Skutky sú vyjadrenou vierou



Ján vyjadril svoju vieru v to, čo mu Boh zjavil. Tak skutky svedčia o viere. Keď vás oni vidia, že sa správate ako uzdravení, potom budú vedieť, že máte vieru, že ste uzdravení.

Čo hovorí svedectvo? Hovorí toto: „Ja to mám teraz, pretože som prijal Božie zasľúbenie. Ono teraz vo mne účinkuje. Pripravujem sa na to, že sa to stane." Vidíte? To je to, čo robia vaše skutky. Áno, skutočne!

Všimnite si, Ježiš povedal: „Len ver, lebo všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria." Viera a skutky sú ako muž a žena, oni pracujú spolu. Muž pracuje so ženou a žena s mužom; oni identifikujú jeden druhého.

vaša viera to je to, čo vo vás vidí Boh. Vaše skutky to je to, čo na vás vidia iní ľudia.

To vysvetľuje tu ten rozdiel medzi Jakobom a Pavlom, ohľadne Abraháma. Oni vôbec neprotirečia jeden druhému, oni obidvaja hovoria to isté; to je ako manželstvo.

1 Ďakujem vám.

Dobre je byť znovu tu dnes večer. Nevedel som ako sa dozvedeli, že sa budem modliť za chorých. Každý prišiel aby sme sa za neho modlili. Viete, verím, že ak nasledujete vedenie Ducha, je to v poriadku. To je to najlepšie, to je posolstvo, ktoré nikdy nesklame.

2 No, sedel som dnes v izbe, po ... jeden kazateľ, ktorý je taký drahý môjmu srdcu (traja), traja moji skutočne dobrí priatelia, povedali mi, že prídu a zoberú ma na obed. Pomyslel som si: „Dobre to je celkom dobre." viete.

3 Ráno som jedol len trochu, pretože som si bol istý, že oni to budú platiť, viete, a budem mať poriadny obed. Tak prišla dvanásta hodina a prišla jedna a prišla druhá hodina, nikto tam ešte nebol. Tak bolo tam ... polícia chytala nejakého zločinca tam dole na dvore, tak som išiel dole aby som videl tú epizódu. Vôbec som nemohol nájsť brata Jacka. Tak som išiel aby som to zistil, ten recepčný mu dal zlé číslo, a on po celý čas zvonil na zlé dvere, kde som nebol. Dám mu možnosť, aby za mňa ešte niekedy zaplatil. Jemu a bratovi Tracymu, bol som skutočne rád, že som ich dnes večer videl a brata Browna. To vyzerá celkom ako by sme mali ísť znovu naspäť do Arizony.

4 Pamätám sa ako sme raz prechádzali cez púšť. Povedal som vtedy svojej žene, povedal som: „Tu je to miesto, kde brat Jack sedel vzadu vo svojom Chevrolete, a stále sa hádali s bratom Brownom ohľadne prvotného stvorenia, či to bolo dokonané za šesť dní alebo či to bolo za šesť miliónov." To bolo dobré.

5 Tak sa začali hádať, že vystúpili a zobrali si za hrsť kameňov a jeden sa schoval za jeden stĺp a ten druhý za druhý a hádzali kamene jeden na druhého ako len vládali. Nemohli to tak vybaviť, jeden povedal: „Môžem ťa predbehnúť." Rozbehli sa po ceste; Brat Jack, trochu nízky, bežal ako len vládal a brat Young s tými dlhými nohami, viete. V živote som sa tak nezasmial!

6 Brat Jack potom išiel naspäť do auta a vyzul si topánky. Brat Sharitt nám dal veľký sáčok pomarančov a on z nich polovicu zjedol prv ako sme prišli do Shreveportu.

7 Viete, predsa sú to zlaté dni. Áno, to sú zlaté dni. Viem že to znie ako žart, smiešne, ale je to pravda. Ale my ... Niečo na tom je, keď starnete a začínate spomínať. Myslíte o tých dňoch a prajete si aby ste v nich znovu mohli žiť, je to tak, v našich mladých dňoch. A keď starneme z toho všetkého sa stávajú obrazy. Som tak rád, že to bolo čisté a sväté a bratské obecenstvo, v láske. Vieme, že ideme do zeme, kde nebudeme nikdy starnúť, kde ... do tej veľkej Zeme, tam, kde nikdy, nikdy nebudeme starnúť ani zomierať.

8 Jeden z našich vzácnych bratov, taký drahý pre nás všetkých, on práve prešiel do tej Zeme. A zakaždým, keď prichádzam na toto pódium, hádam budem myslieť na brata Lyleho. Pozrel som sa minulý večer a videl som tam sedieť malú Judy, srdce mi búšilo, rozmýšľal som ako sa cíti. A viem keď otec zomrel, ako ... Ale my len musíme ísť cez tieto školy utrpení, aby sme vedeli ako sa cíti ten druhý.

9 Myslím, že sa dívam na starého kazateľa, priateľa, ktorý tu sedí. Len si nemôžem spomenúť jeho meno. Je to tak? Ty si sa tu modlieval za chorých, po celý čas, pred rokmi? Gerholtzer, to nemecké meno, nikdy som to nevedel správne povedať. Brat Tracy ho tam stretol. A ja ho poznám asi desať rokov a povedal som: „Za tých desať rokov si nezostarel ani šesť mesiacov." Žijeme vo svete, ktorý jedného dňa musí skončiť.

10 No, dnes večer ... Včera večer som vás tu držal príliš dlho, budem sa snažiť aby som to dnes neurobil. Končím môj príbeh; myslel som, že dnes večer budem kázať cirkvi na tému vytrhnutie. O tom aké budú okolnosti, ako to vidím v Písme, v akých okolnostiach cirkev bude musieť byť, aby bola vytrhnutá a čo sa stane tesne pred tým, ako nastane vytrhnutie a ako sa to stane. A my všetci veríme vo vytrhnutie, či nie? Veríme v to. A potom, zrazu, Niečo povedalo: „Modli sa dnes večer za chorých." A ja som práve jedol večeru tu s jedným bratom z Mexika. Stretol som ho na ulici. Myslím, že je tu dnes večer, on a jeho žena.

11 A potom niekto prišiel a povedal mi svedectvo. Povedala, že keby ... že medzi zhromaždenými v cirkvi je človek, ktorý asi pred rokom, prišiel do radu pri rozpoznávaní. A ja som myslel, dnes večer, že by sme mali starodávne modlitebné zhromaždenie a volali ľudí aby sa stavali do radu, ako brat Jack a brat ...

12 Brat Young Brown mi zvykol pomáhať a rozdával modlitebné lístky. A presvedčil som sa, že je skutočne čestný a nikdy som ho nepristihol, že by predával lístky, alebo že by robil niečo zlé, on je skutočne poctivý. A prichytili sme takých, ktorí sa to snažili robiť, viete. Tak my ... Brat Young, on to stále robil poriadne a verne. A pamätám sa, on tu zvykol stávať a odoberať tie lístky a privádzal tam tých ľudí. Ja som sa za nich modlil a oni išli ďalej, proste tá čistá viera, ktorú mali tí ľudia, keď sa len priblížili boli uzdravení. A myslím, že bolo dvadsať uzdravení do jedného, čo máme teraz.

13 Potom, tento príbeh prišiel dnes popoludní o mužovi, on je teraz pravdepodobne tu. On bol v modlitebnom rade, pred rokom niekde a on mal ... povedal, pri rozpoznaní bolo povedané, že mal mums. A doktor mu povedal, potom keď ten mums skončil, že nikdy nebude môcť mať dieťa dievčatko, a on stále chcel mať. Myslím, že mal chlapca. Ale vo videní od Pána mu bolo povedané: „Ale budeš mať to dievčatko."

14 A on povedal, že má tu dnes večer to dievčatko. Neviem ten muž, možno ... je tu v publiku, tá osoba o ktorej hovorím? Niekde? Neviem, niekto vonku mi to povedal. Aha, tu je to dieťa, rovno tu, sedí rovno tam. To je milé. To je veľmi milé. Aký milý človiečik. Keby to nebolo to tak ďaleko aby vystúpila sem, aby každý mohol ... Skutočne milé, malé dieťa, poprosil by som ju aby sem prišla a povedala svedectvo. Možno zajtra, alebo niekedy na zhromaždení.

15 No, zajtra ráno sú raňajky Obchodníkov. Už ste to oznámili? To je dobre.

16 A teraz majme malú - malú lekciu na tému Božského uzdravovania. Koľkí v to veríte? Ó, to bude veľký večer, keď máte takú vieru. Ľudia ktorý tomu veria, to je to čo treba. To je pre veriacich.

17 No, potom, zobral som si pero a začal som si zapisovať nejaký text a tak ďalej a ... a potom zaklepal Billy a povedal: „Ocko?"

18 Povedal som: „Počkaj za chvíľu, ešte som neskončil."

19 On povedal: „Ale brat Jack čaká na teba." Tak som musel ísť. Prichytil som si to, nemal som sponku na papier, mal som jeden štipec od Médy, či nejakú sponku, to čo nazývajú sponka do vlasov. To je to čo to bolo, sponka do vlasov, proste nejaká sponka. Neviem veľa o tých veciach, viete, a videl som že to tam leží. Tak, aby som si zopol ten papier, aby som si oddelil to čo som ... mal som nejaké poznámky na ráno; aby som si ich oddelil jedné od druhých.

20 A keď starnete ... voľakedy som si ľahko mohol zapamätať tie miesta Písma a všetko. Ale viete, teraz je to trochu ťažko. Stretol si sa už s tým problémom brat Jack? Je to tak. Povedal som tu nedávno bratovi Jackovi: „Vieš, brat Jack, stávam sa taký, že si nedokážem pamätať. Začnem niečo hovoriť a musím čakať."

Opýtal sa: „To si na tom len tak ďaleko?"

Povedal som: „Či to nie je dosť?"

21 On povedal: „Nie. Ja niekomu volám a keď sa ozve, tak mu poviem - Čo si prajete?" Myslel som si vtedy, že žartuješ, brat Jack a zistil som, že je to úplná pravda.

22 Tak veru. Ó ako sa zabúda. Ale urobme všetky naše skutky správne, pretože oni sú v knihe, na zázname, ktorý má byť v deň súdu premietnutý.

23 No, sme ako jedna veľká rodina. Zdá sa mi, že dnes večer nie sme prepojení cez telefón po celej krajine, ako včera večer, keď som kázal. Myslím, že to je možno len tu miestne zhromaždenie. Tak minulý večer, skutočne si cením vašu láskavosť, že stojíte ... Nesnažím sa ... Nesnažil som sa využiť brata Jacka. Ale on mi stále hovoril: „Hovor čo chceš." A tak som proste prišiel sem na pódium a kázal trochu náuku. Ale ... tak len ... To bolo ... Niektorí moji denominační bratia.

24 Mal som sen, raz ráno. Nesníva sa mi veľmi často, nie som snílkom. Ale snívalo sa mi, že som videl človeka, mladého muža v okovách, snažil sa z toho dostať a ja som povedal ... Niekto mi povedal: „To sú strašní ľudia, nemaj s nimi nič spoločného."

25 A videl som tohoto mladého muža ako sa dostáva z tých pút, tak som ho nechal. Pomyslel som si: „Budem vidieť čo urobí." Tak on sa z toho dostal a bol to milý človek. A videl som iných, ktorí sa snažili z toho dostať.

26 No, toto je len sen. A prešiel som okolo toho a videl som brata Roy Bordersa, môjho veľmi dobrého priateľa, ktorý býva v Kalifornii. Vyzeral akoby niečo nebolo v poriadku, oči mal napoly zavrené a veľký ... možno rakovina alebo niečo na jeho očiach. Niekto sa ma snažil odtiahnuť od neho. Zakričal som: „Brat Borders! V mene Pána Ježiša, stras sa toho!"

27 A on sotva mohol hovoriť, povedal: „Brat Branham, na to bude musieť byť niečo viac než toto. Nemôžem to proste uchopiť, brat Branham. Proste to nemôžem uchopiť."

28 Povedal som: „Ó, brat Borders." Milujem ho.

29 A niekto ma odtiahol a pozrel som sa a to bola pani, ktorá tam stála. Keď som bol malý chlapec zvykol som voziť ľuďom z obchodu nákupy potravín. A ona sa nazývala pani Fentonová, býva ešte v Jeffersonville, osobná priateľka mojej ženy a moja.

30 A ona povedala: Brat Branham, vysloboď nás z tohoto." Povedala: „Toto je pekelný dom. Bol si neporozumený a ty si tiež neporozumel týchto ľudí. Toto sú dobrí ľudia, ale ..."A pozrel som sa tam a vyzeralo to ako veľká pivnica, alebo veľké múry, dole pod veľkou jaskyňou; a boli tam veľké želené mreže, hrubé osem až desať cólov. A ľudia, bez zdravých zmyslov, vykrúcali rukami a nohami, búchali takto hlavami. A ona kričala, vravela: „Vysloboď tých ľudí, brat Branham." Povedala: „Pomôž nám, sme v problémoch." Ona sama, poznám ju, patrí do, myslím do Cirkvi Kristovej, alebo do kresťanskej cirkvi, nazvanej Bratská Cirkev. Tak ona ...

31 Pozrel som sa dookola a povedal som: „Prajem si aby som to mohol urobiť." Išiel som ďalej a obzeral som sa okolo; A moje malé drobné telo a tie veľké mocné železné mreže; a tí biedni ľudia tam vo vnútri. A nemohli ste sa ku nim dostať, tie železné mreže boli blízko pri sebe. A pozrel som sa a oni takto búchali hlavami, boli bez rozumu.

32 A videl som tam okolo blikať nejaké svetlá. A pozrel som sa hore a tam stál Pán Ježiš a okolo neho boli svetlá dúhy. Díval sa rovno na mňa, povedal: „Vysloboď tých ľudí." A odišiel.

33 A pomyslel som si: „No dobre, ako by som ich mohol vyslobodiť? Nemám v rukách dosť sily, aby som zlomil tie mreže."

34 Tak som povedal: „Pekelný dom ustúp pred menom Ježiša Krista."

35 A všetko začalo pukať a trieskať a kamene sa kotúľali a mreže padali a ľudia behali, kričali: „Vyslobodení!" a kričali ako len vládali a všetci boli vyslobodení.

36 A ja som potom zakričal: „Brat Roy Borders, kde si? Kde si? Boh vyslobodzuje svoj ľud! Kde si, brat Borders?" Divil som sa tomu.

37 Viete, brat Borders je veľmi vystrašený. Poznáte to proroctvo, všetci ... mnohí z vás, vy ktorí počúvate pásky a tak ďalej, ohľadne západného pobrežia.

38 Práve teraz tu sedia mužovia, dnes večer, ktorí tam boli keď sa to stalo (keď sme tam stáli, na poľovačke) jeden kazateľ, ktorý počúval minulý večer. Mal slepé oko, on tam len prišiel a povedal ... predstavil sa. Mal slnečné okuliare, tam hore v horách. Povedal: „Brat Branham, ja som brat McHughes. Pomáhal som sponsorovať raz jedno z tvojich zhromaždení v Kalifornii."

39 Povedal som: „Som rád, že ťa poznávam, brat McHughes."

40 Bolo nás tam okolo dvadsať mužov. Boli sme tam hore a poľovali sme na divé prasatá. A povedal som ... deň predtým, keď sme išli hore, povedal som bratovi Banks Woodovi ... Všetci ho poznáte, to je môj osobný priateľ. Povedal som: „Brat Wood ..." Zodvihol som kameň a vyhodil som ho do vzduchu a on spadol a ja som povedal: „Tak hovorí Pán, Niečo sa má stať."

41 Tak, on povedal: Čo to je brat Branham?"

42 Povedal som: „Neviem, ale za dvadsaťštyri hodín budeš vidieť. Niečo sa má stať. To je veľký znak."

43 A na druhý deň ... to bolo neskoro popoludní. Na druhý deň okolo desiatej, chystali sme sa odísť. Každý mal svoje divé prasa a stáli sme tam. A brat Mac Knelly, viete, a oni všetci, sťahovali z nich kožu a brat Borders a ja a brat Roy Roberson, chromý veterán, môj veľmi drahý, vzácny priateľ a on tam stál. A pozrel som sa hore a brat McHughes povedal: „Brat Branham, zjavuje sa ti niekedy Anjel Pánov keď si na týchto poľovačkách?"

44 Povedal som: „Brat McHughes, áno. Je to tak. Ale prišiel som sem, aby som si trochu oddýchol."

45 On povedal: „Dobre brat Branham, nechcel som ťa vyrušovať."

46 Povedal som: „Nevyrušuješ ma."

47 A len čo som sa obzrel a videl som lekára, ako sa mu díva do oka. Nepoznal som ho, mal tmavé okuliare, v Arizone je veľmi jasno a slnečno. A pozrel som sa na to a videl som doktora, ktorý mu hovoril: „Pane, liečim vám to oko dva roky, tak nejako. Tá alergia, ktorú máte v oku, stratíte svoje oko. Prežiera sa to do zraku a nie je spôsob ako to môžem zastaviť."

48 Povedal som: „Ty sa ma to pýtaš kvôli tvojmu oku. Tie slnečné okuliare máš len preto lebo máš choré oko."

49 Povedal: „To je pravda."

50 Povedal som: Tvoj doktor, (opísal som mu ho) ti povedal pred pár dňami, že stratíš oko, pretože alergia sa prežiera do zraku oka. A on ťa lieči niekoľko rokov a nemôže to zastaviť.

51 On povedal: „Brat Branham, to je pravda."

52 A začal som sa obracať a pozrel som sa a videl som ženu oveľa staršiu ako on trochu tmavšej pleti. Oni pochádzajú pôvodne niekde tu z Arkansasu. A tak ona zodvihla sukňu, ukázala synovi nohu a povedala - synu, ak budeš s bratom Branhamom, povedz mu aby sa pomodlil za moju nohu. A medzi prstami mala dlhé nádory.

53 Povedal som: „Tvoja matka je šedivá žena a ona zodvihla sukňu stiahla si ponožku a ukázala ti nohu a povedala ti, že ak ma budeš vidieť aby si mi povedal, aby som sa za ňu pomodlil.

54 A on povedal: Ó, milosrdenstvo."

55 Pozrel som sa naspäť a videl som ho tam stáť bez okuliarov, vo videní, povedal som „Tak hovorí Pán, Boh uzdravil tvoje oko a tiež uzdravuje tvoju matku."

56 Asi v tej chvíli, otočil som sa ... Sú tu mužovia, ktorí tam stáli. Povedal som bratovi Roy Bordersovi ... či bratovi Roy Robersonovi, položil som mu ruku na plece, lebo on je veterán, povedal som: „Brat Roy, schovaj sa za niečo, rýchlo, niečo sa stane."

57 On povedal: „Čo máš na mysli, brat Branham?"

58 Povedal som: „Nerozprávaj! Schovaj sa pod niečo, rýchlo!" A otočil som sa a zodvihol som lopatu, tam na kraji a odišiel som trochu od nich pretože som vedel, že to príde tam kde budem.

59 Hneď vedľa veľkého kaňonu, osem alebo desať krát vyššieho ako táto budova, to je kaňon ohradený stenami; prichádzalo dole niečo ako oheň z neba, ako vír, len niekoľko stôp nad miestom kde som stál. Trhal skaly z tej hory, prešiel stade a zotínal vrcholce stromov, na stovky metrov okolo. Každý utekal a snažil sa skryť pod autami a všade. Zodvihlo sa to znovu hore a udrelo ako veľký hrom. Znovu to odišlo hore do oblakov a znovu prišlo dole. Tri krát to tak urobilo. A keď to všetko skončilo, oni vyšli a opýtali sa: „Čo to znamenalo?"

60 Povedal som: „Chcem vám povedať, to bol znak súdu. Za niekoľko dní veľké zemetrasenie narazí na západ. A to sa nezastaví. Kalifornia, Los Angeles sa potopí. Pôjde dole. Zošmykne sa rovno do oceánu." A za dva dni zemetrasenie na Aljaške zatriaslo Aljaškou.

61 A potom, posledné zhromaždenie, ktoré som mal v Kalifornii, kým som hovoril, a neviem nič čo sa stalo až kým som nevyšiel na ulicu, bolo povedané Kalifornia, povedal som „Kafarnaum, Kafarnaum, mesto, ktoré sa nazývaš menom anjelov," (To je Los Angeles) „vyvýšilo si sa do neba, ale budeš znesené dole do pekla. Lebo keby sa tie mocné skutky boli stali v Sodome, ktoré sa stali v tebe, stála by až do tohoto dňa."

62 No, posledných niekoľko dní, veľké hučanie a nadskakovanie. Potom vychádzajú vedecké noviny a tam stojí: „To je všetko podmyté, to sa musí potopiť." Oni to proste vedia.

63 A dávajte pozor, voda príde rovno do jazera Salton. Los Angeles je odsúdené na súd. Hovorím vám to prv, ako sa to stane, aby ste mohli vedieť, keď sa to stane. Nikdy som to nehovoril sám od seba. A On mi nikdy nepovedal niečo, čo by sa nestalo. A vy ste toho svedkovia. Je to tak. Kedy? Neviem.

64 Ja som vyšiel von a oni mi povedali, čo som povedal. Počúval som to, vrátil som sa a skúmal som Písma. Viete, Ježiš povedal, takmer tými istými slovami, o Kafarnaume a myslím, že vtedy bola Sodoma a Gomora na dne Mŕtveho mora. A neskoršie asi po sto rokoch, Kafarnaum sa zošmyklo do mora a je v mori. Ten istý Boh, ktorý potopil v mori Sodomu za jej hriechy, ten istý Boh, ktorý potopil v mori Kafarnaum za jeho hriechy, ten istý Boh potopí v mori Los Angeles za jeho hriechy, to mesto skazenosti.

65 Brat Roy Borders je vystrašený na smrť. Ja neviem či ... či to znamenalo to, alebo čo. Neviem.

Modlime sa:

66 Pane, je to dobre vydávať svedectvo skutočným poslucháčom. Veríme Ti, Pane, pomôž našej nevere. Uvedomujeme si, že ideme teraz rovno dole po ceste ku koncu sveta. Len to kedy sa to stane, to nevieme. Ale v jednom z týchto dní nastane ten tajomný odchod nevesty, Pane, budeme vytrhnutí, zobraní hore ku Nemu. A očakávame na ten deň. Priprav naše srdcia, Pane.

67 Sú mnohí, ako vidíme, ktorí tu ležia na týchto lehátkach a nosítkach, mužovia a ženy, ktorých nepriateľ poviazal. A možno že tam sedia ľudia a ak sa ich nedotkneš, zomrú na srdcovú porážku. Možno niektorí z nich sú zožraní rakovinou.

68 A Otče, Ty poznáš srdce každého človeka. Ty vieš či je to pravda alebo nie. A my hovoríme tieto veci, pretože vieme, že Ty si ich vykonal, Tvoja veľká moc vyslobodila tak mnohých. Sme toho svedkovia, hoci sa nám ľudia snažia povedať, že tie veci sa nestali. Ale to sa stalo, Pane. Sme svedkovia.

69 Prosím dnes večer, Pane, aby si nejako postavil vieru v srdciach týchto ľudí, aby každý jeden z nich bol vyslobodený, všetci títo chorí a postihnutí ľudia. Nech je to tak jednoduché, Pane, daj nám to, keď sa budeme snažiť učiť Slovo. Nech Duch Svätý zoberie moje chyby, pane, a opraví ich v srdciach ľudí. A sprav to skutočne, skutočným večerom, že ... aby sa On mohol uložiť do srdca každého veriaceho, ktorý tu je. Určili sme na to tento večer, Pane. Nech tí, ktorí nie sú spasení, ponad všetko, aby boli pripravení; aby sa teraz pripravili, kým sú ešte otvorené dvere milosti. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

70 A teraz si otvoríme Písmo a začnime s tým a v ...

71 Niekto položil tu na stôl poznámku, že dnes večer urobili pre mňa zbierku. To nebolo treba, nerobte to. Ja to nemôžem zobrať. Pamätám sa raz v Kalgary, v Kanade, vybrali takúto zbierku. Brat Jack sa mi snažil povedať ... Moja žena sedí tam vzadu; mali sme dve staré izby, v ktorých sme bývali s deťmi, ona musela dávať na dvere deku, aby boli zavreté a nefučalo, aby deti nedostali zápal pľúc. On mi povedal: „Brat Branham to nie je dobre tak s ňou zachádzať." Tak pamätáte si to. Vybrali, zabudol som koľko to bolo dolárov.

72 A povedal som: „Ó, vráť to brat Jack."

73 On povedal: „No, ako to urobíme?" Tak som kúpil to miesto a je to tam. Tak, na chválu a slávu Božiu. Držali sme to niekoľko rokov, manželka a ja ako dar od zboru pre ľudí.

74 A potom som si pomyslel: „To neznie správne. Nič som na tento svet nepriniesol a je isté, že ani nič neodnesiem." Tak som sa otočil a udelil som to, dal som to naspäť do modlitebne. Keď ja tu už nebudem, nejaký ďalší sluha Boží to potom bude používať, ak bude nejaké zajtra. Vidíte? Tak, srdečne vám ďakujem, priatelia. Nech vás Boh za to žehná.

75 A teraz, v Jakobovi, v liste Jakoba, v druhej kapitole. Chceme čítať, začneme od 21. verša.

76 A teraz, trochu budem vyučovať a potom sa začneme modliť za chorých, tak rýchlo ako len budeme môcť a zoberieme ľudí do radu, koľkých len bude možné. A tiež, pamätajte tiež ... Nechcem zabudnúť na sestru Annu Jeansovú a brata Dona a na nich, myslím že sú niekde v Thailande. Sú? Kde? V Bangkoku na misijných poliach. Je tak veľa vecí, na ktoré cez deň myslím, ktoré chcem ľuďom povedať a potom keď sem prídem, nemôžem myslieť na všetko, hneď začínam rozmýšľať o lekcii.

77 A teraz, tu v Jakobovi, 2. kapitola. A začneme od 21. verša 2. kapitoly sv. Jakoba, prečítame časť z toho. 21. verš 2. kapitola.

Či nebol Abrahám, náš otec, ospravedlnený zo skutkov donesúc obeťou svojho syna Izáka na oltár?

Tak vidíš, že viera spoluúčinkovala s jeho skutkami a že viera bola dokonaná zo skutkov.

A naplnilo sa písmo, ktoré hovorí: Abrahám uveril Bohu, a počítalo sa mu to za spravodlivosť, a bol nazvaný priateľom Božím.

78 Moja téma dnes večer ... Držte teraz svoje Biblie, pretože tu mám poznačených niekoľko miest Písma. Ak mi to nezaberie príliš veľa času, budem sa na mnohé z nich odvolávať. Moja téma je: Skutky sú vyjadrenou vierou. No pamätajte: Skutky sú vyjadrenou vierou. Skutky ukazujú, že viera sa už chytila a drží. Vidíte? No, vybrali sme toto, pretože ... Verím, že nám to môže pomôcť porozumieť. A teraz dobre počúvajte, budeme to preberať ako lekciu nedeľnej školy.

79 Jakob tu vyjadruje vo svojom učení, z Genesis 22/1 - 9, to čo videl na Abrahámovi človek.

80 Poďme len naspäť, mám tu poznačené to Písmo, 22. kapitola a 1. až 9. verš:

A stalo sa po týchto udalostiach, že Boh skúšal Abraháma a riekol mu: Abraháme! Ktorý odpovedal: Hľa, tu som.

A riekol: Nože vezmi svojho syna, toho svojho jediného, ktorého miluješ, Izáka, a idi do zeme Morija a obetuj ho tam v zápalnú obeť na jednom z tých vrchov, o ktorom ti poviem. (vidíte, On mu ani nepovedal, ktorý to bude. Choď len, keď Boh hovorí, choď pokračuj. Vidíte?)

A Abrahám vstal skoro ráno, osedlal svojho osla a pojal so sebou dvoch svojich sluhov a Izáka svojho syna, naštiepal dreva k zápalnej obeti a vstal a išiel na miesto, o ktorom mu povedal Boh.

Potom na tretí deň pozdvihol Abrahám svoje oči a uvidel miesto z ďaleka.

A Abrahám povedal svojim sluhom: Zostaňte tu s oslom, a ja a chlapec pôjdeme až tamto, a keď sa tam pokloníme, navrátime sa k vám.

81 No, on mal teraz vo svojej mysli, že ide tam hore zabiť svojho syna, pretože mu to Boh povedal. Ale pozrite sa tu na Písmo:

a ja a chlapec pôjdeme až tamto, a keď sa tam pokloníme, navrátime sa k vám.

(On a chlapec.)

A Abrahám vzal drevo k zápalnej obeti a položil ho na Izáka, svojho syna, a sám vzal do svojej ruky oheň a nôž. A tak išli obidvaja spolu.

Vtedy povedal Izák Abrahámovi svojmu otcovi, a riekol: Môj otče! A on odpovedal: Čo chceš môj synu? A Izák povedal: Hľa máme oheň i drevo, a kdeže je ovečka na zápalnú obeť?

A Abrahám riekol: Boh si opatrí ovečku na zápalnú obeť, môj synu. A zase len išli obidvaja spolu.

A tak prišli na miesto, o ktorom mu povedal Boh, a Abrahám tam postavil oltár a poukladal drevo. Potom poviazal Izáka, svojho syna, a položil ho na oltár na drevo.

A Abrahám vystrel svoju ruku a vzal nôž, aby zabil svojho syna.

Ale tu zavolal na neho anjel Hospodinov z neba a riekol: Abraháme, Abraháme! Ktorý odpovedal: Tu som, Pane!

A riekol: Nevzťahuj svojej ruky na chlapca a neučiň mu ničoho, lebo teraz už viem, že sa bojíš Boha a neodoprel si mi ani svojho syna, toho svojho jediného.

(Čo za skutok!)

82 Nachádzame tu, že Jakob ospravedlňuje Abraháma zo skutkov.

83 Ale teraz, v Pavlovi, v Rimanom, v liste Rimanom, štvrtá kapitola; 4/1- 8. Nechcem to všetko čítať, ale prečítam len časť z toho:

Čo tedy povieme o Abrahámovi, o svojom praotcovi, že čo našiel podľa tela?

Lebo ak bol Abrahám ospravedlnený ...

(pamätáte sa, včera večer sme preberali slovo ospravedlnený)

... zo skutkov, má sa čím chváliť, ale nie u Boha.

Lebo veď čo hovorí Písmo? A Abrahám uveril Bohu, a bolo mu to počítané za spravodlivosť.

Tomu však kto robí skutky, nepočíta sa mzda podľa milosti, ale podľa podlžnosti.

84 No, to na čo tu poukazuje Pavel, to je to, čo Boh videl v Abrahámovi.

85 No, otvorme si ešte, ak toho nebude na vás príliš veľa, išli by sme naspäť do Genesis, do 15. kapitoly a 6. verš; 15/6. Myslím, že to je ono. Začneme od 5.:

A Hospodin ho vyviedol von a riekol: Nože pozri hore na nebo a spočítaj hviezdy, ak ich budeš môcť spočítať. A potom mu riekol: Tak bude tvoje semä.

A uveril Hospodinovi, a on mu to počítal za spravodlivosť.

86 Títo dvaja mužovia, ktorí hovorili o viere: Pavel ospravedlnil Abraháma podľa toho, čo v Abrahámovi videl Boh; ale Jakob ospravedlnil Abraháma podľa toho, čo v Abrahámovi videl človek.

87 Vidíte, Jakob povedal: „On je ospravedlnený zo svojich skutkov."

88 Pavel povedal: „On je ospravedlnený z viery."

89 Ale vidíte, Abrahám uveril Bohu, to bolo to, čo v ňom videl Boh; on tomu uveril. Ale potom keď išiel a správal sa ako keby sa to už bolo stalo, to bolo to čo videl v ňom človek.

90 A tak isto je to s nami, pretože naše skutky vyjadrujú akú máme vieru. Ale keď sa obávame jednať na základe toho čomu veríme, potom tomu neveríme. Vidíte? Musíte tomu veriť.

91 Abrahámove skutky vyjadrovali jeho vieru, ktorú mal v zasľúbenie Božie. No, Abrahám, pamätajte, on mal deväťdesiat rokov ... sto rokov a Sárah mala deväťdesiat. A teraz boli dosť obťažení vekom, rodenie detí bolo za nimi už veľa, veľa rokov. A oni žili spolu ako manželia od svojej mladosti, a nemali žiadne deti. Ale predsa, Boh mu povedal, keď mal sedemdesiatpäť rokov, a Sárah šesťdesiatpäť - Budeš mať dieťa.- A on uveril Božiemu zasľúbeniu. On tomu uveril. No, vidíte, on pripravil všetko pre toto dieťa. Vidíte? To bolo to čo videl Boh, keď on uveril Bohu; a človek videl to, čo on urobil aby vyjadril to, čomu uveril. A tak isto to funguje dnes, tak isto je to s nami. Bolo mu to zjavené. Vidíte? Bolo mu to zjavené, tak on tomu tak veril a správal sa tak, ako keby sa to už stalo.

92 No, zastavme sa tu na chvíľu. Niekedy tomu nerozumieme. Ľudia sa dostávajú do emócie, a snažia sa postupovať na základe emócie. To nebude fungovať.

93 No, ja som ako tu brat Gerholtzer, sme starí ľudia a boli sme ... už dlhý čas a videli sme klady aj zápory a všetko možné. Modlili sme sa za chorých po celom svete a videli sme ľudské sklamanie a videli sme haleluja zo všetkých strán. Potom, skrze toto všetko sa učíme. No, keď sme toto začali kázať ako chlapci, brat Gerholtzer, to bolo ako keď sa učíme plávať. To prvé, ako viete, bývalo to tak, aby som sa z toho dostal, brat Jack, bol so mnou brat Brown a chodili so mnou po ulici, večer za večerom, aby som sa prebral. Stál som tam ako malý chlapec, ktorý špliecha, vidiac videnia, viete. A zostával som tam, až kým brat Brown ...

94 Pamätám sa raz večer, nikdy na to nezabudnem, hore v San Jose či niekde. Prišiel ma zobudiť, nespal som niekoľko dní, nevedel som, že som sa s ním rozprával ale povedal mi, že som začal plakať a povedal som: „Idem domov." Vidíte?

95 „Prečo," povedal, „nemôžeš ísť domov." Tam boli zhromaždenia.

96 Povedal som: „Za pár minút budem hotový ísť domov." Vidíte? Bol som skoro bez seba. Vidíte? Bol som vtedy chlapec.

97 Ako keď sa učíte plávať, viete, špliechate a posúvate sa na druhú stranu. „fú, fú, fú preplával som." No, potom, keď sa naučíte plávať, vaše zábery budú zladené a veľmi vás to neunaví. Vidíte? To je ono, učíte sa ako to máte robiť; všetko robíte jednoduchšie a ide vám to lepšie, potom to ide celkom ľahko. Vidíte?

98 Malý chlapec, ktorý nikdy nechodil, keby mal prejsť tu touto uličkou, spadol by aj desaťkrát a bol by unavený, kým by sa sem dostal. Ale každý kto vie ako chodiť, atlét, prešiel by tou uličkou ani by si nevšimol že to robí. No, on s tým musel začať, aby bol tým čím je teraz.

99 No, tak isto je to s kázaním Božského uzdravovania alebo čohokoľvek ďalšieho. Keď idete ďalej, začínate sa učiť. Ak sa neučíte, niečo nie je v poriadku. Vidíte? Musíte sa učiť, a musíte sa učiť ako prijať Boha a čo to skutočne znamená.

100 Pripustíme to, že niekedy hovoríme: „No, tento človek nemá dostatok viery, tento človek neurobil to a to. To je kvôli niečomu, je tam určitá príčina. Niekedy je to nevyznaný hriech. Na niekoho môžete vyliať galóny oleja a kričať až zachrípnete, vôbec to tým diablom nepohne. Tak veru! Musíte to vyznať. To je to čo robí rozpoznanie: „Choď a daj to do poriadku, vyznaj to."

101 Ale to sa tak pomaly deje, viete. A potom - potom tí ostatní sú netrpezliví a hovoria: „Ach, nedostal som sa ku tomu aby sa za mňa modlili." Ale teraz chceme nájsť cestu, to ... čo sa deje, skutočný základ Božského uzdravovania.

102 No, dar, ako som povedal minulý večer. Dar to je niečo ohromné, ale nemôžete zakladať svoje večné určenie na daroch. Nemôžete zakladať väčšie na menšom. A dar je menší. A Satan môže napodobniť každý dar, ktorý Boh má, on môže urobiť niečo, čo vyzerá presne ako to. Vidíte? Presne. Preto musíme dávať na to pozor.

103 Ako som raz hovoril o vykrikovaní; videl som vykrikovať démonov. Vidíte? Hovoriť v jazykoch, videl som démonov hovoriť v jazykoch. Skutočne, on to napodobňuje. To nie je pravé, ale to je napodobenina. Vidíte? Robí, že to vyzerá, ako skutočné. A ľudia niekedy, ktorí nepoznajú rozdiel, hovoria, že toto je skutočné, keď to nie je skutočné.

104 A to isté robia pri Božskom uzdravovaní. Oni si myslia: „No, to je hókus pókus, alebo niečo také." Nie je. To je skutočná, neskazená viera v to, čo Boh povedal, že je pravda. A to drží! A keď to drží, nič s tým nemôže pohnúť. To tam obstojí. A tak, brať na ľahko tieto veci ...

105 No, viera je zjavenie od Boha. No, viera je zjavenie. Tu sa chcem na chvíľu zastaviť. To je zjavenie. On vám to zjavil skrze svoju milosť. To nie je nič, čo ste vy urobili. Vy ste sa nevypracovali do viery. Vy ste nikdy nemali vieru, bolo vám to dané z milosti Božej. A Boh vám to zjavuje, a tak viera je zjavenie. A celá cirkev Božia je postavená na zjavení!

106 Jeden baptistický kazateľ mi nedávno povedal: „Ja jednoducho nemôžem akceptovať zjavenie."

107 Povedal som: „Potom nemôžeš akceptovať Bibliu. Nemôžeš akceptovať Krista, pretože On je zjavením Boha. On je Boh zjavený v tele." A tak, celá cirkev je postavená na Božskom zjavení.

108 Ježiš povedal (Myslím, že Petrovi) ... povedal: „Čo hovoria ľudia, že kto som Ja, Syn človeka?"

109 On sa rozprával so svojimi učeníkmi. „Niektorí hovoria, že si Eliáš a Mojžiš, alebo jeden z prorokov a Jeremiáš."

110 On povedal: „Ale čo vy hovoríte?"

111 On povedal: „Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha."

112 Rímsko katolícka cirkev hovorí: „On hovoril Petrovi, na tejto skale postavím svoju cirkev."

113 Protestanti hovoria: „On ju stavia na sebe samom."

114 No, mohli by mať pravdu. Ale čo sa mňa týka, obaja sa mýlia. To bolo na duchovnom zjavení toho, kto On je. „Peter, telo a krv ti toto nezjavili, ale môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach ti toto zjavil. A na tejto skale," (Na zjavení toho, kto On je. Na zjavení: On je Slovo a celé) ... „Na tejto skale postavím svoju cirkev a brány pekelné ju nepremôžu." To ukazuje, že brány pekelné budú proti tomu.

115 Ábel, skrze vieru, skrze zjavenie, (v tých dňoch nebola žiadna napísaná Biblia) ... Ábel, skrze vieru obetoval Bohu lepšiu obeť než Kain. Pri čom svedčil Boh, že je spravodlivý. Ako? Skrze vieru. Ako? Skrze zjavenie! Skrze zjavenie! Skrze zjavenie Ábel obetoval Bohu lepšiu obeť, pretože mu to bolo zjavené, že to nebolo ovocie z poľa, že to bola krv.

116 Preto niektorí ľudia tomu môžu veriť a niektorí nemôžu tomu veriť, niektorí sa snažia predstierať, že tomu veria.

117 V obecenstve s ľuďmi, kde sa modlíme za chorých, ako zaradom prichádzajú, nájdete niektorých ... a povieme, že to sú všetci dobrí ľudia. Sú niektorí, ktorí sa veľmi snažia tomu veriť, snažia sa prepracovať sa do toho. Niektorí to vôbec nemôžu. A iní, to je proste z milosti, im je to proste dané. No, to je rozdiel. Vidíte? To robí to. To je skutočné zjavenie, pretože viera je zjavenie od Boha. To prv musí byť zjavené.

118 Ježiš toto jasne povedal, keď riekol: „Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne, ak ho prv nepotiahne Môj Otec, alebo mu prv zjavi Mňa." Môžete si to prečítať. To je ev. sv. Jána 6/44 až 46. Oni nevedeli kto On je. Oni si mysleli, že On bol len obyčajný človek. Oni si mysleli, že On je len nejaký prorok, ako si to ľudia myslia dnes. On bol Prorok, On bol obyčajný človek, ale to bolo viac než to.

119 Tak ako minulý večer, keď som hovoril ... Keď dostanete tú knihu, budete tam možno vidieť trošku zmätok ohľadne toho, čo som povedal: „Dve knihy života." To je tá istá kniha, ale jedna z nich, to je vaše prirodzené narodenie, tá druhá je vaše duchovné narodenie. Jedna prechádza do druhej, práve tak ako steblo pšenice. Vždy keď o mne hovoríte, hovoríte o mne ako o živej osobe. Ale tu je časť zo mňa a to je tá osoba, ktorá musí zahynúť. To je tá kniha, z ktorej to meno vychádza. Ale tá večná, tá predurčená, vyvolená osoba, to meno nikdy nemôže z tade vyjsť, pretože to stále tam bolo. Ono nikdy nemôže byť odstránené. Všimnete si to v tej knihe, tak šetríme vás pred rozčarovaním. Takto to tam nájdete. Pretože, myslím, brat Vayle, ktorý tomu dával správnu gramatiku mi to dnes pripomenul. Povedal som: „To je dobre."

120 Baptisti veria, že sú dve samostatné knihy. A v určitom zmysle sú to dve samostatné knihy a z druhej strany to nie sú dve samostatné knihy. Ja tvorím dve oddelené bytosti ... Ja som telo a duša a duch, traja samostatní ľudia, ale ja som ... len jedna robí zo mňa bytosť.

121 Je len jedna skutočná Kniha Života. Ako bol jeden zárodok pšenice, ktorý prechádza cez steblo a prešiel cez klas a ďalej cez šupku a do pšenice; po celej tej ceste. Hovoríte: „No, to je pšenica, ktorá tam leží." To nie je pšenica, to je steblo, ale spolu je to pšenica. Vidíte? To je pšenica, pretože to je všetko jedna stopka, ale pšenica o ktorej hovoríte, to je to zrno na konci toho. To ostatné boli nositelia, to musí zahynúť. A to je to jedno miesto, ktoré hovorí akoby ste mohli mať odstránené svoje meno z Baránkovej knihy života a to druhé miesto hovorí, že nemôžete. Tak, tam to je. To je všetko tam v tom veľkom zjavení, ktoré sa stalo známym od času siedmich pečatí. Preto niektorí ľudia nemôžu tomu veriť.

122 Ježiš to povedal: „Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, ak ho prv nepotiahne Môj Otec. A všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne." Nikto nemôže rozumieť kto On je, alebo ako to je, ak vám to nie je zjavené skrze zjavenie Božie. A potom tomu veríte a podľa toho jednáte. Vidíte? Tu jasne vidíme, že Boh je zjavený v Ježišovi, a len tí, ktorí boli predurčení aby to videli to budú vidieť. Myslel som, že istotne prečítam toto miesto Písma, ale potom som to vynechal, to je ev. Jána 6/44 až 46. Vynechal som to, pretože som myslel, že možno by sme mali ... možno nie je dosť času preberať to, pretože tam tie hodiny sa stále posúvajú.

123 A tam my ... Všimnite si: „Nikto, nikto nemôže prísť, jedine ten, koho prv potiahne Môj Otec. A všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, oni prídu." Oni to rozpoznajú. Nikto iný to nedokáže rozpoznať, žiadna iná osoba, bez ohľadu na to akí ste dobrí, kto ste, musí vám to byť zjavené. Potom vidíte kto je Ježiš Kristus.

124 No, tu, predurčený plán je daný jasne najavo. Práve tak ako iné semeno, Slovo Božie je semeno a musí mať predom pripravenú pôdu. Ak ste zasiali semeno, že ste ho len hodili tam na zem, nič z toho nebude, vtáci ho pozbierajú. Hodíte ho medzi bodliaky a tŕne, to ho zakrátko zadusí. Ježišove podobenstvo tak hovorí. Tak tá pôda musí byť prv pripravená. Tak, Boh, v suverénnej milosti pripravuje najprv to srdce. On vás pripravil pred založením sveta, aby ste Ho prijali v tomto veku. On vás dopredu poznal skrze svoje predzvedenie a určil vás do večného života. On vás poznal, a preto vás pripravil.

125 Preto ste sa vymotali z týchto vecí a dotackali ste sa do toho čo máte teraz. To bol Boh, ktorý vás vedie na miesto, ktoré určil pre vás aby ste tam boli. To ... alebo ak - ak táto pôda nie je popredku pripravená, to nemôže riasť. To je dôvod, že semeno viery, keď kážete vieru, vidíte tie rozpoznania Pánove a vidíte čo sa deje a ako všetky tie dary z Biblie fungujú; ľudia reagujú a hovoria: „Ó, haleluja, ja tomu verím." A povstávajú a zostávajú sklamaní. Vidíte? Tá pôda musí byť predurčená. A vy viete keď to na ňu dopadne.

126 Tak ako môj malý orol, minulý večer. On vedel, keď počul ten krik tej matky orlice, že medzi tým a kvokaním tej sliepky je veľký rozdiel. Vidíte? Pretože on bol orol z vajca. Nie ... on sa nestal orlom práve vtedy, on bol stále orlom. A kresťan bol stále! Príčinou je to oddelenie, keď ste oddelení, pretože ste boli chytení v tom do pasce. Vidíte? Skrze svojho prvého rodiča, Adama a Evy. Stali ste sa z prirodzenosti hriešnikom. Vy ste tým nechceli byť, ale teraz ste počuli evanjelium a viera prichádza z počutia, zjavenie prichádza z počutia. Tam vo vnútri vás je niečo maličké.

127 Iný človek sedí hneď vedľa vás, hovorí: „Och, ja neverím takým veciam. Nezmysel! Ja tomu neverím. Nič na tom nie je!"

128 Ako urobili tí v deň letníc, smiali sa a povedali: „Títo ľudia sú naplnení novým vínom." Hoci to bolo ... Pre tých, ktorým sa to stalo to bola veľká vec. Prečo? To bol Boh zjavujúci sa danému jednotlivcovi. Zatiaľ čo ostatní sa smiali, títo sa radovali. To bolo individuálne zjavenie, ktorým je viera; viera ktorá je zjavená. Keby to nebola viera, potom by to ani tam nebolo. To bola viera.

129 Proste semená musia mať prv pripravenú pôdu. „Lebo všetkých ktorých predzvedel, On povolal. Všetkých, ktorých povolal ... Všetkých, ktorých predzvedel, On predurčil." Ak si to chcete prečítať, Rimanom 8:28-34, a tiež Efežanom 1:1-5. Vidíte, všetkých ktorých On predzvedel, On povolal. Všetkých, ktorých povolal, On ospravedlnil. A všetkých, ktorých ospravedlnil tých už aj oslávil. Nič nie je mimo poriadku. My si myslíme, že je, ale pozrime sa do Písem. To presne pasuje tak ako Boh povedal, že to bude. Vidíme, že to posolstvo je dnes odmietnuté. Či to nie je presne to, čo povedalo Písmo, že urobia? Skutočne, všetky tieto veci sú určené od Boha.

130 Ó, to by malo robiť, že chodíte šťastní. To je dnes ten problém s nami, príliš sa líšime od tých starodávnych kresťanov. Keď to skutočné, pravé zjavenie Ježiša Krista, to je, keď Emanuel prebýval v srdciach tých ľudí, to boli drsní ľudia. Ale dnes, denominácie nás hladkajú, tým že hovoria: „Ó, ja ti poviem, oni nemajú zjavenie. Prídi sem." Vy ste záležní na ich zjavení. Ak ich zjavenie nie je podľa Božieho Slova, potom je zlé; moje alebo kohokoľvek iného, tam prichádza to odhalenie. Slovo Božie hovorí čo je pravé a čo falošné.

131 Každé semeno musí mať svoju pôdu, samozrejme. „A tak, všetkých, ktorých On predzvedel ..." Vidíte? On už vedel čo sa stane. Všimnite si, Ježiš znovu povedal o tom semene: „Niektoré padlo na skalu, iné na zmiešanú pôdu." Vidíte? Tam kde sú bodliaky, tŕne a všetko ďalšie, ono nemohlo rásť. A iné na dobrú pôdu, na dobrú pôdu, dobrú zem, ktorá bola pripravená, už bola pripravená.

132 Každý človek tu je ako kura, obzerá sa dookola a snaží sa niečo nájsť. Narazí na toto a narazí na tamto ale po nejakom čase prichádza zrazu výkrik z neba. On to hneď v tej chvíli rozpoznáva: „To je Slovo Božie!" Vidíte? On to pozná, pretože v jeho srdci je niečo, čo mu to povedalo, čo mu to zjavilo.

133 Všimnite si, prorok Izaiáš povedal: „Panna počne." Čo za divná vec. Ako by to človek pri zdravom rozume mohol povedať? Panna nikdy nepočala. „Panna počne!" No, on sa neznepokojoval nad tým čo povedal, on to proste povedal. Ako ona počne? A to nebola jeho starosť. On mal len povedať, čo Boh povedal, že On vykoná. Boh mu to zjavil, ukázal mu videnie; zjavil to a to bola pravda.

134 Presne ten istý Boh, ktorý povedal mne, že sa narodí to malé dieťa, cez človeka, ktorý nemohol mať dieťa - dievčatko. Ako iné veci, ako to znie divne keď doktor hovorí: „To sa nemôže stať."

135 Ale keď Boh hovorí, že to sa stane, to záleží na tom aký druh slova tam padá. Pamätajte, prorok sa tam postavil a Jeho Slovo bolo vypovedané.

136 Ako Boh v Genesis 1, On povedal: „Nech je svetlo. Nech je toto. Nech je tamto!" Stvoril človeka na svoj vlastný obraz, na obraz Boží ich stvoril, muža a ženu a ešte nebolo nič na zemi. Potom, nachádzame v Genesis 2, tu On stvoril človeka na svoj vlastný obraz. Nebolo človeka, ktorý by obrábal zem, po tom ostatnom stvorení. Čo to bolo? To je Jeho Slovo, On to hovoril. A keď to povedal, riekol: „Nech je svetlo." Tam potom možno osemsto rokov nebolo svetla, možno nebolo žiadneho svetla, ale On to povedal! A keď to povedal: „Nech je palma. Nech je dub. Nech je toto." tie semená sa formovali pod tou vodou. Je to tak. A vo vhodnej dobe, v tom čase, vo svojom vlastnom čase to vyrástlo! To nemôže sklamať, to je Božie Slovo. To proste nemôže sklamať, zostalo To vyjadrené.

137 No, jedného dňa, Boh hovoril ku človeku tvárou v tvár. Ale v čase Mojžiša, keď padal ten oheň, oni povedali: „Nech Boh ... Nech hovorí Mojžiš; nie Boh, aby sme nezahynuli."

138 A tak On povedal: „Už viac nebudem takto ku ním hovoriť. Vzbudím im proroka." Takýto bol stále Boží systém.

139 No, tu stojí prorok; no, on je pod inšpiráciou; on nemyslí o tom svojím intelektuálnym spôsobom: „No, počkaj. Keby som to povedal, no, vieš, ľudia by si mysleli, že som blázon." Vidíte? To je jeho intelekt; tam on počúva Satana, práve tak ako Eva.

140 A pokiaľ doktor hovorí, že nemôžeš žiť, že nemôžeš vyzdravieť, že nemôžeš toto alebo tamto. Pokiaľ počúvaš na to, to Semeno nikdy nespadne na takú pôdu a nič z toho nie je. Nemôže. Ale keď niečo vytrhá všetko také preč a Ono padá na tú upravenú pôdu, nič To z tade nemôže vytrhnúť.

141 No, nezáleží na tom ako dlho to trvá, to sa stane. No, On povedal: „Panna počne." Vedeli ste, že to bolo osemsto rokov predtým, ako sa to stalo? Boh predzvedel tú ženu, kto ona bude, aké bude jej meno, kde padne to Semeno. Veríte tomu? Skutočne, On to predzvedel. A z doslovného lona vychádza tento veľký zázrak. Boh o tom vedel, On to proste zjavil svojmu prorokovi, ktorý bol verný a hovoril Slovo. Bez toho aby myslel čo to bolo, on to proste povedal. On sa to nikdy nesnažil rozumom vyskúmať.

142 Ak sa snažíte rozumom vyskúmať ... Čo keby tento človek, táto žena, alebo tento muž, ktorý tu sedí, alebo niekto by sa snažil odôvodniť: „Som chromý po celé roky. Doktor hovorí, že nie je možné aby nastala zmena." Dobre, možno pokiaľ on vie, tak to nie je možné a to je pravda.

143 Ale keď niečo môže vytrhať z tade tú burinu, ak Boh skrze svoju milosť; nie kazateľ, ani nikto iný, ale ak Boh mohol umiestniť do tvojho srdca zjavenie, ono potiahne: „Budeš uzdravený." Nič ťa ďalej neudrží, aby si tam sedel. Nič ťa tam nemôže udržať, budeš zdravý. Ale kým sa to nestane, budeš sedieť práve v takom stave, ako povedal doktor; až kým sa to nestane. To musí byť zjavené. To je milosť Božia, ktorá to zjavuje.

144 No, všimnite si, Boh poznal tú ženu, ku ktorej malo prísť to Slovo. Všimnite si Izaiáša, tam nebola pochybnosť. Izaiáš nepovedal: „Počkaj chvíľu, Pane! Počkaj - počkaj chvíľu! Čo si mi to povedal? Panna počne? Och! Čo? Počkaj teraz, Otče, takéto niečo sa nikdy nestalo."

145 On neváhal, on proste povedal: „Panna počne!" Tak veru.

146 Všimnite si Máriu: „No, no Pane, počkaj chvíľu. Vieš, ja som nepoznala muža. Toto je nemožné! Nič takéhoto sa nikdy nestalo! Ó, nie, nič takéhoto sa nikdy nestalo. Ako budem mať toto dieťa? Ja nepoznám muža, tak to sa nemôže stať! Och, anjel, ty sa proste mýliš. Ja mám optický klam. Vieš moja cirkev hovorí, že také veci pominuli." Ach! To by nikdy nepadlo na také miesto. Mária vôbec nepochybovala.

147 Ona povedala: „Ako sa to môže stať? Ja nepoznám muža."

148 On povedal: „Duch Svätý ťa zatieni. Tak sa to stane."

149 Ona povedala: „Hľa, som dievka Pánova!" Žiadna pochybnosť!

150 Vidíte? Izaiáš, keď Boh priniesol to Slovo skrze myšlienku (zjavenie) do srdca Izaiáša, Ono padlo na správnu pôdu, to bol prorok. Ten prorok sa nestaral o žiadnu ľudskú múdrosť. On sa nestaral o žiadneho ľudského vzdelanca. On sa nestaral o žiadnu osobu. On bol posvätený kanál Boží a Boh hovoril a on hovoril. To je všetko. Či to niekoho ranilo alebo nie; či to znelo ako bláznovstvo alebo nie; to pre neho nehralo žiadnu roľu. To bol Boh, nie človek.

151 A keď Slovo vyšlo, Ono sa stalo Semenom, Ono niekde musí spadnúť. Keď to Boh povedal, niekde na to musí byť lono do ktorého to spadne. Presne ako On povedal: „Všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria. Keď poviete tomuto vrchu - Presuň sa! - a nepochybujete vo svojom srdci, môžete mať čo ste povedali." Vidíte? Musí to niekde byť, je to tak!

152 Všimnite si! No, zistili sme, že Izaiáš to tu vypovedal.

153 Panna Mária, akonáhle ... Tá pôda bola už zoraná. Ona bola panna. Ona nepobehovala okolo. Tá pôda bola už pripravená, alebo predurčená skrze Božie predzvedenie.

154 Dokonca povedal, „Ona je panna." Hneď vtedy Boh vedel, aké bude jej meno. Jej meno bolo v Knihe Života v nebi.

155 Potom to bolo potvrdené. Ľudia potom, čo sa týka ľudí, oni to videli vyjadrené skrze skutky, keď sa to už stalo. My sa pozeráme naspäť a hovoríme: „Skutočne, to sa stalo," pretože vidíme tie skutky, ktoré sa stali.

