Počul som a teraz vidím



Jób chcel vidieť či je niekto, kto sa za neho prihovorí. On sa prihováral za tak veľa ľudí, ale teraz či je niekto, kto sa prihovorí za neho? Či bude môcť niekto položiť svoju ruku na Jóba alebo na hriešneho človeka a na Svätého Boha a premostiť tú cestu? Či bude môcť ísť do jeho domu a zaklepať na dvere? Či mu otvorí dvere a porozpráva sa s ním na chvíľu? Ale potom, keď dopadla do jeho srdca inšpirácia, potom mohol uvidieť Boha. Zablyskol blesk, zahrmel hrom. A keď sa to stalo, on sa postavil na svoje nohy a povedal: „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije! Môj Vykupiteľ a v posledných dňoch sa On postaví na tejto zemi." Vidíte? On začal vidieť Božiu reakciu na jeho vieru.

No, sme zvedaví či by sme my mohli vidieť Boha. Je nejaký spôsob ako by sme Ho mohli vidieť? No, to bol ten jediný spôsob, ktorý Boh mal, skúšajúc Jóba. On povedal: „Počul som o Tebe svojimi ušami, ale teraz Ťa vidím. Ale teraz Ťa vidím svojimi očami." To videnie toho neviditeľného sa stalo jasné. On videl okolo sa prevaľujúci oblak, videl záblesky blesku a počul hrmenie hromu, možno za jasného dňa a videl, že v tom oblaku a v tom blýskaní je Boh. On mohol vidieť Boha, svojimi prirodzenými očami. Vidíte? Pretože to neviditeľné sa stalo viditeľným. To viditeľné videnie pre tých ostatných bolo vtedy potvrdené, jasné, pre to prirodzené oko.

1 Sadnite si. To je dobre, že sme znovu dnes večer tu. Som vďačný, že znovu máme teraz túto možnosť slúžiť Pánovi. A potom, čo som vás tu minulý večer držal tak dlho, cítim, že by to nebolo dobre držať vás tu dlho znovu dnes večer.

2 Práve som tam vzadu počúval jedného nášho brata, s ktorým máme obecenstvo v Pánovi, ktorý práve prišiel z Indiány, vzrušený zvláštnym snom. On nikdy v živote nebol v Shreveport. Ale minulej noci sa mu sníval sen, že prišiel do Shreveport, nie na aute. A prišiel so ... alebo prišiel niekde, do nejakého zboru kde som ja kázal. Povedal, že potom keď som odkázal a modlil som sa za ľudí, povedal: „Niečo sa stane." Povedal, že na druhý deň tam bol znovu. A povedal, že vie ako vyzerala tá budova. Tam na druhej strane ulice bolo mestské auditórium, ale ľudia nešli do toho auditória. Povedal, že to bolo na tejto strane, v kamennej budove, ktorá mala krídlo a tá budova stála presne ako táto. A tomu chlapcovi sa snívajú sny, videl som jeho sny a viem, že oni sú pravé.

3 A on povedal, že potom posledný večer, keď som hovoril a modlil som sa za chorých, že som povedal: „Niečo sa má stať." A zaznelo to ako úder hromu. A povedal, že ľudia začali kričať. A povedal, že keď ten hrom začal odchádzať, vydal hlas a začal hovoriť. Povedal, že to hovorenie išlo ďalej, že cez tieto mreže (tu cez okná) prichádza Sláva Božia, vchádza dovnútra, vo forme ohnivého stĺpa. On to nikdy nevidel. On nás počul o tom hovoriť, ale sám to nikdy nevidel. A povedal, že tam to bolo, prišlo to takto cez okná a sformovalo to svetlo rovno tu nad publikom, ako to vidíte na tej fotografii. Ale povedal, že to niečo rachotilo. A povedal, že ja som stál a povedal: „To je Jehova Boh."

4 A povedal, že sa mu pripomenulo (keď o tom rozmýšľal), keď Mojžiš vyvolal - vyviedol ľudí z Egypta. A oni povedali: „Nech hovorí Mojžiš a nie Boh, aby sme nepomreli."

5 Povedal, že všetci ležali na podlahe, ruky mali zodvihnuté, kričali. Povedal, že on tiež kričal, Pane Bože, ja ťa milujem. Ja ťa milujem! A jeho žena s ním zatriasla a zobudila ho.

6 Vidíte ho, teraz ide tam cez tú uličku, brat Jackson, bývalý metodistický kazateľ. A on bol taký vzrušený, že až prišiel sem; a povedal, že keď sem vchádzal bol taký ohromený, lebo je to tu presne tak ako to videl vo sne. Ja neviem čo to znamená. Pán to zadržal predo mnou. Ale niečo sa môže stať, keď vidím, že bratovi Jacksonovi sa to snívalo a poznám ho ako čestného, skutočného muža, sluhu Božieho.

7 A viem, že sa mu snívajú sny, prichádza ku mne a Pán mi dal výklad a je to presne tak. Dokonca raz mal sen, ohľadne môjho odchodu do Arizony.

8 A on je veľmi rozrušený. Je tu so svojou ženou, priviedol ju. Ona za krátko bude matkou, jediný spôsob ako mohol prísť bolo lietadlo. On nemal na cestu ani groša a niekto mu dal peniaze. Udialo sa to tak trochu tajomne, tak niečo sa môže stať; dúfame. Nevieme čo Pán pre nás učiní.

9 No, sme vďační Pánovi, že žijeme v tomto dni v ktorom žijeme, tesne pred príchodom Ježiša. Ako som predtým povedal, to je najvýznamnejší čas v celej histórii. Radšej by som žil práve teraz, než kedykoľvek inokedy, na zemi.

10 Vidím tu pred nami, znovu dnes večer môjho dobrého priateľa, brata Daucha. Zmienil som sa o ňom v auditóriu dnes ráno. Brat Dauch má dnes deväťdesiattri rokov, aké je to požehnané. On prispieva svojím dlhým životom na slávu a chválu Božiu, dnes má 93. Všetko najlepšie k narodeninám môj brat! A viem, že všade po krajine, kde dnes večer počúvajú, oni tiež prajú bratovi Dauchovi „Všetko najlepšie k narodeninám." On je osobným priateľom Orala Robertsa, pomohol tak veľa na ceste evanjelia a vo všetkom. On je naším dobrým priateľom.

11 Som rád, že tu vidím brata Manna, to je ďalší metodistický kazateľ, spasený a pokrstený Duchom Svätým a vo meno Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý tu sedí. On je tiež jedným z nášho spoločenstva z Indiány. A dopočul som sa, že tu pri ňom sedí brat Hickerson, jeden z našich diakonov z Jeffersonville, oni dnes večer v Indiáne počúvajú. A dopočul som sa, že brat Weeler, jeden z ďalších diakonov je tu niekde. Ešte som nezistil kde sedí, niekto ukazuje prstom a za chvíľu ho uvidím, sedí tam v pravo, áno.

Brat Banks Wood, ak dnes večer počúvaš, tvoj brat tu bol včera večer. Videl som ho keď som odchádzal, brat Lyle. Jehovov Svedok; celá skupina sa obrátila. Lyle bol privedený skrze videnie od Pána.

12 Lyle sedel vtedy tam v tom člne, keď deň predtým mu bolo povedané, že niečo sa stane, pri čom bude vzkriesený život. On bol tiež skutočným Svedkom Jehovovým. Ale to ráno, sedel tam, chytal ryby a chytil ... No, on mal veľký (to je kentacká móda, viete) ... veľký háčik a maličká rybka to prehltla. A on proste vytiahol žiabre, vnútornosti a všetko, hodil to do vody (malá rybička) a povedal: „No, maličká vypľula si svoj posledný chumáč." Tá maličká ... hodil ju na hladinu, mŕtvu a vietor ju odfúkol do nejakých vodných ľalií.

13 A deň predtým, ako sme sedeli, povedal som: „Duch Svätý mi hovorí, že sa odohrá vzkriesenie nejakého malého stvorenia. Možno to bude mačiatko, keď prídem domov, lebo práve ..."

14 Keď sme sa snažili nakopať nejakú návnadu na ryby, brat Wood a ja, on to teraz počúva, moje malé dievča, ktoré je teraz mladou ženou a sedí tam, zasnúbená s týmto vychudnutým vojakom (To je on), prišla a povedala: „Ocko ..." Ona a to druhé dievčatko, povedali: „My ..." No, každý môže mať nejakého maznáčika akého chce, ale ja naozaj nemám rád mačky, tak ona ... ani žiadny Branham. Tak my ... ona povedala: „Ó našli sme tu vonku biednu mačku, ocko. Ona niečo zožrala, niekto ju otrávil, celá je napuchnutá." Povedala. „Ocko, ona za chvíľu zomrie, môžeme zobrať malú krabicu a mať ju tam niekoľko dní?"

15 Povedal som: „Počkajte, nech sa pozriem na tú mačku." Dobre, oni odišli a zobrali tú mačku. Vedel som čo sa stane, tak dali jej krabicu a na druhý deň ráno tam bolo okolo sedem alebo osem mačiatok, viete. Tak môj malý chlapec, Jozef, zobral jedno z nich a stlačil ho a pustil ho na zem; a len ... to maličké tam ležalo, zmietalo sa a bolo po ňom.

16 A povedal som bratovi Lyle, jeho bratovi, povedal som: „Vieš, možno bude vzkriesené to mačiatko, ako sme videli tie veci, ktoré Pán robí."

17 Brat Lyle, on je práve nový na tej ceste. Duch Svätý mu práve povedal, že on bol ženatý a čo vykonal a to zlé čo vykonal, veci ktoré urobil. No, on si myslel, že brat Banks mi povedal tie veci. Ale keď mu to bolo priamo prinesené a bolo mu povedané čo urobil minulej noci, to bolo na neho príliš veľa. On to nemohol pochopiť.

18 Potom, na druhý deň ráno ... Kým predtým sme celý večer chytali s malou rybkou, chytali sme nejaké na návnadu. Ale on proste odhodil tú malú rybu do vody, ktorá sa zatriasla a bolo po nej. Asi po pol hodine, ako sme tam sedeli a ja som ... Povedal som: „Brat Lyle, ty si nechal, že tá ryba prehltla ten háči a vošiel je až do brucha. Vidíš?" Povedal som: „Zober tu ten silón, hoď, takto založ tú návnadu a len čo sa jej dotkne, potom to trochu zadrž a potom to vytiahni." Povedal som: „On ... neťahaj ho takto, nech to neprehltne, keď chytíš rybu."

19 On povedal: „No ..." On mal poriadny silónisko. Povedal: „My to takto robíme." Niečo v takom zmysle.

20 Tak, asi v tej chvíli som počul ako niečo prichádza z vrcholu tej hory, vír, krútil sa a približoval sa bližšie a bližšie. Tu to takto prichádzalo dole a Duch Boží prišiel nad čln, povedal: „Vstaň." Povedal: „Prehovor ku tej mŕtvej rybe. Povedz: Dávam ti naspäť tvoj život."

21 A tá malá rybka tam ležala asi pol hodiny, vnútornosti mala v ústach a v žiabrach. Povedal som: „Malá rybka, Ježiš Kristus ti dáva naspäť tvoj život. Ži, v mene Ježiša Krista." V momente sa obrátila chrbtom hore a odplávala tak rýchlo ako len mohla.

22 Brat Lyle, si tu niekde? Videl som ťa minulý večer. Či je vo vnútri alebo vonku, alebo kdekoľvek. Zodvihni ruku, ak ťa môžem vidieť. [Niekto v zhromaždení hovorí - na balkóne.] Čo hovorí? Na balkó ... Ó, áno, hore na balkóne, cez okná tam vzadu. To je ten muž, Jehovov svedok.

23 On povedal: „Brat Branham!" On bol celý vzrušený, povedal: Ó, to je dobre byť tu. Či nie?" Povedal: „Ó - ó, či ty ... Och, myslíš, že to znamená, že ja, že som povedal o tej rybe, že vypľula svoj posledný chumáč?" Povedal: „Či-či to znamená niečo ohľadne mňa?"

24 Povedal som: „Nie, nie, to je len potvrdenie." Bol z toho celý vzrušený.

25 No, cestujeme spolu a vidíte, že sa dejú tieto veci a viete .... No, zamyslite sa len, čo to malo ukázať? Na svojom liste s prosbou o modlitbu som mal veľa malých ochrnutých detí, za ktoré sa modlím, ale keď prišlo to videnie, týkalo sa to malej rybky asi takejto veľkej, okolo dva alebo tri cóle. Vyzeralo to akoby ten háčik bol taký veľký ako tá ryba. Ale čo to bolo, to vám malo ukázať, že Boh sa tiež stará o malé veci. Vidíte?

26 Jedného dňa, keď po celej krajine bolo plno malomocných, on použil svoju moc a preklial strom a ten začal vädnúť, keď všade tam ležali ľudia, ktorí potrebovali tú uzdravujúcu moc. Ale, vidíte, on chcel ukázať, že je Bohom nad všetkým, či je to malé, či veľké, čokoľvek to je. On je stále Boh nad všetkým, nad celým stvorením. Tak Ho milujeme, pretože ... To nám dáva vedieť, že keď mal záujem na tom aby vypovedal Slovo života pre malú bezvýznamnú rybku, ktorá tam pol hodiny ležala mŕtva na vode, že môže určite jedného dňa vysloviť život pre svoje deti. Bez ohľadu na to, či z vášho tela nezostalo viac ako za lyžicu prachu, on povie, a my mu jedného dňa odpovieme. On je Boh, ktorý má záujem o všetko, o všetko čo my robíme, o všetko čo hovoríme, o všetko. On sa o to zaujíma.

Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, všade:

27 Chcel by som vedieť teraz, prv ako sa budeme modliť, či je tu niekto dnes večer, kto sa zaujíma o neho ale zatiaľ nemáš ešte zaistené miesto v tej druhej krajine, kde ho budeme vidieť. Vieš, nemôžeš tam vojsť bez zaistenia. A ty si si to ešte nezaistil, ale chcel by si byť spomenutý teraz v modlitbe, aby všetko medzi tebou a Bohom bolo dnes večer dané do poriadku. Zodvihol by si len ruku? Povieš: „Pamätaj na mňa Pane?" Nech on vidí vaše ruky. Bože, udeľ to.

28 Nebeský Otče, stojíme dnes večer medzi živými a mŕtvymi; a tieto veci, ktoré sa dejú v týchto dňoch, tajomné, skutočne sú to tajomné veci; ale Bože, ty vieš, či je to pravda alebo nie. Ty si velebný Sudca neba i zeme. A my toto hovoríme, Pane, proste aby sme povzbudili ľudí (niečo z tých vecí, ktoré si nám ukázal), aby oni mohli byť povzbudení a milovali ťa a verili ti, slúžili ti a aby vedeli, že nezáleží na tom, aký malý skutok to je, dobrý alebo zlý, Ty to vidíš. Prosím, drahý Bože, aby si požehnal každú jednu z týchto rúk dnes večer a tú dušu a ducha, ktorý motivoval, že tá ruka sa zodvihla. A prosím, Bože aby toto bol večer, keď bude vykonané zaistenie do tej zeme za riekou. Udeľ to.

29 Uzdrav chorých a postihnutých, Pane, tých ktorí sú tu, aj tých po celej krajine kde prichádza toto vysielanie cez telefón. Požehnaj tých tam, ktorí nie sú spasení po celej ceste od Kalifornii do New Yorku, od Kanady po Mexiko. Udeľ to Pane, aby každá osoba pod zvukom nášho hlasu, dnes večer, bola spasená od svojich hriechov, uzdrav ich nemoci, z dôvodu tvojej Božskej prítomnosti.

30 A tento náš brat Jackson, ktorý priletel celou cestou sem týchto tisíc míľ, aby tu bol pretože niečo zvláštne vzrušilo jeho srdce. „A budú sa im snívať sny a budú vidieť videnia." Drahý Bože, Ty si to zadržal ako tajomstvo predo mnou, čo toto znamená; Ja neviem. Ale ak nás navštíviš, Pane, priprav teraz naše srdcia na tú návštevu. Aby sme boli v očakávaní. Nevieme čo urobíš a nevieme či si zasľúbil, že nás navštíviš podľa tohoto snu; nevieme. Ale len citujeme tieto veci, že rozumieme, že si zasľúbil navštíviť svoj ľud a modlíme sa aby si sa nám tu stal reálnym. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

31 A teraz, dnes večer, po tom čo som vás včera večer a dnes ráno držal tak dlho, som tak trochu zachrípol. Mám malý kúsok vlasov, ktoré nosím a keď kážem mávam to tu na mieste kde nemám vlasy. Ale teraz som si to zabudol a tento vzduch, ktorý vanie cez tieto okná, to začína robiť, že som trochu zachrípol. Zvykol som ... Musel som zakončiť zhromaždenia, ale odvtedy ako to mám, viac na to netrpím, proste pokračujem. A zabudol som si to a to je ... trochu to cítim, tak si budem ceniť vaše modlitby. A teraz, každý deň máme dve zhromaždenia, a to sú ... Viete, keď prejdete toľko míľ, to ... môžete to povedať.

32 Tak teraz vy ľudia v Kalifornii a tam v Arizone všetci posielame pozdravy po celom národe. Bratovi Leovi a tej skupine, ktorá očakáva na Pána tam hore v Prescott, kde som teraz pozvaný, a vám všetkým okolo Phoenixu, za týždeň budem v Yume na bankete. Vypredali všetky lístky, majú veľké auditórium a nemôžu zmestiť ľudí. Tak príďte zavčasu, vy všetci, aby ste sa tam dostali. Potom z tade pôjdeme do Los Angeles, na budúci pondelok ... budúcu nedeľu, nedeľu večer. A tak sa tešíme, že vás tam uvidíme. Nech na vás všetkých spočinie bohaté Božie požehnanie.

33 Pre vás v New Yorku a pre vás, ktorí ste tam okolo, v Ohio a na rôznych miestach, zakrátko chcem kázať v modlitebni [v Jefffersonville] posolstvo, Po stope hada -- šelma na začiatku a šelma na konci. Billy vám pošle oznámenie, keď to budeme hovoriť, budem to kázať tam v modlitebni pretože to bude trvať prinajmenej štyri hodiny alebo viac.

34 Tak teraz ... chcem aby ste vy tu, tu a kdekoľvek ste teraz, aby ste si otvorili knihu Jóba. Veľmi zvláštna kniha na kázanie, ale chcem tu teraz použiť niekoľko poznámok.

35 A potom, zajtra ráno, tu v modlitebni bude zhromaždenie nedeľnej školy o ...O koľkej začíname ? (niekto odpovedá: „9:30") O 9:30. A potom zajtra ráno tu budem mať znovu príležitosť hovoriť. A keď Pán dá, chcem hovoriť na tému ... ak to On teraz dovolí, ako som to študoval dnes popoludní, aby som vám ukázal, že je len jedno miesto na ktorom sa Boh stretáva s tým kto Ho ctí. Len na ... A budem vám môcť povedať čo je to za miesto, a aké je meno toho miesta, kde sa Boh stretne s tým kto ho ctí.

36 A potom, zajtra večer chcem požiadať o náklonnosť, keď budeme mať zhromaždenie s uzdravovaním. A chcem aby sme mali starodávne zhromaždenie s uzdravovaním. A ak Pán dá, chcem hovoriť na tému toho, čo ma dnes znekľudnilo ... Keď sme sa spolu rozprávali s bratom Moore a s mojimi drahými bratmi, rozoberali sme miesta Písma. A aké to bolo milé byť s tými bratmi, ako voľakedy. A on povedal: „Vieš, brat Branham, zo všetkých tých kázní, ktoré si nám tu v Shreveporte kázal, Baránok a holubica, to bolo to najlepšie posolstvo, ktoré si nám tu v Shreveporte priniesol." Povedal: „Hádam s tvojim posolstvom, ktoré dnes tak horlivo kážeš, nedostaneš sa už ku niečomu takému, ako bolo tamto."

37 Ak opustím tam to, tak miniem cieľ svôjho posolstva. Láska je môj ...

Drahý zomierajúci Baránok, tvoja drahocenná krv nikdy nestratí svoju moc, kým celá vykúpená cirkev Božia nebude spasená aby viacej nehrešila.

Stále, odkedy skrze vieru som videl ten prameň vytekajúci z tvojich rán, mojou témou sa stala vykupujúca láska a bude až dovtedy kým nezomriem.

38 Zajtra večer, ak bude vôľa Pánova, chcem kázať na tému: Na krídlach snehobielej holubice. Zajtra večer. Pán prichádza dole na krídlach holubice. Ak Pán dá, ak sa môj hlas príliš nezhorší. No ... tak, modlite sa za nás.

39 A potom, chcem aby sme mali starodávne modlitebné zhromaždenie, aké sme mali na začiatku, nie rozpoznávanie, len jednoducho dáme každému kartu, kto bude chcieť, aby sme sa za neho modlili. No, musíte mať kartu, tak buďte tu včas aby vám Billy mohol dať kartu a postavíte sa do radu. Ak sa to tak nerobí, ľudí stále pribúda a pribúda a pribúda a nieto konca tomu radu. Každý môže mať kartu. Chcem aby brat Jack stál so mnou pri modlitebnom rade, ako si zvykol a brat Brown aby privádzal ku mne ľudí namiesto Billy Pavla. Chcem aby sme mali starodávny modlitebný rad a budeme sa len modliť tak ako sme to robievali pred rokmi.

40 Som rád, že dnes večer je tu s nami ďalší pridružený brat, len som sa obzrel a uvidel som ho a poznal, je to brat Gordon Lindsay. On je jedným z tých, ktorý pamätajú tie dávne časy, ktorý bol s nami už dávno tomu. Robí veľkú prácu, tlačí. Tlačí teraz moju knihu: Sedem cirkevných vekov. Dúfame, že znovu budeme mať pripravené Sedem pečatí. Ak si to náhodou prečíta prv, ako to vytlačí, budeme mať teologickú diskusiu. Cítiť, že dôjde ku tomu. [Brat Branham sa smeje.] Ale on vie, že ja nie som teológ, tak ... Ale tešíme sa na zajtra večer. Ak tu budeš, brat Lindsay, príď sem zajtra večer. Ak si, príď sem a buď tu s nami na pódiu na to starodávne modlitebné zhromaždenie.

41 Koľkí by ste radi videli znovu jedno z tých starodávnych, kde privedieme hore ľudí? To bude dobre. Tak priveďte zajtra večer potom svojich chorých a postihnutých.

42 No, ak si otvoríte knihu Jóba 42 kapitolu a prvých šesť veršov zo 42 kapitoly Jóba; veľmi zvláštne. Brat Ted Dudley, ak dnes večer počúvaš, tam vo Phonixe, pamätáš sa, že sme sa raz rozprávali, asi pred týždňom alebo pred dvoma a hovorili sme o tomto? Povedal som ti: „Jedného dňa to bude pre mňa text." A dnes večer to chcem použiť:

Vtedy odpovedal ...

Vtedy odpovedal Jób Hospodinovi a riekol:

(dobre teraz počúvajte čo tu čítame)

Viem, že môžeš všetko a že ti nemôže byť prekazený niktorý úmysel.

Že kto je to, kto zahaľuje radu bez známosti? Preto vyznávam, že nerozumiem. Sú to predivné veci nad môj rozum; a neznám toho.

Počuj, prosím, a ja budem hovoriť; budem sa ťa pýtať a ty mi oznám!

Doteraz som bol iba počul o tebe; ale teraz ťa vidí moje oko.

Preto zavrhujem a ľutujem, a to v prachu a popole.

43 Chcem teraz zobrať text z toho 5. verša.

Doteraz som bol iba počul o tebe; ale teraz ťa vidí moje oko.

Nech Pán požehná svoje Slovo.

44 Jób, zoberme trochu jeho život. Jób bol prorok. On bol človek, ktorý žil dávno predtým, keď ešte nebola napísaná Biblia. Uvažuje sa, že kniha Jóba je jedna z najstarších kníh Biblie, pretože bola napísaná predtým ako bola napísaná Genesis. Jób, tento veľký bojovník a prorok bol veľkým človekom vo svojom čase. Bezpochyby, že bol vychovaný a slúžil Pánovi po celý svoj život. A žil takým chrabrým životom voči ľuďom, že všetci ho mali v úcte.

45 Ale prišiel na miesto, kde to tu nazýva, že bol pokúšaný od Pána. Ale ja by som to chcel povedať slovom, že Pán ho skúšal. A skutočne „Každý syn, ktorý prichádza ku Bohu musí byť prv vyskúšaný, overený, vychovaný." A potom ak sa tá skúška stáva ťažkou a my si myslíme, že je to príliš ťažké a nechceme počúvať (byť pozorní), potom On povedal, že sa stáva z nás cudzoložňa a nie dieťa Božie." Pretože nie je nič čo by mohlo odviesť skutočné, znovuzrodené dieťa Božie od svojho rodiča. Vidíte? On je časťou Neho. Nemôžete to zaprieť, tak ako nemôžete zaprieť seba. Vidíte? Mali ste to prežitie, že ste boli skúšaní a testovaní.

46 A teraz, tento človek bol prorokom a tak mal prístup do Božej milosti, ale Jób nemal Bibliu aby si z nej čítal. On ... Biblia vtedy nebola napísaná, ale on mal prístup ku Bohu skrze zjavenie a videnie. To bolo predtým ako bola napísaná Biblia.

47 No, nachádzame a berieme niečo z jeho života. Keď ho Boh žehnal a urobil ho veľkým človekom, tak že ho všetci mali v úcte a tiež jeho múdrosť, on sa stal takým veľkým. Jeho inšpirácia od Boha ho tak jasne potvrdila, že je Božím sluhom, že zo všade prichádzali ľudia aby ho počúvali. A vtedy Satan začína obviňovať toho človeka. A tak to on robí každému inšpirovanému sluhovi Božiemu, Satan je stále tam aby ho obvinil zo všetkého čo robí, čo nie je správne.

48 A teraz, nachádzame jeho život a skúšky a jeho veľkú vieru. Ešte aj Ježiš, keď prišiel na zem, On poukazoval na trpezlivosť Jóbovu. Povedal: „Či ste nečítali o trpezlivosti Jóbovej?" Viera s trpezlivosťou čaká na vyplnenie zasľúbeného Slova.

49 No, všímame si tu, že Jób, potom keď prešiel cez svoje skúšky, cez všetky svoje utrpenia ... On mal milú rodinu, oni mu boli vzatí. Mal dobré zdravie, bolo to zobrané od neho. Všetko čo mal vo svojom živote mu bolo zobrané. A on sedel na hromade popola s kusom hlineného črepu a škrabal si vredy. A ešte aj jeho žena hovorila proti nemu, povedala: „Prečo nezlorečíš Bohu a nezomrieš?"

50 On povedal: „Hovoríš ako hlúpa žena." Povedal: „Pán dal, Pán vzal, nech je požehnané meno Pánove!"

51 No, Satan prišiel hore pred Boha, pretože on mohol prísť pred Boha a obviňovať kresťanov (alebo veriacich) po celý čas. Tak on obviňoval Jóba z mnohých vecí a povedal, že Jób, dôvod prečo on slúži Bohu je ten, že sa mu vo všetkom darí. Ale povedal, ak ho len vydáš do mojich rúk, spôsobím, že ti bude zlorečiť do tvári.

52 Chcem aby ste si všimli tú istotu, ktorú Boh mal vo veriacom. Vidíte? On je ... Inými slovami, Boh povedal Jóbovi ... či vlastne Satanovi, niečo takéto: „Ty to nedokážeš urobiť! On je spravodlivý človek (ospravedlnený). On je dobrý človek. On ... nieto jemu rovného na celej zemi." Ó, čo za človeka, že sám Boh povedal svojmu nepriateľovi: „Môj sluha je taký dokonalý, že nieto ďalšieho takého na zemi." Ó! Keby sme len mohli byť takými ľuďmi, že by nám Boh mohol udeliť takú dôveru! Že vie, že sa nijako neodvrátime od jeho Slova, alebo od jeho bytosti. Že stojíme presne tak a On nám môže dôverovať.

53 No, Jób bol človek, ktorý do písmena dodržiaval Božie prikázania, presne. A Satan to vedel, ale on povedal: „Ak mi len dovolíš aby som ho mal, spôsobím, že ti bude zlorečiť do tvári."

54 Tak Boh mu povedal, On povedal: „No, je v tvojich rukách, ale neber jeho život." A Satan sa načiahol tak ďaleko, ako len mohol. Zobral mu každého priateľa a všetko čo mal, takmer jeho celý život, ale nemohol zabrať jeho život. Ale Jób sa stále držal, vôbec sa neodvrátil.

55 Vidíte, keď človek alebo niekto, kto prišiel raz skutočne do kontaktu s Bohom, s tou skutočnou, zjavenou vierou, že Boh je, neexistuje nič, žiadny čas, nikde, čo by mohlo oddeliť toho človeka od jeho Boha. Myslím, že to bol Pavel, ktorý povedal: „Ani svár, ani hlad, ani nebezpečenstvá, ani živé stvorenia, ani smrť, ani nič nás nemôže oddeliť od lásky Božej, ktorá je v Kristovi Ježišovi." Ste bezpečne zakotvení v Ňom, pretože ste boli určení do toho Života.

56 Ale Satan si myslel, že ho bude môcť trochu povykrúcať a vyfackať a nakloniť ho do toho aby to urobil. Ale vidíte, Jób so svojím dokonalým zjavením Boha a kto je Boh a ako ho Boh miluje, on čakal! Bezohľadu na to aké boli okolnosti, on čakal na potvrdenie svojej viery, pretože on sa pevne držal Boha, mal zjavenie (hovoril som o tom minulý večer).

57 No, keď tí chorí ľudia, ktorí sú tu v budove, chromí ľudia alebo vy, ktorí potrebujete niečo od Boha, keď môžete dostať také zjavenie, že ste ospravedlnení, keď ste skutočne ospravedlnení, keď žiadate tie veci, ktoré žiadate a veríte že, On je odplatiteľom tých, ktorí Ho usilovne hľadajú," nie je nič, čo vás môže oddeliť od tej viery, ktorá je zakotvená vo vás. Vidíte? Ale, prv vám to musí byť zjavené.

58 Nedávno niekto prišiel, skupina ľudí, niektorí z nich počúvajú dnes večer, a povedali mi, povedali ... Stále som im hovoril: „Choďte do Kentucky, tam je ropa." Vedel som, že je, videl som to vo videní.

59 No, brat Démas a ostatní, nešli tam za dlhý čas. Po nejakom čase, nakoniec, oni povedali ... (potom, keď tam išli firmy z Texasu) ... a povedali: „Teraz tam ideme."

60 Povedal som: „Vy ste tam mali ísť už dávno." Ale oni to neurobili.

61 Démas povedal: „Tam som spravil veľkú chybu, že som to neurobil, brat Branham."

62 Povedal som: „Keby si tam bol išiel, mal by si to všetko."

63 No, oni na to nepočúvali. Potom to prvé ... potom, prv ako sme ten večer odišli (boli sme na mieste kde sme obedovali) Duch Svätý mi ukázal veľkú trhlinu v zemi a bola plná ropy a tieto žriedla v Kentucky boli len malé ložiská ropy, z ktorých pumpovali, ale toto pochádzalo z hlavného prameňa. A povedal som: „Brat Démas, je to tam."

64 Tak oni tam išli aby to hľadali. Povedali: „Zájdi tam a povedz nám kde to je - kde je tá žila s ropou."

65 Povedal som: „Ó, nie! Nie! Nie!"

66 Vidíte? Nepoužívame dar boží na obchodné účely. Nie, nie! On by mi mohol povedať kde to je, ale ja to vôbec nepotrebujem. Nemal by som ani dostatok viery aby som Ho o to prosil. Vidíte? Keby som to potreboval, verím, že keby som Ho o to prosil, On by mi to povedal. Ale prv, vidíte, vaše motívy a ciele musia byť správne. Musíte mať na to dôvod. Boh vám nedá tieto veci len preto, že o ne prosíte. A nemôžete prosiť vo viere, až kým nemáte na to skutočný cieľ, byť vo vôli Božej. Rozumiete? Ak chcete byť zdraví, prečo chcete byť zdraví? Vidíte? Ak chcete byť uzdravení, aký je dôvod, že chcete byť uzdravení? Čo hovoríte Bohu? Čo chcete robiť so svojim životom, keď budete uzdravení? Vidíte, to musí byť ... musíte mať motív a cieľ a oni musia byť správne podľa vôli Božej. A vtedy je vám zjavená viera a Boh skrze svoju suverénnu milosť tam umiestňuje tú vieru, vtedy je s tým koniec. Vidíte? No. Vidíte?

67 No, aby sa ukázalo že to Slovo je pravda, keď tam tí bratia išli, oni prišli ... jeden človek tam išiel a kúpil hromadu nejakých papierov a predával nájomné a takto oklamal toho druhého. Povedal som: „Vidíte, to nebude fungovať." No len aby sa ukázalo, že to proroctvo je pravda asi sto yardov od tade, kde títo ľudia kopali svoje studne, nejaký človek narazil na veľký gejzír. A je to tam, tisíc sto barelov ropy za pol dňa alebo tak nejako; stále vydáva, rovno z toho hlavného prameňa. Ale len aby sa potvrdilo to proroctvo, slovo, ktoré bolo povedané, že to tam je, je to tam. Tie ostatné z nich, takmer všetky vyschli, všade po celých Kentucky. Malé studne, z ktorých niekedy trochu pumpujú a odchádzajú. To je len to čo pretečie z tohoto. Vidíte?

68 Ale pretože vošlo do toho sebectvo, tie ciele boli zlé, podpísali množstvo nejakých papierov „bude to takto" keď dali sľub, že to budú robiť pre kráľovstvo Božie, ale ukázalo sa že to bolo pre nich samých. Vidíte?

69 A to nebude fungovať, žiadna sebecká vec nebude fungovať. Vaše motívy a ciele musia byť presne, úplne v poriadku, potom tam máte vieru. „Ak nás neobviňuje naše srdce, potom máme dôveru." Vidíte? Vidíte, musíme mať dôveru. „Ja chcem toto na česť a slávu Božiu." Potom viera má kanál cez ktorý môže vojsť; ak to nefunguje potom máte mentálnu, intelektuálnu vieru, a nie skutočnú vieru od Boha. Tá intelektuálna viera vás nikde nedovedie. Môže spôsobovať že budete citovo reagovať, ale to vám nedá uzdravenie, ktoré hľadáte.

70 Tak, Jób sa kontroloval s tou skutočnou vierou, ktorú mu Boh dal, že je spravodlivý, že urobil všetko, čo Boh od neho žiadal. A teraz, keď sa budeme modliť za našich chorých, chcel by som vedieť, či sme urobili všetko, čo Boh od nás žiada. Nasledovali sme každú jotu v Písme? Dali sme mu svoje srdcia a životy do služby? Aký je dôvod, že chcete byť uzdravení. To je dôvod, že nemôžete mať dostatok viery, vidíte, pretože ste možno neurobili toto pre Boha úprimne zo srdca. Ako urobil Ezechiáš, predložil Bohu dôvod, chcel dať do poriadku svoje kráľovstvo. A Boh poslal naspäť svojho proroka a povedal mu, a on bol uzdravený. Vidíte? Ale prv musíte mať tieto veci dané poporiadku.

71 Tak potom ako náhle dôjdete na tieto miesta a viete že vám to bolo zjavené skrze Božie Slovo, skrze zjavenie, skrze Slovo, ktoré Boh žiada aby ste ho dodržiavali, potom máte vieru, skutočnú vieru.

72 No, práve tak ako Abrahám, keď mal deväťdesiat deväť rokov (Myslím, že to je Genesis 17). Boh sa zjavil tomuto starému mužovi, deväťdesiat deväť ročnému, keď už mal takmer sto rokov, ktorý čakal po všetky tie roky na to zasľúbenie. On sa mu zjavil pod menom El Shaddai, „Ten ktorý kojí" A čo to bolo za povzbudenie, jednako vtedy sa to zasľúbenie nevyplnilo. Ale, „Abrahám, Ja som Všemohúci Boh, El Shaddai, Ten ktorý dáva silu, Ten Boh ktorý kojí."

73 Ako som vám povedal predtým, ako malé dieťa, ktoré sa trápi a je choré a plače a leží na prsiach svojej matky a saje z nej svoju silu, pretože kým pije, je spokojné, pretože jediná vec ku ktorej má prístup a o ktorej vie, sú matkine prsia. Ono nepozná žiadnu dávku lieku. Môžete mu dať nejakú dávku lieku, ono bude fňukať a plakať. Dajte mu injekciu do ramena a ono bude ďalej plakať. Ale jediné čo môže dosiahnuť, čo ho uspokojí sú matkine prsia.

74 A On povedal: „Abrahám, ty si starý, tvoja sila odišla, tvoje ramená sú ochabnuté, tvoja mužnosť pominula, ale Ja som tvojou Matkou. Chyť sa len môjho zasľúbenia a uspokoj sa zatiaľ čo čakáš. Odpočívaj!"

75 No, takto je to s každým veriacim. Bez ohľadu na to aká zlá je tá rakovina, ktorú ste dostali, ako dlho sedíte v invalidnom kresle, či čokoľvek takého, len keď môžete uchytiť to zjavenie od Boha! Vtedy budete uspokojený, viete že to sa stane, pretože viera trpezlivo očakáva na zasľúbenie. Vidíte?

76 Jób vedel, že to je pravda. Keď my nájdeme tu v Písme, že je ... títo ľudia prišli ku nemu (jeho členovia zboru). Všetko čo sa mu raz zdalo drahé sa obrátilo proti nemu a snažili sa ho obviniť, že tajne hreší, pretože sa mu stali všetky tieto veci. Počuli ste ľudí aj dnes, hovoria: „Povedal som ti. Pozri sa na neho! Vidíš čo ...?" To vôbec nie je pravda. Niekedy je to Boh, ktorý testuje svojich ľudí. V tomto prípade, to bol Boh, ktorý testoval Jóba, toho najlepšieho človeka, ktorý bol vtedy na zemi. No, On ho vtedy držal, pretože On vedel, že Jób je prorok, ktorý mal videnie od Boha, že urobil presne to čo mu Boh povedal aby robil a on ... A Boh bol zaviazaný dodržať pri ňom svoje zasľúbenie.

77 Ó! Všetci kresťania musia byť takí. Keď príde ten posledný boj v našom živote a smrteľné chrapoty sú v našom hrdle stále musíme stáť pevne a pamätať, že Boh povedal: „Ja ťa znovu vzkriesim v posledný deň." Vidíte? Musíme sa toho držať, naše svedectvo, naše miesto v Kristovi, naša pozícia, to čo sme, keď vieme, že sme zachovali každé slovo jeho prikázania. „Blahoslavení, ktorí zachovávajú jeho prikázania aby mali právo vojsť." Vidíte? A keď vieme, že nezáleží na tom, čo ktokoľvek povedal, zachovali sme každé prikázanie, ktoré vidíme v Biblii, že Boh nás urobil ... povedal nám čo máme robiť, s úctou a s láskou a s rešpektom ku Stvoriteľovi, ktorý napísal Bibliu.

78 My hovoríme: „To napísali ľudia."

79 „Ľudia za dávna, vedení Duchom Božím, to napísali." Vidíte? Vidíte, Boh to napísal cez ľudí. Ako keď prorok hovorí jeho Slovo, to ne je slovo proroka, to je Božie Slovo, vidíte, cez proroka. Preto sa ono muselo vyplniť, ak je to skutočne pravda.

80 Vidíme tohoto veľkého človeka. A pamätajte, Jób vo svojich dňoch nemal žiadnu Bibliu aby si z nej čítal. Nemal! On chodil len skrze inšpiráciu. On bol prorok, ku ktorému prichádzalo Slovo Pánove. On mal - on musel byť jedine inšpirovaný, pretože on poznal svoju pozíciu, že je Božím prorokom. No, jediná vec, ktorá sa musela stať, to bolo aby ho zasiahla inšpirácia. A vtedy vedel, že to čo povedal sa stane, pretože to prišlo cez inšpiráciu.

81 To je to, čo cirkev, ak je v poriadku (daná do poriadku), to len ... Musí mať pripravenú mechaniku, potom potrebuje len dynamiku. Dnes večer, ak pripravíme mechaniku, ak dáme poporiadku svoje srdcia, tie veci, ktoré my môžeme urobiť, nasledovať každé Slovo, nasledovať ho v krste, nasledovať ho v každom nariadení, ktoré nám On povedal aby sme robili, pripravíme každú mechaniku a stojíme tam; potom sme pripravení aby bola vypustená dynamika a to môže urobiť jedine Boh; a to musí padnúť do tvojho srdca, tá viera ktorá hovorí: „Teraz som uzdravený." Potom vôbec nezáleží na tom aké sú okolnosti, aj tak si uzdravený; pretože to je viera, skrze vieru si uzdravený.

82 On mal kanál, cez ktorý komunikoval s Bohom, a to bolo pomocou inšpirácie. On mal spôsob ako sa dal nabok a nechal vojsť do toho Boha. A on vedel, že bol ospravedlnený. To bol dar, to bol dar pre ľudí; nie pre Jóba, ale pre ľudí. Také sú všetky Božské dary aby sa nimi slúžilo Božím ľuďom. Nie všetci sú určení aby boli prorokmi. Nie všetci z vás ... nie sú určení aby sa modlili za chorých. Nie všetci sú určení aby boli pastormi a tak ďalej. Ale to je kanál, ktorý im otvoril Boh. A tak ako sme to mali aj dnes ráno v lekcii, že on ... Jeden človek sa nemá vôbec starať do kanálu druhého človeka, bez ohľadu na to aký bol inšpirovaný, ako veľmi sa zdalo, ako dobre ... Koľkí ste boli dnes ráno na zhromaždení? Nech vidím vaše ruky. Rozumiete? Vidíte, nemôžete.

83 Tam je Dávid, taký inšpirovaný aký len mohol byť, všetci ľudia vykrikovali a chválili Boha, kvôli tomu čo sa im zdalo presne podľa Písma, ale on nebol tou správnou osobou. Tá inšpirácia mala prísť ku Nátanovi. Nie ku Dávidovi. Vidíte? On sa ani neporadil s Nátanom. Vidíte čo sa stalo? Vidíte, my máme ... Boh povedal, že On nerobí ničoho, kým to prv nezjaví svojím sluhom prorokom.

84 A Jób bol týmto prorokom v tom čase. No, jediná vec, ktorú Boh urobil Jóbovi: To čo mu stále dávalo múdrosť a jeho Slovo a inšpiráciu, on nemohol dostať žiadnu inšpiráciu. Ale poznal celú svoju mechaniku ... Obetoval zápalné obete, vykonal všetko, o čom vedel, že je správne, ale nemohol dostať slovo od Boha. Ale diabol s ním nemohol pohnúť! Tu to máte.

85 No, tak je to s tebou, keď sa za teba modlili. Nemusíš bežať naspäť do radu, aby sa znovu modlili, alebo ísť aby sa niekto iný modlil za teba. Keď vieš, že si vykonal presne to čo Boh povedal, že máš robiť (vidíš?), potom čakaj na ten kanál inšpirácie, aby ti bol otvorený a „teraz som uzdravený!" Keď to tam vojde, vtedy je všetko vybavené. Ó, nepotrebuješ ísť do radu, aby sa za teba modlili, ani nič iné, je s tým koniec! Bolo ti to zjavené! Vidíte?

86 Práve tak ako ten starý prorok pri príchode Pána Ježiša, videli sme že mu to bolo zjavené, tomu starému mudrcovi, že neuvidí smrti, kým neuzrie Krista Pánovho. A on tomu veril a čakal na to. A ľudia si mysleli, že je blázon, že ten starý človek stratil rozum. Ale on stále tomu veril! Nič ho nemohlo z toho striasť, on vedel, že mu to Boh zjavil, lebo Biblia hovorí, že mu to bolo zjavené od Svätého Ducha.

87 Simeon vchádza do chrámu v tej minúte, podišiel tam a odovzdal chválu Bohu a povedal: „Nech teraz tvoj sluha odíde v pokoji." Keď zobral na ruky to dieťa: „Moje oči uvideli Tvoje spasenie." Vidíte? On vedel že to uvidí. Bez ohľadu na to koľko detí každého dňa navštívil, on vedel, že mu Boh zjavil, že prv ako zomrie uvidí Krista. Simeon tomu veril.

88 A teraz, keď je to tebe zjavené, že ty sám si prijal zasľúbenie Božie; inšpiráciu, si kresťan, zasiahlo ťa to, nepotrebuješ ani ísť do radu aby sa za teba modlili. Tá vec ... to jediné čo potrebuješ, je otvoriť srdce, keď celá tá mechanika je pripravená a nechať aby tam vošla tá inšpirácia a potom nič nemôže zmeniť tvoju myseľ; máš to. Ak to tam nie je, tak to neprinesie žiadny úžitok.

89 No všimnite si, Jób potreboval kanál inšpirácie, on to mal otvorené. On mal kanál cez ktorý komunikoval s Bohom, pomocou jeho inšpirácie. On mal spôsob, ako sa odstupiť nabok a nechal aby tam vošlo Slovo Božie. Všimnite si ako oni - ako oni prichádzali aby sa s ním poradili z východu a zo západu, ľudia ho hľadali, pretože vedeli, že to čo Jób povedal bola pravda. Oni vedeli, že ten človek povedal pravdu. Pretože, to čo on prorokoval, to sa stalo! A tak ľudia prichádzali z východu a zo západu.

90 On povedal, že išiel na trh a mladé kniežatá z východu sa mu klaňali, len aby počuli jedno slovo útechy od neho, jeho veľkú a ohromnú múdrosť, pretože vedeli, že tento človek bol čestný. On sa nechcel vychvaľovať, on nehľadal za tým žiadny zisk, netiahol za sebou, on bol proste čestný prorok pred Bohom. A oni mu dôverovali a každý prichádzal z východu a zo západu, len aby sa za chvíľu s ním porozprával. Hovorí tu o tom v Biblii. Ale vidíte, nedostávala sa mu inšpirácia, ktorá by mu povedala, čo toto všetko znamená. Boh nechal, že sa to stalo a nepovedal mu to.

91 Potom, jedného dňa, nachádzame v tom, že vtedy keď ... Všetci, pokiaľ im môžete pomôcť, tak je dobre. Ale keď nechcú s vami súhlasiť, vtedy nastávajú problémy. Ale jedine on vedel, že je v poriadku; jeho pulz viery, počúvanie Boha, Slovo ku nemu hovorilo a on vedel, že to je pravda. Tak veru! On poznal Boží hlas. Nikto by ho v tom nemohol oklamať, lebo on ho poznal. To ... Ale kedykoľvek vy ... niečo vám je zjavené, možno je to inak ako si to myslia ľudia ... Hovorím o prorokoch. Keď Boh niečo zjavi, to čo, ak je nejaké tajomstvo, ktoré prichádza od Boha aby bolo oznámené ľuďom, nikdy to nepríde cez nejaký seminár, nikdy to nepríde cez nejakú skupinu ľudí, to sa tak nikdy nedialo. To stále bude, bolo a bude cez jednu osobu, cez proroka! Ámos 3:7, vidíte? „Pán nerobí nič, jedine že to prv zjavi cez svojich prorokov."

92 A teraz, Jóbovi sa prihodilo niečo zlé, ale nemohol dostať inšpiráciu ohľadne seba a to ho trápilo a to ... potom keď sa dostanete do takých problémov, to je keď nepriateľ vojde skoro do každého priateľa, ktorého máte. A oni ho začali obviňovať. Ó, to musela byť pre neho strašná vec, keď vedel, že jeho priatelia ho obviňujú, Satan vtedy ide a spája sa s tým nepriateľom. Vtedy vchádza Satan: „Len mi ho vydaj a ja spravím, že Ti bude zlorečiť. Ja spravím že zaprie svoje posolstvo. Spravím, že Ti bude zlorečiť. Spravím, že odíde naspäť a povie - To všetko bolo zlé." Potom ho vyskúšal so všetkým s čím mohol, až po všetkých tých veľkých ľudí a priateľov, ktorých mal. Ale Jób stál neochvejne, lebo vedel, že počul Boží Hlas!

