Na krídlach snehobielej holubice



Nuž, ako v tejto arche... Noe mohol vidieť svetlo a možno slnečné svetlo, ale on by rád vedel, kde sa nachádza. Archa sa stále pohybovala, on mohol počuť vlny narážajúce do strán, ale on vedel, keďže už uplynulo mnoho dní, že tá voda už určite opadá. Tak vzal nejakého nespoľahlivého vtáka, neverného a vyskúšal ho, poslal ho von. Bola to vrana a tá vrana sa nikdy nevrátila, lebo našla tam vonku potešenie, mimo archy Božej. Ona lietala od jedného mŕtveho tela na ďalšie, jedla zdochliny a mrciny, ktoré plávali na vode. A bola úplne spokojná.

Tak po niekoľkých dňoch to znovu skúsil, lebo vedel ... On nechcel vyjsť von do Božieho hnevu. Tak tentokrát vypustil holubicu. A táto holubica bola odlišnej povahy ako ... To nie je sup, ani nejaký zberač odpadkov, ona môže jesť len úplne čisté veci. A ona bola tak spokojná. A keďže nemohla nájsť nič iné, na čom by položila svoje nohy, vrátila sa spokojne späť do archy. Noe povedal, „Nuž, potopa stále trvá.“

Potom čakal niekoľko ďalších dní a vyslal ju znovu; ako svoju modlitbu, „Ó, Bože, či sa Tvoj hnev už upokojil?  Skončil Tvoj hnev, Pane? Je to všetko vykonané?“ A povedal, „Teraz, keď ju vyšlem tentoraz, ona môže zostať tam vonku, ak vody opadli, ona môže zostať.“ Ale on ju vyslal s modlitbou a potom, keď vyletela, bola riadená Bohom, vzala olivový lístok zo stromu, priletela späť a zaťukala znovu na okno.

Boh používal holubicu na znamenie. Ona sa vrátila späť, aby povedala, že „vody opadli“ a potom Boh otvoril dvere a oni vyšli von. To je Genesis 8:8.

Taktiež ju použil v Matúšovi 3:16, keď bol znova Boží hnev na zemi. A nebolo žiadnej cesty, najtemnejšia noc, polnoc, cirkvi všetko tak poprekrúcali, že nebolo z toho cesty von. A boli tam falošní učitelia, zjavovalo sa všetko možné, všetky možné vyznania, ale Boh použil znova holubicu. To Ho potešilo, vo Svojom Synovi Ježišovi sa Mu tak zaľúbilo, že sa s Ním ztotožnil.

1  Skloňme svoje hlavy. Drahý Pane, ďakujeme Ti dnes večer za zasľúbenie príchodu Pána Ježiša, kde sa stretneme vo veľkom zhromaždení radostí a piesní, ktoré nikdy neskončí, aby sme Ťa chválili cez tie nekonečné veky, ktoré nastanú. Prosíme aby si požehnal dnes večer toto zhromaždenie. Prosíme o Tvoje požehnania pre túto modlitebňu, pre jej osadenstvo, jej pastorov, jej spolupracovníkov, spolupastorov a pre všetkých.

2  Pane, prosíme Ťa, aby si požehnal týchto, ktorí prešli mnoho míľ, aby boli na zhromaždení, polož Svoju ruku milosti na nich, keď budú cestovať späť do svojich domovov. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech sa stretneme veľa krát spolu na tomto mieste nazvanom dom Boží, k uctievaniu. Požehnaj tých, Pane, ktorí sú naladení dnes večer cez telefón. Nech dnes večer každá nespasená osoba najde Ježiša Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa. Uzdrav všetkých nemocných a postihnutých. Otče, tvoj služobník sa hlási do služby, v Mene Ježiša. Amen!

3  Nech Pán požehná každého z vás. Som tak šťastný, že tu môžem byť dnes večer. Práve som sa dostal dnu, keď brat Ernie spieval tú poslednú časť svojej piesne, Na Krídlach Holubice. Zaiste nádherná báseň, istotne nádherná a ja viem, že je to aktuálne. Tak teraz, my sme veľmi vďační.

4  A všetkým vám ľuďom, ktorí ste naladení dnes večer naprieč krajinou, prajem vám, keby ste len tu videli toto vyčkávanie, očakávanie na tvárach ľudí, ako sú oni naprataní v budove dnes večer, majúc nádherný čas.

5  Chceme poďakovať bratovi Jackovi Moore, sestre Moore a bratom Noel, Boutliere, Brown, všetkým týmto spolupracovníkom tu, celej modlitebni, celému osadenstvu za pozvanie.

6  To bolo ... skutočne ... tak trochu ... nemohol by som povedať náhoda, bola to jednoducho ruka Božia, ktorá to učinila. Je tu brat, ktorý mal pred nejakým časom sen o tom, že toto sa deje, povedal, že som stál v bielych nohaviciach a v indiánskych mokasínach. A presne tak som tam stál, keď som volal bratovi Jackovi ohľadne týchto zhromaždení tu, celkom presne, (v Carson, Colorado) Mal som indiánske mokasíny a biele nohavice značky Levi. Brat Leo, ak počúvaš, stretol som ťa práve za pár minút potom. Tak vtedy sa vlastne zrodili tieto zhromaždenia, práve tam.

7  Teraz je nedeľa večer. Viem, že mnohí z vás budú cestovať celú noc dnes večer idúc domov, niektorí z vás ráno. Ja mám pred sebou dva dni jazdy. A tak vás nechceme držať veľmi dlho. Pokúsil som sa urobiť toto akýmsi starodávnym večerom, aby brat Brown a brat Jack a my všetci, ktorí sme od dávna zvykli modliť sa za chorých, chceli by sme sa modliť za chorých tým istým spôsobom, ako sme to robili vtedy.

8  Teraz, počujete ma tam v zadu? Ja len stišujem tieto mikrofóny, lebo som zachrípnutý.

9  A tak chcem ... spomenúť určitú udalosť, ktorá sa stala. Povedali mi pred chvíľou, že tu máme brata, možno je tu dnes večer v zhromaždení, ktorý práve vyšiel z denominacionalizmu. Prišiel do Shreveportu, chcel počuť o Posolstve. A poplietol sa, nevedel, kde sa nachádza, tak išiel do centra mesta. Videl zhromaždených ľudí, povedal, „Je toto miesto, kde bude kázať Billy Branham?“

10 On povedal, „Nie, tu bude kázať Billy Graham cez film.“

11 Povedal, „Tak, prepáčte, prišiel som na nesprávne miesto.“

12 Povedal, že vyšiel odtiaľ a pýtal sa, „Nuž, kam mám ísť, Pane?“  Povedal, že začal kráčať po hlavnej ulici. Neviem, čo to je za ulica, tu na konci je veľký kostol. /Niekto v zhromaždení hovorí „Texsaská“/ Texaská. A na kostole bol veľký biely kríž. Povedal, že Pán mu povedal, „Len choď ďalej“ Povedal ... keď sa tam dostal, bolo tam ... Povedal, „No, tu to musí byť, tu okolo je veľa áut.“ A povedal, „Nevesta a ženích vychádzali z toho kostola.“ To bolo včera večer, bola svadba, videl som to. „Pán povedal, ́Tak, to je to. Ty vychádzaš z denominacionalizmu, aby si vošiel do Nevesty, aby si išiel so Ženíchom.“ Vidíte, vidíte?

13 Hovoril som svojej žene, ako sme išli ulicou približujúc sa do toho kostola, všimol som si, ako sa mesiac a hviezda vznášajú rovno nad tým krížom. Možno sa proste dívam na takéto drobné veci, sú možno nejakou pochvalou mojej viery v Boha a mojej služby.

14 Premýšľal som dnes večer o tom čo sa stalo v Tucsone, ako Victor LaDeaux, on bol ten Francúz ... on je pravý Francúz. Myslím, že som vám to už niekedy hovoril. Raz, keď som skončil hovoriť, snažil som sa oddeliť denominacionalizmus od skutočného Kresťanstva ... Jeden muž z jednej slávnej denominačnej Letničnej cirkvi sa o tom krátko so mnou rozprával.

15 A tak Danny Henry, myslím, že on je bratranec nejakej filmovej hviezdy alebo také niečo a on bol baptista. A on dobehol na pódium, objal ma okolo ramien a povedal: „Brat Branham, dúfam, že toto neznie ako rúhanie, ale to by mohla byť 23. kapitola Zjavenia.“ A keď chcel hovoriť ďalej, začal hovoriť v iných jazykoch.

16 A traja Francúzi . . . Nejaká Francúzka (veľká, silná žena tmavej pleti, z Louisiany, možno tu sedí dnes večer), napísala to na kúsok papiera, to, čo on povedal. Potom Victor LaDeaux, kazateľ, napísal tú istú vec. A oni išli porovnať čo zapísali. Nejaký svetlovlasý muž, ktorý stál niekde vzadu, sa pretlačil prišiel a chcel vidieť tie poznámky. On bol prekladateľ Francúzštiny na U.N. A všetky tri záznamy boli rovnaké.

17 A toto tam bolo povedané:

  Pretože si si vybral túto ťažšiu cestu ... Ty si si ju vybral, zobral si ... vybral si si ju  svojou vlastnou voľbou. (samozrejme vieme, že Mojžiš musel urobiť svoj výber) Je to dobrá a správna cesta, lebo to je MOJA CESTA.

  Čo za slávne rozhodnutie si urobil! ... Pre toto čaká na teba veľká porcia Neba. A to spôsobí a prinesie obrovské víťazstvo Božej lásky.

18 Všetky tri boli rovnaké. Myslel som, že ten originál mám dnes večer v Biblii, pozrel som sa, ale nemám ho, ten originálny exemplár.

19 Danny Henry, tak ako aj ja, nevie ani dobre anglicky, tobôž Francúzky. Ak si to tam všimnete, je to ako francúzsky jazyk, oni dávajú sloveso pred príslovku. A tá interpretácia všetkých troch zápisov bola úplne rovnaká.

20 Danny Henry, pred časom, on urobil ... Danny možno počúva dnes večer. Victor LaDeaux hádam je tu, dozvedel som sa, že je v Tucsone. A vy ľudia z cirkvi v Tucsone, modlitebňa v Tucson, kde je pastorom brat Green. Dozvedel som sa, že Brat Victor LaDeaux organizuje stanové zhromaždenie blízko križovatky Park Avanue s diaľnicou 80. A ak máte zajtra večer alebo nasledujúci večer voľný, dokiaľ tam on bude, choďte ho počúvať. Danny asi bude s ním. Ja neviem, ale oni nás možno počúvajú dnes z modlitebni.

21 Krátko po tom Danny išiel do Jeruzalema a povedal, že tam ležal v hrobke na doske ... skalnatej tabuli, na ktorej ležal Ježiš, vlastne mŕtvola pred Jeho vzkriesením. A povedal, že z ničoho nič začal myslieť o mne. A povedal, že vybehol, začal plakať a prechádzal sa vonku. A bol vedený ... On vyrába veci zo skál, z kamenných úlomkov. Povedal, že išiel tam, kde oni povedali, že bol vbitý ten kríž a vzal odtiaľ malý úlomok zo skaly, asi takýto ... ó, maličký hranol, alebo také niečo. Vložil ho do vrecka a tešil sa, že to prinesie domov.

22 Keď prišiel, niečo mu povedalo, „Urob z toho bratovi Branhamovi pár manžetových gombíkov.“ Tak to položil do kyseliny a to zmenilo farbu z obyčajného vápenca na akoby zakrvavený kameň. A urobil z toho manžetové gombíky.

23 A keď mi ich dal, on si to nevšimol, ale rovno cez stred oboch manžetových gombíkov prechádza priamy, úzky pásik. Mám ich dnes večer, keď sa budem modliť za chorých. Vidíte, krvavá farba, ako kvapkajúca krv, s priamou, úzkou čiarou ktorá prechádza stredom. Presne to, čo povedalo jeho proroctvo, „Rovná a úzka cesta.“ Vidíte, v tom proroctve. Ukázal som mu to.

24 Danny, ak počúvaš, ty alebo brat LaDeaux, jeden alebo druhý, dnes večer budeme mať ten starodávny večer, kedy sa budeme modliť za chorých. Teším sa, že idem touto priamou, úzkou cestou, cestou Evanjelia, cestou Slova, s našim Pánom Ježišom Kristom.

25 Nech vás Boh všetkých žehná. Tak príjemne je hovoriť do vás. Budem hovoriť dlho a dlho vás tu zdržím.

  Billy povedal, že je tu okolo tristo alebo štyristo ľudí, ktorí čakajú na modlitbu, takže budem sa ponáhľať so svojim posolstvom a potom sa budem modliť za chorých.

26 Tým, ktrorí sú z Arizony, nabudúcu sobotu večer sme znovu v (nikdy si nemôžem spomenúť meno toho mesta) v Yume, v Arizone, na recepcii. A potom do Kalifornie pôjdeme hneď v nedeľu ráno, do Los Angeles a na miesta, ktoré boli dohodnuté.

27 Dnes večer, chcem vziať jeden text z Písma.

28 Mimochodom, sedel som dnes v Morrisonovej kaviarni. Brat Jack, jeho žena, ja a moja žena. Išli sme tam do Morrisonovej kaviarne, aby sme strávili spolu krátky čas. Naše ženy sa nikdy pred- tým nevideli. Prišiel ku mne jeden mladý človek, volá sa Green, je to otec brata Pearry Greena. A povedal: “Vieš, brat Branham, v jeden večer si hovoril o spínači do vlasov. V skutočnosti išlo o sponky, ale ty si hovoril o spínačoch. Priniesol som ti spínač.” A dal mi ho.

29 Nuž, to je spínač, dámy, to sa nedáva do vlasov. Povedal, že on používal ten spínač pred rokmi do spínania stránok v Biblii. Povedal, že to je skutočný spínač. Tak ak si niekde tu, brat Green a počúvaš ma, vedz, že ten spínač je výborný a drží naozaj dobre.

30 Teraz sa chceme dostať rovno do Písma. A chcem, aby ste otvorili so mnou  Žalm 55 a potom tiež Matúša 3. A moja téma dnes večer je námet brata Ernieho: “Na Krídlach Snehobielej Holubice.” Nuž, nie som schopný prebrať všetky tie poznámky a Písma, ktoré tu mám, pretože niektoré z nich preskočím a pretože som sľúbil to posolstvo.

31 Ak Pán dá, v Yuma nasledujúcu sobotu večer chcem kázať na tému: Podmienky pre Vytrhnutie, ak Pán dovolí.

32 V Žalme 53 . . . Prepáčte, Žalm 55:

Počuj . . . (prosím? 55, áno)

Počuj, ó, Bože, moju modlitbu a neskrývaj sa pred mojou pokornou prosbou.

Pozoruj na mňa a ohlás sa mi, lebo chodím sem-ta vo svojom úpení a vzdychám.

pre krik nepriateľa, pre útlak bezbožníka, preto že uvaľujú neprávosť na mňa a vo vzteklosti útočia na mňa.

Moje srdce bolestí vo mne, a strachy smrti pripadli na mňa a taký strach, že sa trasiem a hrôza ma pokryla.

A povedal som: Ó, keby som mal krídla ako holubica! Zaletel by som ďaleko a býval by som na pokoji.

Hľa, ďaleko by som ušiel a bol by som na pustine. Sélah. (Selah znamená „Amen“ )

33 Dávid, milovník pustatiny, keď bol znechutený, ľudia mu neverili, a nepriatelia prišli na neho, on povedal: „Keby som mal krídla holubice, odletel by som do pustiny a tam zostal.“ Koľko krát som si myslel tú istú vec! Keby som mohol zvesiť zo steny svoju pušku, vziať svoj ruksak, odísť do pustiny a už sa viac nevrátiť. Prosil som Pána, aby som sa mohol dožiť toho dňa. Nikdy som nechcel pohrebnú službu. Povedal som: „Ak môžem len odísť niekde do lesov, oprieť svoju “blondínku” o strom ...

34 To je moja puška, prepáčte mi, ja to hovorím na účet mojej manželky, ktorá tam sedí. Viete, že tú pušku mi dal tu brat pred rokmi. Zastrelil som ňou 55 kúskou zveriny bez minutia sa cieľa. Niektoré z nich zo sedem, osem jardov. Nazývam ju „Blondína“, lebo moja žena je brunetka a ona povedala, že ja myslím viac o tej puške ako o nej. Ale . . .

35 Tak, rád by som ju položil o strom a povedal: „Pane, daj aby ju Jozef jedného dňa našiel.“ Rád by som zobral krídla holubice a odletel.

36 Ale práve tak ako raz v horách, keď som pozoroval orla a hľadel som na neho ako odlieta (poznáte moje rozprávanie o tom), povedal som: „Je dobre byť tu, Pane. Ako Peter povedal:́Mohli by sme posta- viť tri stánký. Ale dole na úpätí hory čakajú chorí a trpiaci, čakajú stratení a zomierajúci.“ Robme čo môžeme, pokiaľ trvá deň, vediac, že jedného dňa zostúpia krídla bieleho Orla, ktorý nás odnesie preč.

37 Teraz z Matúša 3:16, rád by som prečítal 16 a 17 verš:

  „A keď bol Ježiš pokrstený, hneď vystúpil z vody a hľa, otvorili sa mu nebesia a videl Ducha Božieho, ktorý zostupoval akoby holubica a prichádzal na neho.

  A hľa, bolo počuť hlas z nebies, ktorý hovoril: „Toto je ten môj milý Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo.“

38 Chceme teraz na chvíľu hovoriť o tomto vtákovi. Holubica bola vždy jedným z mojich obľúbený vtákov. A premýšľajúc o holubici, holubica je skutočne . . . a holub je ten istý vták. A holub je domáca holubica. Oni sú obaja tá istá rodina. Ja som to vyhľadal a to je tá istá rodina. Holub a holubica, oni sú obaja tá istá rodina. Obyčaje týchto vtákov sú význačné.

39 Kázal som tu pred niekoľkými rokmi na stanovom zhromaždení s bratom Moore, na tému: Baránok a holubica. Myslím, že si to všetci pamätáte. Hovoril som o tom, že holubica je najčistejším vtákom, akého máme a baránok je najpokornejšie zviera, aké máme. To sú oba obetné: obetný vták a obetné zviera.

40 Ako nádherne je to tu znázornené, že Ježiš je Baránkom a Boh Holubicou. A holubica by si nesadla na vlka, jeho povaha nie je správna. Ona by si nesadla na psa, lebo jeho povaha nie je správna. To muselo byť na baránka. Tie dve povahy mali byť rovnaké. A to je to, akí my musíme byť, naše povahy musia byť zmenené z výbušných hriešnikov na miernosť baránka.

41 A všimli ste si, že tá Holubica viedla toho Baránka? Všimnite si, Baránok odovzdal všetko čo mal, Holubici. A pozrite kde Ho Holubica viedla: k ukrižovaniu za hriechy všetkých nás.

42 Nuž, Holubica ... Keď Boh chcel zobraziť Svojho Syna. Zobrazil ho skrze najčistejšie a najmiernejšie zviera na zemi, pozemské stvorenie. Ale keď Boh zobrazil Seba v nebesiach, to bolo skrze najmiernejšieho a najčistejšieho vtáka v nebesiach, holubicu.

43 Nuž, holubice sa líšia, je ich mnoho rôznych variácií. Naša hrdlička je obyčajne taký sivý vták. A potom je ranná holubica a potom je večerná holubica. Je tiež taká, čo sa nazýva sonora, ktorú my máme doma, je to malý, sivý vtáčik, drobný s červenými pásikmi na svojich krídlach. Je mnoho rôznych druhov holubíc a oni sa líšia vo farbách. Tak isto je to s holubami.

44 Holubica je veľmi zvláštne zostavená, lebo je zvyknutá, že nemôže jesť nič, čo je nečisté. Ona by to jednoducho nemohla jesť, pretože nie je na to stavaná.

45 Tak ja som vždy hovoril o holubici, že je symbolom Boha a vrana, že je symbolom pokrytca. Vrana môže vysedávať na nejakej starej mŕtvej zdochline a jesť po celý deň a vzlietnuť rovno do poľa a jesť pšenicu s holubicou. Ale holubica môže jesť pšenicu, ale nemôže jesť mŕtvu zdochlinu. Vidíte? Ona to jednoducho nemôže, ona to nemôže stráviť. A ja som sa čudoval, prečo to nemôže jesť. Oni sú obe vtákmi. Ale prečo? To je rozdiel v ich stavbe.

46 A tak to je s opravdovým Kresťanom. Nejaký len denominačný kresťan  môže jednoducho vziať čokoľvek, ale rýdzy, znovuzrodený Kresťan nemôže vziať veci toho sveta. On je inak ustrojený.

47 Zistil som, že holubica nemá žiadnu žlč. V holubici nie je žiadna žlč, pretože ona to nepotrebuje.

48 To je tak, ako s Kresťanom, on nepotrebuje žiadnu horkosť, vidíte, lebo on môže jesť len pokrm Boží. A na to nepotrebuje horkosť aby to rozložila, vezme lásku, aby rozložila ten pokrm. Ale horkosť: „Ó, oni hovoria, „dobre. . .“ oni sa s Tým nezhodujú. Ale láska To vždy prijme, Slovo Božie.

49 Tak, ona nemá žiadnu žlč, tak preto by nemohla ... To je proste proti jej povahe, aby jedla niečo zlé. A ak by jedla, to by ju zabilo. Ale to jej vôbec nehrozí, ona to nebude jesť, pretože ona na to vôbec nemá chuť.

50 A to je to, ako je to so skutočným Kresťanom. Vedeli ste, že skutočný kresťan ani nemá započítaný vôbec žiaden hriech. Dávid povedal: „Požehnaný muž, ktorému Boh nepočíta hriech.“ Keď si umytý v Krvi Baránka (nie skrze vytvorenú vieru, ale skutočne Krvou Baránka), Boh ti neprisudzuje nič, čo bolo vykonané, pretože si pod Krvou a On to nevidí. Tam je obeť Krvi. Jediný stav v akom ťa môže vidieť, to je tak, ako ťa videl pred založením sveta, keď zapísal tvoje meno do Baránkovej Knihy Života. To je všetko, na čo On môže hľadieť, lebo ty si vykúpený zo všetkého, čo bolo kedy vykonané, si umytý v Krvi Baránka. Preto nie je v tebe žiadna žlč, nie je v tebe žiaden nečistý zvyk, pretože Krv Baránka toto urobila. A Boh ťa nemôže obviňovať z hriechu po tom, keď tam máš obeť za hriech, ktorá tam leží a čaká na teba.

51 „Dobre,“ povieš, „potom mi to dáva mnoho príležitostí, Brat Branham. Môžem robiť, čo chcem.“ Ja vždy môžem. Vždy. Ale keď môže človek skutočne vidieť, čo Ježiš pre neho urobil a otočiť sa a robiť niečo, čo je proti Nemu, to ukazuje, že nikdy neprijal Krista.

52 Mám milú manželku, ktorá sedí tam vzadu. Ona je o desať rokov mladšia ako ja a je šedivá ako som ja. Dôvod je ten, že ona stála medzi mnou a tým vonkajším svetom. Keď cestujem za more a ja by som ... Aká by to bola rodina, ak by som zhromaždil svoju rodinu okolo seba a povedal by som: „Pozri sa sem, pani Branhamová, uvedomuješ si, že si ženou Williama Branhama. Nebudeš mať žiadneho iného muža, pokiaľ som preč. Nedívaj sa na žiadneho iného muža,“ a všetky tieto veci. „Vôbec neflirtuj. Ak to budeš robiť, keď sa vrátim, rozvediem sa s tebou.“

53 A ona by sa otočila a povedala by: „Teraz, môj dobrý muž, ja ti chcem tiež niečo povedať. Nevyjdeš si so žiadnou inou ženou, zatiaľ čo budeš preč. Nebudeš robiť toto a tamto. Ak budeš, považuj sa za rozvedeného, keď prídeš domov.“

54 No, či to by bola milujúca sa rodina? Vidíte? Nie! Ak ju ja skutočne milujem ... Hoci verím, že ak by som urobil nejakú chybu a pošmykol sa a urobil niečo zle, verím, že by mi to odpustila, pretože ma miluje. A ak by ona niečo urobila, verím, že by som jej to odpustil. Zaiste, lebo ju milujem. Ale ak ju takto milujem, pokiaľ ju takto milujem, ona sa nemusí znepokojovať. Hoci by mi odpustila, ja by som ju nezranil za nič. Ja by som sa cítil ako ten najprevinilejší chlap na svete. Nemohol by som sa dočkať na tú chvíľu, aby som jej povedal, čo som urobil, pretože ju milujem. Tak, to je ... Ak ju takto milujem láskou fileo, o koľko väčšia by mala byť moja láska agapé ku Ježišovi Kristovi?

55 Hoci by som mohol fajčiť cigarety, ja som to nikdy v živote nerobil. Ale aj keby som to urobil, On by mi to mohol odpustiť. Verím, že On by mi odpustil. Ak by som pil, nikdy v živote som to nerobil, ale verím, že On by mi to odpustil. A ja Ho príliš milujem, Bože, pomôž mi, nechcem robiť nič také. Vidíte? Pretože Ho milujem. Tie veci sú preč odo mňa, pretože keď ma On zmenil z vrany na holubicu, to ma urobilo iným, moja chuť a tie veci ma opustili. Potom hriech mi nie je pripočítaný, lebo ja to nemám v úmysle robiť, nie je to vo mne, aby som to robil.

56 Teraz ďalšia veľká vec o tejto holubici. Je to veľmi zvláštny vták. Videli ste niekedy všetky tie vtáky ...

57 Jeden z mojich obľúbených vtákov je červenka. Tak, vy chlapci, prestaňte strieľať na moje červenky, vidíte, lebo ja nechcem, aby ste to robili. Moja červenka, viete ako dostala svoju červenú hruď? Viete, jedného dňa tam bol Muž zomierajúci na kríži, nikto Mu nepomohol, Boh opustil toho Človeka a On zomieral. Jeho ruky mali v sebe klince, jeho nohy a jeho bok krvácal, koruna bola na Jeho hlave a tŕne, krv stekala po Jeho tvári. A letel okolo malý vtáčik, malý hnedý vtáčik. A on sa pozrel na to, bol ... pomyslel si, že to je najžalostnejší pohľad, aký kedy videl. A on vedel, že bol iba malým vtáčkom, ale on sa pozrel na tie mohutné, veľké, ukrutné Rímske klince zabodnuté v Jeho rukách a on letel so svojim malým zobáčikom a pokúšal sa ich vytiahnuť. On mal svoju hruď celú zaliatu krvou, až bola červená. Ja chcem, aby moja hruď bola tiež zaštítená Jeho Krvou, chrániac To, keď sa s Ním stretnem. Milujem malú červenku.

58 Ale viete, červenka, ona sa musí kúpať. Ale holubica sa nemusí. Nie. Ona má vo vnútri v sebe nejaký druh oleja, ktorý ju udržuje čistú, z vnútra von. Vedeli ste to? Holubica to má! Holubica sa olejuje. Zodvihli ste ju niekedy a cítili ste tú vôňu na nej alebo na holubovi? To je olej, ktorý je produkovaný z jej vnútra. Jej telo je zložené z olejových žliaz, ktoré udržujú jej perá na vonok vždy čisté, pretože ona je očisťovaná z vnútra von. Tak je to. Ona je obdivuhodným vtáčikom.

59 Tak, ja viem, že vy ich tu môžete loviť, myslím, v Lousiane. Nerobte to! Ó, ja by som to nerobil. Hádam ak by som bol hladný, to by bolo v poriadku, ale ja ... ja by som jednoducho nemohol zmačknúť spúšť, keby som mal do niektorého streliť.

60 Holubica má veľký, zvláštny význam v našej rodine. Jedného dňa, keď moja stará mama ... Ona pochádzala zhora, tu v Kentucky, z  rezervácie kmeňa Cherokee. Ona zomierala, malá žena a bola ... Myslím, že to volali skrofulóza alebo tak nejako, ona na to zomierala. A starý otec si kľakol pri posteli, zatiaľčo mama, teta Birtie, teta Howlie, všetci z nich kľačali okolo postele, strýko Charlie, (malý, štvorročný chlapec) dieťa. Mama, najstaršia, mala asi dvanásť rokov. A ona si rozpustila svoje čierne vlasy na postel a začala spievať: „Skala Vekov, roztrhnutá pre mňa, nechaj ma ukryť sa v Tebe“, keď  zomierala. Starý tata v tom čase nebol kresťanom. Pokrstil som ho vo veku osemdesiat sedem rokov, vo Meno Ježiša Krista, dole v rieke, tam kde sa zjavil Anjel Pánov.

61 Ale zatiaľčo ona spievala túto pieseň, so svojimi zodvihnutými slabými malými rukami, priletela do dverí holubica. Priletela, posadila sa na vrch postele a začala hrkútať. Boh vzal jej dušu.

62 Bol som v Londýne, v Anglicku, s bratom Jackom a s bratom Gordonom Lindsayom a bola tam žena menom Florence Nightingale (myslím, že to je pravnučka alebo niečo také zosnulej Florence Nightingale), ktorá mi napísala mnoho listov. Ona bola dolu v Južnej Afrike, a zomierala na rakovinu. A mala nejakú fotku, videli ste ju v tej knihe. Nikdy v živote som nevidel tak núdznu osobu ako bola ona. Brat Jack, myslím, že si bol so mnou v ten deň. Išli sme do domu kazateľa, hneď za kostolom, kde ju priniesli.

63 Keď sme boli ešte tam na ... kde pristávalo lietadlo, kontrolovali nás a ona tam tiež bola v sanitke. Priviezli ju lietadlom z Južnej Afriky, lebo vedela, že v tom čase budem v Anglicku. Ten kazateľ ju vzal na faru, tak sme tam išli, aby sme sa za ňu modlili.

64 Videl som množstvo chorých ľudí, ale jej drobné ruky vyzerali, že nemali priemer ani jeden palec (2,54 cm). Na jej lebke ste mohli vidieť spojové línie kostí. A ona ... jej končatiny, ktoré vychádzali z bedier nemali viac ako dva palce, jednoducho samá kosť. Bola tak slabá, že nemohla ani podniesť ruku. A snažila sa niečo povedať, ale nemohol som jej rozumieť. Keď som nakoniec započul, myslím, že s pomocou ošetrovateľky, ona povedala, “Brat Branham, modli sa, aby ma Boh nechal zomrieť.” Ona nemohla ... nechcela žiť. A všimol som si, že slzy jej tiekli po kostiach jej tvári. Neviem, kde sa v nej vzalo toľko vlhkosti, aby mohla plakať. Jej žily boli skrčené a bola v strašnom stave. Keďže som prišiel, aby som sa modlil za chorých, nemohol som sa modliť, aby zomrela. Ale ona vyzerala, akoby nemohla zomrieť; proste nejako pretrvávala.

65 Pokľakol som spolu s vašim pastorom v tej izbe, aby sme sa modlili. A keď som pokľakol, aby som sa modlil, doletela cez okno holubica a začala hrkútať. Keď som sa prestal modliť, myslel som si, že to bola nejaká domáca holubica tam niekde. Vonku hmlisto, ako to býva v Anglicku, na Britských Ostrovoch. A táto malá holubica prestala hrkútať a odletela. Prešiel som na druhú stranu, položil som na ňu ruky a vzýval som Meno Pánovo. A tá žena je dnes mocná, silná a zdravá. Na krídlach Holubice.

66 Ona sa udržuje čistá z vnútra. Kresťan to robí tiež, on sa očisťuje z vnútra. To zadržiava tie zlé veci. On nepotrebuje žiadnu žlč, aby čokoľvek strávil, pretože on to neje. Vidíte? On je čistený z vnútra.

67 Teraz, všimnime si, že tento vták ... Veľa vecí tu mám napísaných, ale hodiny sa posúvajú dopredu. Tento vták bol tiež po- užívaný v Starom Zákone na obeť na zmierenie a očistenie. Pozrime sa len na jedno miesto v Genesis 15:9. Uvažujme o tomto verši len na chvíľu. Teraz, Abraham bol ... pýtal sa tu Boha, ako On toto urobí. A Boh posiela Svoje Slovo späť Abrahamovi a On to robí zvláštnym spôsobom. Začnime od 1. verša. Nerád by som sa s týmto ponáhľal.

  „Po týchto veciach stalo sa slovo Hospodinovo k Abramovi vo videní, ... (vidíte, Abrahám bol prorok, tak on videl videnia) ... Neboj sa Abrame, Ja som tvojim štítom a tvojou odplatou veľmi velikou. (Jehovah - mannasses, vidíte?)

  Na to povedal Abram: Ó, Pane, Hospodine (Všimnite si, veľké písmeno,Pane Bože, Elohim) Pane Bože, ... (vo videní) čože mi dáš, keď ja ta odchádzam bezdetný a majiteľom mojeho domu bude damašský Eliézer!

  A ešte povedal Abram: Hľa, mne si nedal semena, a tak hľa, cudzí syn mojeho domu bude mojím dedičom.

  A hľa, slovo Hospodinovo stalo sa k nemu povediac: Ten nebude tvojim dedičom... (Vidíte, On mu dal zasľúbenie. Keby hneď Abrahám sklamal, to zasľúbenie bolo bezpodmienečné, tá zmluva bola bezpodmienečná)... ale ten, ktorý vyjde z tvojho života, ten bude tvojim dedičom (a on mal vtedy sto rokov),.

  A Hospodin ho vyviedol von a riekol: Nože pozri hore na nebo a spočítaj hviezdy, ak ich budeš môcť spočítať. A potom mu riekol: Tak bude tvoje semä. (muž bezdetný, majúci teraz sto rokov).

  A uveril Hospodinovi a on mu to počítal za spravodlivosť.

  A riekol mu: Ja som Hospodin, ktorý som ťa vyviedol z Úra Chaldejov, aby som ti dal túto zem, aby si ju zdedil trvale.

  A povedal: Ó, Pane, Hospodine, po čom poznám, že ju zdedím trvale?

68 Teraz počúvajte toto:

  A riekol mu: Vezmi mi trojročnú jalovicu, trojročnú kozu ... (pozorujte teraz tie trojky, „trojročnú“) ...a trojročného barana a hrdličku a holúbä. (obaja tí istí ľudia, obe tie isté veci. Vidíte, oni boli používané na obete, ktoré boli predobrazom obeti Ježiša.)

69 Tá zmluva bola uzavretá... Viete, ako on rozsekol tie zvieratá na dve polovice a ako to bolo urobené ...

70 Alebo v dávnych dobách, keď oni uzatvárali zmluvu, oni zobrali a napísali dohodu. A zabili nejaké zviera, stáli medzi tými dvoma po- lovicami, roztrhli zmluvu na dvoje a každá osoba zobrala jednu časť...

71 Ako bolo zaužívané v čínskej práčovni. Ten Číňan, on nevedel písať po anglicky, tak si tam napísal a roztrhol ten kúsok papiera na dvoje a podal vám jednu časť. A vy si pamätáte tie čínske práčovne, keď to oni tak robili. A vy ...  aby ste dostali svoje šaty, tie dve časti museli do seba pasovať. Vidíte, nemohli ste ho oklamať, lebo on mal tú druhú časť. Mohli by ste napodobniť podpis ale nemohli by ste napodobniť takým istým spôsobom roztrhnutý ten papier. Vidíte? Tak, to musel byť taký istý kúsok papiera.

72 Takým spôsobom to robili v Oriente,... v dávnych dňoch na východe. Zabíjali nejaké zviera, roztrhli kožu na dvoje, postavili sa medzi ne a každý vzal jednu ... A keď dohoda bola potvrdená, priniesli tie časti a oni museli presne pasovať ku sebe.

73 Nuž to, čo mu Boh ukazuje tu je toto: v týchto obetiach sa hovorí o Kristovi. To, ako Boh zobral Ježiša na Golgotu a roztrhol Ho a prijal to telo hore do Neba a Ducha poslal dolu na nás, takže ten istý Duch, ktorý bol na Ňom, musí byť na tebe, aby pasoval s tým Telom, aby si bol Nevestou v poslednom čase. Vidíte? Je to tak. Vidíte? Nechcite byť teraz denomináciou. To bude Slovo, to čo bol On. Vidíte?

74 Ale tak ako to Slovo musí prísť do Slova, ako bunka v ľudskej bytosti. Viete, keď je vaše telo stavané, tam nie je jedna bunka ľudská, ďalšia psia a ďalšia prasačia. Ó, nie, nie. To je všetko ľudská bunka. Tak je to s Telom Kristovým, to všetko je Slovo Božie. Nie len časť z Neho, nejaká tradícia primiešaná ku Tomu. Nie, To je všetko Telo Kristovo.

75 Teraz, nachádzame tu, že on použil oboje, hrdličku a mladého holuba, pretože oni sú tá istá rodina. Tak, vy vždy ...

76 Tak všimnite si (pozriem sa len na dvojicu týchto miest Písma) Leviticus 12 a 6. verš. Nachádzame tu ten príkaz očistenia sa ženy. Ak žena mala dieťa, ona musela čakať. Ak to bol chlapec, musela čakať tridsaťtri dní, až potom mohla vstúpiť do zhromaždenia s holubicami, na očistenie. Ak mala dievča, musela čakať deväťdesiat šesť dní, až potom mohla vstúpiť do zhromaždenia.

77 Tak tu v 6. verši čítame:

  „A keď sa vyplnia dni jej očisťovania, už či za syna a či za dcéru, prinesie ročnéo baránka na zápalnú obeť a holúbä alebo hrdličku, samca, na obeť za hriech ku dveriam stánu zhromaždenia, ku kňazovi.“

78 Vidíte, ona nemôže ešte vojsť, pretože jej dni ešte neskončili, ale môže dať toto kňazovi ku dverám, za svoje obetovanie. Vidíte, buď hrdličku alebo mladého holuba. Oni sú obaja tá istá rodina.

79 Teraz to bolo použité na zmierenie a v zmierení za hriech, jedna holubica. Alebo za malomocenstvo, ktoré je symbolom hriechu, pri- niesli ste dve holubice: hlava jednej bola zoťatá, bola obrátená hore nohami a krvácala na tú druhú. A potom tá druhá holubica bola puste- ná na slobodu. A keď tá holubica letela, zmáčala zem krvou svojho druha a tá krv volala ku Bohu: „Svätý! Svätý! Svätý je Pán Boh!“

80 Či nemôžete vidieť toho zomierajúceho druha Ježiša Krista? Bol zabitý a pokropil nás, aby sme mohli ísť slobodní, volajúci „Svätý! Svätý! Svätý!“ Pánovi. Aké nádherné symboly. Prajem si, aby som mal taký hlas.

81 Nuž to je symbol veľkého Svätého Ducha ako sme práve čítali v Zjavení 3:16. Holubicu Boh používal ako znak.

82 Noemu bolo dané znamenie, ako ten brat práve o tom spieval. Boh sa rozhneval a nebolo nič, čo by zastavilo Jeho hnev, lebo On povedal: „Toho dňa, ktorého by si z toho jedol, toho dňa zomrieš.“ A Noe našiel milosť u Boha a mal postaviť archu podľa konštrukcií ... vlastne inštrukcií, ktoré mu On dal. A on sa preplavil.

83 Môžem si predstaviť jeho ... čo sa dialo v tých dňoch, keď oni hovorili: „Ten starec hore na kopci, starý fanatik, ktorý stavia nejakú archu a hovorí: ́bude pršať́ a ešte nikdy nepršalo.“ Ale to ...

84 Noe povedal: „Bude pršať, v každom prípade.“

85 Potom poznám deň, keď vošiel dovnútra, myslím... neviem aký deň to bolo, ale verím, že sedemnásteho mája. Noe vošiel do archy a Boh zavrel dvere.

86 A začali prichádzať oblaky, začal padať dážď, kanále sa začínali napĺňať, hlbinné fontány vytryskli, všetky pramene vychrlili svoje vody. Ľudia nakoniec poutekali do domov, na vyvýšeniny. Tá stará archa tam ďalej stála.

87 Po chvíli, keď sa okolo nej dosť nahromadilo, začala sa dvíhať vyššie a vyššie. Ľudia klopali na dvere a kričali, ale to nič nedalo. Noe nemohol otvoriť dvere. Boh ich zavrel, Boh jediný ich mohol otvoriť.

88 Tak je to na našej Arche, Ježišovi Kristovi. Boh pre nás otvoril dvere na Golgote a On ich zavrie s takou istotou ako ich otvoril.

89 A ona sa vznášala, ďalej a ďalej, možno míle ponad povrch zeme, keď zem vypadla z cesty... zo svojej pravidelnej obežnej dráhy. A všetko sa to zmietalo, kláty a stromy boli nesené ponad štíty hôr, vody mohutneli počas štyridsať dní a nocí.

90 A keď vetry začali ustávať ...

91 Boží hnev je strašný. Jeho láska je čistá a Božská. A Jeho hnev je práve taký Božský - práve tak Božský ako je Jeho láska, pretože On musí vyniesť súd, lebo On je sudca. On je zákonodarca a zákon bez trestu nie je zákon. Tak ku zákonu musí byť aj trest. A keď prekračujete Božie zákony, vtedy platíte pokutu.

92 No, pozorujeme, že potom keď sa Noe plavil, nepochybne trpel na morskú nemoc zo všetkého toho burácania a práskania, keď hnev Boží drvil a krúšil a všade bol krik. Potom sa to začalo utišovať, nič sa nedialo. Dni plynuli a nič sa nedialo. Možno že zásoby jedla pre zvieratá a tak ďalej sa míňali, ale nič sa nedialo. Tak si pomyslel: “Som zvedavý ... nemôžem sa pozrieť von.”

93 Archa bola tak zostrojená (ak ste v nej raz boli), bolo na nej len jedno okno a ono bolo na vrchu. Nemohli ste sa pozerať nabok, nemohli ste sa pozerať žiadnym smerom, len priamo hore. A tak to je s Archou Ježiša Krista. Vy nemôžete hľadieť na druhého človeka, nemôžete hľadieť na nič okrem Krista, keď ste v Arche, pretože tam sú len jedny dvere a On je tými Dvermi o ktorých sme hovorili dnes ráno. Musíte sa stále dívať hore, pretože „Lebo ten kto položí ruku na pluh a obzerá sa nazpäť nie je súci do orania.“

94 Nuž, ako v tejto arche ... A on mohol vidieť svetlo a možno slnečné svetlo, ale on by rád vedel, kde sa nachádza. Archa sa stále pohybovala, on mohol počuť vlny narážajúce do strán, ale on vedel, keďže už uplynulo mnoho dní, že tá voda už určite opadá. Tak on vzal nejakého nespoľahlivého vtáka, neverného a vyskúšal ho, poslal ho von. Bola to vrana a tá vrana sa nikdy nevrátila, lebo našla tam vonku potešenie, mimo archy Božej. Ona lietala od jedného mŕtveho tela na ďalšie, jedla zdochliny a mrciny, ktoré plávali na vode. A bola úplne spokojná.

95 Tak po niekoľkých dňoch to znovu skúsil, lebo vedel ... On nechcel vyjsť von do Božieho hnevu. Tak tentokrát vypustil holubicu. A táto holubica bola odlišnej povahy ako ... To nie je sup, ani nejaký zberač odpadkov, ona môže jesť len úplne čisté veci. A ona bola tak spokojná. A keďže nemohla nájsť nič iné, na čom by položila svoje nohy, vrátila sa spokojne späť do archy. Noe povedal, „Nuž, potopa stále trvá.“

96 Potom čakal niekoľko ďalších dní a vyslal ju znovu; ako svoju modlitbu, „Ó, Bože, či sa Tvoj hnev už upokojil?  Skončil Tvoj hnev, Pane? Je to všetko vykonané?“ A povedal, „Teraz, keď ju vyšlem tentoraz, ona môže zostať tam vonku, ak vody opadli, ona môže zostať.“ Ale on ju vyslal s modlitbou a potom, keď vyletela, bola riadená Bohom, vzala olivový lístok zo stromu, priletela späť a zaťukala znovu na okno.

97 Boh používal holubicu na znamenie. Ona sa vrátila späť, aby povedala, že „vody opadli“ a potom Boh otvoril dvere a oni vyšli von. To je Genesis 8:8.

98 Taktiež ju použil v Matúšovi 3:16, keď bol znova Boží hnev na zemi. A nebolo žiadnej cesty, najtemnejšia noc, polnoc, cirkvi všetko tak poprekrúcali, že nebolo z toho cesty von. A boli tam falošní učitelia, zjavovalo sa všetko možné, všetky možné vyznania, ale Boh použil znova holubicu. To Ho potešilo, vo Svojom Synovi Ježišovi sa Mu tak zaľúbilo, že sa s Ním ztotožnil.

99 Nuž, oni nemohli veriť, že toto dieťa, ktoré sa narodilo v tej stajni a ležalo v jasliach na seno, predtým ako jeho otec a matka vstúpili do manželstva. Oni si nemohli predstaviť, že Boh by použil niečo také. Tak On sa musel preukázať pred svetom. Stalo sa to v ten deň dole pri rieke, keď Ježiš zišiel, aby sa ukázal ako Božie Majstrovské Dielo (o ktorom som hovoril dnes ráno) ... Keď bol poslušný ísť do vody ...

100 No, ak si všimnete, to je veľká lekcia. Ján bol najväčším mužom na zemi, v tom čase. Ježiš povedal, že „Nikdy sa nenarodil zo ženy väčší ako on“, do toho času. A on bol prorok. Veríte tomu? Nuž, pamätajte, ak Slovo Božie príde ku niekomu na zemi, tak to bude prorok. To je vždy Božia cesta. Veríte, že Ježiš bol Slovo zamanifestované v tele? Tak je len jeden spôsob ako On môže byť predstavený. Nie skrze kňaza.

101 On neišiel a nepovedal, „Kaifáš, predstavíš Ma?“ Ak by to On  urobil, urobil by tú istú chybu ako Dávid v našej lekcii minule. Vidíte? Ak by išiel do cirkvi a povedal, „Predstavíte Ma?“

102 Len si všimnite, ešte aj keď sa narodil. Keď sa narodil, narodil sa v tieni cirkvi. A oni pravdepodobne zvonili zvoncami a robili všetko možné, ale boli to pastieri, ktorí Ho rozpoznali a mudrci. Vidíte?

103 A teraz, On je tu, na ... pripravený pre Svoju službu. A ak On je Slovo ...

104 Podľa Božieho veľkého plánu, Slovo môže len ... „Pán Boh nerobí nič, ak To prv nezjaví Svojim služobníkom prorokom.“ To je vždy Jeho zásada, musí to tak byť. Keď boli otvorené Pečate a čokoľvek ďalšie. Každú významnú udalosť, ktorá sa deje na zemi, Boh zjavuje Svojim prorokom.

