Skutočná Veľkonočná Pečať



1        Dnes zavčasu ráno pri východe slnka sme mali veľkolepú službu, kde nám brat Neville hovoril veľmi výnimočné posolstvo na tejto Veľkonočnej bohoslužbe.

2        A teraz, viem, že je to nepríjemné, keď musíte stáť, naša kapacita, ktorú tu máme na sedenie, je veľmi malá. A práve sa ma pýtali, či by tu mohli otvoriť túto zadnú časť a umiestniť ľudí do priestoru krstiteľnice. Povedal som, „To je pre nich dobré miesto.“ To pre nich bolo veľmi dobré miesto. Oni... takže za chvíľu vytiahnu záclony a... myslím, že sa práve idú postaviť okolo okraja. Neviem, či tam sú, alebo nie; vidím, že je to plné vody, a tak budú musieť stáť celkom blízko na doske. Ale vidím, že niečo z toho práve pripravujú, takže pravdepodobne to v priebehu pár minút otvoria.

3        No, Veľká noc je významný deň pre nás všetkých; máme skrátka veľmi radi Veľkú noc. A teraz sa budeme snažiť nedržať vás príliš dlho, pretože pri okolnostiach...

4        Ale rád by som len urobil jedno alebo dve ohlásenia, a síce, že naše bohoslužby teraz začnú ďalšiu nedeľu, pre vás ľudí, ktorí nie ste z tohto mesta. Začnú v Bloomington, v Illinois, v areáli metodistickej univerzity. A budú pokračovať od nedele do nedele. A potom tam budú raňajky pre kazateľov. A potom v jedno ráno budem hovoriť ku kolektívu študentov univerzity a budú tam raňajky, pokiaľ viem.

5        A potom na nasledujúci týždeň po... To je od dvadsiateho tretieho do poslednej nedele. Alebo ako to je? [Brat Neville hovorí, „Tam v tom je práve sklz, brat. – pozn.prekl.] Ó, áno. No, takže už je to oznámené; vedia o tom. [„Oznamoval som to.“ – pozn.prekl.] Tak veru, to je skvelé, dobre. Chicago, teraz tam bolo – ako som to pochopil z predošlého večera, oni nedokážu zohnať to Lane Tech auditórium, a tak to bude v auditóriu, ktoré je asi desať minút jazdy od Lane Tech. Pokiaľ viem, bude tam iné auditórium. Samozrejme, že tam pravdepodobne budú mať nejaké označenia, ktoré vám ukážu na – kde bude zhromaždenie.

6        Potom ideme hore do Britskej Kolumbie. A potom, od prvého júla do štvrtého, budeme v Miami, na Floride.

7        Tak, a potom je to zaujímavé, lebo máme mať veľké stanové zhromaždenie; ak to bude, skutočne tam chcem byť – všetci z vás, ktorí môžete, vo Washingtone DC, v hlavnom meste na zhromaždení. To bude moje prvé stanové zhromaždenie, viete, kde mi Pán zasľúbil, že sa so mnou stretne v tom malom mieste na tom zhromaždení. A tí biznismeni tam to teraz plánujú; zavolali nám a povedali, že buď obstarajú Convention Hall, kde sme už mali zhromaždenia, alebo rozložia veľký stan. A len čo povedal, „veľký stan,“ niečo trochu spozornelo, možno to je to miesto, kde bude to zhromaždenie, pri dome Kapitolu. Takže je to veľmi, veľmi dobré. A tak uvidíme, ako to dopadne, a potom o trochu neskôr vám dáme vedieť, ako Duch Svätý viedol tú cestu.

8        No, myslím, že tu majú nejaké malé bábätká, ktoré nie sú z tohto mesta, ktoré chceli posvätiť Pánovi. No, toto... Mnohí ľudia ich pofŕkajú, atď. A to je úplne v poriadku. Nič proti tomu nemám. Avšak, pofŕkanie nie je biblické pre bábätko, ani pre dospelého. Rozumiete? Pofŕkanie je len cirkevná forma, ktorá bola prijatá najprv katolíckou cirkvou, a potom nesená ďalej protestantmi. Ale neexistuje miesto Písma pre nijaké pofŕkanie dospelého alebo bábätka.

 A keď sa chceme držať Písma tak verne, ako len môžeme; v Biblii prinášali malé deti ku nášmu Pánovi a On ich zodvihol, vzal ich na ruky a požehnal ich a povedal, „Dovoľte malým deťom prichádzať ku Mne.“ No, to je to, čo sa snažíme robiť: nasledovať týmto spôsobom prikázania Pánove. A privádzame starších zboru a postavíme sa okolo a posvätíme deti pre Pána.

        Ak nám náš pianista zahrá našu pieseň, Prineste ich dnu, v poriadku, a tie matky, ktoré majú maličkých, prídu a postavia sa dopredu, brat Neville a niektorí zo starších tu budú so mnou stáť, ak prídu; a posvätíme tieto deti Pánovi.

        Prineste ich dnu, prineste ich dnu;

 Prineste ich dnu z polí hriechu;

 Prineste ich dnu, prineste ich dnu;

 Prineste maličkých ku Ježišovi.

9        No, toto je len forma, ktorou matky posväcujú svoje malé deti Pánovi. A v toto Veľkonočné ráno, čo za nádherný čas na krst alebo na posvätenie, toto skoré ročné obdobie a čas vzkriesenia. Zaspievajme to znovu, zatiaľ čo tí ostatní začnú.

Prineste ich dnu, prineste ich dnu;

 Prineste ich dnu z polí hriechu;

 Prineste ich dnu, prineste ich dnu;

 Prineste maličkých ku Ježišovi.

10        No, priatelia, viem, že každé jedno je tým najkrajším dieťaťom na svete. Viem to. Viem to veľmi dobre na to, aby som o tom povedal niečo iné. Je to tak. A takým spôsobom by sme to mali cítiť.

11        Oni sú malými pokladmi, ktoré vám dal Boh k zodpovednosti, aby ste ich vychovávali. A vždy som hovorieval a robil tento druh vyhlásenia pre matky. Poznáme napísané štyri Evanjeliá: Matúš, Marek, Lukáš a Ján. Ale existuje piate evanjelium, nenapísané; to je matka. Ona ich dostane predtým, ako ich dostane náuka Matúša, Mareka, Lukáša a Jána. A tak sú na vás položené zodpovednosti, vy, matky a otcovia, aby ste tieto deti vychovávali pre Kráľovstvo Božie. A som si istý, že to je túžbou vášho srdca.

12        Pozdvihneme ich ku Bohu v modlitbe a posvätíme vaše deti Kristovi. Starší a ja, pristúpime dopredu ku... Vy nám len poviete meno. A viem, že moja manželka mi trochu závidí, čo sa týka tejto práce, pretože...

13        Lisa Ann Mitchell. Ó. Lisa Ann Mitchell, poklad pre ktorékoľvek ruky. Skloňme naše hlavy.

14        Nebeský Otče, ako Tvoji služobníci, pozdvihujeme túto malú Lisu Ann Mitchell ku Tebe v Mene Pána Ježiša. Posväcujeme ju a nárokujeme si jej život pre Kráľovstvo Božie. Nech žije a rastie a je nádhernou osobou pre Kráľovstvo Božie. Robíme toto preto, že sme poverení naším Pánom. V Mene Ježiša Krista sa modlíme. Amen. Nech vás Boh žehná.

15        H. A., E. J. Junior. E. J. Junior, zatiaľ čo spinká. Tak skloňme naše hlavy.

16        Náš nebeský Otče, pozdvihujeme ku Tebe tohto malého chlapca; modlíme sa, ak bude Ježiš predlievať, aby si z neho učinil veľkého služobníka Božieho. Matka ho dáva Tebe. A my ho odovzdávame v Mene Pána Ježiša, aby si požehnal jeho a dom, z ktorého pochádza. Nech je vychovávaný na slávu Božiu, ako ho posväcujeme Ježišovi Kristovi. Amen.

17        Nech ťa Boh žehná, kazateľ, a tvoje...?... Som pri tejto práci trocha opatrný, pretože sa vždy bojím, aby som nezranil tých maličkých.

18        No, dovoľte mi, aby som... Vyzerá to tak, že to je malý človiečik. Meno? Debora Myers. Malá Debora Myers, dnes ráno má jasné oči. Skloňme naše hlavy.

19        Nebeský Otče, prinášame Ti malú Deboru Myers; prosíme o Tvoje požehnania pre to dieťa, ako ju posväcujeme Pánovi, ako Ti ju teraz otec a matka odovzdávajú; a s radosťou spomíname na to, čo robil náš Pán Ježiš, ktorý žehnal maličkých a hovoril, „Nechajte ich prísť ku Mne.“ Odovzdávame Ti malú Deboru na celý život do služby v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

20        No, ktorý z týchto ďalších maličkých? V poriadku, pane. No, tento malý človiečik: Sára Rút, malá Sára Rút Wheeler. Wheelan – Wheeler.

21        Náš nebeský Otče, prinášame Ti toto malé rozkošné dieťatko, ktoré nám bolo dané do rúk na posvätenie. A stojíme so sklonenými hlavami a srdciami, aby sme Ti za ňu poďakovali, a modlíme sa, aby si požehnal jej život, aby Ti slúžila celý život. Odovzdávame Ti ju v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

22        Nech vás Boh žehná. Teraz je to hotovo. Ona sa na mňa obzrela späť, akoby chcela povedať, „Ešte niečo?“ V poriadku.

23        Tu je milé malé dievčatko. No, aké je tvoje meno? Mica Ungren. Aká milá je táto maličká. Ako sa máš? Ona sa zaujíma o všetko, chce vedieť, čo sa tu hore deje. Skloňme naše hlavy.

24        Náš nebeský Otče, odovzdávame Ti v toto Veľkonočné ráno toto malé rozkošné dieťatko, prinášame ku Tebe maličkých. Posväcujeme ju Pánovi Ježišovi do životnej služby. Udeľ, Pane, aby žila dlho do príchodu Pánovho, ak je to možné. A učiň z nej pre Seba služobnicu, ako Ti ju posväcujeme v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

25        Aké je jeho meno? Ó, Melynda, malá Melynda Ungren. Chcú ťa vidieť z tohto smeru, Melynda. Si pekná. Ó. Skloňme naše hlavy.

26        Otče Bože, odovzdávame Ti túto malú dámu v Mene Pána Ježiša. Posväcujeme Ti ju, jej život, do služby životom pre Teba, Pane, modlíme sa, aby si ju chránil a učinil ju jednou z Tvojich služobníc, aby Ti slúžila a aby robila to, kvôli čomu sa narodila, aby to vykonala. Odovzdávame Ti ju v posvätení v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

27        Všetky tieto pekné malé dievčatá... Pozrime sa teraz...Toto, ó, tu, toto je jedno. Ako sa máš? Ako sa dnes ráno máš? Ako sa teraz volá? Jane... Jamie Lynn Daulton.

28        Náš nebeský Otče, prinášame Ti toto milé malé dievčatko a modlíme sa, aby si ju požehnal. A prosíme, Pane, aby si požehnal domovy týchto detí. Nech sú vychovávané v napomínaní Božom do služby životom pre Teba. Odovzdávame Ti toto malé zlatíčko, ako ju posväcujeme Bohu v Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho. Amen. (Vaše malé bábätko je...?...)

29        Ako sa máš? No, ty môžeš takmer držať mňa, či nie? Ó. Ako sa volá? Tereza Cabert. Pozri sa sem, Tereza. Nie je to pekné malé dievčatko? Všetky sú tak peknými malými bábätkami.

30        Náš nebeský Otče, odovzdávame Ti toto malé milé dievčatko, ktoré nám odovzdali jej milovaní. Ako držíme to dieťa pre Teba, odovzdávame ju do života služby Bohu. Posväcujeme ju do Božej služby v Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho. Amen.

31        Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra, a nech žehná tvojho maličkého, zatiaľ čo sa pomodlíme. Malé modré oči; a potom hnedé. Ako sa volá? Cynthia, malá Cynthia. Pozri sa sem, Cynthia. Tie pekné malé oči.

32        Náš nebeský Otče, odovzdávame Ti dnes ráno toto malé dievčatko. Daj, nech môže dlho žiť a nech je Tvojou služobnicou. Milovaní ju dali do mojich rúk pre posvätenie; priniesol som ju pred starších a umiestňujeme ju pred Boha a posväcujeme ju pre Božiu službu v Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho. Amen.

33        No, tento je tiež trocha malý. No, Méda, mala by si byť tu hore, aby si podržala tohto. Vždy som vystrašený, že mu ublížim. James, James Bliss. On vyzerá ako veľmi múdry malý chlapec, či nie? Je to tak.

34        Náš nebeský Otče, odovzdávame Ti malého Jamesa. Nech je ako ten, od ktorého pochádza jeho meno, Jakub v Biblii, niet pochýb, ktorý odhalil múdrosť v rade ohľadom Pánovej služby. Modlím sa, aby si ho požehnal, a pre život v službe Tebe. Požehnaj ten domov, z ktorého prichádza, a nech je vychovávaný v napomínaní Božom; ako ho posväcujeme do Božej služby v Mene Ježiša Krista, Božieho Syna. Amen. Iste milujem...?...

35        Aké je meno tohto malého dievčatka? Poď sem hore, zlatíčko. Aha? Tammy Brown. Ó, malá Tammy Brown. Jej matka a otec boli dnes ráno pokrstení. Ďalšie pekné malé dievčatko. Skloňme naše hlavy.

36        Otče, prinášame ku Tebe toto malé dieťa. Dokážem si predstaviť, že to bolo niečo takéto, keď ich matky prinášali ku Tebe, keď si bol na Svojej pozemskej ceste. Posväcujeme Ti ju, Pane. Pokiaľ viem, jej otec a matka tu dnes ráno boli pokrstení v to vzácne Meno Pána Ježiša. Potom jej domov bude v poriadku. Modlím sa, aby si ju požehnal a dal jej život služby, ako ju posväcujeme Bohu pre Jeho službu v Mene Ježiša Krista, Jeho Syna. Amen.

37        Ďakujem vám. Ó, počkajte, je mi to ľúto; toto som si nevšimol. Ako sa máš? No, čo za milý človek. Môžem pomôcť...?... ti? Dobre. Aké je jeho meno? Danny Johnson, Danny William Johnson. Ó, dokonca vyzerá ako kazateľ, nie?

38        Nebeský Otče, prinášame Ti tohto malého chlapca. Možno je príliš malý na to, aby vedel, o čo tu ide, ale existuje Boh v nebi, ktorý sa díva dolu a pozná túto vec. Odovzdávame Ti ho, Pane, ako ho matka dala do našich rúk. Skrze vieru prichádzame v Mene Ježiša Krista a nárokujeme si ho ako trofej milosti Božej a posväcujeme ho Bohu v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, drahý.

39        Dostali sme, nie... No, aké pekné malé dievčatko sem prichádza. To sú tie najkrajšie malé šaty, ktoré máš na sebe, a malý klobúk. Alter? Adler, Ellene Gail Adler, aké nádherné malé dievčatko.

40        Náš nebeský Otče, držím pred Tebou tento poklad toho domu, malé dievčatko, ktoré prišlo na svet. A milovaní ju priniesli dopredu, aby ju posvätili do služby pre teba, ako poznajú tento zlý deň, v ktorom žijeme. Nárokujeme si život toho dieťaťa ako trofej pre Boha. A posväcujeme ju do služby Bohu v Mene Ježiša Krista, Božieho Syna. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, zlatíčko.

41        Tu je malý kazateľ, chlapec, dvaja. Sú to dvojičky? Päť a osem. Ako sa tento volá? Johnny z Richmondu, z Richmondu, Virginia. Myslím, že si pamätám na tvoju tvár. Mali sme spoločný rozhovor, keď bol prítomný Pán. Pamätám si ťa; poznal som tvoju tvár a nedokázal som prísť na to, kto si. V poriadku. No, vieme, že on príde do správneho domu. Jeho meno je John, Johnny.

42        Náš nebeský Otče, prinášame Ti tohto malého chlapca, Johnnyho. A kladieme na neho naše ruky, pretože to je spôsob, akým si to robil Ty. Ty si na nich kládol Svoje ruky. A žehnáme ho a nárokujeme si jeho život ako trofej Božej milosti a posväcujeme ho do Božej služby v Mene Ježiša Krista, Božieho Syna. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, malý chlapče.

43        Lewis, toto je Lewis.

 Nebeský Otče, prinášame Ti tohto malého chlapca, Lewisa. A otec ho priniesol dopredu pre posvätenie do služby v dome Božom.

44        Ako premýšľame o dňoch, ktoré pominuli, keď Anna vošla do chrámu a modlila sa a Boh jej dal dieťatko. A ona priniesla to dieťatko späť a odovzdala ho Bohu. To je to, čo dnes robia títo ľudia: prinášajú svojich maličkých dnu, ich malé poklady, posväcujú ich. A prorok ich vzal, Otče, a vychoval malého chlapca a on sa stal prorokom.

45        No, posväcujeme dnes ráno malého Lewisa do služby Všemohúcemu Bohu v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, synu.

46        Je zaiste dobré, keď vás vidím tu dolu z Richmondu, Virginie, dnes ráno. Nech vás Boh žehná.

47        No, pozrime sa, je to všetko? V poriadku. Ó, to sú tí malí kamaráti... Neviete, možno sme dnes ráno posvätili mnohých malých misionárov a kazateľov; nevieme. To všetko leží v rukách Všemohúceho.

48        Chcem oznámiť, že služby, ktoré budú dnes večer tu v modlitebni – bude tu služba večere Pánovej. A ak ste nikdy nenavštívili žiadnu z našich bohoslužieb s večerou Pánovou, taktiež zachovávame umývanie nôh.

49        No, leží tu zopár vreckoviek, aby som sa nad nimi modlil. Jedna patrí bratovi Grimsleyovi, nášmu bratovi tu zo zboru. Neviem, koho sú tieto. Posielame ich von, stovky a stovky z nich, po svete. A teraz budeme... Chcem sa za ne modliť potom, keď sa začnem modliť za nemocných.

50        Chcem najprv len na chvíľu hovoriť, ako malé nadviazanie na Veľkonočné posolstvo. A teraz, predtým, ako pristúpime ku Božiemu Slovu, pristúpme ku Nemu v modlitbe.

51        Náš nebeský Otče, sme dnes ráno v našich srdciach vďační za toto slávne ráno. A ponad to všetko sme vďační za toto, čo to reprezentuje, vzkriesenie a zapečatený dôkaz nášho náboženstva, keď Ježiš Kristus vstal z mŕtvych, niekedy pred dvoma tisícmi rokov a predstavil znova Seba Samého Svojej Cirkvi, navždy živý. Po dvoch tisícoch rokov sme tak šťastní, že sa stále radujeme z toho obecenstva s učeníkmi vzkrieseného Krista.

52        Modlíme sa, Pane, aby dnes ráno v tejto budove bola Jeho Prítomnosť tak precítená, že až Ho každá osoba, ktorá nie je spasená, prijme ako svojho Spasiteľa. A tí, ktorí neboli naplnení Jeho Duchom, nech toto je deň, keď na nich Duch Svätý vykoná dokončené dielo. Prosíme, aby vo Svojom veľkolepom zmierení, ktoré uzdravilo nemocných, nech príde tak blízko ku ľuďom, aby bola viera viditeľná, Pane, a prevládajúca nad neverou, čo spôsobí, že nemocní a postihnutí pôjdu odtiaľto uzdravení a v poriadku.

53        Chceme Ťa poprosiť, Pane, aby si teraz požehnal toho, ktorý sa podujíma objasniť Tvoje Slovo vzkriesenia.

 Bože, požehnaj všade všetkých kazateľov, Tvoje deti, Tvojich služobníkov po celej krajine a po celom svete.

54        A príď, Pane Ježišu, rýchlo, pretože vidíme, ako sa vo vzduchu pohybujú oblaky, Pane, a vieme, že sa približuje veľkolepá vec. Opáš Svojich ľudí. Ó, nech vezmú Meč Pravdy, pripnú si zbroj, nasadia si helmu, obujú sa do Evanjelia, a ponad všetko, nech vezmú štít viery a pohnú sa vpred. Udeľ to, Pane, lebo vojnové mraky visia nízko. Požehnaj nás teraz dnes, lebo vieme, že čoskoro, pokiaľ vieme, čoskoro uvidíme Ježiša. A modlíme sa, aby sme boli pripravení ísť, keď príde tá hodina. Nech pripravíme svoje srdcia a dokončíme to, vybavíme to raz a navždy, na tej bohoslužbe dnes ráno. V Mene Ježiša Krista, hovor ku nám skrze Svoje Slovo. Tvoje Slovo je Pravda. Amen.

55        No, pre vás, ktorí by ste radi čítali so mnou z Písem, obráťme sa do Lukáša 24. kapitoly. Chcem tu z Toho prečítať celkom dlhšiu časť, ak Pán dá, aby som získal podklad k tomu, na čom chcem založiť svoju niekoľkominútovú reč. A teraz, ak chcete, ak je horúco, myslím, alebo čokoľvek, urobte si pohodlie tak, ako len môžete, a budem tak rýchly, ako to len bude možné.

56        A chceme povedať toto, že si iste ceníme vašu lojalitu prísť. A keď to ide... Ľudia sa snažia povedať, že Evanjelium stratilo svoju príťažlivosť; a keď ľudia prichádzajú z celého národa kvôli službe Pánovi, aby stáli na mieste, kde ich bolia nohy, to stále ukazuje, že Boh má ľudí a stále existuje túžba v ich srdci, vidieť Boha. Jednako, Evanjelium vo svojej jednoduchosti, práve tak, ako je jednoduché Evanjelium nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, jednako to je najväčšia moc, ktorá kedy zasiahla zem, je to Evanjelium Kristovo. A Evanjelium nie je iba v Slove, ale skrze moc a demonštrácie Ducha Svätého. Nech nám On udelí tieto veci, ako teraz budeme čítať od 36. verša 24. kapitoly svätého Lukáša.

 A keď hovorili o tom, sám Ježiš sa postavil medzi nimi a povedal im: Pokoj Vám!

 Ale oni, celí naľakaní a prestrašení, domnievali sa, že vidia ducha.

 A on im povedal: Prečo ste predesení, a prečo vzchádzajú také myšlienky vo vašom srdci?

 Vidzte moje ruky i moje nohy, že som ja sám, ten istý. Dotýkajte sa ma a vidzte, lebo duch nemá tela a kostí, a jako vidíte, že ja mám.

 A to povediac ukázal im ruky a nohy.

 A keď ešte neverili od radosti... neverili od radosti a divili sa, povedal im: Či tu máte niečo na jedenie?

 A oni mu podali kúsok pečenej ryby a medového plásta.

 A vzal a pojedol pred nimi.

 A povedal im: Toto sú moje slová, ktoré som vám hovoril, keď som ešte bol s vami, totiž že sa musí naplniť všetko, čo je napísané o mne v zákone Mojžišovom, v prorokoch i žalmoch.

 Vtedy otvoril ich um, aby rozumeli písmam.

 A povedal im: Tak je napísané, a tak musel Kristus trpieť a vstať z mŕtvych tretieho dňa,

a musí byť kázané v jeho mene pokánie a odpustenie hriechov medzi všetkými národami počnúc od Jeruzalema.

 A vy ste toho svedkami.

 A hľa, ja posielam zasľúbenie svojho Otca na vás, a vy buďte v meste Jeruzaleme, dokiaľ nebudete... až kým nebudete odiati do moci z výsosti.

 Potom ich vyviedol von až do Betánie a pozdvihnúc svoje ruky dal im požehnanie.

 A stalo sa v tom, keď ich žehnal, že sa bral preč od nich a vznášal sa hore do neba.

 A oni pokloniac sa mu navrátili sa do Jeruzalema s velikou radosťou.

 A boli po celý čas v chráme a chválili Boha a dobrorečili mu. Amen.

57        No, ak by som to mal nazvať, aby som neodchádzal od témy, rád by som to nazval takto: Skutočná Veľkonočná Pečať.

58        To, ako som začal rozmýšľať o takej veci, bolo to asi pred týždňom na mojej ceste do Georgetownu, malého mesta tu pod New Albany. A stáli tam na ulici chlapci, vyberali milodary pre Veľkonočné pečate [Easter seals – charitatívna organizácia pre pomoc postihnutým deťom – pozn.prekl.]. A začal som premýšľať o Veľkonočnej pečati. A pomyslel som si, „Čo je to Veľkonočná pečať? Istotne to znamená viac než to, na čo vyberajú títo chlapci milodary, Veľkonočná pečať.“ A pomyslel som si, „Čo robia s takými pečaťami a s príspevkom, ktorý je od nich vybratý – alebo pre nich?“ Oni sú umiestnení, samozrejme, tieto pečate, na listy a veci. A je to pre nich milodar na základe slobodnej vôle a putuje to na to, aby umiestnili ľudí, ktorí majú tuberkulózu, do nemocnice, a tak ďalej, a aby ich dali do nemocnice na miesto odpočinku, až kým neskonajú.

59        A pomyslel som si, „Istotne je Veľká noc niečím väčším ako to, pečať Veľkej noci. Malo by to znamenať niečo viac než umiestnenie nejakej osoby do nemocnice, aby ju udržali v pohodlí.“ Čo je veľmi dobre; nič proti tomu nemám. To – nech ich Boh žehná; to je nádherná vec. Ale stále, vyzerá to tak, že by to malo ísť trocha ďalej než to, v tom, že Veľká noc znamená tak mnoho pre kresťanskú Cirkev a pre naše kresťanské dedičstvo, pečať vzkriesenia. A ako môže takáto malá poštová známka zaujať jej miesto? To nemôže.

 A tak som o tom začal premýšľať, „Čo bola tá Veľkonočná pečať?“ A takto som načrtol túto myšlienku hovoriť dnes ráno o Veľkonočnej pečati.

60        No, Veľká noc má – a pečate, a tak ďalej, je to cez celú Bibliu. Nachádzame ich, sú tak staré ako Biblia; nachádzame ich celou cestou naspäť do záhrady Eden. A potom zisťujeme, že čokoľvek nachádzame kdekoľvek v Biblii, ide naspäť do Genesis. Všetko to začalo v Genesis.

61        A potom som premýšľal, že to, čo som mal vo svojej mysli ako Veľkonočnú pečať, potom som sa divil, prečo to bolo tak odmietnuté a ako to mohli ľudia odmietnuť. Prečo to bolo tak odsúdené. A potom som rozmýšľal o tom, že nie vždy je to odsúdené a nie všetci ľudia to odsudzujú.

62        Ale Boh to urobil takým spôsobom, že človek je postavený do pozície, kedy je nútený učiniť rozhodnutie. Človek nemôže žiť na zemi bez toho, aby učinil rozhodnutie. Boh od neho túto vec vyžaduje. On musí učiniť nejaké rozhodnutie. A existuje čas, keď musíš učiniť rozhodnutie ohľadom školského vzdelania, musíš učiniť rozhodnutie ohľadom toho, s kým sa oženíš. A musíš robiť rozhodnutia pri rozličných veciach.

63        Ale v záhrade Eden, kde mali len dvoch chlapcov, to rozhodnutie doliehalo na človeka, aby sa rozhodol. A myslím, že sa to stalo, aby sa ukázala jeho pravá farba, čím je, aby sa ukázalo, čím je vo svojom vnútri. No, zisťujeme, že prišiel čas, medzi Kainom a Ábelom, že museli čeliť rozhodnutiu, pretože nadišiel čas uctievania a každý chlapec mal pripravený spôsob, ako uctievať Boha.

64        A ak si všimnete, medzi správnym a nesprávnym je rozdiel len v jednom malom náznaku. A bolo prorokované, že v posledných dňoch bude to nesprávne tak blízko ku tomu správnemu, že by to zviedlo i samotných vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné, rozdiel medzi správnym a nesprávnym.

65        No, pri tých chlapcoch, ako prichádzali ku svojim oltárom a uctievali... No, premýšľal som potom o tom, koľko oltárov je dnes ráno v cirkvách, ktoré majú na oltároch rozložené nádherné kvety. A to je v poriadku. Nemám nič proti tomu. Ale zdá sa, že tým uctievanie končí, je to umiestnenie nejakých kvetov na oltár alebo pekná cirkev alebo skvelé dekorácie alebo niečo, a vyzerá to, že tým to končí.

66        A tak nejako to bolo s Kainom, pretože priniesol ovocie z pola a učinil svoju službu Bohu; a bolo to odmietnuté, pretože neprišiel správnou a presnou cestou (spôsobom), ktorú mu Boh určil, aby tak prišiel. Ale on priniesol svoju obeť a vykonal všetko práve tak nábožne ako jeho brat, avšak bol odmietnutý. A pretože bol odmietnutý po tej duchovnej stránke, potom to spôsobilo, že v ňom povstala žiarlivosť, pretože bol chamtivý.

67        To je v človeku; nemôže si pomôcť v tom, aký je, pretože sa narodil do takého stavu. Človek je v nebesiach reprezentovaný ako hriešnik, hriešnikom. Prednedávnom som o tom hovoril a niekto povedal, „Potom to nie je spravodlivé. Ak som reprezentovaný neposlušnosťou jedného človeka, potom nemám šancu.“

68        Povedal som, „To je pravda, pretože si sa narodil ako hriešnik, ale si reprezentovaný. Si odsúdený k odsúdeniu skrze reprezentáciu.“

69        No, potom to vyzerá veľmi kruto. Ale otočme to na druhú stranu, potom sme určení do Večného Života skrze reprezentáciu. Kde nás jeden reprezentoval na smrť, Druhý nás reprezentoval do Večného Života; tak to nás stavia znova naspäť pred trón. Každá ľudská bytosť prichádza rovno späť na to isté miesto, aby sme si sami vybrali.

70        Ale tá chamtivosť, ktorá vždy bola; správne alebo nesprávne, nesprávne sa snaží zvrhnúť to správne: to začalo v Edene a muselo to prechádzať cez veky. Prechádzalo to ďalej, až to vstúpilo do štátnych záležitostí. Prišlo to ďalej do cirkevných záležitostí. Prišlo to ďalej do domáceho života: chamtivosť, snaha o vládnutie alebo zničenie, snaha premôcť, vytlačiť. A vidíme, že tá vec pracuje všade a vždy pracovala, tá istá vec sa snaží zavládnuť alebo premôcť.

71        Naprieč Starou Zmluvou, Boh, vo dňoch prorokov, späť... Mám ich tu zopár zapísaných, do ktorých nebudem mať čas vojsť. Ale Boh vo dňoch starodávnych prorokov, uprostred všetkého, ako to urobil v záhrade Eden, keď pravdivý Hlas Boží a pravdivé uctievanie Božie zostalo odsúdené a vystrčené a zabité, v záhrade Eden, a pravdivý Hlas Boží bol umlčaný skrze chamtivosť a žiarlivosť, takisto to odvtedy bolo v cirkvi, snažia sa umlčať pravdivý Hlas Boží.

72        Ale, ak si všimnete, akonáhle Ábelov hlas utíchol v smrti, Boh vzbudil Seta, aby zaujal jeho miesto. Čo nebolo ničím iným než „predzvesťou Veľkej noci,“ “predzvesťou vzkriesenia,“ alebo náhradou, až kým neprišlo vzkriesenie. To prebiehalo nejaký čas; nachádzame, ako to prebieha v Starom Zákone. Proroci, Boh udržiaval nažive Svoj Hlas skrze prorokov. Hovorili Slovo Božie a oni ich kameňovali. A akonáhle jedného ukameňovali a odstránili ho preč, Boh vzbudil ďalšieho. A ukameňovali toho a odstránili ho preč, Boh vzbudil ďalšieho. On stále udržiaval Svoje svedectvo nažive. Počas tých vekov udržiaval nažive Svoj Hlas pred ľuďmi, po celej ceste od Edenu.

73        A teraz zisťujeme, že akonáhle si Kain uvedomil, že urobil to, čo urobil, no, on odišiel z Prítomnosti Božej a bol zapečatený preč od Boha skrze znamenie, ktoré bolo na neho umiestnené. Biblia povedala, že odišiel od záhrady Eden, od brán záhrady, na východnej strane Edenu. Odišiel zapečatený, označený, odišiel z Prítomnosti Boha.

74        Čo za vec, čo za strašná vec, že Kain, kvôli žiarlivosti a kvôli tomu, že nebol ochotný zmieriť sa s Bohom tým istým vhodným spôsobom, ktorým prišiel jeho brat... Boh povedal Kainovi, „Ak budeš uctievať ako Ábel, urobíš dobre.“

75        Ale Kain povedal asi toľko, „Tu je to, čo som dal dokopy. Toto je to, čo mám; tu je to, čo dávam. Vezmi si to alebo to nechaj, jedno alebo druhé, ako chceš; len si vyhovej.“

76        No, takýto postoj majú ľudia po celý čas v cirkevnom živote, alebo inom živote. To – oni hovoria, „Chodím do zboru. Pomáham cirkvi; robím toto. Ak to Boh nemôže prijať, to je to najlepšie, čo môžem robiť.“ Rozumiete? Ale stále to nie je to, čo Boh požaduje. Boh nepožaduje to.

77        Boh požaduje pripravenú cestu. On má pripravenú cestu a On od teba požaduje, aby si prijal to, čo pripravil On. Rozumiete? On nepotrebuje našu asistenciu v hovorení Mu toho, čo robiť a ako to robiť. On vytvoril cestu (spôsob) pre nás, aby sme to tak robili, a veci, ktoré by sme mali robiť a ako by sme ich mali robiť; a On v tom vôbec nepotrebuje naše nápady. Nemáme prichádzať takým spôsobom. Ale zistili sme, že ľudia sú náchylní to takto robiť; počas celého veku.

 Ale Boh udržiaval Svoj Hlas nažive skrze Svojich prorokov, a tak ďalej, naprieč tým vekom, ako On prichádzal.

78        A dnes to nachádzame... A nachádzame to v politike. Mám tu zapísaných zopár vecí o politike, o tom, ako by sme našli dokonca v tomto dni, v ktorom sme, že ľudia predali svoje práva prvorodenstva za politiku. A ak nikto z vás ešte nemá pásku, na ktorej som hovoril pred týždňom v nedeľu tam hore v Middletown, v Ohio, o Jezábeli a Achabovi, bol by som rád, ak by ste si to niekedy vypočuli. A ako národ kvôli chamtivosti, niekoľkým dolárom navyše a populárnejšej mienke medzi ľuďmi; oni absolútne zapredali Krista práve tak, ako to urobil Judáš pred dvetisíc rokmi; za tridsať strieborných. Ó, je to hrozná vec pomyslieť na to, že stav, ktorý existuje medzi týmto národom a týmito dnešnými ľuďmi... Pomyslieť, že pred mnohými rokmi by nikdy neurobili takú vec. Ale dnes sú tak chamtiví, snažia sa získať viac peňazí, snažia sa mať ľahšie časy. No, to je samozrejme nekresťanské.

79        Kresťan sa nedožaduje ľahkých vecí. Nie sme... Dnes je medzi kresťanskými ľuďmi tak veľa nasľubované; tak mnoho kazateľov ľuďom sľubuje falošnú vec, „Ak len prídeš ku Kristovi, všetky tvoje problémy sa vyriešia.“ Hovorím ti, že keď prídeš ku Kristovi, vtedy oni začnú. Vtedy obliekaš uniformu, berieš pušku a vchádzaš na bojisko. Táto kresťanská cesta nie je pohodlná posteľ plná kvetov. Je to boj od tej hodiny, ako začneš, až kým nie je tvoj duch oslobodený skrze smrť. Nie ste na žiadnom pikniku. Ste na bojiskách. A tak, sú nám nasľubované rôzne veci.

80        A niekedy sa stávam... Nerád toto hovorím, ale myslím to zo srdca, že sa stávam zmätený, keď počujem o tak „impozantnej“ viere, „impozantnom“ náboženstve. A všetko sa dnes stáva niečím „impozantným“. To je „impozantný“ človek. A televízia otvorila cestu skrze kozmonautov, a tak ďalej, a hromadu nezmyslov, „impozantné“. Ó. A oni to dokonca dnes priniesli do Božského uzdravovania; „impozantné“ uzdravenia. No, Boh nemá žiadne také veci ako to. Mnohokrát privádzajú na pódium ľudí, a sú to obdarení ľudia, niet pochýb, ale s nesprávnym porozumením Evanjelia, vylievajú na nich olej, modlia sa a stoja tam, trasú nimi, až kým sa niečo nestane; oni sa uzdravia. A možno tá osoba žije v hriechu a oni odchádzajú preč a zistia, že sa to na nich znova vracia. Možno v tom čase boli pod vplyvom vzrušenia. Pričom viera Božia, ktorú nahromadili, ich uzdravila. Ale keď sa dostanú preč medzi neveriacich, znova to prichádza späť, znova sa to stane.