93 Ó Bože, pomôž mi zajtra večer, aby som mohol priniesť tie „Krídla holubice." Počul som Hlas Boží, ktorý niečo povedal a to sa tak stane! Presne tak isto ako sa stali tieto ostatné veci, to sa stane!

94 No, Jób vedel že to sa stane. A on vedel, že mu to povedal Boh, že je spravodlivý. Ale oni spravili z neho hriešnika, tak on potom čakal na inšpiráciu. Satan sa dostal všetkých tých ľudí a on prišiel okolo ... jeho potešitelia, tak zvaní, a obviňovali ho, ale to s ním ani trochu nepohlo. Ale keď mu zostalo potvrdené Slovo Božie ... On počul o Bohu svojimi ušami, ale jedného dňa, ako tam sedel vo svojom najnižšom bode ... A kým tam sedel a každý ho obviňoval, ešte aj jeho žena mu vravela, že robí zle; škrabal si vredy. A Elíhu prišiel a pokarhal ho, že je sebecký, že takým spôsobom obviňuje Boha a tak ďalej.

95 A potom, vtedy sa stalo, keď ho zasiahla inšpirácia, vtedy sa začalo blýskať, hromy začali hrmieť, vtedy inšpirácia zasiahla proroka a on sa postavil a povedal: „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije! A v posledných dňoch sa postaví na tejto zemi. A hoci červy zničia toto telo, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha, ktorého ja uvidím."

96 On videl ... Oni hovoril o stromoch o botanickom živote, ako on zomiera a znovu žije; voda ho privádza znovu naspäť, zápach vody, zavoňanie vody, dôsledok vody, ktorá je vyliata na strom alebo na niečo, na semeno, ktoré vošlo do zeme. Povedal: „Ale človek ľahne a vydá ducha, jeho deti prídu aby ho uctili a on o tom nevie. Oj aby si ma ukryl v hrobe, (Jób 14) kým neprejde tvoj hnev." On povedal: „Ale keď človek zomrie, či znovu bude žiť? Celý vymeraný čas môjho života, budem čakať kým nepríde zmena. Ty ma zavoláš a ja odpoviem. Ty si mi vyznačil hranice, ktoré nedokážem prekročiť," a tak ďalej. On poznal všetky tieto veci. On pozoroval ako žije strom, ale čo sa stalo s človekom, keď zomrel? On nepovstal znovu. Tak, Boh mu ukazoval tohoto Vykupiteľa.

97 On chcel vidieť či je niekto, kto sa za neho prihovorí. On sa prihováral za tak veľa ľudí, ale teraz či je niekto, kto sa prihovorí za neho? Či bude môcť niekto položiť svoju ruku na Jóba alebo na hriešneho človeka a na Svätého Boha a premostiť tú cestu? Či bude môcť ísť do jeho domu a zaklepať na dvere? Či mu otvorí dvere a porozpráva sa s ním na chvíľu?

98 Ale potom, keď dopadla do jeho srdca inšpirácia, potom mohol uvidieť Boha. Zablyskol blesk, zahrmel hrom. A keď sa to stalo, on sa postavil na svoje nohy a povedal: „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije! Môj Vykupiteľ a v posledných dňoch sa On postaví na tejto zemi." Vidíte? On začal vidieť Božiu reakciu na jeho vieru.

99 No, sme zvedaví či by sme my mohli vidieť Boha. Je nejaký spôsob ako by sme Ho mohli vidieť? No, to bol ten jediný spôsob, ktorý Boh mal, skúšajúc Jóba. On povedal: „Počul som o Tebe svojimi ušami, ale teraz Ťa vidím. Ale teraz Ťa vidím svojimi očami." To videnie toho neviditeľného sa stalo jasné. On videl okolo sa prevaľujúci oblak, videl záblesky blesku a počul hrmenie hromu, možno za jasného dňa a videl, že v tom oblaku a v tom blýskaní je Boh. On mohol vidieť Boha, svojimi prirodzenými očami. Vidíte? Pretože to neviditeľné sa stalo viditeľným. To viditeľné videnie pre tých ostatných bolo vtedy potvrdené, jasné, pre to prirodzené oko.

100 Tak ako viera so skutkami, ako sme o tom hovorili minulý večer. Abrahám tiež nemal Bibliu, z ktorej by si čítal, ale on bol prorok, jeho videnie a jeho viera ... A pre iných sa to zdalo falošné, že on tak môže rozmýšľať, že si môže myslieť že budú mať dieťa. Ale oni mali to dieťa, pretože jeho videnie o tom dieťati to bolo to o čom on hovoril: „Ja ho budem mať! Budem ho mať!" Ale keď sa to dieťa narodilo, potom tí druhí ľudia na svoje oči mohli vidieť to čo on videl vo videní. A keď vy začnete jednať podľa toho čomu veríte v srdci, potom ľudia poznajú Boha a vedia čo to robí pre vás, podľa toho ako sa správate. Takto vidíte Boha na svoje oči. Ale pre neho, hoci robil to čo bolo dobré, všetko to čo vykonal pre dru- hých, on potreboval niekoho, kto by sa zastal jeho. Keď sa narodilo to dieťa, Izák, jeho videnie, tá inšpirácia, ktorá ho viedla do tohoto sa potvrdila a tam ľudia mohli vidieť, že to čo on videl vo videní bolo skutočnou pravdou.

101 No, niekedy tieto veľké impulzy viery prichádzajú práve v čase kríz. Sú to vlastne krízy, ktoré nás vedú do tohoto. To boli krízy, ktoré do toho doviedli Jóba. Prečo, on bol na konci svojho života. Jeho deti pomreli; jeho ťavy. A celý jeho majetok pominul a bol zničený. A jeho vlastný život, on bol zlámaný od vrchu svojej hlavy po spodok nôh, pokrytý vredmi. To boli krízy, cez ktoré sa pretláčal, a tam ho zasiahla tá inšpirácia.

102 Ó mužovia aj ženy, dnes večer, keby ste sa mohli rozhliadnuť dookola a vidieť ako blízko sme príchodu Pánovho. Vy ktorí ste odložili krst Duchom Svätým, možno ste spoliehali na nejakej senzácii, alebo na niečom čo ste urobili, čo Satan môže napodobniť a nemôžete mať v sebe skutočného Ducha Svätého, aby ste išli celou cestou v Božích zasľúbeniach. Ako môže človek, ktorý tvrdí, že má Ducha Svätého zaprieť jedno Slovo z tejto Biblie, že nie je pravda? To nemôžete.

103 Bez ohľadu na tom akí ste nábožní, do koľkých cirkví patríte, v koľkých knihách je zapísané vaše meno, ak ten skutočný Duch Svätý je vo vás (ktorým je toto Slovo - zamanifestované), budete vidieť toto Posolstvo a túto hodinu, pretože to je Duch Svätý, ktorý to robí. Ale musí byť niečo čo to osvieti, inšpirácia, ktorá vás zasiahne. A ak tam je ... ak na zem lejete vodu, znovu a znovu a nie je v nej semeno, na ktoré by to dopadlo, ako to kedy môže niečo zrodiť? Tam nie je nič, čo by mohlo priniesť život. To znamená, že jedine vyvolený Boží to budú vidieť.

104 Vyvolení Boží to poznali v čase Noeho, v čase Mojžiša, v čase Ježiša, v čase apoštolov, v čase Lutera, v čase Wesleya, v čase letničných, pretože oni bolí tým semenom, ktoré bolo na zemi, keď bola vyliata táto inšpirácia. A teraz, keď je vyliata táto inšpirácia, aby zhromaždila spolu Nevestu, budú to vidieť len tí, ktorí sú vyvolení. Ježiš povedal: „Ďakujem ti Otče, že si skryl tieto veci pred očami múdrych a rozumných, a zjavil si to nemluvňa- tám, takým, ktorí sa budú učiť." No, musí ho zasiahnuť inšpirácia.

105 No, keď ho zasiahla inšpirácia, ona to vykonala. Vtedy to mal! No, vidíme, že tam nastáva čas týchto kríz, keď sa stupňuje nátlak. A rozhliadnite sa dnes, pozrite sa na stav v ktorom žijeme. Či nežijeme v modernej Sodome a Gomore? Či sa ten svet nevrátil naspäť? To bol pohanský svet, ktorý bol potom zničený, ohňom. Či nepovedal Ježiš v ev. Lukáša v 17. kapitole, 28. a 29. a 30.verš, že „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, keď sa zjavi Syn človeka." Čo to je zjaviť sa? To je tajomstvo, ktoré je oznámené, zjavenie; to je zjaviť alebo dať poznať tajomstvo.

106 No, tieto veci, ktoré boli skryté počas všetkých cirkevných vekov, sú teraz zjavené, dané poznať. No, mohli by sme to povedať, a ak to Boh nepodoprie, je to zlé. Vidíte? Boh nepotrebuje nikoho aby vykladal jeho Slovo, On je svoj vlastný vykladač. On povedal: „Panna počne," a ona počala. On povedal: „Buď svetlo," a bolo. A my nežijeme vo veku Lutera, Wesleya ani v letničnom veku. Letničný vek to bolo len prinavrátenie darov naspäť do cirkvi, ale žijeme v čase večera, žijeme v čase vyvolania Nevesty.

107 A tak isto ako ťažko bolo pre katolíkov uvidieť Lutera a pre luteránov uvidieť Wesleya a pre letničných ... pre wesleyovcov uvidieť letničný vek, tak je to ťažko pre letničných uvidieť tento vek. Stále to tak bolo, pretože to je vyliate na Vyvolené Semeno, a jedine na to. To je to čo učí Biblia. Oni to nemôžu vidieť, Ježiš sa dokonca modlil za nich, povedal: „Oni boli slepí, oni to nevedeli." Zjavenie nám hovorí, v tomto Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, keď On bol odstránený z cirkvi, že oni sú nahí, biedni, mizerní, slepí a nevedia o tom!" Znovu je to tu, oni to nemôžu vidieť, nemôžu tomu rozumieť. Oni sú tak zapletení v tradíciách.

108 Ale pamätajte, zasľúbené Božie Slovo, ktoré vyšlo z úst Ježiša Krista, samého Boha, ktorý slovom zavolal stvorenie do existencie, On bol ten, ktorý pred založením sveta vypovedal slová „Nech sa stane," a stalo sa. Lebo On povedal, „Na svete bol a svet povstal skrze neho a svet ho nepoznal. Ale všetkým, ktorí Ho poznali, tým dal moc aby sa stali synmi Božími." Sám Stvoriteľ a sám ten Stvoriteľ, keď zobudil z mŕtvych Lazára, On povedal: „Nepokladajte toto za zvláštnu vec, lebo ide hodina, kde všetci ktorí sú v hroboch budú počuť Hlas Syna človeka a vyjdú." Sám Boh, ktorý povedal: „Buď svetlo." povedal: „Hlas Syna človeka zobudí tých, ktorí sú v hroboch." To sa musí stať vo svojom čase. On povedal: „Nech sa zjavi mužské a ženské pohlavie," a tak ďalej a všetko toto, roky a stovky rokov prv ako sa to stalo.

109 Tá inšpirácia zasiahla proroka Izaiáša, on povedal: „Dieťa sa nám narodilo, syn nám je daný. Jeho meno nazvú Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Mocný Boh, Otec večnosti." Prešli roky, mesiace, roky, dni, týždne, ubehli roky, ubehlo stovky rokov. Po osemsto rokoch sa z panny narodil Emanuel! Prečo? Pretože to bolo vypovedané cez ústa Božieho pomazaného proroka, vyšlo semeno. Vidíte? „A tá veľká hodina," povedal, „budete hľadať ... žiadať odo Mňa videnie alebo znak."

110 Povedal: „Dám im znak, večný znak , panna počne, večný znak."

111 No, nachádzame že v tých hodinách skutočného stresu, vtedy obyčajne prichádza Duch Boží. On nechal tie hebrejské deti, že išli rovno do horiacej pece, prv ako by vôbec pohol rukou. Ale keď pohne, tak pohne.

112 No, vidíme tu v Lukášovi, v 17. kapitole a v 30. verši, že On povedal: „V posledných dňoch, keď sa zjavi Syn človeka, ako to urobil tesne pred Sodomou a Gomorou a nastanú také isté podmienky." On povedal o Mojžišovi, o ... prepáčte, nie o Mojžišovi ale o Noemovi. Ako tí ľudia jedli, pili a tak ďalej, ženili sa a vydávali." Potom On prišiel, On povedal: „Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude v čase, keď sa zjavi Syn človeka." No, dávajte pozor, Syn človeka sa zjavil Abrahámovej skupine, ako muž, prorok vo forme ľudského tela, ako obyčajný človek, ktorý mal na šatách prach a Abrahám Ho nazval Elohim.

113 No, Ježiš tu zasľubuje, že v posledných dňoch sa Syn človeka znovu zjavi tej istej skupine ľudí, kráľovskému Semenu Abraháma, tesne predtým ako spadne oheň. Pamätajte, cirkev nedostala žiadne ďalšie svedectvo, Abrahám a oni už nedostali, ten zasľúbený syn, na ktorého očakávali prišiel hneď potom. A cirkev očakáva na zasľúbeného syna, On príde hneď po dňoch tejto služby, On bude zjavený z neba. No, vidíme to príliš jasne, musí to tak byť. No, to jediné čo musí byť, je niečo čo pulzuje, dostáva sa do človeka, Boh mu potvrdzuje a hovorí a ukazuje, že to je to, čo sa má stať; a že budete ...

114 Ako urobil Mojžiš, on nechcel vyslobodiť tie deti, ale Boh ku nemu prehovoril v horiacom kríku. On nechcel ísť, ale musel ísť. Mojžiš počul o Ňom, že je veľký Jehova. Ale potom Ho mohol vidieť, On bol vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa. „Počul som o Tebe, ale teraz Ťa vidím." V čom bol viditeľný? Vo svojom potvrdenom Slove.

115 Boh povedal Abrahámovi, že jeho ľud bude pohostínom v cudzej zemi za štyristo rokov ale On ich vyvedie mocným ramenom.

116 A všimnite si, tento horiaci krík potvrdil to, čo povedal prorok Abrahám, že sa stane. Mojžiš povedal: „Počul som o tom, ale teraz to vidím."

117 No my sme počuli, že v posledných dňoch príde Syn človeka medzi svojich ľudí a zjavi sa tým ľuďom takým istým spôsobom ako to urobil pri ... tesne pred zničením Sodomy. Syn človeka, čo On urobil? On poznal tajomstvá, ktoré mala Sárah v srdci. Tiež dal Abrahámovi zasľúbenie. Abrahám už počul Boží hlas, on Ho mohol už vidieť v mnohých rôznych spôsoboch (Ja neviem ako On ku nemu hovoril, cez sny a cez proroctvá), ale tentokrát Ho videl. „Počul som o Tebe, teraz Ťa vidím."

118 A cirkev počula o Bohu, čítali o Ňom, a o tom čo On urobil a o zasľúbeniach, ktoré dal, ale my Ho teraz vidíme svojimi očami (presne tak isto ako Jób), „Počul som o Tebe, ale teraz Ťa vidím." Ó! Čo za rozdiel.

119 Mojžiš, v čase tých kríz, zvolal. A nachádzame v Exoduse v 14. kapitole, od 13. do 16 verša, Mojžiš v tom veľkom napätí tam s deťmi Izraelovými, zasiahla ho inšpirácia a on povedal to, čo mal povedať a ani nevedel, že to povedal. Vidíte? „Stojte a vidzte spasenie Božie!" Boh ešte ku nemu neprehovoril. Vidíte? Zasiahla ho inšpirácia.

120 Oni povedali: „Prečo si nás sem vyviedol? Mali sme zomrieť v Egypte. Či preto, že nebolo tam dosť hrobov? Vyviedol si nás sem a necháš nás zomrieť; mohli sme žiť v pokoji ako otroci až do smrti, ale ty si nás sem vyviedol."

121 Mojžiš, prorok, vedel že má prístup ku Bohu, bol inšpirovaný a povedal: „Stojte a budete vidieť spasenie Božie; lebo Egypťanov, ktorých dnes vidíte, nikdy viacej ich už neuvidíte." Ako vedel, že to sa stane? Ako to vedel? On nevedel čo povedal.

122 Ale hneď potom ako to vypovedal, Boh mu povedal ako to má urobiť. Povedal: „Mojžiš, nekrič ku mne, zober do ruky palicu a vystri ju nad more a povedz deťom Izraelovým aby išli!" Amen!

123 Inšpirácia! Takto to prichádza ku vám ak ste chorí. Takto to prichádza ku vám keď ste v súžení. Niečo vám to zjavilo a vy vidíte, že to bolo zjavené, prehovoríte, „Som uzdravený!"

124 Potom vám Boh hovorí čo máte robiť: „Vstaň a začni chodiť!" Amen! Potom je to všetko vybavené, keď to tak môžete robiť. Tak to robí Boh, potom vidíte zamanifestovaného Boha cez vás samých.

125 To bol Boh, ktorý mu povedal aby to robil. No, potom, všetci prítomní, celý Izrael, ktorý bol prítomný videl tú inšpiráciu, ktorá zasiahla Mojžiša. Oni videli Boha, svojimi vlastnými očami, ako odfúkol tú vodu na jednu a na druhú stranu. A ten Ohnivý Stĺp ich viedol na druhú stranu mora. On počul o Bohu, potom ho videli.

126 Józua bol v hodine krízy, keď sa zhromaždili tie armády a slnko zapadalo. Józue bol prorok a on vedel, že ak tie armády budú mať šancu aby sa znovu zjednotili a prišli proti nemu, že by stratil veľa ľudí, tak v tej hodine krízy, keď sa niečo muselo urobiť ... Je len jedna vec, ak by ich mohol ďalej rozháňať, úplne by ich porazil. Ale nemal na to dosť svetla, tak Józue sa postavil, zodvihol ruky a povedal: „Slnko, stoj! A mesiac stoj tam nad Ajalon, kým neskončím tento boj." A slnko stálo potichu. Oni počuli Józuu hovoriť a potom na vlastné oči videli Boha v akcii. Skutočne!

127 Vidíte? Samozrejme, to bol paradox, vidieť niečo čo sa zdá byť nemožným a jednako je to pravda. Ale, „Slnko stálo potichu," hovorí Biblia. Neviem čo si vy ľudia myslíte, keď teraz máme za to, že svet beží; ale jednako, „slnko stálo potichu." Možno Józue nikdy neskúšal vypočítať ako to urobí, ako to Boh urobí, jediné čo on povedal bolo: „Slnko stoj potichu!" On to povedal, možno ani nevedel čo hovorí, pretože to bol Boh, ktorý mu to dal a On pracoval.

128 To isté je v Markovi 11:23, „Ak vy poviete tejto hore, posuň sa, a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci ale budete veriť tomu čo ste povedali, že sa stane, môžete mať to čo ste povedali." Ale nemôžete tam stáť a tápať vo svojich mysliach a povedať to; musíte byť inšpirovaní aby ste to povedali. Amen!

129 Prepáčte za výraz; ale toho dňa, keď som sedel v tom lese ( a Boh je môj sudca a ja by som mohol padnúť mŕtvy na túto kazateľňu), keď to miesto Písma ma privádzalo do rozpakov celý môj život ... sedel som tam to ráno v lese a rozmýšľal som o tom a Hlas prehovoril ku mne, On povedal: „To miesto Písma je ako každé miesto Písma, je to pravda."

130 A ja som rozmýšľal: „No ako to môže byť?"

131 A On povedal: „Ty si ... Povedz a tak to bude. Nepochybuj o tom."

132 A ja som sa s niekym rozprával, ako som tam sedel v tom lese. Neboli tam žiadne veveričky, boli sme tam tri dni, neboli tam žiadne veveričky. A ja som sedel v javorovom kroví. Veveričky ani neprichádzajú ... každý kto poľuje na veveričky vie, že oni nie sú v javoroch. A ja som tam sedel; a vietor skutočne silno fúkal; bolo asi desať hodín ráno a znovu som premýšľal.

133 A to povedalo: „Ty poľuješ a potrebuješ veveričky práve tak ako Abrahám potreboval barana."

134 Rozmýšľal som: „To mi stále hovorilo pravdu, ale teraz to znie smiešne." A vstal som z tade kde som sedel, rozhliadol som sa všade okolo, „kde je tá osoba, ktorá sa so mnou rozpráva?" Nič som nevidel; len vietor silno fúkal a ja som rozmýšľal: „Či som zaspal a to sa mi snívalo?"Nie, nespal som. Sedel som tam opretý o strom a dával som pozor. Mal som sa tam ďalej stretnúť s bratom Woodom a s bratom Sothmanom, za chvíľu, okolo desiatej ráno. Všade tam okolo pracovali roľníci, zvážali obilie.

135 A znovu som to počul. „Poľuješ a potrebuješ zver. Koľko kusov potrebuješ?"

136 A rozmýšľal som: „No, nechcem to zneužiť budem žiadať o tri, tri veveričky. Chcem mladé, tri červené veveričky. Chcem ich."

137 On povedal: „Tak povedz o tom."

138 A ja som povedal: „Budem mať tri mladé červené veveričky."

139 On povedal: „Odkiaľ prídu?"

140 „No," pomyslel som si, „Zašiel som takto ďaleko, je niečo čo sa tu so mnou rozpráva." Presne tak isto vy mňa počujete hovoriť. A Boh v nebi, s touto Bibliou na srdci, vie že je to pravda. A on ... A povedal som: „No ..." Vybral som smiešne miesto, starý suchý konár, ktorý tam visel, okolo 50 yardov odo mňa, na dostrel.

141 Povedal som: „Prvá bude rovno tam." A bola tam.

142 Pošuchal som si oči a obzrel som sa dozadu. Otočil som hlavou a pomyslel som si: „Nechcem zastreliť videnie." Tak znovu som sa rozhliadol a tam sedela veverička. Dal som do pušky náboj, zamieril a mohol som vidieť jej čierne oko, mladá červená veverička. Pomyslel som si: „Možno spím a za chvíľu sa prebudím. Viete. Sníva sa mi o tomto." No, namieril som, vystrelil a veverička spadla z toho konára. Pomyslel som si: „No, neviem." Pomyslel som si: „Pôjdem tam a pozriem sa na to." Prišiel som tam a tam ležala. Zodvihol som ju, tiekla z nej krv. Videnie nekrváca, viete. Tak som ju zodvihol, bola to veverička. Celý som stŕpol.

143 Rozhliadol som sa okolo a povedal som: „Bože, to si bol Ty." Povedal som: „Ďakujem ti za to. Teraz pôjdem a ..."

144 On povedal: „Ale ty si povedal! Či pochybuješ o tom, čo si povedal? Povedal si, že budeš mať tri. Odkiaľ príde teraz tá ďalšia?"

145 Pomyslel som si: „No, ak sa mi to sníva budem v tom pokračovať."

146 Tak som povedal ... Vybral som tam starý kmeň, ktorý bol celý ovinutý tu s týmto jedovatým brečtanom. Veveričku tam nikdy nedostanete. Tak som povedal: „Tá ďalšia vyjde rovno z toho jedovatého brečtanu." A sedela tam tá mladá červená veverička a dívala sa rovno na mňa. Zložil som pušku a pretrel som si oči. Znovu som sa obrátil dozadu, pomyslel som si ... Tam sedela, obrátila hlavu nabok. Zastrelil som tú veveričku a potom som začal ísť domov.

147 Ale povedal: „Povedal si tri! Či pochybuješ o tom, čo si povedal?"

148 Povedal som: „Nie Pane, nepochybujem o tom, čo som povedal, lebo Ty si to potvrdil."

Toto je jedno miesto Písma, ktoré ma uvádzalo do rozpakov: „Nie ak Ja poviem, ale ak vy poviete." Nie ak to povie Ježiš, ale ak to povieš ty sám.

149 A zamyslel som sa: „Nejako som sa preboril do toho kanálu a viem, že On je tu, pretože som takmer bez seba." Rozmýšľal som: „Toto urobím zvláštnym, skutočne nadmieru."

Povedal som: „Bude tam červená veverička, príde dole z toho kopca, príde rovno touto cestou a rovno okolo mňa a pôjde a sadne si na ten konár a pozrie sa tam na toho roľníka." Tu ona ide z kopca, prešla rovno tam a sadla si a pozrela sa na toho roľníka a ja som ju zastrelil.

150 Satan mi povedal: „Vieš čo? Ten les je ich teraz plný." A sedel som tam do dvanástej a nič ďalšie sa nestalo. To ukazuje, že keď Boh ... On je Stvoriteľ neba a zeme.

151 V Jeffersonville teraz počúvajú. Je tam rodina, ktorá sa nazýva Wright. Brat Wood a ja sme ich tam išli navštíviť. Oni pre zbor robia víno ku večeri Pánovej. Malá Edith sedela tam v izbe; malé chromé dievča, ktoré je choré celý svoj život a tak my sme stále hľadeli na Boha, aby ju uzdravil. Jej sestra, vdova, jej muž sa zabil; nazýva sa Hattie, veľmi pokorná malá žena. A zatiaľ čo sme s bratom Banksom išli zaobstarať pre nich zajaca, oni upiekli veľký čerešňový koláč a museli sme si sadnúť a jesť.

152 Sedeli sme všetci okolo stola, hovorili sme o tomto, to sa stalo práve pred pár dňami. A zatiaľ čo som sedel za stolom a rozprával o tomto, zrazu som povedal: „Čo to mohlo spôsobiť, že sa to stalo?" Povedal som: „Brat Wright, ty si starý muž, celý život si poľoval na veveričky. Brat Shelby, ty si špecialista v poľovaní na veveričky. Brat Wood, ty tiež. Ja poľujem na ne od detstva. Videli ste niekedy veveričku na javore a v tŕní agátov?

153 „Nie, vôbec."

154 Povedal som: „Oni tam proste nie sú. Jediné čo viem, to je proste ten istý Boh. Keď Abrahám potreboval barana, On bol Jehova-Jirech, On si ho mohol zadovážiť. Verím, že to je to isté."

155 A malá Hattie, ktorá tam sedela, povedala: „Brat Branham, to je úplná pravda!"

156 Ona povedala to pravé! Keď to povedala, Duch Svätý znovu vošiel do toho kanálu, každý z nich to pocítil. Postavil som sa a povedal som: „Sestra Hattie, tak hovorí Pán, ty si povedala to pravé slovo, ako tá žena sýroféničanka. Duch Svätý mi teraz hovorí a povedal mi, aby som ti dal žiadosť tvojho srdca." Povedal som: „Ak som Boží sluha, ak to tak je, to sa stane. Ak nie som Boží sluha, potom som klamár a to sa nestane, som zvoditeľ." Povedal som: „Skús to teraz a presvedči sa, či je to Boží Duch alebo nie."

157 Ona povedala: „Brat Branham," (všetci plakali), povedala, „čo mám žiadať?"

158 Povedal som: „Máš chromú sestru, ktorá tam sedí."

159 Mal som vo vrecku dvadsať dolárov, aby som jej ich dal, ktoré ona dala do daru v zbore. Tá žena nezarobí za rok ani dvesto dolárov na svojej malej biednej farme, má dvoch chlapcov. Jej chlapci boli vyložení svetskí chlapci školských rokov, viete, a mali drzé reči voči svojej matke; pätnásť šestnásť roční. A, ó, oni tam stáli a smiali sa z toho, čo som ja hovoril.

160 A ja som povedal: „Máš otca a matku, ktorí tu sedia, sú starí. Nemáš dosť peňazí. Žiadaj o peniaze, a budeš vidieť či padnú do tvojho lona. Žiadaj o svoju sestru a budeš vidieť, či nevstane a nezačne chodiť." Vedel som vtedy, ako Jób, že je tam proste niečo, poznáte to, keď na to narazíte. Povedal som: „Viem! Stojím tu asi pred desiatymi ľuďmi, ak sa toto nestane, potom som falošný prorok."

161 Povedala: „Čo si mám žiadať?"

162 Povedal som: „To je na tebe aby si sa rozhodla. Ja to nemôžem urobiť za teba."

163 Ona sa rozhliadla okolo, tá malá žena. A zrazu povedala: „Brat Branham, najväčšia túžba môjho srdca je spasenie mojich dvoch chlapcov."

164 Povedal som: „Dávam ti tvojich chlapcov, v mene Ježiša Krista." A tí chlapci, ktorí sa chichotali, smiali a robili si žarty padli do náručia svojej matky a odovzdali svoje životy Bohu a hneď tam boli naplnení Duchom Svätým. Hneď tam!

165 Prečo? To je pravda! Boh má moc aby ma zabil, pred týmito ľuďmi po celom národe. Mnohí z vás tu a v Jeffersonville, môžem teraz počuť ako v modlitebni zneje Amen, pretože oni tam sedia a počúvajú to. Vidíte? Pretože to je pravda! Čo to je? Keď to robí Boh, vo svojej suverénnej milosti, vtedy sa to deje! Inak sa to nestane.

166 V tej rozhodujúcej chvíli ...Predstavte si človeka či ľudí, ktorých poznám. Boh obchádza všetky veľké osobnosti a všetko aby dal biednej malej pokornej žene, ktorá sa sotva vie podpísať a On vedel, čo ona bude žiadať. A to bola tá najväčšia vec; pretože jej sestra už teraz nežije a jej otec a matka musia zomrieť, peniaze by sa minuli, ale duše jej chlapcov sú večné. A to bola hodina pre nich, aby sa toho chytili. A len čo som to povedal: „Dávam ti tvojich chlapcov, v mene Ježiša Krista," oni padli matky do náručia. Koľkí z vás tu vedia, že to je pravda, viete to? Vidíte? To je to. Áno. Prečo? To je inšpirácia!

167 No: „Počul som o tebe, že môžeš stvoriť veveričky; počul som o Tebe, že môžeš stvoriť barana; ale teraz Ťa vidím na svoje vlastné oči!" Manifestácia, videnie, ktoré sa stalo viditeľným. Keď Boh niečo zasľúbil, to je to čo On urobí.

168 Všimnite si, keď máte potrebu, možno ako Józue. On mal potrebu; on vôbec nerozmýšľal o okolnostiach, on to vypovedal a to bol Boh! Veríte, že slnko stálo potichu? Ja tiež. Ako sa to stalo? Nesnažte sa to vypočítať, ale to sa stalo. Józua to urobil a zodvihol ruky; v tej rozhodnej chvíli on mal prístup ku Bohu, a to sa stalo. To bolo na čas. Duch živého Boha videl tú potrebu a potlačil Józuu, aby to povedal. Ten istý Boh videl potrebu Abraháma. Ten istý Boh videl potrebu potvrdiť mi toto miesto Písma, že to je tiež Biblická pravda! Ten istý Boh videl potrebu týchto dvoch predurčených chlapcov a to bol ten moment, v ktorom On dokázal a potvrdil svoje Slovo.

169 V ev. Marka 14 vidíme ženu, ktorá verila v Neho, ona mala potrebu a videla, že On potrebuje umyť nohy, aby začala konať bolo len treba, aby bola inšpirovaná. Dobre teraz počúvajte, prv ako zakončíme. Ona musela byť len inšpirovaná aby začala konať, pretože ona už o ňom počula. Ona počula, že On jednej žene odpustil hriechy, smilnici. A povedal: „Kto z vás je bez hriechu, nech prvý hodí kameň." Ona o ňom počula, ale teraz ho videla. Ona bola inšpirovaná aby mu poslúžila. To je to jediné, čo musíte mať.

170 Nech ti povie Duch Svätý, že si hriešnik. Nech ti Duch Svätý povie, že robíš zle. Nech ti Duch Svätý dokáže skrze Písma, že nie si v poriadku s Písmom. A čo ... pretože to sa spustí do chodu jedine cez jeden priamy kanál každého Božieho Písma, to ho v žiadnom prípade neobíde. Ak niečo obídete, na nič dobré vám to nebude. Pretože Duch Svätý ťa tým môže inšpirovať, ale ak tá duša nie je v poriadku s Bohom, ako sme to preberali tento týždeň, aj tak to nie je na nič dobré. Pamätajte, v posledných dňoch povstanú falošní pomazanci; nie falošní Ježišovia, falošní kristovia (pomazaní ľudia), a zviedli by samotných Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné.

171 Všimnite si, ona mu mala vykonať službu. Ona o Ňom počula, teraz Ho videla na svoje oči. Ona mala vykonať službu a nemala nič, čím by to urobila. Ale aj tak pobehla dopredu, aby vykonala tú službu, Boh ju vybavil vodou a uterákom, aby mu umyla nohy. Ona počula o živom Bohu, celý svoj život, ale teraz Ho videla svojimi očami. Ona vedela, že to je On a zasiahla ju inšpirácia a povedala: „Toto je ten posol." On potreboval poslúžiť (ona nemala nič, čím by Mu poslúžila), jeho nohy boli špinavé. Ale ona aj tak pobehla dopredu, aby Mu poslúžila, pretože bola inšpirovaná, aby to urobila.

172 Ty odpadlícky člen zboru, denominačný muž alebo žena, či nemôžeš vidieť potrebu, ktorú má Ježiš dnes večer? Ak ťa len môže zasiahnuť inšpirácia, toto je hodina aby si to urobil. Ale ona ho videla na svoje oči. Tí ostatní, ktorí tam boli za z neho dokonca vysmievali. Oni neverili jeho posolstvu. Otvorene povedané, ten hostiteľ, ten pastor, ktorý ho pozval, starý Šimon ho tam pozval preto, aby si z neho robili žarty. Oni neverili, že On je prorok.

173 Tak potom, keď to vyzeralo, akoby to diabol pre neho všetko presne pripravil, aby toto povedal, on si povedal v sebe: „Keby tento bol prorok, vedel by aká je to žena pri jeho nohách. Keby bol prorok." Vidíte? Jemu to ani nebolo zjavené, kto On je. Nemohla byť žiadna inšpirácia, ktorá by ho zasiahla, pretože tam nebolo nič čo by mohlo byť zasiahnuté. Ale to zasiahlo ju.

174 Jej oči videli ponad jeho kritiku. Ona verila, že On je vyplneným Slovom prorokov. Vidíte? Vedela, že všetky slová prorokov boli potvrdené v Ňom. Ona počula, že On je na zemi, ale teraz ho videla. Pozorujte čo urobila. Ona videla Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom, Mesiáša, Emanuela. Keď dala priechod svojmu pulzu viery (zjaveniu, kto On je, v čase, v ktorom ona žila, že On je Boží Baránok pre takých hriešnikov ako je ona), podišla aby poslúžila jeho potrebe, bez toho aby vedela, ako to urobí.

175 Takto prichádza skutočné uzdravenie, keď vám je to zjavené, že On bol zranený pre vaše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre vaše neprávosti a jeho sinavicami ste boli uzdravení. Keď to máte cez inšpiráciu, že tu vidíte jeho prítomnosť, opísanú v ev. Marka 11 ... alebo v ev. Lukáša 17:30, že On sa zjavi v posledných dňoch medzi svojimi ľuďmi, v ľudskom tele, ako to urobil pred Sodomou. Keď to vidíte a niečo vás zasiahlo ...

176 Doktor môže hovoriť: „Tá rakovina je stále tam."

177 Pacient môže povedať: „Ja neviem ako budem chodiť ale jednako budem chodiť." My nevieme ako sa to stane.

178 Ona podišla dopredu aby mu poslúžila, pretože ju zasiahla inšpirácia, že to je tá hodina, že to je ten Posol, že to je Mesiáš, ktorý mal uzdravovať a ona tomu uverila. A On potreboval, aby mu vykonala službu a ona podišla dopredu a nemala nič, čo by ukazovalo, že to bude môcť urobiť. Išla proste na základe svojej inšpirácie. Sledujete to! Boh otvoril zdroje slzných žliaz v jej očiach. Tie isté oči, ktoré ... uši, ktoré počuli o ňom; oči ktoré ho videli sa s radosťou otvorili. Potom jej Bohom dané dlhé vlasy a tie slzy, ktoré stekali. Boh ju vybavil uterákom, vlasmi a slzami. Ona poslúžila jeho potrebe, potrebe živého Boha. Ona o tom počula, ale teraz ho videla, mohla mu poslúžiť.

179 Ó Hriešnik! Prečo neurobíš tak isto, keď teraz vidíš tie potreby? Že On ťa potrebuje, tvoju službu! Teraz vidíš toho, o ktorom si voľakedy počul v Biblii. Videli sme ho minulý večer, ako sem prišiel a čo robil. Videli sme ho zhromaždenie za zhromaždením a niekedy sme sedeli tak chladní a ľahostajní a hovorili sme: „Áno, viem že to Písmo hovorí. Och, videl som, že sa to stalo." Nemáme nadšenie, zdá sa, že nás to v skutočnosti nezasiahlo. Zdá sa akoby tam nič, akoby ste liali ...

180 Ako keby ste zobrali zápalku a škrtáte ňou, ak tá zápalka nemá dosť síry rovno na hlavičke, nemôže sa to zapáliť. Môžete škrtať a škrtať a škrtať, ale ak nejaká chemikália tam zabila tú síru, neškrtne to, nezapáli sa. Ale ak tá chemikália, tá síra narazí na kov ... to tam stále je keď to škrtne, zapáli sa.

181 A keď nastalo to pravé, ozajstné potvrdenie Písma, posolstva tohoto posledného dňa a vidíte prítomnosť Ježiša Krista, to čo ste počuli, že On robil vo svojom živote a počuli ste, že Písma hovoria, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky; a tesne pred tým, ako je spálený ten stav Sodomy, hnevom Božím, vidíte Ježiša ako sa vracia medzi svojich ľudí, sformovaný v ľudskom tele a robí tie isté veci, ktoré robil. Ó! To má zapáliť naše duše chválou! To má na nás niečo vykonať. Prečo? To dopadá na to.

182 Počuli ste v Biblii čo On robil, ako sa tá žena dotkla jeho rúcha. On sa obrátil a povedal jej čo ju trápilo a jej viera ju uzdravila. No, On zasľúbil, že znovu bude robiť to isté, tesne predtým ako svet zhorí a svet bude v stave Sodomy. Nový Zákon, Prorok, Boh prorok, Prorok prorokov, Boh všetkých prorokov, plnosť Božstva telesne, Boh zamanifestovaný v tele, Stvoriteľ z Genesis. Haleluja! To je jeho Slovo! On povedal, že to sa stane! A vidíme stav Sodomy; vidíme svet v takom stave; a teraz ho vidíme ako prichádza dole a robí presne to čo povedal, že bude robiť. No, počuli sme o ňom, teraz ho vidíme! „Počul som o tebe svojimi ušami, teraz ťa vidím svojimi očami." Amen! „Vidím ho na svoje vlastné oči." Čo za hodina to má byť! Čo to má byť za čas! Potvrdenie jeho Slova! Stále keď je Slovo potvrdené, to je Boh, ktorý hovorí vo svojom Slove, robí sa viditeľným, že ho môžete vidieť.

183 No, tu je prostitútka z ulice, ona padá pri oltári, pred Ježišom a umyla jeho nohy svojimi slzami a vlasmi poutierala. Boh to uctil, povedal: „Kdekoľvek bude kázané toto evanjelium, nech bude toto povedané na jej pamiatku." Prečo? Pozrite aká ona bola špinavá, ale niečo ju zasiahlo. Ona videla Slovo zasľúbenia, od záhrady Eden, toto, „Semeno ženy rozdrtí hadovi hlavu." Ona videla Mesiáša, ktorý sa narodil z panny.

184 Počula, že sa mal narodiť z panny, ale oni počuli, že ten človek je na zemi. Ona počula, že je taký mladý rabbi, prorok, ktorý uzdravil chorých. Ona tomu uverila! A tu ide po ulici, vykračuje si, obzerá sa a pozrela sa tam a uvidela, že sa tam koná veľká slávnosť. Vkĺzla ku plotu a pozrela sa, a on tam bol. On tam bol! Niečo jej povedalo: „To je On!" Vidíte? To je všetko čo ona potrebovala aby bola inšpirovaná. Vidíte čo sa stalo? Ona uvidela Slovo Božie, ktoré sa stalo telom. Ona počula na svoje uši, teraz to uvidela svojimi očami.

185 No, každý vie, že máme zasľúbenie o stave cirkvi, v poslednom dni. Cirkev, vo svojom prítomnom stave nemôže nikdy vyplniť prikázania Božie, to veľké poverenie, nemohla by nikdy vyvolať Nevestu. Ktorá by to urobila? Letničná? Povedal by som že nie. Ani žiadna iná. To je šupka, ktorá je na pšenici. To vystúpilo, vyzeralo to presne ako pšenica, ale nebola na tom žiadna pšenica. To sa otvára, ale zrno z toho vychádza. Oni sa organizujú, zabíjajú sa. Tam zomierajú. Oni sú steblom. Ale tá pšenica prešla cez to a teraz sa začína formovať do formy Nevesty. Pšeničné zrno, ktoré padlo do zeme v temných vekoch, ono muselo zomrieť.

186 Ten kritik hovorí: „Prečo by milostivý Boh, ktorý mohol otvoriť Červené more, stál a nechal aby tých biednych kresťanov žrali levi a upaľovali ich a všetko možné? Sedel si ako keby sa z toho smial." Biedny ignorant! Či nevie, že ak pšeničné zrno nepadne do zeme? To muselo zomrieť cez tie temné veky, tak ako každé iné pšeničné zrno musí ísť do zeme a byť pochované aby vyrástlo v prvej reformácii tie dve steblá Lutera, stopka. Muselo to vystúpiť ďalej vo Wesleyovcoch, aby to prinieslo peľ, klas, veľký misionársky vek. Muselo to vystúpiť v Letničných, pre prinavrátenie darov, takmer by to zviedlo samotných vyvolených (vyzerá to ako pšeničné zrno); otvorte to, vôbec tam nie je pšenica, to je len šupka. Ale potom tam ďalej začínajú formovať organizáciu jednotárov, organizáciu trojičiarov, organizáciu dvojičiarov a organizáciu cirkvi Božej a všetci sa zorganizovali a to je presne smrť! A čo sa teraz deje? Ale je útočište pre pšenicu, ona rástla cez to po celý ten čas.

187 A teraz sa to začína odťahovať, pšenica začína byť viditeľná. Toto nie je letničný vek, toto je vek pozdného dňa, toto je vek Nevesty, toto je večerné svetlo, to je keď sa musí vyplniť Malachiáš 4, aby to nasledovalo Boží vzor. Toto je keď sa má vyplniť Lukáš 17:30, toto je kniha ... Jeremiáš a všetky ostatné, Joel hovoril o týchto dňoch. Toto je ten deň! „Počul som Pane, že To prichádza, ale teraz To vidím na svoje oči!"

188 Hoci mnohí ... koľko povstáva falošných napodobovateľov, tých Janesov a Jambresov so všetkými ich trikmi, aby urobili všetko čo Mojžiš, to ním vôbec nezatriaslo ani Áronom. Oni vedeli kde ... ako Jób, oni vedeli odkiaľ pochádza ich inšpirácia. Oni vedeli, že To je tak hovorí Pán! A tá istá Biblia, ktorá hovorila o nich, povedala, že oni prídu v posledných dňoch, napodobovatelia. Tie nábožné denominácie, keď niečo začalo ... Kto začal prvý? Mojžiš alebo oni? Ak oni začali prví, Mojžiš by bol napodobovateľ.

189 Teraz máme všetky rôzne rozpoznania a všetko ďalšie a to sa snaží odvrátiť od tej pravej veci Božej, ktorú Boh dokázal, že je to pravda podľa jeho Písma. „Počuli sme o Tom na svoje uši, teraz To vidíme svojimi očami." Amen! Veríte Tomu? Celým svojím srdcom? Inšpirácia! A v tom dni keď je zjavený Syn človeka, Syn človeka, Ježiš Kristus zamanifestovaný medzi svojím ľudom.

190 Nejaký muž prišiel tam ku Abrahámovi a jeho skupine, vyzeral celkom obyčajne, na šatách mal prach. Bol obrátený chrbtom ku stanu, povedal: „Kde je tvoja žena Sárah?" (Nie S-a-r-a, S-a-r-a-h; A-b-r-a-h--a-m, nie A-b-r-a-m). Nazval ho po mene, povedal: „Kde je?"

191 Povedal: „Je v stane za tebou."

192 Povedal: „Navštívim ťa podľa času života" (a ona sa zasmiala sama v sebe). Povedal: „Prečo sa smiala?" oj-ha. No, On zasľúbil. Tí ľudia boli tí jediní, ktorí očakávali na zasľúbeného syna.

193 No, nestarám sa o to, ako veľmi sa tí ľudia v týchto denomináciách tvária a hovoria, že očakávajú na Krista. Ich skutky dokazujú, že neočakávajú! Je to tak. Vaše skutky hovoria hlasnejšie, ako vaše slová. Všetko čo si o tom myslia je získanie viacej denominačných členov, ale sú nejakí ľudia, jeden tu a tam, ktorí očakávajú na príchod Pánov. Oni jednako očakávajú. On sa zjavi jedine im, jedine oni budú rozumieť.

194 Jedine vyvolení porozumeli kto On je. Len si predstavte, bolo tam možno okolo tri milióny ľudí, Židov, na zemi, ani jedna tretina z nich vôbec nevedela, že On tu bol, že prišiel a odišiel. Vidíte? Ale On sa zjavil tým, ktorí na neho očakávali: Jánovi Krstiteľovi a apoštolom, ktorých Ján povolal a tak ďalej a slepej Anne v chráme, Simeonovi, kňazovi ktorému bolo zjavené od Ducha Svätého, že uvidí Krista. Všetci tí veľkí náboženskí vodcovia, teológovia a ostatní boli tak slepí ako len mohli byť!

195 Dážď môže zobudiť semeno, jedine ak to semeno tam už je. A tak ako vy ste boli prv génom vo svojom otcovi a on vás nepoznal, jednako ste boli vo svojom otcovi. Ale cez lono svojej matky ste sa zamanifestovali na jeho podobu a potom sa mohol s vami rozprávať. Boh, ten veľký Boh; ak máte večný život, potom ten gén večného života bol v Bohu na začiatku. A vy ste tam boli, boli ste v jeho mysliach, vaše meno a všetko. A On, skrze predvedenie vás určil, aby ste toto videli. A vy, ktorí ste neboli určení, to nikdy neuvidíte. Ale pamätajte, v mene Pána Ježiša „Tá hodina je tu!" Či mu budete veriť? Odovzdajte mu svoje životy. Musím skončiť, už prešla deviata hodina.

Skloňme svoje hlavy.

196 Počul som Pane o tebe, teraz ťa vidím. Pane Ježišu, požehnaj týchto ľudí, pri tom čo očakávajú.

197 Opýtam sa vás niečo. Chcem ... Nech to urobí Duch Svätý spolieham, že to urobí. Preskúmajte svoje mysle, skúste sa, preskúšajte svoju dušu a budete vidieť, či ste skutočne veriaci. A ak nájdete, že je tam nejaká malá pochybnosť, zodvihnete ruku a poviete: „Pane Ježišu, daj mi aby som ťa videl. Počul som o tebe, ale nikdy som ťa skutočne nevidel. Daj mi aby som ťa videl, budem veriť." Dobre. To je dobre.