105 A Ján bol prorok, pretože on prorokoval, že On prišiel.

106 Potom jedného dňa schádzal po úbočí kopca, keď stála okolo skupina kňazov a viedla sa debata ... A povedali, „Mieniš nám povedať, že sa nazývaš ́prorokoḿ a stojíš tam v tom bahne?“ (nie v cirkvi, pretože oni by ho nechceli) „Stojíš tam v tom bahne a hovoríš nám, že prichádza hodina, keď veľký Jehova, ktorý ustanovil tieto obete, keď veľký Jehova, ktorý postavil tento chrám, ktorý prišiel do neho ako ohnivý Stĺp, že ́prichádza deň, kedy bude tá denná obeť odstránená́?“

107 On povedal, „Prichádza Muž, On je teraz medzi vami (niekde tam), a On odstráni hriech.“ Tí kňazi ho počúvali s odporom.

108 Ján pozrel hore! Nuž, čo je on? Prorok! A tu je Slovo, tam prichádza Slovo, ide rovno ku prorokovi, rovno do vody. Ján povedal, „Hľa, Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta. Tu Ho máme, to je On.“ Ježiš nepovedal ani slovo, kráčal rovno do vody. A môžem ich tam vidieť, ako stoja v tej vode (pomyslite o tej scéne), tých dvoch najväčších, ktorí kedy navštívili zem: Boh, Ktorý je Slovom a Jeho prorok.

109 Všimnite si, Slovo prišlo ku prorokovi v tomto čase milosti, vo vode (oh). Myslel som, že to pochopíte. Vo vode! Prvé zjavenie Slova bolo vo vode. Teraz vidíte, kde Nevesta začala, Posolstvo Večerného svetla? Vo vode! Slovo, pravdivé Slovo, nie nezmiešané s vyznaniami, prišlo ku prorokovi do vody, pri vode.

110 Všimnite si! Mohli by ste si predstaviť oči Slova a oči proroka sa stretávajú vo vode? Ó, to je na mňa príliš veľa. Tam stál prorok, tam stálo Slovo a hľadeli si navájom do očí. A prorok povedal, „Ja potrebujem byť pokrstený od Teba, prečo Ty prichádzaš ku mne?“

111 A Slovo povedalo ... To musí byť pravda.

  Dovoľte mi, že to tu predstavím ako drámu:

112 „Ján, ty si prorok, ty poznáš Slovo.“ Vidíte? „Ty si Ma rozpoznal, ty vieš, Kto som.“

113 „Ja potrebujem byť pokrstený od Teba“, povedal Ján.

114 Ježiš povedal, „Nechaj teraz tak. To je presne tak, že ty potrebuješ byť pokrstený odo Mňa. Ale pamätaj, Ján, keďže si prorokom, tak sa nám sluší, alebo patrí sa nám (ako Slovu a prorokovi), aby sme naplnili KAŽDÉ Slovo. Preto, Ján,“ (tu je teraz zjavenie) „Ján, ty vieš, Kto Ja som, vieš, že som Obeť. A podľa Slova Božieho, obeť musela byť umytá pred tým, ako bola predložená za obeť.“ Je to správne? To je Slovo ... „Ten baránok bol umytý a potom predložený za obeť a Ja som ten Baránok. A Ja musím byť umytý predtým, ako môžem byť predložený svetu za obeť. Nechaj to teraz tak byť, Ján, lebo tak sa nám spolu náleží činiť ako Slovu a prorokovi.“

115 Tak, tam nemôže byť chyba. Nuž, každá jedna z týchto vecí ...

116 Nuž, vidíte, keby nebolo práve tohoto uloženia tých vecí, Ján by bol ako ktokoľvek z nás. Vtedy by oni povedali: „No, ja - ja viem, kto ty si, Pane.“

117 „No“, povedal „počkaj chvíľu, Ja som Slovo. ́Človek nebude živý samým chlebom, ale každým Slovom.́ Eva opustila jedno, ale ty musíš vziať každé Slovo. A Ja som tá Obeť a musím byť umytý pred- tým, ako zostanem predložený. Ale to, čo si povedal, Ján, je pravda.“

118 Ján súc prorokom, vedel, že Slovo musí byť naplnené, on sa poddal a pokrstil Ho. A keď On vystúpil z vody, prišlo z Neba Posolstvo na krídlach Holubice, „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn.“ On poslal vykupujúce Posolstvo milosti na krídlach Holubice, ktorá zletela dolu z nebies. „Pokoj na zemi, v ľuďoch zaľúbenie.“ Obeť v tej chvíli bola pripravená; bola vyzdvihnutá, vychovaná, Jeho služba bola pripravená, Slovo, ktoré vykúpi celý svet. „Je dokonané!“

119 Holubica je používaná v Biblii ako symbol pokoja a tiež ju národy používajú ako symbol mieru. Máme národy ... Náš národ je reprezentovaný orlom. A sú iné vtáky iných národov. Rím má orla. Nemecko má orla; mnohé z tých veľkých nebeských vtákov. Ale vo všetkých nich, holubica symbolizuje mier vo všetkých národoch. To je univerzálny znak.

120 Práve ako povedal raz večer brat Green, brat Pearry Green povedal, „Symbolom poddania sa je ́zodvihnutie rúḱ. V každom národe, keď zodvihnete ruky, to znamená, že sa vzdávate.“ Povedal, „Keď spievate, zodvihnite ruky, všetkého sa vzdávate.“

121 A holubica je symbol mieru v každom národe. Prečo to tak je? Pre jej miernosť a pre jej nevinnosť. To je dôvod, že symbolizuje mier.

122 Ďalšou vlastnosťou holubici je to, že je to vták milujúci domov. Ona rada zostáva doma.

123 A ďalšia vec je, že ona je vždy verná svojmu druhovi. Holubica, samec alebo samica, nikdy neopúšťajú jeden druhého. Tá samica nachádza svojho druha v období párenia. Vidíte? To je pochvala na adresu Božieho veľkého stvorenia. To je dôvod, prečo On učinil Evu ako vedľajší produkt. Vidíte? Ak by ona bola učinená ako iné samice, ona by hľadala svojho druha, keď príde čas na jej párenie. Ale ona nemá vyhradený čas. Vidíte? A to je spôsob, to je to, čo to je. Ja len ... Nechceme vchádzať do toho, pretože už to je v ́Manželstve a Rozvodé a tak ďalej. Ale aj tak, ona je počestná a nosí tú cnosť. Vy viete ako som kázal na tú tému minulý večer. V poriadku, všimnite si, ona má veľkú zodpovednosť.

124 Ale holubica je vždy verná svojmu druhovi. Vždy! Nikdy ho neopúšťa.

125 A dovoľte, že sa tu len na chvíľu zastavím, aby som povedal toto: pravdivá Nevesta, holubica, je tiež verná svojmu Druhovi. Ona nechce zavádzať žiadne dogmy, žiadne denominačné doktríny, nič z toho sveta. Ona bude stáť verná svojmu Druhovi, Slovu. Vždy verná.

126 A skrze to, že holubica ľúbi prebývať doma, že sa rada vracia do domu, ona bola úspešne použitá ako poštový holub. Pretože miluje domov, vy ju môžete vypustiť kdekoľvek, ona vždy príde späť domov. Vráti sa domov.

127 Radi by sme to zdôraznili a zastavili sa pri tom na malú chvíľu. Vy kresťania rozumiete, čo myslím. Ona vždy nájde svoju cestu späť domov, tak preto býva používaná ako poštový holub. Bola používaná v čase vojny. Oni stále používajú poštové holuby na prenášanie správ. Tak potom vidíte, holubica je poslom, u Boha i u ľudí. Holubica je poslom. Ona bola poslom Noemu, aby mu povedala, že „je znovu pokoj.“ Bola použitá Bohom k potvrdeniu, že toto bol Jeho Syn, „Obeť k prineseniu pokoja na zem a v ľuďoch zaľúbenie.“ Ona bola použitá ako posol.

128 Práve som si spomenul na jednu udalosť, čítal som ju raz v jednej knihe. Nuž, neviem povedať, že je to na isto, môže to byť v knihe ́Koniec prvej svetovej vojný. Nie som si teraz v tom istý. Ak to tam nenájdete, potom sa mýlim. Každopádne som to čítal v nejakej knihe už pred mnohými rokmi. Ale to bola skutočne ... skutočne dramatická vec, ktorá sa stala.

129 Istá skupina amerických vojakov sa ocitla pod paľbou nemeckých guľometov a nemohli sa z tade dostať, boli v nejakej jame. Myslím, že vy, vojaci, rozumiete, boli niekde na nejakej obhliadke. Boli zatlačení, končila sa im munícia a Nemci vo veľkých jednotkách prichádzali zo všade. Vedeli, že ak sa im v krátkom čase nenaskytne pomoc, čoskoro všetci zomrú. Museli by. Lebo Nemci zchádzali z vrchu a približovali sa k nim.

130 A stalo sa, že jeden z nich si pripomenul, že má malého maskota, holuba. Tak on vedel, že ak by sa tomu holubovi podarilo dostať sa odtiaľ, zaniesol by posolstvo do veliteľstva, kde mali stanicu. A tak si sadli a napísali záznam: “Sme na tom a tom mieste, munícia sa vyčerpala a za pár hodín sa budeme musieť vzdať alebo budeme zmasakrovaní.” Priviazali to tomu holúbkovi o jeho malú nožičku a vypustili ho.

131 Nuž, on je vták, ktorý miluje domov, tak on ... čo on robí? On sa vracia domov na svoje ... aby sa stretol so svojou partnerkou. Ona si robila o neho starosti a on sa mal  vrátiť domov.

132 A ako on vyletel, nemci videli, čo sa stalo. Tak začali strieľať na toho holuba. A jeden z nich ho zasiahol 30 kalibrovým guľometom, či guľkou a to mu zlomilo nohu. Ďalší náboj mu vytrhol veľký kus z jej boku. Jeho hruď bola celá doráňaná. Jedno z jeho krídel bolo ochromené, koniec z krídla mal odstrelený a letel bokom. Ale stále letel ďalej, až nakoniec doletel do cieľa. Zmrzačený, ranený, dolámaný, udretý, ale spadol do tábora s tým posolstvom. To bol hrdinský holub.

133 Ale, ó, brat, Izaiáš 53 nám hovorí o Jednom takom, ktorý opustil Dom a všetko, čo bolo dobré:

  “A on bol smrteľne ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň našeho pokoja bola vzložená na neho a jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení.”

134 Choroby, povery a diabli nás zovreli, nebolo žiadnej cesty von, cirkev išla zlou cestou, oni odišli do denominačných vecí (farizeovia, sadúceovia a umývanie hrncov a mís) a Slovo Božie sa stalo bezúčinné. Ale táto malá Holubica prišla dolu a len jediná vec sa mohla uskutočniť: tam musel byť vykupiteľ.

135 Bol ranený, zlomený, zbitý, mučený, ale On poznal cestu späť Domov. Tak z Golgotského kríža, kde Ho bili, mlátili, trhali Ho ako svorka vlkov, On sa pustil do letu z Golgoty a potom pristál v nebeských dverách a povedal, „Je dokonané! Je dokonané! Oni sú voľní! Choroba môže byť teraz uzdravená! Hriešnici môžu byť zachránení! Zajatí môžu byť vypustení na slobodu!“

136 Hoci On bol zmrzačený a ranený, ten veľký boj, keď bolo všetko proti Nemu ... Dokonca básnik zvolal:

  Medzi trsúcimi skalami a tmavnúcimi oblakmi

  Môj Spasiteľ sklonil hlavu a umrel.

  Ale roztrhnutá opona zjavila cestu

  Do nebeskej radosti a neskončeného dňa.

137 Bol som neurotik celý život. Keď som bol malý chlapec, niečo ma udrelo, to ma vystrašilo a asi každých sedem rokov sa mi to stávalo. Brat Jack si pamätá, keď som prvý krát začal, opustil som pole na rok. Niečo sa stalo.

138 Pamätám si deň, keď Juanita Hemphill ... Myslím, že sa teraz volá Juanita Kelly, ona sa po smrti svojho manžela vydala za brata Kelly. Anna Jeanne, mám ich fotky, oni boli takí ... A jej ... ich dve dievčatá a sestra Moore utvorili trio. Oni spievali tú pieseň, ktorú nikdy nezabudnem: “Hľadieť poza západ slnka.” Brat Jack, pamätáš si, myslím, že si prišiel vtedy z Floridy. Aké milé dievčatká.

139 A pamätám si to ráno malú skupinu letničných odtiaľto zhora v severnej časti krajiny, niekde v Michigan, tieto dievčatá tam vystúpili, keď brat Hooper ...  Videl som ho tu minulý večer, ja ... teraz tu možno nie je, brat Ed Hooper. Si tu, brat Ed? Myslím, že tu nie je ... On tu sedel minulý večer. Žiaden ... Mnohí z vás ho poznajú. On, ja a brat Hooley sme mali vycestovať. A tieto dievčatá stáli tam na rohu, spievali to a dali nám, každému jednému žltú ružu, ktorú vybrali zo svojich vlasov. (To bolo tam, kde ten šialený zostal uzdravený, diali sa veľké veci).

140  Išiel som cestou tak šťastný ako som len mohol byť a zrazu ma to zasiahlo. Rok potom, predtým, ako som vošiel znovu na pole. Skoro ma to zabilo.

141 Odkedy som bol malým chlapcom, vždy som hovoril, že neviem, čo je to videnie. Ako malý chlapec, vždy som hovoril, „Ak ja - ak by som len upadol do jedného z tých tranzov a videl to, vyzdravel by som.” Ten čas ... Vždy som chcel ísť do kliniky Mayo zistiť, čo so mnou nie je v poriadku. Tí Doktori...

142 Môj žalúdok vytvára nadbytok kyseliny. A oh! Brat Jack mi pomáhal vyjsť von. Prechádzal som sa okolo domu a zrazu som vyzvracal nejakú teplú mazľavú vodu. A išiel som za kazateľňu a modlil sa za ľudí, ktorí boli na tom dva krát tak zle a boli uzdravení. Položil som ruky na muža, ktorý mal na tváry rakovinu a tá rakovina opustila jeho tvár ešte kým tam stál. A ja som bol tak chorý, že som nemohol stáť.

143 A vy neviete, na čo som trpel. Psychickú vyčerpanosť. Každých sedem rokov to prichádza, po celý život. Teraz som v tom čase, v ôsmej sedmičke.

144 Tak bol som - bol som tak vyčerpaný. Plakal a prosil som.

145 A pamätám sa, keď som nakoniec uvažoval, že mám dosť peňazí aby som išiel do kliniky Mayo na vyšetrenie, hovorili mi: „Oni zistia aký je tvoj problém.“ Žena, ja a Becky, ktorá je tam vzadu ... Sarah bola ešte dievčatko. Práve som vstúpil do svojej služby uzdravovania. A tak sme vyštartovali do kliniky Mayo.

146 Prešiel som vyšetreniami v tej klinike. A tú noc predtým som... Nasledujúce ráno som mal posledné vyšetrenie. Zobudil som sa, sedel som na posteli a pozeral som sa dookola. Hľadel som pred seba a uvidel som malého chlapca, ktorý vyzeral ako ja, keď som mal asi sedem rokov. A pozrel som sa na to a bol som to ja. A stál pri nejakom starom pahýli stromu. A na tom strome ...

147 Mnohí z vás, lovcov veveričiek viete, že ak šúchate hore dole palicou o kmeň stromu a veverička je v tej dutine, to ju vystraší a ona vybehne von.

148 A ja som sa díval tam, kde bola tá veverička a myslel som si, „Aký druh veveričky to je?“ Potrel som ten kmeň a keď som to urobil, pozrel som sa a to som bol ja okolo tridsať osem ročný, toho malého chlapca nebolo. Tak potrel som ten konár a z kmeňovej dutiny vybehla malá veverička, asi takáto dlhá, tmavá, takmer čierna a vyzeralo to, akoby z nej lietali malé iskry. Mala mrňavé očká, ako korálky.a vyzerala ako najpodlejšie stvorenie, aké som kedy videl. Vyzerala skôr ako lasica než ako veverička.

149 A dívala sa priamo na mňa. A ja som otvoril svoje ústa, aby som niečo povedal. Ale keď som to urobil, ona ... Prv, ako by ste mohli mihnúť okom, vletela mi rovno do úst, išla dolu do môjho žalúdka a trhala ma na kusy. A keď som vyšiel z toho videnia, mal som zodvihnuté ruky, hľadiac, začal som kričať, „Ó, Bože, buď milostivý! To ma zabíja!“

150 Vtedy som počul Hlas hlboko v izbe, ktorý hovoril, „Pamätaj, je to len šesť palcov dlhé.“

151 Koľkí počuli o tej udalosti? Hovoril som vám to mnoho krát, ktorí prichádzate do modlitebni.

152 Tak, to sa stále opakovalo, trápenia boli stále také isté.

153 Bratia z kliniky Mayo ma  vyšetrili. Nasledujúci deň povedali, „Tvoj otec bol Ír, on pil. Tvoja matka bola polovičná Indiánka, to ťa urobilo miešancom. Tak, budeš ... ty si len taká nervózna troska a už nikdy sa z toho nedostaneš. Povedal, „Inak si zdravý. Ale to je niečo v duši, čo človek nemôže ovládať. Ty budeš ...“ Povedal, „Keď človek zomiera, nemožno vykonať pitvu, pretože jeho duša odišla.“ On povedal, „Tak, ty sa nikdy z toho nedostaneš.“

154 A ten chlapík povedal, môj starý doktor, povedal, „Môj otec to tiež mal, zomrel okolo osemdesiat päť, deväťdesiat ročný. Mesiac alebo dva predtým, ako zomrel som ho vyšetril. Mal tie obdobia celý svoj život. Nazval to „obdobia.“

155 „Niektorí ľudia“, povedal “ktorí na to trpia, sú v silnej depresii.” Povedal, „to je druh, ktorý ťa zabije.“ On povedal, „Je iný druh, ako ženy, ktoré sú v prechode, ony plačú. Ty máš taký druh, že sa cítiš unavený.“ Povedal, „Veteráni tomu hovorili ́mať blueś- smutnú náladu, nemohlo ich to opustiť.“ Povedal, „Keď ťa to chytí, tvoria sa  žalúdočné kyseliny, si rozrušený.”

156 Povedal som, „Ale pane, ja nerobím nič. Ja som šťastný.“

157 Povedal, „To je vporiadku. To je proste mimo ľudského dosahu. Povedal, „Ty to vždy budeš mať.“ Ó, čo za zastrašujúca vec!

158 Ale stále som myslel na tie slová, „Pamätaj, je to len šesť palcov dlhé.“ To mi zostávalo v pamäti. Moja drahá žena, ktorá sedí tam vzadu, vám to môže potvrdiť. Rok po roku som o tom premýšľal.

159 A potom, posledne keď som išiel za more, bol som ... Predtým ... No, bol som znovu doma a bol som loviť veveričky. Vyskočil som z auta s bratom Banks Woodom, ktorý dnes večer počúva a začal som bežať hore kopcom a zdalo sa, že mi vyskočí srdce.

160 A opýtal som sa doktora Sama Adaira, povedal som, „Čím to je?“

161 Povedal, “Ešte raz, keď to budeš mať, daj si urobiť kardiogram.”

162 Povedal som, „Dobre.“

163 Tak to sa stalo znovu v ďalšom roku a dal som si urobiť ten kardiogram. Povedal mi, „Srdce máš v poriadku.“ Povedal, „Si len nervózny.“ Vtedy sa to začalo.

164 No, ďalší doktor mi povedal, môj dobrý priateľ, povedal: „To je tvoje srdce, chlapče, radšej buď opatrný.“ To je ten rok, keď som volal bratovi Moore a on našiel niekoho, kto mal kázať namiesto mňa,  keď som išiel na ten lov baranov s bratom Fredom. Chodil som po horách tak, ako keď som mal šestnásť rokov, bežal som mílu za míľou.  Vôbec ma to netrápilo. Vidíte?

165 A vrátil som sa a povedal som to Samovi. On povedal, „Nuž, niečo nie je v poriadku, radšej buď opatrný.“

166 Potom som videl videnie nejakého starého doktora, ako stojí s tými ... staromódneho doktora so stetoskopom na pleci. Povedal ... Stál predo mnou a povedal, „Nedaj si nahovoriť, že ́to je tvoje srdcé, to je tvoj žalúdok.“

167 Tak, myslel som, „No dobre, budem sa držať toho slova, pretože to bolo videnie.“ Potom ďalej ...

168 Pripravoval som sa do Afriky. A dal som sa zaočkovať. Musel som podstúpiť sériu očkovaní pred vyjdením do Afriky, to je zákon. Tak, keď som dostával tieto očkovania, on povedal, „Nemôžem nájsť na tebe ani jednu zlú vec.“ Povedal, „Tvoj hemoglobín, tvoja krv je deväťdesiat šesť.“ Povedal, “Keby si mal šestnásť nebolo byť to o nič lepšie.“  A povedal, „Srdce ti kľudne môže biť sto rokov. Pľúca, všetko.“ Povedal, „Si v poriadku. Žiadny cukor, nič.“

169 Povedal som, „Ďakujem.“ Tak som prešiel ten fyzický test aby som si na palubu zobral zdravotný preukaz.

170 Tak, on povedal, „Čo na to môžeš povedať?“

171 Povedal som, „Nič okrem trvalého kvasenia v žalúdku po celý čas.“

172 Povedal, „Dobre, niečo ti poviem.“ Povedal ...

173 Povedal som, „Bol som vyšetrený. Bol som v klinike bratov Mayo a všade.“

174 On povedal, „Ale počkaj chvíľu.“ Povedal, „Niekedy je žalúdočný vred tak malý že tá látka, ktorá obsahuje barium, to nevykáže. A niekedy je to príliš veľké, aby to bolo vidieť na rentgene, pretože to je len tieň. Malinký vriedok, ktorý ani nemôžeš vidieť, by to nespôsobil. Ale veľa takých malých vredov by to mohlo spôsobiť.” Povedal, “Poznám tu jedného starého doktora, ktorý vynašiel taký prístroj, ktorý sa teraz používa. Oni ťa uspia a cez hrdlo ti pustia do žalúdka malú sondu a môžu tak pozorovať, čo v tvojom žalúdku nie je v poriadku.To je taký typ človeka ako ty. On je kresťan. Prečo by si sa s ním nestretol.”

175 Zapísal som si jeho meno: Dr. Van Ravensworth. Tak, keď som  sa vrátil, išiel som pozrieť toho starého doktora. Ó, je to fajný starý muž z holandskej východnej Indie, pochádzal z veľkej rady misionárov. A on počul o mne a čítal moju knihu a len mi potriasol ruku a povedal, „Brat Branham, rád by som to pre teba urobil.“ Povedal, „Poviem ti, čo máš robiť. Nasledujúci víkend zajdi tu do tejto nemocnice a zavolaj mi predtým, ako tam pôjdeš.“ A povedal, „Dám ti očkovanie pentotalom, po ktorom zaspíš na päť minút.”

176 Moja dcérka to dostala, keď jej mali trhať zub a tiež dcérka brata Normana. Pomyslel som si, že päť minút spania mi nemôže vadiť. Takže som s tým súhlasil.

177 A potom na druhý deň ráno som vstal, sedel som na posteli a obzeral som sa, pozrel som na našu manželskú postel. Moja žena sa ešte nezobudila. Hľadel som von oknom smerom k veľkým Horám Catalina, ktoré vidieť z miesta, kde bývam a pozeral som sa na miesto, kde Anjel Pánov vložil Meč do mojej ruky a kde sa zjavilo tých sedem Anjelov, ktorých vidíte na tom obrázku. Stali sa tam veľké veci.

178A ako som sa tak díval, stál som znovu pri tom strome, tam, kde bola tá veverička. Pozrel som sa tam, pomyslel som si, „To je brloh tej veveriky.“ A myslel som, „Som zvedavý, či tam ešte stále je?” (To bolo v tom videní). Pošúchal som tú stranu toho stromu a ona vyskočila von. (Bola to najdivnejšia veverička, akú som kedy videl. Nuž, museli by ste poznať moju službu, aby ste rozumeli týmto symbolom a tým veciam) A skôr ako som stačil mrknúť okom, skočila na mňa, ale ma netrafila. Netrafila mi do úst, narazila mi do hrudi a spadla.

179 A len čo to urobila, počul som ako niečo povedalo, „Choď do hôr Catalina.“

180 Otočil som sa a povedal som, „Meda, si hore, miláčik?“ A zobudil som ju.

181 Povedala, „Čo sa deje?“ Bolo okolo piatej ráno.

182 Povedal som, „Díval som sa von a videl som znovu tú veveričku, drahá.“

183 „Akú veveričku?“

184 Povedal som, „Tú čo som videl v klinike Mayo.” Povedal som, „Vieš čo? Ona mi teraz netrafila do úst, odrazila sa od mojej hrude. Chvála Pánovi! Odkedy som bol malým chlapcom, čakal som, chcel som vidieť ako sa to stane. Keby som to len mohol vidieť, že sa to stalo, ani som nevedel ... Predtým ako som vedel, čo to je videnie, keby som to len mohol vidieť, že sa to stalo, budem v poriadku. Čokoľvek mi v tom bude povedané, tak sa to stane. A štyridsať rokov som na to čakal a teraz sa to stalo.”

185 Predtým, ako som bol v klinike Mayo, v tom istom čase som bol tam hore, keď mi dali tú správu a videl som to videnie ...

186 Moja matka odišla už do Chvály, bola to veľmi zvláštna žena. Ona mala v živote okolo tri alebo štyri sny a vždy boli pravdivé.  Ona mi povedala, a ten ... Ona začala rozprávať a ja som povedal, „Dobre stačí ... Mama, poviem ti, ako to bolo ďalej.“ Vidíte?

187 Lebo vždy keď mi poviete sen, aby som ho vyložil, vy mi nie vždy poviete úplne presne ako to bolo. Potom, keď to znovu vidím, vidím presne čo sa vám snívalo, potom mi On povie, čo to je. Vidíte? Vy mi nemusíte povedať, aký je ten sen, On Sám mi ten sen ukáže. Vidíte? A potom ja vidím, poviem, „Nuž, nepovedal si mi toto a povedal si mi tamto.“ Vidíte? A tak Boh, ktorý môže vyložiť sen, môže ukázať sen. On ho môže ukázať, On ho môže vyložiť. A tak potom ...

188 Nuž, vari nebolo niečo také v Biblii? „Ak môžeš ...“? Práve to ku mne prišlo. V Danielovi, nebolo to tam? Alebo, nie, pri Jozefovi. Nuž, je to niekde v Biblii práve som si to spomenul, je tam povedané, „Ak mi môžeš ukázať ... Ak mi môžeš povedať, čo ...“ Ó, to bol Kráľ Nabuchodonozor, to je ono. Povedal, „Ak môžeš ... Ak môžeš ...“

189 Tí mágovia povedali, „Povedz nám ten sen.“

190 On povedal, „Odišlo to odo mňa.“ Tak je to, pamätám si to. Práve som si vtedy na to pomyslel.

191 Teraz si všimnite. A mama, ona mi povedala, „Billy“, keď som sa vrátil, povedala, „poď sem, synu, a sadni si.“ Povedala, „Mala som zvláštny sen. Snívalo sa mi, že  som ťa videla ako ležíš chorý, takmer si umieral, s tvojim žalúdkom, ako zvyčajne.“ Koľko diet pre mňa varila! A povedala, „Ty si staval dom hore na kopci.“ A povedala, „Videla som prichádzať dole z neba šesť bielych holubíc, hrkútali, boli v tvare písmena ́Ś a sadli si na tvoju hruď. A ty si sa díval a jedna vpredu sa ti snažila niečo povedať.“ Povedala, „Boli to skutočne hladké, biele holubice. A obrátili svoje malé hlávky smerom k tvojmu lícu a hrkútali: ́hrkú, hrkú, hrkú́.“ A povedala, „Nemohla som tomu rozumieť.“ Povedala, „Oni len stále hrkútali: hrkú, hrkú, hrkú ...”

192 Povedal som, „Ó, vidím to, chvála Pánovi!“ A povedal som, „Znovu vytvorili svoje písmeno ́Ś a odišli naspäť hore do oblakov a robili: ́hrkú, hrkú, hrkú, hrkú a išli naspäť domov.“

193 Nuž, to malé zvieratko, ktoré som videl, bolo šesť palcov dlhé (cca 15 cm - pozn. prekl.). Ten rad holubíc, ktoré mama videla, bolo ich šesť, šesť znamená neúplnosť. Vedel som, že jedného dňa uvidím tú siedmu. To bol človek, trápenie, tak to išlo ďalej a ďalej.

194 To ráno, vstal som po tom, ako som videl toto videnie. Poslúchol som Pána. Odprevadil som môjho malého chlapca, Jozefa, do školy (on ma teraz počúva v Tuscone). Zobral som ho do školy a povedal som Méde, že neviem, kedy sa vrátim.

195 A vydal som sa hore do hôr Catalina, na úpätie tých hôr a išiel som hore na miesto, kde Anjel Pánov vložil Meč do mojej ruky. Skutočne zavčasu. A začal som vystupovať na tú horu.

196 No, namiesto toho aby som išiel hore do vrcholov touto cestou (na ktorej je plno hadov a škorpiónov, viete aká je Arizona), odbočil som do prava. Niečo povedalo, „Odboč vpravo.“ Išiel som cestou ku štítom. Išiel som naokolo, prechádzal som okolo tých veľkých ozrutných skál, niekoľkonásobne väčších ako táto modlitebňa, ktoré ležali na tých vrcholoch kde sa sotvakedy dostane nejaký človek.

197 A asi okolo jedenástej hodiny som vchádzal do malej kotliny, vzadu kde, ... na miesto, ktoré bolo obrátené takto a prechádzal cezeň jelení chodník. A mal som vyzlečenú košeľu a klobúk som držal v ruke, lebo som bol zliatý potom. A tak som sa obrátil tým smerom, a keď som obrátil smerom do tej kotliny, cítil som prítomnosť Pánovu. Strhol som si klobúk a pozeral som sa dookola. Pomyslel som si, „On je niekde tu. Viem, že On je tu.“ Ó, „Čo to je?“ Urobil som ešte niekoľko krokov. Povedal som, „Pane, Ty si niekde tu.“

198 A ja pozrel som sa a tam na chodníku ležala tá malá veverička. Chcela vyskočiť na niečo ale netrafila a udrela ju cholla (to je skákajúci kaktus). Prerazil jej cez hlavu, prsia, brucho a bola mŕtva. Tá čudná veverička netrafila do mojich úst a udrela do tej cholly. A Hlas Pánov povedal, „Tvoj nepriateľ je mŕtvy.“ Stál som tam a triasol som sa. Podniesol som nohu a ...

199 Obyčajne vrany by to hneď zjedli. O niekoľko dní potom som zabil hada, ležal na ceste okolo pol hodiny. Vždy tam lietajú orly a vrany a oni to hneď vezmú. Zabil som koralového hada, to je najnebezpečnejší had, akého máme. Ležal tam hneď vedľa mňa. Bolo to niekoľko dní po tom. Keď som o chvíľu prišiel aby som ho vzal a mohol ukázať, vrany ho už zobrali preč; lietajú tam havrany.

200 A to tam ležalo odvtedy, ako som videl to videnie, dva dni pred tým. Myslím, že to bolo v sobotu a ja som tam išiel v pondelok. Tak tam ona ležala mŕtva. Rozdrtil som ju nohami.

201 Obišiel som okolo, znova som si sadol. Sedel som tam chvíľu, plakal a modlil som sa. Díval som sa dole na Tucson, ležiaci niekoľko míl podo mnou.

202 Otočil som sa a vrátil som sa späť a stále to tam ležalo. Keď som vošiel do tej kotliny, znovu prišiel na mňa Duch Boží.

203 Prešiel som ešte okolo a zišiel som z toho vrchu. Vrátil som sa domov a povedal som svojej manželke, „Drahá, neviem ako, ale dostanem sa z toho.“

204 Dr. Ravensworth, keď mi urobil to vyšetrenie, povedal, „To je úplne nemožné pre teba, aby si bol zdravý.“ Dal mi injekciu pentotalu, ktorá ma mala uspať na päť minút a ja som spal desať hodín. Tie látky, dokonca aspirin ma doráža. Tak on mi dal tú injekciu  a pustil mi sondu do hrdla. Keď som na druhý deň ráno prišiel k sebe, povedal mi: “Kazateľ, veľmi nerád to hovorím, ale steny tvojho žalúdka sú tvrdé a vyschnuté.” (Nikdy som to nevidel. Použil pri tom slovo gastritis a tak som si to našiel v slovníku a tam bolo, že to znamená: ́niečo čo je uschnuté́). Povedal: “Nemôžeš sa z toho dostať. Stále to budeš mať.” Bol by som znechutený, ak by som nemal to videnie od Pána.

205 A na druhý deň Niečo povedalo, „Choď znovu na tú horu.“

206 A v ten deň, namiesto toho, aby som išiel tou cestou, bol som vedený ísť inou cestou. A stál som tam, hľadel som a rovno predo mnou sedela tá siedma malá, biela holubica a pozerala sa rovno na mňa. Pretrel som si oči, povedal som si, „Istotne, to je videnie, určite je.“ Pozrel som sa a povedal som, „Holubička, odkiaľ prichádzaš?“ Bola tak pekná a bielučká, mohol  to byť aj holub. Čokoľvek to bolo, bolo to tam na pustine.

207 Všemohúci Boh, Ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša Krista z mŕtvych, Ktorého som služobníkom a Jeho Slovo tu leží otvorené predo mnou vie, že som povedal pravdu a neklamem.

208 Tam sedela tá holubica a hľadela na mňa. Prechádzal som okolo, myslel som si, „Určite je to videnie.“ Otočil som hlavu, pozrel som sa späť a ona tam sedela. Tie malé, biele krídla, práve tak snehobiele ako len mohli byť, jej malé, žlté nožičky a malý, žltý zobáčik, sedela tam a pozerala sa na mňa. Dívala sa rovno na západ. Prešiel som takto okolo nej ale za nič by som sa jej nedotkol. Išiel som ďalej hore po chodníku. Pozrel som sa späť a ona tam pokojne sedela a pozorovala ma.

209 Brat, ako syn Abraháma, neberiem do úvahy to, čo mi povedal doktor, ja budem zdravý, v každom prípade!

210 Na tretí deň som sa vrátil späť, šplhal som sa vysoko. Mnohí z vás poznajú to videnie o tom indiánskom náčelníkom jazdiacom na koni cez ten múr smerom na západ. Okolo poludnia niečo obrátilo moju pozornosť na veľkú skalu,, povedal, „Rozprestri svoje ruky oproti nej a modli sa.“ Boh v Nebesiach vie, že toto je pravda.

211 Rozprestrel som ruky oproti tej skale a pohliadol som k Nebu a začal som sa modliť. A počul som Hlas vychádzajúci z vrcholu tam tých skál, povedal, „O čo sa opieraš, vo výške svojho srdca?“ Stál som takto opretý chrbtom, s holými ramenami, vyzlečený do pása, bolo horúco. Obzrel som sa a tam v kremeni, na skale bolo napísané, bielym „Orol.“ Presne to, čo povedalo to videnie, že cez neho príde to ďalšie Posolstvo.

212 Bol som tak vzrušený, bežal som domov. Zobral som fotoaparát a na druhý deň som sa vrátil a odfotil som to. To tam stále bolo, napísané na tej skale: Biely „Orol.“ (Holubica, ktorá vedie Orla)

213 Akosi, ja-ja viem. Poviem vám to prv, ako sa to stane. Ten doktor je dobrý doktor, bez pochýb. Myslím si, že je fajn človek. Ale ja viem, že sa z toho dostanem. Je to vybavené! Skončilo to a ja budem zdravý!

214 A premýšľal som ako Ernie spieval tú pieseň pred pár chvíľami, Na Krídlach Holubice. Ako znie tá melódia? Začni to pre mňa, Ernie.

  ... krídlach ... snehobielej holubice, (spievaj to so mnou)

  Boh poslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku.

  Bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubice.

215 Nazdávam sa, že Ernie spieval dve slohy z toho. Ja vám zaspievam tri:

  Keď bol Noe unášaný za mnoho dní na vodách potopy,     mnohými spôsobmi vyhľadával zem.

  Mal isté problémy,

  ale nie zhora,

  Keď mu Boh poslal znak

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Ježiš, náš Spasiteľ,

  Prišiel jedného dňa na zem.

  Narodený bol v stajni,

  ležal vo válove na sene.

  Hoci tu bol odmietnutý,

  Ale prišla pomoc zhora,

  keď Boh nám poslal Svoj znak,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Hoci som trpel mnohými spôsobmi,

  volal som o uzdravenie,

  ako v noci tak i v deň.

  Ale viera nezostala zabudnutá

  Otcom zhora,

  On poslal mi Svoj znak

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

216 Drahý Bože, ďakujem Ti za tieto veci, Otče. Ty si dal Noemu znamenie, Ty si dal svetu znamenie a Ty si dal mne znamenie. A ten nasledujúci deň, keď som videl toho lietajúceho orla, ó Bože tu je Posolstvo, ktoré teraz vychádza a ja sa modlím, Bože, aby si nechal tú Holubicu, aby ho viedla. Udeľ to, Pane. To ma doviedlo do viery, akú som nikdy predtým nemal. Viem, Bože, viem, že to bude všetko v poriadku. Tak Ti ďakujem za to, Otče.

217 A dnes večer, pošli dolu Svoje Posolstvo znovu, Pane, na krídlach Holubice Slova. Udeľ to, drahý Nebeský Otče. A každý jeden, kto dnes večer prejde cez toto pódium a tiež vonku v zhromaž- deniach po celom kraji, nech Tvoja veľká Holubica viery padne do ich sŕdc a dá im vieru, Pane, pre ich uzdravenie. Pamätáme, že Boh nehľadí na osobu. On mohol poslať Posolstvo Noemu, mohol Ho poslať Jánovi Krstiteľovi, mohol Ho poslať mne, môže Ho poslať ostatným.

218 Modlím sa, aby tá Holubica vletala práve teraz do každého srdca, Pane, so Svojim malým, zlatým zobáčikom a šepkala to, „Skrze Jeho rany ... Skrze Moje rany a sinavice si uzdravený.“ Bože, udeľ to, že naše prestúpenia budú vymazané, naše neprávosti nám budú odpustené a že naše nemoci budú uzdravené. To je v Tvojich rukách, Otče. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

  Zostaňme chvíľu dlhšie so svojimi sklonenými hlavami:

219Koľkí z tých, čo ste tu by radi povedali, ak môžete a chcete povedať toto, „Brat Branham, mýlil som sa celý svoj život. Chcel som slúžiť Bohu, ale dnes večer som pripravený sa poddať. Modli sa Bohu, aby tá Holubica vletela do môjho srdca dnes večer. Môžem cítiť To trepotanie Jej krídel ako vchádza dnu“? Zodvihnite ruky, urobíte to? Tu vo viditeľnom poslucháčstve, ó, po celej budove.

220 Vonku v obecenstvách po celej  krajine, u brata Hunta a brata Colemana, u brata Leo a tých tam v Tucsone, v Branhamovej Modlitebni, cez celé západné pobrežie, zodvihnite všade svoje ruky: „Chcem, aby tá Holubica priletela dnes večer do môjho srdca. Prines mi Božiu nežnú lásku na krídlach snehobielej Holubice, Svätého Ducha. Pošli mi To dnes večer, Pane a vlož do môjho srdca vieru, akú potrebujem.

221 V Mene Ježiša Krista sa modlím, Bože, odpusť naše hriechy. Tá ranená Holubica priniesla späť to Posolstvo, ó Bože, „Je dokonané!“ My tomu veríme. Len nám daj vieru veriť Tomu. Modlíme sa v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh poslal dolu Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach holubice.

222 Odkiaľ prišla tá holubica? Ja neviem. Ona by nebola tam vonku v takej púšti. Nie, nie! Nie, ona by tam nebola. A prečo bola biela? Nebeský Otec vie, že bola biela ako moja košeľa. Ona tam sedela.

  Ale to bolo na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh poslal dolu Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Bolo to znamenie zhora, na krídlach holubice.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh poslal dolu Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach holubice.

223 Ó, necítite sa skutočne pokorne? Potrasme si jeden z druhým ruky a spievajme to:

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

224 Pozdvihnime svoje ruky ku Nemu a spievajme to:

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Keď bol Noe unášaný cez mnoho dní

  na vodách potopy,

  mnohými spôsobmi vyhľadával zem.

  Mal isté problémy,

  ale nie zhora,

  Keď mu Boh poslal znak

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Ježiš, náš Spasiteľ,

  Prišiel jedného dňa na zem.

  Narodený bol v stajni,

  ležal vo válove na sene.

  Hoci tu bol odmietnutý,

  Ale nie zhora,

  Boh nám poslal Svoj znak,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

225 Prečo, ja starý človek, trpel som celý svoj život, prečo ma On teraz uzdravil? Verím, že prejdem znovu túto cestu, mám priniesť Posolstvo! A hovorím svojmu Otcovi dnes večer, (ako Junior videl vo sne minulej noci krídla tejto Holubice pohybujúce sa v týchto oknách tu), Pane, Tvoj služobník sa hlási do služby! Amen, som pripravený!

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh poslal dolu Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach holubice.

226 Verme teraz, že On sa teraz pohybuje nad týmto obecenstvom.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici ... (očakávame, Pane)

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

227 Vy, ktorí máte modlitebné karty, tu v tejto uličke, poďte dopredu tadiaľto. Choďte dopredu tu do tejto uličky, týmto smerom.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

228 Vy s modlitebnými kartami v tejto rade, prichádzajte z ľava.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

229 Tí, ktorí ... (Prázdne miesto na páske - vyd.)

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

230 Odkiaľ prišlá tá holubica tam hore v tej púšti? Povedal by som toto: Boh videl, že Abrahám potreboval baránka na znamenie, On je Jehova-jireh, „Pán si zaopatrí pre Seba obeť.“ Uvažujte o tom! Ten istý Boh, skrze tú istú inšpiráciu, skrze ten istý druh ľudí, poslal holubicu. On je stále Boh, Jehova-jireh môže zaopatriť čokoľvek, čo potrebuje.

231 Či nechcete, len za chvíľu, ako teraz prichádzate cez túto modlitebnú radu, prosiť Boha, aby zaobstaral pre vás krídlach Holubice?  Tú Holubicu, Ducha Svätého, aby vám dal vieru do vášho srdca, aby ste verili, že zostanete uzdravení.

232 Snažím sa postaviť ich všetkých na nohy, vidíte. Pýtam sa teraz. Brat Brown je na svojom mieste. Brat Jack . . . Čo hovoríš? (Niekto hovorí k bratovi Branhamovi - vyd.) V poriadku, dobre. Tá časť tu, príďte cez túto uličku prví, zaraďte sa tu. Z tej zadnej časti prichádzajte a zaraďujte sa za nimi. Tí z tadiaľto tu z boku a vy sa zaraďte tu za nimi. Prichádzajte takto okolo, aby sme sa za vás modlili.

233 Nuž, som si istý, že toto nebude žiadna rýchla rada, ktorá by nám zabrala málo času. Ale nakoľko môžeme, budeme sa modliť za každého jedného z vás.

234 Nuž, skrátil som svoje posolstvo (a vy ste si to všetci všimli), tak aby sme mohli mať túto modlitebnú radu. Toto je pamätná rada na počesť tých dní, kedy brat Jack Moore a brat Young Brown, vaše ženy vás nechali aby ste išli, vyšli sme do Kalifornii a cez celú Arizonu (spolu, cez tú púšť) a modlili sme sa za chorých.

235 A viete čo? Sú ľudia, ktorí ešte dnes žijú a vtedy umierali. A žijú dodnes vďaka tomu úsiliu. Čo to spôsobilo? To spustilo Božské uzdravenie vo všetkých cirkvách v celom kraji, dokonca u Presbytariánov a tak ďalej. Zatvorilo im to ústa, lebo to musel urobiť Boh, že pomazal niekoho, kto zabije Goliáša, aby ukázať, že sa to dá urobiť a potom zvyšok z nich nabral odvahy (tak je to) a išli dopredu. Je možné urobiť to znovu, lebo On stále posiela Svoju lásku na krídlach Holubice.

236 Kresťania, chcem, aby ste počúvali. Ak by som tu stál a snažil sa vám citovať tie nadprirodzené veci, ktoré som videl stať sa za posledné tri roky, bol by som tu do nasledujúcej soboty večer a hovoril vám to. Ja vám ani nehovorím toho tak veľa, pretože to znie skoro ako nemožné, ale hovorím vám Pravdu. To je úplná Pravda. Žijeme pod vedením Veľkého, Mocného Jehovu, Toho istého, Ktorý bol s prorokmi v Starom Zákone, s Cirkvou v Novom Zákone a On je tu dnes a berie si Nevestu z pohanov pre Svoje Meno. Verte Tomu! Či budete, ľudia? Ak ste vždy Tomu verili, verte Tomu práve teraz. To je pravda. Chcem, aby ste tomu verili. My nevieme, čo sa stane ešte dnes večer. Nevieme, čo sa stane. Proste trváme v očakávaní.

237 Prosím, v Mene Ježiša Krista, prosím vás ako Jeho služobník. Viem, že keď prichádzate do styku so zhromaždeniami, máte tam všetko zamiešané. Ale ak mi veríte ako Jeho sluhovi, ak je tam jediná smietka pochybnosti („pochybnosť, nevera“ je hriech), ak je jediná smietka toho vo vašom srdci, proste Otca, aby to zobral preč hneď teraz. Vidíte? „Pane ...“ A potom keď prídete s čistou, nefalšovanou vierou ... Nuž, moje ruky neznamenajú nič, ak vás To prv nezasiahne. Potom keď to príde, ono to rozsvieti, budete uzdravení. Tak je to, vy budete vedieť, že budete uzdravení. Vidíte? Budete tomu veriť.

238 A teraz sa budem modliť za každého jedného z vás. A ja ... Keď toto robíte, tiež položte ruky jeden na druhého, tak budeme ... A modlite sa za toho, na kom máte ruky, potom vás prevediem cez modlitebnú radu. Položte svoje ruky na niekoho, kto je s vami v rade.

239 Drahý Bože, neviem ako inak povedať tieto veci, Pane. Viem len povedať to, čo viem, že je Pravda a Ty si môj svedok dnes večer, že hovorím Pravdu. Moja viera, Pane a moje vlastné uzdravenie v budúcnosti, ja neviem kedy, ja neviem ako, ja tomu nerozumiem. Ale verím Tomu, Pane, že som prijal znamenie z neba. Tá siedma holubica sa sem nakoniec dostala, ten siedmy palec na tom zvierati je čoskoro ukončený. Je s tým koniec!

