to it. It become a--a worshiper of the god of this world, and went off into organisms, and organizations, and denominations, and illusions. A bunch of Rickys got into there and put their own objections into it, or injected their own thoughts, rather, into it. And what did it happen? It become a mess. Going to head up in the god of this world, where they'll throne Satan himself, thinking that they're having a great world leader to bring them peace.
83 I told you the other day, I'll say it again, that even civilization itself today is absolutely contrary to God. Civilization is contrary to God. Education is a million miles from Him; science is a million miles. Science and education is trying to disprove God, see, through theological seminaries and schools, and rooms of science, and so forth. They've had their shake.
How about the vision the other night, of the man when he screamed to those scientists down there pouring that stuff in like that? They just turned and looked up, and went on. There'll be one more ride.
84 Notice, oh, these three musts must be. Now, you cannot... Jesus didn't come preaching Noah's message. He didn't come preaching Moses' message. Or, Moses didn't come preaching... See, don't mislocate the Scripture. It's got to be in the time. Now, you cannot apply... When that great man, John Wesley, come out, or...
The great man, Luther, when Luther came out with his message of justification. Now when that was a... Luther was a great man. He called the church out of darkness, and he set justification by faith. And when he did it, they built a organization on top of it, and it died. The Life traveled, like it is in a stalk of wheat, right out into the Wesley age, to the tassel. Out of Luther come other leaves, that died with it, which was Zwingli, and Calvin, and all the rest that come out from that great reformation.
85 Then along came Wesley, another age had bloomed out into a tassel. Wesley, and Atterbury, and all those, and--and John and his brother, and all of them, great men of God with a message, just swept the country. They organized it; it died.
Then it come out looking just exactly like she was going to put forth the grain now, and, come to find out, it was a shuck, Pentecost.
But back in behind all of it, come a little bud.
And you notice, usually... I think, in about three or four years after Luther was on the field, that the Lutheran church was organized. Just a short time after Wesley was on the field, it was organized.
86 Tucson, we've had a--a program of how the Wesley church, or Methodist church, come into existence. And when they come to America here, many of them had come back and said they had set up a--a charter and so forth, from England, to bring it over here, and how it was all dramatized out. I seen right then what happened. There she died.
87Well, out come the Pentecostal, them old shouters back in the long days ago, got the gift of speaking in tongues, and started off with speaking in tongues. Then they named it, "the evidence of the Holy Ghost." Then they organized. One said he's going to do this, and the other that, and they had issues and issues. What'd it do? Each one of them leaves just unfolded, just like it did in the stalk and like it did on the tassel. They had the oneness, twoness, threeness, and the church of God, and all these others; just unfolded, unfolded, unfolded.
But now, according to nature, which is a perfect example, you'll never be anything to educate It out of it.
88 A family, of friends of mine down in Kentucky, just had a little--little baby born the other day, and the mother was up when they was cooking our dinner. And she was helping the other sister cook dinner for a bunch of us men that had been out hunting. And so the baby got to crying, and I was talking. I think the mother felt a little embarrassed, so she runs and gets the baby, and--and starts to--to feed the little fellow. I said, "You know, that's just nature." See? Now, you can't...
They have never found any better way for a baby to get what it wants than to cry for it. Now, you might give it a--a book of ethics, and set down here and say, "I want to teach you theology, son. Now, don't you go to squalling around here like other kids; you're different. Now, when you want to be fed, you ring this little bell over here." Just don't work. No, it just don't work.
89 So, when you watch nature, now we see where every age, and directly designed it out that we're in the last age. The shuck has pulled away. And we've had fifteen years, nearly twenty now, years, of the Message sweeping across from nation to nation, and this morning hooked-up across this nation, see, and no organization. It can't organize. There has nothing ever been like it, or will be hereafter. See?
The--the thing that's the matter with the Message today, is, those who obtain It in their hearts must lay in the Presence of the Son, to get ripened. See? You can pick up the Message, and then let the Son bake all the greenness out of you, see, making matured Christians. See what I mean? God is coming soon, to receive His Church, and we must have that type of Christians for Him to receive. The--the wheat has got to get ripe. All right.
90 These three musts must be. Must not misinterpret, or mishandle It, misinterpret It, or mis-... or dislocate It. It must be kept just exactly the way God said it was.
To the world, It's a Book of mystery. The people believe It's just a mysterious Book. One time I was talking to a very famous man here in the city, that holds a great standing of Christianity, and he said, "I tried to read the Book of Revelations one night." Said, "John must have had a big bait of hot pepper and had a nightmare." See, a Book of mystery.
91 But, while to the true believer, It's the revelation of God being revealed in the age we're living in. He said, "My words are Spirit and Life." Jesus said that. Again, "The Word is a Seed that a sower sowed." We know that that's true. It's God in Word form, and can only be interpreted by Himself.
The human mind is not capable to interpret the mind of God. How can the little--little finite mind interpret the infinite Mind, when we can't even interpret one another's mind?
92And you notice, He is the only One can interpret It, and He interprets It to whom He will. It didn't say, "Mortals of old, as they strode across the earth in sundry times and divers manner." "God, in sundry times and divers manner revealed Himself to His prophets." See?
93 And, notice, "To whom He will reveal It." And He so designed that He can hide Himself in the Scripture, to the smartest theologian there is. Oh, my! He can just hide Himself, set right there in the Scripture, and you look all day long and never see it; look a lifetime, and never see it. He can just hide Himself, setting there.
94Now, please, everywhere, let that soak in. That, God, in the Word, can hide Himself so in the Word, that there isn't a theologian or a school in the world could ever find Him, and yet He's setting right there.
You say, "Is that right, Brother Branham?"
How about the Pharisees and Sadducees? How about in every age? He's done it. Sure. He's done so in every age. Now we could check that. Let's think about the days of Noah; smart, intellectual age, how He hid Hisself in His promised Word. In the days of Moses, how He hid Hisself. In the days of Elijah, how He hid Hisself. In the days of Jesus, how He hid Hisself. "He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came to His Own; His Own received Him not." See?
95 He hides Himself from the smartest, intellectual man there is on the earth. You say, "Well, this is Dr. Holy Father So-and-so." I don't care who he is, God hides Himself from him; and will reveal it to babies such as will learn, see, babies of God, predestinated seed.