198 Je tu niekto, kto ho nepozná ako svojho Spasiteľa? Zodvihni ruku, povedz: „Ak ... som hriešnik, ale ak ... ak sa mi dáš vidieť, Pane Ježišu, zamanifestuješ toto Slovo, o ktorom oni hovorili. Ja viem, že tak ťa videl Jób. Viem, že tak ťa videl Abrahám. Viem, že tak ťa videli všetci ostatní, pretože to bolo tvoje zasľúbené Slovo, ktoré sa potvrdilo. Počul som všetky rôzne veci a napodobeniny a všetko, ale dopočul som sa, že v zemi je posolstvo posledného času, o ktorom povedal anjel pri rieke v roku 1933. Počul som, že prebiehajú zhromaždenia s uzdravovaním a viem, že keď sa to deje, to nemôže zostávať v tej istej starej denominačnej koľaji." To nebolo na to poslané, nikdy to tam nezostane [prázdne miesto na páske.] ...chceš ho vidieť.

199 Čo keby bol Mojžiš prišiel a povedal: „Postavme archu ako to urobil Noe, odplávame z Egypta po rieke." Ó, nie. Vidíte? Nie! On mal posolstvo od Boha, on bol tou manifestáciou. Ten prorok povstal na scéne, mal hneď tam dokázať Izraelovi (oni už štyristo rokov nemali proroka, oni nemali proroka a tu povstal na scéne prorok), oni mali poznať, že niečo sa ide stať.

200 Izrael znovu nemal proroka už štyristo rokov a tu prišiel na scénu Ježiš. A tá žena pri studni povedala: „Pane, vidím, že ty si prorok. My sme štyristo rokov nemali proroka." Pretože On vedel čo bolo v jej srdci. Vidíte?

201 No, bol nám zasľúbený cirkevný vek reformátorov a mali sme ich. Ale On zasľúbil, v Malachiášovi 4, že v posledných dňoch On zachová svoj vzor, čo sa bude diať: „Aby obrátil srdcia detí naspäť do viery apoštolských ocov." Práve kvôli tomu účelu. A cirkev je taká rozbitá v denomináciách a v izmoch, je tak roztrhaná na kusy, až je mŕtva; to bol nositeľ. A potom On zasľúbil, v hodine posolstva siedmeho anjela, že bude zjavených sedem pečatí; a tajomstvá Božie budú oznámené (Zjavenie 10), keď siedmy anjel začne trúbiť svoje posolstvo, nie službu uzdravovania, posolstvo, ktoré nasleduje za službou uzdravovania.

202 Ježiš bol veľkým človekom, kým mohol uzdravovať chorých. Ale keď povedal: „Ja a môj Otec sme jedno."

203 „Och! To bolo zle!"

204 Jób bol veľký, až kým sa mu niečo nestalo. Vidíte? To je stále tak.

205 Verte! Prijmete ho teraz? Zodvihnite ruku, povedzte: „Ja mu verím. Chcem ho prijať." Nech ťa Boh žehná, Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je pekné.

A teraz seďte skutočne potichu a modlite sa za chvíľu. [Brat Branham sa odmlčal.]

206 Drahý Bože, v tejto veľkolepej chvíli, bude čas ako je tento, keď skutočne jedného dňa zahrmí hrom a Syn Boží zostúpi z neba s veliteľským povelom, s hlasom Archanjela a s trúbou Božou, mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú. A každý jeden z nás vie a či sme si vedomí dnes, Otče, že sa budeme musieť zodpovedať za každé slovo, ktoré sme povedali a za každé slovo, ktoré hovoríme. Dokonca za myšlienky, ktoré sú v našich srdciach, budeme sa za to zodpovedať. Prosím ťa, Bože, v mene Ježiša, aby si očistil každé srdce, ktoré je tu. Očisti moje srdce, očisti srdcia týchto ľudí. A nech by sme boli pripravení, Pane, a nech sú naše duchovné oči otvorené dnes večer aby sme videli slávu Všemohúceho Boha. Počuli sme o ňom, Ó Otče, Bože, prosíme aby si nám ho dal vidieť. Udeľ to, Otče. Udeľ tieto požehnania, prosím, skrze meno Ježiša Krista. Amen.

207 Pamätajte: Vo svojich srdciach, tam kde sedíte, spravte svoj malý oltár. Povedzte: „Pane Ježišu, príď teraz do môjho srdca. Daj mi niečo aby ... niečo, čoho sa môžem chytiť. Daj mi pocítiť tú inšpiráciu, ktorá mi hovorí, že Ty si prítomný.

208 No, čo za prehlásenie povedať to ľuďom! Čo za vec do vykonania! Budem teraz prosiť Pána Boha, prosiť ...

209 Koľkí z vás si beriete pásky? Počuli ste tú - Aký je toto čas, pánovia? [Pane, je toto znak konca?] Či sme neukazovali tie časopisy a tie veci rok predtým ako sa to stalo? Veda je z toho v rozpakoch. Tam bol Pán Ježiš korunovaný a s tou bielou parochňou, ako to vidíte v Biblii, v Zjavení 1 a v Danielovi, Najvyšší sudca neba a zeme. Rovno tam, keď sama veda to nemôže vidieť. A v observatóriách tam na univerzite v Arizone a dole do Mexica, oni to skúmajú, už posledné dva roky. A tam vám to bolo povedané ešte predtým, že to sa stane.

210 A čo so zemetrasením na Aljaške? Dávajte pozor, Holywood spadne do mora. Och, dávajte pozor a uvidíte či nie. On mi nepovedal ešte nič čo by nebola pravda, to sa stane. Vidíte? A len dávajte pozor a budete vidieť či nežijeme v záverečných hodinách histórie. Nikto nevie v ktorej hodine On príde. Ale ja viem jedno: Verím vo svojom terajšom stave, ak som zdravý vo svojej mysli a keby som nebol kresťanom, skutočne by som chcel byť ozajstným biblickým kresťanom, nie denominačným. Nespoliehajte na to, že ste vykrikovali (z radosti). Počuli sme to dnes ráno, dokázané Slovom Božím; to všetko je pomimo vôli Božej, neurobili nič dobrého len spôsobili smrť. Nebuďte v steble, buďte v živote. Rozumiete? Majte vieru v Boha.

211 Či veríte, že Boh, ktorý dal toto zasľúbenie, ktorý sa sám zjavil, v knihe Genesis a zjavil sa Abrahámovi a vykonal tie zázraky ... Ten istý Boh sa stal telom, ľudským telom, narodil sa z panny. Tam to bola samozrejme theophania, ale potom, keď On prišiel do ľudského tela a bol tým istým mužom a konal tie isté veci, ... Či neveríte, že ak Boh mohol zobrať nejakú osobu (to čo On zasľúbil, že bude robiť, podľa Malachiáša 4), nejaký kanál, cez ktorý by mohol hovoriť, On bude konať tie isté veci, ktoré robil tam? Veríte tomu? Ja tiež verím, že to bude robiť.

212 Či veríte, že by ste mohli mať vieru, aby ste sa dotkli jeho rúcha, jeho vieru aby ste sa dotkli toho rúcha? Či veríte, že práve teraz hovorí niečo do vášho srdca čo vám povie, že máte vieru aby ste sa dotkli jeho rúcha? Veríte, že by ste to mohli urobiť? Načiahnite sa a dotknite sa potom svojou vierou, nie emóciou, proste úplne čistou neskazenou vierou. Len povedzte: „Pane ja verím. Verím z celého svojho srdca. Chcem aby si sa ma dotkol, pretože som počul, že si toto robil a teraz to chcem vidieť na vlastné oči."

213 No, ja sa vás nemôžem dotknúť, na to je treba Boh aby vykonal ten dotyk. Či veríte, že On to urobí?

214 Dívam sa rovno dozadu tu po mojej ľavej strane. Zdá sa akoby tam bol kanál, ako som hovoril, ktorý tam tiahne. Ja som to smeroval takým spôsobom, teraz to nádherne prichádza. To je pani, ktorá tam sedí so svojím manželom. Ona nie je odtiaľto. Je z Texasu, z Dallasu. Trpí a tiež jej manžel trpí. Ona trpí na komplikácie, bola operovaná. Je to tak. Jej manžel trpí na niečo so svojím chrbtom, problémy s chrbtom. Pán a pani Corbetoví z Texasu; z Dallasu v Texase. Ak je to tak, zodvihnite ruku. Ja som vám cudzí. Je to tak? Na svete nie je spôsob, ako by som to mohol vedieť. Čo to je? „Počul som o tebe ušami, teraz ťa vidím." Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Opýtajte sa teraz toho páru. V živote som ich nevidel. Počul som o tebe na svoje uši, teraz ťa vidím svojimi očami."

215 Ak môžete veriť, Boh môže zariadiť to čo potrebujete.

216 Ten muž, ktorý tam sedí s rukou na brade s tým vysokým tlakom. Veríš, pane, že Boh ťa môže uzdraviť? Veríš? Ty, ktorý sedíš takto so svojou rukou, veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví z toho vysokého tlaku? Zodvihni ruku ak veríš. Dobre, On to robí. Nikdy v živote som nevidel toho človeka, nič o ňom neviem. Ale počuli ste, že Ježiš povedal, tu v Biblii, že On bude robiť tieto veci, teraz to vidíte! Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? „Ak môžete veriť, všetko je možné." Len pre tých ktorí veria! Na to treba skutočnú, opravdovú vieru. Ale ak môžete tomu veriť, Boh to dá.

217 Tam vzadu sedí pani, díva sa na mňa, na hrdle má hrvoľ.

218 Pani sedí hneď vedľa, sedí vedľa pri nej, že ona bude rozumieť, tá pani tam má tiež vysoký tlak. Je to tak.

219 Pani, ktorá sedí pri nej má tiež potiaže. A nie je odtiaľto, je z Arkansasu. Oni to minú. Pani Philipsová, ver v Pána Ježiša Krista a buď uzdravená! Veríš v neho? Celým svojím srdcom? Prijímaš to? To je ... Potom to môžeš mať.

Teraz hovoríte: „To je tajomné." Nie! Nie!

220 Ježiš povedal: „Tvoje meno je Šimon si Jonášov syn." Je to pravda?

221 „Počul som o tebe svojimi ušami, teraz ťa vidím svojimi očami." No, či nevidíte čo sa stalo? Niekto tam len proste sedí, díva sa, verí, spolieha a zrazu sa to tam deje. Vidíte?

222 Cítiš sa dnes večer lepšie synu, než ako minulý večer? Ustupuje to? Teraz je to v poriadku, budeš zdravý. Minulý večer tu sedel, búchal sa do hlavy a všetko možné. No dnes večer vyzerá ako džentlmen. Vidíte? Bol trochu zmätený ohľadne týchto vecí, ale teraz je to všetko vyrovnané. Vidíte? Bude to v poriadku. Vidíte? „A v ten deň, keď je zjavený syn človeka, tesne predtým ako má byť spálená Sodoma."

223 „Počul som o tebe svojimi ušami, teraz ťa vidím svojimi očami. Počul som, že Ježiš Kristus povedal, že on toto zasľúbil, ja vidím to zasľúbenie práve teraz živé." Rozumiete? „Počul som o tebe svojimi ušami, teraz ťa vidím svojimi očami." Koľkí veríte, že to je On? Ó Bože.

224 No, zatiaľ čo sme tu ... Je pozde. Zajtra večer budeme mať veľké zhromaždenie s uzdravovaním. Očakávame že brat Moore a ja tu budeme stáť a modliť sa za každého, kto bude chcieť prejsť cez modlitebný rad. Ale myslel som pri tom, keď toto hovorím dnes večer, že urobím výzvu k oltáru. Ale potom som myslel, že nie, tam je povedané. „Počul som o tebe svojimi ušami a teraz ťa chcem vidieť svojimi očami." No, On je tu. Veríte tomu?

225 Položme teraz ruky jeden na druhého. Pamätajte, ten istý, ktorý zasľúbil, že On bude toto robiť, povedal: „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." Povedal to? Ste veriaci? povedzte „Amen." Dobre, potom ten istý Boh, ktorý dal toto zasľúbenie, ktoré vidíte že práve teraz robí ... Opýtajte sa ktoréhokoľvek z tých ľudí, nikdy som ich nevidel, nič o nich neviem. Nepoznal by som ich už teraz, je to pre mňa nemožné. Ale Písmo sa musí vyplniť! Dobre, ak sa to vyplnilo, to ukazuje, že sme v posledných časoch, budeme vedieť, že Syn človeka je pripravený ... prísť, pretože On sa zjavuje v ľudskom tele. Je to tak?

226 Potom vieme, že je to pravda a vy hovoríte, že veríte v Neho a máte položené ruky jeden na druhom. A ak ste položili ruky jeden na druhého, ten istý Syn Boží, ktorý je tu, ktorý pred vašimi očami ukazuje, že toto je pravda, ten istý Syn je tu, aby povedal: „Oni budú uzdravení." Ten istý Syn Boží! „Počul som že On povedal - ak veriaci položia ruky, oni budú uzdravení. Počul som to svojimi ušami, daj mi to teraz vidieť na vlastné oči. On to zasľúbil."

A teraz kým sa ja modlím, vy sa tiež modlite.

227 Pane Ježišu, v mene Pána Boha neba, nech tvoj Duch spadne do sŕdc týchto ľudí; tá skutočná Božia viera, ktorá pre nich potvrdí toto zasľúbenie a nech Boh neba uzdraví každého jedného z nich, keď ostríhajú tvoje prikázania tým, že kladú ruky jeden na druhého. Nech sa tak stane, Pane. V mene Ježiša Krista, sprav aby to tak bolo, na tvoju chválu.

228 No, veríte, že máte to o čo ste prosili? Či niečo vo vašom srdci vám to povedalo? Cítite ten malý kúsok inšpirácie, ktorá hovorí: „Je s tým koniec! Vykonalo sa!"

229 Prikázanie Božie povedalo, že to môžeme počuť na vlastné uši a teraz to môžeme vidieť na vlastné oči. Jób povedal: „Počul som o tebe svojimi ušami, ale teraz ťa vidím vlastnými očami."

230 No, no počuli ste to zo Slova, počutím Slova: „Viera prichádza z počutia, počutia slova." A teraz to vidíte fungovať na vlastné oči. No, ten istý Boh, ktorý povedal, že keď sa budú diať tieto veci, že veriaci v toto budú klásť svoje ruky na chorých a tí sa uzdravia. No padlo to do vášho srdca, že ste uzdravený? Zodvihnite ruky, ak áno. Amen! To je skutočne apoštolské uzdravovanie. Rozumiete to tak? Veríte tomu z celého svojho srdca. Haleluja! To je všetko čo potrebujeme.

Tak sa postavme a dajme Jemu chválu.

231 Ďakujeme ti Pane Ježišu. Nech je požehnané meno Pánove.

Budem ho chváliť! Budem ho chváliť!

Chváliť baránka zabitého za hriešnikov;

Chváľte ho všetci ľudia,

Lebo jeho krv umyla každú škvrnu.

232 No, milujete ho? A teraz všetci spolu, chváľme ho. Pozrite, či vám to bolo zjavené od Boha, v tom kanále, v ktorom ste boli spasení, v tom istom kanále, ktorý ti povedal „bol si spasený", v tom istom kanále, v ktorom sa Boh pohybuje, ako to urobil cez Jóba a prorokov. On prešiel cez teba, cez ten kanál ako kresťan, cez jeho Božské zjavenie, že si uzdravený, potom nie je nič, čo by to mohlo zadržať aby sa to nestalo.

Chváľme ho všetci ľudia

Lebo jeho krv umyla každú ...

(každú pochybnosť, zmyla každú pochybnosť).

Budem ho chváliť! Budem ho chváliť!

Chváľte ho všetci ľudia,

Lebo jeho krv umyla každú škvrnu.

233 Ó, či ho milujete? Aké nádherné. Počul som o tebe, Pane na svoje uši a viera prichádza z počutia; ale teraz ťa vidím, Boha, ktorý sa dáva poznať medzi svojimi ľuďmi ako sa dal poznať Abrahámovi, tu cez svoje zasľúbenie, že Syn človeka sa zjavi v tých dňoch, keď svet bude v stave Sodomy.

234 A tam vystúpili traja poslovia, prišli z neba.

235 Tam dole v Sodome bola denominačná skupina a Billy Graham a Oral Roberts odišli tam dole. A Pamätajte ako som vám už povedal, nikdy v histórii cirkvi nebol poslaný posol všeobecne do cirkvi, až doteraz, ktorého meno by končilo ako Abrahámove, na h-a-m. G-r-a-h-a-m, šesť písmen, pre svet, číslo človeka.

236 Ale Abrahám má v mene sedem písmen, Božie úplné a dokonalé číslo. Vidíte?

237 A všimnite si čo urobili tí posolovia, ktorí tam odišli: kázali Slovo, volali ich von, hovorili im aby činili pokánie.

238 Ale ten, ktorý zostal tam s Abrahámom, vidíte, urobil zázrak, tým, že povedal Abrahámovi čo robila Sára a čo si myslela v stane za jeho chrbtom. A Ježiš, ktorý bol tým, ktorý bol v tejto osobe, povedal: „Keď sa svet dostane do stavu Sodomy, tak ako bol vtedy, Syn človeka sa znovu zjavi. A všetky ostatné miesta Písma potvrdzujú, že je to tak. „Na počiatku bolo [zhromaždenie hovorí „Slovo".] A to Slovo bolo u [„Boha."] A to Slovo bol [„Boh."] A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." Je to tak? A teraz vidíme to isté zasľúbené Slovo, z Lukáša, z Malachiáša, všetky tieto ostatné zasľúbenia na dnes, sa stali telom, prebývajúce medzi nami, ktoré sme počuli na svoje uši; teraz ho vidíme svojimi očami, ako vykladá svoje vlastné Slovo, nepotrebujeme žiadny ľudský výklad. Ó cirkev živého Boha! Tu a pri telefónoch, zobuď sa rýchlo, kým nebude príliš neskoro! Nech vás Boh žehná.

Milujem ho, milujem ho

Lebo On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil moje spasenie na Golgote.

239 Cirkev, dokážeš si predstaviť, že sa dívate svojimi vlastnými očami na živé Slovo Božie, ktoré sa manifestuje, na zasľúbenie tejto hodiny v týchto posledných dňoch, dívate sa svojimi vlastnými očami na živé Slovo, ktoré je vyložené v prirodzenej forme, Boh medzi nami! Vidím Ho svojimi vlastnými očami ... Počul som, že On to bude robiť." Všetci tí dávni mudrci očakávali na tento deň a my to teraz vidíme zamanifestované svojimi vlastnými očami. Koľkí tí dávni vykrikujúci metodisti, baptisti a skutoční opravdoví letniční vo svojom čase túžili vidieť diať sa tieto veci! Mnohí z nich vedeli, že to sa stane. Ale my dnes stojíme a vidíme, že to sa stalo! Ó! Či ho nemilujete?

240 Ježiš povedal: Podľa toho všetci ľudia budú vedieť, že ste moji učeníci, keď budete milovať jeden druhého." Tak keď milujeme jeho, potrasme si navzájom ruky a spievajme Budem ho chváliť! Budem ho chváliť! Dobre:

Budem ho chváliť! Budem ho chváliť!

Chváľte baránka zabitého za hriešnikov;

Dajte jemu chválu všetci ... (Ako to urobíte?)

Lebo jeho krv zmyla každú škvrnu.

241 Čo povedala Baltazárova kráľovná tej noci pred svojím kráľom? „V tvojom kráľovstve je človek, ktorý rozviaže pochybnosti." A Duch Svätý dnes večer je ten, ktorý rozväzuje pochybnosti! Veríte tomu? [Brat Branham niekomu niečo hovorí.] Rozväzovač problémov! No, Krv Kristova odstraňuje každú škvrnu, škvrnu pochybností. Nieto na svete väčší hriech ako nevera. „Lebo ten kto neverí je už odsúdený."Je to tak? „Ten kto neverí je už odsúdený." Je len jeden hriech a tým je nevera. Fajčenie nie je hriech, preklínanie nie je hriech, páchanie cudzoložstva nie je hriech, klamanie nie je hriech; to nie je hriech, to sú dôsledky nevery. Nevera! Vy to robíte preto lebo neveríte. Ak tomu veríte, nerobíte to.

242 Ó! Čo ... Nádherné! A Krv Baránka zmyla každú pochybnosť. Veríme jeho Slovu, dôrazne. Veríme, že to Slovo sa stalo telom. A veríme, že to Slovo je telom, tým že teraz zostala potvrdená jeho prítomnosti, aby potvrdila jeho Slovo. Veríte tomu? Nech vás Boh žehná.

243 Dúfame, že vás tu zajtra ráno uvidíme a že budeme mať chválebný čas v Pánovi. Skloňme teraz hlavy a ja odovzdávam službu bratovi Lindsayovi.

1 You be seated. It's good to be back again tonight. Thankful we have this opportunity again now to serve the Lord. And after keeping you so long last night, I feel it wouldn't be fair to keep you long again tonight.

2Just back there listening to an associate brother of ours, in the Lord, that just come from Indiana, stirred by a strange dream. He's never be in Shreveport before, in his life. But he dreamed, the other night, that he come to Shreveport, not by his car. And he come with a... or come somewhere, to a church where I was speaking. He said, after I had preached and prayed for the people, said, "'Something's going to happen.'" Said, he "was back the next day." And he said, he "knew the building, how it looked." Said, "There's a--there was a civic auditorium across the street, but they never went in the auditorium." Said, "It was on this side, in a stone building that had a wing to it, and the building set just like this." And the--the boy is a dreamer, I've seen his dreams and know that they're true.

3 And he said--and he said, "Then on the last night" that I "was speaking and praying for the sick." And I said, "'Something's fixing to happen.' And sounded like a clap of thunder." And said, "The people begin screaming." And said, "As the thunder begin to go away, well," said "It made a voice, and begin speaking." Says, "That speaking was going on, that through these lattices (windows up here) come the Glory of God, moving in, in the form of the Pillar of Fire." He's never seen It. He's heard us talk about It, but he's never seen It himself. And said, "There It was, come through the windows up like that, and formed that Light like you see in the picture, right above the audience here." And said, "It was rumbling off something." And said, I "stood, and said, 'That is Jehovah God.'"

4And said he "was reminded of (when thinking about It) when Moses called the... brought the people out of Egypt. And they said, 'Let Moses speak, and not God, lest we die.'"

5He said, "Everybody was laying on the floor, their hands up, screaming." Said he "was screaming, too, 'Lord God, I love You! I love You!'" And his wife shook him and woke him up.

6 See him going down the aisle right now, Brother Jackson, a former Methodist preacher. And he was so disturbed, till he come down; and said when he walked in, he "was so astounded," just exactly the way he had saw it in a dream. I don't know what it means. The Lord's kept it from me. But something could happen, seeing Brother Jackson dreamed that, knowing him as an honest, real--real man, servant of God.

7And I--I know of him dreaming dreams, coming to me, and the Lord give me an interpretation, it'd be just perfectly like that. Even to, one time, my going to Arizona, he had the dream of it.

8And he's very much disturbed. He's with his wife, he brought her. She's to be mother right away, and the only way he could go was by airplane. He didn't have a penny to come, and somebody give him the money. And so it's kinda worked out mysteriously, so something could happen; we hope so. We don't know just what the Lord will provide for us.

9 Now, we are grateful to the Lord to be living in the day that we're living in, just before the coming of Jesus. As I have said before, it's the greatest time of all history. I'd rather be living right now than any time, to... on earth.

10I see here in front of us, again tonight, is my good friend, Brother Dauch. I mentioned him in the auditorium this morning. Brother Dauch is ninety-three years old today, how blessed it is. He contributes his long life to the glory and praise of God, ninety-three today. "Happy Birthday" to you, my brother! And I know out, down, around the country where they're listening in tonight, they also wish Brother Bill Dauch a "Happy Birthday." He's a very personal friend of Oral Roberts, many, has helped so many in the Gospel way, and everything. He's a great friend of ours.

11 Glad to see Brother Mann here, another Methodist preacher, saved and baptized with the Holy Ghost, and in the Name of Jesus Christ, setting here. He's, also, one of our associates from Indiana. And I understand Brother Hickerson's setting here by him, one of our deacons from Jeffersonville, Indiana (they're listening in up there tonight). And I understand that Brother Wheeler, one of the other deacons are here somewhere. And I--I haven't located him just yet, somebody pointing their fingers over and I'll catch him after a bit; setting over, way over to the right, yes.

Brother Banks Woods, if you're listening in tonight, your brother was here last night. I seen him as I went out, Brother Lyle. Jehovah Witness; the whole group was converted. Lyle was brought in because a vision of the Lord.

12 Lyle was setting in the boat there that day, when the day before it was told him that "something" was "going to happen concerning a resurrection of life." He was a real Jehovah Witness, too! But that morning, setting there, fishing, and he caught... Well, he had a great, big ol' (that Kentucky fashion, you know)... a big hook and a little, bitty fish swallowed it. And he just pulled gills, entrails and all out, throwed it out on the water (little, bitty sunfish), and he said, "Well, little fellow, you shot your last wad." The little... flipping along on the water, died, the wind blowed him up into some pond lilies.

13 And the day before, setting, I said, "The Holy Spirit tells me that 'there'll be a resurrection of some little creature.' Perhaps there'd be a--a kitten, when I get back home, 'cause just..."

14When we was trying to dig some fish bait, Brother Woods and I, who's listening in tonight, my little girl which is a young woman setting here, engaged to this lanky soldier (I see him), she come up, she said, "Daddy..." Her and the other little girl, said, "We..." Now, anybody can have any kind of pet they want, but I sure don't like a cat, so she... or no Branham. So we... she said, "Oh, we found a poor ol' cat out here, Daddy. It's--it--it's eat something and it's... somebody's poisoned it, it's all swelled up." Said, "Daddy, it's going to die right away, can we get a little box and keep it a couple days?"

15 I said, "Let me see the cat." Well, they went and got the cat. I seen what was going to happen, so give her a box. And next morning, was about seven or eight kittens there, you know. So my little boy, Joe, picked one of them up, and squeezed it and dropped it on the ground; and just--just... little fellow lay there wiggling around and around, killed it.

16And I said to Brother Lyle, his brother, I said, "You know, it may be that it'd be that little kitten raised up, like we have seen the Lord do things."

17Brother Lyle, just new in the way. The Holy Spirit had just told him he was married, and what he had done, and the evils he had done, the things he had done. Well, he thought Brother Banks was telling me them things. But when It really brought him right out, and told him what he done the night before, that was--that was too much for him. He couldn't get it.

18 Then, the next morning... While we fished all night, with little fish, we was catching some for bait. But he just throwed that little fish in the water, quivered, flabbed over. About a half hour later we were setting there, and I was... I said, "Brother Lyle, you let the fish swallow the hook all the way down in his stomach. See?" I said, "Take the fly line here, flip it over, the bait out like that; just soon as he touch it," I said "then just hold him and then bring him in." I said, "He... don't pull him out like that, don't swallow it, you catch the fish."

19He said, "Well..." He had a great, big ol' line hanging over, said, "This is the way we do it," like that.

20 So, just about that time, I heard Something coming off the top of the mountain up there, a whirlwind, whirling around and around. Here It come down like that, and the Spirit of God come over the boat, said, "Stand up on your feet." Said, "Speak to that dead fish. Say, 'I give you back your life.'"

21And that little fish had been laying there for a half hour, with his entrails in its mouth, and its gills. I said, "Little fishy, Jesus Christ gives you back your life. Live, in the Name of Jesus Christ." Flipped over on his back, and down through the water he went as hard as he could go.

22 Brother Lyle, are you here somewhere? I--I seen you last night. Whether he's inside, outside, or where he's at, raise your hand if I can see you. [Someone in congregation says, "Balcony"--Ed.] What say? In the bal-... Oh, yes, way up in the balcony, through the windows back there. That's the man, a Jehovah Witness.

23He said, "Brother Branham!" He was all excited, he said, "Uh, it's--it's good to be here. Isn't it?" He said, "Uh-uh, do you--do you... Uh, do you think that meant me, that--that--that, that I called that little fish, said, 'You had shot your last wad'?" Said, "That--that--that meant something for me?"

24I said, "Nah, nah, just a confirmation." He was all upset about it.

25 Well, we travel along and you see those things happening, knowing... Now, just think, what was it to show? I had a-many little spastic child on my prayer list, praying for it, but when the vision come it was for a little ol' fish about so long, about two inches long or three. Looked like the hook was as big as the fish. But what it was, was to show you that God looks on the little things too. See?

26One day when lepers was laying all over the country, He used His power and put a curse on a tree. It begin to wither, when there was people laying everywhere needing that healing power. But, you see, He wanted to show He's God over everything, whether it's small, whether it's big, whatever it is. He's still God over all things, all the creation. So we love Him because... That--that gives us to know, if He's interested to speak the Word of life into a little insignificant fish laying there dead, on the water for a half hour, He can certainly someday speak Life into His children. No matter if your body be no more than a spoonful of dust, He'll speak, and we'll answer Him someday. He's God Who's interested in everything, all that we do, all that we say, everything. He's interested.

Now let us bow our heads, everywhere.

27 I wonder now, before we pray, if there's anybody tonight that's interested in Him, but yet you haven't got your reservations yet for the other Land where we're going to see Him. You know, you can't come in without reservations. And you haven't made them yet, but you would like to be remembered in prayer now, that everything will be made right between you and God tonight, would you just raise up your hand; you'll say, "Remember me, Lord"? You're... just let Him see your hand. God, grant it.

28 Heavenly Father, as we stand tonight between the living and the dead; and these things that's happening in these days, mysterious, sure they're mysterious; but God, You know whether they are true or not, You are the solemn Judge of the heavens and earth. And we say this, Lord, just to encourage the people (some of the things that Thou has showed us), that they might be encouraged to love You and believe You, serve You, and to know that no matter how little the deed is, good or bad, You see it. I pray, dear God, that You'll bless every one of those hands tonight, and the soul and spirit that motivated that hand to go up. And I pray, God, that this will be the night that their reservations will be made for that Land beyond the river. Grant it.

29Heal the sick and the afflicted, Lord, both here, all out across the land where the--the--the broadcast through the phones are coming in. Bless those out there that's unsaved, all the way from California to New York, from Canada to Mexico. Grant, Lord, that every person under the sound of our voice, tonight, will be saved from their sins, healed of their sickness, because of Your Divine Presence.

30And this our Brother Jackson, who's flown all the way down this thousand miles here, to be here because something strangely stirred his heart; "And they shall dream dreams, and see visions." Dear God, Thou hast kept it a secret from me, what this means; I don't know. But if You shall visit us, Lord, prepare our hearts now for that visit. That we might be under expectations, not knowing what You will do, and not knowing if You have promised to visit us by this dream; we do not know. But we are--are just quoting those things that we do understand, that You promised to visit Your people, and we pray that You'll make Yourself real to us here. In the Name of Jesus Christ we asked it. Amen.

31 Now, tonight, after keeping you so long last night and this morning, and I kinda getting a little bit hoarse. I got a little piece of hair I got, I wear over my bald spot here when I'm preaching. But I forgot it this time, and this air, sweeping through these windows, is begin to give me a--a little bit of hoarseness. I used to... I'd have to close meetings, but since I got that, then I don't bother with it no more, I just go on. And I forgot it, and it's... I've... kinda can feel it, so your prayers will be appreciated. And now, these are two services each day, that they are... kinda get... You know, when you got a lot of miles, it... you can tell it.

32 So now to you people in California, and out in Arizona, we all send greetings across the nation. Brother Leo and the group that's waiting on the Lord up at Prescott, invited now, and all you people around Phoenix, a week from tonight, we're to be over in Yuma at the banquet. They done sold out all their tickets over there and got a bigger auditorium, and they can't place the people. So come early, you all, to--to get in. Then we're going on into Los Angeles from there, next Monday... next Sunday, Sunday night. And so we're looking to see you all over there. God's rich blessings rest on you all.

33 To you in New York, and you that are around up in Ohio and different places, soon I want to preach the message of The Trail Of The Serpent (the beast at the beginning, and the beast at the end), at the Tabernacle. Billy will send you a note for that, when we're going to speak it, 'cause I do that in the Tabernacle because it'll, at least, be four hours or more long.

34So now... so I want you here, here and wherever you are now, to turn to the Book of Job. Very strange Book to preach from, but I want to just use a few notes here now.

35And then, tomorrow morning, here at the tabernacle, there'll be Sunday School services at... We start here at what time? [A man says, "Nine-thirty."--Ed.] Nine-thirty. And then I have the privilege of speaking here again tomorrow. And the Lord willing, I wanted to speak on the subject... if He's willing, now, as I was studying this afternoon, to show you that, "There's only one place that God will meet a worshipper." Uh-huh, only... And--and can tell you what that place is, and what the Name of that place is, where God will meet the worshipper.

36 And then, tomorrow night, I'm going to ask a favor, that is, for a healing service. And I--I want an old-fashioned healing service. And if the Lord willing, I want to speak on a subject that alarmed me today... When Brother Moore and I were talking out together, my precious brethren, we were discussing Scriptures. And how lovely it was to be with them brothers, like old times. And he said, "You know, Brother Branham, all the preaching you ever done for us here in Shreveport, The Lamb And The Dove was one of the most outstanding messages you ever brought us here at Shreveport." Said, "I guess with your Message so strenuous to you today, you never get to one like that."

37"When I miss That, I miss my Message."

Love is my dear dying Lamb, Thy precious Blood

Shall never lose its power,

Till all the ransomed church of God

Be saved, to sin no more.

Ever since by faith, I saw that stream

Thy flowing wounds supplying,

Redeeming love has been my theme,

And shall be till I die.

38 Tomorrow night, if it be the will of the Lord, I want to preach on a subject on: On The Wings Of A Snow-White Dove. Tomorrow night, "The Lord coming down on the wings of a Dove," that is, if the Lord willing, my voice don't get too bad. Now... so, pray for us.

39And then I want an old-fashioned prayer meeting like we had at the beginning, no discernment, just simply give everybody a card that wants to be prayed for. Now, you must have a card, so be here early so Billy can give you a card and keep it lined up. If you don't do that, people just keep doubling back, and doubling back, and doubling back, and there's no end to the line. Anybody can have a card. I want Brother Jack to stand by me at the prayer line, like you use to, and Brother Brown to bring the people to me instead of Billy Paul. I--I--I--I want--I want an old-fashioned prayer line, and we'll just pray the way we used to years ago.

40 I'm glad tonight to have another associate brother with us, just looked around and recognized then and seen him, a few minutes ago, Brother Gordon Lindsay. He's one of the old timers, was with us a long time ago. Doing a great job, printing, he's printing my book now: The--The Seven Church Ages. We hope to have it ready again, The Seven Seals. If he happens to read that before he prints it, we're going to have a theological discussion. I can just feel it coming. But he knows I'm no theologian. So... Well, we're looking forward to tomorrow night. If you're in, Brother Lindsay, be here tomorrow night. If you are, drop around and be with us on the platform for an old-fashioned prayer meeting.

41How many would like to see one of them old-timers again, where we bring the people up? That'll be fine. Now, bring out your sick and afflicted, tomorrow night, for that purpose then.

42 Now, if you got the Book of Job, the 42nd verse... or 42nd chapter, and the first six verses of the 42nd chapter of Job; very strange. Brother Ted Dudley, if you are listening in tonight, over in Phoenix, you remember you and I talking one time, about a week or two ago, and we referred to this? I told you, "Someday that would become a text to me." And I want to use it tonight.

Then answered...

Then Job answered the LORD, and said,

Listen close to this reading now.

I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no doubt can be witholden from thee.

Who is he that hideth counsel without knowledge? therefore have I uttered that I understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not.

Hear, I beseech thee, and I will speak: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me.

I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.

Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.

43Now I want to take a text from that 5th verse.

I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now my eye seeth thee.

May the Lord bless His Word.

44 Job, let's take a little of his life. Job was a prophet. He was a man that lived back before the Bible was written. It's been thought that Job was one of the oldest Books of the Bible, because It was written before Genesis was written. Job, this great warrior and prophet, was a--a mighty man in his day. No doubt that he had been brought up and had served the Lord all of his life. And had lived such a gallant life to the people, all had respects for him.

45But he'd come to a place to where he calls it here, being tempted of the Lord. But I'd like to use the word, being "tested" by the Lord. And truly, "Every son that cometh to God must first be tested, tried, child-trained." And then if the testing gets hard, and we think it's too hard and won't listen (take heed), then He said we "become a illegitimate child, and not a child of God." Because, there's nothing can move a real, borned-again child of God away from his Parent, see, he's part of Him. You could no more deny it, you could deny yourself. See, you've had the experience, you've been trained and tested.

46 And now, this man being a prophet, he had had access to God's grace, but Job didn't have a Bible to read. He... the Bible wasn't wrote then, but he had access to God by revelation and by vision. That was before the Bible was written.

47Now, we find out, and take some of his life, when God blessed him and made him a great man. Why, even everybody respected him, even to his wisdom, had become so great. His inspiration from God had vindicated him to be God's servant, so plainly, until the people come from everywhere to hear him. And then Satan begin to accuse that man. And that's the way he does every inspired servant of God, Satan is always there to accuse him of everything that he does that's not right.

48And, now, we find out his life and trials, and his great faith. Even Jesus, when He came on the earth, He referred to the patience of Job. He said, "Have you not read of the patience of Job?" Faith waits with patience for the promised Word to be fulfilled.

49 Now, we notice here that Job, after he went through his trials, all of his afflictions... He had a lovely family, they were taken from him. He had good health, it was taken from him. Everything that he owned in this life was taken. And he set on a ashheap, with a piece of crock, scraping his boils. And even to his own wife, spoke against him, she said, "Why not curse God, and die?"

50He said, "Thou speakest like a foolish woman." He said, "The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord!"

51 Now, Satan had come up before God, 'cause he could come before God, and accused the Christians (or, the believers) all the time. So he accused Job of many things, and said that "Job, the reason he could serve God, because everything was coming good for him." But said, "If You'll just let me have him, in my hands, I'll make him curse You to Your face."

52I want you to notice that the confidence that God had in a believer. See? He's... In other words, God said to Job... or said to Satan, like this, "You can't do it! He's a just man justified. He is a good man. He... there's not one like him in the whole earth." O what a man; that God Himself would say to His enemy, "My servant is so perfect, there's not another man on earth like him." Oh! If we could only be that kind of a man! That God could bestow that confidence upon us! That know that we'll not twist from His Word or His Being, any way! Stay exactly, and He can put His trust in us.

53 Now, Job was a man that carried out God's commandments to the letter, exactly. And Satan knew that, but he said, "If You'll just let me have him, I'll make him curse You to Your face."

54So God told him, He said, "Now, he's in your hands, but don't you take his life." And Satan even stretched as far as he could on that. He took every friend, and everything he had, almost his complete life, but he couldn't take his life. But Job still held right on, there was no turning back.

55You see, when a man or a person has once really come in contact with God, with that genuine, revealed faith that "God is!" There's nothing, no time, nowhere, can ever separate that man from his God. I believe it was Paul said, "There's no strife, no hunger, no perils, neither living creatures, or death, or anything that can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus." You are securely anchored in Him because you were ordained to that Life.

56 But Satan thought he could twist him around a little bit, and cuff him up, and make him do it. But, you see, Job with his perfect revelation of God, and who God was, and how God loved him, he waited! No matter what the circumstances was, he waited for his faith to be confirmed, because he had had a grip on God, a revelation. That I spoke of last night.

57Now, when the sick people that's in the building, the crippled people, or you that have a need of God, when you can get that type of a revelation that you are "justified," when you are actually justified in asking the thing that you're asking for, and believe that "He is a Rewarder of those that diligently seek after Him," there's nothing can ever separate you from that faith that's anchored to you. See? But, first, it has to be revealed to you.

58 Someone come not long ago, a group of man, some of them listening in tonight, and told me, said... I kept telling them, "Go to Kentucky, oil's down there." I knew it was, I seen it in a vision.

59Well, Brother Demos and them didn't go for a long time. After while, finally, they said... After Texas had moved in. And they said, "Now we're going down."

60I said, "You ought to a-went a long time ago." But they didn't do it.

61Demos said, "I made a great mistake in that, by not doing that, Brother Branham."

62I said, "If you'd a-went down there, you'd a-had it all."

63Well, they wouldn't listen to it. Then the first... then 'fore we left that night... The--the place where we were having lunch. The Holy Spirit showed me a great crack in the earth, and in that was full of oil, and these overflows in Kentucky was just little beds of oil that they were pumping from, but this one come from the main stream. And I said, "Brother Demos, it's there."

64So they went to searching for it. Said, "Go down and tell us where the--where the oil well is."

65I said, "Oh, no! No! No!"

66 See, we don't use the gift of God for commercial. No! No! He could tell me where it was at, but I don't have any need of it. I wouldn't even have faith enough to ask Him. See? If I had a need of it, I believe if I'd ask Him, He'd tell me. But first, you see, your motives and objectives has to be right. You have to have reasons for this. God don't give you those things just because you ask. And you cannot ask in faith unless there's a real objective to that, to be in the will of God. See, if you want to be well, what do you want to be well for? See, if you want to be healed, what's the reason you want to be healed? What are you telling God? What do you want to do with your life when you get healed? See, there's got to be... you've got to have a motive and objective, and they have to be right according to the will of God. And then's when the faith is revealed to you, and God by His sovereign grace places that faith in there, then it's over. See? Now see?

67 Now, to make that Word true, when the brethren got down there, they got... one fellow went over and bought a bunch of stuff, and sold leases, and cheated the other one this way. I said, "You see, it won't work." Now just to make the prophecy sure, within a hundred yards of where these man were digging their well, some man struck the big gusher. And it's there, eleven hundred barrels of oil in a half a day, or something or other like that; still putting it out, right in that main stream. But just to make the prophecy, the Word that had been said that it was there, it was there. The rest of them nearly's all dried up, everywhere through Kentucky. Little ponds, they pump them a little while, and they go. It's only the overflow from this. See?

68 But, because of the selfishness got among it, the objectives was wrong, signing up a bunch of stuff "it would be this way," when they promised they would do it for the Kingdom of God, but look like it's for themselves. See?

69And it won't work, no selfish thing will work. Your motives and objectives has to be exactly, perfectly right, then you have faith, to ask. "If our hearts condemn us not, then we have confidence." See? See, we've got to have confidence. "I want this to the honor and glory of God." Then faith has a--a channel to move into; if it doesn't, then you got mental, intellectual faith, and not genuine faith from God. That intellectual faith will get you nowhere. Might get you emotional, but it won't get you the healing that you're looking for.

70 So, Job, checking himself with the genuine faith that God had give to him that he was "just," that he had done everything that God required him to do. Now when we're going to be prayed for, for our sickness, I wonder if we have done everything that God requires us to do. Have we followed every iota of the Scripture? Have we give Him our hearts and lives to service? What's the reason you want to be healed? That's the reason you can't get faith enough, see, because you haven't maybe made this thing to God sincerely from your heart. Like Hezekiah did, give God the reason, he wanted to set his--his kingdom in order. And God sent His prophet back and told him, and he'd be healed. See? But, you have to have those things made right, first.

71So then as soon as you get to these places and know that it's been revealed to you by the Word of God, by the revelation, by the Word that God requires you to do, then you have faith, genuine faith.

72 Now, just like Abraham when he was ninety and nine years old. I believe, Genesis 17. God appeared to this old man, now, ninety and nine years old, when he was almost a hundred years old, that had been waiting upon that promise all these years. He appeared to him in the name of El Shaddai, the "Breasted-one." And what an encouragement it was, yet the promise wasn't fulfilled then. But, "Abraham, I am the Almighty God, El Shaddai, 'the Strength-giver, the Breasted God.'"

73 Like I've told you before, like the little baby that's fretting, and sick, and crying, and it lays upon its mother's breast. And nurses its strength back from her, because it's satisfied while it's a-nursing, because the only access it has and knows of is the mother's breast. It knows no dose of medicine. You might give him a dose of medicine, he'd squeal and cry. Give him a shot in the arm, and he'd carry on. But the only access to satisfy him is the mother's breast.

74 And He said, "Abraham, you're old, your strength is gone, your arms are withered up, your manhood's gone, but I am your Mother. Just take a-hold of My promise, and be satisfied while you're waiting. Be rested!"

75Now, that's the way every believer, no matter how bad the cancer's got you, how long you been setting in a wheelchair, any of those things, just if you can grasp that revelation from God! Then be satisfied, knowing that it's going to happen, because faith waits patiently for the promise. See?

76 Job knew that he was right. When we find out, here in the Scriptures, that there was... these fellows come to him; his church members. Everything that once seemed dear to him had turned against him, and tried to accuse him of being a secret sinner, because all these things had happened to him. You hear people, yet today, say, "I told you. Look at him! You see what...?" That ain't altogether the truth. Sometime it's God testing His people. In this case, it was God testing Job, the best man there was on earth at the time. Now, He was holding him then, because that He knew Job was a prophet that had a vision from God, that he had exactly done what God told him to do and he... God was duty bound to keep His promise to him.

77 Oh! All Christians has got to be that. When the last struggle of our life comes, and death rattles are in our throat, we still must hold steady and remember that God said, "I'll raise you up again at the last day." See? Got to hold that--that, our testimony, our place in Christ, our position, what we are, knowing that we have kept every Word of His commandment. "Blessed are they that do His commandments that they might have the right to enter in." See? And when we know, that no matter what anyone has said, we've kept every commandment that we see in the Bible, that God has done us... told us to do, with reverence, and love, and respect to the Creator Who wrote the Bible.

78We say, "Man wrote It."

79"Man of old, moved by the Holy Ghost, wrote It." See? See, God wrote It through man. Like a prophet speaks His Word, it's not the prophet's word, it's God's Word, see, through the prophet. That's the reason It has to come to pass, if it's truly the Truth.

80 Now, we see this great man. And, remember, Job had no Bible to read in his day. No! He only went by inspiration. He was a prophet to whom the Word of the Lord comes to. He had--he had only to be inspired, because he knowed his position that he was God's prophet. Now, the only thing that had to happen, was for the inspiration to strike him. And then he knowed what he said would happen, because it was by inspiration.

81That's what the church, if it's in order (set in order), it only... it's got the mechanics ready, it only needs then the dynamics. Tonight, if we'll get the mechanics ready, get our hearts right, the things that we can do, follow every Word, follow Him in baptism, follow Him in every order that He told us to do, get every mechanic ready, and stand there; then we're ready for the dynamics to be lit off, and only God can do that; and that's to drop into your heart that faith that says, "I am now healed." Then don't make any difference what circumstances is, you're healed anyhow; 'cause it's faith, by faith you're healed.

82 He had a channel of communication to God, that he'd got by inspiration. He had a way of moving himself out, and letting God move in. And he knowed he was justified. It was a gift, it was a gift for the people; not for Job, but for the people. That's what all Divine gifts are, to serve God's people with. Everybody's not ordered to be a prophet. All of you not... is not ordered to be praying for the sick. All of them's not ordered to be pastors, and so forth. But it's a channel that God has opened to them. And even as we had this morning in the lesson, that he... One man has no business deviating in the next man's channel, no matter how inspired, how much it seems, how well... How many was at the meeting this morning? Let's see your hand. See? See, you cannot.

83 There's David, just as inspired as he could be, all the people shouting and glorifying God, for a reason that seemed exactly Scripture, but he was the wrong person. That inspiration should have come to Nathan, not David. See, he never even consulted Nathan. You see what happened? See, we have... God said He "does nothing till He reveals It to His servants the prophets."

84And Job was this prophet in this day. Now, only thing God had done to Job: What always give him wisdom and His Word and inspiration, he could get no inspiration. But he knowed all of his mechanics (he had offered the burnt-offering, he had done everything he knowed to do was right), but he couldn't get a word from God. But the Devil couldn't move him! There you are.

85Now, there you are when you're prayed for. You don't have to run back through a line, or go let somebody else pray for you. When you know you've done exactly what God told you to do, see, then wait for that channel of inspiration to open up to you, and, "Now I'm healed!" When it drops in there, then it's all over. Oh, you don't need no prayer lines, nothing else, it's over! It's been revealed to you! See?