240 Bože, ja chcem slúžiť Tvojmu ľudu. Tak sa modlím, Bože, aby si nás tak pomazal dnes večer, že každý, na koho položíme svoje ruky, môže byť uzdravený. Nie preto, že sme to my, ale preto, že to je nasledovanie Tvojho prikázania. Ty si povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Pane, pomôž mi veriť a pomôž ich srdciam, aby boli tou úrodnou pôdou pre vieru. A nech spolu, na slávu Božiu, každá chorá a trpiaca osoba v tejto budove (alebo v budovách všade v krajine), ktorá je teraz poslušná týmto prikázaniam, bude zdravá. V Mene Ježiša Krista to prosím. Amen.

241 Majte vieru. Všetci sa modlite s nami. Teraz, toto nie je rada s rozpoznávaním.

242 (Prázdne miesto na páske - vyd.) Depresia, strach, ja viem o tom ... Úbožiatko, ona povedala, že nikdy v živote nedožila pokoju. To je to isté čo som mal ja ... nemôže spať, nervozita, napätie.

243 Drahý Bože, potvrď Pane, že som povedal Pravdu. Ako cítim za túto milú ženu! Modlím sa, Bože, aby si poslal ku nej dnes večer ten záblesk viery z hora, aby vedela, že Ty si zaviazaný ku Svojmu Slovu a že Ty dodržíš každé Slovo. Nech Boh Neba zoberie tento strach preč od mojej sestry. A ja som Ti poslušný a kladiem na ňu ruky a odsudzujem to. V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech to odíde od nej. Amen.

244 No, pozri sa sestra, veríš mi teraz, ak môžeš začať rovno odtiaľto, skrze kríž. Od tohto večera, zapri, že to máš. Vidíte, choď vpred a hovor, „Už to viac nemám.“ Potom ťa to opustí.

245 Sestra Palmer, naša sestra, sestra Palmer, jej manžel je môj veľmi dobrý priateľ, služobník z Georgii alebo Alabamy, Georgii. A ona prišla do modlitebne ... Oni prichádzajú, keď kážem v modlitebni, tisíc päťsto míľ, aby počuli jednu službu. Brat Palmer stratil kontrolu nad svojim autom, alebo chlapec, jeden z nich, keď išli do zákruty a havarovali. Ona má po tom nejaké následky. Modlime sa:

246 Drahý Bože, vysloboď tohto Tvojho služobníka, jeho milú ženu, ktorá je verím, pravdivým, malým sluhom v Kristu. Modlím sa, Bože, ako kladiem svoje ruky na ňu tu s mojim bratom Jack Moore, aby si ju uzdravil a učinil ju zdravou. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

247 V pravej nohe a ty stojíš za neho? Jeho malý chlapec je zmrzačený, on má zranenie na bruchu a chrbáte. Modlime sa:

248 Drahý Bože, nechaj tú snehobielu Holubicu skloniť sa dolu do jeho srdca práve teraz, „Ranený pre naše prestúpenia, uderený pre naše neprávosti, v Jeho ranách sme uzdravení.“ Prosím toto pre nášho brata a pre jeho malého syna, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

249 Silné bolesti hlavy a problémy s nohou, ktoré ho trápia pri každej práci.

250 Drahý Bože, udeľ Svoje uzdravujúce požehnanie na tohto mladého muža, keď my ako služobníci Boží kladieme svoje ruky na neho. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

251 Ona má nejaké ženské problémy a tiež chce krst Svätým Duchom.

252 Drahý Bože, ako Ti predkladám túto modlitbu viery za túto malú dámu, nech tie ženské problémy pominú, nech krst Ducha Svätého príde na krídlach Holubice, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. (Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra)

253 Výrastok na jeho oku,  a tiež za jeho drahého spoločníka.

254 Drahý Bože, Ty poznáš srdcia ľudí. Modlím sa Ti Otče, v Ježišovom Mene, aby si udelil túto žiadosť, ktorú prosí tento brat. A našou poslušnosťou Tvojmu Slovu je kladenie rúk na neho. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. (Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat)

255 Ona má nejaký nádor na svojej ľavej strane a tiež jej hlas je zlý.

256 Drahý Ježiš, modlím sa, aby si uzdravil túto sestru, kladúc na ňu ruky v Mene Ježiša Krista, aby prišlo jej uzdravenie. Amen. (Nech ťa Boh žehná, moja sestra)

257 Úbohá sestra, vidím tvoje problémy, opuchnutá končatina. Obličky, mechúr a členok vysunutý z miesta.

258 Ó, Otče Bože, uzdrav túto vzácnu ženu, Pane, modlím sa, ako kladiem na ňu ruky v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

259 Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. To je spôsob, ako to bude, ver tomu.

260 Počujete to, na mikrofóne, že? Každý, kto je na ... ten technik, ak to len dáte trochu hlasnejšie, obecenstvo môže počuť ich svede ... alebo čo oni hovoria, keď prichádzajú. Buďte v modlitbe za nich, keď to počujete. Keď sa začnem modliť, modlite sa so mnou.

261 Drahý Bože, modlím sa za túto našu sestru, aby si ju Ty uzdravil, drahý Bože. Robíme toto, lebo to je Tvoje prikázanie. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

262 Drahý Bože, Ty si počul to svedectvo, Ty si počul, čo jej ten nepriateľ urobil. My sa pokúšame vziať Meno Ježiša a poraziť tohto nepriateľa. On už je porazený, lebo udretá, ranená Holubica spadla na zem v Dome Božom s Posolstvom, „Je dokonané!“ Udeľ to, nech ona tomu verí, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

263 Drahý Bože, modlím sa, aby si uzdravil túto našu sestru. Nech tá Holubica Božia jej dosvedčí dnes večer, že On to pre ňu urobil, že ona by mohla byť v poriadku. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

264 Drahý Bože, ja kladiem svoje ruky na môjho brata, ktorý tu stojí. On mal dosť viery prísť tak ďaleko, Pane, teraz nech on obdrží svoje uzdravenie a ide na svoje miesto zdravý. V Ježišovom Mene.

265 Drahý Bože, modlím sa za nášho brata, kladúc na neho ruky.   Pomôž, drahý Bože, aby sa táto viera Božia sklonila dolu práve v tejto chvíli a aby bol ako Abrahám, nazývajúc tie veci ktoré sú, akoby neboli, lebo Boh dal zasľúbenie. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

266 Drahý Bože, Ty si ten Jediný, kto môže urobiť pravdivé rozhodnutie. Modlím sa, drahý Bože, ako táto mladá dáma prosila za toto, nech to obdrží v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

267 Drahý Bože, kladiem svoje ruky na našu sestru poslúchajúc to, čo si Ty povedal. Toto nás privádza späť, Pane, do toho čo bolo pred mnohými rokmi, v ktorých sme mávali takéto modlitebné rady. Ale vieme, čo sa potom stalo, vieme, že Ty si dnes ten istý Boh, ak ľudia môžu mať dnes tú istú vieru. Modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene za uzdravenie našej sestry. Amen.

268 Drahý Bože, kladiem svoje ruky na môjho brata tu a prosím za jeho uzdravenie, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

269 Otče, prinášam pred Teba dnes večer túto našu sestru a kladiem na ňu svoje ruky svedčiac tak, že stojím ako svedok Tvojej moci, ako svedok Tvojich videní, Tvojho Slova a som svedok, že Ty si Boh. A kladiem na ňu svoje ruky v poslušnosti Slovu môjho Boha a prosím za jej uzdravenie. Amen.

270 Drahý Bože, kladiem ruky na môjho brata tak isto, ako svedok Tvojej moci prosím za jeho uzdrvenie v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

271 (Prázdne miesto na páske - vyd.) „Čo?“

272 Ona povedala, „Ten uzdravovateľ.“ Povedala, že „Nejaký človek niekde hore v Arkansas bol to ráno uzdravený, slepý obuvník.“ (Poznáte tú udalosť, bolo to v rádiu).

273 Povedal som ... Myslel som ... Odohral som roľu pokrytca. Povedal som, „Predsa neveríš, že je to Pravda?“

274 Ona povedala, „Áno, pane, verím.“

275 A ja som povedal, „Či veríš v tomto čase, že by Boh urobil niečo také, keď ...“

276 Ona povedala, „Pane, počúvala som ten náboženský program.“ Povedala, „Ja som kresťanka.“ Povedala, „Počúvala som tú reláciu, počula som, že ten človek tam hore bol uzdravený toto ráno, ten slepý obuvník. Vyhodili ho z cirkvi, robil príliš veľký hluk, jedna cirkev za druhou. So svojim klobúkom na palici, krútiac ho dookola, behajúc z cirkvi do cirkvi. On bol všade v meste a kričal: ́Ja som uzdravený! Som uzdravený!́ Slepý obuvník.“

277 Povedal som, „Veríš tomu?“

278 A ona tam chvíľu stála, bol taký mrholivý dážď, povedala, „Pane, ak ma zavedieš tam, kde on je, potom nájdem svojho otca.“ Rozrušilo ma to.

279 Povedal som, „Možno ja som ten, ktorého hľadáš.“

280 Povedala ... uchopila ma za chlopne kabáta, povedala, „Ty si ten Uzdravovateľ?“

281 Povedal som, „Nie, sestra, ja som brat Branham.“

282 Povedala, „Maj zľutovanie!“ Myslel som na úbohú slepú Fanny Crosby: “Veľa iných si vypočul, neobchádzaj ma.” Vidíte, On uzdravil jedného, On mohol uzdraviť ju.

283 Položil som ruky nad jej oči, povedal som, „Drahý Ježišu, jedného dňa sa starý masívny kríž posúval ulicou, udieral o zem, nesený na ramenách, z ktorých tiekla krv, to krehké telo prakticky padalo pod jeho ťarchou. Farebný muž menom Šimon Cyrenejský, pristúpil a zodvihol ten kríž a pomohol Mu ho niesť. Som si istý, že to pamätáš, Otče. A jedno z Jeho detí sa tu potáca v temnote, som si istý, že rozumieš.“

284 Ona povedala, „Sláva Bohu! Môžem vidieť!“

285 Povedal som, „Môžeš vidieť?“

286 Povedala, „Áno, pane.“

287 Povedal som, „Spočítaj tie svetlá.“ A ona ich spočítala. Povedal som, „Akej farby je môj oblek?“

288 Povedala, „Máš na sebe šedý oblek so žltou kravatou.“ To bolo to, ona mohla vidieť.

289 Ó, Boh si ctí pokoru.

  “Toto samo o sebe je to, čo spôsobí a dovedie obrovské víťazstvo v Božej Láske.”

290 Drahý Bože, buď milosrdný a uzdrav moju sestru, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

291 Drahý Bože, ako beriem túto slabú, zvráskavenú ruku, len Ty vieš, čo všetko ona prešla. Modlím sa, drahý Bože, aby sa tá ruka, ktorú teraz držím, chytila tak, ako tie slabé ruky Simeona toho dňa: „Pane, nechaj Svojho služobníka odísť v pokoji, lebo teraz vidím Tvoje spasenie.“ Nech To príde na ňu, Pane, Tvoje spasenie a učiní ju zdravou v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

292 (Prázdne miesto na páske - vyd.) V kázni “Proces”. Pán Neveriaci obvinil Ježiša Krista. Pamätáte si “Proces” ? Ako to ten ... Oni mali advokáta a všetko, a kto stál za koho. A žalobcom bol satan. A bol predstavený priebeh toho procesu.

293 A pán Pochybovač pristúpil a povedal, „Ja som počul kazateľa povedať, ́Pomažte chorého olejom, Biblia tak povedala.́ Ja som bol pomazaný olejom a nebol som uzdravený. Ďalší povedal, ́Klaďte ruky na chorých a budú uzdravení.́“ On sa pokúšal obžalovávať.

294 Ale keď prišiel dopredu svedok, tu to bolo, „Boh im povedal, ́Budete ...́“ Povedal, „Uplynulo šesť mesiacov odvtedy, čo boli na mňa položené ruky a Tvoje Slovo povedalo, že ́Budú klásť ruky na chorých a oni budú uzdravení.́ A na mňa boli položené ruky jedného z Tvojich pomazaných služobníkov a ešte som nebol uzdravený. Preto Tvoje tvrdena sú falošné, pretože Tvoje Slovo neznamená to, čo hovorí.“

295 Tak keď ten svedok pristúpil, pravdou bolo toto, že „Jeho Slovo je pravda. On nikdy nepovedal kedy  to On urobí. On povedal, ́Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak oni budú klásť ruky na chorých, budú uzdravení.́ Vidíte? Vidíte, to je to, čo On povedal, ́Oni budú uzdravení.́ Tak či to je zjavný zázrak, ktorý sa má stať hneď alebo je to poslušnosť voči Bohu, to záleží od Neho od každého individuálne.

  Vidíte? Ale ak jednotlivec Tomu verí, nestarám sa ako dlho to trvá. On povedal Abrahámovi, ́Ty budeš mať dieťa od Sáry.́ To dieťa neprišlo po celých dvadsať päť rokov. On povedal Noemu, že ́bude pršať.́ Noe mal potopu ... staval archu na potopu mnoho, mnoho rokov predtým ako prišla potopa, ale on vedel, že bude pršať. Biblia povedala, ́Modlitba viery zachráni chorých a Boh ich pozdvihne.́ Kedy? On to nepovedal. Boh je spravodlivý, On je verný, len čítaj čo hovorí Jeho Slovo.“

296 To je to, čo som robil dnes večer, kládol som ruky na chorých. Teraz, verím za každého jedného z tých, ktorí prišli aby boli uzdravení. Verím za každého jedného z nich. Veríte to isté? Teraz verte za týchto postihnutých ľudí.

297 Je tu nejaká milá dáma, zdá sa, že by som to mal vedieť, modlil som sa za ňu minulý večer, tam v modlitebnej rade. Ako sa voláš? Chambers ... Chambless. Ak by tá milá dáma žila - žila by normálne, nebola by postihnutá, bola by zaiste krásnou ženou. A ona tam teraz sedí, chvejúca sa. Pôvabný, jemný duch v tom dievčati.  A ona tam sedí a trhá to ňou. Ó, ako to láme moje srdce. Ako by som si želal ... ako by som len!

298 Tu je malé dieťa, pani tu sedí a drží ho. Jeho malý jazyk visí von, jeho malé telo je postihnuté. Čo ak by to bol môj malý Jozef? Čo ak by to bol môj malý vnuk Paul? Čo ak by to bola Rebeka, ktorá sedí tam vzadu, alebo Sarah? Čo ak tu pani Simpson by bola moja žena Meda? Tento mladý muž sediaci tu by bol Billy Paul? Táto stará žena sediaca tu by bola moja matka? Pamätajte, to je niekoho dieťa, niekoho sestra, niekoho dcéra a niekoho syn. Vidíte? Ja som ich brat, On je náš Spasiteľ. Všetko čo ja môžem urobiť je ... vieru, ktorú mám, použiť pre ich dobro. To je všetko čo viem.

299 No, Pán mi môže ukázať videnie, On mi môže povedať, čo je každému jednému z nich. Môžem vám to dokázať, vidíte, vy to viete. Ale to ich neuzdraví. To ich neuzdraví. Nie, to musí byť niečo, čo príde do nich, vidíte. A ja mám nádej ...

300 Mohol by som prísť tu, vziať každého z vás a pokrstiť vás vo Meno Pána Ježiša Krista, ale to nesníme vaše hriechy. Nie, nie! Nie, ja neverím vo vodný krst na Meno Ježiša Krista na obnovenie. Ja verím, že v Krvi je obnovenie, vidíte, nie vo vode. Ale, vidíte, ja by som mohol krstiť a krstiť, ale vy idete dolu ako suchý hriešnik a vychádzate ako mokrý hriešnik. Vidíte, až kým ste skutočne neučinili pokánie. Čiňte pokánie a potom sa dajte pokrstiť vo Meno Ježiša Krista. Vidíte? A to je to, v čom sa líšim od hnutia Jednotárov. Nie krstiť na obnovenie, nie. Ja verím, že to je Krv, ktorá očisťuje, nie voda. Vidíte? Pokánie a potom buďte pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista.

301 Teraz sa idem dolu modliť. A títo ľudia znamenajú pre vás to, čo pre mňa a možno znamenajú dokonca viac ako moji príbuzní.

302 Nuž, zjednoťme sa všetci spolu a vaše ruky vo viere a moje ruky vo viere, prinesú dolu ruky Pána Ježiša, aby ich položil na týchto úbohých postihnutých ľudí. Budete sa modliť so mnou?

303 (Prázdne miesto na páske - vyd.) Tí s vreckovkami pre chorých a trpiacich, možete ich dostať hneď po službe. Teraz mi pomôžte modliť sa za týchto, pomôžete mi?

304 Bože, ďakujeme Ti, Pane, za to, čo si urobil dnes večer. Ďakujeme Ti vopred za uzdravenie každej osoby prechádzajúcej cez túto radu. Drahý Bože, modlím sa nad vreckovkami, možno za niekoho, kto dokonca nemohol prísť na zhromaždenie a ich milovaní priniesli tie vreckovky. V Biblii sme vyučovaní, že z tela Pavla brali vreckovky a zástery. Teraz, títo ľudia tam žili v Tvojej prítomnosti, oni Ťa videli na ulici, oni Ťa videli na ich zhromaždeniach a oni videli toho istého Tvojho Ducha na Pavlovi. A oni vedeli, že to nebol ten človek, to bol Tvoj Duch, ktorý vládol jeho životom, lebo vidíme, že Pavel robil tie isté veci, ktoré si Ty robil.

305 A teraz, Pane, ľudia v dnešnom dni vidia toho istého Boha žijúceho vo Svojej Cirkvi so Svojim ľudom. A oni priniesli tieto vreckovky, aby ich mohli vziať odtiaľto svojim milovaným. Udeľ to, Bože, aby každý jeden z nich bol uzdravený Tvojím vlastným spôsobom. My nežiadame, žiadnu určitú vec, aby sa stala nejakým určitým spôsobom alebo nejakým určitým charakterom. My len prosíme, „Tvojim vlastným spôsobom, Otče, uzdrav ich.“ Na slávu Božiu, predkladám túto modlitbu viery nad tým. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

306 Mal som nádherný čas spoločenstva okolo vašej viery, vašej prítomnosti v Ježišovi Kristovi. Toto bude stretnutie, na ktoré budem dlho spomínať na to čo sa dialo; láska, spolupráca, obecenstvo.

307 A teraz, až kým sa znovu stretneme, nech vás Boh Nebies vedie. On, Ktorý učinil hviezdy, aby svietili jasne v noci, aby osvetľovali cestu, keď pribúda tma, nech On osvecuje vašu cestu tou Betlehemskou Hviezdou a vedie vás do úplneho odovzdaného života  v Jeho Slove, to je mojou modlitbou.

  Až kým sa stretneme, až kým sa stretneme,

  až kým sa stretneme pri nohách Ježiša.

  Až kým sa stretneme, až kým sa stretneme,

  Boh buď s vami až kým sa znovu stretneme.

308 Teraz povstaňme. Moja viera hľadí hore ku Tebe ... Ja ... dobre, zmením to. Verím, že je to dobre:

  Moja viera hľadí hore ku Tebe,

  Ty Baránku z Golgoty,

  Božský Spasiteľ!

  Počuj ma teraz zatiaľ čo sa modlím,

  Vezmi všetky moje hriechy preč.

  Ó, nechaj ma od tohto dňa

  byť celkom Tvoj!

309 Potrasme si teraz jedni druhým ruky, keď zatiaľčo spievame

  Až kým temné bludisko života prejdem,

  a zármutky okolo mňa sa šíria,

  buď Ty mojim Vodcom.

  Rozkáž temnote stať sa dňom,

  vytri slzy smútku,

  tiež nenechaj ma zablúdiť

  od Tvojho boku.

310 Necítite sa teraz lepšie?

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh posiela Svoju čistú, nežnú lásku,

  Znamenie z hora,

  Na krídlach holubice.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh posiela Svoju čistú, nežnú lásku,

  Znamenie z hora,

  Na krídlach holubice.

311 To je naše záverečné posolstvo pre túto kampaň:

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh posiela Svoju čistú, nežnú lásku,

  Znamenie z hora,

  Na krídlach holubice.

312 Skloňme svoje hlavy. Ako tie kolesá budú nôtiť pieseň, cestou domov, ja dúfam, že to bude ...

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh posiela Svoje čistú, nežnú lásku,

  Znamenie z hora,

  Na krídlach holubice.

  (Brat Branham začína hmkať refrén - vyd.) ... holubice,

  Boh posiela Svoje čistú, nežnú lásku,

  Znamenie z hora,

  Na krídlach holubice.

313 So svojimi sklonenými hlavami, odovzdávam ti ... Brat Noel.

1 Let's bow our heads.

Dear Lord, we thank Thee tonight for the promise of the coming of the Lord Jesus, where we'll meet in a great meeting where it'll never end, of joys and songs, as we praise You through the--the ceaseless ages that is to come. We ask Your blessings upon the meeting tonight. We ask Your blessings upon this tabernacle, upon its staff, its pastors, its co-workers, co-pastors, and all.

2We ask You to bless these, Lord, who have come many miles to be in the meeting, lay Your hand of mercy upon them as they travel back to their homes. Grant it, Lord. May we meet many more times together in this place called the house of God, to worship. Bless those who are tuned in tonight, Lord, by the way of the telephone. May every unsaved person find Jesus Christ their Saviour, tonight; heal all the sick and the afflicted, Father, your servant is reporting for service, in Jesus' Name. Amen!

3 The Lord bless each of you. So happy to be here tonight. I just got in when Brother Ernie was singing the last part of his song, On The Wings Of A Dove. Certainly beautiful poem, certainly beautiful, and I--I know it's timely. So now, we very thankful.

4And to all you people that's tuned in tonight out across the nation, I wished you were only here to see this a-waiting, expectations on the people's faces as they're jammed in the building tonight; having a wonderful time.

5We want to thank Brother Jack Moore, and Sister Moore, and Brother Noel, Brother Boutliere, Brother Brown, all these associates here, the whole tabernacle, the whole staff, for inviting us back.

6 It was a... really a... kind of a... couldn't say a coincident, it was simply just the hand of God that worked it out. There's a brother here that had a dream sometime ago, about this thing happening, said I "was standing in a pair of white trousers, in Indian moccasins." And that's just exactly the way I was standing when I called Brother Jack for the meeting here, just exactly, (at Carson, Colorado) Indian moccasins and a pair of white levi trousers on; Brother Leo, if you're listening in, I was just meeting you in a few minutes. So that's when the meeting took its birthplace, right there.

7 Now it's Sunday night; I know many of you will drive all night tonight going home, some of you will be driving in the morning. I've got two days drive ahead of me. And so we--we won't hold you very long. And I've tried to make this an old-time night, the night that Brother Brown, and Brother Jack, and all of us that used to pray for the sick years ago, would pray for the sick in the same manner that we did then.

8Now, can you hear me back in the back? I just keep lowering these mikes because I am hoarse.

9 And so I want to... Just a little something, this little incident's happened. Why, they was telling me a while ago that there was a brother, perhaps here in the meeting tonight, that just come out of denominationalism; come into Shreveport, wanted to hear about the Message. And he got mixed up, he didn't know where he was at, so he went downtown. He seen a people gathered, he said, "Is this where Billy Branham is going to preach?"

10He said, "No, it's where Billy Graham's a-preaching by--by the way of a--a film."

11He said, "Well, I'm sorry, I--I got the wrong place."

12He said he come up, he said, "Now where can I go, Lord?" Said he started walking up this main street. I don't know what it is, there's a big church up here at the end. Texas Street. And there was a big white cross up on a church. Said the Lord told him, said, "'Just keep walking.'" Said... when he got there, there was... Said, "Well, here must be where it is, there's a lot of cars setting around." And said, "A bride and groom come walking out of the church." That was last night, there was a wedding, I seen it come out. The Lord said, "Now, that's what it is. You're coming out of denominationalism to enter into the Bride, to go with the Groom." See? See?

13 I was remarking to my wife, coming down the street, how the moon and the star hanging right above that cross, as we moved up into it. I guess I just look at little things like that, maybe kinda complimentary to my belief in God and my ministry.

14I was thinking tonight, in Tucson, it happened to be that Victor Le Doux, he was this Frenchman... he's a genuine Frenchman. I believe I was telling you the other day, that when I got through speaking, trying to separate denominationalism from real Christianity... And a man was giving me a... kind of a short talk about it, from a famous denominational Pentecostal church.

15And so Danny Henry, I think he's some movie star's cousin or something, and he was a Baptist; and he run down to the platform, and just threw his arms around me and said, "Brother Branham, I hope this don't sound sacrilegious, but that could be the 23rd chapter of Revelation." And when he started to say something else, he started speaking in tongues.

16And this, three French people... A French woman (big, heavyset woman, dark complected, from Louisiana, she may be setting here tonight) wrote it down on a piece of paper, what he said. Then Victor Le Doux, a minister, wrote down the same thing; and they were comparing notes, or going to. A light-headed man (kind of a blond hair) standing way back, packed back as far as he could, come walking up, wanted to see those notes. He was the interpreter of French at the U.N. And all three notes was the same.

17And It said this:

Because thou has chosen this harder way... You've chose it, you have took... chose it by your own choosing. (course we know that, Moses had to make his choice)

(said) This is the precise and correct way, because it's MY WAY.

And what a--what a glorious decision you've made!... (said)... Because of this, a large portion of Heaven awaits you.

And this in itself is that which will make, and bring to pass, the tremendous victory in the Love Divine.

18 All three was the same. I thought I had that in my Bible tonight, (I looked in there, but I didn't), the original copy of it.

19 Danny Henry don't know... like myself, he hardly knows good English, let alone French. If you notice in there, it's like the French language, they put the verb before the adverb. And the interpretation of all three was exactly alike.

20Danny Henry, sometime ago, he make... Danny may be listening in tonight. Victor Le Doux perhaps is, because I understand he's in Tucson. And you people in Tucson at the church, the tabernacle, the Tucson Tabernacle where Brother Green's the pastor; Brother Victor Le Doux, I understand is in a tent meeting right at the foot of Park Avenue where it runs out into Highway 80, coming this a-way. And if you're out there tomorrow night and next night, whenever how long he'll be there, go to hear him; and Danny may be with him. And it could be that they're listening in from the tabernacle tonight, I don't know.

21 Danny went to Jerusalem right after that, and said he was laying there in the tomb on the board... rock board that Jesus laid on, a corpse just before His resurrection. And said, all of a sudden I come on his mind; and said he run out, begin crying, and he walked outside. And he was directed... He's a man that makes things out of rocks; tumbles rocks, I meant. Said he went to where they said the cross was drove down, and he just dropped off... knocked off a little piece of rock about like... oh, a inch square, or something; put it in his pocket, and was impressed to bring it home.

22When he did, something said to him, "Make Brother Branham a pair of cuff links out of that." So he put it in the acid, and it changed the color from the regular limestone-looking rock to a bloodstone rock. And he made the cuff links.

23And when he give them to me, he hadn't noticed it, but right through the middle of both cuff links runs that straight, narrow strip. I have them on tonight, to pray for the sick. See, a--a bloodstone color, like the dripping blood; with the straight, narrow line right through. Just exactly what his prophecy said, "the straight and narrow way"; see, in the prophecy. I showed it to him.

24Danny, if you're listening in, you or Brother Le Doux, either one, tonight's going to be the old-fashioned night when we're to pray for the sick. I'm glad to walk this straight, narrow way, the way of the Gospel, the way of the Word, with our Lord Jesus Christ.

25 God bless you all. Now, you're so nice to talk to, I'll just talk a long time and I'll have you here too long. Billy said there's between three and four hundred people to be prayed for, so I'll just have to hurry up with our message as quick as possible, and then pray for the sick.

26Now, to the people in Arizona, the next Saturday night, we're over at (never can think of the name of that town) Yuma, Arizona, at the banquet. So then, in California, we follow right on in Sunday morning, to Los Angeles and the places that's been predicted to be there.

27Tonight, I want to take a text out of the Scripture.

28 By the way, I was setting in a cafeteria today, the Morrison's Cafeteria; Brother Jack, his wife, I and my wife. We went over to Morrison's Cafeteria to have a little time together, we hadn't been out, the women had never been together. There was a young fellow walked up to me, his name's Green, he's the father of Brother Pearry Green. And he said, "You know, Brother Branham, you was talking about a 'johnny pin' the other night." That's really a... What is it? Bobby pin. He said, "You were talking about a 'johnny pin,'" said, "I got you a 'johnny pin.'" He gave it to me.

29Now, that's a "johnny pin," ladies, that won't work in the hair. A "johnny pin," he said--said he'd been using it for years, to hold the pages of his Bible down. So he said, "I'll give you a genuine 'johnny pin.'" So, Brother Green, if you're here somewhere or listening in, that "johnny pin's" a dandy, just holds it right.

30 Now we want to get into the Scriptures right away. And I want you to turn with me now to Psalms 55, and then also Matthew 3. And my subject tonight was Brother Ernie's topic: On The Wings Of A Snow-White Dove. Now, I won't be able to strike all the notes and Scriptures that I got here, because I'll just kinda skip over a few of them, and because I promised the message.

31The Lord willing, for Yuma next Saturday night, I want to preach on: The Conditions For The Rapture, if the Lord willing.

32 In Psalms 53... I beg your pardon, Psalms 55.

Give ear... (Pardon? 55, yes, sir.)

Give ear to my prayer, O God;... hide not thyself from my supplication.

Attend unto me, and hear me: I mourn in my complaint, and make a noise;

Because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked: for they cast iniquity upon me, and in wrath they hate me.

My heart is sore pained within me: and the terror of death are fallen upon me.

Fearless and trembling comings are come upon me, the horror has overwhelmed me.

And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest.

Lo, then would I wander far off, and remain in the wilderness. Selah. (Selah means "Amen.")

33 David, a lover of the wilderness, when he got distressed and the people wouldn't believe him, and the enemies had come upon him, he said, "If I had the wings of a dove, I would fly out into the wilderness and there remain." How many times have I thought that same thing! If I could take my rifle off of the wall, my camp bag, go out in the wilderness and never return again. I've asked the Lord if I can live to see the day... I don't never want a funeral service, I said, "If I can just go out in the woods somewhere, set old 'Blondie' against the tree,..."

34That's my rifle, excuse me, I--I--I say that on account of my wife setting there. You know, that rifle, a Brother here gave me years ago, I killed fifty-five head of game with it, without missing a shot, some of them seven to eight hundred yards. I call it "Blondie" because my wife's a brunette, so she said I think more of the rifle than I do her. But...

35So, I--I'd like to set it against a tree, and say, "Lord, let Joseph find it someday." I like to take the wings of a dove and fly away.

36But just like one time up in the mountains and watching an eagle, and seeing him fly away (you know my story of it), I said, "It's good to be here, Lord; like Peter said, 'we could build three tabernacles.' But down at the foot of the mountain, the sick and the afflicted are waiting, the lost and dying are waiting." So let us do what we can while it's day, and someday there'll be a... the wings of a white Eagle will come down, He'll bear us away.

37 Now in Matthew 3:16, I'd like to read 16 and 17.

And Jesus, when he was baptized, went straightway up out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:

And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. (In other words, "in whom I'm pleased to dwell in.")

38 Now we want to speak a few minutes on this bird. A dove has always been one of my favorite birds. And thinking of a dove, a dove is really... and a pigeon is the same bird. A pigeon is a domestic dove. They're both the same family. I've looked it up and it is the same family. A pigeon and a dove, they're both of the same family. The habits of these birds are outstanding.

39I preached here, some few years ago, in a tent meeting out here with Brother Moore, on: The Lamb And The Dove. I guess you all remember that; and how that the dove is the most cleanest bird that we have, and the lamb is the most meekest animal that we have. They're both sacrificial bird and beast.

40 How beautiful it's typed here as Jesus being the Lamb, and God being the Dove. And the dove would not have settled on a wolf, his nature's not right. It couldn't a-settled on a dog, his nature's not right. It had to be on a lamb; the two natures had to be the same. And that's the way we have to be, our natures has to change from the roaring sinner to the meekness of a lamb.

41And did you notice the Dove led the Lamb? And notice, the Lamb forfeit everything He had to the Dove. And look where the Dove led Him: to crucifixion for the sins of us all.

42Now, the Dove of... God wanted to represent His Son, He was represented by the most cleanest and meekest animal on the earth, a earthbound creature; but when God represented Himself in the heavens, was by the meekest and most cleanest bird there is in the heavens, a dove.

43 Now, doves vary, there's many different variations of them. Usually our turtledove is kind of a gray-looking bird. And then there's a mourning dove, and then there's the evening dove. There's also called the sonora dove that we have at home, he's a little, gray fellow; little, bitty fellow with red stripes on his wings. There's many different kinds of doves, and they vary in colors. So is there same thing in the pigeons.

44Now, the dove is a very odd constructed dove, because his habit's that he cannot eat anything that's unclean; he just couldn't do it, because he's not built for it.

45 Now, I've always talked about the dove being the symbol of God, and the crow being the symbol of a hypocrite. A crow can set out on an old dead carcass and eat, all day long, and fly right out in the field and eat wheat with the dove. But the dove can eat wheat all right, but it can't eat the dead carcass. See? He just can't do it, he can't stomach it. And I wondered why he couldn't do it; they're both fowls, both birds. But why? It's the structure of them.

46And that's the way it is with a genuine Christian. A... just a denominational Christian can just take anything, but a genuine, borned-again Christian cannot take the things of the world. He's constructed different.

47 I found out that the dove don't have any gall. There's no gall in a dove because he has no need of it.

48So that's the way it is with a Christian, he doesn't need any bitterness, see, 'cause. he only can eat the food of God. And it doesn't take bitterness to dissolve that; takes love, see, so he... to dissolve the food. Bitterness: "Oh," they say, "well..." they difference with It. But love always receives It, the Word of God.

49Now, he has no gall, so therefore he could not... it's just against him to eat anything bad. And if he would, it would kill him. But there's no danger, he isn't going to eat it (uh-huh), because he has no appetite for it.

50 And that's the way with a real Christian. Did you know a real Christian doesn't have even any sin at all imputed to him? David said, "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin to." When you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb (not by make-belief, but really the--the Blood of the Lamb), God does not impute to you anything that's done, because you're under the Blood and He doesn't see it. There's a Blood sacrifice; the only thing He can see you in, is the way He saw you before the foundation of the world when He put your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. That's all He can look at, because you are redeemed from everything that was ever done, you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Therefore there's no gall in you, there's no unclean habit in you, because that the Blood of the Lamb has did this; and God cannot impute sin to you after you've got a sin-offering laying there waiting for you.

51"Well," you say, "that gives me plenty of room then, Brother Branham, I can do what I want to." I always do; always. But when a man can really see what Jesus done for him, and turn around and do something contrary to Him, it shows he never received Christ.

52 I got a little wife setting back there. She's ten years younger than me, and is gray as I am. The reason is because she's stood between me and the--and the outside world. If I was going overseas, and I'd... Wouldn't this be some sort of a family to live in, if I'd gather my family around me and I'd say: "Looky here, Mrs. Branham, you want to realize that you're Mrs. William Branham. Thou shalt not have any other husbands while I'm gone. Don't you make eyes at any other man," and all these things. "Don't you flirt at all. If you do, when I come back I'm going to divorce you."

53And she'd turn around and say, "Now, my good man, I want to tell you something also. Thou shalt not take out any other woman while you're gone. Thou shalt not do this and that. If you do, just consider yourself divorced when you come home."

54Now, wouldn't that be a loving family? See? No! If I really love her... Though I believe if I did make a mistake and slip and do something wrong, I believe she'd forgive me for it because she loves me. And if she did, I believe I'd forgive her for it; certainly, because I love her. But if I love her like that, as long as I love her like that she has no worry. Though she would forgive me, I wouldn't hurt her for nothing. I--I--I'd feel the guiltiest guy in the world, I couldn't wait for the minute I'd tell her about what I done, because I love her. Well, that's... If I love her with phileo love like that, how much greater would my agapao love be to Jesus Christ?

55 Though I might smoke a cigarette, I never in my life; but though I would, He might forgive me for it, I believe He would. If I took a drink, I never in my life, but I believe He'd forgive me for it. And I love Him too much, (God, help me) I don't want to do anything like that, see, because I love Him. That stuff is gone from me, because when He changed me from a crow to a dove it made a difference, my appetite and things left me; then sin is not imputed to me because I don't aim to do it, it's not in me to do it.

56 Now another great thing about this dove. He's a strange bird. Did you ever see all the birds...

57One of my favorite birds is a robin. Now, you boys quit shooting at my robins, see, 'cause I don't want you doing that. My robin, you know how he got his red breast? You know, one day there was a Man dying on the cross, nobody would help Him, God had forsaken the Man, and He was dying. His hands had nails in them, his feet and his side a-bleeding, crown on His head and thorns, blood running over His face. And there was a little bird passed by, a little, brown bird. And he looked at that, was... thought it was the most pitiful sight he ever saw. And he knowed he was just a little bird, but he looked at them great big, ol' cruel Roman nails drove in His hand, and he flew in with his little beak and tried to pull them loose. He got his breast all bathed with blood, since then it's been red. I want my breast shielded with His Blood, too, defending It when I come to meet Him. I love a little robin.

58 But, you know, a little robin has to take a bath; but, you know, a dove don't have to; no. He's got some kind of oil on the inside of him that oils him and keeps him clean from the inside out. You know that? The dove has! The dove oils himself. Did you ever pick up one, smell that odor on him, a pigeon or something? That's oil that's produced from the inside of him. His body makes up a oil gland that keeps his feathers always clean on the outside because he's clean from inside out. That's right. He's a marvelous little bird.

59Now, I know you can hunt them here, I think, in Louisiana. Don't do that! Oh, I couldn't do it. I guess if I was hungry, it'd be all right, but I--I just couldn't pull the trigger on one if I had to.

60 There's... A dove has a great strange thing in our family. One day when my grandmother... She come from up here in Kentucky, off the Cherokee reservation. She was dying, a little woman, and she was... They had... I think they call it scrofula or something, she was dying. And grandfather knelt down by the side of the bed; while Mama, Aunt Birtie, Aunt Howlie, all of them knelt around the bed; Uncle Charlie, (little bitty, four-year-old boy) the baby; Mama, the oldest, being about twelve years old. And she had combed her black hair out on the bed, and she started singing, "Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee," when she was dying. Grandpa, at that time, wasn't a Christian. I baptized him at eighty-seven years old, in the Name of Jesus Christ, at the foot of the river there where the Angel of the Lord appeared.

61But while she was singing this song, with her feeble little hands up in the air, a dove flew in the door; come around, set down on the top of the bed, started cooing. God took her soul.

62 I went over to London, England with Brother Jack and with Brother Gordon Lindsay, and there had been a woman by the name of Florence Nightingale (claims to be, I think, a great-granddaughter or something of the late Florence Nightingale) that wrote me many letters. She was down in South Africa, dying with a cancer. And she had a picture; you seen it in the book. I never seen a mortal like that in my life. Brother Jack, I believe, was with me that day. We went into a minister's house, at the rectory, just behind the church where they had brought her.

63While we were yet out on the... where the plane come down, they paged us, and she was in a ambulance there then; had been flown up from--from down in South Africa, knowing that I was coming to England at that time. The minister took her to the rectory, so we went back there to pray for her.

64 I've seen lots of sick people, but her little arms didn't look over a inch across, her--her skull where it laces together, you could see it. And she... her limbs way up here around her hips wasn't over that, about two inches across, just the bone. And she couldn't raise her hands, she was too weak to raise her hands. And she was trying to say something, and I couldn't understand her. And when I finally got to hear, I believe through a nurse, she said, "Brother Branham, pray that God will let me die." She couldn't... didn't want to live. And I noticed, and tears was running off of the side of them bone on her face. Where she got enough moisture about her to cry, I don't know; for her veins was collapsed, and she was in a terrible condition. Coming to pray for the sick, I couldn't pray for her to die. But she just looked like couldn't die, she just lingering on.

65I knelt down with your pastor, in the room to pray. And when I knelt down to pray, a little dove flew up by the window; begin cooing. When I finished praying, I thought it was a pet dove there somewhere. Foggy outside, how England is, the British Isles there. And this little dove quit cooing, and flew away. I walked over and laid hands upon her and called the Name of the Lord. And the woman is a great big, strong healthy woman today, on the wings of a Dove.

66He keeps hisself clean from the inside. A Christian does that too, he cleans from the inside. That keeps the malice... He don't need any gall to digest anything, because he doesn't eat it. See? He's clean from the inside out.

67 Now, we notice that this bird... Many things I've got written down here, but the clock keeps moving around. This bird was also used in the Old Testament for sacrifice, for an atonement and for cleansing. Let's just refer here to one in Genesis 15:9. Let's think of this verse just for a moment. Now, Abraham was... asked God here, how would He do this. And God is making His Word back to Abraham, and He does it in a strange way. Begin with about the... Let's begin at the 1st verse, I don't like to hurry this.

After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abraham in a vision,... (See, Abraham was a prophet, so he saw visions.)... Fear not, Abraham: I am thy shield, and... exceeding reward. (Jehovah-nissi, see.)

And Abraham said, Lo-... said, Lord GOD... (Notice, capital L, "Lord GOD." Elohim! See?)... Lord GOD,... (in the vision)... what will thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?

And Abram said, Behold, to me thou has given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is my heir.

And behold, the word of the LORD came to him, saying, This shall not be thy heir;...

Done made him a promise, you know. Not... See, right then Abraham would have failed, but the promise is unconditional; the covenant, unconditional.

... but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir. (And he's a hundred years old now.)

And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now towards the heavens, and tell the stars, if thou are able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be. (A man without a child, and now a hundred years old.)

And he believed in the LORD; and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

And he said unto him, I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur, out of the Chaldeans, to give thee the land to inherit it.

And he said unto Him, Lo-... Lord... or Lord... whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it?

68Now listen to this.

And he said unto him, Take me a heifer of three years old, and a she goat of three years old,... (watch the threes now, "three years old")... and a ram of three years old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon. (Both the same people, both the same thing. See, it was used in a sacrifice that he was foreshowing Jesus.)

69 The covenant was made... You know, how he cleave them apart, and how that this...

70Or the old times, when they took... made a covenant, they would take and write the--the agreement up. And kill an animal, stand in between it; tear the covenant in two, one person took one part...

71Like the Chinese laundry used to do. The Chinaman here, he couldn't write English, so he wrote on there and tore a piece of paper and handed you a part. And you--you remember the Chinese laundries when they used to do that. And you... their--their two ends had to compare, to get your clothes. See, you couldn't fool him, 'cause he had the other end of it. You might re-copy your name, but you can't retear that paper. See? So, he had... it had to be the same piece of paper.

72So that's the way they done it in the Oriental days, long... or long ago in the Eastern days. They'd kill an animal, stand in between it, tear the piece of goatskin apart, one took one... And when the covenant was confirmed, they brought the pieces together and they had to dovetail just exactly.

73 Now, what God is showing him here is this, on these sacrifices, is speaking of Christ; that how God took Jesus to the Calvary and tore Him apart, and received the body up into Heaven and sent the Spirit down upon us, that the same Spirit was on Him has to be on you to dovetail with the Body, to be the Bride at the end time. See? See? That's right. See? Won't be a denomination, now. It'll be the Word, what He was. See?

74But like that Word has to come to Word, like cell in a human being. You know, when your--your body's being built, it isn't one cell of a human, next of a dog, and next of a pig. Oh, no, no. It's all human cell. That's the way the Body of Christ is, all the Word of God. Not just part of It, some tradition added to It; no, It's all the Body of Christ.

75Now, we find here that he used both a turtledove and a young pigeon, because they are the selfsame family. Now, you always...

76 So notice (I just refer to a couple of these Scriptures) Leviticus 12, and the 6th verse. We find here that the order of a woman being purified; if the woman had a baby, she had to wait. If it was a boy, she had to wait for thirty-three days before she could enter the congregation with the doves, for purification. If she had a girl, she had to wait ninety-six days before she could enter the congregation.

77Now we find here, the 6th verse.

And when the days of her purification are fulfilled, for a son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year for a burnt-offering, and a young pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin-offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto the priest:

78See, she can't come in yet because her days isn't finished yet, but she can give this to the--the priest at the door, for her offering. See, either a turtledove or a young pigeon. They're both the same family.

79 Now it--now it was used for atonements, and in the atonement for sin, one dove. Or of leprosy, which is a type of sin, you brought two doves: one's head was taken off, turned upside down and bled on the other one; and then the other dove was set free. And when the dove flew, he bathed the ground with his blood of his mate, and the blood cried out to God, "Holy! Holy! Holy is the Lord God!"

80Can't you see the dying mate Jesus Christ? Was killed and sprinkled upon us, that we should go free, crying out "Holy! Holy! Holy! unto the Lord." What beautiful types. Wished I had some voice.

81 Now type the great Holy Spirit as we just read in Revelation 3:16; used of God for signs, this dove was.

82Noah was given a sign, as the brother just sang about it. God was displeased, and there was nothing going to stay His wrath, for He said, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." And Noah had found grace with God and had built an ark according to the constructions... the instructions, rather, that He had given him. And he had been floated up.

83I can imagine his... what happened in them days when they said, "This old man up on the hill, an old fanatic, building an ark, saying 'it's going to rain,' and it never has rained." But it...

84Noah said, "It's going to rain, anyhow."

85And then I know the day that he went in, I think what... can't think of what day it was, I believe the seventeenth day of May. Noah entered into the ark, and God shut the door.

86And the clouds begin to come, the rains begin to fall, the sewers begin to fill up, the fountains of the deep broke up, the springs all belched up their water. Finally people got into the houses, climbed up. The old ark set right there just the same.

87After while when enough begin to get around her, she begin to rise up higher and higher. The people knocked at the doors and screamed, but it did no--no good, Noah could not open the door. God closed it, God's the only one can open it.

88So is it at our Ark, Jesus Christ; God opened the door for us on Calvary, He'll close it just as sure as He opened it.

89 And it floated, and on and on, maybe a mile's deep over the top of the earth when this earth was tumbling out from the way... from the--the... its regular orbit. And around and around it went, and chunks, and trees, and above the mountains and so forth, pitching for forty days and nights.

90And when the winds being to cease...

91God's wrath is horrible. His love is pure and Divine; and His wrath is just as Divine--just as Divine as His love is, because, He must pass judgment because He is a judge. He's a law-giver, and law without penalty is not law. So there must be a penalty to law. And you transgress God's laws, that's when you pay the penalty.