156 Noeho skutky vyjadrili ľuďom, aká bola jeho viera v Božie zasľúbenie. No, Boh stretol Noeho a povedal: „Noe, bude pršať. Idem zničiť celú zem vodou." No, ešte nikdy nepršalo, to je nemožné. Dobre, no, Noe mal ... Povedal: „Priprav archu podľa rozmerov aké ti dám." A on tesár, pustil sa do práce, začal brať topor a všetko na pílenie dosiek a zaopatril si šitímové drevo a smolu, presne ako On povedal. A predstavujete si čo si ľudia o ňom mysleli?

157 Oni hovorili: „Ten človek je naozaj blázon, pretože hovorí - z neba sa bude liať voda - a tam nie je žiadna voda." Ale, vidíte, Noe nad tým nerozmýšľal. Jeho skutky vyjadrovali ľuďom, aká bola jeho viera a čo Boh povedal, že sa stane.

158 To je dôvod, že skutočný kresťan sa oddeľuje od všetkého, len nie od Slova Božieho, nezáleží mu na tom, čo si myslia ľudia, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí. On je oddelený pretože ... On to nie len hovorí; ak je to tak, nebude dlho trvať a jeho skutky vyjdú najavo. On odpadne naspäť a skĺzne sa touto cestou a pripojí sa ku tomuto, alebo tomuto, začne ... on ukáže čo je. Ale ak je skutočný, ak Slovo Božie sa v ňom zakorenilo, potom ono zrodí svoj druh, budete vidieť, že ten človek sa pripravuje na tú veľkú hodinu. Vidíte? Takto to robil Noe.

159 Mojžiš, s palicou v ruke prišiel aby vzal ľudí od faraóna. No, mohli by ste si predstaviť ... Mojžiš, Biblia povedala, že on bol vyučený všetkej múdrosti egyptskej. On bol chytrý, on mohol vyučovať ich múdre veci. On bol vyučený všetkej ich múdrosti. On nepotreboval tápať vo svojej múdrosti. No, predstavte si človeka tam vonku na púšti so všetkým tým vzdelaním a potom sa mu Boh zjavuje a hovorí: „Mojžiš, zober si do ruky túto palicu a choď tam do Egyptu a vyveď môj ľud s tým prútom, ktorý máš v ruke. Vyšľahaj to všetko týmto prútom."

160 No, čo keby Mojžiš povedal: „Počkaj chvíľu, myslel som, že sa rozprávam s inteligentnou bytosťou, s týmto veľkým JA SOM, čo si povedal, že si. No, ako budem môcť zobrať túto starú hrčavú palicu, ktorú tu mám v ruke a premôcť armádu, v ktorej je milión mužov ozbrojených kopijami, bojovníkov? A ja nie som bojovník, ja som pastier. Ako to vôbec dokážem?"

161 Tam neboli žiadne pochybnosti! Prečo? Prečo? Lebo v jeho srdci bola pôda! On bol predurčenou osobou. „Dary a povolania sú bez pokánia." Boh povedal Abrahámovi, že On to dokoná a tam bola pripravená pôda.

162 A Mojžiš zobral tú palicu a odišiel tam a zobral ten národ z národa. Keď prišiel s palicou v ruke a povedal Faraónovi: „Nechaj ich odísť!" Faraón videl v Mojžišovi skutky, že on má vieru v to čo ide urobiť, alebo sa snaží urobiť. On mal vieru v zasľúbenie Boha, ktorý mu dal to zasľúbenie, on tam išiel aby to uskutočnil. Žiadny iný človek by to neurobil a žiadny iný muž by to nemohol urobiť, on bol do toho určený. Boh, dopredu povedal Abrahámovi, že to je práve to čo sa stane. A keď sa priblížil čas zasľúbenia, narodil sa malý chlapec, pekné dieťa. A rodičia, Amram a Jochebet sa nebáli kráľovho rozkazu. Vidíte? Bolo niečo, tá pôda bola už pripravená.

163 Ó Bože, dúfam, že dnes večer hovorím ku pripravenej pôde! Ak to Semeno môže spadnúť na správne miesto a to bude ... Ak nie, tak sa to nestane.

164 To je to isté. Hovoríte: „Brat Branham, takýmto spôsobom je nám to tak trochu odobraté." Ak áno, tak je to odobraté tiež aj kresťanstvu. Vidíte? Môžete všetko napodobniť. Ale ak ... ak to skutočne tam padá, ak Slovo Božie padá na ten správny druh pôdy, ono bude rodiť svoj druh. Musí, pretože to je semeno.

165 Noe ... Mojžiš, jeho skutky vyjadrovali vieru v zasľúbenie Božie, ktorému uveril. Faraón, človek, mohol vidieť čo ... Nie ... on nemohol vidieť, ako to Mojžiš bude robiť, ale on vedel, že Mojžiš verí tomu čo hovorí, inak by nestál tam na tom mieste s palicou v ruke a nehovoril: „Touto palicou ich vyvediem od teba." Starý muž, osemdesiat ročný, žiadny atlét; starý človek s ovisnutými ramenami s dlhou bradou, ktorá mu visela možno po pás; šedivé vlasy, ak nejaké mal. A tam s palicou v ruke, hovorí: „Ja ich idem vyviesť, prepusti tých ľudí, - Tak hovorí Pán. A ak to neurobíš, Boh ťa bude súdiť." Amen! Prečo? To je ... Vidíte? To ... Obával sa? Aha, len jeden šíp, jedna kopia, čokoľvek iné by urobilo tomu koniec. On bol nebojácny! On presne vedel kde stojí; povedal: „Boh ťa zničí, faraón." Tak veru.

166 Lebo Boh mu povedal: „Znovu prídeš ku tomuto vrchu," a on vedel, že tam príde.

167 Haleluja! My tiež vieme kde ideme na konci tejto cesty. Boh zasľúbil! Tam za riekou je Zem. Buďte nebojácny vo svojom svedectve. Amen. Ak je vám to zjavené, ste nebojácny. Nestaráte sa či celý svet ... čo oni hovoria; ste nebojácni. Keď je vám to zjavené: „Toto je pravda, ktorá pochádza od Boha," potom môžete byť nebojácni. Ak nie, nemôžete byť.

168 Dávid, s pastierskym prakom ukázal celej izraelskej armáde vieru, ktorú mal v ich Boha. No, tam na druhej strane bol Goliáš a on tam stál a chvastal sa. Oveľa väčší ako Dávid, prsty mal štrnásť côľou dlhé. A to bol mamut, veľký človek, filištínsky obor. A všimnite si Dávida, ten najmenší, on bol príliš malý na to aby bol v armáde, skrčok, nemohli ho zobrať do armády. Tak, jeho bratia boli tam v armáde. A potom, Goliáš sa chvastal.

169 Ale Dávid, pamätajte teraz, Dávidovi to bolo zjavené. On si myslel: „Tu je armáda živého Boha, stojí vo svojej vlastnej zemi a tam sa chvastá neobrezaný filištín." Nazveme ho dnes večer „rakovina" nazveme ho „mŕtvica."

170 Prečo, Dávid nebol pre neho žiadny súper, keby mal akúkoľvek zbraň; on sa mu nijako nemohol rovnať. Ramená toho muža boli možno desať dvanásť stôp široké, keď stál tak mal možno štrnásť pätnásť stôp. Kopiu mal ako tkáčsky návoj, možno dvadsať stôp dlhú, ostrie na nej mohlo mať okolo štyri stopy.

171 A malý Dávid tam stál s malým kúskom kože, kozej alebo ovčej ku ktorej boli priviazané dve šnúrky. Ale jemu to bolo zjavené! Zasiahlo ho zjavenie! Amen! On povedal: „Boh, ktorý ma vyslobodil z pazúrov medveďa, a vyslobodil ma z pazúrov leva o čo viacej On vydá do mojich rúk toho neobrezaného filištína!"

172 Jeho bratia, oveľa viac schopnejší aby to urobili. Saul, o hlavu vyšší od svojej armády. Ale, vidíte, im to nebolo zjavené. Amen. To je to. Oni verili, že to sa môže stať. Oni verili, že Boh to môže urobiť, ale nebolo im to zjavené; ale Dávidovi to bolo zjavené. Tak v tom je rozdiel, práve v tom. Ak je ti to jasne zjavené, že Boh ťa ide uzdraviť, dostaneš to. [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.] Dostaneš to. Nestarám sa o to čo ti je, aké je to zvláštne, môže to byť horšie ako Dávid a Goliáš. Ale ak ti je to zjavené ...

173 A všimnite si, keď je to zjavené, Dávid sa stal nebojácny. On povedal: „Dnes zotnem tvoju hlavu!" Amen. Rýchlo! Náš Boh, skrze milosť, v tej rozhodujúcej chvíli, keď musí byť urobené rozhodnutie, ten istý Boh, ktorý vyprodukoval milosť v tom dni a pustil to semeno viery do toho malého zhrbeného chlapca, vidiac jeho srdce; ten istý Boh, v tejto rozhodujúcej chvíli môže zobrať tú ženu z toho invalidného kresla, toho muža, ktorý prichádza ...?...chorobu srdca. Keď to malé zrnko viery ti zjavilo ... A nestarám sa ako dlho to trvá ...

174 Všimnite si, ten obor na tej druhej strane, on tomu neveril; ani rakovina tomu nebude veriť. On sa vysmieval, povedal: „Či som ja pes? Poslali ste sem dieťa aby so mnou bojovalo?" Povedal: „Napichnem ťa na svoju kopiju a nech vtáci zožerú tvoje telo." Prečo, on mal všetko, všetko stálo po jeho strane.

175 Ale, vidíte, to s Dávidom vôbec nezatriaslo. Prečo? Jemu to bolo zjavené. On mal vieru v to čo robil. On vedel, že to urobí. A on to urobil, pretože mu to bolo zjavené a on vedel kde stojí.

176 A ak dnes večer Boh prehovorí do tvojho srdca a povie: „Nebudeš ležať na tej posteli. Nebudeš sedieť v tom kresle. Budeš uzdravený." Nič nebude môcť odvrátiť od toho tvoju myseľ.

177 Ale kým sa to nestane, každý kazateľ na svete sa môže modliť ... Nehovorím, že by ti to nepomohlo; to by ťa povzbudilo. Ale až kým tá viera ... Vidíte? Uzdravovacia moc je v tebe. Ona neprichádza od kazateľa. Ona ku tebe prichádza skrze zjavenie, skrze vieru. „Nie silou ani mocou, ale Mojím Duchom," hovorí Pán. „Môj Duch, z milosti ti toto zjavuje." A nič to nemôže odstrániť. Skrze vieru, Zjavenie! Potom, Dávid aby dokázal svoje skutky ...

178 No, niektorý z nich povedal: „Ja poznám zlobu tvojho srdca." Jeho brat povedal: „Ty si prišiel sem aby si videl boj. Bež naspäť ku ovciam."

179 On povedal: „Chcel by som hovoriť so Saulom, s generálom." Vidíte?

180 A Saul povedal: „Synu, obdivujem tvoju odvahu, ale vieš, ty si len chlapec. A on je bojovník od svojej mladosti, ty sa mu nemôžeš rovnať."

181 On povedal: „Pásol som ovce svojho otca ..." On to mohol niečím podložiť! Amen! Ó brat! A ten Boh, ktorý spasil tvoju dušu, či nemôže uzdraviť tvoje telo? To je proste to isté, zjavuje ti, On je tvoj Uzdravovateľ, ako bol tvoj Spasiteľ. Vidíš? Ale to prv musí byť zjavené, to je rozdiel. On mal niečo na čom mohol postaviť svoju vieru.

182 Povedal: „No, toto sa nikdy predtým nestalo."

183 Ale povedal: „Ten istý Boh, ktorý ma vyslobodil z pazúrov leva, vyslobodí ma z rúk tohoto neobrezaného filištína."

„Ako to vieš, Dávid."

„Verím tomu."


„Bolo mi to zjavené." A on povedal ...

184 On vedel o čom hovorí. Pretože keď ten obor povedal: „Dám ťa zožrať vtákom"; on povedal: „Ja zotnem tvoju hlavu." To je rozdiel. Vidíte? A on to urobil!

185 Samson, jedného dňa ho pristihli (bez stráže) vonku na poli a tu prišlo na neho tisíc filištínov. A on sa pozrel na zem, tam kde zomrel nejaký osol a zodvihol tú starú čeľusť, čeľusť, suchú ako len mohla byť a pustil sa do tých filištínov, bil ich po hlavách s touto starou suchou čeľusťou z osla a pokiaľ viem ani zub z nej nevypadol. A tie filištínske prilby boli možno hrubé cól (pretože oni sa v tých dňoch bili kyjakmi), aby im chránili hlavy pred tými údermi. Ale on zobral tú osliu čeľusť a pobil tisíc filištínov a tá čeľusť sa vôbec nezlomila. On ich proste bil, takto, ako prichádzali. Tak, tí ostatní utiekli do skál. Vidíte? Oni utekali od neho. Prečo? On tomu veril!

186 Niekedy, aby som vám ukázal ... Chcem vám ešte niečo povedať. Reagujte na ten pulz, na tú darovanú chvíľu, ako to urobil Jozue, ako Mária Magdaléna, všetci tí. Práve v tej chvíli keď je vám niečo zjavené, chyťte sa toho. Chyťte to, tú darovanú chvíľu.

187 Áno, bolo mu to zjavené. On išiel stretnúť tých tisíc filištínov. No čo si myslíte, keď tí filištíni povedali: „Pozrite, ide sem, ten skrčok; vysoký len štyri a pol stopy; sedem kaderí mu visí dole na chrbát, ako taký malý mamin slaboch, vidíte; ide s oslou čeľusťou. A pozrite na nás aká sme my veľká armáda! Nie je to smiešne?" Ale čo on robil? On vyjadroval tým filištínom, čo mu bolo od Boha zjavené. On pochytil tú osliu čeľusť a pustil sa do nich, pretože to bolo to, čo mu On dal do ruky; On to položil do jeho ruky, to bolo to čomu on veril: on to dokáže! A tým že tak robil, on vyjadroval tým filištínom, čo mu Boh položil na srdce aby vykonal.

188 Ján Krstiteľ vyjadril svoju vieru skrze svoje skutky a keď povedal: „Medzi vami stojí teraz Ten." Len si to predstavte. Ev. Jána, mám to miesto Písma, ev. Jána 1/26. On povedal ...

189 Oni povedali: „Ty hovoríš, že Mesiáš prichádza? Človeče, čo sa s tebou deje? My na neho očakávame už štyritisíc rokov."

190 On povedal: „On stojí teraz rovno medzi vami." Haleluja! Tak isto tu On stojí dnes večer! (oj - joj)

191 On vyjadril svoju vieru skrze svoje zjavenie, pretože jemu bolo zjavené, že ... on vedel, že pokrstí Mesiáša. On bol muž, tridsaťročný. On vedel, že On tam niekde musí byť; on ešte vôbec nevedel kto To je a On tam stál rovno medzi nimi. On povedal: „Medzi vami stojí teraz Niekto, ktorého vy neznáte a ja nie som hodný rozviazať remienok na jeho obuvi, ale On vás bude krstiť Duchom Svätým. A On je práve teraz medzi vami." On to vyjadril, svoju vieru, pretože vedel, že vo svojich dňoch mal vidieť a pokrstiť Božieho Mesiáša. Tak, vidíte, tí ľudia mohli vidieť na ňom to vyjadrenie, tak ako on kázal a ako sa správal, vyjadroval, že má pravé zjavenie od Boha.

192 No, aby dokázal že je to pravda, zo zástupu vystúpil a prišiel Mesiáš; len obyčajný mladý muž kráčal tam dole, oblečený ako ostatní ľudia. Ján povedal: „Ajhľa, Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta."

193 „Ako Ho poznáš?"

194 On povedal: „Ten, ktorý mi povedal na púšti - Na koho budeš vidieť zostupovať Ducha, to je Ten, ktorý bude krstiť Duchom Svätým."

195 Vidíte, on Ho poznal, pretože tam v tom čase sa mal ukázať znak. (Porozumievate to?) Ján vedel presne o tej hodine, pretože bol prorok. Jemu to bolo zjavené, a tak vedel, že to bude približne v tom čase, keď uvidí znak. A keď uvidel ten znak, povedal: „On stojí medzi vami." On vedel, že To tam je.

196 Ó, vidím znak, že čas konca je tu. Vidím tie veci, ktoré sú zasľúbené pre toto Posolstvo času konca, ktoré sa dejú, odvíjajú sa presne tak ako povedalo Písmo. A ja viem že čas sa priblížil! Hovorím to bez váhania. Verím, že to je skutočne blízko, lebo vidím znaky, o ktorých On povedal, že sa stanú tesne pred tým časom. Teraz je to hotové aby sa to stalo.

197 Ján vyjadril svoju vieru v to, čo mu Boh zjavil. Tak skutky svedčia o viere. Keď vás oni vidia, že sa správate ako uzdravení, potom budú vedieť, že máte vieru, že ste uzdravení.

198 Čo hovorí svedectvo? Hovorí toto: „Ja to mám teraz, pretože som prijal Božie zasľúbenie. Ono teraz vo mne účinkuje. Pripravujem sa na to, že sa to stane." Vidíte? To je to, čo robia vaše skutky. Áno, skutočne!

199 Tu, pred nedávnom, hneď po mojej poslednej ceste do Afriky; Bol som tam len na jar, ale tá cesta pred tým. Bolo tam malé dieťa, ktoré malo zdeformované chodidlá a jednu nohu malo kratšiu od druhej. Nikdy v živote nemalo topánky. Och, to bolo najstrašnejšie zdeformovanie. A modlil som sa ten večer za to dieťa, oni to pozorovali a videli ako sa stali tie veci, modlili sa za to dieťa. A na druhý deň ráno som tam išiel a prechádzal som okolo obchodu s obuvou. A išiel som tam a tam bol ten muž a kupoval detské topánky. On tomu veril!

200 Ako tento muž tu, ktorý uveril, že Boh mu dá to dieťa. Skutočne, on uveril, že to sa stane, pripravil sa na to. „Pripravujem sa." Hoci neboli viditeľné žiadne telesné výsledky, ale to ani trochu nezmenilo jeho postoj. On tomu veril, ako Abrahám: „všetko čo sa s tým nezhodovalo nazýval ako keby to tak nebolo." Tu to máte!

201 Preto tedy, ak vám váš rozum hovorí ... Ó, tu je teraz ten osteň. Ak vám váš rozum hovorí, že toto je pravda, Boh uzdravuje nemoci, vaša myseľ môže svedčiť, že to je pravda, ale ak vo vašom srdci nie je tá pripravená pôda, viera, do ktorej to musí padnúť, aby sa to vyjadrilo, tak sa to nestane.

Hoci veľa ... nezáleží na tom ako veľmi to tento vonkajší človek môže zdôvodňovať Písmom a hovoriť, že to je pravda, tým sa to ešte stále nestáva pravdou.

202 Koľkí si beriete tie pásky? Máte moju kázeň pred nedávnom, Pomazanci posledného času? Verili ste tomu? Vidíte? Tam je povedané: „Budú antikristovia. Antikristovia, ktorí by zviedli skoro aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." Môže to ... Nemôže, pretože to je nemožné, oni sú vyvolení. Vidíte? Dobre.

203 Ale On povedal: „Tí pomazaní ..." Vidíte? Kristus znamená pomazaný, ale títo budú anti. Oni boli pomazaní, ale anti, vo svojom učení sú proti Kristovi. No, oni mohli robiť všetko čo mohli tí ostatní.

204 No pamätajte, vy ste v okruhu troch, ale ste jednou osobou. Ako Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, okruch troch, ale jedna osoba. Tri atribúty toho istého Boha: otcovstvo ... Tri úrady ako: otcovstvo, synovstvo a Duch Svätý. A vy ste: telo, duch a duša.

205 No, to vonkajšie telo má päť vchodov, na kontaktovanie sa so svojím zemským domovom: zrak, chuť, hmat, čuch a sluch. To vnútro, ktorým je duch, to má päť zmyslov: svedomie a láska a tak ďalej. Ale to vnútro toho, duša, má jednu vec. Tam vlastne žijete.

206 Duch môže prísť sem na vonok a pomazať vás aby ste robili určitú vec a vy to robíte, ale to neznamená, že ste spasení. Zamyslite sa nad tým. Kajfáš prorokoval. Judáš vyháňal démonov. Vidíte? Duch ho pomazal. Dážď padá na spravodlivých a na nespravodlivých, burina sa môže radovať spolu s pšenicou. Ale záleží na tom, čím je to v jadre. Rozumovo to tu môžete prijať a povedať: „Ó, skutočne, to vyzerá dobre. Verím tomu." To stále ešte nie je to. Nie veru. A duch môže skutočne vydávať o tom svedectvo, a stále to tak nie je. Pretože ak tá duša nepochádza od Boha, to tu vonku môže robiť všetky napodobeniny, ale to nemôže byť skutočné. Môžete odohrávať uzdravenie, môžete pôsobiť dojmom, akoby ste to mali. Môžete sa správať akoby ste to prijali. Kresťania sa môžu správať akoby boli kresťanmi a správať sa tak a byť pri tom takí dobrí, ale to neznamená, že sú spasení. Je to presne tak. Vidíte? Duch tam môže byť, skutočný, opravdový Duch. Duch Svätý vás môže pomazať, to stále neznamená, že ste spasení. To je tá vnútorná duša, ktorá nikdy nezomiera, ona má Večný Život. To bol stále Večný Život. Vidíte? To pochádza od Boha, to ide ku Bohu, to je duša.

207 No, všimnite si to, to musí byť. Päť, v-i-e-r-a, vonku; duch, J-e-ž-i-š; a vo vnútri, t-y. [V angličtine y-o-u, tri písmená] Vidíte? Takto tu stojím, dívam sa na vás a nepoznám ani jedného z vás. Duch ma môže pomazať a stále nikoho z vás nepoznám. Ale keď vstúpi to vnútorné vnútro, to je Boh.

208 Tam to vonkajšie môže usudzovať. Zoberte človeka, povie: „Dobre, viete, ja viem, že nemám cudzoložiť. Ale, viete, potom mi duch hovorí, že nemám cudzoložiť. Ale, viete, tam ďalej vo vnútri, tá vec tam stále je." Vidíte? To bude nad vami akoby vládnuť, a radšej si na to dávajte pozor.

209 Ale keď je to nasmerované od vnútra, to dáva všetko to ostatné dokopy. To je riadiace centrum. To je kontrolná veža, to vnútorné vnútro. Duša kontroluje ducha, duch kontroluje telo.

210 Tak nejaké vonkajšie vybielenie nič na tom nemení. Tí nábožní ľudia tam vtedy, ktorých Pavel nazýval „vybielené steny," a tak ďalej, oni boli navonok, proste každým spôsobom veriaci, a mali medzi sebou proroctvá a všetko ďalšie, ale to vnútorné vnútro ... „Duša ktorá neverí ..."

211 Preto hovorím, že ľudia môžu vyskakovať hore dole a hovoriť v jazykoch, ľudia môžu vykrikovať, klásť ruky na chorých a uzdravovať chorých a tak ďalej, skrze vieru; všetky tieto veľké veci tam skrze Ducha a stále byť stratení. Pomazanci.

212 Všimnite si, Ježiš povedal: „Len ver, lebo všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria." Viera a skutky sú ako muž a žena, oni pracujú spolu. Muž pracuje so ženou a žena s mužom; oni identifikujú jeden druhého.

213 Ako muž, ktorý hovorí, že je ženatý a pri tom nemôže predviesť a ukázať, že má ženu. Pochybujete o tom čo tvrdí. Vidíte? Nejaký muž povedal: „Ja som ženatý."

„Kde je tvoja manželka?"

„Ó, ja o tom neviem." Vidíte? Sotva by som mu uveril.

Opýtam sa: „Dobre, kde máš manželku?"

„No, neviem." Nebudem tomu veriť.

214 Tak, vidíte, keď máte to, čo hovoríte, že máte, „Ja mám vieru." Ako mi ukážeš svoju vieru? Skrze svoje skutky. Vidíte?

„Som ženatý."

„Ako vieš, že si ženatý?"

„Toto je moja žena." Vidíte? Tu to máte.

„Som vydatá, toto je môj manžel."

„Som uzdravený."

„Ako to vieš?"

215 „Moje skutky ukazujú moju vieru." Vidíte? Vidíte? No, o čom hovoríte: vaša viera to je to, čo vo vás vidí Boh. Vaše skutky to je to, čo na vás vidia iní ľudia.

216 To vysvetľuje tu ten rozdiel medzi Jakobom a Pavlom, ohľadne Abraháma. Oni vôbec neprotirečia jeden druhému, oni obidvaja hovoria to isté; to je ako manželstvo.

217 Tak je to s vierou, ktorá neprodukuje skutky, každý má právo pochybovať o vašom svedectve. Počujete to, prv ako začne volať ľudí do radu aby sme sa za nich modlili? Ak vaša viera pri tom neprodukuje skutky, nemôžete nikoho presvedčiť aby veril, že ste uzdravení. Poviete: „No neviem." Vidíte? „Áno, skutočne, ja mám všetkú vieru na svete." Nemáš. Pretože, ak máš vieru, potom skutky sú zosobášené s vierou. Oni sú manžel a manželka, jedno identifikuje to druhé.

218 Zamyslime sa teraz na chvíľu nad Abrahámom. Abrahám mal ten svätý zväzok v komplete, vidíte, on to mal celé spolu. On nazýval veci, ktoré boli nezhodné s jeho vierou, ako keby neboli; a postupoval na tých istých princípoch. Môžem si predstaviť, po okolo dvadsiatych rokoch, niekto išiel okolo a povedal: „Otec národov? Och! Abram, ty si povedal, že sa voláš Abrahám, čo znamená otec národov. Koľko detí máš teraz, Abrahám?" Vidíte?

219 To ho ani trochu nevyviedlo z rovnováhy. Biblia hovorí, „Nezapochyboval nad Slovom Božím v nevere." On išiel ďalej a robil prípravy, mal pripravené všetky tie topánočky a plienky a všetko, on bude mať to dieťa. A hotovo.

220 Dokonca Sára povedala: „Vieš čo sa stane? Ty budeš mať to dieťa, ale poviem ti ako to urobíme. Hagar je teraz moja slúžka, ja ti ju dám." (Pretože mnohoženstvo bolo vtedy legálne) „A ona bude mať dieťa a ja si vezmem to dieťa." Ale Abrahám tomu neveril. Nie, on by to neurobil. Ale Sára bola inšpirovaná do toho.

221 Tak, Boh povedal Abrahámovi: „Choď a vypočuj ju," ale On povedal: „Jednako toto nie je to, čo som ti zasľúbil. Toto nie je ten spôsob, ako som ti to zasľúbil."

222 No dávajte pozor, on nazýval všetko „opačne" a jeho telo bolo vtedy mŕtve a Sárine lono tak isto. No, on bol starý muž, storočný. Sára mala deväťdesiat. A teraz si všimnite! Umŕtvené Sárine lono alebo umŕtvenie svojho tela, na to vôbec nebral ohľad.

223 Počúvajte toto:

Lebo nie skrze zákon bolo dané Abrahámovi alebo jeho semenu zasľúbenie, že bude dedičom sveta, ale skrze spravodlivosť viery.

Lebo ak sú dedičmi tí, ktorí sú zo zákona, vtedy je vyprázdnená viera a zmarené je zasľúbenie.

Lebo zákon pôsobí hnev; lebo tam kde nieto zákona, niet ani prestúpenia.

224 Počúvajte teraz toto:

ktorý tam, kde nebolo nádeje, ...

(kde nebolo nádeje, všetká nádej bola preč! Ó, stále keď sa cítim trochu skľúčený, toto je tá kapitola, ktorú otváram, Rimanom 4. Vidíte?)

(Ako je napísané, učinil som ťa otcom ... národov,) pred tvárou Boha, ktorému uveril a ktorý oživuje mŕtvych a volá to, čo nie je, ako čo by bolo.

(„Boh tak povedal!" Vidíte?)

ktorý tam kde nebolo nádeje, uveril v nádeji, aby bol otcom mnohých národov podľa povedaného: Tak bude tvoje semä.

225 Počúvajte teraz 19. verš.

a neoslabnúc vo viere nehľadel na svoje už umŕtvené telo majúc okolo sto rokov ani na umŕtvenie života Sáry

a nepochyboval o zasľúbení Božom v nevere, ale bol posilnený vo viere dajúc slávu Bohu

226 Vo veku sto rokov? Pozrite, jeho telo bolo umŕtvené, jeho mužnosť a Sárine lono bolo mŕtve. On ... To vôbec nebral pod úvahu. Keď mu to bolo zjavené, tá mŕtvota prestala byť braná pod úvahu. Máš mŕtvicu, alebo čokoľvek ti je, to sa neberie pod úvahu. To invalidné kreslo, na to sa nezvracia úvaha. Alebo ten malý chlapec, možno ochrnutý, čokoľvek to je (ja neviem), na to sa neberie ohľad. To vôbec nie je pod úvahou.

227 „Ale doktor povedal, - On sa z tohoto nikdy nedostane. - Doktor povedal. - Ona nikdy nepríde ... - To sa vôbec neberie pod úvahu.

228 „Dobre, pozri sa, ja som starý človek, som v strednom veku." Na to vôbec neberie ohľad.

229 A my sme deti Abrahámove (Haleluja!), nie ako bol Izák, ale jeho Kráľovské Semeno, skrze Ježiša Krista, skrze vieru, ktorú mal. V posledných dňoch vystupuje Abrahámove Semeno aby svietilo ako hviezdy. Abrahámove deti! „Nebral pod úvahu teraz svoje umŕtvené telo." Vôbec to ani nebral pod úvahu! O tom nebola vôbec žiadna pochybnosť, či to Boh urobí alebo nie. Boh povedal, že to urobí! Prečo? Bolo mu to zjavené. Je to tak?

230 Keď je ti to zjavené, keď je to skutočne ... niečo ... Ty nemôžeš spraviť aby sa to stalo, to ti musí byť zjavené. Potom vôbec na nič nezvraciaš úvahu: aké je to nemožné, neberieš ohľad na to, čo povedal doktor, neberieš ohľad na to, čo povedala mama, čo povedal otec, čo povedal kazateľ, čo ktokoľvek povedal. Berieš ohľad len na to, čo povedal Boh!

231 „On nehľadel na svoje už umŕtvené telo, ani na umŕtvené Sárine lono. Na to vôbec nebral ohľad. Ó, až sa z toho trasiem. Nehľadel na umŕtvené telo, ani na umŕtvenie života Sáry, na to vôbec nebral ohľad.

232 Žiadne okolnosti nebudú brané pod úvahu, keď viera nájde pripravenú pôdu! Keď zárodok od muža nájde vajíčko v žene a oboje je plodné, niečo sa stane. Haleluja! Doktor môže povedať: „Nebudete mať dieťa. Môžem dokázať, že gény vo vašom tele sú mŕtve a jej vajíčka nebudú plodné." Ale nech to plodné vajíčko, nech sa ten zárodok raz dostane ku tomu vajíčku, sledujte čo sa deje; ten malý chlapec alebo to malé dievča prichádza na scénu. Prečo? Viera našla svoju pôdu. Skutky začínajú fungovať, bunka za bunkou a zjavuje sa ten malý človiečik. Amen. Bože, buď nám milostivý. Ó, Bože aby sme boli drsnými kresťanmi, akými máme byť! Ak sme boli muži a ženy, mohli by sme zobrať Boha za Slovo. Nemôžete to urobiť až kým vám to nie je zjavené. (Musím sa ponáhľať.)

233 Všimnite si, svätá Božia viera bola spojená so svätými skutkami jeho proroka. Pamätajte, Božia svätá viera bola zjavená Abrahámovi. On ju prijal a od tade začal so svojimi svätými skutkami, tým že veril. Semeno zasľúbenia malo miesto aby mohlo rásť. Čo keby Abrahám povedal: „No, vieš, Sára, nakoniec, už je to dvadsať päť rokov odkedy mi Boh dal to zasľúbenie." Och! Keby sa niečo také stalo, vidíte. Ale nestalo sa. Boh vedel, že to sa nestane.

234 Čo keby panna Mária povedala: „Dobre, no, počkaj chvíľu! Panna počne? No, vylúčia ma z cirkvi ak pôjdem a poviem niečo také?" No, ona by takto myslela, keby nebola tou pripravenou pôdou.

235 Keď ten prorok povedal: „Panna počne," Tým to bolo vybavené.

236 Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." Ak tam leží tá pripravená pôda, keď tam padá to Slovo, ono sa chytí. Nič ho nemôže zastaviť.

237 No, rýchlo, už končíme. Vidíte? To Semeno malo miesto, kde sa mohlo ukryť. Boh to vedel, inak by nikdy nedal Abrahámovi to zasľúbenie. Dobre teraz počúvajte. Boh vedel kde pôjde to zasľúbenie; On nepovolal ani Abraháma, až keď mal sedemdesiat päť rokov, ale on bol od začiatku jeho predurčeným sluhom, ako aj Sára.

238 Všimnite si, pamätajte, on nemal Bibliu z ktorej by čítal. On to nemal tak ľahko ako my dnes, aby čítal Jeho Slovo a videl iných ktorí to prijali. Pamätajte, on to mal len skrze zjavenie, a to je to skutočné. Tak isto ako to bolo s Jozefom, v Genesis, tam nebola žiadna Biblia. Pamätajte, Mojžiš napísal Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus a Deuternomium. Nikto z týchto postáv tam nemal žiadnu Bibliu aby si z nej čítal, len po Mojžišovi. Je to tak? Oni nemali Bibliu, ako my aby nám pomohla keď krívame. To boli drsní muži, ktorí ... mali zjavenie od Boha a oni na tom stáli. Nič s nimi nepohlo. No, myslíte, že my môžeme mať ešte takú tvrdú vieru? Ak ti je to zjavené!

239 Prepáčte za výraz, alebo za svedectvo v tomto čase, práve pred zakončením. Pamätám sa na to tu hore v „Twin City", myslím, že brat Brown a oni tam boli so mnou; a ja som tedy preberal život Jozefa z Biblii. A čítal som tú Bibliu, tam bol človek proti ktorému nebolo nič! Abrahám, Izák, Jakob, a oni všetci, mali niečo, čo bolo proti nim, ale Jozef nie. Čo za človeka, dokonalý muž, dokonalý obraz Krista!

240 Keď som to čítal, rozplakal som sa, jedného dňa v hotely na izbe. A išiel som do tej malej miestnosti, kde som mal zavesené šaty, zatiahol som dvere a povedal som: „Bože, chcem ti poďakovať za muža, akým bol Jozef, za muža, ktorý raz žil na zemi, muž v tele ako ja, muž, ktorý ti dokázal veriť a prijať Tvoje Slovo." On bol nenávidený od svojich bratov. On si nemohol pomôcť, že bol duchovný. On videl videnia. On mohol vykladať sny. Oni všetci ho nenávideli za to. On si nemohol pomôcť, to bolo proste to, čím bol.

241 Vidíte? To nebolo proste pre iných. Oni ho mali milovať, ale namiesto toho ... Keď im on niekedy niečo povedal, čo bolo proti nim, „Ó" povedali „tu ide ten majster snov." Vidíte? A oni ho nenávideli bez príčiny.

242 Povedal som: „Prečo to robili?" A predsa sa ten muž vôbec nepohol, on stál rovno tam. Vidíte? Povedal som: „Ďakujem ti Pane. Ó Bože, ďakujem ti za takého človeka."

243 A práve vtedy mi Duch Svätý zjavil, povedal: „Ty budeš mať syna a dáš mu meno Jozef." Vstal som a poďakoval som Bohu.

244 Rebeka, sedí tam vzadu, narodila asi okolo ... vtedy mala asi rok. Narodila sa cisárskym rezom. V rodine mojej ženy je to bežné, pretože kosti sa im neuvoľňujú ako sa to má u ženy, sú pevné ako u muža a ona musela byť vybraná rezom z matky. A doktor mi povedal, povedal: „Brat Branham, už s touto ženou nemaj viacej dieťa." Povedal: „Jej lono je také tenké ako balónik." Povedal: „Radšej mi dovoľ podviazal tie vaječníky."

245 Povedal som: „Nie nedovolím, nemysli na to, Doc."

246 On povedal: „Dobre, nemala by mať už ďalšie dieťa." Povedal: „Zruinuješ ju, zomrie. Mali sme tam ťažké chvíle. Ledva cez to prešla."

247 A potom mi Pán povedal, že budem mať syna a jeho meno bude Jozef. Vôbec som z toho nebol vystrašený. Vy všetci ... mnohí z vás sa na to pamätáte.

248 Vyšiel som a oznamoval som: „Budem mať dieťa a bude sa nazývať Jozef." Koľkí sa na to pamätáte? Skutočne! Všade, po celej krajine, všade, hovoril som ľuďom: „Budem mať dieťa, bude sa nazývať Jozef."

249 Práve tak ako to bolo s tým malým chlapcom, ktorý bol vzbudený z mŕtvych vo Fínsku. Brat Jack tam bol, keď sa to stalo. Povedal som vám to, dva alebo tri roky predtým, ako sa to stalo: „Bude malý chlapec," ako bude oblečený, kde bude ležať. „Boh tak povedal."

250 „Ako sa to stane?"

251 „Ja neviem! Ale bolo mi to zjavené, že sa to stane!"

252 Bolo mi to zjavené: „Pôjdem do Arizony a stretnem tam sedem anjelov. A oni mi potom povedia, čo - Posolstvo, ktoré mám kázať." A to bolo sedem pečatí. To sa stalo! Koľkí sa pamätáte, že som to hovoril? Tie pásky a iné veci hovoria o tom. A to sa stalo! Časopisy, všetko ďalšie, spravili o tom snímky. To Svetlo tam vo vzduchu, oni to vôbec ešte nerozumejú. Tam to bolo.

253 Pamätám sa keď som volal bratovi Jackovi a pýtal som sa ohľadne toho, ako tam Kristus stál a brat Jack povedal: „To je vo svojom oslávenom stave." Vidíte? Mám rád brata Jacka. On je jeden z najlepších teológov akých poznám, ale nezdalo sa mi to správne.

254 Stál som tam, povedal som: „Pane ako je toto? Tu je mladý muž s vlasmi ako vlna."

255 A On povedal: „On má parochňu." Pozrite sa do tej knihy, povedal som to prv, ako sa to stalo. A v ten deň, keď sa to stalo, to odišlo hore. A keď obrátite nabok ten obrázok, ak máte časopis „Look" (Pozri) alebo „Life" (Život). Obráťte to nabok. Tam On je, tak dokonale, Hoffmanova Hlava Krista, díva sa rovno dole, tam kde som stál; tam je to v tom časopise! Koľkí ste to videli? Samozrejme, všetci ste to videli. Tam, díva sa rovno naspäť, dokázal presne, že to zjavenie je správne.

256 Prečo s parochňou? Prečo, starý anglický sudcovia, židovský sudcovia, zvykli nosiť parochňu, v Anglicku to ešte nosia; keď ... To je najvyššia autorita, on má parochňu. A to ukázalo Jeho, ako tam stojí v parochni z krídel anjelov, On je Alfa a Omega. On je Najvyšší Sudca a nieto iného okrem Neho. Treba Ho vidieť ako Alfu a Omegu. A tam On bol mladý človek, neveľa nad tridsať rokov, má bielu parochňu. Ukazuje, že On je najvyšší, Boh, „Otec odovzdal všetok súd do rúk Synovi." Haleluja! To zjavenie nie je nikdy falošné! Hovor ho v každom prípade, nezáleží na tom ako to zneje, choď rovno so Slovom.

257 Pamätáte sa, po štyroch rokoch, moja žena, vedeli sme, že budeme mať dieťa. Každý hovoril: „Či to bude Jozef?"

258 Povedal som: „Možno, neviem, ale budem mať Jozefa."

259 Keď sa to dieťa narodilo, bola to Sárah. Potom mi zatelefonoval jeden človek a vysmial sa mi do tváre, povedal: „Hej, vieš čo? Chcel si povedať Jozefína!" Ten človek zomrel. Ten človek zomrel.

260 Povedal som: „Vážený pane, Boh mi povedal, že budem mať syna a že mu dám meno Jozef!"

261 Boli tam traja ľudia, ktorí opustili nejakú denomináciu a prišli do nášho zboru a počuli ma, ako som to hovoril. Keď sa Sárah narodila oni povedali: „Aha, on je falošný prorok."

262 Povedal som: „Počkaj chvíľu, pani, ja som nikdy nepovedal kedy, ani Boh nepovedal kedy. On mi povedal, že budem mať ... On povedal Abrahámovi, že budú mať Izáka, ale Izmael sa narodil medzi tým, a to neznevážilo to, čo bolo povedané." Povedal som: „Boh povedal, že budem mať tohoto chlapca a dáme mu meno Jozef."

263 Doktor povedal, keď prišiel: „Reverend, teraz zaviažem tie vaječníky."

264 Povedal som: „Nerob to!"

265 On povedal: „Dobre, ty sa môžeš znovu oženiť a potom mať toho chlapca."

266 Povedal som: „Ja ho budem mať od nej! Boh tak povedal!" Nemohol som to prečítať z Biblie ale to bolo napísané na mojom srdci skrze zjavenie, skrze vieru; Boh tak povedal! Nezapochyboval o zasľúbení Božom v nevere.

Niektorí z nich povedali: „Chcel si povedať Jozefína."

Povedal som: „Chcel som povedať Jozef."

Doktor povedal: „Ona nemôže mať ďalšie dieťa."

Ja som povedal: „Ona bude mať ďalšie dieťa."

267 Prešli štyri roky, nakoniec ona znovu mala byť matkou.

268 Potom nejaká žena, (rozoslala falošné proroctvo po celej krajine) písala slová, povedal: „Teraz Méda zomrie, v čase tohoto, pretože ja som bola poslaná aby som viedla Billyho." A bolo tam povedané, že „On ma nechce počúvať, pretože som žena ale Boh ho zaženie do úzkych, tým že zabije jeho ženu."

269 Povedal som: „Boh poslal Ježiša Krista, aby ma viedol." Vidíte? A povedal som: „Ja som vedený Duchom."

270 Chudáčik Méda. Mali sme zdravotnú sestru, ktorá bola uzdravená na zhromaždeniach, všetci o tom viete, pani Morganová, jedna zo zdravotných sestier z kliniky Mayo pri ťažších prípadoch ... No, ona je na zázname z pred dvadsiatych rokov ako „mŕtva" na rakovinu, na zhubný nádor, v Louisville, rovno v zázname Baptistickej nemocnici. Ona teraz pracuje ako sestra v nemocnici v Jeffersonville. Ona tam bola po všetky tie roky, pretože Boh povedal, že bude žiť.

271 A tak, Méda ju mala rada a povedala: „Chcela by som, aby Margie bola pri mne, Bill, necítim sa na to aby som išla do nemocnice."

272 Povedal som: „Nerob ... My máme radi Margie, ale Margie nie je náš Boh, Margie je naša sestra." A zobral som sa a išiel som do Green Mill. Jej stav ma veľmi trápil, pretože ju milujem a išiel som do Green Mill.

273 Opýtala sa: „Billy, myslíš že zomriem?"

274 Povedal som: „Neviem, ale to dieťa sa jednako narodí. Budeš mať Jozefa."

275 Povedala: „Toto je on?"

276 Povedal som: „Neviem drahá. Nemôžem to povedať, ale Boh povedal, že budeme mať Jozefa a my budeme mať Jozefa. Nestarám sa o to čo ktokoľvek hovorí, budeme mať Jozefa. Potom ten istý Boh, ktorý mi povedal všetky tieto zjavenia, mi povedal to, On nikdy nesklamal pri tých iných a On nesklame ani pri tomto."

277 Odišiel som sa modliť do Mill. A vošiel som tam, videl som to Svetlo ako visí medzi dvoma stromami, povedal: „Vráť sa do svojej práci a ku svojej knihe." Išiel som naspäť do tohoto ...

278 Biblia bola ... ležala v mojom aute. A keď som sa vrátil, vietor prevrátil strany do miesta, kde Nátan bol poslaný ku Dávidovi; povedal: „Choď a povedz môjmu služobníkovi Dávidovi; vzal som ho od oviec, od pasenia tých niekoľkých oviec jeho otca a spravil som mu veľké meno ako veľkého muža." (nie najväčšie meno, ale ako veľkého muža; neurobil som ho Billy Grahamom, ale ... dal som mu meno, viete) Povedal: „Dobre ja som toto vykonal ale nemôžem ho nechať aby staval chrám, ale jeho syn ..." A akonáhle som to tam prečítal „Jeho syn," ó, tu to bolo.

279 Povedal som: „Jozef?" To je ono.

280 Hneď som išiel domov. A ten maličký, taký veľký, že ona sotva mohla chodiť, bola vonku na dvore. Bežal som objal som ju a povedal som: „Drahá! Jozef prichádza, Jozef je na ceste."

281 Každý vie, že pri cisárskom reze nemôžete nechať aby sa to dieťa znížilo dole. Ten večer sa to dieťa znížilo. [Prázdne miesto na páske.] prelomilo, všetko ďalšie.

282 Na druhý deň ráno o siedmej sme išli do nemocnice, doktor povedal: „Ó, pre zmilovanie Božie."

283 Pobozkal som ju na rozlúčku, povedal som: „Drahá, nebude to dlho trvať a Jozef tu bude." Vyšla po schodoch a išla takto na operačný stôl.

284 Za niekoľko minút prišla sestrička a povedala: „Reverend Branham?"

285 Povedal som: „Tu som, pani."

286 Povedala: „Máte pekného chlapca, váži sedem libier, tri unce (3260 g).

287 Povedal som: „Jozef, synu, vitaj." Tak veru! Prečo? Prečo? Čo to bolo? To nebolo napísané v Biblii, že to sa stane, ale ten istý Boh Biblii, ktorý to zjavil Abrahámovi, nebrali sme ohľad na umŕtvenie jej lona, na nemožnosť toho. Nepochybujete v zasľúbenie Božie v nevere, ale dáte chválu Bohu, vediac, že to sa musí stať! Nestarám sa o to čo hovorí doktor, všetko možné príde do cesty, ale tomu neverte, to je diablove klamstvo. Tak veru, skutočne. Viera ide ďalej, spolu so skutkami, stvoriť zasľúbenie. (Ponáhľajme sa)

288 Presne tak ako je to povedané: „Smilnica Rachab," Jakob povedal, „bola ospravedlnená zo skutkov." Ale prečo? Jej viera!

289 Ona povedala: „Počujem, že Boh je s vami." Ona nechcela vidieť ako sa Jozue češe, alebo ako sa oblieka. Ona povedala: „Vidím, že Boh je s vami." To bolo všetko čo potrebovala; ona sa pripravila.

290 Tak ako dnes skutočné videnie, (za chvíľu už končím) dnes skutočné videnia od Boha, to je zasľúbené Slovo na tento deň. Poviete: „Tieto videnia, brat Branham, kde to berieš?" Ľudia sa na tom potkýnajú. Či nie je povedané v Skutkoch 2/17 „Stane sa v posledných dňoch, že vaši mládenci budú vídať videnia, vaši starci budú mať sny?" Či to nie je tak? To je to, čo hovorí Biblia.

291 Dobre, no ak je to tak, pozrime sa tiež do Malachiáša do 4. kapitoly a zistime či to nie je dnes zasľúbené. Ako môžete mať v to vieru? Biblia tak povedala!

292 No, zoberme Lukáša 17/30 a prečítajme to. Ježiš povedal: „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Presne ako bolo v čase Sodomy. No, pozrite sa dnes na pozíciu sveta: Sodomiti. Pozrite sa na Billiho Grahama a Orala Robertsa, na tých dvoch svedkov, tam ktorí svedčia tým denominačným cirkvám. Jeden metodistom, baptistom a presbyteriánom; ten druhý letničným. Tento, ten a ten ďalší.

293 Ale Pamätajte, Abrahám nebol v Sodome, on už bol vyvolaný. A tam bol Niekto, kto tam stál a rozprával sa s ním! A Ten, ktorý tam stál a rozprával sa s ním mu ukázal znak. Obrátený chrbtom povedal, že Sára bude mať dieťa, na ktoré on čakal. Amen. Obrátený chrbtom. A on Ho nazval Boh, Elohim.

294 No, to sa vyplňuje dnes, pretože máme vieru. A ja viem, že je to od Boha, pretože toto a iné miesta Písma ukazujú na túto hodinu. Zjavenie 10, hovorí, že v čase posolstva siedmeho anjela, keď začne vyhlasovať svoje pososlstvo, nie pri službe uzdravovania, ale v čase toho posolstva, ktoré nasleduje za tou službou uzdravovania.

295 Ježiš vystúpil a kázal; hovorili: „Uzdravoval chorých a všetko. Ó, ten mladý rabbi, ten prorok, On je veľký človek. Chceme Ho v našom zbore."

296 Ale jedného dňa sa postavil a povedal: „Ja a môj Otec sme jedno." O joj. Už Ho potom viacej nechceli. Tak veru!

297 „Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho krv!" On to nevysvetlil. Povedal: „Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho krv, nemáte v sebe života."

298 Prečo, predstavujem si ako tí doktori a zdravotné sestry povedali: „Tento človek je upír, chce nás nahovoriť aby sme pili jeho krv." Vidíte? Oni tomu nerozumeli. On to vedel.

299 Ale tí učeníci, oni to možno neboli schopní vysvetliť, ale oni tam zostali a jednako tomu verili. Amen. Lebo im to bolo zjavené. Tak veru. Oni to vedeli, Písma o tom hovorili.

300 Potom by ste sa ma mohli opýtať, mohli by ste povedať toto: „Prečo máš vieru, že veríš týmto videniam, keď vystupuje tak veľa falošných napodobenín?"

301 Chcem teraz hovoriť trochu niečo silné, len na chvíľu. Keď je okolo tak veľa falošných napodobenín, pamätaj, môj brat, o nich je tiež povedané, že tu budú v tomto istom čase. Presne tak, práve ako to bolo v časoch Mojžiša. Mojžiš išiel aby konal skutky Božie pred ľuďmi a tam stáli Jambres a Jannes. Ale kto bol prvý, ktorý to robil? Potom títo ostatní boli napodobovatelia, pretože oni prv museli vidieť originál, aby ho napodobovali. Keby oni boli originál ... (oj). Nie, nie sme - nie sme stratení, vieme kde stojíme. Vidíte? Vidíte, podľa Písma a podľa zjavenia Božieho, preto stále stojíte.

302 „Aha, tento muž, on vída videnia a tak ďalej. On robí toto a behá so ženou tohoto muža. On verí v troch bohov a všetky tieto veci." To ani trochu tým nezatrasie. A tu je jedna vec, ktorú nemôžu napodobniť; Slovo. Všimnite si. Oni môžu mať všetky tieto veci, môžu hovoriť v jazykoch, môžu vykrikovať, tancovať v Duchu a stále byť diablami (och). Je to tak. Je to tak. Ale toto Slovo ich meria. Vidíte? To je presne tak. Ono je to ku čomu to prichádza. Ako Mojžiš a Jambres ...

A pamätajte, On povedal: „Ako Jambres a Jannes sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, v posledných dňoch títo napodobovatelia povstanú znovu na zemi." Či to On povedal? (Zhromaždenie odpovedá „Amen") Tak ich máme.

303 Ale to Mojžišom nezachvelo. Keď sa Mojžiš otočil a urobil zázrak v mene Pánovom a tu stáli títo napodobovatelia, urobili to isté. To ho nezastavilo, nepovedal: „No, hádam by bolo lepšie prestať a odísť z poľa." On zostal rovno tam. Prečo? Jemu to bolo zjavené. Haleluja! On to vedel skrze Slovo Božie. On vedel, že to Slovo si s nimi nakoniec poradí. On vedel, že príde čas, keď Slovo samo sa zamanifestuje a oni nebudú môcť ísť ďalej.

304 Aj ja som toto vedel po všetky tie roky. Vidíte? Je to tak, že príde ten čas. Keď Boh posiela nejaký zázrak, skutočný zázrak, vtedy stále nastáva zmena v celom systéme. Ak Boh posiela niečo do cirkvi a ten starý systém sa nezmenil, On to poslal zbytočne. Keď vystupuje nejaké posolstvo v znameniach a zázrakoch, za tým nasleduje Posolstvo. Keď Ježiš vystúpil a uzdravoval chorých, potom prišlo Jeho Posolstvo, „Ja a môj Otec sme jedno. Ja som On." Vidíte? Vidíte, oni tomu neverili. Oni verili jeho zázrakom. Povedal: „Ak nemôžete veriť Mne, verte tým zázrakom, lebo oni vám svedčia kto som." Ó, Sláva! Kto bol prvý? Mojžiš! Potom ho oni napodobovali. Ale tie veľké pravdy stále zostávajú také isté medzi tým pravým a falošným, oni nemôžu prijať posolstvo! Oni nemôžu prijať posolstvo, to neskazené, zo Slova Božieho.

305 Nestarám sa, Judáš mohol robiť všetky rôzne znamenia a zázraky; ale, keď prišiel aby prijal Ducha Svätého v deň letníc, ukázal svoje farby. Ten diabol môže ísť rovno hore a napodobňovať presne tú skutočnú vec, až príde ku tomuto Slovu, ale on nemôže zobrať celé to Slovo. On to môže priniesť všetko, možno až na jedno Slovo, ako to urobila Eva, ako to diabol urobil Eve, ale on nemôže prejsť cez to všetko. Pretože jedine ... To celé je Telo Kristovo. Vidíte, Slovo teraz ... Ani nemôže ... Oni nemohli, nemôžu zobrať to posolstvo teraz, ani Jambres a Jannes nemohli zobrať Mojžišove posolstvo. Oni to nemohli urobiť. Ich skutky napodobňovania vyšli najavo, pretože neboli schopní nasledovať Božie Slovo potvrdené skrze Jeho pomazaného proroka. Vidíte?

306 Oni nemohli nasledovať Izrael von. Prečo? Oni boli denominační, egyptské nemluvňatá! Oni nemohli nasledovať to Slovo. Keby ho nasledovali, museli by opustiť Egypt. Zaprieť všetko, čo bolo pre nich dobré a to oni nemohli. Hoci mohli napodobňovať to Slovo a robiť to, čo Mojžiš, ale ich nerozum sa ukázal, keď prišiel čas odísť. Potom to Boh skutočne na nich vylial.

307 Tak isto je to teraz! Oni môžu robiť všetky rôzne falošné napodobeniny a všetko, to nerobí nič iné, iba zveličuje tú pravú vec. A každé veriace dieťa vie, že to je pravda. Tu to potom jasne vidíte, tie ich nerozumné skutky napodobňovania. Ak sú vaše skutky podľa pravého Slova a ním potvrdené, skrze vašu vieru, to sa ukáže; a potvrdené zasľúbením Božím, ktoré je v jeho originálnom napísanom Slove.

308 Ježiš povedal: „Ak nečiním skutky ..." (Dobre počúvajte.) „Ak nečiním skutky ..." (Dovoľte že toto pridám ku tomu.) „To je, ak nečiním skutky, o ktorých vám Písmo hovorí, že ich budem činiť, potom ... že ich budem činiť v mojich dňoch, keď prídem, to čo Mesiáš má robiť, keď príde. Ak tie skutky, ktoré robím, ak Boh nepotvrdzuje to Slovo, o ktorom povedal, že sa stane, ak Môj život neoživuje to Slovo presne tak, ako ono hovorí, že sa to bude diať ..." Neprehliadnite toto! Ježiš hovorí: „Vy viete čo Mesiáš má robiť. Potom, ak to napísané Slovo, ak sa ono nemanifestuje skrze Mňa, potom nie som Ním" (Amen!) „Potom ten deň, o ktorom hovorím, nie je tým dňom, potom to, čo Ján o Mne povedal, nebola pravda. A potom, ak Ja nie som ten Mesiáš, ak tieto skutky, ktoré Mesiáš mal robiť. On má byť - Pán váš Boh vám vzbudí proroka ako som ja - a vy ste nemali proroka stovky rokov. A ak tie skutky, ktoré Ja činím, ktoré Boh zasľúbil, ak oni neprejavili v Mojom terajšom živote, potom nie som On. Ale ak zasľúbené Slovo na tento čas sa vo Mne potvrdilo, potom Ja som On a to zasľúbenie prichádza ku vám." (Ó, či nevidíte, ako by to mohlo byť jasnejšie!) „Ak to zasľúbenie nie je ..." Ó!