96Think. The Mighty God, setting in His Own Words, blinding the smart, educated people of this present age, and they don't see it. They think it's just a bunch of fanaticism. Look at Him standing there hiding, to Pentecostals, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterian. Reveal Himself right out publicly, and showing all kinds of things, even putting it in the papers, and things like that, yet they don't see it. Oh, our God, how great, revealing Himself to whomever He will.
97"Oh," you say, "Brother Jones or Brother So-and-so, he's--he's a great man. He'll see It." Oh, no. He reveals It to whom He will. Say, "My wife don't see It, and she's a Christian woman." He reveals Himself to whom He will. "Well, my pastor is a great man." That's right, but He reveals Himself to whom He will. Now, check with what's been revealed, to what's happening, then you'll... you can quite understand.
98 Now we notice then, it makes It a Book of God and not a book of man. If It was of man... Now let us look how It would express Itself. Look how It exposes sin of the men who wrote It, notice, the men who--who lived in Its day.
Abraham, for instance, he's called "the father of the faithful." Notice how that... Do you think Abraham would've wrote this Book on himself, of his own cowardliness? How you think he would've wrote that he lied to the king that morning, and said that was his sister, when it was his wife? Would it write of his cowardly deeds that he done? Sure, he'd never done that.
99How about Jacob in his deceit? A little deceiver that Jacob was. Would a--a--a man, a Hebrew writing of his Hebrew brother, that in him that all of Israel was called, would he dare to write the deceit of the very father of the whole nation? In Jacob, come forth the patriarchs; from the patriarchs, come forth the tribes. And the foundation stone of all of it, the Bible exposes him as a deceiver. Is that right? You think man would've wrote that? No, sir.
100 How about a man writing of the greatest king they ever had here on earth, as crowned king; David, in his committing adultery? Would those Jews ever wrote of their most noble king being an adulterous?
Oh, we have history, like, "George Washington never told a lie," and things like that. We say, call that history.
But this is a man, a Bible that calls David an "adulterous," and he was. The king of Israel, an adulterous who was to be the son... Jesus to be the Son of David. The very Headstone; and His father, according to flesh, was an adulterous. Jews would never wrote a Book like that. Would man write this of his own self? Certainly not.
101 How would that proud nation of Israel? You know how proud they were. Proud nation of Israel, went and wrote about their own idolatry, wrote about their rebellion against their God, wrote against the dirty, filthy things that they did, and wrote out in a book? They'd have sure hid that. They'd have just showed the good things. But, this Bible, that tells what's right and what's wrong. It's, anyone knows that the Jews would've never wrote a Book like that, about their own uncleanness, and idolatry, and failure, and everything they had. They'd have never wrote that. Oh, no.
Then, Who wrote It? The Bible said, in Hebrews 1:1, "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the prophets." Then, it wasn't the prophets, it wasn't mortal. "God!" Not "prophets in sundry time." But, "God, in sundry time, divers manners spoke to the fathers through the prophets."
I got a Scripture wrote down here. I don't know what It is; I can't refer to It. Usually, when these things I'm referring to them, I'm looking at a Scripture. I'm going to look it up just for a minute, if you'll excuse me. It's Second Timothy 3:16. I--I--I thought I would remember that, but I'm sorry. I'll just stop a minute to find out what it is.
102 "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the prophets."
Now Second Timothy 3, 3:16. Let's see what it says in 3:16.
All scripture (yeah) is given by inspiration of (Prophets? No.)... inspiration of (What?) God, and is profitable for doctrine, and reproof, and correction, and instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may stand perfect, throughly furnished in all good works.
103All right, then, all Scripture is wrote by inspiration. Jesus, here on the earth, said that heavens and earth would pass away, but His Word wouldn't. He said all Scripture must be fulfilled. So then the Book is not a book of man's writings. It's the Books of God's writings.
104 Now, we know God chose by predestination His Church, His place, His prophets, and all about it. By foreknowledge, He predestinated His prophet. And when the age arrived, He had His prophet arrive at the same time, and inspired him as He wrote the Bible by him. Now, God wrote the Bible only using the prophet, because that's His way of doing it. So, see, it is not the word... So, see, It is the Word of God, and not the word of man.
105 God is a Person. God can speak. God can talk. God can write. He didn't have to do it that way, but that's the way He--He chose to do it. He didn't have to do it that way, but He chose to do it that way. Now you say, "God wrote with His finger, His Own majestic finger, the ten commandments. So God could write, Hisself, if He wanted to." See? But He--He chose to write It through prophets, see. Because it was His attributes, His Word, He expressed through them, making all a part, or a part of Him. See? He could write with His finger. He also took His finger and wrote on the walls of Babylon, "Thou are weighed in the balance and found wanting." He wrote with His Own finger.
106 God can talk. Do you believe God can talk? He talked to Moses on the mount, in a burning bush. You believe that? Yes, sir. He talked to John, in the form of a dove, (you believe that?) that, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." He talked to him. He spoke to Jesus on Mount Transfiguration, before Peter, James, and John. He can talk. He's not a mute. God can talk. So He spoke to--to Jesus on Mount Transfiguration. And He spoke to Jesus before a whole multitude of people; when, the people said it thundered, but it was God speaking to Jesus. And almost all of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, is Jesus speaking. He is God. So, God can talk.
107 Took His Own fingers and wrote on the sand, one day. He spoke, He preached, He prophesied, with His Own lips, God did, when He was made flesh and dwelled among us, "God manifested in flesh." If He can write, speak, can't He also tell others what to do? Certainly can. He can talk to them, in a human voice. He can write and show them what to do. He has done it.
So, "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the prophets." And He said, on this Writing, that, "Not one jot or tittle shall ever pass away until It's fulfilled," and then It's manifested; then It will pass, because It's manifested. It can't pass then, but just the Word Itself is made flesh. Jot means "small word." Tittle means "small mark." Not even one punctuation, one expression, anything, shall ever fail in the Word of God. It can't fail, because It's God, God manifested in a form of a human flesh. For, it's God Himself in letter form, prophet form, manifested in flesh.
Now, that's the reason Jesus could say, "The ones who spoke to you, you call them 'gods,' who spoke to you by the Word of God," said, "and they were gods." Those prophets when they were anointed with the Spirit of God, and brought exactly the Word of God, then they were gods. It was God's Word speaking through them. And can...