92 Now we notice that after Noah floating up there, no doubt seasick from all that roaring and popping, and the wrath of God mashing and crushing, and screams and so forth. Then it begin to quieten down, nothing happened. Days passed, nothing happened. Perhaps the food supply for the animals and so forth running low, nothing happened. So he thought, "Wonder... I can't see out."

93The ark was so constructed (when you were once in it), there was only one window in it, and it was right in the top. You couldn't look sideways, you couldn't look no way but straight up. And that's the way the Ark, Jesus Christ, is. You can't look at the next fellow, you can't look at nothing but Christ when you're in the Ark because there's only one door, and He is that Door we talked about this morning. You have to keep looking up, "For he that will put his hand to the plow and even turn to look back, is not worthy of the plowing."

94 Now, as in this ark... And he could see light, and perhaps sunlight, but he wondered where he was. The ark was still a-floating, he could hear the waves against the sides, but he knew that there'd been many days, surely the water was receding by that time. So he went and got an untrusted bird, treacherous, and he tried him, and he sent him out. He was a crow, and that crow never did return, because he found pleasure out there, outside the ark of God. He flew from one old dead body to another, eating the carcasses and the a-carrion that was floating on the water; and he was perfectly satisfied.

95 So after several days he tried again, for he knowed... He didn't want to step out in the wrath of God. So he turned a dove loose. And this dove was of a different nature than the... It was not a vulture, neither is it a scavenger, it can only eat the clean pure things. And it was so satisfied because it couldn't find nothing else to put the soles of his feet on, it returned back to the ark. Noah said, "Well, the flood's still on."

96Then he waited several other days, and he sent out again; like his prayer, "O God, has Your wrath been appeased? Is--is--is Your wrath over, Lord? Is it all done?" And he said, "Now, if I send her out this time, she may stay out there if the floods are down, she may stay." But he sent her out by prayer, and then when she went out there directed by God, she picked off a holly leaf off of a tree, and flew back and pecked on the window again.

97God used a dove for a sign. She come back saying that "the flood is over," and then God opened the door, and they went out. That's Genesis 8:8.

98 Also used in Matthew 3:16, again when God's wrath was on the earth. And there was no way, the darkest of night, midnight, the churches had got things in such a twist till there was no way to get out of it. And there was false teachers, all kinds of things coming up, all kinds of professions coming up, but God used a dove again. It pleased Him, His Son Jesus had pleased Him so well, that He identified Him.

99Now, they couldn't believe that this baby that was borned down there in that stable in a manger of hay... before his father and mother, supposingly to be, was married. They couldn't imagine God using anything like that. So He had to be identified to the world; and that day down on the river, when He walked down to prove Hisself God's Masterpiece (that I talked about this morning)... When He was obedient to walk into the water...

100 Now, if you notice there, there's a great lesson. John was the greatest man on earth, at the time. Jesus said, "There never was a man borned of a woman as great as he," to that time. And he was a prophet. You believe that? Now, remember, if the Word of God will come to anything in the land, it'll be a prophet. That's always God's way. Do you believe that Jesus was the Word manifested in flesh? So there's only one way He can come to be introduced; not by the priests.

101He didn't go up and say, "Caiaphas, will you introduce Me?" If He did, He made the same mistake that David did in our lesson the other day; see, if He went up to the church, and said, "Will you introduce Me?"

102 Just notice when He was borned, even. When He was borned, He was borned in the shadow of the church. And they was probably rang the bells and everything, but it was shepherds that recognized Him, and Magi. See?

103And here He is now, on... ready for His ministry. And if He is the Word...

104According to God's great plan, the Word can only... "The Lord God does nothing until He first reveals It to His servants the prophets." That's always His pattern, has to be; when the Seals were opened, when anything else. Any major event taking place in the earth, God reveals it to His prophets.

105And John was the prophet, for he was prophesying "He'd come."

106Then down off the side of a hill one day... when a discussion was going on, a bunch of priests standing around. And they said, "Do you mean to tell me that you call yourself a 'prophet,' and stand over there in that mud?" (not in a church, because they wouldn't have him) "Stand over in that mud, and tell me that the hour's coming when the great Jehovah who ordained these sacrifices, when great Jehovah who built this temple, who came into it as a Pillar of Fire, 'the day will come when that daily sacrifice will be taken away'?"

107He said, "There will come a Man, and He's among you now (somewhere out there), and He will take away the sin." The priest was disgusted with him.

108 John looked up! Now, what is he? The prophet! And here is the Word, there comes the Word coming right straight to the prophet, right to the water. John said, "Behold, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. There He is, that's Him." Jesus never spoke a word, walked right out into the water. And I can see there, standing in that water (think of a drama), two of the greatest that ever struck the earth: God the Word, and His prophet.

109Notice, the Word come to the prophet in this dispensation of grace, in the water (uh-huh). I thought you'd catch it (uh-huh). In the water! The first revelation of the Word was in the water. Now you see where the Bride started, the Evening-light Message? In the water! The Word, true Word not mixed up with creeds, but come to the prophet in the water, by the water.

110 Notice! Could you imagine the eyes of the Word and the eyes of the prophet meeting in the water? Oh, that's too much for me. There stood the prophet, there stood the Word, looking in each others' eyes. And the prophet said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee, why comest Thou unto me?"

111And the Word said... It has to be true.

Now let me give a drama here:

112"John, you're a prophet, you know the Word." See? "You recognize Me, you know Who I am."

113"I have need to be baptized of Thee," John said.

114Jesus said, "Suffer that to be so. That's exactly right, you do have need to be baptized of Me. But remember, John, being a prophet, it is behooving to us, or becoming to us (as the Word and the prophet), that we fulfill every Word. Uh-huh. For, John," (here's the revelation now) "John, you know Who I am, I am the Sacrifice. And according to the Word of God, the sacrifice had to be washed before it was presented for sacrifice." Is that right? The Word... "The lamb was washed and then presented for sacrifice, and I am that Lamb. And I must be washed before I can be presented to the world for a sacrifice. Suffer it to be so, John, for thus it is becoming to us as the Word and the prophet together."

115 Well, there can't be a mistake. Now, every one of these things...

116Now, see, if it wasn't that very setup, John would've been like any of the rest of us; so they say, "Yeah, I--I know who You are, Lord."

117"Well," He said, "wait a minute, I'm the Word. Uh-huh. 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word.' Eve left off one uh-huh, but you got to take every Word. And I am that Sacrifice, and I must be washed before I'm presented. But what you said, John, is true."

118John being a prophet, knowing the Word had to be fulfilled, he suffered that and baptized Him. And when He was raised up out of the water, there come the Message from Heaven on the wings of a Dove, "This is My beloved Son." He sent the redemption Message of grace on the wings of a Dove, come flying down out of the heavens. "Peace on earth, good will toward man." The Sacrifice was ready right then; been raised, fed, His ministry was ready, a Word that would redeem the whole world, "It's over!"

119 The dove is used in the Bible as a symbol of peace, and also it's used by nations as a symbol of peace. We have nations... Our nation is represented by an eagle. And there's other birds of other nations, Rome has an eagle, Germany has an eagle; many of them, great birds of the sky. But in all of them, the dove symbolizes peace in all nations. It's a universal thing.

120Just like Brother Green said one night, Brother Pearry Green said, "The symbol of surrender is 'raise your hand.' Any nation, raise up your hand, it's surrender." He said, "When you sing, raise up your hands, you surrender it all."

121And the dove is the symbol of peace in every nation. Why is it done? Because of its gentleness, and because of its innocence. That's the reason it symbols peace.

122 Another thing about the dove, it is a home-loving bird. It loves to stay home.

123And another thing it is, it's always loyal to its mate. The dove, male or female, never leave one another. That female finds her mate in mating season. See, that's complimentary to God's great creation. That's the reason He made Eve a by-product. See? If she'd a-been made like other females, when the time come for her mating time, she'd a-found her mate; but she could any time. See? And that's the way, that's what it is. I just... We don't want to go into that, because I've got it on Marriage And Divorce, and so forth. And how it... But yet she's honorable and brought that virtue, and you know how I preached on it the other night. All right, notice, she's got a great responsibility.

124But the dove is always loyal to his mate. Always! Never leaves her.

125 And may I stop here just for a minute, to say this: a true Bride, female dove, is loyal to her Mate, too. It won't inject any dogma, any denominational doctrines, anything of the world. It'll stay loyal to its Mate, the Word; always loyal.

126And by this home-loving conduct, by the conduct of its home-loving, it has been successfully used for a carrier pigeon. Because it loves home, you turn it loose anywhere, it'll always go back home. It'll go back home.

127We'd like to stress on that a little while, and you Christians would understand what I mean. It always finds its way back home, so therefore it's been used for carrier pigeon. It's used in time of war, used to be; they still use them, carrier pigeons to carry a message. So you see then, that makes the dove, both by God and man, a messenger; a dove is a messenger. It was a messenger to Noah, to tell Noah that "there's peace again." It was used by God to vindicate that this was His Son, "the Sacrifice to bring peace upon the earth and goodwill to man." It was used as a messenger.

128 Right here I have a little story in my mind, I read one time out of a book. Now, I don't want to say this is sure, it may be in The Decline of the First World War. I'm not positive of that now; if you miss seeing it, then I'm wrong. I either read it in a book... it's been many years ago. But it was certainly a--a... really a--a dramatic thing that happened.

129The American soldiers was pinned down by German machine-gun fire, and they were in kind of a pit. You soldiers, I guess, understand how they were on a reconnaissance somewhere. And they was pinned down, and they had just a little bit of ammunition left. And the Germans was moving in great units, moving in everywhere. And they knowed that unless they'd get some reinforcement, some help, that they would soon all die; (they had to) the Germans coming right down off the mountain, looking right down their neck, going right into them like that.

130 And one of them happened to remember that he had a little mascot, a little pigeon. So he knew that this pigeon, if it could get out of there, would carry the message to the main headquarters to where they'd been stationed. And so they set down and wrote on a note, "We are pinned down in a certain position at a certain area. We're out of ammunition, in a few hours we'll have to surrender or either we'll be massacred." And they pinned this, or tied it on the--the foot of this little dove and turned him loose.

131Now, he's a home-loving bird, so he... what does he do? He takes back home for his... meet, find his mate. She was worried about him, he'd have to come back home.

132 And as he went up, the Germans seen what had happened. So the thing they done, they started shooting at the dove. And one of them hit him with a .30 caliber machine gun, or bullet, it broke his leg. Another one tore a big hunk out of his back. His chest was bruised all the way across. One of his wings was crippled, the end shot off of it, and he flew sideways. But he kept climbing, and finally he made it. Crippled, wounded, broken, bruised, but he fell in the camp with the message. That was a great dove.

133But, oh, brother, Isaiah 53 tells us of One, came down from Home and all that was good.

And he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquity: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we were healed.

134 Sickness, superstition, and devils had us pinned down, there was no way out, the church had gone wrong, they had went off on denominational things (and the Pharisees, Sadducees, and washing of pots and pans), and the Word of God become of no effect. But this little Dove came down, and there's only one thing could take place: there had to be a redeemer.

135But being wounded, broken, beaten, torn, but He knowed His way back Home. So from Calvary's cross where they bruised Him, mashed Him, tore Him, like a bunch of wolves upon Him, He made His flight from Calvary and He landed in Heaven's doors, saying, "It's finished! It's finished! They are free! Sickness can be healed now! Sinners can be saved! The captive can be set free!"

136Though He was bruised and wounded, that great battle there when even everything against Him... Even the poet cried out:

Mid rendering rocks and darkening skies,

My Saviour bowed His head and died;

But the opening veil revealed the way

To Heaven's joy and endless day.

137 I've been a neurotic all my life. As a little boy there was something struck me, that scare me, about every seven years it would happen to me. Brother Jack remembers when I first started, come off the field for a year; something just happened.

138I remember the day that Juanita Hemphill... I think her name's Juanita Kelly now, she married Brother Kelly after the death of her husband. Anna Jeanne, I've got their pictures and things, they were such... And her... And them two girls and Sister Moore had a--a little trio. They sang that song that I never forget: Looking Beyond The Sunset. Brother Jack, you remember, I guess, coming up from Florida. What fine little girls.

139 And I remember that morning a little Pentecostal group from up here in northern part of the country, in Michigan somewhere, those girls stood out there when Brother Hooper... I seen him here the other night, I... he may not be here now, Brother Ed Hooper. Are you here, Brother Ed? I don't think he... He set here the other night. None... Many of you know him. He and I, and Brother Hooley, we was leaving. And those girls standing there on the corner singing that, gave us, each one, a yellow rose that they took out of their hair. (That's where that maniac had been healed down there, great things had took place.)

140Coming up the road just as happy as I could be, all of a sudden it struck me; a year later 'fore I entered the field again, just killed me.

141 Since a little boy, I always said I didn't know what a vision was. A little boy, I always said, "If I--if I'd only fall in one of those trance, and see that, I'd get well." That time... I always wanted to go to Mayo's to find out what was wrong. The doctors there...

142My stomach gets sour; and oh, my! Brother Jack's helped me around the house. I walk right around the house; and just a hot greasy water like, flying out of my mouth. And walk to the pulpit, and pray for people that was twice that bad, and be healed. I've had them lay my hands on a man with a cancer on his face, and the cancer left his face, standing there; and I was so sick I couldn't stand up.

143 And you don't know what I've suffered; just mental oppression. Every seven years it's come, all my life. That's where I'm at now, seven eights.

144So I was--I was so distressed; I cried, I begged, I pleaded.

145And I remember when I finally thought I had enough money to go to Mayo's for an examination; they said, "They'll find what your trouble is." Wife and I, and Becky back there... Sarah was a little, bitty fellow. I had just entered my healing ministry. And we took off to Mayo's.

146I went through the clinic. And the night before I'd find... had my finals the next morning, I just woke up and was setting there on the bed looking around. And I looked out in front of me, and there was a little boy, looked just like me, about seven years old; and looked at it, and it was me. And he was standing by an old snag tree. And on that tree...

147 Any of you squirrel hunters know you can rub a stick up and down on a tree like that, and it'll scare a squirrel and run him out if he's in the hollow.

148And I was seeing there where that squirrel had been, and I thought, "What kind of squirrel is that?" and I rubbed it. And when I did, I looked over and it was me then about thirty-eight years old, the little boy was gone. So I rubbed that limb, and out of the hollow log, pole, come a little squirrel about that long, dark, almost black, and looked like little currents flying from him; little bitty beady eyes, the wickedest looking thing that I ever seen, looked like a weasel more than a squirrel.

149 And he looked right at me. And I opened my mouth to say, "Well..." And when I did, he... Before you could've batted your eye, he flew right into my mouth, went down into my stomach, and just tearing me to pieces. And as I come out of the vision, with my hands up, looking, I went screaming, "O God, have mercy! It's killing me!"

150I heard a Voice way down in the room, say, "Remember, it's only six inches long."

151How many's heard that story? I've told you that many times, the people around the tabernacle.

152Well, on and on it went, suffering just the same.

153Mayo Brothers, the next day, examined me. Said, "Your father was an Irishman, he drank. Your mother being a half Indian, that makes you almost a half-breed. So you'll be... you're--you're--you're just such a nervous wreck until you'll never be out of it." Said, "Otherwise, you're healthy. But that, that's something in the soul that man cannot control." Said, "You will..." Said, "When a man dies, can't hold a autopsy, 'cause his soul's gone." He said, "Well, you'll never get over it."

154 And that guy said, my old doctor, said, "My father had it, he died at about eighty-five, ninety years old," somewhere along there, he said. And said, "A month or two before he died, I examined him; had it all of his life, he'd get them" said, "spells."

155"Some people," said, "they get it, they're high tempered"; said, "that's the kind that'll kill you." He said, "The other kind, like women in menopause, they cry. You got the kind that's kind of a weary feeling." Said, "The old-timers used to call it 'had the blues,' it wouldn't leave them." Said, "When that hits you, your stomach sours; you're just upset."

156I said, "But, sir, I don't do nothing." I said, "I'm happy."

157Said, "That's right. That's just out of the human grab bag." Said, "You'll always have it." Oh, what a discouraging thing!

158But the words, to think it, "Remember, it's only six inches long," that's hung with me, as my dear wife back there can tell you. Year after year, I've thought of that.

159 And then, going overseas this last time, I was... before. Well, I was back home, and I was on a squirrel-hunting trip. I jumped out of the car with Brother Banks Wood, who's listening in tonight, and I started to run up the hill, and looked like my heart would jump out of me.

160And I asked Dr. Sam Adair, I said, "What does that?"

161He said, "Next time you have it, get a cardiogram."

162Said, "All right."

163So it happened again in the--the next year, and went and took the cardiogram. He said, "Nothing wrong with your heart," said, "you're just nervous." Started coming on then.

164 Well, another doctor said to me, a good friend of mine, said, "That's your heart, boy," said "you better be careful." That's the year I called Brother Moore and he got somebody to preach in my stead, when I went on that ram hunt with Brother Fred. I'd go up over mountains just like I did when I was sixteen years old, mile after mile, running; never bothered me a bit. See?

165And I come back and told Sam. He said, "Well, there's something wrong, you better be careful."

166Then I saw a vision of an old doctor standing with those... old-fashioned doctor with stethoscopes over his arm. He said... He was standing in front of me one day, he said, "Don't let them tell you 'that's your heart,' that's your stomach."

167So, I--I thought, "Well, I'll just take that word, 'cause it was a vision. Come on."

168 I started to Africa; and get some shots, and I had to take a bunch of shots before going to Africa, that's the law. So, when I was getting these shots, he said, "Why, I can't find one thing wrong with you." Said, "Your hemoglobin, your blood's ninety-six, it's ninety-six." Said, "If you was sixteen years old, it wouldn't be any--it wouldn't be any better." And said, "Hard enough to beat you a hundred years. Lungs, everything," said, "you're all right; no sugar, nothing."

169I said, "Thank you." So I got a physical test, and--and to take my--my health certificate to the board.

170So, he said, "You know anything about it?"

171I said, "Nothing but persistent souring in the stomach all the time."

172He said, "Well, I'll tell you." He said...

173I said, "Oh, I've been examined. I've been to Mayo Brothers, and everywhere."

174 He said, "But wait a minute." He said, "Sometimes a ulcer is so little till that barium meal won't show it; and sometimes it's too big to show it, because an x-ray is only a shadow. And a little bitty ulcer, you can't see it, it won't enough stick. Whole lot of little bitty ulcers could do that." He said, "I know an old doctor up here that's found an instrument, they got it now; they can put you to sleep with a little sodium pentothal, put a tube in your throat, and they just actually look down in your stomach and see what's wrong." Said, "He..." Said, "He's your type of people, he's a Christian." Said, "Why don't you go see him."

175 I took his name: Dr. Van Ravensworth. So, when I come back, I went up to see the old doctor. Oh, he's a fine old man from Dutch East Indies, out of a big line of missionaries. And he had heard of me and read my book, and oh, he just shook my hand, he said, "Brother Branham, I'd be glad to do that for you." He said, "Tell you what to do; next week you run over at the hospital over here," and said, "and call me up before you go." And said, "I have to give you a little shot of pentothal." And said, "Then when I do," said, "it puts you to sleep for five minutes."

176My little girl had just took it to have a tooth pulled, and Brother Norman's little girl. "A five minute sleep," I thought, "that won't bother me." So, I thought I'd be satisfied then, to look at it.

177 And then the next morning, I raised up in the bed and looked around, I looked over in the twin bed; my wife over there, she hadn't woke up yet. And I was looking out the window towards the great Catalina Mountains there where I live, and I looked up there where the Angel of the Lord put that Sword in my hand, where the seven Angels that you see in the picture appeared, great things taken place.

178And I looked, and as I looked, there I was standing by that tree again, right where that squirrel was. I looked up there, I thought, "That's that squirrel's den." And I thought, "Wonder if he's still up there?" in the vision. I raked the side of the tree, out he come. And before I could even bat my eye... He was the oddest looking squirrel I ever seen; now, you'll have to know my ministry to know these symbols and things. He jumped at me but he missed me; he missed my mouth, hit on my chest and fell off.

179And as soon as he did, I heard Something said, "Go to the Catalina Mountains."

180 So I turned around, I said, "Meda, are you awake, Honey?" And I woke her up.

181She said, "What's the matter?" About five o'clock in the morning.

182I said, "I was looking out here, and I saw that squirrel again, Honey."

183"What squirrel?"

184I said, "The one I seen up there at Mayo's." I said, "You know what? He missed my mouth this time, he never hit me, he went out on my chest." I said, "Praise be to God! I've looked, oh, since a little boy, I have longed to see that happen. If I could ever see that happen, not even... Before I knowed what a vision was, if I could ever see that happen, then I said, 'I'd be all right. Whatever that told me, that's what I'd be.' And for forty years I've looked for that, and there it happened."

185Before, when I was at Mayo's, the same time I was up there when they give me that message, and I saw the vision...

186 My ol' mother's gone on to Glory now, very odd woman. She had about three or four dreams in her life, and they were always true. She'd tell me, and the... She'd start to tell me, I'd tell... I'd say, "Stop right... Mama, I'll tell you what the rest of it is." See?

187Cause always when you give me a dream to interpret, you don't always tell me just exactly what it is. Then when I see it over again, I see exactly what you dreamed about, then He tells me what it is. See? You don't have to tell me what the dream is, He shows me the dream Himself. See? And then I see, I say, "Well, you didn't tell me this and tell me that." See? And so the God that can interpret a dream, can show a dream; He can show one, He can interpret it. And so then...

188 Well, wasn't there something like that in the Bible, said, "If you can..."? I--I... Just happened to come to me. Daniel, wasn't it? No, Joseph--Joseph. Well, it's somewhere in the Bible. I just remembered that, said, "If you can show me... If you can tell me what a..." Oh, it's King Nebuchadnezzar, that's right. Said, "If you can... If you can't..."

189The magicians said, "Tell me the dream."

190He said, "It's gone from me." That's right, that, I remember that; just thought of it then.

191Now notice. And Mama, she said, "Billy," when I come back, she said, "come here, son, and set down." She said, "I had a strange dream. I dreamed that I seen you a-laying sick, just about to die, with your stomach as usual." How many diets has she cooked me! And she said, "You were building a house upon a hill." And said, "I seen six white doves come down from heaven, cooing, in a letter 'S' and they set upon your chest. And you was looking, and the one in front was trying to tell you something." Said, "They was real glossy, white, doves. And they took their little heads and put against your cheek, and going, 'coo, coo, coo.'" And said, "I couldn't understand it." Said, "They just kept going, 'coo, coo, coo.'"

192I said, "Oh, I see it, praise the Lord!" And said, "They formed their letter 'S' again and went back up into the skies, going 'coo, coo, coo, coo,' going back home."

193Well, the little animal that I saw was six inches long. The string of doves that Mom saw was six, six is incomplete. I knew that someday I'd see that seventh one. That was man, suffering; so on and on it went.

194 That morning, I got up after seeing this vision; I obeyed the Lord. I took my little boy, Joseph, to school. He's listening to me now, in Tucson. I took him to school, and told Meda I didn't know when I'd be back.

195And I took off up into Catalina, up into the--the foothills, and--and went up into the place where the Angel of the Lord put the Sword in my hand. Real early; and started climbing up the mountain.

196Well, instead of going up in the peaks this a-way (which there's a lot snakes, scorpions, you know how Arizona is), I turned to my right; Something said, "Turn to your right." I went way into the peaks; I went around, and I was going around those great huge rocks, many times bigger than this tabernacle, laying up in them tops there where seldom ever a person could get.

197 And along about eleven o'clock, I was going into a little cove, back where some... a little place turned in like this over a little deer trail. And I had my shirt off, my hat in my hand, because I was just lathering with sweat. And so I turned in there, and as I turned into that little cove, I felt the presence of the Lord. I jerked off my hat and looked around. I thought, "He's here somewhere. I know He's here." I thought, "What is it?" I made a few more steps. I said, "Lord, You're here somewhere."

198And I looked laying on the path, and there laid that little squirrel; had jumped at something and missed it, and it hit a bunch of cholla (that's jumping cactus). It rammed through his head, chest, stomach, and he was dead. That odd-looking little squirrel, he had missed my mouth and hit that cholla. And the Voice of the Lord said, "Your enemy is dead." I stood there, and I trembled. I took my foot and ma-...

199 Usually crows would've eat it up. I killed a snake, couple days later than that, it laid on the road about a half hour. There's always eagles and crows flying through there, and they'll pick it up right now. I killed a coral snake, that's the most dangerous snake we got; laying right beside of me, a few days after that. I started to come back to pick it up to show it, the crows had done got it, the ravens passing over.

200And that had been laying there ever since I had seen the vision, two days before; I believe it was on Saturday, and I went up there on Monday. So there he was, laying on there dead. I mashed through it with my foot.

201 I went back around, set down again; set there and cried a while, and prayed; looking down over Tucson, miles below me.

202Turned back around and come back, it still laid there. When I entered that cove the Spirit of God come on me again.

203I went on around, went down the mountain. Went in and told my wife, I said, "Honey, I don't know how, but I'm going to get over this."

204Dr. Ravensworth, when he give me the examination, he said, "It's totally impossible for you to be well." He give me a shot of pentothal that was to last me for five minutes, and I slept ten hours. So that stuff, even an aspirin just knocks me out. So they... He give me a shot, put that tube down my throat. When I come to, and he told me the next morning, he said, "Reverend, I hate to tell you this, but" said "your stomach walls are even so hard, they're dried up." I never seen it; he used the name of gastritis, and I went and looked in the dictionary and it said, "something that's withered away." And said, "You can't get over it." He said, "You'll always have it." And I would've been a discouraged boy if it hadn't been for the vision of the Lord.

205 And the next day Something said, "Go back to the mountain."

206And that day instead of going one way, I was led to go another way. And I was standing there; and looking, setting in the front of me, and there set that seventh little, white dove, looking right at me. I rubbed my eyes, I said, "Surely, it's a vision; surely, it is." I looked, and I said, "Little dove, where do you come from?" Just as pretty and white, could've been a pigeon; whatever it was, away in that wilderness.

207God Almighty, Who raised up Jesus Christ from the dead, Whose servant I am, and His Word laying here, open before me, know that I tell the truth and lie not.

208There set the dove, setting there looking at me. I walked around, I thought, "Surely, it's a vision." I turned my head, I looked back, and there he set there; them little, white wings, just as snowy as he could be; his little, yellow feet; and little, yellow beak; setting there looking at me. He was watching right straight westward. I walked around him like that, I wouldn't touch him for nothing. I walked on up the trail; looked back, and there he still set watching me.

209Brother, as a son of Abraham, I consider not what the doctor told me, I'm going to be well, anyhow!

210 The third day I went back, I was climbing up high. And many of you know the vision about the Indian chief riding that little wall to the west. Something attracted me off to a big rock, about noontime, said, "Lay your hands against that and pray." God in Heaven knows this is true.

211I laid my hands against the rock and looked up towards Heaven and started praying, and I heard a Voice coming out of the top of the rocks there, said, "What are you leaning against, over your heart?" And I raised back like this, my bare shoulders; naked from my waist up, hot. I looked back. And there was wrote in the quartz, in the stone, "White Eagle"; just exactly what the vision said that the next Message would come forth by.

212I was so excited, I run home; got a camera and come back the next day, and took the picture of it. It was still there, wrote in the rock: "White Eagle." (Dove leading eagle.)

213 Somehow, I--I know. I'll tell you before it happens. The doctor's a good doc-... good doctor, no doubt; I--I think he's a fine man. But I--I know I'm going to be over it. It's done! It's finished, and I'm going to be well!

214And I was thinking as Ernie sang that song a few moments ago, On The Wings Of A Dove. How is the melody to that? Start it for me, Ernie.

... wings... snow-white dove, (sing it with me)

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Was a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

215I understand Ernie made two verses of that. I'm going to make you three verses.

Noah had drifted

On the floods many days,

He searched for land,

In various ways;

Troubles he had some,

But not from above,

For God gave him His sign

On the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Was a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

Jesus, our Saviour

Came to earth one day;

He was borned in a stable,

In a manger of hay;

Though here rejected,

But not from above,

For God gave us His sign

On the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Oh, a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

Though I have suffered

In many a way,

I cried for healing

Both night and day;

But faith wasn't forgotten

By the Father above,

He gave me His sign

On the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Oh, a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

216 Dear God, I thank You for these things, Father. You give Noah the sign, You gave the world the sign, and You gave me a sign. And the next day, seeing that eagle flying, O God, there's a Message coming forth now, and I pray, God, that You'll let the Dove lead. Grant it, Lord. It's led me to a faith I never had before. I know, God, I know it's going to be all right; so I thank You for it, Father.

217And, tonight, send down Your Message again, Lord, on the wings of the Dove of the Word. Grant it, dear Heavenly Father. And every one that passes through this platform, tonight, and out yonder in the meetings across the country, may Your great Dove of faith fall into their hearts and give them faith, Lord, for their healing. Remember that God is not a respect of person. He could a-send the Message to Noah, could send It to John the Baptist, could send It to me, can send It to others.

218I pray that that Dove will fly into every heart right now, Lord, with Its little, golden beak, and whisper that, "By His stripes... By My wounds and stripes you are healed." God, grant that our transgressions will be blotted out, our iniquities will be forgiven us, and that our sickness will be healed. It's in Your hands, Father. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

With your heads bowed just one minute longer.

219 How many here would like to say, if you can and want to say this, "Brother Branham, I've been wrong all my life. I've wanted to serve God, but tonight I'm ready to surrender. Pray God, that that Dove will fly into my heart tonight. I can feel It flutter His wings as He comes in"? Raise your hands, will you? Here in the visible audience, my, all over the building.

220Way out into the audiences across the country, way up to Brother Hunt and Brother Coleman, out to Brother Leo and them, down into Tucson, over in the Branham Tabernacle, across the West Coast, raise your hands everywhere: "I want the Dove to fly into my heart tonight. Bring me God's sweet love on the wings of a snow-white Dove, the Holy Spirit. Bring It to me, tonight, Lord, and drop into my heart the faith that I have need of."

221In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray, God, forgive our sins. The wounded Dove has brought the Message back, O God, "It's finished!" We believe that. Just give us faith to believe It, we pray. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Was a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

222 Where'd that dove come from? I don't know. He wouldn't have been out there in that wilderness like that. No, no! No, he wouldn't have been there. And why was he white? The Heavenly Father knows he was as white as my shirt. There he set there.

But it was on the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Oh, a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Oh, a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

223Oh, don't you feel real humble? Let's just shake one anothers' hands, and sing it.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

224Let's raise our hands to Him, and sing it.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

Noah had drifted

On the floods many day,

He searched for land,

In various way;

Trouble he had some,

But not from above,

God sent down His sign

On the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Oh, a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

Jesus, our Saviour

Came to earth one day;

Borned in a stable,

In a manger of hay;

Though here rejected,

But not from above,

God gave us His sign

On the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends down His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

225 Why, me an old man, suffered all my life, why did He heal me now? I believe I'll ride this trail again, I got to bring a Message! And I say to my Father, tonight, (as Junior seen in a--a dream the other night of the wings of this Dove, moving in these windows here), Lord, Your servant's reporting for service. Amen, I'm ready!

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends me His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

226Let's believe now that He's moving in upon the audience.

On the wings of a snow-white... (We're waiting, Lord.)

God sends down His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

227 You that got prayer cards, in this aisle here, step forward over here; stand up, step forward in this aisle here, over this a-way.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

228Those with prayer cards in this line, step out to your left.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends His pure sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

229Those... []

Oh, on the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent me His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

230 Where did the dove come from up there in the wilderness? I'd say this: God seen Abraham needed a ram for a sign, He's Jehovah-jireh, "the Lord can provide for Himself the sacrifice." To think of it! The same God, by the same inspiration, by the same kind of people, sent a dove. He's still God, Jehovah-jireh can provide anything He has need of.

231Won't you, just while you're coming through this prayer line now, ask God to provide for you on the wings of the Dove? The Dove, Spirit of the Holy Ghost, to give you faith in your heart to believe that you're going to be healed.

232 I'm trying to get them all on their feet, you see. I'm asking now. Brother Brown's at his place. Brother Jack... What say? [Someone speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] All right, good. This section here, comes through this a-way first, that's lined up. The sections back over in here fall right in behind them. These fall right in behind the wing. And you fall right in behind these here, coming right around to be prayed for.

233Now, I'm sure this is not going to be no fast line, we're just going to take a little time so we can really pray for each one, far as we can.

234Now, I cut my message just a little short (and you all caught that, see) so that I could have this prayer line. This is a memorial line in honor of the days when Brother Jack Moore, Brother Young Brown, your wives let you go, and you come over and we went out into California, and all through Arizona (together, through the desert), and prayed for the sick.

235 You know what? There's people living today that was dying then, and still alive because of that effort. What did it do? It sprung up Divine healings in every church there is in the country, now even Presbyterians and so forth. They... It hushed their mouth, for it taken God to anoint somebody to slay the Goliath, to show that it could be done, then the rest of them took courage (that's right) and went on. It can be done again, for He still sends His love on the wings of a Dove.

236Christians, I want you to listen. If I would stand here and try to quote to you of the supernatural things that I've seen happen even in the past three years, I'd be here this time next Saturday night, telling you. I don't even speak of it so much, 'cause it sounds like it's almost impossible, but I tell you the Truth. It's exactly the Truth. We're living under the leadership of the Great Mighty Jehovah, the same One that was with the prophet in the Old Testament, with the Church in the New Testament, He's here today taking a Bride out of the Gentiles for His Name's sake. Believe It! Won't you, people? If you ever did believe It, believe It right now. That's who... I want you to do it. We don't know what'll happen yet tonight. We don't know what will happen. We're just waiting under expectation.

237 Please, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, I ask you as His servant. I know when you're dealing with congregations, you got everything mixed in there. But if you believe me as His servant, if there's one speck of doubt (or sin is--is "doubt, unbelief"), if there's one speck of it in your heart, ask Father to take it away right now. See? "Lord..." And then when you come with genuine faith... Now, my hands won't mean nothing unless That strikes you first; then when it comes, it'll light it off, you'll be healed. That's right, you'll know you'll be healed. See, you'll believe it.

238 Now, I'm going to pray now for each one of you. And now... When you do this, you put your hands over on one another too, so we're... And you be praying for the person you got your hands on, then I'm going to bring you through the line. Put your hands on somebody that's with you in the line.

239 Dear God, I--I don't know no other way of saying these things, Lord. I just know to tell what I know is the Truth, and You're my witness tonight that I am telling the Truth. My faith, Lord, and my own healing in the future; I don't know when, I don't know how, I don't understand it; but I believe It, Lord, that I received the sign from above. That seventh dove finally got here, the seventh inch is soon finished on the animal. It's over!

240God, I want to serve Your people. So I pray, God, that You'll so anoint us tonight that whoever we lay our hands on, may they be healed; not because it's us, but because it's following Your commandment. You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Lord, help me to believe, and help their hearts to be the bedding ground of faith. And may, together, for the glory of God, every sick and afflicted person in this building (or the buildings throughout the land) that's obeying these commands now, will be made well. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask it. Amen.

241 Have faith; all of you pray with us. Now, this is not a line of discernment.

242[] Depression, fear, I know what this... Poor little thing, she said she's never seen peace in life. The same thing that I... Can't sleep, nervous, tension.

243Dear God, bear me record, Lord, that I've told the Truth. How I feel for this little woman! I pray, God, that You'll send to her, tonight, that streak of faith from above that knows that You are obligated to Your Word, and You'll keep every Word. May the God of Heaven take this fear away from my sister. And I obey You by laying my hands upon her and condemning it. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may it come out of her. Amen.

244Now, look sister, you believe me now, if you can start from right here, by the cross. From this night, deny you got it. See, go on saying, "I haven't got it no more." Then it will leave you.

245 Sister Palmer, our sister, Sister Palmer; her husband is a very dear friend of mine, a minister from Georgia or Alabama, Georgia--Georgia. And she was coming up to the tabernacle... They drive, when I'm preaching up at tabernacle, fifteen hundred miles to hear one service. Brother Palmer lost control of his car, or the boy, one, when they was turning a corner, and they had a wreck. She's got an effect of it. Let's pray:

246Dear God, deliver this servant of Yours, his little wife, loyal, true, little servant in Christ, I pray, God, as I lay my hands upon her with my Brother Jack Moore here, that You'll heal her and make her well. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

247 In the right foot, and you're standing for him? His little boy is crippled, he's got a hurting in his stomach and back. Let's pray:

248Dear God, let that snow-white Dove dip down into his heart just now, "Wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, with His stripes we are healed." I ask this to be so for our brother and for his little son, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

249Severe headache pains, and a leg ailment that bothers him while he's a-working.

250Dear God, grant Your healing blessing upon this young man, as we as servants of God lay our hands upon him. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

251 She has a lady's trouble, female, and also she wants the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.

252Dear God, as I offer you this prayer of faith for this little lady, may the female trouble be gone, may the Baptism of the Holy Ghost come on the wings of a Dove, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. (God bless you, sister.)

253Growth on his eye, and for his loving companion.

254Dear God, You know the hearts of man. I pray Thee Father, in Jesus' Name, that You'll grant this request that this brother's asked; and our obedience to Your Word of laying hands on him. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. (God bless you, brother.)

255She has a growth in her left side, and also her voice is bad.

256Dear Jesus, I pray that You'll heal this sister; laying hands upon her in the Name of Jesus Christ, that her healing will be. Amen. (God bless you, my sister.)

257Poor sister, I see your trouble, swollen limb. Kidney, bladder, and a ankle throwed out of place.

258O Father, God, heal this precious woman, Lord, I pray, as I lay hands upon her in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

259God bless you, sister; that's the way, it'll be done.

260You hear that, don't you, on the microphone? Ever who's at... the engineer, if you'll step it up just a little bit, the audience can hear their testi-... or what they say when they come by. Be in prayer for them when you hear it; when I start praying, you pray with me.

261Dear God, I pray for this our sister, that You'll heal her, dear God. We're doing this because it's Your command. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

262 Dear God, You hear that testimony, You hear what the enemy's done to her. We are trying to take the Name of Jesus and defeat this enemy; he is already because the bruised, striped Dove fell in the floor of the House of God with a Message, "It's over!" Grant it, may she believe that, Father, in Jesus' Name.

263Dear God, I pray that You'll heal this our sister. May the Dove of God witness to her tonight that He did it for her, that she could be well. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

264Dear God, I lay my hands upon my brother who stands here. He had enough faith to come this far, Lord, now may he receive his healing and go to his seat well. In Jesus' Name.

265Dear God, I pray for our brother, laying hands upon him. Help, dear God, that the faith of God will dip down just at this time; and be like Abraham, call those things which are, as though they're--are not, for God made the promise. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

266 Dear God, You are the One who can make the true decision. I pray, dear God, as this young lady asked for this, may she receive it in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

267Dear God, I lay my hands upon our sister in obeying what You said do. This takes us back for many years, Lord, since we run a prayer line like this; but we know what happened then, we know You're the same God today if people can have the same faith today. I pray in Jesus' Name for our sister's healing. Amen.

268Dear God, I lay my hands upon my brother here and ask for his healing, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

269Father, I bring before you tonight this our sister, and lay my hands upon her to witness that I'm standing as a witness of Your strength, stand as a witness of Your visions, Your Word, and I'm a witness that You are God. And I lay hands upon her in obedience to the Word of my God, and ask for her healing. Amen.

270 Dear God, I lay hands upon my brother in like manner, as a witness of Your strength I ask for his healing in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

271[] "What?"

272She said, "The Healer." Said that "A man from up somewhere, up in Arkansas, had been healed that morning, a blind shoe cobbler." You know the story. It'd been on the radio.

273And I said... I thought... I played the part of a hypocrite. I said, "You don't believe that's the Truth?"

274She said, "Yes, sir, I do."

275And I said, "Do you believe in this day when God would do something like that, when..."

276She said, "Sir, I listened to the religious program." She said, "I'm a Christian." She said, "I listened to the programs, I heard that man up there that was healed this morning, that blind shoe cobbler. They throwed him out of the church, he was making so much noise, one church to the other. With his hat on a cane, wiggling it around, running up-and-down the churches, everyone in the city, hollering, 'I'm healed! I'm healed!' A blind shoe cobbler."

277I said, "Do you believe that?"

278And she stood there a little bit, was kind of drizzling rain, she said, "Sir, if you'll get me in where he's at, then I'll find my father." Then I felt about like that.

279I said, "Maybe I'm the one you're looking for."

280She said... grabbed me by the lapels of the coat, she said, "Is you the Healer?"

281I said, "No, sister, but I'm Brother Branham."

282She said, "Have mercy!"

I thought of poor old blind Fanny Crosby, "While on others Thou art calling, do not pass me by." See, He had healed one, He could heal her.

283I put my hands over her eyes, I said, "Dear Jesus, one day an old rugged cross come bumping down the street, the shoulders with blood running out of them, the little frail body that was packing it fell under the load. A colored man by the name of Simon, of Cyrene, came up and picked up the cross, helped Him bear it. I'm sure You remember it, Father. And one of his children is staggering here in darkness, I'm sure You understand."

284She said, "Glory to God! I can see!" Uh-huh.

285I said, "Can you see?"

286She said, "Yes, sir."

287I said, "Count them lights." And she counted them. I said, "What color suit I got on?"

288Said, "You got on a gray suit, with a yellow tie." That was it, she could see.

289Oh, God respects humility. Uh-huh.

This in itself is that which will make, and bring to pass, the tremendous victory in the Love Divine.

290 Dear God, have mercy and heal my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

291Dear God, as I take this feeble, wrinkling hand, only You know what's passed through here. I pray, dear God, that the same hand I got tonight will embrace like those feeble hands of Simeon that day, "Lord, let Thy servant depart in peace, for I now see Thy salvation." May It come upon her, Lord, Your salvation, and make her well in Jesus' Name. Amen.

292 [] On The Trial, Mr. Unbelief indicted Jesus Christ. You remember The Trial? How that the... They had the--the attorney and everything, and who stood for who. And we had the--the prosecuting attorney, Satan, that was going to prosecute; how the, trial was brought.

293And he said, one, Mr. Doubter, he come up, he said, "I heard a preacher say, 'Anoint the sick in oil, the Bible says that.' I was anointed in oil, wasn't healed. The other one said, 'Lay hands on the sick, they shall recover.'" He was trying to prosecute.

294But when the witness came forth, here it was, "God told them, said, 'You'd been... '" He said, "It's been six months since I had hands laid on me, and Your Word says that 'Lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.' And hands was laid on me by one of Your anointed servants, and I haven't recovered yet. Therefore, You're a false pretender, because Your Word don't mean what It says."

295 So when the witness come up, the true was this, that "His Word is true. He never said when He would do it, He said, 'These signs shall follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover.' See? See, that's what He said, 'They shall recover.' So whether it's a prong miracle just happen right like this or whether it's just obeying God, that's up to Him in the individual. See? But if the individual believes It, I don't care how long it takes. He said to Abraham, 'You're going to have a baby by Sarah.' The baby never come for twenty-five years. He told Noah it was 'going to rain.' Noah had the flood... the--the ark built for the flood, many, many years before the flood came, but he knew it was going to rain. The Bible said, 'The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and God shall raise them up.' When? He didn't say. God is just, He's true, just read what His Word says."

296That's what I've done tonight, laid hands on the sick. Now, I believe every one of them's going to be healed. I believe, every one of them. Do you believe the same? Now believe for these afflicted people.

297 There's a little lady here, seems like I ought to know, I prayed for her last night, out there in the prayer line. What's her name? Chambers... Chambless. If that little lady would have lived--would have lived normally, wouldn't a-been afflicted, she certainly been a beautiful woman. And she's setting there now, shaking. Lovely, fine spirit in the girl. And she sets there jerking like this. Oh, how that breaks my heart. How that I've wished... just how I would!

298Here's a little baby, lady setting here holding it. Its little tongue hanging out, its little body afflicted. What if that was my little Joseph? What if it was my little grandson Paul? What if that was Rebekah setting back there, or Sarah? What if Mrs. Simpson here was my wife Meda? This young man setting here was Billy Paul? This aged woman setting here was my mother? Remember, it's somebody's baby, somebody's sister, somebody's daughter, and somebody's son. See? I am their brother, He is our Saviour. All that I can do is... what faith I've got is offered in their behalf. That's all I know.

299 Now, the Lord can show me a vision, He could tell me what's the matter with each one of them. I can prove that to you, see, you know that. But that don't heal them. That doesn't heal them. No, it's got to be something drop in them, see. And I hope...

300Like I could go up here take each one of you and baptize you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that won't remit your sins. No, no! No, I don't believe in water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ unto regeneration; I believe the Blood is regeneration, see, not--not the waters. But, see, I could baptize and baptize, but you only go down a dry sinner, come up a wet one; see, until you have thoroughly repented. Repent, and then be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. See? And that's what I different with the Oneness movement. Not baptizing to regeneration, no; I believe it's the Blood that cleanses, not the water. See? Repentance, and then be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.

301 Now I'm going down to pray. And these people are just as much to you as they are to me, maybe even more in that line of relation.

302Now let's all join together, and your hands in faith, and my hand in faith, bringing down the hands of the Lord Jesus to lay on these poor crippled people. Will you pray with me?

303[] Those with handkerchiefs that's for the sick and the afflicted, you may get them right after service. Now help me pray for these, will you?

304God, we thank You, Lord, for what You have done tonight. We thank You in advance for the healing of every person come through the line. Dear God, I pray over these handkerchiefs, perhaps for some who could not even come to the meeting, and their loved ones brought the handkerchiefs. In the Bible we're taught that they took from the body of Paul, handkerchiefs or aprons. Now, those people back there had lived in Your presence, they had seen You on the street, they had seen You in their meeting, and they had seen Your same Spirit upon Paul. And they knew it wasn't that man, it was Your Spirit that was dominating his life, for we see Paul doing the same things that You did.

305And now, Lord, the people of this day sees the same God living in His Church with His people. And they've brought these handkerchiefs, that they might be taken from here to their loved ones. Grant it, God, that every one of them will be healed in Your own way. We don't request any certain thing to be done of any certain way or any certain nature; we just ask, "In Your own way, Father, heal them." For the glory of God, I offer this prayer of faith over it. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

306 I've had a wonderful time of fellowship around your faith, your presence in Jesus Christ. This will be a meeting that I'll long remember of what taken place: love, cooperation, fellowship.

307And now, till we meet again, may God of Heaven guide you. He Who makes the stars to shine bright at night to lighten up the path when it's growing dim, may He lighten your path with the Star of Bethlehem to guide you to a full surrendered life in His Word, is my prayer.

