Božia moc premeny



To, z akého semena ste, ukazuje, čo je vo vás. Nemôžete to zakryť. Čímkoľvek ste vo vnútri, to ukazuje váš vonkajšok. Nemôžete tomu zabrániť. Nemôžete zo stromu urobiť nič iné, iba to, čím on už je. Vidíte, tak to bude. Duch Svätý premieňa semená, ktoré sú v jeho vnútri. Bez ohľadu na to, aký druh semena to je, ono tým bude premenené.

Ak je to zlé, tak to splodí zlo. Ak to je pokrytecké, tak to splodí pokrytca. Ak to je skutočné Slovo Božie, tak to splodí skutočného syna alebo dcéru Božiu skrze filter rozumného človeka. Kedy prichádza to Semeno, ono prichádza skrze to a to produkuje syna a dcéru Božiu.

1 [Brat Carl Williams uvádza brata Branhama - pozn.prekl.] Ďakujem, brat. [„Bude to pre nás iste skutočné privilégium, že tu máme brata Branhama, ktorý k nám tak často do Phoenixu chodí. Myslím, že do Phoenixu chodí častejšie ako kdekoľvek inde. A my chceme, aby sem ďalej chodil a chodil, aspoň pokiaľ som tu ja. Nech ťa Pán žehná, brat Branham.“] Ďakujem ti, ďakujem, brat Williams.

 Dobré ráno, priatelia. Ja som... Títo z rodiny Shakarianovcov, brat Williams a sestra Williamsová a mnohí z vás tu o tom vedia. Videl som to vo videní, asi dva-tri roky predtým, ako ona ochorela, a stalo sa to.

2 A keď sme tu boli minulý rok, myslím, že to bolo v januári na konferencii, bolo to, keď ten kňaz (ako sa len volal? Vypadlo mi jeho meno) tu bol. [Niekto hovorí, „Stanley“ - pozn.prekl.] Stanley, biskup Stanley z katolíckej cirkvi. Pamätáte si, kedy mi priniesol Bibliu, viete, a povedal mi...

 Niekoľkí tam prorokovali, „Moja dcéra, si uzdravená.“

3 A on vedel, že to videnie povedalo, že už nebude uzdravená. „Zomrie medzi druhou a treťou hodinou ráno.“ Pamätáte si to? [Niekto hovorí, „Áno.“ - pozn.prekl.] Čiže medzi druhou a treťou hodinou.

4 A nemohol som to Demosovi povedať. Ale povedal som to jej nevlastnej matke, tuto v tejto miestnosti, niekde tuto. Povedal som, „Ona nebude uzdravená.“

 Pani Shakarianová povedala, „Ale každý tu prorokuje...“

 Povedal som, „Samozrejme, môžem sa mýliť, ale toto ti hovorím: ona nebude uzdravená.“

5 Mnohým som pred asi troma rokmi povedal, „Videl som ju, ako bojovala o život a išla do postele. A zodvihla ruky a takto ku mne zakričala. A nemohol som sa k nej ani načiahnuť. A potom som videl, ako zomrela. A pozrel som sa a bolo tam niečo, boli tam hodiny, ktorých ručičky ukazovali niečo medzi druhou a treťou hodinou.“

6 A tak ten biskup povedal, „Tak to sa teda pozriem, ako sa toto stane.“ A ono sa to stalo.

7 Je nám to istotne ľúto. Cítim, že cirkev stratila skvelú osobu, našu sestru Florence Shakarianovú. Vedela pekne spievať a bola duchom naplnenou ženou.

8 Stretol som sa s jej matkou; jej matka bola jedna z mojich prvých kontaktov s ľuďmi zo západného pobrežia, to bolo, keď bola jej matka uzdravená. Keď doktori... Bola v kóme, cela napuchnutá. A tak ten doktor, ktorý tam vtedy bol, mi povedal, „Hovor ticho, keď sa budeš modliť, nerob veľa hluku, lebo tá žena zomiera.“

 Povedal som, „Dobre.“

9 A on mi toto stále hovoril, takže som takmer ani nemal čas otvoriť ústa.

10 Takže to bol brat Demos, ktorý mi povedal, aby som tam išiel a navštívil ju.

11 A tak som vyšiel hore schodmi. A Florence kľačala na zemi, nádherné mladé dievča, a boli tam ešte nejaké ďalšie ženy. A išiel som tam a pomodlil som sa za ňu a povedal som jej to. A bola v bezvedomí. A povedal som jej, že sa z toho ešte dostane. A tak sa stalo. Až o niekoľko rokov nato ona zomrela. A Boh odpovedá na naše modlitby.

12 A vieme a veríme, že všetci sme na tento svet prišli z vôle Božej a tak isto aj odídeme. Jeden po druhom, každý jeden z nás prekročí portál. A preto tu dnes ráno sme, zhromaždení v tomto spoločenstve kresťanských obchodníkov, aby sme o týchto veciach hovorili a pripravili sa na ne, pretože vieme, že iste prídu.

13 Sestra Florence je mladá žena. [„Štyridsaťdva rokov.“] Štyridsaťdva rokov, brat Williams mi práve povedal, čiže veľmi mladá. Ale ešte predtým, ako vedela, že má túto chorobu, videl som o nej videnie, ktoré mi prezradilo jej koniec. A potom sa to stalo. Boh o tom všetko vie a ona videla Ježiša v izbe predtým, ako odišla. Teraz sa za ňu nechceme modliť, lebo sme to už veľakrát robili. Len chceme poďakovať Bohu za taký život, ktorý medzi nami bol a ktorý nás všetkých inšpiroval, život, aký mala sestra Shakarianová.

14 A chceme sa modliť za brata Demosa a sestru Rose. A majte na mysli, že posledne majú v živote ťažké chvíle... je to jeho otec a teraz jeho sestra... v posledných rokoch. [Niekto rozpráva s bratom Branhamom - pozn.prekl.] Ale... áno, pred menej ako desiatimi mesiacmi, a sestra... sestra Edna tiež.

15 A ja viem, ako cítiť s bratom Demosom. Mal som otca, brata, ženu a dieťa, ktorí ma opustili len niekoľko dní od seba, takže viem, aký to je dnes ráno pocit. Poznáte to, len ak sa niekedy nachádzate v ich situácii, len vtedy viete, ako s nimi mať súcit. A...

16 [Zosilňovač zaškrípe - pozn.prekl.] To som urobil ja. Prepáčte. Rukou som buchol do nejakého malého prístroja, ktorý tu je. Prepáčte, že to bolo také hlasné, nemal som to v úmysle.

17 Povstaňme teraz, zatiaľ čo... ak môžete, tak to je... Skloňme naše hlavy.

18 Nebeský Otče, zhromaždili sme sa tu dnes ráno, aby sme Ťa uctievali a aby sme Ti vzdali vďaku a chválu za to, že si nám poslal Ježiša, nášho Vykupiteľa, a že môžeme mať nádej po tom, ako sa náš život skončí, kedy vidíme, že to je také neisté, že tu budeme celý čas žiť. A, Otče, keď vidíme tieto mizerné stavy, do ktorých sa naše telá dokážu dostať, sme radi, že tu nemusíme navždy zostať. Ty si pre nás pripravil miesto úniku cez údolie smrti.

19 A my sme Ti dnes ráno vďační, Otče, za život tej, ktorá tu s nami stála ešte pred menej ako rokom, ktorá Ti tu spievala chvály; sestra Florence Shakarianová, ako sme ju poznali. A Ty si nám dávno pred rokmi povedal, že sa toto stane, aby to pre nás nebol taký šok. A my vieme, že to, čo Ty hovoríš, je pravda. A Tvoje Slovo hovorí, „Človek, ktorý je zrodený zo ženy, je sýty dní a plný problémov.“ Vieme, že aj to je pravda, Pane. Vieme, že všetci musíme prejsť cez to údolie. A tak Ti ďakujeme za jej život, ktorý tu na zemi bol. A veriac skrze vieru, že teraz, dnes ráno prešla z tohto mizerného infekčného domu do osláveného tela, ktoré nikdy neochorie. A jej spevácky talent a hlas, ktorý mala, a jej duch bol tak bohate zjednotený s Kristom! Keby sa dnes ráno mohla vrátiť (iste by to v žiadnom prípade neurobila), musela by cez toto všetko opäť prechádzať. A teraz, keď je to všetko preč, ona je so svojou matkou a svojím otcom. Oni zavolali svoje dieťa domov. A my Ti za to ďakujeme.

20 Tiež chceme poprosiť o potešenie nášmu bratovi Shakarianovi, nášmu milovanému bratovi, vediac o jeho živote, ktorý žil, a o súženiach, cez ktoré tieto posledné dni prechádza, a ako... Keď vidíme, ako starne, vlasy mu vypadávajú, začína sa hrbiť, ale napriek všetkému tomu sa snaží zostať na poli Božom. Bože, daj mu dnes silu. Modlíme sa, Bože, aby si to udelil. Modlíme sa za každého smútiaceho pozostalého.

21 A nech my, Pane, zatiaľ čo o tomto premýšľame, nech tiež máme na mysli, že aj my musíme jedného dňa odísť. A zatiaľ čo tu spolu sedíme v Prítomnosti Pána Ježiša, prosíme Ťa, aby toto bolo v našej pamäti vždy čerstvé. A nech sa takpovediac prekontrolujeme a urobíme inventúru svojho života a nech sa uistíme, že sme pod Krvou a vo Viere. Udeľ to, Pane.

22 A ako sa teraz v týchto okolnostiach pokúsim priniesť ľuďom malé posolstvo, modlím sa, aby si mi pomohol, Pane. Posilni ma, lebo to potrebujem, Pane. A modlím sa, aby si to udelil. Nech je povedané len to, čo Teba poctí. A keď sú tu dnes ráno nejakí počúvajúci, ktorí nie sú pripravení čeliť tej hodine, ktorá ich čaká, nech je tento čas chvíľou, kedy sa odovzdajú Tomu, ktorý povedal, „Ja som Cesta, Život a Pravda,“ náš Pán Ježiš Kristus. O toto všetko prosíme v Jeho Mene. Amen. (Môžete si sadnúť.)

23 [Niekto na pódiu sa rozpráva s bratom Branhamom - pozn.prekl.] Jeden brat tu chce vedieť, či všetci dobre počujete. Sú tu dva mikrofóny. Je to takto v poriadku? Počujete? Ak áno, tak zodvihnite ruky. Ak dobre počujete, tak zodvihnite ruky. V poriadku.

24 Je mi ľúto, že tu nemáme miesto, aby sme tu dnes ráno všetkých usadili. Spoliehajme sa, že to dnes veľmi nepretiahnem, len toľko, aby sme prečítali zo Slova a aby Pán Boh poctil Svoje Slovo, ktoré je čítané, a nech by nám dal Jeho milosť, aby sme Mu skrze to mohli slúžiť.

25 Dnes ráno mi Billy Paul povedal, že je celkom možné, že budúcu nedeľu budem kázať v Grantway Assembly of God v Tuscone, bude to budúcu nedeľu. Ak je tu niekto z Tucsonu, možno vás teraz tento týždeň neuvidím. Budem v Grantway Assembly of God na budúcu nedeľu.

26 A tak teraz prichádzame späť z východu a takmer som sa zničil tým, že som sa presýtil tou veľkou láskavosťou ľudí, ktorí žijú tam v horách. A trochu som ochorel, takže som sa tento týždeň necítil veľmi dobre. A tak sa za mňa modlite. A...

27 [Niekto hovorí, „Príliš veľa vačíc.“ - pozn.prekl.] Čo to hovoríš? [„Príliš veľa vačíc.“] Brat Carl Williams so svojím zmyslom pre humor a myslím, že to teraz potrebujeme, povedal, „Príliš veľa vačíc.“ O tých neviem, brat Carl, ale bolo tam veľa veveričiek. [Brat Branham sa smeje.]

28 Takže, ak sa chcete dnes ráno za niekoho modliť, istotne by som ocenil, keby jedna z vašich modlitieb bola aj za mňa, lebo to potrebujem.

 A teraz chceme ísť rýchlo do Slova.

29 Nechcem vás tu držať, lebo sa mi zdá, že tu je dnes cez krajinu telefónne prepojenie, ide to od západného pobrežia až po východné pobrežie, zo severu na juh. Mnoho, mnoho zborov má tieto služby, ako aj vy v tejto modlitebni. Je to tiež prepojené vo Phoenixe a kdekoľvek sú zhromaždenia, ide to až... Zhromaždia sa vo svojich zboroch a domovoch a podobne, dobre to tak funguje. Hovoria, že to je ešte lepšie ako bežné vysielanie. Je to telefónne prepojenie, dajú tam slúchadlo alebo mikrofón, alebo čokoľvek to je, dajú to do miestnosti. A oni... Moja manželka minulý týždeň prišla z Indiany, a bolo to dolu z Tucsonu a vraj to bolo takmer, akoby ste stáli priamo v tej miestnosti. Takže sa modlíme, aby Boh požehnal všetkých tých, ktorí sú tam dnes ráno pripojení, kdekoľvek sú. V New Yorku to je niekedy popoludní, sú to rôzne časové pásma, ako to prechádza cez krajinu.

30 Čiže v knihe Rimanom, v 12. kapitole a verše 1. a 2. Chceme prečítať toto miesto Písma.

Prosím vás tedy, bratia, pre rôzne milosrdenstvo Božie, žeby ste ta dali svoje telá v živú obeť svätú a ľúbu Bohu, rozumnú to vašu svätoslužbu.

A nepripodobňujte sa tomuto svetu, ale sa premeňte obnovením svojej mysli, aby ste zkúšali, čo je vôľa Božia, to, čo je dobré, ľúbe a dokonalé!

[Rimanom 12:1-2]

31 Takže ak Pán dá, na dnes chcem vybrať túto tému: Božia moc premeny.

 Aby ste sa nepripodobňovali tomuto svetu: ale premenili sa obnovením svojej mysle, a teraz, aby ste skúšali, čo je dobrá, dokonalá a prijateľná vôľa Božia. [Rimanom 12:1-2]

32 Je to známy text, ktorý mnohí z vašich pastorov celý čas používajú. Používa sa to odvtedy, ako to bolo napísané. Ale jednako je na Božom Slove jedna vec, a síce, že nikdy nestarne, pretože to je Boh. Nikdy nestarne. Počas každej generácie, lebo takmer dvetisíc osemsto rokov, alebo tak nejako, toto Slovo Božie bolo čítané človekom, kňazmi, a tak ďalej, a ono nikdy nestarne. Ja sám som Ho čítal už nejakých tridsaťpäť rokov. A každý jeden krát, kedy Ho čítam, nachádzam niečo nové, čo som po prvýkrát prehliadol. Pretože to je inšpirované, je to Boh vo forme Písma. Vidíte, sú to atribúty Božie, ktoré hovoria a sú umiestnené na papieri.

33 Mnohokrát človek povie, „No, to človek napísal túto Bibliu.“ Nie. Biblia sama hovorí, že Boh napísal Bibliu. Je to Slovo Božie.

34 A Ono nikdy nemôže zlyhať. Ježiš povedal, „Nebo a zem zlyhajú, pominú, ale Moje Slová nikdy nezlyhajú.“ A Ono nemôže zlyhať, lebo to je Boh, je to časťou Neho. [Lukáš 21:33], [Lukáš 16:17]

35 A ty, keď si synom a dcérou, tak si Toho časťou a to ťa robí časťou Neho. A tak to je ten dôvod, prečo prichádzame, aby sme mali obecenstvo okolo Slova Božieho. [Ján 15:5-6]

36 Toto slovo „premenený“ (transformovaný), pozeral som sa včera do slovníka. Dnes som takmer stratil prehľad o čase, kedy som tu mal stáť, a hľadal som svoj text a našiel som toto slovo alebo skôr tento text, miesto Písma. A slovník nám hovorí, že to je „niečo, čo bolo zmenené.“ Má to byť „zmenené.“ Premenený, „učinený niečím iným, ako to pôvodne bolo.“ Všetok charakter a všetko v tom bolo premenené, pretransformované.

37 Rozmýšľal som dnes ráno nad prvou kapitolou Genesis. Táto zem bola neladná a pustá a temnosť bola nad zemou, nič, len totálny chaos. A keď bol svet v takomto stave, Duch Boží sa pohyboval nad povrchom vôd a celý obraz bol zmenený; z totálneho chaosu na záhradu Eden. Toto je Božia moc premeny, ktorá dokáže vziať niečo, čo je ničím, a vytvoriť z toho niečo nádherné. Božia moc premenenia! [Genesis 1:1-4]

38 A prostredníctvom čítania Písma rozumieme, že Boh pripravoval tento Eden šesťtisíc rokov. Ale nemuselo mu to zabrať tak dlho; len za predpokladu, že používame miesto Písma, ktoré hovorí, že „jeden deň u Boha je tisíc rokov na zemi,“ tak to je, ak by Boh počítal čas. Takže On vytváral zem šesťtisíc rokov a zasadil na ňu všetko dobré semeno. A všetko tam bolo dokonalé. [Genesis 1:31], [Žalm 90:4]

39 Mnohokrát, keď kritici začínajú čítať knihu Genesis, začínajú ju kritizovať, lebo sa zdá, že sa stále dookola opakuje a úplne vás mätie.

40 Ale ak by sme si aspoň na chvíľu všimli, predtým, ako sa dostaneme do tejto témy, že Mojžiš videl videnie. A Boh ku nemu prehovoril. Boh hovoril s Mojžišom tvárou v tvár, ústami k ušiam. On nikdy k nikomu takýmto spôsobom nehovoril, ako s Mojžišom. A Mojžiš bol veľký, jeden z najväčších z prorokov. Bol predobrazom Krista. A Boh dokáže hovoriť, On má hlas. Bolo Ho počuť. Boh vie hovoriť. [Exodus 33:11-23]

41 A Boh dokáže písať. Boh vlastným prstom napísal desať prikázaní. Raz písal vlastným prstom na babylonské múry. Raz sa zohol a písal do piesku, tiež s vlastným prstom. Boh dokáže hovoriť, Boh dokáže čítať, Boh dokáže písať. [Ján 8:6]

42 Boh je zdrojom všetkej milosti a moci a všetkej Božskej múdrosti, všetko to je v Bohu. A tiež vieme, že On je jediným Stvoriteľom, aký jestvuje. Neexistuje iný stvoriteľ, len Boh. Satan vôbec nedokáže tvoriť, on len prevracia to, čo už bolo vytvorené. Ale Boh je jediným Stvoriteľom.

43 A tak preto tvoril Svojím Slovom. On poslal Svoje Slovo. A tak všetky tie semená, ktoré zasadil na zem, všetky ich vytvoril Svojím vlastným Slovom, lebo tam nebolo nič iné, z čoho by to semeno mohlo byť vytvorené. A On ich tam umiestnil a ony boli pod vodou. On len povedal, „Nech je toto a nech je tamto.“

44 A tak zisťujeme, že mnohokrát to vyzerá, akoby sa Biblia stále opakovala alebo si protirečila. Napríklad v Genesis 1 zisťujeme, že „Boh stvoril človeka na Svoj vlastný obraz, na obraz Boží ho vytvoril; muža a ženu ich stvoril.“ A potom to pokračuje a na zemi sa udialo mnoho vecí. [Genesis 1:27]

45 A potom zisťujeme, že nebol žiaden človek, ktorý by obrábal pôdu. „Potom stvoril Boh človeka z prachu zeme.“ A to bol iný človek. „A vdýchol doňho dych života a on stal sa živou dušou.“ 

46 Ten prvý človek bol na obraz Boží, čo je Duch. Ján 4 hovorí, že „Boh je Duch a tí, ktorí Ho uctievajú, Ho musia uctievať v Duchu a Pravde.“ Ale Boh je Duch. A ten prvý človek, ktorého vytvoril, bol duch-človek a on bol na obraz a podobu Božiu. [Ján 4:24]

47 A potom tohto človeka vložil do tela a on upadol. A tak potom Boh zostúpil a stal sa na obraz človeka, aby mohol toho upadnutého človeka vykúpiť. Toto je podľa môjho názoru ten skutočný príbeh Evanjelia.

48 A tak Boh v priebehu týchto šesťtisíc rokov sadil všetky tieto nádherné semená a vytváral ich Svojím Slovom. „Toto bude takto. Tuto bude strom. Toto takto.“ Všetko bolo dokonalé. Bolo to jednoducho dobré. A On prikázal každému tomuto semenu, aby sa premenili na rastlinu toho druhu, ktorý do nich Boh vypovedal, že budú. Ak to bol dub, tak to malo splodiť dub. Ak to bola palma, tak to malo splodiť palmu.

49 Lebo ten veľký Stvoriteľ jednoducho vyslal Svoje Slovo, a to semeno Slova tam bolo ešte predtým, ako bolo to skutočné semeno vôbec vytvorené. A to Slovo vyformovalo semeno. Vidíte, „On vytvoril svet z vecí, ktoré sa nevidia.“ Vidíte, On stvoril svet Svojím Slovom. Boh všetko vypovedal do existencie.

50 A keďže bol Bohom a Stvoriteľom, ktorý vedel všetko vypovedať do existencie, ten svet musel byť dokonalý. Bolo to nádherné miesto. Bol to skutočný nefalšovaný raj na zemi.

51 Ale každé miesto musí mať niekde svoje ústredie. Táto konferencia má svoje ústredie, toto zhromaždenie má svoje ústredie, táto cirkev má ústredie. A Boh má tiež svoje ústredie. A tak toto veľké miesto, tento národ, v ktorom žijeme, ten musí mať tiež svoje hlavné sídlo. A tak ten veľký Eden mal svoje ústredie a to ústredie sa nachádzalo v záhrade Eden alebo na východe tej záhrady.

52 Boh tam toto umiestnil, aby odtiaľ riadil celé Svoje veľké stvorenie tu na zemi, Svojho Syna a nevestu Svojho Syna, Adama a Evu.

53 Boh bol Adamovým Otcom. „Adam bol synom Božím,“ podľa Písma. Bol synom Božím.

54 A Boh mu vytvoril partnerku z jeho vlastného tela; z rebra pri jeho srdci, aby bola k nemu blízko, a vytvoril mu z toho partnerku. Ešte to v skutočnosti nebola jeho manželka, rovnako ako on ešte nebol jej manžel; On to len vypovedal. A tam prichádza problém, satan si ju našiel skôr ako Adam. A tak to bolo len Jeho Slovo, ktoré On vypovedal. [Genesis 2:18]

55 Hovorím to len ako... Nechcem pri tom stráviť veľa času. Niektorých z vás to možno trochu pletie, hlavne niektorých tam z juhu, ktorým sa toto Posolstvo, ktoré od Boha pre ľudí dnes mám, zdá trochu dezorientujúce, ohľadom semena hada. Ale ak Pán dá, tak pôjdem domov v jednom z týchto dní, do Jeffersonville. Chcem mať asi šesťhodinové posolstvo a všetko to poriadne vysvetliť, vidíte, dám to pekne na poriadok, aby ste vedeli, o čom hovoríme. A ono je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Je to tak pravdivé ako to, že som videl našu sestru Florence predtým, ako odišla, pred niekoľkými rokmi. Vidíte, je to Pravda. A možno je to trochu nepochopené.

56 Keby ku mne prišiel niekto s niečím protikladným, ja by som to tiež nezrozumel. Nikdy by som nechcel kritizovať niekoho za to, čo hovorí. Nie sme tu na to, aby sme sa navzájom kritizovali. Nie som toho vinný; ďakujem za to Pánovi. Kritizoval som hriech a neveru; ale nikdy nie jednotlivcov, vidíte, tak to nerobím. Sme bratia a sestry, ktorí bojujeme spolu a smerujeme tam, kam išla aj sestra Florence včera ráno. Vidíte? Všetci raz musíme tou cestou prejsť. A nie je mojím zámerom kritizovať nejakého brata alebo sestru, ktorí sa so mnou nezhodujú. Nie, nech je ďaleko odo mňa niečo také! Nemyslím, že niekedy nájdete pásku, kde by som spomínal niekoho meno. Hoci som mnohokrát cítil, že tá osoba sa mýli, ale to už je medzi ňou a Bohom. Ale to, čo je úplne vedľa, je hriech a... Zlé zrozumenia niekedy dokonca ani nie sú hriechom, sú to len nezrozumenia ľudí. A myslím, že každý jeden z nás má právo vyjadriť sa ohľadom toho, ako to on rozumie.

57 A tak tento veľký Stvoriteľ umiestnil Svojho stvoreného syna. Čiže Adam bol Jeho prvý stvorený syn. Ježiš bol Jeho jednorodený Syn, vidíte, On bol počatý zo ženy. Ale Adam bol priamo z ruky Božej vo stvorení.

58 S tým ústredím, so Svojím synom a nevestou Jeho syna, ktorí boli ponad všetkým, vyzeralo to tak dokonale. Bol tam človek, ktorý bol hlavou toho všetkého, Jeho vlastný syn a Jeho nevesta.

59 A každé semeno tam bolo dokonalé, palmy, duby, tráva, vtáky a zvieratá. Všetko bolo v dokonalom poriadku s príkazaním Božím, „Nemeňte svoju prirodzenosť. Ploďte sa podľa svojho druhu, každé semeno! Dub, nikdy neploď papáju.“ Vidíte? „Palma, nikdy nebuď prevrátená na niečo iné. Ale každé semeno podľa svojho druhu!“ A On to počas celých časov sledoval. [Genesis 1:11-12]

60 A On vypovedal Slovo. A Jeho veľká tvorčia Moc skonštruovala tieto veci, ktoré prišli, dokonca muža a ženu. A oni boli hlavou, pretože boli... Boli nadradené nad všetky rasy. A On ich tiež dal pod starostlivosť toho istého, ako dal aj stromy, zvieratá, a tak ďalej: Jeho Slovo. A nikdy v žiadnom prípade nemali to Slovo porušiť. Museli na Ňom zostať. „Nikdy k Nemu nepridávajte ani neuberajte! Musíte žiť týmto Slovom.“

61 A pokiaľ by to stvorenie pokračovalo v takom stave, sestra Shakarianová by dnes ráno nemusela odísť, pokiaľ by to tak zostalo, tá Božia dokonalá ekonómia! A to je to, k čomu veríme, že smerujeme. Vraciame sa späť na to miesto.

62 Kde? V to siedme ráno, keď sa Boh pozrel na všetko to a povedal, „Je to dobré. Som z toho potešený. Áno, som rád, že som to urobil. Všetko je to teraz pod kontrolou. A ja som vložil svoju dôveru vo Svojho syna a jeho ženu, že to všetko tak budú robiť; učinil som ich hlavou toho, aby to strážili a dozerali, či je to v poriadku, či všetko bude plodiť podľa svojho druhu. On má tú moc to všetko robiť.“ A potom Boh povedal, „No, ak to je všetko tak dobré, potom to nemôže byť nič iné, pretože to je Moja vlastná túžba. Tak som to chcel. A tak som to vypovedal a Moje Slová to priviedli presne tak, ako som to chcel. A tu to mám. Všetko je to dobré!“ A tak Biblia povedala, „Boh odpočinul na siedmy deň zo všetkej Svojej práce.“ [Genesis 2:2]

63 A všetko bolo pod kontrolou, plodilo podľa svojho druhu. Pamätajte na to, „plodilo.“ Keď umiestnil to semeno na zem, to semeno môže niečo splodiť len pomocou moci života, ktorý sa v tom nachádza, aby to premenil zo semena na rastlinu, alebo čokoľvek to je. Jeho moc premenenia! Takže Boh tam dal semeno so všetkými svojimi potenciálmi, aby to bolo presne to, čo to malo byť. A pokiaľ to zostávalo vo svojej správnej kategórii, bolo to presne to, čo Boh povedal, že to bude. Muselo to byť tak, pretože On to tak učinil a vytvoril kanál. A čokoľvek, čo zostáva v tom kanáli, v Jeho línii Slova, bude to musieť splodiť presne to, čo Jeho Slovo povedalo, že to splodí. Nemôže sa to odtiaľ pohnúť. Je to úplne správne umiestnené. A tak s celou Svojou dôverou vo Svojho vlastného syna, že to tak bude, potom Boh povedal, „Je to všetko dobré, tak budem len odpočívať. A každé jedno z týchto semien má v sebe moc, aby sa premenilo na ten druh, ktorý chcem, aby bolo. To je to, čo to musí byť, pretože každému semenu som dal moc premenenia, aby sa preukázali potenciály, ktoré som do nich vložil, aby vytvorili presne to, čo chcem, aby to bolo.“ [Genesis 1:21-25]

64 Boh sa nikdy nezmenil. Dnes je presne taký istý, aký bol aj vtedy! Boh je hotový niečo urobiť a On to urobí a nič Ho v tom nezastaví. On to urobí!

65 A tak potom, ako bolo všetko v poriadku a na správnom mieste a Boh si bol teraz istý, že to bude všetko tak, ako má; tu prichádza nepriateľ. Nazvem... Boh dal moc premenenia. A nazvem tohoto chlapíka, ktorý mal moc nie stvoriť... On mal moc deformovať, nie transformovať; ale deformovať. A čokoľvek, čo je deformované, je vzaté zo svojho pôvodného stavu a je na tom niečo, čo nie je v poriadku.

66 Pred niekoľkými rokmi, keď som robil vyhliadky, tak som prechádzal cez kukuričné polia, pamätám si, bol tam konár, ktorý spadol zo stromu na steblo kukurice. A to steblo robilo, čo mohlo, aby sa vyrovnalo tak, ako má byť, ale bolo deformované, pretože sa niečo stalo. Ležal na tom ten konár.

67 A potom na poli nachádzame divé popínavé rastliny. Mnohí z vás, možno nejaké ženy... ak pochádzate z Kentucky. Ženy na to používajú motyky rovnako ako muži, aby to z toho poľa vykopali, volali sme to esovité motyky a vykopávali sme nimi burinu. Lebo ak ste odtiaľ nedostali všetku tú burinu, kde bola v radoch tá kukurica, potom by to tá burina prerástla, zmocnila sa tej kukurice a postupne sa okolo nej ovinula, a to tak ľahko a zákerne, že by ste si to ťažko všimli, ako sa to vinie. A nakoniec sa to zosilňuje, zosilňuje a naťahuje to tú kukuricu, až dokiaľ nie je zdeformovaná. Sťahuje ju, ovinie sa okolo vlastnej rastliny; a deformuje to z toho stavu, aký to malo byť, na niečo iné. Pritom je to kukurica, ale zdeformovaná.

68 A my sme všetci stále na obraz Boží. Ale niektorí z nás sú ako synovia Boží tak zdeformovaní, že kráčajú v protiklade s Jeho Slovom a Jeho spôsobmi, ktoré pre nás pripravil, aby sme sa podľa nich riadili. Tento svet nás vyvádza z cesty, tiahne nás k tomu bližšie a preč z tej rovnej úzkej línie, do ktorej nás zasadil, aby sme boli synmi a dcérami Božími. Hriech urobil toto zlo synom a dcéram Božím. [Genesis 1:26-27]

69 Ten deformátor! Viem, že to znie trochu divne takto o tom hovoriť, o deformovaní, ale tak to je; on to zdeformoval, prevrátil. Prevrátiť znamená, že „to zmenil, urobil z toho niečo iné.“ A deformované je to isté, je to niečo, čo bolo vytvorené, ale poškodené, „učinené na iný spôsob.“ Ale jednako to je to isté semeno, ale je narušené.

70 A tak teraz zisťujeme, že tento deformátor mal také isté množstvo času, aby deformoval, ako mal Boh, aby transformoval. On zasadil svoje semeno, alebo skôr nezasadil svoje semeno, ale skôr... v záhrade Eden. A odvtedy mal šesťtisíc rokov na to, aby deformoval Semeno Božie, Slovo Božie; aby ho narúšal, aby z neho urobil niečo iné; keď ho Eva po prvýkrát počúvla, len to jedno slovné spojenie.

71 Pamätajte, Satan po prvýkrát citoval to Písmo tak jasne, ako len mohlo byť, „Boh povedal, 'Nebudete jesť z každého stromu v záhrade Eden.'“ Vidíte? „Nebudete jesť z každého stromu.“

72 A pamätajte teraz, že Eva povedala, „Áno, môžeme jesť z každého stromu; ale zo stromu, ktorý je uprostred záhrady, toho sa nesmieme ani len dotknúť.“ A teraz ho sledujte, to jeho posolstvo, len trochu to Slovo prekrútil. Keď povedal... Eva povedala, „Lebo Boh povedal, že ak to urobíme, v ten deň zomrieme.'“ [Genesis 3:2-3]

73 On povedal, „Ó, istotne nezomriete.“ Vidíte, on bol človek, povedal, „Veď to predsa urobte. Viete, vy sa v tom nevyznáte. Veď predsa neviete všetko. Ale keby ste sa len zúčastnili tohto, potom by ste mali múdrosť, mali by ste známosť. Vedeli by ste rozoznať dobré od zlého, boli by ste ako bohovia, a to len, ak by ste sa zúčastnili tejto múdrosti, ktorú mám. Ja to poznám, vy nie.“ [Genesis 3:4]

74 Je absolútne v poriadku mať múdrosť. Ale ak je múdrosť v protiklade, ak tá múdrosť nie je správna, Božská múdrosť, potom sa z nej stáva prirodzená múdrosť; je mi jedno, koľko vedy tu máme a čo všetko možné, alebo vzdelanie, je to z diabla. Ak Pán dá, tak vám to za pár minút dokážem. Je to z diabla. 

75 Civilizácia je z diabla. Nedávno som o tom kázal. Všetka kultúra na zemi, všetky vedecké moci a všetko to, je to z diabla. To, čo on kázal v záhrade Eden, bolo evanjelium známosti. A on vzal všetku tú známosť, prevrátenú známosť, ktorá bola v protiklade so Slovom, vôľou a plánom Božím. A on mal odvtedy šesťtisíc rokov, aby robil presne to, čo Boh, akurát že prevráteným spôsobom a mal rovnaké množstvo času, aby tu nastolil svoj vlastný Eden. On tu má na zemi svoj Eden, ktorý je naplnený múdrosťou a vedomosťami. To bolo jeho evanjelium na počiatku, poznatky, múdrosť, veda. Boh nikdy nič také nepodporoval. A chcem, aby ste to na chvíľu sledovali. On to urobil, lebo bol človekom svetskej múdrosti.[Matúš 4:8-9]

76 Je ťažké to povedať. Je to veľmi náročné, keď hovorím k ľuďom, ktorí sa cítia tak ako ja a mnoho rokov majú také spôsoby ako ja. Ale od otvorenia tých Siedmich Pečatí, od zjavenia tých Anjelov v horách, toto sa pre mňa stalo novou Knihou. Sú to veci, ktoré boli ukryté, ale sú zjavené, ako Boh zasľúbil v Zjavení 10, že to urobí. A my sme privilegovaní ľudia, ktorých si Boh na zemi vyvolil, aby sme videli a rozumeli tieto veci; čo nie je žiadna mýtická, telesná myseľ nejakej osoby, ktorá si to všetko vymýšľa. Je to Slovo Božie, ktoré sa prejavilo a dokázalo, že je Pravdou. Dokázané, nie vedou, ale Bohom, že je pravdivé. Boh, ako som to v predošlom posolstve hovoril, Boh nepotrebuje nikoho, aby vykladal Jeho Slovo. On je Svojím vlastným Vykladačom. On povie, že sa to stane, a ono sa to stane. To to potvrdzuje a dáva tomu výklad. [Zjavenie 10:7]

77 Pred pár rokmi, keď sme my, letniční ľudia, kedy nám iné cirkvi hovorili, že sme „šialení,“ že, „Duch Svätý patrí minulosti.“... Ale zisťujeme, že Božie zasľúbenie znie, „Ktokoľvek chce, nech príde.“ Vidíte, a tieto veci sa kúsok po kúsku otvárajú.

78 A On zasľúbil, že tajomstvá, ktoré boli ukryté v priebehu tých cirkevných vekov, budú zjavené priamo v čase konca. A teraz nám to dáva vedieť. Sme v čase konca. Teraz sme v ňom.

79 Takže satan je autorom civilizácie. Je autorom vedy. Je autorom vzdelania. Poviete, „Je to pravda?“ [Genesis 4:16-17]

80 V poriadku, prečítajme teraz z Božieho Slova, Genesis 4, a poďme na chvíľu trochu späť, aby sme si toto všimli. Ak to náhodou budem trochu preťahovať, tu brat Carl mi asi povie. [Niekto hovorí, „To je v pohode.“ - pozn.prekl.] Takže v Genesis, štvrtá kapitola a šestnásty verš, hovorí sa tu o tom, ako Boh dal všetko na začiatku na poriadok a umiestnil kliatbu na muža a ženu a na všetko, čo mali robiť; alebo nie žeby na nich dal kliatbu, ale im povedal, čo sa stane, a kvôli Adamovi preklial zem. A tu teraz zisťujeme, že Eva mala pár dvojičiek. A jeden z nich bol zo satana a ten druhý bol z Boha.

 No, poviete, „Ó, nie! Nie, brat Branham!“

81 Počkajte chvíľu. Nájdite mi jedno miesto Písma, kdekoľvek, ktoré hovorí, že Kain bol Adamov syn. Nájdem vám to v Písme, kde sa hovorí, že Kain bol z toho zlého, nie z Adama.

82 Všimnite si, keď tu ona počala. Najprv začneme v štvrtej kapitole.

 A Adam poznal Evu, svoju ženu, a počala a porodila Kaina, a riekla (ona riekla): Nadobudla som muža s Hospodinom.

83 Samozrejme, že to tak muselo byť. Aj keby to bola prostitútka alebo čokoľvek iné, muselo to prísť od Boha, vidíte, pretože to je Jeho semeno, je to zákon Jeho semena, musí to niečo splodiť, už či to je narušené semeno, prevrátené semeno alebo čokoľvek iné. Jednako to niečo musí splodiť. Je to Jeho prikázanie.

 A znovu porodila jeho brata Ábela.

84 Viac ju už nepoznal. Adam poznal svoju ženu a porodila mu Kaina a tiež Ábela, dvojičky. Satan s ňou bol v to ráno a Adam popoludní.[Genesis 4:1-2]

85 Videli ste to veľké haló v novinách? Myslím, že to bolo v Tucsone, tá žena, ktorá porodila farebné dieťa a biele dieťa v tom istom čase. Ráno bola so svojím manželom a popoludní s niekým iným. A ten človek by sa postaral... Ten biely muž povedal, že sa bude starať len o vlastné dieťa a ten čierny sa musel starať o svoje. Vidíte? Viem, že to tak je aj v krížení psov, a tak ďalej, istotne, ak to bolo pár hodín nato. To to dokazuje.

86 A aby sme ukázali, odkiaľ pochádza civilizácia, prečítajme tu v Genesis, v 4. kapitole Genesis a pozrime sa. 16. verš.

A tak vyšiel Kain zpred tvári Hospodinovej a býval v zemi Nóda východne od Édena.

A Kain poznal svoju ženu, a počala a porodila Hanocha. A staval mesto a nazval meno mesta podľa mena svojho syna Hanochom.

87 Začala sa civilizácia. Doktor Scofield, tu v mojej Scofieldovej Biblii je poznámka, „Prvá civilizácia.“ Všimnite si, potom plodil synov a tí vyrábali organy a hudbu. A ten ďalší porodil synov a tí začali robiť iné veci, divy, budovať mestá a vyrábať mosadzné nástroje a všetko možné. Vidíte, to urobili, stali sa prvou civilizáciou, ktorá pochádzala z Kaina. A to isté robil počas celých vekov.

88 A teraz sa posuňme do 25. verša a sledujme, čo sa dialo ďalej.

A Adam ešte poznal svoju ženu, a porodila syna a nazvala jeho meno Set, lebo vraj Bôh mi dal náhradou iné semä namiesto Ábela, keď ho zabil Kain.

I Setovi sa narodil syn, a nazval jeho meno Enoš. Vtedy začali vzývať meno Hospodinovo. (zo Setovej strany, nie Kainovej). [Genesis 4:25-26]

89 Vidíte, ten veľký intelektualizmus, ktorého sa všetci tak držíme! Čo je dnes komunizmus, čo je ich bohom? Je to intelektualita, veda. Čo to vlastne robíme? Kde to žijeme? Uvažujte nad týmito slovami, čo je to dnes.

90 Satan má teraz svoj druh Edenu, satan to má. Počas týchto šesťtisíc rokov, on formoval (nie vytváral), ale zdeformoval celú Božiu zem; jeho stvorenia, zvieratá, kríženie, hybridovanie; stromy, rastliny, ľudia; dokonca náboženstvo, Biblia, cirkev; až dokiaľ si kompletne nevytvoril vlastnú záhradu Eden plnú vedy, ktorá sa riadi len a len podľa vedy. Naše autá, všetko, čo máme, nám dala veda, všetko, čo človek vytvoril. A on tu má svoj veľký Eden; čo dokazuje, že to Posolstvo je aktuálne práve na tento čas, to dokazuje, že to nie je žiaden iný vek, ale Zjavenie 10! Pozrite sa na dnešné kríženie, aby všetko bolo lepšie, alebo ani nie lepšie, len krajšie. Pozrite sa na dnešné malé deti.

91 Včera som bol s dcérou u zubára a ten povedal, že sa jej krivia zuby. A jeden brat v Tucsone, brat Norman, bol tiež so svojou dcérou a tej zase vytŕčali zuby. A ten zubár povedal, že verí, že čoskoro v najbližších časoch sa budú rodiť ľudia, ktorých zuby budú rásť úplne hocijako. Je to z toho jedla, ktoré jeme, je to krížené jedlo.

92 Čítali ste Reader's Digest z posledného mesiaca o Billy Grahamovi, tom významnom evanjelistovi? Počúvali ste ho? Teraz sa za neho modlím viac ako inokedy. Keď sa nedávno rozprával s tými vzdelancami s obrátenými goliermi, so všetkými tými duchovnými. Niečo sa s ním stalo. V jednom z týchto dní, dúfam, že uvidí svoju pozíciu, na ktorej stojí, všimnite si, on vyvoláva zo Sodomy, z toho prevráteného mesta. A v Reader's Digest ste si mohli všimnúť, že Billy už tak zoslabol, že už ani nemôže organizovať vlastné zhromaždenia. A povedali mu, že by mal behať, cvičiť, a tak ďalej. A tak behá takmer dva kilometre denne, myslím, že tak nejako, aby si dal do tela.

93 Človek je skazený. Celá ľudská rasa je porušená. Všetko je tak, ako to bolo v predpotopnom čase. Je to úplne hore nohami, všetko je mimo tej rovnej línie, do ktorej to Boh zasadil. Hriech prostredníctvom vedy a klamu prevrátil celú ľudskú rasu.

94 Hneď pod tým článkom bolo tiež napísané, že „v jednom z týchto dní, že mladé dievčatá a chlapci sú vo svojom strednom veku podľa svojej fyzickej postavy medzi vekom dvadsať až dvadsaťpäť.“ Pomyslite na to.

95 Nedávno som v modlitebnom rade pri rozpoznávaní našiel dievča, ktoré malo v dvadsiatich dvoch menopauzu, zavolali mi ju tam. A to jej povedal lekár.

96 Vidíte, je to upadnutá, zdegenerovaná, peklom zviazaná a narušená rasa. Viem, že to možno nie je zrovna etické. Ale je to biblické, vidíte, tak to je v tejto rase, v ktorej žijeme, v tejto generácii ľudí.

97 Všimnite si, ako sa dnes kríži dobytok, krížia sa rastliny; a ešte aj sama veda príde a tá istá veda, ktorá to robí, povie, „To je to, čo ničí celú ľudskú rasu.“ Čítate to tak isto ako aj ja. A tak prečo to nezastavia? Je to preto, že to nedokážu zastaviť. Božie Slovo povedalo, že to tak bude. Ale ak by sa len na chvíľu zamysleli, že oni sú nástrojmi... Ako Judáš Iškariotský, oni robia presne to, čo Boh povedal, že sa stane. Robia to presne na svojom vlastnom základe vedy. 

98 Tým jeho vedeckým výskumom, podľa toho istého vzoru, akým zviedol Evu, tiež zviedol aj cirkev, ktorej je Eva typom. Ale Adam je tiež typom, alebo skôr Eva je typom cirkvi, všimnite si, čo sa tam stalo. Len kvôli tomu, že vyhľadávala známosť, tak prekročila hranicu medzi dobrom a zlom, tým, že počúvala satanove prekrútenie, deformitu originálneho Slova Božieho.

99 A tak cirkvi sa dnes stali zdeformované. Nehovorím teraz o ľuďoch, o jednotlivcoch. Hovorím o cirkevnom svete. Jeden je takto prekrútený, ďalší takto, všetko skrze vedu. Ten istý spôsob, akým to bolo vtedy. Satan splnil svoju hrozbu z Izaiáša 14:12.

100 Prečítajme si to na chvíľu. V Knihe Izaiáša, začnime v 14. kapitole a 12. verš.

Ako si len padol s nebies, jasná hviezdo, synu rannej zory! Zoťatý si na zem, ktorý si porážal národy.

(Toto sa odohráva, keď ho Izaiáš vidí vo videní; vidíte, ako to bude v budúcom veku.)

A veď ty si povedal vo svojom srdci: Vystúpim hore do neba; vyvýšim svoj trón nad hviezdy silného Boha a posadím sa na vrchu slávnostného shromaždenia Božieho, v najďaľších krajoch severa. [Izaiáš 14:12]

101 Satanov zámer od čias Edenu bolo vytvoriť si svoj vlastný Eden; aby sa povýšil a aby ho hviezdy Boha uctievali, aby ho synovia uctievali. A jemu sa to teraz úplne podarilo, kedy to vykonal a priniesol to do cirkvi. Nepôjdem do detailov. Hocikto z vás, kto tie pásky počúva, to vie. A to je presne tá hodina, v ktorej žijeme, a je to Satan, ktorý to urobil skrze svoj vzdelávací program, ktorý lepšie sedí, lepšie toto, lepšie tamto. A ani o tom nevedia a po celý čas sú na rovnej ceste k smrti. Slepí, ktorí vedú slepých, slepí vodcovia národov, slepí vodcovia vedy, slepí vodcovia cirkvi, slepí vedú slepých. Ježiš povedal, „Nechajte ich tak, obaja padnú do jamy.“ [Matúš 15:14]

102 Všimnite si tu predobraz týchto dvoch Edenov, oni sú tak blízko seba, že by to takmer zviedlo aj samých vyvolených. Matúš 24:24 povedal, že to tak bude. Ale chcem, aby sme sa na chvíľu pozastavili a zamysleli sa nad týmito dvoma Edenmi a hlavne nad jednou vecou, a síce, ako nám Biblia hovorí, že Božie Slovo vyprodukovalo ten Eden, a ako nás Božie Slovo varuje, že príde aj ten ďalší Eden. [Matúš 24:24]

103 A to, že bude ďalší Eden, vieme taktiež aj z počúvania proroka Pavla, v 2. Tesaloničanom, 2. kapitole. Mohol by som to prečítať, ak chcete.

 Ten, ktorý sa povyšuje; deň Pánov nepríde, dokiaľ sa nezjaví človek hriechu,...

        Ten, ktorý sedí v chráme Božom a povyšuje sa nad všetko, čo sa zovie Boh, aby bol On uctievaný ako Boh. [2. Tesaloničanom 2:3-4]

104 Pomyslite na to! A Izaiáš 14, prorok povedal, že skrze videnie pod inšpiráciou Božou uvidel Lucifera, že si vo svojom srdci povedal, že to urobí. V Izaiášovi, osemsto rokov pred Pavlom, tak približne. [Izaiáš 14:12-16]

105 A tak tu, osemsto rokov nato, Pavol ho vidí, ako sa dostáva do svojej pozície. Všimnite si, v jeho Edene to vyvrchoľuje; jeho Eden, jeho vedecký Eden s jeho vedeckým svetom, so svojou vedeckou cirkvou nevesty, všetko pod pojmom „vedomosť,“ veľké semináre, veľké tituly a vzdelávacie programy.

106 Počúvajte, brat a sestra, každý jeden z nás bude musieť prejsť tou cestou, ktorou prešla aj Florence. A v Ježišovom Mene vás prosím, aby ste sa nad týmto zamysleli. Nezamýšľajte sa nado mnou. Ja som váš brat. Ale to nie je to, o čo ide. Zamyslite sa nad tým, čo hovorím, nad Božou Bibliou. A prezrite si to, že je to dokonale potvrdené v Božom vlastnom Slove, v tom veku, v ktorom sa nachádzame.

107 Tieto programy sú samé v sebe absolútne antikristovské. A tak on musí mať svoj Eden, povedal, že to tak urobí. Tuto máme jednoduché Slovo Božie, ktoré hovorí, že sa to tak stane, a tuto sa pozrieme a vidíme, že sa to tak deje. Urobil to so svojou intelektuálnou, vedeckou, denominačnou nevestou. A ona sa v jednom z týchto dní stane hlavou v svetovej rade cirkví, ktorá bude vybudovaná. Všetci budú za ňu. Budú sa snažiť...[2. Tesaloničanom 2:3-4]

108 A tí ľudia, nie preto, že by boli zlí ľudia; boli zasadení v tom rovnom rade ako zrno, ale satan zasial burinu, ktorá sa volá veda, bádanie, vzdelanie, doktorské tituly. Niekedy vás dokonca ani nepustia za kazateľňu, pokiaľ nemáte na papieri nejaký doktorský titul z nejakého semináru. To je nesprávne! Nie tí ľudia; ten program je zlý. A čo on teraz urobil? Všetko sa to teraz vyvrchoľuje a priviedlo to celý svet (cez skupinu skríženého prevrátenia originálneho Semena Božieho) do iného tmavého chaosu.

109 Ale som tak rád, že Boh na nás opäť myslí, že sa stále dokáže pohybovať a meniť okolnosti. Zasľúbil, že to tak urobí a že zvolá malé stádečko, ktoré bude Jeho nevestou.

110 Všimnite si tu teraz, ako dokonale sú tieto cirkvi predobrazom, alebo tieto Edeny.

111 Boh, skrze Semeno Svojho Slova! A je len jedno, čo môže oživiť Slovo, a to je Duch, lebo je to Darca Života Slovu. A keď ten Život v Slove stretáva ten Život Ducha, vyprodukuje to to, čím to Semeno je.

112 A tak, všimnite si, čo sa stalo. V záhrade Eden sa nachádzala Božia ekonómia nevinnosti, a to bolo jedno z časových období. To prvé časové obdobie bolo nevinnosť, ľudia nepoznali žiaden hriech. Nevedeli o hriechu absolútne nič. Obaja, Adam aj Eva boli nahí, ale boli ukrytí zo svojej nahoty skrze oponu Ducha, ktorá bola na ich tvárach. Vôbec nevedeli, že sú nahí, lebo boli ukrytí.

 Lebo zatiaľ čo bola v ich mysliach Božia opona, nepoznali, čo bolo správne a nesprávne. A obaja tam stáli nahí, to ukazovalo, že známosť k nim ešte neprišla, vidíte, lebo boli nahí. Obaja boli nahí a nevedeli o tom. [Zjavenie 3:17]

113 A ak teraz chcete, tak si otočte, alebo si to zapíšte, Zjavenie, 3. kapitola. Duch Svätý predpovedá tento posledný vek, že to v týchto dňoch bude Laodicejský letničný cirkevný vek. Povedal: nahý, slepý, a nevieš o tom.[Genesis 2:25], [Zjavenie 3:14-21]

114 Tak tam je Božie Semeno pod nevinnosťou, vôbec nevie, že je nahé, pod oponou Ducha Svätého, ktorá ich zakrýva od hriechu.

115 A teraz v tomto poslednom cirkevnom veku zisťujeme, že sú opäť nahí a nevedia o tom. Ale to nie je opona Ducha Svätého. Je to opona, ktorú tam satan nahodil Eve, opona žiadostivosti. Opona žiadostivosti. Sú takí nečistí, až nevedia o tom, že sú nahí, naše ženy na uliciach, ktoré majú oblečené šortky, sexy oblečenie.[Zjavenie 3:14-21]

116 Niekto mi nedávno poslal nejaký kus novín o novom oblečení, ktoré sa začne nosiť, myslím, že nejakých tridsaťpäť centimetrov od bokov, alebo tak nejako. Zaujímalo by ma, či si vôbec ženy uvedomujú, že to je opona žiadostivosti. [Matúš 5:28]

117 No, vy poviete, „Ja môžem aj pred Bohom dokázať, že som nevinná z akéhokoľvek cudzoložstva voči môjmu manželovi, alebo toto a toto.“

 Ale stále budeš na súde nazvaná „cudzoložnicou.“ Biblia tak povedala. Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek sa pozrie na ženu so žiadosťou vo svojom srdci, už s ňou v srdci spáchal cudzoložstvo.“ [Matúš 5:28]

118 „Slepí, nahí, a nevedia o tom!“ Nie tie úbohé ženy tam vonku; proti ním nemám nič. Je to to zlo! A zdá sa, že cirkevný systém si to nedokáže uvedomiť alebo sa proti tomu postaviť; nechávajú ich strihať si vlasy, nosiť make-up a šortky a podobne, a to všetko v mene kresťanstva. Čo za hrozná vec to je! Vidíte, oni sú opäť nahí v tomto satanovom Edene a vôbec o tom nevedia. Nevedia o tom. [Zjavenie 3:17]

119 Myslím, že... možno, keby som sa pozrel tam naproti, kde je ten bazén, a tie ženy, ktoré tam sú. Ak by si tá žena len uvedomovala, čo robí, ale ona o tom nevie. Je nahá. Jej telo je sväté. Vyzlieka si oblečenie, do ktorej ju Boh obliekol, aby bolo na jej koži, kvôli tejto generácii. Neustále si to skracuje. Je nahá pod menom „civilizácie, vyššieho vzdelania, lepšej civilizácie, lepšej etiky.“ Chcem si byť istý, že toto do vás vsiakne. Je to všetko z diabla a bude to zničené pri Príchode Pána Ježiša. Bude to zničené, každý kúsok toho. Nič nezostane.

