Neviditeľné spojenie Kristovej Nevesty



Atribúty, ktoré sú v Bohu, museli byť ukázané. On mal byť Spasiteľom. A aby urobil všetko dokonalé, tým spôsobom ako to mal, tam by potom nemohlo byť nič stratené. Ó, nebuďte deti. Buďte muži a ženy. Sme na konci cesty.

Všimnite si. To bola prirodzenosť spojená so smrťou. Váš prvý manžel, ktorý mal nad vami vládu, bola vaša prirodzenosť skrze prirodzené narodenie. Prirodzene milujete svet, lebo ste svet a časťou sveta. Je to tak? Vaše žiadosti boli, skrze tú prirodzenosť, milovať svet, ktorého ste časťou. Ste časťou prírody. Veríte tomu? A to je vaša prirodzená vec. To je dôvod, prečo sa musíte znovu narodiť. Musíte sa oddeliť. Musíte zomrieť tomu prvému manželovi. Nemôžete s tým žiť. Nemôžete len povedať, "No, ja sa s ním rozvediem a odložím ho tu, až do nejakej príležitosti." Nie, žiadny rozvodný list. On zomiera. Tá prirodzenosť toho sveta musí zomrieť! Každý jeho kúsok musí zomrieť! Musíte byť znovu spojení s inou prirodzenosťou.

Vaše meno vašej prvej prirodzenosti sa narodilo a bolo zapísané v Knihe Života a tiež tam boli napísané všetky vaše skutky. Všetko, čo ste v tej prirodzenosti urobili, bolo zapísané v Knihe nazvanej Kniha Života.

1 Zrušil som poľovačku, takže môžem slúžiť pre Pána. Takže je to... Sme radi, že tu môžeme byť. Minule som vám tu povedal... myslím, že vždy, keď sa zídeme, niekto chýba. A keď sa vrátime na budúci rok, a Pán bude zhovievať, bude tu niekto chýbať.

Je niekto, kto mi bol veľmi, veľmi blízky, srdcom i duchom, bol to brat Lyle. Vždy som mal privítanie, keď som prišiel, stál som tam vzadu v študovni brata Jacka a počúval ten starý spevácky kvartet. Dnes večer oni spievajú v sláve. Jeden z tých hlasov je už tam a čaká na tých ďalších troch. Myslím, že ich už nikdy nebudem počuť tu na zemi. Ale, samozrejme sa teším, keď ich budem znova počuť, brata a sestru Moore a vás v tej Zemi, kde budú... to už nikdy nebude zahmlené.

2 Brat Palmer bol veľký Kristov sluha. Spomínam si na brata Jacka, ako mi hovoril o jeho Bohu-odovzdanom živote. Oni boli obaja tesári a povedal, že keď obedoval, držal v ruke sendvič, jedol sendvič a čítal pritom Bibliu. Vidíte, on urobil niekoľko mocných veľkých vecí, brat Palmer. Je dobrý tesár, dobrý otec svojim deťom, milá rodina. On ich všetkých vychoval, aby slúžili Pánovi. Pokiaľ viem, všetci sú spasení a naplnení Svätým Duchom. A to je veľký príspevok pre každého v týchto dňoch - pre chlapcov a dievčatá. Ale vidiac všetko to, čo oni urobili, to by nemalo príliš veľký význam, keby neslúžili Bohu... ak by neslúžil Bohu; a dnes večer... to, čo vykonal tu na zemi, jeho dobré skutky, on je preč, pri svojej odmene, aby bol s nimi. Bože, nech odpočíva duša nášho brata v pokoji. Viem, že pokiaľ tu bude táto modlitebňa, viem, že budete... jeho hlas tu stále bude. Môžete ho počuť.

3 Sestra Annajeanne a jej sestra hrali na organ a na klavír, oni nikdy nemuseli čakať. Brat Palmer tu len stál a len začal pieseň a oni to hneď chytili. A ja nikdy... Tešil som sa na to, ako ho budem počuť viesť piesne. Jeho deťom, jeho žene a bratovi Jackovi, jeho dôvernému priateľovi, oni boli priateľmi po všetky tie roky, a bratovi Brownovi, sestre Brownovej a vám všetkým v modlitebni, nech vás Boh žehná. Aj mne chýba. Bože, daj odpočinutie jeho statočnej duši, kým ho stretneme v pokoji. Skloňme svoje hlavy.

4 Milostivý nebeský Otče, práve hovoríme o tomto veľkom sluhovi, on mi dnes večer chýba, jeho potrasenie rukou a ten milý úsmev, ktorý mal vždy, keď povedal, „Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Branham," keď sme vychádzali dverami. Viem, že dnes večer je hore v Tvojom dome. Tak sa modlím, drahý Bože, aby si nechal to ovocie, jeho skutky, ktoré ho nasledovali, aby boli veľké, aby pokračovali s jeho deťmi a manželkou. Modlíme sa, aby si ju požehnal, Pane. Ty si povedal, že Ty budeš manželom tým vdovám, ktoré sú naozaj vdovami. Modlím sa teraz za našu sestru Palmerovú a za všetky tie deti. Viem s nimi obomi súcitiť, ...stratil som spoločníka a tiež som stratil otca.

5 Tak, Otče, ako sme tu dnes večer, modlíme sa, aby si pripravil tiež naše srdcia na tú hodinu. My nevieme, môže to prísť tak náhle, ako pri ňom. Nevieme, kedy to príde, ale vieme, že to musí prísť. Tak sa modlíme, Bože, aby si preskúmal každé srdce, ktoré je tu dnes večer. Bože, nevynechaj ma. Preskúmaj ma tiež a skús ma. Pane, ak je v nás niečo zlé, odstráň to. Chceme Ti slúžiť. To je náš hlavný cieľ, slúžiť Ti. Vylej na nás dnes večer Tvojho Ducha aj do konca tohoto týždňa.

Požehnaj túto modlitebňu - stánok, ktorý sa volá Stánok (modlitebňa) Života ("Life Tabernacle"). Nech obdrží plné požehnanie toho mena a nech je plná Božieho Života tento týždeň, aby každá stratená duša bola zachránená, aby každý veriaci bol naplnený Svätým Duchom a obnov znova tú nádej, ktorá je v nás, Pane.

6 Modlíme sa, aby si tiež uzdravil všetkých nemocných a postihnutých, ktorí prichádzajú medzi nás. Pane, nech je tu Tvoj veľký Svätý Duch a uzdrav a pomaž každého jedného, aby veril. Udeľ nám tieto veci, Otče.

Bože, pomôž mi teraz, keď pripadlo na mňa, aby som priniesol posolstvo. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si nechal tú ľudskú časť stáť bokom, nech príde Duch Svätý a pohybuje sa nad nami, Pane, nech Duch Svätý vedie toto stretnutie, Pane. Vieme, že sme tak nedostatoční. Nedokázali by sme to, ani jeden z nás. Netvrdíme, že sme schopní to robiť. Ale, Pane, my vieme, že Ty si Ten schopný. Tak hľadíme na Teba, Pane. Pohybuj sa, Duchu Boží a občerstvi nás. Prosíme v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

7 No, chcem odovzdať po linke pozdravy zborom, ktoré sú pripojené po celých štátoch. Sme prepojení telefónnou linkou, je to skvelý systém, ktorý sme mohli zaviesť vďaka nášmu bratovi Perry Greenovi z Beaumontu v Texase. A tie zbory, ktoré sú pripojené dnes večer, naprieč celými Spojenými štátmi, nasledujú to posolstvo.

Posielame pozdravy od hora dolu po západnom pobreží, celou cestou od Vancouveru dole po Tijuana v Mexiku, cez San Jose, Los Angeles, všetky tie skupiny tam, pozdravujeme vás zo Shreveportu, tiež všetkých po Prescott v Arizone, skupine tam hore, ktorá čaká na Pána, posielame vám pozdravy a tiež do Tucsonu, od Sierra Vista po New York, hore a dolu naprieč celým národom. Nech vás Pán žehná, každého jedného. Priali by sme si, aby ste tu boli dnes večer s nami. Tento nádherný štát Louisiana, kde to vyzerá ako môj druhý domov...

8 Ja... Viete, vy ľudia hore v New Yorku, viete, trochu sa tak smejem na tom, ako vy hovoríte. Dnes večer som doma. Každý tu dole, viete, povie, „Hello, drahý brat Branham. Priveď sestru Branhamovú a všetkých mladých a príďte nás pozrieť." Ó, to mi robí, že sa cítim dobre. To je pre mňa skutočná angličtina. Nemyslím tým nebrať na vás ohľad, vy ľudia z východu a severu a z rôznych miest, ale viete, myslím, že som sa narodil ako starý „Reb" a musím taký zostať. Mám to tak trochu rád. To je skutočná angličtina.

Bol som tu nie tak dávno na raňajkách Obchodníkov a oni povedali, „Teraz sa postavíme a zaspievame národnú hymnu." A ja som sa postavil a povedal, „Pre môj starý ďaleký Kentucký domov..." Pre mňa bola to národná hymna. To je všetko, čo som o tom vedel. Takže, posielame vám pozdravy.

9 A teraz do... Verím, že oni sa pokúsia vysielať tiež tie Raňajky Obchodníkov v sobotu ráno. Brat Green vám povie, on je teraz tam pri mikrofónoch. Takže on vám povie, kedy začínajú tie Raňajky a kedy sa treba každý večer naladiť. Veľmi pekne vám ďakujeme a modlite sa za nás.

10 No, tento miestny zbor a modlitebňa brata Jacka, chcel by som vás dnes večer poprosiť o láskavosť. Dnes večer chcem priniesť posolstvo Vďakyvzdania našim miestnym zborom po celom národe, ktoré nasledujú to Posolstvo, v tomto budem... možno budem trochu dlho hovoriť a potom znovu, možno budem kázať nejakú náuku. Takže ak... A keď s tým nebudete súhlasiť, práve tak ako som vždy hovoril, keď sa je čerešňový koláč: Keď narazím na kôstku, nevyhodím koláč, vyhodím tú kôstku a ďalej jem ten koláč. Takže ak sa náhodou zmienim dnes večer... Ja... To je jeden dôvod, prečo som prijal toto pozvanie na dnes večer, aby som tu bol a priniesť moje posolstvo Vďakyvzdania skupinám po celej krajine, pretože brat Jack vždy slobodne otvoril svoje dvere a povedal, „Káž, čo máš na srdci." Takže sa skutočne cítim ako doma. Tak sa môže stať, že tu, v tomto miestnom zbore s bratom Jackom, môžu tu byť kazatelia a nejakí ľudia, ktorí by nesúhlasili s náukou. Obyčajne mám tú zdvorilosť, že sa nezmieňujem o náuke za kazateľňou človeka, ktorý ma pozval, aby som prišiel a hovoril pre neho. Takže po dnešnom večeri, myslím, že sa budem modliť za chorých a robiť obvyklú službu, ale myslel som, že vám dám vedieť vopred, že ak s niečím, čo poviem, sa nebude dať súhlasiť, dobre, pripočítajte to mojej nevzdelanosti, že hádam... a že to lepšie neviem a modlite sa za mňa.

11 Tak teraz, prejdime do Slova, sem do kapitoly, kde sa chcem dnes večer odvolávať na mnohé miesta, lebo mám tu na kazateľni niekoľko miest Písma a zopár poznámok.

Pamätám si, keď som prvý krát prišiel na pódium v „Life Tabernacle" pred dvadsiatimi rokmi, nemusel som si značiť miesta Písma a poznámky. Bol som vtedy o dvadsať rokov mladší. Ale teraz mi už prešlo dvadsať päť, druhý krát, takže, neviem si to zapamätať tak, ako som bol zvyknutý. Musím si poznačiť miesta Písma a niekedy stručne to alebo ono - na čo sa chcem odvolávať. A teraz, nech Pán dá požehnanie, keď budeme čítať Božie Slovo z knihy Rimanom, 7. kapitolu.

12 No, chcem to trochu učiť ako lekciu nedeľnej školy. Viem, že ľudia v modlitebni v Jeffersonville obyčajne stoja... chceme vás dnes večer tiež všetkých pozdraviť. Vieme, že ste pripojení tam v modlitebni. A zdá sa akoby som bol tam v modlitebni, ak ste tu boli, ľudia sú pri stenách a je to preplnené. No, predpokladám, že vy ste na tom tiež tak, všetci tí ľudia, ktorí sú hore, v tej časti krajiny, ktorí prichádzajú kvôli tomu posolstvu.

13 No, využijeme toto ako lekciu nedeľnej školy. A nie je to smerované na nič, na nijakých určitých ľudí, ani nič, len pre cirkev, pre Telo Kristovo, ktoré sa snažíme viesť do hlbších myšlienok a k vyšším cieľom, veriac, že príchod Pána Ježiša je nablízku. Veríme tomu. Oveľa bližšie, je to o dvadsať rokov bližšie, než ako to bolo, keď som prvý krát prišiel do Shreveportu. Ó, toľko sa toho odvtedy udialo. No, tešíme sa na príchod Pánov v našej generácii. Neočakávam prebudenie v našej generácii, ja očakávam príchod Pána v našej generácii.

14 No, v liste Rimanom 7, verím, že máte teraz otvorené svoje Biblie všade po celej krajine, chceme dôkladne čítať. No, toto posolstvo tu, to vyzerá ako na manželstvo a rozvod, ale v skutočnosti to nie je - pre mňa je to proroctvo pre cirkev v posledných dňoch. Čítajme.

Alebo či neviete, bratia, - lebo hovorím znalým zákona - že zákon panuje nad človekom dotiaľ, dokiaľ žije?

Lebo vydatá žena je priviazaná k živému mužovi zákonom. Ale keby muž zomrel, oprostená je zákona muža.

A tak tedy, kým žije muž, budú ju volať cudzoložnicou, ak bude ženou inému mužovi. Ale ak by zomrel muž, slobodná je od zákona, aby nebola cudzoložnicou, keby bola pripojená k inému mužovi.

Nasledovne, moji bratia, aj vy ste usmrtení zákonu skrze telo Kristovo, aby ste boli zaviazaní inému, tomu, ktorý to vstal z mŕtvych, aby sme niesli ovocie Bohu.

Lebo keď sme boli v tele, pôsobili v našich údoch vášne rôznych hriechov, vznikajúce skrze zákon, aby sme niesli ovocie smrti.

Ale teraz sme oprostení zákona zomrúc tomu, kým sme boli držaní, tak, aby sme slúžili v novote ducha a nie v starobe litery.

15 A teraz sa modlime.

Drahý Bože, práve sme čítali to, čomu veríme, že je sväté Božie Slovo. A to je to, čomu veríme: že ani jediná jota, ani jeden háčik z Tohoto nijakým činom nepominie, kým sa všetko nenaplní. A my veríme, že náš Pán nám povedal v Zjavení v 22. kapitole, že ktokoľvek by odňal jedno slovo z Tohoto, alebo pridal jedno slovo k Tomuto, tak isto, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života.

A my vidíme, že prekrútením tohoto Slova, ako ho Satan prekrútil Eve, zapríčinil, aby pochybovala o jednom Slove, uvalil celé ľudské pokolenie do padlého chaosu: len jedno slovo. Potom vidíme, v strede Knihy prišiel náš Pán a Spasiteľ a On nám dal tento citát, ktorý sa toho týka: „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." Potom to vážne varovanie v poslednej knihe Zjavenia Ježiša Krista: „Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo alebo odníme jedno slovo, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života."

16 Ó, Bože, Ty vieš a vidíš, akí sme krehkí, vieš, že kráčame po krehkých nitiach života, tohoto smrteľného života, nepoznáme čas, kedy budeme predvolaní aby sme sa zodpovedali na výsostiach, daj nám, Pane, aby sme odložili nabok všetko v našich srdciach, všetko v našej mysli a hľadeli dnes večer priamo do Tvojho Slova a aby si Ty prišiel a vyložil To živými výrokmi. Udeľ to.

Nech Tvoj Duch padne na nás a pomaže tie Slová do našich sŕdc, aby sme tento večer mohli odtiaľto odchádzať lepší, ako sme teraz, aby sme mohli mať bližší pohľad na Ježiša Krista. Udeľ to, Pane, aby sme mohli porozumieť, v ktorom dni žijeme a Božiu prípravu pre Jeho ľud v tejto hodine, v tomto veľkom rozhodnom temnom čase, v ktorom teraz žijeme.

Bože, pomaž nás, nie len hovoriaceho, ale i počúvajúceho a aby sa spolu naše srdcia triasli pred Tvojim Slovom. Lebo bázeň Božia je počiatkom múdrosti. Udeľ nám tieto veci, Otče, lebo prosíme v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

17 Chcel by som dať názov týmto pár poznámkam, ktoré tu idem položiť a niekoľkým miestam Písma, ktoré by som chcel hneď za tým priradiť, ak bude Pán chcieť, tomuto posolstvu Vďakyvzdania, „Neviditeľné spojenie Kristovej Nevesty, Neviditeľné spojenie Kristovej Nevesty."

Neznie to ako posolstvo Vďakyvzdania. Hoci každé Písmo... My sme vďační za všetko z Toho. Ja som vďačný Bohu za to, že žijem v tomto čase tých konečných scén histórie tohoto sveta. Neviem, keby mi bolo povedané pred založením sveta, keby mi Boh predložil celý ten program a povedal mi, „Chcem, aby si kázal. A teraz, v ktorý vek si praješ ísť na zem kázať?" Ja by som si vybral tento vek, lebo si myslím, že toto je ten zlatý vek.

Samozrejme veľmi rád by som tu bol v čase Jeho navštívenia na zemi, ale stále si myslím, že práve teraz je veľkolepejší čas, lebo to je čas, kedy On prichádza vziať si ľud, ktorý si vykúpil, blízko vzkriesenia, kedy vyjdú všetci vykúpení. Akú slávnu príležitosť máme, hovoriť umierajúcim ľuďom: veľký čas.

18 Ale my sme z toho nadšení. A vieme, že história sa uzatvára. Svetové dejiny sa skoro skončia. Potom vkročíme do nového dňa, do veľkého Milénia. Ako jeden veriaci, verím v Milénium, vo vládu s Kristom v Miléniu, tisíc rokov na zemi, telesný návrat Pána Ježiša, aby si vzal telesný ľud, oslávených Jeho očisťujúcou Krvou.

19 Pavol nám tu na našom mieste Písma dáva znázornenie o zákone a milosti, znázorňuje to ako manželstvo a rozvod. Na tento úsek sa zriedkakedy káže, lebo sa to týka viac menej manželstva a rozvodu, ale tiež sa to týka väčšej porcie manželstva a rozvodu, ako sa nám to tu pokúša dať na poriadok - že my ako cirkev nemôžeme byť už viac priviazaní ku svetu a súčasne ku Kristovi a byť pritom na tom legálne a zákonne. Potom to môže byť čo sa týka ženy, ktorá žije s mužom, zatiaľ čo žije jej muž.

Mám o tom svoje vlastné myšlienky a verím, že to, čo hovorí Biblia, je pravda. No... Verím tiež... podľa mojej mienky, že to odkrýva jedno z veľkých tajomstiev proroctva. A dúfam, že Pán nám dnes večer pomôže, keď toto oznamujeme našim ľuďom, ktorí očakávajú po celej krajine.

20 Raz bolo povedané... Čítal som to, keď som si o tomto robil poznámky. Nemôžem si presne spomenúť, v ktorej knihe to bolo, ale som si istý, že toto je správne: jedna z tých kníh, ktoré som čítal o pánovi Moodym, Dwight Moody z Chicaga. (V Chicagu máme dnes večer tiež zbor, ktorý počúva.) Pán Moody po tom, čo čítal Rimanom 7, vybehol na ulicu a prvého človeka, ktorého stretol, sa spýtal, „Poznáš milosť? [Milosť = Grace - angl. meno]"

A ten človek odpovedal, „Ktorú Milosť?

Pán Moody povedal, „Milosť Božiu."

To ho tak vzrušilo, keď uvidel, ako nás milosť oddelila od zákona a akú úlohu zohrala milosť. Keď som... Všetko čo chcem robiť, je keď... Vždy som hovoril ľuďom, keď som prešiel cez tú líniu na druhú stranu, chcel by som sa postaviť a spievať, „Úžasná milosť! Ako sladko znie, ktorá zachránila takého chudáka ako som ja." Milosť, vzácna milosť, poznať viac milosti. Len milosťou sme spasení, nie tým, čo môžeme urobiť, čo môžeme... Čokoľvek robíme, to sa nám nepočíta, milosť nás spasila. „Milosťou ste spasení, skrze vieru."

21 Smiem pridať tejto žene, Milosti. Smiem ju umiestniť tiež tu v Biblii, ako je nazvaná tá vyvolená pani, táto slečna Milosť, o ktorej idem hovoriť. Viete, Biblia prehlasuje, povedala, „Vyvolenej pani..." Ak si všimnete „vyvolená" pochádza zo slova „vyvolená pani." Jedna pani medzi všetkými ostatnými bola vyvolená, ako panna mala priniesť telo Božie na zem. Ona bola vyvolená žena. Boh vybral Máriu. A Boh tiež vybral vyvolenú Pani, ktorá je Jeho Nevesta. Ona je vyvolená. Dúfam, že my sme jej údami dnes večer po celom svete, vlastne po celom národe.

22 To znázornenie tu, ukazuje vzťah Nevesty ku Kristovi, tá vyvolená Pani a ako Mu ona má byť prinesená, odkiaľ má pochádzať a ako Mu má byť prinesená. Cirkev tu v tomto znázornení, na ktoré sa dívame, je znázornená ako žena; A žena vždy predstavuje cirkev, lebo cirkev je považovaná za Nevestu, ako Nevesta. Ona je Nevesta Pána Ježiša, Syna Božieho.

23 Vždy, ak budete sledovať, sledujte stav a chovanie žien a uvidíte, kde sa nachádza cirkev. Teraz, toto... Niektoré z týchto poznámok sa niektorým z vás môžu zdať divné, ale je to doplnok k posolstvu, ktoré mám od Pána, ktoré sa snažím dať ľuďom. Vidíte, sledujte všetko prirodzené, ako sa to deje, prírodu a sledujte to, ide to presne tiež s tým duchovným.

No, ak uvidíte ako sa dnes vo svete správajú ženy, pozorujte ako sa správa dnes tá telesná cirkev. Len to pozorujte. Samozrejme, teraz je tiež správanie sa tej duchovnej Nevesty, Cirkvi. Vidíte? Tiež to pozorujte, lebo tá telesná, tak zvaná, tvrdí, že je Nevesta.

24 No, dovoľte mi prosím povedať znovu tomuto miestnemu zboru: Necíťte sa zle, hovorím teraz všetkým po celej krajine, tým, o ktorých myslím sú tou vyvolenou Paňou. Tak ak sú tu náhodou kazatelia, ktorí nesúhlasia, dobre, len buďte nachvíľu v pokoji. Vidíte? Všimnite si, len počúvajte...

Všimnite si tento znak. Keď vidíte ženy ako sa búria, ako robia všetko možné, čo chcú, dávajte pozor, cirkev robí to isté. Vidíte? Všimnite si. Ale sledujte, keď duchovná Nevesta, keď ona začína mať prebudenie, keď sa ona začína navracať a dávať sa do jednej línie so Slovom Božím, sledujte potom znovu (Vidíte?), ako hovoria tie Písma, v tom čase preletí posolstvo, aby chytilo tú Nevestu, chytilo tú vyvolenú ženu. Lebo ako svet... Satan, ten podvodník, ktorý podviedol tú prvú nevestu, aby zhrešila proti Bohu tým, že neverila Jeho Slovu.

25 A teraz, ako dnes vidíme, že tá prirodzená cirkev vo vašom intelektuálnom evanjeliu ide ďalej a ďalej od Slova do „sociálneho evanjelia," nachádzame, že svetské ženy na uliciach, ktoré patria do niečoho takého, sa správajú v tej istej atmosfére. Nemôžete im nič povedať. Ony stratili všetok zmysel normálnej slušnosti, ktorú majú ľudia. Vidíte? A takto je na tom cirkev. A môžete vidieť, že to ide rovno do ekumenickej rady, s takou istotou ako čokoľvek na svete a rovno do Ríma, tak naisto, ako to len môže byť. Vidíte? Lebo je to prorokované a tam ona je. On sa tak správa.

26 Ale potom, sledujte znova tú duchovnú cirkev, ako tá skupina ľudí „vyvolaná", tí vyvolení, v každom prebudení. Pri Martinovi Lutherovi, to sa stalo tak isto v reformácii. Tak isto sa to stalo v čase Johna Wesleya. To spôsobilo tú istú vec, keď prvý krát začali Letniční. Oni navrátili tie ženy rovno späť do poriadku so Slovom a potom od toho odišli. Ona odchádza znovu naspäť do chaosu, ale v tom čase, keď sú ľudia pripravení dať sa napraviť, prichádza posolstvo a oni sa podľa neho naprávajú.

27 Luther bol jedného dňa posol ospravedlnenia a tá cirkev sa hneď podľa toho napravila, niektorí z nich, tí ostatní pokračovali. Wesley prišiel s posvätením, tá cirkev sa podľa toho napravila. Letniční prišli s navrátením darov, cirkev sa podľa toho napravila, tí vyvolení toho dňa, a potom odpadla, odišla rovno späť do denominacionalizmu a odišla rovno s tými ostatnými, všetci z nich, rovno dolu po tej čiare.

28 No, všimnite si, keď sa ľudia začnú snažiť dať sa do poriadku so Slovom, prichádza čerstvé posolstvo zo Slova Božieho, priamo ku tým ľuďom a to držalo v každom čase to posolstvo v jednej línii. To je v Bohu. My to máme.

Máme rodiny. Každá rodina, ktorá je tu, je s tým oboznámená. Niekedy pre vás po roky beží všetko hladko. Potom zrazu narazíte na obdobie, kedy mnohokrát tu na juhu hovoríme, "keď prší, tak leje," a všetko ide zle. Prechádzate nočným časom. Potom prichádza svitanie, potom nočný čas. Všetko beží v súvislosti.

29 Prorok Pavol tu hovorí, že žena sa nemôže znovu vydať, kým jej prvý muž nie je mŕtvy. Ona sa nemôže znovu vydať dovtedy, dokiaľ jej prvý muž žije. Ona, za žiadnych okolností, vôbec... Ona musí zostať slobodná tak dlho, ako jej prvý muž žije. A ak by urobila taký hriech, bude sa nazývať cudzoložnicou... (hovorím teraz o tom prirodzenom ako predobraz k tomu duchovnému). Ak by táto žena spáchala taký hriech, potom je označená ako cudzoložnica, ak má dvoch žijúcich mužov v tom istom čase. Preto, tým, že to robí, ona stratila svoje práva k Bohu a k nebu, tým, že to robí. Určite to stratila. Vyvrhnutá je z Božej ekonómie podľa Písma, ktoré som práve prečítal.

30 Tak je to s cirkvou, keď sa snaží miešať vyznania a denomináciu so Slovom Božím. Ona nemôže byť vydatá za denomináciu a byť Nevestou Kristovou v tom istom čase. Ona musí byť mŕtva jednému alebo druhému. Zákon tu tak hovorí. Je mnoho zákonov v Božom Slove a to je Jeho Zákon: Pavol tu hovorí tú istú vec. Ona nemôže byť vydatá za cirkev svetského vyznania a byť Nevestou Krista, lebo ona je... Jedno je v protiklade s druhým.

31 No pamätajte, poviete, "No, my veríme tomuto, ale neveríme tomu." Ak ste vydatí za Krista, Kristus je Slovo Božie. V Sv.Jánovi 1.kapitole je povedané, "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh." A to isté sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami. Kristus bol to žijúce Slovo. On bol vždy Slovom, On je stále Slovom, On vždy bude Slovom.

On bol len manifestáciou Božích atribútov, lebo bol Synom Božím a každý syn je atribútmi svojho otca. A práve tak, ako ste boli v génoch svojho otca, v tele svojho otca, keď on bol mladý chlapec... vy ste boli v ňom, hoci nemohol mať s vami obecenstvo, lebo vás nepoznal. Ale potom skrze matkinu pôdu na zasadenie ste boli prinesení na zem a stali ste sa obrazom svojho otca, potom on mohol mať s vami obecenstvo. A tak ste vy boli synmi Božími a dcérami Božími prv, ako bol mesiac, hviezdy alebo molekula, boli ste synmi a dcérami Božími. Pretože vy ste len telesnou manifestáciou atribútov, ktoré boli na počiatku v Bohu. Lebo je len jedna forma Večného Života a vy ste boli predtým... vy o tom nič neviete. Ani ste nevedeli, keď ste boli vo svojom pozemskom otcovi. Ale vy ste manifestovaní na Jeho obraz, na obraz Boží ste stvorení a boli ste zamanifestovaní pre Božiu slávu a obecenstvo.

A preto s takou istotou, s akou vaše gény museli byť vo vašom otcovi pred vaším prirodzeným narodením, vaše duchovné gény museli byť v Bohu, pretože ste vyjadrením atribútov Jeho myšlienok z pred založenia sveta. Tak je to. Nijako inak. To je pravda.

32 No, všímame si teraz: Potom ten Život je vo vás, Boží život je vo vás od založenia sveta... No, vy nemôžete miešať denominačné vyznanie so Slovom, lebo oni sú v protiklade jeden k druhému. To je presne to, čo sa Satan pokúsil urobiť Eve so svojimi intelektuálnymi poňatiami. Povedal ... on pripustil, že to Boh povedal, ale povedal, "Iste nezomriete." Vidíte, a oni tomu uverili a to je to, čo dnes urobilo vyznanie. Denominácia oddelila ľudí od Slova Božieho. Či nepovedal Ježiš, keď prišiel, "Vy, skrze vaše tradície, ste zbavili prikázania Božie moci pre ľudí"? A skrze naše vyznania sme rozpojili obecenstvo Ducha Svätého k pomazaniu Božieho Slova, ktoré je nadelené pre túto generáciu. Denomináciou sme oddelili ľudí tak, že oni nemôžu mať príležitosť to vidieť. Boh, On... Každá generácia, ktorú On má, je novou časťou Jeho knihy. To všetko ide spolu, tak ako bolo tvorené moje telo. Dozvedel som sa, že to začalo od chrbtice, ale ono nepozostáva len z chrbtice. Z toho to išlo ku rebrám a k pľúcam, rukám, ramenám, nohám a tak ďalej a vyšla z toho osoba, ktorou som ja.

33 A tak bol Boh manifestovaný na počiatku. A nakoniec sa objavil ako Jehova, Boh Otec. Potom sa objavil ako Boh Syn v Ježišovi Kristovi. Teraz, On sa objavil ako Boh Duch Svätý, ten istý Boh po celý čas, tri manifestácie toho istého Boha.

No, nachádzame tu, že každá generácia, Boh pridelil od počiatku Svoje Slovo, tak ako prichádzala evolúcia, práve ako... Prvá vec, ktorú Boh stvoril, boli pravdepodobne... Povedzme, On najprv stvoril rastlinný život, potom stvoril živočíchy, potom ľudský život: druh evolúcie, stúpanie vyššie.

Tak je to v Bohu i v Jeho cirkvi: ospravedlnenie v čase Luthera, posvä... (to je teraz vyťahovanie Jeho Nevesty, On tvorí Svoju Nevestu): ospravedlnenie za Luthera, posvätenie za Wesleya a tak ďalej. Vidíte? Evolúcia Ducha, je dávané viac a viac, lebo to Telo je vo výstavbe, prichádza ku Hlave, ktorou je Kristus, Telo Kristovo.

34 Teda ona, ako žena, ak je vydatá za Krista - Slovo, ona nemôže byť vydatá za cirkevnú denomináciu v tom istom čase, lebo ona je tým zaviazaná. Ona bude... nemôže žiť s oboma mužmi v tom istom čase. Oni sú si navzájom v protiklade. Jeden je Bohom poslaný, druhý je vytvorený človekom. Takže oni sú v protiklade. On povedal, "Nech je každé slovo človeka lžou a Moje Pravdou." Boh to povedal.

Práve tak v protiklade jeden k druhému, ako bol zákon k milosti, ako tu hovorí Pavol. Jeden musí byť mŕtvy, aby mala druhého. A ak sa ich ona snaží miešať, bude nazvaná cudzoložnicou. Ó, pomyslite na to, New York, Arizona, po celom národe, pomyslite na to. Boh povedal, že ak sa pokúsi byť vydatá za oboch v tom istom čase, bude nazvaná cudzoložnicou. Ktorá cudzoložnica môže vojsť do Neba? Vzal by si Boh cudzoložnicu? Určite nie. On nám povedal, aby sme to nerobili. Bude nazvaná cudzoložnicou.

35 Potom jej deti, ak je ona cudzoložnica, jej deti sú nemanželské. Nemanželské, nelegitimné ku čomu? Nie k cirkvi, ale k Slovu. Ona je nezákonná.

Aký obraz v tomto Zjavení 3 tu máme, ten posledný Laodicejský Cirkevný Vek. Aká nelegitimné skupina. Aký denominačný mix: vlažní, robia scény a nazývajú sa Kresťanmi a zapierajú Slovo Božie, majúci formu pobožnosti ale zapierajú jej moc, ako prorok povedal, že tak bude.

36 Manželstvo je najstaršia inštitúcia na svete. Manželstvo bolo najprv zavedené a ustanovené v záhrade Eden. Žene sú zverené určité vlastnosti, ktoré nesmie poškvrniť. Žene je to zverené. Nie je na zemi stvorenia ako je žena. Nie je žiadna fena, nie je ženské pohlavie žiadneho druhu, ktorému by bola zverená taká charakteristická vlastnosť ako žene. Žena nebola dokonca na začiatku stvorenia, lebo Boh vedel, že ona upadne. Žiadne iné ženské pohlavie nemôže spáchať cudzoložstvo. Ona je jediná, ktorá môže spáchať cudzoložstvo. Ak by ona bola stvorená ako originál, to by nepasovalo k Božej veľkej múdrosti. Vidíte, ona bola stvorená ako vedľajší produkt muža, ale pretože bola vyvrhnutá na tú stranu, bola jej tiež daná svätá úloha od Boha na vykúpenie.

Ona má charakterové vlastnosti, ktoré nesmie poškvrniť. Ak by ich zmarila, je poškvrnená na celý život. Nezáleží na tom, koľko jej je odpustené, ona nemôže byť ospravedlnená. Trochu sa toho dotknem. Mám na to Písmo, na chvíľu. Môže jej byť odpustená tá poškvrna, ale v tomto živote nemôže byť ospravedlnená. Je to vždy s ňou. Všimnite si, toto jej bolo dané. Môže jej byť odpustené, ale nemôže byť ospravedlnená.

37 Jej telu je od Boha daná svätá zodpovednosť. Žiadna fena, žiaden vták, žiadne iné zviera, žiadne iné stvorenie nie je také. Ona je jediná. Tým, že je... ten dôvod, že je to také sväté je, že ona má prinášať na zemi život. Jej telo je pôdou na zasadenie života. Preto, to je ten dôvod, že je jej daná táto svätá zodpovednosť.

No, možno tu nebudete so mnou súhlasiť, mnohí z vás teológov. To, čo poškvrnilo celú ľudskú rasu, bolo to cudzoložstvo na začiatku. Jej pôda na zasadenie bola skazená. Priniesla tie dvojičky, Kaina a Ábela. Jeden akt, dve deti. Skúmajte v Písme.

38 Všimnite si, nachádzame, že jej telo je pôdou na zasadenie a preto, ona má svätú zodpovednosť, aby ho nepoškvrnila.

Hovorím to teraz, dávam to ako znázornenie, aby som vám ukázal, kde stojí cirkev. Nehovorím o vás, ženách; čokoľvek ste, to je medzi vami a Bohom, alebo vami mužmi; ale hovorím o cirkvi a Kristovi. Teda, je jej dané, aby niesla život, ktorý môže dať len sám Boh. Jej manžel môže byť nositeľom toho semena, ale Boh musí vytvoriť ten život. Tak je to, to musí pochádzať... všetok život musí prísť od Boha. Akýkoľvek život musí prísť od Boha. Je to prevrátené a to je to, čo to robí hriešnym, ale život musí prísť od Boha. On je Autor života.

39 Teda ona má svätú... Jedna ... Chcem tu menovať tri veci, od ktorých nesmie odstúpiť. Teraz, keď hovorím, majte na mysli cirkev, kým toto hovorím o tej prirodzenej žene ako Pavol tu, v 7.kapitole Rimanom. Ona má svätú zodpovednosť cnosti, ktorú jej zveril jej Pán: určitú cnosť. Nikto iný to nemá, iba žena. Tak je to. To jej zveril Boh. Ona nesmie poškvrniť tú cnosť. Ak urobí čo len niečo zlé, musí to vyznať svojmu mužovi, prv ako si ju vezme a dať to do poriadku. Práve tak, ako cirkev, ktorá bola vydatá zákonu, musí tiež prísť pred Krista, pred tou druhou svadbou, ona to musí vyznať. Ak to nevyzná a žije so svojím mužom desať rokov a potom to vyzná, on má právo ju poslať preč a oženiť sa s inou ženou. To je Písmo. Smilstvo je nečistý život.

"Jozef, neboj sa vziať si Máriu, svoju manželku, lebo to, čo je v nej počaté je zo Svätého Ducha." On ju mienil tajne prepustiť (vidíte), potom, čo si ju už zasnúbil. Keď si s ňou zasnúbený, Boh to považuje, že si s ňou ženatý.

40 Všimnite si. Ona má svätú zodpovednosť cnosti, ktorá je jej daná, zverená od Pána. Boh jej dal tú cnosť. Práve tak, ako to bolo v záhrade Eden, ona môže povedať, "áno" alebo "nie". Ona má zverenú svätú zodpovednosť ženskosti, ktorú nesmie porušiť. Tá ženskosť, o ktorej tu hovorím, to je jej správanie, jej charakter voči mužom, nie nechať každého muža... Ľudia sa dívajú na tieto obrazovky a vidia tieto filmové hviezdy ako sa tie ženy bozkávajú a objímajú a váľajú. Žena, ktorá to robí má zlý charakter. Ona inak môže byť cnostná, ale, vidíte, v jej srdci... keď tie žľazy... Pohlavné žľazy sú v perách. Keď nejaký muž bozká ženu, on v skutočnosti, potencionálne spáchal cudzoložstvo.

41 Pohlavné žľazy sú v perách ženy a v perách muža. On by ju mohol bozkať na ruku, to by nezmiešalo tie pohlavné žľazy, ale tie pohlavné žľazy sú v perách. A vidíte všetky tie nezmysly a ten dnešný Hollywood so všetkým týmto váľaním sa a milovaním žien a tak ďalej a malé dievčatá sa na to všetko dívajú. Niet divu, že naša morálka je tak zhnitá a upadnutá a špinavá. Vidíte? Pretože to je postavené pred deti. Tak je to. Musí to na tieto posledné dni tak byť.

42 No, majte stále na mysli cirkev. Ona sa bozkáva a váľa a mieša sa so všetkým možným okrem Slova. Nechajú diabla a vzdelanie a vedecké výskumy a tak ďalej... Zatiaľ čo vedecké vzdelanie a všetko je absolútne v protiklade k Bohu.

Celý systém civilizácie, ktorý teraz máme je absolútne antikrist, vzdelávací systém je antikrist, civilizácia je antikrist. To je proti Bohu. "Hovoríš proti civilizácii?" Boh bude mať v jednom z týchto dní civilizáciu, s ktorou nebude spojená žiadna smrť.

Táto moderná civilizácia pochádza zo Satana. Dokážem vám to z Biblie, ak bude dnes Pán chcieť. Všetky tieto veci sú zo Satana. Naša nová civilizácia nebude mať v sebe nič z toho.

43 Ona má túto svätú ženskosť. Niet divu, že sa muži takto správajú voči ženám. To je preto, že ženy sa takto správajú voči mužom. Ona tu dáva najavo svoj charakter v šortkách a má to napasované na tele a v mužskom oblečení a v takých veciach vonku na ulici, otáčajú sa za nimi... Nezáleží na tom, čo ona hovorí... ona by mohla byť ku svojmu manželovi tak cnostná ako len môže byť, ale v Božích očiach je cudzoložnica. "Ktokoľvek pozrie na ženu, aby ju požiadal, už s ňou scudzoložil vo svojom srdci." A ona sa predstavuje, že je taká. A to je presne to, čo urobila cirkev so svetom.

44 Všimnite si. Zverená je jej svätá cnosť, svätá ženskosť a potom sväté materstvo, ctiť si svojho manžela.

Pozrite len dnes. V určitých mestách, v mnohých mestách, majú dokonca také veľké večierky, nazývajú to "spoločnosť," (tiež členovia cirkví), položia na podlahu klobúky a všetci sa opijú a hodia si do nich svoje kľúče, každá žena ide a vezme nejaký kľúč z toho klobúku - s ktorým mužom bude žiť cez víkend. Všetky druhy takýchto večierkov, ktoré... Mám toho toľko, čo by som tu povedal, ak Pán dá, nemám čas do toho ísť. Taká špina...

A cirkev je práve taká zlá. Tak je to. Pácha cudzoložstvo so všetkým, s čím nemá mať nič do činenia, mala by zostať so Slovom.

45 Budovy sú v poriadku, nemocnice sú v poriadku. Všetky tieto ostatné veci sú v poriadku. Vzdelávacie programy, to je v poriadku. Musíme tu žiť, musíme čítať, písať, to je jedna z ekonómií. Tak ako sme si na začiatku nemuseli obliekať nijaké oblečenie (budem na to kázať neskôr, tento týždeň, ak bude Pán chcieť), ale my sa musíme obliekať, lebo Boh nám dal šaty, ale na počiatku sme ich nepotrebovali, boli sme zahalení. Teraz je ona zahalená svojimi hriechmi. Ona dokonca nevie, že hreší. Ona bola potom... teraz ju zahalil diabol, vtedy ju zahaľoval Boh. To je ten rozdiel.

46 Zisťujeme, že jej bola daná táto svätá zodpovednosť, že nesmie porušiť svoju ženskosť. Jednať... mať svoj charakter, vychovávať svoje deti, byť úctivá k svojmu manželovi. V týchto dňoch ani trochu na to nezvracajú pozornosť.

Mali by ste niekedy sedieť v mojej kancelárii a vidieť mužov, ako privádzajú svoje manželky, keď sa snažia dať do poriadku s Bohom a vyznávajú s koľkými mužmi žili a všetko možné odvtedy ako sa zobrali. Ó, poviete, "To je..." Nie, to sú letniční. Tí ostatní neprídu. Takže to je... hovorím o... Ako sa to môže odstrániť, keď sa dostávate do zmiešania sveta a cirkvi a do všetkej tej módy a tých vecí, ktoré máme. Medzi nami a medzi tým, akí boli tí originálni letniční je väčší rozdiel ako medzi dňom a nocou. Vybočili sme sa niekam do nejakého temného chaosu a stratili sme sa.

47 Aká svätá zodpovednosť. Aká zodpovednosť pre ženu. No, vidíte prečo ona zobrazuje cirkev, ktorá má tú istú zodpovednosť, ako žena má svätú zodpovednosť za svoje materstvo, za svoju ctnosti, k svojmu manželovi; cirkev má svätú zodpovednosť k modlitbe a k Slovu a ku Kristovi, práve tak isto ako žena. A tak ako žena, keď odchádza s iným mužom; keď cirkev odchádza za týmito inštitucionálnymi programami a programami budovania a za školami a tak ďalej... Nemám nič proti nim. Oni sú v poriadku. Slúžia svojmu účelu. Ale oni nie sú... Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, "Choďte, stavajte školy." On povedal, "Kážte Slovo!" To je to, kde to zanedbali.

48 Nie stavať inštitúcie, nemocnice a tak ďalej, oni sú v poriadku. Ale to nie je povinnosť cirkvi. Ich povinnosťou je kázať evanjelium. Ale my sme urobili všetko iné okrem toho a upadli sme práve tak ako Satan a zmiešali sme to s nejakým evanjeliom, niečím iným a niečím iným, až sa to stalo nahromadením ničoho: skazenosť. Dokonca celý náš svet... sledujte trend sveta.

49 Čítal som tu nedávno v Reader´s Digest, že mladé dievčatá prechádzajú menopauzou a muži, cez životnú zmenu; medzi dvadsiatim a dvadsiatim piatim rokom prechádzajú cez svoj stredný vek: skazenosť! Prečo? Kvôli vedeckému výskumu potravín a vecí, ktoré odišli od prirodzených vecí, ktoré by sme mali dávať do svojho tela. Nie sme nič iné ako skupina zomierajúceho skazenia.

No, tak isto je to i s cirkvou. To je ten istý stav. Ona je typ. Ona má tie isté vzácne ctnosti, dané jej Duchom, aby si udržovala Ducha a Slovo a nikdy nespáchala cudzoložstvo s ničím zo sveta alebo niečoho, aby zostala pannou Slovu, ako žena má zostať cnostná svojmu manželovi. Je to svätá zodpovednosť. Ctiť si Slovo svojho Pána je nad všetky ľuďmi vytvorené vyznania, múdrosť, denomináciu; cirkvi je daná tá zodpovednosť. Oni hovoria, "No, moja cirkev..." Je mi jedno, čomu verí tvoja cirkev. Ak je to v protiklade so Slovom Božím, drž sa preč od toho. Biblia povedala, "Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i na veky. Marek 16 povedal, "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." Ak cirkev káže iné od toho... zomrite tej veci, buďte znovuzrodení do Slova Božieho. "Choďte do sveta a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu." Takto ďaleko to malo ísť. "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, na celom svete a každé stvorenie, ktoré uverí." Vidíte ako sme sa dostali preč od toho? Iste, ale ona je za to zodpovedná.

50 Ale teraz, pozrite, ako ten Hollywood vzal z našich žien tie cnostné veci. Hľadím tu teraz na jednu drahú staršiu ženu, sestru Schraderovú. Mnohé z týchto žien tu, sestra Mooreová, tie staršie ženy, ktoré si pamätajú zopár rokov dozadu, ak by ich matky alebo aj ony samé, keby vyšli na ulicu tak, ako chodia niektoré z týchto žien dnes (členky cirkví), oni by tú ženu zavreli, že je nenormálna. Zabudla si obliecť sukňu.

No, ak to bolo bláznovstvo vtedy, je to bláznovstvo aj dnes. No, pozrite, celý svet dokazuje, že je duševne chorý. Pozrite na tie vraždy a tie veci, ktoré sa teraz dejú vo svete (vidíte?): šialenstvo! Celá tá vec prichádza k naplneniu Zjavenia, možno sa ku tomu dostaneme tento týždeň, kde tie ohavné veci... Oni nie sú prirodzené, to sú duchovné veci, ktoré nútia ľudí kričať na skaly a vrchy a všetko možné, aby to na nich padlo.

51 Tento svet pôjde rovno do úplného totálneho šialenstva. Je to už takmer teraz tu. No, môžete vidieť stopy toho. Tam to je. Pochoduje to rovno na ulici, je to rovno na cirkevnej lavici: úplne šialenstvo, robia veci, na ktoré by ľudská bytosť ani nepomyslela, že môže robiť a byť pritom civilizovaná.

Pozrite, čo spravil Hollywood ženám. Pozrite, ako má... on ukradol tým ženám tie sväté cnosti. Môžeme ísť ďalej a ďalej. Vidíte, všetko toto stratila. Ako to urobila? Pretože tam bol jeden chytrý nástroj, nazvaný cirkev, tak ako bol v záhrade Eden. Chytrá osoba, diabol, vkročil do cirkvi práve tak, ako to urobil v záhrade Eden a zviedol ju do toho. Ona je zvedená. Tá žena si myslí... Ona nemá v úmysle byť zlá. Eva nemala v úmysle robiť zle. To nebolo úmyselne, ale ona... Biblia hovorí v 2. Timoteovi, 1. Timoteovi 3, že ona bola zvedená. A byť zvedený, to nie je, že vy to úmyselne urobíte, to je to, keď ste zvedený to urobiť.

52 A to je presne to, čo sa stalo dnes. Ona je zvedená televíziou, časopismi, týmito ľuďmi, týmito... všetkými týmito vecami, ktoré chodia po ulici. Moderné dievčatá, pozerajú do časopisov, pozerajú sa na obrázky, pozerajú sa po uliciach, vidia to oblečenie v obchodoch. Ako Satan, ten veľký nástroj pekla prišiel medzi tých ľudí a zviedol ich do týchto vecí. A tá žena si myslí, že je v poriadku. A ona je mŕtva a nevie o tom. Ona je ďaleko od Boha. Vidíte, ako ona všetko toto stratila a aké to bolo chytré?

53 Dnes, chcem, aby ste si všimli. Ježiš o tom hovoril. Tiež, ak by ste si to chceli prečítať. Ježiš sa zmienil, že táto vec sa stane (vedeli ste to?), v jeho posledných hodinách, práve pred Jeho ukrižovaním. Prečítajme si to. Svätý Lukáš 23. kapitola a len na chvíľu, ako lekcia nedeľnej školy, začneme 27. veršom, myslím, že to mám tu poznačené: Ježiš ide na Golgotu. Počúvajte, zatiaľ čo to budem čítať. Lukáš 23:27, verím, že to je ono. Mám to takto vo svojich poznámkach. Áno, tu je to.

A išlo za ním veľké množstvo ľudu i žien, ktoré nariekali a kvílili nad ním.

A Ježiš sa obrátil k nim a povedal: Dcéry Jeruzalema, neplačte nado mnou, ale plačte samy nad sebou a nad svojimi deťmi,

lebo hľa, idú dni, v ktorých povedia: Blahoslavené neplodné a životy, ktoré nerodili a prsia, ktoré nekojili. (Pomyslite na to, dnes je to pre ňu hanba mať dieťa. Vidíte?)

Vtedy začnú hovoriť vrchom: Padnite na nás! A brehom: Prikryte nás!

Lebo ak toto robia na zelenom strome, čo bude potom na suchom!

54 Hovoríme o dni, kedy ženy už viac nechcú deti... Oni chcú psa alebo mačku alebo niečo také, ale ony už nechcú viacej deti. Prečo? Ona je stará matka Hubbardová, ak má dieťa. Vidíte? Ona nechce... To sú tie hollywoodské poznámky: Nechce, aby jeho žena bola stará matka Hubbardová. Tak ona... on sa nechá operovať, alebo ona, jeden z nich, čo ich uchráni od toho, aby mali deti. Oni nechcú žiadne deti.

Ježiš o tom hovoril a čo povedal? "V tom čase začnú kričať na skaly a vrchy, aby na nich padli."

Ona bude praktizovať plánované tehotenstvo, takže môže chodiť na večierky. Ona sa nemôže obťažovať s dieťaťom a kojiť ho. To ju bude deformovať. Keď je tehotná, to ju zdeformuje. Nebude vyzerať tak, ako obvykle. A jej manžel je tak nevedomý, že ju nechá takto postupovať. Ona mu nedá dieťa.

Ježiš o tom hovoril. A On povedal, že keď budú toto robiť v tom čase, "Budú kričať na skaly, aby na nich padli." To je príchod Pánov. Platia veľké sumy peňazí za mačky, psov, aby sa o nich starali ako matka. Tak je to. Ona sa musí o niečo starať ako matka, lebo to je jej Bohom daná prirodzenosť.

55 Všimol som si, poľujem na vysokú. A stará medvedica na jeseň, keď porodila tomu medveďovi, ona má potom narodené mláďatá. Ony sú poriadne veľké, vážia možno 50 kg alebo viac. Ona ich zaženie a nechá ich samé prezimovať, lebo ide ešte priniesť na svet ďalšie mláďatá. Narodia sa vo februári. Ten medveď o tom nič nevie. Ony sa rodia v takom malom vrecku. Ako ich Boh nechá, aby si samy otvorili tieto malé vrecúška, ako malé celofánové vrecká. Ony si nájdu cestu, ich matka spí hlbokým spánkom. Od októbra nič nejedla a toto je február. Ony ju cicajú do polovice mája. Potom, keď vidí svoje mláďatá, ony sú poriadne veľké. Vážia možno 7,5... 5 alebo 7,5 kg jedno. Ony ju cicali. To, ako ona dostáva mlieko, to premyslel Boh. Ona si žije a vytvára mlieko pre tie mláďatá. A potom, ak nebude rodiť, ak nebude mať žiadne mláďatá, vyhľadá tie z minulého roku bude sa o nich starať celé leto lebo to je jej Bohom daný inštinkt. Ona sa musí o niečo starať ako matka.

56 A ak žena nebude mať pre svojho muža dieťa, vezme si psa alebo mačku alebo niečo. Ona sa musí o niečo starať ako matka. To je jej prirodzenosť. Ale porodiť dieťa svojmu mužovi a vychovať ho do služby Bohu, to je celkom mimo jej obor. Bola by úplne... Ak by to urobila, jej hriech-milujúca spoločnosť, ženy tohoto typu roku 1965, by ňou pohrdli.

Dôkladný obraz dnešnej modernej cirkvi. Táto moderná cirkev tiež nechce okolo seba žiadne z týchto detí Skutkov 2:38, ktorí kričia, jasajú, hovoria jazykmi. Nie. Ona nechce žiadne z nich. Vykrikovanie, plakanie a kričanie, "Amen! Haleluja!". Prečo, také dieťa by ju okamžite vyviedlo z jej denominácie. Mali jedného takého v jednej z tých cirkví, no, hneď ju vyhodili. "Prečo dovolíte, že sa deje niečo takéto?"

57 Takže vidíte, ona je s niečím tehotná, lebo celý čas rodí členov. Ale nechce niktorých z tých, ktorí kričia, jasajú, bľabotajú, Skutky 2:38, myslí si, že oni sú úbohé stvorenia. To by ju určite uviedlo do rozpakov. To by zruinovalo ju a jej vzdelanú, etickú, vedeckú spoločenskú cirkev, do ktorej patrí. Oni by ju na ďalšom koncile vyhodili. Ona to nemôže mať. Takže ona nechce byť tehotná so Slovom, lebo to je ten jediný druh, ktorý Slovo môže zrodiť.

Narodený z Ducha Božieho, to má v sebe Ducha Božieho. Žiadne intelektuálne, do-cirkvi-sa-pripájajúce, vo-vyznaní-chodiace, ostrihané vlasy, namaľované tváre, nie je žiadna taká vec v celom... nenájdete to v Slove Božom. Nájdete staromódne, posvätené, Duchom Svätým naplnené dieťa, narodené z Ducha Božieho, ktoré kričí, jasá, chváli Boha. To všetko spolu je mimo jej dosahu. Ona to nechce. Ó, nie veru. Nie, skutočne.

58 Čo ona potom robí? Ona rodí pár pomaľovaných tvárí, ktoré nosia šortky, Jezábeľskú spoločnosť, nelegitimné "kočky", ako ich volajú, myslím, že tak. Myslím, že ich volajú kočky. Hovoria, "Pozri tam na tú kočku," alebo niečo také, viete.

Ona sa narodila alebo je vydatá alebo spojená so svojím prvým manželom, s tým prvým Adamom skrze cudzoložnú ženu Evu, Adamovu prvú ženu. Poviete, "cudzoložnú?" Ona skutočne taká bola. Ale ó, ona tvrdí, že tento Adam, že tento prvý Adam je mŕtvy. "Ó, iste. On zomrel už dávno. "Ja som znovuzrodená," hovorí. "A ja som samozrejme vydatá za toho druhého Adama, Krista, Slovo."

No, všimnite si, čo ona miluje. Sledujte jej milenca. Chcete vidieť, do koho je zamilovaná. Slovo hovorí toto, ale ona povie, "Moja cirkev hovorí toto." Do koho je potom zamilovaná, kto je jej manžel? Jej vlastné ovocie dokazuje, čím je. Presne tak, to ukazuje, čím je.

59 Všimnite si, ona sa najprv narodila Adamovi, lebo to je jej prirodzené narodenie (vidíte?) a ona od toho nikdy neodišla. To je milenka sveta. Ona tvrdí, že sa narodila druhý krát, Kristovi. Ale jej milenec, všimnite si, je stále Adam, lebo ona miluje svet.

A ďalšia vec, všimnite si, aký druh detí ona rodí. To hovorí, kto je ich otcom, či to bol ten prvý Adam alebo ten druhý Adam. Ak tá cirkev rodí dieťa toho druhého Adama, ono má také spôsoby jednania ako ten druhý Adam, tak, ako to oni robili v deň Letníc. To sú naozaj skutočné deti druhého Adama. Vidíte? Tak je to. Ich prirodzenosť je ako jeho a jej. Tak veru. Jej dcéry, namaľované tváre, ostrihané vlasy, nosia mužské oblečenie: nohavice. Biblia jej povedala, aby to nerobila. Ona si strihá vlasy. To je jej na hanbu.

Poviete, "Už o tom nehovor." To je to, čo hovorí Slovo. Ja len poukazujem na tú prirodzenosť. To je to, čo ona robí.

60 Jej synovia, ktorí sa z nej narodili, spoliehajú na vzdelanie, školenia, na nejakú biblickú školu, takzvanú; na nejakú veľkú univerzitu, ktorá vraj bola už dávno; vychádzajú z tade ako vyliahnutí z nejakého inkubátora; denominační hľadači viery, nábožní ako Kain, práve tak neoprávnení do Slova ako bol Kain. Tak je to. Práve tak nemanželskí ako Kain. Iste. Denominační hľadači, vidíte, čo to je?

Boh nikdy nezorganizoval nejakú denomináciu. On bol vždy proti tomu a Slovo je proti tomu. Ale oni sa toho ďalej držia. Tak vidíte, čo rodia? To ukazuje, kto je ich otcom a matkou. To je presne tak. To je presne tak. Práve tak nemanželskí ako bol Kain. To je ten druh dieťaťa, ktoré on zrodil skrze Evu. Oni sa dostali preč od Slova a potom vidíte, čo to prinieslo. To je presne to, čo zrodila cirkev, to isté. Môžem vám to dokázať Slovom. A to je to, odkiaľ prišlo vzdelanie a civilizácia, skrze Kaina. To je presne tak. Lebo oni tvrdia... Ale oni tvrdia, že sú synovia Boží, Ale oni sú denominačná rasa, denominačne vyškolení vzdelanci, všetko možné. To je presne tak. Mazaní, chytrí, ó, práve taký bol had, ich otec. Tak je to. Práve tak chytrí a vedeckí kazatelia ako bol Kain. Vidíte? To je presne tá istá vec.

61 Poviete, "Brat Branham, je to pravda?" Poďme do Genesis 4:16 a zistime to. Vráťme sa sem do Genesis 4:16 na chvíľu a zistíte, čo sa tam stalo:

A Kain odišiel od tvári Hospodinovej a býval v zemi Nóda, východne od Edena.

A Kain poznal svoju ženu a počala a porodila Henocha. A staval mesto a nazval meno mesta podľa mena svojho syna Henochom.

Až ďalej k Túbalovi, ďalej sa oni stali tvorcami nástrojov, hudby a tak ďalej. Civilizácia prišla cez Kaina. Tak je to. Stavali mestá, nástroje, vedeckí ľudia prišli cez Kaina, cez semeno hada.

62 Všimnite si teraz ten 25. verš:

A Adam ešte poznal svoju ženu...

No, on ju poznal raz a ona mala dve deti. Skúmajte Písmo. Ona mala Kaina a Ábela. Jeden akt a dve deti. Poviete...

Povedali mi nedávno, že to sa nemohlo stať. Mali sme jeden prípad v Hollywoode... alebo v Hollywoode... Mali sme práve teraz jeden prípad v Tucsone na súde. Nejaká žena počala jedno farebné a jedno biele dieťa v rovnakom čase. Oni hovoria, že to nie je možné. Ona môže mať tiež dve plodné semená. Majú to práve teraz na súde. Viem, že u psov je to možné. U zvierat je to možné. A ona tam prišla. Ten biely muž povedal, "Budem sa starať o svoje vlastné dieťa, ale o jeho nie." A tá žena to vyznala; ona žila so svojim manželom ráno a popoludní s tým farebným mužom. A ak je to v... Ten lekár povedal, že ak je to v dobe do 24 hodín, stane sa to, ak je tam iné plodné semeno. A ona to urobila, a to je presne to, čo sa stalo tu. Kain... Satan ráno, v hadovi a Adam popoludní, keď ona... Ona mala dve deti.

63 Takže:

Adam ešte poznal svoju ženu,... (druhý krát)... a porodila syna...

Pamätajte, nie je nikde v Biblii, že Kain bol Adamov syn. Bolo povedané, "On bol z toho zlého," nie z Adama, z diabla.

...poznal svoju... (druhý krát), a nazvala jeho meno Set, lebo mi vraj Boh náhradou... (to nebolo to skutočné semeno)... postavil iné semä namiesto Ábela, ktorého zabil Kain.

Takže... I Setovi sa narodil syn a nazval jeho meno Enos. A vtedy začali vzývať meno Hospodinovo.

Nie z Kainovej generácie, z rodokmeňa ale zo Setovho rodokmeňa. Takže Kain bol ten zlý. Tu prichádza had.

64 Všimnite si, Biblia tu jasne hovorí, že jej prvý muž musí byť mŕtvy, nie len odstrčený, on musí byť mŕtvy. No, práve sme prešli kázanie na manželstvo a rozvod a vy všetci o tom viete. Nehovorím teraz toto všetko len tu do zhromaždenia, hovorím ku celému národu. V poriadku. Vidíte, čo sa tam stalo v manželstve a rozvode, keď to bolo... keď bolo tých Sedem Pečatí otvorených, to prinieslo o tom tú skutočnú pravdu.

65 Takže, byť vydatí za druhého Adama, za Krista, Slovo, musíte sa oddeliť smrťou od svojho prvého denominačného manžela, lebo nie je ani jedna (z tých denominácií), ktorá by mohla vziať celé Slovo Božie. Len mi ukážte, kde je tá jedna. "Ó," poviete, "tá moja." Ďalší človek povie tiež, že jeho. Dajte ich dokopy a zistíte, že sa obaja mýlite, akonáhle urobíte denomináciu. Čítajte Zjavenie 17.

Takže vidíte, vy musíte byť mŕtvi tej veci. (No, nehovorím ku tomuto miestnemu zhromaždeniu, hovorím všetkým po celom národe.) Vy musíte byť mŕtvi svojmu prvému manželovi. Ak ste spojení s Kristom a stále ste vydatí za denomináciu, ste cudzoložní! Ste Laodicea! Cirkev po celom národe... My nasledujeme Ježiša Krista, Slovo. Byť v Neveste, vy musíte byť znovu vydatí za Slovo Božie, ktorým je Kristus.

66 "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." Tak dlho ako sa budete držať ľudských tradícií denominácií, v Božom Slove ste nazvaní "cudzoložní." Tak dlho, ako ste denominačný "hľadač vyznania", patriaci do denominačnej cirkvi, ktorá zapiera Slovo, ste cudzoložník. To je to, čo povedala Biblia. Ježiš povedal, "Nemôžete slúžiť naraz dvom bohom. Buď slúžite Bohu alebo mamone. Mamona je svet. Ten, kto miluje svet, alebo veci tohoto sveta, nie je v ňom láska Božia." Nemôže byť v ňom súčasne Semeno Božie, keď láska Božia... keď je tam láska sveta. Keď skrze vás účinkuje Semeno Božie, to je Slovo Božie. Nemôže tam byť v tom istom čase láska tohoto sveta. No tak, kde sú krátke vlasy a šortky a pomaľované tváre?! Kde je to teda?

67 Nemôžete byť cnostní ku Kristovi - Slovu Božiemu a súčasne slúžiť ľuďmi vytvorenej denominácii. To je v protiklade so Slovom. Pavol to tu povedal. "Kde?" Rimanom 7.

Ani nemôžete rodiť Božích synov Jeho Slova do tejto nemanželskej denominačnej skupiny. Nemôžete to urobiť. Vo vašom inkubátore nemôžete porodiť Božieho syna Slova. Hovorím ku cirkvi. Ale stále tvrdíte, že ste veľmi nábožní. Taký bol aj Kain, syn prostitútky Evy: veľmi nábožný, staval oltáre a obetoval obeť a dával desiatok a urobil všetko, čo by robil akýkoľvek nábožný človek, ale zanedbal držať sa toho Slova. Zanedbal mať zjavenie. A zjavenie je tá jediná vec: zjavenie Slova.

68 Čo je zjavenie? Ježiš povedal, "Na tejto Skale postavím Svoju Cirkev a brány pekla ju nepremôžu." Viera je zjavenie, lebo viera vám bola zjavená. Ábel vierou obetoval, skrze zjavenie, vieru obetoval Bohu lepšiu obeť ako Kain.

Kain si myslel, že jedli jablká. Oni si to stále myslia, ale to nebolo tak. To bolo cudzoložstvo: semeno hada. A tam, keď bolo otvorených tých Sedem Pečatí, tým to bolo jasne ukázané a potvrdené. (Moja kniha o tom práve vyšla. Myslím, že tu máme teraz tisíc kusov.) Všimnite si, to je podľa Písma, od Genesis do Zjavenia. V čase konca, oba tieto stromy prichádzajú do semena a samy sa ukazujú čím sú.

