Satanov eden



Satan uspel v prevrátení a v zabratí tohto sveta a vo vytvorení svojho kráľovstva z tohto sveta. Človeku bolo dané skrze slobodnú morálnu voľbu, aby si sám vybral, akým druhom života túži žiť. A to ukazuje, čo je v tvojom srdci. Vidíte? Tvoj hlas… viete to? Tvoje skutky hovoria tak hlasno, až utápajú tvoje slová.

Dovoľte mi navšíviť nejakého muža. A povie, "Ó, my sme všetci Kresťania. Patríme do cirkvi." A po celej kancelárii má vyvešaný striptíz? Nič by to nezmenilo, čo by mi povedal, viem o tom svoje, takisto i vy.

Nech nejaká žena povie, že je Kresťanka. S krátkymi vlasmi? Ha-ha! Viete o tom svoje. Tak veru. Nech povie, že je Kresťanka, a maľuje sa, nosí mejkap a šortky a hovorí, že je Kresťanka? Viete o tom svoje. Slovo Božie vás o tom niečo učí. Slovo Božie hovorí, že to nemôže robiť a byť Kresťankou. Ona si robí hanbu a všetko to. Ako Boh umiestni hanebnú vec vo svojom Kráľovstve? Nie veru, vôbec nie. Oni sami ukazujú svoje túžby.

Nemôžete donútiť holubicu, aby jedla s kaňou, vôbec nie. Holubica nemá vôbec žiadnu žlč. Nemôže jesť tú starú zdochlinu. Ak by si z toho odhryzla, to by ju zabilo a ona to vie. Ale kaňa môže jesť takmer čokoľvek chce. Vidíte? Ona má mnoho žlče.

Tak potom zisťujete, že takto je to s týmto svetom dnes, to isté, "Sú nahí, slepí a nevedia o tom."

Satan to urobil skrze žiadosť ženy po poznaní, po sexe, čo si ona vyberá svojím vlastným výberom. Všimnite si, bola to Eva, ktorá viedla Adama k tomu nesprávnemu, a bola to žena, ktorá si dala dolu svoje šaty predtým, ako si Adam dal dolu svoje. Vidíte? To je vždy žena. Vždy bola. Stále je to tak isto.

To je cirkev, ktorá vedie človeka mimo. To je cirkev, vidíte, ktorá vedie človeka, ktorý chce byť synom Božím. To je žena, cirkev. Nie Biblia, Boh, lebo Biblia je Muž. Rozumiete? Biblia je Muž, cirkev je žena. To nie je cirkev… to nie je Biblia, ktorá vedie človeka mimo. To je cirkev, ktorá ho vedie mimo. Je to cirkev, s ktorou išiel nahý, nie s Bibliou. Rozumiete? Skutočne nie. Biblia mu hovorí, že je nahý. Tak veru.

1Skloňme svoje hlavy. Drahý Bože, sme ti dnes večer vďační za túto veľkú príležitosť znovu prísť v Mene Pána Ježiša, aby sme tu vonku na poli boja čelili nášmu nepriateľovi, Tvojmu nepriateľovi so Slovom, aby sme ho odohnali spomedzi Tvojho ľudu, aby mohli dnes vidieť, Pane, Svetlo Evanjelia. Modlím sa, aby si pomazal naše oči očnou masťou, aby mohli byť otvorené na pravdu, aby sme mohli odtiaľto odísť hovoriac vo svojich srdciach, "Či nehoreli v nás naše srdcia, ako ku nám hovoril na ceste?" Uzdrav chorých a nemocných. Povzbuď znechutených, pozdvihni slabé ruky, ktoré visia dolu. Nech vyhliadame Príchod Pána Ježiša, o ktorom veríme, že je nablízku. Prosíme to v Ježišovom mene. Amen. Sadnite si.

2Dnes sa budem snažiť byť stručný, pretože viem, že mnohí prišli z rôznych častí krajiny, aby… na bohoslužbu, alebo, aby tu boli s nami, niektorí z vás, a musia sa vrátiť a možno majú dlhú cestu späť. A ja vám ďakujem. Dnes ráno som chcel počúvať brata Nevilleho. Počul som ho mnohokrát, a nikdy som ho nepočúval bez toho, že by som si ho cenil. Ale dnes ráno to bolo posolstvo presne na tento čas a viem, že som bol Pánom vedený, aby som ho dnes ráno počúval. Veľmi dobre! A tiež vidím, prečo vy, ľudia, radi prichádzate a počúvate ho. A som si istý, že vám to vždy urobí dobre, počúvať ho.

3Snažil som sa dnes ráno a popoludní dohnať niektoré z osobných rozhovorov. Stále ich mám mnoho, mnoho, ktoré ešte čakajú. A ja…

4Myslím, že to bol Jetro, ktorý raz povedal Mojžišovi, "Je to pre teba príliš mnoho." Tak, máme tu ohľadne vašich problémov mnohých bratov. A každý z nich je oprávnený, a sú tam dobré veci, o ktoré musí byť postarané. A ja by som odporučil nášho pastora, brata Manna a ostatných tunajších kazateľov našej viery. Môžete ísť za nimi. Oni vám presne povedia veci, ktoré máte urobiť. Niektorí ľudia, ich deti sa medzi sebou ženia, vydávajú alebo robia veci, ktoré sú zlé. A títo muži vám môžu pomôcť takisto, ako ktokoľvek iný, pretože to sú sluhovia Kristovi. A choďte za nimi, a som si istý, že vám dajú takú pomoc, akú potrebujete. Ja sa nemôžem dostať ku všetkým. Je ich tak mnoho, kdekoľvek idete. To sa len ďalej viac a viac nabaľuje, rozumiete. A chcete sa ku nim všetkým dostať, ale to sa nedá. Ale stále sa modlím ku Bohu, aby to nejako všetko vyšlo pre vás dobre.

5Tak, dnes večer chceme ísť do Písma a čítať porciu Slova z 1.Mojžišovej, 3.kapitoly a trochu sa budeme odvolávať na niektoré veci, o ktorých sme hovorili donedávna, a budeme vidieť, či nám Pán dá ohľadne toho trochu viac poznať, keď odtiaľto odídeme. Modlím sa, aby to urobil.

A had bol najchytrejší zo všetkých zvierat poľných, ktoré učinil Hospodin Bôh. A povedal žene: Či naozaj riekol Bôh: Nebudete jesť z niktorého stromu rajského?

Na to povedala žena hadovi: Z ovocia rajských stromov jeme.

Ale o ovocí stromu, ktorý je prostred raja, riekol Bôh: Nebudete jesť z neho ani sa ho nedotknete, aby ste nezomreli!

A had povedal žene: Istotne nezomriete.

Ale Bôh vie, že toho dňa, ktorého by ste jedli z neho, otvoria sa vaše oči, a budete jako bohovia, ktorí vedia, čo je dobré i zlé.

A žena videla, že je strom dobrý na jedenie z neho, že je žiadosťou očiam a že je to prežiadúcny strom, aby urobil človeka rozumným, tak tedy vzala z jeho ovocia a jedla a dala spolu i svojmu mužovi, a jedol.

Vtedy sa otvorily oči obidvoch, a poznali, že sú nahí. A naviažuc fíkového lístia spravili si zástery.”

6Nech Pán pridá požehnanie k prečítanému Slovu. Chcel by som dnes večer vziať z toho text a nazvať to 'Satanov Eden'. Veľmi hrubý výraz, takto to nazvať, 'Satanov Eden'. Dosť to pasuje s tým, čo som tu hovoril, myslím, minulú nedeľu večer o Filtri rozumného človeka a o chuti svätého muža.

7Myslím, že niekedy nám tieto hrubé výrazy niečo prinášajú, núti nás to študovať a vedie vás to do čítania Slova. A to je to, čo chcem, aby celé moje zhromaždenie robilo. "Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." Tak, čítajte Slovo, študujte ho. A študujte ho s Božími očami, aby to dalo vášmu intelektu porozumenie, ako by sme mali žiť v tomto prítomnom dni.

8No, ak by som sem mal dnes večer prísť a len k vám hovoriť a povedal by som, “No, mohol by som urobiť toto alebo tamto…”

9Tak rád by som s ľuďmi hovoril, až by som dokonca rád išiel s každým jedným vás dnes večer domov. Boh vie, že je to pravda. Rád by som išiel s každým z vás domov a dal si s vami ráno raňajky a potom išiel s vami popoludní poľovať na veveričky, rozumiete. Rád by som to urobil, ale to sa nedá. Rád by som išiel domov a sadol si a rozprával sa s vami, sadol si po zhromaždení na verandu, pohovoril si s vami trochu, hovoril s vami o tom, ako sa vám darí, a o Bohu. Rád by som to robil. Muži a ženy, ktorí ste tu, Boh vie, že by som to rád robil, ale to sa nedá. Viete, je tam také napätie a boj.

10A v tomto nervóznom veku, v ktorom žijeme… a ja sám som nervóznym človekom. Dnes sa niečo rozhodnem, "Musím to urobiť," a zajtra je to odo mňa vzdialené na milión míľ, niečo to odrezalo a stalo sa to či ono. A ako ide čas, snažíte sa zachovať zmysly pohromade.

11Ale mojím hlavným zámerom je kázať Evanjelium Cirkvi a robiť všetko, čo môžem, aby som v tomto dni priniesol česť Ježišovi Kristovi, pokiaľ som tu na zemi a v tom čase, ktorý mi tu na zemi zostáva.

Prichádzam, aby som sa vám snažil povedať niečo, čo by vám pomohlo, niečo, čo som študoval, keď som prišiel dnes ráno domov, a rozmýšľal som, "Pane, čo by som mohol dnes večer povedať, čo by tým ľuďom pomohlo?"

12Ako som počúval dnes ráno to mocné posolstvo, ktoré nám priniesol brat Neville o… myslím, že to bolo také ohromné, ako to tam povedal, "Lekár určí diagnózu toho prípadu, ale ten človek, ktorý prichádza s táckou plnou ihiel, on dáva tú injekciu." Tak myslím, že to bolo skutočne pekne povedané. Rozmýšľal som o tom, "sérum, potom, ako bola určená diagnóza." Tak, to je veľmi dobrá vec.

13Chcel som ku vám niečo hovoriť, niečo, čo by vás osvietilo do zasľúbenia Božieho na tento vek. Rozumiete? Niečo, nie niečo, čím bol niekto iný na nejaký iný vek, ale niečo… tie veci sú v poriadku, všetci sa na tie veci odvolávame. Ale myslel som, že sa vynasnažím pomocou týchto miest Písma, ktoré tu mám zapísané, priniesť do vašej mysle niečo, čo by vás osvietilo, viete, urobilo vás lepšími vojakmi na poli, na ktorom teraz bojujete, aby ste sa naučili taktiku nepriateľa, aby ste tak mohli zablokovať všetko predtým, ako sa to ku vám dostane. To je tá hlavná vec, naučiť sa chrániť sa od úderov, ako len môžeš.

14Tak, pozrime sa teraz na tento veľký… na pár minút, na tento veľký hriešny deň, v ktorom žijeme. Nemyslím si, že bol kedy deň, o ktorom som niekedy čítal v histórii… boli veľké dni prenasledovania, kedy boli deti Božie usmrcované na každom rohu. Ale vidieť tú zvodnosť nepriateľa, nikdy sme nemali taký deň, v akom teraz žijeme. To je najviac prefíkaný, zvodný deň. A keď to vidím, to vedie ku tomuto: Kresťan musí byť omnoho viac na špičkách, ako v ktoromkoľvek inom veku.

15Tak, tam vtedy v dňoch prenasledovania Cirkvi Rímom, ak Kresťan urobil chybu, poslali ho do arény a stali sa potravou levom, alebo niečoho takého, keď zistili, že má svedectvo Kresťana. Ale jeho duša bola zachránená, pretože bol čistým, nepoškvrneným veriacim v Boha a spokojne spečatil svoje svedectvo krvou, keď sa uvoľnili jeho tepny alebo miesta, kde prepichli jeho telo, a ako krvácal, vykríkol v skutočnej vernej viere, "Prijmi môjho ducha, Pane Ježišu!"

16Ale teraz tá prefíkanosť diabla robí to, že ľudia veria, že sú Kresťania, zatiaľ čo nie sú. V tom je to. Nemusíte spečatiť… je to omnoho ľstivejší deň, ako by to bol, ak by ste museli spečatiť svoj život svojím svedectvom. Diabol nastavil každú možnú ľstivú pascu, akú len mohol, aby… on je zvoditeľ. A Ježiš nám v Matúšovi 24 povedal, ako to v tomto dni, v ktorom žijeme, bude. Je to najzvodnejší deň, aký kedy bol, "je to tak blízke, že by to zviedlo i samých vyvolených Božích, ak by to pre neho bolo možné ich zviesť."

17Porovnajme teraz niektoré miesta Písma, alebo proroctvá vypovedané v Biblii na dnes, a porovnajme ich s dňom, v ktorom teraz žijeme.

18V 2.Timotejovi 3 sme zistili toto, že prorok povedal, že "stane sa v tých dňoch, že ľudia budú nadutí, náhli, viac milujúci rozkoše, ako milujúci Boha." Porovnajte to teraz len na chvíľu. My ne… Prejdeme cez to len rýchlo, lebo nemáme na to čas, aby sme cez to prešli tak, ako by sa patrilo, ale len to zdôrazníme, aby ste to mohli vidieť a potom to doma študovať. "Náhli, nadutí, viac milujúci rozkoše, ako milujúci Boha, zradní, pomluvační, nezdržanliví a pohŕdajúci tými, ktorí sú dobrí." "Duch teraz hovorí výslovne, že tieto veci sa stanú v posledných dňoch." To sú tieto dni, o ktorých hovorí to proroctvo.

19Čítame tiež v Zjavení 14, vlastne v Zjavení 3:14 o Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, o tom, ako to bude s cirkvou v tých posledných dňoch. A to bude, ako to hovorí, "Ona bude sedieť ako vdova a nebude mať na nič potrebu. Bola bohatá a nahromadila si bohatstvo a nevedia, že sú biedni, mizerní, úbohí, slepí a nahí a nevedia o tom." No, pamätajte, On teraz hovorí ku cirkvi tohto veku, “úbohí, slepí a nahí a nevedia o tom." Tá posledná fráza, to posledné slovo to robí takým ohromujúcim. Oni si myslia, že sú dostatočne naplnení Duchom, že sú všetci pripravení. Laodicejský cirkevný vek je Letničný cirkevný vek, pretože to je posledný cirkevný vek. Luther mal svoje posolstvo, Wesley mal svoje posolstvo a letniční mali svoje posolstvo.

20Takisto bolo povedané, že "Pretože si vlažný, ani horúci, ani studený," vonkajšie emócie, mentálne koncepcie Evanjelia. "Pretože," povedal, "si taký, vypľujem ťa zo Svojich úst." Inými slovami, prišlo Mu z toho zle, keď videl cirkev v takom stave.

21A pamätajte, oni Ho vypľuli a On bol von z cirkvi a snažil sa dostať sa dovnútra a v tom hroznom laodicejskom cirkevnom veku.

22Bohom tohoto dňa dnes, tou uctievanou osobou dnes je Satan. A ľudia v nevedomosti uctievajú Satana, ale to je Satan, ktorý sa vydáva za cirkev, rozumiete, vydáva sa za cirkev. Oni uctievajú Satana a myslia si, že uctievajú Boha skrze cirkev, ale to je Satan, ktorý to urobil.

"Ó," poviete, "Ale počkaj, my kážeme Slovo."

23Pozrite sa späť sem na môj dnešný text. Satan bol ten, ktorý Eve najprv kázal Slovo, "Boh povedal…", rozumiete?

24To je prekrútenie toho miesta Písma, ktoré sa týka toho určitého dňa. On ti nechá poznať, že všetko, čo Ježiš činil, bolo dokonale správne. On ti nechá poznať, že všetko, čo Mojžiš činil, bolo dokonale správne. Ale keď vezmeš zasľúbenia, ktoré oni dali na tento dnešný deň, potom: "To sa týka iného dňa." To je všetko, čo on potrebuje urobiť, to je, aby to ľudia tak verili a to je všetko. Lebo "Nemôžete z toho vziať jedno Slovo ani pridať ku Tomu jedno slovo." Ale to je to, čo on robí.

25Ľudia nevedomky uctievajú Satana, mysliac si, že uctievajú Boha, ako sme varovaní proroctvom v 2. Tesaloničanom. Prečítajme si to len, je to druhá Tesaloničanom, druhá kapitola. Dovoľte mi to hneď teraz nájsť, rýchlo, ak sa mi to podarí. Rád by som to prečítal. Myslím, že to je druhá Tesaloničanom. Mám tu to miesto Písma. V druhej…

Ale vás prosíme, bratia, ohľadne príchodu nášho Pána Ježiša Krista a nášho shromaždenia k nemu, “

26Pozrite teraz, “príchod Pánov a naše zhromaždenie k Nemu,” ako Boh zhromaždí Svoj ľud ku Sebe v tých posledných dňoch. “Zhromaždenie ľudí ku Pánovi,” nie ku cirkvi, “ku Pánovi, spoločné zhromaždenie ku Nemu.”

aby ste sa nedali hneď zviklať od umu ani sa strašiť ani duchom ani slovom ani listom, ako nami poslaným, ako čo by už bol nastal deň Kristov.

Nech vás nikto nezvedie nijakým spôsobom, lebo deň Kristov nenastane, kým prv neprijde odpadnutie, a nebude zjavený človek hriechu

(“človek hriechu,” sledujte teraz, kým on je),

syn zatratenia

(to bol Judáš),

ktorý sa protiví a povyšuje nad všetko, čo sa zovie Bôh, alebo čomu sa dáva božská česť, takže sa posadí do chrámu Božieho jako Bôh a bude sa vydávať za Boha.”

27Ten zvod cirkvi dnes! Vidíte, “syn zatratenia,” diabol. “Syn zatratenia,” diabol. Ľudia potom v tomto dni uctievajú Satana, mysliac si, že uctievajú Boha. Ale oni ho uctievajú cez vyznania, ľudské denominácie a vyznania, ktoré priviedli ľudí rovno do najväčšieho zvodu, ktorý kedy svet poznal. Bez ohľadu na to, ako Slovo Božie, ktoré je na tento deň zasľúbené, je kázané a potvrdené, stále tomu nebudú veriť. Nebudú tomu veriť.

28Prečo potom? Divíme sa prečo. Prečo to, prečo tomu neveria? Keď Boh povedal, že bude robiť určitú vec, a robí ju, a oni stále od toho obrátia chrbát a otočia sa preč. Práve tak, ako Eva vedela, čo Boh povedal, čo Boh urobí, ale obrátila tomu chrbát, aby počúvala to, čo tamten chcel povedať.

29Pamätajte len, v tých ostatných vekoch, to bolo presne to isté. V každom veku to bolo to, že Satan sa im snažil prevrátiť to Slovo, aby spôsobil, že budú vidieť iný vek.

30Pozrite sa, keď prišiel Ježiš, Satan bol v tej skupine Židovských učiteľov učiteľov, rabínov a kňazov a snažil sa im povedať, aby zachovávali zákon Mojžiša, kým to isté Slovo hovorí, že v tom dni, keď bude zjavený Syn človeka, že On zjaví seba. A tak, oni sa snažili, pokiaľ sa zachovali nábožní a v zákone Mojžiša. Vidíte, čo urobili? On (satan) sa im snažil povedať, "Tá časť Slova je celkom správna, ale tento človek nie je tá osoba." Vidíte, aké je to zvodné? To je ten skutočný deň zvodu.

31Bolo to tak a teraz to je, že satan si zriaďuje svoje kráľovstvo tu na zemi. To je presne dôvod, prečo to robí, pretože on si chce zriadiť svoje vlastné kráľovstvo.

32Ako obchodník, nie ako Kresťan, on bude robiť, čo len môže, len aby ťa doviedol do toho, aby si videl niečo nesprávnym spôsobom. Ak má nejaký zámer a osobný zisk v tom, že ťa dovedie do toho, aby si to robil, aby si to tak videl, tak on urobí všetko, čo len môže, aby ťa držal preč od pravdy toho, pretože on má cítenie iba pre seba. Bez ohľadu na to, koľko klame a kradne a čokoľvek robí, on má osobný zisk.

33A to je to, prečo toto Satan urobil. A on pracoval cez službu, aby to urobil, ako Boh zasľúbil, že to urobí. Tak, on to začal cez nábožný zvod v Edene, a odvtedy stále pokračuje.

34Nie skrze ustanovenie bandy komunistov. Komunisti s týmto nemajú nič spoločné. To je cirkev, to je to, kde si musíte dávať pozor. To nie sú komunisti, ktorí by zviedli tých vyvolených. To je cirkev, ktorá by zviedla vyvolených. To nie sú komunisti, my vieme, že oni zapierajú Boha, a oni sú antikristovskí, iste, že sú, v princípe, ale oni nie sú "ten" antikrist. Antikrist je nábožný, veľmi nábožný a dokáže citovať Písmo a spôsobí, že sa bude zdať také jasné.

35Tak, ako to satan citoval rovno na počiatku, všetko pekne citoval, "Boh povedal, 'Nebudete jesť zo všetkých stromov záhrady.'" Vidíte, pekne to citoval.

36Ona povedala, "Áno, môžeme jesť zo všetkých stromov záhrady, ale je tam uprostred tej záhrady strom, o ktorom nám povedal Boh, že nemáme jesť, ani sa ho dotýkať, pretože v deň, v ktorý by sme to urobili, v ten deň zomrieme."

37On povedal, "Ó, istotne nezomriete. Ale dovoľ, nech ti poviem dôvod, prečo vám toto Boh povedal. To preto…” Vidíte, čo teraz robí? Citoval pravdu, rozumiete? Povedal, "To vám otvorí oči a spôsobí, že budete poznať dobré od zlého. Potom budete ako Boh, ak to môžete urobiť."

38 To je presne to, čo chce robiť, a to je presne tá istá vec, ktorú sa snaží robiť dnes. On bol tým istým náboženským zvodom od samého začiatku v Edene a odvtedy ním stále je. V Adamovom čase to bol zvod. V Noeho čase to bol zvod. V Ježišovom čase to bol zvod. A teraz je to to isté, takým istým spôsobom, náboženské zvedenie!

39Všimnime si teraz zem, keď ju mal Boh pod kontrolou. Keď to teraz mal pod kontrolou Boh… mal to pod svojou kontrolou. Potom to Satan zabral tým, že odmietol Božie Slovo. Boh mal raz zem pod Svojou kontrolou. Postavil ju na obežnú dráhu. Založil ju, spôsobil, že to fungovalo. Urobil všetko, mal ju pod svojou kontrolou. Teraz to porovnáme s tým, ako to bolo potom, ako to Satan prevzal pod svoju kontrolu.

40Tak, Bohu to trvalo šesť tisíc rokov. To Mu netrvalo tak dlho, to On si na to vzal toľko času. Šesť tisíc rokov, pretože sme učení, že "jeden deň v Nebi je tisíc rokov na zemi," a to bolo šesť tisíc rokov, alebo šesť dní, v ktorých Boh staval zem. Tak, to Bohu zabralo šesť tisíc rokov, aby ju založil, vysadil ju dobrými semenami a aby všetko prinieslo podľa svojho druhu. Všetko musí priniesť podľa svojho druhu. Všetky Jeho semená boli dobré, a tak to musí priniesť podľa svojho druhu. Boh si na to vzal šesť tisíc rokov.

41Nakoniec, keď mal toto všetko hotové a nakoniec… nakoniec prišiel so Svojím hlavným stanom na zemi, na nádhernom mieste nazvanom záhrada Eden, nazvanom záhrada Eden. Boh urobil svetový hlavný stan v záhrade Eden, v Egypte, rovno na východnej strane tej záhrady bol hlavný stan.

42A nad celou tou situáciou postavil Svojho syna a manželku Svojho syna, nad tým všetkým. To je pravda. To je to, čo Boh urobil. Dal im plnú kontrolu. Mohli prehovoriť ku vetru a on by prestal duť. Prehovorili by ku stromu a ten by sa premiestnil odtiaľto sem.

43Lev a vlk sa kŕmili spolu a baránok ležal spolu s nimi. Nebolo žiadneho zla. Bol tam dokonalý pokoj, dokonalá harmónia, všetko v dokonalosti, a keď to Boh mal pod svojou kontrolou… a všimnite si, On mal svoje… mal Svoj svet, všetko Mu to fungovalo. Všetko to tam vydávalo ovocie. Všetko sa živilo zeleninou, nič nemalo zomrieť, nič nemalo byť zruinované, nič nemalo byť skazené. Nič, bolo to skrátka dokonalé.

44A nad tým všetkým umiestnil Svoje milované deti, Svojho syna a Svoju dcéru, muža a ženu, aby to spravovali.

45Boh bol tak uspokojený! "A na siedmy deň odpočinul od všetkých svojich diel," a posvätil tento siedmy deň Sabatu pre Seba."

46Pretože Boh sa na to všetko pozrel, po tom, ako to všetko šesť tisíc rokov formoval a upevňoval, privádzal to do existencie a vytlačil vrchy a dal, aby sopky vytlačili vrchy, a veci, ktoré sa diali pri tých erupciách, to vysušili a On to všetko postavil tak, ako to chcel. A bolo to nádherné miesto.

47Nebolo nič také ako to, ten veľký Boží raj! A tie veľké dinosaury a všetko také, sa cez to plazili a všetky tie veľké zvieratá a nebolo v nich nič, čo by ublížilo. Boli mierne ako mačiatko. Nemali vôbec nič, žiadnu nemoc, žiaden smútok, nebol na zemi ani jeden zárodok nemoci. Ó, čo za miesto!

48Veľké vtáky prelietali zo stromu na strom a Adam ich mohol nazývať po mene a oni prilietavali na jeho ramená, hrkútali mu. Ó, čo za nádherné miesto Boh mal!

49A potom učinil jeden z Jeho atribútov zo Svojho vlastného tela, Boh mal vo Svojom Tele atribúty.

50Tak, ako ty si atribútom svojho otca. A všimnite si, ty si bol vo svojom pra-pra-prastarom otcovi. Ale v tom, povedzme, že to vezmeme ako príklad teba a tvojho otca. Tak, ty si nevedel nič, keď si bol vo svojom otcovi. Zárodok života pochádza od muža. Muž má tú krvnú bunku, žena má vajíčko, tak preto má tá krvná bunka v sebe život. A potom, keď si bol vo svojom otcovi, ty si o tom v skutočnosti nič nevedel, a pritom veda a Božie Slovo dokazujú, že si bol vo svojom otcovi, ale ty si o tom nič nevedel.

51Ale potom ťa otec zatúžil poznať. A cez zjednotenie, spojenie s matkou, si bol potom daný na známosť otcovi. Ty si teraz otcov atribút. Vyzeráš ako on, a máš časti svojho tela, ktoré vyzerajú ako tvoj otec.

52A takto to bolo u Boha na počiatku. Každý syn Boží a každá Božia dcéra bola na počiatku v Bohu. Vy si to teraz nepamätáte, ale vy ste tam boli. On to vedel. A On chcel, aby ste sa stali takými, aby sa s vami mohol kontaktovať, hovoriť s vami a milovať vás a potriasť si s vami ruky.

53Či vy nechcete vášho vlastného chlapca… či to nie je veľký deň, keď váš chlapec prichádza domov a sadá si ku stolu? Keď prichádza z bojového poľa alebo niečoho, doráňaný, ako mu pripravíte večeru, zabijete tučné teľa alebo niečo a pripravíte to pre neho! To je vaše vlastné telo a vaša vlastná krv a on bol vo vás. Vy ste ho vtedy nepoznali, ale vedeli ste, že on tam je.

54A takisto Boh vedel, že my tu budeme, ale potom nás On postavil do tela, aby sme sa mohli spolu kontaktovať. Aby sa s nami mohol kontaktovať, stal sa jedným z nás, keď sa stal Ježišom Kristom, Synom Božím, On Sám, plnosť manifestácie Božej. Preto to bol Boží zámer, aby ukázal svoje atribúty v obecenstve.

55Keď som bol vo svojom otcovi, nevedel som o tom nič. Ale keď som sa stal jeho synom a narodil som sa z neho, bol som atribútom, časťou svojho otca. A vy ste časťou svojho otca.

56A ako deti Božie sme časťou Božieho atribútu, ktorý bol v Ňom, učinený telom, ako On bol učinený telom, aby sme tak mohli mať obecenstvo jeden s druhým, ako rodina Božia tu na zemi. A to bol Boží zámer na počiatku. Tak veru. To je to, čo Boh chcel na počiatku.

57On mal všetko pod kontrolou a postavil človeka do záhrady Eden na základe slobodnej morálnej voľby a povedal, "Synu, je to tvoje."

58Čo za nádherné miesto! Boh bol tak uspokojený, až sa otočil a odpočinul od všetkých svojich diel. Žiaden strom nikdy neprinášal pichliače a bodľač. Plody nikdy neprišli z bodliaku. Všetko bolo dokonalé. Všetky semená boli dokonalé. Všetko bolo v dokonalom stave.

59Keď si potom išiel trochu odpočinúť, jeho nepriateľ sa prikradol v zvedení a zaujal to skrze zlé vyloženie Božieho programu Jeho deťom. Keď On položil dôveru v Svoje vlastné dieťa, tak, ako vy vkladáte dôveru v svoju dcéru, keď ide večer s nejakým mužom, keď vkladáte dôveru vo svojho syna, keď ide s chlapcom, ktorý pije alebo ktorý fajčí. Vidíte, On položil dôveru v Svojho syna, že on neurobí nič zlého a bude zachovávať každé Slovo, ktoré On povedal. Ale ten nepriateľ sa tam vkradol, ako nejaký slizký darebák, ktorý berie von tvoju dcéru a zle sa ku nej správa, alebo nejaká žena, ktorá by išla s tvojím synom, to isté. Vidíte, on sa tam vkradol. Nepriateľ Boží sa tam vkradol a zle Eve vyložil Slovo.

60Tak on, skrze tento úpadok, sám zabral a zaujal do vlastníctva záhradu Eden. Zaujal ju. A teraz mal šesť tisíc rokov zvoditeľskej vlády, zvádzal ľudí, Božie deti, ako to robil vtedy. Pretože oni boli založení na slobodnej morálnej voľbe, aby konali tak, ako len budú chcieť. A veriac, že budú konať správne, alebo vo viere, že budú konať správne, prišli potom s nesprávnym činom a zapredali svoje práva tomu svetu ako Ezav. A Satan vyhral a zaujal to a dostal šesť tisíc rokov, aby postavil svoj Eden, ako mal Boh šesť tisíc rokov, aby vystavil a zavŕšil Svoj Eden. A skrze zvod Slova, alebo ľudí, teraz ustanovil svoj vlastný Eden na tejto zemi, v hriechu.

61Boží Eden bol založený na spravodlivosti. Satanov Eden je založený v hriechu, pretože Satan je hriech. Boh je spravodlivosť a Božie kráľovstvo bolo založené na spravodlivosti a pokoji a Živote. A Satanov základ je v hriechu a v nábožnom hriechu.

62Všimnite si, ako zviedol, jeho zvod, ako povedal, že to urobí. On zasľúbil, že toto sa stane. Vedel to niekto? Obráťme sa do Izaiáša, ak chcete niektoré miesta Písma. Ak by ste... Mal by som ich hádam citovať viac. Otvorme si Izaiáša 14. kapitolu, len na chvíľu, ale len budeme vidieť, čo tu Satan povedal. Prečítame to v Izaiášovi 14, a sledujte, čo tento chlapík urobil. V Izaiášovi 14, začneme od dvanásteho verša.

Ako si len padol s nebies, jasná hviezdo


synu rannej zory! Zoťatý si na zem, ktorý si porážal národy.

A veď ty si povedal vo svojom srdci: Vystúpim hore do neba; vyvýšim svoj trón nad hviezdy

(to sú synovia)

silného Boha a posadím sa na vrchu slávnostného shromaždenia Božieho, v najďaľších krajoch severa;

vystúpim na výšiny oblakov a budem podobný Najvyššiemu!

63Porovnajte toto teraz s tým naším ďalším miestom Písma v Tesaloničanom, čo sme čítali pred chvíľou, ako tam povedal, "On sedí v chráme Božom a vyvyšuje sa ponad všetko, čo sa zovie Boh, a tak je ako Boh uctievaný na zemi."

64Tam je boh tohto sveta, kázal som vám o tom minulú nedeľu. Tu je dnes, vo zvode, v tejto záludnej hodine, ten ohromný čas, v ktorom žijeme. Je to najohromnejší čas zo všetkých vekov, pretože znovu čelíme tomu veľkému Miléniu, znovu čelíme Edenu. Ale rovno v tomto veku, všetok ten zvod a každá taktika, ktorú kedy použil a bol ňou schopný zviesť, on to všetko spolu zhromaždil a sám sa násilne dosadil a prišiel ako Boh a dosadil sa na miesto Boha, nábožný a dokáže citovať Písma a môže ti predložiť Písma, práve tak, ako to urobil Satan Eve v záhrade Eden. Ale vynechať z Toho jedno miesto, to je všetko, čo potrebuje urobiť, spraviť nejakú medzeru, kadiaľ môže vliať tú jedovatú náuku diabla, ako sme o tom minule hovorili vo Filtri rozumného človeka.

65Tak, on povedal, že sa sám vyvýši nad Najvyššieho, že vystúpi nad oblaky a hviezdy a posadí sa ako Boh a že bude nad Najvyšším. A on uspel v uskutočňovaní svojich hrozieb. Istotne sa podaril veľký úspech v uskutočňovaní svojich hrozieb, skrze to, že ľudia mu dovolili, aby im to vyvrátil, v každom veku, tú hodnotu Božieho zasľúbeného Slova na ten vek. To je presne to, ako to urobil. On to v každom veku vyvrátil.

66Vo dňoch Noeho, on vysvetlil, že to je nemožné, aby pršalo z neba, lebo "tam hore nie je žiaden dážď." Jeho veľké vedecké evanjelium, ktoré kázal v záhrade Eden! Mohol vystreľovať prístroje na mesiac a dokazovať, že tam nie je žiadna vlhkosť. Ale Boh povedal, že príde dážď. Ale Satan uspel a otrávil mysle ľudí skrze vedecký výskum, že "to sa nemôže stať." Ale stalo sa to. Boh povedal, že sa to stane, a stalo sa to. On to učinil.

67Vo dňoch Ježiša urobil to isté. Znovu pomocou zvodu otrávil mysle ľudí tým, že zle vykladal Slovo. "Ak si Syn Boží, nech vidím, že s tým niečo urobíš."