108 They only interpret as the Author would permit them to interpret. Now if you want to find that, that's Second Peter 1:20 and 21. All right. Cause, this, where God... "There's no private interpreter." He does His Own interpretation.
God speaks and interprets It, Himself, then reveals it to whomever He will, hides from all others. He don't have to reveal It to anybody 'less He wants to. And He don't... He, He has expressed His whole thing in the Scripture, therefore the whole thing is already made known; it's just He's just setting there watching it happen. See? No. Just seeing the Body be made and come back to Its, to the form, His Bride again. All right.
109 Believers believe It, like Abraham that called things contrary to It as though it was not.
110It also, this Word, discerns the secrets of the hearts, Hebrews 4:12. "It discerns the secrets of the heart."
111 Prophets did not always understand what they were writing or what they were saying, or they would in no wise have said it, if they could a understood It. See? But the Bible said, "They were moved by the Holy Ghost." Moved! When the Holy Ghost moves you, you move. Man... "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the prophets that were moved by the Holy Ghost." That's why, all ages, the people who were spiritual consulted the prophets about the times and what was to happen.
The prophet-writer must be in constant fellowship with the Author. See? He must live constantly in Presence of the Author, to know what the Book is going to be. See? The prophet-writer, he had the pen ready anytime, constant fellowship with the Author, which was God, to strike down whatever He said put down. See? Showed what kind of a life he must... a separated life from all of his brethren.
112 Now, that's why the prophet had his mind set constantly on what God said; not what man thought, what the age thought, what the church thought, what the kingdom thought. What God thought! He only expressed God's thoughts to Word, 'cause a word is a thought when it's expressed. You got it now? The Word is a thought expressed, so the prophet was waiting for God's thoughts. And when God revealed His thoughts to him, he expressed it in Word, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." See, not "Thus saith I, the prophet." "THUS SAITH THE LORD!" See? All right.
113That's why they defied kingdoms and church ages, which, to do so in their days, was a death penalty. You walk up in a king's face and tell him, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, such-and-such is going to happen," you'd have your head chopped off. The church would put you to death right now for doing it. But these prophets were bold. Why? They were moved by the Holy Ghost, see, and, they, that's why they become bold. And they wrote the--the infallible Word of God.
114 There was many tried to impersonate them prophets, like priests, or so forth. And what did they do? Just messed up, that's all. They couldn't do it.
Cause, God had selected the man for the age, and selected the Message, and even the nature of the man and what would go over in that age, what He could put over, how He could. With the nature of that certain man, He could blind the eyes of others. The words that that man would say, the way he acted, would blind others, and open other's eyes. See? He dressed the man in the type of dress that he was; the nature, the ambition, and everything just the way he had to be, just perfectly selected for that certain people that He would call for that certain age.
While, others would stand and look at him, say, "Well, I can't. There's... I--I can't see." They were blinded.
115 Jesus came the same way, dressed, immortal God dressed in human flesh. And because He was born in a manger, in a stable full of manure, not a place to lay His head; born, thinkingly, with a illegitimate name tacked to Him. See? All these things that He was, and how He come up, a carpenter's son, how He had no schooling.
More or less, in the world, the wisdom of this world, He didn't have nothing to do with it. None of this world's civilization, education, or anything, He had not one thing to do with it. Why? He's God. It would clash. If He tried to go to a seminary somewhere and learn something that these world's churches was doing, what in the... Why, it wouldn't even... why, it wouldn't even... wouldn't correspond at all with His understanding, for He was God.
So, education, schooling, seminaries, and things, is absolutely contrary to the will of God. The whole educational system is contrary to God. Everything teaches away from God, all the time. When I hear a man say that he is Dr., Ph.D., L.L.Q., that just makes him that much farther from God, to me. See? He just educated hisself that much farther from what he really was called to do. That's right.
Notice how that now they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
116 Now, that don't mean that educated man don't come in. Look at Paul. I guess there wasn't a smarter fellow in his day than Paul, who was Saul of Tarsus. He was educated under Gamaliel, one of the greatest teachers of the day; great, strict Hebrew, a Pharisee of denomination. And Paul was brought up under him. He knowed all the Jewish religion. But when he come to the church, he said, "I never come to you in the education of man, and so forth. Because, if you would, then you would trust in that. But I come to you in the power and manifestation of the Holy Ghost, that your faith would be in God." There you are. See? That's right.
117 Many tried to impersonate these people, but they got the thing all messed up just like they do today. There was one raised up before the time of Jesus, led four hundred people off. And you know how the Scriptures read about these things, trying to do it before the time come. And some of them tried to impersonate Him, and they was all this, that, or the other one. And He said, "In the last days, how they would raise up false Christs, in the last days, and false prophets, and show signs and wonders." We have all that. See? But that doesn't do away from the real. It only makes It shine out better, because we have a real Christ, not a false one.
118 Now, now, we realize then that God sent His prophets. That was the way He had of bringing His Word to the people, through the lips of His prophets.
And notice, you know, Moses said, if you want to read it in Exodus the 4th chapter, and the 10th and 12th verse. Moses said God spoke to him. God talked to a man, lip to ear. And he said, "I'm slow of speech," Moses said. "I, I'm not sufficient. I--I can't go."
119He said, "Who made man to talk, or Who made him dumb? Who made him to see, or Who made him to hear? Didn't I, the Lord?" Said, "I'll be with your mouth." See? So...
120And Jeremiah said, if you want to read that in Jeremiah 1:6. Jeremiah said that, "God put words in my mouth." See? He--He talked, lip to ear, with one prophet; and spoke through the other prophet, he had no control at all, and spoke through his lips.
121 He's got ways of getting His Word out, you know. Yes, sir. So you see the Bible is God's Word, not man's word.
Moses said, "God spoke to me with a voice, and I heard Him. I wrote down what He said."
122Jeremiah said, "I couldn't speak at all. And, the first thing you know, my lips was talking, and--and--and I was writing." God spoke through his lips, and it come to pass.
Daniel, Isaiah, and so forth, all those prophets were just about the same.