69 Dnes sme práve tu, Laodicea a Nevesta, práve tak jasne a nádherne ako to môže byť v Písme a rovno pred vašou tvárou. Nemôžete slúžiť Bohu a mamonu. Nemôžete byť cnostný, biblicky veriaci Kresťan a združovať sa s denominačnými záležitosťami. Nemôžete to naraz robiť. Jeden musí byť mŕtvy aby ste nechali žiť toho druhého.

Ani nemôžete rodiť Božích synov Slova. Ani cirkev ich nemôže priniesť. Vy nechcete jedno z tých detí, ktoré kričia, jasajú a hovoriacich v jazykoch a všetky tie veci. Oni... V denominačnej cirkvi to nemôžete robiť. Oni vás nebudú držať. Oni ich takto neprinášajú. Oni ich len vezmú, potrasú im ruku a povedia, "Ak veríš, máš to. Ak si zapísaný do knihy, to je všetko, čo máš robiť." Vidíte, to sú nemanželské deti ku Slovu: stále tvrdia, že sú nábožní. Sú tak tehotní so Satanovou múdrosťou a poznaním, cirkev sa stala takou. Posielajú svojich ľudí do škôl, aby sa naučili ako správne povedať, "amen". Učia sa ako povedať všetko toto a sú veľmi intelektuálni. Čo je to? To je tehotenstvo z diabla!

70 Čím Satan naplnil Evu? Aby neverila Slovu kvôli intelektuálom..., intelektu a to zruinovalo celé stvorenie. To je presne to, čo cirkev urobila dnes v Slove. Ona sa naplnila biblickými školami a univerzitami a takými vecami: čítanie, písanie, aritmetika a oni vedia o Bohu toľko, ako hotentót o egyptskej noci. Poznajú všetky ich vyznania, modlitebné knižky a všetko možné, ale nevedia nič o Bohu. Oni by vedeli, keď je Slovo potvrdené... Keď Boh tam vtedy hovoril a pridelil Svoje Slovo pre každú generáciu ako to išlo...

Tu prichádza Noe a káže tej generácii. No, čo ak by prišiel Mojžiš a povedal, "Postavme koráb"? On by bol úplne mimo, ale on bol prorok. On mal Božie zjavenie, Boh potvrdil, že je to pravda. On vyviedol Izrael von a ukázal sa pred nimi Ohnivý Stĺp a potvrdil toho proroka a povedal presne to, čo On bude robiť a On to urobil. Oni povedali, "Nech nehovorí Boh, nech hovorí Mojžiš, aby sme nepomreli."

On povedal, "Už viacej nebudem ku nim takto hovoriť, ale vzbudím im prorokov a oni budú hovoriť."

71 Stál tam Izaiáš a povedal, "Panna počne." Človek ako on, v tom dni, keď... Ako počne panna? "Syn sa nám narodil... dieťa sa nám narodilo, Syn nám je daný. Jeho meno nazvú: Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Silný Boh, Večný Otec. Sedieť bude na tróne Svojho otca, Dávida a bude panovať a Jeho Kráľovstvu nebude konca."

Ako sa to stane? On to nevedel. On hovoril len to, čo Boh povedal. To je ponad všetky intelektuálne predstavy. To je ponad všetok vedecký výskum. To je Slovo Božie.

72 No, my školíme našich seminárnych študentov všetky druhy biblickej teológie a také veci, ľuďmi vytvorené teológie. Stala sa z toho hromada cirkví, práve taká Laodicea, ako Boh povedal, že taká bude.

Ó, keď sa na to pozriem, až ma striasa. Tehotní s intelektuálnymi poňatiami... Musíte mať strednú školu, aby ste tam mohli ísť. Musíte sa postaviť pred psychiatra, prv, ako môžete byť ordinovaný. Vedeli by ste si predstaviť Petra, Jakuba a Jána ako idú ku psychiatrovi? Pamätajte, tých 120 tam hore sa dokonca nevedeli ani podpísať, ...stoja pred psychiatrom, aby videl, či všetky ich reflexy sú správne a tak ďalej. Oni mali reflex, ale to nebolo to intelektuálne poňatie alebo vedecký výskum, to bolo skrze moc Božiu. Keď to do nich udrelo, oni nevedeli nič iné, len konať tak, ako im povedal Svätý Duch. Oni nevenovali žiadnu pozornosť nejakému intelektuálovi, tomu, čo povedala cirkev a čo kňaz povedal, a čo toto povedalo a tamto; oni boli pudení Duchom: mužovia bez strachu.

73 1. Jána 2:15, On povedal, "Ak milujete svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, láska Božia nie je vo vás." Tak ako môžete byť tehotní so Slovom Božím, ktoré odsudzuje svet, odsudzuje Hollywood, odsudzuje všetku túto módu, odsudzuje všetky tieto večierky a takéto vyvádzanie a tých tak-zvaných, ktorí majú meno náboženstva? Slovo to odsudzuje.

Ako môže byť taká osoba tehotná Slovom? Ako môže nejaká nakrátko ostrihaná žena, s namaľovanou tvárou, ktorá nosí šortky... Ako môže nejaký kazateľ, ktorý vyšiel tu zo seminára, pozrie sa na Skutky 2:38 a vidí, že nie je v Biblii ani jedna osoba, ktorá bola pokrstená na tie tituly, a potom stále hovorí, že je tehotný s Božím Slovom? On vám klame. On predal svoje práva prvorodenstva. On spáchal cudzoložstvo práve proti tej veci, ktorú povedal. On je pri rozvodnom konaní rozvedený.

Boh bude mať cnostnú cirkev, presne tak, Nevestu. Biblia povedala, "To Slovo nie je vo vás," tak aký druh detí rodíte? Tehotných denominačných ľudí. Nebola tam žiadna smrť, ktorá by vás oddelila od vášho prvého milenca.

74 "Čo si pomyslia Jonesoví, ak budem kričať a hovoriť v jazykoch? Čo si pomyslia, ak sa dám znovu pokrstiť?" Aký nezmysel! Vydali ste za Jonesových?! Vydali ste sa za cirkev?! Alebo ste sa vydali za Krista, Slovo? No, to je to, prečo ona stále rodí svoje deti.

Aký druh detí má? Tu sú niektoré z ich mien, ako ich dnes volajú: Kočky (Cats), Chrobáci (Beatles), Príšery (Monsters), Rikiovia (Rickys), Rikety (Rickettas),... Mačky, Chrobáci... To sú členovia cirkví, iste. Oni sú všetci synovia Kaina, čo znamená synovia toho chytrého zvieraťa, práve tak úlisní ako len môžu byť.

75 Pozrite sa teraz dobre na chvíľu s vašim vlastným duchovným zrakom, do vašej duše. Len sa poobzerajte. Hovorím teraz celému národu. Pozrite sa len na pár minút, vy tam v Branhamovej modlitebni, vy, v modlitebniach na západnom pobreží a v Arizone a kdekoľvek ste, pozrite sa na seba na pár minút. Poviete, "To posolstvo, ktoré kážeš, brat Branham, je nesprávne." Pozrite sa trochu na seba. Nechajte Ducha Svätého skúmať vašu myseľ so Slovom. Budete súhlasiť s tým posolstvom. Nechajte Krista, to pomazané Slovo, skúmať vaše vlastné svedomie. Nechajte Ho dostať sa do vás a vidzte, či je to správne alebo nie. A to je len jedna alebo dve veci, o ktorých som sa zmienil, zatiaľčo sú ich stovky.

76 Súhlasí Biblia s tým, aby si žena strihala vlasy? Verí Biblia... súhlasí s tromi krstami v mene Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého? Nič také. Súhlasí Biblia s tým, aby žena nosila mužské oblečenie? No, vezmite len tri, zatiaľ čo ich je o stovky viac. Skúmajte to vo svetle Božieho Slova.

Poviete, "Som člen cirkvi", to bol aj Kain, to bola aj Eva. Biblia predpovedá, že v posledných dňoch bude Laodicea taká istá. Nech Svätý Duch skúma vaše svedomie a budete súhlasiť s Danielom 5:12, keď tá kráľovná prišla pred Balsazára a povedala... zistila, že tam medzi nimi bol prorok, Daniel a že on rozväzoval pochybnosti.

77 Nechajte Svätého Ducha - On je prorokom tohoto dňa. Nechajte Ho hneď teraz prísť do vášho srdca a ak sa preskúmate s Božím Slovom a tie pochybnosti o tomto posolstve budú rozviazané. On rozväzuje všetky pochybnosti. Zistíte, že je to presne podľa Slova na tento deň.

Nemôžete dnes kázať Lutherovo posolstvo. Ono ide do toho, ale to sú nohy. Nemôžete kázať Wesleya, nemôžete kázať Letničných! Sme úplne za tým, oni sa zorganizovali a zomreli. Oni sú steblo. To steblo vyšlo v lístku v tom prvom stave cirkvi. No, to nevyzerá ako to prvé zrno, ktoré vošlo do zeme, pšenica.

To druhé, čo prišlo, bol peľ. To stále nevyzerá ako to zrno: viac sa naň podobá ako to. Prichádza viac do podoby toho skutočného zrna. Ale to steblo iste nevyzerá tak ako to zrno, ktoré padlo do zeme. Je to prepravca života, ktorý bol v zrne. Ale čo to spravilo? Stala sa z toho denominácia, ako to aj pasuje s celou prírodou. To zomrelo.

78 Sledujte potom ten Život, ako bežal rovno hore do klasu. Malo to mnoho malých guličiek, ktoré na tom visia, vyzerá to ako malé zrná vo vnútri, vyzerá to ako to skutočné zrno, ale nie je. Potom to ide rovno do plevy a čo to prináša? Plevu. Vezmite si teraz zrno pšenice. Keď tá pšenica vychádza prvýkrát... ako povedal Ježiš, "pšeničné zrno," a beriete a otvárate tú pšenicu, odtrhnete to od stebla, pozeráte sa na to, poviete, "Máme zrno pšenice." Buďte opatrní. Je to presne ako zrno, ale v tom nie je ani trochu zrna. Je to pleva. To sú letniční. Tak veľmi, ako povedal Matúš 24:24, "To by zviedlo v tých posledných dňoch i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné." Ale poodtŕhate lístok za lístkom, nemáte žiadne zrno. To zrno je rovno tam vzadu. Vidíte? A potom ten Život vychádza z tej denominácie, ide do zrna.

79 Čo sa potom deje? Keď to zrno začína rásť a stáva sa väčším, takže môže niečo prekryť, denominácia sa od toho odťahuje.

"Prečo nemáme z tohoto denomináciu?" To nikdy nebude. To je zrno. To nemôže ísť už ďalej. Sme v čase konca.

Čo ono musí teraz robiť? Ležať v prítomnosti slnka, aby dozrelo. To je presne tak. Aby to Slovo dozrelo vo vašom srdci a prinieslo a žilo to, o čom hovoríme. Tak veru. Potom nebudete mať žiadne pochybnosti, ak necháte Svätého Ducha, aby vám to zjavil, ako tá kráľovná povedala o Danielovi.

80 Môžete povedať, "Čo má toto všetko do činenia so Vďakyvzdaním? O čom to hovoríš, brat Branham? Už je trištvrte na deväť. Nepovedal si nič o Vďakyvzdaní." Aké je to pre mňa posolstvo pri takej príležitosti! Áno, naozaj.

Pútnickí otcovia boli veľmi vďační za svoj novonájdený spôsob života, tým, že sa oddelili od starých anglických denominácií a vyznaní. Oni sa mohli vydať za nové pomazané Slovo pre ich vek. Tak je to. To nové, pomazané Slovo ich veku pre ich deň...

Takže môžeme byť vďační, ako pútnici ako Abrahám, oddelili sme sa od vecí tohoto sveta, od všetkých našich spojencov. Abrahám bol pútnik. Boh nás oddelil od starých mŕtvych náboženstiev (hovorím teraz ku celému národu), od všetkých mŕtvych vyznaní, do čoho? Oddelil nás a otvoril nám novú zem, nové posolstvo pre tento deň.

Letniční vyschli a zomreli. Ako Luther, Wesley a ostatní z nich, nie je to nič viac ako skupina cirkví daná dohromady. Sú tam ešte dobrí ľudia, ktorí musia vyjsť.

81 Čo On urobil? On otvoril tých Sedem Pečatí toho posledného posolstva. Všimli ste si to? Sedem Pečatí, kde všetky tajomstvá tých Siedmich Cirkevných Vekov boli zapečatené Siedmimi Pečaťami. Reformátori nemali vo svojich dňoch čas to urobiť. Nežili dostatočne dlho. Ale toto požehnané zjavenie Siedmich Pečatí je nám otvorené v týchto posledných dňoch z proroctva, ktoré vyšlo z Arizony.

Ako som sa jedného dňa pýtal Boha, "Čo robíš so mnou tu vonku na tejto púšti?" Vedeli ste, že Mojžiš napísal Nový Zákon, či vlastne Starý Zákon? Určite napísal: prvé štyri knihy dávajú zákony a všetko: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus a Deuteronomium. On napísal Starý Zákon. Aby to urobil, musel opustiť všetkých svojich druhov a milovaných a ísť na púšť.

82 Pavol napísal Nový Zákon. Tak je to. Napísal Rimanom a... Rimanom a tie ostatné, Židom a Timoteovi a tak ďalej. A aby to urobil, musel sa oddeliť od seba a ísť dolu do Arábie na púšť na tri roky a dostať zjavenie od Boha. Ó, poviete, "Čo Matúš, Marek, Lukáš a Ján?" Oni boli pisatelia, ktorí len napísali, čo Ježiš robil. Pavol oddelil a spojil Slovo dohromady. Tak je to.

No, potom, pozrite, ak ho to stálo toto a on musel ísť na púšť ďaleko od svojich milovaných... Pamätáte si "Aký je čas, pánovia?"? Koľkí ste to počuli, povedzte "amen." Bolo to úplne správne? My potom máme zjavenie v týchto posledných dňoch na posolstvo Pána Boha, aby zhromaždil spolu Svoju Nevestu. Žiadnemu inému veku to nebolo zasľúbené. Je to zasľúbené v tomto veku.

83 Malachiáš 4, Lukáš 17:30, Sv. Ján 14:12, Joel 2:38. Tieto zasľúbenia sú presne tak, ako sa Ján Krstiteľ sám zidentifikoval v Písme. Ježiš sa Sám zidentifikoval, čo oni povedali? "Preč s takou osobou. Ján je divoch." Cirkev to nebola schopná prijať. To je vzor. Ani dnes to cirkev neprijme.

Ale pre tých vyvolených, ktorých Boh volá. Pre vyvolených. Oni to poznajú. Volá cnostnú Nevestu, Slovo, Cirkev posledných dní, tú vyvolenú Pani nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, Slova. Ak je Ježiš Slovo... Koľkí tomu veria? V poriadku. Potom Nevesta je vždy časťou Ženícha. Takže Nevesta nebude denominácia, to bude musieť byť zamanifestované Slovo, aby bola Nevestou Krista. On zasľúbil, že to urobí. On povedal, ako to urobí.

84 On nikdy neopustil Svoj vzor. On to vždy robil podľa vzoru. On to zakaždým robil podľa vzoru. On to robí znova, vyvoláva Svoju ctnostnú Nevestu v tých posledných dňoch, milovanú Rebeku čakajúcu na svojho Izáka. Aký nádherný čas.

Tu to nám umožňuje vidieť tie dve Knihy, ktoré budú pre vás tajomné, keď budete čítať knihu Siedmich Cirkevných Vekov. Tie dve Knihy, Kniha Života... Jedna hovorí, že môžete do nej zapísať svoje meno a nikdy nebude vytreté a tá druhá hovorí, že vytriete jeho meno z Knihy Života. Toto nám to umožňuje dokonale vidieť, práve tu. (Zastavím sa na pár minút, možno na pár poznámkach a dotknem sa tohoto, predtým ako zakončíme.

85 Život je pre Boha svätá vec a je zaznamenaný v Knihe. Boh je Autor Života. Veríte tomu? Náš prirodzený život, ktorý tu máme, je len prevrátenosť. To v skutočnosti mal byť od začiatku ten pravý život. Ale tým prirodzeným narodením je to prevrátené.

Ten prvý život, alebo vaše prvé spojenie, do ktorého ste sa pripojili cez prirodzené narodenie. Prirodzený akt, prirodzené spojenie ľudskej bytosti, muža a ženy, spojených spolu pohlavným aktom, a to tu prinieslo váš prvý život a to je spojené s hriechom a smrťou!

86 Ako nemôžete vidieť to semeno hada, keď vidíte ženu, vedľajší produkt?! Žiadne ženské pohlavie nie je ako ona, utvorená za tým účelom, tak, že mohla byť zvedená... Boh vedel... keby od začiatku nevedel aký bude koniec, potom by nebol Boh. Ak nie je neohraničený, ak nie je... ak nemôže byť neohraničený bez toho, že by bol vševedúci, všadeprítomný, poznal všetky veci, večný... Takže On poznal všetky veci a musel utvoriť tú ženu. Ten muž nemal manželku. Žena a muž bolo to isté. On mal v sebe ženského a mužského ducha. On musel oddeliť, vziať vedľajší produkt, potom, čo bolo stvorené celé stvorenie. Žiadne ženské pohlavie stvorené Bohom v tom originálnom stvorení nemohlo urobiť takú vec. Ona bola tak stvorená, aby to urobila. On vedel, že ona to urobí. Ak to nevedel, On by nebol Bohom.

Ale vidíte, tie atribúty, ktoré sú v Bohu, museli byť ukázané. On mal byť Spasiteľom. A aby urobil všetko dokonalé, tým spôsobom ako to mal, tam by potom nemohlo byť nič stratené. Ó, nebuďte deti. Buďte muži a ženy. Sme na konci cesty.

87 Všimnite si. To bola prirodzenosť spojená so smrťou. Váš prvý manžel, ktorý mal nad vami vládu, bola vaša prirodzenosť skrze prirodzené narodenie. Prirodzene milujete svet, lebo ste svet a časťou sveta. Je to tak? Vaše žiadosti boli, skrze tú prirodzenosť, milovať svet, ktorého ste časťou. Ste časťou prírody. Veríte tomu? A to je vaša prirodzená vec. To je dôvod, prečo sa musíte znovu narodiť. Musíte sa oddeliť. Musíte zomrieť tomu prvému manželovi. Nemôžete s tým žiť. Nemôžete len povedať, "No, ja sa s ním rozvediem a odložím ho tu, až do nejakej príležitosti." Nie, žiadny rozvodný list. On zomiera. Tá prirodzenosť toho sveta musí zomrieť! Každý jeho kúsok musí zomrieť! Musíte byť znovu spojení s inou prirodzenosťou.

88 Vaše meno vašej prvej prirodzenosti sa narodilo a bolo zapísané v Knihe Života a tiež tam boli napísané všetky vaše skutky. Všetko, čo ste v tej prirodzenosti urobili, bolo zapísané v Knihe nazvanej Kniha Života,

Všimnite si v Danielovi, keď on prichádza k tomu Starodávnemu dňov, ktorého vlasy boli biele ako vlna... desaťtisíc krát desaťtisícov prišlo s Ním, aby Mu slúžilo: Nevesta. A potom tie Knihy boli otvorené a iná kniha bola otvorená, ktorá bola Knihou života. Vidíte? Tí svätí sú už tam, Cirkev, Nevesta. Iná Kniha bola otvorená, ktorá bola Knihou Života.

89 Teraz vy... Ale keď ste od toho spojenia boli oddelení duchovnou smrťou. Vašou prirodzenou žiadosťou je strihať si vlasy, vašou prirodzenou žiadosťou je nosiť šortky, maľovať si tvár, vašou prirodzenou žiadosťou je byť intelektuálny, chytrý človek, ktorý vie niečo lepšie ako ten druhý. To je to, čo chcela Eva. To je práve to, čo chcela. No, poviete, "Ty malý bezvýznamný kazateľ, postav sa tu a povedz mi ... ja mám PhD, LL..." To vás odvádza len ďalej od Boha, zakaždým keď si pridáte jeden z tých titulov. Je to tak, skutočne.

90 Vidíte, to je to, čo si vzala Eva. Ona bola tehotná tým druhom tehotenstva. To je to, čím je dnes cirkev skrze biblické školy a intelektuálov, pozrite, niktorý nesúhlasí s tým druhým. Jedno veľké zamiešanie, presne to, čo povedala Biblia: Babylon!

Tá Nevesta vie kde stojí. V nej je ich veľmi málo. Nebude ich veľa spasených. Len veľmi veľmi veľmi málo. Poviete, "No, oni povedali, že tisíce." Áno, ale oni prichádzajú tiež z tých dvetisíc rokov z každého veku, keď to vyšlo. Každý... Lutherov vek a tá skupina, potom vymreli a oni odišli a založili denomináciu. A Wesley, potom prichádzajú letniční a tak ďalej a všetky tie malé vetvy skupiny baptistov, presbyteriánov, metodistov, nazarénov, pútnikov svätosti a tak ďalej.

Vidíte, všetci tí odtiaľ odpadli ako list. Ale pamätajte, keď to zišlo dolu a to zrno začalo dozrievať, oni... nachádzate, že predtým, ako to zrno môže dozrieť, všetko v tom steble musí byť mŕtve! Haleluja! Nemôžete vidieť, kde stojíme?! Život je znovu v zrne! Čo je to? Presne to isté, ako to Zrno, ktoré išlo do zeme, ten istý Ježiš vo forme Nevesty: tá istá moc, tá istá cirkev, tá istá vec, to isté Slovo.

91 To isté Slovo, z ktorého títo sali a vychádza sem a prichádza sem do hlavy. A všetok ten Život, ktorý prechádzal tam, pozbieral svojich ľudí a teraz sa formuje do hlavy na vytrhnutie. (Budeme o tom hovoriť zajtra večer alebo na ďalší večer, ak bude Pán chcieť.)

Keď ste oddelení od vášho prvého spojenia skrze duchovnú smrť. Teraz ste narodení znovu alebo znovu zosobášení do nového duchovného spojenia, nie z vášho prirodzeného života, z vecí toho sveta, ale z Večného Života. Ten Zárodok, ktorý bol vo vás na začiatku vás našiel.

92 Vaša stará kniha s vašim starým spojením je preč. Vaše meno vo vašej starej... bolo prenesené. No, poviete, "Chceš mi povedať, že moja stará kniha..." Boh ju hodil do mora Jeho zabudnutia. Stojíte dokonalí pred Bohom. Vaše meno je teraz v tej novej Knihe, nie v Knihe Života, ale v Baránkovej Knihe Života. To, čo Baránok vykúpil, nie tá stará kniha vášho prirodzeného spojenia, ale vy ste nová Nevesta. Haleluja! Váš nový Život je v Baránkovej Knihe Života, váš sobášny list, haleluja, kde váš pravdivý večný zárodok od začiatku pevne drží.

93 Teda, nie je vám len odpustené, ale ste ospravedlnení. Sláva! Ospravedlnení: v Rimanom 5:1 je povedané, Rimanom 5:1: "Preto, súc ospravedlnení vierou..." Vyhľadajte si to slovo. To slovo neznamená "odpustené", to slovo znamená "ospravedlnení". To neznamená, že vám je odpustené. Napríklad, počuli ste, že som sa opil a urobil nejaké zlé veci a všetko, potom prídete a hovoríte mi... zistili ste, že som to neurobil. Potom idete a poviete, "Brat Branham, odpúšťam ti." Odpúšťaš mi? Ja som to vôbec neurobil. Vidíte?

No, ak by som to urobil, som vinný. Ale vy by ste mi mohli odpustiť a ja by som nebol vinný, ale stále nie som ospravedlnený, lebo v skutočnosti som to urobil. Ale to slovo "ospravedlnený" znamená, ako by ste to nikdy neurobili. Amen. To nie je vôbec ani spomenuté. Ako je to možné? V Božej knihe mora zabudnutia, vaša stará kniha a manželstvo je rozvedené a mŕtve a nie je ani v Božej pamäti. Amen. Ste ospravedlnení. Preto byť ospravedlnený... to bolo obvinené... boli ste obvinení, nikdy ste to ani neurobili. To staré spojenie je v mori Božieho zabudnutia. Neboli ste vôbec s tým zosobášení. On, Ženích niesol Sám tvoju hanbu za teba na tvojom mieste. On zaujal vaše miesto, lebo vy ste boli pred založením sveta predurčení pre Neho, aby ste boli Jeho Nevestou. Biblia tak povedala. Vy ste to predurčené Semeno.

94 Ako sa to stalo, že ste toto urobili? Boli ste do toho zvedení skrze vaše prvé manželstvo... cez vášho cudzoložného rodiča - Evu. To nie je vaša vlastná chyba. Skrze vaše prirodzené narodenie, vy prichádzate po Eve, ktorá spáchala cudzoložstvo. To je ten dôvod, že ste sa narodili ako cudzoložní. Od začiatku ste hriešnikmi. Tak je to. Boli ste do toho zvedení. Nemali ste žiadne... Nie, to nebola vaša chyba. Vy ste to nikdy neurobili, lebo ten malý Zárodok, ktorý bol vo vás, sa mal stať vami pred založením sveta. Boh zapísal vaše meno do Baránkovej Knihy Života.

95 Ako môj príbeh o tom orlíčati, všetci ste ho počuli. Sliepka... jeden starý farmár mal raz sliepku. Vidíte, on nemal dostatok sliepok... vajíčok pod sliepku, tak našiel nejaké orlie vajce a podložil ho pod ňu. Keď sa to orlíča vyliahlo, to bolo to najsmiešnejšie vyzerajúce kura, ktoré kedy tie kurence videli. To malé orlíča chodilo okolo; sliepka robila: "Kvok, kvok, kvok, kvok."

To orlíča povedalo, "Ja neviem, ako tá vec znie, ale jednako ju budem nasledovať."

Vyšiel na dvor a začal hrabať na hromade hnoja. A ona spustila, "Kvok, kvok, kvok. Toto je dobré. Toto je dobré. Pripoj sa ku nám. A toto je..." To orlíča, on nemohol jesť také veci. On len... on len vyšiel s tými kurencami, lebo nevedel, on nevedel, čo robiť. A potom tam ona vyšla a vyhrabala toto a tamto a ten malý orol proste, on to musel stráviť, on nevedel ako to robiť. Ale videl, že všetky tie kurence to robia, ale tam je niečo iné. Nepáčilo sa mu to.

96 Tak jedného dňa, tá matka vedela, že vyliahla dve vajcia. Tak začala pátrať po tom druhom. Lietala okolo, hľadala tak, ako ten veľký Svätý Duch. Jedného dňa letela ponad na ten dvor, tú denomináciu. Pozrela sa tam dolu a videla svoje dieťa. Skríkla. To bol hlas niečoho, čo spôsobilo ozvenu v jeho vnútri. "Ó, to znie správne!"

Ó, nechajte skutočne predurčený narodený zárodok, predurčený od Boha, nech počuje to Božie Slovo, pre neho je to hudba. On vie, že to je pravda. On je aj tak unavený z tých denominačných vecí: "Pripoj sa k nám. Príď, poď s nami. Máme spoločenský večierok. Máme toto, máme..." To proste tomu malému neznelo dobre.

Ona povedala, "Synu, ty aj tak nepatríš do tej skupiny. Ty patríš mne, si môj."

On povedal, "Mama, to znie skutočne. Ako sa z tohoto dostanem?"

"Len skoč, ja ťa chytím! To je všetko, čo musíš urobiť." To pomazané Božie Slovo sa potvrdilo pred každým človekom, ktorý sa narodil, aby bol synom Božím, s tým predurčeným zárodkom v sebe na túto hodinu, on bude vidieť Božie posolstvo s takou istotou ako že je Boh na nebi.

97 Martin Luther videl to, ktoré bolo pre neho. Wesley videl to, ktoré bolo pre neho. Letniční videli to, ktoré bolo pre nich. No, a čo ty? Oni odišli do denominácie. Tu je Slovo, ktoré to odsudzuje, hovorí vám, čo máme dnes mať a presne Malachiáš 4 a všetky tieto ostatné zasľúbenia na túto hodinu. Čo vidíte?! Na čo sa pozeráte?! Amen!

Tu to máme. Ten skutočný opravdový Orol je tu. "Moje ovce počujú Môj hlas, za cudzím nepôjdu." No, tam to bolo zapísané skrze predurčenie. Bol si predurčený aby si bol Božím synom. Bol si v Bohu pred založením sveta! Ale si sa zamanifestoval len v tomto dni na Jeho česť a slávu. Ako to môžeš robiť bez toho, že by si ctil Jeho Slovo a stál na každom Božom Slove?!... Tak veru, ...kde ty si časťou toho Slova skrze predurčenie, lebo, pozri sa, Boh je Slovo. Veríš tomu? No, potom ak On bol stále Slovom...

98 Na počiatku bolo Slovo a keď to Slovo bol Boh, potom vy ste boli v Bohu. To Slovo, tá časť, ktorú máte odohrať bola v Bohu pred založením sveta. On vás videl. On vás poznal. On vás ku tomu predurčil. A poviem vám, práve tak, ako ten orol rozpoznal ten hlas, tak isto skutočný, znovuzrodený Kresťan rozpoznáva ten Boží Hlas hovoriaci skrze Slovo, keď Ho vidia pomazané a potvrdené.

Pozrite, on sa pozrel hore. On nevidel tú starú sliepku "kvok, kvok, pripoj sa ku nám a poď sem a choď toto a choď ku tomu a tamtomu." On videl Bytosť akou on chcel byť, ako sa plaví v povetrí, slobodne kričí, hore vo výškach ponad všetkými tými supmi a vecami tej zeme. Haleluja! On tým chcel byť, lebo to bolo v ňom, aby tým bol.

99 A človek, ktorý je narodený z Boha, Boží syn musí mať prirodzenosť Boha! On musí byť ako Boh! On ctí Boha. On je časťou Božieho Slova.

A v týchto posledných dňoch táto Nevesta naberá formu presne tej istej moci v akej On bol na počiatku... On prechádzal cez tieto organizácie a tak ďalej a vychádza pre Nevestu. On nemôže byť ničím iným okrem toho!

100 Oni to mali vidieť, tí Židia vo svojom dni, keď to tam videli pred sebou zamanifestované, ako prorok povedal, že On bude. On povedal, "Skúmajte písma, myslíte si, že v nich máte Večný Život. Oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Ak nečiním skutky môjho Otca, potom mi neverte, ale ak nemôžete veriť mne, verte tým skutkom, ktoré činím."

Oni povedali, "Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti po štyridsať rokov. My vieme, na čom sme."

On povedal, "A oni všetci sú mŕtvi." To znamená večne oddelení. Každý jeden zahynul. Tam boli len traja. Dvaja vychádzajú z milióna... z dvoch miliónov. To je jeden z milióna.

No... vstreknutie, spermia od muža a ženy, tam je obyčajne jedno vajíčko plodné. Tam je jedno vajíčko, jeden zárodok, ktorý je plodný.

101 Videli ste niekedy kríženie dobytka? Všimnite si, je tam milión vajíčok, tu je milión zárodkov a keď sú oni vypustené, aby prišli spolu do maternice, prechádzajú cez vajíčkovod a do maternice, stretajú sa. Jedno z nich je vajíčko, milión vajíčok, milión zárodkov. Tam je len jedno vajíčko plodné. Tam je len jeden plodný zárodok. Oni sú všetky nažive. Môžete sledovať tie malé teľatá, ako udierajú okolo, taká troška, že by ste ju mohli dať na hlavičku zápalky. A Demos a tí ostatní počúvajú dnes večer a on si pamätá, keď sme zobrali... vzal ma tam dolu a ukázal mi ako to funguje: testovacie skúmavky. A položil ich tam toľko, koľko by ste mohli dať na koniec zápalky a tam bolo tisíce malých teliat a býčkov, ale len jedno z nich mohlo žiť. Len jedno z nich. A tu je ich veľká hŕba a všimnite si, jedno z nich bude putovať spomedzi týchto tu, prichádza sem a nejaké vajíčko vyjde spomedzi tých ostatných vajíčok tu a oni sa spolu stretnú a tí ostatní z nich zomierajú. Hoci sú živé, ale zomierajú. Lebo tam je niečo... Niekto učinil toto jedno plodné a určil tiež toto. To je predurčenie, brat môj. Tak veru.

102 Boh musel určiť, či to bude chlapec, alebo dievča, červenovlasý, čiernovlasý alebo čokoľvek to je. To určil Boh. Pre mňa je to viac tajomné ako panenské narodenie. Ale všimnite si, tí ostatní z nich zomierajú.

Tam boli dva milióny ľudí, ktorí vyšli, spievali, kričali, všetko robili, hovorili v iných... nehovorili v jazykoch, ale kričali a dávali Bohu slávu a tancovali hore a dolu pri mori a robili všetko to, čo robili všetci tí ostatní. Ale boli tam len dvaja, ktorí vošli do zasľúbenej zeme: Kálef a Jozue, len dvaja. To je jeden z milióna. To je jeden z milióna v prirodzenom narodení. Každý z nich mal to isté požehnanie. Ó, vy letniční, dúfam, že sa nezobudíte príliš neskoro. Jeden z milióna!

Pozrite, na svete je vraj dnes päťsto miliónov takzvaných kresťanov. Keby prišiel Ježiš, potom by s ním išlo len päťsto, ak je tá štatistika správna. No, každý deň zmizne na svete viac ako toľko. Ľudia o tom nič nevedia.

103 "Počul som, zákonníci povedali... vieš, že tí... prečo zákonníci hovoria, že najprv musí prísť Eliáš?" opýtali sa Ježiša.

On povedal, "Eliáš už prišiel a vy ste to nepoznali." Vidíte? On urobil presne to, čo Písmo povedalo, že sa mu stane. Tak musí Syn človeka trpieť...

Oni Ho nerozpoznali. Hoci všetci boli v cirkvi, všetci tvrdili, že sú živí. A vy ste povedali ... Skutočne znovuzrodený kresťan, skutočný Boží sluha, keď počuje to Božie Slovo, on vyjde rovno von z každej denominácie do tej skutočnej plodnej zeme Slova, do pôdy na zasadenie. On to urobí. Ja neviem ako to robí. Boh to určil, aby sa to stalo.

104 Vy ste boli na počiatku zvedení vaším prvým manželstvom. No, vy viete, čo je pravda. Práve tak, ako som povedal o tom malom orlovi, keď on počul ten Hlas Ženícha, on išiel ku Tomu pomazanému, potvrdenému Božiemu Slovu pre tie posledné dni.

Noe bol potvrdeným Slovom pre jeho deň. Veríte tomu? No, jeho posolstvo dnes nebude fungovať.

Mojžiš bol potvrdeným slovom jeho veku. Veríte tomu? To nebude teraz fungovať.

Ježiš bol... Ján bol potvrdeným Slovom. Veríte tomu? To by nefungovalo vo dňoch Ježiša. Určite nie. Nie veru. Zákon a proroci boli po Jána, odvtedy nebeské Kráľovstvo.

105 Apoštoli, tí, ktorí vysvetlili Bibliu... tu prichádza Luther v reformácii, jeho slová, ktoré... jeho cirkev nebude fungovať dnes. Nebude ani Wesleyova. Nebudú ani letniční. To fungovalo v ich dni, ale teraz je iný deň. Toto je otvorenie Siedmich Pečatí. Viem, že vám to znie zvláštne, ale Boh to tak dokonale potvrdil, nie je v tam žiadna pochybnosť, tak dokonale.

Nepodávam to tomuto miestnemu zhromaždeniu. Hovorím ku ľuďom v celom národe. Vidíte? Robte, čo si prajete.

106 Všimnite si teraz, to pomazané Slovo jeho dňa, ktorého ste časťou skrze predurčenie. Vy okamžite... tak ako ste vedeli, keď ste to počuli, rýchlo ste spoznali, že ste orol. Tiež ste si uvedomili, že nie ste vôbec denominačným kuraťom, vedeli ste, že je tam niečo zlé. Je tam niečo zlé. Tak je to. Lebo viete, že na začiatku ste do toho uviazli a nemohli ste sa vyslobodiť.

On, Ženích, odňal vašu hanbu a hodil ju do mora zabudnutia skrze umytie Vodou Slova a Krvou Života. To je to, čo povedala Biblia.

107 Váš prvý manžel, za ktorého ste boli vydatí, svet; ten pomazaný Ženích, ktorý vás predurčil, vás umyl umytím vodou skrze cirkev? To neznie dobre, však? Mohli by ste to nájsť v almanachu, ale nie v Božej Biblii. Umytím vodou skrze Slovo a Slovo. Vidíte? Vy stojíte úplne ospravedlnení ako keby ste to na začiatku nikdy neurobili.

Toto je teraz moje posolstvo cirkvi aj keby ste - aj keby sme mali za minútu vyletieť do vzduchu. Vy stojíte, ak stojíte na Božom Slove a s Božím Slovom, každé amen, každá jota, každý punktík. Kde stojíte? Snažím sa vám povedať: odtiahnite sa od tej plevy a vystúpte sem do pšenice, kde môžete dozrieť na tom Slnku. Počujem prichádzať kombajn. Stojíte úplní, ospravedlnení ako keby ste to ani nikdy neurobili. Haleluja! Hovorte o Vďakyvzdaní. Cítim sa naozaj veľmi dobre. Som za to vďačnejší než za čokoľvek o čom viem.

Vy ste čistá, cnostná, bezhriešna Nevesta Syna živého Boha. Každý muž a žena, ktorý je narodený z Ducha Božieho a umytý v Krvi Ježiša Krista a verí každému Božiemu Slovu, stojí akoby vôbec nikdy nezhrešil! Ste dokonalí! Krv Ježiša Krista...

108 Ako môžete... ak nejaký človek... ak som ja mal zomrieť ráno a nejaký človek zaujal moje miesto, ja nemôžem zomrieť za ten hriech. Niekto zaujal moje miesto. A Ježiš, Slovo, zaujal moje miesto. On sa stal mnou, hriešnikom, aby som sa ja mohol stať Ním, Slovom. Amen! Nechajte ma poriadne sa Toho držať, nie cirkvi, Slova! Amen!

Ó, to je teraz duchovné spojenie Krista v jeho Cirkvi, keď to telo sa stáva Slovom a to Slovo sa stáva telom. Manifestované, potvrdené práve tak, ako Biblia povedala, že sa v tomto dni stane, stáva sa to deň za dňom. No, to sa tak rýchlo hromadí na tých púštiach, a dejú sa veci, že ledva s tým môžem držať krok. Sme blízko príchodu Ježiša, aby sa spojil so svojou Cirkvou, kde to Slovo sa stáva Slovom.

109 Volanie Svätého Ducha, ktorý skúma srdcia... Stojíte úplní. Nikdy ste ani nezhrešili. Boh ani nevie... je to v mori zabudnutia. Nikdy ste to neurobili. Boli ste z toho obvinení žalobcom, ale skutočne od začiatku ste boli predučení za syna alebo dcéru Božiu. Stojíte tam umytí a vaša stará kniha rozvodu je odhodená a mŕtva, celkom mimo existencie, dokonca v mysli Božej. Ste cnostnou Nevestou Krista, umytou v Krvi Kristovej: vzácna, cnostná, bezhriešna; Boží Syn stojaci s čistou, nepoškvrnenou Nevestou Slova, ktorú umyl Vodou Svojej vlastnej Krvi, ktorá sa stala telom a zamanifestovala sa, aby mohol vziať vás, ktorí ste boli predurčení v lone Otcovom pred začiatkom, tak isto, ako On bol...

110 On bol tým veľkým Božím atribútom, nazvaným láska. Vy čokoľvek ste, ste sluhovia Boží. Čokoľvek Boh od vás chce, aby ste robili, kde je vaše miesto... Boh umiestnil v cirkvi niektorých za apoštolov, prorokov, učiteľov, pastorov. On to umiestnil skrze cnosť Jeho vlastného predurčenia. A vy ste tým boli od začiatku: Vaša prvá svadba bola anulovaná. To bolo... Vy ste to ani nikdy neurobili, lebo je len jedna vec, ktorá to mohla urobiť, a to bol Boh, ktorý prišiel dole, On sám a zaujal vaše miesto vo forme Syna Božieho, Ježiša Krista a umyl vás Vodou... umytím Vodou skrze Slovo. Slovo, nie denominácia, Slovo vás umylo. Ale ak nebudete stáť vo Vode Slova, ako bude umytí?! Ste stále tak poškvrnení ako bola Eva!

111 "Ó, drahý zomierajúci Baránok, Tvoja vzácna Krv nikdy nestratí svoju moc, kým celá vykúpená cirkev Božia nebude spasená, aby už nikdy viac nerobila hriech."

Čo je hriech? Hriech je nevera, nevera v čo? V Slovo. Nevera v Boha, ktorý je Slovo. Čistá, nepoškvrnená (ó, haleluja!), skoro odíde do oblakov. Amen! Stojac pripravení... Pomyslite, vaše rúcha umyté Vodou krvácajúceho Slova. To Slovo sa stalo Krvou. To Slovo krvácalo za vás a vy ste umytí v krvácajúcom Slove. Krvácajúce Slovo, Boží Život v Slove a to Slovo bolo preliate za vás, aby ste vy mohli byť umytí od špiny týchto prostitútok a byť očistení a posvätení skrze umytie Vodou Slova, ktoré činí, že vaša myseľ a srdce zostáva v Bohu a v Jeho Slove.

112 No, ako viete, že je to pravda? Keď Boh prichádza dole a potvrdzuje To a dokazuje To.

Poviete, "No, ja tomu tak neverím." Oni tomu neverili tak ako Ježiš, ale Boh To dokázal. Oni tomu neverili tak, ako Noe, neverili tomu tak ako Mojžiš. Oni boli ochotní dať na slová Baláma: "My sme všetci rovnakí, tak sa len spojme spolu."

"Oddeľte sa!" hovorí Biblia, "od nevery." Haleluja!

113 Všimnite si teraz, vy nie ste len to, ale vy pôjdete na svadbu do oblakov a nosíte svadobnú stuhu predurčenej nezaslúženej milosti, svadobnú stuhu milosti, ktorú ste si nezaslúžili. Boh to Sám urobil. On vás poznal pred založením sveta, tak On vám vtedy zastrčil tú svadobnú stužku: zapísal vaše meno do Knihy. Aké Vďakyvzdanie! Haleluja! Chvála nášmu Bohu!

114 Teraz, na záver, mohol by som povedať toto: My všetci vieme, že tá moderná letničná cirkev, vo svojom súčasnom stave, všetky denominácie spolu... Hádžem ich do jedného vreca, lebo oni sú. Pamätajte, On najprv zviaže kúkoľ a spáli ho. Vezme... On berie všetky pšeničné steblá a všetky ich najprv spáli, potom si prichádza vziať Svoju pšenicu a berie si ju Domov. Oni sa všetci zhromažďujú do snopov: Snop metodistov, baptistov, letničných a všetci idú do Ekumenickej Rady. To je pravda. Oni sú všetci spálení. Vidíte?

115 My všetci vieme, že tá moderná cirkev v jej terajšom stave a vo svojej súčasnej pozícii, nie je vôbec v stave zakončiť to veľké poverenie, ktoré dal Boh cirkvi na tento deň. Koľkí letniční môžu na to povedať "amen"? Tak je to.

Je to v... Sme jednotári, dvojičiari, trojičiari, toto, tamto, zmätok, boj. Jeden je toto a jeden tamto a iné. A každý jeden z nich sa bojí postaviť voči Slovu rovno do skúšky. Oni vedia... Môžete im o tom povedať a oni povedia, "Nemôžem si pomôcť, nemôžem tomu veriť. Je mi jedno, čo robí. Ja..." Vidíte, vidíte?

To ukazuje, akú máte matku a akého otca. Mohli by ste byť jedného dňa štátnym presbyterom. Mohli by ste byť toto, to, alebo tamto. Buďte radšej Božím synom.

116 No, vieme, že cirkev by nemohla... Letničná cirkev by za žiadnych okolností, za žiadnych okolností by nemohla vo svojom súčasnom stave priniesť posolstvo posledného dňa. Mohla by? No, ona nemôže súhlasiť ani s jedným alebo dvomi Slovami v Biblii. Ako to potom urobíte? Ona to nemôže urobiť. Tak vidíte, denominácia je vonku. Tak je to. To budú vyvolení ľudia, ktorí sú ku tomu vyvolení. Rozumiete? Nie, nie.

A tak každý jeden z nás vie, že celý ten rad denominácií, letničných a všetkých, sú mŕtvi; to je pre znovuzrodených kresťanov Posolstva. Vidíte? Váš prvý manžel je mŕtvy. Vieme, že je mŕtvy. Boh to nechal zomrieť. Je s tým koniec. Všetky tie ich vedecké, intelektuálne, vzdelávacie, vedecké spôsoby ich takzvaných Biblických škôl a takých vecí, to zahynulo. Čo to vykonalo? Oddelilo. Jednotári tu a trojičiari tu a dvojičiari tu a tamto a tu, také zamiešanie a nazývajú sa "letniční."

117 No, išiel som za jedným mladým mužom (on práve teraz počúva) a mladou ženou. Ona patrila do nejakej cirkvi a povedala... Povedal som... Oni sa od nich oddelili. Povedal som, "Čo sa deje?"

Povedala, "No, my máme odlišnú vieru."

Povedal som, "Ó, je mi ľúto. Ste katolíčka?"

Povedala, "Nie."

Povedala mi do ktorej denominačnej cirkvi patrí - k letničným.

Povedal som, "Čo ste?" On je tiež letničný, ale iná denominácia.

Ó, viete, že rímsko-katolícka cirkev začala na letnice? Koľkí vedia, že je to pravda? Trvalo im to dvetisíc rokov, aby sa dostali tam, kde sú teraz. Neodnímajte niečo z Písma, už nikdy viac. No, letniční, za dvadsať rokov od teraz budú na tom horšie, ako sú v súčasnosti, ak to pôjde ďalej takto, ako je to teraz. No, iste. Vidíte? Čo je to? Čo je to? Pozrite, kto je ich otec a mama: Dovolia svojim ženám strihať si vlasy, môžu robiť takmer všetko čo chcú, dokiaľ patria do ich cirkvi. To je všetko, čo je potrebné.

118 Ó, niet divu, niet divu, že Božie zatratenie je nahromadené. Boh to položil rovno pred vaše oči a vy zatvárate oči a nechcete sa na to dívať. Zatvárate svoje srdce, keď vidíte to pravdivé Božie Slovo v týchto Siedmich Pečatiach potvrdené a dokázané, že je to tak a nebesia svedčia naprieč národmi a všade veľkými znameniami a zázrakmi, ako On povedal, že učiní. Potom sa uzatvárate a hovoríte, "Ja neviem, nemôžem si pomôcť, ja..." Vidíte?

Ó! Mŕtvi a nevedia to! Hriechy a prestúpenia, ste mŕtvi! Ó!

119 Všetci vieme, že cirkev v tom stave by nemohla zakončiť tento posledný deň. Ako by mohla uznať Malachiáša 4? Ako by to mohla urobiť? Oni ani neveria v niečo také. Ako by mohla uveriť... uznať Lukáša 17:30? Ako by mohla uznať všetky tieto ostatné miesta Písma, ktoré sú zasľúbené v týchto posledných dňoch? Nemohla by to urobiť, lebo ona to zapiera. "Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka."

Pozrite sa na stav, v ktorom bola Sodoma v tom dni; pozrite sa na stav cirkvi dnes. Pozrite, čo sa stalo Abrahámovi, tomu vyvolenému. Pozrite sa, čo sa stalo Lótovi a tým dolu v Sodome. Pozrite sa na Billyho Grahama a Orala Robertsa a na tých dolu medzi tými denomináciami. Pozrite sa na vyvolenú Abrahámovu cirkev, ktorá bola vytiahnutá. Pozrite sa, aký druh znamenia, ktoré Ježiš Sám, vtelený Boh, stojaci tam v ľudskom tele...

120 Poviete, "To bol anjel." Biblia povedala, že to bol Boh: Pán, Boh, Elohim, stál tam v ľudskom tele, ukazuje, že On tak pomaže Svoju cirkev v tých posledných dňoch, to bude znovu Boh pracujúci v ľudskom tele. "Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka."

Tá istá vec. Môžete to vidieť rovno v Písme. "Čítajte... skúmajte Písma, lebo sa domnievate, že v nich máte Večný Život a Oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o tomto."

121 Takže my vieme, že oni sú mŕtvi. Boh to nechal zomrieť v ich vlastných sebeckých, vedeckých, vzdelávacích programoch. Všetci letniční zvykli... Hovoríte o tom - poslať dieťa do biblickej školy, voľakedy keď starý brat Lyle a tí boli tu okolo, oni by vás vystrčili z cirkvi. Ale, ó, teraz je to tá najväčšia vec. "Môj syn je na biblickej školy." Kope si hrob.

Tak mohla by... No, myslíte, že by To dnes mohli prijať? Myslíte si, že sa snažím podporovať nevzdelanosť? Nie. Hovorím vám, že je rozdiel medzi týmto intelektuálnym vekom, v ktorom žijeme, kde cirkev otehotnela s vedou a všetkými týmito takzvanými výpočtami a všetkým možným. Nemôžete vypočítať Boha. No, tí kňazi si Boha vypočítali tak dokonale, oni vedeli, ako ten Mesiáš má prísť. Ale On prišiel tak odlišne od toho, ako si to oni vypočítali, to nebolo vedecké. "Ako môže tento človek, ktorý je nemanželským dieťaťom... Kam chodil do školy? Odkiaľ pochádza Jeho vzdelanie? Kde sa to naučil? No, ty sa nás snažíš učiť? Ty si sa narodil v smilstve." Vidíte? Ó!

122 Vidíte, ako sa opakuje tá istá vec? Vidíte, že sa to znovu opakuje? Všetci vo svojej náboženskej vede, v náboženskej vede: podľa toho, čo povedala ich biblická škola. To je ten spôsob, ako to oni chcú. To je ten spôsob, ako to musí byť, inak to nie je. Boh sa stále z nich smeje. Vždy to prichádza inak. Bolo to tak za času Noeho, bolo to tak v čase Mojžiša, bolo to tak v čase Krista, bolo to tak v čase Jána, bolo to tak v čase učeníkov, bolo to tak v čase Wesleyho, bolo to tak v čase Luthera, bolo to tak v čase letničných a tak je to znovu. To nemení svoj vzor, vždy to prichádza tak isto. Len reformátori, cez tých sedem... cez šesť vekov až do siedmeho v Zjavení 10, bolo povedané, v tejto hodine sa to zmení a to sa zmenilo.

123 Teraz končíme týmto: Zakončiť to veľké poverenie, ako by to mohli urobiť? Vieme, že sú mŕtvi. Boh to nechal zomrieť v ich vedeckom veku, všetko z toho je také... Tak čo On mohol urobiť? Otvoriť Sedem krát zapečatené Tajomstvo pre nedenominačnú Nevestu. Ako môže denominácia prijať tých Sedem Pečatí, keď je to úplne v rozpore? Semeno hada a všetky tie ostatné veci, všetkých plných Sedem Tajomstiev je v rozpore s tým, čomu boli oni vyučovaní, lebo oni sa držia starej školy z biblickej školy. A Božích Sedem Pečatí, keď boli otvorené na tom vrchu... Bože, nechaj ma hneď teraz zomrieť za touto kazateľňou, ak to nie je Pravda. A ja som vám predpovedal rok aj šesť mesiacov predtým, ako sa to stalo, keď mi on povedal, aby som išiel do Arizony, čo sa stane tam na púšti a dnes večer tu sedia ľudia, ktorí stáli rovno tam, boli tam prítomní, keď prišlo dole tých Sedem Anjelov a dokonca časopisy... Časopis "Life (Život)" vydal o tom článok. Bolo to rovno tam v tom observatóriu a všade. A teraz oni ani nevedia, čo to všetko znamená. A všetko bolo povedané, dokonca o zničení Kalifornie, ktoré teraz prichádza a všetky tieto ďalšie veci a ako som im povedal, že koľko to bude dní. Ako to bude, keď sa stane toto veľké zemetrasenie na Aljaške a to bude začiatok znaku času a čo sa bude diať. A rovno slovo za slovom, čo To povedalo. Ani jeden raz to nezlyhalo. Nikdy ste nevideli, že by to zlyhalo. A to nemôže zlyhať, lebo To je Božie Slovo a nebo i zem pominú, ale To nemôže zlyhať! To je pravda.

124 Boh musel otvoriť tých Sedem Pečatí, nie v denominácii. Vždy som bol proti tomu. Ale mimo denominácie, aby si mohol vziať Nevestu, nie denominačnú nevestu, On by to nemohol urobiť. To je proti Jeho vlastnému Slovu. On tam otvoril tých Sedem Tajomstiev a to ukazuje, prináša tie veci, ktoré boli skryté od založenia sveta, aby mohli byť v týchto posledných dňoch zjavené synom Božím. Bolo to teraz prinesené pred ľudí, aby to videli. Vy tam teraz... tejto nedenominačnej Neveste.

Ó, tu máte tie dve Knihy. Jedna z nich je Baránkova Kniha Života. Vaše meno je tam predurčené. Ono tam môže mať svoje miesto, lebo vy ho nemôžete viac zobrať preč, potom nič,... lebo ono bolo predurčené, aby tam bolo. Ale tá obyčajná Kniha Života, vy ho môžete kedykoľvek vymazať. Vidíte? Ak nečiníte pokánie, ono je aj tak preč, lebo budete stáť na súde. Nevesta ani nebude stáť na súde. Ona ide do vytrhnutia.

125 Práve ako toto hovorím, pri zakončení, začína byť neskoro. Je takmer 9:30. A my budeme odtiaľto preč o 9:30, ak bude Pán chcieť. Buďte teraz skutočne úctiví. Počúvajte. Raz... Ako to teraz hovorím, toto ide celým národom. V New Yorku je teraz 11:25. Hore vo Philadelphii a tam naokolo, tam sedia tí drahí svätí a počúvajú práve teraz v tých zboroch tam naokolo. Dole v Mexiku, hore v Kanade všade naokolo. Takmer dvesto míľ kdekoľvek, tu na tomto severoamerickom kontinente sú ľudia, ktorí práve teraz počúvajú, tisíce krát tisícov počúvajú. Toto je moje posolstvo pre vás, cirkev. Pre vás, ktorí ste vo zväzku, v duchovnom spojení skrze Slovo, ktorí ste mŕtvi týmto starým manželom. Vy ste nanovo narodení. Nepokúšajte sa ho vykopávať, on je mŕtvy. Ak ste znovuzrodený Kresťan, ten malý Zárodok, ktorý je vo vás predurčený, to je Slovo prichádzajúce na Slovo, na Slovo, na Slovo, na Slovo, až kým to nepríde do plnej postavy Krista. Tak je to. Tak On môže prísť a vziať si svoju Nevestu.

126 Teraz sme práve pripravení na jedno, to je príchod Pánov. Vaše meno je v Knihe Života.

Kniha Života je Božie Slovo, lebo Slovo je Boh a Boh je tá jediná vec, ktorá je Život. Tak vaše meno bolo reprezentované v Biblii, predtým, ako sa Biblia stala Slovom. A ak ste tu, aby ste to urobili, či to nepotvrdí to Slovo? Či sa cirkev sama nepotvrdí? Či sa Malachiáš 4 a všetky tieto ďalšie veci, dokonale, dokonale sami nepotvrdia a neukážu, že to je to, čo to je?

Keď prišiel Ježiš, povedal, "Ak nečiním skutky, ktoré sú zasľúbené, že budem robiť, neverte Mi." Do ktorej z tých skupín sa On pripojil? Povedal, "Oni všetci... vy ste zo svojho otca diabla a činíte jeho skutky." Vidíte, vidíte? Sme v posledných dňoch, cirkev. Toto je moje posolstvo Vďakyvzdania pre vás.

127 No, prv ako zakončíme: bol som raz hore v Glacier National Parku (Ľadovcový Národný Park). Celý deň sme počúvali, že majú "ľadovcový oheň", ktorý má v noci padať. Tak tí ľudia mali celý deň veľa roboty, aby to pripravili, lebo chceli v noci vyliať ten oheň. Dali nejakú tekutinu... oheň padal ako mohutný vodný ľadovec, vyzeralo to skoro ako dúha, keď to vychádzalo z toho ohňa, padalo to z tohoto ľadovca. Prechádzali sme sa celý deň po celom tom parku, ja so ženou a s deťmi, chceli sme zostať a pozrieť si to ohňové predstavenie. Tak, bolo nám sľúbené, že to uvidíme, znova by sme boli tomu svedkami. Povedali, že to mávajú každý... cez letnú sezónu a tak ďalej. Povedal som, "No, budeme to môcť vidieť?"

Povedali, "Sľúbili sme to na dnes večer. Sľúbili sme to." Povedali, "Oni sú tam hore a práve teraz to pripravujú."

128 Nakoniec som bol pripravený na tú udalosť... To je to, čo sa práve teraz deje. Všetko sa pripravuje na tú udalosť: Cirkev je vytiahnutá pre Jeho Meno, berie si Svoju Nevestu von z pomedzi tohoto sveta, z týchto denominácií, z celého sveta a z tej špiny a vecí tohoto sveta.

A každý... Tá udalosť bola pripravená. Každý tam tak vystával a hovoril, "Teraz to sledujte, rovno tam, na vrchu tej hory."

Takto to vždy prichádza. Takto to má prísť tento krát. Tak to vždy prichádza, nie cez denomináciu. Boh nikdy nepoužil denomináciu, nikdy. Vystupuje reformátor. On sa chopí Slova Pánovo a potom, keď on zomrie, oni z toho postavia denomináciu. To je to, čo urobili letniční a všetci. Keď tie nové vystúpenia a všetko... Práve tak to všetko vyšlo. Je pridané nejaké nové slovo, potom si z toho postavia cirkev, spravia denomináciu, oddeľujú sa. Musí to tak byť. To... Nemôžete, nemôžete narušiť prírodu. Príroda prechádza tou istou rutinou po celý čas: steblo, list, klas, a tak ďalej, pleva, potom pšenica.

129 Všimnite si teraz. Všetko bolo pripravené. Všetko bolo roznietené a pripravené. A každý tam vyčkával. Naťahoval som hlavu, ramená som mal okolo svojej ženy, pozerali sme sa. Deti tam stáli, všetci sa takto pozerali hore. Ó, to bolo niečo..., lebo my sme to očakávali. Bolo nám to sľúbené. Amen!

Slovo nám zasľubuje toto. "A stane sa predtým, ako príde deň Pánov, veľký a strašný, hľa, ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša. On obráti srdcia detí späť na ich otcov."

"A stane sa v tých posledných dňoch, že vylejem svojho Ducha z výsosti. Včasný a pozdný dážď príde spolu v tých posledných dňoch."

Všetky tieto zasľúbenia boli, skrze Písmo, dané. My hľadíme smerom hore, sledujeme tú skutočnú Nevestu v tejto hodine po celom národe, hľadíme hore.

Cirkev, On prichádza v jednom z týchto dní. Práve s takou istotou s akou On prišiel prvý krát, On prichádza znova. Majte všetko pripravené. Oddeľte sa od plevy, ležte na Slnku. Stále hľaďte hore. Buďte v očakávaní.

130 Zrazu sme začuli niečo z vrchu toho kopca, nejaký hlas prišiel dole cez reproduktor, povedal, "Všetko je pripravené!"

Potom tento muž, ktorý tam stál rovno pri mne, povedal, "Nech padne oheň!"

A tu to prichádza, leje sa to po tej hore, ľadovec ohňa a tie plamene tak olizovali, aký pohľad!

Brat, pripravme si všetko, lebo v jednom z týchto dní, ten oheň padne. Ideme hore. No, pripravme sa na čas padania ohňa.

Sme v posledných dňoch. Všetci to vieme. A sme pripravení na príchod Pánov. Tá vec, ktorú treba urobiť je oddeliť sa od všetkého hriechu. Oddeľte sa od všetkého, čo patrí tomuto svetu. Nemilujte svet ani veci tohoto sveta. Nenechajte žiadneho človeka, aby vás zviedol svojimi vyznaniami. Zostaňte rovno na zasľúbení Božom, v Slove Božom; a to Slovo, ak je to Slovo pre tento deň, Boh ho potvrdzuje, že je to tak. Ak nie, potom to nie je Slovo pre tento deň. To Slovo, ktoré padlo na deň Letníc, nebude fungovať dnes. Nie veru, to bolo pre Letnice. Toto je pre Nevestu: Nevestin odchod domov. My máme niečo odlišné. Letniční reprezentovali znova tamto. My sme vo veku Nevesty. Tak isto ako Slovo Noeho by nefungovalo vo dňoch Mojžiša. Tak isto ako Mojžišov zákon by nefungoval v čase Pavla, tu. On sa im snažil povedať, "Vy ste tomu mŕtvi! A nemôžete to mať!"

131 Cirkev, vy, ku ktorým vám dnes večer hovorím, po celom národe, ak ste sa oddelili od denominácie a všetkej tej špiny a vecí tohoto sveta a všetky tie veci, ktoré vás držia v ľuďmi vytvorených vyznaniach a nariadeniach a takých vecí, oddelili ste sa, pozrite. Pripravte sa! Ten oheň spadne v jednom z týchto dní. Boh Ho nechá prísť, to bude pohľad. Boli by ste pripravení, ak by On prišiel? Boli by ste pripravení ísť s Ním hore ak by On prišiel? Tajné vytrhnutie nadprirodzenej Nevesty... Ona prejde zo smrteľnosti do nesmrteľnosti, bude zmenená v okamihu. My, ktorí pozostaneme nažive, nepredstihneme tých, ktorí spia.

132 Jedného dňa, bol deň Armády, stál som tam dolu v Tucsone, môj malý chlapec chcel vidieť prehliadku. Študoval som a bol som... nemal som čas tam ísť a mal som veľa telefonátov za chorých a iné veci. Tak on povedal, "Ocko, oni ma nezoberú." Povedal, "Zober ma tam ty."

Povedal som, "V poriadku."

Brat Simpson (myslím, že je dnes tu) a jeho malý chlapec tam chceli ísť, tak som ich strčil do auta a vyrazili sme.

Stál som tam na rohu a sledoval som to. Po chvíli som počul tam vzadu v diaľke prichádzajúci tlmený zvuk, "Bum, bum," zvuk bubnov. Stál som tam, myslel som, "No, títo malí chlapíci skutočne čítali všetky tieto knihy o armáde, im sa to naozaj páči. Všimol som si, že prvý prichádzal tank z 1. Svetovej vojny. Tam prichádzali, také malé mrňavé osoby. Tam bol, ďalší, ktorý za ním prichádzal, ten ďalší bol veľký nový tank z 2. Svetovej vojny, veľký Shermanov tank s hlavňou. Potom prišiel ďalší a ďalší a potom po chvíli prichádzali Gold Star Mothers (Matky Zlatej Hviezdy) a potom po chvíli dvanásť veteránov, ktorí pozostali z celého štátu Arizona z 1. Svetovej vojny: dvanásť veteránov. Potom nejaké plavidlo, neznámy vojak, malý biely kríž. Stál tam námorník a vojak, ktorý tam stál a strážil. Taká malá časť na tom plavidle... Na tej druhej strane bola stará šedivá matka, so zlatou hviezdou pripnutou na sebe, nejaká malá žena tam plakala, jej muž bol mŕtvy; malý otrhaný chlapec s odvrátenou tvárou, jeho otec bol zabitý. A potom za tým prichádzalo viac a viac a viac a potom tá nová armáda.

133 Stál som tam. Aký pohľad, ale aký smutný. Myslel som, "Ó, Bože, v jednom z týchto dní uzriem iný pohľad."

Príde deň vzkriesenia, kde prví budú poslední a tí, ktorí sú poslední, budú prví. Tí starí proroci prídu vyrážajúc najprv, a uvidia tú procesiu pochodujúcu do povetria a my, ktorí pozostaneme nažive, nepredstihneme tých, ktorí spia, lebo Trúba Božia zaznie, mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú najprv a my sa s nimi dáme do jednej línie ako vojdeme. Haleluja! Všetci, cez tie veky Luthera, Wesleyho, metodistov, baptistov, presbyteriánov až po ten posledný vek, ktorí prijímajú to Slovo vo svojom veku.

Nech vás Boh žehná. Pripravte si všetky veci a ten oheň padne.

134 Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Som zvedavý, či v tomto viditeľnom poslucháčstve dnes večer, kým som vás tu držal do 9:30, či je tu jeden, či je tu tucet; koľkí tu povedia, "Brat Branham, hanbím sa za seba, ako som doteraz žil. Mnoho som sa staral o ľudské denominácie. Viem, že nie som v súlade s Božím Slovom. Idem ťa požiadať, aby si sa za mňa modlil, brat Branham." Zodvihnite svoje ruky. Nech vás Boh žehná; nech vás Boh žehná. Pozrite sa. Hore na balkónoch a okolo. Nech vás Boh žehná. "Ja viem..." No, nehanbite sa. No, nebuďte...

135 A tam ďalej po celom národe od New Yorku po Kaliforniu, od Kanady po Mexiko, vy ľudia, ktorí ste zhromaždení v tých zboroch, kde tie malé verné skupiny, ktoré uverili tomuto posolstvu celým svojím srdcom... oni vyšli, vyšli z tých veľkých súžení, vyšli z tých denominácií. Oni sú zárodkami Života. Cítite dnes večer to naliehanie, ako ten malý orol, že počujete niečo, čo je trochu odlišné od toho, čo ste doteraz počuli? Ale stále vo svojom srdci viete, že to je Pravda.