68Ježiš mu nerobil klauna. Nikdy to nerobil. Boh nie je klaun. On nemusí reagovať na nič, čo Satan žiada. On mal len… Ježiš povedal, "Je napísané, 'Nebudeš žiť… Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.'" Vidíte, on mu nemusel robiť žiadneho klauna. On nemusel stvoriť chlieb. On by to mohol urobiť, ale to by počúval diabla, ale On nemusel počúvať diabla.

69A znovu je to nábožný hriech, ako na počiatku, je to tak zvodné. Sledujte to teraz. To nie je len nejaký každodenný hriech, páchanie cudzoložstva a opíjanie sa a branie mena Pánovho nadarmo. To nie je to. Nie.

70Pamätáte si pred rokmi, mnohí z vás tu, tí veteráni, pamätáte si, ako som kázal na tému 'Sklamanie pri súde'. Pobehlica tam nebude sklamaná. Ona vie, kam ide. Opilec tam nebude sklamaný. Pokútny výrobca alkoholu, hazardný hráč, klamár, zlodej tam nebude sklamaný. Ale ten človek, ktorý si myslí, že má pravdu, tam bude sklamanie.

71To je tá osoba, ktorá, povedzme, povie, "Pane, či som nekázal Evanjelium, či som nevyháňal démonov v Tvojom mene?"

72Ježiš povedal, "Odíďte odo Mňa, činitelia neprávosti. Nikdy som vás neznal." Tam je sklamanie, vidíte, to zvedenie.

73To je to, čo ustavične… to je to, kde som tak neporozumený. To nie je to, že ja sa chcem líšiť. Nechcem sa líšiť, ale ja musím byť úprimný. Mám Posolstvo a ono musí ísť ku ľuďom. Je to medzi ľuďmi veľmi neporozumené. Oni si myslia, že som proti každému. Ak by len vedeli, že ja som pre každého, a snažím sa, ako najlepšie viem, priniesť im to, čo je pravda, práve tak, ako je to položené na moje srdce a ako je to tu položené v Biblii. A Boh dokazuje, že to je pravda, tak nič iné sa s tým nedá urobiť. Takže buď sa na to pozrú, alebo nie.

74Vidíte, oni to nechcú vidieť, pretože oni sú už zapredaní, zapredali svoje práva nejakej organizácii, nejakej denominácii, aby sa snažili svoje práva prvorodenstva… aby sa dostali do neba na základe nejakého organizovaného náboženstva, pričom Satan je hlavou každého jedného z nich. Boh nikdy nemal organizované náboženstvo, nikdy nemal. A oni sa tomu zapredávajú, kde nejaká skupina ľudí vykladá Slovo a hovorí, že znamená toto a znamená toto.

75Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. On to Sám vykladá. On nepotrebuje nikoho druhého, aby Mu povedal, ako to má urobiť. On je suverénny. On povedal, ako to urobí, a to je to, ako On musí zachovať Svoje Slovo. Keď povedal, "Tieto veci budú nasledovať tých, ktorí budú veriť," On myslel presne to. Čokoľvek povedal, že sa bude diať v tých posledných dňoch, že On bude robiť určité veci, a On ich urobil. On sa nemusí nikoho pýtať, či je na to čas, alebo nie. On vie, aký je čas a aký je plán.

76Tak, Satan, tento zvodca, ako je povedané v Matúšovi 24:24, príde s toľkým zvodom. Zisťujeme, že skrze jeho evanjelizačné programy poznania, lepšieho vzdelania, vyššej etiky, civilizácie atď, omámili ľudí, ktorí chcú slúžiť Bohu, aby tomuto uverili. [Brat Branham klope štyrikrát na kazateľňu - pozn. prekl.]

77Eva to nechcela urobiť, ale on jej ukázal, ako v tom bola väčšia múdrosť. Ona to nevedela, chcela sa to dozvedieť. Nerozumela, ale chcela rozumieť. A Boh jej povedal, aby sa to nesnažila rozumieť.

78Ako môžem niečo z týchto vecí porozumieť? Nedokážem ich rozumieť. Ja im verím. Ja ich nepotrebujem rozumieť. Boh je viera a nie rozumenie. My len veríme, čo On povedal.

79Tak, porovnajte Boží Eden so Satanovým Edenom, teraz, po tých šesť tisícoch rokoch prevracania pravdivého výkladu Božieho zasľúbeného Slova na daný vek. Porovnajme to teraz a vidzme, kam sa dostávame. Ako to On urobil pre Cirkev v Kristovom čase, v Ježišovom, ako sa snažil zadržať Božích kráľovských synov od poznania Pravdy. To je Božie. Boh tu postavil Svojich synov, Svoje atribúty, aby s Ním mali obecenstvo skrze počutie Slova.

80Čo ak by ti tvoj otec povedal, a ty si kráľovským synom svojho otca, a on by ti povedal, "Synu, nechoď tam do tej vody plávať, pretože tam sú aligátory," a nejaký človek tam príde a povie, "No, takáto krásna voda, isteže tam nie sú žiadne aligátory."? Tak, koho budeš počúvať? Ak si skutočným synom, budeš počúvať svojho ocka. [Brat Branham klope dvakrát na kazateľňu - pozn.prekl.]

81A pravý syn alebo dcéra Božia vezme v prvom rade Božie Slovo. Je mi jedno, čo druhé o tom niekto iný povedal, oni berú v prvom rade Božie Slovo. "V tom pohári je jed!" a oni tomu veria.

82Tým, že Jeho semená mali vieru v celé Jeho Slovo, prinieslo Eden svätosti, lásky a večného Života. To je to, čo Boží Eden vyprodukoval, svätosť. A to prinieslo Eden svätosti, lásky, porozumenia, dokonalosti a večného Života. To je to, čo Boh sadí, Jeho Slovo, Jeho Semeno. To je to, čím bude Jeho Cirkev na konci, bude to to isté.

83Všimnite si to tu, tu je jedna myšlienka. Nezabudnite to. Dostanem sa ku tomu niekedy inokedy alebo pri nejakom inom Posolstve. Ale, viete, Boh povedal, "Nech prinesie každé semeno podľa svojho druhu." Je to Božie nariadenie? No, na čo je dobrý nejaký kazateľ alebo niekto, kto sa bude snažiť urobiť, aby to Slovo hovorilo niečo iné? Vidíte, každé Božie Slovo je Semeno. Ježiš tak povedal, "Semeno, ktoré rozsial rozsievač." Tak, ak je Marek 16 Božie Slovo, ono prinesie svoj druh. Ak je Malachiáš 4 Božie Slovo, ono prinesie svoj druh. A každé ďalšie zasľúbenie musí priniesť svoj druh.

84Tak vidíte Satana, vidíte ho v tom jeho prestrojení? On sa snaží povedať, "To tak nie, to nie je tak." Rozumiete to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí "Amen" - pozn.prekl.] Vidíte, Satan hovorí, "Ó, to nie je na tento deň. To, to je… to bolo na iný čas. To ani neznamená to."

[Zhromaždenie hovorí "Amen" - pozn.prekl.] A tu to je, to je to, ako Boh ustanovil Svoju Cirkev, každé Slovo podľa svojho druhu! "Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." Rozumiete? Satan vezme niečo iné. Ale Boh povedal, "Každé semeno podľa svojho druhu."

86Ak zasľúbenie povedalo. "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria."

87A teraz cirkev hovorí, "Pripoj sa ku cirkvi. Zopakuj vyznanie. Poznaj katechizmus." V celej Biblii neexistuje nič také.

88Ale Ježiš povedal, "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria: v Mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov, budú hovoriť novými jazykmi, ak by vzali hadov alebo pili niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im, ak položia ruky na chorých, budú sa mať dobre." Kde je kto, aby To poprel? Vidíte?

90Teraz zisťujeme, že keď každé semeno nieslo podľa svojho druhu, nebola tam žiadna smrť v tom novom… v tom Edene. Nebude žiadna smrť v tom novom Edene. Vidíte, tam nebolo vôbec nič, iba svätosť, čistota a večný Život.

91Teraz, skrze neuverenie v celé Božie Slovo bolo prinesené semeno nesvätosti v Satanovom Edene. Vstupujeme teraz tam, kde Satan zaberá trón ako antikrist, v Edene tejto zeme, Eden hriechu, prevrátené náboženstvo. On nezačal na tom, "Ja som Satan. Ja som ten veľký anjel." Nie, nie na tom, ale na prevrátení Božieho Slova! A to je to, ako priniesol svoje kráľovstvo v každom veku. A teraz v tomto veľkom zvodnom veku je pripravený prevziať svoj trón pomocou svojich ľudí! On si postavil intelektuálny, vzdelaný, vedecký Eden (to je pravda), vedeckých kazateľov, vedeckú cirkev, vedeckú teológiu, všetko je vedecké. Všetko je na základe poznania. Celá cirkev je postavená na poznaní. Nie je postavená na viere.

92Raz som mal mať zhromaždenie v cirkvi jedného muža. Bolo to veľké auditórium na západe. Milý človek, a on zapieral tieto veci, o ktorých hovoríme. Ale áno, on bol… mám ho rád, milý starý človek. Keď odchádzalo jeho zhromaždenie… zmestilo sa tam asi šesť tisíc ľudí. Keď odchádzalo jeho zhromaždenie, po popoludňajšej bohoslužbe, asi tisíc päťsto ľudí, to boli všetko pekne oblečení intelektuáli. Sedel som tam a pozoroval som ich.

93Ten človek kázal veľmi dobré kázanie, skutočne. A potom sa opýtal, či by niekto chcel prijať Krista, nech zodvihne svoju ruku. A nikto nezdvihol ruku. Nakoniec jedna žena zodvihla ruku. On povedal, "V poriadku, teraz si Kresťanka," a pripravil ju na krst. A potom, keď vyšiel… dal požehnanie nejakému dieťaťu, pobozkal to dieťa a pomodlil sa za neho a rozpustil zhromaždenie.

94Keď odchádzalo jeho zhromaždenie, všetko to boli riadni učení vzdelaní ľudia. Potom, ja som tam stál na boku, potriasol som si s tým mužom ruku a poprial som mu Božiu priazeň, ako vychádzal.

95A potom tam prichádzal môj zástup. Oni im nedovolili vstúpiť, kým tam bol jeho zástup. Tu prichádzal môj: na invalidných kreslách, na nosidlách, v korzetoch, pomätení, všetko možné. Vidíte ten rozdiel? To je to. To je to, o čom hovorím. Vidíte, to je niečo odlišné.

96Pričom skrze vedecké poznanie môžete vytvoriť rozumové Evanjelium, že poviete, "ten, kto verí v Ježiša Krista, nebude odsúdený," rozumiete?

97Ale "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria," vidíte, on tam toto nedokázal umiestniť. Ona uverila “na” Ježiša Krista, je spasená, ak tieto znamenia nasledujú veriaceho.

99A nikto to nedokáže, jedine, že ho Otec predurčil. Ježiš povedal, "Nikto nemôže ku Mne prísť, koho by nepritiahol Môj Otec, a všetkých, ktorých mi Otec dal, ku Mne prídu." Amen. To je všetko suverenita a predzvedenie Božie. On žije Sám a nikto Mu nehovorí, čo má robiť.

100 Skrze neveru, pri neprijímaní celého Slova Božieho, priniesol semeno nevery, nesväté, hriešne, nenávidiace a v tomto hriešnom intelektuálnom cirkevnom veku je večná smrť. Porozumeli ste to teraz? V tomto dni, keď je celý svet nábožný! Vedeli ste to? Celý svet je nábožný. A v tomto nábožnom veku, kde sú na každom rohu veľké cirkvi, všetko možné, celá tá vec sa vinie do toho, aby bol Satan uctievaný. Tu to je, rovno tu v Biblii. Je to pravda. A v týchto intelektuálnych teologických seminároch, ktoré vyprodukovali intelektuálnu osobu, ktorá je trénovaná ako hovoriť, čo robiť, ako ovládať svoje emócie a všetku možnú psychológiu, tri, štyri roky, aby vedeli, ako narábať s ľudskou mysľou. Vidíte, je to…

101Duch Boží nie je niečo také, niečo, čo by bolo do vás “zaškolené”. To je niečo, čo je do vás predurčené, skrze ruku Všemohúceho Boha. Vaše prežitia do vás nemôžu byť zaškolené, alebo zaučené. To je predurčené skrze ruku Božiu a Božie predzvedenie do vás. To je pravda.

102Tak, to priviedlo tento veľký Eden, v ktorom teraz žijú, svetský cirkevný Eden. Oni sa teraz všetci zjednocujú v tej veľkej Ekumenickej Rade a budú mať svetovú cirkev, kde všetci prichádzajú pod jednu veľkú hlavu, kde bude Satan sedieť na tróne, presne tak.

103A to posledné zavolanie vychádza, aby zachytilo Nevestu, predtým, ako by sa do toho dostala. Lebo ak je raz v tom, tak zobrala znamenie šelmy a je zatratená a nikdy z toho nevyjde. To je ten dôvod, že On hovorí, "Vyjdite spomedzi nich, Môj ľude," predtým, ako sa ku tomu dostane, rozumiete. "Vyjdite spomedzi nich a oddeľte sa."

104Tak, teraz je tu v tomto Edene nenávisť a smrť a večné oddelenie od Boha: žiadostivosť, špina, prevrátenie, (ako?) skrze siatie nesprávneho semena.

105Pripomína mi to videnie, ktoré som videl predtým, ako som stretol letničných ľudí, videnie toho Človeka, ktorý išiel okolo sveta v bielom. Počuli ste ma to mnohokrát hovoriť. A za Ním prichádzal niekto, kto sial semeno rôznic.

106Ale on nad tým skutočne zvíťazil pri Eve v záhrade Eden, skrze žiadosť Evy po hriechu, žiadosti po Eve, skrze hriech. Potom, ak Eva žiadostila po poznaní, bol to hriech. [Brat Branham klope štyrikrát na kazateľňu - pozn.prekl.]

107A keď my žiadostíme po poznaní, chceme Ph.D., LL.D., je to hriech chcieť. To sú silné vyhlásenia, ale je to Pravda. Nezáleží na tom, aké je to silné, stále je to Pravda, rozumiete. Mať žiadosť po poznaní, rozumení!

108Tá vec je to, že dnes sa nesnažíme umiestniť do sŕdc ľudí Slovo Božie. Snažíme sa umiestniť tam sami seba. Cirkvi sa snažia umiestniť do srdca človeka náuku cirkvi.

109Je nám prikázané umiestniť Slovo Božie. Pavol povedal, "Neprišiel som ku vám s presviedčavými slovami človeka, ale prišiel som ku vám v moci, v manifestácii Ducha Svätého, aby vaša viera odpočívala v Bohu." Tu to máte.

110Človek sa nesmie sám umiestniť, ustanoviť. Nachádzame to medzi… Nech Boh niečo urobí pre nejakú osobu a vysiela ju niekam, zistíte, že každý sa ho snaží napodobniť. Vidíte, oni sa snažia sami ustanoviť. Každý hovorí, "Ja som urobil toto. Ja, ja, moja, moja denominácia, ja, toto…" ustanovujú sami seba. O čom kážeme, o sebe alebo o kráľovstve Božom?

111Ustanovte Slovo Božie. Zoberte preč neveru a ustanovte v ľudskom srdci kráľovstvo Božie. A kráľovstvo Božie nemôže byť v ľudskom srdci ustanovené, jedine, že ho Boh tak utvoril. Nemôže byť ustanovené v …

112A pamätajte, tá zvodná časť je to, že ten človek si myslí, že to je pravda. "Je cesta, ktorá sa zdá byť človeku priamou." Každá intelektuálna bytosť sa zdá, že má pravdu.

113Ako som vám pred pár týždňami povedal, keď som stál pri zomierajúcom dieťati a stál tam Satan a povedal, "Tvoj ocko je preč, zomrel ti v ten večer v tvojom náručí. Tvoja žena leží tam v truhle a tu odchádza tvoje dieťa. A ty si Ho prosil, aby ti odpovedal a zatiahol… zatiahol nad tebou svoj záves. No a On je pritom dobrým Bohom a ty si pritom povedal, že On je Uzdravovateľ. A ty, ktorý si stojíš za tým, čo si povedal, že je to pravda, sa mýliš." Ó, podal mi každý rozumový dôvod, každá mentálna schopnosť musela súhlasiť, že je to pravda, a to bola pravda, potiaľ.

114Tak, on mal pravdu, keď povedal Eve, "Vaše oči sa otvoria a budete poznať dobré od zlého. A budete ako bohovia, a tak budete poznať správne od nesprávneho," pretože Boh im to ešte nedal vidieť, že boli nahí. A tak vedeli, že by poznali dobré od zlého, a on mal pravdu. Ale vidíte, bolo to v protiklade s Božím Slovom.

115A takisto je to s kazateľmi v seminároch, ktorí sa učia ľudské teológie, môže to vyzerať správne, môže to byť dobré porozumenie nejakej veci, ale je to nesprávne.

116My to nemusíme rozumieť. My to veríme, pretože Boh povedal, že to tak je, a tým je to naveky vybavené. Tak je to s celou vecou, to je spôsob, ako tomu treba veriť.

117Ó, ako Eva túžila mať titul Ph.D., vidíte, ako túžila byť chytrejšia, ako bola!

118Všimnite si, aké to bolo podobné, muž a jeho žena… Všimnite si teraz, muž a žena, obaja boli v záhrade Eden, v Božej záhrade, nahí.

119Tak, zakončím už. Povedal som, že vás zdržím len pár minút. Pozrite sa, sledujte to teraz, ako zakončíme.

120Porovnajte to teraz, ako je to podobné, keď boli obaja, muž i jeho žena, obaja v záhrade Eden, bez jediného kúska oblečenia a nevedeli to. Prečo to nevedeli? Pretože boli zahalení pred svojimi zmyslami nahoty skrze Svätú záclonu Ducha Svätého. Dokázali sa dívať jeden na druhého správne a nevedeli, že sú nahí. Boli zahalení Duchom Svätým, svätosťou. Boli zahalení.

121Božia opona dokonca dnes, môžu sa dívať a nežiadostiť. Odvrátia svoju hlavu. Je to Svätá záclona, rozumiete, Svätá záclona. Boh nechal ich očiam… boli obaja, on bol muž a ona bola žena a nevedeli, že sú nahí, pretože svätosť Božia držala ich oči zahalené. Všimnite si, Boh zakryl ich svedomie od hriechu skrze Svätú Záclonu.

122Prial by som si, aby sme mali na to čas, chvíľu na tom zotrvať. Pozrite sem, "Lebo ctiteľ, raz očistený,” list Židom, “Lebo ctiteľ, raz očistený, nemá viac svedomia hriechu." Hriech od neho odišiel.

123Počul som brata Nevilleho dnes ráno povedať, niekto sa ho, myslím, pýtal, prečo nekáže na Ducha Svätého a prečo to ja nerobím. Tu to je. Duch Svätý je tá akcia vo vás. To je Život, nie emócia, nie nejaký druh telesného dôkazu. Ale to je Osoba, Ježiš Kristus, Slovo Božie ustanovené v tvojom srdci, aby oživilo každé Slovo na tento vek. Správne. Sledujte Ducha Svätého v akcii, nie tak veľmi v demonštrácii, ale v akcii, čo to činí podľa Slova.

124Všimnite si teraz Ducha Svätého, Ducha Božieho Svätého Slova, ako mal muža a ženu nahých a nevedeli o tom. Aké nádherné, Život Slova, Semeno, Slovo!

125Boh povedal, "Je jeden strom uprostred záhrady, žena. A uprostred záhrady je tento strom, nedotýkaj sa ho. Pretože deň, v ktorý by si z neho zjedol, v ten deň zomrieš." Oni boli predtým zahalení, nevedeli o tom nič, neopovážili sa toho dotknúť.

126Boli sväto zahalení. Boli v bezpečí v Božom pavilóne. Boli nažive. Nemali okolo seba žiadnu smrť. Haleluja! [Brat Branham tleskol rukami- pozn.prekl.] Mali jeden ku druhému dokonalú lásku, naveky dokonalý život. Mali dokonalú lásku, dokonalé porozumenie lásky Božej. Mali Božie Slovo, zachovávali Ho. A boli živí a v bezpečí v záhrade Eden, nebola okolo nich žiadna smrť.

127Potom Satan dostal Evu, aby počúvala jeho evanjelium teológie, evanjelium poznania, vyššieho vyškolenia, vyššej etiky, lepšej civilizácie, vyššieho vzdelania atď; potom, keď ju doviedol do toho, aby sa zastavila a na chvíľu ho počúvala, jeho rozumovania (o ktorých je nám prikázané, aby sme ich odohnali), keď ju doviedol do toho, aby ho počúvala.

taká-a-taká. Bola už založená tak dávno, sme jednou z najdlhšie trvajúcich cirkví v krajine. Chodí tam starosta mesta." Je mi jedno, čo to je, vidíte. Ak je to proti Božiemu Slovu, buďte proti tomu. To je tvoj nepriateľ. Čokoľvek, čo je proti Slovu, je tvoj nepriateľ.

129Všetko, čo je za Slovo, je tvojím bratom. On je časťou teba.

130Všimnite si, ona strhla tú Svätú oponu, aby videla, čím je skutočne sex, aby to porovnala, aká by to bola rozkoš. Ona si stiahla tú záclonu zo svojich očí, tú svätú vec, ktorú jej Boh položil na oči. Chcela poznanie, aby vedela, o čom to všetko je, tak strhla tú záclonu, aby videla, o čom to všetko je. Počúvla diabla a všimnite si, kam ju to umiestnilo.

131Ľudia to urobili odvtedy v každom veku, vždy brali tú intelektuálnu stranu, a to teraz postavilo kráľovstvo Satana, poznanie, jeho semeno, ktoré zasial a stiahol svet, aby sa stal Edenom smrti.

132Všimnite si teraz. Pozrite sa do Zjavenia 3, Laodicejský cirkevný vek. Premýšľajte o tom.

133Všimnite si teraz. Ona, Eva, je satanovou kráľovnou. Vidíte, Satan, had, sa dostal k Eve predtým, ako sa ku nej dostal Adam. Vidíte? To je pravda. Tak, on ju zviedol, tak Satan, had, bol Eve manželom predtým, ako ju poznal Adam. Vidíte, on ju zviedol. Biblia hovorí, že to urobil a ona potom spoznala, že je nahá.

134Pozrite sa teraz na Laodicejský cirkevný vek. Ona, Eva, sedí ako Satanova kráľovná. "Je bohatá vo svetských veciach, slepá, znovu nahá a nevie o tom!” Presne, ako to bolo v Božom Edene. Ale teraz, nie kvôli tomu, že by na jej tvári bola Svätá záclona, ale záclona žiadosti. Pretože ona strhla Božiu Svätú záclonu a dala si na seba záclonu poznania, kvôli žiadosti. A teraz má záclonu žiadosti, že ona je na to "slepá", pretože je v hriechu. Je "nahá" na ulici a "nevie o tom." Je prostitútkou na ulici. Žena v týchto šortkách je v Božích očiach prostitútkou a "nevie o tom."

135Všimnite si napríklad naše ženy. No, ak chcete vidieť, v akom stave je cirkev, sledujte ženy, ako sa správajú. Ona vždy reprezentuje cirkev. V satanovom Edene hriechu a nevery, náboženského prevrátenia, je to prevrátené kráľovstvo. Namiesto toho, aby vzala Božie Slovo, oni vzali intelektuálne naučenie človeka. A namiesto toho, aby prijali Cirkev, oni prijali organizáciu a privádzajú ju ku jednej veľkej hlave.

136Všimnite si teraz, je to prevrátené z nevinnosti. Neprehliadnite toto. Cirkev má doteraz na sebe túto záclonou žiadostivosti. Všimnite si, čo jej to spôsobilo. Prevrátilo ju to z nevinnosti do poznania. Vidíte? S tou Svätou záclonou bola nevinná, s tou záclonou poznania má poznanie. Ona vie, že je to príjemné. Ona vie, čo to robí. Je to ovocie, žiadostivý strom, ktorý robí človeka múdrym. Vidíte? Ona je prevrátená z nevinnosti do poznania, zo svätosti do špiny a žiadosti a zo Života do smrti.

137Toto kráľovstvo musí zomrieť. Toto kráľovstvo zomrie! Boh nebies ho zničí z povrchu zeme.

138Všimnite si, v tomto prevrátení, to sa stalo z muža na ženu a zo ženy na muža a "nevedia o tom." Veľmi dobrý produkt satanovho Edenu, ak to dnes pozorujete na uliciach, pri našich moderných ľuďoch.

139Všimnite si, bola to Eva, ktorú si Satan použil, aby spôsobil, že Adam zhreší skrze jej moc žiadosti. Teraz sa deje tá istá vec, dnes robí to isté. Všimnite si, ostrihané vlasy, namaľovaná tvár, sexi oblečená, vidíte, ona to robí a nevie, že každá jedna z tých vecí je v protiklade s Božím Slovom. Strihanie vlasov z nej robí nehanebnú ženu, prostitútku. Nosenie šortiek ju zahanbuje. Keď si dáva na seba sexi oblečenie, robí ju to prostitútkou "a nevie o tom," nie kvôli svätosti Božej, ale kvôli žiadosti Satana. Ona spôsobuje… Ona spôsobuje, že jej Adam po nej žiadostí.

140Ona si vyzliekla odev, do ktorého ju obliekol Boh tam v Edene, aby s tým putovala po púšti. Ona si to vyzliekla. Odhalila sa. Pričom Boh ju celú zabalil do koží a ona si v každom čase z toho trochu oholila a teraz je tam, kde bola na začiatku.

141 A ona teraz dostala svojho Adama, aby nosil jej spodné prádlo. Muž, ktorý si oblečie tie babsky-vyzerajúce šortky a vyjde von, nemyslím si, že v ňom je mnoho mužského. To je najväčšia padavka, akú poznám. Vidíte, ona dostala svojho prevráteného Adama, aby sa správal ako ona, tým, že nosí jej spodné prádlo. Ona uvidela, čo môže urobiť tam vonku, keď si dala dolu všetko svoje oblečenie okrem svojho spodného prádla. To sú jej šortky. Samozrejme, to je ženské spodné prádlo a tu to teraz nosí jej Adam. Pričom je, podľa originálneho Božieho Slova, "ohavnosťou pre ženu, aby si obliekla odev patriaci mužovi, a pre muža obliecť si odev patriaci žene," z toho originálneho Slova. Pomyslite na to!

142On tiež teraz nosí jej ofinu. Češe si ju dolu a dáva si do nich natáčky. Jeden z najnechutnejších pohľadov, aké som kedy vo svojom živote videl, sú títo mladíci dnes s ofinami takto sčesanými na čelo, zafarbenými, vybielené vlasy nejakým peroxidom a bielia si vlasy a natáčajú si ich, aby boli brčkavé, robia si ofiny. Ty biedna padavka! Je to hrozná vec, povedať to spoza kazateľne, ale súd začína od domu Božieho. Ty ani nevieš, či si muž alebo žena. A počul som, že naša Armáda Spojených Štátov má dostať šortky. To je pravda. Vidíte, aké je to prevrátenie? Je to ženské oblečenie, nosiť jej ofinu.

143Jedného dňa som bol v obchode Howarda Johnsona, nie tohto tu, ale v tom na tej výpadovke. A ja som len sedel v úžase. Prichádza tam jeden mladý chlapec s otvorenými ústami a na tejto strane mal tmavé vlasy a mal ich sčesané na túto stranu a v nich mal natáčku a takto ich mal zbrčkavené rovno nad očami, díval sa rovno popod tie vlasy a prechádzal okolo. Ak som kedy videl nejaké prevrátenie! Vidíte, on by tomu neveril. Možno by mohol dokázať, že je muž, ale vo svojom duchu bol ženský. On ani nevie, na ktorú stranu domu patrí. Je to pravda. Aké prevrátené!

144To je to, čo robí Satan. Prevracia národy. Prevracia cirkev. Prevracia ľudí. On je zvoditeľ, prevracač originálnej pravdy.

145Boh učinil muža mužom. Učinil ženu ženou a On ich odlišne odial a On chcel, aby takí zostali a aby tak konali, ona žensky a on mužsky. Boh oddelil Adama v záhrade Eden a urobil toto: oddelil od neho Evu.

146On teraz nosí jej ofinu, ona si strihá vlasy, ako on, a on sa snaží nosiť to, čo ona. Vidíte? Ona nosí jeho vonkajší odev a on nosí jej spodný odev. No, znie to svätokrádežne, ale ja to tak nemyslím. To je absolútna Pravda Evanjelia. Ak to nepoznáte, potom niečo nie je s vami v poriadku, ste buď slepí, alebo ste nikdy neboli na ulici. A ona aj on si myslia, že to je v poriadku, niekam sa dostávajú. Ženy povedia, "Je tak horúco!"

147Tí starí apačskí Indiáni by vás zahanbili. Čím viac tam majú horúco, tým viac si na seba dajú oblečenia, aby sa chránili pred slnkom, ó, keď sa potia, aby mali klimatizáciu, ako chodia. Rozumiete? Stoja tam rovno na slnku.

148Vy by ste nemohli vydržať nič, vám by sa porobili pľuzgiere a zhoreli by ste. Ale vidíte, to je to, čo nazývate 'vyššie vzdelanie'. To vyprodukovala moderná veda. Ó! Tam je, "nahá", v Laodicei a "nevie o tom".

149V Edene bola nahá. Vidíte, ako sa tie dve kráľovstvá podobajú? Jedno je z hriechu a smrti, to druhé je Život a spravodlivosť. Tamto bola zahalená svätou záclonou. Obaja boli nahí a nevedeli to. Nevedeli o tom nič, pretože boli zahalení Božím Duchom.

150A tu sú zahalení žiadosťou a dívajú sa jeden na druhého, aby… Vidíte, Adam sa mohol na Evu dívať a nevedieť, že je nahá. Ale teraz s touto záclonou žiadostivosti, ona si neuvedomuje, že je nahá, ale ona to robí pod touto záclonou žiadostivosti, aby sa na ňu muž díval. To je to jediné, kvôli ktorej to robí. Neveríš tomu, ale jednako to preto robíš, aby sa muži dívali. A on zistil, že máš toľko príťažlivosti, až on prichádza a dáva si na seba niečo z tvojho oblečenia.

151Ó, aké prevrátenie! Čo za vek! Čo za vek, v akom… aké je to zvodné! Ó, všetky tieto veci, "a nevieš o tom," v človeku je dokonale prevrátený duch. On je zahalený žiadosťou Satana a žena tiež. Je to satanský duch 'dôležitej spoločnosti'. Oni o tom nevedia, ale oni sú organizáciou. Ženy oblečené v šortkách patria organizácii. Muž, takto oblečený, je za organizáciou. Poviem vám, akú to má skratku: B.S.S., 'Big Sister Society' ["Spoločnosť Veľkej Sestry" - pozn.prekl.], to je to, do čoho patria. Zisťujeme, že to je 'big sissy society' ["spoločnosť veľkej padavky" - pozn.prekl.], s tými nohavicami na sebe a také zlé a nečisto vyzerajúce veci. Ja…

152Človeče, môžeš teraz so mnou nesúhlasiť, ale je to pravda. Stal si sa prevráteným a nevieš o tom. Nie si už, nekonáš už viac ako muž. Vidíte, stávajú sa takí mäkkí a ich syn po nich nebude ničím, platí to pre mužov i ženy. Oni sú ‘spoločnosťou’. Tam máte organizáciu. Prečo? "John, sused, nosí šortky, prečo by som ja nemohol? Luella chce, aby som ich nosil, pretože sused John ich nosí. No a ak ich môže nosiť Susie Jane, tak ich môže i Marta Jane alebo Susie Lou," alebo akokoľvek sa volajú. Vidíte, to je spoločnosť. To je organizácia. Vy tomu duchovne patríte a neviete o tom.

153A ak je to tak, a my vidíme, že to tak je, tak ste zaslepení. Ste voči týmto denomináciám, ktoré do vás Satan zvodne naštepil, zaslepení. A to je prevrátenie Božieho originálneho Slova a Jeho kráľovstva a Jeho plánu pre Jeho deti. Satan do toho mužov a ženy zvodne zatiahol a oni o tom nevedia. Prevrátení!

154Už nie je viac synom Božím! Na tvári mu visí ofina, má na sebe šortky, vlečie sa ulicou, syn Boží, diakon v cirkvi, pastor za kazateľnou? Nie, to nie je syn Boží. On nikdy neprešiel Božím rozumným filtrom. Nemal by na sebe to ženské oblečenie, istotne nie, ani ona by nemala na sebe mužské. Vidíte, to nie je syn Boží. To je syn Satana a dcéra Satana. Je to tvrdé, povedať niečo také!

155Satan uspel v prevrátení a v zabratí tohto sveta a vo vytvorení svojho kráľovstva z tohto sveta. Človeku bolo dané skrze slobodnú morálnu voľbu, aby si sám vybral, akým druhom života túži žiť. A to ukazuje, čo je v tvojom srdci. Vidíte? Tvoj hlas… viete to? Tvoje skutky hovoria tak hlasno, až utápajú tvoje slová.

156Dovoľte mi navšíviť nejakého muža. A povie, "Ó, my sme všetci Kresťania. Patríme do cirkvi." A po celej kancelárii má vyvešaný striptíz? Nič by to nezmenilo, čo by mi povedal, viem o tom svoje, takisto i vy.

157Nech nejaká žena povie, že je Kresťanka. S krátkymi vlasmi? Ha-ha! Viete o tom svoje. Tak veru. Nech povie, že je Kresťanka, a maľuje sa, nosí mejkap a šortky a hovorí, že je Kresťanka? Viete o tom svoje. Slovo Božie vás o tom niečo učí. Slovo Božie hovorí, že to nemôže robiť a byť Kresťankou. Ona si robí hanbu a všetko to. Ako Boh umiestni hanebnú vec vo svojom Kráľovstve? Nie veru, vôbec nie. Oni sami ukazujú svoje túžby.

158Nemôžete donútiť holubicu, aby jedla s kaňou, vôbec nie. Holubica nemá vôbec žiadnu žlč. Nemôže jesť tú starú zdochlinu. Ak by si z toho odhryzla, to by ju zabilo a ona to vie. Ale kaňa môže jesť takmer čokoľvek chce. Vidíte? Ona má mnoho žlče.

159Tak potom zisťujete, že takto je to s týmto svetom dnes, to isté, "Sú nahí, slepí a nevedia o tom."

160Satan to urobil skrze žiadosť ženy po poznaní, po sexe, čo si ona vyberá svojím vlastným výberom. Všimnite si, bola to Eva, ktorá viedla Adama k tomu nesprávnemu, a bola to žena, ktorá si dala dolu svoje šaty predtým, ako si Adam dal dolu svoje. Vidíte? To je vždy žena. Vždy bola. Stále je to tak isto.