81        To, čo dnes potrebujeme, je Božské uzdravenie a definitívne rozhodnutia pre Krista. Je to tak.

82        Čítal som nedávno list, ktorý mi poslali z luteránskej asociácie v Nemecku, kde stál brat a mal uzdravovacie zhromaždenie v Nemecku, so sponzorstvom luteránskej cirkvi a letničných, a tak ďalej. A bola napísaná táto kópia tohto listu a on povedal, „Kážeš to Božské uzdravenie. A všetko, čo musia urobiť, je to, že na nich položíš svoje ruky a oni niečo pocítia a zostanú uzdravení.“ Povedal, „Rozhodne s tebou nesúhlasím.“ Povedal, „Čo potom s malou Deborou Stadsklev, keď tam zomrela? Jeden deň bola dokonale zdravým dieťaťom a v priebehu nasledujúcich pár hodín ležala mŕtva. A vy všetci ste prišli tam hore, modlili ste sa, triasli ste ňou, pomazali ste ju a všetko také, kvôli uzdraveniu a nebol tam žiaden život. To dieťatko tam ležalo.“ Povedal, „Potom poslali telegram bratovi Branhamovi a on vôbec nič nepovedal, až pokiaľ nemal dobré, definitívne rozhodnutie od Boha, potom prišiel v Mene Pána Ježiša, aby vypovedal Slovo.“

83        No, to je to, čo potrebujeme: dostať definitívne rozhodnutie od Boha. To je dôvod, prečo musíme prísť. Preto krstíme v Mene Ježiša Krista; to je definitívne rozhodnutie zo Slova Božieho. To je dôvod, prečo zostávame s tými vecami, ktoré robíme, pretože sú to Božie nariadenia a Božie Evanjelium. A musíme s Tým zostať práve takým spôsobom, ako To je napísané. Či už súhlas, či ste nenávidení, či už sa stane čokoľvek, to s tým nemá nič spoločné. Boh chce definitívne rozhodnutia. A ako to môžete urobiť, keď viete, že od začiatku nie ste v poriadku. Nemôžete mať definitívne rozhodnutie od Boha. Ako môžete prísť a prosiť o Božské uzdravenie, keď viete, že vaše srdce nie je na poriadku s Bohom, aby ste Mu slúžili? Vidíte, chcete ísť naspäť von a robiť veci, ktoré sú vo svete. Takto nebudete nikdy uzdravení. Rozumiete? Musíte pred Boha prísť čistí a zasvätiť svoj život a srdce Bohu, a potom vás Boh uzdraví. A potom je to trvalé, pretože vaša viera zostala zakotvená.

84        No, to je v... Predsa sme našli tú chamtivosť v cirkvi a v politike a národných záležitostiach. Jeden národ... Pozrite sa sem dolu do Afriky, čo sa tam teraz deje. Pozrite sa, kvôli chamtivosti, pozrite sa, čo sa tam dole v Afrike teraz udialo; nie len tam, ale po celom svete, všade, pretože človek chce byť niekým. Oni – toto je všetko, čo majú, rovno tu na zemi, alebo – oni žijú takýmto spôsobom.

85        Ak by toto bolo všetko, čo by som mal, bol by som biednou osobou. Ja očakávam na Mesto, ktorého Staviteľom a Učiniteľom je Boh. Tam si hromadíme svoje poklady, za tým účelom.

86        Synovia Kaina, alebo lepšie povedané synovia satana... Oni sú synovia satana, pretože Kain bol synom satana. A z toho dôvodu dnes synovia Kaina... A vy poviete, „Si si tým istý, brat Branham?“ Áno, som. Som o tom presvedčený. No, počúvajte.

87        Ježiš, keď bol tu na zemi, On priamo povedal tým náboženským vodcom, „Vy ste zo svojho otca diabla.“ A jednako boli zbožní, boli nábožní, boli to učenci a mali veľkolepé budovy, mali veľké cirkvi, mali veľké vzdelanie a kňazstvo a rády, a tak ďalej, ale zlyhali rozpoznať, kým bol Kristus. Zlyhali porozumieť svojmu dňu.

88        A tak, ako robili vtedy, tak robia i teraz, presne tak isto. Nedokážu si uvedomiť, v akom dni žijeme, ani veci, ktoré Boh robí. No, a preto vidíme, mohli by... Ak tí náboženskí vodcovia...

89        No, tu to je. Ak tí náboženskí vodcovia v tom dni boli nazvaní synmi diabla; okrem toho vieme, že diabol bol ten, ktorý na začiatku inšpiroval Kaina, aby prenasledoval svojho brata a zabil ho. Tá istá vec sa stala skrze tých istých vodcov, ktorí prenasledovali Ježiša Krista a zabili Ho. Boli takisto nútení učiniť rozhodnutie, ako boli nútení tam v záhrade Eden. Boli nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. „No, čo s Týmto?“ Synovia Kaina, synovia satana...

90        Poviete, „Siaha to aj do národov?“

 Keď Satan vzal Ježiša na vrchol hory, aby Ho pokúšal, ukázal Mu všetky kráľovstvá sveta. No, to bolo všetko, čo bolo a všetko, čo bude, všetky kráľovstvá celého sveta. A povedal, „Tieto sú moje a robím si s nimi, čokoľvek chcem. Môžem spôsobiť, aby bojovali; môžem spôsobiť, aby robili toto alebo všeličo.“ A on si robil nárok na kráľovstvá sveta, tak potom môžeme vidieť, ako chamtivosť a sebectvo prichádza do politiky. Rozumiete? Potom môžeme vidieť, kde to je v cirkvi a v cirkevných vodcoch, kde chamtivosť a sebectvo prichádza do cirkvi.

91        No, sledujte to, tá istá stará chamtivosť, ktorá začala v záhrade Eden, ktorá umiestnila na jedného zlú pečať a na druhého správnu Pečať, prichádza rovno ďalej do časov nášho Pána Ježiša. Keď bol tu na zemi, bol Mu daný proces skrze to, čo sa nazývalo spravodlivosť, súdy spravodlivosti. Aký nespravodlivý výsmech to bol. Nebola tam jediná vec, ktorú by proti Nemu mohli nájsť. Bola to politická zaujatosť. Nemohli proti Nemu nič nájsť. Dokonca, že až sám Pilát povedal, „Nenachádzam na Ňom žiadnej viny.“

92        A potom prichádza cirkev. Teraz sú nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. Potom, ako Ho politický svet prepustil aby spolupracoval s tým istým duchom, ktorý bol v cirkvi, ktorý bol v politike; aby sa ukázalo, že ak tu satan prehral svoj boj, stále má niečo v rezerve, mohol padnúť rovno naspäť do cirkvi. A oni Ho ukrižovali, pretože boli nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. A povedali, „Vydaj nám Barabáša namiesto Ježiša.“ Vidíte, ako to urobili?

93        Dnes to je rovno pred našimi očami, tá istá vec, a bola a vždy bude: nútení učiniť rozhodnutie.

94        No, keď boli nútení učiniť rozhodnutie, Pilát vo svojom srdci vedel, že keď ich vydal – keď vydal Ježiša cirkvi, on vedel, že cirkev bola tá, ktorá Ho vydala, aby bol ukrižovaný; a ak Ho vydá naspäť cirkvi, cirkev Ho ukrižuje. Takže Pilát nie je ospravedlnený. Vzal vodu a pokúšal sa zo svojich rúk zmyť Kristovu Krv, ale nedokázal to urobiť.

95        Od toho času, tu hore vo Švédsku, alebo lepšie povedané v Švajčiarsku, kde Pilát o pár rokov neskôr prišiel ku svojmu koncu, stratil rozum, stal sa šialený, skočil do diery s vodou, aby si vzal život... Existuje legenda, ktorá hovorí, že o tretej hodine poobede z dna toho jazera vychádza hore modrá voda. Ľudia sa tam zhromažďujú z celého sveta, aby sa na to dívali. O tretej hodine, tá modrá voda, ktorá vyzerá ako indigo, vychádza hore odniekiaľ z dna, zachveje sa na vrchnej hladine vody a smeruje naspäť dole, aby sa ukázalo, že žiadna voda nedokáže zmyť Krv Ježiša Krista zo žiadnych ľudských rúk. On je vinný.

96        A každý človek, ktorý kedy dal Krista na svoje ruky, neexistuje nič, čo by ju z nich dokázalo zmyť. Je len jedno, čo sa dá urobiť; a to je prijať To, veriť Tomu.

97        Synovia satana, synovia Kaina prenasledovali synov Božích, vydávali ich na smrť. To je to, čo urobili Ábelovi. To je to, čo urobili Ježišovi. To je to, čo robili prorokom. To je to, čo v nich je, aby to znova robili, a oni to budú robiť, akonáhle sa pre nich otvorí cesta, aby to robili.

98        Pamätajte, zaplietli sme sa do rôznych vecí a urobili sme veľa hlúpostí a to odviedlo ľudí z cesty Evanjelia a od histórie, a od toho, čo sa má stať. A tu tomu znova čelíme, rovno tu v našom národe a nie je nič, čo by sme s tým mohli urobiť. Ale potom poviete, „Brat Branham, tak prečo potom proti tomu hovoríš?“ Tak isto, ako nemôžem zastaviť hriech; ale môžem proti tomu vydať svoj hlas. A to je presne to, čo teraz robím proti hriechu a proti zlým veciam. Urobili sme zle a budeme žať to, čo sme zasiali, presne tak.

99        Odvtedy, ako mali v Middletowne pojednávanie, priviedli spolu kňaza, baptistického kazateľa a presbyteriánskeho kazateľa, radili sa ohľadom týchto školských fondov. A ten kňaz súhlasil, že protestanti platili dane rovnako ako katolíci, a že fondy by mali byť dané obom stranám, a povedal, „To, čo by sme mali urobiť, je vytvoriť jednu školu, katolícku školu.“ Ó, iste, dostať tie deti, keď sú malé. Ó, ó, čo za vec.

100        A ako tam zhromaždili tých ľudí a predniesli tam túto vec len kvôli politike. Ako – nedokážem to pochopiť. Ale tu sme, rovno tu v toto Veľkonočné ráno. A práve tá vec, práve ten dôvod, prečo sme prišli do tejto krajiny, stali sme sa Američanmi, bol, aby sme mali náboženskú slobodu, a že sme nesúhlasili s tým Jezábeľským systémom, a otočili sme sa rovno späť a zvolili sme to na pódiu rovno tam v Bielom Dome, práve tú vec, kvôli ktorej sme sem prišli, aby sme od toho boli slobodní. Ó, je to hrozný stav, v ktorom teraz žijeme, viete to: duchovná cirkev, pretože je to zapredané.

101        Vydali Ho na smrť, zabili Ho práve tak, ako to urobili spravodlivému Ábelovi. Prečo Ábel zabil – bol zabitý? Pretože vo svojom srdci mal zjavenie, čo Boh príjme, čo je potrebné na vykúpenie človeka z hriechu. Práve preto Ježiša vydali na smrť, pretože v Ňom bolo zjavenie toho, čo je potrebné, aby Boh odstránil hriech. Práve z toho dôvodu sú dnes proti skutočnej Cirkvi živého Boha, pretože káže liek na hriech, veci, ktoré spôsobujú, že ľudia žijú odlišne, správajú sa odlišne.

102        A keď to prinesiete rovno do cirkvi, v ktorej dnes žijeme, do našich letničných skupín, oni odišli rovno naspäť a robia tú istú vec, z ktorej boli oslobodení. To dokazuje, že niekde niečo nie je v poriadku. Liek na hriech. Prišlo to veľmi zľahka; vkĺzlo to dnu práve tak ako – no, práve tak ako pod rúškom pravého letničného náboženstva. Ale ak to neprodukuje ten správny výrobok, ak to neprodukuje ten správny tovar, niečo s tým niekde nie je v poriadku.

103        Ako môže tekvica rodiť melóny? Ona to nedokáže. Ako môže vinič rodiť broskyne? On ich nerodí. Ak rodí broskyne, potom je v tom viniči život broskyňového stromu.

104        A to je to, čo dnes vieme. Ak cirkev, nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi vyznáva, že je Cirkvou živého Boha, ak neprináša Boha podľa staromódneho spasenia, ak neprivádza ľudí naspäť do skutočného spasenia Božieho (a to medzi nimi ukazuje Boha, ktorý medzi nimi žije), potom to je nesprávna vec, neprináša to ten Život, o ktorom Kristus povedal, že ho prinesie.

105        Kristus zomrel na Golgote. Ako On išiel hore na ten kríž... Čítal som tu prednedávnom malú knižku, ktorá sa týkala nejakého druhu výskumu, a v tomto výskume som našiel niečo najviac prekvapujúce. Sadol som si, položil som knihu a zodvihol som ruky a chválil Boha, postavil som sa a trochu som chodil dookola, sadol som si a čítal to znova. Pomyslel som si, „Ó, či je tomu tak, že na tomto istom kopci, kde bol ukrižovaný Ježiš; Adam zomrel a bol pochovaný na tom istom kopci, na ktorom zomrel Ježiš, a bol pochovaný na tom istom kopci, na ktorom zomrel Adam; zomrel na Golgote a bol pochovaný na Golgote.“ Pomyslel som si, „Aké to je vhodné, či už to bola pravda, alebo nie.“

106        Povedzme, že to bola pravda. Potom prvý Adam zomrel a bol pochovaný, a zatiaľ tam v tom prachu, pretože reprezentoval svet a ľudí v hriechu. Ale Druhý Adam súc Bohom nebies, keď On zomrel na Golgote, nebolo dosť zeme, ktorá by Ho tam zadržala; On na tretí deň povstal a je navždy živý. Ale problém hriechu zostal vyriešený. Boh vyriešil ten problém hriechu tam na Golgote; to je to miesto, kde dlh zostal zaplatený. Keď tento Adam, Druhý Adam zomrel, zaplatil dlh hriechu za ľudskú rasu.

107        A svet Ho vložil do hrobu a zapečatil Ho v tom hrobe.

108        A oni dnes budú robiť to isté. Dnes sa snažia robiť to isté. Nechcem, aby ste prehliadli toto: Svet sa snaží (a po celý čas to bude horšie) znova zapečatiť Krista v hrobke. Snažia sa z Neho urobiť historického Boha; Toho, ktorý kráčal v dávnych dňoch a dával učeníkom moc uzdravovať nemocných a vyháňať diablov.

109        Ale čo urobili? Akonáhle si mysleli, že sa Ho zbavili, práve tak, ako to urobil Kain, keď si myslel, že sa zbavil Ábela, oni Ho zapečatili v hrobe a dali Ho tam.

110        A dnes sa snažia zadržať Krista v hrobke. Ale, ó, čo vykonalo Veľkonočné ráno. Veľkonočné ráno zruinovalo celú ich teológiu. A keď ku ľuďom prišlo Veľkonočné ráno, sem ku Cirkvi o 1900 rokov neskôr, a to zruinovalo ich teológiu. On nie je mŕtvy; On je navždy živý. Nedokážu Ho zadržať v žiadnom hrobe. Môžete Ho vložiť do metodistického hrobu alebo do baptistického hrobu alebo do hrobu presbyteriánov alebo do čohokoľvek. Ale On povstal z toho hrobu a je dnes živý. Mal som baptistický hrob a vy ste mohli mať hrob metodistov, ale jedného dňa odtiaľ Ježiš povstal, z historického Boha ku tomu živému, prítomnému Bohu, ktorý je navždy živý.

111        Niečo sa v to Veľkonočné ráno stalo. Bola to Pečať; Pečať ubezpečenia. Keď Ho vzali a dali Ho do hrobu a dali na jeho poklop rímsku pečať... Ale keď nastala tá hodina, keď nadišla tá hodina; On tam chvíľu zostal, to je pravda. On tam zostal tie tri dni a noci. Ale v ten stanovený čas, o ktorom hovorilo Písmo (Haleluja.), v ten čas, kedy On povedal, „Zničte toto telo a na tretí deň ho vzkriesim.“ Potom neexistuje nič, čo môže zastaviť to Písmo; Muselo sa to vyplniť. A tá pečať zostala zlomená a On povstal, ten istý Ježiš, znovu živý naveky.

112        A po dobu nejakých 1900 rokov, alebo možno poviem 1400 alebo 1500 rokov, Ho cirkvi mali zapečateného preč. Ale On povedal, „Stane sa v posledných dňoch, hovorí Boh...“ Nič to nezastaví. To bude... „V čase večera bude Svetlo. Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť. V čase večera bude Svetlo.“ Nestarám sa o to, koľko pečatí sa na to snažíte umiestniť, Boh zlomí každú pečať. On zlomil pečať hrobu; zlomil pečať pekla; zlomil pečať smrti. On zlomil pečať hrobu a navždy povstal, zvíťazil nad hrobom, smrťou, peklom, hrobkami a nad každou človekom vytvorenou vecou, ktorá tam bola, aby ukázal, že On je Boh a nemôže byť už viac zapečatený preč od ľudí. Boh, navždy... Nič Ho nedokáže zadržať; hrob nemôže byť vykopaný dostatočne hlboko; peklo nemôže byť dostatočne horúce. Ó, nič Ho nemohlo zadržať. On zlomil každú pečať s tou veľkolepou vianočnou pečaťou, alebo nie vianočnou pečaťou, ale Veľkonočnou Pečaťou, ktorou bol On zapečatený. A On povedal, „Tú istú Pečať, ktorú nosím, vy tiež budete nosiť, lebo... A táto Pečať, ktorú nosím, bude robiť tie isté veci, keď vy budete zapečatení. Lebo ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, on tiež bude činiť; dokonca väčšie ako tieto bude činiť, lebo Ja idem ku Otcovi.“

113        Ako to zadržíte? Čo urobíte... Čo s tým ľudia môžu robiť? Môžete... Ste nútení k rozhodnutiu, aby ste učinili svoje rozhodnutie ohľadom toho, čo s Tým urobíte. Je to presne tak.

114        No, zisťujeme, že On – žiadna pečať Ho nedokázala zadržať, On vyšiel von. Boh zlámal tú pečať, pečať hrobky; zlámal pečať smrti; zlámal pečať pekla; zlámal pečať hrobu a víťazoslávne vyšiel von. Čo to urobilo? Tá veľkolepá Pečať, ktorá bola v Jeho vnútri. Oni mohli zničiť to telo, ale nikdy nemohli zničiť tú Pečať. [Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]... zničili jedného proroka, povstal tam ďalší. Stále pokračovali v ničení. Ale potom im Boh dal niečo, čo nemohli zničiť. To je nadprirodzený Duch; To je Sám Duch Svätý, a On je neomylný a nezničiteľný. To nemôže byť zničené. To bude žiť ďalej a ďalej a ďalej. A pretože On žije, my žijeme s Ním; pretože sme zapečatení do Tela Pána Ježiša Krista. Nijakým spôsobom, nijakým spôsobom nemôžeme byť nikdy zničení, nemôžeme zahynúť, ale máme večný Život. Amen. Božie veľké roztrhanie tých pečatí...

115        On taktiež rozlámal inú pečať, o ktorej tu chcem hovoriť a nachádza sa v 2. Knihe Mojžišovej. Avšak nebudem mať čas ísť do Písem, ale On... Nachádzame to v Knihe Exodus... Keď človek zhrešil a oddelil sa od Prítomnosti Božej a prišiel, aby uctieval Boha, bola tam opona, ktorá visela medzi svätyňou a svätyňou svätých. Vo vnútri svätyne svätých bola Sláva Shekinah. Nebolo im dovolené, aby tam vošli. Nebolo im dovolené sa na to ani pozrieť. A človek, ktorý išiel tam do vnútra, raz za rok, musel byť pomazaný, správne oblečený, krv na ňom, krv v jeho ruke, krv v miske, aby pokropil trón milosti. Sláva Shekinah bola taká veľká, až tak, že keď tam v jednom roku stratil palicu, vyšiel von bez (našiel, odišiel) toho, že by vyniesol palicu. A keď sa vrátil späť, ona už prišla do života a vypučala a boli na nej všade kvety, pretože ležala v Prítomnosti Slávy Shekinah. Ale bola tam opona, ktorá medzi tým visela, pretože na ľuďoch bol hriech.

116        Ale, ó, brat, keď to v ten deň bolo pofŕkané Krvou Ježiša Krista, Duch Boží roztrhol pečať zhora nadol a priviedol človeka naspäť. Nie len, aby ho zadržal preč od Prítomnosti Božej, ale On ho priviedol naspäť do Slávy Shekinah, do Prítomnosti Boha; že až on – jeho mŕtvy život ...

117        Ježiš povedal, „Ak toto robili na zelenom Strome, čo budú robiť na suchom?“ A ak to robili Jemu, ktorý je zeleným Stromom so Životom, čo to bude pre ten starý mŕtvy formálny strom, ktorý nemá žiaden Život (Rozumiete?), teraz, keď bude vyliaty Boží hnev? Ako to ten starý mŕtvy formálny strom môže vydržať, keď zelený Strom, dokonca to zahubilo ten zelený Strom a poslalo Ho to do pekla? Boží hnev vyliaty kvôli neposlušnosti hriechu poslal ten zelený Strom do pekla, čo to urobí tomu suchému stromu, keď ho to udrie? „Ak spravodlivý bude horko-ťažko zachránený, kde sa ukáže hriešnik a bezbožník?“ Tá osoba, ktorá odmieta túto Cestu, tá osoba, ktorá o tom dobre vie, tá osoba, ktorej to bolo zjavené, a on stále odmieta kráčať Božou Cestou, čo sa stane tej osobe? Čo to bude?

118        Áno, On zlomil pečať, ktorá nás držala od Slávy Shekinah, pretože hriech bol ukončený.

119        No. A teraz, pečať je znamenie dokončenej práce. A vieme, že pečať; je to, ako keď idete zapečatiť vlakový vagón, no, vložia do toho všetku prácu a všetko tam naložia, a potom je to zapečatené až do svojho miesta určenia. Každá pečať je dokončeným dielom. Keď napíšete listinu, potom je na konci zapečatená. Nezapečatíte ju, kým nie je dokončená.

120        No, krv kôz a jalovíc, a tak ďalej, nemohla odobrať hriech. Ale keď toto bolo dokončené na Golgote, to odobralo hriech.

121        No, dávajte pozor. V záhrade Eden, aby ľuďom bolo zabránené dostať sa naspäť ku tomu Stromu, Boh tam postavil Anjela ako pečať, s mečom, ktorý sa točil všetkými smermi, aby strážil ten Strom. A keď on vykonal svoje uctievanie a prišiel dole... Pamätajte teraz, Kto bol pri tom Strome? Kto bol tým Stromom? To bol Ježiš.

122        Strom smrti bola vaša matka; ona vás priviedla sem do pozemského života. Kristus je narodenie skrze duchovný Život. Všetko, čo žije skrze ženu, zomrie; všetko, čo je narodené z Muža, žije. Všetko, čo prichádza prostredníctvom ženy, je prirodzené; všetko, čo prichádza od Muža, je duchovné, nie od muža odtiaľto, od Muža Krista Ježiša.

123        A pozorujte ten Strom, strážený; nedalo sa dostať späť, pretože tam nebola náležitá obeť, ktorá by vzala preč hriech. A tak, keď prišli, aby uctievali, Sláva Shekinah bola za oponou, bola od nich zapečatená. Bola od nich zapečatená od záhrady Eden.

124        Ale keď prišiel deň Letníc, brat, keď tam Ježiš zomrel na kríži a dokončil dielo, On nezapečatil človeka vonku; On človeka zapečatil vo vnútri so Sebou Samým. A teraz sme zapečatení a zavretí v Prítomnosti Slávy Shekinah. Nielenže sme vo vnútri zapečatení, ale sme zapečatení večne. Amen. Ó, milujem to: teraz zapečatení vo vnútri. To je skutočná Veľkonočná Pečať, „Lebo jedným Duchom sme všetci zapečatení do jedného Tela.“

 Poviete, „Je Duch Svätý Pečaťou?“

125        V Efežanom 4:30 je povedané, „Nezarmucujte Božieho Svätého Ducha, ktorým ste zapečatení až do dňa vášho vykúpenia.“ To je skutočná, pravdivá Veľkonočná Pečať. Ukazuje, že za hriech zostalo zaplatené, pre teba, a Boh ťa prijal a si zapečatený do Krista Duchom Svätým. Hriech je zakončený. Večná Pečať zostala dokončená.

126        No, dnes sme vzkriesení. Prečo môžeme mať taký čas nad Božími vecami? Pretože sme vzkriesení. „Tých, ktorých predzvedel, tých povolal; tých, ktorých povolal, tých ospravedlnil; tých, ktorých ospravedlnil, tých oslávil.“ Takže teraz sme vzkriesení. Sme vzkriesení zvnútra von, nie zvonka dnu. Ó, všimli ste si, nie zapečatení takto vonku, ale zapečatení vo vnútri. Ó, ak by to len cirkev mohla vidieť. Vidíte, nie sme zapečatení vonku; sme zapečatení vo vnútri. Tie dni, keď bol hriech ohavnosťou pred Bohom a nebolo ničoho, čo by ho odobralo preč, boli sme zapečatení preč od toho. No, keď sa to roztrhlo vo dvoje a tá pečať zostala zlomená skrze obeť za hriech, ktorá bola za nás donesená, teraz sme pokrstení do vnútra a zapečatení dnu. Sme vzkriesení. Teraz sme vzkriesení, už vzkriesení. Ako vieš? Biblia tak povedala. Amen. Teraz sme vzkriesení. Teraz sme s Ním povstali v duchovnom vzkriesení. Čo znamená slovo „oživení?“ „Oživení“ znamená „vzkriesenie.“ Je to tak. Sme už rovno teraz vzkriesení, sedíme spolu v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi, tešíme sa z Veľkonočnej Pečate. Amen. To je Božia skutočná Veľkonočná Pečať. Ako sme? Jedným Duchom pokrstení do Tela a večne zapečatení. Duchovne sme teraz zostali vzkriesení. Z čoho sme zostali vzkriesení? Zo života hriechu; raz sme boli hriešnici a milovali sme svetské veci.

127        No, je mnoho ľudí, ktorí hovoria, že zostali vzkriesení, ale ich život dokazuje opak. Tvoj život dokazuje, čím si. „Po ich ovocí ich poznáte,“ povedal Ježiš. To je dôvod, prečo by sme sa nikdy nemohli oprieť o to, že človek rozpráva v jazykoch a povedať, že má Ducha Svätého. Neveríme tomu. Neexistuje na to žiadne Písmo. Nie veru. Muži hovoria v jazykoch a idú von a žijú ako svet. A ženy hovoria v jazykoch a strihajú si vlasy, nosia mejkap. Aha. Nemohli by ste povedať, že to bol Duch Svätý. Určite nie, istotne nie, istotne nie. Muž fajčí cigarety a ide sem von a žije so ženou iného muža, pobehuje naokolo, vyvádza, poviete, že to je Duch Svätý? Nie, nie, „Po ich ovocí ich poznáte. Skazený strom nemôže priniesť dobré ovocie, ani dobrý strom priniesť skazené ovocie.“

128        Sme zapečatení Duchom Svätým, Božou skutočnou Veľkonočnou Pečaťou. Sme zapečatení do Tela Kristovho, večne zapečatení; nie pečať na určitý úsek času, ale na večnosť. A teraz tá osoba, ktorá To prijala, zostala vzkriesená z mŕtvych, zo života hriechu. Čo to je? Jeho Duch zostal vzkriesený; jeho ambície zostali vzkriesené; jeho život zostal vzkriesený; on je novým stvorením. A prichádza spoločne so spoluobčanmi, ako sme my dnes ráno, aby sme sa modlili jeden za druhého a aby sme jeden druhému pomohli, aby sme jeden druhého povzbudili, a aby sme sedeli a boli zhromaždení v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi, zapečatení Duchom Svätým. „Lebo vy ste mŕtvi a vás život je skrytý v Kristovi skrze Boha, zapečatení Duchom Svätým,“ povedalo Písmo. To je Písmo. No, vidíte, sme zapečatení Veľkonočnou Pečaťou, Veľkonočnou Pečaťou zmŕtvychvstania, ktorá potvrdila, že Jeho život a To, čo povedal, bola pravda.

 No, zisťujeme, že to bola kompletná práca; je to dokončené dielo. Božie zmŕtvychvstanie je dokončeným dielom. Duch Svätý je Božou Pečaťou dokončeného diela.

129        No, prichádzame ku Kristovi. Prvá vec, ktorú robíme, staneme sa ospravedlnenými skrze to, že v Neho veríme. Keď to urobíme, potom si uvedomujeme, že sme konali zle; prosíme Boha, aby nás posvätil; to nás očisťuje od nášho života hriechu: posolstvo Martina Luthera, ospravedlnenie. Potom prišiel Wesley s posvätením. A potom, keď je to všetko hotové a Jeho Cirkev je dokončená, čo je ďalšia vec? Dokončené dielo. Dokončené dielo je Pečaťou, že Cirkev bola dokončená.

130        Ako v pyramíde. Všimnite si dolárovú bankovku. Zmieňoval som sa o tomto, neviem, či som to niekedy robil tu v modlitebni, alebo nie. Všimnite si dolárovú bankovku, je to nazvané „veľká pečať.“ No, ako by ste mohli povedať, že Spojené štáty by mohli uznať, že tam v Egypte majú tú veľkú pečať, a tu na druhej strane je pečať Spojených štátov: orol? Prečo boli nútení učiniť tamto veľkou pečaťou, tou veľkou pečaťou? Pretože, ak si všimnete, rovno vzadu, hore nad pyramídou je malý kamenný blok a ten malý kamenný blok je štítovým kameňom a ten štítový kameň nebol nikdy umiestnený na pyramídu. Ona má otvorený vrchol, ak ste tam niekedy boli. Skrze milosť Božiu, ja som tam bol. Takže na tej pyramíde nie je žiaden vrchol. Čo to je? Enoch ju postavil pred potopou. Bol to pamätník; to je dôvod, prečo v čase potopy vôbec nebola zničená. Nič ju nezničilo, pretože to je pamätník.

131        No, ak si všimnete, smerom dolu ku spodku je široká; potom sa trochu viac zužuje do menšiny, a potom o trochu viac, a potom to smeruje ku štítovému kameňu. To je luteránsky vek, ospravedlnenie v cirkvi; posvätenie; potom krst Duchom Svätým. Ale ako sa to zužuje smerom k vrcholu, pokračuje to z Luteránskeho veku do Wesleyho veku, do letničného veku. Ale potom to opúšťa letničný vek, stále sa to zužuje hore, až sa to musí dostať do takého miesta, že všetky tie kamene sú tak vybrúsené, že až čepeľ žiletky...

132        Oni vážia tony a tony, tam hore. Ako ich vôbec dostali hore, to je stále pre človeka tajomstvom. Ale oni vezmú túto čepeľ žiletky a môžu prechádzať okolo a je to tak dokonale vybrúsené, že ani nedokážete vložiť žiletku tam, kde by mala byť malta. Tak dokonale sú tie kamene dané dokopy. A teraz, keď tento štítový kameň, do ktorého tieto kamene takto zapadajú, je akoby vsadený do tých uhlov, a tak ten štítový kameň príde na miesto a je rovno do toho vsadený... Nepotrebuje to žiadnu maltu; dokonale to zapadne.

133        No, to je to, čo Boh robí Svojej Cirkvi. On obrusuje ľudí a robí to tak dokonalým spôsobom, že keď prichádza ten Štítový Kameň, Kristus, to uvádza celú stavbu dokopy, a potom nastáva vzkriesenie celej veci, Cirkev odišla hore. Štítový Kameň...

134        No, sedíme spolu v nebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi. No, uvedomujeme si, že Ježiš, telo Ježiša bolo vychvátené od vzkriesenia. No, vieme, že Biblia hovorí o troch nebesiach. Vieme to, prvé nebo, druhé nebo a tretie nebo; verím, že to bol Pavol, ktorý bol vychvátený do tretieho neba a videl veci, o ktorých nemohol hovoriť. No, prvé nebo je nazvané v Písme ako oblaky; inými slovami, nižšie dolu, tu na tej zemskej pečati. No, keď tá atmosféra zhora nad oblakmi prichádza dolu do cirkvi, to je nebeské miesto. Potom za druhé nebesia je považovaná slnečná sústava. A tretie nebesia idú poza to.

135        No, zamyslime sa, len na chvíľu sledujte toto. No, objavilo sa tvrdenie, Einstein dokázal skrze vedu, že ak by dva objekty prichádzali jeden ku druhému ako dve autá, ktoré prichádzajú po ceste, a ak by išli dostatočne rýchlo (teraz by museli ísť naozaj rýchlo, asi ako miliardu míľ za sekundu), ale mohli by prejsť jedno cez druhé a vôbec by sa nič nenarušilo. Rýchlosť by to urobila. Prešli by rovno cez seba bez toho, že by sa niečo narušilo.

136        No, ak si teraz všimnete... Prednedávnom som tu stál na Mount Palomar, v Kalifornii, a pozoroval som tam ten teleskop, ktorý dokáže vidieť stodvadsať miliónov svetelných rokov vesmíru. Teraz sa zamyslite, stodvadsať miliónov svetelných rokov vesmíru, koľko míľ by to bolo, ak by sa to rozpísalo. Rozumiete?

137        Ale jednako, nebo je tak mnoho miliárd a miliárd a miliárd svetelných rokov poza tým, až tak, že sa to ani nedá predstaviť. Ako sa tam dostaneme? To je cestovanie; bude to ako s mysľou; je to tak rýchle. Bude to rýchlejšie... Ak ste si dokázali pomyslieť na nebo, to je to, ako rýchlo tam budete. Ježiš, po tom, ako bol vzkriesený, prechádzal rovno cez steny, rovno cez dvere, stál tam a jedol varenú rybu a medový plást. Haleluja. Rýchlosť. Len čo život odíde z tohto tela, sme tam v Prítomnosti Božej. Poznáme to len ako stopy a palce, yardy a míle, a tak ďalej; sme v tomto systéme zviazanom so zemou. Ale to tu opustíme, brat, ó, čo za čas.

138        Ako som minulý večer hovoril o Abrahámovi a jeho Semene po ňom, ako to Boh ukázal cez Abraháma, ako ospravedlnil Abraháma, 12. kapitola Genesis. A na – takto ďalej, 16. kapitola, ako On potvrdil tú zmluvu skrze posvätenie. V 17. kapitole ho nechal, aby sal z Jeho pŕs, aby natiahol do seba Ducha Svätého. A potom ho On potvrdil alebo umiestnil ho (ako ste ma počuli kázať kázeň „Jeho počúvajte“), vzal Abraháma von a zmenil jeho meno z Abrama na Abraháma, dal mu časť Svojho Mena, Elohim, h-a-m. Nato zisťujeme, že po tomto sa Abrahámovi zjavil.

139        No, pre jeho Semeno, sledujte, ako to On urobil tým istým spôsobom so Semenom. Semeno Abraháma prichádza cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým; manifestácia Jeho Mena, odhalenie toho, Kým On je (to zjavenie Koho? Ježiša Krista), krst v Jeho Mene, a tak ďalej, to zjavenie, delí sa so Svojím Menom so Svojou Cirkvou, vyvolal ich von. Čo potom robil? V tej istej Cirkvi, ktorú nazval Svojím Menom, Ježišovým Menom, čo On urobil? On sa zjavil v tej istej forme, v akej sa zjavil Abrahámovi, bol schopný rozpoznávať duchov za Ním. Vidíte? Zjavil sa v tom istom Mene, v tej istej veci, v tej istej forme. Sme práve na konci cesty.

140        Všimnite si teraz, čo sa stalo. Keď to On urobil, to bol posledný znak, ktorý dal cirkvi predtým, ako prišla do cirkvi zmena, ku Abrahámovi a Sáre. No, keď ten Anjel povedal to tajomstvo, žena (Cirkev, ktorú reprezentovala), ona tomu mohla sotva veriť, len sa sama v sebe smiala. Vidíte, ona mala sto rokov; medzi ňou a Abrahámom to prestalo byť tak, ako to býva pri manželovi a manželke. Rozumiete, čo tým myslím, rodinné vzťahy, pravdepodobne dvadsať rokov predtým... No, v tejto veci boli mŕtvi. Sára... Abrahám bol takmer ako mŕtvy. Lono Sáry, takmer ako mŕtve, ale čo sa stalo? Čo sa udialo? Povedala, „Ako by som mohla, keď som už taká stará, a môj pán, nemáme... prestali sme... Boli sme – to už prestalo pred mnohými rokmi. Je to pre neho nemožné. Je to nemožné pre mňa. Ako to môžem urobiť?“ A smiala sa sama v sebe.

141        A ten Anjel povedal, „Prečo sa smiala? Prečo si to myslela vo svojom srdci? Prečo toto povedala?“ Dávajte teraz pozor, to bolo posledným znakom predtým, ako sa Sáre a Abrahámovi niečo stalo.

142        No, raz som tu kázal a povedal som vám, že Boh ich znova zmenil na mladého muža a ženu. Aby sme to dokázali, ona išla dolu; vybrali sa na malý výlet a išli dolu do Geráru a Abimelech, ten filištínsky kráľ, sa zamiloval do Sáry a chcel sa s ňou oženiť. A, samozrejme, ona bola opäť mladou ženou, krásna. A všimnite si, On niečo musel urobiť; On ju musel zmeniť. Nevrátil ich len naspäť na mladého muža a ženu, jeho a ju; On neurobil to; pretože, ak by boli takí, existovala by tam tá istá vec. Rozumiete, oni by prišli... Pretože on sa s ňou oženil, keď mala okolo šestnásť rokov, on bol len mladý muž, a oni celý svoj život žili bez detí. Ak by ich len vrátil naspäť, no, mohli by znova urobiť tú istú vec. Ale On musel urobiť niečo iné; musel ich zmeniť, aby tak mohli mať tohto zasľúbeného syna, zasľúbeného syna, ktorého išli prijať. Ale On musel premeniť celé ich ústrojenstvo, obrátiť ich znova na mladých a premeniť ich, aby prijali syna.