123 You know, in the Old Testament alone, it's more than two thousand times those prophets said THUS SAITH THE LORD. Now, if a man says THUS SAITH THE LORD, it's not the man talking. If he would, he wouldn't be a prophet, he'd be a hypocrite, see, 'cause it wouldn't (never) come to pass; one chance out of ten hundred thousand times, see, they might guess it. But if it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, the Lord God has said it.
If I would say, "Thus saith Orman Neville"; my brother say, "Thus saith Mr. Mann"; I'd say, "Thus saith Brother Vayle," out here, or some of these other brethren, any of you; I'm speaking what you said. If I'm truthful, I'm saying just what you said.
And these men, being prophets, said, "It's not me. I have nothing to do with it, but it's THUS SAITH THE LORD." So the Bible is THUS SAITH THE LORD by the prophets.
124 Notice, they took Christ's Spirit upon themselves, and forecast the events that would come to pass. Talk about forecasts! They said what would take place down through the ages, as they set, stood, laid, walked with the Spirit of Christ upon them, insomuch that they acted like Christ. And the readers would read it and think that the prophets was speaking of themselves.
You remember the eunuch when he was reading Isaiah 53:1, about how, that, "He had wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, with His stripes we were healed"? The eunuch said to Philip, "Who is the prophet speaking of, himself or some other man?" See, the prophet spoke as if it was himself.
125 Look at David crying in the Spirit, "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? My bones, they stare at me, at me," David. "They pierced my feet and my hands," David. "They pierced my feet and my hands. But Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither will Thou suffer Thy holy one to see corruption," as though David was speaking of himself being holy. It was the Son of David, that germitized, spiritual Seed coming down through there. Though David himself was a cocklebur, but on the inside of there was a Wheat grain. You get it?
So, the whole Bible is not the word of man, neither was It wrote by man, brought by man, or neither can It be--be revealed by man. It's God's Word revealed by God Himself, His Own Interpreter, Christ revealing Himself in His Own Word.
126 Look at Christ standing back here in David. David couldn't even think now. His mind had gone from him, as it were. And He was hanging on the cross, like you see the statue here; hanging on the cross, crying, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? All My bones, they stare at Me. They pierced My hands and My feet. They thrust My side." See? "Why art Thou so far from Me? All the bulls of Bashan compass about. They wag their heads, saying, 'He trusted in God, that He would deliver Him; now let's see if He'll deliver Him,'" speaking the same words.
So, you see, when God was made manifest on earth here, He said the same words David did. You get it? So, you see, It's not the word of man; it's the Word of God. That was God in David; that wasn't David. He didn't know what he was saying; he was just so in the Spirit.
That's the way Moses was. He was so in the Spirit, passed out of the dimension that he was living in, and stood there face to face, in that burning bush, talking to--to--to God Himself. Said, "Take off your shoes. The ground you're standing on is holy ground."
I imagine when Moses left there, he thought, "What happened? What taken place? What was it?"
Said, "Go down in Egypt. I'll go with you."
He said, "It's so real to me, I must go." He got his wife and his children... and--and his child, rather, and his stick in his hand, and took off down to Egypt, to deliver the people. See?
127 God speaking, Himself, through the prophets. See, they, they're absolutely... It isn't the prophets; it was God. Cause, the prophets, of themself, they couldn't say those things.
"Who has believed our report?" Isaiah saying, you see. "Who has believed our report? To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? He shall grow up before us as a calf in a--in a stall. And how that, yet, He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, chastisement of our peace upon Him; with His stripes we were healed." We were healed, way over here in this age here; and Isaiah, back yonder eight hundred years before Christ. See? "By His stripes we were," past tense, already, "healed." Oh, my!
How, the Word of God, so perfect! Trust in It, folks. It's the only thing that can save you.
128 All other words, I don't care how well they are placed, how, who they come from, what denomination they come from, or how smart the man is, is to be absolutely ignored, anything contrary to the Word. You want to put that Scripture down, it's Galatians 1:8. See? Paul said, "Though we, or an Angel from Heavens, would preach any other thing than This that you've already heard, let him be cursed."
In other words, if an Angel would come to you from Heaven, a bright shining Angel, and would stand; boy, that would be bait for this day, wouldn't it? A bright shining Angel come up there and stand, and say things was contrary to the Word; you say, "Satan, get away from me." That's right. If he's a bishop, if he's a... whatever he is, don't you never believe him if he doesn't speak exactly with that Bible, Word by Word. Watch him, he'll carry you with the Bible now. He'll carry you to a certain place, and then hook it right there. When you see the Bible saying one thing, and he bypasses that, watch him right there.
See, that's the way he done Eve. He come right down and said everything just exactly. "Well, God said this. That's right, Eve. Amen. We believe that, together."
"Well, God said this."
"Amen. We believe that, together."
"God said this."
"We believe that, sure."
"Well, but God said we'll die."
129"Well, now, you know He's a good God." He didn't say He wouldn't, you know. "But surely..." Oh, me! There he is.
And if he was deceitful like that, and the Bible said, "In the last days he would deceive the Elected if it was possible," where ought we to be today, friends? Now, these little Sunday school lessons are, should be carried pretty close, you know, to our hearts, to see... We ought to listen real close and see how deceiving that thing is.
130 Notice, we cannot, we must not, listen to any other man's word. We don't care how smart, how educated. The Bible, in Proverbs, says, "We must cast down reasonings." See? Now, here in this second realm...
First realm is your senses of see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. That's in your outer body.
On the inner body, which is the spirit, is reasonings and thought, and so forth. We must cast all that down. Can't reason, say, "Now wait, if God is a good God..." And we're told so much today that He is. "If He is a good God, then if I be sincere, though I can't see that in that Bible being right, though I be sincere, I'll be saved." You'll be lost. []
131"If I go to church and just do the things that I believe that's right, and try to hold up for what I think is right, well, I..." You're still lost.
"There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death." See? You won't be saved; you'll be lost. See? See? It must be that inside control Man.
132 "Well, I've spoke in tongues, Brother Branham. Well, don't you believe in speaking in tongues, Brother Branham?" Absolutely. "Well, I shouted; don't you believe that?" Yes, sir. "I live a good Christian life. Don't you believe in that?" Yes, sir. But still that don't mean you're saved. You're a good person; clean, moral, holy, good person.