161To je cirkev, ktorá vedie človeka mimo. To je cirkev, vidíte, ktorá vedie človeka, ktorý chce byť synom Božím. To je žena, cirkev. Nie Biblia, Boh, lebo Biblia je Muž. Rozumiete? Biblia je Muž, cirkev je žena. To nie je cirkev… to nie je Biblia, ktorá vedie človeka mimo. To je cirkev, ktorá ho vedie mimo. Je to cirkev, s ktorou išiel nahý, nie s Bibliou. Rozumiete? Skutočne nie. Biblia mu hovorí, že je nahý. Tak veru.

162Všimnite si teraz, ako skrze sex, túžbu po sexe, ona žiadostila za poznaním, aby vedela, čo je toto, a ako, či to ovocie bolo dobré alebo nie. A ona to urobila.

163Boh to jedného dňa vezme preč, ale cez Muža. Bolo to stratené cez ženu. Ale je to vykúpené cez Muža, Muža, Ježiša Krista, ktorý je Slovom.

164A čo je to potom? Všimnite si, ako zakončujeme. Prednedávnom som tu urobil toto vyhlásenie. Mám tu ešte štyri alebo päť strán, ale… miest Písma a vecí, na ktoré sa chcem odvolať. Ale počúvajte. Zakončime týmto.

165Pamätajte, tu prednedávnom som učil na tému siedmich Trúb, sviatku Trúb atď. A povedal som, "Existuje osemdenný sviatok." Tak, siedmy deň bude posledný a to bude Milénium. Ale je ešte osemdenný sviatok, ktorý, ak je to ôsmy a existuje iba sedem dní, bude musieť byť znovu prvým dňom, vracia sa to naspäť ku prvému dňu. Potom, ako sa skončí Milénium, potom bude znovu postavený Eden. Znovu sa navráti veľké Božie Kráľovstvo, pretože Ježiš to vybojoval od Satana, v Getsemanskej záhrade a vydobyl znovu Eden, ktorý išiel pripraviť do Neba, aby sme sa znovu vrátili hore do Neba. Povedal, "Nech sa nestrachujú vaše srdcia."

166Keď bol tu na zemi, povedal, "Vy, vy, Židia, vy veríte v Boha. No teraz, Ja viem, že mám nedobré meno," hovorí. "A oni hovoria, že Ja som toto a tamto a toto. Ale vy ste uverili v Boha, a ako ste uverili v Boha, tak verte vo Mňa." On bol zamanifestovaným Bohom. Vidíte? "Verte tiež…"

167"V dome Môjho Otca je mnoho…" Alebo, "V ekonómii Môjho Otca, v Jeho plánoch je mnoho palácov. Idem pripraviť miesto." Pozrite sa, aké je to dlhé, tisíc päťsto štvorcových míľ! Poviete, “kde to je?” On to išiel pripraviť. On je Stvoriteľ. On tvorí všetko to zlato. Ulice sú priehľadné. On pripravuje miesto. V Zjavení 21 povedal, "Ja, Ján, som videl to sväté Mesto, Nový Jeruzalem, zostupujúci od Boha z neba."

169Ona vybuchne a príde Nová Zem. "A videl som Nové Nebo a Novú Zem. Prvé nebo, táto prvá zem, boli pominuli a mora viac nebolo. A ja, Ján, som videl to sväté Mesto, Nový Jeruzalem, zostupujúci od Boha z Neba." Tam bude Boh so svojimi pravými atribútmi, synmi a dcérami, kde s nimi môže mať obecenstvo vo svätosti, s ich očami zaslepenými voči každému hriechu. Nebude už potom viac žiadneho hriechu.

170Bojujme tvrdo, nebuďte v tomto dni zvedení, ale "snažte sa vstúpiť cez tú bránu."

172A jedine tí, ktorí sú vykúpení a sú v Baránkovej Knihe Života, vstúpia cez bránu. Tak zápaste, priatelia, nebuďte zvedení v tomto poslednom dni.

173Toto je veľkolepý čas. Každý má peniaze. Každý dokáže robiť toto a každý môže robiť tamto, a všade tečú peniaze a veľké autá a všetko možné. Ani jedno z nich nebude v tom Meste. Nebude tam ani jedno auto, ani jedno lietadlo. Nie. To bude celkom iná civilizácia. To bude znova civilizácia, nie z poznania, nie z vedy, ale z nevinnosti a viery v živého Boha.

174Zápasme dostať sa do Toho. Lebo to je mojím celým zámerom, vstúpiť jedného dňa do toho Mesta a len sa obzrieť späť a budem vidieť prichádzať so mnou každého jedného z vás, ako budete pochodovať, keď budeme spievať "Keď tí svätí tam vpochodujú. Chcem tam byť započítaný, keď tam vpochodujú tí vykúpení.”

Modlime sa.

175Drahý nebeský Otče, ako sa zakončujú dni, a my vidíme, ako sa to približuje, to zasľúbenie sa približuje. Modlíme sa, drahý Bože, aby si to umiestnil na naše srdcia, aby sme neurobili žiadnu chybu. Drahý Bože, zachovaj naše svedomia čisté. Zachovaj naše srdcia zahalené od vecí tohto sveta a márnych vecí sveta, márnej chvály stať sa niekým veľkým.

176Nezáleží na tom, akí sú veľkí, všetci kráľovia, monarchovia, vládcovia a všetko ostatné, to všetko musí zahynúť a oni nepovstanú v prvom vzkriesení. Lebo je napísané, “Blahoslavený a svätý je ten, kto má diel na prvom vzkriesení, nad tým druhá smrť nemá moc.” Ó, Bože! “Druhá smrť,” duchovná smrť, “nemá moc,” on je vykúpený!

177Ó, Bože, pomyslieť, že v jednej z týchto hodín, jeden pôjde navštíviť druhého a bude vychvátený. “Dvaja budú na posteli, jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám. Dvaja budú na poli, jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám.”

178Ó, Bože, pomôž nám byť čistými v Tvojich očiach, Pane, nezáleží na tom, čo si o nás myslí človek, čo hovoria ostatní, Pane, nech je naša reč svätá. Nech je osolená Božím Slovom, taká príhodná, až v nás nie je nájdená žiadna lesť. Zatiaľ čo to prosíme, v našich chybách, aby Krv Ježiša Krista stála medzi nami a Bohom, aby sa On na nás díval cez krv Ježiša, nie skrze našu vlastnú spravodlivosť, alebo cez to, kým sme, čo sme urobili, ale jedine na základe Jeho zásluh. Bože, udeľ to!

179Nech by ani jeden, kto tu dnes večer sedí a počul toto Posolstvo, nech ani jeden nie je stratený, od najmenšieho dieťaťa po najstaršieho človeka. Nech by ich svätá túžba bola jedine po Bohu a Jeho Slove. Nevieme, v ktorú hodinu sa môže objaviť, alebo v ktorú hodinu nás povolá, aby sme sa zodpovedali tam pri Súde. Nevieme, v ktorú hodinu môže, ako sa hovorí, vytiahnuť našu kartu zo zásuvky a povedať, “Je čas ísť Domov. Musíš ísť.” Bože, pomôž nám zachovať sa čistými. Udeľ to, Otče.

180Nech by sme mohli žiť do príchodu Pánovho, ak je to možné. Nech urobíme všetko, čo je v našej sile, s láskou a porozumením, porozumením, že Boh dnes prehľadáva svet a hľadá každú stratenú ovcu. A nech ku nim môžeme prehovoriť s osolenou modlitbou lásky a Slova Božieho, aby sme tak mohli nájsť tú poslednú, aby sme tak mohli ísť Domov a odísť z tohto starého Edenu Satana tu, Pane.

181To všetko je postavené na žiadosti a krásnych ženách, ako ich tak svet nazýva na svojich reklamách, “Robíme nábor a chceme, aby chlapci prišli s pomaľovanými tvárami a pekné dievčatá v šortkách,” rovno v našich rádiostaniciach a televízii. Všetky druhy špiny na sebe a guamovej farby a Hollywoodu, všetky druhy sexy, nečistého, špinavého oblečenia na ženách. A muži sú tak prevrátení, až berú na seba ženský odev a češú sa ako ženy a ženy si strihajú vlasy ako muži.

182Ó, Bože, aká hrozná hodina, v ktorej žijeme! Ó, príď, Pane Ježišu, príď! Príď, Pane! Očisti nás Krvou. Vezmi od nás preč všetku špinu a lesť. Daj nám žiť, Pane, daj nám žiť pod Krvou, ustavične pred Tebou. To je túžbou nášho srdca a naša vrúcna prosba.

183Drahý Bože, ležia tu dnes večer na tejto kazateľni, kde bolo položené Evanjelium, Pane, ležia tu vreckovky a malé balíčky, ktoré pôjdu ku chorým a postihnutým. Nech teraz modlitba viery v Tvojich očiach, Pane, vyjde z našich sŕdc. Potom, Pane, ak je v nás nejaká nečistá vec, Pane, vezmi naše… vezmi nás teraz na súd, a my prosíme o milosrdenstvo. Zjav nám, čo robíme zle, Pane, aby sme tak mohli prosiť, aby si vzal Krv a očistil nás. Uzdrav týchto chorých ľudí a nech sú zdraví, Otče, kdekoľvek to pôjde, ku komukoľvek to pôjde. Nech je to tak, Otče.

184Daj nám to rozhodnutie slúžiť Ti a jedine Tebe. Nech je to tak, Otče.

185Udeľ týmto drahým ľuďom, ktorí sú na ceste domov, bezpečie.

186Ďakujem Ti za to, ako si ľudí uzdravil. A sestra Shephardová a malý chlapec brata Shepharda, ktorý sa zranil na bicykli, modlím sa, aby z toho nebolo nič zlé, ako ten malý chlapec išiel na bicykli, modlím sa, aby bol v poriadku. Ďakujeme Ti, Otče, za uzdravenie týchto ostatných, ktorí za to prosili. “A vieme, že to, čo prosíme, dostávame, pretože máme dôveru v Toho, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie.”

187Daj nám Tvoju milosť, Pane, a odpusť nám naše hriechy, prosíme to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

188Milujte Ho? [Zhromaždenie hovorí “Amen” - pozn.prekl.] Veríte Mu? [“Amen”] Ste už chorí a unavení z toho Satanovho kráľovstva? [“Amen”] Veríte, že to prichádza ku Miléniu, do Jeho Milénia, do Jeho, do Jeho Edenu? [“Amen.”]

189Veríte, že je to dodnes formované? Pozrite, všetko je založené na intelektualite. Všetko, všetko musí byť vedecky dokázané predtým, ako tomu oni uveria.

190A vy nemôžete vedecky dokázať Boha. Musíte Ho prijať vierou, “Lebo ten, kto prichádza ku Bohu, musí veriť, že On je a je odplatiteľom tých, ktorí Ho snažne hľadajú.”

191Ó, Bože, nechcem poznať nič iné, ako Krv Ježiša Krista, ktorá ma očisťuje od každého hriechu. Nepoznám nič okrem Ježiša Krista. A ako povedal Pavol za dávna, tak hovorím dnes večer, “Nepoznám nič medzi vami, jedine Ježiša Krista, a to toho ukrižovaného.”

192To je všetko, čo vám viem povedať. To je táto Biblia, verím tomu z celého svojho srdca (nakoľko poznám svoje srdce), ktorá je dokonalým nepoškvrneným Božím Slovom. Týmto žijem. Za týmto stojím. A ak by som mal desaťtisíc životov, rád by som ich všetky dal pre toto Slovo, pretože to je Slovo Ježiša Krista. A je mi jedno, koľko sa to snažia vyvrátiť, koľko vedy sa snaží povedať, že to nie je vierohodné atď. Pre mňa to je jediná vec na svete, ktorej môžem dôverovať, to je toto Slovo. On je môj. Milujem Ho a vy? [Zhromaždenie hovorí “Amen.”]

193Ak je v tvojom srdci hriech, ak je v tvojom srdci nejaká vada, ak niečo máš, modli sa teraz a popros Boha, aby ti odpustil. Modli sa za mňa, ja sa budem modliť za teba. Nech vás Boh žehná, to je moja modlitba.

Až sa zídeme zas!
Nech je Boh s vami, až sa zídeme zas.

194Milujete jeden druhého? [Zhromaždenie hovorí “Amen.”] Ján povedal, “Dieťatká, milujte jeden druhého.” “Milujte jeden druhého, lebo láska prikrýva množstvo hriechov.” Potrasme si teraz jeden s druhým ruky.

Nech je Boh s vami, kým sa nestretneme zas!
Až sa zídeme zas!

195Buďte jeden k druhému milí. Buďte milí ku všetkým. Dobre sa správajte ku svojmu susedovi. Zachovajte sa nepoškvrnení, kým Ježiš nepríde.

Až sa zídeme zas!
Nech je Boh s vami, kým sa nestretneme zas!

196Milujete Ho? [Zhromaždenie hovorí “Amen.”] To je mojou modlitbou. Modlite sa za mňa, ja sa budem modliť za vás. Musím sa teraz vrátiť do Tucsonu. Modlím sa, aby vás Boh všetkých požehnal. Odtiaľ potom idem do Kanady a späť do Koloráda a dokola, dokola, späť, až kým…

197Tam je brat Tony a stala sa veľká vec. Rovno pod Vatikánom, v Ríme, oni volajú po prebudení, urobiť zhromaždenie, chcú, aby som tam prišiel a viedol zhromaždenie v Ríme, v Ríme. On sa práve vrátil. Ľudia sú tam zhromaždení. Majú tam veľkú arénu, kde sa môžu posadiť tisíce a tisíce. Chcú, aby som tam prišiel a mal prebudenecké zhromaždenie. Chcú vidieť slávu Pánovu v tej službe. Neviem. Musím sa za to modliť, uvidieť, čo mi Pán povie. Ó! Pamätajte, modlime sa teraz všetci spolu. Pracujeme…

Pozorujeme na príchod nášho požehnaného Spasiteľa,
Hľa, figové listy už zelenejú
Evanjelium Jeho kráľovstva išlo do každého národa
A to, že sme na konci, sa dá ľahko vidieť.

198Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí “Amen.”]

Potom radostne budeme hlásať Posolstvo
Jeho požehnaného objavenia sa
On zakrátko príde v sláve, aby povedal jednému a všetkým,
Zobuďte sa potom vy, svätí Pánovi,
prečo driemete, keď koniec prichádza?
Pripravme sa na to posledné zavolanie

199Ona sa obráti na západ a znovu prejde späť, v jednom z týchto dní, pamätajte len. Istotne, to je pravda. Dovtedy:

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš
Dieťa smútku, bolesti
Dá ti radosť, potešenie,
Vezmi Ho, kde len vykročíš

Vzácne Meno (vzácne Meno), aké sladké
Nádej zeme, radosť neba
Vzácne Meno, nádherné
Nádej zeme, radosť neba

Klaniame sa Menu Ježiš,
K nohám Jeho padáme
Kráľa kráľov v nebi budeme korunovať
Keď náš beh dokončíme

Vzácne Meno, aké sladké
Nádej zeme, radosť neba
Vzácne Meno, nádherné
Nádej zeme, radosť neba

200No, tento posledný verš, spievajme to teraz so sklonenými srdcami.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,
Štít pred pascou každou
Keď pokušenie príde,
(tieto veci satanovho kráľovstva)
Vzdychni to Meno s modlitbou

201To je všetko, potom choďte. To funguje. Skúsil som to. Verte tomu teraz, pretože to funguje. Len vzdychnite Jeho sväté Meno v modlitbe.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,
Štít pred pascou každou.
Keď pokušenie príde,
(čo potom urobíš?)
Vzdychni to Meno s modlitbou
(Potom na tvoju tvár príde závoj)

Vzácne Meno (vzácne Meno), aké sladké
Nádej zeme, radosť neba
Vzácne Meno, nádherné
Nádej zeme, radosť neba

202Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, zatiaľ čo poprosím brata Beelera tam vzadu, aby prišiel tu na pódium. [Brat Branham si začína “hmkať” Ber so sebou meno Ježiš - pozn.prekl.]

Len vzdychni Jeho Meno v modlitbe

203Rozpusti nás teraz, brat Beeler v modlitbe. Rozpusti nás dnes večer v modlitbe.

vzácne meno…
Nádej zeme a radosť Neba
Vzácne Meno
(vzácne Meno), aké sladké!
Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

204Teraz so svojimi sklonenými hlavami a sklonenými srdciami. Brat Beeler, jeden z našich spolupracovníkov tu, brat Estle Beeler, milý kresťanský brat, verný muž. Poprosím ho, či by teraz nerozpustil zhromaždenie s modlitbou. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Beeler.

1 Let us bow. Dear God, we're grateful to You tonight for this grand opportunity, to come again in the Name of the Lord Jesus, to meet our enemy, Your enemy, out here on the field of battle; with the Word, to drive him away from the midst of Your people; that they might see, tonight, Lord, the Gospel Light. I pray that You'll anoint our eyes with the eyesalve, that it might be opened to the Truth; that we might leave here, saying within our hearts, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He spoke to us along the road?" Heal the sick and the afflicted. Encourage the discouraged. Lift up the feeble hands that once hung down. May we look to the Coming of the Lord Jesus, which we believe is at hand. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Be seated.

2 I will try to be briefly tonight, because I know many has come from different sections of the country, to... for the service; or stayed over, some of you, and have to go back, for maybe a ways to get back. And I thank you. This morning I wanted to hear Brother Neville, myself. And I heard him many times, and never heard him any time but what I appreciated him. But this morning, that timely message, I know I had the leading of the Lord to listen to that this morning. Very fine! And I see why you people like to come and listen to him, also. And he'll always do you good, I'm sure, to listen to him.

3 I was trying to catch up on some of my interviews today; this morning and this afternoon. I still have many, many, many to go. And I...

4As, I believe, it was Jethro told Moses one time, said, "It's just too much for you." So, we've got plenty of brothers here on your problems. And every one of them has been legitimate, and they are fine things that has to be taken care of. And I would recommend our pastor, or Brother Mann, and other ministers of our Faith here. You can go to them. They would tell you just exactly the thing to do; some people, their children; intermarrying, or things that's wrong. And these man can help you just the same as--as anyone else, 'cause they're servants of Christ. And go to them, and I'm sure they will--they will give you the help that you need. I can't get to all of them. There's just so many, everywhere you go. They just keep accumulating higher and higher, you see. And you want to get to every one of them, but you can't do it. But I'm constantly praying that God, in somehow, will work it out all right for you.

5 Now, tonight, we want to go to the Scripture, and read a portion of the Scripture out of Genesis, the 3rd chapter; and just refer back a little bit to some things that we've been talking about, in times past, and see if the Lord Jesus will give us a little bit more to what we will know when we go out. I pray--pray that He will.

Now the serpent was most subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest you die.

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

For God does know that in the day that you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

6 May the Lord add the... His blessings to the reading of His Word. Now I would like to take a text tonight, out of that, and call: Satan's Eden. Very crude little thing to say, of, Satan's Eden. It kind of matches, in the other Sunday night, I believe, when I was speaking to you here about A Thinking Man's Filter, and a holy man's taste.

7And sometimes these little crude expressions brings us to something; it gets us to study, and puts you to reading the Word. And that's what I want all my congregation to do. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." So, read the Word; study It. And study It with the eyes of God, to give your intellectuals understanding of how that we should live in this present day.

8 Now to come down, tonight, just to speak to you, to say, "Well, I could do this or that,..."

9I like to speak with the people, as much as I'd like to even go home with each one of you tonight. I... God knows that's truth. I'd like to go home with each one of you, and--and eat--eat breakfast with you in the morning, and--and--and go out and squirrel hunt with you tomorrow afternoon, see. I--I'd like to do that, but I--I can't do that. And I would like to go home and just sit down and talk with you; sit on the porch after the service, and speak with you a while, talk to you about your welfare and about God. I would love to do that. Men and women in here; God knows I'd like to do that, but I can't do it. See, there's just such--such a pull and a strain.

10 And--and in this nervous age that we're living in... And I'm a nervous person, myself. Today I got my mind made up to something, "I've just got to do it," and tomorrow it's a million miles from me; something has done cut in and done this and that. And you have a time, trying to keep your wits together.

11 But my main achievement is to preach the Gospel through the Church, and do all that I can to bring honor to Jesus Christ in this day, while I'm here on earth, and what time I have left on earth. I come to--to try to say something to you that would help you; something. I studied after I went home this morning. "What could I say tonight, Lord, that would help those people?"

12Listening to that mighty message this morning on... Brother Neville brought us, about... I thought it was so wonderful, how he said there, "A doctor will diagnose the case; but the man that comes with a pan full of needles, he gives the injection." So I thought that was really a--a real cute little expression. I thought about that, "the serum, after the case is diagnosed." So that's a very good thing.

13 I wanted to speak to you something, to bring something to enlighten to you the promise of God for this age. See? Something, not something that somebody else was in some other day, but something... and when... Them things are all right; we all refer to those things. But I thought I would try to bring something to your mind, with these Scriptures I got written here, that would enlighten you, to know, make you a better soldier in the field that you're fighting in now; to learn the tactics of the enemy, so that you can block everything before it gets to you, see. That's the main thing, is to learn to keep the--the punches off of you, as much as you can.

14 Now, let us look now to this great... for a few minutes, this great, sinful day that we're now living in. I don't believe there ever was a day that I've ever read in history... There's been greater days of persecution, when the children of God was put to death on every hand. But to see the deceitfulness of the enemy, we've never had a day like this we're now living. It's the most cunning, deceitful day. And when I see that, it brings this, that, the Christian has to be more on his toe today than he ever was in any age.

15 Now, back in the days of the persecution, of Rome, to the Church; a Christian make a mistake, he went into the arena and was fed to the lions, or something like that, when they found him of being a Christian for his testimony. But his soul was saved, because he was a purely, unadulterated believer in God, and gladly sealed his testimony with his blood. As the veins let loose, or holes in his body, and the blood bleed out, he would scream up, with real loyal faith, and say, "Receive my spirit, Lord Jesus!"

16 But, now, the cunningness of the devil now, makes the people believe that they are a Christian when they're not. There is the thing. You don't have to seal... It's--it's a more cunning day than it would be, than when you had to seal your--your life away with your testimony. The devil has set every cunning trap that he can, to... He's a deceiver. And Jesus told us, in Matthew 24, how this day would be that we're living in, the most deceitful day that ever lived, "so close that it would deceive the very Elected of God if it were possible for him to deceive."

17 Now let us compare some Scriptures, or prophecies spoken of in the Bible, for today, and compare it with the day that we're now living in.

18In Second Timothy 3, we learn this, that the prophet said, that, "It would come to pass in this days, that man would be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God." Compare that now, just for a moment. We won't... We'll just brief it, because we haven't that much time to go through it all like we should duly take it; but just to highlight it, so that you can see when you get home and study it. "Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are good." "Now the Spirit spoke expressingly that these things would be in the latter days." That's these days, the prophecy speaking to it.

19 Now we read, also, in Revelations... 14, Revelations 3:14, rather, the Laodicean Church Age, that how the church would be in this last age. And it would be, It says, "It would sit as a widow and have need of nothing. It--it was rich, and increased in goods, and know it not that they were poor, miserable, wretched, blind, and naked, and didn't know it." Now, remember, He is speaking to the church of this age, "wretched, blind, naked, and don't know it." That last phrase, that last Word, is what makes it so striking. They think that they are well filled with the Spirit, they're all ready. The Laodicean Church Age is the Pentecostal Church Age, 'cause it's the last church age. Luther had his message; Wesley had his message; and Pentecost had their message.

20 Also, It said, that, "Because you are lukewarm, neither hot or cold," the emotions of the outside, the mental conception of the Gospel; "because," He said, "you're that way, I'll spue you out of My mouth." In other words, it made Him sick to see the church in that condition.

21 And, remember, they spued Him out; and He was on the outside of the church, trying to get back on the inside, in that awful Laodicean Church Age.

22 The god of this world today, the worshiped person of this world today, is Satan. And the people are ignorant of worshiping Satan, but it's Satan impersonating himself as the church, see, as the church. They worship Satan, thinking that they are worshiping God through the church, but it's the way Satan has done it.

"Oh," you say, "but wait a minute; we preach the Word."

23Look back here at my text, tonight. Satan was the one that preached the Word to Eve, first, "God hath said," see.

24It's that misconstruing that part of the Scripture that applies to the day. He'll let you know all Jesus did was perfectly well. He'll let you know all that Moses did was perfectly well. But when you take the promises that They gave for this day, then That was applied to another age. That's just all he has to do, see, is to get the people to believe It that way, and that--that's all. For, "You cannot take one Word away from It, or add one word to It." But that's what he does.

25 People, ignorantly worshiping Satan, thinking they are worshiping God; as we are warned by prophecy, in Second Thessalonians. That, let's just read that, Second Thessalonians, the 2nd chapter. Let's just get it a moment, if I can, right away. I'd like to read that. Just, I believe, Second Thessalonians. I got the Scripture here. In Second...

Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of the Lord Jesus... and by the gathering together unto him,

26Now, see, "the coming of the Lord, and the gathering to Him,"as God will gather His people to Him in the last days. "The gathering of the people to the Lord," not to the church, "to the Lord; gathering together unto Him."

That ye be not soon shaken in your mind, or... troubled--troubled, neither by spirit, nor... word, nor by letter as from us, as... the day of the Lord is at hand.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin ("man of sin," watch what he is now), the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, (that was Judas, see);

Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

27 That deceitfulness of the church of today! See, "the son of perdition," the devil. "The son of perdition," the devil. Then, people worshiping Satan in this day, thinking they're worshiping God. But they're worshiping him through a creed, a man-made denominations and creeds that's brought the people right down to the greatest deception that the world has ever knowed of. No matter how much the Word of God promised for this day, is preached and vindicated, they still won't believe It. They won't believe It.

28Then why? We wonder why. Why doesn't it; why won't they believe It? When God said He would do a certain thing, and He does it, and still they turn their back from it and turn away from it. Just as Eve knew that what God said, God would do; but she turned her back on it, to listen to what he had to say.

29Just remember, in other ages, it's always been the same thing. In every age, it's always been that Satan tries to pervert that Word to them, making them see some other age.

30 Look, when Jesus come, see, Satan was in that bunch of Jewish teachers, and rabbis and priests, trying to tell them to keep the law of Moses, when the very Word said that in that day the Son of man would be revealed, see, that He would reveal Himself. So they was trying, as long as they kept them religious, and on the law of Moses. See what he did? He was trying to tell them, "That part of the Word is just exactly right, but this Man isn't that Person." See how deceiving he is? That's that real day of deception.

31 It's been, and now is, Satan establishing his kingdom in the earth. That's exactly why he's doing it, for he wants to establish his own kingdom.

32As a businessman, that's not a Christian, he'll work every scheme he can to make you see something the wrong way. If he's got a--a purpose and a personal gain in making you doing that, making you seeing it that way, he'll show you everything he can, and keep you off from the truth of it, because he's got a feeling only for himself. No matter how much he lies and cheats, and whatever more, he's got personal gain.

33 And that's why Satan has done this. And he has worked through the ministry to do it, as God promised he would do. Now, he began by a religious deceit in Eden, and has continued ever since.

34Not by setting up a bunch of communists. Communists has nothing to do with this. It's the church, that's where you have to watch, see. It's not the--it's not the communists that would deceive the very Elected. It's the church that'll deceive the very Elected, see. It isn't communists; we know they deny God, and they're antichrist, sure they are, in principle, but they are not the antichrist. The antichrist is religious, very religious, and can quote the Scripture, and make It look so plain.

35As Satan did back there in the beginning, he quoted everything right down, "God has said, 'Thou shalt not eat every tree of the garden.'" See, quote It right out.

36She said, "Yes, we may eat of all the trees of the garden, but there is a tree in the midst of the garden that God said not to eat, for, not even touch it; 'cause, the day we did, that day we would die."

37 He said, "Oh, surely you'll not die. But let me give you the reason why God said this, is because..." See, he now what? He quoted this Truth, you see. He said, "It'll open your eyes, and it'll make you know good and wrong. You'll be like God then, if you can do it."

38That's just what he wants to do, and that's just the same thing he is trying to do today. There's been a religious deceit since the very beginning at Eden, and has been ever since. In Adam's time, it was a deceit. In Noah's time, it was a deceit. In Jesus' time, was the same. And now is the same, the same way, a religious deceitfulness!

39 Now, we will notice the earth, when God had it under control. Now, when God had it control... had it under His control. Then when Satan took over, by rejecting the Word of God. God one time had the earth under His control. He set it in its orbit. He put it, make it work. He done everything, had it in His control. Now we'll compare that with after Satan took it in his control.

40 Now, it took God six thousand years. It didn't take Him that long, but He took that long. Six thousand years, because we're taught that "one day in Heaven is a thousand years on earth," and it was six thousand years, or six days that God built the earth. Now, it took God six thousand years to establish it, plant it with good seeds and to bring forth everything after its kind. Everything must come forth of its kind. All of His seeds were good, and so it must bring forth after its kind. God took six thousand years.

41 Finally, when He got it all made, and finally we... finally arrived with its headquarters, of the earth, in a beautiful spot laying east of Eden, called the garden of Eden. God made the world's headquarters in the garden of Eden, in Egypt, right at the east end of the garden was the headquarters.

42 And over the whole situation, He put His son and His son's wife, over all of it. That's right. That's what God did. He put them in full control. They could speak to the winds, and it would cease to blow. They would speak to the tree, and it would move from here to there.

43The lion and the wolf fed together, and the lamb laid down with them. There was no evil. It was perfect peace, perfect harmony, everything in perfection, and when God had it under His control. And notice, He had His... He had His world, He had all in operation. He had everything coming. Everything eating vegetations; nothing to die, nothing to be ruined, nothing to be spoiled. Nothing... It was just perfect.

44And over it all, He placed His beloved children, His son and His daughter, a husband and wife, to control it.

45 God was so satisfied! "And He rested from all His works, at the seventh day," and hallowed this seventh-day sabbath for Him.

46Because, God looked it all over, after He had been six thousand years in molding it and fixing it out, making it come into existence; and put the mountains up, and make the volcanics push the mountains up, and the things that taken place in the eruptions; dried it off, and fixed it the way He had it. And it was a beautiful place.

47 There was nothing like it, the great paradises of God! And the great dinosaurs, and whatever more, crawling through it, and of the great animals; no harm in them. They were just as gentle as a little kitten. They had nothing at all; no--no sickness, no sorrow; not one disease germ on the earth. Oh, what a place!

48The great birds swinging from tree to tree, and Adam could call them by name, and they would fly up on his shoulders and--and coo to him. And, oh, what a wonderful place God had!

49 And then made one of His attributes from His Own Body. God has attributes in His Body.

50Like, you are an attribute of your father. And, you notice, you was in your grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's. But, in that, say, we'll take it down to like you and your father. Now, you did not know anything when you were in your father. The germ of life comes from the male. The male has the blood cell; the woman has the--the egg; now, therefore, the blood cell has the life in it. And, then, when you were in your father, you actually knowed nothing about it. But, yet, science and God's Word proves that you were in your father, but you knowed nothing about it.

51But then the father longed to know you. And with the union of connection with mother, then you were made known to father. Now, you are your father's attribute. You look like him, and you've got parts of your body that looks like your father.

52Now, that's the way God was in the beginning. Every son of God and every daughter of God was in God at the beginning. You don't remember it now, but you were there. He knowed it. And He wanted you to become so He could contact you, speak with you and love you, and shake your hands.

53 Don't you want your own boy... Isn't it a great day when your boy can come home and sit down at the table? When he comes back from the battlefield, or something another, scarred up; how you'll fix the dinner; you kill the fatted calf, or whatever more, and prepare for him! It's your own flesh and blood, and he was in you. You didn't know him then, but you knew he was there.

54 And so God knew that we would be here, but then He put us in flesh so we would be contacted. In order He could contact, He become one of us when He become Jesus Christ, the Son of God Himself, the fullness of the manifestation of God. Therefore that was God's purpose, to display His attributes in fellowship.

55When I was in my father, I knew nothing about it. But when I become his son and was born of him, I was a attribute, a part of my father. And you're a part of your father.

56And as children of God, we are a part of God's attribute that was in Him, made flesh like He was made flesh, so we can have fellowship one with the other, as a family of God upon the earth. And that was God's purpose at the beginning. Yes, sir. That's what God wanted at the beginning.

57He had everything under control. And He turned man over into the garden of Eden, on free moral agency; say, "Son, it's yours."

58 What a beautiful place! God was so satisfied, till He just went back and rested from all of His works. Every tree never brought forth thorns and thistles. No berries ever come off of a thorn tree. Everything was perfect. All seeds were perfect. Everything was in perfect condition.

59Then when He went to take a little rest, His enemy slipped in with deceit, and took it over, by misinterpreting His program to His children. When, He put trust in His Own child; as you put trust in your daughter when she goes out at night with a man; when you put trust in your son when he has to go with a drinking boy or a smoking boy. See, He put trust in His son, that he would not do anything wrong, and would keep every Word that He said. But the enemy slipped in; like that greasy slicker that would take out your daughter and misbehave himself; or--or some woman would take, go out with your son, and the same thing. See, he slipped in. The enemy of God slipped in and misinterpreted the Word to Eve.

60 Now, he, by this fall, it has took over and possessed the garden of Eden, himself. He took it over. And now he has had six thousand years of deceitful rule; deceiving the people, God's children, as he did then. Because, they were based on free moral agency, to act any way they wished to. And believing that they would act right, or trusting they would act right, then they've come with the wrong act, and sold their birthrights, as Esau did, for the world. And Satan won it, and he took it over. And he's had six thousand years to build up his Eden, as God had six thousand years to bring His Eden to a close. And by deceit, deceit of the Word, or the people, now established his own Eden in this earth, in sin.

61 God's Eden was established in righteousness. Satan's Eden is established in sin, because Satan is sin. God is righteousness, and God's kingdom was established in righteousness, and peace, and Life. And Satan's establishment is in sin, and, religious sin.

62Notice how he deceived, his deception, as he said he would. He promised to do this. Did anybody know that? Let us turn to Isaiah, if you want some of these Scriptures. If you... I ought to quote more of them, I guess. Let's turn to Isaiah the 14th chapter, just a moment, and just see what Satan said here, just a moment. In Isaiah 14, we'll read it, and watch what this fellow done. Isaiah 14, begin with the 12th verse.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

For thou hast said in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars (that's sons), stars of God: and I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,... the side of the north:

And I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; and I will be like the most High.

63 Now compare that over here with our other Scriptures over in Thessalonians, a while ago, how he said, "He sits in the temple of God, exalting himself above all that's called God, so that he as God is worshiped as God upon the earth."