120 A, ó, vy, priatelia, naprieč krajinou, ako ma tu počúvate vo Phoenixe, zamyslite sa nad týmito vecami! Tu ste k nim podriadení. Ježiš povedal, že by zviedli i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné.

121 Ten prvý duch bol... prvá opona bola svätá opona, Duch Svätý, a ona sa poza to nemala pozrieť. Ale keď s ňou satan začína hovoriť o známosti, musela aspoň trochu mrknúť na ten svet.

122 A to je presne to, čo vykonala jej dcéra, cirkev. Musíte to vidieť, musíte sa obliekať ako nejaká filmová hviezda alebo mladí muži sa musia správať ako nejaký Elvis Presley alebo Pat Boone alebo nejakí z týchto ľudí, a to v mene náboženstva.

123 Pat Boone je z Cirkvi Kristovej. Elvis Presley je letničný. Dva démonizované charaktery, ktoré uvrhli svet do horšieho chaosu, ako to urobil Judáš Iškariotský, kedy zradil Ježiša Krista. A oni o tom nevedia. Tí chlapci to nevedia. Nemám proti tým chlapom nič, to je ten duch, ktorý ich do toho motivuje.

124 Len trochu prekročte na druhú stranu, len nech sa tá burina čo i len trochu zmocní tej šupky kukurice a sledujte, čo sa deje potom; tá kukurica je preč. Áno, je po nej. Tak sa to deje. Každý raz sa to tak stane. Eva sa musela aspoň raz letmo pozrieť na svet.

125 A dovoľte mi niečo povedať, brat a sestra. V 1. Jána, v 2. kapitole a v 15. verši, môžem to prečítať, ak chcete. Biblia hovorí:

Ak milujeme svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, je to preto, lebo v nás nie je lásky Božej. [1. Jána 2:15]

126 A to slovo, ktoré tam je, nie je svet; je to grécke slovo „kozmos“, čo znamená „poriadok tohoto sveta.“ Ak milujeme módu tohoto sveta, alebo tento svet, ak milujeme dobový trend, ak si myslíme, že „máme nádherný čas, lebo máme všetky tieto veci.“ Ak si toto myslíte, je to preto, že vaše myslenie je úplne vedľa. Je prevrátené diablom. „Lebo ak milujete systém tohoto sveta a veci tohoto prítomného sveta, je to preto, že vo vás nie je lásky Božej.“ Pamätajte na to. Ó, Bože! Pozri, na čo to hľadíme! [1. Jána 2:15-16]

127 Tu sa chcem na chvíľu zastaviť a povedať vám jeden malý príbeh. Počul som o jednom kaplánovi z 1. svetovej vojny. Zahodili...

128 Ako satan na počiatku, kedy prišiel do záhrady Eden. On nemohol to semeno vykopať ani ho nemohol zničiť. Ale ich pokropil jedom a to zdeformovalo to semeno, ono porodilo podľa svojho druhu. Zdeformovalo to to originálne Semeno.

129 A o tom sú všetky tieto náboženské programy. Oni sú stále synmi a dcérami Božími, ale sú zdeformovaní. Chodia do cirkvi, chcú konať správne. Mníška nikdy nejde do kláštora, aby z nej bola zlá žena. Kazateľ nikdy nechodí do školy preto, aby sa stal zlým mužom. Nikdy sa neprihlásite do cirkvi, nepodáte si ruky, nikdy si nezaregistrujete svoje meno do knihy, alebo čokoľvek to robíte v cirkvi, nerobíte to, aby ste boli zlým človekom. Robíte to, aby ste boli dobrým človekom. Ale je to zvedenie, je to deformita, ktorá to robí. Satan ju pokropil. Vidíte? Boh nikdy nemal organizáciu. Nikde v Božom Slove sa také niečo nenachádza.

130 Boh je našou organizáciou, my sme zorganizovaní v Ňom, v Tele, v Bohu a v Nebi. Tak je. Naše mená sú zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života. Vidíte? Všimnite si to.

131 Ale vidíte, viem, že to je veľmi náročné, ale chcem, aby ste ešte aspoň na chvíľu vydržali, ak môžete. V čase svetovej vojny... Prepáčte, že sa odchyľujem od svojej témy.

132 Ale ešte aby som toto vyjasnil, chcem vám podať svoju analýzu toho, čo satan v Edene vykonal: nastriekal svoj jedovatý sprej. Chceli by ste vedieť, čo bolo tým sprejom? Poviem vám to. Tu je to znenie, dve slová: nevera, ktorá je v protiklade s vierou, nastriekaná nevera, pochybnosť. A veda tu vykonala, čo chcela. Tam, kde bola škára, tam to prešlo do toho Semena a satan vyplnil tú škáru známosťou a vedou a civilizáciou a to zdeformovalo celé stvorenie Božie.

133 Viem, že si myslíte, že vás teraz dostávam na jeden konár toho stromu, ale ja som s vami na ňom. A my sme tu všetci kvôli tomu, aby sme zistili, čo dokážeme. Nehovoríme tieto veci, aby sme boli iní. Musíme byť úprimní.

134 Každý jeden z nás sa dostane na koniec svojej cesty, kde sa bude musieť zodpovedať za každé svoje slovo. Vieme, že práve teraz naše hlasy... Keď sme narodení, náš prvý malý výkrik je zaznamenaný. A v deň súdu sa bude prehrávať. Dokonca aj oblečenie, ktoré nosíte, sa vám v deň súdu zjaví pred tvárou. Dokonca aj veda to televíziou dokázala. Vidíte, televízia nevytvára obraz. Len ho zobrazuje. Farba oblečenia, každý váš pohyb, každá myšlienka vo vašej mysli, všetko je to kompletne zaznamenané na Božom zápise. A táto veľká vec bude priamo pred vás predložená, každé jedno nečisté oblečenie, ktoré ste nosili; každý jeden krát, kedy ste vy, ženy, išli ku kaderníčke ostrihať si tie vlasy, ktoré vám Boh dal. Tak to bude. Budete sa za to zodpovedať. Nemôžete sa teraz ani len pohnúť alebo dokonca ani pomyslieť niečo v srdci, čokoľvek urobiť bez toho, aby to bolo pred vami zobrazené. Ako potom uniknete? „Ako unikneme, ak zanedbáme také veľké spasenie?“ Vidíte? Neunikneme. Každý pohyb, každá myšlienka srdca sa práve teraz zaznamenáva v druhej dimenzii, dokonca farba oblečenia, ktoré nosíte. Televízia, tá farebná televízia to priamo dokazuje, ukazuje to, a to je pritom len jedna dimenzia z troch, v ktorých žijeme. Vidíte? [Židom 2:3]

135 Ako len ten jed zasiahol cirkev, zasiahol zem! Satanov jed na semeno, vložil tam kazy a zdeformoval ho. Čoraz viac a viac preniká hlbšie do sŕdc cirkví a do sŕdc ľudí a všetkého toho, vedy. Nakoniec sa z toho stáva miesto, kde ľudská rasa, tým, že je skrížená... Verím, že každé semeno by malo splodiť podľa svojho druhu. A ľudská rasa a rastliny a všetko je to skrížené, verím, že každé semeno by malo priniesť svoj druh. A tým, že je ľudská rasa a rastliny všetko dokrížené, všetko nás to priviedlo do miesta... Tým, že jedávame zo zeme potravu, ktorá narúša naše telá, to všetko uvrhuje naše mysle do... Ak naše telá upadajú vo veku dvadsať až dvadsaťpäť rokov, je to kvôli zdegenerovaným bunkám, kvôli skríženému jedlu, či sa vtedy naše mozgové bunky nezdegenerujú? Či to tiež nie sú bunky? To je dôvod, prečo tí Rickyovia jazdia po uliciach s tými nablýskanými autami; a Ricketty a Elvitty, alebo ako ich to nazývajú, ktoré tam vonku polonahé behajú medzi ľuďmi, mentálne narušené, nemajú už žiadne poňatie niečoho takého ako slušnosť a morálne zásady.

136 Späť k môjmu príbehu. Tento kaplán povedal, že bol v nemocnici, a hovoril, že toľko veľa tých chlapcov tam ležalo v stanoch, niektorí... On práve vyšiel zvonka. Povedal, že tam vyšiel a nejaký dôstojník mu povedal, „Kaplán, chceme vyraziť a pozrieť sa tam vonku na tie polia.“ Vzali horčicu a chlór, ako to v tých dňoch robievali.

137 A povedal, „Ja som tam išiel, brat Branham,“ povedal, „a tam nebolo kôry na stromoch ani vetva trávy. A to bolo na Veľkonočné ráno.“ Povedal, „Boli tam nejaké staré vraky tankov, dôstojník si ich tam všetky zaznamenal, aby zistil, či by sa s nimi nedalo niečo urobiť, blízko Argonne Forest.“ Povedal, „A keď som tam tak sám stál,“ povedal, „pozrel som sa a povedal, 'Ó, Bože, ku tomuto to všetko speje.'“ Tak je, všetko to tak prichádza. Všetko to tam bolo spálené, nikde nebol vôbec žiaden život, tráva bola vypálená; stromy boli tými plynmi zničené, všetko bolo vyzabíjané, prevrátené, všetko to tie guľky a veci zlikvidovali.

138 Či nie je toto obraz dnešného sveta, kde satan všetko napĺňa svojou neverou, svojím krížením, svojou vedou a známosťou! Tak, ako to bolo na počiatku, kedy Boh dal Adama a Evu do záhrady, to bol nádherný raj bez smrti, bez choroby, bez smútku, všetko bolo v dokonalom poriadku, pozrite sa, čo satanov jed vykonal! Je to chaos. Nič živé v tom nezostáva.

139 On povedal, „Začal som plakať. Išiel som naspäť, ale zaujala ma jedna skala.“ Povedal, „A tak som k nej išiel a pozrel som sa na tú skalu a odvalil som ju. A dolu pod tou skalou rástol malý biely kvietok. Bola to jediná živá vec, ktorá tam zostala, a to preto, že bola ukrytá pod skalou.“

140 Bože, moja Skala, ukry nás dne, ó, Bože, kedy sa všetky tieto jedy všade vznášajú v mene vedy a vzdelania. Ukry nás.

 Zachovaj ma do toho dňa, ó, Bože, to je moja modlitba. A tak dúfam, že každý jeden z nás je pod tou Skalou, Kristom.

141 Nedávno som kázal, mnohí z vás to počuli. Išiel som dolu lesmi na poľovačke a niečo mi hovorilo, aby som sa otočil. Tak som sa obzrel a na zemi ležala prázdna cigaretová škatuľka alebo balík, akokoľvek to voláte. A bola tam firma... Nemyslím, že by som ju mal menovať, ale bola to tabaková firma, ktorá mala svoj slogan, „Filter rozumného človeka, chuť fajčiaceho človeka.“

142 A tak som išiel hlbšie do lesa, ale niečo mi povedalo, „Choď späť k tomu cigaretovému balíčku.“

143 Pomyslel som si, „Nebeský Otče, práve idem k tomu stromu, kde si Ty jedno ráno vypovedal tie veveričky do existencie. Prečo ma voláš späť?“

144 A niečo povedalo, „V nedeľu budeš kázať a tvoj text je na tom napísaný.“

 Pomyslel som si, „Na cigaretovom balíčku?“ A tak som išiel.

145 Začal som rozmýšľať, „Filter rozumného človeka,“ čo za klam to je! Ak by bol ten človek rozumný, tak by v prvom rade vôbec nefajčil. Ale vidíte, ľudia na to naletia.

146 Myslím, že to bolo asi pred dvomi rokmi, kedy som bol na jednej z konferencií, kde som bol na svetovej výstave, ktorá bola na Západnom pobreží. A bola tam fotka Yula Brynnera a mnohých z nich. A veľa vedcov bolo v tej istej hale a hovorili tam o nebezpečenstve fajčenia. Ako ten dym prefúknu cez mramor a vezmú malý filter a vyberú cez neho nikotín a dajú to na chrbát potkana a dajú ho do klietky. Po siedmich dňoch bol tak prežratý rakovinou, že nevedel ani chodiť. Vidíte? Vodou to odtiaľ vybrali.

 Povedal, „Filter!“

147 Povedali, „Filter? Nič také nie je.“ Povedali, „Vy... toto je sama veda. Nemôžete mať dym, pokiaľ nemáte decht. Decht robí ten dym.“

148 A to je všetko len taký švindeľ, aby predali viac cigariet.

 Čo keby som ja.... Nemyslite si, že som svätokrádežný alebo fanatický. Diabol v človeku, ktorý spôsobuje, že on fajčí, a tým sa zabíja. Keď chce človek dostať nikotín z cigarety, to uspokojí jeho túžbu, a potom tá firma príde s tým zavádzajúcim sloganom a povedia, „Filter rozumného človeka.“ On bude musieť vyfajčiť štyri alebo päť cigariet, aby to v ňom vytvorilo toľko dechtu, aby ho to uspokojilo, ako by to urobilo s vami. Američania predávajú svojim bratom a sestrám smrť! Nechápem to.

149 Ale pomyslel som si, „Ale existuje filter rozumného človeka, ktorý je správny.“

150 Takže ak človek fajčí, pamätajte na to, to vytvára chuť fajčiara. A potom, ak nemôžete nasýtiť tú túžbu po tom dyme, potom si to vezmete, a to vo vás vytvára tú chuť. Keď vyfajčíte štyri cigarety alebo päť a zaplatíte za to viac, ako by ste zaplatili za jednu bežnú cigaretu. Vidíte, je to švindeľ, obchodnícky podfuk; zavádzajú tým ľudí, Američanov. Keď rozmýšľam o tom, ako bol George Washington vo Valley Forge; ako tam bol s dvomi tretinami svojich vojakov, žiadne topánky na nohách, a to všetko v tak studený deň, aby nám vytvorili také hospodárstvo, aké máme teraz! A potom predáva Američan Američanovi, svojmu bratovi a sestre, smrť, a to všetko pod falošným blufom za mrzký zisk, koreň všetkého zla. Bažiť po peniazoch. Všetko to zošalelo, nemajú ani tušenia, že to všetko pominie! Ale ak nemáte žiaden dym, tak nemáte chuť.

151 Potom som si pomyslel, „Existuje filter rozumného človeka.“ Filter rozumného človeka! A tak môj text bol, „Filter rozumného človeka vytvára chuť svätého človeka.“

152 Pomyslel som si, že vlastne naše denominácie to takto urobili, berú ľudí a nazývajú ich kresťanmi akýmkoľvek spôsobom. Prečo? Budú ich mať viac vo svojej denominácii alebo organizácii. Dostanú ich tam viacej, lebo im dovolia toto a tamto a čokoľvek. „To nevadí, nerobí to žiaden rozdiel, nech si len hodia meno do knihy a povedia si, že sú kresťania. To je všetko. Ó, 'vierou ste spasení.' Musíte veriť.“ Diabol robí to isté. Tak je.

153 Musíte byť znovuzrodení a to prichádza cez Boží Filter! Takže existuje filter rozumného človeka. Práve ho držím v ruke. On nevytvorí denominačnú chuť, ale istotne uspokojí chuť svätého človeka. [Ján 3:3]

154 Ako by mohla žena s ostrihanými vlasmi niekedy prejsť tým filtrom? Ako by cez to mohla prejsť žena so šortkami alebo s nohavicami, keď Biblia hovorí, „Je to ohavnosťou Bohu, keď si žena oblieka oblečenie, ktoré prislúcha mužovi“? A ako by mohol muž, ktorý si o sebe niečo myslí, ísť tam a obliekať sa ako ženy, nechať si rásť vlasy ako žena, visia mu až do očí, s takto natočenou ofinou? Nosí oblečenie svojej ženy. Ona nosí jeho odev. Filter rozumného človeka? Rozumný muž to robiť nebude ani rozumná žena. Božie Slovo ich cez to nepustí. [Deuteronómium 22:5]

155 Je len jedna vec, ktorá dokáže prejsť cez to Slovo. To je Duch Svätý, ktorý do vás prináša Slovo, a to vytvára chuť svätého človeka.

156 Pozrite sa na dnešnú Rickettu na ulici, nádherná postava, ktorú jej Boh dal, ale využíva to satan. A ona sa bude obliekať tak nemorálne, pričom netuší, že o týždeň od teraz môže hniť v hrobe.

157 Raz som tu nedávno prechádzal dolu ulicou. Kázal som na konferencii v Zboroch Božích na Západnom Pobreží, išiel som na zhromaždenie do Juhozápadnej Biblickej školy. A jedna mladá pani tam išla dolu ulicou, malá také tesné oblečenie, bikiny, alebo ako to voláte, takto jej visela ofina, s kovbojským klobúkom a topánkami. Išiel som po ulici a pomyslel som si, „Úbohá mladá žena, dieťa nejakej matky a otca tu bola postavená, aby bola dcérou Božou, a stala sa lákavou pascou diabla.“ Pomyslel som si, „Asi sa otočím, pôjdem späť a niečo jej poviem.“ Vyzerala asi na taký vek ako moja Sára, asi sedemnásť rokov, šestnásť, alebo tak nejako. Pomyslel som si, „Nie. Radšej nepôjdem. Radšej pôjdem ďalej a pomodlím sa za ňu. Ak by ma niekto videl, ako sa zastavím a rozprávam sa s ňou... Lepšie bude, keď to neurobím.“

158 A tak počúvajte, synovia Boží, keď sa niekedy dostanete na také miesto, tieto Jezábele vám budú lichotiť, ale rozumný človek sa najprv zamyslí. Môže byť tak krásna, poviete si, „Mohlo by mi to s ňou klapať,“ ale bude ťa to stáť tvoju dušu, chlapče; niektoré tieto dievčatá, vám, Rickyom! Filter rozumného človeka vytvára chuť svätého človeka.

159 Keď ty, ako ženatý muž, keď vidíš na ulici také ženy, vy, synovia Boží, či si neuvedomujete, čo sa stalo na počiatku? Kedy veda v predpotopnom veku urobila ženy tak krásnymi, až si synovia Boží brali ľudské dcéry (nie dcéry Božie), a Boh na to nikdy nezabudol. On to všetko zničil; vedu, všetko krajšie. Zvyklo to byť... Všimnite si, ako sa v týchto dňoch vyvyšuje krása žien, a práve to je znamenie konca; Boh to už dokázal. A tak používajte filter rozumného človeka, a potom budete mať chuť svätého človeka. Bude ťa to stáť tvoj dom. Bude ťa to stáť tvoje postavenie. Bude ťa to stáť všetko, čo máš; a okrem toho tvoju dušu! Rozbije ti to rodinu. Možno bude tvoje deti musieť vychovávať iný muž alebo iná žena.

160 Vezmite filter rozumného človeka, a to vyprodukuje chuť svätého človeka. Keď nebudete chcieť ísť do kaderníctva alebo niečoho takého a povedia vám, „Vieš, z toho ťa bude bolieť hlava.“ Vezmite filter rozumnej ženy, to, čo Biblia povedala, vidíte, odvráťte sa od toho. Vidíte? Nerobte to.

161 Ja som váš brat a milujem vás. Nemám proti vám nič. Boh to vie. A kvôli tomu robím to, čo robím, je to kvôli láske Božej voči vám. Ak by tam vyšiel nejaký človek a nikto by vám nič nepovedal, ak by vás váš pastor nechal len tak sedieť a robiť to, čo robíte, potom vás nemiluje. Nemôže vás milovať. Nechcel by som taký druh lásky voči ženám. Chcem mať voči svojej sestre chuť svätého človeka. Chcem, aby bola skutočne mojou sestrou. Nie niekto, kto hovorí o tom, aká je pekná a neviem čo ešte, ako kráľovné sexu. „Ona chodí k môjmu..“ Ó, nie. Chcem, aby bola dámou!

162 Ó, Pane, drž ma pod tou Skalou. Áno. V Efežanom 5:26, jediný spôsob, akým sa môžete dostať k tej Skale, je byť obmytý vodami oddelenia Slova. Tak je.

163 A tak nedovoľujte tomuto diablovi, aby vás znečistil svojím vzdelaním. Nie, nie. Zabije to váš vplyv. Nedovoľte diablovi, aby to bral, „No, ja patrím do cirkvi, do ktorej patrila aj moja matka, môj otec, moja stará mama.“ Nedovoľte diablovi, aby vás tým postriekal. Biblia to už povedala, o tých siedmich cirkevných vekoch a týchto veciach, všetko to prišlo ku semenu! Tak je. Všetko je to narušené. Všetko sú to hnisavé rany. Nenechajte ho klamať, keď hovorí, „Je to pokročilejšia morálka. Sme vzdelanejší, ako sme boli za starých čias.“ Nedovoľte diablovi, aby na vás niečo také položil. Ukázal som vám celý jeho program civilizácie, vzdelania a vedy. On to má priamo v cirkvi, a tak to v žiadnom prípade nepočúvajte. Držte sa od všetkých tých špinavých televízií a vecí preč!

164 A náš text hovorí, „Nepripodobňujte sa, ale buďte premenení.“ Nechoďte a nehovorte, „V nedeľu som bol birmovaný.“ Nie. Choďte a buďte hneď premenení, premenení z toho stavu, v ktorom ste teraz, na to, čo Boh chce, aby ste boli. [Rimanom 12:2]

165 Záleží to na tom, aký druh semena je vo vás. Ak bolo do vás umiestnené intelektuálne, vzdelanecké semeno, je len jediná vec, ktorú to dokáže urobiť, a to je deformovať, to je všetko, zdeformovať syna alebo dcéru Božiu. To je to jediné, čo vie urobiť. Dnešní ľudia, keď sa pozriem, oni konajú, akoby ani neverili, že existuje Boh.

166 Prepáčte mi tento výraz. Ak týmto zraním niekomu pocity, tak som to tak nemyslel. Pred niekoľkými nedeľami ma moja vlastná dcéra zavolala, aby som si išiel pozrieť náboženské spievanie v televízii. Bolo to v nedeľu ráno. Chcel som počuť Orala Robertsa v jeho programe, povedal som, aby mi to ukázali. Povedala, „Vypočuj si to, sú to krásne piesne.“ Stál tam aj môj syn, ktorý mi o tom tiež povedal. A tak som to zapol...

167 Požičali sme si to od ženy, ktorá má ten televízor vo svojom dome. Nikdy by som nechcel mať niečo také vo svojom dome. Nie veru. Nechcem to vo svojom dome. Vystrelil by som to svojou brokovnicou. Nechcem mať s takým zlom nič spoločné. Nie veru! Ale vezmite si...

168 Poviem vám niečo o vás, Arizončanoch. Videli ste nedávno tu analýzu škôl, nie? Osemdesiat percent detí v arizonských školách trpí mentálnym deficitom, šesťdesiatsedem percent z nich to má z pozerania televízie. Tak čo s tým?

169 Radšej potom použite brokovnicu! Vidíte? A tak nenechajte, aby vás tým diabol postriekal. Nie veru. A tak ľudia, ako som už povedal, konajú, akoby ani nemuseli ísť na súd.

170 Títo chlapci a dievčatá, bola tam nejaká indiánska rodina a všetko možné. Myslím, že to viedol človek, ktorý sa volal Pool. A ak som niekedy videl moderný výsmech cirkevných piesní, tak to bolo to; skupina Rickyov, ktorí tam stáli a triasli tam rukami hore-dolu.

171 Istotne som si cenil toho mladého muža, ktorý tu dnes ráno spieval, vyzeral slušne ako skutočný muž. Páči sa mi to. Keď niekedy vy, obchodníci, nájdete takúto skupinu Rickyov, ktorí tam stoja, skáču, vrieskajú a vyvádzajú, zadržiavajú dych, až dokiaľ nie sú modrí v tvári; to nie je spievanie, to robia len veľa vedeckého hluku. Spievanie je melódia zo srdca.

172 A pomyslel som si, „Aká škoda! Aká hanba! Ako môžu v mene náboženstva konať, akoby ani Boh neexistoval?!“ Niekto nedávno povedal chlapcovi, ktorý chodí s mojou dcérou. Jeden kresťanský chlapec poznamenal niečo chytré o Adamovi a Eve, povedal, „Keď Eva prechádzala cez záhradu, povedala, 'Deti, či vidíte ten strom?' Povedala, 'To je to, kde nás vaša matka 'vyjedla' z domu a domova.“ Viete si to predstaviť, máte byť neochvejným kresťanom, ktorý vezme zasľúbenie a Slovo Božie, a vy to hodíte to prasačieho chlieva! Tvária sa, akoby ani nemali ísť na súd. Ale Boh privedie na súd každé tajomstvo. Konajú, akoby Boh vôbec neexistoval. [Žalm 14:1]

173 Nechcem ich nazývať bláznami, lebo Biblia povedala, že nie je správne nazývať niekoho „blázon“. Ježiš povedal, že to tak je. „Nenazývaj žiadneho človeka bláznom.“ Ale Žalm 14:1 hovorí, „Blázon hovorí vo svojom srdci, 'Niet Boha.'“ Vidíte? Je to tak. Nechcem ich nazývať bláznami, ale oni tak konajú. Tvária sa tak. [Žalm 14:1]

174 Takže vidíte, na čom to dnes sme, akoby ani nebolo Boha. „Ja patrím do zboru! A všetko to, tá Biblia, je to jeden veľký vtip. Naša cirkev vie, kam smeruje!“ Áno, priamo do pekla. A sú priamo na ceste tam, skrze vedu a vzdelanie, teologické semináre a podobne, všetko ich to na tej ceste poháňa. Duch Svätý tam nemá šancu dať o niečom zjavenie; seminár to už zavrhol.

175 Duch Svätý nás má viesť; nie seminár, nie biskupi, dozorcovia, a tak ďalej. Duch Svätý je naším Vodcom.

176 Kain bol takou osobou. Bol istotne veľmi nábožný. A ak by bolo náboženstvo všetko, čo musíte mať, potom by bol Boh nespravodlivý za to, že odsúdil Kaina. Lebo on bol nábožný, práve tak nábožný a úprimný, ako bol aj Ábel. Pomyslite na to, on rozmýšľal o Bohu, uctieval Boha, mal zbor, vybudoval oltár, obetoval obeť, modlil sa, uctieval, ale bol odmietnutý. Bez ohľadu na to, ako... Ezav bol tiež taký. Vidíte? [Židom 11:4], [Genesis 4:3-6]

177 Náboženstvo, vidíte, to je satanova branža; nie celé to zlikvidovať, iba to poškvrniť. To je všetko. On to všetko nezabije... Ó, nie komunisti; nie, nie, antikrist nie je komunizmus. Biblia povedala, „Zviedlo by to i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné.“ Nevšímajte si tú železnú oponu, ale tú purpurovú. Ó. [Matúš 24:24]

178 Ale všimnite si, Kain prišiel, aby uctieval, ale mal v sebe nesprávne semeno, semeno hada. Syčanie hada nad ním zasyčalo, lebo bol semenom ženy. Poznal dokonalú vôľu Božiu, ale odmietal ju činiť. Či ste to vedeli? Satan pozná vôľu Božiu, ale odmieta ju činiť.

179 Všimnite si, on videl, ako Boh potvrdil Ábelovo posolstvo. A chcem, aby ste sa teraz nad tým zamysleli a na chvíľu použili svoj Filter rozumného človeka. Ábelove správne posolstvo, ktoré Boh potvrdil, že bolo pravdou! Už vám to dochádza? Ó. Ábelovo posolstvo bolo prijaté a Kain to videl a vedel, že Boh potvrdil, že to posolstvo bolo správne. Ale on to jednoducho nedokázal. Jeho pýcha ho od toho držala. Tak je, jeho pýcha ho od toho držala. On videl, ako Boh potvrdil to posolstvo. [Genesis 4:3-6]

180 A vyzerá, že tak to je aj dnes, je to tak ťažké pre ľudí, aby sa pokorili pod Slovo Božie. Oni to jednoducho nechcú urobiť. Pokoria sa vyznaniu cirkvi, to istotne, ale nie Slovu Božiemu.

181 Ak si chcete toto nájsť, tak choďte do... Mám tu miesta Písma, na to sa tu teraz odvolávam. Genesis 4:6 a 7, Boh povedal Kainovi, „Prečo opadla tvoja tvár? Prečo chodíš plný zlosti? Práve si počul posolstvo, ktoré ťa rozrušilo.“ Povedal, „Nuž, načo to teda robíš? Prečo opadla tvoja tvár, lebo som neprišiel do tvojej cirkvi? Prečo si to urobil?“ Či používate Filter rozumného človeka? Vidíte? [Genesis 4:3-7]

182 Alebo, „Prečo si ne... Prečo takto vyzeráš?“ Povedal, „Ak to urobíš dobre, choď to urobiť tak, ako to robí tvoj brat, a tiež ťa príjmem a požehnám. Urobím pre teba to isté.“ Ale on to jednoducho nedokázal urobiť. Povedal, „A ak nie, potom ti hriech nevery leží pri dverách.“ [Genesis 4:6-7]

183 A tak, keď nám hovoria, „Dni zázrakov pominuli.“ A vidia to tak dokonale preukázané a potvrdené, vidíte, všetky tieto veci, ktoré Boh zasľúbil, že bude v týchto posledných dňoch činiť, Zjavenie 10, Malachiáš 4 a všetko to tak dokonalé potvrdené. Čo sa deje, bratia? Čo sa deje? Vidíte?

184 Keď to tak nerobia; je to nevera, a to je hriech. Je len jeden hriech, a to je nevera. Tak to je. Nie ste odsúdení za to, že pijete, fajčíte, žujete, nosíte šortky, alebo neviem čo ešte. Nie, to vás neodsudzuje. Je to preto, že neveríte. Ak by ste verili, tak by ste to nerobili. Vidíte? Veriaci toto nerobí. On používa Filter rozumného muža, vidíte, alebo Filter rozumnej ženy, jedno z toho. V poriadku. Ale vidíte, hriech leží pri dverách.

185 Všimnite si, čo to urobilo s Kainom, a dnes to bude to isté. Spôsobilo to, že Kain odišiel. Vedomý, úmyselný hriešnik. Bol úmyselne neposlušný. S každým to tak bude. Úmyselne neposlušný po tom, čo videl, ako bolo Ábelove posolstvo potvrdené od Boha, že to bola pravda, ale on to odmietol urobiť. Vtedy sa to stalo tak isto. A potom prekročil tú deliacu hranicu.

186 Je určitá hranica, ktorú môžete prekročiť. Viete to, či nie? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] A tak vy, kazatelia, vy, čo ste tu, a tí tam, ktorí to počúvajú na telefónoch, ako to prechádza národom, či si to uvedomujete? Keď to vidíte v Písme a nerobíte to, Boh nebude vždy... On... Ó, vy pôjdete ďalej a budete požehnaní. Tak bol každý jeden z Izraela, oni žili v divočine, vychovávali deti, pestovali úrodu, boli požehnaní a všetko možné, ale každý jeden z nich bol večne oddelený od Boha. Ježiš tak povedal. Ó, áno. Boh vás požehná, ale potom ste zatratení. Istotne. Tak to hovorí Biblia, tak to On povedal. Všimnite si, môžete prekročiť tú deliacu hranicu. Či tomu veríte? [„Amen.“] Kain to tak urobil.

187 Obráťme sa tuto do Židom 10:26. Pozriem sa, či by som to vedel rýchlo nájsť. Kniha Židom, 10. kapitola, a myslím, že to je 26. verš. Mám to tu zapísané. Ak so mnou ešte na chvíľu vydržíte, tak to prečítame. Dobre, tu to máme.

Lebo keď dobrovoľne hrešíme po prijatí známosti pravdy, nepozostáva už viacej obeti za hriechy, ale jakési strašné očakávanie súdu a prudká pálivosť ohňa, ktorý má žrať protivníkov. [Židom 10:26-27]

188        To je TAK HOVORÍ BOŽIE SVÄTÉ SLOVO. Ak dobrovoľne neveríme po tom, čo sme to videli a počuli, potom sme prekročili hranicu. Potom vás už nečaká žiadne odpustenie, prekročili ste únosnú hranicu.

 „Ó,“ poviete, „Boh ma stále žehná.“ Ó, áno.

189 Majte na mysli Izrael, tie hranice. Keď im Boh dal zasľúbenie vo Svätej Zemi; v zemi, ktorá oplývala mliekom a medom. A keď tam Mojžiš poslal Kálefa a Jozuu a ďalších vyzvedačov, aby išli a preskúmali zem a priniesli späť potvrdené dôkazy. [Numeri 13:30]

190 Desiati z nich povedali, „My to nedokážeme. Nie sme schopní. Pozrite sa na tieto ťažkosti, ktoré tu máme. Budeme fanatikmi. Máme tu len takéto malé zbrane, s ktorými môžeme bojovať. A pozrite sa na to, čo majú oni. Proste to nedokážeme. Nie sme toho schopní.“ [Numeri 13:30]

191 Jozua a Kálef povedali, „Sme viac ako schopní to urobiť! Boh nám dal zasľúbenie.“

192 A pamätajte na to, oni sa obrátili. To bolo v Kádeš-barnei. A oni sa obrátili a stali sa tulákmi na púšti. A každý jeden z nich zahynul a bol večne zatratený. Ježiš tak povedal.[Numeri 26:65]

193 Neprekračujte tú deliacu hranicu, vidíte. „Keď viete, ako robiť dobre, a nerobíte to, potom hrešíte.“

194 Izrael urobil to isté. Potom, ako videli, že Mojžiš bol potvrdený, potom dovolili Balámovi, aby ich znečistil, to drahé preukázané Semeno. Pastor, nikdy nehovor nič proti tomuto Slovu. Pozrite sa na Baláma, on bol prorokom a on videl Semeno Božie potvrdené. Ale pod svojou veľkou denomináciou, v ktorej žil, Moáb videl tú skupinu tulákov, ktorí prechádzali zemou, on ich poškvrnil a povedal, „No, počkajte na chvíľu. My sme všetci kresťania. Všetci sme veriaci. Naši a vaši otcovia sú tí istí. Či nie sme deti Lotove? Či nebol Lot Abrahámov synovec? Či si nie sme všetci rovní? Sobášme sa jeden s druhým.“ A Izrael, tak, ako Eva v záhrade Eden dovolila, aby ju satan poškvrnil, on tiež poškvrnil aj Izrael skrze falošného proroka. Ten skutočný prorok bol s nimi s potvrdeným Slovom. Ale skrze intelektuálne poňatie a známosť ich poškvrnil. Pomyslite teraz na to, nikdy to nebolo odpustené, taký hriech nebol nikdy odpustený.

195 Tie semená hnijú priamo vo svojom výkone služby, na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme. Každý jeden z nich zahynul a zhnil, priamo v cirkvi vo výkone služby, pričom nasledovali Boha. Ale dovolil satanovi, aby ich zanečistil svojím intelektuálnym, vzdelávacím sprejom, kedy povedal, „No, my sme všetci rovnakí, všetci sme predsa deti Božie.“ Nie ste! Ale oni nechali, aby ich ten falošný učiteľ znečistil so svojím intelektuálnym poňatím, ktoré o tom mal.

196 Je to presne to isté, čo dnes robí Ekumenická Rada, vidíte, presne to isté, „Prečo by sme sa nemohli spolu zjednotiť do jednej veľkej organizácie?“ Váš celý organizačný systém je z diabla. V Biblii to je znamenie šelmy. Čoskoro mi o tom vyjde kniha, ak Pán dá.

197 Všimnite si, v čase Noacha, oni videli, ako bolo Slovo vybudované na to, aby plávalo. Dovoľte mi poznamenať jednu malú poznámku, Slovo bolo spolu poskladané, aby prinieslo premenu od zeme po oblohu. Videli usporiadanie tej veci; ale so svojimi rozumovými predstavami sa smiali prorokovi do tváre, Noachovi, kedy prorokoval o čase konca. Ale čo to... To usporiadanie bolo vytvorené Slovom Božím zvonka a zvnútra obklopené modlitbou a vierou. Kedy prišli dažde, všetky tie rozumové predstavy o náboženstve zrazu zahynuli a zomreli priamo vo svojich cirkvách, priamo na zemi. A archa sa nad tým všetkým vznášala. Vedecké poškvrnené semeno, ktoré zhnilo priamo na súde. [Genesis 6:8-18]

198 O čo sa to vlastne snažíme? Snažíme sa upevniť cirkev, alebo sa snažíme upevniť Slovo Božie? O čo nám ide? Na čom to pracujeme? Snažíme sa priviesť ľudí späť ku tomuto? O čo sa to táto veľká Eva snaží v týchto posledných dní, táto cirkevná Eva?

199 Za chvíľu budem musieť skončiť, bratu, lebo čas nám beží. [Brat hovorí, „Len pokračuj ďalej!“ - pozn.prekl.] Darujte mi ešte aspoň takých pätnásť minút a zastavím sa na týchto miestach Písma. [„Len pokojne pokračuj.“] Áno. V poriadku. Viem. Ľudia sa tu asi chcú dostať a vyčistiť to tu. Ale zdá sa, akoby to bolo ťažké zakončiť. [„Len choď ďalej, nie je sa kam ponáhľať.“] Poponáhľam sa. V poriadku.

200 Pozrite sa na túto veľkú vedeckú, vzdelanú a skríženú Evu dneška, ktorá si hovorí cirkev, o čo jej to ide? Snaží sa vyvýšiť Božie Slovo a nechať ľudí konať tak, ako konajú? Oni nepoužívajú Filter rozumného človeka alebo Boží filter. Pozrite sa na to, čo produkujú. Oni vyvyšujú samých seba. Cirkev je práve vo svojom zdeformovanom semene programu znalosti, oni zapríčinili, že celá ľudská rasa je vedecky absolútne nevedomá Slova Božieho. Dotknem sa tu ešte pár vecí, nebudem o tom hovoriť dlho, chcem už zakončiť. Vedecky neznalí! Keď Boh tu na zemi robil veci, ktoré robí aj teraz skrze Svoje zasľúbené Slovo, oni to ignorujú a idú preč, lebo sú vedecky nevedomí. Vedecky nevedomí!

201 Práve sa smejem, lebo brat Williams tu napísal na kúsok papiera, „Môžeš tu zostať celé popoludnie,“ niečo také. Ale cením si to, je to skutočne milé.

202 Ale ľudia dobrovoľne hrešia. Priviedlo to celý systém cirkví dnešného sveta do dobrovoľného hriechu voči Bohu. Už len bežná slušnosť vám dokáže, že je to pravda. V poriadku. Opona žiadosti zaslepila ich oči na Slovo Božie a ona opäť zisťuje, že je nahá. Viete, Boh v Zjavení 3 povedal, „Pomaž svoje oči kollýriom, aby boli otvorené.“ Vidíte? Kollýrium je Jeho Slovo. [Zjavenie 3:18]

203 Viete, oni povedia, „No, tento človek študoval štyridsať rokov, aby získal všetky tieto tituly, bakalár teológie, doktor teológie a všetko možné.“

204 Viete, čo o tom povedal Ježiš? Povedal, „Nech človek zaprie sám seba.“ Pavol to urobil.

 Poviete, „To to neznamená.“ [Matúš 16:24]

205 Nuž, prečo to potom Pavol nasledoval? Povedal, „Nikdy som k vám neprišiel s presviedčavými slovami ľudskej múdrosti, aby ste si na tom budovali svoju nádej. Ale prišiel som k vám v moci a manifestácii Ducha Svätého, aby bolo vaše slovo... aby bola vaša viera postavená na Slove Božom a nie na prejave múdrosti.“

206 Zdá sa, že ľudia úplne stratili bežnú slušnosť a zdržanlivosť. Nie sú takí, akí bývali. Zvyklo to byť tak, že keď prorok povedal, „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN,“ ľudia sa triasli. Áno, istotne to tak bolo. Ľudia boli pohnutí, lebo sa báli. Ale teraz stratili všetku bázeň. Vôbec sa neboja Boha.

207 Šalamún povedal, „Bázeň Božia je počiatkom múdrosti,“ ešte len počiatkom múdrosti.[Príslovia 9:10]

208 Teraz môže prorok hovoriť TAK HOVORÍ PÁN; a ľudia povedia, „nezmysel!“ Vidíte, nie je pre nich nádej. Povedia, „No, ale my sme inteligentní. Sme intelektuálni, my nepotrebujeme prijímať také veci! My vieme, o čom hovoríme!“

209 Je ešte ďalšie príslovie, ktoré hovorí, „Blázni chodia v okovaných topánkach tam, kde sa anjeli boja chodiť po špičkách.“ Istotne.

210 A tak čo je tá premena? (Už rýchlo.) Ako ju dostaneme? Čo to tá premena robí? Boh to robí skrze Ducha Svojho Slova. On premieňa. Zasadí Svoje Semeno, vkladá do neho Svojho Ducha a to prináša výsledok. Jeho Duch Svätý premieňa Semeno Slova, aby bolo potvrdené, že je podľa svojho druhu.

211 To, z akého semena ste, ukazuje, čo je vo vás. Nemôžete to zakryť. Čímkoľvek ste vo vnútri, to ukazuje váš vonkajšok. Nemôžete tomu zabrániť. Nemôžete zo stromu urobiť nič iné, iba to, čím on už je. Vidíte, tak to bude. Duch Svätý premieňa semená, ktoré sú v jeho vnútri. Bez ohľadu na to, aký druh semena to je, ono tým bude premenené. Ak je to zlé, tak to splodí zlo. Ak to je pokrytecké, tak to splodí pokrytca. Ak to je skutočné Slovo Božie, tak to splodí skutočného syna alebo dcéru Božiu skrze filter rozumného človeka. Kedy prichádza to Semeno, ono prichádza skrze to a to produkuje syna a dcéru Božiu.

212 Jedného dňa, kedy svet ležal v temnote chaosu, Boh... Dobre teraz počúvajte, lebo nebudeme teraz hovoriť... už len trochu dlhšie. Pozrite. Jedného dňa, keď bol svet opäť vo všetkých druhoch náboženstiev, pri umývaní rúk a hrncov, kedy nosili rôzne rúcha a čiapky, a tak ďalej, ležalo to uprostred totálneho chaosu. Skutočný Izrael Boží bol tak odvrátený od zákonov a ustanovení Božích, že Ježiš povedal, „Vy so svojimi tradíciami zbavujete Slovo Božie moci pre ľudí, všetko so svojimi tradíciami.“ A pozrite sa na tých svätých kňazov, ako ich nazývajú; Ježiš povedal, „Vy ste zo svojho otca, diabla a jeho skutky aj činíte.“ Vidíte, presne tak to povedal. [Matúš 15:6], [Ján 8:44]

213 A tak, keď svet ležal v takom zmätku, Duch Boží sa opäť vznášal nad Semenom, ktoré bolo predurčené. On premenil a pretransformoval Izaiáša 9:6 podľa zasľúbenia; On, Boh sa stal ľudským telom, aby zachránil svet z toho chaotického stavu. Keď bol človek stvorený na obraz Boží, tu prichádza Boh, ktorý to skrze proroka predpovedá... Pamätajte teraz na to Slovo, prorok to predvidel, ten istý prorok, ktorý videl aj satana v týchto posledných dňoch, vidíte, s týmito vzdelávacími programami a vecami, ktoré má, náboženské programy. Ten istý prorok, Izaiáš 9:6 hovorí, „Dieťa sa nám narodilo, Syn nám je daný; a Jeho Meno sa bude nazývať 'Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Mocný Boh, Večný Otec.' A Jeho panovaniu nebude konca.“ A to Slovo je Božím Slovom. A ten Duch sa pohyboval nad tým Slovom a vytvoril lono panny; človeka, „syn sa narodil,“ nie je stvorený, ale „narodený.“ [Izaiáš 9:6-7]

214 Satan sa to znovu a znovu pokúša znečistiť. Zavolal Ho a povedal, „Ak si tým, čím hovoríš, že si, urob tu pre mňa nejaké uzdravenia. Ukáž mi, ako to dokážeš. Premeň tieto kamene na chlieb. Ukáž, ako tu strmhlav skočíš, lebo Písmo hovorí, že sa zachrániš.“

215 Vidíte, ako dnes tí nábožní diabli hovoria to isté? „Ak je niečo také ako Božské uzdravenie; tu leží taký a taký brat, pozrime sa, ako ho uzdravíš.“

216 Ten istý diabol stál pri Ježišovi na kríži a povedal, „Ak si Syn Boží, zostúp z kríža.“[Matúš 27:40]

217 Slovo povedalo, že je Synom Božím. Duch dokázal, že bol Synom Božím. Izaiáš 9:6 bol vyplnený. A nedávno, asi ste to mnohí z vás, ktorí ste pripojení, počuli, ako sme dokazovali asi nejakými vyše šesťdesiatimi miestami Písma, ktoré dokazujú, že to bol On.

218 Ó, satan sa opäť a opäť pokúšal. Jednej noci ho videl, ako spí v zadnej časti lode. Povedal, „Teraz ho zničím.“ Ale nemohol.

219 Snažil sa Ho zviesť, aby vykonal niečo zlé, ale nedokázal to. Prečo? On bol postriekaný repelentom predurčenia. A ono nemôže byť zvedené. Nie, nie. Slovo povedalo, že On tam bude. Amen. Žiadne zlo ho neobťažuje a žiaden iný syn Boží, ktorý je predurčený, nemôže zaujať jeho miesto. On je postriekaný repelentom. Satanov jed, denominační doktori sa Ho ani len nedotýkajú. On sa len pohybuje a nič ho neobťažuje, vidíte. Nemalo to na Neho žiaden účinok.

220  „No, urobím z Teba biskupa celej zeme. Mám nad ňou vládu. Ak ma len budeš uctievať, pridáš sa k mojej skupine, urobím z Teba vládcu. Ja zostúpim a nechám Teba vystúpiť.“

221 On povedal, „Choď preč odo Mňa, satan! Je napísané, 'Budeš uctievať Boha, Slovo, a jedine Jemu budeš slúžiť.'“ A potom jedného dňa...

 Chcel by som ešte zostať na tejto veľkej Osobe. [Lukáš 4:8]

222 Ale jedného dňa na Neho prišiel Duch; lebo bolo Slovo, ktoré bolo o Ňom napísané, ktoré prišlo od Boha skrze proroka, „A bol vedený ako baránok na zabitie.“ A Duch na Neho prišiel a viedol Ho a poslal Ho na kríž Golgoty. A tam On zomrel. A všetko, čo bolo vypovedané o Jeho smrti, bolo vyplnené, aby to prinieslo Svetlo a Život všetkému predurčenému semenu Božiemu, ktoré bolo na zemi. On na to vymyslel spôsob. Tu je to Semeno, Duch, ktorý prináša Život; ktorý premieňa synov a dcéry Božie zo sveta v tomto tmavom chaose, aby boli synmi a dcérami Božími. [Skutky 8:32-33], [Izaiáš 53:7-8]

223 Nepozastavujte sa nad tým slovom „predurčenie.“ Viem, že sa pozastavujete. Ale počúvajte, to nie je moje slovo. To je jedno z Božích Slov. Ak si to chcete prečítať, nalistujte si Efežanom 1:5, ktoré hovorí, „Predurčil nás k synovstvu skrze Ježiša Krista.“ Vidíte? [Efežanom 1:5]

224 Dovoľte mi urobiť len krátku prestávku, naozaj len na chvíľu, aby ste si dali toto v mysliach do poriadku. Pozrite. Tak, ako ste vy boli vo svojom otcovi na počiatku, tam bol zárodok. Či ste to vedeli, každý jeden z vás? Boli ste vo svojom pra-pra-praotcovi, vedeli ste o tom? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

225 Prečítajte si Knihu Židom, kde zisťujeme, že Lévi platil desiatok, ešte keď bol v bedrách Abrahámových, štyri generácie pred ním. Keď Abrahám platil desiatky Melchisedechovi, bolo to pripočítané jeho pra-prasynovi ďaleko po ňom, a on bol vtedy ešte len v Abrahámových bedrách. Tu to máte. Vidíte?[Židom 7:9]

226 Vy ste boli v bedrách svojho otca, ale váš otec s vami nemohol mať žiadne obecenstvo, až dokiaľ ste neboli premenení do ľudského tela.

227 Môj syn tam bol so mnou. Ja som chcel syna, ale on bol už vtedy vo mne. Vidíte? On bol vtedy vo mne. Ale skrze manželský zväzok bol premenený na muža, ako som ja, a potom sa stal takým, akým som ja.

228 A vy sa stávate takými, akí sú aj vaši rodičia, vidíte, lebo vo vás to od počiatku bolo. A tak, ak sme my synovia Boží, Jeho atribúty... Vy ste atribútom svojho otca, nie vašej matky; vášho otca. Zárodok leží v otcovi. Vidíte? A vaša matka bola len taký inkubátor, ktorý vás nosil, ktorý niesol semeno vášho otca. Vidíte?

229 A táto zem, v tele, je tiež inkubátorom, ktorý nesie semeno Božie. Vidíte, presne tak to je. Nie tento svet, aký je veľký; je len tak veľký, aký ho Boh stvoril. Vidíte?

230 Ak ste synom a dcérou Božou, potom ste boli v Bohu už na počiatku. Ste Jeho atribútom. Ak ste v Ňom vtedy neboli, tak ste v Ňom nikdy neboli a ani nikdy nebudete.

231 Pretože ja nemôžem vo svojich bedrách niesť syna tohto muža tu alebo tohto muža tam, ja môžem niesť len svojich vlastných synov a oni budú niesť moju podobu. Haleluja. Či to vidíte?

232 Synovia a dcéry boli v Bohu na počiatku. Pozrite sa. Hovoríte, že máte Večný Život. My v to veríme, že máme Večný Život. Ale je len jedna forma Večného Života a to je Boh. To je to jediné, čo je večné, Boh. A tak, ak vy máte Večný Život, to je ten život, ktorý vo vás vždy bol, a vy ste boli v bedrách Božích ešte pred tým, než bol vôbec nejaký svet. A kedy to samotné Slovo... Ježiš Sám je nazývaný Slovom a v sv. Jánovi 1 sa hovorí, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“ Vtedy ste boli v bedrách Ježiša a išli ste s Ním na Golgotu. Zomreli ste s Ním a povstali ste s Ním. A dnes sedíme v ponebeských miestach v Ňom, naplnení Jeho Duchom, synovia a dcéry Božie. Zomreli sme s Ním a povstali sme s Ním. Istotne.

233 A tak teraz s Ním môžete mať obecenstvo. To ste vtedy nemohli, lebo ste v Ňom boli ešte len Slovo, semeno. Ale teraz vás On prejavil, zamanifestoval a chce, aby ste s Ním mali obecenstvo. Potom zostúpil, stal sa telom, aby s Ním každý mohol mať dokonalé obecenstvo. Či vidíte to dokonalé obecenstvo? Ó, tie hlboké tajomstvá Božie! Aké nádherné! Vidíte, Boh nemohol mať obecenstvo v Duchu, tak sa Boh spolu s nami stal človekom. [1. Timoteovi 3:16]

234 Ježiš Kristus bol Sám zamanifestovaný Boh, pretože bol synom, ktorý bol počatý, ale to bola pre Neho len schránka, v ktorej žil. „Nikto nikdy nevidel Boha, len ten jednorodený z Otca Ho zjavil.“ Boh si postavil dom, telo, v ktorom žil, a zostúpil, aby ste sa Ho mohli dotknúť. 1. Timoteovi 3:16, „A vyznane veľké je tajomstvo pobožnosti: Bôh zjavený v tele, ospravedlnený v Duchu, zjavený anjelom, kázaný pohanom, uverené Mu na svete, hore vzatý v sláve.“ Vidíte? A tak On... [1. Timoteovi 3:16]

235 Keďže ste vy telom a On je tiež telom, tak môžete mať jeden s druhým obecenstvo, pretože On bol Božím atribútom lásky. Boh je láska. Je to tak? A Ježiš bol Božím atribútom lásky. A keď bol ten atribút lásky zobrazený, ktorým bol Boh Sám; všetky atribúty, ktoré Mu boli pripisované, na Neho prišli, „Všetci, ktorých Mi Otec dal, ku Mne prídu.“ Istotne, oni museli byť predurčení. Ak nie, vy by ste tu neboli. To je všetko. Istotne.[Ján 6:37]

236 A tak my môžeme mať obecenstvo skrze bohatstvá Jeho Slova, ktorého ste časťou. Vy ste časťou Slova; pretože On bol Slovom na počiatku, a vy ste Slovom teraz. Vidíte? Dnes večer budem kázať, alebo nejakú inú nedeľu, v jednom z týchto dní o tom, čo je to Slovo, vidíte. Vy ste časťou Slova.