86 Just like the old prophet at the coming of the Lord Jesus, we find out it was revealed to him, the old sage, that "he would not see death until he seen the Lord's Christ." And he believed That, and he waited for It. And the people thought he was crazy, the old man had lost his mind. But he still believed It! Nothing could shake him from It, he knowed God had revealed It to him, for the Bible said, "It was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost."

87Simeon coming into the Temple at that minute, walked over and give praise to God, and said, "Let Thy servant depart in peace." When he picked up the baby, "Mine eyes have seen Thy salvation." See, he knowed he was going to see It. No matter how many babies he'd visit each day, he knew God had revealed to him that he was going to see the Christ before he died. Simeon believed that.

88Now when it's revealed to you, that you yourself has received God's promise; the inspiration, you being Christians, it struck you, you don't even need a prayer line. The thing... the only thing you need is a open heart when all the mechanics are ready, and let the inspiration drop in, and then nothing can change your mind; you've got it. Outside of that, it won't do no good.

89 Now notice, Job needed a channel of inspiration, he had it open. He had a channel to communicate with God, by His inspiration. He had a way of moving himself out and let the Word of God move in. Notice how they--how they come to consult him from the East and from the West, people looking for him because they know that what Job said was the Truth. They knowed that man told the Truth. Because, what he prophesied, that's what happened! And so people come from the East and West.

90He said he'd go over to the markets, the young princes from the East would bow before him, just to hear one word of consolation from him, his great and mighty wisdom, 'cause they knowed the man was honest. He didn't want to boast up himself, he had no axes to grind, no strings to pull, he was just a honest prophet before God. And they had confidence in him, and everybody come from the East and West just to speak to him in a moment. He's spoke of, in the Bible here. But, you see, he lacked inspiration to tell him what all this was about. God let it happen, didn't tell him.

91 Then, one day, we find out that in that, that's the time that... Everybody, as long as you can help them, "All right." But when they want to disagree with you, that's when trouble comes in. But he alone knew he was right; his pulsation of faith, of hearing God's Word speak to him, he knew It was the Truth. Yes, sir! He knew God's Voice. Nobody could fool him on It, for he knew It. It... But whenever you... something's revealed to you, maybe contrary to what the people think... Now, I'm speaking in the line of prophets. When it's God reveals something, which, if there ever is a secret comes out from God to be made known to the people, it will never come through a seminary, it will never come through a group of people, it never did. It always will, has, and will, through one individual, a prophet! Amos 3:7, see, "The Lord does nothing except first He reveals It through His prophets."

92 And, now, Job had something wrong with him, but he couldn't get the inspiration on him, and it was worrying him, and that... when you get in that kind of a fix, that's when the enemy moves into every friend, nearly, you got. And they begin to accuse him. Oh, it must have been a miserable thing for him to know his friends that accused him, Satan then goes and joins himself with the enemy. That's when Satan comes in, "Let me have him, and I'll make him curse You to Your... I'll make him deny his Message. I'll make him curse You. I'll make him go back and say 'It was all wrong.'" Then he tried him with everything he could, to all the great man and the friends that he used to have. But Job stood flat-footed, for he knew he had heard God's Voice!

93O God, help, tomorrow night, that I can get that Wings Of A Dove. See, I heard the Voice of God that said something, and it's going to happen that way! Just the same as these other things has happened, it's going to happen!

94 Now, Job knew it was going to happen. And he knowed that God had told him that, that he was "just." But they made him a sinner, so he waited then for the inspiration. Satan getting in all the--the people and he come around the... his comforters, the so-called, and accusing him, but it didn't move him a bit. But when the Word of God became vindicated to him... He had heard of God by the hearing of the ear, but one day setting out at his lowest point... And while he was setting there, and everyone accusing him, even his wife telling him he was "wrong," he was scraping his boils. And Elihu came down and rebuked him for being selfish, about the way he was accusing God and so forth.

95And then at that time it was when inspiration struck him, that's when the lightning begin to flash, the thunders begin to roar, that's when the inspiration struck the prophet, and he raised up, and he said, "I know my Redeemer liveth! And at the last days He'll stand upon this earth. Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God, Whom I shall see for myself."

96 He saw... He had been talking about the trees, the botany life, how it dies and lives again; water brings it back again, the smell of water, the scent of water, the results of water pouring upon a tree or something, a seed that went in the ground. He said, "But a man layeth down and giveth up the ghost, his children come to honor and he perceive it not. O that Thou would hide me in the grave" (Job 14) "till Thy wrath be past." He said, "But if a man dies, shall he live again? All the appointed times of my life, I'll wait till my change comes. Thou wilt call me, and I'll answer. Thou hast appointed me bounds that I cannot past," so forth. He knowed all these things. He watched the tree live, but what happened to a man when he died? He didn't raise up again. So, God was showing him this Redeemer.

97 He wanted to see if there was somebody who could intercede for him. He had interceded for so many people, but now is there somebody can speak for him? Could there somebody put his hand on Job, or on a sinful man and a Holy God, and make bridge the way? Could he go to His house and knock at the door? Would He open the door and talk to him awhile?

98But, then, when the inspiration dropped into his heart, then he could see God. The lightning's a-flashing, the thunder's a-roaring. And when it did, he stood upon his feet, and he said, "I know my Redeemer liveth! My Redeemer, and at the last days He'll stand on the earth." See, he had begin to see God's reaction to his faith.

99 Now, we wonder if we could see God. Is there a way that we could see Him? Now, it was the only way God had, trying Job out. He said, "I have heard of Thee, with the hearing of the ear, but now I see Thee. But now I see Thee, with my eyes." The vision of the invisible had been made plain. He seen the cloud rolling around, he heard the flashing of the lightning, or saw it. And seen the roaring of the thunder, maybe on a clear day, and he seen God was in that cloud and in that lightning. He could see God, with his natural eye. See, because the invisible was made visible. The visible vision of others was then vindicated, clear, to the natural eye.

100 Just like faith with works, as we spoke on last night. Abraham, no... had no Bible to read either, but he was a prophet, his vision and his faith. And it seemed wrong to others that he should think that way, that he should think they was going to have a baby. But they did have the baby, because his vision of the baby was what he was talking about, "I'm going to have it! I'm going to have it!" But when the baby was borned, then the other people could see with the eye what he saw in a vision. And when you go to acting upon what you believe in your heart, then the people know God, and know what's happening to you, by the way you act. That's how you see God with the eye. But to him, all he had done that was good, all that he had done for others, he needed somebody to intercede for him. When the birth of the baby come, Isaac, the--the inspiration that had led him to this had vindicated his vision to where the people could see that what he had saw in a vision was actually the Truth.

101 Now, sometimes these great pulsations of faith come right in the time of crisis. It's usually crisis that drives us into this. It was a crisis that drove Job into it. Why, he was at the end of his life. His children was dead; his camels. And all of his goods was gone and destroyed. And his own life, he was broke out from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet with boils. It was a crisis, that he pressed hisself, there's where the inspiration struck him.

102 O man and women, tonight, if you could look around and see how close we are to the Coming of the Lord. You who've put off the baptism of the Holy Ghost. You maybe relied upon some sensation, or something that you done that Satan can impersonate, and can't have the real Spirit in you to go all the way in God's promises. How can a man that claims to have the Holy Ghost deny one Word of this Bible, being, "not right"? You can't do it!

103No matter how religious you are, how many churches you belong to, how many books your name's on, if that genuine Holy Ghost is in you (which is this Word manifested), you'll see the Message and the hour, because it's the Holy Ghost that does it. But there has to be something light that off, inspiration strike you. And if there's... if you pour water on the ground, on the ground, on the ground, and there's no seed in there to strike it, how can it ever bring forth anything? There's nothing there to bring forth. That is, that only the Elected of God will see It.

104 The Elected of God seen It in Noah's time, Moses' time, Jesus' time, the apostles' time, Luther's time, Wesley's time, Pentecostal time, because that was the Seed that was on the earth when this inspiration was poured out. Now while the inspiration's poured out, to gather the Bride together, it's only those who are Elected will see It. Jesus said, "I thank Thee, Father, that Thou hast hid these things from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and revealed It to babes such as will learn." Now, inspiration has to strike it.

105 Now, when the inspiration struck him, that did it. He had It then! Now, we find out, there comes a time of these crisis when the press is right on. And you look around today, look at the condition we're living in. Aren't we living in a modern Sodom and Gomorrah? Hasn't the world come back? That was a Gentile world that was destroyed then, by fire. Didn't Jesus say, in Saint Luke, the 17th chapter, the 28th, 29th, and 30th verse, that, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed"? What is a "revealed"? Is a secret made known, a revelation; is to reveal or make known a secret.

106Now, these things that's been hid all through the church ages is now being revealed, made known. Now, we could say that, and if God didn't back that up, that's wrong. See, God don't need anybody to interpret His Word, He's His Own Interpreter. He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. He said, "Let there be light," and there was. And we are not living in Luther's age, Wesley age, or the Pentecostal age. The Pentecostal age was only a restoration of the gifts coming back to the church, but we're living in the evening time, we're living in a time of the calling out of the Bride.

107 And just as it was hard for the Catholics to see Luther, and the Luther's to see the Wesley, and the Penteco-... the Wesley's to see the Pentecostal age, so is it hard for the Pentecostals to see this age. It's always been that way, because It's poured out upon an Elected Seed, and that only. That's what the Bible teaches. They can't see It, Jesus even prayed for them, said, "They was blind, they didn't know it." Revelation tells us, in this Laodicean church age, when He was put out of the church, that they're "naked! poor! miserable! blind! and don't know it." Back again, they can't see It, can't understand It. They're so creeped up in traditions!

108 But remember the promised Word of God by the mouth of Jesus Christ, the very God that spoke creation into existence, He was the One before the foundation of the world that spoke the words "And let there be," and there was. For He said, "He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. But as many as did know Him, to them He gave the power to become the sons of God." The very Creator, and the very Creator Himself, when He raised up Lazarus from the dead, He said, "Think this not strange, for the hour's coming that when all that's in the grave will hear the Voice of the Son of man, and shall come out." The very God that said "Let there be Light," said "The Voice of the Son of man would wake those that are in the grave." It has to happen in its season. He spoke, "Let there be male and female," and so forth, and all this, years and hundreds of years before it happened.

109 The inspiration hit the prophet Isaiah, he said, "Unto us a child is born, a son is given. His Name shall be called Counselor, Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father." Years passed, months, years, days, weeks, years rolled by, hundreds of years rolled by. Eight hundred years later, Emmanuel was borned by a virgin! Why? Is because it was spoke by the lips of God's anointed prophet, a seed went forth. See? "And that great hour," said, "will you seek... ask Me of a vision or a sign."

110He said, "I'll give them a sign, an everlasting sign, 'A virgin shall conceive,' an everlasting sign."

111Now, we find that in those hours of real stress, that's usually when the Spirit of God moves in. He let the Hebrew children walk right into the fiery furnace, before He ever moved a hand. But when He moves, He moves.

112 Now, we notice here that in Luke, the--the 17th chapter, and the 30th verse, that He said, "In the last days, that the Son of man would reveal Himself as He did just before Sodom and Gomorrah, and the same conditions would exist." He told about Moses, about... and I beg your pardon, not about Moses, but about Noah. How that the people was "eating, drinking, and so forth, marrying and given in marriage." Then He come around, He said, "Now, as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the time when the Son of man is being revealed." Now, watch, the Son of man was revealed to Abraham's group, as a Man, a Prophet in a form of human flesh, a ordinary Man with dust on His clothes, and Abraham called Him "Elohim."

113 Now, Jesus promises here that in the last days the Son of man will be revealed again to that same type of group, the royal Seed of Abraham, just before the fire falls. Remember, the church never received any more witness, Abraham and them didn't, the promised son that they were looking for was brought right away after that. And the church is looking for the Promised Son, He will come right after the days of this ministry, He'll be revealed from the heavens. Now, we see it too plain, it's got to be. Now, the only thing there has to be is something pulsates, gets into a man, God vindicate and tells him and shows him that that is the thing to happen; and that you're going to...

114 Like Moses did, he didn't want to deliver those children, but God spoke to him in a burning bush. He didn't want to go, but he had to go. Moses had heard of Him being the great Jehovah. But then he could see Him, He was in the form of a Pillar of Fire. "I've heard of Thee, but now I see Thee." What was He seen in? His Word vindicated.

115God told Abraham that "his people would sojourn in a strange land for four hundred years, but He would bring them out with a mighty hand."

116And, notice, this burning bush gave vindication to what the prophet Abraham had said would take place. Moses said, "I've heard of it, but now I see it!"

117 Now, we've heard that in the last days that the Son of man will come among His people and reveal Himself to the people in the same way that He did at the... just before the destruction of Sodom. The Son of man, what did He do? He knowed the secrets that was in Sarah's heart. Also give the promise to Abraham. Abraham had heard God's Voice, he might have seen Him in many different ways (I don't know how He talked to him, through dreams or through prophecies), but this time he saw Him. "I've heard of You, now I see You."

118And the church has heard of God, they've read of Him, and what He did, and the promises He made, but now we see Him with our eyes (just the same as Job did), "I've heard of Thee, but now I see Thee." My! What a different.

119 Moses, in that crisis, cried out. And we find out, in Exodus, the 14th chapter, the 13th and to the 16th verse, Moses in that great strain there with the children of Israel, inspiration struck him, and he said what he was supposed to say, not knowing he said it. See, "Stand still and see the salvation of God." God had never spoke to him yet. See, the inspiration struck him.

120They said, "Why did you bring us out here? We ought to have died in Egypt. Was it because there was no graves down there? Bring us out here, and let us die; we could have lived in peace as slaves until we died, but you brought us out here."

121Moses, a prophet, knowing he had access to God, was inspired, and he said, "Stand still and you'll see the salvation of God; for the Egyptians you're looking at today, you'll never see them again." How did he know it was going to happen? How did he know? He didn't know what he spoke.

122 But as immediately after he spoke it, God told him how to do it. Said, "Moses, don't cry to Me, take your staff in your hand and stretch it out over the sea, and tell the children of Israel to 'Walk!'" Amen!

123The inspiration! That's the way it strikes you if you're sick. That's the way it strikes you if you're afflicted. Something's revealed to you, and you see that it's been revealed, you speak up, "I'm healed!"

124Then God tells you what to do, "Rise up and start walking." Amen! Then it's all over, when you can do it that way. That's the way God does it, then you see God manifested through yourself.

125It was God that told him to do it. Now, then, all that was present, all of Israel that was present saw the inspiration that struck Moses. They seen God, with their own eye, blow that water back from one side to the other. And that Pillar of Fire led them right across the--the sea. He heard of God, then they seen God.

126 Joshua was in a hour of crisis, when the armies was routed, and the sun was going down. Joshua was a prophet, and he knew that if them armies ever had a chance to unite again and come against him, he would lose more man, so in that hour of crisis when something had to be done... There's only one thing, if he could keep them running, he'd route them, every one, down. But there wasn't enough light to do it, so Joshua stood, raised his hands, he said, "Sun, stand still! And moon, hang over Ajalon till I get through with this battle." And the sun stood still. They heard Joshua speak, and then they seen God (with their own eyes) in action. True!

127 See, of course, it was a paradox to see something that seems to be impossible, yet it's true. But, "The sun stood still," says the Bible. I don't know what you people think, that thinks the world was run, now; but, anyhow, "the sun stood still." Perhaps Joshua never had tried to figure out how he was going to--to do it, how God was going to do it, the only thing that he said was, "Sun stand still!" He said it, perhaps not knowing what he was saying, because it was God that give it to him, and He worked.

128Same thing in Mark 11:23, "If you say to this mountain 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you said will come to pass, you can have what you said." But you can't stand there fumble in your mind and say it, you've got to be inspired to say it. Amen!

129 Excuse the expression; but that day, setting there in that woods (and God's my Judge, and I could fall dead on this pulpit), when that Scripture had stumped me all my life... setting there that morning in the woods, and I was thinking on that, and that Voice spoke to me, He said, "That Scripture is like all Scriptures, It's true."

130And I thought, "Well, how could it be?"

131And He said, "You're..." I said... He said, "Speak, and it will be that way. Don't doubt It."

132And I was talking to Somebody, setting way out in the woods. No squirrels, been there for three days, there's no squirrels there. And I was setting in a sycamore thicket. Squirrels don't even come... anyone that hunt squirrels, know they're not in sycamore. And I had been setting there; and wind blowing real hard, about ten o'clock in the morning, and I was thinking again.

133And It said, "You're hunting, and you need squirrels just the same as Abraham needed a ram."

134I thought, "That's always told me the Truth, but this sounds funny." And I got up from where I was setting, looked all around, "Where is that Person that was talking to me?" Nothing; wind just blowing real hard. And I thought, "Could I have fell asleep and dreamed that? No, I wasn't asleep. I was setting up against the tree there, watching, supposed to pick up Brother Woods and Brother Sothmann back there, just in a little bit, around ten o'clock in the morning. Farmers all out there working, gathering their corn."

135 And I heard It again, say, "You are hunting, and you need game. How many do you need?"

136And I thought, "Now, I don't want to overdo this, I'm just going to ask for three, three squirrels. I want young, three red squirrels. I want them."

137He said, "Then speak about it."

138And I said, "I am going to get three young red squirrels."

139He said, "Which a-way will they come?"

140"Well," I thought, "I've went this far, there's Something talking to me here." Just the same as you hear me talking. And God in Heaven, with this Bible over my heart, knows that that's true. And He... And I said, "Well,..." I picked out a ridiculous place, an old dry limb hanging out of there (about fifty yards, where my rifle was shot in).

141I said, "The first one will be right there," and there he was.

142I rubbed my eyes and looked back (I turned my head), and I thought, "I don't want to shoot a vision." So I looked around again, and there set the squirrel. I throwed a shell up in my gun, aimed up, and I could see his black eye, young red squirrel. I thought, "I--I... maybe I'm sleeping, I--I'll wake up in a few minutes. See, I'm dreaming about this." Well, I leveled down, shot the squirrel and it dropped off the limb. I thought, "Well, I don't know." I thought, "Well, should I go over and look for it?" And--and I walked over there, and there it laid. I picked it up and blood run out of it. A vision don't bleed, you know. So I picked it up, and it was a squirrel. I got real numb, all over.

143 And I looked around, I said, "God, that was You!" I said, "Thank You, for this. Now I'll go out and..."

144He said, "But you said! Do you doubt what you said? You said you'd get 'three.' Now where will the next one come from?"

145I thought, "Well, if I'm dreaming, I'm going to continue on."

146So I--I said... I picked out an old post over there, of a tree that was all wrapped up with this here poison ivy. You never get a squirrel in that. So I said, "The next one will come right out of that poison ivy," and there set that young red squirrel looking right at me. I set my gun down, and rubbed my eyes. Turned around again, I thought... There he set, turned his head sideways. I shot the squirrel, and then I started to go home.

147But said, "You said 'three'! Do you doubt what you said?"

148I said, "No, Lord, I don't doubt what I said, for You're confirming."

This is one Scripture that stumped me: "Not if I say, but if you say." Not if Jesus said it, but if you say it yourself.

149 And I thought, "Somehow I've broke into that channel, and I know He's here because I'm almost beside myself." I thought, "I'll make this one ridiculous, sure enough."

I said, "They'd be a red squirrel come down off that hill, come right down this a-way, and right by me, and go out, and set on that limb, and look down there at that farmer." Here he come down the hill, went right out, and sat, looked at the farmer. And I shot him.

150Satan said to me, "You know what? The woods is just full of them, now." And I set there till twelve o'clock, and not another thing happened. It goes to show that when God... He's the very Creator of Heavens and earth!

151 Listening in, in Jeffersonville now, there's a family named Wright. Brother Woods and I went down to see them. They make the communion wine for the church. Little Edith was setting there in the room; a little crippled girl, that she had been sick all of her life, and so we had always looked to God to heal her. Her sister, a widow, her husband had been killed; her name was Hattie, very humble little woman. And while Brother Banks and I went out to get her a rabbit, they had cooked a big cherry cobbler; and made me set down and eat.

152We was all setting around the table, we were talking about this, it just happened a few days before. And while setting around the table, talking about this, all at once I said, "What could have happened?" I said, "Brother Wright, you're an old man, hunted squirrels all your life. Brother Shelby, you're an expert squirrel hunter. Brother Wood, so are you. I've hunted them since a kid. Did you ever see a squirrel in a sycamore and locust thicket?"

153"No, sir."

154I said, "They just wasn't there." I said, "The only thing I know, It's just the same God. When Abraham needed a ram, He was Jehovah-jireh, He could 'provide for Himself.'" I said, "I believe it's the same thing."

155 And little ol' Hattie setting back there, said, "Brother Branham, that's nothing but the Truth!"

156She said the right thing! When she said that, the Holy Spirit dropped over in that channel again, every one of them felt It. I raised up, I said, "Sister Hattie, THUS SAITH THE LORD, you said the right word like the Syrophenician woman said. The Holy Spirit's speaking to me now, and said for me to give you the desire of your heart." I said, "Now, if I be God's servant, if it is, it'll happen. If I ain't God's servant, then I'm a liar, and it won't happen, I'm a deceiver." I said, "Now try and see, it's the Spirit of God or not."

157She said, "Brother Branham," (everybody was crying), said, "what shall I ask?"

158I said, "You got a crippled sister setting there."

159 I had twenty dollars in my pocket, to give to her, that she had put in a donation. The woman don't make a capital of about two hundred dollars a year, on that little, old, poor farm, her and two boys. Her boys had got to be regular 'Ricky's,' school days, you know, and just sassing their mother; and fifteen, sixteen years old. And, oh, they were standing over there laughing at what I was saying.

160And I said, "You've got a father and mother setting here that's old. You haven't got any money. Ask for the money, and see if it comes in your lap. Ask for your sister, and see if she don't get up and walk." I knew then, like Job, there's just something you know when you strike it. Said, "I know! Here I stand before about ten people," I said, "if this doesn't happen, then I'm a false prophet."

161Said, "What shall I ask?"

162I said, "It's up to you to make your decision. I cannot make your decision."

163She looked around, the little woman. And all at once, she said, "Brother Branham, the greatest desire in my heart is the salvation of my two boys."

164I said, "I give you your boys, in the Name of Jesus Christ." And them snickering, laughing, fun making boys fell across their mother's lap, and surrendered their life to God, and was filled with the Holy Ghost right there.

165Why? That is Truth! God has the authority to kill me, before these people across the nation. Many of you here and in Jeffersonville, I can hear the tabernacle ring out now, "Amen!" because they're setting right there listening at it. See, because it's the Truth! What is it? It's when the God, by His sovereign grace; it happens! Outside of that, it won't happen.

166 In that crucial moment... Think of the man and the people that I'm acquainted with. God bypassing all the celebrities, and everything, to give a poor, little ol' humble woman, can't hardly sign her own name; and He knowed that what she'd ask for. And that was the greatest thing; for her sister is now dead, and her mother and father has to die, the money would've perished, but the souls of her boy is Eternal! And that was the hour for them to catch It. And just as soon as I said, "I give you your boys, in the Name of Jesus Christ," there they fell across their mother's lap. How many in here knows that to be Truth, you know it? See, there it is. Yes. Why? Inspiration!

167Now: "I have heard of Thee, that Thou could create squirrels; I've heard of Thee, that Thou could create a ram; but now I see Thee, with mine own eye!" The manifestation, the vision made visible. When God promised anything, that's what He'll do.

168 Notice, when you have a need, perhaps like Joshua. He had a need; he never thought of the circumstances, he spoke it, and it was God! Do you believe the sun stood still? So do I. How did it do it? Don't try to figure it out, but it did it. Joshua did it, and raised his hands; in that crucial moment he had access to God, and that's what happened. It was timely. The Spirit of the Living God had seen the need of it, and pushed upon Joshua to say it. The same God seen the need of Abraham. The same God seen the need of confirming this Scripture to me, that that Scripture's true, too! The same God seen the need of those two predestinated boys, and it was that moment He proved it and confirmed His Word.

169 Saint Mark 14, we see a woman believed on Him, she had had need and seen He had need for His feet to be washed, she had only to be inspired to go into action. Now listen close as... before we close. She only had to be inspired to go into action, because she had already heard about Him. She heard that "He forgive a woman of her sins, a harlot. And said, 'Which one of you is without sin? Cast the first stone.'" She had heard about Him, but now she seen Him. She was inspired to serve Him. That's the only thing you have to be.

170Let the Holy Spirit tell you that "You're a sinner!" Let the Holy Spirit tell you "You're wrong!" Let the Holy Spirit prove to you by the Scriptures that "You're Scripturally wrong!"And what... 'cause It'll only stir through one straight channel of every Scripture of God, It won't bypass for nothing. If you do, It'll never do you any good. Because the Holy Spirit can inspire It to you, but if the soul isn't right with God, as we've been through this week, it's no good anyhow. Remember, false anointed-ones will rise in the last days; not false Jesuses, false christs (anointed ones), and will deceive the very Elected if it were possible.

171 Notice, she had a service to do for Him. She had heard of Him, now she seen Him with her eyes. She had a service to do, and she had nothing to do it with. So she rushed forward anyhow, to do the service, God furnished the water and towels to wash His feet. She had heard of a Living God, all of her life, but now she seen Him with her eyes. She knew it was Him, and inspiration struck her, and said, "This is the Messenger!" He needed a service (she had nothing to serve Him by), His feet was dirty. But she rushed forward anyhow, to do Him a service, because she was inspired to do it.

172 O the backslidden church member, denominational man or woman, can't you see the need Jesus has tonight? If inspiration can only strike you, this is the hour to do it. But she seen Him with her eyes. The others there were even mocking Him. They didn't believe His Message. Frankly, the host, the pastor-host, ol' Simon, had got Him down there to make fun out of Him. They didn't believe He was a Prophet.

173So then when it seemed like the Devil had worked it just right in for him to say this, he said in hisself, "If this man was a prophet, he would know what kind of a woman that was at his feet. If he was a prophet!" See, it wasn't even revealed to him Who He was. There couldn't be any inspiration strike him, 'cause there's nothing there to strike to. But it was struck to her!

174 Her eyes had seen beyond his criticism. She believed He was, see, the Word of the prophets! She knowed that That was all the Words of the prophets, was vindicated in Him. She had heard He was on earth, but now she sees Him. Watch what she done. She seen the Word made flesh, the Messiah, the Emmanuel. When she gave vent to her pulsation of faith (of revelation of Who He was, in the time she was living, that He was God's Lamb for such sinners as she was), she went forth to serve His needs without knowing how she would do it.

175That's the way a genuine healing comes, when it's revealed to you that "He was wounded for your transgressions, bruised for your iniquity, and with His stripes you were healed." When it's inspired to you to see His Presence here, of Saint Mark 11... or Saint Luke 17:30, that He's going to reveal Hisself in the last days (among His people, in human flesh) like He did before Sodom. When you see that, and something strikes you!

176The doctor might say, "The cancer's still there."

177The patient might say, "I--I--I--I--I--I don't know how I'm going to walk, but I'm going to walk anyhow." We don't know how it's going to do.

178 She went forward to serve Him, because inspiration struck Him... struck her, that that was the hour, that was the Messenger, that was the Messiah Who was to heal, and she believed It. And He needed a service done to Him, and she went forward without anything showing that she could do it. She just went upon her inspiration. Watch! God broke up the fountains of the tear glands in her eyes. The same eyes that had heard... ears that had heard Him; the eyes that seen It, broke up with joy. Then that other, God-given long hair, with them tears flowing down. God furnished her towels (with her hair), and with her tears. She served His needs, the need of the Living God. She had heard about It, but now she seen Him, she could do Him a service.

179O sinner! Why don't you do likewise as you see the needs now? That He needs you, your service! Now you see the One, Who once you heard about in the Bible. We seen Him last night come in here, and what He done. We see Him, meeting after meeting, and sometimes we set just as cold and indifferent, say, "Yes, I know the Scripture says it. Oh, I--I've seen it done, see." We have no enthusiasm, it don't seem to strike us right. There don't seem to be something, like if you was pouring...

180 Taking a match and striking it, if the match hasn't got the sulfur right on the head of the match, it cannot strike. And you can rake and rake and rake, but if some chemical has killed the sulfur on there, it will not strike, there'll be no light. But if that chemical, the sulfur to strike against the metal will... it's still on there when it strikes, it'll light.

181And when the true, genuine vindication of the Scriptures of this last-day Message, and you see the Presence of Jesus Christ, that you had heard what He done in His life, and hear the Scriptures say "He's the same yesterday, today and forever"; and just before the Sodom condition is fired-over with the wrath of God, see Jesus return amongst His people, formed in human flesh, and do the same thing He done. My! It ought to strike our souls to Glory! It ought to do something to us. Why? It's dropping on that.

182 You heard in the Bible what He did, how the woman touched His garment. He turned around and told her what her trouble was, and her faith made her whole. Now, He promised that He would do that same thing again, just before the world would be burnt, and the world would be in a Sodom condition. The New Testament, the Prophet, the God-Prophet, the Prophet of prophets, the God of all the prophets, the fulness of the Godhead bodily, God of... manifested in a flesh, the Creator of Genesis. Hallelujah! It's His Word! He said it would happen! And we see Sodom condition, we see the world in that condition, now we see Him come down and do exactly what He said He would do. Now, we've heard of Him, now we see Him! "I've heard of You with my ears, now I see You with my eyes." Amen! "I see Him with my own eyes." What a hour it should be! What a time it should be! The confirmation of His Word! Always when the Word is confirmed, that's God speaking in His Word, making Hisself visible that you can see.

183 Now, here's a little ol' prostitute off the street, she falls at the altar, before Jesus, and she washed His feet with the--with the tears, and--and wiped them with her hair. God honored, He said, "Wherever this Gospel is being preached, let this be told for a memorial to her." Why? Look how filthy she was, but something struck. She seen the Word of the promise, from the Garden of Eden, this, "woman's Seed shall bruise the serpent's head." She seen the Messiah that had been borned of a virgin.

184She heard He was to be borned of a virgin, but they heard that Man was on earth. She heard there was a young Rabbi, Prophet, Who healed the sick. She believed that! And here she come down the street, walking around, looking around. And she looked over there and seen that great party going on. She slipped up to the fence, and looked through, and there He was. There He was! Something said, "That's Him!" See, that's all she needed to be inspired. See what happened? She seen the Word of God made flesh. She had heard with her ear, now she saw with her eyes.

185 Now, everybody knows that we have a promise of the church condition, in the last day. The church, in its present condition, can never fulfill the commandments of God, the great commission, could never call the Bride out. Which one would do it? The Pentecostal's? I should say not. None of the rest of them. That's the shuck that's on the wheat. That come out, looked just exactly like the wheat, but there was no wheat to it. It opens up, but the grain comes out of that. They organize, they kill themselves. There's where they die. They're stalks. But the wheat has come up through there, and now it's begin to form in the Bride-form. The corn of wheat that fell into the ground through the dark ages, it had to die.

186 That critic saying, "Why would a God of mercy, could open up the Red Sea, stand and let them poor Christians be eat up with lions, and burnt, and everything? Set up, just like He laughed about it!" The poor ignoramus! Did he not know, "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground"? It had to die through those dark ages, like any other corn of wheat has to go beneath the earth and be buried, to bring forth in the first reformation them two blades of Luther, the stalk. It had to come forth in the Wesleyans, out yonder, to bring forth the pollen, the tassels, the great missionary age. Had to come forth in the Pentecostal, for the restoration of the gifts, almost to deceive the very Elected. Looks like a wheat grain; open it up, there's no wheat there at all, it's only shuck. But back in there, then, they begin to form the oneness organization, the trinity organization, the twoness organization, and church of God organization, and all organized, and just death exactly! And now what happens? But it's a shelter for the wheat, it's been growing through it all the time.

187Now it's begin to pull away, the wheat's begin to be seen. This is not a Pentecostal age. This is the latter-day age. This is the Bride age. This is the evening Light. This is when Malachi 4 must be fulfilled, to follow God's pattern. This is Luke 17:30, to be fulfill. This is the second... And Jeremiah, and all the rest of them, that Joel has spoke of these days, this is that day. "I have heard, Lord, and It was coming, but now I see It with my eye."

188 Though many... how many false impersonators rise, them Jannes and Jambres with all their gimmicks to do everything that Moses did, never shook him or Aaron at all. They knowed where... like Job, they knowed Who their inspiration come from. They knowed It was THUS SAITH THE LORD! And the same Bible that spoke of them, said, "They'd come in the last days, impersonators." Those religious denominations, when something started... Who started first? Moses or them? If they had started first, Moses would have been the--the mimic.

189Now we got all kinds of discerners and everything else that's trying to throw your mind from the genuine thing of God, which God has proven to be the Truth by His Scripture. "We've heard of It with our ears, now we see It with our eye." Amen! Do you believe It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All our hearts! Inspiration! And in that day when the Son of man is being revealed, a Son of man, Jesus Christ made manifest amongst His people.

190 A Man walked down there before Abraham and his group, just an ordinary-looking Man, dust on His clothes. He had His back turned to the tent, He said, "Where is your wife Sarah?" (not S-a-r-r-a, S-a-r-a-h; A-b-r-a-h-a-m, not A-b-r-a-m). Called his name, said, "Where is she?"

191Said, "She's in the tent, behind You."

192Said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time of life" (and she laughed up her sleeve). Said, "Why did she laugh?" (uh-huh). Now, He promised. Them people was the one that was looking for a promised son.

193Now, I don't care how much the people act in these denominations, say they're "looking for Christ," their actions prove they're not. That's right. Your actions speaks louder than your words. All they're thinking about is making denominational members, but there are some people, one here and there, that's looking for the coming of the Lord. They're watching for... though. Only those will He reveal Himself to, only those will understand.

194 Just the Elected understood Who He was. Just think, there's about maybe three million people, Jews, on earth, there wasn't one third of them ever knowed He was there till He was done come and gone. See? But He revealed Himself to those who were waiting: John the Baptist, and--and the apostles that had been called by John, and so forth, and blind Anna in the temple, Simeon the priest that "it was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost that he was going to see the Christ." All those great religious leaders, theologians and things, blind as they could be!

195Only can the rain raise the seed, if the seed's already there. And as you was a germ first in your father, and he didn't know you, yet you were in your father. But through a bedding ground of your mother, you were made manifest in his likeness, and then he could talk to you. God, the Great God; if you've got Eternal Life, then the germ of Eternal Life was in God at the beginning. And you were there, you were in His thinking, your name and all. And He, by foreknowledge, ordained you to see This. And you that was not ordained, will never see It. But, remember, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, "The hour is here!" Won't you believe Him? Give your lives to Him. I have to stop, it's after nine.

Let's bow our heads.

196"I have heard, Lord, of Thee, now I see Thee!" Lord Jesus, bless this people as they wait.

197 Now I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to let the Holy Spirit (I trust that He will) search out your minds, try you, try your soul, and see if you really believe. And if you find there's a little bit of doubt there, will you raise your hand? Say, "Lord Jesus, let me see You. I've heard of You, but I've never really seen You. Let me see You, I'll believe." All right. That's fine.

198Is there some here that doesn't know Him as your Saviour? Raise your hand, say, "If... I--I'm a sinner, but if I... if You--if You'll just let me see You, Lord Jesus, manifest this Word that they're talking about. I know that that's how Job seen You. I know that's how Abraham saw You. I know that's how all the rest of them saw You, because it was Your promised Word being vindicated. I've heard all kinds of things, and gimmicks, and everything, but I understand that there's a last-day Message in the land, that was spoke of by an Angel on the river, in 1933. I heard of the healing services going forth, and I know when that takes place, it can't stay in that same old denominational rut." It wasn't sent for that, never did stay there. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]...?...

199 What if Moses would've come, said, "Let's build an ark like Noah did, float out of Egypt down the river"? Oh, no. See? No! He had a Message from God, he was the manifestation. That prophet arising on the scene, ought to have proved to Israel right there. They hadn't had a prophet for four hundred years, they hadn't had a prophet, and here a prophet rises on the scene. They ought to have knowed that something was going to happen.

200Israel again hadn't had a prophet for hundreds of years, and here come Jesus on the scene. And the woman at the well, said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. Now, we haven't had one for four hundred years." Because, He knowed what was in her heart. See?

201 Now, we're promised a church age through reformers, and we've had them. But He promised, in Malachi 4, He'd keep His pattern in the last days, what would take place, "To turn the hearts of the children back to the Faith of the apostolic father." For that very purpose! And the church is so broke up in denominations and isms, it's so tore to pieces till it's dead; it's been a carrier. And then He promised, in the hour of the seventh angel's Message, the Seven Seals would be revealed; and the mysteries of God would be declared (Revelation 10) when the seventh angel begins to sound his Message, not the healing service, the Message that follows the healing service.

202 Jesus was a "great guy" as long as He could heal the sick. But He said when, "I and My Father are One."

203"Huh-uh! That was wrong!"

204Job was "great," till something happened to him. See? It's always that way.

205Believe! Will you accept Him now? Raise your hand, say, "I do believe Him. I want to accept Him." God bless you. God bless you. That's fine.

Now set real still and pray just a moment.

206 Dear God, in this solemn moment, it's going to be a time like this when there really will be a clap of thunder someday, and the Son of God shall descend from the heavens with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and the trump of God, the dead in Christ shall rise. And each one of us knows and are aware tonight, Father, that we're going to have to answer for every word we give, and every word we say. Even the thoughts that's in our hearts, we're going to answer for it. I pray Thee, God, in Jesus' Name, that You'll cleanse every heart that's in here. Cleanse my heart, cleanse the hearts of this people. And may we be prepared, Lord, and may our spiritual eyes be opened tonight to see the Glory of Almighty God. We have heard of Him, O Father, God, we pray that You'll let us see Him. Grant it, Father. Grant these blessings, I pray, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

207 Remember: In your heart, where you're setting, make your little altar. Say, "Lord Jesus, come into my heart now. Give me something to... something I can hold to. Let me feel that inspiration that tells me that You're 'present.'"

208Now, what a statement to make to people! What a--a thing to do! Now I'm going to ask the Lord God, ask...

209How many of you take the tapes? You heard of: What Time Is It, Sirs? Did we show those magazines and things, a year before it happened? Science is stumped on it. There was the Lord Jesus crowned and with that white wig on as you see in the Bible, in Revelation 1, and the Daniel, Supreme Judge of Heaven and earth. Right there, when science can't even see It themselves. And in the observatory, out there in the University of Arizona and down through Mexico, they're searching, have been for the last two years. And there it was told you, it was "going to happen," before.

210 How about the Alaskan earthquake? Watch Hollywood fall into the sea! Watch and see if it doesn't. He's never told me anything wrong yet, it'll do it. See? And just watch and see if we're not living in the closing hours of history. No man knows what hour He's coming. But I know one thing: I believe, in my present condition, if I'm in my right mind, and if I wasn't a Christian, I'd sure want to be a real Bible Christian, not a denominational. Don't rely upon 'cause you've shouted. We heard that this morning, proved it by the Word of God; it's altogether out of the will of God, didn't do a thing but cause death. Don't be in the stalk, be in the Life. See? Have faith in God.

211 Do you believe that the God that made this promise, that did appear Himself, in the Book of Genesis, and appeared to Abraham and performed that miracle... That same God was made flesh, human flesh, borned of a virgin. That was a theophany there, of course, but then when He come in human flesh and was the same Man, and performing the same things,... Don't you believe that if God could get a person, that He promised to do according to Malachi 4, a channel that He could speak through, He'll perform the same thing He said He'd do there? Do you believe that? I believe He would, too.

212Do you believe that you could have the faith to touch His garment, His faith to touch the garment? Do you believe present now that something's speaking to your heart that would tell you that you have faith to touch His garment? You believe you could do that? You reach up and touch with your faith then, not with emotion, just with absolutely pure, unadulterated faith. Just say, "Lord, I believe. I believe with all my heart. I want You to touch me 'cause I--I've heard You done it, now I want to see it with my own eyes."

213And I can't touch you. It takes God to do the touching. Do you believe He will do it?

[Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

214 I'm looking right back to my left here. It seems like there's a channel, kinda, as I've spoke, pulling that way. Being I've directed it that way, now it comes in wonderful. It's a lady setting there with her husband. She's not from here. She's from Texas, Dallas. She's suffering, also her husband's suffering. She's suffering from a complication, she's had an operation. That's right. Her husband suffers something with his back, back trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Corbet, from Texas; Dallas, Texas. If that's so, raise up your hand. I'm a stranger to you. Is that right? No way in the world for me to know that. What is it? "I have heard of Thee by the ear, now I see Thee." See what I mean? Now ask that couple. I never seen them in my life. "I have heard of Thee with the ear, now I see Thee with my eye."

215If you can believe, God can furnish what you have need of.

216 That man setting there with his hand up on his chin, with that high blood pressure. You believe God would make you well, sir? You do? Setting with your hand like this, you believe God will heal you of that high blood pressure? Raise up your hand, if you believe It. All right, He does it. I never seen the man in my life, I know nothing about him. But you heard that Jesus said, here in the Bible, that He would do these things, now you see it! You see what I mean? "If thou canst believe, all things are possible." Only to them that believe! It takes real, genuine faith to do it. But if you can believe It, God will grant it.

217 There's a lady setting right back there, looking at me, got a goiter in her throat.

218Lady setting next by, setting next to her, that she'll understand, that lady there has high blood pressure, also. That's right.

219Lady setting next to her, she has a--a trouble, too. And she's not from here, she's from Arkansas. They're missing it. Miss Phillips, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be healed! Do you believe Him? With all your heart? You accept It? Right. Then you can have it.

Now you say, "That's mysterious." No! No!

220Jesus said, "Your name is Simon, you're the son of Jonas." Is that right?

221"I have heard of Thee with my ear, now I see Thee with my eye." Now don't you see what happened? Someone just setting there, looking, believing, trusting, and all at once there it happens. See?

222 Feeling better, son, tonight, than you did last night? Setting down? It's all right now, you're going to be well (uh-huh). Setting here last night, butting his head and everything else; now, tonight, he looks like a gentleman. See? He was a little bit confused about things, but it's all straightened out now. See? It'll be all right. See? "And in that day, the Son of man is being revealed, see, just before Sodom is to be burned."

223"I have heard of Thee with my ear, now I see Thee with my eye. I heard Jesus Christ say He promised that, I see that promise living right now." See? "I have heard of Thee with my ear, now I see Him with my eye." How many believes That to be Him? (O God!)

224 Now, while we're here... it's getting late. Tomorrow night we're going to have a great healing service. We're expecting Brother Moore and I to stand here and pray for every person that wants to come through the line. But I thought in speaking this tonight, I was just going to make the altar call. But then I thought, "no," It said there, "I have heard of Thee with the ear, now I want to see You with my eye." Now He's here. Do you believe that?

225Now let's lay our hands over on one another. Now, remember, the same One that promised He would do this, said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Did He say It? Are you a believer? Say, "Amen." Well, then, the same God that made this promise that you see Him perform just now,... Ask any of those people, I never seen them, know nothing about them. I wouldn't know them right now, see, impossible for me to. But that Scripture's got to be fulfilled! Well, if that's fulfilled, it shows we're in the latter times, we'll know the Son of man is ready to be... to come, because He's revealing Himself in human flesh. Is that right?

226Then we know it's true, and you say you're a believer on Him, and you got your hands laid on one another. And if your hands are laid on one another, that same Son of God which is here to make this come true to your eyes, the same Son is here to say, "They shall recover!" The same Son of God! "I heard that He said, 'If the believers lay their hands on, they shall recover.' I heard it with my ears, now let me see it with my eyes. He promised to do it."

Now while I pray, you pray.

227 Lord Jesus, in the Name of the Lord God of Heaven, let Your Spirit drop into these people's heart; that genuine faith of God, that will confirm this promise to them. And may the God of Heaven heal every one of them, as they obey Your commandments by laying hands on each other. Let it be so, Lord. In the Name of Jesus Christ, grant that it will be so, for Your glory.

228 Now, do you believe that you got what you asked for? Does something in your heart tell you? Do you feel that little speck of inspiration, said, "Why, it's over! It's done!"?

229The commandment of God said that we could hear it with our ear, now we can see it with our eye. Job said, "I've heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear, but now I see Thee with my eyes."

230Now, you heard it by the Word, by the hearing of the Word, "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word." Now you see It act, with your eyes! Now, that same God that said that, when these things was to be taking place, that "the believers on This would lay their hands on the sick and they shall recover." Now has it dropped into your heart that you're "healed"? Raise your hands if you do. Amen! That's real apostolic healing. You mean it? You believe It with all your heart? Hallelujah! That's all we need.

Let's stand on our feet and give Him praise, then.

231Thank You, Lord Jesus. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

I will praise Him! I will praise Him!

Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory, all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

232 Now, do you love Him? Now let's, all together, give Him glory, all ye people. Now, look, if that has been revealed to you by God, in the channel that you were saved in, the same channel that told you "you were saved," the same channel God moved through, like He did through Job and the prophets, He's moved through you through that channel as a Christian, by His Divine revelation that "you are healed," then there's nothing going to keep it from happening.

So we give Him glory, all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each... (Every doubt; washed away every doubt.)

I will praise Him! I will praise Him!

Praise the Lamb for sinner slain;

Give Him glory, all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

233 Oh, don't you love Him? Ah, how wonderful. "I have heard of Thee, Lord, with my ear, and faith cometh by hearing; but now I see Thee, God making Himself known among His people like He did to Abraham, by His promise here that the Son of man would reveal Himself in the days that the world become in a Sodom condition."

234And there was three messengers went forth, come down from Heaven.

235And there was a denominational group down in Sodom, and a Billy Graham and a Oral Roberts went down there. And remember as I've told you, nowhere in the history of the church has there ever been a messenger sent universal to the church, until now, with his name ending like Abraham, h-a-m. G-r-a-h-a-m, six letters, to the world, man's number.

236 But Abraham had seven letters in the name, God's complete and perfect number. See?

237And notice what the messengers did that went out in there: preached the Word, called them out, told them to repent.

238 But the One who stayed back with Abraham, see, performed a miracle by telling Abraham what Sarah was doing and thinking in the tent behind Him. And Jesus, Who was the One that was in this Person, said, "When the world gets in a Sodom condition, like it was then, the Son of man will be revealed again." And all the other Scriptures confirming that to be so. The... "In the beginning was the" [Congregation says, "Word,"--Ed.] "and the Word was with" ["God,"] "and the Word was" ["God."] "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Is that right? Now we see that same promised Word, of Luke, of Malachi, all these other promises from today, made flesh, dwelling among us, that we heard with our ears; now we see Him (with our eyes) interpreting His Own Word, we don't need any interpretation of man. O Church of the living God, here and on the phones! wake up quick, before it's too late! God bless you.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me,

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary tree.

239 Could you think, church, that you're looking with your own eyes... The living Word of God made manifest, the promise of the hour, in the last days, looking with your own eyes at the living Word being interpreted in natural form, God among us! "I see Him with my own eyes, the One... I heard that He would do it." All the old sages looked for this day, now we see It manifested with our own eye. How many the old shouting Methodists, Baptists, and the real, genuine pentecostals in their age, longed to see this happen! Many of them knowed it would happen. But we stand tonight seeing it happen! Oh! Don't you love Him?

240 Now, Jesus said, "This will all men know you're My disciples, when you love one another." So as we love Him, let's shake one anothers' hands and sing I Will Praise Him! I Will Praise Him! All right.

I will praise Him! I will praise Him!

O praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory, all... (How you do?)... people

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

241 What did the queen of Belteshazzar say before her king that night? "There is a man in your kingdom that is a Dissolver of doubts." And the Holy Ghost, tonight, is the Dissolver of doubts! Do you believe that? [Brother Branham speaks to someone--Ed.] The dissolver of doubts! Now, the Blood of Christ takes away each stain, the stain of doubt. There's not a greater sin in the world than unbelief, "For he that believeth not, is condemned already!" Is that right? "He that believeth not is condemned." There's only one sin, and that's unbelief. Smoking's not a sin, cursing's not a sin, committing adultery's not a sin, lying is not a sin; that isn't sin, that's the results of unbelief. Unbelief! You do it because you don't believe. If you do believe It, you don't do it.