64There is the god of this world that I preached to you about last Sunday. Here he is today in deceit, that treacherous hour, that tremendous time that we're living. It's the most glorious time of all the ages, because we are facing the great Millennium again; we're facing the Eden again. But right at this age, all the deceit and every tactic that he's ever used and been able to deceive with, he's gathered it all together and reinforced hisself; and come down like God, and has put hisself in place of God; religious, and can quote the Scripture and can tell you Scripture, just as Satan did to Eve in the garden of Eden. But leave out one spot of It, is all he has to do, make that gap, where the poison doctrine of the devil can pour through, like the thinking man's Filter we was talking about the other night.

65 Now, he said he would exalt himself above the most High; he would ascend above the clouds and the stars, and he would sit there like God, and be above the most High. And he has succeeded in carrying out his threats. He has certainly had a marvelous success in carrying out his threats, by the people letting him explain away, in every age, the value of God's promised Word to that age. That's exactly how he's done it. In every age, he explained It away.

66 In the days of Noah, he explained that it was impossible for it to rain from heaven, for, "there is no rain up there." His great scientific gospel that he preached in the garden of Eden! He could shoot the instruments to the moon and prove there's no moisture up there. But God said there would come a rain. But Satan succeeded, and poisoned the mind of the people, by scientific research, that, "it could not be done." But it was done. God said it would be done, and it was done. He did.

67 Now, in the days of--of Jesus, he did the same thing. He poisoned their minds again by deceit, see, misinterpreting the Word. "If Thou be the Son of God, now let me see You do something about it."

68Jesus didn't clown for him. He never did. God is not a clown. He don't have to answer anything that Satan asks. He only had... Jesus said, "It is written, 'Thou shalt not live... Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'" See, He didn't have to clown, from him. He didn't have to make bread. He could have done it, but He'd been listening to the devil, so He didn't have to listen to the devil.

69 And again it is religious sin, as at the beginning, so deceitful. Watch it now. It's not just purely old everyday sin, committing adultery and getting drunk, and using God's Name in vain. That's not it. No.

70You remember years ago, many of you here, the oldtimers, remember that sermon I preached, on, The Disappointments At Judgment. The harlot, she ain't going to be disappointed there. She knows where she is going. The drunkard ain't going to be disappointed there. The bootlegger, the gambler, the liar, the thief, he is not going to be disappointed. But, that man who thinks he's right, there's the disappointment.

71That's that fellow, say, come say, "Lord, haven't I preached the Gospel, have not I cast out devils, in Thy Name?"

72 Jesus said, "Depart from you... from Me, you that work iniquity. I never even knew you." There's the disappointment, see, that deceitfulness.

73That's what I'm constantly... that's where I'm so misunderstood. It's not that I want to be different. I don't want to be different, but I've got to be honest. I have a Message, and That must go to the people. Makes it very much misunderstood amongst the people. They think I'm against everybody. They only know, I'm for everybody, and trying my best to bring them what's the Truth, just as it's laid on my heart and the way it's laid in the Bible here. And God proves that to be the Truth, so there is nothing else can be done about it. So, be they look at It, or they don't.

74 See, they don't want to see It, because they have already sold out, sold their birthrights to some organization, some denomination; to try their birthrights, to get to Heaven upon the basis of some organized religion, which Satan is the head of every bit of it. God never did have an organized religion, never did. And they sell out to that, where they, a bunch of man, interpret the Word and say It means this and It means that.

75God needs no interpreter. He does His Own interpreting. He doesn't need anyone else to tell Him how to do it. He is sovereign. He said how He would do it, and that's the way He must keep His Word. When He said, "These signs shall follow them that believe," He meant just that. Whatever He said would take place, He said it would happen in these last days, that He would do certain things, and He done it. He has to ask nobody whether it's time or not. He knows what the time is, and what the plan is.

76 Now, Satan, this deceiver, as spoke of in Matthew 24:24, with so much deceit. Now, we find that by his gospel programs of knowledge, better education, higher ethics, civilization, and so forth, has bewitched the people that wants to serve God, into believing his lie.

77Eve did not want to do that, but he showed her how it was more wisdom in it. She didn't know; she wanted to know. She didn't understand, but she wanted to understand. And God told her not to try to understand.

78How can I understand any of these things? I cannot understand them. I believe them. I don't have to understand them. God is faith, and not understanding. We just believe what He said.

79 Now, compare God's Eden to Satan's now, after six thousand years of perverting of the true interpretation of God's promised Word to the age. Let's compare it now, and see where we get. Like he did to the church in--in Christ's time, in Jesus, trying to keep--keep back God's loyal sons from knowing the Truth. That's God's. God put His sons here, His attributes, to fellowship with Him by hearing His Word.

80 What if your father told you, and you are a loyal son to your father, and he told you, "Son, don't you go in that water out there, swimming, because there's 'gators in that water"; and a fellow comes back, said, "Surely, such pretty water as that, there is no 'gators in it"? Now who you going to listen to? If you're a genuine son, you'll listen to your daddy.

81And a genuine son or daughter of God takes God's Word first. I don't care what anybody else says about it, they take God's Word first. "There's poison in the cup," and they believe it.

82Having faith in all His Word, His Seeds, brought a Eden of holiness, love, and Eternal Life. That's what God's Eden produced, holiness. And it brought an Eden of holiness, of love, understanding, perfection, and Eternal Life. That's what God is planting, His Word, His Seed. That's what His Church will be at the end; It will be the same thing.

83 Notice, here's a thought. Don't forget it. I'll get to it some other time or some other Message. But, you know, God said, "Let every seed bring forth of its kind." Is that God's commandment? Now what good is any preacher, or anybody else, try to make that Word say something else? See, every Word of God is a Seed. Jesus said so, "A Seed a sower sowed." So if Mark 16 is God's Word, it'll bring forth of its kind. If Malachi 4 is God's Word, it'll bring forth of its kind. And every other promise must bring forth of its kind.

84 You see, see Satan out here in disguisement? He is trying to say, "It not, it's not so." Do you understand it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See, Satan say, "Oh, That ain't for this day. That, that--that's... That was some other time. That, that don't even mean that."

85"Every seed must come forth of its kind." That's how God established His Eden. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And here it is, that's how God establishes His Church, every Word after Its kind! "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word proceeding out of the mouth of God." See? Satan, he'll take something else. But God said, "Every seed after its kind."

86If the promise said, "These signs shall follow them that believe."

87Now the church says, "Join the church. Recite the creed. Know the catechism." There is not such things in the whole Bible.

88But Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe: in My Name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; if they take up serpents, or drink deadly things, it won't harm them; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Who is any man to deny That? See?

89 "Every seed will bring forth of its kind." If you are a seed of God, an attribute, a son of God, then the Word of God is sown in you. See? And then when you hear the Word of God, "My sheep hear My Voice; a stranger they won't follow." You get it? "Then every seed comes forth after its own kind."

90 Now we find out, that every seed bringing forth of its kind, there was no death in the new... in that Eden. There will be no death in the new Eden. See, there was no, nothing else but holiness, purity, and Eternal Life.

91Now, by unbelief in all of God's Word, has brought the seed of unholiness in Satan's Eden. We are now entering in where Satan is taking the throne, as the antichrist, in a--a Eden of this earth, a Eden of sin, perverted religion. He started not upon, "I am Satan. I am the great angel." No, not upon that, but upon perverting God's Word. And that's how he's brought his kingdom, in every age. And now in this great deceitful age, ready to take his throne, by his people! He has built hisself an intellectual, educated, scientific Eden; right, scientific preachers, scientific church, scientific theology, everything is scientific. Everything is on basis of knowledge. The whole church is built upon knowledge. It ain't built upon faith.

92 One time I went in to hold a meeting to a man's church. It was a great auditorium in the west. A fine man, and he denied these things that we're talking about. But yet, he was... I liked him; fine man, old man. When his congregation went out... It seated about six thousand people. When his congregation went out, in the afternoon service, about fifteen hundred, they were all fine-dressed intellectuals. I sat there and watched them.

93He preached a very good sermon, the man did. And then he asked if anybody wanted to accept Christ; just to raise up their hands. And no one raised up their hands. And finally a woman raised up her hands. He said, "All right, now you're a Christian," and made her for baptism. And then when he went out... He dedicated a baby, kissed the little baby and made a prayer over it, and dismissed the audience.

94 When his congregation went out; all fine, scholarly, educated people. Then I was standing on the side, to shake the man's hand and wish him God's speed, as he went out.

95And when I did, here came my crowd in. They couldn't let them in while his crowd was there. Here come mine, in wheel chairs, stretchers, strait jackets, insane, and everything else. You see the difference? That's it. That's the thing I'm talking about, see. See, it's something different.

96 When, by scientific knowledge you can make a understanding Gospel, that, you, "he that believeth on Jesus Christ shall not be condemned," see.

97But, "These signs shall follow them that believe," see, he fails to put That in there, see. She believed on Jesus Christ, she is saved, if these signs follow the believer.

98"And he that heareth My Word," not just makes out, not hear It with his ears, but, "understand It." Anybody can hear It; a prostitute can hear It and remain a prostitute; see, a drunkard can hear It; a liar can hear It and still remain a liar. But, "He that understandeth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life." There you are, see.

99And no man can do that except God foreordained him. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me, except My Father draws him, and all the Father has given Me will come to Me." Amen. It's all the sovereignty and foreknowledge of God. He lives alone and there's nobody tells Him what to do.

100 Now, by unbelief, in no taking all the Word of God, has brought a seed of unbelief, unholy, sinful, hatred, and Eternal death is in this sinful, intellectual church age. Now you got it? In this day, that when the whole world is religious! Did you know that? The whole world is religious. And in this religious age, big churches on every corner; everything, the whole thing winds up in Satan being worshiped. Here it is, right here in the Bible. That's right. And in this intellectual, theological seminaries that's brought out an intellectual person that's been trained how to speak, what to do, how to make their emotions; and everything like psychology, three and four years, to know how to deal with a man's mind. See, it's...

101The Spirit of God is not something that, you, it's schooled into you. It's something that's predestinated into you, by the hand of Almighty God. Your experiences cannot be schooled or taught into you. It's predestinated, by God's hand and God's foreknowledge, into you. That's right.

102 Now, it brought forth this great Eden that they now live in, a church world's Eden. They're all uniting together now at the great Ecumenical Council, and going to have the world church all coming under one head, where Satan will be throned, just exactly.

103And the last call is going out, to catch the Bride before She gets into that. For once in that, she's took the mark of the beast, and doomed, she'll never come out of it. That's the reason, say, "Come out from among them, My people," before it goes into him, see. "Come out from among them, and be ye separated."

104 Now, hatred and death, and Eternal separation from God, in this Eden; lust, filth, perversion, (how?) by sowing the wrong seed.

105Reminds me of the vision I seen before I ever met the Pentecostal people, of that Man going around the world, in white. You've heard me tell it many times. And one come in behind Him, sowing seeds of discord.

106But he won it fairly, in Eve... in the garden of Eden, by the lust of Eve for sin; the lust for Eve, of sin. Then, if Eve lusted for knowledge, it was sin.

107And when we lust for knowledge, want a Ph.D., LL.D., it's sin to do so. That's strong statements, but that's the Truth. No matter how strong it is, it's still the Truth, see. To lust for knowledge, understanding!

108The thing of it is, is, today we don't try to establish the Word of God in the people's hearts. We are trying to establish ourselves. Churches are trying to establish the doctrine of the church, in a person's heart.

109We are commanded to establish the Word of God. Paul said, "I didn't come to you with enticing words of man, that your faith might rest up in the knowledge of man; but I come to you in power; in manifestations of the Holy Ghost, that your faith might rest in God." There you are.

110 Man mustn't establish yourself. We find it amongst... Let God do something for a person and send him out, you find every man trying to impersonate it. See, they're trying to establish themselves. Every man, "I did this. Me, I, mine, my denomination, me, this," establishing themselves. What are we preaching about, ourselves or the Kingdom of God?

111Establish the Word of God. Take out the unbelief and establish the Kingdom of God in a man's heart. And the Kingdom of God cannot be established in a man's heart 'less God made that man thus. He cannot be established in a...

112And, remember, the deceitful part, that man think that it's right. See. "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man." Every intellectual being seems right.

113 As I told you a few Sundays ago; when I stood by my dying baby, and Satan standing there and said, "There is your daddy, died in your arms the other night. There is your wife laying down there in a--in the morgue, and here is your baby going. And you asked Him to answer you, and He pulled your... He pulled a shade down over you. Now, and yet He's a good God, and yet you said He was a Healer. And you, who are standing for what you said was right, you're wrong." Oh, every reason, every mental faculty had to agree that it was right; and he was right, that much.

114So was he right when he told Eve, "Your eyes will be opened, and you'll know right from wrong. And you'll be as gods, that way, knowing right from wrong," because God didn't let them see themselves yet, that they were naked. So they knowed they would know right from wrong; and he was right. But, you see, it was contrary to the Word of God.

115 And so does ministers in seminaries, learning man-made theology; it may seem right, it may be a good understanding of the thing, but it's wrong.

116We don't have to understand It. We believe It because God said it's so, and that settles it forever. The whole thing, that's the way to believe It.

117Oh, how Eve lusted to have a Ph.D., see, how she lusted to be smarter than what she was!

118 Notice how much alike, man and his wife... Now notice, man and wife, both naked in the garden of Eden, God's Eden.

119Now I'm going to close. I said I'm going to hold just a few minutes. Look, watch now, as closing.

120Compare this now, how much alike that man and his wife, both in God's Eden, without one stitch of clothes on them, and knew it not. For why didn't they know it? For they were veiled to their senses of nakedness, by the Holy Veil, of the Holy Spirit. They could look right at each other, and they didn't know that they were naked. They were veiled with the Holy Spirit, of holiness. They were veiled.

121 God's veil, yet today, can look and not lust. They turn their head. It's a Holy Veil, see, Holy Veil. God had their eyes... they were both, one was man and the other was woman, and they did not know they were naked, because the holiness of God kept their eyes veiled. Notice, God hid their conscience from sin, by the Holy Veil.

122Wish we had some time to lay on that, a few minutes. Looky here, "For he, the worshiper once purged," Hebrews, "the worshiper once purged, has no more conscience of sin." Sin has passed from him.

123 I heard Brother Neville say, this morning; someone might have been asking him why didn't I preach on the Holy Ghost, why didn't I do this. Here it is. The Holy Ghost is the action in you. It's a Life, not an emotion; not some sort of a fleshly evidence. But It is a Person, Jesus Christ, the Word of God established in your heart, to quicken every Word of this age. Right. Watch the Holy Ghost in action, not so much in demonstrations; but, in action, what It does according to the Word.

124 Notice now the Holy Spirit, of God's Holy Word, had a man and woman naked, and didn't know it. How beautiful, Life of the Word; the Seed, the Word!

125God said, "There is a tree in the midst of the garden, the woman. And in the midst of the garden is this tree; don't even touch it. For, the day you eat thereof, that day you die." They were holy veiled from it, didn't know nothing about it, daresn't to touch it.

126They were holy veiled. They were safe in God's pavilion. They were alive. They had no death around them. Hallelujah! They had perfect love one for the other, perfect Life forever. They had perfect love, perfect understanding of the love of God. They had God's Word, and kept It. And they were alive and safe in God's Eden, with no death at all around them.

127 Then, Satan got Eve to listen to his gospel of theology, the gospel of knowledge, higher schooling, higher ethics, better civilization, higher education, and so forth; then when he got the... her to stop and listen to him a minute, to his reasonings (which we are commanded to cast down), when he got her to listen to it.

128"Now, looky here, the church is so-and-so. It's been established for so long. We're one of the oldest churches in the country. The mayor of the city goes." I don't care what it is, see. If it's against God's Word, be against it. That's your enemy. Anything that's against the Word is your enemy.

129Everything that's for the Word is your brother. He's a part of you.

130 Notice, she pulled off the Holy Veil, to see what sex really was; compare that, what lust really would do. She pulled the Veil from off her eyes, the holy thing that God had put over her eyes. She wanted knowledge, to know what it was all about; so she pulled the Veil off to see what it was all about. She listened to the devil, and notice what a place it put her in.

131They have done the same in each age thereafter, always taking the intellectual side; and has now built a kingdom of Satan, knowledge, his seed that he sowed, and has took the world to be an Eden of death.

132 Now notice. Now look at Revelations 3, the Laodicean Church Age. You think it in your mind.

133Now notice. She, Eve, is Satan's queen. See, Satan, the serpent, got to Eve before Adam got to her. See? That's right. So he beguiled her, see; so Satan, the serpent, was the husband of Eve before Adam ever knew. See, he beguiled her. The Bible said he did, and she knowed she was naked, then. See?

134 Now look at the--the Laodicean Church Age. She, Eve, is sitting as Satan's queen. "She is rich in worldly goods; blind, naked again, and don't know it," just like it was in God's Eden. But now, not because the Holy Veil is over her face, but the lust veil. That, she took off God's Holy Veil, and put on a veil of knowledge, for lust. And now she has a lust veil, that she is "blind" to it being sin. She is "naked" on the street, "and don't know it." She's a prostitute on the street. Women with these shorts on, in God's sight, is a prostitute, "and don't know it."

135 Notice, take our women. Now, if you want to see what condition the church is in, watch the way women are acting. She always represents the church. In Satan's Eden, of sin and unbelief, a religious perversion; perverted kingdom. Instead of taking God's Word, they have took the intellectual learning of man. And instead of taking the Church, they took the organization, and they're bringing it to one great head.

136 Now notice, perverted from innocence. Don't miss this now. The church has been with this lust veil on. Notice what it's done to her. It's--it's perverted her from innocence to knowledge. See? The Holy Veil, she was innocent; with the lust veil, she is knowledge. She knows it's pleasant. She knows what it does, see. It's a fruit, a tree to be desired, making one wise. See? She is perverted from innocent to knowledge, from holiness to filth and lust, and from Life to death.

137This kingdom has to die. This kingdom shall die! The God of Heaven will destroy it from the face of the earth.

138 Notice, in this perversion, it's become from a man to a woman, and from a woman to a man, "and don't know it." A very good product of Satan's Eden, if you'll watch the streets today, at our modern people.

139 Notice, it was Eve that Satan used to make Adam sin by her power of lust. Now the same, doing the same thing today. Notice, bobbed hair, painted facey, sexually dressed, see, she does that, and don't know that every one of those things is contrary to the Word of God. To cut her hair, makes her a dishonorable woman, a prostitute. To wear shorts, puts her disgracefully. Put sexy dresses on her, makes her a prostitute. "And she don't know it," not because of the holiness of God; because the lust of Satan. She caused her... She causes her Adam to lust for her.

140 She took off the clothes that God dressed her in, back in Eden, for her journey through the--this wilderness. She took them off. She stripped herself down. When, God had her wrapped all over in skins; she's begin to shave a little off each time, now she is back to where she was at the beginning.

141Now she has got her Adam to wearing her underneath clothes. A man put on them little old sissy-looking shorts, and get out here, I don't think there is much man to him. He is the biggest sissy I know of. See? See, she has got her perverted Adam to act like she, see, wearing her underneath clothes. She seen what she could do out yonder when she took off all of her clothes but her underneath ones. That's the shorts. Course, that's the woman's underneath clothes, and here her Adam is wearing them now. Which, according to God's original Word, "Is an abomination for a woman to put on a garment that pertains to a man, and a man to put on a garment pertains to a woman," from the original Word. Think of it!

142 Now, he now wears her bangs, also. He combs them down, puts a curler in them. Some of the most sickly sights I've ever seen in my life, is some of those kids out here today with their bangs combed down like this, and colored, bleached hair, with some kind of a peroxide something, and bleach their hair, and rolling it in curlers, making bangs. You big sissy! That's a horrible thing to say from a pulpit, but judgment begins at the house of God. You don't even know whether you're a man or woman. And I understand that our United States Army is coming out next in shorts. That's right. See what the perversion is? It's a woman's clothes; wears her bangs.

143 The other day I was over, Howard Johnson's; not this one here, but one on the road going out. And I just sat back in amazement. Here come a little boy along, his mouth open. And he had dark hair here, and it combed it over this a way; and put a roller in it, and curled it up around, top of his eyes; looking out the top of his eyes, going around. If I ever seen a perversion! See, he wouldn't believe it. He could prove maybe he was male, but in his spirit he is female. He don't know what side of the house he belongs on. That's right. How perverted!

144That's what Satan does. He perverts the nations. He perverts the church. He perverts the people. He is a deceiver, a perverter of the original Truth.

145God made a man a man. He made a woman a woman. And He dressed them different, and He meant for them to stay that way and to act that way; one is feminish, and the other is masculine. He separated Adam in the garden of Eden, and did this, separated Eve from him.

146 Now wears her bangs; she cuts her hair like his, and he tries to wear his like hers. See? She wears his outside clothes, and he wears her inside clothes. Now, that sounds sacrilegious, but I don't mean it that way. It's the absolute Gospel Truth. If you don't know it, then there's something wrong with you; you're either blind or never been on the streets. And she thinks and he thinks that it's right, they're getting along somewhere.

Women says, "Well, it's so hot!"

147The old Apache Indians out yonder would make you ashamed of yourself. The more heat they get, the more clothes they put on, to keep the sun off of them; oh, make it sweat, so you can have an air-conditioner as they walk. See? They stand right out in the sun.

148 You couldn't stand nothing; you would blister and burn. But, you see, it's what you call higher education. Modern science has produced this. Oh, my! There she is, "naked," in Laodicea, "and don't know it."

149She was naked in Eden. See the two kingdoms alike? One is of sin and death; the other one is Life and righteousness. In there she was veiled with a Holy Veil. They were both naked; they didn't know it. They didn't know nothing about it, because they were veiled with God's Spirit.

150And here they are veiled with lust, and they look at one another to... See, Adam could look at Eve, and didn't know she was naked. But now with this lust veil, she doesn't realize she is naked, but she does it under this lust veil to make man look at her. It's the only thing she can do it for. You don't believe that, but you do it anyhow, and man look. And he found out you got so much attraction, till he come around and put some of your clothes on himself.

151 Oh, what a perversion! What a age! What a time we're... How deceitful it is! Oh, all these things, "and don't know it," a perfect perverted spirit is in the man. He is veiled from the lust of Satan, and the woman is, too. It's a satanic spirit of a great society. See, they don't know, but they're a organization. Women with shorts on, belongs to an organization. Man dressed like that, is on a organization. I'll give you the abbreviation of it, B.S.S., Big Sister Society, so that's what they belong to. Come out there, a big sissy society, with them little old pants on, big old knotty-looking, dirty-looking thing. I--I...

152 Man, now you may differ me with this, but that's the Truth. You have been perverted and don't know it. You're not, don't act like a man no more. See, coming so soft; and, their son, will be nothing to them anymore; man, and women, too. They are a society. There is a organization. Why? "John, next door, wore shorts, so why can't I? Luella wanted me to wear them because John wore them, next door. And, well, if--if Susie Jane can wear them, so can Martha Jane wear them, or Susie Lou," or ever who her name is, see. See, it's a society. It's an organization. You spiritually belong to it, and don't know it.

153 And if that's so, and we see it's so, so are you blinded. You are blinded to these denominations that Satan has twisted you into. And it's the perversion of God's original Word, and His Kingdom, and His plan for His children. Satan has twisted men and women into these things, and they don't know it. A perverted!

154No longer a son of God! Bangs hanging down in his face, and a pair of shorts on, trucking down the street; a son of God, deacon in a church, a pastor in a pulpit? No, that ain't a son of God. He never came through God's thinking Filter. He wouldn't have them women's clothes on; he sure wouldn't; neither would she have the man's clothes on. See, it's not a son of God. It's a son of Satan, and a daughter of Satan. Hard thing to say!

155 Satan has succeeded in perverting and taking over this world, and making it his kingdom; that man was put on, by free moral agency, to choose for themselves what kind of life they desired. And that shows what's in your heart. See? Your voice... You know what? Your actions speak so loud, it drowns your voice.

156Let me go to a man. And say, "Oh, I... We're all Christians. We belong to church." And strip teases hanging all over his office? It wouldn't make no difference what he told me, I would know better; so would you.

157Let a women say she's a Christian, with short hair? Huh-uh! You know better than that, see. Yes, sir. Let her say she's a Christian, wearing paint and make-up, and shorts, and say she's a Christian? You know better than that. The Word of God teaches you better than that. The Word says she can't do it and be a Christian. She is even dishonorable, and everything. How is God going to put a dishonorable thing in His kingdom? No, sir, not at all. No, sir. Theirselves, they shows their desire.

158 You can't get a dove to eat with a buzzard, not at all. A dove don't have any gall. He can't eat that old a carrion. If he took a bite of it, it would kill him, and he knows it. But a buzzard can eat most anything he wants to. See? He's got plenty of gall.

159So then you find out, that's the way it is with the world today, same thing, "They are naked, blind, and don't know it."

160 Satan did it by the woman's lust for knowledge, for sex, which she chose by her own choosing. Now notice, it was Eve that led Adam to the wrong, and it was the woman that took off her clothes before her Adam took off his. See? It's the woman, always. It's always been. It still is the same way.

161It's the church that leads the man astray. It's the church, see, that leads the man that wanted to be a son of God. It's the woman, the church. Not the Bible, God, for the Bible is man. Oh, yeah, "the Word was made flesh," and He was a Man. See? The Bible is man; the church is woman. See? It isn't the church... the Bible that leads the man astray. It's the church that leads him astray. It's the church he went naked with, not the Bible. See? No, indeed. The Bible tells him he's naked. Yes, sir.

162Now notice how, by sex, desire of sex, she lusted for knowledge, to know what was this, and how, whether this fruit was good or not. And she did it.

163 God will take it back someday, though, by a Man. It was surrendered by a woman. But it was redeemed by a Man; the Man, Jesus Christ, which is the Word.

164And then what is it? Notice, in closing. Here not long ago, I made this statement. I got about four or five more pages in there, but I... of Scriptures and things I wanted to refer to. But, listen. Let's close, in saying this.

165 Remember, here not long ago, I was teaching you on the Seven Trumpets, the Feast of Trumpets, and so forth. And I said, "There is a eighth-day festival." So, the seventh day would be the last, that would be the Millennium. But there is an eighth-day festival; which, if it was the eighth, and there's only seven days, would make it the first day again, come right back to the first day. Then, after the Millennium is over, then there will be an established Eden again. God's great Kingdom will be taken back. Because, Jesus fought it out with Satan, in the garden of Gethsemane, and won back the Eden; which, He's gone to prepare in Heaven, to return again, up in Heaven. He said, "Let not your hearts be troubled."

166 When He was here on earth, He said, "You, you Jews, you've believed in God. Now, I know I got a bad name," He said. "And they say I'm this, that, the other. But, you've believed in God; and as you've believed in God, believe also in Me." He was God, manifested. See? "Believe also in..."

167 "In My Father's house are many..." Or, "In My Father's economy, in My Father's plans is many palaces. I'll go to prepare a place." Look how long it is, fifteen hundred square miles! Say, where's it at? He has gone to prepare it. He is Creator. He creates all that gold. The streets are transparent. He is Creator. He is making a place. Over in Revelation 21, he said, "And I John saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem, descending from God out of Heaven."

168"There was no more sea; the first heaven and first earth was passed away." What was our first heavens? Was the Millennium. What's the first earth? Was this. It'll be renovated. Just like it was baptized by Noah, in the days of his preaching; was sanctified by Christ, as He sprinkled His Blood upon it; and be renovated, take all the germs and everything off of it, in the renovation at the end, with a Fire baptism that'll kill every germ, every sickness, every disease, every filth that was ever on the earth.

169 She'll burst forth, and come forth a New Earth. "And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth. First heaven, this first earth, was passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem, descending from God out of Heaven." There God will be with His true attributes, sons and daughters, where He can fellowship with them in holiness, with their eyes blinded to any sin. There'll never be no more sin from there on.

170Let us strive hard; don't be deceived in this day, but, "strive to enter in at the gate."

171"For all that will be left out will be whoremongers, lusters." "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already." All with... outside will be ill-fame women, ill-fame man, and so forth.

172And only those that are redeemed, and in the Lamb's Book of Life, will enter in at the gate. So strive, friends; don't be deceived in this last day.

173 This is a great time. Everybody has got money. Everybody can do this, and everybody can do that, and money flowing every way, and big cars, and everything. There won't be one of them in that City. There won't be one car, one airplane. No. It'll be a altogether a different civilization. It'll be again a civilization not of knowledge, not of science, but of innocence, and faith in the living God.

174Let us strive to enter into That. For that's my whole purpose, is to enter into that City someday; and just look back, coming along with me, see every one of you marching, when we sing, "the saints go marching in." I want to be in that number when the saints go marching in.

Let us pray.

175 Dear Heavenly Father, as the days are closing, and we see it drawing nigh, the promise is drawing nigh. We pray, Dear God, that You'll place that upon our hearts, so we won't make any mistake. Dear God, keep our conscience pure. Keep our hearts veiled, Lord, our eyes veiled from the things of the world, and vain things of the world, vain glory to become some big somebody.

176No matter how big they are, all kings, monarchs, potentates, and everything else has to perish, and they will not rise in the sec-... in the first resurrection. For it's written, "Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection, on which the second death has no power." O God! "The second death," the spiritual death, "has no power"; he is redeemed!

177 O God, to think that one of these hours, one will be going to visit the other, and be caught up. "Two in a bed; will take one, and leave one. Two in the field; I'll take one, and leave one."

178O God, help us to be pure in--in the sight of You, Lord, no matter what man thinks about us, what other people say. Lord, let our holy... our conversations be holy. Let it be seasoned with God's Word; so seasonable, Lord, that there's no guile found in us. While we plead, in our own mistakes, that the Blood of Jesus Christ will stand between us and God, that He'll look down upon us through the Blood of Jesus; not upon our own righteous, or who we are, what we've done, but upon His merits alone. God, grant it!

179 May not one who sit here tonight and heard the Message, may not one of them be lost, from the least child to the oldest person. May their holy desire be only for God and His Word. We know not what hour He may appear, or what hour He may summons us to answer up yonder at the Judgment. We don't know what hour He may, as it was, take our card from the rack, say, "It's homecoming time. You've got to go." God, help us to keep pure. Grant it, Lord.

180May we live till the Coming of the Lord, if it be possible. May we do everything that's in our power, with love and understanding, understanding that God is searching the world, today, finding every lost sheep. And may we talk to them with seasoned prayer of love and the Word of God, that we might find that last one, so we can go Home, and get out of this old Eden of Satan here, Lord.

181 That's all built upon lust, and beautiful women, as so-called in the world, with their advertisements on there, "We advertise, and want boys to come with jam on their faces, and pretty girls with shorts on," right on our radios and televisions; and all kind of filth and gaum, and Hollywood; all kinds of sexy, dirty, filthy dresses for women. And--and man being perverted and taking women's apparel, and cutting their hair like women; and women like man.

182O God, what a horrible hour we're living in! Oh, come, Lord Jesus, come! Come, Lord! Cleanse us by the Blood. Take all filth and guile away from us. Let us live, Lord, let us live under the Blood, constantly, before You. It's our hearts' desire, and our sincere plea.

183 Dear God, laying on this plat-... or those, desk, tonight, where the Gospel has been laid. Lord, here lies handkerchiefs and little parcels that go unto the sick and afflicted. Let the prayer of faith, Lord, fall from our hearts now, in Your sight. Then, Lord, if there be any unclean thing in us, Lord, take our... take us to judgment now; and we plead for mercy. Reveal to us what we're doing wrong, Lord, so we can ask, to take the Blood and cleanse us. Heal these sick people and make them well, Father, whatever it go unto, wherever they go. Let it be so, Father.

184 Give us the determination to serve You, and You only. Grant it, Lord.

185Grant safety to these dear people that's on the road home.

186Thank You for how You've healed the people. And Sister Shepherd and Brother Shepherd's little boy, hurt on the bicycle, I pray that no evil will come to that; the little fellow riding his bicycle, I pray that he'll be all right. We thank You for Your healing of these others that we've asked for. "And we know that what we ask, we receive, because we have confidence in the One that made the promise."

187Give us of Thy grace, Lord, and forgive us of our sins, we ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

188 Do you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe Him? ["Amen."] Are you sick and tired of Satan's kingdom? ["Amen."] Do you believe it's coming to the Millennium, unto His Millennium; His, to His Eden? ["Amen."]

189You believe it's been formed today? Look, everything is based upon intellectuals. All, everything, has to be scientifically proved before they'll believe it.

190And you cannot scientifically prove God. You have to accept Him by faith, "For he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him."

191O God, I don't want to know nothing but the Blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses me from sin. I know nothing but Jesus Christ. And as Paul said of old, so say I tonight, "I know nothing among you, only save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified."

192 That's all I know to tell you. That, this Bible, I believe with all my heart (if I know my heart), to be the perfect unadulterated Word of God. By This I live. By This I stand. And if I had ten thousand lives, I'd like to give every bit of it for this Word, for it's the Word of Jesus Christ. And I don't care how much they can try to disprove It, how much science tries to say It isn't trustworthy, and so forth. To me, It's the only thing in the world I can trust, is this Word. He is mine. I love Him. Don't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

193 If there's a sin in your heart, if there's a fault in your heart, if you've got anything, pray now and ask God to forgive you. You pray for me; I'll pray for you. God bless you, is my prayer.

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

194Do you love one another? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] John said, "Little children, love one another." "Love one another, for love covers a multitude of sins." Now let us shake one another's hand.

God be with you till we meet again!

Till we meet! till we meet!

195Now be kind to one another. Be kind to everybody. Treat your neighbor right. Keep yourself unspotted till Jesus comes.

... feet;

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

196 You love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's my prayer. You pray for me; I'll pray for you. I got to go back to Tucson now. And I--I pray that God will bless you all. I'm going from there to Canada, and back to Colorado; around, around, around, see. Until...

197Brother Tony is over there, and a great thing has happened. Right under the Vatican, in Rome, they're calling for a revival, a meeting, for me to come there and hold a revival in Rome, in Rome. He just returned back. The people is all together. They got a great arena there, seats thousands and thousands, and they want me come for a revival. They want to see the glory of the Lord in the ministry. I don't know. I have to pray over it, see what the Lord will tell me. Oh, my! Remember, pray, all of us together. We're working...

We're watching for the coming of our blessed Saviour,

Lo, and behold the fig leaves now becoming green;

The Gospel of His Kingdom has gone to every nation;

And we're near the end, can be seen.

198Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Then gladly away we'll herald the Message of His blessed appearing,

Soon He's coming in glory, to tell to one and all;

Then awake, ye saints of the Lord, why slumber when the end is nearing,

Let's get ready for that final call.