Till we meet, till we meet,

Till we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet, till we meet,

God be with you till we meet again.

308Now let us stand. My Faith Looks Up to Thee!...?... I... well, I'll change that. I believe that's fine.

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

Saviour Divine!

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my sin away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

309 Now let's shake one anothers' hands when they sing.

While life's dark maze I tread,

And griefs around me spread,

Be Thou my Guide;

Bid darkness turn to day,

Wipe sorrow's tears away,

Nor let me ever stray

From Thee aside.

310Feel better now, don't you?

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

Now on the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

311That's our closing message for this campaign.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

312 Bow our head. As the wheels hum a song going home, I trust it'll... you'd hear the humming of the wheels, the roaring of the engine.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

[Brother Branham begins humming the chorus--Ed.]

... dove,

God sends His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

313With your heads bowed, I give you to your... Brother Noel.

1  Skloňme svoje hlavy. Drahý Pane, ďakujeme Ti dnes večer za zasľúbenie príchodu Pána Ježiša, kde sa stretneme vo veľkom zhromaždení radostí a piesní, ktoré nikdy neskončí, aby sme Ťa chválili cez tie nekonečné veky, ktoré nastanú. Prosíme aby si požehnal dnes večer toto zhromaždenie. Prosíme o Tvoje požehnania pre túto modlitebňu, pre jej osadenstvo, jej pastorov, jej spolupracovníkov, spolupastorov a pre všetkých.

2  Pane, prosíme Ťa, aby si požehnal týchto, ktorí prešli mnoho míľ, aby boli na zhromaždení, polož Svoju ruku milosti na nich, keď budú cestovať späť do svojich domovov. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech sa stretneme veľa krát spolu na tomto mieste nazvanom dom Boží, k uctievaniu. Požehnaj tých, Pane, ktorí sú naladení dnes večer cez telefón. Nech dnes večer každá nespasená osoba najde Ježiša Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa. Uzdrav všetkých nemocných a postihnutých. Otče, tvoj služobník sa hlási do služby, v Mene Ježiša. Amen!

3  Nech Pán požehná každého z vás. Som tak šťastný, že tu môžem byť dnes večer. Práve som sa dostal dnu, keď brat Ernie spieval tú poslednú časť svojej piesne, Na Krídlach Holubice. Zaiste nádherná báseň, istotne nádherná a ja viem, že je to aktuálne. Tak teraz, my sme veľmi vďační.

4  A všetkým vám ľuďom, ktorí ste naladení dnes večer naprieč krajinou, prajem vám, keby ste len tu videli toto vyčkávanie, očakávanie na tvárach ľudí, ako sú oni naprataní v budove dnes večer, majúc nádherný čas.

5  Chceme poďakovať bratovi Jackovi Moore, sestre Moore a bratom Noel, Boutliere, Brown, všetkým týmto spolupracovníkom tu, celej modlitebni, celému osadenstvu za pozvanie.

6  To bolo ... skutočne ... tak trochu ... nemohol by som povedať náhoda, bola to jednoducho ruka Božia, ktorá to učinila. Je tu brat, ktorý mal pred nejakým časom sen o tom, že toto sa deje, povedal, že som stál v bielych nohaviciach a v indiánskych mokasínach. A presne tak som tam stál, keď som volal bratovi Jackovi ohľadne týchto zhromaždení tu, celkom presne, (v Carson, Colorado) Mal som indiánske mokasíny a biele nohavice značky Levi. Brat Leo, ak počúvaš, stretol som ťa práve za pár minút potom. Tak vtedy sa vlastne zrodili tieto zhromaždenia, práve tam.

7  Teraz je nedeľa večer. Viem, že mnohí z vás budú cestovať celú noc dnes večer idúc domov, niektorí z vás ráno. Ja mám pred sebou dva dni jazdy. A tak vás nechceme držať veľmi dlho. Pokúsil som sa urobiť toto akýmsi starodávnym večerom, aby brat Brown a brat Jack a my všetci, ktorí sme od dávna zvykli modliť sa za chorých, chceli by sme sa modliť za chorých tým istým spôsobom, ako sme to robili vtedy.

8  Teraz, počujete ma tam v zadu? Ja len stišujem tieto mikrofóny, lebo som zachrípnutý.

9  A tak chcem ... spomenúť určitú udalosť, ktorá sa stala. Povedali mi pred chvíľou, že tu máme brata, možno je tu dnes večer v zhromaždení, ktorý práve vyšiel z denominacionalizmu. Prišiel do Shreveportu, chcel počuť o Posolstve. A poplietol sa, nevedel, kde sa nachádza, tak išiel do centra mesta. Videl zhromaždených ľudí, povedal, „Je toto miesto, kde bude kázať Billy Branham?“

10 On povedal, „Nie, tu bude kázať Billy Graham cez film.“

11 Povedal, „Tak, prepáčte, prišiel som na nesprávne miesto.“

12 Povedal, že vyšiel odtiaľ a pýtal sa, „Nuž, kam mám ísť, Pane?“  Povedal, že začal kráčať po hlavnej ulici. Neviem, čo to je za ulica, tu na konci je veľký kostol. /Niekto v zhromaždení hovorí „Texsaská“/ Texaská. A na kostole bol veľký biely kríž. Povedal, že Pán mu povedal, „Len choď ďalej“ Povedal ... keď sa tam dostal, bolo tam ... Povedal, „No, tu to musí byť, tu okolo je veľa áut.“ A povedal, „Nevesta a ženích vychádzali z toho kostola.“ To bolo včera večer, bola svadba, videl som to. „Pán povedal, ́Tak, to je to. Ty vychádzaš z denominacionalizmu, aby si vošiel do Nevesty, aby si išiel so Ženíchom.“ Vidíte, vidíte?

13 Hovoril som svojej žene, ako sme išli ulicou približujúc sa do toho kostola, všimol som si, ako sa mesiac a hviezda vznášajú rovno nad tým krížom. Možno sa proste dívam na takéto drobné veci, sú možno nejakou pochvalou mojej viery v Boha a mojej služby.

14 Premýšľal som dnes večer o tom čo sa stalo v Tucsone, ako Victor LaDeaux, on bol ten Francúz ... on je pravý Francúz. Myslím, že som vám to už niekedy hovoril. Raz, keď som skončil hovoriť, snažil som sa oddeliť denominacionalizmus od skutočného Kresťanstva ... Jeden muž z jednej slávnej denominačnej Letničnej cirkvi sa o tom krátko so mnou rozprával.

15 A tak Danny Henry, myslím, že on je bratranec nejakej filmovej hviezdy alebo také niečo a on bol baptista. A on dobehol na pódium, objal ma okolo ramien a povedal: „Brat Branham, dúfam, že toto neznie ako rúhanie, ale to by mohla byť 23. kapitola Zjavenia.“ A keď chcel hovoriť ďalej, začal hovoriť v iných jazykoch.

16 A traja Francúzi . . . Nejaká Francúzka (veľká, silná žena tmavej pleti, z Louisiany, možno tu sedí dnes večer), napísala to na kúsok papiera, to, čo on povedal. Potom Victor LaDeaux, kazateľ, napísal tú istú vec. A oni išli porovnať čo zapísali. Nejaký svetlovlasý muž, ktorý stál niekde vzadu, sa pretlačil prišiel a chcel vidieť tie poznámky. On bol prekladateľ Francúzštiny na U.N. A všetky tri záznamy boli rovnaké.

17 A toto tam bolo povedané:

  Pretože si si vybral túto ťažšiu cestu ... Ty si si ju vybral, zobral si ... vybral si si ju  svojou vlastnou voľbou. (samozrejme vieme, že Mojžiš musel urobiť svoj výber) Je to dobrá a správna cesta, lebo to je MOJA CESTA.

  Čo za slávne rozhodnutie si urobil! ... Pre toto čaká na teba veľká porcia Neba. A to spôsobí a prinesie obrovské víťazstvo Božej lásky.

18 Všetky tri boli rovnaké. Myslel som, že ten originál mám dnes večer v Biblii, pozrel som sa, ale nemám ho, ten originálny exemplár.

19 Danny Henry, tak ako aj ja, nevie ani dobre anglicky, tobôž Francúzky. Ak si to tam všimnete, je to ako francúzsky jazyk, oni dávajú sloveso pred príslovku. A tá interpretácia všetkých troch zápisov bola úplne rovnaká.

20 Danny Henry, pred časom, on urobil ... Danny možno počúva dnes večer. Victor LaDeaux hádam je tu, dozvedel som sa, že je v Tucsone. A vy ľudia z cirkvi v Tucsone, modlitebňa v Tucson, kde je pastorom brat Green. Dozvedel som sa, že Brat Victor LaDeaux organizuje stanové zhromaždenie blízko križovatky Park Avanue s diaľnicou 80. A ak máte zajtra večer alebo nasledujúci večer voľný, dokiaľ tam on bude, choďte ho počúvať. Danny asi bude s ním. Ja neviem, ale oni nás možno počúvajú dnes z modlitebni.

21 Krátko po tom Danny išiel do Jeruzalema a povedal, že tam ležal v hrobke na doske ... skalnatej tabuli, na ktorej ležal Ježiš, vlastne mŕtvola pred Jeho vzkriesením. A povedal, že z ničoho nič začal myslieť o mne. A povedal, že vybehol, začal plakať a prechádzal sa vonku. A bol vedený ... On vyrába veci zo skál, z kamenných úlomkov. Povedal, že išiel tam, kde oni povedali, že bol vbitý ten kríž a vzal odtiaľ malý úlomok zo skaly, asi takýto ... ó, maličký hranol, alebo také niečo. Vložil ho do vrecka a tešil sa, že to prinesie domov.

22 Keď prišiel, niečo mu povedalo, „Urob z toho bratovi Branhamovi pár manžetových gombíkov.“ Tak to položil do kyseliny a to zmenilo farbu z obyčajného vápenca na akoby zakrvavený kameň. A urobil z toho manžetové gombíky.

23 A keď mi ich dal, on si to nevšimol, ale rovno cez stred oboch manžetových gombíkov prechádza priamy, úzky pásik. Mám ich dnes večer, keď sa budem modliť za chorých. Vidíte, krvavá farba, ako kvapkajúca krv, s priamou, úzkou čiarou ktorá prechádza stredom. Presne to, čo povedalo jeho proroctvo, „Rovná a úzka cesta.“ Vidíte, v tom proroctve. Ukázal som mu to.

24 Danny, ak počúvaš, ty alebo brat LaDeaux, jeden alebo druhý, dnes večer budeme mať ten starodávny večer, kedy sa budeme modliť za chorých. Teším sa, že idem touto priamou, úzkou cestou, cestou Evanjelia, cestou Slova, s našim Pánom Ježišom Kristom.

25 Nech vás Boh všetkých žehná. Tak príjemne je hovoriť do vás. Budem hovoriť dlho a dlho vás tu zdržím.

  Billy povedal, že je tu okolo tristo alebo štyristo ľudí, ktorí čakajú na modlitbu, takže budem sa ponáhľať so svojim posolstvom a potom sa budem modliť za chorých.

26 Tým, ktrorí sú z Arizony, nabudúcu sobotu večer sme znovu v (nikdy si nemôžem spomenúť meno toho mesta) v Yume, v Arizone, na recepcii. A potom do Kalifornie pôjdeme hneď v nedeľu ráno, do Los Angeles a na miesta, ktoré boli dohodnuté.

27 Dnes večer, chcem vziať jeden text z Písma.

28 Mimochodom, sedel som dnes v Morrisonovej kaviarni. Brat Jack, jeho žena, ja a moja žena. Išli sme tam do Morrisonovej kaviarne, aby sme strávili spolu krátky čas. Naše ženy sa nikdy pred- tým nevideli. Prišiel ku mne jeden mladý človek, volá sa Green, je to otec brata Pearry Greena. A povedal: “Vieš, brat Branham, v jeden večer si hovoril o spínači do vlasov. V skutočnosti išlo o sponky, ale ty si hovoril o spínačoch. Priniesol som ti spínač.” A dal mi ho.

29 Nuž, to je spínač, dámy, to sa nedáva do vlasov. Povedal, že on používal ten spínač pred rokmi do spínania stránok v Biblii. Povedal, že to je skutočný spínač. Tak ak si niekde tu, brat Green a počúvaš ma, vedz, že ten spínač je výborný a drží naozaj dobre.

30 Teraz sa chceme dostať rovno do Písma. A chcem, aby ste otvorili so mnou  Žalm 55 a potom tiež Matúša 3. A moja téma dnes večer je námet brata Ernieho: “Na Krídlach Snehobielej Holubice.” Nuž, nie som schopný prebrať všetky tie poznámky a Písma, ktoré tu mám, pretože niektoré z nich preskočím a pretože som sľúbil to posolstvo.

31 Ak Pán dá, v Yuma nasledujúcu sobotu večer chcem kázať na tému: Podmienky pre Vytrhnutie, ak Pán dovolí.

32 V Žalme 53 . . . Prepáčte, Žalm 55:

Počuj . . . (prosím? 55, áno)

Počuj, ó, Bože, moju modlitbu a neskrývaj sa pred mojou pokornou prosbou.

Pozoruj na mňa a ohlás sa mi, lebo chodím sem-ta vo svojom úpení a vzdychám.

pre krik nepriateľa, pre útlak bezbožníka, preto že uvaľujú neprávosť na mňa a vo vzteklosti útočia na mňa.

Moje srdce bolestí vo mne, a strachy smrti pripadli na mňa a taký strach, že sa trasiem a hrôza ma pokryla.

A povedal som: Ó, keby som mal krídla ako holubica! Zaletel by som ďaleko a býval by som na pokoji.

Hľa, ďaleko by som ušiel a bol by som na pustine. Sélah. (Selah znamená „Amen“ )

33 Dávid, milovník pustatiny, keď bol znechutený, ľudia mu neverili, a nepriatelia prišli na neho, on povedal: „Keby som mal krídla holubice, odletel by som do pustiny a tam zostal.“ Koľko krát som si myslel tú istú vec! Keby som mohol zvesiť zo steny svoju pušku, vziať svoj ruksak, odísť do pustiny a už sa viac nevrátiť. Prosil som Pána, aby som sa mohol dožiť toho dňa. Nikdy som nechcel pohrebnú službu. Povedal som: „Ak môžem len odísť niekde do lesov, oprieť svoju “blondínku” o strom ...

34 To je moja puška, prepáčte mi, ja to hovorím na účet mojej manželky, ktorá tam sedí. Viete, že tú pušku mi dal tu brat pred rokmi. Zastrelil som ňou 55 kúskou zveriny bez minutia sa cieľa. Niektoré z nich zo sedem, osem jardov. Nazývam ju „Blondína“, lebo moja žena je brunetka a ona povedala, že ja myslím viac o tej puške ako o nej. Ale . . .

35 Tak, rád by som ju položil o strom a povedal: „Pane, daj aby ju Jozef jedného dňa našiel.“ Rád by som zobral krídla holubice a odletel.

36 Ale práve tak ako raz v horách, keď som pozoroval orla a hľadel som na neho ako odlieta (poznáte moje rozprávanie o tom), povedal som: „Je dobre byť tu, Pane. Ako Peter povedal:́Mohli by sme posta- viť tri stánký. Ale dole na úpätí hory čakajú chorí a trpiaci, čakajú stratení a zomierajúci.“ Robme čo môžeme, pokiaľ trvá deň, vediac, že jedného dňa zostúpia krídla bieleho Orla, ktorý nás odnesie preč.

37 Teraz z Matúša 3:16, rád by som prečítal 16 a 17 verš:

  „A keď bol Ježiš pokrstený, hneď vystúpil z vody a hľa, otvorili sa mu nebesia a videl Ducha Božieho, ktorý zostupoval akoby holubica a prichádzal na neho.

  A hľa, bolo počuť hlas z nebies, ktorý hovoril: „Toto je ten môj milý Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo.“

38 Chceme teraz na chvíľu hovoriť o tomto vtákovi. Holubica bola vždy jedným z mojich obľúbený vtákov. A premýšľajúc o holubici, holubica je skutočne . . . a holub je ten istý vták. A holub je domáca holubica. Oni sú obaja tá istá rodina. Ja som to vyhľadal a to je tá istá rodina. Holub a holubica, oni sú obaja tá istá rodina. Obyčaje týchto vtákov sú význačné.

39 Kázal som tu pred niekoľkými rokmi na stanovom zhromaždení s bratom Moore, na tému: Baránok a holubica. Myslím, že si to všetci pamätáte. Hovoril som o tom, že holubica je najčistejším vtákom, akého máme a baránok je najpokornejšie zviera, aké máme. To sú oba obetné: obetný vták a obetné zviera.

40 Ako nádherne je to tu znázornené, že Ježiš je Baránkom a Boh Holubicou. A holubica by si nesadla na vlka, jeho povaha nie je správna. Ona by si nesadla na psa, lebo jeho povaha nie je správna. To muselo byť na baránka. Tie dve povahy mali byť rovnaké. A to je to, akí my musíme byť, naše povahy musia byť zmenené z výbušných hriešnikov na miernosť baránka.

41 A všimli ste si, že tá Holubica viedla toho Baránka? Všimnite si, Baránok odovzdal všetko čo mal, Holubici. A pozrite kde Ho Holubica viedla: k ukrižovaniu za hriechy všetkých nás.

42 Nuž, Holubica ... Keď Boh chcel zobraziť Svojho Syna. Zobrazil ho skrze najčistejšie a najmiernejšie zviera na zemi, pozemské stvorenie. Ale keď Boh zobrazil Seba v nebesiach, to bolo skrze najmiernejšieho a najčistejšieho vtáka v nebesiach, holubicu.

43 Nuž, holubice sa líšia, je ich mnoho rôznych variácií. Naša hrdlička je obyčajne taký sivý vták. A potom je ranná holubica a potom je večerná holubica. Je tiež taká, čo sa nazýva sonora, ktorú my máme doma, je to malý, sivý vtáčik, drobný s červenými pásikmi na svojich krídlach. Je mnoho rôznych druhov holubíc a oni sa líšia vo farbách. Tak isto je to s holubami.

44 Holubica je veľmi zvláštne zostavená, lebo je zvyknutá, že nemôže jesť nič, čo je nečisté. Ona by to jednoducho nemohla jesť, pretože nie je na to stavaná.

45 Tak ja som vždy hovoril o holubici, že je symbolom Boha a vrana, že je symbolom pokrytca. Vrana môže vysedávať na nejakej starej mŕtvej zdochline a jesť po celý deň a vzlietnuť rovno do poľa a jesť pšenicu s holubicou. Ale holubica môže jesť pšenicu, ale nemôže jesť mŕtvu zdochlinu. Vidíte? Ona to jednoducho nemôže, ona to nemôže stráviť. A ja som sa čudoval, prečo to nemôže jesť. Oni sú obe vtákmi. Ale prečo? To je rozdiel v ich stavbe.

46 A tak to je s opravdovým Kresťanom. Nejaký len denominačný kresťan  môže jednoducho vziať čokoľvek, ale rýdzy, znovuzrodený Kresťan nemôže vziať veci toho sveta. On je inak ustrojený.

47 Zistil som, že holubica nemá žiadnu žlč. V holubici nie je žiadna žlč, pretože ona to nepotrebuje.

48 To je tak, ako s Kresťanom, on nepotrebuje žiadnu horkosť, vidíte, lebo on môže jesť len pokrm Boží. A na to nepotrebuje horkosť aby to rozložila, vezme lásku, aby rozložila ten pokrm. Ale horkosť: „Ó, oni hovoria, „dobre. . .“ oni sa s Tým nezhodujú. Ale láska To vždy prijme, Slovo Božie.

49 Tak, ona nemá žiadnu žlč, tak preto by nemohla ... To je proste proti jej povahe, aby jedla niečo zlé. A ak by jedla, to by ju zabilo. Ale to jej vôbec nehrozí, ona to nebude jesť, pretože ona na to vôbec nemá chuť.

50 A to je to, ako je to so skutočným Kresťanom. Vedeli ste, že skutočný kresťan ani nemá započítaný vôbec žiaden hriech. Dávid povedal: „Požehnaný muž, ktorému Boh nepočíta hriech.“ Keď si umytý v Krvi Baránka (nie skrze vytvorenú vieru, ale skutočne Krvou Baránka), Boh ti neprisudzuje nič, čo bolo vykonané, pretože si pod Krvou a On to nevidí. Tam je obeť Krvi. Jediný stav v akom ťa môže vidieť, to je tak, ako ťa videl pred založením sveta, keď zapísal tvoje meno do Baránkovej Knihy Života. To je všetko, na čo On môže hľadieť, lebo ty si vykúpený zo všetkého, čo bolo kedy vykonané, si umytý v Krvi Baránka. Preto nie je v tebe žiadna žlč, nie je v tebe žiaden nečistý zvyk, pretože Krv Baránka toto urobila. A Boh ťa nemôže obviňovať z hriechu po tom, keď tam máš obeť za hriech, ktorá tam leží a čaká na teba.

51 „Dobre,“ povieš, „potom mi to dáva mnoho príležitostí, Brat Branham. Môžem robiť, čo chcem.“ Ja vždy môžem. Vždy. Ale keď môže človek skutočne vidieť, čo Ježiš pre neho urobil a otočiť sa a robiť niečo, čo je proti Nemu, to ukazuje, že nikdy neprijal Krista.

52 Mám milú manželku, ktorá sedí tam vzadu. Ona je o desať rokov mladšia ako ja a je šedivá ako som ja. Dôvod je ten, že ona stála medzi mnou a tým vonkajším svetom. Keď cestujem za more a ja by som ... Aká by to bola rodina, ak by som zhromaždil svoju rodinu okolo seba a povedal by som: „Pozri sa sem, pani Branhamová, uvedomuješ si, že si ženou Williama Branhama. Nebudeš mať žiadneho iného muža, pokiaľ som preč. Nedívaj sa na žiadneho iného muža,“ a všetky tieto veci. „Vôbec neflirtuj. Ak to budeš robiť, keď sa vrátim, rozvediem sa s tebou.“

53 A ona by sa otočila a povedala by: „Teraz, môj dobrý muž, ja ti chcem tiež niečo povedať. Nevyjdeš si so žiadnou inou ženou, zatiaľ čo budeš preč. Nebudeš robiť toto a tamto. Ak budeš, považuj sa za rozvedeného, keď prídeš domov.“

54 No, či to by bola milujúca sa rodina? Vidíte? Nie! Ak ju ja skutočne milujem ... Hoci verím, že ak by som urobil nejakú chybu a pošmykol sa a urobil niečo zle, verím, že by mi to odpustila, pretože ma miluje. A ak by ona niečo urobila, verím, že by som jej to odpustil. Zaiste, lebo ju milujem. Ale ak ju takto milujem, pokiaľ ju takto milujem, ona sa nemusí znepokojovať. Hoci by mi odpustila, ja by som ju nezranil za nič. Ja by som sa cítil ako ten najprevinilejší chlap na svete. Nemohol by som sa dočkať na tú chvíľu, aby som jej povedal, čo som urobil, pretože ju milujem. Tak, to je ... Ak ju takto milujem láskou fileo, o koľko väčšia by mala byť moja láska agapé ku Ježišovi Kristovi?

55 Hoci by som mohol fajčiť cigarety, ja som to nikdy v živote nerobil. Ale aj keby som to urobil, On by mi to mohol odpustiť. Verím, že On by mi odpustil. Ak by som pil, nikdy v živote som to nerobil, ale verím, že On by mi to odpustil. A ja Ho príliš milujem, Bože, pomôž mi, nechcem robiť nič také. Vidíte? Pretože Ho milujem. Tie veci sú preč odo mňa, pretože keď ma On zmenil z vrany na holubicu, to ma urobilo iným, moja chuť a tie veci ma opustili. Potom hriech mi nie je pripočítaný, lebo ja to nemám v úmysle robiť, nie je to vo mne, aby som to robil.

56 Teraz ďalšia veľká vec o tejto holubici. Je to veľmi zvláštny vták. Videli ste niekedy všetky tie vtáky ...

57 Jeden z mojich obľúbených vtákov je červenka. Tak, vy chlapci, prestaňte strieľať na moje červenky, vidíte, lebo ja nechcem, aby ste to robili. Moja červenka, viete ako dostala svoju červenú hruď? Viete, jedného dňa tam bol Muž zomierajúci na kríži, nikto Mu nepomohol, Boh opustil toho Človeka a On zomieral. Jeho ruky mali v sebe klince, jeho nohy a jeho bok krvácal, koruna bola na Jeho hlave a tŕne, krv stekala po Jeho tvári. A letel okolo malý vtáčik, malý hnedý vtáčik. A on sa pozrel na to, bol ... pomyslel si, že to je najžalostnejší pohľad, aký kedy videl. A on vedel, že bol iba malým vtáčkom, ale on sa pozrel na tie mohutné, veľké, ukrutné Rímske klince zabodnuté v Jeho rukách a on letel so svojim malým zobáčikom a pokúšal sa ich vytiahnuť. On mal svoju hruď celú zaliatu krvou, až bola červená. Ja chcem, aby moja hruď bola tiež zaštítená Jeho Krvou, chrániac To, keď sa s Ním stretnem. Milujem malú červenku.

58 Ale viete, červenka, ona sa musí kúpať. Ale holubica sa nemusí. Nie. Ona má vo vnútri v sebe nejaký druh oleja, ktorý ju udržuje čistú, z vnútra von. Vedeli ste to? Holubica to má! Holubica sa olejuje. Zodvihli ste ju niekedy a cítili ste tú vôňu na nej alebo na holubovi? To je olej, ktorý je produkovaný z jej vnútra. Jej telo je zložené z olejových žliaz, ktoré udržujú jej perá na vonok vždy čisté, pretože ona je očisťovaná z vnútra von. Tak je to. Ona je obdivuhodným vtáčikom.

59 Tak, ja viem, že vy ich tu môžete loviť, myslím, v Lousiane. Nerobte to! Ó, ja by som to nerobil. Hádam ak by som bol hladný, to by bolo v poriadku, ale ja ... ja by som jednoducho nemohol zmačknúť spúšť, keby som mal do niektorého streliť.

60 Holubica má veľký, zvláštny význam v našej rodine. Jedného dňa, keď moja stará mama ... Ona pochádzala zhora, tu v Kentucky, z  rezervácie kmeňa Cherokee. Ona zomierala, malá žena a bola ... Myslím, že to volali skrofulóza alebo tak nejako, ona na to zomierala. A starý otec si kľakol pri posteli, zatiaľčo mama, teta Birtie, teta Howlie, všetci z nich kľačali okolo postele, strýko Charlie, (malý, štvorročný chlapec) dieťa. Mama, najstaršia, mala asi dvanásť rokov. A ona si rozpustila svoje čierne vlasy na postel a začala spievať: „Skala Vekov, roztrhnutá pre mňa, nechaj ma ukryť sa v Tebe“, keď  zomierala. Starý tata v tom čase nebol kresťanom. Pokrstil som ho vo veku osemdesiat sedem rokov, vo Meno Ježiša Krista, dole v rieke, tam kde sa zjavil Anjel Pánov.

61 Ale zatiaľčo ona spievala túto pieseň, so svojimi zodvihnutými slabými malými rukami, priletela do dverí holubica. Priletela, posadila sa na vrch postele a začala hrkútať. Boh vzal jej dušu.

62 Bol som v Londýne, v Anglicku, s bratom Jackom a s bratom Gordonom Lindsayom a bola tam žena menom Florence Nightingale (myslím, že to je pravnučka alebo niečo také zosnulej Florence Nightingale), ktorá mi napísala mnoho listov. Ona bola dolu v Južnej Afrike, a zomierala na rakovinu. A mala nejakú fotku, videli ste ju v tej knihe. Nikdy v živote som nevidel tak núdznu osobu ako bola ona. Brat Jack, myslím, že si bol so mnou v ten deň. Išli sme do domu kazateľa, hneď za kostolom, kde ju priniesli.

63 Keď sme boli ešte tam na ... kde pristávalo lietadlo, kontrolovali nás a ona tam tiež bola v sanitke. Priviezli ju lietadlom z Južnej Afriky, lebo vedela, že v tom čase budem v Anglicku. Ten kazateľ ju vzal na faru, tak sme tam išli, aby sme sa za ňu modlili.

64 Videl som množstvo chorých ľudí, ale jej drobné ruky vyzerali, že nemali priemer ani jeden palec (2,54 cm). Na jej lebke ste mohli vidieť spojové línie kostí. A ona ... jej končatiny, ktoré vychádzali z bedier nemali viac ako dva palce, jednoducho samá kosť. Bola tak slabá, že nemohla ani podniesť ruku. A snažila sa niečo povedať, ale nemohol som jej rozumieť. Keď som nakoniec započul, myslím, že s pomocou ošetrovateľky, ona povedala, “Brat Branham, modli sa, aby ma Boh nechal zomrieť.” Ona nemohla ... nechcela žiť. A všimol som si, že slzy jej tiekli po kostiach jej tvári. Neviem, kde sa v nej vzalo toľko vlhkosti, aby mohla plakať. Jej žily boli skrčené a bola v strašnom stave. Keďže som prišiel, aby som sa modlil za chorých, nemohol som sa modliť, aby zomrela. Ale ona vyzerala, akoby nemohla zomrieť; proste nejako pretrvávala.

65 Pokľakol som spolu s vašim pastorom v tej izbe, aby sme sa modlili. A keď som pokľakol, aby som sa modlil, doletela cez okno holubica a začala hrkútať. Keď som sa prestal modliť, myslel som si, že to bola nejaká domáca holubica tam niekde. Vonku hmlisto, ako to býva v Anglicku, na Britských Ostrovoch. A táto malá holubica prestala hrkútať a odletela. Prešiel som na druhú stranu, položil som na ňu ruky a vzýval som Meno Pánovo. A tá žena je dnes mocná, silná a zdravá. Na krídlach Holubice.

66 Ona sa udržuje čistá z vnútra. Kresťan to robí tiež, on sa očisťuje z vnútra. To zadržiava tie zlé veci. On nepotrebuje žiadnu žlč, aby čokoľvek strávil, pretože on to neje. Vidíte? On je čistený z vnútra.

67 Teraz, všimnime si, že tento vták ... Veľa vecí tu mám napísaných, ale hodiny sa posúvajú dopredu. Tento vták bol tiež po- užívaný v Starom Zákone na obeť na zmierenie a očistenie. Pozrime sa len na jedno miesto v Genesis 15:9. Uvažujme o tomto verši len na chvíľu. Teraz, Abraham bol ... pýtal sa tu Boha, ako On toto urobí. A Boh posiela Svoje Slovo späť Abrahamovi a On to robí zvláštnym spôsobom. Začnime od 1. verša. Nerád by som sa s týmto ponáhľal.

  „Po týchto veciach stalo sa slovo Hospodinovo k Abramovi vo videní, ... (vidíte, Abrahám bol prorok, tak on videl videnia) ... Neboj sa Abrame, Ja som tvojim štítom a tvojou odplatou veľmi velikou. (Jehovah - mannasses, vidíte?)

  Na to povedal Abram: Ó, Pane, Hospodine (Všimnite si, veľké písmeno,Pane Bože, Elohim) Pane Bože, ... (vo videní) čože mi dáš, keď ja ta odchádzam bezdetný a majiteľom mojeho domu bude damašský Eliézer!

  A ešte povedal Abram: Hľa, mne si nedal semena, a tak hľa, cudzí syn mojeho domu bude mojím dedičom.

  A hľa, slovo Hospodinovo stalo sa k nemu povediac: Ten nebude tvojim dedičom... (Vidíte, On mu dal zasľúbenie. Keby hneď Abrahám sklamal, to zasľúbenie bolo bezpodmienečné, tá zmluva bola bezpodmienečná)... ale ten, ktorý vyjde z tvojho života, ten bude tvojim dedičom (a on mal vtedy sto rokov),.

  A Hospodin ho vyviedol von a riekol: Nože pozri hore na nebo a spočítaj hviezdy, ak ich budeš môcť spočítať. A potom mu riekol: Tak bude tvoje semä. (muž bezdetný, majúci teraz sto rokov).

  A uveril Hospodinovi a on mu to počítal za spravodlivosť.

  A riekol mu: Ja som Hospodin, ktorý som ťa vyviedol z Úra Chaldejov, aby som ti dal túto zem, aby si ju zdedil trvale.

  A povedal: Ó, Pane, Hospodine, po čom poznám, že ju zdedím trvale?

68 Teraz počúvajte toto:

  A riekol mu: Vezmi mi trojročnú jalovicu, trojročnú kozu ... (pozorujte teraz tie trojky, „trojročnú“) ...a trojročného barana a hrdličku a holúbä. (obaja tí istí ľudia, obe tie isté veci. Vidíte, oni boli používané na obete, ktoré boli predobrazom obeti Ježiša.)

69 Tá zmluva bola uzavretá... Viete, ako on rozsekol tie zvieratá na dve polovice a ako to bolo urobené ...

70 Alebo v dávnych dobách, keď oni uzatvárali zmluvu, oni zobrali a napísali dohodu. A zabili nejaké zviera, stáli medzi tými dvoma po- lovicami, roztrhli zmluvu na dvoje a každá osoba zobrala jednu časť...

71 Ako bolo zaužívané v čínskej práčovni. Ten Číňan, on nevedel písať po anglicky, tak si tam napísal a roztrhol ten kúsok papiera na dvoje a podal vám jednu časť. A vy si pamätáte tie čínske práčovne, keď to oni tak robili. A vy ...  aby ste dostali svoje šaty, tie dve časti museli do seba pasovať. Vidíte, nemohli ste ho oklamať, lebo on mal tú druhú časť. Mohli by ste napodobniť podpis ale nemohli by ste napodobniť takým istým spôsobom roztrhnutý ten papier. Vidíte? Tak, to musel byť taký istý kúsok papiera.

72 Takým spôsobom to robili v Oriente,... v dávnych dňoch na východe. Zabíjali nejaké zviera, roztrhli kožu na dvoje, postavili sa medzi ne a každý vzal jednu ... A keď dohoda bola potvrdená, priniesli tie časti a oni museli presne pasovať ku sebe.

73 Nuž to, čo mu Boh ukazuje tu je toto: v týchto obetiach sa hovorí o Kristovi. To, ako Boh zobral Ježiša na Golgotu a roztrhol Ho a prijal to telo hore do Neba a Ducha poslal dolu na nás, takže ten istý Duch, ktorý bol na Ňom, musí byť na tebe, aby pasoval s tým Telom, aby si bol Nevestou v poslednom čase. Vidíte? Je to tak. Vidíte? Nechcite byť teraz denomináciou. To bude Slovo, to čo bol On. Vidíte?

74 Ale tak ako to Slovo musí prísť do Slova, ako bunka v ľudskej bytosti. Viete, keď je vaše telo stavané, tam nie je jedna bunka ľudská, ďalšia psia a ďalšia prasačia. Ó, nie, nie. To je všetko ľudská bunka. Tak je to s Telom Kristovým, to všetko je Slovo Božie. Nie len časť z Neho, nejaká tradícia primiešaná ku Tomu. Nie, To je všetko Telo Kristovo.

75 Teraz, nachádzame tu, že on použil oboje, hrdličku a mladého holuba, pretože oni sú tá istá rodina. Tak, vy vždy ...

76 Tak všimnite si (pozriem sa len na dvojicu týchto miest Písma) Leviticus 12 a 6. verš. Nachádzame tu ten príkaz očistenia sa ženy. Ak žena mala dieťa, ona musela čakať. Ak to bol chlapec, musela čakať tridsaťtri dní, až potom mohla vstúpiť do zhromaždenia s holubicami, na očistenie. Ak mala dievča, musela čakať deväťdesiat šesť dní, až potom mohla vstúpiť do zhromaždenia.

77 Tak tu v 6. verši čítame:

  „A keď sa vyplnia dni jej očisťovania, už či za syna a či za dcéru, prinesie ročnéo baránka na zápalnú obeť a holúbä alebo hrdličku, samca, na obeť za hriech ku dveriam stánu zhromaždenia, ku kňazovi.“

78 Vidíte, ona nemôže ešte vojsť, pretože jej dni ešte neskončili, ale môže dať toto kňazovi ku dverám, za svoje obetovanie. Vidíte, buď hrdličku alebo mladého holuba. Oni sú obaja tá istá rodina.

79 Teraz to bolo použité na zmierenie a v zmierení za hriech, jedna holubica. Alebo za malomocenstvo, ktoré je symbolom hriechu, pri- niesli ste dve holubice: hlava jednej bola zoťatá, bola obrátená hore nohami a krvácala na tú druhú. A potom tá druhá holubica bola puste- ná na slobodu. A keď tá holubica letela, zmáčala zem krvou svojho druha a tá krv volala ku Bohu: „Svätý! Svätý! Svätý je Pán Boh!“

80 Či nemôžete vidieť toho zomierajúceho druha Ježiša Krista? Bol zabitý a pokropil nás, aby sme mohli ísť slobodní, volajúci „Svätý! Svätý! Svätý!“ Pánovi. Aké nádherné symboly. Prajem si, aby som mal taký hlas.

81 Nuž to je symbol veľkého Svätého Ducha ako sme práve čítali v Zjavení 3:16. Holubicu Boh používal ako znak.

82 Noemu bolo dané znamenie, ako ten brat práve o tom spieval. Boh sa rozhneval a nebolo nič, čo by zastavilo Jeho hnev, lebo On povedal: „Toho dňa, ktorého by si z toho jedol, toho dňa zomrieš.“ A Noe našiel milosť u Boha a mal postaviť archu podľa konštrukcií ... vlastne inštrukcií, ktoré mu On dal. A on sa preplavil.

83 Môžem si predstaviť jeho ... čo sa dialo v tých dňoch, keď oni hovorili: „Ten starec hore na kopci, starý fanatik, ktorý stavia nejakú archu a hovorí: ́bude pršať́ a ešte nikdy nepršalo.“ Ale to ...

84 Noe povedal: „Bude pršať, v každom prípade.“

85 Potom poznám deň, keď vošiel dovnútra, myslím... neviem aký deň to bolo, ale verím, že sedemnásteho mája. Noe vošiel do archy a Boh zavrel dvere.

86 A začali prichádzať oblaky, začal padať dážď, kanále sa začínali napĺňať, hlbinné fontány vytryskli, všetky pramene vychrlili svoje vody. Ľudia nakoniec poutekali do domov, na vyvýšeniny. Tá stará archa tam ďalej stála.

87 Po chvíli, keď sa okolo nej dosť nahromadilo, začala sa dvíhať vyššie a vyššie. Ľudia klopali na dvere a kričali, ale to nič nedalo. Noe nemohol otvoriť dvere. Boh ich zavrel, Boh jediný ich mohol otvoriť.

88 Tak je to na našej Arche, Ježišovi Kristovi. Boh pre nás otvoril dvere na Golgote a On ich zavrie s takou istotou ako ich otvoril.

89 A ona sa vznášala, ďalej a ďalej, možno míle ponad povrch zeme, keď zem vypadla z cesty... zo svojej pravidelnej obežnej dráhy. A všetko sa to zmietalo, kláty a stromy boli nesené ponad štíty hôr, vody mohutneli počas štyridsať dní a nocí.

90 A keď vetry začali ustávať ...

91 Boží hnev je strašný. Jeho láska je čistá a Božská. A Jeho hnev je práve taký Božský - práve tak Božský ako je Jeho láska, pretože On musí vyniesť súd, lebo On je sudca. On je zákonodarca a zákon bez trestu nie je zákon. Tak ku zákonu musí byť aj trest. A keď prekračujete Božie zákony, vtedy platíte pokutu.

92 No, pozorujeme, že potom keď sa Noe plavil, nepochybne trpel na morskú nemoc zo všetkého toho burácania a práskania, keď hnev Boží drvil a krúšil a všade bol krik. Potom sa to začalo utišovať, nič sa nedialo. Dni plynuli a nič sa nedialo. Možno že zásoby jedla pre zvieratá a tak ďalej sa míňali, ale nič sa nedialo. Tak si pomyslel: “Som zvedavý ... nemôžem sa pozrieť von.”

93 Archa bola tak zostrojená (ak ste v nej raz boli), bolo na nej len jedno okno a ono bolo na vrchu. Nemohli ste sa pozerať nabok, nemohli ste sa pozerať žiadnym smerom, len priamo hore. A tak to je s Archou Ježiša Krista. Vy nemôžete hľadieť na druhého človeka, nemôžete hľadieť na nič okrem Krista, keď ste v Arche, pretože tam sú len jedny dvere a On je tými Dvermi o ktorých sme hovorili dnes ráno. Musíte sa stále dívať hore, pretože „Lebo ten kto položí ruku na pluh a obzerá sa nazpäť nie je súci do orania.“

94 Nuž, ako v tejto arche ... A on mohol vidieť svetlo a možno slnečné svetlo, ale on by rád vedel, kde sa nachádza. Archa sa stále pohybovala, on mohol počuť vlny narážajúce do strán, ale on vedel, keďže už uplynulo mnoho dní, že tá voda už určite opadá. Tak on vzal nejakého nespoľahlivého vtáka, neverného a vyskúšal ho, poslal ho von. Bola to vrana a tá vrana sa nikdy nevrátila, lebo našla tam vonku potešenie, mimo archy Božej. Ona lietala od jedného mŕtveho tela na ďalšie, jedla zdochliny a mrciny, ktoré plávali na vode. A bola úplne spokojná.

95 Tak po niekoľkých dňoch to znovu skúsil, lebo vedel ... On nechcel vyjsť von do Božieho hnevu. Tak tentokrát vypustil holubicu. A táto holubica bola odlišnej povahy ako ... To nie je sup, ani nejaký zberač odpadkov, ona môže jesť len úplne čisté veci. A ona bola tak spokojná. A keďže nemohla nájsť nič iné, na čom by položila svoje nohy, vrátila sa spokojne späť do archy. Noe povedal, „Nuž, potopa stále trvá.“

96 Potom čakal niekoľko ďalších dní a vyslal ju znovu; ako svoju modlitbu, „Ó, Bože, či sa Tvoj hnev už upokojil?  Skončil Tvoj hnev, Pane? Je to všetko vykonané?“ A povedal, „Teraz, keď ju vyšlem tentoraz, ona môže zostať tam vonku, ak vody opadli, ona môže zostať.“ Ale on ju vyslal s modlitbou a potom, keď vyletela, bola riadená Bohom, vzala olivový lístok zo stromu, priletela späť a zaťukala znovu na okno.

97 Boh používal holubicu na znamenie. Ona sa vrátila späť, aby povedala, že „vody opadli“ a potom Boh otvoril dvere a oni vyšli von. To je Genesis 8:8.

98 Taktiež ju použil v Matúšovi 3:16, keď bol znova Boží hnev na zemi. A nebolo žiadnej cesty, najtemnejšia noc, polnoc, cirkvi všetko tak poprekrúcali, že nebolo z toho cesty von. A boli tam falošní učitelia, zjavovalo sa všetko možné, všetky možné vyznania, ale Boh použil znova holubicu. To Ho potešilo, vo Svojom Synovi Ježišovi sa Mu tak zaľúbilo, že sa s Ním ztotožnil.

99 Nuž, oni nemohli veriť, že toto dieťa, ktoré sa narodilo v tej stajni a ležalo v jasliach na seno, predtým ako jeho otec a matka vstúpili do manželstva. Oni si nemohli predstaviť, že Boh by použil niečo také. Tak On sa musel preukázať pred svetom. Stalo sa to v ten deň dole pri rieke, keď Ježiš zišiel, aby sa ukázal ako Božie Majstrovské Dielo (o ktorom som hovoril dnes ráno) ... Keď bol poslušný ísť do vody ...

100 No, ak si všimnete, to je veľká lekcia. Ján bol najväčším mužom na zemi, v tom čase. Ježiš povedal, že „Nikdy sa nenarodil zo ženy väčší ako on“, do toho času. A on bol prorok. Veríte tomu? Nuž, pamätajte, ak Slovo Božie príde ku niekomu na zemi, tak to bude prorok. To je vždy Božia cesta. Veríte, že Ježiš bol Slovo zamanifestované v tele? Tak je len jeden spôsob ako On môže byť predstavený. Nie skrze kňaza.

101 On neišiel a nepovedal, „Kaifáš, predstavíš Ma?“ Ak by to On  urobil, urobil by tú istú chybu ako Dávid v našej lekcii minule. Vidíte? Ak by išiel do cirkvi a povedal, „Predstavíte Ma?“

102 Len si všimnite, ešte aj keď sa narodil. Keď sa narodil, narodil sa v tieni cirkvi. A oni pravdepodobne zvonili zvoncami a robili všetko možné, ale boli to pastieri, ktorí Ho rozpoznali a mudrci. Vidíte?

103 A teraz, On je tu, na ... pripravený pre Svoju službu. A ak On je Slovo ...

104 Podľa Božieho veľkého plánu, Slovo môže len ... „Pán Boh nerobí nič, ak To prv nezjaví Svojim služobníkom prorokom.“ To je vždy Jeho zásada, musí to tak byť. Keď boli otvorené Pečate a čokoľvek ďalšie. Každú významnú udalosť, ktorá sa deje na zemi, Boh zjavuje Svojim prorokom.

105 A Ján bol prorok, pretože on prorokoval, že On prišiel.

106 Potom jedného dňa schádzal po úbočí kopca, keď stála okolo skupina kňazov a viedla sa debata ... A povedali, „Mieniš nám povedať, že sa nazývaš ́prorokoḿ a stojíš tam v tom bahne?“ (nie v cirkvi, pretože oni by ho nechceli) „Stojíš tam v tom bahne a hovoríš nám, že prichádza hodina, keď veľký Jehova, ktorý ustanovil tieto obete, keď veľký Jehova, ktorý postavil tento chrám, ktorý prišiel do neho ako ohnivý Stĺp, že ́prichádza deň, kedy bude tá denná obeť odstránená́?“

107 On povedal, „Prichádza Muž, On je teraz medzi vami (niekde tam), a On odstráni hriech.“ Tí kňazi ho počúvali s odporom.

108 Ján pozrel hore! Nuž, čo je on? Prorok! A tu je Slovo, tam prichádza Slovo, ide rovno ku prorokovi, rovno do vody. Ján povedal, „Hľa, Baránok Boží, ktorý sníma hriech sveta. Tu Ho máme, to je On.“ Ježiš nepovedal ani slovo, kráčal rovno do vody. A môžem ich tam vidieť, ako stoja v tej vode (pomyslite o tej scéne), tých dvoch najväčších, ktorí kedy navštívili zem: Boh, Ktorý je Slovom a Jeho prorok.