309 „Potom ak zasľúbenie tohoto dňa sa dokázalo v Mojej službe," povedal Ježiš, „potom Ja som On. Tak ak nedokážete veriť kto som, potom sa pozrite na tie skutky, ktoré sú zasľúbené na tento deň." (Amen!) „Pozrite sa na skutky, ktoré sú zasľúbené. Ak sa tie skutky nevyplnili, každý jeden z nich vo Mne, potom mi neverte, pretože som vám to povedal zle. Ak nemôžete veriť Mne, pozrite sa čo povedala Biblia, že sa bude diať v tomto dni. Ak sa to nedeje, potom to nie je pravda. Ak tu nie sú tie falošné veci, a všetky tie ďalšie veci a veci, ktoré sa mali diať; ak to tu nie je, potom sa mýlim. Ale ak to tak je," Povedal Ježiš, „potom Ja som On." (Amen!) „Ja som ten, ktorý bol zasľúbený, že príde." Ó, práve tie skutky, ktoré boli zasľúbené na Jeho deň, potvrdili, že On je ten Mesiáš. Či neveríte tomu?

310 Tak teraz, brat, ak ten skutok z Lukáša 17. kapitola a 30. verš, zasľúbenie Ježiša Krista, tesne pred Jeho príchodom, že svet sa obráti naspäť do stavu Sodomy a vyjdú tí poslovia a veci sa odohrajú presne tak; ak sa toto nedeje, potom mi neverte, že som vám povedal pravdu. Ale ak sa toto deje, potom verte, že to je On, „V tom dni sa zjavi Syn človeka." Amen! Syn človeka sa zjavi v tele z mäsa, vy ľudia cirkev, presne tak ako to bolo pred dňami Sodomy, vyvolanej skupine zo všetkých z nich, ktorí sedeli vonku, verili v zasľúbenie Božie. Sláva!

311 Potom skutky, ktoré Duch Svätý robí dnes, skrze tieto videnia, ktoré nikdy nesklamali, zasľúbenia nikdy nesklamali, všetky apoštolské znamenia zasľúbené v Biblii, v Malachiášovi 4 a ó, Zjavenie 10/7, všetko to sa vyplnilo a je to vedecky potvrdené a každým iným spôsobom. A ak som vám nepovedal pravdu, tieto veci by sa neboli stali. Ale ak som vám povedal pravdu, oni nesú svedectvo, že som vám povedal pravdu. On je stále ten istý, včera, dnes a neveky a manifestácia Jeho Ducha zaberá nevestu. Nech tá viera (zjavenie) padne do vášho srdca, že „Toto je tá hodina."

Modlime sa teraz:

312 Drahý Bože, ktorý si bol zamanifestovaný v tele, v osobe Ježiša Krista, ktorý vstal z mŕtvych, tretieho dňa, podľa Písem a vystúpil na Vysokosti a vyslal učeníkov, aby činili učeníkov po celom svete a povedal: „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria."

313 Bože, daj tej dnešnej letničnej cirkvi, ktorá reprezentuje navrátenie darov; Pane, nech tí ľudia, možno niektorí z nich sú tu prítomní, niektorí z nich počúvajú túto pásku po svete, nech si môžu uvedomiť, že toto je vyvolanie nevesty, nie letničné posolstvo. Letničné posolstvo bolo navrátenie darov naspäť do cirkvi. Ale toto je vyvolanie nevesty, ďalšie posolstvo, ktoré malo prísť tesne predtým, ako má byť spálená Sodoma. Daj im to porozumieť, drahý Bože. Mám vieru, verím tomu, pretože to je zjavené skrze Tvojho Ducha cez Slovo Božie a bolo to potvrdené a zamanifestovalo sa to celému svetu. Samozrejme, Pane, v menšine, s tvojou skupinou je to stále tak. Ale Ty si povedal: „Neboj sa malé stádečko, zaľúbilo sa vášmu Otcovi dať vám kráľovstvo."

314 A tak sa modlím, Bože, aby ľudia odvrátili svoj pohľad od svojho intelektu, aby odvrátili svoj pohľad od toho, čo si môžu myslieť, že je správne a pozreli sa do Písma. A minulý večer bolo povedané, nech ľudia tu myslia tak, ako tá kráľovná vo dňoch veľkého zničenia Babylonu, ona povedala: „Je medzi vami človek menom Daniel, ktorý bol v kráľovstve tvojho otca. V kráľovstve toho letničného otca a On rozväzuje všetky pochybnosti."

315 A teraz, Pane, nech Duch Svätý, ktorý bol v letničnom kráľovstve, v kráľovstve za dní Martina Luthera, Johna Wesleya a tak ďalej Johna Smitha a Alexandra Campbella a cez všetky tie veky. On rozväzuje, On rozviazal tie myšlienky. A ľudia vo dňoch Luthera, ten muž hlásal: „Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." V čase metodistov, On rozviazal všetky pochybnosti, že „Oni majú - oni majú byť posvätení." A vo dňoch letničných, oni hovorili v jazykoch, manifestoval Ducha skrze Božské uzdravovanie a tak ďalej, To rozviazalo všetky pochybnosti v srdciach letničných. Ale, ó Bože, oni sa stali denomináciou. Oni odišli rovno naspäť a prijali ľudské predstavy. A tak teraz, keď je vyvolaná Nevesta, ako si to zasľúbil tu v Písme, ktoré sa číta pred svetom, večer za večerom a pozorujeme to vlastnými očami. Bože, nech To rozviaže všetky pochybnosti v srdciach ľudí. Nech rýchle utekajú ku otvorenému Synovi, aby dozreli, aby boli zobratí do sýpky a neboli zanechaní na steble a spálení, ale aby dnes mohli ísť do sýpky. V mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Ďakujem za vašu pozornosť. Nech Boh pracuje na vašich srdciach.

316 A teraz, rozdali sme modlitebné lístky. Zoberieme teraz okolo dvadsať minút a budeme sa modliť za chorých. Chceme, aby sa tu rýchlo postavili do radu a prichádzali na pódium a budeme sa za nich modliť. A teraz, neviem koľko lístkov bolo rozdaných. Ani som sa nepýtal Billyho. Len som povedal: „Rozdali ste ... Choď a rozdaj niekoľko modlitebných lístkov." A on sa vrátil pred chvíľou, zobral svoju matku, mňa a ich.

317 /Brat Branham hovorí s Billy Paulom ohľadne modlitebných lístkou./

318 Dobre, zoberme modlitebný lístok číslo jedna. Kto ho má nech zodvihne ruku, aby som mohol vidieť. Ak nemáte ... ak sa môžete postaviť ... ak nie, pomôžeme vám. Modlitebný lístok číslo jedna, rýchlo. Kto ho má? Čo hovoríš? A-1. (prepáčte) A, číslo ... Táto pani tu, máte ten lístok? Poďte hneď sem, môžete pani? A-2. Máte ho niekto? Zodvihnite rýchlo ruku. Rovno tu, pani, poď. Číslo tri. Máte lístok? Ty máš lístok? Vy všetci ... Nemáte žiadne lístky? V tomto ... Dobre, nemusíte ich mať. Tri, štyri, päť. A, jedna, dva, tri, štyri, päť. Pozrime sa, tu sú jedna, dva, tri, štyri, päť. A ... Dobre, tu sú ... Päť, šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať. Dobre, stavajte sa do radu, začnite vychádzať do radu.

319 No, ak nemôžete prísť, zamávajte takto rukou, aby vám pomohli. Pýtal som sa týchto ľudí tu, oni nemajú lístky ... Nemusia ich mať, ja som sa len pýtal. No pozrite sa, vy chromí ľudia tu, myslím že ste museli prísť skorej, pretože vy len ... Povedal som mu „skorej". No, nemusíte mať modlitebné lístky, ak máte takú vieru, o akej som učil. Vidíte? Ak je vám to zjavené, v poriadku. Ak to nie je zjavené, nezáleží na tom, keby ste sa aj desať krát prešli cez rad, to by nič nepomohlo. Viete to? Veríte tomu? Vidíte? Ja by som sa mohol modliť, robil by som všetko, čo by som len mohol, kľakal na kolená, kládol na vás ruky, pomazával vás olejom, čokoľvek by ste chceli a modlil sa ... Až keď to Boh, z milosti zjavi vo vašom srdci, že je s tým koniec, vtedy je to vybavené. Vy ani nemusíte byť v rade ani nikde, aj tak je s tým koniec.

320 Dobre, štyri ... jedna, dva, tri, štyri, päť, šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať, jedenásť, dvanásť, trinásť, štrnásť, pätnásť. Dobre, šestnásť, sedemnásť, osemnásť, devätnásť, dvadsať. Je niekto, ktorých som zavolal, kto má modlitebnú kartu a nemôže vstať? Zodvihnite ruku, ktorí máte kartu a nemôžete vstať. Dobre.

... len ver,

Môžem vidieť biednu, malú Annu Jean ako sedí a hrá to niekedy skoro celú noc. Chcem, aby ste sa tu všetci utíšili a boli úctiví.

... len ver,

A teraz, mylím že to boli modlitebné lístky od jedna do pätnásť.

... len ver,

Začínajú tu vytvárať malý zástup, tak začnime. Čo hovoríš?

... všetko je možné ...

Jedna, dva, tri, štyri, päť, šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať.

321 Začína vás tu byť príliš veľa, to je viac ako sme zavolali. To je v poriadku. Stojte potichu, tam kde ste. Nech nikto ... Len ... budeme sa za vás modliť, ale len ... Rozumiete? Len čakajte kým nezavoláme vaše číslo a potom, viete, nemôže vás tu stáť príliš veľa. Ak Pán niečo urobí, zacloníte ľuďom výhľad a nebudú to môcť vidieť, viete. Nech vás Boh žehná.

Pomodlime sa teraz za tieto vreckovky, kým sa oni pripravujú:

322 Drahý Bože, tu ležia vreckovky, ktoré pochádzajú od chorých a postihnutých ľudí. Táto viera, o ktorej sme práve hovorili, Pane; Pamätám sa, Ty si povedal, v Biblii v knihe Júdu, „Horlivo zápaste za vieru, raz ta danú svätým." A z tela svätých brali vreckovky, nie preto, že oni boli zvláštnymi ľuďmi, ale pretože boli veriacimi ľuďmi. To boli ľudia ako my: Oni povedali, „Eliáš bol taký a modlil sa horlivo aby nepršalo." A Bože, modlil sa, aby ľudia činili pokánie. Ty si mu to zjavil, aby sa za nich modlil, aby sa modlil za tým účelom, aby vyplnil Tvoje Slovo. Ty si určite ukázal tomu prorokovi videnie. A Pane, dnes večer sa ja modlím za týchto ľudí aby boli uzdravení. Ja nie som Eliáš, on bol zobraný do neba, ale jeho život a Duch stále ďalej žije. Tak sa modlíme, drahý Bože, aby si uctil modlitby tvojich ľudí. A ucti nás všetkých teraz, keď sa modlíme za tieto vreckovky, že keď budú položené na tých chorých, budú uzdravení.

323 Uvedomujeme si Otče, že sme zomierajúcou generáciou ľudí. Ideme ... pred nami je Večnosť. Svet sa zbláznil. Vraždy; malé dievčatá boli posekané na kusy a znásilnené. Ľudia, muži nosia vlasy ako ženy, ženy ako muži, sú proste prevrátení. Rasa zomiera. Svet zomiera. Všetko zomiera. Cirkev zomiera.

324 Ó Bože, prines Život. Prines Život, ó Bože, Život viery. Zjav týmto ľuďom, Pane. Ja sa môžem len modliť a klásť na nich ruky. Ale Ty si ten, ktorý ich môžeš uzdraviť a Ty jediný ich môžeš uzdraviť. Prosím, aby si to urobil, Otče, každému jednému z nich. Udeľ to, s položenými rukami na nich a prosím z celého môjho srdca; v mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav týchto ľudí. Amen.

325 Brat, je tento mikrofón zapnutý? Môžete ma počuť? Každý počuje? Zodvihnite ruky. No, nejako, moje srdce ... jeden z týchto ľudí tu, sedí tu v tomto kresle, na lôžkach a nosidlách ... oni ani nemajú modlitebný lístok. Vidíte? Ale počúvaj brat, vidíš, títo ľudia majú modlitebné lístky, ale to neznamená, že budú uzdravení. Sú ľudia, ktorí sedia tam v publiku, možno ... To neznamená, že budú uzdravení. To neznamená, či budú alebo nebudú uzdravení. To všetko záleží na ich viere v Boha. Koľkí viete, že je to pravda? Je to tak, len na vašej viere v Boha. No, koľkí viete, že je to pravda? Nezáleží na tom akí ste nábožní, akí ste dobrí alebo zlí, dokiaľ to milosť Božia neprinesie do vášho srdca, nikdy nebudete uzdravení. No, koľkí viete, že Boh to urobil a stále robí, veľké divy, znamenia a zázraky? A teraz, vy prichádzate dnes, stojíte v tomto rade, nie preto, že ste boli vybraní od Boha aby ste stáli v tomto rade, to nie je to; proste máte modlitebný lístok, proste sa stalo, že ... [Prázdne miesto na páske.]

326 Presne tak, ako tu môj ctihodný brat Gerholtzer, začal svoju službu pred mnohými rokmi ... [prázdne miesto na páske.] s vierou v Boha, veriac Bohu, veriac, že Boh uzdravoval chorých skrze vieru. A to sa nikdy nezmenilo, ale Boh pridal v týchto posledných dňoch, dary, dary ktoré On zasľúbil. Boh to urobil pretože ... nie pretože musel, ale preto, že to zasľúbil. A keď to zasľúbil, potom to musel urobiť; pretože On musí dodržať svoje Slovo.

327 A on vám zasľúbil to isté, to je, „Ak môžete veriť, že to sa stane." Ak tomu nemôžete veriť, to sa proste nestane. No, ja nemôžem spraviť, aby ste tomu verili, ani vy sami sa nemôžete priviesť do viery. To vám musí dať Boh. To je dar Boží, veriť. Nie vaša viera, Božia viera. Vaša intelektuálna viera to môže pekne veriť, ale až vtedy, keď dole v tvojom srdci je viera Božia ... Vidíte, vaša intelektuálna viera to môže akceptovať, robte to a len stále tomu verte celým svojím srdcom, až kým vám to Boh nezjaví. Rozumiete? Stále tomu verte, až kým to Boh nezjaví. Ale až keď to Boh zjaví ...

328 Poviete: Brat Branham, čo by si tam povedal?"

329 „Tak veru!" Boh poslal proroka ku Ezechiášovi a povedal mu: „Nevstaneš z tej posteli, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Zomrieš na nej." Je to tak?

330 Ale ten prorok sa obrátil ... či vlastne ten kráľ obrátil svoju tvár ku stene a horko plakal v slzách, a povedal: „Pane, potrebujem ešte pätnásť rokov. Úpenlivo prosím, Pane aby si ma vypočul." No, ten kráľ bol najväčším človekom vo svete, v politike; ale prorok bol v Božích očiach. To bol Boží kráľ; ale to bol Boží prorok. Tak, Boh zjavil prorokovi, aby zobral trochu ... uvaril trochu ... [Prázdne miesto na páske.] Viete? Rozumiete?

331 No, aby ste to teraz mohli porozumieť, pretože som vám tu kázal Písmo: „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Vo dňoch keď sa zjavi cirkev? Nie! „Vo dňoch, keď sa zjavi Syn človeka." Čo to znamená, že sa zjavi? Že sa dá poznať! Je to tak? Zjavi sa! Dni v ktorých sa zjavi Syn človeka, to bude deň ako v čase Sodomy a Gomory. Je to tak?

332 No, pozrite sa čo sa stalo. Oni tam dole v Sodome a Gomore mali dvoch hlavných poslov, pretože tam dole, to bola skupina vlažných kresťanov. Je to tak? A oni mali dvoch hlavných poslov (Dobre teraz počúvajte.) dole v Sodome a Gomore, ktorí tam kázali. Ale jeden z nich zostal tu vonku s Abrahámovou skupinou. Je to tak?

333 Pozrite sa! Nikdy sme nemali, v celej histórii cirkvi, nikdy sme nemali univerzálneho posla pre cirkev, ktorého meno by končilo na h-a-m, až teraz: G-r-a-h-a-m, to je šesť písmen, G-r-a-h-a-m. Ale Abrahámove meno sa hláskuje: A-b-r-a-h-a-m, sedem písmen. Vidíte? Tak univerzálna cirkev, ona má číslo človeka (šesť, ľudská organizácia), jednako dostali svojho posla. Oni mali Sankeya, Moodyho, Fineya, Knoxa, Kalvína a tak ďalej, ale nikdy žiadne „h-a-m" Je to tak? Ale oni ho dostali, a on je posol, poslaný od Boha a on udiera na tie múry ako len vládze: „Vyjdite z tade! Čiňte pokánie lebo zahyniete!"

334 Ale pamätajte, vyvolení, predurčení, predom ustanovení zmluvou, Abrahám a jeho skupina mali tiež posla. Ó. Sledujte čo On urobil. On im dal znak, že je blízko čas, keď spadne oheň. No, to je oheň na ktorý teraz očakávame, atómový oheň, Boží hnev.

335 No, ten Posol niečo urobil. On hovoril o žene, ku ktorej bol obrátený chrbtom a povedal jej, že pochybovala o tom, čo On hovorí, povedal jej v akom je stave a čo sa stane. Je to tak? Či On nepovedal, že Syn človeka sa zjavi takým istým spôsobom v tom dni? No, veríte že je to pravda?

Dobre, tu stojí nejaká žena, ...

336 A v neviditeľnom spojení cirkvi, Nevesty s Kristom, ten Posol je tu teraz, ktorým je Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

337 No, On hovorí jedine cez svojich prorokov. Biblia tak povedala! „On nečiní nič, čo by prv neoznámil svojim sluhom prorokom," Ámos 3:7. On to stále tak robil. On nikdy nezmenil svoj spôsob. Vidíte? A prorok, ak je pravý, môže hovoriť len to, čo mu Boh povie. Je to tak? To je pravda.

338 No, veríte, že by mi On mohol povedať čo je s touto ženou, prv ako sa vôbec na ňu pozriem? Veríte tomu? No tak, ona má rakovinu. Je to tak. Je to na jej prsiach. Ona teraz myslí na chlapca, ktorý trpí na určitý psychický stav, nervový stav a komplikácie. Je to tak. Veríte tomu? A to je pravda, či nie? Veríš teraz, že tvoja viera, tým že to bolo povedané, sa chytila toho, že sa z toho dostaneš, že to budeš mať? Potom choď a Pán Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví. Vidíš? Vidíš? Veríš? Z celého svojho srdca?

339 No, veríte, že bez toho aby som sa pozrel na túto ženu, že Pán Ježiš Kristus mi môže povedať čo je jej? Koľkí tomu veria? No, vy viete ... a ja som ju ani nikdy nevidel ... jediné, videl som len sukňu. Neviem, nemohol by som povedať či to bol muž alebo žena; ale len tu stojí. Chcem aby verila. Veríš pani? Tu, tá pacientka, veríš? Zodvihni ruku ak veríš. Ak veríš z celého svojho srdca, môžeš mať to dieťa, za ktoré prosíš Boha. Veríš? Máš vieru v Boha? No, to neuzdravuje, to len identifikuje. To sú skutky, ktoré identifikujú vieru v prítomnosť Božiu, v Jeho zamanifestované Slovo.

340 Táto žena očakáva tiež na veľkú vec. To nie je dieťa, ale ona očakáva na krst Duchom Svätým. Poviem ti, čo máš robiť. Ak sa zbavíš tých cigariet, Boh ti dá krst Duchom Svätým. Choď, ver tomu. Veríš? Máš vieru v Boha?

341 Tento muž, ktorý tu stojí, je muž, ktorého som nikdy v živote nevidel. Nepoznám ho, ale trpí na niečo čo v jeho hrudi nie je v poriadku. Spadol a tým sa mu to stalo, nedávno. Nie je odtiaľto, prišiel z Arkansasu. On je kazateľ. Choď domov a káž evanjelium. Nikdy som nevidel tvár toho človeka.

342 Stojí tu žena, nepoznám tú ženu, nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Boh ju pozná.

343 Ak On môže zjaviť aký je jej problém, alebo niečo o tom, budete veriť? Všetci? Toto je len skutok, ktorý identifikuje vieru, ktorú musím kázať, to o čom som vám dnes večer hovoril. To je to čo Boh zjavil a toto sú skutky, ktoré to potvrdzujú. No, musíte mať vieru aby ste boli uzdravení.

344 Táto žena tu, myslím, že ju nepoznám. Áno, nepoznám ju ale poznám niekoho koho ona pozná, pretože ho tu vidím stáť predo mnou. On a trpí na bolesti hlavy. Je to pravda, pani? Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Sestra Pearryho Greena. Je to tak, a nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Je to tak. Videl som tu stáť Pearry Greena, ako sa na mňa takto díva. Je to tak. Neviem kde je Pearry Green. Veríš? Koľkí veríte. Ak veríte, všetko je možné. Ak nemôžete veriť, nič sa nemôže stať.

345 Tá malá pani so šedivými vlasmi, ktorá tam sedí a díva sa na mňa, hneď tu, veríš Bohu? Veríš, že Boh mi môže zjaviť, o čom tam rozmýšľaš? Máš na prsiach nádor. Veríš, že Boh to môže od teba odstrániť? Je to tak. Maj vieru a ver. No, čoho sa ona dotkla?

346 Tá žena sa dotkla lemu Jeho rúcha, Biblia povedala ... Vy ktorí sa chcete pozrieť do Biblie, On povedal: „On je Najvyšší kňaz, ktorý dokáže súcitiť s našími slabosťami." Je to tak? On je Najvyšší kňaz a On stojí rovno tu a teraz sa Ho ľudia dotýkajú.

347 Tam je drobná, chudá žena, zodvihla hlavu, sedí rovno tam. Nikdy v živote som ju nevidel, ale ona sa práve vtedy niečoho dotkla. Tu je to, čo to bolo. Ona sa modlí k Bohu. Má problémy v hrudníku, tiež má žalúdočné problémy. Boh ťa uzdravil, ak tomu budeš veriť. Musíš veriť. „Všetko je možné tomu kto verí."

348 Tam vzadu sedí muž, díva sa týmto smerom (asi v druhom rade odzadu), trpí na astmu. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Ak tomu veríš, Boh ťa uzdraví. Môžeš mať to o čo prosíš, ak tomu veríš.

349 Rovno tu sedí žena, díva sa na mňa, tu krížom, šedivá. Ak veríš z celého svojho srdca ... Veríš tomu? Dobre, tie žlčníkové problémy ťa potom opustia, ak tomu veríš.

350 Čo si o tom myslíš, ty ktorý tu ležíš na lôžku? Veríš, že Boh ťa môže uzdraviť? Ak mi Boh povie tvoj problém, budeš Mu veriť? Ak budeš veriť tá rakovina ťa opustí a ty pôjdeš domov. Prečo by si nemal vstať a zobrať svoje lôžko a ísť domov? Veríš? Budete všetci veriť? Dobre, a teraz, čo s tým hneď teraz? Či Boh dal tú vieru do vášho srdca? Každý tu, zodvihnite ruku. Ak Boh dal tú vieru do tvojho srdca, položme ruky jeden na druhého tu ďalej v tom rade. Položte ruky ... Hneď teraz, rýchlo, kým sa Duch Svätý tu pohybuje, položte ruky jeden na druhého. Ten človek vstal, beží ku radu modlí sa za druhých.

351 Povstaňme na svoje nohy a chváľme Boha, každý. Nie je treba ďalej v tom pokračovať. Rozpoznaj Ježiša Krista, toho istého včera, dnes i naveky; aké sú tvoje problémy, čokoľvek to je. Ak Mu veríš, postav sa na nohy, hneď teraz a ver.

352 Všemohúci Bože, Boh Abrahámov, Boh Izákov, Boh Jakobov, zošli svoju moc a uzdrav teraz túto skupinu ľudí, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Sláva Bohu! Nech vás Boh žehná.

1 Thank you. It's good to be here, tonight, again. I didn't know how they ever found out I was going to pray for the sick. Everybody come in to be prayed for. You know, I believe if you follow the leading of the Spirit, it's all right. That's the best, that's a Message that never fails.

2Now, I was setting in the room today, after... a certain minister that's just so dear to my heart (three of them), three of my real good friends, they told me they was coming to go to lunch with me. And I thought, "Well, that was just fine," you know.

3 So I--I just eat a little bit of breakfast 'cause I was sure they was going to pay for it, you see, and I... have a good full dinner. So 12:00 come, and 1:00 come, and 2:00 come, nobody there yet. So there was... the police was chasing a criminal, down there in the yard, and so I went down to see that episode. I couldn't find Brother Jack at all. So, I come to find out, the hotel man had give him the wrong number; and he was ringing the wrong door, all the time, where I--I wasn't at. I'll let him pay for me, one again, though, sometime. Him and Brother Tracy, I was sure glad to see them and Brother Brown tonight. That just seems like we ought to go back in Arizona again.

4 I can remember coming across the desert the other day. I told my wife, back there, I said, "Here's where Brother Jack set in the back of this little Chevrolet." Brother Brown and him argued all about the--the original creation, whether it was done in six days or whether it was done in six million years. That was a good one.

5They get so arguing, they get out and get a handful of rocks, and one get behind one pole, and one another, and throw rocks at one another just as hard as they could. They couldn't settle it that way, say, "I can outrun you." Down the road they'd go; Brother Jack, a little short fellow, just as hard as he could twist; and Brother Young with them long legs, you know. I never laughed so much in my life!

6Then, Brother Jack got back in the car and pulled off his shoes. Brother Sharrit had give us a big sack of oranges, and he half cleaned them up before we got to Shreveport.

7 You know, them's golden days, though. Yes, sir, they're golden days. I know it sounds joking, funny, but it's the truth. But we... there's something about that, as you get older and begins to linger on your mind. You think of those days that you wished you could live again, that's right, our younger days. And as we get old, they all become pictures. I'm so glad it was pure and holy, and brotherly fellowship, in love. Knowing that we're going to a land where we'll never get old, where... that great Land, yonder, where we'll never, never grow old or never die.

8 One of our precious brothers, so dear to us all, he just crossed over in that Land. And everytime I come to this platform, I--I guess I'll think of Brother Lyle. I looked over last night and seen little Judy setting over there, and my heart was just pounding, I was thinking of how she felt. And I know when dad died how... But we only have to go through those schools of sufferings to know how the other fellow feels.

9 I believe I'm looking at an old minister friend setting here. I just can't call him. Is that right? You used to pray for the sick here, all the time, years ago? Gerholtzer, that--that German name, I--I never could get it fixed up just right. Brother Tracy had met him out there. And I knowed him about ten years, and I said, "You haven't aged six months in that ten years." We are living in a world that must cease someday.

10 Now, tonight, I was... Had you real late last night, I'm going to try to not do that tonight. Finish my story; I was thinking about, tonight, preaching on a--a subject of the Rapture, to the church. How the conditions, as I see it in the Scripture, what conditions the Church will have to be in for the Rapture, and what will take place just before the Rapture takes place, and how it will take place. And we all believe in the Rapture, don't we? We believe in It. And then, all at once, Something just said, "Pray for the sick, tonight." And I was just eating dinner with a little Mexican brother there, I went down and picked him up on the street. I guess he's here tonight, he and his wife.

11And then someone come, and give me a testimony. Said, "If... On the grounds, or at the church," she said, "there's a man there with... I believe it was about a year ago, that he had come into the line of discernment." And I was thinking, tonight, of having just a old-fashioned prayer line, like Brother Jack and Brother...

12 Brother Young Brown used to give out the prayer cards for me. And I found him real honest and never catch him selling a card or doing anything wrong, he's real straight. And we have caught them trying to do that, you know. So--so we... Brother Young, he was right on the job all the time, and faithful. And I remember, he used to stand and take up the cards, and bring them through the line. I'd pray for them and we'd go along, just that unadulterated faith those people had, if they could just get near you they'd get healed. And I think there was twenty healings to the one, to what we have now.

13 Then, this story come in this afternoon about a man, he's probably here now. That he was in the prayer line, a year ago, somewhere, and--and he had... said, in the discernment was told that he had had the mumps. And the doctors told him, after the mumps fell, that he could never have a girl baby, and he always wanted one. I think he had boys. But in the vision from the Lord, it told him, "But you're going to have that girl baby."

14 And he said he's got the little girl here tonight. I don't know the man, might... would--would he be in the audience, or the--the person that I'm speaking of? Somewhere? I don't know, somebody just told me about it, outside. Oh, here's the baby hanging right back in here, setting right... That's fine. That's very fine. What a sweet little fellow. It wasn't so far to walk over everybody to... real cute, little baby, I'd have her come out here and give the testimony. Maybe she will by tomorrow, or sometime when we're having our services.

15Now, tomorrow morning is the Business Man's Breakfast. Have you announced it? I guess, it's all... That's fine.

16 And now let's have a little--a little lesson on Divine healing. How many believes in it? Oh, my, going to be a great night, when you have faith like that. People who believe it, that's what it takes. It's for the believers.

17Now, then, I got me a pencil and begin to write down some text and so forth, and the... and then Billy knocked on the door and said, "Daddy?"

18I said, "Wait just a little while, I haven't got it finished yet."

19He said, "But, Brother Jack's waiting on you." So, I--I had to come on. I stuck, didn't have no paper clip, I got one of Meda's "johnny pins" or some kind of a pin here that they called a "bobby pin." That's what it was, "bobby pin," just some kind of a pin. And--and I don't know much about them things, you know, and I just seen it laying there. So, now to make a paper clip here, to separate what I was... had some notes for in the morning; separate them, one from the other.

20 And as you get older... it used to be I could just remember them Scriptures and things just so easy. But, you know, kind of hard to do. Do you find that trouble, Brother Jack, yet? That's right, yeah. I told Brother Jack, here not long ago, I said, "You know, Brother Jack," I said, "I'm getting so I can't remember." I said, "I start to say something, and I have to wait."

He said, "Is--is that all the farther along you are?"

And I said, "Well, isn't that far enough?"

21He said, "No." Said, "I ring up somebody on the phone and say 'What'd you want?'" I thought you was kidding me then, Brother Jack, I found out that's pretty true.

22Yes, sir. My, how you forget. But let us have all of our deeds done right, because they're in a book, a record that is to be played at the day of the judgment.

23 Now, we're like one big family. And I don't suppose we're hooked up tonight, across the country, as I was preaching my message last night. I think it's just maybe the local assembly here. So, last night, I sure appreciate your courtesy of standing... I don't try... I didn't try to take advantage of Brother Jack. But he's always told me, "Say what you want to." And so I just come here... the platform and preached a little doctrine. But... so just a... I believe it's just... some of my denominational brethren.

24 I had a dream, the other morning. I don't dream very often, I'm not a dreamer. But I--I dreamed that I seen a man, a young fellow in shackles, and he was trying to get out, and--and I said... Somebody told me, said, "Those are horrible people, don't have nothing to do with them."

25And I seen this young fellow getting out of his shackle so I just let him alone. I thought, "I'll just see what he does." So when he got out, he was a nice fellow. And I seen others trying to get out.

26 Now, this is only a dream. And I walked over this a-way and I seen a--a brother, Roy Borders, a very good friend of mine, lives in California. Looked like there's something wrong, his eyes was half closed, and great big... maybe cancer or something over his eyes. And I... someone was trying to pull me away from him. I screamed, "Brother Borders! In the Name of the Lord Jesus, snap out of that!"

27And he just barely could speak, saying, "Brother Branham, it'll have to take something more than this. I just can't grasp it, Brother Branham. I just can't grasp it."

28I said, "O Brother Borders." I love him.

29 And someone pulled me away, and I looked, and it was a lady standing over here. The... when I was a little boy, I--I used to haul groceries from the grocery store to the peoples. And her name was Mrs. Fenton, she lives in Jeffersonville yet, a personal friend to the wife and I.

30And she said, "Brother Branham, deliver us from this." Said, "This is a house of hell." And said, "You've been misunderstood." And said, "These... And you--you misunderstood these people, too." Said, "These are fine people, but..." And I looked over there, and like a great big cellar, or--or big walls, down beneath a great big cave; and great iron bars, eight or ten inches thick. And people, out of their mind, twisted arms and legs, beating their head like that. And she was crying, saying, "Deliver the people, Brother Branham." Said--said, "Help us, we're in trouble." She herself, I know her, she belongs to the... I believe the Church of Christ, or the Christian church, called Church of the Brethren. So she...

31 I looked around, and I said, "I wished I could." And go on, looking around; and I... my little, bitty body and--and them great, big iron bars; and those poor people in there. And you couldn't get to them, them iron bars was setting close together. And I looked, and they were beating their head like they were out of their mind.

32And I seen some lights flickering around in there. And I looked up, and there stood the Lord Jesus with a--a--a lights of rainbow around Him. He was looking right straight to me, said, "Deliver those people." And He went away.

33And I thought, "Well, how could I deliver them? I--I haven't got strength enough in my arms to break those bars."

34So I said, "House of hell, give away to the Name of Jesus Christ."

35And all the creaking and popping, and--and the rocks a-rolling, and--and bars a-falling; and people running, screaming, "Delivered!" and screaming at the top of their voice, and was all delivered.

36 And I was screaming then, "Brother Roy Borders, where are you? Where are you? God is delivering His people! Where are you, Brother Borders?" I've wondered about that.

37You know, Brother Borders is very scared. You know the prophecy, all... many of you do, you take the tapes and so forth, about the West Coast.

38 There's a man setting right here, tonight, that was there when that happened (when we were standing there, on a hunting trip), a minister who was listening in last night. With a blinded eye, he just come up there and he said... introduced himself. He had on colored glasses, up in the mountain. He said, "Brother Branham," said, "I'm Brother McHughes." He said, "I--I helped sponsor one of your meetings once, in California."

39I said, "I'm glad to know you, Brother McHughes."

40 So there was about twenty man standing there. We was out javelina hog hunting. And I said, the day before going up the mountain, I said to Brother Banks Wood... All of you know him, a personal friend. I said, "Brother Wood,..." Picked up a rock and threw it up in the air, and it came down. And I said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'Something's fixing to happen.'"

41So, he said, "What is it, Brother Branham?"

42I said, "I don't know, but within twenty-four hours you'll see. Something's fixing to happen. That's a great sign."

43 And the next day... that was one late afternoon. The next day, about ten o'clock, we were fixing to pull out. Everybody had their javelina hogs, and we were standing there. And Brother McAnally, you know, and all of them, they were dressing them out, and--and Brother Borders and I; and Brother Roy Roberson, a crippled veteran, a very dear, precious friend of mine, and he was standing there. And I looked up, and Brother McHughes said, "Brother Branham, does the Angel of the Lord ever appear to you when you're on these hunting trips?"

44I said, "Brother McHughes, yes. That's right. But, I come out here to kinda rest."

45He said, "All right, Brother Branham," said, "I didn't mean to disturb you."

46I said, "You didn't disturb me."

47 And I just looked around, and I seen a doctor looking at his eye. Now, I didn't know him, he had on dark glasses, which is awful bright and sunny in Arizona. And I looked at it, and I seen a doctor tell him, say, "Sir, I been doctoring that eye for years, two years, something like that." Said, "The allergy that you have in your eye, you're going to lose your eye. It's eating back into the sight, and there's no way I can stop it."

48And I said, "What you asked me that for, is because of your eye. Them sunglasses is just because you got a bad eye."

49He said, "That's right."

50I said, "Your doctor," (described him) "he told you, a few days ago, that 'You're going to lose that eye because the--the allergy is eating into the sight of the eye.' And he's been doctoring it for a couple years, and he can't stop it."

51He said, "Brother Branham, that's the truth."

52 And I started to turn around and look, and I seen a--a woman much older than he, kind of a dark complected. They're originally from somewhere up here in Arkansas. And so she raised up her--her--her skirt and showed her limb to her son, and she said, "Son, if you see Brother Branham, tell him to pray for my feet." And had long tumors hanging between her toes and things.

53I said, "Your mother's a gray-headed woman, and she raised up her skirt, pulled back her--her stocking and showed you her feet, and said if you saw me to tell you to pray for her."

54And he said, "Oh, mercy."

55I looked back and I seen him standing there with no glasses on, vision, I said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, God healed your eye, and heals your mother, too."

56 About that time, I turned around... Now, there's man setting here, was standing there. I said to Brother Roy Borders... or Brother Roy Roberson, put my hand on his shoulder, for he's a veteran, I said, "Brother Roy, get under something, right quick, something's fixing to happen."

57He said, "What do you mean, Brother Branham?"

58I said, "Don't talk! Get under something, quick!" And I turned and picked up a shovel, there by the side of the place, and walked off from them 'cause I knew it would come where I was at.

59 Right beside a great canyon, eight or ten times higher than this building, it's a "box" canyon; like a fire come down from the Heavens, like a whirlwind, just a few feet above where I was standing. And ripped the rocks right out of the mountain, went out through and cut the tops of the mesquite trees off, for a hundred yards out. Everybody running, and trying to get under trucks and everything else. It went back up again and clapped like a great thunder. Went back up in the skies again, and come down again. And done that three times. And when it was all over, they come over and asked, "What did it mean?"

60I said, "I don't want to tell you, it was a judgment sign. In a few days, a great earthquake's going to strike on the West. And it won't stop. California, Los Angeles will sink. It's going down. She'll slide right into the ocean." And two days after that, the Alaskan earthquake shook Alaska.

61 And then, the last meeting I had in California, while speaking, and didn't know nothing happened till I got on the street, It told California, said--said, "Capernaum, Capernaum, the city that's called by the name of the angels," (that's Los Angeles) "you've exalted yourself into heaven, but you'll be brought down into hell. For if the mighty works had been done in Sodom that's been done in you, it would have been standing till this day."

62 Now, the last few days, the great roaring and popping. Then, here come out a paper of science, said, "It's all honeycombed, it's got to go under." They just know it.

63And you watch, the water will come plumb back into the Salton Sea. Los Angeles is doomed for judgment. I tell you before it happens, that you might know when it does happen. I never spoke that by myself. And I've never had Him to tell me one thing but what happened. And you can bear record of that. That's right. When? I don't know.

64 I went out, and they told me what I said. And I listened, went back and searched the Scripture. You know, Jesus said, almost in them same words, about Capernaum; and Sodom and Gomorrah was--was in the bottom of the Dead Sea, I suppose was then. And later, about a hundred years later, Capernaum slid into the sea, and it's in the sea. The same God that put Sodom in the sea for its sins, the same God that put Capernaum in the sea for its sins, the same God will put Los Angeles in the sea for its sins, that city of--of corruption.

65Brother Roy Borders is scared to death. I don't know whether to... what that meant that, or what. I don't know.

Let us pray.

66 Lord, it's so good to testify to real listeners. We believe, Lord, help our unbelief. And we realize that we're going right down the road now to the end of the world. Just what time, we don't know. But that secret catching away of the Bride; one of these days, Lord, we'll be--we'll be raptured, caught up with Him. And we're waiting for that day. Prepare our hearts, Lord.

67There's many, we look, laying here on these cots and stretchers, man and women who are bound by the enemy. There's people setting out there, perhaps, if You don't touch them, they'll die with heart attacks. Maybe some of them is eaten with cancer.

68And Father, Thou knows the heart of every man. You know whether it's true or not true. And we say these things because that we know what You have done, Your great power has delivered so many. We're witnesses of it, though they try to tell us that "those things doesn't happen." But it does Lord. We are witnesses.

69 I pray tonight, Lord, that somehow You'll build faith in these peoples' hearts, that every one of them will be delivered, all these sick and afflicted people. May it be so simple, Lord, just let us, as we try to teach the Word. Let the Holy Spirit take my mistakes, Lord, and correct them in the hearts of the people. And make it a real, real night that the... that He can bed Himself into the heart of each believer here. We set this night for that purpose, Lord. May those who are not saved, above all things, be ready; get ready now, while the doors of Mercy still open. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

70 Now we're going to turn to the Scriptures, to start with, and in...

71Someone laid a--a note here on the desk, and said they "took up an offering" for me tonight. That wasn't necessary, don't do that. I can't take it back. I remember one time, in Calgary, Canada, they took up an... this offering was taken up. Brother Jack was trying to tell me... My wife setting back there; she, the children had an old two rooms we were living in, she had to put a blanket in the door to keep the--the door shut so the children wouldn't get pneumonia. And she said... He said to me, said, "Brother Branham, that's not fair to treat her that way." So, you remember the case. They took up, I forget how many thousand dollars.

72And I said, "Oh, take it back, Brother Jack."

73He said, "Now, how we going to do it?" So, I bought the place and it's there. So, to the glory and honor of God. We kept it for a couple years, the wife and I, as a gift from the church, the people.

74And then I thought, "That doesn't sound right. I brought nothing into this world, it's certain I'll take nothing out." So I turned around and lotted it, and deeded it back over to the tabernacle. That when I'm finished, well, some other servant of God, if there is a tomorrow, will use it then. See? So, thank you very kindly, friends. God bless you, for it.

75 Now, in James, the Book of James, the 2nd chapter. We want to read, beginning at the 21st verse.

76And now, I just about... A little while to teaching, and then we'll start praying for the sick just as quick as we can, and get just as many people through this prayer line as we possibly can. And let's, too, remember also... I don't want to forget Sister Anna Jeanne and Brother Don, and them, I think they're over in Thailand somewhere. Aren't they? To where? Bangkok, and--and the mission fields. There's so many things you think about in the daytime, you want to mention before the people. Then when you come here, you--you can't think of it, you're ream right down on that lesson.

77 And now, in James here, the 2nd chapter. And we're going to begin with the 21st verse of the 2nd chapter of Saint James, and read a--a portion of It. The 21st verse of the 2nd chapter.

Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon a... the altar?

See thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works... faith was made perfect?

And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.

78 Now, my subject tonight... And hold your Bibles now, 'cause I got several Scriptures written down here. If we don't get too long, I'll refer to many of them. My subject is: Works Is Faith Expressed. Now, remember: Works Is Faith Expressed. Works show that faith has already took a-hold, see. See? Now, we choose this because we... I believe that it might help us to understand. Now listen real close, and we'll go into it like a Sunday School lesson.

79Here James is expressing in his teaching, from Genesis 22:1-9, what man seen in Abraham.

80 Let's just go back, I've got the Scriptures kind of marked out here. In Genesis, the 22nd chapter, and the 1st to the 9th verse.

And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abram... Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am.

And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him... for a burnt-offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.

See, He didn't even tell him which one it was. You just go ahead when God speaks, you go on moving. See?

And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled an ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt-offering, and rose up, and went into the place... which God had told him of... told him.

And on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place far off.

And Abraham said unto the young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you.

81 Now, he had in his mind now, he's going up to kill his son, 'cause God told him to. But look at the Scripture here.

... I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again unto you. (He and the lad.)

And Abraham took the wood and the burnt-offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and the knife; and they both went... them together.

And Isaac spake to Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for the burnt-offering?

And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for the burnt-offering: so they went both of them together.

And they came to the place which God... told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound his son... Isaac his son, and laid him upon the altar upon the wood.

And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.

And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.

And he said, Lay not thy hand upon the lad, neither do thou anything unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing that thou hast not withheld thine son, thy... from me... thy only son from me. (What a work!)

82Now, we find here that James is justifying Abraham by his works.

83 But now, in Paul, in Romans, the Book of Romans, the 8th... the 4th chapter, 4:1 to 8. I won't read it all, but just read part of it.

And what shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, has found?

For if Abraham was justified... (You remember, we took the word last night, "justified.")... by works, he has whereof to glory; but not before God.

For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was accounted unto him for righteousness sake.

And to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.

84Now--now what Paul is referring to here, is what God seen in Abraham.

85 Now let's... if you... if we was not turning too much, we'd go back again to Genesis, the 15th chapter, and the 6th verse; 15:6, I believe is right. We'll begin at the 5th.

And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now towards the heavens, and tell the stars, if thou are able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.

And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.

86 Now the two men that were talking on faith: Paul justified Abraham by what God saw in Abraham; but James justified Abraham by what man saw in--in Abraham.

87See, now, James said, "He's justified by his works."

88Paul said, "He's justified by faith."

89But see, Abraham believed God, that's what God saw in him; he believed It. But then when he went to acting as though it was already done, that's what man saw in him.

90And that's the same as it is to us, because our works express what faith we have. But if we're afraid to act on what we believe, then we do not believe It. See, you've got to believe It.

91 Abraham's works was expressing his faith he had in God's promise. Now, Abraham, remember, he was ninety years old, or a hundred years old, and Sarah was ninety years old. And now they were well stricken in age, past child bearing, had been for many, many years. And they had lived together as husband and wife since they were young, and no children. But yet, God told him when he was seventy-five years old, and Sarah sixty-five, "You're going to have a baby." And he believed God's promise. He believed It. Now, see, he made ready everything for this baby. See, that's what God saw, when he believed God; and man saw what he did to express what he believed. (And that's the same thing that works tonight, the same way it is with us.) It has been revealed to him. See, it had been revealed to him, so he believed it so, and was acting as though it had already took place.

92Now, let's just stop there, just a minute. Sometimes we misunderstand this. People gets emotion, and they try to work on emotion. That won't work.

93 Now, I'm like Brother Gerholtzer here, we're--we're old men, and we've been in the... this a long time, and we've seen the pros and cons, and--and everything. And praying for the sick, around the world, and seeing the--the disappointments of people, and seeing the--the "Hallelujahs" from every side. Then, all this, we learn by. Now, when as boys, and we started preaching this, Brother Gerholtzer, like we started to swim. The first thing, you know, it used to be that I'd get out, and I would... Brother Jack, I've had Brother Brown to walk me on the street, night after night, to try to get myself around to myself. I'd stand there, like a little kid, splashing the water, seeing visions, you know. And I'd just stay there till Brother Brown...

94 I remember one night, I never will forget it, up in San Jose or somewhere. He come to wake me up, I hadn't slept for several days and I didn't know I was talking to the man, but said that I told him. Started crying, said, "I'm going home." See?

95"Why," he said, "you can't go home. There's a meeting going on down there."

96I said, "Well, I'll be ready in a few minutes to go home." See, just beyond, beside myself, almost. See, I was a boy then.

97 Like you're learning to swim, you know, you splash the water and go across the pool, and "huhhh, huhhh, huhhh, I made her!" Now, after you learn to swim, more graceful is the stroke, and it don't "wear you out" so much. See, that's it, you learn how to do it; and cut every corner and make it better, and that's more of a ease. See?

98A little boy that never walked, would try to walk down this aisle here, he would fall down a dozen times and be "wore out" before he got there. But anyone who knows how to walk, an athlete, would walk right down that aisle and never even notice doing it. Well, he had that to start with, that's what he is now.

99 Well, that's the same way with preaching Divine healing or anything else. As you go along, you begin to learn. If you don't learn, there's something wrong. See, you've got to learn, and you've got to learn how to accept God and what it really means.

100We allow it, sometimes say, "Well, this guy didn't have enough faith, this guy didn't do this and this." There's a reason there for that, there's a reason. Sometime it's unconfessed sin. You could pour a gallon of oil on a person, and scream till you got hoarse, it'll never move that devil. No, sir! You've got to confess that. That's what discernment does, say, "Go make that right, bring that out."

101But it's so slow doing that, you see. And then--then the rest of them get impatient, and they say, "Ah, I never got prayed for." But we want to find a way now, that... what takes place, the real basic of Divine healing.

102 Now, a gift, just like I said last night, "A gift is wonderful, but you can't base your Eternal destination on gifts." You cannot major on a minor, and a--a gift is a minor. And Satan can impersonate any gift God's got, he can make something just exactly like it, see, exactly. Therefore, we got to watch that.

103Like sometimes I express about shouting; I've seen demons shout, see. Speak in tongues, I've seen demons speak in tongues. Sure, he impersonates It. It isn't a genuine, but it impersonates It, you see, makes it look like it's real. And people sometime, who don't know the difference, declare this to be "real" when it isn't real.

104And the same thing they do about Divine healing. They think, "Well, it's a hocus-pocus, or something like that." It isn't. It's a genuine, unadulterated faith in what God said to be the Truth. And that anchors! And when it anchors, there's nothing going to move it. It's going to stay there. And therefore, cutting these corners,...

105 Now, faith is "a revelation from God." Now, faith is a revelation. There's where I want to stay, there, just a moment. It's a revelation. He has revealed it to you by His grace. It's nothing you did. You didn't work yourself up into faith. You ever have faith, it's give to you by the grace of God. And God reveals it to you, therefore faith is a revelation. And the whole Church of God is built upon the revelation.

106 A Baptist minister told me, not long ago, he said, "I just can't accept revelation."

107I said, "Then you cannot accept the Bible. You cannot accept Christ, because He is the Revelation of God. He's God revealed in flesh." Therefore, the whole Church is built upon Divine revelation.

108Jesus said to (I believe it was Peter)... said, He said, "Who does men say I the Son of man am?"

109He was talking to His disciples. "And some said You're 'Elias,' and 'Moses,' or 'One of the prophets,' and 'Jeremiah.'"

110He said, "But who do you say?"

111He said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

112 Now, the Roman Catholic church says, "He was speaking to Peter, 'Upon this rock I'll build my Church.'"

113The Protestants said, "He was building It upon Himself."

114Now, they could be right. But, to me, both of them's wrong. It was upon the spiritual revelation of Who He was. "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, Peter. But My Father, which is in Heaven, has revealed this to you. And upon this rock," the revelation of Who He is; upon the revelation: He is the Word, and the whole... "Upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against It." It showed the gates of hell would be against It.

115 Abel, by faith, revelation, (no Bible written in those days)... by Abel, by faith, offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that which Cain. Which God testified, "He was righteous." How? By faith. How? By revelation! By revelation, Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice, because it was revealed to him that it wasn't fruits of the field, it was the blood.

116That's why some people can believe It, and some can't believe It, some try to make-believe It.

117 In a audience of people, where a prayer line comes through, you'll find some... and they were all good people, we'll say. There's some that's trying hard to believe It, trying to work themselves into It. Some just can't do it at all. And others, it's just by grace, it's just given to them. Now, there is the difference. See? That does it. That's the real revelation, because faith is a revelation from God. It must be revealed first.

118 Jesus clearly expressed this when He said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first, or reveals Me to him first." You ought to read that. It's Saint James... or Saint John 6:44 and to 46. They didn't know Who He was. They thought He was just an ordinary man. They thought Him just to be, as people does today, some prophet. He was the Prophet, He was an ordinary Man, but there was more than that.

119 Just like last night, speaking... When you get the book, you're going to see maybe a little confusion there of what I said, "The two books of Life." It's the same Book, but one of them is your natural birth, the other one is your spiritual birth. One leads out to the other one, just like a stalk of wheat. Whenever you talk to me, you talk to me as a living person. But there's a part of me here, is that person, that must perish. That's the Book that the name comes off of. But the Eternal one, the Predestinated one, the Elected one, the name never can come from there because it was always on It. It can never be taken off. You'll notice it in the book, so to save your confusion. You'll find it that way. Because, I think, Brother Vayle, who put the right grammar to it, reminded me of it today. I said, "That's right."

120 The Baptists believe there's two separate books. And in one way it is two separate books, and another way it isn't two separate books. I'm two separate people... I'm body and soul and spirit, three separate people, but I'm... only one makes me as a being.

121There's only real one Book of Life. Like there was one germ of--of the wheat that come up through the stalk, and went through the tassel, and out through the husk, and into the wheat; all the way along there, you say, "Now, that's a wheat laying there." It isn't the wheat, it's the stalk, but together it's the wheat. See, it's the wheat because it's all one stalk, but the wheat is what you're talking about, the grain at the end of it. The others was a carrier, it must perish. And that's the one--one place sounds like you can have your name taken off the Lamb's Book of Life, and the other place you can't do it. So, that's where it is. It's all in that great revelation there, which was made known during the time of the Seven Seals. Why is it, how some people can't believe It?

122 Jesus said that "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first. And all that the Father has given Me, will come to Me." No man can understand Who He is, or how It is, except it be revealed to you by the revelation of God. And then faith in that, you act accordingly. See? Here we see plainly that God is revealed in Jesus, and only those who were foreordained to see it, will see it. Be sure to read this Scripture, I omitted it then, that Saint John 6:44 to 46. I omitted it because I thought maybe we'd have... maybe not enough time to go through, because that clock up there just keeps moving.

123And so we... You notice, "No man, no man can come except My Father draws him first. And all the Father has given Me, they will come." They'll recognize It. No other man can do it, no other person, no matter how good, who you are, It's got to be revealed to you. Then you see Who Jesus Christ is.

124 Now, here, predestinated plan is in plain view. Just as other seed, the Word of God is a Seed and must have the ground prepared beforehand. If you sowed seed, just throwed it out there on the ground, it would do no good, the birds would pick it up. You throw it among thistles and thorns, it'll choke it out pretty soon. Jesus' parable said so. So the ground has to be made ready first. So, God, in sovereign grace, prepares the heart first. He prepared you before the foundation of the world, to receive Him in this age. He foreknew you by His foreknowledge, and ordained you to Eternal Life. He knew you, therefore He prepared you.

125 That's the reason you staggered out of these things, and staggered into what you have now. It was God leading you to the place where He had ordained for you to be. It... or if--if--if this ground isn't prepared beforehand, it can't grow. That's the reason the seed of faith, when you're preaching faith, see the discernments of the Lord, and see what takes place, and all the gifts of the Bible working; people working themselves up, "Oh, hallelujah, I believe It." And come up, and find themselves disappointed. See, the ground has to be foreordained. And you know when It strikes it.

126 Like my little eagle, last night. He knew when he heard that scream of that mother eagle, "there's a lot difference between that and the cluck of the hen." See, because he was an eagle from the egg. Not... he wasn't made an eagle right then, he always was an eagle. And a Christian always was! That's the reason the divorce, when you're divorced, because you were trapped into it, see, by your first parent, Adam and Eve. You become a sinner by nature. You didn't want to be, but now you heard the Gospel, and "faith cometh by hearing," revelation comes by hearing. There is a little something inside of you.

127Another man setting right by you, say, "Ah, I don't believe that stuff. Nonsense! I don't believe that. Nothing to that!"

128 Like they did on the Day of Pentecost, they laughed and said, "These men are full of new wine." They know it was... It was a great thing to those it was happening to. Why? It was God revealing Himself to the individuals. While others laughed, these were rejoicing. It was an individual revelation, which is faith; faith that's revealed. If it wasn't faith, then it wouldn't even be there. It was faith.

129 Just seeds has to have the ground prepared first. "Therefore, all He foreknew, He called. All He called... All He foreknew, He predestinated." If you want to read that, Romans 8:28-34, and also Ephesians 1:1-5. See, all He foreknew, He did call. All He called, He justified. And all He justified, He has already glorified. There's nothing out of order. We think there is, but look in the Scriptures. It's just hitting exactly the way God's Word said it would. We see the Message is rejected, today. Isn't that just what the Scripture said they would do? Sure, all these things are ordained of God.

130 Oh, It should make you walk happy. That's the trouble with we today, so much difference than the Christians of old. When the real, true revelation of Jesus Christ being Emmanuel dwelled in the hearts of those men, they were rugged people. But today we're patted by denominations, with, "Oh, I tell you, they ain't got the Revelation. You come over here." You're depending on their revelation. If their revelation isn't according to the Word of God, then it's wrong; mine or anybody else's, that's where the showdown comes. The Word of God tells which is right and wrong!

131 Any seed has to have its ground, of course. "Therefore, all He foreknew..." See, He already knew what was going to happen. Notice, Jesus said again, about the Seed, "Some fell on rock, others in mixed ground." See, over where there's thorns, thistles, and everything else, It couldn't grow. And others on good ground, good ground, good soil, which had been prepared, already prepared.

132 All the man out here, he's like as a chicken, he's looking along, trying to find. He hits into this, and he hits into that, but after a while there comes a sudden Scream from Heaven. He recognizes It right quick, "That's the Word of God!" See, he knows It because there's something in his heart that's been told to him, revealed to him about It.

133 Notice, the prophet Isaiah said, "A virgin shall conceive." What a strange saying. How a--a man in his right mind could say that? There had never been a virgin conceive. "A virgin shall conceive!" Now, he didn't worry about saying It, he just said It. How's she going to do it? And that's not his business! He is just to say what God said He was going to do. God revealed it to him, showed him the vision; revealed it, and it was right.

134 Just the same God that told me that little baby would be borned by that man who couldn't have the child... have a girl. Like others and things, how it sounds strange when the doctor says, "It can't happen!"

135But when God says, "It's going to happen," it depends on what kind of a word that falls in. Remember, the prophet stood up there and His Word went forth.

136 Like God, in Genesis 1, He said, "Let there be light. Let there be this. Let there be that." Created man in His Own image, image of God created He them, male and female, and there was nothing on the earth yet. Then, we find out in Genesis 2, here, He made man in His Own image. There was no man to till the soil, after the rest the creation. What was it? It's His Words, He was speaking It. And when He spoke, He said, "Let there be light." There might of not been light for eight hundred years afterward, might not have been no light, but He said It! And as long as He said It, "Let there be a palm tree. Let there be an oak tree. Let there be this," them seeds was forming down beneath that water. That's right. And in the season, in the time, in its own season, it brought forth! It can't fail; it's God's Word. It just can't fail. It's been expressed.