199 She'll turn at the west and ride back again, one of these days, just remember. She sure will. And that's right. Until then:

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it, everywhere you go.

Precious Name (precious Name), O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet! (how sweet!)

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

At the Name of Jesus bowing,

Falling prostrate at His feet,

King of kings in Heaven we'll crown Him,

When our journey is complete.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

200 Now, on this last verse, let's sing it with bowed hearts now.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

And when temptations around you gather, (these things of Satan's kingdom, see, see)

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.

201That's all; then walk away. It works. I've tried it. Just believe it now, 'cause it will work. Just breathe His holy Name in prayer.

... the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

When temptations round you gather, (What do you do then?)

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer. (The Veil will come over your face then.)

Precious Name (precious Name), O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

202Let us bow our heads now, while I ask Brother Beeler back there to come here to the platform. [Brother Branham begins humming Take The Name Of Jesus With You--Ed.]

Just breathe His holy Name in prayer.

203You dismiss us, Brother Beeler. You dismiss us in prayer.

Precious Name,

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name (precious Name), O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

204 Now with our heads bowed, and our hearts bowed. Brother Beeler, one of our associates here, Brother Estle Beeler, fine Christian brother, loyal man. I'm going to ask him if he'll dismiss the audience, tonight, in prayer. God bless you, Brother Beeler.

1Skloňme svoje hlavy. Drahý Bože, sme ti dnes večer vďační za túto veľkú príležitosť znovu prísť v Mene Pána Ježiša, aby sme tu vonku na poli boja čelili nášmu nepriateľovi, Tvojmu nepriateľovi so Slovom, aby sme ho odohnali spomedzi Tvojho ľudu, aby mohli dnes vidieť, Pane, Svetlo Evanjelia. Modlím sa, aby si pomazal naše oči očnou masťou, aby mohli byť otvorené na pravdu, aby sme mohli odtiaľto odísť hovoriac vo svojich srdciach, "Či nehoreli v nás naše srdcia, ako ku nám hovoril na ceste?" Uzdrav chorých a nemocných. Povzbuď znechutených, pozdvihni slabé ruky, ktoré visia dolu. Nech vyhliadame Príchod Pána Ježiša, o ktorom veríme, že je nablízku. Prosíme to v Ježišovom mene. Amen. Sadnite si.

2Dnes sa budem snažiť byť stručný, pretože viem, že mnohí prišli z rôznych častí krajiny, aby… na bohoslužbu, alebo, aby tu boli s nami, niektorí z vás, a musia sa vrátiť a možno majú dlhú cestu späť. A ja vám ďakujem. Dnes ráno som chcel počúvať brata Nevilleho. Počul som ho mnohokrát, a nikdy som ho nepočúval bez toho, že by som si ho cenil. Ale dnes ráno to bolo posolstvo presne na tento čas a viem, že som bol Pánom vedený, aby som ho dnes ráno počúval. Veľmi dobre! A tiež vidím, prečo vy, ľudia, radi prichádzate a počúvate ho. A som si istý, že vám to vždy urobí dobre, počúvať ho.

3Snažil som sa dnes ráno a popoludní dohnať niektoré z osobných rozhovorov. Stále ich mám mnoho, mnoho, ktoré ešte čakajú. A ja…

4Myslím, že to bol Jetro, ktorý raz povedal Mojžišovi, "Je to pre teba príliš mnoho." Tak, máme tu ohľadne vašich problémov mnohých bratov. A každý z nich je oprávnený, a sú tam dobré veci, o ktoré musí byť postarané. A ja by som odporučil nášho pastora, brata Manna a ostatných tunajších kazateľov našej viery. Môžete ísť za nimi. Oni vám presne povedia veci, ktoré máte urobiť. Niektorí ľudia, ich deti sa medzi sebou ženia, vydávajú alebo robia veci, ktoré sú zlé. A títo muži vám môžu pomôcť takisto, ako ktokoľvek iný, pretože to sú sluhovia Kristovi. A choďte za nimi, a som si istý, že vám dajú takú pomoc, akú potrebujete. Ja sa nemôžem dostať ku všetkým. Je ich tak mnoho, kdekoľvek idete. To sa len ďalej viac a viac nabaľuje, rozumiete. A chcete sa ku nim všetkým dostať, ale to sa nedá. Ale stále sa modlím ku Bohu, aby to nejako všetko vyšlo pre vás dobre.

5Tak, dnes večer chceme ísť do Písma a čítať porciu Slova z 1.Mojžišovej, 3.kapitoly a trochu sa budeme odvolávať na niektoré veci, o ktorých sme hovorili donedávna, a budeme vidieť, či nám Pán dá ohľadne toho trochu viac poznať, keď odtiaľto odídeme. Modlím sa, aby to urobil.

A had bol najchytrejší zo všetkých zvierat poľných, ktoré učinil Hospodin Bôh. A povedal žene: Či naozaj riekol Bôh: Nebudete jesť z niktorého stromu rajského?

Na to povedala žena hadovi: Z ovocia rajských stromov jeme.

Ale o ovocí stromu, ktorý je prostred raja, riekol Bôh: Nebudete jesť z neho ani sa ho nedotknete, aby ste nezomreli!

A had povedal žene: Istotne nezomriete.

Ale Bôh vie, že toho dňa, ktorého by ste jedli z neho, otvoria sa vaše oči, a budete jako bohovia, ktorí vedia, čo je dobré i zlé.

A žena videla, že je strom dobrý na jedenie z neho, že je žiadosťou očiam a že je to prežiadúcny strom, aby urobil človeka rozumným, tak tedy vzala z jeho ovocia a jedla a dala spolu i svojmu mužovi, a jedol.

Vtedy sa otvorily oči obidvoch, a poznali, že sú nahí. A naviažuc fíkového lístia spravili si zástery.”

6Nech Pán pridá požehnanie k prečítanému Slovu. Chcel by som dnes večer vziať z toho text a nazvať to 'Satanov Eden'. Veľmi hrubý výraz, takto to nazvať, 'Satanov Eden'. Dosť to pasuje s tým, čo som tu hovoril, myslím, minulú nedeľu večer o Filtri rozumného človeka a o chuti svätého muža.

7Myslím, že niekedy nám tieto hrubé výrazy niečo prinášajú, núti nás to študovať a vedie vás to do čítania Slova. A to je to, čo chcem, aby celé moje zhromaždenie robilo. "Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." Tak, čítajte Slovo, študujte ho. A študujte ho s Božími očami, aby to dalo vášmu intelektu porozumenie, ako by sme mali žiť v tomto prítomnom dni.

8No, ak by som sem mal dnes večer prísť a len k vám hovoriť a povedal by som, “No, mohol by som urobiť toto alebo tamto…”

9Tak rád by som s ľuďmi hovoril, až by som dokonca rád išiel s každým jedným vás dnes večer domov. Boh vie, že je to pravda. Rád by som išiel s každým z vás domov a dal si s vami ráno raňajky a potom išiel s vami popoludní poľovať na veveričky, rozumiete. Rád by som to urobil, ale to sa nedá. Rád by som išiel domov a sadol si a rozprával sa s vami, sadol si po zhromaždení na verandu, pohovoril si s vami trochu, hovoril s vami o tom, ako sa vám darí, a o Bohu. Rád by som to robil. Muži a ženy, ktorí ste tu, Boh vie, že by som to rád robil, ale to sa nedá. Viete, je tam také napätie a boj.

10A v tomto nervóznom veku, v ktorom žijeme… a ja sám som nervóznym človekom. Dnes sa niečo rozhodnem, "Musím to urobiť," a zajtra je to odo mňa vzdialené na milión míľ, niečo to odrezalo a stalo sa to či ono. A ako ide čas, snažíte sa zachovať zmysly pohromade.

11Ale mojím hlavným zámerom je kázať Evanjelium Cirkvi a robiť všetko, čo môžem, aby som v tomto dni priniesol česť Ježišovi Kristovi, pokiaľ som tu na zemi a v tom čase, ktorý mi tu na zemi zostáva.

Prichádzam, aby som sa vám snažil povedať niečo, čo by vám pomohlo, niečo, čo som študoval, keď som prišiel dnes ráno domov, a rozmýšľal som, "Pane, čo by som mohol dnes večer povedať, čo by tým ľuďom pomohlo?"

12Ako som počúval dnes ráno to mocné posolstvo, ktoré nám priniesol brat Neville o… myslím, že to bolo také ohromné, ako to tam povedal, "Lekár určí diagnózu toho prípadu, ale ten človek, ktorý prichádza s táckou plnou ihiel, on dáva tú injekciu." Tak myslím, že to bolo skutočne pekne povedané. Rozmýšľal som o tom, "sérum, potom, ako bola určená diagnóza." Tak, to je veľmi dobrá vec.

13Chcel som ku vám niečo hovoriť, niečo, čo by vás osvietilo do zasľúbenia Božieho na tento vek. Rozumiete? Niečo, nie niečo, čím bol niekto iný na nejaký iný vek, ale niečo… tie veci sú v poriadku, všetci sa na tie veci odvolávame. Ale myslel som, že sa vynasnažím pomocou týchto miest Písma, ktoré tu mám zapísané, priniesť do vašej mysle niečo, čo by vás osvietilo, viete, urobilo vás lepšími vojakmi na poli, na ktorom teraz bojujete, aby ste sa naučili taktiku nepriateľa, aby ste tak mohli zablokovať všetko predtým, ako sa to ku vám dostane. To je tá hlavná vec, naučiť sa chrániť sa od úderov, ako len môžeš.

14Tak, pozrime sa teraz na tento veľký… na pár minút, na tento veľký hriešny deň, v ktorom žijeme. Nemyslím si, že bol kedy deň, o ktorom som niekedy čítal v histórii… boli veľké dni prenasledovania, kedy boli deti Božie usmrcované na každom rohu. Ale vidieť tú zvodnosť nepriateľa, nikdy sme nemali taký deň, v akom teraz žijeme. To je najviac prefíkaný, zvodný deň. A keď to vidím, to vedie ku tomuto: Kresťan musí byť omnoho viac na špičkách, ako v ktoromkoľvek inom veku.

15Tak, tam vtedy v dňoch prenasledovania Cirkvi Rímom, ak Kresťan urobil chybu, poslali ho do arény a stali sa potravou levom, alebo niečoho takého, keď zistili, že má svedectvo Kresťana. Ale jeho duša bola zachránená, pretože bol čistým, nepoškvrneným veriacim v Boha a spokojne spečatil svoje svedectvo krvou, keď sa uvoľnili jeho tepny alebo miesta, kde prepichli jeho telo, a ako krvácal, vykríkol v skutočnej vernej viere, "Prijmi môjho ducha, Pane Ježišu!"

16Ale teraz tá prefíkanosť diabla robí to, že ľudia veria, že sú Kresťania, zatiaľ čo nie sú. V tom je to. Nemusíte spečatiť… je to omnoho ľstivejší deň, ako by to bol, ak by ste museli spečatiť svoj život svojím svedectvom. Diabol nastavil každú možnú ľstivú pascu, akú len mohol, aby… on je zvoditeľ. A Ježiš nám v Matúšovi 24 povedal, ako to v tomto dni, v ktorom žijeme, bude. Je to najzvodnejší deň, aký kedy bol, "je to tak blízke, že by to zviedlo i samých vyvolených Božích, ak by to pre neho bolo možné ich zviesť."

17Porovnajme teraz niektoré miesta Písma, alebo proroctvá vypovedané v Biblii na dnes, a porovnajme ich s dňom, v ktorom teraz žijeme.

18V 2.Timotejovi 3 sme zistili toto, že prorok povedal, že "stane sa v tých dňoch, že ľudia budú nadutí, náhli, viac milujúci rozkoše, ako milujúci Boha." Porovnajte to teraz len na chvíľu. My ne… Prejdeme cez to len rýchlo, lebo nemáme na to čas, aby sme cez to prešli tak, ako by sa patrilo, ale len to zdôrazníme, aby ste to mohli vidieť a potom to doma študovať. "Náhli, nadutí, viac milujúci rozkoše, ako milujúci Boha, zradní, pomluvační, nezdržanliví a pohŕdajúci tými, ktorí sú dobrí." "Duch teraz hovorí výslovne, že tieto veci sa stanú v posledných dňoch." To sú tieto dni, o ktorých hovorí to proroctvo.

19Čítame tiež v Zjavení 14, vlastne v Zjavení 3:14 o Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, o tom, ako to bude s cirkvou v tých posledných dňoch. A to bude, ako to hovorí, "Ona bude sedieť ako vdova a nebude mať na nič potrebu. Bola bohatá a nahromadila si bohatstvo a nevedia, že sú biedni, mizerní, úbohí, slepí a nahí a nevedia o tom." No, pamätajte, On teraz hovorí ku cirkvi tohto veku, “úbohí, slepí a nahí a nevedia o tom." Tá posledná fráza, to posledné slovo to robí takým ohromujúcim. Oni si myslia, že sú dostatočne naplnení Duchom, že sú všetci pripravení. Laodicejský cirkevný vek je Letničný cirkevný vek, pretože to je posledný cirkevný vek. Luther mal svoje posolstvo, Wesley mal svoje posolstvo a letniční mali svoje posolstvo.

20Takisto bolo povedané, že "Pretože si vlažný, ani horúci, ani studený," vonkajšie emócie, mentálne koncepcie Evanjelia. "Pretože," povedal, "si taký, vypľujem ťa zo Svojich úst." Inými slovami, prišlo Mu z toho zle, keď videl cirkev v takom stave.

21A pamätajte, oni Ho vypľuli a On bol von z cirkvi a snažil sa dostať sa dovnútra a v tom hroznom laodicejskom cirkevnom veku.

22Bohom tohoto dňa dnes, tou uctievanou osobou dnes je Satan. A ľudia v nevedomosti uctievajú Satana, ale to je Satan, ktorý sa vydáva za cirkev, rozumiete, vydáva sa za cirkev. Oni uctievajú Satana a myslia si, že uctievajú Boha skrze cirkev, ale to je Satan, ktorý to urobil.

"Ó," poviete, "Ale počkaj, my kážeme Slovo."

23Pozrite sa späť sem na môj dnešný text. Satan bol ten, ktorý Eve najprv kázal Slovo, "Boh povedal…", rozumiete?

24To je prekrútenie toho miesta Písma, ktoré sa týka toho určitého dňa. On ti nechá poznať, že všetko, čo Ježiš činil, bolo dokonale správne. On ti nechá poznať, že všetko, čo Mojžiš činil, bolo dokonale správne. Ale keď vezmeš zasľúbenia, ktoré oni dali na tento dnešný deň, potom: "To sa týka iného dňa." To je všetko, čo on potrebuje urobiť, to je, aby to ľudia tak verili a to je všetko. Lebo "Nemôžete z toho vziať jedno Slovo ani pridať ku Tomu jedno slovo." Ale to je to, čo on robí.

25Ľudia nevedomky uctievajú Satana, mysliac si, že uctievajú Boha, ako sme varovaní proroctvom v 2. Tesaloničanom. Prečítajme si to len, je to druhá Tesaloničanom, druhá kapitola. Dovoľte mi to hneď teraz nájsť, rýchlo, ak sa mi to podarí. Rád by som to prečítal. Myslím, že to je druhá Tesaloničanom. Mám tu to miesto Písma. V druhej…

Ale vás prosíme, bratia, ohľadne príchodu nášho Pána Ježiša Krista a nášho shromaždenia k nemu, “

26Pozrite teraz, “príchod Pánov a naše zhromaždenie k Nemu,” ako Boh zhromaždí Svoj ľud ku Sebe v tých posledných dňoch. “Zhromaždenie ľudí ku Pánovi,” nie ku cirkvi, “ku Pánovi, spoločné zhromaždenie ku Nemu.”

aby ste sa nedali hneď zviklať od umu ani sa strašiť ani duchom ani slovom ani listom, ako nami poslaným, ako čo by už bol nastal deň Kristov.

Nech vás nikto nezvedie nijakým spôsobom, lebo deň Kristov nenastane, kým prv neprijde odpadnutie, a nebude zjavený človek hriechu

(“človek hriechu,” sledujte teraz, kým on je),

syn zatratenia

(to bol Judáš),

ktorý sa protiví a povyšuje nad všetko, čo sa zovie Bôh, alebo čomu sa dáva božská česť, takže sa posadí do chrámu Božieho jako Bôh a bude sa vydávať za Boha.”

27Ten zvod cirkvi dnes! Vidíte, “syn zatratenia,” diabol. “Syn zatratenia,” diabol. Ľudia potom v tomto dni uctievajú Satana, mysliac si, že uctievajú Boha. Ale oni ho uctievajú cez vyznania, ľudské denominácie a vyznania, ktoré priviedli ľudí rovno do najväčšieho zvodu, ktorý kedy svet poznal. Bez ohľadu na to, ako Slovo Božie, ktoré je na tento deň zasľúbené, je kázané a potvrdené, stále tomu nebudú veriť. Nebudú tomu veriť.

28Prečo potom? Divíme sa prečo. Prečo to, prečo tomu neveria? Keď Boh povedal, že bude robiť určitú vec, a robí ju, a oni stále od toho obrátia chrbát a otočia sa preč. Práve tak, ako Eva vedela, čo Boh povedal, čo Boh urobí, ale obrátila tomu chrbát, aby počúvala to, čo tamten chcel povedať.

29Pamätajte len, v tých ostatných vekoch, to bolo presne to isté. V každom veku to bolo to, že Satan sa im snažil prevrátiť to Slovo, aby spôsobil, že budú vidieť iný vek.

30Pozrite sa, keď prišiel Ježiš, Satan bol v tej skupine Židovských učiteľov učiteľov, rabínov a kňazov a snažil sa im povedať, aby zachovávali zákon Mojžiša, kým to isté Slovo hovorí, že v tom dni, keď bude zjavený Syn človeka, že On zjaví seba. A tak, oni sa snažili, pokiaľ sa zachovali nábožní a v zákone Mojžiša. Vidíte, čo urobili? On (satan) sa im snažil povedať, "Tá časť Slova je celkom správna, ale tento človek nie je tá osoba." Vidíte, aké je to zvodné? To je ten skutočný deň zvodu.

31Bolo to tak a teraz to je, že satan si zriaďuje svoje kráľovstvo tu na zemi. To je presne dôvod, prečo to robí, pretože on si chce zriadiť svoje vlastné kráľovstvo.

32Ako obchodník, nie ako Kresťan, on bude robiť, čo len môže, len aby ťa doviedol do toho, aby si videl niečo nesprávnym spôsobom. Ak má nejaký zámer a osobný zisk v tom, že ťa dovedie do toho, aby si to robil, aby si to tak videl, tak on urobí všetko, čo len môže, aby ťa držal preč od pravdy toho, pretože on má cítenie iba pre seba. Bez ohľadu na to, koľko klame a kradne a čokoľvek robí, on má osobný zisk.

33A to je to, prečo toto Satan urobil. A on pracoval cez službu, aby to urobil, ako Boh zasľúbil, že to urobí. Tak, on to začal cez nábožný zvod v Edene, a odvtedy stále pokračuje.

34Nie skrze ustanovenie bandy komunistov. Komunisti s týmto nemajú nič spoločné. To je cirkev, to je to, kde si musíte dávať pozor. To nie sú komunisti, ktorí by zviedli tých vyvolených. To je cirkev, ktorá by zviedla vyvolených. To nie sú komunisti, my vieme, že oni zapierajú Boha, a oni sú antikristovskí, iste, že sú, v princípe, ale oni nie sú "ten" antikrist. Antikrist je nábožný, veľmi nábožný a dokáže citovať Písmo a spôsobí, že sa bude zdať také jasné.

35Tak, ako to satan citoval rovno na počiatku, všetko pekne citoval, "Boh povedal, 'Nebudete jesť zo všetkých stromov záhrady.'" Vidíte, pekne to citoval.

36Ona povedala, "Áno, môžeme jesť zo všetkých stromov záhrady, ale je tam uprostred tej záhrady strom, o ktorom nám povedal Boh, že nemáme jesť, ani sa ho dotýkať, pretože v deň, v ktorý by sme to urobili, v ten deň zomrieme."

37On povedal, "Ó, istotne nezomriete. Ale dovoľ, nech ti poviem dôvod, prečo vám toto Boh povedal. To preto…” Vidíte, čo teraz robí? Citoval pravdu, rozumiete? Povedal, "To vám otvorí oči a spôsobí, že budete poznať dobré od zlého. Potom budete ako Boh, ak to môžete urobiť."

38 To je presne to, čo chce robiť, a to je presne tá istá vec, ktorú sa snaží robiť dnes. On bol tým istým náboženským zvodom od samého začiatku v Edene a odvtedy ním stále je. V Adamovom čase to bol zvod. V Noeho čase to bol zvod. V Ježišovom čase to bol zvod. A teraz je to to isté, takým istým spôsobom, náboženské zvedenie!

39Všimnime si teraz zem, keď ju mal Boh pod kontrolou. Keď to teraz mal pod kontrolou Boh… mal to pod svojou kontrolou. Potom to Satan zabral tým, že odmietol Božie Slovo. Boh mal raz zem pod Svojou kontrolou. Postavil ju na obežnú dráhu. Založil ju, spôsobil, že to fungovalo. Urobil všetko, mal ju pod svojou kontrolou. Teraz to porovnáme s tým, ako to bolo potom, ako to Satan prevzal pod svoju kontrolu.

40Tak, Bohu to trvalo šesť tisíc rokov. To Mu netrvalo tak dlho, to On si na to vzal toľko času. Šesť tisíc rokov, pretože sme učení, že "jeden deň v Nebi je tisíc rokov na zemi," a to bolo šesť tisíc rokov, alebo šesť dní, v ktorých Boh staval zem. Tak, to Bohu zabralo šesť tisíc rokov, aby ju založil, vysadil ju dobrými semenami a aby všetko prinieslo podľa svojho druhu. Všetko musí priniesť podľa svojho druhu. Všetky Jeho semená boli dobré, a tak to musí priniesť podľa svojho druhu. Boh si na to vzal šesť tisíc rokov.

41Nakoniec, keď mal toto všetko hotové a nakoniec… nakoniec prišiel so Svojím hlavným stanom na zemi, na nádhernom mieste nazvanom záhrada Eden, nazvanom záhrada Eden. Boh urobil svetový hlavný stan v záhrade Eden, v Egypte, rovno na východnej strane tej záhrady bol hlavný stan.

42A nad celou tou situáciou postavil Svojho syna a manželku Svojho syna, nad tým všetkým. To je pravda. To je to, čo Boh urobil. Dal im plnú kontrolu. Mohli prehovoriť ku vetru a on by prestal duť. Prehovorili by ku stromu a ten by sa premiestnil odtiaľto sem.

43Lev a vlk sa kŕmili spolu a baránok ležal spolu s nimi. Nebolo žiadneho zla. Bol tam dokonalý pokoj, dokonalá harmónia, všetko v dokonalosti, a keď to Boh mal pod svojou kontrolou… a všimnite si, On mal svoje… mal Svoj svet, všetko Mu to fungovalo. Všetko to tam vydávalo ovocie. Všetko sa živilo zeleninou, nič nemalo zomrieť, nič nemalo byť zruinované, nič nemalo byť skazené. Nič, bolo to skrátka dokonalé.

44A nad tým všetkým umiestnil Svoje milované deti, Svojho syna a Svoju dcéru, muža a ženu, aby to spravovali.

45Boh bol tak uspokojený! "A na siedmy deň odpočinul od všetkých svojich diel," a posvätil tento siedmy deň Sabatu pre Seba."

46Pretože Boh sa na to všetko pozrel, po tom, ako to všetko šesť tisíc rokov formoval a upevňoval, privádzal to do existencie a vytlačil vrchy a dal, aby sopky vytlačili vrchy, a veci, ktoré sa diali pri tých erupciách, to vysušili a On to všetko postavil tak, ako to chcel. A bolo to nádherné miesto.

47Nebolo nič také ako to, ten veľký Boží raj! A tie veľké dinosaury a všetko také, sa cez to plazili a všetky tie veľké zvieratá a nebolo v nich nič, čo by ublížilo. Boli mierne ako mačiatko. Nemali vôbec nič, žiadnu nemoc, žiaden smútok, nebol na zemi ani jeden zárodok nemoci. Ó, čo za miesto!

48Veľké vtáky prelietali zo stromu na strom a Adam ich mohol nazývať po mene a oni prilietavali na jeho ramená, hrkútali mu. Ó, čo za nádherné miesto Boh mal!

49A potom učinil jeden z Jeho atribútov zo Svojho vlastného tela, Boh mal vo Svojom Tele atribúty.

50Tak, ako ty si atribútom svojho otca. A všimnite si, ty si bol vo svojom pra-pra-prastarom otcovi. Ale v tom, povedzme, že to vezmeme ako príklad teba a tvojho otca. Tak, ty si nevedel nič, keď si bol vo svojom otcovi. Zárodok života pochádza od muža. Muž má tú krvnú bunku, žena má vajíčko, tak preto má tá krvná bunka v sebe život. A potom, keď si bol vo svojom otcovi, ty si o tom v skutočnosti nič nevedel, a pritom veda a Božie Slovo dokazujú, že si bol vo svojom otcovi, ale ty si o tom nič nevedel.

51Ale potom ťa otec zatúžil poznať. A cez zjednotenie, spojenie s matkou, si bol potom daný na známosť otcovi. Ty si teraz otcov atribút. Vyzeráš ako on, a máš časti svojho tela, ktoré vyzerajú ako tvoj otec.

52A takto to bolo u Boha na počiatku. Každý syn Boží a každá Božia dcéra bola na počiatku v Bohu. Vy si to teraz nepamätáte, ale vy ste tam boli. On to vedel. A On chcel, aby ste sa stali takými, aby sa s vami mohol kontaktovať, hovoriť s vami a milovať vás a potriasť si s vami ruky.

53Či vy nechcete vášho vlastného chlapca… či to nie je veľký deň, keď váš chlapec prichádza domov a sadá si ku stolu? Keď prichádza z bojového poľa alebo niečoho, doráňaný, ako mu pripravíte večeru, zabijete tučné teľa alebo niečo a pripravíte to pre neho! To je vaše vlastné telo a vaša vlastná krv a on bol vo vás. Vy ste ho vtedy nepoznali, ale vedeli ste, že on tam je.

54A takisto Boh vedel, že my tu budeme, ale potom nás On postavil do tela, aby sme sa mohli spolu kontaktovať. Aby sa s nami mohol kontaktovať, stal sa jedným z nás, keď sa stal Ježišom Kristom, Synom Božím, On Sám, plnosť manifestácie Božej. Preto to bol Boží zámer, aby ukázal svoje atribúty v obecenstve.

55Keď som bol vo svojom otcovi, nevedel som o tom nič. Ale keď som sa stal jeho synom a narodil som sa z neho, bol som atribútom, časťou svojho otca. A vy ste časťou svojho otca.

56A ako deti Božie sme časťou Božieho atribútu, ktorý bol v Ňom, učinený telom, ako On bol učinený telom, aby sme tak mohli mať obecenstvo jeden s druhým, ako rodina Božia tu na zemi. A to bol Boží zámer na počiatku. Tak veru. To je to, čo Boh chcel na počiatku.

57On mal všetko pod kontrolou a postavil človeka do záhrady Eden na základe slobodnej morálnej voľby a povedal, "Synu, je to tvoje."

58Čo za nádherné miesto! Boh bol tak uspokojený, až sa otočil a odpočinul od všetkých svojich diel. Žiaden strom nikdy neprinášal pichliače a bodľač. Plody nikdy neprišli z bodliaku. Všetko bolo dokonalé. Všetky semená boli dokonalé. Všetko bolo v dokonalom stave.

59Keď si potom išiel trochu odpočinúť, jeho nepriateľ sa prikradol v zvedení a zaujal to skrze zlé vyloženie Božieho programu Jeho deťom. Keď On položil dôveru v Svoje vlastné dieťa, tak, ako vy vkladáte dôveru v svoju dcéru, keď ide večer s nejakým mužom, keď vkladáte dôveru vo svojho syna, keď ide s chlapcom, ktorý pije alebo ktorý fajčí. Vidíte, On položil dôveru v Svojho syna, že on neurobí nič zlého a bude zachovávať každé Slovo, ktoré On povedal. Ale ten nepriateľ sa tam vkradol, ako nejaký slizký darebák, ktorý berie von tvoju dcéru a zle sa ku nej správa, alebo nejaká žena, ktorá by išla s tvojím synom, to isté. Vidíte, on sa tam vkradol. Nepriateľ Boží sa tam vkradol a zle Eve vyložil Slovo.

60Tak on, skrze tento úpadok, sám zabral a zaujal do vlastníctva záhradu Eden. Zaujal ju. A teraz mal šesť tisíc rokov zvoditeľskej vlády, zvádzal ľudí, Božie deti, ako to robil vtedy. Pretože oni boli založení na slobodnej morálnej voľbe, aby konali tak, ako len budú chcieť. A veriac, že budú konať správne, alebo vo viere, že budú konať správne, prišli potom s nesprávnym činom a zapredali svoje práva tomu svetu ako Ezav. A Satan vyhral a zaujal to a dostal šesť tisíc rokov, aby postavil svoj Eden, ako mal Boh šesť tisíc rokov, aby vystavil a zavŕšil Svoj Eden. A skrze zvod Slova, alebo ľudí, teraz ustanovil svoj vlastný Eden na tejto zemi, v hriechu.

61Boží Eden bol založený na spravodlivosti. Satanov Eden je založený v hriechu, pretože Satan je hriech. Boh je spravodlivosť a Božie kráľovstvo bolo založené na spravodlivosti a pokoji a Živote. A Satanov základ je v hriechu a v nábožnom hriechu.

62Všimnite si, ako zviedol, jeho zvod, ako povedal, že to urobí. On zasľúbil, že toto sa stane. Vedel to niekto? Obráťme sa do Izaiáša, ak chcete niektoré miesta Písma. Ak by ste... Mal by som ich hádam citovať viac. Otvorme si Izaiáša 14. kapitolu, len na chvíľu, ale len budeme vidieť, čo tu Satan povedal. Prečítame to v Izaiášovi 14, a sledujte, čo tento chlapík urobil. V Izaiášovi 14, začneme od dvanásteho verša.

Ako si len padol s nebies, jasná hviezdo


synu rannej zory! Zoťatý si na zem, ktorý si porážal národy.

A veď ty si povedal vo svojom srdci: Vystúpim hore do neba; vyvýšim svoj trón nad hviezdy

(to sú synovia)

silného Boha a posadím sa na vrchu slávnostného shromaždenia Božieho, v najďaľších krajoch severa;

vystúpim na výšiny oblakov a budem podobný Najvyššiemu!

63Porovnajte toto teraz s tým naším ďalším miestom Písma v Tesaloničanom, čo sme čítali pred chvíľou, ako tam povedal, "On sedí v chráme Božom a vyvyšuje sa ponad všetko, čo sa zovie Boh, a tak je ako Boh uctievaný na zemi."

64Tam je boh tohto sveta, kázal som vám o tom minulú nedeľu. Tu je dnes, vo zvode, v tejto záludnej hodine, ten ohromný čas, v ktorom žijeme. Je to najohromnejší čas zo všetkých vekov, pretože znovu čelíme tomu veľkému Miléniu, znovu čelíme Edenu. Ale rovno v tomto veku, všetok ten zvod a každá taktika, ktorú kedy použil a bol ňou schopný zviesť, on to všetko spolu zhromaždil a sám sa násilne dosadil a prišiel ako Boh a dosadil sa na miesto Boha, nábožný a dokáže citovať Písma a môže ti predložiť Písma, práve tak, ako to urobil Satan Eve v záhrade Eden. Ale vynechať z Toho jedno miesto, to je všetko, čo potrebuje urobiť, spraviť nejakú medzeru, kadiaľ môže vliať tú jedovatú náuku diabla, ako sme o tom minule hovorili vo Filtri rozumného človeka.

65Tak, on povedal, že sa sám vyvýši nad Najvyššieho, že vystúpi nad oblaky a hviezdy a posadí sa ako Boh a že bude nad Najvyšším. A on uspel v uskutočňovaní svojich hrozieb. Istotne sa podaril veľký úspech v uskutočňovaní svojich hrozieb, skrze to, že ľudia mu dovolili, aby im to vyvrátil, v každom veku, tú hodnotu Božieho zasľúbeného Slova na ten vek. To je presne to, ako to urobil. On to v každom veku vyvrátil.

66Vo dňoch Noeho, on vysvetlil, že to je nemožné, aby pršalo z neba, lebo "tam hore nie je žiaden dážď." Jeho veľké vedecké evanjelium, ktoré kázal v záhrade Eden! Mohol vystreľovať prístroje na mesiac a dokazovať, že tam nie je žiadna vlhkosť. Ale Boh povedal, že príde dážď. Ale Satan uspel a otrávil mysle ľudí skrze vedecký výskum, že "to sa nemôže stať." Ale stalo sa to. Boh povedal, že sa to stane, a stalo sa to. On to učinil.

67Vo dňoch Ježiša urobil to isté. Znovu pomocou zvodu otrávil mysle ľudí tým, že zle vykladal Slovo. "Ak si Syn Boží, nech vidím, že s tým niečo urobíš."

68Ježiš mu nerobil klauna. Nikdy to nerobil. Boh nie je klaun. On nemusí reagovať na nič, čo Satan žiada. On mal len… Ježiš povedal, "Je napísané, 'Nebudeš žiť… Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích.'" Vidíte, on mu nemusel robiť žiadneho klauna. On nemusel stvoriť chlieb. On by to mohol urobiť, ale to by počúval diabla, ale On nemusel počúvať diabla.

69A znovu je to nábožný hriech, ako na počiatku, je to tak zvodné. Sledujte to teraz. To nie je len nejaký každodenný hriech, páchanie cudzoložstva a opíjanie sa a branie mena Pánovho nadarmo. To nie je to. Nie.

70Pamätáte si pred rokmi, mnohí z vás tu, tí veteráni, pamätáte si, ako som kázal na tému 'Sklamanie pri súde'. Pobehlica tam nebude sklamaná. Ona vie, kam ide. Opilec tam nebude sklamaný. Pokútny výrobca alkoholu, hazardný hráč, klamár, zlodej tam nebude sklamaný. Ale ten človek, ktorý si myslí, že má pravdu, tam bude sklamanie.

71To je tá osoba, ktorá, povedzme, povie, "Pane, či som nekázal Evanjelium, či som nevyháňal démonov v Tvojom mene?"

72Ježiš povedal, "Odíďte odo Mňa, činitelia neprávosti. Nikdy som vás neznal." Tam je sklamanie, vidíte, to zvedenie.