143        Toto isté ide urobiť ako ďalšie, po tom... A pamätajte, po tom znaku, ktorý bol Abrahámovi a jeho skupine plne zamanifestovaný, tá ďalšia vec, ktorá prišla, bola premena. Rozumiete? No, my sme uvideli všetko cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým, umiestnenie syna a Jeho znamenia a zázraky stojac v Jeho prítomnosti, kde rozpoznával myšlienky srdca, a tak ďalej, ako povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ Vidíme, ako sa to práve teraz deje. Čo bola tá ďalšia vec? Premena tela. No, to ukazuje, že toto – my vyhliadame očakávaného Syna. Sláva. Je to správne? Nemôžeme Ho stretnúť v týchto telách. Ak sa zmeníme naspäť na mladých mužov a ženy, stále Ho nemôžeme stretnúť, pretože Ho musíme stretnúť v povetrí. Musí sa udiať ešte niečo okrem toho, že budeme zmenení naspäť na mladých mužov a ženy; musíme byť premenení a vychvátení do povetria, aby sme Ho stretli. A tá ďalšia vec, ktorá prichádza, je vytrhnutie Cirkvi a premena tela spiacich svätých, aby sme stretli Pána Ježiša v povetrí.

144        Ó, pamiatka Veľkej noci, tí, ktorí sú zapečatení Duchom Svätým inam? No, pri bráne Edenu, človek bol zapečatený preč od Boha, na letnice bol večne zapečatený do Boha. On už viac nevchádza ani nevychádza; on je tam nadobro. Sledujte, „Jedným Duchom sme pokrstení do jedného tela skrze Ducha Svätého.“ Je to tak? Na ako dlho sme potom zapečatení? Do dňa nášho vykúpenia. On viac nevychádza von za vecami toho sveta. „Lebo si mŕtvy a tvoj život je skrytý v Bohu skrze Krista, zapečatený dnu skrze Ducha Svätého.“ Ó, čo za nádherné Písmo: zapečatený do Krista skrze Ducha Svätého.

145        Potom, keď Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych, človek bol znova nútený učiniť svoje rozhodnutie, „Či On vstal, alebo nevstal?“ A čo urobili? Urobili to isté, čo urobili na tom falošnom súde, politika a cirkev spolu; pretože politická a náboženská moc sa spojila práve tak, ako to urobili vtedy.

146        Práve tak isto, ako to idú urobiť v budúcnosti, a robia to rovno teraz, politika a náboženstvo. Achab bol celkom dobrý chlapík, ale Jezábeľ, on bol s ňou ženatý. Nehovorím, že prezident Kennedy nie je dobrým človekom, ale on je ženatý s tým Jezábeľským systémom. To nebol Achab, ktorý to robil; to bola Jezábeľ za tým trónom, ktorá to riadila. To je ten Jezábeľský systém, ktorý to tu ide zničiť. On to musí robiť, pretože je s ňou ženatý. Musí to prijať; musí to robiť; on je s ňou ženatý. Ó, ľudia, nemôžete vidieť, čo robia Písma? Nemôžete vidieť, kde tu v posledných dňoch stojíme?

147        No, všimnite si, človek po vzkriesení... Vidíte ten falošný súd, odovzdal to naspäť cirkvi, vedel, čo cirkev urobí. A čo ona vykonala, keď títo vojaci boli vystrašení a utiekli preč? Cirkev najala týchto vojakov a dali im peniaze, aby išli povedať, že Jeho učeníci prišli v noci a vzali Ho preč.

148        Potom sa vás chcem opýtať. Ak prišli v noci učeníci a vzali Ho preč, prečo nevzali rúcho, ktoré bolo na Ňom? Ak boli zlodeji a kradli, prečo tiež nevzali rúcho? Ale tá ľanová tkanina ležala rovno tam s obrúskom z Jeho tváre, tá ľanová tkanina ležala tam, kde bolo Jeho telo. On sa len pohol rovno cez to všetko a vyšiel do vzkriesenia. Nič nebolo porušené; práve tak, ako bol uložený, ležal takisto, ale On vystúpil z tej ľanovej tkaniny. Amen.

149        Vidíte, ale opäť falošný súd, falošné obvinenie... Prečo? Oni boli nútení; boli nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. Človek musel učiniť rozhodnutie. Cirkev musela povedať, „On vstal z mŕtvych,“ alebo, „On nevstal z mŕtvych.“ Amen.

150        Ó, zapnime teraz naše počutie, nasaďte si duchovné slúchadlo. Všimnite si, prišlo to do tej istej veci. Ľudia sa snažia nasledovať... Ako naše zhromaždenia, a hovoria... Dokonca som počul cirkvi, cirkev Kristovu, takzvanú, povedali, „Dám tisíc dolárov ktorémukoľvek človeku, ktorý môže ukázať jeden dôkaz vzkriesenia, či osobu, ktorá bola uzdravená.“ Vzal som k nim lekárov a oni tomu vôbec neverili. Prečo. Oni sú nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. Zapečatili sa v tom vonkajšom svete s Kainom, s nábožnými kultmi. Skutočná malá Cirkev Božia je v menšine a bude sa vždy pohybovať takým spôsobom, ale ona bude... Ako pretrpela tých tisícpäťsto rokov temných vekov?

151        Oni hovoria, „Rímska cirkev...“ Iste, rímska cirkev bola prvou letničnou cirkvou, katolícka cirkev ňou bola. Začala na letnice, ale potom sa chcela zorganizovať.

152        A ak by táto letničná cirkev vydržala ďalších dvetisíc rokov, boli by horší, než sú teraz katolíci. Dostávajú sa tak ďaleko od všetkého. Raz sa ma opýtali, „Ak prídeš na toto miesto, budeš kázať ohľadom žien, ktoré nosia mejkap, že by nemali nosiť šortky, nemali by nosiť tieto veci?“

153        Povedal som, „V tom prípade ma nežiadajte. Nie veru. Nežiadajte ma, aby som prišiel.“

 „Budeš to kázať?“ Dokonca povedali, „Či je to tvoja práca?“

154        Povedal som, „To sa týka Pána a ja som v Jeho službe.“ To je presne tak. Presne. A tak som len povedal...

 „Prečo to robíš? Či nie sú dnes iné veci?“

155        Povedal som, „Áno, ale nech to urobia, a potom budeme hovoriť o iných veciach.“ Vidíte? Rozumiete? Vidíte, nech je položený základ.

156        To je to, o čo ide. Snažíte sa vyskočiť na vrchol rebríka, pričom by ste mali byť ešte na spodku. Rozumiete? Začíname tu dolu; očistíme sa a začneme správne, a potom na tom môžeme stavať. V opačnom prípade nemôžete stavať, pretože akýkoľvek základ, ktorý nie je založený na princípoch Krista, zlyhá. A Biblia povedala, „Pre ženu to je neprávosťou, aby nosila oblečenie, ktoré patrí mužovi.“ To sa ani o trochu nezmenilo, ako sa Boh nezmenil. On je večný a Jeho myšlienky včera sú také isté ako dnes a budú navždy. Jeho Duch je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Jeho skutky sú tie isté včera, dnes i naveky. Jeho vykúpenie je to isté včera, dnes i naveky. A On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Neexistuje spôsob, ako to obísť. No, len keď to vyskúšaš, môžeš to posúdiť. Vieme to. Je to tak? Boh povedal, že bolo.

157        Človek bol nútený učiniť rozhodnutie. K čomu boli najprv nútení vo dňoch Krista? Čo boli nútení urobiť? Boli nútení, najprv, aby Ho prijali. On im ukazoval Svoje znamenie, Svoju Pečať; On bol Mesiáš. Ako to ukazoval? Presne tak, ako Biblia povedala, že to bude robiť. On bol Prorok a On rozpoznával myšlienky v ich mysli. A oni povedali, „On je diabol, Belzebub.“ Boli nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. Nemohli to viac zadržať.       

158        A ani letničná cirkev nemôže, ani baptisti, ani presbyteriáni. Duch Svätý má... Kristus povstal a On je v Cirkvi. A oni hovoria, „Tento človek krstí v Mene Ježiša. On verí, že nemusíte hovoriť v jazykoch kvôli Duchu Svätému, a takéto veci, že to nie je počiatočný dôkaz. On verí, že ženy – všetky naše ženy nosia takéto vlasy. Myslím, že to s tým nemá nič spoločné.“ Prečo potom Boh potvrdzuje, že toto je pravda? Zistite si, kde to je.

159        Oni odmietli Jeho Mesiášstvo, keď im ukázal, že je Mesiáš. Boli nútení niečo povedať.

160        A tak to je s nimi dnes, zavrhujú to, nebudú to sponzorovať a umývajú si od toho ruky. Sú nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. Neexistuje žiadna stredná cesta. Sme v čase konca. Človek je nútený buď To prijať, alebo To odmietnuť. Musíš To prijať, alebo To odmietnuť. Amerika je nútená. Branhamova modlitebňa je nútená. Letniční sú nútení, metodisti. Všade je vyvíjané to nútenie. Musíš To buď prijať, alebo To odmietnuť. Boh potvrdil Svoje Slovo, ukazuje Svoje znamenia, podporuje Svoju službu, presne ukazuje, čím On je, skrze to, že dokazuje, že je Bohom. Ježiš povedal, „Ak nečiním skutky Môjho Otca, potom Mi neverte.“ Presne tak. „Ale ak činím skutky Otca, potom verte tým skutkom.“ Tak vidíte. Vidíte, oni nemôžu, nedokážu na Tom nič nájsť, pretože To je pravda. Prečo To potom neprijmú? Je to kvôli denominácii. Nedokážu to prijať, a tak sú teraz nútení, aby ukázali svoje farby.

161        A len pred pár dňami v Ohio, tie isté cirkvi, ktoré ma pred rokom sponzorovali; kvôli tomu, že som to napadol a ukázal, že je to nesprávne, žiadna z nich nespolupracovala, okrem jednej cirkvi, brat Sullivan. Povedal som, „Stále mám tú istú ruku; stále máme tie isté nohy; stále mám to isté Posolstvo; stále som brat Branham. Aký je so mnou problém?“ To nie som ja. Duch Svätý stále hovorí; Duch Svätý robí stále tie isté skutky; On to stále ukazuje. Ale vy ste nútení. Je to tak. Oni sú nútení. A ten veľký Duch Svätý padá rovno do ich stredu, hovorí Slová a hovorí veci, ktoré vtedy povedal. Oni potom stále...

162        Pozrite sa sem, čo sa minule udialo v Kalifornii. Myslím, že to tu môžem nájsť; tu to mám. Bolo to na raňajkách v Clifftonovej jedálni. A tam, baptistický brat... Potom, keď som skončil kázať, roztrhal som tie cirkvi na kusy, povedal som im, ako robia zle, a veci, ktoré robia, odmietajú Boha. Tento baptistický brat vyšiel hore a objal ma, aby sa modlil. A keď to urobil, začal hovoriť ako v jazykoch. Keď on... No, on je baptista, nič o tom nevie. Keď skončil, povedal...

163        A žena z Louisiany, Francúzka, ktorá sedela tam vzadu, povedala, „To nebol neznámy jazyk; to bola francúzština.“ A sedela tam iná žena zo Švajčiarska, z Lausanne, ktorá hovorila po francúzsky (Bol som tam.), povedala, že ona to preložila správne. Tu prišiel mladý muž, ktorý prišiel tade dole (Nikdy som ho nevidel; nikto ho nikdy nevidel.); on bol prekladateľom francúzštiny pre OSN, povedal, „Presne tak, je to správne,“ povedal...

164        A tento človek hovorí, a viete, tento človek; poviem vám za chvíľu jeho meno. On sa volal Henry... Hneď si spomeniem na jeho priezvisko; myslím, že tu je to napísané. Neviem. Je to v >Hlase Obchodníkov, asi. Ale on... Ó, áno, „Danny Henry.“ No, to je... Nemôžem si spomenúť na tú filmovú hviezdu. [Niekto hovorí, „Marilyn Monroe?“ – pozn.prekl.] Nie, to nie je Marilyn. Méda... Jane Russell, bratranec Jane Russell. A on vyšiel hore a objal ma, aby sa vyjadril ku tomu, čo som hovoril, a tu sú slová, ktoré povedal. Povedal, „Tá kázeň by sa mohla vložiť do Knihy Zjavenia.“ Povedal, „Je to správne.“ Povedal, „Chcem sa za teba modliť, brat Branham.“ Objal ma a začal hovoriť vo francúzštine, a nič o tom nevedel.

165        A tu bol výklad, on to tu má zapísané vo forme dokumentu, a tak ďalej. Je tam povedané, „Ja, Viktor D-e-D-o-w-x,“ francúzske meno, „som Francúz,“ a tak ďalej, „a bol som tam, keď Danny (Ako sa nazýva?) – Danny Henry, vyniesol toto posolstvo nad bratom Branhamom, 11. februára, 1961.“ On žije na „809 North King's Road, Los Angeles 64.“ Počúvajte, čo je tu napísané.

Pretože si si vybral tú úzku cestu... (No, sledujte, môžem to pochopiť. Je tam časť, ktorú nechápem.) Pretože si si vybral tú úzku cestu, tú ťažšiu cestu; vykročil si na základe svojho vlastného rozhodnutia.

166        Môžem to pochopiť. Rozumiete? Vidíte, sám sa rozhoduješ. Mojžiš učinil svoju vlastnú voľbu; on to nemusel urobiť. Ani ja som si nemusel zvoliť túto cestu. Mohol som mať tam vonku veľké budovy, ako niektorí z nich majú. Mohol som byť všade v televízii. Ale kto by ma v tom sponzoroval, keby som trhal práve tú nadáciu. Ale je jedna vec, nikomu sa nemusím klaňať k nohám, okrem Pánovi Ježišovi Kristovi. Je to tak. Áno. Kážem To, čo hovorí Biblia. Nemusím robiť kompromis s ich organizáciami, pretože nepatrím do nich. Učinil som voľbu. Práve tak, ako to tam hore On povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem s tebou.“ A On dal Mojžišovi dve znamenia potvrdenia na dokázanie. A Mojžiš učinil svoju vlastnú voľbu. Vidíte, Mojžiš učinil svoju vlastnú voľbu. A tak, je jednoduché porozumieť to (Rozumiete?), „Vybral si si...“ Pretože si si vybral tú úzku cestu, tú ťažšiu cestu; vykročil si na základe svojho vlastného rozhodnutia.

167        No, tu, teraz tento človek, sledujte teraz, ako to je napísané, môžete to vidieť napísané v cudzích slovách.

168        Urobil si správne a jasné rozhodnutie a to je Moja cesta. (Nech je požehnaný Boh. „To je Moja cesta,“ On povedal.)

Za toto dôležité rozhodnutie ťa čaká obrovská porcia neba. (On nikdy nepočul o tom videní, vidíte, ktoré skrátka... Pamätáte si to videnie.)... čaká ťa obrovská porcia neba. Čo za slávne rozhodnutie si učinil. (Vidíte?)

169 Toto samo o sebe... (No, tu je... Odtiaľto nerozumiem.) Toto samo o sebe je to... (sú okolo toho veľké zátvorky)... čo dá a spôsobí, že nastane ohromné víťazstvo v láske Božej.

Neviem, čo znamená to, „toto spôsobí, že nastane.“ Pravdepodobne On to dá vedieť v jednom z týchto dní v tom malom stane, ktorý tam bude prichystaný.

170        Prečo? Nie preto, že to musíme robiť, nie preto, že to je len ľahká cesta... Môžeš byť populárny; každý ťa bude tľapkať po chrbte, peniaze môžu plynú odvšadiaľ, vďaka rádiu alebo televíziám, a tak ďalej. Oni povedali, že to môžu vziať a dať to do televízie. Neverím, že je to správne brať Božie veci a vystavovať ich tam na takých vulgárnych svetských veciach. Neverím vo všetko toto vychvaľovanie, a keď robia z toho to, čím to nie je. Verím, že to treba proste nechať tak, ako Boh ... On je Boh, nechajte Ho s tým robiť to, čo chce. My sme služobníci, len slúžme Pánovi, robme to len tak, ako to povedal Boh.

171        Človek, uprostred toho všetkého, jednako je nútený učiniť rozhodnutie. Oni boli nútení učiniť rozhodnutie, keď tu na zemi bol Kristus, pretože On im dokázal, že bol Mesiáš. Je to tak? A oni boli nútení, a ako Ho nazvali? Belzebub, veštec. Potom Jeho – prostredníctvom Jeho znamenia, Pečate, na Veľkú noc to Boh dokázal, že On Ho vzbudil z mŕtvych. Po všetkých týchto ďalších veciach, On Ho vzbudil z mŕtvych.

172        No, Cirkev, ktorá tvrdí, že má Ducha Svätého, Boží dôkaz toho, že si prešiel zo smrti do Života, lebo staré veci pominuli a veci sa stali pre teba novými. To je Boží dôkaz vzkriesenia. Nie si taký, aký si zvykol byť; si premenený. Tam, kde si zvykol pochybovať o Božom Slove; na každé Slovo, ktoré hovorí Božie Slovo, ty hovoríš, „Amen.“ Vidíš, niečo sa ti stalo. To je len prvá forma vzkriesenia; Duch vo vnútri.

173        No, letnice... Po letniciach, keď títo ľudia prijali Ducha Svätého, človek bol opäť nútený ku tomu, aby učinil rozhodnutie, „Je To od Boha, alebo To nie je od Boha?“ A čo povedali? „To sú heretici. To je šialené. Sú v sebaklame.“ Dokonca Agrippa povedal Pavlovi, „Si šialený.“ „Šialený“ znamená „blázon.“

174        A čo povedal Pavol? „Cestou, ktorú nazývajú bludárstvom, to je cesta (spôsob), ako uctievam Boha.“ On mal Veľkonočnú Pečať. Bol tam, keď sa niečo stalo. Som šťastný, že si s ním môžem dnes ráno v srdci podať ruky a povedať, „Pavol...“ Prečo? Kázali sme to isté Slovo. Pavol im nariadil, aby sa dali znova pokrstiť v Ježišovom Mene po tom, ako boli pokrstení inými slovami. Povedal, „Ak by anjel z neba hovoril niečo iné, nech je prekliaty.“ On kázal Božské uzdravenie. Kázal moc vzkriesenia. Kázal Ježiša Krista, Toho istého včera, dnes i naveky. Videnia a moci a nasledovali ho manifestácie Ducha.

175        Budete musieť mať to isté Posolstvo, tú istú vec, nie teológiu, nie nejaké cirkevné aktivity, ale moc Božiu, letnice, a tú istú Pečať. Pečať Svätého Ducha, Božia skutočná Veľkonočná Pečať je poverovacími listinami človeka. Presne tak. To sú tvoje práva prvorodenstva. Je to osvedčenie, že si prešiel zo smrti do Života a Boh cez teba pracuje tak isto, ako to robil pri Pánovi Ježišovi, pretože to je tvoje osvedčenie. „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Choďte do celého sveta,“ po Veľkej noci, po letniciach, po tom, ako bola daná Veľkonočná Pečať vzkriesenia. Čo to bolo? Život, ktorý bol v Kristovi, ktorý bol vzkriesený, prišiel a oživil Jeho Cirkev a žije v Cirkvi, aby robil tie isté znamenia.

176        Dúfam, že to nejde ponad vaše hlavy. Dúfam, že vás nedržím príliš dlho, aby ste mali radosť z toho, čo chcem povedať. Rozumiete? Viem, že je to ťažké, pre vás, ktorí stojíte. Prosím, len pár minút; posnažte sa, ak môžete. Rozumiete, chcem, aby si pochopil túto vec, priateľu. Chcem, aby si videl to, čo je v mojom srdci, čo je tu tridsaťjeden rokov, odvtedy, čo som tam dávno do rohu položil ten malý uholný kameň. Vidíte, existuje pravda; snažil som sa na nej stáť. Vyšli z toho všetky rôzne vecí; je to tak; ale to takto stále bolo.

177        Čítal som o Martinovi Lutherovi, povedali, že to bola ťažká vec veriť, že mohol protestovať proti katolíckej cirkvi a vyjsť s tým. To bola veľká vec. Ale tá najväčšia vec bola to, ako mohol držať hlavu ponad fanatizmom, ktorý nasledoval jeho prebudenie, to je proste - Zostaň verný Biblii. Hovor to, čo hovorí Boh a nehovor nič iné; len zostaň rovno s Tým; kráčaj v priamom, konkrétnom rozhodnutí Božom. Namiesto... Ak Boh rozhodne, že to má byť takto, zostaňme rovno s tým. To je Jeho rozhodnutie. Amen. Tak veru. Tak veru.

178        Pečať Letníc je pre veriaceho poverovacími listinami, že prešiel zo smrti do Života, pretože prijal letničné požehnanie, Božiu Veľkonočnú Pečať pre Jeho Syna. On Svojho prvého Syna zapečatil Svätým Duchom. Je to tak? Pravda. A On zapečatil Svätým Duchom všetkých Svojich ostatných synov.

179        No, zistili sme tu, že teraz v tomto čase pečatenia, ako sa približuje čas konca... Je tu miesto, do ktorého by som chcel udrieť, o synoch – Kainovi synovia tam teraz boli nútení prísť do miesta, kde museli učiniť rozhodnutie. Vidíte, je to pre nich ťažké, učiniť ho, pretože ak to urobia, museli by sa vzdať svojich denominačných práv. Vidíte? Tak to urobili farizeji. Viete, farizeji učinili pri Ježišovi rozhodnutie, keď dokázal, že bol Mesiášom. A keď Svätý Duch potvrdil túto cestu, ktorá je nazvaná bludárstvom, potvrdil, že to je Duch Svätý, človek musí učiniť rozhodnutie. Nemôžu ostať stáť nečinní.

180        Raz večer som bol tu vonku, modlil som sa tam vonku v nemocnici za jednu chorú pani. A keď som išiel dolu, počul som niekoho zakričať, „Billy,“ a obzrel som sa. Bol to jeden z našich tunajších bratov; on sem chodí, Roy Slaughter. Stál o chodbu nižšie odo mňa a povedal, „Žena môjho brata je chorá. Vojdeš tam a pomodlíš sa za ňu, Billy?“

181        A povedal som, „Samozrejme.“

182        Išiel som tam a bola tam ešte jedna stará pani, asi šesťdesiatročná, ležala tam, vyzeralo to, že vedľa nej sedel jej syn. Po tom, ako som sa s nimi chvíľu rozprával, povedal som, „Môžeme... Budeme sa modliť.“

183        Povedala, „Zatiahnite ten záves.“

 A povedal som, „V poriadku.“ Povedal som, „Ste veriaca?“

 Povedala, „Som metodistka.“

 Povedal som, „To nie je to, na čo som sa pýtal.“ Povedal som, „Ste veriaca?“

 Povedala, „Som metodistka. My sme metodisti. Skrátka zatiahnite ten záves.“

184        Neurobil som to. Modlil som sa aj tak a modlil som sa za ňu, tak som sa modlil, aby ju Boh spasil. Ale to je to (Vidíte?), nie si Kresťan; ty si metodista. Vidíte? Nie si veriaci; si metodista. Vaše vlastné svedectvo to hovorí. Milosrdenstvo, pre zmilovanie, ako ďaleko môžete odpadnúť od Biblie?

 Veriaci, „A tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“

185        Si Kresťan? „Som metodista.“ To ukazuje, že nie si Kresťan.

 Si Kresťan? „Som z cirkvi Kristovej.“ To ukazuje, že nie si Kresťan.

186        Ty si Kresťanom preto, že si veriaci. A ak si veriaci, Ježiš povedal v 16. kapitole Marka, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí prijali Veľkonočnú Pečať, až do konca sveta.“ Je to tak; ty si veriaci.

187        A ľudia sú nútení; teraz sú nútení. Tá vec prebieha a oni sú nútení buď to prijať, alebo to odmietnuť. A čo robia? Odmietajú to.

188        Ale on to nemohol urobiť tam vtedy vo veku letničných, pretože letniční idú rovno naspäť a organizujú sa, prichádzajú, organizujú sa do tej istej veci, z ktorej boli vytiahnutí. Letnice vychádzajú von. Letnice nie sú organizáciou; letnice sú prežitím, ktoré prichádza ku veriacemu. Ale oni z toho urobili organizáciu a vykonali tú istú vec, kvôli ktorej tak tvrdo bojovali, aby sa z nej dostali von.

189        To isté urobil národ a politika, prišili sem zo slobody náboženstva, zo starej prostitútskej katolíckej náuky, a idú rovno naspäť a skrze slepotu politiky zvolili jedného zo svojich kľúčových ľudí, milionára, stal sa milionárom pomocou whiskey a zberby a svetských nezmyslov, ako sa stal milionárom, a dali ho na trón do Bieleho Domu so systémom katolicizmu za tým. Pričom tam nebol ešte ani šesť mesiacov a potvrdil, že to je pravda...

190        A letničná cirkev vyšla z organizácie a nazvali ich chladnými a formálnymi; a ich ženy, spôsob, ako sa správali; a muži, spôsob, akým konali. A letnice sa zorganizovali a vzali ducha a odišli rovno naspäť do toho. Prečo? Aby mohla zostať ukázaná tá skutočná Cirkev Božia vo svojej moci a svojej sile. Ste nútení tomu veriť. Ste nútení to buď prijať, alebo to odmietnuť. Sláva Bohu. Je to pred vami a nemôžete to zaprieť. Musíte povedať áno alebo nie. Neexistuje spôsob, ako sa tomu vyhnúť. Tak veru.

 Áno, sú nútení. Neexistuje žiadna stredná cesta. Celý svet to musí buď prijať, alebo odmietnuť. A takto je to dnes.

191        No, zistili sme, že po Veľkej noci im Ježiš v Markovi 16 povedal, „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte Evanjelium; tieto znamenia budú nasledovať.“ A človek... Boh potom Svojou mocou tú vec pre nich vyplnil. Iní museli vidieť, že tí ľudia niečo majú. A to trvalo tristošesť rokov po smrti Krista. Čo prišlo potom do cirkvi? Oni boli katolíci (To je úplná pravda.), letniční katolíci. Slovo „katolícka“ znamená „univerzálna.“ Celá cirkev je univerzálna. A oni boli letniční.

192        Čo potom urobili? Išli obracať obchodníkov, obracali ostatných, privádzali ich do vnútra. A mali plány o veľkom spoločenstve.

193        A prvá vec, viete, v Biblii sme zistili v našom vyučovaní, keď sme učili cirkevné veky, že Ježiš im povedal predtým, ako sa to stalo, asi dvesto rokov, že tam bude náuka alebo to prv budú skutky nikolaitov, a potom sa to nakoniec stane náukou. A keď sa to stalo, On povedal, „Nenávidím to.“ A čo urobili letniční? Letniční vyrástli, naškrobená trieda, zorganizovali sa a vytvorili katolícku cirkev, prvú matku organizáciu.

194        Malá menšina bola odstrčená nabok. A odvtedy to takto išlo. Išli takto ďalej 1500 rokov a tá malá menšina to prežila. Amen.

195        Niekto raz hovoril, povedal, „Pomyslite na katolícku cirkev, koľko veľkých bitiek prežila.“ Veľkých bitiek? Samozrejme, so zákonom na svojej strane, s národom na svojej strane, s politikou na svojej strane.

196        Pomyslite na tú malú letničnú skupinu, ktorá nemala nič okrem Ducha Svätého, ale ona to prežila. A rovno tu je dnes ráno žijúci dôkaz, že ona stále žije a ona bude žiť navždy: nie organizácia; letniční veriaci, tí skutoční. Presne tak.

197        No, po Veľkej noci, toto sa udialo, boli nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. Ľudia musia učiniť rozhodnutie; teraz ho musia urobiť. (Preskakujem mnohé z týchto poznámok.) Nie sú tu žiadne stredné cesty.

198        A v týchto posledných dňoch budú satanovi synovia zapečatení. Teraz je čas, o ktorom hovorila Biblia, že všetci, ktorí nemajú Pečať Božiu, príjmu znamenie šelmy. A vieme, že znamenie šelmy je neveriť. Prvýkrát... „Kde by si povedal, že začalo znamenie šelmy?“ V záhrade Eden. Znamenie šelmy a Pečať Božia boli dávané v záhrade Eden. Presne tak. Udialo sa to skrze Veľkú noc, lebo smrť Ábela priviedla Seta. Presne tak.

199        Všimnite si. Kain bol synom satana. Bol synom zvieraťa, ktoré zviedlo Evu. Môžete to nazvať, akokoľvek chcete. On bol synom satana. A čo urobil? Boh na neho umiestnil znamenie a poslal ho preč z Prítomnosti Božej. Je to tak? A on si vzal manželku, nie z dedičstva Božieho, ale vzal si ženu zo zeme Nód, z inej zeme.

200        A čo urobila organizácia? Opustila skutočnú letničnú vieru, keď sa to zorganizovalo, a vzala si manželku z organizácie. Je to presne tak. No, čo urobil? Pozrite sa, ako sa začala správať letničná manželka a čo hovorí a čo robí; sledujte jej konanie. A stojí rovno naspäť a snaží sa teraz odseknúť práve tú Vec, za ktorou prv stála, snaží sa To odseknúť, potlačiť To, pretože To je proti jej vyznaniam. Tak, ako to bolo tam. Ale ona je znova nútená učiniť rozhodnutie. Musí ho urobiť. Musí ho urobiť.

201        Bože, pomôž mne a mojim bratom, ktorí stoja so mnou. Pomôž... Bože, pomôž nám tam stáť statočne. Nezáleží na tom, či to je mučenícka krv, stáť tam. „Musím bojovať, ak musím vládnuť; dodaj mi odvahu, Pane.“

202        Keď vidím Jeho Ducha, ako sa pohybuje medzi ľuďmi a robí tie isté veci, viem, že On je Ten istý zmŕtvychvstalý Ježiš Kristus. Amen. Čo sa mňa týka, tým to je vybavené. Rozumiete? Amen. Tam v Rimanom 4:25, kde sa rozpráva o Abrahámovi. „On bol vydaný pre naše previnenia a znova vstal z mŕtvych pre naše ospravedlnenie.“

203        Efežanom 4:30, Svätý Duch je Božou Veľkonočnou Pečaťou, ktorá nás pečatí na večnosť (Amen.), pečatí na večnosť: Boží Svätý Duch. Ó, ste šťastní? Radujete sa z Veľkej noci? Ste vďační za toto prežitie? Zapečatení, uzavretí vnútri s Bohom na tajnom mieste, uzavretí vnútri s Bohom skrze Jeho Božskú milosť, zapečatení až do dňa nášho vykúpenia. To je skutočná, pravdivá Veľkonočná Pečať.

204        Aký máme čas? Poludnie, päť minút do dvanástej. Veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Veríte všetci? Skloňme na chvíľu naše hlavy.

205        Náš nebeský Otče, nezáleží na tom, čo by som mohol povedať, a človek by mal jednako veriť tomuto Slovu, pretože je tu napísané. Modlím sa, aby ľudia na všetkých miestach prijali teraz Teba ako svoju Veľkonočnú Pečať, Prvotinu vzkriesenia, vediac, že prešli zo smrti do Života; tam, kde raz chodila smrť, teraz Život zaujíma svoje miesto. Modlím sa, aby si dnes ráno tomuto zhromaždeniu ukázal, že si stále Ježišom, že si stále Tým, ktorý činí zázraky a vykonáva veci. A ako viem, a práve som to povedal, ako to bolo potvrdené otcovi Abrahámovi, že ten Anjel zastal Svojím chrbtom ku poslucháčstvu – alebo ku Sáre a povedal to, čo hovorila a myslela... Ó, Bože, videli sme to znovu a znovu. Videli sme potvrdenie, umiestnenie Syna, udelenie Mena. Videli sme, ako sa udiali všetky tieto veci, Pane, a vieme, že sme v čase konca. Toto je Veľká noc. Mnohí stoja, tŕpnu im nohy.

206        A teraz, Otče, všetko, čo by som ja mohol povedať, by neznamenalo nič, po tom, ako si Ty prehovoril, pokiaľ to nie je v zhode s tým, čo si hovoril. A ak som hovoril Tvoje Slovo, potom, Otče, verím, že Ty si Boh, ktorý potvrdí to Slovo. Modlím sa, aby si to udelil. Nech Tvoj Duch, Pane, príde do stredu ľudí a učiní toto pre ľudí potvrdeným.

207        Zatiaľ čo máme naše hlavy sklonené, všade, pravdepodobne tu je choroba; niet vôbec žiadnych pochýb, že je tu medzi ľuďmi choroba. Chcem vedieť, koľkí z vás sú tu z iného mesta, ktorí sú chorí, zodvihnite svoju ruku: z iného mesta. No, sú skrátka všade.

208        V poriadku, môžete zodvihnúť svoju hlavu. Opýtam sa, aby ste mohli vidieť. Všetci, ktorí ste z iného mesta, ktorých nepoznám, ktorí sú z iného mesta a nepoznám vás, zodvihnite svoju ruku, povedzte, „Som chorý.“ Zodvihnite teraz všade svoje ruky, aby som tak mohol získať všeobecnú predstavu.

209        Ak toto On nedodržiava, neexistuje žiadne vzkriesenie. Ak to dodržiava, je to istota vzkriesenia. Ukazuje to, že Veľkonočná Pečať, že On nie je mŕtvy, ale On žije. Potom odsúdiť to by bolo rúhanie proti Svätému Duchu, a to je neodpustiteľné. No, ak príde Duch Svätý do tohto zhromaždenia...

210        Myslel som, že by sme len mohli postaviť ľudí, ale nemôžeme mať modlitebný rad. Pozrite sem, sme tu skrátka napchatí, malé deti všade po oltároch a všade. Nemôžeme mať modlitebný rad.

211        Ale pozrite, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Či On je iba na jednom mieste, alebo je všadeprítomný? On je všade. No, ako by som vás mohol poznať, vás, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky na znak toho, že vás nepoznám, a vy ste tu neznámymi ľuďmi? Nechcem žiadnych ľudí z modlitebne; uvidím vás neskôr. Rozumiete? Ale len ľudí, aby ste tak videli, že to sú ľudia z iného mesta, ktorých nepoznám. Nech Duch Svätý prehovorí, či to je pravda, alebo nie. Nech hovorí On, potom moje slová budú jedna vec; a ak to je Božie Slovo, Boh dodrží to Slovo.

212 Pamätajte teraz, letniční, skutoční pravdiví Boží veriaci vždy boli v menšine. A oni sú skupinou, na ktorej sa smejú a robia si z nej žarty, a ľudia si nechcú zvoliť tú cestu. A nech Duch Svätý...

213        Chcem sa vás ľudí niečo opýtať. No, vidíte, je Boh živým Bohom? Je prítomný? Potom, ak je, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. No, po tom, čo som hovoril, koľkí tu veria, že to je pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Je tu niekto, kto by chcel povedať, „Nie som Kresťan, brat Branham. Chcel by som byť. Modli sa za mňa.“ Nemôžem tu hore urobiť žiadne oltárne zavolanie, pretože nemôžem. Len zodvihni svoju ruku a povedz, „Modli sa za mňa.“ Je tu niekto v budove? Nech ťa Boh žehná, aj teba, teba, teba. To je dobre. V poriadku. Nech vás Boh žehná, všade naokolo. V poriadku, dobre. V poriadku.

214        No, máte právo, po takomto posolstve máte právo žiadať vyúčtovanie a povedať, „Brat Branham, kázal si nám niečo, povedal si, že v týchto posledných dňoch, to posledné znamenie bolo, keď sa On preukázal, ukázal, že bol Bohom.“

215        A raz som počul jedného židovského kazateľa, akurát bol... Bol som... Na základe môjho posolstva o obeti červenej jalovice, ten človek prišiel a prijal Krista, odišiel z cirkvi, bol vychovávaný cez líniu rabínov, ktorí boli roky, roky a roky, štyristo alebo päťsto rokov dozadu, všetko rabíni. A ten človek počul moje posolstvo, prekĺzol na zhromaždenie a počul to „červená jalovica,“ a obrátil sa cez to ku Kresťanstvu. A raz sa postavil v cirkvi a povedal, „Každý, kto by neveril, že existujú traja bohovia namiesto Jedného...“ On do toho času veril v jedného Boha. Odpadol, namiesto toho, aby urobil niečo iné. On...

216        Bože, prehovor. No, zodvihol som svoju ruku; nepoznám ich, nepoznám ich. No, ak je On stále Bohom, či nebude robiť tie isté veci? Žena, ktorá sa dotkla Jeho rúcha...

217        Niektoré z vás žien alebo niektoré z vás, ktoré ste tam zodvihli svoju ruku, žena niekde, verím... Kde? Malá pani na konci, zodvihla by si svoju ruku? V poriadku. Ty, v poriadku, som pre teba cudzí? Nepoznám ťa? V poriadku.