Vy tam. Tam niekde stojí nejaký pastor, máš zodvihnutú ruku, budem sa za teba modliť. Tieto veci sa nediali na nejakom rohu, priatelia. Pamätajte, "Tesná je tá brána a úzka je tá cesta a málo je tých, ktorí ju nachádzajú." Nechoďte s tým zástupom, ktorý sa hýbe tam ďalej, priatelia, ten Laodicejský cirkevný vek. Oni mohli vyskakovať hore a dolu a tancovať pri hudbe: vlažní. Nebolo povedané, že je to studené ako ľad. Bolo povedané, že je to vlažné. To sú letniční a nevedia, že sú mizerní, biedni a slepí. Slepí na čo? Na Slovo, na manifestáciu Slova, lebo to nikdy neprišlo cez ich organizácie. Oni to nemôžu prijať.

136 A vy kazatelia tam dole v Tuscone dnes večer, ja vás neberiem za to na zodpovednosť, ale Boh vás za to berie na zodpovednosť. Bol som tam tri roky. Povedal som vám, že nezaložím cirkev. Nezaložil som. Brat Pearry Green založil. A ja som tam bol tri roky a ani jedenkrát ste ma nepozvali za vašu kazateľňu. Býval som v Tuscone skoro tri roky.

Boh ma vezme z púšte v jednom z týchto dní. Toto posolstvo musí žiť. A ja som sa snažil ako som len mohol dostať sa ku vám. Viem ten dôvod, prečo ste to urobili. Vaša denominácia by vás vykopla.

A viete, mnohí z vás, s ktorými som hovoril tam v reštaurácii Furr´s a vy viete, že to je pravda. Hanba vám! Vyjdite z toho! Vyjdi z toho, brat! Ak je vo vás nejaký Život, budete ako ten malý orol, o ktorom som práve hovoril, budete počuť to Božie Slovo.

Pamätajte, v jednom z týchto dní budete toto počuť posledný krát. Sme teraz skutočne veľmi blízko. Neprídete dnes večer?

137 Drahý Bože,sedíme teraz slávnostne, je to skutočne deň Vďakyvzdania, Pane. Som vďačný Pane, že žijem v tomto dni. Toto je ten najväčší deň. Apoštol Pavol túžil vidieť tento deň. Tí veľkí starí muži ho túžili vidieť. Proroci ho túžili vidieť. Oni hľadeli na tento deň.

Abrahám hľadel na tento deň, lebo on hľadal mesto, ktorého Staviteľom a Tvorcom je Boh. Ono visí dnes večer rovno nad nami. Ján videl Ducha Božieho zostupujúceho z neba. Vydal svedectvo a poznal, že to bol Syn Boží. Pomyslite teraz, On si vyberá Svoju Nevestu.

Drahý Bože, všade po celej krajine, hovor do ich sŕdc. Ty si ten Jediný, ktorý môže zmeniť ich srdcia. Ak tam na začiatku nebolo položené to Semeno, oni to nikdy neuvidia, Pane. Oni len... slepí budú viesť slepých, oni padnú do jamy s takou istotou, lebo Tvoje Slovo hovorí, že padnú.

138 Teraz, Otče, keď vidíme po celej krajine, po celom svete, v Afrike, tucty a tucty po celej Južnej Afrike, v Mozambiku, všade po celej krajine tie malé obecenstvá, ako si berú tieto pásky a tiež pôjdu tieto pásky k nejakým dvadsiatim ďalším, iným národom. A oni to začínajú vidieť a sú tiahnutí, stovky a stovky z nich. Nebude ich veľa, Pane. A keď ten posledný úd bude prijatý do toho Tela, potom príde Kristus.

Pane Bože, ja žiadam dnes večer Nevestu, tých, ktorých cítim, že sú vytiahnutí a čakajú, nech sa oddelia od všetkého svetského. Oni musia ležať v prítomnosti teplého slnečného svetla Syna Božieho, kúpať sa v Jeho Slove a v Jeho láske. Udeľ to, drahý Bože.

139 Nech títo ľudia tu, ktorých vidíme, ktorý zodvihli dnes večer svoje ruky, tucty z nich v tejto veľkej modlitebni, modlím sa k Bohu, aby do nich prišiel nový Život. Modlím sa, aby po celom národe a tiež po celom svete, kde bude tá páska prehrávaná, aby oni tiež prijali toto Posolstvo Vďakyvzdania a aby vedeli pomocou tých pokynov a tých vecí, ktoré boli položené, čo musia urobiť. Modlím sa za to, Otče, udeľ to.

Požehnaj ich, oni sú Tvoji. Viem, že je to zvykom teraz, Otče, že voláme ľudí ku oltáru a modlím sa, drahý Bože, aby v každej misii, všade naokolo a potom po celom svete, aby prišli ku oltáru, čierni, bieli, žltí, hnedí, kdekoľvek sú. Bohatí, chudobní, bezvýznamní, žobráci, čokoľvek sú, denominační, tí, ktorí majú svojský štýl a tí, ktorí sú ku sebe orientovaní... Ó, Bože, nahí, mizerní, biedni, slepí a ani to nevedia. Ty si povedal, že to tak bude a je to tak. Tak sa modlím, Otče, aby si dnes večer zavolal každé Semeno. A všade, kdekoľvek na svete, kde toto môže prísť, nech to zachytí toho malého orla, ktorý pozná ten Hlas svojho Pána. Udeľ to, Pane, porúčam Ti ich v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

140 Teraz so sklonenými hlavami, tu v tomto viditeľnom publiku, či by niektorí tu, ktorí nie sú spasení, dokonca nedali svoje srdcia Bohu... Nemyslíte, že by ste mali byť vďační za to, čo Ježiš pre vás urobil? Keď si pomyslíte, že ste hriešnik, že nemáte nič s Bohom a pritom niečo je vo vašom srdci, čo klope. Ako viete či nie ste jedným z tých malých orlov. Ste mizerní a budete mizerní, kým sa Tomu nevydáte. Prečo neučiniť toto jedno z tých najväčších Vďakyvzdaní, ktoré ste kedy mali, za čas, kedy prijmete Ježiša Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa?

Prídete sem hore a postavíte sa ku oltáru? Budem sa modliť s vami, ak prídete. Akýkoľvek hriešnik, muž alebo žena, chlapec alebo dievča, člen cirkvi alebo nie-člen cirkvi. Byť členom cirkvi, to vás ešte nerobí Kresťanom. Oltár je otvorený. Prídete? Každý hriešnik, ktorý by chcel prísť, prijať Pána Ježiša Krista. Skutočne by ste radi skončili... Niektorí z vás z denominácií, ktorí by ste radi ukončili to kŕmenie sa slepačou potravou. Prestaňte hovoriť, že patríte do tohoto a že je to v poriadku. Chcete naozaj vedieť, čo je ten pravdivý krst Duchom Svätým? Poďte a zistite.

141 Oltár je otvorený. Sme pripravení. Teraz len vstaňte zo svojho sedadla, prídite sem a kľaknite si tu pri oltári. Tento brat, ktorý práve prišiel...

"Vďakyvzdanie, ó, Bože, som Ti tak vďačný, že celý svoj život som vedel, že tam niečo je, Pane. Nikdy som nebol uspokojený. Pokúšal som sa. Myslel som, že to urobím na budúci rok, že to urobím na budúci týždeň, nabudúce, keď budem počuť oltárne zavolanie. Niekedy to urobím. Len som to odkladal a odkladal. Ale, Pane, viem, že niečo so mnou nie je v poriadku. Budem vždy veriť, že tam bolo niečo odlišné a teraz, Pane, dnes večer, som Ti vďačný za tú prípravu, ktorá bola urobená Božím Synom, aby moje hriechy, v skutočnosti moja nevera bola zo mňa zmytá. Prichádzam, dnes večer a skláňam svoje kolená, aby som prijal to veľké požehnanie Vďakyvzdania, ktoré Ježiš Kristus pre mňa urobil, keď zomrel za mňa na Golgote."

142 Prídete? No, kľačia tu ľudia okolo oltára. Prečo nevstanete a neprídete? Chceli ste to urobiť. Pokúšali ste sa to.

Pomyslite na nášho brat Lyle Palmera, nášho dobrého vzácneho brata. On sedel na dvore, tak tomu rozumiem, pozeral sa na svoje malé dievčatko ako tam hrala kroket alebo niečo a on sa zaklonil na stoličke a bol mŕtvy skôr, ako sa vôbec stihol pohnúť.

Nepoznáte ten čas, kedy odtiaľto odídete. Vy vôbec neviete, v akom čase odídete. To môže byť ešte dnes večer. Tak prečo neprísť a neurovnať to teraz? Poďte, ľudia. Necítite, že vás niečo ťahá? Viem, že sú tu mnohí z vás, ktorí by mali byť rovno tu pri oltári, len týchto šesť alebo sedem ľudí tu, to nie je to čo sa tu nachádza.

No, ak mi veríte a sledujete to tu za kazateľňou a veci, ktoré sa dejú, verte mi teraz. Jedného dňa môj hlas utíchne a už ho viac nebudete počuť. Priali by ste si prísť. Poviete, "Brat Branham, bol som členom cirkvi..." V tom nie je žiaden rozdiel, čo ste boli. Aj Nikodém bol členom cirkvi. To bol aj Ján, Peter, Jakub, Pavol, všetci ostatní z nich boli členovia cirkvi. Pavol bol členom cirkvi kým sa jednej noci niečo nestalo, alebo jedného dňa a on prišiel. On bol zmenený z člena cirkvi na Božieho syna.

143 Neprídete? Ó, on bol vyškolený, on bol intelektuálny; on vedel, že bol vyškolený, bola to jedna z najväčších škôl: Gamaliel, jeden z najlepších učiteľov, ktorí boli v zemi, ale on vedel, že niečo potrebuje.

Neprídete? Ešte raz sa vás pýtam v ... Či tu alebo po celom národe, žiadam vás, kdekoľvek ste a v akom zhromaždení ste v tejto hodine Vďakyvzdania... Pamätajte, to sa nahráva tu, nie len tu, ale i v nebi.

Viete, že je vedecky dokázané, že každý pohyb, ktorý urobíte je zaznamenaný. Oni to dokázali. Pamätajte, televízia to dokázala. Televízia nevyrába obraz, vy ste ten obraz, ona len vysiela to, čo vy robíte na tom kanáli. Vy ste každopádne tam. Vidíte, keď pohnete svojim prstom, ten pohyb ide do celého sveta. Zakaždým, ako si oblečiete šaty, váš obraz ide do celého sveta, je to zaznamenané.

Každá myšlienka, ktorá prejde vašou mysľou je na zázname a jedného dňa sa to nahrávanie zastaví. Bude to odložené do albumu, a potom pri súde sa to navráti. Tam budete stáť s ostrihanými vlasmi, tvrdiť, že ste Kresťanky. Tam budete stáť s myšlienkami proti Slovu vo vašej mysli, a je to rovno vo vašej mysli. Nemôžete to skryť. Pamätajte, televízia, veda tiež vie, že je to pravda.

144 Práve teraz keď stojíte, viete, že by ste mali byť tu. Pamätajte, že keď je toto zaznamenané, v deň súdu, tá istá myšlienka, ktorú máte teraz, bude znovu prechádzať rovno vašou mysľou. To bude rovno na zázname, celý svet to uvidí prehrávané. Prečo svet ne...

„Všetci tí anjeli tam sa budú dívať na vás v deň súdu, ak sa hanbíte za Mňa tu, keď sa teraz tvorí váš obraz, v Deň Súdu sa Ja budem hanbiť za vás. Lebo Ja som pomazal Svoje Slovo, poslal ho k vám, vy tomu neveríte. Skryli ste sa za niečo."

"Ó, to znie dosť dobre, ja som urobil toto. Tancoval som v Duchu, hovoril som v jazykoch." To robia aj pohania. "Kričal som." To robia aj pohania. Ako sa potom môžete obrátiť späť ku Slovu?

... Prečo nie? Prečo neprísť ku Nemu teraz?

Prečo nie, prečo nie? Prečo neprísť ku Nemu teraz?

Prečo čakáš drahý brat,

Ó, prečo otáľaš tak dlho?

Ježiš čaká, aby ti dal,

miesto v Jeho posvätenom dome.

145 Ale vy ste jeden z údov Jeho tela.

Prečo nie? (Ó, malý orol, poď.)

Prečo neprísť k...

Pane, som vďačný. Som veľmi vďačný. Vďakyvzdanie tebe, Pane, nie za tú prirodzenú potravu, hoci aj za to, ale Pane, ten čas konca je tu, som vďačný za ten duchovný pokrm, Pane, ten duchovný pokrm Siedmich Pečatí, ktoré boli zasľúbené, že budú otvorené. "Hovoríš, že to bude niečo odlišné." Nie, nie, nemôžete pridať jedno slovo, alebo vziať... je to už tam. Je to len skryté, je to zapečatené. Koľkí tomu rozumejú, povedzte "amen".

Vidíte, poviete, "No, to je nejaké tajomstvo, ktoré príde." Nie, nie, je to už napísané. Nemôžete ku Tomu pridať jedno slovo alebo jedno z Toho vziať. Vidíte, je to už tam. To len muselo byť zjavené v tých posledných dňoch.

146 Neprídete? Poďte teraz, priatelia. Ak nemôžete rozumieť, poďte, kľaknite si a hovorte s Ním o tom. Ak vám to ja nemôžem vyjasniť, On môže, lebo On rozväzuje všetky pochybnosti.

... V Jeho posvätenom tróne.

Ó, prečo nie? (Neprídete?)

Prečo nie?

Prečo neprísť ku Nemu teraz?

Pamätajte, robí sa tam záznam tohoto. Nie len na tejto páske, ale Boží veľký záznam, každý jeden z vás, každý pohyb, keď skloníte svoju hlavu, keď skloníte svoje srdce, aká myšlienka ide cez vašu myseľ, pamätajte, zaznamenáva sa to práve teraz v Sláve a ten záznam bude prehrávaný v Deň Súdu. Kde je vaše rozhodnutie? Ó, ako to budete chcieť zmeniť v ten deň!

147 Budem teraz čakať, lebo sú tu mnohí, mnohí okolo oltára. Vidíte, možno jeden z nich, ak by som vydržal trochu dlhšie, mohol by tam byť ešte jeden ďalší. Mohol by byť niekde v New Yorku, mohol by byť niekde vo Filadelfii, v Kalifornii alebo v Arizone, niekde tam by mohol byť ešte jeden, ktorý prichádza. Pastor, kdekoľvek si, nevzdávaj sa teraz toho oltárneho zavolania. Možno nikdy neuvidíme ďalšie Vďakyvzdanie. Toto by mohlo byť to posledné, a tie záznamy z dnešného večera budú odložené na ten posledný čas. Tá páska dobehne v jednom z týchto dní. Ten záznam bude zastavený a bude v Božom albume, vidíte. Potom bude znovu prehrávané to, aké boli teraz vaše myšlienky. Nehovorte, že ste nepoznali rozdiel, vy to viete.

"Ale nikto nemôže ku Mne prísť, ak ho nepritiahne Môj Otec a všetkých, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu".

148 Verím, že ak by som niekde tam sedel a mal by som tú najnepatrnejšiu myšlienku, určite by som sa zodvihol a išiel sem ako by som len mohol.

... Prečo nie?

Ó, prečo? (Ste dokončení. Buďte si teraz istí, že nezarmucujete Jeho Ducha.)

Nechajte svoje hlavy sklonené. Uistite sa, že ste nezarmútili Jeho Ducha. Ste si istí, že ste urobili presne to, čo On vám povedal, aby ste urobili? Je to tak? Pamätajte, možno už nikdy nebudete mať inú príležitosť. Ten záznam sa môže skončiť dnes večer. Toto môže byť všetko z toho. Toto môže byť pre vás tá posledná páska. Ste si teraz istí, že ste pripravení? Ak áno, nechávam to vo vašich rukách v mene Pána Ježiša.

149 Teraz, zatiaľ čo ten zbor jemne spieva, budem sa modliť za týchto, ktorí sú tu dole. Som takým veľmi zvláštnym druhom Kresťana. Verím, že Boh musí urobiť to spasenie a verím, že Boh musí zasadiť to Slovo, "Ja, Pán" (hovorí Biblia, Izaiáš), "Ja, Pán, som ho zasadil. Polievam ho dňom a nocou, ani ich nikto nevytrhne z Mojej ruky." Predtým, ako niekoho požiadam, aby prišiel ku tomu oltáru, títo ľudia, chcem sa modliť za týchto sám. Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy.

150 Drahý Ježišu, práve som citoval Tvoje Slovo, to, čo povedal Tvoj prorok a ja viem, že tie slová prorokov sú pravdivé. A ty si povedal, "Ja, Pán, som ho zasadil." No, samozrejme, Ty si ho vložil do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta. "Ja, Pán, som ho zasadil a budem ho polievať dňom a nocou a nikto ich nevytrhne z Mojej ruky." Títo, Pane, pravdepodobne počuli mnoho oltárnych zavolaní, ale Ty to stále polievaš, Pane. Oni sú tu dnes večer. Nech sa oni dnes večer, Otče, oddelia od všetkých vecí toho sveta, všetkých hriechov a problémov, ktoré sú v ich srdciach a nech sa len rozumne, úctivo, vo svojom srdci, obrátia práve teraz k Tvojmu Slovu a povedia, "Pane Ježišu, dolu v mojom srdci, vždy som veril, že tam je niečo pre mňa, čo som ešte nikdy neobdržal. Hoci som sa pokúšal, ako bol dnes večer použitý ten obraz toho nasledovania sliepky, ale tam bolo niečo, čo sa mi zdalo cudzie. To neznelo správne. A dnes večer cítim, že prichádzam teraz bližšie do rúk živého Slova. Prichádzam sem práve tak úctivo vo svojej urovnanej mysli, som tu pri tomto oltári. Chcem spasenie, Pane, tak veľmi. Som tak hladný. Chcem teba, Pane, aby si ma držal dnes večer vo svojich rukách. Nie cez nejakú emóciu, ale skrze Ducha lásky. Vezmi ma do Svojich rúk, drahý Bože. Som Tvoje dieťa. Cítim, že som ten orol, o ktorom hovorili. Zachyť ma, Pane, ja skáčem! Zodvihol som sa zo svojho sedadla a kľakol som si tu. Zachyť ma, Pane, ja skáčem! Prenes ma na Svojich krídlach, Pane, preč od týchto vecí sveta. Nechaj ma uletieť preč od špiny tohoto sveta, od mojich zlozvykov, od všetkých mojich denominačných tradícií. Nechaj ma prísť len ku Tebe, drahý Bože, aby Tvoj Svätý Duch mohol preliať do mňa odpustenie všetkých mojich pochybností. Nech sa dnes večer stanem Tvojím dieťaťom, čerstvým, narodeným, novým stvorením, dnes večer. Zachyť ma, odveď ma preč od toho kvokanie tej sliepky. Odveď ma preč do toho orlieho hniezda, tam, kde by som mohol byť chovaný Božím Slovom, kým nebudem schopný lietať."

Udeľ to drahý Bože. Vezmi ich. Oni sú Tvoji. Toto je moja modlitba s úprimnosťou, modliac sa za zomierajúcich ľudí. Udeľ to, Otče. Prinášam túto modlitbu za nich. Prosím to na slávu Božiu.

151 Teraz, pritom, ako máme sklonené svoje hlavy. Som zvedavý, či tu okolo oltára, vy ktorí ste si tu kľakli... Mnohí z vás tvrdíte, že ste kresťania, ale vy ste cítili, že tam je vždy niekde niečo, čo nevlastníte. Možno ste vykonali všetky náboženské obrady. Mohli ste kričať. Mohli ste robiť všetko. Mohli ste tancovať v Duchu; mohli ste hovoriť v jazykoch, a nikto nemôže povedať proti tomu nič zlé. To je pravda. To je všetko dobré. Ale vidíte, to sú dary Ducha bez Ducha. Ak ten Duch bol tam, ten pocit by nebol... ten pocit by to tak neodsudzoval. Či naozaj úprimne, tu pri oltári, veríte tomu práve teraz, zatiaľ čo ste tu, že iba skutok obrátenia sa, nie nejaká emócia, no, ale v originálnej nepoškvrnenej viere, že Boh vás prijme a bude vás živiť Svojím Slovom, kým budete sami orlami a budete môcť lietať?

Ak veríte, a chcete, aby to Boh urobil, zodvihnite svoju ruku, vy, ktorí ste okolo oltára. Nech vás Boh žehná. Každý má zodvihnuté ruky.

152 Teraz, naozaj potichu, opýtam sa posvätených mužov a žien, ktorí naozaj poznajú Boha... Väčšina z nich, to je veľmi zvláštne. Zdá sa, akoby to bolo tak. Pri oltárnych zavolaniach, ktoré robím, sú väčšinou všetci muži... viete, obyčajne to sú ženy; ale tu sú všetci muži, myslím, že dnes večer je tu pri oltári jedna žena, možno dve. Sú to obyčajne ženy, ale tak nejako, hádam to vyzerá, akoby si ženy mysleli, že hovorím proti nim. Ja nehovorím, sestry. (Tri, myslím, že niekto povedal. Oni... Vidíte, nevidím ponad tento oltár tu.) V poriadku, niektorí z vás, posvätených kresťanov, poďte sem a stojte so mnou na modlitbe na chvíľu. Pri oltári, kdekoľvek ste, na pódiu, niekto, kto naozaj pozná Boha, kto vie, ako tu stáť iba na niekoľko minút s nimi na modlitbe, potom rozpustíme publikum. Každý nech je teraz naozaj úctivý.

Neodchádzajte, len príďte sem a stojte okolo, niekto z vás ľudí, ktorí naozaj veríte, že to je Pravda, že vchádzame do ďalšieho veku; že vchádzame do veku vytrhnutia. Viete, cirkev nemôže ísť vo svojom stave, a to sa nemôže zlepšiť, to sa musí zhoršiť. Koľkí to vedia, nech povedia, "Amen." To sa musí zhoršovať, a to nemôže takto ísť. Vidíte, musí sa niečo stať, a to práve teraz prebieha, priatelia. Je to v chode, to hnutie pre Nevestu je v chode. To je Pravda. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Poďte teraz sem hore, posvätení Kresťania, ktorí chcete svoj záznam, nachádzate, že títo, ktorí prichádzajú úprimne, chcete prísť a predložiť modlitbu s nimi ako za svojich bratov a sestry, príďte k oltáru. Postavte sa tu na okolo na chvíľu k modlitbe.

Chce prísť ešte niekto ďalší? Postavte sa tu okolo; len si kľaknite ku nim, len pristúpte kde... vy muži okolo tamtých mužov, vy ženy, láskavo, pokorne, modlite sa za nich.

153 Drahý Bože, pomôž im. Ja Odovzdávam všetko. Odovzdávam moju denomináciu. Odovzdávam môj prvý sobáš. Odovzdávam môjho prvého manžela. Odovzdávam všetko, Pane.

...odovzdávam všetko,

Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,

odovzdávam všetko.

odovzdávam všetko,


Môžete odovzdať svoje vlastné predstavy? Môžete odovzdať svoje vlastné predstavy o Božom Slove?

Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,

odovzdávam všetko.

odovzdávam všetko,

odovzdávam všetko,

Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,

odovzdávam všetko.

154 Všetci, ktorí veríte... stojte a spievajte teraz spolu.

odovzdávam všetko.

odovzdávam všetko... (Vy, ktorí všetko odovzdávate... spievajte to teraz.)

odovzdávam všetko,

... Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,

odovzdávam všetko.

Teraz, vy okolo... "Odovzdávam všetko. Odovzdávam denomináciu. Odovzdávam denomináciu. Odovzdávam cirkev. Odovzdávam seba. Odovzdávam svoje predstavy. Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ, odovzdávam všetko.

... Tebe, môj...

odovzdávam všetko,

odovzdávam všetko,

Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,

odovzdávam všetko.

Myslíte to naozaj?

odovzdávam všetko,

155 (Prázdne miesto na páske.) Vy tu teraz, pri oltári, vy tu, ktorí ste okolo oltára, za ktorých sa modlili, cirkev sa za vás modlila, vy sami ste sa modlili. Teraz, je tu len jeden spôsob, ako môžete byť spasení. To je, vierou ste spasení, a to milosťou. Milosť Božia k vám prehovorila, priviedla vás k tomuto oltáru. Vy hľadáte Božie požehnania. Vy hľadáte Jeho Slovo. Vy hľadáte Svätého Ducha. Vy hľadáte priazeň Božiu. Ak áno, a naozaj to môžete s celým svojím srdcom, odovzdajte to. No, nehľadajte žiadnu emóciu. Hľadajte Pravdu, Pravdu, ktorá skrze vieru má miesto vo vašom srdci. Pane, som ochotný robiť všetko, čo mi Tvoje Slovo prikazuje, aby som robil. Odovzdávam sa so všetkým, čo je vo mne. Ak tomu veríte z celého svojho srdca, chcem, aby ste sa postavili na svoje nohy, otočili sa k tejto cirkvi, tomuto publiku, a zodvihli svoje ruky hore, a my to budeme spievať spolu s nimi. "Odovzdávam všetko, čo je vo mne, Bože. Z môjho najlepšieho poznania, všetko, čo som, odovzdávam." Postavte sa sem na toto pódium, vy, ktorí ste pri oltári. Postavte sa rovno sem, na pódium, bratia. Rovno tu, všetci z vás, ktorí ste bratia a sestry.

Pozri sa sem, cirkev. (Nejaká sestra dáva svedectvo.)

156 Odovzdávate každý kúsok Jemu, Jeho Slovu? Jedna sestra tu, z denominácie, ona povedala, "Patrila som do denominácie." Nemusíme ju menovať. Ona tam pracuje, ale povedala, "Brat Branham, chcem vyjsť von a vojsť do Pravdy. Chcem niečo..." Nechajte ma citovať Jeho Slovo: "Požehnaní sú tí, ktorí sú hladní a žíznia po spravedlivosti, lebo budú nasýtení." Teraz, vy tu, na pódiu, ktorí ste práve prišli, ak ste hotoví odovzdať všetko, čo ste, všetko, aby ste poslúchali Slovo Božie... My sme vám tento týždeň hovorili, čo treba robiť. Teraz, keď ste hotoví odovzdať sa práve teraz Jemu, len zodvihnite svoje ruky takto k publiku. Teraz, vy, čo ste na pódiu, spievajme to teraz spolu, "Odovzdávam všetko." Všetci spolu. V poriadku.

Odovzdávam všetko, (No, naozaj to tak myslite.)

Odovzdávam všetko, (ako verný som...)

Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,

odovzdávam všetko.

157 Naozaj to tak myslíte? Povedzte, "Amen." Povedzte, "Amen." ešte raz. Povedzte, "Pane, skúmaj ma. Skús ma a daj mi príležitosť. To je všetko, čo môžem urobiť dnes večer, odovzdať sa Tebe. Ty poznáš hlad môjho srdca. Ty poznáš moju túžbu. Tvoje zasľúbenie bolo naplniť tú túžbu. Teraz na to očakávam, a odovzdávam sa Tebe. Všetci spolu.

Odovzdávam všetko,

odovzdávam všetko,

Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,

odovzdávam všetko.

1 I canceled a hunting trip, so I keep service to the Lord. So it's a... We're glad to be here. I believe, the last time here, I told you: each time we come, there is someone missing. And if we shall come back next year, the Lord tarries, there'll be somebody missing.

2One was very, very close to me in heart, spirit. That was Brother Lyle. I've always had a welcoming, coming in, standing back there and listen, in Brother Jack's study, of the old quartet singing. They're singing in Glory, tonight. Well, there's one of those voices already over There, waiting for the other three. I guess I'll never hear it here on earth no more. But I certainly am looking forward to hearing it again, Brother, Sister Moore here, in that Land where they'll... it'll never be dimmed.

3 Brother Palmer was a great servant of Christ. I can remember Brother Jack telling me about his--his dedicated life to God. They were carpenters, together. And said he would be eating his--his lunch, have his sandwich in his hand, eating a sandwich and reading his Bible. See? He done some mighty great things, Brother Palmer did. He's a good carpenter, a good father to his children, a lovely family. He raised them all to serve the Lord. As far as I know, they're all saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. And that's a great contribution to any man in these days, boys and girls. But, see, all that he ever done won't amount to too much until serving God, lest he served God. And tonight, what he had done here on earth, his good deeds, he's gone to his reward, to be with them. God rest the soul of our brother.

4 I know, as long as this is a tabernacle here, and I--I know he'll... his voice will still be here. You can hear it. Sister Anna Jeanne and--and her sister, playing the organ and piano, how they never had to wait. Brother Palmer just stand here and he just pick the song up, go on. They'd catch it. And I never... I looked forward to hearing him lead the song.

5To his children; to his wife; and to Brother Jack, his bosom friend, they been friends for all these years; and Brother Brown, Sister Brown, all you tabernacle: God bless you. I miss him, too. God rest his gallant soul, until we meet him in peace.

Let us bow our head.

6 Gracious Heavenly Father, just speaking of this great servant, I missed him, tonight, him shaking my hands, and that cunning little smile he always had when he said, "God bless you, Brother Branham," when we'd walk in the door. I know he's come up to Your House, tonight. So I pray, dear God, that You'll let the fruits, his works that follow him, be great, continuing on with his children, his wife. We pray that You'll bless her, Lord. You said You would be a husband to "the widows that were widows indeed." I pray for our Sister Palmer and for all the children. I know how to sympathize with both, losing a companion and also losing my dad.

7 So, Father, while we're here, tonight, we pray that You'll prepare our hearts, also, for that hour. We don't know. It might come as sudden as his did. We don't know when it will come, but we know it's got to come. So we pray, God, that You'll search every heart that's in here, tonight. God, don't leave mine out. Search mine, too, and try me. Lord, if there be any evil in us, take it out. We want to serve You. That's our full objective, is to serve You.

8 Pour out Your Spirit upon us, tonight, and the rest of this week. Bless this tabernacle by the name of the Life Tabernacle. May it receive full blessings of that name and be full of the Life of God, this week, to save every lost soul, to fill every believer with the Holy Ghost, and renew the hopes that's in us, Lord, again. We pray that You'll also heal all the sick and the afflicted that comes among us. May Your great Holy Spirit be here, Lord, and just heal. And anoint each one to believe. Grant these things, Father.

9God, help me now. If it fall, has fall my turn to bring the Message. I pray, God, that You'll just let the man part stand to one side. May the Holy Spirit come in and move upon us, Lord. May the Holy Ghost take the meeting, Lord. We know that we're so insufficient. We could not do it, none of us. We don't claim to be able to do it. But, Lord, we know that Thou art the One. So we're looking to Thee, Lord. Move, Spirit of God, and fall fresh on us. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

10 Now I want to pass greetings on down the line, to the churches now that's hooked up across the state. We're on the telephone hookup, which is a fine little system that we have been able to get, through our Brother Pearry Green from Beaumont, Texas. And the churches, completely, that's following the Message, all the way across the United States, is hooked up, tonight. We send greetings, up and down the West Coast, all the way from Vancouver down to Tijuana, Mexico, through San Jose, Los Angeles. All the groups over in there, we greet you from Shreveport. Also, all the way to Prescott, Arizona, to the group up there that's waiting on the Lord, we send greetings to you, and to Tucson, also Sierra Vista. All the way to New York, up and down, across the nation, the Lord bless you, each one. Wish you were here, tonight, this beautiful old state of Louisiana, where it seems like a second home, to me. I...

11 You know, you people up in New York, you know, I kind of laugh at you a little bit, the way you talk. I'm right at home tonight. Yeah. Everybody down here, you know, they said, "Hello, d'ere, Brother Branham. You bring Sister Branham and all the young'ns and come over to see us." Oh, my! That makes me feel good. That's real English, to me. Not disregarding you people in the east and the north, and different places. But, you know, I guess I was just born an old Reb' and have to stay that way. I--I kind of like it, myself. It's real English.

12I was at a Business Men's breakfast, here not long ago, and they said, "We will now stand and sing the national anthem." And I stood up, said, "For my old Kentucky home, far away." Well, to me, that was the national anthem, all I knowed about it. So, we send you greeting. Now to the...

13 I believe they're going to try to broadcast the breakfast, also, the Business Men's breakfast, Saturday morning. Brother Green will tell you, as he's at the microphones out there now. So he'll tell you what time the breakfast starts, and what time, each night, to tune in. We thank you very kindly. Pray for us.

14 Now, to the local assembly here, and Brother Jack's tabernacle, I just going to ask you a favor, tonight. Being that I was going to give my thanksgiving Message across the--the nation, tonight, to our local churches that's following the Message. In this, I--I may be a little lengthy. And then, again, I may preach some Doctrine. So, if so, and you don't agree with It...

15Just like I always said about eating cherry pie, when I run into a seed. I don't throw the pie out. I throw the seed out, just keep on eating pie.

16So if I happen to mention something tonight, I... Well, that's one reason I took this invitation, tonight, to be here, to bring my thanksgiving Message to the groups across the country, was because Brother Jack always so freely open his door and says, "Preach what's on your heart." So I feel real at home.

17So it may be that in here, in the local assembly here with Brother Jack, there might be ministers and some people that would disagree with Doctrine. Usually I have the courtesy not to mention doctrine in a man's pulpit, that has invited me to come speak for him. So, after tonight, I suppose I'll just be praying for the sick and doing the regular service. But I thought I would let you know beforehand, that if something that I say that might be disagreeable, why, just allow it to my ignorance, I guess, and know no better. And pray for me.

18 So now let us turn in the Word, to a chapter here. I wish to refer to many places tonight, because I've got several Scriptures and little notes wrote out here in a tablet.

19I remember the first time I climbed on the platform at Life Tabernacle, twenty years ago. I--I didn't have to write down my Scriptures and reference. I was just twenty years younger then. But now I've done passed twenty-five, so I... the second time. So I've... can't remember it like I used to. I have to write my Scriptures down, and sometimes brief down something another I want to refer to.

20And now the Lord bless as we read out of God's Word, and the Book of Romans, the 7th chapter. Now, I want to kind of teach this like a Sunday school lesson.

21 I know there is people standing. And at the tabernacle, usually, at Jeffersonville, we want to greet you all, tonight, too, know that you're hooked up there at the tabernacle. And looks like be at the tabernacle, tonight, if you were down here, the people around the walls, and overflowed. Now, I suppose you're that way, too, all the people that's up in that part of the country, that come in for the Message.

22 Now we are going to use this like a Sunday school lesson. And it's not directed to anything, any certain persons, or anything; just to the Church, the Body of Christ that we're trying to lead to deeper thoughts and higher objectives, believing that the Coming of the Lord Jesus is at hand. We believe that. Much more, it's twenty years closer than it was the first time I come to Shreveport. Oh, so much has happened since that time! Now we're looking forward for the Coming of the Lord, in our generation. I'm not looking for revival in our generation. I'm looking for the Coming of the Lord, in our generation.

23 Now in Romans 7. Trusting that you have your Bibles open, everywhere now, across the country. We want to read closely now. This--this Message out of here, it seems like it's on marriage and divorce, but it really isn't. To me, it's a prophecy for the Church in the last day. Let us read.

Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law has dominion over a man as long as he liveth?

For the woman which has a husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.

So then if, while her husband liveth, she is married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.

Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that you should be joined or should be married to another, even to him who is risen from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.

For when we were in the flesh,... motions of sin, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.

But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.

24 And now let us pray.

25Dear God, we have just read what we believe to be the sacred Word of God. And that's what we are believing, that not one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from This until all is fulfilled. And we believe that our Lord told us, in Revelations the 22nd chapter, that, "Whosoever shall take one Word from It or add one word to It, the same, his part, will taken from the Book of Life."

26And we see that, by misrepresentation of this Word, as Satan misrepresented It to Eve, caused her to doubt one Word, threw the whole human race into a fallen chaos. Just one Word!

27Then we see in the middle of the Book, came our Lord and Saviour, and He gave us this quotation concerning It. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

28Then the solemn warning in the last Book, of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, "Whosoever shall add a word or take a Word away, his part will be taken from the Book of Life."

29 O God, knowing, seeing how fragile we are, knowing that we're walking on the brittle threads of life, of this mortal life, not knowing what time that we're going to be summoned to answer on High. Let us, O Lord, lay aside everything in our heart, everything in our mind, and look straight to Your Word, tonight, and for You to come and interpret It with living oracles. Grant it.

30May Your Spirit fall upon us and anoint the Word to our heart, that we might go from here, this evening, better people than we are now, that we might have a closer insight on Jesus Christ. Grant it, Lord, that we might understand the day that we're living in, and the preparation of God for His people in this hour; this great, crucial, dark time that we're now living in. God, anoint us, not only speaker, but hearer. And, together, make our hearts to tremble at Your Word. "For the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." Grant these things, Father, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

31 I'd like to title these few remarks that I was going to make here, and some Scriptures that I would like to follow up closely behind, if the Lord willing, to the--the thanksgiving Message, to the invisible, of: The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ. The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ. Doesn't sound like a thanksgiving Message. Though, any Scripture, we're thankful for all of It.

32I am thankful to God, to be living in this time, of the closing scenes of this world's history. I don't know. If I would have had a say-so before the foundation of the world, and the God would have laid out the whole program to me, and said to me, "I--I want you to preach. And now what age do you desire, to go to the earth to preach?" I would have chose this age, for I think this is the golden age.

33I certainly would have loved to have been here during the time of His visit to the earth. But, still, I think this right now is a greater time, because it's a time that He's coming to take the people that He's redeemed, nearing the resurrection when all the redeemed will come forth. What a glorious opportunity we have, to speak to a dying people, great time! We are enthused about it.

34 And we know that history is closing out. The world's history will soon be over, then we're going to step into a new day, to the great Millennium. That, as one believer, I believe in the... in a Millennium, a Millennium reign with Christ, a thousand years upon the earth; the physical return of the Lord Jesus, to take a physical people, glorified, by His cleansing Blood.

35 Paul here is giving an illustration, in our Scripture, about the law and grace, and illustrating it like marriage and divorce. This passage is very seldom preached on, because it's, more or less, pertains to, like, marriage and divorce. But it also pertains to a greater portion of marriage and divorce, of how that he's trying to set in order here that we, as a--as a Church, can no more be married to the world and to Christ, at the same time, and--and be legal and lawful about it, than it can be for a woman to be living with a husband while she's got a living husband. And I have my own thoughts of that, and I believe that what the Bible says is the Truth.

36Now, but I believe, also, is to my belief, that it unfolds one of the great mysteries of prophecy. And I hope that the Lord will help us, tonight, as we deliver this to our waiting people across the country.

37 It was said, one time (I was reading, when I was writing the note for this, I--I could not exactly remember the book that it's in, but I--I'm sure this is right), that (one of the books I read on Mr. Moody, Dwight Moody, in Chicago; we have a great listening church in Chicago, also, tonight), that, Mr. Moody, after reading Romans 7, ran into the street, and the first man he met, he said to him, "Do you know grace?"

And the man replied, "Grace who?"

Mr. Moody said, "The grace of God."

38So, it so thrilled him when he seen what, how grace had separated us from the law, and how, that what part grace played. Well, now, anything that I want to do, is when... I always told the people, when I cross the line, on the other Side, I'd like to stand up and sing.

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me!

Grace, precious grace!

More of grace to know!

39"For it's by grace we are saved; not by what we can do." What we can, whatever we do, is not counted to us. Grace is what saves us. "By grace are you saved, through faith."

40 May I add to this Woman, Grace. May I place Her in the Bible, also, is called the elect Lady, this Miss Grace I'm going to talk about. Know, the Bible declares, said, "To the elect Lady." That, if you notice, "elect" come from the word "elected Lady." One Lady, amongst all the other ladies, was elected.

41Like, the virgin was to bring forth the body of God, on the earth. She was an elected woman. God chose Mary.

42And, also, God has chose an elected Lady, which is His Bride. She's elected. I hope we're members of that, tonight, across the world, across the nation, rather.

43 The illustration here, showing the relationship of Bride to Christ, the elect Lady: and how She was to be brought to Him; where She would come from; and how that She would be brought to Him. The Church here, in illustration that we got in view, is illustrated by a woman. Which, a woman is always a type of the Church, because the Church is considered a Bride. A Bride, She is the Bride of the Lord Jesus, the Son of God.

44 Always, if you'll watch, watch the conditions and the conduct of women, and you'll see where the church is.

45Now, this, some of these remarks may seem strange to some of you, but it's complimentary to the Message that I have from the Lord, that I'm trying to get to the peoples. The... You watch everything in the natural, how it's happening, nature, and watch it. It runs sure with the spiritual, also.

46Now, if you'll see the conduct of women in the world today, watch the conduct of the worldly church today. Just watch. Of course, now, there is also the conduct of the spiritual Bride, the Church. See? Watch That, also. [] Because, the natural so call, claim to be Bride.

47 Now, please let me say again to the local assembly. Don't feel bad now. I'm--I'm speaking to all out across the country, to the, what I think, the elect Lady. So if there happen to be ministers in here, that doesn't agree, well, just hold your peace for a little while. See? Notice. Just listen.

48Notice this character. When you see women just go on the rampage, just doing anything they want to do, watch, the church is doing the same thing. Notice.

49But watch when, the spiritual Bride, when She begins to have a revival, when She begins to come back and line Herself up with the Word of God. Watch then again, you see, how that the Scriptures, at that time, There'll be a Message sweep out to catch that Bride, catch that Woman, Elect.

50For, as the world, Satan, the deceiver who deceived the first bride, to sinning against God, by misbelieving His Word.

51 And now, today, as we see the church natural, in your intellectual gospel, going further and further away from the Word, in social gospel; we find that the women of the world, on the streets, members of such, is carrying themselves in the same atmosphere. You can't tell them. They've lost all sense of common decency, the people have. See? And that's the way the church has. And you can see it going straight to the ecumenical council, just as certain as anything in the world, and right into Rome as hard as it can go, see, 'cause it's prophesied. And there she is. That's her behavior.

52 But then watch again to the spiritual Church, how that group of people, called out, the Elected, through every revival. In Martin Luther, it happened the same way in the reformation. It happened the same thing in the time of John Wesley. It happened the same thing when Pentecostal first started. They dropped them women right back in line with the Word, and then they drift away. There she goes right back over into chaos. But then the time that the people are ready to line up, there is a Message comes forth, and they line with It.

53 Luther was the messenger of one day, of justification, and the Church lined right with it, some of them. The rest of them continued on. Wesley come with sanctification, the Church lined right with it. Pentecost come with the restoration of the gifts, the Church lined right with it, the Elect of that day; and then faded away, went right back off in denominationalism and went right out with the rest of them, all of them right down along the line.

54 Now, but you notice, when the people begin to try to line with the Word, there comes a fresh Message from the Word of God, right straight to the people. And they catch that Message and line up, every time. It's just in God's... We have that.

55We have families. Every family in here is custom to that. Sometimes everything will run fine for you, for years. Then, all at once, you'll hit a spell where, we say it many times in the South here, "When it rains, it pours," and everything goes wrong. You're going through a nighttime. Then there's a daybreak, then a nighttime. Everything runs in continuity.

56 The prophet, Paul, here is saying that a woman cannot remarry until her first husband is dead. She cannot remarry as long as her first husband is living; she, by no circumstances, at all. She must remain single as long as her first husband is living. And if she should do such a sin, "she shall be called an adulteress." I'm speaking of the natural now, to type it with the spiritual. If this woman would commit such a sin, then she is marked, "an adulteress," if she has two living husbands at the same time. Therefore, she has forfeited, by doing this, her rights to God and Heaven, by doing so. She sure has. She is an outcast from the economy of God, according to the Scriptures that I've just read.

57 So is the church, when she tries to mix creed and denomination with the Word of God. She can't be married to a denomination, and be the Bride of Christ, at the same time. She's got to be dead to one or the other. The law says so, here. There's plenty of laws in God's Word. And that's His law, Paul speaking the same thing here. She cannot be married to a church of worldly creed, and be the Bride of Christ, because (she) one is contrary to the other. Now, remember.

Say, "Well, we believe this, but we don't believe That."

58 If you're married to Christ, Christ is the Word of God. In Saint John, the 1st chapter, said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the same was made flesh and dwelt among us." Christ was the living Word. He always was the Word. He is still the Word. He always will be the Word. He was only the manifestation of the attributes of God, for He was the Son of God.

59And any son is the attributes of his father, and just as you were in the genes of your father, in the body of your father when he was a young boy. You were in him. Yet, he could not have fellowship with you, because he didn't know you. But then, through the bedding grounds of a mother, you were brought forth into the earth and become in the image of your father, then he could fellowship with you.

60And so were you, sons of God and daughters of God, before there even was a moon, stars, or a molecule. You were sons and daughters of God, for you are only the physical manifestation of the attributes that was in God at the beginning. For, there's only one form of Eternal Life, and that was you, before. You don't know nothing about it. Neither did you know when you was in your earthly father, but you are manifested, too, in his image. In the image of God you are made, and you were manifested for the glory and the fellowship of God.

61And, therefore, as sure as your gene had to be in your father, before your natural birth, your spiritual gene had to be in God, because you're an expression of the attributes of His thoughts, before the foundation of the world. Right. No way around it. That's right. Now, now we notice, then, that Life being in you, God's Life being in you, from the foundation of the world.

62 Now, now, you cannot mix denomination creed with the Word, because they're too contrary, one to the other.

63That's exactly what Satan tried to do with his intellectual conception to Eve. He said he admitted that God said it, but he said, "Surely, you'll not die." See? And they believe that.

64And that's what creed has done, tonight. Denomination has separated the people from the Word of God. Didn't Jesus say, when He come, "You, through your tradition, have made the Commandments of God of no effect to the people"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And through our creed, we have disassociated the fellowship of the Holy Spirit to anoint the Word of God that's laced out for this generation. We have separated the people so, by denomination, that they cannot have a chance to see It.

65Now, God, He, every generation, He adds a new part of His Book. It all goes together.

66Like my body was built. I'm told it started in the spine, but wasn't all spine. It went from that to ribs, and from lungs, and to hands, and arms, and feet, and so forth, and it come on out to be the person that I am.

67 And so was God manifested in the beginning. And finally He was appeared as Jehovah, God the Father. Then He appeared as God the Son, in Jesus Christ. Now He's appeared as God the Holy Ghost. The same God, all the time, three manifestations of the same--same God.

68Now, we find in this, that, each generation, God has lotted His Word from the beginning.

69Just like evolution came. Just like first thing God created, probably, was... Let's say He created botany life, first. Then He created animal life, next. Then He created human life, next. Kind of an evolution, rising higher.

70So has it been in God and His Church. Justification under Luther. Sanct-... That's pulling His Bride out, now. He's creating His Bride. Justification under Luther; sanctification under Wesley; and so forth, you see. He, the evolution of the Spirit being given more and more, 'cause the Body is building, coming to the Head, which is Christ, the Body of Christ.

71 Now, She, as a woman, if She is married to Christ the Word, She cannot be married to a church denomination at the same time, for She's bound by it. She shall... cannot live with both husbands at the same time. They're contrary, one to the other. One is God-sent, the other one is man-made, so they're contrary. Said, "Let every man's word be a lie; Mine be the Truth." God said that.

72Just as much contrary to one another, as law was to grace, as Paul speaking of here. One must be dead, to have the other. "And if she tries to mix them, she shall be called an adulteress." Oh! Think of it. New York, Arizona, across the nation, think of it. God said, "If she's tried to be married to two at the same time, she shall be called an adulteress." What adulteress can enter Heaven? Would God marry an adulteress? Certainly not. He asked us not to do it. "She shall be called an adulteress."

73 Then, her children, if she is an adulteress, her children is illegitimate. Illegitimate! Illegitimate to what? Not to the church, but to the Word. She is illegitimate. What a picture of this Revelations 3 here, of the last-day, Laodicea church age! What an illegitimate group! What a denominational mix up! Lukewarm, carry on and call themselves Christians, and deny the Word of God, "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof," as the prophet said they would be.

74 Marriage is the oldest institution in the world. Marriage was performed first, and instituted, in the garden of Eden.

75A woman is entrusted with certain characters that she must not defile. A woman is trusted to that. There's not a creature on earth like a woman. There's no female dog, there's no female of any kind, entrusted with the character that a woman is.

76A woman was not even in the--the beginning of the creation, because God knowed that she would fall. All other females could not commit adultery. She is the only one that can commit adultery. If she had been made like the original, that would been discomplimentary to God's great wisdom. See? She was made a by-product of a man.

77But because she was cast over in that side, she has also been given a sacred charge from God, for redemption. She's got characters that she must not defile.

78If she would mar them, she is defiled for lifetime. No matter how much she is forgiven, she can't be justified. I'll strike that in a little bit. Got a Scripture on that, in a few minutes. She can be forgiven for her defilement, but she cannot be justified in this life. It's always with her. Notice now. She's been given this. She may be forgiven, but not justified.

79 Her body is given to her, a sacred trust from God. No female dog, no bird, no other animal, no other creature like that. No. She is the only one. By it, she is... The reason it's so sacred, she is to bring forth life into the earth. Her body is the bedding grounds of life, therefore that's the reason she is give this sacred trust.

80Now here is where you may disagree, many, you theologians. That's what defiled the whole human race, is that adultery at the beginning. Her bedding ground was marred. She brought forth those twins, Cain and Abel. One act, two children. Search the Scriptures. Uh-huh.

81 Notice now. We find that her body is the bedding grounds, and therefore it's a sacred trust, not to defile that. Now, I'm speaking now, bringing this to an illustration, to show you where the Church stands. I'm not speaking of you women. Whatever you are, that's between you and God, or you men. But I'm speaking of the Church and Christ.

82Now, this she is given, to bring forth life that only God Himself can give. Her husband might be the germ bearer, but God has to produce the life. That's right. It has to come. All life has to come from God. Any life has to come from God. It's perverted, and that's what makes it sinful, but life has to come from God. He's the author of life. Now she has a sac-... one...

83 I want to name three things here that she must not get away from. Now, I'm speaking, keep the church in mind while I'm speaking this to the natural woman, as Paul is here, in 7th chapter of Romans.

84She has a sacred trust of virtue committed to her by her Lord, a certain virtue. Nothing else holds it but a woman. Right. That's committed to her by God. She must not defile that virtue.

85If she even does something wrong, she must confess that to her husband before he takes her, and make it right. The same as the church that was married to the law, has to come also before Christ, before the second marriage. She has to confess that. If she doesn't, and she lives with her husband for ten years and then confess it, he has a right to put her away and marry another woman. That's the Scripture. Fornication is unclean living.

86"Joseph, fear not, take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." He was minded to put her away privately, see, after he'd already engaged to her. When you're engaged to her, as far as God is concerned, you're married to her.

87 Notice now. She has a sacred trust of virtue that's been given her, trusted to her by the Lord. God gave her that virtue. Just as it was in the garden of Eden, she can say "yes" or "no." She has a sacred trust of womanhood committed to her, that she must not break. The womanhood I'm speaking of here is her conduct, her character around men. Not letting every man...

88 Looks on these screens and see these movie stars kissing, and hugging, and slopping, and around, over these women. A woman does that, is of a bad character. She might be virtuous, otherwise. But, see, in her heart... When, those glands, sex glands, are in the lips. The man kisses a woman, he's actually, potentially, committed adultery. Sex glands are in the woman's lips and in the man's lips. He could kiss her on the hand, it wouldn't mix through their sex glands. But the sex glands is in the lips. And see all this nonsense in the--the Hollywood today, of all this slopping and loving around with women, and so forth, and little girls looking at all that. No wonder our morals are rotten and decayed, and filthy, see, because it's put before the children. That's right. It has to be that way for the last day.

89 Now keep the church in mind. She is kissing and slopping, and mixing around in everything else but the Word, let the Devil, and education and scientific searches, and so forth.

90When, scientific, education, everything, is absolutely contrary to God. The whole system of civilization that we have now is absolutely antichrist. Educational system is antichrist. Civilization is antichrist. It's against God. You say, "Against civilization?" God will have a civilization, one of these days, that won't have any death associated into it. This modern civilization come by Satan. I'll prove that to you, if the Lord willing, tonight, out of the Bible. All these things are of Satan. Our new civilization will have none of this in it.

She has this sacred womanhood.

91 No wonder that men act around women the way they do, is because women act around men the way they do. She characters herself out here with a pair of shorts on, and skin-tight, and men's clothing and things, out on the street, twisting around. No matter what she says, she might be as virtuous to her husband as she can be, but, in the sight of God, "She is an adulteress." "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." And she presented herself to be that.

And that's exactly what the church has done with the world.

92 Notice. That's committed to her: sacred virtue, sacred womanhood, and then sacred motherhood, honor her husband.

93Just look today. In certain cities, many cities, they even have big parties in what call society, church members, too. Set their hats in the floor, and they all get drunk and pitch their keys into it. Each woman goes and picks a key out of the hat, for the man she'll live with over the weekend. All kinds of such parties! Which, I've got so much to say here, if the Lord willing, I haven't got time to go into it. Such a filth!

94And the church is just as bad, right, committing adultery with everything, and she has no business to be going into. She should stay with the Word.

95 Buildings are all right. Hospitals are all right. All these other things are all right. Educational programs, that's all right. We have to live here, have to read, write. That's one of the economies.

96Like, we wasn't supposed to put on any clothes, at the beginning. I'll preach on that, later this week, the Lord willing. But we have to wear clothes because God gave us clothes. But, in the beginning, we didn't need them. We were veiled.

97Now she is veiled to her sin. She don't even know she is sinning, see, as she was then. By the... Now she is veiled by the Devil; then she was veiled by God. The difference of it.

98 Now we find out that she has been given this sacred trust that she must not break: of womanhood, act, have her character, raise her children, be honorable to her husband.

99Now days, they pay a bit more attention to it than nothing in the world. You ought to set in my office sometime and see men bring in their wives, where they try to get right with God and confess of all the men they lived with, and everything else, since they been married. Oh, you say, "That's..." No. That's Pentecostals. Uh-huh. The others won't come. So it's...

100I'm speaking of how it can get away, when you get to mixing up with the world, the church, and all the fashions and things that we have. We're no more like the original Pentecost was than day is from night. We've drifted off somewhere, into some dark chaos somewhere, and lost.

101 What a sacred trust! What a responsibility to a woman! Now see why she's a type of the Church, which has the same responsibility. As a woman has a sacred responsibility to her motherhood, to her virtues, to her husband, the Church has a sacred responsibility to prayer and to the Word, and to Christ, just the same as the woman has.

102And as a woman drifts off with another man; when the church goes off on these institutional programs, and building programs and schools, and so forth. I have nothing against them. They're all right. They serve their purpose. But they're not...

103Jesus never said, "Go, make schools." He said, "Preach the Word."

104 That's where they neglect It. Not make institutions, hospitals, and so forth. Them is all right, but that's not the Church's duty. Their duty is to preach the Gospel, but we've done everything else but that. And we've drifted in, just like Satan did, and mix it up with some Gospel, something else, and something else, till it's got a conglomeration of nothing. Corruption, even our whole, the whole world! Watch the trend of the world.

105 Reading Reader's Digest, here not long ago, where young girls are going through their menopause, and men, the change of life, between twenty and twenty-five years old. They're going through their middle age. Corruption, (why?) because of scientific research of food and stuff that's broke down, from the natural things we should put in our body. We are nothing but a bunch of dying corruption.

106Now, that's what the church is, also. It's in the same condition.

107She's a type. She has the same precious virtues by Spirit, given to Her, to preserve the Spirit and the Word, and never commit adultery with anything of the world or anything. Stay virgin to the Word, as a woman is to stay virtuous to her husband. It's a sacred trust, to honor Her Lord's Word above every man-made creed, wisdom, denomination there is. The Church is given that trust.

108If they say, "Well, my church..." I don't care what your church believes. If it's contrary to the Word of God, stay away from it.

109The Bible said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Mark 16 said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." If a church preaches different from That, don't you. You die to that thing. Be born again, into the Word of God. "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." That's how far It was to go. "These signs shall follow them that believe, in all the world, and every creature that will believe." See how we got away from It? Sure. But She is responsible for It.

110 But now look what, Hollywood, has took the virtuous things from our women.

111I'm setting here looking at dear old woman, Sister Schrader, many of the women here, and back, and Sister Moore over here, the older women that remembers a few years ago. If their mother, or even them, would have walked out on the streets, the way some of these women walk today, church members, they'd have locked the woman up for being insane. "She forgot to put on her skirt." Well, if it was insane then, it's insane now.

112Well, look, the whole world proves it's insane. Look at the murders and things that's going on now in the world. See? Insanity!

113The whole thing is coming to fulfill Revelation. We may get to it, this week. Where, those hideous things, them is not natural. That's spiritual things, that make people scream for the rocks and the mountains, and everything else, to fall on them.

114 The complete, total insanity this world will go into, right away, it's almost there now. Why, you see the footsteps of it. There it is. It--it's marching right out on the street, right down the church pew, total insanity, do things that a human being wouldn't think of doing and being civilized.

115Look what Hollywood has done to the woman. Look how it is. It's robbed the sacred virtues of the woman. On and on, we could go. See?

116All this she lost. How did she do it? Because there was a subtle instrument called the church, like there was in the garden of Eden. A subtle person, the Devil, walked into the church just like he did in the garden of Eden, and deceived her into it. She is deceived. The woman thinks; she don't mean to be wrong.

117Eve didn't mean to do wrong. It wasn't willfully. But she... The Bible said, in Second Timothy, First Timothy 3, "She was deceived." And deceived is not when you willfully do it. It's when you're deceived into doing it.

118 And that's just exactly what's happened today. She's been deceived, by television, by magazine, by these people, these, all these fine things that they're going, out on the street. Modern girls, they look at magazines and they look at pictures. They look on the street. They see the clothing in the shops. How Satan, that great instrument of--of hell, has come down amongst the people and deceived them into these things! And the woman thinks she is all right. And she is dead and don't know it. She is far from God. See how she lost all this, and how subtle it was?

119 Today, I want you to notice. Jesus spoke of it. Also, if you'd like to read it, Jesus made mention that this thing would come to pass. Did you know that? In His last hours, just before His crucifixion. Let's just read it, Saint Luke, the--the 23rd chapter, and just for a moment, like a Sunday school lesson. Begin with the 27th verse, I believe I got marked out here. Jesus going to Calvary. Listen as I read it. All right. Saint Luke 23:27, I believe, is where we have it. My note has got it that way. Yeah. Here it is.

And there followed him a great company of people, and... women, which also bewailed and lamented him.

But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.

For, behold, the day--days are coming,... that they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the womb that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.

120Think, today, a disgrace for her to have a child. See?

Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and hi-... and the hills, Cover us.

For if they do these things in a green--green tree, what shall they do in a dry?

121 Speaking of the day that when women wouldn't no more want children. They want a dog or a cat, or something like that, but she don't want children anymore. Why? She is "old Mother Hubbard" if she has a child. See? She don't want. That's the--that's the remarks of Hollywood. It don't want his woman to be an "old Mother Hubbard." So she'll, he'll have some operation performed to himself or her, one, that'll keep them from having children. They don't want no children.

122Jesus spoke of it. And what did He say? "At that time they'll begin to cry for the rocks and the mountains to fall on them."

123She'll practice birth control, so she can go to parties. She can't be bothered with a baby nursing her. "It'll disform her. When she's pregnated, it'll be, it disform her. She won't look like she used to." And her husband, ignorant enough to let her go that way. She won't give him a child.

124Jesus spoke of it. And He said, that, "When they were doing this, at that time they'll go to crying then for the rocks to fall on them." It's Coming of the Lord.

125They pay great sums of money for cats, dogs, to mother. That's right. She must mother something, because it's a God-given nature to her.

126 I notice. I hunt big game. An old bear in the fall of the year, when she has been bred to the male bear, she's got cubs then that's born. They're pretty good-size cubs, maybe weigh a hundred pounds or better. She'll make them scat and hibernate to themselves, because she's going to bring forth some more cub. They're born in February. The bear knows nothing about it.

127They're born in little sacks. How that God has them open these little sacks, themself, little... like little cellophane sack. They find their way around. Their mother is sound asleep. She hasn't eat anything since October, and this is February. They come around and nurse her till the middle of May.

128Then when she sees her cubs, they're pretty good-size cubs, weigh maybe fifteen, ten or fifteen pounds apiece. They nursed her. How she gets the milk, that's God's idea. She lives, herself, and produces milk for the cubs.

129And then if her breeding doesn't take, and she don't have any cubs, she'll hunt up them year, last-year cubs, and mother them all summer long, because it's God-given instinct. She has to mother something.

130 And if a woman won't have a baby for her husband, she'll take a dog or a cat, or something. She's got to mother something. It's a nature. But to bear a child for her husband, and raise it to the service of God, that's entirely all out of her line. She should. Oh, she'd... Oh, she'd be so disgraced, if she did, by her sin-loving society of this 1965 type of women.

131A true picture of the modern church today! Neither does the modern church want any of these here, screaming, shouting, tongues-speaking, Acts 2:38 young'ns around her. Yeah. Yeah. See? Yeah. She don't want any of them whooping, and crying, and screaming, "Amen! Hallelujah!" Why, such a child would immediately put her out of her denomination. They had one like that in one of the churches, why, they'd throw her out right quick.

"Why you letting such stuff as this go along?"

132 So, you see, she's pregnated with something, 'cause she's bringing forth members all the time. But she don't want none of them screaming, hollering, blabbering, Acts 2:38, miserable creatures that she thinks they are. It would certainly embarrass her. It would ruin her and her educated, ethical, scientific society church that she belonged to here. They would throw her out, at the next council. She can't have it. So she don't want to be pregnated with the Word, because that's the only kind that the Word can bring forth.

133Born of the Spirit of God, it has the Spirit of God in it. No intellectual church-join and creed-going, bobbed hair, painted face; there's no such a thing as that in all of It. You don't find that in the Word of God. You find an old-fashion, sanctified, Holy Ghost-filled child, born of the Spirit of God, screaming, hollering, shouting, praising God.

134 That's altogether out of the reaches for her. She don't want That. Oh, no, sir! No, indeedy. What does she do then? So she brings forth a pair, a painted-face, short-wearing, Jezebel society, illegitimate "cats," they call them, I think it is. See? I think they call it cats. See? "Look at that cat going there," they say, or something like that, you know.

135She was born, or married, connected with her first husband, the first Adam, by the adulterous wife of Eve, Adam's first wife. You say, "Adulterous?" She sure was. But, oh, she claims that this Adam, this first Adam, is dead. "Oh, sure, he died a long time ago. I'm reborn, again," she said, "and I'm certainly married to the Second Adam, Christ, the Word."

136 How? Notice what she loves. Watch her lover, you want to see who she is in love with. The Word says This, but she said, "My church says this." Then who she in love with? Who is her husband? Her own fruits prove what she is. Exactly right, shows what she is. Notice. She was born, first, to Adam, 'cause that's her natural birth. See? And she never left that. That's a lover of the world. She claims that she is born the second time, to Christ. But her lover, notice, is Adam, yet, because she loves the world.

137And another--another thing, notice what kind of children she is bearing. That tells what their papa is, whether it's the first Adam or Second Adam. If the Church brings forth a child of the Second Adam, he acts the Second Adam's way of acting, like they did on Day of Pentecost. That's the really true Second Adam's children. See? Right. Their nature is like his and hers. Yes, sir. Her daughters, painted-face, bobbed-haired, wearing men's clothes, trousers. The Bible said for her "not to do it." She cuts her hair. "It's a shame to her."

You say, "Shut up, on that."

138That's what the Word says. I'm only pointing out nature. That's what she does.

139 Her sons, her sons born out of her, rely upon education, schooling, some Bible school, so-called, some great college that's supposed to be a long time ago, hatching them out, in some sort of an incubator style. Denominational-seekers, religious Cain-like, just illegitimate to the Word as Cain was; right, just as ill, illegitimate as Cain was, sure, denominational-seekers. You see what it is?

140God never did organize a denomination. He's always been against it. His Word is against it.

141But they hold right onto it, so you see what they're bringing forth. That shows who their papa and mama is. Exactly. Exactly. Just as illegitimate as Cain was. That's kind of a child he brought forth from Eve. They got away from the Word, then see what she brought. That's just exactly what the church has brought, the same thing.

142Can prove it to you, by the Word, that that's where education and civilization come, through Cain. That's exactly right. For they claim... But they--they claim to be sons of God, but they're denominational-bred, denominational school-scholared, everything else. That's exactly right. Subtle, smart! My! So was the serpent, their father. Right. Just as subtle and scientific preachers as Cain was. See? It's exactly the same thing.

You say, "Brother Branham, is that true?"

143 Turn to Genesis 4:16 and find out. Get back here in Genesis 4:16, just a minute, you'll find out how it happened.

And Cain went... from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he built a city, and called the name of the city, after... his son, Enoch.

144 On down to Tubal, on down, for they begin, come designers of instruments, music, and so forth. Civilization came by Cain, right, building cities, instruments. Scientific men come by Cain, the serpent's seed. Now notice the 25th verse.

And Adam knew his wife again;

145Now, he knew her once and she had two children. Search the Scripture. She had Cain and Abel. One act, and two children. You say...

