No, tá prvá vec, že ak tie dva duchy, Ježiš povedal, v tých posledných dňoch... Samozrejme, že tie démonské duchy povstávajú; iste, že áno. Vždy tu boli. Budú tu, kým nepríde Ježiš. A žijú priamo v ľuďoch a ľudia o tom nevedia. Dávajú im nečisté zlozvyky a choroby a nemoci a všetky druhy... Všetko je spôsobené nejakým duchom.
Hluchota je duch. Vedeli ste to? Doktor hovorí, že tam odumreli nervy. Ale prečo to zomrelo? Čo spôsobilo, že to zomrelo? Biblia hovorí, „Keď hluchý duch vyšiel z človeka, mohol počuť.“ Je to pravda? Tak to je duch.
Rakovina je duch. Nádor je duch. Všetky tie veci sú... Epilepsia je duch. Ježiš pokarhal diabla; chlapec s epilepsiou a on padol na zem a mal ten najhorší záchvat, aký kedy mal. Ale keď sa z toho dostal, bol s tým koniec. Rozumiete? Mnohí z nich povedali, „No, on nebol uzdravený. Pozrite sa na neho; má ten najhorší záchvat, aký kedy mal.“ Ale to bol ten posledný. Rozumiete?
...Ježiš, a čo učinili, a tak ďalej, On zavolal ich mená. Povedali, „Zaujímalo by ma, kde to je v Písme?“ Prečítam vám to. V 1. kapitole svätého Jána, v 24. verši - od 40. verša...
A jeden z tých dvoch, ktorí to počuli Ježiša, a nasledovali ho, bol Andrej, brat Šimona Petra.
Ten najprv našiel svojho vlastného brata, Šimona, a povedal mu: Našli sme Mesiáša (čo je preložené: Kristus čiže Pomazaný).
A priviedol ho k Ježišovi. A Ježiš pozrúc na neho povedal: Ty si Šimon, syn Jonášov; ty sa budeš volať Kéfaš (čo znamená v preklade: kameň).
Vidíte? Nielen tu, ale aj na iných miestach, na mnohých miestach Písma. On vie všetko. On pozná tvoje meno, tvoju adresu, kde žiješ, čo robíš, všetko o tom. Rozumiete? On to len zjavuje, ako chce.
Tak teraz, dnes večer by som pre vás rád niečo možno na chvíľu priniesol. Myslím, že je pre mňa najlepšie len pokračovať v modlitbe za chorých. Tak chcem vám niečo pripomenúť. Je tu mnoho tých, ktorí to možno už čítali. A možno, keď sa na to pozrieme, chcem to tiež podložiť Písmom.
A je tu... Koľkí čítali ten článok v novembrovom vydaní Reader's Digest, kde je tam písané o 'Zázraku Donnyho Mortona', kde bol uzdravený? Čítal to tu niekto z vás? Vidím jednu pani, len dve, tri, ó, predpokladám, že mnohí z vás to čítali. No, tu to je.
2 Prosím, teraz chcem čítať zo Skutkov 2.
Mužovia Izraeliti, počujte tieto slová: Ježiša Nazarejského, muža, od Boha pred vami presláveného znameniami a zázraky, ktoré skrze neho činil Boh medzi vami, jako aj sami viete -
toho určenou radou a predzvedením Božím vydaného ste vzali a rukou bezbožných pripäli na kríž a zavraždili,
ktorého Boh vzkriesil oprostiac bolestí smrti, jako aj nebolo možné, aby bol ňou držaný.
Dávid... Lebo Dávid hovorí vzťahom na neho: Vždycky som videl pred sebou Pána, lebo mi je po pravici, aby som sa nepohnul.
Preto sa rozveselilo moje srdce, a môj jazyk splesal, áno i moje telo bude stániť na nádeji,
lebo nezanecháš mojej duše v ríši smrti ani nedáš svojmu Svätému vidieť porušenie.
3 Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy.
Teraz, drahý Otče, milujeme Ťa; modlíme sa, aby si nám teraz odpustil naše prestúpenia a pomohol nám v tejto nadchádzajúcej časti služby. A potom v tom rade uzdravovania, udeľ, ó, Pane Bože, aby Tvoj Duch bol dnes večer tak mocný, že satan nebude môcť udržať v srdci ľudí ani jednu kvapku pochybnosti; ale nech všetci môžu veriť v jednom súhlase a nech je veľká radosť. A nech mnohí, ktorí tu sedia, ktorí sú chorí a postihnutí, nech odídu domov zdraví; nech hriešnici odídu domov spasení; nech odpadlíci odídu domov znova v obecenstve s Bohom. Udeľ to, Otče, lebo to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
No, pokúsim sa tu trochu posunúť, ak mi to prepáčite. Chcem sledovať tie hodiny, aby som ne-... Chcem začať modlitebný rad o deviatej.
4 No, v časopise Reader's Digest bol veľmi pekný článok. Ak ste to ešte nevideli, napíšte im a povedzte im, že chcete vydanie Reader's Digest z minulého novembra. A teraz, zatiaľ čo hovorím tieto veci, nechcem, aby ste boli nervózni a odišli; chcem, aby ste zopár minút sedeli a vypočuli si to, aby ste mohli vidieť, ako to rozprávanie, akými sa ľudia stávajú a akými slabomyseľnými ľudia dokážu byť.
Bol tam nádherný článok. Bolo to dobre napísané. No, keď to dostanete, nájdete tú tému, „Zázrak Donnyho Mortona.“
V tom čase, keď sa tá udalosť stala, som bol v Costa Mesa v Kalifornii. No, nerád by som svedčil o svojom vlastnom zhromaždení; bol by som radšej, keby to urobil niekto iný; pretože som neurobil ani jednu vec, priatelia. To je to, čo na tom zhromaždení učinil Ježiš Kristus, že... To nie som ja.
Vždy som pri nadpise Skutkov apoštolov myslel na to, že sa to nazýva 'Skutky apoštolov.' Teraz by som, podľa môjho názoru, pisatelia Biblie, ktokoľvek to dal dokopy - tí prvotní pisatelia, oni to nazvali 'Skutky apoštolov.' Ale myslím, že to, čím to v skutočnosti je, to sú 'Skutky Ducha Svätého v apoštoloch,' to je to, čo to je. Rozumiete? Oni konajú... Apoštoli to nikdy nekonali. To, čo to urobilo, to tam bol Duch Svätý, ktorý konal v apoštoloch. Ale... Tak je to nazvané, tak to nechávame tak.
5 No, časopis Reader's Digest o tom píše takto. A je to ten najdramatickejší príbeh a príbeh, ktorý chytá za srdce, aký ste dlho nečítali, keď budete počuť, ako tento príbeh začína. Bolo to hore v Saskatchewane v Kanade, skoro tam hore v 'zemi nikoho'. Mal som zhromaždenia hore okolo Saskatoonu a odtiaľ až do... No, zabudol som meno toho miesta, ktoré sme tam mali: mal som tam na zhromaždení desaťtisíc Indiánov a Eskimákov. Ó, a to miesto bolo mnohokrát väčšie ako toto a bolo to preplnené; jednoducho sedeli všade a stáli vonku: tí Eskimáci a Indiáni, ktorí prišli na zhromaždenie. A bieli ľudia... princ Albert, princ Albert, Saskatchewan, a tak si pamätám, že som tam mal to zhromaždenie.
Akokoľvek, boli tam dvaja hluchonemí ľudia, ktorí prišli úplne z inej provincie a narodili sa hluchonemí. A obaja boli uzdravení, vrátili sa do svojej provincie a mohli rozprávať a počuť.
6A tak, malý Donny Morton, on trpel nejakým zriedkavým ochorením mozgu. A tí ľudia ho vzali na vyšetrenie a všade a oni sa ho vzdali. Priviedli toho chlapca na moje zhromaždenie. No, lekár najprv povedal, že ten malý chlapec zomrie. Klinika Mayo, Johns Hopkins... Mali ho v Spojených štátoch. Všetci sa ho vzdali; nebola tam k dispozícii žiadna operácia. Povedali, že by to bolo nemožné: ak by ste kvôli tomu chlapcovi operovali hlavu, okamžite by ho to zabilo: klinika bratov Mayových.
No, samozrejme, Reader's Digest nespomenuli kliniku bratov Mayových, pretože klinika Mayových by kvôli tomu išla po nich. Musíte dávať pozor na to, čo zverejníte vo verejnej literatúre. A tak tam je... Ale môžete čítať medzi riadkami a vidieť, čo to znamená; vidieť, čo tam bolo povedané.
7 Ale máme záznam na páske. To je dôvod, že na našich zhromaždeniach... Vidíte, na každom zhromaždení nahrávame pásky. Niekto príde a povie, „No, Pán mi povedal, 'Taký a taký...'“ Prehráme si záznam a zistíme, či je to pravda alebo nie. Rozumiete? Potom vieme presne, kde to máme (Vidíte?), na nahrávke.
Tak, pred nejakým časom ku mne prišla jedna žena a povedala, „No, Pán povedal, že istá žena bude práve vtedy uzdravená.“
Povedal som, „No, ak to On povedal, to je len...“
Povedala, „Ona ešte nebola uzdravená.“
Povedal som, „No, neviem.“
Brat Hall s ňou hovoril, tak povedal, „Prehráme nahrávku.“ Opýtal sa, aký to bol večer, odišiel dozadu, našiel tú nahrávku a pustil ju... No, Pán o tom nikdy nič nepovedal.
8 Tá žena prišla na pódium a bola úplná neveriaca. Bola to bohatá žena; toto bola jej slúžka, ktorá ju priviedla. A ona ju presvedčila a uprosila, aby prišla. A nakoniec ju takto dostala na pódium a Pán jej povedal, kde bola, kým bola a čo sa stalo, a opýtal sa jej, prečo má vo svojom srdci toľko nevery. A ona povedala, „No...“ Snažila sa veriť.
A ja... A bolo jej povedané... Potom, ako On skončil, ja som povedal, „Nech ťa Pán požehná a uzdraví, moja sestra.“ Zišla z pódia. No, to... povedal som jej; ja som povedal, „Nech ťa Pán požehná a uzdraví.“ Ale keď Boh hovorí a vy Ho počujete, potom viete, Kto vtedy hovorí. To nie je kazateľ; to je On, ktorý hovorí. Vtedy je to iné. Ale čo hovorím ja, jednoducho ako každý iný človek. Chcel som, aby bola uzdravená, a modlil som sa za ňu; ale to je všetko, čo som mohol urobiť.
Ale ona povedala, „Pán tak povedal.“ Dávajte pozor, čo On hovorí, pozorujte, čo im hovorí On, potom budete vedieť, čoho sa chytiť.
9 Keď ten malý chlapec... No, tu je Reader's Digest, tak, ako to napísali. Toho maličkého priviezli z... Museli ho dať do saní alebo niečoho takého, a priviezť ho po zemi; bol pokrútený; jeho malé ruky boli zovreté v tomto stave, nohy mal pod sebou, mal asi osem rokov; hlavička sa mu nakláňala nabok; jeho oči mu smerovali jedno jedným smerom a druhé druhým. Ó, bol to žalostne vyzerajúci pohľad. A ten maličký sa takto triasol a veľmi zapáchal.
A ten biedny otec, tie malé sánky sa skoro prevrátili, keď ich kone ťahali cestou, viezli ich tam. A on ho v noci pod mesačným svitom neustále potľapkával a hovoril, „Neboj sa, Donny, drahý, ešte nie sme porazení.“ Povedal, že poznal dvoch ľudí, ktorí boli na mojom zhromaždení uzdravení, a povedal, „Ak by som sa niekedy mohol dostať tam, kde je ten človek, Boh pre moje dieťatko niečo urobí.“
Tak on - konečne sa dostali na letisko, on a jeho žena, a nemohli - nemali dosť peňazí, aby aspoň jeden z nich prišiel lietadlom. Nemali dosť peňazí, aby prišli vlakom. A tak museli vziať len toho muža a on to dieťa priniesol. A prišli celú cestu zo Saskatoonu, Saskatchewanu, do Los Angeles v Kalifornii a išli hľadať pomoc do poradne pre cestovateľov.
10 A potom, samozrejme, sledujte Reader's Digest. Bolo tam napísané, že on hľadal... Povedal, „Božského čo?“ Otáznik. Viem si predstaviť, čo povedali. A tak povedal, „Nevadí. Tento muž verí tomu, že ak sa tamten muž pomodlí za jeho dieťa, tak mu to pomôže; tak sa pozrime, či to môžeme zariadiť.“ A tak poslali list; nasadli do auta a odišli tam dolu na pobrežie Costa Mesa, asi štyridsať míľ na táborové miesto zhromaždenia Božieho, kde mali veľkú školu. A ja som hovoril ku kazateľom.
A v tú noc ho priviedli dovnútra. A on... Povedali, že tam bolo 2700 ľudí, ktorí stáli v rade, aby sme sa za nich modlili, keď sme tam prišli. A, samozrejme, každý musel mať modlitebnú kartu. A ja som sa modlil za ľudí.
No, tu je to miesto, odkiaľ začínam a odkiaľ to poznám. Videl som ich. Tu povedal, že keď vystúpil z auta, že všetci tí ľudia, ktorí stáli v modlitebnom rade, oni jednoducho ustupovali, keď videli toho biedneho malého otrhaného otca s malou kanadskou čiapkou, ako kráča s týmto biednym malým dieťaťom a prichádza. Nejedol. Musel to meniť ako pri bábätku: plienky a všetko také. A nejedol, nemal čas jesť. Len sa ponáhľal, napil sa vody a zobral niečo na zjedenie a potom rovno ďalej. Ó, to bol dojímavý príbeh. A tak neustále hovoril, „V poriadku, Donny, ešte nie sme porazení, drahý. Ešte nie sme porazení.“ Jednoducho takto pokračoval.
11 A keď tí ľudia na tom mieste videli... Keď tam stáli v tom modlitebnom rade, ktorý sa tiahol cez to pole, keď videli prichádzať tohoto úbohého muža, len urobili krok nabok, aby mu dali miesto. No, keď prišiel na pódium, Billy Paul ho požiadal o jeho modlitebnú kartu. Samozrejme, že žiadnu nemal. Povedal, „Pane, ja som ani nevedel, že musím mať modlitebnú kartu.“ No, Billy a uvádzači mali nariadenia, aby sa ľudia zoradili; to je oprávnene a je to správne, presne tak, ako by to malo byť. A počul som ho povedať, „No, to je v poriadku.“ Povedal, „Čo musím teraz urobiť, aby som dostal modlitebnú kartu? Kam mám ísť?“
Zdržovali modlitebný rad. Povedal som, „Čo sa deje?“
Povedal, „Len človek bez modlitebnej karty.“
Povedal som, „No, nech sa postaví bokom.“
A pozrel som sa naspäť a uvidel som to dieťa a niečo mi povedalo, „Teraz ho zavolaj.“ Nikdy som to dieťa nevidel. A tak, časopis Reader's Digest o tom podáva celý článok.
12 A priviedol som to malé dieťa hore, povedal som, nepýtal som sa ho vôbec na nič, ale pozrel som sa priamo do tváre toho malého dieťaťa a povedal som, „Priviedol si toto dieťa z Kanady. A prichádzaš sem autobusom, autobusom spoločnosti Greyhound. Pomohli vám v poradni pre cestovateľov.“ A on tam bol asi päť minút. Povedal, „Poradňa pre cestovateľov vám pomohla, aby ste sa sem dostali. A to dieťa bolo na klinike bratov Mayových a na klinike Johnsa Hopkinsa. Má zriedkavé mozgové ochorenie a neexistuje spôsob, ako by to mohli operovať. To dieťa zomrie.“
A on začal veľmi hlasno kričať. A tak som sa za to malé dieťa pomodlil. Začal poriadne hlasno plakať a schádzal z pódia. Otočil sa. Povedal, „A čo moje dieťa? Bude niekedy v poriadku?“
Povedal som, „To neviem, pane.“ A zatiaľ čo som s ním hovoril, prišlo videnie. A povedal som, „Áno, tvoje dieťa... O tri dni neskôr stretneš ženu, ktorá má hnedý vzhľad, myslím, že to tak nazývate, kabát: má kabát a pod tým sukňu. A má čierne vlasy. A povie ti o nejakom vidieckom lekárovi, ktorý môže to dieťa operovať, a ty tomu nebudeš veriť. Ale to je jediná nádej, ktorú máš, skrze milosrdenstvo Božie, a tú operáciu, keď necháš toho lekára, aby to dieťa operoval.“
13 No, odišiel z pódia s plačom a on... No, na druhý deň sa to dieťa zdalo na tom byť omnoho lepšie, potom, ako sa za neho modlilo: mohlo hýbať svojimi malými rukami. No, on zabudol všetko o tej žene a chystal sa na cestu. A tak, o niekoľko dní neskôr, on išiel po ulici, zobral ho von, aby sa dostalo na vzduch (Rozumiete?); a kráčal s ním po ulici; alebo lepšie povedané, kráčal po ulici a mal ho v náručí. A jedna pani povedala, „No, aký je problém s vaším dieťaťom, pane?“
A on povedal, „No, to je choroba mozgu,“ povedal, „zriedkavá choroba mozgu.“
A povedala, „Viete, poznám doktora, ktorý raz operoval také dieťa, ktoré na tom bolo takto, a to dieťa je teraz normálne.“
„No,“ povedal, „Ale, pani...“ Povedal, „Na klinike bratov Mayových povedali, že toto...“ Povedal, „Počkajte chvíľu: 'hnedý kabát, čierne vlasy...'“ Povedal, „Povedzte mi, pani, kde je ten doktor?“ A časopis Reader's Digest uvádza, kto to bol. A on tam vzal to dieťa a ten lekár vykonal tú operáciu a bola absolútne úspešná. A to dieťa z toho vyšlo. A tak tam mali to dieťa; prišlo to do toho, že mohol bežať, stretnúť svojho otca a všetko také.
Ten ocko sa vrátil, aby zasadil svoju jarnú pšenicu alebo niečo iné. No, tu je to, čo časopis Digest nezaznamenal (Rozumiete?), čo tam nie je znázornené. Ale museli sme to spoznať z úzadia, pretože ak by ste to tam dali, nemocnica by podala žalobu proti tomuto časopisu a tam by to bolo; nastalo tam zlyhanie. Niekto jedného večera nechal pootvorené okno a cez to dieťa prebehol prievan. A to dieťa dostalo zápal pľúc a žilo s tým zápalom pľúc asi dva dni, nie s tamtou chorobou, to ten zápal pľúc to dieťa zabil. Takto o tom píšu v Reader's Digest. Potom to pokračuje a pekne sa tu píše o tom, že ten zázrak sa už jednako odohral.
14 No, asi tri mesiace pred tým...
Povedal som vám, že jedného večera budem hovoriť na tému 'Démonológia.' A v nasledujúcich minútach by som chcel hovoriť na tému 'Démonológia.' Ďalší...
Píšem knihu, ak to budem môcť urobiť. Neviem, či by ste boli schopní to čítať alebo nie, keď by som to napísal, na tému 'Démonológia': môj osobný kontakt s démonmi.
Priatelia, oni sú tak skutoční, ako ste aj vy. A mnohokrát ich vidím, keď vychádzajú rovno... Videl som ich odchádzať rovno z tohto pódia. Vidím ich, niektorí sú vo forme netopierov, vyzerá, že z nôh im visia dlhé vlasy. Ale epileptický démon vyzerá ako korytnačka s okrúhlymi nohami, ktoré takto visia. Ale zvyčajne, démon útlaku vyzerá byť skôr vo forme mraku, ako nejaká vlna; a ten vydáva skutočne divný zvuk, keď je to, keď ste v tej inej dimenzii, aby ste videli toho ducha.
No, možno si myslíte, že je to nesprávne, ale v jednom z týchto dní si to uvedomíte. Ak by ste len mohli vziať duchovnú lupu a pozrieť sa do svojej duše, keď pochybujete, a zistili by ste, ako to vyzerá. A ten najväčší diabol a knieža všetkých diablov je nevera. To je jediný hriech, ktorý existuje. Nie je iného hriechu, okrem nevery. Všetky tieto veci ohľadne mravnosti a ostatné veci: fajčenie, pitie, hazardovanie a cudzoložstvo; to sú len atribúty. Robíte to preto, že neveríte. Kvôli tomu, že ste neveriaci, to je tým, čo spôsobuje, že to robíte. Keby ste boli veriaci, nerobili by ste to. To je pravda.
15 No, to je presne tak, ako si myslím, že to je pri daroch Ducha: dary Ducha nie sú Duchom Svätým; to sú atribúty Ducha Svätého. Rozumiete? Dary uzdravenia, hovorenie v jazykoch a všetky tie ostatné veci sú atribútmi; to je ovocie, ktoré rodí ten strom. Rozumiete? Strom je tou hlavnou vecou: Duch Svätý. A Duch Svätý je Boh a Boh je láska.
Ale tá zvláštna vec, asi tri časopisy... Nie som si príliš istý. Tri mesiace predtým, ako vyšiel tento článok, mnohí z vás čítali článok o pani Piper, tej veľkej špiritistke v New Yorku. Koľkí tu čítali o pani Piper? Vyšlo to v časopise asi tri mesiace pred tým mojím. No, od roku 1895 sa celý svet snažil tú ženu dochytiť.
Koľko je tu Kresťanov, zodvihnite ruku, kresťanskí veriaci, zodvihnete ruku? Chcem... Chcem, aby ste z hĺbky srdca povedali, „Brat Branham, som veriaci.“ No, je vás väčšina. V poriadku.
16 No, hovorím priamo ku Kresťanom, aby ste mohli vidieť klady a zápory, negatíva a pozitíva; keď sa vás niekto opýta, potom im môžete dať odpoveď.
No, všetko, čo má Boh, diabol má z toho falzifikát. Idete a čokoľvek chcete robiť... Ako vidíte tieto tance; to je z diabla; ale Boh má pre ľudí svätý tanec. Biblia tak hovorí.
Bol som jedným z najväčších kritikov, akého ste kedy videli, až mi Boh povedal, čo mám robiť. Zistil som, že Miriam tancovala v Duchu. Dávid tancoval, keď mal víťazstvo. Ó, a mnohokrát to... Všetko to bolo počas... Bolo to víťazstvo. To bol tanec, svätý tanec.
17 Napríklad v Biblii, ak sa nejakému človeku sníval sen, alebo prorok prorokoval, mali tam tabuľku zvanú Urím a Thummím, ktorá bola na Áronovej hrudi. A keď prišli pred túto tabuľku a porozprávali to a tie svetlá na tabuľke blikali, Boh to schválil, že to je pravda. Je to pravda? Ak to tam nehovorilo, potom to bolo nesprávne. No, pozrite. Diabol prišiel podľa toho vzoru a vzal krištáľovú guľu. Rozumiete?
Všetko, čo má Boh, všetko v tom prirodzenom znázorňuje to duchovné. Viem, že som typológ. A verím, že každá prirodzená vec znázorňuje to duchovné, či nie?
18 Napríklad niečo takéto: Keď Ježiš zomrel na Golgote, koľko - aké prvky vyšli z Jeho tela? Voda, Krv, Duch. Je to pravda? No, akýkoľvek kazateľ, každý veriaci vie, že to je to, z čoho pozostáva nové narodenie. Je to pravda? Z toho pozostáva nové narodenie, svätý Ján 7:5, „Lebo sú traja, ktorí vydávajú svedectvo... voda, Krv a Duch.“ Keď prebodli Jeho bok, vyšla voda a Krv. Povedal, „Do Tvojich rúk vydávam Svojho Ducha.“ Tieto prvky vyšli z Jeho tela a tie isté prvky sú potrebné, aby ste sa dostali do Jeho tela. Z toho pozostáva nové narodenie.
No, z čoho pozostáva prirodzené narodenie? Je tu zmiešané publikum, ale počúvajte. Prvá vec je voda, krv, duch. Rozumiete? Všetko v tom prirodzenom a duchovnom je znázorňované spolu. Sledujte. Oboznámte sa s Bohom a uvidíte Jeho veľké pohybovanie sa v prírode. Vidíte Ho v západoch slnka, v kvetoch, všade. Môžete Ho vidieť všade okolo seba, pretože On je všade okolo vás. To vám dáva dokonalú dôveru, že ste do Neho zamilovaní a že ste... On je zamilovaný do vás. Miloval vás, predurčil vás, predzvedel vás predtým, ako započal svet, priviedol vás sem, zachránil vás, očistil a naplnil vás Svojím Duchom. No, ako by ste mohli pochybovať? Rozumiete? To vám dáva dokonalé ukotvenie viery. Keď viete tieto veci, to vám dáva odvahu, ó, viete, kde stojíte.
19 No, späť k našej téme. Túto ženu vzali... A ona bola len ženou v domácnosti, obyčajná žena, pani Piper. Zožeňte si ten článok. Reader's Digest vám jeden rád pošle. Zostal mi len jeden, inak by som povedal, že vám ho môžem dať. Pán Baxter má jeden, to je jeden z manažérov.
A napísali tam o nej asi desať strán. Už pred päťdesiatimi rokmi začala upadať do tranzov a hovorila s mŕtvymi. No, to je špiritizmus, ktorý je z diabla.
No, a potom ju vzali do Anglicka. A ona prekonala to najlepšie, čo v Anglicku mali. Vzali ju do Talianska, všade; a ona prekonala všetko, čo kedy pred ňu postavili; pretože celý čas hovorila k mŕtvym.
Dolu v Taliansku išli a zohnali muža, ktorý vedel po anglicky, a priviedli ho do Anglicka, obliekli ho ako Angličana a mal sa robiť, že je Angličanom, a mala vyvolať jedného z jeho mŕtvych priateľov, a on by mu povedal, kto... povedal by mu, „No, spomínaš na tie ohromné časy, ktoré sme zažili,“ a cez čo všetko prešli a urobili a všetko podobné. Tak časopis Reader's Digest povedal, že tu bolo nedávno dokázané, že nejaký štátnik si myslel, že na jednej seanse pobozkal duchovný prízrak ruky svojej matky, ale na druhý deň ráno bolo na policajnom súde dokázané, že pobozkal kúsok gázy: bol to len trik.
20 Ale existuje skutočné médium; ona je z diabla. A existuje skutočný Duch Boží Ježiša Krista. No, Biblia, Ježiš povedal, že v posledných dňoch to bude tak blízko, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. A akonáhle vyšiel článok od pani Piperovej, ten najväčší a najširšie vydávaný časopis na svete... A nie je to divné, že tie dva články boli vedľa seba, len kúsok od seba?
No, hovorte o kazateľoch po celej krajine, ktorí nepoznali svoju Bibliu, oni mi po stovkách napísali: „V poriadku, brat Branham, presne vidíme, kde teraz stojíš. Tak vidíš. Tam je tá špiritistka, ona stále žije, teraz má viac ako sto rokov, tam v New Yorku.“ To hovorí Reader's Digest. „Úplne hluchá“ a sedí tam vzadu. Ale vedecký svet sa o ňu stará, pretože ju použili ako pokusné morča. A potom tam na záver museli povedať, „Musíme povedať, že keď tu ľudia prestanú existovať, existujú niekde inde, pretože ona ich vyvoláva.“ A ona bola všade. A oni ju skúšali vo všetkom. Vyvoláva duchov mŕtvych. No, nemali by ste to robiť. Biblia tak hovorí. Ale to je od diabla.
21 Potom tu kazatelia posielali do mojej kancelárie listy, až ich sekretár zabalil do plných škatúľ. „Tu to máš, brat Branham, to ukazuje presne... Vedeli sme, že si špiritista.“
Tak som sa posadil a napísal som list. No, počúvajte pozorne. A tu je to, čo som im povedal. Povedal som, „Bratia, ak je to všetko, čo viete o Bohu, mali by ste odísť spoza kazateľne.“ To je presne tak. „Ak je to všetko, čo viete o Bohu, nemusíte byť za kazateľňou, pretože satan vám môže urobiť čokoľvek a vôbec by ste o tom nič nevedeli.“ No, to je hanba.
22 No, dovoľte, ukážem ti jednoduchú vec, priateľu. Zaobstaraj si tie dva časopisy; sám si ich prečítaj, oba články. No, tá prvá vec, že ak... ak tie dva duchy, Ježiš povedal, v tých posledných dňoch... Samozrejme, že tie démonské duchy povstávajú; iste, že áno. Vždy tu boli. Budú tu, kým nepríde Ježiš. A žijú priamo v ľuďoch a ľudia o tom nevedia. Dávajú im nečisté zlozvyky a choroby a nemoci a všetky druhy... Všetko je spôsobené nejakým duchom.
Hluchota je duch. Vedeli ste to? Doktor hovorí, že tam odumreli nervy. Ale prečo to zomrelo? Čo spôsobilo, že to zomrelo? Biblia hovorí, „Keď hluchý duch vyšiel z človeka, mohol počuť.“ Je to pravda? Tak to je duch.
Rakovina je duch. Nádor je duch. Všetky tie veci sú... Epilepsia je duch. Ježiš pokarhal diabla; chlapec s epilepsiou a on padol na zem a mal ten najhorší záchvat, aký kedy mal. Ale keď sa z toho dostal, bol s tým koniec. Rozumiete? Mnohí z nich povedali, „No, on nebol uzdravený. Pozrite sa na neho; má ten najhorší záchvat, aký kedy mal.“ Ale to bol ten posledný. Rozumiete?
23 Všimnite si. No, tá žena... Ak by som dnes večer dal niekomu z vás mužov dolárovú bankovku a povedal by som, „Je toto... Dávam vám túto obálku.“ A povedal by som, „Je to dolárová bankovka?“
No, poviete, „Určite nie.“ Diabol je na to príliš chytrý.
Ale Ježiš povedal, „Tie dva duchy sú tak blízko seba, že by zviedli vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné.“ Potom, ak by som vám dal dolárovú bankovku, muselo by to vyzerať celkom ako skutočný pravý dolár, inak by ste to hneď rozpoznali. Je to pravda? Tak prichádza diabol, priatelia. To nie je komunista. Komunistický duch, to je antikrist, ale to nie je ten antikrist, o ktorom Ježiš hovoril. To je čokoľvek, čo...
Antikristovský duch je tak nábožný. Kain, ako som vám o tom hovoril, on bol práve tak nábožný ako Ábel. A tie veci idú rovno ďalej a oni sú bratia. Ezav a Jákob... Všetko bolo...
Kristus a... Judáš a Ježiš. Niektorí ľudia vidia na Golgote iba tri kríže. Boli tam štyri. Bol tam Ježiš a jeden zlodej a ďalší zlodej. „Zlorečený, kto visí na strome.“ A Judáš sa obesil na platanovom strome. Je to pravda? On bol na kríži práve tak ako Ježiš: na strome.
No, tam bol Syn Boží, ktorý prišiel z neba, vracal sa naspäť do neba a vzal so Sebou hriešnika, ktorý učinil pokánie. Bol tam syn zatratenia z pekla, prišiel z pekla, vracal sa naspäť do pekla a bral naspäť toho nekajúcneho hriešnika. „Ak si?“ Ten otáznik nad Božím Slovom; „Ak si Synom Božím...“
Ale tento druhý sa to nikdy nepokúšal vyskúmať. Povedal, „Pane, pamätaj na mňa, keď vojdeš.“ Rozumiete?
24 No, pozorne to sledujte, to pre a proti. No, ak by som vám dal dolár, ak ste chytrý človek, prvá vec, ktorú by ste s tým dolárom urobili, keby to vyzeralo a tu by to bolo nakreslené a vyzeralo by to tak dokonale. Prvá vec, ktorú urobíte, chytíte ho a ohmatáte. Skutočný dolár nie je úplný papier; to je hodváb. To je tá hodnota v ňom, ktorá z neho robí dolár.
No, vezmime to teraz k týmto dvom: vezmime na jednej strane pani Piperovú a na druhej strane - a druhej strane mňa, reprezentujúceho Boha. No, pozrite. Celý článok... Prečítajte si to sami a uvidíte, ako ohľadom toho ľudia dokážu byť tak plytkomyseľní.
Za posledných päťdesiat rokov, počas celého jej prežitia, nebolo tam ani raz, kedy by spomenula Boha, Krista, vzkriesenie, Božské uzdravenie, vôbec nič. Celé to bolo len nejakým druhom bláznovstva a nezmyslu, ktorý tam niekto dávno urobil: nebola v tom vôbec žiadna hodnota, žiadna pomoc pre nikoho.
Ale pozrite na túto stranu. Je to neustále kázanie pokánia, „Poď ku Kristovi,“ Božské uzdravenie, vzkriesenie, druhý príchod Krista. Tá hodnota dokazuje, čo to je. Je to pravda?
25 A potom, ďalšia vec. Ak ešte trochu pochybujete o tom dolári, zoberte z neho čísla a odneste ho späť do mincovne a zistite, či to číslo na tej dolárovej bankovke zodpovedá mincovni. Ak to tak bude, čaká tam na to strieborný dolár. Je to pravda?
No, vezmi jej slovo, zober to do Biblie a vezmi prácu, ktorú robím pre Pána, a zober to do Biblie a uvidíš, ktoré je to pravé. To je Mincovňa, to je to, čo to dokazuje. Či toto neoznamuje Ježiša Krista toho istého včera, dnes i naveky; a ona nie je nič iné ako čarodejnica z Endoru. Presne tak. Tam sú obaja v Mincovni, ak chcete vedieť, čo to je. Ale tá plytkosť...
Poviete, „A čo...“ Dovoľte, aby som tu na chvíľu vyjadril svoj malý výraz, ak ma na chvíľu ospravedlníte. Zastavím to na chvíľu, pretože cítim, že vám mám niečo povedať.
26 Tu je určitý kanál. Toto nehovorím pred ľuďmi. Mám vo svojom živote mnoho tajomstva, samozrejme, medzi Bohom a mnou. Ale pozrite sa sem. Existuje určitý kanál a tam žijú smrteľníci. V tom je zhluk veselosti a temnoty a hriechu. A raz za čas vidíte malú bielu bodku alebo svetlo. Ježiš povedal, „Vy ste svetlo, ktoré leží na kopci. Nezapaľujete sviecu a nezakrývate ju nádobou.“ To sú Kresťania v tomto zhluku tejto dimenzie smrteľníkov. No, ak pôjdeme touto cestou dolu, tou ďalšou dimenziou sú duše nespravodlivých, ktorí zomreli a nepoznali Boha. To druhé sú démoni. A tretie v tej trojici je peklo: nespravodlivé duše, démoni a peklo.
Tu je trojica. Jeden z nich bol vychvátený do tretieho neba. To prvé je tiež Duch: Duch Svätý; to druhé - anjeli; to tretie - samotné nebo. No, títo smrteľníci v tejto dimenzii sú ovplyvnení buď stadiaľ, alebo odtiaľto.
27 No, čo sa stalo tej žene, ona sa prelomila do tejto dimenzie, ako to urobila čarodejnica z Endoru. Vyvolala ducha Samuela. No, Biblia, viem o tom a vy o tom viete, mnoho ľudí sa kvôli tomu háda a hovorí, že to bol iba niekto, kto sa vydával za Samuela. Ale Biblia povedala, že to bol Samuel. A verím, že to bol Samuel, pretože Boh povedal, že to bolo v Jeho Biblii.
No, Pavol - Saul išiel k prorokovi. Prorok pre neho nevidel žiadne videnie. Potom prosil Pána o sen. Nedal mu žiaden sen. Potom išiel a prehovoril k Urím a Thummím, a to sa pre neho nezablyslo. A tak sa zamaskoval a doplazil sa k čarodejnici z Endoru a povedal, „Vyvolaj mi ducha Samuela.“
A vyvolala ducha Samuela. A keď Samuel vystúpil hore, tá čarodejnica padla na tvár a povedala, „Vidím bohov vystupovať zo zeme.“ Je to pravda? „Vidím bohov vystupovať zo zeme.“ A bola vystrašená. No, sledujte to. Tam stál Samuel vo svojom prorockom rúchu. A nestál tam len tak, ale poznal Saula. Je to pravda?
28 Mohol by som sem teraz vsunúť trochu zo svojej kalvinistickej náuky, ale myslím, že by som to mal radšej nechať tak. Ha.
Niekto mi povedal, riekol, „Saul bol stratený.“ Keď je človek skutočne narodený z Ducha Božieho a zostáva s Bohom, nie je stratený. On nemôže byť stratený. Pšeničné zrno nikdy nemôže priniesť nič iné, len pšenicu. To je pravda. Ten človek odpadol. To je pravda, ale nebol stratený.
Pozrite sem. Dokážem to hneď tu. Sledujte. Čarodejnica zavolala ducha Samuela a Samuel spoznal Saula a povedal, „Prečo si ku mne prišiel, keď sa vidí, že si sa stal nepriateľom Božím?“
No, vy baptisti by ste o chvíľu mali vykríknuť „Amen“ pre mňa. No, prečo on... „Prečo si ma zavolal, keď sa vidí, že si nepriateľom Božím?“
No, sledujte to. Povedal... Nielenže tam Samuel stál, ale on bol stále prorokom. Amen. On bol stále prorokom a povedal, „Zajtra padneš v boji a tvoj syn padne s tebou. A zajtra večer o tomto čase budeš so mnou.“ Potom, ak bol Saul stratený, potom bol aj Samuel. Je to tak? Aha.
29 Saul nikdy nespáchal samovraždu. Zabil ho Filištín. Každý z vás čitateľov Biblie, ktorí to dôkladne čítate, to vedia. Zabil ho Filištín a Dávid za to zabil Filištína. V poriadku. Všimnite si, Saul bol zranený; to je pravda. Ale on... Zabil ho Filištín. A Dávid ho zabil, pretože povedal, „Vzal si život pomazanému Božiemu.“ A Saul bol sám prorokom.
No, ale teraz... No, môj dobrý katolícky priateľu, nemaj nesúhlas. Ak nesúhlasíš, je to teraz priateľským spôsobom. Rozumiete? No, pamätajte, moji ľudia sú tiež katolíci. Ale teraz, len chvíľu.
No, katolícka cirkev verí v príhováranie sa alebo spoločenstvo svätých, mŕtvych ľudí, ktorí zomrú a ďalej pokračujú. Je to úplne jasná forma špiritizmu.
A protestantská cirkev, priamo vo svojom vlastnom domácom apoštolskom vyznaní (pričom v Biblii nikdy nebolo nič také), hovoria, že veria v svätú rímskokatolícku cirkev a veria v spoločenstvo svätých, čo privádza protestantizmus do špiritizmu... Potom, keď vidia Ducha Božieho, ako sa pohybuje v nejakej osobe, chcú o ňom tvrdiť, že je to diabol, pričom oni sami sú tou vecou: vyznávajú to vo svojom vlastnom vyznaní.