So was those priests, religious to the core, so religious till one misconstrued, they'd be stoned to death. The death penalty of fooling with the Word of God was death.
133 That's what's the matter with our country today. The reason we got so many loose-leaf things in the earth today, the penalties are not strong enough. If a man was caught running out with another man's wife, they should both be taken out in public and castrated, right, public, and turned loose. That's right. If a man is caught doing anything wrong, down the road, speeding, he oughtn't to be given less than ten years; he's pre-... premeditated murder. See? You put penalties like that on it, you'll slow them down.
But when some crooked politician can get to this one over here and pass it off, and say, "Well, he was drinking a little, he was... didn't mean to do that." And would kill a man, wife, and a whole bunch of innocent children, let the Ricky get by with it, that's politics. That's the world. That's the devil.
134 God said if a man was caught in adultery, or a woman, take them out there and stone them to death. That settled it. See? If he's even caught picking up a weight of a stick, on the sabbath day, "Take him and stone him." They lived by it then. And now, see, we don't have them kind of laws today.
But the Christian, the church, what I'm talking to this morning, that law of God is in your heart. See? You have no desire to do it. It's inside here. You want to keep God's law so perfect. No matter what it is, you want to be just what... If--if God needs a doormat at the door, He wants you to be that doormat, you're so happy to be that. No matter what it would be, you want to be the doormat. See? Whatever God wants you to do, that's what you want to do, 'cause it's God. Now, that's where you really find your real, genuine, true love for God.
135 Now we find out then, that, "An Angel would preach anything else," besides what's gone that... already been said in the Bible, "let him be cursed." Nobody can. Can't do that; It must be just exactly the way It says.
136And again we read, in Revelations 22:18 and 19, "If any man will add one word to This, or take one Word from It, God will take his part out of the Book of Life." Right. God will take his part, though he be a minister, whatever he may be, and his word... his name is wrote on the Book of Life. God said, "I'll just rub it right off," that's right, "if he adds one thing to It, or takes one Word from It." That's how infallible God has made His Word. See? You can add to the church, or take from the church. Don't you add to that Word, or take from It, 'cause God will take your name right off the Book of Life. And, that's, you're finished then. See? You can't add to It, or take from It. It's just exactly what...
137 It needs no interpreter, for the Bible said that God does His Own interpreting of the Bible. "It's of no private interpretation," said Peter. All right.
138And all the Scripture is Divinely given, Divinely set in order, and the whole thing is the revelation of Jesus Christ. The New and Old Testament, where they foretold of Him coming, what He would do when He got here, and what He would do in this age to come. So that makes Him the same yesterday, today, and forever. See?
Like in Hebrews there, when Paul wrote it. He is God, "Jesus Christ yesterday," of the Old Testament. He is "Jesus Christ today," manifested in the flesh. "And He's Jesus Christ forever," in the Spirit, "to come." See? See? "Same yesterday, today, and forever."
And He ever lives to make His Word live what It said It would do for that age. He is alive.
139 He was alive in the Old Testament, manifested. I just want to let you see a little something here, if you can stand it. Watch, when Jesus was manifested in the Old Testament, as we believe it.
Now, you preachers out there, you can argue with it, do whatever you want to, but I'm talking for my... what I think. See?
140When Jesus was manifested in the Old Testament, in a theophany, in the person of Melchisedec; not a priesthood, but the Person, the Man. See? For, this Man had yet not been born, but He was in a theophany, so He had no father, no mother. He was God Himself. He was manifested in the form of a Man, called, "King of Salem, which is King of Peace, and King of Righteousness." See? He was Melchisedec. "He had neither father nor mother, beginning of days or ending of life." See? It was Jesus in a theophany, in the form of a Man. Could you go that? All right.
141 Then He was made actually human flesh, and dwelled among us, in the Person of Jesus Christ Himself, born of the virgin Mary. He come in that form so He could die, and went back into Heaven.
Now in this last days, He has promised to manifest Himself in the fullness again, of His flesh, in Spirit. See? "For as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man." Now look at the Sodom, how it set, and what taken place. And Jesus Christ being manifested in bodily form, of His Church today, see, doing the same thing, same work, same things that He did all the time, never changes, the Eternal One. See? And upon earth today, He has manifested Himself in the human bodies, our human bodies that He has called, and done exactly the same thing He done in sundry times, and in the times of His flesh upon the earth. And doing the same thing today, because, "God in sundry times spoke to the fathers through the prophets, in this last days through His Son, Jesus Christ." See, the Son being revealed in the last days, God manifested in human flesh, setting just before Sodom's destruction, the end of the Gentile world. You see it?
There is three manifestations.
142 Now, the next thing happens, is when it's all gathered up into that one Person, Jesus Christ, Bride and Body, at the physical return of the Lord Jesus. Making His three times... When He was brought on earth; killed, crucified, raised up. Manifesting Hisself in the form of His Body, which is His Bride, the Woman. You get it? She is part of His Body.
And the woman and man is just so close together, till they're just almost... They are the same. They ought to be, anyhow. There they are, see, they just exactly manifested the same. She is a part of him, because she was taken out from him.
And the Bride today is taken out from the body of Christ, which is acting and doing just exactly like He said It would do for this day, the Bride, the Queen; King and the Queen. All right.
We're getting late now, so we're going to have to hurry and get through.
143 All right, the entire Bible is the entire revelation of Jesus Christ, making Himself known to every age. He made Hisself known in the days of Luther, as a foundation; the church, the foot, the legs.
Like He did King Nebuchadnezzar; you remember how he dreamed those dreams, and come from the head down? See? Now He comes from the feet up. See? In the Babylonian kingdom He showed all those Old Testament's, He come from the head down, until He come down till God Himself become flesh at the foot of the ladder. Now here in the New Testament, He brings Hisself right back up again, to the Head again, the Head of gold, to be crowned. See? Look. You get it?
See, God was in the beginning, and He kept coming down, through the prophets, and on down, until God Himself became human like us, plumb down at the foot of the ladder, a Baby born in a manger; hated, rejected, despised, and a bad name, and everything He was. Then He started rising, see, and from the feet He begin to build the Church, the Bride, coming back, on back; and now coming out into the Headstone, where it all joins together and makes the one great transfigured Body of Jesus Christ.