146They told me, not long ago, it couldn't be, happen. We got a case in Hollywood. Hollywood? We got a case in Tucson right now, up in court. A woman gave birth to a colored child and a white child, at the same time. They say she can't do it. She can have two fertile seeds, too. They got it right in court now. I know dogs will do it. Animals will do it. And she's got there, the white man said, "I'll support my own child, but not him."

147And the woman made the confession. She lived with her husband that morning, and the colored man that afternoon. "If it's in," the doctor says, "in the space of twenty-four hours, it'll happen if there's another fertile seed there." And there she did it.

148 And that's exactly what happened here. Cain that... Satan, that morning, in the serpent; and Adam, that afternoon. When she... And she had two children.

Now, Adam knew his wife again (the second time); and she bare a son,...

149Remember, there is nowhere in the Bible that said Cain was Adam's son. Said, "He was of that evil one," not Adam, "the Devil."

... knew his (the second time), and knew... and had a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed... (That wasn't the real Seed.)... appointed me another seed instead of Adam, whom Cain slew. So...

And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: and then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.

150Not out of Cain's, that generation genealogy, but out of Seth's genealogy.

So, "Cain is the evil one." There come the serpent.

151 Now notice. The Bible plainly says here, that, "Her first husband must be dead," not just put away. He's got to be dead.

152I just got through preaching on Marriage And Divorce, and you all know about that. I'm not speaking now, altogether, this congregation here, but out across the nation. All right. Now you see what happened there, in Marriage And Divorce. When it...?... The Seven Seals was opened, that brought out the real Truth of it.

153 So, to be married to the Second Adam, Christ, the Word, you must separate yourself by death, from your first denominational husband, 'cause there isn't a one of them that can take all the Word of God. Just show me where that one is at. "Oh," you say, "mine." The other fellow says his, too. Put them together, and you find out you're both wrong, soon as you denominate. Read Revelation 17. So, you see, you've got to be dead from that thing.

154Now, I'm not speaking to this local assembly. I'm speaking altogether across the nation. You must be dead to your first husband. If you're united to Christ and still married to a denomination, you're an adulteress. You are Laodicea.

155 A Church across the nation, we're following Jesus Christ, the Word. To be in the Bride, you have to be remarried to the Word of God, which is Christ. "In the beginning was the Word; the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us."

156As long as you hold to man's tradition of denominations, you are called, in God's Word, "a adulteress." As long as you're a denominational creed-seeker, belonging to a denominational church that denies the Word, you are "an adulteress," what the Bible said.

157Jesus said, "You cannot serve two gods at the same time. You either serve God or mammon." Mammon is "the world." "He that loves the world, or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in him." The Seed of God can't be in him the same time (the love of God) the love of the world is in there. When the Seed of God is operating through you, that's the Word of God. The love of the world can't be in there at the same time. Now where is the short hair, and the shorts, and the painted faces? Now where is it at?

158 You can't be virtuous to Christ, the Word of God, and serve a man-made denomination at the same time. It's contrary to the Word. Paul said here. "Whereabouts?" Romans 7.

159Neither can you bear God's sons, of His Word, to this illegitimate denominational group. You cannot do it. In your incubator, you cannot bring forth a Word son of God. I'm speaking to the church. But still you claim to be very religious. So was Cain, the prostitute Eve's son, very religious, built altars and offered sacrifice, and paid his tithes and done everything that any other religious man would do. But he failed to keep that Word. He failed to have the revelation.

160 And the revelation is the only thing, the revelation of the Word. What is the... What is a revelation? Jesus said, "Upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell can't prevail against It." Faith is a revelation; because Faith has been revealed to you.

161"Abel, by Faith, offered by revelation (Faith), offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain."

162Cain thought they eat apples. They still got that idea, but it wasn't. It was an adultery, serpent's seed. And there when the Seven Seals opened, it declared it and proved it. My book is just out on it. Think, we have a thousand here now. See? Notice. That's Scripturally, from Genesis to Revelations.

163 At the end time, both trees are coming to the seed and proving themselves. Here we are, right today, Laodicea and the Bride, just as clear and pretty as it can be in the Scripture, and right before your faces. "You can't serve God and mammon." You can't be a virtuous Bible-believing Christian and associate yourself in the denominational affair. You just can't do it at the same time. One has got to be dead, and let the other one live.

164Neither can you bear God's Word son. Neither can the church bring forth. They don't want one--one of them, a screaming children, shouting and speaking in tongues, and all them things. They, you can't do that in a denominational church. They won't have you. They don't bring them like that. They take them up and shake their hands and say, "If you believe, you've got It. As long as you put your name on the book, that's all you have to do." See? It's--it's illegitimate children to the Word, still claim to be religion.

165 So pregnated with Satan's wisdom and knowledge, the church has become! They send their people away to school, to learn how to say "amen" just right. They learn them how to say all this, and be very intellectual. What is it? It's pregnation of the Devil. What did Satan pregnate Eve with? To disbelieve the Word, for intellectuals, intellects, and it ruined the whole creation. That's exactly what she's done in the Word today, the church. She's pregnated herself with Bible schools and colleges, and things like that, reading, writing, arithmetic, and they know no more about God than a Hottentot would know about an Egyptian night. They know all their creeds, their prayer books, everything else, but know nothing about God.

166They know when the Word is vindicated, when God spoke back there and lotted out His Word to each generation as they come along. Here come Noah along, and he preached that generation.

167Now, what if Moses would have come along, said, "Let's build an ark"? He'd been all out of style. But he was a prophet. He had the revelation of God.

168God vindicated it to be the Truth. He brought the children about, Israel out, and showed the Pillar of Fire before them, and vindicated the prophet; and said just exactly what He would do, and He did it.

169They said, "Let not God speak. Let Moses speak, lest we die."

170He said, "I'll speak to them no more like that, but I'll raise them up prophets, and they'll speak."

171 There stood Isaiah standing there, said, "A virgin shall conceive." A man like him in a day when... How is a virgin going to conceive? "Unto us a Son is born: a child is born, a Son is given. His Name shall be called: Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, the Everlasting Father. Upon the throne of His father, David, He'll reign. There'll be no end to His Kingdom." How is it going be? He didn't know. He just spoke what God said. It's beyond any imagination, intellectual. It's beyond any scientific research. It's the Word of God.

172 Now we school our seminary students in all kinds of Bible theology and things like that, man-made theology, got a bunch of church just exactly a Laodicea, like God said it would be. Oh, my! When I look at that, and makes me shiver. Pregnated with intellectual conception! You've got to be a high school graduate before you can even enter. You've got to have... got to stand before a psychiatrist before you can be ordained.

173Would you imagine Peter, James, and John going before a psychiatrist? Remember that hundred and twenty up there, couldn't even sign their own name? Stand before a psychiatrist, see if they... if all of their... if their reflex was just right, and so forth? They had a reflex, but it wasn't the intellectual conception or scientific research. It was through the Power of God. When It struck them, they knowed nothing to do but act out what the Holy Ghost said do. They didn't pay any attention to any intellectual, what the church said, and what the priests said, what this said, that said. They moved by the Spirit; fearless men.

174 First John 2:15, He said, "If you love the world, or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in you." See? So how can you be pregnated with the Word of God which condemns the world, condemns Hollywood, condemns all of its fashion, condemns all these parties and carrying on, and so-called that they have in the name of religion? It condemns it. How can the Word pregnate a person: how can a bobbed-haired woman, painted face, wearing shorts?

175How can a preacher, goes out here to a seminary, and looks at Acts 2:38 and sees that there's not a person in the Bible ever baptized in those titles, and then still say he's pregnated with the Word of God? Telling you a lie! He sold his birthright. He's committed adultery against the very Thing that he said. He is put away, in divorce.

God is going to have a virtuous Church, just exactly, a Bride.

176Bible said, "The Word is not in you." So what kind of a children are you bearing? Pregnated denominationals. There has been no death to separate you from your first lover.

177 "What will the Joneses think if I go to crying and speaking in tongue? What will they think if I'm rebaptized?" What a nonsense! Are you married to Joneses? Are you married to the church? Are you married to Christ, the Word?

178Now, that's why she is still bearing his children. What kind of children she have? Here is some of their names they call today: cats, beatles, monsters, rickies, rickettas. Cats, beatles, that's church members. Sure. They're all his sons, sons of Cain, which is the sons of the subtle beast, just as smooth as they can be.

179 Now take a good look for a moment, with your own spiritual insight, at your soul. Just look around. I'm speaking 'cross the nation now. Look just a few minutes, you out there in the Branham Tabernacle, you in the tabernacles on the West Coast, and Arizona, and everywhere you're at. Look at yourself for a few minutes. You say, "That Message you're preaching, Brother Branham, is wrong." Look at yourself a little bit. Let the Holy Spirit search your minds with the Word, you'll agree with the Message. Let Christ, the anointed Word, search out your own conscience. Let Him get into you, see if That's right or not. And that's just one or two things I mention, when there hundreds of them.

180 Does the Bible agree with a woman bobbing her hair? [The congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Does the Bible believe, agree with three, baptisms in the name of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost"? ["No."] No such a thing. Does the Bible agree with woman wearing man's clothing? ["No."] Well, just take them three there, when there's hundreds of more. Search it out in the Light of God's Word.

181You say, "I'm a church member." So was Cain. So was Eve. The Bible predicts, in the last days, that the Laodicea will be the same.

182 Let the Holy Spirit search your conscience, and you'll agree with Daniel 5:12. When the queen come in before Belteshazzar, and said she found out that there was a prophet, Daniel, was among them, and he was a dissolver of doubts. You let the Holy Spirit. He is the Prophet of the day. Let Him come into your heart right now and examine with the Word of God, and the doubts about the Message will be all dissolved. He dissolves all the doubts. You find out, it's exactly on the Word for this day.

183You cannot preach Luther's message today. It goes in It, but that's the feet. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Cannot preach Wesley. Cannot preach Pentecostal. We're plumb beyond that. They denominated and died. They're the stalk.

184The stalk come up with the blade, that's the first condition of the church. Now, that there don't look like the first grain that went in the ground, the wheat.

185The second come forth is a pollen. That still don't look like the grain. Looks more like it. It's coming more in the image of the real grain. But the blades don't sure look like the grain that went in the ground. It's a carrier of the life that was in the grain. But what did it do? It denominated, just like all other nature fits in with it. It died.

186 Then what? The life run right up into the tassel. It's got whole lots of little--little balls hanging on it, looks like little--little grains in it. Look like it's a real grain, but it isn't.

187Then it drops down into the shuck. And what does it bring forth? A shuck.

188Now, you take a grain of wheat, when the wheat is first coming forth. And Jesus said, "A corn of wheat." And you take that wheat and open it up. You pulled off the stalk. You looked at it. You say, "We got a grain of wheat." Be careful. It's just exactly like the grain, but there's not a bit of grain in it. It's the shuck.

189There's the Pentecostals, "So much," as Matthew 24:24 said, "deceive the very Elected in the last days, if it was possible." But you pull leaf by leaf back, you ain't got no grain. The grain is right back in the back of it. See?

190 And then the Life comes out of that denomination, goes into the grain. Then what happens? When the grain begins to grow, and to get bigger so It can cover over something, the denomination pulls away from It. Why ain't we got a denomination out of This? They never will be. It's the grain. It can't go no farther. We're at the end time. So what does It have to do now? Lay in the presence of the Son, to be ripened, that's exact, the Word to be ripened into your heart, to bring forth and live what we're talking about. Yes, sir.

191Then you'll have no more doubts, if you let the Holy Spirit reveal It to you, like the queen said about Daniel.

192 You may say, "What's this all got to do with thanksgiving? What you talking about, Brother Branham? Here it is, quarter to nine. You didn't say nothing about thanksgiving." What a Message for the occasion, to me! Yes, indeed.

193The pilgrim fathers were very thankful for their new-found way of life, being separated from the old English denominations and creed. They could marry to the new, anointed Word for their age; that's right, the new, anointed Word of their age, for their day.

194So can we be thankful, as pilgrims, like Abraham, separated ourself from the things of the world, all of our associates. Abraham was a pilgrim. God has separated us from all the dead religions. I'm speaking across the nation now, all the dead creeds. And to what? Separated us, and opened to us a new land, a new Message for this day.

195Pentecost dried up and died, like Luther, Wesley, and the rest of them. It's no more than a bunch of churches pulled together. Good people in there, yet, has got to be come out.

196 What did He do? He opened up the Seven Seals of the last Message. You notice that? The Seven Seals, which, all the mysteries of the seven church ages was sealed with Seven Seals. The reformers didn't have time to do it in their days. They didn't live long enough. But this blessed revelation of the Seven Seals, it's open to us in this last days, from a prophecy that went forth to Arizona.

197How I asked God, the other day, "What are You doing with me out here in this desert?"

198Did you know Moses wrote the New Testament... or the Old Testament? He certainly did. First four Books gives the laws, everything; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. He wrote the Old Testament. To do that, he had to leave all of his associates and loved ones, and go into a desert.

199 Paul wrote the New Testament. That's right. He wrote Romans, and Romans and all the rest of It there, Hebrews and Timothy, and so forth. And to do that, he had to separate from hisself, and go down into Arabia, into a desert, for three years, get the revelation of God.

200"Oh," you say, "how about Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?" They were scribes that just wrote what Jesus did.

201Paul separated, put the Word together. That's right. Well, then, look, if it taken that, and had to go to a desert, away from their loved ones.

202Remember what, What Time Is It, Sir? How many ever heard it? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Was it exactly right? ["Amen."] Then we've got the revelation in this last days, for the Message of the Lord God to gather His Bride together. No other age has it been promised. It's promised in this age: Malachi 4, Luke 17:30, Saint John 14:12, Joel 2:38. Those promises is just exactly like John the Baptist identified himself in the Scripture.

203 Jesus identified Himself. What'd they say? "Away with such a person!" "John is a wild man." The church wasn't able to receive it. That's the pattern. Neither will the church receive it today.

204 But, to the Elected, God is calling to the Elected. They know it: calling the virtuous Bride, the Word, the last-day Church, the elected Lady of our Lord Jesus Christ, Word. If... Jesus is the Word. How many believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Then, the Bride is always part of the Bridegroom, so the Bride will not be a denomination. It'll have to be the Word, manifested, to be the Bride of Christ. He promised to do it. He said how He did. Never uses... loses His pattern. He always did it by the pattern. He done it, every time, by the pattern. He does it again, calling out His virtuous Bride in the last day, the lovely Rebekah waiting for Her Isaac. What a beautiful time!

205Here it brings into view, the two books that's going to be mysterious to you when you read the book of The Seven Church Ages. The two books: Book of Life, said, one says you can put your name on, you never comes off; other one says you take his name out of the Book of Life. This brings it perfectly in view, right here. I'm going to stop a few minutes, maybe, on a few notes here, and catch this before we close.

206 Life is a sacred thing, to God, and it's recorded in a book. God is the author of life. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

207Our natural life here, we have, is just a perversion. It really should be the right life, to begin with, but it's perverted by the natural birth. The first life, or your first union, you were joined in at birth, by nature, a natural act. A natural human being associated, man and woman together, associated together in sexual affair, which brought your first life here, and that's associated with sin and death. How can you miss seeing the serpent's seed?

208 When you see the woman, a by-product; not another female like her; made in that order, knowing that she could be deceived. God knowed. If He didn't know the end from the beginning, then He wasn't God. If He isn't infinite, if He isn't... And He can't be infinite without being omniscient, omnipresent, knowing all things, Eternal. So He knowed all things, and He had to make that woman.

209The man didn't have a wife. The wife and the man was the same thing. He had the feminish and masculine spirit in himself.

210He had to separate, take a by-product, after the whole creation made. No female created by God, in the original creation, can do a thing like that. She was made thus, to do it. He knowed she would do it. If He didn't, He wasn't God.

211But, see, the attributes that's in God had to be displayed. He--He was to be a Saviour. And to make everything perfect, the way He had it, then there could be nothing lost. Oh, don't be children. Be men and women. We're at the end road. Notice.

212 Now, it was nature, associated with death. Your first husband, that had rule over you, was your nature by natural birth. Natural, you love the world because you are the world, and part of the world. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Your desires was, by nature, to love the world which you're a part of. You're a part of nature. You believe that? ["Amen."] And that's your natural thing.

213That's the reason you have to be born again. You have to separate; you have to die to that first husband. You can't live with it. You just can't say, "Well, I'll divorce him, and hang him up here till occasion." No, sir. No writing of divorcement! He dies. The nature of the world has to die. Every speck of him has to die. You have to be reunited, again, with another Nature.

214 Your name of your first nature, was born, and put in a book of life. All your deeds was wrote in it, too. Everything you done under that nature was put in a book, called the book of life.

215You notice, in Daniel, when he come to "the Ancient of Days, Whose hair was as white as wool. Ten thousand times ten thousands came with Him, to minister to Him; the--the Bride. And then the books were opened." "And another Book was opened, which was the Book of Life." See? There is saints already there, the Church, the Bride. "Another Book was opened, which was the Book of Life."

216 Now, you, but when you were separated from that union, by spiritual death. Your natural desire is to cut your hair. Your natural desire is to wear shorts, paint your face. Your natural desire is to be intellectual, smart man, know something better than the other. That's what Eve wanted. That's the very thing she wanted.

217"Well, say! You little two bit, two-by-four preacher, stand up there and tell me? I've got a Ph.D., LL." That just makes you farther away from God, every time you add one thing. See? See? That's right. It's true. See?

218 That's what Eve took. She was pregnated with that kind of a pregnation. That's what the church is today, by Bible schools and intellectuals. And, look, every one disagreeing with the other, a big mess just exactly what the Bible said, "Babylon."

219The Bride knows where She stands. She is very few. There won't be many saved; just a very, very, very few. You say, "Well, there, said, 'thousands.'" Yes. But they've come up through the two thousand years, too, on every age where It come out. Ever...

220Luther's age and that group; and then died off, and they went, denominated; then Wesley; and then come pentecostals, and so forth. All the little out branches of Baptists, Presbyterian, Methodists, Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness, and so forth, see, all those branched off from there like the leaf.

221 But, you remember, when it went down; and the grain begin to ripen, that you find, before that grain can ripen, everything in that stalk has to be dead. Hallelujah! Can't you see where we're standing? Life is in the grain again. What is it? Just exactly like the same grain that went in the ground, the same Jesus in the Bride form, same power, same Church, same thing, same Word. The same Word sucked up through these and come out here, and come to a head here. And all that Life that come through here, picked up its people. Now it's forming up into a head, for the Rapture. Speaking on that tomorrow night, or next night, one, the Lord willing.

222Well, you separated from your first union, by spiritual death. Now you are born again, or remarried again, to the new spiritual union; of not your natural life of the things of the world, but of Eternal Life. That germ that was in you at the beginning, found you.

223 Now, your old book is gone, with your old union. Now, your name in your old, in your... has been transferred. Now, you say, "Do you mean to tell me that my old book..." God put it in the Sea of His Forgetfulness. You stand perfectly before God.

224Now, your name is now in the new Book; not the book of life, but the Lamb's Book of Life, what the Lamb redeemed. Not the old book of your natural union, but your new, Bride. Hallelujah! Your new life is in the Lamb's Book of Life, your marriage certificate, hallelujah, where your true Eternal germ, from the beginning, takes hold. Now you're not only forgiven, but you're justified. Glory! "Justified," Romans 5:1 said. Yeah. Romans 5:1 said, "Therefore being justified by faith."

225 Look up the word. The word don't mean forgiven. The word means justified. It don't mean you're forgiven.

226For instance, you heard I got drunk and--and done some evil things, and everything. Then you come around, say to me. You found out I didn't do them, then you come around, say, "Brother Branham, I forgive you." Forgive me? I didn't do it, at the first place. See?

227Now, if I did do it, I'm guilty. But you could forgive me, and I wouldn't be guilty. But yet I'm not justified, because I actually done it.

228But the word, justified, is though you never done it. Amen. It's not even regarded, at all. How is it done? In God's Book of the Sea of Forgetfulness, your old book and marriage is divorced and dead. It's not even in the memories of God. Amen. You are justified. "Therefore being justified." It was accused. You was accused. You never done it, in the first place. The old union is in the Sea of God's Forgetfulness. You wasn't married to it, to begin with. He, the Bridegroom, bore your shame, Himself, for you, in your place. He took your place, for you were predestinated for Him, to be in His Bride, before the foundation of the world. The Bible said so. You are the predestinated Seed.

229 How did you come to do this? You were deceived into it by your first marriage, to your adulterous parent, Eve. It's no fault of your own. By your natural birth, you come after Eve, who committed adultery. That's the reason you was born an adulteress. You're a sinner, to begin with. That's right. You was deceived into it. You had no... No, you, it ain't your fault.

230You never did it. Because, that little germ that was in you, was to be you, before the foundation of the world. God put your name in the Lamb's Book of Life.

231 Like my little eagle story, all of you has heard it. A hen... Old farmer set a--a hen, one time. So he didn't have enough hens out... eggs to go under the hen. So then he found an eagle egg, and they put it under him. When the eagle was born, it was the funniest-looking chicken them chickens ever seen, little old eagle going along. And the hen would go, "Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck."

232Little eagle said, "I don't know what that thing sounds like, but I'm following her, anyhow."

233And they went out in the barnyard and begin to scratch in manure piles. And she, "Cluck, cluck, cluck. This is good. This is good. You join ours. And this is what..."

234That little old eagle, he couldn't eat that stuff. See? He just--he just went along with the chicken because he didn't know. He didn't know what to do. And then she went out there, and she would get this or that. The little eagle just... he just had to stomach it, but he--he didn't know how to do it. But he had seen all the chickens doing it, but there's something different. He didn't like that.

235 So, one day, the mother knowed that she had laid two eggs. So she begin to hunt for that other one, flying around, searching, like the great Holy Spirit. One day he flew over the barnyard, that denomination. She looked down there, and she seen her baby. She screamed. It was the Voice of something that echoed from the inside of him. [] Oh, That sounds right! Oh! Let a real predestinated-born germ, predestinated by God, hear the Word of God, It's music to him. He knows It's the Truth.

236He's tired of that denominational stuff, anyhow, "Join us. Come, go with us. We got a social party. We got this. We got..." It just didn't sound right, to the little fellow.

237She said, "Son, you don't belong in that group, anyhow. You belong to me. You're mine."

238He said, "Mama, that sounds real. How am I going to get out?"

239"Just make a jump. I'll catch you." Uh-huh. That's all you have to do.

240 The anointed Word of God being vindicated before any man that's born to be a son of God, with the predestinated germ into him for this hour, he'll see God's Message as sure as there's a God in Heaven. Martin Luther saw It for his. Wesley saw It for his. The pentecostal saw It for his. Now what about you? See? They went into a denomination. Here is the Word condemning it; telling you what we're to have today, and just exactly Malachi 4 and all these other promises for the hour. What do you see? What are you looking at? Amen. Here we are. The real, genuine eagles hear. "My sheep know My Voice. The stranger they'll not follow."

241Why? It was put in there by predestination. You were foreordained to a son of God. You were in God before the foundation of the world. You're only manifested in this day for His honor and glory. How can you do it without honoring His Word, and stand with every Word of God? Yes, sir. Which, you are a part of that Word, by predestination. Because, look, the God is the Word. You believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, then, if... He always was the Word. "In the beginning was the Word." And if the Word was God, then you were in God. The Word, the part that you're to play, was in God before the foundation of the world. He seen you. He knew you. He predestinated you to it.

242 I tell you, just as that eagle recognized that voice, so does a--a real, born-again Christian recognize the Voice of God speaking through the Word, when they see It anointed and a vindicated. Look. He looked up There. He didn't see this old hen cluck-cluck around here, "Join us and go over here. And go this, and go to this and that." He saw a--a being like he wanted to be, sailing in the air, screaming, free, up in the highs, above all the vultures and things of the earth. Hallelujah! He wanted to be that because it was in him to be that.

243 And a man that's born of God, a son of God, has to have the nature of God. He has to be like God. He honors God. He is part of the Word of God. And in this last days, of this Bride taking form, just exactly the same power that He was in at the beginning, has come up through these organizations, and so forth, and come out for the Bride. He can't be nothing else but that.

244 They ought to have seen It, them Jews in their days, when they seen It manifested there before them, as the prophet said He was. He said, "Search the Scriptures; in Them you think you have Eternal Life. They are They that testify of Me. If I do not the works of My Father, don't believe Me. But though you can't believe Me, do believe the works that I've done."

245They said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness for forty years. We know where we're at."

246He said, "And they're every one dead," that's, Eternally separated. Everyone died. There was only three, two come out of a million, two million. That's one in a million.

247 Why, an injection, the sperm from male and female, there's usually one egg fertile. There's one egg, one germ that's fertile, you ever seen hybreeding in cattle. Notice. Here is a--a million eggs; here is a million germs; and when they are--are discharged, to come together to the womb, coming through the tube and into the womb, they meet. One of them is eggs. A million eggs; a million germs. There's only one egg in there fertile. There's only one germ fertile. They're all alive. You can watch them little calves beating around in there, a speck that you could put on a match stem.

248And Demos and them is listening in tonight, and he remembers when we took them. He took me down there, showed me how that worked. Test tubes, and put just in enough that you could put on the end of a match. It was thousands of little calves and bulls in there, but it's only one of them can live. Only one of them! And here is a big ball of them, here. And you'll notice, one will crawl out from among this one here, go right over, the germ come over here; and an egg will come from among these other eggs over here, and they'll meet together. And the rest of them die. Yet, they're alive, but they die.

249 Because, there is Something, Someone made this one fertile, and ordained this one, too. It's predestination, my brother. Sure. God has to determine whether it's going to be boy or girl, red-head, black-head, or whatever it is. It's determined by God. More mystery than a virgin birth, to me. But, notice, the rest of them die.

250There were two million people come out, sung, shouted, done everything. Spoke in... not ever spoke in tongues. But they shouted, and--and give God glory, and danced up-and-down the sea, and done everything that all the rest of them did, but there were only two went into the promised land. Caleb went in, Caleb and Joshua, only two. That's one out of a million. It's one out of a million in natural birth. Every one of them had the same blessing.

Oh, you Pentecostals, I hope you don't wake up too late.

251One out of a million. Look. There is supposed to be five hundred million so-called Christians in the world today. If Jesus would come, there'd only be five hundred go with Him, then, if that statistic would run true. Why, there's more than that missing every day, over the world. They know nothing about it.

252 "'I understand,' said the scribes, 'you know that...' Why does the scribes say that--that, 'Elias must first come'?" They said to Jesus.

253He said, "Elias has already come and you didn't know it." See? He did just exactly what the Scriptures said was to happen to Him. See? "So must the Son of man suffer. Under..." They didn't recognize Him. Yet, they were all in the church. All claimed to be alive.

254And you just let a real, born-again Christian, a real servant of God, hear that Word of God, he'll come right out through every denomination, to that real fertile ground, by the Word, the bedding ground. He'll just do it. I don't know how he does it. God has ordained it to be done.

255 You was deceived in the beginning, by your first marriage. Now you know what's true. Just like I said, the little eagle when he heard the Bridegroom's Voice, he went to It, the anointed, vindicated Word of God for the last day.

256Noah was the vindicated Word for his day. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, his message won't work today.

257Moses was the vindicated Word of his day. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It won't work for now. Jesus was...

258John was the vindicated Word. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It wouldn't work in the days of Jesus. Certainly not. No, sir. "Law and prophets were until John; since then, the Kingdom of Heaven."

259 The apostles, them who set forth the Bible. Here come Luther out, in reformation, his words, that, his church, won't work today. Wesley's won't. Pentecostal's won't. It worked in their day.

260But it's another day. This is the opening of the Seven Seals. I know It sounds strange to you, but God has vindicate it so perfectly. There's no--no question in It. Just perfectly! I ain't scattering that to the local assembly here. I'm speaking to the people out across the nation. See? Do what you wish to.

261 Now notice the anointed Word of his day, of which you are a part, by predestination. You immediately, like, knew. When you heard That, you knew right quick that you was an eagle. You also realized that you wasn't a denominational chicken, to begin with. You knowed there is something wrong there. There is something wrong, that's right, for you know that you were trapped into it, at the beginning.

262 He, the Bridegroom, took away your shame, "And put it in the Sea of Forgetfulness, by the washing of the Water of the Word and the Blood of Life." That's what the Bible said. Your first husband that you were married to, the world; the anointed Bridegroom, which foreordained you, has washed you by the washing of the Water. By "the church"? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] That don't sound right. Does it? ["No."] You might find that in the almanac, but not in God's Bible. "By the washing of the Water by the Word." In the Word! See? By the...

263You are standing completely justified, as though you never did it at the beginning. This is my Message to the Church now. As you... as we go off the air, just in a minute. You are standing, if you're standing on God's Word and with God's Word, every amen, every jot, every tittle. Where you standing? I'm trying to tell you, pull away from them shucks. And get out here in the wheat, where you can get ripe before the Son. I hear the coming of the combine. You're standing complete, justified, like you never did it in the first place. Hallelujah!

264Talk about a thanksgiving! I feel real good. I'm more thankful for that than anything I know of.

265You are the pure, virtuous, sinless Bride of the Son of the living God. Every man and woman that's born of the Spirit of God, and washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and believes every Word of God, stands as though you never sinned at the first place. You are perfect. The Blood of Jesus Christ! How can you... If a man...

266 If I was supposed to die in the morning, a man took my place, I cannot die for that sin. Somebody took my place.

267And Jesus, the Word, took my place. He become me, that a sinner, that I might become Him, the Word. Amen. Let me hold true to It, not the church. The Word! Amen.

268Oh, that spiritual union of Christ and His Church now, when the flesh is becoming Word, and the Word is becoming flesh, manifested, vindicated. Just what the Bible said would happen in this day, it's happening, day by day. Why, it's cumulating so fast out there, in those deserts, and things taking place, that I couldn't even keep up with it. We're near the Coming of Jesus, to be united with His Church, where the Word becomes the Word. Call of the Holy Spirit, searching the hearts!

269 You're standing, completely. You never sinned at the first place. God don't even know. It's in the Sea of Forgetfulness. You never did it. You were accused of it, by the accuser. But really, from the beginning, you were predestinated to be a son and daughter of God. You're standing there, washed. And your old book of divorcement is put away, and it's dead, absolutely out of existence, even in the mind of God.

270You're the virtuous Bride of Christ, washed in the Blood of Christ. Precious, virtuous, sinless Son of God standing with a pure, unadulterated Bride-Word that He washed by the Water of His Own Blood; that become flesh and manifested, that He might take you which were predestinated in the bosom of the Father, before the beginning, the same as He was. He was that great attribute of God, called "love."

271 Whatever you are, you are servants of God, whatever God wants you to do, where your place is. "God placed in the Church, some apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors..." He placed that by virtue of His Own predestination. And you were that, to begin with.

272Your first wedding was annulled. It was. You never done it, in the first place. Because, there's only one thing could do it, that would be God come down, Himself, and took your place in a form of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, and washed you by the Water, of the washing of the Water by the Word. The Word; not the denomination! The Word washed you. But if you won't stand in the Water of the Word, how you going to be washed? You're still as spotted as Eve was.

Oh, dear dying Lamb, Thy precious Blood

Shall never lose Its power,

Till all the ransomed Church of God

Be saved to sin no more.

273 What is sin? Sin is "unbelief." Unbelief in (what?) the Word; unbelief in God, which is the Word.

274Pure, unadulterated; oh, hallelujah; leaving soon for the skies; amen; standing ready. Think. Your garments, washed by the Water of the bleeding Word! The Word become Blood. The Word bled for you, and you are washed in bleeding Word. The Word, bleeding! The Life of God in the Word, and the Word was bled for you, that you might be washed from the filth of these prostitutes, and be cleaned and sanctified by the washing of the Water of the Word, and makes your mind and heart stayed on God and on His Word.

275 Now, how you know It's true? When God comes down and vindicates It and prove.

276You say, "Well, I didn't believe It that way." They didn't believe It Jesus' way, but God proved It. They didn't believe It Noah's way. They didn't believe It Moses' way. They was willing to take Balaam's word for It, "We're all the same, so let's just associate together."

"Separate yourself," the Bible said, "from unbelief."

277 Hallelujah! Now notice. You're not only that, but you're going to the Wedding in the sky. And you are wearing the wedding band of predestinated, unmerited grace, a wedding band of grace unmerited of your own. God did it, Himself. He knew you before the foundation of the world, so He slipped the wedding band on you There, put your name on a Book. What a thanksgiving! Hallelujah! Praise our God!

278 Now, in closing, I might say this. We all know that the modern church, Pentecostal, in its present condition... All the denominations together, I'll throw them all in one bundle, because they are. You remember, He's going to bundle the weeds, first, and burn them. Take the... He takes all the wheat stalks and burn it all up, first; then He take, come and gets His wheat and takes it Home. They're all gathering in a bundle, bundle of Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals, all going to Ecumenical Council. That's all. They're all burned. See?

279 We all know that the modern church, in its present condition and its present state, is in no condition to finish up the great commission that God gave the Church for this day. How many Pentecostal can say "amen" to that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Right. See? It's in...

280We're oneness, twoness, threeness, this, that, other, fuss, fight. One is this, and one is that, and other. And every one of them, afraid to face the Word, right down to the test. See? They know. You tell them about It; they say, "I--I can't help it. I can't believe That. I don't care what he does. I..." See? See? See? Shows what mammy and pappy you have. "You might be a state presbyter someday. You might be this, that, or the other." You better be a son of God.

281 Now, we know that the church could not, the Pentecostal church, by no means, by no means, could carry out the last-day Message, in its present condition. Could it? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Why, it can't even agree on one or two Words in the Bible. How you going to do it? It can't do it. So, you see, denomination is out. That's right.

It's going to be an elected people that's elected for it. See?

282Now know, and so do every one of us know, that the whole rank of denominationals, Pentecostal and all, are dead, that is, to the born-again Christian of the Message. Uh-huh. Your first husband is dead. You know he's dead. God let it die. It's finished. All of its scientific, intellectual, educational, scientific ways of its so-called Bible schools and things is perished. What's it done? Separated, oneness here, and trinities here, and twoness here, and over here, and down here, and such a mess up, and call themselves Pentecostals.

283 Why, I went to a young man, other day; is listening right in, right now. And a young woman, she belonged to a certain church. She said... I said... They separated. I said, "What's the matter?"

Said, "We're a different faith."

I said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Are you Catholic?"

284She said, "No." She told me the denomination church she belonged to, a Pentecostal.

285I said, "What are you?" He's Pentecostal, too, but another denomination. Oh!

286You know, the Roman Catholic church started off, Pentecostal? How many knows that true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It taken it two thousand years to get where it's got now, just don't take nothing of the Scripture no more. Nothing. Why, the Pentecostal, in twenty years from now, will be worse than they are now, it keeps on going the way it is now. Why, sure. See? What is it? What is it? Look who their papa and mama is. Let their women cut their hair. They can do nearly anything they want to. "As long as they belong to the church, that's all is necessary."

287 Oh, no wonder, no wonder the damnation of God heaps up! God put It right before your eyes. You shut your eyes and fail to look at It. Yeah. Shutting up your bowels of compassion, when you see the true Word of God and these Seven Seals being vindicated and proved to be so. And witness in the heavens, across the nations and everywhere else, by great signs and wonders that He promised He would do, then you shut up, say, "I--I don't know. I--I can't help it. I..." See? Oh, my! It's dead, and don't know it. Sins and trespasses! You're dead. Oh, my!

288 We all know that the church in that condition couldn't finish up this last day. How could it bring Malachi 4 in? How could it do it? They don't even believe in such a thing. How could it believe, bring in Luke 17:30? How could it bring in all these other Scriptures that's promised this last day? It couldn't do it, because it denies It. "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man."

289Look at the condition, Lot, that Sodom was in, in that day. Look, condition the church of the day. Look what happened to Abraham, the Elected.

290Look what happened to Lot and them down in Sodom. Look at the Billy Graham and Oral Roberts, them down there amongst those denomination. Look at the elected Abraham Church, pulled out.

291 Look what kind of sign, that Jesus Himself, the incarnated God standing there in human flesh. You say, "That was an Angel." The Bible said It was God.

292Lord God, Elohim, standing there in human flesh, showing that He would so anoint His Church in the last days. It'd be God working in human flesh again. "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the Coming of the Son of man." Same kind of a thing. They see it right there in the Scriptures. Read the... "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life." And They are They that testify of This. See? See?

293 So we know they're dead. God let it die in its own selfish, scientific, educational program.

294All the Pentecostals used to talk about--about sending their kid away to Bible school, back when old Brother Loyate, them was around here, and they'd run you out of the church. "But, oh, now it's the greatest thing. My son is away in Bible school." He's digging his grave. So, now, you think they could take It, today?

295You think I'm trying to support ignorance? I'm not. I'm telling you there's a difference between this intellectual age that we're living in, where the church has been pregnated with science and all these so-called "figured out" and everything. You don't figure out God.

296Well, them--them priests had God figured out so perfect. They knowed how the Messiah was going to come, but He come so different from what they had figured out. It wasn't scientific. "How could this Man, being an illegitimate Child? Where did He go to school at? Where did His education come from? Where did He get this learning?"

297"Why, You try to teach us? You're born in fornications." See? Oh, for goodness sake!

298 See the same thing repeat again? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See it repeat again? All in their religious science, religious science according to what their Bible school said, that's the way they want It. "That's the way It has to be, or It isn't."

299God just fools them, every time. It always comes different. It did in Noah's time; did in Moses' time; did in Christ's time; did in John's time; did in disciples' time; did in Wesley's time; did in Luther's time; did in Pentecostal time; and so has it again. It don't change Its pattern. Always comes the same thing. Only reformers through them seven, six ages, till the seventh. And Revelation 10 said, in this hour it'll change. And it did.

300 Now we're closing, in saying this. Finish up the great commission, how could they do it? We know they're dead. God let it die in this scientific age, all of it, so--so He could (do what?) open up the Seven-Seal mystery to the undenominational Bride. How can a denomination accept those Seven Seals, when It's absolutely contrary, serpent's seed and all those other things? The whole, full seven mysteries is contrary to what they been taught, because they took the old school from their Bible school.

301And the Seven Seals of God, when It was opened there on the mountain: let God, no, let me die right now at this pulpit if That ain't the Truth. And I foretold you, a year and six months before it happened, what He told me, "Go to Arizona," and what would happen out there in the desert. And there's men setting right here, tonight, was standing right there and present when the seven Angels come down. And even mag-... The magazine, Life magazine, packed the article of It. It's right there in the observatory, everything. Now they don't even know what It's all about.

302And everything has been said, oh, even to the destruction of California, coming up now, and all these other things. And how I told them how many days it would be, how it would be where this big earthquake happened in Alaska, and that would be the beginning of the sign of time, and what would take place. And just word by word, what It said, it's never failed one time. You've never seen It fail. And It can't fail, because It's God's Words. "And Heaven and earth will pass away, but It can't fail." That's right.

303 God had to open up those Seven Seals, not in a denomination. I've always been against it. But, out of denomination, He might take a Bride, not a denominational bride. He couldn't do it. It's against His Own Word. He opened those seven mysteries in there. That shows forth, brings forth those things that's been hid since the foundation of the world, might be revealed in the last days, to sons of God. They brought That forth now before the people, that they see It there, you now, to this undenominational Bride. Oh, my!

304There is your two books. One of them is the Lamb's Book of Life. Your name on There is predestinated on There. It can't go, because you can no more take that away than nothing, see, because it was foreordained to be on There. But the regular book of life, can take that off at any time. See? You don't repent, it's off, anyhow, 'cause you're going to stand the Judgment. The Bride don't even stand the Judgment; goes in the Rapture. Just as...

305 I say this, in closing. It's getting late, so it's almost nine-thirty. And we're going to be out of here by nine-thirty, the Lord willing. Just real reverent now, listen. One time...

306Saying this now, this goes across the nation. In New York, now it's twenty-five minutes after eleven. Way up in Philadelphia and around through there, those dear saints setting there listening, right now, in churches all around. Way up, way down around Mexico, way up around in Canada and all around, across. Two hundred miles, anywhere within the North America continent here, almost, people is at it, listening right now. Thousands times thousands, listening.

307That's my Message to you, Church, you that's a union, spiritual union by the Word, that you're dead to these old husbands. You're born anew. Don't try to dig him up. He's dead. If you're a born-again Christian, that little germ that was predestinated to you, it's Word coming on Word, on Word, on Word, on Word, and come into full stature of Christ, that's right, so He can come get His Bride. Now we're just ready for one thing, that's the Coming of the Lord.

308 There is your name on the Book of Life. The Book of Life is the Word of God, 'cause the Word is God, and God is the only thing that is Life. So your name was represented in the Bible before the Bible become on Word. And if you're here to do that, won't It vindicate that Word? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Won't the Church vindicate Itself? Won't Malachi 4, all these other things, perfectly, perfectly vindicate Itself and show that That's what It is? ["Amen."]

309When Jesus come, He said, "If I do not the works is promised for Me to do, don't believe Me." Which one of the groups did He join? He said, "They all... You're of your father, the Devil, and his works you do." See? See?

310We're in the last days, Church. That's my thanksgiving Message to you.

311 Now, before closing. One time I was up in Glacier National Park. We heard, all day long, that they had a--they had a fall, a glacier fire that was going to fall at night. So the people was busy, all day long, getting that thing ready, because they was going to pour that fire out, that night. They put a liquid fire falls, like a great glacier of water. But it's... Looked like a rainbow, almost, when it comes out, of that fire falling out of this glacier. All around through the park, wife and I, and children, walked around through the day. We want to stay to see that fire exhibition. So it--it--it was promised us that we would see it, and we'd witness it again. They said they have it ever through the summer seasons and so forth. I said, "Well, will we be able to see it?"

312Said, "We promised it tonight. We're promised that." Said, "They're up there getting it ready now."

313 After all had been made ready for the event! That's what's taking place right now. All has been made ready for the event, a Church being pulled out for His Name's sake, taking His Bride out from amongst the world, these denominations and all the world, and the filth and things of the world.

314Everybody; the event was made ready. Everybody was standing out. They said, "Now keep watching, right up on top the mountain there."

315That's the way It's always come. That's the way It's to come this time. That's the way It always come. Not through a denomination! Never did God use a denomination, never!

316The reformer goes forth, he gets the Word of the Lord. And then when he dies, they build a denomination out of it. That's what the Pentecostals and all did. When the new issues, everything, that's just the way. That's the way the thing come out. A new word added, then they build a church out of it, made a denomination, separated themself. It had to be that way.

317Now, you can't beat--you can't beat nature. Nature falls in the same routine, all the time: stalk, leaf, tassel, so forth, shuck, then the wheat.

318 Now notice. All was ready. Everything had been kindled and made ready. And everybody was standing out. I had my head sticking up; my arm around my wife. We was looking. And children standing there, all of us looking up, like that. My! It was something, 'cause we was expecting it. It was promised to us.

319Amen! The Word promises This. "It shall come to pass, before the great and terrible day of the Lord shall come, behold, I will send unto you Elijah the prophet. He shall turn the hearts of the children back to the fathers."...?... "It shall come to pass in the last days, I'll pour out My Spirit from on High." "The former and latter rain shall come together in the last day." All these promises, through the Scriptures, been given. We're looking upward. Watch at the true Bride across the nation this hour, looking up. Church, He is coming, one of these days. Just as sure as He come the first time, He is coming again. Get everything ready. Separate yourself from shuck. Lay before the Son. Keep looking up. Be under expectation.

320 All at once, we heard something from the top the hill, a voice come down through the loud speaker, said, "All things are ready."

321Then this man, standing right there by the side of me, said, "Let the fire fall." Here it come, pouring down across that mountain, a glacier of fire and blazes a licking, a sight to behold.

322Brother, let's get all things ready, for one of these days the Fire is going to fall. We're going up. Now let's get ready for the Fire-falling time. We're in the last days, we all know that, and we're ready for the Coming of the Lord. The thing to do is separate yourself from all sin. Separate yourself from anything that pertains to the world. "Don't love the world or the things of the world."

323"Let no man, by his creed, deceive you." You stay right straight in the promise of God, the Word of God. And that Word, if It's a Word for this day, God vindicates It so. If He doesn't, it's not the Word for this day.

324The Word that fell on the Day of Pentecost will not work this day. No, sir. That was for Pentecost. This is for the Bride, going Home of the Bride. We got something different. The Pentecostals represented that, again. We're in the Bride age. No more than the--the Word of Noah would work in the days of Moses; no more than Moses' law would have worked in the time of Paul here. He tried to tell them, "You are dead to that, and you cannot have that."

325 Church, you who I'm speaking to, tonight, across the nation, if--if you've separated yourself from denomination and all the filth and things of this world, and all those things that keeps you in man-made creeds and orders and things like that, you separated yourself. Look up. Get ready. The Fire is going to fall, one of these days. God is going to let Him come, and a sight to behold. Would you be ready when He comes? Would you be ready to go up with Him when He comes? The secret Rapture of the supernatural Bride, "She'll be made mor-... from mortal to immortality; be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of eye. We which are alive and remain shall not prevent them which are asleep."

326 The other day, on Armistice Day, I was standing down there in Tucson. My little boy wanted to see the parade. I was studying, and I didn't have time to do it. I had a lot of sick calls and things. So he said, "Daddy, they won't take me." He said, "Take me."

327I said, "All right." Brother Simpson, I think he's here; and his little boy wanted to go. So I jerked them in the car and run down.

328I stood there on the corner and watched. And after while, I heard, way back in the distance, a muffle coming, "womp, womp," drums, beating. I stood there. I thought, "Well, these little fellows, they really read all these books about army. They'll really like that." I noticed, coming up first was the old World War I tank. There they come up, little bitty fellows like that. There was next come, after that; was the next come after that was the big new tank of the Second World War, the big Sherman tank with a muzzle break on it. Then come the next, and the next, and after while come the Gold Star Mothers.

329And then, after while, come twelve veterans that's left, in the whole state of Arizona, from the First World War; twelve veterans. After that, come a float, the unknown soldier, the little white cross. There stood a sailor, marine, and a soldier, standing guard; a little partition on the float. On the other side was an old gray-headed mother, setting with a gold star pinned on her, a little lovely wife crying, her husband was dead; a little ragged boy, his head turned sideways. His daddy was killed. And then behind that come more and more and more, and then to the new army. I stood there. What a sight to behold, but how sad!

330 I thought, "O God, one of these days I'm going to behold another sight."

331They'll come forth a resurrection day, which, "The first will be last; they which are last will be first." The old prophets will come breaking forth, first, and they see that procession going, marching up in the air. "And we which are alive and remain shall not hinder them which are asleep. For the trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first." We'll fall right in line with them going in, hallelujah, all down through the age of Luther, Wesley, Methodist, Presbyterian, on down to the last age, who received the Word in their age.

God bless you. Get all things ready, and the Fire will fall.

332 Let's bow our heads just a moment. I wonder, in this visible audience tonight, while I've held you here for... till nine-thirty. Is there one here, is there a dozen here, how many here, and says, "Brother Branham, I'm ashamed of myself, the way I've lived. I have catered a lot to a denomination and men. I know that I'm not up with the Word of God. I'm just going to ask you to pray for me, Brother Branham"? Raise up your hand. God bless you. God bless you. Just look, way up into the balconies, around. God bless you. "I know..." Now don't be ashamed. Now, don't be.

333 And out yonder, across the nation, from New York to California, from Canada to Mexico: You people that's gathered in those churches (where those faithful little groups that's believed this Message with all their hearts; they've come out, come out of great tribulation, come out through those denominations; they're germs of Life) do you feel the urging, tonight, like the little eagle, that you hear Something that's a little different from what you've heard, but, yet, in your heart you know it's the Truth? You, in there, there's a pastor standing there somewhere. You got your hand up. I'm going to pray for you.

334These things wasn't done in a corner, friend. Remember, "Strait is the gate and narrow is the way, and but few there'll be that will find it." Don't go with that crowd that's moving on yonder, friend, that Laodicea Church Age. It could jump up-and-down, dance under music, lukewarm. Didn't say it was ice cold now. It said, "It was lukewarm," that's the Pentecostal, "and don't know that it's miserable, wretched, blind." Blind to what? The Word, to the manifestation of the Word, because It never come through their organizations. They cannot receive It.

335 And you ministers down there in Tucson, tonight, I don't hold you responsible for that. God does. I was there for three years. I told you I wouldn't start a church. I didn't. Brother Pearry Green started it. I was there three years, and not one time did you invite me to your pulpit. I set in Tucson for nearly three years. God will take me from the desert one of these days. This Message must live. I tried my best to get in to you. I--I know the reason you did it. You hear? Only reason you did it, your denomination would kick you out. And you know, many of you I've talked to, there at Furr's Restaurant, and you know it's the truth. Shame on you.

336Come out of it. Get out of there, brother. If there's any Life in you, you'll be like that little eagle I just spoke of, you'll hear the Word of God. Remember, you're going to hear This for the last time, one of these days. We're real close now. Won't you come, tonight?

337 Dear God, we set solemnly now, a thanksgiving day it really is, Lord. I am grateful, Lord, to be living in this day. This is the greatest day. Paul the apostle longed to see this day. The great men of old longed to see it. The prophets longed to see it. They looked for this day. Abraham looked for this day, for he sought for a City whose Builder and Maker was God; it hangs right above us, tonight. John seen the Spirit of God descending out of Heaven, bore record, knowed that that was the Son of God. And, think now, He's choosing His Bride.

338Dear God, out across the land everywhere, speak to their heart. You're the only One can change their heart. If that wasn't Seed put in there at the beginning, they'll never see It, Lord. They're just... "The blind will lead the blind. They'll fall in the ditch," as sure as anything, because Your Word says they will.

339 Now, Father, being that we see across the country, around the world, in Africa, dozens, dozens through South Africa, Mozambique, all across the country, little assemblies taking these tapes. And so will this tape go to twenty-some odd, different nations. They're beginning to see It and pull away, hundreds and hundreds of them. Won't take many, Lord. Then when the last member is received into the Body, Christ will come.

340Lord God, I'm asking the Bride, tonight, the ones that I feel has pulled away and waiting. May they separate themselves from everything in the world. They must lay in the Presence of the warm Son Light of the Son of God, bathing in His Word, in His love. Grant it, dear God.

341 May these people here, visible, that held up their hand, tonight, dozens of them through this great tabernacle. I pray, God, that new Life will come into them. I pray it, for across the nation and even around the world, where the tape will be played, that they also will receive this thanksgiving Message and know, by the hints and things that's been throwed, what they must do. I pray it, Father. Grant it. Bless them. They're Yours.

342I know it's customary now, Father, that we ask the people to the altar. I pray, dear God, that in every mission, everywhere around, and in across the world, that they will come to the altar: the black, the white, yellow, brown, wherever they are; the rich, the poor, the indifferent, the beggars, whatever they are.

343The denominationals, those who set self-styled and self-centered, O God, "Naked, miserable, wretched, blind, and don't even know it." You said it would be that way, and it's that way.

344So I pray, Father, that You'll call every Seed, tonight. And everywhere around the world that This may fall, may It catch that little eagle that knows the Voice of his Lord. Grant it, Lord. I commit them to You, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

345 Now with your heads bowed, here in the visible audience. Would some here, that hasn't been saved, not even given your heart to God, don't you think you ought to be thankful for what Jesus did for you? To think, that you are a sinner, that you're an alien from God, and yet Something at your heart, knocking. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] How do you know but what you are one of those little eagles! You are miserable, and will be miserable, till you surrender to It. Why not make this one of the greatest thanksgiving you ever had, when you received Jesus Christ as your Saviour.

346Will you come up here and stand at the altar? I'll pray with you if you will come, any sinner, man or woman, boy or girl, church member or not church member. Church member doesn't make you a Christian now. The altar is open. Will you come, any sinner that would want to come, receive the Lord Jesus Christ. Would like to really quit...

347Some of you denominationals that would like to quit feeding on that chicken food, of saying, "You belong to this and it's all right." You really want to know what the real baptism of the Holy Ghost is? Come, find out.

348 The altar is open. We're ready. Just come right up, out--out of your seat. Come right on up and kneel down here at the altar, this brother that's just come.

349"Thanksgiving, O God, I'm so thankful to You. That, all my life, I've knowed there's been something, Lord. I've never been satisfied. I've tried. I--I thought, 'Next year, I'll do it. The next week, I'll do it, next time I hear an altar call. I will, someday.' I put it off, and put it off. But, Lord, I know there is something wrong with me. I'll always believe that there was something different. And now, Lord, tonight, I'm thankful for a preparation that's been made by the Son of God, that my sins, actually my unbelief, would be washed away from me. I'm coming, tonight, and kneel down to accept the great thanksgiving blessing that Jesus Christ did for me when He died for me at Calvary."

350 Will you come? Now there's people kneeling around the altar here. Why don't you get up and come? You've wanted to do it. You've tried it.

351Just think of Brother Lyle Palmer, our good, precious brother. He was setting in the yard, so I understand, looking at his little girl playing croquet out there, or something, and he pitched over in the chair and was dead before he could even make a move. You don't know what time you're going to leave here. You just don't know what time that you're going. It may be yet, tonight, so why not come and settle it now?

352Come on, people. Can't you feel Something tugging at you? I--I know there's many of you here that should be right here at the altar, and just this six or seven people here is not what is setting in here. Now, if you believe me and watch here at the platform, things happening, you believe me now. One day my voice will be stilled. You won't hear it no more. You might wish you would have come.

353You say, "But, Brother Branham, I been a church member." That don't make any difference what you've been. So had--so had Nicodemus been a church member. So had John, Peter, James, Paul, all the rest of them been church members.

354 Paul was a church member until something happened one night, or one day it was, and he come. He was a changed church member then, to a son of God. Won't you come? Oh, he was trained. He was intellectual. He knowed he was trained, one of the greatest-trained schools there was, Gamaliel, one of the finest teachers there was in the land. But he knowed he needed something.

355Won't you come? Once more I ask you. In where... Here or around the nation, I ask you, wherever you are, in what assembly you are, at this thanksgiving hour. Remember, I'm being taped here; not only here, but in Heaven.

356You know, it's scientifically proved that every move you make is recorded. They prove that. Remember, television proved that. The television doesn't--doesn't manufacture the picture. You're the picture. It just transmits that what you're doing, into a channel. You're there, anyhow. See? When you move your finger, that move goes around the world. Every time that you put on a dress, your looks goes around the world. It's on a record. Every thought that goes through your mind is on a record. And someday the record is going to quit playing, it's going to be put in the album.

357 And then at the Judgment it's going to be come back. There you stand with bobbed hair, claiming to be a Christian. There you stand with thoughts in your mind against the Word, and it's right in your mind. You can't hide it. Remember, television, science even knows that's true. You standing right now, knowing that you should be here, remember, when this is recorded. At the Day of the Judgment, that same thought that you're having will be coming right back through your mind again. That will be right on record. The whole world will see it played. Why don't the world.... Looking at you, on the Day of the Judgment, all the Angels there.

358"If you're ashamed of Me here, when your picture is being made now, at the Day of the Judgment I'll be ashamed of you. For, I anointed My Word, sent It to you. You wouldn't believe It. You hid yourself behind something."

359"Oh," you say, "I'm good enough. I've done this. I've danced in the Spirit. I've spoke in tongues." So does the heathen. "I shouted." So does the heathen. How can you turn back on the Word then?

Why not?

Why not come to Him now?

Why not? Why not?

Why not come to Him now?

Why do you wait, dear brother?

Oh, why do you tarry so long?

Jesus is waiting to save you

A place in His sanctified Home.

Put you one of the members of His Body!

Why not?

Oh, little eagle, come now.

Oh, why not come?

360 Lord, I'm thankful. I'm very thankful. Thanksgiving to You, Lord; not for natural food, yet that. But, Lord, the end time is here. I'm thankful for this spiritual Food, Lord, the spiritual Food of the Seven Seals was promised to be opened.

You say, "That'll be something different." No, no.

361You can't add one word. And take... It's already in There, just hid. It's sealed. How many understands that? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See?

You say, "Well, that's a mystery will come forth." Oh, no.

362It's already Writ. You can't add one word to It, or take one from It. See? It's already in There. It's just got to be revealed in the last day.

363 Won't you come? Come on now, friend. If you can't understand, come. Kneel down, talk to Him about It. If I can't make It plain to you, He will, for He is a--a Dissolver of all doubts.

... in His sanctified throne.

Oh, why won't you come? Why not?

Why not come to Him now?

364Remember, there's a recording making of this, not only on this tape, but God's great record. Each one of you, every move, when you bow your head, bow your heart, what thought goes through your mind, remember, it's being recorded right now in Glory, and the record is going to be played on the Day of Judgment. Where is your decision? Oh, how you'll want it changed, at that Day.

365 I'm just going to wait, 'cause there's many, many, around the altar now. See? Maybe one of them, if I held just a little longer, there might be another one out there, might be somewhere in New York, it might be somewhere in Philadelphia, out in California, Arizona. Somewhere, there might be another one coming. Pastor, wherever you are, don't give the altar call up now.

366We may never see another Thanksgiving. This might be the last one, and records will be put up, tonight, for the last time. The tape will run out, one of these days. The record will be cut and will be in God's album. Then it's going to be played back, what your thoughts is now. Don't say you didn't know different. You do. "But no man can come to Me, except My Father draws him. And all the Father has given Me, they will come."

... come to Him?

367 I believe, if I was setting out there somewhere, and I had the least thought, I'd sure take up here as hard as I could.

Why not? Why?

368Are you finished? You sure you're not grieving His Spirit now? Let's keep our heads bowed then. You sure you haven't grieved His Spirit? You sure you've done just exactly what He told you to do? You positive now? Remember, you--you might not never have another chance. The record may be finished up, tonight. This may be all of it. This may be the last tape for you. Are you sure you're ready now? If so, I leave it in your hands, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

369 Now while the choir is singing softly, I'm going to pray for these that's down here. I'm just kind of a very odd sort of a Christian. I believe that God has to do the saving. I believe God has to plant the Word. "I the Lord," says the Bible, Isaiah, "I the Lord hath planted It. I'll water It, day and night, lest some should pluck It from My hand." Before I ask anyone to come around the altar with these people, I want to pray for them, myself.

Let's bow our heads now.

370 Dear Jesus, I just quoted Your Word, that Your prophet said, and I know the words of the prophets are true. And You said, "I the Lord hath planted It." Why, certainly, You put It on the Lamb's Book of Life, before the foundation of the world. "I the Lord hath planted It, and I'll water It, day and night, unless some should pluck It from My hand." These, probably, Lord, has heard a many altar call. But You're still watering at It, Lord.

371Here they are, tonight. May they just turn loose, tonight, Father, from all of the things of the world, all the sins and troubles that's in their heart, and just sanely, reverently, in their heart, turn loose to Your Word, right now, say, "Lord Jesus, down in my heart, I've always believed that there was something for me, that I never have received yet. Though I've tried, as the expression has been made tonight, to follow the hen, but there was something seemed strange to me. It didn't sound just right. Then, tonight, I feel that I'm coming now closer into the arms of the living Word. I'm coming here just as reverently, in my right mind. I've settled down here by this altar. I want salvation, Lord, so bad. I'm so hungry! I want You, Lord, to hold me in Your arms, tonight. Not through any emotion, but through the Spirit of love, take me into Your arms, dear God.

372"I'm Your child. I feel that I'm that eagle they were talking about. Catch me, Lord. I'm jumping. I raised up from my seat, and knelt down here. Catch me, Lord. I'm jumping. Bring me on Your wings, Lord, away from these things of the world. Let me fly away from the filth of this world, from my bad habit, from all my denominational tradition. Let me come only to You, dear God, that Your Holy Spirit might pour into me the forgiveness of all of my doubts. May I, tonight, become Your child, fresh, born, and a new creature, tonight. Catch me. Carry me away, beyond the clucking of the hen. Carry me away, to the Eagle's nest, where there that I could be nurtured by the Word of God, until I'm able to fly."

373Grant it, dear God. Take them. They are Yours. This is my prayer with sincerity, praying over dying people. Grant it, Father. I offer this prayer in their behalf. For the glory of God, I ask it.

Now with our heads bowed.

374 I wonder, around the altar now, it's you that's knelt here. Many of you has claimed to be Christians, but you've felt that there's always something, somewhere, that you didn't possess. You might have done all the religious act. You might have shouted. You might have done all things. Might have danced in the Spirit. You might have spoke in tongues. And no one can say anything wrong against that. That's true. That's all good. But, you see, that's gifts of the Spirit, without the Spirit. If the Spirit was there, that feeling wouldn't be feeling condemned like that.

375Do you really, sincerely, here at the altar, believe that right now, while you're here, that just the act of turning yourself loose, not an emotion now, but in genuine, unadulterated faith, that God will receive you and nurture you with His Word until you are eagles, yourself, and can fly? If you do, and you want God to do that, raise up your hand, you that's around the altar down here. God bless you. Each one has their hands up.

376 Now, real quietly, I'm going to ask consecrated men and women who really know God.

377Most of them, it's very strange, it seems like it's that way, altar calls that I make is mostly all men. You know, in a regular run, it's women. But it's all men here. I think there's one woman at the altar, tonight, maybe two. It's usually the women. But, somehow or another, I guess it seem like women think I talk against them. I don't, sister. Three, I believe, somebody said they see. I can't see over the top of the altar here. All right.

378Some of you consecrated Christians come here and stand with me in prayer just a minute. On the altar, wherever you are, on the platform, somebody that really knows God, just knows how to stand here just a few minutes for prayer with them, then we'll dismiss the audience. Everybody be real reverent now. Don't leave. Just come here and stand around.

379Some of you people that really believe This to be the Truth, that we're entering another age. We're entering the Rapture Age. You know the church can't go in its condition, and it can't get any better. It must get worse. How many knows that? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It's got to get worse. And it can't go like this. See? It's got to be Something, and It's moving right now, friend. It's--it's--it's on, the move is on for the Bride. That's the Truth. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD.

380Move up now, consecrated Christians that wants your--your record to find out that, these who come sincerely, that you want to come and offer prayer with them, as your brothers and sisters, come up around the altar. Stand around here just a moment, for prayer. Someone else want to come, stand around here? Just kneel down by them. Just walk, where you men around those men; you women. Sweetly, humbly ask prayer for them.

Dear God, help...?...

381 "I surrender all. I surrender my denomination. I surrender my first wedding. I surrender my first husband. I surrender everything, Lord."

... -der all.

All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,

I surrender all.

I surrender all,

I surren-...

382You surrender your own idea? Can you surrender your own ideas, to God's Word?

All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,

I surrender all.

I surrender all,

I surrender all.

All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,

I surrender.

383 All that believe now, in the audience, stand up. Let's sing it, together, now.

I surren-...

You all surrender, ready to sing it now?


To Thee, my blessed Saviour,

I surren-...

384Now, you around the altar, if you really surrender, raise your hand up to Him, sing, "I surrender all. I surrender denomination. I surrender denomination. I surrender church. I surrender myself. I surrender my idea. All to Thee, my blessed Saviour, I surrender all. To Thee, my..."

I surrender all,

I surrender all.

All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,

I surrender all.

Do you really mean it?

I surrender all,



385 You here now at the altar. You here that's around the altar, that's prayed. The church has prayed for you. You prayed, yourself. Now there's only one way you can be saved, that's, "By faith are ye saved, and that by grace." The grace of God spoke to you, brought you to the altar. You're seeking God's blessings. You're seeking His Word. You're seeking the Holy Ghost. You're seeking the favors of God. And if you are, and you can, really, with all your heart, surrender it. Now, don't look for any emotion. Look for a Truth, a Truth that's from your heart, by faith. "Lord, I'm willing to do anything that Your Word commands me to do. I surrender myself, with all that's in me."

386If you believe that with all your heart, I want you to raise up to your feet, turn around to this church, the audience, and raise your hands up, and we'll sing it together with them, "I surrender everything that's in me, God. As best of my knowledge, everything that I am, I surrender."

387Step up on this platform here, you that's at the altar. Step right up here on the platform, brethren, right up here, all of you, and brothers and sisters.

Looky here, church.

388[A sister says, "Brother Branham, I belong to church, but lately I'm not--not even in it no more."--Ed.] Surrender? ["The Lord knows where I want to be led by Him. I want...?... to church. And I want the Holy Spirit, be filled with the Spirit. And I'd sooner die, if that's what it takes."] Yes. That's right. Do you surrender every bit to Him and His Word?

389 A sister here, out of a denomination. She said, "I belong to a denomination." We don't have to call it. She's a worker in there. But she said, "Brother Branham, I want to get out to the Truth. I want something deeper than that." See?

390Let me quote His Word. "Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled."

391Now, you here on the platform, that just come, if you are ready to surrender everything that you are, everything, to obey the Word of God. Nobody told you, this week, what to do. Now, if you're ready to surrender right now to Him, just raise up your hands, like this, to the audience. Now, you here on the platform, let's sing it together now, I Surrender All. Everybody, together. All right.

I surrender all,

Now really mean that!...?...