30 No, toto... Brat, hovorím ti; niekedy potrebujeme byť stiahnutí z kože a trochu vydrhnutí, aby sme videli, kde stojíme. Nemyslíte? Urobte správne, správne. Akákoľvek osoba... Ak tí svätí... No, ja neodsudzujem katolíckych svätých. Ale pozrite. Dôvod, prečo čarodejnica z Endoru mohla vyvolať ducha Samuela, pretože Samuel nemohol vojsť do prítomnosti Božej; on bol v raji; lebo krv býkov a kozlov neodníma hriech. Ale odkedy Ježiš zomrel, oddelil hriech a odstránil hriech a veriaci teraz ide do prítomnosti Božej. A on sa nemôže vrátiť naspäť, povedal Ježiš v Lukášovi, keď hovoril o tom boháčovi. Nemôže sa vrátiť. Takže ak sa prihovárate akémukoľvek druhu ducha niekoho, kto odišiel, mimo Boha, Krista, jediného Prostredníka medzi Bohom a človekom, potom ste v špiritizme nazývanom náboženstvo. No, kde je špiritizmus? Tak buďte opatrní, čo hovoríte o Duchu Božom. Rozumiete? Obecenstvo so svätými je špiritizmus.
31 No, všimnite si. Tieto duše pod oltárom tu... Tieto duše, myslím v... Ježiš tu... Pred pár minútami som tu čítal text. Dávid Ho vždy videl pred sebou a povedal, „A moje telo odpočinie v nádeji, lebo On nenechá moju dušu v pekle, ani nenechá svätého vidieť porušenie.“
V Petrovi sa nachádza ešte lepšie Písmo ako to. Povedal, že Ježiš, keď zomrel, odišiel a kázal dušiam, ktoré boli v putách temnosti, v žalári, očakávali na večný súd; že Ježiš, keď zomrel na Golgote, išiel a kázal dušiam, nespravodlivým dušiam, ktoré nečinili pokánie v dlhozhovievavosti za dní Noeho.
32 Poďme ku tomu. Tu On stojí na zemi. Najslávnejší... Musíte často čítať medzi riadkami, aby ste porozumeli Biblii.
Myslím na starého Jóba, keď povedal... On bol celý posiaty vredmi; a ľudia prichádzali a hovorili, ako... „Či nebudeš zlorečiť Bohu a nezomrieš?“ povedala jeho žena.
Povedal, „Hovoríš ako bláznivá žena.“ A tam on bol, celý vyhádzaný, sedel na kope popola.
Raz som o tom kázal asi tri mesiace. Jedna žena mi napísala a povedala mi, „Kedy dostaneš Jóba z tej kopy popola, brat Branham?“
A ja... On si škrabal vredy. Tá žena prišla ku dverám a povedala mu, že má prekliať Boha a zomrieť.
A on povedal, „Hovoríš ako bláznivá žena. Pán dal a Pán vzal, nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo.“
33 Chcem, aby ste si všimli, že keď Jób zomrel, upresnil veci ohľadom svojho pohrebu. Potom prišiel Abrahám. Sledujte to teraz medzi riadkami, vy, čitatelia. Toto nie je napísané priamo v Slove; musíte to čítať medzi tým. Je to skryté pred očami múdrych a rozumných. Keď Jób zomrel, spresnil svoje pohrebisko.
Potom prišiel Abrahám; a keď Sára zomrela, on kúpil kus zeme: kúpil to. Viete, ako to urobil s tými šeklami striebra, neďaleko Jóba. A on ju pochoval... Keď zomrel, bol pochovaný s ňou.
Abrahám splodil Izáka. Keď Izák zomrel, Izák usnul s Jákobom, alebo s Abrahámom. Abrahám splodil Izáka a Izák splodil Jákoba. Jákob zomrel tam v Egypte, ale povedal, „Nepochovajte ma tu dolu.“ Prečo? Ha. „Vezmite ma naspäť do Palestíny a pochovajte ma.“ Prečo? „Pochovajte ma spolu s mojimi otcami v jaskyni.“
34 Jákob splodil Jozefa; vieme, dokonalý predobraz Krista. No, keď Jozef zomieral, povedal, „Nepochovajte moje kosti tu.“ Prečo? On bol prorok. On predvídal veci, ktoré tí ostatní nevideli. Povedal, „Vezmite ma hore do Palestíny a pochovajte ma s mojimi otcami.“ A Mojžiš po štyristo rokoch vzal Jozefove kosti a pochoval ich v Palestíne. Som zvedavý prečo.
Jób povedal, „Viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije a v posledných dňoch sa postaví na zemi. A hoci kožné červy zničia toto telo, v mojom tele uvidím Boha, ktorého uvidím na vlastné oči. Moje oči budú vidieť, nie niekto iný.“ Boh sa postaví na zemi a on Ho uvidí.
Abrahám povedal, „Ak Ho uvidí Jób, budem pochovaný rovno s ním, aby som Ho tiež videl. Pochovám tam Sáru.“ Všetkých ich tam pochovali, lebo vedeli, že prvotiny vzkriesenia nevychádzajú z Egypta; to vychádzalo z Palestíny.
A to je ten dôvod, prečo dnes hovorím, majte si všetku svoju bláznivosť a svet, ktorý chcete. Tých, ktorí sú mŕtvi v Kristovi, privedie Boh s Ním vo vzkriesení. Tak ma pochovajte v Ježišovi Kristovi, lebo viem, že tam je to miesto, odkiaľ prichádza vzkriesenie. Nazývajte ma, ako chcete: náboženský fanatik, to pre mňa nerobí žiaden rozdiel, len nech som pochovaný v Kristovi, ukrytý pred svetom. Tam nastane vzkriesenie, Kresťania narodení z Ducha, ktorí sú mŕtvi pre veci sveta: blázni pre svet, správajú sa hlúpo. To sú tí, ktorí prichádzajú vo vzkriesení, ako hovorí Biblia. To je pravda. Čítaj medzi riadkami, brat.
35 Všimnite si. Moja žena by mi napísala list, v ktorom by povedala, „Milý Bill, to-a-to...“ Čítal by som to, čo povedala, a potom by som čítal medzi riadkami; pretože ju milujem a viem, o čom hovorí. Raz sa do Neho zamilujte. Nesnažte sa z tej veci vykrúcať a hádať sa, len sa do Neho zamilujte a budete... On vám to zjaví. Ukrýva to pred teologickými seminármi a zjavuje to nemluvňatám, ktoré sa budú učiť. Je dokázané, že je to pravda. Mali ste dvadsať, ó, takmer dvetisíc rokov, aby ste dokázali svoj argument, a zlyhali ste, až dve tretiny sveta ešte nikdy nepočuli o Ježišovi Kristovi.
Dajte mi päťsto ľudí narodených z Ducha Božieho, naplnených Duchom Svätým a v ohni pre Boha, v jednom roku urobím pre Kráľovstvo Božie viac, ako celá cirkev urobila za dvetisíc rokov. To je pravda. Budú veriť v znamenia, divy a zázraky a bude to skutočné, nie predstieraná viera, ale skutočne narodení z Ducha Božieho. To je pravda. To, čo potrebujeme, to je Boží program. V poriadku, teraz len chvíľu. Poďme ku týmto veciam.
36 Keď Ježiš zomrel, On bol Synom Božím. Verím, že bol panensky narodený Syn Boží. Verím, že Jehova Boh zatienil malú pannu, stvoril krvnú bunku v lone Márie bez toho, že by poznala nejakého muža. Vyvinulo sa to, narodil sa, bol to Syn Boží a Jehova zostúpil a prebýval vo Svojom Synovi. Boh bol na zemi a prebýval s nami v povolaní Človeka, Svojho Syna Ježiša Krista. Len toto. Ak tomu neveríte, ste stratení. To je pravda.
Jeden ateista, ktorý sa so mnou nedávno hádal, povedal, „Kazateľ, chceš mi povedať, že tej žene by sa mohlo narodiť dieťa bez toho, aby poznala muža?“
Povedal som, „Tak veru.“
Povedal, „To nemôže byť. To nemôže byť.“ Hovorí, „Je to proti všetkým vedeckým pravidlám. Kukurica bez peľu, nič ďalšie, bez skutočného kontaktu samca a samice.“
Povedal som, „Je to tak? Tak sa ťa chcem niečo opýtať. Pripustíš, že Mária... Ježiš mal matku?“
„Ale je nemožné, aby Boh bol Jeho Otcom.“
Povedal, „Neexistuje nič také ako Boh.“
„Myslíš, že ten veľký Duch toho veľkého stvorenia nemohol stvoriť tú krvnú bunku?“
„Nie, nič také neexistuje. Mala pomer s Jozefom a bolo to len také malé ukĺznutie, ako to máme teraz. A skrze to odštartovali náboženstvo.“
Povedal som, „Chcem sa potom na niečo opýtať, pane. Odkiaľ sa vzal ten prvý človek, nech je to žubrienka, opica, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, čo chceš povedať? Prvý človek, odkiaľ sa vzal, a kto bol jeho otec a mama? Podľa tvojho vyjadrenia musel mať otca a matku predtým, ako sa to mohlo stať, odkiaľ sa vzal ten prvý človek: nech je čímkoľvek chce byť?“ Je to tak.
Pätnásť minút odtiaľ pod starou borovicou (kadiaľ som minule prechádzal s bratom Woodom) som ho priviedol ku Kristovi. Amen. Nevedel odpovedať. Isteže nie. Podľa ich vyhlásenia musel mať počiatok od oboch, otca i matku. Tak kde - kto to bol? Kto vytvoril tých prvých?
Ó, oni sú... Páči sa mi to, čo povedal Billy Sunday o prohibícii. „Ich argumenty sú tenšie ako vývar z tieňa kurčaťa, ktoré zomrelo hladom.“ No, to je také tenké. To je pravda. Oni jednoducho nemajú vôbec žiadne nohy, na ktorých by mohli stáť. Nie veru. Boh je, a je Odplatiteľom tých, ktorí Ho hľadajú. To je pravda.
37 No, všimnite si. Keď Ježiš zomrel na Golgote, povedal... Všetko na zemi vedelo, že to je Syn Boží. Boh dokonca povedal, že to bol Jeho Syn. On zavrel nebo; nad zemou bola tma. Nemohol sa dívať, ako Jeho vlastný Syn zomiera, a predsa Jeho Syn dáva Svoju Krv na odpustenie hriechov.
Rímsky stotník položil ruku na srdce a povedal, „Skutočne, to je Syn Boží.“
Judáš Iškariotský povedal, „Zradil som nevinnú Krv.“ Zem povedala, že to bol Syn Boží; pri tom veľkom zemetrasení, keď On zomrel, to vyvrhlo skaly. Všetko rozpoznávalo, že On je Syn Boží. Ó. Nemal by som s tým začínať, budeme mať modlitebný rad, ale teraz sa cítim skutočne dobre.
38 Sledujte Ho! Chvíľu so mnou vydržte, ak dokážete vydržať trochu tejto starodávnej cirokovej melasy a údenú hikorovú šunku. Pozrite sa. Zatiaľ čo zostupoval dolu, znižoval sa, Syn Boží povedal, „Do Tvojich rúk vydávam Svojho Ducha,“ vydal Ducha. A Biblia hovorí, že išiel a kázal dušiam, ktoré boli v žalári. Amen. Čo je to? Títo ľudia tu, kde vnikla pani Piper, tie duše, ktoré boli v žalári, ktoré nečinili pokánie v tej dlhozhovievavosti Božej vo dňoch Noeho, keď sa pripravovala archa.
39 Môžem Ho vidieť. Poďme to zdramatizovať. Môžem Ho vidieť zostupovať do tejto prvej dimenzie stratených duší. [Brat Branham klope. - pozn.prekl.] Zaklopal na dvere; dvere sa otvorili. Tá nariekajúca masa krásnych žien, úbohých čarodejníc, mužov, všetci kričali a plakali: muky. „Ó, keby som sa odtiaľto mohla dostať...“
Zaklopal na dvere; dvere sa razom otvorili. Tam stál Syn živého Boha v nebeskom tele. Povedal, „Ja som Syn Boží, o ktorom Enoch povedal, že príde s desaťtisícami Jeho svätých. Ja som Ten, o ktorom hovoril Noe. Som Semeno ženy zo záhrady Eden. Nebesia o mne práve svedčili. Zem o Mne svedčila. Judáš o Mne svedčil. Rímsky vojak o Mne svedčil. Otec o Mne svedčil. No, musíte vedieť, že som tu, aby som naplnil Slovo Božie.“ Haleluja.
Každý démon vedel, že On tam je. Ó, keď bol na zemi, kričali a vykrikovali, „Vieme, kto si, Ten Svätý Boží.“ Oni Ho poznali, aj keď kazatelia nie. Oni vedeli, kým On je.
A potom kričali, „Vypusti nás von.“
On povedal, „Prečo ste nečinili pokánie?“ Zabuchol, vyšiel dverami preč. Pokračoval smerom dolu ku démonom. Dolu cez tú líniu démonológie, kričali a vykrikovali a dostali sa naspäť. Oni vedeli, kam išli. Keď tých démonov vyhnal z muža z Gadary, oni vošli do svíň, udusili sa. Videli prítomnosť toho Svätého, ktorý tadiaľ prechádzal. Ukryli sa ako hŕstka švábov, keď sa v lete rozsvietia svetlá, keď obhrýzajú jadro jablka. To mi pripomína niektorých kazateľov, keď rozsvietite Svetlo Evanjelia, oni sa rozpŕchnu. „Nechoďte to tam počúvať.“ Pripomína mi to tú veľkú hŕstku švábov v lete. V temnote môžu svižne chodiť, ale len raz rozsvieťte svetlo. To je pravda. V poriadku.
40 Ďalšia vec, ktorú urobil, On prešiel dolu cez tú trojicu, dolu do pekla. Môžem Ho vidieť ísť ku dverám. [Brat Branham klope na dvere. - pozn.prekl.] Satan išiel ku dverám a povedal, „Ó. Tak konečne si sa sem dostal, však?“
„Áno, som tu.“
„Myslel som, že som ťa dostal, keď som zabil Ábela. Myslel som, že som ťa zastrelil, keď som dostal Ábela. Bol som si istý, že ťa mám, keď som hodil Daniela do jamy s levmi. Keď som Jánovi sťal hlavu, myslel som si, že som ťa vtedy dostal. No, keď si bol na kríži, myslel som si, že ťa mám. Ale nakoniec si prišiel.“
Ježiš povedal, „Áno, prišiel som. A prišiel som za jedným účelom; už dosť dlho si spôsoboval ľuďom strach a zimomriavky. Prišiel som, aby som to prevzal.“ To je pravda. Ó, On povedal, „Ja som ten panensky narodený Syn Boží.“
„Ó, mám právo; Adam zhrešil.“
„Ale tam na kríži je Moja Krv, ktorá je ešte stále mokrá, ktorá zaplatila za ten hriech. Tak veru. Prišiel som dolu, aby som to prevzal. Daj mi kľúče smrti a pekla.“ On dal Petrovi kľúče od Kráľovstva: od Cirkvi. Tak veru. On povedal, „Daj mi kľúče smrti a pekla.“ Všimnite si, keď On zmŕtvychvstal, viseli Mu na boku. Povedal, „Daj mi kľúče smrti a pekla.“ Natiahol sa a chytil satana za krk, [Brat Branham to demonštruje. - pozn.prekl.] zhodil ho na zem a položil na neho nohu; natiahol sa a strhol ich. Povedal, „Dosť dlho si klamal ľudí. Vráť sa tam, kam patríš.“ Zavesil si ich na Svoj bok. „Ja som teraz Šéf. Moja Krv bola preliata na kríži pre odpustenie hriechov a pre chorobu. Nemôžeš ich tam dlhšie držať. Budú ľudia, ktorí Mi budú veriť. Nemôžeš ich zviazať chorobou. Nemôžeš ich zviazať strachom. Oni budú veriť.“ Haleluja. Kľúče smrti a pekla...
41 Tu prichádza a vylieza hore. Brat, blíži sa denné svetlo. Vidím tú veľkú rannú hviezdu, ako sa už rozhliada okolo hrobu. Prichádza na tretí deň. Haleluja. Prvý...
Počkajte. On má tu v raji ešte niekoho iného. Aby na nikoho nezabudol. „Neobchádzaj ma, ó, láskavý Spasiteľu, vyslyš moje pokorné volanie.“
Tu v raji ležia niektoré duše: Abrahám, Izák, Jákob, Sára a tí, ktorí boli verní, veriaci zasľúbeniu prorokov. A oni tam ležia a čakajú len s krvou býkov a kôz, tieňom alebo predobrazom Jeho vlastnej Krvi. Môžem Ho vidieť, ako vystupuje hore do raja, [Brat Branham klope. - pozn.prekl.] klope na dvere. Abrahám otvára dvere. „Kto si?“
Povedal, „Ja som Semeno Abrahámovo.“
Počujem Daniela, ako hovorí, „Čo? To je ten Kameň, ktorý som videl odseknutý z hory bez pomoci rúk.“
Môžem počuť, ako Ezechiel povedal, „Videl som Ho prichádzať s takou rýchlosťou, až to vyzeralo, že je tak mocný, a mal len prach pod Svojimi nohami.“ Ó.
Môžem počuť, ako prorok povedal, „Celú noc som s Ním zápasil dolu pri rieke predtým, ako som prešiel na druhú stranu.“ Haleluja.
42 Ján, tí rôzni Ho poznali. Povedal, „Dobre, bratia, opášte si bedrá, vzkriesenie je blízko. Zostáva asi pätnásť minút pred tým, ako sa tam otvorí ten hrob. Moja spravodlivá Krv tam za vás bola preliata. Čakali ste na Mňa, pod krvou kozlov a býkov, ktorí vás nemohli vziať do prítomnosti Otca. Ale prelial som Svoju Krv, aby som to vzal preč. No, sme na ceste domov. Poďte, a vaše...“
Abrahám povedal, „Poď, Sára,“ chytil ju za ruku. Môžem počuť, ako Abrahám povedal, „Môj Pane...“
On povedal, „Áno, Môj služobník, čo chceš?“
Povedal, „Môžeme si urobiť takú malú zástavku v Jeruzaleme? Chcel by som si len popozerať to staré mesto na mieste, kde sme so Sárou toľko putovali.“
„Iste, budem štyridsať dní a nocí so Svojimi učeníkmi; predtým, ako budú pokračovať, im musím dať ešte nejaké lekcie. V poriadku. Spravíme si malú zastávku.“
A asi v tom čase Anjel Boží odvalil kameň. Po celej zemi bolo zemetrasenie. A Biblia hovorí, že mnohé telá svätých, ktoré v Ňom zosnuli, povstali a vyšli z hrobu v nesmrteľných telách, ako Jeho vlastné slávne telo. Čo?
43 Vidím, ako tam Kaifáš stojí a hovorí, „Vy, kňazi, čo to bol dnes ráno za hluk?“
Kňazi hovoria, „Neviem. Ale taká vec, sú tu nejakí ľudia, ktorí sa objavujú všade tu v okolí mesta. Niektorí tvrdia, že sú to starí svätí, ktorí zostali vzkriesení.“
„No,“ hovorí Kaifáš, „neviem.“ Povedal, „Povedz, kto je ten mladý pár, ktorý tam prichádza?“
To je Sára a Abrahám, ktorí sa prechádzajú a hovoria, „Pozri sem, drahá. Pamätáš sa na to staré miesto, kde sme tam schádzali z toho kopca?“
„Áno, pamätám si to.“
„Čo... Ó. Sme pozorovaní.“ Zmizol, presne ako ten druh tela, ktorý mal On, prešiel rovno do budovy cez múry. Oni ani nevedeli... Jeho vlastné slávne telo. Kráčali tu po zemi a zjavovali sa ľuďom. Haleluja. Áno, tu je vašich štyridsať dní. Haleluja.
Prepáčte. Nie, neprepáčte. Nemyslím to tak. Nie, brat, nie je tam nič formálne; Boh nemá formálnosť.
44 Niečo vám poviem. Po štyridsiatich dňoch sa Jeho nohy jedného dňa začali dvíhať zo zeme. Povedal Svojim učeníkom, „Choďte do celého sveta, kážte Evanjelium. Ten, kto uverí a pokrstí sa, bude spasený. Kto neuverí, bude odsúdený. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Budete nazývaní veštcom; budete nazývaní diablom; budete nazývaní všetkým, čo existuje; ale budete vyháňať diablov.“ Amen. „Položíte ruky na chorých; oni sa uzdravia.“
Tu On vystupuje hore. Môžem vidieť Sáru a Abraháma, všetkých, ako sa k Nemu pripájajú. Ó. Tu idú hore; prešli okolo mesiaca, hviezd. Ježiš na čele, starozákonní svätí kráčajú za Ním. Haleluja. Prichádzajú tam na dohľad od toho veľkého Mesta, ktoré je postavené do štvorca: perlové brány. Môžem počuť všetkých starozákonných svätých, ako kráčajú so svojím veľkým Víťazom pred sebou, veľký Premožiteľ. Ó, On je mocný Premožiteľ, pretože roztrhol tú oponu na dve časti.
45 Tu je so starozákonnými svätými. Môžem ich počuť kričať, „Zdvihnite sa, večné brány a buďte pozdvihnuté. A nech vojde Kráľ Slávy.“
Počujem, ako Anjeli hovoria, „Čo to bolo?“
„Zodvihnite sa, večné brány a buďte pozdvihnuté. A nech vojde Kráľ Slávy.“
Môžem počuť Anjelov kričať, „Kto je tento Kráľ Slávy?“
„Pán zástupov, mocný v boji. On je Kráľ Slávy.“ Haleluja.
Vidím Gabriela, ako tam vychádza s vypnutou hruďou a stláča gombík: brány sa otvárajú. Dolu ulicami išiel víťazne Ježiš so starozákonnými svätými, rovno dolu ulicami. Haleluja. Víťazstvo. Vykročil priamo v prítomnosti Otca a povedal, „Otče, tu sú. Všetci zomreli vo viere, vyhliadali na ten čas.“ Haleluja.
Počujem Ho, ako hovorí, „Dobre, Syn Môj. Vystúp sem a posaď sa po Mojej pravici, až kým neurobím zo všetkých Tvojich nepriateľov podnož Tvojich nôh.“ Ó, Haleluja.
Ó, meškám pol hodiny. Nechcem zmeškať Tam. On robí z každého nepriateľa podnož Svojich nôh. Všetci diabli sú pod Jeho nohami. Všetka choroba je pod Jeho nohami. Každý hriech je pod Jeho nohami. A my sme v Ňom viac ako víťazi skrze Toho, ktorý nás miloval.
46 No, keď teraz veriaci zomiera, ide rovno do prítomnosti Božej. Ján na ostrove Patmos povedal, „Duše pod oltárom volali, 'Ako dlho, Pane? Ako dlho?'“
„Ešte trochu dlhšie, kým zavolajú ešte nejakých 'náboženských fanatikov' a o všetkých sa tam postarajú a oni budú trpieť to isté, čo vy.“ Potom sa pozrel a videl ich prichádzať, veľké množstvo, ktoré nemôže nikto - množstvo, ktoré by nikto nemohol spočítať: svätí v bielom rúchu, v rukách palmy, očakávajú. Povedal, „Kto sú títo?“
On povedal, „To sú tí, ktorí prichádzajú zo súženia, z prenasledovania a prichádzajú hore a vybielili svoje rúcha v Krvi Baránka. Sú pred Ním dňom i nocou.“ Chcem byť s nimi započítaný, vy nie? Viete, že ja...
47Chcem vidieť Ježiša, vy nie?
To je to, čo chcem robiť. Keď sa skončí moja pozemská púť, moja posledná pieseň, moja posledná kázeň a táto stará Biblia bude niekde zavretá, dívam sa, ako stoja okolo postele a tam stojí môj chlapec a moje dievčatá, moja žena, moji milovaní. Chcem zodvihnúť ruku a spievať,
Šťastný deň, šťastný deň,
keď Ježiš zmyl moje hriechy.
On ma naučil, ako mám bdieť a modliť sa
a žiť radujúc sa každý deň.
Chcem vykĺznuť z tejto starej budovy, keď do nej začne zatekať. Chcem ju tu odhodiť:
Odhodím rúcho tohto tela a povstanem,
a zmocním sa večnej ceny.
A zatiaľ čo budem prechádzať povetrím, budem kričať,
„Lúčim sa, lúčim sa, sladká hodina modlitby.“
48 Dúfam, že z Božej milosti môžem v ten deň zastať v Jeho prítomnosti a stretnúť sa s každým z vás, ktorí tu dnes večer ste. A keď budem stáť pri Jeho veľkej vznešenej Bytosti, v Jeho veľkolepej prítomnosti a v prítomnosti anjelských zástupov, ktoré budú stáť naokolo, ktorí poznajú každú myšlienku, ktorá je vo vašom srdci... Ó, môžem k Nemu pristúpiť a povedať, „Môj Pane, urobil som to najlepšie, čo som vedel, s tým, čo si mi dal do činenia. Ty si mi dal Božský dar ako vidiacemu. Urobil som všetko, čo som vedel. Kázal som Tvoje Slovo podľa môjho najlepšieho poznania. A, Pane, títo nasledovali.“ Ó. Čo? Ak sa môžem len dotknúť Jeho nôh, možno pobozkať zem, kadiaľ kráčal, pohnúť sa... A On mi len postaví malý zrub niekde tam za palácom vás všetkých. Budem šťastný.
Nech vás Boh žehná. On je tu dnes večer. Nárokujem si Ho. On je môj Pán. On je váš Pán. On je môj Uzdraviteľ. On je váš Uzdraviteľ. A viem, o čom hovorím. On je tu. Budete Mu veriť? Skloňme naše hlavy.
Sestra, mohla by si na chvíľu prísť ku klavíru? Nemal som v úmysle toľko kázať, priatelia. Je to trochu ťažké sa z toho dostať.
49 Náš nebeský Otče, no, odpusť mi, Pane. Ty si bol neporozumený; prečo by sme nemali byť neporozumení i my? To nás netrápi. Povedal si nám, že budeme, a tak sme. A my sme len vďační, že môžeme niesť to pohanenie, sme vďační za to, že nám dávaš príležitosť. Modlíme sa teraz, aby si týchto ľudí požehnal. Mnohí z nich sú tu chorí a v potrebe.
Pane, nie je nič, čo by som viac vedel urobiť, než predstaviť im Evanjelium a povedať im, čo si Ty povedal. A potom s Tvojím Božským darom, ktorý si dal, ak len dnes večer... A ak som tam kázal, urobil niečo nesprávne, odpusť mi. A modlím sa, aby si poslal toho veľkého Anjela Božieho, ktorý tu bude pri mne stáť, ktorý mi pomôže, ten veľký dar, Anjel, služobný duch, poslaný z prítomnosti Božej, aby poslúžil vôľu Božiu skrze Jeho služobníka. Povedal si, že On dáva poznať Svoje tajomstvá Svojim prorokom. Jeho služobníci sú plápolajúcim ohňom.
A modlím sa, aby si dnes večer udelil požehnanie. Premôž všetok odpor a nech Tvoj Duch príde milo a jemne a nech nás všetkých žehná. Lebo to prosíme v Kristovom Mene. Amen.
50 Chcem, aby ste boli úctiví. Veríte, že ak by sme sa len pomodlili tam, kde takto sedíte, že by Boh uzdravil každého jedného z vás? Som zvedavý, čo si niekedy myslí poslucháčstvo predtým, ako sa pustím do zhromaždenia. Viem, čo si väčšina z vás myslí: chcete modlitebný rad; to je to, čo chcete. No, to je pravda.
No, brat Bosworth, na mojich zhromaždeniach to nebude fungovať. To je všetko, o čo ide. Chce to len modlitebný rad. No, hneď, ako som sa o tom zmienil, len aby som videl, čo to je, ten múr jednoducho padol. Rozumiete? Každý tu chce, aby sa modlilo v tom modlitebnom rade. V poriadku.
Rozdali ste nejaké modlitebné karty? Čo to bolo? U. Koľko? Jeden až sto. V poriadku. Budeme musieť... Nemôžeme zavolať každého. Musíme ich naraz zavolať len niekoľko, modliť sa za chorých. No, či Boh... Zvyčajne pri kázaní, no, to je iné pomazanie. A chcem, aby ste na mňa pamätali vo svojich modlitbách. Modlitebná karta U. U. Modlitebná karta U... [Prázdne miesto na páske. -- pozn.prekl.]
51 ...večer. Sme si cudzí, pani? Nepoznám ťa. Nepoznáš ma: nemali sme nikdy predtým žiaden kontakt, že? On... Nikdy predtým ma nevidela. V poriadku, to nás robí úplne cudzími. No, teraz, ak si chorá, potom si prišla ku mne so žiadosťou o pomoc. A pomoc prichádza od Boha. Ale ty mi veríš ako svojmu bratovi, či nie? Veríš... Čítala si niekedy tú malú knihu s príbehom o Anjelovi Pánovom, ako sa mi zjavuje? Čítala si to niekedy? Nikdy si to nečítala, prichádzaš len takto. No, Boh ti potom určite pomôže.
No, ak by tu stál náš Pán Ježiš, On ťa pozná, však? On vie všetko, čo si kedy urobila. A tak by ti to mohol povedať. No potom, tým, že si pre mňa cudzia, ak mi o tebe On dá skrze Svoju zvrchovanú svätú milosť niečo vedieť, ako pri tej žene pri studni alebo ktokoľvek, ku komu On hovoril, potom prijmeš svoje uzdravenie, či nie? Vieš, že by tu musel byť nejaký druh nadprirodzenej Bytosti, ktorá to robí, však? Musela by si vedieť, že to pochádza z nadprirodzeného Zdroja. A potom by si vedela, že to pochádza z toho nadprirodzeného. Ale potom, tvoj postoj ohľadom toho by bol tým, čo by určilo tvoje uzdravenie. Vidíš, čo mám na mysli?
Veríš, že Boh je stále ten istý, aký kedy bol? Veríš, že On je ten istý. No, ty máš astmatický stav, ktorý ťa obťažuje. A máš tiež ženskú poruchu. A to vyšetrenie potvrdilo, myslím, že povedal, že je v tom cysta. Je to pravda? Je to tak? No, potom, ak je každé slovo z toho pravdivé, a ja ťa nepoznám, ale vidím a počujem, čo ti ten človek povedal; a vidím, ako si na tom bola doma, a tak ďalej; a to je nadprirodzená Bytosť. Je to pravda? Potom ti hovorím skrze toho istého Ducha, ak teraz prijmeš Ježiša ako svojho Uzdraviteľa, pôjdeš domov a uzdravíš sa. Urobíš to? Nech ťa potom Boh žehná; dovoľ mi pomodliť sa.
Nebeský Otče, modlím sa, aby si požehnal našu sestru a nech odíde domov a nech sa uzdraví na pamiatku Tvojich veľkých Slov, ktoré boli, „Položia ruky na chorých, oni sa uzdravia.“ Robím to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. No, choď a raduj sa, buď šťastná, sestra, a ďakuj Bohu za svoje uzdravenie.
52 V poriadku, príď, pane. No, koľkí z vás, ktorí ste tu prvýkrát, teraz veríte z celého srdca? Povedzte, „Verím, brat Branham, že Ježiš Kristus vstal z mŕtvych. To je dosť na to, aby mi to teraz dokázalo, že On je tu.“ Zodvihnete ruku? Povedzte, „Verím tomu.“ Ďakujem. Ďakujem. To sú novopríchodiaci, každý jeden z vás. No, nech vás Pán žehná.
No, ja som... Rozumiete, že nie som uzdraviteľ, priatelia. Nemohol by som nikoho uzdraviť. Ak by som mohol, som si istý... Ako tu sedím a dívam sa na túto ženu, ktorá je paralyzovaná, iste by som išiel dolu a uzdravil ju. Viem, čo s ňou nie je v poriadku. Viem, kde je jej problém. Viem, že táto žena je na tom rovnako. Obe sú paralyzované. To je pravda. Je to už nejaký čas. A viem, že to tam za vami zadržuje len malý tieň. Ak by ste niekedy mohli prekročiť ten malý tieň, vstali by ste odtiaľ a odkráčali z budovy. To je pravda. Ak by ste mohli... Ale nemôžem vás dostať ponad ten tieň; tvoj vlastný duch ťa musí takto pozdvihnúť. Tu to je. Je to len trochu... Myslíte si, „No, ja som v takom stave, ja len...“ Vidíte? Nemyslite si to. Boh vás môže uzdraviť takisto, ako by mohol uzdraviť bolesť zubov. [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.] Prikročte k tomu. V poriadku.
53 Prepáč, pane. Je mi ľúto. Ty si pacient, však? V poriadku. Niekedy, keď takto hovorím, viem, že mám pred sebou obecenstvo, to mi dáva trochu pocítiť, že... To pomazanie, ak sa do toho dostanem príliš hlboko, potom mi to ubližuje. Viete? Potom ja... Začína sa odvíjať videnie a neviem čo mám presne robiť.
A teraz, či ste... Ty si veriaci; teraz to vidím, že si Kresťan. No, pretože viem, že akonáhle uchopím tvojho ducha, vidím to: tvoj život sa zdá mať takého vľúdneho ducha. Si si veľmi dobre vedomý, že niečo je blízko. To je... Videl si niekedy na papieri fotku toho Anjela? Rozumiete? Tu To máme. Zachytili To vedecky. To je presne To, čo je nablízku.
Ty si kazateľ; si kazateľom a si metodistickým kazateľom. Je to pravda? Voláš sa Obanion. Je to pravda? Ty si... Volajú ťa Howard, či nie? Brat Howard? To je to, ako sa voláš. A trpíš na nejaký problém s hrubým črevom alebo niečo tam vo vnútri. A to spôsobuje vyrážku a prichádza k nejakému vyhádzaniu. Nie je to pravda?
Máš manželku, ktorá bola pred pár rokmi, alebo pred nejakým časom, operovaná. A bol to žlčník. Je to pravda? Spôsobilo to zlý účinok a ona má teraz srdcovú astmu. Bola to pravda, pane? Je to tak? Neviem, čo ti To povedalo, ale je to pravda? Je to pravda. V poriadku. Niečo tu to vedelo. Je to pravda? To je Anjel Pánov. Rozumieš? On ťa môže uzdraviť, môj brat.
Náš nebeský Otče, modlím sa, aby si požehnal nášho brata. Uzdrav ho, drahý Bože. A nech jeho problémy, nech sú akékoľvek, nech skončia od dnešného večera, pretože on prišiel úctivo a uveril v Tvojho Syna Ježiša Krista, že vstal z mŕtvych, ako zasľúbil, a dnes večer žije vo Svojej Cirkvi. Nech Boh žehná môjho brata, ktorého žehnám v Mene Ježiša Krista za jeho uzdravenie. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat. Choď svojou cestou. Rozumieš? Boh nech je s tebou.
54 V poriadku. Billy, alebo brat Wood, toto je ten pacient? Si veriaca, sestra? Veríš mi, že som Jeho prorok? Alebo Jeho kazateľ, alebo... Chápem to. To je Duch, ktorý to hovorí. Rozumiete? Sám od seba to nerád hovorím. Rozumiete? Ale veríš, že Boh je tu, aby ti pomohol? Nemohol by som ti pomôcť viac ako Božským zjavením od Boha alebo videním. A ak by som to robil, no, asi by som ti bol schopný pomôcť. Máš mnoho vecí, ktoré nie sú v poriadku. Máš artritídu, jedna vec. A za ďalšie, máš problémy so srdcom. Za ďalšie, máš žalúdočné ťažkosti. Za ďalšie, máš problémy s obličkami. Je to pravda? Videl som, zdalo sa mi, že s tebou hovorí doktor, alebo niečo také. Nevidel som to tak dobre.
Len chvíľu. Chcem sa s tebou ešte rozprávať. Stalo sa tam niečo, čo som nevidel. Mohla by si... Chcem sa s tebou ešte chvíľu rozprávať, ako keď hovoril s tou ženou... Ó, tu je On. Ó, nemáš niečo v poriadku, nejaké dusenie v krku. To bolo spôsobené starou chorobou priedušiek, ktorú si mala pred dlhými rokmi, pred nejakým časom. Je to pravda? Dávno, a to je... Veríš teraz? Vidíte? Čím viac videnia, tým ma to robí slabším. Prijímaš svoje uzdravenie?
Pane, uzdrav ju, Otče. Modlím sa, aby si bol ku nej milosrdný a nech odtiaľto dnes večer odíde a bude kompletne zdravá. Prosím o to v Kristovom Mene. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Čokoľvek to bolo, bola to pravda, však? Ak je to pravda, tak choď a buď uzdravená v Mene Ježiša Krista.
55 V poriadku, príď, pani. Veríš z celého srdca? Veríš tomu, že Boh ma poslal, aby som ti pomohol?
Kvôli čomu plačeš, pane? Zatiaľ čo plačeš, chceš, aby ťa Boh uzdravil z tých problémov s prostatou? Chceš? Postav sa na nohy. Prijmi teraz svoje uzdravenie. Choď domov; ten problém prostaty ťa opúšťa v Mene Pána Ježiša.
Veríš mi, že som Jeho služobník? Veríš tomu z celého srdca? Mala si nehodu a zranila si sa... Ide o tvoj krk a nohu. Preletela si cez pokladňu alebo niečo také. Je to pravda? Dlho... Zranila si sa... Tvoj problém leží rovno v tvojom chrbte. Je to podráždený nerv, ktorý spôsobuje toto tu a tam dolu. Boli tieto veci pravdou? Ak by si chcela, dala by si tým ľuďom vedieť, že je to pravda? Pravda? Každý kúsok z toho? No, čokoľvek ti On povedal, to som nebol ja. To bol môj hlas, ale bol som niekde inde, niekde som ťa videl. Zdá sa mi to; nie som si istý; ale zdá sa mi, že sa ti niečo stalo. Bolo to tak? Nespadla si alebo nepreletela cez niečo? Aha. Bola to pravda? Potom to je Boh, ktorý potvrdzuje, že som povedal pravdu. A tu je to, čo je pravda. Ježiš ťa uzdravil, keď zomrel na Golgote. Prijímaš to teraz? Poď sem.
Pri potvrdení Tvojho Slova, ó, Bože, aby som vyplnil to, čo povedal Ježiš Kristus, Tvoj Syn, kladiem ruky na túto moju sestru, ktorá verí, že nestojí v prítomnosti svojho brata, ale v prítomnosti Boha Jehovu. A prosím ťa, Bože, aby si ju požehnal pre jej vieru a nech odíde a bude sa mať dobre; prosíme o to v Mene Tvojho Syna Ježiša. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Choď a svedč teraz. Počujme, čo sa stalo...
56 Príď, sestra. No, buďte tak úctiví, ako len môžete. Tie videnia... To spôsobuje, že sa cítite tak divne. Cítim, že moje pery sú akoby hrubé a ťahajú sa po mne. No, prosím, nehýbte sa. Na chvíľu seďte potichu. Buďte v modlitbe, až kým sa trochu nedostanem k sebe. Veríte všetci? Pán Ježiš je tu a potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. A modlím sa, aby ste verili. Ak vás On nemôže dostať do toho, že budete veriť, na čo sa potom snažím?