137 Now, one day, God talked to man, face to face. But in time of Moses, when the fire was falling, they said, "Let God... Let Moses speak; not God, we might perish."

138Therefore, He said, "I'll not speak to them like that no more. I'll raise them up a prophet." That's the way God's system always was.

139Now, here's a prophet standing; now, he's under inspiration; he isn't thinking about his intellectual, "Now, wait a minute. If I'd say that, well, you know, the people would think I'm insane." See, that's his intellectual; there he's listening to Satan, just like Eve did.

140 And as long as the doctor says that "You can't live. You can't get well. You can't do this or that." As long as you listen to that, that Seed will never fall in that kind of ground and do any good. It can't. But when something tears all of that away, and It falls in that bedded ground, there's nothing can tear It out.

141Now, no matter how long it takes, It's going to happen. Now, He said, "A virgin shall conceive." Did you know it was eight hundred years before that happened? God foreknew the woman, who she'd be, what her name was, where that Seed would fall into. Do you believe that? Sure, He did! And from a literal womb would come forth this great miracle. God knew about it, He just revealed it to his prophet who was faithful and spoke the Word. Without even thinking about what It was, he just said It. He never tried to reason It out.

142 If you try to reason out... What if this man, this woman, or this man setting here, or somebody try to reason, "And I been crippled all these years. The doctor says, 'There's not a possible chance'"? Well, there might not be as far as he knowed, and that's true.

143But if something can tear away them weeds, if God by His grace; not the preacher, not nobody else. But God can place into your heart a revelation, that, "I'm going to be well," there isn't nothing going to keep you setting there. There's nothing can hold you there, you're going to be well! But until that does happen, you're going to set right where the doctor says you're going to set; until that happens. It has to be revealed. It's the grace of God that reveals it.

144 Now, notice, God knew the woman It would come to. Notice Isaiah, there was no question. Isaiah didn't say, "Wait a minute, Lord! Wait--wait just a minute! What did You say to me? A virgin's going to conceive? Oh! What? Now wait, Father, there--there--there never was such a thing as that done."

145He didn't hesitate, he just said, "A virgin shall conceive!" Right.

146 Notice Mary: "Now, now Lord, wait a minute. You know I--I never knowed a man. This is impossible! Nothing like this never happened! Ohhh, oh, no, nothing like this ever happened. How am I going to have this baby? I don't know any man, so it can't happen! Uh, Angel, you're just mistaken. I've got an optical illusion. You know, my church says, 'These days are gone.'" Nah! It would never have fell in such a place as that. Mary never questioned.

147She said, "How can it be? I know no man."

148He said, "The Holy Ghost shall overshadow thee. That's how it's going to happen."

149She said, "Behold, the handsmaid of the Lord!" No question!

150 See, Isaiah, when God produced the Word by thought (revelation) into the heart of Isaiah, It fell into the right grounds, it was a prophet. That prophet didn't care for any man's wisdom. He didn't care for any man's intellectual. He didn't care about the person of anybody. He was a dedicated channel to God, and God spoke and he spoke. That's all. Whether it hurt, whether it didn't; whether it sounded crazy, whether it didn't sound crazy; didn't make any difference to him. It was God, not the man.

151 And when that Word went forth, now It becomes a Seed, It has to fall somewhere. If God said It, there's bound to be a womb somewhere for It to fall into. Just as He said, "All things are possible to them that believe. If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, you can have what you said." See, there's got to be somewhere that's right!

152Notice! Now, we find that Isaiah here spoke It.

153 The virgin Mary, as soon as... The grounds was already broke up. She had been a virgin. She hadn't "run around." The grounds had been already prepared, or predestinated by foreknowledge of God.

154Even said, "She was a virgin." Right then God knowed what her name would be. For her name was on the Book of Life in Heaven.

155Then, It was vindicated. Man then (to man) saw the expression of It by the works, when it was already done. Now we look back and say, "Sure, It was done," 'cause we see the works that was done.

156 Noah's works expressed to man, what his faith was in God's promise. Now, God met Noah, and He said, "Noah, it's going to rain. I'm going to destroy the whole earth with water." Now, it never had rained, that's the impossibility. Well, now, Noah got... Said, "Prepare an ark of the dimensions that I'll tell you about." And him being a carpenter, and he went to work and begin to take his foot adze, and everything to cut the boards, and fix it up there with the shittim wood, and put the pitch in it just like He said. And do you imagine what people thought about that man?

157They said, "That man is actually crazy, because he says, 'It's going to bring water out of the heavens,' and there's no water up there." But, you see, Noah didn't think about that. His works was expressing to the people what his faith was and what God said would take place.

158That's the reason the genuine Christian separates himself from everything but the Word of God, no matter what the people think, what anybody else says. He's separated because... He isn't just saying that; if he is, it won't be long till his works will be make known. He'll fall back and slip this a-way, and join this one, this one, start... he'll--he'll show what he is. But if he's a genuine, if the Word of God has bedded into him, then It's going to bring forth Its kind, you'll see that man preparing for that great hour. See, that's the way Noah did.

159 Moses, with a stick in his hand, came to take the people from Pharaoh. Now, could you imagine... Moses, the Bible said that he was taught in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. He was smart, he could teach their intellect things. He was taught all their wisdom. He didn't need to catch up on his education. Now, just think about a man out there in the wilderness, with all that education, and then God appearing to him and said, "Moses, take this stick in your hand and go down there in Egypt, and bring my children out with this switch you got in your hand. Just lick the whole thing with this switch."

160Now, what if Moses would had said, "Sir, just a moment, I thought I was talking to an intelligent being, this great 'I AM' that you say you are. Now, how in the world will I ever take this little, old crooked stick I got here in my hand, and take over an army of million of man, armed with spears, fighters? And I'm not a fighter, I'm a shepherd. How can I ever do that?"

161There was no question! Why? Why? The Ground in his heart! He was a predestinated person. "Gifts and callings are without repentence." God had told Abraham that He would do that, and there was the ground prepared.

162 And Moses took this stick and went down there and took that nation out of a nation. When he come with a stick in his hand, and told Pharaoh, "Let them go!" Pharaoh seen in Moses the works, that he had faith in what he was going to do, or trying to do. He had faith in the promise of the God that had made the promise, he went down to take it over. No other man would have done that, and no other man could have done it, he was ordained to do it. God, beforehand, had told Abraham that that's just what would happen. And when the time of the promise drew nigh, there was a little boy borned, a fair child. And the parents, Amram and Jochebed, was not afraid of the king's commandment. See, there was something, the grounds was already prepared.

163O God, I hope I'm speaking to ground prepared, tonight! If the Seed can fall in the right place, and it's going to be some-... If it isn't, it won't happen.

164That's the same thing. They say, "Brother Branham, that kinda takes it away from us." If it does, it takes it away from Christianity, too. See, you can impersonate anything. But if the... if it really falls in, the Word of God falls in the right kind of ground, it's going to bring forth its kind. It's got to, because It's a seed.

165 Noah... Moses, his works, expressed faith in the promise of the God that he believed. Pharaoh, the man, could see what was. Not... he couldn't see how Moses was going to do it, but he knowed Moses believed what he was talking about or he wouldn't be standing in the palace there with a stick in his hand. Said, "By this stick, I'll take them out from you." An old man, eighty years old; not an athlete, an old man, stooped shoulders, and whiskers hanging down to his... probably his waistline; and gray hair, if he had any. And there with that stick in his hand, saying, "'I'm going to take them out, let the people go,' THUS SAITH THE LORD. And if you don't do it, God's going to judge you." Amen! Why? That's... See, it... Was he afraid? Why, just one arrow, one spear, anything else would have ended it. He was fearless! He knowed exactly where he was standing; said, "God will smite thee, Pharaoh." Yes, sir.

166For God told him, "You will come to this mountain again," and he knowed he was going there.

167Hallelujah! We know where we're going too, at the end of this journey. God has promised! There's a Land beyond the river. Be fearless in your testimony. Amen. If it's revealed to you, you are fearless. You don't care if the whole world... what they say; you're fearless. When it's revealed to you, "This is the Truth coming from God," then you can't be fearless. If not, you can't be.

168 David, with a shepherd's sling, expressed to the whole Israelite army, the faith that he had in their God. Now, there was Goliath on the other side, and he stood out there and made his boasts. Many times bigger than David, he had fingers fourteen inches long. And he was a mammoth, big fellow, the Philistine giant. And here was David, the smallest one, he was even too little to be in the army; too much of a runt, they couldn't use him. So, his brothers was out there in the army. And, then, Goliath was making his boasts.

169But David, now remember, it was revealed to David. He thought, "Here is the armies of the living God, standing in their own land, and there's a boasting uncircumcised Philistine out there." We'll call him "cancer" tonight, we'll call him "paralytic."

170Why, David was no kind of a match for him, not with any kind of a weapon; he was no match. That man's shoulders was probably ten, twelve foot across; he was probably standing fourteen, fifteen foot high. A spear like a weavers needle, probably twenty foot long, the blade on it maybe four foot across.

171 And a little David standing there with a little piece of leather, goatskin or sheepskin, with two pieces of string tied to it. But it was revealed to him! Revelation struck him! Amen! He said, "The God that took me out of the paws of the bear, that took me out of the paws of the lion, how much more will He deliver that uncircumcised Philistine in my hand!"

172His brothers, way more able to do it. Saul, head and shoulders above his army. But, you see, it wasn't revealed to them. Amen. There it is: they believed it could be done, they believed that God could do it, but it wasn't revealed to them; but it was revealed to David. So there's the difference, right there. If it's absolutely revealed to you that God is going to heal you, you're--you're going to get it. [] You're going to get it. I don't care what's wrong with you, what the odds, it may be worse than David and Goliath. But if it's revealed to you...

173 And notice, when it's revealed, David become fearless. He said, "Today I'll cut your head off!" Amen. Quickly! Our God, by grace, in that crucial moment when decision had to be made, that same God that produced the grace in that day, and dropped that seed of faith in that little hunchback-looking boy, seeing in his heart; that same God, in this crucial moment, could take that woman from the wheelchair, that man there, if you can believe it, with all her trouble. When that little grain of faith is revealed to you. And I don't care how long it takes,...

174 Now notice the giant, on the other side, didn't believe it; neither will the cancer. He laughed, he said, "Am I a dog? You send a kid out here to fight me?" Said, "I'll pick you up, on the end of my spear, and let the birds eat your flesh." Why, he had all the... all, everything for his side.

175But, you see, that didn't shake David at all. Why? It was revealed to him. He had faith in what he was doing. He knowed he was going to do it. And he did it, is because that it was revealed to him and he knowed where he's standing.

176And if God would just spoke that, right down in your heart tonight, said "You're not going to be laying in that bed. You're not going to be setting in that chair. You're going to be well," there couldn't be anything change your mind in it.

177But until that's happened, every preacher in the world could pray,... I don't say it wouldn't help you; it would, it'd encourage you. But until that faith... See, the healing power is in you. It don't come from the preacher. It comes to you by revelation, by faith. "Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit," saith the Lord. "My Spirit, by grace, reveals this to you." And there's nothing can take it away. By faith, revelation! Then, David to prove his works,...

178 Now, some of them said, "I know you're naughty." His brother said, "You come up here to see the battle. Now, you run back over where them sheep was."

179He said, "Let me speak to Saul, the general." You see?

180And Saul said, "Now, son, I admire your courage, but, you see, you're nothing but a youth. And he's a warrior from his youth, you're no match for him."

181He said, "I was tending my father's sheep,..." He could base it on something! Amen. O brother! And the God that saved your soul, can't He heal your body? It's just the same, reveal to you, He's your Healer as He was your Saviour. See? But it's got to be revealed first, that's the difference. He had something to base his faith on.

182Said, "Now, this never happened before."

183But said, "The same God that delivered me from the paws of the lion, will deliver me from that uncircumcised Philistine."

"How do you know, David?"

"I believe it."


"It's been revealed to me." And he said...

184He knowed what he was talking about. Because when the giant said, "I'm going to feed you to the birds"; he said "I'm going to cut your head off." There's the difference, see. And he did it!

185 Samson, caught out one day (off guard) in a prairie, and here come a thousand Philistines upon him. And he looked down on the ground, and there's where a mule had died, and he picked up the old jaw, jawbone, dry as it could be, and took out after those Philistines, beating them over the head with this old dry jawbone of a mule, and as far as I know, not a tooth ever fell out of it. And them Philistine helmets was probably a inch thick ('cause they beat one another with war clubs in those days), to keep a man from beating them on the head. But he took the jawbone of that mule and beat down a thousand Philistines, and the jawbone never broke. He just kept beating them, like that, as they come up. So, the rest of them took off for the rocks, see, they was getting away from him. Why? He believed it!

186Sometime, to show you,... I want to tell you something else. Work on that pulsation, that spare of the moment, like Joshua did, like Mary Magdalene, all those. Just that moment when something is revealed to you, grab it. Hold to it, that spare of the moment.

187 Yes, it was revealed to him. He went to meet these thousand Philistines. Now what do you think when those Philistines said, "Now, look, coming there, that little shrimp; only about four feet and a half tall, to begin with; with seven little curls hanging down his back, like mama's little sissy, see; come along there with a jawbone of a mule. And look at us, what a great army we are! Isn't that ridiculous?" But what was he doing? He was expressing to those Philistines what had been revealed to him by God. He grabbed the jawbone and took off, because that's what He put in his hand; He put that in his hand, that's what he believed: he could do it! And by doing so, he was expressing to those Philistines what God had put in his heart to do.

188 John the Baptist expressed his faith by his works, and when he said "There stands One among you now." Just think of that. Saint John, I got the Scripture, Saint John 1:26, see. He said...

189They said, "You say, 'The Messiah's coming'? Why," said, "man, what's the matter with you? We been looking for Him for four thousand years."

190He said, "He's standing right among you now." Hallelujah! So is He tonight! Uh-huh.

191He expressed his faith by his revelation, because it was revealed to him that... he knowed he would baptize the Messiah. He was a man, thirty years old. He knowed He had to be there somewhere; he had never knew who He was, and there He was standing right among them. He said, "There's One standing among you now, Who you know not, and I'm not worthy to loose the latches on His shoes, but He'll baptize you with the Holy Ghost. And He's right among you now." He expressed it, his faith, because he knowed, in his day, he was to see and baptize God's Messiah. So, you see, the people could see the expression upon him, in the way he was preaching and the way he was acting, was expressing that he had a true revelation from God.

192 Now, to prove that it was true, walking right out of the crowd come the Messiah; just an ordinary young man walking down through there, dressed like other man. John said, "Behold, there's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."

193"How do you know Him?"

194He said, "He that said to me, in the wilderness, 'Upon Whom thou shall see the Spirit descending, that's the One that'll baptize with the Holy Ghost.'"

195See, he knew Him because there was supposed to be a sign about that time. (Are you catching It?) John knew just about the hour, 'cause he was a prophet. It was revealed to him, that he know would be about that time, he'd see a sign. And when he seen that sign, he said, "He's standing among you." He knew It was there.

196Oh, I see the sign that the end time is here. I see the things that's promised, for this end-time Message, coming to pass (unfolding) just exactly like the Scripture said. And I know that the time is at hand! I say that without hesitance. I believe it's right at hand, for I see the signs that He said would happen just before that time. It's ready to happen now.

197 John expressed his faith in what God had revealed to him. Therefore, works is faith's testimony. When they see you acting like you're healed, then they'll know you got faith that you are healed.

198What does testimony say? Saying this: "I have it now, 'cause I received God's promise. It is now working in me. I am making ready for it to happen." Uh-huh. See, that's what you testi-... your works does. Well, sure!

199 Here, some time ago, next to my last trip in Africa; I was just over there this spring, but trip before that. There was a little baby that had club feet, and one foot... leg shorter than the other one. It never wore shoes in its life. Oh, it was a most horrible deformed. And I prayed for the baby that night, they had watched and seen those things done, they prayed for the baby. And the next morning I went down, walked by a shoe store. And I walked in there, and there was the man buying the baby a pair of shoes to wear. He believed it! Uh-huh.

200Like this man over here, that believed that God would give him the baby. Sure, he believed it was going to happen, made ready for it. "I'm making ready." Although no physical results seen as yet, but that didn't make a bit of difference. He believed it, like Abraham, "called anything contrary as though it was not so." There!

201 Therefore, if your intellectuals does tell you... Oh, here's the stinger now. If your intellectuals does tell you that "This is the Truth, God is the Healer of sickness," your mind can witness that "That is the Truth," but if there is not the bedding ground in your heart (faith, to fall in) to express it, it will not happen.

Though much... no matter how much this outside man can reason it with the Scriptures, and say, "it's right," that still doesn't make it Right.

202How many takes the tapes? Did you get my sermon, not long ago, The Anointed Ones Of The Last Day? Did you believe that? See, it said, "There will be antichrists. Antichrists would almost deceive the very elected, if possible." Can it through... It can't, because it's impossible, they're elected. See? All right.

203But He said, "The anointed ones." See, Christ means "anointed," but these were anti. They were anointed, but anti, against Christ in their teaching. Now, they could do anything that the rest of them could do.

204 Now, remember, you're in a cycle of three, but you're one person. Like Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, cycle of three, but one Person. Three attributes of the same God: fatherhood... Three offices like: fatherhood, sonship, and Holy Ghost. And you are: body, spirit, and soul.

205Now, the outside body has five inlets to it, to contact your earthly home: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. The inside, which is a spirit, it has five senses: conscience, and love, and so forth. But the inside of that, the soul, has one thing. That's where you live.

206 The Spirit can come out here and anoint you to do certain thing, and you do it, but that don't mean you're saved. Think of it. Caiaphas prophesied. Judas cast out devils. See, the Spirit anointed him. This rain falls on the just and the unjust, the weeds can rejoice with the wheat. But it's what it is at the core. There's where you can, intellectuals, can accept and say, "Oh, sure, that looks good. I believe that." That still don't do it. No, sir. And the spirit can actually make witness of it, and still it isn't so. Because if that soul hasn't come from God, it can make all the impersonations out here, but it cannot be real. You can act healing, you can act like you have. You can act like you receive it. Christians can act like they're Christians, and act and be ever so good at it, but that don't mean they're saved. That's exactly right, see. The Spirit can be there, the real, genuine Spirit. The Holy Spirit can anoint you, that still don't mean you're saved. It's that inside soul that never dies, it's got Eternal Life. It always was Eternal Life. See? It come from God, it goes to God, it's the soul.

207 Now, notice that, it's got to be. Five, f-a-i-t-h, outside; spirit, J-e-s-u-s; on the inside, y-o-u. See? That's how standing here, looking at you, I don't know a one of you. The spirit can anoint me, still I don't know none of you. But when that inside of the inside breaks in, that's God.

208That's where the outside can reason. You take a man, say, "Well, you know, I--I know I'm not supposed to commit adultery. But, you know, then the spirit tells me I shouldn't commit adultery. But, you see, way down in there is still that thing in there." See, it'll kind of govern around, and better watch it.

209But when it's directed from the inside, it throws all the rest of it together. That's the guidepost. That's the control tower, the inside of the inside. The soul controls the spirit, the spirit controls the body.

210So an outside whitewash don't make any difference. Them religious people back there, that Paul called "whited-walls," and so forth, they were (outward) just every way the... a believer, and they had prophesies among them, and everything else but the inside of the inside ("the soul that disbelieveth").

211That's the reason I say people can jump up and down, and speak in tongues, people can shout, lay hands on the sick, and heal the sick and so forth, by faith; all these great things there by the Spirit, still be lost. Anointed ones.

212 Notice Jesus has said, "Only believe, for all things are possible to them that believe." Faith and works are husband and wife, they work together. The husband works with the wife, the wife with the husband; they identify one another.

213Like a man says he's "married" and yet he can't produce and show that he has a wife, you doubt his claim. See? A man said, "I'm married."

"Where's your wife?"

"Oh, oh, I--I don't know about that." See? See? Be kind of hard thing for me to believe him.

I say, "Well, where is your wife?"

"Well, I don't know." I--I ain't going to believe it.

214So, you see, if you have what you say you have, "I have faith." How you going to show me you got faith? By your works. See?

"I am married."

"How do I know you're married?"

"This is my wife." See? There you are.

"I am married, this is my husband."

"I am healed."

"How do you know?"

215 "My works shows my faith." See? See? Now, what--what you're speaking of: your faith is what God sees in you, your works is what the other people see in you.

216That's for difference between James and Paul here, explaining about Abraham. They never contradicted one another, they was both the same; married.

217So is faith that doesn't produce works, anyone has a right to doubt your testimony. Now do you hear it, before we start the prayer line? If your faith doesn't produce works with it, you can't make anyone believe that you're healed. Say, "Well, I don't know." See? "Why, yeah, sure, I got all the faith in the world." You don't. Because, if you are... got faith, then works is married to faith. They're husband and wife, one--one identifies the other one.

218 Let's think of Abraham for just a few minutes. Abraham got that holy union in complete, see, he got the whole thing together. He called things, contrary to his faith, as though it was not; and acted on the same principle. I can imagine, after about twenty years, somebody come by and said, "Father of nations? Huh! Abram, you said your name was 'Abraham,' which means father of nations. Just how many children do you have right now, Abraham?" See?

219That didn't stumble him a bit. The Bible said, "He staggered not at the Word of God, through unbelief." He went right ahead making ready, keeping all the booties ready and the bird-eye and everything, he was "going to have the baby." That's all.

220 Even Sarah said, "You know what's going to happen? You're going to have the baby, but I tell you the way we're going to do it. Hagar now is my maid, I'm going to give her to you." Cause, polygamy was legal then. "And she'll have a baby, and I'll take the baby myself." But Abraham didn't believe that. Nope, he wouldn't do it. But Sarah was inspired to do it.

221So, God told Abraham, "Go ahead and listen to her," but He said, "yet this is not what I promised you. This is not the way I promised it."

222 Now watch, he called anything "contrary," and his body then dead, and Sarah's womb the same. Now, he was an old man, a hundred years old. Sarah was ninety years old. Now notice! The deadness of Sarah's womb or the deadness of his body wasn't even brought under consideration.

223Listen to this.

For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.

For if it was by the law... was by the law be heir, faith is made void, and the promise is... none effect:

Because the law worketh wrath: and where there is no law, there is no transgression.

224Listen to this, now.

Who against hope...

"Against hope," all hopes was gone! Oh, every time I go to feeling a little "blue," here's the chapter I turn to, Romans 4, see.

(As it is written, I have made thee a father of... nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and called those things which were not as though they were. ("God said so!" See?)

Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of... nations; according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.

225Now listen, 19th verse.

And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither... the deadness of Sarah's womb:

He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong... giving glory to God;

226 At a hundred years old? Look, his body now dead (his manhood), and Sarah's womb dead. He's... It wasn't even considered. When it's revealed to him, that bed is not considered. You're a paralytic, or whatever you are, that isn't considered. The wheelchair's not under consideration. Or the little boy, maybe paralyzed, whatever it is (I don't know), it's not under consideration. Don't even consider it.

227"But the doctor said, 'He'll never get out of here.' The doctor said, 'She'll never come... '" That's not even considered.

228"Well, look, I'm an old person, I'm getting middle aged." I don't even consider it.

229 And we are the children of Abraham (Hallelujah!), not as Isaac was, but his Royal Seed (through Jesus Christ) by the faith that he had, Abraham's Seed coming forth in the last days to shine like the stars. Abraham's children! "Considered not his own body now dead." Neither even considered it! It wasn't even brought into question whether God would do it or not, God said he would do it! Why? It was revealed to him. Is that right?

230When it's revealed to you, when it really... something... You can't make it happen, it's got to be revealed to you. Then you don't even consider anything else: how impossible it is, don't consider what the doctor said, you don't consider what mama said, what papa said, what the preacher said, what anybody else said. You just consider what God said!

231 "He considered not his own body now dead, neither the deadness of Sarah's womb. It wasn't even brought under consideration. Oh, my, that just shakes me. Body dead, nor the deadness of Sarah's womb, not even brought under consideration.

232No circumstances will be considered when faith finds its bedding ground! When a germ gene from a man finds the--the egg in the woman, and both of them fertile, something's going to happen. Hallelujah! The doctor can say, "You'll not have a baby. I can prove that your--your genes are dead in your body, and her eggs will never be fertile." But let that fertile egg, let that germ twist itself to that egg one time, watch what happens; that little boy or that little girl comes on the scene. Why? Faith has found its bedding ground. Works goes to work, cell on top of cell, and here comes the little fellow. Amen. God, have mercy upon us. O God, if we was rugged Christians like we should be; if we were men and women, who could take God at His Word. You can't do it until it's revealed to you. (I got to hurry)

233 Notice, the holy faith of God was united with the holy works of his prophet. Remember, God's holy faith was revealed to Abraham. He received it, and by there he started with his holy works, by believing. The seed of promise had a place to grow. What if he said (Abraham) "Well, you know, Sarah, after all, it's been twenty-five years since God made that promise"? Huh-uh! "If something would a-happened," see. But it wouldn't. God knowed it wouldn't.

234What if the virgin Mary said, "Well, now, wait a minute! A--a virgin conceive? Well, they'll throw me out of my church if I go in and say such a thing as that"? Now, she would have thought those thoughts if it hadn't been that prepared bedding ground.

235When that prophet said, "A virgin shall conceive," that settled it. See?

236"These signs shall follow them that believe." If a bedding ground is laying there when that Word drops there, it takes a-hold. There's nothing can stop it.

237 Now, quickly, while we finish. See, the Seed had a place to hide. God knew it, or He would have never give the promise to Abraham. Now listen, real close now. God knowed where that promise was going to; He never even called Abraham till he was seventy-five years old, but he was His predestinated servant from the beginning, so was Sarah.

238Notice, remember, he had no Bible to read from. He didn't have it as easy as we got it today, to read His Word and see others who've took It. Remember, he only had It by revelation, and that's the real thing. Same as it was by Joseph, in Genesis, there was no Bible. Remember, Moses wrote Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. None of those characters in there had any Bible to read till after Moses. Is that right? They didn't have a Bible that we got, to help us along in our cripple condition. They were rugged men who... was revealed to them by God, and they stood right there. Nothing moved them. Now, do you think that we can still have that rugged faith? If It's revealed to you!

239 Pardon the expression, or the testimony at this time, just before closing. I remember that up here in "Twin City," I think Brother Brown and them was with me; and I was taking the life of Joseph, in the Bible. And I read that Bible, there was a man there was nothing against! Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all of them, had something against them, but not Joseph. What a man, a perfect man, a perfect type of Christ!

240When I read that, I just got to crying, one day, in my little ol' hotel room. And I went over in the closet where I had my clothes hanging, pulled the door together, and I said, "God, I want to thank You for a man like Joseph, a man who once lived on the earth, a--a man in flesh like I am, a man that could believe You and take Your Word." He was hated of his brothers. He couldn't help being spiritual. He saw a vision. He could interpret dream. All of them hated him for it. He couldn't help that, that's just what he was.

241 See, it just wasn't to the others. They ought to have loved him, but instead of that... When he told them, sometimes things against them, "Oh," they say, "here comes that dreamer." See? And they hated him without a cause.

242I said, "Why did they do that?" And yet that man never moved, he stayed right there. See? I said, "Thank You, Lord. O God, thank You for such a man."

243And right then the Holy Spirit revealed to me, said, "You'll have a son, and you'll call his name 'Joseph.'" I got up from there and thanked the Lord.

244 Becky, setting back there, had just been borned about a... she was about a year old. She was with cesarean, it runs in my wife's family to be cesarean; 'cause they don't unhinge like the woman should, the bones are solid like a man, and she had to be cut from her mother. And the doctor told me, he said, "Brother Branham, don't you never have another child by this woman." Said, "Her womb is as thin as a balloon." He said, "You'd better let me tie those tubes."

245I said, "No, I wouldn't... don't think about doing that, 'Doc.'"

246He said, "Well, you--you--you'll... She shouldn't have another child." Said, "You're going to ruin her," said, "she'll die." Said, "We had an awful time there," said, "you just... she just did come through."

247And then the Lord told me I was "going to have a son" and his name would be called "Joseph." I never was scared about it. All of you... many of you remember it.

248 I went forth announcing, "I'm going to have a baby and his name's going to be Joseph." How many remembers it? Sure! All around, out over the country, everywhere, telling people, "Going to have a baby, his name's going to be Joseph."

249Just the same as that little boy was raised up, in Finland, from the dead. Brother Jack was right there when it happened. Told you, two or three years before it happened, "There'd be a little boy," how he'd be dressed, where he'd be laying. "God said so!"

250"How is it going to be?"

251"I don't know! But it was revealed to me that it was going to happen!"

252 It was revealed to me, "I was going to Arizona, and there I'd meet seven Angels. And they would tell me then what... a Message that I was to preach." And that was the Seven Seals. It happened! How many remembers me saying that? The tapes and things will go to that. And it happened! Magazines, everything else, took the picture of It. That Light there in the air, they can't even understand It yet. There it was.

253I remember calling Brother Jack and asking him about that, Christ being standing there, and Brother Jack said, "That's in His glorified state." See? I love Brother Jack. He's one of the best theologians I know of, but I just couldn't hit it just right.

254I was standing there, I said, "Lord, how is this? Young Man here" I said, "with hair like wool."

255And He said, "He is wigged." Watch in the book, before it ever happened, I said that. And that day when that happened, it went up. And then you turn that picture sideways, if you've got Look Magazine or Life Magazine. Turn it sideways. There He is, just perfectly, Hoffmann's Head of Christ, looking right down where I was standing; there It is in the magazine! How many's ever seen It? Course, you've all seen. There, looking right back, proved exactly the revelation was correct.

256 Why wigged? Why, the old English judges, the Jewish judges, used to wear a--a--a wig, they do yet in England; when he's... that's supreme authority, he wears a wig. And that showed Him standing there, wigged by Angels' wings, He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the Supreme Judge, and none other but Him. He is to look upon as Alpha and Omega. And there He was a young Man, no, or more, thirty years old, wearing a wig of white. Showing that He was Supreme, God, "The Father hath committed all judgment unto the hands of the Son." Hallelujah! The revelation is never wrong! Speak It anyhow, no matter what it sounds like, goes right with the Word.

Now remember, four years later, my wife...

257 We knew we was going to have a baby. Everybody said, "Is this Joseph coming?"

258I said, "I guess it is, I don't know, but I'm going to have Joseph."

259When it was borned, it was Sarah. Then a man called me up, and laughed in my face, he said, "Say, you know what? You meant Josephine!" (The man died. The man died.)

260I said, "Sir, I said, 'God told me I was "going to have a son" and I would "call his name 'Joseph'"!'"

261There was three people that left a certain denominational church and come to our church, and heard me saying that. When Sarah was borned, they said, "Why, he's a false prophet."

262I said, "Wait a minute, ladies, I never said when, neither did God say when. He told me, was 'going to have a... ' He was going to... told Abraham, they was 'going to have a Isaac,' but Ishmael was borned in between that time, but it didn't take It away." I said, "God said I'll have this boy and we'll call his name 'Joseph.'"

263 The doctor said, when he come up, he said, "Reverend, I'm going to tie those tubes now." Said, "I..."

264I said, "Don't you do it!" I said...

265He said, "Well, you might get married again and have that boy yet."

266I said, "I'm going to have it by her! God said so!" I couldn't read it out of the Bible but it was wrote on my heart by revelation, by faith; God said so! Didn't want to stagger at the promise of God through unbelief.

Some of them said, "You meant 'Josephine.'"

I said, "I meant 'Joseph.'"

Doctor said, "She can't have another baby."

I said, "She will have another baby."

267Four years passed, finally she was going to be mother again.

268 Then a woman, (a false prophecy sent forth across the country) writing words, said, "Now Meda's going to die, during this time, because I was sent to lead Bill." And it said that "He won't listen to me 'cause I'm a woman, and God's going to get even with him now by killing his wife."

269I said, "God sent Jesus Christ to lead me." See? And I said, "I'm led by the Spirit."

270Poor little Meda. We had a nurse that had been healed there in a meetings, you all know, Mrs. Morgan, (and one of Mayo's nurses, the worse cases). Well, she's on the record, "dead," about twenty years ago, of cancer, "sarcomas cancer," in Louisville, right on the Baptist hospital record. She's nursing in--in Jeffersonville, in the hospital, now. She's been there for all these years, 'cause God said "She'd live."

271And, so, Meda loved her, and she said, "I want Margie come with me, Bill, I don't feel like going to the hospital."

272 I said, "Don't make... We love Margie, but Margie's not our God, Margie's our sister." And I took off up to Green's Mill. She'd got me all tore up, course I love her, and I went up to Green's Mill. And I...

273And she said, "Bill, do you think I'm going to die?"

274And I said, "I don't know, but the baby is going to be born, anyhow. You're going to have a Joseph."

275She said, "Is this him?"

276I said, "I don't know, Honey. I can't say, but God said we're 'going to have Joseph,' and we're going to have Joseph. I don't care what anything says, we're going to have Joseph. For the same God that's told me all these revelations, told me that, He never failed on others and He won't fail on that."

277I went up to the mill to pray. And started over there, seen that Light hang between two trees, said, "Go back to your, were, to the Book." I went back to this...

278 The Bible was... and laying in my car. And when I did, the wind had blowed it over to where Nathan was setting, and David; said, "Go tell My servant David; I took him from that sheepcote, from feeding those few sheep of his father's, and I made him a great name like the great man." (not all the--the greatest name, but just like great man; never made him a Billy Graham, but a... give him a name, you know) Said, "Well, I done that, but" said, "I can't let him build the temple, but his son..." And just as soon as It said, "His sons," oh, my, there it was.

279I said, "Joseph?" That's right.

280Right there, in the house I went. And there's the little fellow, so big she... she's a big ol' boy, she couldn't hardly walk, going out through the field. I run, throw my arms around her, and I said, "Honey! Joseph is coming. Joseph is on his road."

281 Anyone knows, with cesarean, you can't let the baby drop. That night the baby dropped, the water broke, everything else.

282Next morning, at seven o'clock, we went over to the hospital, the doctor said, "Oh, mercy, goodness."

283I kissed her good-bye, said, "Honey, it won't be long, Joseph will be here." Right up the steps, she went like that on the operating table.

284A few minutes, the nurse come back, said, "Rev. Branham?"

285I said, "Yes, ma'am."

286She said, "You got a fine, seven pound, three ounce, boy."

287I said, "Joseph, son, welcome." Yes, sir! Why? Why? What is it? It wasn't written in the Bible that would happen, but the same God of the Bible that revealed it to Abraham, we didn't consider the deadness of her womb, the impossibility to be that way. You don't stagger at the promise of God through unbelief, but you give praise to God, know that it's got to happen! I don't care what doctor says, everything else will come in all kind of a way, but don't you believe it, it's a lie of the Devil. Yes, sir, true. Faith goes about, together with works, to create the promise. (Let's hurry.)

288 Just exactly as it said, "Rahab the harlot," James said, "was justified by works." But why? Her faith!

289She said, "I hear that God is with you." She didn't want to see how Joshua wore his hair, or how he wore his clothes. She said, "I understand that God's with you." That's all was necessary, she made ready.

290Just as true vision today, (I'm closing just in a moment) true visions from God today, it's a promised Word for the day. Say, "These visions, Brother Branham, where do you get that?" People stumble at that. Did not Acts 2:17, said, "It shall come to pass in the last days that your young man shall see visions, your old man shall dream dreams"? Isn't that right? That's what the Bible said.

291 All right, now if that's so, also look at Malachi, the 4th chapter, and find out if this isn't promised today. How can you have faith in It? The Bible said so!

292Now you take Luke 17:30 and read it. Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man. Just like it was at Sodom. Now, look at the position of the world today: Sodomites. Look at that Billy Graham and Oral Roberts, them two witnesses, down there witnessing to the denominational churches. One to the Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian; the other to the Pentecostals. This one, that one, and the other one.

293 But remember, Abraham wasn't in Sodom, he was already called out. And there was One stayed and talked to him! And the One stayed and talked to him, showed him a sign. With His back turned, He said Sarah was going to have the baby that he had waited on. Amen. With His back turned. And he called It, "God, Elohim."

294Now, that brings to pass today, because we have faith. And I know this is of God, is because this and other Scriptures point to this hour. Revelation 10, said that "in the hour of the seventh angel's Message, when he begins to sound forth his Message," not in a healing service, but the Message that follows the healing service.

295 Jesus went forth and preached; he said, "He healed the sick, and everything. O that young Rabbi, the Prophet, He's a great Fellow. We want Him in our church."

296But one day He stood up, said, "I and My Father are One." Oh, my. They didn't want Him no more then. Yeah. Oh!

297"Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His Blood!" He didn't explain It. Said, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

298Why, I imagine, them doctors and nurses said, "This fellow's a vampire, trying to get us to drink his blood." See, they didn't understand It. He knowed it.

299But them disciples, they might not have been able to explained it, but they set there and believed It anyhow, amen, for It was revealed to them. Yes, sir. They knowed It, the Scriptures had declared It.

300 It could be asked then to me, this that you might say, "Why do you have faith to believe in these visions, when--when there's so many false impersonations goes forth?"

301I'm going to speak a little something, strong, just for a minute now. When so many false impersonations are around, remember, my brother, they are also spoken of that they should be here at this same time. That's exactly, just as it was in the times of Moses. Moses went down to perform the works of God before the people, and there was Jambres and Jannes standing there. But who was first to do it? Then these other ones was impersonators, 'cause there had to be a original first for them to impersonate. If that had been the original... Uh-huh. Nah, we're not--we're not lost, we know where we're at. See? See, by the Scripture and by the revelation of God, that's why you still stand.

302 "Why, this man, he sees visions and so forth. He does this, and he run around with this man's wife. He believes in--in three gods, and all these things." That don't stagger It a bit. And here's one thing they can't impersonate: the Word! No. They can have all these things, they can speak in tongues, they can shout, dance in the Spirit, and still be devils. Uh-huh. That's right. That's right. But this Word measures them up. See? That's exactly right. This is where it comes to. As Moses, and Jambres...

And remember, He said, "As Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, in the last days these impersonators would rise on the earth again." Did He say it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] So, we got them.

303 But that didn't stagger Moses. When Moses turned around and done a miracle in the Name of the Lord, and here stood these impersonators, done the same thing. That didn't stop him, say, "Well, I guess I had better quit and go off the field." He stayed right there. For what? It was revealed to him. Hallelujah! He knowed by the Word of God. He knowed that the Word would finally catch up with them. He knowed there'd come a time when the Word would manifest Itself, and they couldn't go no further.

304So have I knowed this, all these years. See? That's right, that the time would come. When any miracle that God sends, a real miracle, there's always a change in the whole system. If God sends something into the church, and the old system's not changed, He sent it in vain. When a message goes forth in signs and wonders, there is a Message follows that. When Jesus went forth healing the sick, then come His Message, "I and My Father are One. I am He." See? See, they--they didn't believe That. They believed His miracles. Said, "If you can't believe Me, believe those miracles." Said, "They testify to you, Who I am." Oh, my. Glory! Who was first? Moses! Then they impersonated him. But the great truths still remains the same between the right and wrong, they cannot accept the Message! They cannot accept the Message that's unadulterated, from the Word of God.

305 I don't care, Judas could have done all kind of signs and wonders; but, when he come to receive the Holy Ghost at the Day of Pentecost, he showed his colors. That Devil can come right up and impersonate right to the very thing, till it comes to this Word, but he can't take all that Word. He can bring it all up, maybe to one Word like Eve did, the Devil did to Eve, but he can't cross it all. Because the only... the whole thing is the Body of Christ. See, Word now. Neither could... They could not, cannot take the Message now, neither could Jambres and Jannes take Moses' Message. They could not do it. Their works of impersonation was made known, because they could not be able to follow God's Word vindicated by His anointed prophet. See?

306 They could not follow Israel out. Why? They were denominational, Egyptian babies! They could not follow that Word. If they did, they had to leave Egypt. The Nile was good to them, and they couldn't do it. Although they could impersonate the works, and do what Moses did, but their folly was made manifest when it come time to leave. Then God really poured out it, on them.

307Same now! They might do all kind of false impersonations and things, that don't do nothing but magnify the right thing. And any believing child knows that's the Truth (uh-huh). Here you see in plain view, then, the works of their folly of their impersonation. If you'll... if your work is the true Word and vindicated by It, by your faith, it will manifest (and the--and the promise of God) in Its original written Word.

308 Jesus said, "If I do not the works..." (Listen close!) "If I do not the works..." (Let me add this to It.) "That is, if I do not the works the Scriptures tell you I will do, then... do that in My age, when I come, what the Messiah was supposed to do when He come. If the things that I do, if God doesn't vindicate that Word that He said would happen, if My life doesn't make that Word live just exactly what It said It would do..." (Don't miss this!) Jesus saying, "You know what the Messiah's supposed to do. Then, if that Word that's written, and then It don't manifest Itself through Me, then I am not He." (Amen!) "Then the day that I speak of is wrong, what John said about Me was untrue. And then if I'm not that Messiah, if those works that Messiah was supposed to do. He is to be 'the Lord your God shall raise up a prophet like unto me,' and you haven't had a prophet for hundreds of years. And if them works that I do, that God promised, if they aren't manifested in My present life, then I am not He. But if the promised Word of this age is vindicated in Me, then I am He and the promise is come to you." (Oh, my, don't see how much plainer It could be!) "If the promise isn't..." (Oh!)

309 "Then if the promise of that day is manifested in My ministry," said Jesus, "then I am He. So if you can't hardly believe who I am, then look at the works that's promised for this day." (Amen!) "Look at the works that's promised. If them works isn't fulfilled, every one of them in Me, then don't believe Me, because I've told you wrong. If you can't believe Me, just look what the Bible said will happen in this day. If it isn't happening, then it isn't right. If these false things isn't here, and all these other things, and things that's supposed to take place; if it isn't here, then I'm wrong. But if it is," Jesus said, "then I'm He." (Amen!) "I am He that was promised to come." (Oh, my, same works that was promised, in His day, vindicated Him to be that Messiah. Don't you believe that?)

310 Well, now, brother, if the works of Luke, the 17th chapter and the 30th verse, the promise of Jesus Christ, just before His coming, that the world would turn back to Sodom and the messengers would go out, and the things would be done just exactly; if that isn't taking place, then don't believe me that I've told you the Truth. But if it is taking place, then believe that It's Him, "In that day the Son of man will be revealed." Amen! The Son of man will be revealed in a body of flesh, you people the Church, just exactly like it was before the days of Sodom, a called-out group away from all of them, setting out, believing the promise of God. Glory!

311 Then, the works that the Holy Spirit is doing today, by these visions never failing, promises never failing, all the apostolic signs promised in the Bible, of Malachi 4, and, oh, the Revelation 10:7, all of that is being fulfilled; and proved by scientific, every other way. And if I haven't told you the Truth, these things would not happen. But if I have told you the Truth, they bear record that I've told you the Truth. He's still the same, yesterday, today, and forever, and the manifestation of His Spirit is catching away a Bride. Let that faith (revelation) fall into your heart, that "This is the hour."

Now let us pray.

312 Dear God, Who was manifested in the flesh in the person of Jesus Christ, that raised up from the dead, the third day, according to the Scriptures, and ascended on High, and sent the disciples out to disciple all the world, and said, "These signs shall follow them that believe."

313God, to the Pentecostal church of this day, the restoration of the gifts; may, Lord, those man, maybe some of them present here, some of them hearing the tape around the world, may they realize that this is the calling out of the Bride, not a Pentecostal message. The Pentecostal message was to restore the gifts back in the Church. But this is the calling forth of the Bride, another Message that was to come just before Sodom was to be burned. Let them understand, dear God. Faith, I believe This, because It's revealed by Your Spirit through the Word of God and has been vindicated and made manifest to the whole world. Certainly, Lord, in the minority, always Your groups are that way. But You said, "Fear not, little flock, it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom."

314 So, I pray, God, that man will look away from their intellect, look away from what they might think is right, and look into the Scripture. And was spoken last night, let the people here think like the queen did in the days of the great destruction of Babylon, she said, "There is a man among you named 'Daniel,' was in your father's kingdom. The pentecostal father was in his kingdom, and He is a dissolver of all doubts."

315And now, Lord, let the Holy Spirit that was in the Pentecostal kingdom, the kingdom that was Martin Luther's, was John Wesley's, and--and on through to John Smith and Alexander Campbell, and down through the age. He's a Dissolver, He dissolved the thoughts. And the--the people in the days of Luther, that man, "The just should live by faith." The Methodist, He dissolved all the doubts, that "They should--they should be sanctified," And in the days of the Pentecost, they spoke in tongues, give the manifestations of the Spirit by Divine healing and so forth, It dissolved all the doubts in the pentecostal's heart. But, O God, they denominated. They went right back out to take man's ideas. Therefore, now when the Bride is being called as You've promised it here in the Scripture, reading It before the world, night after night, and we watch It with our eyes. God, may It dissolve all the doubts in the people's heart. May they flee quickly to the open Son, to be ripened, to be taken into the garner and not be left in the stalk to be burned, but may they go to the garner tonight. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

Thank you for your attention. Let God deal with your heart.

316 Now, do you... We got prayer cards give out. Now, we're going to take about twenty minutes now, for a prayer line. We want to line up real quick, and come across the platform and pray. And now, I don't know how many cards was give out. I never even asked Billy one thing. I just said, "Did you give out... Go down there and give out some prayer cards." And he come back and picked his mother and I and them up, just a while ago. Now, I--I... did...

317Well, did you start with a hundred, or one, and one to a hundred, or what? [Brother Billy Paul says, "One to a hundred."--Ed.] One to a hundred. All right.

318 Let's have prayer card number one. If you got it, hold up your hand so I can see. If you can't... If you can stand up... if you can't, we'll pack you. Prayer card number one, right quick. Who has that? What'd you say? A, number one. (excuse me) A, number... This lady here, do you have that card? Come right here, will you lady? A, number two. Have you got it, someone? Raise your hand quickly. Right here, lady, come. Number three. Got a card? You got a card? You all... Don't have any cards? In this... in... All right, you don't have to have it. Three, four, five. A, one, two, three, four, five. Let's see, there's one, two, three, four, five. A... All right, here they... Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. All right, just line up, just start lining up.

319 Now, if you can't come, wave your hand like that so they can pack you. I've asked these people here, that don't have cards... Don't have to have, I'm just asking you. Now look, you--you crippled people here, I suppose you had to come early 'cause you just... I told him "early." Now, you don't have to have a card, if you've got that faith like I taught. See, if it's revealed to you, all right. If it isn't revealed, no matter if you be in a dozen prayer lines, it wouldn't help a bit. You know that? Do you believe that? See? I might pray, I do all I could, get down on my knees, and lay hands on you, anoint you with oil, anyway you wanted to, and pray... Until God, by grace, reveals that in your heart, that "It's over," then it's done. You don't even have to be in the line or nowhere, it's done anyhow.

320 All right, four... One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. All right, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Is anybody I've called that's got a card and can't raise up? Raise your hand, got a card and cannot raise up. All right.

... only believe,

I can see poor, little, old Anna Jeanne setting, playing that all night, nearly, sometime. I want everybody real quiet and reverent in here.

... only believe;

Now, prayer cards one to fifteen, I believe it was.

... only believe,

They're getting a little crowded here, so let's--let's just start. What do you say?

... possible...

321 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten... Now, you're getting too many. That's more than we called. That's all right. Stand still, just where you are. Don't no one... Just... you'll get... you get prayed for, but just... See, just wait till they call your number and then, you know, we--we don't have too many standing here. If the Lord should do something, you'd blind it off from the people and they can't see it, you see. God bless you.

Now let's pray for these handkerchiefs while they're getting ready.

322 Dear God, here's handkerchiefs laying here that comes from the sick and afflicted. This faith that we just been talking about, Lord; I remember You saying, in the Bible, in the Book of Jude, "Earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints." And from the body of the saints they took handkerchiefs, not because they were special people, but because they were believing people. They were man of like passion as we are. They said, "Elijah" was like that and he "prayed earnestly that it wouldn't rain." And, God, he prayed that so the people would repent. You revealed it to him to pray for them, to pray in that manner to fulfill Your Word. No doubt You showed the prophet a vision. And, Lord, tonight I'm praying for these people to be healed. I'm not Elijah, he was taken into Heaven, but his Life and Spirit still lives on. So we pray, dear God, that You will honor the prayers of Your people. And honor all of us now as we'll pray for these handkerchiefs, that when they're laid on the sick they will recover.

323 We realize, Father, that we're a--a dying generation of people. We're heading... faced--faced with Eternity. The world has gone insane. Murders; little girls being cut to pieces and ravished. The people, men wearing their hair like women, women like men, they're just perverting. The race is dying. The world's a-dying. Everything's a-dying. The church is dying.

324O God, bring Life. Bring Life, O God, Life of faith. Reveal to these people, Lord. I can only pray and lay my hands upon them. But You're the One that can heal them, and You alone can heal them. I pray that You will, Father, to each and every one. Grant it, with my hands upon them, and asking with all my heart; in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal these people. Amen.

325 Now, is this mike alive, brother? Now can you hear that all right? Everybody hear that? Raise up your hand. Now, someone was on my heart, going to these people here, setting here in this--this chair, cots and stretchers... they "didn't even get a prayer card." See? But, look, brother, see, these people got prayer cards, but that don't mean they're going to be healed. There's people setting out there in the audience, maybe... That--that--that don't mean they're--they're--they're going to be healed. That--that doesn't say that--that they will or will not be healed. That all depends on their faith in God. How many knows that to be true? That's all, just your faith in God. Now, how many knows that that's true? No matter how religious you are, how good or how bad you are, unless the grace of God drops that into your heart, you'll never get well. Now, how many knows that God has done it, has done it all along, great miracles, signs and wonders? And now, you're coming tonight, standing in this line, not because you were chosen to stand in this line by God, that isn't it; you just got a prayer card, just happened to be at your... []

326 Procedure is just exactly like my honorable Brother Gerholtzer here, started his ministry many years ago. []... with faith in God, believing God, believing that God healed the sick by faith. And it never has changed, but God has added in this last day, gifts, gifts that He promised. God did it be-... not because He had to, but because He promised to. And if He promised, then He has to do it; because He has to keep His Word.

327And He promised you the same thing, that is, "If you could believe that it would happen." If you can't believe It, it just won't happen. Now, I can't make you believe, neither can you make yourself believe. God has got to give it to you. It's a gift of God, to believe. Not your faith, God's faith. Your intellectual faith might believe it fine, but unless the faith of God is down in your heart... See, your intellectual faith can accept it, do that. And just keep believing it with all your heart until God does reveal it to you. See? Just keep believing it until God does reveal it. But until He reveals it...

328 You say, "Brother Branham, what'd you say there?"

329"Yes, sir!" God sent a prophet up to Hezekiah and told him, "'You're not coming off that bed,' THUS SAITH THE LORD. 'You're going to die there on that bed.'" That right?

330But that prophet turned... or that king turned his face to the wall, and cried out in bitter tears, and said, "Lord, I need fifteen more years. I beseech Thee, Lord, to hear me." Now, the king was the greatest man in the world, in politics; but, the prophet was, in God's sight. That was God's king; but it was God's prophet. So, God revealed to the prophet to take some... boil some... [] You know? Understand?

331 Now, that you might understand now, because I've preached the Scriptures here, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." In the days that the church is being revealed? No! "In the days that the Son of man is being revealed." What is revealed? Made known! That right? Reveal! The day that the Son of man is being revealed, it'll be a day like Sodom and Gomorrah. Is that right?

332Now, look what happened. They had two main messengers, down there in Sodom and Gomorrah, because there was a bunch of lukewarm Christians down there. Is that right? And they had two main messengers (now listen close) down in Sodom and Gomorrah, preaching. But one of them who stood out here with Abraham's group. That right?

333 Now look! We have never, in all the history of the church, ever had a universal messenger to the church that his name ended in h-a-m, till now: G-r-a-h-a-m, which is six letters, G-r-a-h-a-m. But Abraham's name was spelled: A-b-r-a-h-a-m, seven letters. See? So the universal church, being the letter of man (six, man-make organization), yet has received their messenger. They've had a Sankey, Moody, Finney, Knox, Calvin, so forth, but never a "h-a-m." Is that right? But they got it, and he's a messenger, sent from God, and he's battering them walls as hard as he can, "Get out of here! Repent or perish!"

334But remember, the Elected, predestinated, foreordained covenant, Abraham and his group got a Messenger, too. Uh-huh. Watch what He did. He gave them a sign that the time was near for the fire to fall. Now, it's fire now we're looking for, atomic fire, the wrath of God.

335 Now, that Messenger did something. He spoke about a women that He had His back turned to, and told her--and told her she was doubting what He was saying, told her her conditions and what was going to happen. Is that right? Did He say that the Son of man would reveal Himself in the same way in that day? Well, do you believe that's the Truth?

Well, here stands a woman,...

336And in the invisible union of the Church, the Bride to Christ, that Messenger is here now, which is Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.

337Now, He only speaks through His prophets. The Bible said so! "He never does anything but first He makes it known to His prophets," Amos 3:7. He always has done it. He never changes His pattern. See? And the prophet can only speak, if He's true, what God tells him. Is that right? That's true.

338 Now, do you believe He could tell me what's the matter with this woman before I even look at her? Do you believe it? Why, she's suffering with cancer. That's right. It's on her breast. She's got a boy, on her mind, he's suffering with a kind of a mental condition, nervous condition, and complications. That's right. Do you believe that? And that's true, isn't it? Do you believe now that your faith was saying that, has anchored, that you got it, you're going to have it? Then go, and the Lord Jesus will make you well. See? See? Do you believe? With all your heart?

339Now, do you believe, without looking at this woman, the Lord Jesus can tell me what's her trouble? How many believes that? Now, you know... and I've never even... I... only thing, I just seen a skirt. I don't know, couldn't tell whether it was man or woman; but just standing there. I want her to believe. Do you believe, lady? Here, the patient, do you believe? Raise up your hand if you believe. If you believe with all your heart, you can have that baby that you're asking God for. See? See? You believe? You have faith in God? Now, that don't heal, that just identified. That's the works that identifies the faith of the Presence of God, His Word made manifest.

340 This woman is wanting a great thing, too. That's not a baby, but she's wanting the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. I'll tell you what do. If you'll get rid of them cigarettes, God will give you the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Go, believe It, see. Do you believe? Have you faith in God?

341This man standing here, is a man I've never seen in my life. I don't know him, but he's suffering with something wrong in his chest. He had a fall that did that, not long ago. He isn't from here, he comes from Arkansas. He's a preacher. Go on home and preach the Gospel. See? See? See? I've never seen the man in his face.

342 There's a woman standing here, I don't know the woman, never seen her in my life. God knows her.

343If He can reveal what her trouble is, or something about it, would you believe? All of you? This is only a work identifying the faith that I have to preach what I've told you about, tonight. That's what God revealed, and this is the works proving It. Now, you have to have faith to get well.

344This woman here, I don't--I don't think I know her. Yes, I don't know her but I know somebody she knows, 'cause I see him standing here before me. She's suffering with a headache. Isn't that right, lady? Do you believe that God will heal you? Pearry Green's sister. That's right, and I never seen her in my life. That's right. I seen Pearry Green standing here, looking at me, going like that. That's right. I don't know where Pearry Green's at. Do you believe? How much do you believe? If you can believe, all things are possible. If you can't believe, nothing can happen.

345 The little lady with gray hair, setting there looking at me, right here, do you believe God? Do you believe that God can reveal to me what you're thinking about there? Got a tumor on the breast. You believe God can take it off for you? Yes. Have faith and believe. Now, what did she touch?

346The woman that touched the border of His garment, the Bible said... You that want to get the Bible, He said, "He's a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Isn't that right? He's that High Priest and He's standing right here, them people are touching Him.

347There's a little, thin woman, raised up her hand, setting right here. I never seen her in my life, but she just then touched Something. Here's what it was. She's praying to God. She has trouble in her chest, she also has a stomach trouble. God heals you, if you'll believe It. You must believe. "All things are possible to them that believe."

348 There's a man setting way back in the back, looking this way (about the second row, coming this way), suffering with asthma. Do you believe God will heal you, sir? If you believe It, God will make you well. You can have what you ask for, if you believe It.

349There's a woman setting right here, looking at me, across here, gray-headed. If you believe with all your heart... Do you believe It? All right, that gallbladder trouble will leave you then, if you believe It.

350 What do you think about It, laying here on the cot? Do you believe that God can heal you? If God will tell me your trouble, will you believe Him? If you'll believe, that cancer will leave you and you'll get well. Why don't you rise up, and take your bed, and go home? Do you believe? Will all of you believe? Well, now, what about right now? Has God dropped that faith in your heart? Everybody in here, raise your hand. If God's dropped that faith in your heart, let's lay your hands on one another, right down along the line here. Put your hands on... Right now, quickly, while the Holy Spirit is a-moving, put your hands on one another. The man's up, running down the line, praying for others.