237 Počúvajte. Je jedna vec, ktorú nemôžem. Nemôžem sa chváliť svojimi predkami. Mám dosť nečistý pôvod. Môj otec bol Ír. Moja matka bola indiánska žena, napoly Indiánka; jej matka bola Indiánka, išla skôr do dôchodku. A všetci z nich boli opilci, väčšina z nich zomrela s topánkami na nohách, v boji, prestrelkách, a tak ďalej. Nie je na tom nič, čím by som sa mohol chváliť, lebo moji predkovia a môj pôvod je hrozný.

238 Ale, brat, je jedna vec, ktorou sa môžem chváliť, môžem sa chváliť svojím Pánom Ježišom, ktorý ma vykúpil. A so Svojou Mocou Premenenia zasadil semeno skrze predurčenie a ja som uvidel, koho synom teraz som. Áno. Môžem sa chváliť Ním. A tridsaťtri rokov svojho života som tým strávil. Ak by ma ušetril a dal mi ešte ďalších tridsaťtri rokov, tak sa Ním budem len viac chváliť. Vidíte? Môžem sa chváliť svojím Predkom, haleluja, Tým, ktorý ma vykúpil a zasadil do mňa to semeno Života a dovolil mi vidieť Jeho Slovo, zoslal Svojho Ducha a povedal, „Tu to máš. Hovor o tom a ono sa to stane. Rob to.“ A, ó, môžem sa Ním chváliť! Ako to On urobil? Skrze obmytie vodami Slova, vody oddelenia, ktoré... [Efežanom 5:26-27]

239 Pravdiví predurčení veriaci zostanú na Slove, pretože sú časťou toho Slova.

240 Ó, bludné hviezdy, ako dlho sa budete túlať? Vy, metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, outsideri, čímkoľvek ste, bludné hviezdy z cirkvi do cirkvi, z miesta na miesto, z televízie do televízie, zo sveta do sveta, prečo sa nespamätáte? On túži mať s vami obecenstvo. Túži po vás. Chce vás premeniť skrze obnovenie vašej mysle, nie na cirkev alebo na denomináciu, ale na Jeho Slovo, ktorého ste časťou, ak vo vás leží tá túžba. Požehnaní tí, ktorí sú hladní a smädní po spravodlivosti; lebo tí budú naplnení. Vidíte? Ó! [Matúš 5:6], [Júda 1:13]

241 A On poslal Svoju Moc Premenenia, aby vás vyviedol z tejto náboženskej deformovanosti, v ktorej sa nachádzate. V tomto chaose deformity, v ktorej sme, Boh poslal Svoju premieňajúcu Moc, Jeho Slovo, ktoré je potvrdené a dokázané, aby vás vyviedlo z tejto náboženskej deformovanosti a nevedomosti, v ktorej kráčate, „nahí, slepí, mizerní, a nevedia o tom.“ Zamyslite sa nad tým, priatelia. [Zjavenie 3:17]

242 Viete, Boh poslal Svoju moc premenenia, aby vyplnil Svoje Slovo a zmenil celé telo Sáry a Abraháma. Premenil starého človeka a starú ženu, lebo zasľúbil, že tak učiní.

243 A to, čo Boh zasľúbi, tak to aj vyplní. Nie je nič, čo by... Akákoľvek prevrátená vec, Boh s tým nedokáže nič urobiť. Ale On dodrží Svoje Slovo a zošle Svojho Ducha! „Ja, Pán, som to zasadil. Budem to polievať dňom a nocou, aby to nikto nevytrhol z mojej ruky.“ Biblia tak hovorí.[Izaiáš 27:2-3]

244 Ó, bludné hviezdy, vy, s tou túžbou vo vašich srdciach! Vy to musíte mať, ináč by ste tu dnes ráno nesedeli. A neboli by ste v tých cirkvách a posluchárňach a miestach, kde sa nachádzate, všade naprieč krajinou, ak by vás tam niečo nepriviedlo. Nejaká osoba k vám prehovorila. Nechoďte ďalej. Existuje obmytie vodami Slova, ktoré vás očistí ako sneh. Ó, synovia Boží, počúvajte! Nezostávajte v tej porušenosti. Vyjdite z toho. Abrahám veril Bohu a nazýval všetko, čo bolo v protiklade... [Efežanom 5:26], [Júda 1:13]

245 Poviete, „Ako by som si zarobil na živobytie? Ako by som robil toto?“ To je Božia vec. „Ako by som to všetko robil? Moji kolegovia by ma odmietli.“

246 Boh povedal, „Ten, ktorý opustí svojho vlastného otca, matku, ženu, muža, domy, domovy; tomu dám Ja domy a domovy, Ja mu dám otcov a matky, bratov a sestry, v tomto svete a Večný Život v tom svete, ktorý príde.“ To je zasľúbenie, priateľu. Ó, to by malo byť poliate! Každé zasľúbenie Božie prichádza do existencie. Každé Semeno Božie je zasľúbením. [Matúš 19:29]

247 A, sestra, prestaň si strihať tie vlasy, lebo je to nečisté pred Bohom. Prestaň nosiť to oblečenie, je to pre Neho ohavnosťou! [1. Korinťanom 11:6]

248 Vy, bratia, muži, prestaňte sa uspokojovať tými denomináciami, ktoré robia tie veci, nechávajú vaše ženy robiť tie veci. Kresťanom sa to nepatrí.

249 Poďme naspäť do Slova! Vezmite to Slovo, Ono bude rásť. Musí rásť. Božia moc premenenia, ktorá to priviedla, Ono je práve na Svojej ceste späť, znovu ide späť. Ide priamo tam, kde na počiatku bolo.

250 Enoch bol premenený zo smrti Božou mocou premenenia. Prečo to Boh urobil? Bol to predobraz cirkvi vo vytrhnutí, ktoré sa blíži. Áno. S Eliášom to bolo tak isto.[Židom 11:5], [2. Kráľov 2:11]

251 Ježišovo telo bolo oživené po tom, ako bolo mŕtve. A v hrobe bolo Ježišovo telo oživené Slovom Božím; a premenené zo smrteľného studeného obrazu na vzkrieseného osláveného Syna Božieho. Pretože prorok, Žalm 16:10, ak si to chcete zapísať, 16:10, povedal, „Nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle ani nedovolím, aby Môj Svätý videl porušenie.“ Ó, Bože! [Skutky 2:27], [Žalm 16:10]

252 To Slovo musí prísť do existencie. Je to Božie Slovo! Zasaďte Ho do svojho srdca, ak chcete ísť do Vytrhnutia. Ak chcete byť nefalšovaní ozajstní kresťania, umiestnite to Slovo. Myslím, že to bolo pri Ezechielovi, keď Boh povedal, „Vezmi ten zvitok a zjedz ho,“ potom sa ten prorok a to Slovo stanú tým istým. A každé zasľúbenie, ktoré tam je, sa musí uskutočniť, lebo to je Božie originálne Semeno. Nedovoľte, aby to z vás nejaký vzdelaný teológ tam vonku vypumpoval. Nedovoľte, aby vás znečistil tou telesnou vedou a vedomosťami, vzdelaním. Verte Bohu! [Ezechiel 3:1]

253 Abrahám neprijímal vedecký výskum svojho dňa, nehovoril, „Som príliš starý na to, aby som mal dieťa, už to zašlo ďaleko. Urobil som toto, tamto alebo tamto.“ Ale on nazýval čokoľvek, čo bolo v protiklade s Božím Slovom, akoby to nebolo. A nezapotácal sa na zasľúbení Božom skrze neveru; ale bol silný, vzdávajúci Bohu chválu. Vedel, že Boh bol schopný vykonať to, čo zasľúbil. [Rimanom 4:20]

254 Ó, túlajúci sa synovia, zdeformovaní burinou tohto sveta! Túlajúce sa sestry, ako si vás tieto miesta a módy tohoto sveta pritiahli! A, drahá sestra, môžeš si myslieť, že som starý cvok, ale v jednom z týchto dní, keď sa stretneš s tým, s čím sa nedávno stretla Florence Shakarianová; ona tiež sedávala v tejto miestnosti, ako viete. Keď sa s tým stretneš, potom zistíš, že nie ja, ale toto Slovo je pravdivé. Drž sa ďalej od tých holičstiev a módnych obchodov. Vyhýbaj sa tým veciam.

255 Poviete, „Prečo ich neučíš nejaké veľké veci, ako byť týmto a tamtým?“ Len začni s abecedou, a potom prídeme k algebre. Vidíte? Len sa začni učiť to, čo je „tvojou rozumnou svätoslužbou.“ „Preto vás prosím, bratia, pre rôzne milosrdenstvo Božie, aby ste oddali svoje telo v živú obeť, svätú a ľúbu Bohu, čo je vašou rozumnou svätoslužbou.“ [Rimanom 12:1]

256 Vy len robte svoju „rozumnú svätoslužbu“ a Boh sa postará o ostatné; vidíte, robte len to, čo môžete urobiť rozumne. Či to nie je... Či to nie je nerozumné pre ženu, aby sa vyzliekala a chodila po vonku a takto sa správala, zatiaľ čo to Biblia odsudzuje? Či to nie je pre muža nerozumné, že sa nechá zatiahnuť do takej dogmy, akú dnes máme, a všetky tieto veci, semináre a podobne, keď je to úplne v protiklade so Slovom Božím? Vidíte? [Rimanom 12:1-2]

257 Izaiášove ústa, on bol len obyčajným človekom nečistých pier. Povedal, „Pane, som medzi nečistým ľudom a mám nečisté pery. Beda mi, lebo som videl Boha.“ A Anjel zostúpil, zoslal Svätý Oheň z Božieho oltára a premenil jeho ústa; z úst tuláka na ústa proroka s TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Božia moc premenenia![Izaiáš 6:5] 

258 Stodvadsať rybárov a nejakí predavači purpuru, ženy, všetci tí sa zhromaždili v hornej miestnosti a zavreli dvere, niektorí z nich neboli ani natoľko vzdelaní, že by vedeli napísať svoje vlastné meno. Boh ich premenil z rybárov rýb na rybárov ľudí; z mužov a žien na ulici na nesmrteľných Božích svätých. Ó, tá Božia moc Premenenia! [Skutky 1:13-14]

259 Pavol, člen miestneho zboru, presbyterián, metodista, baptista, letničný alebo čokoľvek; kedy tam išiel dolu ulicou v tom vzdorovitom duchu, že vedel viac ako ktokoľvek z nich. Chodieval ku Gamalielovi, jednému z najlepších učiteľov, aký v tej zemi boli. A čo sa mu stalo na ceste dolu do Damašku, kam išiel, aby zajal skupinu ľudí, ktorí verili Božiemu Slovu? Na svojej ceste bol udretý a počul Posolstvo. A to ho premenilo z člena cirkvi a návštevníka zboru na proroka Božieho, ktorý napísal Slovo Božie v Novom Zákone. Z člena cirkvi na svätého!

260 Ó, bludná hviezda, prestaňme s tým. Zblúdený syn, túlajúce sa semeno, ktoré ide z miesta na miesto vo svojej deformovanosti; obráťte sa dnes ráno, deti. Počujte ma, prosím, ako človeka, ktorý sa snaží stáť medzi živými a mŕtvymi. [Júda 1:13]

261 Tam naprieč zemou, kam ide to vysielanie, ak ste tam stále pripojení, vy, ktorí ste sa túlali z miesta na miesto, zostaňte tu ešte aspoň na chvíľu. Viem, že je tu neskoro, tu v Tucsone, alebo pardon, vo Phoenixe, je za dvadsať dvanásť. A títo ľudia sú tu už od rána. Držal som vás preč od vašej práce a podobne. Ale pozri, drahý priateľu, mohol by si byť naveky preč od Boha. Vráť sa, prosím, dnes ráno. Urobíš to? Pri tom Prameni je ešte miesto.

 Viem, že je to iste tak, dávno sa v jasliach narodilo dieťa,

 aby spasilo ľudstvo od jeho hriechov.

 Ján Ho videl na brehu, toho večného Baránka,

 ó, Krista ukrižovaného na Golgote.


 Ó, milujem toho Muža z Galiley, z Galiley,

 lebo pre mňa vykonal tak veľa.

 Odpustil mi všetky hriechy, umiestnil do mňa Ducha Svätého;

 Ó, milujem, milujem toho Muža z Galiley.


 Raz sa išiel publikán modliť, jedného dňa v chráme,

 kričal, „Ó, Pane, buď mi milostivý!“

 Každý hriech mu odpustil a vložil doňho hlboký pokoj;

 Povedal, „Poď a vidz toho Muža z Galiley.“ Tak je.


 Chromý začal kráčať, nemý rozprávať;

 zvesť tej moci sa s láskou niesla po moriach;

 Slepý začal vidieť, viem, že to mohla byť

 len milosť toho Muža z Galiley.


262 To je predobrazom služby dneška.


 Tej žene pri studni povedal všetky hriechy,

 ako mala v tom čase päť mužov.

 Odpustil jej každý hriech a do srdca vložil hlboký pokoj;

 a ona zakričala, „Poďte a vidzte toho Muža z Galiley!“


263 Žena, On to vedel. Vidíte, On videl do vášho srdca dnes ráno. Muž, On dnes videl do tvojho srdca. Ó, publikán, len sa pomodlime!


 Ó, milujem toho Muža z Galiley, z Galiley,

 lebo pre mňa učinil tak veľa.

 Odpustil mi všetky hriechy a umiestnil do mňa Ducha Svätého;

 Ó, milujem, milujem toho Muža z Galiley.


264 Či Ho nebudete so mnou dnes ráno milovať? Ó, spurný blúdiaci hriešnik, už či si tu alebo niekde inde, či dnes ráno nepríjmeš môjho Pána? On je tým Slovom a to Slovo vám bolo prinesené. Či Ho dnes ráno nepríjmete? Či len nepozdvihnete svoje ruky alebo sa nepostavíte na nohy, alebo niečo, alebo sa pomodlite, povedzte, „Chcem Ho prijať hneď teraz. Brat, som ochotný, som ochotný prijať Ho hneď teraz.“ Či sa nepostavíte na svoje nohy, ktokoľvek, kto chce, aby bolo za neho modlené, povedzte, „Som...“ alebo kto chce, aby som sa za neho pomodlil, „Ja som hriešnikom. Chcem...“ Nech ťa Pán žehná, pane. Ešte niekto? Každý sa aspoň na chvíľu modlite.

 Tam dávno v jasliach, (viete, svet bol

 vtedy v chaose), viem, že je to iste tak,

 malé dieťa sa narodilo,

 aby spasilo ľudstvo z jeho hriechov.

 Ján Ho videl na brehu,

 On bol tým večným Baránkom,

 (dnes je ten istý)

 Ó, to je Kristus, ten ukrižovaný na Golgote.

265 Či Ho dnes nebudete milovať celým svojím srdcom, aby ste mohli opustiť tento svetský stav, v ktorom sa nachádzate? Vy, ženy, vy, muži, ó, na čo ste tu celý čas sedeli? To len dokazuje, že vnútri vo vás niečo je, je tam niečo, čo je hladné a smädné. Vy by ste tu v tejto budove nesedeli tieto dve-tri hodiny; niečo vo vás musí byť. Či na to dnes neobrátite svoj zreteľ? Nechajte všetku módu a vedu a všetky veci tohto sveta, nech hneď v tejto chvíli opustia vašu myseľ, drahý brat a sestra.

 Cirkvi sa zjednocujú,

 veľké národy sa rozpadávajú,

 Izrael sa budí, znamenia,

 ktoré nám proroci predpovedali;

 dni pohanov sú sčítané, hrôzou obťažené;

 „Vráťte sa, rozptýlení, k svojim vlastným.“


 Deň vykúpenia sa blíži.

 Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú strachom;

 Buďte plní Ducha, majte lampy ozdobené a čisté,

 Pozrite, vaše vykúpenie sa blíži!


 Falošní proroci klamú,

 Božiu pravdu zapierajú,

 Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh.

266 No, to je pravda. Všetci poznáme ten deň, v ktorom žijeme.

 Ale On povedal, že:


 V čase večera bude Svetlo.

 Cestu do slávy istotne nájdete.


267 To je ten deň, v ktorom teraz žijeme. Svetlo bude svietiť práve večer, kedy všetko zahaľuje tma, v čase súmraku príde tá večerná hviezda.


 Tá večerná hviezda,

 a potom bude len tma!

 Nech nie je smútku pri lúčení,

 kedy nakoniec nastúpim;

 Cieľom nie je čas a priestor,

 vody ma môžu zaniesť ďaleko,

 Ale ja chcem vidieť svojho Pilota tvárou v tvár,

 kedy prejdem všetky prekážky.

 Nehovor mi v žalostných číslach,

 že život je len prázdny sen!

 A duša nie je mŕtva, len spí.

 A veci nie sú tak, ako vyzerajú.

 Áno, život je skutočný! A život je vážny!

 A hrob nie je jeho cieľom;

 lebo prach si a na prach sa obrátiš,

 to nebolo hovorené o duši.

 Životy veľkých mužov nám pripomínajú,

 že môžeme svoje životy zlepšiť,

 a zanechať všetky rozdelenia,

 stopy na piesku času;

 ako sa tak plaví na vlnách života,

 opustený a stroskotaný brat,

 keď to uvidí, bude opäť povzbudený.

 A tak povstaňme a robme,

 so srdcom proti každému sporu;

 Nebuďte ako nemý poháňaný dobytok,

 ale ako hrdinovia v boji!


268 Drahý Bože, oni sú Tvoji. Videl som dvoch mužov, ktorí sa postavili na svoje nohy, Otče. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si sa ich dnes zaujal. Oni chcú byť Tvojimi synmi. Prebudili sa z tej nevedomosti života, v ktorom žili, a teraz chcú byť občerstvení, obnovení s krstom Duchom Svätým na tom semene, ktoré bolo dnes zasadené v ich srdciach. Večný Bože, Stvoriteľ všetkého, ktorý si utvoril Svoje Slovo, a verím, že Ty si vedel, že títo muži to dnes ráno urobia. Modlím sa, Pane, aby si zavlažoval to Slovo dňom i nocou a nikdy nedovoľ satanovi, aby to vytrhol z Tvojich rúk. Nech je z toho strom, ktorý raz v raji Božom, kedy to bude všetko prinavrátené, lebo Tvoje Slovo nemôže zlyhať, bude tam opäť. Lebo tento svet...

269 A v tom svete, ktorý príde, nebude tento druh civilizácie. Nebudú tam žiadne autá ani nič, čo táto veda kedy utvorila. Nič také v tom svete, ktorý príde, nebude. Ale bude to vlastný Boží obraz civilizácie, ktorý On vybuduje vo Svojom slávnom panovaní. Lebo v tejto civilizácii je nemoc, smrť, smútok, hroby a nedostatok. Ale v tom Kráľovstve, ktoré príde, niet smrti, niet smútku ani nemoci alebo staroby. Ó, Bože, všetko to tam bude v Tvojej civilizácii nové.

270 Bože, premeň nás dnes skrze Tvoju Moc, skrze premenenie našej mysle, aby sme sa odvrátili od týchto úbohých prvkov tohoto sveta k Slovu Božiemu. A nech by sme boli obnovení premenením moci Božej na semeno, ktoré je v našich srdciach, že veríme, že sme stvorenia, ktoré sa nazývajú synovia a dcéry Božie. To je moja modlitba ku Tebe, Otče, za týchto ľudí v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

271 A vy, ktorí to tam počúvate na tom vysielaní, kdekoľvek tam ste, chcem, aby ste tam prijali Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa a aby ste boli naplnení Jeho Duchom. Nech slová, ktoré boli dnes ráno vypovedané, vpadnú do vášho srdca. A nech tam príjmete Ježiša. A sledujte svoj život a všimnite si, ako potom budete žiť. A príjmite ten Filter rozumného človeka. Keď sa prichytíte pri tom, že robíte niečo v protiklade so Slovom, rýchlo sa toho zbavte. Rozumiete? Pretože jestvuje Filter, ktorý od vás drží smrť, a to je Božie Slovo. Jeho Slová sú Životom a tie vás budú držať od smrti.

272 A vy ľudia, ktorí ste tu v publiku, držal som vás tu dlho. Ďakujem za vašu účasť. Modlím sa, aby Boh nikdy nedovolil, aby toto Semeno zahynulo. Dúfam, že si nemyslíte, že tu stojím a hovorím tieto veci len preto, aby som bol iný. Hovorím to z lásky a vediac, že zatiaľ čo tu som ako smrteľník, toto je jediný čas, kedy mám možnosť kázať k ľuďom. A ja milujem Ježiša Krista. On je mojím Spasiteľom. A pamätajte, že teraz by som bol tam vonku na ulici, ak by nebolo Jeho. Bol by som tam; moji rodičia, všetci moji známi boli hriešnikmi. Ale Boh skrze Svoju moc premenenia, viem, že zo mňa učinil iné stvorenie. A odporúčam vám, aby ste boli dobrí. Ono to vydrží aj v hodinách ťažkostí. Dokonca aj keď vám bude smrť klopať na dvere, nemáte žiaden strach. „Nie je nič, čo nás môže oddeliť od lásky Božej, ktorá je v Kristovi.“ Nech Boh žehná každého jedného z vás a nech vám dá Večný Život. [Rimanom 8:39]

273 Koľko je tu takých, čo nemajú Semeno Božie, krst Duchom Svätým? Len pozdvihnite svoje ruky a povedzte, „Mysli na mňa, brat Branham, aby som prijal Ducha Svätého.“ A vy teraz vezmite to Slovo do svojho srdca a verte Tomu. Ak vy... Môžete sa na seba pozrieť. Choďte a pozrite sa do zrkadla a zistite, na čom sa nachádzate. Vidíte, môžete to vedieť.

274 Poviete, „No, ja som nezdvihol ruku, lebo verím, že to mám.“

275 Pozrite sa na seba v zrkadle, potom uvidíte, čo za duch vás to zvádza, vidíte. Zvedené myslenie! „Je cesta, ktorá sa zdá človeku správna, ale jej koniec je cestami smrti.“ Je to pravda?

  Tam pod krížom, kde môj Spasiteľ mrel,

  tam som kričal pre očistenie hriechov,

  ó, tam bola tá Krv uplatnená na moje srdce, sláva... [Príslovia 16:25]

276 Len zavrite na chvíľu svoje oči a spievajte Mu to.

 Pozdvihnime svoje ruky.

 Česť Menu Jeho! (Jeho drahému Menu!)

 Česť Menu Jeho!

 Tam bola tá Krv uplatnená na moje srdce.

 Sláva Jeho...

277 Chcem, aby ste si vy, kresťania, podali ruky, tí, ktorí sú spasení.

 Tak predivne som teraz spasený z hriechu,

 Ježiš vo mne tak sladko prebýva.

 Tam pod krížom ma On prijal,

 Česť Menu Jeho!

 Česť Menu Jeho! (Jeho vzácnemu Menu!)

 Česť Menu Jeho!

 Ó, tam bola tá Krv uplatnená na moje srdce.

 Česť Menu Jeho!

278 Tá Krv má v sebe zárodok života. Viete to. Toto je pre tých, ktorí Ho nepoznajú:

 Ó, prídi k tomuto bohatému a sladkému prameňu,

 nechaj svoju úbohú dušu pri Spasiteľových nohách;

 ó, vrhni sa dnes do toho a buď hotový;

 Česť Menu Jeho!

  Ó, Česť Menu Jeho! (Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, ako to spievame.)

  Česť Menu Jeho!

 Tam bola tá Krv uplatnená na moje srdce.

 Česť Menu Jeho!

279 Či Ho milujete? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Pavol povedal, „Budem spievať v Duchu, budem uctievať v Duchu.“ Skúsme to opäť tak jemne spievať so zodvihnutými rukami.

280 Viete, ten problém, ktorí letniční majú, je, že stratili svoju radosť, stratili svoje emócie. Ako Billy Graham nedávno povedal, „Tí kazatelia v tých časoch, s obrátenými goliermi, ktorí išli na juh, tlieskali rukami, dupali nohami hore dolu po zemi, a ako pochodovali, oni mali niečo, z čoho boli šťastní.“ Áno, ja mám tiež niečo, z čoho som šťastný. Vidíte? Vidíte? Áno. Tak je, stratili sme svoje emócie.

281 Ale pozdvihnime teraz svoje ruky. Nebojte sa sĺz, tie vám nič neublížia. Vidíte? To vám neublíži. „Ten, ktorý seje v slzách, sa istotne vráti a prinesie vzácne snopy.“ V poriadku.

 Česť Menu Jeho!

 Česť Menu Jeho!

 Tam bola tá Krv uplatnená na moje srdce.

 Česť Menu Jeho!

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1 [Brother Branham is introduced by Brother Carl Williams--Ed.] Thank you, brother. ["Sure be really a privilege to have Brother Branham come so often to Phoenix. I think he comes to Phoenix more than anywhere. And we want him to keep coming, just as long as I'm around here, anyway. God bless you, Brother Branham."] Thank, thank you, Brother Williams.

Good morning, friends. I am... This of the Shakarian family, Brother Williams and Sister Williams and many of them here know about it. I saw that in a vision, about two to three years before she got sick, and it happened.

2And last year when we were here, I believe it was in January, at the convention, it was the time that that priest (what's his name? I forget his name now) was here. [Someone says, "Stanley."--Ed.] Stanley, Bishop Stanley, from the Catholic church. You remember when he brought me the Bible, you know, and he said to me.

It was several prophesying, "My daughter, you are healed."

3And he knew that the vision had said that she would not get well. "She would die between two and three o'clock in the morning." Remember that? [Someone says, "Yes."--Ed.] So, two or three o'clock.

4 And I couldn't tell Demos. And yet I told her stepmother, right over in the room, right across the place here. I said, "She isn't going to get well."

Mrs. Shakarian said, "Well, everybody is prophesying."

5I said, "Course, I could be wrong, myself, but I said it. She isn't going to get well."

6I told many of them, about three years ago, "I saw her running for her life, and she went into a bed. And she raised her hands and screamed to me, like that. And I--I couldn't even reach her. And then I seen her die. And I looked, and there was something, there was a clock, and it said it's something between two and three o'clock."

7And so the bishop said, "Well, I'll just watch and see how that comes to pass." So, it did come to pass.

8 We are certainly sorry. I feel the church has lost a great person, in Sister Florence Shakarian. But, she was a great singer, she was a Spirit-filled woman.

9I was with her mother; her mother was one of the first contacts I had on the West Coast, when her mother was healed. When the doctors... She was in a coma, and all swollen up. And so the--the doctor that was there told me, said, "Now be real quiet when you pray. Don't make much noise. The woman is dying."

I said, "Yes, sir."

10And he said, then, just kept on telling me. And, well, I didn't even have a chance to open my mouth, like.

11 So, it was Brother Demos told me to go ahead and go up and see her.

12So, I went upstairs. And Florence was kneeling on the floor, then a beautiful little girl, and some more women. And went over and prayed for her, and told it. And she was unconscious. And told her she would get up again. And she did. A couple years later, she died. And now God answers our prayers.

13And we know that, we believe that we all have come here by the will of God, and we leave the same way. One by one, we'll each one cross that portal. And that's why we're here this morning, gathered together in this Christian Business Men's Fellowship, is to speak of these things, and prepare for them, 'cause we know they are sure to come.

14 Now Sister Florence is a young woman, forty-two years old, Brother Williams just told me, and very young. But before they, she knew that she had this disease, why, I saw a vision of her and told me her outcome. Then, it would be. God knows all about it, and her seeing Jesus in the room before she left. We just don't want to pray for her, because we've done that so much. We just want to thank God for a life that was among us, that inspired us all, as Sister Shakarian.

15And we want to pray for Brother Demos and Sister Rose. And remember, they've had an awful hard hit in their life, in the last... it's his father, and his sister now in his... the last years. [Somebody speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] But, and, yeah, less than, less, ten months; and sister, Sister Edna, also.

16 So, I know how to sympathize with Brother Demos. I had a father, brother, wife, and baby, to go within a few days apart, so I--I know how he feels this morning. You only know when you stand in them shoes, that's when you know how to sympathize. And...

17[The amplifying system squeals--Ed.] I did that myself. Excuse me. I hit a little gadget down here somewhere, with my hand. So I'm--I'm sorry I got it too loud, and not meaning to.

18So let us stand now while we... if you can, if it's... Let's bow our head.

19 Heavenly Father, we have assembled here this morning to worship Thee, and to give Thee thanks and praise, for sending Jesus our Redeemer, that we have a hope after this life is over, seeing that it's so uncertain that we live here all the time. And, Father, to see the wretched conditions these bodies can get into, we are glad we don't have to stay here all the time. Thou has made a way of escape, down through the valley of death.

20And, Father, we are grateful to You this morning, for the life of one who stood with us, less than a year ago, singing Your praises; Sister Florence Shakarian, as we knew her. And Thou has told us long before, even years, that this was going to happen, that it wouldn't be too much of a shock for us. And we know what You say is true. And then Your Word says, "A man that is born of woman, is full of few days and full of troubles." We know that's true, too, Lord. We know we all must come down through that valley. So we thank You for her life that was, here on earth. And believing by faith, that now, this morning, she has passed from this miserable pesthouse, into a glorious body which can never be sick. And her talents of singing, and the voice she had, and her spirit so richly in-graced with Christ! That she could return this morning, she would not do it by no means; she would have to go through all this again. Which, now it's over, she is with her mother and her daddy. They called their baby, home. So, we--we thank You.

21 We also want to pray for comfort, for our Brother Shakarian, our dear beloved brother, knowing the--the life that he has lived, and the torments he is going through in these last days, and how he is; see him aging, and his hair slipping away, and his shoulders stooping, and yet trying to stay on the field for God. God, give him strength today. We pray, God, that You will grant it. To all those who are bereaved over her going, we pray for each one.

22And let us, Lord, as we are thinking of this, remember that we too must go someday. While we're sitting together here in the Presence of the Lord Jesus, we would ask that You would bring this fresh to our memory. And let us check up, as it was, or take inventory of our own lives, that we be under the Blood and in the Faith. Grant it, Lord.

23 Now as I try under these circumstances to bring a little message to the people, today, I pray that You will help me, Lord. Strengthen me, for I--I--I need it, Lord. And I pray that You will grant it. And may something be said that would just honor You. And if there be any under the sound of our voice this morning, who is not ready to meet the hour that lays before them, may this be the time that when they'll surrender to Him Who said, "I am the Way, the Life, the Truth," even our Lord Jesus Christ. For we ask it in His Name. Amen. (You may be seated.)

24 [Someone on the platform speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] The brother here wants to know if everyone can hear all right. He's got two mikes on. Is that all right? Can you hear? Raise up your hands if you can. Can you hear; raise your hands. All right.

25I'm sorry that we do not have seating room for everyone this morning. And we trust that I won't stay up here too long, just enough to maybe bring us maybe a reading of the Word; that the Lord God will honor His Word that's being read, and will give us of His grace, that we might serve Him by it.

26 Now I was told by Billy Paul, this morning, that it might be possible that we speaking next Sunday at the Grantway Assembly of God, in Tucson. If there is anyone here from Tucson, I might not get to see you this week. I'll be at the Grantway Assembly of God, next Sunday.

27So now we just come back from up in the East, and I kind of run myself down a little, by overeating, with overkindness of the people down in the mountains. And--and I got sick, so I haven't felt good this week. So, you pray for me. And...

28 [Someone says, "Too much opossum."--Ed.] What you say? ["Too much opossum."] Brother Carl Williams with his sense of humor, and I think we need it right now, he said, "Too much opossum." I don't know about that, Brother Carl, but a whole lot of squirrels. [Brother Branham laughs.]

29So you want to pray for someone this morning, why, I--I certainly appreciate if it would be some of your prayer for me, because I--I need it.

Now we want to go quickly into the Word.

30 And I don't want to keep you here too long, because I believe there is a telephone hook-up across the nation, on this this morning, goes all the way from the West Coast to the East Coast, from North and South. Many, many assemblies have got this accomodation as you all had here from the tabernacle. It's also hooked up in Phoenix, that everywhere the services is, it comes right in to the... And they gather in churches and in homes, and things like that, do a very fine way. They say it's even better than a broadcast. It's the telephone hook-up, they put a receiver or a microphone, or whatever it is, in the room. And they... My wife said, coming from Indiana last week, down to Tucson, it was just the same as standing right in the room. So we pray that God will bless all those out on the line this morning, wherever they are. Up in New York now it will be, oh, in the afternoon, and different times as it crosses the nation.

31 Now over in the Book of Romans, the 12th chapter, and the 1st and 2nd verses, we wish--wish to read this Scripture.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and perfect... good, acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

32Now, if the Lord willing, I want to take my subject for this morning, on: God's Power To Transform.

That you might not be conformed to this world: but be... transformed by the renewing of your mind, now, and prove that which is that good, perfect, and acceptable, will of God.

33 It's an old familiar text that many of your pastors has used down through your time. It's been used since It was written. But yet, one thing about the Word of God, It never grows old, because It's God. It never grows old. Through every generation now, for pretty near, about twenty-eight hundred years, or better, this Word of God has been read by man, priests, and so forth, and never does It grow old. I've been reading It, myself, for some thirty-five years. And each time I read It, I find something new that I looked over the first time. Because, It is inspired, It is God in letter form. See, It's the attributes of God speaking fore, forth, and is placed on paper.

34 Many times, man said, "Well, now, man wrote this Bible." No. The Bible says, Itself, that God wrote the Bible. It is the Word of God.

35And It never can fail. Jesus said, "Heavens and earth will fail, pass away, but My Words shall never fail." And It cannot fail, and being God, because It's part of Him.

36And then you being a son and daughter, you are part of It, and that makes you a part of Him. So that's why we come to fellowship together around the Word of God.

37 Now this word transformed, I looked up in the dictionary, yesterday. When, I almost lost track of the time that I was to be up here, when I was looking for a text, and I found this word, or this text, rather, Scripture. And in the dictionary it says that it's "something that's changed." It's to be "changed." Transformed, "made different than what it was." It's been, "Its character and everything has been changed in it," to transform.

38 And I thinking this morning, in Genesis 1. This world was without form, and it was void, and darkness was upon the earth; nothing but a complete chaos. And when this world was in that condition, the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water, and the entire picture was changed; from a total chaos, to a garden of Eden. That is transforming Power of God, that can take something that's nothing and make something wonderful out of it. God's transforming Power!

39 And we understand that, by reading the Scriptures, that God was six--six thousand years in making this preparation for this Eden. Now, He might not have been that long; but just presuming, and taking it from the Scripture where It said "one day with God, is a thousand years on earth," that is, if God should count time. And say it was six thousand years He had in making the earth, and He had planted upon the earth all good seed. There was just everything was perfect.

40I think, many times, when even critics begin to read the Book of Genesis, they begin to criticize It, because it seems like It constantly repeats Itself, or throws you out here and there.

41But if we would just notice for a moment, before we get into our text, that, Moses saw the vision. And God spoke to him. God spoke to Moses face to face, lip to ear. Now, He never spoke to any other man like that, as He did Moses. Now, Moses was a great, one of the greatest of all the prophets. He was a type of Christ. And now God can speak, He has a voice. It's been heard. God can speak.

42 And God can write. God wrote the ten Commandments with His Own finger. He wrote on the walls of--of Babylon once, with His finger. He stooped down and wrote in sand one time, with His finger. God can speak. God can read. God can write.

43God is the Fountain of all grace and Power, and of all Divine wisdom, is in God. So therefore, knowing that, He is the only Creator there is. There is no other creator but God. Satan cannot create, at all, he only perverts what's been created. But God is the only Creator.

44Therefore, He created by His Word. He sent His Word. So all the seeds that He had placed upon the earth, He formed those seeds by His Own Word, for there was no nothing else to make the seed out of. He had placed them, and they were beneath the water. He just said, "Let there be this, and let there be that."

45 Now we find out that, many times, it look like the Bible repeating or saying something to what It doesn't, say. For instance, in Genesis 1 we find that, "God created man in His Own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them." And then He goes on, and many things happened upon the earth.

46Then we come to find out, there was no man to till the soil. "Then God created man out of the dust of the earth." That was a different man. "And He breathed the spirit of life into him, and he became a living soul."

47 The first man was in the image of God, which is Spirit. John 4, says, "God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth." But God is a Spirit. And the first man, that He created, was spirit-man, and he was in the image and in the likeness of God.

48And then He put this man in flesh, and man fell. So then God came down and become in the image of man, that He might redeem that fallen man. That's the real Gospel story, to my--to my opinion.

49 Now, God, in six thousand years, had planted all these wonderful seeds, or He had spoke His Word. "It shall be this way. This tree shall be. This shall be." Everything was perfect. It was just good. And He commanded each one of those seeds that they would be, they would transform themselves into the plant of which kind of life that the Word of God had spoken in them should be. If it was an oak tree, it was to bring forth an oak. If it was a palm, it was to bring forth a palm.

50Because, the great Creator had just sent forth His Word, and the Word seed was there before the real seed was ever formed. And the Word formed the seed. See, "He made the world out of things that does not appear." See, He--He made the world by His Word. God spoke everything into existence.

51 And being God, the Creator, speaking all things into existence, it must have been a perfect world. It was a--a beautiful place. It was a--a real genuine paradise here on the earth.

52Now, as, every place has to have a headquarters somewhere. This convention has a headquarters, and this chapter has a headquarters, and a church has a headquarters. And God has a headquarters. And so this great place, nation that we live in, it's got a headquarters. And so this great Eden had a headquarters, and this headquarters was headed-up in the garden of Eden, or in Eden, east of in the garden.

53And God placed over this, to rule all His great creation here on earth, His Son and His Son's bride, Adam and Eve.

54 God was the Father of Adam. "Adam was the son of God," according to the Scriptures. He was the son of God.

55And God made him a helpmate, out of his own body; perhaps a rib from over his heart, so she would be close to him, and made him a helpmate. It really wasn't his wife as yet, no more than it was man as yet; He had just spoke it. And there is where the trouble come, Satan found her before Adam did. So, it was just His Word He had spoken.

56 I say that, I don't want to spend too much time on it. But some of you might get a bit confused, especially some of the people up in the--out in the South, seem to find just a little confusing on the Message that I have from God today, to the people, that about the serpent's seed. And I'm going to go home, the Lord willing, one of these days, to Jeffersonville. I want about a six-hour message, and straighten that all out, see, so it'll put it just in form that you'll know what we're speaking of. And it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. It's just as true as it was when It seen our Sister Florence before she went away, several years. See, It's the Truth. And now, we, maybe it's misunderstood.

57 If somebody would come to me, something contrary, I would kind of misunderstand it, myself. I wouldn't want to criticize what anyone says. We're not to criticize each other. I'm not guilty of doing that; I thank the Lord. I have criticized sin and unbelief; but no individual person, see, I--I don't. We are--we are brothers and sisters, striving, we are coming down to where Sister Florence came yesterday morning, see. She, we, we all got to come that way. And it's not my purpose to--to try to criticize a brother or sister that wouldn't agree with you. No, far be it from me to do that! I don't think you'll ever find a tape that I ever called anybody's name on. Which, I have felt that many times the person was wrong, but that's between them and God. But what is wrong, in the way of sin and... And misunderstandings sometimes is not even sin, it's just misunderstandings of people. And I--I think each one of us has a right to express ourself to our understanding.

58 Now this great Creator had placed His created son. Now, Adam was His first created son. Jesus was His only begotten Son, see, He was begotten by a woman. But Adam was right straight from the hand of God, in the creation.

59Now the headquarters, with His--His son and His son's bride over all, it looked so perfect. There was a--a man, the head of all of it, His Own son and His bride.

60And every seed was perfect, the palms, and the oaks, and the grass, and the birds, and the animals. And everything was in perfect order with the Commandment of God, "Don't change your nature. Bring forth of its kind, every seed! Oak, don't you never be perverted into a pawpaw tree." See? "Palm, don't you be perverted into something else. But every seed after his kind!" And He had--He had watched it through the times.

61 And He had spoke the Word. And His great creating Power had formed these things that come up, and even the man and the woman. And they were the head because they were the... they were super to all the other races. And He put them also under a care of the same thing that He put trees, animals, and so forth: His Word. They must not never, by no means, break that Word. They must stay There. "Don't never take anything from It, or add anything to It! You must live by this Word."

62And as long as that creation would have existed like that, Sister Shakarian wouldn't have had to have went this morning, as long as it would have stayed like that, God's great economy! It's what we believe that we are headed back to. We are going back to that spot, that place.

63Where that seventh morning, when God looked upon it all, and He said, "It's good. I--I am pleased with it. Yeah, I--I--I am glad I did it. And it's all now under control. And I have put trust in My son and in his wife, that--that they will; make them head of all of it, that they will watch over it all and see that it's all right, that everything will bring forth of its kind. Now he has the power to do that." God then said, "Well, if it's all so good, and it can't be anything else, because it's My Own desire. It's the way I want it. And I have spoke it that way, and My Words has brought it just exactly the way I wanted it. And there it is. It's all good!" So the Bible said, "God rested the seventh day, from all His works."

64 And everything under control, to bring forth of its kind. Now remember, "to bring." When He put the seed in the earth, the seed can only come forth with the power of life within it, to transform it from a seed to a plant, or whatever it was. His transforming power! Now, God put the seed in there, with potentials that it would be what He said it would be. And as long as it stayed in its right category, it would be just exactly what God said it would be. It had to be that way, because He had made it that way, and made a channel. That, anything that stays in His channel, in His line of Word, it will have to bring forth exactly like His Word said it would do. It cannot move from there. It's channeled just exactly right. So, with everything in the trust in His Own son, that it would be that way, then God said, "It's all good, so I'll just rest. And each one of those seeds has power in itself, to transform itself into the specie that I desire it to be. That's what it must be, because I have given every seed transforming power, to make out of itself, in its potentials now to make out of itself exactly what I want it to be."

65God has never changed. Just the same today as He was then! God is determined to do something. He'll do it. Nothing is going to stop Him. He'll do it!

66 Now after it's all so well and set in order, God felt sure now that this would all be all right, and then, when He did, then came in the enemy. I'm going to... God gave power to transform. And I'm going to call this fellow, with power not to--to create again, but I'm... He had power to deform, not transform; but to deform. Now, anything deformed is taken from its original state, there is something that's gone wrong with it.

67Some years ago, on patrol, going up through the corn fields. I would think of, there was a limb had blowed off of a tree, and had fell over on a stalk of corn. And the stalk was trying its best to get up straight like it was supposed to be, but it was deformed because that something had happened. And the stick was laying over it.

68 Then we find a wild creeper in the field. Which, many of you man here, and maybe some of you women... if you come from Kentucky. The women uses the hoe there the same as a man, get out in the field with a--with a hoe, we call the old gooseneck hoe, and chop the--the creepers out. For, if you didn't get those creepers out, where the corn was in the row, like this, then the creeper would reach over, grab a hold of that corn, and wrap itself around gradually, so easy, so slyly, that you would hardly tell it was wrapping. And finally it gets stronger and stronger, and it pulls that corn till it's deformed. Pulls it against itself, wraps it around its own vine; deforming it from what it was, to something else. Yet it's corn, but it's deformed corn.

69 And we are all still in the image of God. But some are so deformed, as sons of God, that walk contrary to His Word and to the way that--that He had us and provided for us to walk. Just letting something, the world twists us out of the way, pull us close to it, and away from that straight, narrow strip that He planted us in, to be sons and daughters of God. Sin has done this evil thing to the sons and daughters of God.

70 The deformer! I know this seems to be rather strange to speak of it in this way, "to--to deform," but that's what he was; he deformed, or perverted. Pervert means "to be changed over, made something different." And deform is the same thing, that it's been brought over and deformed, and "made in another way." Yet it's still the same seed, but it's deformed.

71Now we find that this deformer has also had the same amount of time, to deform, as God had to transform. Now he planted his seed, or, never planted his seed, he... in the garden of Eden. Since that time, he has had six thousand years of deforming the Seed of God, the Word of God; to deform It, make It something different; when he... the first time that Eve listened to him, and got herself just one little phrase.

72 Remember, first Satan quoted that Scripture just as clear as it could be, "God has said that, 'Ye shall not eat of every tree in the garden of Eden'?" See? "You shall not eat of every tree?"

73And remember now, Eve said, "Yes, we may eat of every tree; but the tree that's in the midst of the garden, we mustn't even touch it." Now watch him, in his message, twist that Word just a little bit. In saying... Eve said, "For God said, that, if we do this, that day we 'die.'"

74He said, "Oh, surely you will not die." See, he was a--a man, he said, "You, you do this now. And, you, you are kind of an ignorant people. You, really, you don't know all things. But if you would only partake of this, then you would have wisdom, you would have knowledge. You would know right from wrong and be like gods, you, if you would only partake of this wisdom that I have. I know, but you don't."

75 Which, it's all right to have wisdom. But if the wisdom is contrary, if the wisdom isn't correct wisdom from God, Divine wisdom, and becomes natural wisdom; I don't care how much science we have, and whatmore, or education, it's of the Devil. I'll prove it to you, the Lord willing, in a few minutes. It's of the Devil.

76Civilization is of the Devil. I just got through preaching on that. All culture in the earth, all powers of science, and everything, is of the Devil. It's his gospel he preached, of knowledge, in the garden of Eden. And he has took that knowledge, perverted knowledge, contrary to the Word and will and plan of God. And now he has had six thousand years to do just exactly what God did, only in a perverted way, and took the same amount of time to bring his own Eden in. Now he has got an Eden here on earth, and it's filled with wisdom, knowledge. That was his gospel at the beginning, knowledge, wisdom, science. Never did God ever cater to such. And I--I want you to watch a minute. He did this, and because that he was a man of worldly wisdom.

77 Now, it's hard to say this. It's--it's very hard, because speaking to people who feel the same way I do, and the way I have been for many years. But since the opening of those Seven Seals, of them Angels just behind the mountain yonder, This has become a new Book. It's the things that's been hid, is being revealed as God promised in Revelation 10, He would do it. And we are the privileged people that God has chosen, of the earth, that we might see and understand these things; which is not some mythical, fleshly mind of a person trying to make it up. It's the Word of God made manifest, proven, that It's right. Proven, not by science; but by God, that It's right. God, as I have said before in a message, God doesn't need anyone to interpret His Word. He is His Own interpreter. He says it'll happen, and it happens. That's, He--He confirms it, that interprets it.

78 A few years ago when, we pentecostal people, when the--the other churches told us that we were "crazy," we "could not, the Holy Ghost was a thing past." But we find out that God's promise was to whosoever will, and now we know different. See, and that's just little by little, this thing has opened up.

79And now He promised that the mysteries that was hid in those, all those church ages, would be revealed right at the end time. And He lets us know now. We are at the end time. We're here now.

80 Now, Satan is the author of civilization. He is the author of science. He is the author of education.

You say, "Is that true?"

81All right, let us read in God's Word now, Genesis 4, and let's go back and just see for a minute. I know I may, if I get too long, Brother Carl will probably tell me. [Someone says, "It's all right."--Ed.] But now Genesis, the 4th chapter, and the 16th verse, goes ahead telling here, in the beginning, what God did in order, to place the curse upon the man and the woman, and all that they was to do; and not the curse on them, but tell them what would happen, and curse the ground for Adam's sake. And we find out here now, that Eve had a pair of twins. And one of them was of Satan, and one of them was of God.

Now you say, "Oh, no! No. Now, Brother Branham!"

82Just a minute. You find me one Scripture, anywhere, that says that Cain was Adam's son. I'll show you in the Scripture where It says, "Cain was of that evil one," not Adam.

83 Now notice when she conceived here. We begin at the 4th chapter, first.

And Adam knew... his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten... she said now, I have gotten a son from the LORD.

84Course, it had to be. No matter if it was prostitute or anything, it had to come from God, see, because that's His seed, it's the law of His seed, it has to bring forth whether it's corrupted seed, perverted seed, or whatever it is. It's got to bring forth, anyhow. It's His command.

And she again bare his brother Abel.

85No more knew him. Adam knew his wife, and she bare Cain and also bare Abel, twins. Satan was with her that morning, Adam that afternoon.

86 You see the big fuss in the paper here, I believe, in Tucson now, of that woman bringing forth a colored child and a white child, at the same time. She lived with her husband that morning, and the man that afternoon. And the man would take care, the white man said he'd take care of his own child, but the colored man would have to take care of his own. See? I know that, in breeding of dogs and so forth, it certainly will, if it's in a few hours afterwards. This proves it.

87 Now to show where civilization come from, now let us read Genesis over here, in the 4th chapter of Genesis again, and see where. The 16th verse.

And Cain went out from the presence of God, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east side of Eden.

And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after... his son, Enoch.

88Civilization started. Doctor Scofield, here in my Scofield Bible, it says, "The first civilization." Notice, then he begot sons, and they made organs and music. The next one begot sons, and he begin to do other things, wonders, build cities, and--and make instruments of brass, and all kinds of things. See, that's what he did, become the first civilization, which was Cain-ite. He's done the same thing down through the ages.

89 Now let's get there with the 25th verse, and watch what the next was.

And Adam knew his wife again, now, and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, has appointed me another seed instead of Abel who Cain slew.

And Seth... And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: and then began men to call upon the name of the LORD (out of the Seth side, not the Cainites' side).

90See, that great intellectual that we all so hold to! What's communism today, what is their god? It's the intellectual, science. What are we doing, anyhow? Where are we living? Consider these words today.

91 Now he has his kind of an Eden, Satan does now. In these six thousand years, he has formed (not created), but deformed God's whole earth; his creatures, the animals, interbreeding, hybreeding; trees, plants, human; even to religion, the Bible, church; until he has got hisself a complete garden of Eden, of science, everything moving by science. Our automobiles, everything that we have, was given to us by science, what man has done. And he has got his great Eden here; to prove the Message is timely, to prove that it's not some other age but Revelation 10! Look at the hybreeding today, to make a better, or, prettier, not a better. Look at little children today.

92 I had my daughter to a dentist, yesterday, and he said her teeth was twisting. A brother down in Tucson, Brother Norman, had his little daughter, and her teeth was bucking out. And the dentist says that soon, he believes, that maybe in times to come, that people will be born, teeth growing any way. It's the food that we're eating, hybrid food.

93Did you read Reader's Digest, last month, about Billy Graham, the noble evangelist? Have you been listening to him? I pray for him now more than ever. When he talked to those turned-around collars, and so forth, the other night, laying it onto that clergy. Something has happened to him. One of these days, I hope he sees his position where he's at, notice, now is calling from Sodom, that perverted city. And now notice this in Reader's Digest, Billy had gotten so weak that he couldn't even hold his meetings. And they told him he had to run, take exercise, and so forth. So he runs a mile each day, I believe it is, or something, to get exercise.

94 Man is rotten. The whole human race is corrupted. Everything is like it was in the antediluvian time. It's completely upset, turned around, different from the straight row that God planted them in. Sin, through science and deception, has twisted the whole human race.

95Did you read also just below that article, where it said, "In these days, that little girls and boys are in their middle age, according to physical structure, between twenty and twenty-five years old." Think of it.

96In discernment the other night, I picked up a girl twenty-two years old, in menopause, called her out. And that's what her doctor had told her.

97See, it's a fallen, degenerate, hell-bound race of corruption. I know that sounds not ethical. But it's Biblical, see, that it is true; and this race that we're living in, this generation of people.

98 Now notice today, hybreeding cattle, hybreeding plants; and science comes right back around, the same science that does it, says, "That is what's destroying the whole human race." You read it the same as I do. Well, why don't they stop it? Is because that they can't stop it. God's Word has said it would be that way. But if they would think for a minute, they are the instruments, as Judas Iscariot, placing exactly the thing that God said would happen. It's doing it just exactly on their own basis of science.

99By his scientific research, in the same pattern he deceived Eve, he also has deceived the church, which there Eve was a type. Now, now Adam a type there again, or Eve, rather, of the church, notice what it did. Through the wandering for knowledge, she slips across the line between right and wrong, by listening to Satan's perversion, or deformity, of the original Word of God.

100 And now the churches today has become deformed. Now I'm not talking about the peoples, the individuals. I'm talking about the church world. One is twisted one way, and one twisted another, and, by science. Same pattern that he did. He has carried out his threat, Satan has, of Isaiah 14:12.

101Let's just read that for a minute. In the Book of Isaiah, let's begin the 14th chapter, the 12th verse.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cast down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

This is Isaiah seeing him in a vision, see, in the age to come.

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,... the sides in the north:

102 Satan's purpose, from Eden, was to make his ownself an Eden; and exalt himself above, so the stars of God would worship him, sons would worship him. And he has absolutely carried it out now, and when he's done this and brought it into the church. Which, I won't go in details. Any of you listening to them tapes know about it. That, that's exactly the hour we're living in, and it's Satan that's done it through educational program, better fit, better this, better that. And not knowing, all the time, they're walking right straight into death. Blinded, leading the blind, blinded leaders of the nations, blinded leaders of science, blind leaders of the church, blind leading the blinded. Jesus said, "Let them alone, they will both fall in the ditch."

103 Here notice the type of the two Edens so closely typed together, till almost deceive the very Elected. Matthew 24:24 said that it would be that way. But I want us to stop for a few moments and consider these two Edens, and one thing especially, how the Bible tells us that God's Word did produce that Eden, and how God's Word warns us that the other Eden would come.

104Now, we also know that there has got to be another Eden, if we would also listen to the prophet, Paul, in II Thessalonians the 2nd chapter. I could read It if you want to.