109 Všimnite si, Slovo prišlo ku prorokovi v tomto čase milosti, vo vode (oh). Myslel som, že to pochopíte. Vo vode! Prvé zjavenie Slova bolo vo vode. Teraz vidíte, kde Nevesta začala, Posolstvo Večerného svetla? Vo vode! Slovo, pravdivé Slovo, nie nezmiešané s vyznaniami, prišlo ku prorokovi do vody, pri vode.

110 Všimnite si! Mohli by ste si predstaviť oči Slova a oči proroka sa stretávajú vo vode? Ó, to je na mňa príliš veľa. Tam stál prorok, tam stálo Slovo a hľadeli si navájom do očí. A prorok povedal, „Ja potrebujem byť pokrstený od Teba, prečo Ty prichádzaš ku mne?“

111 A Slovo povedalo ... To musí byť pravda.

  Dovoľte mi, že to tu predstavím ako drámu:

112 „Ján, ty si prorok, ty poznáš Slovo.“ Vidíte? „Ty si Ma rozpoznal, ty vieš, Kto som.“

113 „Ja potrebujem byť pokrstený od Teba“, povedal Ján.

114 Ježiš povedal, „Nechaj teraz tak. To je presne tak, že ty potrebuješ byť pokrstený odo Mňa. Ale pamätaj, Ján, keďže si prorokom, tak sa nám sluší, alebo patrí sa nám (ako Slovu a prorokovi), aby sme naplnili KAŽDÉ Slovo. Preto, Ján,“ (tu je teraz zjavenie) „Ján, ty vieš, Kto Ja som, vieš, že som Obeť. A podľa Slova Božieho, obeť musela byť umytá pred tým, ako bola predložená za obeť.“ Je to správne? To je Slovo ... „Ten baránok bol umytý a potom predložený za obeť a Ja som ten Baránok. A Ja musím byť umytý predtým, ako môžem byť predložený svetu za obeť. Nechaj to teraz tak byť, Ján, lebo tak sa nám spolu náleží činiť ako Slovu a prorokovi.“

115 Tak, tam nemôže byť chyba. Nuž, každá jedna z týchto vecí ...

116 Nuž, vidíte, keby nebolo práve tohoto uloženia tých vecí, Ján by bol ako ktokoľvek z nás. Vtedy by oni povedali: „No, ja - ja viem, kto ty si, Pane.“

117 „No“, povedal „počkaj chvíľu, Ja som Slovo. ́Človek nebude živý samým chlebom, ale každým Slovom.́ Eva opustila jedno, ale ty musíš vziať každé Slovo. A Ja som tá Obeť a musím byť umytý pred- tým, ako zostanem predložený. Ale to, čo si povedal, Ján, je pravda.“

118 Ján súc prorokom, vedel, že Slovo musí byť naplnené, on sa poddal a pokrstil Ho. A keď On vystúpil z vody, prišlo z Neba Posolstvo na krídlach Holubice, „Toto je Môj milovaný Syn.“ On poslal vykupujúce Posolstvo milosti na krídlach Holubice, ktorá zletela dolu z nebies. „Pokoj na zemi, v ľuďoch zaľúbenie.“ Obeť v tej chvíli bola pripravená; bola vyzdvihnutá, vychovaná, Jeho služba bola pripravená, Slovo, ktoré vykúpi celý svet. „Je dokonané!“

119 Holubica je používaná v Biblii ako symbol pokoja a tiež ju národy používajú ako symbol mieru. Máme národy ... Náš národ je reprezentovaný orlom. A sú iné vtáky iných národov. Rím má orla. Nemecko má orla; mnohé z tých veľkých nebeských vtákov. Ale vo všetkých nich, holubica symbolizuje mier vo všetkých národoch. To je univerzálny znak.

120 Práve ako povedal raz večer brat Green, brat Pearry Green povedal, „Symbolom poddania sa je ́zodvihnutie rúḱ. V každom národe, keď zodvihnete ruky, to znamená, že sa vzdávate.“ Povedal, „Keď spievate, zodvihnite ruky, všetkého sa vzdávate.“

121 A holubica je symbol mieru v každom národe. Prečo to tak je? Pre jej miernosť a pre jej nevinnosť. To je dôvod, že symbolizuje mier.

122 Ďalšou vlastnosťou holubici je to, že je to vták milujúci domov. Ona rada zostáva doma.

123 A ďalšia vec je, že ona je vždy verná svojmu druhovi. Holubica, samec alebo samica, nikdy neopúšťajú jeden druhého. Tá samica nachádza svojho druha v období párenia. Vidíte? To je pochvala na adresu Božieho veľkého stvorenia. To je dôvod, prečo On učinil Evu ako vedľajší produkt. Vidíte? Ak by ona bola učinená ako iné samice, ona by hľadala svojho druha, keď príde čas na jej párenie. Ale ona nemá vyhradený čas. Vidíte? A to je spôsob, to je to, čo to je. Ja len ... Nechceme vchádzať do toho, pretože už to je v ́Manželstve a Rozvodé a tak ďalej. Ale aj tak, ona je počestná a nosí tú cnosť. Vy viete ako som kázal na tú tému minulý večer. V poriadku, všimnite si, ona má veľkú zodpovednosť.

124 Ale holubica je vždy verná svojmu druhovi. Vždy! Nikdy ho neopúšťa.

125 A dovoľte, že sa tu len na chvíľu zastavím, aby som povedal toto: pravdivá Nevesta, holubica, je tiež verná svojmu Druhovi. Ona nechce zavádzať žiadne dogmy, žiadne denominačné doktríny, nič z toho sveta. Ona bude stáť verná svojmu Druhovi, Slovu. Vždy verná.

126 A skrze to, že holubica ľúbi prebývať doma, že sa rada vracia do domu, ona bola úspešne použitá ako poštový holub. Pretože miluje domov, vy ju môžete vypustiť kdekoľvek, ona vždy príde späť domov. Vráti sa domov.

127 Radi by sme to zdôraznili a zastavili sa pri tom na malú chvíľu. Vy kresťania rozumiete, čo myslím. Ona vždy nájde svoju cestu späť domov, tak preto býva používaná ako poštový holub. Bola používaná v čase vojny. Oni stále používajú poštové holuby na prenášanie správ. Tak potom vidíte, holubica je poslom, u Boha i u ľudí. Holubica je poslom. Ona bola poslom Noemu, aby mu povedala, že „je znovu pokoj.“ Bola použitá Bohom k potvrdeniu, že toto bol Jeho Syn, „Obeť k prineseniu pokoja na zem a v ľuďoch zaľúbenie.“ Ona bola použitá ako posol.

128 Práve som si spomenul na jednu udalosť, čítal som ju raz v jednej knihe. Nuž, neviem povedať, že je to na isto, môže to byť v knihe ́Koniec prvej svetovej vojný. Nie som si teraz v tom istý. Ak to tam nenájdete, potom sa mýlim. Každopádne som to čítal v nejakej knihe už pred mnohými rokmi. Ale to bola skutočne ... skutočne dramatická vec, ktorá sa stala.

129 Istá skupina amerických vojakov sa ocitla pod paľbou nemeckých guľometov a nemohli sa z tade dostať, boli v nejakej jame. Myslím, že vy, vojaci, rozumiete, boli niekde na nejakej obhliadke. Boli zatlačení, končila sa im munícia a Nemci vo veľkých jednotkách prichádzali zo všade. Vedeli, že ak sa im v krátkom čase nenaskytne pomoc, čoskoro všetci zomrú. Museli by. Lebo Nemci zchádzali z vrchu a približovali sa k nim.

130 A stalo sa, že jeden z nich si pripomenul, že má malého maskota, holuba. Tak on vedel, že ak by sa tomu holubovi podarilo dostať sa odtiaľ, zaniesol by posolstvo do veliteľstva, kde mali stanicu. A tak si sadli a napísali záznam: “Sme na tom a tom mieste, munícia sa vyčerpala a za pár hodín sa budeme musieť vzdať alebo budeme zmasakrovaní.” Priviazali to tomu holúbkovi o jeho malú nožičku a vypustili ho.

131 Nuž, on je vták, ktorý miluje domov, tak on ... čo on robí? On sa vracia domov na svoje ... aby sa stretol so svojou partnerkou. Ona si robila o neho starosti a on sa mal  vrátiť domov.

132 A ako on vyletel, nemci videli, čo sa stalo. Tak začali strieľať na toho holuba. A jeden z nich ho zasiahol 30 kalibrovým guľometom, či guľkou a to mu zlomilo nohu. Ďalší náboj mu vytrhol veľký kus z jej boku. Jeho hruď bola celá doráňaná. Jedno z jeho krídel bolo ochromené, koniec z krídla mal odstrelený a letel bokom. Ale stále letel ďalej, až nakoniec doletel do cieľa. Zmrzačený, ranený, dolámaný, udretý, ale spadol do tábora s tým posolstvom. To bol hrdinský holub.

133 Ale, ó, brat, Izaiáš 53 nám hovorí o Jednom takom, ktorý opustil Dom a všetko, čo bolo dobré:

  “A on bol smrteľne ranený pre naše prestúpenia, zdrtený pre naše neprávosti, kázeň našeho pokoja bola vzložená na neho a jeho sinavicou sme uzdravení.”

134 Choroby, povery a diabli nás zovreli, nebolo žiadnej cesty von, cirkev išla zlou cestou, oni odišli do denominačných vecí (farizeovia, sadúceovia a umývanie hrncov a mís) a Slovo Božie sa stalo bezúčinné. Ale táto malá Holubica prišla dolu a len jediná vec sa mohla uskutočniť: tam musel byť vykupiteľ.

135 Bol ranený, zlomený, zbitý, mučený, ale On poznal cestu späť Domov. Tak z Golgotského kríža, kde Ho bili, mlátili, trhali Ho ako svorka vlkov, On sa pustil do letu z Golgoty a potom pristál v nebeských dverách a povedal, „Je dokonané! Je dokonané! Oni sú voľní! Choroba môže byť teraz uzdravená! Hriešnici môžu byť zachránení! Zajatí môžu byť vypustení na slobodu!“

136 Hoci On bol zmrzačený a ranený, ten veľký boj, keď bolo všetko proti Nemu ... Dokonca básnik zvolal:

  Medzi trsúcimi skalami a tmavnúcimi oblakmi

  Môj Spasiteľ sklonil hlavu a umrel.

  Ale roztrhnutá opona zjavila cestu

  Do nebeskej radosti a neskončeného dňa.

137 Bol som neurotik celý život. Keď som bol malý chlapec, niečo ma udrelo, to ma vystrašilo a asi každých sedem rokov sa mi to stávalo. Brat Jack si pamätá, keď som prvý krát začal, opustil som pole na rok. Niečo sa stalo.

138 Pamätám si deň, keď Juanita Hemphill ... Myslím, že sa teraz volá Juanita Kelly, ona sa po smrti svojho manžela vydala za brata Kelly. Anna Jeanne, mám ich fotky, oni boli takí ... A jej ... ich dve dievčatá a sestra Moore utvorili trio. Oni spievali tú pieseň, ktorú nikdy nezabudnem: “Hľadieť poza západ slnka.” Brat Jack, pamätáš si, myslím, že si prišiel vtedy z Floridy. Aké milé dievčatká.

139 A pamätám si to ráno malú skupinu letničných odtiaľto zhora v severnej časti krajiny, niekde v Michigan, tieto dievčatá tam vystúpili, keď brat Hooper ...  Videl som ho tu minulý večer, ja ... teraz tu možno nie je, brat Ed Hooper. Si tu, brat Ed? Myslím, že tu nie je ... On tu sedel minulý večer. Žiaden ... Mnohí z vás ho poznajú. On, ja a brat Hooley sme mali vycestovať. A tieto dievčatá stáli tam na rohu, spievali to a dali nám, každému jednému žltú ružu, ktorú vybrali zo svojich vlasov. (To bolo tam, kde ten šialený zostal uzdravený, diali sa veľké veci).

140  Išiel som cestou tak šťastný ako som len mohol byť a zrazu ma to zasiahlo. Rok potom, predtým, ako som vošiel znovu na pole. Skoro ma to zabilo.

141 Odkedy som bol malým chlapcom, vždy som hovoril, že neviem, čo je to videnie. Ako malý chlapec, vždy som hovoril, „Ak ja - ak by som len upadol do jedného z tých tranzov a videl to, vyzdravel by som.” Ten čas ... Vždy som chcel ísť do kliniky Mayo zistiť, čo so mnou nie je v poriadku. Tí Doktori...

142 Môj žalúdok vytvára nadbytok kyseliny. A oh! Brat Jack mi pomáhal vyjsť von. Prechádzal som sa okolo domu a zrazu som vyzvracal nejakú teplú mazľavú vodu. A išiel som za kazateľňu a modlil sa za ľudí, ktorí boli na tom dva krát tak zle a boli uzdravení. Položil som ruky na muža, ktorý mal na tváry rakovinu a tá rakovina opustila jeho tvár ešte kým tam stál. A ja som bol tak chorý, že som nemohol stáť.

143 A vy neviete, na čo som trpel. Psychickú vyčerpanosť. Každých sedem rokov to prichádza, po celý život. Teraz som v tom čase, v ôsmej sedmičke.

144 Tak bol som - bol som tak vyčerpaný. Plakal a prosil som.

145 A pamätám sa, keď som nakoniec uvažoval, že mám dosť peňazí aby som išiel do kliniky Mayo na vyšetrenie, hovorili mi: „Oni zistia aký je tvoj problém.“ Žena, ja a Becky, ktorá je tam vzadu ... Sarah bola ešte dievčatko. Práve som vstúpil do svojej služby uzdravovania. A tak sme vyštartovali do kliniky Mayo.

146 Prešiel som vyšetreniami v tej klinike. A tú noc predtým som... Nasledujúce ráno som mal posledné vyšetrenie. Zobudil som sa, sedel som na posteli a pozeral som sa dookola. Hľadel som pred seba a uvidel som malého chlapca, ktorý vyzeral ako ja, keď som mal asi sedem rokov. A pozrel som sa na to a bol som to ja. A stál pri nejakom starom pahýli stromu. A na tom strome ...

147 Mnohí z vás, lovcov veveričiek viete, že ak šúchate hore dole palicou o kmeň stromu a veverička je v tej dutine, to ju vystraší a ona vybehne von.

148 A ja som sa díval tam, kde bola tá veverička a myslel som si, „Aký druh veveričky to je?“ Potrel som ten kmeň a keď som to urobil, pozrel som sa a to som bol ja okolo tridsať osem ročný, toho malého chlapca nebolo. Tak potrel som ten konár a z kmeňovej dutiny vybehla malá veverička, asi takáto dlhá, tmavá, takmer čierna a vyzeralo to, akoby z nej lietali malé iskry. Mala mrňavé očká, ako korálky.a vyzerala ako najpodlejšie stvorenie, aké som kedy videl. Vyzerala skôr ako lasica než ako veverička.

149 A dívala sa priamo na mňa. A ja som otvoril svoje ústa, aby som niečo povedal. Ale keď som to urobil, ona ... Prv, ako by ste mohli mihnúť okom, vletela mi rovno do úst, išla dolu do môjho žalúdka a trhala ma na kusy. A keď som vyšiel z toho videnia, mal som zodvihnuté ruky, hľadiac, začal som kričať, „Ó, Bože, buď milostivý! To ma zabíja!“

150 Vtedy som počul Hlas hlboko v izbe, ktorý hovoril, „Pamätaj, je to len šesť palcov dlhé.“

151 Koľkí počuli o tej udalosti? Hovoril som vám to mnoho krát, ktorí prichádzate do modlitebni.

152 Tak, to sa stále opakovalo, trápenia boli stále také isté.

153 Bratia z kliniky Mayo ma  vyšetrili. Nasledujúci deň povedali, „Tvoj otec bol Ír, on pil. Tvoja matka bola polovičná Indiánka, to ťa urobilo miešancom. Tak, budeš ... ty si len taká nervózna troska a už nikdy sa z toho nedostaneš. Povedal, „Inak si zdravý. Ale to je niečo v duši, čo človek nemôže ovládať. Ty budeš ...“ Povedal, „Keď človek zomiera, nemožno vykonať pitvu, pretože jeho duša odišla.“ On povedal, „Tak, ty sa nikdy z toho nedostaneš.“

154 A ten chlapík povedal, môj starý doktor, povedal, „Môj otec to tiež mal, zomrel okolo osemdesiat päť, deväťdesiat ročný. Mesiac alebo dva predtým, ako zomrel som ho vyšetril. Mal tie obdobia celý svoj život. Nazval to „obdobia.“

155 „Niektorí ľudia“, povedal “ktorí na to trpia, sú v silnej depresii.” Povedal, „to je druh, ktorý ťa zabije.“ On povedal, „Je iný druh, ako ženy, ktoré sú v prechode, ony plačú. Ty máš taký druh, že sa cítiš unavený.“ Povedal, „Veteráni tomu hovorili ́mať blueś- smutnú náladu, nemohlo ich to opustiť.“ Povedal, „Keď ťa to chytí, tvoria sa  žalúdočné kyseliny, si rozrušený.”

156 Povedal som, „Ale pane, ja nerobím nič. Ja som šťastný.“

157 Povedal, „To je vporiadku. To je proste mimo ľudského dosahu. Povedal, „Ty to vždy budeš mať.“ Ó, čo za zastrašujúca vec!

158 Ale stále som myslel na tie slová, „Pamätaj, je to len šesť palcov dlhé.“ To mi zostávalo v pamäti. Moja drahá žena, ktorá sedí tam vzadu, vám to môže potvrdiť. Rok po roku som o tom premýšľal.

159 A potom, posledne keď som išiel za more, bol som ... Predtým ... No, bol som znovu doma a bol som loviť veveričky. Vyskočil som z auta s bratom Banks Woodom, ktorý dnes večer počúva a začal som bežať hore kopcom a zdalo sa, že mi vyskočí srdce.

160 A opýtal som sa doktora Sama Adaira, povedal som, „Čím to je?“

161 Povedal, “Ešte raz, keď to budeš mať, daj si urobiť kardiogram.”

162 Povedal som, „Dobre.“

163 Tak to sa stalo znovu v ďalšom roku a dal som si urobiť ten kardiogram. Povedal mi, „Srdce máš v poriadku.“ Povedal, „Si len nervózny.“ Vtedy sa to začalo.

164 No, ďalší doktor mi povedal, môj dobrý priateľ, povedal: „To je tvoje srdce, chlapče, radšej buď opatrný.“ To je ten rok, keď som volal bratovi Moore a on našiel niekoho, kto mal kázať namiesto mňa,  keď som išiel na ten lov baranov s bratom Fredom. Chodil som po horách tak, ako keď som mal šestnásť rokov, bežal som mílu za míľou.  Vôbec ma to netrápilo. Vidíte?

165 A vrátil som sa a povedal som to Samovi. On povedal, „Nuž, niečo nie je v poriadku, radšej buď opatrný.“

166 Potom som videl videnie nejakého starého doktora, ako stojí s tými ... staromódneho doktora so stetoskopom na pleci. Povedal ... Stál predo mnou a povedal, „Nedaj si nahovoriť, že ́to je tvoje srdcé, to je tvoj žalúdok.“

167 Tak, myslel som, „No dobre, budem sa držať toho slova, pretože to bolo videnie.“ Potom ďalej ...

168 Pripravoval som sa do Afriky. A dal som sa zaočkovať. Musel som podstúpiť sériu očkovaní pred vyjdením do Afriky, to je zákon. Tak, keď som dostával tieto očkovania, on povedal, „Nemôžem nájsť na tebe ani jednu zlú vec.“ Povedal, „Tvoj hemoglobín, tvoja krv je deväťdesiat šesť.“ Povedal, “Keby si mal šestnásť nebolo byť to o nič lepšie.“  A povedal, „Srdce ti kľudne môže biť sto rokov. Pľúca, všetko.“ Povedal, „Si v poriadku. Žiadny cukor, nič.“

169 Povedal som, „Ďakujem.“ Tak som prešiel ten fyzický test aby som si na palubu zobral zdravotný preukaz.

170 Tak, on povedal, „Čo na to môžeš povedať?“

171 Povedal som, „Nič okrem trvalého kvasenia v žalúdku po celý čas.“

172 Povedal, „Dobre, niečo ti poviem.“ Povedal ...

173 Povedal som, „Bol som vyšetrený. Bol som v klinike bratov Mayo a všade.“

174 On povedal, „Ale počkaj chvíľu.“ Povedal, „Niekedy je žalúdočný vred tak malý že tá látka, ktorá obsahuje barium, to nevykáže. A niekedy je to príliš veľké, aby to bolo vidieť na rentgene, pretože to je len tieň. Malinký vriedok, ktorý ani nemôžeš vidieť, by to nespôsobil. Ale veľa takých malých vredov by to mohlo spôsobiť.” Povedal, “Poznám tu jedného starého doktora, ktorý vynašiel taký prístroj, ktorý sa teraz používa. Oni ťa uspia a cez hrdlo ti pustia do žalúdka malú sondu a môžu tak pozorovať, čo v tvojom žalúdku nie je v poriadku.To je taký typ človeka ako ty. On je kresťan. Prečo by si sa s ním nestretol.”

175 Zapísal som si jeho meno: Dr. Van Ravensworth. Tak, keď som  sa vrátil, išiel som pozrieť toho starého doktora. Ó, je to fajný starý muž z holandskej východnej Indie, pochádzal z veľkej rady misionárov. A on počul o mne a čítal moju knihu a len mi potriasol ruku a povedal, „Brat Branham, rád by som to pre teba urobil.“ Povedal, „Poviem ti, čo máš robiť. Nasledujúci víkend zajdi tu do tejto nemocnice a zavolaj mi predtým, ako tam pôjdeš.“ A povedal, „Dám ti očkovanie pentotalom, po ktorom zaspíš na päť minút.”

176 Moja dcérka to dostala, keď jej mali trhať zub a tiež dcérka brata Normana. Pomyslel som si, že päť minút spania mi nemôže vadiť. Takže som s tým súhlasil.

177 A potom na druhý deň ráno som vstal, sedel som na posteli a obzeral som sa, pozrel som na našu manželskú postel. Moja žena sa ešte nezobudila. Hľadel som von oknom smerom k veľkým Horám Catalina, ktoré vidieť z miesta, kde bývam a pozeral som sa na miesto, kde Anjel Pánov vložil Meč do mojej ruky a kde sa zjavilo tých sedem Anjelov, ktorých vidíte na tom obrázku. Stali sa tam veľké veci.

178A ako som sa tak díval, stál som znovu pri tom strome, tam, kde bola tá veverička. Pozrel som sa tam, pomyslel som si, „To je brloh tej veveriky.“ A myslel som, „Som zvedavý, či tam ešte stále je?” (To bolo v tom videní). Pošúchal som tú stranu toho stromu a ona vyskočila von. (Bola to najdivnejšia veverička, akú som kedy videl. Nuž, museli by ste poznať moju službu, aby ste rozumeli týmto symbolom a tým veciam) A skôr ako som stačil mrknúť okom, skočila na mňa, ale ma netrafila. Netrafila mi do úst, narazila mi do hrudi a spadla.

179 A len čo to urobila, počul som ako niečo povedalo, „Choď do hôr Catalina.“

180 Otočil som sa a povedal som, „Meda, si hore, miláčik?“ A zobudil som ju.

181 Povedala, „Čo sa deje?“ Bolo okolo piatej ráno.

182 Povedal som, „Díval som sa von a videl som znovu tú veveričku, drahá.“

183 „Akú veveričku?“

184 Povedal som, „Tú čo som videl v klinike Mayo.” Povedal som, „Vieš čo? Ona mi teraz netrafila do úst, odrazila sa od mojej hrude. Chvála Pánovi! Odkedy som bol malým chlapcom, čakal som, chcel som vidieť ako sa to stane. Keby som to len mohol vidieť, že sa to stalo, ani som nevedel ... Predtým ako som vedel, čo to je videnie, keby som to len mohol vidieť, že sa to stalo, budem v poriadku. Čokoľvek mi v tom bude povedané, tak sa to stane. A štyridsať rokov som na to čakal a teraz sa to stalo.”

185 Predtým, ako som bol v klinike Mayo, v tom istom čase som bol tam hore, keď mi dali tú správu a videl som to videnie ...

186 Moja matka odišla už do Chvály, bola to veľmi zvláštna žena. Ona mala v živote okolo tri alebo štyri sny a vždy boli pravdivé.  Ona mi povedala, a ten ... Ona začala rozprávať a ja som povedal, „Dobre stačí ... Mama, poviem ti, ako to bolo ďalej.“ Vidíte?

187 Lebo vždy keď mi poviete sen, aby som ho vyložil, vy mi nie vždy poviete úplne presne ako to bolo. Potom, keď to znovu vidím, vidím presne čo sa vám snívalo, potom mi On povie, čo to je. Vidíte? Vy mi nemusíte povedať, aký je ten sen, On Sám mi ten sen ukáže. Vidíte? A potom ja vidím, poviem, „Nuž, nepovedal si mi toto a povedal si mi tamto.“ Vidíte? A tak Boh, ktorý môže vyložiť sen, môže ukázať sen. On ho môže ukázať, On ho môže vyložiť. A tak potom ...

188 Nuž, vari nebolo niečo také v Biblii? „Ak môžeš ...“? Práve to ku mne prišlo. V Danielovi, nebolo to tam? Alebo, nie, pri Jozefovi. Nuž, je to niekde v Biblii práve som si to spomenul, je tam povedané, „Ak mi môžeš ukázať ... Ak mi môžeš povedať, čo ...“ Ó, to bol Kráľ Nabuchodonozor, to je ono. Povedal, „Ak môžeš ... Ak môžeš ...“

189 Tí mágovia povedali, „Povedz nám ten sen.“

190 On povedal, „Odišlo to odo mňa.“ Tak je to, pamätám si to. Práve som si vtedy na to pomyslel.

191 Teraz si všimnite. A mama, ona mi povedala, „Billy“, keď som sa vrátil, povedala, „poď sem, synu, a sadni si.“ Povedala, „Mala som zvláštny sen. Snívalo sa mi, že  som ťa videla ako ležíš chorý, takmer si umieral, s tvojim žalúdkom, ako zvyčajne.“ Koľko diet pre mňa varila! A povedala, „Ty si staval dom hore na kopci.“ A povedala, „Videla som prichádzať dole z neba šesť bielych holubíc, hrkútali, boli v tvare písmena ́Ś a sadli si na tvoju hruď. A ty si sa díval a jedna vpredu sa ti snažila niečo povedať.“ Povedala, „Boli to skutočne hladké, biele holubice. A obrátili svoje malé hlávky smerom k tvojmu lícu a hrkútali: ́hrkú, hrkú, hrkú́.“ A povedala, „Nemohla som tomu rozumieť.“ Povedala, „Oni len stále hrkútali: hrkú, hrkú, hrkú ...”

192 Povedal som, „Ó, vidím to, chvála Pánovi!“ A povedal som, „Znovu vytvorili svoje písmeno ́Ś a odišli naspäť hore do oblakov a robili: ́hrkú, hrkú, hrkú, hrkú a išli naspäť domov.“

193 Nuž, to malé zvieratko, ktoré som videl, bolo šesť palcov dlhé (cca 15 cm - pozn. prekl.). Ten rad holubíc, ktoré mama videla, bolo ich šesť, šesť znamená neúplnosť. Vedel som, že jedného dňa uvidím tú siedmu. To bol človek, trápenie, tak to išlo ďalej a ďalej.

194 To ráno, vstal som po tom, ako som videl toto videnie. Poslúchol som Pána. Odprevadil som môjho malého chlapca, Jozefa, do školy (on ma teraz počúva v Tuscone). Zobral som ho do školy a povedal som Méde, že neviem, kedy sa vrátim.

195 A vydal som sa hore do hôr Catalina, na úpätie tých hôr a išiel som hore na miesto, kde Anjel Pánov vložil Meč do mojej ruky. Skutočne zavčasu. A začal som vystupovať na tú horu.

196 No, namiesto toho aby som išiel hore do vrcholov touto cestou (na ktorej je plno hadov a škorpiónov, viete aká je Arizona), odbočil som do prava. Niečo povedalo, „Odboč vpravo.“ Išiel som cestou ku štítom. Išiel som naokolo, prechádzal som okolo tých veľkých ozrutných skál, niekoľkonásobne väčších ako táto modlitebňa, ktoré ležali na tých vrcholoch kde sa sotvakedy dostane nejaký človek.

197 A asi okolo jedenástej hodiny som vchádzal do malej kotliny, vzadu kde, ... na miesto, ktoré bolo obrátené takto a prechádzal cezeň jelení chodník. A mal som vyzlečenú košeľu a klobúk som držal v ruke, lebo som bol zliatý potom. A tak som sa obrátil tým smerom, a keď som obrátil smerom do tej kotliny, cítil som prítomnosť Pánovu. Strhol som si klobúk a pozeral som sa dookola. Pomyslel som si, „On je niekde tu. Viem, že On je tu.“ Ó, „Čo to je?“ Urobil som ešte niekoľko krokov. Povedal som, „Pane, Ty si niekde tu.“

198 A ja pozrel som sa a tam na chodníku ležala tá malá veverička. Chcela vyskočiť na niečo ale netrafila a udrela ju cholla (to je skákajúci kaktus). Prerazil jej cez hlavu, prsia, brucho a bola mŕtva. Tá čudná veverička netrafila do mojich úst a udrela do tej cholly. A Hlas Pánov povedal, „Tvoj nepriateľ je mŕtvy.“ Stál som tam a triasol som sa. Podniesol som nohu a ...

199 Obyčajne vrany by to hneď zjedli. O niekoľko dní potom som zabil hada, ležal na ceste okolo pol hodiny. Vždy tam lietajú orly a vrany a oni to hneď vezmú. Zabil som koralového hada, to je najnebezpečnejší had, akého máme. Ležal tam hneď vedľa mňa. Bolo to niekoľko dní po tom. Keď som o chvíľu prišiel aby som ho vzal a mohol ukázať, vrany ho už zobrali preč; lietajú tam havrany.

200 A to tam ležalo odvtedy, ako som videl to videnie, dva dni pred tým. Myslím, že to bolo v sobotu a ja som tam išiel v pondelok. Tak tam ona ležala mŕtva. Rozdrtil som ju nohami.

201 Obišiel som okolo, znova som si sadol. Sedel som tam chvíľu, plakal a modlil som sa. Díval som sa dole na Tucson, ležiaci niekoľko míl podo mnou.

202 Otočil som sa a vrátil som sa späť a stále to tam ležalo. Keď som vošiel do tej kotliny, znovu prišiel na mňa Duch Boží.

203 Prešiel som ešte okolo a zišiel som z toho vrchu. Vrátil som sa domov a povedal som svojej manželke, „Drahá, neviem ako, ale dostanem sa z toho.“

204 Dr. Ravensworth, keď mi urobil to vyšetrenie, povedal, „To je úplne nemožné pre teba, aby si bol zdravý.“ Dal mi injekciu pentotalu, ktorá ma mala uspať na päť minút a ja som spal desať hodín. Tie látky, dokonca aspirin ma doráža. Tak on mi dal tú injekciu  a pustil mi sondu do hrdla. Keď som na druhý deň ráno prišiel k sebe, povedal mi: “Kazateľ, veľmi nerád to hovorím, ale steny tvojho žalúdka sú tvrdé a vyschnuté.” (Nikdy som to nevidel. Použil pri tom slovo gastritis a tak som si to našiel v slovníku a tam bolo, že to znamená: ́niečo čo je uschnuté́). Povedal: “Nemôžeš sa z toho dostať. Stále to budeš mať.” Bol by som znechutený, ak by som nemal to videnie od Pána.

205 A na druhý deň Niečo povedalo, „Choď znovu na tú horu.“

206 A v ten deň, namiesto toho, aby som išiel tou cestou, bol som vedený ísť inou cestou. A stál som tam, hľadel som a rovno predo mnou sedela tá siedma malá, biela holubica a pozerala sa rovno na mňa. Pretrel som si oči, povedal som si, „Istotne, to je videnie, určite je.“ Pozrel som sa a povedal som, „Holubička, odkiaľ prichádzaš?“ Bola tak pekná a bielučká, mohol  to byť aj holub. Čokoľvek to bolo, bolo to tam na pustine.

207 Všemohúci Boh, Ktorý vzkriesil Ježiša Krista z mŕtvych, Ktorého som služobníkom a Jeho Slovo tu leží otvorené predo mnou vie, že som povedal pravdu a neklamem.

208 Tam sedela tá holubica a hľadela na mňa. Prechádzal som okolo, myslel som si, „Určite je to videnie.“ Otočil som hlavu, pozrel som sa späť a ona tam sedela. Tie malé, biele krídla, práve tak snehobiele ako len mohli byť, jej malé, žlté nožičky a malý, žltý zobáčik, sedela tam a pozerala sa na mňa. Dívala sa rovno na západ. Prešiel som takto okolo nej ale za nič by som sa jej nedotkol. Išiel som ďalej hore po chodníku. Pozrel som sa späť a ona tam pokojne sedela a pozorovala ma.

209 Brat, ako syn Abraháma, neberiem do úvahy to, čo mi povedal doktor, ja budem zdravý, v každom prípade!

210 Na tretí deň som sa vrátil späť, šplhal som sa vysoko. Mnohí z vás poznajú to videnie o tom indiánskom náčelníkom jazdiacom na koni cez ten múr smerom na západ. Okolo poludnia niečo obrátilo moju pozornosť na veľkú skalu,, povedal, „Rozprestri svoje ruky oproti nej a modli sa.“ Boh v Nebesiach vie, že toto je pravda.

211 Rozprestrel som ruky oproti tej skale a pohliadol som k Nebu a začal som sa modliť. A počul som Hlas vychádzajúci z vrcholu tam tých skál, povedal, „O čo sa opieraš, vo výške svojho srdca?“ Stál som takto opretý chrbtom, s holými ramenami, vyzlečený do pása, bolo horúco. Obzrel som sa a tam v kremeni, na skale bolo napísané, bielym „Orol.“ Presne to, čo povedalo to videnie, že cez neho príde to ďalšie Posolstvo.

212 Bol som tak vzrušený, bežal som domov. Zobral som fotoaparát a na druhý deň som sa vrátil a odfotil som to. To tam stále bolo, napísané na tej skale: Biely „Orol.“ (Holubica, ktorá vedie Orla)

213 Akosi, ja-ja viem. Poviem vám to prv, ako sa to stane. Ten doktor je dobrý doktor, bez pochýb. Myslím si, že je fajn človek. Ale ja viem, že sa z toho dostanem. Je to vybavené! Skončilo to a ja budem zdravý!

214 A premýšľal som ako Ernie spieval tú pieseň pred pár chvíľami, Na Krídlach Holubice. Ako znie tá melódia? Začni to pre mňa, Ernie.

  ... krídlach ... snehobielej holubice, (spievaj to so mnou)

  Boh poslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku.

  Bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubice.

215 Nazdávam sa, že Ernie spieval dve slohy z toho. Ja vám zaspievam tri:

  Keď bol Noe unášaný za mnoho dní na vodách potopy,     mnohými spôsobmi vyhľadával zem.

  Mal isté problémy,

  ale nie zhora,

  Keď mu Boh poslal znak

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Ježiš, náš Spasiteľ,

  Prišiel jedného dňa na zem.

  Narodený bol v stajni,

  ležal vo válove na sene.

  Hoci tu bol odmietnutý,

  Ale prišla pomoc zhora,

  keď Boh nám poslal Svoj znak,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Hoci som trpel mnohými spôsobmi,

  volal som o uzdravenie,

  ako v noci tak i v deň.

  Ale viera nezostala zabudnutá

  Otcom zhora,

  On poslal mi Svoj znak

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

216 Drahý Bože, ďakujem Ti za tieto veci, Otče. Ty si dal Noemu znamenie, Ty si dal svetu znamenie a Ty si dal mne znamenie. A ten nasledujúci deň, keď som videl toho lietajúceho orla, ó Bože tu je Posolstvo, ktoré teraz vychádza a ja sa modlím, Bože, aby si nechal tú Holubicu, aby ho viedla. Udeľ to, Pane. To ma doviedlo do viery, akú som nikdy predtým nemal. Viem, Bože, viem, že to bude všetko v poriadku. Tak Ti ďakujem za to, Otče.

217 A dnes večer, pošli dolu Svoje Posolstvo znovu, Pane, na krídlach Holubice Slova. Udeľ to, drahý Nebeský Otče. A každý jeden, kto dnes večer prejde cez toto pódium a tiež vonku v zhromaž- deniach po celom kraji, nech Tvoja veľká Holubica viery padne do ich sŕdc a dá im vieru, Pane, pre ich uzdravenie. Pamätáme, že Boh nehľadí na osobu. On mohol poslať Posolstvo Noemu, mohol Ho poslať Jánovi Krstiteľovi, mohol Ho poslať mne, môže Ho poslať ostatným.

218 Modlím sa, aby tá Holubica vletala práve teraz do každého srdca, Pane, so Svojim malým, zlatým zobáčikom a šepkala to, „Skrze Jeho rany ... Skrze Moje rany a sinavice si uzdravený.“ Bože, udeľ to, že naše prestúpenia budú vymazané, naše neprávosti nám budú odpustené a že naše nemoci budú uzdravené. To je v Tvojich rukách, Otče. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

  Zostaňme chvíľu dlhšie so svojimi sklonenými hlavami:

219Koľkí z tých, čo ste tu by radi povedali, ak môžete a chcete povedať toto, „Brat Branham, mýlil som sa celý svoj život. Chcel som slúžiť Bohu, ale dnes večer som pripravený sa poddať. Modli sa Bohu, aby tá Holubica vletela do môjho srdca dnes večer. Môžem cítiť To trepotanie Jej krídel ako vchádza dnu“? Zodvihnite ruky, urobíte to? Tu vo viditeľnom poslucháčstve, ó, po celej budove.

220 Vonku v obecenstvách po celej  krajine, u brata Hunta a brata Colemana, u brata Leo a tých tam v Tucsone, v Branhamovej Modlitebni, cez celé západné pobrežie, zodvihnite všade svoje ruky: „Chcem, aby tá Holubica priletela dnes večer do môjho srdca. Prines mi Božiu nežnú lásku na krídlach snehobielej Holubice, Svätého Ducha. Pošli mi To dnes večer, Pane a vlož do môjho srdca vieru, akú potrebujem.

221 V Mene Ježiša Krista sa modlím, Bože, odpusť naše hriechy. Tá ranená Holubica priniesla späť to Posolstvo, ó Bože, „Je dokonané!“ My tomu veríme. Len nám daj vieru veriť Tomu. Modlíme sa v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh poslal dolu Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach holubice.

222 Odkiaľ prišla tá holubica? Ja neviem. Ona by nebola tam vonku v takej púšti. Nie, nie! Nie, ona by tam nebola. A prečo bola biela? Nebeský Otec vie, že bola biela ako moja košeľa. Ona tam sedela.

  Ale to bolo na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh poslal dolu Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Bolo to znamenie zhora, na krídlach holubice.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh poslal dolu Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach holubice.

223 Ó, necítite sa skutočne pokorne? Potrasme si jeden z druhým ruky a spievajme to:

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

224 Pozdvihnime svoje ruky ku Nemu a spievajme to:

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Keď bol Noe unášaný cez mnoho dní

  na vodách potopy,

  mnohými spôsobmi vyhľadával zem.

  Mal isté problémy,

  ale nie zhora,

  Keď mu Boh poslal znak

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Ježiš, náš Spasiteľ,

  Prišiel jedného dňa na zem.

  Narodený bol v stajni,

  ležal vo válove na sene.

  Hoci tu bol odmietnutý,

  Ale nie zhora,

  Boh nám poslal Svoj znak,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

225 Prečo, ja starý človek, trpel som celý svoj život, prečo ma On teraz uzdravil? Verím, že prejdem znovu túto cestu, mám priniesť Posolstvo! A hovorím svojmu Otcovi dnes večer, (ako Junior videl vo sne minulej noci krídla tejto Holubice pohybujúce sa v týchto oknách tu), Pane, Tvoj služobník sa hlási do služby! Amen, som pripravený!

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh poslal dolu Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach holubice.

226 Verme teraz, že On sa teraz pohybuje nad týmto obecenstvom.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici ... (očakávame, Pane)

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

227 Vy, ktorí máte modlitebné karty, tu v tejto uličke, poďte dopredu tadiaľto. Choďte dopredu tu do tejto uličky, týmto smerom.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

228 Vy s modlitebnými kartami v tejto rade, prichádzajte z ľava.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

229 Tí, ktorí ... (Prázdne miesto na páske - vyd.)

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubici,

  Boh zoslal Svoju čistú, sladkú lásku,

  Ó, bolo to znamenie zhora,

  na krídlach snehobielej holubici.

230 Odkiaľ prišlá tá holubica tam hore v tej púšti? Povedal by som toto: Boh videl, že Abrahám potreboval baránka na znamenie, On je Jehova-jireh, „Pán si zaopatrí pre Seba obeť.“ Uvažujte o tom! Ten istý Boh, skrze tú istú inšpiráciu, skrze ten istý druh ľudí, poslal holubicu. On je stále Boh, Jehova-jireh môže zaopatriť čokoľvek, čo potrebuje.

231 Či nechcete, len za chvíľu, ako teraz prichádzate cez túto modlitebnú radu, prosiť Boha, aby zaobstaral pre vás krídlach Holubice?  Tú Holubicu, Ducha Svätého, aby vám dal vieru do vášho srdca, aby ste verili, že zostanete uzdravení.

232 Snažím sa postaviť ich všetkých na nohy, vidíte. Pýtam sa teraz. Brat Brown je na svojom mieste. Brat Jack . . . Čo hovoríš? (Niekto hovorí k bratovi Branhamovi - vyd.) V poriadku, dobre. Tá časť tu, príďte cez túto uličku prví, zaraďte sa tu. Z tej zadnej časti prichádzajte a zaraďujte sa za nimi. Tí z tadiaľto tu z boku a vy sa zaraďte tu za nimi. Prichádzajte takto okolo, aby sme sa za vás modlili.

233 Nuž, som si istý, že toto nebude žiadna rýchla rada, ktorá by nám zabrala málo času. Ale nakoľko môžeme, budeme sa modliť za každého jedného z vás.

234 Nuž, skrátil som svoje posolstvo (a vy ste si to všetci všimli), tak aby sme mohli mať túto modlitebnú radu. Toto je pamätná rada na počesť tých dní, kedy brat Jack Moore a brat Young Brown, vaše ženy vás nechali aby ste išli, vyšli sme do Kalifornii a cez celú Arizonu (spolu, cez tú púšť) a modlili sme sa za chorých.

235 A viete čo? Sú ľudia, ktorí ešte dnes žijú a vtedy umierali. A žijú dodnes vďaka tomu úsiliu. Čo to spôsobilo? To spustilo Božské uzdravenie vo všetkých cirkvách v celom kraji, dokonca u Presbytariánov a tak ďalej. Zatvorilo im to ústa, lebo to musel urobiť Boh, že pomazal niekoho, kto zabije Goliáša, aby ukázať, že sa to dá urobiť a potom zvyšok z nich nabral odvahy (tak je to) a išli dopredu. Je možné urobiť to znovu, lebo On stále posiela Svoju lásku na krídlach Holubice.

236 Kresťania, chcem, aby ste počúvali. Ak by som tu stál a snažil sa vám citovať tie nadprirodzené veci, ktoré som videl stať sa za posledné tri roky, bol by som tu do nasledujúcej soboty večer a hovoril vám to. Ja vám ani nehovorím toho tak veľa, pretože to znie skoro ako nemožné, ale hovorím vám Pravdu. To je úplná Pravda. Žijeme pod vedením Veľkého, Mocného Jehovu, Toho istého, Ktorý bol s prorokmi v Starom Zákone, s Cirkvou v Novom Zákone a On je tu dnes a berie si Nevestu z pohanov pre Svoje Meno. Verte Tomu! Či budete, ľudia? Ak ste vždy Tomu verili, verte Tomu práve teraz. To je pravda. Chcem, aby ste tomu verili. My nevieme, čo sa stane ešte dnes večer. Nevieme, čo sa stane. Proste trváme v očakávaní.

237 Prosím, v Mene Ježiša Krista, prosím vás ako Jeho služobník. Viem, že keď prichádzate do styku so zhromaždeniami, máte tam všetko zamiešané. Ale ak mi veríte ako Jeho sluhovi, ak je tam jediná smietka pochybnosti („pochybnosť, nevera“ je hriech), ak je jediná smietka toho vo vašom srdci, proste Otca, aby to zobral preč hneď teraz. Vidíte? „Pane ...“ A potom keď prídete s čistou, nefalšovanou vierou ... Nuž, moje ruky neznamenajú nič, ak vás To prv nezasiahne. Potom keď to príde, ono to rozsvieti, budete uzdravení. Tak je to, vy budete vedieť, že budete uzdravení. Vidíte? Budete tomu veriť.

238 A teraz sa budem modliť za každého jedného z vás. A ja ... Keď toto robíte, tiež položte ruky jeden na druhého, tak budeme ... A modlite sa za toho, na kom máte ruky, potom vás prevediem cez modlitebnú radu. Položte svoje ruky na niekoho, kto je s vami v rade.

239 Drahý Bože, neviem ako inak povedať tieto veci, Pane. Viem len povedať to, čo viem, že je Pravda a Ty si môj svedok dnes večer, že hovorím Pravdu. Moja viera, Pane a moje vlastné uzdravenie v budúcnosti, ja neviem kedy, ja neviem ako, ja tomu nerozumiem. Ale verím Tomu, Pane, že som prijal znamenie z neba. Tá siedma holubica sa sem nakoniec dostala, ten siedmy palec na tom zvierati je čoskoro ukončený. Je s tým koniec!

240 Bože, ja chcem slúžiť Tvojmu ľudu. Tak sa modlím, Bože, aby si nás tak pomazal dnes večer, že každý, na koho položíme svoje ruky, môže byť uzdravený. Nie preto, že sme to my, ale preto, že to je nasledovanie Tvojho prikázania. Ty si povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Pane, pomôž mi veriť a pomôž ich srdciam, aby boli tou úrodnou pôdou pre vieru. A nech spolu, na slávu Božiu, každá chorá a trpiaca osoba v tejto budove (alebo v budovách všade v krajine), ktorá je teraz poslušná týmto prikázaniam, bude zdravá. V Mene Ježiša Krista to prosím. Amen.

241 Majte vieru. Všetci sa modlite s nami. Teraz, toto nie je rada s rozpoznávaním.

242 (Prázdne miesto na páske - vyd.) Depresia, strach, ja viem o tom ... Úbožiatko, ona povedala, že nikdy v živote nedožila pokoju. To je to isté čo som mal ja ... nemôže spať, nervozita, napätie.