218        Len sa pozri, či On je stále tým Najvyšším Kňazom, ktorého sa môžeš dotknúť, lebo súcití s tvojou slabosťou.Nikdy vo svojom živote som ťa nevidel. Si pre mňa cudzia. Nič o tebe neviem. Boh ťa pozná. A ak mi On môže zjaviť skrze Svojho Svätého Ducha, zmŕtvychvstalého Krista, ktorý sem príde a dá mi dočasné vzkriesenie skrze môjho ducha, že môj duch teraz odíde preč a Jeho Duch príde dnu, potom budeš vedieť, či je On živý, alebo nie je. No, nepoznám ťa. To som ja, ja a môj duch; nepoznáme ťa. Ale On ťa pozná. Ale On si chce požičať moje telo, aby dokázal, že On je zmŕtvychvstalý Kristus. Som tak šťastný, že Mu ho môžem požičať, dať Mu ho, čokoľvek, čo z neho chce dostať.

219        Ak mi Boh povie, kvôli čomu tu si, budeš mi veriť? Budeš. Máš kŕčové žily. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Máš toho viac než to: máš pruh. Je to tak. Nie si z tohto mesta. Si z Lima, Ohio. Voláš sa pani Stoddard. Presne tak. Tvoj manžel sedí za tebou. Je to tak. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, aký je jeho problém? On má problém so svojou chrbticou; trpí kvôli svojej chrbtici. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku, pane. Veríte?

220        Niekto ďalší tu dolu zodvihol svoje ruky, tade dole. Tu, tamtá pani. V poriadku. Nepoznám ťa. Tam vedľa teba sedí tvoj manžel. Tá vec, ktorú chceš, je krst Duchom Svätým. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Je to tak. V poriadku, ver Pánovi; jednoducho vôbec nepochybuj.

221        Videl som niekoho, ako prichádza z diaľky, ale nedokázal by som povedať, kde to bolo. Áno, je to človek, ktorý sedí rovno tu; teraz ho vidím. On je pre mňa taktiež neznámy. Máš žlčníkové problémy, zápal dutín. Nie si odtiaľto. Si z Georgie, z miesta nazvaného ako Hubbermill, Georgia. V poriadku, teraz ver a choď domov a buď zdravý.

222        Veríte z celého svojho srdca? Jeden sedí rovno tu vzadu; to je Svetlo, ktoré stojí nad tou osobou. Modlia sa za milovaného, ktorý má rakovinu, nie je spasený. Verte; majte vieru a nepochybujte.

223        [Brat Branham sa odmlčal. – pozn.prekl.] Len sa dívam. Vidíte... [Brat Branham sa odmlčal. – pozn.prekl.] Aha. Tu To je ponad týmto tu. Tá pani, ktorá má sklonenú hlavu, modlí sa. Má problémy so svojimi nohami a kolenami. Nepoznám ťa, či áno? Sme si cudzí, zodvihni ruku. Choď naspäť do... Tvoj domov je v New Hampshire; to je to, odkiaľ pochádzaš. Ver a Pán ťa uzdraví.

224        Tá pani, ktorá sedí tam vzadu s malým dievčatkom, modlí sa za ňu, s problémami s obličkami, sedí rovno tam vzadu. Ona je tiež z Georgie. Pani Cason, ak veríš z celého svojho srdca? Prijímaš to? V poriadku, potom choď domov, buď zdravá. Nepoznám tú ženu, nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Ak sme si navzájom cudzí, zamávaj svojou rukou, pani. Je to tak.

225        Rovno tu sedí ďalší, muž. On je tiež z Georgie. Nepoznám ho, nikdy som ho nevidel. Ale videl som ho, ako prichádza z tej „broskyňovej“ krajiny. Presne tak. Má problémy s pečeňou (Je to tak.) a artritídu. Sedí rovno na zadnom sedadle. Veríš z celého svojho srdca, pane? V poriadku, choď naspäť a buď uzdravený.

226        Tam vedľa teba niekto sedí, pani, tam vzadu v najzadnejšom rade. Nie, to nie je kvôli nej. Ona sa modlí za svojho syna. Je to tak. Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať, čo je s tvojím synom, pani? Som pre teba cudzí, ale Boh ťa pozná. Vredy a duševné problémy, a on tu nie je; Dayton, Ohio. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Teraz ver.

227        Viete, že On žije? Či On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky? To je minimálne osem alebo desať ľudí, ktorých som nikdy v živote nevidel. A je to pravda? No, nech Boh nebies, Ktorý je prítomný, uzdraví týchto ľudí a nech sú v poriadku. No, to prichádza z Pomazania Svätého Ducha, nie zo mňa. Nech Boh, ktorý môže rozpoznať myšlienky mysle a dokázať Samého Seba, že je Ježišom Kristom, Tým istým včera, dnes i naveky, nech On príde dopredu a uzdraví nemocných. On je Bohom navždy. Veríte tomu? No, koľkí Mu chcú rovno teraz veriť a prijať Ho ako Spasiteľa a Uzdraviteľa a ako Krstiteľa a prichádzajúceho Kráľa? V Mene Ježiša. Ó, haleluja. Čo? Veľkonočná Pečať, neomylná Veľkonočná Pečať.

228        Čo je tá ďalšia vec? Premena tohto tela, aby sme stretli Syna, ktorý prichádza. Budeme premenení v momente, v okamihu. Majte všetky vaše papierové pečate, ktoré chcete; ale skutočnou Veľkonočnou Pečaťou je Svätý Duch v ľudskom srdci. Prijímate Ho? Veríte v Jeho vzkriesenie. Veríte, že On je navždy živý? Veríte, že On je tu? Prijímate Ho teraz ako svojho Spasiteľa, ako svojho Uzdraviteľa, ako svojho Boha, ako svojho prichádzajúceho Kráľa? Verte z celého svojho srdca.

229        Ako tieto vreckovky, modlím sa nad nimi, Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Mnohí ľudia ich pomazávajú. Verím, že z Pavlovho tela brali vreckovky a zástery a oni boli uzdravení. Veríte tomu?

230        No, koľkí ďalší sú tu vnútri nemocní? No, ľudia z modlitebne a z tunajšieho okolitého spoločenstva, ktoré tu je naokolo, zodvihnite teraz svoje ruky, tu z okolia. No, veríte, že On je tu? Veríte, že Duch Svätý je tu? No, počkajte, prečo čakáme na čokoľvek ďalšie? On je tu, tak konajme na základe toho! Charlie, čo myslíš? Amen. Haleluja. Ó, musí sa to stať.

231        Ja nemôžem uzdraviť nikoho. Nemôžem to urobiť. Vo mne nie je nič, čo by mohlo uzdraviť. Ale ak prijmete tohto Ducha, ktorý je teraz na mne, nemôže byť dosť diablov v pekle, ktorí by mohli spôsobiť, aby ste o tom viacej pochybovali, a musíte byť uzdravení. Nie som Uzdravovateľ; On je Uzdravovateľ. Nedokážem vidieť videnia; On je Ten, ktorý hovorí. To je len moje telo, ktoré On používa.

232        No, Ten istý Boh povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Koľko tu je veriacich? Si si istý, že si veriaci? No, On povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak položia ruky na chorých, uzdravia sa.“ Je to tak? No, položte jeden na druhého svoje ruky a dovoľte mi modliť sa za každého z vás. Ó, Bože. Ó, brat, niečo sa musí stať. Niečo sa práve musí stať.

233        Ó, veľká Veľkonočná Pečať, Ty nie si ľaliou v kvetináči, ale Ľaliou v údolí. Ty, ktorý si raz hovoril cez toho chlapca, vyšiel si vpred pomocou Svojho Slova. Zamanifestoval si, že si Pravdou. Ty si Pravda, Pane. Ty si vzkriesenie. Povedal si, „Ja som vzkriesenie a Život. Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, hoci by bol mŕtvy, jednako bude žiť. Ktokoľvek žije a verí vo Mňa, nikdy nezomrie. Ja som vzkriesenie a Život.“

234        [Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.] Nebude to vypovedané, potom sa budete diviť. Ale zatiaľ čo môžete počuť, poslúchnite.

235        Ó, Bože, ktorý si stvoril nebesia a zem, títo ľudia sa modlia jeden za druhého. Keď si povstal v to Veľkonočné ráno, dokázal si, že si Mesiáš. Ty si dokázal, že si bol Mesiášom predtým, ako si povstal. Dokázal si, že si Ním bol skrze znamenie Mesiáša, skrze Pečať Božiu, ktorá bola v Tebe. Bol si zapečatený s Bohom, aby si nečinil nič okrem toho, čo On povedal. Povedal si, „Vždy činím to, čo sa ľúbi Otcovi.“ To je zachovávanie Jeho Slova. Pretože, aby sme sa ľúbili Bohu, musíme veriť Jeho Slovu a zachovávať Jeho Slovo. A potom, Otče, tak je to dnes, že každý syn Boží, každá dcéra Božia, aby sa ľúbili Bohu, musia zachovávať Božie Slovo. A, Bože, my teraz zachovávame Tvoje Slovo tým, že kladieme jeden na druhého ruky. A modlím sa za toto poslucháčstvo.

236        Potom, ako sme počuli kázané Slovo a videli neznámych ľudí, ako zodvihli ruky, vidíme, že Ten veľký Duch Svätý tam vychádza a hovorí im samotné myšlienky z ich srdca a kým sú, odkiaľ prišli, čo sa deje a všetko ohľadom toho, ako by ľudia ešte mohli pochybovať? Bože, je to veľká odmena pre tých, ktorí dnes ráno stáli naokolo týchto veľkých stien zboru, ktoré tu sú, a bolia ich nohy a matky so svojimi deťmi a otcovia a starí a všetci, očakávajúci, sledujú, dávajú pozor, aby videli jedno znamenie živého Boha... Potom Ho videli, ako sa pohyboval na scéne a dokázal, že On je Jehova, že On je Ježiš, Ten zmŕtvychvstalý, „Žijem navždy a mám kľúče pekla a smrti,“ pretože On zlomil ich pečať. Zlámal pečať smrti. Zlámal pečať hrobky. Zlámal pečať pekla. Zlámal pečať hrobu. A otvoril Pečať ku Stromu Života a pokrstil nás Svojím Svätým Duchom do toho Stromu Života a učinil nás synmi a dcérami Boha a poveril nás, aby sme kládli ruky jeden na druhého, „A tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria; ak položia ruky na chorých, uzdravia sa.“ Otče Bože, musí to byť.

238        Prehlasujem skrze moc Evanjelia, skrze Boha nebies, ktorý ma ustanovil a poslal ma, aby som kázal Evanjelium, skrze Boha, ktorý napísal Slovo, skrze Anjela, ktorý je tu prítomný, aby potvrdil Slovo, hovorím toto kvôli viere, ktorú mám v ľudí, že diabol bude musieť opustiť každú chorú osobu, ktorá tu je, každú postihnutú osobu a moc Božia ich pozdvihne znova do dobrého zdravia a sily ako pamiatku na toto Veľkonočné zhromaždenie. Vyjdi von, satan. Si porazený. Ježiš ťa porazil pred tisícdeväťsto rokmi a si porazený. Vyjdi von z ľudí v Mene Ježiša Krista.

1 Early sunrise service, where Brother Neville spoke to us a very outstanding message on--on the Easter service.

And now, I know it's terrible to have to be standing, our--our seating capacity here is very small. And they just asked me if they could open up the back here and put the people in the baptistery. I said, "That's a good place for them." That was a very good place for them. They... So they're going to pull the curtains in a few minutes and have... I think they're just going to stand around the rim. I don't know whether they are or not; I see it's full of water; so they'll pretty near have to stand on a board. But I see they're getting some of it ready now, so they'll probably open it up in a few minutes.

3 Now, Easter is a great day for all of us; we just like Easter so well. And now we're going to try not to keep you too long, 'cause under the condition...

But I'd just like to make an announcement or two, and that is that our--our services begin next Sunday now, to you out-of-town people. They begin at Bloomington, Illinois, at the--the Methodist College grounds there. And they'll go through, Sunday through Sunday. And then there'll be a--a ministerial breakfast. And then I'm to speak to the student body of the--at the college, one morning, and there's to be a breakfast there, I understand.

5 And then the following week, after... That's the twenty-third through the--the last Sunday. Or what is that? [Brother Neville says, "There's a slip on it right over there, brother--Ed.] Oh, yes. Well, it's already give out then; they know about it. ["I announced it."] Yes, sir, that's fine, good. Chicago, now there's been a--so I understand from last night, they can't get the Lane Tech Auditorium, so it'll be an auditorium just about ten minutes drive from the Lane Tech. There'll be another auditorium, as I understand. 'Course they'll probably have some signs there pointing you on to the--where the meeting will be.

Then we go up, British Columbia. And then it--on July the first through the fourth in Miami, Florida.

7 So then it's wondering about a big tent meeting; that--if that comes, I want to really be there to--all of you that can, in Washington, DC, at the capital for a--a meeting. Be my first tent meeting, you know, where the Lord promised me He'd meet me in that little place in the meeting. And that they're planning on that now; they called us and told us, the businessmen there, that they would either get the Convention Hall, where we did speak, or put up a big tent. And as soon as he said, "big tent," something kinda registered, maybe that's where the meeting place will be, at the capitol house. So that's very, very fine. So we'll see about it, and then let you know a little later as the Holy Spirit leads that way.

8 Now, I believe they have some little babies here, that come from out of town that they wanted dedicated to the Lord. Now, this... Many people sprinkle them, and so forth. And that's perfectly all right. I have nothing against that. However, sprinkling is not Scriptural to baby or adult. See? Sprinkling is just a--a--a ecclesiastical form that has been adopted first by the Catholic church, and then handed down through Protestantism. But there's no Scripture for no sprinkling of adult or baby.

And being that we like to stay right with the Scripture, just as close as we can, in the Bible they brought little children to our Lord, and He lifted them, picked them up in His arms, and blessed them, and said, "Suffer little children to come to Me." Now, that's what we are trying to do: follow the commandments of the Lord in that way. And we bring the elders of the Church, and we stand around and dedicate the children to the Lord.

If our pianist will play our song, "Bring them in," all right and those mothers that's got the little ones, will come, stand forward, Brother Neville and some of the elders will stand with me here, if they will; and we'll dedicate these children unto the Lord.

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring them in from the fields of sin;

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring the little ones to Jesus.

9 Now, this is just a form, of mothers dedicating their little ones to the Lord. And this Easter morning, what a wonderful time for a baptism or a dedication, this early season and the resurrection time. Let's sing it again while the rest start.

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring them in from the fields of sin;

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring the little ones to Jesus.

10 Now, friends, I know them's, each one, is the prettiest baby in the world. I know that. I know better than to say anything else about that. That's right. And that's the way you should feel.

They're little treasures that God has given you the responsibility of raising. And I've always said and made this kind of a saying to mothers. We know, written of four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But there's a fifth Gospel, unwritten; that's mother. She gets them before Matthew-Mark-Luke-and-John's teaching gets them. So the responsibilities is placed upon you mothers and you fathers to raise these children to the--for the Kingdom of God. And I'm sure that's your heart's desire.

12 We lift them to God in prayer and dedicate your babies to Christ. The elders and I will come forward to... You just give us the name. And now I know my wife is kind of jealous of me in this job, cause...

Lisa Ann Mitchell. Oh, oh. Lisa Ann Mitchell, a treasure for anyone's arms. Let us bow our heads.

Heavenly Father, as Your servants, we lift this little Lisa Ann Mitchell to Thee, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. We dedicate her and claim her life for the Kingdom of God. May she live and grow and be a wonderful person to the Kingdom of God. We do this for the--because we're commissioned of our Lord. In the Name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen. (God bless you.)

15 H. A., E. J. Junior. E. J. Junior, while he's taking a nap. So let us bow our heads.

Our heavenly Father, we lift to You this little fellow; pray that if Jesus tarries, You'll make a great servant of God out of him. The mother gives him to You. And--and we present him, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, that You'll bless him and the home that he comes from. May he be raised to the glory of God, as we dedicate him to Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you, preacher, and your...?... I'm kind of careful of that job, 'cause I'm always afraid I'll hurt the little fellows.

18 Now, let me get... Look just like this is a little fellow. The name? Deborah Myers. Little Deborah Myers, she's bright-eyed this morning. Let us bow our heads.

Heavenly Father, we bring to You little Deborah Myers; we pray Your blessings upon the child as we dedicate her to the Lord, as the father and mother now presents her, and in commemoration of our Lord Jesus Who blessed the little ones and said, "Suffer them to come unto Me." We give to You little Deborah for a life of service, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

20 Now, which one of these other little fellows? All right, sir. Now, this young fellow: Sarah Ruth, little Sarah Ruth Wheeler. Wheelan--Wheeler.

Our heavenly Father, we bring to You this darling baby that's been given into our hands for dedication. And we stand with bowed heads and hearts to thank You for her, and pray that You'll bless her life to a life of Your service. We give her to You in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you. It's all over now. She looked back, as if, to me, to say, "Anything else?" All right.

23 There's a sweet little girl. Now, what's your name? Mica Ungren. What a sweet little thing this is. How do you do? She's all-sufficient, want to know what's going on up here. Let us bow our heads.

Our heavenly Father, we give You this lovely little child on this Easter morning, bringing the little ones to You. We dedicate her to the Lord Jesus for a life of service. Grant, Lord, that she'll live long unto the coming of the Lord, if it be possible. And make her a service to You, as we dedicate her to her--her to You, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

25 What's his name? Oh, Melynda, little Melynda Ungren. They--they want to see you out this way, Melynda. You're--you're pretty. My. Let us bow our heads.

Father God, we give to You this little lady, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. We dedicate her to You, her life, for a life of service for You, Lord, praying that You'll spare her and make her one of Your handsmaids to serve You and to do that which she has been born to do. We give her to You in dedication, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

27 All these pretty little girls... Let's see now... This, oh, here, this is the one. How do you do? How are you this morning? What's her name now? Jane... Jamie Lynn Daulton.

Our heavenly Father, we bring to You this sweet little girl, and we pray that You'll bless her. And we ask, Lord, that You'll bless the homes of these children. May they be raised up in the admonition of God to a life of service for You. We give to You this little darling, as we dedicate her to God, in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Amen. (Your little baby is...?...)

29 How do you do? Well, now, you can almost hold me, can't you? My, my. What's her name? Teresa Cabert. Look out here, Teresa. Ain't she a pretty little thing? All these are such pretty little babies.

Our heavenly Father, we give to You this darling little girl, that her loved one has presented to us. As we hold the child to You, we give her for a life of service to God. We dedicate her to God's service, in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Amen.

31 God bless you, sister, and bless your little one while we pray. Little blue eyes; and then brown ones. What's her name? Cynthia, little Cynthia. Look out here, Cynthia. Them pretty little eyes.

Our heavenly Father, we give to You this little girl this morning. Let her live long, and let her be Your handsmaid. The loved one places it into my arms for dedication; I bring it before the elders, and place it before God, and dedicate her to God's service, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Amen.

33 Now, this is kind of a small one too. Now, Meda, you ought to be up here to hold this one. I'm always afraid I'll break it. James, James Bliss. He's a mighty wise-looking little fellow, isn't he? That's it.

Our heavenly Father, we give to You little James. May he be like the one his name comes, the James in the Bible, no doubt, who showed wisdom in the counsel of the Lord's service. I pray that You'll bless him, and for a life of service to You. Bless the home that he comes from, and may he be raised in the admonition of God; as we dedicate him to God's service, in the Name of Jesus Christ, God's Son. Amen. I sure love...?...

35 What's this little girl's name? Come up here, honey. Huh? Tammy Brown. Let... Oh, little Tammy Brown. Her mother and father was baptized this morning. Another pretty little girl. Let's bow our heads.

Father, we bring to You this little child. I'd imagine it was something like this when the mothers brought them to You, when You were in Your earthly journey. We dedicate her to You, Lord. As I understand, her father and mother was baptized this morning here in that precious Name of the Lord Jesus. Then her home will be right. I pray that You'll bless her and give her a life of service, as we dedicate her to God for His service, in the Name of Jesus Christ, His Son. Amen.

37 Thank you. Oh, wait, I'm sorry; I didn't see this. How do you do? Well, what a fine man. Can I help...?... you? Fine. What's his name? Danny Johnson, Danny William Johnson. Oh, my, he even looks like a preacher, doesn't he?

Heavenly Father, we bring to You this little boy. Maybe he's too young to know what this is about, but there's a God in heaven Who looks down and knows this thing. We give him to You, Lord, as the mother placed him in our arms. By faith we come in the Name of Jesus Christ, and claim him as a trophy to the grace of God, and dedicate him to God, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. (Bless you, dear.)

39 Did we get, no... Now, what a pretty little girl coming here. That's the prettiest little dress that you have on, and little hat. Atler? Adler, Ellene Gail Adler, what a beautiful little girl.

Our heavenly Father, I hold to You this treasure of the home, a little girl that come into the world. And the loved one brings her forward to be dedicated for service to You, knowing that this evil day that we're living. We claim the child's life as a trophy for God. And we dedicate her to the service of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, God's Son. Amen. (Bless you, honey)

41 Here's a little preacher boy, couple of them. Are they twins? Five and Eight. What's this one's name? Johnny, from Richmond, from Richmond, Virginia. I thought I remembered your face. We had a interview together when the Lord was present. I remember you; I knowed your face, and I couldn't make out who you was. All right. Well, we know he'll come in the right home. His name is John, Johnny.

Our heavenly Father, we bring to You this little boy, Johnny. And we lay our hands upon him, because that is the way You did it. You laid Your hands upon them. And we bless him and claim his life as a trophy of God's grace, and dedicate him to God's service, in the Name of Jesus Christ, God's Son. Amen. (Bless you, little boy.)

43 Lewis, this is Lewis.

Heavenly Father, we bring to You this little boy, Lewis. And the father brings him forward for dedication to the service in the house of God.

As we think of days gone by, when Hannah went down into the temple was praying, and God give her a baby. And she brought the baby back and give him to God. That's what these people do today: bring their little ones in, their little treasures, dedicate them. And--and the--the prophet taken them, Father, and raised the little fellow, and he became a prophet.

Now, we dedicate little Lewis this morning to the service of Almighty God, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. (Bless you, son.)

Sure good to see you down here from Richmond, Virginia, this morning. God bless you.

47 Now, let's see, that it? All right. Oh, it's those little fellows... You don't know, I--we might've dedicated a many little missionary this morning and a preacher; we don't know. That all lays in the hands of the Almighty.

I want to announce that the services tonight here at the Tabernacle; there will be a communion service. And if you've never attended one of our communion services, we also observe feet-washing.

49 Now, there is some handkerchiefs laying here for me to pray over. One belongs to Brother Grimsley, our brother here at the church. I don't know whose these are. We send these out, hundreds and hundreds of them, across the world. And now, we'll... I want to pray for them after I start in praying for the sick.

I want to speak first, just for a while, on the little continuation of Easter message. And now, before we approach God's Word, let's approach Him by prayer.

51 Our Heavenly Father, we are grateful in our hearts this morning for this glorious morning. And above all that, we are grateful for this what it represents, the resurrection and sealed proof of our religion, when Jesus Christ rose from the dead, some two thousand years ago, and presented Hisself back to His church, alive forevermore. After two thousand years, we are so happy to be still enjoying that fellowship with the disciples of a resurrected Christ.

We pray, Lord, that His Presence will be so felt in this building this morning, until every person here that's not saved will accept Him as their Saviour. And those who have not been filled with His Spirit, may this be the day when the Holy Spirit will do the finished work upon them. We ask that He in His great Atonement that healed the sick, may He come so close to the people, that faith will be prominent, Lord, and dominating over unbelief, that'll cause the sick and the afflicted to go away from here healed and well.

52 We would ask, Lord, that You'd bless the one now that's undertaking to explain Thy Word of the resurrection.

God, bless all the ministers everywhere, Your children, Your servants throughout the land, throughout the world.

And come, Lord Jesus, quickly, because we see clouds floating in the air, Lord, and we know that there is a great thing moving up. Gird up Your people. Oh, may they take the sword of the truth, buckle on the armor, pull down the helmet, shod themselves with the Gospel, and, above all things, take that shield of faith and move forward. Grant it, Lord, for war clouds are hanging low. Bless us today now, for we know that soon, as far as we know, we will see Jesus soon. And we pray that we'll be ready to go when that hour comes. May we prepare our hearts, and finish that, settle it once for all, in the morning service today. In Jesus Christ's Name, speak to us through Thy Word. Thy Word is Truth. Amen.

55 Now, to you that would like to read with me in the Scriptures, turn to Luke the 24th chapter. I want to read quite a lengthy portion of It here, the Lord willing, to get a background to what I want to base a few minute's talk on. And now, if you want to, if it's hot, I guess, or whatever, you just make yourself as comfortable as you can, and I'll be just as quick as possible.

56 And we want to say this, that we certainly appreciate your loyalty to come. And when it goes... People tries to say that the Gospel has lost its attraction, and when people come from across the nation to stand in a place where their limbs are hurting for a service of the Lord, it still shows that God's got people, and there's still a longing in their heart to see God. Yet, the Gospel in its simplicity, just as simple as the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is, yet it's the greatest power that's ever struck the earth, is the Gospel of Christ. And the Gospel is not in Word only, but through power and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit. May He grant these things to us as we read now from the 36th verse of the 24th chapter of St. Luke.

And as they... spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and said unto them, Peace be unto you.

But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.

And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?

Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bone, as ye see me have.

And when they had... spoken, He showed them his hands and his feet.

And while they yet believed not for joy... they believed not for joy, and were wondering, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?

And they gave Him a piece of... boiled fish, and... a honeycomb.

And he took it, and did eat it before them.

And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.

And he opened their understanding, that they might understand the Scriptures,

Then said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day:

And that repentance and remission of sin should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And ye are witnesses of these things,

And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until you be... till you be endued with power from on high.

And he led them out as far as... Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them.

And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was departed from them, and carried up into heaven.

And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy:

And were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen.

57 Now, if I should call it for a text, I'd like to take this, "The True Easter Seal."

How I come to think of such a thing, was about a week ago I was on my road down into Georgetown, a little city below New Albany here. And there was boys standing on the street, taking up offerings for Easter seals. And I begin to think about Easter seal. And I thought, "What is an Easter seal? Surely, it means more than what these boys are taking up offerings for, a Easter seal." And I thought, "What do they do with such seals, and with the contribution that's taken from them--or for them?" They are placed, of course, these seals, upon letters and things. And it's a freewill offering for them, and it goes to put people in the hospital that's got tuberculosis, and so forth, and to put them in the hospital at a place of rest, until they are finished.

And I thought, "Surely Easter has something more than that, a seal of Easter. It would mean something more than placing a person in a hospital to keep him comfortable." Which, that is very fine; I have nothing against that. That, God bless them; that's a wonderful thing. But still, seems like it should go just a little further than that, being that Easter meant so much to the Christian church and to our Christian heritage, the seal of the resurrection. And how could a little postage stamp like, take its place? It could not.

So I begin to think on that, "What was the Easter Seal?" And that's how I drew this idea of speaking this morning on Easter Seal.

60 Now, Easter has, and seals, and so forth, is all through the Bible. We find them, they're as old as the Bible is; all the way back into the garden of Eden we find it. And then we find that anything that we find anywhere in the Bible, goes back to Genesis. It all started in Genesis.

And then I was thinking that, what I had in my mind as Easter Seal, then I wondered why that it was so rejected, and how that people would refuse it. Why was it so condemned? And I was thinking then that it's not always condemned, and all people doesn't condemn it.

But God has so made a way, that man is placed into a position to where he's forced to make a decision. Man cannot live on earth without making a decision. God forces the issue to him. He must make some decision. And there's a time when you have to make a decision of schooling, you have to make a decision of who you'll marry. And you have to make decisions of different things.

63 But in the Garden of Eden where they had only two boys, the decision was forced upon man to make a decision. And I think it's done to show his true color, what he is, to show what he is inside of him. Now, we find that the time came, between Cain and Abel that the decision had to be forced, because that the time of worship had come, and each boy had provided a way to make a worship to God.

And if you'll notice, between right and wrong there's just one little breath of difference. And the wrong in the last days has been prophesied that it would be so close to the right, that it would deceive the very elected if it was possible, between right and wrong.

65 Now, in the boys, as they came to their altars, and made worship... Now, I was thinking then of how many altars this morning in churches that beautiful flowers is set upon the altars. And that's all right. I have nothing against that. But that seems to be just about the end of the worship, is to put some flowers on the altar, or--or a pretty church, or fine decorations, or something, and that seems to end it.

And it was somewhat that way with Cain, because he brought in the fruits of the field and made his service to God; and it was rejected, because he did not come the right and precise way that God had ordained him to come. But he had made his offering, and done everything religiously just as his brother, but he was rejected. And because he was rejected on the spiritual side, then it caused a jealousy to rise in him, because he was greedy.

67 That's in man; he can't help being what he is, because he's borned in that condition. Man is represented in heaven as a sinner, by a sinner. I was speaking on that sometime ago, and someone said, "Then that's not just. If I am to be represented by one man's disobedience, then I don't have a chance."

I said, "That's true, because you are borned a sinner, but you are represented. You are condemned to condemnation by representation."

Well, then, that looks very cruel. But turn it on the other side, then we are--we are ordained to Eternal Life by representation. Where one represented us to death, Another represented us unto Eternal Life; so it puts us back again before the--the throne again. Every human being comes right back to the same place to make our choice.

70 But that greed that's always been, right and wrong, wrong trying to overthrow the right: it started in Eden, and it has come down through the ages. It's come down till it's entered into national affairs. It's come down into church affairs. It's come down into home life: greed, trying to rule or ruin, trying to overpower, push out. And we see the thing working everywhere, and it always has, the same thing trying to overrule or overrun.

71 Down through the Old Testament, God, in the days of the prophets, back... I got several of them written down here, that I will not have time to get to. But God in the days of the old prophets, in the midst of everything, like He did in the garden of Eden, when the true Voice of God and the true worship of God was condemned, and sent out and killed, in the garden of Eden, and the Voice of God hushed by the greed and jealousy, it's been that way in the church ever since, trying to hush the true Voice of God.

72 But if you notice, as soon as the voice of Abel was silent in death, God raised up Seth to take his place. Which was nothing but a pre-Easter, a pre-resurrection, or a replacement until resurrection came. That went for a while; down through the Old Testament we find it going. The prophets, God kept His Voice alive with the prophets. They spoke the Word of God, and they stoned them. And as soon as they would stone one and put him away, God would raise up another one. And they'd stone that one and put away, God would raise up another one. He's always kept His witness alive. Down through the ages He's kept His Voice alive before the people, all the way from Eden.

73 And now, we find out, as soon as Cain realized that he had did what he did, well, he went out from the Presence of God, and was sealed away from God by a mark was placed upon him. He went out, the Bible said, from the garden of Eden, from the gates of the garden, east of Eden. He went out sealed, marked, went out from the Presence of God.

What a thing, what a tremendous thing, that Cain, because of jealousy, and because of not willing to be reconciled to God by the same appropriated way that his brother came... God said to Cain, "If you'll worship like Abel, you'll do well."

But Cain as much as said, "Here's what I've put together. This is what I've got; here's what I give. You take this or leave it, either one You want to do; just suit Yourself."

Now, that's kind of the attitude of people all the time in church life, in other life. It--they say, "I go to church. I--I--I help the church; I--I do this. If God can't accept that, that's the best I can do." See? But still it isn't that that God requires. God doesn't require that.

77 God requires a--a provided way. He has provided a way, and He requires you to accept what He has provided. See? He doesn't need our assistance in telling Him what to do and how to do it. He has made the way for us to do, and the things that we should do, and how we should do them, and He doesn't need our ideas in it at all. We are not to come that way. But we find that men are prone to do that, all down through the age.

But God kept His Voice alive with His prophets, and so forth, down through the age as He's come.

78 And we find it today... And we find it in politics. I've got some things set down here about politics, that how that we would find even in this day that where we are, that people has sold their birthrights for politics. And if none of you has ever got the tape that I spoke on in up at Middletown, Ohio, Sunday, a week ago, on Jezebel and Ahab, I wish you would listen to it sometime. And how that the nation, because of greed, and a few extra dollars, and a--a more popular idea amongst the people, they have absolutely sold out Christ just as much as Judas did two thousand years ago for thirty pieces of silver. Oh, it's a tremendous thing to think that the condition that exists amongst this nation and these peoples today... To think that many years ago, they would have never done a thing like that. But today they're so greedy, trying to get more money, trying to get easier times. Now, that is, 'course the unchristian.

79 The Christian doesn't ask for easy things. We are not... There's so much promises today made amongst Christian people; so many ministers promise the people a false thing, "If you'll just come to Christ, all your troubles is settled." I tell you; when you come to Christ they then begin. That's when you put on a uniform, and take a gun, and enter the battlefield. This Christian road is not a flower bed of ease. It is a battle from the very hour you start until you're spirit's set free by death. You are not at no picnic. You're on a battlegrounds. And so we are promised things.

80 And I become sometimes... I hate to say this, but I mean it from my heart, that I become perplexed when I hear so much super-duper faith, super-duper religion. And everything today has become a--a super-duper something. It--it's the super-duper man. And the television has opened the way through spacemans, and so forth, and a bunch of nonsense, super-duper. Oh. And they bring out even into Divine healing today; super-duper healings. Now, God doesn't have no such things as that. They bring people, many times, to the platform, and gifted men, no doubt, but with a misunderstanding of the Gospel, put oil upon them, and pray, and stand there, and shake them until something happens; they get healed. And maybe that person living in sin, and they go back out and find it comes right back on them again. Maybe they was under an excitement at that time. Which the faith of God that they accumulated did heal them. But when they get off amongst unbelievers, it comes back again, it will do that each time.

81 What we need today is Divine healing, is clean-cut decisions for Christ. That's right.

I was reading a letter just recently that was sent me from the Lutheran Association in Germany, where a--a brother had been staying and having a healing service in Germany, with the sponsorship of the Lutheran church, and Pentecostals, and so forth. And this copy of this letter was wrote: "And he said, 'You preach that Divine healing. And all they have to do is you lay your hands on them, and they feel something and get healed.' He said, 'I certainly different with you.' He said, 'Then what about little Deborah Stadsklev when she died up there? A perfect, healthy child one day, and the next few hours she was laying dead. And you all went up there, and you prayed, and you shook her, and you anointed her, and everything, for healing, and there was no life. The baby laid there.' Said, 'Then they telegrammed Brother Branham, and he never said a thing until he got a good clean-cut decision from God, and then come in the Name of the Lord Jesus to say the--the Word.'"

83 Now, that's what we need: get a clean-cut decision from God. That's why we've got to come. That's why we baptize in the Name of Jesus Christ; it's a clean-cut decision from the Word of God. That's the reason we stay with the things we do, because they are God's orders and God's Gospel. And we've got to stay with It just the way It's wrote. Whether agreed, whether you're hated, whether no matter what takes place, that doesn't have one thing to do with it. God wants clean-cut decisions. And how can you do it when you know you're wrong to begin with? You cannot have a clean-cut decision from God. How can you come and ask for Divine healing when you know that your heart's not right with God to serve Him? See, you want to go back out and do the things that's in the world. You'll never get healed like that. See? You must come clean before God and dedicate your life and heart to God, and then God will heal. And it's lasting then, 'cause your faith has been anchored.

84 Now, it's in... We find that greed though, in church, and in politics, and in national affairs. One nation... Look down here in Africa now what's going on. Look, because of greed, look what's happened down there now in Africa; not only there, but all over the world everywhere, because man wants to be somebody. They--this is all they have, is right here on earth, or, they live that way.

If this was all I had, I'd be a miserable person. I'm looking for a City whose Builder and Maker is God. There's where we lay our treasures up, for that purpose.

86 The sons of Cain, or rather sons of Satan... They are sons of Satan because Cain was the son of Satan. And so therefore, the sons of Cain today... And you say, "Are you sure of that, Brother Branham?" Yes, I am. I'm positive of that, for listen.

Jesus, when He was here on earth, He promptly told them religious leaders that, "Ye are of your father the devil." Yet they were pious, and they were religious, and they were scholars, and they had great buildings, and they had great churches, and they had great scholarships, and priesthood, and orders, and so forth, but they failed to recognize Who Christ was. They failed to catch their day.

88 And as they did then, so do they do now, just exactly the same. They fail to realize the day that we're living, and the things that God is doing. Now, we see therefore, would put... If those religious leaders...

Now, here it is. If those religious leaders in that day were called sons of the devil, we know then that the devil in the beginning was the one who inspired Cain to persecute his brother and to kill him. That's the same thing taken place by them same leaders that persecuted Jesus Christ and killed Him. They were forced to a decision just the same as they were forced back there in the garden of Eden. They were forced to make a decision. "Well, what about This?" The sons of Cain, the sons of Satan...

90 You say, "Does that go to nations?"

When Satan took Jesus up to the top of the mountain for temptation, he showed Him all the kingdoms of the world. Now, that was all that was and all that would be, all the kingdoms of all the world. And he said, "These are mine, and I do with them whatever I want to. I can make them fight; I can make them do this or any." And he claimed the kingdoms of the world, so then we can see how greed and selfishness comes into politics. See? We can see then where it is in the church and in the church leaders, where greed and selfishness comes into the church.