242 Oh! Oh! What... Wonderful! And the Blood of the Lamb has washed away every doubt. We believe His Word, emphatically. We believe that the Word was made flesh. And we believe the Word is made flesh by the vindication of His Presence now to confirm His Word. Do you believe It? God bless you.

243We hope to see you here in the morning, for a great time in the Lord. Bow your heads now, and I give the service to Brother Lindsay.

1 Sadnite si. To je dobre, že sme znovu dnes večer tu. Som vďačný, že znovu máme teraz túto možnosť slúžiť Pánovi. A potom, čo som vás tu minulý večer držal tak dlho, cítim, že by to nebolo dobre držať vás tu dlho znovu dnes večer.

2 Práve som tam vzadu počúval jedného nášho brata, s ktorým máme obecenstvo v Pánovi, ktorý práve prišiel z Indiány, vzrušený zvláštnym snom. On nikdy v živote nebol v Shreveport. Ale minulej noci sa mu sníval sen, že prišiel do Shreveport, nie na aute. A prišiel so ... alebo prišiel niekde, do nejakého zboru kde som ja kázal. Povedal, že potom keď som odkázal a modlil som sa za ľudí, povedal: „Niečo sa stane." Povedal, že na druhý deň tam bol znovu. A povedal, že vie ako vyzerala tá budova. Tam na druhej strane ulice bolo mestské auditórium, ale ľudia nešli do toho auditória. Povedal, že to bolo na tejto strane, v kamennej budove, ktorá mala krídlo a tá budova stála presne ako táto. A tomu chlapcovi sa snívajú sny, videl som jeho sny a viem, že oni sú pravé.

3 A on povedal, že potom posledný večer, keď som hovoril a modlil som sa za chorých, že som povedal: „Niečo sa má stať." A zaznelo to ako úder hromu. A povedal, že ľudia začali kričať. A povedal, že keď ten hrom začal odchádzať, vydal hlas a začal hovoriť. Povedal, že to hovorenie išlo ďalej, že cez tieto mreže (tu cez okná) prichádza Sláva Božia, vchádza dovnútra, vo forme ohnivého stĺpa. On to nikdy nevidel. On nás počul o tom hovoriť, ale sám to nikdy nevidel. A povedal, že tam to bolo, prišlo to takto cez okná a sformovalo to svetlo rovno tu nad publikom, ako to vidíte na tej fotografii. Ale povedal, že to niečo rachotilo. A povedal, že ja som stál a povedal: „To je Jehova Boh."

4 A povedal, že sa mu pripomenulo (keď o tom rozmýšľal), keď Mojžiš vyvolal - vyviedol ľudí z Egypta. A oni povedali: „Nech hovorí Mojžiš a nie Boh, aby sme nepomreli."

5 Povedal, že všetci ležali na podlahe, ruky mali zodvihnuté, kričali. Povedal, že on tiež kričal, Pane Bože, ja ťa milujem. Ja ťa milujem! A jeho žena s ním zatriasla a zobudila ho.

6 Vidíte ho, teraz ide tam cez tú uličku, brat Jackson, bývalý metodistický kazateľ. A on bol taký vzrušený, že až prišiel sem; a povedal, že keď sem vchádzal bol taký ohromený, lebo je to tu presne tak ako to videl vo sne. Ja neviem čo to znamená. Pán to zadržal predo mnou. Ale niečo sa môže stať, keď vidím, že bratovi Jacksonovi sa to snívalo a poznám ho ako čestného, skutočného muža, sluhu Božieho.

7 A viem, že sa mu snívajú sny, prichádza ku mne a Pán mi dal výklad a je to presne tak. Dokonca raz mal sen, ohľadne môjho odchodu do Arizony.

8 A on je veľmi rozrušený. Je tu so svojou ženou, priviedol ju. Ona za krátko bude matkou, jediný spôsob ako mohol prísť bolo lietadlo. On nemal na cestu ani groša a niekto mu dal peniaze. Udialo sa to tak trochu tajomne, tak niečo sa môže stať; dúfame. Nevieme čo Pán pre nás učiní.

9 No, sme vďační Pánovi, že žijeme v tomto dni v ktorom žijeme, tesne pred príchodom Ježiša. Ako som predtým povedal, to je najvýznamnejší čas v celej histórii. Radšej by som žil práve teraz, než kedykoľvek inokedy, na zemi.

10 Vidím tu pred nami, znovu dnes večer môjho dobrého priateľa, brata Daucha. Zmienil som sa o ňom v auditóriu dnes ráno. Brat Dauch má dnes deväťdesiattri rokov, aké je to požehnané. On prispieva svojím dlhým životom na slávu a chválu Božiu, dnes má 93. Všetko najlepšie k narodeninám môj brat! A viem, že všade po krajine, kde dnes večer počúvajú, oni tiež prajú bratovi Dauchovi „Všetko najlepšie k narodeninám." On je osobným priateľom Orala Robertsa, pomohol tak veľa na ceste evanjelia a vo všetkom. On je naším dobrým priateľom.

11 Som rád, že tu vidím brata Manna, to je ďalší metodistický kazateľ, spasený a pokrstený Duchom Svätým a vo meno Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý tu sedí. On je tiež jedným z nášho spoločenstva z Indiány. A dopočul som sa, že tu pri ňom sedí brat Hickerson, jeden z našich diakonov z Jeffersonville, oni dnes večer v Indiáne počúvajú. A dopočul som sa, že brat Weeler, jeden z ďalších diakonov je tu niekde. Ešte som nezistil kde sedí, niekto ukazuje prstom a za chvíľu ho uvidím, sedí tam v pravo, áno.

Brat Banks Wood, ak dnes večer počúvaš, tvoj brat tu bol včera večer. Videl som ho keď som odchádzal, brat Lyle. Jehovov Svedok; celá skupina sa obrátila. Lyle bol privedený skrze videnie od Pána.

12 Lyle sedel vtedy tam v tom člne, keď deň predtým mu bolo povedané, že niečo sa stane, pri čom bude vzkriesený život. On bol tiež skutočným Svedkom Jehovovým. Ale to ráno, sedel tam, chytal ryby a chytil ... No, on mal veľký (to je kentacká móda, viete) ... veľký háčik a maličká rybka to prehltla. A on proste vytiahol žiabre, vnútornosti a všetko, hodil to do vody (malá rybička) a povedal: „No, maličká vypľula si svoj posledný chumáč." Tá maličká ... hodil ju na hladinu, mŕtvu a vietor ju odfúkol do nejakých vodných ľalií.

13 A deň predtým, ako sme sedeli, povedal som: „Duch Svätý mi hovorí, že sa odohrá vzkriesenie nejakého malého stvorenia. Možno to bude mačiatko, keď prídem domov, lebo práve ..."

14 Keď sme sa snažili nakopať nejakú návnadu na ryby, brat Wood a ja, on to teraz počúva, moje malé dievča, ktoré je teraz mladou ženou a sedí tam, zasnúbená s týmto vychudnutým vojakom (To je on), prišla a povedala: „Ocko ..." Ona a to druhé dievčatko, povedali: „My ..." No, každý môže mať nejakého maznáčika akého chce, ale ja naozaj nemám rád mačky, tak ona ... ani žiadny Branham. Tak my ... ona povedala: „Ó našli sme tu vonku biednu mačku, ocko. Ona niečo zožrala, niekto ju otrávil, celá je napuchnutá." Povedala. „Ocko, ona za chvíľu zomrie, môžeme zobrať malú krabicu a mať ju tam niekoľko dní?"

15 Povedal som: „Počkajte, nech sa pozriem na tú mačku." Dobre, oni odišli a zobrali tú mačku. Vedel som čo sa stane, tak dali jej krabicu a na druhý deň ráno tam bolo okolo sedem alebo osem mačiatok, viete. Tak môj malý chlapec, Jozef, zobral jedno z nich a stlačil ho a pustil ho na zem; a len ... to maličké tam ležalo, zmietalo sa a bolo po ňom.

16 A povedal som bratovi Lyle, jeho bratovi, povedal som: „Vieš, možno bude vzkriesené to mačiatko, ako sme videli tie veci, ktoré Pán robí."

17 Brat Lyle, on je práve nový na tej ceste. Duch Svätý mu práve povedal, že on bol ženatý a čo vykonal a to zlé čo vykonal, veci ktoré urobil. No, on si myslel, že brat Banks mi povedal tie veci. Ale keď mu to bolo priamo prinesené a bolo mu povedané čo urobil minulej noci, to bolo na neho príliš veľa. On to nemohol pochopiť.

18 Potom, na druhý deň ráno ... Kým predtým sme celý večer chytali s malou rybkou, chytali sme nejaké na návnadu. Ale on proste odhodil tú malú rybu do vody, ktorá sa zatriasla a bolo po nej. Asi po pol hodine, ako sme tam sedeli a ja som ... Povedal som: „Brat Lyle, ty si nechal, že tá ryba prehltla ten háči a vošiel je až do brucha. Vidíš?" Povedal som: „Zober tu ten silón, hoď, takto založ tú návnadu a len čo sa jej dotkne, potom to trochu zadrž a potom to vytiahni." Povedal som: „On ... neťahaj ho takto, nech to neprehltne, keď chytíš rybu."

19 On povedal: „No ..." On mal poriadny silónisko. Povedal: „My to takto robíme." Niečo v takom zmysle.

20 Tak, asi v tej chvíli som počul ako niečo prichádza z vrcholu tej hory, vír, krútil sa a približoval sa bližšie a bližšie. Tu to takto prichádzalo dole a Duch Boží prišiel nad čln, povedal: „Vstaň." Povedal: „Prehovor ku tej mŕtvej rybe. Povedz: Dávam ti naspäť tvoj život."

21 A tá malá rybka tam ležala asi pol hodiny, vnútornosti mala v ústach a v žiabrach. Povedal som: „Malá rybka, Ježiš Kristus ti dáva naspäť tvoj život. Ži, v mene Ježiša Krista." V momente sa obrátila chrbtom hore a odplávala tak rýchlo ako len mohla.

22 Brat Lyle, si tu niekde? Videl som ťa minulý večer. Či je vo vnútri alebo vonku, alebo kdekoľvek. Zodvihni ruku, ak ťa môžem vidieť. [Niekto v zhromaždení hovorí - na balkóne.] Čo hovorí? Na balkó ... Ó, áno, hore na balkóne, cez okná tam vzadu. To je ten muž, Jehovov svedok.

23 On povedal: „Brat Branham!" On bol celý vzrušený, povedal: Ó, to je dobre byť tu. Či nie?" Povedal: „Ó - ó, či ty ... Och, myslíš, že to znamená, že ja, že som povedal o tej rybe, že vypľula svoj posledný chumáč?" Povedal: „Či-či to znamená niečo ohľadne mňa?"

24 Povedal som: „Nie, nie, to je len potvrdenie." Bol z toho celý vzrušený.

25 No, cestujeme spolu a vidíte, že sa dejú tieto veci a viete .... No, zamyslite sa len, čo to malo ukázať? Na svojom liste s prosbou o modlitbu som mal veľa malých ochrnutých detí, za ktoré sa modlím, ale keď prišlo to videnie, týkalo sa to malej rybky asi takejto veľkej, okolo dva alebo tri cóle. Vyzeralo to akoby ten háčik bol taký veľký ako tá ryba. Ale čo to bolo, to vám malo ukázať, že Boh sa tiež stará o malé veci. Vidíte?

26 Jedného dňa, keď po celej krajine bolo plno malomocných, on použil svoju moc a preklial strom a ten začal vädnúť, keď všade tam ležali ľudia, ktorí potrebovali tú uzdravujúcu moc. Ale, vidíte, on chcel ukázať, že je Bohom nad všetkým, či je to malé, či veľké, čokoľvek to je. On je stále Boh nad všetkým, nad celým stvorením. Tak Ho milujeme, pretože ... To nám dáva vedieť, že keď mal záujem na tom aby vypovedal Slovo života pre malú bezvýznamnú rybku, ktorá tam pol hodiny ležala mŕtva na vode, že môže určite jedného dňa vysloviť život pre svoje deti. Bez ohľadu na to, či z vášho tela nezostalo viac ako za lyžicu prachu, on povie, a my mu jedného dňa odpovieme. On je Boh, ktorý má záujem o všetko, o všetko čo my robíme, o všetko čo hovoríme, o všetko. On sa o to zaujíma.

Skloňme teraz svoje hlavy, všade:

27 Chcel by som vedieť teraz, prv ako sa budeme modliť, či je tu niekto dnes večer, kto sa zaujíma o neho ale zatiaľ nemáš ešte zaistené miesto v tej druhej krajine, kde ho budeme vidieť. Vieš, nemôžeš tam vojsť bez zaistenia. A ty si si to ešte nezaistil, ale chcel by si byť spomenutý teraz v modlitbe, aby všetko medzi tebou a Bohom bolo dnes večer dané do poriadku. Zodvihol by si len ruku? Povieš: „Pamätaj na mňa Pane?" Nech on vidí vaše ruky. Bože, udeľ to.

28 Nebeský Otče, stojíme dnes večer medzi živými a mŕtvymi; a tieto veci, ktoré sa dejú v týchto dňoch, tajomné, skutočne sú to tajomné veci; ale Bože, ty vieš, či je to pravda alebo nie. Ty si velebný Sudca neba i zeme. A my toto hovoríme, Pane, proste aby sme povzbudili ľudí (niečo z tých vecí, ktoré si nám ukázal), aby oni mohli byť povzbudení a milovali ťa a verili ti, slúžili ti a aby vedeli, že nezáleží na tom, aký malý skutok to je, dobrý alebo zlý, Ty to vidíš. Prosím, drahý Bože, aby si požehnal každú jednu z týchto rúk dnes večer a tú dušu a ducha, ktorý motivoval, že tá ruka sa zodvihla. A prosím, Bože aby toto bol večer, keď bude vykonané zaistenie do tej zeme za riekou. Udeľ to.

29 Uzdrav chorých a postihnutých, Pane, tých ktorí sú tu, aj tých po celej krajine kde prichádza toto vysielanie cez telefón. Požehnaj tých tam, ktorí nie sú spasení po celej ceste od Kalifornii do New Yorku, od Kanady po Mexiko. Udeľ to Pane, aby každá osoba pod zvukom nášho hlasu, dnes večer, bola spasená od svojich hriechov, uzdrav ich nemoci, z dôvodu tvojej Božskej prítomnosti.

30 A tento náš brat Jackson, ktorý priletel celou cestou sem týchto tisíc míľ, aby tu bol pretože niečo zvláštne vzrušilo jeho srdce. „A budú sa im snívať sny a budú vidieť videnia." Drahý Bože, Ty si to zadržal ako tajomstvo predo mnou, čo toto znamená; Ja neviem. Ale ak nás navštíviš, Pane, priprav teraz naše srdcia na tú návštevu. Aby sme boli v očakávaní. Nevieme čo urobíš a nevieme či si zasľúbil, že nás navštíviš podľa tohoto snu; nevieme. Ale len citujeme tieto veci, že rozumieme, že si zasľúbil navštíviť svoj ľud a modlíme sa aby si sa nám tu stal reálnym. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

31 A teraz, dnes večer, po tom čo som vás včera večer a dnes ráno držal tak dlho, som tak trochu zachrípol. Mám malý kúsok vlasov, ktoré nosím a keď kážem mávam to tu na mieste kde nemám vlasy. Ale teraz som si to zabudol a tento vzduch, ktorý vanie cez tieto okná, to začína robiť, že som trochu zachrípol. Zvykol som ... Musel som zakončiť zhromaždenia, ale odvtedy ako to mám, viac na to netrpím, proste pokračujem. A zabudol som si to a to je ... trochu to cítim, tak si budem ceniť vaše modlitby. A teraz, každý deň máme dve zhromaždenia, a to sú ... Viete, keď prejdete toľko míľ, to ... môžete to povedať.

32 Tak teraz vy ľudia v Kalifornii a tam v Arizone všetci posielame pozdravy po celom národe. Bratovi Leovi a tej skupine, ktorá očakáva na Pána tam hore v Prescott, kde som teraz pozvaný, a vám všetkým okolo Phoenixu, za týždeň budem v Yume na bankete. Vypredali všetky lístky, majú veľké auditórium a nemôžu zmestiť ľudí. Tak príďte zavčasu, vy všetci, aby ste sa tam dostali. Potom z tade pôjdeme do Los Angeles, na budúci pondelok ... budúcu nedeľu, nedeľu večer. A tak sa tešíme, že vás tam uvidíme. Nech na vás všetkých spočinie bohaté Božie požehnanie.

33 Pre vás v New Yorku a pre vás, ktorí ste tam okolo, v Ohio a na rôznych miestach, zakrátko chcem kázať v modlitebni [v Jefffersonville] posolstvo, Po stope hada -- šelma na začiatku a šelma na konci. Billy vám pošle oznámenie, keď to budeme hovoriť, budem to kázať tam v modlitebni pretože to bude trvať prinajmenej štyri hodiny alebo viac.

34 Tak teraz ... chcem aby ste vy tu, tu a kdekoľvek ste teraz, aby ste si otvorili knihu Jóba. Veľmi zvláštna kniha na kázanie, ale chcem tu teraz použiť niekoľko poznámok.

35 A potom, zajtra ráno, tu v modlitebni bude zhromaždenie nedeľnej školy o ...O koľkej začíname ? (niekto odpovedá: „9:30") O 9:30. A potom zajtra ráno tu budem mať znovu príležitosť hovoriť. A keď Pán dá, chcem hovoriť na tému ... ak to On teraz dovolí, ako som to študoval dnes popoludní, aby som vám ukázal, že je len jedno miesto na ktorom sa Boh stretáva s tým kto Ho ctí. Len na ... A budem vám môcť povedať čo je to za miesto, a aké je meno toho miesta, kde sa Boh stretne s tým kto ho ctí.

36 A potom, zajtra večer chcem požiadať o náklonnosť, keď budeme mať zhromaždenie s uzdravovaním. A chcem aby sme mali starodávne zhromaždenie s uzdravovaním. A ak Pán dá, chcem hovoriť na tému toho, čo ma dnes znekľudnilo ... Keď sme sa spolu rozprávali s bratom Moore a s mojimi drahými bratmi, rozoberali sme miesta Písma. A aké to bolo milé byť s tými bratmi, ako voľakedy. A on povedal: „Vieš, brat Branham, zo všetkých tých kázní, ktoré si nám tu v Shreveporte kázal, Baránok a holubica, to bolo to najlepšie posolstvo, ktoré si nám tu v Shreveporte priniesol." Povedal: „Hádam s tvojim posolstvom, ktoré dnes tak horlivo kážeš, nedostaneš sa už ku niečomu takému, ako bolo tamto."

37 Ak opustím tam to, tak miniem cieľ svôjho posolstva. Láska je môj ...

Drahý zomierajúci Baránok, tvoja drahocenná krv nikdy nestratí svoju moc, kým celá vykúpená cirkev Božia nebude spasená aby viacej nehrešila.

Stále, odkedy skrze vieru som videl ten prameň vytekajúci z tvojich rán, mojou témou sa stala vykupujúca láska a bude až dovtedy kým nezomriem.

38 Zajtra večer, ak bude vôľa Pánova, chcem kázať na tému: Na krídlach snehobielej holubice. Zajtra večer. Pán prichádza dole na krídlach holubice. Ak Pán dá, ak sa môj hlas príliš nezhorší. No ... tak, modlite sa za nás.

39 A potom, chcem aby sme mali starodávne modlitebné zhromaždenie, aké sme mali na začiatku, nie rozpoznávanie, len jednoducho dáme každému kartu, kto bude chcieť, aby sme sa za neho modlili. No, musíte mať kartu, tak buďte tu včas aby vám Billy mohol dať kartu a postavíte sa do radu. Ak sa to tak nerobí, ľudí stále pribúda a pribúda a pribúda a nieto konca tomu radu. Každý môže mať kartu. Chcem aby brat Jack stál so mnou pri modlitebnom rade, ako si zvykol a brat Brown aby privádzal ku mne ľudí namiesto Billy Pavla. Chcem aby sme mali starodávny modlitebný rad a budeme sa len modliť tak ako sme to robievali pred rokmi.

40 Som rád, že dnes večer je tu s nami ďalší pridružený brat, len som sa obzrel a uvidel som ho a poznal, je to brat Gordon Lindsay. On je jedným z tých, ktorý pamätajú tie dávne časy, ktorý bol s nami už dávno tomu. Robí veľkú prácu, tlačí. Tlačí teraz moju knihu: Sedem cirkevných vekov. Dúfame, že znovu budeme mať pripravené Sedem pečatí. Ak si to náhodou prečíta prv, ako to vytlačí, budeme mať teologickú diskusiu. Cítiť, že dôjde ku tomu. [Brat Branham sa smeje.] Ale on vie, že ja nie som teológ, tak ... Ale tešíme sa na zajtra večer. Ak tu budeš, brat Lindsay, príď sem zajtra večer. Ak si, príď sem a buď tu s nami na pódiu na to starodávne modlitebné zhromaždenie.

41 Koľkí by ste radi videli znovu jedno z tých starodávnych, kde privedieme hore ľudí? To bude dobre. Tak priveďte zajtra večer potom svojich chorých a postihnutých.

42 No, ak si otvoríte knihu Jóba 42 kapitolu a prvých šesť veršov zo 42 kapitoly Jóba; veľmi zvláštne. Brat Ted Dudley, ak dnes večer počúvaš, tam vo Phonixe, pamätáš sa, že sme sa raz rozprávali, asi pred týždňom alebo pred dvoma a hovorili sme o tomto? Povedal som ti: „Jedného dňa to bude pre mňa text." A dnes večer to chcem použiť:

Vtedy odpovedal ...

Vtedy odpovedal Jób Hospodinovi a riekol:

(dobre teraz počúvajte čo tu čítame)

Viem, že môžeš všetko a že ti nemôže byť prekazený niktorý úmysel.

Že kto je to, kto zahaľuje radu bez známosti? Preto vyznávam, že nerozumiem. Sú to predivné veci nad môj rozum; a neznám toho.

Počuj, prosím, a ja budem hovoriť; budem sa ťa pýtať a ty mi oznám!

Doteraz som bol iba počul o tebe; ale teraz ťa vidí moje oko.

Preto zavrhujem a ľutujem, a to v prachu a popole.

43 Chcem teraz zobrať text z toho 5. verša.

Doteraz som bol iba počul o tebe; ale teraz ťa vidí moje oko.

Nech Pán požehná svoje Slovo.

44 Jób, zoberme trochu jeho život. Jób bol prorok. On bol človek, ktorý žil dávno predtým, keď ešte nebola napísaná Biblia. Uvažuje sa, že kniha Jóba je jedna z najstarších kníh Biblie, pretože bola napísaná predtým ako bola napísaná Genesis. Jób, tento veľký bojovník a prorok bol veľkým človekom vo svojom čase. Bezpochyby, že bol vychovaný a slúžil Pánovi po celý svoj život. A žil takým chrabrým životom voči ľuďom, že všetci ho mali v úcte.

45 Ale prišiel na miesto, kde to tu nazýva, že bol pokúšaný od Pána. Ale ja by som to chcel povedať slovom, že Pán ho skúšal. A skutočne „Každý syn, ktorý prichádza ku Bohu musí byť prv vyskúšaný, overený, vychovaný." A potom ak sa tá skúška stáva ťažkou a my si myslíme, že je to príliš ťažké a nechceme počúvať (byť pozorní), potom On povedal, že sa stáva z nás cudzoložňa a nie dieťa Božie." Pretože nie je nič čo by mohlo odviesť skutočné, znovuzrodené dieťa Božie od svojho rodiča. Vidíte? On je časťou Neho. Nemôžete to zaprieť, tak ako nemôžete zaprieť seba. Vidíte? Mali ste to prežitie, že ste boli skúšaní a testovaní.

46 A teraz, tento človek bol prorokom a tak mal prístup do Božej milosti, ale Jób nemal Bibliu aby si z nej čítal. On ... Biblia vtedy nebola napísaná, ale on mal prístup ku Bohu skrze zjavenie a videnie. To bolo predtým ako bola napísaná Biblia.

47 No, nachádzame a berieme niečo z jeho života. Keď ho Boh žehnal a urobil ho veľkým človekom, tak že ho všetci mali v úcte a tiež jeho múdrosť, on sa stal takým veľkým. Jeho inšpirácia od Boha ho tak jasne potvrdila, že je Božím sluhom, že zo všade prichádzali ľudia aby ho počúvali. A vtedy Satan začína obviňovať toho človeka. A tak to on robí každému inšpirovanému sluhovi Božiemu, Satan je stále tam aby ho obvinil zo všetkého čo robí, čo nie je správne.

48 A teraz, nachádzame jeho život a skúšky a jeho veľkú vieru. Ešte aj Ježiš, keď prišiel na zem, On poukazoval na trpezlivosť Jóbovu. Povedal: „Či ste nečítali o trpezlivosti Jóbovej?" Viera s trpezlivosťou čaká na vyplnenie zasľúbeného Slova.

49 No, všímame si tu, že Jób, potom keď prešiel cez svoje skúšky, cez všetky svoje utrpenia ... On mal milú rodinu, oni mu boli vzatí. Mal dobré zdravie, bolo to zobrané od neho. Všetko čo mal vo svojom živote mu bolo zobrané. A on sedel na hromade popola s kusom hlineného črepu a škrabal si vredy. A ešte aj jeho žena hovorila proti nemu, povedala: „Prečo nezlorečíš Bohu a nezomrieš?"

50 On povedal: „Hovoríš ako hlúpa žena." Povedal: „Pán dal, Pán vzal, nech je požehnané meno Pánove!"

51 No, Satan prišiel hore pred Boha, pretože on mohol prísť pred Boha a obviňovať kresťanov (alebo veriacich) po celý čas. Tak on obviňoval Jóba z mnohých vecí a povedal, že Jób, dôvod prečo on slúži Bohu je ten, že sa mu vo všetkom darí. Ale povedal, ak ho len vydáš do mojich rúk, spôsobím, že ti bude zlorečiť do tvári.

52 Chcem aby ste si všimli tú istotu, ktorú Boh mal vo veriacom. Vidíte? On je ... Inými slovami, Boh povedal Jóbovi ... či vlastne Satanovi, niečo takéto: „Ty to nedokážeš urobiť! On je spravodlivý človek (ospravedlnený). On je dobrý človek. On ... nieto jemu rovného na celej zemi." Ó, čo za človeka, že sám Boh povedal svojmu nepriateľovi: „Môj sluha je taký dokonalý, že nieto ďalšieho takého na zemi." Ó! Keby sme len mohli byť takými ľuďmi, že by nám Boh mohol udeliť takú dôveru! Že vie, že sa nijako neodvrátime od jeho Slova, alebo od jeho bytosti. Že stojíme presne tak a On nám môže dôverovať.

53 No, Jób bol človek, ktorý do písmena dodržiaval Božie prikázania, presne. A Satan to vedel, ale on povedal: „Ak mi len dovolíš aby som ho mal, spôsobím, že ti bude zlorečiť do tvári."

54 Tak Boh mu povedal, On povedal: „No, je v tvojich rukách, ale neber jeho život." A Satan sa načiahol tak ďaleko, ako len mohol. Zobral mu každého priateľa a všetko čo mal, takmer jeho celý život, ale nemohol zabrať jeho život. Ale Jób sa stále držal, vôbec sa neodvrátil.

55 Vidíte, keď človek alebo niekto, kto prišiel raz skutočne do kontaktu s Bohom, s tou skutočnou, zjavenou vierou, že Boh je, neexistuje nič, žiadny čas, nikde, čo by mohlo oddeliť toho človeka od jeho Boha. Myslím, že to bol Pavel, ktorý povedal: „Ani svár, ani hlad, ani nebezpečenstvá, ani živé stvorenia, ani smrť, ani nič nás nemôže oddeliť od lásky Božej, ktorá je v Kristovi Ježišovi." Ste bezpečne zakotvení v Ňom, pretože ste boli určení do toho Života.

56 Ale Satan si myslel, že ho bude môcť trochu povykrúcať a vyfackať a nakloniť ho do toho aby to urobil. Ale vidíte, Jób so svojím dokonalým zjavením Boha a kto je Boh a ako ho Boh miluje, on čakal! Bezohľadu na to aké boli okolnosti, on čakal na potvrdenie svojej viery, pretože on sa pevne držal Boha, mal zjavenie (hovoril som o tom minulý večer).

57 No, keď tí chorí ľudia, ktorí sú tu v budove, chromí ľudia alebo vy, ktorí potrebujete niečo od Boha, keď môžete dostať také zjavenie, že ste ospravedlnení, keď ste skutočne ospravedlnení, keď žiadate tie veci, ktoré žiadate a veríte že, On je odplatiteľom tých, ktorí Ho usilovne hľadajú," nie je nič, čo vás môže oddeliť od tej viery, ktorá je zakotvená vo vás. Vidíte? Ale, prv vám to musí byť zjavené.

58 Nedávno niekto prišiel, skupina ľudí, niektorí z nich počúvajú dnes večer, a povedali mi, povedali ... Stále som im hovoril: „Choďte do Kentucky, tam je ropa." Vedel som, že je, videl som to vo videní.

59 No, brat Démas a ostatní, nešli tam za dlhý čas. Po nejakom čase, nakoniec, oni povedali ... (potom, keď tam išli firmy z Texasu) ... a povedali: „Teraz tam ideme."

60 Povedal som: „Vy ste tam mali ísť už dávno." Ale oni to neurobili.

61 Démas povedal: „Tam som spravil veľkú chybu, že som to neurobil, brat Branham."

62 Povedal som: „Keby si tam bol išiel, mal by si to všetko."

63 No, oni na to nepočúvali. Potom to prvé ... potom, prv ako sme ten večer odišli (boli sme na mieste kde sme obedovali) Duch Svätý mi ukázal veľkú trhlinu v zemi a bola plná ropy a tieto žriedla v Kentucky boli len malé ložiská ropy, z ktorých pumpovali, ale toto pochádzalo z hlavného prameňa. A povedal som: „Brat Démas, je to tam."

64 Tak oni tam išli aby to hľadali. Povedali: „Zájdi tam a povedz nám kde to je - kde je tá žila s ropou."

65 Povedal som: „Ó, nie! Nie! Nie!"

66 Vidíte? Nepoužívame dar boží na obchodné účely. Nie, nie! On by mi mohol povedať kde to je, ale ja to vôbec nepotrebujem. Nemal by som ani dostatok viery aby som Ho o to prosil. Vidíte? Keby som to potreboval, verím, že keby som Ho o to prosil, On by mi to povedal. Ale prv, vidíte, vaše motívy a ciele musia byť správne. Musíte mať na to dôvod. Boh vám nedá tieto veci len preto, že o ne prosíte. A nemôžete prosiť vo viere, až kým nemáte na to skutočný cieľ, byť vo vôli Božej. Rozumiete? Ak chcete byť zdraví, prečo chcete byť zdraví? Vidíte? Ak chcete byť uzdravení, aký je dôvod, že chcete byť uzdravení? Čo hovoríte Bohu? Čo chcete robiť so svojim životom, keď budete uzdravení? Vidíte, to musí byť ... musíte mať motív a cieľ a oni musia byť správne podľa vôli Božej. A vtedy je vám zjavená viera a Boh skrze svoju suverénnu milosť tam umiestňuje tú vieru, vtedy je s tým koniec. Vidíte? No. Vidíte?

67 No, aby sa ukázalo že to Slovo je pravda, keď tam tí bratia išli, oni prišli ... jeden človek tam išiel a kúpil hromadu nejakých papierov a predával nájomné a takto oklamal toho druhého. Povedal som: „Vidíte, to nebude fungovať." No len aby sa ukázalo, že to proroctvo je pravda asi sto yardov od tade, kde títo ľudia kopali svoje studne, nejaký človek narazil na veľký gejzír. A je to tam, tisíc sto barelov ropy za pol dňa alebo tak nejako; stále vydáva, rovno z toho hlavného prameňa. Ale len aby sa potvrdilo to proroctvo, slovo, ktoré bolo povedané, že to tam je, je to tam. Tie ostatné z nich, takmer všetky vyschli, všade po celých Kentucky. Malé studne, z ktorých niekedy trochu pumpujú a odchádzajú. To je len to čo pretečie z tohoto. Vidíte?

68 Ale pretože vošlo do toho sebectvo, tie ciele boli zlé, podpísali množstvo nejakých papierov „bude to takto" keď dali sľub, že to budú robiť pre kráľovstvo Božie, ale ukázalo sa že to bolo pre nich samých. Vidíte?

69 A to nebude fungovať, žiadna sebecká vec nebude fungovať. Vaše motívy a ciele musia byť presne, úplne v poriadku, potom tam máte vieru. „Ak nás neobviňuje naše srdce, potom máme dôveru." Vidíte? Vidíte, musíme mať dôveru. „Ja chcem toto na česť a slávu Božiu." Potom viera má kanál cez ktorý môže vojsť; ak to nefunguje potom máte mentálnu, intelektuálnu vieru, a nie skutočnú vieru od Boha. Tá intelektuálna viera vás nikde nedovedie. Môže spôsobovať že budete citovo reagovať, ale to vám nedá uzdravenie, ktoré hľadáte.

70 Tak, Jób sa kontroloval s tou skutočnou vierou, ktorú mu Boh dal, že je spravodlivý, že urobil všetko, čo Boh od neho žiadal. A teraz, keď sa budeme modliť za našich chorých, chcel by som vedieť, či sme urobili všetko, čo Boh od nás žiada. Nasledovali sme každú jotu v Písme? Dali sme mu svoje srdcia a životy do služby? Aký je dôvod, že chcete byť uzdravení. To je dôvod, že nemôžete mať dostatok viery, vidíte, pretože ste možno neurobili toto pre Boha úprimne zo srdca. Ako urobil Ezechiáš, predložil Bohu dôvod, chcel dať do poriadku svoje kráľovstvo. A Boh poslal naspäť svojho proroka a povedal mu, a on bol uzdravený. Vidíte? Ale prv musíte mať tieto veci dané poporiadku.

71 Tak potom ako náhle dôjdete na tieto miesta a viete že vám to bolo zjavené skrze Božie Slovo, skrze zjavenie, skrze Slovo, ktoré Boh žiada aby ste ho dodržiavali, potom máte vieru, skutočnú vieru.

72 No, práve tak ako Abrahám, keď mal deväťdesiat deväť rokov (Myslím, že to je Genesis 17). Boh sa zjavil tomuto starému mužovi, deväťdesiat deväť ročnému, keď už mal takmer sto rokov, ktorý čakal po všetky tie roky na to zasľúbenie. On sa mu zjavil pod menom El Shaddai, „Ten ktorý kojí" A čo to bolo za povzbudenie, jednako vtedy sa to zasľúbenie nevyplnilo. Ale, „Abrahám, Ja som Všemohúci Boh, El Shaddai, Ten ktorý dáva silu, Ten Boh ktorý kojí."

73 Ako som vám povedal predtým, ako malé dieťa, ktoré sa trápi a je choré a plače a leží na prsiach svojej matky a saje z nej svoju silu, pretože kým pije, je spokojné, pretože jediná vec ku ktorej má prístup a o ktorej vie, sú matkine prsia. Ono nepozná žiadnu dávku lieku. Môžete mu dať nejakú dávku lieku, ono bude fňukať a plakať. Dajte mu injekciu do ramena a ono bude ďalej plakať. Ale jediné čo môže dosiahnuť, čo ho uspokojí sú matkine prsia.

74 A On povedal: „Abrahám, ty si starý, tvoja sila odišla, tvoje ramená sú ochabnuté, tvoja mužnosť pominula, ale Ja som tvojou Matkou. Chyť sa len môjho zasľúbenia a uspokoj sa zatiaľ čo čakáš. Odpočívaj!"

75 No, takto je to s každým veriacim. Bez ohľadu na to aká zlá je tá rakovina, ktorú ste dostali, ako dlho sedíte v invalidnom kresle, či čokoľvek takého, len keď môžete uchytiť to zjavenie od Boha! Vtedy budete uspokojený, viete že to sa stane, pretože viera trpezlivo očakáva na zasľúbenie. Vidíte?

76 Jób vedel, že to je pravda. Keď my nájdeme tu v Písme, že je ... títo ľudia prišli ku nemu (jeho členovia zboru). Všetko čo sa mu raz zdalo drahé sa obrátilo proti nemu a snažili sa ho obviniť, že tajne hreší, pretože sa mu stali všetky tieto veci. Počuli ste ľudí aj dnes, hovoria: „Povedal som ti. Pozri sa na neho! Vidíš čo ...?" To vôbec nie je pravda. Niekedy je to Boh, ktorý testuje svojich ľudí. V tomto prípade, to bol Boh, ktorý testoval Jóba, toho najlepšieho človeka, ktorý bol vtedy na zemi. No, On ho vtedy držal, pretože On vedel, že Jób je prorok, ktorý mal videnie od Boha, že urobil presne to čo mu Boh povedal aby robil a on ... A Boh bol zaviazaný dodržať pri ňom svoje zasľúbenie.

77 Ó! Všetci kresťania musia byť takí. Keď príde ten posledný boj v našom živote a smrteľné chrapoty sú v našom hrdle stále musíme stáť pevne a pamätať, že Boh povedal: „Ja ťa znovu vzkriesim v posledný deň." Vidíte? Musíme sa toho držať, naše svedectvo, naše miesto v Kristovi, naša pozícia, to čo sme, keď vieme, že sme zachovali každé slovo jeho prikázania. „Blahoslavení, ktorí zachovávajú jeho prikázania aby mali právo vojsť." Vidíte? A keď vieme, že nezáleží na tom, čo ktokoľvek povedal, zachovali sme každé prikázanie, ktoré vidíme v Biblii, že Boh nás urobil ... povedal nám čo máme robiť, s úctou a s láskou a s rešpektom ku Stvoriteľovi, ktorý napísal Bibliu.

78 My hovoríme: „To napísali ľudia."

79 „Ľudia za dávna, vedení Duchom Božím, to napísali." Vidíte? Vidíte, Boh to napísal cez ľudí. Ako keď prorok hovorí jeho Slovo, to ne je slovo proroka, to je Božie Slovo, vidíte, cez proroka. Preto sa ono muselo vyplniť, ak je to skutočne pravda.

80 Vidíme tohoto veľkého človeka. A pamätajte, Jób vo svojich dňoch nemal žiadnu Bibliu aby si z nej čítal. Nemal! On chodil len skrze inšpiráciu. On bol prorok, ku ktorému prichádzalo Slovo Pánove. On mal - on musel byť jedine inšpirovaný, pretože on poznal svoju pozíciu, že je Božím prorokom. No, jediná vec, ktorá sa musela stať, to bolo aby ho zasiahla inšpirácia. A vtedy vedel, že to čo povedal sa stane, pretože to prišlo cez inšpiráciu.

81 To je to, čo cirkev, ak je v poriadku (daná do poriadku), to len ... Musí mať pripravenú mechaniku, potom potrebuje len dynamiku. Dnes večer, ak pripravíme mechaniku, ak dáme poporiadku svoje srdcia, tie veci, ktoré my môžeme urobiť, nasledovať každé Slovo, nasledovať ho v krste, nasledovať ho v každom nariadení, ktoré nám On povedal aby sme robili, pripravíme každú mechaniku a stojíme tam; potom sme pripravení aby bola vypustená dynamika a to môže urobiť jedine Boh; a to musí padnúť do tvojho srdca, tá viera ktorá hovorí: „Teraz som uzdravený." Potom vôbec nezáleží na tom aké sú okolnosti, aj tak si uzdravený; pretože to je viera, skrze vieru si uzdravený.

82 On mal kanál, cez ktorý komunikoval s Bohom, a to bolo pomocou inšpirácie. On mal spôsob ako sa dal nabok a nechal vojsť do toho Boha. A on vedel, že bol ospravedlnený. To bol dar, to bol dar pre ľudí; nie pre Jóba, ale pre ľudí. Také sú všetky Božské dary aby sa nimi slúžilo Božím ľuďom. Nie všetci sú určení aby boli prorokmi. Nie všetci z vás ... nie sú určení aby sa modlili za chorých. Nie všetci sú určení aby boli pastormi a tak ďalej. Ale to je kanál, ktorý im otvoril Boh. A tak ako sme to mali aj dnes ráno v lekcii, že on ... Jeden človek sa nemá vôbec starať do kanálu druhého človeka, bez ohľadu na to aký bol inšpirovaný, ako veľmi sa zdalo, ako dobre ... Koľkí ste boli dnes ráno na zhromaždení? Nech vidím vaše ruky. Rozumiete? Vidíte, nemôžete.

83 Tam je Dávid, taký inšpirovaný aký len mohol byť, všetci ľudia vykrikovali a chválili Boha, kvôli tomu čo sa im zdalo presne podľa Písma, ale on nebol tou správnou osobou. Tá inšpirácia mala prísť ku Nátanovi. Nie ku Dávidovi. Vidíte? On sa ani neporadil s Nátanom. Vidíte čo sa stalo? Vidíte, my máme ... Boh povedal, že On nerobí ničoho, kým to prv nezjaví svojím sluhom prorokom.

84 A Jób bol týmto prorokom v tom čase. No, jediná vec, ktorú Boh urobil Jóbovi: To čo mu stále dávalo múdrosť a jeho Slovo a inšpiráciu, on nemohol dostať žiadnu inšpiráciu. Ale poznal celú svoju mechaniku ... Obetoval zápalné obete, vykonal všetko, o čom vedel, že je správne, ale nemohol dostať slovo od Boha. Ale diabol s ním nemohol pohnúť! Tu to máte.

85 No, tak je to s tebou, keď sa za teba modlili. Nemusíš bežať naspäť do radu, aby sa znovu modlili, alebo ísť aby sa niekto iný modlil za teba. Keď vieš, že si vykonal presne to čo Boh povedal, že máš robiť (vidíš?), potom čakaj na ten kanál inšpirácie, aby ti bol otvorený a „teraz som uzdravený!" Keď to tam vojde, vtedy je všetko vybavené. Ó, nepotrebuješ ísť do radu, aby sa za teba modlili, ani nič iné, je s tým koniec! Bolo ti to zjavené! Vidíte?

86 Práve tak ako ten starý prorok pri príchode Pána Ježiša, videli sme že mu to bolo zjavené, tomu starému mudrcovi, že neuvidí smrti, kým neuzrie Krista Pánovho. A on tomu veril a čakal na to. A ľudia si mysleli, že je blázon, že ten starý človek stratil rozum. Ale on stále tomu veril! Nič ho nemohlo z toho striasť, on vedel, že mu to Boh zjavil, lebo Biblia hovorí, že mu to bolo zjavené od Svätého Ducha.

87 Simeon vchádza do chrámu v tej minúte, podišiel tam a odovzdal chválu Bohu a povedal: „Nech teraz tvoj sluha odíde v pokoji." Keď zobral na ruky to dieťa: „Moje oči uvideli Tvoje spasenie." Vidíte? On vedel že to uvidí. Bez ohľadu na to koľko detí každého dňa navštívil, on vedel, že mu Boh zjavil, že prv ako zomrie uvidí Krista. Simeon tomu veril.

88 A teraz, keď je to tebe zjavené, že ty sám si prijal zasľúbenie Božie; inšpiráciu, si kresťan, zasiahlo ťa to, nepotrebuješ ani ísť do radu aby sa za teba modlili. Tá vec ... to jediné čo potrebuješ, je otvoriť srdce, keď celá tá mechanika je pripravená a nechať aby tam vošla tá inšpirácia a potom nič nemôže zmeniť tvoju myseľ; máš to. Ak to tam nie je, tak to neprinesie žiadny úžitok.

89 No všimnite si, Jób potreboval kanál inšpirácie, on to mal otvorené. On mal kanál cez ktorý komunikoval s Bohom, pomocou jeho inšpirácie. On mal spôsob, ako sa odstupiť nabok a nechal aby tam vošlo Slovo Božie. Všimnite si ako oni - ako oni prichádzali aby sa s ním poradili z východu a zo západu, ľudia ho hľadali, pretože vedeli, že to čo Jób povedal bola pravda. Oni vedeli, že ten človek povedal pravdu. Pretože, to čo on prorokoval, to sa stalo! A tak ľudia prichádzali z východu a zo západu.

90 On povedal, že išiel na trh a mladé kniežatá z východu sa mu klaňali, len aby počuli jedno slovo útechy od neho, jeho veľkú a ohromnú múdrosť, pretože vedeli, že tento človek bol čestný. On sa nechcel vychvaľovať, on nehľadal za tým žiadny zisk, netiahol za sebou, on bol proste čestný prorok pred Bohom. A oni mu dôverovali a každý prichádzal z východu a zo západu, len aby sa za chvíľu s ním porozprával. Hovorí tu o tom v Biblii. Ale vidíte, nedostávala sa mu inšpirácia, ktorá by mu povedala, čo toto všetko znamená. Boh nechal, že sa to stalo a nepovedal mu to.

91 Potom, jedného dňa, nachádzame v tom, že vtedy keď ... Všetci, pokiaľ im môžete pomôcť, tak je dobre. Ale keď nechcú s vami súhlasiť, vtedy nastávajú problémy. Ale jedine on vedel, že je v poriadku; jeho pulz viery, počúvanie Boha, Slovo ku nemu hovorilo a on vedel, že to je pravda. Tak veru! On poznal Boží hlas. Nikto by ho v tom nemohol oklamať, lebo on ho poznal. To ... Ale kedykoľvek vy ... niečo vám je zjavené, možno je to inak ako si to myslia ľudia ... Hovorím o prorokoch. Keď Boh niečo zjavi, to čo, ak je nejaké tajomstvo, ktoré prichádza od Boha aby bolo oznámené ľuďom, nikdy to nepríde cez nejaký seminár, nikdy to nepríde cez nejakú skupinu ľudí, to sa tak nikdy nedialo. To stále bude, bolo a bude cez jednu osobu, cez proroka! Ámos 3:7, vidíte? „Pán nerobí nič, jedine že to prv zjavi cez svojich prorokov."

92 A teraz, Jóbovi sa prihodilo niečo zlé, ale nemohol dostať inšpiráciu ohľadne seba a to ho trápilo a to ... potom keď sa dostanete do takých problémov, to je keď nepriateľ vojde skoro do každého priateľa, ktorého máte. A oni ho začali obviňovať. Ó, to musela byť pre neho strašná vec, keď vedel, že jeho priatelia ho obviňujú, Satan vtedy ide a spája sa s tým nepriateľom. Vtedy vchádza Satan: „Len mi ho vydaj a ja spravím, že Ti bude zlorečiť. Ja spravím že zaprie svoje posolstvo. Spravím, že Ti bude zlorečiť. Spravím, že odíde naspäť a povie - To všetko bolo zlé." Potom ho vyskúšal so všetkým s čím mohol, až po všetkých tých veľkých ľudí a priateľov, ktorých mal. Ale Jób stál neochvejne, lebo vedel, že počul Boží Hlas!

93 Ó Bože, pomôž mi zajtra večer, aby som mohol priniesť tie „Krídla holubice." Počul som Hlas Boží, ktorý niečo povedal a to sa tak stane! Presne tak isto ako sa stali tieto ostatné veci, to sa stane!

94 No, Jób vedel že to sa stane. A on vedel, že mu to povedal Boh, že je spravodlivý. Ale oni spravili z neho hriešnika, tak on potom čakal na inšpiráciu. Satan sa dostal všetkých tých ľudí a on prišiel okolo ... jeho potešitelia, tak zvaní, a obviňovali ho, ale to s ním ani trochu nepohlo. Ale keď mu zostalo potvrdené Slovo Božie ... On počul o Bohu svojimi ušami, ale jedného dňa, ako tam sedel vo svojom najnižšom bode ... A kým tam sedel a každý ho obviňoval, ešte aj jeho žena mu vravela, že robí zle; škrabal si vredy. A Elíhu prišiel a pokarhal ho, že je sebecký, že takým spôsobom obviňuje Boha a tak ďalej.