Sestra, pozri sa teraz na chvíľu na mňa, aby som ťa mohol vidieť. Buď len úctivá a chcem s tebou hovoriť, len... Vidíte? Si ľudská bytosť ako ja. A musím uchytiť tvojho ducha, aby som to vedel a videl a... Ale ty stojíš za niekoho iného. To je tvoja matka, staršia žena, ktorá nemôže prísť na zhromaždenie. A má nejaký problém so žalúdkom. To je... Ó, doktor... To je rakovina. Tá žena zomiera. A ona ťa požiadala, aby si prišla a postavila sa za ňu. Videl som ju, že keď si odchádzala z dverí, povedala, aby si sa postavila na jej mieste. Je to pravda, pani?
Náš nebeský Otče, pošli jej Tvoje požehnania. Čokoľvek je jej žiadosť, Pane, ohľadom uzdravenia, udeľ jej to, ako žehnám tejto úbohej žene; prosím o to v Mene Tvojho Syna Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Choď a nech sa ti stane podľa tvojej viery. Presne tak to bude. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Povedzme, „Vďaka Bohu.“
57 Príď, pani. Maj vieru. Či veríš z celého srdca? V poriadku, pani. Chcem, aby si sa na chvíľu pozrela týmto smerom na mňa. Či mi veríš, že som Pánov služobník? Som nehodný to povedať, hanbím sa za svoj život, hanbím sa za svoju bytosť, dokonca tvrdiť, že som Jeho sluha; ale predsa, skrze Svoju milosť, On ma učinil Svojím sluhom a aby moje ruky reprezentovali... Ako by moje ruky mohli niekedy reprezentovať tie Jeho, keď vidím, že moje ruky sú nesväté, aby reprezentovali Jeho sväté ruky. Ale čie ruky by boli sväté? Všetci sme sa narodili v hriechu, sformovaní v neprávosti, prišli sme na svet hovoriac lož.
No, len chvíľu. V hľadisku je nejaký démon, ktorý kričí na túto ženu. Tam na tej žene, ty máš astmu, však, pani? Ty tiež, však? Astmatické. V poriadku. Postav sa na nohy. To je pravda. Postav sa, pani s čiernym kabátom. To je pravda. Choďte teraz obe domov a buďte uzdravené. Nech vás Boh žehná. Choďte, v Ježišovom Mene.
Povedzme, „Chvála Pánovi.“ Povedzte... V poriadku. Cítil som, že tí démoni volajú jeden na druhého.
58 No, príď, pani. Ver z celého srdca. Chceš prekonať ten problém s obličkami a ísť domov a byť v poriadku? Povedz, „Ďakujem ti, Pane Ježišu, že si ma uzdravil.“ Nech ju Boh žehná a uzdraví, modlím sa v Mene Ježiša Krista, aby si to udelil, Otče. Amen. Amen.
Príď, pani. Nebolo to zvláštne, keď som jej povedal, „problémy s obličkami“; lebo ty máš to isté. Len pokračuj a povedz, „Pane, ďakujem Ti za moje uzdravenie.“ Prosím o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. V poriadku.
Veríš, pani? Z celého srdca? Veríš mi, že som jeho sluha? Ty si amiška? A ty, veľmi milé, cením si tvoju vieru v Krista Ježiša. Mnohí z tvojich ľudí boli tam vo Fort Wayne v Indiane a boli uzdravení. Amišský kazateľ ma oddával do manželstva. Cením si vašu vernosť.
A ty trpíš... Vidím ťa, zvlášť večer v izbe, je tam niečo, čo sa deje... Ó, áno, veľmi silno kašleš. Je to astmatický stav. Je to pravda? Keď v noci spíš, skoro vôbec nemôžeš spať, je to tak zlé. Nie je to rovno v tej miestnosti, kde si sama? No, Boh vie, že je to pravda. Veríš, že sa teraz uzdravíš? Môžem prosiť Boha, aby ti pomohol, sestra, zatiaľ čo pôjdeš dopredu?
Všemohúci Bože, Stvoriteľu neba i zeme, požehnaj túto malú ženu, ktorú žehnám v Tvojom Mene, a nech je od tohto večera uzdravená a nech vezme toto posolstvo pre svoj ľud, že Ježiš Kristus vstal z mŕtvych a je veľkým Uzdraviteľom, ktorý uzdravuje každú chorobu. Prosím o to v Jeho Mene. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, moja malá sestra. Choď svojou cestou, raduj sa, ver a buď uzdravená.
59 V poriadku. Príď, pani. To je hrozný démon. Celý čas ti spôsobuje závraty a rozrušenie. Je to cukrovka. Vidíš? Ale Boh ťa z toho môže uzdraviť. Teraz to stojí medzi tebou a mnou, takto to kvapká, biela krv. Vidíš? Pretože sú to dávky inzulínu a veci, ktoré musia byť urobené, aby to utíchlo. Modlím sa, aby ťa Boh uzdravil. Prijmeš to teraz, prijmeš svoje uzdravenie?
Ó, Ježišu, Synu Boží, nech táto úbohá duša príde práve teraz na Golgotu a obdrží krvnú transfúziu z tej svätej Krvi tam na Golgote a nech nikdy nepotrebuje ďalšiu injekciu, pokiaľ bude žiť. Ó, modlím sa za ňu o toto požehnanie v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Choď teraz a raduj sa. Odíď šťastná. Ak sa chceš vrátiť, alebo kamkoľvek chceš ísť. V poriadku.
60 Príď, pani. Ak Boh prehovorí a povie, čo s tebou nie je v poriadku, prijmeš svoje uzdravenie? Ty to prijmeš; sľubuješ mi to? No, máš problém s vaječníkom, čo je ženský problém, ktorý spôsobuje výtok. Nie je to tak? V poriadku, len... Teraz sa vráť a buď uzdravená. Len sa rovno otoč a povedz, „Ďakujem ti, Pane Ježišu.“ Alebo sa vráť touto cestou, akokoľvek chceš. Povedz, „Ďakujem.“
Nebola to zvláštna vec, keď som jej to povedal? Pretože ty trpíš na tú istú vec a opustilo ťa to rovno vtedy, keď aj ju. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Choď a buď uzdravená. Povedz, „Vďaka Bohu.“
Zvláštna vec. Ty si mala to isté, pani. Je to pravda? Ženský problém. Len pokračuj. Tiež si bola nejaký čas veľmi nervózna, však? Nerob si s tým starosti, to je to, čo to spôsobilo (vidíte?), čo môže spôsobiť predčasnú menopauzu. Ale len ďalej ďakuj Bohu. Bolo to tam postihnuté vredmi, ale teraz je to odsunuté. Choď, ver v Boha a budeš uzdravená. Povedz, „Vďaka Bohu.“
61 Príď, ver z celého srdca. Prekonaj tú cukrovku, a tak ďalej. Choď domov a buď uzdravená. Či veríš Bohu z celého srdca? Veríš, že ťa práve teraz uzdraví? Dovoľ, nech položím... Chceš, aby som na teba položil ruky. To je v poriadku.
Pane Ježišu, modlím sa, aby si ju uzdravil. Nech odíde v Ježišovom Mene a nech je uzdravená. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra.
V poriadku, príď, pani. Príď, pane. Z celého srdca. Samozrejme, vidím, že nosíš okuliare, ktoré sú tam kvôli tvojim očiam. Ktokoľvek to môže vidieť. Možno ešte niečo nie je v poriadku, čo mi Boh zjaví. Tí ľudia povedia, „No, samozrejme, keď vieme, že tvoje oči sa takto zhoršujú, a len - a vidieť to malé miesto na tvojom oku. Nebudeme o tom hovoriť, pretože ty o tom vieš. Ale pravdepodobne, možno niečo nie je v poriadku. Boh to zjaví. Tak veru. Veríš z celého srdca? Ty máš tiež srdcové problémy. Je to tak? V poriadku, teraz pokračuj. Veríš? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Choď a buď uzdravený v Ježišovom Mene.
62 Príď, pani. Zatiaľ čo prichádzaš, ver z celého srdca. Veríš, že ak by ti tu Boh mohol pomôcť... Ak by mi Boh zjavil, v čom je tvoj problém, veríš, že by ťa uzdravil? Veríš tomu z celého srdca? Stoj chvíľu pokojne.
Áno, to je tá pani, ktorá sedí rovno tam. Máš žalúdočné problémy, je to tak, sestra? Povedala áno. Ťažkosti so žalúdkom? Ty si mala tiež žalúdočné problémy, však? Obe ste uzdravené. Choď domov a jedz, čo chceš.
Tá pani, ktorá sedela na druhom mieste od teba, mala tiež problémy so žalúdkom, rovno tam. Aj tá druhá pani, ktorá tam sedela, ona mala žalúdočné problémy. Veríš z celého srdca... Veríš tomu? Je to vredový stav, ktorý spôsobuje peptický vred. Choď domov a jedz, čo chceš. Nech ťa Boh žehná.
Tá pani, ktorá sedí rovno medzi vami, mala pruh. Je to pravda, pani? Veríš? Choď domov.
Čo sa deje, pane? Veríš z celého srdca? V poriadku. Mal si problémy so srdcom a reumu a veríš, že Boh ťa tam uzdraví? Ak to veríš, môžeš vstať. Vieš, máš ťažkosti so žlčníkom, sedíš hneď vedľa - problémy so žlčníkom. Nie je to tak, pane? V poriadku, aj ty môžeš vstať a prijať svoje uzdravenie a ísť domov. Alebo... Môžete ísť - byť uzdravení. Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je to. Choď domov, si uzdravený. Keď si tu včera večer stál a snažil sa veriť, no, tvoja viera ťa uzdravila. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Choď domov; si v poriadku a buď v poriadku.
Povedzme, „Vďaka Bohu.“
63 Príď, pani. Príď, ty, pani. Veríš mi, že som Jeho prorok, Jeho sluha? Z celého srdca? Ráno to máš ťažké so vstávaním, však? Tak veľmi ťa ráno trápi tá artritída. Čo ak by som ti povedal, že je to preč? Uveríš tomu? Odíď z pódia a kráčaj ako mladá slečna. Choď a buď uzdravená v Mene Ježiša Krista. Majte vieru v Boha. Ó, čo by teraz mohol urobiť Duch Svätý!
Príď, pane. Veríš? Ak Boh zjaví tvoj problém, prijmeš svoje uzdravenie? Máš cukrovku v krvi. Boh ťa uzdraví. Choď a ver tomu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Povedzme, „Vďaka, Bože.“
Príď, pane. Ty veríš z celého srdca? Čo ťa prinútilo poskočiť, keď som hovoril o probléme so srdcom? Pretože srdce je tým, čo ťa trápi. Nie je to tak? No, môžeš ísť domov a byť uzdravený; ak veríš z celého srdca, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví.
Otče, modlím sa, aby si toho človeka uzdravil, lebo vieme, že bez toho čoskoro zomrie; a modlím sa, aby si mu pomohol. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat. Boh nech je s tebou. V poriadku. Povedzme, „Vďaka Bohu.“
64 Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Veríš za toho malého chlapca? Ženský problém. A tento malý chlapec tu... Veríš, že sa z toho dostane? Že ich prestane mať? Tie záchvaty, to je epilepsia. Pochádzate z mimo mesta, pochádzate zo zvlnenej krajiny, mnoho... Poviem, že to je buď Carolina alebo Virgínia. Povedal by som, že Virgínia. Je to pravda?
No, toto je epilepsia. A chcem, aby ste všetci sklonili hlavy. Prines mi to dieťa. Poď sem, synu. Pamätajte teraz, toto je druh, ktorý odchádza. Chcem, aby každá matka stála blízko svojho dieťaťa. Nie som potom za to zodpovedný.
Pamätajte, že ak sa niečo stane, ak ste kritikmi, toto je váš čas odísť. Epilepsia je tá jediná vec, ktorá spôsobila viac problémov ako čokoľvek iné. Nehovorím, že môžem. Verím, že s Božou pomocou ho dokážem vyhnať. Ale pamätajte, ono to bude v budove.
No, skloňte svoje hlavy a nezodvihnite ich, kým ma nebudete počuť povedať, že môžete. Pozri sa sem, synu. Ježiš Kristus, Syn Boží, zomrel za teba, miláčik, aby si bol uzdravený, aby ťa táto vec opustila. Nuž, ak ťa Ježiš uzdraví, budeš slúžiť Bohu po celý svoj život a budeš Mu slúžiť a budeš mladým mužom, ak ťa Boh nechá žiť? A ak ťa povolá kázať Evanjelium, budeš kázať čokoľvek chce. Urobíš to?
Všemohúci Bože, ktorý vyviedol Ježiša z hrobu, tento diabol tu okradol toto dieťa, keď vidím a verím, že v jeho živote je budúcnosť. Preto tu beriem tohto malého chlapca v tomto ohľade a prosím Ťa, aby si bol milostivý tomuto dieťaťu. No, ty démon, ktorý sa nazýva epilepsia, v Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho, prikazujem ti skrze živého Boha, vyjdi z toho chlapca. Opusť ho. Vyjdi z tejto budovy a nikoho iného netráp. Zväzujem ťa v Mene Ježiša Krista a vyháňam z tohoto dieťaťa; skrze autoritu zástupného utrpenia Ježiša, Syna Božieho, na Golgote ťa žiadam, aby si odišiel od toho dieťaťa.
Pozri sa sem, synku. Teraz je to od neho preč, matka. Je to preč. No, ty len ďalej ver; oni sa na neho nevrátia. Nech ťa Boh žehná, zlatko. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Len choď, tvoj problém sa tiež skončil, sestra. Choďte domov. Nech vás Boh žehná.
Povedzme, „Vďaka Bohu.“ No, zodvihnite hlavy. Zodvihnite hlavu. Myslel som, že sa to ukáže. Verím, že ten chlapec má budúcnosť. Niečo som videl. Nedokázal som rozoznať, čo to je, pretože som teraz tak slabý, ale myslel som si, že to niečo tomu chlapcovi ukázalo.
65 No, buďte úctiví. Majte vieru v Boha. Verte Mu z celého srdca. Vidím tam sedieť malú pani, ona sa modlí. Visí nad ňou Duch, svätožiara. To je... Má nejaký problém s bedrom. A trpíš nervovým stavom. Modlila si sa, aby som ku tebe prehovoril. Nie je to tak, pani? Keď si bola - keď si sa modlila. Malá pani v bielom, nie je to tak? Videl som ťa. V poriadku. Teraz sa uzdravíš. Budeš v poriadku.
Sedí tam jeden biedny starý muž s barlou v ruke. Pozri sa sem, pane. Veríš mi... To je v poriadku. Veríš mi, že som Boží prorok? Veríš? V poriadku. Len nedávno si dostal mozgovú príhodu, ktorá ťa dostala do tohto stavu. A to muselo byť; mal si na sebe to isté oblečenie. Bolo to včera, alebo pred dvomi dňami, kedy si bol u lekára. A ten doktor niečo kladie... Je to na tvojom srdci. On hovorí, že máš problémy so srdcom. Pokrútil hlavou a hovorí, že už dlho nedokážeš žiť. Je to pravda, pane? Keby som bol na tvojom mieste, prijal by som Ježiša Krista ako svojho Uzdraviteľa a pripevnil by som si tú barlu na plece a vyšiel by som odtiaľto a oslavoval Boha. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Dostaň do seba takú odvahu, ako to je podľa staromódneho presvedčenia Ducha Svätého, a choď von. Nech ťa Boh žehná. No, pripevni si ju na plece a pokračuj. Si uzdravený.
66 Povedzme, „Chvála Pánovi.“ ďalej... Veríte teraz? Koľkí veria? Zodvihnite ruky. No, skloňte svoje hlavy.
Nebeský Otče, modlím sa v Mene Tvojho Syna Ježiša, aby si vyhnal každého nečistého ducha. Každý diabol, ktorý je v tejto budove, nech to všetko odíde, a nech je každý jeden, kto tu je, dokonale uzdravený.
Ó, Bože, Ty, ktorý si tu stál hodinu po hodine a potvrdzoval Svoje Slovo znameniami, ktoré nasledujú, dokedy Ti budú ľudia tohoto sveta neveriť, Pane? Ó, Bože, udeľ, aby bol teraz od ľudí vyhnaný každý duch nevery a každá pochybnosť; a moc Tvojho vzkrieseného Syna môže zaujať svoje miesto a dať silu a moc. A nech je teraz každá osoba uzdravená.
Pane, nech chromí vykročia von. Nech každý, kto je na barlách, nech vyjde von, nech odnesú svoje barle na pleci. Nech dnes večer vykročia von prípady na invalidných vozíkoch a nech tlačia pred sebou ten vozík. A nech všetky srdcové problémy odídu s radosťou, uzdravení. Každý, Pane. Odsudzujem každého diabla, skrze utrpenie Ježiša Krista na Golgote, kde On získal víťazstvo, hovorím, že každý diabol je porazený; v Mene Ježiša Krista žiadam, aby opustil ľudí. Amen.
Všemohúci Boh, ktorý vzkriesil Svojho Syna z mŕtvych, v tejto chvíli vás všetkých uzdraví. Veríte? Ak veríte, postavte sa na nohy. Odhoďte svoje barly, vstaňte zo svojich miest a nech vás Boh uzdraví.
1 ... Jesus and what they had done and so forth, He called their names. Said, "Wonder where that would be in the Scripture?" I'll read it for you. In the 1st chapter of Saint John the 24th ver--40th verse...
And one of the two which heard Jesus speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.
He first finds his own brother Simon, and said unto him, We have found the Messiah, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.
And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.
See? Not only that but other places, many places through the Scripture. He knows all things. He knows your name, your address, where you live, what you're doing, all about it. See? He just reveals as He will.
So now, I wish to bring maybe a few moments of something before you tonight. I think it's best for me to continue just to pray for the sick. So I want to bring something to your memory. There's many of you, perhaps has read. And maybe while we're looking at that, I want to get a Scripture here for that too.
And there's a... How many read last November issue of "Reader's Digest," that article in there about the "Miracle of Donny Morton," where he was healed? Any of you in here ever read it? I see one lady, just two, three, oh, it's many of you, I guess, read it. Well, here it is.
2 I want to read in Acts 2 now please.
Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by signs, miracles... and... God did by him in--in the midst of you, which yourselves also know:
Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel... the foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, with... wicked hands and have crucified and slain:
Whom God has raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.
David... For David spake concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved:
Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover... my flesh shall rest in hope:
Because thou will not leave my soul in hell, neither will thou suffer thy Holy One to see corruption.
3 Let's bow our heads just a moment.
Now, Father, dear, we love You; we pray that You'll forgive us of our trespasses, and help us in--in this coming part of the service now. And then in the healing line, grant, O Lord God, that Your Spirit will be so overpowering tonight, that Satan cannot hold one speck of doubt in people's heart; but they may all believe with one accord, and may there be a great rejoicing. And may many that's setting here that's sick and afflicted, go home well; sinners go home saved; backsliders go home back in fellowship with God again. Grant it, Father, for we ask it, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Now, I'll try to get over here just a little bit, if you excuse me. I want to watch that clock so I won't... I want to start the prayer line at nine o'clock.
4 Now, in the "Reader's Digest," it was a very nice article. If you haven't gotten it, just write in and tell them you want last November's issue of "Reader's Digest." And now, while I'm saying these things, I--I don't want you to get worked up and walk out; I want you to set and listen at it through, just a few minutes, so you could see how the narrative, how people get, and how--how thin-minded that people can be. I...
In there was a--a--a glorious article. It was well written. Now, you, when you get it, you find a--the subject, "The Miracle of Donny Morton."
I was in Costa Mesa, California, at the time when the--the event taken place. Now, I don't like to testify about my own meeting; I'd rather somebody else would do that; because I haven't done one thing, friends. It's what Jesus Christ has did in--in the meeting that... It isn't me.
I've always thought in the writing of the Acts of the Apostles, it's called, "The Acts of the Apostles." I would--to my opinion now, the writers of the Bible, ever who put it together--the early writers, they called it, "The Acts of the Apostles." But I think what it really is, is the, "Acts of the Holy Spirit in the Apostles," is what it is. See? They act... The apostles never acted it. There's a Holy Spirit acting in the apostles, what did it. But a... Called that, so we just leave it that.
5 Now, the "Reader's Digest" writes it like this. And it's a most dramatic story and heart-rendering story that you've read in a long time, to hear how this story starts. It was up--up--way up in Saskatchewan, Canada, almost up into the no-man's-land. I had meetings up around Saskatoon and from there, all--way on up into the... Why, I forget the name of the place we had up there: had ten thousand Indians and the Eskimos in--in the--in the meeting. And a--oh, a place was many times bigger than this and just packed out; they was just setting everywhere and standing on the outside: of Eskimos and Indians that came to the meeting. And white people... Prince Albert, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, and a--so I remember having the meeting there.
Anyhow, in there was two deaf and dumb people that had been--come down from over around another province and were born deaf and dumb. And both of them were healed and went back into their province a speaking and hearing.
6 And so the little Donny Morton, he'd set up some kind of a rare brain disease. And the--the people of the--had taken him to be examined, and everywhere, and they'd give him up. They brought the boy to--to my service. Now first, the doctor said the little boy must die. Mayos, Johns Hopkins... They had him in the United States. Everything give him up; there's no operation. Said it'd be impossible: if you operated on the boy's head for that, it would kill him instantly: Mayo Brothers.
Now, of course the "Reader's Digest" didn't say Mayo Brothers, because Mayo's would get after them for that. You have to watch what you're putting in public literature. And so there's... But you can read between the lines and see what it meant, see what it said.
7 But we have the tape recording. That's the reason on our meetings... You see, we pick up tapes of every meeting. Somebody comes and says, "Well, the Lord said to me, "Certain--certain..." We'll play back over the record and find out whether that's truth or not." See? Then we know right where we got it (See?), on the recording.
So, there's a woman come to me here some time ago and said, "Why, the Lord said a certain woman was going to be healed right then."
I said, "Well, if He said that, that's just..."
Said, "She hasn't been healed yet."
I said, "Well, I don't know."
Brother Hall was talking to her, so he said, "We'll play the recording." Asked what night it was, went back and got the recording and played... Well, the Lord never said anything about it.
8 The woman come on the platform a perfect unbeliever. She was a rich woman; this was her maid that brought her. And she persuaded her and begged her to come. And finally she got her to the platform like that, and the Lord told her where she had been, and who she was, and what was the matter, and asked her why she had so much unbelief in her heart. And she said, "Well..." She would try to believe.
And I... And It said to her... Then after He got through, I said, "The Lord bless you and heal you, my sister." She went off the platform. Why, that... I told her; I said, "The Lord bless you and heal you." But when God speaks, and you hear Him, you know it--Who is this speaking then. It's not the preacher; it's Him that--that speaks. Then that's different. But what I say, just like any other man. I wanted her to be healed and I prayed for her; but that's all I could do.
But she said, "The Lord said so." You watch what He's saying, watch what He tells them, then you'll know just what to depend on.
9 When the little boy... Now, here's the "Reader's Digest," the way they wrote it. The little fellow had been brought from... They had to put him in a sled or something and bring him over ground. He's twisted. His little hands was drawn down in this condition, his little legs up under him, about eight years old; his little head setting sideways; his eyes pushed one, one way and one, the other is a... Oh, it was a pitiful looking sight. And the little fellow shook like this and just smelled terrible.
And the poor little father, the little sled would turn over, nearly, when the horses packing them through the way, bringing them out. And he'd keep patting him on the moonlight night and saying, "Don't fear, Donny, honey. We're not whipped yet." Said, he knowed two people that'd been healed in my meeting, and said, "If I could ever get where that man's at, God will do something for my baby."
So he--they finally got to the airport, him and his wife, and they couldn't--they couldn't--hadn't--didn't have enough money for even one of them to come on a plane. They didn't have enough money to come on a train. So they had to take just the man, and he brought the baby. And they come all the way from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, to Los Angeles, California, and went into Traveler's Aid for help.
10 And then, of course, watch the "Reader's Digest." It said he was searching for the... Said, "A divine what?" A question mark. I'd imagine what they said. And so he said, "Never mind. This man believes this, if the man prays for his baby, he'll get help; so let's see if we can get it." And they dispatched a the paper; put a car, and they took way down in Costa Mesa, forty something miles down to a Assembly of God campgrounds where they had a big school there. And I was speaking to the ministers.
And they brought him in that night. And at--he... They said there was twenty-seven hundred people standing in line to be prayed for when we got there. And of course, everybody had to require a prayer card. And I was praying for the people.
Now, here's where I begin and would know. I seen them. Here he said, when he stepped out of the car, that all those people standing in the prayer line, they just stepped back when they seen that poor little ragged father, that little Canadian cap on, walking with this poor little baby, and coming along." He didn't eat. He had to change it just like a baby: its diapers and everything. And he didn't eat, didn't have time to eat. He'd just run and get a drink of water and get him something to eat and then go on. Oh, it was pathetic story. And so he kept saying, "All right, Donny, we're not whipped yet, honey. We're not whipped yet." Just keep on like that.
11 And when the folks at the place saw, standing in that prayer line, way down through that field, when they saw this poor man coming, they just stepped aside to give him his place. Well, when he come to the platform, Billy Paul asked him for his prayer card. 'Course he didn't have any. He said, "Sir, I didn't even know I had to have a prayer card." Well, Billy and the ushers had orders to--for the people to line up; that's legitimately, and that's right, just exactly what it should be. And I heard him say, "Well, that's all right." Said, "What must I do now to get a prayer card? Where must I go?"
They was holding up the prayer line. I said, "What's the matter?"
He said a--a, "Just a man without a prayer card."
I said, "Well, just have him to step off to one side."
And I looked back and I seen that baby, and something said to me, "Call him now." I never seen the baby. So the "Reader's Digest" gives the whole article of it.
12 And I brought the little baby up, said, never asked a question but looked right into the little baby's face and said, "You bring this baby from Canada. And you come here by a bus, a Greyhound Bus. Traveler's Aid has helped you." And he'd been there about five minutes. Said, "Traveler's Aid has helped you to get here. And the baby has been to Mayo Brothers and Johns Hopkins. It's got a rare brain disease, and there's no way for them to operate. The baby must die."
And he started screaming real loud. And I prayed for the little baby. He started crying real loud and started off the platform. He turned around. He said, "What about my baby? Will it ever get well?"
I said, "That, I don't know, sir." And while I was speaking to him, a vision broke forth. And I said, "Yes, your baby... Three days from now you're going to meet a woman with a--a brown looking, I guess you call it, coat-suit: it's got a coat here and a skirt beneath. And she's black-headed. And she's going to tell you of some country doctor that can operate on that baby; and you won't believe it. But that's the only hope that you have, through the mercy of God, and that operation. You let the doctor operate on the baby."
13 Well, he went off the platform crying, and he... Well, the next day the baby seemed to be a lot better after he was prayed for: could move its little arms. Well, he forgot all about the woman; and he was going to go on that way. So about few days after that, he was walking down the street, getting it out, so it'd get in the air (You know?), walking it down the street; and a--or walking down the street with it in his arms, rather. And a lady said, "Well, what's the matter with your baby, sir?"
And he said, "Well, it's a--a brain disease," he said, "a rare brain disease."
And she said, "You know, I know a doctor that operated on a baby like that one time that was that way and the baby's normal now."
"Well," he said, "But, lady..." Said, "Mayo Brothers said that this..." Said, "Wait a minute: 'a brown coat-suit, black hair...'" Said, "Say, lady, where's that doctor at?" And "Reader's Digest" gives the place, who he was. And he took that baby over there, and the doctor performed the operation absolutely successfully. And the baby come out of it. And so they had the baby around there; it got so he could run, meet his daddy and everything.
The daddy went back to plant his spring wheat or something another. Now, here's what the "Digest" didn't get (See?), what didn't picture. But we had to know behind, because if you did, that a hospital would bring suit against this paper, and there's where it would be; a slip-up come. Somebody left a window up one night and throwed a draft across the baby. And the baby taken pneumonia and lived about two days with the pneumonia, not with the disease, with the pneumonia killed the baby. The "Reader's Digest" give it. Then it goes ahead and gives a nice good write up about--about the miracle was already performed anyhow.
14 Well, about three months before that...
I told you, one night I was going to speak on "Demonology." And I want to speak these next few minutes on "Demonology." The next...
I'm writing a book, if I can. You... I don't know whether you'd be able to read it or not, but that--when I get it wrote, on Demonology: my personal contact with demons.
Friends, they're just as real as--as you're real. And I see them, many times, when they leave right... I've seen them leave right from this platform here. I see them, some of them in shape of bats, look like long hairs hanging on their legs. But an epileptic demon look like a tortoise with round legs, hanging up like that. But usually, a demon of--of oppression seems to be more of a--of a cloud form, like a wave; and it just makes a real funny sound when it's a--when you're in that other dimension to see the spirit.
Now, you may think that's wrong, but some of these days you'll realize. If you could only take a spiritual looking glass and look into your soul, you doubt, and you'd find out what it looks like. And the greatest devil, and the chief of all devils is unbelief. That's the only sin there is. There's no other sin but unbelief. All these little morals and things: smoking, drinking, gambling, and committing adultery; that's just attributes. You do that because you don't believe. Unbeliever is what makes you do that. If you was a believer, you wouldn't do it. That's right.
15 Now, it's just like I think the gifts of the Spirit: the gifts of the Spirit is not the Holy Ghost; it's the attributes of the Holy Ghost. See? Gifts of healing, speaking in tongues, and all those other things are attributes; it's a fruit that the tree bears. See? The tree's the main thing: the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is God, and God is love.
And--but the strange thing, about three magazines... I'm not too sure. Three months before this article come out, many of you read that article of Mrs. Piper, that great spiritualist in New York. How many read that, "Mrs. Piper," in here? It's come out about three months in the magazine before mine. Well, since nine--1895, the whole world's tried to stump that woman.
How many Christians in here, raise your hand, Christian believers raise your hand? I want... From the depths of your heart, I want you to say, "Brother Branham, I am a believer." Well, there's most of you are. All right.
16 Now, I'm speaking directly to Christians so that you could see the pro and con, the negative and positive where there's anybody asked you, then you can give them a--an answer.
Now, of everything that God has, the devil has a counterfeit. You go and whatever you want to do... You find like these old dances; that's of the devil; but God has a holy dance for the people. The Bible said so.
I was one of the greatest critics on that you ever seen, till God told me just what to do. I find out that Miriam danced in the Spirit. David danced when he had victory. And oh, many time--it... All of it was through--was victory. It was dancing, holy dancing.
17 For instance, in the Bible, if a dreamer dreamed a dream, or a prophet prophesied, they had a--a plate called the Urim Thummim that went over the breast of Aaron. And when they went before this plate and spoke, and them lights flashed on the plate, God would sanction it, that it was the truth. Is that right? If it didn't speak on there, then it was wrong. Now, look. The devil come around in a pattern of that, took a crystal ball. See?
Everything that God has, everything in the natural types the spiritual. I know I'm a typologist. And I believe that every natural thing types a spiritual, don't you?
18 For instance, like this: When Jesus died at Calvary, how many--what elements came from His body? Water, blood, Spirit. Is that right? Now, any minister, any believer knows that that's what constitutes the new birth. Is that right? That constitutes the new birth, Saint John 7:5: "For there are three that bear record... of water, blood, and Spirit." When they pierced His side, water and blood came out. He said, "Into Thy hands I commend my Spirit." Those elements went from His body, and it takes those same elements to bring you to His body. That constitutes the new birth.
Now, what constitutes a natural birth? It's a mixed audience, but listen. The first thing is water, blood, spirit. See? Everything in the--everything in the natural and spiritual all type together. Watch. Get acquainted with God and you'll see His great move in nature. You see Him in the sunsets, in the flowers, in everywhere. You can see Him all around you because He is all around you. That gives you perfect confidence that you're in love with Him, and you're--He's in love with you. He loved you, predestinated you, foreordained you before the world begin, has brought you here, saved you, cleansed you up, and filled you with His Spirit. Well, how could you have doubt? ...?... it. See? That gives you a perfect setting of faith. When you know those things, that gives you courage, and my, you know where you're standing.
19 Now, back to the--our subject. This woman, they taken... And she was just a housewife, common woman, Mrs. Piper. You get the article. The "Reader's Digest" will be glad to send you one. I just have the one left or I'd say I could give it to you. Mr. Baxter has one, one of the managers.
And they wrote about ten pages in there of her. Way back in--over fifty years ago, she begin to fall in trances, and she would talk to the dead. Now, that's spiritualism, which is of the devil. Now.
And then they taken her to England. And she stumped the best they had in England. They taken her to Italy, everywhere; and she stumped everything they've ever put before her; 'cause she spoke to the dead all time.
They'd go down in Italy and get a man who could speak English and bring him to England and dress him up like an Englishman and propose to be an Englishman, and call one of his dead friends, and he'd tell him who--tell him that, "Well, remember the big times we had," and what all they went and done and everything like that. So the "Reader's Digest" said that it was proved here not long ago that some statesman thought he kissed the hand of his ghostly mother in a seance meeting, but the next morning was proved in police courts that he kissed a piece of cheesecloth: just a trick.
20 But there is a real medium; she's of the devil. And there's a real Spirit of God of Jesus Christ. Now, the Bible, Jesus said that in the last days, it'd be so close that it would deceive the very elect if possible. And as soon as Miss Pepper's article run, that greatest, widest published magazine in the world... And isn't it strange that those two articles run side by side, just a little bit apart?
Now, talk about preachers over the country who didn't know their Bible, they wrote to me by the hundreds: "All right, Brother Branham, we exactly see where you stand now. There you are. There's that spiritualist, she's still living, over a hundred years old in New York, now." says the "Reader's Digest." "Perfectly deaf" and setting back in there. But the scientific world takes care of her, because they've used her for a guinea pig. And then they had to say there at the bottom, "We have to say that when the people cease to exist here, they are existing somewhere else, because she calls them up. And she's been everywhere. And they've tried her for everything. She calls the spirits of the dead. Why, you wouldn't have to do that. The Bible said so. But it's of the devil.
21 Then, here the ministers fired letters into my office, till the secretary packed them up by boxes full. "There you are, Brother Branham, that shows just exactly... We knowed you was a spiritualist."
So I set down and wrote a--a form letter. Now, listen closely. And here's what I told them. I said, "Brethren, if that's all you know about God, you ought to come out from behind the pulpit." That's exactly right. "If that's all you know about God, you don't need to be behind the pulpit; because Satan could just do anything to you and you'd never know nothing about it. Why, it's a disgrace.
22 Now, let me just show you a simple thing, friend. You get the two magazines; read them yourself, both--both articles. Now, the first thing, that if I--if the two spirits, Jesus said, in the last days... 'Course them demon spirits is arising; sure they are. They've always been here. They will be until Jesus comes. And they live right in people and people don't know it. They give them unclean habits and--and sicknesses, and diseases, and all kinds... Everything's caused by a spirit.
Deafness is a spirit. Did you know that? The doctor says the nerves went dead. But what made it go dead? What made it go dead? The Bible said, "When the deaf spirit come out of the man, he could hear." Is that right? So it's a spirit.
A cancer's a spirit. A tumor's a spirit. All those things are... Epilepsy's a spirit. Jesus rebuked the devil; the boy with epilepsy, and he fell on the ground and had the hardest fit he ever had. But when he got over that one, he was finished with it. See? Lot of them said, "Well, he didn't get healed. Look at him; he's got the worst spell he ever had." But that was all of them. See?
23 Notice. Now, the woman... If I gave any of you men here tonight a dollar bill, and would say, "Is this... I give you this envelope." And I'd say, "Is that a dollar bill?"
Why, you'd say, "Certainly not." The devil's too smart for that.
But Jesus said, "The two spirits be so close together, deceive the elect if possible." Then if I give you a dollar bill, it'd have to look a whole lot like a real genuine dollar, or you'd recognize it right now. Is that right? That's how the devil comes around, friends. It ain't a Communist. Communistic spirit, it's an antichrist but that ain't the antichrist Jesus spoke of. That's anything that...
The antichrist spirit is so religious. Cain, as I've been telling you about, was just as religious as Abel was. And those things come right down and they're brothers. Esau and Jacob... Everything has been...
The Christ--and--Judas and Jesus... Some people only see three crosses on Golgotha. They was four. There was Jesus, and one thief and another thief. "Cursed is he that hangeth on a tree." And Judas hung hisself on a sycamore tree. Is that right? He was on just as much cross as Jesus was: on a tree.
Now, there was the Son of God came from heaven, returning back to heaven, taking with Him the repented sinner. There was the son of perdition from hell, come from hell, returning back to hell, taking back the unrepented sinner. "If thou be?" that question mark on God's Word; "If thou be the son of God..."
But this other one never tried to figure it out. He said, "Lord, remember me when Thou comest in." See?
24 Now, watch this closely, those pro and con. Now, if I gave you a dollar, if you're a smart man, the first thing you would do to that dollar, if it looks and here it's--it's drawed out, looks so perfect like it. The first thing you'll do will take a hold of it and feeled it. A real dollar is not exactly paper; it's silk. It's the value in it, what makes it the dollar.
Well now, let's just take that now to these two: take Mrs. Piper on one side, and on the other side--and myself for the other side, representing God. Now, look. The whole article... You read it yourself and just see how people could be that loose minded on it. A...
For the past fifty years, in all of her experience, there wasn't one time she mentioned God, Christ, resurrection, Divine healing, anything at all. It was everything, some kind of a frolic and nonsense that somebody done back yonder a long time ago: no value to it at all, no help to nobody.
But watch over on this side. It's constantly preaching repentance, "Come to Christ," Divine healing, resurrection, second coming of Christ. The value of it proves what it is. Is that right?
25 And then, another thing. If you're a little bit in doubt about the dollar yet, take the numbers off of it, and take it back to the mint, and find out if that number on that dollar bill corresponds with the mint. If it does, there's a silver dollar waiting there for it. Is that right?
Well, take her word and take it to the Bible, and take the work that I do for the Lord and take it to the Bible and see which one's right. That's the Mint, that's the One that proves it. If this don't declare Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, and she no more than the wi--and--the--the witch of Endor. There exactly. There they both are at the Mint, if you want to know what they are. But the looseness...
You say, "What about..." Let me just give my little expression here, just a minute, if you'll excuse me just a moment while we're on this. I'm going to stop this just a minute, 'cause I feel something to tell you.
26 Here's a channel right here. I don't tell this before people. I got a lot of secrecy in my own life, of course between God and I. But looky here. There's a channel like this, and that's where mortals live in here. In it's a conglamoration of gaity, and blackness, and sin. And every once in a while, you see a little white spot or a light. Jesus said, "You are a light that sets on a hill. Don't light a candle and put a bushel over it." That's Christians in this conglamoration of this dimension of mortals. Well, going this a way downward, the next dimension is the souls of the unjust who died not knowing God. The second is demons. And the third in the trinity is hell: unjust souls, demons, and hell.
There's a trinity here. One of them was caught into the third heaven. The first is a Ghost too: the Holy Ghost; second, angels; third, heaven itself. Now, these mortals in this dimension here, is influenced either from there or from here.