351 Let's stand to our feet and give God praise, everybody. There's no need of going any farther. Identify Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever; you, what your afflictions are, whatever it is. If you believe Him, stand upon your feet, right now, and believe.

352Almighty God, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, send forth Your power and heal this group of people just now, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

Glory be to God! God bless you.

1 Ďakujem vám.

Dobre je byť znovu tu dnes večer. Nevedel som ako sa dozvedeli, že sa budem modliť za chorých. Každý prišiel aby sme sa za neho modlili. Viete, verím, že ak nasledujete vedenie Ducha, je to v poriadku. To je to najlepšie, to je posolstvo, ktoré nikdy nesklame.

2 No, sedel som dnes v izbe, po ... jeden kazateľ, ktorý je taký drahý môjmu srdcu (traja), traja moji skutočne dobrí priatelia, povedali mi, že prídu a zoberú ma na obed. Pomyslel som si: „Dobre to je celkom dobre." viete.

3 Ráno som jedol len trochu, pretože som si bol istý, že oni to budú platiť, viete, a budem mať poriadny obed. Tak prišla dvanásta hodina a prišla jedna a prišla druhá hodina, nikto tam ešte nebol. Tak bolo tam ... polícia chytala nejakého zločinca tam dole na dvore, tak som išiel dole aby som videl tú epizódu. Vôbec som nemohol nájsť brata Jacka. Tak som išiel aby som to zistil, ten recepčný mu dal zlé číslo, a on po celý čas zvonil na zlé dvere, kde som nebol. Dám mu možnosť, aby za mňa ešte niekedy zaplatil. Jemu a bratovi Tracymu, bol som skutočne rád, že som ich dnes večer videl a brata Browna. To vyzerá celkom ako by sme mali ísť znovu naspäť do Arizony.

4 Pamätám sa ako sme raz prechádzali cez púšť. Povedal som vtedy svojej žene, povedal som: „Tu je to miesto, kde brat Jack sedel vzadu vo svojom Chevrolete, a stále sa hádali s bratom Brownom ohľadne prvotného stvorenia, či to bolo dokonané za šesť dní alebo či to bolo za šesť miliónov." To bolo dobré.

5 Tak sa začali hádať, že vystúpili a zobrali si za hrsť kameňov a jeden sa schoval za jeden stĺp a ten druhý za druhý a hádzali kamene jeden na druhého ako len vládali. Nemohli to tak vybaviť, jeden povedal: „Môžem ťa predbehnúť." Rozbehli sa po ceste; Brat Jack, trochu nízky, bežal ako len vládal a brat Young s tými dlhými nohami, viete. V živote som sa tak nezasmial!

6 Brat Jack potom išiel naspäť do auta a vyzul si topánky. Brat Sharitt nám dal veľký sáčok pomarančov a on z nich polovicu zjedol prv ako sme prišli do Shreveportu.

7 Viete, predsa sú to zlaté dni. Áno, to sú zlaté dni. Viem že to znie ako žart, smiešne, ale je to pravda. Ale my ... Niečo na tom je, keď starnete a začínate spomínať. Myslíte o tých dňoch a prajete si aby ste v nich znovu mohli žiť, je to tak, v našich mladých dňoch. A keď starneme z toho všetkého sa stávajú obrazy. Som tak rád, že to bolo čisté a sväté a bratské obecenstvo, v láske. Vieme, že ideme do zeme, kde nebudeme nikdy starnúť, kde ... do tej veľkej Zeme, tam, kde nikdy, nikdy nebudeme starnúť ani zomierať.

8 Jeden z našich vzácnych bratov, taký drahý pre nás všetkých, on práve prešiel do tej Zeme. A zakaždým, keď prichádzam na toto pódium, hádam budem myslieť na brata Lyleho. Pozrel som sa minulý večer a videl som tam sedieť malú Judy, srdce mi búšilo, rozmýšľal som ako sa cíti. A viem keď otec zomrel, ako ... Ale my len musíme ísť cez tieto školy utrpení, aby sme vedeli ako sa cíti ten druhý.

9 Myslím, že sa dívam na starého kazateľa, priateľa, ktorý tu sedí. Len si nemôžem spomenúť jeho meno. Je to tak? Ty si sa tu modlieval za chorých, po celý čas, pred rokmi? Gerholtzer, to nemecké meno, nikdy som to nevedel správne povedať. Brat Tracy ho tam stretol. A ja ho poznám asi desať rokov a povedal som: „Za tých desať rokov si nezostarel ani šesť mesiacov." Žijeme vo svete, ktorý jedného dňa musí skončiť.

10 No, dnes večer ... Včera večer som vás tu držal príliš dlho, budem sa snažiť aby som to dnes neurobil. Končím môj príbeh; myslel som, že dnes večer budem kázať cirkvi na tému vytrhnutie. O tom aké budú okolnosti, ako to vidím v Písme, v akých okolnostiach cirkev bude musieť byť, aby bola vytrhnutá a čo sa stane tesne pred tým, ako nastane vytrhnutie a ako sa to stane. A my všetci veríme vo vytrhnutie, či nie? Veríme v to. A potom, zrazu, Niečo povedalo: „Modli sa dnes večer za chorých." A ja som práve jedol večeru tu s jedným bratom z Mexika. Stretol som ho na ulici. Myslím, že je tu dnes večer, on a jeho žena.

11 A potom niekto prišiel a povedal mi svedectvo. Povedala, že keby ... že medzi zhromaždenými v cirkvi je človek, ktorý asi pred rokom, prišiel do radu pri rozpoznávaní. A ja som myslel, dnes večer, že by sme mali starodávne modlitebné zhromaždenie a volali ľudí aby sa stavali do radu, ako brat Jack a brat ...

12 Brat Young Brown mi zvykol pomáhať a rozdával modlitebné lístky. A presvedčil som sa, že je skutočne čestný a nikdy som ho nepristihol, že by predával lístky, alebo že by robil niečo zlé, on je skutočne poctivý. A prichytili sme takých, ktorí sa to snažili robiť, viete. Tak my ... Brat Young, on to stále robil poriadne a verne. A pamätám sa, on tu zvykol stávať a odoberať tie lístky a privádzal tam tých ľudí. Ja som sa za nich modlil a oni išli ďalej, proste tá čistá viera, ktorú mali tí ľudia, keď sa len priblížili boli uzdravení. A myslím, že bolo dvadsať uzdravení do jedného, čo máme teraz.

13 Potom, tento príbeh prišiel dnes popoludní o mužovi, on je teraz pravdepodobne tu. On bol v modlitebnom rade, pred rokom niekde a on mal ... povedal, pri rozpoznaní bolo povedané, že mal mums. A doktor mu povedal, potom keď ten mums skončil, že nikdy nebude môcť mať dieťa dievčatko, a on stále chcel mať. Myslím, že mal chlapca. Ale vo videní od Pána mu bolo povedané: „Ale budeš mať to dievčatko."

14 A on povedal, že má tu dnes večer to dievčatko. Neviem ten muž, možno ... je tu v publiku, tá osoba o ktorej hovorím? Niekde? Neviem, niekto vonku mi to povedal. Aha, tu je to dieťa, rovno tu, sedí rovno tam. To je milé. To je veľmi milé. Aký milý človiečik. Keby to nebolo to tak ďaleko aby vystúpila sem, aby každý mohol ... Skutočne milé, malé dieťa, poprosil by som ju aby sem prišla a povedala svedectvo. Možno zajtra, alebo niekedy na zhromaždení.

15 No, zajtra ráno sú raňajky Obchodníkov. Už ste to oznámili? To je dobre.

16 A teraz majme malú - malú lekciu na tému Božského uzdravovania. Koľkí v to veríte? Ó, to bude veľký večer, keď máte takú vieru. Ľudia ktorý tomu veria, to je to čo treba. To je pre veriacich.

17 No, potom, zobral som si pero a začal som si zapisovať nejaký text a tak ďalej a ... a potom zaklepal Billy a povedal: „Ocko?"

18 Povedal som: „Počkaj za chvíľu, ešte som neskončil."

19 On povedal: „Ale brat Jack čaká na teba." Tak som musel ísť. Prichytil som si to, nemal som sponku na papier, mal som jeden štipec od Médy, či nejakú sponku, to čo nazývajú sponka do vlasov. To je to čo to bolo, sponka do vlasov, proste nejaká sponka. Neviem veľa o tých veciach, viete, a videl som že to tam leží. Tak, aby som si zopol ten papier, aby som si oddelil to čo som ... mal som nejaké poznámky na ráno; aby som si ich oddelil jedné od druhých.

20 A keď starnete ... voľakedy som si ľahko mohol zapamätať tie miesta Písma a všetko. Ale viete, teraz je to trochu ťažko. Stretol si sa už s tým problémom brat Jack? Je to tak. Povedal som tu nedávno bratovi Jackovi: „Vieš, brat Jack, stávam sa taký, že si nedokážem pamätať. Začnem niečo hovoriť a musím čakať."

Opýtal sa: „To si na tom len tak ďaleko?"

Povedal som: „Či to nie je dosť?"

21 On povedal: „Nie. Ja niekomu volám a keď sa ozve, tak mu poviem - Čo si prajete?" Myslel som si vtedy, že žartuješ, brat Jack a zistil som, že je to úplná pravda.

22 Tak veru. Ó ako sa zabúda. Ale urobme všetky naše skutky správne, pretože oni sú v knihe, na zázname, ktorý má byť v deň súdu premietnutý.

23 No, sme ako jedna veľká rodina. Zdá sa mi, že dnes večer nie sme prepojení cez telefón po celej krajine, ako včera večer, keď som kázal. Myslím, že to je možno len tu miestne zhromaždenie. Tak minulý večer, skutočne si cením vašu láskavosť, že stojíte ... Nesnažím sa ... Nesnažil som sa využiť brata Jacka. Ale on mi stále hovoril: „Hovor čo chceš." A tak som proste prišiel sem na pódium a kázal trochu náuku. Ale ... tak len ... To bolo ... Niektorí moji denominační bratia.

24 Mal som sen, raz ráno. Nesníva sa mi veľmi často, nie som snílkom. Ale snívalo sa mi, že som videl človeka, mladého muža v okovách, snažil sa z toho dostať a ja som povedal ... Niekto mi povedal: „To sú strašní ľudia, nemaj s nimi nič spoločného."

25 A videl som tohoto mladého muža ako sa dostáva z tých pút, tak som ho nechal. Pomyslel som si: „Budem vidieť čo urobí." Tak on sa z toho dostal a bol to milý človek. A videl som iných, ktorí sa snažili z toho dostať.

26 No, toto je len sen. A prešiel som okolo toho a videl som brata Roy Bordersa, môjho veľmi dobrého priateľa, ktorý býva v Kalifornii. Vyzeral akoby niečo nebolo v poriadku, oči mal napoly zavrené a veľký ... možno rakovina alebo niečo na jeho očiach. Niekto sa ma snažil odtiahnuť od neho. Zakričal som: „Brat Borders! V mene Pána Ježiša, stras sa toho!"

27 A on sotva mohol hovoriť, povedal: „Brat Branham, na to bude musieť byť niečo viac než toto. Nemôžem to proste uchopiť, brat Branham. Proste to nemôžem uchopiť."

28 Povedal som: „Ó, brat Borders." Milujem ho.

29 A niekto ma odtiahol a pozrel som sa a to bola pani, ktorá tam stála. Keď som bol malý chlapec zvykol som voziť ľuďom z obchodu nákupy potravín. A ona sa nazývala pani Fentonová, býva ešte v Jeffersonville, osobná priateľka mojej ženy a moja.

30 A ona povedala: Brat Branham, vysloboď nás z tohoto." Povedala: „Toto je pekelný dom. Bol si neporozumený a ty si tiež neporozumel týchto ľudí. Toto sú dobrí ľudia, ale ..."A pozrel som sa tam a vyzeralo to ako veľká pivnica, alebo veľké múry, dole pod veľkou jaskyňou; a boli tam veľké želené mreže, hrubé osem až desať cólov. A ľudia, bez zdravých zmyslov, vykrúcali rukami a nohami, búchali takto hlavami. A ona kričala, vravela: „Vysloboď tých ľudí, brat Branham." Povedala: „Pomôž nám, sme v problémoch." Ona sama, poznám ju, patrí do, myslím do Cirkvi Kristovej, alebo do kresťanskej cirkvi, nazvanej Bratská Cirkev. Tak ona ...

31 Pozrel som sa dookola a povedal som: „Prajem si aby som to mohol urobiť." Išiel som ďalej a obzeral som sa okolo; A moje malé drobné telo a tie veľké mocné železné mreže; a tí biedni ľudia tam vo vnútri. A nemohli ste sa ku nim dostať, tie železné mreže boli blízko pri sebe. A pozrel som sa a oni takto búchali hlavami, boli bez rozumu.

32 A videl som tam okolo blikať nejaké svetlá. A pozrel som sa hore a tam stál Pán Ježiš a okolo neho boli svetlá dúhy. Díval sa rovno na mňa, povedal: „Vysloboď tých ľudí." A odišiel.

33 A pomyslel som si: „No dobre, ako by som ich mohol vyslobodiť? Nemám v rukách dosť sily, aby som zlomil tie mreže."

34 Tak som povedal: „Pekelný dom ustúp pred menom Ježiša Krista."

35 A všetko začalo pukať a trieskať a kamene sa kotúľali a mreže padali a ľudia behali, kričali: „Vyslobodení!" a kričali ako len vládali a všetci boli vyslobodení.

36 A ja som potom zakričal: „Brat Roy Borders, kde si? Kde si? Boh vyslobodzuje svoj ľud! Kde si, brat Borders?" Divil som sa tomu.

37 Viete, brat Borders je veľmi vystrašený. Poznáte to proroctvo, všetci ... mnohí z vás, vy ktorí počúvate pásky a tak ďalej, ohľadne západného pobrežia.

38 Práve teraz tu sedia mužovia, dnes večer, ktorí tam boli keď sa to stalo (keď sme tam stáli, na poľovačke) jeden kazateľ, ktorý počúval minulý večer. Mal slepé oko, on tam len prišiel a povedal ... predstavil sa. Mal slnečné okuliare, tam hore v horách. Povedal: „Brat Branham, ja som brat McHughes. Pomáhal som sponsorovať raz jedno z tvojich zhromaždení v Kalifornii."

39 Povedal som: „Som rád, že ťa poznávam, brat McHughes."

40 Bolo nás tam okolo dvadsať mužov. Boli sme tam hore a poľovali sme na divé prasatá. A povedal som ... deň predtým, keď sme išli hore, povedal som bratovi Banks Woodovi ... Všetci ho poznáte, to je môj osobný priateľ. Povedal som: „Brat Wood ..." Zodvihol som kameň a vyhodil som ho do vzduchu a on spadol a ja som povedal: „Tak hovorí Pán, Niečo sa má stať."

41 Tak, on povedal: Čo to je brat Branham?"

42 Povedal som: „Neviem, ale za dvadsaťštyri hodín budeš vidieť. Niečo sa má stať. To je veľký znak."

43 A na druhý deň ... to bolo neskoro popoludní. Na druhý deň okolo desiatej, chystali sme sa odísť. Každý mal svoje divé prasa a stáli sme tam. A brat Mac Knelly, viete, a oni všetci, sťahovali z nich kožu a brat Borders a ja a brat Roy Roberson, chromý veterán, môj veľmi drahý, vzácny priateľ a on tam stál. A pozrel som sa hore a brat McHughes povedal: „Brat Branham, zjavuje sa ti niekedy Anjel Pánov keď si na týchto poľovačkách?"

44 Povedal som: „Brat McHughes, áno. Je to tak. Ale prišiel som sem, aby som si trochu oddýchol."

45 On povedal: „Dobre brat Branham, nechcel som ťa vyrušovať."

46 Povedal som: „Nevyrušuješ ma."

47 A len čo som sa obzrel a videl som lekára, ako sa mu díva do oka. Nepoznal som ho, mal tmavé okuliare, v Arizone je veľmi jasno a slnečno. A pozrel som sa na to a videl som doktora, ktorý mu hovoril: „Pane, liečim vám to oko dva roky, tak nejako. Tá alergia, ktorú máte v oku, stratíte svoje oko. Prežiera sa to do zraku a nie je spôsob ako to môžem zastaviť."

48 Povedal som: „Ty sa ma to pýtaš kvôli tvojmu oku. Tie slnečné okuliare máš len preto lebo máš choré oko."

49 Povedal: „To je pravda."

50 Povedal som: Tvoj doktor, (opísal som mu ho) ti povedal pred pár dňami, že stratíš oko, pretože alergia sa prežiera do zraku oka. A on ťa lieči niekoľko rokov a nemôže to zastaviť.

51 On povedal: „Brat Branham, to je pravda."

52 A začal som sa obracať a pozrel som sa a videl som ženu oveľa staršiu ako on trochu tmavšej pleti. Oni pochádzajú pôvodne niekde tu z Arkansasu. A tak ona zodvihla sukňu, ukázala synovi nohu a povedala - synu, ak budeš s bratom Branhamom, povedz mu aby sa pomodlil za moju nohu. A medzi prstami mala dlhé nádory.

53 Povedal som: „Tvoja matka je šedivá žena a ona zodvihla sukňu stiahla si ponožku a ukázala ti nohu a povedala ti, že ak ma budeš vidieť aby si mi povedal, aby som sa za ňu pomodlil.

54 A on povedal: Ó, milosrdenstvo."

55 Pozrel som sa naspäť a videl som ho tam stáť bez okuliarov, vo videní, povedal som „Tak hovorí Pán, Boh uzdravil tvoje oko a tiež uzdravuje tvoju matku."

56 Asi v tej chvíli, otočil som sa ... Sú tu mužovia, ktorí tam stáli. Povedal som bratovi Roy Bordersovi ... či bratovi Roy Robersonovi, položil som mu ruku na plece, lebo on je veterán, povedal som: „Brat Roy, schovaj sa za niečo, rýchlo, niečo sa stane."

57 On povedal: „Čo máš na mysli, brat Branham?"

58 Povedal som: „Nerozprávaj! Schovaj sa pod niečo, rýchlo!" A otočil som sa a zodvihol som lopatu, tam na kraji a odišiel som trochu od nich pretože som vedel, že to príde tam kde budem.

59 Hneď vedľa veľkého kaňonu, osem alebo desať krát vyššieho ako táto budova, to je kaňon ohradený stenami; prichádzalo dole niečo ako oheň z neba, ako vír, len niekoľko stôp nad miestom kde som stál. Trhal skaly z tej hory, prešiel stade a zotínal vrcholce stromov, na stovky metrov okolo. Každý utekal a snažil sa skryť pod autami a všade. Zodvihlo sa to znovu hore a udrelo ako veľký hrom. Znovu to odišlo hore do oblakov a znovu prišlo dole. Tri krát to tak urobilo. A keď to všetko skončilo, oni vyšli a opýtali sa: „Čo to znamenalo?"

60 Povedal som: „Chcem vám povedať, to bol znak súdu. Za niekoľko dní veľké zemetrasenie narazí na západ. A to sa nezastaví. Kalifornia, Los Angeles sa potopí. Pôjde dole. Zošmykne sa rovno do oceánu." A za dva dni zemetrasenie na Aljaške zatriaslo Aljaškou.

61 A potom, posledné zhromaždenie, ktoré som mal v Kalifornii, kým som hovoril, a neviem nič čo sa stalo až kým som nevyšiel na ulicu, bolo povedané Kalifornia, povedal som „Kafarnaum, Kafarnaum, mesto, ktoré sa nazývaš menom anjelov," (To je Los Angeles) „vyvýšilo si sa do neba, ale budeš znesené dole do pekla. Lebo keby sa tie mocné skutky boli stali v Sodome, ktoré sa stali v tebe, stála by až do tohoto dňa."

62 No, posledných niekoľko dní, veľké hučanie a nadskakovanie. Potom vychádzajú vedecké noviny a tam stojí: „To je všetko podmyté, to sa musí potopiť." Oni to proste vedia.

63 A dávajte pozor, voda príde rovno do jazera Salton. Los Angeles je odsúdené na súd. Hovorím vám to prv, ako sa to stane, aby ste mohli vedieť, keď sa to stane. Nikdy som to nehovoril sám od seba. A On mi nikdy nepovedal niečo, čo by sa nestalo. A vy ste toho svedkovia. Je to tak. Kedy? Neviem.

64 Ja som vyšiel von a oni mi povedali, čo som povedal. Počúval som to, vrátil som sa a skúmal som Písma. Viete, Ježiš povedal, takmer tými istými slovami, o Kafarnaume a myslím, že vtedy bola Sodoma a Gomora na dne Mŕtveho mora. A neskoršie asi po sto rokoch, Kafarnaum sa zošmyklo do mora a je v mori. Ten istý Boh, ktorý potopil v mori Sodomu za jej hriechy, ten istý Boh, ktorý potopil v mori Kafarnaum za jeho hriechy, ten istý Boh potopí v mori Los Angeles za jeho hriechy, to mesto skazenosti.

65 Brat Roy Borders je vystrašený na smrť. Ja neviem či ... či to znamenalo to, alebo čo. Neviem.

Modlime sa:

66 Pane, je to dobre vydávať svedectvo skutočným poslucháčom. Veríme Ti, Pane, pomôž našej nevere. Uvedomujeme si, že ideme teraz rovno dole po ceste ku koncu sveta. Len to kedy sa to stane, to nevieme. Ale v jednom z týchto dní nastane ten tajomný odchod nevesty, Pane, budeme vytrhnutí, zobraní hore ku Nemu. A očakávame na ten deň. Priprav naše srdcia, Pane.

67 Sú mnohí, ako vidíme, ktorí tu ležia na týchto lehátkach a nosítkach, mužovia a ženy, ktorých nepriateľ poviazal. A možno že tam sedia ľudia a ak sa ich nedotkneš, zomrú na srdcovú porážku. Možno niektorí z nich sú zožraní rakovinou.

68 A Otče, Ty poznáš srdce každého človeka. Ty vieš či je to pravda alebo nie. A my hovoríme tieto veci, pretože vieme, že Ty si ich vykonal, Tvoja veľká moc vyslobodila tak mnohých. Sme toho svedkovia, hoci sa nám ľudia snažia povedať, že tie veci sa nestali. Ale to sa stalo, Pane. Sme svedkovia.

69 Prosím dnes večer, Pane, aby si nejako postavil vieru v srdciach týchto ľudí, aby každý jeden z nich bol vyslobodený, všetci títo chorí a postihnutí ľudia. Nech je to tak jednoduché, Pane, daj nám to, keď sa budeme snažiť učiť Slovo. Nech Duch Svätý zoberie moje chyby, pane, a opraví ich v srdciach ľudí. A sprav to skutočne, skutočným večerom, že ... aby sa On mohol uložiť do srdca každého veriaceho, ktorý tu je. Určili sme na to tento večer, Pane. Nech tí, ktorí nie sú spasení, ponad všetko, aby boli pripravení; aby sa teraz pripravili, kým sú ešte otvorené dvere milosti. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

70 A teraz si otvoríme Písmo a začnime s tým a v ...

71 Niekto položil tu na stôl poznámku, že dnes večer urobili pre mňa zbierku. To nebolo treba, nerobte to. Ja to nemôžem zobrať. Pamätám sa raz v Kalgary, v Kanade, vybrali takúto zbierku. Brat Jack sa mi snažil povedať ... Moja žena sedí tam vzadu; mali sme dve staré izby, v ktorých sme bývali s deťmi, ona musela dávať na dvere deku, aby boli zavreté a nefučalo, aby deti nedostali zápal pľúc. On mi povedal: „Brat Branham to nie je dobre tak s ňou zachádzať." Tak pamätáte si to. Vybrali, zabudol som koľko to bolo dolárov.

72 A povedal som: „Ó, vráť to brat Jack."

73 On povedal: „No, ako to urobíme?" Tak som kúpil to miesto a je to tam. Tak, na chválu a slávu Božiu. Držali sme to niekoľko rokov, manželka a ja ako dar od zboru pre ľudí.

74 A potom som si pomyslel: „To neznie správne. Nič som na tento svet nepriniesol a je isté, že ani nič neodnesiem." Tak som sa otočil a udelil som to, dal som to naspäť do modlitebne. Keď ja tu už nebudem, nejaký ďalší sluha Boží to potom bude používať, ak bude nejaké zajtra. Vidíte? Tak, srdečne vám ďakujem, priatelia. Nech vás Boh za to žehná.

75 A teraz, v Jakobovi, v liste Jakoba, v druhej kapitole. Chceme čítať, začneme od 21. verša.

76 A teraz, trochu budem vyučovať a potom sa začneme modliť za chorých, tak rýchlo ako len budeme môcť a zoberieme ľudí do radu, koľkých len bude možné. A tiež, pamätajte tiež ... Nechcem zabudnúť na sestru Annu Jeansovú a brata Dona a na nich, myslím že sú niekde v Thailande. Sú? Kde? V Bangkoku na misijných poliach. Je tak veľa vecí, na ktoré cez deň myslím, ktoré chcem ľuďom povedať a potom keď sem prídem, nemôžem myslieť na všetko, hneď začínam rozmýšľať o lekcii.

77 A teraz, tu v Jakobovi, 2. kapitola. A začneme od 21. verša 2. kapitoly sv. Jakoba, prečítame časť z toho. 21. verš 2. kapitola.

Či nebol Abrahám, náš otec, ospravedlnený zo skutkov donesúc obeťou svojho syna Izáka na oltár?

Tak vidíš, že viera spoluúčinkovala s jeho skutkami a že viera bola dokonaná zo skutkov.

A naplnilo sa písmo, ktoré hovorí: Abrahám uveril Bohu, a počítalo sa mu to za spravodlivosť, a bol nazvaný priateľom Božím.

78 Moja téma dnes večer ... Držte teraz svoje Biblie, pretože tu mám poznačených niekoľko miest Písma. Ak mi to nezaberie príliš veľa času, budem sa na mnohé z nich odvolávať. Moja téma je: Skutky sú vyjadrenou vierou. No pamätajte: Skutky sú vyjadrenou vierou. Skutky ukazujú, že viera sa už chytila a drží. Vidíte? No, vybrali sme toto, pretože ... Verím, že nám to môže pomôcť porozumieť. A teraz dobre počúvajte, budeme to preberať ako lekciu nedeľnej školy.

79 Jakob tu vyjadruje vo svojom učení, z Genesis 22/1 - 9, to čo videl na Abrahámovi človek.

80 Poďme len naspäť, mám tu poznačené to Písmo, 22. kapitola a 1. až 9. verš:

A stalo sa po týchto udalostiach, že Boh skúšal Abraháma a riekol mu: Abraháme! Ktorý odpovedal: Hľa, tu som.

A riekol: Nože vezmi svojho syna, toho svojho jediného, ktorého miluješ, Izáka, a idi do zeme Morija a obetuj ho tam v zápalnú obeť na jednom z tých vrchov, o ktorom ti poviem. (vidíte, On mu ani nepovedal, ktorý to bude. Choď len, keď Boh hovorí, choď pokračuj. Vidíte?)

A Abrahám vstal skoro ráno, osedlal svojho osla a pojal so sebou dvoch svojich sluhov a Izáka svojho syna, naštiepal dreva k zápalnej obeti a vstal a išiel na miesto, o ktorom mu povedal Boh.

Potom na tretí deň pozdvihol Abrahám svoje oči a uvidel miesto z ďaleka.

A Abrahám povedal svojim sluhom: Zostaňte tu s oslom, a ja a chlapec pôjdeme až tamto, a keď sa tam pokloníme, navrátime sa k vám.

81 No, on mal teraz vo svojej mysli, že ide tam hore zabiť svojho syna, pretože mu to Boh povedal. Ale pozrite sa tu na Písmo:

a ja a chlapec pôjdeme až tamto, a keď sa tam pokloníme, navrátime sa k vám.

(On a chlapec.)

A Abrahám vzal drevo k zápalnej obeti a položil ho na Izáka, svojho syna, a sám vzal do svojej ruky oheň a nôž. A tak išli obidvaja spolu.

Vtedy povedal Izák Abrahámovi svojmu otcovi, a riekol: Môj otče! A on odpovedal: Čo chceš môj synu? A Izák povedal: Hľa máme oheň i drevo, a kdeže je ovečka na zápalnú obeť?

A Abrahám riekol: Boh si opatrí ovečku na zápalnú obeť, môj synu. A zase len išli obidvaja spolu.

A tak prišli na miesto, o ktorom mu povedal Boh, a Abrahám tam postavil oltár a poukladal drevo. Potom poviazal Izáka, svojho syna, a položil ho na oltár na drevo.

A Abrahám vystrel svoju ruku a vzal nôž, aby zabil svojho syna.

Ale tu zavolal na neho anjel Hospodinov z neba a riekol: Abraháme, Abraháme! Ktorý odpovedal: Tu som, Pane!

A riekol: Nevzťahuj svojej ruky na chlapca a neučiň mu ničoho, lebo teraz už viem, že sa bojíš Boha a neodoprel si mi ani svojho syna, toho svojho jediného.

(Čo za skutok!)

82 Nachádzame tu, že Jakob ospravedlňuje Abraháma zo skutkov.

83 Ale teraz, v Pavlovi, v Rimanom, v liste Rimanom, štvrtá kapitola; 4/1- 8. Nechcem to všetko čítať, ale prečítam len časť z toho:

Čo tedy povieme o Abrahámovi, o svojom praotcovi, že čo našiel podľa tela?

Lebo ak bol Abrahám ospravedlnený ...

(pamätáte sa, včera večer sme preberali slovo ospravedlnený)

... zo skutkov, má sa čím chváliť, ale nie u Boha.

Lebo veď čo hovorí Písmo? A Abrahám uveril Bohu, a bolo mu to počítané za spravodlivosť.

Tomu však kto robí skutky, nepočíta sa mzda podľa milosti, ale podľa podlžnosti.

84 No, to na čo tu poukazuje Pavel, to je to, čo Boh videl v Abrahámovi.

85 No, otvorme si ešte, ak toho nebude na vás príliš veľa, išli by sme naspäť do Genesis, do 15. kapitoly a 6. verš; 15/6. Myslím, že to je ono. Začneme od 5.:

A Hospodin ho vyviedol von a riekol: Nože pozri hore na nebo a spočítaj hviezdy, ak ich budeš môcť spočítať. A potom mu riekol: Tak bude tvoje semä.

A uveril Hospodinovi, a on mu to počítal za spravodlivosť.

86 Títo dvaja mužovia, ktorí hovorili o viere: Pavel ospravedlnil Abraháma podľa toho, čo v Abrahámovi videl Boh; ale Jakob ospravedlnil Abraháma podľa toho, čo v Abrahámovi videl človek.

87 Vidíte, Jakob povedal: „On je ospravedlnený zo svojich skutkov."

88 Pavel povedal: „On je ospravedlnený z viery."

89 Ale vidíte, Abrahám uveril Bohu, to bolo to, čo v ňom videl Boh; on tomu uveril. Ale potom keď išiel a správal sa ako keby sa to už bolo stalo, to bolo to čo videl v ňom človek.

90 A tak isto je to s nami, pretože naše skutky vyjadrujú akú máme vieru. Ale keď sa obávame jednať na základe toho čomu veríme, potom tomu neveríme. Vidíte? Musíte tomu veriť.

91 Abrahámove skutky vyjadrovali jeho vieru, ktorú mal v zasľúbenie Božie. No, Abrahám, pamätajte, on mal deväťdesiat rokov ... sto rokov a Sárah mala deväťdesiat. A teraz boli dosť obťažení vekom, rodenie detí bolo za nimi už veľa, veľa rokov. A oni žili spolu ako manželia od svojej mladosti, a nemali žiadne deti. Ale predsa, Boh mu povedal, keď mal sedemdesiatpäť rokov, a Sárah šesťdesiatpäť - Budeš mať dieťa.- A on uveril Božiemu zasľúbeniu. On tomu uveril. No, vidíte, on pripravil všetko pre toto dieťa. Vidíte? To bolo to čo videl Boh, keď on uveril Bohu; a človek videl to, čo on urobil aby vyjadril to, čomu uveril. A tak isto to funguje dnes, tak isto je to s nami. Bolo mu to zjavené. Vidíte? Bolo mu to zjavené, tak on tomu tak veril a správal sa tak, ako keby sa to už stalo.

92 No, zastavme sa tu na chvíľu. Niekedy tomu nerozumieme. Ľudia sa dostávajú do emócie, a snažia sa postupovať na základe emócie. To nebude fungovať.

93 No, ja som ako tu brat Gerholtzer, sme starí ľudia a boli sme ... už dlhý čas a videli sme klady aj zápory a všetko možné. Modlili sme sa za chorých po celom svete a videli sme ľudské sklamanie a videli sme haleluja zo všetkých strán. Potom, skrze toto všetko sa učíme. No, keď sme toto začali kázať ako chlapci, brat Gerholtzer, to bolo ako keď sa učíme plávať. To prvé, ako viete, bývalo to tak, aby som sa z toho dostal, brat Jack, bol so mnou brat Brown a chodili so mnou po ulici, večer za večerom, aby som sa prebral. Stál som tam ako malý chlapec, ktorý špliecha, vidiac videnia, viete. A zostával som tam, až kým brat Brown ...

94 Pamätám sa raz večer, nikdy na to nezabudnem, hore v San Jose či niekde. Prišiel ma zobudiť, nespal som niekoľko dní, nevedel som, že som sa s ním rozprával ale povedal mi, že som začal plakať a povedal som: „Idem domov." Vidíte?

95 „Prečo," povedal, „nemôžeš ísť domov." Tam boli zhromaždenia.

96 Povedal som: „Za pár minút budem hotový ísť domov." Vidíte? Bol som skoro bez seba. Vidíte? Bol som vtedy chlapec.

97 Ako keď sa učíte plávať, viete, špliechate a posúvate sa na druhú stranu. „fú, fú, fú preplával som." No, potom, keď sa naučíte plávať, vaše zábery budú zladené a veľmi vás to neunaví. Vidíte? To je ono, učíte sa ako to máte robiť; všetko robíte jednoduchšie a ide vám to lepšie, potom to ide celkom ľahko. Vidíte?

98 Malý chlapec, ktorý nikdy nechodil, keby mal prejsť tu touto uličkou, spadol by aj desaťkrát a bol by unavený, kým by sa sem dostal. Ale každý kto vie ako chodiť, atlét, prešiel by tou uličkou ani by si nevšimol že to robí. No, on s tým musel začať, aby bol tým čím je teraz.

99 No, tak isto je to s kázaním Božského uzdravovania alebo čohokoľvek ďalšieho. Keď idete ďalej, začínate sa učiť. Ak sa neučíte, niečo nie je v poriadku. Vidíte? Musíte sa učiť, a musíte sa učiť ako prijať Boha a čo to skutočne znamená.

100 Pripustíme to, že niekedy hovoríme: „No, tento človek nemá dostatok viery, tento človek neurobil to a to. To je kvôli niečomu, je tam určitá príčina. Niekedy je to nevyznaný hriech. Na niekoho môžete vyliať galóny oleja a kričať až zachrípnete, vôbec to tým diablom nepohne. Tak veru! Musíte to vyznať. To je to čo robí rozpoznanie: „Choď a daj to do poriadku, vyznaj to."

101 Ale to sa tak pomaly deje, viete. A potom - potom tí ostatní sú netrpezliví a hovoria: „Ach, nedostal som sa ku tomu aby sa za mňa modlili." Ale teraz chceme nájsť cestu, to ... čo sa deje, skutočný základ Božského uzdravovania.

102 No, dar, ako som povedal minulý večer. Dar to je niečo ohromné, ale nemôžete zakladať svoje večné určenie na daroch. Nemôžete zakladať väčšie na menšom. A dar je menší. A Satan môže napodobniť každý dar, ktorý Boh má, on môže urobiť niečo, čo vyzerá presne ako to. Vidíte? Presne. Preto musíme dávať na to pozor.

103 Ako som raz hovoril o vykrikovaní; videl som vykrikovať démonov. Vidíte? Hovoriť v jazykoch, videl som démonov hovoriť v jazykoch. Skutočne, on to napodobňuje. To nie je pravé, ale to je napodobenina. Vidíte? Robí, že to vyzerá, ako skutočné. A ľudia niekedy, ktorí nepoznajú rozdiel, hovoria, že toto je skutočné, keď to nie je skutočné.

104 A to isté robia pri Božskom uzdravovaní. Oni si myslia: „No, to je hókus pókus, alebo niečo také." Nie je. To je skutočná, neskazená viera v to, čo Boh povedal, že je pravda. A to drží! A keď to drží, nič s tým nemôže pohnúť. To tam obstojí. A tak, brať na ľahko tieto veci ...

105 No, viera je zjavenie od Boha. No, viera je zjavenie. Tu sa chcem na chvíľu zastaviť. To je zjavenie. On vám to zjavil skrze svoju milosť. To nie je nič, čo ste vy urobili. Vy ste sa nevypracovali do viery. Vy ste nikdy nemali vieru, bolo vám to dané z milosti Božej. A Boh vám to zjavuje, a tak viera je zjavenie. A celá cirkev Božia je postavená na zjavení!

106 Jeden baptistický kazateľ mi nedávno povedal: „Ja jednoducho nemôžem akceptovať zjavenie."

107 Povedal som: „Potom nemôžeš akceptovať Bibliu. Nemôžeš akceptovať Krista, pretože On je zjavením Boha. On je Boh zjavený v tele." A tak, celá cirkev je postavená na Božskom zjavení.

108 Ježiš povedal (Myslím, že Petrovi) ... povedal: „Čo hovoria ľudia, že kto som Ja, Syn človeka?"

109 On sa rozprával so svojimi učeníkmi. „Niektorí hovoria, že si Eliáš a Mojžiš, alebo jeden z prorokov a Jeremiáš."

110 On povedal: „Ale čo vy hovoríte?"

111 On povedal: „Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha."

112 Rímsko katolícka cirkev hovorí: „On hovoril Petrovi, na tejto skale postavím svoju cirkev."

113 Protestanti hovoria: „On ju stavia na sebe samom."

114 No, mohli by mať pravdu. Ale čo sa mňa týka, obaja sa mýlia. To bolo na duchovnom zjavení toho, kto On je. „Peter, telo a krv ti toto nezjavili, ale môj Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach ti toto zjavil. A na tejto skale," (Na zjavení toho, kto On je. Na zjavení: On je Slovo a celé) ... „Na tejto skale postavím svoju cirkev a brány pekelné ju nepremôžu." To ukazuje, že brány pekelné budú proti tomu.

115 Ábel, skrze vieru, skrze zjavenie, (v tých dňoch nebola žiadna napísaná Biblia) ... Ábel, skrze vieru obetoval Bohu lepšiu obeť než Kain. Pri čom svedčil Boh, že je spravodlivý. Ako? Skrze vieru. Ako? Skrze zjavenie! Skrze zjavenie! Skrze zjavenie Ábel obetoval Bohu lepšiu obeť, pretože mu to bolo zjavené, že to nebolo ovocie z poľa, že to bola krv.

116 Preto niektorí ľudia tomu môžu veriť a niektorí nemôžu tomu veriť, niektorí sa snažia predstierať, že tomu veria.

117 V obecenstve s ľuďmi, kde sa modlíme za chorých, ako zaradom prichádzajú, nájdete niektorých ... a povieme, že to sú všetci dobrí ľudia. Sú niektorí, ktorí sa veľmi snažia tomu veriť, snažia sa prepracovať sa do toho. Niektorí to vôbec nemôžu. A iní, to je proste z milosti, im je to proste dané. No, to je rozdiel. Vidíte? To robí to. To je skutočné zjavenie, pretože viera je zjavenie od Boha. To prv musí byť zjavené.

118 Ježiš toto jasne povedal, keď riekol: „Nikto nemôže prísť ku mne, ak ho prv nepotiahne Môj Otec, alebo mu prv zjavi Mňa." Môžete si to prečítať. To je ev. sv. Jána 6/44 až 46. Oni nevedeli kto On je. Oni si mysleli, že On bol len obyčajný človek. Oni si mysleli, že On je len nejaký prorok, ako si to ľudia myslia dnes. On bol Prorok, On bol obyčajný človek, ale to bolo viac než to.

119 Tak ako minulý večer, keď som hovoril ... Keď dostanete tú knihu, budete tam možno vidieť trošku zmätok ohľadne toho, čo som povedal: „Dve knihy života." To je tá istá kniha, ale jedna z nich, to je vaše prirodzené narodenie, tá druhá je vaše duchovné narodenie. Jedna prechádza do druhej, práve tak ako steblo pšenice. Vždy keď o mne hovoríte, hovoríte o mne ako o živej osobe. Ale tu je časť zo mňa a to je tá osoba, ktorá musí zahynúť. To je tá kniha, z ktorej to meno vychádza. Ale tá večná, tá predurčená, vyvolená osoba, to meno nikdy nemôže z tade vyjsť, pretože to stále tam bolo. Ono nikdy nemôže byť odstránené. Všimnete si to v tej knihe, tak šetríme vás pred rozčarovaním. Takto to tam nájdete. Pretože, myslím, brat Vayle, ktorý tomu dával správnu gramatiku mi to dnes pripomenul. Povedal som: „To je dobre."

120 Baptisti veria, že sú dve samostatné knihy. A v určitom zmysle sú to dve samostatné knihy a z druhej strany to nie sú dve samostatné knihy. Ja tvorím dve oddelené bytosti ... Ja som telo a duša a duch, traja samostatní ľudia, ale ja som ... len jedna robí zo mňa bytosť.

121 Je len jedna skutočná Kniha Života. Ako bol jeden zárodok pšenice, ktorý prechádza cez steblo a prešiel cez klas a ďalej cez šupku a do pšenice; po celej tej ceste. Hovoríte: „No, to je pšenica, ktorá tam leží." To nie je pšenica, to je steblo, ale spolu je to pšenica. Vidíte? To je pšenica, pretože to je všetko jedna stopka, ale pšenica o ktorej hovoríte, to je to zrno na konci toho. To ostatné boli nositelia, to musí zahynúť. A to je to jedno miesto, ktoré hovorí akoby ste mohli mať odstránené svoje meno z Baránkovej knihy života a to druhé miesto hovorí, že nemôžete. Tak, tam to je. To je všetko tam v tom veľkom zjavení, ktoré sa stalo známym od času siedmich pečatí. Preto niektorí ľudia nemôžu tomu veriť.

122 Ježiš to povedal: „Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, ak ho prv nepotiahne Môj Otec. A všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, prídu ku Mne." Nikto nemôže rozumieť kto On je, alebo ako to je, ak vám to nie je zjavené skrze zjavenie Božie. A potom tomu veríte a podľa toho jednáte. Vidíte? Tu jasne vidíme, že Boh je zjavený v Ježišovi, a len tí, ktorí boli predurčení aby to videli to budú vidieť. Myslel som, že istotne prečítam toto miesto Písma, ale potom som to vynechal, to je ev. Jána 6/44 až 46. Vynechal som to, pretože som myslel, že možno by sme mali ... možno nie je dosť času preberať to, pretože tam tie hodiny sa stále posúvajú.

123 A tam my ... Všimnite si: „Nikto, nikto nemôže prísť, jedine ten, koho prv potiahne Môj Otec. A všetci, ktorých mi dal Otec, oni prídu." Oni to rozpoznajú. Nikto iný to nedokáže rozpoznať, žiadna iná osoba, bez ohľadu na to akí ste dobrí, kto ste, musí vám to byť zjavené. Potom vidíte kto je Ježiš Kristus.

124 No, tu, predurčený plán je daný jasne najavo. Práve tak ako iné semeno, Slovo Božie je semeno a musí mať predom pripravenú pôdu. Ak ste zasiali semeno, že ste ho len hodili tam na zem, nič z toho nebude, vtáci ho pozbierajú. Hodíte ho medzi bodliaky a tŕne, to ho zakrátko zadusí. Ježišove podobenstvo tak hovorí. Tak tá pôda musí byť prv pripravená. Tak, Boh, v suverénnej milosti pripravuje najprv to srdce. On vás pripravil pred založením sveta, aby ste Ho prijali v tomto veku. On vás dopredu poznal skrze svoje predzvedenie a určil vás do večného života. On vás poznal, a preto vás pripravil.

125 Preto ste sa vymotali z týchto vecí a dotackali ste sa do toho čo máte teraz. To bol Boh, ktorý vás vedie na miesto, ktoré určil pre vás aby ste tam boli. To ... alebo ak - ak táto pôda nie je popredku pripravená, to nemôže riasť. To je dôvod, že semeno viery, keď kážete vieru, vidíte tie rozpoznania Pánove a vidíte čo sa deje a ako všetky tie dary z Biblie fungujú; ľudia reagujú a hovoria: „Ó, haleluja, ja tomu verím." A povstávajú a zostávajú sklamaní. Vidíte? Tá pôda musí byť predurčená. A vy viete keď to na ňu dopadne.

126 Tak ako môj malý orol, minulý večer. On vedel, keď počul ten krik tej matky orlice, že medzi tým a kvokaním tej sliepky je veľký rozdiel. Vidíte? Pretože on bol orol z vajca. Nie ... on sa nestal orlom práve vtedy, on bol stále orlom. A kresťan bol stále! Príčinou je to oddelenie, keď ste oddelení, pretože ste boli chytení v tom do pasce. Vidíte? Skrze svojho prvého rodiča, Adama a Evy. Stali ste sa z prirodzenosti hriešnikom. Vy ste tým nechceli byť, ale teraz ste počuli evanjelium a viera prichádza z počutia, zjavenie prichádza z počutia. Tam vo vnútri vás je niečo maličké.

127 Iný človek sedí hneď vedľa vás, hovorí: „Och, ja neverím takým veciam. Nezmysel! Ja tomu neverím. Nič na tom nie je!"

128 Ako urobili tí v deň letníc, smiali sa a povedali: „Títo ľudia sú naplnení novým vínom." Hoci to bolo ... Pre tých, ktorým sa to stalo to bola veľká vec. Prečo? To bol Boh zjavujúci sa danému jednotlivcovi. Zatiaľ čo ostatní sa smiali, títo sa radovali. To bolo individuálne zjavenie, ktorým je viera; viera ktorá je zjavená. Keby to nebola viera, potom by to ani tam nebolo. To bola viera.

129 Proste semená musia mať prv pripravenú pôdu. „Lebo všetkých ktorých predzvedel, On povolal. Všetkých, ktorých povolal ... Všetkých, ktorých predzvedel, On predurčil." Ak si to chcete prečítať, Rimanom 8:28-34, a tiež Efežanom 1:1-5. Vidíte, všetkých ktorých On predzvedel, On povolal. Všetkých, ktorých povolal, On ospravedlnil. A všetkých, ktorých ospravedlnil tých už aj oslávil. Nič nie je mimo poriadku. My si myslíme, že je, ale pozrime sa do Písem. To presne pasuje tak ako Boh povedal, že to bude. Vidíme, že to posolstvo je dnes odmietnuté. Či to nie je presne to, čo povedalo Písmo, že urobia? Skutočne, všetky tieto veci sú určené od Boha.

130 Ó, to by malo robiť, že chodíte šťastní. To je dnes ten problém s nami, príliš sa líšime od tých starodávnych kresťanov. Keď to skutočné, pravé zjavenie Ježiša Krista, to je, keď Emanuel prebýval v srdciach tých ľudí, to boli drsní ľudia. Ale dnes, denominácie nás hladkajú, tým že hovoria: „Ó, ja ti poviem, oni nemajú zjavenie. Prídi sem." Vy ste záležní na ich zjavení. Ak ich zjavenie nie je podľa Božieho Slova, potom je zlé; moje alebo kohokoľvek iného, tam prichádza to odhalenie. Slovo Božie hovorí čo je pravé a čo falošné.

131 Každé semeno musí mať svoju pôdu, samozrejme. „A tak, všetkých, ktorých On predzvedel ..." Vidíte? On už vedel čo sa stane. Všimnite si, Ježiš znovu povedal o tom semene: „Niektoré padlo na skalu, iné na zmiešanú pôdu." Vidíte? Tam kde sú bodliaky, tŕne a všetko ďalšie, ono nemohlo rásť. A iné na dobrú pôdu, na dobrú pôdu, dobrú zem, ktorá bola pripravená, už bola pripravená.

132 Každý človek tu je ako kura, obzerá sa dookola a snaží sa niečo nájsť. Narazí na toto a narazí na tamto ale po nejakom čase prichádza zrazu výkrik z neba. On to hneď v tej chvíli rozpoznáva: „To je Slovo Božie!" Vidíte? On to pozná, pretože v jeho srdci je niečo, čo mu to povedalo, čo mu to zjavilo.

133 Všimnite si, prorok Izaiáš povedal: „Panna počne." Čo za divná vec. Ako by to človek pri zdravom rozume mohol povedať? Panna nikdy nepočala. „Panna počne!" No, on sa neznepokojoval nad tým čo povedal, on to proste povedal. Ako ona počne? A to nebola jeho starosť. On mal len povedať, čo Boh povedal, že On vykoná. Boh mu to zjavil, ukázal mu videnie; zjavil to a to bola pravda.

134 Presne ten istý Boh, ktorý povedal mne, že sa narodí to malé dieťa, cez človeka, ktorý nemohol mať dieťa - dievčatko. Ako iné veci, ako to znie divne keď doktor hovorí: „To sa nemôže stať."

135 Ale keď Boh hovorí, že to sa stane, to záleží na tom aký druh slova tam padá. Pamätajte, prorok sa tam postavil a Jeho Slovo bolo vypovedané.

136 Ako Boh v Genesis 1, On povedal: „Nech je svetlo. Nech je toto. Nech je tamto!" Stvoril človeka na svoj vlastný obraz, na obraz Boží ich stvoril, muža a ženu a ešte nebolo nič na zemi. Potom, nachádzame v Genesis 2, tu On stvoril človeka na svoj vlastný obraz. Nebolo človeka, ktorý by obrábal zem, po tom ostatnom stvorení. Čo to bolo? To je Jeho Slovo, On to hovoril. A keď to povedal, riekol: „Nech je svetlo." Tam potom možno osemsto rokov nebolo svetla, možno nebolo žiadneho svetla, ale On to povedal! A keď to povedal: „Nech je palma. Nech je dub. Nech je toto." tie semená sa formovali pod tou vodou. Je to tak. A vo vhodnej dobe, v tom čase, vo svojom vlastnom čase to vyrástlo! To nemôže sklamať, to je Božie Slovo. To proste nemôže sklamať, zostalo To vyjadrené.

137 No, jedného dňa, Boh hovoril ku človeku tvárou v tvár. Ale v čase Mojžiša, keď padal ten oheň, oni povedali: „Nech Boh ... Nech hovorí Mojžiš; nie Boh, aby sme nezahynuli."

138 A tak On povedal: „Už viac nebudem takto ku ním hovoriť. Vzbudím im proroka." Takýto bol stále Boží systém.

139 No, tu stojí prorok; no, on je pod inšpiráciou; on nemyslí o tom svojím intelektuálnym spôsobom: „No, počkaj. Keby som to povedal, no, vieš, ľudia by si mysleli, že som blázon." Vidíte? To je jeho intelekt; tam on počúva Satana, práve tak ako Eva.

140 A pokiaľ doktor hovorí, že nemôžeš žiť, že nemôžeš vyzdravieť, že nemôžeš toto alebo tamto. Pokiaľ počúvaš na to, to Semeno nikdy nespadne na takú pôdu a nič z toho nie je. Nemôže. Ale keď niečo vytrhá všetko také preč a Ono padá na tú upravenú pôdu, nič To z tade nemôže vytrhnúť.

141 No, nezáleží na tom ako dlho to trvá, to sa stane. No, On povedal: „Panna počne." Vedeli ste, že to bolo osemsto rokov predtým, ako sa to stalo? Boh predzvedel tú ženu, kto ona bude, aké bude jej meno, kde padne to Semeno. Veríte tomu? Skutočne, On to predzvedel. A z doslovného lona vychádza tento veľký zázrak. Boh o tom vedel, On to proste zjavil svojmu prorokovi, ktorý bol verný a hovoril Slovo. Bez toho aby myslel čo to bolo, on to proste povedal. On sa to nikdy nesnažil rozumom vyskúmať.

142 Ak sa snažíte rozumom vyskúmať ... Čo keby tento človek, táto žena, alebo tento muž, ktorý tu sedí, alebo niekto by sa snažil odôvodniť: „Som chromý po celé roky. Doktor hovorí, že nie je možné aby nastala zmena." Dobre, možno pokiaľ on vie, tak to nie je možné a to je pravda.

143 Ale keď niečo môže vytrhať z tade tú burinu, ak Boh skrze svoju milosť; nie kazateľ, ani nikto iný, ale ak Boh mohol umiestniť do tvojho srdca zjavenie, ono potiahne: „Budeš uzdravený." Nič ťa ďalej neudrží, aby si tam sedel. Nič ťa tam nemôže udržať, budeš zdravý. Ale kým sa to nestane, budeš sedieť práve v takom stave, ako povedal doktor; až kým sa to nestane. To musí byť zjavené. To je milosť Božia, ktorá to zjavuje.

144 No, všimnite si, Boh poznal tú ženu, ku ktorej malo prísť to Slovo. Všimnite si Izaiáša, tam nebola pochybnosť. Izaiáš nepovedal: „Počkaj chvíľu, Pane! Počkaj - počkaj chvíľu! Čo si mi to povedal? Panna počne? Och! Čo? Počkaj teraz, Otče, takéto niečo sa nikdy nestalo."

145 On neváhal, on proste povedal: „Panna počne!" Tak veru.

146 Všimnite si Máriu: „No, no Pane, počkaj chvíľu. Vieš, ja som nepoznala muža. Toto je nemožné! Nič takéhoto sa nikdy nestalo! Ó, nie, nič takéhoto sa nikdy nestalo. Ako budem mať toto dieťa? Ja nepoznám muža, tak to sa nemôže stať! Och, anjel, ty sa proste mýliš. Ja mám optický klam. Vieš moja cirkev hovorí, že také veci pominuli." Ach! To by nikdy nepadlo na také miesto. Mária vôbec nepochybovala.

147 Ona povedala: „Ako sa to môže stať? Ja nepoznám muža."

148 On povedal: „Duch Svätý ťa zatieni. Tak sa to stane."

149 Ona povedala: „Hľa, som dievka Pánova!" Žiadna pochybnosť!

150 Vidíte? Izaiáš, keď Boh priniesol to Slovo skrze myšlienku (zjavenie) do srdca Izaiáša, Ono padlo na správnu pôdu, to bol prorok. Ten prorok sa nestaral o žiadnu ľudskú múdrosť. On sa nestaral o žiadneho ľudského vzdelanca. On sa nestaral o žiadnu osobu. On bol posvätený kanál Boží a Boh hovoril a on hovoril. To je všetko. Či to niekoho ranilo alebo nie; či to znelo ako bláznovstvo alebo nie; to pre neho nehralo žiadnu roľu. To bol Boh, nie človek.

151 A keď Slovo vyšlo, Ono sa stalo Semenom, Ono niekde musí spadnúť. Keď to Boh povedal, niekde na to musí byť lono do ktorého to spadne. Presne ako On povedal: „Všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria. Keď poviete tomuto vrchu - Presuň sa! - a nepochybujete vo svojom srdci, môžete mať čo ste povedali." Vidíte? Musí to niekde byť, je to tak!

152 Všimnite si! No, zistili sme, že Izaiáš to tu vypovedal.

153 Panna Mária, akonáhle ... Tá pôda bola už zoraná. Ona bola panna. Ona nepobehovala okolo. Tá pôda bola už pripravená, alebo predurčená skrze Božie predzvedenie.

154 Dokonca povedal, „Ona je panna." Hneď vtedy Boh vedel, aké bude jej meno. Jej meno bolo v Knihe Života v nebi.

155 Potom to bolo potvrdené. Ľudia potom, čo sa týka ľudí, oni to videli vyjadrené skrze skutky, keď sa to už stalo. My sa pozeráme naspäť a hovoríme: „Skutočne, to sa stalo," pretože vidíme tie skutky, ktoré sa stali.

156 Noeho skutky vyjadrili ľuďom, aká bola jeho viera v Božie zasľúbenie. No, Boh stretol Noeho a povedal: „Noe, bude pršať. Idem zničiť celú zem vodou." No, ešte nikdy nepršalo, to je nemožné. Dobre, no, Noe mal ... Povedal: „Priprav archu podľa rozmerov aké ti dám." A on tesár, pustil sa do práce, začal brať topor a všetko na pílenie dosiek a zaopatril si šitímové drevo a smolu, presne ako On povedal. A predstavujete si čo si ľudia o ňom mysleli?