392 Do you really mean it? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Say, "Amen," once more. ["Amen."] Say, "Lord," ["Lord,"] "search me." ["search me."] "Try me." ["Try me."] "And give me an opportunity." ["And give me an opportunity."] "This is all I could do, tonight," ["This is all I could do, tonight,"] "is give myself to You." ["is give myself to You."] "You know the hunger of my heart." ["You know the hunger of my heart."] "You know my desire." ["You know my desire."] "Your promise was to fill that desire." ["Your promise was to fill that desire."] "Now I accept it." ["Now I accept it."] "And I surrender to You." ["And I surrender to You."] All together.

I surrender all,

I surrender all.

All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,

I surrender all.

1 Zrušil som poľovačku, takže môžem slúžiť pre Pána. Takže je to... Sme radi, že tu môžeme byť. Minule som vám tu povedal... myslím, že vždy, keď sa zídeme, niekto chýba. A keď sa vrátime na budúci rok, a Pán bude zhovievať, bude tu niekto chýbať.

Je niekto, kto mi bol veľmi, veľmi blízky, srdcom i duchom, bol to brat Lyle. Vždy som mal privítanie, keď som prišiel, stál som tam vzadu v študovni brata Jacka a počúval ten starý spevácky kvartet. Dnes večer oni spievajú v sláve. Jeden z tých hlasov je už tam a čaká na tých ďalších troch. Myslím, že ich už nikdy nebudem počuť tu na zemi. Ale, samozrejme sa teším, keď ich budem znova počuť, brata a sestru Moore a vás v tej Zemi, kde budú... to už nikdy nebude zahmlené.

2 Brat Palmer bol veľký Kristov sluha. Spomínam si na brata Jacka, ako mi hovoril o jeho Bohu-odovzdanom živote. Oni boli obaja tesári a povedal, že keď obedoval, držal v ruke sendvič, jedol sendvič a čítal pritom Bibliu. Vidíte, on urobil niekoľko mocných veľkých vecí, brat Palmer. Je dobrý tesár, dobrý otec svojim deťom, milá rodina. On ich všetkých vychoval, aby slúžili Pánovi. Pokiaľ viem, všetci sú spasení a naplnení Svätým Duchom. A to je veľký príspevok pre každého v týchto dňoch - pre chlapcov a dievčatá. Ale vidiac všetko to, čo oni urobili, to by nemalo príliš veľký význam, keby neslúžili Bohu... ak by neslúžil Bohu; a dnes večer... to, čo vykonal tu na zemi, jeho dobré skutky, on je preč, pri svojej odmene, aby bol s nimi. Bože, nech odpočíva duša nášho brata v pokoji. Viem, že pokiaľ tu bude táto modlitebňa, viem, že budete... jeho hlas tu stále bude. Môžete ho počuť.

3 Sestra Annajeanne a jej sestra hrali na organ a na klavír, oni nikdy nemuseli čakať. Brat Palmer tu len stál a len začal pieseň a oni to hneď chytili. A ja nikdy... Tešil som sa na to, ako ho budem počuť viesť piesne. Jeho deťom, jeho žene a bratovi Jackovi, jeho dôvernému priateľovi, oni boli priateľmi po všetky tie roky, a bratovi Brownovi, sestre Brownovej a vám všetkým v modlitebni, nech vás Boh žehná. Aj mne chýba. Bože, daj odpočinutie jeho statočnej duši, kým ho stretneme v pokoji. Skloňme svoje hlavy.

4 Milostivý nebeský Otče, práve hovoríme o tomto veľkom sluhovi, on mi dnes večer chýba, jeho potrasenie rukou a ten milý úsmev, ktorý mal vždy, keď povedal, „Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat Branham," keď sme vychádzali dverami. Viem, že dnes večer je hore v Tvojom dome. Tak sa modlím, drahý Bože, aby si nechal to ovocie, jeho skutky, ktoré ho nasledovali, aby boli veľké, aby pokračovali s jeho deťmi a manželkou. Modlíme sa, aby si ju požehnal, Pane. Ty si povedal, že Ty budeš manželom tým vdovám, ktoré sú naozaj vdovami. Modlím sa teraz za našu sestru Palmerovú a za všetky tie deti. Viem s nimi obomi súcitiť, ...stratil som spoločníka a tiež som stratil otca.

5 Tak, Otče, ako sme tu dnes večer, modlíme sa, aby si pripravil tiež naše srdcia na tú hodinu. My nevieme, môže to prísť tak náhle, ako pri ňom. Nevieme, kedy to príde, ale vieme, že to musí prísť. Tak sa modlíme, Bože, aby si preskúmal každé srdce, ktoré je tu dnes večer. Bože, nevynechaj ma. Preskúmaj ma tiež a skús ma. Pane, ak je v nás niečo zlé, odstráň to. Chceme Ti slúžiť. To je náš hlavný cieľ, slúžiť Ti. Vylej na nás dnes večer Tvojho Ducha aj do konca tohoto týždňa.

Požehnaj túto modlitebňu - stánok, ktorý sa volá Stánok (modlitebňa) Života ("Life Tabernacle"). Nech obdrží plné požehnanie toho mena a nech je plná Božieho Života tento týždeň, aby každá stratená duša bola zachránená, aby každý veriaci bol naplnený Svätým Duchom a obnov znova tú nádej, ktorá je v nás, Pane.

6 Modlíme sa, aby si tiež uzdravil všetkých nemocných a postihnutých, ktorí prichádzajú medzi nás. Pane, nech je tu Tvoj veľký Svätý Duch a uzdrav a pomaž každého jedného, aby veril. Udeľ nám tieto veci, Otče.

Bože, pomôž mi teraz, keď pripadlo na mňa, aby som priniesol posolstvo. Modlím sa, Bože, aby si nechal tú ľudskú časť stáť bokom, nech príde Duch Svätý a pohybuje sa nad nami, Pane, nech Duch Svätý vedie toto stretnutie, Pane. Vieme, že sme tak nedostatoční. Nedokázali by sme to, ani jeden z nás. Netvrdíme, že sme schopní to robiť. Ale, Pane, my vieme, že Ty si Ten schopný. Tak hľadíme na Teba, Pane. Pohybuj sa, Duchu Boží a občerstvi nás. Prosíme v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

7 No, chcem odovzdať po linke pozdravy zborom, ktoré sú pripojené po celých štátoch. Sme prepojení telefónnou linkou, je to skvelý systém, ktorý sme mohli zaviesť vďaka nášmu bratovi Perry Greenovi z Beaumontu v Texase. A tie zbory, ktoré sú pripojené dnes večer, naprieč celými Spojenými štátmi, nasledujú to posolstvo.

Posielame pozdravy od hora dolu po západnom pobreží, celou cestou od Vancouveru dole po Tijuana v Mexiku, cez San Jose, Los Angeles, všetky tie skupiny tam, pozdravujeme vás zo Shreveportu, tiež všetkých po Prescott v Arizone, skupine tam hore, ktorá čaká na Pána, posielame vám pozdravy a tiež do Tucsonu, od Sierra Vista po New York, hore a dolu naprieč celým národom. Nech vás Pán žehná, každého jedného. Priali by sme si, aby ste tu boli dnes večer s nami. Tento nádherný štát Louisiana, kde to vyzerá ako môj druhý domov...

8 Ja... Viete, vy ľudia hore v New Yorku, viete, trochu sa tak smejem na tom, ako vy hovoríte. Dnes večer som doma. Každý tu dole, viete, povie, „Hello, drahý brat Branham. Priveď sestru Branhamovú a všetkých mladých a príďte nás pozrieť." Ó, to mi robí, že sa cítim dobre. To je pre mňa skutočná angličtina. Nemyslím tým nebrať na vás ohľad, vy ľudia z východu a severu a z rôznych miest, ale viete, myslím, že som sa narodil ako starý „Reb" a musím taký zostať. Mám to tak trochu rád. To je skutočná angličtina.

Bol som tu nie tak dávno na raňajkách Obchodníkov a oni povedali, „Teraz sa postavíme a zaspievame národnú hymnu." A ja som sa postavil a povedal, „Pre môj starý ďaleký Kentucký domov..." Pre mňa bola to národná hymna. To je všetko, čo som o tom vedel. Takže, posielame vám pozdravy.

9 A teraz do... Verím, že oni sa pokúsia vysielať tiež tie Raňajky Obchodníkov v sobotu ráno. Brat Green vám povie, on je teraz tam pri mikrofónoch. Takže on vám povie, kedy začínajú tie Raňajky a kedy sa treba každý večer naladiť. Veľmi pekne vám ďakujeme a modlite sa za nás.

10 No, tento miestny zbor a modlitebňa brata Jacka, chcel by som vás dnes večer poprosiť o láskavosť. Dnes večer chcem priniesť posolstvo Vďakyvzdania našim miestnym zborom po celom národe, ktoré nasledujú to Posolstvo, v tomto budem... možno budem trochu dlho hovoriť a potom znovu, možno budem kázať nejakú náuku. Takže ak... A keď s tým nebudete súhlasiť, práve tak ako som vždy hovoril, keď sa je čerešňový koláč: Keď narazím na kôstku, nevyhodím koláč, vyhodím tú kôstku a ďalej jem ten koláč. Takže ak sa náhodou zmienim dnes večer... Ja... To je jeden dôvod, prečo som prijal toto pozvanie na dnes večer, aby som tu bol a priniesť moje posolstvo Vďakyvzdania skupinám po celej krajine, pretože brat Jack vždy slobodne otvoril svoje dvere a povedal, „Káž, čo máš na srdci." Takže sa skutočne cítim ako doma. Tak sa môže stať, že tu, v tomto miestnom zbore s bratom Jackom, môžu tu byť kazatelia a nejakí ľudia, ktorí by nesúhlasili s náukou. Obyčajne mám tú zdvorilosť, že sa nezmieňujem o náuke za kazateľňou človeka, ktorý ma pozval, aby som prišiel a hovoril pre neho. Takže po dnešnom večeri, myslím, že sa budem modliť za chorých a robiť obvyklú službu, ale myslel som, že vám dám vedieť vopred, že ak s niečím, čo poviem, sa nebude dať súhlasiť, dobre, pripočítajte to mojej nevzdelanosti, že hádam... a že to lepšie neviem a modlite sa za mňa.

11 Tak teraz, prejdime do Slova, sem do kapitoly, kde sa chcem dnes večer odvolávať na mnohé miesta, lebo mám tu na kazateľni niekoľko miest Písma a zopár poznámok.

Pamätám si, keď som prvý krát prišiel na pódium v „Life Tabernacle" pred dvadsiatimi rokmi, nemusel som si značiť miesta Písma a poznámky. Bol som vtedy o dvadsať rokov mladší. Ale teraz mi už prešlo dvadsať päť, druhý krát, takže, neviem si to zapamätať tak, ako som bol zvyknutý. Musím si poznačiť miesta Písma a niekedy stručne to alebo ono - na čo sa chcem odvolávať. A teraz, nech Pán dá požehnanie, keď budeme čítať Božie Slovo z knihy Rimanom, 7. kapitolu.

12 No, chcem to trochu učiť ako lekciu nedeľnej školy. Viem, že ľudia v modlitebni v Jeffersonville obyčajne stoja... chceme vás dnes večer tiež všetkých pozdraviť. Vieme, že ste pripojení tam v modlitebni. A zdá sa akoby som bol tam v modlitebni, ak ste tu boli, ľudia sú pri stenách a je to preplnené. No, predpokladám, že vy ste na tom tiež tak, všetci tí ľudia, ktorí sú hore, v tej časti krajiny, ktorí prichádzajú kvôli tomu posolstvu.

13 No, využijeme toto ako lekciu nedeľnej školy. A nie je to smerované na nič, na nijakých určitých ľudí, ani nič, len pre cirkev, pre Telo Kristovo, ktoré sa snažíme viesť do hlbších myšlienok a k vyšším cieľom, veriac, že príchod Pána Ježiša je nablízku. Veríme tomu. Oveľa bližšie, je to o dvadsať rokov bližšie, než ako to bolo, keď som prvý krát prišiel do Shreveportu. Ó, toľko sa toho odvtedy udialo. No, tešíme sa na príchod Pánov v našej generácii. Neočakávam prebudenie v našej generácii, ja očakávam príchod Pána v našej generácii.

14 No, v liste Rimanom 7, verím, že máte teraz otvorené svoje Biblie všade po celej krajine, chceme dôkladne čítať. No, toto posolstvo tu, to vyzerá ako na manželstvo a rozvod, ale v skutočnosti to nie je - pre mňa je to proroctvo pre cirkev v posledných dňoch. Čítajme.

Alebo či neviete, bratia, - lebo hovorím znalým zákona - že zákon panuje nad človekom dotiaľ, dokiaľ žije?

Lebo vydatá žena je priviazaná k živému mužovi zákonom. Ale keby muž zomrel, oprostená je zákona muža.

A tak tedy, kým žije muž, budú ju volať cudzoložnicou, ak bude ženou inému mužovi. Ale ak by zomrel muž, slobodná je od zákona, aby nebola cudzoložnicou, keby bola pripojená k inému mužovi.

Nasledovne, moji bratia, aj vy ste usmrtení zákonu skrze telo Kristovo, aby ste boli zaviazaní inému, tomu, ktorý to vstal z mŕtvych, aby sme niesli ovocie Bohu.

Lebo keď sme boli v tele, pôsobili v našich údoch vášne rôznych hriechov, vznikajúce skrze zákon, aby sme niesli ovocie smrti.

Ale teraz sme oprostení zákona zomrúc tomu, kým sme boli držaní, tak, aby sme slúžili v novote ducha a nie v starobe litery.

15 A teraz sa modlime.

Drahý Bože, práve sme čítali to, čomu veríme, že je sväté Božie Slovo. A to je to, čomu veríme: že ani jediná jota, ani jeden háčik z Tohoto nijakým činom nepominie, kým sa všetko nenaplní. A my veríme, že náš Pán nám povedal v Zjavení v 22. kapitole, že ktokoľvek by odňal jedno slovo z Tohoto, alebo pridal jedno slovo k Tomuto, tak isto, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života.

A my vidíme, že prekrútením tohoto Slova, ako ho Satan prekrútil Eve, zapríčinil, aby pochybovala o jednom Slove, uvalil celé ľudské pokolenie do padlého chaosu: len jedno slovo. Potom vidíme, v strede Knihy prišiel náš Pán a Spasiteľ a On nám dal tento citát, ktorý sa toho týka: „Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe, ale na každom slove, ktoré vychádza z úst Božích." Potom to vážne varovanie v poslednej knihe Zjavenia Ježiša Krista: „Ktokoľvek pridá jedno slovo alebo odníme jedno slovo, jeho diel bude odňatý z Knihy Života."

16 Ó, Bože, Ty vieš a vidíš, akí sme krehkí, vieš, že kráčame po krehkých nitiach života, tohoto smrteľného života, nepoznáme čas, kedy budeme predvolaní aby sme sa zodpovedali na výsostiach, daj nám, Pane, aby sme odložili nabok všetko v našich srdciach, všetko v našej mysli a hľadeli dnes večer priamo do Tvojho Slova a aby si Ty prišiel a vyložil To živými výrokmi. Udeľ to.

Nech Tvoj Duch padne na nás a pomaže tie Slová do našich sŕdc, aby sme tento večer mohli odtiaľto odchádzať lepší, ako sme teraz, aby sme mohli mať bližší pohľad na Ježiša Krista. Udeľ to, Pane, aby sme mohli porozumieť, v ktorom dni žijeme a Božiu prípravu pre Jeho ľud v tejto hodine, v tomto veľkom rozhodnom temnom čase, v ktorom teraz žijeme.

Bože, pomaž nás, nie len hovoriaceho, ale i počúvajúceho a aby sa spolu naše srdcia triasli pred Tvojim Slovom. Lebo bázeň Božia je počiatkom múdrosti. Udeľ nám tieto veci, Otče, lebo prosíme v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

17 Chcel by som dať názov týmto pár poznámkam, ktoré tu idem položiť a niekoľkým miestam Písma, ktoré by som chcel hneď za tým priradiť, ak bude Pán chcieť, tomuto posolstvu Vďakyvzdania, „Neviditeľné spojenie Kristovej Nevesty, Neviditeľné spojenie Kristovej Nevesty."

Neznie to ako posolstvo Vďakyvzdania. Hoci každé Písmo... My sme vďační za všetko z Toho. Ja som vďačný Bohu za to, že žijem v tomto čase tých konečných scén histórie tohoto sveta. Neviem, keby mi bolo povedané pred založením sveta, keby mi Boh predložil celý ten program a povedal mi, „Chcem, aby si kázal. A teraz, v ktorý vek si praješ ísť na zem kázať?" Ja by som si vybral tento vek, lebo si myslím, že toto je ten zlatý vek.

Samozrejme veľmi rád by som tu bol v čase Jeho navštívenia na zemi, ale stále si myslím, že práve teraz je veľkolepejší čas, lebo to je čas, kedy On prichádza vziať si ľud, ktorý si vykúpil, blízko vzkriesenia, kedy vyjdú všetci vykúpení. Akú slávnu príležitosť máme, hovoriť umierajúcim ľuďom: veľký čas.

18 Ale my sme z toho nadšení. A vieme, že história sa uzatvára. Svetové dejiny sa skoro skončia. Potom vkročíme do nového dňa, do veľkého Milénia. Ako jeden veriaci, verím v Milénium, vo vládu s Kristom v Miléniu, tisíc rokov na zemi, telesný návrat Pána Ježiša, aby si vzal telesný ľud, oslávených Jeho očisťujúcou Krvou.

19 Pavol nám tu na našom mieste Písma dáva znázornenie o zákone a milosti, znázorňuje to ako manželstvo a rozvod. Na tento úsek sa zriedkakedy káže, lebo sa to týka viac menej manželstva a rozvodu, ale tiež sa to týka väčšej porcie manželstva a rozvodu, ako sa nám to tu pokúša dať na poriadok - že my ako cirkev nemôžeme byť už viac priviazaní ku svetu a súčasne ku Kristovi a byť pritom na tom legálne a zákonne. Potom to môže byť čo sa týka ženy, ktorá žije s mužom, zatiaľ čo žije jej muž.

Mám o tom svoje vlastné myšlienky a verím, že to, čo hovorí Biblia, je pravda. No... Verím tiež... podľa mojej mienky, že to odkrýva jedno z veľkých tajomstiev proroctva. A dúfam, že Pán nám dnes večer pomôže, keď toto oznamujeme našim ľuďom, ktorí očakávajú po celej krajine.

20 Raz bolo povedané... Čítal som to, keď som si o tomto robil poznámky. Nemôžem si presne spomenúť, v ktorej knihe to bolo, ale som si istý, že toto je správne: jedna z tých kníh, ktoré som čítal o pánovi Moodym, Dwight Moody z Chicaga. (V Chicagu máme dnes večer tiež zbor, ktorý počúva.) Pán Moody po tom, čo čítal Rimanom 7, vybehol na ulicu a prvého človeka, ktorého stretol, sa spýtal, „Poznáš milosť? [Milosť = Grace - angl. meno]"

A ten človek odpovedal, „Ktorú Milosť?

Pán Moody povedal, „Milosť Božiu."

To ho tak vzrušilo, keď uvidel, ako nás milosť oddelila od zákona a akú úlohu zohrala milosť. Keď som... Všetko čo chcem robiť, je keď... Vždy som hovoril ľuďom, keď som prešiel cez tú líniu na druhú stranu, chcel by som sa postaviť a spievať, „Úžasná milosť! Ako sladko znie, ktorá zachránila takého chudáka ako som ja." Milosť, vzácna milosť, poznať viac milosti. Len milosťou sme spasení, nie tým, čo môžeme urobiť, čo môžeme... Čokoľvek robíme, to sa nám nepočíta, milosť nás spasila. „Milosťou ste spasení, skrze vieru."

21 Smiem pridať tejto žene, Milosti. Smiem ju umiestniť tiež tu v Biblii, ako je nazvaná tá vyvolená pani, táto slečna Milosť, o ktorej idem hovoriť. Viete, Biblia prehlasuje, povedala, „Vyvolenej pani..." Ak si všimnete „vyvolená" pochádza zo slova „vyvolená pani." Jedna pani medzi všetkými ostatnými bola vyvolená, ako panna mala priniesť telo Božie na zem. Ona bola vyvolená žena. Boh vybral Máriu. A Boh tiež vybral vyvolenú Pani, ktorá je Jeho Nevesta. Ona je vyvolená. Dúfam, že my sme jej údami dnes večer po celom svete, vlastne po celom národe.

22 To znázornenie tu, ukazuje vzťah Nevesty ku Kristovi, tá vyvolená Pani a ako Mu ona má byť prinesená, odkiaľ má pochádzať a ako Mu má byť prinesená. Cirkev tu v tomto znázornení, na ktoré sa dívame, je znázornená ako žena; A žena vždy predstavuje cirkev, lebo cirkev je považovaná za Nevestu, ako Nevesta. Ona je Nevesta Pána Ježiša, Syna Božieho.

23 Vždy, ak budete sledovať, sledujte stav a chovanie žien a uvidíte, kde sa nachádza cirkev. Teraz, toto... Niektoré z týchto poznámok sa niektorým z vás môžu zdať divné, ale je to doplnok k posolstvu, ktoré mám od Pána, ktoré sa snažím dať ľuďom. Vidíte, sledujte všetko prirodzené, ako sa to deje, prírodu a sledujte to, ide to presne tiež s tým duchovným.

No, ak uvidíte ako sa dnes vo svete správajú ženy, pozorujte ako sa správa dnes tá telesná cirkev. Len to pozorujte. Samozrejme, teraz je tiež správanie sa tej duchovnej Nevesty, Cirkvi. Vidíte? Tiež to pozorujte, lebo tá telesná, tak zvaná, tvrdí, že je Nevesta.

24 No, dovoľte mi prosím povedať znovu tomuto miestnemu zboru: Necíťte sa zle, hovorím teraz všetkým po celej krajine, tým, o ktorých myslím sú tou vyvolenou Paňou. Tak ak sú tu náhodou kazatelia, ktorí nesúhlasia, dobre, len buďte nachvíľu v pokoji. Vidíte? Všimnite si, len počúvajte...

Všimnite si tento znak. Keď vidíte ženy ako sa búria, ako robia všetko možné, čo chcú, dávajte pozor, cirkev robí to isté. Vidíte? Všimnite si. Ale sledujte, keď duchovná Nevesta, keď ona začína mať prebudenie, keď sa ona začína navracať a dávať sa do jednej línie so Slovom Božím, sledujte potom znovu (Vidíte?), ako hovoria tie Písma, v tom čase preletí posolstvo, aby chytilo tú Nevestu, chytilo tú vyvolenú ženu. Lebo ako svet... Satan, ten podvodník, ktorý podviedol tú prvú nevestu, aby zhrešila proti Bohu tým, že neverila Jeho Slovu.

25 A teraz, ako dnes vidíme, že tá prirodzená cirkev vo vašom intelektuálnom evanjeliu ide ďalej a ďalej od Slova do „sociálneho evanjelia," nachádzame, že svetské ženy na uliciach, ktoré patria do niečoho takého, sa správajú v tej istej atmosfére. Nemôžete im nič povedať. Ony stratili všetok zmysel normálnej slušnosti, ktorú majú ľudia. Vidíte? A takto je na tom cirkev. A môžete vidieť, že to ide rovno do ekumenickej rady, s takou istotou ako čokoľvek na svete a rovno do Ríma, tak naisto, ako to len môže byť. Vidíte? Lebo je to prorokované a tam ona je. On sa tak správa.

26 Ale potom, sledujte znova tú duchovnú cirkev, ako tá skupina ľudí „vyvolaná", tí vyvolení, v každom prebudení. Pri Martinovi Lutherovi, to sa stalo tak isto v reformácii. Tak isto sa to stalo v čase Johna Wesleya. To spôsobilo tú istú vec, keď prvý krát začali Letniční. Oni navrátili tie ženy rovno späť do poriadku so Slovom a potom od toho odišli. Ona odchádza znovu naspäť do chaosu, ale v tom čase, keď sú ľudia pripravení dať sa napraviť, prichádza posolstvo a oni sa podľa neho naprávajú.

27 Luther bol jedného dňa posol ospravedlnenia a tá cirkev sa hneď podľa toho napravila, niektorí z nich, tí ostatní pokračovali. Wesley prišiel s posvätením, tá cirkev sa podľa toho napravila. Letniční prišli s navrátením darov, cirkev sa podľa toho napravila, tí vyvolení toho dňa, a potom odpadla, odišla rovno späť do denominacionalizmu a odišla rovno s tými ostatnými, všetci z nich, rovno dolu po tej čiare.

28 No, všimnite si, keď sa ľudia začnú snažiť dať sa do poriadku so Slovom, prichádza čerstvé posolstvo zo Slova Božieho, priamo ku tým ľuďom a to držalo v každom čase to posolstvo v jednej línii. To je v Bohu. My to máme.

Máme rodiny. Každá rodina, ktorá je tu, je s tým oboznámená. Niekedy pre vás po roky beží všetko hladko. Potom zrazu narazíte na obdobie, kedy mnohokrát tu na juhu hovoríme, "keď prší, tak leje," a všetko ide zle. Prechádzate nočným časom. Potom prichádza svitanie, potom nočný čas. Všetko beží v súvislosti.

29 Prorok Pavol tu hovorí, že žena sa nemôže znovu vydať, kým jej prvý muž nie je mŕtvy. Ona sa nemôže znovu vydať dovtedy, dokiaľ jej prvý muž žije. Ona, za žiadnych okolností, vôbec... Ona musí zostať slobodná tak dlho, ako jej prvý muž žije. A ak by urobila taký hriech, bude sa nazývať cudzoložnicou... (hovorím teraz o tom prirodzenom ako predobraz k tomu duchovnému). Ak by táto žena spáchala taký hriech, potom je označená ako cudzoložnica, ak má dvoch žijúcich mužov v tom istom čase. Preto, tým, že to robí, ona stratila svoje práva k Bohu a k nebu, tým, že to robí. Určite to stratila. Vyvrhnutá je z Božej ekonómie podľa Písma, ktoré som práve prečítal.

30 Tak je to s cirkvou, keď sa snaží miešať vyznania a denomináciu so Slovom Božím. Ona nemôže byť vydatá za denomináciu a byť Nevestou Kristovou v tom istom čase. Ona musí byť mŕtva jednému alebo druhému. Zákon tu tak hovorí. Je mnoho zákonov v Božom Slove a to je Jeho Zákon: Pavol tu hovorí tú istú vec. Ona nemôže byť vydatá za cirkev svetského vyznania a byť Nevestou Krista, lebo ona je... Jedno je v protiklade s druhým.

31 No pamätajte, poviete, "No, my veríme tomuto, ale neveríme tomu." Ak ste vydatí za Krista, Kristus je Slovo Božie. V Sv.Jánovi 1.kapitole je povedané, "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh." A to isté sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami. Kristus bol to žijúce Slovo. On bol vždy Slovom, On je stále Slovom, On vždy bude Slovom.

On bol len manifestáciou Božích atribútov, lebo bol Synom Božím a každý syn je atribútmi svojho otca. A práve tak, ako ste boli v génoch svojho otca, v tele svojho otca, keď on bol mladý chlapec... vy ste boli v ňom, hoci nemohol mať s vami obecenstvo, lebo vás nepoznal. Ale potom skrze matkinu pôdu na zasadenie ste boli prinesení na zem a stali ste sa obrazom svojho otca, potom on mohol mať s vami obecenstvo. A tak ste vy boli synmi Božími a dcérami Božími prv, ako bol mesiac, hviezdy alebo molekula, boli ste synmi a dcérami Božími. Pretože vy ste len telesnou manifestáciou atribútov, ktoré boli na počiatku v Bohu. Lebo je len jedna forma Večného Života a vy ste boli predtým... vy o tom nič neviete. Ani ste nevedeli, keď ste boli vo svojom pozemskom otcovi. Ale vy ste manifestovaní na Jeho obraz, na obraz Boží ste stvorení a boli ste zamanifestovaní pre Božiu slávu a obecenstvo.

A preto s takou istotou, s akou vaše gény museli byť vo vašom otcovi pred vaším prirodzeným narodením, vaše duchovné gény museli byť v Bohu, pretože ste vyjadrením atribútov Jeho myšlienok z pred založenia sveta. Tak je to. Nijako inak. To je pravda.

32 No, všímame si teraz: Potom ten Život je vo vás, Boží život je vo vás od založenia sveta... No, vy nemôžete miešať denominačné vyznanie so Slovom, lebo oni sú v protiklade jeden k druhému. To je presne to, čo sa Satan pokúsil urobiť Eve so svojimi intelektuálnymi poňatiami. Povedal ... on pripustil, že to Boh povedal, ale povedal, "Iste nezomriete." Vidíte, a oni tomu uverili a to je to, čo dnes urobilo vyznanie. Denominácia oddelila ľudí od Slova Božieho. Či nepovedal Ježiš, keď prišiel, "Vy, skrze vaše tradície, ste zbavili prikázania Božie moci pre ľudí"? A skrze naše vyznania sme rozpojili obecenstvo Ducha Svätého k pomazaniu Božieho Slova, ktoré je nadelené pre túto generáciu. Denomináciou sme oddelili ľudí tak, že oni nemôžu mať príležitosť to vidieť. Boh, On... Každá generácia, ktorú On má, je novou časťou Jeho knihy. To všetko ide spolu, tak ako bolo tvorené moje telo. Dozvedel som sa, že to začalo od chrbtice, ale ono nepozostáva len z chrbtice. Z toho to išlo ku rebrám a k pľúcam, rukám, ramenám, nohám a tak ďalej a vyšla z toho osoba, ktorou som ja.

33 A tak bol Boh manifestovaný na počiatku. A nakoniec sa objavil ako Jehova, Boh Otec. Potom sa objavil ako Boh Syn v Ježišovi Kristovi. Teraz, On sa objavil ako Boh Duch Svätý, ten istý Boh po celý čas, tri manifestácie toho istého Boha.

No, nachádzame tu, že každá generácia, Boh pridelil od počiatku Svoje Slovo, tak ako prichádzala evolúcia, práve ako... Prvá vec, ktorú Boh stvoril, boli pravdepodobne... Povedzme, On najprv stvoril rastlinný život, potom stvoril živočíchy, potom ľudský život: druh evolúcie, stúpanie vyššie.

Tak je to v Bohu i v Jeho cirkvi: ospravedlnenie v čase Luthera, posvä... (to je teraz vyťahovanie Jeho Nevesty, On tvorí Svoju Nevestu): ospravedlnenie za Luthera, posvätenie za Wesleya a tak ďalej. Vidíte? Evolúcia Ducha, je dávané viac a viac, lebo to Telo je vo výstavbe, prichádza ku Hlave, ktorou je Kristus, Telo Kristovo.

34 Teda ona, ako žena, ak je vydatá za Krista - Slovo, ona nemôže byť vydatá za cirkevnú denomináciu v tom istom čase, lebo ona je tým zaviazaná. Ona bude... nemôže žiť s oboma mužmi v tom istom čase. Oni sú si navzájom v protiklade. Jeden je Bohom poslaný, druhý je vytvorený človekom. Takže oni sú v protiklade. On povedal, "Nech je každé slovo človeka lžou a Moje Pravdou." Boh to povedal.

Práve tak v protiklade jeden k druhému, ako bol zákon k milosti, ako tu hovorí Pavol. Jeden musí byť mŕtvy, aby mala druhého. A ak sa ich ona snaží miešať, bude nazvaná cudzoložnicou. Ó, pomyslite na to, New York, Arizona, po celom národe, pomyslite na to. Boh povedal, že ak sa pokúsi byť vydatá za oboch v tom istom čase, bude nazvaná cudzoložnicou. Ktorá cudzoložnica môže vojsť do Neba? Vzal by si Boh cudzoložnicu? Určite nie. On nám povedal, aby sme to nerobili. Bude nazvaná cudzoložnicou.

35 Potom jej deti, ak je ona cudzoložnica, jej deti sú nemanželské. Nemanželské, nelegitimné ku čomu? Nie k cirkvi, ale k Slovu. Ona je nezákonná.

Aký obraz v tomto Zjavení 3 tu máme, ten posledný Laodicejský Cirkevný Vek. Aká nelegitimné skupina. Aký denominačný mix: vlažní, robia scény a nazývajú sa Kresťanmi a zapierajú Slovo Božie, majúci formu pobožnosti ale zapierajú jej moc, ako prorok povedal, že tak bude.

36 Manželstvo je najstaršia inštitúcia na svete. Manželstvo bolo najprv zavedené a ustanovené v záhrade Eden. Žene sú zverené určité vlastnosti, ktoré nesmie poškvrniť. Žene je to zverené. Nie je na zemi stvorenia ako je žena. Nie je žiadna fena, nie je ženské pohlavie žiadneho druhu, ktorému by bola zverená taká charakteristická vlastnosť ako žene. Žena nebola dokonca na začiatku stvorenia, lebo Boh vedel, že ona upadne. Žiadne iné ženské pohlavie nemôže spáchať cudzoložstvo. Ona je jediná, ktorá môže spáchať cudzoložstvo. Ak by ona bola stvorená ako originál, to by nepasovalo k Božej veľkej múdrosti. Vidíte, ona bola stvorená ako vedľajší produkt muža, ale pretože bola vyvrhnutá na tú stranu, bola jej tiež daná svätá úloha od Boha na vykúpenie.

Ona má charakterové vlastnosti, ktoré nesmie poškvrniť. Ak by ich zmarila, je poškvrnená na celý život. Nezáleží na tom, koľko jej je odpustené, ona nemôže byť ospravedlnená. Trochu sa toho dotknem. Mám na to Písmo, na chvíľu. Môže jej byť odpustená tá poškvrna, ale v tomto živote nemôže byť ospravedlnená. Je to vždy s ňou. Všimnite si, toto jej bolo dané. Môže jej byť odpustené, ale nemôže byť ospravedlnená.

37 Jej telu je od Boha daná svätá zodpovednosť. Žiadna fena, žiaden vták, žiadne iné zviera, žiadne iné stvorenie nie je také. Ona je jediná. Tým, že je... ten dôvod, že je to také sväté je, že ona má prinášať na zemi život. Jej telo je pôdou na zasadenie života. Preto, to je ten dôvod, že je jej daná táto svätá zodpovednosť.

No, možno tu nebudete so mnou súhlasiť, mnohí z vás teológov. To, čo poškvrnilo celú ľudskú rasu, bolo to cudzoložstvo na začiatku. Jej pôda na zasadenie bola skazená. Priniesla tie dvojičky, Kaina a Ábela. Jeden akt, dve deti. Skúmajte v Písme.

38 Všimnite si, nachádzame, že jej telo je pôdou na zasadenie a preto, ona má svätú zodpovednosť, aby ho nepoškvrnila.

Hovorím to teraz, dávam to ako znázornenie, aby som vám ukázal, kde stojí cirkev. Nehovorím o vás, ženách; čokoľvek ste, to je medzi vami a Bohom, alebo vami mužmi; ale hovorím o cirkvi a Kristovi. Teda, je jej dané, aby niesla život, ktorý môže dať len sám Boh. Jej manžel môže byť nositeľom toho semena, ale Boh musí vytvoriť ten život. Tak je to, to musí pochádzať... všetok život musí prísť od Boha. Akýkoľvek život musí prísť od Boha. Je to prevrátené a to je to, čo to robí hriešnym, ale život musí prísť od Boha. On je Autor života.

39 Teda ona má svätú... Jedna ... Chcem tu menovať tri veci, od ktorých nesmie odstúpiť. Teraz, keď hovorím, majte na mysli cirkev, kým toto hovorím o tej prirodzenej žene ako Pavol tu, v 7.kapitole Rimanom. Ona má svätú zodpovednosť cnosti, ktorú jej zveril jej Pán: určitú cnosť. Nikto iný to nemá, iba žena. Tak je to. To jej zveril Boh. Ona nesmie poškvrniť tú cnosť. Ak urobí čo len niečo zlé, musí to vyznať svojmu mužovi, prv ako si ju vezme a dať to do poriadku. Práve tak, ako cirkev, ktorá bola vydatá zákonu, musí tiež prísť pred Krista, pred tou druhou svadbou, ona to musí vyznať. Ak to nevyzná a žije so svojím mužom desať rokov a potom to vyzná, on má právo ju poslať preč a oženiť sa s inou ženou. To je Písmo. Smilstvo je nečistý život.

"Jozef, neboj sa vziať si Máriu, svoju manželku, lebo to, čo je v nej počaté je zo Svätého Ducha." On ju mienil tajne prepustiť (vidíte), potom, čo si ju už zasnúbil. Keď si s ňou zasnúbený, Boh to považuje, že si s ňou ženatý.

40 Všimnite si. Ona má svätú zodpovednosť cnosti, ktorá je jej daná, zverená od Pána. Boh jej dal tú cnosť. Práve tak, ako to bolo v záhrade Eden, ona môže povedať, "áno" alebo "nie". Ona má zverenú svätú zodpovednosť ženskosti, ktorú nesmie porušiť. Tá ženskosť, o ktorej tu hovorím, to je jej správanie, jej charakter voči mužom, nie nechať každého muža... Ľudia sa dívajú na tieto obrazovky a vidia tieto filmové hviezdy ako sa tie ženy bozkávajú a objímajú a váľajú. Žena, ktorá to robí má zlý charakter. Ona inak môže byť cnostná, ale, vidíte, v jej srdci... keď tie žľazy... Pohlavné žľazy sú v perách. Keď nejaký muž bozká ženu, on v skutočnosti, potencionálne spáchal cudzoložstvo.

41 Pohlavné žľazy sú v perách ženy a v perách muža. On by ju mohol bozkať na ruku, to by nezmiešalo tie pohlavné žľazy, ale tie pohlavné žľazy sú v perách. A vidíte všetky tie nezmysly a ten dnešný Hollywood so všetkým týmto váľaním sa a milovaním žien a tak ďalej a malé dievčatá sa na to všetko dívajú. Niet divu, že naša morálka je tak zhnitá a upadnutá a špinavá. Vidíte? Pretože to je postavené pred deti. Tak je to. Musí to na tieto posledné dni tak byť.

42 No, majte stále na mysli cirkev. Ona sa bozkáva a váľa a mieša sa so všetkým možným okrem Slova. Nechajú diabla a vzdelanie a vedecké výskumy a tak ďalej... Zatiaľ čo vedecké vzdelanie a všetko je absolútne v protiklade k Bohu.

Celý systém civilizácie, ktorý teraz máme je absolútne antikrist, vzdelávací systém je antikrist, civilizácia je antikrist. To je proti Bohu. "Hovoríš proti civilizácii?" Boh bude mať v jednom z týchto dní civilizáciu, s ktorou nebude spojená žiadna smrť.

Táto moderná civilizácia pochádza zo Satana. Dokážem vám to z Biblie, ak bude dnes Pán chcieť. Všetky tieto veci sú zo Satana. Naša nová civilizácia nebude mať v sebe nič z toho.

43 Ona má túto svätú ženskosť. Niet divu, že sa muži takto správajú voči ženám. To je preto, že ženy sa takto správajú voči mužom. Ona tu dáva najavo svoj charakter v šortkách a má to napasované na tele a v mužskom oblečení a v takých veciach vonku na ulici, otáčajú sa za nimi... Nezáleží na tom, čo ona hovorí... ona by mohla byť ku svojmu manželovi tak cnostná ako len môže byť, ale v Božích očiach je cudzoložnica. "Ktokoľvek pozrie na ženu, aby ju požiadal, už s ňou scudzoložil vo svojom srdci." A ona sa predstavuje, že je taká. A to je presne to, čo urobila cirkev so svetom.

44 Všimnite si. Zverená je jej svätá cnosť, svätá ženskosť a potom sväté materstvo, ctiť si svojho manžela.

Pozrite len dnes. V určitých mestách, v mnohých mestách, majú dokonca také veľké večierky, nazývajú to "spoločnosť," (tiež členovia cirkví), položia na podlahu klobúky a všetci sa opijú a hodia si do nich svoje kľúče, každá žena ide a vezme nejaký kľúč z toho klobúku - s ktorým mužom bude žiť cez víkend. Všetky druhy takýchto večierkov, ktoré... Mám toho toľko, čo by som tu povedal, ak Pán dá, nemám čas do toho ísť. Taká špina...

A cirkev je práve taká zlá. Tak je to. Pácha cudzoložstvo so všetkým, s čím nemá mať nič do činenia, mala by zostať so Slovom.

45 Budovy sú v poriadku, nemocnice sú v poriadku. Všetky tieto ostatné veci sú v poriadku. Vzdelávacie programy, to je v poriadku. Musíme tu žiť, musíme čítať, písať, to je jedna z ekonómií. Tak ako sme si na začiatku nemuseli obliekať nijaké oblečenie (budem na to kázať neskôr, tento týždeň, ak bude Pán chcieť), ale my sa musíme obliekať, lebo Boh nám dal šaty, ale na počiatku sme ich nepotrebovali, boli sme zahalení. Teraz je ona zahalená svojimi hriechmi. Ona dokonca nevie, že hreší. Ona bola potom... teraz ju zahalil diabol, vtedy ju zahaľoval Boh. To je ten rozdiel.

46 Zisťujeme, že jej bola daná táto svätá zodpovednosť, že nesmie porušiť svoju ženskosť. Jednať... mať svoj charakter, vychovávať svoje deti, byť úctivá k svojmu manželovi. V týchto dňoch ani trochu na to nezvracajú pozornosť.

Mali by ste niekedy sedieť v mojej kancelárii a vidieť mužov, ako privádzajú svoje manželky, keď sa snažia dať do poriadku s Bohom a vyznávajú s koľkými mužmi žili a všetko možné odvtedy ako sa zobrali. Ó, poviete, "To je..." Nie, to sú letniční. Tí ostatní neprídu. Takže to je... hovorím o... Ako sa to môže odstrániť, keď sa dostávate do zmiešania sveta a cirkvi a do všetkej tej módy a tých vecí, ktoré máme. Medzi nami a medzi tým, akí boli tí originálni letniční je väčší rozdiel ako medzi dňom a nocou. Vybočili sme sa niekam do nejakého temného chaosu a stratili sme sa.

47 Aká svätá zodpovednosť. Aká zodpovednosť pre ženu. No, vidíte prečo ona zobrazuje cirkev, ktorá má tú istú zodpovednosť, ako žena má svätú zodpovednosť za svoje materstvo, za svoju ctnosti, k svojmu manželovi; cirkev má svätú zodpovednosť k modlitbe a k Slovu a ku Kristovi, práve tak isto ako žena. A tak ako žena, keď odchádza s iným mužom; keď cirkev odchádza za týmito inštitucionálnymi programami a programami budovania a za školami a tak ďalej... Nemám nič proti nim. Oni sú v poriadku. Slúžia svojmu účelu. Ale oni nie sú... Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, "Choďte, stavajte školy." On povedal, "Kážte Slovo!" To je to, kde to zanedbali.

48 Nie stavať inštitúcie, nemocnice a tak ďalej, oni sú v poriadku. Ale to nie je povinnosť cirkvi. Ich povinnosťou je kázať evanjelium. Ale my sme urobili všetko iné okrem toho a upadli sme práve tak ako Satan a zmiešali sme to s nejakým evanjeliom, niečím iným a niečím iným, až sa to stalo nahromadením ničoho: skazenosť. Dokonca celý náš svet... sledujte trend sveta.

49 Čítal som tu nedávno v Reader´s Digest, že mladé dievčatá prechádzajú menopauzou a muži, cez životnú zmenu; medzi dvadsiatim a dvadsiatim piatim rokom prechádzajú cez svoj stredný vek: skazenosť! Prečo? Kvôli vedeckému výskumu potravín a vecí, ktoré odišli od prirodzených vecí, ktoré by sme mali dávať do svojho tela. Nie sme nič iné ako skupina zomierajúceho skazenia.

No, tak isto je to i s cirkvou. To je ten istý stav. Ona je typ. Ona má tie isté vzácne ctnosti, dané jej Duchom, aby si udržovala Ducha a Slovo a nikdy nespáchala cudzoložstvo s ničím zo sveta alebo niečoho, aby zostala pannou Slovu, ako žena má zostať cnostná svojmu manželovi. Je to svätá zodpovednosť. Ctiť si Slovo svojho Pána je nad všetky ľuďmi vytvorené vyznania, múdrosť, denomináciu; cirkvi je daná tá zodpovednosť. Oni hovoria, "No, moja cirkev..." Je mi jedno, čomu verí tvoja cirkev. Ak je to v protiklade so Slovom Božím, drž sa preč od toho. Biblia povedala, "Ježiš Kristus je ten istý včera, dnes i na veky. Marek 16 povedal, "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." Ak cirkev káže iné od toho... zomrite tej veci, buďte znovuzrodení do Slova Božieho. "Choďte do sveta a kážte evanjelium každému stvoreniu." Takto ďaleko to malo ísť. "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria, na celom svete a každé stvorenie, ktoré uverí." Vidíte ako sme sa dostali preč od toho? Iste, ale ona je za to zodpovedná.

50 Ale teraz, pozrite, ako ten Hollywood vzal z našich žien tie cnostné veci. Hľadím tu teraz na jednu drahú staršiu ženu, sestru Schraderovú. Mnohé z týchto žien tu, sestra Mooreová, tie staršie ženy, ktoré si pamätajú zopár rokov dozadu, ak by ich matky alebo aj ony samé, keby vyšli na ulicu tak, ako chodia niektoré z týchto žien dnes (členky cirkví), oni by tú ženu zavreli, že je nenormálna. Zabudla si obliecť sukňu.

No, ak to bolo bláznovstvo vtedy, je to bláznovstvo aj dnes. No, pozrite, celý svet dokazuje, že je duševne chorý. Pozrite na tie vraždy a tie veci, ktoré sa teraz dejú vo svete (vidíte?): šialenstvo! Celá tá vec prichádza k naplneniu Zjavenia, možno sa ku tomu dostaneme tento týždeň, kde tie ohavné veci... Oni nie sú prirodzené, to sú duchovné veci, ktoré nútia ľudí kričať na skaly a vrchy a všetko možné, aby to na nich padlo.

51 Tento svet pôjde rovno do úplného totálneho šialenstva. Je to už takmer teraz tu. No, môžete vidieť stopy toho. Tam to je. Pochoduje to rovno na ulici, je to rovno na cirkevnej lavici: úplne šialenstvo, robia veci, na ktoré by ľudská bytosť ani nepomyslela, že môže robiť a byť pritom civilizovaná.

Pozrite, čo spravil Hollywood ženám. Pozrite, ako má... on ukradol tým ženám tie sväté cnosti. Môžeme ísť ďalej a ďalej. Vidíte, všetko toto stratila. Ako to urobila? Pretože tam bol jeden chytrý nástroj, nazvaný cirkev, tak ako bol v záhrade Eden. Chytrá osoba, diabol, vkročil do cirkvi práve tak, ako to urobil v záhrade Eden a zviedol ju do toho. Ona je zvedená. Tá žena si myslí... Ona nemá v úmysle byť zlá. Eva nemala v úmysle robiť zle. To nebolo úmyselne, ale ona... Biblia hovorí v 2. Timoteovi, 1. Timoteovi 3, že ona bola zvedená. A byť zvedený, to nie je, že vy to úmyselne urobíte, to je to, keď ste zvedený to urobiť.

52 A to je presne to, čo sa stalo dnes. Ona je zvedená televíziou, časopismi, týmito ľuďmi, týmito... všetkými týmito vecami, ktoré chodia po ulici. Moderné dievčatá, pozerajú do časopisov, pozerajú sa na obrázky, pozerajú sa po uliciach, vidia to oblečenie v obchodoch. Ako Satan, ten veľký nástroj pekla prišiel medzi tých ľudí a zviedol ich do týchto vecí. A tá žena si myslí, že je v poriadku. A ona je mŕtva a nevie o tom. Ona je ďaleko od Boha. Vidíte, ako ona všetko toto stratila a aké to bolo chytré?

53 Dnes, chcem, aby ste si všimli. Ježiš o tom hovoril. Tiež, ak by ste si to chceli prečítať. Ježiš sa zmienil, že táto vec sa stane (vedeli ste to?), v jeho posledných hodinách, práve pred Jeho ukrižovaním. Prečítajme si to. Svätý Lukáš 23. kapitola a len na chvíľu, ako lekcia nedeľnej školy, začneme 27. veršom, myslím, že to mám tu poznačené: Ježiš ide na Golgotu. Počúvajte, zatiaľ čo to budem čítať. Lukáš 23:27, verím, že to je ono. Mám to takto vo svojich poznámkach. Áno, tu je to.

A išlo za ním veľké množstvo ľudu i žien, ktoré nariekali a kvílili nad ním.

A Ježiš sa obrátil k nim a povedal: Dcéry Jeruzalema, neplačte nado mnou, ale plačte samy nad sebou a nad svojimi deťmi,

lebo hľa, idú dni, v ktorých povedia: Blahoslavené neplodné a životy, ktoré nerodili a prsia, ktoré nekojili. (Pomyslite na to, dnes je to pre ňu hanba mať dieťa. Vidíte?)

Vtedy začnú hovoriť vrchom: Padnite na nás! A brehom: Prikryte nás!

Lebo ak toto robia na zelenom strome, čo bude potom na suchom!

54 Hovoríme o dni, kedy ženy už viac nechcú deti... Oni chcú psa alebo mačku alebo niečo také, ale ony už nechcú viacej deti. Prečo? Ona je stará matka Hubbardová, ak má dieťa. Vidíte? Ona nechce... To sú tie hollywoodské poznámky: Nechce, aby jeho žena bola stará matka Hubbardová. Tak ona... on sa nechá operovať, alebo ona, jeden z nich, čo ich uchráni od toho, aby mali deti. Oni nechcú žiadne deti.

Ježiš o tom hovoril a čo povedal? "V tom čase začnú kričať na skaly a vrchy, aby na nich padli."

Ona bude praktizovať plánované tehotenstvo, takže môže chodiť na večierky. Ona sa nemôže obťažovať s dieťaťom a kojiť ho. To ju bude deformovať. Keď je tehotná, to ju zdeformuje. Nebude vyzerať tak, ako obvykle. A jej manžel je tak nevedomý, že ju nechá takto postupovať. Ona mu nedá dieťa.

Ježiš o tom hovoril. A On povedal, že keď budú toto robiť v tom čase, "Budú kričať na skaly, aby na nich padli." To je príchod Pánov. Platia veľké sumy peňazí za mačky, psov, aby sa o nich starali ako matka. Tak je to. Ona sa musí o niečo starať ako matka, lebo to je jej Bohom daná prirodzenosť.

55 Všimol som si, poľujem na vysokú. A stará medvedica na jeseň, keď porodila tomu medveďovi, ona má potom narodené mláďatá. Ony sú poriadne veľké, vážia možno 50 kg alebo viac. Ona ich zaženie a nechá ich samé prezimovať, lebo ide ešte priniesť na svet ďalšie mláďatá. Narodia sa vo februári. Ten medveď o tom nič nevie. Ony sa rodia v takom malom vrecku. Ako ich Boh nechá, aby si samy otvorili tieto malé vrecúška, ako malé celofánové vrecká. Ony si nájdu cestu, ich matka spí hlbokým spánkom. Od októbra nič nejedla a toto je február. Ony ju cicajú do polovice mája. Potom, keď vidí svoje mláďatá, ony sú poriadne veľké. Vážia možno 7,5... 5 alebo 7,5 kg jedno. Ony ju cicali. To, ako ona dostáva mlieko, to premyslel Boh. Ona si žije a vytvára mlieko pre tie mláďatá. A potom, ak nebude rodiť, ak nebude mať žiadne mláďatá, vyhľadá tie z minulého roku bude sa o nich starať celé leto lebo to je jej Bohom daný inštinkt. Ona sa musí o niečo starať ako matka.

56 A ak žena nebude mať pre svojho muža dieťa, vezme si psa alebo mačku alebo niečo. Ona sa musí o niečo starať ako matka. To je jej prirodzenosť. Ale porodiť dieťa svojmu mužovi a vychovať ho do služby Bohu, to je celkom mimo jej obor. Bola by úplne... Ak by to urobila, jej hriech-milujúca spoločnosť, ženy tohoto typu roku 1965, by ňou pohrdli.

Dôkladný obraz dnešnej modernej cirkvi. Táto moderná cirkev tiež nechce okolo seba žiadne z týchto detí Skutkov 2:38, ktorí kričia, jasajú, hovoria jazykmi. Nie. Ona nechce žiadne z nich. Vykrikovanie, plakanie a kričanie, "Amen! Haleluja!". Prečo, také dieťa by ju okamžite vyviedlo z jej denominácie. Mali jedného takého v jednej z tých cirkví, no, hneď ju vyhodili. "Prečo dovolíte, že sa deje niečo takéto?"

57 Takže vidíte, ona je s niečím tehotná, lebo celý čas rodí členov. Ale nechce niktorých z tých, ktorí kričia, jasajú, bľabotajú, Skutky 2:38, myslí si, že oni sú úbohé stvorenia. To by ju určite uviedlo do rozpakov. To by zruinovalo ju a jej vzdelanú, etickú, vedeckú spoločenskú cirkev, do ktorej patrí. Oni by ju na ďalšom koncile vyhodili. Ona to nemôže mať. Takže ona nechce byť tehotná so Slovom, lebo to je ten jediný druh, ktorý Slovo môže zrodiť.

Narodený z Ducha Božieho, to má v sebe Ducha Božieho. Žiadne intelektuálne, do-cirkvi-sa-pripájajúce, vo-vyznaní-chodiace, ostrihané vlasy, namaľované tváre, nie je žiadna taká vec v celom... nenájdete to v Slove Božom. Nájdete staromódne, posvätené, Duchom Svätým naplnené dieťa, narodené z Ducha Božieho, ktoré kričí, jasá, chváli Boha. To všetko spolu je mimo jej dosahu. Ona to nechce. Ó, nie veru. Nie, skutočne.

58 Čo ona potom robí? Ona rodí pár pomaľovaných tvárí, ktoré nosia šortky, Jezábeľskú spoločnosť, nelegitimné "kočky", ako ich volajú, myslím, že tak. Myslím, že ich volajú kočky. Hovoria, "Pozri tam na tú kočku," alebo niečo také, viete.

Ona sa narodila alebo je vydatá alebo spojená so svojím prvým manželom, s tým prvým Adamom skrze cudzoložnú ženu Evu, Adamovu prvú ženu. Poviete, "cudzoložnú?" Ona skutočne taká bola. Ale ó, ona tvrdí, že tento Adam, že tento prvý Adam je mŕtvy. "Ó, iste. On zomrel už dávno. "Ja som znovuzrodená," hovorí. "A ja som samozrejme vydatá za toho druhého Adama, Krista, Slovo."

No, všimnite si, čo ona miluje. Sledujte jej milenca. Chcete vidieť, do koho je zamilovaná. Slovo hovorí toto, ale ona povie, "Moja cirkev hovorí toto." Do koho je potom zamilovaná, kto je jej manžel? Jej vlastné ovocie dokazuje, čím je. Presne tak, to ukazuje, čím je.

59 Všimnite si, ona sa najprv narodila Adamovi, lebo to je jej prirodzené narodenie (vidíte?) a ona od toho nikdy neodišla. To je milenka sveta. Ona tvrdí, že sa narodila druhý krát, Kristovi. Ale jej milenec, všimnite si, je stále Adam, lebo ona miluje svet.

A ďalšia vec, všimnite si, aký druh detí ona rodí. To hovorí, kto je ich otcom, či to bol ten prvý Adam alebo ten druhý Adam. Ak tá cirkev rodí dieťa toho druhého Adama, ono má také spôsoby jednania ako ten druhý Adam, tak, ako to oni robili v deň Letníc. To sú naozaj skutočné deti druhého Adama. Vidíte? Tak je to. Ich prirodzenosť je ako jeho a jej. Tak veru. Jej dcéry, namaľované tváre, ostrihané vlasy, nosia mužské oblečenie: nohavice. Biblia jej povedala, aby to nerobila. Ona si strihá vlasy. To je jej na hanbu.

Poviete, "Už o tom nehovor." To je to, čo hovorí Slovo. Ja len poukazujem na tú prirodzenosť. To je to, čo ona robí.

60 Jej synovia, ktorí sa z nej narodili, spoliehajú na vzdelanie, školenia, na nejakú biblickú školu, takzvanú; na nejakú veľkú univerzitu, ktorá vraj bola už dávno; vychádzajú z tade ako vyliahnutí z nejakého inkubátora; denominační hľadači viery, nábožní ako Kain, práve tak neoprávnení do Slova ako bol Kain. Tak je to. Práve tak nemanželskí ako Kain. Iste. Denominační hľadači, vidíte, čo to je?

Boh nikdy nezorganizoval nejakú denomináciu. On bol vždy proti tomu a Slovo je proti tomu. Ale oni sa toho ďalej držia. Tak vidíte, čo rodia? To ukazuje, kto je ich otcom a matkou. To je presne tak. To je presne tak. Práve tak nemanželskí ako bol Kain. To je ten druh dieťaťa, ktoré on zrodil skrze Evu. Oni sa dostali preč od Slova a potom vidíte, čo to prinieslo. To je presne to, čo zrodila cirkev, to isté. Môžem vám to dokázať Slovom. A to je to, odkiaľ prišlo vzdelanie a civilizácia, skrze Kaina. To je presne tak. Lebo oni tvrdia... Ale oni tvrdia, že sú synovia Boží, Ale oni sú denominačná rasa, denominačne vyškolení vzdelanci, všetko možné. To je presne tak. Mazaní, chytrí, ó, práve taký bol had, ich otec. Tak je to. Práve tak chytrí a vedeckí kazatelia ako bol Kain. Vidíte? To je presne tá istá vec.

61 Poviete, "Brat Branham, je to pravda?" Poďme do Genesis 4:16 a zistime to. Vráťme sa sem do Genesis 4:16 na chvíľu a zistíte, čo sa tam stalo:

A Kain odišiel od tvári Hospodinovej a býval v zemi Nóda, východne od Edena.

A Kain poznal svoju ženu a počala a porodila Henocha. A staval mesto a nazval meno mesta podľa mena svojho syna Henochom.

Až ďalej k Túbalovi, ďalej sa oni stali tvorcami nástrojov, hudby a tak ďalej. Civilizácia prišla cez Kaina. Tak je to. Stavali mestá, nástroje, vedeckí ľudia prišli cez Kaina, cez semeno hada.

62 Všimnite si teraz ten 25. verš:

A Adam ešte poznal svoju ženu...

No, on ju poznal raz a ona mala dve deti. Skúmajte Písmo. Ona mala Kaina a Ábela. Jeden akt a dve deti. Poviete...

Povedali mi nedávno, že to sa nemohlo stať. Mali sme jeden prípad v Hollywoode... alebo v Hollywoode... Mali sme práve teraz jeden prípad v Tucsone na súde. Nejaká žena počala jedno farebné a jedno biele dieťa v rovnakom čase. Oni hovoria, že to nie je možné. Ona môže mať tiež dve plodné semená. Majú to práve teraz na súde. Viem, že u psov je to možné. U zvierat je to možné. A ona tam prišla. Ten biely muž povedal, "Budem sa starať o svoje vlastné dieťa, ale o jeho nie." A tá žena to vyznala; ona žila so svojim manželom ráno a popoludní s tým farebným mužom. A ak je to v... Ten lekár povedal, že ak je to v dobe do 24 hodín, stane sa to, ak je tam iné plodné semeno. A ona to urobila, a to je presne to, čo sa stalo tu. Kain... Satan ráno, v hadovi a Adam popoludní, keď ona... Ona mala dve deti.

63 Takže:

Adam ešte poznal svoju ženu,... (druhý krát)... a porodila syna...

Pamätajte, nie je nikde v Biblii, že Kain bol Adamov syn. Bolo povedané, "On bol z toho zlého," nie z Adama, z diabla.

...poznal svoju... (druhý krát), a nazvala jeho meno Set, lebo mi vraj Boh náhradou... (to nebolo to skutočné semeno)... postavil iné semä namiesto Ábela, ktorého zabil Kain.

Takže... I Setovi sa narodil syn a nazval jeho meno Enos. A vtedy začali vzývať meno Hospodinovo.

Nie z Kainovej generácie, z rodokmeňa ale zo Setovho rodokmeňa. Takže Kain bol ten zlý. Tu prichádza had.

64 Všimnite si, Biblia tu jasne hovorí, že jej prvý muž musí byť mŕtvy, nie len odstrčený, on musí byť mŕtvy. No, práve sme prešli kázanie na manželstvo a rozvod a vy všetci o tom viete. Nehovorím teraz toto všetko len tu do zhromaždenia, hovorím ku celému národu. V poriadku. Vidíte, čo sa tam stalo v manželstve a rozvode, keď to bolo... keď bolo tých Sedem Pečatí otvorených, to prinieslo o tom tú skutočnú pravdu.

65 Takže, byť vydatí za druhého Adama, za Krista, Slovo, musíte sa oddeliť smrťou od svojho prvého denominačného manžela, lebo nie je ani jedna (z tých denominácií), ktorá by mohla vziať celé Slovo Božie. Len mi ukážte, kde je tá jedna. "Ó," poviete, "tá moja." Ďalší človek povie tiež, že jeho. Dajte ich dokopy a zistíte, že sa obaja mýlite, akonáhle urobíte denomináciu. Čítajte Zjavenie 17.

Takže vidíte, vy musíte byť mŕtvi tej veci. (No, nehovorím ku tomuto miestnemu zhromaždeniu, hovorím všetkým po celom národe.) Vy musíte byť mŕtvi svojmu prvému manželovi. Ak ste spojení s Kristom a stále ste vydatí za denomináciu, ste cudzoložní! Ste Laodicea! Cirkev po celom národe... My nasledujeme Ježiša Krista, Slovo. Byť v Neveste, vy musíte byť znovu vydatí za Slovo Božie, ktorým je Kristus.

66 "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." Tak dlho ako sa budete držať ľudských tradícií denominácií, v Božom Slove ste nazvaní "cudzoložní." Tak dlho, ako ste denominačný "hľadač vyznania", patriaci do denominačnej cirkvi, ktorá zapiera Slovo, ste cudzoložník. To je to, čo povedala Biblia. Ježiš povedal, "Nemôžete slúžiť naraz dvom bohom. Buď slúžite Bohu alebo mamone. Mamona je svet. Ten, kto miluje svet, alebo veci tohoto sveta, nie je v ňom láska Božia." Nemôže byť v ňom súčasne Semeno Božie, keď láska Božia... keď je tam láska sveta. Keď skrze vás účinkuje Semeno Božie, to je Slovo Božie. Nemôže tam byť v tom istom čase láska tohoto sveta. No tak, kde sú krátke vlasy a šortky a pomaľované tváre?! Kde je to teda?

67 Nemôžete byť cnostní ku Kristovi - Slovu Božiemu a súčasne slúžiť ľuďmi vytvorenej denominácii. To je v protiklade so Slovom. Pavol to tu povedal. "Kde?" Rimanom 7.

Ani nemôžete rodiť Božích synov Jeho Slova do tejto nemanželskej denominačnej skupiny. Nemôžete to urobiť. Vo vašom inkubátore nemôžete porodiť Božieho syna Slova. Hovorím ku cirkvi. Ale stále tvrdíte, že ste veľmi nábožní. Taký bol aj Kain, syn prostitútky Evy: veľmi nábožný, staval oltáre a obetoval obeť a dával desiatok a urobil všetko, čo by robil akýkoľvek nábožný človek, ale zanedbal držať sa toho Slova. Zanedbal mať zjavenie. A zjavenie je tá jediná vec: zjavenie Slova.

68 Čo je zjavenie? Ježiš povedal, "Na tejto Skale postavím Svoju Cirkev a brány pekla ju nepremôžu." Viera je zjavenie, lebo viera vám bola zjavená. Ábel vierou obetoval, skrze zjavenie, vieru obetoval Bohu lepšiu obeť ako Kain.

Kain si myslel, že jedli jablká. Oni si to stále myslia, ale to nebolo tak. To bolo cudzoložstvo: semeno hada. A tam, keď bolo otvorených tých Sedem Pečatí, tým to bolo jasne ukázané a potvrdené. (Moja kniha o tom práve vyšla. Myslím, že tu máme teraz tisíc kusov.) Všimnite si, to je podľa Písma, od Genesis do Zjavenia. V čase konca, oba tieto stromy prichádzajú do semena a samy sa ukazujú čím sú.

69 Dnes sme práve tu, Laodicea a Nevesta, práve tak jasne a nádherne ako to môže byť v Písme a rovno pred vašou tvárou. Nemôžete slúžiť Bohu a mamonu. Nemôžete byť cnostný, biblicky veriaci Kresťan a združovať sa s denominačnými záležitosťami. Nemôžete to naraz robiť. Jeden musí byť mŕtvy aby ste nechali žiť toho druhého.

Ani nemôžete rodiť Božích synov Slova. Ani cirkev ich nemôže priniesť. Vy nechcete jedno z tých detí, ktoré kričia, jasajú a hovoriacich v jazykoch a všetky tie veci. Oni... V denominačnej cirkvi to nemôžete robiť. Oni vás nebudú držať. Oni ich takto neprinášajú. Oni ich len vezmú, potrasú im ruku a povedia, "Ak veríš, máš to. Ak si zapísaný do knihy, to je všetko, čo máš robiť." Vidíte, to sú nemanželské deti ku Slovu: stále tvrdia, že sú nábožní. Sú tak tehotní so Satanovou múdrosťou a poznaním, cirkev sa stala takou. Posielajú svojich ľudí do škôl, aby sa naučili ako správne povedať, "amen". Učia sa ako povedať všetko toto a sú veľmi intelektuálni. Čo je to? To je tehotenstvo z diabla!