27 Now, what happened to that woman, she broke through into this dimension here, like the witch of Endor did. She called the spirit of Samuel. Now, the Bible, I know and you know, many people fuss about it, and say it was somebody impersonating Samuel. But the Bible said it was Samuel. And I believe it was Samuel, 'cause God said it was in His Bible.
Now, Paul--Saul, he went to the prophet. The prophet didn't see no vision for him. Then he asked the Lord for a dream. He wouldn't give him no dream. Then he went and spoke to the Urim Thummim, and it wouldn't flash for him. So he disguised himself and crawled up to the witch of Endor, and said, "Call me the spirit of Samuel."
And she called the spirit of Samuel. And when Samuel come up, the witch fell on her face and said, "I see gods rising up out of the earth." Is that right? "I see gods coming up out of the earth." And she was scared. Now, watch. There stood Samuel in his prophet robes. And he wasn't only just standing there, but he knew Saul. Is that right?
28 I might slip a little bit of my Calvinistic doctrine in here right now, but I guess I'd better hold it still. Ha.
Somebody told me, said, "Saul was lost." When a man's truly borned of the Spirit of God and remains with God, he's not lost. He can't be lost. A grain of wheat can never produce nothing but a wheat. That's right. That man backslid. That's the truth, but he wasn't lost.
Looky here. I'll prove it right here. Watch. The witch called the spirit of Samuel, and Samuel recognized Saul and said, "Why did you come to me, seeing you become a enemy of God?"
Now, you Baptists ought to holler, "Amen," for me in a minute. Now, why did he... "Why--why have you called me, seeing that you're a enemy of God?"
Now, watch. He said... Not only was--was Samuel stand there, but he was still a prophet. Amen. He was still a prophet, and he said, "Tomorrow, you're going to fall in the battle, and your son will fall with you. And by this time tomorrow night, you'll be with me." Then if Saul was lost so was Samuel. That right? Huh.
29 Saul never committed suicide. A Philistine killed him. Any of you Bible readers that reads it thoroughly know that. A Philistine killed him, and David killed the Philistine for it. All right. Notice, Saul was wounded; it's true. But he... A Philistine killed him. And David killed him because he said, "You have taken the life of the anointed of God." And Saul was a prophet himself.
Now, but now... Now, my good Catholic friend, don't disagree. If you disagree, it's through friendliness now. See? Now, remember my people are Catholic too. But now, just a minute.
Now, the Catholic church believes in the intercession or--or a communion of saints, of dead people who die and go on. It's purely a form spiritualism.
And the Protestant church, right in their own homemade Apostle's Creed (which was never no such a thing found in the Bible), they say they believe in the holy Roman Catholic church, and they believe in the communion of saints which brings Protestantism into spiritualism. Then when they see the Spirit of God moving in a person, they want to claim him to be a devil when they're the thing theirself: confessing it in their own creed.
30 Now this... Brother, I tell you; sometimes we need to be skinned down and rubbed a little bit to see where we're standing. Don't you think so? Make right, right. Any person... If those saints... Now, I'm not condemning Catholic saints. But look. The reason that the witch of Endor could call the spirit of Samuel, because Samuel couldn't go into the Presence of God; he was in paradise; for the blood of bulls and goats would not take away sin. But since Jesus died, He divorced sin, and taken away sin, and the believer now goes into the Presence of God. And he can't come back, Jesus said in Luke when He was talking about the rich man. He can't return. So if you're interceding with any kind of a spirit of someone that's gone on, outside of God, Christ, the only Mediator between God and man, then you're in spiritualism called religion. Now, where is spiritualism at? So be careful what you say about the Spirit of God. See? Communing with saints is spiritualism.
31 Now notice. These souls under the altar here... These souls, I mean in... Jesus here... I read the text a few minutes ago. David, foresaw Him always before, and said, "Moreover my flesh shall rest in hope, for He'll not leave my soul in hell, neither will I suffer the holy One to see corruption."
A better Scripture than that is found in Peter. He said Jesus, when He died, He went and preached to the souls that were in chains of darkness, in prison, waiting for the eternal judgment; that Jesus, when He died at Calvary went and preached to souls, unjust souls that repented not in the long suffering of the days of Noah.
32 Let's get that. Here He stands on earth. The most glorious... You have to read between the lines to get the Bible, a lot of times.
I think of old Job there, when he said... He was all broke out with boils; and the people were coming and saying how... "Won't you curse God and die?" his wife said.
He said, "Thou speakest as a foolish woman." And there he was all broke out, setting on the ash heap.
I preached on that for about three months one time. A woman wrote in, told me, "When are you going to get Job off the ash heap, Brother Branham?"
And I... He was scraping his boils. The woman come to the door and told him he ought to curse God and die.
And he said, "Thou speakest as a foolish woman. The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away; blessed be the Name of the Lord."
33 I want you to notice, when Job died, he specified his burial. Along came Abraham. Watch between the lines now, you readers. This is not written right in the Word; you have to read it in between. It's hid from the eyes of the wise and prudent. When Job died, he specified his burial ground.
Along came Abraham; and when Sarah died, he bought a parcel of ground: bought it. You know how he did with a shekels of silver, near Job. And he bury her... When he was--died--he was buried with her.
Abraham begot Isaac. When Isaac died, Isaac slept with Jacob, or with Abraham. Abraham begot Isaac, and Isaac begot Jacob. Jacob died down in Egypt, but he said, "Don't bury me down here." Why? Ha. "Take me back up in Palestine and bury me." Why? "Bury me in with my fathers in the cave."
34 Jacob begot Joseph; we know, the perfect type of Christ. Well, when Joseph was dying, he said, "Don't bury my bones down here." Why? He was a prophet. He foresaw things that the rest of them didn't see. He said, "Take me up in Palestine and bury me with my fathers." And Moses, after four hundred years, took Joseph's bones and buried them in Palestine. I wonder why.
Job said, "I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the last days He'll stand on the earth. And though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God; whom I shall see for myself. My eyes shall behold, and not another." That God would stand on the earth and he'd see Him.
Abraham said, "If Job's going to see Him, I'm going to be buried right with him so I can see Him too. I'll bury Sarah there." Buried them all there, for they knowed that the firstfruits of the resurrection wasn't coming out of Egypt; it was coming out of Palestine.
And that's the reason today, I say have all your frolic and world you want. Those that are dead in Christ will God bring with Him in the resurrection. So bury me in Jesus Christ, for I know there's where the resurrection's coming from. Call me what you want to: a holy roller, don't make any difference to me, just so I'm buried in Christ, hid away from the world. There's where the resurrection's going to come from the Spirit born Christians that's dead to the things of the world: crazy to the world, silly acting. That's the ones that's coming in the resurrection as the Bible states. That's right. Read between the line, brother.
35 Notice. My wife write me a letter, she'd say, "Dear Bill, so-and-so..." I read what she says, then I read between the line; 'cause I love her and I know what she's talking about. Get in love with Him one time. Don't try to stall and argue about the thing, just get in love with Him, and you'll, He'll reveal it to you. Hide it from the theological seminaries and reveal it to babes such as will learn. It's proved to be the truth. You've had twenty, oh, almost two thousand years to prove your argument, and you fail till two-thirds of the world has never heard of Jesus Christ yet.
Give me five hundred people born of the Spirit of God, filled with the Holy Ghost, and on fire for God, I'll do more for the kingdom of God in one year's time, than the whole church has done in two thousand years. That's right. That'll believe in signs and wonders and miracles, and be truly, not a make belief, but truly borned of the Spirit of God. That's right. What we need, that's God's program. All right, just a minute now. Let's get these things.
36 When Jesus died, He was the Son of God. I believe He was the virgin born Son of God. I believe Jehovah God overshadowed a little virgin, created a blood cell in the womb of Mary, 'out knowing any man. It developed, was born, was the Son of God, and Jehovah come down and dwelt in His Son. God was on earth dwelling with us in a Man call, His Son Jesus Christ. Just this. If you don't believe that, you're lost. That's right.
An atheist arguing with me not long ago, said, "Preacher, do you mean to tell me that woman could have a baby without knowing a man?"
I said, "Yes, sir."
Said, "It can't be. Can't be." Says, "It's against all scientific rules. Co--corn won't even pole, nothing else, without a actual contact of male and female."
I said, "Is that right?" I... "So I want to ask you something. Will you admit that Mary... Jesus had a mother?"
"But it's impossible for God to be His Father."
Said, "There is no such a thing as God."
"You mean the great Spirit of the great creation couldn't have created the blood cell?"
"No, there is no such a thing. She had affair with Joseph, and just a little slip-up like we have now. And they started a religion by it."
I said, "I want to ask to something, then, sir. Where did the first man come from, let him be tadpole, monkey, or whatever he was, that you want to say? The first man, where did he come from, and who was his pappy and mammy? According to your statement he had to have a father and a mother before it could be done, then where did the first man come from: let him be anything he wants to be?" That's right.
Fifteen minutes from there under an old pine tree (where me and Brother Wood passed the other day), I led him to Christ. Amen. He couldn't answer. Certainly not. According to their statement, he had to have a beginning of both father and mother. So where--who was he? Who made the first ones?
Oh, they're... I'm like what Billy Sunday said about prohibition. "Their argument is--is thinner than the broth made out of a shadow of a chicken that starved to death." Now, that's how thin it is. That's right. They just haven't got no legs at all to stand on. No, sir. God is, and a Rewarder of those who seek Him. That's right.
37 Now, notice. When Jesus died at Calvary, He said... Everything on earth knew that was the Son of God. God even said it was His Son. He shut the heavens off; it was dark over the earth. He couldn't watch His own Son die, and yet His Son giving His Blood for the remission of sin.
The Roman centurion put his hand over his heart and said, "Truly, that's the Son of God."
Judas Iscariot said, "I've betrayed innocent Blood." The earth said It was the Son of God; it belched out the rocks in a great earthquake, when He died. Everything recognized He was the Son of God. Oh, my. I oughtn't to start this, going to have a prayer line, but I feel real good right now.
38 Watch Him! Bear with me just a minute, if you can stand some of this old-time sorghum-molasses and hickory smoked ham. Look. Coming down, condescending, the Son of God said, "Into Thy hands I commend My Spirit," gave up the Ghost. And the Bible said He went and preached to the souls that were in prison. Amen. What is it? These fellows here, where that Mrs. Piper broke into, the souls that were in prison, that repented not in the long suffering of the, God in the days of Noah, when the ark was being prepared.
39 I can see Him. Let's dramatize this. I can see Him coming down into this first dimension of lost souls. [Brother Branham knocks--Ed.] Knock at the door. Opened up the door. That wailing mass of beautiful women, wretched hags, men, all screaming and crying: torment. "Oh, if I could get out of here..."
He knocked at the door; the door swung open. There stood the Son of the living God in a celestial body. Said, "I am the Son of God that Enoch said would come with ten thousands of His saints. I'm the One that Noah spoke of. I'm the woman's Seed from the garden of Eden. The heavens had just testified of Me. The earth has testified of Me. Judas testified of Me. The Roman soldier testified of Me. The Father testified of Me. Now, you got to know that I'm here to fulfill the Word of God." Hallelujah.
Every demon knowed He was there. Oh, when He was on earth they screamed and hollered, "We know Who You are, the Holy One of God." They knew Him even if preachers didn't. They knew Who He was.
And then they screamed, "Let us out."
He said, "Why didn't you repent?" Slam, went the door. On down He went in below the demons. Down through that line of demonology, they screamed and hollered and got back. They knowed where they went. When He cast them out of the demo--the demons out of the man of Gadara, they went into the swine, choked theirself. They seen that Presence of that holy One coming, walking through there. They hid like a bunch of roaches on, when the lights is turned on in the summertime when they're gnawing on a apple core. Put me in the mind of some preachers, when you turn the Gospel light on, they scatter. "Don't go there to hear that." Put me in the mind of big old bunch of roaches in the summertime. In the darkness they can nimblely go, but turn the light on one time. That's right. All right.
40 The next thing He did, He come on down through that other trinity, on down into hell. I can just see Him go up to the door. [Brother Branham knocks as on a door--Ed.] Satan walked to door and said, "Oh. So you finally got here, did you?"
"Yes, I'm here."
"I thought you when I--I had you when I killed Abel. I thought I'd shot you when I got Abel. I was sure I had you when I throwed Daniel into the lions den. When I beheaded John, I thought I had you then. Well, when you was on the cross, I thought I had you. But finally you've arrived."
Jesus said, "Yes, I've arrived. And I've arrived for one purpose; you have put fear and chills over the people long enough. I come down to take over." That's right. Oh, He said, "I am the virgin born Son of God."
"Oh, I got a right; Adam sinned."
"But My Blood's still wet on the cross that paid that sin. Yes, sir. I come down to take over. Give me the keys of death and hell." He done give the keys to the kingdom to Peter: the church. Yes, sir. He said, "Give Me the keys of death and hell." You notice, when He rose, He had them hanging on His side. Said, "Give me the keys of death and hell." Reached over and grabbed Satan by the neck, [Brother Branham demonstrates--Ed.] throwed him down, put His foot on him; reached over and grab them off. Said, "You've fooled people long enough. Get back in there where you belong." Hang them on His side. "I'm the Boss now. My Blood has been shed up there on the cross for the remission of sin and for sickness. You can't keep them there any longer. There will be people who will believe Me. You can't bind them up with sickness. You can't bind them up with fear. They will believe." Hallelujah. The keys of death and hell...
41 Here He comes climbing up. Brother, she's coming near daylight. I can see the big morning star looking around the grave already. It's coming on the third day. Hallelujah. The first...
Wait. He's got somebody else over here in paradise. So He don't forget nobody. "Pass me not, O gentle Saviour, Hear my humble cry."
Over here in paradise lays some souls: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, and those who've been faithful, believing the promise of the prophets. And they're laying there waiting with only the blo--blood of bulls and goats, a shadow or a type of His own Blood. I can see Him go up to paradise, [Brother Branham knocks--Ed.] knock on the door. Abraham opens up the door. "Who are You?"
He said, "I am the Seed of Abraham."
I can hear Daniel say, "What? That's the Stone I seen hewed out of a mountain without hands."
I can hear Ezekiel say, "I saw Him coming with such speed till looked like was powerful with dust under His feet." Oh, my.
I can hear the prophet say, "I wrestled with Him all night down at the river before I crossed." Hallelujah.
42 John, the different ones recognized Him. Said, "All right, brethren, gird up your loins, the resurrection is near. It's just about fifteen minutes before time that that grave's going to open yonder. My righteous Blood has been shed yonder for you. You was a waiting on Me, under the blood of goats and bulls which could not take you into the Presence of the Father. But I've shed My Blood to take it away. Now, we're on our road home. Come on, and your..."
Abraham said, "Come on, Sarah," catch her by the arm. I can hear Abraham say, "My Lord..."
He said, "Yes, My servant, what do you want."
Said, "Can we make a little whistle stop in Jerusalem? I'd just like to look the old town over at a place where me and Sarah roamed around so much."
"Sure, I'm going be up forty days and nights with My disciples, got to give them some more lectures before they go. All right. We're going to make a little whistle stop."
And about that time the Angel of God rolled away the stone. There was an earthquake all over the earth. And the Bible said that many of the bodies of the saints that slept in Him rose and come out of the grave in immortal bodies, like His own glorious body. What?
43 I can see Caiaphas standing, saying, "What was all that noise this morning, you priests?"
Priests say, "I don't know. The only thing, there's people appearing everywhere around this city here. Some of them claim they're old saints that's resurrected."
"Well," Caiaphas says, "I don't know." Said, "Say, who is that young couple coming there?"
I... It's Sarah and Abraham walking along and say, "Looky there, honey. You remember that old place where we come down that hill, yonder?"
"Yeah, I remember that."
"What... Oh, oh. We're being watched." He'd just vanish just like the kind of body He had, went right into the building through the walls. They didn't even know... His own glorious body. They were walking here on earth and appearing to people. Hallelujah. Yes, there's your forty days. Hallelujah.
Excuse me. No, don't excuse me. I don't mean that. No. Brother, there's nothing formal; God's without form.
44 Let me tell you something. On after forty days, His feet begin to lift from the ground one day. He said to His disciples, "Go into all the world; preach the Gospel. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. He that believeth not shall be damned. These signs shall follow them that believe." You're going to be called, fortuneteller; you're going to be called devil; you're going to be called everything there are; but you're going to cast out devils." Amen. "Lay their hands on the sick; they shall recover."
Here He goes up. I can see Sarah and Abraham, all of them, joining with Him. Oh, my. Here they go on up; passed the moon, the stars. Jesus at the head, the Old Testament saints behind Him, walking. Hallelujah. They come in sight of the big great city yonder that's built foursquare: pearly gates. I can hear all the Old Testament saints with their great Victor walking in the front of them, great Conqueror. Oh, He is a Mighty Conqueror since He rent the veil in two.
45 Here He is with the Old Testament saints. I can hear them holler, "Lift up, ye everlasting gates and be ye lifted up. And let the King of Glory come in."
I hear the angels say, "What was that?"
"Lift up, ye everlasting gates and be ye lifted up. And let the King of Glory come in."
I can hear the angels holler, "Who is this King of Glory?"
"The Lord of Hosts, Mighty in battle. He is the King of Glory." Hallelujah.
I can see Gabriel walk out there with his chest throwed back, press the button: open come the gates. Down through the streets went Jesus, victorious with the Old Testament saints, right down through the streets...?... Hallelujah. Victory. Walked right up in the Presence of the Father and said, "Father, here they are. They all died in faith looking to the time." Hallelujah.
I hear Him say, "Well done, My Son. Climb up here and set on My right hand till I make all Your enemy Your footstool." Oh, Hallelujah.
Oh, I'm a half hour late. I don't want to be that way there. He's making every enemy His footstool. All devils is under His feet. All sickness is under His feet. All sin is under His feet. And we're in Him, more than conquerors through Him that loved us.
46 Now, when a believer dies now, he goes straight to the Presence of God. John, on the isle of Patmos, said, "The souls under the altar cried, "How long, Lord? How long?"
"Just a little longer until they call some more 'holy rollers' and fix them all up down there, and they suffer the same thing you did." Then he looked over and he saw them coming, a great number which no man can mul--no multitude which no man could number: white robed saints, palms in their hands awaiting. He said, "Who are these?"
Said, "They are they that come out of the tribulation, the persecution, and come up and made their robes white in the Blood of the Lamb. They're before Him day and night." I want to be numbered with them, don't you? You know I...
47 I want to see Jesus, don't you?
That's what I want to do. When my earthly journey's finished, my last song, my last sermon, and this old Bible is laying closed somewhere, I look standing around the bed, and there stands my boy and my girls, my wife, my loved ones. I want to raise my hand and sing,
Happy day, happy day,
When Jesus washed my sins away.
He taught me how to watch and pray
And live rejoicing every day.
I want to slip from this old building, when it gets a leak in it here. I want to drop her here:
This robe of flesh I drop and rise,
And seize the everlasting prize.
And shout while passing through the air,
"Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer."
48 I hope by God's grace, I can stand in His Presence that day and meet you every one that's here tonight. And when I stand there, in His great august Being in His great Presence, and the presence of the angelic hosts standing around, Who knows every thought that's in your heart... Oh, I can walk up to Him and say, "My Lord, I did the best that I know how with what You give me to do with. Thou did give me a Divine gift as being a seer. I did all that I know how. I preached Your Word to the best of my knowledge. And, Lord, these followed." Oh, my. What? If I can just touch His feet, maybe kiss the ground where He's walked, scoot back over... And He'll just build me a little log cabin somewhere down there beyond Your all's palace. I'll be happy."
God bless you. He's here tonight. I claim Him. He's my Lord. He's your Lord. He's my Healer. He's your Healer. And I know what I'm talking about. He's here. Will you believe Him? Let's bow our heads.
Sister, would you come up to the piano just a moment? I didn't aim to go to preaching, friends. Just kinda hard to get out of that.
49 Our Heavenly Father, well, pardon me, Lord. You were misunderstood; why shouldn't we be misunderstood? Doesn't bother us. You told us we would be, so we are. And we're just thankful that we can bear the reproach, thankful that You give us the opportunity. We pray now that You'll bless these people. Many of them are here sick and needy.
Lord, there's nothing I know to do any more than to present the Gospel to them, tell them what You said. And then with Your Divine gift that Thou hast given, if You'll just tonight...?... And if I did preach in there, do wrong, You forgive me. And I pray that You'll send the great Angel of God that'll stand here by me, that'll help me, the great gift, Angel, ministering Spirit sent from the Presence of God to minister the will of God through His servant. You said He makes His secrets known to His prophets. His ministers are flaming fire.
And I pray that You'll bless tonight. Override all opposition, and may Your Spirit come in lovely and sweet and bless us all together. For we ask it in Christ's Name. Amen.
50 I want you to be reverent. Do you believe if we'd ask the prayer just where you're setting like that, that God would heal every one of you? I--I wonder what sometimes the audiences think before I get started into the meeting. I know what most of you is thinking: you want a prayer line; that's what you're wanting. Now, that's the truth.
Now, Brother Bosworth, it just won't work in my meetings. That's all there is to it. It just takes the prayer line. Now, just as soon as I made mention of that just to see what it was, that wall just come down. See? Everybody in here wants the prayer line to be prayed for. All right.
Did you give out some prayer cards? What was they? U's. How many? One to a hundred. All right. We'll just have to... We can't call everybody. We just have to call them a few at a time, pray for the sick. Now, whether God... Usually in preaching, why, it's kindy adu--another anointing. And I want you to remember me in your prayers. Prayer card U's. U. Prayer card U... []
51 ... night. Are we strangers, lady? I don't know you. You don't know me: no contact at all in the world? He... Never saw me before. All right, that makes us perfectly total strangers. Well, now, if you are sick, then you've come here to me for help. And the help cometh from God. But you believe me as your brother, don't you? Do you believe... Have you ever read that little book of the story of the Angel of the Lord appearing to me? Have you ever read that? Never read it, just coming like that. Well, God will surely help you then.
Now, if our Lord Jesus was standing here, He knows you, doesn't He? He knows everything you've ever done. And so He could tell you. Well then, you being a stranger to me, if He, through His sovereign holy grace, will--will let me know something about you, like the woman at the well or whatever He talked to, then you'd accept your healing, wouldn't you? You know there'd have to be some kind of a supernatural Being here that's a doing that, wouldn't you? You'd have to know it come from a supernatural resource. And then--then you'd know it come from supernatural. But then it'd be your attitude towards that which would determine your healing. You see what I mean?
Do you believe that God is still the same that He ever was? You believe He's the same. Now, you--you have a--a--an asthmatic condition that's--it's a bothering you. And you also have a female disorder. And that examination has proved, I believe he said a cyst in it. Is that right? Is that true? Well then, if every word of that is true, and me not knowing you, but seeing and hearing what that man told you; and seeing what you was at home and so forth; and it's a supernatural Being. Is that right? Then I tell you by that same Spirit, if you'll accept Jesus as your Healer now, you'll go home and get well. Do you do it? God bless you then; let me pray.
Heavenly Father, I pray that You'll bless our sister and may she go home and be well in commemoration of Thy great Words which said, "They'll lay hands on the sick; they shall recover." I do this in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, go rejoicing, happy, sister, and thanking God for your healing.
52 All right, come, sir. Now, how many of you here, the first time, believes now with all your heart? Say, "I believe, Brother Branham, that Jesus Christ is raised from the dead. That's enough to prove to me right now that He's here." Will you raise your hand? Say, "I believe it." Thank you. Thank you. That's newcomers, every one of you. Now, the Lord bless you.
Now, I am... You understand that I'm not a healer, friends. I couldn't heal no one. If I could, I'm sure... Me setting here looking at this woman that's paralyzed, I'd certainly go down and heal her. I know what's wrong with her. I know where her trouble is. I know this woman is the same. Both of them are paralytics. That's right. It's been for some time. And I know there's just a little shadow holds behind you there. If you could ever cross that little shadow there, you'd get up from there and walk out of the building. That's right. If you could... But I can't bring you above that shadow; your own spirit has to lift you up like that. There it is. It's just a little... You think, "Well, I'm in such a condition, I--I just..." See? Don't think that. God can heal you the same as He could heal a toothache. [] .. step up to that. All right.
53 Excuse me, sir. I'm--I'm sorry. You're the patient, aren't you? All right. Sometimes in speaking like that, I--knowing I got a audience before me, it makes me kinda feel that I... The anointing, if I get too far into it, then it hurts me. You know? Then I... The vision begins to move, and I--I don't know just exactly what to do.
And now, didn't you... You are a believer; I see that now, that you are a Christian. Now, because I know that, that as soon as I catch your spirit, your life seems to welcome. You're very conscious that something's near. That is... Have you ever seen the picture of that Angel on the paper? See? Here we've got It. They've scientifically taken It. That's just exactly what's near.
You are a minister You are a minister, and you're a Methodist preacher. Is that right? Your name is Obanion. Is that right? You're... They call you Howard, don't they? Brother Howard? That's--that's what your name is. And you are--you're suffering with some kind of a colon trouble or in--in--in there. And it causes a rash and to come on your--some kind of breaking out. Isn't that true?
You have a wife that's had an operation some years ago, or some time. And it was a gallbladder. Is that right? It's caused a bad effect, and she has a heart asthma now. Was those things the truth, sir? Are they? I don't know what It told you, but is it the truth? It's the truth. All right. Something here knew that. Is that right? That's the Angel of the Lord. See? He can make you whole, my brother.
Our heavenly Father, I pray that You'll bless our brother. Heal him, dear God. And may his troubles, whatever they are, end from tonight on, because he has come reverently and believed on Your Son Jesus Christ, that He raised from the dead as He promised, and is living in His church tonight. God bless my brother, who I bless; in Jesus Christ's Name for his healing. Amen. God bless you, my brother...?... Go on your road. See? God be with you.
54 All right. Billy--or Brother Wood, this is the patient? Are you believer, sister? Do you believe me to be His prophet? Or His preacher, or... I catch that. It's the Spirit that says that. You see? In myself, I don't care to say that. See? But do you believe that God is here to help you? I could not help you no more than by a Divine revelation from God or a vision. And by doing that, why, I perhaps would be able to--to help you. You have many things wrong with you. You have arthritis, for one thing. And you have heart trouble for another thing. You have a stomach trouble for another thing. You have a kidney trouble for another thing. Is that truth? I seen, seeming like a doctor talking to you or something. I couldn't see it just right.
Just a moment. I want to talk to you again. There was something happened there I didn't see. Would you... I want to talk to you just a moment again, like the wo--talking at the woman... Oh, here He is. Oh, you've got something wrong in your, some kind of a--a choking in--in your throat. That was caused from an old bronchitis condition you had long years, some time ago. Is that right? Long time ago, and it's a... Are you believing now? See? More vision, it just makes it weaker on me. You accept your healing?
Lord, heal her, Father. I pray that You'll be merciful to her, and may she go from here tonight and be made completely whole. I ask it, in Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Whatever it was is truth, wasn't it? If it's true, now go and be healed in Jesus Christ's Name.
55 All right, come, lady. You believe with all your heart? You believe that God sent me to help you?
What you weeping for, sir? As you're crying. You want God to heal you of that prostate trouble? You do? Stand up on your feet. Accept your healing now. Go home; the prostate trouble leaves you in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
You believe me to be His servant? With all your heart you believe it? You've had an accident, and you've hurt... It's your neck and your leg. You--you fell through a--a--a register or something. Isn't that right? Long time... Hurt yourself... Your trouble's laying right in your back. It's a strained nerve which is doing this here and down there. Was those things the truth? If you would, would you let the people know: is that the truth? Truth? Every bit of it? Well, whatever He told you, that wasn't me. That was my voice, but it--I was somewhere else, seeing you somewhere. It seems to me; I'm not sure; but it seems to me that something happened to you. Was that right? Didn't you fall or fall or--or fell through something? Uh-huh. That was the truth? Then that's God confirming that I've told the truth. And here's what's truth. Jesus healed you when He died at Calvary. Do you now accept it? Come here.
In confirmation of Thy Word, O God, to fulfill what Jesus Christ, Your Son, said, do I lay hands upon this, my sister, who's confident that she's standing in the Presence, not of her brother, but in the Presence of Jehovah God. And I pray Thee, God, to bless her for her faith, and may she go and be well; in the Name of Thy Son Jesus, we ask it. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go and testify now. Let us hear what's become...
56 Come, sister. Now, be just as reverent as you possibly can. The visions... It--it makes you feel such a funny feeling. My lips are feeling like they're that thick and draw all over me. Now, please don't move. Set still just a minute. Be in prayer till I can kinda get to myself around a little. Are you all believing? The Lord Jesus is here confirming His Word. And I--I pray that you'll believe. If He can't make you believe, what's the use of me trying?
Sister, now look on me just a moment so I can just see you. Just be reverent and I just want to talk to you, just... See? You're--you're human being as I am. And I must catch your spirit in order to--to know, and to see, and... But you're--you're standing for someone else. It's your mother, an elderly woman who's unable to come to the meeting. And there's something wrong in the--in the stomach. It's... Oh, the--oh, the doctor... It's a cancer. The--the woman is dying. And she asked you to come and, "stand for me." I seen her as she said when you left the door, for you to stand in her place. Is that truth, lady?
Our heavenly Father, send Thy blessings to her. Whatever her request is, Lord, for healing, grant it to her, as I bless this poor woman; in the Name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, I ask it. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go, and be unto you just as you believe. That's just the way it'll be. God bless you. Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
57 Come, lady. Have faith. Are you believing with all your heart? All right, lady. I want you to look this way just a moment to me. Do you believe me to be the Lord's servant? Unworthy to say that, I'm ashamed of my life, ashamed of my being, to even claim to be His servant; but yet, through His grace, He has made me His servant, and my hands to represent... How could my hands ever represent His, seeing that my hands is unholy to represent His holy hands. But whose hands would be holy? We were all born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies.
Now, just a moment. There's a demon in the audience a screaming to this woman. On that woman right there, you have asthma, don't you, lady? You do too, don't you? Asthmatic. All right. Stand up to your feet. That's right. Stand up, lady, with the black coat on. That's right. Go home, both of you now, and be healed. God bless you. Go, in Jesus' Name.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Say... All right. I felt that, them demons calling one to another.
58 Now, come, lady. Believe with all your heart. You want to get over that kidney trouble and go home and be made well? Say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus, for healing me." God bless her and heal her, I pray, in Jesus Christ's Name, that You'll grant it, Father. Amen. Amen.
Come, lady. Wasn't it a strange thing when I said, "kidney trouble," to her, for you have the same. Just keep on going and say, "Lord, I thank You for my healing." I ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. All right.
Do you believe, lady? With all your heart? You believe me His servant? Are you, Amish? And you, very lovely, I appreciate your faith in Christ Jesus. In Fort Wayne, Indiana, and many of your people were there and healed. An Amish minister married me. Your loyalty is appreciated.
And you suffer... I see you, especially in a room of a evening there's something takes... Oh, yes, you're coughing real hard. It's a asthmatic condition. Is that right? Sleeping at night, you can't hardly sleep it's so bad. Isn't that right in a--a room where you have to yourself? Now, God knows that that is true. You believe you're going to get well now? May I ask God to help you, sister, as you come forward?
Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, bless this little woman, who I bless in Thy Name, and may she get healed from this night and take this message to her people, that Jesus Christ has raised from the dead and is a great Healer that heals all the sickness. I ask this in His Name. Amen. God bless you, my little sister. Go on your road, rejoicing, believing and be healed.
59 All right. Come, lady. That's a horrible demon. It makes you dizzy and upset all the time. It's sugar diabetes. You see? But God can heal you of that. Standing here between you and I now, it's dripping like that, a white blood. See? 'Cause it's insulin shots and things that has to be taken to keep it down. I pray that God will heal you. Will you accept it now, accept your healing?
O Jesus, Son of God, may this poor soul come to Calvary just now and get a blood transfusion from that holy Blood there at Calvary and never need another shot as long as she lives. Oh, I pray this blessing for her, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go rejoice now. Go happy. You want to go back or anyway you want to go. All right.
60 Come, lady. If God will speak and say what's wrong with you, will you accept your healing? You will accept it; you promise me that? Well, you have trouble with your ovary, which is a female trouble causing a discharge. Isn't that right? All right, just... You right back now and get well. Just turn right around and say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus." or go back this way, anyway you want to go. Say, "Thank you."
Wasn't it a strange thing when I said that to her? 'Cause you suffer with the very same thing, and it left you the same time hers did. God bless you, go and be made well. Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
Strange thing. You had the same thing, lady. Is that right? A female disorder. Just keep on going. You been real nervous for a while too, haven't you? Don't worry about that, that's what's caused it (You see?), which might cause a premature menopause. But just keep thanking God. It was ulcerated in there, but it's--it's moved now. Go, believing God and you shall get well. Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
61 Come, believing with all your heart. Get over the diabetes and so forth. Go home and be made well. Do you believe God with all your heart? Believe He's going to heal you right now? Let me lay... You want me to lay hands on you. That's fine.
Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal her. May she go, in Jesus' Name, and be made well. God bless you, sister.
All right, come, lady. Come, sir. With all your heart. 'Course I see you're wearing glasses which is caused from your eyes. Anyone can see that. Maybe there's something else wrong that--that God will reveal to me. That people say, "Why, of course, knowing your eyes are going bad like that, and just--and seeing that little s--place there on your eye. We won't speak of that, 'cause you know of that. But perhaps, maybe, there's something else wrong. God will reveal it. Yes, sir. Do you believe with all your heart? You have heart trouble too. Is that right? All right, go ahead now. You believe? God bless you. Go and be made well, in Jesus' Name.
62 Come, lady. Believe with all your heart as you come. You believe with--if God could help you here... If God would reveal to me what your trouble is, do you believe that He would make you well? You believe it with all your heart? Stand still just a minute.
Yes, it's that lady setting right there. You have stomach trouble, don't you, sister? Said, yes. Stomach trouble? You had stomach trouble too, didn't you? You're both healed. Go home and eat what you want to.
The lady setting second from you there had stomach trouble too, right down there. That other lady too, setting down there had a stomach trouble too. You believe with all your heart... You believe it? It's a ulcerating condition causing peptic ulcer. You go home and eat what you want to. God bless you.
The lady setting right between you had a rupture. Is that right, lady? You believe? Go home.
What's the matter, sir? Do you believe with all your heart? All right. You had a--a heart trouble and rheumatism, and you--you believe that God will make you well there? If you do, you can raise up. You know, you have gallbladder trouble, setting right next there--gallbladder trouble. Isn't that right, sir? All right, you can raise up too and accept your healing and go home. Or... You can go--be made well. God bless you. That's it. Go home, you're healed. Standing here last night trying to believe, now, your faith's made you whole. God bless you. Go home; you're well, and be all right.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
63 Come, lady. Come, you, lady. You believe me to be His prophet, His servant? With all your heart? Have a hard time getting up of a morning, don't you? That arthritis bothers you so bad at morning. What if I told you it was gone? Will you believe it? Go off the platform, walk like a little young lady. Go ahead and be made well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Have faith in God. Oh, what the Holy Spirit could do right now.
Come, sir. You believing? If God will reveal your trouble will you--will you accept your healing? You have diabetes in your blood. God will make you well. Go believe it. God bless you, brother. Let's say, "Thanks, God."
Come, sir. You believing with all your heart? What made you jump when I said heart trouble? 'Cause heart's what's a bothering you. Isn't that right? Now, you can go home and be made well; if you believe with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make you well.
Father, I pray that You'll heal the man, for we know without this, he would die soon; and I pray that You'll help him. Amen. God bless you, my brother. God be with you. All right. Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
64 God bless you, sister. You believe for the little boy? A female trouble. And this little laddie here... You believe he will get over it? That he'll quit having them? Them spells, it's epilepsy. You come from out of town. You come from a rolling country, lot of... I'm either going say it's Carolina or Virginia, one. I'll say Virginia. Is that right?
Now, this is epilepsy. And I want every one to bow your heads. Bring me the baby. Come here, sonny. Now remember, this is kind that gets away. I want every mother with your child stand close. I'm not responsible.
Remember, if--if anything happens, if you're a critic, this is your time to leave. Epilepsy's the one thing caused more trouble than anything. I don't say I can. By God's help I believe I can make it leave him. But remember, it'll be in the building.
Now, bow your heads and don't raise it till you hear me say so. Look here, son. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for you, honey, that you might be made well, that this thing might leave you. Well, if Jesus will make you well, will you serve God all your life, and--and serve Him and be a young man, if God let's you live? And if He calls you to preach the Gospel, you'll preach anything He wants. Will you do that?
Almighty God, Who brought Jesus from the grave, this devil has robbed this child here, seeing that there lays a future in his life, I believe. That's why I take the little boy here under this consideration, and I ask You to be merciful to this child. Now, thou demon that's called epilepsy, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I charge Thee by the living God, come out of the boy. Leave him. Go out of this building and torment no one else. In Jesus Christ's Name, I bind thee and send thee from this child; by the authority of the vicarious suffering of Jesus the Son of God at Calvary, I ask you to go from the child.
Look here, sonny. It's off of him now, mother. It's gone. Now, you just keep believing; they won't come back on him. God bless you, honey. God bless you. Go ahead, your trouble's ended too, sister. You're going home. May God bless you.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God." Now, raise your heads. Raise your head. I thought it was going to show up. I believe that boy's got a future. I seen something. I couldn't make out what it was, 'cause I'm so weak right at this time, but I--I thought that--that something showed to the boy.
65 Now, be reverent. Have faith in God. Believe Him with all your heart. See a little lady setting there, praying. The Spirit's hanging over her, a halo. It's a... She's got something wrong with her hip. And you're suffering with a nervous condition. You were praying that I would speak to you. Isn't that right, lady? When you was--had your prayer going. Little lady in white there, isn't that right? I seen you. All right. You're going to get well now. You're going to be all right.
There's a poor old man setting there with a crutch in his arm. Look this a way, sir. Do you believe me... That's all right. You believe me to be God's prophet? You do? All right. You've just recently had a stroke that's put you in this condition. And it must've been; you had the same clothes on. It's been the last day or two you was to visit a doctor. And a doctor's putting something over... It's on your heart. He says you got a heart trouble. He shook his head and says that you can't live but a little while. Is that the truth, sir? I would accept Jesus Christ as my Healer, and stick that crutch on my shoulder, and go out of here, and glorify God, if I was in your place. God bless you. Get some spunk in you, like that, of the old fashion Holy Ghost conviction and go out. God bless you. Now, stick her on your shoulder and go on. You're healed.
66 Let's say, "Praise the Lord." on... You believe now? How many believes? Raise your hands. Now, bow your heads.
Heavenly Father, I pray Thee, in the Name of Thy Son Jesus, that You will cast away every unclean spirit. Every devil that's in the building, may it all leave, and every one in here be perfectly made well.
O God, You Who stood here, hour after hour, and has confirmed Your Word with signs following, how much longer will these people of this world disbelieve You, Lord? O God, grant that every spirit of unbelief, and every doubt will be drove away from the people right now; and the power of Your resurrected Son, may take its place and give strength and power. And may every person in here be healed just now.