He who exalts himself; that day will not come, of the Lord, until that man of sin be revealed,...

... he who sits in the temple of God, exalting himself above all that is called God, so that he as God is worshipped as God.

105Think of that! Now Isaiah 14, the prophet said that he saw "Lucifer, in his heart," through a vision under inspiration of God, "saying he would do that." In Isaiah, eight hundred years before Paul, or approximately then.

106Now here, eight hundred years later, Paul sees him, comes to his position. Notice, it heads up, his Eden; his scientific Eden, with his scientific world, with a scientific bride-church, all under the--the word of "knowledge," great seminaries, great degrees, educational programs.

107 Listen, brother, sister, each one of us is going to walk that road that Florence walked. I ask you, in Jesus' Name, to consider This. Not consider me. I'm your brother. That, that isn't it. Consider the Word that I am speaking, of God's Bible. And look through, perfectly vindicated in God's Own Word, in the age we're living in, where we're at.

108These programs are absolutely antichrist, in themselves. Now, he has got to have an Eden, he said he would do it. Here is the simple Word of God saying he would do it, and here we look right out and seeing him do it. He has done it with his intellectual, scientific, denominational bride. He is going to take head, one of these days, in a World Council of Churches that will be set up. All will be with him. Trying...

109 The people, not because they're bad people; they were planted in that straight row, like corn, but Satan sowed the creepers, called science, research, education, doctors' degrees. Sometime they won't even let you in the pulpit unless you can produce a doctor's degree from some seminary somewhere. It's all wrong! Not the people; it's the program that's wrong. And now what's it done? It's all headed up again, and brought the whole entire world (through a bunch of hybreeding, perversion of the original Seed of God) to another darkened chaos.

110But I'm so glad that God is mindful of us again, that He can still move upon the face of the condition. He promised He would do it, and call a little flock which would be His Bride.

111 Notice here again now, how perfect these churches type, or these Edens.

112God, through a Seed of His Word! And there is only one thing that can quicken the Word, and that is the Spirit, for It is the Life-Giver to the Word. And when the Life in the Word meets the Life of the Spirit, It produces whatever the Seed is.

113Now notice what's happened. In the garden of Eden was God's economy of innocence, and that was one of the--the dispensations. The first dispensation was innocent, the people knowed no sin. They didn't know anything about sin. Both Adam and Eve were naked, but they were hid from their nakedness, by a spirit veil over their face. They never knew that they were naked, at all, because they were hid. For, God's veil in their own minds, they didn't know what right and wrong was. And them both standing there naked, showed that the knowledge had not yet come to them, see, that they were naked. The pair was naked and knew it not.

114 Now if you'll turn, if you wish to, or write it down, to Revelation, the 3rd chapter. The Holy Spirit predicting this last age, to the Laodicea Pentecostal Church Age in the last days, He said:

... thou art naked, and blind, and know it not.

115There is God's Seed, under innocence, not knowing at all they were naked, under a veil of the Holy Spirit, veiling them from sin.

116And now in the last church age, we find here that they're naked again, and don't know it. But it's not the Holy Spirit veil. It's the veil that Satan slipped over Eve back there, a veil of lust, the lust veil. They are so filthy till they don't know that they are naked, our women on the street, with shorts on, sexy dress.

117 Someone sent me a piece in the paper the other day, of this new dress that they're going to wear, I think, fourteen inches from the hips, or something. And I wonder if our--if our women folks does realize that that is a lust veil?

118Now you--you would say, "I can prove, before God, that I am innocent of any adultery to my husband, or I--I... all this."

119But still, at the Judgment, you're going to be called an "adulteress." The Bible said so. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

120 "Blind, naked, and don't know it!" Not them poor little women out there; there is nothing I got against them. It's that evil! And the system of the church seems to fail to recognize it or stand against it; let them bob off their hair, wear make-up, and shorts and things, under the name of Christianity. What a horrible thing it is! See, they are naked again, in Satan's Eden, and knows it not. They don't know it.

121I believe I see, perhaps, looking across here, the swimming pool, that women out there now. If that woman only realized that what she is doing, but she doesn't know it. She is naked. Her body is sacred. She strips off the clothes that God clothed her with, with skin, for this generation. She constantly cuts it off. She is naked, under the word of "civilization, higher education, better civilization, higher ethics." Let me be sure that this soaks in. It's all of the Devil, and will be destroyed at the Coming of the Lord Jesus. It'll be destroyed, every bit of it. There won't be one thing left.

122And, oh, friend, across the nation, as you are listening to me here in Phoenix, think of those things! You are here subject to them. Now, Jesus said that they would deceive the Elected if possible.

123 The first spirit was a... first veil was a holy veil, Holy Spirit, and she wasn't supposed to look out of That. But when--when Satan begin to talk to her about knowledge, she just had to take a little peep at the world.

124And that's exactly what her daughter, the church, has done. You have to see, you have to dress like some movie star, or young men have to act like Elvis Presley or--or Pat Boone, or--or some of those people, under the name of religion.

125Pat Boone is a Church of Christ. Elvis Presley is a Pentecostal. Two demonized characters that's throwed the world in a worse chaos than Judas Iscariot did at the betraying of Jesus Christ. They don't know it. Them boys don't know that. Nothing that I have against those--those boys, man, it's the spirit that's motivating it.

126 Just step over on that side one bit, let that creeper just get one little hold around the shuck of that corn, one time, watch what takes place; the corn is gone. Oh, yeah, it's done got him. And that's the way it'll do it. It'll do it every time. Eve had to take just one peep at the world.

127And let me say something to you, brother and sister. In First John, the 2nd chapter and the 15th verse, we can read It if you wish to, the Bible says:

... If we love the world, or the things of the world, it's because the love of God is not even in us.

128 Now, the word there is not earth; it's a Greek word, is kosmos, which means "the world's order." If we love fashions of the earth, the world, if we love the trend of the day, if we think "this is a wonderful time, oh, we have all these things," if you think that, it's because your thinking is wrong. It is perverted by the Devil. "For if you love the world's order, and the things of this present world, it's because the love of God is not even in you." Remember that. O God! Look what we're looking into!

129 Here I want to stop just a minute and tell you a little story. I heard a chaplain from the First World War. They had throwed...

130Like Satan at the beginning, when he come into the garden of Eden. He could not dig up those Seeds. He could not destroy them. But he sprayed them with poison, and it deformed the Seed, it didn't bring forth its right kind. It deformed the original Seed.

131And that's what all these programs of religion. They are still sons and daughters of God, but it's being deformed. They go to church, wanting to do right. A nun never enters a nunnery to be a mean woman. A minister never goes through school just to be a--a--a bad man. You never join church, and shake hands, put your name on the book, or whatever you do in your church, to be a bad person. You do that to be a good person. But it's the deception, it's the deformity that does it. Satan sprayed it. See? God never had an organization. There is no such a thing anywhere found in the Words of God.

132God is our organization, we are organized in Him, a Body, in God, in Heaven. That's right. Our names are on the Lamb's Book of Life. See? Notice.

133 But, see, I know it's very hard, but I--I want you to suffer just a little longer if you will. In the time of the world's war... Excuse me for getting away from my subject.

134But to make this point, I--I wanted to give you my analysis of what Satan done in Eden: sprayed horrible poison spray. Would you like to know what that spray was? I can tell you. I got the formula of it, two words: unbelief, which is contrary to faith, sprayed unbelief, doubt. And science filled its place. Where the cavity is, that went into the Seed, Satan filled that cavity with knowledge and science and civilization, and it's deformed the whole, entire creation of God.

135 I know you think I'm getting you on a limb, but I'm on the limb with you. And we're all here to try to find what we can do. We don't say those things to be different. We must be honest.

136We, each one, come down to the end of the road, where we're going to give account for every word. Right now, we know that our voices... When we are born, our first little cry goes all on a tape. It's going to be played back again at the Day of Judgment. Even the clothes you wear will be showed in your face, at the Day of Judgment. Even science has found that, by television. See, television doesn't manufacture a picture, it only channels it. The color of clothes, every time you move, every thoughts in your mind, is absolutely kept on God's record. And that big thing will be laid right before you, every one of them filthy dresses you wore; every time you went to the barber shop, cut that hair that God give you. It's going to be. You'll answer for it. You can't make a move right there, just even the thoughts of your heart while you're doing it, will be played right before you. How you going to escape? "How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?" See? We're not going to escape. Every move, and the thoughts of the heart, is recorded right in another dimension, even the color of clothes you wear. Television, colored television proves it right out, pulls it out and shows it, see, and that's just in one dimension from the three that we live in. See?

137 Now how the poison has struck the church, struck the earth! Satan's poison upon the Seeds, has put cavities in it and caused it to be deformed. More and more, he sinks deeper into the hearts of the churches, and in the hearts of the people and everything, science, science. Until it's become a place where the human race, by being interbred... I believe every seed should bring forth of its kind. And the human race, and the plant, and all being interbred, has brought us to a place; in eating our food from the earth, which, our bodies, has made hybrid, it's put our whole minds... Now, if our bodies are falling, from twenty to twenty-five years old, because of degenerated cells, by hybrid foods, don't our brain cells degenerate? Isn't that cells, also? That's why Ricky runs through the street here, with this hot rod; while Ricketta, Elvitta's, and many of them, as we would call name, out here half naked before the people, mentally gone, no more conceptions of decency or morals.

138 To my little story. This chaplain said he had been down in the hospital, and said so many boys laying in the tent, some... He had just come from the outside. He said he went out there, and some officer told him, said, "Chaplain, we want to ride out, to take a look at the fields out there." They had throwed this mustard and chlorine gas, as they did in them days.

139And said, "I got out there, Brother Branham," said, "there wasn't a bark on a tree, there wasn't a sprig of grass. It was on an Easter morning." He said, "There was some old wrecked tanks down there, the officer had to get record of them, and see if there was anything could be done for them, near the great Argonne Forest. Said, "When I was standing there by myself," said, "I looked up, said, 'O God, this is the way it's all coming to.'" That's right, it's all coming. It was all burnt up, no life nowhere at all, grass burnt off; the tree, by that gases, trees killed, everything was killed, twisted, hanging down, where bullets and things riddled it.

140 If that isn't a picture of the world today, where Satan is spraying his unbelief, his hybreeding, his science, his knowledge! Until, what it was at the beginning, when God put Adam and Eve in the garden, that beautiful paradise without death, without sickness, without sorrow, and everything perfect in order, look what Satan's DDT has done! She is a chaos. There is nothing left in it.

141He said, "I started crying. I walked back, I was attracted to a rock." Said, "I just went over there and looked at the rock, pushed it over. Down beneath the rock was a little white flower growing, the only living thing left, because it had been sheltered by a rock."

142God, my Rock, shelter us today, O God, when these poisons are flying everywhere in the name of science and education. Shelter us. Keep me until that day, O God, is my prayer. [Someone on the platform says, "Don't put any time limit, Brother Branham."--Ed.] Now I hope that we, each one, are under that Rock, Christ.

143 I just preached the other day, many of you heard it. I was going down through the woods, hunting, and I was attracted to turn around. And I looked, and there laid an empty cigarette carton or package, or what you call it. And it's the company, I don't feel I should call their name, but the tobacco company had, they have a slogan, "A thinking man's filter, a smoking man's taste."

144I started walking on down a--a little further in the woods, and Something attracted me, "Go back to that cigarette pack."

145I thought, "Heavenly Father, I'm going down here to that tree where those squirrels was spoke into existence by You, one morning. Why would You call me back?"

146And Something said, "You've got a sermon coming for Sunday. Your text is wrote on it."

I thought, "On a cigarette pack?" I went back.

147And I begin to think, "A thinking man's filter," what a deception that is! If a man was a thinking man, he wouldn't smoke at all. But, you see, people swallow that.

148 I believe it was two years ago, when I was in one of the conventions, I went up to the world's fair when it was on the West Coast. And they had Yul Brynner's picture and many of them there. And the scientists, many of them, was in the same hall, about the danger of smoking. How they pull that smoke across a marble, and took a little Q-tip and took up the nicotine off there and put it on a rat's back, and put him in a cage, in seven days he was so full of cancer he couldn't even walk. See? He said... Pulled it through water.

Said, "Filter!"

149Said, "Filter? There is no such a thing." Said, "You... Now, this is science themselves. They said, "You cannot have smoke unless you got tar. Tar makes the smoke."

150 And the only thing it is, is a gimmick, to sell more cigarettes. When that, if I... Don't hope you think I'm sacrilegious or a fanatic. That devil in a man, that makes him smoke, to kill himself. When he--he wants the nicotine of one cigarette, that will supply his desire, now the company comes around with this deceiving gimmick, and says, "A thinking man's filter." He'll have to smoke four or five cigarettes, to make as much tar in you (to satisfy him) as you did with the one. Americans selling death to their brethren and sisters! I don't get it.

151 But yet in there, I thought, "There is a thinking man's Filter that's right."

152Now if a man was smoking, remember, it produces a smoking man's taste. Then, if you cannot have the... fill the desire of a smoke until you get the smoke there and get... has to produce the taste. So you smoke four cigarettes, or five, and pay more for it than you would if you just smoked one regular cigarette. See, it's a gimmick, a sales gimmick; deceiving the people, Americans. When I think of Valley Forge, George Washington; with two-thirds of his soldiers, and no shoes on their feet, on that cold day, to make us the economy that we are! And then Americans sell American, his brother and sister, death, under a false gimmick, for filthy lucre, the root of all evil. The crave of money, love. The whole thing has gone mad, knowing not that this whole thing will perish! But if you don't get no smoke, you can't have the taste.

153 Then I thought, "There is a thinking man's Filter." A thinking man's Filter! And I took my text from "A thinking man's Filter produces a holy man's taste."

154So I thought that our denominations has done a whole lot like that, take people in and call themselves Christians that's just any way. Why? They get more in their denomination or organizations. We get more in there because we let them come in under this, that, and the other, and anything. "That don't make any difference, just so they put their name on the book and say they're a Christian. That's all. Oh, 'by faith you're saved.' You have to believe." The Devil does the same thing. Yeah.

155You got to be borned again, and that comes through God's Filter! Now there is a thinking man's Filter. I'm holding It in my hand. It won't produce a denominational taste, but It will certainly satisfy a holy man's taste, you know.

156 How could a bobbed-haired woman ever come through this Filter? How could a woman with shorts on ever come through It, or slacks, when the Bible says, "It's an abomination to God, for a woman to put on a garment that even pertains to a man"? And how can a man that thinks anything of himself, get out here and dress like the women, let his hair grow out like a woman, down in his eyes, with bangs, and twirled up like that? He is wearing his wife's underneath clothes. She is wearing his outer clothes. A thinking man's filter? A thinking man won't do that, or a thinking woman won't do it. God's Word won't let it pass through.

157There isn't one thing could pass through that Word. That's the Holy Spirit, and It brings the Word into you, and It produces a holy man's taste.

158 Look at today, Ricketta on the street, lovely, beautiful anatomy God gave to her, and Satan using it. And she'll dress so immorally, not knowing that a week from today she may be rottening in the grave.

159Coming down the street here not long ago. I was preaching at a convention in an Assemblies of God over on the West Coast, in a meeting out to the Southwestern Bible School. A little lady walking down the road, a little... them little clothes on, bikini's, ever what you call it, and fringe hanging out, with a cowboy hat and boots. I was going up the road. I thought, "Poor little fellow, some mother and dad's child, was put here to be a daughter of God, and has become a bait trap of the Devil." I thought, "I believe I'll just turn around and go back, and tell that kid." She looked to be about the age of my Sarah there, seventeen years, sixteen years old, or something. I thought, "No, I better not. I'll just go up here on the road and pray for her. If somebody seen me stop and talk to her, I better not do it."

160 Now, and listen, sons of God, you get in that same place, these Jezebels of the day play up to you, but a thinking man will think first. She may be so pretty, it may be "I could make a hit with her," but it'll cost you your soul, boy; some of you girls, to these Rickies! Thinking man's Filter produces a holy man's taste.

161You married man, when you see them women on the street like that, you sons of God, don't you realize what taken place in the first beginning? When science had made women so pretty in the antediluvian world, until the sons of God took daughters of man (not daughters of God), and God never did forget it. They destroyed the whole thing; science, prettier. It used to be... You notice the beauty of women lifting in the last days, is a sign of the end; God has proved it. So, use a thinking man's Filter, you'll have a holy man's taste. It'll cost you your home. It'll cost you your position. It'll cost you everything you got; besides that, your soul! It'll break up your home. It may have another man raise your children, or another woman raise your children.

162 Take a thinking man's Filter, it'll produce a holy woman's taste. When you start to the barber shop, or something another, and they tell you, "You're going to have a headache, you know." Take a thinking woman's Filter, what the Bible said, see, then turn away from it. See? Don't you do it.

163I'm your brother, and I love you. Nothing I have against you. God knows. And that's what makes me say the things I do, is because of--of love of God for you. If a man would go out there and they won't tell you, your pastor let you sit around and act like that, he don't love you. He can't love you. I wouldn't want that kind of love for the women. I want to have a holy taste for my sister. I want her really be my sister. Not somebody can say, somebody talk about her being so pretty and how she is, and those sex queens, "She goes to my... Huh-uh. No. I want her a lady!

164O Lord, keep me under the Rock. Yes. In Ephesians 5:26, the only one way you can get through that Rock, that's, "Washed by the waters of separation by the Word." That's right.

165 Now, don't let this Devil spray you with his education. No, no. It'll kill the influence of you. Don't let the Devil take that, "Well, I belong to the church that my mother belonged to, that my father, my grandmother." Don't let the Devil spray you with that. The Bible has already said, on the Seven Church Ages, and things there, it's all gone to seed! That's right. The whole thing is corrupt. The whole thing is a putrefied sore. Don't let him spray you, say, "Well, it's higher ethics. We are more educated than we used to be in old days." Don't you let the Devil put that over on you. I've showed you his whole program of civilization, education and science. He's got it right into the church, and don't you listen to that. Keep your head out of them old dirty televisions and things!

166 And our text says, "Be not conformed, but be ye transformed." Not go in and say, "I was confirmed, Sunday." No. Go in and be transformed right now, transformed from what you are, to what God wants you to be.

167Now, it depends on what kind of seed that's in you. If an intellectual, educational seed has been placed in you, there is only one thing it can do, deform you, that's all, to a son or daughter of God. It's the only thing it can do. People today, as I look out, they act like they don't even believe there is a God.

168 Pardon this expression. If anybody's feelings is hurt by this, I don't mean it. A couple of Sunday's ago I was invited, by my own daughter, to come in to a television set and to watch a religious singing. It's at Sunday morning. I wanted to hear Oral Roberts on his program, I told them to let me know. Said, "You hear this, this is a great hymn sing." My son standing there, told me about it, too. And I turned that set...

169We rent from a woman that has the television in her house. I never intend to have one in my house. No, sir. I don't want that thing in my house. I would blow it out with my shotgun. I don't want nothing to do with that evil thing. No, sir! But took a...

170 Let me tell you about you Arizonians here. You seen that analysis the other day, of schools, didn't you? Eighty percent of the children in Arizona schools are suffering with mental deficiency, sixty-seven percent of them was by looking at television. How about that?

171You had better use your shotgun! See? Now, don't let the Devil spray you with that. No, sir. Now people, as I said, people act like they don't have to come to Judgment.

172These boys and girls, they had some Indian family, and a whole lot of stuff. I think a fellow named Mr. Pool is the head of it. And if I ever seen a modern mockery of hymns, it was the way they handled it; a bunch of Rickies standing there, shaking their hands up-and-down.

173 I certainly appreciated that young man here this morning, that sang, looked decent, like a real man. I--I like that. When you--you businessmen sometime here get a bunch of these Rickies that stand here, and hoop and holler, and carry on, and hold their breath till they're blue in the face; and that's not singing, that's just making a lot of scientific noise. Singing is "melody from the heart."

174 And I thought, "What a pity! What a shame it is! So how under the name of religion, they act like there is no God! Someone said, the other day, to a boy that goes with my daughter. A Christian boy said, give it a smart remark about Adam and Eve, said, "Eve going through the garden. Said, 'Children, you see that tree there?' Said, 'That's where your mother eat us out of house and home.'" Could you imagine, supposed to be a staunch Christian, that would take a promise and a Word of God and throw it off to a hog pen! They act like they don't have to come to Judgment. But God will bring every secret into Judgment. They act like there is no God.

175 I don't want to call them a fool, because the Bible said... the fool, not right. Jesus said it isn't. "Don't call no man a fool." But in Psalms 14:1, "The fool said in his heart, 'There is no God.'" See? They, they're not. I don't want to call them fools, but they act like they are. They act like it.

176So, you see where we're at today, like there is no God. "I belong to church! And all the whole thing, the Bible, is a big joke. Our church knows where they're going!" Yeah, right straight to hell. And exactly right on their road, right down through science and education, theological seminaries and things, just breezing them right down the road. The Holy Spirit doesn't have a chance to give a revelation on nothing; the seminary has done got it cut out.

177The Holy Spirit is to lead us; not a seminary, not bishops and overseers, and so forth. The Holy Ghost is our Leader.

178 Cain was such a person as that. He was very religious in deed. Now, if religion is all that you have to have, then God was unjust by condemning Cain. Because, he was religious, he was just as religious and sincere as Abel was. Now remember, he thought of God, he worshiped God, he had a church, he built an altar, he made a sacrifice, he prayed, he worshiped, but he was rejected. No matter how... Esau was, also. See?

179Religion, see, that is Satan's business; not to kill the whole thing, but just contaminate it. That's all. He ain't going to kill the whole thing. Oh, not communists; no, no, the antichrist is not communism. The Bible said, "It would deceive the Elected if it was possible." Don't notice the iron curtain, but the purple one. Uh-huh.

180 But, notice, Cain come to worship, but he had the wrong seed in him, serpent's seed. The hiss of the serpent had hissed over him, for he was the seed of the woman. He knew the perfect will of God, but he refused to do it. Did you know that? Satan knows the will of God, but just refuses to do it.

181Notice, he had seen God vindicate Abel's message. Now I want you to think, use your thinking man's Filter now for a minute. Abel's correct message, that God vindicated to be the Truth! Are you drawing now? Uh-huh. Abel's message had been received, and Cain saw it and knowed that God had vindicated that message right. But he just couldn't do it. His pride kept him from it. That's right, his pride kept him from doing it. He seen God vindicate the message.

182 So it seems to be now, so hard for people to humble themselves to the Word of God. They, they just don't want to do it. They'll humble themselves to the creed of the church, sure, but not to the Word of God.

183If you want to find this, you go to... I got a Scriptures here, that's what I'm referring to here. Genesis 4:6 and 7, God said to Cain, said, "Why are your countenance fallen? Why are you all full of temper, walking around? You just heard a message that upset you." Said, "Well, what are you doing that for? Why are your countenances fell, because I didn't come into your church? So why did you do it?"

Are you using a thinking man's Filter? See?

184Or, "Why didn't... Why you looking like that?" Said, "If you'll do well, go do like your brother is doing out there, I'll receive you and bless you. I'll do for you the same thing." But he just couldn't do it. He said, "Now, if you don't, sin of unbelief lieth at the door."

185 Now when they tell us, "The days of miracles has passed." And they see it so perfectly vindicated and proved, you see, all these things that God promised He would do in the last days, of Revelation 10 and Malachi 4, all those things so perfectly vindicated. What's the matter, brethren? What's wrong, see?

186If they don't; unbelief, which is sin. There is only one sin, that's, unbelief. That's right. You're not condemned because you drink, smoke, chew, wear shorts, do whatever you do. No, that don't condemn you. It's because you don't believe. If you believed, you won't do that. See? A believer doesn't do that. He takes a thinking man's Filter, see, see, or a thinking woman's Filter, either one. All right. But, you see, sin lieth at the door.

187 Now notice what that done to Cain, and it's going to do the same today. It made Cain go away, a willful sinner. He willfully was disobedient. Every person will be the same way. Willfully disobedient after he had seen Abel's message so vindicated of God, that it was the truth, and refused to do it. Done the same then. Then he crossed the dividing line.

188There is a line you can cross. You know that, don't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, ministers, both here and out in the--the telephone land where this broadcast is coming across the nation, do you realize that? When you see it is Scripture, and you won't do it, God won't always... He'll... Oh, you'll go on, be blessed. So was every one of Israel, they lived right in the wilderness, and raised children, crops, and blessed, and everything, but "every one of them Eternally separated from God." Jesus said so. Oh, yes, God will bless you right on, but you're gone. Certainly. That's what the Bible says now, that's what He said. Notice, you can cross the separating line. Do you believe that? ["Amen."] Cain did it.

189 Let--let's just turn over here a minute, I got Hebrews 10:26. Let's see if I can find that right quick. The Book of Hebrews, the 10th chapter and the... I believe, the 26th verse. I got it wrote out here. Just a minute, if you'll bear with me, and let's just read It a minute. All right, here we are.

For if we sin wilfully after that we... received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin,

But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and the fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversary.

190That's THUS SAITH GOD'S HOLY WORD. If we disbelieve willfully after we have seen It and heard It, then we're across the line. There will never be no more forgiveness for it, you have crossed the line.

"Oh," you say, "God still blesses me." Oh, yeah.

191 Remember Israel, the borderlines. When God gave them a promise, over in the Holy Land; in the land, it was good, of milk and honey. And when Moses sent out Caleb and Joshua, and the spies, to go over and spy out the land, and brought back the vindicated evidence.

192The ten of them said, "We cannot do it. We're unable. Look at the difficult there. We'll be fanatics. We got these little bitty things to fight with. Look what they got. We, we can't do it. We're not able to do it."

193Joshua and Caleb said, "We are more than able to do it! God made the promise."

194And, remember, they turned back. That was at Kadesh-barnea. And they turned back and become wanderers in the wilderness. And every one of them died, and is lost Eternally. Jesus said so.

195Don't cross that separating line, see. "When you know to do good, and doeth it not, to you it's sin."

196 Israel did the same. After they seen Moses vindicated, and then let Balaam spray them, that precious vindicated Seed. Pastor, don't you (never) say nothing against this Word. Look at Balaam, he was a prophet, and he seen the Seed of God, vindicated. But under his own great denomination that he lived in, Moab seen that bunch of wanderers coming through the land, he sprayed it, and said, "Well, wait a minute. We're all Christians. We're all believers. Why, our fathers and your fathers are the same. Aren't we Lot's children? Wasn't Lot, Abraham's nephew? Aren't we all the same? Let's marry one another." And Israel, as Eve in the garden of Eden, let Satan spray her, he also sprayed Israel through a false prophet. When, the real prophet was with them, with vindicated Word. But by an intellectual knowledge conception, he sprayed them. Think of it now, it was never forgiven, the sin was never forgiven.

197 The seeds rotted right in the path of duty, on the road to the promised land. Every one of them perished and rotted, right straight at church, in the line of duty, following God. And let Satan spray that intellectual spray over them, educational, intellectual conception, saying, "Why, we are all the same, we're all children of God." You're not! But he let that false teacher there spray them with that intellectual conception that he had of It.

198And just like the Ecumenical Council is doing right now, see, same thing, "Why, we'll all join together in one great organization." Your whole organizational system is of the Devil. It's the mark of the beast, in the Bible. I'll have the book on it, pretty soon, the Lord willing.

199 Notice, in Noah's time, seeing the Word being erected, to float. Now let make a little remark here, the Word being put together for to be transformed from the ground to the skies. Seeing the structure of the thing; but with their intellectual conceptions, laughed in the face of the prophet, Noah, when he was prophesying of the end time. But what did... That structure was made of the Word of God, pitched inside and out, with prayer and faith. When the rains come, all the intellectual conceptions of religions died and rotted right in the... right in their churches, right upon the earth. And the ark floated above it all. The scientific sprayed seed rotted right in judgment.

200 What are we trying to do, anyhow, are we trying to establish our church or are we trying to establish the Word of God? What are we trying to do? Where we working at? Are we trying to get the people back into This? What's this great Eve trying to do here in this last days, this church Eden?

201I'm going to have to quit right away, brother, 'cause it's--it's getting too late. [A brother says, "Go on!"--Ed.] Just give me just about fifteen more minutes, and I'll stop on my--my Scriptures here. ["Certainly, go ahead."] Yeah. All right. I know. Well, the people probably wants to get in here and clean this up. But I just seem like it's hard for me to quit. ["Just go ahead." "Well, there ain't no hurry."] I'll hurry. All right.

202 Look, the great scientific, educational, hybrid Eve today, called the church, what is she trying to do? Is she trying to exalt God's Word, and let the people do the way they're doing? They're not using a thinking man's Filter, or, God's Filter. Look what they're producing. They're exalting themselves. The church is, in her deformed seed of knowledge program, has caused the whole race to be scientifically ignorant of the Word of God. Now I'll catch those remarks, I'm not going to hold on them too long now, to get finished. Scientifically ignorant! When God, right here on the earth, doing the things that He is doing, by His promised Word, and they ignore It and walk away because they are scientifically ignorant. Scientifically ignorant!

203 I was smiling then because of Brother Williams here, wrote over here on a piece of paper, "You can stay at it all afternoon," something. But, I appreciate that, that's really fine.

204 But the people are--are willfully sinning. It's brought the--the whole system of church world today into a willful sin against God. Why, common decency will prove to you that It's right. All right. A lust veil blinded their eyes, to the Word of God, and she finds herself naked again. You know, God, in Revelation 3, said, "Come, buy some eye salve from Me, that your eyes might be opened." See, the eye salve is His Word.

205 You know, they say, "Well, this man studied forty years, to get his degrees. He is a BLD, DD, and all this."

206You know what Jesus said about that? He said, "Let a man deny himself." Paul did.

You say, "That don't mean that."

207Well, why did Paul follow it up for, then? He said, "I never come to you with enticing words of man's wisdom, because you would build your hopes upon that. But I come to you in power and manifestations of the Holy Ghost, that your word would be... your faith would be built on the Word of God, not the manifestations of a wisdom."

208 It seems that people has lost their common decency and modesty. They're not like they used to be. It used to be, when the prophet said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," the people trembled. Yeah, they certainly did. The people moved, for they was afraid. But now they lost all their scare of It. They don't fear God.

209Solomon said, "The--the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom," just the beginning of it.

210But the prophet can speak THUS SAITH THE LORD; the people say "nonsense!" See, there is not a hope for them. It's, they say, "Why, we are smart. We're intellectual, we don't have to take that kind of stuff! We know what we're talking about!"

211It's also an old proverb, that, "Fools will walk with hobnailed shoes, where Angels fear to trod." Certainly.

212 Now, what is the transformation? (Quickly.) How do we get it? What does the transformation? God does it by the Spirit of His Word. He transforms. He plants His Seed, throws His Spirit on It, and It brings forth the product. His Holy Spirit transforms the Seed Word in to be vindicated of its kind.

213What kind of a seed you are, that shows just what's in you. You can't hide it. Whatever you are inside, it shows outside. You just can't keep from it. You can't make that tree anything but what it is. See, it's--it's going to be that way. The Holy Spirit transforms the seeds that's on the inside of it. No matter what kind of a seed it is, It'll transform it. If it's evil, it'll bring forth evil. If it's a hypocrite, it'll bring forth a hypocrite. If it's a genuine Word of God, it'll bring forth a genuine son or daughter of God, through a thinking man's Filter. When the Seed comes up, it comes through That, It produces a son and daughter of God.

214 One day when the world lay in the darkness of chaos, God... Now listen close, 'cause we're not going to speak... just a little bit longer. Look. One day when the world was again in all kinds of religions, washing hands, pots, wearing different robes and bonnets, and so forth, it lay in the midst of utter chaos. The genuine Israel of God had been so perverted from the laws and statutes of God, Jesus said, "You, with your traditions, make the Word of God of no effect to the people, by your traditions." And look at them holy priests, they call them; and Jesus said, "You are of your father, the Devil, and his works you do." See, that's exactly what He said.

215 Now when the world lay in that kind of a fix, God's Spirit moved again upon a Seed that was predestinated. He translated and transformed Isaiah 9:6 of Its promise; He, God, was made in human flesh, to save that chaos time. When man was made in the image of God, here comes God, by the prophet foreseeing it... Now remember the Word, the prophet foresaw it, just the same prophet that seen Satan in this last days, see, of this educational program and things he has, religious program. The same prophet, Isaiah 9:6, said, "Unto us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and His Name shall be called 'Counsellor, The Prince of Peace, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father.' And of His reign there will be no end." And that Word is God's Word. And the Spirit moved upon that Word, and It formed in the womb of a virgin; a man, "a son is born," not created, "born."

216 Satan tried and tried again, to spray It. He took Him up and said, "If You are what You say You are, then do some of this healing here for me. Show me how You can do it. Turn this, bread, and this stones into bread. Let's see you take a dive, because the Scripture says You'll do it."

217You see them religious devils today still saying that same thing? "If there is such a thing as Divine healing; here lays Brother So-and-so, let's see you heal him."

218That same Devil stood at Jesus, at the cross, said, "If Thou be the Son of God, come down off the cross."

219The Word said He was the Son of God. The Spirit proved He was the Son of God. Isaiah 9:6 was fulfilled. And the other night, many of you in the broadcast heard how that we give sixty-some-odd Scriptures, almost, I believe, about proving that the Scripture said that That was Him.

220 Oh, Satan tried and tried again, do everything. One night, laying on the back of a ship, he seen Him asleep. And he said, "I'll destroy Him right now." But he couldn't.

221He tried to tempt Him into doing the wrong thing, but he couldn't do it. Why? He had been sprayed with the repellent of predestination. It can't be deceived. No, no. The Word said He would be here. Amen. There ain't no devil going to bother Him, and no other son of God, that's predestinated to take his place. He is sprayed with a repellent. Satan's poison, denominational doctors don't even touch Him at all. He moves right along, nothing going to bother him, see. It didn't have any effect upon Him.

222 "Well, I'll make You the bishop of all the earth. I have rule over it. If You'll just worship me, come on join my group, I'll--I'll make You the ruler. I'll step down, let You up."

223He said, "Get behind Me, Satan. It is written, 'Thou shall worship God, the Word, and Him only shall thou serve.'" Then one day...

On this great Person, I'd like to stay there a while.

224But one day, the Spirit moved upon Him again; 'cause there was some Word had been wrote about Him, come from God, through the prophet, "And He was led to the slaughter, like a lamb." And the Spirit moved upon Him, and led Him, and sent Him to Calvary's cross. There He died. And everything that was spoke of Him in His death, was fulfilled, to bring Light and Life to all the predestinated seed of God that was upon the earth. He brought the way to do it. Here is the Seed, the Spirit brings the Life; transforming sons and daughters of God, from the world in this dark chaos, in to be sons and daughters of God.

225 Don't stumble at that word "predestination." I know you do. But, listen, It's not my word. It's one of God's Words. You want to read it, read Ephesians 1:5, which, "He has predestinated us to the adoptions of sons through Jesus Christ." See?

226Just let me just break it just a minute, just a minute, to break this out of your mind. Look. Just as you were in your father, at the beginning, a germ seed. Did you know that, every one of you? You were in your great-great-great-grandfather, also, did you know that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

227Read the Book of Hebrews, where that we find that Levi paid tithes when he was in the loins of Abraham, four generations behind him. When Abraham paid tithes to Melchisedec, it was accounted to his great-greatgrandson down below him, and he was then in the loins of Abraham. There you are. See?

228 You were in the loins of your father, but your father could not have any fellowship with you until you was transformed into a body of flesh.

229My son there was in me. I--I--I wanted a son, but he was in me then. See? He was in me then. But through wedlock, he was transformed into a man like me, and then he become like me.

230And you become like your parents, see, 'cause it was in you, to begin with. Now if we are the sons of God, His attributes... Which, you are an attribute of your father, not your mother; your father. The germ lays in the father. See? And now your mother was an incubator that bear you, bear the seed of your father. See?

231 And the earth, in flesh, is also the incubator that bears the seed of God. See, just exactly. Not the world, how great the world is; it's how great the God that made it. See? See?

232Now if you are a son and daughter of God, then you were in God at the beginning. You're His attribute. If you wasn't there then, then you never was or never will be.

233Cause, I cannot bear, from my loins, the son of this man here or that man there, I can only bear my own sons, and they would bear my likeness. Hallelujah. You see it?

234 Sons and daughters was in God at the beginning. Now look. You've got Eternal Life, you say. We believe it, that we got Eternal Life. Well, there is only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God. That's the only thing that is Eternal, is God. Then if you've got Eternal Life, that Life that's in you always was, and you were in the loins of God before there even was a world. And when the Word Itself... Jesus Himself is called the Word, and in Saint John 1, said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Then you were in the loins of Jesus, and went to Calvary with Him. You died with Him, and you raised with Him. And today we're sitting in Heavenly places in Him, filled with His Spirit, sons and daughters of God. Die with Him, raised with Him. Sure.

235 Now then, now, now you can fellowship with Him. You couldn't back there, because you were just a Word in Him, a seed. But now He has manifested you, and now He wants you to fellowship with Him. Then He came down, was made flesh so He could perfectly fellowship with you. See the perfect fellowship? Oh, my, them deep mysteries of God! How wonderful! See, God could not fellowship in the Spirit, so God became man with us.

236Jesus Christ was God Himself, manifested, 'cause, He was a son because He was begotten, but it was just a tabernacle for Him to live in. "No man has seen God at any time, but the only Begotten of the Father has declared Him." God built Himself a house, a body to live in, come down so that you could touch Him. I Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness; for God was manifested in the flesh, seen of Angels, believed on, received up into Heaven." See? Now He...

237 You being flesh, and Him being flesh, then you can fellowship with one another, 'cause He was God's attribute of love. God is love. Is that right? And Jesus was God's attribute of love. And when the attribute of love was displayed, which, that was God Himself; all the attributes that hung onto Him, come to Him, "All the Father has given Me, will come to Me." Sure, they had to be predestinated. If it wasn't, you won't be there. That's all. Certainly.

238Now we can fellowship, was through the--the riches of His Word, and in which you are a part of. You are part of the Word; 'cause He was the Word at the beginning, you're the Word now. See? I'm preaching tonight, or Sunday or one of the days when I get in, about what the Word is, see. And now you are part of the Word.

239 Listen. There is one thing I can't do. I can't brag on my ancestors. No, I come through an awful mess. My father was an Irishman. My mother was an Indian squaw, half Indian; her mother was an Indian, drawed a pension. Now, all of them, drunks, most all of them died with their shoes on, fighting, gunfighters, and so forth. I can't brag on nothing about that, 'cause my ancestors and my family tree is terrible.

240But, brother, there is one thing I can brag on, I can brag on my Lord Jesus Who has redeemed me. And with His transforming power planted a seed, by predestination, and I saw It. Whose son am I now? Yeah. I can brag on Him. And I have spent thirty-three years of my life, bragging on Him. If He would spare me another thirty-three years, I'll try to brag more on Him. See? I can brag on my Ancestor, hallelujah, He that redeemed me and planted the seed of Life in here, and let me look down upon this Word, sent down His Spirit and said, "Here It is. Speak this, and it will happen. Do that." And oh, my, I can brag on Him! How did He do it? Through the washing of the water by the Word, the waters of separation, which...?... explain.

241 True predestinated believers will stay with the Word because they are part of that Word.

242Oh, wandering stars, how long will you wonder? You Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterian, outsiders, whatever you might be, wandering stars, from church to church, from pillar to place, and television to television, world to world, why don't you come on? He longs to have fellowship with you. He is longing for you. He wants to transform you by the renewing of your mind, not to the church or to the denomination, but to His Word, which, you are a part if that desire is in you.

Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they shall be filled. (See? Uh-huh.)

243And it's sent His transforming Power, to bring you out of this deformity of religion that you're in. In this deformity chaos that we're in, God has sent His transforming Power, His Word, vindicated, proven, to bring you out of this religious deformity of ignorance that you're walking in, "naked, blind, miserable, and don't know it." Think of it, friends.

244 You know, God sent His transforming power to fulfill His Word, and changed the whole body of Sarah and Abraham. Transformed an old man and an old woman, because He promised He would do it.

245And what God promises to do, that He'll do. There is nothing, anything... Any perverted thing, God can't do nothing with it. But He will keep His Word, and He'll send His Spirit! "I the Lord have planted It. I will water It day and night, lest some should pluck it from My hands." The Bible says that.

246 Oh, wandering stars, you with the desire in your heart! You've got to have it, or you wouldn't be sitting here this morning. And you wouldn't be in those churches and auditoriums, and things you're in, out and across the land, if Something wouldn't even bring you in there. Some person spoke to you. Don't go any further. There is a washing of the water by the Word, that will make you white as snow. Oh, sons of God, listen! Don't stay in that deformity. Come out of it. Abraham believed God, and called anything contrary...

247You say, "How would I make my living? How would I do this?" That's God's business. "How would I? My associates would turn me down."

248God said, "He that will forsake His own father, mother, wife, husband, homes, houses; I'll give them homes and houses, I'll give them fathers and mothers, and brothers and sisters, in this world, and Eternal Life in the world to come." It's a promise, friend. That, oh, that's got to be watered! Every promise God makes comes to pass. Every Seed of God is a promise.

249 And, sister, stop bobbing that hair, because it's an uncommon thing before God. Quit wearing those clothes, it's an abomination to Him!

250You brothers, you man, stop catering to these denominations, in doing the things, and letting your wives do such things. It's unbecoming to Christians.

251Come back to the Word! Take that Word, It'll grow. It's got to grow. God's transforming power that brought It up in the first place, He's just on His road back, taking It back again now. He's going right back again to where it was.

252 Enoch was translated, from death, by God's transforming power. What did God do that for? For a type of the rapturing Church that's coming. Yeah. Elijah was the same.

253Jesus' body was quickened after it was dead. And in the grave, Jesus' body was quickened by the Word of God; and transformed, from a dead, cold image, to a resurrected, glorified Son of God. Because the prophet, Psalms 16:10, if you want to put it down, 16:10, said, "I will not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer My Holy One to see corruption." O God!

254That Word has to come to pass, It's God's Word! Plant It in your heart, if you want to go in a Rapture. If you want to be Christians genuine, place this Word. As I believe it was Ezekiel, God said, "Take that scroll and eat it up," that the prophet and the Word would become the same. And every promise in there has to manifest itself, because it's God's original Seed. Don't you let some educated theologian out here try to pump It out of you. Don't you let him spray you with that carnal science and knowledge, and education. Believe God!

255 Abraham didn't take the scientific research of his day, say, "I'm too old to have a baby, I've went too far. I've done this, that, or the other." But he called anything that was contrary, to God's Word, as though it wasn't. And he staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief; but was strong, giving praise to God. He knowed that God was able to perform that what He had promised.

256 Oh, wandering sons, deformed by the creepers of this earth! Wandering sisters, that the places and fashions of this world has drawed you! And, sister dear, you might consider me an old crank, but one of these days when you meet what Florence Shakarian met the other night; she sat in this room, too, in this place, as you know. When you meet that, you'll find out that, not me, but this Word is right. Keep out of those barber shops, those fashion shops. Keep out of those things.

257Say, "Why don't you teach them great things, how to be this?" Just start with your ABC's, and then we'll come to algebra. See? Just start learning, "which is your reasonable service."

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your body a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

258 You just do "Your reasonable service," God will take care of the rest of it; see, just to reason things that you can reason out yourself and do. Isn't it not... Isn't it unreasonable for a woman to strip herself down, and go out here and act like that, when the Bible condemns it? Isn't it unreasonable for a man to pull hisself into such a dogma as we have today, and all this stuff here, and all this seminary stuff, and stuff like that, when it's absolutely contrary to the Word of God? See?

259 Isaiah's lips, he was just an ordinary man of unclean lips. He said, "Lord, I'm among unclean people, and I got unclean lips. Woe is me because I've seen God." And an Angel come down, got a Fire, Holy Fire off of God's altar, and transformed his lips; from the lips of a wandering man, to the lips of a prophet with THUS SAITH THE LORD. God's transforming Power!

260A hundred and twenty fishermen, and--and little old sellers of purple, of women, and those gathered themselves in an upper room and closed the doors, some of them not enough education to sign their own names. God transformed them from fishers, to fishers of man; from men and women on the street, to saints of God, immortal. The transforming Power of God!

261 Paul, a local church member, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, or something; down the street he went, with his great defying spirit in him, that he knowed more than any of them. He had come up under Gamaliel, one of the best teachers there was in the land. What happened on his road down to Damascus, get a bunch of people who was believing God's Word? On his road down there, was stricken down, and he heard a Message. And It transformed him from a church member and a churchgoer; to a prophet of God, who wrote the Word of God, in the New Testament. From a church member to a saint!

262Oh, wandering star, let's stop. Wandering son, wandering Seed that's going from place to place, in this deformity; turn, this morning, children. Please hear me as a--as a man that's trying to stand between the living and the dead.

263 Out over the land where the broadcast is coming if you're still hooked up, you that's wandered into the place, please sit just a minute longer. I know it's late here in Tucson or, beg you pardon me, Phoenix, it's twenty minutes till twelve. And I've had these people here all morning. I've had you away from your work and things. But look, dear friend, you might be away from God forever. Please come back this morning. Won't you? There is room at the Fountain.

In a manger long ago, I know it's really so,

A Babe was born to save men from their sin.

John saw Him on the shore, the Lamb forevermore,

Oh, Christ, the Crucified of Calvary.

Oh, I love that Man from Galilee, from Galilee,

For He's done so very much for me.

He's forgiven all my sins, placed the Holy Ghost within;

Oh, I love, I love that Man from Galilee.

A publican went to pray in the temple there one day,

He cried, "O Lord, be merciful to me!"

He was forgiven of every sin, and a deep peace placed within;

He said, "Come see this Man from Galilee." Right.

The lame was made to walk, the dumb was made to talk,

That power was spoken with love upon the sea;

The blind was made to see, I know it could only be

The mercy of that Man from Galilee.

264Type that with the ministry today.

The woman at the well, He all her sins did tell,

How five husbands she had at that time.

She was forgiven of every sin, and a deep peace placed within;

She cried, "Come see this Man from Galilee!"

265 Woman, He knew. See, He has read your heart this morning. Man, He has read your heart. Oh, publican, let's pray!

Oh, I love that Man from Galilee, from Galilee,

For He's done so very much for me.

He's forgiven all my sins, placed the Holy Ghost within;

Oh, I love, I love that Man from Galilee.

266Won't you love Him, with me, this morning? Oh, wayward, wandering sinner, here or out where you may be, will you accept my Lord this morning? He is the Word, and the Word has been brought to you. Won't you accept Him this morning? Will you just raise your hands or stand to your feet, or something, and pray, say, "I want to accept Him right now. Brother, I'm willing, I'm willing right now to accept Him." Will you stand to your feet, anybody that wanted to be prayed, and say, "I am..." prayed for, rather, "I am a sinner. I want..." God bless you, sir. Someone else? Everybody pray now, just a minute.

Oh, in that manger long ago, (it was in a chaos, you know, the world was), and I know it's really so,

A little Babe was born to save man from their sin.

When John saw Him on the shore, He was that Lamb forevermore, (same One today)

Oh, He is Christ, the Crucified of Calvary.

267 Won't you love Him today with all your heart, so you can walk out of this worldly condition that you sit in? You women, you man, oh, what did you sit here all of this time for? It goes to show there is something down in you, there is something there hungering and thirsting. You wouldn't have set here these two or three hours, sitting in this building like this; there is something. Won't you just heed to it today? Let the fashions and science, and all the things of the world, pass away from your mind right now, brother dear or sister dear.

The churches are uniting, the great nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,

The signs that the prophets foretold;

The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;

"Return, O dispersed, to your own."

The day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, have your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near!

False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying,

That Jesus the Christ is our God.

268 Now, that's true. You know that, all of us, the day that we're living.

But He said it shall be Light about the evening time,

The way to Glory you will surely find.

269That's the day we're living in right now. The Light will shine just at the evening when the darkness is setting in, twilight time, the evening star.

Twilight and evening star,

And after that the dark!

May there be no sadness of farewell,

When I'm at last embarked;

For all without is bourne of time and space,

And the floods may bear me far,

But I want to see my Pilot face to face

When I have crossed the bar.

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,

That life is just an empty dream!

And the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.

Yea, life is real! And life is earnest!

And the grave is not its goal;

For dust thou art, to dust returnest,

Was not spoken of the soul.

Lives of great men all remind us,

And we can make our lives sublime,

And, partings, leave behind us,

Footprints on the sands of time;

Footprints, that perhaps another,

While sailing over life's solemn main,

A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,

In seeing, shall take heart again.

Let us be up, then, and doing,

With a heart for any strife;

Be not like dumb, driven cattle!

Be a hero in the strife!

270 Dear God, they're Yours. I've seen two men stand to their feet, Father. I pray, God, that You will take them now. They want to be Your sons. They have woke up from the ignorance of the life that they have lived, and now they want to be afreshed, anewed, with the baptism of the Holy Spirit upon that Seed that's been planted in their hearts this day. Eternal God, the Creator of all things, Who made Your Word, and I believe that You knew these men would do this this morning. I pray, Lord, that You will water that Word, day and night, and never let Satan to pluck it from Your hands. May it be a tree that sometimes, in the Paradise of God, when it's all brought back again, for Your Word cannot fail, it'll be again. For this world...

271 And there will not be this kind of a civilization in the world to come. There will be no automobiles or nothing that science has ever done. There will be no such things in the world that is to come. But it will be God's Own type of civilization that He'll set up in the glorious reign. For, in this civilization there is sickness, death, sorrow, graves, and want. But in that Kingdom that is to come, there is no death, no sorrow, no sickness, no old age. O God, it'll all be new there, in Your civilization.

272God, transform us today, by Your power, by the renewing of our mind, to turn from the meager elements of this world now, unto the Word of God. And may we be renewed by the transforming power of God upon the Seed that's in our heart, that we believe, unto creatures called sons and daughters of God. This is my prayer to You, Father, for the people, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

273 Now to you that's out into the broadcast, wherever you are, I want you to receive Christ out there, as your personal Saviour, and be filled with His Spirit. The Words that's been said this morning, may they drop into your heart. And may there you receive Jesus. And you watch your life, and you see what you live afterwards. And take the thinking man's Filter here. When you see yourself doing something that's contrary to this Word, move from it, right quick. See? Because, there is a Filter that keeps death away from you, that's God's Word. His Words are Life, and they will keep you from death.

274 And to you people here now that's in the auditorium, I've had you here a long time. I thank you for your attendance. I pray that God will never let this Seed die. I hope you don't think I stand here just to say these things to be different. I say it because of love; and knowing that it's while I'm mortal, as I am now, is the only time I'll ever be able to preach to people. And I love Jesus Christ. He is my Saviour. And remember, I'd have been out there on the street if it hadn't have been for Him. I'd have been out there; all my parents, all my people, were sinners. But God, with His transforming Power, I know it made a different creature out of me. And I can--I can recommend It to you, to be good. And It'll keep in the hours of trouble. Even at death, at the door, you have no fear. There is nothing can separate us from the love of God, that's in Christ." May God bless each one of you, and give you Eternal Life.

275 How many in here that doesn't have the Seed of God, the baptism of the Holy Ghost? Would you just raise your hand, say, "Remember me, Brother Branham, that I will receive that Holy Spirit." Now you take the Word in your--in your heart, and believe It. Now if you... You can look at you. Go up and look at the mirror, and you can see where you are. See, you can know.

276You say, "Well, I didn't raise my hand, because I believe I have."

277Look at yourself in the mirror, then you see what kind of a spirit is deceiving you, see. Deceived thinking! "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death." Is that true?

Down at the cross where my Saviour died,

Down there for cleansing from sin I cried;

Oh, there to my heart was the Blood applied;


278 Just close your eyes, a minute now, and just sing that to Him. Let's just raise our hands up.

Glory to His Name, His precious Name!

Glory to His Name!

There to my heart was the Blood applied;

Glory to His...

279I want you Christians to shake one another's hand, who is saved.

I am so wondrously saved from sin,

Jesus so sweetly abides within,

There at the cross where He took me in;

Glory to His Name!

Glory to His Name, precious Name!

Glory to His Name!

Oh, there to my heart was the Blood applied;

Glory to His Name!

280 The Blood has the germ of Life in It, you know. This is to them who doesn't know Him.

Oh, come to this Fountain so rich and sweet;

Cast thy poor soul at the Saviour's feet;

Oh, plunge in today, and be made complete;

Glory to His Name!

Oh, glory to...

Let's bow our heads now as we sing it.

Glory to His Name!

There to my heart was the Blood applied;

Glory to His Name!

281 You love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Paul said, "I'll sing in the Spirit. I'll worship in the Spirit." Let's sing it real softly again, with our hands up.

282You know, the trouble of it, we Pentecostal people, we've lost our joy, we've lost our emotions. As Billy Graham said the other night, "Them preachers, collars turned around, going down South, clapping their hands, and beating their feet up-and-down on the ground, and stomping, they had something they were happy about." Well, yeah, I got Something I'm happy about. See? See? Yeah. Yeah, we've lost our emotion.

283Now let's just raise our hands. Don't worry about the tears, they won't hurt nothing, see. That don't hurt. "He that goeth forth sowing, in tears, will doubtless return again, bringing precious sheaves." All right.

Glory to His Name, precious Name!

Glory to His Name!

There to my heart was the Blood applied;

Glory to His Name!