91 Now, watch that same old greed that started in the garden of Eden, that put a bad seal on one and the right Seal on the other, come right down into the times of our Lord Jesus. When He was here on earth, He was given a trial by what was called justice, a courts of justice. What an unjust mockery that was. There wasn't one thing that they could find against Him. That was the political side. They couldn't find nothing against Him. Even so much as Pilate, himself, said, "I find no fault in Him."

92 And then comes the church. They're forced now to make a decision. After the political world had set Him free, to cooperate with that same spirit that was in the church, that was in politics; to show that if Satan lost his battle here, he still had something in reserve, he could fall right back to the church. And they crucified Him, because they were forced to make a decision. And they said, "Give us Barabbas instead of Jesus." See how they did it?

93 It's right before our eyes today, the same thing, and has been and always will be: forced to make a decision.

Now, when they forced the decision, Pilate knew in his heart that when he released them to--released Jesus to the church, that he knew the church was one delivered Him to be crucified; and if he loosed Him back to the church, the church would crucify Him. So Pilate isn't excused. He got water and tried to wash the Blood of Christ off his hands, but he cannot do it.

95 Ever since that time, up here in Sweden, or Switzerland, rather, where Pilate met his end years later, lost his mind, went insane, plunged himself to death in a hole of water... There's a legend that says at three o'clock in the afternoon, that blue water comes up from the bottom of that pool. People gather there from all over the world to watch it. At three o'clock, that blue, indigo-looking water comes up from the bottom of somewhere, and shakes on top of the water and goes back down to show that no water can wash the Blood of Jesus Christ off of any man's hands. He's guilty.

And every man that Christ has ever placed on your hands, there's nothing that can wash it off of there. There's only one thing to do, is accept It, believe It.

97 Sons of Satan, sons of Cain, persecute the sons of God, put them to death. That's what they did to Abel. That's what they did to Jesus. That's what they done to the prophets. That's what's in them to do again, and they will do it as soon as the road is made open for them to do it.

Remember, we have kind of meddled around and fooled around, and got people off of the track of the Gospel and of history, of what is to take place. And here we are faced with it again, right here in our nation, and there's nothing we can do about it. But you say then, "Brother Branham, what's your reason of speaking against it?" No more than I could stop sin; I can put my voice against it. And that's exactly what I'm doing now against sin, and against the wrong thing. We have done wrong, and we're going to reap what we've sowed, exactly.

99 Since Middletown, they had a--a hearing, brought a priest, a Baptist preacher, and a Presbyterian preacher together, consult about this school funds. And the priest agreed that the Protestants paid taxes the same as the--the Catholic, and--and that the funds should be given to both sides, and said, "What we ought to do is make one school, a Catholic school." Oh, sure, get those children when they're little. Oh, oh, what a thing.

100 And how has people set there, and brought this thing in just because of politics. How, I don't understand it. But here we are, right here on this Easter morning. And the very thing, the very reason we've come to this country, become Americans, was for freedom of religion against that Jezebel system, and we turn right back around and elect it on the platform up there in the White House, the very thing that we've come here to be freed from. Oh, it's a--it's a tremendous condition that we're living in now, you know that: the church spiritual, because it sold out.

101 They put Him to death, killed Him just like they did faithful Abel. Why did Abel kill--was killed? Because in his heart he had the revelation of God's acceptance of what it took to redeem man from sin. That's the very reason they put Jesus to death, because in Him was the revelation of what it taken for God to cure sin. That's the very reason today that they're against the real Church of the living God, because It preaches the cure for sin, the things that makes people live different, act different.

102 And when you bring it right down into the--the church that we're living in today, into our Pentecostal groups, they have went right straight back, and doing the same thing that they were freed from doing. Goes to show there's something wrong somewhere. A sin cure. It's come in very easy; it slipped in like just, well, just like under disguisement of true Pentecostal religion. But if it doesn't produce that kind of an article, if it doesn't produce that kind of goods, there's something wrong with it somewhere.

How can a pumpkin produce watermelons? It can't do it. How can a grapevine produce peaches? It doesn't do it. If it's producing peaches, there's peach tree life in a grapevine.

And that's what we know today. If the church, no matter how much it professes to be the church of the living God, if it isn't producing God by old-time salvation, bringing the people back to a--a real salvation of God (and it shows among them God lives among them), then it's the wrong thing, it's--it's not--it's not producing the Life that Christ said it would.

105 Christ died at Calvary. How that He went up to that cross... I was reading a little book here not long ago, that on to some kind of a--a research, and in this research I found something most startling. I set down, and I laid the book down, and raised up my hands and praised God, got up and walked around a little bit, and set down and read it again. I thought, "Oh, is that so, that on this same hill where Jesus was crucified, Adam died and was buried on the same hill that Jesus died on, and was buried on the same hill where Adam died; he died on Golgotha, and was buried on Golgotha?" And I thought, "What appropriate, whether it was right or wrong."

106 Let's say it was right. Then the first Adam died and was buried, and there yet in the dust, because he represented the world and the people to sin. But the Second Adam, being the God of heaven, when He died on Golgotha, there wasn't enough earth to hold Him there, He rose on the third day and is alive forever-more. But the sin problem was settled. God settled the sin problem there at Calvary; that's where the debt was paid. When this Adam, Second Adam died, He paid the debt of sin for the human race.

And the world put Him in a tomb, and sealed Him up in that tomb.

108 And they would do the same today. They are trying to do the same today. I don't want you to miss this. The world is trying (and will get worse all the time) to seal Christ back in the tomb again. They're trying to make Him a historical God, One that walked in days, and give power to disciples to heal the sick, and to cast out devils.

But what did they do? As soon as they thought they had got rid of Him, just like Cain did when he thought he got rid of Abel, they sealed Him in a tomb, and put Him in there.

110 And today they're trying to keep Christ in a tomb. But, oh, what an Easter morning done. An Easter morning ruined all of their theology. And when a Easter morning came for a people, a Church here, nineteen hundred years later, and it ruined their theology. He's not dead; He's alive forevermore. They cannot keep Him in no tomb. You can put Him in a Methodist tomb, or a Baptist tomb, or a Presbyterian tomb, or whatever you want to. But He--He raised out of that tomb and is alive today. I had a Baptist tomb, and you might've had a Methodist tomb, but one day Jesus rose from there, from a historical God to a living, present God, alive forevermore.

111 Something taken place on that Easter morning. It was a Seal, a satisfied Seal. When they took Him and put Him in the tomb, and put a Roman seal up on top of it... But when that hour arose, when that hour come. He stayed there for a while; it's true. He stayed there for those three days and nights. But on that set time which the Scripture said (Hallelujah.), on the time when He said, "Destroy this body, and on the third day I'll rise it up," Then there's nothing can stop that Scripture; It's got to come to pass. And that seal was broken, and He rose up, the same Jesus, alive again forevermore.

112 And for some nineteen hundred years, or maybe I'll say fourteen or fifteen hundred years, the churches has had Him sealed away. But He said, "It shall come to pass in the last days, saith God..." There's nothing going to stop it. It'll... "There will be Light in the evening time. The works that I do, shall you also. It shall be Light in the evening time." I don't care how many seals you try to put over it, God will break every seal. He broke the seal of the tomb. He broke the seal of hell. He broke the seal of death. He broke the seal of the grave, and arose forevermore, triumph over the grave, death, hell, tombs, and every man-made thing there was to show that He was God and cannot be sealed away from the people any more. God, forevermore... Nothing can hold Him; the grave couldn't be dug deep enough; hell couldn't be hot enough. Oh, nothing could hold Him. He broke every seal with that great Christmas Seal, or, not Christmas Seal, but Easter Seal that He was sealed with. And He said, "The same Seal that I wear, you shall wear also, for the... And this Seal that I wear, it shall do the same things when you're sealed. For he that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also; even greater than this shall he do, for I go unto the Father."

How you going to keep it down? What are you going to... What can people do about it? You might... You are forced to a decision, to make your decision what to do about it. That's exactly right.

114 Now, we find that He, no seal could hold Him, He come forth. God broke the seal, the seal of the tomb, broke the seal of death, broke the seal of hell, broke the seal of the grave, and came forth triumph. What did it? That great Seal that was on the inside of Him. They could destroy the body, but they could never destroy that Seal. []... Destroyed one prophet, there raised up another. They kept destroying. But God give them something then that they cannot destroy, It's the supernatural Spirit; It's the Holy Ghost Itself, and It's infallible and It's imperishable. It cannot be destroyed. It'll live on and on and on. And because He lives, we live with Him, because we're sealed into the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ. No way, no way to ever be destroyed, cannot perish, but has Eternal Life. Amen. God's great ripping of them seals...

115 He also broke another seal I want to speak of here found over in Exodus. But I won't have time to get to the Scriptures, but He... Found it over in Exodus... When man had sinned and separated himself from the Presence of God, and he came to worship God, there was a veil that hung between the holy and the holiest of holies. Inside the holiest of holies was the Shekinah Glory. They were not permitted to go in there. They were not permitted even a look of it. And a man going in there, had to be anointed once a year, dressed right, blood on him, blood in his hand, blood in a charger, to sprinkle the mercy seat. The Shekinah Glory was so great until he lost his rod in there one year, come out without (find; leave) bringing his rod. And when he went back, the thing had already come to life, and was budded, and blossoms was all over it, because it was laying in the Presence of the Shekinah Glory. But there was a veil that hung between There, because there was sin upon the people.

116 But, oh, brother, when it was sprinkled that day with the Blood of Jesus Christ, a Spirit of God rent the seal from the top to the bottom, and brought man back. Not only kept him away from the Presence of God, but He brought him back into the Shekinah Glory, into the Presence of God; that he--his is dead life.

Jesus said, "If they did this in a green Tree, what will they do in a dry?" And if they did that to Him, being the green Tree with Life, what will it be to the old dead formal tree that has no Life (See?), now when the wrath of God is poured out? How can an old dead formal tree stand it, when the green Tree, it even perished the green Tree, and sent It to hell? The wrath of God poured out for disobedience of sin, sent the green Tree to hell, what will it do in a dry tree when it strikes it? "If the righteous will be scarcely saved, where will the sinner and ungodly appear?" That person that rejects the Way, that person that knows better, that person that's been revealed to him, and he still refuses to walk in God's Way, what will happen to that person? What's it going to be?

Yes, He broke the seal that kept us from the Shekinah Glory, because sin was finished.

119 Now. And now, the seal is a sign of a finished work. And we know that a seal, like you're going to seal a box car, well, they put all the work in it, and store everything up, and then it's sealed till its destination. Any seal is a finished work. When you write a document, then it's sealed at the end. Never sealed until it's finished.

Now, the blood of goats and heifers, and so forth, would not take away sin. But when this was finished at Calvary, it took away sin.

121 Now, watch. At the garden of Eden to keep people from getting back to that Tree, God set an Angel there as a seal, with a sword turning all ways to guard that Tree. And when he made his worship, and he came down... Now remember, Who was at that Tree? Who was that Tree? It was Jesus.

The tree of death was your mother; she brought you here in natural life. Christ is the birth through spiritual Life. All that live by the woman, die; all that's borned of the Man, lives. All that comes by the woman is natural; all comes from the Man is spiritual, not the man here, the Man Christ Jesus.

123 And watch the Tree, guarded; it could not get back, because there's no offering appropriated to take sin away. So therefore, when they come to worship, the Shekinah Glory was behind the veil, sealed off from them. It was sealed off from them from the garden of Eden.

But when the day of Pentecost came, brother, when Jesus died there at Calvary and finished the work, He didn't seal man out; He sealed man inside with Himself. And now we're sealed up and shut up in the Presence of the Shekinah Glory. Not only are we sealed in, but we're sealed in eternally. Amen. Oh, I like that: sealed inside now. That's your real Easter Seal, "For by one Spirit we are all sealed into one Body."

You say, "Is the Holy Ghost a Seal?"

Ephesians 4:30 said, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you're sealed until the day of your redemption." That's the genuine, true Easter Seal. Shows that sin has been paid for, for you, and God has accepted you, and you're sealed into Christ by the Holy Ghost. Sin is finished. The Eternal Seal has been finished.

126 Now, we are resurrected today. Why can we have such a time over the things of God? Because we're resurrected. "Those who He foreknew, He called; those who He called, He justified; those who He justified, He has glorified." Then we are now resurrected. We are resurrected from the inside out, not from the outside in. Oh, do you notice, not sealed out this way, but sealed in. Oh, my, if the church could just see it. See, we're not sealed out; we're sealed in. Them days, when sin was--was abomination before God, and there was no appropriation to take it away, we were sealed away from it. Now, when that ripped in two, and that seal was broke by a sin-offering being made from us, now we're baptized inside and sealed inside. We are resurrected. We are now resurrected, already resurrected. How do you know? The Bible said so. Amen. We are now resurrected. We are now raised with Him in spiritual resurrection. What does the word "quickened" mean? "Quickened" means "resurrection." That's right. We're already resurrected right now, setting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, enjoying the Easter Seal. Amen. That's God's true Easter Seal. How are we? By one Spirit baptized into the Body, and sealed eternally. We are now raised spiritually. What did we raise from? From a life of sin; we were once sinners and loved the things of the world.

127 Now, there's many people say that they have been raised, but their life proves different. Your life proves what you are. "By their fruits you shall know them," Jesus said. That's the reason we never could go upon making a man speak in tongues and say he's got the Holy Ghost. We don't believe that. There's no Scripture for that. No, sir. Men speak with tongues and go on out and live like the world. And women speak in tongues and bob off their hair, wear makeup. Huh. You couldn't say that was the Holy Ghost. Surely not, certainly not, certainly not. A man smoke cigars, and go out here and live with the next man's wife, run around, carry on, say that's the Holy Ghost? No, no, "By their fruits you shall know them. A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruits, neither does a good tree bring forth corrupt fruits."

128 We are sealed by the Holy Ghost, God's true Easter Seal. We are sealed into the Body of Christ, eternally sealed, not a seal for a space of time, but for eternity. And now that person that's received that, is raised from the dead, from a life of sin. What is it? His Spirit has been raised; his--his ambitions are raised; his life has been raised; he is a new creature. And he comes together with fellow citizens, like we are this morning to pray for one another, and to help one another, to encourage one another, and to set and gather in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, sealed by the Holy Ghost. "For ye are dead, and your life is hid in Christ through God, sealed by the Holy Ghost," Scripture said. That's the Scripture. Now, you see we're sealed by the Easter Seal, the Easter Seal of resurrection, which confirmed that His life and what He had said was true.

Now, we find out it's a complete work; it's a finished product. God's resurrection is a finished product. The Holy Ghost is God's Seal of a finished product.

129 Now, we come to Christ. First thing we do, we get justified by believing on Him. When we do that, then we realize that we've done wrong; we ask God to sanctify us; that's cleanse us from our life of sin: Martin Luther's justification, his message. Then come Wesley with sanctification. And then when it's all complete, and His church is completed, what's the next thing? A finished work. A finished work is the Seal, that the church has been completed.

130 Like in the pyramid. Notice on a dollar bill. I've referred to this. I don't know whether I ever did here at the Tabernacle or not. You notice on a dollar bill, it's called "the great seal." Now, how could you say that the United States could recognize that over in Egypt they have the great seal, and here's the seal of the United States on the other side: a eagle? Why would they be forced to make that a great seal, the great seal? Because, if you notice, right behind, up above the pyramid there's a little block, and that little block is the headstone, and that headstone was never put on the pyramid. It's an open top, if you've ever been there. By the grace of God, I have. So there's no--there's no top on the pyramid. What is it? Enoch built it before the flood. It was a--a memorial; that's the reason it never destroyed during the time of the flood. There's nothing destroyed it, because it is a memorial.

131 Now, if you notice, way down at the bottom it's wide; then it shapes up a little more in the minority, and then a little more, and then it goes to the headstone. That's the Lutheran age, justification in the church; sanctification; then the baptism of the Holy Ghost. But as it shapes towards the top, it continues from Lutheran age, to Wesley age, into Pentecostal age. But after it leaves the Pentecostal age, it still shapes up until it has to get to such a place till all those stones are so honed till a razor blade...

132 They weigh tons and tons up there. How they ever got them up, that's still a mystery to man. But they take this razor blade, and can run along, and it's so honed out so perfect until you can't even put a razor blade where mortar should be. That's how perfect the stones are put together. And now when this headstone, which the stones dovetail in like this, kind of set in, in a way of angles so that the headstone will come in a point, and set right down into it... It won't need any mortar; it'll set perfect.

Now, that's what God is doing to His Church. He's honing off the people, and making it in such a perfect way, that when the Headstone, Christ, comes, it fits the building together, and then a resurrection of the whole thing, the church is gone up. The Headstone...

134 Now, we are sitting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Now, we realize that Jesus, the body of Jesus, was caught up from the resurrection. Now, we know that the Bible speaks of three heavens. We know it first heaven, second heaven, and third heaven; I believe it was Paul that was caught away into the third heaven and seen things that wasn't expedient for him to speak of them. Now, the first heaven is called, in the Scripture, like the clouds; in other words, down below, here on the earthly seal. Now, when that atmosphere from up in above the clouds becomes down into the church, that's a heavenly place. Then the second heavens is considered the solar system. And the third heavens goes beyond that.

135 Now, we just happen to think, just watch this a minute. Now, Einstein proved by scientific, that if two objects was coming to each other, like two cars coming down across the road, and if were coming fast enough (now they'd really have to be going fast, like a billion miles per second) but they could pass right through one another and never disturb a thing. The speed would do it. Pass them right through one another without disturbing anything.

136 Now, now, if you'll notice... I was standing here not long ago at Mount Palomar, California, and I was noticing there that telescope that can see a hundred and twenty million years of light space. Now think, a hundred and twenty million years of light space, how many miles that would be to be broke down. See?

But yet heaven is so many billions and billions and billions of--of light years beyond that, till it's not even thought of. How would we get there? It's the travel; it'll be with like the mind; it's so fast. It'll be faster... If you could think of heaven, that's how quick you'd be there. Jesus, after He was resurrected, came right through the walls, right through the doors, and stood, and eat boiled fish and honeycomb. Hallelujah. Speed. No sooner than life has gone out of this body we're in the Presence of God yonder. We only know as feet and inches, and yards and miles, and so forth; we're in this earthbound system. But when we leave here, brother, oh, my, what a time.

138 Speaking the other night on the--Abraham and his Seed after him, how that God showed through Abraham, how He justified Abraham, the 12th chapter of Genesis. And on the--this on down, 16th chapter, how He confirmed the covenant through sanctification. On the 17th chapter, let him nurse from His breast, draw in the Holy Spirit. And then He confirmed, or placed him (like you've heard me preach the sermon of "Hear Ye Him"), took Abraham out and changed his name from Abram to Abraham, give him part of His Name, Elohim, h-a-m. Then we find out, that after that, He appeared to Abraham.

139 Now, to his Seed, watch how He's done the Seed the same way. The Seed of Abraham come through justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost; manifestation of His Name, revealing of Who He is (that revelation of Who? Jesus Christ), baptism in His Name, and so forth like that, that revelation, dividing His Name with His church, called them out. Then what did He do? In that same church that He called His Name, Jesus' Name, what did He do? He appeared in the same form that He did to Abraham, being able to discern spirits behind Him. See? Appeared in that same Name, in that same thing, in the same form. We're just at the end of the road.

140 Now notice what taken place. When He did that, that was the last sign that He give the church before the change come to the church, to Abraham and Sarah. Now, when the Angel told the mystery, the woman (the Church, which represented), she could hardly believe it, she just laughed within herself. See, she was a hundred years old; it failed to be with her and Abraham as husband and wife. You understand what I mean, family relationships, probably twenty years before... Why, they was dead in that manner. Sarah... Abraham as good as dead, Sarah's womb as good as dead, but what happened? What taken place? She said, "How could I, being as old as I am, and my lord, we haven't... ceased that way... We been that--ceased from that way for many, many years. It's impossible for him. It's impossible for me. How can I do it?" And she laughed in herself.

And the Angel said, "Why did she laugh? Why did she think within her heart? Why did she say this?" Now watch, that was the last sign before something happened to Sarah and Abraham.

142 Now, I preached here one time, and told you that God turned them back to a young man and woman. To prove it, she went down; they took a little trip and went down to--to Gerar, and Abimelech, that Philistine king, fell in love with Sarah and wanted to marry her 'cause she was a young woman again, beautiful. And notice, He had to do something; He had to change her. He didn't just put her back to a young man and woman, him and her; He didn't do that; because if they would, the same thing would existed. See, they'd come... 'Cause he married her when she was about sixteen, and he was just a young man, and they lived all their life with no children. If He just set them back, well, they'd just done the same thing again. But He had to do something different; He had to change them so that they could have this promised son, the promised son they was going to receive. But He had to change their whole system, and turn them back young and change them to receive the son.

143 The same thing He's going to do next, after that... And remember, after that sign was manifested fully to Abraham and his group, then the next thing come was that change. See? Now, we done seen everything through justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, placing of the son, and the signs and wonders of Him, being in His Presence to discern the thoughts of the heart, and so forth, as He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." We see that taking place right now. What was the next thing? The change of the body. Now, show that this--we are looking for an expected Son. Glory. Is that right? We cannot meet Him in these bodies. If we are changed back to young men and women, still we can't meet Him, because we have to meet Him in the air. There has to be something done besides change us back to young men and women; we've got to be changed and caught up in the air to meet Him. And the next thing coming is the rapture of the church, and the change of the body of the sleeping saints to meet the Lord Jesus in the air.

144 Oh, the memorial of Easter, those that are sealed away by the Holy Spirit? Now, at Eden gate, man was sealed away from God, at Pentecost he was eternally sealed into God. He goes in or out no more; he's there for good. Look. One Spirit, "We're baptized into one body by the Holy Ghost." Is that right? Then we are sealed until how long? To the day of your redemption. He no more goes out for the things of the world. "For ye are dead, and your life is hid in God through Christ, sealed in by the Holy Ghost." Oh, what a beautiful Scripture: sealed into Christ by the Holy Ghost.

145 Then when Jesus raised from the dead man was again forced to make their decision, "Did He rise or did not He raise?" And what did they do? They did the same thing they did at that mock trial, politics and church together; for the political and the religious got together the same as they did then.

Just the same as they're going to do in the future, and doing it right now, politics and religion! Ahab was a pretty good guy, but Jezebel, he was married to her. I don't say that President Kennedy isn't a good man, but he's married to that Jezebel system. It wasn't Ahab that did it; it was Jezebel behind the throne, that controlled it. It's that Jezebel system that's going to do the damage here. He has to do, 'cause he's married to her. He has to receive it; he has to do it; he's married to her. Oh, my. Peoples, can't you see what the Scripture's doing? Can't you see where we're standing here in the last days?

147 Now, notice man after the resurrection. You see that mock trial, turned it over to the church, knowing what the church would do. And what did it happen when these soldiers was scared and run away? The church hired these soldiers, and was given money to go say that His disciples came by night and took Him away.

Then I want to ask you. If the disciples came by night and took Him away, why didn't they take the robe that was on Him? If they were thieves and stealing, why didn't they take the robe too? But the linen was laying right there, with the napkin over His face, the linen laying where it was over His body. He just moved right through it all, and went up to the resurrection. Not a thing was disturbed; just the way He was laid, He was laying the same way, but He had went out from the linen. Amen.

149 See, but a mock trial again, a--a--a false accusation... Because why? They were forced; they were forced to make a decision. Man had to make a decision. The Church had to say, "He's raised from the dead," or, "He has not raised from the dead." Amen.

Oh, let's get our hearing on now, put your spiritual hearing aid in. Notice, it's come to that same thing. Men are trying to follow, like our meetings, and saying... I've heard even churches, the Church of Christ, so-called, said, "I'll give a thousand dollars for any man that can show one evidence of a resurrect--or a person that's been healed." I took doctors to them, and they wouldn't even believe it. Why? They're forced to make a decision. They have sealed themselves outside with Cain, with the religious cults. The true little Church of God's in the minority would always moved that way, but she'll... How did She suffer that fifteen hundred years of dark ages?

151 They say, "The Roman church..." Sure, the Roman church was first the Pentecostal church, the Catholic church was. It begin at Pentecost, but then it wanted to organize.

And if this Pentecostal church would stand for another two thousand years, they'd be worse than the Catholic is now. They're getting so far away from everything. I was questioned the other day, "Are you going to preach if you come to this place on women wearing makeup, they shouldn't wear shorts, shouldn't wear these things?"

I said, "Don't ask me then. No, sir. Don't ask me to come."

"Are you going to preach it?" They even said, "What business is that of yours?"

I said, "It's the Lord's business, and I'm about His business." That's exactly right. Exactly. So I said just...

"What do you do that for? Ain't there other things today?"

I said, "Yeah, but let them do that, and then we'll talk on other things. You see? See? See, let--let--let's get the foundation laid."

156 That's what's the matter. You're trying to jump up on top of the ladder, when you ought to be on the bottom yet. See? Get started down here; clean up and get started right, and then we could build upon that. Otherwise, you cannot build, because any foundation that's not built upon the principles of Christ will fall. And the Bible, It said, "It's an abomination for a woman to wear a garment pertains to a man." It hasn't changed one bit, since God hasn't changed. He's eternal, and His thoughts yesterday is the same as they are today, and will be forever. His Spirit is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His works is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His redemption is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. There's no way of getting around it. Now, the proof of the pudding is the eating thereof. We know that. Is it right? God said it was.

157 Man was forced to make a decision. What was they forced first in the days of Christ? What was they forced to do? They were forced, first, to accept Him. He showed them His sign, His Seal; He was the Messiah. How did He show it? By just exactly what the Bible said He would do. He was a Prophet, and He discerned the thoughts in their mind. And they said, "He's a devil, Beelzebub." They were forced to make a decision. They could not hold it any longer.

And neither can the Pentecostal church, or the Baptist, or Presbyterians. The Holy Ghost has... Christ has arisen, and He's in the church. And they say, "This man baptizes in the Name of Jesus. He believes you don't have to speak with tongues for the Holy Ghost, and things like that, that that's not the initial evidence. He believes in women, our women all wearing their hair like that. I think it has nothing to do with it." Then why is God vindicating that this is the truth? Find out where it's at.

159 They refused His Messiahship when He showed them He was the Messiah. They were forced to say something.

And so are they today, turning it down, and won't sponsor it, and washing their hands from it. The decision is forced upon them. There's no middle road. We're at the end time. Man's forced to receive it or reject it. You've got to accept it or turn it away. It's forced upon America. It's forced on the Branham Tabernacle. It's forced on the Pentecostals, on the Methodists. It's forced everywhere. You have to take it or leave it. God has confirmed His Word, showing His signs, backing His ministry, showing exactly what He is, by proving that He's God. Jesus said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me." That's right. "But if I do the works of the Father, then you believe the works." There you are. See, they can't, they--they--they can't find nothing in That, because That's true. Then why don't they receive it? It's because of denomination. They can't receive it, so they're forced now to make a showdown.

161 And in Ohio just a few days ago, the same churches that sponsored me a year ago; because I attacked it, and showed that it was wrong, there wasn't one of them, but one church, Brother Sullivan, would cooperate. I said, "I still had the same hand; I still have the same feet; I still have the same message; I'm still Brother Branham. What's the matter with me?" It's not me. The Holy Spirit still speaks; the Holy Spirit still does the same works; He still shows it. But you're forced. That's right. They're forced. And the great Holy Spirit falling right in their midst, and speaking the Words, and saying the things that He said then. Then still they...

162 Look here in California the other day. I think I can find it here; here it is. I was at Clifton's Cafeteria, the breakfast. And there a Baptist brother... After I got through just tearing the churches to pieces, telling them how they were doing evil, and the things they were doing, rejecting God. This Baptist brother come up here to put his arms around me to pray. And when he did, he started speaking like in tongues. When he... Now, he's a Baptist, knowed nothing about it. When he got through, he said...

And a woman standing back there from Louisiana, a Frenchman, said, "That wasn't an unknown tongue; that was French." And here sat another woman from Switzerland, Lausanne, which speaks French (I've been there.), she said that she interpreted it right. Here come a young man walking down through there (I never seen him; nobody had ever seen him.); he was the French interpreter for the U.N., said, "Exactly, it's right," said...

164 And this man says, and you know, this man; I'll call his name just in a minute. His name was Henry. I'll get his last name just in a moment; I think it's wrote on here. I don't know. It's in the Business Men's Voice, if it isn't. But he... Oh, yes, "By Danny Henry." Now, that is... I can't think of that movie star. [Someone says, "Marilyn Monroe?"--Ed.] No, it isn't Marilyn. Meda... Jane Russell, Jane Russell's cousin. And he came up and put his arms around me to comment me, and here's the words he said. He said, "That sermon could be put into the Book of Revelations." Said, "It's right." He said, "I want to pray for you, Brother Branham." He throwed his arms around me, begin to speaking in French, and didn't know nothing about it.

165 And here was the interpretation, he's got it wrote down as the document come in form, and so forth. It said, "I, Victor D-e-D-o-w-x," French name, "am a Frenchman," and so-forth, "and was there when--when Danny (what-you-call-it)--Danny Henry, gave this in message over Brother Branham, on February the eleventh, 1961." He lives at "809 North King's Road, Los Angeles 64." Listen at the-listen at the reading.

Because thou has chosen the narrow path... (Now, see, I get that all right. There's part of it I don't.) Because thou has chosen the narrow path, the harder way; thou has walked of thy own choosing.

166 I can get that all right. See? See, you choose it yourself. Moses made his own choice; he didn't have to do it. Neither did I have to take this path. I could have big buildings out yonder like some of them's got. I could be all across on television. But who would sponsor me on--on tearing the very foundation? But one thing, I don't have to bow down to nobody's feet but the Lord Jesus Christ. That's right. Yes. I preach what the Bible says. I don't have to compromise with their organizations, 'cause I don't belong to them. I made the choice. Just like He said up there, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you." And He give Moses two signs of confirmation to prove. And Moses made his own choice. See, Moses made his own choice. So that's easy to understand that (See?), "Thou has chose a..."

Because thou has chosen the narrow path, the harder way, thou has walked of your own choosing.

167 Now, here, now this man, now watch how it's wrote, you can see it's wrote in--in foreign words.

Thou has picked the correct and precise decision and it is My way. (Bless God. "It's My way," He said.)

Because of this momentous decision, a huge portion of heaven waits thee. (He had never heard about the vision, you see, that just... You remember the vision.)... huge portion of heaven waits thee. What a glorious decision thou has made. (See?)

This in itself... (Now, here's... From here on, I don't understand.) This in itself is that... (big parentheses around it)... which will give and make come to pass their tremendous victory in the Love Divine.

I don't know what that means, "this will make come to pass." Perhaps in the little tent one of these days, setting back yonder He'll make it known.

170 Why? Not because we had to do it, not because that--that it--it--it's just a easy way... You can be popular; you'd have everybody patting you on the back, money flowing in from everywhere for a radio or televisions, and so forth. They said they would take it and televise it. I don't believe in taking God's things and putting them out on such vulgarity stuff of the world. I don't believe in all this whooping up and making something that isn't. I believe in just letting it alone, way God... He's God, let Him do with it what He wants to. We're servants, just serve the Lord, just do as God said.

171 Man, in the midst of all of it though, is forced to make a decision. They were forced to make a decision when Christ was here on earth, because He proved to them He was the Messiah. Is that right? And they were forced, and what did they call Him? Beelzebub, a fortuneteller. Then His--by His sign, Seal, at Easter, God proved it, that He raised Him up from the dead. After all these other things, He raised Him from the dead.

Now, the church that claims to have the Holy Ghost, God's proof of it, that you've passed from death unto Life, because the old things has passed away, and things have become new to you. That's God's proof of the resurrection. You're not like you used to be; you're changed. Where you used to doubt God's Word; every Word God's Word speaks, you say, "Amen." See, there's something happened to you. That's just the first form of the resurrection, the Spirit on the inside.

173 Now, Pentecost... After Pentecost, when these people received the Holy Ghost, man was forced again to make a decision, "Is that of God or isn't it of God?" And what did they say? "They are heretics. That's crazy. They're in delusion." Even Agrippa told Paul, "You're mad." "Mad" means "crazy."

And what did Paul say? "In the way that's called heresy, that's the way I worship God." He had the Easter Seal. He had been there when something happened. I'm glad to join hands with him this morning in heart, and say, "Paul..." Why? We'd have to preach the same Word. Paul commanded them to be baptized over in Jesus' Name, after they'd been baptized other words. He said, "If an angel from heaven said anything else, let him be accursed." He preached Divine Healing. He preached the power of the resurrection. He preached Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Visions, and powers, and manifestations of the Spirit followed him.

175 You'll have to have the same Message, the same thing, not a theology, not some church doings, but the power of God, Pentecost, and the same Seal. The Seal of the Holy Ghost, God's true Easter Seal is a man's credentials. Right. It's your birthrights. It's a credential that you have passed from death unto Life, and God is working through you the same way He did the Lord Jesus, because it's your credential. "These signs shall follow them that believe. Go ye into all the world," after Easter, after the Pentecost, after the Seal of Easter was given, of the resurrection. What was it? The Life that was in Christ that was raised up, has come and quickened His Church, and lives in the Church to do the same signs.

176 I hope it don't go over your head. I hope I'm not keeping you so long that you--you won't--won't get the joy of what I mean. See? I know it's hard, you people standing. Please, just--just a few minutes; try if you can. See, I want you to get this point, friend. I want you to see what's in my heart, what's been here thirty-one years, since I laid that little cornerstone yonder on the corner. See, there's the truth; I've tried to stand for it. There's been all kinds of things went out from it; that's true; but it's always been that way.

177 I was reading it on Martin Luther, said, "It was a hard thing to believe that he could protest the Catholic church and get by with it. That was a great thing. But the greatest thing, that how he could hold his head level above an the fanaticism that followed his revival, that's just stay true in the Bible." Say what God says and say nothing else; just stay right with it; walk in the straight, precise decision of God. Instead... If God decides it to be this way, let's stay right with it. That's His decision. Amen. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

178 The--the Seal of Pentecost is the believer's credentials that he's passed from death unto Life, because he has received the Pentecostal blessing, God's Easter Seal to His Son. He sealed His first Son with the Holy Ghost. Is that right? True. And He sealed all of His other sons with the Holy Ghost.

179 Now, we find out here that in sealing this now at this time, as the end time is drawing near... There's a place here I ought to hit, about the sons--Cain's sons out there now, have been forced to a place that they've got to make a decision. See, it's hard for them to do, because, if they do, they have to give up their denominational rights. See? So did the Pharisees. You know, the Pharisees made a decision on Jesus, when He proved He was the Messiah. And when the Holy Ghost has proved this way that's called heresy, has proved that it is the Holy Ghost, man's got to make a decision. They can't stand still.

180 Here the other night I was out, praying for a sick lady out in the hospital. And when I went down, I heard somebody holler, "Billy." And I looked around. It was one of our brethren here; he comes here, Roy Slaughter. He was standing down the hall from me a little ways, and he said, "My brother's wife is sick. Will you go in and pray for her, Billy?"

And I said, "Sure."

Went in there. And there was another aged lady, about sixty years old, laying there, looked like her son setting aside. After I talked to them a little while, I said, "Can we... We're going to have a word of prayer."

She said, "Pull that curtain."

And I said, "All right." I said, "Are you a believer?"

She said, "I'm a Methodist."

I said, "That's not what I asked you." I said, "Are you a believer?"

She said, "I'm a Methodist. We're Methodists. Just pull that curtain."

I didn't do it. I prayed, anyhow, and prayed for her, so I prayed God will save her. But that's it (See?), you're not a Christian; you're a Methodist. See? You're--you're not a believer; you're a Methodist. Your own testimony tells it. Mercy, goodness, how far can you fall from the Bible?

Believers, "And these signs shall follow them that believe."

185 Are you a Christian? "I'm a Methodist." That shows you're not a Christian.

Are you a Christian? "I'm a Church of Christ." That shows you're not a Christian.

You're a Christian because you're a believer. And if you are a believer, Jesus said in Mark, 16th chapter, "These signs shall follow them that receive the Easter Seal, to the end of the world." That's right; you are a believer.

187 And the people are forced; they're forced now. The thing's operating, and they're forced to either receive it or condemn it. And what are they doing? Condemning it.

But he couldn't do it back there at the age of Pentecost, because Pentecost is going right back and organize, coming, organizing themselves into the same thing that they just pulled out of. Pentecost come out. Pentecost is not an organization; Pentecost is an experience that comes to a believer. But they made an organization out of it, and has done the same thing that they fought so hard to get out of.

189 The same thing the nation and politics did, come over here from freedom of religion, from the old prostitute Catholic doctrine, and come right back, and by blindness of politics, elected one of their key men, a millionaire, made a millionaire by whiskey and raff, and stuff of the world, how he become a millionaire, and put him on the White House throne, with the system of Catholicism behind it. Which he ain't been in there six months yet, and proving that it's right...

190 And the Pentecostal church come out of the organization, and called them cold and formal; and their women, the way they did; and the man, the way they did. And Pentecost organized, and took the spirit, and went right back into it. Why? So that the real Church of God could be showed in Her power and in Her might. You're forced to believe it. You're forced to accept it or deny it. Glory to God. It's before you, and you can't deny it. You've got to say yes or no. There's no way of getting out of it. Yes, sir.