243 Drahý Bože, potvrď Pane, že som povedal Pravdu. Ako cítim za túto milú ženu! Modlím sa, Bože, aby si poslal ku nej dnes večer ten záblesk viery z hora, aby vedela, že Ty si zaviazaný ku Svojmu Slovu a že Ty dodržíš každé Slovo. Nech Boh Neba zoberie tento strach preč od mojej sestry. A ja som Ti poslušný a kladiem na ňu ruky a odsudzujem to. V Mene Ježiša Krista, nech to odíde od nej. Amen.

244 No, pozri sa sestra, veríš mi teraz, ak môžeš začať rovno odtiaľto, skrze kríž. Od tohto večera, zapri, že to máš. Vidíte, choď vpred a hovor, „Už to viac nemám.“ Potom ťa to opustí.

245 Sestra Palmer, naša sestra, sestra Palmer, jej manžel je môj veľmi dobrý priateľ, služobník z Georgii alebo Alabamy, Georgii. A ona prišla do modlitebne ... Oni prichádzajú, keď kážem v modlitebni, tisíc päťsto míľ, aby počuli jednu službu. Brat Palmer stratil kontrolu nad svojim autom, alebo chlapec, jeden z nich, keď išli do zákruty a havarovali. Ona má po tom nejaké následky. Modlime sa:

246 Drahý Bože, vysloboď tohto Tvojho služobníka, jeho milú ženu, ktorá je verím, pravdivým, malým sluhom v Kristu. Modlím sa, Bože, ako kladiem svoje ruky na ňu tu s mojim bratom Jack Moore, aby si ju uzdravil a učinil ju zdravou. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

247 V pravej nohe a ty stojíš za neho? Jeho malý chlapec je zmrzačený, on má zranenie na bruchu a chrbáte. Modlime sa:

248 Drahý Bože, nechaj tú snehobielu Holubicu skloniť sa dolu do jeho srdca práve teraz, „Ranený pre naše prestúpenia, uderený pre naše neprávosti, v Jeho ranách sme uzdravení.“ Prosím toto pre nášho brata a pre jeho malého syna, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

249 Silné bolesti hlavy a problémy s nohou, ktoré ho trápia pri každej práci.

250 Drahý Bože, udeľ Svoje uzdravujúce požehnanie na tohto mladého muža, keď my ako služobníci Boží kladieme svoje ruky na neho. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

251 Ona má nejaké ženské problémy a tiež chce krst Svätým Duchom.

252 Drahý Bože, ako Ti predkladám túto modlitbu viery za túto malú dámu, nech tie ženské problémy pominú, nech krst Ducha Svätého príde na krídlach Holubice, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. (Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra)

253 Výrastok na jeho oku,  a tiež za jeho drahého spoločníka.

254 Drahý Bože, Ty poznáš srdcia ľudí. Modlím sa Ti Otče, v Ježišovom Mene, aby si udelil túto žiadosť, ktorú prosí tento brat. A našou poslušnosťou Tvojmu Slovu je kladenie rúk na neho. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. (Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat)

255 Ona má nejaký nádor na svojej ľavej strane a tiež jej hlas je zlý.

256 Drahý Ježiš, modlím sa, aby si uzdravil túto sestru, kladúc na ňu ruky v Mene Ježiša Krista, aby prišlo jej uzdravenie. Amen. (Nech ťa Boh žehná, moja sestra)

257 Úbohá sestra, vidím tvoje problémy, opuchnutá končatina. Obličky, mechúr a členok vysunutý z miesta.

258 Ó, Otče Bože, uzdrav túto vzácnu ženu, Pane, modlím sa, ako kladiem na ňu ruky v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

259 Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. To je spôsob, ako to bude, ver tomu.

260 Počujete to, na mikrofóne, že? Každý, kto je na ... ten technik, ak to len dáte trochu hlasnejšie, obecenstvo môže počuť ich svede ... alebo čo oni hovoria, keď prichádzajú. Buďte v modlitbe za nich, keď to počujete. Keď sa začnem modliť, modlite sa so mnou.

261 Drahý Bože, modlím sa za túto našu sestru, aby si ju Ty uzdravil, drahý Bože. Robíme toto, lebo to je Tvoje prikázanie. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

262 Drahý Bože, Ty si počul to svedectvo, Ty si počul, čo jej ten nepriateľ urobil. My sa pokúšame vziať Meno Ježiša a poraziť tohto nepriateľa. On už je porazený, lebo udretá, ranená Holubica spadla na zem v Dome Božom s Posolstvom, „Je dokonané!“ Udeľ to, nech ona tomu verí, Otče, v Ježišovom Mene.

263 Drahý Bože, modlím sa, aby si uzdravil túto našu sestru. Nech tá Holubica Božia jej dosvedčí dnes večer, že On to pre ňu urobil, že ona by mohla byť v poriadku. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

264 Drahý Bože, ja kladiem svoje ruky na môjho brata, ktorý tu stojí. On mal dosť viery prísť tak ďaleko, Pane, teraz nech on obdrží svoje uzdravenie a ide na svoje miesto zdravý. V Ježišovom Mene.

265 Drahý Bože, modlím sa za nášho brata, kladúc na neho ruky.   Pomôž, drahý Bože, aby sa táto viera Božia sklonila dolu práve v tejto chvíli a aby bol ako Abrahám, nazývajúc tie veci ktoré sú, akoby neboli, lebo Boh dal zasľúbenie. V Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

266 Drahý Bože, Ty si ten Jediný, kto môže urobiť pravdivé rozhodnutie. Modlím sa, drahý Bože, ako táto mladá dáma prosila za toto, nech to obdrží v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

267 Drahý Bože, kladiem svoje ruky na našu sestru poslúchajúc to, čo si Ty povedal. Toto nás privádza späť, Pane, do toho čo bolo pred mnohými rokmi, v ktorých sme mávali takéto modlitebné rady. Ale vieme, čo sa potom stalo, vieme, že Ty si dnes ten istý Boh, ak ľudia môžu mať dnes tú istú vieru. Modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene za uzdravenie našej sestry. Amen.

268 Drahý Bože, kladiem svoje ruky na môjho brata tu a prosím za jeho uzdravenie, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

269 Otče, prinášam pred Teba dnes večer túto našu sestru a kladiem na ňu svoje ruky svedčiac tak, že stojím ako svedok Tvojej moci, ako svedok Tvojich videní, Tvojho Slova a som svedok, že Ty si Boh. A kladiem na ňu svoje ruky v poslušnosti Slovu môjho Boha a prosím za jej uzdravenie. Amen.

270 Drahý Bože, kladiem ruky na môjho brata tak isto, ako svedok Tvojej moci prosím za jeho uzdrvenie v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

271 (Prázdne miesto na páske - vyd.) „Čo?“

272 Ona povedala, „Ten uzdravovateľ.“ Povedala, že „Nejaký človek niekde hore v Arkansas bol to ráno uzdravený, slepý obuvník.“ (Poznáte tú udalosť, bolo to v rádiu).

273 Povedal som ... Myslel som ... Odohral som roľu pokrytca. Povedal som, „Predsa neveríš, že je to Pravda?“

274 Ona povedala, „Áno, pane, verím.“

275 A ja som povedal, „Či veríš v tomto čase, že by Boh urobil niečo také, keď ...“

276 Ona povedala, „Pane, počúvala som ten náboženský program.“ Povedala, „Ja som kresťanka.“ Povedala, „Počúvala som tú reláciu, počula som, že ten človek tam hore bol uzdravený toto ráno, ten slepý obuvník. Vyhodili ho z cirkvi, robil príliš veľký hluk, jedna cirkev za druhou. So svojim klobúkom na palici, krútiac ho dookola, behajúc z cirkvi do cirkvi. On bol všade v meste a kričal: ́Ja som uzdravený! Som uzdravený!́ Slepý obuvník.“

277 Povedal som, „Veríš tomu?“

278 A ona tam chvíľu stála, bol taký mrholivý dážď, povedala, „Pane, ak ma zavedieš tam, kde on je, potom nájdem svojho otca.“ Rozrušilo ma to.

279 Povedal som, „Možno ja som ten, ktorého hľadáš.“

280 Povedala ... uchopila ma za chlopne kabáta, povedala, „Ty si ten Uzdravovateľ?“

281 Povedal som, „Nie, sestra, ja som brat Branham.“

282 Povedala, „Maj zľutovanie!“ Myslel som na úbohú slepú Fanny Crosby: “Veľa iných si vypočul, neobchádzaj ma.” Vidíte, On uzdravil jedného, On mohol uzdraviť ju.

283 Položil som ruky nad jej oči, povedal som, „Drahý Ježišu, jedného dňa sa starý masívny kríž posúval ulicou, udieral o zem, nesený na ramenách, z ktorých tiekla krv, to krehké telo prakticky padalo pod jeho ťarchou. Farebný muž menom Šimon Cyrenejský, pristúpil a zodvihol ten kríž a pomohol Mu ho niesť. Som si istý, že to pamätáš, Otče. A jedno z Jeho detí sa tu potáca v temnote, som si istý, že rozumieš.“

284 Ona povedala, „Sláva Bohu! Môžem vidieť!“

285 Povedal som, „Môžeš vidieť?“

286 Povedala, „Áno, pane.“

287 Povedal som, „Spočítaj tie svetlá.“ A ona ich spočítala. Povedal som, „Akej farby je môj oblek?“

288 Povedala, „Máš na sebe šedý oblek so žltou kravatou.“ To bolo to, ona mohla vidieť.

289 Ó, Boh si ctí pokoru.

  “Toto samo o sebe je to, čo spôsobí a dovedie obrovské víťazstvo v Božej Láske.”

290 Drahý Bože, buď milosrdný a uzdrav moju sestru, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

291 Drahý Bože, ako beriem túto slabú, zvráskavenú ruku, len Ty vieš, čo všetko ona prešla. Modlím sa, drahý Bože, aby sa tá ruka, ktorú teraz držím, chytila tak, ako tie slabé ruky Simeona toho dňa: „Pane, nechaj Svojho služobníka odísť v pokoji, lebo teraz vidím Tvoje spasenie.“ Nech To príde na ňu, Pane, Tvoje spasenie a učiní ju zdravou v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

292 (Prázdne miesto na páske - vyd.) V kázni “Proces”. Pán Neveriaci obvinil Ježiša Krista. Pamätáte si “Proces” ? Ako to ten ... Oni mali advokáta a všetko, a kto stál za koho. A žalobcom bol satan. A bol predstavený priebeh toho procesu.

293 A pán Pochybovač pristúpil a povedal, „Ja som počul kazateľa povedať, ́Pomažte chorého olejom, Biblia tak povedala.́ Ja som bol pomazaný olejom a nebol som uzdravený. Ďalší povedal, ́Klaďte ruky na chorých a budú uzdravení.́“ On sa pokúšal obžalovávať.

294 Ale keď prišiel dopredu svedok, tu to bolo, „Boh im povedal, ́Budete ...́“ Povedal, „Uplynulo šesť mesiacov odvtedy, čo boli na mňa položené ruky a Tvoje Slovo povedalo, že ́Budú klásť ruky na chorých a oni budú uzdravení.́ A na mňa boli položené ruky jedného z Tvojich pomazaných služobníkov a ešte som nebol uzdravený. Preto Tvoje tvrdena sú falošné, pretože Tvoje Slovo neznamená to, čo hovorí.“

295 Tak keď ten svedok pristúpil, pravdou bolo toto, že „Jeho Slovo je pravda. On nikdy nepovedal kedy  to On urobí. On povedal, ́Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak oni budú klásť ruky na chorých, budú uzdravení.́ Vidíte? Vidíte, to je to, čo On povedal, ́Oni budú uzdravení.́ Tak či to je zjavný zázrak, ktorý sa má stať hneď alebo je to poslušnosť voči Bohu, to záleží od Neho od každého individuálne.

  Vidíte? Ale ak jednotlivec Tomu verí, nestarám sa ako dlho to trvá. On povedal Abrahámovi, ́Ty budeš mať dieťa od Sáry.́ To dieťa neprišlo po celých dvadsať päť rokov. On povedal Noemu, že ́bude pršať.́ Noe mal potopu ... staval archu na potopu mnoho, mnoho rokov predtým ako prišla potopa, ale on vedel, že bude pršať. Biblia povedala, ́Modlitba viery zachráni chorých a Boh ich pozdvihne.́ Kedy? On to nepovedal. Boh je spravodlivý, On je verný, len čítaj čo hovorí Jeho Slovo.“

296 To je to, čo som robil dnes večer, kládol som ruky na chorých. Teraz, verím za každého jedného z tých, ktorí prišli aby boli uzdravení. Verím za každého jedného z nich. Veríte to isté? Teraz verte za týchto postihnutých ľudí.

297 Je tu nejaká milá dáma, zdá sa, že by som to mal vedieť, modlil som sa za ňu minulý večer, tam v modlitebnej rade. Ako sa voláš? Chambers ... Chambless. Ak by tá milá dáma žila - žila by normálne, nebola by postihnutá, bola by zaiste krásnou ženou. A ona tam teraz sedí, chvejúca sa. Pôvabný, jemný duch v tom dievčati.  A ona tam sedí a trhá to ňou. Ó, ako to láme moje srdce. Ako by som si želal ... ako by som len!

298 Tu je malé dieťa, pani tu sedí a drží ho. Jeho malý jazyk visí von, jeho malé telo je postihnuté. Čo ak by to bol môj malý Jozef? Čo ak by to bol môj malý vnuk Paul? Čo ak by to bola Rebeka, ktorá sedí tam vzadu, alebo Sarah? Čo ak tu pani Simpson by bola moja žena Meda? Tento mladý muž sediaci tu by bol Billy Paul? Táto stará žena sediaca tu by bola moja matka? Pamätajte, to je niekoho dieťa, niekoho sestra, niekoho dcéra a niekoho syn. Vidíte? Ja som ich brat, On je náš Spasiteľ. Všetko čo ja môžem urobiť je ... vieru, ktorú mám, použiť pre ich dobro. To je všetko čo viem.

299 No, Pán mi môže ukázať videnie, On mi môže povedať, čo je každému jednému z nich. Môžem vám to dokázať, vidíte, vy to viete. Ale to ich neuzdraví. To ich neuzdraví. Nie, to musí byť niečo, čo príde do nich, vidíte. A ja mám nádej ...

300 Mohol by som prísť tu, vziať každého z vás a pokrstiť vás vo Meno Pána Ježiša Krista, ale to nesníme vaše hriechy. Nie, nie! Nie, ja neverím vo vodný krst na Meno Ježiša Krista na obnovenie. Ja verím, že v Krvi je obnovenie, vidíte, nie vo vode. Ale, vidíte, ja by som mohol krstiť a krstiť, ale vy idete dolu ako suchý hriešnik a vychádzate ako mokrý hriešnik. Vidíte, až kým ste skutočne neučinili pokánie. Čiňte pokánie a potom sa dajte pokrstiť vo Meno Ježiša Krista. Vidíte? A to je to, v čom sa líšim od hnutia Jednotárov. Nie krstiť na obnovenie, nie. Ja verím, že to je Krv, ktorá očisťuje, nie voda. Vidíte? Pokánie a potom buďte pokrstení na Meno Ježiša Krista.

301 Teraz sa idem dolu modliť. A títo ľudia znamenajú pre vás to, čo pre mňa a možno znamenajú dokonca viac ako moji príbuzní.

302 Nuž, zjednoťme sa všetci spolu a vaše ruky vo viere a moje ruky vo viere, prinesú dolu ruky Pána Ježiša, aby ich položil na týchto úbohých postihnutých ľudí. Budete sa modliť so mnou?

303 (Prázdne miesto na páske - vyd.) Tí s vreckovkami pre chorých a trpiacich, možete ich dostať hneď po službe. Teraz mi pomôžte modliť sa za týchto, pomôžete mi?

304 Bože, ďakujeme Ti, Pane, za to, čo si urobil dnes večer. Ďakujeme Ti vopred za uzdravenie každej osoby prechádzajúcej cez túto radu. Drahý Bože, modlím sa nad vreckovkami, možno za niekoho, kto dokonca nemohol prísť na zhromaždenie a ich milovaní priniesli tie vreckovky. V Biblii sme vyučovaní, že z tela Pavla brali vreckovky a zástery. Teraz, títo ľudia tam žili v Tvojej prítomnosti, oni Ťa videli na ulici, oni Ťa videli na ich zhromaždeniach a oni videli toho istého Tvojho Ducha na Pavlovi. A oni vedeli, že to nebol ten človek, to bol Tvoj Duch, ktorý vládol jeho životom, lebo vidíme, že Pavel robil tie isté veci, ktoré si Ty robil.

305 A teraz, Pane, ľudia v dnešnom dni vidia toho istého Boha žijúceho vo Svojej Cirkvi so Svojim ľudom. A oni priniesli tieto vreckovky, aby ich mohli vziať odtiaľto svojim milovaným. Udeľ to, Bože, aby každý jeden z nich bol uzdravený Tvojím vlastným spôsobom. My nežiadame, žiadnu určitú vec, aby sa stala nejakým určitým spôsobom alebo nejakým určitým charakterom. My len prosíme, „Tvojim vlastným spôsobom, Otče, uzdrav ich.“ Na slávu Božiu, predkladám túto modlitbu viery nad tým. V Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

306 Mal som nádherný čas spoločenstva okolo vašej viery, vašej prítomnosti v Ježišovi Kristovi. Toto bude stretnutie, na ktoré budem dlho spomínať na to čo sa dialo; láska, spolupráca, obecenstvo.

307 A teraz, až kým sa znovu stretneme, nech vás Boh Nebies vedie. On, Ktorý učinil hviezdy, aby svietili jasne v noci, aby osvetľovali cestu, keď pribúda tma, nech On osvecuje vašu cestu tou Betlehemskou Hviezdou a vedie vás do úplneho odovzdaného života  v Jeho Slove, to je mojou modlitbou.

  Až kým sa stretneme, až kým sa stretneme,

  až kým sa stretneme pri nohách Ježiša.

  Až kým sa stretneme, až kým sa stretneme,

  Boh buď s vami až kým sa znovu stretneme.

308 Teraz povstaňme. Moja viera hľadí hore ku Tebe ... Ja ... dobre, zmením to. Verím, že je to dobre:

  Moja viera hľadí hore ku Tebe,

  Ty Baránku z Golgoty,

  Božský Spasiteľ!

  Počuj ma teraz zatiaľ čo sa modlím,

  Vezmi všetky moje hriechy preč.

  Ó, nechaj ma od tohto dňa

  byť celkom Tvoj!

309 Potrasme si teraz jedni druhým ruky, keď zatiaľčo spievame

  Až kým temné bludisko života prejdem,

  a zármutky okolo mňa sa šíria,

  buď Ty mojim Vodcom.

  Rozkáž temnote stať sa dňom,

  vytri slzy smútku,

  tiež nenechaj ma zablúdiť

  od Tvojho boku.

310 Necítite sa teraz lepšie?

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh posiela Svoju čistú, nežnú lásku,

  Znamenie z hora,

  Na krídlach holubice.

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh posiela Svoju čistú, nežnú lásku,

  Znamenie z hora,

  Na krídlach holubice.

311 To je naše záverečné posolstvo pre túto kampaň:

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh posiela Svoju čistú, nežnú lásku,

  Znamenie z hora,

  Na krídlach holubice.

312 Skloňme svoje hlavy. Ako tie kolesá budú nôtiť pieseň, cestou domov, ja dúfam, že to bude ...

  Na krídlach snehobielej holubice,

  Boh posiela Svoje čistú, nežnú lásku,

  Znamenie z hora,

  Na krídlach holubice.

  (Brat Branham začína hmkať refrén - vyd.) ... holubice,

  Boh posiela Svoje čistú, nežnú lásku,

  Znamenie z hora,

  Na krídlach holubice.

313 So svojimi sklonenými hlavami, odovzdávam ti ... Brat Noel.

ON THE WINGS OF A SNOW-WHITE DOVE, 65-1128E, Life Tabernacle, Life Tabernacle, Shreveport, LA, 127 min

1 Let's bow our heads.

Dear Lord, we thank Thee tonight for the promise of the coming of the Lord Jesus, where we'll meet in a great meeting where it'll never end, of joys and songs, as we praise You through the--the ceaseless ages that is to come. We ask Your blessings upon the meeting tonight. We ask Your blessings upon this tabernacle, upon its staff, its pastors, its co-workers, co-pastors, and all.

2We ask You to bless these, Lord, who have come many miles to be in the meeting, lay Your hand of mercy upon them as they travel back to their homes. Grant it, Lord. May we meet many more times together in this place called the house of God, to worship. Bless those who are tuned in tonight, Lord, by the way of the telephone. May every unsaved person find Jesus Christ their Saviour, tonight; heal all the sick and the afflicted, Father, your servant is reporting for service, in Jesus' Name. Amen!

3 The Lord bless each of you. So happy to be here tonight. I just got in when Brother Ernie was singing the last part of his song, On The Wings Of A Dove. Certainly beautiful poem, certainly beautiful, and I--I know it's timely. So now, we very thankful.

4And to all you people that's tuned in tonight out across the nation, I wished you were only here to see this a-waiting, expectations on the people's faces as they're jammed in the building tonight; having a wonderful time.

5We want to thank Brother Jack Moore, and Sister Moore, and Brother Noel, Brother Boutliere, Brother Brown, all these associates here, the whole tabernacle, the whole staff, for inviting us back.

6 It was a... really a... kind of a... couldn't say a coincident, it was simply just the hand of God that worked it out. There's a brother here that had a dream sometime ago, about this thing happening, said I "was standing in a pair of white trousers, in Indian moccasins." And that's just exactly the way I was standing when I called Brother Jack for the meeting here, just exactly, (at Carson, Colorado) Indian moccasins and a pair of white levi trousers on; Brother Leo, if you're listening in, I was just meeting you in a few minutes. So that's when the meeting took its birthplace, right there.

7 Now it's Sunday night; I know many of you will drive all night tonight going home, some of you will be driving in the morning. I've got two days drive ahead of me. And so we--we won't hold you very long. And I've tried to make this an old-time night, the night that Brother Brown, and Brother Jack, and all of us that used to pray for the sick years ago, would pray for the sick in the same manner that we did then.

8Now, can you hear me back in the back? I just keep lowering these mikes because I am hoarse.

9 And so I want to... Just a little something, this little incident's happened. Why, they was telling me a while ago that there was a brother, perhaps here in the meeting tonight, that just come out of denominationalism; come into Shreveport, wanted to hear about the Message. And he got mixed up, he didn't know where he was at, so he went downtown. He seen a people gathered, he said, "Is this where Billy Branham is going to preach?"

10He said, "No, it's where Billy Graham's a-preaching by--by the way of a--a film."

11He said, "Well, I'm sorry, I--I got the wrong place."

12He said he come up, he said, "Now where can I go, Lord?" Said he started walking up this main street. I don't know what it is, there's a big church up here at the end. Texas Street. And there was a big white cross up on a church. Said the Lord told him, said, "'Just keep walking.'" Said... when he got there, there was... Said, "Well, here must be where it is, there's a lot of cars setting around." And said, "A bride and groom come walking out of the church." That was last night, there was a wedding, I seen it come out. The Lord said, "Now, that's what it is. You're coming out of denominationalism to enter into the Bride, to go with the Groom." See? See?

13 I was remarking to my wife, coming down the street, how the moon and the star hanging right above that cross, as we moved up into it. I guess I just look at little things like that, maybe kinda complimentary to my belief in God and my ministry.

14I was thinking tonight, in Tucson, it happened to be that Victor Le Doux, he was this Frenchman... he's a genuine Frenchman. I believe I was telling you the other day, that when I got through speaking, trying to separate denominationalism from real Christianity... And a man was giving me a... kind of a short talk about it, from a famous denominational Pentecostal church.

15And so Danny Henry, I think he's some movie star's cousin or something, and he was a Baptist; and he run down to the platform, and just threw his arms around me and said, "Brother Branham, I hope this don't sound sacrilegious, but that could be the 23rd chapter of Revelation." And when he started to say something else, he started speaking in tongues.

16And this, three French people... A French woman (big, heavyset woman, dark complected, from Louisiana, she may be setting here tonight) wrote it down on a piece of paper, what he said. Then Victor Le Doux, a minister, wrote down the same thing; and they were comparing notes, or going to. A light-headed man (kind of a blond hair) standing way back, packed back as far as he could, come walking up, wanted to see those notes. He was the interpreter of French at the U.N. And all three notes was the same.

17And It said this:

Because thou has chosen this harder way... You've chose it, you have took... chose it by your own choosing. (course we know that, Moses had to make his choice)

(said) This is the precise and correct way, because it's MY WAY.

And what a--what a glorious decision you've made!... (said)... Because of this, a large portion of Heaven awaits you.

And this in itself is that which will make, and bring to pass, the tremendous victory in the Love Divine.

18 All three was the same. I thought I had that in my Bible tonight, (I looked in there, but I didn't), the original copy of it.

19 Danny Henry don't know... like myself, he hardly knows good English, let alone French. If you notice in there, it's like the French language, they put the verb before the adverb. And the interpretation of all three was exactly alike.

20Danny Henry, sometime ago, he make... Danny may be listening in tonight. Victor Le Doux perhaps is, because I understand he's in Tucson. And you people in Tucson at the church, the tabernacle, the Tucson Tabernacle where Brother Green's the pastor; Brother Victor Le Doux, I understand is in a tent meeting right at the foot of Park Avenue where it runs out into Highway 80, coming this a-way. And if you're out there tomorrow night and next night, whenever how long he'll be there, go to hear him; and Danny may be with him. And it could be that they're listening in from the tabernacle tonight, I don't know.

21 Danny went to Jerusalem right after that, and said he was laying there in the tomb on the board... rock board that Jesus laid on, a corpse just before His resurrection. And said, all of a sudden I come on his mind; and said he run out, begin crying, and he walked outside. And he was directed... He's a man that makes things out of rocks; tumbles rocks, I meant. Said he went to where they said the cross was drove down, and he just dropped off... knocked off a little piece of rock about like... oh, a inch square, or something; put it in his pocket, and was impressed to bring it home.

22When he did, something said to him, "Make Brother Branham a pair of cuff links out of that." So he put it in the acid, and it changed the color from the regular limestone-looking rock to a bloodstone rock. And he made the cuff links.

23And when he give them to me, he hadn't noticed it, but right through the middle of both cuff links runs that straight, narrow strip. I have them on tonight, to pray for the sick. See, a--a bloodstone color, like the dripping blood; with the straight, narrow line right through. Just exactly what his prophecy said, "the straight and narrow way"; see, in the prophecy. I showed it to him.

24Danny, if you're listening in, you or Brother Le Doux, either one, tonight's going to be the old-fashioned night when we're to pray for the sick. I'm glad to walk this straight, narrow way, the way of the Gospel, the way of the Word, with our Lord Jesus Christ.

25 God bless you all. Now, you're so nice to talk to, I'll just talk a long time and I'll have you here too long. Billy said there's between three and four hundred people to be prayed for, so I'll just have to hurry up with our message as quick as possible, and then pray for the sick.

26Now, to the people in Arizona, the next Saturday night, we're over at (never can think of the name of that town) Yuma, Arizona, at the banquet. So then, in California, we follow right on in Sunday morning, to Los Angeles and the places that's been predicted to be there.

27Tonight, I want to take a text out of the Scripture.

28 By the way, I was setting in a cafeteria today, the Morrison's Cafeteria; Brother Jack, his wife, I and my wife. We went over to Morrison's Cafeteria to have a little time together, we hadn't been out, the women had never been together. There was a young fellow walked up to me, his name's Green, he's the father of Brother Pearry Green. And he said, "You know, Brother Branham, you was talking about a 'johnny pin' the other night." That's really a... What is it? Bobby pin. He said, "You were talking about a 'johnny pin,'" said, "I got you a 'johnny pin.'" He gave it to me.

29Now, that's a "johnny pin," ladies, that won't work in the hair. A "johnny pin," he said--said he'd been using it for years, to hold the pages of his Bible down. So he said, "I'll give you a genuine 'johnny pin.'" So, Brother Green, if you're here somewhere or listening in, that "johnny pin's" a dandy, just holds it right.

30 Now we want to get into the Scriptures right away. And I want you to turn with me now to Psalms 55, and then also Matthew 3. And my subject tonight was Brother Ernie's topic: On The Wings Of A Snow-White Dove. Now, I won't be able to strike all the notes and Scriptures that I got here, because I'll just kinda skip over a few of them, and because I promised the message.

31The Lord willing, for Yuma next Saturday night, I want to preach on: The Conditions For The Rapture, if the Lord willing.

32 In Psalms 53... I beg your pardon, Psalms 55.

Give ear... (Pardon? 55, yes, sir.)

Give ear to my prayer, O God;... hide not thyself from my supplication.

Attend unto me, and hear me: I mourn in my complaint, and make a noise;

Because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked: for they cast iniquity upon me, and in wrath they hate me.

My heart is sore pained within me: and the terror of death are fallen upon me.

Fearless and trembling comings are come upon me, the horror has overwhelmed me.

And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest.

Lo, then would I wander far off, and remain in the wilderness. Selah. (Selah means "Amen.")

33 David, a lover of the wilderness, when he got distressed and the people wouldn't believe him, and the enemies had come upon him, he said, "If I had the wings of a dove, I would fly out into the wilderness and there remain." How many times have I thought that same thing! If I could take my rifle off of the wall, my camp bag, go out in the wilderness and never return again. I've asked the Lord if I can live to see the day... I don't never want a funeral service, I said, "If I can just go out in the woods somewhere, set old 'Blondie' against the tree,..."

34That's my rifle, excuse me, I--I--I say that on account of my wife setting there. You know, that rifle, a Brother here gave me years ago, I killed fifty-five head of game with it, without missing a shot, some of them seven to eight hundred yards. I call it "Blondie" because my wife's a brunette, so she said I think more of the rifle than I do her. But...

35So, I--I'd like to set it against a tree, and say, "Lord, let Joseph find it someday." I like to take the wings of a dove and fly away.

36But just like one time up in the mountains and watching an eagle, and seeing him fly away (you know my story of it), I said, "It's good to be here, Lord; like Peter said, 'we could build three tabernacles.' But down at the foot of the mountain, the sick and the afflicted are waiting, the lost and dying are waiting." So let us do what we can while it's day, and someday there'll be a... the wings of a white Eagle will come down, He'll bear us away.

37 Now in Matthew 3:16, I'd like to read 16 and 17.

And Jesus, when he was baptized, went straightway up out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:

And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. (In other words, "in whom I'm pleased to dwell in.")

38 Now we want to speak a few minutes on this bird. A dove has always been one of my favorite birds. And thinking of a dove, a dove is really... and a pigeon is the same bird. A pigeon is a domestic dove. They're both the same family. I've looked it up and it is the same family. A pigeon and a dove, they're both of the same family. The habits of these birds are outstanding.

39I preached here, some few years ago, in a tent meeting out here with Brother Moore, on: The Lamb And The Dove. I guess you all remember that; and how that the dove is the most cleanest bird that we have, and the lamb is the most meekest animal that we have. They're both sacrificial bird and beast.

40 How beautiful it's typed here as Jesus being the Lamb, and God being the Dove. And the dove would not have settled on a wolf, his nature's not right. It couldn't a-settled on a dog, his nature's not right. It had to be on a lamb; the two natures had to be the same. And that's the way we have to be, our natures has to change from the roaring sinner to the meekness of a lamb.

41And did you notice the Dove led the Lamb? And notice, the Lamb forfeit everything He had to the Dove. And look where the Dove led Him: to crucifixion for the sins of us all.

42Now, the Dove of... God wanted to represent His Son, He was represented by the most cleanest and meekest animal on the earth, a earthbound creature; but when God represented Himself in the heavens, was by the meekest and most cleanest bird there is in the heavens, a dove.

43 Now, doves vary, there's many different variations of them. Usually our turtledove is kind of a gray-looking bird. And then there's a mourning dove, and then there's the evening dove. There's also called the sonora dove that we have at home, he's a little, gray fellow; little, bitty fellow with red stripes on his wings. There's many different kinds of doves, and they vary in colors. So is there same thing in the pigeons.

44Now, the dove is a very odd constructed dove, because his habit's that he cannot eat anything that's unclean; he just couldn't do it, because he's not built for it.

45 Now, I've always talked about the dove being the symbol of God, and the crow being the symbol of a hypocrite. A crow can set out on an old dead carcass and eat, all day long, and fly right out in the field and eat wheat with the dove. But the dove can eat wheat all right, but it can't eat the dead carcass. See? He just can't do it, he can't stomach it. And I wondered why he couldn't do it; they're both fowls, both birds. But why? It's the structure of them.

46And that's the way it is with a genuine Christian. A... just a denominational Christian can just take anything, but a genuine, borned-again Christian cannot take the things of the world. He's constructed different.

47 I found out that the dove don't have any gall. There's no gall in a dove because he has no need of it.

48So that's the way it is with a Christian, he doesn't need any bitterness, see, 'cause. he only can eat the food of God. And it doesn't take bitterness to dissolve that; takes love, see, so he... to dissolve the food. Bitterness: "Oh," they say, "well..." they difference with It. But love always receives It, the Word of God.

49Now, he has no gall, so therefore he could not... it's just against him to eat anything bad. And if he would, it would kill him. But there's no danger, he isn't going to eat it (uh-huh), because he has no appetite for it.

50 And that's the way with a real Christian. Did you know a real Christian doesn't have even any sin at all imputed to him? David said, "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin to." When you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb (not by make-belief, but really the--the Blood of the Lamb), God does not impute to you anything that's done, because you're under the Blood and He doesn't see it. There's a Blood sacrifice; the only thing He can see you in, is the way He saw you before the foundation of the world when He put your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. That's all He can look at, because you are redeemed from everything that was ever done, you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Therefore there's no gall in you, there's no unclean habit in you, because that the Blood of the Lamb has did this; and God cannot impute sin to you after you've got a sin-offering laying there waiting for you.

51"Well," you say, "that gives me plenty of room then, Brother Branham, I can do what I want to." I always do; always. But when a man can really see what Jesus done for him, and turn around and do something contrary to Him, it shows he never received Christ.

52 I got a little wife setting back there. She's ten years younger than me, and is gray as I am. The reason is because she's stood between me and the--and the outside world. If I was going overseas, and I'd... Wouldn't this be some sort of a family to live in, if I'd gather my family around me and I'd say: "Looky here, Mrs. Branham, you want to realize that you're Mrs. William Branham. Thou shalt not have any other husbands while I'm gone. Don't you make eyes at any other man," and all these things. "Don't you flirt at all. If you do, when I come back I'm going to divorce you."

53And she'd turn around and say, "Now, my good man, I want to tell you something also. Thou shalt not take out any other woman while you're gone. Thou shalt not do this and that. If you do, just consider yourself divorced when you come home."

54Now, wouldn't that be a loving family? See? No! If I really love her... Though I believe if I did make a mistake and slip and do something wrong, I believe she'd forgive me for it because she loves me. And if she did, I believe I'd forgive her for it; certainly, because I love her. But if I love her like that, as long as I love her like that she has no worry. Though she would forgive me, I wouldn't hurt her for nothing. I--I--I'd feel the guiltiest guy in the world, I couldn't wait for the minute I'd tell her about what I done, because I love her. Well, that's... If I love her with phileo love like that, how much greater would my agapao love be to Jesus Christ?

55 Though I might smoke a cigarette, I never in my life; but though I would, He might forgive me for it, I believe He would. If I took a drink, I never in my life, but I believe He'd forgive me for it. And I love Him too much, (God, help me) I don't want to do anything like that, see, because I love Him. That stuff is gone from me, because when He changed me from a crow to a dove it made a difference, my appetite and things left me; then sin is not imputed to me because I don't aim to do it, it's not in me to do it.

56 Now another great thing about this dove. He's a strange bird. Did you ever see all the birds...

57One of my favorite birds is a robin. Now, you boys quit shooting at my robins, see, 'cause I don't want you doing that. My robin, you know how he got his red breast? You know, one day there was a Man dying on the cross, nobody would help Him, God had forsaken the Man, and He was dying. His hands had nails in them, his feet and his side a-bleeding, crown on His head and thorns, blood running over His face. And there was a little bird passed by, a little, brown bird. And he looked at that, was... thought it was the most pitiful sight he ever saw. And he knowed he was just a little bird, but he looked at them great big, ol' cruel Roman nails drove in His hand, and he flew in with his little beak and tried to pull them loose. He got his breast all bathed with blood, since then it's been red. I want my breast shielded with His Blood, too, defending It when I come to meet Him. I love a little robin.

58 But, you know, a little robin has to take a bath; but, you know, a dove don't have to; no. He's got some kind of oil on the inside of him that oils him and keeps him clean from the inside out. You know that? The dove has! The dove oils himself. Did you ever pick up one, smell that odor on him, a pigeon or something? That's oil that's produced from the inside of him. His body makes up a oil gland that keeps his feathers always clean on the outside because he's clean from inside out. That's right. He's a marvelous little bird.

59Now, I know you can hunt them here, I think, in Louisiana. Don't do that! Oh, I couldn't do it. I guess if I was hungry, it'd be all right, but I--I just couldn't pull the trigger on one if I had to.

60 There's... A dove has a great strange thing in our family. One day when my grandmother... She come from up here in Kentucky, off the Cherokee reservation. She was dying, a little woman, and she was... They had... I think they call it scrofula or something, she was dying. And grandfather knelt down by the side of the bed; while Mama, Aunt Birtie, Aunt Howlie, all of them knelt around the bed; Uncle Charlie, (little bitty, four-year-old boy) the baby; Mama, the oldest, being about twelve years old. And she had combed her black hair out on the bed, and she started singing, "Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee," when she was dying. Grandpa, at that time, wasn't a Christian. I baptized him at eighty-seven years old, in the Name of Jesus Christ, at the foot of the river there where the Angel of the Lord appeared.

61But while she was singing this song, with her feeble little hands up in the air, a dove flew in the door; come around, set down on the top of the bed, started cooing. God took her soul.

62 I went over to London, England with Brother Jack and with Brother Gordon Lindsay, and there had been a woman by the name of Florence Nightingale (claims to be, I think, a great-granddaughter or something of the late Florence Nightingale) that wrote me many letters. She was down in South Africa, dying with a cancer. And she had a picture; you seen it in the book. I never seen a mortal like that in my life. Brother Jack, I believe, was with me that day. We went into a minister's house, at the rectory, just behind the church where they had brought her.

63While we were yet out on the... where the plane come down, they paged us, and she was in a ambulance there then; had been flown up from--from down in South Africa, knowing that I was coming to England at that time. The minister took her to the rectory, so we went back there to pray for her.

64 I've seen lots of sick people, but her little arms didn't look over a inch across, her--her skull where it laces together, you could see it. And she... her limbs way up here around her hips wasn't over that, about two inches across, just the bone. And she couldn't raise her hands, she was too weak to raise her hands. And she was trying to say something, and I couldn't understand her. And when I finally got to hear, I believe through a nurse, she said, "Brother Branham, pray that God will let me die." She couldn't... didn't want to live. And I noticed, and tears was running off of the side of them bone on her face. Where she got enough moisture about her to cry, I don't know; for her veins was collapsed, and she was in a terrible condition. Coming to pray for the sick, I couldn't pray for her to die. But she just looked like couldn't die, she just lingering on.

65I knelt down with your pastor, in the room to pray. And when I knelt down to pray, a little dove flew up by the window; begin cooing. When I finished praying, I thought it was a pet dove there somewhere. Foggy outside, how England is, the British Isles there. And this little dove quit cooing, and flew away. I walked over and laid hands upon her and called the Name of the Lord. And the woman is a great big, strong healthy woman today, on the wings of a Dove.

66He keeps hisself clean from the inside. A Christian does that too, he cleans from the inside. That keeps the malice... He don't need any gall to digest anything, because he doesn't eat it. See? He's clean from the inside out.

67 Now, we notice that this bird... Many things I've got written down here, but the clock keeps moving around. This bird was also used in the Old Testament for sacrifice, for an atonement and for cleansing. Let's just refer here to one in Genesis 15:9. Let's think of this verse just for a moment. Now, Abraham was... asked God here, how would He do this. And God is making His Word back to Abraham, and He does it in a strange way. Begin with about the... Let's begin at the 1st verse, I don't like to hurry this.

After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abraham in a vision,... (See, Abraham was a prophet, so he saw visions.)... Fear not, Abraham: I am thy shield, and... exceeding reward. (Jehovah-nissi, see.)

And Abraham said, Lo-... said, Lord GOD... (Notice, capital L, "Lord GOD." Elohim! See?)... Lord GOD,... (in the vision)... what will thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?

And Abram said, Behold, to me thou has given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is my heir.

And behold, the word of the LORD came to him, saying, This shall not be thy heir;...

Done made him a promise, you know. Not... See, right then Abraham would have failed, but the promise is unconditional; the covenant, unconditional.

... but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir. (And he's a hundred years old now.)

And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now towards the heavens, and tell the stars, if thou are able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be. (A man without a child, and now a hundred years old.)

And he believed in the LORD; and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

And he said unto him, I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur, out of the Chaldeans, to give thee the land to inherit it.

And he said unto Him, Lo-... Lord... or Lord... whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it?

68Now listen to this.

And he said unto him, Take me a heifer of three years old, and a she goat of three years old,... (watch the threes now, "three years old")... and a ram of three years old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon. (Both the same people, both the same thing. See, it was used in a sacrifice that he was foreshowing Jesus.)

69 The covenant was made... You know, how he cleave them apart, and how that this...

70Or the old times, when they took... made a covenant, they would take and write the--the agreement up. And kill an animal, stand in between it; tear the covenant in two, one person took one part...

71Like the Chinese laundry used to do. The Chinaman here, he couldn't write English, so he wrote on there and tore a piece of paper and handed you a part. And you--you remember the Chinese laundries when they used to do that. And you... their--their two ends had to compare, to get your clothes. See, you couldn't fool him, 'cause he had the other end of it. You might re-copy your name, but you can't retear that paper. See? So, he had... it had to be the same piece of paper.

72So that's the way they done it in the Oriental days, long... or long ago in the Eastern days. They'd kill an animal, stand in between it, tear the piece of goatskin apart, one took one... And when the covenant was confirmed, they brought the pieces together and they had to dovetail just exactly.

73 Now, what God is showing him here is this, on these sacrifices, is speaking of Christ; that how God took Jesus to the Calvary and tore Him apart, and received the body up into Heaven and sent the Spirit down upon us, that the same Spirit was on Him has to be on you to dovetail with the Body, to be the Bride at the end time. See? See? That's right. See? Won't be a denomination, now. It'll be the Word, what He was. See?

74But like that Word has to come to Word, like cell in a human being. You know, when your--your body's being built, it isn't one cell of a human, next of a dog, and next of a pig. Oh, no, no. It's all human cell. That's the way the Body of Christ is, all the Word of God. Not just part of It, some tradition added to It; no, It's all the Body of Christ.

75Now, we find here that he used both a turtledove and a young pigeon, because they are the selfsame family. Now, you always...

76 So notice (I just refer to a couple of these Scriptures) Leviticus 12, and the 6th verse. We find here that the order of a woman being purified; if the woman had a baby, she had to wait. If it was a boy, she had to wait for thirty-three days before she could enter the congregation with the doves, for purification. If she had a girl, she had to wait ninety-six days before she could enter the congregation.

77Now we find here, the 6th verse.

And when the days of her purification are fulfilled, for a son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year for a burnt-offering, and a young pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin-offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto the priest:

78See, she can't come in yet because her days isn't finished yet, but she can give this to the--the priest at the door, for her offering. See, either a turtledove or a young pigeon. They're both the same family.

79 Now it--now it was used for atonements, and in the atonement for sin, one dove. Or of leprosy, which is a type of sin, you brought two doves: one's head was taken off, turned upside down and bled on the other one; and then the other dove was set free. And when the dove flew, he bathed the ground with his blood of his mate, and the blood cried out to God, "Holy! Holy! Holy is the Lord God!"

80Can't you see the dying mate Jesus Christ? Was killed and sprinkled upon us, that we should go free, crying out "Holy! Holy! Holy! unto the Lord." What beautiful types. Wished I had some voice.

81 Now type the great Holy Spirit as we just read in Revelation 3:16; used of God for signs, this dove was.

82Noah was given a sign, as the brother just sang about it. God was displeased, and there was nothing going to stay His wrath, for He said, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." And Noah had found grace with God and had built an ark according to the constructions... the instructions, rather, that He had given him. And he had been floated up.

83I can imagine his... what happened in them days when they said, "This old man up on the hill, an old fanatic, building an ark, saying 'it's going to rain,' and it never has rained." But it...

84Noah said, "It's going to rain, anyhow."

85And then I know the day that he went in, I think what... can't think of what day it was, I believe the seventeenth day of May. Noah entered into the ark, and God shut the door.

86And the clouds begin to come, the rains begin to fall, the sewers begin to fill up, the fountains of the deep broke up, the springs all belched up their water. Finally people got into the houses, climbed up. The old ark set right there just the same.

87After while when enough begin to get around her, she begin to rise up higher and higher. The people knocked at the doors and screamed, but it did no--no good, Noah could not open the door. God closed it, God's the only one can open it.

88So is it at our Ark, Jesus Christ; God opened the door for us on Calvary, He'll close it just as sure as He opened it.

89 And it floated, and on and on, maybe a mile's deep over the top of the earth when this earth was tumbling out from the way... from the--the... its regular orbit. And around and around it went, and chunks, and trees, and above the mountains and so forth, pitching for forty days and nights.

90And when the winds being to cease...

91God's wrath is horrible. His love is pure and Divine; and His wrath is just as Divine--just as Divine as His love is, because, He must pass judgment because He is a judge. He's a law-giver, and law without penalty is not law. So there must be a penalty to law. And you transgress God's laws, that's when you pay the penalty.

92 Now we notice that after Noah floating up there, no doubt seasick from all that roaring and popping, and the wrath of God mashing and crushing, and screams and so forth. Then it begin to quieten down, nothing happened. Days passed, nothing happened. Perhaps the food supply for the animals and so forth running low, nothing happened. So he thought, "Wonder... I can't see out."

93The ark was so constructed (when you were once in it), there was only one window in it, and it was right in the top. You couldn't look sideways, you couldn't look no way but straight up. And that's the way the Ark, Jesus Christ, is. You can't look at the next fellow, you can't look at nothing but Christ when you're in the Ark because there's only one door, and He is that Door we talked about this morning. You have to keep looking up, "For he that will put his hand to the plow and even turn to look back, is not worthy of the plowing."

94 Now, as in this ark... And he could see light, and perhaps sunlight, but he wondered where he was. The ark was still a-floating, he could hear the waves against the sides, but he knew that there'd been many days, surely the water was receding by that time. So he went and got an untrusted bird, treacherous, and he tried him, and he sent him out. He was a crow, and that crow never did return, because he found pleasure out there, outside the ark of God. He flew from one old dead body to another, eating the carcasses and the a-carrion that was floating on the water; and he was perfectly satisfied.