Glory to His... (O God! Praise God!)

Glory to His Name!

Sink the Seed, Lord, in the heart!

To my heart was the Blood applied;

Glory to His Name!

1 [Brat Carl Williams uvádza brata Branhama - pozn.prekl.] Ďakujem, brat. [„Bude to pre nás iste skutočné privilégium, že tu máme brata Branhama, ktorý k nám tak často do Phoenixu chodí. Myslím, že do Phoenixu chodí častejšie ako kdekoľvek inde. A my chceme, aby sem ďalej chodil a chodil, aspoň pokiaľ som tu ja. Nech ťa Pán žehná, brat Branham.“] Ďakujem ti, ďakujem, brat Williams.

 Dobré ráno, priatelia. Ja som... Títo z rodiny Shakarianovcov, brat Williams a sestra Williamsová a mnohí z vás tu o tom vedia. Videl som to vo videní, asi dva-tri roky predtým, ako ona ochorela, a stalo sa to.

2 A keď sme tu boli minulý rok, myslím, že to bolo v januári na konferencii, bolo to, keď ten kňaz (ako sa len volal? Vypadlo mi jeho meno) tu bol. [Niekto hovorí, „Stanley“ - pozn.prekl.] Stanley, biskup Stanley z katolíckej cirkvi. Pamätáte si, kedy mi priniesol Bibliu, viete, a povedal mi...

 Niekoľkí tam prorokovali, „Moja dcéra, si uzdravená.“

3 A on vedel, že to videnie povedalo, že už nebude uzdravená. „Zomrie medzi druhou a treťou hodinou ráno.“ Pamätáte si to? [Niekto hovorí, „Áno.“ - pozn.prekl.] Čiže medzi druhou a treťou hodinou.

4 A nemohol som to Demosovi povedať. Ale povedal som to jej nevlastnej matke, tuto v tejto miestnosti, niekde tuto. Povedal som, „Ona nebude uzdravená.“

 Pani Shakarianová povedala, „Ale každý tu prorokuje...“

 Povedal som, „Samozrejme, môžem sa mýliť, ale toto ti hovorím: ona nebude uzdravená.“

5 Mnohým som pred asi troma rokmi povedal, „Videl som ju, ako bojovala o život a išla do postele. A zodvihla ruky a takto ku mne zakričala. A nemohol som sa k nej ani načiahnuť. A potom som videl, ako zomrela. A pozrel som sa a bolo tam niečo, boli tam hodiny, ktorých ručičky ukazovali niečo medzi druhou a treťou hodinou.“

6 A tak ten biskup povedal, „Tak to sa teda pozriem, ako sa toto stane.“ A ono sa to stalo.

7 Je nám to istotne ľúto. Cítim, že cirkev stratila skvelú osobu, našu sestru Florence Shakarianovú. Vedela pekne spievať a bola duchom naplnenou ženou.

8 Stretol som sa s jej matkou; jej matka bola jedna z mojich prvých kontaktov s ľuďmi zo západného pobrežia, to bolo, keď bola jej matka uzdravená. Keď doktori... Bola v kóme, cela napuchnutá. A tak ten doktor, ktorý tam vtedy bol, mi povedal, „Hovor ticho, keď sa budeš modliť, nerob veľa hluku, lebo tá žena zomiera.“

 Povedal som, „Dobre.“

9 A on mi toto stále hovoril, takže som takmer ani nemal čas otvoriť ústa.

10 Takže to bol brat Demos, ktorý mi povedal, aby som tam išiel a navštívil ju.

11 A tak som vyšiel hore schodmi. A Florence kľačala na zemi, nádherné mladé dievča, a boli tam ešte nejaké ďalšie ženy. A išiel som tam a pomodlil som sa za ňu a povedal som jej to. A bola v bezvedomí. A povedal som jej, že sa z toho ešte dostane. A tak sa stalo. Až o niekoľko rokov nato ona zomrela. A Boh odpovedá na naše modlitby.

12 A vieme a veríme, že všetci sme na tento svet prišli z vôle Božej a tak isto aj odídeme. Jeden po druhom, každý jeden z nás prekročí portál. A preto tu dnes ráno sme, zhromaždení v tomto spoločenstve kresťanských obchodníkov, aby sme o týchto veciach hovorili a pripravili sa na ne, pretože vieme, že iste prídu.

13 Sestra Florence je mladá žena. [„Štyridsaťdva rokov.“] Štyridsaťdva rokov, brat Williams mi práve povedal, čiže veľmi mladá. Ale ešte predtým, ako vedela, že má túto chorobu, videl som o nej videnie, ktoré mi prezradilo jej koniec. A potom sa to stalo. Boh o tom všetko vie a ona videla Ježiša v izbe predtým, ako odišla. Teraz sa za ňu nechceme modliť, lebo sme to už veľakrát robili. Len chceme poďakovať Bohu za taký život, ktorý medzi nami bol a ktorý nás všetkých inšpiroval, život, aký mala sestra Shakarianová.

14 A chceme sa modliť za brata Demosa a sestru Rose. A majte na mysli, že posledne majú v živote ťažké chvíle... je to jeho otec a teraz jeho sestra... v posledných rokoch. [Niekto rozpráva s bratom Branhamom - pozn.prekl.] Ale... áno, pred menej ako desiatimi mesiacmi, a sestra... sestra Edna tiež.

15 A ja viem, ako cítiť s bratom Demosom. Mal som otca, brata, ženu a dieťa, ktorí ma opustili len niekoľko dní od seba, takže viem, aký to je dnes ráno pocit. Poznáte to, len ak sa niekedy nachádzate v ich situácii, len vtedy viete, ako s nimi mať súcit. A...

16 [Zosilňovač zaškrípe - pozn.prekl.] To som urobil ja. Prepáčte. Rukou som buchol do nejakého malého prístroja, ktorý tu je. Prepáčte, že to bolo také hlasné, nemal som to v úmysle.

17 Povstaňme teraz, zatiaľ čo... ak môžete, tak to je... Skloňme naše hlavy.

18 Nebeský Otče, zhromaždili sme sa tu dnes ráno, aby sme Ťa uctievali a aby sme Ti vzdali vďaku a chválu za to, že si nám poslal Ježiša, nášho Vykupiteľa, a že môžeme mať nádej po tom, ako sa náš život skončí, kedy vidíme, že to je také neisté, že tu budeme celý čas žiť. A, Otče, keď vidíme tieto mizerné stavy, do ktorých sa naše telá dokážu dostať, sme radi, že tu nemusíme navždy zostať. Ty si pre nás pripravil miesto úniku cez údolie smrti.

19 A my sme Ti dnes ráno vďační, Otče, za život tej, ktorá tu s nami stála ešte pred menej ako rokom, ktorá Ti tu spievala chvály; sestra Florence Shakarianová, ako sme ju poznali. A Ty si nám dávno pred rokmi povedal, že sa toto stane, aby to pre nás nebol taký šok. A my vieme, že to, čo Ty hovoríš, je pravda. A Tvoje Slovo hovorí, „Človek, ktorý je zrodený zo ženy, je sýty dní a plný problémov.“ Vieme, že aj to je pravda, Pane. Vieme, že všetci musíme prejsť cez to údolie. A tak Ti ďakujeme za jej život, ktorý tu na zemi bol. A veriac skrze vieru, že teraz, dnes ráno prešla z tohto mizerného infekčného domu do osláveného tela, ktoré nikdy neochorie. A jej spevácky talent a hlas, ktorý mala, a jej duch bol tak bohate zjednotený s Kristom! Keby sa dnes ráno mohla vrátiť (iste by to v žiadnom prípade neurobila), musela by cez toto všetko opäť prechádzať. A teraz, keď je to všetko preč, ona je so svojou matkou a svojím otcom. Oni zavolali svoje dieťa domov. A my Ti za to ďakujeme.

20 Tiež chceme poprosiť o potešenie nášmu bratovi Shakarianovi, nášmu milovanému bratovi, vediac o jeho živote, ktorý žil, a o súženiach, cez ktoré tieto posledné dni prechádza, a ako... Keď vidíme, ako starne, vlasy mu vypadávajú, začína sa hrbiť, ale napriek všetkému tomu sa snaží zostať na poli Božom. Bože, daj mu dnes silu. Modlíme sa, Bože, aby si to udelil. Modlíme sa za každého smútiaceho pozostalého.

21 A nech my, Pane, zatiaľ čo o tomto premýšľame, nech tiež máme na mysli, že aj my musíme jedného dňa odísť. A zatiaľ čo tu spolu sedíme v Prítomnosti Pána Ježiša, prosíme Ťa, aby toto bolo v našej pamäti vždy čerstvé. A nech sa takpovediac prekontrolujeme a urobíme inventúru svojho života a nech sa uistíme, že sme pod Krvou a vo Viere. Udeľ to, Pane.

22 A ako sa teraz v týchto okolnostiach pokúsim priniesť ľuďom malé posolstvo, modlím sa, aby si mi pomohol, Pane. Posilni ma, lebo to potrebujem, Pane. A modlím sa, aby si to udelil. Nech je povedané len to, čo Teba poctí. A keď sú tu dnes ráno nejakí počúvajúci, ktorí nie sú pripravení čeliť tej hodine, ktorá ich čaká, nech je tento čas chvíľou, kedy sa odovzdajú Tomu, ktorý povedal, „Ja som Cesta, Život a Pravda,“ náš Pán Ježiš Kristus. O toto všetko prosíme v Jeho Mene. Amen. (Môžete si sadnúť.)

23 [Niekto na pódiu sa rozpráva s bratom Branhamom - pozn.prekl.] Jeden brat tu chce vedieť, či všetci dobre počujete. Sú tu dva mikrofóny. Je to takto v poriadku? Počujete? Ak áno, tak zodvihnite ruky. Ak dobre počujete, tak zodvihnite ruky. V poriadku.

24 Je mi ľúto, že tu nemáme miesto, aby sme tu dnes ráno všetkých usadili. Spoliehajme sa, že to dnes veľmi nepretiahnem, len toľko, aby sme prečítali zo Slova a aby Pán Boh poctil Svoje Slovo, ktoré je čítané, a nech by nám dal Jeho milosť, aby sme Mu skrze to mohli slúžiť.

25 Dnes ráno mi Billy Paul povedal, že je celkom možné, že budúcu nedeľu budem kázať v Grantway Assembly of God v Tuscone, bude to budúcu nedeľu. Ak je tu niekto z Tucsonu, možno vás teraz tento týždeň neuvidím. Budem v Grantway Assembly of God na budúcu nedeľu.

26 A tak teraz prichádzame späť z východu a takmer som sa zničil tým, že som sa presýtil tou veľkou láskavosťou ľudí, ktorí žijú tam v horách. A trochu som ochorel, takže som sa tento týždeň necítil veľmi dobre. A tak sa za mňa modlite. A...

27 [Niekto hovorí, „Príliš veľa vačíc.“ - pozn.prekl.] Čo to hovoríš? [„Príliš veľa vačíc.“] Brat Carl Williams so svojím zmyslom pre humor a myslím, že to teraz potrebujeme, povedal, „Príliš veľa vačíc.“ O tých neviem, brat Carl, ale bolo tam veľa veveričiek. [Brat Branham sa smeje.]

28 Takže, ak sa chcete dnes ráno za niekoho modliť, istotne by som ocenil, keby jedna z vašich modlitieb bola aj za mňa, lebo to potrebujem.

 A teraz chceme ísť rýchlo do Slova.

29 Nechcem vás tu držať, lebo sa mi zdá, že tu je dnes cez krajinu telefónne prepojenie, ide to od západného pobrežia až po východné pobrežie, zo severu na juh. Mnoho, mnoho zborov má tieto služby, ako aj vy v tejto modlitebni. Je to tiež prepojené vo Phoenixe a kdekoľvek sú zhromaždenia, ide to až... Zhromaždia sa vo svojich zboroch a domovoch a podobne, dobre to tak funguje. Hovoria, že to je ešte lepšie ako bežné vysielanie. Je to telefónne prepojenie, dajú tam slúchadlo alebo mikrofón, alebo čokoľvek to je, dajú to do miestnosti. A oni... Moja manželka minulý týždeň prišla z Indiany, a bolo to dolu z Tucsonu a vraj to bolo takmer, akoby ste stáli priamo v tej miestnosti. Takže sa modlíme, aby Boh požehnal všetkých tých, ktorí sú tam dnes ráno pripojení, kdekoľvek sú. V New Yorku to je niekedy popoludní, sú to rôzne časové pásma, ako to prechádza cez krajinu.

30 Čiže v knihe Rimanom, v 12. kapitole a verše 1. a 2. Chceme prečítať toto miesto Písma.

Prosím vás tedy, bratia, pre rôzne milosrdenstvo Božie, žeby ste ta dali svoje telá v živú obeť svätú a ľúbu Bohu, rozumnú to vašu svätoslužbu.

A nepripodobňujte sa tomuto svetu, ale sa premeňte obnovením svojej mysli, aby ste zkúšali, čo je vôľa Božia, to, čo je dobré, ľúbe a dokonalé!

[Rimanom 12:1-2]

31 Takže ak Pán dá, na dnes chcem vybrať túto tému: Božia moc premeny.

 Aby ste sa nepripodobňovali tomuto svetu: ale premenili sa obnovením svojej mysle, a teraz, aby ste skúšali, čo je dobrá, dokonalá a prijateľná vôľa Božia. [Rimanom 12:1-2]

32 Je to známy text, ktorý mnohí z vašich pastorov celý čas používajú. Používa sa to odvtedy, ako to bolo napísané. Ale jednako je na Božom Slove jedna vec, a síce, že nikdy nestarne, pretože to je Boh. Nikdy nestarne. Počas každej generácie, lebo takmer dvetisíc osemsto rokov, alebo tak nejako, toto Slovo Božie bolo čítané človekom, kňazmi, a tak ďalej, a ono nikdy nestarne. Ja sám som Ho čítal už nejakých tridsaťpäť rokov. A každý jeden krát, kedy Ho čítam, nachádzam niečo nové, čo som po prvýkrát prehliadol. Pretože to je inšpirované, je to Boh vo forme Písma. Vidíte, sú to atribúty Božie, ktoré hovoria a sú umiestnené na papieri.

33 Mnohokrát človek povie, „No, to človek napísal túto Bibliu.“ Nie. Biblia sama hovorí, že Boh napísal Bibliu. Je to Slovo Božie.

34 A Ono nikdy nemôže zlyhať. Ježiš povedal, „Nebo a zem zlyhajú, pominú, ale Moje Slová nikdy nezlyhajú.“ A Ono nemôže zlyhať, lebo to je Boh, je to časťou Neho. [Lukáš 21:33], [Lukáš 16:17]

35 A ty, keď si synom a dcérou, tak si Toho časťou a to ťa robí časťou Neho. A tak to je ten dôvod, prečo prichádzame, aby sme mali obecenstvo okolo Slova Božieho. [Ján 15:5-6]

36 Toto slovo „premenený“ (transformovaný), pozeral som sa včera do slovníka. Dnes som takmer stratil prehľad o čase, kedy som tu mal stáť, a hľadal som svoj text a našiel som toto slovo alebo skôr tento text, miesto Písma. A slovník nám hovorí, že to je „niečo, čo bolo zmenené.“ Má to byť „zmenené.“ Premenený, „učinený niečím iným, ako to pôvodne bolo.“ Všetok charakter a všetko v tom bolo premenené, pretransformované.

37 Rozmýšľal som dnes ráno nad prvou kapitolou Genesis. Táto zem bola neladná a pustá a temnosť bola nad zemou, nič, len totálny chaos. A keď bol svet v takomto stave, Duch Boží sa pohyboval nad povrchom vôd a celý obraz bol zmenený; z totálneho chaosu na záhradu Eden. Toto je Božia moc premeny, ktorá dokáže vziať niečo, čo je ničím, a vytvoriť z toho niečo nádherné. Božia moc premenenia! [Genesis 1:1-4]

38 A prostredníctvom čítania Písma rozumieme, že Boh pripravoval tento Eden šesťtisíc rokov. Ale nemuselo mu to zabrať tak dlho; len za predpokladu, že používame miesto Písma, ktoré hovorí, že „jeden deň u Boha je tisíc rokov na zemi,“ tak to je, ak by Boh počítal čas. Takže On vytváral zem šesťtisíc rokov a zasadil na ňu všetko dobré semeno. A všetko tam bolo dokonalé. [Genesis 1:31], [Žalm 90:4]

39 Mnohokrát, keď kritici začínajú čítať knihu Genesis, začínajú ju kritizovať, lebo sa zdá, že sa stále dookola opakuje a úplne vás mätie.

40 Ale ak by sme si aspoň na chvíľu všimli, predtým, ako sa dostaneme do tejto témy, že Mojžiš videl videnie. A Boh ku nemu prehovoril. Boh hovoril s Mojžišom tvárou v tvár, ústami k ušiam. On nikdy k nikomu takýmto spôsobom nehovoril, ako s Mojžišom. A Mojžiš bol veľký, jeden z najväčších z prorokov. Bol predobrazom Krista. A Boh dokáže hovoriť, On má hlas. Bolo Ho počuť. Boh vie hovoriť. [Exodus 33:11-23]

41 A Boh dokáže písať. Boh vlastným prstom napísal desať prikázaní. Raz písal vlastným prstom na babylonské múry. Raz sa zohol a písal do piesku, tiež s vlastným prstom. Boh dokáže hovoriť, Boh dokáže čítať, Boh dokáže písať. [Ján 8:6]

42 Boh je zdrojom všetkej milosti a moci a všetkej Božskej múdrosti, všetko to je v Bohu. A tiež vieme, že On je jediným Stvoriteľom, aký jestvuje. Neexistuje iný stvoriteľ, len Boh. Satan vôbec nedokáže tvoriť, on len prevracia to, čo už bolo vytvorené. Ale Boh je jediným Stvoriteľom.

43 A tak preto tvoril Svojím Slovom. On poslal Svoje Slovo. A tak všetky tie semená, ktoré zasadil na zem, všetky ich vytvoril Svojím vlastným Slovom, lebo tam nebolo nič iné, z čoho by to semeno mohlo byť vytvorené. A On ich tam umiestnil a ony boli pod vodou. On len povedal, „Nech je toto a nech je tamto.“

44 A tak zisťujeme, že mnohokrát to vyzerá, akoby sa Biblia stále opakovala alebo si protirečila. Napríklad v Genesis 1 zisťujeme, že „Boh stvoril človeka na Svoj vlastný obraz, na obraz Boží ho vytvoril; muža a ženu ich stvoril.“ A potom to pokračuje a na zemi sa udialo mnoho vecí. [Genesis 1:27]

45 A potom zisťujeme, že nebol žiaden človek, ktorý by obrábal pôdu. „Potom stvoril Boh človeka z prachu zeme.“ A to bol iný človek. „A vdýchol doňho dych života a on stal sa živou dušou.“ 

46 Ten prvý človek bol na obraz Boží, čo je Duch. Ján 4 hovorí, že „Boh je Duch a tí, ktorí Ho uctievajú, Ho musia uctievať v Duchu a Pravde.“ Ale Boh je Duch. A ten prvý človek, ktorého vytvoril, bol duch-človek a on bol na obraz a podobu Božiu. [Ján 4:24]

47 A potom tohto človeka vložil do tela a on upadol. A tak potom Boh zostúpil a stal sa na obraz človeka, aby mohol toho upadnutého človeka vykúpiť. Toto je podľa môjho názoru ten skutočný príbeh Evanjelia.

48 A tak Boh v priebehu týchto šesťtisíc rokov sadil všetky tieto nádherné semená a vytváral ich Svojím Slovom. „Toto bude takto. Tuto bude strom. Toto takto.“ Všetko bolo dokonalé. Bolo to jednoducho dobré. A On prikázal každému tomuto semenu, aby sa premenili na rastlinu toho druhu, ktorý do nich Boh vypovedal, že budú. Ak to bol dub, tak to malo splodiť dub. Ak to bola palma, tak to malo splodiť palmu.

49 Lebo ten veľký Stvoriteľ jednoducho vyslal Svoje Slovo, a to semeno Slova tam bolo ešte predtým, ako bolo to skutočné semeno vôbec vytvorené. A to Slovo vyformovalo semeno. Vidíte, „On vytvoril svet z vecí, ktoré sa nevidia.“ Vidíte, On stvoril svet Svojím Slovom. Boh všetko vypovedal do existencie.

50 A keďže bol Bohom a Stvoriteľom, ktorý vedel všetko vypovedať do existencie, ten svet musel byť dokonalý. Bolo to nádherné miesto. Bol to skutočný nefalšovaný raj na zemi.

51 Ale každé miesto musí mať niekde svoje ústredie. Táto konferencia má svoje ústredie, toto zhromaždenie má svoje ústredie, táto cirkev má ústredie. A Boh má tiež svoje ústredie. A tak toto veľké miesto, tento národ, v ktorom žijeme, ten musí mať tiež svoje hlavné sídlo. A tak ten veľký Eden mal svoje ústredie a to ústredie sa nachádzalo v záhrade Eden alebo na východe tej záhrady.

52 Boh tam toto umiestnil, aby odtiaľ riadil celé Svoje veľké stvorenie tu na zemi, Svojho Syna a nevestu Svojho Syna, Adama a Evu.

53 Boh bol Adamovým Otcom. „Adam bol synom Božím,“ podľa Písma. Bol synom Božím.

54 A Boh mu vytvoril partnerku z jeho vlastného tela; z rebra pri jeho srdci, aby bola k nemu blízko, a vytvoril mu z toho partnerku. Ešte to v skutočnosti nebola jeho manželka, rovnako ako on ešte nebol jej manžel; On to len vypovedal. A tam prichádza problém, satan si ju našiel skôr ako Adam. A tak to bolo len Jeho Slovo, ktoré On vypovedal. [Genesis 2:18]

55 Hovorím to len ako... Nechcem pri tom stráviť veľa času. Niektorých z vás to možno trochu pletie, hlavne niektorých tam z juhu, ktorým sa toto Posolstvo, ktoré od Boha pre ľudí dnes mám, zdá trochu dezorientujúce, ohľadom semena hada. Ale ak Pán dá, tak pôjdem domov v jednom z týchto dní, do Jeffersonville. Chcem mať asi šesťhodinové posolstvo a všetko to poriadne vysvetliť, vidíte, dám to pekne na poriadok, aby ste vedeli, o čom hovoríme. A ono je to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Je to tak pravdivé ako to, že som videl našu sestru Florence predtým, ako odišla, pred niekoľkými rokmi. Vidíte, je to Pravda. A možno je to trochu nepochopené.

56 Keby ku mne prišiel niekto s niečím protikladným, ja by som to tiež nezrozumel. Nikdy by som nechcel kritizovať niekoho za to, čo hovorí. Nie sme tu na to, aby sme sa navzájom kritizovali. Nie som toho vinný; ďakujem za to Pánovi. Kritizoval som hriech a neveru; ale nikdy nie jednotlivcov, vidíte, tak to nerobím. Sme bratia a sestry, ktorí bojujeme spolu a smerujeme tam, kam išla aj sestra Florence včera ráno. Vidíte? Všetci raz musíme tou cestou prejsť. A nie je mojím zámerom kritizovať nejakého brata alebo sestru, ktorí sa so mnou nezhodujú. Nie, nech je ďaleko odo mňa niečo také! Nemyslím, že niekedy nájdete pásku, kde by som spomínal niekoho meno. Hoci som mnohokrát cítil, že tá osoba sa mýli, ale to už je medzi ňou a Bohom. Ale to, čo je úplne vedľa, je hriech a... Zlé zrozumenia niekedy dokonca ani nie sú hriechom, sú to len nezrozumenia ľudí. A myslím, že každý jeden z nás má právo vyjadriť sa ohľadom toho, ako to on rozumie.

57 A tak tento veľký Stvoriteľ umiestnil Svojho stvoreného syna. Čiže Adam bol Jeho prvý stvorený syn. Ježiš bol Jeho jednorodený Syn, vidíte, On bol počatý zo ženy. Ale Adam bol priamo z ruky Božej vo stvorení.

58 S tým ústredím, so Svojím synom a nevestou Jeho syna, ktorí boli ponad všetkým, vyzeralo to tak dokonale. Bol tam človek, ktorý bol hlavou toho všetkého, Jeho vlastný syn a Jeho nevesta.

59 A každé semeno tam bolo dokonalé, palmy, duby, tráva, vtáky a zvieratá. Všetko bolo v dokonalom poriadku s príkazaním Božím, „Nemeňte svoju prirodzenosť. Ploďte sa podľa svojho druhu, každé semeno! Dub, nikdy neploď papáju.“ Vidíte? „Palma, nikdy nebuď prevrátená na niečo iné. Ale každé semeno podľa svojho druhu!“ A On to počas celých časov sledoval. [Genesis 1:11-12]

60 A On vypovedal Slovo. A Jeho veľká tvorčia Moc skonštruovala tieto veci, ktoré prišli, dokonca muža a ženu. A oni boli hlavou, pretože boli... Boli nadradené nad všetky rasy. A On ich tiež dal pod starostlivosť toho istého, ako dal aj stromy, zvieratá, a tak ďalej: Jeho Slovo. A nikdy v žiadnom prípade nemali to Slovo porušiť. Museli na Ňom zostať. „Nikdy k Nemu nepridávajte ani neuberajte! Musíte žiť týmto Slovom.“

61 A pokiaľ by to stvorenie pokračovalo v takom stave, sestra Shakarianová by dnes ráno nemusela odísť, pokiaľ by to tak zostalo, tá Božia dokonalá ekonómia! A to je to, k čomu veríme, že smerujeme. Vraciame sa späť na to miesto.

62 Kde? V to siedme ráno, keď sa Boh pozrel na všetko to a povedal, „Je to dobré. Som z toho potešený. Áno, som rád, že som to urobil. Všetko je to teraz pod kontrolou. A ja som vložil svoju dôveru vo Svojho syna a jeho ženu, že to všetko tak budú robiť; učinil som ich hlavou toho, aby to strážili a dozerali, či je to v poriadku, či všetko bude plodiť podľa svojho druhu. On má tú moc to všetko robiť.“ A potom Boh povedal, „No, ak to je všetko tak dobré, potom to nemôže byť nič iné, pretože to je Moja vlastná túžba. Tak som to chcel. A tak som to vypovedal a Moje Slová to priviedli presne tak, ako som to chcel. A tu to mám. Všetko je to dobré!“ A tak Biblia povedala, „Boh odpočinul na siedmy deň zo všetkej Svojej práce.“ [Genesis 2:2]

63 A všetko bolo pod kontrolou, plodilo podľa svojho druhu. Pamätajte na to, „plodilo.“ Keď umiestnil to semeno na zem, to semeno môže niečo splodiť len pomocou moci života, ktorý sa v tom nachádza, aby to premenil zo semena na rastlinu, alebo čokoľvek to je. Jeho moc premenenia! Takže Boh tam dal semeno so všetkými svojimi potenciálmi, aby to bolo presne to, čo to malo byť. A pokiaľ to zostávalo vo svojej správnej kategórii, bolo to presne to, čo Boh povedal, že to bude. Muselo to byť tak, pretože On to tak učinil a vytvoril kanál. A čokoľvek, čo zostáva v tom kanáli, v Jeho línii Slova, bude to musieť splodiť presne to, čo Jeho Slovo povedalo, že to splodí. Nemôže sa to odtiaľ pohnúť. Je to úplne správne umiestnené. A tak s celou Svojou dôverou vo Svojho vlastného syna, že to tak bude, potom Boh povedal, „Je to všetko dobré, tak budem len odpočívať. A každé jedno z týchto semien má v sebe moc, aby sa premenilo na ten druh, ktorý chcem, aby bolo. To je to, čo to musí byť, pretože každému semenu som dal moc premenenia, aby sa preukázali potenciály, ktoré som do nich vložil, aby vytvorili presne to, čo chcem, aby to bolo.“ [Genesis 1:21-25]

64 Boh sa nikdy nezmenil. Dnes je presne taký istý, aký bol aj vtedy! Boh je hotový niečo urobiť a On to urobí a nič Ho v tom nezastaví. On to urobí!

65 A tak potom, ako bolo všetko v poriadku a na správnom mieste a Boh si bol teraz istý, že to bude všetko tak, ako má; tu prichádza nepriateľ. Nazvem... Boh dal moc premenenia. A nazvem tohoto chlapíka, ktorý mal moc nie stvoriť... On mal moc deformovať, nie transformovať; ale deformovať. A čokoľvek, čo je deformované, je vzaté zo svojho pôvodného stavu a je na tom niečo, čo nie je v poriadku.

66 Pred niekoľkými rokmi, keď som robil vyhliadky, tak som prechádzal cez kukuričné polia, pamätám si, bol tam konár, ktorý spadol zo stromu na steblo kukurice. A to steblo robilo, čo mohlo, aby sa vyrovnalo tak, ako má byť, ale bolo deformované, pretože sa niečo stalo. Ležal na tom ten konár.

67 A potom na poli nachádzame divé popínavé rastliny. Mnohí z vás, možno nejaké ženy... ak pochádzate z Kentucky. Ženy na to používajú motyky rovnako ako muži, aby to z toho poľa vykopali, volali sme to esovité motyky a vykopávali sme nimi burinu. Lebo ak ste odtiaľ nedostali všetku tú burinu, kde bola v radoch tá kukurica, potom by to tá burina prerástla, zmocnila sa tej kukurice a postupne sa okolo nej ovinula, a to tak ľahko a zákerne, že by ste si to ťažko všimli, ako sa to vinie. A nakoniec sa to zosilňuje, zosilňuje a naťahuje to tú kukuricu, až dokiaľ nie je zdeformovaná. Sťahuje ju, ovinie sa okolo vlastnej rastliny; a deformuje to z toho stavu, aký to malo byť, na niečo iné. Pritom je to kukurica, ale zdeformovaná.

68 A my sme všetci stále na obraz Boží. Ale niektorí z nás sú ako synovia Boží tak zdeformovaní, že kráčajú v protiklade s Jeho Slovom a Jeho spôsobmi, ktoré pre nás pripravil, aby sme sa podľa nich riadili. Tento svet nás vyvádza z cesty, tiahne nás k tomu bližšie a preč z tej rovnej úzkej línie, do ktorej nás zasadil, aby sme boli synmi a dcérami Božími. Hriech urobil toto zlo synom a dcéram Božím. [Genesis 1:26-27]

69 Ten deformátor! Viem, že to znie trochu divne takto o tom hovoriť, o deformovaní, ale tak to je; on to zdeformoval, prevrátil. Prevrátiť znamená, že „to zmenil, urobil z toho niečo iné.“ A deformované je to isté, je to niečo, čo bolo vytvorené, ale poškodené, „učinené na iný spôsob.“ Ale jednako to je to isté semeno, ale je narušené.

70 A tak teraz zisťujeme, že tento deformátor mal také isté množstvo času, aby deformoval, ako mal Boh, aby transformoval. On zasadil svoje semeno, alebo skôr nezasadil svoje semeno, ale skôr... v záhrade Eden. A odvtedy mal šesťtisíc rokov na to, aby deformoval Semeno Božie, Slovo Božie; aby ho narúšal, aby z neho urobil niečo iné; keď ho Eva po prvýkrát počúvla, len to jedno slovné spojenie.

71 Pamätajte, Satan po prvýkrát citoval to Písmo tak jasne, ako len mohlo byť, „Boh povedal, 'Nebudete jesť z každého stromu v záhrade Eden.'“ Vidíte? „Nebudete jesť z každého stromu.“

72 A pamätajte teraz, že Eva povedala, „Áno, môžeme jesť z každého stromu; ale zo stromu, ktorý je uprostred záhrady, toho sa nesmieme ani len dotknúť.“ A teraz ho sledujte, to jeho posolstvo, len trochu to Slovo prekrútil. Keď povedal... Eva povedala, „Lebo Boh povedal, že ak to urobíme, v ten deň zomrieme.'“ [Genesis 3:2-3]

73 On povedal, „Ó, istotne nezomriete.“ Vidíte, on bol človek, povedal, „Veď to predsa urobte. Viete, vy sa v tom nevyznáte. Veď predsa neviete všetko. Ale keby ste sa len zúčastnili tohto, potom by ste mali múdrosť, mali by ste známosť. Vedeli by ste rozoznať dobré od zlého, boli by ste ako bohovia, a to len, ak by ste sa zúčastnili tejto múdrosti, ktorú mám. Ja to poznám, vy nie.“ [Genesis 3:4]

74 Je absolútne v poriadku mať múdrosť. Ale ak je múdrosť v protiklade, ak tá múdrosť nie je správna, Božská múdrosť, potom sa z nej stáva prirodzená múdrosť; je mi jedno, koľko vedy tu máme a čo všetko možné, alebo vzdelanie, je to z diabla. Ak Pán dá, tak vám to za pár minút dokážem. Je to z diabla. 

75 Civilizácia je z diabla. Nedávno som o tom kázal. Všetka kultúra na zemi, všetky vedecké moci a všetko to, je to z diabla. To, čo on kázal v záhrade Eden, bolo evanjelium známosti. A on vzal všetku tú známosť, prevrátenú známosť, ktorá bola v protiklade so Slovom, vôľou a plánom Božím. A on mal odvtedy šesťtisíc rokov, aby robil presne to, čo Boh, akurát že prevráteným spôsobom a mal rovnaké množstvo času, aby tu nastolil svoj vlastný Eden. On tu má na zemi svoj Eden, ktorý je naplnený múdrosťou a vedomosťami. To bolo jeho evanjelium na počiatku, poznatky, múdrosť, veda. Boh nikdy nič také nepodporoval. A chcem, aby ste to na chvíľu sledovali. On to urobil, lebo bol človekom svetskej múdrosti.[Matúš 4:8-9]

76 Je ťažké to povedať. Je to veľmi náročné, keď hovorím k ľuďom, ktorí sa cítia tak ako ja a mnoho rokov majú také spôsoby ako ja. Ale od otvorenia tých Siedmich Pečatí, od zjavenia tých Anjelov v horách, toto sa pre mňa stalo novou Knihou. Sú to veci, ktoré boli ukryté, ale sú zjavené, ako Boh zasľúbil v Zjavení 10, že to urobí. A my sme privilegovaní ľudia, ktorých si Boh na zemi vyvolil, aby sme videli a rozumeli tieto veci; čo nie je žiadna mýtická, telesná myseľ nejakej osoby, ktorá si to všetko vymýšľa. Je to Slovo Božie, ktoré sa prejavilo a dokázalo, že je Pravdou. Dokázané, nie vedou, ale Bohom, že je pravdivé. Boh, ako som to v predošlom posolstve hovoril, Boh nepotrebuje nikoho, aby vykladal Jeho Slovo. On je Svojím vlastným Vykladačom. On povie, že sa to stane, a ono sa to stane. To to potvrdzuje a dáva tomu výklad. [Zjavenie 10:7]

77 Pred pár rokmi, keď sme my, letniční ľudia, kedy nám iné cirkvi hovorili, že sme „šialení,“ že, „Duch Svätý patrí minulosti.“... Ale zisťujeme, že Božie zasľúbenie znie, „Ktokoľvek chce, nech príde.“ Vidíte, a tieto veci sa kúsok po kúsku otvárajú.

78 A On zasľúbil, že tajomstvá, ktoré boli ukryté v priebehu tých cirkevných vekov, budú zjavené priamo v čase konca. A teraz nám to dáva vedieť. Sme v čase konca. Teraz sme v ňom.

79 Takže satan je autorom civilizácie. Je autorom vedy. Je autorom vzdelania. Poviete, „Je to pravda?“ [Genesis 4:16-17]

80 V poriadku, prečítajme teraz z Božieho Slova, Genesis 4, a poďme na chvíľu trochu späť, aby sme si toto všimli. Ak to náhodou budem trochu preťahovať, tu brat Carl mi asi povie. [Niekto hovorí, „To je v pohode.“ - pozn.prekl.] Takže v Genesis, štvrtá kapitola a šestnásty verš, hovorí sa tu o tom, ako Boh dal všetko na začiatku na poriadok a umiestnil kliatbu na muža a ženu a na všetko, čo mali robiť; alebo nie žeby na nich dal kliatbu, ale im povedal, čo sa stane, a kvôli Adamovi preklial zem. A tu teraz zisťujeme, že Eva mala pár dvojičiek. A jeden z nich bol zo satana a ten druhý bol z Boha.

 No, poviete, „Ó, nie! Nie, brat Branham!“

81 Počkajte chvíľu. Nájdite mi jedno miesto Písma, kdekoľvek, ktoré hovorí, že Kain bol Adamov syn. Nájdem vám to v Písme, kde sa hovorí, že Kain bol z toho zlého, nie z Adama.

82 Všimnite si, keď tu ona počala. Najprv začneme v štvrtej kapitole.

 A Adam poznal Evu, svoju ženu, a počala a porodila Kaina, a riekla (ona riekla): Nadobudla som muža s Hospodinom.

83 Samozrejme, že to tak muselo byť. Aj keby to bola prostitútka alebo čokoľvek iné, muselo to prísť od Boha, vidíte, pretože to je Jeho semeno, je to zákon Jeho semena, musí to niečo splodiť, už či to je narušené semeno, prevrátené semeno alebo čokoľvek iné. Jednako to niečo musí splodiť. Je to Jeho prikázanie.

 A znovu porodila jeho brata Ábela.

84 Viac ju už nepoznal. Adam poznal svoju ženu a porodila mu Kaina a tiež Ábela, dvojičky. Satan s ňou bol v to ráno a Adam popoludní.[Genesis 4:1-2]

85 Videli ste to veľké haló v novinách? Myslím, že to bolo v Tucsone, tá žena, ktorá porodila farebné dieťa a biele dieťa v tom istom čase. Ráno bola so svojím manželom a popoludní s niekým iným. A ten človek by sa postaral... Ten biely muž povedal, že sa bude starať len o vlastné dieťa a ten čierny sa musel starať o svoje. Vidíte? Viem, že to tak je aj v krížení psov, a tak ďalej, istotne, ak to bolo pár hodín nato. To to dokazuje.

86 A aby sme ukázali, odkiaľ pochádza civilizácia, prečítajme tu v Genesis, v 4. kapitole Genesis a pozrime sa. 16. verš.

A tak vyšiel Kain zpred tvári Hospodinovej a býval v zemi Nóda východne od Édena.

A Kain poznal svoju ženu, a počala a porodila Hanocha. A staval mesto a nazval meno mesta podľa mena svojho syna Hanochom.

87 Začala sa civilizácia. Doktor Scofield, tu v mojej Scofieldovej Biblii je poznámka, „Prvá civilizácia.“ Všimnite si, potom plodil synov a tí vyrábali organy a hudbu. A ten ďalší porodil synov a tí začali robiť iné veci, divy, budovať mestá a vyrábať mosadzné nástroje a všetko možné. Vidíte, to urobili, stali sa prvou civilizáciou, ktorá pochádzala z Kaina. A to isté robil počas celých vekov.

88 A teraz sa posuňme do 25. verša a sledujme, čo sa dialo ďalej.

A Adam ešte poznal svoju ženu, a porodila syna a nazvala jeho meno Set, lebo vraj Bôh mi dal náhradou iné semä namiesto Ábela, keď ho zabil Kain.

I Setovi sa narodil syn, a nazval jeho meno Enoš. Vtedy začali vzývať meno Hospodinovo. (zo Setovej strany, nie Kainovej). [Genesis 4:25-26]

89 Vidíte, ten veľký intelektualizmus, ktorého sa všetci tak držíme! Čo je dnes komunizmus, čo je ich bohom? Je to intelektualita, veda. Čo to vlastne robíme? Kde to žijeme? Uvažujte nad týmito slovami, čo je to dnes.

90 Satan má teraz svoj druh Edenu, satan to má. Počas týchto šesťtisíc rokov, on formoval (nie vytváral), ale zdeformoval celú Božiu zem; jeho stvorenia, zvieratá, kríženie, hybridovanie; stromy, rastliny, ľudia; dokonca náboženstvo, Biblia, cirkev; až dokiaľ si kompletne nevytvoril vlastnú záhradu Eden plnú vedy, ktorá sa riadi len a len podľa vedy. Naše autá, všetko, čo máme, nám dala veda, všetko, čo človek vytvoril. A on tu má svoj veľký Eden; čo dokazuje, že to Posolstvo je aktuálne práve na tento čas, to dokazuje, že to nie je žiaden iný vek, ale Zjavenie 10! Pozrite sa na dnešné kríženie, aby všetko bolo lepšie, alebo ani nie lepšie, len krajšie. Pozrite sa na dnešné malé deti.

91 Včera som bol s dcérou u zubára a ten povedal, že sa jej krivia zuby. A jeden brat v Tucsone, brat Norman, bol tiež so svojou dcérou a tej zase vytŕčali zuby. A ten zubár povedal, že verí, že čoskoro v najbližších časoch sa budú rodiť ľudia, ktorých zuby budú rásť úplne hocijako. Je to z toho jedla, ktoré jeme, je to krížené jedlo.

92 Čítali ste Reader's Digest z posledného mesiaca o Billy Grahamovi, tom významnom evanjelistovi? Počúvali ste ho? Teraz sa za neho modlím viac ako inokedy. Keď sa nedávno rozprával s tými vzdelancami s obrátenými goliermi, so všetkými tými duchovnými. Niečo sa s ním stalo. V jednom z týchto dní, dúfam, že uvidí svoju pozíciu, na ktorej stojí, všimnite si, on vyvoláva zo Sodomy, z toho prevráteného mesta. A v Reader's Digest ste si mohli všimnúť, že Billy už tak zoslabol, že už ani nemôže organizovať vlastné zhromaždenia. A povedali mu, že by mal behať, cvičiť, a tak ďalej. A tak behá takmer dva kilometre denne, myslím, že tak nejako, aby si dal do tela.

93 Človek je skazený. Celá ľudská rasa je porušená. Všetko je tak, ako to bolo v predpotopnom čase. Je to úplne hore nohami, všetko je mimo tej rovnej línie, do ktorej to Boh zasadil. Hriech prostredníctvom vedy a klamu prevrátil celú ľudskú rasu.

94 Hneď pod tým článkom bolo tiež napísané, že „v jednom z týchto dní, že mladé dievčatá a chlapci sú vo svojom strednom veku podľa svojej fyzickej postavy medzi vekom dvadsať až dvadsaťpäť.“ Pomyslite na to.

95 Nedávno som v modlitebnom rade pri rozpoznávaní našiel dievča, ktoré malo v dvadsiatich dvoch menopauzu, zavolali mi ju tam. A to jej povedal lekár.

96 Vidíte, je to upadnutá, zdegenerovaná, peklom zviazaná a narušená rasa. Viem, že to možno nie je zrovna etické. Ale je to biblické, vidíte, tak to je v tejto rase, v ktorej žijeme, v tejto generácii ľudí.

97 Všimnite si, ako sa dnes kríži dobytok, krížia sa rastliny; a ešte aj sama veda príde a tá istá veda, ktorá to robí, povie, „To je to, čo ničí celú ľudskú rasu.“ Čítate to tak isto ako aj ja. A tak prečo to nezastavia? Je to preto, že to nedokážu zastaviť. Božie Slovo povedalo, že to tak bude. Ale ak by sa len na chvíľu zamysleli, že oni sú nástrojmi... Ako Judáš Iškariotský, oni robia presne to, čo Boh povedal, že sa stane. Robia to presne na svojom vlastnom základe vedy. 

98 Tým jeho vedeckým výskumom, podľa toho istého vzoru, akým zviedol Evu, tiež zviedol aj cirkev, ktorej je Eva typom. Ale Adam je tiež typom, alebo skôr Eva je typom cirkvi, všimnite si, čo sa tam stalo. Len kvôli tomu, že vyhľadávala známosť, tak prekročila hranicu medzi dobrom a zlom, tým, že počúvala satanove prekrútenie, deformitu originálneho Slova Božieho.

99 A tak cirkvi sa dnes stali zdeformované. Nehovorím teraz o ľuďoch, o jednotlivcoch. Hovorím o cirkevnom svete. Jeden je takto prekrútený, ďalší takto, všetko skrze vedu. Ten istý spôsob, akým to bolo vtedy. Satan splnil svoju hrozbu z Izaiáša 14:12.

100 Prečítajme si to na chvíľu. V Knihe Izaiáša, začnime v 14. kapitole a 12. verš.

Ako si len padol s nebies, jasná hviezdo, synu rannej zory! Zoťatý si na zem, ktorý si porážal národy.

(Toto sa odohráva, keď ho Izaiáš vidí vo videní; vidíte, ako to bude v budúcom veku.)

A veď ty si povedal vo svojom srdci: Vystúpim hore do neba; vyvýšim svoj trón nad hviezdy silného Boha a posadím sa na vrchu slávnostného shromaždenia Božieho, v najďaľších krajoch severa. [Izaiáš 14:12]

101 Satanov zámer od čias Edenu bolo vytvoriť si svoj vlastný Eden; aby sa povýšil a aby ho hviezdy Boha uctievali, aby ho synovia uctievali. A jemu sa to teraz úplne podarilo, kedy to vykonal a priniesol to do cirkvi. Nepôjdem do detailov. Hocikto z vás, kto tie pásky počúva, to vie. A to je presne tá hodina, v ktorej žijeme, a je to Satan, ktorý to urobil skrze svoj vzdelávací program, ktorý lepšie sedí, lepšie toto, lepšie tamto. A ani o tom nevedia a po celý čas sú na rovnej ceste k smrti. Slepí, ktorí vedú slepých, slepí vodcovia národov, slepí vodcovia vedy, slepí vodcovia cirkvi, slepí vedú slepých. Ježiš povedal, „Nechajte ich tak, obaja padnú do jamy.“ [Matúš 15:14]

102 Všimnite si tu predobraz týchto dvoch Edenov, oni sú tak blízko seba, že by to takmer zviedlo aj samých vyvolených. Matúš 24:24 povedal, že to tak bude. Ale chcem, aby sme sa na chvíľu pozastavili a zamysleli sa nad týmito dvoma Edenmi a hlavne nad jednou vecou, a síce, ako nám Biblia hovorí, že Božie Slovo vyprodukovalo ten Eden, a ako nás Božie Slovo varuje, že príde aj ten ďalší Eden. [Matúš 24:24]

103 A to, že bude ďalší Eden, vieme taktiež aj z počúvania proroka Pavla, v 2. Tesaloničanom, 2. kapitole. Mohol by som to prečítať, ak chcete.

 Ten, ktorý sa povyšuje; deň Pánov nepríde, dokiaľ sa nezjaví človek hriechu,...

        Ten, ktorý sedí v chráme Božom a povyšuje sa nad všetko, čo sa zovie Boh, aby bol On uctievaný ako Boh. [2. Tesaloničanom 2:3-4]

104 Pomyslite na to! A Izaiáš 14, prorok povedal, že skrze videnie pod inšpiráciou Božou uvidel Lucifera, že si vo svojom srdci povedal, že to urobí. V Izaiášovi, osemsto rokov pred Pavlom, tak približne. [Izaiáš 14:12-16]

105 A tak tu, osemsto rokov nato, Pavol ho vidí, ako sa dostáva do svojej pozície. Všimnite si, v jeho Edene to vyvrchoľuje; jeho Eden, jeho vedecký Eden s jeho vedeckým svetom, so svojou vedeckou cirkvou nevesty, všetko pod pojmom „vedomosť,“ veľké semináre, veľké tituly a vzdelávacie programy.

106 Počúvajte, brat a sestra, každý jeden z nás bude musieť prejsť tou cestou, ktorou prešla aj Florence. A v Ježišovom Mene vás prosím, aby ste sa nad týmto zamysleli. Nezamýšľajte sa nado mnou. Ja som váš brat. Ale to nie je to, o čo ide. Zamyslite sa nad tým, čo hovorím, nad Božou Bibliou. A prezrite si to, že je to dokonale potvrdené v Božom vlastnom Slove, v tom veku, v ktorom sa nachádzame.

107 Tieto programy sú samé v sebe absolútne antikristovské. A tak on musí mať svoj Eden, povedal, že to tak urobí. Tuto máme jednoduché Slovo Božie, ktoré hovorí, že sa to tak stane, a tuto sa pozrieme a vidíme, že sa to tak deje. Urobil to so svojou intelektuálnou, vedeckou, denominačnou nevestou. A ona sa v jednom z týchto dní stane hlavou v svetovej rade cirkví, ktorá bude vybudovaná. Všetci budú za ňu. Budú sa snažiť...[2. Tesaloničanom 2:3-4]

108 A tí ľudia, nie preto, že by boli zlí ľudia; boli zasadení v tom rovnom rade ako zrno, ale satan zasial burinu, ktorá sa volá veda, bádanie, vzdelanie, doktorské tituly. Niekedy vás dokonca ani nepustia za kazateľňu, pokiaľ nemáte na papieri nejaký doktorský titul z nejakého semináru. To je nesprávne! Nie tí ľudia; ten program je zlý. A čo on teraz urobil? Všetko sa to teraz vyvrchoľuje a priviedlo to celý svet (cez skupinu skríženého prevrátenia originálneho Semena Božieho) do iného tmavého chaosu.

109 Ale som tak rád, že Boh na nás opäť myslí, že sa stále dokáže pohybovať a meniť okolnosti. Zasľúbil, že to tak urobí a že zvolá malé stádečko, ktoré bude Jeho nevestou.

110 Všimnite si tu teraz, ako dokonale sú tieto cirkvi predobrazom, alebo tieto Edeny.

111 Boh, skrze Semeno Svojho Slova! A je len jedno, čo môže oživiť Slovo, a to je Duch, lebo je to Darca Života Slovu. A keď ten Život v Slove stretáva ten Život Ducha, vyprodukuje to to, čím to Semeno je.

112 A tak, všimnite si, čo sa stalo. V záhrade Eden sa nachádzala Božia ekonómia nevinnosti, a to bolo jedno z časových období. To prvé časové obdobie bolo nevinnosť, ľudia nepoznali žiaden hriech. Nevedeli o hriechu absolútne nič. Obaja, Adam aj Eva boli nahí, ale boli ukrytí zo svojej nahoty skrze oponu Ducha, ktorá bola na ich tvárach. Vôbec nevedeli, že sú nahí, lebo boli ukrytí.

 Lebo zatiaľ čo bola v ich mysliach Božia opona, nepoznali, čo bolo správne a nesprávne. A obaja tam stáli nahí, to ukazovalo, že známosť k nim ešte neprišla, vidíte, lebo boli nahí. Obaja boli nahí a nevedeli o tom. [Zjavenie 3:17]

113 A ak teraz chcete, tak si otočte, alebo si to zapíšte, Zjavenie, 3. kapitola. Duch Svätý predpovedá tento posledný vek, že to v týchto dňoch bude Laodicejský letničný cirkevný vek. Povedal: nahý, slepý, a nevieš o tom.[Genesis 2:25], [Zjavenie 3:14-21]

114 Tak tam je Božie Semeno pod nevinnosťou, vôbec nevie, že je nahé, pod oponou Ducha Svätého, ktorá ich zakrýva od hriechu.

115 A teraz v tomto poslednom cirkevnom veku zisťujeme, že sú opäť nahí a nevedia o tom. Ale to nie je opona Ducha Svätého. Je to opona, ktorú tam satan nahodil Eve, opona žiadostivosti. Opona žiadostivosti. Sú takí nečistí, až nevedia o tom, že sú nahí, naše ženy na uliciach, ktoré majú oblečené šortky, sexy oblečenie.[Zjavenie 3:14-21]

116 Niekto mi nedávno poslal nejaký kus novín o novom oblečení, ktoré sa začne nosiť, myslím, že nejakých tridsaťpäť centimetrov od bokov, alebo tak nejako. Zaujímalo by ma, či si vôbec ženy uvedomujú, že to je opona žiadostivosti. [Matúš 5:28]

117 No, vy poviete, „Ja môžem aj pred Bohom dokázať, že som nevinná z akéhokoľvek cudzoložstva voči môjmu manželovi, alebo toto a toto.“

 Ale stále budeš na súde nazvaná „cudzoložnicou.“ Biblia tak povedala. Ježiš povedal, „Ktokoľvek sa pozrie na ženu so žiadosťou vo svojom srdci, už s ňou v srdci spáchal cudzoložstvo.“ [Matúš 5:28]

118 „Slepí, nahí, a nevedia o tom!“ Nie tie úbohé ženy tam vonku; proti ním nemám nič. Je to to zlo! A zdá sa, že cirkevný systém si to nedokáže uvedomiť alebo sa proti tomu postaviť; nechávajú ich strihať si vlasy, nosiť make-up a šortky a podobne, a to všetko v mene kresťanstva. Čo za hrozná vec to je! Vidíte, oni sú opäť nahí v tomto satanovom Edene a vôbec o tom nevedia. Nevedia o tom. [Zjavenie 3:17]

119 Myslím, že... možno, keby som sa pozrel tam naproti, kde je ten bazén, a tie ženy, ktoré tam sú. Ak by si tá žena len uvedomovala, čo robí, ale ona o tom nevie. Je nahá. Jej telo je sväté. Vyzlieka si oblečenie, do ktorej ju Boh obliekol, aby bolo na jej koži, kvôli tejto generácii. Neustále si to skracuje. Je nahá pod menom „civilizácie, vyššieho vzdelania, lepšej civilizácie, lepšej etiky.“ Chcem si byť istý, že toto do vás vsiakne. Je to všetko z diabla a bude to zničené pri Príchode Pána Ježiša. Bude to zničené, každý kúsok toho. Nič nezostane.