Yes, they're forced. There's no middle ground. The whole world has to receive it or deny it. And that's the way it stands today.

191 Now, we find out that after Easter, Jesus, in Mark 16 told them, "Go in all the world and preach the Gospel; these signs would follow." And man... God then forced the issue to those people. They had to see them people had something. And that lasted for three hundred and six years after the death of Christ. Then what come into the church? They were catholics (It's exactly right.) Pentecostal catholic. The word "catholic" means "universal." The whole church is universal. And they were Pentecostal.

Then what'd they do? They went to getting in the businessman, converting the others, bringing them in. And they had the big society ideas.

And first thing, you know, in the Bible, we found out in our teaching when we taught the church ages, that Jesus told him before it happened, about two hundred years, that there'd be a doctrine, or first it would be a deeds of the Nicolaitanes, and then finally become a doctrine. And then, when it did that, He said, "I hate it." And what did the Pentecostal do? The Pentecostal up-and-ups, starchy class, organized and made the Catholic church, the first mother organization.

The little minority was forced off to one side. And it's been that way ever since. They come down fifteen hundred years, and that little minority survived it. Amen.

195 Somebody said the other day; he said, "Think of the Catholic church, how many great battles she's survived." Great battles? Sure, with--with the law on her side, with the nation on her side, with politics on her side. Think about that little Pentecostal that had nothing but the Holy Ghost, but she survived it. And right here this morning is a living evidence that she still lives, and she'll forever live: not the organization; the Pentecostal believers, the real ones. That's right.

Now, after the Easter, this was done, forced to make a decision. Men must make a decision; they must make it now. (I'm passing a lot of these comments.) There's no middles of ground.

198 And Satan's sons will be sealed in this last days. There's a time now, that the Bible spoke of, that all that did not have the Seal of God took the mark of the beast. And we know that the mark of the beast is disbelief. The first time... "Where'd you say the mark of the beast begin?" In the garden of Eden. Mark of the beast and the Seal of God was performed in the garden of Eden. Exactly. It's performed through Easter, for the death of Abel brought forth Seth. That's right.

Notice. Cain was the son of Satan. He was the son of the beast which beguiled Eve. You can call it whatever you want to. He was the son of Satan. And what did he do? God put a mark on him and sent him out from the Presence of God. Is that right? And he got him a wife, not out of the heritage of God, but got him a wife from the land of Nod, another land.

200 And what did the organization do? It left the true Pentecostal belief when it organized and got a wife out of the organization. That's exactly right. Now, what's he done? Look how--look how the Pentecostal wife's begin to do, and what she's saying and what she's doing; look at her action. And standing right back around, and trying to cut down now, the very Thing that she stood for at first, she's trying to cut it down, smother it out, 'cause it's against her creeds. Like it was there. But she's forced again to make a decision. She's got to make it. She's got to make it.

God, help me and my brethren who will stand with me. Help the... God, help us to stand there gallantly. No matter if it's martyr's blood, stand there. "I must fight, if I must reign; increase my courage, Lord."

202 When I see His Holy Spirit moving amongst the people and doing the same things, I know He's that same resurrected Jesus Christ. Amen. That settles it, as far as I'm concerned. See? Amen. Over in Romans 4:25, being talking of Abraham. "He was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification."

Ephesians 4:30, the Holy Ghost is God's Easter Seal that seals us for eternity (Amen.), seals us for eternity: God's Holy Spirit. Oh, are--are you glad? Are you glad for Easter? Are you glad for this experience? Sealed, shut in with God in a secret place, shut in with God by His Divine grace, sealed till the day of our redemption. That's the real, true Easter Seal.

What time have we got? Noon, five minutes till twelve. Are you believing? [Congregation says, "Amen"--Ed.] All of you believe? Let's just bow our heads a moment.

205 Our heavenly Father, no matter what I would say, and yet man should believe this Word because it is written here. I pray that men everywhere will receive You now as their Easter Seal, the Firstfruits of the resurrection, knowing that they passed from death unto Life; where death once trod, now Life takes its place. I pray that You'll show to this congregation this morning, that You're still Jesus, that You still are the One Who does the miracles and performs the thing. And knowing, and I just said, as it was confirmed to father Abraham, that that Angel stood with His back to the audience--or to Sarah, and told what she was saying and thinking... O God, we've seen it time after time. We've seen the confirmation, the placing of the Son, the giving of the Name. We've seen all these things take place, Lord, and we know we're at the end time. This is an Easter. Many are standing, legs are cramping.

And now, Father, all I could say would not mean one thing after You have spoken, unless it's in according with what You speak. And if I have spoke Your Word, then, Father, I believe that You are God that will confirm that Word. I pray that You'll grant it. Let Thy Spirit, Lord, come into the midst of the people, and make this confirmed to the people.

207 As we have our heads bowed, everywhere, there perhaps is sickness in here; there's no doubt at all in here but what there's sickness in amongst the people. I want to know how many in here that's out-of-town, that's sick, raise your hand: out-of-town. Well, they're just everywhere.

All right, you may raise your head. I'm going to ask that so you can see. All that's out-of-town, that I don't know, that's out-of-town and I don't know you, raise your hand, say, "I'm sick." Raise your hands everywhere now, so I can just get a general idea. []

209 If He don't keep this, there's no resurrection. If He does keep it, it's assurance of the resurrection. It shows that the Easter Seal, that He is not dead, but He's a-living. Then to condemn that, would be blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, and it's unforgivable. Now, if the Holy Spirit will come into this meeting...

I was--thought maybe we'd just raise the people up, but we can't have a prayer line. Look here, just jammed in here, the little kiddies all over the altars and everywhere. We can't have a prayer line.

But, look, I want to ask you something. Is He just at one place, or is He omnipresent? He's everywhere. Now, how could I know you, that you that raised your hands that I do not know you, and you're strangers here? I don't want any of the Tabernacle people; I'll see you later. See? But just the people, so that you'll see it's out-of-town people that I don't know. Let the Holy Spirit speak whether it's right or not. Let Him do the talking, then my words will be one thing; and if it's God's Word, God will keep that Word.

212 Now remember, Pentecostal, the real true believers of God, has always been in the minority. And they're a bunch that's laughed at and made fun of, and people are not willing to take that way. And may the Holy Spirit...

I want to ask you people something. Now, see, is God a living God? Is He present? Then if He is, I want to ask you something. Now, after I've spoken, how many in here that's--believes that that's the truth? [Congregation says, "Amen"--Ed.] Is there any in here would like to say, "I am not a Christian, Brother Branham. I would like to be. Pray for me." I can't call no altar up here, because I--I can't. Just raise up your hand, say, "Pray for me." Is there any in the building? God bless you, you, you, you. That's fine. All right. God bless you, around, everywhere. All right, good. All right.

214 Now, you have a right, after a message like this, you have a right to call my hand, and say, "Brother Branham, you've preached to us something, that in these last days you said'the last sign was when He performed, showed that He was God."

And I heard a Jewish preacher the other day, had just been... I was... By my message on the--on the red heifer offering, the man come and received Christ, come out from a church, had been raised through a line of rabbis for years and years and years, for--for four or five hundred years, way back, all rabbis. And the man heard my message, slipped into a meeting and heard that "red heifer," and was converted by it to Christianity. And stood in a church the other day, and say, "Anybody that wouldn't believe that there was three Gods instead of One..." He had been believing in one God till that time. He backslid, instead of doing anything else. He... []

216 God, speak. Now, I raised my hand; I don't know them, don't know them. Now, if He's still God, won't He do the same thing? The woman that touched His garment...

Some of you women, or some of you there that had raised your hand, a woman somewhere, I believe... Where? The little lady on the end, would you raise your hand? All right. You, all right, I'm a stranger to you? I don't know you? All right.

You just see if He's still the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of your infirmity. I never seen you in my life. You're a stranger to me. I know nothing about you. God does know you. And if He can reveal to me by His Holy Spirit, the resurrected Christ Who come here, and give me a temporarily resurrection by my spirit, that my spirit goes away now and His Spirit comes in, then to let you know whether He's alive or not. Now, I don't know you. That's me, me and my spirit; we don't know you. But He knows you. But He wants to borrow my body to prove that He's the resurrected Christ. I'm so happy to loan it to Him, give it to Him, anything He can get out of it.

219 If God will tell me what you're here for, will you believe me? You will. You have varicose veins. If that's right, raise up your hand. You got more than that: got a hernia. That's right. You're not from this town. You're from Lima, Ohio. Your name is Mrs. Stoddard. That's right. Your husband's setting behind you. That's right. You believe God can tell me what's his trouble? He's got trouble with His back; he's suffering with his back. If that's right, raise up your hand, sir. Do you believe?

220 Somebody else down here raised up their hands, down along through here. Here, that lady there. All right. I don't know you. That's your husband setting next to you there. The thing you're wanting is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. If that's right, raise up your hand. That's right. All right, believe on the Lord; just don't doubt at all.

Seen somebody coming from a distance, but I couldn't tell just where it was at. Yeah, it's the man setting right here; I see him now. He's a stranger to me also. You got gallbladder trouble, sinus trouble. You're not from here. You're from Georgia, a place called like Hubbermill, Georgia. All right, believe now, and go back home and be healed.

222 You believe with all your heart? There's one setting right back here behind; that Light's standing over the person. They're praying for a loved one who's got cancer, not saved. Believe; have faith, and don't doubt.

[Brother Branham pauses--Ed.] I'm just watching. See... [Brother Branham pauses] Uh-huh. Here it is over here. The lady that's got her head down, praying. She got trouble with her feet and her knees. I don't know you, do I? We're strangers, raise up your hand. You go back to... Your home's in New Hampshire; that's where you come from. Believe, and the Lord will make you well.

224 A lady setting back there with the little girl, praying for her, with kidney trouble, setting right back there. She's from Georgia also. Mrs. Cason, if you believe with all your heart? You accept it? All right, then go home, be made well. I don't know the woman, never seen her in my life. If we're strangers to one another, wave your hand, lady. That's right.

Here's another setting right back here, a man. He's from Georgia too. Don't know him, never seen him. But I seen him come up from that peach country. Right. He's got a liver trouble (That's right.) and arthritis. He's setting right on the back seat. You believe with all your heart, sir? All right, go back and be healed.

There's someone setting next to you, a lady, way back in the very back row. No, it's not for her. She's praying for her son. That's right. You believe that God can tell me what's the matter with your son, lady? I'm a stranger to you, but God knows you. Ulcers, and a mental trouble, and he's not here; Dayton, Ohio. If that's right, raise up your hand. Now, believe.

227 Do you know He lives? Is He the same Jesus yesterday, today, and forever? There's at least eight or ten people I never seen in my life. And is it true? Now, may the God of heaven, Who's present, heal and make well these. Well, it comes from the anointing of the Holy Spirit, not me. May the God that can discern the thoughts of the mind, and prove Himself to be Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, let Him come forward and heal the sick. He's God forevermore. Do you believe that? Now, how many wants to believe Him right now, and accept Him as Saviour, and Healer, and as a Baptizer, and a coming King? In the Name of Jesus. Oh, hallelujah. What? The Easter Seal, the infallible Easter Seal.

228 What's the next thing? The transformation of this body to meet the Son that's coming. We'll be changed in a moment, in a twinkle of an eye. Have all your paper seals you want to; but the real Seal of Easter is the Holy Ghost in the human heart. Do you accept it? Do you believe in His resurrection? Do you believe He's alive forevermore? You believe that He's here? Do you now accept Him as your Saviour, as your Healer, as your God, as your coming King? Believe with all your heart.

229 As these handkerchiefs, praying over them, God, in the Name of Jesus Christ. A lot of people anoint them. I believe they took from the body of Paul handkerchiefs and aprons, and they were healed. You believe that?

Now, how many more is in here, sick? Now, the Tabernacle people, and around this community here, that's around here, now you raise your hands, from around here. Now, do you believe that He's here? Do you believe the Holy Spirit's here? Now, wait, why do we wait for anything else? He's here, so let's act upon it! Charlie, what do you think? Amen. Hallelujah. Oh, it's got to happen.

231 I cannot heal anyone. I cannot do it. There's nothing in me to heal with. But if you'll accept this Spirit that's on me now, there couldn't be enough devils in hell make you doubt it any more, and you've got to be healed. I'm not the Healer; He's the Healer. I can't see visions; He's the One Who speaks. It's just my body He's using.

Now, that same God said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." How many believers is here? Are you sure you're a believer? Well, He said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." Is that right? Now, put your hands on one another, and let me pray for every one of you. O God. Oh, brother, something's got to take place. Something's just got to happen.

233 O great Easter Seal, You're not the lily in the pot, but the Lily in the Valley. You Who stoke--spoke through that boy the other day, You have come forth by Your Word. You made manifest that You're Truth. You are Truth, Lord. You are the Resurrection. You said, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, shall never die. I am the Resurrection and Life."


[] It'll not be spoken, then you'll wonder. But while you can hear, obey.

O God, Who created the heavens and earth, these people are praying for one another. When You rose on Easter morning, You proved that You was Messiah. You proved that You was Messiah, before You rose. You proved that You was, by the sign of the Messiah, the Seal of God that was in You. You were Sealed away with God to do nothing but what He said. You had said, "I do always that which pleases the Father." That's keep His Word. For to please God, we must believe His Word and keep His Word. And then, Father, so is it today, that every son or--of God, every daughter of God, in order to please God, must keep God's Word. And, God, we're keeping Your Word now by laying hands on one another. And I'm praying for this audience.

236 After we have heard the Word preached, and seen the strangers raise their hands, see the great Holy Spirit go out there and tell them the very thoughts from their heart, and who they are, where they come from, what's happening, and all about, how could people doubt any more? God, that's a great reward for these who's stood this morning around this great church walls here, and their limbs aching, and little mothers with their babies, and dads, and aged, and all, waiting, watching, watching to see one sign of the living God... Then see Him move in on the scene, and prove that He's Jehovah, that He's Jesus, the resurrected One, "I'm alive forevermore, and have the keys of death and hell," because He broke the seal off of it. He broke the seal of death. He broke the seal of the tomb. He broke the seal of hell. He broke the seal of the grave. And He opened the seal to the Tree of Life, and baptized us by His Holy Spirit into that Tree of Life, and made us sons and daughters of God, and commissioned us to lay hands on one another, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; if they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." Father, God, it has to be.

238 I pronounce by the power of the Gospel, by the God of heaven Who ordained me and sent me to preach the Gospel, by the God Who wrote the Word, by the Angel Who's present to confirm the Word, I say this because of the faith that I have in the people, that the devil will have to leave every sick person in here, every afflicted person, and the power of God shall raise them up to good health and strength again, as a memorial of this Easter service. Come out, Satan. You are defeated. Jesus conquered you nineteen hundred years ago, and you are defeated. Come out of the people, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

1        Dnes zavčasu ráno pri východe slnka sme mali veľkolepú službu, kde nám brat Neville hovoril veľmi výnimočné posolstvo na tejto Veľkonočnej bohoslužbe.

2        A teraz, viem, že je to nepríjemné, keď musíte stáť, naša kapacita, ktorú tu máme na sedenie, je veľmi malá. A práve sa ma pýtali, či by tu mohli otvoriť túto zadnú časť a umiestniť ľudí do priestoru krstiteľnice. Povedal som, „To je pre nich dobré miesto.“ To pre nich bolo veľmi dobré miesto. Oni... takže za chvíľu vytiahnu záclony a... myslím, že sa práve idú postaviť okolo okraja. Neviem, či tam sú, alebo nie; vidím, že je to plné vody, a tak budú musieť stáť celkom blízko na doske. Ale vidím, že niečo z toho práve pripravujú, takže pravdepodobne to v priebehu pár minút otvoria.

3        No, Veľká noc je významný deň pre nás všetkých; máme skrátka veľmi radi Veľkú noc. A teraz sa budeme snažiť nedržať vás príliš dlho, pretože pri okolnostiach...

4        Ale rád by som len urobil jedno alebo dve ohlásenia, a síce, že naše bohoslužby teraz začnú ďalšiu nedeľu, pre vás ľudí, ktorí nie ste z tohto mesta. Začnú v Bloomington, v Illinois, v areáli metodistickej univerzity. A budú pokračovať od nedele do nedele. A potom tam budú raňajky pre kazateľov. A potom v jedno ráno budem hovoriť ku kolektívu študentov univerzity a budú tam raňajky, pokiaľ viem.

5        A potom na nasledujúci týždeň po... To je od dvadsiateho tretieho do poslednej nedele. Alebo ako to je? [Brat Neville hovorí, „Tam v tom je práve sklz, brat. – pozn.prekl.] Ó, áno. No, takže už je to oznámené; vedia o tom. [„Oznamoval som to.“ – pozn.prekl.] Tak veru, to je skvelé, dobre. Chicago, teraz tam bolo – ako som to pochopil z predošlého večera, oni nedokážu zohnať to Lane Tech auditórium, a tak to bude v auditóriu, ktoré je asi desať minút jazdy od Lane Tech. Pokiaľ viem, bude tam iné auditórium. Samozrejme, že tam pravdepodobne budú mať nejaké označenia, ktoré vám ukážu na – kde bude zhromaždenie.

6        Potom ideme hore do Britskej Kolumbie. A potom, od prvého júla do štvrtého, budeme v Miami, na Floride.

7        Tak, a potom je to zaujímavé, lebo máme mať veľké stanové zhromaždenie; ak to bude, skutočne tam chcem byť – všetci z vás, ktorí môžete, vo Washingtone DC, v hlavnom meste na zhromaždení. To bude moje prvé stanové zhromaždenie, viete, kde mi Pán zasľúbil, že sa so mnou stretne v tom malom mieste na tom zhromaždení. A tí biznismeni tam to teraz plánujú; zavolali nám a povedali, že buď obstarajú Convention Hall, kde sme už mali zhromaždenia, alebo rozložia veľký stan. A len čo povedal, „veľký stan,“ niečo trochu spozornelo, možno to je to miesto, kde bude to zhromaždenie, pri dome Kapitolu. Takže je to veľmi, veľmi dobré. A tak uvidíme, ako to dopadne, a potom o trochu neskôr vám dáme vedieť, ako Duch Svätý viedol tú cestu.

8        No, myslím, že tu majú nejaké malé bábätká, ktoré nie sú z tohto mesta, ktoré chceli posvätiť Pánovi. No, toto... Mnohí ľudia ich pofŕkajú, atď. A to je úplne v poriadku. Nič proti tomu nemám. Avšak, pofŕkanie nie je biblické pre bábätko, ani pre dospelého. Rozumiete? Pofŕkanie je len cirkevná forma, ktorá bola prijatá najprv katolíckou cirkvou, a potom nesená ďalej protestantmi. Ale neexistuje miesto Písma pre nijaké pofŕkanie dospelého alebo bábätka.

 A keď sa chceme držať Písma tak verne, ako len môžeme; v Biblii prinášali malé deti ku nášmu Pánovi a On ich zodvihol, vzal ich na ruky a požehnal ich a povedal, „Dovoľte malým deťom prichádzať ku Mne.“ No, to je to, čo sa snažíme robiť: nasledovať týmto spôsobom prikázania Pánove. A privádzame starších zboru a postavíme sa okolo a posvätíme deti pre Pána.

        Ak nám náš pianista zahrá našu pieseň, Prineste ich dnu, v poriadku, a tie matky, ktoré majú maličkých, prídu a postavia sa dopredu, brat Neville a niektorí zo starších tu budú so mnou stáť, ak prídu; a posvätíme tieto deti Pánovi.

        Prineste ich dnu, prineste ich dnu;

 Prineste ich dnu z polí hriechu;

 Prineste ich dnu, prineste ich dnu;

 Prineste maličkých ku Ježišovi.

9        No, toto je len forma, ktorou matky posväcujú svoje malé deti Pánovi. A v toto Veľkonočné ráno, čo za nádherný čas na krst alebo na posvätenie, toto skoré ročné obdobie a čas vzkriesenia. Zaspievajme to znovu, zatiaľ čo tí ostatní začnú.

Prineste ich dnu, prineste ich dnu;

 Prineste ich dnu z polí hriechu;

 Prineste ich dnu, prineste ich dnu;

 Prineste maličkých ku Ježišovi.

10        No, priatelia, viem, že každé jedno je tým najkrajším dieťaťom na svete. Viem to. Viem to veľmi dobre na to, aby som o tom povedal niečo iné. Je to tak. A takým spôsobom by sme to mali cítiť.

11        Oni sú malými pokladmi, ktoré vám dal Boh k zodpovednosti, aby ste ich vychovávali. A vždy som hovorieval a robil tento druh vyhlásenia pre matky. Poznáme napísané štyri Evanjeliá: Matúš, Marek, Lukáš a Ján. Ale existuje piate evanjelium, nenapísané; to je matka. Ona ich dostane predtým, ako ich dostane náuka Matúša, Mareka, Lukáša a Jána. A tak sú na vás položené zodpovednosti, vy, matky a otcovia, aby ste tieto deti vychovávali pre Kráľovstvo Božie. A som si istý, že to je túžbou vášho srdca.

12        Pozdvihneme ich ku Bohu v modlitbe a posvätíme vaše deti Kristovi. Starší a ja, pristúpime dopredu ku... Vy nám len poviete meno. A viem, že moja manželka mi trochu závidí, čo sa týka tejto práce, pretože...

13        Lisa Ann Mitchell. Ó. Lisa Ann Mitchell, poklad pre ktorékoľvek ruky. Skloňme naše hlavy.

14        Nebeský Otče, ako Tvoji služobníci, pozdvihujeme túto malú Lisu Ann Mitchell ku Tebe v Mene Pána Ježiša. Posväcujeme ju a nárokujeme si jej život pre Kráľovstvo Božie. Nech žije a rastie a je nádhernou osobou pre Kráľovstvo Božie. Robíme toto preto, že sme poverení naším Pánom. V Mene Ježiša Krista sa modlíme. Amen. Nech vás Boh žehná.

15        H. A., E. J. Junior. E. J. Junior, zatiaľ čo spinká. Tak skloňme naše hlavy.

16        Náš nebeský Otče, pozdvihujeme ku Tebe tohto malého chlapca; modlíme sa, ak bude Ježiš predlievať, aby si z neho učinil veľkého služobníka Božieho. Matka ho dáva Tebe. A my ho odovzdávame v Mene Pána Ježiša, aby si požehnal jeho a dom, z ktorého pochádza. Nech je vychovávaný na slávu Božiu, ako ho posväcujeme Ježišovi Kristovi. Amen.

17        Nech ťa Boh žehná, kazateľ, a tvoje...?... Som pri tejto práci trocha opatrný, pretože sa vždy bojím, aby som nezranil tých maličkých.

18        No, dovoľte mi, aby som... Vyzerá to tak, že to je malý človiečik. Meno? Debora Myers. Malá Debora Myers, dnes ráno má jasné oči. Skloňme naše hlavy.

19        Nebeský Otče, prinášame Ti malú Deboru Myers; prosíme o Tvoje požehnania pre to dieťa, ako ju posväcujeme Pánovi, ako Ti ju teraz otec a matka odovzdávajú; a s radosťou spomíname na to, čo robil náš Pán Ježiš, ktorý žehnal maličkých a hovoril, „Nechajte ich prísť ku Mne.“ Odovzdávame Ti malú Deboru na celý život do služby v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

20        No, ktorý z týchto ďalších maličkých? V poriadku, pane. No, tento malý človiečik: Sára Rút, malá Sára Rút Wheeler. Wheelan – Wheeler.

21        Náš nebeský Otče, prinášame Ti toto malé rozkošné dieťatko, ktoré nám bolo dané do rúk na posvätenie. A stojíme so sklonenými hlavami a srdciami, aby sme Ti za ňu poďakovali, a modlíme sa, aby si požehnal jej život, aby Ti slúžila celý život. Odovzdávame Ti ju v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

22        Nech vás Boh žehná. Teraz je to hotovo. Ona sa na mňa obzrela späť, akoby chcela povedať, „Ešte niečo?“ V poriadku.

23        Tu je milé malé dievčatko. No, aké je tvoje meno? Mica Ungren. Aká milá je táto maličká. Ako sa máš? Ona sa zaujíma o všetko, chce vedieť, čo sa tu hore deje. Skloňme naše hlavy.

24        Náš nebeský Otče, odovzdávame Ti v toto Veľkonočné ráno toto malé rozkošné dieťatko, prinášame ku Tebe maličkých. Posväcujeme ju Pánovi Ježišovi do životnej služby. Udeľ, Pane, aby žila dlho do príchodu Pánovho, ak je to možné. A učiň z nej pre Seba služobnicu, ako Ti ju posväcujeme v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

25        Aké je jeho meno? Ó, Melynda, malá Melynda Ungren. Chcú ťa vidieť z tohto smeru, Melynda. Si pekná. Ó. Skloňme naše hlavy.

26        Otče Bože, odovzdávame Ti túto malú dámu v Mene Pána Ježiša. Posväcujeme Ti ju, jej život, do služby životom pre Teba, Pane, modlíme sa, aby si ju chránil a učinil ju jednou z Tvojich služobníc, aby Ti slúžila a aby robila to, kvôli čomu sa narodila, aby to vykonala. Odovzdávame Ti ju v posvätení v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

27        Všetky tieto pekné malé dievčatá... Pozrime sa teraz...Toto, ó, tu, toto je jedno. Ako sa máš? Ako sa dnes ráno máš? Ako sa teraz volá? Jane... Jamie Lynn Daulton.

28        Náš nebeský Otče, prinášame Ti toto milé malé dievčatko a modlíme sa, aby si ju požehnal. A prosíme, Pane, aby si požehnal domovy týchto detí. Nech sú vychovávané v napomínaní Božom do služby životom pre Teba. Odovzdávame Ti toto malé zlatíčko, ako ju posväcujeme Bohu v Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho. Amen. (Vaše malé bábätko je...?...)

29        Ako sa máš? No, ty môžeš takmer držať mňa, či nie? Ó. Ako sa volá? Tereza Cabert. Pozri sa sem, Tereza. Nie je to pekné malé dievčatko? Všetky sú tak peknými malými bábätkami.

30        Náš nebeský Otče, odovzdávame Ti toto malé milé dievčatko, ktoré nám odovzdali jej milovaní. Ako držíme to dieťa pre Teba, odovzdávame ju do života služby Bohu. Posväcujeme ju do Božej služby v Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho. Amen.

31        Nech ťa Boh žehná, sestra, a nech žehná tvojho maličkého, zatiaľ čo sa pomodlíme. Malé modré oči; a potom hnedé. Ako sa volá? Cynthia, malá Cynthia. Pozri sa sem, Cynthia. Tie pekné malé oči.

32        Náš nebeský Otče, odovzdávame Ti dnes ráno toto malé dievčatko. Daj, nech môže dlho žiť a nech je Tvojou služobnicou. Milovaní ju dali do mojich rúk pre posvätenie; priniesol som ju pred starších a umiestňujeme ju pred Boha a posväcujeme ju pre Božiu službu v Mene Ježiša Krista, Syna Božieho. Amen.

33        No, tento je tiež trocha malý. No, Méda, mala by si byť tu hore, aby si podržala tohto. Vždy som vystrašený, že mu ublížim. James, James Bliss. On vyzerá ako veľmi múdry malý chlapec, či nie? Je to tak.

34        Náš nebeský Otče, odovzdávame Ti malého Jamesa. Nech je ako ten, od ktorého pochádza jeho meno, Jakub v Biblii, niet pochýb, ktorý odhalil múdrosť v rade ohľadom Pánovej služby. Modlím sa, aby si ho požehnal, a pre život v službe Tebe. Požehnaj ten domov, z ktorého prichádza, a nech je vychovávaný v napomínaní Božom; ako ho posväcujeme do Božej služby v Mene Ježiša Krista, Božieho Syna. Amen. Iste milujem...?...

35        Aké je meno tohto malého dievčatka? Poď sem hore, zlatíčko. Aha? Tammy Brown. Ó, malá Tammy Brown. Jej matka a otec boli dnes ráno pokrstení. Ďalšie pekné malé dievčatko. Skloňme naše hlavy.

36        Otče, prinášame ku Tebe toto malé dieťa. Dokážem si predstaviť, že to bolo niečo takéto, keď ich matky prinášali ku Tebe, keď si bol na Svojej pozemskej ceste. Posväcujeme Ti ju, Pane. Pokiaľ viem, jej otec a matka tu dnes ráno boli pokrstení v to vzácne Meno Pána Ježiša. Potom jej domov bude v poriadku. Modlím sa, aby si ju požehnal a dal jej život služby, ako ju posväcujeme Bohu pre Jeho službu v Mene Ježiša Krista, Jeho Syna. Amen.

37        Ďakujem vám. Ó, počkajte, je mi to ľúto; toto som si nevšimol. Ako sa máš? No, čo za milý človek. Môžem pomôcť...?... ti? Dobre. Aké je jeho meno? Danny Johnson, Danny William Johnson. Ó, dokonca vyzerá ako kazateľ, nie?

38        Nebeský Otče, prinášame Ti tohto malého chlapca. Možno je príliš malý na to, aby vedel, o čo tu ide, ale existuje Boh v nebi, ktorý sa díva dolu a pozná túto vec. Odovzdávame Ti ho, Pane, ako ho matka dala do našich rúk. Skrze vieru prichádzame v Mene Ježiša Krista a nárokujeme si ho ako trofej milosti Božej a posväcujeme ho Bohu v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, drahý.

39        Dostali sme, nie... No, aké pekné malé dievčatko sem prichádza. To sú tie najkrajšie malé šaty, ktoré máš na sebe, a malý klobúk. Alter? Adler, Ellene Gail Adler, aké nádherné malé dievčatko.

40        Náš nebeský Otče, držím pred Tebou tento poklad toho domu, malé dievčatko, ktoré prišlo na svet. A milovaní ju priniesli dopredu, aby ju posvätili do služby pre teba, ako poznajú tento zlý deň, v ktorom žijeme. Nárokujeme si život toho dieťaťa ako trofej pre Boha. A posväcujeme ju do služby Bohu v Mene Ježiša Krista, Božieho Syna. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, zlatíčko.

41        Tu je malý kazateľ, chlapec, dvaja. Sú to dvojičky? Päť a osem. Ako sa tento volá? Johnny z Richmondu, z Richmondu, Virginia. Myslím, že si pamätám na tvoju tvár. Mali sme spoločný rozhovor, keď bol prítomný Pán. Pamätám si ťa; poznal som tvoju tvár a nedokázal som prísť na to, kto si. V poriadku. No, vieme, že on príde do správneho domu. Jeho meno je John, Johnny.

42        Náš nebeský Otče, prinášame Ti tohto malého chlapca, Johnnyho. A kladieme na neho naše ruky, pretože to je spôsob, akým si to robil Ty. Ty si na nich kládol Svoje ruky. A žehnáme ho a nárokujeme si jeho život ako trofej Božej milosti a posväcujeme ho do Božej služby v Mene Ježiša Krista, Božieho Syna. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, malý chlapče.

43        Lewis, toto je Lewis.

 Nebeský Otče, prinášame Ti tohto malého chlapca, Lewisa. A otec ho priniesol dopredu pre posvätenie do služby v dome Božom.

44        Ako premýšľame o dňoch, ktoré pominuli, keď Anna vošla do chrámu a modlila sa a Boh jej dal dieťatko. A ona priniesla to dieťatko späť a odovzdala ho Bohu. To je to, čo dnes robia títo ľudia: prinášajú svojich maličkých dnu, ich malé poklady, posväcujú ich. A prorok ich vzal, Otče, a vychoval malého chlapca a on sa stal prorokom.

45        No, posväcujeme dnes ráno malého Lewisa do služby Všemohúcemu Bohu v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Nech ťa Boh žehná, synu.

46        Je zaiste dobré, keď vás vidím tu dolu z Richmondu, Virginie, dnes ráno. Nech vás Boh žehná.

47        No, pozrime sa, je to všetko? V poriadku. Ó, to sú tí malí kamaráti... Neviete, možno sme dnes ráno posvätili mnohých malých misionárov a kazateľov; nevieme. To všetko leží v rukách Všemohúceho.

48        Chcem oznámiť, že služby, ktoré budú dnes večer tu v modlitebni – bude tu služba večere Pánovej. A ak ste nikdy nenavštívili žiadnu z našich bohoslužieb s večerou Pánovou, taktiež zachovávame umývanie nôh.

49        No, leží tu zopár vreckoviek, aby som sa nad nimi modlil. Jedna patrí bratovi Grimsleyovi, nášmu bratovi tu zo zboru. Neviem, koho sú tieto. Posielame ich von, stovky a stovky z nich, po svete. A teraz budeme... Chcem sa za ne modliť potom, keď sa začnem modliť za nemocných.

50        Chcem najprv len na chvíľu hovoriť, ako malé nadviazanie na Veľkonočné posolstvo. A teraz, predtým, ako pristúpime ku Božiemu Slovu, pristúpme ku Nemu v modlitbe.

51        Náš nebeský Otče, sme dnes ráno v našich srdciach vďační za toto slávne ráno. A ponad to všetko sme vďační za toto, čo to reprezentuje, vzkriesenie a zapečatený dôkaz nášho náboženstva, keď Ježiš Kristus vstal z mŕtvych, niekedy pred dvoma tisícmi rokov a predstavil znova Seba Samého Svojej Cirkvi, navždy živý. Po dvoch tisícoch rokov sme tak šťastní, že sa stále radujeme z toho obecenstva s učeníkmi vzkrieseného Krista.

52        Modlíme sa, Pane, aby dnes ráno v tejto budove bola Jeho Prítomnosť tak precítená, že až Ho každá osoba, ktorá nie je spasená, prijme ako svojho Spasiteľa. A tí, ktorí neboli naplnení Jeho Duchom, nech toto je deň, keď na nich Duch Svätý vykoná dokončené dielo. Prosíme, aby vo Svojom veľkolepom zmierení, ktoré uzdravilo nemocných, nech príde tak blízko ku ľuďom, aby bola viera viditeľná, Pane, a prevládajúca nad neverou, čo spôsobí, že nemocní a postihnutí pôjdu odtiaľto uzdravení a v poriadku.

53        Chceme Ťa poprosiť, Pane, aby si teraz požehnal toho, ktorý sa podujíma objasniť Tvoje Slovo vzkriesenia.

 Bože, požehnaj všade všetkých kazateľov, Tvoje deti, Tvojich služobníkov po celej krajine a po celom svete.

54        A príď, Pane Ježišu, rýchlo, pretože vidíme, ako sa vo vzduchu pohybujú oblaky, Pane, a vieme, že sa približuje veľkolepá vec. Opáš Svojich ľudí. Ó, nech vezmú Meč Pravdy, pripnú si zbroj, nasadia si helmu, obujú sa do Evanjelia, a ponad všetko, nech vezmú štít viery a pohnú sa vpred. Udeľ to, Pane, lebo vojnové mraky visia nízko. Požehnaj nás teraz dnes, lebo vieme, že čoskoro, pokiaľ vieme, čoskoro uvidíme Ježiša. A modlíme sa, aby sme boli pripravení ísť, keď príde tá hodina. Nech pripravíme svoje srdcia a dokončíme to, vybavíme to raz a navždy, na tej bohoslužbe dnes ráno. V Mene Ježiša Krista, hovor ku nám skrze Svoje Slovo. Tvoje Slovo je Pravda. Amen.

55        No, pre vás, ktorí by ste radi čítali so mnou z Písem, obráťme sa do Lukáša 24. kapitoly. Chcem tu z Toho prečítať celkom dlhšiu časť, ak Pán dá, aby som získal podklad k tomu, na čom chcem založiť svoju niekoľkominútovú reč. A teraz, ak chcete, ak je horúco, myslím, alebo čokoľvek, urobte si pohodlie tak, ako len môžete, a budem tak rýchly, ako to len bude možné.

56        A chceme povedať toto, že si iste ceníme vašu lojalitu prísť. A keď to ide... Ľudia sa snažia povedať, že Evanjelium stratilo svoju príťažlivosť; a keď ľudia prichádzajú z celého národa kvôli službe Pánovi, aby stáli na mieste, kde ich bolia nohy, to stále ukazuje, že Boh má ľudí a stále existuje túžba v ich srdci, vidieť Boha. Jednako, Evanjelium vo svojej jednoduchosti, práve tak, ako je jednoduché Evanjelium nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, jednako to je najväčšia moc, ktorá kedy zasiahla zem, je to Evanjelium Kristovo. A Evanjelium nie je iba v Slove, ale skrze moc a demonštrácie Ducha Svätého. Nech nám On udelí tieto veci, ako teraz budeme čítať od 36. verša 24. kapitoly svätého Lukáša.

 A keď hovorili o tom, sám Ježiš sa postavil medzi nimi a povedal im: Pokoj Vám!

 Ale oni, celí naľakaní a prestrašení, domnievali sa, že vidia ducha.

 A on im povedal: Prečo ste predesení, a prečo vzchádzajú také myšlienky vo vašom srdci?

 Vidzte moje ruky i moje nohy, že som ja sám, ten istý. Dotýkajte sa ma a vidzte, lebo duch nemá tela a kostí, a jako vidíte, že ja mám.

 A to povediac ukázal im ruky a nohy.

 A keď ešte neverili od radosti... neverili od radosti a divili sa, povedal im: Či tu máte niečo na jedenie?