144 God is revealed in every age by His promised Word to that age. Now let's just look what some of His promises is for today, while we're closing now in these last words.
145Now God is revealing Himself in the evening Light time. Let's see now. We see...
146I just got a bunch of Scriptures wrote down here. As you can see on this page, how many Scriptures is written there. But, we just got about fifteen minutes till twelve. I want to get out. And I haven't gotten hoarse, this morning, speaking. Sometimes these air conditioners here makes me real hoarse.
So if Brother Neville don't... You ain't got anything for tonight? [Brother Neville says, "No."--Ed.] Well, well, I'll... If it's all right, I got something. I found a cigarette pack, the other day, laying in the woods; and I got a Message from that cigarette pack, for tonight, the Lord willing. See?
So, I got these Scriptures here. And I don't want to run overtime, so you can get back.
147 A cigarette pack, speaking. All right. I was starting out through the woods, and there laid a cigarette pack, and I just walked on away. I thought, "Well, somebody is ahead of me."
And Something said, "Turn back and pick that up."
I thought, "Pick up a cigarette pack? Not me."
Something said, "Turn back and pick that cigarette pack."
And I went down, there was an old empty pack, and I seen something. I'll tell you about it, tonight, the Lord willing. All right.
148 Now we're going to speak about evening Lights, just for a few moments. The Bible predicts that there would come a time, right at the closing time, that the sun would come out, and there would be an evening Light. We all know that. Don't we? We, we're... We who are familiar with our Message today from the Lord Jesus, we believe that there will be a evening Light. And this evening Light...
Of course, the great Light will come when Jesus Himself will be manifested here on earth, or up in the Heavens, taking away His Bride, and then the Millennium will set in.
149 But we've got one of the most dreadful times to go through, that ever laid before human beings. And I'm just waiting for the hour, and when we can get... everybody can get a chance where you get off from work and spend a few days, and we can get set up somewhere where I can speak on those Plagues and things that's to fall in the last days; and throw about two or three weeks together, and bring that together, if the Lord lets me live to do it and will inspire me to do so, see how those things will be dropped in, and those Thunders. Then you'll find out what that man and them people have been dreaming about, and all these things there, it'll come to pass; see, you'll notice what them revealed, that great Thunder a coming forth out of the--out of the skies. Now, of course, the whole bunch of you, you know that I know what that--what that means, you see. And, but let's just wait till the time comes, you see, for it to be, see, now, and it'll be more in season.
150 Now, so we are going to read some of these--these Scriptures in here. Now, in the evening Lights come, now, we notice that it'll have to be the same Light that was in the morning.
Cause, there's not one sun in the morning and another sun in the afternoon. It's the same sun. Same sun that's in the afternoon is in the morning; the same in the morning as in the afternoon.
Now, It said, "The day itself," the day between that time, "will be kind of like, oh, like a dismal, dark day. It could not be called day or night, in between that."
151 See, that's the forming of the Body, from the feet, coming up. When He was here on earth, He was the Son, the Lightness, then He was killed. The Church took His place, then martyrdom and went through the Dark Ages, and begin to build on the foundation coming out. Then where does the sight come from? At the top of the head.
See that vision; Nebuchadnezzar? See Him going down, from the beginning of the Gentile age before the Blood was shed for them and made an atonement. They were proselytes brought in. But notice it went right down, right down, right down to the bottom, in symbol, see, brought it down.
Then it started right back, coming back, the Church come back from the feet, coming up. Now it's in the head time--head time. Now notice the Light.
152 You can't see with your hands, yet it's part of the body. You can't see with the ears, yet it can hear. You can't see with the nose, yet it smells. You can't--you can't see with the lips, though it speaks; see, that was the Pentecostal age. But now it's in the eye time, the seeing. See? Now, there isn't one moving faculty beyond the eye. Is that right?
The next is the intelligence, which is Christ Itself, Who controls the whole Body.
No moving, motion beyond that. See? Everything else has moved. See? Move your feet, move your muscles in your legs, move everything. Move your... Your ears can move, your nose, your lips, and so forth. But after your eyes, there is nothing moves.
That's why they claim that man get baldheaded quick, is because, see, there's no exercise to develop the muscles in--in the hair, the scalp. See? And it's not got a cushion so that they get blood up in there. The blood won't pump through, see, won't go up and furnish blood. Course, the--the hair root lives by blood.
And now we find out that that part, you see, there is nothing beyond the eye.
153 Now let's find out. "It shall be Light" (about the middle day?) "at the evening time!" What is Light sent for? So you can see where you're... how to get around. Is that right? See where you're at. "It shall be Light about the evening time."
154Now, we take that now and compare it over with Malachi 4. He promised that there would be Light come again in the evening time, see, "For, behold, I will send to you Elijah the prophet, and he will restore the--the children back to the fathers, and the fathers to the children," (is that right?) "lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."
155Now let's take John or... Saint Luke 17:30, and watch what Jesus prophesied there, saying that, "As it was in the days of Sodom, it'll be the same..."
Now remember, notice, this is at the time that the Son of man would be revealed; the revealing of the Son of man. Now, the Son of man was actually revealed potentially, just for a few moments there, just before Sodom was burned. Now, that Man was Elohim. That was God; and Jesus is God. And God was revealed potentially right there for a few moments, to talk to Abraham, in the investigation judgment. Just for a little bit, the Son of man was revealed; the Son of man, Elohim. Do you see it, church? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Son of man, Elohim, was revealed just for a few minutes. For, the very next morning she was burned, (when?) before the sun could come up again.
So there can't be no organization left, neither can there be any further advancement than what's going right now, for she'll burn before the day breaks again. The revival is over, across the nation. There ain't going to be no more revivals, big sweeping revivals; this nation never receive it. You might have a intellectual gathering. But, I mean, a Spiritual revival, we've seen all of it. I hope you're catching it. I'm saying it in such a way that--that I hope you get it. See? It's over.
A fine minister said, a while ago, said, "Brother Branham, if I could just have the joy of the Lord in my heart!"
I said, "Son, the revival is over." See?