95 A potom, vtedy sa stalo, keď ho zasiahla inšpirácia, vtedy sa začalo blýskať, hromy začali hrmieť, vtedy inšpirácia zasiahla proroka a on sa postavil a povedal: „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije! A v posledných dňoch sa postaví na tejto zemi. A hoci červy zničia toto telo, jednako vo svojom tele uvidím Boha, ktorého ja uvidím."

96 On videl ... Oni hovoril o stromoch o botanickom živote, ako on zomiera a znovu žije; voda ho privádza znovu naspäť, zápach vody, zavoňanie vody, dôsledok vody, ktorá je vyliata na strom alebo na niečo, na semeno, ktoré vošlo do zeme. Povedal: „Ale človek ľahne a vydá ducha, jeho deti prídu aby ho uctili a on o tom nevie. Oj aby si ma ukryl v hrobe, (Jób 14) kým neprejde tvoj hnev." On povedal: „Ale keď človek zomrie, či znovu bude žiť? Celý vymeraný čas môjho života, budem čakať kým nepríde zmena. Ty ma zavoláš a ja odpoviem. Ty si mi vyznačil hranice, ktoré nedokážem prekročiť," a tak ďalej. On poznal všetky tieto veci. On pozoroval ako žije strom, ale čo sa stalo s človekom, keď zomrel? On nepovstal znovu. Tak, Boh mu ukazoval tohoto Vykupiteľa.

97 On chcel vidieť či je niekto, kto sa za neho prihovorí. On sa prihováral za tak veľa ľudí, ale teraz či je niekto, kto sa prihovorí za neho? Či bude môcť niekto položiť svoju ruku na Jóba alebo na hriešneho človeka a na Svätého Boha a premostiť tú cestu? Či bude môcť ísť do jeho domu a zaklepať na dvere? Či mu otvorí dvere a porozpráva sa s ním na chvíľu?

98 Ale potom, keď dopadla do jeho srdca inšpirácia, potom mohol uvidieť Boha. Zablyskol blesk, zahrmel hrom. A keď sa to stalo, on sa postavil na svoje nohy a povedal: „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije! Môj Vykupiteľ a v posledných dňoch sa On postaví na tejto zemi." Vidíte? On začal vidieť Božiu reakciu na jeho vieru.

99 No, sme zvedaví či by sme my mohli vidieť Boha. Je nejaký spôsob ako by sme Ho mohli vidieť? No, to bol ten jediný spôsob, ktorý Boh mal, skúšajúc Jóba. On povedal: „Počul som o Tebe svojimi ušami, ale teraz Ťa vidím. Ale teraz Ťa vidím svojimi očami." To videnie toho neviditeľného sa stalo jasné. On videl okolo sa prevaľujúci oblak, videl záblesky blesku a počul hrmenie hromu, možno za jasného dňa a videl, že v tom oblaku a v tom blýskaní je Boh. On mohol vidieť Boha, svojimi prirodzenými očami. Vidíte? Pretože to neviditeľné sa stalo viditeľným. To viditeľné videnie pre tých ostatných bolo vtedy potvrdené, jasné, pre to prirodzené oko.

100 Tak ako viera so skutkami, ako sme o tom hovorili minulý večer. Abrahám tiež nemal Bibliu, z ktorej by si čítal, ale on bol prorok, jeho videnie a jeho viera ... A pre iných sa to zdalo falošné, že on tak môže rozmýšľať, že si môže myslieť že budú mať dieťa. Ale oni mali to dieťa, pretože jeho videnie o tom dieťati to bolo to o čom on hovoril: „Ja ho budem mať! Budem ho mať!" Ale keď sa to dieťa narodilo, potom tí druhí ľudia na svoje oči mohli vidieť to čo on videl vo videní. A keď vy začnete jednať podľa toho čomu veríte v srdci, potom ľudia poznajú Boha a vedia čo to robí pre vás, podľa toho ako sa správate. Takto vidíte Boha na svoje oči. Ale pre neho, hoci robil to čo bolo dobré, všetko to čo vykonal pre dru- hých, on potreboval niekoho, kto by sa zastal jeho. Keď sa narodilo to dieťa, Izák, jeho videnie, tá inšpirácia, ktorá ho viedla do tohoto sa potvrdila a tam ľudia mohli vidieť, že to čo on videl vo videní bolo skutočnou pravdou.

101 No, niekedy tieto veľké impulzy viery prichádzajú práve v čase kríz. Sú to vlastne krízy, ktoré nás vedú do tohoto. To boli krízy, ktoré do toho doviedli Jóba. Prečo, on bol na konci svojho života. Jeho deti pomreli; jeho ťavy. A celý jeho majetok pominul a bol zničený. A jeho vlastný život, on bol zlámaný od vrchu svojej hlavy po spodok nôh, pokrytý vredmi. To boli krízy, cez ktoré sa pretláčal, a tam ho zasiahla tá inšpirácia.

102 Ó mužovia aj ženy, dnes večer, keby ste sa mohli rozhliadnuť dookola a vidieť ako blízko sme príchodu Pánovho. Vy ktorí ste odložili krst Duchom Svätým, možno ste spoliehali na nejakej senzácii, alebo na niečom čo ste urobili, čo Satan môže napodobniť a nemôžete mať v sebe skutočného Ducha Svätého, aby ste išli celou cestou v Božích zasľúbeniach. Ako môže človek, ktorý tvrdí, že má Ducha Svätého zaprieť jedno Slovo z tejto Biblie, že nie je pravda? To nemôžete.

103 Bez ohľadu na tom akí ste nábožní, do koľkých cirkví patríte, v koľkých knihách je zapísané vaše meno, ak ten skutočný Duch Svätý je vo vás (ktorým je toto Slovo - zamanifestované), budete vidieť toto Posolstvo a túto hodinu, pretože to je Duch Svätý, ktorý to robí. Ale musí byť niečo čo to osvieti, inšpirácia, ktorá vás zasiahne. A ak tam je ... ak na zem lejete vodu, znovu a znovu a nie je v nej semeno, na ktoré by to dopadlo, ako to kedy môže niečo zrodiť? Tam nie je nič, čo by mohlo priniesť život. To znamená, že jedine vyvolený Boží to budú vidieť.

104 Vyvolení Boží to poznali v čase Noeho, v čase Mojžiša, v čase Ježiša, v čase apoštolov, v čase Lutera, v čase Wesleya, v čase letničných, pretože oni bolí tým semenom, ktoré bolo na zemi, keď bola vyliata táto inšpirácia. A teraz, keď je vyliata táto inšpirácia, aby zhromaždila spolu Nevestu, budú to vidieť len tí, ktorí sú vyvolení. Ježiš povedal: „Ďakujem ti Otče, že si skryl tieto veci pred očami múdrych a rozumných, a zjavil si to nemluvňa- tám, takým, ktorí sa budú učiť." No, musí ho zasiahnuť inšpirácia.

105 No, keď ho zasiahla inšpirácia, ona to vykonala. Vtedy to mal! No, vidíme, že tam nastáva čas týchto kríz, keď sa stupňuje nátlak. A rozhliadnite sa dnes, pozrite sa na stav v ktorom žijeme. Či nežijeme v modernej Sodome a Gomore? Či sa ten svet nevrátil naspäť? To bol pohanský svet, ktorý bol potom zničený, ohňom. Či nepovedal Ježiš v ev. Lukáša v 17. kapitole, 28. a 29. a 30.verš, že „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, keď sa zjavi Syn človeka." Čo to je zjaviť sa? To je tajomstvo, ktoré je oznámené, zjavenie; to je zjaviť alebo dať poznať tajomstvo.

106 No, tieto veci, ktoré boli skryté počas všetkých cirkevných vekov, sú teraz zjavené, dané poznať. No, mohli by sme to povedať, a ak to Boh nepodoprie, je to zlé. Vidíte? Boh nepotrebuje nikoho aby vykladal jeho Slovo, On je svoj vlastný vykladač. On povedal: „Panna počne," a ona počala. On povedal: „Buď svetlo," a bolo. A my nežijeme vo veku Lutera, Wesleya ani v letničnom veku. Letničný vek to bolo len prinavrátenie darov naspäť do cirkvi, ale žijeme v čase večera, žijeme v čase vyvolania Nevesty.

107 A tak isto ako ťažko bolo pre katolíkov uvidieť Lutera a pre luteránov uvidieť Wesleya a pre letničných ... pre wesleyovcov uvidieť letničný vek, tak je to ťažko pre letničných uvidieť tento vek. Stále to tak bolo, pretože to je vyliate na Vyvolené Semeno, a jedine na to. To je to čo učí Biblia. Oni to nemôžu vidieť, Ježiš sa dokonca modlil za nich, povedal: „Oni boli slepí, oni to nevedeli." Zjavenie nám hovorí, v tomto Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku, keď On bol odstránený z cirkvi, že oni sú nahí, biedni, mizerní, slepí a nevedia o tom!" Znovu je to tu, oni to nemôžu vidieť, nemôžu tomu rozumieť. Oni sú tak zapletení v tradíciách.

108 Ale pamätajte, zasľúbené Božie Slovo, ktoré vyšlo z úst Ježiša Krista, samého Boha, ktorý slovom zavolal stvorenie do existencie, On bol ten, ktorý pred založením sveta vypovedal slová „Nech sa stane," a stalo sa. Lebo On povedal, „Na svete bol a svet povstal skrze neho a svet ho nepoznal. Ale všetkým, ktorí Ho poznali, tým dal moc aby sa stali synmi Božími." Sám Stvoriteľ a sám ten Stvoriteľ, keď zobudil z mŕtvych Lazára, On povedal: „Nepokladajte toto za zvláštnu vec, lebo ide hodina, kde všetci ktorí sú v hroboch budú počuť Hlas Syna človeka a vyjdú." Sám Boh, ktorý povedal: „Buď svetlo." povedal: „Hlas Syna človeka zobudí tých, ktorí sú v hroboch." To sa musí stať vo svojom čase. On povedal: „Nech sa zjavi mužské a ženské pohlavie," a tak ďalej a všetko toto, roky a stovky rokov prv ako sa to stalo.

109 Tá inšpirácia zasiahla proroka Izaiáša, on povedal: „Dieťa sa nám narodilo, syn nám je daný. Jeho meno nazvú Radca, Knieža Pokoja, Mocný Boh, Otec večnosti." Prešli roky, mesiace, roky, dni, týždne, ubehli roky, ubehlo stovky rokov. Po osemsto rokoch sa z panny narodil Emanuel! Prečo? Pretože to bolo vypovedané cez ústa Božieho pomazaného proroka, vyšlo semeno. Vidíte? „A tá veľká hodina," povedal, „budete hľadať ... žiadať odo Mňa videnie alebo znak."

110 Povedal: „Dám im znak, večný znak , panna počne, večný znak."

111 No, nachádzame že v tých hodinách skutočného stresu, vtedy obyčajne prichádza Duch Boží. On nechal tie hebrejské deti, že išli rovno do horiacej pece, prv ako by vôbec pohol rukou. Ale keď pohne, tak pohne.

112 No, vidíme tu v Lukášovi, v 17. kapitole a v 30. verši, že On povedal: „V posledných dňoch, keď sa zjavi Syn človeka, ako to urobil tesne pred Sodomou a Gomorou a nastanú také isté podmienky." On povedal o Mojžišovi, o ... prepáčte, nie o Mojžišovi ale o Noemovi. Ako tí ľudia jedli, pili a tak ďalej, ženili sa a vydávali." Potom On prišiel, On povedal: „Ako bolo vo dňoch Lota, tak bude v čase, keď sa zjavi Syn človeka." No, dávajte pozor, Syn človeka sa zjavil Abrahámovej skupine, ako muž, prorok vo forme ľudského tela, ako obyčajný človek, ktorý mal na šatách prach a Abrahám Ho nazval Elohim.

113 No, Ježiš tu zasľubuje, že v posledných dňoch sa Syn človeka znovu zjavi tej istej skupine ľudí, kráľovskému Semenu Abraháma, tesne predtým ako spadne oheň. Pamätajte, cirkev nedostala žiadne ďalšie svedectvo, Abrahám a oni už nedostali, ten zasľúbený syn, na ktorého očakávali prišiel hneď potom. A cirkev očakáva na zasľúbeného syna, On príde hneď po dňoch tejto služby, On bude zjavený z neba. No, vidíme to príliš jasne, musí to tak byť. No, to jediné čo musí byť, je niečo čo pulzuje, dostáva sa do človeka, Boh mu potvrdzuje a hovorí a ukazuje, že to je to, čo sa má stať; a že budete ...

114 Ako urobil Mojžiš, on nechcel vyslobodiť tie deti, ale Boh ku nemu prehovoril v horiacom kríku. On nechcel ísť, ale musel ísť. Mojžiš počul o Ňom, že je veľký Jehova. Ale potom Ho mohol vidieť, On bol vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa. „Počul som o Tebe, ale teraz Ťa vidím." V čom bol viditeľný? Vo svojom potvrdenom Slove.

115 Boh povedal Abrahámovi, že jeho ľud bude pohostínom v cudzej zemi za štyristo rokov ale On ich vyvedie mocným ramenom.

116 A všimnite si, tento horiaci krík potvrdil to, čo povedal prorok Abrahám, že sa stane. Mojžiš povedal: „Počul som o tom, ale teraz to vidím."

117 No my sme počuli, že v posledných dňoch príde Syn človeka medzi svojich ľudí a zjavi sa tým ľuďom takým istým spôsobom ako to urobil pri ... tesne pred zničením Sodomy. Syn človeka, čo On urobil? On poznal tajomstvá, ktoré mala Sárah v srdci. Tiež dal Abrahámovi zasľúbenie. Abrahám už počul Boží hlas, on Ho mohol už vidieť v mnohých rôznych spôsoboch (Ja neviem ako On ku nemu hovoril, cez sny a cez proroctvá), ale tentokrát Ho videl. „Počul som o Tebe, teraz Ťa vidím."

118 A cirkev počula o Bohu, čítali o Ňom, a o tom čo On urobil a o zasľúbeniach, ktoré dal, ale my Ho teraz vidíme svojimi očami (presne tak isto ako Jób), „Počul som o Tebe, ale teraz Ťa vidím." Ó! Čo za rozdiel.

119 Mojžiš, v čase tých kríz, zvolal. A nachádzame v Exoduse v 14. kapitole, od 13. do 16 verša, Mojžiš v tom veľkom napätí tam s deťmi Izraelovými, zasiahla ho inšpirácia a on povedal to, čo mal povedať a ani nevedel, že to povedal. Vidíte? „Stojte a vidzte spasenie Božie!" Boh ešte ku nemu neprehovoril. Vidíte? Zasiahla ho inšpirácia.

120 Oni povedali: „Prečo si nás sem vyviedol? Mali sme zomrieť v Egypte. Či preto, že nebolo tam dosť hrobov? Vyviedol si nás sem a necháš nás zomrieť; mohli sme žiť v pokoji ako otroci až do smrti, ale ty si nás sem vyviedol."

121 Mojžiš, prorok, vedel že má prístup ku Bohu, bol inšpirovaný a povedal: „Stojte a budete vidieť spasenie Božie; lebo Egypťanov, ktorých dnes vidíte, nikdy viacej ich už neuvidíte." Ako vedel, že to sa stane? Ako to vedel? On nevedel čo povedal.

122 Ale hneď potom ako to vypovedal, Boh mu povedal ako to má urobiť. Povedal: „Mojžiš, nekrič ku mne, zober do ruky palicu a vystri ju nad more a povedz deťom Izraelovým aby išli!" Amen!

123 Inšpirácia! Takto to prichádza ku vám ak ste chorí. Takto to prichádza ku vám keď ste v súžení. Niečo vám to zjavilo a vy vidíte, že to bolo zjavené, prehovoríte, „Som uzdravený!"

124 Potom vám Boh hovorí čo máte robiť: „Vstaň a začni chodiť!" Amen! Potom je to všetko vybavené, keď to tak môžete robiť. Tak to robí Boh, potom vidíte zamanifestovaného Boha cez vás samých.

125 To bol Boh, ktorý mu povedal aby to robil. No, potom, všetci prítomní, celý Izrael, ktorý bol prítomný videl tú inšpiráciu, ktorá zasiahla Mojžiša. Oni videli Boha, svojimi vlastnými očami, ako odfúkol tú vodu na jednu a na druhú stranu. A ten Ohnivý Stĺp ich viedol na druhú stranu mora. On počul o Bohu, potom ho videli.

126 Józua bol v hodine krízy, keď sa zhromaždili tie armády a slnko zapadalo. Józue bol prorok a on vedel, že ak tie armády budú mať šancu aby sa znovu zjednotili a prišli proti nemu, že by stratil veľa ľudí, tak v tej hodine krízy, keď sa niečo muselo urobiť ... Je len jedna vec, ak by ich mohol ďalej rozháňať, úplne by ich porazil. Ale nemal na to dosť svetla, tak Józue sa postavil, zodvihol ruky a povedal: „Slnko, stoj! A mesiac stoj tam nad Ajalon, kým neskončím tento boj." A slnko stálo potichu. Oni počuli Józuu hovoriť a potom na vlastné oči videli Boha v akcii. Skutočne!

127 Vidíte? Samozrejme, to bol paradox, vidieť niečo čo sa zdá byť nemožným a jednako je to pravda. Ale, „Slnko stálo potichu," hovorí Biblia. Neviem čo si vy ľudia myslíte, keď teraz máme za to, že svet beží; ale jednako, „slnko stálo potichu." Možno Józue nikdy neskúšal vypočítať ako to urobí, ako to Boh urobí, jediné čo on povedal bolo: „Slnko stoj potichu!" On to povedal, možno ani nevedel čo hovorí, pretože to bol Boh, ktorý mu to dal a On pracoval.

128 To isté je v Markovi 11:23, „Ak vy poviete tejto hore, posuň sa, a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci ale budete veriť tomu čo ste povedali, že sa stane, môžete mať to čo ste povedali." Ale nemôžete tam stáť a tápať vo svojich mysliach a povedať to; musíte byť inšpirovaní aby ste to povedali. Amen!

129 Prepáčte za výraz; ale toho dňa, keď som sedel v tom lese ( a Boh je môj sudca a ja by som mohol padnúť mŕtvy na túto kazateľňu), keď to miesto Písma ma privádzalo do rozpakov celý môj život ... sedel som tam to ráno v lese a rozmýšľal som o tom a Hlas prehovoril ku mne, On povedal: „To miesto Písma je ako každé miesto Písma, je to pravda."

130 A ja som rozmýšľal: „No ako to môže byť?"

131 A On povedal: „Ty si ... Povedz a tak to bude. Nepochybuj o tom."

132 A ja som sa s niekym rozprával, ako som tam sedel v tom lese. Neboli tam žiadne veveričky, boli sme tam tri dni, neboli tam žiadne veveričky. A ja som sedel v javorovom kroví. Veveričky ani neprichádzajú ... každý kto poľuje na veveričky vie, že oni nie sú v javoroch. A ja som tam sedel; a vietor skutočne silno fúkal; bolo asi desať hodín ráno a znovu som premýšľal.

133 A to povedalo: „Ty poľuješ a potrebuješ veveričky práve tak ako Abrahám potreboval barana."

134 Rozmýšľal som: „To mi stále hovorilo pravdu, ale teraz to znie smiešne." A vstal som z tade kde som sedel, rozhliadol som sa všade okolo, „kde je tá osoba, ktorá sa so mnou rozpráva?" Nič som nevidel; len vietor silno fúkal a ja som rozmýšľal: „Či som zaspal a to sa mi snívalo?"Nie, nespal som. Sedel som tam opretý o strom a dával som pozor. Mal som sa tam ďalej stretnúť s bratom Woodom a s bratom Sothmanom, za chvíľu, okolo desiatej ráno. Všade tam okolo pracovali roľníci, zvážali obilie.

135 A znovu som to počul. „Poľuješ a potrebuješ zver. Koľko kusov potrebuješ?"

136 A rozmýšľal som: „No, nechcem to zneužiť budem žiadať o tri, tri veveričky. Chcem mladé, tri červené veveričky. Chcem ich."

137 On povedal: „Tak povedz o tom."

138 A ja som povedal: „Budem mať tri mladé červené veveričky."

139 On povedal: „Odkiaľ prídu?"

140 „No," pomyslel som si, „Zašiel som takto ďaleko, je niečo čo sa tu so mnou rozpráva." Presne tak isto vy mňa počujete hovoriť. A Boh v nebi, s touto Bibliou na srdci, vie že je to pravda. A on ... A povedal som: „No ..." Vybral som smiešne miesto, starý suchý konár, ktorý tam visel, okolo 50 yardov odo mňa, na dostrel.

141 Povedal som: „Prvá bude rovno tam." A bola tam.

142 Pošuchal som si oči a obzrel som sa dozadu. Otočil som hlavou a pomyslel som si: „Nechcem zastreliť videnie." Tak znovu som sa rozhliadol a tam sedela veverička. Dal som do pušky náboj, zamieril a mohol som vidieť jej čierne oko, mladá červená veverička. Pomyslel som si: „Možno spím a za chvíľu sa prebudím. Viete. Sníva sa mi o tomto." No, namieril som, vystrelil a veverička spadla z toho konára. Pomyslel som si: „No, neviem." Pomyslel som si: „Pôjdem tam a pozriem sa na to." Prišiel som tam a tam ležala. Zodvihol som ju, tiekla z nej krv. Videnie nekrváca, viete. Tak som ju zodvihol, bola to veverička. Celý som stŕpol.

143 Rozhliadol som sa okolo a povedal som: „Bože, to si bol Ty." Povedal som: „Ďakujem ti za to. Teraz pôjdem a ..."

144 On povedal: „Ale ty si povedal! Či pochybuješ o tom, čo si povedal? Povedal si, že budeš mať tri. Odkiaľ príde teraz tá ďalšia?"

145 Pomyslel som si: „No, ak sa mi to sníva budem v tom pokračovať."

146 Tak som povedal ... Vybral som tam starý kmeň, ktorý bol celý ovinutý tu s týmto jedovatým brečtanom. Veveričku tam nikdy nedostanete. Tak som povedal: „Tá ďalšia vyjde rovno z toho jedovatého brečtanu." A sedela tam tá mladá červená veverička a dívala sa rovno na mňa. Zložil som pušku a pretrel som si oči. Znovu som sa obrátil dozadu, pomyslel som si ... Tam sedela, obrátila hlavu nabok. Zastrelil som tú veveričku a potom som začal ísť domov.

147 Ale povedal: „Povedal si tri! Či pochybuješ o tom, čo si povedal?"

148 Povedal som: „Nie Pane, nepochybujem o tom, čo som povedal, lebo Ty si to potvrdil."

Toto je jedno miesto Písma, ktoré ma uvádzalo do rozpakov: „Nie ak Ja poviem, ale ak vy poviete." Nie ak to povie Ježiš, ale ak to povieš ty sám.

149 A zamyslel som sa: „Nejako som sa preboril do toho kanálu a viem, že On je tu, pretože som takmer bez seba." Rozmýšľal som: „Toto urobím zvláštnym, skutočne nadmieru."

Povedal som: „Bude tam červená veverička, príde dole z toho kopca, príde rovno touto cestou a rovno okolo mňa a pôjde a sadne si na ten konár a pozrie sa tam na toho roľníka." Tu ona ide z kopca, prešla rovno tam a sadla si a pozrela sa na toho roľníka a ja som ju zastrelil.

150 Satan mi povedal: „Vieš čo? Ten les je ich teraz plný." A sedel som tam do dvanástej a nič ďalšie sa nestalo. To ukazuje, že keď Boh ... On je Stvoriteľ neba a zeme.

151 V Jeffersonville teraz počúvajú. Je tam rodina, ktorá sa nazýva Wright. Brat Wood a ja sme ich tam išli navštíviť. Oni pre zbor robia víno ku večeri Pánovej. Malá Edith sedela tam v izbe; malé chromé dievča, ktoré je choré celý svoj život a tak my sme stále hľadeli na Boha, aby ju uzdravil. Jej sestra, vdova, jej muž sa zabil; nazýva sa Hattie, veľmi pokorná malá žena. A zatiaľ čo sme s bratom Banksom išli zaobstarať pre nich zajaca, oni upiekli veľký čerešňový koláč a museli sme si sadnúť a jesť.

152 Sedeli sme všetci okolo stola, hovorili sme o tomto, to sa stalo práve pred pár dňami. A zatiaľ čo som sedel za stolom a rozprával o tomto, zrazu som povedal: „Čo to mohlo spôsobiť, že sa to stalo?" Povedal som: „Brat Wright, ty si starý muž, celý život si poľoval na veveričky. Brat Shelby, ty si špecialista v poľovaní na veveričky. Brat Wood, ty tiež. Ja poľujem na ne od detstva. Videli ste niekedy veveričku na javore a v tŕní agátov?

153 „Nie, vôbec."

154 Povedal som: „Oni tam proste nie sú. Jediné čo viem, to je proste ten istý Boh. Keď Abrahám potreboval barana, On bol Jehova-Jirech, On si ho mohol zadovážiť. Verím, že to je to isté."

155 A malá Hattie, ktorá tam sedela, povedala: „Brat Branham, to je úplná pravda!"

156 Ona povedala to pravé! Keď to povedala, Duch Svätý znovu vošiel do toho kanálu, každý z nich to pocítil. Postavil som sa a povedal som: „Sestra Hattie, tak hovorí Pán, ty si povedala to pravé slovo, ako tá žena sýroféničanka. Duch Svätý mi teraz hovorí a povedal mi, aby som ti dal žiadosť tvojho srdca." Povedal som: „Ak som Boží sluha, ak to tak je, to sa stane. Ak nie som Boží sluha, potom som klamár a to sa nestane, som zvoditeľ." Povedal som: „Skús to teraz a presvedči sa, či je to Boží Duch alebo nie."

157 Ona povedala: „Brat Branham," (všetci plakali), povedala, „čo mám žiadať?"

158 Povedal som: „Máš chromú sestru, ktorá tam sedí."

159 Mal som vo vrecku dvadsať dolárov, aby som jej ich dal, ktoré ona dala do daru v zbore. Tá žena nezarobí za rok ani dvesto dolárov na svojej malej biednej farme, má dvoch chlapcov. Jej chlapci boli vyložení svetskí chlapci školských rokov, viete, a mali drzé reči voči svojej matke; pätnásť šestnásť roční. A, ó, oni tam stáli a smiali sa z toho, čo som ja hovoril.

160 A ja som povedal: „Máš otca a matku, ktorí tu sedia, sú starí. Nemáš dosť peňazí. Žiadaj o peniaze, a budeš vidieť či padnú do tvojho lona. Žiadaj o svoju sestru a budeš vidieť, či nevstane a nezačne chodiť." Vedel som vtedy, ako Jób, že je tam proste niečo, poznáte to, keď na to narazíte. Povedal som: „Viem! Stojím tu asi pred desiatymi ľuďmi, ak sa toto nestane, potom som falošný prorok."

161 Povedala: „Čo si mám žiadať?"

162 Povedal som: „To je na tebe aby si sa rozhodla. Ja to nemôžem urobiť za teba."

163 Ona sa rozhliadla okolo, tá malá žena. A zrazu povedala: „Brat Branham, najväčšia túžba môjho srdca je spasenie mojich dvoch chlapcov."

164 Povedal som: „Dávam ti tvojich chlapcov, v mene Ježiša Krista." A tí chlapci, ktorí sa chichotali, smiali a robili si žarty padli do náručia svojej matky a odovzdali svoje životy Bohu a hneď tam boli naplnení Duchom Svätým. Hneď tam!

165 Prečo? To je pravda! Boh má moc aby ma zabil, pred týmito ľuďmi po celom národe. Mnohí z vás tu a v Jeffersonville, môžem teraz počuť ako v modlitebni zneje Amen, pretože oni tam sedia a počúvajú to. Vidíte? Pretože to je pravda! Čo to je? Keď to robí Boh, vo svojej suverénnej milosti, vtedy sa to deje! Inak sa to nestane.

166 V tej rozhodujúcej chvíli ...Predstavte si človeka či ľudí, ktorých poznám. Boh obchádza všetky veľké osobnosti a všetko aby dal biednej malej pokornej žene, ktorá sa sotva vie podpísať a On vedel, čo ona bude žiadať. A to bola tá najväčšia vec; pretože jej sestra už teraz nežije a jej otec a matka musia zomrieť, peniaze by sa minuli, ale duše jej chlapcov sú večné. A to bola hodina pre nich, aby sa toho chytili. A len čo som to povedal: „Dávam ti tvojich chlapcov, v mene Ježiša Krista," oni padli matky do náručia. Koľkí z vás tu vedia, že to je pravda, viete to? Vidíte? To je to. Áno. Prečo? To je inšpirácia!

167 No: „Počul som o tebe, že môžeš stvoriť veveričky; počul som o Tebe, že môžeš stvoriť barana; ale teraz Ťa vidím na svoje vlastné oči!" Manifestácia, videnie, ktoré sa stalo viditeľným. Keď Boh niečo zasľúbil, to je to čo On urobí.

168 Všimnite si, keď máte potrebu, možno ako Józue. On mal potrebu; on vôbec nerozmýšľal o okolnostiach, on to vypovedal a to bol Boh! Veríte, že slnko stálo potichu? Ja tiež. Ako sa to stalo? Nesnažte sa to vypočítať, ale to sa stalo. Józua to urobil a zodvihol ruky; v tej rozhodnej chvíli on mal prístup ku Bohu, a to sa stalo. To bolo na čas. Duch živého Boha videl tú potrebu a potlačil Józuu, aby to povedal. Ten istý Boh videl potrebu Abraháma. Ten istý Boh videl potrebu potvrdiť mi toto miesto Písma, že to je tiež Biblická pravda! Ten istý Boh videl potrebu týchto dvoch predurčených chlapcov a to bol ten moment, v ktorom On dokázal a potvrdil svoje Slovo.

169 V ev. Marka 14 vidíme ženu, ktorá verila v Neho, ona mala potrebu a videla, že On potrebuje umyť nohy, aby začala konať bolo len treba, aby bola inšpirovaná. Dobre teraz počúvajte, prv ako zakončíme. Ona musela byť len inšpirovaná aby začala konať, pretože ona už o ňom počula. Ona počula, že On jednej žene odpustil hriechy, smilnici. A povedal: „Kto z vás je bez hriechu, nech prvý hodí kameň." Ona o ňom počula, ale teraz ho videla. Ona bola inšpirovaná aby mu poslúžila. To je to jediné, čo musíte mať.

170 Nech ti povie Duch Svätý, že si hriešnik. Nech ti Duch Svätý povie, že robíš zle. Nech ti Duch Svätý dokáže skrze Písma, že nie si v poriadku s Písmom. A čo ... pretože to sa spustí do chodu jedine cez jeden priamy kanál každého Božieho Písma, to ho v žiadnom prípade neobíde. Ak niečo obídete, na nič dobré vám to nebude. Pretože Duch Svätý ťa tým môže inšpirovať, ale ak tá duša nie je v poriadku s Bohom, ako sme to preberali tento týždeň, aj tak to nie je na nič dobré. Pamätajte, v posledných dňoch povstanú falošní pomazanci; nie falošní Ježišovia, falošní kristovia (pomazaní ľudia), a zviedli by samotných Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné.

171 Všimnite si, ona mu mala vykonať službu. Ona o Ňom počula, teraz Ho videla na svoje oči. Ona mala vykonať službu a nemala nič, čím by to urobila. Ale aj tak pobehla dopredu, aby vykonala tú službu, Boh ju vybavil vodou a uterákom, aby mu umyla nohy. Ona počula o živom Bohu, celý svoj život, ale teraz Ho videla svojimi očami. Ona vedela, že to je On a zasiahla ju inšpirácia a povedala: „Toto je ten posol." On potreboval poslúžiť (ona nemala nič, čím by Mu poslúžila), jeho nohy boli špinavé. Ale ona aj tak pobehla dopredu, aby Mu poslúžila, pretože bola inšpirovaná, aby to urobila.

172 Ty odpadlícky člen zboru, denominačný muž alebo žena, či nemôžeš vidieť potrebu, ktorú má Ježiš dnes večer? Ak ťa len môže zasiahnuť inšpirácia, toto je hodina aby si to urobil. Ale ona ho videla na svoje oči. Tí ostatní, ktorí tam boli za z neho dokonca vysmievali. Oni neverili jeho posolstvu. Otvorene povedané, ten hostiteľ, ten pastor, ktorý ho pozval, starý Šimon ho tam pozval preto, aby si z neho robili žarty. Oni neverili, že On je prorok.

173 Tak potom, keď to vyzeralo, akoby to diabol pre neho všetko presne pripravil, aby toto povedal, on si povedal v sebe: „Keby tento bol prorok, vedel by aká je to žena pri jeho nohách. Keby bol prorok." Vidíte? Jemu to ani nebolo zjavené, kto On je. Nemohla byť žiadna inšpirácia, ktorá by ho zasiahla, pretože tam nebolo nič čo by mohlo byť zasiahnuté. Ale to zasiahlo ju.

174 Jej oči videli ponad jeho kritiku. Ona verila, že On je vyplneným Slovom prorokov. Vidíte? Vedela, že všetky slová prorokov boli potvrdené v Ňom. Ona počula, že On je na zemi, ale teraz ho videla. Pozorujte čo urobila. Ona videla Slovo, ktoré sa stalo telom, Mesiáša, Emanuela. Keď dala priechod svojmu pulzu viery (zjaveniu, kto On je, v čase, v ktorom ona žila, že On je Boží Baránok pre takých hriešnikov ako je ona), podišla aby poslúžila jeho potrebe, bez toho aby vedela, ako to urobí.

175 Takto prichádza skutočné uzdravenie, keď vám je to zjavené, že On bol zranený pre vaše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre vaše neprávosti a jeho sinavicami ste boli uzdravení. Keď to máte cez inšpiráciu, že tu vidíte jeho prítomnosť, opísanú v ev. Marka 11 ... alebo v ev. Lukáša 17:30, že On sa zjavi v posledných dňoch medzi svojimi ľuďmi, v ľudskom tele, ako to urobil pred Sodomou. Keď to vidíte a niečo vás zasiahlo ...

176 Doktor môže hovoriť: „Tá rakovina je stále tam."

177 Pacient môže povedať: „Ja neviem ako budem chodiť ale jednako budem chodiť." My nevieme ako sa to stane.

178 Ona podišla dopredu aby mu poslúžila, pretože ju zasiahla inšpirácia, že to je tá hodina, že to je ten Posol, že to je Mesiáš, ktorý mal uzdravovať a ona tomu uverila. A On potreboval, aby mu vykonala službu a ona podišla dopredu a nemala nič, čo by ukazovalo, že to bude môcť urobiť. Išla proste na základe svojej inšpirácie. Sledujete to! Boh otvoril zdroje slzných žliaz v jej očiach. Tie isté oči, ktoré ... uši, ktoré počuli o ňom; oči ktoré ho videli sa s radosťou otvorili. Potom jej Bohom dané dlhé vlasy a tie slzy, ktoré stekali. Boh ju vybavil uterákom, vlasmi a slzami. Ona poslúžila jeho potrebe, potrebe živého Boha. Ona o tom počula, ale teraz ho videla, mohla mu poslúžiť.

179 Ó Hriešnik! Prečo neurobíš tak isto, keď teraz vidíš tie potreby? Že On ťa potrebuje, tvoju službu! Teraz vidíš toho, o ktorom si voľakedy počul v Biblii. Videli sme ho minulý večer, ako sem prišiel a čo robil. Videli sme ho zhromaždenie za zhromaždením a niekedy sme sedeli tak chladní a ľahostajní a hovorili sme: „Áno, viem že to Písmo hovorí. Och, videl som, že sa to stalo." Nemáme nadšenie, zdá sa, že nás to v skutočnosti nezasiahlo. Zdá sa akoby tam nič, akoby ste liali ...

180 Ako keby ste zobrali zápalku a škrtáte ňou, ak tá zápalka nemá dosť síry rovno na hlavičke, nemôže sa to zapáliť. Môžete škrtať a škrtať a škrtať, ale ak nejaká chemikália tam zabila tú síru, neškrtne to, nezapáli sa. Ale ak tá chemikália, tá síra narazí na kov ... to tam stále je keď to škrtne, zapáli sa.

181 A keď nastalo to pravé, ozajstné potvrdenie Písma, posolstva tohoto posledného dňa a vidíte prítomnosť Ježiša Krista, to čo ste počuli, že On robil vo svojom živote a počuli ste, že Písma hovoria, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky; a tesne pred tým, ako je spálený ten stav Sodomy, hnevom Božím, vidíte Ježiša ako sa vracia medzi svojich ľudí, sformovaný v ľudskom tele a robí tie isté veci, ktoré robil. Ó! To má zapáliť naše duše chválou! To má na nás niečo vykonať. Prečo? To dopadá na to.

182 Počuli ste v Biblii čo On robil, ako sa tá žena dotkla jeho rúcha. On sa obrátil a povedal jej čo ju trápilo a jej viera ju uzdravila. No, On zasľúbil, že znovu bude robiť to isté, tesne predtým ako svet zhorí a svet bude v stave Sodomy. Nový Zákon, Prorok, Boh prorok, Prorok prorokov, Boh všetkých prorokov, plnosť Božstva telesne, Boh zamanifestovaný v tele, Stvoriteľ z Genesis. Haleluja! To je jeho Slovo! On povedal, že to sa stane! A vidíme stav Sodomy; vidíme svet v takom stave; a teraz ho vidíme ako prichádza dole a robí presne to čo povedal, že bude robiť. No, počuli sme o ňom, teraz ho vidíme! „Počul som o tebe svojimi ušami, teraz ťa vidím svojimi očami." Amen! „Vidím ho na svoje vlastné oči." Čo za hodina to má byť! Čo to má byť za čas! Potvrdenie jeho Slova! Stále keď je Slovo potvrdené, to je Boh, ktorý hovorí vo svojom Slove, robí sa viditeľným, že ho môžete vidieť.

183 No, tu je prostitútka z ulice, ona padá pri oltári, pred Ježišom a umyla jeho nohy svojimi slzami a vlasmi poutierala. Boh to uctil, povedal: „Kdekoľvek bude kázané toto evanjelium, nech bude toto povedané na jej pamiatku." Prečo? Pozrite aká ona bola špinavá, ale niečo ju zasiahlo. Ona videla Slovo zasľúbenia, od záhrady Eden, toto, „Semeno ženy rozdrtí hadovi hlavu." Ona videla Mesiáša, ktorý sa narodil z panny.

184 Počula, že sa mal narodiť z panny, ale oni počuli, že ten človek je na zemi. Ona počula, že je taký mladý rabbi, prorok, ktorý uzdravil chorých. Ona tomu uverila! A tu ide po ulici, vykračuje si, obzerá sa a pozrela sa tam a uvidela, že sa tam koná veľká slávnosť. Vkĺzla ku plotu a pozrela sa, a on tam bol. On tam bol! Niečo jej povedalo: „To je On!" Vidíte? To je všetko čo ona potrebovala aby bola inšpirovaná. Vidíte čo sa stalo? Ona uvidela Slovo Božie, ktoré sa stalo telom. Ona počula na svoje uši, teraz to uvidela svojimi očami.

185 No, každý vie, že máme zasľúbenie o stave cirkvi, v poslednom dni. Cirkev, vo svojom prítomnom stave nemôže nikdy vyplniť prikázania Božie, to veľké poverenie, nemohla by nikdy vyvolať Nevestu. Ktorá by to urobila? Letničná? Povedal by som že nie. Ani žiadna iná. To je šupka, ktorá je na pšenici. To vystúpilo, vyzeralo to presne ako pšenica, ale nebola na tom žiadna pšenica. To sa otvára, ale zrno z toho vychádza. Oni sa organizujú, zabíjajú sa. Tam zomierajú. Oni sú steblom. Ale tá pšenica prešla cez to a teraz sa začína formovať do formy Nevesty. Pšeničné zrno, ktoré padlo do zeme v temných vekoch, ono muselo zomrieť.

186 Ten kritik hovorí: „Prečo by milostivý Boh, ktorý mohol otvoriť Červené more, stál a nechal aby tých biednych kresťanov žrali levi a upaľovali ich a všetko možné? Sedel si ako keby sa z toho smial." Biedny ignorant! Či nevie, že ak pšeničné zrno nepadne do zeme? To muselo zomrieť cez tie temné veky, tak ako každé iné pšeničné zrno musí ísť do zeme a byť pochované aby vyrástlo v prvej reformácii tie dve steblá Lutera, stopka. Muselo to vystúpiť ďalej vo Wesleyovcoch, aby to prinieslo peľ, klas, veľký misionársky vek. Muselo to vystúpiť v Letničných, pre prinavrátenie darov, takmer by to zviedlo samotných vyvolených (vyzerá to ako pšeničné zrno); otvorte to, vôbec tam nie je pšenica, to je len šupka. Ale potom tam ďalej začínajú formovať organizáciu jednotárov, organizáciu trojičiarov, organizáciu dvojičiarov a organizáciu cirkvi Božej a všetci sa zorganizovali a to je presne smrť! A čo sa teraz deje? Ale je útočište pre pšenicu, ona rástla cez to po celý ten čas.

187 A teraz sa to začína odťahovať, pšenica začína byť viditeľná. Toto nie je letničný vek, toto je vek pozdného dňa, toto je vek Nevesty, toto je večerné svetlo, to je keď sa musí vyplniť Malachiáš 4, aby to nasledovalo Boží vzor. Toto je keď sa má vyplniť Lukáš 17:30, toto je kniha ... Jeremiáš a všetky ostatné, Joel hovoril o týchto dňoch. Toto je ten deň! „Počul som Pane, že To prichádza, ale teraz To vidím na svoje oči!"

188 Hoci mnohí ... koľko povstáva falošných napodobovateľov, tých Janesov a Jambresov so všetkými ich trikmi, aby urobili všetko čo Mojžiš, to ním vôbec nezatriaslo ani Áronom. Oni vedeli kde ... ako Jób, oni vedeli odkiaľ pochádza ich inšpirácia. Oni vedeli, že To je tak hovorí Pán! A tá istá Biblia, ktorá hovorila o nich, povedala, že oni prídu v posledných dňoch, napodobovatelia. Tie nábožné denominácie, keď niečo začalo ... Kto začal prvý? Mojžiš alebo oni? Ak oni začali prví, Mojžiš by bol napodobovateľ.

189 Teraz máme všetky rôzne rozpoznania a všetko ďalšie a to sa snaží odvrátiť od tej pravej veci Božej, ktorú Boh dokázal, že je to pravda podľa jeho Písma. „Počuli sme o Tom na svoje uši, teraz To vidíme svojimi očami." Amen! Veríte Tomu? Celým svojím srdcom? Inšpirácia! A v tom dni keď je zjavený Syn človeka, Syn človeka, Ježiš Kristus zamanifestovaný medzi svojím ľudom.

190 Nejaký muž prišiel tam ku Abrahámovi a jeho skupine, vyzeral celkom obyčajne, na šatách mal prach. Bol obrátený chrbtom ku stanu, povedal: „Kde je tvoja žena Sárah?" (Nie S-a-r-a, S-a-r-a-h; A-b-r-a-h--a-m, nie A-b-r-a-m). Nazval ho po mene, povedal: „Kde je?"

191 Povedal: „Je v stane za tebou."

192 Povedal: „Navštívim ťa podľa času života" (a ona sa zasmiala sama v sebe). Povedal: „Prečo sa smiala?" oj-ha. No, On zasľúbil. Tí ľudia boli tí jediní, ktorí očakávali na zasľúbeného syna.

193 No, nestarám sa o to, ako veľmi sa tí ľudia v týchto denomináciách tvária a hovoria, že očakávajú na Krista. Ich skutky dokazujú, že neočakávajú! Je to tak. Vaše skutky hovoria hlasnejšie, ako vaše slová. Všetko čo si o tom myslia je získanie viacej denominačných členov, ale sú nejakí ľudia, jeden tu a tam, ktorí očakávajú na príchod Pánov. Oni jednako očakávajú. On sa zjavi jedine im, jedine oni budú rozumieť.

194 Jedine vyvolení porozumeli kto On je. Len si predstavte, bolo tam možno okolo tri milióny ľudí, Židov, na zemi, ani jedna tretina z nich vôbec nevedela, že On tu bol, že prišiel a odišiel. Vidíte? Ale On sa zjavil tým, ktorí na neho očakávali: Jánovi Krstiteľovi a apoštolom, ktorých Ján povolal a tak ďalej a slepej Anne v chráme, Simeonovi, kňazovi ktorému bolo zjavené od Ducha Svätého, že uvidí Krista. Všetci tí veľkí náboženskí vodcovia, teológovia a ostatní boli tak slepí ako len mohli byť!

195 Dážď môže zobudiť semeno, jedine ak to semeno tam už je. A tak ako vy ste boli prv génom vo svojom otcovi a on vás nepoznal, jednako ste boli vo svojom otcovi. Ale cez lono svojej matky ste sa zamanifestovali na jeho podobu a potom sa mohol s vami rozprávať. Boh, ten veľký Boh; ak máte večný život, potom ten gén večného života bol v Bohu na začiatku. A vy ste tam boli, boli ste v jeho mysliach, vaše meno a všetko. A On, skrze predvedenie vás určil, aby ste toto videli. A vy, ktorí ste neboli určení, to nikdy neuvidíte. Ale pamätajte, v mene Pána Ježiša „Tá hodina je tu!" Či mu budete veriť? Odovzdajte mu svoje životy. Musím skončiť, už prešla deviata hodina.

Skloňme svoje hlavy.

196 Počul som Pane o tebe, teraz ťa vidím. Pane Ježišu, požehnaj týchto ľudí, pri tom čo očakávajú.

197 Opýtam sa vás niečo. Chcem ... Nech to urobí Duch Svätý spolieham, že to urobí. Preskúmajte svoje mysle, skúste sa, preskúšajte svoju dušu a budete vidieť, či ste skutočne veriaci. A ak nájdete, že je tam nejaká malá pochybnosť, zodvihnete ruku a poviete: „Pane Ježišu, daj mi aby som ťa videl. Počul som o tebe, ale nikdy som ťa skutočne nevidel. Daj mi aby som ťa videl, budem veriť." Dobre. To je dobre.

198 Je tu niekto, kto ho nepozná ako svojho Spasiteľa? Zodvihni ruku, povedz: „Ak ... som hriešnik, ale ak ... ak sa mi dáš vidieť, Pane Ježišu, zamanifestuješ toto Slovo, o ktorom oni hovorili. Ja viem, že tak ťa videl Jób. Viem, že tak ťa videl Abrahám. Viem, že tak ťa videli všetci ostatní, pretože to bolo tvoje zasľúbené Slovo, ktoré sa potvrdilo. Počul som všetky rôzne veci a napodobeniny a všetko, ale dopočul som sa, že v zemi je posolstvo posledného času, o ktorom povedal anjel pri rieke v roku 1933. Počul som, že prebiehajú zhromaždenia s uzdravovaním a viem, že keď sa to deje, to nemôže zostávať v tej istej starej denominačnej koľaji." To nebolo na to poslané, nikdy to tam nezostane [prázdne miesto na páske.] ...chceš ho vidieť.

199 Čo keby bol Mojžiš prišiel a povedal: „Postavme archu ako to urobil Noe, odplávame z Egypta po rieke." Ó, nie. Vidíte? Nie! On mal posolstvo od Boha, on bol tou manifestáciou. Ten prorok povstal na scéne, mal hneď tam dokázať Izraelovi (oni už štyristo rokov nemali proroka, oni nemali proroka a tu povstal na scéne prorok), oni mali poznať, že niečo sa ide stať.