70 Čím Satan naplnil Evu? Aby neverila Slovu kvôli intelektuálom..., intelektu a to zruinovalo celé stvorenie. To je presne to, čo cirkev urobila dnes v Slove. Ona sa naplnila biblickými školami a univerzitami a takými vecami: čítanie, písanie, aritmetika a oni vedia o Bohu toľko, ako hotentót o egyptskej noci. Poznajú všetky ich vyznania, modlitebné knižky a všetko možné, ale nevedia nič o Bohu. Oni by vedeli, keď je Slovo potvrdené... Keď Boh tam vtedy hovoril a pridelil Svoje Slovo pre každú generáciu ako to išlo...

Tu prichádza Noe a káže tej generácii. No, čo ak by prišiel Mojžiš a povedal, "Postavme koráb"? On by bol úplne mimo, ale on bol prorok. On mal Božie zjavenie, Boh potvrdil, že je to pravda. On vyviedol Izrael von a ukázal sa pred nimi Ohnivý Stĺp a potvrdil toho proroka a povedal presne to, čo On bude robiť a On to urobil. Oni povedali, "Nech nehovorí Boh, nech hovorí Mojžiš, aby sme nepomreli."

On povedal, "Už viacej nebudem ku nim takto hovoriť, ale vzbudím im prorokov a oni budú hovoriť."

71 Stál tam Izaiáš a povedal, "Panna počne." Človek ako on, v tom dni, keď... Ako počne panna? "Syn sa nám narodil... dieťa sa nám narodilo, Syn nám je daný. Jeho meno nazvú: Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Silný Boh, Večný Otec. Sedieť bude na tróne Svojho otca, Dávida a bude panovať a Jeho Kráľovstvu nebude konca."

Ako sa to stane? On to nevedel. On hovoril len to, čo Boh povedal. To je ponad všetky intelektuálne predstavy. To je ponad všetok vedecký výskum. To je Slovo Božie.

72 No, my školíme našich seminárnych študentov všetky druhy biblickej teológie a také veci, ľuďmi vytvorené teológie. Stala sa z toho hromada cirkví, práve taká Laodicea, ako Boh povedal, že taká bude.

Ó, keď sa na to pozriem, až ma striasa. Tehotní s intelektuálnymi poňatiami... Musíte mať strednú školu, aby ste tam mohli ísť. Musíte sa postaviť pred psychiatra, prv, ako môžete byť ordinovaný. Vedeli by ste si predstaviť Petra, Jakuba a Jána ako idú ku psychiatrovi? Pamätajte, tých 120 tam hore sa dokonca nevedeli ani podpísať, ...stoja pred psychiatrom, aby videl, či všetky ich reflexy sú správne a tak ďalej. Oni mali reflex, ale to nebolo to intelektuálne poňatie alebo vedecký výskum, to bolo skrze moc Božiu. Keď to do nich udrelo, oni nevedeli nič iné, len konať tak, ako im povedal Svätý Duch. Oni nevenovali žiadnu pozornosť nejakému intelektuálovi, tomu, čo povedala cirkev a čo kňaz povedal, a čo toto povedalo a tamto; oni boli pudení Duchom: mužovia bez strachu.

73 1. Jána 2:15, On povedal, "Ak milujete svet alebo veci tohoto sveta, láska Božia nie je vo vás." Tak ako môžete byť tehotní so Slovom Božím, ktoré odsudzuje svet, odsudzuje Hollywood, odsudzuje všetku túto módu, odsudzuje všetky tieto večierky a takéto vyvádzanie a tých tak-zvaných, ktorí majú meno náboženstva? Slovo to odsudzuje.

Ako môže byť taká osoba tehotná Slovom? Ako môže nejaká nakrátko ostrihaná žena, s namaľovanou tvárou, ktorá nosí šortky... Ako môže nejaký kazateľ, ktorý vyšiel tu zo seminára, pozrie sa na Skutky 2:38 a vidí, že nie je v Biblii ani jedna osoba, ktorá bola pokrstená na tie tituly, a potom stále hovorí, že je tehotný s Božím Slovom? On vám klame. On predal svoje práva prvorodenstva. On spáchal cudzoložstvo práve proti tej veci, ktorú povedal. On je pri rozvodnom konaní rozvedený.

Boh bude mať cnostnú cirkev, presne tak, Nevestu. Biblia povedala, "To Slovo nie je vo vás," tak aký druh detí rodíte? Tehotných denominačných ľudí. Nebola tam žiadna smrť, ktorá by vás oddelila od vášho prvého milenca.

74 "Čo si pomyslia Jonesoví, ak budem kričať a hovoriť v jazykoch? Čo si pomyslia, ak sa dám znovu pokrstiť?" Aký nezmysel! Vydali ste za Jonesových?! Vydali ste sa za cirkev?! Alebo ste sa vydali za Krista, Slovo? No, to je to, prečo ona stále rodí svoje deti.

Aký druh detí má? Tu sú niektoré z ich mien, ako ich dnes volajú: Kočky (Cats), Chrobáci (Beatles), Príšery (Monsters), Rikiovia (Rickys), Rikety (Rickettas),... Mačky, Chrobáci... To sú členovia cirkví, iste. Oni sú všetci synovia Kaina, čo znamená synovia toho chytrého zvieraťa, práve tak úlisní ako len môžu byť.

75 Pozrite sa teraz dobre na chvíľu s vašim vlastným duchovným zrakom, do vašej duše. Len sa poobzerajte. Hovorím teraz celému národu. Pozrite sa len na pár minút, vy tam v Branhamovej modlitebni, vy, v modlitebniach na západnom pobreží a v Arizone a kdekoľvek ste, pozrite sa na seba na pár minút. Poviete, "To posolstvo, ktoré kážeš, brat Branham, je nesprávne." Pozrite sa trochu na seba. Nechajte Ducha Svätého skúmať vašu myseľ so Slovom. Budete súhlasiť s tým posolstvom. Nechajte Krista, to pomazané Slovo, skúmať vaše vlastné svedomie. Nechajte Ho dostať sa do vás a vidzte, či je to správne alebo nie. A to je len jedna alebo dve veci, o ktorých som sa zmienil, zatiaľčo sú ich stovky.

76 Súhlasí Biblia s tým, aby si žena strihala vlasy? Verí Biblia... súhlasí s tromi krstami v mene Otca, Syna, Ducha Svätého? Nič také. Súhlasí Biblia s tým, aby žena nosila mužské oblečenie? No, vezmite len tri, zatiaľ čo ich je o stovky viac. Skúmajte to vo svetle Božieho Slova.

Poviete, "Som člen cirkvi", to bol aj Kain, to bola aj Eva. Biblia predpovedá, že v posledných dňoch bude Laodicea taká istá. Nech Svätý Duch skúma vaše svedomie a budete súhlasiť s Danielom 5:12, keď tá kráľovná prišla pred Balsazára a povedala... zistila, že tam medzi nimi bol prorok, Daniel a že on rozväzoval pochybnosti.

77 Nechajte Svätého Ducha - On je prorokom tohoto dňa. Nechajte Ho hneď teraz prísť do vášho srdca a ak sa preskúmate s Božím Slovom a tie pochybnosti o tomto posolstve budú rozviazané. On rozväzuje všetky pochybnosti. Zistíte, že je to presne podľa Slova na tento deň.

Nemôžete dnes kázať Lutherovo posolstvo. Ono ide do toho, ale to sú nohy. Nemôžete kázať Wesleya, nemôžete kázať Letničných! Sme úplne za tým, oni sa zorganizovali a zomreli. Oni sú steblo. To steblo vyšlo v lístku v tom prvom stave cirkvi. No, to nevyzerá ako to prvé zrno, ktoré vošlo do zeme, pšenica.

To druhé, čo prišlo, bol peľ. To stále nevyzerá ako to zrno: viac sa naň podobá ako to. Prichádza viac do podoby toho skutočného zrna. Ale to steblo iste nevyzerá tak ako to zrno, ktoré padlo do zeme. Je to prepravca života, ktorý bol v zrne. Ale čo to spravilo? Stala sa z toho denominácia, ako to aj pasuje s celou prírodou. To zomrelo.

78 Sledujte potom ten Život, ako bežal rovno hore do klasu. Malo to mnoho malých guličiek, ktoré na tom visia, vyzerá to ako malé zrná vo vnútri, vyzerá to ako to skutočné zrno, ale nie je. Potom to ide rovno do plevy a čo to prináša? Plevu. Vezmite si teraz zrno pšenice. Keď tá pšenica vychádza prvýkrát... ako povedal Ježiš, "pšeničné zrno," a beriete a otvárate tú pšenicu, odtrhnete to od stebla, pozeráte sa na to, poviete, "Máme zrno pšenice." Buďte opatrní. Je to presne ako zrno, ale v tom nie je ani trochu zrna. Je to pleva. To sú letniční. Tak veľmi, ako povedal Matúš 24:24, "To by zviedlo v tých posledných dňoch i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné." Ale poodtŕhate lístok za lístkom, nemáte žiadne zrno. To zrno je rovno tam vzadu. Vidíte? A potom ten Život vychádza z tej denominácie, ide do zrna.

79 Čo sa potom deje? Keď to zrno začína rásť a stáva sa väčším, takže môže niečo prekryť, denominácia sa od toho odťahuje.

"Prečo nemáme z tohoto denomináciu?" To nikdy nebude. To je zrno. To nemôže ísť už ďalej. Sme v čase konca.

Čo ono musí teraz robiť? Ležať v prítomnosti slnka, aby dozrelo. To je presne tak. Aby to Slovo dozrelo vo vašom srdci a prinieslo a žilo to, o čom hovoríme. Tak veru. Potom nebudete mať žiadne pochybnosti, ak necháte Svätého Ducha, aby vám to zjavil, ako tá kráľovná povedala o Danielovi.

80 Môžete povedať, "Čo má toto všetko do činenia so Vďakyvzdaním? O čom to hovoríš, brat Branham? Už je trištvrte na deväť. Nepovedal si nič o Vďakyvzdaní." Aké je to pre mňa posolstvo pri takej príležitosti! Áno, naozaj.

Pútnickí otcovia boli veľmi vďační za svoj novonájdený spôsob života, tým, že sa oddelili od starých anglických denominácií a vyznaní. Oni sa mohli vydať za nové pomazané Slovo pre ich vek. Tak je to. To nové, pomazané Slovo ich veku pre ich deň...

Takže môžeme byť vďační, ako pútnici ako Abrahám, oddelili sme sa od vecí tohoto sveta, od všetkých našich spojencov. Abrahám bol pútnik. Boh nás oddelil od starých mŕtvych náboženstiev (hovorím teraz ku celému národu), od všetkých mŕtvych vyznaní, do čoho? Oddelil nás a otvoril nám novú zem, nové posolstvo pre tento deň.

Letniční vyschli a zomreli. Ako Luther, Wesley a ostatní z nich, nie je to nič viac ako skupina cirkví daná dohromady. Sú tam ešte dobrí ľudia, ktorí musia vyjsť.

81 Čo On urobil? On otvoril tých Sedem Pečatí toho posledného posolstva. Všimli ste si to? Sedem Pečatí, kde všetky tajomstvá tých Siedmich Cirkevných Vekov boli zapečatené Siedmimi Pečaťami. Reformátori nemali vo svojich dňoch čas to urobiť. Nežili dostatočne dlho. Ale toto požehnané zjavenie Siedmich Pečatí je nám otvorené v týchto posledných dňoch z proroctva, ktoré vyšlo z Arizony.

Ako som sa jedného dňa pýtal Boha, "Čo robíš so mnou tu vonku na tejto púšti?" Vedeli ste, že Mojžiš napísal Nový Zákon, či vlastne Starý Zákon? Určite napísal: prvé štyri knihy dávajú zákony a všetko: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus a Deuteronomium. On napísal Starý Zákon. Aby to urobil, musel opustiť všetkých svojich druhov a milovaných a ísť na púšť.

82 Pavol napísal Nový Zákon. Tak je to. Napísal Rimanom a... Rimanom a tie ostatné, Židom a Timoteovi a tak ďalej. A aby to urobil, musel sa oddeliť od seba a ísť dolu do Arábie na púšť na tri roky a dostať zjavenie od Boha. Ó, poviete, "Čo Matúš, Marek, Lukáš a Ján?" Oni boli pisatelia, ktorí len napísali, čo Ježiš robil. Pavol oddelil a spojil Slovo dohromady. Tak je to.

No, potom, pozrite, ak ho to stálo toto a on musel ísť na púšť ďaleko od svojich milovaných... Pamätáte si "Aký je čas, pánovia?"? Koľkí ste to počuli, povedzte "amen." Bolo to úplne správne? My potom máme zjavenie v týchto posledných dňoch na posolstvo Pána Boha, aby zhromaždil spolu Svoju Nevestu. Žiadnemu inému veku to nebolo zasľúbené. Je to zasľúbené v tomto veku.

83 Malachiáš 4, Lukáš 17:30, Sv. Ján 14:12, Joel 2:38. Tieto zasľúbenia sú presne tak, ako sa Ján Krstiteľ sám zidentifikoval v Písme. Ježiš sa Sám zidentifikoval, čo oni povedali? "Preč s takou osobou. Ján je divoch." Cirkev to nebola schopná prijať. To je vzor. Ani dnes to cirkev neprijme.

Ale pre tých vyvolených, ktorých Boh volá. Pre vyvolených. Oni to poznajú. Volá cnostnú Nevestu, Slovo, Cirkev posledných dní, tú vyvolenú Pani nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, Slova. Ak je Ježiš Slovo... Koľkí tomu veria? V poriadku. Potom Nevesta je vždy časťou Ženícha. Takže Nevesta nebude denominácia, to bude musieť byť zamanifestované Slovo, aby bola Nevestou Krista. On zasľúbil, že to urobí. On povedal, ako to urobí.

84 On nikdy neopustil Svoj vzor. On to vždy robil podľa vzoru. On to zakaždým robil podľa vzoru. On to robí znova, vyvoláva Svoju ctnostnú Nevestu v tých posledných dňoch, milovanú Rebeku čakajúcu na svojho Izáka. Aký nádherný čas.

Tu to nám umožňuje vidieť tie dve Knihy, ktoré budú pre vás tajomné, keď budete čítať knihu Siedmich Cirkevných Vekov. Tie dve Knihy, Kniha Života... Jedna hovorí, že môžete do nej zapísať svoje meno a nikdy nebude vytreté a tá druhá hovorí, že vytriete jeho meno z Knihy Života. Toto nám to umožňuje dokonale vidieť, práve tu. (Zastavím sa na pár minút, možno na pár poznámkach a dotknem sa tohoto, predtým ako zakončíme.

85 Život je pre Boha svätá vec a je zaznamenaný v Knihe. Boh je Autor Života. Veríte tomu? Náš prirodzený život, ktorý tu máme, je len prevrátenosť. To v skutočnosti mal byť od začiatku ten pravý život. Ale tým prirodzeným narodením je to prevrátené.

Ten prvý život, alebo vaše prvé spojenie, do ktorého ste sa pripojili cez prirodzené narodenie. Prirodzený akt, prirodzené spojenie ľudskej bytosti, muža a ženy, spojených spolu pohlavným aktom, a to tu prinieslo váš prvý život a to je spojené s hriechom a smrťou!

86 Ako nemôžete vidieť to semeno hada, keď vidíte ženu, vedľajší produkt?! Žiadne ženské pohlavie nie je ako ona, utvorená za tým účelom, tak, že mohla byť zvedená... Boh vedel... keby od začiatku nevedel aký bude koniec, potom by nebol Boh. Ak nie je neohraničený, ak nie je... ak nemôže byť neohraničený bez toho, že by bol vševedúci, všadeprítomný, poznal všetky veci, večný... Takže On poznal všetky veci a musel utvoriť tú ženu. Ten muž nemal manželku. Žena a muž bolo to isté. On mal v sebe ženského a mužského ducha. On musel oddeliť, vziať vedľajší produkt, potom, čo bolo stvorené celé stvorenie. Žiadne ženské pohlavie stvorené Bohom v tom originálnom stvorení nemohlo urobiť takú vec. Ona bola tak stvorená, aby to urobila. On vedel, že ona to urobí. Ak to nevedel, On by nebol Bohom.

Ale vidíte, tie atribúty, ktoré sú v Bohu, museli byť ukázané. On mal byť Spasiteľom. A aby urobil všetko dokonalé, tým spôsobom ako to mal, tam by potom nemohlo byť nič stratené. Ó, nebuďte deti. Buďte muži a ženy. Sme na konci cesty.

87 Všimnite si. To bola prirodzenosť spojená so smrťou. Váš prvý manžel, ktorý mal nad vami vládu, bola vaša prirodzenosť skrze prirodzené narodenie. Prirodzene milujete svet, lebo ste svet a časťou sveta. Je to tak? Vaše žiadosti boli, skrze tú prirodzenosť, milovať svet, ktorého ste časťou. Ste časťou prírody. Veríte tomu? A to je vaša prirodzená vec. To je dôvod, prečo sa musíte znovu narodiť. Musíte sa oddeliť. Musíte zomrieť tomu prvému manželovi. Nemôžete s tým žiť. Nemôžete len povedať, "No, ja sa s ním rozvediem a odložím ho tu, až do nejakej príležitosti." Nie, žiadny rozvodný list. On zomiera. Tá prirodzenosť toho sveta musí zomrieť! Každý jeho kúsok musí zomrieť! Musíte byť znovu spojení s inou prirodzenosťou.

88 Vaše meno vašej prvej prirodzenosti sa narodilo a bolo zapísané v Knihe Života a tiež tam boli napísané všetky vaše skutky. Všetko, čo ste v tej prirodzenosti urobili, bolo zapísané v Knihe nazvanej Kniha Života,

Všimnite si v Danielovi, keď on prichádza k tomu Starodávnemu dňov, ktorého vlasy boli biele ako vlna... desaťtisíc krát desaťtisícov prišlo s Ním, aby Mu slúžilo: Nevesta. A potom tie Knihy boli otvorené a iná kniha bola otvorená, ktorá bola Knihou života. Vidíte? Tí svätí sú už tam, Cirkev, Nevesta. Iná Kniha bola otvorená, ktorá bola Knihou Života.

89 Teraz vy... Ale keď ste od toho spojenia boli oddelení duchovnou smrťou. Vašou prirodzenou žiadosťou je strihať si vlasy, vašou prirodzenou žiadosťou je nosiť šortky, maľovať si tvár, vašou prirodzenou žiadosťou je byť intelektuálny, chytrý človek, ktorý vie niečo lepšie ako ten druhý. To je to, čo chcela Eva. To je práve to, čo chcela. No, poviete, "Ty malý bezvýznamný kazateľ, postav sa tu a povedz mi ... ja mám PhD, LL..." To vás odvádza len ďalej od Boha, zakaždým keď si pridáte jeden z tých titulov. Je to tak, skutočne.

90 Vidíte, to je to, čo si vzala Eva. Ona bola tehotná tým druhom tehotenstva. To je to, čím je dnes cirkev skrze biblické školy a intelektuálov, pozrite, niktorý nesúhlasí s tým druhým. Jedno veľké zamiešanie, presne to, čo povedala Biblia: Babylon!

Tá Nevesta vie kde stojí. V nej je ich veľmi málo. Nebude ich veľa spasených. Len veľmi veľmi veľmi málo. Poviete, "No, oni povedali, že tisíce." Áno, ale oni prichádzajú tiež z tých dvetisíc rokov z každého veku, keď to vyšlo. Každý... Lutherov vek a tá skupina, potom vymreli a oni odišli a založili denomináciu. A Wesley, potom prichádzajú letniční a tak ďalej a všetky tie malé vetvy skupiny baptistov, presbyteriánov, metodistov, nazarénov, pútnikov svätosti a tak ďalej.

Vidíte, všetci tí odtiaľ odpadli ako list. Ale pamätajte, keď to zišlo dolu a to zrno začalo dozrievať, oni... nachádzate, že predtým, ako to zrno môže dozrieť, všetko v tom steble musí byť mŕtve! Haleluja! Nemôžete vidieť, kde stojíme?! Život je znovu v zrne! Čo je to? Presne to isté, ako to Zrno, ktoré išlo do zeme, ten istý Ježiš vo forme Nevesty: tá istá moc, tá istá cirkev, tá istá vec, to isté Slovo.

91 To isté Slovo, z ktorého títo sali a vychádza sem a prichádza sem do hlavy. A všetok ten Život, ktorý prechádzal tam, pozbieral svojich ľudí a teraz sa formuje do hlavy na vytrhnutie. (Budeme o tom hovoriť zajtra večer alebo na ďalší večer, ak bude Pán chcieť.)

Keď ste oddelení od vášho prvého spojenia skrze duchovnú smrť. Teraz ste narodení znovu alebo znovu zosobášení do nového duchovného spojenia, nie z vášho prirodzeného života, z vecí toho sveta, ale z Večného Života. Ten Zárodok, ktorý bol vo vás na začiatku vás našiel.

92 Vaša stará kniha s vašim starým spojením je preč. Vaše meno vo vašej starej... bolo prenesené. No, poviete, "Chceš mi povedať, že moja stará kniha..." Boh ju hodil do mora Jeho zabudnutia. Stojíte dokonalí pred Bohom. Vaše meno je teraz v tej novej Knihe, nie v Knihe Života, ale v Baránkovej Knihe Života. To, čo Baránok vykúpil, nie tá stará kniha vášho prirodzeného spojenia, ale vy ste nová Nevesta. Haleluja! Váš nový Život je v Baránkovej Knihe Života, váš sobášny list, haleluja, kde váš pravdivý večný zárodok od začiatku pevne drží.

93 Teda, nie je vám len odpustené, ale ste ospravedlnení. Sláva! Ospravedlnení: v Rimanom 5:1 je povedané, Rimanom 5:1: "Preto, súc ospravedlnení vierou..." Vyhľadajte si to slovo. To slovo neznamená "odpustené", to slovo znamená "ospravedlnení". To neznamená, že vám je odpustené. Napríklad, počuli ste, že som sa opil a urobil nejaké zlé veci a všetko, potom prídete a hovoríte mi... zistili ste, že som to neurobil. Potom idete a poviete, "Brat Branham, odpúšťam ti." Odpúšťaš mi? Ja som to vôbec neurobil. Vidíte?

No, ak by som to urobil, som vinný. Ale vy by ste mi mohli odpustiť a ja by som nebol vinný, ale stále nie som ospravedlnený, lebo v skutočnosti som to urobil. Ale to slovo "ospravedlnený" znamená, ako by ste to nikdy neurobili. Amen. To nie je vôbec ani spomenuté. Ako je to možné? V Božej knihe mora zabudnutia, vaša stará kniha a manželstvo je rozvedené a mŕtve a nie je ani v Božej pamäti. Amen. Ste ospravedlnení. Preto byť ospravedlnený... to bolo obvinené... boli ste obvinení, nikdy ste to ani neurobili. To staré spojenie je v mori Božieho zabudnutia. Neboli ste vôbec s tým zosobášení. On, Ženích niesol Sám tvoju hanbu za teba na tvojom mieste. On zaujal vaše miesto, lebo vy ste boli pred založením sveta predurčení pre Neho, aby ste boli Jeho Nevestou. Biblia tak povedala. Vy ste to predurčené Semeno.

94 Ako sa to stalo, že ste toto urobili? Boli ste do toho zvedení skrze vaše prvé manželstvo... cez vášho cudzoložného rodiča - Evu. To nie je vaša vlastná chyba. Skrze vaše prirodzené narodenie, vy prichádzate po Eve, ktorá spáchala cudzoložstvo. To je ten dôvod, že ste sa narodili ako cudzoložní. Od začiatku ste hriešnikmi. Tak je to. Boli ste do toho zvedení. Nemali ste žiadne... Nie, to nebola vaša chyba. Vy ste to nikdy neurobili, lebo ten malý Zárodok, ktorý bol vo vás, sa mal stať vami pred založením sveta. Boh zapísal vaše meno do Baránkovej Knihy Života.

95 Ako môj príbeh o tom orlíčati, všetci ste ho počuli. Sliepka... jeden starý farmár mal raz sliepku. Vidíte, on nemal dostatok sliepok... vajíčok pod sliepku, tak našiel nejaké orlie vajce a podložil ho pod ňu. Keď sa to orlíča vyliahlo, to bolo to najsmiešnejšie vyzerajúce kura, ktoré kedy tie kurence videli. To malé orlíča chodilo okolo; sliepka robila: "Kvok, kvok, kvok, kvok."

To orlíča povedalo, "Ja neviem, ako tá vec znie, ale jednako ju budem nasledovať."

Vyšiel na dvor a začal hrabať na hromade hnoja. A ona spustila, "Kvok, kvok, kvok. Toto je dobré. Toto je dobré. Pripoj sa ku nám. A toto je..." To orlíča, on nemohol jesť také veci. On len... on len vyšiel s tými kurencami, lebo nevedel, on nevedel, čo robiť. A potom tam ona vyšla a vyhrabala toto a tamto a ten malý orol proste, on to musel stráviť, on nevedel ako to robiť. Ale videl, že všetky tie kurence to robia, ale tam je niečo iné. Nepáčilo sa mu to.

96 Tak jedného dňa, tá matka vedela, že vyliahla dve vajcia. Tak začala pátrať po tom druhom. Lietala okolo, hľadala tak, ako ten veľký Svätý Duch. Jedného dňa letela ponad na ten dvor, tú denomináciu. Pozrela sa tam dolu a videla svoje dieťa. Skríkla. To bol hlas niečoho, čo spôsobilo ozvenu v jeho vnútri. "Ó, to znie správne!"

Ó, nechajte skutočne predurčený narodený zárodok, predurčený od Boha, nech počuje to Božie Slovo, pre neho je to hudba. On vie, že to je pravda. On je aj tak unavený z tých denominačných vecí: "Pripoj sa k nám. Príď, poď s nami. Máme spoločenský večierok. Máme toto, máme..." To proste tomu malému neznelo dobre.

Ona povedala, "Synu, ty aj tak nepatríš do tej skupiny. Ty patríš mne, si môj."

On povedal, "Mama, to znie skutočne. Ako sa z tohoto dostanem?"

"Len skoč, ja ťa chytím! To je všetko, čo musíš urobiť." To pomazané Božie Slovo sa potvrdilo pred každým človekom, ktorý sa narodil, aby bol synom Božím, s tým predurčeným zárodkom v sebe na túto hodinu, on bude vidieť Božie posolstvo s takou istotou ako že je Boh na nebi.

97 Martin Luther videl to, ktoré bolo pre neho. Wesley videl to, ktoré bolo pre neho. Letniční videli to, ktoré bolo pre nich. No, a čo ty? Oni odišli do denominácie. Tu je Slovo, ktoré to odsudzuje, hovorí vám, čo máme dnes mať a presne Malachiáš 4 a všetky tieto ostatné zasľúbenia na túto hodinu. Čo vidíte?! Na čo sa pozeráte?! Amen!

Tu to máme. Ten skutočný opravdový Orol je tu. "Moje ovce počujú Môj hlas, za cudzím nepôjdu." No, tam to bolo zapísané skrze predurčenie. Bol si predurčený aby si bol Božím synom. Bol si v Bohu pred založením sveta! Ale si sa zamanifestoval len v tomto dni na Jeho česť a slávu. Ako to môžeš robiť bez toho, že by si ctil Jeho Slovo a stál na každom Božom Slove?!... Tak veru, ...kde ty si časťou toho Slova skrze predurčenie, lebo, pozri sa, Boh je Slovo. Veríš tomu? No, potom ak On bol stále Slovom...

98 Na počiatku bolo Slovo a keď to Slovo bol Boh, potom vy ste boli v Bohu. To Slovo, tá časť, ktorú máte odohrať bola v Bohu pred založením sveta. On vás videl. On vás poznal. On vás ku tomu predurčil. A poviem vám, práve tak, ako ten orol rozpoznal ten hlas, tak isto skutočný, znovuzrodený Kresťan rozpoznáva ten Boží Hlas hovoriaci skrze Slovo, keď Ho vidia pomazané a potvrdené.

Pozrite, on sa pozrel hore. On nevidel tú starú sliepku "kvok, kvok, pripoj sa ku nám a poď sem a choď toto a choď ku tomu a tamtomu." On videl Bytosť akou on chcel byť, ako sa plaví v povetrí, slobodne kričí, hore vo výškach ponad všetkými tými supmi a vecami tej zeme. Haleluja! On tým chcel byť, lebo to bolo v ňom, aby tým bol.

99 A človek, ktorý je narodený z Boha, Boží syn musí mať prirodzenosť Boha! On musí byť ako Boh! On ctí Boha. On je časťou Božieho Slova.

A v týchto posledných dňoch táto Nevesta naberá formu presne tej istej moci v akej On bol na počiatku... On prechádzal cez tieto organizácie a tak ďalej a vychádza pre Nevestu. On nemôže byť ničím iným okrem toho!

100 Oni to mali vidieť, tí Židia vo svojom dni, keď to tam videli pred sebou zamanifestované, ako prorok povedal, že On bude. On povedal, "Skúmajte písma, myslíte si, že v nich máte Večný Život. Oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o Mne. Ak nečiním skutky môjho Otca, potom mi neverte, ale ak nemôžete veriť mne, verte tým skutkom, ktoré činím."

Oni povedali, "Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti po štyridsať rokov. My vieme, na čom sme."

On povedal, "A oni všetci sú mŕtvi." To znamená večne oddelení. Každý jeden zahynul. Tam boli len traja. Dvaja vychádzajú z milióna... z dvoch miliónov. To je jeden z milióna.

No... vstreknutie, spermia od muža a ženy, tam je obyčajne jedno vajíčko plodné. Tam je jedno vajíčko, jeden zárodok, ktorý je plodný.

101 Videli ste niekedy kríženie dobytka? Všimnite si, je tam milión vajíčok, tu je milión zárodkov a keď sú oni vypustené, aby prišli spolu do maternice, prechádzajú cez vajíčkovod a do maternice, stretajú sa. Jedno z nich je vajíčko, milión vajíčok, milión zárodkov. Tam je len jedno vajíčko plodné. Tam je len jeden plodný zárodok. Oni sú všetky nažive. Môžete sledovať tie malé teľatá, ako udierajú okolo, taká troška, že by ste ju mohli dať na hlavičku zápalky. A Demos a tí ostatní počúvajú dnes večer a on si pamätá, keď sme zobrali... vzal ma tam dolu a ukázal mi ako to funguje: testovacie skúmavky. A položil ich tam toľko, koľko by ste mohli dať na koniec zápalky a tam bolo tisíce malých teliat a býčkov, ale len jedno z nich mohlo žiť. Len jedno z nich. A tu je ich veľká hŕba a všimnite si, jedno z nich bude putovať spomedzi týchto tu, prichádza sem a nejaké vajíčko vyjde spomedzi tých ostatných vajíčok tu a oni sa spolu stretnú a tí ostatní z nich zomierajú. Hoci sú živé, ale zomierajú. Lebo tam je niečo... Niekto učinil toto jedno plodné a určil tiež toto. To je predurčenie, brat môj. Tak veru.

102 Boh musel určiť, či to bude chlapec, alebo dievča, červenovlasý, čiernovlasý alebo čokoľvek to je. To určil Boh. Pre mňa je to viac tajomné ako panenské narodenie. Ale všimnite si, tí ostatní z nich zomierajú.

Tam boli dva milióny ľudí, ktorí vyšli, spievali, kričali, všetko robili, hovorili v iných... nehovorili v jazykoch, ale kričali a dávali Bohu slávu a tancovali hore a dolu pri mori a robili všetko to, čo robili všetci tí ostatní. Ale boli tam len dvaja, ktorí vošli do zasľúbenej zeme: Kálef a Jozue, len dvaja. To je jeden z milióna. To je jeden z milióna v prirodzenom narodení. Každý z nich mal to isté požehnanie. Ó, vy letniční, dúfam, že sa nezobudíte príliš neskoro. Jeden z milióna!

Pozrite, na svete je vraj dnes päťsto miliónov takzvaných kresťanov. Keby prišiel Ježiš, potom by s ním išlo len päťsto, ak je tá štatistika správna. No, každý deň zmizne na svete viac ako toľko. Ľudia o tom nič nevedia.

103 "Počul som, zákonníci povedali... vieš, že tí... prečo zákonníci hovoria, že najprv musí prísť Eliáš?" opýtali sa Ježiša.

On povedal, "Eliáš už prišiel a vy ste to nepoznali." Vidíte? On urobil presne to, čo Písmo povedalo, že sa mu stane. Tak musí Syn človeka trpieť...

Oni Ho nerozpoznali. Hoci všetci boli v cirkvi, všetci tvrdili, že sú živí. A vy ste povedali ... Skutočne znovuzrodený kresťan, skutočný Boží sluha, keď počuje to Božie Slovo, on vyjde rovno von z každej denominácie do tej skutočnej plodnej zeme Slova, do pôdy na zasadenie. On to urobí. Ja neviem ako to robí. Boh to určil, aby sa to stalo.

104 Vy ste boli na počiatku zvedení vaším prvým manželstvom. No, vy viete, čo je pravda. Práve tak, ako som povedal o tom malom orlovi, keď on počul ten Hlas Ženícha, on išiel ku Tomu pomazanému, potvrdenému Božiemu Slovu pre tie posledné dni.

Noe bol potvrdeným Slovom pre jeho deň. Veríte tomu? No, jeho posolstvo dnes nebude fungovať.

Mojžiš bol potvrdeným slovom jeho veku. Veríte tomu? To nebude teraz fungovať.

Ježiš bol... Ján bol potvrdeným Slovom. Veríte tomu? To by nefungovalo vo dňoch Ježiša. Určite nie. Nie veru. Zákon a proroci boli po Jána, odvtedy nebeské Kráľovstvo.

105 Apoštoli, tí, ktorí vysvetlili Bibliu... tu prichádza Luther v reformácii, jeho slová, ktoré... jeho cirkev nebude fungovať dnes. Nebude ani Wesleyova. Nebudú ani letniční. To fungovalo v ich dni, ale teraz je iný deň. Toto je otvorenie Siedmich Pečatí. Viem, že vám to znie zvláštne, ale Boh to tak dokonale potvrdil, nie je v tam žiadna pochybnosť, tak dokonale.

Nepodávam to tomuto miestnemu zhromaždeniu. Hovorím ku ľuďom v celom národe. Vidíte? Robte, čo si prajete.

106 Všimnite si teraz, to pomazané Slovo jeho dňa, ktorého ste časťou skrze predurčenie. Vy okamžite... tak ako ste vedeli, keď ste to počuli, rýchlo ste spoznali, že ste orol. Tiež ste si uvedomili, že nie ste vôbec denominačným kuraťom, vedeli ste, že je tam niečo zlé. Je tam niečo zlé. Tak je to. Lebo viete, že na začiatku ste do toho uviazli a nemohli ste sa vyslobodiť.

On, Ženích, odňal vašu hanbu a hodil ju do mora zabudnutia skrze umytie Vodou Slova a Krvou Života. To je to, čo povedala Biblia.

107 Váš prvý manžel, za ktorého ste boli vydatí, svet; ten pomazaný Ženích, ktorý vás predurčil, vás umyl umytím vodou skrze cirkev? To neznie dobre, však? Mohli by ste to nájsť v almanachu, ale nie v Božej Biblii. Umytím vodou skrze Slovo a Slovo. Vidíte? Vy stojíte úplne ospravedlnení ako keby ste to na začiatku nikdy neurobili.

Toto je teraz moje posolstvo cirkvi aj keby ste - aj keby sme mali za minútu vyletieť do vzduchu. Vy stojíte, ak stojíte na Božom Slove a s Božím Slovom, každé amen, každá jota, každý punktík. Kde stojíte? Snažím sa vám povedať: odtiahnite sa od tej plevy a vystúpte sem do pšenice, kde môžete dozrieť na tom Slnku. Počujem prichádzať kombajn. Stojíte úplní, ospravedlnení ako keby ste to ani nikdy neurobili. Haleluja! Hovorte o Vďakyvzdaní. Cítim sa naozaj veľmi dobre. Som za to vďačnejší než za čokoľvek o čom viem.

Vy ste čistá, cnostná, bezhriešna Nevesta Syna živého Boha. Každý muž a žena, ktorý je narodený z Ducha Božieho a umytý v Krvi Ježiša Krista a verí každému Božiemu Slovu, stojí akoby vôbec nikdy nezhrešil! Ste dokonalí! Krv Ježiša Krista...

108 Ako môžete... ak nejaký človek... ak som ja mal zomrieť ráno a nejaký človek zaujal moje miesto, ja nemôžem zomrieť za ten hriech. Niekto zaujal moje miesto. A Ježiš, Slovo, zaujal moje miesto. On sa stal mnou, hriešnikom, aby som sa ja mohol stať Ním, Slovom. Amen! Nechajte ma poriadne sa Toho držať, nie cirkvi, Slova! Amen!

Ó, to je teraz duchovné spojenie Krista v jeho Cirkvi, keď to telo sa stáva Slovom a to Slovo sa stáva telom. Manifestované, potvrdené práve tak, ako Biblia povedala, že sa v tomto dni stane, stáva sa to deň za dňom. No, to sa tak rýchlo hromadí na tých púštiach, a dejú sa veci, že ledva s tým môžem držať krok. Sme blízko príchodu Ježiša, aby sa spojil so svojou Cirkvou, kde to Slovo sa stáva Slovom.

109 Volanie Svätého Ducha, ktorý skúma srdcia... Stojíte úplní. Nikdy ste ani nezhrešili. Boh ani nevie... je to v mori zabudnutia. Nikdy ste to neurobili. Boli ste z toho obvinení žalobcom, ale skutočne od začiatku ste boli predučení za syna alebo dcéru Božiu. Stojíte tam umytí a vaša stará kniha rozvodu je odhodená a mŕtva, celkom mimo existencie, dokonca v mysli Božej. Ste cnostnou Nevestou Krista, umytou v Krvi Kristovej: vzácna, cnostná, bezhriešna; Boží Syn stojaci s čistou, nepoškvrnenou Nevestou Slova, ktorú umyl Vodou Svojej vlastnej Krvi, ktorá sa stala telom a zamanifestovala sa, aby mohol vziať vás, ktorí ste boli predurčení v lone Otcovom pred začiatkom, tak isto, ako On bol...

110 On bol tým veľkým Božím atribútom, nazvaným láska. Vy čokoľvek ste, ste sluhovia Boží. Čokoľvek Boh od vás chce, aby ste robili, kde je vaše miesto... Boh umiestnil v cirkvi niektorých za apoštolov, prorokov, učiteľov, pastorov. On to umiestnil skrze cnosť Jeho vlastného predurčenia. A vy ste tým boli od začiatku: Vaša prvá svadba bola anulovaná. To bolo... Vy ste to ani nikdy neurobili, lebo je len jedna vec, ktorá to mohla urobiť, a to bol Boh, ktorý prišiel dole, On sám a zaujal vaše miesto vo forme Syna Božieho, Ježiša Krista a umyl vás Vodou... umytím Vodou skrze Slovo. Slovo, nie denominácia, Slovo vás umylo. Ale ak nebudete stáť vo Vode Slova, ako bude umytí?! Ste stále tak poškvrnení ako bola Eva!

111 "Ó, drahý zomierajúci Baránok, Tvoja vzácna Krv nikdy nestratí svoju moc, kým celá vykúpená cirkev Božia nebude spasená, aby už nikdy viac nerobila hriech."

Čo je hriech? Hriech je nevera, nevera v čo? V Slovo. Nevera v Boha, ktorý je Slovo. Čistá, nepoškvrnená (ó, haleluja!), skoro odíde do oblakov. Amen! Stojac pripravení... Pomyslite, vaše rúcha umyté Vodou krvácajúceho Slova. To Slovo sa stalo Krvou. To Slovo krvácalo za vás a vy ste umytí v krvácajúcom Slove. Krvácajúce Slovo, Boží Život v Slove a to Slovo bolo preliate za vás, aby ste vy mohli byť umytí od špiny týchto prostitútok a byť očistení a posvätení skrze umytie Vodou Slova, ktoré činí, že vaša myseľ a srdce zostáva v Bohu a v Jeho Slove.

112 No, ako viete, že je to pravda? Keď Boh prichádza dole a potvrdzuje To a dokazuje To.

Poviete, "No, ja tomu tak neverím." Oni tomu neverili tak ako Ježiš, ale Boh To dokázal. Oni tomu neverili tak, ako Noe, neverili tomu tak ako Mojžiš. Oni boli ochotní dať na slová Baláma: "My sme všetci rovnakí, tak sa len spojme spolu."

"Oddeľte sa!" hovorí Biblia, "od nevery." Haleluja!

113 Všimnite si teraz, vy nie ste len to, ale vy pôjdete na svadbu do oblakov a nosíte svadobnú stuhu predurčenej nezaslúženej milosti, svadobnú stuhu milosti, ktorú ste si nezaslúžili. Boh to Sám urobil. On vás poznal pred založením sveta, tak On vám vtedy zastrčil tú svadobnú stužku: zapísal vaše meno do Knihy. Aké Vďakyvzdanie! Haleluja! Chvála nášmu Bohu!

114 Teraz, na záver, mohol by som povedať toto: My všetci vieme, že tá moderná letničná cirkev, vo svojom súčasnom stave, všetky denominácie spolu... Hádžem ich do jedného vreca, lebo oni sú. Pamätajte, On najprv zviaže kúkoľ a spáli ho. Vezme... On berie všetky pšeničné steblá a všetky ich najprv spáli, potom si prichádza vziať Svoju pšenicu a berie si ju Domov. Oni sa všetci zhromažďujú do snopov: Snop metodistov, baptistov, letničných a všetci idú do Ekumenickej Rady. To je pravda. Oni sú všetci spálení. Vidíte?

115 My všetci vieme, že tá moderná cirkev v jej terajšom stave a vo svojej súčasnej pozícii, nie je vôbec v stave zakončiť to veľké poverenie, ktoré dal Boh cirkvi na tento deň. Koľkí letniční môžu na to povedať "amen"? Tak je to.

Je to v... Sme jednotári, dvojičiari, trojičiari, toto, tamto, zmätok, boj. Jeden je toto a jeden tamto a iné. A každý jeden z nich sa bojí postaviť voči Slovu rovno do skúšky. Oni vedia... Môžete im o tom povedať a oni povedia, "Nemôžem si pomôcť, nemôžem tomu veriť. Je mi jedno, čo robí. Ja..." Vidíte, vidíte?

To ukazuje, akú máte matku a akého otca. Mohli by ste byť jedného dňa štátnym presbyterom. Mohli by ste byť toto, to, alebo tamto. Buďte radšej Božím synom.

116 No, vieme, že cirkev by nemohla... Letničná cirkev by za žiadnych okolností, za žiadnych okolností by nemohla vo svojom súčasnom stave priniesť posolstvo posledného dňa. Mohla by? No, ona nemôže súhlasiť ani s jedným alebo dvomi Slovami v Biblii. Ako to potom urobíte? Ona to nemôže urobiť. Tak vidíte, denominácia je vonku. Tak je to. To budú vyvolení ľudia, ktorí sú ku tomu vyvolení. Rozumiete? Nie, nie.

A tak každý jeden z nás vie, že celý ten rad denominácií, letničných a všetkých, sú mŕtvi; to je pre znovuzrodených kresťanov Posolstva. Vidíte? Váš prvý manžel je mŕtvy. Vieme, že je mŕtvy. Boh to nechal zomrieť. Je s tým koniec. Všetky tie ich vedecké, intelektuálne, vzdelávacie, vedecké spôsoby ich takzvaných Biblických škôl a takých vecí, to zahynulo. Čo to vykonalo? Oddelilo. Jednotári tu a trojičiari tu a dvojičiari tu a tamto a tu, také zamiešanie a nazývajú sa "letniční."

117 No, išiel som za jedným mladým mužom (on práve teraz počúva) a mladou ženou. Ona patrila do nejakej cirkvi a povedala... Povedal som... Oni sa od nich oddelili. Povedal som, "Čo sa deje?"

Povedala, "No, my máme odlišnú vieru."

Povedal som, "Ó, je mi ľúto. Ste katolíčka?"

Povedala, "Nie."

Povedala mi do ktorej denominačnej cirkvi patrí - k letničným.

Povedal som, "Čo ste?" On je tiež letničný, ale iná denominácia.

Ó, viete, že rímsko-katolícka cirkev začala na letnice? Koľkí vedia, že je to pravda? Trvalo im to dvetisíc rokov, aby sa dostali tam, kde sú teraz. Neodnímajte niečo z Písma, už nikdy viac. No, letniční, za dvadsať rokov od teraz budú na tom horšie, ako sú v súčasnosti, ak to pôjde ďalej takto, ako je to teraz. No, iste. Vidíte? Čo je to? Čo je to? Pozrite, kto je ich otec a mama: Dovolia svojim ženám strihať si vlasy, môžu robiť takmer všetko čo chcú, dokiaľ patria do ich cirkvi. To je všetko, čo je potrebné.

118 Ó, niet divu, niet divu, že Božie zatratenie je nahromadené. Boh to položil rovno pred vaše oči a vy zatvárate oči a nechcete sa na to dívať. Zatvárate svoje srdce, keď vidíte to pravdivé Božie Slovo v týchto Siedmich Pečatiach potvrdené a dokázané, že je to tak a nebesia svedčia naprieč národmi a všade veľkými znameniami a zázrakmi, ako On povedal, že učiní. Potom sa uzatvárate a hovoríte, "Ja neviem, nemôžem si pomôcť, ja..." Vidíte?

Ó! Mŕtvi a nevedia to! Hriechy a prestúpenia, ste mŕtvi! Ó!

119 Všetci vieme, že cirkev v tom stave by nemohla zakončiť tento posledný deň. Ako by mohla uznať Malachiáša 4? Ako by to mohla urobiť? Oni ani neveria v niečo také. Ako by mohla uveriť... uznať Lukáša 17:30? Ako by mohla uznať všetky tieto ostatné miesta Písma, ktoré sú zasľúbené v týchto posledných dňoch? Nemohla by to urobiť, lebo ona to zapiera. "Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka."

Pozrite sa na stav, v ktorom bola Sodoma v tom dni; pozrite sa na stav cirkvi dnes. Pozrite, čo sa stalo Abrahámovi, tomu vyvolenému. Pozrite sa, čo sa stalo Lótovi a tým dolu v Sodome. Pozrite sa na Billyho Grahama a Orala Robertsa a na tých dolu medzi tými denomináciami. Pozrite sa na vyvolenú Abrahámovu cirkev, ktorá bola vytiahnutá. Pozrite sa, aký druh znamenia, ktoré Ježiš Sám, vtelený Boh, stojaci tam v ľudskom tele...

120 Poviete, "To bol anjel." Biblia povedala, že to bol Boh: Pán, Boh, Elohim, stál tam v ľudskom tele, ukazuje, že On tak pomaže Svoju cirkev v tých posledných dňoch, to bude znovu Boh pracujúci v ľudskom tele. "Ako bolo vo dňoch Lóta, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka."

Tá istá vec. Môžete to vidieť rovno v Písme. "Čítajte... skúmajte Písma, lebo sa domnievate, že v nich máte Večný Život a Oni sú to, ktoré svedčia o tomto."

121 Takže my vieme, že oni sú mŕtvi. Boh to nechal zomrieť v ich vlastných sebeckých, vedeckých, vzdelávacích programoch. Všetci letniční zvykli... Hovoríte o tom - poslať dieťa do biblickej školy, voľakedy keď starý brat Lyle a tí boli tu okolo, oni by vás vystrčili z cirkvi. Ale, ó, teraz je to tá najväčšia vec. "Môj syn je na biblickej školy." Kope si hrob.

Tak mohla by... No, myslíte, že by To dnes mohli prijať? Myslíte si, že sa snažím podporovať nevzdelanosť? Nie. Hovorím vám, že je rozdiel medzi týmto intelektuálnym vekom, v ktorom žijeme, kde cirkev otehotnela s vedou a všetkými týmito takzvanými výpočtami a všetkým možným. Nemôžete vypočítať Boha. No, tí kňazi si Boha vypočítali tak dokonale, oni vedeli, ako ten Mesiáš má prísť. Ale On prišiel tak odlišne od toho, ako si to oni vypočítali, to nebolo vedecké. "Ako môže tento človek, ktorý je nemanželským dieťaťom... Kam chodil do školy? Odkiaľ pochádza Jeho vzdelanie? Kde sa to naučil? No, ty sa nás snažíš učiť? Ty si sa narodil v smilstve." Vidíte? Ó!

122 Vidíte, ako sa opakuje tá istá vec? Vidíte, že sa to znovu opakuje? Všetci vo svojej náboženskej vede, v náboženskej vede: podľa toho, čo povedala ich biblická škola. To je ten spôsob, ako to oni chcú. To je ten spôsob, ako to musí byť, inak to nie je. Boh sa stále z nich smeje. Vždy to prichádza inak. Bolo to tak za času Noeho, bolo to tak v čase Mojžiša, bolo to tak v čase Krista, bolo to tak v čase Jána, bolo to tak v čase učeníkov, bolo to tak v čase Wesleyho, bolo to tak v čase Luthera, bolo to tak v čase letničných a tak je to znovu. To nemení svoj vzor, vždy to prichádza tak isto. Len reformátori, cez tých sedem... cez šesť vekov až do siedmeho v Zjavení 10, bolo povedané, v tejto hodine sa to zmení a to sa zmenilo.

123 Teraz končíme týmto: Zakončiť to veľké poverenie, ako by to mohli urobiť? Vieme, že sú mŕtvi. Boh to nechal zomrieť v ich vedeckom veku, všetko z toho je také... Tak čo On mohol urobiť? Otvoriť Sedem krát zapečatené Tajomstvo pre nedenominačnú Nevestu. Ako môže denominácia prijať tých Sedem Pečatí, keď je to úplne v rozpore? Semeno hada a všetky tie ostatné veci, všetkých plných Sedem Tajomstiev je v rozpore s tým, čomu boli oni vyučovaní, lebo oni sa držia starej školy z biblickej školy. A Božích Sedem Pečatí, keď boli otvorené na tom vrchu... Bože, nechaj ma hneď teraz zomrieť za touto kazateľňou, ak to nie je Pravda. A ja som vám predpovedal rok aj šesť mesiacov predtým, ako sa to stalo, keď mi on povedal, aby som išiel do Arizony, čo sa stane tam na púšti a dnes večer tu sedia ľudia, ktorí stáli rovno tam, boli tam prítomní, keď prišlo dole tých Sedem Anjelov a dokonca časopisy... Časopis "Life (Život)" vydal o tom článok. Bolo to rovno tam v tom observatóriu a všade. A teraz oni ani nevedia, čo to všetko znamená. A všetko bolo povedané, dokonca o zničení Kalifornie, ktoré teraz prichádza a všetky tieto ďalšie veci a ako som im povedal, že koľko to bude dní. Ako to bude, keď sa stane toto veľké zemetrasenie na Aljaške a to bude začiatok znaku času a čo sa bude diať. A rovno slovo za slovom, čo To povedalo. Ani jeden raz to nezlyhalo. Nikdy ste nevideli, že by to zlyhalo. A to nemôže zlyhať, lebo To je Božie Slovo a nebo i zem pominú, ale To nemôže zlyhať! To je pravda.

124 Boh musel otvoriť tých Sedem Pečatí, nie v denominácii. Vždy som bol proti tomu. Ale mimo denominácie, aby si mohol vziať Nevestu, nie denominačnú nevestu, On by to nemohol urobiť. To je proti Jeho vlastnému Slovu. On tam otvoril tých Sedem Tajomstiev a to ukazuje, prináša tie veci, ktoré boli skryté od založenia sveta, aby mohli byť v týchto posledných dňoch zjavené synom Božím. Bolo to teraz prinesené pred ľudí, aby to videli. Vy tam teraz... tejto nedenominačnej Neveste.

Ó, tu máte tie dve Knihy. Jedna z nich je Baránkova Kniha Života. Vaše meno je tam predurčené. Ono tam môže mať svoje miesto, lebo vy ho nemôžete viac zobrať preč, potom nič,... lebo ono bolo predurčené, aby tam bolo. Ale tá obyčajná Kniha Života, vy ho môžete kedykoľvek vymazať. Vidíte? Ak nečiníte pokánie, ono je aj tak preč, lebo budete stáť na súde. Nevesta ani nebude stáť na súde. Ona ide do vytrhnutia.

125 Práve ako toto hovorím, pri zakončení, začína byť neskoro. Je takmer 9:30. A my budeme odtiaľto preč o 9:30, ak bude Pán chcieť. Buďte teraz skutočne úctiví. Počúvajte. Raz... Ako to teraz hovorím, toto ide celým národom. V New Yorku je teraz 11:25. Hore vo Philadelphii a tam naokolo, tam sedia tí drahí svätí a počúvajú práve teraz v tých zboroch tam naokolo. Dole v Mexiku, hore v Kanade všade naokolo. Takmer dvesto míľ kdekoľvek, tu na tomto severoamerickom kontinente sú ľudia, ktorí práve teraz počúvajú, tisíce krát tisícov počúvajú. Toto je moje posolstvo pre vás, cirkev. Pre vás, ktorí ste vo zväzku, v duchovnom spojení skrze Slovo, ktorí ste mŕtvi týmto starým manželom. Vy ste nanovo narodení. Nepokúšajte sa ho vykopávať, on je mŕtvy. Ak ste znovuzrodený Kresťan, ten malý Zárodok, ktorý je vo vás predurčený, to je Slovo prichádzajúce na Slovo, na Slovo, na Slovo, na Slovo, až kým to nepríde do plnej postavy Krista. Tak je to. Tak On môže prísť a vziať si svoju Nevestu.

126 Teraz sme práve pripravení na jedno, to je príchod Pánov. Vaše meno je v Knihe Života.

Kniha Života je Božie Slovo, lebo Slovo je Boh a Boh je tá jediná vec, ktorá je Život. Tak vaše meno bolo reprezentované v Biblii, predtým, ako sa Biblia stala Slovom. A ak ste tu, aby ste to urobili, či to nepotvrdí to Slovo? Či sa cirkev sama nepotvrdí? Či sa Malachiáš 4 a všetky tieto ďalšie veci, dokonale, dokonale sami nepotvrdia a neukážu, že to je to, čo to je?

Keď prišiel Ježiš, povedal, "Ak nečiním skutky, ktoré sú zasľúbené, že budem robiť, neverte Mi." Do ktorej z tých skupín sa On pripojil? Povedal, "Oni všetci... vy ste zo svojho otca diabla a činíte jeho skutky." Vidíte, vidíte? Sme v posledných dňoch, cirkev. Toto je moje posolstvo Vďakyvzdania pre vás.

127 No, prv ako zakončíme: bol som raz hore v Glacier National Parku (Ľadovcový Národný Park). Celý deň sme počúvali, že majú "ľadovcový oheň", ktorý má v noci padať. Tak tí ľudia mali celý deň veľa roboty, aby to pripravili, lebo chceli v noci vyliať ten oheň. Dali nejakú tekutinu... oheň padal ako mohutný vodný ľadovec, vyzeralo to skoro ako dúha, keď to vychádzalo z toho ohňa, padalo to z tohoto ľadovca. Prechádzali sme sa celý deň po celom tom parku, ja so ženou a s deťmi, chceli sme zostať a pozrieť si to ohňové predstavenie. Tak, bolo nám sľúbené, že to uvidíme, znova by sme boli tomu svedkami. Povedali, že to mávajú každý... cez letnú sezónu a tak ďalej. Povedal som, "No, budeme to môcť vidieť?"

Povedali, "Sľúbili sme to na dnes večer. Sľúbili sme to." Povedali, "Oni sú tam hore a práve teraz to pripravujú."

128 Nakoniec som bol pripravený na tú udalosť... To je to, čo sa práve teraz deje. Všetko sa pripravuje na tú udalosť: Cirkev je vytiahnutá pre Jeho Meno, berie si Svoju Nevestu von z pomedzi tohoto sveta, z týchto denominácií, z celého sveta a z tej špiny a vecí tohoto sveta.

A každý... Tá udalosť bola pripravená. Každý tam tak vystával a hovoril, "Teraz to sledujte, rovno tam, na vrchu tej hory."

Takto to vždy prichádza. Takto to má prísť tento krát. Tak to vždy prichádza, nie cez denomináciu. Boh nikdy nepoužil denomináciu, nikdy. Vystupuje reformátor. On sa chopí Slova Pánovo a potom, keď on zomrie, oni z toho postavia denomináciu. To je to, čo urobili letniční a všetci. Keď tie nové vystúpenia a všetko... Práve tak to všetko vyšlo. Je pridané nejaké nové slovo, potom si z toho postavia cirkev, spravia denomináciu, oddeľujú sa. Musí to tak byť. To... Nemôžete, nemôžete narušiť prírodu. Príroda prechádza tou istou rutinou po celý čas: steblo, list, klas, a tak ďalej, pleva, potom pšenica.

129 Všimnite si teraz. Všetko bolo pripravené. Všetko bolo roznietené a pripravené. A každý tam vyčkával. Naťahoval som hlavu, ramená som mal okolo svojej ženy, pozerali sme sa. Deti tam stáli, všetci sa takto pozerali hore. Ó, to bolo niečo..., lebo my sme to očakávali. Bolo nám to sľúbené. Amen!

Slovo nám zasľubuje toto. "A stane sa predtým, ako príde deň Pánov, veľký a strašný, hľa, ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša. On obráti srdcia detí späť na ich otcov."

"A stane sa v tých posledných dňoch, že vylejem svojho Ducha z výsosti. Včasný a pozdný dážď príde spolu v tých posledných dňoch."

Všetky tieto zasľúbenia boli, skrze Písmo, dané. My hľadíme smerom hore, sledujeme tú skutočnú Nevestu v tejto hodine po celom národe, hľadíme hore.

Cirkev, On prichádza v jednom z týchto dní. Práve s takou istotou s akou On prišiel prvý krát, On prichádza znova. Majte všetko pripravené. Oddeľte sa od plevy, ležte na Slnku. Stále hľaďte hore. Buďte v očakávaní.

130 Zrazu sme začuli niečo z vrchu toho kopca, nejaký hlas prišiel dole cez reproduktor, povedal, "Všetko je pripravené!"

Potom tento muž, ktorý tam stál rovno pri mne, povedal, "Nech padne oheň!"

A tu to prichádza, leje sa to po tej hore, ľadovec ohňa a tie plamene tak olizovali, aký pohľad!

Brat, pripravme si všetko, lebo v jednom z týchto dní, ten oheň padne. Ideme hore. No, pripravme sa na čas padania ohňa.

Sme v posledných dňoch. Všetci to vieme. A sme pripravení na príchod Pánov. Tá vec, ktorú treba urobiť je oddeliť sa od všetkého hriechu. Oddeľte sa od všetkého, čo patrí tomuto svetu. Nemilujte svet ani veci tohoto sveta. Nenechajte žiadneho človeka, aby vás zviedol svojimi vyznaniami. Zostaňte rovno na zasľúbení Božom, v Slove Božom; a to Slovo, ak je to Slovo pre tento deň, Boh ho potvrdzuje, že je to tak. Ak nie, potom to nie je Slovo pre tento deň. To Slovo, ktoré padlo na deň Letníc, nebude fungovať dnes. Nie veru, to bolo pre Letnice. Toto je pre Nevestu: Nevestin odchod domov. My máme niečo odlišné. Letniční reprezentovali znova tamto. My sme vo veku Nevesty. Tak isto ako Slovo Noeho by nefungovalo vo dňoch Mojžiša. Tak isto ako Mojžišov zákon by nefungoval v čase Pavla, tu. On sa im snažil povedať, "Vy ste tomu mŕtvi! A nemôžete to mať!"

131 Cirkev, vy, ku ktorým vám dnes večer hovorím, po celom národe, ak ste sa oddelili od denominácie a všetkej tej špiny a vecí tohoto sveta a všetky tie veci, ktoré vás držia v ľuďmi vytvorených vyznaniach a nariadeniach a takých vecí, oddelili ste sa, pozrite. Pripravte sa! Ten oheň spadne v jednom z týchto dní. Boh Ho nechá prísť, to bude pohľad. Boli by ste pripravení, ak by On prišiel? Boli by ste pripravení ísť s Ním hore ak by On prišiel? Tajné vytrhnutie nadprirodzenej Nevesty... Ona prejde zo smrteľnosti do nesmrteľnosti, bude zmenená v okamihu. My, ktorí pozostaneme nažive, nepredstihneme tých, ktorí spia.

132 Jedného dňa, bol deň Armády, stál som tam dolu v Tucsone, môj malý chlapec chcel vidieť prehliadku. Študoval som a bol som... nemal som čas tam ísť a mal som veľa telefonátov za chorých a iné veci. Tak on povedal, "Ocko, oni ma nezoberú." Povedal, "Zober ma tam ty."

Povedal som, "V poriadku."

Brat Simpson (myslím, že je dnes tu) a jeho malý chlapec tam chceli ísť, tak som ich strčil do auta a vyrazili sme.

Stál som tam na rohu a sledoval som to. Po chvíli som počul tam vzadu v diaľke prichádzajúci tlmený zvuk, "Bum, bum," zvuk bubnov. Stál som tam, myslel som, "No, títo malí chlapíci skutočne čítali všetky tieto knihy o armáde, im sa to naozaj páči. Všimol som si, že prvý prichádzal tank z 1. Svetovej vojny. Tam prichádzali, také malé mrňavé osoby. Tam bol, ďalší, ktorý za ním prichádzal, ten ďalší bol veľký nový tank z 2. Svetovej vojny, veľký Shermanov tank s hlavňou. Potom prišiel ďalší a ďalší a potom po chvíli prichádzali Gold Star Mothers (Matky Zlatej Hviezdy) a potom po chvíli dvanásť veteránov, ktorí pozostali z celého štátu Arizona z 1. Svetovej vojny: dvanásť veteránov. Potom nejaké plavidlo, neznámy vojak, malý biely kríž. Stál tam námorník a vojak, ktorý tam stál a strážil. Taká malá časť na tom plavidle... Na tej druhej strane bola stará šedivá matka, so zlatou hviezdou pripnutou na sebe, nejaká malá žena tam plakala, jej muž bol mŕtvy; malý otrhaný chlapec s odvrátenou tvárou, jeho otec bol zabitý. A potom za tým prichádzalo viac a viac a viac a potom tá nová armáda.

133 Stál som tam. Aký pohľad, ale aký smutný. Myslel som, "Ó, Bože, v jednom z týchto dní uzriem iný pohľad."

Príde deň vzkriesenia, kde prví budú poslední a tí, ktorí sú poslední, budú prví. Tí starí proroci prídu vyrážajúc najprv, a uvidia tú procesiu pochodujúcu do povetria a my, ktorí pozostaneme nažive, nepredstihneme tých, ktorí spia, lebo Trúba Božia zaznie, mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú najprv a my sa s nimi dáme do jednej línie ako vojdeme. Haleluja! Všetci, cez tie veky Luthera, Wesleyho, metodistov, baptistov, presbyteriánov až po ten posledný vek, ktorí prijímajú to Slovo vo svojom veku.

Nech vás Boh žehná. Pripravte si všetky veci a ten oheň padne.

134 Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy. Som zvedavý, či v tomto viditeľnom poslucháčstve dnes večer, kým som vás tu držal do 9:30, či je tu jeden, či je tu tucet; koľkí tu povedia, "Brat Branham, hanbím sa za seba, ako som doteraz žil. Mnoho som sa staral o ľudské denominácie. Viem, že nie som v súlade s Božím Slovom. Idem ťa požiadať, aby si sa za mňa modlil, brat Branham." Zodvihnite svoje ruky. Nech vás Boh žehná; nech vás Boh žehná. Pozrite sa. Hore na balkónoch a okolo. Nech vás Boh žehná. "Ja viem..." No, nehanbite sa. No, nebuďte...

135 A tam ďalej po celom národe od New Yorku po Kaliforniu, od Kanady po Mexiko, vy ľudia, ktorí ste zhromaždení v tých zboroch, kde tie malé verné skupiny, ktoré uverili tomuto posolstvu celým svojím srdcom... oni vyšli, vyšli z tých veľkých súžení, vyšli z tých denominácií. Oni sú zárodkami Života. Cítite dnes večer to naliehanie, ako ten malý orol, že počujete niečo, čo je trochu odlišné od toho, čo ste doteraz počuli? Ale stále vo svojom srdci viete, že to je Pravda.

Vy tam. Tam niekde stojí nejaký pastor, máš zodvihnutú ruku, budem sa za teba modliť. Tieto veci sa nediali na nejakom rohu, priatelia. Pamätajte, "Tesná je tá brána a úzka je tá cesta a málo je tých, ktorí ju nachádzajú." Nechoďte s tým zástupom, ktorý sa hýbe tam ďalej, priatelia, ten Laodicejský cirkevný vek. Oni mohli vyskakovať hore a dolu a tancovať pri hudbe: vlažní. Nebolo povedané, že je to studené ako ľad. Bolo povedané, že je to vlažné. To sú letniční a nevedia, že sú mizerní, biedni a slepí. Slepí na čo? Na Slovo, na manifestáciu Slova, lebo to nikdy neprišlo cez ich organizácie. Oni to nemôžu prijať.