120 A, ó, vy, priatelia, naprieč krajinou, ako ma tu počúvate vo Phoenixe, zamyslite sa nad týmito vecami! Tu ste k nim podriadení. Ježiš povedal, že by zviedli i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné.

121 Ten prvý duch bol... prvá opona bola svätá opona, Duch Svätý, a ona sa poza to nemala pozrieť. Ale keď s ňou satan začína hovoriť o známosti, musela aspoň trochu mrknúť na ten svet.

122 A to je presne to, čo vykonala jej dcéra, cirkev. Musíte to vidieť, musíte sa obliekať ako nejaká filmová hviezda alebo mladí muži sa musia správať ako nejaký Elvis Presley alebo Pat Boone alebo nejakí z týchto ľudí, a to v mene náboženstva.

123 Pat Boone je z Cirkvi Kristovej. Elvis Presley je letničný. Dva démonizované charaktery, ktoré uvrhli svet do horšieho chaosu, ako to urobil Judáš Iškariotský, kedy zradil Ježiša Krista. A oni o tom nevedia. Tí chlapci to nevedia. Nemám proti tým chlapom nič, to je ten duch, ktorý ich do toho motivuje.

124 Len trochu prekročte na druhú stranu, len nech sa tá burina čo i len trochu zmocní tej šupky kukurice a sledujte, čo sa deje potom; tá kukurica je preč. Áno, je po nej. Tak sa to deje. Každý raz sa to tak stane. Eva sa musela aspoň raz letmo pozrieť na svet.

125 A dovoľte mi niečo povedať, brat a sestra. V 1. Jána, v 2. kapitole a v 15. verši, môžem to prečítať, ak chcete. Biblia hovorí:

Ak milujeme svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, je to preto, lebo v nás nie je lásky Božej. [1. Jána 2:15]

126 A to slovo, ktoré tam je, nie je svet; je to grécke slovo „kozmos“, čo znamená „poriadok tohoto sveta.“ Ak milujeme módu tohoto sveta, alebo tento svet, ak milujeme dobový trend, ak si myslíme, že „máme nádherný čas, lebo máme všetky tieto veci.“ Ak si toto myslíte, je to preto, že vaše myslenie je úplne vedľa. Je prevrátené diablom. „Lebo ak milujete systém tohoto sveta a veci tohoto prítomného sveta, je to preto, že vo vás nie je lásky Božej.“ Pamätajte na to. Ó, Bože! Pozri, na čo to hľadíme! [1. Jána 2:15-16]

127 Tu sa chcem na chvíľu zastaviť a povedať vám jeden malý príbeh. Počul som o jednom kaplánovi z 1. svetovej vojny. Zahodili...

128 Ako satan na počiatku, kedy prišiel do záhrady Eden. On nemohol to semeno vykopať ani ho nemohol zničiť. Ale ich pokropil jedom a to zdeformovalo to semeno, ono porodilo podľa svojho druhu. Zdeformovalo to to originálne Semeno.

129 A o tom sú všetky tieto náboženské programy. Oni sú stále synmi a dcérami Božími, ale sú zdeformovaní. Chodia do cirkvi, chcú konať správne. Mníška nikdy nejde do kláštora, aby z nej bola zlá žena. Kazateľ nikdy nechodí do školy preto, aby sa stal zlým mužom. Nikdy sa neprihlásite do cirkvi, nepodáte si ruky, nikdy si nezaregistrujete svoje meno do knihy, alebo čokoľvek to robíte v cirkvi, nerobíte to, aby ste boli zlým človekom. Robíte to, aby ste boli dobrým človekom. Ale je to zvedenie, je to deformita, ktorá to robí. Satan ju pokropil. Vidíte? Boh nikdy nemal organizáciu. Nikde v Božom Slove sa také niečo nenachádza.

130 Boh je našou organizáciou, my sme zorganizovaní v Ňom, v Tele, v Bohu a v Nebi. Tak je. Naše mená sú zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života. Vidíte? Všimnite si to.

131 Ale vidíte, viem, že to je veľmi náročné, ale chcem, aby ste ešte aspoň na chvíľu vydržali, ak môžete. V čase svetovej vojny... Prepáčte, že sa odchyľujem od svojej témy.

132 Ale ešte aby som toto vyjasnil, chcem vám podať svoju analýzu toho, čo satan v Edene vykonal: nastriekal svoj jedovatý sprej. Chceli by ste vedieť, čo bolo tým sprejom? Poviem vám to. Tu je to znenie, dve slová: nevera, ktorá je v protiklade s vierou, nastriekaná nevera, pochybnosť. A veda tu vykonala, čo chcela. Tam, kde bola škára, tam to prešlo do toho Semena a satan vyplnil tú škáru známosťou a vedou a civilizáciou a to zdeformovalo celé stvorenie Božie.

133 Viem, že si myslíte, že vás teraz dostávam na jeden konár toho stromu, ale ja som s vami na ňom. A my sme tu všetci kvôli tomu, aby sme zistili, čo dokážeme. Nehovoríme tieto veci, aby sme boli iní. Musíme byť úprimní.

134 Každý jeden z nás sa dostane na koniec svojej cesty, kde sa bude musieť zodpovedať za každé svoje slovo. Vieme, že práve teraz naše hlasy... Keď sme narodení, náš prvý malý výkrik je zaznamenaný. A v deň súdu sa bude prehrávať. Dokonca aj oblečenie, ktoré nosíte, sa vám v deň súdu zjaví pred tvárou. Dokonca aj veda to televíziou dokázala. Vidíte, televízia nevytvára obraz. Len ho zobrazuje. Farba oblečenia, každý váš pohyb, každá myšlienka vo vašej mysli, všetko je to kompletne zaznamenané na Božom zápise. A táto veľká vec bude priamo pred vás predložená, každé jedno nečisté oblečenie, ktoré ste nosili; každý jeden krát, kedy ste vy, ženy, išli ku kaderníčke ostrihať si tie vlasy, ktoré vám Boh dal. Tak to bude. Budete sa za to zodpovedať. Nemôžete sa teraz ani len pohnúť alebo dokonca ani pomyslieť niečo v srdci, čokoľvek urobiť bez toho, aby to bolo pred vami zobrazené. Ako potom uniknete? „Ako unikneme, ak zanedbáme také veľké spasenie?“ Vidíte? Neunikneme. Každý pohyb, každá myšlienka srdca sa práve teraz zaznamenáva v druhej dimenzii, dokonca farba oblečenia, ktoré nosíte. Televízia, tá farebná televízia to priamo dokazuje, ukazuje to, a to je pritom len jedna dimenzia z troch, v ktorých žijeme. Vidíte? [Židom 2:3]

135 Ako len ten jed zasiahol cirkev, zasiahol zem! Satanov jed na semeno, vložil tam kazy a zdeformoval ho. Čoraz viac a viac preniká hlbšie do sŕdc cirkví a do sŕdc ľudí a všetkého toho, vedy. Nakoniec sa z toho stáva miesto, kde ľudská rasa, tým, že je skrížená... Verím, že každé semeno by malo splodiť podľa svojho druhu. A ľudská rasa a rastliny a všetko je to skrížené, verím, že každé semeno by malo priniesť svoj druh. A tým, že je ľudská rasa a rastliny všetko dokrížené, všetko nás to priviedlo do miesta... Tým, že jedávame zo zeme potravu, ktorá narúša naše telá, to všetko uvrhuje naše mysle do... Ak naše telá upadajú vo veku dvadsať až dvadsaťpäť rokov, je to kvôli zdegenerovaným bunkám, kvôli skríženému jedlu, či sa vtedy naše mozgové bunky nezdegenerujú? Či to tiež nie sú bunky? To je dôvod, prečo tí Rickyovia jazdia po uliciach s tými nablýskanými autami; a Ricketty a Elvitty, alebo ako ich to nazývajú, ktoré tam vonku polonahé behajú medzi ľuďmi, mentálne narušené, nemajú už žiadne poňatie niečoho takého ako slušnosť a morálne zásady.

136 Späť k môjmu príbehu. Tento kaplán povedal, že bol v nemocnici, a hovoril, že toľko veľa tých chlapcov tam ležalo v stanoch, niektorí... On práve vyšiel zvonka. Povedal, že tam vyšiel a nejaký dôstojník mu povedal, „Kaplán, chceme vyraziť a pozrieť sa tam vonku na tie polia.“ Vzali horčicu a chlór, ako to v tých dňoch robievali.

137 A povedal, „Ja som tam išiel, brat Branham,“ povedal, „a tam nebolo kôry na stromoch ani vetva trávy. A to bolo na Veľkonočné ráno.“ Povedal, „Boli tam nejaké staré vraky tankov, dôstojník si ich tam všetky zaznamenal, aby zistil, či by sa s nimi nedalo niečo urobiť, blízko Argonne Forest.“ Povedal, „A keď som tam tak sám stál,“ povedal, „pozrel som sa a povedal, 'Ó, Bože, ku tomuto to všetko speje.'“ Tak je, všetko to tak prichádza. Všetko to tam bolo spálené, nikde nebol vôbec žiaden život, tráva bola vypálená; stromy boli tými plynmi zničené, všetko bolo vyzabíjané, prevrátené, všetko to tie guľky a veci zlikvidovali.

138 Či nie je toto obraz dnešného sveta, kde satan všetko napĺňa svojou neverou, svojím krížením, svojou vedou a známosťou! Tak, ako to bolo na počiatku, kedy Boh dal Adama a Evu do záhrady, to bol nádherný raj bez smrti, bez choroby, bez smútku, všetko bolo v dokonalom poriadku, pozrite sa, čo satanov jed vykonal! Je to chaos. Nič živé v tom nezostáva.

139 On povedal, „Začal som plakať. Išiel som naspäť, ale zaujala ma jedna skala.“ Povedal, „A tak som k nej išiel a pozrel som sa na tú skalu a odvalil som ju. A dolu pod tou skalou rástol malý biely kvietok. Bola to jediná živá vec, ktorá tam zostala, a to preto, že bola ukrytá pod skalou.“

140 Bože, moja Skala, ukry nás dne, ó, Bože, kedy sa všetky tieto jedy všade vznášajú v mene vedy a vzdelania. Ukry nás.

 Zachovaj ma do toho dňa, ó, Bože, to je moja modlitba. A tak dúfam, že každý jeden z nás je pod tou Skalou, Kristom.

141 Nedávno som kázal, mnohí z vás to počuli. Išiel som dolu lesmi na poľovačke a niečo mi hovorilo, aby som sa otočil. Tak som sa obzrel a na zemi ležala prázdna cigaretová škatuľka alebo balík, akokoľvek to voláte. A bola tam firma... Nemyslím, že by som ju mal menovať, ale bola to tabaková firma, ktorá mala svoj slogan, „Filter rozumného človeka, chuť fajčiaceho človeka.“

142 A tak som išiel hlbšie do lesa, ale niečo mi povedalo, „Choď späť k tomu cigaretovému balíčku.“

143 Pomyslel som si, „Nebeský Otče, práve idem k tomu stromu, kde si Ty jedno ráno vypovedal tie veveričky do existencie. Prečo ma voláš späť?“

144 A niečo povedalo, „V nedeľu budeš kázať a tvoj text je na tom napísaný.“

 Pomyslel som si, „Na cigaretovom balíčku?“ A tak som išiel.

145 Začal som rozmýšľať, „Filter rozumného človeka,“ čo za klam to je! Ak by bol ten človek rozumný, tak by v prvom rade vôbec nefajčil. Ale vidíte, ľudia na to naletia.

146 Myslím, že to bolo asi pred dvomi rokmi, kedy som bol na jednej z konferencií, kde som bol na svetovej výstave, ktorá bola na Západnom pobreží. A bola tam fotka Yula Brynnera a mnohých z nich. A veľa vedcov bolo v tej istej hale a hovorili tam o nebezpečenstve fajčenia. Ako ten dym prefúknu cez mramor a vezmú malý filter a vyberú cez neho nikotín a dajú to na chrbát potkana a dajú ho do klietky. Po siedmich dňoch bol tak prežratý rakovinou, že nevedel ani chodiť. Vidíte? Vodou to odtiaľ vybrali.

 Povedal, „Filter!“

147 Povedali, „Filter? Nič také nie je.“ Povedali, „Vy... toto je sama veda. Nemôžete mať dym, pokiaľ nemáte decht. Decht robí ten dym.“

148 A to je všetko len taký švindeľ, aby predali viac cigariet.

 Čo keby som ja.... Nemyslite si, že som svätokrádežný alebo fanatický. Diabol v človeku, ktorý spôsobuje, že on fajčí, a tým sa zabíja. Keď chce človek dostať nikotín z cigarety, to uspokojí jeho túžbu, a potom tá firma príde s tým zavádzajúcim sloganom a povedia, „Filter rozumného človeka.“ On bude musieť vyfajčiť štyri alebo päť cigariet, aby to v ňom vytvorilo toľko dechtu, aby ho to uspokojilo, ako by to urobilo s vami. Američania predávajú svojim bratom a sestrám smrť! Nechápem to.

149 Ale pomyslel som si, „Ale existuje filter rozumného človeka, ktorý je správny.“

150 Takže ak človek fajčí, pamätajte na to, to vytvára chuť fajčiara. A potom, ak nemôžete nasýtiť tú túžbu po tom dyme, potom si to vezmete, a to vo vás vytvára tú chuť. Keď vyfajčíte štyri cigarety alebo päť a zaplatíte za to viac, ako by ste zaplatili za jednu bežnú cigaretu. Vidíte, je to švindeľ, obchodnícky podfuk; zavádzajú tým ľudí, Američanov. Keď rozmýšľam o tom, ako bol George Washington vo Valley Forge; ako tam bol s dvomi tretinami svojich vojakov, žiadne topánky na nohách, a to všetko v tak studený deň, aby nám vytvorili také hospodárstvo, aké máme teraz! A potom predáva Američan Američanovi, svojmu bratovi a sestre, smrť, a to všetko pod falošným blufom za mrzký zisk, koreň všetkého zla. Bažiť po peniazoch. Všetko to zošalelo, nemajú ani tušenia, že to všetko pominie! Ale ak nemáte žiaden dym, tak nemáte chuť.

151 Potom som si pomyslel, „Existuje filter rozumného človeka.“ Filter rozumného človeka! A tak môj text bol, „Filter rozumného človeka vytvára chuť svätého človeka.“

152 Pomyslel som si, že vlastne naše denominácie to takto urobili, berú ľudí a nazývajú ich kresťanmi akýmkoľvek spôsobom. Prečo? Budú ich mať viac vo svojej denominácii alebo organizácii. Dostanú ich tam viacej, lebo im dovolia toto a tamto a čokoľvek. „To nevadí, nerobí to žiaden rozdiel, nech si len hodia meno do knihy a povedia si, že sú kresťania. To je všetko. Ó, 'vierou ste spasení.' Musíte veriť.“ Diabol robí to isté. Tak je.

153 Musíte byť znovuzrodení a to prichádza cez Boží Filter! Takže existuje filter rozumného človeka. Práve ho držím v ruke. On nevytvorí denominačnú chuť, ale istotne uspokojí chuť svätého človeka. [Ján 3:3]

154 Ako by mohla žena s ostrihanými vlasmi niekedy prejsť tým filtrom? Ako by cez to mohla prejsť žena so šortkami alebo s nohavicami, keď Biblia hovorí, „Je to ohavnosťou Bohu, keď si žena oblieka oblečenie, ktoré prislúcha mužovi“? A ako by mohol muž, ktorý si o sebe niečo myslí, ísť tam a obliekať sa ako ženy, nechať si rásť vlasy ako žena, visia mu až do očí, s takto natočenou ofinou? Nosí oblečenie svojej ženy. Ona nosí jeho odev. Filter rozumného človeka? Rozumný muž to robiť nebude ani rozumná žena. Božie Slovo ich cez to nepustí. [Deuteronómium 22:5]

155 Je len jedna vec, ktorá dokáže prejsť cez to Slovo. To je Duch Svätý, ktorý do vás prináša Slovo, a to vytvára chuť svätého človeka.

156 Pozrite sa na dnešnú Rickettu na ulici, nádherná postava, ktorú jej Boh dal, ale využíva to satan. A ona sa bude obliekať tak nemorálne, pričom netuší, že o týždeň od teraz môže hniť v hrobe.

157 Raz som tu nedávno prechádzal dolu ulicou. Kázal som na konferencii v Zboroch Božích na Západnom Pobreží, išiel som na zhromaždenie do Juhozápadnej Biblickej školy. A jedna mladá pani tam išla dolu ulicou, malá také tesné oblečenie, bikiny, alebo ako to voláte, takto jej visela ofina, s kovbojským klobúkom a topánkami. Išiel som po ulici a pomyslel som si, „Úbohá mladá žena, dieťa nejakej matky a otca tu bola postavená, aby bola dcérou Božou, a stala sa lákavou pascou diabla.“ Pomyslel som si, „Asi sa otočím, pôjdem späť a niečo jej poviem.“ Vyzerala asi na taký vek ako moja Sára, asi sedemnásť rokov, šestnásť, alebo tak nejako. Pomyslel som si, „Nie. Radšej nepôjdem. Radšej pôjdem ďalej a pomodlím sa za ňu. Ak by ma niekto videl, ako sa zastavím a rozprávam sa s ňou... Lepšie bude, keď to neurobím.“

158 A tak počúvajte, synovia Boží, keď sa niekedy dostanete na také miesto, tieto Jezábele vám budú lichotiť, ale rozumný človek sa najprv zamyslí. Môže byť tak krásna, poviete si, „Mohlo by mi to s ňou klapať,“ ale bude ťa to stáť tvoju dušu, chlapče; niektoré tieto dievčatá, vám, Rickyom! Filter rozumného človeka vytvára chuť svätého človeka.

159 Keď ty, ako ženatý muž, keď vidíš na ulici také ženy, vy, synovia Boží, či si neuvedomujete, čo sa stalo na počiatku? Kedy veda v predpotopnom veku urobila ženy tak krásnymi, až si synovia Boží brali ľudské dcéry (nie dcéry Božie), a Boh na to nikdy nezabudol. On to všetko zničil; vedu, všetko krajšie. Zvyklo to byť... Všimnite si, ako sa v týchto dňoch vyvyšuje krása žien, a práve to je znamenie konca; Boh to už dokázal. A tak používajte filter rozumného človeka, a potom budete mať chuť svätého človeka. Bude ťa to stáť tvoj dom. Bude ťa to stáť tvoje postavenie. Bude ťa to stáť všetko, čo máš; a okrem toho tvoju dušu! Rozbije ti to rodinu. Možno bude tvoje deti musieť vychovávať iný muž alebo iná žena.

160 Vezmite filter rozumného človeka, a to vyprodukuje chuť svätého človeka. Keď nebudete chcieť ísť do kaderníctva alebo niečoho takého a povedia vám, „Vieš, z toho ťa bude bolieť hlava.“ Vezmite filter rozumnej ženy, to, čo Biblia povedala, vidíte, odvráťte sa od toho. Vidíte? Nerobte to.

161 Ja som váš brat a milujem vás. Nemám proti vám nič. Boh to vie. A kvôli tomu robím to, čo robím, je to kvôli láske Božej voči vám. Ak by tam vyšiel nejaký človek a nikto by vám nič nepovedal, ak by vás váš pastor nechal len tak sedieť a robiť to, čo robíte, potom vás nemiluje. Nemôže vás milovať. Nechcel by som taký druh lásky voči ženám. Chcem mať voči svojej sestre chuť svätého človeka. Chcem, aby bola skutočne mojou sestrou. Nie niekto, kto hovorí o tom, aká je pekná a neviem čo ešte, ako kráľovné sexu. „Ona chodí k môjmu..“ Ó, nie. Chcem, aby bola dámou!

162 Ó, Pane, drž ma pod tou Skalou. Áno. V Efežanom 5:26, jediný spôsob, akým sa môžete dostať k tej Skale, je byť obmytý vodami oddelenia Slova. Tak je.

163 A tak nedovoľujte tomuto diablovi, aby vás znečistil svojím vzdelaním. Nie, nie. Zabije to váš vplyv. Nedovoľte diablovi, aby to bral, „No, ja patrím do cirkvi, do ktorej patrila aj moja matka, môj otec, moja stará mama.“ Nedovoľte diablovi, aby vás tým postriekal. Biblia to už povedala, o tých siedmich cirkevných vekoch a týchto veciach, všetko to prišlo ku semenu! Tak je. Všetko je to narušené. Všetko sú to hnisavé rany. Nenechajte ho klamať, keď hovorí, „Je to pokročilejšia morálka. Sme vzdelanejší, ako sme boli za starých čias.“ Nedovoľte diablovi, aby na vás niečo také položil. Ukázal som vám celý jeho program civilizácie, vzdelania a vedy. On to má priamo v cirkvi, a tak to v žiadnom prípade nepočúvajte. Držte sa od všetkých tých špinavých televízií a vecí preč!

164 A náš text hovorí, „Nepripodobňujte sa, ale buďte premenení.“ Nechoďte a nehovorte, „V nedeľu som bol birmovaný.“ Nie. Choďte a buďte hneď premenení, premenení z toho stavu, v ktorom ste teraz, na to, čo Boh chce, aby ste boli. [Rimanom 12:2]

165 Záleží to na tom, aký druh semena je vo vás. Ak bolo do vás umiestnené intelektuálne, vzdelanecké semeno, je len jediná vec, ktorú to dokáže urobiť, a to je deformovať, to je všetko, zdeformovať syna alebo dcéru Božiu. To je to jediné, čo vie urobiť. Dnešní ľudia, keď sa pozriem, oni konajú, akoby ani neverili, že existuje Boh.

166 Prepáčte mi tento výraz. Ak týmto zraním niekomu pocity, tak som to tak nemyslel. Pred niekoľkými nedeľami ma moja vlastná dcéra zavolala, aby som si išiel pozrieť náboženské spievanie v televízii. Bolo to v nedeľu ráno. Chcel som počuť Orala Robertsa v jeho programe, povedal som, aby mi to ukázali. Povedala, „Vypočuj si to, sú to krásne piesne.“ Stál tam aj môj syn, ktorý mi o tom tiež povedal. A tak som to zapol...

167 Požičali sme si to od ženy, ktorá má ten televízor vo svojom dome. Nikdy by som nechcel mať niečo také vo svojom dome. Nie veru. Nechcem to vo svojom dome. Vystrelil by som to svojou brokovnicou. Nechcem mať s takým zlom nič spoločné. Nie veru! Ale vezmite si...

168 Poviem vám niečo o vás, Arizončanoch. Videli ste nedávno tu analýzu škôl, nie? Osemdesiat percent detí v arizonských školách trpí mentálnym deficitom, šesťdesiatsedem percent z nich to má z pozerania televízie. Tak čo s tým?

169 Radšej potom použite brokovnicu! Vidíte? A tak nenechajte, aby vás tým diabol postriekal. Nie veru. A tak ľudia, ako som už povedal, konajú, akoby ani nemuseli ísť na súd.

170 Títo chlapci a dievčatá, bola tam nejaká indiánska rodina a všetko možné. Myslím, že to viedol človek, ktorý sa volal Pool. A ak som niekedy videl moderný výsmech cirkevných piesní, tak to bolo to; skupina Rickyov, ktorí tam stáli a triasli tam rukami hore-dolu.

171 Istotne som si cenil toho mladého muža, ktorý tu dnes ráno spieval, vyzeral slušne ako skutočný muž. Páči sa mi to. Keď niekedy vy, obchodníci, nájdete takúto skupinu Rickyov, ktorí tam stoja, skáču, vrieskajú a vyvádzajú, zadržiavajú dych, až dokiaľ nie sú modrí v tvári; to nie je spievanie, to robia len veľa vedeckého hluku. Spievanie je melódia zo srdca.

172 A pomyslel som si, „Aká škoda! Aká hanba! Ako môžu v mene náboženstva konať, akoby ani Boh neexistoval?!“ Niekto nedávno povedal chlapcovi, ktorý chodí s mojou dcérou. Jeden kresťanský chlapec poznamenal niečo chytré o Adamovi a Eve, povedal, „Keď Eva prechádzala cez záhradu, povedala, 'Deti, či vidíte ten strom?' Povedala, 'To je to, kde nás vaša matka 'vyjedla' z domu a domova.“ Viete si to predstaviť, máte byť neochvejným kresťanom, ktorý vezme zasľúbenie a Slovo Božie, a vy to hodíte to prasačieho chlieva! Tvária sa, akoby ani nemali ísť na súd. Ale Boh privedie na súd každé tajomstvo. Konajú, akoby Boh vôbec neexistoval. [Žalm 14:1]

173 Nechcem ich nazývať bláznami, lebo Biblia povedala, že nie je správne nazývať niekoho „blázon“. Ježiš povedal, že to tak je. „Nenazývaj žiadneho človeka bláznom.“ Ale Žalm 14:1 hovorí, „Blázon hovorí vo svojom srdci, 'Niet Boha.'“ Vidíte? Je to tak. Nechcem ich nazývať bláznami, ale oni tak konajú. Tvária sa tak. [Žalm 14:1]

174 Takže vidíte, na čom to dnes sme, akoby ani nebolo Boha. „Ja patrím do zboru! A všetko to, tá Biblia, je to jeden veľký vtip. Naša cirkev vie, kam smeruje!“ Áno, priamo do pekla. A sú priamo na ceste tam, skrze vedu a vzdelanie, teologické semináre a podobne, všetko ich to na tej ceste poháňa. Duch Svätý tam nemá šancu dať o niečom zjavenie; seminár to už zavrhol.

175 Duch Svätý nás má viesť; nie seminár, nie biskupi, dozorcovia, a tak ďalej. Duch Svätý je naším Vodcom.

176 Kain bol takou osobou. Bol istotne veľmi nábožný. A ak by bolo náboženstvo všetko, čo musíte mať, potom by bol Boh nespravodlivý za to, že odsúdil Kaina. Lebo on bol nábožný, práve tak nábožný a úprimný, ako bol aj Ábel. Pomyslite na to, on rozmýšľal o Bohu, uctieval Boha, mal zbor, vybudoval oltár, obetoval obeť, modlil sa, uctieval, ale bol odmietnutý. Bez ohľadu na to, ako... Ezav bol tiež taký. Vidíte? [Židom 11:4], [Genesis 4:3-6]

177 Náboženstvo, vidíte, to je satanova branža; nie celé to zlikvidovať, iba to poškvrniť. To je všetko. On to všetko nezabije... Ó, nie komunisti; nie, nie, antikrist nie je komunizmus. Biblia povedala, „Zviedlo by to i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné.“ Nevšímajte si tú železnú oponu, ale tú purpurovú. Ó. [Matúš 24:24]

178 Ale všimnite si, Kain prišiel, aby uctieval, ale mal v sebe nesprávne semeno, semeno hada. Syčanie hada nad ním zasyčalo, lebo bol semenom ženy. Poznal dokonalú vôľu Božiu, ale odmietal ju činiť. Či ste to vedeli? Satan pozná vôľu Božiu, ale odmieta ju činiť.

179 Všimnite si, on videl, ako Boh potvrdil Ábelovo posolstvo. A chcem, aby ste sa teraz nad tým zamysleli a na chvíľu použili svoj Filter rozumného človeka. Ábelove správne posolstvo, ktoré Boh potvrdil, že bolo pravdou! Už vám to dochádza? Ó. Ábelovo posolstvo bolo prijaté a Kain to videl a vedel, že Boh potvrdil, že to posolstvo bolo správne. Ale on to jednoducho nedokázal. Jeho pýcha ho od toho držala. Tak je, jeho pýcha ho od toho držala. On videl, ako Boh potvrdil to posolstvo. [Genesis 4:3-6]

180 A vyzerá, že tak to je aj dnes, je to tak ťažké pre ľudí, aby sa pokorili pod Slovo Božie. Oni to jednoducho nechcú urobiť. Pokoria sa vyznaniu cirkvi, to istotne, ale nie Slovu Božiemu.

181 Ak si chcete toto nájsť, tak choďte do... Mám tu miesta Písma, na to sa tu teraz odvolávam. Genesis 4:6 a 7, Boh povedal Kainovi, „Prečo opadla tvoja tvár? Prečo chodíš plný zlosti? Práve si počul posolstvo, ktoré ťa rozrušilo.“ Povedal, „Nuž, načo to teda robíš? Prečo opadla tvoja tvár, lebo som neprišiel do tvojej cirkvi? Prečo si to urobil?“ Či používate Filter rozumného človeka? Vidíte? [Genesis 4:3-7]

182 Alebo, „Prečo si ne... Prečo takto vyzeráš?“ Povedal, „Ak to urobíš dobre, choď to urobiť tak, ako to robí tvoj brat, a tiež ťa príjmem a požehnám. Urobím pre teba to isté.“ Ale on to jednoducho nedokázal urobiť. Povedal, „A ak nie, potom ti hriech nevery leží pri dverách.“ [Genesis 4:6-7]

183 A tak, keď nám hovoria, „Dni zázrakov pominuli.“ A vidia to tak dokonale preukázané a potvrdené, vidíte, všetky tieto veci, ktoré Boh zasľúbil, že bude v týchto posledných dňoch činiť, Zjavenie 10, Malachiáš 4 a všetko to tak dokonalé potvrdené. Čo sa deje, bratia? Čo sa deje? Vidíte?

184 Keď to tak nerobia; je to nevera, a to je hriech. Je len jeden hriech, a to je nevera. Tak to je. Nie ste odsúdení za to, že pijete, fajčíte, žujete, nosíte šortky, alebo neviem čo ešte. Nie, to vás neodsudzuje. Je to preto, že neveríte. Ak by ste verili, tak by ste to nerobili. Vidíte? Veriaci toto nerobí. On používa Filter rozumného muža, vidíte, alebo Filter rozumnej ženy, jedno z toho. V poriadku. Ale vidíte, hriech leží pri dverách.

185 Všimnite si, čo to urobilo s Kainom, a dnes to bude to isté. Spôsobilo to, že Kain odišiel. Vedomý, úmyselný hriešnik. Bol úmyselne neposlušný. S každým to tak bude. Úmyselne neposlušný po tom, čo videl, ako bolo Ábelove posolstvo potvrdené od Boha, že to bola pravda, ale on to odmietol urobiť. Vtedy sa to stalo tak isto. A potom prekročil tú deliacu hranicu.

186 Je určitá hranica, ktorú môžete prekročiť. Viete to, či nie? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] A tak vy, kazatelia, vy, čo ste tu, a tí tam, ktorí to počúvajú na telefónoch, ako to prechádza národom, či si to uvedomujete? Keď to vidíte v Písme a nerobíte to, Boh nebude vždy... On... Ó, vy pôjdete ďalej a budete požehnaní. Tak bol každý jeden z Izraela, oni žili v divočine, vychovávali deti, pestovali úrodu, boli požehnaní a všetko možné, ale každý jeden z nich bol večne oddelený od Boha. Ježiš tak povedal. Ó, áno. Boh vás požehná, ale potom ste zatratení. Istotne. Tak to hovorí Biblia, tak to On povedal. Všimnite si, môžete prekročiť tú deliacu hranicu. Či tomu veríte? [„Amen.“] Kain to tak urobil.

187 Obráťme sa tuto do Židom 10:26. Pozriem sa, či by som to vedel rýchlo nájsť. Kniha Židom, 10. kapitola, a myslím, že to je 26. verš. Mám to tu zapísané. Ak so mnou ešte na chvíľu vydržíte, tak to prečítame. Dobre, tu to máme.

Lebo keď dobrovoľne hrešíme po prijatí známosti pravdy, nepozostáva už viacej obeti za hriechy, ale jakési strašné očakávanie súdu a prudká pálivosť ohňa, ktorý má žrať protivníkov. [Židom 10:26-27]

188        To je TAK HOVORÍ BOŽIE SVÄTÉ SLOVO. Ak dobrovoľne neveríme po tom, čo sme to videli a počuli, potom sme prekročili hranicu. Potom vás už nečaká žiadne odpustenie, prekročili ste únosnú hranicu.

 „Ó,“ poviete, „Boh ma stále žehná.“ Ó, áno.

189 Majte na mysli Izrael, tie hranice. Keď im Boh dal zasľúbenie vo Svätej Zemi; v zemi, ktorá oplývala mliekom a medom. A keď tam Mojžiš poslal Kálefa a Jozuu a ďalších vyzvedačov, aby išli a preskúmali zem a priniesli späť potvrdené dôkazy. [Numeri 13:30]

190 Desiati z nich povedali, „My to nedokážeme. Nie sme schopní. Pozrite sa na tieto ťažkosti, ktoré tu máme. Budeme fanatikmi. Máme tu len takéto malé zbrane, s ktorými môžeme bojovať. A pozrite sa na to, čo majú oni. Proste to nedokážeme. Nie sme toho schopní.“ [Numeri 13:30]

191 Jozua a Kálef povedali, „Sme viac ako schopní to urobiť! Boh nám dal zasľúbenie.“

192 A pamätajte na to, oni sa obrátili. To bolo v Kádeš-barnei. A oni sa obrátili a stali sa tulákmi na púšti. A každý jeden z nich zahynul a bol večne zatratený. Ježiš tak povedal.[Numeri 26:65]

193 Neprekračujte tú deliacu hranicu, vidíte. „Keď viete, ako robiť dobre, a nerobíte to, potom hrešíte.“

194 Izrael urobil to isté. Potom, ako videli, že Mojžiš bol potvrdený, potom dovolili Balámovi, aby ich znečistil, to drahé preukázané Semeno. Pastor, nikdy nehovor nič proti tomuto Slovu. Pozrite sa na Baláma, on bol prorokom a on videl Semeno Božie potvrdené. Ale pod svojou veľkou denomináciou, v ktorej žil, Moáb videl tú skupinu tulákov, ktorí prechádzali zemou, on ich poškvrnil a povedal, „No, počkajte na chvíľu. My sme všetci kresťania. Všetci sme veriaci. Naši a vaši otcovia sú tí istí. Či nie sme deti Lotove? Či nebol Lot Abrahámov synovec? Či si nie sme všetci rovní? Sobášme sa jeden s druhým.“ A Izrael, tak, ako Eva v záhrade Eden dovolila, aby ju satan poškvrnil, on tiež poškvrnil aj Izrael skrze falošného proroka. Ten skutočný prorok bol s nimi s potvrdeným Slovom. Ale skrze intelektuálne poňatie a známosť ich poškvrnil. Pomyslite teraz na to, nikdy to nebolo odpustené, taký hriech nebol nikdy odpustený.

195 Tie semená hnijú priamo vo svojom výkone služby, na ceste do zasľúbenej zeme. Každý jeden z nich zahynul a zhnil, priamo v cirkvi vo výkone služby, pričom nasledovali Boha. Ale dovolil satanovi, aby ich zanečistil svojím intelektuálnym, vzdelávacím sprejom, kedy povedal, „No, my sme všetci rovnakí, všetci sme predsa deti Božie.“ Nie ste! Ale oni nechali, aby ich ten falošný učiteľ znečistil so svojím intelektuálnym poňatím, ktoré o tom mal.

196 Je to presne to isté, čo dnes robí Ekumenická Rada, vidíte, presne to isté, „Prečo by sme sa nemohli spolu zjednotiť do jednej veľkej organizácie?“ Váš celý organizačný systém je z diabla. V Biblii to je znamenie šelmy. Čoskoro mi o tom vyjde kniha, ak Pán dá.

197 Všimnite si, v čase Noacha, oni videli, ako bolo Slovo vybudované na to, aby plávalo. Dovoľte mi poznamenať jednu malú poznámku, Slovo bolo spolu poskladané, aby prinieslo premenu od zeme po oblohu. Videli usporiadanie tej veci; ale so svojimi rozumovými predstavami sa smiali prorokovi do tváre, Noachovi, kedy prorokoval o čase konca. Ale čo to... To usporiadanie bolo vytvorené Slovom Božím zvonka a zvnútra obklopené modlitbou a vierou. Kedy prišli dažde, všetky tie rozumové predstavy o náboženstve zrazu zahynuli a zomreli priamo vo svojich cirkvách, priamo na zemi. A archa sa nad tým všetkým vznášala. Vedecké poškvrnené semeno, ktoré zhnilo priamo na súde. [Genesis 6:8-18]

198 O čo sa to vlastne snažíme? Snažíme sa upevniť cirkev, alebo sa snažíme upevniť Slovo Božie? O čo nám ide? Na čom to pracujeme? Snažíme sa priviesť ľudí späť ku tomuto? O čo sa to táto veľká Eva snaží v týchto posledných dní, táto cirkevná Eva?

199 Za chvíľu budem musieť skončiť, bratu, lebo čas nám beží. [Brat hovorí, „Len pokračuj ďalej!“ - pozn.prekl.] Darujte mi ešte aspoň takých pätnásť minút a zastavím sa na týchto miestach Písma. [„Len pokojne pokračuj.“] Áno. V poriadku. Viem. Ľudia sa tu asi chcú dostať a vyčistiť to tu. Ale zdá sa, akoby to bolo ťažké zakončiť. [„Len choď ďalej, nie je sa kam ponáhľať.“] Poponáhľam sa. V poriadku.

200 Pozrite sa na túto veľkú vedeckú, vzdelanú a skríženú Evu dneška, ktorá si hovorí cirkev, o čo jej to ide? Snaží sa vyvýšiť Božie Slovo a nechať ľudí konať tak, ako konajú? Oni nepoužívajú Filter rozumného človeka alebo Boží filter. Pozrite sa na to, čo produkujú. Oni vyvyšujú samých seba. Cirkev je práve vo svojom zdeformovanom semene programu znalosti, oni zapríčinili, že celá ľudská rasa je vedecky absolútne nevedomá Slova Božieho. Dotknem sa tu ešte pár vecí, nebudem o tom hovoriť dlho, chcem už zakončiť. Vedecky neznalí! Keď Boh tu na zemi robil veci, ktoré robí aj teraz skrze Svoje zasľúbené Slovo, oni to ignorujú a idú preč, lebo sú vedecky nevedomí. Vedecky nevedomí!

201 Práve sa smejem, lebo brat Williams tu napísal na kúsok papiera, „Môžeš tu zostať celé popoludnie,“ niečo také. Ale cením si to, je to skutočne milé.

202 Ale ľudia dobrovoľne hrešia. Priviedlo to celý systém cirkví dnešného sveta do dobrovoľného hriechu voči Bohu. Už len bežná slušnosť vám dokáže, že je to pravda. V poriadku. Opona žiadosti zaslepila ich oči na Slovo Božie a ona opäť zisťuje, že je nahá. Viete, Boh v Zjavení 3 povedal, „Pomaž svoje oči kollýriom, aby boli otvorené.“ Vidíte? Kollýrium je Jeho Slovo. [Zjavenie 3:18]

203 Viete, oni povedia, „No, tento človek študoval štyridsať rokov, aby získal všetky tieto tituly, bakalár teológie, doktor teológie a všetko možné.“

204 Viete, čo o tom povedal Ježiš? Povedal, „Nech človek zaprie sám seba.“ Pavol to urobil.

 Poviete, „To to neznamená.“ [Matúš 16:24]

205 Nuž, prečo to potom Pavol nasledoval? Povedal, „Nikdy som k vám neprišiel s presviedčavými slovami ľudskej múdrosti, aby ste si na tom budovali svoju nádej. Ale prišiel som k vám v moci a manifestácii Ducha Svätého, aby bolo vaše slovo... aby bola vaša viera postavená na Slove Božom a nie na prejave múdrosti.“

206 Zdá sa, že ľudia úplne stratili bežnú slušnosť a zdržanlivosť. Nie sú takí, akí bývali. Zvyklo to byť tak, že keď prorok povedal, „TAK HOVORÍ PÁN,“ ľudia sa triasli. Áno, istotne to tak bolo. Ľudia boli pohnutí, lebo sa báli. Ale teraz stratili všetku bázeň. Vôbec sa neboja Boha.

207 Šalamún povedal, „Bázeň Božia je počiatkom múdrosti,“ ešte len počiatkom múdrosti.[Príslovia 9:10]

208 Teraz môže prorok hovoriť TAK HOVORÍ PÁN; a ľudia povedia, „nezmysel!“ Vidíte, nie je pre nich nádej. Povedia, „No, ale my sme inteligentní. Sme intelektuálni, my nepotrebujeme prijímať také veci! My vieme, o čom hovoríme!“

209 Je ešte ďalšie príslovie, ktoré hovorí, „Blázni chodia v okovaných topánkach tam, kde sa anjeli boja chodiť po špičkách.“ Istotne.

210 A tak čo je tá premena? (Už rýchlo.) Ako ju dostaneme? Čo to tá premena robí? Boh to robí skrze Ducha Svojho Slova. On premieňa. Zasadí Svoje Semeno, vkladá do neho Svojho Ducha a to prináša výsledok. Jeho Duch Svätý premieňa Semeno Slova, aby bolo potvrdené, že je podľa svojho druhu.

211 To, z akého semena ste, ukazuje, čo je vo vás. Nemôžete to zakryť. Čímkoľvek ste vo vnútri, to ukazuje váš vonkajšok. Nemôžete tomu zabrániť. Nemôžete zo stromu urobiť nič iné, iba to, čím on už je. Vidíte, tak to bude. Duch Svätý premieňa semená, ktoré sú v jeho vnútri. Bez ohľadu na to, aký druh semena to je, ono tým bude premenené. Ak je to zlé, tak to splodí zlo. Ak to je pokrytecké, tak to splodí pokrytca. Ak to je skutočné Slovo Božie, tak to splodí skutočného syna alebo dcéru Božiu skrze filter rozumného človeka. Kedy prichádza to Semeno, ono prichádza skrze to a to produkuje syna a dcéru Božiu.

212 Jedného dňa, kedy svet ležal v temnote chaosu, Boh... Dobre teraz počúvajte, lebo nebudeme teraz hovoriť... už len trochu dlhšie. Pozrite. Jedného dňa, keď bol svet opäť vo všetkých druhoch náboženstiev, pri umývaní rúk a hrncov, kedy nosili rôzne rúcha a čiapky, a tak ďalej, ležalo to uprostred totálneho chaosu. Skutočný Izrael Boží bol tak odvrátený od zákonov a ustanovení Božích, že Ježiš povedal, „Vy so svojimi tradíciami zbavujete Slovo Božie moci pre ľudí, všetko so svojimi tradíciami.“ A pozrite sa na tých svätých kňazov, ako ich nazývajú; Ježiš povedal, „Vy ste zo svojho otca, diabla a jeho skutky aj činíte.“ Vidíte, presne tak to povedal. [Matúš 15:6], [Ján 8:44]

213 A tak, keď svet ležal v takom zmätku, Duch Boží sa opäť vznášal nad Semenom, ktoré bolo predurčené. On premenil a pretransformoval Izaiáša 9:6 podľa zasľúbenia; On, Boh sa stal ľudským telom, aby zachránil svet z toho chaotického stavu. Keď bol človek stvorený na obraz Boží, tu prichádza Boh, ktorý to skrze proroka predpovedá... Pamätajte teraz na to Slovo, prorok to predvidel, ten istý prorok, ktorý videl aj satana v týchto posledných dňoch, vidíte, s týmito vzdelávacími programami a vecami, ktoré má, náboženské programy. Ten istý prorok, Izaiáš 9:6 hovorí, „Dieťa sa nám narodilo, Syn nám je daný; a Jeho Meno sa bude nazývať 'Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Mocný Boh, Večný Otec.' A Jeho panovaniu nebude konca.“ A to Slovo je Božím Slovom. A ten Duch sa pohyboval nad tým Slovom a vytvoril lono panny; človeka, „syn sa narodil,“ nie je stvorený, ale „narodený.“ [Izaiáš 9:6-7]

214 Satan sa to znovu a znovu pokúša znečistiť. Zavolal Ho a povedal, „Ak si tým, čím hovoríš, že si, urob tu pre mňa nejaké uzdravenia. Ukáž mi, ako to dokážeš. Premeň tieto kamene na chlieb. Ukáž, ako tu strmhlav skočíš, lebo Písmo hovorí, že sa zachrániš.“

215 Vidíte, ako dnes tí nábožní diabli hovoria to isté? „Ak je niečo také ako Božské uzdravenie; tu leží taký a taký brat, pozrime sa, ako ho uzdravíš.“

216 Ten istý diabol stál pri Ježišovi na kríži a povedal, „Ak si Syn Boží, zostúp z kríža.“[Matúš 27:40]

217 Slovo povedalo, že je Synom Božím. Duch dokázal, že bol Synom Božím. Izaiáš 9:6 bol vyplnený. A nedávno, asi ste to mnohí z vás, ktorí ste pripojení, počuli, ako sme dokazovali asi nejakými vyše šesťdesiatimi miestami Písma, ktoré dokazujú, že to bol On.

218 Ó, satan sa opäť a opäť pokúšal. Jednej noci ho videl, ako spí v zadnej časti lode. Povedal, „Teraz ho zničím.“ Ale nemohol.

219 Snažil sa Ho zviesť, aby vykonal niečo zlé, ale nedokázal to. Prečo? On bol postriekaný repelentom predurčenia. A ono nemôže byť zvedené. Nie, nie. Slovo povedalo, že On tam bude. Amen. Žiadne zlo ho neobťažuje a žiaden iný syn Boží, ktorý je predurčený, nemôže zaujať jeho miesto. On je postriekaný repelentom. Satanov jed, denominační doktori sa Ho ani len nedotýkajú. On sa len pohybuje a nič ho neobťažuje, vidíte. Nemalo to na Neho žiaden účinok.

220  „No, urobím z Teba biskupa celej zeme. Mám nad ňou vládu. Ak ma len budeš uctievať, pridáš sa k mojej skupine, urobím z Teba vládcu. Ja zostúpim a nechám Teba vystúpiť.“

221 On povedal, „Choď preč odo Mňa, satan! Je napísané, 'Budeš uctievať Boha, Slovo, a jedine Jemu budeš slúžiť.'“ A potom jedného dňa...

 Chcel by som ešte zostať na tejto veľkej Osobe. [Lukáš 4:8]

222 Ale jedného dňa na Neho prišiel Duch; lebo bolo Slovo, ktoré bolo o Ňom napísané, ktoré prišlo od Boha skrze proroka, „A bol vedený ako baránok na zabitie.“ A Duch na Neho prišiel a viedol Ho a poslal Ho na kríž Golgoty. A tam On zomrel. A všetko, čo bolo vypovedané o Jeho smrti, bolo vyplnené, aby to prinieslo Svetlo a Život všetkému predurčenému semenu Božiemu, ktoré bolo na zemi. On na to vymyslel spôsob. Tu je to Semeno, Duch, ktorý prináša Život; ktorý premieňa synov a dcéry Božie zo sveta v tomto tmavom chaose, aby boli synmi a dcérami Božími. [Skutky 8:32-33], [Izaiáš 53:7-8]

223 Nepozastavujte sa nad tým slovom „predurčenie.“ Viem, že sa pozastavujete. Ale počúvajte, to nie je moje slovo. To je jedno z Božích Slov. Ak si to chcete prečítať, nalistujte si Efežanom 1:5, ktoré hovorí, „Predurčil nás k synovstvu skrze Ježiša Krista.“ Vidíte? [Efežanom 1:5]

224 Dovoľte mi urobiť len krátku prestávku, naozaj len na chvíľu, aby ste si dali toto v mysliach do poriadku. Pozrite. Tak, ako ste vy boli vo svojom otcovi na počiatku, tam bol zárodok. Či ste to vedeli, každý jeden z vás? Boli ste vo svojom pra-pra-praotcovi, vedeli ste o tom? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.]

225 Prečítajte si Knihu Židom, kde zisťujeme, že Lévi platil desiatok, ešte keď bol v bedrách Abrahámových, štyri generácie pred ním. Keď Abrahám platil desiatky Melchisedechovi, bolo to pripočítané jeho pra-prasynovi ďaleko po ňom, a on bol vtedy ešte len v Abrahámových bedrách. Tu to máte. Vidíte?[Židom 7:9]

226 Vy ste boli v bedrách svojho otca, ale váš otec s vami nemohol mať žiadne obecenstvo, až dokiaľ ste neboli premenení do ľudského tela.

227 Môj syn tam bol so mnou. Ja som chcel syna, ale on bol už vtedy vo mne. Vidíte? On bol vtedy vo mne. Ale skrze manželský zväzok bol premenený na muža, ako som ja, a potom sa stal takým, akým som ja.

228 A vy sa stávate takými, akí sú aj vaši rodičia, vidíte, lebo vo vás to od počiatku bolo. A tak, ak sme my synovia Boží, Jeho atribúty... Vy ste atribútom svojho otca, nie vašej matky; vášho otca. Zárodok leží v otcovi. Vidíte? A vaša matka bola len taký inkubátor, ktorý vás nosil, ktorý niesol semeno vášho otca. Vidíte?

229 A táto zem, v tele, je tiež inkubátorom, ktorý nesie semeno Božie. Vidíte, presne tak to je. Nie tento svet, aký je veľký; je len tak veľký, aký ho Boh stvoril. Vidíte?

230 Ak ste synom a dcérou Božou, potom ste boli v Bohu už na počiatku. Ste Jeho atribútom. Ak ste v Ňom vtedy neboli, tak ste v Ňom nikdy neboli a ani nikdy nebudete.

231 Pretože ja nemôžem vo svojich bedrách niesť syna tohto muža tu alebo tohto muža tam, ja môžem niesť len svojich vlastných synov a oni budú niesť moju podobu. Haleluja. Či to vidíte?

232 Synovia a dcéry boli v Bohu na počiatku. Pozrite sa. Hovoríte, že máte Večný Život. My v to veríme, že máme Večný Život. Ale je len jedna forma Večného Života a to je Boh. To je to jediné, čo je večné, Boh. A tak, ak vy máte Večný Život, to je ten život, ktorý vo vás vždy bol, a vy ste boli v bedrách Božích ešte pred tým, než bol vôbec nejaký svet. A kedy to samotné Slovo... Ježiš Sám je nazývaný Slovom a v sv. Jánovi 1 sa hovorí, „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami.“ Vtedy ste boli v bedrách Ježiša a išli ste s Ním na Golgotu. Zomreli ste s Ním a povstali ste s Ním. A dnes sedíme v ponebeských miestach v Ňom, naplnení Jeho Duchom, synovia a dcéry Božie. Zomreli sme s Ním a povstali sme s Ním. Istotne.

233 A tak teraz s Ním môžete mať obecenstvo. To ste vtedy nemohli, lebo ste v Ňom boli ešte len Slovo, semeno. Ale teraz vás On prejavil, zamanifestoval a chce, aby ste s Ním mali obecenstvo. Potom zostúpil, stal sa telom, aby s Ním každý mohol mať dokonalé obecenstvo. Či vidíte to dokonalé obecenstvo? Ó, tie hlboké tajomstvá Božie! Aké nádherné! Vidíte, Boh nemohol mať obecenstvo v Duchu, tak sa Boh spolu s nami stal človekom. [1. Timoteovi 3:16]

234 Ježiš Kristus bol Sám zamanifestovaný Boh, pretože bol synom, ktorý bol počatý, ale to bola pre Neho len schránka, v ktorej žil. „Nikto nikdy nevidel Boha, len ten jednorodený z Otca Ho zjavil.“ Boh si postavil dom, telo, v ktorom žil, a zostúpil, aby ste sa Ho mohli dotknúť. 1. Timoteovi 3:16, „A vyznane veľké je tajomstvo pobožnosti: Bôh zjavený v tele, ospravedlnený v Duchu, zjavený anjelom, kázaný pohanom, uverené Mu na svete, hore vzatý v sláve.“ Vidíte? A tak On... [1. Timoteovi 3:16]

235 Keďže ste vy telom a On je tiež telom, tak môžete mať jeden s druhým obecenstvo, pretože On bol Božím atribútom lásky. Boh je láska. Je to tak? A Ježiš bol Božím atribútom lásky. A keď bol ten atribút lásky zobrazený, ktorým bol Boh Sám; všetky atribúty, ktoré Mu boli pripisované, na Neho prišli, „Všetci, ktorých Mi Otec dal, ku Mne prídu.“ Istotne, oni museli byť predurčení. Ak nie, vy by ste tu neboli. To je všetko. Istotne.[Ján 6:37]

236 A tak my môžeme mať obecenstvo skrze bohatstvá Jeho Slova, ktorého ste časťou. Vy ste časťou Slova; pretože On bol Slovom na počiatku, a vy ste Slovom teraz. Vidíte? Dnes večer budem kázať, alebo nejakú inú nedeľu, v jednom z týchto dní o tom, čo je to Slovo, vidíte. Vy ste časťou Slova.

237 Počúvajte. Je jedna vec, ktorú nemôžem. Nemôžem sa chváliť svojimi predkami. Mám dosť nečistý pôvod. Môj otec bol Ír. Moja matka bola indiánska žena, napoly Indiánka; jej matka bola Indiánka, išla skôr do dôchodku. A všetci z nich boli opilci, väčšina z nich zomrela s topánkami na nohách, v boji, prestrelkách, a tak ďalej. Nie je na tom nič, čím by som sa mohol chváliť, lebo moji predkovia a môj pôvod je hrozný.