200 Izrael znovu nemal proroka už štyristo rokov a tu prišiel na scénu Ježiš. A tá žena pri studni povedala: „Pane, vidím, že ty si prorok. My sme štyristo rokov nemali proroka." Pretože On vedel čo bolo v jej srdci. Vidíte?

201 No, bol nám zasľúbený cirkevný vek reformátorov a mali sme ich. Ale On zasľúbil, v Malachiášovi 4, že v posledných dňoch On zachová svoj vzor, čo sa bude diať: „Aby obrátil srdcia detí naspäť do viery apoštolských ocov." Práve kvôli tomu účelu. A cirkev je taká rozbitá v denomináciách a v izmoch, je tak roztrhaná na kusy, až je mŕtva; to bol nositeľ. A potom On zasľúbil, v hodine posolstva siedmeho anjela, že bude zjavených sedem pečatí; a tajomstvá Božie budú oznámené (Zjavenie 10), keď siedmy anjel začne trúbiť svoje posolstvo, nie službu uzdravovania, posolstvo, ktoré nasleduje za službou uzdravovania.

202 Ježiš bol veľkým človekom, kým mohol uzdravovať chorých. Ale keď povedal: „Ja a môj Otec sme jedno."

203 „Och! To bolo zle!"

204 Jób bol veľký, až kým sa mu niečo nestalo. Vidíte? To je stále tak.

205 Verte! Prijmete ho teraz? Zodvihnite ruku, povedzte: „Ja mu verím. Chcem ho prijať." Nech ťa Boh žehná, Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je pekné.

A teraz seďte skutočne potichu a modlite sa za chvíľu. [Brat Branham sa odmlčal.]

206 Drahý Bože, v tejto veľkolepej chvíli, bude čas ako je tento, keď skutočne jedného dňa zahrmí hrom a Syn Boží zostúpi z neba s veliteľským povelom, s hlasom Archanjela a s trúbou Božou, mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú. A každý jeden z nás vie a či sme si vedomí dnes, Otče, že sa budeme musieť zodpovedať za každé slovo, ktoré sme povedali a za každé slovo, ktoré hovoríme. Dokonca za myšlienky, ktoré sú v našich srdciach, budeme sa za to zodpovedať. Prosím ťa, Bože, v mene Ježiša, aby si očistil každé srdce, ktoré je tu. Očisti moje srdce, očisti srdcia týchto ľudí. A nech by sme boli pripravení, Pane, a nech sú naše duchovné oči otvorené dnes večer aby sme videli slávu Všemohúceho Boha. Počuli sme o ňom, Ó Otče, Bože, prosíme aby si nám ho dal vidieť. Udeľ to, Otče. Udeľ tieto požehnania, prosím, skrze meno Ježiša Krista. Amen.

207 Pamätajte: Vo svojich srdciach, tam kde sedíte, spravte svoj malý oltár. Povedzte: „Pane Ježišu, príď teraz do môjho srdca. Daj mi niečo aby ... niečo, čoho sa môžem chytiť. Daj mi pocítiť tú inšpiráciu, ktorá mi hovorí, že Ty si prítomný.

208 No, čo za prehlásenie povedať to ľuďom! Čo za vec do vykonania! Budem teraz prosiť Pána Boha, prosiť ...

209 Koľkí z vás si beriete pásky? Počuli ste tú - Aký je toto čas, pánovia? [Pane, je toto znak konca?] Či sme neukazovali tie časopisy a tie veci rok predtým ako sa to stalo? Veda je z toho v rozpakoch. Tam bol Pán Ježiš korunovaný a s tou bielou parochňou, ako to vidíte v Biblii, v Zjavení 1 a v Danielovi, Najvyšší sudca neba a zeme. Rovno tam, keď sama veda to nemôže vidieť. A v observatóriách tam na univerzite v Arizone a dole do Mexica, oni to skúmajú, už posledné dva roky. A tam vám to bolo povedané ešte predtým, že to sa stane.

210 A čo so zemetrasením na Aljaške? Dávajte pozor, Holywood spadne do mora. Och, dávajte pozor a uvidíte či nie. On mi nepovedal ešte nič čo by nebola pravda, to sa stane. Vidíte? A len dávajte pozor a budete vidieť či nežijeme v záverečných hodinách histórie. Nikto nevie v ktorej hodine On príde. Ale ja viem jedno: Verím vo svojom terajšom stave, ak som zdravý vo svojej mysli a keby som nebol kresťanom, skutočne by som chcel byť ozajstným biblickým kresťanom, nie denominačným. Nespoliehajte na to, že ste vykrikovali (z radosti). Počuli sme to dnes ráno, dokázané Slovom Božím; to všetko je pomimo vôli Božej, neurobili nič dobrého len spôsobili smrť. Nebuďte v steble, buďte v živote. Rozumiete? Majte vieru v Boha.

211 Či veríte, že Boh, ktorý dal toto zasľúbenie, ktorý sa sám zjavil, v knihe Genesis a zjavil sa Abrahámovi a vykonal tie zázraky ... Ten istý Boh sa stal telom, ľudským telom, narodil sa z panny. Tam to bola samozrejme theophania, ale potom, keď On prišiel do ľudského tela a bol tým istým mužom a konal tie isté veci, ... Či neveríte, že ak Boh mohol zobrať nejakú osobu (to čo On zasľúbil, že bude robiť, podľa Malachiáša 4), nejaký kanál, cez ktorý by mohol hovoriť, On bude konať tie isté veci, ktoré robil tam? Veríte tomu? Ja tiež verím, že to bude robiť.

212 Či veríte, že by ste mohli mať vieru, aby ste sa dotkli jeho rúcha, jeho vieru aby ste sa dotkli toho rúcha? Či veríte, že práve teraz hovorí niečo do vášho srdca čo vám povie, že máte vieru aby ste sa dotkli jeho rúcha? Veríte, že by ste to mohli urobiť? Načiahnite sa a dotknite sa potom svojou vierou, nie emóciou, proste úplne čistou neskazenou vierou. Len povedzte: „Pane ja verím. Verím z celého svojho srdca. Chcem aby si sa ma dotkol, pretože som počul, že si toto robil a teraz to chcem vidieť na vlastné oči."

213 No, ja sa vás nemôžem dotknúť, na to je treba Boh aby vykonal ten dotyk. Či veríte, že On to urobí?

214 Dívam sa rovno dozadu tu po mojej ľavej strane. Zdá sa akoby tam bol kanál, ako som hovoril, ktorý tam tiahne. Ja som to smeroval takým spôsobom, teraz to nádherne prichádza. To je pani, ktorá tam sedí so svojím manželom. Ona nie je odtiaľto. Je z Texasu, z Dallasu. Trpí a tiež jej manžel trpí. Ona trpí na komplikácie, bola operovaná. Je to tak. Jej manžel trpí na niečo so svojím chrbtom, problémy s chrbtom. Pán a pani Corbetoví z Texasu; z Dallasu v Texase. Ak je to tak, zodvihnite ruku. Ja som vám cudzí. Je to tak? Na svete nie je spôsob, ako by som to mohol vedieť. Čo to je? „Počul som o tebe ušami, teraz ťa vidím." Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Opýtajte sa teraz toho páru. V živote som ich nevidel. Počul som o tebe na svoje uši, teraz ťa vidím svojimi očami."

215 Ak môžete veriť, Boh môže zariadiť to čo potrebujete.

216 Ten muž, ktorý tam sedí s rukou na brade s tým vysokým tlakom. Veríš, pane, že Boh ťa môže uzdraviť? Veríš? Ty, ktorý sedíš takto so svojou rukou, veríš, že Boh ťa uzdraví z toho vysokého tlaku? Zodvihni ruku ak veríš. Dobre, On to robí. Nikdy v živote som nevidel toho človeka, nič o ňom neviem. Ale počuli ste, že Ježiš povedal, tu v Biblii, že On bude robiť tieto veci, teraz to vidíte! Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? „Ak môžete veriť, všetko je možné." Len pre tých ktorí veria! Na to treba skutočnú, opravdovú vieru. Ale ak môžete tomu veriť, Boh to dá.

217 Tam vzadu sedí pani, díva sa na mňa, na hrdle má hrvoľ.

218 Pani sedí hneď vedľa, sedí vedľa pri nej, že ona bude rozumieť, tá pani tam má tiež vysoký tlak. Je to tak.

219 Pani, ktorá sedí pri nej má tiež potiaže. A nie je odtiaľto, je z Arkansasu. Oni to minú. Pani Philipsová, ver v Pána Ježiša Krista a buď uzdravená! Veríš v neho? Celým svojím srdcom? Prijímaš to? To je ... Potom to môžeš mať.

Teraz hovoríte: „To je tajomné." Nie! Nie!

220 Ježiš povedal: „Tvoje meno je Šimon si Jonášov syn." Je to pravda?

221 „Počul som o tebe svojimi ušami, teraz ťa vidím svojimi očami." No, či nevidíte čo sa stalo? Niekto tam len proste sedí, díva sa, verí, spolieha a zrazu sa to tam deje. Vidíte?

222 Cítiš sa dnes večer lepšie synu, než ako minulý večer? Ustupuje to? Teraz je to v poriadku, budeš zdravý. Minulý večer tu sedel, búchal sa do hlavy a všetko možné. No dnes večer vyzerá ako džentlmen. Vidíte? Bol trochu zmätený ohľadne týchto vecí, ale teraz je to všetko vyrovnané. Vidíte? Bude to v poriadku. Vidíte? „A v ten deň, keď je zjavený syn človeka, tesne predtým ako má byť spálená Sodoma."

223 „Počul som o tebe svojimi ušami, teraz ťa vidím svojimi očami. Počul som, že Ježiš Kristus povedal, že on toto zasľúbil, ja vidím to zasľúbenie práve teraz živé." Rozumiete? „Počul som o tebe svojimi ušami, teraz ťa vidím svojimi očami." Koľkí veríte, že to je On? Ó Bože.

224 No, zatiaľ čo sme tu ... Je pozde. Zajtra večer budeme mať veľké zhromaždenie s uzdravovaním. Očakávame že brat Moore a ja tu budeme stáť a modliť sa za každého, kto bude chcieť prejsť cez modlitebný rad. Ale myslel som pri tom, keď toto hovorím dnes večer, že urobím výzvu k oltáru. Ale potom som myslel, že nie, tam je povedané. „Počul som o tebe svojimi ušami a teraz ťa chcem vidieť svojimi očami." No, On je tu. Veríte tomu?

225 Položme teraz ruky jeden na druhého. Pamätajte, ten istý, ktorý zasľúbil, že On bude toto robiť, povedal: „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria." Povedal to? Ste veriaci? povedzte „Amen." Dobre, potom ten istý Boh, ktorý dal toto zasľúbenie, ktoré vidíte že práve teraz robí ... Opýtajte sa ktoréhokoľvek z tých ľudí, nikdy som ich nevidel, nič o nich neviem. Nepoznal by som ich už teraz, je to pre mňa nemožné. Ale Písmo sa musí vyplniť! Dobre, ak sa to vyplnilo, to ukazuje, že sme v posledných časoch, budeme vedieť, že Syn človeka je pripravený ... prísť, pretože On sa zjavuje v ľudskom tele. Je to tak?

226 Potom vieme, že je to pravda a vy hovoríte, že veríte v Neho a máte položené ruky jeden na druhom. A ak ste položili ruky jeden na druhého, ten istý Syn Boží, ktorý je tu, ktorý pred vašimi očami ukazuje, že toto je pravda, ten istý Syn je tu, aby povedal: „Oni budú uzdravení." Ten istý Syn Boží! „Počul som že On povedal - ak veriaci položia ruky, oni budú uzdravení. Počul som to svojimi ušami, daj mi to teraz vidieť na vlastné oči. On to zasľúbil."

A teraz kým sa ja modlím, vy sa tiež modlite.

227 Pane Ježišu, v mene Pána Boha neba, nech tvoj Duch spadne do sŕdc týchto ľudí; tá skutočná Božia viera, ktorá pre nich potvrdí toto zasľúbenie a nech Boh neba uzdraví každého jedného z nich, keď ostríhajú tvoje prikázania tým, že kladú ruky jeden na druhého. Nech sa tak stane, Pane. V mene Ježiša Krista, sprav aby to tak bolo, na tvoju chválu.

228 No, veríte, že máte to o čo ste prosili? Či niečo vo vašom srdci vám to povedalo? Cítite ten malý kúsok inšpirácie, ktorá hovorí: „Je s tým koniec! Vykonalo sa!"

229 Prikázanie Božie povedalo, že to môžeme počuť na vlastné uši a teraz to môžeme vidieť na vlastné oči. Jób povedal: „Počul som o tebe svojimi ušami, ale teraz ťa vidím vlastnými očami."

230 No, no počuli ste to zo Slova, počutím Slova: „Viera prichádza z počutia, počutia slova." A teraz to vidíte fungovať na vlastné oči. No, ten istý Boh, ktorý povedal, že keď sa budú diať tieto veci, že veriaci v toto budú klásť svoje ruky na chorých a tí sa uzdravia. No padlo to do vášho srdca, že ste uzdravený? Zodvihnite ruky, ak áno. Amen! To je skutočne apoštolské uzdravovanie. Rozumiete to tak? Veríte tomu z celého svojho srdca. Haleluja! To je všetko čo potrebujeme.

Tak sa postavme a dajme Jemu chválu.

231 Ďakujeme ti Pane Ježišu. Nech je požehnané meno Pánove.

Budem ho chváliť! Budem ho chváliť!

Chváliť baránka zabitého za hriešnikov;

Chváľte ho všetci ľudia,

Lebo jeho krv umyla každú škvrnu.

232 No, milujete ho? A teraz všetci spolu, chváľme ho. Pozrite, či vám to bolo zjavené od Boha, v tom kanále, v ktorom ste boli spasení, v tom istom kanále, ktorý ti povedal „bol si spasený", v tom istom kanále, v ktorom sa Boh pohybuje, ako to urobil cez Jóba a prorokov. On prešiel cez teba, cez ten kanál ako kresťan, cez jeho Božské zjavenie, že si uzdravený, potom nie je nič, čo by to mohlo zadržať aby sa to nestalo.

Chváľme ho všetci ľudia

Lebo jeho krv umyla každú ...

(každú pochybnosť, zmyla každú pochybnosť).

Budem ho chváliť! Budem ho chváliť!

Chváľte ho všetci ľudia,

Lebo jeho krv umyla každú škvrnu.

233 Ó, či ho milujete? Aké nádherné. Počul som o tebe, Pane na svoje uši a viera prichádza z počutia; ale teraz ťa vidím, Boha, ktorý sa dáva poznať medzi svojimi ľuďmi ako sa dal poznať Abrahámovi, tu cez svoje zasľúbenie, že Syn človeka sa zjavi v tých dňoch, keď svet bude v stave Sodomy.

234 A tam vystúpili traja poslovia, prišli z neba.

235 Tam dole v Sodome bola denominačná skupina a Billy Graham a Oral Roberts odišli tam dole. A Pamätajte ako som vám už povedal, nikdy v histórii cirkvi nebol poslaný posol všeobecne do cirkvi, až doteraz, ktorého meno by končilo ako Abrahámove, na h-a-m. G-r-a-h-a-m, šesť písmen, pre svet, číslo človeka.

236 Ale Abrahám má v mene sedem písmen, Božie úplné a dokonalé číslo. Vidíte?

237 A všimnite si čo urobili tí posolovia, ktorí tam odišli: kázali Slovo, volali ich von, hovorili im aby činili pokánie.

238 Ale ten, ktorý zostal tam s Abrahámom, vidíte, urobil zázrak, tým, že povedal Abrahámovi čo robila Sára a čo si myslela v stane za jeho chrbtom. A Ježiš, ktorý bol tým, ktorý bol v tejto osobe, povedal: „Keď sa svet dostane do stavu Sodomy, tak ako bol vtedy, Syn človeka sa znovu zjavi. A všetky ostatné miesta Písma potvrdzujú, že je to tak. „Na počiatku bolo [zhromaždenie hovorí „Slovo".] A to Slovo bolo u [„Boha."] A to Slovo bol [„Boh."] A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." Je to tak? A teraz vidíme to isté zasľúbené Slovo, z Lukáša, z Malachiáša, všetky tieto ostatné zasľúbenia na dnes, sa stali telom, prebývajúce medzi nami, ktoré sme počuli na svoje uši; teraz ho vidíme svojimi očami, ako vykladá svoje vlastné Slovo, nepotrebujeme žiadny ľudský výklad. Ó cirkev živého Boha! Tu a pri telefónoch, zobuď sa rýchlo, kým nebude príliš neskoro! Nech vás Boh žehná.

Milujem ho, milujem ho

Lebo On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil moje spasenie na Golgote.

239 Cirkev, dokážeš si predstaviť, že sa dívate svojimi vlastnými očami na živé Slovo Božie, ktoré sa manifestuje, na zasľúbenie tejto hodiny v týchto posledných dňoch, dívate sa svojimi vlastnými očami na živé Slovo, ktoré je vyložené v prirodzenej forme, Boh medzi nami! Vidím Ho svojimi vlastnými očami ... Počul som, že On to bude robiť." Všetci tí dávni mudrci očakávali na tento deň a my to teraz vidíme zamanifestované svojimi vlastnými očami. Koľkí tí dávni vykrikujúci metodisti, baptisti a skutoční opravdoví letniční vo svojom čase túžili vidieť diať sa tieto veci! Mnohí z nich vedeli, že to sa stane. Ale my dnes stojíme a vidíme, že to sa stalo! Ó! Či ho nemilujete?

240 Ježiš povedal: Podľa toho všetci ľudia budú vedieť, že ste moji učeníci, keď budete milovať jeden druhého." Tak keď milujeme jeho, potrasme si navzájom ruky a spievajme Budem ho chváliť! Budem ho chváliť! Dobre:

Budem ho chváliť! Budem ho chváliť!

Chváľte baránka zabitého za hriešnikov;

Dajte jemu chválu všetci ... (Ako to urobíte?)

Lebo jeho krv zmyla každú škvrnu.

241 Čo povedala Baltazárova kráľovná tej noci pred svojím kráľom? „V tvojom kráľovstve je človek, ktorý rozviaže pochybnosti." A Duch Svätý dnes večer je ten, ktorý rozväzuje pochybnosti! Veríte tomu? [Brat Branham niekomu niečo hovorí.] Rozväzovač problémov! No, Krv Kristova odstraňuje každú škvrnu, škvrnu pochybností. Nieto na svete väčší hriech ako nevera. „Lebo ten kto neverí je už odsúdený."Je to tak? „Ten kto neverí je už odsúdený." Je len jeden hriech a tým je nevera. Fajčenie nie je hriech, preklínanie nie je hriech, páchanie cudzoložstva nie je hriech, klamanie nie je hriech; to nie je hriech, to sú dôsledky nevery. Nevera! Vy to robíte preto lebo neveríte. Ak tomu veríte, nerobíte to.

242 Ó! Čo ... Nádherné! A Krv Baránka zmyla každú pochybnosť. Veríme jeho Slovu, dôrazne. Veríme, že to Slovo sa stalo telom. A veríme, že to Slovo je telom, tým že teraz zostala potvrdená jeho prítomnosti, aby potvrdila jeho Slovo. Veríte tomu? Nech vás Boh žehná.

243 Dúfame, že vás tu zajtra ráno uvidíme a že budeme mať chválebný čas v Pánovi. Skloňme teraz hlavy a ja odovzdávam službu bratovi Lindsayovi.

I HAVE HEARD BUT NOW I SEE, 65-1127E, Life Tabernacle, Life Tabernacle, Shreveport, LA, 116 min

1 You be seated. It's good to be back again tonight. Thankful we have this opportunity again now to serve the Lord. And after keeping you so long last night, I feel it wouldn't be fair to keep you long again tonight.

2Just back there listening to an associate brother of ours, in the Lord, that just come from Indiana, stirred by a strange dream. He's never be in Shreveport before, in his life. But he dreamed, the other night, that he come to Shreveport, not by his car. And he come with a... or come somewhere, to a church where I was speaking. He said, after I had preached and prayed for the people, said, "'Something's going to happen.'" Said, he "was back the next day." And he said, he "knew the building, how it looked." Said, "There's a--there was a civic auditorium across the street, but they never went in the auditorium." Said, "It was on this side, in a stone building that had a wing to it, and the building set just like this." And the--the boy is a dreamer, I've seen his dreams and know that they're true.

3 And he said--and he said, "Then on the last night" that I "was speaking and praying for the sick." And I said, "'Something's fixing to happen.' And sounded like a clap of thunder." And said, "The people begin screaming." And said, "As the thunder begin to go away, well," said "It made a voice, and begin speaking." Says, "That speaking was going on, that through these lattices (windows up here) come the Glory of God, moving in, in the form of the Pillar of Fire." He's never seen It. He's heard us talk about It, but he's never seen It himself. And said, "There It was, come through the windows up like that, and formed that Light like you see in the picture, right above the audience here." And said, "It was rumbling off something." And said, I "stood, and said, 'That is Jehovah God.'"

4And said he "was reminded of (when thinking about It) when Moses called the... brought the people out of Egypt. And they said, 'Let Moses speak, and not God, lest we die.'"

5He said, "Everybody was laying on the floor, their hands up, screaming." Said he "was screaming, too, 'Lord God, I love You! I love You!'" And his wife shook him and woke him up.

6 See him going down the aisle right now, Brother Jackson, a former Methodist preacher. And he was so disturbed, till he come down; and said when he walked in, he "was so astounded," just exactly the way he had saw it in a dream. I don't know what it means. The Lord's kept it from me. But something could happen, seeing Brother Jackson dreamed that, knowing him as an honest, real--real man, servant of God.

7And I--I know of him dreaming dreams, coming to me, and the Lord give me an interpretation, it'd be just perfectly like that. Even to, one time, my going to Arizona, he had the dream of it.

8And he's very much disturbed. He's with his wife, he brought her. She's to be mother right away, and the only way he could go was by airplane. He didn't have a penny to come, and somebody give him the money. And so it's kinda worked out mysteriously, so something could happen; we hope so. We don't know just what the Lord will provide for us.

9 Now, we are grateful to the Lord to be living in the day that we're living in, just before the coming of Jesus. As I have said before, it's the greatest time of all history. I'd rather be living right now than any time, to... on earth.

10I see here in front of us, again tonight, is my good friend, Brother Dauch. I mentioned him in the auditorium this morning. Brother Dauch is ninety-three years old today, how blessed it is. He contributes his long life to the glory and praise of God, ninety-three today. "Happy Birthday" to you, my brother! And I know out, down, around the country where they're listening in tonight, they also wish Brother Bill Dauch a "Happy Birthday." He's a very personal friend of Oral Roberts, many, has helped so many in the Gospel way, and everything. He's a great friend of ours.

11 Glad to see Brother Mann here, another Methodist preacher, saved and baptized with the Holy Ghost, and in the Name of Jesus Christ, setting here. He's, also, one of our associates from Indiana. And I understand Brother Hickerson's setting here by him, one of our deacons from Jeffersonville, Indiana (they're listening in up there tonight). And I understand that Brother Wheeler, one of the other deacons are here somewhere. And I--I haven't located him just yet, somebody pointing their fingers over and I'll catch him after a bit; setting over, way over to the right, yes.

Brother Banks Woods, if you're listening in tonight, your brother was here last night. I seen him as I went out, Brother Lyle. Jehovah Witness; the whole group was converted. Lyle was brought in because a vision of the Lord.

12 Lyle was setting in the boat there that day, when the day before it was told him that "something" was "going to happen concerning a resurrection of life." He was a real Jehovah Witness, too! But that morning, setting there, fishing, and he caught... Well, he had a great, big ol' (that Kentucky fashion, you know)... a big hook and a little, bitty fish swallowed it. And he just pulled gills, entrails and all out, throwed it out on the water (little, bitty sunfish), and he said, "Well, little fellow, you shot your last wad." The little... flipping along on the water, died, the wind blowed him up into some pond lilies.

13 And the day before, setting, I said, "The Holy Spirit tells me that 'there'll be a resurrection of some little creature.' Perhaps there'd be a--a kitten, when I get back home, 'cause just..."

14When we was trying to dig some fish bait, Brother Woods and I, who's listening in tonight, my little girl which is a young woman setting here, engaged to this lanky soldier (I see him), she come up, she said, "Daddy..." Her and the other little girl, said, "We..." Now, anybody can have any kind of pet they want, but I sure don't like a cat, so she... or no Branham. So we... she said, "Oh, we found a poor ol' cat out here, Daddy. It's--it--it's eat something and it's... somebody's poisoned it, it's all swelled up." Said, "Daddy, it's going to die right away, can we get a little box and keep it a couple days?"

15 I said, "Let me see the cat." Well, they went and got the cat. I seen what was going to happen, so give her a box. And next morning, was about seven or eight kittens there, you know. So my little boy, Joe, picked one of them up, and squeezed it and dropped it on the ground; and just--just... little fellow lay there wiggling around and around, killed it.

16And I said to Brother Lyle, his brother, I said, "You know, it may be that it'd be that little kitten raised up, like we have seen the Lord do things."

17Brother Lyle, just new in the way. The Holy Spirit had just told him he was married, and what he had done, and the evils he had done, the things he had done. Well, he thought Brother Banks was telling me them things. But when It really brought him right out, and told him what he done the night before, that was--that was too much for him. He couldn't get it.

18 Then, the next morning... While we fished all night, with little fish, we was catching some for bait. But he just throwed that little fish in the water, quivered, flabbed over. About a half hour later we were setting there, and I was... I said, "Brother Lyle, you let the fish swallow the hook all the way down in his stomach. See?" I said, "Take the fly line here, flip it over, the bait out like that; just soon as he touch it," I said "then just hold him and then bring him in." I said, "He... don't pull him out like that, don't swallow it, you catch the fish."

19He said, "Well..." He had a great, big ol' line hanging over, said, "This is the way we do it," like that.

20 So, just about that time, I heard Something coming off the top of the mountain up there, a whirlwind, whirling around and around. Here It come down like that, and the Spirit of God come over the boat, said, "Stand up on your feet." Said, "Speak to that dead fish. Say, 'I give you back your life.'"

21And that little fish had been laying there for a half hour, with his entrails in its mouth, and its gills. I said, "Little fishy, Jesus Christ gives you back your life. Live, in the Name of Jesus Christ." Flipped over on his back, and down through the water he went as hard as he could go.

22 Brother Lyle, are you here somewhere? I--I seen you last night. Whether he's inside, outside, or where he's at, raise your hand if I can see you. [Someone in congregation says, "Balcony"--Ed.] What say? In the bal-... Oh, yes, way up in the balcony, through the windows back there. That's the man, a Jehovah Witness.

23He said, "Brother Branham!" He was all excited, he said, "Uh, it's--it's good to be here. Isn't it?" He said, "Uh-uh, do you--do you... Uh, do you think that meant me, that--that--that, that I called that little fish, said, 'You had shot your last wad'?" Said, "That--that--that meant something for me?"

24I said, "Nah, nah, just a confirmation." He was all upset about it.

25 Well, we travel along and you see those things happening, knowing... Now, just think, what was it to show? I had a-many little spastic child on my prayer list, praying for it, but when the vision come it was for a little ol' fish about so long, about two inches long or three. Looked like the hook was as big as the fish. But what it was, was to show you that God looks on the little things too. See?

26One day when lepers was laying all over the country, He used His power and put a curse on a tree. It begin to wither, when there was people laying everywhere needing that healing power. But, you see, He wanted to show He's God over everything, whether it's small, whether it's big, whatever it is. He's still God over all things, all the creation. So we love Him because... That--that gives us to know, if He's interested to speak the Word of life into a little insignificant fish laying there dead, on the water for a half hour, He can certainly someday speak Life into His children. No matter if your body be no more than a spoonful of dust, He'll speak, and we'll answer Him someday. He's God Who's interested in everything, all that we do, all that we say, everything. He's interested.

Now let us bow our heads, everywhere.

27 I wonder now, before we pray, if there's anybody tonight that's interested in Him, but yet you haven't got your reservations yet for the other Land where we're going to see Him. You know, you can't come in without reservations. And you haven't made them yet, but you would like to be remembered in prayer now, that everything will be made right between you and God tonight, would you just raise up your hand; you'll say, "Remember me, Lord"? You're... just let Him see your hand. God, grant it.

28 Heavenly Father, as we stand tonight between the living and the dead; and these things that's happening in these days, mysterious, sure they're mysterious; but God, You know whether they are true or not, You are the solemn Judge of the heavens and earth. And we say this, Lord, just to encourage the people (some of the things that Thou has showed us), that they might be encouraged to love You and believe You, serve You, and to know that no matter how little the deed is, good or bad, You see it. I pray, dear God, that You'll bless every one of those hands tonight, and the soul and spirit that motivated that hand to go up. And I pray, God, that this will be the night that their reservations will be made for that Land beyond the river. Grant it.

29Heal the sick and the afflicted, Lord, both here, all out across the land where the--the--the broadcast through the phones are coming in. Bless those out there that's unsaved, all the way from California to New York, from Canada to Mexico. Grant, Lord, that every person under the sound of our voice, tonight, will be saved from their sins, healed of their sickness, because of Your Divine Presence.

30And this our Brother Jackson, who's flown all the way down this thousand miles here, to be here because something strangely stirred his heart; "And they shall dream dreams, and see visions." Dear God, Thou hast kept it a secret from me, what this means; I don't know. But if You shall visit us, Lord, prepare our hearts now for that visit. That we might be under expectations, not knowing what You will do, and not knowing if You have promised to visit us by this dream; we do not know. But we are--are just quoting those things that we do understand, that You promised to visit Your people, and we pray that You'll make Yourself real to us here. In the Name of Jesus Christ we asked it. Amen.

31 Now, tonight, after keeping you so long last night and this morning, and I kinda getting a little bit hoarse. I got a little piece of hair I got, I wear over my bald spot here when I'm preaching. But I forgot it this time, and this air, sweeping through these windows, is begin to give me a--a little bit of hoarseness. I used to... I'd have to close meetings, but since I got that, then I don't bother with it no more, I just go on. And I forgot it, and it's... I've... kinda can feel it, so your prayers will be appreciated. And now, these are two services each day, that they are... kinda get... You know, when you got a lot of miles, it... you can tell it.

32 So now to you people in California, and out in Arizona, we all send greetings across the nation. Brother Leo and the group that's waiting on the Lord up at Prescott, invited now, and all you people around Phoenix, a week from tonight, we're to be over in Yuma at the banquet. They done sold out all their tickets over there and got a bigger auditorium, and they can't place the people. So come early, you all, to--to get in. Then we're going on into Los Angeles from there, next Monday... next Sunday, Sunday night. And so we're looking to see you all over there. God's rich blessings rest on you all.

33 To you in New York, and you that are around up in Ohio and different places, soon I want to preach the message of The Trail Of The Serpent (the beast at the beginning, and the beast at the end), at the Tabernacle. Billy will send you a note for that, when we're going to speak it, 'cause I do that in the Tabernacle because it'll, at least, be four hours or more long.

34So now... so I want you here, here and wherever you are now, to turn to the Book of Job. Very strange Book to preach from, but I want to just use a few notes here now.

35And then, tomorrow morning, here at the tabernacle, there'll be Sunday School services at... We start here at what time? [A man says, "Nine-thirty."--Ed.] Nine-thirty. And then I have the privilege of speaking here again tomorrow. And the Lord willing, I wanted to speak on the subject... if He's willing, now, as I was studying this afternoon, to show you that, "There's only one place that God will meet a worshipper." Uh-huh, only... And--and can tell you what that place is, and what the Name of that place is, where God will meet the worshipper.

36 And then, tomorrow night, I'm going to ask a favor, that is, for a healing service. And I--I want an old-fashioned healing service. And if the Lord willing, I want to speak on a subject that alarmed me today... When Brother Moore and I were talking out together, my precious brethren, we were discussing Scriptures. And how lovely it was to be with them brothers, like old times. And he said, "You know, Brother Branham, all the preaching you ever done for us here in Shreveport, The Lamb And The Dove was one of the most outstanding messages you ever brought us here at Shreveport." Said, "I guess with your Message so strenuous to you today, you never get to one like that."

37"When I miss That, I miss my Message."

Love is my dear dying Lamb, Thy precious Blood

Shall never lose its power,

Till all the ransomed church of God

Be saved, to sin no more.

Ever since by faith, I saw that stream

Thy flowing wounds supplying,

Redeeming love has been my theme,

And shall be till I die.

38 Tomorrow night, if it be the will of the Lord, I want to preach on a subject on: On The Wings Of A Snow-White Dove. Tomorrow night, "The Lord coming down on the wings of a Dove," that is, if the Lord willing, my voice don't get too bad. Now... so, pray for us.

39And then I want an old-fashioned prayer meeting like we had at the beginning, no discernment, just simply give everybody a card that wants to be prayed for. Now, you must have a card, so be here early so Billy can give you a card and keep it lined up. If you don't do that, people just keep doubling back, and doubling back, and doubling back, and there's no end to the line. Anybody can have a card. I want Brother Jack to stand by me at the prayer line, like you use to, and Brother Brown to bring the people to me instead of Billy Paul. I--I--I--I want--I want an old-fashioned prayer line, and we'll just pray the way we used to years ago.

40 I'm glad tonight to have another associate brother with us, just looked around and recognized then and seen him, a few minutes ago, Brother Gordon Lindsay. He's one of the old timers, was with us a long time ago. Doing a great job, printing, he's printing my book now: The--The Seven Church Ages. We hope to have it ready again, The Seven Seals. If he happens to read that before he prints it, we're going to have a theological discussion. I can just feel it coming. But he knows I'm no theologian. So... Well, we're looking forward to tomorrow night. If you're in, Brother Lindsay, be here tomorrow night. If you are, drop around and be with us on the platform for an old-fashioned prayer meeting.

41How many would like to see one of them old-timers again, where we bring the people up? That'll be fine. Now, bring out your sick and afflicted, tomorrow night, for that purpose then.

42 Now, if you got the Book of Job, the 42nd verse... or 42nd chapter, and the first six verses of the 42nd chapter of Job; very strange. Brother Ted Dudley, if you are listening in tonight, over in Phoenix, you remember you and I talking one time, about a week or two ago, and we referred to this? I told you, "Someday that would become a text to me." And I want to use it tonight.

Then answered...

Then Job answered the LORD, and said,

Listen close to this reading now.

I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no doubt can be witholden from thee.

Who is he that hideth counsel without knowledge? therefore have I uttered that I understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not.

Hear, I beseech thee, and I will speak: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me.

I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.

Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.

43Now I want to take a text from that 5th verse.

I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now my eye seeth thee.

May the Lord bless His Word.

44 Job, let's take a little of his life. Job was a prophet. He was a man that lived back before the Bible was written. It's been thought that Job was one of the oldest Books of the Bible, because It was written before Genesis was written. Job, this great warrior and prophet, was a--a mighty man in his day. No doubt that he had been brought up and had served the Lord all of his life. And had lived such a gallant life to the people, all had respects for him.

45But he'd come to a place to where he calls it here, being tempted of the Lord. But I'd like to use the word, being "tested" by the Lord. And truly, "Every son that cometh to God must first be tested, tried, child-trained." And then if the testing gets hard, and we think it's too hard and won't listen (take heed), then He said we "become a illegitimate child, and not a child of God." Because, there's nothing can move a real, borned-again child of God away from his Parent, see, he's part of Him. You could no more deny it, you could deny yourself. See, you've had the experience, you've been trained and tested.

46 And now, this man being a prophet, he had had access to God's grace, but Job didn't have a Bible to read. He... the Bible wasn't wrote then, but he had access to God by revelation and by vision. That was before the Bible was written.

47Now, we find out, and take some of his life, when God blessed him and made him a great man. Why, even everybody respected him, even to his wisdom, had become so great. His inspiration from God had vindicated him to be God's servant, so plainly, until the people come from everywhere to hear him. And then Satan begin to accuse that man. And that's the way he does every inspired servant of God, Satan is always there to accuse him of everything that he does that's not right.

48And, now, we find out his life and trials, and his great faith. Even Jesus, when He came on the earth, He referred to the patience of Job. He said, "Have you not read of the patience of Job?" Faith waits with patience for the promised Word to be fulfilled.

49 Now, we notice here that Job, after he went through his trials, all of his afflictions... He had a lovely family, they were taken from him. He had good health, it was taken from him. Everything that he owned in this life was taken. And he set on a ashheap, with a piece of crock, scraping his boils. And even to his own wife, spoke against him, she said, "Why not curse God, and die?"

50He said, "Thou speakest like a foolish woman." He said, "The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord!"

51 Now, Satan had come up before God, 'cause he could come before God, and accused the Christians (or, the believers) all the time. So he accused Job of many things, and said that "Job, the reason he could serve God, because everything was coming good for him." But said, "If You'll just let me have him, in my hands, I'll make him curse You to Your face."

52I want you to notice that the confidence that God had in a believer. See? He's... In other words, God said to Job... or said to Satan, like this, "You can't do it! He's a just man justified. He is a good man. He... there's not one like him in the whole earth." O what a man; that God Himself would say to His enemy, "My servant is so perfect, there's not another man on earth like him." Oh! If we could only be that kind of a man! That God could bestow that confidence upon us! That know that we'll not twist from His Word or His Being, any way! Stay exactly, and He can put His trust in us.

53 Now, Job was a man that carried out God's commandments to the letter, exactly. And Satan knew that, but he said, "If You'll just let me have him, I'll make him curse You to Your face."

54So God told him, He said, "Now, he's in your hands, but don't you take his life." And Satan even stretched as far as he could on that. He took every friend, and everything he had, almost his complete life, but he couldn't take his life. But Job still held right on, there was no turning back.

55You see, when a man or a person has once really come in contact with God, with that genuine, revealed faith that "God is!" There's nothing, no time, nowhere, can ever separate that man from his God. I believe it was Paul said, "There's no strife, no hunger, no perils, neither living creatures, or death, or anything that can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus." You are securely anchored in Him because you were ordained to that Life.

56 But Satan thought he could twist him around a little bit, and cuff him up, and make him do it. But, you see, Job with his perfect revelation of God, and who God was, and how God loved him, he waited! No matter what the circumstances was, he waited for his faith to be confirmed, because he had had a grip on God, a revelation. That I spoke of last night.

57Now, when the sick people that's in the building, the crippled people, or you that have a need of God, when you can get that type of a revelation that you are "justified," when you are actually justified in asking the thing that you're asking for, and believe that "He is a Rewarder of those that diligently seek after Him," there's nothing can ever separate you from that faith that's anchored to you. See? But, first, it has to be revealed to you.

58 Someone come not long ago, a group of man, some of them listening in tonight, and told me, said... I kept telling them, "Go to Kentucky, oil's down there." I knew it was, I seen it in a vision.

59Well, Brother Demos and them didn't go for a long time. After while, finally, they said... After Texas had moved in. And they said, "Now we're going down."

60I said, "You ought to a-went a long time ago." But they didn't do it.

61Demos said, "I made a great mistake in that, by not doing that, Brother Branham."

62I said, "If you'd a-went down there, you'd a-had it all."

63Well, they wouldn't listen to it. Then the first... then 'fore we left that night... The--the place where we were having lunch. The Holy Spirit showed me a great crack in the earth, and in that was full of oil, and these overflows in Kentucky was just little beds of oil that they were pumping from, but this one come from the main stream. And I said, "Brother Demos, it's there."

64So they went to searching for it. Said, "Go down and tell us where the--where the oil well is."

65I said, "Oh, no! No! No!"

66 See, we don't use the gift of God for commercial. No! No! He could tell me where it was at, but I don't have any need of it. I wouldn't even have faith enough to ask Him. See? If I had a need of it, I believe if I'd ask Him, He'd tell me. But first, you see, your motives and objectives has to be right. You have to have reasons for this. God don't give you those things just because you ask. And you cannot ask in faith unless there's a real objective to that, to be in the will of God. See, if you want to be well, what do you want to be well for? See, if you want to be healed, what's the reason you want to be healed? What are you telling God? What do you want to do with your life when you get healed? See, there's got to be... you've got to have a motive and objective, and they have to be right according to the will of God. And then's when the faith is revealed to you, and God by His sovereign grace places that faith in there, then it's over. See? Now see?

67 Now, to make that Word true, when the brethren got down there, they got... one fellow went over and bought a bunch of stuff, and sold leases, and cheated the other one this way. I said, "You see, it won't work." Now just to make the prophecy sure, within a hundred yards of where these man were digging their well, some man struck the big gusher. And it's there, eleven hundred barrels of oil in a half a day, or something or other like that; still putting it out, right in that main stream. But just to make the prophecy, the Word that had been said that it was there, it was there. The rest of them nearly's all dried up, everywhere through Kentucky. Little ponds, they pump them a little while, and they go. It's only the overflow from this. See?

68 But, because of the selfishness got among it, the objectives was wrong, signing up a bunch of stuff "it would be this way," when they promised they would do it for the Kingdom of God, but look like it's for themselves. See?

69And it won't work, no selfish thing will work. Your motives and objectives has to be exactly, perfectly right, then you have faith, to ask. "If our hearts condemn us not, then we have confidence." See? See, we've got to have confidence. "I want this to the honor and glory of God." Then faith has a--a channel to move into; if it doesn't, then you got mental, intellectual faith, and not genuine faith from God. That intellectual faith will get you nowhere. Might get you emotional, but it won't get you the healing that you're looking for.

70 So, Job, checking himself with the genuine faith that God had give to him that he was "just," that he had done everything that God required him to do. Now when we're going to be prayed for, for our sickness, I wonder if we have done everything that God requires us to do. Have we followed every iota of the Scripture? Have we give Him our hearts and lives to service? What's the reason you want to be healed? That's the reason you can't get faith enough, see, because you haven't maybe made this thing to God sincerely from your heart. Like Hezekiah did, give God the reason, he wanted to set his--his kingdom in order. And God sent His prophet back and told him, and he'd be healed. See? But, you have to have those things made right, first.

71So then as soon as you get to these places and know that it's been revealed to you by the Word of God, by the revelation, by the Word that God requires you to do, then you have faith, genuine faith.

72 Now, just like Abraham when he was ninety and nine years old. I believe, Genesis 17. God appeared to this old man, now, ninety and nine years old, when he was almost a hundred years old, that had been waiting upon that promise all these years. He appeared to him in the name of El Shaddai, the "Breasted-one." And what an encouragement it was, yet the promise wasn't fulfilled then. But, "Abraham, I am the Almighty God, El Shaddai, 'the Strength-giver, the Breasted God.'"

73 Like I've told you before, like the little baby that's fretting, and sick, and crying, and it lays upon its mother's breast. And nurses its strength back from her, because it's satisfied while it's a-nursing, because the only access it has and knows of is the mother's breast. It knows no dose of medicine. You might give him a dose of medicine, he'd squeal and cry. Give him a shot in the arm, and he'd carry on. But the only access to satisfy him is the mother's breast.

74 And He said, "Abraham, you're old, your strength is gone, your arms are withered up, your manhood's gone, but I am your Mother. Just take a-hold of My promise, and be satisfied while you're waiting. Be rested!"

75Now, that's the way every believer, no matter how bad the cancer's got you, how long you been setting in a wheelchair, any of those things, just if you can grasp that revelation from God! Then be satisfied, knowing that it's going to happen, because faith waits patiently for the promise. See?

76 Job knew that he was right. When we find out, here in the Scriptures, that there was... these fellows come to him; his church members. Everything that once seemed dear to him had turned against him, and tried to accuse him of being a secret sinner, because all these things had happened to him. You hear people, yet today, say, "I told you. Look at him! You see what...?" That ain't altogether the truth. Sometime it's God testing His people. In this case, it was God testing Job, the best man there was on earth at the time. Now, He was holding him then, because that He knew Job was a prophet that had a vision from God, that he had exactly done what God told him to do and he... God was duty bound to keep His promise to him.

77 Oh! All Christians has got to be that. When the last struggle of our life comes, and death rattles are in our throat, we still must hold steady and remember that God said, "I'll raise you up again at the last day." See? Got to hold that--that, our testimony, our place in Christ, our position, what we are, knowing that we have kept every Word of His commandment. "Blessed are they that do His commandments that they might have the right to enter in." See? And when we know, that no matter what anyone has said, we've kept every commandment that we see in the Bible, that God has done us... told us to do, with reverence, and love, and respect to the Creator Who wrote the Bible.

78We say, "Man wrote It."

79"Man of old, moved by the Holy Ghost, wrote It." See? See, God wrote It through man. Like a prophet speaks His Word, it's not the prophet's word, it's God's Word, see, through the prophet. That's the reason It has to come to pass, if it's truly the Truth.

80 Now, we see this great man. And, remember, Job had no Bible to read in his day. No! He only went by inspiration. He was a prophet to whom the Word of the Lord comes to. He had--he had only to be inspired, because he knowed his position that he was God's prophet. Now, the only thing that had to happen, was for the inspiration to strike him. And then he knowed what he said would happen, because it was by inspiration.

81That's what the church, if it's in order (set in order), it only... it's got the mechanics ready, it only needs then the dynamics. Tonight, if we'll get the mechanics ready, get our hearts right, the things that we can do, follow every Word, follow Him in baptism, follow Him in every order that He told us to do, get every mechanic ready, and stand there; then we're ready for the dynamics to be lit off, and only God can do that; and that's to drop into your heart that faith that says, "I am now healed." Then don't make any difference what circumstances is, you're healed anyhow; 'cause it's faith, by faith you're healed.

82 He had a channel of communication to God, that he'd got by inspiration. He had a way of moving himself out, and letting God move in. And he knowed he was justified. It was a gift, it was a gift for the people; not for Job, but for the people. That's what all Divine gifts are, to serve God's people with. Everybody's not ordered to be a prophet. All of you not... is not ordered to be praying for the sick. All of them's not ordered to be pastors, and so forth. But it's a channel that God has opened to them. And even as we had this morning in the lesson, that he... One man has no business deviating in the next man's channel, no matter how inspired, how much it seems, how well... How many was at the meeting this morning? Let's see your hand. See? See, you cannot.

83 There's David, just as inspired as he could be, all the people shouting and glorifying God, for a reason that seemed exactly Scripture, but he was the wrong person. That inspiration should have come to Nathan, not David. See, he never even consulted Nathan. You see what happened? See, we have... God said He "does nothing till He reveals It to His servants the prophets."

84And Job was this prophet in this day. Now, only thing God had done to Job: What always give him wisdom and His Word and inspiration, he could get no inspiration. But he knowed all of his mechanics (he had offered the burnt-offering, he had done everything he knowed to do was right), but he couldn't get a word from God. But the Devil couldn't move him! There you are.

85Now, there you are when you're prayed for. You don't have to run back through a line, or go let somebody else pray for you. When you know you've done exactly what God told you to do, see, then wait for that channel of inspiration to open up to you, and, "Now I'm healed!" When it drops in there, then it's all over. Oh, you don't need no prayer lines, nothing else, it's over! It's been revealed to you! See?

86 Just like the old prophet at the coming of the Lord Jesus, we find out it was revealed to him, the old sage, that "he would not see death until he seen the Lord's Christ." And he believed That, and he waited for It. And the people thought he was crazy, the old man had lost his mind. But he still believed It! Nothing could shake him from It, he knowed God had revealed It to him, for the Bible said, "It was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost."

87Simeon coming into the Temple at that minute, walked over and give praise to God, and said, "Let Thy servant depart in peace." When he picked up the baby, "Mine eyes have seen Thy salvation." See, he knowed he was going to see It. No matter how many babies he'd visit each day, he knew God had revealed to him that he was going to see the Christ before he died. Simeon believed that.