Lord, may the cripples walk out. May every one that's on crutches walk out, packing their crutches over their shoulder. May the wheel stretcher cases walk out tonight, pushing the cart before them. And may all the heart trouble go out rejoicing, healed. Everyone, Lord. I'll condemn every devil, through the suffering of Jesus Christ at Calvary where He won the victory, I say that every devil is defeated; in Jesus Christ's Name, I ask for him to leave the people. Amen.
Almighty God that raised His Son from the dead, will make you every one well at this minute. Are you believing? If you are believing, stand to your feet. Throw away your crutches, get up out of your places, and God make you every one well.
...Ježiš, a čo učinili, a tak ďalej, On zavolal ich mená. Povedali, „Zaujímalo by ma, kde to je v Písme?“ Prečítam vám to. V 1. kapitole svätého Jána, v 24. verši - od 40. verša...
A jeden z tých dvoch, ktorí to počuli Ježiša, a nasledovali ho, bol Andrej, brat Šimona Petra.
Ten najprv našiel svojho vlastného brata, Šimona, a povedal mu: Našli sme Mesiáša (čo je preložené: Kristus čiže Pomazaný).
A priviedol ho k Ježišovi. A Ježiš pozrúc na neho povedal: Ty si Šimon, syn Jonášov; ty sa budeš volať Kéfaš (čo znamená v preklade: kameň).
Vidíte? Nielen tu, ale aj na iných miestach, na mnohých miestach Písma. On vie všetko. On pozná tvoje meno, tvoju adresu, kde žiješ, čo robíš, všetko o tom. Rozumiete? On to len zjavuje, ako chce.
Tak teraz, dnes večer by som pre vás rád niečo možno na chvíľu priniesol. Myslím, že je pre mňa najlepšie len pokračovať v modlitbe za chorých. Tak chcem vám niečo pripomenúť. Je tu mnoho tých, ktorí to možno už čítali. A možno, keď sa na to pozrieme, chcem to tiež podložiť Písmom.
A je tu... Koľkí čítali ten článok v novembrovom vydaní Reader's Digest, kde je tam písané o 'Zázraku Donnyho Mortona', kde bol uzdravený? Čítal to tu niekto z vás? Vidím jednu pani, len dve, tri, ó, predpokladám, že mnohí z vás to čítali. No, tu to je.
2 Prosím, teraz chcem čítať zo Skutkov 2.
Mužovia Izraeliti, počujte tieto slová: Ježiša Nazarejského, muža, od Boha pred vami presláveného znameniami a zázraky, ktoré skrze neho činil Boh medzi vami, jako aj sami viete -
toho určenou radou a predzvedením Božím vydaného ste vzali a rukou bezbožných pripäli na kríž a zavraždili,
ktorého Boh vzkriesil oprostiac bolestí smrti, jako aj nebolo možné, aby bol ňou držaný.
Dávid... Lebo Dávid hovorí vzťahom na neho: Vždycky som videl pred sebou Pána, lebo mi je po pravici, aby som sa nepohnul.
Preto sa rozveselilo moje srdce, a môj jazyk splesal, áno i moje telo bude stániť na nádeji,
lebo nezanecháš mojej duše v ríši smrti ani nedáš svojmu Svätému vidieť porušenie.
3 Skloňme na chvíľu svoje hlavy.
Teraz, drahý Otče, milujeme Ťa; modlíme sa, aby si nám teraz odpustil naše prestúpenia a pomohol nám v tejto nadchádzajúcej časti služby. A potom v tom rade uzdravovania, udeľ, ó, Pane Bože, aby Tvoj Duch bol dnes večer tak mocný, že satan nebude môcť udržať v srdci ľudí ani jednu kvapku pochybnosti; ale nech všetci môžu veriť v jednom súhlase a nech je veľká radosť. A nech mnohí, ktorí tu sedia, ktorí sú chorí a postihnutí, nech odídu domov zdraví; nech hriešnici odídu domov spasení; nech odpadlíci odídu domov znova v obecenstve s Bohom. Udeľ to, Otče, lebo to prosíme v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
No, pokúsim sa tu trochu posunúť, ak mi to prepáčite. Chcem sledovať tie hodiny, aby som ne-... Chcem začať modlitebný rad o deviatej.
4 No, v časopise Reader's Digest bol veľmi pekný článok. Ak ste to ešte nevideli, napíšte im a povedzte im, že chcete vydanie Reader's Digest z minulého novembra. A teraz, zatiaľ čo hovorím tieto veci, nechcem, aby ste boli nervózni a odišli; chcem, aby ste zopár minút sedeli a vypočuli si to, aby ste mohli vidieť, ako to rozprávanie, akými sa ľudia stávajú a akými slabomyseľnými ľudia dokážu byť.
Bol tam nádherný článok. Bolo to dobre napísané. No, keď to dostanete, nájdete tú tému, „Zázrak Donnyho Mortona.“
V tom čase, keď sa tá udalosť stala, som bol v Costa Mesa v Kalifornii. No, nerád by som svedčil o svojom vlastnom zhromaždení; bol by som radšej, keby to urobil niekto iný; pretože som neurobil ani jednu vec, priatelia. To je to, čo na tom zhromaždení učinil Ježiš Kristus, že... To nie som ja.
Vždy som pri nadpise Skutkov apoštolov myslel na to, že sa to nazýva 'Skutky apoštolov.' Teraz by som, podľa môjho názoru, pisatelia Biblie, ktokoľvek to dal dokopy - tí prvotní pisatelia, oni to nazvali 'Skutky apoštolov.' Ale myslím, že to, čím to v skutočnosti je, to sú 'Skutky Ducha Svätého v apoštoloch,' to je to, čo to je. Rozumiete? Oni konajú... Apoštoli to nikdy nekonali. To, čo to urobilo, to tam bol Duch Svätý, ktorý konal v apoštoloch. Ale... Tak je to nazvané, tak to nechávame tak.
5 No, časopis Reader's Digest o tom píše takto. A je to ten najdramatickejší príbeh a príbeh, ktorý chytá za srdce, aký ste dlho nečítali, keď budete počuť, ako tento príbeh začína. Bolo to hore v Saskatchewane v Kanade, skoro tam hore v 'zemi nikoho'. Mal som zhromaždenia hore okolo Saskatoonu a odtiaľ až do... No, zabudol som meno toho miesta, ktoré sme tam mali: mal som tam na zhromaždení desaťtisíc Indiánov a Eskimákov. Ó, a to miesto bolo mnohokrát väčšie ako toto a bolo to preplnené; jednoducho sedeli všade a stáli vonku: tí Eskimáci a Indiáni, ktorí prišli na zhromaždenie. A bieli ľudia... princ Albert, princ Albert, Saskatchewan, a tak si pamätám, že som tam mal to zhromaždenie.
Akokoľvek, boli tam dvaja hluchonemí ľudia, ktorí prišli úplne z inej provincie a narodili sa hluchonemí. A obaja boli uzdravení, vrátili sa do svojej provincie a mohli rozprávať a počuť.
6A tak, malý Donny Morton, on trpel nejakým zriedkavým ochorením mozgu. A tí ľudia ho vzali na vyšetrenie a všade a oni sa ho vzdali. Priviedli toho chlapca na moje zhromaždenie. No, lekár najprv povedal, že ten malý chlapec zomrie. Klinika Mayo, Johns Hopkins... Mali ho v Spojených štátoch. Všetci sa ho vzdali; nebola tam k dispozícii žiadna operácia. Povedali, že by to bolo nemožné: ak by ste kvôli tomu chlapcovi operovali hlavu, okamžite by ho to zabilo: klinika bratov Mayových.
No, samozrejme, Reader's Digest nespomenuli kliniku bratov Mayových, pretože klinika Mayových by kvôli tomu išla po nich. Musíte dávať pozor na to, čo zverejníte vo verejnej literatúre. A tak tam je... Ale môžete čítať medzi riadkami a vidieť, čo to znamená; vidieť, čo tam bolo povedané.
7 Ale máme záznam na páske. To je dôvod, že na našich zhromaždeniach... Vidíte, na každom zhromaždení nahrávame pásky. Niekto príde a povie, „No, Pán mi povedal, 'Taký a taký...'“ Prehráme si záznam a zistíme, či je to pravda alebo nie. Rozumiete? Potom vieme presne, kde to máme (Vidíte?), na nahrávke.
Tak, pred nejakým časom ku mne prišla jedna žena a povedala, „No, Pán povedal, že istá žena bude práve vtedy uzdravená.“
Povedal som, „No, ak to On povedal, to je len...“
Povedala, „Ona ešte nebola uzdravená.“
Povedal som, „No, neviem.“
Brat Hall s ňou hovoril, tak povedal, „Prehráme nahrávku.“ Opýtal sa, aký to bol večer, odišiel dozadu, našiel tú nahrávku a pustil ju... No, Pán o tom nikdy nič nepovedal.
8 Tá žena prišla na pódium a bola úplná neveriaca. Bola to bohatá žena; toto bola jej slúžka, ktorá ju priviedla. A ona ju presvedčila a uprosila, aby prišla. A nakoniec ju takto dostala na pódium a Pán jej povedal, kde bola, kým bola a čo sa stalo, a opýtal sa jej, prečo má vo svojom srdci toľko nevery. A ona povedala, „No...“ Snažila sa veriť.
A ja... A bolo jej povedané... Potom, ako On skončil, ja som povedal, „Nech ťa Pán požehná a uzdraví, moja sestra.“ Zišla z pódia. No, to... povedal som jej; ja som povedal, „Nech ťa Pán požehná a uzdraví.“ Ale keď Boh hovorí a vy Ho počujete, potom viete, Kto vtedy hovorí. To nie je kazateľ; to je On, ktorý hovorí. Vtedy je to iné. Ale čo hovorím ja, jednoducho ako každý iný človek. Chcel som, aby bola uzdravená, a modlil som sa za ňu; ale to je všetko, čo som mohol urobiť.
Ale ona povedala, „Pán tak povedal.“ Dávajte pozor, čo On hovorí, pozorujte, čo im hovorí On, potom budete vedieť, čoho sa chytiť.
9 Keď ten malý chlapec... No, tu je Reader's Digest, tak, ako to napísali. Toho maličkého priviezli z... Museli ho dať do saní alebo niečoho takého, a priviezť ho po zemi; bol pokrútený; jeho malé ruky boli zovreté v tomto stave, nohy mal pod sebou, mal asi osem rokov; hlavička sa mu nakláňala nabok; jeho oči mu smerovali jedno jedným smerom a druhé druhým. Ó, bol to žalostne vyzerajúci pohľad. A ten maličký sa takto triasol a veľmi zapáchal.
A ten biedny otec, tie malé sánky sa skoro prevrátili, keď ich kone ťahali cestou, viezli ich tam. A on ho v noci pod mesačným svitom neustále potľapkával a hovoril, „Neboj sa, Donny, drahý, ešte nie sme porazení.“ Povedal, že poznal dvoch ľudí, ktorí boli na mojom zhromaždení uzdravení, a povedal, „Ak by som sa niekedy mohol dostať tam, kde je ten človek, Boh pre moje dieťatko niečo urobí.“
Tak on - konečne sa dostali na letisko, on a jeho žena, a nemohli - nemali dosť peňazí, aby aspoň jeden z nich prišiel lietadlom. Nemali dosť peňazí, aby prišli vlakom. A tak museli vziať len toho muža a on to dieťa priniesol. A prišli celú cestu zo Saskatoonu, Saskatchewanu, do Los Angeles v Kalifornii a išli hľadať pomoc do poradne pre cestovateľov.
10 A potom, samozrejme, sledujte Reader's Digest. Bolo tam napísané, že on hľadal... Povedal, „Božského čo?“ Otáznik. Viem si predstaviť, čo povedali. A tak povedal, „Nevadí. Tento muž verí tomu, že ak sa tamten muž pomodlí za jeho dieťa, tak mu to pomôže; tak sa pozrime, či to môžeme zariadiť.“ A tak poslali list; nasadli do auta a odišli tam dolu na pobrežie Costa Mesa, asi štyridsať míľ na táborové miesto zhromaždenia Božieho, kde mali veľkú školu. A ja som hovoril ku kazateľom.
A v tú noc ho priviedli dovnútra. A on... Povedali, že tam bolo 2700 ľudí, ktorí stáli v rade, aby sme sa za nich modlili, keď sme tam prišli. A, samozrejme, každý musel mať modlitebnú kartu. A ja som sa modlil za ľudí.
No, tu je to miesto, odkiaľ začínam a odkiaľ to poznám. Videl som ich. Tu povedal, že keď vystúpil z auta, že všetci tí ľudia, ktorí stáli v modlitebnom rade, oni jednoducho ustupovali, keď videli toho biedneho malého otrhaného otca s malou kanadskou čiapkou, ako kráča s týmto biednym malým dieťaťom a prichádza. Nejedol. Musel to meniť ako pri bábätku: plienky a všetko také. A nejedol, nemal čas jesť. Len sa ponáhľal, napil sa vody a zobral niečo na zjedenie a potom rovno ďalej. Ó, to bol dojímavý príbeh. A tak neustále hovoril, „V poriadku, Donny, ešte nie sme porazení, drahý. Ešte nie sme porazení.“ Jednoducho takto pokračoval.
11 A keď tí ľudia na tom mieste videli... Keď tam stáli v tom modlitebnom rade, ktorý sa tiahol cez to pole, keď videli prichádzať tohoto úbohého muža, len urobili krok nabok, aby mu dali miesto. No, keď prišiel na pódium, Billy Paul ho požiadal o jeho modlitebnú kartu. Samozrejme, že žiadnu nemal. Povedal, „Pane, ja som ani nevedel, že musím mať modlitebnú kartu.“ No, Billy a uvádzači mali nariadenia, aby sa ľudia zoradili; to je oprávnene a je to správne, presne tak, ako by to malo byť. A počul som ho povedať, „No, to je v poriadku.“ Povedal, „Čo musím teraz urobiť, aby som dostal modlitebnú kartu? Kam mám ísť?“
Zdržovali modlitebný rad. Povedal som, „Čo sa deje?“
Povedal, „Len človek bez modlitebnej karty.“
Povedal som, „No, nech sa postaví bokom.“
A pozrel som sa naspäť a uvidel som to dieťa a niečo mi povedalo, „Teraz ho zavolaj.“ Nikdy som to dieťa nevidel. A tak, časopis Reader's Digest o tom podáva celý článok.
12 A priviedol som to malé dieťa hore, povedal som, nepýtal som sa ho vôbec na nič, ale pozrel som sa priamo do tváre toho malého dieťaťa a povedal som, „Priviedol si toto dieťa z Kanady. A prichádzaš sem autobusom, autobusom spoločnosti Greyhound. Pomohli vám v poradni pre cestovateľov.“ A on tam bol asi päť minút. Povedal, „Poradňa pre cestovateľov vám pomohla, aby ste sa sem dostali. A to dieťa bolo na klinike bratov Mayových a na klinike Johnsa Hopkinsa. Má zriedkavé mozgové ochorenie a neexistuje spôsob, ako by to mohli operovať. To dieťa zomrie.“
A on začal veľmi hlasno kričať. A tak som sa za to malé dieťa pomodlil. Začal poriadne hlasno plakať a schádzal z pódia. Otočil sa. Povedal, „A čo moje dieťa? Bude niekedy v poriadku?“
Povedal som, „To neviem, pane.“ A zatiaľ čo som s ním hovoril, prišlo videnie. A povedal som, „Áno, tvoje dieťa... O tri dni neskôr stretneš ženu, ktorá má hnedý vzhľad, myslím, že to tak nazývate, kabát: má kabát a pod tým sukňu. A má čierne vlasy. A povie ti o nejakom vidieckom lekárovi, ktorý môže to dieťa operovať, a ty tomu nebudeš veriť. Ale to je jediná nádej, ktorú máš, skrze milosrdenstvo Božie, a tú operáciu, keď necháš toho lekára, aby to dieťa operoval.“
13 No, odišiel z pódia s plačom a on... No, na druhý deň sa to dieťa zdalo na tom byť omnoho lepšie, potom, ako sa za neho modlilo: mohlo hýbať svojimi malými rukami. No, on zabudol všetko o tej žene a chystal sa na cestu. A tak, o niekoľko dní neskôr, on išiel po ulici, zobral ho von, aby sa dostalo na vzduch (Rozumiete?); a kráčal s ním po ulici; alebo lepšie povedané, kráčal po ulici a mal ho v náručí. A jedna pani povedala, „No, aký je problém s vaším dieťaťom, pane?“
A on povedal, „No, to je choroba mozgu,“ povedal, „zriedkavá choroba mozgu.“
A povedala, „Viete, poznám doktora, ktorý raz operoval také dieťa, ktoré na tom bolo takto, a to dieťa je teraz normálne.“
„No,“ povedal, „Ale, pani...“ Povedal, „Na klinike bratov Mayových povedali, že toto...“ Povedal, „Počkajte chvíľu: 'hnedý kabát, čierne vlasy...'“ Povedal, „Povedzte mi, pani, kde je ten doktor?“ A časopis Reader's Digest uvádza, kto to bol. A on tam vzal to dieťa a ten lekár vykonal tú operáciu a bola absolútne úspešná. A to dieťa z toho vyšlo. A tak tam mali to dieťa; prišlo to do toho, že mohol bežať, stretnúť svojho otca a všetko také.
Ten ocko sa vrátil, aby zasadil svoju jarnú pšenicu alebo niečo iné. No, tu je to, čo časopis Digest nezaznamenal (Rozumiete?), čo tam nie je znázornené. Ale museli sme to spoznať z úzadia, pretože ak by ste to tam dali, nemocnica by podala žalobu proti tomuto časopisu a tam by to bolo; nastalo tam zlyhanie. Niekto jedného večera nechal pootvorené okno a cez to dieťa prebehol prievan. A to dieťa dostalo zápal pľúc a žilo s tým zápalom pľúc asi dva dni, nie s tamtou chorobou, to ten zápal pľúc to dieťa zabil. Takto o tom píšu v Reader's Digest. Potom to pokračuje a pekne sa tu píše o tom, že ten zázrak sa už jednako odohral.
14 No, asi tri mesiace pred tým...
Povedal som vám, že jedného večera budem hovoriť na tému 'Démonológia.' A v nasledujúcich minútach by som chcel hovoriť na tému 'Démonológia.' Ďalší...
Píšem knihu, ak to budem môcť urobiť. Neviem, či by ste boli schopní to čítať alebo nie, keď by som to napísal, na tému 'Démonológia': môj osobný kontakt s démonmi.
Priatelia, oni sú tak skutoční, ako ste aj vy. A mnohokrát ich vidím, keď vychádzajú rovno... Videl som ich odchádzať rovno z tohto pódia. Vidím ich, niektorí sú vo forme netopierov, vyzerá, že z nôh im visia dlhé vlasy. Ale epileptický démon vyzerá ako korytnačka s okrúhlymi nohami, ktoré takto visia. Ale zvyčajne, démon útlaku vyzerá byť skôr vo forme mraku, ako nejaká vlna; a ten vydáva skutočne divný zvuk, keď je to, keď ste v tej inej dimenzii, aby ste videli toho ducha.
No, možno si myslíte, že je to nesprávne, ale v jednom z týchto dní si to uvedomíte. Ak by ste len mohli vziať duchovnú lupu a pozrieť sa do svojej duše, keď pochybujete, a zistili by ste, ako to vyzerá. A ten najväčší diabol a knieža všetkých diablov je nevera. To je jediný hriech, ktorý existuje. Nie je iného hriechu, okrem nevery. Všetky tieto veci ohľadne mravnosti a ostatné veci: fajčenie, pitie, hazardovanie a cudzoložstvo; to sú len atribúty. Robíte to preto, že neveríte. Kvôli tomu, že ste neveriaci, to je tým, čo spôsobuje, že to robíte. Keby ste boli veriaci, nerobili by ste to. To je pravda.
15 No, to je presne tak, ako si myslím, že to je pri daroch Ducha: dary Ducha nie sú Duchom Svätým; to sú atribúty Ducha Svätého. Rozumiete? Dary uzdravenia, hovorenie v jazykoch a všetky tie ostatné veci sú atribútmi; to je ovocie, ktoré rodí ten strom. Rozumiete? Strom je tou hlavnou vecou: Duch Svätý. A Duch Svätý je Boh a Boh je láska.
Ale tá zvláštna vec, asi tri časopisy... Nie som si príliš istý. Tri mesiace predtým, ako vyšiel tento článok, mnohí z vás čítali článok o pani Piper, tej veľkej špiritistke v New Yorku. Koľkí tu čítali o pani Piper? Vyšlo to v časopise asi tri mesiace pred tým mojím. No, od roku 1895 sa celý svet snažil tú ženu dochytiť.
Koľko je tu Kresťanov, zodvihnite ruku, kresťanskí veriaci, zodvihnete ruku? Chcem... Chcem, aby ste z hĺbky srdca povedali, „Brat Branham, som veriaci.“ No, je vás väčšina. V poriadku.
16 No, hovorím priamo ku Kresťanom, aby ste mohli vidieť klady a zápory, negatíva a pozitíva; keď sa vás niekto opýta, potom im môžete dať odpoveď.
No, všetko, čo má Boh, diabol má z toho falzifikát. Idete a čokoľvek chcete robiť... Ako vidíte tieto tance; to je z diabla; ale Boh má pre ľudí svätý tanec. Biblia tak hovorí.
Bol som jedným z najväčších kritikov, akého ste kedy videli, až mi Boh povedal, čo mám robiť. Zistil som, že Miriam tancovala v Duchu. Dávid tancoval, keď mal víťazstvo. Ó, a mnohokrát to... Všetko to bolo počas... Bolo to víťazstvo. To bol tanec, svätý tanec.
17 Napríklad v Biblii, ak sa nejakému človeku sníval sen, alebo prorok prorokoval, mali tam tabuľku zvanú Urím a Thummím, ktorá bola na Áronovej hrudi. A keď prišli pred túto tabuľku a porozprávali to a tie svetlá na tabuľke blikali, Boh to schválil, že to je pravda. Je to pravda? Ak to tam nehovorilo, potom to bolo nesprávne. No, pozrite. Diabol prišiel podľa toho vzoru a vzal krištáľovú guľu. Rozumiete?
Všetko, čo má Boh, všetko v tom prirodzenom znázorňuje to duchovné. Viem, že som typológ. A verím, že každá prirodzená vec znázorňuje to duchovné, či nie?
18 Napríklad niečo takéto: Keď Ježiš zomrel na Golgote, koľko - aké prvky vyšli z Jeho tela? Voda, Krv, Duch. Je to pravda? No, akýkoľvek kazateľ, každý veriaci vie, že to je to, z čoho pozostáva nové narodenie. Je to pravda? Z toho pozostáva nové narodenie, svätý Ján 7:5, „Lebo sú traja, ktorí vydávajú svedectvo... voda, Krv a Duch.“ Keď prebodli Jeho bok, vyšla voda a Krv. Povedal, „Do Tvojich rúk vydávam Svojho Ducha.“ Tieto prvky vyšli z Jeho tela a tie isté prvky sú potrebné, aby ste sa dostali do Jeho tela. Z toho pozostáva nové narodenie.
No, z čoho pozostáva prirodzené narodenie? Je tu zmiešané publikum, ale počúvajte. Prvá vec je voda, krv, duch. Rozumiete? Všetko v tom prirodzenom a duchovnom je znázorňované spolu. Sledujte. Oboznámte sa s Bohom a uvidíte Jeho veľké pohybovanie sa v prírode. Vidíte Ho v západoch slnka, v kvetoch, všade. Môžete Ho vidieť všade okolo seba, pretože On je všade okolo vás. To vám dáva dokonalú dôveru, že ste do Neho zamilovaní a že ste... On je zamilovaný do vás. Miloval vás, predurčil vás, predzvedel vás predtým, ako započal svet, priviedol vás sem, zachránil vás, očistil a naplnil vás Svojím Duchom. No, ako by ste mohli pochybovať? Rozumiete? To vám dáva dokonalé ukotvenie viery. Keď viete tieto veci, to vám dáva odvahu, ó, viete, kde stojíte.
19 No, späť k našej téme. Túto ženu vzali... A ona bola len ženou v domácnosti, obyčajná žena, pani Piper. Zožeňte si ten článok. Reader's Digest vám jeden rád pošle. Zostal mi len jeden, inak by som povedal, že vám ho môžem dať. Pán Baxter má jeden, to je jeden z manažérov.
A napísali tam o nej asi desať strán. Už pred päťdesiatimi rokmi začala upadať do tranzov a hovorila s mŕtvymi. No, to je špiritizmus, ktorý je z diabla.
No, a potom ju vzali do Anglicka. A ona prekonala to najlepšie, čo v Anglicku mali. Vzali ju do Talianska, všade; a ona prekonala všetko, čo kedy pred ňu postavili; pretože celý čas hovorila k mŕtvym.
Dolu v Taliansku išli a zohnali muža, ktorý vedel po anglicky, a priviedli ho do Anglicka, obliekli ho ako Angličana a mal sa robiť, že je Angličanom, a mala vyvolať jedného z jeho mŕtvych priateľov, a on by mu povedal, kto... povedal by mu, „No, spomínaš na tie ohromné časy, ktoré sme zažili,“ a cez čo všetko prešli a urobili a všetko podobné. Tak časopis Reader's Digest povedal, že tu bolo nedávno dokázané, že nejaký štátnik si myslel, že na jednej seanse pobozkal duchovný prízrak ruky svojej matky, ale na druhý deň ráno bolo na policajnom súde dokázané, že pobozkal kúsok gázy: bol to len trik.
20 Ale existuje skutočné médium; ona je z diabla. A existuje skutočný Duch Boží Ježiša Krista. No, Biblia, Ježiš povedal, že v posledných dňoch to bude tak blízko, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. A akonáhle vyšiel článok od pani Piperovej, ten najväčší a najširšie vydávaný časopis na svete... A nie je to divné, že tie dva články boli vedľa seba, len kúsok od seba?
No, hovorte o kazateľoch po celej krajine, ktorí nepoznali svoju Bibliu, oni mi po stovkách napísali: „V poriadku, brat Branham, presne vidíme, kde teraz stojíš. Tak vidíš. Tam je tá špiritistka, ona stále žije, teraz má viac ako sto rokov, tam v New Yorku.“ To hovorí Reader's Digest. „Úplne hluchá“ a sedí tam vzadu. Ale vedecký svet sa o ňu stará, pretože ju použili ako pokusné morča. A potom tam na záver museli povedať, „Musíme povedať, že keď tu ľudia prestanú existovať, existujú niekde inde, pretože ona ich vyvoláva.“ A ona bola všade. A oni ju skúšali vo všetkom. Vyvoláva duchov mŕtvych. No, nemali by ste to robiť. Biblia tak hovorí. Ale to je od diabla.
21 Potom tu kazatelia posielali do mojej kancelárie listy, až ich sekretár zabalil do plných škatúľ. „Tu to máš, brat Branham, to ukazuje presne... Vedeli sme, že si špiritista.“
Tak som sa posadil a napísal som list. No, počúvajte pozorne. A tu je to, čo som im povedal. Povedal som, „Bratia, ak je to všetko, čo viete o Bohu, mali by ste odísť spoza kazateľne.“ To je presne tak. „Ak je to všetko, čo viete o Bohu, nemusíte byť za kazateľňou, pretože satan vám môže urobiť čokoľvek a vôbec by ste o tom nič nevedeli.“ No, to je hanba.
22 No, dovoľte, ukážem ti jednoduchú vec, priateľu. Zaobstaraj si tie dva časopisy; sám si ich prečítaj, oba články. No, tá prvá vec, že ak... ak tie dva duchy, Ježiš povedal, v tých posledných dňoch... Samozrejme, že tie démonské duchy povstávajú; iste, že áno. Vždy tu boli. Budú tu, kým nepríde Ježiš. A žijú priamo v ľuďoch a ľudia o tom nevedia. Dávajú im nečisté zlozvyky a choroby a nemoci a všetky druhy... Všetko je spôsobené nejakým duchom.
Hluchota je duch. Vedeli ste to? Doktor hovorí, že tam odumreli nervy. Ale prečo to zomrelo? Čo spôsobilo, že to zomrelo? Biblia hovorí, „Keď hluchý duch vyšiel z človeka, mohol počuť.“ Je to pravda? Tak to je duch.
Rakovina je duch. Nádor je duch. Všetky tie veci sú... Epilepsia je duch. Ježiš pokarhal diabla; chlapec s epilepsiou a on padol na zem a mal ten najhorší záchvat, aký kedy mal. Ale keď sa z toho dostal, bol s tým koniec. Rozumiete? Mnohí z nich povedali, „No, on nebol uzdravený. Pozrite sa na neho; má ten najhorší záchvat, aký kedy mal.“ Ale to bol ten posledný. Rozumiete?
23 Všimnite si. No, tá žena... Ak by som dnes večer dal niekomu z vás mužov dolárovú bankovku a povedal by som, „Je toto... Dávam vám túto obálku.“ A povedal by som, „Je to dolárová bankovka?“
No, poviete, „Určite nie.“ Diabol je na to príliš chytrý.
Ale Ježiš povedal, „Tie dva duchy sú tak blízko seba, že by zviedli vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné.“ Potom, ak by som vám dal dolárovú bankovku, muselo by to vyzerať celkom ako skutočný pravý dolár, inak by ste to hneď rozpoznali. Je to pravda? Tak prichádza diabol, priatelia. To nie je komunista. Komunistický duch, to je antikrist, ale to nie je ten antikrist, o ktorom Ježiš hovoril. To je čokoľvek, čo...
Antikristovský duch je tak nábožný. Kain, ako som vám o tom hovoril, on bol práve tak nábožný ako Ábel. A tie veci idú rovno ďalej a oni sú bratia. Ezav a Jákob... Všetko bolo...
Kristus a... Judáš a Ježiš. Niektorí ľudia vidia na Golgote iba tri kríže. Boli tam štyri. Bol tam Ježiš a jeden zlodej a ďalší zlodej. „Zlorečený, kto visí na strome.“ A Judáš sa obesil na platanovom strome. Je to pravda? On bol na kríži práve tak ako Ježiš: na strome.
No, tam bol Syn Boží, ktorý prišiel z neba, vracal sa naspäť do neba a vzal so Sebou hriešnika, ktorý učinil pokánie. Bol tam syn zatratenia z pekla, prišiel z pekla, vracal sa naspäť do pekla a bral naspäť toho nekajúcneho hriešnika. „Ak si?“ Ten otáznik nad Božím Slovom; „Ak si Synom Božím...“
Ale tento druhý sa to nikdy nepokúšal vyskúmať. Povedal, „Pane, pamätaj na mňa, keď vojdeš.“ Rozumiete?
24 No, pozorne to sledujte, to pre a proti. No, ak by som vám dal dolár, ak ste chytrý človek, prvá vec, ktorú by ste s tým dolárom urobili, keby to vyzeralo a tu by to bolo nakreslené a vyzeralo by to tak dokonale. Prvá vec, ktorú urobíte, chytíte ho a ohmatáte. Skutočný dolár nie je úplný papier; to je hodváb. To je tá hodnota v ňom, ktorá z neho robí dolár.
No, vezmime to teraz k týmto dvom: vezmime na jednej strane pani Piperovú a na druhej strane - a druhej strane mňa, reprezentujúceho Boha. No, pozrite. Celý článok... Prečítajte si to sami a uvidíte, ako ohľadom toho ľudia dokážu byť tak plytkomyseľní.
Za posledných päťdesiat rokov, počas celého jej prežitia, nebolo tam ani raz, kedy by spomenula Boha, Krista, vzkriesenie, Božské uzdravenie, vôbec nič. Celé to bolo len nejakým druhom bláznovstva a nezmyslu, ktorý tam niekto dávno urobil: nebola v tom vôbec žiadna hodnota, žiadna pomoc pre nikoho.
Ale pozrite na túto stranu. Je to neustále kázanie pokánia, „Poď ku Kristovi,“ Božské uzdravenie, vzkriesenie, druhý príchod Krista. Tá hodnota dokazuje, čo to je. Je to pravda?
25 A potom, ďalšia vec. Ak ešte trochu pochybujete o tom dolári, zoberte z neho čísla a odneste ho späť do mincovne a zistite, či to číslo na tej dolárovej bankovke zodpovedá mincovni. Ak to tak bude, čaká tam na to strieborný dolár. Je to pravda?
No, vezmi jej slovo, zober to do Biblie a vezmi prácu, ktorú robím pre Pána, a zober to do Biblie a uvidíš, ktoré je to pravé. To je Mincovňa, to je to, čo to dokazuje. Či toto neoznamuje Ježiša Krista toho istého včera, dnes i naveky; a ona nie je nič iné ako čarodejnica z Endoru. Presne tak. Tam sú obaja v Mincovni, ak chcete vedieť, čo to je. Ale tá plytkosť...
Poviete, „A čo...“ Dovoľte, aby som tu na chvíľu vyjadril svoj malý výraz, ak ma na chvíľu ospravedlníte. Zastavím to na chvíľu, pretože cítim, že vám mám niečo povedať.
26 Tu je určitý kanál. Toto nehovorím pred ľuďmi. Mám vo svojom živote mnoho tajomstva, samozrejme, medzi Bohom a mnou. Ale pozrite sa sem. Existuje určitý kanál a tam žijú smrteľníci. V tom je zhluk veselosti a temnoty a hriechu. A raz za čas vidíte malú bielu bodku alebo svetlo. Ježiš povedal, „Vy ste svetlo, ktoré leží na kopci. Nezapaľujete sviecu a nezakrývate ju nádobou.“ To sú Kresťania v tomto zhluku tejto dimenzie smrteľníkov. No, ak pôjdeme touto cestou dolu, tou ďalšou dimenziou sú duše nespravodlivých, ktorí zomreli a nepoznali Boha. To druhé sú démoni. A tretie v tej trojici je peklo: nespravodlivé duše, démoni a peklo.
Tu je trojica. Jeden z nich bol vychvátený do tretieho neba. To prvé je tiež Duch: Duch Svätý; to druhé - anjeli; to tretie - samotné nebo. No, títo smrteľníci v tejto dimenzii sú ovplyvnení buď stadiaľ, alebo odtiaľto.
27 No, čo sa stalo tej žene, ona sa prelomila do tejto dimenzie, ako to urobila čarodejnica z Endoru. Vyvolala ducha Samuela. No, Biblia, viem o tom a vy o tom viete, mnoho ľudí sa kvôli tomu háda a hovorí, že to bol iba niekto, kto sa vydával za Samuela. Ale Biblia povedala, že to bol Samuel. A verím, že to bol Samuel, pretože Boh povedal, že to bolo v Jeho Biblii.
No, Pavol - Saul išiel k prorokovi. Prorok pre neho nevidel žiadne videnie. Potom prosil Pána o sen. Nedal mu žiaden sen. Potom išiel a prehovoril k Urím a Thummím, a to sa pre neho nezablyslo. A tak sa zamaskoval a doplazil sa k čarodejnici z Endoru a povedal, „Vyvolaj mi ducha Samuela.“
A vyvolala ducha Samuela. A keď Samuel vystúpil hore, tá čarodejnica padla na tvár a povedala, „Vidím bohov vystupovať zo zeme.“ Je to pravda? „Vidím bohov vystupovať zo zeme.“ A bola vystrašená. No, sledujte to. Tam stál Samuel vo svojom prorockom rúchu. A nestál tam len tak, ale poznal Saula. Je to pravda?
28 Mohol by som sem teraz vsunúť trochu zo svojej kalvinistickej náuky, ale myslím, že by som to mal radšej nechať tak. Ha.
Niekto mi povedal, riekol, „Saul bol stratený.“ Keď je človek skutočne narodený z Ducha Božieho a zostáva s Bohom, nie je stratený. On nemôže byť stratený. Pšeničné zrno nikdy nemôže priniesť nič iné, len pšenicu. To je pravda. Ten človek odpadol. To je pravda, ale nebol stratený.
Pozrite sem. Dokážem to hneď tu. Sledujte. Čarodejnica zavolala ducha Samuela a Samuel spoznal Saula a povedal, „Prečo si ku mne prišiel, keď sa vidí, že si sa stal nepriateľom Božím?“
No, vy baptisti by ste o chvíľu mali vykríknuť „Amen“ pre mňa. No, prečo on... „Prečo si ma zavolal, keď sa vidí, že si nepriateľom Božím?“
No, sledujte to. Povedal... Nielenže tam Samuel stál, ale on bol stále prorokom. Amen. On bol stále prorokom a povedal, „Zajtra padneš v boji a tvoj syn padne s tebou. A zajtra večer o tomto čase budeš so mnou.“ Potom, ak bol Saul stratený, potom bol aj Samuel. Je to tak? Aha.
29 Saul nikdy nespáchal samovraždu. Zabil ho Filištín. Každý z vás čitateľov Biblie, ktorí to dôkladne čítate, to vedia. Zabil ho Filištín a Dávid za to zabil Filištína. V poriadku. Všimnite si, Saul bol zranený; to je pravda. Ale on... Zabil ho Filištín. A Dávid ho zabil, pretože povedal, „Vzal si život pomazanému Božiemu.“ A Saul bol sám prorokom.
No, ale teraz... No, môj dobrý katolícky priateľu, nemaj nesúhlas. Ak nesúhlasíš, je to teraz priateľským spôsobom. Rozumiete? No, pamätajte, moji ľudia sú tiež katolíci. Ale teraz, len chvíľu.
No, katolícka cirkev verí v príhováranie sa alebo spoločenstvo svätých, mŕtvych ľudí, ktorí zomrú a ďalej pokračujú. Je to úplne jasná forma špiritizmu.
A protestantská cirkev, priamo vo svojom vlastnom domácom apoštolskom vyznaní (pričom v Biblii nikdy nebolo nič také), hovoria, že veria v svätú rímskokatolícku cirkev a veria v spoločenstvo svätých, čo privádza protestantizmus do špiritizmu... Potom, keď vidia Ducha Božieho, ako sa pohybuje v nejakej osobe, chcú o ňom tvrdiť, že je to diabol, pričom oni sami sú tou vecou: vyznávajú to vo svojom vlastnom vyznaní.
30 No, toto... Brat, hovorím ti; niekedy potrebujeme byť stiahnutí z kože a trochu vydrhnutí, aby sme videli, kde stojíme. Nemyslíte? Urobte správne, správne. Akákoľvek osoba... Ak tí svätí... No, ja neodsudzujem katolíckych svätých. Ale pozrite. Dôvod, prečo čarodejnica z Endoru mohla vyvolať ducha Samuela, pretože Samuel nemohol vojsť do prítomnosti Božej; on bol v raji; lebo krv býkov a kozlov neodníma hriech. Ale odkedy Ježiš zomrel, oddelil hriech a odstránil hriech a veriaci teraz ide do prítomnosti Božej. A on sa nemôže vrátiť naspäť, povedal Ježiš v Lukášovi, keď hovoril o tom boháčovi. Nemôže sa vrátiť. Takže ak sa prihovárate akémukoľvek druhu ducha niekoho, kto odišiel, mimo Boha, Krista, jediného Prostredníka medzi Bohom a človekom, potom ste v špiritizme nazývanom náboženstvo. No, kde je špiritizmus? Tak buďte opatrní, čo hovoríte o Duchu Božom. Rozumiete? Obecenstvo so svätými je špiritizmus.