156 Now the stabilizers has been put on the ship. Great fearful waves are out here before us; but we know, just beyond that wave yonder, we're nearing the shore. See? We're nearing the shore. Just stay stabled. Just stay in the Word. Stay with God. No matter how you feel, what anything else; stay right with the Word. Let--let--let it stay stable, when you see all these great big old clouds around us, and storms coming, and atomic bombs, and everything else they're talking about. But our stabilizer is right straight in the Word. God said it would be here; we'll crest every one of them. Yeah, we'll go right over the top of them. Yes, indeed! They, they can't sink us. They can't drown us. You put us in the grave; we'll come out again. That's just all there is to it. There ain't no way in the world to keep it down there. We'll crest every one of them, 'cause our great Chief Captain is calling at the other side.
We're anchored in Jesus, the storms of life I'll brave;
I've anchored in Jesus, I fear no wind or wave;
157 Whatever it might be, let it come. What may, what will, doesn't make any difference. We're anchored right there in Jesus. If I live, I'll live to the glory of God. If I die, I die to the glory of God. I--I--I just want to just... It's to the glory of God, is what I want to do. When that's all over, I don't want to stay any longer. I want to go to where... to my reward that He bought for me; not what I earned, but what He bought for me, what He give to me by His grace.
158 So we see the evening Light's here. And what does it do to have Light, if you don't have any eyes to see how to get around in It? What is the evening Light? The Light comes on, to reveal something. Is that right? If there's something here, you feel and you can't understand what it is, in the darkness, then turn a light on. It's to reveal! What's Malachi 4 to do? See? Do the same thing. What was the opening of the Seven Seals to do, where all these denominations staggering around in this...?... Is to reveal, bring out. If you haven't got any eyes, then what's the use to reveal? There has to be eyes, first, to see. Is that right? To reveal Malachi 4, reveal Saint Luke 17:30, Saint John 14:12, also John 15:24, 16:13. And to also reveal Revelations 10:1 to 7, the opening of the Seven Seals, and the seventh angel's Message; to open up, to reveal, when the evening Light's come. Now if a man...
159 In the Laodicean Age, the people were (what?) "naked." Are they? "Blind." What good does Light do to a blind man? If the blind leads the blind, don't they all fall in the ditch? "Naked, blind, and don't know it." Even their mental faculties are gone, their spiritual faculties of mental, spiritual understanding. See?
"Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are good; having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof." The power of revelation; they don't even believe in it. See? They don't believe in such things as prophets. And so they don't believe in it. They believe that--that Malachi 4 is to be a certain church or a certain organization.
When he come the first time, he was a man. When he come the second time, with a double portion, he was a man. When he come in the form of John the Baptist, he was a man. See?
In the last days, when the evening Lights begin to shine, eyes will become open and you'll see where you're going. Then the Body is already formed, standing upon its feet, taking motion, moving by the Holy Spirit. What? The same One that moved upon the prophets that wrote the Bible, the same Holy Ghost moving in a Body filled with the Holy Ghost, moved in the Holy Ghost, out of every organization, every kindred, tongue, and people.
160 A little lady here, she don't belong in this organization, or this organization... belong in this congregation. She comes from somewhere else, and she come in this morning, got a picture there. She was... give it to my son, who was very much astonished. I don't know whether she ever heard about This or not. I don't know. She had a picture of this Angel of the Lord that was on the Seven Church Ages, Seven Seals opened, out there, when it did. Said, looked back through there, and she seen that standing in the sky, in a dream. And she looked back through there and seen that, seen somebody in white, marching forward; and behind it, said it looked... Said, "Brother Branham, it was you." And said, "Marched in there," said, "behind you, was people of different colors, packing banners; Georgia, Alabama, all different kind of places, marching forward," coming up into the headship to where Christ was being revealed into the vision. Oh, hallelujah!
161 We're in the last days, and the last hours of the days. Do you see Him now in His Word, and all of His Word made manifest right here before us? Oh, Church of the living God, get to your feet, believe Him with all that's in you. Hold to that little Wheel in the middle of the wheel, let It stabilize every move and every motion that you make. Every thought that you have, may it be controlled by this Tower on the inside of you. Because, God is setting right in His Word of this hour, in the evening Light, showing forth the Light.
162 The blindness of a bat! You could turn on a light, and the bat--bat would be so blind he couldn't fly. A hoot owl, all those night prowlers, and things like that, roaches and things, can't see in the daytime. They don't know what it's all about. They can't see.
And the evening Lights has come on. Every parable, everywhere we go, to nature, to the Bible, to the--the statues that Melc-... that Daniel saw, and--and the king of that day, all of them saw; and all these things, everybody, every form, every move, every place in the Body, positionally shows us the very hour that we're living in. Not another move can come above it.
There was a move of the hand; charity, Wesley. There was a move, of foundation; Luther. Charity, there never was a greater; it was called the Wesley move. They sent missionaries to all the world. One of the greatest moves that was made, in the age before that.
Then come the Pentecostal age; then come in the different fingers and things, the Pentecostal age, of tongues, and nose, and so forth.
Now it's in the eyes. What good will you need eyes, or need light, if that eyes wasn't there to see? There has to be eyes, first, to see. And then when that come, He opened the Seven Seals and revealed the evening Light, taking all the mysteries that's been hid down through these church ages, and now revealed them as He promised to do in Revelations 10:1 to 7. Here we are today setting in the midst of the Word, and the Word being revealed to us by Jesus Christ. Then, This is God's Word.
163 And be His subjects, we must walk close to the Author, to understand It, for It to reveal. "O Lord, what will Thou have to me, to do? If I must go to the fields and preach the Gospel, or must I stay at home? No matter what it is, if I must be a good housewife, if I must be a good mother, if I must do this, that, or the other? Whatever it is, if I must be a farmer, if I... Whatever it is, Lord, what would You have me do?"
164Wasn't that what Saul cried out down there, "Lord, what would You have me do?" He was down on the ch-... on his road down to--to put all the church into prison. But then he cried out, "What would You have me do?" When the Light turned on, as a big Pillar of Fire hanging above him. "What would You have me do?"
165Think, that's a good word to close on, and say, "Lord, what would You have me do? When I see this Scripture so perfectly revealed right now; Lord, what would You have me do?"
Let us bow our heads.
166 I ask everyone in here to search out your hearts now and ask that question, "Lord, what would You have me do?" And you people, if you're still on the telephone wires out across the nation, you bow your head and ask, "Lord, what would You have me do? Seeing that we're here in the last days and the last hours, just so perfectly before us, so plainly revealed, what would You have me do?"