73To je to, čo ustavične… to je to, kde som tak neporozumený. To nie je to, že ja sa chcem líšiť. Nechcem sa líšiť, ale ja musím byť úprimný. Mám Posolstvo a ono musí ísť ku ľuďom. Je to medzi ľuďmi veľmi neporozumené. Oni si myslia, že som proti každému. Ak by len vedeli, že ja som pre každého, a snažím sa, ako najlepšie viem, priniesť im to, čo je pravda, práve tak, ako je to položené na moje srdce a ako je to tu položené v Biblii. A Boh dokazuje, že to je pravda, tak nič iné sa s tým nedá urobiť. Takže buď sa na to pozrú, alebo nie.

74Vidíte, oni to nechcú vidieť, pretože oni sú už zapredaní, zapredali svoje práva nejakej organizácii, nejakej denominácii, aby sa snažili svoje práva prvorodenstva… aby sa dostali do neba na základe nejakého organizovaného náboženstva, pričom Satan je hlavou každého jedného z nich. Boh nikdy nemal organizované náboženstvo, nikdy nemal. A oni sa tomu zapredávajú, kde nejaká skupina ľudí vykladá Slovo a hovorí, že znamená toto a znamená toto.

75Boh nepotrebuje žiadneho vykladača. On to Sám vykladá. On nepotrebuje nikoho druhého, aby Mu povedal, ako to má urobiť. On je suverénny. On povedal, ako to urobí, a to je to, ako On musí zachovať Svoje Slovo. Keď povedal, "Tieto veci budú nasledovať tých, ktorí budú veriť," On myslel presne to. Čokoľvek povedal, že sa bude diať v tých posledných dňoch, že On bude robiť určité veci, a On ich urobil. On sa nemusí nikoho pýtať, či je na to čas, alebo nie. On vie, aký je čas a aký je plán.

76Tak, Satan, tento zvodca, ako je povedané v Matúšovi 24:24, príde s toľkým zvodom. Zisťujeme, že skrze jeho evanjelizačné programy poznania, lepšieho vzdelania, vyššej etiky, civilizácie atď, omámili ľudí, ktorí chcú slúžiť Bohu, aby tomuto uverili. [Brat Branham klope štyrikrát na kazateľňu - pozn. prekl.]

77Eva to nechcela urobiť, ale on jej ukázal, ako v tom bola väčšia múdrosť. Ona to nevedela, chcela sa to dozvedieť. Nerozumela, ale chcela rozumieť. A Boh jej povedal, aby sa to nesnažila rozumieť.

78Ako môžem niečo z týchto vecí porozumieť? Nedokážem ich rozumieť. Ja im verím. Ja ich nepotrebujem rozumieť. Boh je viera a nie rozumenie. My len veríme, čo On povedal.

79Tak, porovnajte Boží Eden so Satanovým Edenom, teraz, po tých šesť tisícoch rokoch prevracania pravdivého výkladu Božieho zasľúbeného Slova na daný vek. Porovnajme to teraz a vidzme, kam sa dostávame. Ako to On urobil pre Cirkev v Kristovom čase, v Ježišovom, ako sa snažil zadržať Božích kráľovských synov od poznania Pravdy. To je Božie. Boh tu postavil Svojich synov, Svoje atribúty, aby s Ním mali obecenstvo skrze počutie Slova.

80Čo ak by ti tvoj otec povedal, a ty si kráľovským synom svojho otca, a on by ti povedal, "Synu, nechoď tam do tej vody plávať, pretože tam sú aligátory," a nejaký človek tam príde a povie, "No, takáto krásna voda, isteže tam nie sú žiadne aligátory."? Tak, koho budeš počúvať? Ak si skutočným synom, budeš počúvať svojho ocka. [Brat Branham klope dvakrát na kazateľňu - pozn.prekl.]

81A pravý syn alebo dcéra Božia vezme v prvom rade Božie Slovo. Je mi jedno, čo druhé o tom niekto iný povedal, oni berú v prvom rade Božie Slovo. "V tom pohári je jed!" a oni tomu veria.

82Tým, že Jeho semená mali vieru v celé Jeho Slovo, prinieslo Eden svätosti, lásky a večného Života. To je to, čo Boží Eden vyprodukoval, svätosť. A to prinieslo Eden svätosti, lásky, porozumenia, dokonalosti a večného Života. To je to, čo Boh sadí, Jeho Slovo, Jeho Semeno. To je to, čím bude Jeho Cirkev na konci, bude to to isté.

83Všimnite si to tu, tu je jedna myšlienka. Nezabudnite to. Dostanem sa ku tomu niekedy inokedy alebo pri nejakom inom Posolstve. Ale, viete, Boh povedal, "Nech prinesie každé semeno podľa svojho druhu." Je to Božie nariadenie? No, na čo je dobrý nejaký kazateľ alebo niekto, kto sa bude snažiť urobiť, aby to Slovo hovorilo niečo iné? Vidíte, každé Božie Slovo je Semeno. Ježiš tak povedal, "Semeno, ktoré rozsial rozsievač." Tak, ak je Marek 16 Božie Slovo, ono prinesie svoj druh. Ak je Malachiáš 4 Božie Slovo, ono prinesie svoj druh. A každé ďalšie zasľúbenie musí priniesť svoj druh.

84Tak vidíte Satana, vidíte ho v tom jeho prestrojení? On sa snaží povedať, "To tak nie, to nie je tak." Rozumiete to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí "Amen" - pozn.prekl.] Vidíte, Satan hovorí, "Ó, to nie je na tento deň. To, to je… to bolo na iný čas. To ani neznamená to."

[Zhromaždenie hovorí "Amen" - pozn.prekl.] A tu to je, to je to, ako Boh ustanovil Svoju Cirkev, každé Slovo podľa svojho druhu! "Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom Slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." Rozumiete? Satan vezme niečo iné. Ale Boh povedal, "Každé semeno podľa svojho druhu."

86Ak zasľúbenie povedalo. "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria."

87A teraz cirkev hovorí, "Pripoj sa ku cirkvi. Zopakuj vyznanie. Poznaj katechizmus." V celej Biblii neexistuje nič také.

88Ale Ježiš povedal, "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria: v Mojom mene budú vyháňať démonov, budú hovoriť novými jazykmi, ak by vzali hadov alebo pili niečo smrtonosné, neuškodí im, ak položia ruky na chorých, budú sa mať dobre." Kde je kto, aby To poprel? Vidíte?

90Teraz zisťujeme, že keď každé semeno nieslo podľa svojho druhu, nebola tam žiadna smrť v tom novom… v tom Edene. Nebude žiadna smrť v tom novom Edene. Vidíte, tam nebolo vôbec nič, iba svätosť, čistota a večný Život.

91Teraz, skrze neuverenie v celé Božie Slovo bolo prinesené semeno nesvätosti v Satanovom Edene. Vstupujeme teraz tam, kde Satan zaberá trón ako antikrist, v Edene tejto zeme, Eden hriechu, prevrátené náboženstvo. On nezačal na tom, "Ja som Satan. Ja som ten veľký anjel." Nie, nie na tom, ale na prevrátení Božieho Slova! A to je to, ako priniesol svoje kráľovstvo v každom veku. A teraz v tomto veľkom zvodnom veku je pripravený prevziať svoj trón pomocou svojich ľudí! On si postavil intelektuálny, vzdelaný, vedecký Eden (to je pravda), vedeckých kazateľov, vedeckú cirkev, vedeckú teológiu, všetko je vedecké. Všetko je na základe poznania. Celá cirkev je postavená na poznaní. Nie je postavená na viere.

92Raz som mal mať zhromaždenie v cirkvi jedného muža. Bolo to veľké auditórium na západe. Milý človek, a on zapieral tieto veci, o ktorých hovoríme. Ale áno, on bol… mám ho rád, milý starý človek. Keď odchádzalo jeho zhromaždenie… zmestilo sa tam asi šesť tisíc ľudí. Keď odchádzalo jeho zhromaždenie, po popoludňajšej bohoslužbe, asi tisíc päťsto ľudí, to boli všetko pekne oblečení intelektuáli. Sedel som tam a pozoroval som ich.

93Ten človek kázal veľmi dobré kázanie, skutočne. A potom sa opýtal, či by niekto chcel prijať Krista, nech zodvihne svoju ruku. A nikto nezdvihol ruku. Nakoniec jedna žena zodvihla ruku. On povedal, "V poriadku, teraz si Kresťanka," a pripravil ju na krst. A potom, keď vyšiel… dal požehnanie nejakému dieťaťu, pobozkal to dieťa a pomodlil sa za neho a rozpustil zhromaždenie.

94Keď odchádzalo jeho zhromaždenie, všetko to boli riadni učení vzdelaní ľudia. Potom, ja som tam stál na boku, potriasol som si s tým mužom ruku a poprial som mu Božiu priazeň, ako vychádzal.

95A potom tam prichádzal môj zástup. Oni im nedovolili vstúpiť, kým tam bol jeho zástup. Tu prichádzal môj: na invalidných kreslách, na nosidlách, v korzetoch, pomätení, všetko možné. Vidíte ten rozdiel? To je to. To je to, o čom hovorím. Vidíte, to je niečo odlišné.

96Pričom skrze vedecké poznanie môžete vytvoriť rozumové Evanjelium, že poviete, "ten, kto verí v Ježiša Krista, nebude odsúdený," rozumiete?

97Ale "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria," vidíte, on tam toto nedokázal umiestniť. Ona uverila “na” Ježiša Krista, je spasená, ak tieto znamenia nasledujú veriaceho.

99A nikto to nedokáže, jedine, že ho Otec predurčil. Ježiš povedal, "Nikto nemôže ku Mne prísť, koho by nepritiahol Môj Otec, a všetkých, ktorých mi Otec dal, ku Mne prídu." Amen. To je všetko suverenita a predzvedenie Božie. On žije Sám a nikto Mu nehovorí, čo má robiť.

100 Skrze neveru, pri neprijímaní celého Slova Božieho, priniesol semeno nevery, nesväté, hriešne, nenávidiace a v tomto hriešnom intelektuálnom cirkevnom veku je večná smrť. Porozumeli ste to teraz? V tomto dni, keď je celý svet nábožný! Vedeli ste to? Celý svet je nábožný. A v tomto nábožnom veku, kde sú na každom rohu veľké cirkvi, všetko možné, celá tá vec sa vinie do toho, aby bol Satan uctievaný. Tu to je, rovno tu v Biblii. Je to pravda. A v týchto intelektuálnych teologických seminároch, ktoré vyprodukovali intelektuálnu osobu, ktorá je trénovaná ako hovoriť, čo robiť, ako ovládať svoje emócie a všetku možnú psychológiu, tri, štyri roky, aby vedeli, ako narábať s ľudskou mysľou. Vidíte, je to…

101Duch Boží nie je niečo také, niečo, čo by bolo do vás “zaškolené”. To je niečo, čo je do vás predurčené, skrze ruku Všemohúceho Boha. Vaše prežitia do vás nemôžu byť zaškolené, alebo zaučené. To je predurčené skrze ruku Božiu a Božie predzvedenie do vás. To je pravda.

102Tak, to priviedlo tento veľký Eden, v ktorom teraz žijú, svetský cirkevný Eden. Oni sa teraz všetci zjednocujú v tej veľkej Ekumenickej Rade a budú mať svetovú cirkev, kde všetci prichádzajú pod jednu veľkú hlavu, kde bude Satan sedieť na tróne, presne tak.

103A to posledné zavolanie vychádza, aby zachytilo Nevestu, predtým, ako by sa do toho dostala. Lebo ak je raz v tom, tak zobrala znamenie šelmy a je zatratená a nikdy z toho nevyjde. To je ten dôvod, že On hovorí, "Vyjdite spomedzi nich, Môj ľude," predtým, ako sa ku tomu dostane, rozumiete. "Vyjdite spomedzi nich a oddeľte sa."

104Tak, teraz je tu v tomto Edene nenávisť a smrť a večné oddelenie od Boha: žiadostivosť, špina, prevrátenie, (ako?) skrze siatie nesprávneho semena.

105Pripomína mi to videnie, ktoré som videl predtým, ako som stretol letničných ľudí, videnie toho Človeka, ktorý išiel okolo sveta v bielom. Počuli ste ma to mnohokrát hovoriť. A za Ním prichádzal niekto, kto sial semeno rôznic.

106Ale on nad tým skutočne zvíťazil pri Eve v záhrade Eden, skrze žiadosť Evy po hriechu, žiadosti po Eve, skrze hriech. Potom, ak Eva žiadostila po poznaní, bol to hriech. [Brat Branham klope štyrikrát na kazateľňu - pozn.prekl.]

107A keď my žiadostíme po poznaní, chceme Ph.D., LL.D., je to hriech chcieť. To sú silné vyhlásenia, ale je to Pravda. Nezáleží na tom, aké je to silné, stále je to Pravda, rozumiete. Mať žiadosť po poznaní, rozumení!

108Tá vec je to, že dnes sa nesnažíme umiestniť do sŕdc ľudí Slovo Božie. Snažíme sa umiestniť tam sami seba. Cirkvi sa snažia umiestniť do srdca človeka náuku cirkvi.

109Je nám prikázané umiestniť Slovo Božie. Pavol povedal, "Neprišiel som ku vám s presviedčavými slovami človeka, ale prišiel som ku vám v moci, v manifestácii Ducha Svätého, aby vaša viera odpočívala v Bohu." Tu to máte.

110Človek sa nesmie sám umiestniť, ustanoviť. Nachádzame to medzi… Nech Boh niečo urobí pre nejakú osobu a vysiela ju niekam, zistíte, že každý sa ho snaží napodobniť. Vidíte, oni sa snažia sami ustanoviť. Každý hovorí, "Ja som urobil toto. Ja, ja, moja, moja denominácia, ja, toto…" ustanovujú sami seba. O čom kážeme, o sebe alebo o kráľovstve Božom?

111Ustanovte Slovo Božie. Zoberte preč neveru a ustanovte v ľudskom srdci kráľovstvo Božie. A kráľovstvo Božie nemôže byť v ľudskom srdci ustanovené, jedine, že ho Boh tak utvoril. Nemôže byť ustanovené v …

112A pamätajte, tá zvodná časť je to, že ten človek si myslí, že to je pravda. "Je cesta, ktorá sa zdá byť človeku priamou." Každá intelektuálna bytosť sa zdá, že má pravdu.

113Ako som vám pred pár týždňami povedal, keď som stál pri zomierajúcom dieťati a stál tam Satan a povedal, "Tvoj ocko je preč, zomrel ti v ten večer v tvojom náručí. Tvoja žena leží tam v truhle a tu odchádza tvoje dieťa. A ty si Ho prosil, aby ti odpovedal a zatiahol… zatiahol nad tebou svoj záves. No a On je pritom dobrým Bohom a ty si pritom povedal, že On je Uzdravovateľ. A ty, ktorý si stojíš za tým, čo si povedal, že je to pravda, sa mýliš." Ó, podal mi každý rozumový dôvod, každá mentálna schopnosť musela súhlasiť, že je to pravda, a to bola pravda, potiaľ.

114Tak, on mal pravdu, keď povedal Eve, "Vaše oči sa otvoria a budete poznať dobré od zlého. A budete ako bohovia, a tak budete poznať správne od nesprávneho," pretože Boh im to ešte nedal vidieť, že boli nahí. A tak vedeli, že by poznali dobré od zlého, a on mal pravdu. Ale vidíte, bolo to v protiklade s Božím Slovom.

115A takisto je to s kazateľmi v seminároch, ktorí sa učia ľudské teológie, môže to vyzerať správne, môže to byť dobré porozumenie nejakej veci, ale je to nesprávne.

116My to nemusíme rozumieť. My to veríme, pretože Boh povedal, že to tak je, a tým je to naveky vybavené. Tak je to s celou vecou, to je spôsob, ako tomu treba veriť.

117Ó, ako Eva túžila mať titul Ph.D., vidíte, ako túžila byť chytrejšia, ako bola!

118Všimnite si, aké to bolo podobné, muž a jeho žena… Všimnite si teraz, muž a žena, obaja boli v záhrade Eden, v Božej záhrade, nahí.

119Tak, zakončím už. Povedal som, že vás zdržím len pár minút. Pozrite sa, sledujte to teraz, ako zakončíme.

120Porovnajte to teraz, ako je to podobné, keď boli obaja, muž i jeho žena, obaja v záhrade Eden, bez jediného kúska oblečenia a nevedeli to. Prečo to nevedeli? Pretože boli zahalení pred svojimi zmyslami nahoty skrze Svätú záclonu Ducha Svätého. Dokázali sa dívať jeden na druhého správne a nevedeli, že sú nahí. Boli zahalení Duchom Svätým, svätosťou. Boli zahalení.

121Božia opona dokonca dnes, môžu sa dívať a nežiadostiť. Odvrátia svoju hlavu. Je to Svätá záclona, rozumiete, Svätá záclona. Boh nechal ich očiam… boli obaja, on bol muž a ona bola žena a nevedeli, že sú nahí, pretože svätosť Božia držala ich oči zahalené. Všimnite si, Boh zakryl ich svedomie od hriechu skrze Svätú Záclonu.

122Prial by som si, aby sme mali na to čas, chvíľu na tom zotrvať. Pozrite sem, "Lebo ctiteľ, raz očistený,” list Židom, “Lebo ctiteľ, raz očistený, nemá viac svedomia hriechu." Hriech od neho odišiel.

123Počul som brata Nevilleho dnes ráno povedať, niekto sa ho, myslím, pýtal, prečo nekáže na Ducha Svätého a prečo to ja nerobím. Tu to je. Duch Svätý je tá akcia vo vás. To je Život, nie emócia, nie nejaký druh telesného dôkazu. Ale to je Osoba, Ježiš Kristus, Slovo Božie ustanovené v tvojom srdci, aby oživilo každé Slovo na tento vek. Správne. Sledujte Ducha Svätého v akcii, nie tak veľmi v demonštrácii, ale v akcii, čo to činí podľa Slova.

124Všimnite si teraz Ducha Svätého, Ducha Božieho Svätého Slova, ako mal muža a ženu nahých a nevedeli o tom. Aké nádherné, Život Slova, Semeno, Slovo!

125Boh povedal, "Je jeden strom uprostred záhrady, žena. A uprostred záhrady je tento strom, nedotýkaj sa ho. Pretože deň, v ktorý by si z neho zjedol, v ten deň zomrieš." Oni boli predtým zahalení, nevedeli o tom nič, neopovážili sa toho dotknúť.

126Boli sväto zahalení. Boli v bezpečí v Božom pavilóne. Boli nažive. Nemali okolo seba žiadnu smrť. Haleluja! [Brat Branham tleskol rukami- pozn.prekl.] Mali jeden ku druhému dokonalú lásku, naveky dokonalý život. Mali dokonalú lásku, dokonalé porozumenie lásky Božej. Mali Božie Slovo, zachovávali Ho. A boli živí a v bezpečí v záhrade Eden, nebola okolo nich žiadna smrť.

127Potom Satan dostal Evu, aby počúvala jeho evanjelium teológie, evanjelium poznania, vyššieho vyškolenia, vyššej etiky, lepšej civilizácie, vyššieho vzdelania atď; potom, keď ju doviedol do toho, aby sa zastavila a na chvíľu ho počúvala, jeho rozumovania (o ktorých je nám prikázané, aby sme ich odohnali), keď ju doviedol do toho, aby ho počúvala.

taká-a-taká. Bola už založená tak dávno, sme jednou z najdlhšie trvajúcich cirkví v krajine. Chodí tam starosta mesta." Je mi jedno, čo to je, vidíte. Ak je to proti Božiemu Slovu, buďte proti tomu. To je tvoj nepriateľ. Čokoľvek, čo je proti Slovu, je tvoj nepriateľ.

129Všetko, čo je za Slovo, je tvojím bratom. On je časťou teba.

130Všimnite si, ona strhla tú Svätú oponu, aby videla, čím je skutočne sex, aby to porovnala, aká by to bola rozkoš. Ona si stiahla tú záclonu zo svojich očí, tú svätú vec, ktorú jej Boh položil na oči. Chcela poznanie, aby vedela, o čom to všetko je, tak strhla tú záclonu, aby videla, o čom to všetko je. Počúvla diabla a všimnite si, kam ju to umiestnilo.

131Ľudia to urobili odvtedy v každom veku, vždy brali tú intelektuálnu stranu, a to teraz postavilo kráľovstvo Satana, poznanie, jeho semeno, ktoré zasial a stiahol svet, aby sa stal Edenom smrti.

132Všimnite si teraz. Pozrite sa do Zjavenia 3, Laodicejský cirkevný vek. Premýšľajte o tom.

133Všimnite si teraz. Ona, Eva, je satanovou kráľovnou. Vidíte, Satan, had, sa dostal k Eve predtým, ako sa ku nej dostal Adam. Vidíte? To je pravda. Tak, on ju zviedol, tak Satan, had, bol Eve manželom predtým, ako ju poznal Adam. Vidíte, on ju zviedol. Biblia hovorí, že to urobil a ona potom spoznala, že je nahá.

134Pozrite sa teraz na Laodicejský cirkevný vek. Ona, Eva, sedí ako Satanova kráľovná. "Je bohatá vo svetských veciach, slepá, znovu nahá a nevie o tom!” Presne, ako to bolo v Božom Edene. Ale teraz, nie kvôli tomu, že by na jej tvári bola Svätá záclona, ale záclona žiadosti. Pretože ona strhla Božiu Svätú záclonu a dala si na seba záclonu poznania, kvôli žiadosti. A teraz má záclonu žiadosti, že ona je na to "slepá", pretože je v hriechu. Je "nahá" na ulici a "nevie o tom." Je prostitútkou na ulici. Žena v týchto šortkách je v Božích očiach prostitútkou a "nevie o tom."

135Všimnite si napríklad naše ženy. No, ak chcete vidieť, v akom stave je cirkev, sledujte ženy, ako sa správajú. Ona vždy reprezentuje cirkev. V satanovom Edene hriechu a nevery, náboženského prevrátenia, je to prevrátené kráľovstvo. Namiesto toho, aby vzala Božie Slovo, oni vzali intelektuálne naučenie človeka. A namiesto toho, aby prijali Cirkev, oni prijali organizáciu a privádzajú ju ku jednej veľkej hlave.

136Všimnite si teraz, je to prevrátené z nevinnosti. Neprehliadnite toto. Cirkev má doteraz na sebe túto záclonou žiadostivosti. Všimnite si, čo jej to spôsobilo. Prevrátilo ju to z nevinnosti do poznania. Vidíte? S tou Svätou záclonou bola nevinná, s tou záclonou poznania má poznanie. Ona vie, že je to príjemné. Ona vie, čo to robí. Je to ovocie, žiadostivý strom, ktorý robí človeka múdrym. Vidíte? Ona je prevrátená z nevinnosti do poznania, zo svätosti do špiny a žiadosti a zo Života do smrti.

137Toto kráľovstvo musí zomrieť. Toto kráľovstvo zomrie! Boh nebies ho zničí z povrchu zeme.

138Všimnite si, v tomto prevrátení, to sa stalo z muža na ženu a zo ženy na muža a "nevedia o tom." Veľmi dobrý produkt satanovho Edenu, ak to dnes pozorujete na uliciach, pri našich moderných ľuďoch.

139Všimnite si, bola to Eva, ktorú si Satan použil, aby spôsobil, že Adam zhreší skrze jej moc žiadosti. Teraz sa deje tá istá vec, dnes robí to isté. Všimnite si, ostrihané vlasy, namaľovaná tvár, sexi oblečená, vidíte, ona to robí a nevie, že každá jedna z tých vecí je v protiklade s Božím Slovom. Strihanie vlasov z nej robí nehanebnú ženu, prostitútku. Nosenie šortiek ju zahanbuje. Keď si dáva na seba sexi oblečenie, robí ju to prostitútkou "a nevie o tom," nie kvôli svätosti Božej, ale kvôli žiadosti Satana. Ona spôsobuje… Ona spôsobuje, že jej Adam po nej žiadostí.

140Ona si vyzliekla odev, do ktorého ju obliekol Boh tam v Edene, aby s tým putovala po púšti. Ona si to vyzliekla. Odhalila sa. Pričom Boh ju celú zabalil do koží a ona si v každom čase z toho trochu oholila a teraz je tam, kde bola na začiatku.

141 A ona teraz dostala svojho Adama, aby nosil jej spodné prádlo. Muž, ktorý si oblečie tie babsky-vyzerajúce šortky a vyjde von, nemyslím si, že v ňom je mnoho mužského. To je najväčšia padavka, akú poznám. Vidíte, ona dostala svojho prevráteného Adama, aby sa správal ako ona, tým, že nosí jej spodné prádlo. Ona uvidela, čo môže urobiť tam vonku, keď si dala dolu všetko svoje oblečenie okrem svojho spodného prádla. To sú jej šortky. Samozrejme, to je ženské spodné prádlo a tu to teraz nosí jej Adam. Pričom je, podľa originálneho Božieho Slova, "ohavnosťou pre ženu, aby si obliekla odev patriaci mužovi, a pre muža obliecť si odev patriaci žene," z toho originálneho Slova. Pomyslite na to!

142On tiež teraz nosí jej ofinu. Češe si ju dolu a dáva si do nich natáčky. Jeden z najnechutnejších pohľadov, aké som kedy vo svojom živote videl, sú títo mladíci dnes s ofinami takto sčesanými na čelo, zafarbenými, vybielené vlasy nejakým peroxidom a bielia si vlasy a natáčajú si ich, aby boli brčkavé, robia si ofiny. Ty biedna padavka! Je to hrozná vec, povedať to spoza kazateľne, ale súd začína od domu Božieho. Ty ani nevieš, či si muž alebo žena. A počul som, že naša Armáda Spojených Štátov má dostať šortky. To je pravda. Vidíte, aké je to prevrátenie? Je to ženské oblečenie, nosiť jej ofinu.

143Jedného dňa som bol v obchode Howarda Johnsona, nie tohto tu, ale v tom na tej výpadovke. A ja som len sedel v úžase. Prichádza tam jeden mladý chlapec s otvorenými ústami a na tejto strane mal tmavé vlasy a mal ich sčesané na túto stranu a v nich mal natáčku a takto ich mal zbrčkavené rovno nad očami, díval sa rovno popod tie vlasy a prechádzal okolo. Ak som kedy videl nejaké prevrátenie! Vidíte, on by tomu neveril. Možno by mohol dokázať, že je muž, ale vo svojom duchu bol ženský. On ani nevie, na ktorú stranu domu patrí. Je to pravda. Aké prevrátené!

144To je to, čo robí Satan. Prevracia národy. Prevracia cirkev. Prevracia ľudí. On je zvoditeľ, prevracač originálnej pravdy.

145Boh učinil muža mužom. Učinil ženu ženou a On ich odlišne odial a On chcel, aby takí zostali a aby tak konali, ona žensky a on mužsky. Boh oddelil Adama v záhrade Eden a urobil toto: oddelil od neho Evu.

146On teraz nosí jej ofinu, ona si strihá vlasy, ako on, a on sa snaží nosiť to, čo ona. Vidíte? Ona nosí jeho vonkajší odev a on nosí jej spodný odev. No, znie to svätokrádežne, ale ja to tak nemyslím. To je absolútna Pravda Evanjelia. Ak to nepoznáte, potom niečo nie je s vami v poriadku, ste buď slepí, alebo ste nikdy neboli na ulici. A ona aj on si myslia, že to je v poriadku, niekam sa dostávajú. Ženy povedia, "Je tak horúco!"

147Tí starí apačskí Indiáni by vás zahanbili. Čím viac tam majú horúco, tým viac si na seba dajú oblečenia, aby sa chránili pred slnkom, ó, keď sa potia, aby mali klimatizáciu, ako chodia. Rozumiete? Stoja tam rovno na slnku.

148Vy by ste nemohli vydržať nič, vám by sa porobili pľuzgiere a zhoreli by ste. Ale vidíte, to je to, čo nazývate 'vyššie vzdelanie'. To vyprodukovala moderná veda. Ó! Tam je, "nahá", v Laodicei a "nevie o tom".

149V Edene bola nahá. Vidíte, ako sa tie dve kráľovstvá podobajú? Jedno je z hriechu a smrti, to druhé je Život a spravodlivosť. Tamto bola zahalená svätou záclonou. Obaja boli nahí a nevedeli to. Nevedeli o tom nič, pretože boli zahalení Božím Duchom.

150A tu sú zahalení žiadosťou a dívajú sa jeden na druhého, aby… Vidíte, Adam sa mohol na Evu dívať a nevedieť, že je nahá. Ale teraz s touto záclonou žiadostivosti, ona si neuvedomuje, že je nahá, ale ona to robí pod touto záclonou žiadostivosti, aby sa na ňu muž díval. To je to jediné, kvôli ktorej to robí. Neveríš tomu, ale jednako to preto robíš, aby sa muži dívali. A on zistil, že máš toľko príťažlivosti, až on prichádza a dáva si na seba niečo z tvojho oblečenia.

151Ó, aké prevrátenie! Čo za vek! Čo za vek, v akom… aké je to zvodné! Ó, všetky tieto veci, "a nevieš o tom," v človeku je dokonale prevrátený duch. On je zahalený žiadosťou Satana a žena tiež. Je to satanský duch 'dôležitej spoločnosti'. Oni o tom nevedia, ale oni sú organizáciou. Ženy oblečené v šortkách patria organizácii. Muž, takto oblečený, je za organizáciou. Poviem vám, akú to má skratku: B.S.S., 'Big Sister Society' ["Spoločnosť Veľkej Sestry" - pozn.prekl.], to je to, do čoho patria. Zisťujeme, že to je 'big sissy society' ["spoločnosť veľkej padavky" - pozn.prekl.], s tými nohavicami na sebe a také zlé a nečisto vyzerajúce veci. Ja…

152Človeče, môžeš teraz so mnou nesúhlasiť, ale je to pravda. Stal si sa prevráteným a nevieš o tom. Nie si už, nekonáš už viac ako muž. Vidíte, stávajú sa takí mäkkí a ich syn po nich nebude ničím, platí to pre mužov i ženy. Oni sú ‘spoločnosťou’. Tam máte organizáciu. Prečo? "John, sused, nosí šortky, prečo by som ja nemohol? Luella chce, aby som ich nosil, pretože sused John ich nosí. No a ak ich môže nosiť Susie Jane, tak ich môže i Marta Jane alebo Susie Lou," alebo akokoľvek sa volajú. Vidíte, to je spoločnosť. To je organizácia. Vy tomu duchovne patríte a neviete o tom.

153A ak je to tak, a my vidíme, že to tak je, tak ste zaslepení. Ste voči týmto denomináciám, ktoré do vás Satan zvodne naštepil, zaslepení. A to je prevrátenie Božieho originálneho Slova a Jeho kráľovstva a Jeho plánu pre Jeho deti. Satan do toho mužov a ženy zvodne zatiahol a oni o tom nevedia. Prevrátení!

154Už nie je viac synom Božím! Na tvári mu visí ofina, má na sebe šortky, vlečie sa ulicou, syn Boží, diakon v cirkvi, pastor za kazateľnou? Nie, to nie je syn Boží. On nikdy neprešiel Božím rozumným filtrom. Nemal by na sebe to ženské oblečenie, istotne nie, ani ona by nemala na sebe mužské. Vidíte, to nie je syn Boží. To je syn Satana a dcéra Satana. Je to tvrdé, povedať niečo také!

155Satan uspel v prevrátení a v zabratí tohto sveta a vo vytvorení svojho kráľovstva z tohto sveta. Človeku bolo dané skrze slobodnú morálnu voľbu, aby si sám vybral, akým druhom života túži žiť. A to ukazuje, čo je v tvojom srdci. Vidíte? Tvoj hlas… viete to? Tvoje skutky hovoria tak hlasno, až utápajú tvoje slová.

156Dovoľte mi navšíviť nejakého muža. A povie, "Ó, my sme všetci Kresťania. Patríme do cirkvi." A po celej kancelárii má vyvešaný striptíz? Nič by to nezmenilo, čo by mi povedal, viem o tom svoje, takisto i vy.

157Nech nejaká žena povie, že je Kresťanka. S krátkymi vlasmi? Ha-ha! Viete o tom svoje. Tak veru. Nech povie, že je Kresťanka, a maľuje sa, nosí mejkap a šortky a hovorí, že je Kresťanka? Viete o tom svoje. Slovo Božie vás o tom niečo učí. Slovo Božie hovorí, že to nemôže robiť a byť Kresťankou. Ona si robí hanbu a všetko to. Ako Boh umiestni hanebnú vec vo svojom Kráľovstve? Nie veru, vôbec nie. Oni sami ukazujú svoje túžby.

158Nemôžete donútiť holubicu, aby jedla s kaňou, vôbec nie. Holubica nemá vôbec žiadnu žlč. Nemôže jesť tú starú zdochlinu. Ak by si z toho odhryzla, to by ju zabilo a ona to vie. Ale kaňa môže jesť takmer čokoľvek chce. Vidíte? Ona má mnoho žlče.

159Tak potom zisťujete, že takto je to s týmto svetom dnes, to isté, "Sú nahí, slepí a nevedia o tom."

160Satan to urobil skrze žiadosť ženy po poznaní, po sexe, čo si ona vyberá svojím vlastným výberom. Všimnite si, bola to Eva, ktorá viedla Adama k tomu nesprávnemu, a bola to žena, ktorá si dala dolu svoje šaty predtým, ako si Adam dal dolu svoje. Vidíte? To je vždy žena. Vždy bola. Stále je to tak isto.

161To je cirkev, ktorá vedie človeka mimo. To je cirkev, vidíte, ktorá vedie človeka, ktorý chce byť synom Božím. To je žena, cirkev. Nie Biblia, Boh, lebo Biblia je Muž. Rozumiete? Biblia je Muž, cirkev je žena. To nie je cirkev… to nie je Biblia, ktorá vedie človeka mimo. To je cirkev, ktorá ho vedie mimo. Je to cirkev, s ktorou išiel nahý, nie s Bibliou. Rozumiete? Skutočne nie. Biblia mu hovorí, že je nahý. Tak veru.

162Všimnite si teraz, ako skrze sex, túžbu po sexe, ona žiadostila za poznaním, aby vedela, čo je toto, a ako, či to ovocie bolo dobré alebo nie. A ona to urobila.

163Boh to jedného dňa vezme preč, ale cez Muža. Bolo to stratené cez ženu. Ale je to vykúpené cez Muža, Muža, Ježiša Krista, ktorý je Slovom.

164A čo je to potom? Všimnite si, ako zakončujeme. Prednedávnom som tu urobil toto vyhlásenie. Mám tu ešte štyri alebo päť strán, ale… miest Písma a vecí, na ktoré sa chcem odvolať. Ale počúvajte. Zakončime týmto.