31 No, všimnite si. Tieto duše pod oltárom tu... Tieto duše, myslím v... Ježiš tu... Pred pár minútami som tu čítal text. Dávid Ho vždy videl pred sebou a povedal, „A moje telo odpočinie v nádeji, lebo On nenechá moju dušu v pekle, ani nenechá svätého vidieť porušenie.“
V Petrovi sa nachádza ešte lepšie Písmo ako to. Povedal, že Ježiš, keď zomrel, odišiel a kázal dušiam, ktoré boli v putách temnosti, v žalári, očakávali na večný súd; že Ježiš, keď zomrel na Golgote, išiel a kázal dušiam, nespravodlivým dušiam, ktoré nečinili pokánie v dlhozhovievavosti za dní Noeho.
32 Poďme ku tomu. Tu On stojí na zemi. Najslávnejší... Musíte často čítať medzi riadkami, aby ste porozumeli Biblii.
Myslím na starého Jóba, keď povedal... On bol celý posiaty vredmi; a ľudia prichádzali a hovorili, ako... „Či nebudeš zlorečiť Bohu a nezomrieš?“ povedala jeho žena.
Povedal, „Hovoríš ako bláznivá žena.“ A tam on bol, celý vyhádzaný, sedel na kope popola.
Raz som o tom kázal asi tri mesiace. Jedna žena mi napísala a povedala mi, „Kedy dostaneš Jóba z tej kopy popola, brat Branham?“
A ja... On si škrabal vredy. Tá žena prišla ku dverám a povedala mu, že má prekliať Boha a zomrieť.
A on povedal, „Hovoríš ako bláznivá žena. Pán dal a Pán vzal, nech je požehnané Meno Pánovo.“
33 Chcem, aby ste si všimli, že keď Jób zomrel, upresnil veci ohľadom svojho pohrebu. Potom prišiel Abrahám. Sledujte to teraz medzi riadkami, vy, čitatelia. Toto nie je napísané priamo v Slove; musíte to čítať medzi tým. Je to skryté pred očami múdrych a rozumných. Keď Jób zomrel, spresnil svoje pohrebisko.
Potom prišiel Abrahám; a keď Sára zomrela, on kúpil kus zeme: kúpil to. Viete, ako to urobil s tými šeklami striebra, neďaleko Jóba. A on ju pochoval... Keď zomrel, bol pochovaný s ňou.
Abrahám splodil Izáka. Keď Izák zomrel, Izák usnul s Jákobom, alebo s Abrahámom. Abrahám splodil Izáka a Izák splodil Jákoba. Jákob zomrel tam v Egypte, ale povedal, „Nepochovajte ma tu dolu.“ Prečo? Ha. „Vezmite ma naspäť do Palestíny a pochovajte ma.“ Prečo? „Pochovajte ma spolu s mojimi otcami v jaskyni.“
34 Jákob splodil Jozefa; vieme, dokonalý predobraz Krista. No, keď Jozef zomieral, povedal, „Nepochovajte moje kosti tu.“ Prečo? On bol prorok. On predvídal veci, ktoré tí ostatní nevideli. Povedal, „Vezmite ma hore do Palestíny a pochovajte ma s mojimi otcami.“ A Mojžiš po štyristo rokoch vzal Jozefove kosti a pochoval ich v Palestíne. Som zvedavý prečo.
Jób povedal, „Viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije a v posledných dňoch sa postaví na zemi. A hoci kožné červy zničia toto telo, v mojom tele uvidím Boha, ktorého uvidím na vlastné oči. Moje oči budú vidieť, nie niekto iný.“ Boh sa postaví na zemi a on Ho uvidí.
Abrahám povedal, „Ak Ho uvidí Jób, budem pochovaný rovno s ním, aby som Ho tiež videl. Pochovám tam Sáru.“ Všetkých ich tam pochovali, lebo vedeli, že prvotiny vzkriesenia nevychádzajú z Egypta; to vychádzalo z Palestíny.
A to je ten dôvod, prečo dnes hovorím, majte si všetku svoju bláznivosť a svet, ktorý chcete. Tých, ktorí sú mŕtvi v Kristovi, privedie Boh s Ním vo vzkriesení. Tak ma pochovajte v Ježišovi Kristovi, lebo viem, že tam je to miesto, odkiaľ prichádza vzkriesenie. Nazývajte ma, ako chcete: náboženský fanatik, to pre mňa nerobí žiaden rozdiel, len nech som pochovaný v Kristovi, ukrytý pred svetom. Tam nastane vzkriesenie, Kresťania narodení z Ducha, ktorí sú mŕtvi pre veci sveta: blázni pre svet, správajú sa hlúpo. To sú tí, ktorí prichádzajú vo vzkriesení, ako hovorí Biblia. To je pravda. Čítaj medzi riadkami, brat.
35 Všimnite si. Moja žena by mi napísala list, v ktorom by povedala, „Milý Bill, to-a-to...“ Čítal by som to, čo povedala, a potom by som čítal medzi riadkami; pretože ju milujem a viem, o čom hovorí. Raz sa do Neho zamilujte. Nesnažte sa z tej veci vykrúcať a hádať sa, len sa do Neho zamilujte a budete... On vám to zjaví. Ukrýva to pred teologickými seminármi a zjavuje to nemluvňatám, ktoré sa budú učiť. Je dokázané, že je to pravda. Mali ste dvadsať, ó, takmer dvetisíc rokov, aby ste dokázali svoj argument, a zlyhali ste, až dve tretiny sveta ešte nikdy nepočuli o Ježišovi Kristovi.
Dajte mi päťsto ľudí narodených z Ducha Božieho, naplnených Duchom Svätým a v ohni pre Boha, v jednom roku urobím pre Kráľovstvo Božie viac, ako celá cirkev urobila za dvetisíc rokov. To je pravda. Budú veriť v znamenia, divy a zázraky a bude to skutočné, nie predstieraná viera, ale skutočne narodení z Ducha Božieho. To je pravda. To, čo potrebujeme, to je Boží program. V poriadku, teraz len chvíľu. Poďme ku týmto veciam.
36 Keď Ježiš zomrel, On bol Synom Božím. Verím, že bol panensky narodený Syn Boží. Verím, že Jehova Boh zatienil malú pannu, stvoril krvnú bunku v lone Márie bez toho, že by poznala nejakého muža. Vyvinulo sa to, narodil sa, bol to Syn Boží a Jehova zostúpil a prebýval vo Svojom Synovi. Boh bol na zemi a prebýval s nami v povolaní Človeka, Svojho Syna Ježiša Krista. Len toto. Ak tomu neveríte, ste stratení. To je pravda.
Jeden ateista, ktorý sa so mnou nedávno hádal, povedal, „Kazateľ, chceš mi povedať, že tej žene by sa mohlo narodiť dieťa bez toho, aby poznala muža?“
Povedal som, „Tak veru.“
Povedal, „To nemôže byť. To nemôže byť.“ Hovorí, „Je to proti všetkým vedeckým pravidlám. Kukurica bez peľu, nič ďalšie, bez skutočného kontaktu samca a samice.“
Povedal som, „Je to tak? Tak sa ťa chcem niečo opýtať. Pripustíš, že Mária... Ježiš mal matku?“
„Ale je nemožné, aby Boh bol Jeho Otcom.“
Povedal, „Neexistuje nič také ako Boh.“
„Myslíš, že ten veľký Duch toho veľkého stvorenia nemohol stvoriť tú krvnú bunku?“
„Nie, nič také neexistuje. Mala pomer s Jozefom a bolo to len také malé ukĺznutie, ako to máme teraz. A skrze to odštartovali náboženstvo.“
Povedal som, „Chcem sa potom na niečo opýtať, pane. Odkiaľ sa vzal ten prvý človek, nech je to žubrienka, opica, alebo čokoľvek to bolo, čo chceš povedať? Prvý človek, odkiaľ sa vzal, a kto bol jeho otec a mama? Podľa tvojho vyjadrenia musel mať otca a matku predtým, ako sa to mohlo stať, odkiaľ sa vzal ten prvý človek: nech je čímkoľvek chce byť?“ Je to tak.
Pätnásť minút odtiaľ pod starou borovicou (kadiaľ som minule prechádzal s bratom Woodom) som ho priviedol ku Kristovi. Amen. Nevedel odpovedať. Isteže nie. Podľa ich vyhlásenia musel mať počiatok od oboch, otca i matku. Tak kde - kto to bol? Kto vytvoril tých prvých?
Ó, oni sú... Páči sa mi to, čo povedal Billy Sunday o prohibícii. „Ich argumenty sú tenšie ako vývar z tieňa kurčaťa, ktoré zomrelo hladom.“ No, to je také tenké. To je pravda. Oni jednoducho nemajú vôbec žiadne nohy, na ktorých by mohli stáť. Nie veru. Boh je, a je Odplatiteľom tých, ktorí Ho hľadajú. To je pravda.
37 No, všimnite si. Keď Ježiš zomrel na Golgote, povedal... Všetko na zemi vedelo, že to je Syn Boží. Boh dokonca povedal, že to bol Jeho Syn. On zavrel nebo; nad zemou bola tma. Nemohol sa dívať, ako Jeho vlastný Syn zomiera, a predsa Jeho Syn dáva Svoju Krv na odpustenie hriechov.
Rímsky stotník položil ruku na srdce a povedal, „Skutočne, to je Syn Boží.“
Judáš Iškariotský povedal, „Zradil som nevinnú Krv.“ Zem povedala, že to bol Syn Boží; pri tom veľkom zemetrasení, keď On zomrel, to vyvrhlo skaly. Všetko rozpoznávalo, že On je Syn Boží. Ó. Nemal by som s tým začínať, budeme mať modlitebný rad, ale teraz sa cítim skutočne dobre.
38 Sledujte Ho! Chvíľu so mnou vydržte, ak dokážete vydržať trochu tejto starodávnej cirokovej melasy a údenú hikorovú šunku. Pozrite sa. Zatiaľ čo zostupoval dolu, znižoval sa, Syn Boží povedal, „Do Tvojich rúk vydávam Svojho Ducha,“ vydal Ducha. A Biblia hovorí, že išiel a kázal dušiam, ktoré boli v žalári. Amen. Čo je to? Títo ľudia tu, kde vnikla pani Piper, tie duše, ktoré boli v žalári, ktoré nečinili pokánie v tej dlhozhovievavosti Božej vo dňoch Noeho, keď sa pripravovala archa.
39 Môžem Ho vidieť. Poďme to zdramatizovať. Môžem Ho vidieť zostupovať do tejto prvej dimenzie stratených duší. [Brat Branham klope. - pozn.prekl.] Zaklopal na dvere; dvere sa otvorili. Tá nariekajúca masa krásnych žien, úbohých čarodejníc, mužov, všetci kričali a plakali: muky. „Ó, keby som sa odtiaľto mohla dostať...“
Zaklopal na dvere; dvere sa razom otvorili. Tam stál Syn živého Boha v nebeskom tele. Povedal, „Ja som Syn Boží, o ktorom Enoch povedal, že príde s desaťtisícami Jeho svätých. Ja som Ten, o ktorom hovoril Noe. Som Semeno ženy zo záhrady Eden. Nebesia o mne práve svedčili. Zem o Mne svedčila. Judáš o Mne svedčil. Rímsky vojak o Mne svedčil. Otec o Mne svedčil. No, musíte vedieť, že som tu, aby som naplnil Slovo Božie.“ Haleluja.
Každý démon vedel, že On tam je. Ó, keď bol na zemi, kričali a vykrikovali, „Vieme, kto si, Ten Svätý Boží.“ Oni Ho poznali, aj keď kazatelia nie. Oni vedeli, kým On je.
A potom kričali, „Vypusti nás von.“
On povedal, „Prečo ste nečinili pokánie?“ Zabuchol, vyšiel dverami preč. Pokračoval smerom dolu ku démonom. Dolu cez tú líniu démonológie, kričali a vykrikovali a dostali sa naspäť. Oni vedeli, kam išli. Keď tých démonov vyhnal z muža z Gadary, oni vošli do svíň, udusili sa. Videli prítomnosť toho Svätého, ktorý tadiaľ prechádzal. Ukryli sa ako hŕstka švábov, keď sa v lete rozsvietia svetlá, keď obhrýzajú jadro jablka. To mi pripomína niektorých kazateľov, keď rozsvietite Svetlo Evanjelia, oni sa rozpŕchnu. „Nechoďte to tam počúvať.“ Pripomína mi to tú veľkú hŕstku švábov v lete. V temnote môžu svižne chodiť, ale len raz rozsvieťte svetlo. To je pravda. V poriadku.
40 Ďalšia vec, ktorú urobil, On prešiel dolu cez tú trojicu, dolu do pekla. Môžem Ho vidieť ísť ku dverám. [Brat Branham klope na dvere. - pozn.prekl.] Satan išiel ku dverám a povedal, „Ó. Tak konečne si sa sem dostal, však?“
„Áno, som tu.“
„Myslel som, že som ťa dostal, keď som zabil Ábela. Myslel som, že som ťa zastrelil, keď som dostal Ábela. Bol som si istý, že ťa mám, keď som hodil Daniela do jamy s levmi. Keď som Jánovi sťal hlavu, myslel som si, že som ťa vtedy dostal. No, keď si bol na kríži, myslel som si, že ťa mám. Ale nakoniec si prišiel.“
Ježiš povedal, „Áno, prišiel som. A prišiel som za jedným účelom; už dosť dlho si spôsoboval ľuďom strach a zimomriavky. Prišiel som, aby som to prevzal.“ To je pravda. Ó, On povedal, „Ja som ten panensky narodený Syn Boží.“
„Ó, mám právo; Adam zhrešil.“
„Ale tam na kríži je Moja Krv, ktorá je ešte stále mokrá, ktorá zaplatila za ten hriech. Tak veru. Prišiel som dolu, aby som to prevzal. Daj mi kľúče smrti a pekla.“ On dal Petrovi kľúče od Kráľovstva: od Cirkvi. Tak veru. On povedal, „Daj mi kľúče smrti a pekla.“ Všimnite si, keď On zmŕtvychvstal, viseli Mu na boku. Povedal, „Daj mi kľúče smrti a pekla.“ Natiahol sa a chytil satana za krk, [Brat Branham to demonštruje. - pozn.prekl.] zhodil ho na zem a položil na neho nohu; natiahol sa a strhol ich. Povedal, „Dosť dlho si klamal ľudí. Vráť sa tam, kam patríš.“ Zavesil si ich na Svoj bok. „Ja som teraz Šéf. Moja Krv bola preliata na kríži pre odpustenie hriechov a pre chorobu. Nemôžeš ich tam dlhšie držať. Budú ľudia, ktorí Mi budú veriť. Nemôžeš ich zviazať chorobou. Nemôžeš ich zviazať strachom. Oni budú veriť.“ Haleluja. Kľúče smrti a pekla...
41 Tu prichádza a vylieza hore. Brat, blíži sa denné svetlo. Vidím tú veľkú rannú hviezdu, ako sa už rozhliada okolo hrobu. Prichádza na tretí deň. Haleluja. Prvý...
Počkajte. On má tu v raji ešte niekoho iného. Aby na nikoho nezabudol. „Neobchádzaj ma, ó, láskavý Spasiteľu, vyslyš moje pokorné volanie.“
Tu v raji ležia niektoré duše: Abrahám, Izák, Jákob, Sára a tí, ktorí boli verní, veriaci zasľúbeniu prorokov. A oni tam ležia a čakajú len s krvou býkov a kôz, tieňom alebo predobrazom Jeho vlastnej Krvi. Môžem Ho vidieť, ako vystupuje hore do raja, [Brat Branham klope. - pozn.prekl.] klope na dvere. Abrahám otvára dvere. „Kto si?“
Povedal, „Ja som Semeno Abrahámovo.“
Počujem Daniela, ako hovorí, „Čo? To je ten Kameň, ktorý som videl odseknutý z hory bez pomoci rúk.“
Môžem počuť, ako Ezechiel povedal, „Videl som Ho prichádzať s takou rýchlosťou, až to vyzeralo, že je tak mocný, a mal len prach pod Svojimi nohami.“ Ó.
Môžem počuť, ako prorok povedal, „Celú noc som s Ním zápasil dolu pri rieke predtým, ako som prešiel na druhú stranu.“ Haleluja.
42 Ján, tí rôzni Ho poznali. Povedal, „Dobre, bratia, opášte si bedrá, vzkriesenie je blízko. Zostáva asi pätnásť minút pred tým, ako sa tam otvorí ten hrob. Moja spravodlivá Krv tam za vás bola preliata. Čakali ste na Mňa, pod krvou kozlov a býkov, ktorí vás nemohli vziať do prítomnosti Otca. Ale prelial som Svoju Krv, aby som to vzal preč. No, sme na ceste domov. Poďte, a vaše...“
Abrahám povedal, „Poď, Sára,“ chytil ju za ruku. Môžem počuť, ako Abrahám povedal, „Môj Pane...“
On povedal, „Áno, Môj služobník, čo chceš?“
Povedal, „Môžeme si urobiť takú malú zástavku v Jeruzaleme? Chcel by som si len popozerať to staré mesto na mieste, kde sme so Sárou toľko putovali.“
„Iste, budem štyridsať dní a nocí so Svojimi učeníkmi; predtým, ako budú pokračovať, im musím dať ešte nejaké lekcie. V poriadku. Spravíme si malú zastávku.“
A asi v tom čase Anjel Boží odvalil kameň. Po celej zemi bolo zemetrasenie. A Biblia hovorí, že mnohé telá svätých, ktoré v Ňom zosnuli, povstali a vyšli z hrobu v nesmrteľných telách, ako Jeho vlastné slávne telo. Čo?
43 Vidím, ako tam Kaifáš stojí a hovorí, „Vy, kňazi, čo to bol dnes ráno za hluk?“
Kňazi hovoria, „Neviem. Ale taká vec, sú tu nejakí ľudia, ktorí sa objavujú všade tu v okolí mesta. Niektorí tvrdia, že sú to starí svätí, ktorí zostali vzkriesení.“
„No,“ hovorí Kaifáš, „neviem.“ Povedal, „Povedz, kto je ten mladý pár, ktorý tam prichádza?“
To je Sára a Abrahám, ktorí sa prechádzajú a hovoria, „Pozri sem, drahá. Pamätáš sa na to staré miesto, kde sme tam schádzali z toho kopca?“
„Áno, pamätám si to.“
„Čo... Ó. Sme pozorovaní.“ Zmizol, presne ako ten druh tela, ktorý mal On, prešiel rovno do budovy cez múry. Oni ani nevedeli... Jeho vlastné slávne telo. Kráčali tu po zemi a zjavovali sa ľuďom. Haleluja. Áno, tu je vašich štyridsať dní. Haleluja.
Prepáčte. Nie, neprepáčte. Nemyslím to tak. Nie, brat, nie je tam nič formálne; Boh nemá formálnosť.
44 Niečo vám poviem. Po štyridsiatich dňoch sa Jeho nohy jedného dňa začali dvíhať zo zeme. Povedal Svojim učeníkom, „Choďte do celého sveta, kážte Evanjelium. Ten, kto uverí a pokrstí sa, bude spasený. Kto neuverí, bude odsúdený. Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Budete nazývaní veštcom; budete nazývaní diablom; budete nazývaní všetkým, čo existuje; ale budete vyháňať diablov.“ Amen. „Položíte ruky na chorých; oni sa uzdravia.“
Tu On vystupuje hore. Môžem vidieť Sáru a Abraháma, všetkých, ako sa k Nemu pripájajú. Ó. Tu idú hore; prešli okolo mesiaca, hviezd. Ježiš na čele, starozákonní svätí kráčajú za Ním. Haleluja. Prichádzajú tam na dohľad od toho veľkého Mesta, ktoré je postavené do štvorca: perlové brány. Môžem počuť všetkých starozákonných svätých, ako kráčajú so svojím veľkým Víťazom pred sebou, veľký Premožiteľ. Ó, On je mocný Premožiteľ, pretože roztrhol tú oponu na dve časti.
45 Tu je so starozákonnými svätými. Môžem ich počuť kričať, „Zdvihnite sa, večné brány a buďte pozdvihnuté. A nech vojde Kráľ Slávy.“
Počujem, ako Anjeli hovoria, „Čo to bolo?“
„Zodvihnite sa, večné brány a buďte pozdvihnuté. A nech vojde Kráľ Slávy.“
Môžem počuť Anjelov kričať, „Kto je tento Kráľ Slávy?“
„Pán zástupov, mocný v boji. On je Kráľ Slávy.“ Haleluja.
Vidím Gabriela, ako tam vychádza s vypnutou hruďou a stláča gombík: brány sa otvárajú. Dolu ulicami išiel víťazne Ježiš so starozákonnými svätými, rovno dolu ulicami. Haleluja. Víťazstvo. Vykročil priamo v prítomnosti Otca a povedal, „Otče, tu sú. Všetci zomreli vo viere, vyhliadali na ten čas.“ Haleluja.
Počujem Ho, ako hovorí, „Dobre, Syn Môj. Vystúp sem a posaď sa po Mojej pravici, až kým neurobím zo všetkých Tvojich nepriateľov podnož Tvojich nôh.“ Ó, Haleluja.
Ó, meškám pol hodiny. Nechcem zmeškať Tam. On robí z každého nepriateľa podnož Svojich nôh. Všetci diabli sú pod Jeho nohami. Všetka choroba je pod Jeho nohami. Každý hriech je pod Jeho nohami. A my sme v Ňom viac ako víťazi skrze Toho, ktorý nás miloval.
46 No, keď teraz veriaci zomiera, ide rovno do prítomnosti Božej. Ján na ostrove Patmos povedal, „Duše pod oltárom volali, 'Ako dlho, Pane? Ako dlho?'“
„Ešte trochu dlhšie, kým zavolajú ešte nejakých 'náboženských fanatikov' a o všetkých sa tam postarajú a oni budú trpieť to isté, čo vy.“ Potom sa pozrel a videl ich prichádzať, veľké množstvo, ktoré nemôže nikto - množstvo, ktoré by nikto nemohol spočítať: svätí v bielom rúchu, v rukách palmy, očakávajú. Povedal, „Kto sú títo?“
On povedal, „To sú tí, ktorí prichádzajú zo súženia, z prenasledovania a prichádzajú hore a vybielili svoje rúcha v Krvi Baránka. Sú pred Ním dňom i nocou.“ Chcem byť s nimi započítaný, vy nie? Viete, že ja...
47Chcem vidieť Ježiša, vy nie?
To je to, čo chcem robiť. Keď sa skončí moja pozemská púť, moja posledná pieseň, moja posledná kázeň a táto stará Biblia bude niekde zavretá, dívam sa, ako stoja okolo postele a tam stojí môj chlapec a moje dievčatá, moja žena, moji milovaní. Chcem zodvihnúť ruku a spievať,
Šťastný deň, šťastný deň,
keď Ježiš zmyl moje hriechy.
On ma naučil, ako mám bdieť a modliť sa
a žiť radujúc sa každý deň.
Chcem vykĺznuť z tejto starej budovy, keď do nej začne zatekať. Chcem ju tu odhodiť:
Odhodím rúcho tohto tela a povstanem,
a zmocním sa večnej ceny.
A zatiaľ čo budem prechádzať povetrím, budem kričať,
„Lúčim sa, lúčim sa, sladká hodina modlitby.“
48 Dúfam, že z Božej milosti môžem v ten deň zastať v Jeho prítomnosti a stretnúť sa s každým z vás, ktorí tu dnes večer ste. A keď budem stáť pri Jeho veľkej vznešenej Bytosti, v Jeho veľkolepej prítomnosti a v prítomnosti anjelských zástupov, ktoré budú stáť naokolo, ktorí poznajú každú myšlienku, ktorá je vo vašom srdci... Ó, môžem k Nemu pristúpiť a povedať, „Môj Pane, urobil som to najlepšie, čo som vedel, s tým, čo si mi dal do činenia. Ty si mi dal Božský dar ako vidiacemu. Urobil som všetko, čo som vedel. Kázal som Tvoje Slovo podľa môjho najlepšieho poznania. A, Pane, títo nasledovali.“ Ó. Čo? Ak sa môžem len dotknúť Jeho nôh, možno pobozkať zem, kadiaľ kráčal, pohnúť sa... A On mi len postaví malý zrub niekde tam za palácom vás všetkých. Budem šťastný.
Nech vás Boh žehná. On je tu dnes večer. Nárokujem si Ho. On je môj Pán. On je váš Pán. On je môj Uzdraviteľ. On je váš Uzdraviteľ. A viem, o čom hovorím. On je tu. Budete Mu veriť? Skloňme naše hlavy.
Sestra, mohla by si na chvíľu prísť ku klavíru? Nemal som v úmysle toľko kázať, priatelia. Je to trochu ťažké sa z toho dostať.
49 Náš nebeský Otče, no, odpusť mi, Pane. Ty si bol neporozumený; prečo by sme nemali byť neporozumení i my? To nás netrápi. Povedal si nám, že budeme, a tak sme. A my sme len vďační, že môžeme niesť to pohanenie, sme vďační za to, že nám dávaš príležitosť. Modlíme sa teraz, aby si týchto ľudí požehnal. Mnohí z nich sú tu chorí a v potrebe.
Pane, nie je nič, čo by som viac vedel urobiť, než predstaviť im Evanjelium a povedať im, čo si Ty povedal. A potom s Tvojím Božským darom, ktorý si dal, ak len dnes večer... A ak som tam kázal, urobil niečo nesprávne, odpusť mi. A modlím sa, aby si poslal toho veľkého Anjela Božieho, ktorý tu bude pri mne stáť, ktorý mi pomôže, ten veľký dar, Anjel, služobný duch, poslaný z prítomnosti Božej, aby poslúžil vôľu Božiu skrze Jeho služobníka. Povedal si, že On dáva poznať Svoje tajomstvá Svojim prorokom. Jeho služobníci sú plápolajúcim ohňom.
A modlím sa, aby si dnes večer udelil požehnanie. Premôž všetok odpor a nech Tvoj Duch príde milo a jemne a nech nás všetkých žehná. Lebo to prosíme v Kristovom Mene. Amen.
50 Chcem, aby ste boli úctiví. Veríte, že ak by sme sa len pomodlili tam, kde takto sedíte, že by Boh uzdravil každého jedného z vás? Som zvedavý, čo si niekedy myslí poslucháčstvo predtým, ako sa pustím do zhromaždenia. Viem, čo si väčšina z vás myslí: chcete modlitebný rad; to je to, čo chcete. No, to je pravda.
No, brat Bosworth, na mojich zhromaždeniach to nebude fungovať. To je všetko, o čo ide. Chce to len modlitebný rad. No, hneď, ako som sa o tom zmienil, len aby som videl, čo to je, ten múr jednoducho padol. Rozumiete? Každý tu chce, aby sa modlilo v tom modlitebnom rade. V poriadku.
Rozdali ste nejaké modlitebné karty? Čo to bolo? U. Koľko? Jeden až sto. V poriadku. Budeme musieť... Nemôžeme zavolať každého. Musíme ich naraz zavolať len niekoľko, modliť sa za chorých. No, či Boh... Zvyčajne pri kázaní, no, to je iné pomazanie. A chcem, aby ste na mňa pamätali vo svojich modlitbách. Modlitebná karta U. U. Modlitebná karta U... [Prázdne miesto na páske. -- pozn.prekl.]
51 ...večer. Sme si cudzí, pani? Nepoznám ťa. Nepoznáš ma: nemali sme nikdy predtým žiaden kontakt, že? On... Nikdy predtým ma nevidela. V poriadku, to nás robí úplne cudzími. No, teraz, ak si chorá, potom si prišla ku mne so žiadosťou o pomoc. A pomoc prichádza od Boha. Ale ty mi veríš ako svojmu bratovi, či nie? Veríš... Čítala si niekedy tú malú knihu s príbehom o Anjelovi Pánovom, ako sa mi zjavuje? Čítala si to niekedy? Nikdy si to nečítala, prichádzaš len takto. No, Boh ti potom určite pomôže.
No, ak by tu stál náš Pán Ježiš, On ťa pozná, však? On vie všetko, čo si kedy urobila. A tak by ti to mohol povedať. No potom, tým, že si pre mňa cudzia, ak mi o tebe On dá skrze Svoju zvrchovanú svätú milosť niečo vedieť, ako pri tej žene pri studni alebo ktokoľvek, ku komu On hovoril, potom prijmeš svoje uzdravenie, či nie? Vieš, že by tu musel byť nejaký druh nadprirodzenej Bytosti, ktorá to robí, však? Musela by si vedieť, že to pochádza z nadprirodzeného Zdroja. A potom by si vedela, že to pochádza z toho nadprirodzeného. Ale potom, tvoj postoj ohľadom toho by bol tým, čo by určilo tvoje uzdravenie. Vidíš, čo mám na mysli?
Veríš, že Boh je stále ten istý, aký kedy bol? Veríš, že On je ten istý. No, ty máš astmatický stav, ktorý ťa obťažuje. A máš tiež ženskú poruchu. A to vyšetrenie potvrdilo, myslím, že povedal, že je v tom cysta. Je to pravda? Je to tak? No, potom, ak je každé slovo z toho pravdivé, a ja ťa nepoznám, ale vidím a počujem, čo ti ten človek povedal; a vidím, ako si na tom bola doma, a tak ďalej; a to je nadprirodzená Bytosť. Je to pravda? Potom ti hovorím skrze toho istého Ducha, ak teraz prijmeš Ježiša ako svojho Uzdraviteľa, pôjdeš domov a uzdravíš sa. Urobíš to? Nech ťa potom Boh žehná; dovoľ mi pomodliť sa.
Nebeský Otče, modlím sa, aby si požehnal našu sestru a nech odíde domov a nech sa uzdraví na pamiatku Tvojich veľkých Slov, ktoré boli, „Položia ruky na chorých, oni sa uzdravia.“ Robím to v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. No, choď a raduj sa, buď šťastná, sestra, a ďakuj Bohu za svoje uzdravenie.
52 V poriadku, príď, pane. No, koľkí z vás, ktorí ste tu prvýkrát, teraz veríte z celého srdca? Povedzte, „Verím, brat Branham, že Ježiš Kristus vstal z mŕtvych. To je dosť na to, aby mi to teraz dokázalo, že On je tu.“ Zodvihnete ruku? Povedzte, „Verím tomu.“ Ďakujem. Ďakujem. To sú novopríchodiaci, každý jeden z vás. No, nech vás Pán žehná.
No, ja som... Rozumiete, že nie som uzdraviteľ, priatelia. Nemohol by som nikoho uzdraviť. Ak by som mohol, som si istý... Ako tu sedím a dívam sa na túto ženu, ktorá je paralyzovaná, iste by som išiel dolu a uzdravil ju. Viem, čo s ňou nie je v poriadku. Viem, kde je jej problém. Viem, že táto žena je na tom rovnako. Obe sú paralyzované. To je pravda. Je to už nejaký čas. A viem, že to tam za vami zadržuje len malý tieň. Ak by ste niekedy mohli prekročiť ten malý tieň, vstali by ste odtiaľ a odkráčali z budovy. To je pravda. Ak by ste mohli... Ale nemôžem vás dostať ponad ten tieň; tvoj vlastný duch ťa musí takto pozdvihnúť. Tu to je. Je to len trochu... Myslíte si, „No, ja som v takom stave, ja len...“ Vidíte? Nemyslite si to. Boh vás môže uzdraviť takisto, ako by mohol uzdraviť bolesť zubov. [Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.] Prikročte k tomu. V poriadku.
53 Prepáč, pane. Je mi ľúto. Ty si pacient, však? V poriadku. Niekedy, keď takto hovorím, viem, že mám pred sebou obecenstvo, to mi dáva trochu pocítiť, že... To pomazanie, ak sa do toho dostanem príliš hlboko, potom mi to ubližuje. Viete? Potom ja... Začína sa odvíjať videnie a neviem čo mám presne robiť.
A teraz, či ste... Ty si veriaci; teraz to vidím, že si Kresťan. No, pretože viem, že akonáhle uchopím tvojho ducha, vidím to: tvoj život sa zdá mať takého vľúdneho ducha. Si si veľmi dobre vedomý, že niečo je blízko. To je... Videl si niekedy na papieri fotku toho Anjela? Rozumiete? Tu To máme. Zachytili To vedecky. To je presne To, čo je nablízku.
Ty si kazateľ; si kazateľom a si metodistickým kazateľom. Je to pravda? Voláš sa Obanion. Je to pravda? Ty si... Volajú ťa Howard, či nie? Brat Howard? To je to, ako sa voláš. A trpíš na nejaký problém s hrubým črevom alebo niečo tam vo vnútri. A to spôsobuje vyrážku a prichádza k nejakému vyhádzaniu. Nie je to pravda?
Máš manželku, ktorá bola pred pár rokmi, alebo pred nejakým časom, operovaná. A bol to žlčník. Je to pravda? Spôsobilo to zlý účinok a ona má teraz srdcovú astmu. Bola to pravda, pane? Je to tak? Neviem, čo ti To povedalo, ale je to pravda? Je to pravda. V poriadku. Niečo tu to vedelo. Je to pravda? To je Anjel Pánov. Rozumieš? On ťa môže uzdraviť, môj brat.
Náš nebeský Otče, modlím sa, aby si požehnal nášho brata. Uzdrav ho, drahý Bože. A nech jeho problémy, nech sú akékoľvek, nech skončia od dnešného večera, pretože on prišiel úctivo a uveril v Tvojho Syna Ježiša Krista, že vstal z mŕtvych, ako zasľúbil, a dnes večer žije vo Svojej Cirkvi. Nech Boh žehná môjho brata, ktorého žehnám v Mene Ježiša Krista za jeho uzdravenie. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat. Choď svojou cestou. Rozumieš? Boh nech je s tebou.
54 V poriadku. Billy, alebo brat Wood, toto je ten pacient? Si veriaca, sestra? Veríš mi, že som Jeho prorok? Alebo Jeho kazateľ, alebo... Chápem to. To je Duch, ktorý to hovorí. Rozumiete? Sám od seba to nerád hovorím. Rozumiete? Ale veríš, že Boh je tu, aby ti pomohol? Nemohol by som ti pomôcť viac ako Božským zjavením od Boha alebo videním. A ak by som to robil, no, asi by som ti bol schopný pomôcť. Máš mnoho vecí, ktoré nie sú v poriadku. Máš artritídu, jedna vec. A za ďalšie, máš problémy so srdcom. Za ďalšie, máš žalúdočné ťažkosti. Za ďalšie, máš problémy s obličkami. Je to pravda? Videl som, zdalo sa mi, že s tebou hovorí doktor, alebo niečo také. Nevidel som to tak dobre.
Len chvíľu. Chcem sa s tebou ešte rozprávať. Stalo sa tam niečo, čo som nevidel. Mohla by si... Chcem sa s tebou ešte chvíľu rozprávať, ako keď hovoril s tou ženou... Ó, tu je On. Ó, nemáš niečo v poriadku, nejaké dusenie v krku. To bolo spôsobené starou chorobou priedušiek, ktorú si mala pred dlhými rokmi, pred nejakým časom. Je to pravda? Dávno, a to je... Veríš teraz? Vidíte? Čím viac videnia, tým ma to robí slabším. Prijímaš svoje uzdravenie?
Pane, uzdrav ju, Otče. Modlím sa, aby si bol ku nej milosrdný a nech odtiaľto dnes večer odíde a bude kompletne zdravá. Prosím o to v Kristovom Mene. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Čokoľvek to bolo, bola to pravda, však? Ak je to pravda, tak choď a buď uzdravená v Mene Ježiša Krista.
55 V poriadku, príď, pani. Veríš z celého srdca? Veríš tomu, že Boh ma poslal, aby som ti pomohol?
Kvôli čomu plačeš, pane? Zatiaľ čo plačeš, chceš, aby ťa Boh uzdravil z tých problémov s prostatou? Chceš? Postav sa na nohy. Prijmi teraz svoje uzdravenie. Choď domov; ten problém prostaty ťa opúšťa v Mene Pána Ježiša.
Veríš mi, že som Jeho služobník? Veríš tomu z celého srdca? Mala si nehodu a zranila si sa... Ide o tvoj krk a nohu. Preletela si cez pokladňu alebo niečo také. Je to pravda? Dlho... Zranila si sa... Tvoj problém leží rovno v tvojom chrbte. Je to podráždený nerv, ktorý spôsobuje toto tu a tam dolu. Boli tieto veci pravdou? Ak by si chcela, dala by si tým ľuďom vedieť, že je to pravda? Pravda? Každý kúsok z toho? No, čokoľvek ti On povedal, to som nebol ja. To bol môj hlas, ale bol som niekde inde, niekde som ťa videl. Zdá sa mi to; nie som si istý; ale zdá sa mi, že sa ti niečo stalo. Bolo to tak? Nespadla si alebo nepreletela cez niečo? Aha. Bola to pravda? Potom to je Boh, ktorý potvrdzuje, že som povedal pravdu. A tu je to, čo je pravda. Ježiš ťa uzdravil, keď zomrel na Golgote. Prijímaš to teraz? Poď sem.
Pri potvrdení Tvojho Slova, ó, Bože, aby som vyplnil to, čo povedal Ježiš Kristus, Tvoj Syn, kladiem ruky na túto moju sestru, ktorá verí, že nestojí v prítomnosti svojho brata, ale v prítomnosti Boha Jehovu. A prosím ťa, Bože, aby si ju požehnal pre jej vieru a nech odíde a bude sa mať dobre; prosíme o to v Mene Tvojho Syna Ježiša. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Choď a svedč teraz. Počujme, čo sa stalo...
56 Príď, sestra. No, buďte tak úctiví, ako len môžete. Tie videnia... To spôsobuje, že sa cítite tak divne. Cítim, že moje pery sú akoby hrubé a ťahajú sa po mne. No, prosím, nehýbte sa. Na chvíľu seďte potichu. Buďte v modlitbe, až kým sa trochu nedostanem k sebe. Veríte všetci? Pán Ježiš je tu a potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo. A modlím sa, aby ste verili. Ak vás On nemôže dostať do toho, že budete veriť, na čo sa potom snažím?
Sestra, pozri sa teraz na chvíľu na mňa, aby som ťa mohol vidieť. Buď len úctivá a chcem s tebou hovoriť, len... Vidíte? Si ľudská bytosť ako ja. A musím uchytiť tvojho ducha, aby som to vedel a videl a... Ale ty stojíš za niekoho iného. To je tvoja matka, staršia žena, ktorá nemôže prísť na zhromaždenie. A má nejaký problém so žalúdkom. To je... Ó, doktor... To je rakovina. Tá žena zomiera. A ona ťa požiadala, aby si prišla a postavila sa za ňu. Videl som ju, že keď si odchádzala z dverí, povedala, aby si sa postavila na jej mieste. Je to pravda, pani?