157 Oni hovorili: „Ten človek je naozaj blázon, pretože hovorí - z neba sa bude liať voda - a tam nie je žiadna voda." Ale, vidíte, Noe nad tým nerozmýšľal. Jeho skutky vyjadrovali ľuďom, aká bola jeho viera a čo Boh povedal, že sa stane.

158 To je dôvod, že skutočný kresťan sa oddeľuje od všetkého, len nie od Slova Božieho, nezáleží mu na tom, čo si myslia ľudia, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí. On je oddelený pretože ... On to nie len hovorí; ak je to tak, nebude dlho trvať a jeho skutky vyjdú najavo. On odpadne naspäť a skĺzne sa touto cestou a pripojí sa ku tomuto, alebo tomuto, začne ... on ukáže čo je. Ale ak je skutočný, ak Slovo Božie sa v ňom zakorenilo, potom ono zrodí svoj druh, budete vidieť, že ten človek sa pripravuje na tú veľkú hodinu. Vidíte? Takto to robil Noe.

159 Mojžiš, s palicou v ruke prišiel aby vzal ľudí od faraóna. No, mohli by ste si predstaviť ... Mojžiš, Biblia povedala, že on bol vyučený všetkej múdrosti egyptskej. On bol chytrý, on mohol vyučovať ich múdre veci. On bol vyučený všetkej ich múdrosti. On nepotreboval tápať vo svojej múdrosti. No, predstavte si človeka tam vonku na púšti so všetkým tým vzdelaním a potom sa mu Boh zjavuje a hovorí: „Mojžiš, zober si do ruky túto palicu a choď tam do Egyptu a vyveď môj ľud s tým prútom, ktorý máš v ruke. Vyšľahaj to všetko týmto prútom."

160 No, čo keby Mojžiš povedal: „Počkaj chvíľu, myslel som, že sa rozprávam s inteligentnou bytosťou, s týmto veľkým JA SOM, čo si povedal, že si. No, ako budem môcť zobrať túto starú hrčavú palicu, ktorú tu mám v ruke a premôcť armádu, v ktorej je milión mužov ozbrojených kopijami, bojovníkov? A ja nie som bojovník, ja som pastier. Ako to vôbec dokážem?"

161 Tam neboli žiadne pochybnosti! Prečo? Prečo? Lebo v jeho srdci bola pôda! On bol predurčenou osobou. „Dary a povolania sú bez pokánia." Boh povedal Abrahámovi, že On to dokoná a tam bola pripravená pôda.

162 A Mojžiš zobral tú palicu a odišiel tam a zobral ten národ z národa. Keď prišiel s palicou v ruke a povedal Faraónovi: „Nechaj ich odísť!" Faraón videl v Mojžišovi skutky, že on má vieru v to čo ide urobiť, alebo sa snaží urobiť. On mal vieru v zasľúbenie Boha, ktorý mu dal to zasľúbenie, on tam išiel aby to uskutočnil. Žiadny iný človek by to neurobil a žiadny iný muž by to nemohol urobiť, on bol do toho určený. Boh, dopredu povedal Abrahámovi, že to je práve to čo sa stane. A keď sa priblížil čas zasľúbenia, narodil sa malý chlapec, pekné dieťa. A rodičia, Amram a Jochebet sa nebáli kráľovho rozkazu. Vidíte? Bolo niečo, tá pôda bola už pripravená.

163 Ó Bože, dúfam, že dnes večer hovorím ku pripravenej pôde! Ak to Semeno môže spadnúť na správne miesto a to bude ... Ak nie, tak sa to nestane.

164 To je to isté. Hovoríte: „Brat Branham, takýmto spôsobom je nám to tak trochu odobraté." Ak áno, tak je to odobraté tiež aj kresťanstvu. Vidíte? Môžete všetko napodobniť. Ale ak ... ak to skutočne tam padá, ak Slovo Božie padá na ten správny druh pôdy, ono bude rodiť svoj druh. Musí, pretože to je semeno.

165 Noe ... Mojžiš, jeho skutky vyjadrovali vieru v zasľúbenie Božie, ktorému uveril. Faraón, človek, mohol vidieť čo ... Nie ... on nemohol vidieť, ako to Mojžiš bude robiť, ale on vedel, že Mojžiš verí tomu čo hovorí, inak by nestál tam na tom mieste s palicou v ruke a nehovoril: „Touto palicou ich vyvediem od teba." Starý muž, osemdesiat ročný, žiadny atlét; starý človek s ovisnutými ramenami s dlhou bradou, ktorá mu visela možno po pás; šedivé vlasy, ak nejaké mal. A tam s palicou v ruke, hovorí: „Ja ich idem vyviesť, prepusti tých ľudí, - Tak hovorí Pán. A ak to neurobíš, Boh ťa bude súdiť." Amen! Prečo? To je ... Vidíte? To ... Obával sa? Aha, len jeden šíp, jedna kopia, čokoľvek iné by urobilo tomu koniec. On bol nebojácny! On presne vedel kde stojí; povedal: „Boh ťa zničí, faraón." Tak veru.

166 Lebo Boh mu povedal: „Znovu prídeš ku tomuto vrchu," a on vedel, že tam príde.

167 Haleluja! My tiež vieme kde ideme na konci tejto cesty. Boh zasľúbil! Tam za riekou je Zem. Buďte nebojácny vo svojom svedectve. Amen. Ak je vám to zjavené, ste nebojácny. Nestaráte sa či celý svet ... čo oni hovoria; ste nebojácni. Keď je vám to zjavené: „Toto je pravda, ktorá pochádza od Boha," potom môžete byť nebojácni. Ak nie, nemôžete byť.

168 Dávid, s pastierskym prakom ukázal celej izraelskej armáde vieru, ktorú mal v ich Boha. No, tam na druhej strane bol Goliáš a on tam stál a chvastal sa. Oveľa väčší ako Dávid, prsty mal štrnásť côľou dlhé. A to bol mamut, veľký človek, filištínsky obor. A všimnite si Dávida, ten najmenší, on bol príliš malý na to aby bol v armáde, skrčok, nemohli ho zobrať do armády. Tak, jeho bratia boli tam v armáde. A potom, Goliáš sa chvastal.

169 Ale Dávid, pamätajte teraz, Dávidovi to bolo zjavené. On si myslel: „Tu je armáda živého Boha, stojí vo svojej vlastnej zemi a tam sa chvastá neobrezaný filištín." Nazveme ho dnes večer „rakovina" nazveme ho „mŕtvica."

170 Prečo, Dávid nebol pre neho žiadny súper, keby mal akúkoľvek zbraň; on sa mu nijako nemohol rovnať. Ramená toho muža boli možno desať dvanásť stôp široké, keď stál tak mal možno štrnásť pätnásť stôp. Kopiu mal ako tkáčsky návoj, možno dvadsať stôp dlhú, ostrie na nej mohlo mať okolo štyri stopy.

171 A malý Dávid tam stál s malým kúskom kože, kozej alebo ovčej ku ktorej boli priviazané dve šnúrky. Ale jemu to bolo zjavené! Zasiahlo ho zjavenie! Amen! On povedal: „Boh, ktorý ma vyslobodil z pazúrov medveďa, a vyslobodil ma z pazúrov leva o čo viacej On vydá do mojich rúk toho neobrezaného filištína!"

172 Jeho bratia, oveľa viac schopnejší aby to urobili. Saul, o hlavu vyšší od svojej armády. Ale, vidíte, im to nebolo zjavené. Amen. To je to. Oni verili, že to sa môže stať. Oni verili, že Boh to môže urobiť, ale nebolo im to zjavené; ale Dávidovi to bolo zjavené. Tak v tom je rozdiel, práve v tom. Ak je ti to jasne zjavené, že Boh ťa ide uzdraviť, dostaneš to. [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.] Dostaneš to. Nestarám sa o to čo ti je, aké je to zvláštne, môže to byť horšie ako Dávid a Goliáš. Ale ak ti je to zjavené ...

173 A všimnite si, keď je to zjavené, Dávid sa stal nebojácny. On povedal: „Dnes zotnem tvoju hlavu!" Amen. Rýchlo! Náš Boh, skrze milosť, v tej rozhodujúcej chvíli, keď musí byť urobené rozhodnutie, ten istý Boh, ktorý vyprodukoval milosť v tom dni a pustil to semeno viery do toho malého zhrbeného chlapca, vidiac jeho srdce; ten istý Boh, v tejto rozhodujúcej chvíli môže zobrať tú ženu z toho invalidného kresla, toho muža, ktorý prichádza ...?...chorobu srdca. Keď to malé zrnko viery ti zjavilo ... A nestarám sa ako dlho to trvá ...

174 Všimnite si, ten obor na tej druhej strane, on tomu neveril; ani rakovina tomu nebude veriť. On sa vysmieval, povedal: „Či som ja pes? Poslali ste sem dieťa aby so mnou bojovalo?" Povedal: „Napichnem ťa na svoju kopiju a nech vtáci zožerú tvoje telo." Prečo, on mal všetko, všetko stálo po jeho strane.

175 Ale, vidíte, to s Dávidom vôbec nezatriaslo. Prečo? Jemu to bolo zjavené. On mal vieru v to čo robil. On vedel, že to urobí. A on to urobil, pretože mu to bolo zjavené a on vedel kde stojí.

176 A ak dnes večer Boh prehovorí do tvojho srdca a povie: „Nebudeš ležať na tej posteli. Nebudeš sedieť v tom kresle. Budeš uzdravený." Nič nebude môcť odvrátiť od toho tvoju myseľ.

177 Ale kým sa to nestane, každý kazateľ na svete sa môže modliť ... Nehovorím, že by ti to nepomohlo; to by ťa povzbudilo. Ale až kým tá viera ... Vidíte? Uzdravovacia moc je v tebe. Ona neprichádza od kazateľa. Ona ku tebe prichádza skrze zjavenie, skrze vieru. „Nie silou ani mocou, ale Mojím Duchom," hovorí Pán. „Môj Duch, z milosti ti toto zjavuje." A nič to nemôže odstrániť. Skrze vieru, Zjavenie! Potom, Dávid aby dokázal svoje skutky ...

178 No, niektorý z nich povedal: „Ja poznám zlobu tvojho srdca." Jeho brat povedal: „Ty si prišiel sem aby si videl boj. Bež naspäť ku ovciam."

179 On povedal: „Chcel by som hovoriť so Saulom, s generálom." Vidíte?

180 A Saul povedal: „Synu, obdivujem tvoju odvahu, ale vieš, ty si len chlapec. A on je bojovník od svojej mladosti, ty sa mu nemôžeš rovnať."

181 On povedal: „Pásol som ovce svojho otca ..." On to mohol niečím podložiť! Amen! Ó brat! A ten Boh, ktorý spasil tvoju dušu, či nemôže uzdraviť tvoje telo? To je proste to isté, zjavuje ti, On je tvoj Uzdravovateľ, ako bol tvoj Spasiteľ. Vidíš? Ale to prv musí byť zjavené, to je rozdiel. On mal niečo na čom mohol postaviť svoju vieru.

182 Povedal: „No, toto sa nikdy predtým nestalo."

183 Ale povedal: „Ten istý Boh, ktorý ma vyslobodil z pazúrov leva, vyslobodí ma z rúk tohoto neobrezaného filištína."

„Ako to vieš, Dávid."

„Verím tomu."


„Bolo mi to zjavené." A on povedal ...

184 On vedel o čom hovorí. Pretože keď ten obor povedal: „Dám ťa zožrať vtákom"; on povedal: „Ja zotnem tvoju hlavu." To je rozdiel. Vidíte? A on to urobil!

185 Samson, jedného dňa ho pristihli (bez stráže) vonku na poli a tu prišlo na neho tisíc filištínov. A on sa pozrel na zem, tam kde zomrel nejaký osol a zodvihol tú starú čeľusť, čeľusť, suchú ako len mohla byť a pustil sa do tých filištínov, bil ich po hlavách s touto starou suchou čeľusťou z osla a pokiaľ viem ani zub z nej nevypadol. A tie filištínske prilby boli možno hrubé cól (pretože oni sa v tých dňoch bili kyjakmi), aby im chránili hlavy pred tými údermi. Ale on zobral tú osliu čeľusť a pobil tisíc filištínov a tá čeľusť sa vôbec nezlomila. On ich proste bil, takto, ako prichádzali. Tak, tí ostatní utiekli do skál. Vidíte? Oni utekali od neho. Prečo? On tomu veril!

186 Niekedy, aby som vám ukázal ... Chcem vám ešte niečo povedať. Reagujte na ten pulz, na tú darovanú chvíľu, ako to urobil Jozue, ako Mária Magdaléna, všetci tí. Práve v tej chvíli keď je vám niečo zjavené, chyťte sa toho. Chyťte to, tú darovanú chvíľu.

187 Áno, bolo mu to zjavené. On išiel stretnúť tých tisíc filištínov. No čo si myslíte, keď tí filištíni povedali: „Pozrite, ide sem, ten skrčok; vysoký len štyri a pol stopy; sedem kaderí mu visí dole na chrbát, ako taký malý mamin slaboch, vidíte; ide s oslou čeľusťou. A pozrite na nás aká sme my veľká armáda! Nie je to smiešne?" Ale čo on robil? On vyjadroval tým filištínom, čo mu bolo od Boha zjavené. On pochytil tú osliu čeľusť a pustil sa do nich, pretože to bolo to, čo mu On dal do ruky; On to položil do jeho ruky, to bolo to čomu on veril: on to dokáže! A tým že tak robil, on vyjadroval tým filištínom, čo mu Boh položil na srdce aby vykonal.

188 Ján Krstiteľ vyjadril svoju vieru skrze svoje skutky a keď povedal: „Medzi vami stojí teraz Ten." Len si to predstavte. Ev. Jána, mám to miesto Písma, ev. Jána 1/26. On povedal ...

189 Oni povedali: „Ty hovoríš, že Mesiáš prichádza? Človeče, čo sa s tebou deje? My na neho očakávame už štyritisíc rokov."

190 On povedal: „On stojí teraz rovno medzi vami." Haleluja! Tak isto tu On stojí dnes večer! (oj - joj)

191 On vyjadril svoju vieru skrze svoje zjavenie, pretože jemu bolo zjavené, že ... on vedel, že pokrstí Mesiáša. On bol muž, tridsaťročný. On vedel, že On tam niekde musí byť; on ešte vôbec nevedel kto To je a On tam stál rovno medzi nimi. On povedal: „Medzi vami stojí teraz Niekto, ktorého vy neznáte a ja nie som hodný rozviazať remienok na jeho obuvi, ale On vás bude krstiť Duchom Svätým. A On je práve teraz medzi vami." On to vyjadril, svoju vieru, pretože vedel, že vo svojich dňoch mal vidieť a pokrstiť Božieho Mesiáša. Tak, vidíte, tí ľudia mohli vidieť na ňom to vyjadrenie, tak ako on kázal a ako sa správal, vyjadroval, že má pravé zjavenie od Boha.

192 No, aby dokázal že je to pravda, zo zástupu vystúpil a prišiel Mesiáš; len obyčajný mladý muž kráčal tam dole, oblečený ako ostatní ľudia. Ján povedal: „Ajhľa, Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta."

193 „Ako Ho poznáš?"

194 On povedal: „Ten, ktorý mi povedal na púšti - Na koho budeš vidieť zostupovať Ducha, to je Ten, ktorý bude krstiť Duchom Svätým."

195 Vidíte, on Ho poznal, pretože tam v tom čase sa mal ukázať znak. (Porozumievate to?) Ján vedel presne o tej hodine, pretože bol prorok. Jemu to bolo zjavené, a tak vedel, že to bude približne v tom čase, keď uvidí znak. A keď uvidel ten znak, povedal: „On stojí medzi vami." On vedel, že To tam je.

196 Ó, vidím znak, že čas konca je tu. Vidím tie veci, ktoré sú zasľúbené pre toto Posolstvo času konca, ktoré sa dejú, odvíjajú sa presne tak ako povedalo Písmo. A ja viem že čas sa priblížil! Hovorím to bez váhania. Verím, že to je skutočne blízko, lebo vidím znaky, o ktorých On povedal, že sa stanú tesne pred tým časom. Teraz je to hotové aby sa to stalo.

197 Ján vyjadril svoju vieru v to, čo mu Boh zjavil. Tak skutky svedčia o viere. Keď vás oni vidia, že sa správate ako uzdravení, potom budú vedieť, že máte vieru, že ste uzdravení.

198 Čo hovorí svedectvo? Hovorí toto: „Ja to mám teraz, pretože som prijal Božie zasľúbenie. Ono teraz vo mne účinkuje. Pripravujem sa na to, že sa to stane." Vidíte? To je to, čo robia vaše skutky. Áno, skutočne!

199 Tu, pred nedávnom, hneď po mojej poslednej ceste do Afriky; Bol som tam len na jar, ale tá cesta pred tým. Bolo tam malé dieťa, ktoré malo zdeformované chodidlá a jednu nohu malo kratšiu od druhej. Nikdy v živote nemalo topánky. Och, to bolo najstrašnejšie zdeformovanie. A modlil som sa ten večer za to dieťa, oni to pozorovali a videli ako sa stali tie veci, modlili sa za to dieťa. A na druhý deň ráno som tam išiel a prechádzal som okolo obchodu s obuvou. A išiel som tam a tam bol ten muž a kupoval detské topánky. On tomu veril!

200 Ako tento muž tu, ktorý uveril, že Boh mu dá to dieťa. Skutočne, on uveril, že to sa stane, pripravil sa na to. „Pripravujem sa." Hoci neboli viditeľné žiadne telesné výsledky, ale to ani trochu nezmenilo jeho postoj. On tomu veril, ako Abrahám: „všetko čo sa s tým nezhodovalo nazýval ako keby to tak nebolo." Tu to máte!

201 Preto tedy, ak vám váš rozum hovorí ... Ó, tu je teraz ten osteň. Ak vám váš rozum hovorí, že toto je pravda, Boh uzdravuje nemoci, vaša myseľ môže svedčiť, že to je pravda, ale ak vo vašom srdci nie je tá pripravená pôda, viera, do ktorej to musí padnúť, aby sa to vyjadrilo, tak sa to nestane.

Hoci veľa ... nezáleží na tom ako veľmi to tento vonkajší človek môže zdôvodňovať Písmom a hovoriť, že to je pravda, tým sa to ešte stále nestáva pravdou.

202 Koľkí si beriete tie pásky? Máte moju kázeň pred nedávnom, Pomazanci posledného času? Verili ste tomu? Vidíte? Tam je povedané: „Budú antikristovia. Antikristovia, ktorí by zviedli skoro aj vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." Môže to ... Nemôže, pretože to je nemožné, oni sú vyvolení. Vidíte? Dobre.

203 Ale On povedal: „Tí pomazaní ..." Vidíte? Kristus znamená pomazaný, ale títo budú anti. Oni boli pomazaní, ale anti, vo svojom učení sú proti Kristovi. No, oni mohli robiť všetko čo mohli tí ostatní.

204 No pamätajte, vy ste v okruhu troch, ale ste jednou osobou. Ako Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, okruch troch, ale jedna osoba. Tri atribúty toho istého Boha: otcovstvo ... Tri úrady ako: otcovstvo, synovstvo a Duch Svätý. A vy ste: telo, duch a duša.

205 No, to vonkajšie telo má päť vchodov, na kontaktovanie sa so svojím zemským domovom: zrak, chuť, hmat, čuch a sluch. To vnútro, ktorým je duch, to má päť zmyslov: svedomie a láska a tak ďalej. Ale to vnútro toho, duša, má jednu vec. Tam vlastne žijete.

206 Duch môže prísť sem na vonok a pomazať vás aby ste robili určitú vec a vy to robíte, ale to neznamená, že ste spasení. Zamyslite sa nad tým. Kajfáš prorokoval. Judáš vyháňal démonov. Vidíte? Duch ho pomazal. Dážď padá na spravodlivých a na nespravodlivých, burina sa môže radovať spolu s pšenicou. Ale záleží na tom, čím je to v jadre. Rozumovo to tu môžete prijať a povedať: „Ó, skutočne, to vyzerá dobre. Verím tomu." To stále ešte nie je to. Nie veru. A duch môže skutočne vydávať o tom svedectvo, a stále to tak nie je. Pretože ak tá duša nepochádza od Boha, to tu vonku môže robiť všetky napodobeniny, ale to nemôže byť skutočné. Môžete odohrávať uzdravenie, môžete pôsobiť dojmom, akoby ste to mali. Môžete sa správať akoby ste to prijali. Kresťania sa môžu správať akoby boli kresťanmi a správať sa tak a byť pri tom takí dobrí, ale to neznamená, že sú spasení. Je to presne tak. Vidíte? Duch tam môže byť, skutočný, opravdový Duch. Duch Svätý vás môže pomazať, to stále neznamená, že ste spasení. To je tá vnútorná duša, ktorá nikdy nezomiera, ona má Večný Život. To bol stále Večný Život. Vidíte? To pochádza od Boha, to ide ku Bohu, to je duša.

207 No, všimnite si to, to musí byť. Päť, v-i-e-r-a, vonku; duch, J-e-ž-i-š; a vo vnútri, t-y. [V angličtine y-o-u, tri písmená] Vidíte? Takto tu stojím, dívam sa na vás a nepoznám ani jedného z vás. Duch ma môže pomazať a stále nikoho z vás nepoznám. Ale keď vstúpi to vnútorné vnútro, to je Boh.

208 Tam to vonkajšie môže usudzovať. Zoberte človeka, povie: „Dobre, viete, ja viem, že nemám cudzoložiť. Ale, viete, potom mi duch hovorí, že nemám cudzoložiť. Ale, viete, tam ďalej vo vnútri, tá vec tam stále je." Vidíte? To bude nad vami akoby vládnuť, a radšej si na to dávajte pozor.

209 Ale keď je to nasmerované od vnútra, to dáva všetko to ostatné dokopy. To je riadiace centrum. To je kontrolná veža, to vnútorné vnútro. Duša kontroluje ducha, duch kontroluje telo.

210 Tak nejaké vonkajšie vybielenie nič na tom nemení. Tí nábožní ľudia tam vtedy, ktorých Pavel nazýval „vybielené steny," a tak ďalej, oni boli navonok, proste každým spôsobom veriaci, a mali medzi sebou proroctvá a všetko ďalšie, ale to vnútorné vnútro ... „Duša ktorá neverí ..."

211 Preto hovorím, že ľudia môžu vyskakovať hore dole a hovoriť v jazykoch, ľudia môžu vykrikovať, klásť ruky na chorých a uzdravovať chorých a tak ďalej, skrze vieru; všetky tieto veľké veci tam skrze Ducha a stále byť stratení. Pomazanci.

212 Všimnite si, Ježiš povedal: „Len ver, lebo všetko je možné tým, ktorí veria." Viera a skutky sú ako muž a žena, oni pracujú spolu. Muž pracuje so ženou a žena s mužom; oni identifikujú jeden druhého.

213 Ako muž, ktorý hovorí, že je ženatý a pri tom nemôže predviesť a ukázať, že má ženu. Pochybujete o tom čo tvrdí. Vidíte? Nejaký muž povedal: „Ja som ženatý."

„Kde je tvoja manželka?"

„Ó, ja o tom neviem." Vidíte? Sotva by som mu uveril.

Opýtam sa: „Dobre, kde máš manželku?"

„No, neviem." Nebudem tomu veriť.

214 Tak, vidíte, keď máte to, čo hovoríte, že máte, „Ja mám vieru." Ako mi ukážeš svoju vieru? Skrze svoje skutky. Vidíte?

„Som ženatý."

„Ako vieš, že si ženatý?"

„Toto je moja žena." Vidíte? Tu to máte.

„Som vydatá, toto je môj manžel."

„Som uzdravený."

„Ako to vieš?"

215 „Moje skutky ukazujú moju vieru." Vidíte? Vidíte? No, o čom hovoríte: vaša viera to je to, čo vo vás vidí Boh. Vaše skutky to je to, čo na vás vidia iní ľudia.

216 To vysvetľuje tu ten rozdiel medzi Jakobom a Pavlom, ohľadne Abraháma. Oni vôbec neprotirečia jeden druhému, oni obidvaja hovoria to isté; to je ako manželstvo.

217 Tak je to s vierou, ktorá neprodukuje skutky, každý má právo pochybovať o vašom svedectve. Počujete to, prv ako začne volať ľudí do radu aby sme sa za nich modlili? Ak vaša viera pri tom neprodukuje skutky, nemôžete nikoho presvedčiť aby veril, že ste uzdravení. Poviete: „No neviem." Vidíte? „Áno, skutočne, ja mám všetkú vieru na svete." Nemáš. Pretože, ak máš vieru, potom skutky sú zosobášené s vierou. Oni sú manžel a manželka, jedno identifikuje to druhé.

218 Zamyslime sa teraz na chvíľu nad Abrahámom. Abrahám mal ten svätý zväzok v komplete, vidíte, on to mal celé spolu. On nazýval veci, ktoré boli nezhodné s jeho vierou, ako keby neboli; a postupoval na tých istých princípoch. Môžem si predstaviť, po okolo dvadsiatych rokoch, niekto išiel okolo a povedal: „Otec národov? Och! Abram, ty si povedal, že sa voláš Abrahám, čo znamená otec národov. Koľko detí máš teraz, Abrahám?" Vidíte?

219 To ho ani trochu nevyviedlo z rovnováhy. Biblia hovorí, „Nezapochyboval nad Slovom Božím v nevere." On išiel ďalej a robil prípravy, mal pripravené všetky tie topánočky a plienky a všetko, on bude mať to dieťa. A hotovo.

220 Dokonca Sára povedala: „Vieš čo sa stane? Ty budeš mať to dieťa, ale poviem ti ako to urobíme. Hagar je teraz moja slúžka, ja ti ju dám." (Pretože mnohoženstvo bolo vtedy legálne) „A ona bude mať dieťa a ja si vezmem to dieťa." Ale Abrahám tomu neveril. Nie, on by to neurobil. Ale Sára bola inšpirovaná do toho.

221 Tak, Boh povedal Abrahámovi: „Choď a vypočuj ju," ale On povedal: „Jednako toto nie je to, čo som ti zasľúbil. Toto nie je ten spôsob, ako som ti to zasľúbil."

222 No dávajte pozor, on nazýval všetko „opačne" a jeho telo bolo vtedy mŕtve a Sárine lono tak isto. No, on bol starý muž, storočný. Sára mala deväťdesiat. A teraz si všimnite! Umŕtvené Sárine lono alebo umŕtvenie svojho tela, na to vôbec nebral ohľad.

223 Počúvajte toto:

Lebo nie skrze zákon bolo dané Abrahámovi alebo jeho semenu zasľúbenie, že bude dedičom sveta, ale skrze spravodlivosť viery.

Lebo ak sú dedičmi tí, ktorí sú zo zákona, vtedy je vyprázdnená viera a zmarené je zasľúbenie.

Lebo zákon pôsobí hnev; lebo tam kde nieto zákona, niet ani prestúpenia.

224 Počúvajte teraz toto:

ktorý tam, kde nebolo nádeje, ...

(kde nebolo nádeje, všetká nádej bola preč! Ó, stále keď sa cítim trochu skľúčený, toto je tá kapitola, ktorú otváram, Rimanom 4. Vidíte?)

(Ako je napísané, učinil som ťa otcom ... národov,) pred tvárou Boha, ktorému uveril a ktorý oživuje mŕtvych a volá to, čo nie je, ako čo by bolo.

(„Boh tak povedal!" Vidíte?)

ktorý tam kde nebolo nádeje, uveril v nádeji, aby bol otcom mnohých národov podľa povedaného: Tak bude tvoje semä.

225 Počúvajte teraz 19. verš.

a neoslabnúc vo viere nehľadel na svoje už umŕtvené telo majúc okolo sto rokov ani na umŕtvenie života Sáry

a nepochyboval o zasľúbení Božom v nevere, ale bol posilnený vo viere dajúc slávu Bohu

226 Vo veku sto rokov? Pozrite, jeho telo bolo umŕtvené, jeho mužnosť a Sárine lono bolo mŕtve. On ... To vôbec nebral pod úvahu. Keď mu to bolo zjavené, tá mŕtvota prestala byť braná pod úvahu. Máš mŕtvicu, alebo čokoľvek ti je, to sa neberie pod úvahu. To invalidné kreslo, na to sa nezvracia úvaha. Alebo ten malý chlapec, možno ochrnutý, čokoľvek to je (ja neviem), na to sa neberie ohľad. To vôbec nie je pod úvahou.

227 „Ale doktor povedal, - On sa z tohoto nikdy nedostane. - Doktor povedal. - Ona nikdy nepríde ... - To sa vôbec neberie pod úvahu.

228 „Dobre, pozri sa, ja som starý človek, som v strednom veku." Na to vôbec neberie ohľad.

229 A my sme deti Abrahámove (Haleluja!), nie ako bol Izák, ale jeho Kráľovské Semeno, skrze Ježiša Krista, skrze vieru, ktorú mal. V posledných dňoch vystupuje Abrahámove Semeno aby svietilo ako hviezdy. Abrahámove deti! „Nebral pod úvahu teraz svoje umŕtvené telo." Vôbec to ani nebral pod úvahu! O tom nebola vôbec žiadna pochybnosť, či to Boh urobí alebo nie. Boh povedal, že to urobí! Prečo? Bolo mu to zjavené. Je to tak?

230 Keď je ti to zjavené, keď je to skutočne ... niečo ... Ty nemôžeš spraviť aby sa to stalo, to ti musí byť zjavené. Potom vôbec na nič nezvraciaš úvahu: aké je to nemožné, neberieš ohľad na to, čo povedal doktor, neberieš ohľad na to, čo povedala mama, čo povedal otec, čo povedal kazateľ, čo ktokoľvek povedal. Berieš ohľad len na to, čo povedal Boh!

231 „On nehľadel na svoje už umŕtvené telo, ani na umŕtvené Sárine lono. Na to vôbec nebral ohľad. Ó, až sa z toho trasiem. Nehľadel na umŕtvené telo, ani na umŕtvenie života Sáry, na to vôbec nebral ohľad.

232 Žiadne okolnosti nebudú brané pod úvahu, keď viera nájde pripravenú pôdu! Keď zárodok od muža nájde vajíčko v žene a oboje je plodné, niečo sa stane. Haleluja! Doktor môže povedať: „Nebudete mať dieťa. Môžem dokázať, že gény vo vašom tele sú mŕtve a jej vajíčka nebudú plodné." Ale nech to plodné vajíčko, nech sa ten zárodok raz dostane ku tomu vajíčku, sledujte čo sa deje; ten malý chlapec alebo to malé dievča prichádza na scénu. Prečo? Viera našla svoju pôdu. Skutky začínajú fungovať, bunka za bunkou a zjavuje sa ten malý človiečik. Amen. Bože, buď nám milostivý. Ó, Bože aby sme boli drsnými kresťanmi, akými máme byť! Ak sme boli muži a ženy, mohli by sme zobrať Boha za Slovo. Nemôžete to urobiť až kým vám to nie je zjavené. (Musím sa ponáhľať.)

233 Všimnite si, svätá Božia viera bola spojená so svätými skutkami jeho proroka. Pamätajte, Božia svätá viera bola zjavená Abrahámovi. On ju prijal a od tade začal so svojimi svätými skutkami, tým že veril. Semeno zasľúbenia malo miesto aby mohlo rásť. Čo keby Abrahám povedal: „No, vieš, Sára, nakoniec, už je to dvadsať päť rokov odkedy mi Boh dal to zasľúbenie." Och! Keby sa niečo také stalo, vidíte. Ale nestalo sa. Boh vedel, že to sa nestane.

234 Čo keby panna Mária povedala: „Dobre, no, počkaj chvíľu! Panna počne? No, vylúčia ma z cirkvi ak pôjdem a poviem niečo také?" No, ona by takto myslela, keby nebola tou pripravenou pôdou.

235 Keď ten prorok povedal: „Panna počne," Tým to bolo vybavené.

236 Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." Ak tam leží tá pripravená pôda, keď tam padá to Slovo, ono sa chytí. Nič ho nemôže zastaviť.

237 No, rýchlo, už končíme. Vidíte? To Semeno malo miesto, kde sa mohlo ukryť. Boh to vedel, inak by nikdy nedal Abrahámovi to zasľúbenie. Dobre teraz počúvajte. Boh vedel kde pôjde to zasľúbenie; On nepovolal ani Abraháma, až keď mal sedemdesiat päť rokov, ale on bol od začiatku jeho predurčeným sluhom, ako aj Sára.

238 Všimnite si, pamätajte, on nemal Bibliu z ktorej by čítal. On to nemal tak ľahko ako my dnes, aby čítal Jeho Slovo a videl iných ktorí to prijali. Pamätajte, on to mal len skrze zjavenie, a to je to skutočné. Tak isto ako to bolo s Jozefom, v Genesis, tam nebola žiadna Biblia. Pamätajte, Mojžiš napísal Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus a Deuternomium. Nikto z týchto postáv tam nemal žiadnu Bibliu aby si z nej čítal, len po Mojžišovi. Je to tak? Oni nemali Bibliu, ako my aby nám pomohla keď krívame. To boli drsní muži, ktorí ... mali zjavenie od Boha a oni na tom stáli. Nič s nimi nepohlo. No, myslíte, že my môžeme mať ešte takú tvrdú vieru? Ak ti je to zjavené!

239 Prepáčte za výraz, alebo za svedectvo v tomto čase, práve pred zakončením. Pamätám sa na to tu hore v „Twin City", myslím, že brat Brown a oni tam boli so mnou; a ja som tedy preberal život Jozefa z Biblii. A čítal som tú Bibliu, tam bol človek proti ktorému nebolo nič! Abrahám, Izák, Jakob, a oni všetci, mali niečo, čo bolo proti nim, ale Jozef nie. Čo za človeka, dokonalý muž, dokonalý obraz Krista!

240 Keď som to čítal, rozplakal som sa, jedného dňa v hotely na izbe. A išiel som do tej malej miestnosti, kde som mal zavesené šaty, zatiahol som dvere a povedal som: „Bože, chcem ti poďakovať za muža, akým bol Jozef, za muža, ktorý raz žil na zemi, muž v tele ako ja, muž, ktorý ti dokázal veriť a prijať Tvoje Slovo." On bol nenávidený od svojich bratov. On si nemohol pomôcť, že bol duchovný. On videl videnia. On mohol vykladať sny. Oni všetci ho nenávideli za to. On si nemohol pomôcť, to bolo proste to, čím bol.

241 Vidíte? To nebolo proste pre iných. Oni ho mali milovať, ale namiesto toho ... Keď im on niekedy niečo povedal, čo bolo proti nim, „Ó" povedali „tu ide ten majster snov." Vidíte? A oni ho nenávideli bez príčiny.

242 Povedal som: „Prečo to robili?" A predsa sa ten muž vôbec nepohol, on stál rovno tam. Vidíte? Povedal som: „Ďakujem ti Pane. Ó Bože, ďakujem ti za takého človeka."

243 A práve vtedy mi Duch Svätý zjavil, povedal: „Ty budeš mať syna a dáš mu meno Jozef." Vstal som a poďakoval som Bohu.

244 Rebeka, sedí tam vzadu, narodila asi okolo ... vtedy mala asi rok. Narodila sa cisárskym rezom. V rodine mojej ženy je to bežné, pretože kosti sa im neuvoľňujú ako sa to má u ženy, sú pevné ako u muža a ona musela byť vybraná rezom z matky. A doktor mi povedal, povedal: „Brat Branham, už s touto ženou nemaj viacej dieťa." Povedal: „Jej lono je také tenké ako balónik." Povedal: „Radšej mi dovoľ podviazal tie vaječníky."

245 Povedal som: „Nie nedovolím, nemysli na to, Doc."

246 On povedal: „Dobre, nemala by mať už ďalšie dieťa." Povedal: „Zruinuješ ju, zomrie. Mali sme tam ťažké chvíle. Ledva cez to prešla."

247 A potom mi Pán povedal, že budem mať syna a jeho meno bude Jozef. Vôbec som z toho nebol vystrašený. Vy všetci ... mnohí z vás sa na to pamätáte.

248 Vyšiel som a oznamoval som: „Budem mať dieťa a bude sa nazývať Jozef." Koľkí sa na to pamätáte? Skutočne! Všade, po celej krajine, všade, hovoril som ľuďom: „Budem mať dieťa, bude sa nazývať Jozef."

249 Práve tak ako to bolo s tým malým chlapcom, ktorý bol vzbudený z mŕtvych vo Fínsku. Brat Jack tam bol, keď sa to stalo. Povedal som vám to, dva alebo tri roky predtým, ako sa to stalo: „Bude malý chlapec," ako bude oblečený, kde bude ležať. „Boh tak povedal."

250 „Ako sa to stane?"

251 „Ja neviem! Ale bolo mi to zjavené, že sa to stane!"

252 Bolo mi to zjavené: „Pôjdem do Arizony a stretnem tam sedem anjelov. A oni mi potom povedia, čo - Posolstvo, ktoré mám kázať." A to bolo sedem pečatí. To sa stalo! Koľkí sa pamätáte, že som to hovoril? Tie pásky a iné veci hovoria o tom. A to sa stalo! Časopisy, všetko ďalšie, spravili o tom snímky. To Svetlo tam vo vzduchu, oni to vôbec ešte nerozumejú. Tam to bolo.

253 Pamätám sa keď som volal bratovi Jackovi a pýtal som sa ohľadne toho, ako tam Kristus stál a brat Jack povedal: „To je vo svojom oslávenom stave." Vidíte? Mám rád brata Jacka. On je jeden z najlepších teológov akých poznám, ale nezdalo sa mi to správne.

254 Stál som tam, povedal som: „Pane ako je toto? Tu je mladý muž s vlasmi ako vlna."

255 A On povedal: „On má parochňu." Pozrite sa do tej knihy, povedal som to prv, ako sa to stalo. A v ten deň, keď sa to stalo, to odišlo hore. A keď obrátite nabok ten obrázok, ak máte časopis „Look" (Pozri) alebo „Life" (Život). Obráťte to nabok. Tam On je, tak dokonale, Hoffmanova Hlava Krista, díva sa rovno dole, tam kde som stál; tam je to v tom časopise! Koľkí ste to videli? Samozrejme, všetci ste to videli. Tam, díva sa rovno naspäť, dokázal presne, že to zjavenie je správne.

256 Prečo s parochňou? Prečo, starý anglický sudcovia, židovský sudcovia, zvykli nosiť parochňu, v Anglicku to ešte nosia; keď ... To je najvyššia autorita, on má parochňu. A to ukázalo Jeho, ako tam stojí v parochni z krídel anjelov, On je Alfa a Omega. On je Najvyšší Sudca a nieto iného okrem Neho. Treba Ho vidieť ako Alfu a Omegu. A tam On bol mladý človek, neveľa nad tridsať rokov, má bielu parochňu. Ukazuje, že On je najvyšší, Boh, „Otec odovzdal všetok súd do rúk Synovi." Haleluja! To zjavenie nie je nikdy falošné! Hovor ho v každom prípade, nezáleží na tom ako to zneje, choď rovno so Slovom.

257 Pamätáte sa, po štyroch rokoch, moja žena, vedeli sme, že budeme mať dieťa. Každý hovoril: „Či to bude Jozef?"

258 Povedal som: „Možno, neviem, ale budem mať Jozefa."

259 Keď sa to dieťa narodilo, bola to Sárah. Potom mi zatelefonoval jeden človek a vysmial sa mi do tváre, povedal: „Hej, vieš čo? Chcel si povedať Jozefína!" Ten človek zomrel. Ten človek zomrel.

260 Povedal som: „Vážený pane, Boh mi povedal, že budem mať syna a že mu dám meno Jozef!"

261 Boli tam traja ľudia, ktorí opustili nejakú denomináciu a prišli do nášho zboru a počuli ma, ako som to hovoril. Keď sa Sárah narodila oni povedali: „Aha, on je falošný prorok."

262 Povedal som: „Počkaj chvíľu, pani, ja som nikdy nepovedal kedy, ani Boh nepovedal kedy. On mi povedal, že budem mať ... On povedal Abrahámovi, že budú mať Izáka, ale Izmael sa narodil medzi tým, a to neznevážilo to, čo bolo povedané." Povedal som: „Boh povedal, že budem mať tohoto chlapca a dáme mu meno Jozef."

263 Doktor povedal, keď prišiel: „Reverend, teraz zaviažem tie vaječníky."

264 Povedal som: „Nerob to!"

265 On povedal: „Dobre, ty sa môžeš znovu oženiť a potom mať toho chlapca."

266 Povedal som: „Ja ho budem mať od nej! Boh tak povedal!" Nemohol som to prečítať z Biblie ale to bolo napísané na mojom srdci skrze zjavenie, skrze vieru; Boh tak povedal! Nezapochyboval o zasľúbení Božom v nevere.

Niektorí z nich povedali: „Chcel si povedať Jozefína."

Povedal som: „Chcel som povedať Jozef."

Doktor povedal: „Ona nemôže mať ďalšie dieťa."

Ja som povedal: „Ona bude mať ďalšie dieťa."

267 Prešli štyri roky, nakoniec ona znovu mala byť matkou.

268 Potom nejaká žena, (rozoslala falošné proroctvo po celej krajine) písala slová, povedal: „Teraz Méda zomrie, v čase tohoto, pretože ja som bola poslaná aby som viedla Billyho." A bolo tam povedané, že „On ma nechce počúvať, pretože som žena ale Boh ho zaženie do úzkych, tým že zabije jeho ženu."

269 Povedal som: „Boh poslal Ježiša Krista, aby ma viedol." Vidíte? A povedal som: „Ja som vedený Duchom."

270 Chudáčik Méda. Mali sme zdravotnú sestru, ktorá bola uzdravená na zhromaždeniach, všetci o tom viete, pani Morganová, jedna zo zdravotných sestier z kliniky Mayo pri ťažších prípadoch ... No, ona je na zázname z pred dvadsiatych rokov ako „mŕtva" na rakovinu, na zhubný nádor, v Louisville, rovno v zázname Baptistickej nemocnici. Ona teraz pracuje ako sestra v nemocnici v Jeffersonville. Ona tam bola po všetky tie roky, pretože Boh povedal, že bude žiť.

271 A tak, Méda ju mala rada a povedala: „Chcela by som, aby Margie bola pri mne, Bill, necítim sa na to aby som išla do nemocnice."

272 Povedal som: „Nerob ... My máme radi Margie, ale Margie nie je náš Boh, Margie je naša sestra." A zobral som sa a išiel som do Green Mill. Jej stav ma veľmi trápil, pretože ju milujem a išiel som do Green Mill.

273 Opýtala sa: „Billy, myslíš že zomriem?"

274 Povedal som: „Neviem, ale to dieťa sa jednako narodí. Budeš mať Jozefa."

275 Povedala: „Toto je on?"

276 Povedal som: „Neviem drahá. Nemôžem to povedať, ale Boh povedal, že budeme mať Jozefa a my budeme mať Jozefa. Nestarám sa o to čo ktokoľvek hovorí, budeme mať Jozefa. Potom ten istý Boh, ktorý mi povedal všetky tieto zjavenia, mi povedal to, On nikdy nesklamal pri tých iných a On nesklame ani pri tomto."

277 Odišiel som sa modliť do Mill. A vošiel som tam, videl som to Svetlo ako visí medzi dvoma stromami, povedal: „Vráť sa do svojej práci a ku svojej knihe." Išiel som naspäť do tohoto ...

278 Biblia bola ... ležala v mojom aute. A keď som sa vrátil, vietor prevrátil strany do miesta, kde Nátan bol poslaný ku Dávidovi; povedal: „Choď a povedz môjmu služobníkovi Dávidovi; vzal som ho od oviec, od pasenia tých niekoľkých oviec jeho otca a spravil som mu veľké meno ako veľkého muža." (nie najväčšie meno, ale ako veľkého muža; neurobil som ho Billy Grahamom, ale ... dal som mu meno, viete) Povedal: „Dobre ja som toto vykonal ale nemôžem ho nechať aby staval chrám, ale jeho syn ..." A akonáhle som to tam prečítal „Jeho syn," ó, tu to bolo.

279 Povedal som: „Jozef?" To je ono.

280 Hneď som išiel domov. A ten maličký, taký veľký, že ona sotva mohla chodiť, bola vonku na dvore. Bežal som objal som ju a povedal som: „Drahá! Jozef prichádza, Jozef je na ceste."

281 Každý vie, že pri cisárskom reze nemôžete nechať aby sa to dieťa znížilo dole. Ten večer sa to dieťa znížilo. [Prázdne miesto na páske.] prelomilo, všetko ďalšie.

282 Na druhý deň ráno o siedmej sme išli do nemocnice, doktor povedal: „Ó, pre zmilovanie Božie."

283 Pobozkal som ju na rozlúčku, povedal som: „Drahá, nebude to dlho trvať a Jozef tu bude." Vyšla po schodoch a išla takto na operačný stôl.

284 Za niekoľko minút prišla sestrička a povedala: „Reverend Branham?"

285 Povedal som: „Tu som, pani."

286 Povedala: „Máte pekného chlapca, váži sedem libier, tri unce (3260 g).

287 Povedal som: „Jozef, synu, vitaj." Tak veru! Prečo? Prečo? Čo to bolo? To nebolo napísané v Biblii, že to sa stane, ale ten istý Boh Biblii, ktorý to zjavil Abrahámovi, nebrali sme ohľad na umŕtvenie jej lona, na nemožnosť toho. Nepochybujete v zasľúbenie Božie v nevere, ale dáte chválu Bohu, vediac, že to sa musí stať! Nestarám sa o to čo hovorí doktor, všetko možné príde do cesty, ale tomu neverte, to je diablove klamstvo. Tak veru, skutočne. Viera ide ďalej, spolu so skutkami, stvoriť zasľúbenie. (Ponáhľajme sa)

288 Presne tak ako je to povedané: „Smilnica Rachab," Jakob povedal, „bola ospravedlnená zo skutkov." Ale prečo? Jej viera!

289 Ona povedala: „Počujem, že Boh je s vami." Ona nechcela vidieť ako sa Jozue češe, alebo ako sa oblieka. Ona povedala: „Vidím, že Boh je s vami." To bolo všetko čo potrebovala; ona sa pripravila.

290 Tak ako dnes skutočné videnie, (za chvíľu už končím) dnes skutočné videnia od Boha, to je zasľúbené Slovo na tento deň. Poviete: „Tieto videnia, brat Branham, kde to berieš?" Ľudia sa na tom potkýnajú. Či nie je povedané v Skutkoch 2/17 „Stane sa v posledných dňoch, že vaši mládenci budú vídať videnia, vaši starci budú mať sny?" Či to nie je tak? To je to, čo hovorí Biblia.

291 Dobre, no ak je to tak, pozrime sa tiež do Malachiáša do 4. kapitoly a zistime či to nie je dnes zasľúbené. Ako môžete mať v to vieru? Biblia tak povedala!

292 No, zoberme Lukáša 17/30 a prečítajme to. Ježiš povedal: „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Presne ako bolo v čase Sodomy. No, pozrite sa dnes na pozíciu sveta: Sodomiti. Pozrite sa na Billiho Grahama a Orala Robertsa, na tých dvoch svedkov, tam ktorí svedčia tým denominačným cirkvám. Jeden metodistom, baptistom a presbyteriánom; ten druhý letničným. Tento, ten a ten ďalší.

293 Ale Pamätajte, Abrahám nebol v Sodome, on už bol vyvolaný. A tam bol Niekto, kto tam stál a rozprával sa s ním! A Ten, ktorý tam stál a rozprával sa s ním mu ukázal znak. Obrátený chrbtom povedal, že Sára bude mať dieťa, na ktoré on čakal. Amen. Obrátený chrbtom. A on Ho nazval Boh, Elohim.

294 No, to sa vyplňuje dnes, pretože máme vieru. A ja viem, že je to od Boha, pretože toto a iné miesta Písma ukazujú na túto hodinu. Zjavenie 10, hovorí, že v čase posolstva siedmeho anjela, keď začne vyhlasovať svoje pososlstvo, nie pri službe uzdravovania, ale v čase toho posolstva, ktoré nasleduje za tou službou uzdravovania.

295 Ježiš vystúpil a kázal; hovorili: „Uzdravoval chorých a všetko. Ó, ten mladý rabbi, ten prorok, On je veľký človek. Chceme Ho v našom zbore."

296 Ale jedného dňa sa postavil a povedal: „Ja a môj Otec sme jedno." O joj. Už Ho potom viacej nechceli. Tak veru!

297 „Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho krv!" On to nevysvetlil. Povedal: „Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho krv, nemáte v sebe života."

298 Prečo, predstavujem si ako tí doktori a zdravotné sestry povedali: „Tento človek je upír, chce nás nahovoriť aby sme pili jeho krv." Vidíte? Oni tomu nerozumeli. On to vedel.

299 Ale tí učeníci, oni to možno neboli schopní vysvetliť, ale oni tam zostali a jednako tomu verili. Amen. Lebo im to bolo zjavené. Tak veru. Oni to vedeli, Písma o tom hovorili.

300 Potom by ste sa ma mohli opýtať, mohli by ste povedať toto: „Prečo máš vieru, že veríš týmto videniam, keď vystupuje tak veľa falošných napodobenín?"

301 Chcem teraz hovoriť trochu niečo silné, len na chvíľu. Keď je okolo tak veľa falošných napodobenín, pamätaj, môj brat, o nich je tiež povedané, že tu budú v tomto istom čase. Presne tak, práve ako to bolo v časoch Mojžiša. Mojžiš išiel aby konal skutky Božie pred ľuďmi a tam stáli Jambres a Jannes. Ale kto bol prvý, ktorý to robil? Potom títo ostatní boli napodobovatelia, pretože oni prv museli vidieť originál, aby ho napodobovali. Keby oni boli originál ... (oj). Nie, nie sme - nie sme stratení, vieme kde stojíme. Vidíte? Vidíte, podľa Písma a podľa zjavenia Božieho, preto stále stojíte.

302 „Aha, tento muž, on vída videnia a tak ďalej. On robí toto a behá so ženou tohoto muža. On verí v troch bohov a všetky tieto veci." To ani trochu tým nezatrasie. A tu je jedna vec, ktorú nemôžu napodobniť; Slovo. Všimnite si. Oni môžu mať všetky tieto veci, môžu hovoriť v jazykoch, môžu vykrikovať, tancovať v Duchu a stále byť diablami (och). Je to tak. Je to tak. Ale toto Slovo ich meria. Vidíte? To je presne tak. Ono je to ku čomu to prichádza. Ako Mojžiš a Jambres ...

A pamätajte, On povedal: „Ako Jambres a Jannes sa postavili proti Mojžišovi, v posledných dňoch títo napodobovatelia povstanú znovu na zemi." Či to On povedal? (Zhromaždenie odpovedá „Amen") Tak ich máme.

303 Ale to Mojžišom nezachvelo. Keď sa Mojžiš otočil a urobil zázrak v mene Pánovom a tu stáli títo napodobovatelia, urobili to isté. To ho nezastavilo, nepovedal: „No, hádam by bolo lepšie prestať a odísť z poľa." On zostal rovno tam. Prečo? Jemu to bolo zjavené. Haleluja! On to vedel skrze Slovo Božie. On vedel, že to Slovo si s nimi nakoniec poradí. On vedel, že príde čas, keď Slovo samo sa zamanifestuje a oni nebudú môcť ísť ďalej.

304 Aj ja som toto vedel po všetky tie roky. Vidíte? Je to tak, že príde ten čas. Keď Boh posiela nejaký zázrak, skutočný zázrak, vtedy stále nastáva zmena v celom systéme. Ak Boh posiela niečo do cirkvi a ten starý systém sa nezmenil, On to poslal zbytočne. Keď vystupuje nejaké posolstvo v znameniach a zázrakoch, za tým nasleduje Posolstvo. Keď Ježiš vystúpil a uzdravoval chorých, potom prišlo Jeho Posolstvo, „Ja a môj Otec sme jedno. Ja som On." Vidíte? Vidíte, oni tomu neverili. Oni verili jeho zázrakom. Povedal: „Ak nemôžete veriť Mne, verte tým zázrakom, lebo oni vám svedčia kto som." Ó, Sláva! Kto bol prvý? Mojžiš! Potom ho oni napodobovali. Ale tie veľké pravdy stále zostávajú také isté medzi tým pravým a falošným, oni nemôžu prijať posolstvo! Oni nemôžu prijať posolstvo, to neskazené, zo Slova Božieho.

305 Nestarám sa, Judáš mohol robiť všetky rôzne znamenia a zázraky; ale, keď prišiel aby prijal Ducha Svätého v deň letníc, ukázal svoje farby. Ten diabol môže ísť rovno hore a napodobňovať presne tú skutočnú vec, až príde ku tomuto Slovu, ale on nemôže zobrať celé to Slovo. On to môže priniesť všetko, možno až na jedno Slovo, ako to urobila Eva, ako to diabol urobil Eve, ale on nemôže prejsť cez to všetko. Pretože jedine ... To celé je Telo Kristovo. Vidíte, Slovo teraz ... Ani nemôže ... Oni nemohli, nemôžu zobrať to posolstvo teraz, ani Jambres a Jannes nemohli zobrať Mojžišove posolstvo. Oni to nemohli urobiť. Ich skutky napodobňovania vyšli najavo, pretože neboli schopní nasledovať Božie Slovo potvrdené skrze Jeho pomazaného proroka. Vidíte?

306 Oni nemohli nasledovať Izrael von. Prečo? Oni boli denominační, egyptské nemluvňatá! Oni nemohli nasledovať to Slovo. Keby ho nasledovali, museli by opustiť Egypt. Zaprieť všetko, čo bolo pre nich dobré a to oni nemohli. Hoci mohli napodobňovať to Slovo a robiť to, čo Mojžiš, ale ich nerozum sa ukázal, keď prišiel čas odísť. Potom to Boh skutočne na nich vylial.

307 Tak isto je to teraz! Oni môžu robiť všetky rôzne falošné napodobeniny a všetko, to nerobí nič iné, iba zveličuje tú pravú vec. A každé veriace dieťa vie, že to je pravda. Tu to potom jasne vidíte, tie ich nerozumné skutky napodobňovania. Ak sú vaše skutky podľa pravého Slova a ním potvrdené, skrze vašu vieru, to sa ukáže; a potvrdené zasľúbením Božím, ktoré je v jeho originálnom napísanom Slove.

308 Ježiš povedal: „Ak nečiním skutky ..." (Dobre počúvajte.) „Ak nečiním skutky ..." (Dovoľte že toto pridám ku tomu.) „To je, ak nečiním skutky, o ktorých vám Písmo hovorí, že ich budem činiť, potom ... že ich budem činiť v mojich dňoch, keď prídem, to čo Mesiáš má robiť, keď príde. Ak tie skutky, ktoré robím, ak Boh nepotvrdzuje to Slovo, o ktorom povedal, že sa stane, ak Môj život neoživuje to Slovo presne tak, ako ono hovorí, že sa to bude diať ..." Neprehliadnite toto! Ježiš hovorí: „Vy viete čo Mesiáš má robiť. Potom, ak to napísané Slovo, ak sa ono nemanifestuje skrze Mňa, potom nie som Ním" (Amen!) „Potom ten deň, o ktorom hovorím, nie je tým dňom, potom to, čo Ján o Mne povedal, nebola pravda. A potom, ak Ja nie som ten Mesiáš, ak tieto skutky, ktoré Mesiáš mal robiť. On má byť - Pán váš Boh vám vzbudí proroka ako som ja - a vy ste nemali proroka stovky rokov. A ak tie skutky, ktoré Ja činím, ktoré Boh zasľúbil, ak oni neprejavili v Mojom terajšom živote, potom nie som On. Ale ak zasľúbené Slovo na tento čas sa vo Mne potvrdilo, potom Ja som On a to zasľúbenie prichádza ku vám." (Ó, či nevidíte, ako by to mohlo byť jasnejšie!) „Ak to zasľúbenie nie je ..." Ó!

309 „Potom ak zasľúbenie tohoto dňa sa dokázalo v Mojej službe," povedal Ježiš, „potom Ja som On. Tak ak nedokážete veriť kto som, potom sa pozrite na tie skutky, ktoré sú zasľúbené na tento deň." (Amen!) „Pozrite sa na skutky, ktoré sú zasľúbené. Ak sa tie skutky nevyplnili, každý jeden z nich vo Mne, potom mi neverte, pretože som vám to povedal zle. Ak nemôžete veriť Mne, pozrite sa čo povedala Biblia, že sa bude diať v tomto dni. Ak sa to nedeje, potom to nie je pravda. Ak tu nie sú tie falošné veci, a všetky tie ďalšie veci a veci, ktoré sa mali diať; ak to tu nie je, potom sa mýlim. Ale ak to tak je," Povedal Ježiš, „potom Ja som On." (Amen!) „Ja som ten, ktorý bol zasľúbený, že príde." Ó, práve tie skutky, ktoré boli zasľúbené na Jeho deň, potvrdili, že On je ten Mesiáš. Či neveríte tomu?