165Pamätajte, tu prednedávnom som učil na tému siedmich Trúb, sviatku Trúb atď. A povedal som, "Existuje osemdenný sviatok." Tak, siedmy deň bude posledný a to bude Milénium. Ale je ešte osemdenný sviatok, ktorý, ak je to ôsmy a existuje iba sedem dní, bude musieť byť znovu prvým dňom, vracia sa to naspäť ku prvému dňu. Potom, ako sa skončí Milénium, potom bude znovu postavený Eden. Znovu sa navráti veľké Božie Kráľovstvo, pretože Ježiš to vybojoval od Satana, v Getsemanskej záhrade a vydobyl znovu Eden, ktorý išiel pripraviť do Neba, aby sme sa znovu vrátili hore do Neba. Povedal, "Nech sa nestrachujú vaše srdcia."

166Keď bol tu na zemi, povedal, "Vy, vy, Židia, vy veríte v Boha. No teraz, Ja viem, že mám nedobré meno," hovorí. "A oni hovoria, že Ja som toto a tamto a toto. Ale vy ste uverili v Boha, a ako ste uverili v Boha, tak verte vo Mňa." On bol zamanifestovaným Bohom. Vidíte? "Verte tiež…"

167"V dome Môjho Otca je mnoho…" Alebo, "V ekonómii Môjho Otca, v Jeho plánoch je mnoho palácov. Idem pripraviť miesto." Pozrite sa, aké je to dlhé, tisíc päťsto štvorcových míľ! Poviete, “kde to je?” On to išiel pripraviť. On je Stvoriteľ. On tvorí všetko to zlato. Ulice sú priehľadné. On pripravuje miesto. V Zjavení 21 povedal, "Ja, Ján, som videl to sväté Mesto, Nový Jeruzalem, zostupujúci od Boha z neba."

169Ona vybuchne a príde Nová Zem. "A videl som Nové Nebo a Novú Zem. Prvé nebo, táto prvá zem, boli pominuli a mora viac nebolo. A ja, Ján, som videl to sväté Mesto, Nový Jeruzalem, zostupujúci od Boha z Neba." Tam bude Boh so svojimi pravými atribútmi, synmi a dcérami, kde s nimi môže mať obecenstvo vo svätosti, s ich očami zaslepenými voči každému hriechu. Nebude už potom viac žiadneho hriechu.

170Bojujme tvrdo, nebuďte v tomto dni zvedení, ale "snažte sa vstúpiť cez tú bránu."

172A jedine tí, ktorí sú vykúpení a sú v Baránkovej Knihe Života, vstúpia cez bránu. Tak zápaste, priatelia, nebuďte zvedení v tomto poslednom dni.

173Toto je veľkolepý čas. Každý má peniaze. Každý dokáže robiť toto a každý môže robiť tamto, a všade tečú peniaze a veľké autá a všetko možné. Ani jedno z nich nebude v tom Meste. Nebude tam ani jedno auto, ani jedno lietadlo. Nie. To bude celkom iná civilizácia. To bude znova civilizácia, nie z poznania, nie z vedy, ale z nevinnosti a viery v živého Boha.

174Zápasme dostať sa do Toho. Lebo to je mojím celým zámerom, vstúpiť jedného dňa do toho Mesta a len sa obzrieť späť a budem vidieť prichádzať so mnou každého jedného z vás, ako budete pochodovať, keď budeme spievať "Keď tí svätí tam vpochodujú. Chcem tam byť započítaný, keď tam vpochodujú tí vykúpení.”

Modlime sa.

175Drahý nebeský Otče, ako sa zakončujú dni, a my vidíme, ako sa to približuje, to zasľúbenie sa približuje. Modlíme sa, drahý Bože, aby si to umiestnil na naše srdcia, aby sme neurobili žiadnu chybu. Drahý Bože, zachovaj naše svedomia čisté. Zachovaj naše srdcia zahalené od vecí tohto sveta a márnych vecí sveta, márnej chvály stať sa niekým veľkým.

176Nezáleží na tom, akí sú veľkí, všetci kráľovia, monarchovia, vládcovia a všetko ostatné, to všetko musí zahynúť a oni nepovstanú v prvom vzkriesení. Lebo je napísané, “Blahoslavený a svätý je ten, kto má diel na prvom vzkriesení, nad tým druhá smrť nemá moc.” Ó, Bože! “Druhá smrť,” duchovná smrť, “nemá moc,” on je vykúpený!

177Ó, Bože, pomyslieť, že v jednej z týchto hodín, jeden pôjde navštíviť druhého a bude vychvátený. “Dvaja budú na posteli, jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám. Dvaja budú na poli, jedného vezmem a druhého zanechám.”

178Ó, Bože, pomôž nám byť čistými v Tvojich očiach, Pane, nezáleží na tom, čo si o nás myslí človek, čo hovoria ostatní, Pane, nech je naša reč svätá. Nech je osolená Božím Slovom, taká príhodná, až v nás nie je nájdená žiadna lesť. Zatiaľ čo to prosíme, v našich chybách, aby Krv Ježiša Krista stála medzi nami a Bohom, aby sa On na nás díval cez krv Ježiša, nie skrze našu vlastnú spravodlivosť, alebo cez to, kým sme, čo sme urobili, ale jedine na základe Jeho zásluh. Bože, udeľ to!

179Nech by ani jeden, kto tu dnes večer sedí a počul toto Posolstvo, nech ani jeden nie je stratený, od najmenšieho dieťaťa po najstaršieho človeka. Nech by ich svätá túžba bola jedine po Bohu a Jeho Slove. Nevieme, v ktorú hodinu sa môže objaviť, alebo v ktorú hodinu nás povolá, aby sme sa zodpovedali tam pri Súde. Nevieme, v ktorú hodinu môže, ako sa hovorí, vytiahnuť našu kartu zo zásuvky a povedať, “Je čas ísť Domov. Musíš ísť.” Bože, pomôž nám zachovať sa čistými. Udeľ to, Otče.

180Nech by sme mohli žiť do príchodu Pánovho, ak je to možné. Nech urobíme všetko, čo je v našej sile, s láskou a porozumením, porozumením, že Boh dnes prehľadáva svet a hľadá každú stratenú ovcu. A nech ku nim môžeme prehovoriť s osolenou modlitbou lásky a Slova Božieho, aby sme tak mohli nájsť tú poslednú, aby sme tak mohli ísť Domov a odísť z tohto starého Edenu Satana tu, Pane.

181To všetko je postavené na žiadosti a krásnych ženách, ako ich tak svet nazýva na svojich reklamách, “Robíme nábor a chceme, aby chlapci prišli s pomaľovanými tvárami a pekné dievčatá v šortkách,” rovno v našich rádiostaniciach a televízii. Všetky druhy špiny na sebe a guamovej farby a Hollywoodu, všetky druhy sexy, nečistého, špinavého oblečenia na ženách. A muži sú tak prevrátení, až berú na seba ženský odev a češú sa ako ženy a ženy si strihajú vlasy ako muži.

182Ó, Bože, aká hrozná hodina, v ktorej žijeme! Ó, príď, Pane Ježišu, príď! Príď, Pane! Očisti nás Krvou. Vezmi od nás preč všetku špinu a lesť. Daj nám žiť, Pane, daj nám žiť pod Krvou, ustavične pred Tebou. To je túžbou nášho srdca a naša vrúcna prosba.

183Drahý Bože, ležia tu dnes večer na tejto kazateľni, kde bolo položené Evanjelium, Pane, ležia tu vreckovky a malé balíčky, ktoré pôjdu ku chorým a postihnutým. Nech teraz modlitba viery v Tvojich očiach, Pane, vyjde z našich sŕdc. Potom, Pane, ak je v nás nejaká nečistá vec, Pane, vezmi naše… vezmi nás teraz na súd, a my prosíme o milosrdenstvo. Zjav nám, čo robíme zle, Pane, aby sme tak mohli prosiť, aby si vzal Krv a očistil nás. Uzdrav týchto chorých ľudí a nech sú zdraví, Otče, kdekoľvek to pôjde, ku komukoľvek to pôjde. Nech je to tak, Otče.

184Daj nám to rozhodnutie slúžiť Ti a jedine Tebe. Nech je to tak, Otče.

185Udeľ týmto drahým ľuďom, ktorí sú na ceste domov, bezpečie.

186Ďakujem Ti za to, ako si ľudí uzdravil. A sestra Shephardová a malý chlapec brata Shepharda, ktorý sa zranil na bicykli, modlím sa, aby z toho nebolo nič zlé, ako ten malý chlapec išiel na bicykli, modlím sa, aby bol v poriadku. Ďakujeme Ti, Otče, za uzdravenie týchto ostatných, ktorí za to prosili. “A vieme, že to, čo prosíme, dostávame, pretože máme dôveru v Toho, ktorý dal to zasľúbenie.”

187Daj nám Tvoju milosť, Pane, a odpusť nám naše hriechy, prosíme to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

188Milujte Ho? [Zhromaždenie hovorí “Amen” - pozn.prekl.] Veríte Mu? [“Amen”] Ste už chorí a unavení z toho Satanovho kráľovstva? [“Amen”] Veríte, že to prichádza ku Miléniu, do Jeho Milénia, do Jeho, do Jeho Edenu? [“Amen.”]

189Veríte, že je to dodnes formované? Pozrite, všetko je založené na intelektualite. Všetko, všetko musí byť vedecky dokázané predtým, ako tomu oni uveria.

190A vy nemôžete vedecky dokázať Boha. Musíte Ho prijať vierou, “Lebo ten, kto prichádza ku Bohu, musí veriť, že On je a je odplatiteľom tých, ktorí Ho snažne hľadajú.”

191Ó, Bože, nechcem poznať nič iné, ako Krv Ježiša Krista, ktorá ma očisťuje od každého hriechu. Nepoznám nič okrem Ježiša Krista. A ako povedal Pavol za dávna, tak hovorím dnes večer, “Nepoznám nič medzi vami, jedine Ježiša Krista, a to toho ukrižovaného.”

192To je všetko, čo vám viem povedať. To je táto Biblia, verím tomu z celého svojho srdca (nakoľko poznám svoje srdce), ktorá je dokonalým nepoškvrneným Božím Slovom. Týmto žijem. Za týmto stojím. A ak by som mal desaťtisíc životov, rád by som ich všetky dal pre toto Slovo, pretože to je Slovo Ježiša Krista. A je mi jedno, koľko sa to snažia vyvrátiť, koľko vedy sa snaží povedať, že to nie je vierohodné atď. Pre mňa to je jediná vec na svete, ktorej môžem dôverovať, to je toto Slovo. On je môj. Milujem Ho a vy? [Zhromaždenie hovorí “Amen.”]

193Ak je v tvojom srdci hriech, ak je v tvojom srdci nejaká vada, ak niečo máš, modli sa teraz a popros Boha, aby ti odpustil. Modli sa za mňa, ja sa budem modliť za teba. Nech vás Boh žehná, to je moja modlitba.

Až sa zídeme zas!
Nech je Boh s vami, až sa zídeme zas.

194Milujete jeden druhého? [Zhromaždenie hovorí “Amen.”] Ján povedal, “Dieťatká, milujte jeden druhého.” “Milujte jeden druhého, lebo láska prikrýva množstvo hriechov.” Potrasme si teraz jeden s druhým ruky.

Nech je Boh s vami, kým sa nestretneme zas!
Až sa zídeme zas!

195Buďte jeden k druhému milí. Buďte milí ku všetkým. Dobre sa správajte ku svojmu susedovi. Zachovajte sa nepoškvrnení, kým Ježiš nepríde.

Až sa zídeme zas!
Nech je Boh s vami, kým sa nestretneme zas!

196Milujete Ho? [Zhromaždenie hovorí “Amen.”] To je mojou modlitbou. Modlite sa za mňa, ja sa budem modliť za vás. Musím sa teraz vrátiť do Tucsonu. Modlím sa, aby vás Boh všetkých požehnal. Odtiaľ potom idem do Kanady a späť do Koloráda a dokola, dokola, späť, až kým…

197Tam je brat Tony a stala sa veľká vec. Rovno pod Vatikánom, v Ríme, oni volajú po prebudení, urobiť zhromaždenie, chcú, aby som tam prišiel a viedol zhromaždenie v Ríme, v Ríme. On sa práve vrátil. Ľudia sú tam zhromaždení. Majú tam veľkú arénu, kde sa môžu posadiť tisíce a tisíce. Chcú, aby som tam prišiel a mal prebudenecké zhromaždenie. Chcú vidieť slávu Pánovu v tej službe. Neviem. Musím sa za to modliť, uvidieť, čo mi Pán povie. Ó! Pamätajte, modlime sa teraz všetci spolu. Pracujeme…

Pozorujeme na príchod nášho požehnaného Spasiteľa,
Hľa, figové listy už zelenejú
Evanjelium Jeho kráľovstva išlo do každého národa
A to, že sme na konci, sa dá ľahko vidieť.

198Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí “Amen.”]

Potom radostne budeme hlásať Posolstvo
Jeho požehnaného objavenia sa
On zakrátko príde v sláve, aby povedal jednému a všetkým,
Zobuďte sa potom vy, svätí Pánovi,
prečo driemete, keď koniec prichádza?
Pripravme sa na to posledné zavolanie

199Ona sa obráti na západ a znovu prejde späť, v jednom z týchto dní, pamätajte len. Istotne, to je pravda. Dovtedy:

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš
Dieťa smútku, bolesti
Dá ti radosť, potešenie,
Vezmi Ho, kde len vykročíš

Vzácne Meno (vzácne Meno), aké sladké
Nádej zeme, radosť neba
Vzácne Meno, nádherné
Nádej zeme, radosť neba

Klaniame sa Menu Ježiš,
K nohám Jeho padáme
Kráľa kráľov v nebi budeme korunovať
Keď náš beh dokončíme

Vzácne Meno, aké sladké
Nádej zeme, radosť neba
Vzácne Meno, nádherné
Nádej zeme, radosť neba

200No, tento posledný verš, spievajme to teraz so sklonenými srdcami.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,
Štít pred pascou každou
Keď pokušenie príde,
(tieto veci satanovho kráľovstva)
Vzdychni to Meno s modlitbou

201To je všetko, potom choďte. To funguje. Skúsil som to. Verte tomu teraz, pretože to funguje. Len vzdychnite Jeho sväté Meno v modlitbe.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,
Štít pred pascou každou.
Keď pokušenie príde,
(čo potom urobíš?)
Vzdychni to Meno s modlitbou
(Potom na tvoju tvár príde závoj)

Vzácne Meno (vzácne Meno), aké sladké
Nádej zeme, radosť neba
Vzácne Meno, nádherné
Nádej zeme, radosť neba

202Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, zatiaľ čo poprosím brata Beelera tam vzadu, aby prišiel tu na pódium. [Brat Branham si začína “hmkať” Ber so sebou meno Ježiš - pozn.prekl.]

Len vzdychni Jeho Meno v modlitbe

203Rozpusti nás teraz, brat Beeler v modlitbe. Rozpusti nás dnes večer v modlitbe.

vzácne meno…
Nádej zeme a radosť Neba
Vzácne Meno
(vzácne Meno), aké sladké!
Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

204Teraz so svojimi sklonenými hlavami a sklonenými srdciami. Brat Beeler, jeden z našich spolupracovníkov tu, brat Estle Beeler, milý kresťanský brat, verný muž. Poprosím ho, či by teraz nerozpustil zhromaždenie s modlitbou. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Beeler.

SATAN'S EDEN, 65-0829, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 85 min

1 Let us bow. Dear God, we're grateful to You tonight for this grand opportunity, to come again in the Name of the Lord Jesus, to meet our enemy, Your enemy, out here on the field of battle; with the Word, to drive him away from the midst of Your people; that they might see, tonight, Lord, the Gospel Light. I pray that You'll anoint our eyes with the eyesalve, that it might be opened to the Truth; that we might leave here, saying within our hearts, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He spoke to us along the road?" Heal the sick and the afflicted. Encourage the discouraged. Lift up the feeble hands that once hung down. May we look to the Coming of the Lord Jesus, which we believe is at hand. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Be seated.

2 I will try to be briefly tonight, because I know many has come from different sections of the country, to... for the service; or stayed over, some of you, and have to go back, for maybe a ways to get back. And I thank you. This morning I wanted to hear Brother Neville, myself. And I heard him many times, and never heard him any time but what I appreciated him. But this morning, that timely message, I know I had the leading of the Lord to listen to that this morning. Very fine! And I see why you people like to come and listen to him, also. And he'll always do you good, I'm sure, to listen to him.

3 I was trying to catch up on some of my interviews today; this morning and this afternoon. I still have many, many, many to go. And I...

4As, I believe, it was Jethro told Moses one time, said, "It's just too much for you." So, we've got plenty of brothers here on your problems. And every one of them has been legitimate, and they are fine things that has to be taken care of. And I would recommend our pastor, or Brother Mann, and other ministers of our Faith here. You can go to them. They would tell you just exactly the thing to do; some people, their children; intermarrying, or things that's wrong. And these man can help you just the same as--as anyone else, 'cause they're servants of Christ. And go to them, and I'm sure they will--they will give you the help that you need. I can't get to all of them. There's just so many, everywhere you go. They just keep accumulating higher and higher, you see. And you want to get to every one of them, but you can't do it. But I'm constantly praying that God, in somehow, will work it out all right for you.

5 Now, tonight, we want to go to the Scripture, and read a portion of the Scripture out of Genesis, the 3rd chapter; and just refer back a little bit to some things that we've been talking about, in times past, and see if the Lord Jesus will give us a little bit more to what we will know when we go out. I pray--pray that He will.

Now the serpent was most subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest you die.

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

For God does know that in the day that you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

6 May the Lord add the... His blessings to the reading of His Word. Now I would like to take a text tonight, out of that, and call: Satan's Eden. Very crude little thing to say, of, Satan's Eden. It kind of matches, in the other Sunday night, I believe, when I was speaking to you here about A Thinking Man's Filter, and a holy man's taste.

7And sometimes these little crude expressions brings us to something; it gets us to study, and puts you to reading the Word. And that's what I want all my congregation to do. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." So, read the Word; study It. And study It with the eyes of God, to give your intellectuals understanding of how that we should live in this present day.

8 Now to come down, tonight, just to speak to you, to say, "Well, I could do this or that,..."

9I like to speak with the people, as much as I'd like to even go home with each one of you tonight. I... God knows that's truth. I'd like to go home with each one of you, and--and eat--eat breakfast with you in the morning, and--and--and go out and squirrel hunt with you tomorrow afternoon, see. I--I'd like to do that, but I--I can't do that. And I would like to go home and just sit down and talk with you; sit on the porch after the service, and speak with you a while, talk to you about your welfare and about God. I would love to do that. Men and women in here; God knows I'd like to do that, but I can't do it. See, there's just such--such a pull and a strain.

10 And--and in this nervous age that we're living in... And I'm a nervous person, myself. Today I got my mind made up to something, "I've just got to do it," and tomorrow it's a million miles from me; something has done cut in and done this and that. And you have a time, trying to keep your wits together.

11 But my main achievement is to preach the Gospel through the Church, and do all that I can to bring honor to Jesus Christ in this day, while I'm here on earth, and what time I have left on earth. I come to--to try to say something to you that would help you; something. I studied after I went home this morning. "What could I say tonight, Lord, that would help those people?"

12Listening to that mighty message this morning on... Brother Neville brought us, about... I thought it was so wonderful, how he said there, "A doctor will diagnose the case; but the man that comes with a pan full of needles, he gives the injection." So I thought that was really a--a real cute little expression. I thought about that, "the serum, after the case is diagnosed." So that's a very good thing.

13 I wanted to speak to you something, to bring something to enlighten to you the promise of God for this age. See? Something, not something that somebody else was in some other day, but something... and when... Them things are all right; we all refer to those things. But I thought I would try to bring something to your mind, with these Scriptures I got written here, that would enlighten you, to know, make you a better soldier in the field that you're fighting in now; to learn the tactics of the enemy, so that you can block everything before it gets to you, see. That's the main thing, is to learn to keep the--the punches off of you, as much as you can.

14 Now, let us look now to this great... for a few minutes, this great, sinful day that we're now living in. I don't believe there ever was a day that I've ever read in history... There's been greater days of persecution, when the children of God was put to death on every hand. But to see the deceitfulness of the enemy, we've never had a day like this we're now living. It's the most cunning, deceitful day. And when I see that, it brings this, that, the Christian has to be more on his toe today than he ever was in any age.

15 Now, back in the days of the persecution, of Rome, to the Church; a Christian make a mistake, he went into the arena and was fed to the lions, or something like that, when they found him of being a Christian for his testimony. But his soul was saved, because he was a purely, unadulterated believer in God, and gladly sealed his testimony with his blood. As the veins let loose, or holes in his body, and the blood bleed out, he would scream up, with real loyal faith, and say, "Receive my spirit, Lord Jesus!"

16 But, now, the cunningness of the devil now, makes the people believe that they are a Christian when they're not. There is the thing. You don't have to seal... It's--it's a more cunning day than it would be, than when you had to seal your--your life away with your testimony. The devil has set every cunning trap that he can, to... He's a deceiver. And Jesus told us, in Matthew 24, how this day would be that we're living in, the most deceitful day that ever lived, "so close that it would deceive the very Elected of God if it were possible for him to deceive."

17 Now let us compare some Scriptures, or prophecies spoken of in the Bible, for today, and compare it with the day that we're now living in.

18In Second Timothy 3, we learn this, that the prophet said, that, "It would come to pass in this days, that man would be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God." Compare that now, just for a moment. We won't... We'll just brief it, because we haven't that much time to go through it all like we should duly take it; but just to highlight it, so that you can see when you get home and study it. "Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are good." "Now the Spirit spoke expressingly that these things would be in the latter days." That's these days, the prophecy speaking to it.

19 Now we read, also, in Revelations... 14, Revelations 3:14, rather, the Laodicean Church Age, that how the church would be in this last age. And it would be, It says, "It would sit as a widow and have need of nothing. It--it was rich, and increased in goods, and know it not that they were poor, miserable, wretched, blind, and naked, and didn't know it." Now, remember, He is speaking to the church of this age, "wretched, blind, naked, and don't know it." That last phrase, that last Word, is what makes it so striking. They think that they are well filled with the Spirit, they're all ready. The Laodicean Church Age is the Pentecostal Church Age, 'cause it's the last church age. Luther had his message; Wesley had his message; and Pentecost had their message.

20 Also, It said, that, "Because you are lukewarm, neither hot or cold," the emotions of the outside, the mental conception of the Gospel; "because," He said, "you're that way, I'll spue you out of My mouth." In other words, it made Him sick to see the church in that condition.

21 And, remember, they spued Him out; and He was on the outside of the church, trying to get back on the inside, in that awful Laodicean Church Age.

22 The god of this world today, the worshiped person of this world today, is Satan. And the people are ignorant of worshiping Satan, but it's Satan impersonating himself as the church, see, as the church. They worship Satan, thinking that they are worshiping God through the church, but it's the way Satan has done it.

"Oh," you say, "but wait a minute; we preach the Word."

23Look back here at my text, tonight. Satan was the one that preached the Word to Eve, first, "God hath said," see.

24It's that misconstruing that part of the Scripture that applies to the day. He'll let you know all Jesus did was perfectly well. He'll let you know all that Moses did was perfectly well. But when you take the promises that They gave for this day, then That was applied to another age. That's just all he has to do, see, is to get the people to believe It that way, and that--that's all. For, "You cannot take one Word away from It, or add one word to It." But that's what he does.

25 People, ignorantly worshiping Satan, thinking they are worshiping God; as we are warned by prophecy, in Second Thessalonians. That, let's just read that, Second Thessalonians, the 2nd chapter. Let's just get it a moment, if I can, right away. I'd like to read that. Just, I believe, Second Thessalonians. I got the Scripture here. In Second...

Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of the Lord Jesus... and by the gathering together unto him,

26Now, see, "the coming of the Lord, and the gathering to Him,"as God will gather His people to Him in the last days. "The gathering of the people to the Lord," not to the church, "to the Lord; gathering together unto Him."

That ye be not soon shaken in your mind, or... troubled--troubled, neither by spirit, nor... word, nor by letter as from us, as... the day of the Lord is at hand.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin ("man of sin," watch what he is now), the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, (that was Judas, see);

Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

27 That deceitfulness of the church of today! See, "the son of perdition," the devil. "The son of perdition," the devil. Then, people worshiping Satan in this day, thinking they're worshiping God. But they're worshiping him through a creed, a man-made denominations and creeds that's brought the people right down to the greatest deception that the world has ever knowed of. No matter how much the Word of God promised for this day, is preached and vindicated, they still won't believe It. They won't believe It.

28Then why? We wonder why. Why doesn't it; why won't they believe It? When God said He would do a certain thing, and He does it, and still they turn their back from it and turn away from it. Just as Eve knew that what God said, God would do; but she turned her back on it, to listen to what he had to say.

29Just remember, in other ages, it's always been the same thing. In every age, it's always been that Satan tries to pervert that Word to them, making them see some other age.

30 Look, when Jesus come, see, Satan was in that bunch of Jewish teachers, and rabbis and priests, trying to tell them to keep the law of Moses, when the very Word said that in that day the Son of man would be revealed, see, that He would reveal Himself. So they was trying, as long as they kept them religious, and on the law of Moses. See what he did? He was trying to tell them, "That part of the Word is just exactly right, but this Man isn't that Person." See how deceiving he is? That's that real day of deception.

31 It's been, and now is, Satan establishing his kingdom in the earth. That's exactly why he's doing it, for he wants to establish his own kingdom.

32As a businessman, that's not a Christian, he'll work every scheme he can to make you see something the wrong way. If he's got a--a purpose and a personal gain in making you doing that, making you seeing it that way, he'll show you everything he can, and keep you off from the truth of it, because he's got a feeling only for himself. No matter how much he lies and cheats, and whatever more, he's got personal gain.

33 And that's why Satan has done this. And he has worked through the ministry to do it, as God promised he would do. Now, he began by a religious deceit in Eden, and has continued ever since.

34Not by setting up a bunch of communists. Communists has nothing to do with this. It's the church, that's where you have to watch, see. It's not the--it's not the communists that would deceive the very Elected. It's the church that'll deceive the very Elected, see. It isn't communists; we know they deny God, and they're antichrist, sure they are, in principle, but they are not the antichrist. The antichrist is religious, very religious, and can quote the Scripture, and make It look so plain.

35As Satan did back there in the beginning, he quoted everything right down, "God has said, 'Thou shalt not eat every tree of the garden.'" See, quote It right out.

36She said, "Yes, we may eat of all the trees of the garden, but there is a tree in the midst of the garden that God said not to eat, for, not even touch it; 'cause, the day we did, that day we would die."

37 He said, "Oh, surely you'll not die. But let me give you the reason why God said this, is because..." See, he now what? He quoted this Truth, you see. He said, "It'll open your eyes, and it'll make you know good and wrong. You'll be like God then, if you can do it."

38That's just what he wants to do, and that's just the same thing he is trying to do today. There's been a religious deceit since the very beginning at Eden, and has been ever since. In Adam's time, it was a deceit. In Noah's time, it was a deceit. In Jesus' time, was the same. And now is the same, the same way, a religious deceitfulness!

39 Now, we will notice the earth, when God had it under control. Now, when God had it control... had it under His control. Then when Satan took over, by rejecting the Word of God. God one time had the earth under His control. He set it in its orbit. He put it, make it work. He done everything, had it in His control. Now we'll compare that with after Satan took it in his control.

40 Now, it took God six thousand years. It didn't take Him that long, but He took that long. Six thousand years, because we're taught that "one day in Heaven is a thousand years on earth," and it was six thousand years, or six days that God built the earth. Now, it took God six thousand years to establish it, plant it with good seeds and to bring forth everything after its kind. Everything must come forth of its kind. All of His seeds were good, and so it must bring forth after its kind. God took six thousand years.

41 Finally, when He got it all made, and finally we... finally arrived with its headquarters, of the earth, in a beautiful spot laying east of Eden, called the garden of Eden. God made the world's headquarters in the garden of Eden, in Egypt, right at the east end of the garden was the headquarters.

42 And over the whole situation, He put His son and His son's wife, over all of it. That's right. That's what God did. He put them in full control. They could speak to the winds, and it would cease to blow. They would speak to the tree, and it would move from here to there.

43The lion and the wolf fed together, and the lamb laid down with them. There was no evil. It was perfect peace, perfect harmony, everything in perfection, and when God had it under His control. And notice, He had His... He had His world, He had all in operation. He had everything coming. Everything eating vegetations; nothing to die, nothing to be ruined, nothing to be spoiled. Nothing... It was just perfect.

44And over it all, He placed His beloved children, His son and His daughter, a husband and wife, to control it.

45 God was so satisfied! "And He rested from all His works, at the seventh day," and hallowed this seventh-day sabbath for Him.

46Because, God looked it all over, after He had been six thousand years in molding it and fixing it out, making it come into existence; and put the mountains up, and make the volcanics push the mountains up, and the things that taken place in the eruptions; dried it off, and fixed it the way He had it. And it was a beautiful place.

47 There was nothing like it, the great paradises of God! And the great dinosaurs, and whatever more, crawling through it, and of the great animals; no harm in them. They were just as gentle as a little kitten. They had nothing at all; no--no sickness, no sorrow; not one disease germ on the earth. Oh, what a place!

48The great birds swinging from tree to tree, and Adam could call them by name, and they would fly up on his shoulders and--and coo to him. And, oh, what a wonderful place God had!

49 And then made one of His attributes from His Own Body. God has attributes in His Body.

50Like, you are an attribute of your father. And, you notice, you was in your grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's. But, in that, say, we'll take it down to like you and your father. Now, you did not know anything when you were in your father. The germ of life comes from the male. The male has the blood cell; the woman has the--the egg; now, therefore, the blood cell has the life in it. And, then, when you were in your father, you actually knowed nothing about it. But, yet, science and God's Word proves that you were in your father, but you knowed nothing about it.

51But then the father longed to know you. And with the union of connection with mother, then you were made known to father. Now, you are your father's attribute. You look like him, and you've got parts of your body that looks like your father.

52Now, that's the way God was in the beginning. Every son of God and every daughter of God was in God at the beginning. You don't remember it now, but you were there. He knowed it. And He wanted you to become so He could contact you, speak with you and love you, and shake your hands.

53 Don't you want your own boy... Isn't it a great day when your boy can come home and sit down at the table? When he comes back from the battlefield, or something another, scarred up; how you'll fix the dinner; you kill the fatted calf, or whatever more, and prepare for him! It's your own flesh and blood, and he was in you. You didn't know him then, but you knew he was there.

54 And so God knew that we would be here, but then He put us in flesh so we would be contacted. In order He could contact, He become one of us when He become Jesus Christ, the Son of God Himself, the fullness of the manifestation of God. Therefore that was God's purpose, to display His attributes in fellowship.

55When I was in my father, I knew nothing about it. But when I become his son and was born of him, I was a attribute, a part of my father. And you're a part of your father.

56And as children of God, we are a part of God's attribute that was in Him, made flesh like He was made flesh, so we can have fellowship one with the other, as a family of God upon the earth. And that was God's purpose at the beginning. Yes, sir. That's what God wanted at the beginning.

57He had everything under control. And He turned man over into the garden of Eden, on free moral agency; say, "Son, it's yours."

58 What a beautiful place! God was so satisfied, till He just went back and rested from all of His works. Every tree never brought forth thorns and thistles. No berries ever come off of a thorn tree. Everything was perfect. All seeds were perfect. Everything was in perfect condition.

59Then when He went to take a little rest, His enemy slipped in with deceit, and took it over, by misinterpreting His program to His children. When, He put trust in His Own child; as you put trust in your daughter when she goes out at night with a man; when you put trust in your son when he has to go with a drinking boy or a smoking boy. See, He put trust in His son, that he would not do anything wrong, and would keep every Word that He said. But the enemy slipped in; like that greasy slicker that would take out your daughter and misbehave himself; or--or some woman would take, go out with your son, and the same thing. See, he slipped in. The enemy of God slipped in and misinterpreted the Word to Eve.

60 Now, he, by this fall, it has took over and possessed the garden of Eden, himself. He took it over. And now he has had six thousand years of deceitful rule; deceiving the people, God's children, as he did then. Because, they were based on free moral agency, to act any way they wished to. And believing that they would act right, or trusting they would act right, then they've come with the wrong act, and sold their birthrights, as Esau did, for the world. And Satan won it, and he took it over. And he's had six thousand years to build up his Eden, as God had six thousand years to bring His Eden to a close. And by deceit, deceit of the Word, or the people, now established his own Eden in this earth, in sin.

61 God's Eden was established in righteousness. Satan's Eden is established in sin, because Satan is sin. God is righteousness, and God's kingdom was established in righteousness, and peace, and Life. And Satan's establishment is in sin, and, religious sin.

62Notice how he deceived, his deception, as he said he would. He promised to do this. Did anybody know that? Let us turn to Isaiah, if you want some of these Scriptures. If you... I ought to quote more of them, I guess. Let's turn to Isaiah the 14th chapter, just a moment, and just see what Satan said here, just a moment. In Isaiah 14, we'll read it, and watch what this fellow done. Isaiah 14, begin with the 12th verse.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

For thou hast said in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars (that's sons), stars of God: and I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,... the side of the north:

And I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; and I will be like the most High.

63 Now compare that over here with our other Scriptures over in Thessalonians, a while ago, how he said, "He sits in the temple of God, exalting himself above all that's called God, so that he as God is worshiped as God upon the earth."

64There is the god of this world that I preached to you about last Sunday. Here he is today in deceit, that treacherous hour, that tremendous time that we're living. It's the most glorious time of all the ages, because we are facing the great Millennium again; we're facing the Eden again. But right at this age, all the deceit and every tactic that he's ever used and been able to deceive with, he's gathered it all together and reinforced hisself; and come down like God, and has put hisself in place of God; religious, and can quote the Scripture and can tell you Scripture, just as Satan did to Eve in the garden of Eden. But leave out one spot of It, is all he has to do, make that gap, where the poison doctrine of the devil can pour through, like the thinking man's Filter we was talking about the other night.

65 Now, he said he would exalt himself above the most High; he would ascend above the clouds and the stars, and he would sit there like God, and be above the most High. And he has succeeded in carrying out his threats. He has certainly had a marvelous success in carrying out his threats, by the people letting him explain away, in every age, the value of God's promised Word to that age. That's exactly how he's done it. In every age, he explained It away.

66 In the days of Noah, he explained that it was impossible for it to rain from heaven, for, "there is no rain up there." His great scientific gospel that he preached in the garden of Eden! He could shoot the instruments to the moon and prove there's no moisture up there. But God said there would come a rain. But Satan succeeded, and poisoned the mind of the people, by scientific research, that, "it could not be done." But it was done. God said it would be done, and it was done. He did.