88Now when it's revealed to you, that you yourself has received God's promise; the inspiration, you being Christians, it struck you, you don't even need a prayer line. The thing... the only thing you need is a open heart when all the mechanics are ready, and let the inspiration drop in, and then nothing can change your mind; you've got it. Outside of that, it won't do no good.

89 Now notice, Job needed a channel of inspiration, he had it open. He had a channel to communicate with God, by His inspiration. He had a way of moving himself out and let the Word of God move in. Notice how they--how they come to consult him from the East and from the West, people looking for him because they know that what Job said was the Truth. They knowed that man told the Truth. Because, what he prophesied, that's what happened! And so people come from the East and West.

90He said he'd go over to the markets, the young princes from the East would bow before him, just to hear one word of consolation from him, his great and mighty wisdom, 'cause they knowed the man was honest. He didn't want to boast up himself, he had no axes to grind, no strings to pull, he was just a honest prophet before God. And they had confidence in him, and everybody come from the East and West just to speak to him in a moment. He's spoke of, in the Bible here. But, you see, he lacked inspiration to tell him what all this was about. God let it happen, didn't tell him.

91 Then, one day, we find out that in that, that's the time that... Everybody, as long as you can help them, "All right." But when they want to disagree with you, that's when trouble comes in. But he alone knew he was right; his pulsation of faith, of hearing God's Word speak to him, he knew It was the Truth. Yes, sir! He knew God's Voice. Nobody could fool him on It, for he knew It. It... But whenever you... something's revealed to you, maybe contrary to what the people think... Now, I'm speaking in the line of prophets. When it's God reveals something, which, if there ever is a secret comes out from God to be made known to the people, it will never come through a seminary, it will never come through a group of people, it never did. It always will, has, and will, through one individual, a prophet! Amos 3:7, see, "The Lord does nothing except first He reveals It through His prophets."

92 And, now, Job had something wrong with him, but he couldn't get the inspiration on him, and it was worrying him, and that... when you get in that kind of a fix, that's when the enemy moves into every friend, nearly, you got. And they begin to accuse him. Oh, it must have been a miserable thing for him to know his friends that accused him, Satan then goes and joins himself with the enemy. That's when Satan comes in, "Let me have him, and I'll make him curse You to Your... I'll make him deny his Message. I'll make him curse You. I'll make him go back and say 'It was all wrong.'" Then he tried him with everything he could, to all the great man and the friends that he used to have. But Job stood flat-footed, for he knew he had heard God's Voice!

93O God, help, tomorrow night, that I can get that Wings Of A Dove. See, I heard the Voice of God that said something, and it's going to happen that way! Just the same as these other things has happened, it's going to happen!

94 Now, Job knew it was going to happen. And he knowed that God had told him that, that he was "just." But they made him a sinner, so he waited then for the inspiration. Satan getting in all the--the people and he come around the... his comforters, the so-called, and accusing him, but it didn't move him a bit. But when the Word of God became vindicated to him... He had heard of God by the hearing of the ear, but one day setting out at his lowest point... And while he was setting there, and everyone accusing him, even his wife telling him he was "wrong," he was scraping his boils. And Elihu came down and rebuked him for being selfish, about the way he was accusing God and so forth.

95And then at that time it was when inspiration struck him, that's when the lightning begin to flash, the thunders begin to roar, that's when the inspiration struck the prophet, and he raised up, and he said, "I know my Redeemer liveth! And at the last days He'll stand upon this earth. Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God, Whom I shall see for myself."

96 He saw... He had been talking about the trees, the botany life, how it dies and lives again; water brings it back again, the smell of water, the scent of water, the results of water pouring upon a tree or something, a seed that went in the ground. He said, "But a man layeth down and giveth up the ghost, his children come to honor and he perceive it not. O that Thou would hide me in the grave" (Job 14) "till Thy wrath be past." He said, "But if a man dies, shall he live again? All the appointed times of my life, I'll wait till my change comes. Thou wilt call me, and I'll answer. Thou hast appointed me bounds that I cannot past," so forth. He knowed all these things. He watched the tree live, but what happened to a man when he died? He didn't raise up again. So, God was showing him this Redeemer.

97 He wanted to see if there was somebody who could intercede for him. He had interceded for so many people, but now is there somebody can speak for him? Could there somebody put his hand on Job, or on a sinful man and a Holy God, and make bridge the way? Could he go to His house and knock at the door? Would He open the door and talk to him awhile?

98But, then, when the inspiration dropped into his heart, then he could see God. The lightning's a-flashing, the thunder's a-roaring. And when it did, he stood upon his feet, and he said, "I know my Redeemer liveth! My Redeemer, and at the last days He'll stand on the earth." See, he had begin to see God's reaction to his faith.

99 Now, we wonder if we could see God. Is there a way that we could see Him? Now, it was the only way God had, trying Job out. He said, "I have heard of Thee, with the hearing of the ear, but now I see Thee. But now I see Thee, with my eyes." The vision of the invisible had been made plain. He seen the cloud rolling around, he heard the flashing of the lightning, or saw it. And seen the roaring of the thunder, maybe on a clear day, and he seen God was in that cloud and in that lightning. He could see God, with his natural eye. See, because the invisible was made visible. The visible vision of others was then vindicated, clear, to the natural eye.

100 Just like faith with works, as we spoke on last night. Abraham, no... had no Bible to read either, but he was a prophet, his vision and his faith. And it seemed wrong to others that he should think that way, that he should think they was going to have a baby. But they did have the baby, because his vision of the baby was what he was talking about, "I'm going to have it! I'm going to have it!" But when the baby was borned, then the other people could see with the eye what he saw in a vision. And when you go to acting upon what you believe in your heart, then the people know God, and know what's happening to you, by the way you act. That's how you see God with the eye. But to him, all he had done that was good, all that he had done for others, he needed somebody to intercede for him. When the birth of the baby come, Isaac, the--the inspiration that had led him to this had vindicated his vision to where the people could see that what he had saw in a vision was actually the Truth.

101 Now, sometimes these great pulsations of faith come right in the time of crisis. It's usually crisis that drives us into this. It was a crisis that drove Job into it. Why, he was at the end of his life. His children was dead; his camels. And all of his goods was gone and destroyed. And his own life, he was broke out from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet with boils. It was a crisis, that he pressed hisself, there's where the inspiration struck him.

102 O man and women, tonight, if you could look around and see how close we are to the Coming of the Lord. You who've put off the baptism of the Holy Ghost. You maybe relied upon some sensation, or something that you done that Satan can impersonate, and can't have the real Spirit in you to go all the way in God's promises. How can a man that claims to have the Holy Ghost deny one Word of this Bible, being, "not right"? You can't do it!

103No matter how religious you are, how many churches you belong to, how many books your name's on, if that genuine Holy Ghost is in you (which is this Word manifested), you'll see the Message and the hour, because it's the Holy Ghost that does it. But there has to be something light that off, inspiration strike you. And if there's... if you pour water on the ground, on the ground, on the ground, and there's no seed in there to strike it, how can it ever bring forth anything? There's nothing there to bring forth. That is, that only the Elected of God will see It.

104 The Elected of God seen It in Noah's time, Moses' time, Jesus' time, the apostles' time, Luther's time, Wesley's time, Pentecostal time, because that was the Seed that was on the earth when this inspiration was poured out. Now while the inspiration's poured out, to gather the Bride together, it's only those who are Elected will see It. Jesus said, "I thank Thee, Father, that Thou hast hid these things from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and revealed It to babes such as will learn." Now, inspiration has to strike it.

105 Now, when the inspiration struck him, that did it. He had It then! Now, we find out, there comes a time of these crisis when the press is right on. And you look around today, look at the condition we're living in. Aren't we living in a modern Sodom and Gomorrah? Hasn't the world come back? That was a Gentile world that was destroyed then, by fire. Didn't Jesus say, in Saint Luke, the 17th chapter, the 28th, 29th, and 30th verse, that, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed"? What is a "revealed"? Is a secret made known, a revelation; is to reveal or make known a secret.

106Now, these things that's been hid all through the church ages is now being revealed, made known. Now, we could say that, and if God didn't back that up, that's wrong. See, God don't need anybody to interpret His Word, He's His Own Interpreter. He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. He said, "Let there be light," and there was. And we are not living in Luther's age, Wesley age, or the Pentecostal age. The Pentecostal age was only a restoration of the gifts coming back to the church, but we're living in the evening time, we're living in a time of the calling out of the Bride.

107 And just as it was hard for the Catholics to see Luther, and the Luther's to see the Wesley, and the Penteco-... the Wesley's to see the Pentecostal age, so is it hard for the Pentecostals to see this age. It's always been that way, because It's poured out upon an Elected Seed, and that only. That's what the Bible teaches. They can't see It, Jesus even prayed for them, said, "They was blind, they didn't know it." Revelation tells us, in this Laodicean church age, when He was put out of the church, that they're "naked! poor! miserable! blind! and don't know it." Back again, they can't see It, can't understand It. They're so creeped up in traditions!

108 But remember the promised Word of God by the mouth of Jesus Christ, the very God that spoke creation into existence, He was the One before the foundation of the world that spoke the words "And let there be," and there was. For He said, "He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. But as many as did know Him, to them He gave the power to become the sons of God." The very Creator, and the very Creator Himself, when He raised up Lazarus from the dead, He said, "Think this not strange, for the hour's coming that when all that's in the grave will hear the Voice of the Son of man, and shall come out." The very God that said "Let there be Light," said "The Voice of the Son of man would wake those that are in the grave." It has to happen in its season. He spoke, "Let there be male and female," and so forth, and all this, years and hundreds of years before it happened.

109 The inspiration hit the prophet Isaiah, he said, "Unto us a child is born, a son is given. His Name shall be called Counselor, Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father." Years passed, months, years, days, weeks, years rolled by, hundreds of years rolled by. Eight hundred years later, Emmanuel was borned by a virgin! Why? Is because it was spoke by the lips of God's anointed prophet, a seed went forth. See? "And that great hour," said, "will you seek... ask Me of a vision or a sign."

110He said, "I'll give them a sign, an everlasting sign, 'A virgin shall conceive,' an everlasting sign."

111Now, we find that in those hours of real stress, that's usually when the Spirit of God moves in. He let the Hebrew children walk right into the fiery furnace, before He ever moved a hand. But when He moves, He moves.

112 Now, we notice here that in Luke, the--the 17th chapter, and the 30th verse, that He said, "In the last days, that the Son of man would reveal Himself as He did just before Sodom and Gomorrah, and the same conditions would exist." He told about Moses, about... and I beg your pardon, not about Moses, but about Noah. How that the people was "eating, drinking, and so forth, marrying and given in marriage." Then He come around, He said, "Now, as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the time when the Son of man is being revealed." Now, watch, the Son of man was revealed to Abraham's group, as a Man, a Prophet in a form of human flesh, a ordinary Man with dust on His clothes, and Abraham called Him "Elohim."

113 Now, Jesus promises here that in the last days the Son of man will be revealed again to that same type of group, the royal Seed of Abraham, just before the fire falls. Remember, the church never received any more witness, Abraham and them didn't, the promised son that they were looking for was brought right away after that. And the church is looking for the Promised Son, He will come right after the days of this ministry, He'll be revealed from the heavens. Now, we see it too plain, it's got to be. Now, the only thing there has to be is something pulsates, gets into a man, God vindicate and tells him and shows him that that is the thing to happen; and that you're going to...

114 Like Moses did, he didn't want to deliver those children, but God spoke to him in a burning bush. He didn't want to go, but he had to go. Moses had heard of Him being the great Jehovah. But then he could see Him, He was in the form of a Pillar of Fire. "I've heard of Thee, but now I see Thee." What was He seen in? His Word vindicated.

115God told Abraham that "his people would sojourn in a strange land for four hundred years, but He would bring them out with a mighty hand."

116And, notice, this burning bush gave vindication to what the prophet Abraham had said would take place. Moses said, "I've heard of it, but now I see it!"

117 Now, we've heard that in the last days that the Son of man will come among His people and reveal Himself to the people in the same way that He did at the... just before the destruction of Sodom. The Son of man, what did He do? He knowed the secrets that was in Sarah's heart. Also give the promise to Abraham. Abraham had heard God's Voice, he might have seen Him in many different ways (I don't know how He talked to him, through dreams or through prophecies), but this time he saw Him. "I've heard of You, now I see You."

118And the church has heard of God, they've read of Him, and what He did, and the promises He made, but now we see Him with our eyes (just the same as Job did), "I've heard of Thee, but now I see Thee." My! What a different.

119 Moses, in that crisis, cried out. And we find out, in Exodus, the 14th chapter, the 13th and to the 16th verse, Moses in that great strain there with the children of Israel, inspiration struck him, and he said what he was supposed to say, not knowing he said it. See, "Stand still and see the salvation of God." God had never spoke to him yet. See, the inspiration struck him.

120They said, "Why did you bring us out here? We ought to have died in Egypt. Was it because there was no graves down there? Bring us out here, and let us die; we could have lived in peace as slaves until we died, but you brought us out here."

121Moses, a prophet, knowing he had access to God, was inspired, and he said, "Stand still and you'll see the salvation of God; for the Egyptians you're looking at today, you'll never see them again." How did he know it was going to happen? How did he know? He didn't know what he spoke.

122 But as immediately after he spoke it, God told him how to do it. Said, "Moses, don't cry to Me, take your staff in your hand and stretch it out over the sea, and tell the children of Israel to 'Walk!'" Amen!

123The inspiration! That's the way it strikes you if you're sick. That's the way it strikes you if you're afflicted. Something's revealed to you, and you see that it's been revealed, you speak up, "I'm healed!"

124Then God tells you what to do, "Rise up and start walking." Amen! Then it's all over, when you can do it that way. That's the way God does it, then you see God manifested through yourself.

125It was God that told him to do it. Now, then, all that was present, all of Israel that was present saw the inspiration that struck Moses. They seen God, with their own eye, blow that water back from one side to the other. And that Pillar of Fire led them right across the--the sea. He heard of God, then they seen God.

126 Joshua was in a hour of crisis, when the armies was routed, and the sun was going down. Joshua was a prophet, and he knew that if them armies ever had a chance to unite again and come against him, he would lose more man, so in that hour of crisis when something had to be done... There's only one thing, if he could keep them running, he'd route them, every one, down. But there wasn't enough light to do it, so Joshua stood, raised his hands, he said, "Sun, stand still! And moon, hang over Ajalon till I get through with this battle." And the sun stood still. They heard Joshua speak, and then they seen God (with their own eyes) in action. True!

127 See, of course, it was a paradox to see something that seems to be impossible, yet it's true. But, "The sun stood still," says the Bible. I don't know what you people think, that thinks the world was run, now; but, anyhow, "the sun stood still." Perhaps Joshua never had tried to figure out how he was going to--to do it, how God was going to do it, the only thing that he said was, "Sun stand still!" He said it, perhaps not knowing what he was saying, because it was God that give it to him, and He worked.

128Same thing in Mark 11:23, "If you say to this mountain 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you said will come to pass, you can have what you said." But you can't stand there fumble in your mind and say it, you've got to be inspired to say it. Amen!

129 Excuse the expression; but that day, setting there in that woods (and God's my Judge, and I could fall dead on this pulpit), when that Scripture had stumped me all my life... setting there that morning in the woods, and I was thinking on that, and that Voice spoke to me, He said, "That Scripture is like all Scriptures, It's true."

130And I thought, "Well, how could it be?"

131And He said, "You're..." I said... He said, "Speak, and it will be that way. Don't doubt It."

132And I was talking to Somebody, setting way out in the woods. No squirrels, been there for three days, there's no squirrels there. And I was setting in a sycamore thicket. Squirrels don't even come... anyone that hunt squirrels, know they're not in sycamore. And I had been setting there; and wind blowing real hard, about ten o'clock in the morning, and I was thinking again.

133And It said, "You're hunting, and you need squirrels just the same as Abraham needed a ram."

134I thought, "That's always told me the Truth, but this sounds funny." And I got up from where I was setting, looked all around, "Where is that Person that was talking to me?" Nothing; wind just blowing real hard. And I thought, "Could I have fell asleep and dreamed that? No, I wasn't asleep. I was setting up against the tree there, watching, supposed to pick up Brother Woods and Brother Sothmann back there, just in a little bit, around ten o'clock in the morning. Farmers all out there working, gathering their corn."

135 And I heard It again, say, "You are hunting, and you need game. How many do you need?"

136And I thought, "Now, I don't want to overdo this, I'm just going to ask for three, three squirrels. I want young, three red squirrels. I want them."

137He said, "Then speak about it."

138And I said, "I am going to get three young red squirrels."

139He said, "Which a-way will they come?"

140"Well," I thought, "I've went this far, there's Something talking to me here." Just the same as you hear me talking. And God in Heaven, with this Bible over my heart, knows that that's true. And He... And I said, "Well,..." I picked out a ridiculous place, an old dry limb hanging out of there (about fifty yards, where my rifle was shot in).

141I said, "The first one will be right there," and there he was.

142I rubbed my eyes and looked back (I turned my head), and I thought, "I don't want to shoot a vision." So I looked around again, and there set the squirrel. I throwed a shell up in my gun, aimed up, and I could see his black eye, young red squirrel. I thought, "I--I... maybe I'm sleeping, I--I'll wake up in a few minutes. See, I'm dreaming about this." Well, I leveled down, shot the squirrel and it dropped off the limb. I thought, "Well, I don't know." I thought, "Well, should I go over and look for it?" And--and I walked over there, and there it laid. I picked it up and blood run out of it. A vision don't bleed, you know. So I picked it up, and it was a squirrel. I got real numb, all over.

143 And I looked around, I said, "God, that was You!" I said, "Thank You, for this. Now I'll go out and..."

144He said, "But you said! Do you doubt what you said? You said you'd get 'three.' Now where will the next one come from?"

145I thought, "Well, if I'm dreaming, I'm going to continue on."

146So I--I said... I picked out an old post over there, of a tree that was all wrapped up with this here poison ivy. You never get a squirrel in that. So I said, "The next one will come right out of that poison ivy," and there set that young red squirrel looking right at me. I set my gun down, and rubbed my eyes. Turned around again, I thought... There he set, turned his head sideways. I shot the squirrel, and then I started to go home.

147But said, "You said 'three'! Do you doubt what you said?"

148I said, "No, Lord, I don't doubt what I said, for You're confirming."

This is one Scripture that stumped me: "Not if I say, but if you say." Not if Jesus said it, but if you say it yourself.

149 And I thought, "Somehow I've broke into that channel, and I know He's here because I'm almost beside myself." I thought, "I'll make this one ridiculous, sure enough."

I said, "They'd be a red squirrel come down off that hill, come right down this a-way, and right by me, and go out, and set on that limb, and look down there at that farmer." Here he come down the hill, went right out, and sat, looked at the farmer. And I shot him.

150Satan said to me, "You know what? The woods is just full of them, now." And I set there till twelve o'clock, and not another thing happened. It goes to show that when God... He's the very Creator of Heavens and earth!

151 Listening in, in Jeffersonville now, there's a family named Wright. Brother Woods and I went down to see them. They make the communion wine for the church. Little Edith was setting there in the room; a little crippled girl, that she had been sick all of her life, and so we had always looked to God to heal her. Her sister, a widow, her husband had been killed; her name was Hattie, very humble little woman. And while Brother Banks and I went out to get her a rabbit, they had cooked a big cherry cobbler; and made me set down and eat.

152We was all setting around the table, we were talking about this, it just happened a few days before. And while setting around the table, talking about this, all at once I said, "What could have happened?" I said, "Brother Wright, you're an old man, hunted squirrels all your life. Brother Shelby, you're an expert squirrel hunter. Brother Wood, so are you. I've hunted them since a kid. Did you ever see a squirrel in a sycamore and locust thicket?"

153"No, sir."

154I said, "They just wasn't there." I said, "The only thing I know, It's just the same God. When Abraham needed a ram, He was Jehovah-jireh, He could 'provide for Himself.'" I said, "I believe it's the same thing."

155 And little ol' Hattie setting back there, said, "Brother Branham, that's nothing but the Truth!"

156She said the right thing! When she said that, the Holy Spirit dropped over in that channel again, every one of them felt It. I raised up, I said, "Sister Hattie, THUS SAITH THE LORD, you said the right word like the Syrophenician woman said. The Holy Spirit's speaking to me now, and said for me to give you the desire of your heart." I said, "Now, if I be God's servant, if it is, it'll happen. If I ain't God's servant, then I'm a liar, and it won't happen, I'm a deceiver." I said, "Now try and see, it's the Spirit of God or not."

157She said, "Brother Branham," (everybody was crying), said, "what shall I ask?"

158I said, "You got a crippled sister setting there."

159 I had twenty dollars in my pocket, to give to her, that she had put in a donation. The woman don't make a capital of about two hundred dollars a year, on that little, old, poor farm, her and two boys. Her boys had got to be regular 'Ricky's,' school days, you know, and just sassing their mother; and fifteen, sixteen years old. And, oh, they were standing over there laughing at what I was saying.

160And I said, "You've got a father and mother setting here that's old. You haven't got any money. Ask for the money, and see if it comes in your lap. Ask for your sister, and see if she don't get up and walk." I knew then, like Job, there's just something you know when you strike it. Said, "I know! Here I stand before about ten people," I said, "if this doesn't happen, then I'm a false prophet."

161Said, "What shall I ask?"

162I said, "It's up to you to make your decision. I cannot make your decision."

163She looked around, the little woman. And all at once, she said, "Brother Branham, the greatest desire in my heart is the salvation of my two boys."

164I said, "I give you your boys, in the Name of Jesus Christ." And them snickering, laughing, fun making boys fell across their mother's lap, and surrendered their life to God, and was filled with the Holy Ghost right there.

165Why? That is Truth! God has the authority to kill me, before these people across the nation. Many of you here and in Jeffersonville, I can hear the tabernacle ring out now, "Amen!" because they're setting right there listening at it. See, because it's the Truth! What is it? It's when the God, by His sovereign grace; it happens! Outside of that, it won't happen.

166 In that crucial moment... Think of the man and the people that I'm acquainted with. God bypassing all the celebrities, and everything, to give a poor, little ol' humble woman, can't hardly sign her own name; and He knowed that what she'd ask for. And that was the greatest thing; for her sister is now dead, and her mother and father has to die, the money would've perished, but the souls of her boy is Eternal! And that was the hour for them to catch It. And just as soon as I said, "I give you your boys, in the Name of Jesus Christ," there they fell across their mother's lap. How many in here knows that to be Truth, you know it? See, there it is. Yes. Why? Inspiration!

167Now: "I have heard of Thee, that Thou could create squirrels; I've heard of Thee, that Thou could create a ram; but now I see Thee, with mine own eye!" The manifestation, the vision made visible. When God promised anything, that's what He'll do.

168 Notice, when you have a need, perhaps like Joshua. He had a need; he never thought of the circumstances, he spoke it, and it was God! Do you believe the sun stood still? So do I. How did it do it? Don't try to figure it out, but it did it. Joshua did it, and raised his hands; in that crucial moment he had access to God, and that's what happened. It was timely. The Spirit of the Living God had seen the need of it, and pushed upon Joshua to say it. The same God seen the need of Abraham. The same God seen the need of confirming this Scripture to me, that that Scripture's true, too! The same God seen the need of those two predestinated boys, and it was that moment He proved it and confirmed His Word.

169 Saint Mark 14, we see a woman believed on Him, she had had need and seen He had need for His feet to be washed, she had only to be inspired to go into action. Now listen close as... before we close. She only had to be inspired to go into action, because she had already heard about Him. She heard that "He forgive a woman of her sins, a harlot. And said, 'Which one of you is without sin? Cast the first stone.'" She had heard about Him, but now she seen Him. She was inspired to serve Him. That's the only thing you have to be.

170Let the Holy Spirit tell you that "You're a sinner!" Let the Holy Spirit tell you "You're wrong!" Let the Holy Spirit prove to you by the Scriptures that "You're Scripturally wrong!"And what... 'cause It'll only stir through one straight channel of every Scripture of God, It won't bypass for nothing. If you do, It'll never do you any good. Because the Holy Spirit can inspire It to you, but if the soul isn't right with God, as we've been through this week, it's no good anyhow. Remember, false anointed-ones will rise in the last days; not false Jesuses, false christs (anointed ones), and will deceive the very Elected if it were possible.

171 Notice, she had a service to do for Him. She had heard of Him, now she seen Him with her eyes. She had a service to do, and she had nothing to do it with. So she rushed forward anyhow, to do the service, God furnished the water and towels to wash His feet. She had heard of a Living God, all of her life, but now she seen Him with her eyes. She knew it was Him, and inspiration struck her, and said, "This is the Messenger!" He needed a service (she had nothing to serve Him by), His feet was dirty. But she rushed forward anyhow, to do Him a service, because she was inspired to do it.

172 O the backslidden church member, denominational man or woman, can't you see the need Jesus has tonight? If inspiration can only strike you, this is the hour to do it. But she seen Him with her eyes. The others there were even mocking Him. They didn't believe His Message. Frankly, the host, the pastor-host, ol' Simon, had got Him down there to make fun out of Him. They didn't believe He was a Prophet.

173So then when it seemed like the Devil had worked it just right in for him to say this, he said in hisself, "If this man was a prophet, he would know what kind of a woman that was at his feet. If he was a prophet!" See, it wasn't even revealed to him Who He was. There couldn't be any inspiration strike him, 'cause there's nothing there to strike to. But it was struck to her!

174 Her eyes had seen beyond his criticism. She believed He was, see, the Word of the prophets! She knowed that That was all the Words of the prophets, was vindicated in Him. She had heard He was on earth, but now she sees Him. Watch what she done. She seen the Word made flesh, the Messiah, the Emmanuel. When she gave vent to her pulsation of faith (of revelation of Who He was, in the time she was living, that He was God's Lamb for such sinners as she was), she went forth to serve His needs without knowing how she would do it.

175That's the way a genuine healing comes, when it's revealed to you that "He was wounded for your transgressions, bruised for your iniquity, and with His stripes you were healed." When it's inspired to you to see His Presence here, of Saint Mark 11... or Saint Luke 17:30, that He's going to reveal Hisself in the last days (among His people, in human flesh) like He did before Sodom. When you see that, and something strikes you!

176The doctor might say, "The cancer's still there."

177The patient might say, "I--I--I--I--I--I don't know how I'm going to walk, but I'm going to walk anyhow." We don't know how it's going to do.

178 She went forward to serve Him, because inspiration struck Him... struck her, that that was the hour, that was the Messenger, that was the Messiah Who was to heal, and she believed It. And He needed a service done to Him, and she went forward without anything showing that she could do it. She just went upon her inspiration. Watch! God broke up the fountains of the tear glands in her eyes. The same eyes that had heard... ears that had heard Him; the eyes that seen It, broke up with joy. Then that other, God-given long hair, with them tears flowing down. God furnished her towels (with her hair), and with her tears. She served His needs, the need of the Living God. She had heard about It, but now she seen Him, she could do Him a service.

179O sinner! Why don't you do likewise as you see the needs now? That He needs you, your service! Now you see the One, Who once you heard about in the Bible. We seen Him last night come in here, and what He done. We see Him, meeting after meeting, and sometimes we set just as cold and indifferent, say, "Yes, I know the Scripture says it. Oh, I--I've seen it done, see." We have no enthusiasm, it don't seem to strike us right. There don't seem to be something, like if you was pouring...

180 Taking a match and striking it, if the match hasn't got the sulfur right on the head of the match, it cannot strike. And you can rake and rake and rake, but if some chemical has killed the sulfur on there, it will not strike, there'll be no light. But if that chemical, the sulfur to strike against the metal will... it's still on there when it strikes, it'll light.

181And when the true, genuine vindication of the Scriptures of this last-day Message, and you see the Presence of Jesus Christ, that you had heard what He done in His life, and hear the Scriptures say "He's the same yesterday, today and forever"; and just before the Sodom condition is fired-over with the wrath of God, see Jesus return amongst His people, formed in human flesh, and do the same thing He done. My! It ought to strike our souls to Glory! It ought to do something to us. Why? It's dropping on that.

182 You heard in the Bible what He did, how the woman touched His garment. He turned around and told her what her trouble was, and her faith made her whole. Now, He promised that He would do that same thing again, just before the world would be burnt, and the world would be in a Sodom condition. The New Testament, the Prophet, the God-Prophet, the Prophet of prophets, the God of all the prophets, the fulness of the Godhead bodily, God of... manifested in a flesh, the Creator of Genesis. Hallelujah! It's His Word! He said it would happen! And we see Sodom condition, we see the world in that condition, now we see Him come down and do exactly what He said He would do. Now, we've heard of Him, now we see Him! "I've heard of You with my ears, now I see You with my eyes." Amen! "I see Him with my own eyes." What a hour it should be! What a time it should be! The confirmation of His Word! Always when the Word is confirmed, that's God speaking in His Word, making Hisself visible that you can see.

183 Now, here's a little ol' prostitute off the street, she falls at the altar, before Jesus, and she washed His feet with the--with the tears, and--and wiped them with her hair. God honored, He said, "Wherever this Gospel is being preached, let this be told for a memorial to her." Why? Look how filthy she was, but something struck. She seen the Word of the promise, from the Garden of Eden, this, "woman's Seed shall bruise the serpent's head." She seen the Messiah that had been borned of a virgin.

184She heard He was to be borned of a virgin, but they heard that Man was on earth. She heard there was a young Rabbi, Prophet, Who healed the sick. She believed that! And here she come down the street, walking around, looking around. And she looked over there and seen that great party going on. She slipped up to the fence, and looked through, and there He was. There He was! Something said, "That's Him!" See, that's all she needed to be inspired. See what happened? She seen the Word of God made flesh. She had heard with her ear, now she saw with her eyes.

185 Now, everybody knows that we have a promise of the church condition, in the last day. The church, in its present condition, can never fulfill the commandments of God, the great commission, could never call the Bride out. Which one would do it? The Pentecostal's? I should say not. None of the rest of them. That's the shuck that's on the wheat. That come out, looked just exactly like the wheat, but there was no wheat to it. It opens up, but the grain comes out of that. They organize, they kill themselves. There's where they die. They're stalks. But the wheat has come up through there, and now it's begin to form in the Bride-form. The corn of wheat that fell into the ground through the dark ages, it had to die.

186 That critic saying, "Why would a God of mercy, could open up the Red Sea, stand and let them poor Christians be eat up with lions, and burnt, and everything? Set up, just like He laughed about it!" The poor ignoramus! Did he not know, "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground"? It had to die through those dark ages, like any other corn of wheat has to go beneath the earth and be buried, to bring forth in the first reformation them two blades of Luther, the stalk. It had to come forth in the Wesleyans, out yonder, to bring forth the pollen, the tassels, the great missionary age. Had to come forth in the Pentecostal, for the restoration of the gifts, almost to deceive the very Elected. Looks like a wheat grain; open it up, there's no wheat there at all, it's only shuck. But back in there, then, they begin to form the oneness organization, the trinity organization, the twoness organization, and church of God organization, and all organized, and just death exactly! And now what happens? But it's a shelter for the wheat, it's been growing through it all the time.

187Now it's begin to pull away, the wheat's begin to be seen. This is not a Pentecostal age. This is the latter-day age. This is the Bride age. This is the evening Light. This is when Malachi 4 must be fulfilled, to follow God's pattern. This is Luke 17:30, to be fulfill. This is the second... And Jeremiah, and all the rest of them, that Joel has spoke of these days, this is that day. "I have heard, Lord, and It was coming, but now I see It with my eye."

188 Though many... how many false impersonators rise, them Jannes and Jambres with all their gimmicks to do everything that Moses did, never shook him or Aaron at all. They knowed where... like Job, they knowed Who their inspiration come from. They knowed It was THUS SAITH THE LORD! And the same Bible that spoke of them, said, "They'd come in the last days, impersonators." Those religious denominations, when something started... Who started first? Moses or them? If they had started first, Moses would have been the--the mimic.

189Now we got all kinds of discerners and everything else that's trying to throw your mind from the genuine thing of God, which God has proven to be the Truth by His Scripture. "We've heard of It with our ears, now we see It with our eye." Amen! Do you believe It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All our hearts! Inspiration! And in that day when the Son of man is being revealed, a Son of man, Jesus Christ made manifest amongst His people.

190 A Man walked down there before Abraham and his group, just an ordinary-looking Man, dust on His clothes. He had His back turned to the tent, He said, "Where is your wife Sarah?" (not S-a-r-r-a, S-a-r-a-h; A-b-r-a-h-a-m, not A-b-r-a-m). Called his name, said, "Where is she?"

191Said, "She's in the tent, behind You."

192Said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time of life" (and she laughed up her sleeve). Said, "Why did she laugh?" (uh-huh). Now, He promised. Them people was the one that was looking for a promised son.

193Now, I don't care how much the people act in these denominations, say they're "looking for Christ," their actions prove they're not. That's right. Your actions speaks louder than your words. All they're thinking about is making denominational members, but there are some people, one here and there, that's looking for the coming of the Lord. They're watching for... though. Only those will He reveal Himself to, only those will understand.

194 Just the Elected understood Who He was. Just think, there's about maybe three million people, Jews, on earth, there wasn't one third of them ever knowed He was there till He was done come and gone. See? But He revealed Himself to those who were waiting: John the Baptist, and--and the apostles that had been called by John, and so forth, and blind Anna in the temple, Simeon the priest that "it was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost that he was going to see the Christ." All those great religious leaders, theologians and things, blind as they could be!

195Only can the rain raise the seed, if the seed's already there. And as you was a germ first in your father, and he didn't know you, yet you were in your father. But through a bedding ground of your mother, you were made manifest in his likeness, and then he could talk to you. God, the Great God; if you've got Eternal Life, then the germ of Eternal Life was in God at the beginning. And you were there, you were in His thinking, your name and all. And He, by foreknowledge, ordained you to see This. And you that was not ordained, will never see It. But, remember, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, "The hour is here!" Won't you believe Him? Give your lives to Him. I have to stop, it's after nine.

Let's bow our heads.

196"I have heard, Lord, of Thee, now I see Thee!" Lord Jesus, bless this people as they wait.

197 Now I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to let the Holy Spirit (I trust that He will) search out your minds, try you, try your soul, and see if you really believe. And if you find there's a little bit of doubt there, will you raise your hand? Say, "Lord Jesus, let me see You. I've heard of You, but I've never really seen You. Let me see You, I'll believe." All right. That's fine.

198Is there some here that doesn't know Him as your Saviour? Raise your hand, say, "If... I--I'm a sinner, but if I... if You--if You'll just let me see You, Lord Jesus, manifest this Word that they're talking about. I know that that's how Job seen You. I know that's how Abraham saw You. I know that's how all the rest of them saw You, because it was Your promised Word being vindicated. I've heard all kinds of things, and gimmicks, and everything, but I understand that there's a last-day Message in the land, that was spoke of by an Angel on the river, in 1933. I heard of the healing services going forth, and I know when that takes place, it can't stay in that same old denominational rut." It wasn't sent for that, never did stay there. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]...?...

199 What if Moses would've come, said, "Let's build an ark like Noah did, float out of Egypt down the river"? Oh, no. See? No! He had a Message from God, he was the manifestation. That prophet arising on the scene, ought to have proved to Israel right there. They hadn't had a prophet for four hundred years, they hadn't had a prophet, and here a prophet rises on the scene. They ought to have knowed that something was going to happen.

200Israel again hadn't had a prophet for hundreds of years, and here come Jesus on the scene. And the woman at the well, said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. Now, we haven't had one for four hundred years." Because, He knowed what was in her heart. See?

201 Now, we're promised a church age through reformers, and we've had them. But He promised, in Malachi 4, He'd keep His pattern in the last days, what would take place, "To turn the hearts of the children back to the Faith of the apostolic father." For that very purpose! And the church is so broke up in denominations and isms, it's so tore to pieces till it's dead; it's been a carrier. And then He promised, in the hour of the seventh angel's Message, the Seven Seals would be revealed; and the mysteries of God would be declared (Revelation 10) when the seventh angel begins to sound his Message, not the healing service, the Message that follows the healing service.

202 Jesus was a "great guy" as long as He could heal the sick. But He said when, "I and My Father are One."

203"Huh-uh! That was wrong!"

204Job was "great," till something happened to him. See? It's always that way.

205Believe! Will you accept Him now? Raise your hand, say, "I do believe Him. I want to accept Him." God bless you. God bless you. That's fine.

Now set real still and pray just a moment.

206 Dear God, in this solemn moment, it's going to be a time like this when there really will be a clap of thunder someday, and the Son of God shall descend from the heavens with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and the trump of God, the dead in Christ shall rise. And each one of us knows and are aware tonight, Father, that we're going to have to answer for every word we give, and every word we say. Even the thoughts that's in our hearts, we're going to answer for it. I pray Thee, God, in Jesus' Name, that You'll cleanse every heart that's in here. Cleanse my heart, cleanse the hearts of this people. And may we be prepared, Lord, and may our spiritual eyes be opened tonight to see the Glory of Almighty God. We have heard of Him, O Father, God, we pray that You'll let us see Him. Grant it, Father. Grant these blessings, I pray, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

207 Remember: In your heart, where you're setting, make your little altar. Say, "Lord Jesus, come into my heart now. Give me something to... something I can hold to. Let me feel that inspiration that tells me that You're 'present.'"

208Now, what a statement to make to people! What a--a thing to do! Now I'm going to ask the Lord God, ask...

209How many of you take the tapes? You heard of: What Time Is It, Sirs? Did we show those magazines and things, a year before it happened? Science is stumped on it. There was the Lord Jesus crowned and with that white wig on as you see in the Bible, in Revelation 1, and the Daniel, Supreme Judge of Heaven and earth. Right there, when science can't even see It themselves. And in the observatory, out there in the University of Arizona and down through Mexico, they're searching, have been for the last two years. And there it was told you, it was "going to happen," before.

210 How about the Alaskan earthquake? Watch Hollywood fall into the sea! Watch and see if it doesn't. He's never told me anything wrong yet, it'll do it. See? And just watch and see if we're not living in the closing hours of history. No man knows what hour He's coming. But I know one thing: I believe, in my present condition, if I'm in my right mind, and if I wasn't a Christian, I'd sure want to be a real Bible Christian, not a denominational. Don't rely upon 'cause you've shouted. We heard that this morning, proved it by the Word of God; it's altogether out of the will of God, didn't do a thing but cause death. Don't be in the stalk, be in the Life. See? Have faith in God.

211 Do you believe that the God that made this promise, that did appear Himself, in the Book of Genesis, and appeared to Abraham and performed that miracle... That same God was made flesh, human flesh, borned of a virgin. That was a theophany there, of course, but then when He come in human flesh and was the same Man, and performing the same things,... Don't you believe that if God could get a person, that He promised to do according to Malachi 4, a channel that He could speak through, He'll perform the same thing He said He'd do there? Do you believe that? I believe He would, too.

212Do you believe that you could have the faith to touch His garment, His faith to touch the garment? Do you believe present now that something's speaking to your heart that would tell you that you have faith to touch His garment? You believe you could do that? You reach up and touch with your faith then, not with emotion, just with absolutely pure, unadulterated faith. Just say, "Lord, I believe. I believe with all my heart. I want You to touch me 'cause I--I've heard You done it, now I want to see it with my own eyes."

213And I can't touch you. It takes God to do the touching. Do you believe He will do it?

[Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

214 I'm looking right back to my left here. It seems like there's a channel, kinda, as I've spoke, pulling that way. Being I've directed it that way, now it comes in wonderful. It's a lady setting there with her husband. She's not from here. She's from Texas, Dallas. She's suffering, also her husband's suffering. She's suffering from a complication, she's had an operation. That's right. Her husband suffers something with his back, back trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Corbet, from Texas; Dallas, Texas. If that's so, raise up your hand. I'm a stranger to you. Is that right? No way in the world for me to know that. What is it? "I have heard of Thee by the ear, now I see Thee." See what I mean? Now ask that couple. I never seen them in my life. "I have heard of Thee with the ear, now I see Thee with my eye."

215If you can believe, God can furnish what you have need of.

216 That man setting there with his hand up on his chin, with that high blood pressure. You believe God would make you well, sir? You do? Setting with your hand like this, you believe God will heal you of that high blood pressure? Raise up your hand, if you believe It. All right, He does it. I never seen the man in my life, I know nothing about him. But you heard that Jesus said, here in the Bible, that He would do these things, now you see it! You see what I mean? "If thou canst believe, all things are possible." Only to them that believe! It takes real, genuine faith to do it. But if you can believe It, God will grant it.

217 There's a lady setting right back there, looking at me, got a goiter in her throat.

218Lady setting next by, setting next to her, that she'll understand, that lady there has high blood pressure, also. That's right.

219Lady setting next to her, she has a--a trouble, too. And she's not from here, she's from Arkansas. They're missing it. Miss Phillips, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be healed! Do you believe Him? With all your heart? You accept It? Right. Then you can have it.

Now you say, "That's mysterious." No! No!

220Jesus said, "Your name is Simon, you're the son of Jonas." Is that right?

221"I have heard of Thee with my ear, now I see Thee with my eye." Now don't you see what happened? Someone just setting there, looking, believing, trusting, and all at once there it happens. See?

222 Feeling better, son, tonight, than you did last night? Setting down? It's all right now, you're going to be well (uh-huh). Setting here last night, butting his head and everything else; now, tonight, he looks like a gentleman. See? He was a little bit confused about things, but it's all straightened out now. See? It'll be all right. See? "And in that day, the Son of man is being revealed, see, just before Sodom is to be burned."

223"I have heard of Thee with my ear, now I see Thee with my eye. I heard Jesus Christ say He promised that, I see that promise living right now." See? "I have heard of Thee with my ear, now I see Him with my eye." How many believes That to be Him? (O God!)

224 Now, while we're here... it's getting late. Tomorrow night we're going to have a great healing service. We're expecting Brother Moore and I to stand here and pray for every person that wants to come through the line. But I thought in speaking this tonight, I was just going to make the altar call. But then I thought, "no," It said there, "I have heard of Thee with the ear, now I want to see You with my eye." Now He's here. Do you believe that?

225Now let's lay our hands over on one another. Now, remember, the same One that promised He would do this, said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Did He say It? Are you a believer? Say, "Amen." Well, then, the same God that made this promise that you see Him perform just now,... Ask any of those people, I never seen them, know nothing about them. I wouldn't know them right now, see, impossible for me to. But that Scripture's got to be fulfilled! Well, if that's fulfilled, it shows we're in the latter times, we'll know the Son of man is ready to be... to come, because He's revealing Himself in human flesh. Is that right?

226Then we know it's true, and you say you're a believer on Him, and you got your hands laid on one another. And if your hands are laid on one another, that same Son of God which is here to make this come true to your eyes, the same Son is here to say, "They shall recover!" The same Son of God! "I heard that He said, 'If the believers lay their hands on, they shall recover.' I heard it with my ears, now let me see it with my eyes. He promised to do it."

Now while I pray, you pray.

227 Lord Jesus, in the Name of the Lord God of Heaven, let Your Spirit drop into these people's heart; that genuine faith of God, that will confirm this promise to them. And may the God of Heaven heal every one of them, as they obey Your commandments by laying hands on each other. Let it be so, Lord. In the Name of Jesus Christ, grant that it will be so, for Your glory.

228 Now, do you believe that you got what you asked for? Does something in your heart tell you? Do you feel that little speck of inspiration, said, "Why, it's over! It's done!"?

229The commandment of God said that we could hear it with our ear, now we can see it with our eye. Job said, "I've heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear, but now I see Thee with my eyes."

230Now, you heard it by the Word, by the hearing of the Word, "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word." Now you see It act, with your eyes! Now, that same God that said that, when these things was to be taking place, that "the believers on This would lay their hands on the sick and they shall recover." Now has it dropped into your heart that you're "healed"? Raise your hands if you do. Amen! That's real apostolic healing. You mean it? You believe It with all your heart? Hallelujah! That's all we need.

Let's stand on our feet and give Him praise, then.

231Thank You, Lord Jesus. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

I will praise Him! I will praise Him!

Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory, all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

232 Now, do you love Him? Now let's, all together, give Him glory, all ye people. Now, look, if that has been revealed to you by God, in the channel that you were saved in, the same channel that told you "you were saved," the same channel God moved through, like He did through Job and the prophets, He's moved through you through that channel as a Christian, by His Divine revelation that "you are healed," then there's nothing going to keep it from happening.

So we give Him glory, all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each... (Every doubt; washed away every doubt.)

I will praise Him! I will praise Him!

Praise the Lamb for sinner slain;

Give Him glory, all ye people,

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

233 Oh, don't you love Him? Ah, how wonderful. "I have heard of Thee, Lord, with my ear, and faith cometh by hearing; but now I see Thee, God making Himself known among His people like He did to Abraham, by His promise here that the Son of man would reveal Himself in the days that the world become in a Sodom condition."

234And there was three messengers went forth, come down from Heaven.

235And there was a denominational group down in Sodom, and a Billy Graham and a Oral Roberts went down there. And remember as I've told you, nowhere in the history of the church has there ever been a messenger sent universal to the church, until now, with his name ending like Abraham, h-a-m. G-r-a-h-a-m, six letters, to the world, man's number.

236 But Abraham had seven letters in the name, God's complete and perfect number. See?

237And notice what the messengers did that went out in there: preached the Word, called them out, told them to repent.

238 But the One who stayed back with Abraham, see, performed a miracle by telling Abraham what Sarah was doing and thinking in the tent behind Him. And Jesus, Who was the One that was in this Person, said, "When the world gets in a Sodom condition, like it was then, the Son of man will be revealed again." And all the other Scriptures confirming that to be so. The... "In the beginning was the" [Congregation says, "Word,"--Ed.] "and the Word was with" ["God,"] "and the Word was" ["God."] "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Is that right? Now we see that same promised Word, of Luke, of Malachi, all these other promises from today, made flesh, dwelling among us, that we heard with our ears; now we see Him (with our eyes) interpreting His Own Word, we don't need any interpretation of man. O Church of the living God, here and on the phones! wake up quick, before it's too late! God bless you.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me,

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary tree.

239 Could you think, church, that you're looking with your own eyes... The living Word of God made manifest, the promise of the hour, in the last days, looking with your own eyes at the living Word being interpreted in natural form, God among us! "I see Him with my own eyes, the One... I heard that He would do it." All the old sages looked for this day, now we see It manifested with our own eye. How many the old shouting Methodists, Baptists, and the real, genuine pentecostals in their age, longed to see this happen! Many of them knowed it would happen. But we stand tonight seeing it happen! Oh! Don't you love Him?

240 Now, Jesus said, "This will all men know you're My disciples, when you love one another." So as we love Him, let's shake one anothers' hands and sing I Will Praise Him! I Will Praise Him! All right.

I will praise Him! I will praise Him!

O praise the Lamb for sinners slain;

Give Him glory, all... (How you do?)... people

For His Blood has washed away each stain.

241 What did the queen of Belteshazzar say before her king that night? "There is a man in your kingdom that is a Dissolver of doubts." And the Holy Ghost, tonight, is the Dissolver of doubts! Do you believe that? [Brother Branham speaks to someone--Ed.] The dissolver of doubts! Now, the Blood of Christ takes away each stain, the stain of doubt. There's not a greater sin in the world than unbelief, "For he that believeth not, is condemned already!" Is that right? "He that believeth not is condemned." There's only one sin, and that's unbelief. Smoking's not a sin, cursing's not a sin, committing adultery's not a sin, lying is not a sin; that isn't sin, that's the results of unbelief. Unbelief! You do it because you don't believe. If you do believe It, you don't do it.

242 Oh! Oh! What... Wonderful! And the Blood of the Lamb has washed away every doubt. We believe His Word, emphatically. We believe that the Word was made flesh. And we believe the Word is made flesh by the vindication of His Presence now to confirm His Word. Do you believe It? God bless you.

243We hope to see you here in the morning, for a great time in the Lord. Bow your heads now, and I give the service to Brother Lindsay.