310 Tak teraz, brat, ak ten skutok z Lukáša 17. kapitola a 30. verš, zasľúbenie Ježiša Krista, tesne pred Jeho príchodom, že svet sa obráti naspäť do stavu Sodomy a vyjdú tí poslovia a veci sa odohrajú presne tak; ak sa toto nedeje, potom mi neverte, že som vám povedal pravdu. Ale ak sa toto deje, potom verte, že to je On, „V tom dni sa zjavi Syn človeka." Amen! Syn človeka sa zjavi v tele z mäsa, vy ľudia cirkev, presne tak ako to bolo pred dňami Sodomy, vyvolanej skupine zo všetkých z nich, ktorí sedeli vonku, verili v zasľúbenie Božie. Sláva!

311 Potom skutky, ktoré Duch Svätý robí dnes, skrze tieto videnia, ktoré nikdy nesklamali, zasľúbenia nikdy nesklamali, všetky apoštolské znamenia zasľúbené v Biblii, v Malachiášovi 4 a ó, Zjavenie 10/7, všetko to sa vyplnilo a je to vedecky potvrdené a každým iným spôsobom. A ak som vám nepovedal pravdu, tieto veci by sa neboli stali. Ale ak som vám povedal pravdu, oni nesú svedectvo, že som vám povedal pravdu. On je stále ten istý, včera, dnes a neveky a manifestácia Jeho Ducha zaberá nevestu. Nech tá viera (zjavenie) padne do vášho srdca, že „Toto je tá hodina."

Modlime sa teraz:

312 Drahý Bože, ktorý si bol zamanifestovaný v tele, v osobe Ježiša Krista, ktorý vstal z mŕtvych, tretieho dňa, podľa Písem a vystúpil na Vysokosti a vyslal učeníkov, aby činili učeníkov po celom svete a povedal: „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria."

313 Bože, daj tej dnešnej letničnej cirkvi, ktorá reprezentuje navrátenie darov; Pane, nech tí ľudia, možno niektorí z nich sú tu prítomní, niektorí z nich počúvajú túto pásku po svete, nech si môžu uvedomiť, že toto je vyvolanie nevesty, nie letničné posolstvo. Letničné posolstvo bolo navrátenie darov naspäť do cirkvi. Ale toto je vyvolanie nevesty, ďalšie posolstvo, ktoré malo prísť tesne predtým, ako má byť spálená Sodoma. Daj im to porozumieť, drahý Bože. Mám vieru, verím tomu, pretože to je zjavené skrze Tvojho Ducha cez Slovo Božie a bolo to potvrdené a zamanifestovalo sa to celému svetu. Samozrejme, Pane, v menšine, s tvojou skupinou je to stále tak. Ale Ty si povedal: „Neboj sa malé stádečko, zaľúbilo sa vášmu Otcovi dať vám kráľovstvo."

314 A tak sa modlím, Bože, aby ľudia odvrátili svoj pohľad od svojho intelektu, aby odvrátili svoj pohľad od toho, čo si môžu myslieť, že je správne a pozreli sa do Písma. A minulý večer bolo povedané, nech ľudia tu myslia tak, ako tá kráľovná vo dňoch veľkého zničenia Babylonu, ona povedala: „Je medzi vami človek menom Daniel, ktorý bol v kráľovstve tvojho otca. V kráľovstve toho letničného otca a On rozväzuje všetky pochybnosti."

315 A teraz, Pane, nech Duch Svätý, ktorý bol v letničnom kráľovstve, v kráľovstve za dní Martina Luthera, Johna Wesleya a tak ďalej Johna Smitha a Alexandra Campbella a cez všetky tie veky. On rozväzuje, On rozviazal tie myšlienky. A ľudia vo dňoch Luthera, ten muž hlásal: „Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." V čase metodistov, On rozviazal všetky pochybnosti, že „Oni majú - oni majú byť posvätení." A vo dňoch letničných, oni hovorili v jazykoch, manifestoval Ducha skrze Božské uzdravovanie a tak ďalej, To rozviazalo všetky pochybnosti v srdciach letničných. Ale, ó Bože, oni sa stali denomináciou. Oni odišli rovno naspäť a prijali ľudské predstavy. A tak teraz, keď je vyvolaná Nevesta, ako si to zasľúbil tu v Písme, ktoré sa číta pred svetom, večer za večerom a pozorujeme to vlastnými očami. Bože, nech To rozviaže všetky pochybnosti v srdciach ľudí. Nech rýchle utekajú ku otvorenému Synovi, aby dozreli, aby boli zobratí do sýpky a neboli zanechaní na steble a spálení, ale aby dnes mohli ísť do sýpky. V mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Ďakujem za vašu pozornosť. Nech Boh pracuje na vašich srdciach.

316 A teraz, rozdali sme modlitebné lístky. Zoberieme teraz okolo dvadsať minút a budeme sa modliť za chorých. Chceme, aby sa tu rýchlo postavili do radu a prichádzali na pódium a budeme sa za nich modliť. A teraz, neviem koľko lístkov bolo rozdaných. Ani som sa nepýtal Billyho. Len som povedal: „Rozdali ste ... Choď a rozdaj niekoľko modlitebných lístkov." A on sa vrátil pred chvíľou, zobral svoju matku, mňa a ich.

317 /Brat Branham hovorí s Billy Paulom ohľadne modlitebných lístkou./

318 Dobre, zoberme modlitebný lístok číslo jedna. Kto ho má nech zodvihne ruku, aby som mohol vidieť. Ak nemáte ... ak sa môžete postaviť ... ak nie, pomôžeme vám. Modlitebný lístok číslo jedna, rýchlo. Kto ho má? Čo hovoríš? A-1. (prepáčte) A, číslo ... Táto pani tu, máte ten lístok? Poďte hneď sem, môžete pani? A-2. Máte ho niekto? Zodvihnite rýchlo ruku. Rovno tu, pani, poď. Číslo tri. Máte lístok? Ty máš lístok? Vy všetci ... Nemáte žiadne lístky? V tomto ... Dobre, nemusíte ich mať. Tri, štyri, päť. A, jedna, dva, tri, štyri, päť. Pozrime sa, tu sú jedna, dva, tri, štyri, päť. A ... Dobre, tu sú ... Päť, šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať. Dobre, stavajte sa do radu, začnite vychádzať do radu.

319 No, ak nemôžete prísť, zamávajte takto rukou, aby vám pomohli. Pýtal som sa týchto ľudí tu, oni nemajú lístky ... Nemusia ich mať, ja som sa len pýtal. No pozrite sa, vy chromí ľudia tu, myslím že ste museli prísť skorej, pretože vy len ... Povedal som mu „skorej". No, nemusíte mať modlitebné lístky, ak máte takú vieru, o akej som učil. Vidíte? Ak je vám to zjavené, v poriadku. Ak to nie je zjavené, nezáleží na tom, keby ste sa aj desať krát prešli cez rad, to by nič nepomohlo. Viete to? Veríte tomu? Vidíte? Ja by som sa mohol modliť, robil by som všetko, čo by som len mohol, kľakal na kolená, kládol na vás ruky, pomazával vás olejom, čokoľvek by ste chceli a modlil sa ... Až keď to Boh, z milosti zjavi vo vašom srdci, že je s tým koniec, vtedy je to vybavené. Vy ani nemusíte byť v rade ani nikde, aj tak je s tým koniec.

320 Dobre, štyri ... jedna, dva, tri, štyri, päť, šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať, jedenásť, dvanásť, trinásť, štrnásť, pätnásť. Dobre, šestnásť, sedemnásť, osemnásť, devätnásť, dvadsať. Je niekto, ktorých som zavolal, kto má modlitebnú kartu a nemôže vstať? Zodvihnite ruku, ktorí máte kartu a nemôžete vstať. Dobre.

... len ver,

Môžem vidieť biednu, malú Annu Jean ako sedí a hrá to niekedy skoro celú noc. Chcem, aby ste sa tu všetci utíšili a boli úctiví.

... len ver,

A teraz, mylím že to boli modlitebné lístky od jedna do pätnásť.

... len ver,

Začínajú tu vytvárať malý zástup, tak začnime. Čo hovoríš?

... všetko je možné ...

Jedna, dva, tri, štyri, päť, šesť, sedem, osem, deväť, desať.

321 Začína vás tu byť príliš veľa, to je viac ako sme zavolali. To je v poriadku. Stojte potichu, tam kde ste. Nech nikto ... Len ... budeme sa za vás modliť, ale len ... Rozumiete? Len čakajte kým nezavoláme vaše číslo a potom, viete, nemôže vás tu stáť príliš veľa. Ak Pán niečo urobí, zacloníte ľuďom výhľad a nebudú to môcť vidieť, viete. Nech vás Boh žehná.

Pomodlime sa teraz za tieto vreckovky, kým sa oni pripravujú:

322 Drahý Bože, tu ležia vreckovky, ktoré pochádzajú od chorých a postihnutých ľudí. Táto viera, o ktorej sme práve hovorili, Pane; Pamätám sa, Ty si povedal, v Biblii v knihe Júdu, „Horlivo zápaste za vieru, raz ta danú svätým." A z tela svätých brali vreckovky, nie preto, že oni boli zvláštnymi ľuďmi, ale pretože boli veriacimi ľuďmi. To boli ľudia ako my: Oni povedali, „Eliáš bol taký a modlil sa horlivo aby nepršalo." A Bože, modlil sa, aby ľudia činili pokánie. Ty si mu to zjavil, aby sa za nich modlil, aby sa modlil za tým účelom, aby vyplnil Tvoje Slovo. Ty si určite ukázal tomu prorokovi videnie. A Pane, dnes večer sa ja modlím za týchto ľudí aby boli uzdravení. Ja nie som Eliáš, on bol zobraný do neba, ale jeho život a Duch stále ďalej žije. Tak sa modlíme, drahý Bože, aby si uctil modlitby tvojich ľudí. A ucti nás všetkých teraz, keď sa modlíme za tieto vreckovky, že keď budú položené na tých chorých, budú uzdravení.

323 Uvedomujeme si Otče, že sme zomierajúcou generáciou ľudí. Ideme ... pred nami je Večnosť. Svet sa zbláznil. Vraždy; malé dievčatá boli posekané na kusy a znásilnené. Ľudia, muži nosia vlasy ako ženy, ženy ako muži, sú proste prevrátení. Rasa zomiera. Svet zomiera. Všetko zomiera. Cirkev zomiera.

324 Ó Bože, prines Život. Prines Život, ó Bože, Život viery. Zjav týmto ľuďom, Pane. Ja sa môžem len modliť a klásť na nich ruky. Ale Ty si ten, ktorý ich môžeš uzdraviť a Ty jediný ich môžeš uzdraviť. Prosím, aby si to urobil, Otče, každému jednému z nich. Udeľ to, s položenými rukami na nich a prosím z celého môjho srdca; v mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav týchto ľudí. Amen.

325 Brat, je tento mikrofón zapnutý? Môžete ma počuť? Každý počuje? Zodvihnite ruky. No, nejako, moje srdce ... jeden z týchto ľudí tu, sedí tu v tomto kresle, na lôžkach a nosidlách ... oni ani nemajú modlitebný lístok. Vidíte? Ale počúvaj brat, vidíš, títo ľudia majú modlitebné lístky, ale to neznamená, že budú uzdravení. Sú ľudia, ktorí sedia tam v publiku, možno ... To neznamená, že budú uzdravení. To neznamená, či budú alebo nebudú uzdravení. To všetko záleží na ich viere v Boha. Koľkí viete, že je to pravda? Je to tak, len na vašej viere v Boha. No, koľkí viete, že je to pravda? Nezáleží na tom akí ste nábožní, akí ste dobrí alebo zlí, dokiaľ to milosť Božia neprinesie do vášho srdca, nikdy nebudete uzdravení. No, koľkí viete, že Boh to urobil a stále robí, veľké divy, znamenia a zázraky? A teraz, vy prichádzate dnes, stojíte v tomto rade, nie preto, že ste boli vybraní od Boha aby ste stáli v tomto rade, to nie je to; proste máte modlitebný lístok, proste sa stalo, že ... [Prázdne miesto na páske.]

326 Presne tak, ako tu môj ctihodný brat Gerholtzer, začal svoju službu pred mnohými rokmi ... [prázdne miesto na páske.] s vierou v Boha, veriac Bohu, veriac, že Boh uzdravoval chorých skrze vieru. A to sa nikdy nezmenilo, ale Boh pridal v týchto posledných dňoch, dary, dary ktoré On zasľúbil. Boh to urobil pretože ... nie pretože musel, ale preto, že to zasľúbil. A keď to zasľúbil, potom to musel urobiť; pretože On musí dodržať svoje Slovo.

327 A on vám zasľúbil to isté, to je, „Ak môžete veriť, že to sa stane." Ak tomu nemôžete veriť, to sa proste nestane. No, ja nemôžem spraviť, aby ste tomu verili, ani vy sami sa nemôžete priviesť do viery. To vám musí dať Boh. To je dar Boží, veriť. Nie vaša viera, Božia viera. Vaša intelektuálna viera to môže pekne veriť, ale až vtedy, keď dole v tvojom srdci je viera Božia ... Vidíte, vaša intelektuálna viera to môže akceptovať, robte to a len stále tomu verte celým svojím srdcom, až kým vám to Boh nezjaví. Rozumiete? Stále tomu verte, až kým to Boh nezjaví. Ale až keď to Boh zjaví ...

328 Poviete: Brat Branham, čo by si tam povedal?"

329 „Tak veru!" Boh poslal proroka ku Ezechiášovi a povedal mu: „Nevstaneš z tej posteli, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Zomrieš na nej." Je to tak?

330 Ale ten prorok sa obrátil ... či vlastne ten kráľ obrátil svoju tvár ku stene a horko plakal v slzách, a povedal: „Pane, potrebujem ešte pätnásť rokov. Úpenlivo prosím, Pane aby si ma vypočul." No, ten kráľ bol najväčším človekom vo svete, v politike; ale prorok bol v Božích očiach. To bol Boží kráľ; ale to bol Boží prorok. Tak, Boh zjavil prorokovi, aby zobral trochu ... uvaril trochu ... [Prázdne miesto na páske.] Viete? Rozumiete?

331 No, aby ste to teraz mohli porozumieť, pretože som vám tu kázal Písmo: „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Vo dňoch keď sa zjavi cirkev? Nie! „Vo dňoch, keď sa zjavi Syn človeka." Čo to znamená, že sa zjavi? Že sa dá poznať! Je to tak? Zjavi sa! Dni v ktorých sa zjavi Syn človeka, to bude deň ako v čase Sodomy a Gomory. Je to tak?

332 No, pozrite sa čo sa stalo. Oni tam dole v Sodome a Gomore mali dvoch hlavných poslov, pretože tam dole, to bola skupina vlažných kresťanov. Je to tak? A oni mali dvoch hlavných poslov (Dobre teraz počúvajte.) dole v Sodome a Gomore, ktorí tam kázali. Ale jeden z nich zostal tu vonku s Abrahámovou skupinou. Je to tak?

333 Pozrite sa! Nikdy sme nemali, v celej histórii cirkvi, nikdy sme nemali univerzálneho posla pre cirkev, ktorého meno by končilo na h-a-m, až teraz: G-r-a-h-a-m, to je šesť písmen, G-r-a-h-a-m. Ale Abrahámove meno sa hláskuje: A-b-r-a-h-a-m, sedem písmen. Vidíte? Tak univerzálna cirkev, ona má číslo človeka (šesť, ľudská organizácia), jednako dostali svojho posla. Oni mali Sankeya, Moodyho, Fineya, Knoxa, Kalvína a tak ďalej, ale nikdy žiadne „h-a-m" Je to tak? Ale oni ho dostali, a on je posol, poslaný od Boha a on udiera na tie múry ako len vládze: „Vyjdite z tade! Čiňte pokánie lebo zahyniete!"

334 Ale pamätajte, vyvolení, predurčení, predom ustanovení zmluvou, Abrahám a jeho skupina mali tiež posla. Ó. Sledujte čo On urobil. On im dal znak, že je blízko čas, keď spadne oheň. No, to je oheň na ktorý teraz očakávame, atómový oheň, Boží hnev.

335 No, ten Posol niečo urobil. On hovoril o žene, ku ktorej bol obrátený chrbtom a povedal jej, že pochybovala o tom, čo On hovorí, povedal jej v akom je stave a čo sa stane. Je to tak? Či On nepovedal, že Syn človeka sa zjavi takým istým spôsobom v tom dni? No, veríte že je to pravda?

Dobre, tu stojí nejaká žena, ...

336 A v neviditeľnom spojení cirkvi, Nevesty s Kristom, ten Posol je tu teraz, ktorým je Ježiš Kristus, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

337 No, On hovorí jedine cez svojich prorokov. Biblia tak povedala! „On nečiní nič, čo by prv neoznámil svojim sluhom prorokom," Ámos 3:7. On to stále tak robil. On nikdy nezmenil svoj spôsob. Vidíte? A prorok, ak je pravý, môže hovoriť len to, čo mu Boh povie. Je to tak? To je pravda.

338 No, veríte, že by mi On mohol povedať čo je s touto ženou, prv ako sa vôbec na ňu pozriem? Veríte tomu? No tak, ona má rakovinu. Je to tak. Je to na jej prsiach. Ona teraz myslí na chlapca, ktorý trpí na určitý psychický stav, nervový stav a komplikácie. Je to tak. Veríte tomu? A to je pravda, či nie? Veríš teraz, že tvoja viera, tým že to bolo povedané, sa chytila toho, že sa z toho dostaneš, že to budeš mať? Potom choď a Pán Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví. Vidíš? Vidíš? Veríš? Z celého svojho srdca?

339 No, veríte, že bez toho aby som sa pozrel na túto ženu, že Pán Ježiš Kristus mi môže povedať čo je jej? Koľkí tomu veria? No, vy viete ... a ja som ju ani nikdy nevidel ... jediné, videl som len sukňu. Neviem, nemohol by som povedať či to bol muž alebo žena; ale len tu stojí. Chcem aby verila. Veríš pani? Tu, tá pacientka, veríš? Zodvihni ruku ak veríš. Ak veríš z celého svojho srdca, môžeš mať to dieťa, za ktoré prosíš Boha. Veríš? Máš vieru v Boha? No, to neuzdravuje, to len identifikuje. To sú skutky, ktoré identifikujú vieru v prítomnosť Božiu, v Jeho zamanifestované Slovo.

340 Táto žena očakáva tiež na veľkú vec. To nie je dieťa, ale ona očakáva na krst Duchom Svätým. Poviem ti, čo máš robiť. Ak sa zbavíš tých cigariet, Boh ti dá krst Duchom Svätým. Choď, ver tomu. Veríš? Máš vieru v Boha?

341 Tento muž, ktorý tu stojí, je muž, ktorého som nikdy v živote nevidel. Nepoznám ho, ale trpí na niečo čo v jeho hrudi nie je v poriadku. Spadol a tým sa mu to stalo, nedávno. Nie je odtiaľto, prišiel z Arkansasu. On je kazateľ. Choď domov a káž evanjelium. Nikdy som nevidel tvár toho človeka.

342 Stojí tu žena, nepoznám tú ženu, nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Boh ju pozná.

343 Ak On môže zjaviť aký je jej problém, alebo niečo o tom, budete veriť? Všetci? Toto je len skutok, ktorý identifikuje vieru, ktorú musím kázať, to o čom som vám dnes večer hovoril. To je to čo Boh zjavil a toto sú skutky, ktoré to potvrdzujú. No, musíte mať vieru aby ste boli uzdravení.

344 Táto žena tu, myslím, že ju nepoznám. Áno, nepoznám ju ale poznám niekoho koho ona pozná, pretože ho tu vidím stáť predo mnou. On a trpí na bolesti hlavy. Je to pravda, pani? Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Sestra Pearryho Greena. Je to tak, a nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Je to tak. Videl som tu stáť Pearry Greena, ako sa na mňa takto díva. Je to tak. Neviem kde je Pearry Green. Veríš? Koľkí veríte. Ak veríte, všetko je možné. Ak nemôžete veriť, nič sa nemôže stať.

345 Tá malá pani so šedivými vlasmi, ktorá tam sedí a díva sa na mňa, hneď tu, veríš Bohu? Veríš, že Boh mi môže zjaviť, o čom tam rozmýšľaš? Máš na prsiach nádor. Veríš, že Boh to môže od teba odstrániť? Je to tak. Maj vieru a ver. No, čoho sa ona dotkla?

346 Tá žena sa dotkla lemu Jeho rúcha, Biblia povedala ... Vy ktorí sa chcete pozrieť do Biblie, On povedal: „On je Najvyšší kňaz, ktorý dokáže súcitiť s našími slabosťami." Je to tak? On je Najvyšší kňaz a On stojí rovno tu a teraz sa Ho ľudia dotýkajú.

347 Tam je drobná, chudá žena, zodvihla hlavu, sedí rovno tam. Nikdy v živote som ju nevidel, ale ona sa práve vtedy niečoho dotkla. Tu je to, čo to bolo. Ona sa modlí k Bohu. Má problémy v hrudníku, tiež má žalúdočné problémy. Boh ťa uzdravil, ak tomu budeš veriť. Musíš veriť. „Všetko je možné tomu kto verí."

348 Tam vzadu sedí muž, díva sa týmto smerom (asi v druhom rade odzadu), trpí na astmu. Veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví? Ak tomu veríš, Boh ťa uzdraví. Môžeš mať to o čo prosíš, ak tomu veríš.

349 Rovno tu sedí žena, díva sa na mňa, tu krížom, šedivá. Ak veríš z celého svojho srdca ... Veríš tomu? Dobre, tie žlčníkové problémy ťa potom opustia, ak tomu veríš.

350 Čo si o tom myslíš, ty ktorý tu ležíš na lôžku? Veríš, že Boh ťa môže uzdraviť? Ak mi Boh povie tvoj problém, budeš Mu veriť? Ak budeš veriť tá rakovina ťa opustí a ty pôjdeš domov. Prečo by si nemal vstať a zobrať svoje lôžko a ísť domov? Veríš? Budete všetci veriť? Dobre, a teraz, čo s tým hneď teraz? Či Boh dal tú vieru do vášho srdca? Každý tu, zodvihnite ruku. Ak Boh dal tú vieru do tvojho srdca, položme ruky jeden na druhého tu ďalej v tom rade. Položte ruky ... Hneď teraz, rýchlo, kým sa Duch Svätý tu pohybuje, položte ruky jeden na druhého. Ten človek vstal, beží ku radu modlí sa za druhých.

351 Povstaňme na svoje nohy a chváľme Boha, každý. Nie je treba ďalej v tom pokračovať. Rozpoznaj Ježiša Krista, toho istého včera, dnes i naveky; aké sú tvoje problémy, čokoľvek to je. Ak Mu veríš, postav sa na nohy, hneď teraz a ver.

352 Všemohúci Bože, Boh Abrahámov, Boh Izákov, Boh Jakobov, zošli svoju moc a uzdrav teraz túto skupinu ľudí, v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Sláva Bohu! Nech vás Boh žehná.

WORKS IS FAITH EXPRESSED, 65-1126, Life Tabernacle, Life Tabernacle, Shreveport, LA, 125 min

1 Thank you. It's good to be here, tonight, again. I didn't know how they ever found out I was going to pray for the sick. Everybody come in to be prayed for. You know, I believe if you follow the leading of the Spirit, it's all right. That's the best, that's a Message that never fails.

2Now, I was setting in the room today, after... a certain minister that's just so dear to my heart (three of them), three of my real good friends, they told me they was coming to go to lunch with me. And I thought, "Well, that was just fine," you know.

3 So I--I just eat a little bit of breakfast 'cause I was sure they was going to pay for it, you see, and I... have a good full dinner. So 12:00 come, and 1:00 come, and 2:00 come, nobody there yet. So there was... the police was chasing a criminal, down there in the yard, and so I went down to see that episode. I couldn't find Brother Jack at all. So, I come to find out, the hotel man had give him the wrong number; and he was ringing the wrong door, all the time, where I--I wasn't at. I'll let him pay for me, one again, though, sometime. Him and Brother Tracy, I was sure glad to see them and Brother Brown tonight. That just seems like we ought to go back in Arizona again.

4 I can remember coming across the desert the other day. I told my wife, back there, I said, "Here's where Brother Jack set in the back of this little Chevrolet." Brother Brown and him argued all about the--the original creation, whether it was done in six days or whether it was done in six million years. That was a good one.

5They get so arguing, they get out and get a handful of rocks, and one get behind one pole, and one another, and throw rocks at one another just as hard as they could. They couldn't settle it that way, say, "I can outrun you." Down the road they'd go; Brother Jack, a little short fellow, just as hard as he could twist; and Brother Young with them long legs, you know. I never laughed so much in my life!

6Then, Brother Jack got back in the car and pulled off his shoes. Brother Sharrit had give us a big sack of oranges, and he half cleaned them up before we got to Shreveport.

7 You know, them's golden days, though. Yes, sir, they're golden days. I know it sounds joking, funny, but it's the truth. But we... there's something about that, as you get older and begins to linger on your mind. You think of those days that you wished you could live again, that's right, our younger days. And as we get old, they all become pictures. I'm so glad it was pure and holy, and brotherly fellowship, in love. Knowing that we're going to a land where we'll never get old, where... that great Land, yonder, where we'll never, never grow old or never die.

8 One of our precious brothers, so dear to us all, he just crossed over in that Land. And everytime I come to this platform, I--I guess I'll think of Brother Lyle. I looked over last night and seen little Judy setting over there, and my heart was just pounding, I was thinking of how she felt. And I know when dad died how... But we only have to go through those schools of sufferings to know how the other fellow feels.

9 I believe I'm looking at an old minister friend setting here. I just can't call him. Is that right? You used to pray for the sick here, all the time, years ago? Gerholtzer, that--that German name, I--I never could get it fixed up just right. Brother Tracy had met him out there. And I knowed him about ten years, and I said, "You haven't aged six months in that ten years." We are living in a world that must cease someday.

10 Now, tonight, I was... Had you real late last night, I'm going to try to not do that tonight. Finish my story; I was thinking about, tonight, preaching on a--a subject of the Rapture, to the church. How the conditions, as I see it in the Scripture, what conditions the Church will have to be in for the Rapture, and what will take place just before the Rapture takes place, and how it will take place. And we all believe in the Rapture, don't we? We believe in It. And then, all at once, Something just said, "Pray for the sick, tonight." And I was just eating dinner with a little Mexican brother there, I went down and picked him up on the street. I guess he's here tonight, he and his wife.

11And then someone come, and give me a testimony. Said, "If... On the grounds, or at the church," she said, "there's a man there with... I believe it was about a year ago, that he had come into the line of discernment." And I was thinking, tonight, of having just a old-fashioned prayer line, like Brother Jack and Brother...

12 Brother Young Brown used to give out the prayer cards for me. And I found him real honest and never catch him selling a card or doing anything wrong, he's real straight. And we have caught them trying to do that, you know. So--so we... Brother Young, he was right on the job all the time, and faithful. And I remember, he used to stand and take up the cards, and bring them through the line. I'd pray for them and we'd go along, just that unadulterated faith those people had, if they could just get near you they'd get healed. And I think there was twenty healings to the one, to what we have now.

13 Then, this story come in this afternoon about a man, he's probably here now. That he was in the prayer line, a year ago, somewhere, and--and he had... said, in the discernment was told that he had had the mumps. And the doctors told him, after the mumps fell, that he could never have a girl baby, and he always wanted one. I think he had boys. But in the vision from the Lord, it told him, "But you're going to have that girl baby."

14 And he said he's got the little girl here tonight. I don't know the man, might... would--would he be in the audience, or the--the person that I'm speaking of? Somewhere? I don't know, somebody just told me about it, outside. Oh, here's the baby hanging right back in here, setting right... That's fine. That's very fine. What a sweet little fellow. It wasn't so far to walk over everybody to... real cute, little baby, I'd have her come out here and give the testimony. Maybe she will by tomorrow, or sometime when we're having our services.

15Now, tomorrow morning is the Business Man's Breakfast. Have you announced it? I guess, it's all... That's fine.

16 And now let's have a little--a little lesson on Divine healing. How many believes in it? Oh, my, going to be a great night, when you have faith like that. People who believe it, that's what it takes. It's for the believers.

17Now, then, I got me a pencil and begin to write down some text and so forth, and the... and then Billy knocked on the door and said, "Daddy?"

18I said, "Wait just a little while, I haven't got it finished yet."

19He said, "But, Brother Jack's waiting on you." So, I--I had to come on. I stuck, didn't have no paper clip, I got one of Meda's "johnny pins" or some kind of a pin here that they called a "bobby pin." That's what it was, "bobby pin," just some kind of a pin. And--and I don't know much about them things, you know, and I just seen it laying there. So, now to make a paper clip here, to separate what I was... had some notes for in the morning; separate them, one from the other.

20 And as you get older... it used to be I could just remember them Scriptures and things just so easy. But, you know, kind of hard to do. Do you find that trouble, Brother Jack, yet? That's right, yeah. I told Brother Jack, here not long ago, I said, "You know, Brother Jack," I said, "I'm getting so I can't remember." I said, "I start to say something, and I have to wait."

He said, "Is--is that all the farther along you are?"

And I said, "Well, isn't that far enough?"

21He said, "No." Said, "I ring up somebody on the phone and say 'What'd you want?'" I thought you was kidding me then, Brother Jack, I found out that's pretty true.

22Yes, sir. My, how you forget. But let us have all of our deeds done right, because they're in a book, a record that is to be played at the day of the judgment.

23 Now, we're like one big family. And I don't suppose we're hooked up tonight, across the country, as I was preaching my message last night. I think it's just maybe the local assembly here. So, last night, I sure appreciate your courtesy of standing... I don't try... I didn't try to take advantage of Brother Jack. But he's always told me, "Say what you want to." And so I just come here... the platform and preached a little doctrine. But... so just a... I believe it's just... some of my denominational brethren.

24 I had a dream, the other morning. I don't dream very often, I'm not a dreamer. But I--I dreamed that I seen a man, a young fellow in shackles, and he was trying to get out, and--and I said... Somebody told me, said, "Those are horrible people, don't have nothing to do with them."

25And I seen this young fellow getting out of his shackle so I just let him alone. I thought, "I'll just see what he does." So when he got out, he was a nice fellow. And I seen others trying to get out.

26 Now, this is only a dream. And I walked over this a-way and I seen a--a brother, Roy Borders, a very good friend of mine, lives in California. Looked like there's something wrong, his eyes was half closed, and great big... maybe cancer or something over his eyes. And I... someone was trying to pull me away from him. I screamed, "Brother Borders! In the Name of the Lord Jesus, snap out of that!"

27And he just barely could speak, saying, "Brother Branham, it'll have to take something more than this. I just can't grasp it, Brother Branham. I just can't grasp it."

28I said, "O Brother Borders." I love him.

29 And someone pulled me away, and I looked, and it was a lady standing over here. The... when I was a little boy, I--I used to haul groceries from the grocery store to the peoples. And her name was Mrs. Fenton, she lives in Jeffersonville yet, a personal friend to the wife and I.

30And she said, "Brother Branham, deliver us from this." Said, "This is a house of hell." And said, "You've been misunderstood." And said, "These... And you--you misunderstood these people, too." Said, "These are fine people, but..." And I looked over there, and like a great big cellar, or--or big walls, down beneath a great big cave; and great iron bars, eight or ten inches thick. And people, out of their mind, twisted arms and legs, beating their head like that. And she was crying, saying, "Deliver the people, Brother Branham." Said--said, "Help us, we're in trouble." She herself, I know her, she belongs to the... I believe the Church of Christ, or the Christian church, called Church of the Brethren. So she...

31 I looked around, and I said, "I wished I could." And go on, looking around; and I... my little, bitty body and--and them great, big iron bars; and those poor people in there. And you couldn't get to them, them iron bars was setting close together. And I looked, and they were beating their head like they were out of their mind.

32And I seen some lights flickering around in there. And I looked up, and there stood the Lord Jesus with a--a--a lights of rainbow around Him. He was looking right straight to me, said, "Deliver those people." And He went away.

33And I thought, "Well, how could I deliver them? I--I haven't got strength enough in my arms to break those bars."

34So I said, "House of hell, give away to the Name of Jesus Christ."

35And all the creaking and popping, and--and the rocks a-rolling, and--and bars a-falling; and people running, screaming, "Delivered!" and screaming at the top of their voice, and was all delivered.

36 And I was screaming then, "Brother Roy Borders, where are you? Where are you? God is delivering His people! Where are you, Brother Borders?" I've wondered about that.

37You know, Brother Borders is very scared. You know the prophecy, all... many of you do, you take the tapes and so forth, about the West Coast.

38 There's a man setting right here, tonight, that was there when that happened (when we were standing there, on a hunting trip), a minister who was listening in last night. With a blinded eye, he just come up there and he said... introduced himself. He had on colored glasses, up in the mountain. He said, "Brother Branham," said, "I'm Brother McHughes." He said, "I--I helped sponsor one of your meetings once, in California."

39I said, "I'm glad to know you, Brother McHughes."

40 So there was about twenty man standing there. We was out javelina hog hunting. And I said, the day before going up the mountain, I said to Brother Banks Wood... All of you know him, a personal friend. I said, "Brother Wood,..." Picked up a rock and threw it up in the air, and it came down. And I said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'Something's fixing to happen.'"

41So, he said, "What is it, Brother Branham?"

42I said, "I don't know, but within twenty-four hours you'll see. Something's fixing to happen. That's a great sign."

43 And the next day... that was one late afternoon. The next day, about ten o'clock, we were fixing to pull out. Everybody had their javelina hogs, and we were standing there. And Brother McAnally, you know, and all of them, they were dressing them out, and--and Brother Borders and I; and Brother Roy Roberson, a crippled veteran, a very dear, precious friend of mine, and he was standing there. And I looked up, and Brother McHughes said, "Brother Branham, does the Angel of the Lord ever appear to you when you're on these hunting trips?"

44I said, "Brother McHughes, yes. That's right. But, I come out here to kinda rest."

45He said, "All right, Brother Branham," said, "I didn't mean to disturb you."

46I said, "You didn't disturb me."

47 And I just looked around, and I seen a doctor looking at his eye. Now, I didn't know him, he had on dark glasses, which is awful bright and sunny in Arizona. And I looked at it, and I seen a doctor tell him, say, "Sir, I been doctoring that eye for years, two years, something like that." Said, "The allergy that you have in your eye, you're going to lose your eye. It's eating back into the sight, and there's no way I can stop it."

48And I said, "What you asked me that for, is because of your eye. Them sunglasses is just because you got a bad eye."

49He said, "That's right."

50I said, "Your doctor," (described him) "he told you, a few days ago, that 'You're going to lose that eye because the--the allergy is eating into the sight of the eye.' And he's been doctoring it for a couple years, and he can't stop it."

51He said, "Brother Branham, that's the truth."

52 And I started to turn around and look, and I seen a--a woman much older than he, kind of a dark complected. They're originally from somewhere up here in Arkansas. And so she raised up her--her--her skirt and showed her limb to her son, and she said, "Son, if you see Brother Branham, tell him to pray for my feet." And had long tumors hanging between her toes and things.

53I said, "Your mother's a gray-headed woman, and she raised up her skirt, pulled back her--her stocking and showed you her feet, and said if you saw me to tell you to pray for her."

54And he said, "Oh, mercy."

55I looked back and I seen him standing there with no glasses on, vision, I said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, God healed your eye, and heals your mother, too."

56 About that time, I turned around... Now, there's man setting here, was standing there. I said to Brother Roy Borders... or Brother Roy Roberson, put my hand on his shoulder, for he's a veteran, I said, "Brother Roy, get under something, right quick, something's fixing to happen."

57He said, "What do you mean, Brother Branham?"

58I said, "Don't talk! Get under something, quick!" And I turned and picked up a shovel, there by the side of the place, and walked off from them 'cause I knew it would come where I was at.

59 Right beside a great canyon, eight or ten times higher than this building, it's a "box" canyon; like a fire come down from the Heavens, like a whirlwind, just a few feet above where I was standing. And ripped the rocks right out of the mountain, went out through and cut the tops of the mesquite trees off, for a hundred yards out. Everybody running, and trying to get under trucks and everything else. It went back up again and clapped like a great thunder. Went back up in the skies again, and come down again. And done that three times. And when it was all over, they come over and asked, "What did it mean?"

60I said, "I don't want to tell you, it was a judgment sign. In a few days, a great earthquake's going to strike on the West. And it won't stop. California, Los Angeles will sink. It's going down. She'll slide right into the ocean." And two days after that, the Alaskan earthquake shook Alaska.

61 And then, the last meeting I had in California, while speaking, and didn't know nothing happened till I got on the street, It told California, said--said, "Capernaum, Capernaum, the city that's called by the name of the angels," (that's Los Angeles) "you've exalted yourself into heaven, but you'll be brought down into hell. For if the mighty works had been done in Sodom that's been done in you, it would have been standing till this day."

62 Now, the last few days, the great roaring and popping. Then, here come out a paper of science, said, "It's all honeycombed, it's got to go under." They just know it.

63And you watch, the water will come plumb back into the Salton Sea. Los Angeles is doomed for judgment. I tell you before it happens, that you might know when it does happen. I never spoke that by myself. And I've never had Him to tell me one thing but what happened. And you can bear record of that. That's right. When? I don't know.

64 I went out, and they told me what I said. And I listened, went back and searched the Scripture. You know, Jesus said, almost in them same words, about Capernaum; and Sodom and Gomorrah was--was in the bottom of the Dead Sea, I suppose was then. And later, about a hundred years later, Capernaum slid into the sea, and it's in the sea. The same God that put Sodom in the sea for its sins, the same God that put Capernaum in the sea for its sins, the same God will put Los Angeles in the sea for its sins, that city of--of corruption.

65Brother Roy Borders is scared to death. I don't know whether to... what that meant that, or what. I don't know.

Let us pray.

66 Lord, it's so good to testify to real listeners. We believe, Lord, help our unbelief. And we realize that we're going right down the road now to the end of the world. Just what time, we don't know. But that secret catching away of the Bride; one of these days, Lord, we'll be--we'll be raptured, caught up with Him. And we're waiting for that day. Prepare our hearts, Lord.

67There's many, we look, laying here on these cots and stretchers, man and women who are bound by the enemy. There's people setting out there, perhaps, if You don't touch them, they'll die with heart attacks. Maybe some of them is eaten with cancer.

68And Father, Thou knows the heart of every man. You know whether it's true or not true. And we say these things because that we know what You have done, Your great power has delivered so many. We're witnesses of it, though they try to tell us that "those things doesn't happen." But it does Lord. We are witnesses.

69 I pray tonight, Lord, that somehow You'll build faith in these peoples' hearts, that every one of them will be delivered, all these sick and afflicted people. May it be so simple, Lord, just let us, as we try to teach the Word. Let the Holy Spirit take my mistakes, Lord, and correct them in the hearts of the people. And make it a real, real night that the... that He can bed Himself into the heart of each believer here. We set this night for that purpose, Lord. May those who are not saved, above all things, be ready; get ready now, while the doors of Mercy still open. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

70 Now we're going to turn to the Scriptures, to start with, and in...

71Someone laid a--a note here on the desk, and said they "took up an offering" for me tonight. That wasn't necessary, don't do that. I can't take it back. I remember one time, in Calgary, Canada, they took up an... this offering was taken up. Brother Jack was trying to tell me... My wife setting back there; she, the children had an old two rooms we were living in, she had to put a blanket in the door to keep the--the door shut so the children wouldn't get pneumonia. And she said... He said to me, said, "Brother Branham, that's not fair to treat her that way." So, you remember the case. They took up, I forget how many thousand dollars.

72And I said, "Oh, take it back, Brother Jack."

73He said, "Now, how we going to do it?" So, I bought the place and it's there. So, to the glory and honor of God. We kept it for a couple years, the wife and I, as a gift from the church, the people.

74And then I thought, "That doesn't sound right. I brought nothing into this world, it's certain I'll take nothing out." So I turned around and lotted it, and deeded it back over to the tabernacle. That when I'm finished, well, some other servant of God, if there is a tomorrow, will use it then. See? So, thank you very kindly, friends. God bless you, for it.

75 Now, in James, the Book of James, the 2nd chapter. We want to read, beginning at the 21st verse.

76And now, I just about... A little while to teaching, and then we'll start praying for the sick just as quick as we can, and get just as many people through this prayer line as we possibly can. And let's, too, remember also... I don't want to forget Sister Anna Jeanne and Brother Don, and them, I think they're over in Thailand somewhere. Aren't they? To where? Bangkok, and--and the mission fields. There's so many things you think about in the daytime, you want to mention before the people. Then when you come here, you--you can't think of it, you're ream right down on that lesson.

77 And now, in James here, the 2nd chapter. And we're going to begin with the 21st verse of the 2nd chapter of Saint James, and read a--a portion of It. The 21st verse of the 2nd chapter.

Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon a... the altar?

See thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works... faith was made perfect?

And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.

78 Now, my subject tonight... And hold your Bibles now, 'cause I got several Scriptures written down here. If we don't get too long, I'll refer to many of them. My subject is: Works Is Faith Expressed. Now, remember: Works Is Faith Expressed. Works show that faith has already took a-hold, see. See? Now, we choose this because we... I believe that it might help us to understand. Now listen real close, and we'll go into it like a Sunday School lesson.

79Here James is expressing in his teaching, from Genesis 22:1-9, what man seen in Abraham.

80 Let's just go back, I've got the Scriptures kind of marked out here. In Genesis, the 22nd chapter, and the 1st to the 9th verse.

And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abram... Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am.

And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him... for a burnt-offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.

See, He didn't even tell him which one it was. You just go ahead when God speaks, you go on moving. See?

And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled an ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt-offering, and rose up, and went into the place... which God had told him of... told him.

And on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place far off.

And Abraham said unto the young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you.

81 Now, he had in his mind now, he's going up to kill his son, 'cause God told him to. But look at the Scripture here.

... I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again unto you. (He and the lad.)

And Abraham took the wood and the burnt-offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and the knife; and they both went... them together.

And Isaac spake to Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for the burnt-offering?

And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for the burnt-offering: so they went both of them together.

And they came to the place which God... told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound his son... Isaac his son, and laid him upon the altar upon the wood.

And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.

And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.

And he said, Lay not thy hand upon the lad, neither do thou anything unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing that thou hast not withheld thine son, thy... from me... thy only son from me. (What a work!)

82Now, we find here that James is justifying Abraham by his works.

83 But now, in Paul, in Romans, the Book of Romans, the 8th... the 4th chapter, 4:1 to 8. I won't read it all, but just read part of it.

And what shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, has found?

For if Abraham was justified... (You remember, we took the word last night, "justified.")... by works, he has whereof to glory; but not before God.

For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was accounted unto him for righteousness sake.

And to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.

84Now--now what Paul is referring to here, is what God seen in Abraham.

85 Now let's... if you... if we was not turning too much, we'd go back again to Genesis, the 15th chapter, and the 6th verse; 15:6, I believe is right. We'll begin at the 5th.

And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now towards the heavens, and tell the stars, if thou are able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.

And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.

86 Now the two men that were talking on faith: Paul justified Abraham by what God saw in Abraham; but James justified Abraham by what man saw in--in Abraham.

87See, now, James said, "He's justified by his works."

88Paul said, "He's justified by faith."

89But see, Abraham believed God, that's what God saw in him; he believed It. But then when he went to acting as though it was already done, that's what man saw in him.

90And that's the same as it is to us, because our works express what faith we have. But if we're afraid to act on what we believe, then we do not believe It. See, you've got to believe It.

91 Abraham's works was expressing his faith he had in God's promise. Now, Abraham, remember, he was ninety years old, or a hundred years old, and Sarah was ninety years old. And now they were well stricken in age, past child bearing, had been for many, many years. And they had lived together as husband and wife since they were young, and no children. But yet, God told him when he was seventy-five years old, and Sarah sixty-five, "You're going to have a baby." And he believed God's promise. He believed It. Now, see, he made ready everything for this baby. See, that's what God saw, when he believed God; and man saw what he did to express what he believed. (And that's the same thing that works tonight, the same way it is with us.) It has been revealed to him. See, it had been revealed to him, so he believed it so, and was acting as though it had already took place.

92Now, let's just stop there, just a minute. Sometimes we misunderstand this. People gets emotion, and they try to work on emotion. That won't work.

93 Now, I'm like Brother Gerholtzer here, we're--we're old men, and we've been in the... this a long time, and we've seen the pros and cons, and--and everything. And praying for the sick, around the world, and seeing the--the disappointments of people, and seeing the--the "Hallelujahs" from every side. Then, all this, we learn by. Now, when as boys, and we started preaching this, Brother Gerholtzer, like we started to swim. The first thing, you know, it used to be that I'd get out, and I would... Brother Jack, I've had Brother Brown to walk me on the street, night after night, to try to get myself around to myself. I'd stand there, like a little kid, splashing the water, seeing visions, you know. And I'd just stay there till Brother Brown...

94 I remember one night, I never will forget it, up in San Jose or somewhere. He come to wake me up, I hadn't slept for several days and I didn't know I was talking to the man, but said that I told him. Started crying, said, "I'm going home." See?

95"Why," he said, "you can't go home. There's a meeting going on down there."

96I said, "Well, I'll be ready in a few minutes to go home." See, just beyond, beside myself, almost. See, I was a boy then.

97 Like you're learning to swim, you know, you splash the water and go across the pool, and "huhhh, huhhh, huhhh, I made her!" Now, after you learn to swim, more graceful is the stroke, and it don't "wear you out" so much. See, that's it, you learn how to do it; and cut every corner and make it better, and that's more of a ease. See?

98A little boy that never walked, would try to walk down this aisle here, he would fall down a dozen times and be "wore out" before he got there. But anyone who knows how to walk, an athlete, would walk right down that aisle and never even notice doing it. Well, he had that to start with, that's what he is now.

99 Well, that's the same way with preaching Divine healing or anything else. As you go along, you begin to learn. If you don't learn, there's something wrong. See, you've got to learn, and you've got to learn how to accept God and what it really means.

100We allow it, sometimes say, "Well, this guy didn't have enough faith, this guy didn't do this and this." There's a reason there for that, there's a reason. Sometime it's unconfessed sin. You could pour a gallon of oil on a person, and scream till you got hoarse, it'll never move that devil. No, sir! You've got to confess that. That's what discernment does, say, "Go make that right, bring that out."

101But it's so slow doing that, you see. And then--then the rest of them get impatient, and they say, "Ah, I never got prayed for." But we want to find a way now, that... what takes place, the real basic of Divine healing.

102 Now, a gift, just like I said last night, "A gift is wonderful, but you can't base your Eternal destination on gifts." You cannot major on a minor, and a--a gift is a minor. And Satan can impersonate any gift God's got, he can make something just exactly like it, see, exactly. Therefore, we got to watch that.

103Like sometimes I express about shouting; I've seen demons shout, see. Speak in tongues, I've seen demons speak in tongues. Sure, he impersonates It. It isn't a genuine, but it impersonates It, you see, makes it look like it's real. And people sometime, who don't know the difference, declare this to be "real" when it isn't real.

104And the same thing they do about Divine healing. They think, "Well, it's a hocus-pocus, or something like that." It isn't. It's a genuine, unadulterated faith in what God said to be the Truth. And that anchors! And when it anchors, there's nothing going to move it. It's going to stay there. And therefore, cutting these corners,...

105 Now, faith is "a revelation from God." Now, faith is a revelation. There's where I want to stay, there, just a moment. It's a revelation. He has revealed it to you by His grace. It's nothing you did. You didn't work yourself up into faith. You ever have faith, it's give to you by the grace of God. And God reveals it to you, therefore faith is a revelation. And the whole Church of God is built upon the revelation.

106 A Baptist minister told me, not long ago, he said, "I just can't accept revelation."

107I said, "Then you cannot accept the Bible. You cannot accept Christ, because He is the Revelation of God. He's God revealed in flesh." Therefore, the whole Church is built upon Divine revelation.

108Jesus said to (I believe it was Peter)... said, He said, "Who does men say I the Son of man am?"

109He was talking to His disciples. "And some said You're 'Elias,' and 'Moses,' or 'One of the prophets,' and 'Jeremiah.'"

110He said, "But who do you say?"

111He said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

112 Now, the Roman Catholic church says, "He was speaking to Peter, 'Upon this rock I'll build my Church.'"

113The Protestants said, "He was building It upon Himself."

114Now, they could be right. But, to me, both of them's wrong. It was upon the spiritual revelation of Who He was. "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, Peter. But My Father, which is in Heaven, has revealed this to you. And upon this rock," the revelation of Who He is; upon the revelation: He is the Word, and the whole... "Upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against It." It showed the gates of hell would be against It.

115 Abel, by faith, revelation, (no Bible written in those days)... by Abel, by faith, offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that which Cain. Which God testified, "He was righteous." How? By faith. How? By revelation! By revelation, Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice, because it was revealed to him that it wasn't fruits of the field, it was the blood.

116That's why some people can believe It, and some can't believe It, some try to make-believe It.

117 In a audience of people, where a prayer line comes through, you'll find some... and they were all good people, we'll say. There's some that's trying hard to believe It, trying to work themselves into It. Some just can't do it at all. And others, it's just by grace, it's just given to them. Now, there is the difference. See? That does it. That's the real revelation, because faith is a revelation from God. It must be revealed first.

118 Jesus clearly expressed this when He said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first, or reveals Me to him first." You ought to read that. It's Saint James... or Saint John 6:44 and to 46. They didn't know Who He was. They thought He was just an ordinary man. They thought Him just to be, as people does today, some prophet. He was the Prophet, He was an ordinary Man, but there was more than that.

119 Just like last night, speaking... When you get the book, you're going to see maybe a little confusion there of what I said, "The two books of Life." It's the same Book, but one of them is your natural birth, the other one is your spiritual birth. One leads out to the other one, just like a stalk of wheat. Whenever you talk to me, you talk to me as a living person. But there's a part of me here, is that person, that must perish. That's the Book that the name comes off of. But the Eternal one, the Predestinated one, the Elected one, the name never can come from there because it was always on It. It can never be taken off. You'll notice it in the book, so to save your confusion. You'll find it that way. Because, I think, Brother Vayle, who put the right grammar to it, reminded me of it today. I said, "That's right."

120 The Baptists believe there's two separate books. And in one way it is two separate books, and another way it isn't two separate books. I'm two separate people... I'm body and soul and spirit, three separate people, but I'm... only one makes me as a being.

121There's only real one Book of Life. Like there was one germ of--of the wheat that come up through the stalk, and went through the tassel, and out through the husk, and into the wheat; all the way along there, you say, "Now, that's a wheat laying there." It isn't the wheat, it's the stalk, but together it's the wheat. See, it's the wheat because it's all one stalk, but the wheat is what you're talking about, the grain at the end of it. The others was a carrier, it must perish. And that's the one--one place sounds like you can have your name taken off the Lamb's Book of Life, and the other place you can't do it. So, that's where it is. It's all in that great revelation there, which was made known during the time of the Seven Seals. Why is it, how some people can't believe It?

122 Jesus said that "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first. And all that the Father has given Me, will come to Me." No man can understand Who He is, or how It is, except it be revealed to you by the revelation of God. And then faith in that, you act accordingly. See? Here we see plainly that God is revealed in Jesus, and only those who were foreordained to see it, will see it. Be sure to read this Scripture, I omitted it then, that Saint John 6:44 to 46. I omitted it because I thought maybe we'd have... maybe not enough time to go through, because that clock up there just keeps moving.

123And so we... You notice, "No man, no man can come except My Father draws him first. And all the Father has given Me, they will come." They'll recognize It. No other man can do it, no other person, no matter how good, who you are, It's got to be revealed to you. Then you see Who Jesus Christ is.

124 Now, here, predestinated plan is in plain view. Just as other seed, the Word of God is a Seed and must have the ground prepared beforehand. If you sowed seed, just throwed it out there on the ground, it would do no good, the birds would pick it up. You throw it among thistles and thorns, it'll choke it out pretty soon. Jesus' parable said so. So the ground has to be made ready first. So, God, in sovereign grace, prepares the heart first. He prepared you before the foundation of the world, to receive Him in this age. He foreknew you by His foreknowledge, and ordained you to Eternal Life. He knew you, therefore He prepared you.

125 That's the reason you staggered out of these things, and staggered into what you have now. It was God leading you to the place where He had ordained for you to be. It... or if--if--if this ground isn't prepared beforehand, it can't grow. That's the reason the seed of faith, when you're preaching faith, see the discernments of the Lord, and see what takes place, and all the gifts of the Bible working; people working themselves up, "Oh, hallelujah, I believe It." And come up, and find themselves disappointed. See, the ground has to be foreordained. And you know when It strikes it.

126 Like my little eagle, last night. He knew when he heard that scream of that mother eagle, "there's a lot difference between that and the cluck of the hen." See, because he was an eagle from the egg. Not... he wasn't made an eagle right then, he always was an eagle. And a Christian always was! That's the reason the divorce, when you're divorced, because you were trapped into it, see, by your first parent, Adam and Eve. You become a sinner by nature. You didn't want to be, but now you heard the Gospel, and "faith cometh by hearing," revelation comes by hearing. There is a little something inside of you.

127Another man setting right by you, say, "Ah, I don't believe that stuff. Nonsense! I don't believe that. Nothing to that!"

128 Like they did on the Day of Pentecost, they laughed and said, "These men are full of new wine." They know it was... It was a great thing to those it was happening to. Why? It was God revealing Himself to the individuals. While others laughed, these were rejoicing. It was an individual revelation, which is faith; faith that's revealed. If it wasn't faith, then it wouldn't even be there. It was faith.

129 Just seeds has to have the ground prepared first. "Therefore, all He foreknew, He called. All He called... All He foreknew, He predestinated." If you want to read that, Romans 8:28-34, and also Ephesians 1:1-5. See, all He foreknew, He did call. All He called, He justified. And all He justified, He has already glorified. There's nothing out of order. We think there is, but look in the Scriptures. It's just hitting exactly the way God's Word said it would. We see the Message is rejected, today. Isn't that just what the Scripture said they would do? Sure, all these things are ordained of God.

130 Oh, It should make you walk happy. That's the trouble with we today, so much difference than the Christians of old. When the real, true revelation of Jesus Christ being Emmanuel dwelled in the hearts of those men, they were rugged people. But today we're patted by denominations, with, "Oh, I tell you, they ain't got the Revelation. You come over here." You're depending on their revelation. If their revelation isn't according to the Word of God, then it's wrong; mine or anybody else's, that's where the showdown comes. The Word of God tells which is right and wrong!

131 Any seed has to have its ground, of course. "Therefore, all He foreknew..." See, He already knew what was going to happen. Notice, Jesus said again, about the Seed, "Some fell on rock, others in mixed ground." See, over where there's thorns, thistles, and everything else, It couldn't grow. And others on good ground, good ground, good soil, which had been prepared, already prepared.

132 All the man out here, he's like as a chicken, he's looking along, trying to find. He hits into this, and he hits into that, but after a while there comes a sudden Scream from Heaven. He recognizes It right quick, "That's the Word of God!" See, he knows It because there's something in his heart that's been told to him, revealed to him about It.

133 Notice, the prophet Isaiah said, "A virgin shall conceive." What a strange saying. How a--a man in his right mind could say that? There had never been a virgin conceive. "A virgin shall conceive!" Now, he didn't worry about saying It, he just said It. How's she going to do it? And that's not his business! He is just to say what God said He was going to do. God revealed it to him, showed him the vision; revealed it, and it was right.

134 Just the same God that told me that little baby would be borned by that man who couldn't have the child... have a girl. Like others and things, how it sounds strange when the doctor says, "It can't happen!"

135But when God says, "It's going to happen," it depends on what kind of a word that falls in. Remember, the prophet stood up there and His Word went forth.

136 Like God, in Genesis 1, He said, "Let there be light. Let there be this. Let there be that." Created man in His Own image, image of God created He them, male and female, and there was nothing on the earth yet. Then, we find out in Genesis 2, here, He made man in His Own image. There was no man to till the soil, after the rest the creation. What was it? It's His Words, He was speaking It. And when He spoke, He said, "Let there be light." There might of not been light for eight hundred years afterward, might not have been no light, but He said It! And as long as He said It, "Let there be a palm tree. Let there be an oak tree. Let there be this," them seeds was forming down beneath that water. That's right. And in the season, in the time, in its own season, it brought forth! It can't fail; it's God's Word. It just can't fail. It's been expressed.

137 Now, one day, God talked to man, face to face. But in time of Moses, when the fire was falling, they said, "Let God... Let Moses speak; not God, we might perish."

138Therefore, He said, "I'll not speak to them like that no more. I'll raise them up a prophet." That's the way God's system always was.