238 Ale, brat, je jedna vec, ktorou sa môžem chváliť, môžem sa chváliť svojím Pánom Ježišom, ktorý ma vykúpil. A so Svojou Mocou Premenenia zasadil semeno skrze predurčenie a ja som uvidel, koho synom teraz som. Áno. Môžem sa chváliť Ním. A tridsaťtri rokov svojho života som tým strávil. Ak by ma ušetril a dal mi ešte ďalších tridsaťtri rokov, tak sa Ním budem len viac chváliť. Vidíte? Môžem sa chváliť svojím Predkom, haleluja, Tým, ktorý ma vykúpil a zasadil do mňa to semeno Života a dovolil mi vidieť Jeho Slovo, zoslal Svojho Ducha a povedal, „Tu to máš. Hovor o tom a ono sa to stane. Rob to.“ A, ó, môžem sa Ním chváliť! Ako to On urobil? Skrze obmytie vodami Slova, vody oddelenia, ktoré... [Efežanom 5:26-27]

239 Pravdiví predurčení veriaci zostanú na Slove, pretože sú časťou toho Slova.

240 Ó, bludné hviezdy, ako dlho sa budete túlať? Vy, metodisti, baptisti, presbyteriáni, outsideri, čímkoľvek ste, bludné hviezdy z cirkvi do cirkvi, z miesta na miesto, z televízie do televízie, zo sveta do sveta, prečo sa nespamätáte? On túži mať s vami obecenstvo. Túži po vás. Chce vás premeniť skrze obnovenie vašej mysle, nie na cirkev alebo na denomináciu, ale na Jeho Slovo, ktorého ste časťou, ak vo vás leží tá túžba. Požehnaní tí, ktorí sú hladní a smädní po spravodlivosti; lebo tí budú naplnení. Vidíte? Ó! [Matúš 5:6], [Júda 1:13]

241 A On poslal Svoju Moc Premenenia, aby vás vyviedol z tejto náboženskej deformovanosti, v ktorej sa nachádzate. V tomto chaose deformity, v ktorej sme, Boh poslal Svoju premieňajúcu Moc, Jeho Slovo, ktoré je potvrdené a dokázané, aby vás vyviedlo z tejto náboženskej deformovanosti a nevedomosti, v ktorej kráčate, „nahí, slepí, mizerní, a nevedia o tom.“ Zamyslite sa nad tým, priatelia. [Zjavenie 3:17]

242 Viete, Boh poslal Svoju moc premenenia, aby vyplnil Svoje Slovo a zmenil celé telo Sáry a Abraháma. Premenil starého človeka a starú ženu, lebo zasľúbil, že tak učiní.

243 A to, čo Boh zasľúbi, tak to aj vyplní. Nie je nič, čo by... Akákoľvek prevrátená vec, Boh s tým nedokáže nič urobiť. Ale On dodrží Svoje Slovo a zošle Svojho Ducha! „Ja, Pán, som to zasadil. Budem to polievať dňom a nocou, aby to nikto nevytrhol z mojej ruky.“ Biblia tak hovorí.[Izaiáš 27:2-3]

244 Ó, bludné hviezdy, vy, s tou túžbou vo vašich srdciach! Vy to musíte mať, ináč by ste tu dnes ráno nesedeli. A neboli by ste v tých cirkvách a posluchárňach a miestach, kde sa nachádzate, všade naprieč krajinou, ak by vás tam niečo nepriviedlo. Nejaká osoba k vám prehovorila. Nechoďte ďalej. Existuje obmytie vodami Slova, ktoré vás očistí ako sneh. Ó, synovia Boží, počúvajte! Nezostávajte v tej porušenosti. Vyjdite z toho. Abrahám veril Bohu a nazýval všetko, čo bolo v protiklade... [Efežanom 5:26], [Júda 1:13]

245 Poviete, „Ako by som si zarobil na živobytie? Ako by som robil toto?“ To je Božia vec. „Ako by som to všetko robil? Moji kolegovia by ma odmietli.“

246 Boh povedal, „Ten, ktorý opustí svojho vlastného otca, matku, ženu, muža, domy, domovy; tomu dám Ja domy a domovy, Ja mu dám otcov a matky, bratov a sestry, v tomto svete a Večný Život v tom svete, ktorý príde.“ To je zasľúbenie, priateľu. Ó, to by malo byť poliate! Každé zasľúbenie Božie prichádza do existencie. Každé Semeno Božie je zasľúbením. [Matúš 19:29]

247 A, sestra, prestaň si strihať tie vlasy, lebo je to nečisté pred Bohom. Prestaň nosiť to oblečenie, je to pre Neho ohavnosťou! [1. Korinťanom 11:6]

248 Vy, bratia, muži, prestaňte sa uspokojovať tými denomináciami, ktoré robia tie veci, nechávajú vaše ženy robiť tie veci. Kresťanom sa to nepatrí.

249 Poďme naspäť do Slova! Vezmite to Slovo, Ono bude rásť. Musí rásť. Božia moc premenenia, ktorá to priviedla, Ono je práve na Svojej ceste späť, znovu ide späť. Ide priamo tam, kde na počiatku bolo.

250 Enoch bol premenený zo smrti Božou mocou premenenia. Prečo to Boh urobil? Bol to predobraz cirkvi vo vytrhnutí, ktoré sa blíži. Áno. S Eliášom to bolo tak isto.[Židom 11:5], [2. Kráľov 2:11]

251 Ježišovo telo bolo oživené po tom, ako bolo mŕtve. A v hrobe bolo Ježišovo telo oživené Slovom Božím; a premenené zo smrteľného studeného obrazu na vzkrieseného osláveného Syna Božieho. Pretože prorok, Žalm 16:10, ak si to chcete zapísať, 16:10, povedal, „Nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle ani nedovolím, aby Môj Svätý videl porušenie.“ Ó, Bože! [Skutky 2:27], [Žalm 16:10]

252 To Slovo musí prísť do existencie. Je to Božie Slovo! Zasaďte Ho do svojho srdca, ak chcete ísť do Vytrhnutia. Ak chcete byť nefalšovaní ozajstní kresťania, umiestnite to Slovo. Myslím, že to bolo pri Ezechielovi, keď Boh povedal, „Vezmi ten zvitok a zjedz ho,“ potom sa ten prorok a to Slovo stanú tým istým. A každé zasľúbenie, ktoré tam je, sa musí uskutočniť, lebo to je Božie originálne Semeno. Nedovoľte, aby to z vás nejaký vzdelaný teológ tam vonku vypumpoval. Nedovoľte, aby vás znečistil tou telesnou vedou a vedomosťami, vzdelaním. Verte Bohu! [Ezechiel 3:1]

253 Abrahám neprijímal vedecký výskum svojho dňa, nehovoril, „Som príliš starý na to, aby som mal dieťa, už to zašlo ďaleko. Urobil som toto, tamto alebo tamto.“ Ale on nazýval čokoľvek, čo bolo v protiklade s Božím Slovom, akoby to nebolo. A nezapotácal sa na zasľúbení Božom skrze neveru; ale bol silný, vzdávajúci Bohu chválu. Vedel, že Boh bol schopný vykonať to, čo zasľúbil. [Rimanom 4:20]

254 Ó, túlajúci sa synovia, zdeformovaní burinou tohto sveta! Túlajúce sa sestry, ako si vás tieto miesta a módy tohoto sveta pritiahli! A, drahá sestra, môžeš si myslieť, že som starý cvok, ale v jednom z týchto dní, keď sa stretneš s tým, s čím sa nedávno stretla Florence Shakarianová; ona tiež sedávala v tejto miestnosti, ako viete. Keď sa s tým stretneš, potom zistíš, že nie ja, ale toto Slovo je pravdivé. Drž sa ďalej od tých holičstiev a módnych obchodov. Vyhýbaj sa tým veciam.

255 Poviete, „Prečo ich neučíš nejaké veľké veci, ako byť týmto a tamtým?“ Len začni s abecedou, a potom prídeme k algebre. Vidíte? Len sa začni učiť to, čo je „tvojou rozumnou svätoslužbou.“ „Preto vás prosím, bratia, pre rôzne milosrdenstvo Božie, aby ste oddali svoje telo v živú obeť, svätú a ľúbu Bohu, čo je vašou rozumnou svätoslužbou.“ [Rimanom 12:1]

256 Vy len robte svoju „rozumnú svätoslužbu“ a Boh sa postará o ostatné; vidíte, robte len to, čo môžete urobiť rozumne. Či to nie je... Či to nie je nerozumné pre ženu, aby sa vyzliekala a chodila po vonku a takto sa správala, zatiaľ čo to Biblia odsudzuje? Či to nie je pre muža nerozumné, že sa nechá zatiahnuť do takej dogmy, akú dnes máme, a všetky tieto veci, semináre a podobne, keď je to úplne v protiklade so Slovom Božím? Vidíte? [Rimanom 12:1-2]

257 Izaiášove ústa, on bol len obyčajným človekom nečistých pier. Povedal, „Pane, som medzi nečistým ľudom a mám nečisté pery. Beda mi, lebo som videl Boha.“ A Anjel zostúpil, zoslal Svätý Oheň z Božieho oltára a premenil jeho ústa; z úst tuláka na ústa proroka s TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Božia moc premenenia![Izaiáš 6:5] 

258 Stodvadsať rybárov a nejakí predavači purpuru, ženy, všetci tí sa zhromaždili v hornej miestnosti a zavreli dvere, niektorí z nich neboli ani natoľko vzdelaní, že by vedeli napísať svoje vlastné meno. Boh ich premenil z rybárov rýb na rybárov ľudí; z mužov a žien na ulici na nesmrteľných Božích svätých. Ó, tá Božia moc Premenenia! [Skutky 1:13-14]

259 Pavol, člen miestneho zboru, presbyterián, metodista, baptista, letničný alebo čokoľvek; kedy tam išiel dolu ulicou v tom vzdorovitom duchu, že vedel viac ako ktokoľvek z nich. Chodieval ku Gamalielovi, jednému z najlepších učiteľov, aký v tej zemi boli. A čo sa mu stalo na ceste dolu do Damašku, kam išiel, aby zajal skupinu ľudí, ktorí verili Božiemu Slovu? Na svojej ceste bol udretý a počul Posolstvo. A to ho premenilo z člena cirkvi a návštevníka zboru na proroka Božieho, ktorý napísal Slovo Božie v Novom Zákone. Z člena cirkvi na svätého!

260 Ó, bludná hviezda, prestaňme s tým. Zblúdený syn, túlajúce sa semeno, ktoré ide z miesta na miesto vo svojej deformovanosti; obráťte sa dnes ráno, deti. Počujte ma, prosím, ako človeka, ktorý sa snaží stáť medzi živými a mŕtvymi. [Júda 1:13]

261 Tam naprieč zemou, kam ide to vysielanie, ak ste tam stále pripojení, vy, ktorí ste sa túlali z miesta na miesto, zostaňte tu ešte aspoň na chvíľu. Viem, že je tu neskoro, tu v Tucsone, alebo pardon, vo Phoenixe, je za dvadsať dvanásť. A títo ľudia sú tu už od rána. Držal som vás preč od vašej práce a podobne. Ale pozri, drahý priateľu, mohol by si byť naveky preč od Boha. Vráť sa, prosím, dnes ráno. Urobíš to? Pri tom Prameni je ešte miesto.

 Viem, že je to iste tak, dávno sa v jasliach narodilo dieťa,

 aby spasilo ľudstvo od jeho hriechov.

 Ján Ho videl na brehu, toho večného Baránka,

 ó, Krista ukrižovaného na Golgote.


 Ó, milujem toho Muža z Galiley, z Galiley,

 lebo pre mňa vykonal tak veľa.

 Odpustil mi všetky hriechy, umiestnil do mňa Ducha Svätého;

 Ó, milujem, milujem toho Muža z Galiley.


 Raz sa išiel publikán modliť, jedného dňa v chráme,

 kričal, „Ó, Pane, buď mi milostivý!“

 Každý hriech mu odpustil a vložil doňho hlboký pokoj;

 Povedal, „Poď a vidz toho Muža z Galiley.“ Tak je.


 Chromý začal kráčať, nemý rozprávať;

 zvesť tej moci sa s láskou niesla po moriach;

 Slepý začal vidieť, viem, že to mohla byť

 len milosť toho Muža z Galiley.


262 To je predobrazom služby dneška.


 Tej žene pri studni povedal všetky hriechy,

 ako mala v tom čase päť mužov.

 Odpustil jej každý hriech a do srdca vložil hlboký pokoj;

 a ona zakričala, „Poďte a vidzte toho Muža z Galiley!“


263 Žena, On to vedel. Vidíte, On videl do vášho srdca dnes ráno. Muž, On dnes videl do tvojho srdca. Ó, publikán, len sa pomodlime!


 Ó, milujem toho Muža z Galiley, z Galiley,

 lebo pre mňa učinil tak veľa.

 Odpustil mi všetky hriechy a umiestnil do mňa Ducha Svätého;

 Ó, milujem, milujem toho Muža z Galiley.


264 Či Ho nebudete so mnou dnes ráno milovať? Ó, spurný blúdiaci hriešnik, už či si tu alebo niekde inde, či dnes ráno nepríjmeš môjho Pána? On je tým Slovom a to Slovo vám bolo prinesené. Či Ho dnes ráno nepríjmete? Či len nepozdvihnete svoje ruky alebo sa nepostavíte na nohy, alebo niečo, alebo sa pomodlite, povedzte, „Chcem Ho prijať hneď teraz. Brat, som ochotný, som ochotný prijať Ho hneď teraz.“ Či sa nepostavíte na svoje nohy, ktokoľvek, kto chce, aby bolo za neho modlené, povedzte, „Som...“ alebo kto chce, aby som sa za neho pomodlil, „Ja som hriešnikom. Chcem...“ Nech ťa Pán žehná, pane. Ešte niekto? Každý sa aspoň na chvíľu modlite.

 Tam dávno v jasliach, (viete, svet bol

 vtedy v chaose), viem, že je to iste tak,

 malé dieťa sa narodilo,

 aby spasilo ľudstvo z jeho hriechov.

 Ján Ho videl na brehu,

 On bol tým večným Baránkom,

 (dnes je ten istý)

 Ó, to je Kristus, ten ukrižovaný na Golgote.

265 Či Ho dnes nebudete milovať celým svojím srdcom, aby ste mohli opustiť tento svetský stav, v ktorom sa nachádzate? Vy, ženy, vy, muži, ó, na čo ste tu celý čas sedeli? To len dokazuje, že vnútri vo vás niečo je, je tam niečo, čo je hladné a smädné. Vy by ste tu v tejto budove nesedeli tieto dve-tri hodiny; niečo vo vás musí byť. Či na to dnes neobrátite svoj zreteľ? Nechajte všetku módu a vedu a všetky veci tohto sveta, nech hneď v tejto chvíli opustia vašu myseľ, drahý brat a sestra.

 Cirkvi sa zjednocujú,

 veľké národy sa rozpadávajú,

 Izrael sa budí, znamenia,

 ktoré nám proroci predpovedali;

 dni pohanov sú sčítané, hrôzou obťažené;

 „Vráťte sa, rozptýlení, k svojim vlastným.“


 Deň vykúpenia sa blíži.

 Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú strachom;

 Buďte plní Ducha, majte lampy ozdobené a čisté,

 Pozrite, vaše vykúpenie sa blíži!


 Falošní proroci klamú,

 Božiu pravdu zapierajú,

 Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh.

266 No, to je pravda. Všetci poznáme ten deň, v ktorom žijeme.

 Ale On povedal, že:


 V čase večera bude Svetlo.

 Cestu do slávy istotne nájdete.


267 To je ten deň, v ktorom teraz žijeme. Svetlo bude svietiť práve večer, kedy všetko zahaľuje tma, v čase súmraku príde tá večerná hviezda.


 Tá večerná hviezda,

 a potom bude len tma!

 Nech nie je smútku pri lúčení,

 kedy nakoniec nastúpim;

 Cieľom nie je čas a priestor,

 vody ma môžu zaniesť ďaleko,

 Ale ja chcem vidieť svojho Pilota tvárou v tvár,

 kedy prejdem všetky prekážky.

 Nehovor mi v žalostných číslach,

 že život je len prázdny sen!

 A duša nie je mŕtva, len spí.

 A veci nie sú tak, ako vyzerajú.

 Áno, život je skutočný! A život je vážny!

 A hrob nie je jeho cieľom;

 lebo prach si a na prach sa obrátiš,

 to nebolo hovorené o duši.

 Životy veľkých mužov nám pripomínajú,

 že môžeme svoje životy zlepšiť,

 a zanechať všetky rozdelenia,

 stopy na piesku času;

 ako sa tak plaví na vlnách života,

 opustený a stroskotaný brat,

 keď to uvidí, bude opäť povzbudený.

 A tak povstaňme a robme,

 so srdcom proti každému sporu;

 Nebuďte ako nemý poháňaný dobytok,

 ale ako hrdinovia v boji!


268 Drahý Bože, oni sú Tvoji. Videl som dvoch mužov, ktorí sa postavili na svoje nohy, Otče. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si sa ich dnes zaujal. Oni chcú byť Tvojimi synmi. Prebudili sa z tej nevedomosti života, v ktorom žili, a teraz chcú byť občerstvení, obnovení s krstom Duchom Svätým na tom semene, ktoré bolo dnes zasadené v ich srdciach. Večný Bože, Stvoriteľ všetkého, ktorý si utvoril Svoje Slovo, a verím, že Ty si vedel, že títo muži to dnes ráno urobia. Modlím sa, Pane, aby si zavlažoval to Slovo dňom i nocou a nikdy nedovoľ satanovi, aby to vytrhol z Tvojich rúk. Nech je z toho strom, ktorý raz v raji Božom, kedy to bude všetko prinavrátené, lebo Tvoje Slovo nemôže zlyhať, bude tam opäť. Lebo tento svet...

269 A v tom svete, ktorý príde, nebude tento druh civilizácie. Nebudú tam žiadne autá ani nič, čo táto veda kedy utvorila. Nič také v tom svete, ktorý príde, nebude. Ale bude to vlastný Boží obraz civilizácie, ktorý On vybuduje vo Svojom slávnom panovaní. Lebo v tejto civilizácii je nemoc, smrť, smútok, hroby a nedostatok. Ale v tom Kráľovstve, ktoré príde, niet smrti, niet smútku ani nemoci alebo staroby. Ó, Bože, všetko to tam bude v Tvojej civilizácii nové.

270 Bože, premeň nás dnes skrze Tvoju Moc, skrze premenenie našej mysle, aby sme sa odvrátili od týchto úbohých prvkov tohoto sveta k Slovu Božiemu. A nech by sme boli obnovení premenením moci Božej na semeno, ktoré je v našich srdciach, že veríme, že sme stvorenia, ktoré sa nazývajú synovia a dcéry Božie. To je moja modlitba ku Tebe, Otče, za týchto ľudí v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

271 A vy, ktorí to tam počúvate na tom vysielaní, kdekoľvek tam ste, chcem, aby ste tam prijali Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa a aby ste boli naplnení Jeho Duchom. Nech slová, ktoré boli dnes ráno vypovedané, vpadnú do vášho srdca. A nech tam príjmete Ježiša. A sledujte svoj život a všimnite si, ako potom budete žiť. A príjmite ten Filter rozumného človeka. Keď sa prichytíte pri tom, že robíte niečo v protiklade so Slovom, rýchlo sa toho zbavte. Rozumiete? Pretože jestvuje Filter, ktorý od vás drží smrť, a to je Božie Slovo. Jeho Slová sú Životom a tie vás budú držať od smrti.

272 A vy ľudia, ktorí ste tu v publiku, držal som vás tu dlho. Ďakujem za vašu účasť. Modlím sa, aby Boh nikdy nedovolil, aby toto Semeno zahynulo. Dúfam, že si nemyslíte, že tu stojím a hovorím tieto veci len preto, aby som bol iný. Hovorím to z lásky a vediac, že zatiaľ čo tu som ako smrteľník, toto je jediný čas, kedy mám možnosť kázať k ľuďom. A ja milujem Ježiša Krista. On je mojím Spasiteľom. A pamätajte, že teraz by som bol tam vonku na ulici, ak by nebolo Jeho. Bol by som tam; moji rodičia, všetci moji známi boli hriešnikmi. Ale Boh skrze Svoju moc premenenia, viem, že zo mňa učinil iné stvorenie. A odporúčam vám, aby ste boli dobrí. Ono to vydrží aj v hodinách ťažkostí. Dokonca aj keď vám bude smrť klopať na dvere, nemáte žiaden strach. „Nie je nič, čo nás môže oddeliť od lásky Božej, ktorá je v Kristovi.“ Nech Boh žehná každého jedného z vás a nech vám dá Večný Život. [Rimanom 8:39]

273 Koľko je tu takých, čo nemajú Semeno Božie, krst Duchom Svätým? Len pozdvihnite svoje ruky a povedzte, „Mysli na mňa, brat Branham, aby som prijal Ducha Svätého.“ A vy teraz vezmite to Slovo do svojho srdca a verte Tomu. Ak vy... Môžete sa na seba pozrieť. Choďte a pozrite sa do zrkadla a zistite, na čom sa nachádzate. Vidíte, môžete to vedieť.

274 Poviete, „No, ja som nezdvihol ruku, lebo verím, že to mám.“

275 Pozrite sa na seba v zrkadle, potom uvidíte, čo za duch vás to zvádza, vidíte. Zvedené myslenie! „Je cesta, ktorá sa zdá človeku správna, ale jej koniec je cestami smrti.“ Je to pravda?

  Tam pod krížom, kde môj Spasiteľ mrel,

  tam som kričal pre očistenie hriechov,

  ó, tam bola tá Krv uplatnená na moje srdce, sláva... [Príslovia 16:25]

276 Len zavrite na chvíľu svoje oči a spievajte Mu to.

 Pozdvihnime svoje ruky.

 Česť Menu Jeho! (Jeho drahému Menu!)

 Česť Menu Jeho!

 Tam bola tá Krv uplatnená na moje srdce.

 Sláva Jeho...

277 Chcem, aby ste si vy, kresťania, podali ruky, tí, ktorí sú spasení.

 Tak predivne som teraz spasený z hriechu,

 Ježiš vo mne tak sladko prebýva.

 Tam pod krížom ma On prijal,

 Česť Menu Jeho!

 Česť Menu Jeho! (Jeho vzácnemu Menu!)

 Česť Menu Jeho!

 Ó, tam bola tá Krv uplatnená na moje srdce.

 Česť Menu Jeho!

278 Tá Krv má v sebe zárodok života. Viete to. Toto je pre tých, ktorí Ho nepoznajú:

 Ó, prídi k tomuto bohatému a sladkému prameňu,

 nechaj svoju úbohú dušu pri Spasiteľových nohách;

 ó, vrhni sa dnes do toho a buď hotový;

 Česť Menu Jeho!

  Ó, Česť Menu Jeho! (Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, ako to spievame.)

  Česť Menu Jeho!

 Tam bola tá Krv uplatnená na moje srdce.

 Česť Menu Jeho!

279 Či Ho milujete? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Pavol povedal, „Budem spievať v Duchu, budem uctievať v Duchu.“ Skúsme to opäť tak jemne spievať so zodvihnutými rukami.

280 Viete, ten problém, ktorí letniční majú, je, že stratili svoju radosť, stratili svoje emócie. Ako Billy Graham nedávno povedal, „Tí kazatelia v tých časoch, s obrátenými goliermi, ktorí išli na juh, tlieskali rukami, dupali nohami hore dolu po zemi, a ako pochodovali, oni mali niečo, z čoho boli šťastní.“ Áno, ja mám tiež niečo, z čoho som šťastný. Vidíte? Vidíte? Áno. Tak je, stratili sme svoje emócie.

281 Ale pozdvihnime teraz svoje ruky. Nebojte sa sĺz, tie vám nič neublížia. Vidíte? To vám neublíži. „Ten, ktorý seje v slzách, sa istotne vráti a prinesie vzácne snopy.“ V poriadku.

 Česť Menu Jeho!

 Česť Menu Jeho!

 Tam bola tá Krv uplatnená na moje srdce.

 Česť Menu Jeho!

 Česť Jeho... (Ó, Bože! Chvála Bohu!)

 Česť Menu Jeho!

 Zasaď to Semeno do srdca, Pane!

 Tam bola tá Krv uplatnená na moje srdce,

 Česť Menu Jeho!

GOD'S POWER TO TRANSFORM, 65-0911, Ramada Inn, Ramada Inn, Phoenix, AZ, 146 min

1 [Brother Branham is introduced by Brother Carl Williams--Ed.] Thank you, brother. ["Sure be really a privilege to have Brother Branham come so often to Phoenix. I think he comes to Phoenix more than anywhere. And we want him to keep coming, just as long as I'm around here, anyway. God bless you, Brother Branham."] Thank, thank you, Brother Williams.

Good morning, friends. I am... This of the Shakarian family, Brother Williams and Sister Williams and many of them here know about it. I saw that in a vision, about two to three years before she got sick, and it happened.

2And last year when we were here, I believe it was in January, at the convention, it was the time that that priest (what's his name? I forget his name now) was here. [Someone says, "Stanley."--Ed.] Stanley, Bishop Stanley, from the Catholic church. You remember when he brought me the Bible, you know, and he said to me.

It was several prophesying, "My daughter, you are healed."

3And he knew that the vision had said that she would not get well. "She would die between two and three o'clock in the morning." Remember that? [Someone says, "Yes."--Ed.] So, two or three o'clock.

4 And I couldn't tell Demos. And yet I told her stepmother, right over in the room, right across the place here. I said, "She isn't going to get well."

Mrs. Shakarian said, "Well, everybody is prophesying."

5I said, "Course, I could be wrong, myself, but I said it. She isn't going to get well."

6I told many of them, about three years ago, "I saw her running for her life, and she went into a bed. And she raised her hands and screamed to me, like that. And I--I couldn't even reach her. And then I seen her die. And I looked, and there was something, there was a clock, and it said it's something between two and three o'clock."

7And so the bishop said, "Well, I'll just watch and see how that comes to pass." So, it did come to pass.

8 We are certainly sorry. I feel the church has lost a great person, in Sister Florence Shakarian. But, she was a great singer, she was a Spirit-filled woman.

9I was with her mother; her mother was one of the first contacts I had on the West Coast, when her mother was healed. When the doctors... She was in a coma, and all swollen up. And so the--the doctor that was there told me, said, "Now be real quiet when you pray. Don't make much noise. The woman is dying."

I said, "Yes, sir."

10And he said, then, just kept on telling me. And, well, I didn't even have a chance to open my mouth, like.

11 So, it was Brother Demos told me to go ahead and go up and see her.

12So, I went upstairs. And Florence was kneeling on the floor, then a beautiful little girl, and some more women. And went over and prayed for her, and told it. And she was unconscious. And told her she would get up again. And she did. A couple years later, she died. And now God answers our prayers.

13And we know that, we believe that we all have come here by the will of God, and we leave the same way. One by one, we'll each one cross that portal. And that's why we're here this morning, gathered together in this Christian Business Men's Fellowship, is to speak of these things, and prepare for them, 'cause we know they are sure to come.

14 Now Sister Florence is a young woman, forty-two years old, Brother Williams just told me, and very young. But before they, she knew that she had this disease, why, I saw a vision of her and told me her outcome. Then, it would be. God knows all about it, and her seeing Jesus in the room before she left. We just don't want to pray for her, because we've done that so much. We just want to thank God for a life that was among us, that inspired us all, as Sister Shakarian.

15And we want to pray for Brother Demos and Sister Rose. And remember, they've had an awful hard hit in their life, in the last... it's his father, and his sister now in his... the last years. [Somebody speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] But, and, yeah, less than, less, ten months; and sister, Sister Edna, also.

16 So, I know how to sympathize with Brother Demos. I had a father, brother, wife, and baby, to go within a few days apart, so I--I know how he feels this morning. You only know when you stand in them shoes, that's when you know how to sympathize. And...

17[The amplifying system squeals--Ed.] I did that myself. Excuse me. I hit a little gadget down here somewhere, with my hand. So I'm--I'm sorry I got it too loud, and not meaning to.

18So let us stand now while we... if you can, if it's... Let's bow our head.

19 Heavenly Father, we have assembled here this morning to worship Thee, and to give Thee thanks and praise, for sending Jesus our Redeemer, that we have a hope after this life is over, seeing that it's so uncertain that we live here all the time. And, Father, to see the wretched conditions these bodies can get into, we are glad we don't have to stay here all the time. Thou has made a way of escape, down through the valley of death.

20And, Father, we are grateful to You this morning, for the life of one who stood with us, less than a year ago, singing Your praises; Sister Florence Shakarian, as we knew her. And Thou has told us long before, even years, that this was going to happen, that it wouldn't be too much of a shock for us. And we know what You say is true. And then Your Word says, "A man that is born of woman, is full of few days and full of troubles." We know that's true, too, Lord. We know we all must come down through that valley. So we thank You for her life that was, here on earth. And believing by faith, that now, this morning, she has passed from this miserable pesthouse, into a glorious body which can never be sick. And her talents of singing, and the voice she had, and her spirit so richly in-graced with Christ! That she could return this morning, she would not do it by no means; she would have to go through all this again. Which, now it's over, she is with her mother and her daddy. They called their baby, home. So, we--we thank You.

21 We also want to pray for comfort, for our Brother Shakarian, our dear beloved brother, knowing the--the life that he has lived, and the torments he is going through in these last days, and how he is; see him aging, and his hair slipping away, and his shoulders stooping, and yet trying to stay on the field for God. God, give him strength today. We pray, God, that You will grant it. To all those who are bereaved over her going, we pray for each one.

22And let us, Lord, as we are thinking of this, remember that we too must go someday. While we're sitting together here in the Presence of the Lord Jesus, we would ask that You would bring this fresh to our memory. And let us check up, as it was, or take inventory of our own lives, that we be under the Blood and in the Faith. Grant it, Lord.

23 Now as I try under these circumstances to bring a little message to the people, today, I pray that You will help me, Lord. Strengthen me, for I--I--I need it, Lord. And I pray that You will grant it. And may something be said that would just honor You. And if there be any under the sound of our voice this morning, who is not ready to meet the hour that lays before them, may this be the time that when they'll surrender to Him Who said, "I am the Way, the Life, the Truth," even our Lord Jesus Christ. For we ask it in His Name. Amen. (You may be seated.)

24 [Someone on the platform speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] The brother here wants to know if everyone can hear all right. He's got two mikes on. Is that all right? Can you hear? Raise up your hands if you can. Can you hear; raise your hands. All right.

25I'm sorry that we do not have seating room for everyone this morning. And we trust that I won't stay up here too long, just enough to maybe bring us maybe a reading of the Word; that the Lord God will honor His Word that's being read, and will give us of His grace, that we might serve Him by it.

26 Now I was told by Billy Paul, this morning, that it might be possible that we speaking next Sunday at the Grantway Assembly of God, in Tucson. If there is anyone here from Tucson, I might not get to see you this week. I'll be at the Grantway Assembly of God, next Sunday.

27So now we just come back from up in the East, and I kind of run myself down a little, by overeating, with overkindness of the people down in the mountains. And--and I got sick, so I haven't felt good this week. So, you pray for me. And...

28 [Someone says, "Too much opossum."--Ed.] What you say? ["Too much opossum."] Brother Carl Williams with his sense of humor, and I think we need it right now, he said, "Too much opossum." I don't know about that, Brother Carl, but a whole lot of squirrels. [Brother Branham laughs.]

29So you want to pray for someone this morning, why, I--I certainly appreciate if it would be some of your prayer for me, because I--I need it.

Now we want to go quickly into the Word.

30 And I don't want to keep you here too long, because I believe there is a telephone hook-up across the nation, on this this morning, goes all the way from the West Coast to the East Coast, from North and South. Many, many assemblies have got this accomodation as you all had here from the tabernacle. It's also hooked up in Phoenix, that everywhere the services is, it comes right in to the... And they gather in churches and in homes, and things like that, do a very fine way. They say it's even better than a broadcast. It's the telephone hook-up, they put a receiver or a microphone, or whatever it is, in the room. And they... My wife said, coming from Indiana last week, down to Tucson, it was just the same as standing right in the room. So we pray that God will bless all those out on the line this morning, wherever they are. Up in New York now it will be, oh, in the afternoon, and different times as it crosses the nation.

31 Now over in the Book of Romans, the 12th chapter, and the 1st and 2nd verses, we wish--wish to read this Scripture.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and perfect... good, acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

32Now, if the Lord willing, I want to take my subject for this morning, on: God's Power To Transform.

That you might not be conformed to this world: but be... transformed by the renewing of your mind, now, and prove that which is that good, perfect, and acceptable, will of God.

33 It's an old familiar text that many of your pastors has used down through your time. It's been used since It was written. But yet, one thing about the Word of God, It never grows old, because It's God. It never grows old. Through every generation now, for pretty near, about twenty-eight hundred years, or better, this Word of God has been read by man, priests, and so forth, and never does It grow old. I've been reading It, myself, for some thirty-five years. And each time I read It, I find something new that I looked over the first time. Because, It is inspired, It is God in letter form. See, It's the attributes of God speaking fore, forth, and is placed on paper.

34 Many times, man said, "Well, now, man wrote this Bible." No. The Bible says, Itself, that God wrote the Bible. It is the Word of God.

35And It never can fail. Jesus said, "Heavens and earth will fail, pass away, but My Words shall never fail." And It cannot fail, and being God, because It's part of Him.

36And then you being a son and daughter, you are part of It, and that makes you a part of Him. So that's why we come to fellowship together around the Word of God.

37 Now this word transformed, I looked up in the dictionary, yesterday. When, I almost lost track of the time that I was to be up here, when I was looking for a text, and I found this word, or this text, rather, Scripture. And in the dictionary it says that it's "something that's changed." It's to be "changed." Transformed, "made different than what it was." It's been, "Its character and everything has been changed in it," to transform.

38 And I thinking this morning, in Genesis 1. This world was without form, and it was void, and darkness was upon the earth; nothing but a complete chaos. And when this world was in that condition, the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water, and the entire picture was changed; from a total chaos, to a garden of Eden. That is transforming Power of God, that can take something that's nothing and make something wonderful out of it. God's transforming Power!

39 And we understand that, by reading the Scriptures, that God was six--six thousand years in making this preparation for this Eden. Now, He might not have been that long; but just presuming, and taking it from the Scripture where It said "one day with God, is a thousand years on earth," that is, if God should count time. And say it was six thousand years He had in making the earth, and He had planted upon the earth all good seed. There was just everything was perfect.

40I think, many times, when even critics begin to read the Book of Genesis, they begin to criticize It, because it seems like It constantly repeats Itself, or throws you out here and there.

41But if we would just notice for a moment, before we get into our text, that, Moses saw the vision. And God spoke to him. God spoke to Moses face to face, lip to ear. Now, He never spoke to any other man like that, as He did Moses. Now, Moses was a great, one of the greatest of all the prophets. He was a type of Christ. And now God can speak, He has a voice. It's been heard. God can speak.

42 And God can write. God wrote the ten Commandments with His Own finger. He wrote on the walls of--of Babylon once, with His finger. He stooped down and wrote in sand one time, with His finger. God can speak. God can read. God can write.

43God is the Fountain of all grace and Power, and of all Divine wisdom, is in God. So therefore, knowing that, He is the only Creator there is. There is no other creator but God. Satan cannot create, at all, he only perverts what's been created. But God is the only Creator.

44Therefore, He created by His Word. He sent His Word. So all the seeds that He had placed upon the earth, He formed those seeds by His Own Word, for there was no nothing else to make the seed out of. He had placed them, and they were beneath the water. He just said, "Let there be this, and let there be that."

45 Now we find out that, many times, it look like the Bible repeating or saying something to what It doesn't, say. For instance, in Genesis 1 we find that, "God created man in His Own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them." And then He goes on, and many things happened upon the earth.

46Then we come to find out, there was no man to till the soil. "Then God created man out of the dust of the earth." That was a different man. "And He breathed the spirit of life into him, and he became a living soul."

47 The first man was in the image of God, which is Spirit. John 4, says, "God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth." But God is a Spirit. And the first man, that He created, was spirit-man, and he was in the image and in the likeness of God.

48And then He put this man in flesh, and man fell. So then God came down and become in the image of man, that He might redeem that fallen man. That's the real Gospel story, to my--to my opinion.

49 Now, God, in six thousand years, had planted all these wonderful seeds, or He had spoke His Word. "It shall be this way. This tree shall be. This shall be." Everything was perfect. It was just good. And He commanded each one of those seeds that they would be, they would transform themselves into the plant of which kind of life that the Word of God had spoken in them should be. If it was an oak tree, it was to bring forth an oak. If it was a palm, it was to bring forth a palm.

50Because, the great Creator had just sent forth His Word, and the Word seed was there before the real seed was ever formed. And the Word formed the seed. See, "He made the world out of things that does not appear." See, He--He made the world by His Word. God spoke everything into existence.

51 And being God, the Creator, speaking all things into existence, it must have been a perfect world. It was a--a beautiful place. It was a--a real genuine paradise here on the earth.

52Now, as, every place has to have a headquarters somewhere. This convention has a headquarters, and this chapter has a headquarters, and a church has a headquarters. And God has a headquarters. And so this great place, nation that we live in, it's got a headquarters. And so this great Eden had a headquarters, and this headquarters was headed-up in the garden of Eden, or in Eden, east of in the garden.

53And God placed over this, to rule all His great creation here on earth, His Son and His Son's bride, Adam and Eve.

54 God was the Father of Adam. "Adam was the son of God," according to the Scriptures. He was the son of God.

55And God made him a helpmate, out of his own body; perhaps a rib from over his heart, so she would be close to him, and made him a helpmate. It really wasn't his wife as yet, no more than it was man as yet; He had just spoke it. And there is where the trouble come, Satan found her before Adam did. So, it was just His Word He had spoken.

56 I say that, I don't want to spend too much time on it. But some of you might get a bit confused, especially some of the people up in the--out in the South, seem to find just a little confusing on the Message that I have from God today, to the people, that about the serpent's seed. And I'm going to go home, the Lord willing, one of these days, to Jeffersonville. I want about a six-hour message, and straighten that all out, see, so it'll put it just in form that you'll know what we're speaking of. And it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. It's just as true as it was when It seen our Sister Florence before she went away, several years. See, It's the Truth. And now, we, maybe it's misunderstood.

57 If somebody would come to me, something contrary, I would kind of misunderstand it, myself. I wouldn't want to criticize what anyone says. We're not to criticize each other. I'm not guilty of doing that; I thank the Lord. I have criticized sin and unbelief; but no individual person, see, I--I don't. We are--we are brothers and sisters, striving, we are coming down to where Sister Florence came yesterday morning, see. She, we, we all got to come that way. And it's not my purpose to--to try to criticize a brother or sister that wouldn't agree with you. No, far be it from me to do that! I don't think you'll ever find a tape that I ever called anybody's name on. Which, I have felt that many times the person was wrong, but that's between them and God. But what is wrong, in the way of sin and... And misunderstandings sometimes is not even sin, it's just misunderstandings of people. And I--I think each one of us has a right to express ourself to our understanding.

58 Now this great Creator had placed His created son. Now, Adam was His first created son. Jesus was His only begotten Son, see, He was begotten by a woman. But Adam was right straight from the hand of God, in the creation.

59Now the headquarters, with His--His son and His son's bride over all, it looked so perfect. There was a--a man, the head of all of it, His Own son and His bride.

60And every seed was perfect, the palms, and the oaks, and the grass, and the birds, and the animals. And everything was in perfect order with the Commandment of God, "Don't change your nature. Bring forth of its kind, every seed! Oak, don't you never be perverted into a pawpaw tree." See? "Palm, don't you be perverted into something else. But every seed after his kind!" And He had--He had watched it through the times.

61 And He had spoke the Word. And His great creating Power had formed these things that come up, and even the man and the woman. And they were the head because they were the... they were super to all the other races. And He put them also under a care of the same thing that He put trees, animals, and so forth: His Word. They must not never, by no means, break that Word. They must stay There. "Don't never take anything from It, or add anything to It! You must live by this Word."

62And as long as that creation would have existed like that, Sister Shakarian wouldn't have had to have went this morning, as long as it would have stayed like that, God's great economy! It's what we believe that we are headed back to. We are going back to that spot, that place.

63Where that seventh morning, when God looked upon it all, and He said, "It's good. I--I am pleased with it. Yeah, I--I--I am glad I did it. And it's all now under control. And I have put trust in My son and in his wife, that--that they will; make them head of all of it, that they will watch over it all and see that it's all right, that everything will bring forth of its kind. Now he has the power to do that." God then said, "Well, if it's all so good, and it can't be anything else, because it's My Own desire. It's the way I want it. And I have spoke it that way, and My Words has brought it just exactly the way I wanted it. And there it is. It's all good!" So the Bible said, "God rested the seventh day, from all His works."

64 And everything under control, to bring forth of its kind. Now remember, "to bring." When He put the seed in the earth, the seed can only come forth with the power of life within it, to transform it from a seed to a plant, or whatever it was. His transforming power! Now, God put the seed in there, with potentials that it would be what He said it would be. And as long as it stayed in its right category, it would be just exactly what God said it would be. It had to be that way, because He had made it that way, and made a channel. That, anything that stays in His channel, in His line of Word, it will have to bring forth exactly like His Word said it would do. It cannot move from there. It's channeled just exactly right. So, with everything in the trust in His Own son, that it would be that way, then God said, "It's all good, so I'll just rest. And each one of those seeds has power in itself, to transform itself into the specie that I desire it to be. That's what it must be, because I have given every seed transforming power, to make out of itself, in its potentials now to make out of itself exactly what I want it to be."

65God has never changed. Just the same today as He was then! God is determined to do something. He'll do it. Nothing is going to stop Him. He'll do it!

66 Now after it's all so well and set in order, God felt sure now that this would all be all right, and then, when He did, then came in the enemy. I'm going to... God gave power to transform. And I'm going to call this fellow, with power not to--to create again, but I'm... He had power to deform, not transform; but to deform. Now, anything deformed is taken from its original state, there is something that's gone wrong with it.

67Some years ago, on patrol, going up through the corn fields. I would think of, there was a limb had blowed off of a tree, and had fell over on a stalk of corn. And the stalk was trying its best to get up straight like it was supposed to be, but it was deformed because that something had happened. And the stick was laying over it.

68 Then we find a wild creeper in the field. Which, many of you man here, and maybe some of you women... if you come from Kentucky. The women uses the hoe there the same as a man, get out in the field with a--with a hoe, we call the old gooseneck hoe, and chop the--the creepers out. For, if you didn't get those creepers out, where the corn was in the row, like this, then the creeper would reach over, grab a hold of that corn, and wrap itself around gradually, so easy, so slyly, that you would hardly tell it was wrapping. And finally it gets stronger and stronger, and it pulls that corn till it's deformed. Pulls it against itself, wraps it around its own vine; deforming it from what it was, to something else. Yet it's corn, but it's deformed corn.

69 And we are all still in the image of God. But some are so deformed, as sons of God, that walk contrary to His Word and to the way that--that He had us and provided for us to walk. Just letting something, the world twists us out of the way, pull us close to it, and away from that straight, narrow strip that He planted us in, to be sons and daughters of God. Sin has done this evil thing to the sons and daughters of God.

70 The deformer! I know this seems to be rather strange to speak of it in this way, "to--to deform," but that's what he was; he deformed, or perverted. Pervert means "to be changed over, made something different." And deform is the same thing, that it's been brought over and deformed, and "made in another way." Yet it's still the same seed, but it's deformed.

71Now we find that this deformer has also had the same amount of time, to deform, as God had to transform. Now he planted his seed, or, never planted his seed, he... in the garden of Eden. Since that time, he has had six thousand years of deforming the Seed of God, the Word of God; to deform It, make It something different; when he... the first time that Eve listened to him, and got herself just one little phrase.

72 Remember, first Satan quoted that Scripture just as clear as it could be, "God has said that, 'Ye shall not eat of every tree in the garden of Eden'?" See? "You shall not eat of every tree?"

73And remember now, Eve said, "Yes, we may eat of every tree; but the tree that's in the midst of the garden, we mustn't even touch it." Now watch him, in his message, twist that Word just a little bit. In saying... Eve said, "For God said, that, if we do this, that day we 'die.'"

74He said, "Oh, surely you will not die." See, he was a--a man, he said, "You, you do this now. And, you, you are kind of an ignorant people. You, really, you don't know all things. But if you would only partake of this, then you would have wisdom, you would have knowledge. You would know right from wrong and be like gods, you, if you would only partake of this wisdom that I have. I know, but you don't."

75 Which, it's all right to have wisdom. But if the wisdom is contrary, if the wisdom isn't correct wisdom from God, Divine wisdom, and becomes natural wisdom; I don't care how much science we have, and whatmore, or education, it's of the Devil. I'll prove it to you, the Lord willing, in a few minutes. It's of the Devil.

76Civilization is of the Devil. I just got through preaching on that. All culture in the earth, all powers of science, and everything, is of the Devil. It's his gospel he preached, of knowledge, in the garden of Eden. And he has took that knowledge, perverted knowledge, contrary to the Word and will and plan of God. And now he has had six thousand years to do just exactly what God did, only in a perverted way, and took the same amount of time to bring his own Eden in. Now he has got an Eden here on earth, and it's filled with wisdom, knowledge. That was his gospel at the beginning, knowledge, wisdom, science. Never did God ever cater to such. And I--I want you to watch a minute. He did this, and because that he was a man of worldly wisdom.

77 Now, it's hard to say this. It's--it's very hard, because speaking to people who feel the same way I do, and the way I have been for many years. But since the opening of those Seven Seals, of them Angels just behind the mountain yonder, This has become a new Book. It's the things that's been hid, is being revealed as God promised in Revelation 10, He would do it. And we are the privileged people that God has chosen, of the earth, that we might see and understand these things; which is not some mythical, fleshly mind of a person trying to make it up. It's the Word of God made manifest, proven, that It's right. Proven, not by science; but by God, that It's right. God, as I have said before in a message, God doesn't need anyone to interpret His Word. He is His Own interpreter. He says it'll happen, and it happens. That's, He--He confirms it, that interprets it.

78 A few years ago when, we pentecostal people, when the--the other churches told us that we were "crazy," we "could not, the Holy Ghost was a thing past." But we find out that God's promise was to whosoever will, and now we know different. See, and that's just little by little, this thing has opened up.

79And now He promised that the mysteries that was hid in those, all those church ages, would be revealed right at the end time. And He lets us know now. We are at the end time. We're here now.

80 Now, Satan is the author of civilization. He is the author of science. He is the author of education.

You say, "Is that true?"

81All right, let us read in God's Word now, Genesis 4, and let's go back and just see for a minute. I know I may, if I get too long, Brother Carl will probably tell me. [Someone says, "It's all right."--Ed.] But now Genesis, the 4th chapter, and the 16th verse, goes ahead telling here, in the beginning, what God did in order, to place the curse upon the man and the woman, and all that they was to do; and not the curse on them, but tell them what would happen, and curse the ground for Adam's sake. And we find out here now, that Eve had a pair of twins. And one of them was of Satan, and one of them was of God.

Now you say, "Oh, no! No. Now, Brother Branham!"

82Just a minute. You find me one Scripture, anywhere, that says that Cain was Adam's son. I'll show you in the Scripture where It says, "Cain was of that evil one," not Adam.

83 Now notice when she conceived here. We begin at the 4th chapter, first.

And Adam knew... his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten... she said now, I have gotten a son from the LORD.

84Course, it had to be. No matter if it was prostitute or anything, it had to come from God, see, because that's His seed, it's the law of His seed, it has to bring forth whether it's corrupted seed, perverted seed, or whatever it is. It's got to bring forth, anyhow. It's His command.

And she again bare his brother Abel.

85No more knew him. Adam knew his wife, and she bare Cain and also bare Abel, twins. Satan was with her that morning, Adam that afternoon.

86 You see the big fuss in the paper here, I believe, in Tucson now, of that woman bringing forth a colored child and a white child, at the same time. She lived with her husband that morning, and the man that afternoon. And the man would take care, the white man said he'd take care of his own child, but the colored man would have to take care of his own. See? I know that, in breeding of dogs and so forth, it certainly will, if it's in a few hours afterwards. This proves it.

87 Now to show where civilization come from, now let us read Genesis over here, in the 4th chapter of Genesis again, and see where. The 16th verse.

And Cain went out from the presence of God, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east side of Eden.

And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after... his son, Enoch.

88Civilization started. Doctor Scofield, here in my Scofield Bible, it says, "The first civilization." Notice, then he begot sons, and they made organs and music. The next one begot sons, and he begin to do other things, wonders, build cities, and--and make instruments of brass, and all kinds of things. See, that's what he did, become the first civilization, which was Cain-ite. He's done the same thing down through the ages.

89 Now let's get there with the 25th verse, and watch what the next was.

And Adam knew his wife again, now, and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, has appointed me another seed instead of Abel who Cain slew.

And Seth... And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: and then began men to call upon the name of the LORD (out of the Seth side, not the Cainites' side).

90See, that great intellectual that we all so hold to! What's communism today, what is their god? It's the intellectual, science. What are we doing, anyhow? Where are we living? Consider these words today.

91 Now he has his kind of an Eden, Satan does now. In these six thousand years, he has formed (not created), but deformed God's whole earth; his creatures, the animals, interbreeding, hybreeding; trees, plants, human; even to religion, the Bible, church; until he has got hisself a complete garden of Eden, of science, everything moving by science. Our automobiles, everything that we have, was given to us by science, what man has done. And he has got his great Eden here; to prove the Message is timely, to prove that it's not some other age but Revelation 10! Look at the hybreeding today, to make a better, or, prettier, not a better. Look at little children today.

92 I had my daughter to a dentist, yesterday, and he said her teeth was twisting. A brother down in Tucson, Brother Norman, had his little daughter, and her teeth was bucking out. And the dentist says that soon, he believes, that maybe in times to come, that people will be born, teeth growing any way. It's the food that we're eating, hybrid food.

93Did you read Reader's Digest, last month, about Billy Graham, the noble evangelist? Have you been listening to him? I pray for him now more than ever. When he talked to those turned-around collars, and so forth, the other night, laying it onto that clergy. Something has happened to him. One of these days, I hope he sees his position where he's at, notice, now is calling from Sodom, that perverted city. And now notice this in Reader's Digest, Billy had gotten so weak that he couldn't even hold his meetings. And they told him he had to run, take exercise, and so forth. So he runs a mile each day, I believe it is, or something, to get exercise.

94 Man is rotten. The whole human race is corrupted. Everything is like it was in the antediluvian time. It's completely upset, turned around, different from the straight row that God planted them in. Sin, through science and deception, has twisted the whole human race.

95Did you read also just below that article, where it said, "In these days, that little girls and boys are in their middle age, according to physical structure, between twenty and twenty-five years old." Think of it.

96In discernment the other night, I picked up a girl twenty-two years old, in menopause, called her out. And that's what her doctor had told her.

97See, it's a fallen, degenerate, hell-bound race of corruption. I know that sounds not ethical. But it's Biblical, see, that it is true; and this race that we're living in, this generation of people.

98 Now notice today, hybreeding cattle, hybreeding plants; and science comes right back around, the same science that does it, says, "That is what's destroying the whole human race." You read it the same as I do. Well, why don't they stop it? Is because that they can't stop it. God's Word has said it would be that way. But if they would think for a minute, they are the instruments, as Judas Iscariot, placing exactly the thing that God said would happen. It's doing it just exactly on their own basis of science.

99By his scientific research, in the same pattern he deceived Eve, he also has deceived the church, which there Eve was a type. Now, now Adam a type there again, or Eve, rather, of the church, notice what it did. Through the wandering for knowledge, she slips across the line between right and wrong, by listening to Satan's perversion, or deformity, of the original Word of God.

100 And now the churches today has become deformed. Now I'm not talking about the peoples, the individuals. I'm talking about the church world. One is twisted one way, and one twisted another, and, by science. Same pattern that he did. He has carried out his threat, Satan has, of Isaiah 14:12.

101Let's just read that for a minute. In the Book of Isaiah, let's begin the 14th chapter, the 12th verse.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cast down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

This is Isaiah seeing him in a vision, see, in the age to come.

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,... the sides in the north:

102 Satan's purpose, from Eden, was to make his ownself an Eden; and exalt himself above, so the stars of God would worship him, sons would worship him. And he has absolutely carried it out now, and when he's done this and brought it into the church. Which, I won't go in details. Any of you listening to them tapes know about it. That, that's exactly the hour we're living in, and it's Satan that's done it through educational program, better fit, better this, better that. And not knowing, all the time, they're walking right straight into death. Blinded, leading the blind, blinded leaders of the nations, blinded leaders of science, blind leaders of the church, blind leading the blinded. Jesus said, "Let them alone, they will both fall in the ditch."

103 Here notice the type of the two Edens so closely typed together, till almost deceive the very Elected. Matthew 24:24 said that it would be that way. But I want us to stop for a few moments and consider these two Edens, and one thing especially, how the Bible tells us that God's Word did produce that Eden, and how God's Word warns us that the other Eden would come.

104Now, we also know that there has got to be another Eden, if we would also listen to the prophet, Paul, in II Thessalonians the 2nd chapter. I could read It if you want to.

He who exalts himself; that day will not come, of the Lord, until that man of sin be revealed,...