136 A vy kazatelia tam dole v Tuscone dnes večer, ja vás neberiem za to na zodpovednosť, ale Boh vás za to berie na zodpovednosť. Bol som tam tri roky. Povedal som vám, že nezaložím cirkev. Nezaložil som. Brat Pearry Green založil. A ja som tam bol tri roky a ani jedenkrát ste ma nepozvali za vašu kazateľňu. Býval som v Tuscone skoro tri roky.

Boh ma vezme z púšte v jednom z týchto dní. Toto posolstvo musí žiť. A ja som sa snažil ako som len mohol dostať sa ku vám. Viem ten dôvod, prečo ste to urobili. Vaša denominácia by vás vykopla.

A viete, mnohí z vás, s ktorými som hovoril tam v reštaurácii Furr´s a vy viete, že to je pravda. Hanba vám! Vyjdite z toho! Vyjdi z toho, brat! Ak je vo vás nejaký Život, budete ako ten malý orol, o ktorom som práve hovoril, budete počuť to Božie Slovo.

Pamätajte, v jednom z týchto dní budete toto počuť posledný krát. Sme teraz skutočne veľmi blízko. Neprídete dnes večer?

137 Drahý Bože,sedíme teraz slávnostne, je to skutočne deň Vďakyvzdania, Pane. Som vďačný Pane, že žijem v tomto dni. Toto je ten najväčší deň. Apoštol Pavol túžil vidieť tento deň. Tí veľkí starí muži ho túžili vidieť. Proroci ho túžili vidieť. Oni hľadeli na tento deň.

Abrahám hľadel na tento deň, lebo on hľadal mesto, ktorého Staviteľom a Tvorcom je Boh. Ono visí dnes večer rovno nad nami. Ján videl Ducha Božieho zostupujúceho z neba. Vydal svedectvo a poznal, že to bol Syn Boží. Pomyslite teraz, On si vyberá Svoju Nevestu.

Drahý Bože, všade po celej krajine, hovor do ich sŕdc. Ty si ten Jediný, ktorý môže zmeniť ich srdcia. Ak tam na začiatku nebolo položené to Semeno, oni to nikdy neuvidia, Pane. Oni len... slepí budú viesť slepých, oni padnú do jamy s takou istotou, lebo Tvoje Slovo hovorí, že padnú.

138 Teraz, Otče, keď vidíme po celej krajine, po celom svete, v Afrike, tucty a tucty po celej Južnej Afrike, v Mozambiku, všade po celej krajine tie malé obecenstvá, ako si berú tieto pásky a tiež pôjdu tieto pásky k nejakým dvadsiatim ďalším, iným národom. A oni to začínajú vidieť a sú tiahnutí, stovky a stovky z nich. Nebude ich veľa, Pane. A keď ten posledný úd bude prijatý do toho Tela, potom príde Kristus.

Pane Bože, ja žiadam dnes večer Nevestu, tých, ktorých cítim, že sú vytiahnutí a čakajú, nech sa oddelia od všetkého svetského. Oni musia ležať v prítomnosti teplého slnečného svetla Syna Božieho, kúpať sa v Jeho Slove a v Jeho láske. Udeľ to, drahý Bože.

139 Nech títo ľudia tu, ktorých vidíme, ktorý zodvihli dnes večer svoje ruky, tucty z nich v tejto veľkej modlitebni, modlím sa k Bohu, aby do nich prišiel nový Život. Modlím sa, aby po celom národe a tiež po celom svete, kde bude tá páska prehrávaná, aby oni tiež prijali toto Posolstvo Vďakyvzdania a aby vedeli pomocou tých pokynov a tých vecí, ktoré boli položené, čo musia urobiť. Modlím sa za to, Otče, udeľ to.

Požehnaj ich, oni sú Tvoji. Viem, že je to zvykom teraz, Otče, že voláme ľudí ku oltáru a modlím sa, drahý Bože, aby v každej misii, všade naokolo a potom po celom svete, aby prišli ku oltáru, čierni, bieli, žltí, hnedí, kdekoľvek sú. Bohatí, chudobní, bezvýznamní, žobráci, čokoľvek sú, denominační, tí, ktorí majú svojský štýl a tí, ktorí sú ku sebe orientovaní... Ó, Bože, nahí, mizerní, biedni, slepí a ani to nevedia. Ty si povedal, že to tak bude a je to tak. Tak sa modlím, Otče, aby si dnes večer zavolal každé Semeno. A všade, kdekoľvek na svete, kde toto môže prísť, nech to zachytí toho malého orla, ktorý pozná ten Hlas svojho Pána. Udeľ to, Pane, porúčam Ti ich v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

140 Teraz so sklonenými hlavami, tu v tomto viditeľnom publiku, či by niektorí tu, ktorí nie sú spasení, dokonca nedali svoje srdcia Bohu... Nemyslíte, že by ste mali byť vďační za to, čo Ježiš pre vás urobil? Keď si pomyslíte, že ste hriešnik, že nemáte nič s Bohom a pritom niečo je vo vašom srdci, čo klope. Ako viete či nie ste jedným z tých malých orlov. Ste mizerní a budete mizerní, kým sa Tomu nevydáte. Prečo neučiniť toto jedno z tých najväčších Vďakyvzdaní, ktoré ste kedy mali, za čas, kedy prijmete Ježiša Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa?

Prídete sem hore a postavíte sa ku oltáru? Budem sa modliť s vami, ak prídete. Akýkoľvek hriešnik, muž alebo žena, chlapec alebo dievča, člen cirkvi alebo nie-člen cirkvi. Byť členom cirkvi, to vás ešte nerobí Kresťanom. Oltár je otvorený. Prídete? Každý hriešnik, ktorý by chcel prísť, prijať Pána Ježiša Krista. Skutočne by ste radi skončili... Niektorí z vás z denominácií, ktorí by ste radi ukončili to kŕmenie sa slepačou potravou. Prestaňte hovoriť, že patríte do tohoto a že je to v poriadku. Chcete naozaj vedieť, čo je ten pravdivý krst Duchom Svätým? Poďte a zistite.

141 Oltár je otvorený. Sme pripravení. Teraz len vstaňte zo svojho sedadla, prídite sem a kľaknite si tu pri oltári. Tento brat, ktorý práve prišiel...

"Vďakyvzdanie, ó, Bože, som Ti tak vďačný, že celý svoj život som vedel, že tam niečo je, Pane. Nikdy som nebol uspokojený. Pokúšal som sa. Myslel som, že to urobím na budúci rok, že to urobím na budúci týždeň, nabudúce, keď budem počuť oltárne zavolanie. Niekedy to urobím. Len som to odkladal a odkladal. Ale, Pane, viem, že niečo so mnou nie je v poriadku. Budem vždy veriť, že tam bolo niečo odlišné a teraz, Pane, dnes večer, som Ti vďačný za tú prípravu, ktorá bola urobená Božím Synom, aby moje hriechy, v skutočnosti moja nevera bola zo mňa zmytá. Prichádzam, dnes večer a skláňam svoje kolená, aby som prijal to veľké požehnanie Vďakyvzdania, ktoré Ježiš Kristus pre mňa urobil, keď zomrel za mňa na Golgote."

142 Prídete? No, kľačia tu ľudia okolo oltára. Prečo nevstanete a neprídete? Chceli ste to urobiť. Pokúšali ste sa to.

Pomyslite na nášho brat Lyle Palmera, nášho dobrého vzácneho brata. On sedel na dvore, tak tomu rozumiem, pozeral sa na svoje malé dievčatko ako tam hrala kroket alebo niečo a on sa zaklonil na stoličke a bol mŕtvy skôr, ako sa vôbec stihol pohnúť.

Nepoznáte ten čas, kedy odtiaľto odídete. Vy vôbec neviete, v akom čase odídete. To môže byť ešte dnes večer. Tak prečo neprísť a neurovnať to teraz? Poďte, ľudia. Necítite, že vás niečo ťahá? Viem, že sú tu mnohí z vás, ktorí by mali byť rovno tu pri oltári, len týchto šesť alebo sedem ľudí tu, to nie je to čo sa tu nachádza.

No, ak mi veríte a sledujete to tu za kazateľňou a veci, ktoré sa dejú, verte mi teraz. Jedného dňa môj hlas utíchne a už ho viac nebudete počuť. Priali by ste si prísť. Poviete, "Brat Branham, bol som členom cirkvi..." V tom nie je žiaden rozdiel, čo ste boli. Aj Nikodém bol členom cirkvi. To bol aj Ján, Peter, Jakub, Pavol, všetci ostatní z nich boli členovia cirkvi. Pavol bol členom cirkvi kým sa jednej noci niečo nestalo, alebo jedného dňa a on prišiel. On bol zmenený z člena cirkvi na Božieho syna.

143 Neprídete? Ó, on bol vyškolený, on bol intelektuálny; on vedel, že bol vyškolený, bola to jedna z najväčších škôl: Gamaliel, jeden z najlepších učiteľov, ktorí boli v zemi, ale on vedel, že niečo potrebuje.

Neprídete? Ešte raz sa vás pýtam v ... Či tu alebo po celom národe, žiadam vás, kdekoľvek ste a v akom zhromaždení ste v tejto hodine Vďakyvzdania... Pamätajte, to sa nahráva tu, nie len tu, ale i v nebi.

Viete, že je vedecky dokázané, že každý pohyb, ktorý urobíte je zaznamenaný. Oni to dokázali. Pamätajte, televízia to dokázala. Televízia nevyrába obraz, vy ste ten obraz, ona len vysiela to, čo vy robíte na tom kanáli. Vy ste každopádne tam. Vidíte, keď pohnete svojim prstom, ten pohyb ide do celého sveta. Zakaždým, ako si oblečiete šaty, váš obraz ide do celého sveta, je to zaznamenané.

Každá myšlienka, ktorá prejde vašou mysľou je na zázname a jedného dňa sa to nahrávanie zastaví. Bude to odložené do albumu, a potom pri súde sa to navráti. Tam budete stáť s ostrihanými vlasmi, tvrdiť, že ste Kresťanky. Tam budete stáť s myšlienkami proti Slovu vo vašej mysli, a je to rovno vo vašej mysli. Nemôžete to skryť. Pamätajte, televízia, veda tiež vie, že je to pravda.

144 Práve teraz keď stojíte, viete, že by ste mali byť tu. Pamätajte, že keď je toto zaznamenané, v deň súdu, tá istá myšlienka, ktorú máte teraz, bude znovu prechádzať rovno vašou mysľou. To bude rovno na zázname, celý svet to uvidí prehrávané. Prečo svet ne...

„Všetci tí anjeli tam sa budú dívať na vás v deň súdu, ak sa hanbíte za Mňa tu, keď sa teraz tvorí váš obraz, v Deň Súdu sa Ja budem hanbiť za vás. Lebo Ja som pomazal Svoje Slovo, poslal ho k vám, vy tomu neveríte. Skryli ste sa za niečo."

"Ó, to znie dosť dobre, ja som urobil toto. Tancoval som v Duchu, hovoril som v jazykoch." To robia aj pohania. "Kričal som." To robia aj pohania. Ako sa potom môžete obrátiť späť ku Slovu?

... Prečo nie? Prečo neprísť ku Nemu teraz?

Prečo nie, prečo nie? Prečo neprísť ku Nemu teraz?

Prečo čakáš drahý brat,

Ó, prečo otáľaš tak dlho?

Ježiš čaká, aby ti dal,

miesto v Jeho posvätenom dome.

145 Ale vy ste jeden z údov Jeho tela.

Prečo nie? (Ó, malý orol, poď.)

Prečo neprísť k...

Pane, som vďačný. Som veľmi vďačný. Vďakyvzdanie tebe, Pane, nie za tú prirodzenú potravu, hoci aj za to, ale Pane, ten čas konca je tu, som vďačný za ten duchovný pokrm, Pane, ten duchovný pokrm Siedmich Pečatí, ktoré boli zasľúbené, že budú otvorené. "Hovoríš, že to bude niečo odlišné." Nie, nie, nemôžete pridať jedno slovo, alebo vziať... je to už tam. Je to len skryté, je to zapečatené. Koľkí tomu rozumejú, povedzte "amen".

Vidíte, poviete, "No, to je nejaké tajomstvo, ktoré príde." Nie, nie, je to už napísané. Nemôžete ku Tomu pridať jedno slovo alebo jedno z Toho vziať. Vidíte, je to už tam. To len muselo byť zjavené v tých posledných dňoch.

146 Neprídete? Poďte teraz, priatelia. Ak nemôžete rozumieť, poďte, kľaknite si a hovorte s Ním o tom. Ak vám to ja nemôžem vyjasniť, On môže, lebo On rozväzuje všetky pochybnosti.

... V Jeho posvätenom tróne.

Ó, prečo nie? (Neprídete?)

Prečo nie?

Prečo neprísť ku Nemu teraz?

Pamätajte, robí sa tam záznam tohoto. Nie len na tejto páske, ale Boží veľký záznam, každý jeden z vás, každý pohyb, keď skloníte svoju hlavu, keď skloníte svoje srdce, aká myšlienka ide cez vašu myseľ, pamätajte, zaznamenáva sa to práve teraz v Sláve a ten záznam bude prehrávaný v Deň Súdu. Kde je vaše rozhodnutie? Ó, ako to budete chcieť zmeniť v ten deň!

147 Budem teraz čakať, lebo sú tu mnohí, mnohí okolo oltára. Vidíte, možno jeden z nich, ak by som vydržal trochu dlhšie, mohol by tam byť ešte jeden ďalší. Mohol by byť niekde v New Yorku, mohol by byť niekde vo Filadelfii, v Kalifornii alebo v Arizone, niekde tam by mohol byť ešte jeden, ktorý prichádza. Pastor, kdekoľvek si, nevzdávaj sa teraz toho oltárneho zavolania. Možno nikdy neuvidíme ďalšie Vďakyvzdanie. Toto by mohlo byť to posledné, a tie záznamy z dnešného večera budú odložené na ten posledný čas. Tá páska dobehne v jednom z týchto dní. Ten záznam bude zastavený a bude v Božom albume, vidíte. Potom bude znovu prehrávané to, aké boli teraz vaše myšlienky. Nehovorte, že ste nepoznali rozdiel, vy to viete.

"Ale nikto nemôže ku Mne prísť, ak ho nepritiahne Môj Otec a všetkých, ktorých Mi dal Otec, prídu".

148 Verím, že ak by som niekde tam sedel a mal by som tú najnepatrnejšiu myšlienku, určite by som sa zodvihol a išiel sem ako by som len mohol.

... Prečo nie?

Ó, prečo? (Ste dokončení. Buďte si teraz istí, že nezarmucujete Jeho Ducha.)

Nechajte svoje hlavy sklonené. Uistite sa, že ste nezarmútili Jeho Ducha. Ste si istí, že ste urobili presne to, čo On vám povedal, aby ste urobili? Je to tak? Pamätajte, možno už nikdy nebudete mať inú príležitosť. Ten záznam sa môže skončiť dnes večer. Toto môže byť všetko z toho. Toto môže byť pre vás tá posledná páska. Ste si teraz istí, že ste pripravení? Ak áno, nechávam to vo vašich rukách v mene Pána Ježiša.

149 Teraz, zatiaľ čo ten zbor jemne spieva, budem sa modliť za týchto, ktorí sú tu dole. Som takým veľmi zvláštnym druhom Kresťana. Verím, že Boh musí urobiť to spasenie a verím, že Boh musí zasadiť to Slovo, "Ja, Pán" (hovorí Biblia, Izaiáš), "Ja, Pán, som ho zasadil. Polievam ho dňom a nocou, ani ich nikto nevytrhne z Mojej ruky." Predtým, ako niekoho požiadam, aby prišiel ku tomu oltáru, títo ľudia, chcem sa modliť za týchto sám. Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy.

150 Drahý Ježišu, práve som citoval Tvoje Slovo, to, čo povedal Tvoj prorok a ja viem, že tie slová prorokov sú pravdivé. A ty si povedal, "Ja, Pán, som ho zasadil." No, samozrejme, Ty si ho vložil do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta. "Ja, Pán, som ho zasadil a budem ho polievať dňom a nocou a nikto ich nevytrhne z Mojej ruky." Títo, Pane, pravdepodobne počuli mnoho oltárnych zavolaní, ale Ty to stále polievaš, Pane. Oni sú tu dnes večer. Nech sa oni dnes večer, Otče, oddelia od všetkých vecí toho sveta, všetkých hriechov a problémov, ktoré sú v ich srdciach a nech sa len rozumne, úctivo, vo svojom srdci, obrátia práve teraz k Tvojmu Slovu a povedia, "Pane Ježišu, dolu v mojom srdci, vždy som veril, že tam je niečo pre mňa, čo som ešte nikdy neobdržal. Hoci som sa pokúšal, ako bol dnes večer použitý ten obraz toho nasledovania sliepky, ale tam bolo niečo, čo sa mi zdalo cudzie. To neznelo správne. A dnes večer cítim, že prichádzam teraz bližšie do rúk živého Slova. Prichádzam sem práve tak úctivo vo svojej urovnanej mysli, som tu pri tomto oltári. Chcem spasenie, Pane, tak veľmi. Som tak hladný. Chcem teba, Pane, aby si ma držal dnes večer vo svojich rukách. Nie cez nejakú emóciu, ale skrze Ducha lásky. Vezmi ma do Svojich rúk, drahý Bože. Som Tvoje dieťa. Cítim, že som ten orol, o ktorom hovorili. Zachyť ma, Pane, ja skáčem! Zodvihol som sa zo svojho sedadla a kľakol som si tu. Zachyť ma, Pane, ja skáčem! Prenes ma na Svojich krídlach, Pane, preč od týchto vecí sveta. Nechaj ma uletieť preč od špiny tohoto sveta, od mojich zlozvykov, od všetkých mojich denominačných tradícií. Nechaj ma prísť len ku Tebe, drahý Bože, aby Tvoj Svätý Duch mohol preliať do mňa odpustenie všetkých mojich pochybností. Nech sa dnes večer stanem Tvojím dieťaťom, čerstvým, narodeným, novým stvorením, dnes večer. Zachyť ma, odveď ma preč od toho kvokanie tej sliepky. Odveď ma preč do toho orlieho hniezda, tam, kde by som mohol byť chovaný Božím Slovom, kým nebudem schopný lietať."

Udeľ to drahý Bože. Vezmi ich. Oni sú Tvoji. Toto je moja modlitba s úprimnosťou, modliac sa za zomierajúcich ľudí. Udeľ to, Otče. Prinášam túto modlitbu za nich. Prosím to na slávu Božiu.

151 Teraz, pritom, ako máme sklonené svoje hlavy. Som zvedavý, či tu okolo oltára, vy ktorí ste si tu kľakli... Mnohí z vás tvrdíte, že ste kresťania, ale vy ste cítili, že tam je vždy niekde niečo, čo nevlastníte. Možno ste vykonali všetky náboženské obrady. Mohli ste kričať. Mohli ste robiť všetko. Mohli ste tancovať v Duchu; mohli ste hovoriť v jazykoch, a nikto nemôže povedať proti tomu nič zlé. To je pravda. To je všetko dobré. Ale vidíte, to sú dary Ducha bez Ducha. Ak ten Duch bol tam, ten pocit by nebol... ten pocit by to tak neodsudzoval. Či naozaj úprimne, tu pri oltári, veríte tomu práve teraz, zatiaľ čo ste tu, že iba skutok obrátenia sa, nie nejaká emócia, no, ale v originálnej nepoškvrnenej viere, že Boh vás prijme a bude vás živiť Svojím Slovom, kým budete sami orlami a budete môcť lietať?

Ak veríte, a chcete, aby to Boh urobil, zodvihnite svoju ruku, vy, ktorí ste okolo oltára. Nech vás Boh žehná. Každý má zodvihnuté ruky.

152 Teraz, naozaj potichu, opýtam sa posvätených mužov a žien, ktorí naozaj poznajú Boha... Väčšina z nich, to je veľmi zvláštne. Zdá sa, akoby to bolo tak. Pri oltárnych zavolaniach, ktoré robím, sú väčšinou všetci muži... viete, obyčajne to sú ženy; ale tu sú všetci muži, myslím, že dnes večer je tu pri oltári jedna žena, možno dve. Sú to obyčajne ženy, ale tak nejako, hádam to vyzerá, akoby si ženy mysleli, že hovorím proti nim. Ja nehovorím, sestry. (Tri, myslím, že niekto povedal. Oni... Vidíte, nevidím ponad tento oltár tu.) V poriadku, niektorí z vás, posvätených kresťanov, poďte sem a stojte so mnou na modlitbe na chvíľu. Pri oltári, kdekoľvek ste, na pódiu, niekto, kto naozaj pozná Boha, kto vie, ako tu stáť iba na niekoľko minút s nimi na modlitbe, potom rozpustíme publikum. Každý nech je teraz naozaj úctivý.

Neodchádzajte, len príďte sem a stojte okolo, niekto z vás ľudí, ktorí naozaj veríte, že to je Pravda, že vchádzame do ďalšieho veku; že vchádzame do veku vytrhnutia. Viete, cirkev nemôže ísť vo svojom stave, a to sa nemôže zlepšiť, to sa musí zhoršiť. Koľkí to vedia, nech povedia, "Amen." To sa musí zhoršovať, a to nemôže takto ísť. Vidíte, musí sa niečo stať, a to práve teraz prebieha, priatelia. Je to v chode, to hnutie pre Nevestu je v chode. To je Pravda. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Poďte teraz sem hore, posvätení Kresťania, ktorí chcete svoj záznam, nachádzate, že títo, ktorí prichádzajú úprimne, chcete prísť a predložiť modlitbu s nimi ako za svojich bratov a sestry, príďte k oltáru. Postavte sa tu na okolo na chvíľu k modlitbe.

Chce prísť ešte niekto ďalší? Postavte sa tu okolo; len si kľaknite ku nim, len pristúpte kde... vy muži okolo tamtých mužov, vy ženy, láskavo, pokorne, modlite sa za nich.

153 Drahý Bože, pomôž im. Ja Odovzdávam všetko. Odovzdávam moju denomináciu. Odovzdávam môj prvý sobáš. Odovzdávam môjho prvého manžela. Odovzdávam všetko, Pane.

...odovzdávam všetko,

Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,

odovzdávam všetko.

odovzdávam všetko,


Môžete odovzdať svoje vlastné predstavy? Môžete odovzdať svoje vlastné predstavy o Božom Slove?

Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,

odovzdávam všetko.

odovzdávam všetko,

odovzdávam všetko,

Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,

odovzdávam všetko.

154 Všetci, ktorí veríte... stojte a spievajte teraz spolu.

odovzdávam všetko.

odovzdávam všetko... (Vy, ktorí všetko odovzdávate... spievajte to teraz.)

odovzdávam všetko,

... Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,

odovzdávam všetko.

Teraz, vy okolo... "Odovzdávam všetko. Odovzdávam denomináciu. Odovzdávam denomináciu. Odovzdávam cirkev. Odovzdávam seba. Odovzdávam svoje predstavy. Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ, odovzdávam všetko.

... Tebe, môj...

odovzdávam všetko,

odovzdávam všetko,

Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,

odovzdávam všetko.

Myslíte to naozaj?

odovzdávam všetko,

155 (Prázdne miesto na páske.) Vy tu teraz, pri oltári, vy tu, ktorí ste okolo oltára, za ktorých sa modlili, cirkev sa za vás modlila, vy sami ste sa modlili. Teraz, je tu len jeden spôsob, ako môžete byť spasení. To je, vierou ste spasení, a to milosťou. Milosť Božia k vám prehovorila, priviedla vás k tomuto oltáru. Vy hľadáte Božie požehnania. Vy hľadáte Jeho Slovo. Vy hľadáte Svätého Ducha. Vy hľadáte priazeň Božiu. Ak áno, a naozaj to môžete s celým svojím srdcom, odovzdajte to. No, nehľadajte žiadnu emóciu. Hľadajte Pravdu, Pravdu, ktorá skrze vieru má miesto vo vašom srdci. Pane, som ochotný robiť všetko, čo mi Tvoje Slovo prikazuje, aby som robil. Odovzdávam sa so všetkým, čo je vo mne. Ak tomu veríte z celého svojho srdca, chcem, aby ste sa postavili na svoje nohy, otočili sa k tejto cirkvi, tomuto publiku, a zodvihli svoje ruky hore, a my to budeme spievať spolu s nimi. "Odovzdávam všetko, čo je vo mne, Bože. Z môjho najlepšieho poznania, všetko, čo som, odovzdávam." Postavte sa sem na toto pódium, vy, ktorí ste pri oltári. Postavte sa rovno sem, na pódium, bratia. Rovno tu, všetci z vás, ktorí ste bratia a sestry.

Pozri sa sem, cirkev. (Nejaká sestra dáva svedectvo.)

156 Odovzdávate každý kúsok Jemu, Jeho Slovu? Jedna sestra tu, z denominácie, ona povedala, "Patrila som do denominácie." Nemusíme ju menovať. Ona tam pracuje, ale povedala, "Brat Branham, chcem vyjsť von a vojsť do Pravdy. Chcem niečo..." Nechajte ma citovať Jeho Slovo: "Požehnaní sú tí, ktorí sú hladní a žíznia po spravedlivosti, lebo budú nasýtení." Teraz, vy tu, na pódiu, ktorí ste práve prišli, ak ste hotoví odovzdať všetko, čo ste, všetko, aby ste poslúchali Slovo Božie... My sme vám tento týždeň hovorili, čo treba robiť. Teraz, keď ste hotoví odovzdať sa práve teraz Jemu, len zodvihnite svoje ruky takto k publiku. Teraz, vy, čo ste na pódiu, spievajme to teraz spolu, "Odovzdávam všetko." Všetci spolu. V poriadku.

Odovzdávam všetko, (No, naozaj to tak myslite.)

Odovzdávam všetko, (ako verný som...)

Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,

odovzdávam všetko.

157 Naozaj to tak myslíte? Povedzte, "Amen." Povedzte, "Amen." ešte raz. Povedzte, "Pane, skúmaj ma. Skús ma a daj mi príležitosť. To je všetko, čo môžem urobiť dnes večer, odovzdať sa Tebe. Ty poznáš hlad môjho srdca. Ty poznáš moju túžbu. Tvoje zasľúbenie bolo naplniť tú túžbu. Teraz na to očakávam, a odovzdávam sa Tebe. Všetci spolu.

Odovzdávam všetko,

odovzdávam všetko,

Všetko Tebe, môj požehnaný Spasiteľ,

odovzdávam všetko.

THE INVISIBLE UNION OF THE BRIDE OF CHRIST, 65-1125, Life Tabernacle, Life Tabernacle, Shreveport, LA, 146 min

1 I canceled a hunting trip, so I keep service to the Lord. So it's a... We're glad to be here. I believe, the last time here, I told you: each time we come, there is someone missing. And if we shall come back next year, the Lord tarries, there'll be somebody missing.

2One was very, very close to me in heart, spirit. That was Brother Lyle. I've always had a welcoming, coming in, standing back there and listen, in Brother Jack's study, of the old quartet singing. They're singing in Glory, tonight. Well, there's one of those voices already over There, waiting for the other three. I guess I'll never hear it here on earth no more. But I certainly am looking forward to hearing it again, Brother, Sister Moore here, in that Land where they'll... it'll never be dimmed.

3 Brother Palmer was a great servant of Christ. I can remember Brother Jack telling me about his--his dedicated life to God. They were carpenters, together. And said he would be eating his--his lunch, have his sandwich in his hand, eating a sandwich and reading his Bible. See? He done some mighty great things, Brother Palmer did. He's a good carpenter, a good father to his children, a lovely family. He raised them all to serve the Lord. As far as I know, they're all saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. And that's a great contribution to any man in these days, boys and girls. But, see, all that he ever done won't amount to too much until serving God, lest he served God. And tonight, what he had done here on earth, his good deeds, he's gone to his reward, to be with them. God rest the soul of our brother.

4 I know, as long as this is a tabernacle here, and I--I know he'll... his voice will still be here. You can hear it. Sister Anna Jeanne and--and her sister, playing the organ and piano, how they never had to wait. Brother Palmer just stand here and he just pick the song up, go on. They'd catch it. And I never... I looked forward to hearing him lead the song.

5To his children; to his wife; and to Brother Jack, his bosom friend, they been friends for all these years; and Brother Brown, Sister Brown, all you tabernacle: God bless you. I miss him, too. God rest his gallant soul, until we meet him in peace.

Let us bow our head.

6 Gracious Heavenly Father, just speaking of this great servant, I missed him, tonight, him shaking my hands, and that cunning little smile he always had when he said, "God bless you, Brother Branham," when we'd walk in the door. I know he's come up to Your House, tonight. So I pray, dear God, that You'll let the fruits, his works that follow him, be great, continuing on with his children, his wife. We pray that You'll bless her, Lord. You said You would be a husband to "the widows that were widows indeed." I pray for our Sister Palmer and for all the children. I know how to sympathize with both, losing a companion and also losing my dad.

7 So, Father, while we're here, tonight, we pray that You'll prepare our hearts, also, for that hour. We don't know. It might come as sudden as his did. We don't know when it will come, but we know it's got to come. So we pray, God, that You'll search every heart that's in here, tonight. God, don't leave mine out. Search mine, too, and try me. Lord, if there be any evil in us, take it out. We want to serve You. That's our full objective, is to serve You.

8 Pour out Your Spirit upon us, tonight, and the rest of this week. Bless this tabernacle by the name of the Life Tabernacle. May it receive full blessings of that name and be full of the Life of God, this week, to save every lost soul, to fill every believer with the Holy Ghost, and renew the hopes that's in us, Lord, again. We pray that You'll also heal all the sick and the afflicted that comes among us. May Your great Holy Spirit be here, Lord, and just heal. And anoint each one to believe. Grant these things, Father.

9God, help me now. If it fall, has fall my turn to bring the Message. I pray, God, that You'll just let the man part stand to one side. May the Holy Spirit come in and move upon us, Lord. May the Holy Ghost take the meeting, Lord. We know that we're so insufficient. We could not do it, none of us. We don't claim to be able to do it. But, Lord, we know that Thou art the One. So we're looking to Thee, Lord. Move, Spirit of God, and fall fresh on us. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

10 Now I want to pass greetings on down the line, to the churches now that's hooked up across the state. We're on the telephone hookup, which is a fine little system that we have been able to get, through our Brother Pearry Green from Beaumont, Texas. And the churches, completely, that's following the Message, all the way across the United States, is hooked up, tonight. We send greetings, up and down the West Coast, all the way from Vancouver down to Tijuana, Mexico, through San Jose, Los Angeles. All the groups over in there, we greet you from Shreveport. Also, all the way to Prescott, Arizona, to the group up there that's waiting on the Lord, we send greetings to you, and to Tucson, also Sierra Vista. All the way to New York, up and down, across the nation, the Lord bless you, each one. Wish you were here, tonight, this beautiful old state of Louisiana, where it seems like a second home, to me. I...

11 You know, you people up in New York, you know, I kind of laugh at you a little bit, the way you talk. I'm right at home tonight. Yeah. Everybody down here, you know, they said, "Hello, d'ere, Brother Branham. You bring Sister Branham and all the young'ns and come over to see us." Oh, my! That makes me feel good. That's real English, to me. Not disregarding you people in the east and the north, and different places. But, you know, I guess I was just born an old Reb' and have to stay that way. I--I kind of like it, myself. It's real English.

12I was at a Business Men's breakfast, here not long ago, and they said, "We will now stand and sing the national anthem." And I stood up, said, "For my old Kentucky home, far away." Well, to me, that was the national anthem, all I knowed about it. So, we send you greeting. Now to the...

13 I believe they're going to try to broadcast the breakfast, also, the Business Men's breakfast, Saturday morning. Brother Green will tell you, as he's at the microphones out there now. So he'll tell you what time the breakfast starts, and what time, each night, to tune in. We thank you very kindly. Pray for us.

14 Now, to the local assembly here, and Brother Jack's tabernacle, I just going to ask you a favor, tonight. Being that I was going to give my thanksgiving Message across the--the nation, tonight, to our local churches that's following the Message. In this, I--I may be a little lengthy. And then, again, I may preach some Doctrine. So, if so, and you don't agree with It...

15Just like I always said about eating cherry pie, when I run into a seed. I don't throw the pie out. I throw the seed out, just keep on eating pie.

16So if I happen to mention something tonight, I... Well, that's one reason I took this invitation, tonight, to be here, to bring my thanksgiving Message to the groups across the country, was because Brother Jack always so freely open his door and says, "Preach what's on your heart." So I feel real at home.

17So it may be that in here, in the local assembly here with Brother Jack, there might be ministers and some people that would disagree with Doctrine. Usually I have the courtesy not to mention doctrine in a man's pulpit, that has invited me to come speak for him. So, after tonight, I suppose I'll just be praying for the sick and doing the regular service. But I thought I would let you know beforehand, that if something that I say that might be disagreeable, why, just allow it to my ignorance, I guess, and know no better. And pray for me.

18 So now let us turn in the Word, to a chapter here. I wish to refer to many places tonight, because I've got several Scriptures and little notes wrote out here in a tablet.

19I remember the first time I climbed on the platform at Life Tabernacle, twenty years ago. I--I didn't have to write down my Scriptures and reference. I was just twenty years younger then. But now I've done passed twenty-five, so I... the second time. So I've... can't remember it like I used to. I have to write my Scriptures down, and sometimes brief down something another I want to refer to.

20And now the Lord bless as we read out of God's Word, and the Book of Romans, the 7th chapter. Now, I want to kind of teach this like a Sunday school lesson.

21 I know there is people standing. And at the tabernacle, usually, at Jeffersonville, we want to greet you all, tonight, too, know that you're hooked up there at the tabernacle. And looks like be at the tabernacle, tonight, if you were down here, the people around the walls, and overflowed. Now, I suppose you're that way, too, all the people that's up in that part of the country, that come in for the Message.

22 Now we are going to use this like a Sunday school lesson. And it's not directed to anything, any certain persons, or anything; just to the Church, the Body of Christ that we're trying to lead to deeper thoughts and higher objectives, believing that the Coming of the Lord Jesus is at hand. We believe that. Much more, it's twenty years closer than it was the first time I come to Shreveport. Oh, so much has happened since that time! Now we're looking forward for the Coming of the Lord, in our generation. I'm not looking for revival in our generation. I'm looking for the Coming of the Lord, in our generation.

23 Now in Romans 7. Trusting that you have your Bibles open, everywhere now, across the country. We want to read closely now. This--this Message out of here, it seems like it's on marriage and divorce, but it really isn't. To me, it's a prophecy for the Church in the last day. Let us read.

Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law has dominion over a man as long as he liveth?

For the woman which has a husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.

So then if, while her husband liveth, she is married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.

Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that you should be joined or should be married to another, even to him who is risen from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.

For when we were in the flesh,... motions of sin, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.

But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.

24 And now let us pray.

25Dear God, we have just read what we believe to be the sacred Word of God. And that's what we are believing, that not one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from This until all is fulfilled. And we believe that our Lord told us, in Revelations the 22nd chapter, that, "Whosoever shall take one Word from It or add one word to It, the same, his part, will taken from the Book of Life."

26And we see that, by misrepresentation of this Word, as Satan misrepresented It to Eve, caused her to doubt one Word, threw the whole human race into a fallen chaos. Just one Word!

27Then we see in the middle of the Book, came our Lord and Saviour, and He gave us this quotation concerning It. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

28Then the solemn warning in the last Book, of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, "Whosoever shall add a word or take a Word away, his part will be taken from the Book of Life."

29 O God, knowing, seeing how fragile we are, knowing that we're walking on the brittle threads of life, of this mortal life, not knowing what time that we're going to be summoned to answer on High. Let us, O Lord, lay aside everything in our heart, everything in our mind, and look straight to Your Word, tonight, and for You to come and interpret It with living oracles. Grant it.

30May Your Spirit fall upon us and anoint the Word to our heart, that we might go from here, this evening, better people than we are now, that we might have a closer insight on Jesus Christ. Grant it, Lord, that we might understand the day that we're living in, and the preparation of God for His people in this hour; this great, crucial, dark time that we're now living in. God, anoint us, not only speaker, but hearer. And, together, make our hearts to tremble at Your Word. "For the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." Grant these things, Father, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

31 I'd like to title these few remarks that I was going to make here, and some Scriptures that I would like to follow up closely behind, if the Lord willing, to the--the thanksgiving Message, to the invisible, of: The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ. The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ. Doesn't sound like a thanksgiving Message. Though, any Scripture, we're thankful for all of It.

32I am thankful to God, to be living in this time, of the closing scenes of this world's history. I don't know. If I would have had a say-so before the foundation of the world, and the God would have laid out the whole program to me, and said to me, "I--I want you to preach. And now what age do you desire, to go to the earth to preach?" I would have chose this age, for I think this is the golden age.

33I certainly would have loved to have been here during the time of His visit to the earth. But, still, I think this right now is a greater time, because it's a time that He's coming to take the people that He's redeemed, nearing the resurrection when all the redeemed will come forth. What a glorious opportunity we have, to speak to a dying people, great time! We are enthused about it.

34 And we know that history is closing out. The world's history will soon be over, then we're going to step into a new day, to the great Millennium. That, as one believer, I believe in the... in a Millennium, a Millennium reign with Christ, a thousand years upon the earth; the physical return of the Lord Jesus, to take a physical people, glorified, by His cleansing Blood.

35 Paul here is giving an illustration, in our Scripture, about the law and grace, and illustrating it like marriage and divorce. This passage is very seldom preached on, because it's, more or less, pertains to, like, marriage and divorce. But it also pertains to a greater portion of marriage and divorce, of how that he's trying to set in order here that we, as a--as a Church, can no more be married to the world and to Christ, at the same time, and--and be legal and lawful about it, than it can be for a woman to be living with a husband while she's got a living husband. And I have my own thoughts of that, and I believe that what the Bible says is the Truth.

36Now, but I believe, also, is to my belief, that it unfolds one of the great mysteries of prophecy. And I hope that the Lord will help us, tonight, as we deliver this to our waiting people across the country.

37 It was said, one time (I was reading, when I was writing the note for this, I--I could not exactly remember the book that it's in, but I--I'm sure this is right), that (one of the books I read on Mr. Moody, Dwight Moody, in Chicago; we have a great listening church in Chicago, also, tonight), that, Mr. Moody, after reading Romans 7, ran into the street, and the first man he met, he said to him, "Do you know grace?"

And the man replied, "Grace who?"

Mr. Moody said, "The grace of God."

38So, it so thrilled him when he seen what, how grace had separated us from the law, and how, that what part grace played. Well, now, anything that I want to do, is when... I always told the people, when I cross the line, on the other Side, I'd like to stand up and sing.

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me!

Grace, precious grace!

More of grace to know!

39"For it's by grace we are saved; not by what we can do." What we can, whatever we do, is not counted to us. Grace is what saves us. "By grace are you saved, through faith."

40 May I add to this Woman, Grace. May I place Her in the Bible, also, is called the elect Lady, this Miss Grace I'm going to talk about. Know, the Bible declares, said, "To the elect Lady." That, if you notice, "elect" come from the word "elected Lady." One Lady, amongst all the other ladies, was elected.

41Like, the virgin was to bring forth the body of God, on the earth. She was an elected woman. God chose Mary.

42And, also, God has chose an elected Lady, which is His Bride. She's elected. I hope we're members of that, tonight, across the world, across the nation, rather.

43 The illustration here, showing the relationship of Bride to Christ, the elect Lady: and how She was to be brought to Him; where She would come from; and how that She would be brought to Him. The Church here, in illustration that we got in view, is illustrated by a woman. Which, a woman is always a type of the Church, because the Church is considered a Bride. A Bride, She is the Bride of the Lord Jesus, the Son of God.

44 Always, if you'll watch, watch the conditions and the conduct of women, and you'll see where the church is.

45Now, this, some of these remarks may seem strange to some of you, but it's complimentary to the Message that I have from the Lord, that I'm trying to get to the peoples. The... You watch everything in the natural, how it's happening, nature, and watch it. It runs sure with the spiritual, also.

46Now, if you'll see the conduct of women in the world today, watch the conduct of the worldly church today. Just watch. Of course, now, there is also the conduct of the spiritual Bride, the Church. See? Watch That, also. [] Because, the natural so call, claim to be Bride.

47 Now, please let me say again to the local assembly. Don't feel bad now. I'm--I'm speaking to all out across the country, to the, what I think, the elect Lady. So if there happen to be ministers in here, that doesn't agree, well, just hold your peace for a little while. See? Notice. Just listen.

48Notice this character. When you see women just go on the rampage, just doing anything they want to do, watch, the church is doing the same thing. Notice.

49But watch when, the spiritual Bride, when She begins to have a revival, when She begins to come back and line Herself up with the Word of God. Watch then again, you see, how that the Scriptures, at that time, There'll be a Message sweep out to catch that Bride, catch that Woman, Elect.

50For, as the world, Satan, the deceiver who deceived the first bride, to sinning against God, by misbelieving His Word.

51 And now, today, as we see the church natural, in your intellectual gospel, going further and further away from the Word, in social gospel; we find that the women of the world, on the streets, members of such, is carrying themselves in the same atmosphere. You can't tell them. They've lost all sense of common decency, the people have. See? And that's the way the church has. And you can see it going straight to the ecumenical council, just as certain as anything in the world, and right into Rome as hard as it can go, see, 'cause it's prophesied. And there she is. That's her behavior.

52 But then watch again to the spiritual Church, how that group of people, called out, the Elected, through every revival. In Martin Luther, it happened the same way in the reformation. It happened the same thing in the time of John Wesley. It happened the same thing when Pentecostal first started. They dropped them women right back in line with the Word, and then they drift away. There she goes right back over into chaos. But then the time that the people are ready to line up, there is a Message comes forth, and they line with It.

53 Luther was the messenger of one day, of justification, and the Church lined right with it, some of them. The rest of them continued on. Wesley come with sanctification, the Church lined right with it. Pentecost come with the restoration of the gifts, the Church lined right with it, the Elect of that day; and then faded away, went right back off in denominationalism and went right out with the rest of them, all of them right down along the line.

54 Now, but you notice, when the people begin to try to line with the Word, there comes a fresh Message from the Word of God, right straight to the people. And they catch that Message and line up, every time. It's just in God's... We have that.

55We have families. Every family in here is custom to that. Sometimes everything will run fine for you, for years. Then, all at once, you'll hit a spell where, we say it many times in the South here, "When it rains, it pours," and everything goes wrong. You're going through a nighttime. Then there's a daybreak, then a nighttime. Everything runs in continuity.

56 The prophet, Paul, here is saying that a woman cannot remarry until her first husband is dead. She cannot remarry as long as her first husband is living; she, by no circumstances, at all. She must remain single as long as her first husband is living. And if she should do such a sin, "she shall be called an adulteress." I'm speaking of the natural now, to type it with the spiritual. If this woman would commit such a sin, then she is marked, "an adulteress," if she has two living husbands at the same time. Therefore, she has forfeited, by doing this, her rights to God and Heaven, by doing so. She sure has. She is an outcast from the economy of God, according to the Scriptures that I've just read.

57 So is the church, when she tries to mix creed and denomination with the Word of God. She can't be married to a denomination, and be the Bride of Christ, at the same time. She's got to be dead to one or the other. The law says so, here. There's plenty of laws in God's Word. And that's His law, Paul speaking the same thing here. She cannot be married to a church of worldly creed, and be the Bride of Christ, because (she) one is contrary to the other. Now, remember.

Say, "Well, we believe this, but we don't believe That."

58 If you're married to Christ, Christ is the Word of God. In Saint John, the 1st chapter, said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the same was made flesh and dwelt among us." Christ was the living Word. He always was the Word. He is still the Word. He always will be the Word. He was only the manifestation of the attributes of God, for He was the Son of God.

59And any son is the attributes of his father, and just as you were in the genes of your father, in the body of your father when he was a young boy. You were in him. Yet, he could not have fellowship with you, because he didn't know you. But then, through the bedding grounds of a mother, you were brought forth into the earth and become in the image of your father, then he could fellowship with you.

60And so were you, sons of God and daughters of God, before there even was a moon, stars, or a molecule. You were sons and daughters of God, for you are only the physical manifestation of the attributes that was in God at the beginning. For, there's only one form of Eternal Life, and that was you, before. You don't know nothing about it. Neither did you know when you was in your earthly father, but you are manifested, too, in his image. In the image of God you are made, and you were manifested for the glory and the fellowship of God.

61And, therefore, as sure as your gene had to be in your father, before your natural birth, your spiritual gene had to be in God, because you're an expression of the attributes of His thoughts, before the foundation of the world. Right. No way around it. That's right. Now, now we notice, then, that Life being in you, God's Life being in you, from the foundation of the world.

62 Now, now, you cannot mix denomination creed with the Word, because they're too contrary, one to the other.

63That's exactly what Satan tried to do with his intellectual conception to Eve. He said he admitted that God said it, but he said, "Surely, you'll not die." See? And they believe that.

64And that's what creed has done, tonight. Denomination has separated the people from the Word of God. Didn't Jesus say, when He come, "You, through your tradition, have made the Commandments of God of no effect to the people"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And through our creed, we have disassociated the fellowship of the Holy Spirit to anoint the Word of God that's laced out for this generation. We have separated the people so, by denomination, that they cannot have a chance to see It.

65Now, God, He, every generation, He adds a new part of His Book. It all goes together.

66Like my body was built. I'm told it started in the spine, but wasn't all spine. It went from that to ribs, and from lungs, and to hands, and arms, and feet, and so forth, and it come on out to be the person that I am.

67 And so was God manifested in the beginning. And finally He was appeared as Jehovah, God the Father. Then He appeared as God the Son, in Jesus Christ. Now He's appeared as God the Holy Ghost. The same God, all the time, three manifestations of the same--same God.

68Now, we find in this, that, each generation, God has lotted His Word from the beginning.

69Just like evolution came. Just like first thing God created, probably, was... Let's say He created botany life, first. Then He created animal life, next. Then He created human life, next. Kind of an evolution, rising higher.

70So has it been in God and His Church. Justification under Luther. Sanct-... That's pulling His Bride out, now. He's creating His Bride. Justification under Luther; sanctification under Wesley; and so forth, you see. He, the evolution of the Spirit being given more and more, 'cause the Body is building, coming to the Head, which is Christ, the Body of Christ.

71 Now, She, as a woman, if She is married to Christ the Word, She cannot be married to a church denomination at the same time, for She's bound by it. She shall... cannot live with both husbands at the same time. They're contrary, one to the other. One is God-sent, the other one is man-made, so they're contrary. Said, "Let every man's word be a lie; Mine be the Truth." God said that.

72Just as much contrary to one another, as law was to grace, as Paul speaking of here. One must be dead, to have the other. "And if she tries to mix them, she shall be called an adulteress." Oh! Think of it. New York, Arizona, across the nation, think of it. God said, "If she's tried to be married to two at the same time, she shall be called an adulteress." What adulteress can enter Heaven? Would God marry an adulteress? Certainly not. He asked us not to do it. "She shall be called an adulteress."

73 Then, her children, if she is an adulteress, her children is illegitimate. Illegitimate! Illegitimate to what? Not to the church, but to the Word. She is illegitimate. What a picture of this Revelations 3 here, of the last-day, Laodicea church age! What an illegitimate group! What a denominational mix up! Lukewarm, carry on and call themselves Christians, and deny the Word of God, "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof," as the prophet said they would be.

74 Marriage is the oldest institution in the world. Marriage was performed first, and instituted, in the garden of Eden.

75A woman is entrusted with certain characters that she must not defile. A woman is trusted to that. There's not a creature on earth like a woman. There's no female dog, there's no female of any kind, entrusted with the character that a woman is.

76A woman was not even in the--the beginning of the creation, because God knowed that she would fall. All other females could not commit adultery. She is the only one that can commit adultery. If she had been made like the original, that would been discomplimentary to God's great wisdom. See? She was made a by-product of a man.

77But because she was cast over in that side, she has also been given a sacred charge from God, for redemption. She's got characters that she must not defile.

78If she would mar them, she is defiled for lifetime. No matter how much she is forgiven, she can't be justified. I'll strike that in a little bit. Got a Scripture on that, in a few minutes. She can be forgiven for her defilement, but she cannot be justified in this life. It's always with her. Notice now. She's been given this. She may be forgiven, but not justified.

79 Her body is given to her, a sacred trust from God. No female dog, no bird, no other animal, no other creature like that. No. She is the only one. By it, she is... The reason it's so sacred, she is to bring forth life into the earth. Her body is the bedding grounds of life, therefore that's the reason she is give this sacred trust.

80Now here is where you may disagree, many, you theologians. That's what defiled the whole human race, is that adultery at the beginning. Her bedding ground was marred. She brought forth those twins, Cain and Abel. One act, two children. Search the Scriptures. Uh-huh.

81 Notice now. We find that her body is the bedding grounds, and therefore it's a sacred trust, not to defile that. Now, I'm speaking now, bringing this to an illustration, to show you where the Church stands. I'm not speaking of you women. Whatever you are, that's between you and God, or you men. But I'm speaking of the Church and Christ.

82Now, this she is given, to bring forth life that only God Himself can give. Her husband might be the germ bearer, but God has to produce the life. That's right. It has to come. All life has to come from God. Any life has to come from God. It's perverted, and that's what makes it sinful, but life has to come from God. He's the author of life. Now she has a sac-... one...

83 I want to name three things here that she must not get away from. Now, I'm speaking, keep the church in mind while I'm speaking this to the natural woman, as Paul is here, in 7th chapter of Romans.

84She has a sacred trust of virtue committed to her by her Lord, a certain virtue. Nothing else holds it but a woman. Right. That's committed to her by God. She must not defile that virtue.

85If she even does something wrong, she must confess that to her husband before he takes her, and make it right. The same as the church that was married to the law, has to come also before Christ, before the second marriage. She has to confess that. If she doesn't, and she lives with her husband for ten years and then confess it, he has a right to put her away and marry another woman. That's the Scripture. Fornication is unclean living.

86"Joseph, fear not, take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." He was minded to put her away privately, see, after he'd already engaged to her. When you're engaged to her, as far as God is concerned, you're married to her.

87 Notice now. She has a sacred trust of virtue that's been given her, trusted to her by the Lord. God gave her that virtue. Just as it was in the garden of Eden, she can say "yes" or "no." She has a sacred trust of womanhood committed to her, that she must not break. The womanhood I'm speaking of here is her conduct, her character around men. Not letting every man...

88 Looks on these screens and see these movie stars kissing, and hugging, and slopping, and around, over these women. A woman does that, is of a bad character. She might be virtuous, otherwise. But, see, in her heart... When, those glands, sex glands, are in the lips. The man kisses a woman, he's actually, potentially, committed adultery. Sex glands are in the woman's lips and in the man's lips. He could kiss her on the hand, it wouldn't mix through their sex glands. But the sex glands is in the lips. And see all this nonsense in the--the Hollywood today, of all this slopping and loving around with women, and so forth, and little girls looking at all that. No wonder our morals are rotten and decayed, and filthy, see, because it's put before the children. That's right. It has to be that way for the last day.

89 Now keep the church in mind. She is kissing and slopping, and mixing around in everything else but the Word, let the Devil, and education and scientific searches, and so forth.

90When, scientific, education, everything, is absolutely contrary to God. The whole system of civilization that we have now is absolutely antichrist. Educational system is antichrist. Civilization is antichrist. It's against God. You say, "Against civilization?" God will have a civilization, one of these days, that won't have any death associated into it. This modern civilization come by Satan. I'll prove that to you, if the Lord willing, tonight, out of the Bible. All these things are of Satan. Our new civilization will have none of this in it.

She has this sacred womanhood.

91 No wonder that men act around women the way they do, is because women act around men the way they do. She characters herself out here with a pair of shorts on, and skin-tight, and men's clothing and things, out on the street, twisting around. No matter what she says, she might be as virtuous to her husband as she can be, but, in the sight of God, "She is an adulteress." "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." And she presented herself to be that.

And that's exactly what the church has done with the world.

92 Notice. That's committed to her: sacred virtue, sacred womanhood, and then sacred motherhood, honor her husband.

93Just look today. In certain cities, many cities, they even have big parties in what call society, church members, too. Set their hats in the floor, and they all get drunk and pitch their keys into it. Each woman goes and picks a key out of the hat, for the man she'll live with over the weekend. All kinds of such parties! Which, I've got so much to say here, if the Lord willing, I haven't got time to go into it. Such a filth!

94And the church is just as bad, right, committing adultery with everything, and she has no business to be going into. She should stay with the Word.

95 Buildings are all right. Hospitals are all right. All these other things are all right. Educational programs, that's all right. We have to live here, have to read, write. That's one of the economies.

96Like, we wasn't supposed to put on any clothes, at the beginning. I'll preach on that, later this week, the Lord willing. But we have to wear clothes because God gave us clothes. But, in the beginning, we didn't need them. We were veiled.

97Now she is veiled to her sin. She don't even know she is sinning, see, as she was then. By the... Now she is veiled by the Devil; then she was veiled by God. The difference of it.

98 Now we find out that she has been given this sacred trust that she must not break: of womanhood, act, have her character, raise her children, be honorable to her husband.

99Now days, they pay a bit more attention to it than nothing in the world. You ought to set in my office sometime and see men bring in their wives, where they try to get right with God and confess of all the men they lived with, and everything else, since they been married. Oh, you say, "That's..." No. That's Pentecostals. Uh-huh. The others won't come. So it's...

100I'm speaking of how it can get away, when you get to mixing up with the world, the church, and all the fashions and things that we have. We're no more like the original Pentecost was than day is from night. We've drifted off somewhere, into some dark chaos somewhere, and lost.

101 What a sacred trust! What a responsibility to a woman! Now see why she's a type of the Church, which has the same responsibility. As a woman has a sacred responsibility to her motherhood, to her virtues, to her husband, the Church has a sacred responsibility to prayer and to the Word, and to Christ, just the same as the woman has.

102And as a woman drifts off with another man; when the church goes off on these institutional programs, and building programs and schools, and so forth. I have nothing against them. They're all right. They serve their purpose. But they're not...

103Jesus never said, "Go, make schools." He said, "Preach the Word."

104 That's where they neglect It. Not make institutions, hospitals, and so forth. Them is all right, but that's not the Church's duty. Their duty is to preach the Gospel, but we've done everything else but that. And we've drifted in, just like Satan did, and mix it up with some Gospel, something else, and something else, till it's got a conglomeration of nothing. Corruption, even our whole, the whole world! Watch the trend of the world.

105 Reading Reader's Digest, here not long ago, where young girls are going through their menopause, and men, the change of life, between twenty and twenty-five years old. They're going through their middle age. Corruption, (why?) because of scientific research of food and stuff that's broke down, from the natural things we should put in our body. We are nothing but a bunch of dying corruption.

106Now, that's what the church is, also. It's in the same condition.

107She's a type. She has the same precious virtues by Spirit, given to Her, to preserve the Spirit and the Word, and never commit adultery with anything of the world or anything. Stay virgin to the Word, as a woman is to stay virtuous to her husband. It's a sacred trust, to honor Her Lord's Word above every man-made creed, wisdom, denomination there is. The Church is given that trust.

108If they say, "Well, my church..." I don't care what your church believes. If it's contrary to the Word of God, stay away from it.

109The Bible said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Mark 16 said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." If a church preaches different from That, don't you. You die to that thing. Be born again, into the Word of God. "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." That's how far It was to go. "These signs shall follow them that believe, in all the world, and every creature that will believe." See how we got away from It? Sure. But She is responsible for It.

110 But now look what, Hollywood, has took the virtuous things from our women.

111I'm setting here looking at dear old woman, Sister Schrader, many of the women here, and back, and Sister Moore over here, the older women that remembers a few years ago. If their mother, or even them, would have walked out on the streets, the way some of these women walk today, church members, they'd have locked the woman up for being insane. "She forgot to put on her skirt." Well, if it was insane then, it's insane now.

112Well, look, the whole world proves it's insane. Look at the murders and things that's going on now in the world. See? Insanity!

113The whole thing is coming to fulfill Revelation. We may get to it, this week. Where, those hideous things, them is not natural. That's spiritual things, that make people scream for the rocks and the mountains, and everything else, to fall on them.

114 The complete, total insanity this world will go into, right away, it's almost there now. Why, you see the footsteps of it. There it is. It--it's marching right out on the street, right down the church pew, total insanity, do things that a human being wouldn't think of doing and being civilized.

115Look what Hollywood has done to the woman. Look how it is. It's robbed the sacred virtues of the woman. On and on, we could go. See?

116All this she lost. How did she do it? Because there was a subtle instrument called the church, like there was in the garden of Eden. A subtle person, the Devil, walked into the church just like he did in the garden of Eden, and deceived her into it. She is deceived. The woman thinks; she don't mean to be wrong.

117Eve didn't mean to do wrong. It wasn't willfully. But she... The Bible said, in Second Timothy, First Timothy 3, "She was deceived." And deceived is not when you willfully do it. It's when you're deceived into doing it.

118 And that's just exactly what's happened today. She's been deceived, by television, by magazine, by these people, these, all these fine things that they're going, out on the street. Modern girls, they look at magazines and they look at pictures. They look on the street. They see the clothing in the shops. How Satan, that great instrument of--of hell, has come down amongst the people and deceived them into these things! And the woman thinks she is all right. And she is dead and don't know it. She is far from God. See how she lost all this, and how subtle it was?

119 Today, I want you to notice. Jesus spoke of it. Also, if you'd like to read it, Jesus made mention that this thing would come to pass. Did you know that? In His last hours, just before His crucifixion. Let's just read it, Saint Luke, the--the 23rd chapter, and just for a moment, like a Sunday school lesson. Begin with the 27th verse, I believe I got marked out here. Jesus going to Calvary. Listen as I read it. All right. Saint Luke 23:27, I believe, is where we have it. My note has got it that way. Yeah. Here it is.

And there followed him a great company of people, and... women, which also bewailed and lamented him.

But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.

For, behold, the day--days are coming,... that they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the womb that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.

120Think, today, a disgrace for her to have a child. See?

Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and hi-... and the hills, Cover us.

For if they do these things in a green--green tree, what shall they do in a dry?

121 Speaking of the day that when women wouldn't no more want children. They want a dog or a cat, or something like that, but she don't want children anymore. Why? She is "old Mother Hubbard" if she has a child. See? She don't want. That's the--that's the remarks of Hollywood. It don't want his woman to be an "old Mother Hubbard." So she'll, he'll have some operation performed to himself or her, one, that'll keep them from having children. They don't want no children.

122Jesus spoke of it. And what did He say? "At that time they'll begin to cry for the rocks and the mountains to fall on them."

123She'll practice birth control, so she can go to parties. She can't be bothered with a baby nursing her. "It'll disform her. When she's pregnated, it'll be, it disform her. She won't look like she used to." And her husband, ignorant enough to let her go that way. She won't give him a child.

124Jesus spoke of it. And He said, that, "When they were doing this, at that time they'll go to crying then for the rocks to fall on them." It's Coming of the Lord.

125They pay great sums of money for cats, dogs, to mother. That's right. She must mother something, because it's a God-given nature to her.

126 I notice. I hunt big game. An old bear in the fall of the year, when she has been bred to the male bear, she's got cubs then that's born. They're pretty good-size cubs, maybe weigh a hundred pounds or better. She'll make them scat and hibernate to themselves, because she's going to bring forth some more cub. They're born in February. The bear knows nothing about it.

127They're born in little sacks. How that God has them open these little sacks, themself, little... like little cellophane sack. They find their way around. Their mother is sound asleep. She hasn't eat anything since October, and this is February. They come around and nurse her till the middle of May.

128Then when she sees her cubs, they're pretty good-size cubs, weigh maybe fifteen, ten or fifteen pounds apiece. They nursed her. How she gets the milk, that's God's idea. She lives, herself, and produces milk for the cubs.

129And then if her breeding doesn't take, and she don't have any cubs, she'll hunt up them year, last-year cubs, and mother them all summer long, because it's God-given instinct. She has to mother something.

130 And if a woman won't have a baby for her husband, she'll take a dog or a cat, or something. She's got to mother something. It's a nature. But to bear a child for her husband, and raise it to the service of God, that's entirely all out of her line. She should. Oh, she'd... Oh, she'd be so disgraced, if she did, by her sin-loving society of this 1965 type of women.

131A true picture of the modern church today! Neither does the modern church want any of these here, screaming, shouting, tongues-speaking, Acts 2:38 young'ns around her. Yeah. Yeah. See? Yeah. She don't want any of them whooping, and crying, and screaming, "Amen! Hallelujah!" Why, such a child would immediately put her out of her denomination. They had one like that in one of the churches, why, they'd throw her out right quick.

"Why you letting such stuff as this go along?"

132 So, you see, she's pregnated with something, 'cause she's bringing forth members all the time. But she don't want none of them screaming, hollering, blabbering, Acts 2:38, miserable creatures that she thinks they are. It would certainly embarrass her. It would ruin her and her educated, ethical, scientific society church that she belonged to here. They would throw her out, at the next council. She can't have it. So she don't want to be pregnated with the Word, because that's the only kind that the Word can bring forth.

133Born of the Spirit of God, it has the Spirit of God in it. No intellectual church-join and creed-going, bobbed hair, painted face; there's no such a thing as that in all of It. You don't find that in the Word of God. You find an old-fashion, sanctified, Holy Ghost-filled child, born of the Spirit of God, screaming, hollering, shouting, praising God.

134 That's altogether out of the reaches for her. She don't want That. Oh, no, sir! No, indeedy. What does she do then? So she brings forth a pair, a painted-face, short-wearing, Jezebel society, illegitimate "cats," they call them, I think it is. See? I think they call it cats. See? "Look at that cat going there," they say, or something like that, you know.

135She was born, or married, connected with her first husband, the first Adam, by the adulterous wife of Eve, Adam's first wife. You say, "Adulterous?" She sure was. But, oh, she claims that this Adam, this first Adam, is dead. "Oh, sure, he died a long time ago. I'm reborn, again," she said, "and I'm certainly married to the Second Adam, Christ, the Word."

136 How? Notice what she loves. Watch her lover, you want to see who she is in love with. The Word says This, but she said, "My church says this." Then who she in love with? Who is her husband? Her own fruits prove what she is. Exactly right, shows what she is. Notice. She was born, first, to Adam, 'cause that's her natural birth. See? And she never left that. That's a lover of the world. She claims that she is born the second time, to Christ. But her lover, notice, is Adam, yet, because she loves the world.

137And another--another thing, notice what kind of children she is bearing. That tells what their papa is, whether it's the first Adam or Second Adam. If the Church brings forth a child of the Second Adam, he acts the Second Adam's way of acting, like they did on Day of Pentecost. That's the really true Second Adam's children. See? Right. Their nature is like his and hers. Yes, sir. Her daughters, painted-face, bobbed-haired, wearing men's clothes, trousers. The Bible said for her "not to do it." She cuts her hair. "It's a shame to her."

You say, "Shut up, on that."

138That's what the Word says. I'm only pointing out nature. That's what she does.

139 Her sons, her sons born out of her, rely upon education, schooling, some Bible school, so-called, some great college that's supposed to be a long time ago, hatching them out, in some sort of an incubator style. Denominational-seekers, religious Cain-like, just illegitimate to the Word as Cain was; right, just as ill, illegitimate as Cain was, sure, denominational-seekers. You see what it is?

140God never did organize a denomination. He's always been against it. His Word is against it.

141But they hold right onto it, so you see what they're bringing forth. That shows who their papa and mama is. Exactly. Exactly. Just as illegitimate as Cain was. That's kind of a child he brought forth from Eve. They got away from the Word, then see what she brought. That's just exactly what the church has brought, the same thing.

142Can prove it to you, by the Word, that that's where education and civilization come, through Cain. That's exactly right. For they claim... But they--they claim to be sons of God, but they're denominational-bred, denominational school-scholared, everything else. That's exactly right. Subtle, smart! My! So was the serpent, their father. Right. Just as subtle and scientific preachers as Cain was. See? It's exactly the same thing.

You say, "Brother Branham, is that true?"

143 Turn to Genesis 4:16 and find out. Get back here in Genesis 4:16, just a minute, you'll find out how it happened.

And Cain went... from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he built a city, and called the name of the city, after... his son, Enoch.

144 On down to Tubal, on down, for they begin, come designers of instruments, music, and so forth. Civilization came by Cain, right, building cities, instruments. Scientific men come by Cain, the serpent's seed. Now notice the 25th verse.

And Adam knew his wife again;

145Now, he knew her once and she had two children. Search the Scripture. She had Cain and Abel. One act, and two children. You say...

146They told me, not long ago, it couldn't be, happen. We got a case in Hollywood. Hollywood? We got a case in Tucson right now, up in court. A woman gave birth to a colored child and a white child, at the same time. They say she can't do it. She can have two fertile seeds, too. They got it right in court now. I know dogs will do it. Animals will do it. And she's got there, the white man said, "I'll support my own child, but not him."