 A oni mu podali kúsok pečenej ryby a medového plásta.

 A vzal a pojedol pred nimi.

 A povedal im: Toto sú moje slová, ktoré som vám hovoril, keď som ešte bol s vami, totiž že sa musí naplniť všetko, čo je napísané o mne v zákone Mojžišovom, v prorokoch i žalmoch.

 Vtedy otvoril ich um, aby rozumeli písmam.

 A povedal im: Tak je napísané, a tak musel Kristus trpieť a vstať z mŕtvych tretieho dňa,

a musí byť kázané v jeho mene pokánie a odpustenie hriechov medzi všetkými národami počnúc od Jeruzalema.

 A vy ste toho svedkami.

 A hľa, ja posielam zasľúbenie svojho Otca na vás, a vy buďte v meste Jeruzaleme, dokiaľ nebudete... až kým nebudete odiati do moci z výsosti.

 Potom ich vyviedol von až do Betánie a pozdvihnúc svoje ruky dal im požehnanie.

 A stalo sa v tom, keď ich žehnal, že sa bral preč od nich a vznášal sa hore do neba.

 A oni pokloniac sa mu navrátili sa do Jeruzalema s velikou radosťou.

 A boli po celý čas v chráme a chválili Boha a dobrorečili mu. Amen.

57        No, ak by som to mal nazvať, aby som neodchádzal od témy, rád by som to nazval takto: Skutočná Veľkonočná Pečať.

58        To, ako som začal rozmýšľať o takej veci, bolo to asi pred týždňom na mojej ceste do Georgetownu, malého mesta tu pod New Albany. A stáli tam na ulici chlapci, vyberali milodary pre Veľkonočné pečate [Easter seals – charitatívna organizácia pre pomoc postihnutým deťom – pozn.prekl.]. A začal som premýšľať o Veľkonočnej pečati. A pomyslel som si, „Čo je to Veľkonočná pečať? Istotne to znamená viac než to, na čo vyberajú títo chlapci milodary, Veľkonočná pečať.“ A pomyslel som si, „Čo robia s takými pečaťami a s príspevkom, ktorý je od nich vybratý – alebo pre nich?“ Oni sú umiestnení, samozrejme, tieto pečate, na listy a veci. A je to pre nich milodar na základe slobodnej vôle a putuje to na to, aby umiestnili ľudí, ktorí majú tuberkulózu, do nemocnice, a tak ďalej, a aby ich dali do nemocnice na miesto odpočinku, až kým neskonajú.

59        A pomyslel som si, „Istotne je Veľká noc niečím väčším ako to, pečať Veľkej noci. Malo by to znamenať niečo viac než umiestnenie nejakej osoby do nemocnice, aby ju udržali v pohodlí.“ Čo je veľmi dobre; nič proti tomu nemám. To – nech ich Boh žehná; to je nádherná vec. Ale stále, vyzerá to tak, že by to malo ísť trocha ďalej než to, v tom, že Veľká noc znamená tak mnoho pre kresťanskú Cirkev a pre naše kresťanské dedičstvo, pečať vzkriesenia. A ako môže takáto malá poštová známka zaujať jej miesto? To nemôže.

 A tak som o tom začal premýšľať, „Čo bola tá Veľkonočná pečať?“ A takto som načrtol túto myšlienku hovoriť dnes ráno o Veľkonočnej pečati.

60        No, Veľká noc má – a pečate, a tak ďalej, je to cez celú Bibliu. Nachádzame ich, sú tak staré ako Biblia; nachádzame ich celou cestou naspäť do záhrady Eden. A potom zisťujeme, že čokoľvek nachádzame kdekoľvek v Biblii, ide naspäť do Genesis. Všetko to začalo v Genesis.

61        A potom som premýšľal, že to, čo som mal vo svojej mysli ako Veľkonočnú pečať, potom som sa divil, prečo to bolo tak odmietnuté a ako to mohli ľudia odmietnuť. Prečo to bolo tak odsúdené. A potom som rozmýšľal o tom, že nie vždy je to odsúdené a nie všetci ľudia to odsudzujú.

62        Ale Boh to urobil takým spôsobom, že človek je postavený do pozície, kedy je nútený učiniť rozhodnutie. Človek nemôže žiť na zemi bez toho, aby učinil rozhodnutie. Boh od neho túto vec vyžaduje. On musí učiniť nejaké rozhodnutie. A existuje čas, keď musíš učiniť rozhodnutie ohľadom školského vzdelania, musíš učiniť rozhodnutie ohľadom toho, s kým sa oženíš. A musíš robiť rozhodnutia pri rozličných veciach.

63        Ale v záhrade Eden, kde mali len dvoch chlapcov, to rozhodnutie doliehalo na človeka, aby sa rozhodol. A myslím, že sa to stalo, aby sa ukázala jeho pravá farba, čím je, aby sa ukázalo, čím je vo svojom vnútri. No, zisťujeme, že prišiel čas, medzi Kainom a Ábelom, že museli čeliť rozhodnutiu, pretože nadišiel čas uctievania a každý chlapec mal pripravený spôsob, ako uctievať Boha.

64        A ak si všimnete, medzi správnym a nesprávnym je rozdiel len v jednom malom náznaku. A bolo prorokované, že v posledných dňoch bude to nesprávne tak blízko ku tomu správnemu, že by to zviedlo i samotných vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné, rozdiel medzi správnym a nesprávnym.

65        No, pri tých chlapcoch, ako prichádzali ku svojim oltárom a uctievali... No, premýšľal som potom o tom, koľko oltárov je dnes ráno v cirkvách, ktoré majú na oltároch rozložené nádherné kvety. A to je v poriadku. Nemám nič proti tomu. Ale zdá sa, že tým uctievanie končí, je to umiestnenie nejakých kvetov na oltár alebo pekná cirkev alebo skvelé dekorácie alebo niečo, a vyzerá to, že tým to končí.

66        A tak nejako to bolo s Kainom, pretože priniesol ovocie z pola a učinil svoju službu Bohu; a bolo to odmietnuté, pretože neprišiel správnou a presnou cestou (spôsobom), ktorú mu Boh určil, aby tak prišiel. Ale on priniesol svoju obeť a vykonal všetko práve tak nábožne ako jeho brat, avšak bol odmietnutý. A pretože bol odmietnutý po tej duchovnej stránke, potom to spôsobilo, že v ňom povstala žiarlivosť, pretože bol chamtivý.

67        To je v človeku; nemôže si pomôcť v tom, aký je, pretože sa narodil do takého stavu. Človek je v nebesiach reprezentovaný ako hriešnik, hriešnikom. Prednedávnom som o tom hovoril a niekto povedal, „Potom to nie je spravodlivé. Ak som reprezentovaný neposlušnosťou jedného človeka, potom nemám šancu.“

68        Povedal som, „To je pravda, pretože si sa narodil ako hriešnik, ale si reprezentovaný. Si odsúdený k odsúdeniu skrze reprezentáciu.“

69        No, potom to vyzerá veľmi kruto. Ale otočme to na druhú stranu, potom sme určení do Večného Života skrze reprezentáciu. Kde nás jeden reprezentoval na smrť, Druhý nás reprezentoval do Večného Života; tak to nás stavia znova naspäť pred trón. Každá ľudská bytosť prichádza rovno späť na to isté miesto, aby sme si sami vybrali.

70        Ale tá chamtivosť, ktorá vždy bola; správne alebo nesprávne, nesprávne sa snaží zvrhnúť to správne: to začalo v Edene a muselo to prechádzať cez veky. Prechádzalo to ďalej, až to vstúpilo do štátnych záležitostí. Prišlo to ďalej do cirkevných záležitostí. Prišlo to ďalej do domáceho života: chamtivosť, snaha o vládnutie alebo zničenie, snaha premôcť, vytlačiť. A vidíme, že tá vec pracuje všade a vždy pracovala, tá istá vec sa snaží zavládnuť alebo premôcť.

71        Naprieč Starou Zmluvou, Boh, vo dňoch prorokov, späť... Mám ich tu zopár zapísaných, do ktorých nebudem mať čas vojsť. Ale Boh vo dňoch starodávnych prorokov, uprostred všetkého, ako to urobil v záhrade Eden, keď pravdivý Hlas Boží a pravdivé uctievanie Božie zostalo odsúdené a vystrčené a zabité, v záhrade Eden, a pravdivý Hlas Boží bol umlčaný skrze chamtivosť a žiarlivosť, takisto to odvtedy bolo v cirkvi, snažia sa umlčať pravdivý Hlas Boží.

72        Ale, ak si všimnete, akonáhle Ábelov hlas utíchol v smrti, Boh vzbudil Seta, aby zaujal jeho miesto. Čo nebolo ničím iným než „predzvesťou Veľkej noci,“ “predzvesťou vzkriesenia,“ alebo náhradou, až kým neprišlo vzkriesenie. To prebiehalo nejaký čas; nachádzame, ako to prebieha v Starom Zákone. Proroci, Boh udržiaval nažive Svoj Hlas skrze prorokov. Hovorili Slovo Božie a oni ich kameňovali. A akonáhle jedného ukameňovali a odstránili ho preč, Boh vzbudil ďalšieho. A ukameňovali toho a odstránili ho preč, Boh vzbudil ďalšieho. On stále udržiaval Svoje svedectvo nažive. Počas tých vekov udržiaval nažive Svoj Hlas pred ľuďmi, po celej ceste od Edenu.

73        A teraz zisťujeme, že akonáhle si Kain uvedomil, že urobil to, čo urobil, no, on odišiel z Prítomnosti Božej a bol zapečatený preč od Boha skrze znamenie, ktoré bolo na neho umiestnené. Biblia povedala, že odišiel od záhrady Eden, od brán záhrady, na východnej strane Edenu. Odišiel zapečatený, označený, odišiel z Prítomnosti Boha.

74        Čo za vec, čo za strašná vec, že Kain, kvôli žiarlivosti a kvôli tomu, že nebol ochotný zmieriť sa s Bohom tým istým vhodným spôsobom, ktorým prišiel jeho brat... Boh povedal Kainovi, „Ak budeš uctievať ako Ábel, urobíš dobre.“

75        Ale Kain povedal asi toľko, „Tu je to, čo som dal dokopy. Toto je to, čo mám; tu je to, čo dávam. Vezmi si to alebo to nechaj, jedno alebo druhé, ako chceš; len si vyhovej.“

76        No, takýto postoj majú ľudia po celý čas v cirkevnom živote, alebo inom živote. To – oni hovoria, „Chodím do zboru. Pomáham cirkvi; robím toto. Ak to Boh nemôže prijať, to je to najlepšie, čo môžem robiť.“ Rozumiete? Ale stále to nie je to, čo Boh požaduje. Boh nepožaduje to.

77        Boh požaduje pripravenú cestu. On má pripravenú cestu a On od teba požaduje, aby si prijal to, čo pripravil On. Rozumiete? On nepotrebuje našu asistenciu v hovorení Mu toho, čo robiť a ako to robiť. On vytvoril cestu (spôsob) pre nás, aby sme to tak robili, a veci, ktoré by sme mali robiť a ako by sme ich mali robiť; a On v tom vôbec nepotrebuje naše nápady. Nemáme prichádzať takým spôsobom. Ale zistili sme, že ľudia sú náchylní to takto robiť; počas celého veku.

 Ale Boh udržiaval Svoj Hlas nažive skrze Svojich prorokov, a tak ďalej, naprieč tým vekom, ako On prichádzal.

78        A dnes to nachádzame... A nachádzame to v politike. Mám tu zapísaných zopár vecí o politike, o tom, ako by sme našli dokonca v tomto dni, v ktorom sme, že ľudia predali svoje práva prvorodenstva za politiku. A ak nikto z vás ešte nemá pásku, na ktorej som hovoril pred týždňom v nedeľu tam hore v Middletown, v Ohio, o Jezábeli a Achabovi, bol by som rád, ak by ste si to niekedy vypočuli. A ako národ kvôli chamtivosti, niekoľkým dolárom navyše a populárnejšej mienke medzi ľuďmi; oni absolútne zapredali Krista práve tak, ako to urobil Judáš pred dvetisíc rokmi; za tridsať strieborných. Ó, je to hrozná vec pomyslieť na to, že stav, ktorý existuje medzi týmto národom a týmito dnešnými ľuďmi... Pomyslieť, že pred mnohými rokmi by nikdy neurobili takú vec. Ale dnes sú tak chamtiví, snažia sa získať viac peňazí, snažia sa mať ľahšie časy. No, to je samozrejme nekresťanské.

79        Kresťan sa nedožaduje ľahkých vecí. Nie sme... Dnes je medzi kresťanskými ľuďmi tak veľa nasľubované; tak mnoho kazateľov ľuďom sľubuje falošnú vec, „Ak len prídeš ku Kristovi, všetky tvoje problémy sa vyriešia.“ Hovorím ti, že keď prídeš ku Kristovi, vtedy oni začnú. Vtedy obliekaš uniformu, berieš pušku a vchádzaš na bojisko. Táto kresťanská cesta nie je pohodlná posteľ plná kvetov. Je to boj od tej hodiny, ako začneš, až kým nie je tvoj duch oslobodený skrze smrť. Nie ste na žiadnom pikniku. Ste na bojiskách. A tak, sú nám nasľubované rôzne veci.

80        A niekedy sa stávam... Nerád toto hovorím, ale myslím to zo srdca, že sa stávam zmätený, keď počujem o tak „impozantnej“ viere, „impozantnom“ náboženstve. A všetko sa dnes stáva niečím „impozantným“. To je „impozantný“ človek. A televízia otvorila cestu skrze kozmonautov, a tak ďalej, a hromadu nezmyslov, „impozantné“. Ó. A oni to dokonca dnes priniesli do Božského uzdravovania; „impozantné“ uzdravenia. No, Boh nemá žiadne také veci ako to. Mnohokrát privádzajú na pódium ľudí, a sú to obdarení ľudia, niet pochýb, ale s nesprávnym porozumením Evanjelia, vylievajú na nich olej, modlia sa a stoja tam, trasú nimi, až kým sa niečo nestane; oni sa uzdravia. A možno tá osoba žije v hriechu a oni odchádzajú preč a zistia, že sa to na nich znova vracia. Možno v tom čase boli pod vplyvom vzrušenia. Pričom viera Božia, ktorú nahromadili, ich uzdravila. Ale keď sa dostanú preč medzi neveriacich, znova to prichádza späť, znova sa to stane.

81        To, čo dnes potrebujeme, je Božské uzdravenie a definitívne rozhodnutia pre Krista. Je to tak.

82        Čítal som nedávno list, ktorý mi poslali z luteránskej asociácie v Nemecku, kde stál brat a mal uzdravovacie zhromaždenie v Nemecku, so sponzorstvom luteránskej cirkvi a letničných, a tak ďalej. A bola napísaná táto kópia tohto listu a on povedal, „Kážeš to Božské uzdravenie. A všetko, čo musia urobiť, je to, že na nich položíš svoje ruky a oni niečo pocítia a zostanú uzdravení.“ Povedal, „Rozhodne s tebou nesúhlasím.“ Povedal, „Čo potom s malou Deborou Stadsklev, keď tam zomrela? Jeden deň bola dokonale zdravým dieťaťom a v priebehu nasledujúcich pár hodín ležala mŕtva. A vy všetci ste prišli tam hore, modlili ste sa, triasli ste ňou, pomazali ste ju a všetko také, kvôli uzdraveniu a nebol tam žiaden život. To dieťatko tam ležalo.“ Povedal, „Potom poslali telegram bratovi Branhamovi a on vôbec nič nepovedal, až pokiaľ nemal dobré, definitívne rozhodnutie od Boha, potom prišiel v Mene Pána Ježiša, aby vypovedal Slovo.“

83        No, to je to, čo potrebujeme: dostať definitívne rozhodnutie od Boha. To je dôvod, prečo musíme prísť. Preto krstíme v Mene Ježiša Krista; to je definitívne rozhodnutie zo Slova Božieho. To je dôvod, prečo zostávame s tými vecami, ktoré robíme, pretože sú to Božie nariadenia a Božie Evanjelium. A musíme s Tým zostať práve takým spôsobom, ako To je napísané. Či už súhlas, či ste nenávidení, či už sa stane čokoľvek, to s tým nemá nič spoločné. Boh chce definitívne rozhodnutia. A ako to môžete urobiť, keď viete, že od začiatku nie ste v poriadku. Nemôžete mať definitívne rozhodnutie od Boha. Ako môžete prísť a prosiť o Božské uzdravenie, keď viete, že vaše srdce nie je na poriadku s Bohom, aby ste Mu slúžili? Vidíte, chcete ísť naspäť von a robiť veci, ktoré sú vo svete. Takto nebudete nikdy uzdravení. Rozumiete? Musíte pred Boha prísť čistí a zasvätiť svoj život a srdce Bohu, a potom vás Boh uzdraví. A potom je to trvalé, pretože vaša viera zostala zakotvená.

84        No, to je v... Predsa sme našli tú chamtivosť v cirkvi a v politike a národných záležitostiach. Jeden národ... Pozrite sa sem dolu do Afriky, čo sa tam teraz deje. Pozrite sa, kvôli chamtivosti, pozrite sa, čo sa tam dole v Afrike teraz udialo; nie len tam, ale po celom svete, všade, pretože človek chce byť niekým. Oni – toto je všetko, čo majú, rovno tu na zemi, alebo – oni žijú takýmto spôsobom.

85        Ak by toto bolo všetko, čo by som mal, bol by som biednou osobou. Ja očakávam na Mesto, ktorého Staviteľom a Učiniteľom je Boh. Tam si hromadíme svoje poklady, za tým účelom.

86        Synovia Kaina, alebo lepšie povedané synovia satana... Oni sú synovia satana, pretože Kain bol synom satana. A z toho dôvodu dnes synovia Kaina... A vy poviete, „Si si tým istý, brat Branham?“ Áno, som. Som o tom presvedčený. No, počúvajte.

87        Ježiš, keď bol tu na zemi, On priamo povedal tým náboženským vodcom, „Vy ste zo svojho otca diabla.“ A jednako boli zbožní, boli nábožní, boli to učenci a mali veľkolepé budovy, mali veľké cirkvi, mali veľké vzdelanie a kňazstvo a rády, a tak ďalej, ale zlyhali rozpoznať, kým bol Kristus. Zlyhali porozumieť svojmu dňu.

88        A tak, ako robili vtedy, tak robia i teraz, presne tak isto. Nedokážu si uvedomiť, v akom dni žijeme, ani veci, ktoré Boh robí. No, a preto vidíme, mohli by... Ak tí náboženskí vodcovia...

89        No, tu to je. Ak tí náboženskí vodcovia v tom dni boli nazvaní synmi diabla; okrem toho vieme, že diabol bol ten, ktorý na začiatku inšpiroval Kaina, aby prenasledoval svojho brata a zabil ho. Tá istá vec sa stala skrze tých istých vodcov, ktorí prenasledovali Ježiša Krista a zabili Ho. Boli takisto nútení učiniť rozhodnutie, ako boli nútení tam v záhrade Eden. Boli nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. „No, čo s Týmto?“ Synovia Kaina, synovia satana...

90        Poviete, „Siaha to aj do národov?“

 Keď Satan vzal Ježiša na vrchol hory, aby Ho pokúšal, ukázal Mu všetky kráľovstvá sveta. No, to bolo všetko, čo bolo a všetko, čo bude, všetky kráľovstvá celého sveta. A povedal, „Tieto sú moje a robím si s nimi, čokoľvek chcem. Môžem spôsobiť, aby bojovali; môžem spôsobiť, aby robili toto alebo všeličo.“ A on si robil nárok na kráľovstvá sveta, tak potom môžeme vidieť, ako chamtivosť a sebectvo prichádza do politiky. Rozumiete? Potom môžeme vidieť, kde to je v cirkvi a v cirkevných vodcoch, kde chamtivosť a sebectvo prichádza do cirkvi.

91        No, sledujte to, tá istá stará chamtivosť, ktorá začala v záhrade Eden, ktorá umiestnila na jedného zlú pečať a na druhého správnu Pečať, prichádza rovno ďalej do časov nášho Pána Ježiša. Keď bol tu na zemi, bol Mu daný proces skrze to, čo sa nazývalo spravodlivosť, súdy spravodlivosti. Aký nespravodlivý výsmech to bol. Nebola tam jediná vec, ktorú by proti Nemu mohli nájsť. Bola to politická zaujatosť. Nemohli proti Nemu nič nájsť. Dokonca, že až sám Pilát povedal, „Nenachádzam na Ňom žiadnej viny.“

92        A potom prichádza cirkev. Teraz sú nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. Potom, ako Ho politický svet prepustil aby spolupracoval s tým istým duchom, ktorý bol v cirkvi, ktorý bol v politike; aby sa ukázalo, že ak tu satan prehral svoj boj, stále má niečo v rezerve, mohol padnúť rovno naspäť do cirkvi. A oni Ho ukrižovali, pretože boli nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. A povedali, „Vydaj nám Barabáša namiesto Ježiša.“ Vidíte, ako to urobili?

93        Dnes to je rovno pred našimi očami, tá istá vec, a bola a vždy bude: nútení učiniť rozhodnutie.

94        No, keď boli nútení učiniť rozhodnutie, Pilát vo svojom srdci vedel, že keď ich vydal – keď vydal Ježiša cirkvi, on vedel, že cirkev bola tá, ktorá Ho vydala, aby bol ukrižovaný; a ak Ho vydá naspäť cirkvi, cirkev Ho ukrižuje. Takže Pilát nie je ospravedlnený. Vzal vodu a pokúšal sa zo svojich rúk zmyť Kristovu Krv, ale nedokázal to urobiť.

95        Od toho času, tu hore vo Švédsku, alebo lepšie povedané v Švajčiarsku, kde Pilát o pár rokov neskôr prišiel ku svojmu koncu, stratil rozum, stal sa šialený, skočil do diery s vodou, aby si vzal život... Existuje legenda, ktorá hovorí, že o tretej hodine poobede z dna toho jazera vychádza hore modrá voda. Ľudia sa tam zhromažďujú z celého sveta, aby sa na to dívali. O tretej hodine, tá modrá voda, ktorá vyzerá ako indigo, vychádza hore odniekiaľ z dna, zachveje sa na vrchnej hladine vody a smeruje naspäť dole, aby sa ukázalo, že žiadna voda nedokáže zmyť Krv Ježiša Krista zo žiadnych ľudských rúk. On je vinný.

96        A každý človek, ktorý kedy dal Krista na svoje ruky, neexistuje nič, čo by ju z nich dokázalo zmyť. Je len jedno, čo sa dá urobiť; a to je prijať To, veriť Tomu.

97        Synovia satana, synovia Kaina prenasledovali synov Božích, vydávali ich na smrť. To je to, čo urobili Ábelovi. To je to, čo urobili Ježišovi. To je to, čo robili prorokom. To je to, čo v nich je, aby to znova robili, a oni to budú robiť, akonáhle sa pre nich otvorí cesta, aby to robili.

98        Pamätajte, zaplietli sme sa do rôznych vecí a urobili sme veľa hlúpostí a to odviedlo ľudí z cesty Evanjelia a od histórie, a od toho, čo sa má stať. A tu tomu znova čelíme, rovno tu v našom národe a nie je nič, čo by sme s tým mohli urobiť. Ale potom poviete, „Brat Branham, tak prečo potom proti tomu hovoríš?“ Tak isto, ako nemôžem zastaviť hriech; ale môžem proti tomu vydať svoj hlas. A to je presne to, čo teraz robím proti hriechu a proti zlým veciam. Urobili sme zle a budeme žať to, čo sme zasiali, presne tak.

99        Odvtedy, ako mali v Middletowne pojednávanie, priviedli spolu kňaza, baptistického kazateľa a presbyteriánskeho kazateľa, radili sa ohľadom týchto školských fondov. A ten kňaz súhlasil, že protestanti platili dane rovnako ako katolíci, a že fondy by mali byť dané obom stranám, a povedal, „To, čo by sme mali urobiť, je vytvoriť jednu školu, katolícku školu.“ Ó, iste, dostať tie deti, keď sú malé. Ó, ó, čo za vec.

100        A ako tam zhromaždili tých ľudí a predniesli tam túto vec len kvôli politike. Ako – nedokážem to pochopiť. Ale tu sme, rovno tu v toto Veľkonočné ráno. A práve tá vec, práve ten dôvod, prečo sme prišli do tejto krajiny, stali sme sa Američanmi, bol, aby sme mali náboženskú slobodu, a že sme nesúhlasili s tým Jezábeľským systémom, a otočili sme sa rovno späť a zvolili sme to na pódiu rovno tam v Bielom Dome, práve tú vec, kvôli ktorej sme sem prišli, aby sme od toho boli slobodní. Ó, je to hrozný stav, v ktorom teraz žijeme, viete to: duchovná cirkev, pretože je to zapredané.

101        Vydali Ho na smrť, zabili Ho práve tak, ako to urobili spravodlivému Ábelovi. Prečo Ábel zabil – bol zabitý? Pretože vo svojom srdci mal zjavenie, čo Boh príjme, čo je potrebné na vykúpenie človeka z hriechu. Práve preto Ježiša vydali na smrť, pretože v Ňom bolo zjavenie toho, čo je potrebné, aby Boh odstránil hriech. Práve z toho dôvodu sú dnes proti skutočnej Cirkvi živého Boha, pretože káže liek na hriech, veci, ktoré spôsobujú, že ľudia žijú odlišne, správajú sa odlišne.

102        A keď to prinesiete rovno do cirkvi, v ktorej dnes žijeme, do našich letničných skupín, oni odišli rovno naspäť a robia tú istú vec, z ktorej boli oslobodení. To dokazuje, že niekde niečo nie je v poriadku. Liek na hriech. Prišlo to veľmi zľahka; vkĺzlo to dnu práve tak ako – no, práve tak ako pod rúškom pravého letničného náboženstva. Ale ak to neprodukuje ten správny výrobok, ak to neprodukuje ten správny tovar, niečo s tým niekde nie je v poriadku.

103        Ako môže tekvica rodiť melóny? Ona to nedokáže. Ako môže vinič rodiť broskyne? On ich nerodí. Ak rodí broskyne, potom je v tom viniči život broskyňového stromu.

104        A to je to, čo dnes vieme. Ak cirkev, nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi vyznáva, že je Cirkvou živého Boha, ak neprináša Boha podľa staromódneho spasenia, ak neprivádza ľudí naspäť do skutočného spasenia Božieho (a to medzi nimi ukazuje Boha, ktorý medzi nimi žije), potom to je nesprávna vec, neprináša to ten Život, o ktorom Kristus povedal, že ho prinesie.

105        Kristus zomrel na Golgote. Ako On išiel hore na ten kríž... Čítal som tu prednedávnom malú knižku, ktorá sa týkala nejakého druhu výskumu, a v tomto výskume som našiel niečo najviac prekvapujúce. Sadol som si, položil som knihu a zodvihol som ruky a chválil Boha, postavil som sa a trochu som chodil dookola, sadol som si a čítal to znova. Pomyslel som si, „Ó, či je tomu tak, že na tomto istom kopci, kde bol ukrižovaný Ježiš; Adam zomrel a bol pochovaný na tom istom kopci, na ktorom zomrel Ježiš, a bol pochovaný na tom istom kopci, na ktorom zomrel Adam; zomrel na Golgote a bol pochovaný na Golgote.“ Pomyslel som si, „Aké to je vhodné, či už to bola pravda, alebo nie.“

106        Povedzme, že to bola pravda. Potom prvý Adam zomrel a bol pochovaný, a zatiaľ tam v tom prachu, pretože reprezentoval svet a ľudí v hriechu. Ale Druhý Adam súc Bohom nebies, keď On zomrel na Golgote, nebolo dosť zeme, ktorá by Ho tam zadržala; On na tretí deň povstal a je navždy živý. Ale problém hriechu zostal vyriešený. Boh vyriešil ten problém hriechu tam na Golgote; to je to miesto, kde dlh zostal zaplatený. Keď tento Adam, Druhý Adam zomrel, zaplatil dlh hriechu za ľudskú rasu.

107        A svet Ho vložil do hrobu a zapečatil Ho v tom hrobe.

108        A oni dnes budú robiť to isté. Dnes sa snažia robiť to isté. Nechcem, aby ste prehliadli toto: Svet sa snaží (a po celý čas to bude horšie) znova zapečatiť Krista v hrobke. Snažia sa z Neho urobiť historického Boha; Toho, ktorý kráčal v dávnych dňoch a dával učeníkom moc uzdravovať nemocných a vyháňať diablov.

109        Ale čo urobili? Akonáhle si mysleli, že sa Ho zbavili, práve tak, ako to urobil Kain, keď si myslel, že sa zbavil Ábela, oni Ho zapečatili v hrobe a dali Ho tam.

110        A dnes sa snažia zadržať Krista v hrobke. Ale, ó, čo vykonalo Veľkonočné ráno. Veľkonočné ráno zruinovalo celú ich teológiu. A keď ku ľuďom prišlo Veľkonočné ráno, sem ku Cirkvi o 1900 rokov neskôr, a to zruinovalo ich teológiu. On nie je mŕtvy; On je navždy živý. Nedokážu Ho zadržať v žiadnom hrobe. Môžete Ho vložiť do metodistického hrobu alebo do baptistického hrobu alebo do hrobu presbyteriánov alebo do čohokoľvek. Ale On povstal z toho hrobu a je dnes živý. Mal som baptistický hrob a vy ste mohli mať hrob metodistov, ale jedného dňa odtiaľ Ježiš povstal, z historického Boha ku tomu živému, prítomnému Bohu, ktorý je navždy živý.

111        Niečo sa v to Veľkonočné ráno stalo. Bola to Pečať; Pečať ubezpečenia. Keď Ho vzali a dali Ho do hrobu a dali na jeho poklop rímsku pečať... Ale keď nastala tá hodina, keď nadišla tá hodina; On tam chvíľu zostal, to je pravda. On tam zostal tie tri dni a noci. Ale v ten stanovený čas, o ktorom hovorilo Písmo (Haleluja.), v ten čas, kedy On povedal, „Zničte toto telo a na tretí deň ho vzkriesim.“ Potom neexistuje nič, čo môže zastaviť to Písmo; Muselo sa to vyplniť. A tá pečať zostala zlomená a On povstal, ten istý Ježiš, znovu živý naveky.

112        A po dobu nejakých 1900 rokov, alebo možno poviem 1400 alebo 1500 rokov, Ho cirkvi mali zapečateného preč. Ale On povedal, „Stane sa v posledných dňoch, hovorí Boh...“ Nič to nezastaví. To bude... „V čase večera bude Svetlo. Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť. V čase večera bude Svetlo.“ Nestarám sa o to, koľko pečatí sa na to snažíte umiestniť, Boh zlomí každú pečať. On zlomil pečať hrobu; zlomil pečať pekla; zlomil pečať smrti. On zlomil pečať hrobu a navždy povstal, zvíťazil nad hrobom, smrťou, peklom, hrobkami a nad každou človekom vytvorenou vecou, ktorá tam bola, aby ukázal, že On je Boh a nemôže byť už viac zapečatený preč od ľudí. Boh, navždy... Nič Ho nedokáže zadržať; hrob nemôže byť vykopaný dostatočne hlboko; peklo nemôže byť dostatočne horúce. Ó, nič Ho nemohlo zadržať. On zlomil každú pečať s tou veľkolepou vianočnou pečaťou, alebo nie vianočnou pečaťou, ale Veľkonočnou Pečaťou, ktorou bol On zapečatený. A On povedal, „Tú istú Pečať, ktorú nosím, vy tiež budete nosiť, lebo... A táto Pečať, ktorú nosím, bude robiť tie isté veci, keď vy budete zapečatení. Lebo ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím, on tiež bude činiť; dokonca väčšie ako tieto bude činiť, lebo Ja idem ku Otcovi.“

113        Ako to zadržíte? Čo urobíte... Čo s tým ľudia môžu robiť? Môžete... Ste nútení k rozhodnutiu, aby ste učinili svoje rozhodnutie ohľadom toho, čo s Tým urobíte. Je to presne tak.

114        No, zisťujeme, že On – žiadna pečať Ho nedokázala zadržať, On vyšiel von. Boh zlámal tú pečať, pečať hrobky; zlámal pečať smrti; zlámal pečať pekla; zlámal pečať hrobu a víťazoslávne vyšiel von. Čo to urobilo? Tá veľkolepá Pečať, ktorá bola v Jeho vnútri. Oni mohli zničiť to telo, ale nikdy nemohli zničiť tú Pečať. [Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]... zničili jedného proroka, povstal tam ďalší. Stále pokračovali v ničení. Ale potom im Boh dal niečo, čo nemohli zničiť. To je nadprirodzený Duch; To je Sám Duch Svätý, a On je neomylný a nezničiteľný. To nemôže byť zničené. To bude žiť ďalej a ďalej a ďalej. A pretože On žije, my žijeme s Ním; pretože sme zapečatení do Tela Pána Ježiša Krista. Nijakým spôsobom, nijakým spôsobom nemôžeme byť nikdy zničení, nemôžeme zahynúť, ale máme večný Život. Amen. Božie veľké roztrhanie tých pečatí...

115        On taktiež rozlámal inú pečať, o ktorej tu chcem hovoriť a nachádza sa v 2. Knihe Mojžišovej. Avšak nebudem mať čas ísť do Písem, ale On... Nachádzame to v Knihe Exodus... Keď človek zhrešil a oddelil sa od Prítomnosti Božej a prišiel, aby uctieval Boha, bola tam opona, ktorá visela medzi svätyňou a svätyňou svätých. Vo vnútri svätyne svätých bola Sláva Shekinah. Nebolo im dovolené, aby tam vošli. Nebolo im dovolené sa na to ani pozrieť. A človek, ktorý išiel tam do vnútra, raz za rok, musel byť pomazaný, správne oblečený, krv na ňom, krv v jeho ruke, krv v miske, aby pokropil trón milosti. Sláva Shekinah bola taká veľká, až tak, že keď tam v jednom roku stratil palicu, vyšiel von bez (našiel, odišiel) toho, že by vyniesol palicu. A keď sa vrátil späť, ona už prišla do života a vypučala a boli na nej všade kvety, pretože ležala v Prítomnosti Slávy Shekinah. Ale bola tam opona, ktorá medzi tým visela, pretože na ľuďoch bol hriech.

116        Ale, ó, brat, keď to v ten deň bolo pofŕkané Krvou Ježiša Krista, Duch Boží roztrhol pečať zhora nadol a priviedol človeka naspäť. Nie len, aby ho zadržal preč od Prítomnosti Božej, ale On ho priviedol naspäť do Slávy Shekinah, do Prítomnosti Boha; že až on – jeho mŕtvy život ...

117        Ježiš povedal, „Ak toto robili na zelenom Strome, čo budú robiť na suchom?“ A ak to robili Jemu, ktorý je zeleným Stromom so Životom, čo to bude pre ten starý mŕtvy formálny strom, ktorý nemá žiaden Život (Rozumiete?), teraz, keď bude vyliaty Boží hnev? Ako to ten starý mŕtvy formálny strom môže vydržať, keď zelený Strom, dokonca to zahubilo ten zelený Strom a poslalo Ho to do pekla? Boží hnev vyliaty kvôli neposlušnosti hriechu poslal ten zelený Strom do pekla, čo to urobí tomu suchému stromu, keď ho to udrie? „Ak spravodlivý bude horko-ťažko zachránený, kde sa ukáže hriešnik a bezbožník?“ Tá osoba, ktorá odmieta túto Cestu, tá osoba, ktorá o tom dobre vie, tá osoba, ktorej to bolo zjavené, a on stále odmieta kráčať Božou Cestou, čo sa stane tej osobe? Čo to bude?

118        Áno, On zlomil pečať, ktorá nás držala od Slávy Shekinah, pretože hriech bol ukončený.

119        No. A teraz, pečať je znamenie dokončenej práce. A vieme, že pečať; je to, ako keď idete zapečatiť vlakový vagón, no, vložia do toho všetku prácu a všetko tam naložia, a potom je to zapečatené až do svojho miesta určenia. Každá pečať je dokončeným dielom. Keď napíšete listinu, potom je na konci zapečatená. Nezapečatíte ju, kým nie je dokončená.

120        No, krv kôz a jalovíc, a tak ďalej, nemohla odobrať hriech. Ale keď toto bolo dokončené na Golgote, to odobralo hriech.

121        No, dávajte pozor. V záhrade Eden, aby ľuďom bolo zabránené dostať sa naspäť ku tomu Stromu, Boh tam postavil Anjela ako pečať, s mečom, ktorý sa točil všetkými smermi, aby strážil ten Strom. A keď on vykonal svoje uctievanie a prišiel dole... Pamätajte teraz, Kto bol pri tom Strome? Kto bol tým Stromom? To bol Ježiš.

122        Strom smrti bola vaša matka; ona vás priviedla sem do pozemského života. Kristus je narodenie skrze duchovný Život. Všetko, čo žije skrze ženu, zomrie; všetko, čo je narodené z Muža, žije. Všetko, čo prichádza prostredníctvom ženy, je prirodzené; všetko, čo prichádza od Muža, je duchovné, nie od muža odtiaľto, od Muža Krista Ježiša.

