Viem, že je to iste tak, zrodilo sa v jasliach dieťatko pre záchranu hriešnikov. Ján Ho videl na brehu, večného Baránka, ó, Krista na kríži Golgoty.
In a manger long ago, I know it’s really so, A Babe was born to save men from their sin. John saw Him on the shore, the Lamb forevermore, Oh, Christ, the Crucified of Calvary.
Milujem Toho z Galiley za to, čo On pre mňa učinil. Odpustil všetky hriechy, Ducha Svätého dal mi, milujem Toho z Galiley.
Oh, I love that Man from Galilee, from Galilee, For He’s done so very much for me. He’s forgiven all my sins, Placed the Holy Ghost within; Oh, I love, I love that Man from Galilee.
Keď publikán modlil sa v chráme jedného dňa, volal, „Pane, zmiluj sa nado mnou!“ Každý hriech mu odpustil, v srdce pokoj vložil. Poď a vidz Toho z Galiley.
The publican went to pray In the temple there one day, He cried, “O Lord, be merciful to me!” He was forgiven of every sin, And a deep peace placed within; He said, “Come see this Man from Galilee.”
Chromý začal kráčať, nemý rozprávať, zvesť tej moci s láskou sa niesla. Slepému sa zrak vrátil, viem, že to mohla byť len milosť Toho z Galiley.
Well, the lame was made to walk and the dumb was made to speak, When he spoke there is power in His word The blind was made to see, I know it could only be By the miracle of the man of Galilee.
Nikodém prišiel v noci za Synom Človeka opýtať sa, čo urobiť musí. „Musíš sa znovuzrodiť len skrze Ducha Toho Muža z Galiley.“
Nicodemus came by night, To know the way of right, He asked the Son of man what must he do. These words He said to him, “Ye must be born again,” By the Spirit of that Man from Galilee.
I tej žene pri studni všetky hriechy zjavil, že päť mužov mala v tom čase. Každý hriech jej odpustil, v srdce pokoj vložil. Poď a vidz Toho z Galiley.
The woman at the well, He all her sins did tell, How five husbands she had at that time. She was forgiven of every sin, And a deep peace came within; Then she cried, “Come see that Man from Galilee!”