147And the woman made the confession. She lived with her husband that morning, and the colored man that afternoon. "If it's in," the doctor says, "in the space of twenty-four hours, it'll happen if there's another fertile seed there." And there she did it.

148 And that's exactly what happened here. Cain that... Satan, that morning, in the serpent; and Adam, that afternoon. When she... And she had two children.

Now, Adam knew his wife again (the second time); and she bare a son,...

149Remember, there is nowhere in the Bible that said Cain was Adam's son. Said, "He was of that evil one," not Adam, "the Devil."

... knew his (the second time), and knew... and had a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed... (That wasn't the real Seed.)... appointed me another seed instead of Adam, whom Cain slew. So...

And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: and then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.

150Not out of Cain's, that generation genealogy, but out of Seth's genealogy.

So, "Cain is the evil one." There come the serpent.

151 Now notice. The Bible plainly says here, that, "Her first husband must be dead," not just put away. He's got to be dead.

152I just got through preaching on Marriage And Divorce, and you all know about that. I'm not speaking now, altogether, this congregation here, but out across the nation. All right. Now you see what happened there, in Marriage And Divorce. When it...?... The Seven Seals was opened, that brought out the real Truth of it.

153 So, to be married to the Second Adam, Christ, the Word, you must separate yourself by death, from your first denominational husband, 'cause there isn't a one of them that can take all the Word of God. Just show me where that one is at. "Oh," you say, "mine." The other fellow says his, too. Put them together, and you find out you're both wrong, soon as you denominate. Read Revelation 17. So, you see, you've got to be dead from that thing.

154Now, I'm not speaking to this local assembly. I'm speaking altogether across the nation. You must be dead to your first husband. If you're united to Christ and still married to a denomination, you're an adulteress. You are Laodicea.

155 A Church across the nation, we're following Jesus Christ, the Word. To be in the Bride, you have to be remarried to the Word of God, which is Christ. "In the beginning was the Word; the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us."

156As long as you hold to man's tradition of denominations, you are called, in God's Word, "a adulteress." As long as you're a denominational creed-seeker, belonging to a denominational church that denies the Word, you are "an adulteress," what the Bible said.

157Jesus said, "You cannot serve two gods at the same time. You either serve God or mammon." Mammon is "the world." "He that loves the world, or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in him." The Seed of God can't be in him the same time (the love of God) the love of the world is in there. When the Seed of God is operating through you, that's the Word of God. The love of the world can't be in there at the same time. Now where is the short hair, and the shorts, and the painted faces? Now where is it at?

158 You can't be virtuous to Christ, the Word of God, and serve a man-made denomination at the same time. It's contrary to the Word. Paul said here. "Whereabouts?" Romans 7.

159Neither can you bear God's sons, of His Word, to this illegitimate denominational group. You cannot do it. In your incubator, you cannot bring forth a Word son of God. I'm speaking to the church. But still you claim to be very religious. So was Cain, the prostitute Eve's son, very religious, built altars and offered sacrifice, and paid his tithes and done everything that any other religious man would do. But he failed to keep that Word. He failed to have the revelation.

160 And the revelation is the only thing, the revelation of the Word. What is the... What is a revelation? Jesus said, "Upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell can't prevail against It." Faith is a revelation; because Faith has been revealed to you.

161"Abel, by Faith, offered by revelation (Faith), offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain."

162Cain thought they eat apples. They still got that idea, but it wasn't. It was an adultery, serpent's seed. And there when the Seven Seals opened, it declared it and proved it. My book is just out on it. Think, we have a thousand here now. See? Notice. That's Scripturally, from Genesis to Revelations.

163 At the end time, both trees are coming to the seed and proving themselves. Here we are, right today, Laodicea and the Bride, just as clear and pretty as it can be in the Scripture, and right before your faces. "You can't serve God and mammon." You can't be a virtuous Bible-believing Christian and associate yourself in the denominational affair. You just can't do it at the same time. One has got to be dead, and let the other one live.

164Neither can you bear God's Word son. Neither can the church bring forth. They don't want one--one of them, a screaming children, shouting and speaking in tongues, and all them things. They, you can't do that in a denominational church. They won't have you. They don't bring them like that. They take them up and shake their hands and say, "If you believe, you've got It. As long as you put your name on the book, that's all you have to do." See? It's--it's illegitimate children to the Word, still claim to be religion.

165 So pregnated with Satan's wisdom and knowledge, the church has become! They send their people away to school, to learn how to say "amen" just right. They learn them how to say all this, and be very intellectual. What is it? It's pregnation of the Devil. What did Satan pregnate Eve with? To disbelieve the Word, for intellectuals, intellects, and it ruined the whole creation. That's exactly what she's done in the Word today, the church. She's pregnated herself with Bible schools and colleges, and things like that, reading, writing, arithmetic, and they know no more about God than a Hottentot would know about an Egyptian night. They know all their creeds, their prayer books, everything else, but know nothing about God.

166They know when the Word is vindicated, when God spoke back there and lotted out His Word to each generation as they come along. Here come Noah along, and he preached that generation.

167Now, what if Moses would have come along, said, "Let's build an ark"? He'd been all out of style. But he was a prophet. He had the revelation of God.

168God vindicated it to be the Truth. He brought the children about, Israel out, and showed the Pillar of Fire before them, and vindicated the prophet; and said just exactly what He would do, and He did it.

169They said, "Let not God speak. Let Moses speak, lest we die."

170He said, "I'll speak to them no more like that, but I'll raise them up prophets, and they'll speak."

171 There stood Isaiah standing there, said, "A virgin shall conceive." A man like him in a day when... How is a virgin going to conceive? "Unto us a Son is born: a child is born, a Son is given. His Name shall be called: Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, the Everlasting Father. Upon the throne of His father, David, He'll reign. There'll be no end to His Kingdom." How is it going be? He didn't know. He just spoke what God said. It's beyond any imagination, intellectual. It's beyond any scientific research. It's the Word of God.

172 Now we school our seminary students in all kinds of Bible theology and things like that, man-made theology, got a bunch of church just exactly a Laodicea, like God said it would be. Oh, my! When I look at that, and makes me shiver. Pregnated with intellectual conception! You've got to be a high school graduate before you can even enter. You've got to have... got to stand before a psychiatrist before you can be ordained.

173Would you imagine Peter, James, and John going before a psychiatrist? Remember that hundred and twenty up there, couldn't even sign their own name? Stand before a psychiatrist, see if they... if all of their... if their reflex was just right, and so forth? They had a reflex, but it wasn't the intellectual conception or scientific research. It was through the Power of God. When It struck them, they knowed nothing to do but act out what the Holy Ghost said do. They didn't pay any attention to any intellectual, what the church said, and what the priests said, what this said, that said. They moved by the Spirit; fearless men.

174 First John 2:15, He said, "If you love the world, or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in you." See? So how can you be pregnated with the Word of God which condemns the world, condemns Hollywood, condemns all of its fashion, condemns all these parties and carrying on, and so-called that they have in the name of religion? It condemns it. How can the Word pregnate a person: how can a bobbed-haired woman, painted face, wearing shorts?

175How can a preacher, goes out here to a seminary, and looks at Acts 2:38 and sees that there's not a person in the Bible ever baptized in those titles, and then still say he's pregnated with the Word of God? Telling you a lie! He sold his birthright. He's committed adultery against the very Thing that he said. He is put away, in divorce.

God is going to have a virtuous Church, just exactly, a Bride.

176Bible said, "The Word is not in you." So what kind of a children are you bearing? Pregnated denominationals. There has been no death to separate you from your first lover.

177 "What will the Joneses think if I go to crying and speaking in tongue? What will they think if I'm rebaptized?" What a nonsense! Are you married to Joneses? Are you married to the church? Are you married to Christ, the Word?

178Now, that's why she is still bearing his children. What kind of children she have? Here is some of their names they call today: cats, beatles, monsters, rickies, rickettas. Cats, beatles, that's church members. Sure. They're all his sons, sons of Cain, which is the sons of the subtle beast, just as smooth as they can be.

179 Now take a good look for a moment, with your own spiritual insight, at your soul. Just look around. I'm speaking 'cross the nation now. Look just a few minutes, you out there in the Branham Tabernacle, you in the tabernacles on the West Coast, and Arizona, and everywhere you're at. Look at yourself for a few minutes. You say, "That Message you're preaching, Brother Branham, is wrong." Look at yourself a little bit. Let the Holy Spirit search your minds with the Word, you'll agree with the Message. Let Christ, the anointed Word, search out your own conscience. Let Him get into you, see if That's right or not. And that's just one or two things I mention, when there hundreds of them.

180 Does the Bible agree with a woman bobbing her hair? [The congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Does the Bible believe, agree with three, baptisms in the name of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost"? ["No."] No such a thing. Does the Bible agree with woman wearing man's clothing? ["No."] Well, just take them three there, when there's hundreds of more. Search it out in the Light of God's Word.

181You say, "I'm a church member." So was Cain. So was Eve. The Bible predicts, in the last days, that the Laodicea will be the same.

182 Let the Holy Spirit search your conscience, and you'll agree with Daniel 5:12. When the queen come in before Belteshazzar, and said she found out that there was a prophet, Daniel, was among them, and he was a dissolver of doubts. You let the Holy Spirit. He is the Prophet of the day. Let Him come into your heart right now and examine with the Word of God, and the doubts about the Message will be all dissolved. He dissolves all the doubts. You find out, it's exactly on the Word for this day.

183You cannot preach Luther's message today. It goes in It, but that's the feet. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Cannot preach Wesley. Cannot preach Pentecostal. We're plumb beyond that. They denominated and died. They're the stalk.

184The stalk come up with the blade, that's the first condition of the church. Now, that there don't look like the first grain that went in the ground, the wheat.

185The second come forth is a pollen. That still don't look like the grain. Looks more like it. It's coming more in the image of the real grain. But the blades don't sure look like the grain that went in the ground. It's a carrier of the life that was in the grain. But what did it do? It denominated, just like all other nature fits in with it. It died.

186 Then what? The life run right up into the tassel. It's got whole lots of little--little balls hanging on it, looks like little--little grains in it. Look like it's a real grain, but it isn't.

187Then it drops down into the shuck. And what does it bring forth? A shuck.

188Now, you take a grain of wheat, when the wheat is first coming forth. And Jesus said, "A corn of wheat." And you take that wheat and open it up. You pulled off the stalk. You looked at it. You say, "We got a grain of wheat." Be careful. It's just exactly like the grain, but there's not a bit of grain in it. It's the shuck.

189There's the Pentecostals, "So much," as Matthew 24:24 said, "deceive the very Elected in the last days, if it was possible." But you pull leaf by leaf back, you ain't got no grain. The grain is right back in the back of it. See?

190 And then the Life comes out of that denomination, goes into the grain. Then what happens? When the grain begins to grow, and to get bigger so It can cover over something, the denomination pulls away from It. Why ain't we got a denomination out of This? They never will be. It's the grain. It can't go no farther. We're at the end time. So what does It have to do now? Lay in the presence of the Son, to be ripened, that's exact, the Word to be ripened into your heart, to bring forth and live what we're talking about. Yes, sir.

191Then you'll have no more doubts, if you let the Holy Spirit reveal It to you, like the queen said about Daniel.

192 You may say, "What's this all got to do with thanksgiving? What you talking about, Brother Branham? Here it is, quarter to nine. You didn't say nothing about thanksgiving." What a Message for the occasion, to me! Yes, indeed.

193The pilgrim fathers were very thankful for their new-found way of life, being separated from the old English denominations and creed. They could marry to the new, anointed Word for their age; that's right, the new, anointed Word of their age, for their day.

194So can we be thankful, as pilgrims, like Abraham, separated ourself from the things of the world, all of our associates. Abraham was a pilgrim. God has separated us from all the dead religions. I'm speaking across the nation now, all the dead creeds. And to what? Separated us, and opened to us a new land, a new Message for this day.

195Pentecost dried up and died, like Luther, Wesley, and the rest of them. It's no more than a bunch of churches pulled together. Good people in there, yet, has got to be come out.

196 What did He do? He opened up the Seven Seals of the last Message. You notice that? The Seven Seals, which, all the mysteries of the seven church ages was sealed with Seven Seals. The reformers didn't have time to do it in their days. They didn't live long enough. But this blessed revelation of the Seven Seals, it's open to us in this last days, from a prophecy that went forth to Arizona.

197How I asked God, the other day, "What are You doing with me out here in this desert?"

198Did you know Moses wrote the New Testament... or the Old Testament? He certainly did. First four Books gives the laws, everything; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. He wrote the Old Testament. To do that, he had to leave all of his associates and loved ones, and go into a desert.

199 Paul wrote the New Testament. That's right. He wrote Romans, and Romans and all the rest of It there, Hebrews and Timothy, and so forth. And to do that, he had to separate from hisself, and go down into Arabia, into a desert, for three years, get the revelation of God.

200"Oh," you say, "how about Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?" They were scribes that just wrote what Jesus did.

201Paul separated, put the Word together. That's right. Well, then, look, if it taken that, and had to go to a desert, away from their loved ones.

202Remember what, What Time Is It, Sir? How many ever heard it? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Was it exactly right? ["Amen."] Then we've got the revelation in this last days, for the Message of the Lord God to gather His Bride together. No other age has it been promised. It's promised in this age: Malachi 4, Luke 17:30, Saint John 14:12, Joel 2:38. Those promises is just exactly like John the Baptist identified himself in the Scripture.

203 Jesus identified Himself. What'd they say? "Away with such a person!" "John is a wild man." The church wasn't able to receive it. That's the pattern. Neither will the church receive it today.

204 But, to the Elected, God is calling to the Elected. They know it: calling the virtuous Bride, the Word, the last-day Church, the elected Lady of our Lord Jesus Christ, Word. If... Jesus is the Word. How many believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Then, the Bride is always part of the Bridegroom, so the Bride will not be a denomination. It'll have to be the Word, manifested, to be the Bride of Christ. He promised to do it. He said how He did. Never uses... loses His pattern. He always did it by the pattern. He done it, every time, by the pattern. He does it again, calling out His virtuous Bride in the last day, the lovely Rebekah waiting for Her Isaac. What a beautiful time!

205Here it brings into view, the two books that's going to be mysterious to you when you read the book of The Seven Church Ages. The two books: Book of Life, said, one says you can put your name on, you never comes off; other one says you take his name out of the Book of Life. This brings it perfectly in view, right here. I'm going to stop a few minutes, maybe, on a few notes here, and catch this before we close.

206 Life is a sacred thing, to God, and it's recorded in a book. God is the author of life. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

207Our natural life here, we have, is just a perversion. It really should be the right life, to begin with, but it's perverted by the natural birth. The first life, or your first union, you were joined in at birth, by nature, a natural act. A natural human being associated, man and woman together, associated together in sexual affair, which brought your first life here, and that's associated with sin and death. How can you miss seeing the serpent's seed?

208 When you see the woman, a by-product; not another female like her; made in that order, knowing that she could be deceived. God knowed. If He didn't know the end from the beginning, then He wasn't God. If He isn't infinite, if He isn't... And He can't be infinite without being omniscient, omnipresent, knowing all things, Eternal. So He knowed all things, and He had to make that woman.

209The man didn't have a wife. The wife and the man was the same thing. He had the feminish and masculine spirit in himself.

210He had to separate, take a by-product, after the whole creation made. No female created by God, in the original creation, can do a thing like that. She was made thus, to do it. He knowed she would do it. If He didn't, He wasn't God.

211But, see, the attributes that's in God had to be displayed. He--He was to be a Saviour. And to make everything perfect, the way He had it, then there could be nothing lost. Oh, don't be children. Be men and women. We're at the end road. Notice.

212 Now, it was nature, associated with death. Your first husband, that had rule over you, was your nature by natural birth. Natural, you love the world because you are the world, and part of the world. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Your desires was, by nature, to love the world which you're a part of. You're a part of nature. You believe that? ["Amen."] And that's your natural thing.

213That's the reason you have to be born again. You have to separate; you have to die to that first husband. You can't live with it. You just can't say, "Well, I'll divorce him, and hang him up here till occasion." No, sir. No writing of divorcement! He dies. The nature of the world has to die. Every speck of him has to die. You have to be reunited, again, with another Nature.

214 Your name of your first nature, was born, and put in a book of life. All your deeds was wrote in it, too. Everything you done under that nature was put in a book, called the book of life.

215You notice, in Daniel, when he come to "the Ancient of Days, Whose hair was as white as wool. Ten thousand times ten thousands came with Him, to minister to Him; the--the Bride. And then the books were opened." "And another Book was opened, which was the Book of Life." See? There is saints already there, the Church, the Bride. "Another Book was opened, which was the Book of Life."

216 Now, you, but when you were separated from that union, by spiritual death. Your natural desire is to cut your hair. Your natural desire is to wear shorts, paint your face. Your natural desire is to be intellectual, smart man, know something better than the other. That's what Eve wanted. That's the very thing she wanted.

217"Well, say! You little two bit, two-by-four preacher, stand up there and tell me? I've got a Ph.D., LL." That just makes you farther away from God, every time you add one thing. See? See? That's right. It's true. See?

218 That's what Eve took. She was pregnated with that kind of a pregnation. That's what the church is today, by Bible schools and intellectuals. And, look, every one disagreeing with the other, a big mess just exactly what the Bible said, "Babylon."

219The Bride knows where She stands. She is very few. There won't be many saved; just a very, very, very few. You say, "Well, there, said, 'thousands.'" Yes. But they've come up through the two thousand years, too, on every age where It come out. Ever...

220Luther's age and that group; and then died off, and they went, denominated; then Wesley; and then come pentecostals, and so forth. All the little out branches of Baptists, Presbyterian, Methodists, Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness, and so forth, see, all those branched off from there like the leaf.

221 But, you remember, when it went down; and the grain begin to ripen, that you find, before that grain can ripen, everything in that stalk has to be dead. Hallelujah! Can't you see where we're standing? Life is in the grain again. What is it? Just exactly like the same grain that went in the ground, the same Jesus in the Bride form, same power, same Church, same thing, same Word. The same Word sucked up through these and come out here, and come to a head here. And all that Life that come through here, picked up its people. Now it's forming up into a head, for the Rapture. Speaking on that tomorrow night, or next night, one, the Lord willing.

222Well, you separated from your first union, by spiritual death. Now you are born again, or remarried again, to the new spiritual union; of not your natural life of the things of the world, but of Eternal Life. That germ that was in you at the beginning, found you.

223 Now, your old book is gone, with your old union. Now, your name in your old, in your... has been transferred. Now, you say, "Do you mean to tell me that my old book..." God put it in the Sea of His Forgetfulness. You stand perfectly before God.

224Now, your name is now in the new Book; not the book of life, but the Lamb's Book of Life, what the Lamb redeemed. Not the old book of your natural union, but your new, Bride. Hallelujah! Your new life is in the Lamb's Book of Life, your marriage certificate, hallelujah, where your true Eternal germ, from the beginning, takes hold. Now you're not only forgiven, but you're justified. Glory! "Justified," Romans 5:1 said. Yeah. Romans 5:1 said, "Therefore being justified by faith."

225 Look up the word. The word don't mean forgiven. The word means justified. It don't mean you're forgiven.

226For instance, you heard I got drunk and--and done some evil things, and everything. Then you come around, say to me. You found out I didn't do them, then you come around, say, "Brother Branham, I forgive you." Forgive me? I didn't do it, at the first place. See?

227Now, if I did do it, I'm guilty. But you could forgive me, and I wouldn't be guilty. But yet I'm not justified, because I actually done it.

228But the word, justified, is though you never done it. Amen. It's not even regarded, at all. How is it done? In God's Book of the Sea of Forgetfulness, your old book and marriage is divorced and dead. It's not even in the memories of God. Amen. You are justified. "Therefore being justified." It was accused. You was accused. You never done it, in the first place. The old union is in the Sea of God's Forgetfulness. You wasn't married to it, to begin with. He, the Bridegroom, bore your shame, Himself, for you, in your place. He took your place, for you were predestinated for Him, to be in His Bride, before the foundation of the world. The Bible said so. You are the predestinated Seed.

229 How did you come to do this? You were deceived into it by your first marriage, to your adulterous parent, Eve. It's no fault of your own. By your natural birth, you come after Eve, who committed adultery. That's the reason you was born an adulteress. You're a sinner, to begin with. That's right. You was deceived into it. You had no... No, you, it ain't your fault.

230You never did it. Because, that little germ that was in you, was to be you, before the foundation of the world. God put your name in the Lamb's Book of Life.

231 Like my little eagle story, all of you has heard it. A hen... Old farmer set a--a hen, one time. So he didn't have enough hens out... eggs to go under the hen. So then he found an eagle egg, and they put it under him. When the eagle was born, it was the funniest-looking chicken them chickens ever seen, little old eagle going along. And the hen would go, "Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck."

232Little eagle said, "I don't know what that thing sounds like, but I'm following her, anyhow."

233And they went out in the barnyard and begin to scratch in manure piles. And she, "Cluck, cluck, cluck. This is good. This is good. You join ours. And this is what..."

234That little old eagle, he couldn't eat that stuff. See? He just--he just went along with the chicken because he didn't know. He didn't know what to do. And then she went out there, and she would get this or that. The little eagle just... he just had to stomach it, but he--he didn't know how to do it. But he had seen all the chickens doing it, but there's something different. He didn't like that.

235 So, one day, the mother knowed that she had laid two eggs. So she begin to hunt for that other one, flying around, searching, like the great Holy Spirit. One day he flew over the barnyard, that denomination. She looked down there, and she seen her baby. She screamed. It was the Voice of something that echoed from the inside of him. [] Oh, That sounds right! Oh! Let a real predestinated-born germ, predestinated by God, hear the Word of God, It's music to him. He knows It's the Truth.

236He's tired of that denominational stuff, anyhow, "Join us. Come, go with us. We got a social party. We got this. We got..." It just didn't sound right, to the little fellow.

237She said, "Son, you don't belong in that group, anyhow. You belong to me. You're mine."

238He said, "Mama, that sounds real. How am I going to get out?"

239"Just make a jump. I'll catch you." Uh-huh. That's all you have to do.

240 The anointed Word of God being vindicated before any man that's born to be a son of God, with the predestinated germ into him for this hour, he'll see God's Message as sure as there's a God in Heaven. Martin Luther saw It for his. Wesley saw It for his. The pentecostal saw It for his. Now what about you? See? They went into a denomination. Here is the Word condemning it; telling you what we're to have today, and just exactly Malachi 4 and all these other promises for the hour. What do you see? What are you looking at? Amen. Here we are. The real, genuine eagles hear. "My sheep know My Voice. The stranger they'll not follow."

241Why? It was put in there by predestination. You were foreordained to a son of God. You were in God before the foundation of the world. You're only manifested in this day for His honor and glory. How can you do it without honoring His Word, and stand with every Word of God? Yes, sir. Which, you are a part of that Word, by predestination. Because, look, the God is the Word. You believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, then, if... He always was the Word. "In the beginning was the Word." And if the Word was God, then you were in God. The Word, the part that you're to play, was in God before the foundation of the world. He seen you. He knew you. He predestinated you to it.

242 I tell you, just as that eagle recognized that voice, so does a--a real, born-again Christian recognize the Voice of God speaking through the Word, when they see It anointed and a vindicated. Look. He looked up There. He didn't see this old hen cluck-cluck around here, "Join us and go over here. And go this, and go to this and that." He saw a--a being like he wanted to be, sailing in the air, screaming, free, up in the highs, above all the vultures and things of the earth. Hallelujah! He wanted to be that because it was in him to be that.

243 And a man that's born of God, a son of God, has to have the nature of God. He has to be like God. He honors God. He is part of the Word of God. And in this last days, of this Bride taking form, just exactly the same power that He was in at the beginning, has come up through these organizations, and so forth, and come out for the Bride. He can't be nothing else but that.

244 They ought to have seen It, them Jews in their days, when they seen It manifested there before them, as the prophet said He was. He said, "Search the Scriptures; in Them you think you have Eternal Life. They are They that testify of Me. If I do not the works of My Father, don't believe Me. But though you can't believe Me, do believe the works that I've done."

245They said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness for forty years. We know where we're at."

246He said, "And they're every one dead," that's, Eternally separated. Everyone died. There was only three, two come out of a million, two million. That's one in a million.

247 Why, an injection, the sperm from male and female, there's usually one egg fertile. There's one egg, one germ that's fertile, you ever seen hybreeding in cattle. Notice. Here is a--a million eggs; here is a million germs; and when they are--are discharged, to come together to the womb, coming through the tube and into the womb, they meet. One of them is eggs. A million eggs; a million germs. There's only one egg in there fertile. There's only one germ fertile. They're all alive. You can watch them little calves beating around in there, a speck that you could put on a match stem.

248And Demos and them is listening in tonight, and he remembers when we took them. He took me down there, showed me how that worked. Test tubes, and put just in enough that you could put on the end of a match. It was thousands of little calves and bulls in there, but it's only one of them can live. Only one of them! And here is a big ball of them, here. And you'll notice, one will crawl out from among this one here, go right over, the germ come over here; and an egg will come from among these other eggs over here, and they'll meet together. And the rest of them die. Yet, they're alive, but they die.

249 Because, there is Something, Someone made this one fertile, and ordained this one, too. It's predestination, my brother. Sure. God has to determine whether it's going to be boy or girl, red-head, black-head, or whatever it is. It's determined by God. More mystery than a virgin birth, to me. But, notice, the rest of them die.

250There were two million people come out, sung, shouted, done everything. Spoke in... not ever spoke in tongues. But they shouted, and--and give God glory, and danced up-and-down the sea, and done everything that all the rest of them did, but there were only two went into the promised land. Caleb went in, Caleb and Joshua, only two. That's one out of a million. It's one out of a million in natural birth. Every one of them had the same blessing.

Oh, you Pentecostals, I hope you don't wake up too late.

251One out of a million. Look. There is supposed to be five hundred million so-called Christians in the world today. If Jesus would come, there'd only be five hundred go with Him, then, if that statistic would run true. Why, there's more than that missing every day, over the world. They know nothing about it.

252 "'I understand,' said the scribes, 'you know that...' Why does the scribes say that--that, 'Elias must first come'?" They said to Jesus.

253He said, "Elias has already come and you didn't know it." See? He did just exactly what the Scriptures said was to happen to Him. See? "So must the Son of man suffer. Under..." They didn't recognize Him. Yet, they were all in the church. All claimed to be alive.

254And you just let a real, born-again Christian, a real servant of God, hear that Word of God, he'll come right out through every denomination, to that real fertile ground, by the Word, the bedding ground. He'll just do it. I don't know how he does it. God has ordained it to be done.

255 You was deceived in the beginning, by your first marriage. Now you know what's true. Just like I said, the little eagle when he heard the Bridegroom's Voice, he went to It, the anointed, vindicated Word of God for the last day.

256Noah was the vindicated Word for his day. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, his message won't work today.

257Moses was the vindicated Word of his day. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It won't work for now. Jesus was...

258John was the vindicated Word. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It wouldn't work in the days of Jesus. Certainly not. No, sir. "Law and prophets were until John; since then, the Kingdom of Heaven."

259 The apostles, them who set forth the Bible. Here come Luther out, in reformation, his words, that, his church, won't work today. Wesley's won't. Pentecostal's won't. It worked in their day.

260But it's another day. This is the opening of the Seven Seals. I know It sounds strange to you, but God has vindicate it so perfectly. There's no--no question in It. Just perfectly! I ain't scattering that to the local assembly here. I'm speaking to the people out across the nation. See? Do what you wish to.

261 Now notice the anointed Word of his day, of which you are a part, by predestination. You immediately, like, knew. When you heard That, you knew right quick that you was an eagle. You also realized that you wasn't a denominational chicken, to begin with. You knowed there is something wrong there. There is something wrong, that's right, for you know that you were trapped into it, at the beginning.

262 He, the Bridegroom, took away your shame, "And put it in the Sea of Forgetfulness, by the washing of the Water of the Word and the Blood of Life." That's what the Bible said. Your first husband that you were married to, the world; the anointed Bridegroom, which foreordained you, has washed you by the washing of the Water. By "the church"? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] That don't sound right. Does it? ["No."] You might find that in the almanac, but not in God's Bible. "By the washing of the Water by the Word." In the Word! See? By the...

263You are standing completely justified, as though you never did it at the beginning. This is my Message to the Church now. As you... as we go off the air, just in a minute. You are standing, if you're standing on God's Word and with God's Word, every amen, every jot, every tittle. Where you standing? I'm trying to tell you, pull away from them shucks. And get out here in the wheat, where you can get ripe before the Son. I hear the coming of the combine. You're standing complete, justified, like you never did it in the first place. Hallelujah!

264Talk about a thanksgiving! I feel real good. I'm more thankful for that than anything I know of.

265You are the pure, virtuous, sinless Bride of the Son of the living God. Every man and woman that's born of the Spirit of God, and washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and believes every Word of God, stands as though you never sinned at the first place. You are perfect. The Blood of Jesus Christ! How can you... If a man...

266 If I was supposed to die in the morning, a man took my place, I cannot die for that sin. Somebody took my place.

267And Jesus, the Word, took my place. He become me, that a sinner, that I might become Him, the Word. Amen. Let me hold true to It, not the church. The Word! Amen.

268Oh, that spiritual union of Christ and His Church now, when the flesh is becoming Word, and the Word is becoming flesh, manifested, vindicated. Just what the Bible said would happen in this day, it's happening, day by day. Why, it's cumulating so fast out there, in those deserts, and things taking place, that I couldn't even keep up with it. We're near the Coming of Jesus, to be united with His Church, where the Word becomes the Word. Call of the Holy Spirit, searching the hearts!

269 You're standing, completely. You never sinned at the first place. God don't even know. It's in the Sea of Forgetfulness. You never did it. You were accused of it, by the accuser. But really, from the beginning, you were predestinated to be a son and daughter of God. You're standing there, washed. And your old book of divorcement is put away, and it's dead, absolutely out of existence, even in the mind of God.

270You're the virtuous Bride of Christ, washed in the Blood of Christ. Precious, virtuous, sinless Son of God standing with a pure, unadulterated Bride-Word that He washed by the Water of His Own Blood; that become flesh and manifested, that He might take you which were predestinated in the bosom of the Father, before the beginning, the same as He was. He was that great attribute of God, called "love."

271 Whatever you are, you are servants of God, whatever God wants you to do, where your place is. "God placed in the Church, some apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors..." He placed that by virtue of His Own predestination. And you were that, to begin with.

272Your first wedding was annulled. It was. You never done it, in the first place. Because, there's only one thing could do it, that would be God come down, Himself, and took your place in a form of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, and washed you by the Water, of the washing of the Water by the Word. The Word; not the denomination! The Word washed you. But if you won't stand in the Water of the Word, how you going to be washed? You're still as spotted as Eve was.

Oh, dear dying Lamb, Thy precious Blood

Shall never lose Its power,

Till all the ransomed Church of God

Be saved to sin no more.

273 What is sin? Sin is "unbelief." Unbelief in (what?) the Word; unbelief in God, which is the Word.

274Pure, unadulterated; oh, hallelujah; leaving soon for the skies; amen; standing ready. Think. Your garments, washed by the Water of the bleeding Word! The Word become Blood. The Word bled for you, and you are washed in bleeding Word. The Word, bleeding! The Life of God in the Word, and the Word was bled for you, that you might be washed from the filth of these prostitutes, and be cleaned and sanctified by the washing of the Water of the Word, and makes your mind and heart stayed on God and on His Word.

275 Now, how you know It's true? When God comes down and vindicates It and prove.

276You say, "Well, I didn't believe It that way." They didn't believe It Jesus' way, but God proved It. They didn't believe It Noah's way. They didn't believe It Moses' way. They was willing to take Balaam's word for It, "We're all the same, so let's just associate together."

"Separate yourself," the Bible said, "from unbelief."

277 Hallelujah! Now notice. You're not only that, but you're going to the Wedding in the sky. And you are wearing the wedding band of predestinated, unmerited grace, a wedding band of grace unmerited of your own. God did it, Himself. He knew you before the foundation of the world, so He slipped the wedding band on you There, put your name on a Book. What a thanksgiving! Hallelujah! Praise our God!

278 Now, in closing, I might say this. We all know that the modern church, Pentecostal, in its present condition... All the denominations together, I'll throw them all in one bundle, because they are. You remember, He's going to bundle the weeds, first, and burn them. Take the... He takes all the wheat stalks and burn it all up, first; then He take, come and gets His wheat and takes it Home. They're all gathering in a bundle, bundle of Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals, all going to Ecumenical Council. That's all. They're all burned. See?

279 We all know that the modern church, in its present condition and its present state, is in no condition to finish up the great commission that God gave the Church for this day. How many Pentecostal can say "amen" to that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Right. See? It's in...

280We're oneness, twoness, threeness, this, that, other, fuss, fight. One is this, and one is that, and other. And every one of them, afraid to face the Word, right down to the test. See? They know. You tell them about It; they say, "I--I can't help it. I can't believe That. I don't care what he does. I..." See? See? See? Shows what mammy and pappy you have. "You might be a state presbyter someday. You might be this, that, or the other." You better be a son of God.

281 Now, we know that the church could not, the Pentecostal church, by no means, by no means, could carry out the last-day Message, in its present condition. Could it? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Why, it can't even agree on one or two Words in the Bible. How you going to do it? It can't do it. So, you see, denomination is out. That's right.

It's going to be an elected people that's elected for it. See?

282Now know, and so do every one of us know, that the whole rank of denominationals, Pentecostal and all, are dead, that is, to the born-again Christian of the Message. Uh-huh. Your first husband is dead. You know he's dead. God let it die. It's finished. All of its scientific, intellectual, educational, scientific ways of its so-called Bible schools and things is perished. What's it done? Separated, oneness here, and trinities here, and twoness here, and over here, and down here, and such a mess up, and call themselves Pentecostals.

283 Why, I went to a young man, other day; is listening right in, right now. And a young woman, she belonged to a certain church. She said... I said... They separated. I said, "What's the matter?"

Said, "We're a different faith."

I said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Are you Catholic?"

284She said, "No." She told me the denomination church she belonged to, a Pentecostal.

285I said, "What are you?" He's Pentecostal, too, but another denomination. Oh!

286You know, the Roman Catholic church started off, Pentecostal? How many knows that true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It taken it two thousand years to get where it's got now, just don't take nothing of the Scripture no more. Nothing. Why, the Pentecostal, in twenty years from now, will be worse than they are now, it keeps on going the way it is now. Why, sure. See? What is it? What is it? Look who their papa and mama is. Let their women cut their hair. They can do nearly anything they want to. "As long as they belong to the church, that's all is necessary."

287 Oh, no wonder, no wonder the damnation of God heaps up! God put It right before your eyes. You shut your eyes and fail to look at It. Yeah. Shutting up your bowels of compassion, when you see the true Word of God and these Seven Seals being vindicated and proved to be so. And witness in the heavens, across the nations and everywhere else, by great signs and wonders that He promised He would do, then you shut up, say, "I--I don't know. I--I can't help it. I..." See? Oh, my! It's dead, and don't know it. Sins and trespasses! You're dead. Oh, my!

288 We all know that the church in that condition couldn't finish up this last day. How could it bring Malachi 4 in? How could it do it? They don't even believe in such a thing. How could it believe, bring in Luke 17:30? How could it bring in all these other Scriptures that's promised this last day? It couldn't do it, because it denies It. "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man."

289Look at the condition, Lot, that Sodom was in, in that day. Look, condition the church of the day. Look what happened to Abraham, the Elected.

290Look what happened to Lot and them down in Sodom. Look at the Billy Graham and Oral Roberts, them down there amongst those denomination. Look at the elected Abraham Church, pulled out.

291 Look what kind of sign, that Jesus Himself, the incarnated God standing there in human flesh. You say, "That was an Angel." The Bible said It was God.

292Lord God, Elohim, standing there in human flesh, showing that He would so anoint His Church in the last days. It'd be God working in human flesh again. "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the Coming of the Son of man." Same kind of a thing. They see it right there in the Scriptures. Read the... "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life." And They are They that testify of This. See? See?

293 So we know they're dead. God let it die in its own selfish, scientific, educational program.

294All the Pentecostals used to talk about--about sending their kid away to Bible school, back when old Brother Loyate, them was around here, and they'd run you out of the church. "But, oh, now it's the greatest thing. My son is away in Bible school." He's digging his grave. So, now, you think they could take It, today?

295You think I'm trying to support ignorance? I'm not. I'm telling you there's a difference between this intellectual age that we're living in, where the church has been pregnated with science and all these so-called "figured out" and everything. You don't figure out God.

296Well, them--them priests had God figured out so perfect. They knowed how the Messiah was going to come, but He come so different from what they had figured out. It wasn't scientific. "How could this Man, being an illegitimate Child? Where did He go to school at? Where did His education come from? Where did He get this learning?"

297"Why, You try to teach us? You're born in fornications." See? Oh, for goodness sake!

298 See the same thing repeat again? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See it repeat again? All in their religious science, religious science according to what their Bible school said, that's the way they want It. "That's the way It has to be, or It isn't."

299God just fools them, every time. It always comes different. It did in Noah's time; did in Moses' time; did in Christ's time; did in John's time; did in disciples' time; did in Wesley's time; did in Luther's time; did in Pentecostal time; and so has it again. It don't change Its pattern. Always comes the same thing. Only reformers through them seven, six ages, till the seventh. And Revelation 10 said, in this hour it'll change. And it did.

300 Now we're closing, in saying this. Finish up the great commission, how could they do it? We know they're dead. God let it die in this scientific age, all of it, so--so He could (do what?) open up the Seven-Seal mystery to the undenominational Bride. How can a denomination accept those Seven Seals, when It's absolutely contrary, serpent's seed and all those other things? The whole, full seven mysteries is contrary to what they been taught, because they took the old school from their Bible school.

301And the Seven Seals of God, when It was opened there on the mountain: let God, no, let me die right now at this pulpit if That ain't the Truth. And I foretold you, a year and six months before it happened, what He told me, "Go to Arizona," and what would happen out there in the desert. And there's men setting right here, tonight, was standing right there and present when the seven Angels come down. And even mag-... The magazine, Life magazine, packed the article of It. It's right there in the observatory, everything. Now they don't even know what It's all about.

302And everything has been said, oh, even to the destruction of California, coming up now, and all these other things. And how I told them how many days it would be, how it would be where this big earthquake happened in Alaska, and that would be the beginning of the sign of time, and what would take place. And just word by word, what It said, it's never failed one time. You've never seen It fail. And It can't fail, because It's God's Words. "And Heaven and earth will pass away, but It can't fail." That's right.

303 God had to open up those Seven Seals, not in a denomination. I've always been against it. But, out of denomination, He might take a Bride, not a denominational bride. He couldn't do it. It's against His Own Word. He opened those seven mysteries in there. That shows forth, brings forth those things that's been hid since the foundation of the world, might be revealed in the last days, to sons of God. They brought That forth now before the people, that they see It there, you now, to this undenominational Bride. Oh, my!

304There is your two books. One of them is the Lamb's Book of Life. Your name on There is predestinated on There. It can't go, because you can no more take that away than nothing, see, because it was foreordained to be on There. But the regular book of life, can take that off at any time. See? You don't repent, it's off, anyhow, 'cause you're going to stand the Judgment. The Bride don't even stand the Judgment; goes in the Rapture. Just as...

305 I say this, in closing. It's getting late, so it's almost nine-thirty. And we're going to be out of here by nine-thirty, the Lord willing. Just real reverent now, listen. One time...

306Saying this now, this goes across the nation. In New York, now it's twenty-five minutes after eleven. Way up in Philadelphia and around through there, those dear saints setting there listening, right now, in churches all around. Way up, way down around Mexico, way up around in Canada and all around, across. Two hundred miles, anywhere within the North America continent here, almost, people is at it, listening right now. Thousands times thousands, listening.

307That's my Message to you, Church, you that's a union, spiritual union by the Word, that you're dead to these old husbands. You're born anew. Don't try to dig him up. He's dead. If you're a born-again Christian, that little germ that was predestinated to you, it's Word coming on Word, on Word, on Word, on Word, and come into full stature of Christ, that's right, so He can come get His Bride. Now we're just ready for one thing, that's the Coming of the Lord.

308 There is your name on the Book of Life. The Book of Life is the Word of God, 'cause the Word is God, and God is the only thing that is Life. So your name was represented in the Bible before the Bible become on Word. And if you're here to do that, won't It vindicate that Word? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Won't the Church vindicate Itself? Won't Malachi 4, all these other things, perfectly, perfectly vindicate Itself and show that That's what It is? ["Amen."]

309When Jesus come, He said, "If I do not the works is promised for Me to do, don't believe Me." Which one of the groups did He join? He said, "They all... You're of your father, the Devil, and his works you do." See? See?

310We're in the last days, Church. That's my thanksgiving Message to you.

311 Now, before closing. One time I was up in Glacier National Park. We heard, all day long, that they had a--they had a fall, a glacier fire that was going to fall at night. So the people was busy, all day long, getting that thing ready, because they was going to pour that fire out, that night. They put a liquid fire falls, like a great glacier of water. But it's... Looked like a rainbow, almost, when it comes out, of that fire falling out of this glacier. All around through the park, wife and I, and children, walked around through the day. We want to stay to see that fire exhibition. So it--it--it was promised us that we would see it, and we'd witness it again. They said they have it ever through the summer seasons and so forth. I said, "Well, will we be able to see it?"

312Said, "We promised it tonight. We're promised that." Said, "They're up there getting it ready now."

313 After all had been made ready for the event! That's what's taking place right now. All has been made ready for the event, a Church being pulled out for His Name's sake, taking His Bride out from amongst the world, these denominations and all the world, and the filth and things of the world.

314Everybody; the event was made ready. Everybody was standing out. They said, "Now keep watching, right up on top the mountain there."

315That's the way It's always come. That's the way It's to come this time. That's the way It always come. Not through a denomination! Never did God use a denomination, never!

316The reformer goes forth, he gets the Word of the Lord. And then when he dies, they build a denomination out of it. That's what the Pentecostals and all did. When the new issues, everything, that's just the way. That's the way the thing come out. A new word added, then they build a church out of it, made a denomination, separated themself. It had to be that way.

317Now, you can't beat--you can't beat nature. Nature falls in the same routine, all the time: stalk, leaf, tassel, so forth, shuck, then the wheat.

318 Now notice. All was ready. Everything had been kindled and made ready. And everybody was standing out. I had my head sticking up; my arm around my wife. We was looking. And children standing there, all of us looking up, like that. My! It was something, 'cause we was expecting it. It was promised to us.

319Amen! The Word promises This. "It shall come to pass, before the great and terrible day of the Lord shall come, behold, I will send unto you Elijah the prophet. He shall turn the hearts of the children back to the fathers."...?... "It shall come to pass in the last days, I'll pour out My Spirit from on High." "The former and latter rain shall come together in the last day." All these promises, through the Scriptures, been given. We're looking upward. Watch at the true Bride across the nation this hour, looking up. Church, He is coming, one of these days. Just as sure as He come the first time, He is coming again. Get everything ready. Separate yourself from shuck. Lay before the Son. Keep looking up. Be under expectation.

320 All at once, we heard something from the top the hill, a voice come down through the loud speaker, said, "All things are ready."

321Then this man, standing right there by the side of me, said, "Let the fire fall." Here it come, pouring down across that mountain, a glacier of fire and blazes a licking, a sight to behold.

322Brother, let's get all things ready, for one of these days the Fire is going to fall. We're going up. Now let's get ready for the Fire-falling time. We're in the last days, we all know that, and we're ready for the Coming of the Lord. The thing to do is separate yourself from all sin. Separate yourself from anything that pertains to the world. "Don't love the world or the things of the world."

323"Let no man, by his creed, deceive you." You stay right straight in the promise of God, the Word of God. And that Word, if It's a Word for this day, God vindicates It so. If He doesn't, it's not the Word for this day.

324The Word that fell on the Day of Pentecost will not work this day. No, sir. That was for Pentecost. This is for the Bride, going Home of the Bride. We got something different. The Pentecostals represented that, again. We're in the Bride age. No more than the--the Word of Noah would work in the days of Moses; no more than Moses' law would have worked in the time of Paul here. He tried to tell them, "You are dead to that, and you cannot have that."

325 Church, you who I'm speaking to, tonight, across the nation, if--if you've separated yourself from denomination and all the filth and things of this world, and all those things that keeps you in man-made creeds and orders and things like that, you separated yourself. Look up. Get ready. The Fire is going to fall, one of these days. God is going to let Him come, and a sight to behold. Would you be ready when He comes? Would you be ready to go up with Him when He comes? The secret Rapture of the supernatural Bride, "She'll be made mor-... from mortal to immortality; be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of eye. We which are alive and remain shall not prevent them which are asleep."

326 The other day, on Armistice Day, I was standing down there in Tucson. My little boy wanted to see the parade. I was studying, and I didn't have time to do it. I had a lot of sick calls and things. So he said, "Daddy, they won't take me." He said, "Take me."

327I said, "All right." Brother Simpson, I think he's here; and his little boy wanted to go. So I jerked them in the car and run down.

328I stood there on the corner and watched. And after while, I heard, way back in the distance, a muffle coming, "womp, womp," drums, beating. I stood there. I thought, "Well, these little fellows, they really read all these books about army. They'll really like that." I noticed, coming up first was the old World War I tank. There they come up, little bitty fellows like that. There was next come, after that; was the next come after that was the big new tank of the Second World War, the big Sherman tank with a muzzle break on it. Then come the next, and the next, and after while come the Gold Star Mothers.

329And then, after while, come twelve veterans that's left, in the whole state of Arizona, from the First World War; twelve veterans. After that, come a float, the unknown soldier, the little white cross. There stood a sailor, marine, and a soldier, standing guard; a little partition on the float. On the other side was an old gray-headed mother, setting with a gold star pinned on her, a little lovely wife crying, her husband was dead; a little ragged boy, his head turned sideways. His daddy was killed. And then behind that come more and more and more, and then to the new army. I stood there. What a sight to behold, but how sad!

330 I thought, "O God, one of these days I'm going to behold another sight."

331They'll come forth a resurrection day, which, "The first will be last; they which are last will be first." The old prophets will come breaking forth, first, and they see that procession going, marching up in the air. "And we which are alive and remain shall not hinder them which are asleep. For the trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first." We'll fall right in line with them going in, hallelujah, all down through the age of Luther, Wesley, Methodist, Presbyterian, on down to the last age, who received the Word in their age.

God bless you. Get all things ready, and the Fire will fall.

332 Let's bow our heads just a moment. I wonder, in this visible audience tonight, while I've held you here for... till nine-thirty. Is there one here, is there a dozen here, how many here, and says, "Brother Branham, I'm ashamed of myself, the way I've lived. I have catered a lot to a denomination and men. I know that I'm not up with the Word of God. I'm just going to ask you to pray for me, Brother Branham"? Raise up your hand. God bless you. God bless you. Just look, way up into the balconies, around. God bless you. "I know..." Now don't be ashamed. Now, don't be.

333 And out yonder, across the nation, from New York to California, from Canada to Mexico: You people that's gathered in those churches (where those faithful little groups that's believed this Message with all their hearts; they've come out, come out of great tribulation, come out through those denominations; they're germs of Life) do you feel the urging, tonight, like the little eagle, that you hear Something that's a little different from what you've heard, but, yet, in your heart you know it's the Truth? You, in there, there's a pastor standing there somewhere. You got your hand up. I'm going to pray for you.

334These things wasn't done in a corner, friend. Remember, "Strait is the gate and narrow is the way, and but few there'll be that will find it." Don't go with that crowd that's moving on yonder, friend, that Laodicea Church Age. It could jump up-and-down, dance under music, lukewarm. Didn't say it was ice cold now. It said, "It was lukewarm," that's the Pentecostal, "and don't know that it's miserable, wretched, blind." Blind to what? The Word, to the manifestation of the Word, because It never come through their organizations. They cannot receive It.

335 And you ministers down there in Tucson, tonight, I don't hold you responsible for that. God does. I was there for three years. I told you I wouldn't start a church. I didn't. Brother Pearry Green started it. I was there three years, and not one time did you invite me to your pulpit. I set in Tucson for nearly three years. God will take me from the desert one of these days. This Message must live. I tried my best to get in to you. I--I know the reason you did it. You hear? Only reason you did it, your denomination would kick you out. And you know, many of you I've talked to, there at Furr's Restaurant, and you know it's the truth. Shame on you.

336Come out of it. Get out of there, brother. If there's any Life in you, you'll be like that little eagle I just spoke of, you'll hear the Word of God. Remember, you're going to hear This for the last time, one of these days. We're real close now. Won't you come, tonight?

337 Dear God, we set solemnly now, a thanksgiving day it really is, Lord. I am grateful, Lord, to be living in this day. This is the greatest day. Paul the apostle longed to see this day. The great men of old longed to see it. The prophets longed to see it. They looked for this day. Abraham looked for this day, for he sought for a City whose Builder and Maker was God; it hangs right above us, tonight. John seen the Spirit of God descending out of Heaven, bore record, knowed that that was the Son of God. And, think now, He's choosing His Bride.

338Dear God, out across the land everywhere, speak to their heart. You're the only One can change their heart. If that wasn't Seed put in there at the beginning, they'll never see It, Lord. They're just... "The blind will lead the blind. They'll fall in the ditch," as sure as anything, because Your Word says they will.

339 Now, Father, being that we see across the country, around the world, in Africa, dozens, dozens through South Africa, Mozambique, all across the country, little assemblies taking these tapes. And so will this tape go to twenty-some odd, different nations. They're beginning to see It and pull away, hundreds and hundreds of them. Won't take many, Lord. Then when the last member is received into the Body, Christ will come.

340Lord God, I'm asking the Bride, tonight, the ones that I feel has pulled away and waiting. May they separate themselves from everything in the world. They must lay in the Presence of the warm Son Light of the Son of God, bathing in His Word, in His love. Grant it, dear God.

341 May these people here, visible, that held up their hand, tonight, dozens of them through this great tabernacle. I pray, God, that new Life will come into them. I pray it, for across the nation and even around the world, where the tape will be played, that they also will receive this thanksgiving Message and know, by the hints and things that's been throwed, what they must do. I pray it, Father. Grant it. Bless them. They're Yours.

342I know it's customary now, Father, that we ask the people to the altar. I pray, dear God, that in every mission, everywhere around, and in across the world, that they will come to the altar: the black, the white, yellow, brown, wherever they are; the rich, the poor, the indifferent, the beggars, whatever they are.

343The denominationals, those who set self-styled and self-centered, O God, "Naked, miserable, wretched, blind, and don't even know it." You said it would be that way, and it's that way.

344So I pray, Father, that You'll call every Seed, tonight. And everywhere around the world that This may fall, may It catch that little eagle that knows the Voice of his Lord. Grant it, Lord. I commit them to You, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

345 Now with your heads bowed, here in the visible audience. Would some here, that hasn't been saved, not even given your heart to God, don't you think you ought to be thankful for what Jesus did for you? To think, that you are a sinner, that you're an alien from God, and yet Something at your heart, knocking. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] How do you know but what you are one of those little eagles! You are miserable, and will be miserable, till you surrender to It. Why not make this one of the greatest thanksgiving you ever had, when you received Jesus Christ as your Saviour.

346Will you come up here and stand at the altar? I'll pray with you if you will come, any sinner, man or woman, boy or girl, church member or not church member. Church member doesn't make you a Christian now. The altar is open. Will you come, any sinner that would want to come, receive the Lord Jesus Christ. Would like to really quit...

347Some of you denominationals that would like to quit feeding on that chicken food, of saying, "You belong to this and it's all right." You really want to know what the real baptism of the Holy Ghost is? Come, find out.

348 The altar is open. We're ready. Just come right up, out--out of your seat. Come right on up and kneel down here at the altar, this brother that's just come.

349"Thanksgiving, O God, I'm so thankful to You. That, all my life, I've knowed there's been something, Lord. I've never been satisfied. I've tried. I--I thought, 'Next year, I'll do it. The next week, I'll do it, next time I hear an altar call. I will, someday.' I put it off, and put it off. But, Lord, I know there is something wrong with me. I'll always believe that there was something different. And now, Lord, tonight, I'm thankful for a preparation that's been made by the Son of God, that my sins, actually my unbelief, would be washed away from me. I'm coming, tonight, and kneel down to accept the great thanksgiving blessing that Jesus Christ did for me when He died for me at Calvary."

350 Will you come? Now there's people kneeling around the altar here. Why don't you get up and come? You've wanted to do it. You've tried it.

351Just think of Brother Lyle Palmer, our good, precious brother. He was setting in the yard, so I understand, looking at his little girl playing croquet out there, or something, and he pitched over in the chair and was dead before he could even make a move. You don't know what time you're going to leave here. You just don't know what time that you're going. It may be yet, tonight, so why not come and settle it now?

352Come on, people. Can't you feel Something tugging at you? I--I know there's many of you here that should be right here at the altar, and just this six or seven people here is not what is setting in here. Now, if you believe me and watch here at the platform, things happening, you believe me now. One day my voice will be stilled. You won't hear it no more. You might wish you would have come.

353You say, "But, Brother Branham, I been a church member." That don't make any difference what you've been. So had--so had Nicodemus been a church member. So had John, Peter, James, Paul, all the rest of them been church members.

354 Paul was a church member until something happened one night, or one day it was, and he come. He was a changed church member then, to a son of God. Won't you come? Oh, he was trained. He was intellectual. He knowed he was trained, one of the greatest-trained schools there was, Gamaliel, one of the finest teachers there was in the land. But he knowed he needed something.

355Won't you come? Once more I ask you. In where... Here or around the nation, I ask you, wherever you are, in what assembly you are, at this thanksgiving hour. Remember, I'm being taped here; not only here, but in Heaven.

356You know, it's scientifically proved that every move you make is recorded. They prove that. Remember, television proved that. The television doesn't--doesn't manufacture the picture. You're the picture. It just transmits that what you're doing, into a channel. You're there, anyhow. See? When you move your finger, that move goes around the world. Every time that you put on a dress, your looks goes around the world. It's on a record. Every thought that goes through your mind is on a record. And someday the record is going to quit playing, it's going to be put in the album.

357 And then at the Judgment it's going to be come back. There you stand with bobbed hair, claiming to be a Christian. There you stand with thoughts in your mind against the Word, and it's right in your mind. You can't hide it. Remember, television, science even knows that's true. You standing right now, knowing that you should be here, remember, when this is recorded. At the Day of the Judgment, that same thought that you're having will be coming right back through your mind again. That will be right on record. The whole world will see it played. Why don't the world.... Looking at you, on the Day of the Judgment, all the Angels there.

358"If you're ashamed of Me here, when your picture is being made now, at the Day of the Judgment I'll be ashamed of you. For, I anointed My Word, sent It to you. You wouldn't believe It. You hid yourself behind something."

359"Oh," you say, "I'm good enough. I've done this. I've danced in the Spirit. I've spoke in tongues." So does the heathen. "I shouted." So does the heathen. How can you turn back on the Word then?

Why not?

Why not come to Him now?

Why not? Why not?

Why not come to Him now?

Why do you wait, dear brother?

Oh, why do you tarry so long?

Jesus is waiting to save you

A place in His sanctified Home.

Put you one of the members of His Body!

Why not?

Oh, little eagle, come now.

Oh, why not come?

360 Lord, I'm thankful. I'm very thankful. Thanksgiving to You, Lord; not for natural food, yet that. But, Lord, the end time is here. I'm thankful for this spiritual Food, Lord, the spiritual Food of the Seven Seals was promised to be opened.

You say, "That'll be something different." No, no.

361You can't add one word. And take... It's already in There, just hid. It's sealed. How many understands that? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See?

You say, "Well, that's a mystery will come forth." Oh, no.

362It's already Writ. You can't add one word to It, or take one from It. See? It's already in There. It's just got to be revealed in the last day.

363 Won't you come? Come on now, friend. If you can't understand, come. Kneel down, talk to Him about It. If I can't make It plain to you, He will, for He is a--a Dissolver of all doubts.

... in His sanctified throne.

Oh, why won't you come? Why not?

Why not come to Him now?

364Remember, there's a recording making of this, not only on this tape, but God's great record. Each one of you, every move, when you bow your head, bow your heart, what thought goes through your mind, remember, it's being recorded right now in Glory, and the record is going to be played on the Day of Judgment. Where is your decision? Oh, how you'll want it changed, at that Day.

365 I'm just going to wait, 'cause there's many, many, around the altar now. See? Maybe one of them, if I held just a little longer, there might be another one out there, might be somewhere in New York, it might be somewhere in Philadelphia, out in California, Arizona. Somewhere, there might be another one coming. Pastor, wherever you are, don't give the altar call up now.

366We may never see another Thanksgiving. This might be the last one, and records will be put up, tonight, for the last time. The tape will run out, one of these days. The record will be cut and will be in God's album. Then it's going to be played back, what your thoughts is now. Don't say you didn't know different. You do. "But no man can come to Me, except My Father draws him. And all the Father has given Me, they will come."

... come to Him?

367 I believe, if I was setting out there somewhere, and I had the least thought, I'd sure take up here as hard as I could.

Why not? Why?

368Are you finished? You sure you're not grieving His Spirit now? Let's keep our heads bowed then. You sure you haven't grieved His Spirit? You sure you've done just exactly what He told you to do? You positive now? Remember, you--you might not never have another chance. The record may be finished up, tonight. This may be all of it. This may be the last tape for you. Are you sure you're ready now? If so, I leave it in your hands, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

369 Now while the choir is singing softly, I'm going to pray for these that's down here. I'm just kind of a very odd sort of a Christian. I believe that God has to do the saving. I believe God has to plant the Word. "I the Lord," says the Bible, Isaiah, "I the Lord hath planted It. I'll water It, day and night, lest some should pluck It from My hand." Before I ask anyone to come around the altar with these people, I want to pray for them, myself.

Let's bow our heads now.

370 Dear Jesus, I just quoted Your Word, that Your prophet said, and I know the words of the prophets are true. And You said, "I the Lord hath planted It." Why, certainly, You put It on the Lamb's Book of Life, before the foundation of the world. "I the Lord hath planted It, and I'll water It, day and night, unless some should pluck It from My hand." These, probably, Lord, has heard a many altar call. But You're still watering at It, Lord.

371Here they are, tonight. May they just turn loose, tonight, Father, from all of the things of the world, all the sins and troubles that's in their heart, and just sanely, reverently, in their heart, turn loose to Your Word, right now, say, "Lord Jesus, down in my heart, I've always believed that there was something for me, that I never have received yet. Though I've tried, as the expression has been made tonight, to follow the hen, but there was something seemed strange to me. It didn't sound just right. Then, tonight, I feel that I'm coming now closer into the arms of the living Word. I'm coming here just as reverently, in my right mind. I've settled down here by this altar. I want salvation, Lord, so bad. I'm so hungry! I want You, Lord, to hold me in Your arms, tonight. Not through any emotion, but through the Spirit of love, take me into Your arms, dear God.

372"I'm Your child. I feel that I'm that eagle they were talking about. Catch me, Lord. I'm jumping. I raised up from my seat, and knelt down here. Catch me, Lord. I'm jumping. Bring me on Your wings, Lord, away from these things of the world. Let me fly away from the filth of this world, from my bad habit, from all my denominational tradition. Let me come only to You, dear God, that Your Holy Spirit might pour into me the forgiveness of all of my doubts. May I, tonight, become Your child, fresh, born, and a new creature, tonight. Catch me. Carry me away, beyond the clucking of the hen. Carry me away, to the Eagle's nest, where there that I could be nurtured by the Word of God, until I'm able to fly."

373Grant it, dear God. Take them. They are Yours. This is my prayer with sincerity, praying over dying people. Grant it, Father. I offer this prayer in their behalf. For the glory of God, I ask it.

Now with our heads bowed.

374 I wonder, around the altar now, it's you that's knelt here. Many of you has claimed to be Christians, but you've felt that there's always something, somewhere, that you didn't possess. You might have done all the religious act. You might have shouted. You might have done all things. Might have danced in the Spirit. You might have spoke in tongues. And no one can say anything wrong against that. That's true. That's all good. But, you see, that's gifts of the Spirit, without the Spirit. If the Spirit was there, that feeling wouldn't be feeling condemned like that.

375Do you really, sincerely, here at the altar, believe that right now, while you're here, that just the act of turning yourself loose, not an emotion now, but in genuine, unadulterated faith, that God will receive you and nurture you with His Word until you are eagles, yourself, and can fly? If you do, and you want God to do that, raise up your hand, you that's around the altar down here. God bless you. Each one has their hands up.

376 Now, real quietly, I'm going to ask consecrated men and women who really know God.

377Most of them, it's very strange, it seems like it's that way, altar calls that I make is mostly all men. You know, in a regular run, it's women. But it's all men here. I think there's one woman at the altar, tonight, maybe two. It's usually the women. But, somehow or another, I guess it seem like women think I talk against them. I don't, sister. Three, I believe, somebody said they see. I can't see over the top of the altar here. All right.

378Some of you consecrated Christians come here and stand with me in prayer just a minute. On the altar, wherever you are, on the platform, somebody that really knows God, just knows how to stand here just a few minutes for prayer with them, then we'll dismiss the audience. Everybody be real reverent now. Don't leave. Just come here and stand around.

379Some of you people that really believe This to be the Truth, that we're entering another age. We're entering the Rapture Age. You know the church can't go in its condition, and it can't get any better. It must get worse. How many knows that? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It's got to get worse. And it can't go like this. See? It's got to be Something, and It's moving right now, friend. It's--it's--it's on, the move is on for the Bride. That's the Truth. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD.

380Move up now, consecrated Christians that wants your--your record to find out that, these who come sincerely, that you want to come and offer prayer with them, as your brothers and sisters, come up around the altar. Stand around here just a moment, for prayer. Someone else want to come, stand around here? Just kneel down by them. Just walk, where you men around those men; you women. Sweetly, humbly ask prayer for them.

Dear God, help...?...

381 "I surrender all. I surrender my denomination. I surrender my first wedding. I surrender my first husband. I surrender everything, Lord."

... -der all.

All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,

I surrender all.

I surrender all,

I surren-...

382You surrender your own idea? Can you surrender your own ideas, to God's Word?

All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,

I surrender all.

I surrender all,

I surrender all.

All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,

I surrender.

383 All that believe now, in the audience, stand up. Let's sing it, together, now.

I surren-...

You all surrender, ready to sing it now?


To Thee, my blessed Saviour,

I surren-...

384Now, you around the altar, if you really surrender, raise your hand up to Him, sing, "I surrender all. I surrender denomination. I surrender denomination. I surrender church. I surrender myself. I surrender my idea. All to Thee, my blessed Saviour, I surrender all. To Thee, my..."

I surrender all,

I surrender all.

All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,

I surrender all.

Do you really mean it?

I surrender all,



385 You here now at the altar. You here that's around the altar, that's prayed. The church has prayed for you. You prayed, yourself. Now there's only one way you can be saved, that's, "By faith are ye saved, and that by grace." The grace of God spoke to you, brought you to the altar. You're seeking God's blessings. You're seeking His Word. You're seeking the Holy Ghost. You're seeking the favors of God. And if you are, and you can, really, with all your heart, surrender it. Now, don't look for any emotion. Look for a Truth, a Truth that's from your heart, by faith. "Lord, I'm willing to do anything that Your Word commands me to do. I surrender myself, with all that's in me."

386If you believe that with all your heart, I want you to raise up to your feet, turn around to this church, the audience, and raise your hands up, and we'll sing it together with them, "I surrender everything that's in me, God. As best of my knowledge, everything that I am, I surrender."

387Step up on this platform here, you that's at the altar. Step right up here on the platform, brethren, right up here, all of you, and brothers and sisters.

Looky here, church.

388[A sister says, "Brother Branham, I belong to church, but lately I'm not--not even in it no more."--Ed.] Surrender? ["The Lord knows where I want to be led by Him. I want...?... to church. And I want the Holy Spirit, be filled with the Spirit. And I'd sooner die, if that's what it takes."] Yes. That's right. Do you surrender every bit to Him and His Word?

389 A sister here, out of a denomination. She said, "I belong to a denomination." We don't have to call it. She's a worker in there. But she said, "Brother Branham, I want to get out to the Truth. I want something deeper than that." See?

390Let me quote His Word. "Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled."

391Now, you here on the platform, that just come, if you are ready to surrender everything that you are, everything, to obey the Word of God. Nobody told you, this week, what to do. Now, if you're ready to surrender right now to Him, just raise up your hands, like this, to the audience. Now, you here on the platform, let's sing it together now, I Surrender All. Everybody, together. All right.

I surrender all,

Now really mean that!...?...

392 Do you really mean it? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Say, "Amen," once more. ["Amen."] Say, "Lord," ["Lord,"] "search me." ["search me."] "Try me." ["Try me."] "And give me an opportunity." ["And give me an opportunity."] "This is all I could do, tonight," ["This is all I could do, tonight,"] "is give myself to You." ["is give myself to You."] "You know the hunger of my heart." ["You know the hunger of my heart."] "You know my desire." ["You know my desire."] "Your promise was to fill that desire." ["Your promise was to fill that desire."] "Now I accept it." ["Now I accept it."] "And I surrender to You." ["And I surrender to You."] All together.

I surrender all,

I surrender all.

All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,

I surrender all.