167 Dear God, while they're asking You that question; I ask, myself, to You, what would You have me do, Lord, as I realize that each day must be counted for. And I pray that You'll help me, Lord, to live so that each day, it'll be counted to Your honor and glory.
I pray that You'll help everyone all across the nation, and those here that's present in the tabernacle as we search out our hearts and say, "Lord, what would You have me do? What could I do, Lord, to further Your Kingdom and Your Cause?" Grant it, the God.
Search us, our hearts, and try us. If there be any iniquity in us, Lord, any selfishness, any bad motives or objectives, O God, cleanse us with the Blood of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, who we humbly accept His propitiation of His death and His resurrection. And being justified by believing that He did this, we gladly accept the plan of salvation that You give us, to us.
Father, we thank You for the Message of the day, what we believe and what we hold onto, to know and believe that it's Your Word and Your Message. Not to be different from the other people, but to try to be more like Jesus Christ Who is our example.
168 Dear God, laying here is handkerchiefs, and there is sick people everywhere. And I myself, Lord, am tired and wore out, this morning. I pray that You'll help us, dear God. We look to You for strength. You are our Strength. You've helped so many, dear God.
169The other day, thinking down there in the woods, walking around with Brother Banks Woods, when the doctors... His heart was so bad he couldn't hardly walk around. Then to think how I... little I knowed up there, walking in those mountains after that vision, "I must get that lion. I must see that lion killed."
And then coming down there, and standing there in Tucson, at Furr's Cafeteria, and see his clothes all bagging down, his eyes drooped. Said, "God, if You can show a vision, where a lion is, surely You can show about Brother Woods."
And then it come, "Lay your hands upon him."
And here he is today, back, our Brother Banks again, strong, running up-and-down those mountains. How we thank Thee, dear God. You're the same God to all of us as You would be to Brother Woods. I know You love him, because he's Your servant, honest and sincere.
170 And I pray, dear God, that You will deal with each one of us, and forgive our sins, and heal our sicknesses of our bodies. Make us more like You, day by day, Lord, until we come in that full stature of Jesus Christ. Grant it, Lord. I trust that You've searched every heart, now, and we know what to do. We ask for You to bless us now, in Jesus' Name.
171 And while we have our heads bowed, is there any here present, or out in the--in the telephone land across the nation, that would just like to, while you're praying, and your head bowed, just raise up your hand to God now. That's all you can do; it's crowded in here this morning. Just raise up your hand to God, say, "God, make me more like Jesus. I--I want to be more like Jesus." God bless you. Out into the land across the nation, hands just everywhere, just a solid mass. Also, mine lifted up. "I want to be more like Him. Search me, Lord, and find if there be any evil in me; take it out. I--I want..." What? We're just here so long, yet we're going to leave whether you're... whether, no matter what you are, how rich, how poor, how young, how old.
172 Standing yesterday to a--a little, poor bunch of people way up in a mountain, down at the... on the creek. There was a little family there, a man I been talking to about God, so long. Come down, his little wife, seven or eight children; him, a little bitty, spindly thing, out there trying to work, couple dollars a day. And a man let him live in a little shanty. And there his wife up there, nearly ready to have another child, and she had a big broad axe up there, chopping wood, to pull it down; baby on one hip, pulling the wood with another; come down to cut that wood, to can some blackberries, keep from going hungry through the winter. My, how we felt sorry for her! Brother Woods and I went and got the truck, and went over there and cut her wood, and brought it in. She, grateful little woman, just standing there. I felt sorry for her. And we kept praying for them.
173 And her little baby took epilepsy. We went and prayed for the little baby, and God healed it. And the other day, her husband had a hernia, and went in...
I been talking to him. He smoked, both of them. She used tobacco, and he did, too, typical of mountain people. And then I kept talking to them about it. And yesterday morning when I went in, about daylight, here he come walking out, holding his hands together, and said, "Brother Billy, I'm a changed man." He said, "I've smoked my last cigarette, and I'm over on the Lord's side."
She said, "I just smoked my last one, too."
Oh, plant the seed! "I the Lord have watered. I'll water it day and night, lest some shall pluck it from My hands."
174 O God, be merciful now, I pray, and give us the desire of our heart, 'cause in our hearts we want to serve You. Now, Father, they're all in Your hands, everywhere. They're Your children. Deal with them according to mercy, Lord; not in judgment, but in mercy. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.
175 You love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen. "--Ed.] All your heart! Now, you that have the handkerchiefs, can get them.
And now, our services, I think they start a little early, seven o'clock, or something like that. Brother Neville will announce it, just in a minute, about when to start.
Is there a baptism, I guess, this morning? [Brother Neville says, "The water is ready."--Ed.] The water is ready, if somebody is here and has not yet been baptized in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, why, it certainly is... Water is ready for the baptismal service.
176 We appreciate all the minister brothers. I see Brother... How was your meeting, went all right, Brother Parnell? And Brother Martin, and, oh, so many of them here, Brother Lee Vayle. Oh, there's just ministers all over the place. We certainly appreciate you being here, fellowshipping with us around the Word.
177 Maybe you might not agree with me just exactly on This; don't ask you to, you see. Only thing, you just consider It. What you tell me, I consider it. If ministers would pick up the tape, and they say, "Well, I disagree with." That's all right, my brother. You maybe shepherd some sheep; you--you feed them whatever you wish to.
I'm trying my best to stay right with the Word, for these that's been put in my hands for God, 'cause sheep want sheep food, of course. "My sheep hear My Voice." And that's what we live by, every Word that proceedeth... Not all... Not just a Word now and then; but every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, that's what the saints should live by.
Let us stand now to our feet. While we bow our heads...
And Brother Neville, you got something you want to say to them? [Brother Neville says, "No."--Ed.] Brother Mann? All right.
Everybody feeling good? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."Ed.] All right.
Now let us bow our heads.
I'm going to ask Brother Lee Vayle if he'll come up here, or he can. If you can get over there, Brother Vayle, if you can.
Brother Vayle is our brother here, a writer of the books. And he's getting the book ready now, The Seven Church Ages, and working with The Seven Seals. And we'll soon hope to have them out pretty soon. All right. Brother Lee Vayle.
God bless you.