67 Now, in the days of--of Jesus, he did the same thing. He poisoned their minds again by deceit, see, misinterpreting the Word. "If Thou be the Son of God, now let me see You do something about it."

68Jesus didn't clown for him. He never did. God is not a clown. He don't have to answer anything that Satan asks. He only had... Jesus said, "It is written, 'Thou shalt not live... Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'" See, He didn't have to clown, from him. He didn't have to make bread. He could have done it, but He'd been listening to the devil, so He didn't have to listen to the devil.

69 And again it is religious sin, as at the beginning, so deceitful. Watch it now. It's not just purely old everyday sin, committing adultery and getting drunk, and using God's Name in vain. That's not it. No.

70You remember years ago, many of you here, the oldtimers, remember that sermon I preached, on, The Disappointments At Judgment. The harlot, she ain't going to be disappointed there. She knows where she is going. The drunkard ain't going to be disappointed there. The bootlegger, the gambler, the liar, the thief, he is not going to be disappointed. But, that man who thinks he's right, there's the disappointment.

71That's that fellow, say, come say, "Lord, haven't I preached the Gospel, have not I cast out devils, in Thy Name?"

72 Jesus said, "Depart from you... from Me, you that work iniquity. I never even knew you." There's the disappointment, see, that deceitfulness.

73That's what I'm constantly... that's where I'm so misunderstood. It's not that I want to be different. I don't want to be different, but I've got to be honest. I have a Message, and That must go to the people. Makes it very much misunderstood amongst the people. They think I'm against everybody. They only know, I'm for everybody, and trying my best to bring them what's the Truth, just as it's laid on my heart and the way it's laid in the Bible here. And God proves that to be the Truth, so there is nothing else can be done about it. So, be they look at It, or they don't.

74 See, they don't want to see It, because they have already sold out, sold their birthrights to some organization, some denomination; to try their birthrights, to get to Heaven upon the basis of some organized religion, which Satan is the head of every bit of it. God never did have an organized religion, never did. And they sell out to that, where they, a bunch of man, interpret the Word and say It means this and It means that.

75God needs no interpreter. He does His Own interpreting. He doesn't need anyone else to tell Him how to do it. He is sovereign. He said how He would do it, and that's the way He must keep His Word. When He said, "These signs shall follow them that believe," He meant just that. Whatever He said would take place, He said it would happen in these last days, that He would do certain things, and He done it. He has to ask nobody whether it's time or not. He knows what the time is, and what the plan is.

76 Now, Satan, this deceiver, as spoke of in Matthew 24:24, with so much deceit. Now, we find that by his gospel programs of knowledge, better education, higher ethics, civilization, and so forth, has bewitched the people that wants to serve God, into believing his lie.

77Eve did not want to do that, but he showed her how it was more wisdom in it. She didn't know; she wanted to know. She didn't understand, but she wanted to understand. And God told her not to try to understand.

78How can I understand any of these things? I cannot understand them. I believe them. I don't have to understand them. God is faith, and not understanding. We just believe what He said.

79 Now, compare God's Eden to Satan's now, after six thousand years of perverting of the true interpretation of God's promised Word to the age. Let's compare it now, and see where we get. Like he did to the church in--in Christ's time, in Jesus, trying to keep--keep back God's loyal sons from knowing the Truth. That's God's. God put His sons here, His attributes, to fellowship with Him by hearing His Word.

80 What if your father told you, and you are a loyal son to your father, and he told you, "Son, don't you go in that water out there, swimming, because there's 'gators in that water"; and a fellow comes back, said, "Surely, such pretty water as that, there is no 'gators in it"? Now who you going to listen to? If you're a genuine son, you'll listen to your daddy.

81And a genuine son or daughter of God takes God's Word first. I don't care what anybody else says about it, they take God's Word first. "There's poison in the cup," and they believe it.

82Having faith in all His Word, His Seeds, brought a Eden of holiness, love, and Eternal Life. That's what God's Eden produced, holiness. And it brought an Eden of holiness, of love, understanding, perfection, and Eternal Life. That's what God is planting, His Word, His Seed. That's what His Church will be at the end; It will be the same thing.

83 Notice, here's a thought. Don't forget it. I'll get to it some other time or some other Message. But, you know, God said, "Let every seed bring forth of its kind." Is that God's commandment? Now what good is any preacher, or anybody else, try to make that Word say something else? See, every Word of God is a Seed. Jesus said so, "A Seed a sower sowed." So if Mark 16 is God's Word, it'll bring forth of its kind. If Malachi 4 is God's Word, it'll bring forth of its kind. And every other promise must bring forth of its kind.

84 You see, see Satan out here in disguisement? He is trying to say, "It not, it's not so." Do you understand it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See, Satan say, "Oh, That ain't for this day. That, that--that's... That was some other time. That, that don't even mean that."

85"Every seed must come forth of its kind." That's how God established His Eden. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And here it is, that's how God establishes His Church, every Word after Its kind! "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word proceeding out of the mouth of God." See? Satan, he'll take something else. But God said, "Every seed after its kind."

86If the promise said, "These signs shall follow them that believe."

87Now the church says, "Join the church. Recite the creed. Know the catechism." There is not such things in the whole Bible.

88But Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe: in My Name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; if they take up serpents, or drink deadly things, it won't harm them; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Who is any man to deny That? See?

89 "Every seed will bring forth of its kind." If you are a seed of God, an attribute, a son of God, then the Word of God is sown in you. See? And then when you hear the Word of God, "My sheep hear My Voice; a stranger they won't follow." You get it? "Then every seed comes forth after its own kind."

90 Now we find out, that every seed bringing forth of its kind, there was no death in the new... in that Eden. There will be no death in the new Eden. See, there was no, nothing else but holiness, purity, and Eternal Life.

91Now, by unbelief in all of God's Word, has brought the seed of unholiness in Satan's Eden. We are now entering in where Satan is taking the throne, as the antichrist, in a--a Eden of this earth, a Eden of sin, perverted religion. He started not upon, "I am Satan. I am the great angel." No, not upon that, but upon perverting God's Word. And that's how he's brought his kingdom, in every age. And now in this great deceitful age, ready to take his throne, by his people! He has built hisself an intellectual, educated, scientific Eden; right, scientific preachers, scientific church, scientific theology, everything is scientific. Everything is on basis of knowledge. The whole church is built upon knowledge. It ain't built upon faith.

92 One time I went in to hold a meeting to a man's church. It was a great auditorium in the west. A fine man, and he denied these things that we're talking about. But yet, he was... I liked him; fine man, old man. When his congregation went out... It seated about six thousand people. When his congregation went out, in the afternoon service, about fifteen hundred, they were all fine-dressed intellectuals. I sat there and watched them.

93He preached a very good sermon, the man did. And then he asked if anybody wanted to accept Christ; just to raise up their hands. And no one raised up their hands. And finally a woman raised up her hands. He said, "All right, now you're a Christian," and made her for baptism. And then when he went out... He dedicated a baby, kissed the little baby and made a prayer over it, and dismissed the audience.

94 When his congregation went out; all fine, scholarly, educated people. Then I was standing on the side, to shake the man's hand and wish him God's speed, as he went out.

95And when I did, here came my crowd in. They couldn't let them in while his crowd was there. Here come mine, in wheel chairs, stretchers, strait jackets, insane, and everything else. You see the difference? That's it. That's the thing I'm talking about, see. See, it's something different.

96 When, by scientific knowledge you can make a understanding Gospel, that, you, "he that believeth on Jesus Christ shall not be condemned," see.

97But, "These signs shall follow them that believe," see, he fails to put That in there, see. She believed on Jesus Christ, she is saved, if these signs follow the believer.

98"And he that heareth My Word," not just makes out, not hear It with his ears, but, "understand It." Anybody can hear It; a prostitute can hear It and remain a prostitute; see, a drunkard can hear It; a liar can hear It and still remain a liar. But, "He that understandeth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life." There you are, see.

99And no man can do that except God foreordained him. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me, except My Father draws him, and all the Father has given Me will come to Me." Amen. It's all the sovereignty and foreknowledge of God. He lives alone and there's nobody tells Him what to do.

100 Now, by unbelief, in no taking all the Word of God, has brought a seed of unbelief, unholy, sinful, hatred, and Eternal death is in this sinful, intellectual church age. Now you got it? In this day, that when the whole world is religious! Did you know that? The whole world is religious. And in this religious age, big churches on every corner; everything, the whole thing winds up in Satan being worshiped. Here it is, right here in the Bible. That's right. And in this intellectual, theological seminaries that's brought out an intellectual person that's been trained how to speak, what to do, how to make their emotions; and everything like psychology, three and four years, to know how to deal with a man's mind. See, it's...

101The Spirit of God is not something that, you, it's schooled into you. It's something that's predestinated into you, by the hand of Almighty God. Your experiences cannot be schooled or taught into you. It's predestinated, by God's hand and God's foreknowledge, into you. That's right.

102 Now, it brought forth this great Eden that they now live in, a church world's Eden. They're all uniting together now at the great Ecumenical Council, and going to have the world church all coming under one head, where Satan will be throned, just exactly.

103And the last call is going out, to catch the Bride before She gets into that. For once in that, she's took the mark of the beast, and doomed, she'll never come out of it. That's the reason, say, "Come out from among them, My people," before it goes into him, see. "Come out from among them, and be ye separated."

104 Now, hatred and death, and Eternal separation from God, in this Eden; lust, filth, perversion, (how?) by sowing the wrong seed.

105Reminds me of the vision I seen before I ever met the Pentecostal people, of that Man going around the world, in white. You've heard me tell it many times. And one come in behind Him, sowing seeds of discord.

106But he won it fairly, in Eve... in the garden of Eden, by the lust of Eve for sin; the lust for Eve, of sin. Then, if Eve lusted for knowledge, it was sin.

107And when we lust for knowledge, want a Ph.D., LL.D., it's sin to do so. That's strong statements, but that's the Truth. No matter how strong it is, it's still the Truth, see. To lust for knowledge, understanding!

108The thing of it is, is, today we don't try to establish the Word of God in the people's hearts. We are trying to establish ourselves. Churches are trying to establish the doctrine of the church, in a person's heart.

109We are commanded to establish the Word of God. Paul said, "I didn't come to you with enticing words of man, that your faith might rest up in the knowledge of man; but I come to you in power; in manifestations of the Holy Ghost, that your faith might rest in God." There you are.

110 Man mustn't establish yourself. We find it amongst... Let God do something for a person and send him out, you find every man trying to impersonate it. See, they're trying to establish themselves. Every man, "I did this. Me, I, mine, my denomination, me, this," establishing themselves. What are we preaching about, ourselves or the Kingdom of God?

111Establish the Word of God. Take out the unbelief and establish the Kingdom of God in a man's heart. And the Kingdom of God cannot be established in a man's heart 'less God made that man thus. He cannot be established in a...

112And, remember, the deceitful part, that man think that it's right. See. "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man." Every intellectual being seems right.

113 As I told you a few Sundays ago; when I stood by my dying baby, and Satan standing there and said, "There is your daddy, died in your arms the other night. There is your wife laying down there in a--in the morgue, and here is your baby going. And you asked Him to answer you, and He pulled your... He pulled a shade down over you. Now, and yet He's a good God, and yet you said He was a Healer. And you, who are standing for what you said was right, you're wrong." Oh, every reason, every mental faculty had to agree that it was right; and he was right, that much.

114So was he right when he told Eve, "Your eyes will be opened, and you'll know right from wrong. And you'll be as gods, that way, knowing right from wrong," because God didn't let them see themselves yet, that they were naked. So they knowed they would know right from wrong; and he was right. But, you see, it was contrary to the Word of God.

115 And so does ministers in seminaries, learning man-made theology; it may seem right, it may be a good understanding of the thing, but it's wrong.

116We don't have to understand It. We believe It because God said it's so, and that settles it forever. The whole thing, that's the way to believe It.

117Oh, how Eve lusted to have a Ph.D., see, how she lusted to be smarter than what she was!

118 Notice how much alike, man and his wife... Now notice, man and wife, both naked in the garden of Eden, God's Eden.

119Now I'm going to close. I said I'm going to hold just a few minutes. Look, watch now, as closing.

120Compare this now, how much alike that man and his wife, both in God's Eden, without one stitch of clothes on them, and knew it not. For why didn't they know it? For they were veiled to their senses of nakedness, by the Holy Veil, of the Holy Spirit. They could look right at each other, and they didn't know that they were naked. They were veiled with the Holy Spirit, of holiness. They were veiled.

121 God's veil, yet today, can look and not lust. They turn their head. It's a Holy Veil, see, Holy Veil. God had their eyes... they were both, one was man and the other was woman, and they did not know they were naked, because the holiness of God kept their eyes veiled. Notice, God hid their conscience from sin, by the Holy Veil.

122Wish we had some time to lay on that, a few minutes. Looky here, "For he, the worshiper once purged," Hebrews, "the worshiper once purged, has no more conscience of sin." Sin has passed from him.

123 I heard Brother Neville say, this morning; someone might have been asking him why didn't I preach on the Holy Ghost, why didn't I do this. Here it is. The Holy Ghost is the action in you. It's a Life, not an emotion; not some sort of a fleshly evidence. But It is a Person, Jesus Christ, the Word of God established in your heart, to quicken every Word of this age. Right. Watch the Holy Ghost in action, not so much in demonstrations; but, in action, what It does according to the Word.

124 Notice now the Holy Spirit, of God's Holy Word, had a man and woman naked, and didn't know it. How beautiful, Life of the Word; the Seed, the Word!

125God said, "There is a tree in the midst of the garden, the woman. And in the midst of the garden is this tree; don't even touch it. For, the day you eat thereof, that day you die." They were holy veiled from it, didn't know nothing about it, daresn't to touch it.

126They were holy veiled. They were safe in God's pavilion. They were alive. They had no death around them. Hallelujah! They had perfect love one for the other, perfect Life forever. They had perfect love, perfect understanding of the love of God. They had God's Word, and kept It. And they were alive and safe in God's Eden, with no death at all around them.

127 Then, Satan got Eve to listen to his gospel of theology, the gospel of knowledge, higher schooling, higher ethics, better civilization, higher education, and so forth; then when he got the... her to stop and listen to him a minute, to his reasonings (which we are commanded to cast down), when he got her to listen to it.

128"Now, looky here, the church is so-and-so. It's been established for so long. We're one of the oldest churches in the country. The mayor of the city goes." I don't care what it is, see. If it's against God's Word, be against it. That's your enemy. Anything that's against the Word is your enemy.

129Everything that's for the Word is your brother. He's a part of you.

130 Notice, she pulled off the Holy Veil, to see what sex really was; compare that, what lust really would do. She pulled the Veil from off her eyes, the holy thing that God had put over her eyes. She wanted knowledge, to know what it was all about; so she pulled the Veil off to see what it was all about. She listened to the devil, and notice what a place it put her in.

131They have done the same in each age thereafter, always taking the intellectual side; and has now built a kingdom of Satan, knowledge, his seed that he sowed, and has took the world to be an Eden of death.

132 Now notice. Now look at Revelations 3, the Laodicean Church Age. You think it in your mind.

133Now notice. She, Eve, is Satan's queen. See, Satan, the serpent, got to Eve before Adam got to her. See? That's right. So he beguiled her, see; so Satan, the serpent, was the husband of Eve before Adam ever knew. See, he beguiled her. The Bible said he did, and she knowed she was naked, then. See?

134 Now look at the--the Laodicean Church Age. She, Eve, is sitting as Satan's queen. "She is rich in worldly goods; blind, naked again, and don't know it," just like it was in God's Eden. But now, not because the Holy Veil is over her face, but the lust veil. That, she took off God's Holy Veil, and put on a veil of knowledge, for lust. And now she has a lust veil, that she is "blind" to it being sin. She is "naked" on the street, "and don't know it." She's a prostitute on the street. Women with these shorts on, in God's sight, is a prostitute, "and don't know it."

135 Notice, take our women. Now, if you want to see what condition the church is in, watch the way women are acting. She always represents the church. In Satan's Eden, of sin and unbelief, a religious perversion; perverted kingdom. Instead of taking God's Word, they have took the intellectual learning of man. And instead of taking the Church, they took the organization, and they're bringing it to one great head.

136 Now notice, perverted from innocence. Don't miss this now. The church has been with this lust veil on. Notice what it's done to her. It's--it's perverted her from innocence to knowledge. See? The Holy Veil, she was innocent; with the lust veil, she is knowledge. She knows it's pleasant. She knows what it does, see. It's a fruit, a tree to be desired, making one wise. See? She is perverted from innocent to knowledge, from holiness to filth and lust, and from Life to death.

137This kingdom has to die. This kingdom shall die! The God of Heaven will destroy it from the face of the earth.

138 Notice, in this perversion, it's become from a man to a woman, and from a woman to a man, "and don't know it." A very good product of Satan's Eden, if you'll watch the streets today, at our modern people.

139 Notice, it was Eve that Satan used to make Adam sin by her power of lust. Now the same, doing the same thing today. Notice, bobbed hair, painted facey, sexually dressed, see, she does that, and don't know that every one of those things is contrary to the Word of God. To cut her hair, makes her a dishonorable woman, a prostitute. To wear shorts, puts her disgracefully. Put sexy dresses on her, makes her a prostitute. "And she don't know it," not because of the holiness of God; because the lust of Satan. She caused her... She causes her Adam to lust for her.

140 She took off the clothes that God dressed her in, back in Eden, for her journey through the--this wilderness. She took them off. She stripped herself down. When, God had her wrapped all over in skins; she's begin to shave a little off each time, now she is back to where she was at the beginning.

141Now she has got her Adam to wearing her underneath clothes. A man put on them little old sissy-looking shorts, and get out here, I don't think there is much man to him. He is the biggest sissy I know of. See? See, she has got her perverted Adam to act like she, see, wearing her underneath clothes. She seen what she could do out yonder when she took off all of her clothes but her underneath ones. That's the shorts. Course, that's the woman's underneath clothes, and here her Adam is wearing them now. Which, according to God's original Word, "Is an abomination for a woman to put on a garment that pertains to a man, and a man to put on a garment pertains to a woman," from the original Word. Think of it!

142 Now, he now wears her bangs, also. He combs them down, puts a curler in them. Some of the most sickly sights I've ever seen in my life, is some of those kids out here today with their bangs combed down like this, and colored, bleached hair, with some kind of a peroxide something, and bleach their hair, and rolling it in curlers, making bangs. You big sissy! That's a horrible thing to say from a pulpit, but judgment begins at the house of God. You don't even know whether you're a man or woman. And I understand that our United States Army is coming out next in shorts. That's right. See what the perversion is? It's a woman's clothes; wears her bangs.

143 The other day I was over, Howard Johnson's; not this one here, but one on the road going out. And I just sat back in amazement. Here come a little boy along, his mouth open. And he had dark hair here, and it combed it over this a way; and put a roller in it, and curled it up around, top of his eyes; looking out the top of his eyes, going around. If I ever seen a perversion! See, he wouldn't believe it. He could prove maybe he was male, but in his spirit he is female. He don't know what side of the house he belongs on. That's right. How perverted!

144That's what Satan does. He perverts the nations. He perverts the church. He perverts the people. He is a deceiver, a perverter of the original Truth.

145God made a man a man. He made a woman a woman. And He dressed them different, and He meant for them to stay that way and to act that way; one is feminish, and the other is masculine. He separated Adam in the garden of Eden, and did this, separated Eve from him.

146 Now wears her bangs; she cuts her hair like his, and he tries to wear his like hers. See? She wears his outside clothes, and he wears her inside clothes. Now, that sounds sacrilegious, but I don't mean it that way. It's the absolute Gospel Truth. If you don't know it, then there's something wrong with you; you're either blind or never been on the streets. And she thinks and he thinks that it's right, they're getting along somewhere.

Women says, "Well, it's so hot!"

147The old Apache Indians out yonder would make you ashamed of yourself. The more heat they get, the more clothes they put on, to keep the sun off of them; oh, make it sweat, so you can have an air-conditioner as they walk. See? They stand right out in the sun.

148 You couldn't stand nothing; you would blister and burn. But, you see, it's what you call higher education. Modern science has produced this. Oh, my! There she is, "naked," in Laodicea, "and don't know it."

149She was naked in Eden. See the two kingdoms alike? One is of sin and death; the other one is Life and righteousness. In there she was veiled with a Holy Veil. They were both naked; they didn't know it. They didn't know nothing about it, because they were veiled with God's Spirit.

150And here they are veiled with lust, and they look at one another to... See, Adam could look at Eve, and didn't know she was naked. But now with this lust veil, she doesn't realize she is naked, but she does it under this lust veil to make man look at her. It's the only thing she can do it for. You don't believe that, but you do it anyhow, and man look. And he found out you got so much attraction, till he come around and put some of your clothes on himself.

151 Oh, what a perversion! What a age! What a time we're... How deceitful it is! Oh, all these things, "and don't know it," a perfect perverted spirit is in the man. He is veiled from the lust of Satan, and the woman is, too. It's a satanic spirit of a great society. See, they don't know, but they're a organization. Women with shorts on, belongs to an organization. Man dressed like that, is on a organization. I'll give you the abbreviation of it, B.S.S., Big Sister Society, so that's what they belong to. Come out there, a big sissy society, with them little old pants on, big old knotty-looking, dirty-looking thing. I--I...

152 Man, now you may differ me with this, but that's the Truth. You have been perverted and don't know it. You're not, don't act like a man no more. See, coming so soft; and, their son, will be nothing to them anymore; man, and women, too. They are a society. There is a organization. Why? "John, next door, wore shorts, so why can't I? Luella wanted me to wear them because John wore them, next door. And, well, if--if Susie Jane can wear them, so can Martha Jane wear them, or Susie Lou," or ever who her name is, see. See, it's a society. It's an organization. You spiritually belong to it, and don't know it.

153 And if that's so, and we see it's so, so are you blinded. You are blinded to these denominations that Satan has twisted you into. And it's the perversion of God's original Word, and His Kingdom, and His plan for His children. Satan has twisted men and women into these things, and they don't know it. A perverted!

154No longer a son of God! Bangs hanging down in his face, and a pair of shorts on, trucking down the street; a son of God, deacon in a church, a pastor in a pulpit? No, that ain't a son of God. He never came through God's thinking Filter. He wouldn't have them women's clothes on; he sure wouldn't; neither would she have the man's clothes on. See, it's not a son of God. It's a son of Satan, and a daughter of Satan. Hard thing to say!

155 Satan has succeeded in perverting and taking over this world, and making it his kingdom; that man was put on, by free moral agency, to choose for themselves what kind of life they desired. And that shows what's in your heart. See? Your voice... You know what? Your actions speak so loud, it drowns your voice.

156Let me go to a man. And say, "Oh, I... We're all Christians. We belong to church." And strip teases hanging all over his office? It wouldn't make no difference what he told me, I would know better; so would you.

157Let a women say she's a Christian, with short hair? Huh-uh! You know better than that, see. Yes, sir. Let her say she's a Christian, wearing paint and make-up, and shorts, and say she's a Christian? You know better than that. The Word of God teaches you better than that. The Word says she can't do it and be a Christian. She is even dishonorable, and everything. How is God going to put a dishonorable thing in His kingdom? No, sir, not at all. No, sir. Theirselves, they shows their desire.

158 You can't get a dove to eat with a buzzard, not at all. A dove don't have any gall. He can't eat that old a carrion. If he took a bite of it, it would kill him, and he knows it. But a buzzard can eat most anything he wants to. See? He's got plenty of gall.

159So then you find out, that's the way it is with the world today, same thing, "They are naked, blind, and don't know it."

160 Satan did it by the woman's lust for knowledge, for sex, which she chose by her own choosing. Now notice, it was Eve that led Adam to the wrong, and it was the woman that took off her clothes before her Adam took off his. See? It's the woman, always. It's always been. It still is the same way.

161It's the church that leads the man astray. It's the church, see, that leads the man that wanted to be a son of God. It's the woman, the church. Not the Bible, God, for the Bible is man. Oh, yeah, "the Word was made flesh," and He was a Man. See? The Bible is man; the church is woman. See? It isn't the church... the Bible that leads the man astray. It's the church that leads him astray. It's the church he went naked with, not the Bible. See? No, indeed. The Bible tells him he's naked. Yes, sir.

162Now notice how, by sex, desire of sex, she lusted for knowledge, to know what was this, and how, whether this fruit was good or not. And she did it.

163 God will take it back someday, though, by a Man. It was surrendered by a woman. But it was redeemed by a Man; the Man, Jesus Christ, which is the Word.

164And then what is it? Notice, in closing. Here not long ago, I made this statement. I got about four or five more pages in there, but I... of Scriptures and things I wanted to refer to. But, listen. Let's close, in saying this.

165 Remember, here not long ago, I was teaching you on the Seven Trumpets, the Feast of Trumpets, and so forth. And I said, "There is a eighth-day festival." So, the seventh day would be the last, that would be the Millennium. But there is an eighth-day festival; which, if it was the eighth, and there's only seven days, would make it the first day again, come right back to the first day. Then, after the Millennium is over, then there will be an established Eden again. God's great Kingdom will be taken back. Because, Jesus fought it out with Satan, in the garden of Gethsemane, and won back the Eden; which, He's gone to prepare in Heaven, to return again, up in Heaven. He said, "Let not your hearts be troubled."

166 When He was here on earth, He said, "You, you Jews, you've believed in God. Now, I know I got a bad name," He said. "And they say I'm this, that, the other. But, you've believed in God; and as you've believed in God, believe also in Me." He was God, manifested. See? "Believe also in..."

167 "In My Father's house are many..." Or, "In My Father's economy, in My Father's plans is many palaces. I'll go to prepare a place." Look how long it is, fifteen hundred square miles! Say, where's it at? He has gone to prepare it. He is Creator. He creates all that gold. The streets are transparent. He is Creator. He is making a place. Over in Revelation 21, he said, "And I John saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem, descending from God out of Heaven."

168"There was no more sea; the first heaven and first earth was passed away." What was our first heavens? Was the Millennium. What's the first earth? Was this. It'll be renovated. Just like it was baptized by Noah, in the days of his preaching; was sanctified by Christ, as He sprinkled His Blood upon it; and be renovated, take all the germs and everything off of it, in the renovation at the end, with a Fire baptism that'll kill every germ, every sickness, every disease, every filth that was ever on the earth.

169 She'll burst forth, and come forth a New Earth. "And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth. First heaven, this first earth, was passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem, descending from God out of Heaven." There God will be with His true attributes, sons and daughters, where He can fellowship with them in holiness, with their eyes blinded to any sin. There'll never be no more sin from there on.

170Let us strive hard; don't be deceived in this day, but, "strive to enter in at the gate."

171"For all that will be left out will be whoremongers, lusters." "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already." All with... outside will be ill-fame women, ill-fame man, and so forth.

172And only those that are redeemed, and in the Lamb's Book of Life, will enter in at the gate. So strive, friends; don't be deceived in this last day.

173 This is a great time. Everybody has got money. Everybody can do this, and everybody can do that, and money flowing every way, and big cars, and everything. There won't be one of them in that City. There won't be one car, one airplane. No. It'll be a altogether a different civilization. It'll be again a civilization not of knowledge, not of science, but of innocence, and faith in the living God.

174Let us strive to enter into That. For that's my whole purpose, is to enter into that City someday; and just look back, coming along with me, see every one of you marching, when we sing, "the saints go marching in." I want to be in that number when the saints go marching in.

Let us pray.

175 Dear Heavenly Father, as the days are closing, and we see it drawing nigh, the promise is drawing nigh. We pray, Dear God, that You'll place that upon our hearts, so we won't make any mistake. Dear God, keep our conscience pure. Keep our hearts veiled, Lord, our eyes veiled from the things of the world, and vain things of the world, vain glory to become some big somebody.

176No matter how big they are, all kings, monarchs, potentates, and everything else has to perish, and they will not rise in the sec-... in the first resurrection. For it's written, "Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection, on which the second death has no power." O God! "The second death," the spiritual death, "has no power"; he is redeemed!

177 O God, to think that one of these hours, one will be going to visit the other, and be caught up. "Two in a bed; will take one, and leave one. Two in the field; I'll take one, and leave one."

178O God, help us to be pure in--in the sight of You, Lord, no matter what man thinks about us, what other people say. Lord, let our holy... our conversations be holy. Let it be seasoned with God's Word; so seasonable, Lord, that there's no guile found in us. While we plead, in our own mistakes, that the Blood of Jesus Christ will stand between us and God, that He'll look down upon us through the Blood of Jesus; not upon our own righteous, or who we are, what we've done, but upon His merits alone. God, grant it!

179 May not one who sit here tonight and heard the Message, may not one of them be lost, from the least child to the oldest person. May their holy desire be only for God and His Word. We know not what hour He may appear, or what hour He may summons us to answer up yonder at the Judgment. We don't know what hour He may, as it was, take our card from the rack, say, "It's homecoming time. You've got to go." God, help us to keep pure. Grant it, Lord.

180May we live till the Coming of the Lord, if it be possible. May we do everything that's in our power, with love and understanding, understanding that God is searching the world, today, finding every lost sheep. And may we talk to them with seasoned prayer of love and the Word of God, that we might find that last one, so we can go Home, and get out of this old Eden of Satan here, Lord.

181 That's all built upon lust, and beautiful women, as so-called in the world, with their advertisements on there, "We advertise, and want boys to come with jam on their faces, and pretty girls with shorts on," right on our radios and televisions; and all kind of filth and gaum, and Hollywood; all kinds of sexy, dirty, filthy dresses for women. And--and man being perverted and taking women's apparel, and cutting their hair like women; and women like man.

182O God, what a horrible hour we're living in! Oh, come, Lord Jesus, come! Come, Lord! Cleanse us by the Blood. Take all filth and guile away from us. Let us live, Lord, let us live under the Blood, constantly, before You. It's our hearts' desire, and our sincere plea.

183 Dear God, laying on this plat-... or those, desk, tonight, where the Gospel has been laid. Lord, here lies handkerchiefs and little parcels that go unto the sick and afflicted. Let the prayer of faith, Lord, fall from our hearts now, in Your sight. Then, Lord, if there be any unclean thing in us, Lord, take our... take us to judgment now; and we plead for mercy. Reveal to us what we're doing wrong, Lord, so we can ask, to take the Blood and cleanse us. Heal these sick people and make them well, Father, whatever it go unto, wherever they go. Let it be so, Father.

184 Give us the determination to serve You, and You only. Grant it, Lord.

185Grant safety to these dear people that's on the road home.

186Thank You for how You've healed the people. And Sister Shepherd and Brother Shepherd's little boy, hurt on the bicycle, I pray that no evil will come to that; the little fellow riding his bicycle, I pray that he'll be all right. We thank You for Your healing of these others that we've asked for. "And we know that what we ask, we receive, because we have confidence in the One that made the promise."

187Give us of Thy grace, Lord, and forgive us of our sins, we ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

188 Do you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe Him? ["Amen."] Are you sick and tired of Satan's kingdom? ["Amen."] Do you believe it's coming to the Millennium, unto His Millennium; His, to His Eden? ["Amen."]

189You believe it's been formed today? Look, everything is based upon intellectuals. All, everything, has to be scientifically proved before they'll believe it.

190And you cannot scientifically prove God. You have to accept Him by faith, "For he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him."

191O God, I don't want to know nothing but the Blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses me from sin. I know nothing but Jesus Christ. And as Paul said of old, so say I tonight, "I know nothing among you, only save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified."

192 That's all I know to tell you. That, this Bible, I believe with all my heart (if I know my heart), to be the perfect unadulterated Word of God. By This I live. By This I stand. And if I had ten thousand lives, I'd like to give every bit of it for this Word, for it's the Word of Jesus Christ. And I don't care how much they can try to disprove It, how much science tries to say It isn't trustworthy, and so forth. To me, It's the only thing in the world I can trust, is this Word. He is mine. I love Him. Don't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

193 If there's a sin in your heart, if there's a fault in your heart, if you've got anything, pray now and ask God to forgive you. You pray for me; I'll pray for you. God bless you, is my prayer.

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

194Do you love one another? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] John said, "Little children, love one another." "Love one another, for love covers a multitude of sins." Now let us shake one another's hand.

God be with you till we meet again!

Till we meet! till we meet!

195Now be kind to one another. Be kind to everybody. Treat your neighbor right. Keep yourself unspotted till Jesus comes.

... feet;

Till we meet! till we meet!

God be with you till we meet again!

196 You love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's my prayer. You pray for me; I'll pray for you. I got to go back to Tucson now. And I--I pray that God will bless you all. I'm going from there to Canada, and back to Colorado; around, around, around, see. Until...

197Brother Tony is over there, and a great thing has happened. Right under the Vatican, in Rome, they're calling for a revival, a meeting, for me to come there and hold a revival in Rome, in Rome. He just returned back. The people is all together. They got a great arena there, seats thousands and thousands, and they want me come for a revival. They want to see the glory of the Lord in the ministry. I don't know. I have to pray over it, see what the Lord will tell me. Oh, my! Remember, pray, all of us together. We're working...

We're watching for the coming of our blessed Saviour,

Lo, and behold the fig leaves now becoming green;

The Gospel of His Kingdom has gone to every nation;

And we're near the end, can be seen.

198Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Then gladly away we'll herald the Message of His blessed appearing,

Soon He's coming in glory, to tell to one and all;

Then awake, ye saints of the Lord, why slumber when the end is nearing,

Let's get ready for that final call.

199 She'll turn at the west and ride back again, one of these days, just remember. She sure will. And that's right. Until then:

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it, everywhere you go.

Precious Name (precious Name), O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet! (how sweet!)

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

At the Name of Jesus bowing,

Falling prostrate at His feet,

King of kings in Heaven we'll crown Him,

When our journey is complete.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

200 Now, on this last verse, let's sing it with bowed hearts now.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

And when temptations around you gather, (these things of Satan's kingdom, see, see)

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.

201That's all; then walk away. It works. I've tried it. Just believe it now, 'cause it will work. Just breathe His holy Name in prayer.

... the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

When temptations round you gather, (What do you do then?)

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer. (The Veil will come over your face then.)

Precious Name (precious Name), O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

202Let us bow our heads now, while I ask Brother Beeler back there to come here to the platform. [Brother Branham begins humming Take The Name Of Jesus With You--Ed.]

Just breathe His holy Name in prayer.

203You dismiss us, Brother Beeler. You dismiss us in prayer.

Precious Name,

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name (precious Name), O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

204 Now with our heads bowed, and our hearts bowed. Brother Beeler, one of our associates here, Brother Estle Beeler, fine Christian brother, loyal man. I'm going to ask him if he'll dismiss the audience, tonight, in prayer. God bless you, Brother Beeler.