... he who sits in the temple of God, exalting himself above all that is called God, so that he as God is worshipped as God.

105Think of that! Now Isaiah 14, the prophet said that he saw "Lucifer, in his heart," through a vision under inspiration of God, "saying he would do that." In Isaiah, eight hundred years before Paul, or approximately then.

106Now here, eight hundred years later, Paul sees him, comes to his position. Notice, it heads up, his Eden; his scientific Eden, with his scientific world, with a scientific bride-church, all under the--the word of "knowledge," great seminaries, great degrees, educational programs.

107 Listen, brother, sister, each one of us is going to walk that road that Florence walked. I ask you, in Jesus' Name, to consider This. Not consider me. I'm your brother. That, that isn't it. Consider the Word that I am speaking, of God's Bible. And look through, perfectly vindicated in God's Own Word, in the age we're living in, where we're at.

108These programs are absolutely antichrist, in themselves. Now, he has got to have an Eden, he said he would do it. Here is the simple Word of God saying he would do it, and here we look right out and seeing him do it. He has done it with his intellectual, scientific, denominational bride. He is going to take head, one of these days, in a World Council of Churches that will be set up. All will be with him. Trying...

109 The people, not because they're bad people; they were planted in that straight row, like corn, but Satan sowed the creepers, called science, research, education, doctors' degrees. Sometime they won't even let you in the pulpit unless you can produce a doctor's degree from some seminary somewhere. It's all wrong! Not the people; it's the program that's wrong. And now what's it done? It's all headed up again, and brought the whole entire world (through a bunch of hybreeding, perversion of the original Seed of God) to another darkened chaos.

110But I'm so glad that God is mindful of us again, that He can still move upon the face of the condition. He promised He would do it, and call a little flock which would be His Bride.

111 Notice here again now, how perfect these churches type, or these Edens.

112God, through a Seed of His Word! And there is only one thing that can quicken the Word, and that is the Spirit, for It is the Life-Giver to the Word. And when the Life in the Word meets the Life of the Spirit, It produces whatever the Seed is.

113Now notice what's happened. In the garden of Eden was God's economy of innocence, and that was one of the--the dispensations. The first dispensation was innocent, the people knowed no sin. They didn't know anything about sin. Both Adam and Eve were naked, but they were hid from their nakedness, by a spirit veil over their face. They never knew that they were naked, at all, because they were hid. For, God's veil in their own minds, they didn't know what right and wrong was. And them both standing there naked, showed that the knowledge had not yet come to them, see, that they were naked. The pair was naked and knew it not.

114 Now if you'll turn, if you wish to, or write it down, to Revelation, the 3rd chapter. The Holy Spirit predicting this last age, to the Laodicea Pentecostal Church Age in the last days, He said:

... thou art naked, and blind, and know it not.

115There is God's Seed, under innocence, not knowing at all they were naked, under a veil of the Holy Spirit, veiling them from sin.

116And now in the last church age, we find here that they're naked again, and don't know it. But it's not the Holy Spirit veil. It's the veil that Satan slipped over Eve back there, a veil of lust, the lust veil. They are so filthy till they don't know that they are naked, our women on the street, with shorts on, sexy dress.

117 Someone sent me a piece in the paper the other day, of this new dress that they're going to wear, I think, fourteen inches from the hips, or something. And I wonder if our--if our women folks does realize that that is a lust veil?

118Now you--you would say, "I can prove, before God, that I am innocent of any adultery to my husband, or I--I... all this."

119But still, at the Judgment, you're going to be called an "adulteress." The Bible said so. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

120 "Blind, naked, and don't know it!" Not them poor little women out there; there is nothing I got against them. It's that evil! And the system of the church seems to fail to recognize it or stand against it; let them bob off their hair, wear make-up, and shorts and things, under the name of Christianity. What a horrible thing it is! See, they are naked again, in Satan's Eden, and knows it not. They don't know it.

121I believe I see, perhaps, looking across here, the swimming pool, that women out there now. If that woman only realized that what she is doing, but she doesn't know it. She is naked. Her body is sacred. She strips off the clothes that God clothed her with, with skin, for this generation. She constantly cuts it off. She is naked, under the word of "civilization, higher education, better civilization, higher ethics." Let me be sure that this soaks in. It's all of the Devil, and will be destroyed at the Coming of the Lord Jesus. It'll be destroyed, every bit of it. There won't be one thing left.

122And, oh, friend, across the nation, as you are listening to me here in Phoenix, think of those things! You are here subject to them. Now, Jesus said that they would deceive the Elected if possible.

123 The first spirit was a... first veil was a holy veil, Holy Spirit, and she wasn't supposed to look out of That. But when--when Satan begin to talk to her about knowledge, she just had to take a little peep at the world.

124And that's exactly what her daughter, the church, has done. You have to see, you have to dress like some movie star, or young men have to act like Elvis Presley or--or Pat Boone, or--or some of those people, under the name of religion.

125Pat Boone is a Church of Christ. Elvis Presley is a Pentecostal. Two demonized characters that's throwed the world in a worse chaos than Judas Iscariot did at the betraying of Jesus Christ. They don't know it. Them boys don't know that. Nothing that I have against those--those boys, man, it's the spirit that's motivating it.

126 Just step over on that side one bit, let that creeper just get one little hold around the shuck of that corn, one time, watch what takes place; the corn is gone. Oh, yeah, it's done got him. And that's the way it'll do it. It'll do it every time. Eve had to take just one peep at the world.

127And let me say something to you, brother and sister. In First John, the 2nd chapter and the 15th verse, we can read It if you wish to, the Bible says:

... If we love the world, or the things of the world, it's because the love of God is not even in us.

128 Now, the word there is not earth; it's a Greek word, is kosmos, which means "the world's order." If we love fashions of the earth, the world, if we love the trend of the day, if we think "this is a wonderful time, oh, we have all these things," if you think that, it's because your thinking is wrong. It is perverted by the Devil. "For if you love the world's order, and the things of this present world, it's because the love of God is not even in you." Remember that. O God! Look what we're looking into!

129 Here I want to stop just a minute and tell you a little story. I heard a chaplain from the First World War. They had throwed...

130Like Satan at the beginning, when he come into the garden of Eden. He could not dig up those Seeds. He could not destroy them. But he sprayed them with poison, and it deformed the Seed, it didn't bring forth its right kind. It deformed the original Seed.

131And that's what all these programs of religion. They are still sons and daughters of God, but it's being deformed. They go to church, wanting to do right. A nun never enters a nunnery to be a mean woman. A minister never goes through school just to be a--a--a bad man. You never join church, and shake hands, put your name on the book, or whatever you do in your church, to be a bad person. You do that to be a good person. But it's the deception, it's the deformity that does it. Satan sprayed it. See? God never had an organization. There is no such a thing anywhere found in the Words of God.

132God is our organization, we are organized in Him, a Body, in God, in Heaven. That's right. Our names are on the Lamb's Book of Life. See? Notice.

133 But, see, I know it's very hard, but I--I want you to suffer just a little longer if you will. In the time of the world's war... Excuse me for getting away from my subject.

134But to make this point, I--I wanted to give you my analysis of what Satan done in Eden: sprayed horrible poison spray. Would you like to know what that spray was? I can tell you. I got the formula of it, two words: unbelief, which is contrary to faith, sprayed unbelief, doubt. And science filled its place. Where the cavity is, that went into the Seed, Satan filled that cavity with knowledge and science and civilization, and it's deformed the whole, entire creation of God.

135 I know you think I'm getting you on a limb, but I'm on the limb with you. And we're all here to try to find what we can do. We don't say those things to be different. We must be honest.

136We, each one, come down to the end of the road, where we're going to give account for every word. Right now, we know that our voices... When we are born, our first little cry goes all on a tape. It's going to be played back again at the Day of Judgment. Even the clothes you wear will be showed in your face, at the Day of Judgment. Even science has found that, by television. See, television doesn't manufacture a picture, it only channels it. The color of clothes, every time you move, every thoughts in your mind, is absolutely kept on God's record. And that big thing will be laid right before you, every one of them filthy dresses you wore; every time you went to the barber shop, cut that hair that God give you. It's going to be. You'll answer for it. You can't make a move right there, just even the thoughts of your heart while you're doing it, will be played right before you. How you going to escape? "How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?" See? We're not going to escape. Every move, and the thoughts of the heart, is recorded right in another dimension, even the color of clothes you wear. Television, colored television proves it right out, pulls it out and shows it, see, and that's just in one dimension from the three that we live in. See?

137 Now how the poison has struck the church, struck the earth! Satan's poison upon the Seeds, has put cavities in it and caused it to be deformed. More and more, he sinks deeper into the hearts of the churches, and in the hearts of the people and everything, science, science. Until it's become a place where the human race, by being interbred... I believe every seed should bring forth of its kind. And the human race, and the plant, and all being interbred, has brought us to a place; in eating our food from the earth, which, our bodies, has made hybrid, it's put our whole minds... Now, if our bodies are falling, from twenty to twenty-five years old, because of degenerated cells, by hybrid foods, don't our brain cells degenerate? Isn't that cells, also? That's why Ricky runs through the street here, with this hot rod; while Ricketta, Elvitta's, and many of them, as we would call name, out here half naked before the people, mentally gone, no more conceptions of decency or morals.

138 To my little story. This chaplain said he had been down in the hospital, and said so many boys laying in the tent, some... He had just come from the outside. He said he went out there, and some officer told him, said, "Chaplain, we want to ride out, to take a look at the fields out there." They had throwed this mustard and chlorine gas, as they did in them days.

139And said, "I got out there, Brother Branham," said, "there wasn't a bark on a tree, there wasn't a sprig of grass. It was on an Easter morning." He said, "There was some old wrecked tanks down there, the officer had to get record of them, and see if there was anything could be done for them, near the great Argonne Forest. Said, "When I was standing there by myself," said, "I looked up, said, 'O God, this is the way it's all coming to.'" That's right, it's all coming. It was all burnt up, no life nowhere at all, grass burnt off; the tree, by that gases, trees killed, everything was killed, twisted, hanging down, where bullets and things riddled it.

140 If that isn't a picture of the world today, where Satan is spraying his unbelief, his hybreeding, his science, his knowledge! Until, what it was at the beginning, when God put Adam and Eve in the garden, that beautiful paradise without death, without sickness, without sorrow, and everything perfect in order, look what Satan's DDT has done! She is a chaos. There is nothing left in it.

141He said, "I started crying. I walked back, I was attracted to a rock." Said, "I just went over there and looked at the rock, pushed it over. Down beneath the rock was a little white flower growing, the only living thing left, because it had been sheltered by a rock."

142God, my Rock, shelter us today, O God, when these poisons are flying everywhere in the name of science and education. Shelter us. Keep me until that day, O God, is my prayer. [Someone on the platform says, "Don't put any time limit, Brother Branham."--Ed.] Now I hope that we, each one, are under that Rock, Christ.

143 I just preached the other day, many of you heard it. I was going down through the woods, hunting, and I was attracted to turn around. And I looked, and there laid an empty cigarette carton or package, or what you call it. And it's the company, I don't feel I should call their name, but the tobacco company had, they have a slogan, "A thinking man's filter, a smoking man's taste."

144I started walking on down a--a little further in the woods, and Something attracted me, "Go back to that cigarette pack."

145I thought, "Heavenly Father, I'm going down here to that tree where those squirrels was spoke into existence by You, one morning. Why would You call me back?"

146And Something said, "You've got a sermon coming for Sunday. Your text is wrote on it."

I thought, "On a cigarette pack?" I went back.

147And I begin to think, "A thinking man's filter," what a deception that is! If a man was a thinking man, he wouldn't smoke at all. But, you see, people swallow that.

148 I believe it was two years ago, when I was in one of the conventions, I went up to the world's fair when it was on the West Coast. And they had Yul Brynner's picture and many of them there. And the scientists, many of them, was in the same hall, about the danger of smoking. How they pull that smoke across a marble, and took a little Q-tip and took up the nicotine off there and put it on a rat's back, and put him in a cage, in seven days he was so full of cancer he couldn't even walk. See? He said... Pulled it through water.

Said, "Filter!"

149Said, "Filter? There is no such a thing." Said, "You... Now, this is science themselves. They said, "You cannot have smoke unless you got tar. Tar makes the smoke."

150 And the only thing it is, is a gimmick, to sell more cigarettes. When that, if I... Don't hope you think I'm sacrilegious or a fanatic. That devil in a man, that makes him smoke, to kill himself. When he--he wants the nicotine of one cigarette, that will supply his desire, now the company comes around with this deceiving gimmick, and says, "A thinking man's filter." He'll have to smoke four or five cigarettes, to make as much tar in you (to satisfy him) as you did with the one. Americans selling death to their brethren and sisters! I don't get it.

151 But yet in there, I thought, "There is a thinking man's Filter that's right."

152Now if a man was smoking, remember, it produces a smoking man's taste. Then, if you cannot have the... fill the desire of a smoke until you get the smoke there and get... has to produce the taste. So you smoke four cigarettes, or five, and pay more for it than you would if you just smoked one regular cigarette. See, it's a gimmick, a sales gimmick; deceiving the people, Americans. When I think of Valley Forge, George Washington; with two-thirds of his soldiers, and no shoes on their feet, on that cold day, to make us the economy that we are! And then Americans sell American, his brother and sister, death, under a false gimmick, for filthy lucre, the root of all evil. The crave of money, love. The whole thing has gone mad, knowing not that this whole thing will perish! But if you don't get no smoke, you can't have the taste.

153 Then I thought, "There is a thinking man's Filter." A thinking man's Filter! And I took my text from "A thinking man's Filter produces a holy man's taste."

154So I thought that our denominations has done a whole lot like that, take people in and call themselves Christians that's just any way. Why? They get more in their denomination or organizations. We get more in there because we let them come in under this, that, and the other, and anything. "That don't make any difference, just so they put their name on the book and say they're a Christian. That's all. Oh, 'by faith you're saved.' You have to believe." The Devil does the same thing. Yeah.

155You got to be borned again, and that comes through God's Filter! Now there is a thinking man's Filter. I'm holding It in my hand. It won't produce a denominational taste, but It will certainly satisfy a holy man's taste, you know.

156 How could a bobbed-haired woman ever come through this Filter? How could a woman with shorts on ever come through It, or slacks, when the Bible says, "It's an abomination to God, for a woman to put on a garment that even pertains to a man"? And how can a man that thinks anything of himself, get out here and dress like the women, let his hair grow out like a woman, down in his eyes, with bangs, and twirled up like that? He is wearing his wife's underneath clothes. She is wearing his outer clothes. A thinking man's filter? A thinking man won't do that, or a thinking woman won't do it. God's Word won't let it pass through.

157There isn't one thing could pass through that Word. That's the Holy Spirit, and It brings the Word into you, and It produces a holy man's taste.

158 Look at today, Ricketta on the street, lovely, beautiful anatomy God gave to her, and Satan using it. And she'll dress so immorally, not knowing that a week from today she may be rottening in the grave.

159Coming down the street here not long ago. I was preaching at a convention in an Assemblies of God over on the West Coast, in a meeting out to the Southwestern Bible School. A little lady walking down the road, a little... them little clothes on, bikini's, ever what you call it, and fringe hanging out, with a cowboy hat and boots. I was going up the road. I thought, "Poor little fellow, some mother and dad's child, was put here to be a daughter of God, and has become a bait trap of the Devil." I thought, "I believe I'll just turn around and go back, and tell that kid." She looked to be about the age of my Sarah there, seventeen years, sixteen years old, or something. I thought, "No, I better not. I'll just go up here on the road and pray for her. If somebody seen me stop and talk to her, I better not do it."

160 Now, and listen, sons of God, you get in that same place, these Jezebels of the day play up to you, but a thinking man will think first. She may be so pretty, it may be "I could make a hit with her," but it'll cost you your soul, boy; some of you girls, to these Rickies! Thinking man's Filter produces a holy man's taste.

161You married man, when you see them women on the street like that, you sons of God, don't you realize what taken place in the first beginning? When science had made women so pretty in the antediluvian world, until the sons of God took daughters of man (not daughters of God), and God never did forget it. They destroyed the whole thing; science, prettier. It used to be... You notice the beauty of women lifting in the last days, is a sign of the end; God has proved it. So, use a thinking man's Filter, you'll have a holy man's taste. It'll cost you your home. It'll cost you your position. It'll cost you everything you got; besides that, your soul! It'll break up your home. It may have another man raise your children, or another woman raise your children.

162 Take a thinking man's Filter, it'll produce a holy woman's taste. When you start to the barber shop, or something another, and they tell you, "You're going to have a headache, you know." Take a thinking woman's Filter, what the Bible said, see, then turn away from it. See? Don't you do it.

163I'm your brother, and I love you. Nothing I have against you. God knows. And that's what makes me say the things I do, is because of--of love of God for you. If a man would go out there and they won't tell you, your pastor let you sit around and act like that, he don't love you. He can't love you. I wouldn't want that kind of love for the women. I want to have a holy taste for my sister. I want her really be my sister. Not somebody can say, somebody talk about her being so pretty and how she is, and those sex queens, "She goes to my... Huh-uh. No. I want her a lady!

164O Lord, keep me under the Rock. Yes. In Ephesians 5:26, the only one way you can get through that Rock, that's, "Washed by the waters of separation by the Word." That's right.

165 Now, don't let this Devil spray you with his education. No, no. It'll kill the influence of you. Don't let the Devil take that, "Well, I belong to the church that my mother belonged to, that my father, my grandmother." Don't let the Devil spray you with that. The Bible has already said, on the Seven Church Ages, and things there, it's all gone to seed! That's right. The whole thing is corrupt. The whole thing is a putrefied sore. Don't let him spray you, say, "Well, it's higher ethics. We are more educated than we used to be in old days." Don't you let the Devil put that over on you. I've showed you his whole program of civilization, education and science. He's got it right into the church, and don't you listen to that. Keep your head out of them old dirty televisions and things!

166 And our text says, "Be not conformed, but be ye transformed." Not go in and say, "I was confirmed, Sunday." No. Go in and be transformed right now, transformed from what you are, to what God wants you to be.

167Now, it depends on what kind of seed that's in you. If an intellectual, educational seed has been placed in you, there is only one thing it can do, deform you, that's all, to a son or daughter of God. It's the only thing it can do. People today, as I look out, they act like they don't even believe there is a God.

168 Pardon this expression. If anybody's feelings is hurt by this, I don't mean it. A couple of Sunday's ago I was invited, by my own daughter, to come in to a television set and to watch a religious singing. It's at Sunday morning. I wanted to hear Oral Roberts on his program, I told them to let me know. Said, "You hear this, this is a great hymn sing." My son standing there, told me about it, too. And I turned that set...

169We rent from a woman that has the television in her house. I never intend to have one in my house. No, sir. I don't want that thing in my house. I would blow it out with my shotgun. I don't want nothing to do with that evil thing. No, sir! But took a...

170 Let me tell you about you Arizonians here. You seen that analysis the other day, of schools, didn't you? Eighty percent of the children in Arizona schools are suffering with mental deficiency, sixty-seven percent of them was by looking at television. How about that?

171You had better use your shotgun! See? Now, don't let the Devil spray you with that. No, sir. Now people, as I said, people act like they don't have to come to Judgment.

172These boys and girls, they had some Indian family, and a whole lot of stuff. I think a fellow named Mr. Pool is the head of it. And if I ever seen a modern mockery of hymns, it was the way they handled it; a bunch of Rickies standing there, shaking their hands up-and-down.

173 I certainly appreciated that young man here this morning, that sang, looked decent, like a real man. I--I like that. When you--you businessmen sometime here get a bunch of these Rickies that stand here, and hoop and holler, and carry on, and hold their breath till they're blue in the face; and that's not singing, that's just making a lot of scientific noise. Singing is "melody from the heart."

174 And I thought, "What a pity! What a shame it is! So how under the name of religion, they act like there is no God! Someone said, the other day, to a boy that goes with my daughter. A Christian boy said, give it a smart remark about Adam and Eve, said, "Eve going through the garden. Said, 'Children, you see that tree there?' Said, 'That's where your mother eat us out of house and home.'" Could you imagine, supposed to be a staunch Christian, that would take a promise and a Word of God and throw it off to a hog pen! They act like they don't have to come to Judgment. But God will bring every secret into Judgment. They act like there is no God.

175 I don't want to call them a fool, because the Bible said... the fool, not right. Jesus said it isn't. "Don't call no man a fool." But in Psalms 14:1, "The fool said in his heart, 'There is no God.'" See? They, they're not. I don't want to call them fools, but they act like they are. They act like it.

176So, you see where we're at today, like there is no God. "I belong to church! And all the whole thing, the Bible, is a big joke. Our church knows where they're going!" Yeah, right straight to hell. And exactly right on their road, right down through science and education, theological seminaries and things, just breezing them right down the road. The Holy Spirit doesn't have a chance to give a revelation on nothing; the seminary has done got it cut out.

177The Holy Spirit is to lead us; not a seminary, not bishops and overseers, and so forth. The Holy Ghost is our Leader.

178 Cain was such a person as that. He was very religious in deed. Now, if religion is all that you have to have, then God was unjust by condemning Cain. Because, he was religious, he was just as religious and sincere as Abel was. Now remember, he thought of God, he worshiped God, he had a church, he built an altar, he made a sacrifice, he prayed, he worshiped, but he was rejected. No matter how... Esau was, also. See?

179Religion, see, that is Satan's business; not to kill the whole thing, but just contaminate it. That's all. He ain't going to kill the whole thing. Oh, not communists; no, no, the antichrist is not communism. The Bible said, "It would deceive the Elected if it was possible." Don't notice the iron curtain, but the purple one. Uh-huh.

180 But, notice, Cain come to worship, but he had the wrong seed in him, serpent's seed. The hiss of the serpent had hissed over him, for he was the seed of the woman. He knew the perfect will of God, but he refused to do it. Did you know that? Satan knows the will of God, but just refuses to do it.

181Notice, he had seen God vindicate Abel's message. Now I want you to think, use your thinking man's Filter now for a minute. Abel's correct message, that God vindicated to be the Truth! Are you drawing now? Uh-huh. Abel's message had been received, and Cain saw it and knowed that God had vindicated that message right. But he just couldn't do it. His pride kept him from it. That's right, his pride kept him from doing it. He seen God vindicate the message.

182 So it seems to be now, so hard for people to humble themselves to the Word of God. They, they just don't want to do it. They'll humble themselves to the creed of the church, sure, but not to the Word of God.

183If you want to find this, you go to... I got a Scriptures here, that's what I'm referring to here. Genesis 4:6 and 7, God said to Cain, said, "Why are your countenance fallen? Why are you all full of temper, walking around? You just heard a message that upset you." Said, "Well, what are you doing that for? Why are your countenances fell, because I didn't come into your church? So why did you do it?"

Are you using a thinking man's Filter? See?

184Or, "Why didn't... Why you looking like that?" Said, "If you'll do well, go do like your brother is doing out there, I'll receive you and bless you. I'll do for you the same thing." But he just couldn't do it. He said, "Now, if you don't, sin of unbelief lieth at the door."

185 Now when they tell us, "The days of miracles has passed." And they see it so perfectly vindicated and proved, you see, all these things that God promised He would do in the last days, of Revelation 10 and Malachi 4, all those things so perfectly vindicated. What's the matter, brethren? What's wrong, see?

186If they don't; unbelief, which is sin. There is only one sin, that's, unbelief. That's right. You're not condemned because you drink, smoke, chew, wear shorts, do whatever you do. No, that don't condemn you. It's because you don't believe. If you believed, you won't do that. See? A believer doesn't do that. He takes a thinking man's Filter, see, see, or a thinking woman's Filter, either one. All right. But, you see, sin lieth at the door.

187 Now notice what that done to Cain, and it's going to do the same today. It made Cain go away, a willful sinner. He willfully was disobedient. Every person will be the same way. Willfully disobedient after he had seen Abel's message so vindicated of God, that it was the truth, and refused to do it. Done the same then. Then he crossed the dividing line.

188There is a line you can cross. You know that, don't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, ministers, both here and out in the--the telephone land where this broadcast is coming across the nation, do you realize that? When you see it is Scripture, and you won't do it, God won't always... He'll... Oh, you'll go on, be blessed. So was every one of Israel, they lived right in the wilderness, and raised children, crops, and blessed, and everything, but "every one of them Eternally separated from God." Jesus said so. Oh, yes, God will bless you right on, but you're gone. Certainly. That's what the Bible says now, that's what He said. Notice, you can cross the separating line. Do you believe that? ["Amen."] Cain did it.

189 Let--let's just turn over here a minute, I got Hebrews 10:26. Let's see if I can find that right quick. The Book of Hebrews, the 10th chapter and the... I believe, the 26th verse. I got it wrote out here. Just a minute, if you'll bear with me, and let's just read It a minute. All right, here we are.

For if we sin wilfully after that we... received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin,

But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and the fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversary.

190That's THUS SAITH GOD'S HOLY WORD. If we disbelieve willfully after we have seen It and heard It, then we're across the line. There will never be no more forgiveness for it, you have crossed the line.

"Oh," you say, "God still blesses me." Oh, yeah.

191 Remember Israel, the borderlines. When God gave them a promise, over in the Holy Land; in the land, it was good, of milk and honey. And when Moses sent out Caleb and Joshua, and the spies, to go over and spy out the land, and brought back the vindicated evidence.

192The ten of them said, "We cannot do it. We're unable. Look at the difficult there. We'll be fanatics. We got these little bitty things to fight with. Look what they got. We, we can't do it. We're not able to do it."

193Joshua and Caleb said, "We are more than able to do it! God made the promise."

194And, remember, they turned back. That was at Kadesh-barnea. And they turned back and become wanderers in the wilderness. And every one of them died, and is lost Eternally. Jesus said so.

195Don't cross that separating line, see. "When you know to do good, and doeth it not, to you it's sin."

196 Israel did the same. After they seen Moses vindicated, and then let Balaam spray them, that precious vindicated Seed. Pastor, don't you (never) say nothing against this Word. Look at Balaam, he was a prophet, and he seen the Seed of God, vindicated. But under his own great denomination that he lived in, Moab seen that bunch of wanderers coming through the land, he sprayed it, and said, "Well, wait a minute. We're all Christians. We're all believers. Why, our fathers and your fathers are the same. Aren't we Lot's children? Wasn't Lot, Abraham's nephew? Aren't we all the same? Let's marry one another." And Israel, as Eve in the garden of Eden, let Satan spray her, he also sprayed Israel through a false prophet. When, the real prophet was with them, with vindicated Word. But by an intellectual knowledge conception, he sprayed them. Think of it now, it was never forgiven, the sin was never forgiven.

197 The seeds rotted right in the path of duty, on the road to the promised land. Every one of them perished and rotted, right straight at church, in the line of duty, following God. And let Satan spray that intellectual spray over them, educational, intellectual conception, saying, "Why, we are all the same, we're all children of God." You're not! But he let that false teacher there spray them with that intellectual conception that he had of It.

198And just like the Ecumenical Council is doing right now, see, same thing, "Why, we'll all join together in one great organization." Your whole organizational system is of the Devil. It's the mark of the beast, in the Bible. I'll have the book on it, pretty soon, the Lord willing.

199 Notice, in Noah's time, seeing the Word being erected, to float. Now let make a little remark here, the Word being put together for to be transformed from the ground to the skies. Seeing the structure of the thing; but with their intellectual conceptions, laughed in the face of the prophet, Noah, when he was prophesying of the end time. But what did... That structure was made of the Word of God, pitched inside and out, with prayer and faith. When the rains come, all the intellectual conceptions of religions died and rotted right in the... right in their churches, right upon the earth. And the ark floated above it all. The scientific sprayed seed rotted right in judgment.

200 What are we trying to do, anyhow, are we trying to establish our church or are we trying to establish the Word of God? What are we trying to do? Where we working at? Are we trying to get the people back into This? What's this great Eve trying to do here in this last days, this church Eden?

201I'm going to have to quit right away, brother, 'cause it's--it's getting too late. [A brother says, "Go on!"--Ed.] Just give me just about fifteen more minutes, and I'll stop on my--my Scriptures here. ["Certainly, go ahead."] Yeah. All right. I know. Well, the people probably wants to get in here and clean this up. But I just seem like it's hard for me to quit. ["Just go ahead." "Well, there ain't no hurry."] I'll hurry. All right.

202 Look, the great scientific, educational, hybrid Eve today, called the church, what is she trying to do? Is she trying to exalt God's Word, and let the people do the way they're doing? They're not using a thinking man's Filter, or, God's Filter. Look what they're producing. They're exalting themselves. The church is, in her deformed seed of knowledge program, has caused the whole race to be scientifically ignorant of the Word of God. Now I'll catch those remarks, I'm not going to hold on them too long now, to get finished. Scientifically ignorant! When God, right here on the earth, doing the things that He is doing, by His promised Word, and they ignore It and walk away because they are scientifically ignorant. Scientifically ignorant!

203 I was smiling then because of Brother Williams here, wrote over here on a piece of paper, "You can stay at it all afternoon," something. But, I appreciate that, that's really fine.

204 But the people are--are willfully sinning. It's brought the--the whole system of church world today into a willful sin against God. Why, common decency will prove to you that It's right. All right. A lust veil blinded their eyes, to the Word of God, and she finds herself naked again. You know, God, in Revelation 3, said, "Come, buy some eye salve from Me, that your eyes might be opened." See, the eye salve is His Word.

205 You know, they say, "Well, this man studied forty years, to get his degrees. He is a BLD, DD, and all this."

206You know what Jesus said about that? He said, "Let a man deny himself." Paul did.

You say, "That don't mean that."

207Well, why did Paul follow it up for, then? He said, "I never come to you with enticing words of man's wisdom, because you would build your hopes upon that. But I come to you in power and manifestations of the Holy Ghost, that your word would be... your faith would be built on the Word of God, not the manifestations of a wisdom."

208 It seems that people has lost their common decency and modesty. They're not like they used to be. It used to be, when the prophet said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," the people trembled. Yeah, they certainly did. The people moved, for they was afraid. But now they lost all their scare of It. They don't fear God.

209Solomon said, "The--the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom," just the beginning of it.

210But the prophet can speak THUS SAITH THE LORD; the people say "nonsense!" See, there is not a hope for them. It's, they say, "Why, we are smart. We're intellectual, we don't have to take that kind of stuff! We know what we're talking about!"

211It's also an old proverb, that, "Fools will walk with hobnailed shoes, where Angels fear to trod." Certainly.

212 Now, what is the transformation? (Quickly.) How do we get it? What does the transformation? God does it by the Spirit of His Word. He transforms. He plants His Seed, throws His Spirit on It, and It brings forth the product. His Holy Spirit transforms the Seed Word in to be vindicated of its kind.

213What kind of a seed you are, that shows just what's in you. You can't hide it. Whatever you are inside, it shows outside. You just can't keep from it. You can't make that tree anything but what it is. See, it's--it's going to be that way. The Holy Spirit transforms the seeds that's on the inside of it. No matter what kind of a seed it is, It'll transform it. If it's evil, it'll bring forth evil. If it's a hypocrite, it'll bring forth a hypocrite. If it's a genuine Word of God, it'll bring forth a genuine son or daughter of God, through a thinking man's Filter. When the Seed comes up, it comes through That, It produces a son and daughter of God.

214 One day when the world lay in the darkness of chaos, God... Now listen close, 'cause we're not going to speak... just a little bit longer. Look. One day when the world was again in all kinds of religions, washing hands, pots, wearing different robes and bonnets, and so forth, it lay in the midst of utter chaos. The genuine Israel of God had been so perverted from the laws and statutes of God, Jesus said, "You, with your traditions, make the Word of God of no effect to the people, by your traditions." And look at them holy priests, they call them; and Jesus said, "You are of your father, the Devil, and his works you do." See, that's exactly what He said.

215 Now when the world lay in that kind of a fix, God's Spirit moved again upon a Seed that was predestinated. He translated and transformed Isaiah 9:6 of Its promise; He, God, was made in human flesh, to save that chaos time. When man was made in the image of God, here comes God, by the prophet foreseeing it... Now remember the Word, the prophet foresaw it, just the same prophet that seen Satan in this last days, see, of this educational program and things he has, religious program. The same prophet, Isaiah 9:6, said, "Unto us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and His Name shall be called 'Counsellor, The Prince of Peace, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father.' And of His reign there will be no end." And that Word is God's Word. And the Spirit moved upon that Word, and It formed in the womb of a virgin; a man, "a son is born," not created, "born."

216 Satan tried and tried again, to spray It. He took Him up and said, "If You are what You say You are, then do some of this healing here for me. Show me how You can do it. Turn this, bread, and this stones into bread. Let's see you take a dive, because the Scripture says You'll do it."

217You see them religious devils today still saying that same thing? "If there is such a thing as Divine healing; here lays Brother So-and-so, let's see you heal him."

218That same Devil stood at Jesus, at the cross, said, "If Thou be the Son of God, come down off the cross."

219The Word said He was the Son of God. The Spirit proved He was the Son of God. Isaiah 9:6 was fulfilled. And the other night, many of you in the broadcast heard how that we give sixty-some-odd Scriptures, almost, I believe, about proving that the Scripture said that That was Him.

220 Oh, Satan tried and tried again, do everything. One night, laying on the back of a ship, he seen Him asleep. And he said, "I'll destroy Him right now." But he couldn't.

221He tried to tempt Him into doing the wrong thing, but he couldn't do it. Why? He had been sprayed with the repellent of predestination. It can't be deceived. No, no. The Word said He would be here. Amen. There ain't no devil going to bother Him, and no other son of God, that's predestinated to take his place. He is sprayed with a repellent. Satan's poison, denominational doctors don't even touch Him at all. He moves right along, nothing going to bother him, see. It didn't have any effect upon Him.

222 "Well, I'll make You the bishop of all the earth. I have rule over it. If You'll just worship me, come on join my group, I'll--I'll make You the ruler. I'll step down, let You up."

223He said, "Get behind Me, Satan. It is written, 'Thou shall worship God, the Word, and Him only shall thou serve.'" Then one day...

On this great Person, I'd like to stay there a while.

224But one day, the Spirit moved upon Him again; 'cause there was some Word had been wrote about Him, come from God, through the prophet, "And He was led to the slaughter, like a lamb." And the Spirit moved upon Him, and led Him, and sent Him to Calvary's cross. There He died. And everything that was spoke of Him in His death, was fulfilled, to bring Light and Life to all the predestinated seed of God that was upon the earth. He brought the way to do it. Here is the Seed, the Spirit brings the Life; transforming sons and daughters of God, from the world in this dark chaos, in to be sons and daughters of God.

225 Don't stumble at that word "predestination." I know you do. But, listen, It's not my word. It's one of God's Words. You want to read it, read Ephesians 1:5, which, "He has predestinated us to the adoptions of sons through Jesus Christ." See?

226Just let me just break it just a minute, just a minute, to break this out of your mind. Look. Just as you were in your father, at the beginning, a germ seed. Did you know that, every one of you? You were in your great-great-great-grandfather, also, did you know that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

227Read the Book of Hebrews, where that we find that Levi paid tithes when he was in the loins of Abraham, four generations behind him. When Abraham paid tithes to Melchisedec, it was accounted to his great-greatgrandson down below him, and he was then in the loins of Abraham. There you are. See?

228 You were in the loins of your father, but your father could not have any fellowship with you until you was transformed into a body of flesh.

229My son there was in me. I--I--I wanted a son, but he was in me then. See? He was in me then. But through wedlock, he was transformed into a man like me, and then he become like me.

230And you become like your parents, see, 'cause it was in you, to begin with. Now if we are the sons of God, His attributes... Which, you are an attribute of your father, not your mother; your father. The germ lays in the father. See? And now your mother was an incubator that bear you, bear the seed of your father. See?

231 And the earth, in flesh, is also the incubator that bears the seed of God. See, just exactly. Not the world, how great the world is; it's how great the God that made it. See? See?

232Now if you are a son and daughter of God, then you were in God at the beginning. You're His attribute. If you wasn't there then, then you never was or never will be.

233Cause, I cannot bear, from my loins, the son of this man here or that man there, I can only bear my own sons, and they would bear my likeness. Hallelujah. You see it?

234 Sons and daughters was in God at the beginning. Now look. You've got Eternal Life, you say. We believe it, that we got Eternal Life. Well, there is only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God. That's the only thing that is Eternal, is God. Then if you've got Eternal Life, that Life that's in you always was, and you were in the loins of God before there even was a world. And when the Word Itself... Jesus Himself is called the Word, and in Saint John 1, said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Then you were in the loins of Jesus, and went to Calvary with Him. You died with Him, and you raised with Him. And today we're sitting in Heavenly places in Him, filled with His Spirit, sons and daughters of God. Die with Him, raised with Him. Sure.

235 Now then, now, now you can fellowship with Him. You couldn't back there, because you were just a Word in Him, a seed. But now He has manifested you, and now He wants you to fellowship with Him. Then He came down, was made flesh so He could perfectly fellowship with you. See the perfect fellowship? Oh, my, them deep mysteries of God! How wonderful! See, God could not fellowship in the Spirit, so God became man with us.

236Jesus Christ was God Himself, manifested, 'cause, He was a son because He was begotten, but it was just a tabernacle for Him to live in. "No man has seen God at any time, but the only Begotten of the Father has declared Him." God built Himself a house, a body to live in, come down so that you could touch Him. I Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness; for God was manifested in the flesh, seen of Angels, believed on, received up into Heaven." See? Now He...

237 You being flesh, and Him being flesh, then you can fellowship with one another, 'cause He was God's attribute of love. God is love. Is that right? And Jesus was God's attribute of love. And when the attribute of love was displayed, which, that was God Himself; all the attributes that hung onto Him, come to Him, "All the Father has given Me, will come to Me." Sure, they had to be predestinated. If it wasn't, you won't be there. That's all. Certainly.

238Now we can fellowship, was through the--the riches of His Word, and in which you are a part of. You are part of the Word; 'cause He was the Word at the beginning, you're the Word now. See? I'm preaching tonight, or Sunday or one of the days when I get in, about what the Word is, see. And now you are part of the Word.

239 Listen. There is one thing I can't do. I can't brag on my ancestors. No, I come through an awful mess. My father was an Irishman. My mother was an Indian squaw, half Indian; her mother was an Indian, drawed a pension. Now, all of them, drunks, most all of them died with their shoes on, fighting, gunfighters, and so forth. I can't brag on nothing about that, 'cause my ancestors and my family tree is terrible.

240But, brother, there is one thing I can brag on, I can brag on my Lord Jesus Who has redeemed me. And with His transforming power planted a seed, by predestination, and I saw It. Whose son am I now? Yeah. I can brag on Him. And I have spent thirty-three years of my life, bragging on Him. If He would spare me another thirty-three years, I'll try to brag more on Him. See? I can brag on my Ancestor, hallelujah, He that redeemed me and planted the seed of Life in here, and let me look down upon this Word, sent down His Spirit and said, "Here It is. Speak this, and it will happen. Do that." And oh, my, I can brag on Him! How did He do it? Through the washing of the water by the Word, the waters of separation, which...?... explain.

241 True predestinated believers will stay with the Word because they are part of that Word.

242Oh, wandering stars, how long will you wonder? You Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterian, outsiders, whatever you might be, wandering stars, from church to church, from pillar to place, and television to television, world to world, why don't you come on? He longs to have fellowship with you. He is longing for you. He wants to transform you by the renewing of your mind, not to the church or to the denomination, but to His Word, which, you are a part if that desire is in you.

Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they shall be filled. (See? Uh-huh.)

243And it's sent His transforming Power, to bring you out of this deformity of religion that you're in. In this deformity chaos that we're in, God has sent His transforming Power, His Word, vindicated, proven, to bring you out of this religious deformity of ignorance that you're walking in, "naked, blind, miserable, and don't know it." Think of it, friends.

244 You know, God sent His transforming power to fulfill His Word, and changed the whole body of Sarah and Abraham. Transformed an old man and an old woman, because He promised He would do it.

245And what God promises to do, that He'll do. There is nothing, anything... Any perverted thing, God can't do nothing with it. But He will keep His Word, and He'll send His Spirit! "I the Lord have planted It. I will water It day and night, lest some should pluck it from My hands." The Bible says that.

246 Oh, wandering stars, you with the desire in your heart! You've got to have it, or you wouldn't be sitting here this morning. And you wouldn't be in those churches and auditoriums, and things you're in, out and across the land, if Something wouldn't even bring you in there. Some person spoke to you. Don't go any further. There is a washing of the water by the Word, that will make you white as snow. Oh, sons of God, listen! Don't stay in that deformity. Come out of it. Abraham believed God, and called anything contrary...

247You say, "How would I make my living? How would I do this?" That's God's business. "How would I? My associates would turn me down."

248God said, "He that will forsake His own father, mother, wife, husband, homes, houses; I'll give them homes and houses, I'll give them fathers and mothers, and brothers and sisters, in this world, and Eternal Life in the world to come." It's a promise, friend. That, oh, that's got to be watered! Every promise God makes comes to pass. Every Seed of God is a promise.

249 And, sister, stop bobbing that hair, because it's an uncommon thing before God. Quit wearing those clothes, it's an abomination to Him!

250You brothers, you man, stop catering to these denominations, in doing the things, and letting your wives do such things. It's unbecoming to Christians.

251Come back to the Word! Take that Word, It'll grow. It's got to grow. God's transforming power that brought It up in the first place, He's just on His road back, taking It back again now. He's going right back again to where it was.

252 Enoch was translated, from death, by God's transforming power. What did God do that for? For a type of the rapturing Church that's coming. Yeah. Elijah was the same.

253Jesus' body was quickened after it was dead. And in the grave, Jesus' body was quickened by the Word of God; and transformed, from a dead, cold image, to a resurrected, glorified Son of God. Because the prophet, Psalms 16:10, if you want to put it down, 16:10, said, "I will not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer My Holy One to see corruption." O God!

254That Word has to come to pass, It's God's Word! Plant It in your heart, if you want to go in a Rapture. If you want to be Christians genuine, place this Word. As I believe it was Ezekiel, God said, "Take that scroll and eat it up," that the prophet and the Word would become the same. And every promise in there has to manifest itself, because it's God's original Seed. Don't you let some educated theologian out here try to pump It out of you. Don't you let him spray you with that carnal science and knowledge, and education. Believe God!

255 Abraham didn't take the scientific research of his day, say, "I'm too old to have a baby, I've went too far. I've done this, that, or the other." But he called anything that was contrary, to God's Word, as though it wasn't. And he staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief; but was strong, giving praise to God. He knowed that God was able to perform that what He had promised.

256 Oh, wandering sons, deformed by the creepers of this earth! Wandering sisters, that the places and fashions of this world has drawed you! And, sister dear, you might consider me an old crank, but one of these days when you meet what Florence Shakarian met the other night; she sat in this room, too, in this place, as you know. When you meet that, you'll find out that, not me, but this Word is right. Keep out of those barber shops, those fashion shops. Keep out of those things.

257Say, "Why don't you teach them great things, how to be this?" Just start with your ABC's, and then we'll come to algebra. See? Just start learning, "which is your reasonable service."

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your body a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

258 You just do "Your reasonable service," God will take care of the rest of it; see, just to reason things that you can reason out yourself and do. Isn't it not... Isn't it unreasonable for a woman to strip herself down, and go out here and act like that, when the Bible condemns it? Isn't it unreasonable for a man to pull hisself into such a dogma as we have today, and all this stuff here, and all this seminary stuff, and stuff like that, when it's absolutely contrary to the Word of God? See?

259 Isaiah's lips, he was just an ordinary man of unclean lips. He said, "Lord, I'm among unclean people, and I got unclean lips. Woe is me because I've seen God." And an Angel come down, got a Fire, Holy Fire off of God's altar, and transformed his lips; from the lips of a wandering man, to the lips of a prophet with THUS SAITH THE LORD. God's transforming Power!

260A hundred and twenty fishermen, and--and little old sellers of purple, of women, and those gathered themselves in an upper room and closed the doors, some of them not enough education to sign their own names. God transformed them from fishers, to fishers of man; from men and women on the street, to saints of God, immortal. The transforming Power of God!

261 Paul, a local church member, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, or something; down the street he went, with his great defying spirit in him, that he knowed more than any of them. He had come up under Gamaliel, one of the best teachers there was in the land. What happened on his road down to Damascus, get a bunch of people who was believing God's Word? On his road down there, was stricken down, and he heard a Message. And It transformed him from a church member and a churchgoer; to a prophet of God, who wrote the Word of God, in the New Testament. From a church member to a saint!

262Oh, wandering star, let's stop. Wandering son, wandering Seed that's going from place to place, in this deformity; turn, this morning, children. Please hear me as a--as a man that's trying to stand between the living and the dead.

263 Out over the land where the broadcast is coming if you're still hooked up, you that's wandered into the place, please sit just a minute longer. I know it's late here in Tucson or, beg you pardon me, Phoenix, it's twenty minutes till twelve. And I've had these people here all morning. I've had you away from your work and things. But look, dear friend, you might be away from God forever. Please come back this morning. Won't you? There is room at the Fountain.

In a manger long ago, I know it's really so,

A Babe was born to save men from their sin.

John saw Him on the shore, the Lamb forevermore,

Oh, Christ, the Crucified of Calvary.

Oh, I love that Man from Galilee, from Galilee,

For He's done so very much for me.

He's forgiven all my sins, placed the Holy Ghost within;

Oh, I love, I love that Man from Galilee.

A publican went to pray in the temple there one day,

He cried, "O Lord, be merciful to me!"

He was forgiven of every sin, and a deep peace placed within;

He said, "Come see this Man from Galilee." Right.

The lame was made to walk, the dumb was made to talk,

That power was spoken with love upon the sea;

The blind was made to see, I know it could only be

The mercy of that Man from Galilee.

264Type that with the ministry today.

The woman at the well, He all her sins did tell,

How five husbands she had at that time.

She was forgiven of every sin, and a deep peace placed within;

She cried, "Come see this Man from Galilee!"

265 Woman, He knew. See, He has read your heart this morning. Man, He has read your heart. Oh, publican, let's pray!

Oh, I love that Man from Galilee, from Galilee,

For He's done so very much for me.

He's forgiven all my sins, placed the Holy Ghost within;

Oh, I love, I love that Man from Galilee.

266Won't you love Him, with me, this morning? Oh, wayward, wandering sinner, here or out where you may be, will you accept my Lord this morning? He is the Word, and the Word has been brought to you. Won't you accept Him this morning? Will you just raise your hands or stand to your feet, or something, and pray, say, "I want to accept Him right now. Brother, I'm willing, I'm willing right now to accept Him." Will you stand to your feet, anybody that wanted to be prayed, and say, "I am..." prayed for, rather, "I am a sinner. I want..." God bless you, sir. Someone else? Everybody pray now, just a minute.

Oh, in that manger long ago, (it was in a chaos, you know, the world was), and I know it's really so,

A little Babe was born to save man from their sin.

When John saw Him on the shore, He was that Lamb forevermore, (same One today)

Oh, He is Christ, the Crucified of Calvary.

267 Won't you love Him today with all your heart, so you can walk out of this worldly condition that you sit in? You women, you man, oh, what did you sit here all of this time for? It goes to show there is something down in you, there is something there hungering and thirsting. You wouldn't have set here these two or three hours, sitting in this building like this; there is something. Won't you just heed to it today? Let the fashions and science, and all the things of the world, pass away from your mind right now, brother dear or sister dear.

The churches are uniting, the great nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,

The signs that the prophets foretold;

The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;

"Return, O dispersed, to your own."

The day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, have your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near!

False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying,

That Jesus the Christ is our God.

268 Now, that's true. You know that, all of us, the day that we're living.

But He said it shall be Light about the evening time,

The way to Glory you will surely find.

269That's the day we're living in right now. The Light will shine just at the evening when the darkness is setting in, twilight time, the evening star.

Twilight and evening star,

And after that the dark!

May there be no sadness of farewell,

When I'm at last embarked;

For all without is bourne of time and space,

And the floods may bear me far,

But I want to see my Pilot face to face

When I have crossed the bar.

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,

That life is just an empty dream!

And the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.

Yea, life is real! And life is earnest!

And the grave is not its goal;

For dust thou art, to dust returnest,

Was not spoken of the soul.

Lives of great men all remind us,

And we can make our lives sublime,

And, partings, leave behind us,

Footprints on the sands of time;

Footprints, that perhaps another,

While sailing over life's solemn main,

A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,

In seeing, shall take heart again.

Let us be up, then, and doing,

With a heart for any strife;

Be not like dumb, driven cattle!

Be a hero in the strife!

270 Dear God, they're Yours. I've seen two men stand to their feet, Father. I pray, God, that You will take them now. They want to be Your sons. They have woke up from the ignorance of the life that they have lived, and now they want to be afreshed, anewed, with the baptism of the Holy Spirit upon that Seed that's been planted in their hearts this day. Eternal God, the Creator of all things, Who made Your Word, and I believe that You knew these men would do this this morning. I pray, Lord, that You will water that Word, day and night, and never let Satan to pluck it from Your hands. May it be a tree that sometimes, in the Paradise of God, when it's all brought back again, for Your Word cannot fail, it'll be again. For this world...

271 And there will not be this kind of a civilization in the world to come. There will be no automobiles or nothing that science has ever done. There will be no such things in the world that is to come. But it will be God's Own type of civilization that He'll set up in the glorious reign. For, in this civilization there is sickness, death, sorrow, graves, and want. But in that Kingdom that is to come, there is no death, no sorrow, no sickness, no old age. O God, it'll all be new there, in Your civilization.

272God, transform us today, by Your power, by the renewing of our mind, to turn from the meager elements of this world now, unto the Word of God. And may we be renewed by the transforming power of God upon the Seed that's in our heart, that we believe, unto creatures called sons and daughters of God. This is my prayer to You, Father, for the people, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

273 Now to you that's out into the broadcast, wherever you are, I want you to receive Christ out there, as your personal Saviour, and be filled with His Spirit. The Words that's been said this morning, may they drop into your heart. And may there you receive Jesus. And you watch your life, and you see what you live afterwards. And take the thinking man's Filter here. When you see yourself doing something that's contrary to this Word, move from it, right quick. See? Because, there is a Filter that keeps death away from you, that's God's Word. His Words are Life, and they will keep you from death.

274 And to you people here now that's in the auditorium, I've had you here a long time. I thank you for your attendance. I pray that God will never let this Seed die. I hope you don't think I stand here just to say these things to be different. I say it because of love; and knowing that it's while I'm mortal, as I am now, is the only time I'll ever be able to preach to people. And I love Jesus Christ. He is my Saviour. And remember, I'd have been out there on the street if it hadn't have been for Him. I'd have been out there; all my parents, all my people, were sinners. But God, with His transforming Power, I know it made a different creature out of me. And I can--I can recommend It to you, to be good. And It'll keep in the hours of trouble. Even at death, at the door, you have no fear. There is nothing can separate us from the love of God, that's in Christ." May God bless each one of you, and give you Eternal Life.

275 How many in here that doesn't have the Seed of God, the baptism of the Holy Ghost? Would you just raise your hand, say, "Remember me, Brother Branham, that I will receive that Holy Spirit." Now you take the Word in your--in your heart, and believe It. Now if you... You can look at you. Go up and look at the mirror, and you can see where you are. See, you can know.

276You say, "Well, I didn't raise my hand, because I believe I have."

277Look at yourself in the mirror, then you see what kind of a spirit is deceiving you, see. Deceived thinking! "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death." Is that true?

Down at the cross where my Saviour died,

Down there for cleansing from sin I cried;

Oh, there to my heart was the Blood applied;


278 Just close your eyes, a minute now, and just sing that to Him. Let's just raise our hands up.

Glory to His Name, His precious Name!

Glory to His Name!

There to my heart was the Blood applied;

Glory to His...

279I want you Christians to shake one another's hand, who is saved.

I am so wondrously saved from sin,

Jesus so sweetly abides within,

There at the cross where He took me in;

Glory to His Name!

Glory to His Name, precious Name!

Glory to His Name!

Oh, there to my heart was the Blood applied;

Glory to His Name!

280 The Blood has the germ of Life in It, you know. This is to them who doesn't know Him.

Oh, come to this Fountain so rich and sweet;

Cast thy poor soul at the Saviour's feet;

Oh, plunge in today, and be made complete;

Glory to His Name!

Oh, glory to...

Let's bow our heads now as we sing it.

Glory to His Name!

There to my heart was the Blood applied;

Glory to His Name!

281 You love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Paul said, "I'll sing in the Spirit. I'll worship in the Spirit." Let's sing it real softly again, with our hands up.

282You know, the trouble of it, we Pentecostal people, we've lost our joy, we've lost our emotions. As Billy Graham said the other night, "Them preachers, collars turned around, going down South, clapping their hands, and beating their feet up-and-down on the ground, and stomping, they had something they were happy about." Well, yeah, I got Something I'm happy about. See? See? Yeah. Yeah, we've lost our emotion.

283Now let's just raise our hands. Don't worry about the tears, they won't hurt nothing, see. That don't hurt. "He that goeth forth sowing, in tears, will doubtless return again, bringing precious sheaves." All right.

Glory to His Name, precious Name!

Glory to His Name!

There to my heart was the Blood applied;

Glory to His Name!

Glory to His... (O God! Praise God!)

Glory to His Name!

Sink the Seed, Lord, in the heart!

To my heart was the Blood applied;

Glory to His Name!