95 So after several days he tried again, for he knowed... He didn't want to step out in the wrath of God. So he turned a dove loose. And this dove was of a different nature than the... It was not a vulture, neither is it a scavenger, it can only eat the clean pure things. And it was so satisfied because it couldn't find nothing else to put the soles of his feet on, it returned back to the ark. Noah said, "Well, the flood's still on."

96Then he waited several other days, and he sent out again; like his prayer, "O God, has Your wrath been appeased? Is--is--is Your wrath over, Lord? Is it all done?" And he said, "Now, if I send her out this time, she may stay out there if the floods are down, she may stay." But he sent her out by prayer, and then when she went out there directed by God, she picked off a holly leaf off of a tree, and flew back and pecked on the window again.

97God used a dove for a sign. She come back saying that "the flood is over," and then God opened the door, and they went out. That's Genesis 8:8.

98 Also used in Matthew 3:16, again when God's wrath was on the earth. And there was no way, the darkest of night, midnight, the churches had got things in such a twist till there was no way to get out of it. And there was false teachers, all kinds of things coming up, all kinds of professions coming up, but God used a dove again. It pleased Him, His Son Jesus had pleased Him so well, that He identified Him.

99Now, they couldn't believe that this baby that was borned down there in that stable in a manger of hay... before his father and mother, supposingly to be, was married. They couldn't imagine God using anything like that. So He had to be identified to the world; and that day down on the river, when He walked down to prove Hisself God's Masterpiece (that I talked about this morning)... When He was obedient to walk into the water...

100 Now, if you notice there, there's a great lesson. John was the greatest man on earth, at the time. Jesus said, "There never was a man borned of a woman as great as he," to that time. And he was a prophet. You believe that? Now, remember, if the Word of God will come to anything in the land, it'll be a prophet. That's always God's way. Do you believe that Jesus was the Word manifested in flesh? So there's only one way He can come to be introduced; not by the priests.

101He didn't go up and say, "Caiaphas, will you introduce Me?" If He did, He made the same mistake that David did in our lesson the other day; see, if He went up to the church, and said, "Will you introduce Me?"

102 Just notice when He was borned, even. When He was borned, He was borned in the shadow of the church. And they was probably rang the bells and everything, but it was shepherds that recognized Him, and Magi. See?

103And here He is now, on... ready for His ministry. And if He is the Word...

104According to God's great plan, the Word can only... "The Lord God does nothing until He first reveals It to His servants the prophets." That's always His pattern, has to be; when the Seals were opened, when anything else. Any major event taking place in the earth, God reveals it to His prophets.

105And John was the prophet, for he was prophesying "He'd come."

106Then down off the side of a hill one day... when a discussion was going on, a bunch of priests standing around. And they said, "Do you mean to tell me that you call yourself a 'prophet,' and stand over there in that mud?" (not in a church, because they wouldn't have him) "Stand over in that mud, and tell me that the hour's coming when the great Jehovah who ordained these sacrifices, when great Jehovah who built this temple, who came into it as a Pillar of Fire, 'the day will come when that daily sacrifice will be taken away'?"

107He said, "There will come a Man, and He's among you now (somewhere out there), and He will take away the sin." The priest was disgusted with him.

108 John looked up! Now, what is he? The prophet! And here is the Word, there comes the Word coming right straight to the prophet, right to the water. John said, "Behold, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. There He is, that's Him." Jesus never spoke a word, walked right out into the water. And I can see there, standing in that water (think of a drama), two of the greatest that ever struck the earth: God the Word, and His prophet.

109Notice, the Word come to the prophet in this dispensation of grace, in the water (uh-huh). I thought you'd catch it (uh-huh). In the water! The first revelation of the Word was in the water. Now you see where the Bride started, the Evening-light Message? In the water! The Word, true Word not mixed up with creeds, but come to the prophet in the water, by the water.

110 Notice! Could you imagine the eyes of the Word and the eyes of the prophet meeting in the water? Oh, that's too much for me. There stood the prophet, there stood the Word, looking in each others' eyes. And the prophet said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee, why comest Thou unto me?"

111And the Word said... It has to be true.

Now let me give a drama here:

112"John, you're a prophet, you know the Word." See? "You recognize Me, you know Who I am."

113"I have need to be baptized of Thee," John said.

114Jesus said, "Suffer that to be so. That's exactly right, you do have need to be baptized of Me. But remember, John, being a prophet, it is behooving to us, or becoming to us (as the Word and the prophet), that we fulfill every Word. Uh-huh. For, John," (here's the revelation now) "John, you know Who I am, I am the Sacrifice. And according to the Word of God, the sacrifice had to be washed before it was presented for sacrifice." Is that right? The Word... "The lamb was washed and then presented for sacrifice, and I am that Lamb. And I must be washed before I can be presented to the world for a sacrifice. Suffer it to be so, John, for thus it is becoming to us as the Word and the prophet together."

115 Well, there can't be a mistake. Now, every one of these things...

116Now, see, if it wasn't that very setup, John would've been like any of the rest of us; so they say, "Yeah, I--I know who You are, Lord."

117"Well," He said, "wait a minute, I'm the Word. Uh-huh. 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word.' Eve left off one uh-huh, but you got to take every Word. And I am that Sacrifice, and I must be washed before I'm presented. But what you said, John, is true."

118John being a prophet, knowing the Word had to be fulfilled, he suffered that and baptized Him. And when He was raised up out of the water, there come the Message from Heaven on the wings of a Dove, "This is My beloved Son." He sent the redemption Message of grace on the wings of a Dove, come flying down out of the heavens. "Peace on earth, good will toward man." The Sacrifice was ready right then; been raised, fed, His ministry was ready, a Word that would redeem the whole world, "It's over!"

119 The dove is used in the Bible as a symbol of peace, and also it's used by nations as a symbol of peace. We have nations... Our nation is represented by an eagle. And there's other birds of other nations, Rome has an eagle, Germany has an eagle; many of them, great birds of the sky. But in all of them, the dove symbolizes peace in all nations. It's a universal thing.

120Just like Brother Green said one night, Brother Pearry Green said, "The symbol of surrender is 'raise your hand.' Any nation, raise up your hand, it's surrender." He said, "When you sing, raise up your hands, you surrender it all."

121And the dove is the symbol of peace in every nation. Why is it done? Because of its gentleness, and because of its innocence. That's the reason it symbols peace.

122 Another thing about the dove, it is a home-loving bird. It loves to stay home.

123And another thing it is, it's always loyal to its mate. The dove, male or female, never leave one another. That female finds her mate in mating season. See, that's complimentary to God's great creation. That's the reason He made Eve a by-product. See? If she'd a-been made like other females, when the time come for her mating time, she'd a-found her mate; but she could any time. See? And that's the way, that's what it is. I just... We don't want to go into that, because I've got it on Marriage And Divorce, and so forth. And how it... But yet she's honorable and brought that virtue, and you know how I preached on it the other night. All right, notice, she's got a great responsibility.

124But the dove is always loyal to his mate. Always! Never leaves her.

125 And may I stop here just for a minute, to say this: a true Bride, female dove, is loyal to her Mate, too. It won't inject any dogma, any denominational doctrines, anything of the world. It'll stay loyal to its Mate, the Word; always loyal.

126And by this home-loving conduct, by the conduct of its home-loving, it has been successfully used for a carrier pigeon. Because it loves home, you turn it loose anywhere, it'll always go back home. It'll go back home.

127We'd like to stress on that a little while, and you Christians would understand what I mean. It always finds its way back home, so therefore it's been used for carrier pigeon. It's used in time of war, used to be; they still use them, carrier pigeons to carry a message. So you see then, that makes the dove, both by God and man, a messenger; a dove is a messenger. It was a messenger to Noah, to tell Noah that "there's peace again." It was used by God to vindicate that this was His Son, "the Sacrifice to bring peace upon the earth and goodwill to man." It was used as a messenger.

128 Right here I have a little story in my mind, I read one time out of a book. Now, I don't want to say this is sure, it may be in The Decline of the First World War. I'm not positive of that now; if you miss seeing it, then I'm wrong. I either read it in a book... it's been many years ago. But it was certainly a--a... really a--a dramatic thing that happened.

129The American soldiers was pinned down by German machine-gun fire, and they were in kind of a pit. You soldiers, I guess, understand how they were on a reconnaissance somewhere. And they was pinned down, and they had just a little bit of ammunition left. And the Germans was moving in great units, moving in everywhere. And they knowed that unless they'd get some reinforcement, some help, that they would soon all die; (they had to) the Germans coming right down off the mountain, looking right down their neck, going right into them like that.

130 And one of them happened to remember that he had a little mascot, a little pigeon. So he knew that this pigeon, if it could get out of there, would carry the message to the main headquarters to where they'd been stationed. And so they set down and wrote on a note, "We are pinned down in a certain position at a certain area. We're out of ammunition, in a few hours we'll have to surrender or either we'll be massacred." And they pinned this, or tied it on the--the foot of this little dove and turned him loose.

131Now, he's a home-loving bird, so he... what does he do? He takes back home for his... meet, find his mate. She was worried about him, he'd have to come back home.

132 And as he went up, the Germans seen what had happened. So the thing they done, they started shooting at the dove. And one of them hit him with a .30 caliber machine gun, or bullet, it broke his leg. Another one tore a big hunk out of his back. His chest was bruised all the way across. One of his wings was crippled, the end shot off of it, and he flew sideways. But he kept climbing, and finally he made it. Crippled, wounded, broken, bruised, but he fell in the camp with the message. That was a great dove.

133But, oh, brother, Isaiah 53 tells us of One, came down from Home and all that was good.

And he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquity: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we were healed.

134 Sickness, superstition, and devils had us pinned down, there was no way out, the church had gone wrong, they had went off on denominational things (and the Pharisees, Sadducees, and washing of pots and pans), and the Word of God become of no effect. But this little Dove came down, and there's only one thing could take place: there had to be a redeemer.

135But being wounded, broken, beaten, torn, but He knowed His way back Home. So from Calvary's cross where they bruised Him, mashed Him, tore Him, like a bunch of wolves upon Him, He made His flight from Calvary and He landed in Heaven's doors, saying, "It's finished! It's finished! They are free! Sickness can be healed now! Sinners can be saved! The captive can be set free!"

136Though He was bruised and wounded, that great battle there when even everything against Him... Even the poet cried out:

Mid rendering rocks and darkening skies,

My Saviour bowed His head and died;

But the opening veil revealed the way

To Heaven's joy and endless day.

137 I've been a neurotic all my life. As a little boy there was something struck me, that scare me, about every seven years it would happen to me. Brother Jack remembers when I first started, come off the field for a year; something just happened.

138I remember the day that Juanita Hemphill... I think her name's Juanita Kelly now, she married Brother Kelly after the death of her husband. Anna Jeanne, I've got their pictures and things, they were such... And her... And them two girls and Sister Moore had a--a little trio. They sang that song that I never forget: Looking Beyond The Sunset. Brother Jack, you remember, I guess, coming up from Florida. What fine little girls.

139 And I remember that morning a little Pentecostal group from up here in northern part of the country, in Michigan somewhere, those girls stood out there when Brother Hooper... I seen him here the other night, I... he may not be here now, Brother Ed Hooper. Are you here, Brother Ed? I don't think he... He set here the other night. None... Many of you know him. He and I, and Brother Hooley, we was leaving. And those girls standing there on the corner singing that, gave us, each one, a yellow rose that they took out of their hair. (That's where that maniac had been healed down there, great things had took place.)

140Coming up the road just as happy as I could be, all of a sudden it struck me; a year later 'fore I entered the field again, just killed me.

141 Since a little boy, I always said I didn't know what a vision was. A little boy, I always said, "If I--if I'd only fall in one of those trance, and see that, I'd get well." That time... I always wanted to go to Mayo's to find out what was wrong. The doctors there...

142My stomach gets sour; and oh, my! Brother Jack's helped me around the house. I walk right around the house; and just a hot greasy water like, flying out of my mouth. And walk to the pulpit, and pray for people that was twice that bad, and be healed. I've had them lay my hands on a man with a cancer on his face, and the cancer left his face, standing there; and I was so sick I couldn't stand up.

143 And you don't know what I've suffered; just mental oppression. Every seven years it's come, all my life. That's where I'm at now, seven eights.

144So I was--I was so distressed; I cried, I begged, I pleaded.

145And I remember when I finally thought I had enough money to go to Mayo's for an examination; they said, "They'll find what your trouble is." Wife and I, and Becky back there... Sarah was a little, bitty fellow. I had just entered my healing ministry. And we took off to Mayo's.

146I went through the clinic. And the night before I'd find... had my finals the next morning, I just woke up and was setting there on the bed looking around. And I looked out in front of me, and there was a little boy, looked just like me, about seven years old; and looked at it, and it was me. And he was standing by an old snag tree. And on that tree...

147 Any of you squirrel hunters know you can rub a stick up and down on a tree like that, and it'll scare a squirrel and run him out if he's in the hollow.

148And I was seeing there where that squirrel had been, and I thought, "What kind of squirrel is that?" and I rubbed it. And when I did, I looked over and it was me then about thirty-eight years old, the little boy was gone. So I rubbed that limb, and out of the hollow log, pole, come a little squirrel about that long, dark, almost black, and looked like little currents flying from him; little bitty beady eyes, the wickedest looking thing that I ever seen, looked like a weasel more than a squirrel.

149 And he looked right at me. And I opened my mouth to say, "Well..." And when I did, he... Before you could've batted your eye, he flew right into my mouth, went down into my stomach, and just tearing me to pieces. And as I come out of the vision, with my hands up, looking, I went screaming, "O God, have mercy! It's killing me!"

150I heard a Voice way down in the room, say, "Remember, it's only six inches long."

151How many's heard that story? I've told you that many times, the people around the tabernacle.

152Well, on and on it went, suffering just the same.

153Mayo Brothers, the next day, examined me. Said, "Your father was an Irishman, he drank. Your mother being a half Indian, that makes you almost a half-breed. So you'll be... you're--you're--you're just such a nervous wreck until you'll never be out of it." Said, "Otherwise, you're healthy. But that, that's something in the soul that man cannot control." Said, "You will..." Said, "When a man dies, can't hold a autopsy, 'cause his soul's gone." He said, "Well, you'll never get over it."

154 And that guy said, my old doctor, said, "My father had it, he died at about eighty-five, ninety years old," somewhere along there, he said. And said, "A month or two before he died, I examined him; had it all of his life, he'd get them" said, "spells."

155"Some people," said, "they get it, they're high tempered"; said, "that's the kind that'll kill you." He said, "The other kind, like women in menopause, they cry. You got the kind that's kind of a weary feeling." Said, "The old-timers used to call it 'had the blues,' it wouldn't leave them." Said, "When that hits you, your stomach sours; you're just upset."

156I said, "But, sir, I don't do nothing." I said, "I'm happy."

157Said, "That's right. That's just out of the human grab bag." Said, "You'll always have it." Oh, what a discouraging thing!

158But the words, to think it, "Remember, it's only six inches long," that's hung with me, as my dear wife back there can tell you. Year after year, I've thought of that.

159 And then, going overseas this last time, I was... before. Well, I was back home, and I was on a squirrel-hunting trip. I jumped out of the car with Brother Banks Wood, who's listening in tonight, and I started to run up the hill, and looked like my heart would jump out of me.

160And I asked Dr. Sam Adair, I said, "What does that?"

161He said, "Next time you have it, get a cardiogram."

162Said, "All right."

163So it happened again in the--the next year, and went and took the cardiogram. He said, "Nothing wrong with your heart," said, "you're just nervous." Started coming on then.

164 Well, another doctor said to me, a good friend of mine, said, "That's your heart, boy," said "you better be careful." That's the year I called Brother Moore and he got somebody to preach in my stead, when I went on that ram hunt with Brother Fred. I'd go up over mountains just like I did when I was sixteen years old, mile after mile, running; never bothered me a bit. See?

165And I come back and told Sam. He said, "Well, there's something wrong, you better be careful."

166Then I saw a vision of an old doctor standing with those... old-fashioned doctor with stethoscopes over his arm. He said... He was standing in front of me one day, he said, "Don't let them tell you 'that's your heart,' that's your stomach."

167So, I--I thought, "Well, I'll just take that word, 'cause it was a vision. Come on."

168 I started to Africa; and get some shots, and I had to take a bunch of shots before going to Africa, that's the law. So, when I was getting these shots, he said, "Why, I can't find one thing wrong with you." Said, "Your hemoglobin, your blood's ninety-six, it's ninety-six." Said, "If you was sixteen years old, it wouldn't be any--it wouldn't be any better." And said, "Hard enough to beat you a hundred years. Lungs, everything," said, "you're all right; no sugar, nothing."

169I said, "Thank you." So I got a physical test, and--and to take my--my health certificate to the board.

170So, he said, "You know anything about it?"

171I said, "Nothing but persistent souring in the stomach all the time."

172He said, "Well, I'll tell you." He said...

173I said, "Oh, I've been examined. I've been to Mayo Brothers, and everywhere."

174 He said, "But wait a minute." He said, "Sometimes a ulcer is so little till that barium meal won't show it; and sometimes it's too big to show it, because an x-ray is only a shadow. And a little bitty ulcer, you can't see it, it won't enough stick. Whole lot of little bitty ulcers could do that." He said, "I know an old doctor up here that's found an instrument, they got it now; they can put you to sleep with a little sodium pentothal, put a tube in your throat, and they just actually look down in your stomach and see what's wrong." Said, "He..." Said, "He's your type of people, he's a Christian." Said, "Why don't you go see him."

175 I took his name: Dr. Van Ravensworth. So, when I come back, I went up to see the old doctor. Oh, he's a fine old man from Dutch East Indies, out of a big line of missionaries. And he had heard of me and read my book, and oh, he just shook my hand, he said, "Brother Branham, I'd be glad to do that for you." He said, "Tell you what to do; next week you run over at the hospital over here," and said, "and call me up before you go." And said, "I have to give you a little shot of pentothal." And said, "Then when I do," said, "it puts you to sleep for five minutes."

176My little girl had just took it to have a tooth pulled, and Brother Norman's little girl. "A five minute sleep," I thought, "that won't bother me." So, I thought I'd be satisfied then, to look at it.

177 And then the next morning, I raised up in the bed and looked around, I looked over in the twin bed; my wife over there, she hadn't woke up yet. And I was looking out the window towards the great Catalina Mountains there where I live, and I looked up there where the Angel of the Lord put that Sword in my hand, where the seven Angels that you see in the picture appeared, great things taken place.

178And I looked, and as I looked, there I was standing by that tree again, right where that squirrel was. I looked up there, I thought, "That's that squirrel's den." And I thought, "Wonder if he's still up there?" in the vision. I raked the side of the tree, out he come. And before I could even bat my eye... He was the oddest looking squirrel I ever seen; now, you'll have to know my ministry to know these symbols and things. He jumped at me but he missed me; he missed my mouth, hit on my chest and fell off.

179And as soon as he did, I heard Something said, "Go to the Catalina Mountains."

180 So I turned around, I said, "Meda, are you awake, Honey?" And I woke her up.

181She said, "What's the matter?" About five o'clock in the morning.

182I said, "I was looking out here, and I saw that squirrel again, Honey."

183"What squirrel?"

184I said, "The one I seen up there at Mayo's." I said, "You know what? He missed my mouth this time, he never hit me, he went out on my chest." I said, "Praise be to God! I've looked, oh, since a little boy, I have longed to see that happen. If I could ever see that happen, not even... Before I knowed what a vision was, if I could ever see that happen, then I said, 'I'd be all right. Whatever that told me, that's what I'd be.' And for forty years I've looked for that, and there it happened."

185Before, when I was at Mayo's, the same time I was up there when they give me that message, and I saw the vision...

186 My ol' mother's gone on to Glory now, very odd woman. She had about three or four dreams in her life, and they were always true. She'd tell me, and the... She'd start to tell me, I'd tell... I'd say, "Stop right... Mama, I'll tell you what the rest of it is." See?

187Cause always when you give me a dream to interpret, you don't always tell me just exactly what it is. Then when I see it over again, I see exactly what you dreamed about, then He tells me what it is. See? You don't have to tell me what the dream is, He shows me the dream Himself. See? And then I see, I say, "Well, you didn't tell me this and tell me that." See? And so the God that can interpret a dream, can show a dream; He can show one, He can interpret it. And so then...

188 Well, wasn't there something like that in the Bible, said, "If you can..."? I--I... Just happened to come to me. Daniel, wasn't it? No, Joseph--Joseph. Well, it's somewhere in the Bible. I just remembered that, said, "If you can show me... If you can tell me what a..." Oh, it's King Nebuchadnezzar, that's right. Said, "If you can... If you can't..."

189The magicians said, "Tell me the dream."

190He said, "It's gone from me." That's right, that, I remember that; just thought of it then.

191Now notice. And Mama, she said, "Billy," when I come back, she said, "come here, son, and set down." She said, "I had a strange dream. I dreamed that I seen you a-laying sick, just about to die, with your stomach as usual." How many diets has she cooked me! And she said, "You were building a house upon a hill." And said, "I seen six white doves come down from heaven, cooing, in a letter 'S' and they set upon your chest. And you was looking, and the one in front was trying to tell you something." Said, "They was real glossy, white, doves. And they took their little heads and put against your cheek, and going, 'coo, coo, coo.'" And said, "I couldn't understand it." Said, "They just kept going, 'coo, coo, coo.'"

192I said, "Oh, I see it, praise the Lord!" And said, "They formed their letter 'S' again and went back up into the skies, going 'coo, coo, coo, coo,' going back home."

193Well, the little animal that I saw was six inches long. The string of doves that Mom saw was six, six is incomplete. I knew that someday I'd see that seventh one. That was man, suffering; so on and on it went.

194 That morning, I got up after seeing this vision; I obeyed the Lord. I took my little boy, Joseph, to school. He's listening to me now, in Tucson. I took him to school, and told Meda I didn't know when I'd be back.

195And I took off up into Catalina, up into the--the foothills, and--and went up into the place where the Angel of the Lord put the Sword in my hand. Real early; and started climbing up the mountain.

196Well, instead of going up in the peaks this a-way (which there's a lot snakes, scorpions, you know how Arizona is), I turned to my right; Something said, "Turn to your right." I went way into the peaks; I went around, and I was going around those great huge rocks, many times bigger than this tabernacle, laying up in them tops there where seldom ever a person could get.

197 And along about eleven o'clock, I was going into a little cove, back where some... a little place turned in like this over a little deer trail. And I had my shirt off, my hat in my hand, because I was just lathering with sweat. And so I turned in there, and as I turned into that little cove, I felt the presence of the Lord. I jerked off my hat and looked around. I thought, "He's here somewhere. I know He's here." I thought, "What is it?" I made a few more steps. I said, "Lord, You're here somewhere."

198And I looked laying on the path, and there laid that little squirrel; had jumped at something and missed it, and it hit a bunch of cholla (that's jumping cactus). It rammed through his head, chest, stomach, and he was dead. That odd-looking little squirrel, he had missed my mouth and hit that cholla. And the Voice of the Lord said, "Your enemy is dead." I stood there, and I trembled. I took my foot and ma-...

199 Usually crows would've eat it up. I killed a snake, couple days later than that, it laid on the road about a half hour. There's always eagles and crows flying through there, and they'll pick it up right now. I killed a coral snake, that's the most dangerous snake we got; laying right beside of me, a few days after that. I started to come back to pick it up to show it, the crows had done got it, the ravens passing over.

200And that had been laying there ever since I had seen the vision, two days before; I believe it was on Saturday, and I went up there on Monday. So there he was, laying on there dead. I mashed through it with my foot.

201 I went back around, set down again; set there and cried a while, and prayed; looking down over Tucson, miles below me.

202Turned back around and come back, it still laid there. When I entered that cove the Spirit of God come on me again.

203I went on around, went down the mountain. Went in and told my wife, I said, "Honey, I don't know how, but I'm going to get over this."

204Dr. Ravensworth, when he give me the examination, he said, "It's totally impossible for you to be well." He give me a shot of pentothal that was to last me for five minutes, and I slept ten hours. So that stuff, even an aspirin just knocks me out. So they... He give me a shot, put that tube down my throat. When I come to, and he told me the next morning, he said, "Reverend, I hate to tell you this, but" said "your stomach walls are even so hard, they're dried up." I never seen it; he used the name of gastritis, and I went and looked in the dictionary and it said, "something that's withered away." And said, "You can't get over it." He said, "You'll always have it." And I would've been a discouraged boy if it hadn't been for the vision of the Lord.

205 And the next day Something said, "Go back to the mountain."

206And that day instead of going one way, I was led to go another way. And I was standing there; and looking, setting in the front of me, and there set that seventh little, white dove, looking right at me. I rubbed my eyes, I said, "Surely, it's a vision; surely, it is." I looked, and I said, "Little dove, where do you come from?" Just as pretty and white, could've been a pigeon; whatever it was, away in that wilderness.

207God Almighty, Who raised up Jesus Christ from the dead, Whose servant I am, and His Word laying here, open before me, know that I tell the truth and lie not.

208There set the dove, setting there looking at me. I walked around, I thought, "Surely, it's a vision." I turned my head, I looked back, and there he set there; them little, white wings, just as snowy as he could be; his little, yellow feet; and little, yellow beak; setting there looking at me. He was watching right straight westward. I walked around him like that, I wouldn't touch him for nothing. I walked on up the trail; looked back, and there he still set watching me.

209Brother, as a son of Abraham, I consider not what the doctor told me, I'm going to be well, anyhow!

210 The third day I went back, I was climbing up high. And many of you know the vision about the Indian chief riding that little wall to the west. Something attracted me off to a big rock, about noontime, said, "Lay your hands against that and pray." God in Heaven knows this is true.

211I laid my hands against the rock and looked up towards Heaven and started praying, and I heard a Voice coming out of the top of the rocks there, said, "What are you leaning against, over your heart?" And I raised back like this, my bare shoulders; naked from my waist up, hot. I looked back. And there was wrote in the quartz, in the stone, "White Eagle"; just exactly what the vision said that the next Message would come forth by.

212I was so excited, I run home; got a camera and come back the next day, and took the picture of it. It was still there, wrote in the rock: "White Eagle." (Dove leading eagle.)

213 Somehow, I--I know. I'll tell you before it happens. The doctor's a good doc-... good doctor, no doubt; I--I think he's a fine man. But I--I know I'm going to be over it. It's done! It's finished, and I'm going to be well!

214And I was thinking as Ernie sang that song a few moments ago, On The Wings Of A Dove. How is the melody to that? Start it for me, Ernie.

... wings... snow-white dove, (sing it with me)

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Was a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

215I understand Ernie made two verses of that. I'm going to make you three verses.

Noah had drifted

On the floods many days,

He searched for land,

In various ways;

Troubles he had some,

But not from above,

For God gave him His sign

On the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Was a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

Jesus, our Saviour

Came to earth one day;

He was borned in a stable,

In a manger of hay;

Though here rejected,

But not from above,

For God gave us His sign

On the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Oh, a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

Though I have suffered

In many a way,

I cried for healing

Both night and day;

But faith wasn't forgotten

By the Father above,

He gave me His sign

On the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Oh, a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

216 Dear God, I thank You for these things, Father. You give Noah the sign, You gave the world the sign, and You gave me a sign. And the next day, seeing that eagle flying, O God, there's a Message coming forth now, and I pray, God, that You'll let the Dove lead. Grant it, Lord. It's led me to a faith I never had before. I know, God, I know it's going to be all right; so I thank You for it, Father.

217And, tonight, send down Your Message again, Lord, on the wings of the Dove of the Word. Grant it, dear Heavenly Father. And every one that passes through this platform, tonight, and out yonder in the meetings across the country, may Your great Dove of faith fall into their hearts and give them faith, Lord, for their healing. Remember that God is not a respect of person. He could a-send the Message to Noah, could send It to John the Baptist, could send It to me, can send It to others.

218I pray that that Dove will fly into every heart right now, Lord, with Its little, golden beak, and whisper that, "By His stripes... By My wounds and stripes you are healed." God, grant that our transgressions will be blotted out, our iniquities will be forgiven us, and that our sickness will be healed. It's in Your hands, Father. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

With your heads bowed just one minute longer.

219 How many here would like to say, if you can and want to say this, "Brother Branham, I've been wrong all my life. I've wanted to serve God, but tonight I'm ready to surrender. Pray God, that that Dove will fly into my heart tonight. I can feel It flutter His wings as He comes in"? Raise your hands, will you? Here in the visible audience, my, all over the building.

220Way out into the audiences across the country, way up to Brother Hunt and Brother Coleman, out to Brother Leo and them, down into Tucson, over in the Branham Tabernacle, across the West Coast, raise your hands everywhere: "I want the Dove to fly into my heart tonight. Bring me God's sweet love on the wings of a snow-white Dove, the Holy Spirit. Bring It to me, tonight, Lord, and drop into my heart the faith that I have need of."

221In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray, God, forgive our sins. The wounded Dove has brought the Message back, O God, "It's finished!" We believe that. Just give us faith to believe It, we pray. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Was a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

222 Where'd that dove come from? I don't know. He wouldn't have been out there in that wilderness like that. No, no! No, he wouldn't have been there. And why was he white? The Heavenly Father knows he was as white as my shirt. There he set there.

But it was on the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Oh, a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Oh, a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

223Oh, don't you feel real humble? Let's just shake one anothers' hands, and sing it.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

224Let's raise our hands to Him, and sing it.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

Noah had drifted

On the floods many day,

He searched for land,

In various way;

Trouble he had some,

But not from above,

God sent down His sign

On the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent down His pure, sweet love,

Oh, a sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

Jesus, our Saviour

Came to earth one day;

Borned in a stable,

In a manger of hay;

Though here rejected,

But not from above,

God gave us His sign

On the wings of a dove.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends down His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

225 Why, me an old man, suffered all my life, why did He heal me now? I believe I'll ride this trail again, I got to bring a Message! And I say to my Father, tonight, (as Junior seen in a--a dream the other night of the wings of this Dove, moving in these windows here), Lord, Your servant's reporting for service. Amen, I'm ready!

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends me His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

226Let's believe now that He's moving in upon the audience.

On the wings of a snow-white... (We're waiting, Lord.)

God sends down His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

227 You that got prayer cards, in this aisle here, step forward over here; stand up, step forward in this aisle here, over this a-way.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

228Those with prayer cards in this line, step out to your left.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends His pure sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

229Those... []

Oh, on the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sent me His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

230 Where did the dove come from up there in the wilderness? I'd say this: God seen Abraham needed a ram for a sign, He's Jehovah-jireh, "the Lord can provide for Himself the sacrifice." To think of it! The same God, by the same inspiration, by the same kind of people, sent a dove. He's still God, Jehovah-jireh can provide anything He has need of.

231Won't you, just while you're coming through this prayer line now, ask God to provide for you on the wings of the Dove? The Dove, Spirit of the Holy Ghost, to give you faith in your heart to believe that you're going to be healed.

232 I'm trying to get them all on their feet, you see. I'm asking now. Brother Brown's at his place. Brother Jack... What say? [Someone speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] All right, good. This section here, comes through this a-way first, that's lined up. The sections back over in here fall right in behind them. These fall right in behind the wing. And you fall right in behind these here, coming right around to be prayed for.

233Now, I'm sure this is not going to be no fast line, we're just going to take a little time so we can really pray for each one, far as we can.

234Now, I cut my message just a little short (and you all caught that, see) so that I could have this prayer line. This is a memorial line in honor of the days when Brother Jack Moore, Brother Young Brown, your wives let you go, and you come over and we went out into California, and all through Arizona (together, through the desert), and prayed for the sick.

235 You know what? There's people living today that was dying then, and still alive because of that effort. What did it do? It sprung up Divine healings in every church there is in the country, now even Presbyterians and so forth. They... It hushed their mouth, for it taken God to anoint somebody to slay the Goliath, to show that it could be done, then the rest of them took courage (that's right) and went on. It can be done again, for He still sends His love on the wings of a Dove.

236Christians, I want you to listen. If I would stand here and try to quote to you of the supernatural things that I've seen happen even in the past three years, I'd be here this time next Saturday night, telling you. I don't even speak of it so much, 'cause it sounds like it's almost impossible, but I tell you the Truth. It's exactly the Truth. We're living under the leadership of the Great Mighty Jehovah, the same One that was with the prophet in the Old Testament, with the Church in the New Testament, He's here today taking a Bride out of the Gentiles for His Name's sake. Believe It! Won't you, people? If you ever did believe It, believe It right now. That's who... I want you to do it. We don't know what'll happen yet tonight. We don't know what will happen. We're just waiting under expectation.

237 Please, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, I ask you as His servant. I know when you're dealing with congregations, you got everything mixed in there. But if you believe me as His servant, if there's one speck of doubt (or sin is--is "doubt, unbelief"), if there's one speck of it in your heart, ask Father to take it away right now. See? "Lord..." And then when you come with genuine faith... Now, my hands won't mean nothing unless That strikes you first; then when it comes, it'll light it off, you'll be healed. That's right, you'll know you'll be healed. See, you'll believe it.

238 Now, I'm going to pray now for each one of you. And now... When you do this, you put your hands over on one another too, so we're... And you be praying for the person you got your hands on, then I'm going to bring you through the line. Put your hands on somebody that's with you in the line.

239 Dear God, I--I don't know no other way of saying these things, Lord. I just know to tell what I know is the Truth, and You're my witness tonight that I am telling the Truth. My faith, Lord, and my own healing in the future; I don't know when, I don't know how, I don't understand it; but I believe It, Lord, that I received the sign from above. That seventh dove finally got here, the seventh inch is soon finished on the animal. It's over!

240God, I want to serve Your people. So I pray, God, that You'll so anoint us tonight that whoever we lay our hands on, may they be healed; not because it's us, but because it's following Your commandment. You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Lord, help me to believe, and help their hearts to be the bedding ground of faith. And may, together, for the glory of God, every sick and afflicted person in this building (or the buildings throughout the land) that's obeying these commands now, will be made well. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask it. Amen.

241 Have faith; all of you pray with us. Now, this is not a line of discernment.

242[] Depression, fear, I know what this... Poor little thing, she said she's never seen peace in life. The same thing that I... Can't sleep, nervous, tension.

243Dear God, bear me record, Lord, that I've told the Truth. How I feel for this little woman! I pray, God, that You'll send to her, tonight, that streak of faith from above that knows that You are obligated to Your Word, and You'll keep every Word. May the God of Heaven take this fear away from my sister. And I obey You by laying my hands upon her and condemning it. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may it come out of her. Amen.

244Now, look sister, you believe me now, if you can start from right here, by the cross. From this night, deny you got it. See, go on saying, "I haven't got it no more." Then it will leave you.

245 Sister Palmer, our sister, Sister Palmer; her husband is a very dear friend of mine, a minister from Georgia or Alabama, Georgia--Georgia. And she was coming up to the tabernacle... They drive, when I'm preaching up at tabernacle, fifteen hundred miles to hear one service. Brother Palmer lost control of his car, or the boy, one, when they was turning a corner, and they had a wreck. She's got an effect of it. Let's pray:

246Dear God, deliver this servant of Yours, his little wife, loyal, true, little servant in Christ, I pray, God, as I lay my hands upon her with my Brother Jack Moore here, that You'll heal her and make her well. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

247 In the right foot, and you're standing for him? His little boy is crippled, he's got a hurting in his stomach and back. Let's pray:

248Dear God, let that snow-white Dove dip down into his heart just now, "Wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, with His stripes we are healed." I ask this to be so for our brother and for his little son, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

249Severe headache pains, and a leg ailment that bothers him while he's a-working.

250Dear God, grant Your healing blessing upon this young man, as we as servants of God lay our hands upon him. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

251 She has a lady's trouble, female, and also she wants the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.

252Dear God, as I offer you this prayer of faith for this little lady, may the female trouble be gone, may the Baptism of the Holy Ghost come on the wings of a Dove, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. (God bless you, sister.)

253Growth on his eye, and for his loving companion.

254Dear God, You know the hearts of man. I pray Thee Father, in Jesus' Name, that You'll grant this request that this brother's asked; and our obedience to Your Word of laying hands on him. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. (God bless you, brother.)

255She has a growth in her left side, and also her voice is bad.

256Dear Jesus, I pray that You'll heal this sister; laying hands upon her in the Name of Jesus Christ, that her healing will be. Amen. (God bless you, my sister.)

257Poor sister, I see your trouble, swollen limb. Kidney, bladder, and a ankle throwed out of place.

258O Father, God, heal this precious woman, Lord, I pray, as I lay hands upon her in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

259God bless you, sister; that's the way, it'll be done.

260You hear that, don't you, on the microphone? Ever who's at... the engineer, if you'll step it up just a little bit, the audience can hear their testi-... or what they say when they come by. Be in prayer for them when you hear it; when I start praying, you pray with me.

261Dear God, I pray for this our sister, that You'll heal her, dear God. We're doing this because it's Your command. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

262 Dear God, You hear that testimony, You hear what the enemy's done to her. We are trying to take the Name of Jesus and defeat this enemy; he is already because the bruised, striped Dove fell in the floor of the House of God with a Message, "It's over!" Grant it, may she believe that, Father, in Jesus' Name.

263Dear God, I pray that You'll heal this our sister. May the Dove of God witness to her tonight that He did it for her, that she could be well. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

264Dear God, I lay my hands upon my brother who stands here. He had enough faith to come this far, Lord, now may he receive his healing and go to his seat well. In Jesus' Name.

265Dear God, I pray for our brother, laying hands upon him. Help, dear God, that the faith of God will dip down just at this time; and be like Abraham, call those things which are, as though they're--are not, for God made the promise. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

266 Dear God, You are the One who can make the true decision. I pray, dear God, as this young lady asked for this, may she receive it in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

267Dear God, I lay my hands upon our sister in obeying what You said do. This takes us back for many years, Lord, since we run a prayer line like this; but we know what happened then, we know You're the same God today if people can have the same faith today. I pray in Jesus' Name for our sister's healing. Amen.

268Dear God, I lay my hands upon my brother here and ask for his healing, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

269Father, I bring before you tonight this our sister, and lay my hands upon her to witness that I'm standing as a witness of Your strength, stand as a witness of Your visions, Your Word, and I'm a witness that You are God. And I lay hands upon her in obedience to the Word of my God, and ask for her healing. Amen.

270 Dear God, I lay hands upon my brother in like manner, as a witness of Your strength I ask for his healing in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

271[] "What?"

272She said, "The Healer." Said that "A man from up somewhere, up in Arkansas, had been healed that morning, a blind shoe cobbler." You know the story. It'd been on the radio.

273And I said... I thought... I played the part of a hypocrite. I said, "You don't believe that's the Truth?"

274She said, "Yes, sir, I do."

275And I said, "Do you believe in this day when God would do something like that, when..."

276She said, "Sir, I listened to the religious program." She said, "I'm a Christian." She said, "I listened to the programs, I heard that man up there that was healed this morning, that blind shoe cobbler. They throwed him out of the church, he was making so much noise, one church to the other. With his hat on a cane, wiggling it around, running up-and-down the churches, everyone in the city, hollering, 'I'm healed! I'm healed!' A blind shoe cobbler."

277I said, "Do you believe that?"

278And she stood there a little bit, was kind of drizzling rain, she said, "Sir, if you'll get me in where he's at, then I'll find my father." Then I felt about like that.

279I said, "Maybe I'm the one you're looking for."

280She said... grabbed me by the lapels of the coat, she said, "Is you the Healer?"

281I said, "No, sister, but I'm Brother Branham."

282She said, "Have mercy!"

I thought of poor old blind Fanny Crosby, "While on others Thou art calling, do not pass me by." See, He had healed one, He could heal her.

283I put my hands over her eyes, I said, "Dear Jesus, one day an old rugged cross come bumping down the street, the shoulders with blood running out of them, the little frail body that was packing it fell under the load. A colored man by the name of Simon, of Cyrene, came up and picked up the cross, helped Him bear it. I'm sure You remember it, Father. And one of his children is staggering here in darkness, I'm sure You understand."

284She said, "Glory to God! I can see!" Uh-huh.

285I said, "Can you see?"

286She said, "Yes, sir."

287I said, "Count them lights." And she counted them. I said, "What color suit I got on?"

288Said, "You got on a gray suit, with a yellow tie." That was it, she could see.

289Oh, God respects humility. Uh-huh.

This in itself is that which will make, and bring to pass, the tremendous victory in the Love Divine.

290 Dear God, have mercy and heal my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

291Dear God, as I take this feeble, wrinkling hand, only You know what's passed through here. I pray, dear God, that the same hand I got tonight will embrace like those feeble hands of Simeon that day, "Lord, let Thy servant depart in peace, for I now see Thy salvation." May It come upon her, Lord, Your salvation, and make her well in Jesus' Name. Amen.

292 [] On The Trial, Mr. Unbelief indicted Jesus Christ. You remember The Trial? How that the... They had the--the attorney and everything, and who stood for who. And we had the--the prosecuting attorney, Satan, that was going to prosecute; how the, trial was brought.

293And he said, one, Mr. Doubter, he come up, he said, "I heard a preacher say, 'Anoint the sick in oil, the Bible says that.' I was anointed in oil, wasn't healed. The other one said, 'Lay hands on the sick, they shall recover.'" He was trying to prosecute.

294But when the witness came forth, here it was, "God told them, said, 'You'd been... '" He said, "It's been six months since I had hands laid on me, and Your Word says that 'Lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.' And hands was laid on me by one of Your anointed servants, and I haven't recovered yet. Therefore, You're a false pretender, because Your Word don't mean what It says."

295 So when the witness come up, the true was this, that "His Word is true. He never said when He would do it, He said, 'These signs shall follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover.' See? See, that's what He said, 'They shall recover.' So whether it's a prong miracle just happen right like this or whether it's just obeying God, that's up to Him in the individual. See? But if the individual believes It, I don't care how long it takes. He said to Abraham, 'You're going to have a baby by Sarah.' The baby never come for twenty-five years. He told Noah it was 'going to rain.' Noah had the flood... the--the ark built for the flood, many, many years before the flood came, but he knew it was going to rain. The Bible said, 'The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and God shall raise them up.' When? He didn't say. God is just, He's true, just read what His Word says."

296That's what I've done tonight, laid hands on the sick. Now, I believe every one of them's going to be healed. I believe, every one of them. Do you believe the same? Now believe for these afflicted people.

297 There's a little lady here, seems like I ought to know, I prayed for her last night, out there in the prayer line. What's her name? Chambers... Chambless. If that little lady would have lived--would have lived normally, wouldn't a-been afflicted, she certainly been a beautiful woman. And she's setting there now, shaking. Lovely, fine spirit in the girl. And she sets there jerking like this. Oh, how that breaks my heart. How that I've wished... just how I would!

298Here's a little baby, lady setting here holding it. Its little tongue hanging out, its little body afflicted. What if that was my little Joseph? What if it was my little grandson Paul? What if that was Rebekah setting back there, or Sarah? What if Mrs. Simpson here was my wife Meda? This young man setting here was Billy Paul? This aged woman setting here was my mother? Remember, it's somebody's baby, somebody's sister, somebody's daughter, and somebody's son. See? I am their brother, He is our Saviour. All that I can do is... what faith I've got is offered in their behalf. That's all I know.

299 Now, the Lord can show me a vision, He could tell me what's the matter with each one of them. I can prove that to you, see, you know that. But that don't heal them. That doesn't heal them. No, it's got to be something drop in them, see. And I hope...

300Like I could go up here take each one of you and baptize you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that won't remit your sins. No, no! No, I don't believe in water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ unto regeneration; I believe the Blood is regeneration, see, not--not the waters. But, see, I could baptize and baptize, but you only go down a dry sinner, come up a wet one; see, until you have thoroughly repented. Repent, and then be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. See? And that's what I different with the Oneness movement. Not baptizing to regeneration, no; I believe it's the Blood that cleanses, not the water. See? Repentance, and then be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.

301 Now I'm going down to pray. And these people are just as much to you as they are to me, maybe even more in that line of relation.

302Now let's all join together, and your hands in faith, and my hand in faith, bringing down the hands of the Lord Jesus to lay on these poor crippled people. Will you pray with me?

303[] Those with handkerchiefs that's for the sick and the afflicted, you may get them right after service. Now help me pray for these, will you?

304God, we thank You, Lord, for what You have done tonight. We thank You in advance for the healing of every person come through the line. Dear God, I pray over these handkerchiefs, perhaps for some who could not even come to the meeting, and their loved ones brought the handkerchiefs. In the Bible we're taught that they took from the body of Paul, handkerchiefs or aprons. Now, those people back there had lived in Your presence, they had seen You on the street, they had seen You in their meeting, and they had seen Your same Spirit upon Paul. And they knew it wasn't that man, it was Your Spirit that was dominating his life, for we see Paul doing the same things that You did.

305And now, Lord, the people of this day sees the same God living in His Church with His people. And they've brought these handkerchiefs, that they might be taken from here to their loved ones. Grant it, God, that every one of them will be healed in Your own way. We don't request any certain thing to be done of any certain way or any certain nature; we just ask, "In Your own way, Father, heal them." For the glory of God, I offer this prayer of faith over it. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

306 I've had a wonderful time of fellowship around your faith, your presence in Jesus Christ. This will be a meeting that I'll long remember of what taken place: love, cooperation, fellowship.

307And now, till we meet again, may God of Heaven guide you. He Who makes the stars to shine bright at night to lighten up the path when it's growing dim, may He lighten your path with the Star of Bethlehem to guide you to a full surrendered life in His Word, is my prayer.

Till we meet, till we meet,

Till we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet, till we meet,

God be with you till we meet again.

308Now let us stand. My Faith Looks Up to Thee!...?... I... well, I'll change that. I believe that's fine.

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

Saviour Divine!

Now hear me while I pray,

Take all my sin away,

O let me from this day

Be wholly Thine!

309 Now let's shake one anothers' hands when they sing.

While life's dark maze I tread,

And griefs around me spread,

Be Thou my Guide;

Bid darkness turn to day,

Wipe sorrow's tears away,

Nor let me ever stray

From Thee aside.

310Feel better now, don't you?

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

Now on the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

311That's our closing message for this campaign.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

312 Bow our head. As the wheels hum a song going home, I trust it'll... you'd hear the humming of the wheels, the roaring of the engine.

On the wings of a snow-white dove,

God sends His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

[Brother Branham begins humming the chorus--Ed.]

... dove,

God sends His pure, sweet love,

A sign from above,

On the wings of a dove.

313With your heads bowed, I give you to your... Brother Noel.