Náš nebeský Otče, pošli jej Tvoje požehnania. Čokoľvek je jej žiadosť, Pane, ohľadom uzdravenia, udeľ jej to, ako žehnám tejto úbohej žene; prosím o to v Mene Tvojho Syna Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Choď a nech sa ti stane podľa tvojej viery. Presne tak to bude. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Povedzme, „Vďaka Bohu.“
57 Príď, pani. Maj vieru. Či veríš z celého srdca? V poriadku, pani. Chcem, aby si sa na chvíľu pozrela týmto smerom na mňa. Či mi veríš, že som Pánov služobník? Som nehodný to povedať, hanbím sa za svoj život, hanbím sa za svoju bytosť, dokonca tvrdiť, že som Jeho sluha; ale predsa, skrze Svoju milosť, On ma učinil Svojím sluhom a aby moje ruky reprezentovali... Ako by moje ruky mohli niekedy reprezentovať tie Jeho, keď vidím, že moje ruky sú nesväté, aby reprezentovali Jeho sväté ruky. Ale čie ruky by boli sväté? Všetci sme sa narodili v hriechu, sformovaní v neprávosti, prišli sme na svet hovoriac lož.
No, len chvíľu. V hľadisku je nejaký démon, ktorý kričí na túto ženu. Tam na tej žene, ty máš astmu, však, pani? Ty tiež, však? Astmatické. V poriadku. Postav sa na nohy. To je pravda. Postav sa, pani s čiernym kabátom. To je pravda. Choďte teraz obe domov a buďte uzdravené. Nech vás Boh žehná. Choďte, v Ježišovom Mene.
Povedzme, „Chvála Pánovi.“ Povedzte... V poriadku. Cítil som, že tí démoni volajú jeden na druhého.
58 No, príď, pani. Ver z celého srdca. Chceš prekonať ten problém s obličkami a ísť domov a byť v poriadku? Povedz, „Ďakujem ti, Pane Ježišu, že si ma uzdravil.“ Nech ju Boh žehná a uzdraví, modlím sa v Mene Ježiša Krista, aby si to udelil, Otče. Amen. Amen.
Príď, pani. Nebolo to zvláštne, keď som jej povedal, „problémy s obličkami“; lebo ty máš to isté. Len pokračuj a povedz, „Pane, ďakujem Ti za moje uzdravenie.“ Prosím o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. V poriadku.
Veríš, pani? Z celého srdca? Veríš mi, že som jeho sluha? Ty si amiška? A ty, veľmi milé, cením si tvoju vieru v Krista Ježiša. Mnohí z tvojich ľudí boli tam vo Fort Wayne v Indiane a boli uzdravení. Amišský kazateľ ma oddával do manželstva. Cením si vašu vernosť.
A ty trpíš... Vidím ťa, zvlášť večer v izbe, je tam niečo, čo sa deje... Ó, áno, veľmi silno kašleš. Je to astmatický stav. Je to pravda? Keď v noci spíš, skoro vôbec nemôžeš spať, je to tak zlé. Nie je to rovno v tej miestnosti, kde si sama? No, Boh vie, že je to pravda. Veríš, že sa teraz uzdravíš? Môžem prosiť Boha, aby ti pomohol, sestra, zatiaľ čo pôjdeš dopredu?
Všemohúci Bože, Stvoriteľu neba i zeme, požehnaj túto malú ženu, ktorú žehnám v Tvojom Mene, a nech je od tohto večera uzdravená a nech vezme toto posolstvo pre svoj ľud, že Ježiš Kristus vstal z mŕtvych a je veľkým Uzdraviteľom, ktorý uzdravuje každú chorobu. Prosím o to v Jeho Mene. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, moja malá sestra. Choď svojou cestou, raduj sa, ver a buď uzdravená.
59 V poriadku. Príď, pani. To je hrozný démon. Celý čas ti spôsobuje závraty a rozrušenie. Je to cukrovka. Vidíš? Ale Boh ťa z toho môže uzdraviť. Teraz to stojí medzi tebou a mnou, takto to kvapká, biela krv. Vidíš? Pretože sú to dávky inzulínu a veci, ktoré musia byť urobené, aby to utíchlo. Modlím sa, aby ťa Boh uzdravil. Prijmeš to teraz, prijmeš svoje uzdravenie?
Ó, Ježišu, Synu Boží, nech táto úbohá duša príde práve teraz na Golgotu a obdrží krvnú transfúziu z tej svätej Krvi tam na Golgote a nech nikdy nepotrebuje ďalšiu injekciu, pokiaľ bude žiť. Ó, modlím sa za ňu o toto požehnanie v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Choď teraz a raduj sa. Odíď šťastná. Ak sa chceš vrátiť, alebo kamkoľvek chceš ísť. V poriadku.
60 Príď, pani. Ak Boh prehovorí a povie, čo s tebou nie je v poriadku, prijmeš svoje uzdravenie? Ty to prijmeš; sľubuješ mi to? No, máš problém s vaječníkom, čo je ženský problém, ktorý spôsobuje výtok. Nie je to tak? V poriadku, len... Teraz sa vráť a buď uzdravená. Len sa rovno otoč a povedz, „Ďakujem ti, Pane Ježišu.“ Alebo sa vráť touto cestou, akokoľvek chceš. Povedz, „Ďakujem.“
Nebola to zvláštna vec, keď som jej to povedal? Pretože ty trpíš na tú istú vec a opustilo ťa to rovno vtedy, keď aj ju. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Choď a buď uzdravená. Povedz, „Vďaka Bohu.“
Zvláštna vec. Ty si mala to isté, pani. Je to pravda? Ženský problém. Len pokračuj. Tiež si bola nejaký čas veľmi nervózna, však? Nerob si s tým starosti, to je to, čo to spôsobilo (vidíte?), čo môže spôsobiť predčasnú menopauzu. Ale len ďalej ďakuj Bohu. Bolo to tam postihnuté vredmi, ale teraz je to odsunuté. Choď, ver v Boha a budeš uzdravená. Povedz, „Vďaka Bohu.“
61 Príď, ver z celého srdca. Prekonaj tú cukrovku, a tak ďalej. Choď domov a buď uzdravená. Či veríš Bohu z celého srdca? Veríš, že ťa práve teraz uzdraví? Dovoľ, nech položím... Chceš, aby som na teba položil ruky. To je v poriadku.
Pane Ježišu, modlím sa, aby si ju uzdravil. Nech odíde v Ježišovom Mene a nech je uzdravená. Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra.
V poriadku, príď, pani. Príď, pane. Z celého srdca. Samozrejme, vidím, že nosíš okuliare, ktoré sú tam kvôli tvojim očiam. Ktokoľvek to môže vidieť. Možno ešte niečo nie je v poriadku, čo mi Boh zjaví. Tí ľudia povedia, „No, samozrejme, keď vieme, že tvoje oči sa takto zhoršujú, a len - a vidieť to malé miesto na tvojom oku. Nebudeme o tom hovoriť, pretože ty o tom vieš. Ale pravdepodobne, možno niečo nie je v poriadku. Boh to zjaví. Tak veru. Veríš z celého srdca? Ty máš tiež srdcové problémy. Je to tak? V poriadku, teraz pokračuj. Veríš? Nech ťa Boh žehná. Choď a buď uzdravený v Ježišovom Mene.
62 Príď, pani. Zatiaľ čo prichádzaš, ver z celého srdca. Veríš, že ak by ti tu Boh mohol pomôcť... Ak by mi Boh zjavil, v čom je tvoj problém, veríš, že by ťa uzdravil? Veríš tomu z celého srdca? Stoj chvíľu pokojne.
Áno, to je tá pani, ktorá sedí rovno tam. Máš žalúdočné problémy, je to tak, sestra? Povedala áno. Ťažkosti so žalúdkom? Ty si mala tiež žalúdočné problémy, však? Obe ste uzdravené. Choď domov a jedz, čo chceš.
Tá pani, ktorá sedela na druhom mieste od teba, mala tiež problémy so žalúdkom, rovno tam. Aj tá druhá pani, ktorá tam sedela, ona mala žalúdočné problémy. Veríš z celého srdca... Veríš tomu? Je to vredový stav, ktorý spôsobuje peptický vred. Choď domov a jedz, čo chceš. Nech ťa Boh žehná.
Tá pani, ktorá sedí rovno medzi vami, mala pruh. Je to pravda, pani? Veríš? Choď domov.
Čo sa deje, pane? Veríš z celého srdca? V poriadku. Mal si problémy so srdcom a reumu a veríš, že Boh ťa tam uzdraví? Ak to veríš, môžeš vstať. Vieš, máš ťažkosti so žlčníkom, sedíš hneď vedľa - problémy so žlčníkom. Nie je to tak, pane? V poriadku, aj ty môžeš vstať a prijať svoje uzdravenie a ísť domov. Alebo... Môžete ísť - byť uzdravení. Nech ťa Boh žehná. To je to. Choď domov, si uzdravený. Keď si tu včera večer stál a snažil sa veriť, no, tvoja viera ťa uzdravila. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Choď domov; si v poriadku a buď v poriadku.
Povedzme, „Vďaka Bohu.“
63 Príď, pani. Príď, ty, pani. Veríš mi, že som Jeho prorok, Jeho sluha? Z celého srdca? Ráno to máš ťažké so vstávaním, však? Tak veľmi ťa ráno trápi tá artritída. Čo ak by som ti povedal, že je to preč? Uveríš tomu? Odíď z pódia a kráčaj ako mladá slečna. Choď a buď uzdravená v Mene Ježiša Krista. Majte vieru v Boha. Ó, čo by teraz mohol urobiť Duch Svätý!
Príď, pane. Veríš? Ak Boh zjaví tvoj problém, prijmeš svoje uzdravenie? Máš cukrovku v krvi. Boh ťa uzdraví. Choď a ver tomu. Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Povedzme, „Vďaka, Bože.“
Príď, pane. Ty veríš z celého srdca? Čo ťa prinútilo poskočiť, keď som hovoril o probléme so srdcom? Pretože srdce je tým, čo ťa trápi. Nie je to tak? No, môžeš ísť domov a byť uzdravený; ak veríš z celého srdca, Ježiš Kristus ťa uzdraví.
Otče, modlím sa, aby si toho človeka uzdravil, lebo vieme, že bez toho čoskoro zomrie; a modlím sa, aby si mu pomohol. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, môj brat. Boh nech je s tebou. V poriadku. Povedzme, „Vďaka Bohu.“
64 Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra. Veríš za toho malého chlapca? Ženský problém. A tento malý chlapec tu... Veríš, že sa z toho dostane? Že ich prestane mať? Tie záchvaty, to je epilepsia. Pochádzate z mimo mesta, pochádzate zo zvlnenej krajiny, mnoho... Poviem, že to je buď Carolina alebo Virgínia. Povedal by som, že Virgínia. Je to pravda?
No, toto je epilepsia. A chcem, aby ste všetci sklonili hlavy. Prines mi to dieťa. Poď sem, synu. Pamätajte teraz, toto je druh, ktorý odchádza. Chcem, aby každá matka stála blízko svojho dieťaťa. Nie som potom za to zodpovedný.
Pamätajte, že ak sa niečo stane, ak ste kritikmi, toto je váš čas odísť. Epilepsia je tá jediná vec, ktorá spôsobila viac problémov ako čokoľvek iné. Nehovorím, že môžem. Verím, že s Božou pomocou ho dokážem vyhnať. Ale pamätajte, ono to bude v budove.
No, skloňte svoje hlavy a nezodvihnite ich, kým ma nebudete počuť povedať, že môžete. Pozri sa sem, synu. Ježiš Kristus, Syn Boží, zomrel za teba, miláčik, aby si bol uzdravený, aby ťa táto vec opustila. Nuž, ak ťa Ježiš uzdraví, budeš slúžiť Bohu po celý svoj život a budeš Mu slúžiť a budeš mladým mužom, ak ťa Boh nechá žiť? A ak ťa povolá kázať Evanjelium, budeš kázať čokoľvek chce. Urobíš to?
Všemohúci Bože, ktorý vyviedol Ježiša z hrobu, tento diabol tu okradol toto dieťa, keď vidím a verím, že v jeho živote je budúcnosť. Preto tu beriem tohto malého chlapca v tomto ohľade a prosím Ťa, aby si bol milostivý tomuto dieťaťu. No, ty démon, ktorý sa nazýva epilepsia, v Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho, prikazujem ti skrze živého Boha, vyjdi z toho chlapca. Opusť ho. Vyjdi z tejto budovy a nikoho iného netráp. Zväzujem ťa v Mene Ježiša Krista a vyháňam z tohoto dieťaťa; skrze autoritu zástupného utrpenia Ježiša, Syna Božieho, na Golgote ťa žiadam, aby si odišiel od toho dieťaťa.
Pozri sa sem, synku. Teraz je to od neho preč, matka. Je to preč. No, ty len ďalej ver; oni sa na neho nevrátia. Nech ťa Boh žehná, zlatko. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Len choď, tvoj problém sa tiež skončil, sestra. Choďte domov. Nech vás Boh žehná.
Povedzme, „Vďaka Bohu.“ No, zodvihnite hlavy. Zodvihnite hlavu. Myslel som, že sa to ukáže. Verím, že ten chlapec má budúcnosť. Niečo som videl. Nedokázal som rozoznať, čo to je, pretože som teraz tak slabý, ale myslel som si, že to niečo tomu chlapcovi ukázalo.
65 No, buďte úctiví. Majte vieru v Boha. Verte Mu z celého srdca. Vidím tam sedieť malú pani, ona sa modlí. Visí nad ňou Duch, svätožiara. To je... Má nejaký problém s bedrom. A trpíš nervovým stavom. Modlila si sa, aby som ku tebe prehovoril. Nie je to tak, pani? Keď si bola - keď si sa modlila. Malá pani v bielom, nie je to tak? Videl som ťa. V poriadku. Teraz sa uzdravíš. Budeš v poriadku.
Sedí tam jeden biedny starý muž s barlou v ruke. Pozri sa sem, pane. Veríš mi... To je v poriadku. Veríš mi, že som Boží prorok? Veríš? V poriadku. Len nedávno si dostal mozgovú príhodu, ktorá ťa dostala do tohto stavu. A to muselo byť; mal si na sebe to isté oblečenie. Bolo to včera, alebo pred dvomi dňami, kedy si bol u lekára. A ten doktor niečo kladie... Je to na tvojom srdci. On hovorí, že máš problémy so srdcom. Pokrútil hlavou a hovorí, že už dlho nedokážeš žiť. Je to pravda, pane? Keby som bol na tvojom mieste, prijal by som Ježiša Krista ako svojho Uzdraviteľa a pripevnil by som si tú barlu na plece a vyšiel by som odtiaľto a oslavoval Boha. Nech ťa Boh žehná. Dostaň do seba takú odvahu, ako to je podľa staromódneho presvedčenia Ducha Svätého, a choď von. Nech ťa Boh žehná. No, pripevni si ju na plece a pokračuj. Si uzdravený.
66 Povedzme, „Chvála Pánovi.“ ďalej... Veríte teraz? Koľkí veria? Zodvihnite ruky. No, skloňte svoje hlavy.
Nebeský Otče, modlím sa v Mene Tvojho Syna Ježiša, aby si vyhnal každého nečistého ducha. Každý diabol, ktorý je v tejto budove, nech to všetko odíde, a nech je každý jeden, kto tu je, dokonale uzdravený.
Ó, Bože, Ty, ktorý si tu stál hodinu po hodine a potvrdzoval Svoje Slovo znameniami, ktoré nasledujú, dokedy Ti budú ľudia tohoto sveta neveriť, Pane? Ó, Bože, udeľ, aby bol teraz od ľudí vyhnaný každý duch nevery a každá pochybnosť; a moc Tvojho vzkrieseného Syna môže zaujať svoje miesto a dať silu a moc. A nech je teraz každá osoba uzdravená.
Pane, nech chromí vykročia von. Nech každý, kto je na barlách, nech vyjde von, nech odnesú svoje barle na pleci. Nech dnes večer vykročia von prípady na invalidných vozíkoch a nech tlačia pred sebou ten vozík. A nech všetky srdcové problémy odídu s radosťou, uzdravení. Každý, Pane. Odsudzujem každého diabla, skrze utrpenie Ježiša Krista na Golgote, kde On získal víťazstvo, hovorím, že každý diabol je porazený; v Mene Ježiša Krista žiadam, aby opustil ľudí. Amen.
Všemohúci Boh, ktorý vzkriesil Svojho Syna z mŕtvych, v tejto chvíli vás všetkých uzdraví. Veríte? Ak veríte, postavte sa na nohy. Odhoďte svoje barly, vstaňte zo svojich miest a nech vás Boh uzdraví.
1 ... Jesus and what they had done and so forth, He called their names. Said, "Wonder where that would be in the Scripture?" I'll read it for you. In the 1st chapter of Saint John the 24th ver--40th verse...
And one of the two which heard Jesus speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.
He first finds his own brother Simon, and said unto him, We have found the Messiah, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.
And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.
See? Not only that but other places, many places through the Scripture. He knows all things. He knows your name, your address, where you live, what you're doing, all about it. See? He just reveals as He will.
So now, I wish to bring maybe a few moments of something before you tonight. I think it's best for me to continue just to pray for the sick. So I want to bring something to your memory. There's many of you, perhaps has read. And maybe while we're looking at that, I want to get a Scripture here for that too.
And there's a... How many read last November issue of "Reader's Digest," that article in there about the "Miracle of Donny Morton," where he was healed? Any of you in here ever read it? I see one lady, just two, three, oh, it's many of you, I guess, read it. Well, here it is.
2 I want to read in Acts 2 now please.
Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by signs, miracles... and... God did by him in--in the midst of you, which yourselves also know:
Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel... the foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, with... wicked hands and have crucified and slain:
Whom God has raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.
David... For David spake concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved:
Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover... my flesh shall rest in hope:
Because thou will not leave my soul in hell, neither will thou suffer thy Holy One to see corruption.
3 Let's bow our heads just a moment.
Now, Father, dear, we love You; we pray that You'll forgive us of our trespasses, and help us in--in this coming part of the service now. And then in the healing line, grant, O Lord God, that Your Spirit will be so overpowering tonight, that Satan cannot hold one speck of doubt in people's heart; but they may all believe with one accord, and may there be a great rejoicing. And may many that's setting here that's sick and afflicted, go home well; sinners go home saved; backsliders go home back in fellowship with God again. Grant it, Father, for we ask it, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Now, I'll try to get over here just a little bit, if you excuse me. I want to watch that clock so I won't... I want to start the prayer line at nine o'clock.
4 Now, in the "Reader's Digest," it was a very nice article. If you haven't gotten it, just write in and tell them you want last November's issue of "Reader's Digest." And now, while I'm saying these things, I--I don't want you to get worked up and walk out; I want you to set and listen at it through, just a few minutes, so you could see how the narrative, how people get, and how--how thin-minded that people can be. I...
In there was a--a--a glorious article. It was well written. Now, you, when you get it, you find a--the subject, "The Miracle of Donny Morton."
I was in Costa Mesa, California, at the time when the--the event taken place. Now, I don't like to testify about my own meeting; I'd rather somebody else would do that; because I haven't done one thing, friends. It's what Jesus Christ has did in--in the meeting that... It isn't me.
I've always thought in the writing of the Acts of the Apostles, it's called, "The Acts of the Apostles." I would--to my opinion now, the writers of the Bible, ever who put it together--the early writers, they called it, "The Acts of the Apostles." But I think what it really is, is the, "Acts of the Holy Spirit in the Apostles," is what it is. See? They act... The apostles never acted it. There's a Holy Spirit acting in the apostles, what did it. But a... Called that, so we just leave it that.
5 Now, the "Reader's Digest" writes it like this. And it's a most dramatic story and heart-rendering story that you've read in a long time, to hear how this story starts. It was up--up--way up in Saskatchewan, Canada, almost up into the no-man's-land. I had meetings up around Saskatoon and from there, all--way on up into the... Why, I forget the name of the place we had up there: had ten thousand Indians and the Eskimos in--in the--in the meeting. And a--oh, a place was many times bigger than this and just packed out; they was just setting everywhere and standing on the outside: of Eskimos and Indians that came to the meeting. And white people... Prince Albert, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, and a--so I remember having the meeting there.
Anyhow, in there was two deaf and dumb people that had been--come down from over around another province and were born deaf and dumb. And both of them were healed and went back into their province a speaking and hearing.
6 And so the little Donny Morton, he'd set up some kind of a rare brain disease. And the--the people of the--had taken him to be examined, and everywhere, and they'd give him up. They brought the boy to--to my service. Now first, the doctor said the little boy must die. Mayos, Johns Hopkins... They had him in the United States. Everything give him up; there's no operation. Said it'd be impossible: if you operated on the boy's head for that, it would kill him instantly: Mayo Brothers.
Now, of course the "Reader's Digest" didn't say Mayo Brothers, because Mayo's would get after them for that. You have to watch what you're putting in public literature. And so there's... But you can read between the lines and see what it meant, see what it said.
7 But we have the tape recording. That's the reason on our meetings... You see, we pick up tapes of every meeting. Somebody comes and says, "Well, the Lord said to me, "Certain--certain..." We'll play back over the record and find out whether that's truth or not." See? Then we know right where we got it (See?), on the recording.
So, there's a woman come to me here some time ago and said, "Why, the Lord said a certain woman was going to be healed right then."
I said, "Well, if He said that, that's just..."
Said, "She hasn't been healed yet."
I said, "Well, I don't know."
Brother Hall was talking to her, so he said, "We'll play the recording." Asked what night it was, went back and got the recording and played... Well, the Lord never said anything about it.
8 The woman come on the platform a perfect unbeliever. She was a rich woman; this was her maid that brought her. And she persuaded her and begged her to come. And finally she got her to the platform like that, and the Lord told her where she had been, and who she was, and what was the matter, and asked her why she had so much unbelief in her heart. And she said, "Well..." She would try to believe.
And I... And It said to her... Then after He got through, I said, "The Lord bless you and heal you, my sister." She went off the platform. Why, that... I told her; I said, "The Lord bless you and heal you." But when God speaks, and you hear Him, you know it--Who is this speaking then. It's not the preacher; it's Him that--that speaks. Then that's different. But what I say, just like any other man. I wanted her to be healed and I prayed for her; but that's all I could do.
But she said, "The Lord said so." You watch what He's saying, watch what He tells them, then you'll know just what to depend on.
9 When the little boy... Now, here's the "Reader's Digest," the way they wrote it. The little fellow had been brought from... They had to put him in a sled or something and bring him over ground. He's twisted. His little hands was drawn down in this condition, his little legs up under him, about eight years old; his little head setting sideways; his eyes pushed one, one way and one, the other is a... Oh, it was a pitiful looking sight. And the little fellow shook like this and just smelled terrible.
And the poor little father, the little sled would turn over, nearly, when the horses packing them through the way, bringing them out. And he'd keep patting him on the moonlight night and saying, "Don't fear, Donny, honey. We're not whipped yet." Said, he knowed two people that'd been healed in my meeting, and said, "If I could ever get where that man's at, God will do something for my baby."
So he--they finally got to the airport, him and his wife, and they couldn't--they couldn't--hadn't--didn't have enough money for even one of them to come on a plane. They didn't have enough money to come on a train. So they had to take just the man, and he brought the baby. And they come all the way from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, to Los Angeles, California, and went into Traveler's Aid for help.
10 And then, of course, watch the "Reader's Digest." It said he was searching for the... Said, "A divine what?" A question mark. I'd imagine what they said. And so he said, "Never mind. This man believes this, if the man prays for his baby, he'll get help; so let's see if we can get it." And they dispatched a the paper; put a car, and they took way down in Costa Mesa, forty something miles down to a Assembly of God campgrounds where they had a big school there. And I was speaking to the ministers.
And they brought him in that night. And at--he... They said there was twenty-seven hundred people standing in line to be prayed for when we got there. And of course, everybody had to require a prayer card. And I was praying for the people.
Now, here's where I begin and would know. I seen them. Here he said, when he stepped out of the car, that all those people standing in the prayer line, they just stepped back when they seen that poor little ragged father, that little Canadian cap on, walking with this poor little baby, and coming along." He didn't eat. He had to change it just like a baby: its diapers and everything. And he didn't eat, didn't have time to eat. He'd just run and get a drink of water and get him something to eat and then go on. Oh, it was pathetic story. And so he kept saying, "All right, Donny, we're not whipped yet, honey. We're not whipped yet." Just keep on like that.
11 And when the folks at the place saw, standing in that prayer line, way down through that field, when they saw this poor man coming, they just stepped aside to give him his place. Well, when he come to the platform, Billy Paul asked him for his prayer card. 'Course he didn't have any. He said, "Sir, I didn't even know I had to have a prayer card." Well, Billy and the ushers had orders to--for the people to line up; that's legitimately, and that's right, just exactly what it should be. And I heard him say, "Well, that's all right." Said, "What must I do now to get a prayer card? Where must I go?"
They was holding up the prayer line. I said, "What's the matter?"
He said a--a, "Just a man without a prayer card."
I said, "Well, just have him to step off to one side."
And I looked back and I seen that baby, and something said to me, "Call him now." I never seen the baby. So the "Reader's Digest" gives the whole article of it.
12 And I brought the little baby up, said, never asked a question but looked right into the little baby's face and said, "You bring this baby from Canada. And you come here by a bus, a Greyhound Bus. Traveler's Aid has helped you." And he'd been there about five minutes. Said, "Traveler's Aid has helped you to get here. And the baby has been to Mayo Brothers and Johns Hopkins. It's got a rare brain disease, and there's no way for them to operate. The baby must die."
And he started screaming real loud. And I prayed for the little baby. He started crying real loud and started off the platform. He turned around. He said, "What about my baby? Will it ever get well?"
I said, "That, I don't know, sir." And while I was speaking to him, a vision broke forth. And I said, "Yes, your baby... Three days from now you're going to meet a woman with a--a brown looking, I guess you call it, coat-suit: it's got a coat here and a skirt beneath. And she's black-headed. And she's going to tell you of some country doctor that can operate on that baby; and you won't believe it. But that's the only hope that you have, through the mercy of God, and that operation. You let the doctor operate on the baby."
13 Well, he went off the platform crying, and he... Well, the next day the baby seemed to be a lot better after he was prayed for: could move its little arms. Well, he forgot all about the woman; and he was going to go on that way. So about few days after that, he was walking down the street, getting it out, so it'd get in the air (You know?), walking it down the street; and a--or walking down the street with it in his arms, rather. And a lady said, "Well, what's the matter with your baby, sir?"
And he said, "Well, it's a--a brain disease," he said, "a rare brain disease."
And she said, "You know, I know a doctor that operated on a baby like that one time that was that way and the baby's normal now."
"Well," he said, "But, lady..." Said, "Mayo Brothers said that this..." Said, "Wait a minute: 'a brown coat-suit, black hair...'" Said, "Say, lady, where's that doctor at?" And "Reader's Digest" gives the place, who he was. And he took that baby over there, and the doctor performed the operation absolutely successfully. And the baby come out of it. And so they had the baby around there; it got so he could run, meet his daddy and everything.
The daddy went back to plant his spring wheat or something another. Now, here's what the "Digest" didn't get (See?), what didn't picture. But we had to know behind, because if you did, that a hospital would bring suit against this paper, and there's where it would be; a slip-up come. Somebody left a window up one night and throwed a draft across the baby. And the baby taken pneumonia and lived about two days with the pneumonia, not with the disease, with the pneumonia killed the baby. The "Reader's Digest" give it. Then it goes ahead and gives a nice good write up about--about the miracle was already performed anyhow.
14 Well, about three months before that...
I told you, one night I was going to speak on "Demonology." And I want to speak these next few minutes on "Demonology." The next...
I'm writing a book, if I can. You... I don't know whether you'd be able to read it or not, but that--when I get it wrote, on Demonology: my personal contact with demons.
Friends, they're just as real as--as you're real. And I see them, many times, when they leave right... I've seen them leave right from this platform here. I see them, some of them in shape of bats, look like long hairs hanging on their legs. But an epileptic demon look like a tortoise with round legs, hanging up like that. But usually, a demon of--of oppression seems to be more of a--of a cloud form, like a wave; and it just makes a real funny sound when it's a--when you're in that other dimension to see the spirit.
Now, you may think that's wrong, but some of these days you'll realize. If you could only take a spiritual looking glass and look into your soul, you doubt, and you'd find out what it looks like. And the greatest devil, and the chief of all devils is unbelief. That's the only sin there is. There's no other sin but unbelief. All these little morals and things: smoking, drinking, gambling, and committing adultery; that's just attributes. You do that because you don't believe. Unbeliever is what makes you do that. If you was a believer, you wouldn't do it. That's right.
15 Now, it's just like I think the gifts of the Spirit: the gifts of the Spirit is not the Holy Ghost; it's the attributes of the Holy Ghost. See? Gifts of healing, speaking in tongues, and all those other things are attributes; it's a fruit that the tree bears. See? The tree's the main thing: the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is God, and God is love.
And--but the strange thing, about three magazines... I'm not too sure. Three months before this article come out, many of you read that article of Mrs. Piper, that great spiritualist in New York. How many read that, "Mrs. Piper," in here? It's come out about three months in the magazine before mine. Well, since nine--1895, the whole world's tried to stump that woman.
How many Christians in here, raise your hand, Christian believers raise your hand? I want... From the depths of your heart, I want you to say, "Brother Branham, I am a believer." Well, there's most of you are. All right.
16 Now, I'm speaking directly to Christians so that you could see the pro and con, the negative and positive where there's anybody asked you, then you can give them a--an answer.
Now, of everything that God has, the devil has a counterfeit. You go and whatever you want to do... You find like these old dances; that's of the devil; but God has a holy dance for the people. The Bible said so.
I was one of the greatest critics on that you ever seen, till God told me just what to do. I find out that Miriam danced in the Spirit. David danced when he had victory. And oh, many time--it... All of it was through--was victory. It was dancing, holy dancing.
17 For instance, in the Bible, if a dreamer dreamed a dream, or a prophet prophesied, they had a--a plate called the Urim Thummim that went over the breast of Aaron. And when they went before this plate and spoke, and them lights flashed on the plate, God would sanction it, that it was the truth. Is that right? If it didn't speak on there, then it was wrong. Now, look. The devil come around in a pattern of that, took a crystal ball. See?
Everything that God has, everything in the natural types the spiritual. I know I'm a typologist. And I believe that every natural thing types a spiritual, don't you?
18 For instance, like this: When Jesus died at Calvary, how many--what elements came from His body? Water, blood, Spirit. Is that right? Now, any minister, any believer knows that that's what constitutes the new birth. Is that right? That constitutes the new birth, Saint John 7:5: "For there are three that bear record... of water, blood, and Spirit." When they pierced His side, water and blood came out. He said, "Into Thy hands I commend my Spirit." Those elements went from His body, and it takes those same elements to bring you to His body. That constitutes the new birth.
Now, what constitutes a natural birth? It's a mixed audience, but listen. The first thing is water, blood, spirit. See? Everything in the--everything in the natural and spiritual all type together. Watch. Get acquainted with God and you'll see His great move in nature. You see Him in the sunsets, in the flowers, in everywhere. You can see Him all around you because He is all around you. That gives you perfect confidence that you're in love with Him, and you're--He's in love with you. He loved you, predestinated you, foreordained you before the world begin, has brought you here, saved you, cleansed you up, and filled you with His Spirit. Well, how could you have doubt? ...?... it. See? That gives you a perfect setting of faith. When you know those things, that gives you courage, and my, you know where you're standing.
19 Now, back to the--our subject. This woman, they taken... And she was just a housewife, common woman, Mrs. Piper. You get the article. The "Reader's Digest" will be glad to send you one. I just have the one left or I'd say I could give it to you. Mr. Baxter has one, one of the managers.
And they wrote about ten pages in there of her. Way back in--over fifty years ago, she begin to fall in trances, and she would talk to the dead. Now, that's spiritualism, which is of the devil. Now.
And then they taken her to England. And she stumped the best they had in England. They taken her to Italy, everywhere; and she stumped everything they've ever put before her; 'cause she spoke to the dead all time.
They'd go down in Italy and get a man who could speak English and bring him to England and dress him up like an Englishman and propose to be an Englishman, and call one of his dead friends, and he'd tell him who--tell him that, "Well, remember the big times we had," and what all they went and done and everything like that. So the "Reader's Digest" said that it was proved here not long ago that some statesman thought he kissed the hand of his ghostly mother in a seance meeting, but the next morning was proved in police courts that he kissed a piece of cheesecloth: just a trick.
20 But there is a real medium; she's of the devil. And there's a real Spirit of God of Jesus Christ. Now, the Bible, Jesus said that in the last days, it'd be so close that it would deceive the very elect if possible. And as soon as Miss Pepper's article run, that greatest, widest published magazine in the world... And isn't it strange that those two articles run side by side, just a little bit apart?
Now, talk about preachers over the country who didn't know their Bible, they wrote to me by the hundreds: "All right, Brother Branham, we exactly see where you stand now. There you are. There's that spiritualist, she's still living, over a hundred years old in New York, now." says the "Reader's Digest." "Perfectly deaf" and setting back in there. But the scientific world takes care of her, because they've used her for a guinea pig. And then they had to say there at the bottom, "We have to say that when the people cease to exist here, they are existing somewhere else, because she calls them up. And she's been everywhere. And they've tried her for everything. She calls the spirits of the dead. Why, you wouldn't have to do that. The Bible said so. But it's of the devil.
21 Then, here the ministers fired letters into my office, till the secretary packed them up by boxes full. "There you are, Brother Branham, that shows just exactly... We knowed you was a spiritualist."
So I set down and wrote a--a form letter. Now, listen closely. And here's what I told them. I said, "Brethren, if that's all you know about God, you ought to come out from behind the pulpit." That's exactly right. "If that's all you know about God, you don't need to be behind the pulpit; because Satan could just do anything to you and you'd never know nothing about it. Why, it's a disgrace.
22 Now, let me just show you a simple thing, friend. You get the two magazines; read them yourself, both--both articles. Now, the first thing, that if I--if the two spirits, Jesus said, in the last days... 'Course them demon spirits is arising; sure they are. They've always been here. They will be until Jesus comes. And they live right in people and people don't know it. They give them unclean habits and--and sicknesses, and diseases, and all kinds... Everything's caused by a spirit.
Deafness is a spirit. Did you know that? The doctor says the nerves went dead. But what made it go dead? What made it go dead? The Bible said, "When the deaf spirit come out of the man, he could hear." Is that right? So it's a spirit.
A cancer's a spirit. A tumor's a spirit. All those things are... Epilepsy's a spirit. Jesus rebuked the devil; the boy with epilepsy, and he fell on the ground and had the hardest fit he ever had. But when he got over that one, he was finished with it. See? Lot of them said, "Well, he didn't get healed. Look at him; he's got the worst spell he ever had." But that was all of them. See?
23 Notice. Now, the woman... If I gave any of you men here tonight a dollar bill, and would say, "Is this... I give you this envelope." And I'd say, "Is that a dollar bill?"
Why, you'd say, "Certainly not." The devil's too smart for that.
But Jesus said, "The two spirits be so close together, deceive the elect if possible." Then if I give you a dollar bill, it'd have to look a whole lot like a real genuine dollar, or you'd recognize it right now. Is that right? That's how the devil comes around, friends. It ain't a Communist. Communistic spirit, it's an antichrist but that ain't the antichrist Jesus spoke of. That's anything that...
The antichrist spirit is so religious. Cain, as I've been telling you about, was just as religious as Abel was. And those things come right down and they're brothers. Esau and Jacob... Everything has been...
The Christ--and--Judas and Jesus... Some people only see three crosses on Golgotha. They was four. There was Jesus, and one thief and another thief. "Cursed is he that hangeth on a tree." And Judas hung hisself on a sycamore tree. Is that right? He was on just as much cross as Jesus was: on a tree.
Now, there was the Son of God came from heaven, returning back to heaven, taking with Him the repented sinner. There was the son of perdition from hell, come from hell, returning back to hell, taking back the unrepented sinner. "If thou be?" that question mark on God's Word; "If thou be the son of God..."
But this other one never tried to figure it out. He said, "Lord, remember me when Thou comest in." See?
24 Now, watch this closely, those pro and con. Now, if I gave you a dollar, if you're a smart man, the first thing you would do to that dollar, if it looks and here it's--it's drawed out, looks so perfect like it. The first thing you'll do will take a hold of it and feeled it. A real dollar is not exactly paper; it's silk. It's the value in it, what makes it the dollar.
Well now, let's just take that now to these two: take Mrs. Piper on one side, and on the other side--and myself for the other side, representing God. Now, look. The whole article... You read it yourself and just see how people could be that loose minded on it. A...
For the past fifty years, in all of her experience, there wasn't one time she mentioned God, Christ, resurrection, Divine healing, anything at all. It was everything, some kind of a frolic and nonsense that somebody done back yonder a long time ago: no value to it at all, no help to nobody.
But watch over on this side. It's constantly preaching repentance, "Come to Christ," Divine healing, resurrection, second coming of Christ. The value of it proves what it is. Is that right?
25 And then, another thing. If you're a little bit in doubt about the dollar yet, take the numbers off of it, and take it back to the mint, and find out if that number on that dollar bill corresponds with the mint. If it does, there's a silver dollar waiting there for it. Is that right?
Well, take her word and take it to the Bible, and take the work that I do for the Lord and take it to the Bible and see which one's right. That's the Mint, that's the One that proves it. If this don't declare Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, and she no more than the wi--and--the--the witch of Endor. There exactly. There they both are at the Mint, if you want to know what they are. But the looseness...
You say, "What about..." Let me just give my little expression here, just a minute, if you'll excuse me just a moment while we're on this. I'm going to stop this just a minute, 'cause I feel something to tell you.
26 Here's a channel right here. I don't tell this before people. I got a lot of secrecy in my own life, of course between God and I. But looky here. There's a channel like this, and that's where mortals live in here. In it's a conglamoration of gaity, and blackness, and sin. And every once in a while, you see a little white spot or a light. Jesus said, "You are a light that sets on a hill. Don't light a candle and put a bushel over it." That's Christians in this conglamoration of this dimension of mortals. Well, going this a way downward, the next dimension is the souls of the unjust who died not knowing God. The second is demons. And the third in the trinity is hell: unjust souls, demons, and hell.
There's a trinity here. One of them was caught into the third heaven. The first is a Ghost too: the Holy Ghost; second, angels; third, heaven itself. Now, these mortals in this dimension here, is influenced either from there or from here.
27 Now, what happened to that woman, she broke through into this dimension here, like the witch of Endor did. She called the spirit of Samuel. Now, the Bible, I know and you know, many people fuss about it, and say it was somebody impersonating Samuel. But the Bible said it was Samuel. And I believe it was Samuel, 'cause God said it was in His Bible.
Now, Paul--Saul, he went to the prophet. The prophet didn't see no vision for him. Then he asked the Lord for a dream. He wouldn't give him no dream. Then he went and spoke to the Urim Thummim, and it wouldn't flash for him. So he disguised himself and crawled up to the witch of Endor, and said, "Call me the spirit of Samuel."