139Now, here's a prophet standing; now, he's under inspiration; he isn't thinking about his intellectual, "Now, wait a minute. If I'd say that, well, you know, the people would think I'm insane." See, that's his intellectual; there he's listening to Satan, just like Eve did.

140 And as long as the doctor says that "You can't live. You can't get well. You can't do this or that." As long as you listen to that, that Seed will never fall in that kind of ground and do any good. It can't. But when something tears all of that away, and It falls in that bedded ground, there's nothing can tear It out.

141Now, no matter how long it takes, It's going to happen. Now, He said, "A virgin shall conceive." Did you know it was eight hundred years before that happened? God foreknew the woman, who she'd be, what her name was, where that Seed would fall into. Do you believe that? Sure, He did! And from a literal womb would come forth this great miracle. God knew about it, He just revealed it to his prophet who was faithful and spoke the Word. Without even thinking about what It was, he just said It. He never tried to reason It out.

142 If you try to reason out... What if this man, this woman, or this man setting here, or somebody try to reason, "And I been crippled all these years. The doctor says, 'There's not a possible chance'"? Well, there might not be as far as he knowed, and that's true.

143But if something can tear away them weeds, if God by His grace; not the preacher, not nobody else. But God can place into your heart a revelation, that, "I'm going to be well," there isn't nothing going to keep you setting there. There's nothing can hold you there, you're going to be well! But until that does happen, you're going to set right where the doctor says you're going to set; until that happens. It has to be revealed. It's the grace of God that reveals it.

144 Now, notice, God knew the woman It would come to. Notice Isaiah, there was no question. Isaiah didn't say, "Wait a minute, Lord! Wait--wait just a minute! What did You say to me? A virgin's going to conceive? Oh! What? Now wait, Father, there--there--there never was such a thing as that done."

145He didn't hesitate, he just said, "A virgin shall conceive!" Right.

146 Notice Mary: "Now, now Lord, wait a minute. You know I--I never knowed a man. This is impossible! Nothing like this never happened! Ohhh, oh, no, nothing like this ever happened. How am I going to have this baby? I don't know any man, so it can't happen! Uh, Angel, you're just mistaken. I've got an optical illusion. You know, my church says, 'These days are gone.'" Nah! It would never have fell in such a place as that. Mary never questioned.

147She said, "How can it be? I know no man."

148He said, "The Holy Ghost shall overshadow thee. That's how it's going to happen."

149She said, "Behold, the handsmaid of the Lord!" No question!

150 See, Isaiah, when God produced the Word by thought (revelation) into the heart of Isaiah, It fell into the right grounds, it was a prophet. That prophet didn't care for any man's wisdom. He didn't care for any man's intellectual. He didn't care about the person of anybody. He was a dedicated channel to God, and God spoke and he spoke. That's all. Whether it hurt, whether it didn't; whether it sounded crazy, whether it didn't sound crazy; didn't make any difference to him. It was God, not the man.

151 And when that Word went forth, now It becomes a Seed, It has to fall somewhere. If God said It, there's bound to be a womb somewhere for It to fall into. Just as He said, "All things are possible to them that believe. If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, you can have what you said." See, there's got to be somewhere that's right!

152Notice! Now, we find that Isaiah here spoke It.

153 The virgin Mary, as soon as... The grounds was already broke up. She had been a virgin. She hadn't "run around." The grounds had been already prepared, or predestinated by foreknowledge of God.

154Even said, "She was a virgin." Right then God knowed what her name would be. For her name was on the Book of Life in Heaven.

155Then, It was vindicated. Man then (to man) saw the expression of It by the works, when it was already done. Now we look back and say, "Sure, It was done," 'cause we see the works that was done.

156 Noah's works expressed to man, what his faith was in God's promise. Now, God met Noah, and He said, "Noah, it's going to rain. I'm going to destroy the whole earth with water." Now, it never had rained, that's the impossibility. Well, now, Noah got... Said, "Prepare an ark of the dimensions that I'll tell you about." And him being a carpenter, and he went to work and begin to take his foot adze, and everything to cut the boards, and fix it up there with the shittim wood, and put the pitch in it just like He said. And do you imagine what people thought about that man?

157They said, "That man is actually crazy, because he says, 'It's going to bring water out of the heavens,' and there's no water up there." But, you see, Noah didn't think about that. His works was expressing to the people what his faith was and what God said would take place.

158That's the reason the genuine Christian separates himself from everything but the Word of God, no matter what the people think, what anybody else says. He's separated because... He isn't just saying that; if he is, it won't be long till his works will be make known. He'll fall back and slip this a-way, and join this one, this one, start... he'll--he'll show what he is. But if he's a genuine, if the Word of God has bedded into him, then It's going to bring forth Its kind, you'll see that man preparing for that great hour. See, that's the way Noah did.

159 Moses, with a stick in his hand, came to take the people from Pharaoh. Now, could you imagine... Moses, the Bible said that he was taught in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. He was smart, he could teach their intellect things. He was taught all their wisdom. He didn't need to catch up on his education. Now, just think about a man out there in the wilderness, with all that education, and then God appearing to him and said, "Moses, take this stick in your hand and go down there in Egypt, and bring my children out with this switch you got in your hand. Just lick the whole thing with this switch."

160Now, what if Moses would had said, "Sir, just a moment, I thought I was talking to an intelligent being, this great 'I AM' that you say you are. Now, how in the world will I ever take this little, old crooked stick I got here in my hand, and take over an army of million of man, armed with spears, fighters? And I'm not a fighter, I'm a shepherd. How can I ever do that?"

161There was no question! Why? Why? The Ground in his heart! He was a predestinated person. "Gifts and callings are without repentence." God had told Abraham that He would do that, and there was the ground prepared.

162 And Moses took this stick and went down there and took that nation out of a nation. When he come with a stick in his hand, and told Pharaoh, "Let them go!" Pharaoh seen in Moses the works, that he had faith in what he was going to do, or trying to do. He had faith in the promise of the God that had made the promise, he went down to take it over. No other man would have done that, and no other man could have done it, he was ordained to do it. God, beforehand, had told Abraham that that's just what would happen. And when the time of the promise drew nigh, there was a little boy borned, a fair child. And the parents, Amram and Jochebed, was not afraid of the king's commandment. See, there was something, the grounds was already prepared.

163O God, I hope I'm speaking to ground prepared, tonight! If the Seed can fall in the right place, and it's going to be some-... If it isn't, it won't happen.

164That's the same thing. They say, "Brother Branham, that kinda takes it away from us." If it does, it takes it away from Christianity, too. See, you can impersonate anything. But if the... if it really falls in, the Word of God falls in the right kind of ground, it's going to bring forth its kind. It's got to, because It's a seed.

165 Noah... Moses, his works, expressed faith in the promise of the God that he believed. Pharaoh, the man, could see what was. Not... he couldn't see how Moses was going to do it, but he knowed Moses believed what he was talking about or he wouldn't be standing in the palace there with a stick in his hand. Said, "By this stick, I'll take them out from you." An old man, eighty years old; not an athlete, an old man, stooped shoulders, and whiskers hanging down to his... probably his waistline; and gray hair, if he had any. And there with that stick in his hand, saying, "'I'm going to take them out, let the people go,' THUS SAITH THE LORD. And if you don't do it, God's going to judge you." Amen! Why? That's... See, it... Was he afraid? Why, just one arrow, one spear, anything else would have ended it. He was fearless! He knowed exactly where he was standing; said, "God will smite thee, Pharaoh." Yes, sir.

166For God told him, "You will come to this mountain again," and he knowed he was going there.

167Hallelujah! We know where we're going too, at the end of this journey. God has promised! There's a Land beyond the river. Be fearless in your testimony. Amen. If it's revealed to you, you are fearless. You don't care if the whole world... what they say; you're fearless. When it's revealed to you, "This is the Truth coming from God," then you can't be fearless. If not, you can't be.

168 David, with a shepherd's sling, expressed to the whole Israelite army, the faith that he had in their God. Now, there was Goliath on the other side, and he stood out there and made his boasts. Many times bigger than David, he had fingers fourteen inches long. And he was a mammoth, big fellow, the Philistine giant. And here was David, the smallest one, he was even too little to be in the army; too much of a runt, they couldn't use him. So, his brothers was out there in the army. And, then, Goliath was making his boasts.

169But David, now remember, it was revealed to David. He thought, "Here is the armies of the living God, standing in their own land, and there's a boasting uncircumcised Philistine out there." We'll call him "cancer" tonight, we'll call him "paralytic."

170Why, David was no kind of a match for him, not with any kind of a weapon; he was no match. That man's shoulders was probably ten, twelve foot across; he was probably standing fourteen, fifteen foot high. A spear like a weavers needle, probably twenty foot long, the blade on it maybe four foot across.

171 And a little David standing there with a little piece of leather, goatskin or sheepskin, with two pieces of string tied to it. But it was revealed to him! Revelation struck him! Amen! He said, "The God that took me out of the paws of the bear, that took me out of the paws of the lion, how much more will He deliver that uncircumcised Philistine in my hand!"

172His brothers, way more able to do it. Saul, head and shoulders above his army. But, you see, it wasn't revealed to them. Amen. There it is: they believed it could be done, they believed that God could do it, but it wasn't revealed to them; but it was revealed to David. So there's the difference, right there. If it's absolutely revealed to you that God is going to heal you, you're--you're going to get it. [] You're going to get it. I don't care what's wrong with you, what the odds, it may be worse than David and Goliath. But if it's revealed to you...

173 And notice, when it's revealed, David become fearless. He said, "Today I'll cut your head off!" Amen. Quickly! Our God, by grace, in that crucial moment when decision had to be made, that same God that produced the grace in that day, and dropped that seed of faith in that little hunchback-looking boy, seeing in his heart; that same God, in this crucial moment, could take that woman from the wheelchair, that man there, if you can believe it, with all her trouble. When that little grain of faith is revealed to you. And I don't care how long it takes,...

174 Now notice the giant, on the other side, didn't believe it; neither will the cancer. He laughed, he said, "Am I a dog? You send a kid out here to fight me?" Said, "I'll pick you up, on the end of my spear, and let the birds eat your flesh." Why, he had all the... all, everything for his side.

175But, you see, that didn't shake David at all. Why? It was revealed to him. He had faith in what he was doing. He knowed he was going to do it. And he did it, is because that it was revealed to him and he knowed where he's standing.

176And if God would just spoke that, right down in your heart tonight, said "You're not going to be laying in that bed. You're not going to be setting in that chair. You're going to be well," there couldn't be anything change your mind in it.

177But until that's happened, every preacher in the world could pray,... I don't say it wouldn't help you; it would, it'd encourage you. But until that faith... See, the healing power is in you. It don't come from the preacher. It comes to you by revelation, by faith. "Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit," saith the Lord. "My Spirit, by grace, reveals this to you." And there's nothing can take it away. By faith, revelation! Then, David to prove his works,...

178 Now, some of them said, "I know you're naughty." His brother said, "You come up here to see the battle. Now, you run back over where them sheep was."

179He said, "Let me speak to Saul, the general." You see?

180And Saul said, "Now, son, I admire your courage, but, you see, you're nothing but a youth. And he's a warrior from his youth, you're no match for him."

181He said, "I was tending my father's sheep,..." He could base it on something! Amen. O brother! And the God that saved your soul, can't He heal your body? It's just the same, reveal to you, He's your Healer as He was your Saviour. See? But it's got to be revealed first, that's the difference. He had something to base his faith on.

182Said, "Now, this never happened before."

183But said, "The same God that delivered me from the paws of the lion, will deliver me from that uncircumcised Philistine."

"How do you know, David?"

"I believe it."


"It's been revealed to me." And he said...

184He knowed what he was talking about. Because when the giant said, "I'm going to feed you to the birds"; he said "I'm going to cut your head off." There's the difference, see. And he did it!

185 Samson, caught out one day (off guard) in a prairie, and here come a thousand Philistines upon him. And he looked down on the ground, and there's where a mule had died, and he picked up the old jaw, jawbone, dry as it could be, and took out after those Philistines, beating them over the head with this old dry jawbone of a mule, and as far as I know, not a tooth ever fell out of it. And them Philistine helmets was probably a inch thick ('cause they beat one another with war clubs in those days), to keep a man from beating them on the head. But he took the jawbone of that mule and beat down a thousand Philistines, and the jawbone never broke. He just kept beating them, like that, as they come up. So, the rest of them took off for the rocks, see, they was getting away from him. Why? He believed it!

186Sometime, to show you,... I want to tell you something else. Work on that pulsation, that spare of the moment, like Joshua did, like Mary Magdalene, all those. Just that moment when something is revealed to you, grab it. Hold to it, that spare of the moment.

187 Yes, it was revealed to him. He went to meet these thousand Philistines. Now what do you think when those Philistines said, "Now, look, coming there, that little shrimp; only about four feet and a half tall, to begin with; with seven little curls hanging down his back, like mama's little sissy, see; come along there with a jawbone of a mule. And look at us, what a great army we are! Isn't that ridiculous?" But what was he doing? He was expressing to those Philistines what had been revealed to him by God. He grabbed the jawbone and took off, because that's what He put in his hand; He put that in his hand, that's what he believed: he could do it! And by doing so, he was expressing to those Philistines what God had put in his heart to do.

188 John the Baptist expressed his faith by his works, and when he said "There stands One among you now." Just think of that. Saint John, I got the Scripture, Saint John 1:26, see. He said...

189They said, "You say, 'The Messiah's coming'? Why," said, "man, what's the matter with you? We been looking for Him for four thousand years."

190He said, "He's standing right among you now." Hallelujah! So is He tonight! Uh-huh.

191He expressed his faith by his revelation, because it was revealed to him that... he knowed he would baptize the Messiah. He was a man, thirty years old. He knowed He had to be there somewhere; he had never knew who He was, and there He was standing right among them. He said, "There's One standing among you now, Who you know not, and I'm not worthy to loose the latches on His shoes, but He'll baptize you with the Holy Ghost. And He's right among you now." He expressed it, his faith, because he knowed, in his day, he was to see and baptize God's Messiah. So, you see, the people could see the expression upon him, in the way he was preaching and the way he was acting, was expressing that he had a true revelation from God.

192 Now, to prove that it was true, walking right out of the crowd come the Messiah; just an ordinary young man walking down through there, dressed like other man. John said, "Behold, there's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."

193"How do you know Him?"

194He said, "He that said to me, in the wilderness, 'Upon Whom thou shall see the Spirit descending, that's the One that'll baptize with the Holy Ghost.'"

195See, he knew Him because there was supposed to be a sign about that time. (Are you catching It?) John knew just about the hour, 'cause he was a prophet. It was revealed to him, that he know would be about that time, he'd see a sign. And when he seen that sign, he said, "He's standing among you." He knew It was there.

196Oh, I see the sign that the end time is here. I see the things that's promised, for this end-time Message, coming to pass (unfolding) just exactly like the Scripture said. And I know that the time is at hand! I say that without hesitance. I believe it's right at hand, for I see the signs that He said would happen just before that time. It's ready to happen now.

197 John expressed his faith in what God had revealed to him. Therefore, works is faith's testimony. When they see you acting like you're healed, then they'll know you got faith that you are healed.

198What does testimony say? Saying this: "I have it now, 'cause I received God's promise. It is now working in me. I am making ready for it to happen." Uh-huh. See, that's what you testi-... your works does. Well, sure!

199 Here, some time ago, next to my last trip in Africa; I was just over there this spring, but trip before that. There was a little baby that had club feet, and one foot... leg shorter than the other one. It never wore shoes in its life. Oh, it was a most horrible deformed. And I prayed for the baby that night, they had watched and seen those things done, they prayed for the baby. And the next morning I went down, walked by a shoe store. And I walked in there, and there was the man buying the baby a pair of shoes to wear. He believed it! Uh-huh.

200Like this man over here, that believed that God would give him the baby. Sure, he believed it was going to happen, made ready for it. "I'm making ready." Although no physical results seen as yet, but that didn't make a bit of difference. He believed it, like Abraham, "called anything contrary as though it was not so." There!

201 Therefore, if your intellectuals does tell you... Oh, here's the stinger now. If your intellectuals does tell you that "This is the Truth, God is the Healer of sickness," your mind can witness that "That is the Truth," but if there is not the bedding ground in your heart (faith, to fall in) to express it, it will not happen.

Though much... no matter how much this outside man can reason it with the Scriptures, and say, "it's right," that still doesn't make it Right.

202How many takes the tapes? Did you get my sermon, not long ago, The Anointed Ones Of The Last Day? Did you believe that? See, it said, "There will be antichrists. Antichrists would almost deceive the very elected, if possible." Can it through... It can't, because it's impossible, they're elected. See? All right.

203But He said, "The anointed ones." See, Christ means "anointed," but these were anti. They were anointed, but anti, against Christ in their teaching. Now, they could do anything that the rest of them could do.

204 Now, remember, you're in a cycle of three, but you're one person. Like Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, cycle of three, but one Person. Three attributes of the same God: fatherhood... Three offices like: fatherhood, sonship, and Holy Ghost. And you are: body, spirit, and soul.

205Now, the outside body has five inlets to it, to contact your earthly home: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. The inside, which is a spirit, it has five senses: conscience, and love, and so forth. But the inside of that, the soul, has one thing. That's where you live.

206 The Spirit can come out here and anoint you to do certain thing, and you do it, but that don't mean you're saved. Think of it. Caiaphas prophesied. Judas cast out devils. See, the Spirit anointed him. This rain falls on the just and the unjust, the weeds can rejoice with the wheat. But it's what it is at the core. There's where you can, intellectuals, can accept and say, "Oh, sure, that looks good. I believe that." That still don't do it. No, sir. And the spirit can actually make witness of it, and still it isn't so. Because if that soul hasn't come from God, it can make all the impersonations out here, but it cannot be real. You can act healing, you can act like you have. You can act like you receive it. Christians can act like they're Christians, and act and be ever so good at it, but that don't mean they're saved. That's exactly right, see. The Spirit can be there, the real, genuine Spirit. The Holy Spirit can anoint you, that still don't mean you're saved. It's that inside soul that never dies, it's got Eternal Life. It always was Eternal Life. See? It come from God, it goes to God, it's the soul.

207 Now, notice that, it's got to be. Five, f-a-i-t-h, outside; spirit, J-e-s-u-s; on the inside, y-o-u. See? That's how standing here, looking at you, I don't know a one of you. The spirit can anoint me, still I don't know none of you. But when that inside of the inside breaks in, that's God.

208That's where the outside can reason. You take a man, say, "Well, you know, I--I know I'm not supposed to commit adultery. But, you know, then the spirit tells me I shouldn't commit adultery. But, you see, way down in there is still that thing in there." See, it'll kind of govern around, and better watch it.

209But when it's directed from the inside, it throws all the rest of it together. That's the guidepost. That's the control tower, the inside of the inside. The soul controls the spirit, the spirit controls the body.

210So an outside whitewash don't make any difference. Them religious people back there, that Paul called "whited-walls," and so forth, they were (outward) just every way the... a believer, and they had prophesies among them, and everything else but the inside of the inside ("the soul that disbelieveth").

211That's the reason I say people can jump up and down, and speak in tongues, people can shout, lay hands on the sick, and heal the sick and so forth, by faith; all these great things there by the Spirit, still be lost. Anointed ones.

212 Notice Jesus has said, "Only believe, for all things are possible to them that believe." Faith and works are husband and wife, they work together. The husband works with the wife, the wife with the husband; they identify one another.

213Like a man says he's "married" and yet he can't produce and show that he has a wife, you doubt his claim. See? A man said, "I'm married."

"Where's your wife?"

"Oh, oh, I--I don't know about that." See? See? Be kind of hard thing for me to believe him.

I say, "Well, where is your wife?"

"Well, I don't know." I--I ain't going to believe it.

214So, you see, if you have what you say you have, "I have faith." How you going to show me you got faith? By your works. See?

"I am married."

"How do I know you're married?"

"This is my wife." See? There you are.

"I am married, this is my husband."

"I am healed."

"How do you know?"

215 "My works shows my faith." See? See? Now, what--what you're speaking of: your faith is what God sees in you, your works is what the other people see in you.

216That's for difference between James and Paul here, explaining about Abraham. They never contradicted one another, they was both the same; married.

217So is faith that doesn't produce works, anyone has a right to doubt your testimony. Now do you hear it, before we start the prayer line? If your faith doesn't produce works with it, you can't make anyone believe that you're healed. Say, "Well, I don't know." See? "Why, yeah, sure, I got all the faith in the world." You don't. Because, if you are... got faith, then works is married to faith. They're husband and wife, one--one identifies the other one.

218 Let's think of Abraham for just a few minutes. Abraham got that holy union in complete, see, he got the whole thing together. He called things, contrary to his faith, as though it was not; and acted on the same principle. I can imagine, after about twenty years, somebody come by and said, "Father of nations? Huh! Abram, you said your name was 'Abraham,' which means father of nations. Just how many children do you have right now, Abraham?" See?

219That didn't stumble him a bit. The Bible said, "He staggered not at the Word of God, through unbelief." He went right ahead making ready, keeping all the booties ready and the bird-eye and everything, he was "going to have the baby." That's all.

220 Even Sarah said, "You know what's going to happen? You're going to have the baby, but I tell you the way we're going to do it. Hagar now is my maid, I'm going to give her to you." Cause, polygamy was legal then. "And she'll have a baby, and I'll take the baby myself." But Abraham didn't believe that. Nope, he wouldn't do it. But Sarah was inspired to do it.

221So, God told Abraham, "Go ahead and listen to her," but He said, "yet this is not what I promised you. This is not the way I promised it."

222 Now watch, he called anything "contrary," and his body then dead, and Sarah's womb the same. Now, he was an old man, a hundred years old. Sarah was ninety years old. Now notice! The deadness of Sarah's womb or the deadness of his body wasn't even brought under consideration.

223Listen to this.

For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.

For if it was by the law... was by the law be heir, faith is made void, and the promise is... none effect:

Because the law worketh wrath: and where there is no law, there is no transgression.

224Listen to this, now.

Who against hope...

"Against hope," all hopes was gone! Oh, every time I go to feeling a little "blue," here's the chapter I turn to, Romans 4, see.

(As it is written, I have made thee a father of... nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and called those things which were not as though they were. ("God said so!" See?)

Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of... nations; according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.

225Now listen, 19th verse.

And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither... the deadness of Sarah's womb:

He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong... giving glory to God;

226 At a hundred years old? Look, his body now dead (his manhood), and Sarah's womb dead. He's... It wasn't even considered. When it's revealed to him, that bed is not considered. You're a paralytic, or whatever you are, that isn't considered. The wheelchair's not under consideration. Or the little boy, maybe paralyzed, whatever it is (I don't know), it's not under consideration. Don't even consider it.

227"But the doctor said, 'He'll never get out of here.' The doctor said, 'She'll never come... '" That's not even considered.

228"Well, look, I'm an old person, I'm getting middle aged." I don't even consider it.

229 And we are the children of Abraham (Hallelujah!), not as Isaac was, but his Royal Seed (through Jesus Christ) by the faith that he had, Abraham's Seed coming forth in the last days to shine like the stars. Abraham's children! "Considered not his own body now dead." Neither even considered it! It wasn't even brought into question whether God would do it or not, God said he would do it! Why? It was revealed to him. Is that right?

230When it's revealed to you, when it really... something... You can't make it happen, it's got to be revealed to you. Then you don't even consider anything else: how impossible it is, don't consider what the doctor said, you don't consider what mama said, what papa said, what the preacher said, what anybody else said. You just consider what God said!

231 "He considered not his own body now dead, neither the deadness of Sarah's womb. It wasn't even brought under consideration. Oh, my, that just shakes me. Body dead, nor the deadness of Sarah's womb, not even brought under consideration.

232No circumstances will be considered when faith finds its bedding ground! When a germ gene from a man finds the--the egg in the woman, and both of them fertile, something's going to happen. Hallelujah! The doctor can say, "You'll not have a baby. I can prove that your--your genes are dead in your body, and her eggs will never be fertile." But let that fertile egg, let that germ twist itself to that egg one time, watch what happens; that little boy or that little girl comes on the scene. Why? Faith has found its bedding ground. Works goes to work, cell on top of cell, and here comes the little fellow. Amen. God, have mercy upon us. O God, if we was rugged Christians like we should be; if we were men and women, who could take God at His Word. You can't do it until it's revealed to you. (I got to hurry)

233 Notice, the holy faith of God was united with the holy works of his prophet. Remember, God's holy faith was revealed to Abraham. He received it, and by there he started with his holy works, by believing. The seed of promise had a place to grow. What if he said (Abraham) "Well, you know, Sarah, after all, it's been twenty-five years since God made that promise"? Huh-uh! "If something would a-happened," see. But it wouldn't. God knowed it wouldn't.

234What if the virgin Mary said, "Well, now, wait a minute! A--a virgin conceive? Well, they'll throw me out of my church if I go in and say such a thing as that"? Now, she would have thought those thoughts if it hadn't been that prepared bedding ground.

235When that prophet said, "A virgin shall conceive," that settled it. See?

236"These signs shall follow them that believe." If a bedding ground is laying there when that Word drops there, it takes a-hold. There's nothing can stop it.

237 Now, quickly, while we finish. See, the Seed had a place to hide. God knew it, or He would have never give the promise to Abraham. Now listen, real close now. God knowed where that promise was going to; He never even called Abraham till he was seventy-five years old, but he was His predestinated servant from the beginning, so was Sarah.

238Notice, remember, he had no Bible to read from. He didn't have it as easy as we got it today, to read His Word and see others who've took It. Remember, he only had It by revelation, and that's the real thing. Same as it was by Joseph, in Genesis, there was no Bible. Remember, Moses wrote Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. None of those characters in there had any Bible to read till after Moses. Is that right? They didn't have a Bible that we got, to help us along in our cripple condition. They were rugged men who... was revealed to them by God, and they stood right there. Nothing moved them. Now, do you think that we can still have that rugged faith? If It's revealed to you!

239 Pardon the expression, or the testimony at this time, just before closing. I remember that up here in "Twin City," I think Brother Brown and them was with me; and I was taking the life of Joseph, in the Bible. And I read that Bible, there was a man there was nothing against! Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all of them, had something against them, but not Joseph. What a man, a perfect man, a perfect type of Christ!

240When I read that, I just got to crying, one day, in my little ol' hotel room. And I went over in the closet where I had my clothes hanging, pulled the door together, and I said, "God, I want to thank You for a man like Joseph, a man who once lived on the earth, a--a man in flesh like I am, a man that could believe You and take Your Word." He was hated of his brothers. He couldn't help being spiritual. He saw a vision. He could interpret dream. All of them hated him for it. He couldn't help that, that's just what he was.

241 See, it just wasn't to the others. They ought to have loved him, but instead of that... When he told them, sometimes things against them, "Oh," they say, "here comes that dreamer." See? And they hated him without a cause.

242I said, "Why did they do that?" And yet that man never moved, he stayed right there. See? I said, "Thank You, Lord. O God, thank You for such a man."

243And right then the Holy Spirit revealed to me, said, "You'll have a son, and you'll call his name 'Joseph.'" I got up from there and thanked the Lord.

244 Becky, setting back there, had just been borned about a... she was about a year old. She was with cesarean, it runs in my wife's family to be cesarean; 'cause they don't unhinge like the woman should, the bones are solid like a man, and she had to be cut from her mother. And the doctor told me, he said, "Brother Branham, don't you never have another child by this woman." Said, "Her womb is as thin as a balloon." He said, "You'd better let me tie those tubes."

245I said, "No, I wouldn't... don't think about doing that, 'Doc.'"

246He said, "Well, you--you--you'll... She shouldn't have another child." Said, "You're going to ruin her," said, "she'll die." Said, "We had an awful time there," said, "you just... she just did come through."

247And then the Lord told me I was "going to have a son" and his name would be called "Joseph." I never was scared about it. All of you... many of you remember it.

248 I went forth announcing, "I'm going to have a baby and his name's going to be Joseph." How many remembers it? Sure! All around, out over the country, everywhere, telling people, "Going to have a baby, his name's going to be Joseph."

249Just the same as that little boy was raised up, in Finland, from the dead. Brother Jack was right there when it happened. Told you, two or three years before it happened, "There'd be a little boy," how he'd be dressed, where he'd be laying. "God said so!"

250"How is it going to be?"

251"I don't know! But it was revealed to me that it was going to happen!"

252 It was revealed to me, "I was going to Arizona, and there I'd meet seven Angels. And they would tell me then what... a Message that I was to preach." And that was the Seven Seals. It happened! How many remembers me saying that? The tapes and things will go to that. And it happened! Magazines, everything else, took the picture of It. That Light there in the air, they can't even understand It yet. There it was.

253I remember calling Brother Jack and asking him about that, Christ being standing there, and Brother Jack said, "That's in His glorified state." See? I love Brother Jack. He's one of the best theologians I know of, but I just couldn't hit it just right.

254I was standing there, I said, "Lord, how is this? Young Man here" I said, "with hair like wool."

255And He said, "He is wigged." Watch in the book, before it ever happened, I said that. And that day when that happened, it went up. And then you turn that picture sideways, if you've got Look Magazine or Life Magazine. Turn it sideways. There He is, just perfectly, Hoffmann's Head of Christ, looking right down where I was standing; there It is in the magazine! How many's ever seen It? Course, you've all seen. There, looking right back, proved exactly the revelation was correct.

256 Why wigged? Why, the old English judges, the Jewish judges, used to wear a--a--a wig, they do yet in England; when he's... that's supreme authority, he wears a wig. And that showed Him standing there, wigged by Angels' wings, He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the Supreme Judge, and none other but Him. He is to look upon as Alpha and Omega. And there He was a young Man, no, or more, thirty years old, wearing a wig of white. Showing that He was Supreme, God, "The Father hath committed all judgment unto the hands of the Son." Hallelujah! The revelation is never wrong! Speak It anyhow, no matter what it sounds like, goes right with the Word.

Now remember, four years later, my wife...

257 We knew we was going to have a baby. Everybody said, "Is this Joseph coming?"

258I said, "I guess it is, I don't know, but I'm going to have Joseph."

259When it was borned, it was Sarah. Then a man called me up, and laughed in my face, he said, "Say, you know what? You meant Josephine!" (The man died. The man died.)

260I said, "Sir, I said, 'God told me I was "going to have a son" and I would "call his name 'Joseph'"!'"

261There was three people that left a certain denominational church and come to our church, and heard me saying that. When Sarah was borned, they said, "Why, he's a false prophet."

262I said, "Wait a minute, ladies, I never said when, neither did God say when. He told me, was 'going to have a... ' He was going to... told Abraham, they was 'going to have a Isaac,' but Ishmael was borned in between that time, but it didn't take It away." I said, "God said I'll have this boy and we'll call his name 'Joseph.'"

263 The doctor said, when he come up, he said, "Reverend, I'm going to tie those tubes now." Said, "I..."

264I said, "Don't you do it!" I said...

265He said, "Well, you might get married again and have that boy yet."

266I said, "I'm going to have it by her! God said so!" I couldn't read it out of the Bible but it was wrote on my heart by revelation, by faith; God said so! Didn't want to stagger at the promise of God through unbelief.

Some of them said, "You meant 'Josephine.'"

I said, "I meant 'Joseph.'"

Doctor said, "She can't have another baby."

I said, "She will have another baby."

267Four years passed, finally she was going to be mother again.

268 Then a woman, (a false prophecy sent forth across the country) writing words, said, "Now Meda's going to die, during this time, because I was sent to lead Bill." And it said that "He won't listen to me 'cause I'm a woman, and God's going to get even with him now by killing his wife."

269I said, "God sent Jesus Christ to lead me." See? And I said, "I'm led by the Spirit."

270Poor little Meda. We had a nurse that had been healed there in a meetings, you all know, Mrs. Morgan, (and one of Mayo's nurses, the worse cases). Well, she's on the record, "dead," about twenty years ago, of cancer, "sarcomas cancer," in Louisville, right on the Baptist hospital record. She's nursing in--in Jeffersonville, in the hospital, now. She's been there for all these years, 'cause God said "She'd live."

271And, so, Meda loved her, and she said, "I want Margie come with me, Bill, I don't feel like going to the hospital."

272 I said, "Don't make... We love Margie, but Margie's not our God, Margie's our sister." And I took off up to Green's Mill. She'd got me all tore up, course I love her, and I went up to Green's Mill. And I...

273And she said, "Bill, do you think I'm going to die?"

274And I said, "I don't know, but the baby is going to be born, anyhow. You're going to have a Joseph."

275She said, "Is this him?"

276I said, "I don't know, Honey. I can't say, but God said we're 'going to have Joseph,' and we're going to have Joseph. I don't care what anything says, we're going to have Joseph. For the same God that's told me all these revelations, told me that, He never failed on others and He won't fail on that."

277I went up to the mill to pray. And started over there, seen that Light hang between two trees, said, "Go back to your, were, to the Book." I went back to this...

278 The Bible was... and laying in my car. And when I did, the wind had blowed it over to where Nathan was setting, and David; said, "Go tell My servant David; I took him from that sheepcote, from feeding those few sheep of his father's, and I made him a great name like the great man." (not all the--the greatest name, but just like great man; never made him a Billy Graham, but a... give him a name, you know) Said, "Well, I done that, but" said, "I can't let him build the temple, but his son..." And just as soon as It said, "His sons," oh, my, there it was.

279I said, "Joseph?" That's right.

280Right there, in the house I went. And there's the little fellow, so big she... she's a big ol' boy, she couldn't hardly walk, going out through the field. I run, throw my arms around her, and I said, "Honey! Joseph is coming. Joseph is on his road."

281 Anyone knows, with cesarean, you can't let the baby drop. That night the baby dropped, the water broke, everything else.

282Next morning, at seven o'clock, we went over to the hospital, the doctor said, "Oh, mercy, goodness."

283I kissed her good-bye, said, "Honey, it won't be long, Joseph will be here." Right up the steps, she went like that on the operating table.

284A few minutes, the nurse come back, said, "Rev. Branham?"

285I said, "Yes, ma'am."

286She said, "You got a fine, seven pound, three ounce, boy."

287I said, "Joseph, son, welcome." Yes, sir! Why? Why? What is it? It wasn't written in the Bible that would happen, but the same God of the Bible that revealed it to Abraham, we didn't consider the deadness of her womb, the impossibility to be that way. You don't stagger at the promise of God through unbelief, but you give praise to God, know that it's got to happen! I don't care what doctor says, everything else will come in all kind of a way, but don't you believe it, it's a lie of the Devil. Yes, sir, true. Faith goes about, together with works, to create the promise. (Let's hurry.)

288 Just exactly as it said, "Rahab the harlot," James said, "was justified by works." But why? Her faith!

289She said, "I hear that God is with you." She didn't want to see how Joshua wore his hair, or how he wore his clothes. She said, "I understand that God's with you." That's all was necessary, she made ready.

290Just as true vision today, (I'm closing just in a moment) true visions from God today, it's a promised Word for the day. Say, "These visions, Brother Branham, where do you get that?" People stumble at that. Did not Acts 2:17, said, "It shall come to pass in the last days that your young man shall see visions, your old man shall dream dreams"? Isn't that right? That's what the Bible said.

291 All right, now if that's so, also look at Malachi, the 4th chapter, and find out if this isn't promised today. How can you have faith in It? The Bible said so!

292Now you take Luke 17:30 and read it. Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man. Just like it was at Sodom. Now, look at the position of the world today: Sodomites. Look at that Billy Graham and Oral Roberts, them two witnesses, down there witnessing to the denominational churches. One to the Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian; the other to the Pentecostals. This one, that one, and the other one.

293 But remember, Abraham wasn't in Sodom, he was already called out. And there was One stayed and talked to him! And the One stayed and talked to him, showed him a sign. With His back turned, He said Sarah was going to have the baby that he had waited on. Amen. With His back turned. And he called It, "God, Elohim."

294Now, that brings to pass today, because we have faith. And I know this is of God, is because this and other Scriptures point to this hour. Revelation 10, said that "in the hour of the seventh angel's Message, when he begins to sound forth his Message," not in a healing service, but the Message that follows the healing service.

295 Jesus went forth and preached; he said, "He healed the sick, and everything. O that young Rabbi, the Prophet, He's a great Fellow. We want Him in our church."

296But one day He stood up, said, "I and My Father are One." Oh, my. They didn't want Him no more then. Yeah. Oh!

297"Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His Blood!" He didn't explain It. Said, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."

298Why, I imagine, them doctors and nurses said, "This fellow's a vampire, trying to get us to drink his blood." See, they didn't understand It. He knowed it.

299But them disciples, they might not have been able to explained it, but they set there and believed It anyhow, amen, for It was revealed to them. Yes, sir. They knowed It, the Scriptures had declared It.

300 It could be asked then to me, this that you might say, "Why do you have faith to believe in these visions, when--when there's so many false impersonations goes forth?"

301I'm going to speak a little something, strong, just for a minute now. When so many false impersonations are around, remember, my brother, they are also spoken of that they should be here at this same time. That's exactly, just as it was in the times of Moses. Moses went down to perform the works of God before the people, and there was Jambres and Jannes standing there. But who was first to do it? Then these other ones was impersonators, 'cause there had to be a original first for them to impersonate. If that had been the original... Uh-huh. Nah, we're not--we're not lost, we know where we're at. See? See, by the Scripture and by the revelation of God, that's why you still stand.

302 "Why, this man, he sees visions and so forth. He does this, and he run around with this man's wife. He believes in--in three gods, and all these things." That don't stagger It a bit. And here's one thing they can't impersonate: the Word! No. They can have all these things, they can speak in tongues, they can shout, dance in the Spirit, and still be devils. Uh-huh. That's right. That's right. But this Word measures them up. See? That's exactly right. This is where it comes to. As Moses, and Jambres...

And remember, He said, "As Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, in the last days these impersonators would rise on the earth again." Did He say it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] So, we got them.

303 But that didn't stagger Moses. When Moses turned around and done a miracle in the Name of the Lord, and here stood these impersonators, done the same thing. That didn't stop him, say, "Well, I guess I had better quit and go off the field." He stayed right there. For what? It was revealed to him. Hallelujah! He knowed by the Word of God. He knowed that the Word would finally catch up with them. He knowed there'd come a time when the Word would manifest Itself, and they couldn't go no further.

304So have I knowed this, all these years. See? That's right, that the time would come. When any miracle that God sends, a real miracle, there's always a change in the whole system. If God sends something into the church, and the old system's not changed, He sent it in vain. When a message goes forth in signs and wonders, there is a Message follows that. When Jesus went forth healing the sick, then come His Message, "I and My Father are One. I am He." See? See, they--they didn't believe That. They believed His miracles. Said, "If you can't believe Me, believe those miracles." Said, "They testify to you, Who I am." Oh, my. Glory! Who was first? Moses! Then they impersonated him. But the great truths still remains the same between the right and wrong, they cannot accept the Message! They cannot accept the Message that's unadulterated, from the Word of God.

305 I don't care, Judas could have done all kind of signs and wonders; but, when he come to receive the Holy Ghost at the Day of Pentecost, he showed his colors. That Devil can come right up and impersonate right to the very thing, till it comes to this Word, but he can't take all that Word. He can bring it all up, maybe to one Word like Eve did, the Devil did to Eve, but he can't cross it all. Because the only... the whole thing is the Body of Christ. See, Word now. Neither could... They could not, cannot take the Message now, neither could Jambres and Jannes take Moses' Message. They could not do it. Their works of impersonation was made known, because they could not be able to follow God's Word vindicated by His anointed prophet. See?

306 They could not follow Israel out. Why? They were denominational, Egyptian babies! They could not follow that Word. If they did, they had to leave Egypt. The Nile was good to them, and they couldn't do it. Although they could impersonate the works, and do what Moses did, but their folly was made manifest when it come time to leave. Then God really poured out it, on them.

307Same now! They might do all kind of false impersonations and things, that don't do nothing but magnify the right thing. And any believing child knows that's the Truth (uh-huh). Here you see in plain view, then, the works of their folly of their impersonation. If you'll... if your work is the true Word and vindicated by It, by your faith, it will manifest (and the--and the promise of God) in Its original written Word.

308 Jesus said, "If I do not the works..." (Listen close!) "If I do not the works..." (Let me add this to It.) "That is, if I do not the works the Scriptures tell you I will do, then... do that in My age, when I come, what the Messiah was supposed to do when He come. If the things that I do, if God doesn't vindicate that Word that He said would happen, if My life doesn't make that Word live just exactly what It said It would do..." (Don't miss this!) Jesus saying, "You know what the Messiah's supposed to do. Then, if that Word that's written, and then It don't manifest Itself through Me, then I am not He." (Amen!) "Then the day that I speak of is wrong, what John said about Me was untrue. And then if I'm not that Messiah, if those works that Messiah was supposed to do. He is to be 'the Lord your God shall raise up a prophet like unto me,' and you haven't had a prophet for hundreds of years. And if them works that I do, that God promised, if they aren't manifested in My present life, then I am not He. But if the promised Word of this age is vindicated in Me, then I am He and the promise is come to you." (Oh, my, don't see how much plainer It could be!) "If the promise isn't..." (Oh!)

309 "Then if the promise of that day is manifested in My ministry," said Jesus, "then I am He. So if you can't hardly believe who I am, then look at the works that's promised for this day." (Amen!) "Look at the works that's promised. If them works isn't fulfilled, every one of them in Me, then don't believe Me, because I've told you wrong. If you can't believe Me, just look what the Bible said will happen in this day. If it isn't happening, then it isn't right. If these false things isn't here, and all these other things, and things that's supposed to take place; if it isn't here, then I'm wrong. But if it is," Jesus said, "then I'm He." (Amen!) "I am He that was promised to come." (Oh, my, same works that was promised, in His day, vindicated Him to be that Messiah. Don't you believe that?)

310 Well, now, brother, if the works of Luke, the 17th chapter and the 30th verse, the promise of Jesus Christ, just before His coming, that the world would turn back to Sodom and the messengers would go out, and the things would be done just exactly; if that isn't taking place, then don't believe me that I've told you the Truth. But if it is taking place, then believe that It's Him, "In that day the Son of man will be revealed." Amen! The Son of man will be revealed in a body of flesh, you people the Church, just exactly like it was before the days of Sodom, a called-out group away from all of them, setting out, believing the promise of God. Glory!

311 Then, the works that the Holy Spirit is doing today, by these visions never failing, promises never failing, all the apostolic signs promised in the Bible, of Malachi 4, and, oh, the Revelation 10:7, all of that is being fulfilled; and proved by scientific, every other way. And if I haven't told you the Truth, these things would not happen. But if I have told you the Truth, they bear record that I've told you the Truth. He's still the same, yesterday, today, and forever, and the manifestation of His Spirit is catching away a Bride. Let that faith (revelation) fall into your heart, that "This is the hour."

Now let us pray.

312 Dear God, Who was manifested in the flesh in the person of Jesus Christ, that raised up from the dead, the third day, according to the Scriptures, and ascended on High, and sent the disciples out to disciple all the world, and said, "These signs shall follow them that believe."

313God, to the Pentecostal church of this day, the restoration of the gifts; may, Lord, those man, maybe some of them present here, some of them hearing the tape around the world, may they realize that this is the calling out of the Bride, not a Pentecostal message. The Pentecostal message was to restore the gifts back in the Church. But this is the calling forth of the Bride, another Message that was to come just before Sodom was to be burned. Let them understand, dear God. Faith, I believe This, because It's revealed by Your Spirit through the Word of God and has been vindicated and made manifest to the whole world. Certainly, Lord, in the minority, always Your groups are that way. But You said, "Fear not, little flock, it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom."

314 So, I pray, God, that man will look away from their intellect, look away from what they might think is right, and look into the Scripture. And was spoken last night, let the people here think like the queen did in the days of the great destruction of Babylon, she said, "There is a man among you named 'Daniel,' was in your father's kingdom. The pentecostal father was in his kingdom, and He is a dissolver of all doubts."

315And now, Lord, let the Holy Spirit that was in the Pentecostal kingdom, the kingdom that was Martin Luther's, was John Wesley's, and--and on through to John Smith and Alexander Campbell, and down through the age. He's a Dissolver, He dissolved the thoughts. And the--the people in the days of Luther, that man, "The just should live by faith." The Methodist, He dissolved all the doubts, that "They should--they should be sanctified," And in the days of the Pentecost, they spoke in tongues, give the manifestations of the Spirit by Divine healing and so forth, It dissolved all the doubts in the pentecostal's heart. But, O God, they denominated. They went right back out to take man's ideas. Therefore, now when the Bride is being called as You've promised it here in the Scripture, reading It before the world, night after night, and we watch It with our eyes. God, may It dissolve all the doubts in the people's heart. May they flee quickly to the open Son, to be ripened, to be taken into the garner and not be left in the stalk to be burned, but may they go to the garner tonight. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

Thank you for your attention. Let God deal with your heart.

316 Now, do you... We got prayer cards give out. Now, we're going to take about twenty minutes now, for a prayer line. We want to line up real quick, and come across the platform and pray. And now, I don't know how many cards was give out. I never even asked Billy one thing. I just said, "Did you give out... Go down there and give out some prayer cards." And he come back and picked his mother and I and them up, just a while ago. Now, I--I... did...

317Well, did you start with a hundred, or one, and one to a hundred, or what? [Brother Billy Paul says, "One to a hundred."--Ed.] One to a hundred. All right.

318 Let's have prayer card number one. If you got it, hold up your hand so I can see. If you can't... If you can stand up... if you can't, we'll pack you. Prayer card number one, right quick. Who has that? What'd you say? A, number one. (excuse me) A, number... This lady here, do you have that card? Come right here, will you lady? A, number two. Have you got it, someone? Raise your hand quickly. Right here, lady, come. Number three. Got a card? You got a card? You all... Don't have any cards? In this... in... All right, you don't have to have it. Three, four, five. A, one, two, three, four, five. Let's see, there's one, two, three, four, five. A... All right, here they... Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. All right, just line up, just start lining up.

319 Now, if you can't come, wave your hand like that so they can pack you. I've asked these people here, that don't have cards... Don't have to have, I'm just asking you. Now look, you--you crippled people here, I suppose you had to come early 'cause you just... I told him "early." Now, you don't have to have a card, if you've got that faith like I taught. See, if it's revealed to you, all right. If it isn't revealed, no matter if you be in a dozen prayer lines, it wouldn't help a bit. You know that? Do you believe that? See? I might pray, I do all I could, get down on my knees, and lay hands on you, anoint you with oil, anyway you wanted to, and pray... Until God, by grace, reveals that in your heart, that "It's over," then it's done. You don't even have to be in the line or nowhere, it's done anyhow.

320 All right, four... One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. All right, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Is anybody I've called that's got a card and can't raise up? Raise your hand, got a card and cannot raise up. All right.

... only believe,

I can see poor, little, old Anna Jeanne setting, playing that all night, nearly, sometime. I want everybody real quiet and reverent in here.

... only believe;

Now, prayer cards one to fifteen, I believe it was.

... only believe,

They're getting a little crowded here, so let's--let's just start. What do you say?

... possible...

321 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten... Now, you're getting too many. That's more than we called. That's all right. Stand still, just where you are. Don't no one... Just... you'll get... you get prayed for, but just... See, just wait till they call your number and then, you know, we--we don't have too many standing here. If the Lord should do something, you'd blind it off from the people and they can't see it, you see. God bless you.

Now let's pray for these handkerchiefs while they're getting ready.

322 Dear God, here's handkerchiefs laying here that comes from the sick and afflicted. This faith that we just been talking about, Lord; I remember You saying, in the Bible, in the Book of Jude, "Earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints." And from the body of the saints they took handkerchiefs, not because they were special people, but because they were believing people. They were man of like passion as we are. They said, "Elijah" was like that and he "prayed earnestly that it wouldn't rain." And, God, he prayed that so the people would repent. You revealed it to him to pray for them, to pray in that manner to fulfill Your Word. No doubt You showed the prophet a vision. And, Lord, tonight I'm praying for these people to be healed. I'm not Elijah, he was taken into Heaven, but his Life and Spirit still lives on. So we pray, dear God, that You will honor the prayers of Your people. And honor all of us now as we'll pray for these handkerchiefs, that when they're laid on the sick they will recover.

323 We realize, Father, that we're a--a dying generation of people. We're heading... faced--faced with Eternity. The world has gone insane. Murders; little girls being cut to pieces and ravished. The people, men wearing their hair like women, women like men, they're just perverting. The race is dying. The world's a-dying. Everything's a-dying. The church is dying.

324O God, bring Life. Bring Life, O God, Life of faith. Reveal to these people, Lord. I can only pray and lay my hands upon them. But You're the One that can heal them, and You alone can heal them. I pray that You will, Father, to each and every one. Grant it, with my hands upon them, and asking with all my heart; in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal these people. Amen.

325 Now, is this mike alive, brother? Now can you hear that all right? Everybody hear that? Raise up your hand. Now, someone was on my heart, going to these people here, setting here in this--this chair, cots and stretchers... they "didn't even get a prayer card." See? But, look, brother, see, these people got prayer cards, but that don't mean they're going to be healed. There's people setting out there in the audience, maybe... That--that--that don't mean they're--they're--they're going to be healed. That--that doesn't say that--that they will or will not be healed. That all depends on their faith in God. How many knows that to be true? That's all, just your faith in God. Now, how many knows that that's true? No matter how religious you are, how good or how bad you are, unless the grace of God drops that into your heart, you'll never get well. Now, how many knows that God has done it, has done it all along, great miracles, signs and wonders? And now, you're coming tonight, standing in this line, not because you were chosen to stand in this line by God, that isn't it; you just got a prayer card, just happened to be at your... []

326 Procedure is just exactly like my honorable Brother Gerholtzer here, started his ministry many years ago. []... with faith in God, believing God, believing that God healed the sick by faith. And it never has changed, but God has added in this last day, gifts, gifts that He promised. God did it be-... not because He had to, but because He promised to. And if He promised, then He has to do it; because He has to keep His Word.

327And He promised you the same thing, that is, "If you could believe that it would happen." If you can't believe It, it just won't happen. Now, I can't make you believe, neither can you make yourself believe. God has got to give it to you. It's a gift of God, to believe. Not your faith, God's faith. Your intellectual faith might believe it fine, but unless the faith of God is down in your heart... See, your intellectual faith can accept it, do that. And just keep believing it with all your heart until God does reveal it to you. See? Just keep believing it until God does reveal it. But until He reveals it...

328 You say, "Brother Branham, what'd you say there?"

329"Yes, sir!" God sent a prophet up to Hezekiah and told him, "'You're not coming off that bed,' THUS SAITH THE LORD. 'You're going to die there on that bed.'" That right?

330But that prophet turned... or that king turned his face to the wall, and cried out in bitter tears, and said, "Lord, I need fifteen more years. I beseech Thee, Lord, to hear me." Now, the king was the greatest man in the world, in politics; but, the prophet was, in God's sight. That was God's king; but it was God's prophet. So, God revealed to the prophet to take some... boil some... [] You know? Understand?

331 Now, that you might understand now, because I've preached the Scriptures here, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." In the days that the church is being revealed? No! "In the days that the Son of man is being revealed." What is revealed? Made known! That right? Reveal! The day that the Son of man is being revealed, it'll be a day like Sodom and Gomorrah. Is that right?

332Now, look what happened. They had two main messengers, down there in Sodom and Gomorrah, because there was a bunch of lukewarm Christians down there. Is that right? And they had two main messengers (now listen close) down in Sodom and Gomorrah, preaching. But one of them who stood out here with Abraham's group. That right?

333 Now look! We have never, in all the history of the church, ever had a universal messenger to the church that his name ended in h-a-m, till now: G-r-a-h-a-m, which is six letters, G-r-a-h-a-m. But Abraham's name was spelled: A-b-r-a-h-a-m, seven letters. See? So the universal church, being the letter of man (six, man-make organization), yet has received their messenger. They've had a Sankey, Moody, Finney, Knox, Calvin, so forth, but never a "h-a-m." Is that right? But they got it, and he's a messenger, sent from God, and he's battering them walls as hard as he can, "Get out of here! Repent or perish!"

334But remember, the Elected, predestinated, foreordained covenant, Abraham and his group got a Messenger, too. Uh-huh. Watch what He did. He gave them a sign that the time was near for the fire to fall. Now, it's fire now we're looking for, atomic fire, the wrath of God.

335 Now, that Messenger did something. He spoke about a women that He had His back turned to, and told her--and told her she was doubting what He was saying, told her her conditions and what was going to happen. Is that right? Did He say that the Son of man would reveal Himself in the same way in that day? Well, do you believe that's the Truth?

Well, here stands a woman,...

336And in the invisible union of the Church, the Bride to Christ, that Messenger is here now, which is Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.

337Now, He only speaks through His prophets. The Bible said so! "He never does anything but first He makes it known to His prophets," Amos 3:7. He always has done it. He never changes His pattern. See? And the prophet can only speak, if He's true, what God tells him. Is that right? That's true.

338 Now, do you believe He could tell me what's the matter with this woman before I even look at her? Do you believe it? Why, she's suffering with cancer. That's right. It's on her breast. She's got a boy, on her mind, he's suffering with a kind of a mental condition, nervous condition, and complications. That's right. Do you believe that? And that's true, isn't it? Do you believe now that your faith was saying that, has anchored, that you got it, you're going to have it? Then go, and the Lord Jesus will make you well. See? See? Do you believe? With all your heart?

339Now, do you believe, without looking at this woman, the Lord Jesus can tell me what's her trouble? How many believes that? Now, you know... and I've never even... I... only thing, I just seen a skirt. I don't know, couldn't tell whether it was man or woman; but just standing there. I want her to believe. Do you believe, lady? Here, the patient, do you believe? Raise up your hand if you believe. If you believe with all your heart, you can have that baby that you're asking God for. See? See? You believe? You have faith in God? Now, that don't heal, that just identified. That's the works that identifies the faith of the Presence of God, His Word made manifest.

340 This woman is wanting a great thing, too. That's not a baby, but she's wanting the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. I'll tell you what do. If you'll get rid of them cigarettes, God will give you the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Go, believe It, see. Do you believe? Have you faith in God?

341This man standing here, is a man I've never seen in my life. I don't know him, but he's suffering with something wrong in his chest. He had a fall that did that, not long ago. He isn't from here, he comes from Arkansas. He's a preacher. Go on home and preach the Gospel. See? See? See? I've never seen the man in his face.

342 There's a woman standing here, I don't know the woman, never seen her in my life. God knows her.

343If He can reveal what her trouble is, or something about it, would you believe? All of you? This is only a work identifying the faith that I have to preach what I've told you about, tonight. That's what God revealed, and this is the works proving It. Now, you have to have faith to get well.

344This woman here, I don't--I don't think I know her. Yes, I don't know her but I know somebody she knows, 'cause I see him standing here before me. She's suffering with a headache. Isn't that right, lady? Do you believe that God will heal you? Pearry Green's sister. That's right, and I never seen her in my life. That's right. I seen Pearry Green standing here, looking at me, going like that. That's right. I don't know where Pearry Green's at. Do you believe? How much do you believe? If you can believe, all things are possible. If you can't believe, nothing can happen.

345 The little lady with gray hair, setting there looking at me, right here, do you believe God? Do you believe that God can reveal to me what you're thinking about there? Got a tumor on the breast. You believe God can take it off for you? Yes. Have faith and believe. Now, what did she touch?

346The woman that touched the border of His garment, the Bible said... You that want to get the Bible, He said, "He's a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Isn't that right? He's that High Priest and He's standing right here, them people are touching Him.

347There's a little, thin woman, raised up her hand, setting right here. I never seen her in my life, but she just then touched Something. Here's what it was. She's praying to God. She has trouble in her chest, she also has a stomach trouble. God heals you, if you'll believe It. You must believe. "All things are possible to them that believe."

348 There's a man setting way back in the back, looking this way (about the second row, coming this way), suffering with asthma. Do you believe God will heal you, sir? If you believe It, God will make you well. You can have what you ask for, if you believe It.

349There's a woman setting right here, looking at me, across here, gray-headed. If you believe with all your heart... Do you believe It? All right, that gallbladder trouble will leave you then, if you believe It.

350 What do you think about It, laying here on the cot? Do you believe that God can heal you? If God will tell me your trouble, will you believe Him? If you'll believe, that cancer will leave you and you'll get well. Why don't you rise up, and take your bed, and go home? Do you believe? Will all of you believe? Well, now, what about right now? Has God dropped that faith in your heart? Everybody in here, raise your hand. If God's dropped that faith in your heart, let's lay your hands on one another, right down along the line here. Put your hands on... Right now, quickly, while the Holy Spirit is a-moving, put your hands on one another. The man's up, running down the line, praying for others.

351 Let's stand to our feet and give God praise, everybody. There's no need of going any farther. Identify Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever; you, what your afflictions are, whatever it is. If you believe Him, stand upon your feet, right now, and believe.

352Almighty God, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, send forth Your power and heal this group of people just now, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

Glory be to God! God bless you.