And she called the spirit of Samuel. And when Samuel come up, the witch fell on her face and said, "I see gods rising up out of the earth." Is that right? "I see gods coming up out of the earth." And she was scared. Now, watch. There stood Samuel in his prophet robes. And he wasn't only just standing there, but he knew Saul. Is that right?
28 I might slip a little bit of my Calvinistic doctrine in here right now, but I guess I'd better hold it still. Ha.
Somebody told me, said, "Saul was lost." When a man's truly borned of the Spirit of God and remains with God, he's not lost. He can't be lost. A grain of wheat can never produce nothing but a wheat. That's right. That man backslid. That's the truth, but he wasn't lost.
Looky here. I'll prove it right here. Watch. The witch called the spirit of Samuel, and Samuel recognized Saul and said, "Why did you come to me, seeing you become a enemy of God?"
Now, you Baptists ought to holler, "Amen," for me in a minute. Now, why did he... "Why--why have you called me, seeing that you're a enemy of God?"
Now, watch. He said... Not only was--was Samuel stand there, but he was still a prophet. Amen. He was still a prophet, and he said, "Tomorrow, you're going to fall in the battle, and your son will fall with you. And by this time tomorrow night, you'll be with me." Then if Saul was lost so was Samuel. That right? Huh.
29 Saul never committed suicide. A Philistine killed him. Any of you Bible readers that reads it thoroughly know that. A Philistine killed him, and David killed the Philistine for it. All right. Notice, Saul was wounded; it's true. But he... A Philistine killed him. And David killed him because he said, "You have taken the life of the anointed of God." And Saul was a prophet himself.
Now, but now... Now, my good Catholic friend, don't disagree. If you disagree, it's through friendliness now. See? Now, remember my people are Catholic too. But now, just a minute.
Now, the Catholic church believes in the intercession or--or a communion of saints, of dead people who die and go on. It's purely a form spiritualism.
And the Protestant church, right in their own homemade Apostle's Creed (which was never no such a thing found in the Bible), they say they believe in the holy Roman Catholic church, and they believe in the communion of saints which brings Protestantism into spiritualism. Then when they see the Spirit of God moving in a person, they want to claim him to be a devil when they're the thing theirself: confessing it in their own creed.
30 Now this... Brother, I tell you; sometimes we need to be skinned down and rubbed a little bit to see where we're standing. Don't you think so? Make right, right. Any person... If those saints... Now, I'm not condemning Catholic saints. But look. The reason that the witch of Endor could call the spirit of Samuel, because Samuel couldn't go into the Presence of God; he was in paradise; for the blood of bulls and goats would not take away sin. But since Jesus died, He divorced sin, and taken away sin, and the believer now goes into the Presence of God. And he can't come back, Jesus said in Luke when He was talking about the rich man. He can't return. So if you're interceding with any kind of a spirit of someone that's gone on, outside of God, Christ, the only Mediator between God and man, then you're in spiritualism called religion. Now, where is spiritualism at? So be careful what you say about the Spirit of God. See? Communing with saints is spiritualism.
31 Now notice. These souls under the altar here... These souls, I mean in... Jesus here... I read the text a few minutes ago. David, foresaw Him always before, and said, "Moreover my flesh shall rest in hope, for He'll not leave my soul in hell, neither will I suffer the holy One to see corruption."
A better Scripture than that is found in Peter. He said Jesus, when He died, He went and preached to the souls that were in chains of darkness, in prison, waiting for the eternal judgment; that Jesus, when He died at Calvary went and preached to souls, unjust souls that repented not in the long suffering of the days of Noah.
32 Let's get that. Here He stands on earth. The most glorious... You have to read between the lines to get the Bible, a lot of times.
I think of old Job there, when he said... He was all broke out with boils; and the people were coming and saying how... "Won't you curse God and die?" his wife said.
He said, "Thou speakest as a foolish woman." And there he was all broke out, setting on the ash heap.
I preached on that for about three months one time. A woman wrote in, told me, "When are you going to get Job off the ash heap, Brother Branham?"
And I... He was scraping his boils. The woman come to the door and told him he ought to curse God and die.
And he said, "Thou speakest as a foolish woman. The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away; blessed be the Name of the Lord."
33 I want you to notice, when Job died, he specified his burial. Along came Abraham. Watch between the lines now, you readers. This is not written right in the Word; you have to read it in between. It's hid from the eyes of the wise and prudent. When Job died, he specified his burial ground.
Along came Abraham; and when Sarah died, he bought a parcel of ground: bought it. You know how he did with a shekels of silver, near Job. And he bury her... When he was--died--he was buried with her.
Abraham begot Isaac. When Isaac died, Isaac slept with Jacob, or with Abraham. Abraham begot Isaac, and Isaac begot Jacob. Jacob died down in Egypt, but he said, "Don't bury me down here." Why? Ha. "Take me back up in Palestine and bury me." Why? "Bury me in with my fathers in the cave."
34 Jacob begot Joseph; we know, the perfect type of Christ. Well, when Joseph was dying, he said, "Don't bury my bones down here." Why? He was a prophet. He foresaw things that the rest of them didn't see. He said, "Take me up in Palestine and bury me with my fathers." And Moses, after four hundred years, took Joseph's bones and buried them in Palestine. I wonder why.
Job said, "I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the last days He'll stand on the earth. And though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God; whom I shall see for myself. My eyes shall behold, and not another." That God would stand on the earth and he'd see Him.
Abraham said, "If Job's going to see Him, I'm going to be buried right with him so I can see Him too. I'll bury Sarah there." Buried them all there, for they knowed that the firstfruits of the resurrection wasn't coming out of Egypt; it was coming out of Palestine.
And that's the reason today, I say have all your frolic and world you want. Those that are dead in Christ will God bring with Him in the resurrection. So bury me in Jesus Christ, for I know there's where the resurrection's coming from. Call me what you want to: a holy roller, don't make any difference to me, just so I'm buried in Christ, hid away from the world. There's where the resurrection's going to come from the Spirit born Christians that's dead to the things of the world: crazy to the world, silly acting. That's the ones that's coming in the resurrection as the Bible states. That's right. Read between the line, brother.
35 Notice. My wife write me a letter, she'd say, "Dear Bill, so-and-so..." I read what she says, then I read between the line; 'cause I love her and I know what she's talking about. Get in love with Him one time. Don't try to stall and argue about the thing, just get in love with Him, and you'll, He'll reveal it to you. Hide it from the theological seminaries and reveal it to babes such as will learn. It's proved to be the truth. You've had twenty, oh, almost two thousand years to prove your argument, and you fail till two-thirds of the world has never heard of Jesus Christ yet.
Give me five hundred people born of the Spirit of God, filled with the Holy Ghost, and on fire for God, I'll do more for the kingdom of God in one year's time, than the whole church has done in two thousand years. That's right. That'll believe in signs and wonders and miracles, and be truly, not a make belief, but truly borned of the Spirit of God. That's right. What we need, that's God's program. All right, just a minute now. Let's get these things.
36 When Jesus died, He was the Son of God. I believe He was the virgin born Son of God. I believe Jehovah God overshadowed a little virgin, created a blood cell in the womb of Mary, 'out knowing any man. It developed, was born, was the Son of God, and Jehovah come down and dwelt in His Son. God was on earth dwelling with us in a Man call, His Son Jesus Christ. Just this. If you don't believe that, you're lost. That's right.
An atheist arguing with me not long ago, said, "Preacher, do you mean to tell me that woman could have a baby without knowing a man?"
I said, "Yes, sir."
Said, "It can't be. Can't be." Says, "It's against all scientific rules. Co--corn won't even pole, nothing else, without a actual contact of male and female."
I said, "Is that right?" I... "So I want to ask you something. Will you admit that Mary... Jesus had a mother?"
"But it's impossible for God to be His Father."
Said, "There is no such a thing as God."
"You mean the great Spirit of the great creation couldn't have created the blood cell?"
"No, there is no such a thing. She had affair with Joseph, and just a little slip-up like we have now. And they started a religion by it."
I said, "I want to ask to something, then, sir. Where did the first man come from, let him be tadpole, monkey, or whatever he was, that you want to say? The first man, where did he come from, and who was his pappy and mammy? According to your statement he had to have a father and a mother before it could be done, then where did the first man come from: let him be anything he wants to be?" That's right.
Fifteen minutes from there under an old pine tree (where me and Brother Wood passed the other day), I led him to Christ. Amen. He couldn't answer. Certainly not. According to their statement, he had to have a beginning of both father and mother. So where--who was he? Who made the first ones?
Oh, they're... I'm like what Billy Sunday said about prohibition. "Their argument is--is thinner than the broth made out of a shadow of a chicken that starved to death." Now, that's how thin it is. That's right. They just haven't got no legs at all to stand on. No, sir. God is, and a Rewarder of those who seek Him. That's right.
37 Now, notice. When Jesus died at Calvary, He said... Everything on earth knew that was the Son of God. God even said it was His Son. He shut the heavens off; it was dark over the earth. He couldn't watch His own Son die, and yet His Son giving His Blood for the remission of sin.
The Roman centurion put his hand over his heart and said, "Truly, that's the Son of God."
Judas Iscariot said, "I've betrayed innocent Blood." The earth said It was the Son of God; it belched out the rocks in a great earthquake, when He died. Everything recognized He was the Son of God. Oh, my. I oughtn't to start this, going to have a prayer line, but I feel real good right now.
38 Watch Him! Bear with me just a minute, if you can stand some of this old-time sorghum-molasses and hickory smoked ham. Look. Coming down, condescending, the Son of God said, "Into Thy hands I commend My Spirit," gave up the Ghost. And the Bible said He went and preached to the souls that were in prison. Amen. What is it? These fellows here, where that Mrs. Piper broke into, the souls that were in prison, that repented not in the long suffering of the, God in the days of Noah, when the ark was being prepared.
39 I can see Him. Let's dramatize this. I can see Him coming down into this first dimension of lost souls. [Brother Branham knocks--Ed.] Knock at the door. Opened up the door. That wailing mass of beautiful women, wretched hags, men, all screaming and crying: torment. "Oh, if I could get out of here..."
He knocked at the door; the door swung open. There stood the Son of the living God in a celestial body. Said, "I am the Son of God that Enoch said would come with ten thousands of His saints. I'm the One that Noah spoke of. I'm the woman's Seed from the garden of Eden. The heavens had just testified of Me. The earth has testified of Me. Judas testified of Me. The Roman soldier testified of Me. The Father testified of Me. Now, you got to know that I'm here to fulfill the Word of God." Hallelujah.
Every demon knowed He was there. Oh, when He was on earth they screamed and hollered, "We know Who You are, the Holy One of God." They knew Him even if preachers didn't. They knew Who He was.
And then they screamed, "Let us out."
He said, "Why didn't you repent?" Slam, went the door. On down He went in below the demons. Down through that line of demonology, they screamed and hollered and got back. They knowed where they went. When He cast them out of the demo--the demons out of the man of Gadara, they went into the swine, choked theirself. They seen that Presence of that holy One coming, walking through there. They hid like a bunch of roaches on, when the lights is turned on in the summertime when they're gnawing on a apple core. Put me in the mind of some preachers, when you turn the Gospel light on, they scatter. "Don't go there to hear that." Put me in the mind of big old bunch of roaches in the summertime. In the darkness they can nimblely go, but turn the light on one time. That's right. All right.
40 The next thing He did, He come on down through that other trinity, on down into hell. I can just see Him go up to the door. [Brother Branham knocks as on a door--Ed.] Satan walked to door and said, "Oh. So you finally got here, did you?"
"Yes, I'm here."
"I thought you when I--I had you when I killed Abel. I thought I'd shot you when I got Abel. I was sure I had you when I throwed Daniel into the lions den. When I beheaded John, I thought I had you then. Well, when you was on the cross, I thought I had you. But finally you've arrived."
Jesus said, "Yes, I've arrived. And I've arrived for one purpose; you have put fear and chills over the people long enough. I come down to take over." That's right. Oh, He said, "I am the virgin born Son of God."
"Oh, I got a right; Adam sinned."
"But My Blood's still wet on the cross that paid that sin. Yes, sir. I come down to take over. Give me the keys of death and hell." He done give the keys to the kingdom to Peter: the church. Yes, sir. He said, "Give Me the keys of death and hell." You notice, when He rose, He had them hanging on His side. Said, "Give me the keys of death and hell." Reached over and grabbed Satan by the neck, [Brother Branham demonstrates--Ed.] throwed him down, put His foot on him; reached over and grab them off. Said, "You've fooled people long enough. Get back in there where you belong." Hang them on His side. "I'm the Boss now. My Blood has been shed up there on the cross for the remission of sin and for sickness. You can't keep them there any longer. There will be people who will believe Me. You can't bind them up with sickness. You can't bind them up with fear. They will believe." Hallelujah. The keys of death and hell...
41 Here He comes climbing up. Brother, she's coming near daylight. I can see the big morning star looking around the grave already. It's coming on the third day. Hallelujah. The first...
Wait. He's got somebody else over here in paradise. So He don't forget nobody. "Pass me not, O gentle Saviour, Hear my humble cry."
Over here in paradise lays some souls: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, and those who've been faithful, believing the promise of the prophets. And they're laying there waiting with only the blo--blood of bulls and goats, a shadow or a type of His own Blood. I can see Him go up to paradise, [Brother Branham knocks--Ed.] knock on the door. Abraham opens up the door. "Who are You?"
He said, "I am the Seed of Abraham."
I can hear Daniel say, "What? That's the Stone I seen hewed out of a mountain without hands."
I can hear Ezekiel say, "I saw Him coming with such speed till looked like was powerful with dust under His feet." Oh, my.
I can hear the prophet say, "I wrestled with Him all night down at the river before I crossed." Hallelujah.
42 John, the different ones recognized Him. Said, "All right, brethren, gird up your loins, the resurrection is near. It's just about fifteen minutes before time that that grave's going to open yonder. My righteous Blood has been shed yonder for you. You was a waiting on Me, under the blood of goats and bulls which could not take you into the Presence of the Father. But I've shed My Blood to take it away. Now, we're on our road home. Come on, and your..."
Abraham said, "Come on, Sarah," catch her by the arm. I can hear Abraham say, "My Lord..."
He said, "Yes, My servant, what do you want."
Said, "Can we make a little whistle stop in Jerusalem? I'd just like to look the old town over at a place where me and Sarah roamed around so much."
"Sure, I'm going be up forty days and nights with My disciples, got to give them some more lectures before they go. All right. We're going to make a little whistle stop."
And about that time the Angel of God rolled away the stone. There was an earthquake all over the earth. And the Bible said that many of the bodies of the saints that slept in Him rose and come out of the grave in immortal bodies, like His own glorious body. What?
43 I can see Caiaphas standing, saying, "What was all that noise this morning, you priests?"
Priests say, "I don't know. The only thing, there's people appearing everywhere around this city here. Some of them claim they're old saints that's resurrected."
"Well," Caiaphas says, "I don't know." Said, "Say, who is that young couple coming there?"
I... It's Sarah and Abraham walking along and say, "Looky there, honey. You remember that old place where we come down that hill, yonder?"
"Yeah, I remember that."
"What... Oh, oh. We're being watched." He'd just vanish just like the kind of body He had, went right into the building through the walls. They didn't even know... His own glorious body. They were walking here on earth and appearing to people. Hallelujah. Yes, there's your forty days. Hallelujah.
Excuse me. No, don't excuse me. I don't mean that. No. Brother, there's nothing formal; God's without form.
44 Let me tell you something. On after forty days, His feet begin to lift from the ground one day. He said to His disciples, "Go into all the world; preach the Gospel. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. He that believeth not shall be damned. These signs shall follow them that believe." You're going to be called, fortuneteller; you're going to be called devil; you're going to be called everything there are; but you're going to cast out devils." Amen. "Lay their hands on the sick; they shall recover."
Here He goes up. I can see Sarah and Abraham, all of them, joining with Him. Oh, my. Here they go on up; passed the moon, the stars. Jesus at the head, the Old Testament saints behind Him, walking. Hallelujah. They come in sight of the big great city yonder that's built foursquare: pearly gates. I can hear all the Old Testament saints with their great Victor walking in the front of them, great Conqueror. Oh, He is a Mighty Conqueror since He rent the veil in two.
45 Here He is with the Old Testament saints. I can hear them holler, "Lift up, ye everlasting gates and be ye lifted up. And let the King of Glory come in."
I hear the angels say, "What was that?"
"Lift up, ye everlasting gates and be ye lifted up. And let the King of Glory come in."
I can hear the angels holler, "Who is this King of Glory?"
"The Lord of Hosts, Mighty in battle. He is the King of Glory." Hallelujah.
I can see Gabriel walk out there with his chest throwed back, press the button: open come the gates. Down through the streets went Jesus, victorious with the Old Testament saints, right down through the streets...?... Hallelujah. Victory. Walked right up in the Presence of the Father and said, "Father, here they are. They all died in faith looking to the time." Hallelujah.
I hear Him say, "Well done, My Son. Climb up here and set on My right hand till I make all Your enemy Your footstool." Oh, Hallelujah.
Oh, I'm a half hour late. I don't want to be that way there. He's making every enemy His footstool. All devils is under His feet. All sickness is under His feet. All sin is under His feet. And we're in Him, more than conquerors through Him that loved us.
46 Now, when a believer dies now, he goes straight to the Presence of God. John, on the isle of Patmos, said, "The souls under the altar cried, "How long, Lord? How long?"
"Just a little longer until they call some more 'holy rollers' and fix them all up down there, and they suffer the same thing you did." Then he looked over and he saw them coming, a great number which no man can mul--no multitude which no man could number: white robed saints, palms in their hands awaiting. He said, "Who are these?"
Said, "They are they that come out of the tribulation, the persecution, and come up and made their robes white in the Blood of the Lamb. They're before Him day and night." I want to be numbered with them, don't you? You know I...
47 I want to see Jesus, don't you?
That's what I want to do. When my earthly journey's finished, my last song, my last sermon, and this old Bible is laying closed somewhere, I look standing around the bed, and there stands my boy and my girls, my wife, my loved ones. I want to raise my hand and sing,
Happy day, happy day,
When Jesus washed my sins away.
He taught me how to watch and pray
And live rejoicing every day.
I want to slip from this old building, when it gets a leak in it here. I want to drop her here:
This robe of flesh I drop and rise,
And seize the everlasting prize.
And shout while passing through the air,
"Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer."
48 I hope by God's grace, I can stand in His Presence that day and meet you every one that's here tonight. And when I stand there, in His great august Being in His great Presence, and the presence of the angelic hosts standing around, Who knows every thought that's in your heart... Oh, I can walk up to Him and say, "My Lord, I did the best that I know how with what You give me to do with. Thou did give me a Divine gift as being a seer. I did all that I know how. I preached Your Word to the best of my knowledge. And, Lord, these followed." Oh, my. What? If I can just touch His feet, maybe kiss the ground where He's walked, scoot back over... And He'll just build me a little log cabin somewhere down there beyond Your all's palace. I'll be happy."
God bless you. He's here tonight. I claim Him. He's my Lord. He's your Lord. He's my Healer. He's your Healer. And I know what I'm talking about. He's here. Will you believe Him? Let's bow our heads.
Sister, would you come up to the piano just a moment? I didn't aim to go to preaching, friends. Just kinda hard to get out of that.
49 Our Heavenly Father, well, pardon me, Lord. You were misunderstood; why shouldn't we be misunderstood? Doesn't bother us. You told us we would be, so we are. And we're just thankful that we can bear the reproach, thankful that You give us the opportunity. We pray now that You'll bless these people. Many of them are here sick and needy.
Lord, there's nothing I know to do any more than to present the Gospel to them, tell them what You said. And then with Your Divine gift that Thou hast given, if You'll just tonight...?... And if I did preach in there, do wrong, You forgive me. And I pray that You'll send the great Angel of God that'll stand here by me, that'll help me, the great gift, Angel, ministering Spirit sent from the Presence of God to minister the will of God through His servant. You said He makes His secrets known to His prophets. His ministers are flaming fire.
And I pray that You'll bless tonight. Override all opposition, and may Your Spirit come in lovely and sweet and bless us all together. For we ask it in Christ's Name. Amen.
50 I want you to be reverent. Do you believe if we'd ask the prayer just where you're setting like that, that God would heal every one of you? I--I wonder what sometimes the audiences think before I get started into the meeting. I know what most of you is thinking: you want a prayer line; that's what you're wanting. Now, that's the truth.
Now, Brother Bosworth, it just won't work in my meetings. That's all there is to it. It just takes the prayer line. Now, just as soon as I made mention of that just to see what it was, that wall just come down. See? Everybody in here wants the prayer line to be prayed for. All right.
Did you give out some prayer cards? What was they? U's. How many? One to a hundred. All right. We'll just have to... We can't call everybody. We just have to call them a few at a time, pray for the sick. Now, whether God... Usually in preaching, why, it's kindy adu--another anointing. And I want you to remember me in your prayers. Prayer card U's. U. Prayer card U... []
51 ... night. Are we strangers, lady? I don't know you. You don't know me: no contact at all in the world? He... Never saw me before. All right, that makes us perfectly total strangers. Well, now, if you are sick, then you've come here to me for help. And the help cometh from God. But you believe me as your brother, don't you? Do you believe... Have you ever read that little book of the story of the Angel of the Lord appearing to me? Have you ever read that? Never read it, just coming like that. Well, God will surely help you then.
Now, if our Lord Jesus was standing here, He knows you, doesn't He? He knows everything you've ever done. And so He could tell you. Well then, you being a stranger to me, if He, through His sovereign holy grace, will--will let me know something about you, like the woman at the well or whatever He talked to, then you'd accept your healing, wouldn't you? You know there'd have to be some kind of a supernatural Being here that's a doing that, wouldn't you? You'd have to know it come from a supernatural resource. And then--then you'd know it come from supernatural. But then it'd be your attitude towards that which would determine your healing. You see what I mean?
Do you believe that God is still the same that He ever was? You believe He's the same. Now, you--you have a--a--an asthmatic condition that's--it's a bothering you. And you also have a female disorder. And that examination has proved, I believe he said a cyst in it. Is that right? Is that true? Well then, if every word of that is true, and me not knowing you, but seeing and hearing what that man told you; and seeing what you was at home and so forth; and it's a supernatural Being. Is that right? Then I tell you by that same Spirit, if you'll accept Jesus as your Healer now, you'll go home and get well. Do you do it? God bless you then; let me pray.
Heavenly Father, I pray that You'll bless our sister and may she go home and be well in commemoration of Thy great Words which said, "They'll lay hands on the sick; they shall recover." I do this in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, go rejoicing, happy, sister, and thanking God for your healing.
52 All right, come, sir. Now, how many of you here, the first time, believes now with all your heart? Say, "I believe, Brother Branham, that Jesus Christ is raised from the dead. That's enough to prove to me right now that He's here." Will you raise your hand? Say, "I believe it." Thank you. Thank you. That's newcomers, every one of you. Now, the Lord bless you.
Now, I am... You understand that I'm not a healer, friends. I couldn't heal no one. If I could, I'm sure... Me setting here looking at this woman that's paralyzed, I'd certainly go down and heal her. I know what's wrong with her. I know where her trouble is. I know this woman is the same. Both of them are paralytics. That's right. It's been for some time. And I know there's just a little shadow holds behind you there. If you could ever cross that little shadow there, you'd get up from there and walk out of the building. That's right. If you could... But I can't bring you above that shadow; your own spirit has to lift you up like that. There it is. It's just a little... You think, "Well, I'm in such a condition, I--I just..." See? Don't think that. God can heal you the same as He could heal a toothache. [] .. step up to that. All right.
53 Excuse me, sir. I'm--I'm sorry. You're the patient, aren't you? All right. Sometimes in speaking like that, I--knowing I got a audience before me, it makes me kinda feel that I... The anointing, if I get too far into it, then it hurts me. You know? Then I... The vision begins to move, and I--I don't know just exactly what to do.
And now, didn't you... You are a believer; I see that now, that you are a Christian. Now, because I know that, that as soon as I catch your spirit, your life seems to welcome. You're very conscious that something's near. That is... Have you ever seen the picture of that Angel on the paper? See? Here we've got It. They've scientifically taken It. That's just exactly what's near.
You are a minister You are a minister, and you're a Methodist preacher. Is that right? Your name is Obanion. Is that right? You're... They call you Howard, don't they? Brother Howard? That's--that's what your name is. And you are--you're suffering with some kind of a colon trouble or in--in--in there. And it causes a rash and to come on your--some kind of breaking out. Isn't that true?
You have a wife that's had an operation some years ago, or some time. And it was a gallbladder. Is that right? It's caused a bad effect, and she has a heart asthma now. Was those things the truth, sir? Are they? I don't know what It told you, but is it the truth? It's the truth. All right. Something here knew that. Is that right? That's the Angel of the Lord. See? He can make you whole, my brother.
Our heavenly Father, I pray that You'll bless our brother. Heal him, dear God. And may his troubles, whatever they are, end from tonight on, because he has come reverently and believed on Your Son Jesus Christ, that He raised from the dead as He promised, and is living in His church tonight. God bless my brother, who I bless; in Jesus Christ's Name for his healing. Amen. God bless you, my brother...?... Go on your road. See? God be with you.
54 All right. Billy--or Brother Wood, this is the patient? Are you believer, sister? Do you believe me to be His prophet? Or His preacher, or... I catch that. It's the Spirit that says that. You see? In myself, I don't care to say that. See? But do you believe that God is here to help you? I could not help you no more than by a Divine revelation from God or a vision. And by doing that, why, I perhaps would be able to--to help you. You have many things wrong with you. You have arthritis, for one thing. And you have heart trouble for another thing. You have a stomach trouble for another thing. You have a kidney trouble for another thing. Is that truth? I seen, seeming like a doctor talking to you or something. I couldn't see it just right.
Just a moment. I want to talk to you again. There was something happened there I didn't see. Would you... I want to talk to you just a moment again, like the wo--talking at the woman... Oh, here He is. Oh, you've got something wrong in your, some kind of a--a choking in--in your throat. That was caused from an old bronchitis condition you had long years, some time ago. Is that right? Long time ago, and it's a... Are you believing now? See? More vision, it just makes it weaker on me. You accept your healing?
Lord, heal her, Father. I pray that You'll be merciful to her, and may she go from here tonight and be made completely whole. I ask it, in Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Whatever it was is truth, wasn't it? If it's true, now go and be healed in Jesus Christ's Name.
55 All right, come, lady. You believe with all your heart? You believe that God sent me to help you?
What you weeping for, sir? As you're crying. You want God to heal you of that prostate trouble? You do? Stand up on your feet. Accept your healing now. Go home; the prostate trouble leaves you in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
You believe me to be His servant? With all your heart you believe it? You've had an accident, and you've hurt... It's your neck and your leg. You--you fell through a--a--a register or something. Isn't that right? Long time... Hurt yourself... Your trouble's laying right in your back. It's a strained nerve which is doing this here and down there. Was those things the truth? If you would, would you let the people know: is that the truth? Truth? Every bit of it? Well, whatever He told you, that wasn't me. That was my voice, but it--I was somewhere else, seeing you somewhere. It seems to me; I'm not sure; but it seems to me that something happened to you. Was that right? Didn't you fall or fall or--or fell through something? Uh-huh. That was the truth? Then that's God confirming that I've told the truth. And here's what's truth. Jesus healed you when He died at Calvary. Do you now accept it? Come here.
In confirmation of Thy Word, O God, to fulfill what Jesus Christ, Your Son, said, do I lay hands upon this, my sister, who's confident that she's standing in the Presence, not of her brother, but in the Presence of Jehovah God. And I pray Thee, God, to bless her for her faith, and may she go and be well; in the Name of Thy Son Jesus, we ask it. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go and testify now. Let us hear what's become...
56 Come, sister. Now, be just as reverent as you possibly can. The visions... It--it makes you feel such a funny feeling. My lips are feeling like they're that thick and draw all over me. Now, please don't move. Set still just a minute. Be in prayer till I can kinda get to myself around a little. Are you all believing? The Lord Jesus is here confirming His Word. And I--I pray that you'll believe. If He can't make you believe, what's the use of me trying?
Sister, now look on me just a moment so I can just see you. Just be reverent and I just want to talk to you, just... See? You're--you're human being as I am. And I must catch your spirit in order to--to know, and to see, and... But you're--you're standing for someone else. It's your mother, an elderly woman who's unable to come to the meeting. And there's something wrong in the--in the stomach. It's... Oh, the--oh, the doctor... It's a cancer. The--the woman is dying. And she asked you to come and, "stand for me." I seen her as she said when you left the door, for you to stand in her place. Is that truth, lady?
Our heavenly Father, send Thy blessings to her. Whatever her request is, Lord, for healing, grant it to her, as I bless this poor woman; in the Name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, I ask it. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go, and be unto you just as you believe. That's just the way it'll be. God bless you. Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
57 Come, lady. Have faith. Are you believing with all your heart? All right, lady. I want you to look this way just a moment to me. Do you believe me to be the Lord's servant? Unworthy to say that, I'm ashamed of my life, ashamed of my being, to even claim to be His servant; but yet, through His grace, He has made me His servant, and my hands to represent... How could my hands ever represent His, seeing that my hands is unholy to represent His holy hands. But whose hands would be holy? We were all born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies.
Now, just a moment. There's a demon in the audience a screaming to this woman. On that woman right there, you have asthma, don't you, lady? You do too, don't you? Asthmatic. All right. Stand up to your feet. That's right. Stand up, lady, with the black coat on. That's right. Go home, both of you now, and be healed. God bless you. Go, in Jesus' Name.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." Say... All right. I felt that, them demons calling one to another.
58 Now, come, lady. Believe with all your heart. You want to get over that kidney trouble and go home and be made well? Say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus, for healing me." God bless her and heal her, I pray, in Jesus Christ's Name, that You'll grant it, Father. Amen. Amen.
Come, lady. Wasn't it a strange thing when I said, "kidney trouble," to her, for you have the same. Just keep on going and say, "Lord, I thank You for my healing." I ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. All right.
Do you believe, lady? With all your heart? You believe me His servant? Are you, Amish? And you, very lovely, I appreciate your faith in Christ Jesus. In Fort Wayne, Indiana, and many of your people were there and healed. An Amish minister married me. Your loyalty is appreciated.
And you suffer... I see you, especially in a room of a evening there's something takes... Oh, yes, you're coughing real hard. It's a asthmatic condition. Is that right? Sleeping at night, you can't hardly sleep it's so bad. Isn't that right in a--a room where you have to yourself? Now, God knows that that is true. You believe you're going to get well now? May I ask God to help you, sister, as you come forward?
Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, bless this little woman, who I bless in Thy Name, and may she get healed from this night and take this message to her people, that Jesus Christ has raised from the dead and is a great Healer that heals all the sickness. I ask this in His Name. Amen. God bless you, my little sister. Go on your road, rejoicing, believing and be healed.
59 All right. Come, lady. That's a horrible demon. It makes you dizzy and upset all the time. It's sugar diabetes. You see? But God can heal you of that. Standing here between you and I now, it's dripping like that, a white blood. See? 'Cause it's insulin shots and things that has to be taken to keep it down. I pray that God will heal you. Will you accept it now, accept your healing?
O Jesus, Son of God, may this poor soul come to Calvary just now and get a blood transfusion from that holy Blood there at Calvary and never need another shot as long as she lives. Oh, I pray this blessing for her, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go rejoice now. Go happy. You want to go back or anyway you want to go. All right.
60 Come, lady. If God will speak and say what's wrong with you, will you accept your healing? You will accept it; you promise me that? Well, you have trouble with your ovary, which is a female trouble causing a discharge. Isn't that right? All right, just... You right back now and get well. Just turn right around and say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus." or go back this way, anyway you want to go. Say, "Thank you."
Wasn't it a strange thing when I said that to her? 'Cause you suffer with the very same thing, and it left you the same time hers did. God bless you, go and be made well. Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
Strange thing. You had the same thing, lady. Is that right? A female disorder. Just keep on going. You been real nervous for a while too, haven't you? Don't worry about that, that's what's caused it (You see?), which might cause a premature menopause. But just keep thanking God. It was ulcerated in there, but it's--it's moved now. Go, believing God and you shall get well. Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
61 Come, believing with all your heart. Get over the diabetes and so forth. Go home and be made well. Do you believe God with all your heart? Believe He's going to heal you right now? Let me lay... You want me to lay hands on you. That's fine.
Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal her. May she go, in Jesus' Name, and be made well. God bless you, sister.
All right, come, lady. Come, sir. With all your heart. 'Course I see you're wearing glasses which is caused from your eyes. Anyone can see that. Maybe there's something else wrong that--that God will reveal to me. That people say, "Why, of course, knowing your eyes are going bad like that, and just--and seeing that little s--place there on your eye. We won't speak of that, 'cause you know of that. But perhaps, maybe, there's something else wrong. God will reveal it. Yes, sir. Do you believe with all your heart? You have heart trouble too. Is that right? All right, go ahead now. You believe? God bless you. Go and be made well, in Jesus' Name.
62 Come, lady. Believe with all your heart as you come. You believe with--if God could help you here... If God would reveal to me what your trouble is, do you believe that He would make you well? You believe it with all your heart? Stand still just a minute.
Yes, it's that lady setting right there. You have stomach trouble, don't you, sister? Said, yes. Stomach trouble? You had stomach trouble too, didn't you? You're both healed. Go home and eat what you want to.
The lady setting second from you there had stomach trouble too, right down there. That other lady too, setting down there had a stomach trouble too. You believe with all your heart... You believe it? It's a ulcerating condition causing peptic ulcer. You go home and eat what you want to. God bless you.
The lady setting right between you had a rupture. Is that right, lady? You believe? Go home.
What's the matter, sir? Do you believe with all your heart? All right. You had a--a heart trouble and rheumatism, and you--you believe that God will make you well there? If you do, you can raise up. You know, you have gallbladder trouble, setting right next there--gallbladder trouble. Isn't that right, sir? All right, you can raise up too and accept your healing and go home. Or... You can go--be made well. God bless you. That's it. Go home, you're healed. Standing here last night trying to believe, now, your faith's made you whole. God bless you. Go home; you're well, and be all right.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
63 Come, lady. Come, you, lady. You believe me to be His prophet, His servant? With all your heart? Have a hard time getting up of a morning, don't you? That arthritis bothers you so bad at morning. What if I told you it was gone? Will you believe it? Go off the platform, walk like a little young lady. Go ahead and be made well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Have faith in God. Oh, what the Holy Spirit could do right now.
Come, sir. You believing? If God will reveal your trouble will you--will you accept your healing? You have diabetes in your blood. God will make you well. Go believe it. God bless you, brother. Let's say, "Thanks, God."
Come, sir. You believing with all your heart? What made you jump when I said heart trouble? 'Cause heart's what's a bothering you. Isn't that right? Now, you can go home and be made well; if you believe with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make you well.
Father, I pray that You'll heal the man, for we know without this, he would die soon; and I pray that You'll help him. Amen. God bless you, my brother. God be with you. All right. Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
64 God bless you, sister. You believe for the little boy? A female trouble. And this little laddie here... You believe he will get over it? That he'll quit having them? Them spells, it's epilepsy. You come from out of town. You come from a rolling country, lot of... I'm either going say it's Carolina or Virginia, one. I'll say Virginia. Is that right?
Now, this is epilepsy. And I want every one to bow your heads. Bring me the baby. Come here, sonny. Now remember, this is kind that gets away. I want every mother with your child stand close. I'm not responsible.
Remember, if--if anything happens, if you're a critic, this is your time to leave. Epilepsy's the one thing caused more trouble than anything. I don't say I can. By God's help I believe I can make it leave him. But remember, it'll be in the building.
Now, bow your heads and don't raise it till you hear me say so. Look here, son. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for you, honey, that you might be made well, that this thing might leave you. Well, if Jesus will make you well, will you serve God all your life, and--and serve Him and be a young man, if God let's you live? And if He calls you to preach the Gospel, you'll preach anything He wants. Will you do that?
Almighty God, Who brought Jesus from the grave, this devil has robbed this child here, seeing that there lays a future in his life, I believe. That's why I take the little boy here under this consideration, and I ask You to be merciful to this child. Now, thou demon that's called epilepsy, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I charge Thee by the living God, come out of the boy. Leave him. Go out of this building and torment no one else. In Jesus Christ's Name, I bind thee and send thee from this child; by the authority of the vicarious suffering of Jesus the Son of God at Calvary, I ask you to go from the child.
Look here, sonny. It's off of him now, mother. It's gone. Now, you just keep believing; they won't come back on him. God bless you, honey. God bless you. Go ahead, your trouble's ended too, sister. You're going home. May God bless you.
Let's say, "Thanks be to God." Now, raise your heads. Raise your head. I thought it was going to show up. I believe that boy's got a future. I seen something. I couldn't make out what it was, 'cause I'm so weak right at this time, but I--I thought that--that something showed to the boy.
65 Now, be reverent. Have faith in God. Believe Him with all your heart. See a little lady setting there, praying. The Spirit's hanging over her, a halo. It's a... She's got something wrong with her hip. And you're suffering with a nervous condition. You were praying that I would speak to you. Isn't that right, lady? When you was--had your prayer going. Little lady in white there, isn't that right? I seen you. All right. You're going to get well now. You're going to be all right.
There's a poor old man setting there with a crutch in his arm. Look this a way, sir. Do you believe me... That's all right. You believe me to be God's prophet? You do? All right. You've just recently had a stroke that's put you in this condition. And it must've been; you had the same clothes on. It's been the last day or two you was to visit a doctor. And a doctor's putting something over... It's on your heart. He says you got a heart trouble. He shook his head and says that you can't live but a little while. Is that the truth, sir? I would accept Jesus Christ as my Healer, and stick that crutch on my shoulder, and go out of here, and glorify God, if I was in your place. God bless you. Get some spunk in you, like that, of the old fashion Holy Ghost conviction and go out. God bless you. Now, stick her on your shoulder and go on. You're healed.
66 Let's say, "Praise the Lord." on... You believe now? How many believes? Raise your hands. Now, bow your heads.
Heavenly Father, I pray Thee, in the Name of Thy Son Jesus, that You will cast away every unclean spirit. Every devil that's in the building, may it all leave, and every one in here be perfectly made well.
O God, You Who stood here, hour after hour, and has confirmed Your Word with signs following, how much longer will these people of this world disbelieve You, Lord? O God, grant that every spirit of unbelief, and every doubt will be drove away from the people right now; and the power of Your resurrected Son, may take its place and give strength and power. And may every person in here be healed just now.
Lord, may the cripples walk out. May every one that's on crutches walk out, packing their crutches over their shoulder. May the wheel stretcher cases walk out tonight, pushing the cart before them. And may all the heart trouble go out rejoicing, healed. Everyone, Lord. I'll condemn every devil, through the suffering of Jesus Christ at Calvary where He won the victory, I say that every devil is defeated; in Jesus Christ's Name, I ask for him to leave the people. Amen.
Almighty God that raised His Son from the dead, will make you every one well at this minute. Are you believing? If you are believing, stand to your feet. Throw away your crutches, get up out of your places, and God make you every one well.