123        A pozorujte ten Strom, strážený; nedalo sa dostať späť, pretože tam nebola náležitá obeť, ktorá by vzala preč hriech. A tak, keď prišli, aby uctievali, Sláva Shekinah bola za oponou, bola od nich zapečatená. Bola od nich zapečatená od záhrady Eden.

124        Ale keď prišiel deň Letníc, brat, keď tam Ježiš zomrel na kríži a dokončil dielo, On nezapečatil človeka vonku; On človeka zapečatil vo vnútri so Sebou Samým. A teraz sme zapečatení a zavretí v Prítomnosti Slávy Shekinah. Nielenže sme vo vnútri zapečatení, ale sme zapečatení večne. Amen. Ó, milujem to: teraz zapečatení vo vnútri. To je skutočná Veľkonočná Pečať, „Lebo jedným Duchom sme všetci zapečatení do jedného Tela.“

 Poviete, „Je Duch Svätý Pečaťou?“

125        V Efežanom 4:30 je povedané, „Nezarmucujte Božieho Svätého Ducha, ktorým ste zapečatení až do dňa vášho vykúpenia.“ To je skutočná, pravdivá Veľkonočná Pečať. Ukazuje, že za hriech zostalo zaplatené, pre teba, a Boh ťa prijal a si zapečatený do Krista Duchom Svätým. Hriech je zakončený. Večná Pečať zostala dokončená.

126        No, dnes sme vzkriesení. Prečo môžeme mať taký čas nad Božími vecami? Pretože sme vzkriesení. „Tých, ktorých predzvedel, tých povolal; tých, ktorých povolal, tých ospravedlnil; tých, ktorých ospravedlnil, tých oslávil.“ Takže teraz sme vzkriesení. Sme vzkriesení zvnútra von, nie zvonka dnu. Ó, všimli ste si, nie zapečatení takto vonku, ale zapečatení vo vnútri. Ó, ak by to len cirkev mohla vidieť. Vidíte, nie sme zapečatení vonku; sme zapečatení vo vnútri. Tie dni, keď bol hriech ohavnosťou pred Bohom a nebolo ničoho, čo by ho odobralo preč, boli sme zapečatení preč od toho. No, keď sa to roztrhlo vo dvoje a tá pečať zostala zlomená skrze obeť za hriech, ktorá bola za nás donesená, teraz sme pokrstení do vnútra a zapečatení dnu. Sme vzkriesení. Teraz sme vzkriesení, už vzkriesení. Ako vieš? Biblia tak povedala. Amen. Teraz sme vzkriesení. Teraz sme s Ním povstali v duchovnom vzkriesení. Čo znamená slovo „oživení?“ „Oživení“ znamená „vzkriesenie.“ Je to tak. Sme už rovno teraz vzkriesení, sedíme spolu v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi, tešíme sa z Veľkonočnej Pečate. Amen. To je Božia skutočná Veľkonočná Pečať. Ako sme? Jedným Duchom pokrstení do Tela a večne zapečatení. Duchovne sme teraz zostali vzkriesení. Z čoho sme zostali vzkriesení? Zo života hriechu; raz sme boli hriešnici a milovali sme svetské veci.

127        No, je mnoho ľudí, ktorí hovoria, že zostali vzkriesení, ale ich život dokazuje opak. Tvoj život dokazuje, čím si. „Po ich ovocí ich poznáte,“ povedal Ježiš. To je dôvod, prečo by sme sa nikdy nemohli oprieť o to, že človek rozpráva v jazykoch a povedať, že má Ducha Svätého. Neveríme tomu. Neexistuje na to žiadne Písmo. Nie veru. Muži hovoria v jazykoch a idú von a žijú ako svet. A ženy hovoria v jazykoch a strihajú si vlasy, nosia mejkap. Aha. Nemohli by ste povedať, že to bol Duch Svätý. Určite nie, istotne nie, istotne nie. Muž fajčí cigarety a ide sem von a žije so ženou iného muža, pobehuje naokolo, vyvádza, poviete, že to je Duch Svätý? Nie, nie, „Po ich ovocí ich poznáte. Skazený strom nemôže priniesť dobré ovocie, ani dobrý strom priniesť skazené ovocie.“

128        Sme zapečatení Duchom Svätým, Božou skutočnou Veľkonočnou Pečaťou. Sme zapečatení do Tela Kristovho, večne zapečatení; nie pečať na určitý úsek času, ale na večnosť. A teraz tá osoba, ktorá To prijala, zostala vzkriesená z mŕtvych, zo života hriechu. Čo to je? Jeho Duch zostal vzkriesený; jeho ambície zostali vzkriesené; jeho život zostal vzkriesený; on je novým stvorením. A prichádza spoločne so spoluobčanmi, ako sme my dnes ráno, aby sme sa modlili jeden za druhého a aby sme jeden druhému pomohli, aby sme jeden druhého povzbudili, a aby sme sedeli a boli zhromaždení v ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi, zapečatení Duchom Svätým. „Lebo vy ste mŕtvi a vás život je skrytý v Kristovi skrze Boha, zapečatení Duchom Svätým,“ povedalo Písmo. To je Písmo. No, vidíte, sme zapečatení Veľkonočnou Pečaťou, Veľkonočnou Pečaťou zmŕtvychvstania, ktorá potvrdila, že Jeho život a To, čo povedal, bola pravda.

 No, zisťujeme, že to bola kompletná práca; je to dokončené dielo. Božie zmŕtvychvstanie je dokončeným dielom. Duch Svätý je Božou Pečaťou dokončeného diela.

129        No, prichádzame ku Kristovi. Prvá vec, ktorú robíme, staneme sa ospravedlnenými skrze to, že v Neho veríme. Keď to urobíme, potom si uvedomujeme, že sme konali zle; prosíme Boha, aby nás posvätil; to nás očisťuje od nášho života hriechu: posolstvo Martina Luthera, ospravedlnenie. Potom prišiel Wesley s posvätením. A potom, keď je to všetko hotové a Jeho Cirkev je dokončená, čo je ďalšia vec? Dokončené dielo. Dokončené dielo je Pečaťou, že Cirkev bola dokončená.

130        Ako v pyramíde. Všimnite si dolárovú bankovku. Zmieňoval som sa o tomto, neviem, či som to niekedy robil tu v modlitebni, alebo nie. Všimnite si dolárovú bankovku, je to nazvané „veľká pečať.“ No, ako by ste mohli povedať, že Spojené štáty by mohli uznať, že tam v Egypte majú tú veľkú pečať, a tu na druhej strane je pečať Spojených štátov: orol? Prečo boli nútení učiniť tamto veľkou pečaťou, tou veľkou pečaťou? Pretože, ak si všimnete, rovno vzadu, hore nad pyramídou je malý kamenný blok a ten malý kamenný blok je štítovým kameňom a ten štítový kameň nebol nikdy umiestnený na pyramídu. Ona má otvorený vrchol, ak ste tam niekedy boli. Skrze milosť Božiu, ja som tam bol. Takže na tej pyramíde nie je žiaden vrchol. Čo to je? Enoch ju postavil pred potopou. Bol to pamätník; to je dôvod, prečo v čase potopy vôbec nebola zničená. Nič ju nezničilo, pretože to je pamätník.

131        No, ak si všimnete, smerom dolu ku spodku je široká; potom sa trochu viac zužuje do menšiny, a potom o trochu viac, a potom to smeruje ku štítovému kameňu. To je luteránsky vek, ospravedlnenie v cirkvi; posvätenie; potom krst Duchom Svätým. Ale ako sa to zužuje smerom k vrcholu, pokračuje to z Luteránskeho veku do Wesleyho veku, do letničného veku. Ale potom to opúšťa letničný vek, stále sa to zužuje hore, až sa to musí dostať do takého miesta, že všetky tie kamene sú tak vybrúsené, že až čepeľ žiletky...

132        Oni vážia tony a tony, tam hore. Ako ich vôbec dostali hore, to je stále pre človeka tajomstvom. Ale oni vezmú túto čepeľ žiletky a môžu prechádzať okolo a je to tak dokonale vybrúsené, že ani nedokážete vložiť žiletku tam, kde by mala byť malta. Tak dokonale sú tie kamene dané dokopy. A teraz, keď tento štítový kameň, do ktorého tieto kamene takto zapadajú, je akoby vsadený do tých uhlov, a tak ten štítový kameň príde na miesto a je rovno do toho vsadený... Nepotrebuje to žiadnu maltu; dokonale to zapadne.

133        No, to je to, čo Boh robí Svojej Cirkvi. On obrusuje ľudí a robí to tak dokonalým spôsobom, že keď prichádza ten Štítový Kameň, Kristus, to uvádza celú stavbu dokopy, a potom nastáva vzkriesenie celej veci, Cirkev odišla hore. Štítový Kameň...

134        No, sedíme spolu v nebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi. No, uvedomujeme si, že Ježiš, telo Ježiša bolo vychvátené od vzkriesenia. No, vieme, že Biblia hovorí o troch nebesiach. Vieme to, prvé nebo, druhé nebo a tretie nebo; verím, že to bol Pavol, ktorý bol vychvátený do tretieho neba a videl veci, o ktorých nemohol hovoriť. No, prvé nebo je nazvané v Písme ako oblaky; inými slovami, nižšie dolu, tu na tej zemskej pečati. No, keď tá atmosféra zhora nad oblakmi prichádza dolu do cirkvi, to je nebeské miesto. Potom za druhé nebesia je považovaná slnečná sústava. A tretie nebesia idú poza to.

135        No, zamyslime sa, len na chvíľu sledujte toto. No, objavilo sa tvrdenie, Einstein dokázal skrze vedu, že ak by dva objekty prichádzali jeden ku druhému ako dve autá, ktoré prichádzajú po ceste, a ak by išli dostatočne rýchlo (teraz by museli ísť naozaj rýchlo, asi ako miliardu míľ za sekundu), ale mohli by prejsť jedno cez druhé a vôbec by sa nič nenarušilo. Rýchlosť by to urobila. Prešli by rovno cez seba bez toho, že by sa niečo narušilo.

136        No, ak si teraz všimnete... Prednedávnom som tu stál na Mount Palomar, v Kalifornii, a pozoroval som tam ten teleskop, ktorý dokáže vidieť stodvadsať miliónov svetelných rokov vesmíru. Teraz sa zamyslite, stodvadsať miliónov svetelných rokov vesmíru, koľko míľ by to bolo, ak by sa to rozpísalo. Rozumiete?

137        Ale jednako, nebo je tak mnoho miliárd a miliárd a miliárd svetelných rokov poza tým, až tak, že sa to ani nedá predstaviť. Ako sa tam dostaneme? To je cestovanie; bude to ako s mysľou; je to tak rýchle. Bude to rýchlejšie... Ak ste si dokázali pomyslieť na nebo, to je to, ako rýchlo tam budete. Ježiš, po tom, ako bol vzkriesený, prechádzal rovno cez steny, rovno cez dvere, stál tam a jedol varenú rybu a medový plást. Haleluja. Rýchlosť. Len čo život odíde z tohto tela, sme tam v Prítomnosti Božej. Poznáme to len ako stopy a palce, yardy a míle, a tak ďalej; sme v tomto systéme zviazanom so zemou. Ale to tu opustíme, brat, ó, čo za čas.

138        Ako som minulý večer hovoril o Abrahámovi a jeho Semene po ňom, ako to Boh ukázal cez Abraháma, ako ospravedlnil Abraháma, 12. kapitola Genesis. A na – takto ďalej, 16. kapitola, ako On potvrdil tú zmluvu skrze posvätenie. V 17. kapitole ho nechal, aby sal z Jeho pŕs, aby natiahol do seba Ducha Svätého. A potom ho On potvrdil alebo umiestnil ho (ako ste ma počuli kázať kázeň „Jeho počúvajte“), vzal Abraháma von a zmenil jeho meno z Abrama na Abraháma, dal mu časť Svojho Mena, Elohim, h-a-m. Nato zisťujeme, že po tomto sa Abrahámovi zjavil.

139        No, pre jeho Semeno, sledujte, ako to On urobil tým istým spôsobom so Semenom. Semeno Abraháma prichádza cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým; manifestácia Jeho Mena, odhalenie toho, Kým On je (to zjavenie Koho? Ježiša Krista), krst v Jeho Mene, a tak ďalej, to zjavenie, delí sa so Svojím Menom so Svojou Cirkvou, vyvolal ich von. Čo potom robil? V tej istej Cirkvi, ktorú nazval Svojím Menom, Ježišovým Menom, čo On urobil? On sa zjavil v tej istej forme, v akej sa zjavil Abrahámovi, bol schopný rozpoznávať duchov za Ním. Vidíte? Zjavil sa v tom istom Mene, v tej istej veci, v tej istej forme. Sme práve na konci cesty.

140        Všimnite si teraz, čo sa stalo. Keď to On urobil, to bol posledný znak, ktorý dal cirkvi predtým, ako prišla do cirkvi zmena, ku Abrahámovi a Sáre. No, keď ten Anjel povedal to tajomstvo, žena (Cirkev, ktorú reprezentovala), ona tomu mohla sotva veriť, len sa sama v sebe smiala. Vidíte, ona mala sto rokov; medzi ňou a Abrahámom to prestalo byť tak, ako to býva pri manželovi a manželke. Rozumiete, čo tým myslím, rodinné vzťahy, pravdepodobne dvadsať rokov predtým... No, v tejto veci boli mŕtvi. Sára... Abrahám bol takmer ako mŕtvy. Lono Sáry, takmer ako mŕtve, ale čo sa stalo? Čo sa udialo? Povedala, „Ako by som mohla, keď som už taká stará, a môj pán, nemáme... prestali sme... Boli sme – to už prestalo pred mnohými rokmi. Je to pre neho nemožné. Je to nemožné pre mňa. Ako to môžem urobiť?“ A smiala sa sama v sebe.

141        A ten Anjel povedal, „Prečo sa smiala? Prečo si to myslela vo svojom srdci? Prečo toto povedala?“ Dávajte teraz pozor, to bolo posledným znakom predtým, ako sa Sáre a Abrahámovi niečo stalo.

142        No, raz som tu kázal a povedal som vám, že Boh ich znova zmenil na mladého muža a ženu. Aby sme to dokázali, ona išla dolu; vybrali sa na malý výlet a išli dolu do Geráru a Abimelech, ten filištínsky kráľ, sa zamiloval do Sáry a chcel sa s ňou oženiť. A, samozrejme, ona bola opäť mladou ženou, krásna. A všimnite si, On niečo musel urobiť; On ju musel zmeniť. Nevrátil ich len naspäť na mladého muža a ženu, jeho a ju; On neurobil to; pretože, ak by boli takí, existovala by tam tá istá vec. Rozumiete, oni by prišli... Pretože on sa s ňou oženil, keď mala okolo šestnásť rokov, on bol len mladý muž, a oni celý svoj život žili bez detí. Ak by ich len vrátil naspäť, no, mohli by znova urobiť tú istú vec. Ale On musel urobiť niečo iné; musel ich zmeniť, aby tak mohli mať tohto zasľúbeného syna, zasľúbeného syna, ktorého išli prijať. Ale On musel premeniť celé ich ústrojenstvo, obrátiť ich znova na mladých a premeniť ich, aby prijali syna.

143        Toto isté ide urobiť ako ďalšie, po tom... A pamätajte, po tom znaku, ktorý bol Abrahámovi a jeho skupine plne zamanifestovaný, tá ďalšia vec, ktorá prišla, bola premena. Rozumiete? No, my sme uvideli všetko cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým, umiestnenie syna a Jeho znamenia a zázraky stojac v Jeho prítomnosti, kde rozpoznával myšlienky srdca, a tak ďalej, ako povedal, „Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka.“ Vidíme, ako sa to práve teraz deje. Čo bola tá ďalšia vec? Premena tela. No, to ukazuje, že toto – my vyhliadame očakávaného Syna. Sláva. Je to správne? Nemôžeme Ho stretnúť v týchto telách. Ak sa zmeníme naspäť na mladých mužov a ženy, stále Ho nemôžeme stretnúť, pretože Ho musíme stretnúť v povetrí. Musí sa udiať ešte niečo okrem toho, že budeme zmenení naspäť na mladých mužov a ženy; musíme byť premenení a vychvátení do povetria, aby sme Ho stretli. A tá ďalšia vec, ktorá prichádza, je vytrhnutie Cirkvi a premena tela spiacich svätých, aby sme stretli Pána Ježiša v povetrí.

144        Ó, pamiatka Veľkej noci, tí, ktorí sú zapečatení Duchom Svätým inam? No, pri bráne Edenu, človek bol zapečatený preč od Boha, na letnice bol večne zapečatený do Boha. On už viac nevchádza ani nevychádza; on je tam nadobro. Sledujte, „Jedným Duchom sme pokrstení do jedného tela skrze Ducha Svätého.“ Je to tak? Na ako dlho sme potom zapečatení? Do dňa nášho vykúpenia. On viac nevychádza von za vecami toho sveta. „Lebo si mŕtvy a tvoj život je skrytý v Bohu skrze Krista, zapečatený dnu skrze Ducha Svätého.“ Ó, čo za nádherné Písmo: zapečatený do Krista skrze Ducha Svätého.

145        Potom, keď Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych, človek bol znova nútený učiniť svoje rozhodnutie, „Či On vstal, alebo nevstal?“ A čo urobili? Urobili to isté, čo urobili na tom falošnom súde, politika a cirkev spolu; pretože politická a náboženská moc sa spojila práve tak, ako to urobili vtedy.

146        Práve tak isto, ako to idú urobiť v budúcnosti, a robia to rovno teraz, politika a náboženstvo. Achab bol celkom dobrý chlapík, ale Jezábeľ, on bol s ňou ženatý. Nehovorím, že prezident Kennedy nie je dobrým človekom, ale on je ženatý s tým Jezábeľským systémom. To nebol Achab, ktorý to robil; to bola Jezábeľ za tým trónom, ktorá to riadila. To je ten Jezábeľský systém, ktorý to tu ide zničiť. On to musí robiť, pretože je s ňou ženatý. Musí to prijať; musí to robiť; on je s ňou ženatý. Ó, ľudia, nemôžete vidieť, čo robia Písma? Nemôžete vidieť, kde tu v posledných dňoch stojíme?

147        No, všimnite si, človek po vzkriesení... Vidíte ten falošný súd, odovzdal to naspäť cirkvi, vedel, čo cirkev urobí. A čo ona vykonala, keď títo vojaci boli vystrašení a utiekli preč? Cirkev najala týchto vojakov a dali im peniaze, aby išli povedať, že Jeho učeníci prišli v noci a vzali Ho preč.

148        Potom sa vás chcem opýtať. Ak prišli v noci učeníci a vzali Ho preč, prečo nevzali rúcho, ktoré bolo na Ňom? Ak boli zlodeji a kradli, prečo tiež nevzali rúcho? Ale tá ľanová tkanina ležala rovno tam s obrúskom z Jeho tváre, tá ľanová tkanina ležala tam, kde bolo Jeho telo. On sa len pohol rovno cez to všetko a vyšiel do vzkriesenia. Nič nebolo porušené; práve tak, ako bol uložený, ležal takisto, ale On vystúpil z tej ľanovej tkaniny. Amen.

149        Vidíte, ale opäť falošný súd, falošné obvinenie... Prečo? Oni boli nútení; boli nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. Človek musel učiniť rozhodnutie. Cirkev musela povedať, „On vstal z mŕtvych,“ alebo, „On nevstal z mŕtvych.“ Amen.

150        Ó, zapnime teraz naše počutie, nasaďte si duchovné slúchadlo. Všimnite si, prišlo to do tej istej veci. Ľudia sa snažia nasledovať... Ako naše zhromaždenia, a hovoria... Dokonca som počul cirkvi, cirkev Kristovu, takzvanú, povedali, „Dám tisíc dolárov ktorémukoľvek človeku, ktorý môže ukázať jeden dôkaz vzkriesenia, či osobu, ktorá bola uzdravená.“ Vzal som k nim lekárov a oni tomu vôbec neverili. Prečo. Oni sú nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. Zapečatili sa v tom vonkajšom svete s Kainom, s nábožnými kultmi. Skutočná malá Cirkev Božia je v menšine a bude sa vždy pohybovať takým spôsobom, ale ona bude... Ako pretrpela tých tisícpäťsto rokov temných vekov?

151        Oni hovoria, „Rímska cirkev...“ Iste, rímska cirkev bola prvou letničnou cirkvou, katolícka cirkev ňou bola. Začala na letnice, ale potom sa chcela zorganizovať.

152        A ak by táto letničná cirkev vydržala ďalších dvetisíc rokov, boli by horší, než sú teraz katolíci. Dostávajú sa tak ďaleko od všetkého. Raz sa ma opýtali, „Ak prídeš na toto miesto, budeš kázať ohľadom žien, ktoré nosia mejkap, že by nemali nosiť šortky, nemali by nosiť tieto veci?“

153        Povedal som, „V tom prípade ma nežiadajte. Nie veru. Nežiadajte ma, aby som prišiel.“

 „Budeš to kázať?“ Dokonca povedali, „Či je to tvoja práca?“

154        Povedal som, „To sa týka Pána a ja som v Jeho službe.“ To je presne tak. Presne. A tak som len povedal...

 „Prečo to robíš? Či nie sú dnes iné veci?“

155        Povedal som, „Áno, ale nech to urobia, a potom budeme hovoriť o iných veciach.“ Vidíte? Rozumiete? Vidíte, nech je položený základ.

156        To je to, o čo ide. Snažíte sa vyskočiť na vrchol rebríka, pričom by ste mali byť ešte na spodku. Rozumiete? Začíname tu dolu; očistíme sa a začneme správne, a potom na tom môžeme stavať. V opačnom prípade nemôžete stavať, pretože akýkoľvek základ, ktorý nie je založený na princípoch Krista, zlyhá. A Biblia povedala, „Pre ženu to je neprávosťou, aby nosila oblečenie, ktoré patrí mužovi.“ To sa ani o trochu nezmenilo, ako sa Boh nezmenil. On je večný a Jeho myšlienky včera sú také isté ako dnes a budú navždy. Jeho Duch je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Jeho skutky sú tie isté včera, dnes i naveky. Jeho vykúpenie je to isté včera, dnes i naveky. A On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Neexistuje spôsob, ako to obísť. No, len keď to vyskúšaš, môžeš to posúdiť. Vieme to. Je to tak? Boh povedal, že bolo.

157        Človek bol nútený učiniť rozhodnutie. K čomu boli najprv nútení vo dňoch Krista? Čo boli nútení urobiť? Boli nútení, najprv, aby Ho prijali. On im ukazoval Svoje znamenie, Svoju Pečať; On bol Mesiáš. Ako to ukazoval? Presne tak, ako Biblia povedala, že to bude robiť. On bol Prorok a On rozpoznával myšlienky v ich mysli. A oni povedali, „On je diabol, Belzebub.“ Boli nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. Nemohli to viac zadržať.       

158        A ani letničná cirkev nemôže, ani baptisti, ani presbyteriáni. Duch Svätý má... Kristus povstal a On je v Cirkvi. A oni hovoria, „Tento človek krstí v Mene Ježiša. On verí, že nemusíte hovoriť v jazykoch kvôli Duchu Svätému, a takéto veci, že to nie je počiatočný dôkaz. On verí, že ženy – všetky naše ženy nosia takéto vlasy. Myslím, že to s tým nemá nič spoločné.“ Prečo potom Boh potvrdzuje, že toto je pravda? Zistite si, kde to je.

159        Oni odmietli Jeho Mesiášstvo, keď im ukázal, že je Mesiáš. Boli nútení niečo povedať.

160        A tak to je s nimi dnes, zavrhujú to, nebudú to sponzorovať a umývajú si od toho ruky. Sú nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. Neexistuje žiadna stredná cesta. Sme v čase konca. Človek je nútený buď To prijať, alebo To odmietnuť. Musíš To prijať, alebo To odmietnuť. Amerika je nútená. Branhamova modlitebňa je nútená. Letniční sú nútení, metodisti. Všade je vyvíjané to nútenie. Musíš To buď prijať, alebo To odmietnuť. Boh potvrdil Svoje Slovo, ukazuje Svoje znamenia, podporuje Svoju službu, presne ukazuje, čím On je, skrze to, že dokazuje, že je Bohom. Ježiš povedal, „Ak nečiním skutky Môjho Otca, potom Mi neverte.“ Presne tak. „Ale ak činím skutky Otca, potom verte tým skutkom.“ Tak vidíte. Vidíte, oni nemôžu, nedokážu na Tom nič nájsť, pretože To je pravda. Prečo To potom neprijmú? Je to kvôli denominácii. Nedokážu to prijať, a tak sú teraz nútení, aby ukázali svoje farby.

161        A len pred pár dňami v Ohio, tie isté cirkvi, ktoré ma pred rokom sponzorovali; kvôli tomu, že som to napadol a ukázal, že je to nesprávne, žiadna z nich nespolupracovala, okrem jednej cirkvi, brat Sullivan. Povedal som, „Stále mám tú istú ruku; stále máme tie isté nohy; stále mám to isté Posolstvo; stále som brat Branham. Aký je so mnou problém?“ To nie som ja. Duch Svätý stále hovorí; Duch Svätý robí stále tie isté skutky; On to stále ukazuje. Ale vy ste nútení. Je to tak. Oni sú nútení. A ten veľký Duch Svätý padá rovno do ich stredu, hovorí Slová a hovorí veci, ktoré vtedy povedal. Oni potom stále...

162        Pozrite sa sem, čo sa minule udialo v Kalifornii. Myslím, že to tu môžem nájsť; tu to mám. Bolo to na raňajkách v Clifftonovej jedálni. A tam, baptistický brat... Potom, keď som skončil kázať, roztrhal som tie cirkvi na kusy, povedal som im, ako robia zle, a veci, ktoré robia, odmietajú Boha. Tento baptistický brat vyšiel hore a objal ma, aby sa modlil. A keď to urobil, začal hovoriť ako v jazykoch. Keď on... No, on je baptista, nič o tom nevie. Keď skončil, povedal...

163        A žena z Louisiany, Francúzka, ktorá sedela tam vzadu, povedala, „To nebol neznámy jazyk; to bola francúzština.“ A sedela tam iná žena zo Švajčiarska, z Lausanne, ktorá hovorila po francúzsky (Bol som tam.), povedala, že ona to preložila správne. Tu prišiel mladý muž, ktorý prišiel tade dole (Nikdy som ho nevidel; nikto ho nikdy nevidel.); on bol prekladateľom francúzštiny pre OSN, povedal, „Presne tak, je to správne,“ povedal...

164        A tento človek hovorí, a viete, tento človek; poviem vám za chvíľu jeho meno. On sa volal Henry... Hneď si spomeniem na jeho priezvisko; myslím, že tu je to napísané. Neviem. Je to v >Hlase Obchodníkov, asi. Ale on... Ó, áno, „Danny Henry.“ No, to je... Nemôžem si spomenúť na tú filmovú hviezdu. [Niekto hovorí, „Marilyn Monroe?“ – pozn.prekl.] Nie, to nie je Marilyn. Méda... Jane Russell, bratranec Jane Russell. A on vyšiel hore a objal ma, aby sa vyjadril ku tomu, čo som hovoril, a tu sú slová, ktoré povedal. Povedal, „Tá kázeň by sa mohla vložiť do Knihy Zjavenia.“ Povedal, „Je to správne.“ Povedal, „Chcem sa za teba modliť, brat Branham.“ Objal ma a začal hovoriť vo francúzštine, a nič o tom nevedel.

165        A tu bol výklad, on to tu má zapísané vo forme dokumentu, a tak ďalej. Je tam povedané, „Ja, Viktor D-e-D-o-w-x,“ francúzske meno, „som Francúz,“ a tak ďalej, „a bol som tam, keď Danny (Ako sa nazýva?) – Danny Henry, vyniesol toto posolstvo nad bratom Branhamom, 11. februára, 1961.“ On žije na „809 North King's Road, Los Angeles 64.“ Počúvajte, čo je tu napísané.

Pretože si si vybral tú úzku cestu... (No, sledujte, môžem to pochopiť. Je tam časť, ktorú nechápem.) Pretože si si vybral tú úzku cestu, tú ťažšiu cestu; vykročil si na základe svojho vlastného rozhodnutia.

166        Môžem to pochopiť. Rozumiete? Vidíte, sám sa rozhoduješ. Mojžiš učinil svoju vlastnú voľbu; on to nemusel urobiť. Ani ja som si nemusel zvoliť túto cestu. Mohol som mať tam vonku veľké budovy, ako niektorí z nich majú. Mohol som byť všade v televízii. Ale kto by ma v tom sponzoroval, keby som trhal práve tú nadáciu. Ale je jedna vec, nikomu sa nemusím klaňať k nohám, okrem Pánovi Ježišovi Kristovi. Je to tak. Áno. Kážem To, čo hovorí Biblia. Nemusím robiť kompromis s ich organizáciami, pretože nepatrím do nich. Učinil som voľbu. Práve tak, ako to tam hore On povedal, „Ako som bol s Mojžišom, tak budem s tebou.“ A On dal Mojžišovi dve znamenia potvrdenia na dokázanie. A Mojžiš učinil svoju vlastnú voľbu. Vidíte, Mojžiš učinil svoju vlastnú voľbu. A tak, je jednoduché porozumieť to (Rozumiete?), „Vybral si si...“ Pretože si si vybral tú úzku cestu, tú ťažšiu cestu; vykročil si na základe svojho vlastného rozhodnutia.

167        No, tu, teraz tento človek, sledujte teraz, ako to je napísané, môžete to vidieť napísané v cudzích slovách.

168        Urobil si správne a jasné rozhodnutie a to je Moja cesta. (Nech je požehnaný Boh. „To je Moja cesta,“ On povedal.)

Za toto dôležité rozhodnutie ťa čaká obrovská porcia neba. (On nikdy nepočul o tom videní, vidíte, ktoré skrátka... Pamätáte si to videnie.)... čaká ťa obrovská porcia neba. Čo za slávne rozhodnutie si učinil. (Vidíte?)

169 Toto samo o sebe... (No, tu je... Odtiaľto nerozumiem.) Toto samo o sebe je to... (sú okolo toho veľké zátvorky)... čo dá a spôsobí, že nastane ohromné víťazstvo v láske Božej.

Neviem, čo znamená to, „toto spôsobí, že nastane.“ Pravdepodobne On to dá vedieť v jednom z týchto dní v tom malom stane, ktorý tam bude prichystaný.

170        Prečo? Nie preto, že to musíme robiť, nie preto, že to je len ľahká cesta... Môžeš byť populárny; každý ťa bude tľapkať po chrbte, peniaze môžu plynú odvšadiaľ, vďaka rádiu alebo televíziám, a tak ďalej. Oni povedali, že to môžu vziať a dať to do televízie. Neverím, že je to správne brať Božie veci a vystavovať ich tam na takých vulgárnych svetských veciach. Neverím vo všetko toto vychvaľovanie, a keď robia z toho to, čím to nie je. Verím, že to treba proste nechať tak, ako Boh ... On je Boh, nechajte Ho s tým robiť to, čo chce. My sme služobníci, len slúžme Pánovi, robme to len tak, ako to povedal Boh.

171        Človek, uprostred toho všetkého, jednako je nútený učiniť rozhodnutie. Oni boli nútení učiniť rozhodnutie, keď tu na zemi bol Kristus, pretože On im dokázal, že bol Mesiáš. Je to tak? A oni boli nútení, a ako Ho nazvali? Belzebub, veštec. Potom Jeho – prostredníctvom Jeho znamenia, Pečate, na Veľkú noc to Boh dokázal, že On Ho vzbudil z mŕtvych. Po všetkých týchto ďalších veciach, On Ho vzbudil z mŕtvych.

172        No, Cirkev, ktorá tvrdí, že má Ducha Svätého, Boží dôkaz toho, že si prešiel zo smrti do Života, lebo staré veci pominuli a veci sa stali pre teba novými. To je Boží dôkaz vzkriesenia. Nie si taký, aký si zvykol byť; si premenený. Tam, kde si zvykol pochybovať o Božom Slove; na každé Slovo, ktoré hovorí Božie Slovo, ty hovoríš, „Amen.“ Vidíš, niečo sa ti stalo. To je len prvá forma vzkriesenia; Duch vo vnútri.

173        No, letnice... Po letniciach, keď títo ľudia prijali Ducha Svätého, človek bol opäť nútený ku tomu, aby učinil rozhodnutie, „Je To od Boha, alebo To nie je od Boha?“ A čo povedali? „To sú heretici. To je šialené. Sú v sebaklame.“ Dokonca Agrippa povedal Pavlovi, „Si šialený.“ „Šialený“ znamená „blázon.“

174        A čo povedal Pavol? „Cestou, ktorú nazývajú bludárstvom, to je cesta (spôsob), ako uctievam Boha.“ On mal Veľkonočnú Pečať. Bol tam, keď sa niečo stalo. Som šťastný, že si s ním môžem dnes ráno v srdci podať ruky a povedať, „Pavol...“ Prečo? Kázali sme to isté Slovo. Pavol im nariadil, aby sa dali znova pokrstiť v Ježišovom Mene po tom, ako boli pokrstení inými slovami. Povedal, „Ak by anjel z neba hovoril niečo iné, nech je prekliaty.“ On kázal Božské uzdravenie. Kázal moc vzkriesenia. Kázal Ježiša Krista, Toho istého včera, dnes i naveky. Videnia a moci a nasledovali ho manifestácie Ducha.

175        Budete musieť mať to isté Posolstvo, tú istú vec, nie teológiu, nie nejaké cirkevné aktivity, ale moc Božiu, letnice, a tú istú Pečať. Pečať Svätého Ducha, Božia skutočná Veľkonočná Pečať je poverovacími listinami človeka. Presne tak. To sú tvoje práva prvorodenstva. Je to osvedčenie, že si prešiel zo smrti do Života a Boh cez teba pracuje tak isto, ako to robil pri Pánovi Ježišovi, pretože to je tvoje osvedčenie. „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Choďte do celého sveta,“ po Veľkej noci, po letniciach, po tom, ako bola daná Veľkonočná Pečať vzkriesenia. Čo to bolo? Život, ktorý bol v Kristovi, ktorý bol vzkriesený, prišiel a oživil Jeho Cirkev a žije v Cirkvi, aby robil tie isté znamenia.

176        Dúfam, že to nejde ponad vaše hlavy. Dúfam, že vás nedržím príliš dlho, aby ste mali radosť z toho, čo chcem povedať. Rozumiete? Viem, že je to ťažké, pre vás, ktorí stojíte. Prosím, len pár minút; posnažte sa, ak môžete. Rozumiete, chcem, aby si pochopil túto vec, priateľu. Chcem, aby si videl to, čo je v mojom srdci, čo je tu tridsaťjeden rokov, odvtedy, čo som tam dávno do rohu položil ten malý uholný kameň. Vidíte, existuje pravda; snažil som sa na nej stáť. Vyšli z toho všetky rôzne vecí; je to tak; ale to takto stále bolo.

177        Čítal som o Martinovi Lutherovi, povedali, že to bola ťažká vec veriť, že mohol protestovať proti katolíckej cirkvi a vyjsť s tým. To bola veľká vec. Ale tá najväčšia vec bola to, ako mohol držať hlavu ponad fanatizmom, ktorý nasledoval jeho prebudenie, to je proste - Zostaň verný Biblii. Hovor to, čo hovorí Boh a nehovor nič iné; len zostaň rovno s Tým; kráčaj v priamom, konkrétnom rozhodnutí Božom. Namiesto... Ak Boh rozhodne, že to má byť takto, zostaňme rovno s tým. To je Jeho rozhodnutie. Amen. Tak veru. Tak veru.

178        Pečať Letníc je pre veriaceho poverovacími listinami, že prešiel zo smrti do Života, pretože prijal letničné požehnanie, Božiu Veľkonočnú Pečať pre Jeho Syna. On Svojho prvého Syna zapečatil Svätým Duchom. Je to tak? Pravda. A On zapečatil Svätým Duchom všetkých Svojich ostatných synov.

179        No, zistili sme tu, že teraz v tomto čase pečatenia, ako sa približuje čas konca... Je tu miesto, do ktorého by som chcel udrieť, o synoch – Kainovi synovia tam teraz boli nútení prísť do miesta, kde museli učiniť rozhodnutie. Vidíte, je to pre nich ťažké, učiniť ho, pretože ak to urobia, museli by sa vzdať svojich denominačných práv. Vidíte? Tak to urobili farizeji. Viete, farizeji učinili pri Ježišovi rozhodnutie, keď dokázal, že bol Mesiášom. A keď Svätý Duch potvrdil túto cestu, ktorá je nazvaná bludárstvom, potvrdil, že to je Duch Svätý, človek musí učiniť rozhodnutie. Nemôžu ostať stáť nečinní.

180        Raz večer som bol tu vonku, modlil som sa tam vonku v nemocnici za jednu chorú pani. A keď som išiel dolu, počul som niekoho zakričať, „Billy,“ a obzrel som sa. Bol to jeden z našich tunajších bratov; on sem chodí, Roy Slaughter. Stál o chodbu nižšie odo mňa a povedal, „Žena môjho brata je chorá. Vojdeš tam a pomodlíš sa za ňu, Billy?“

181        A povedal som, „Samozrejme.“

182        Išiel som tam a bola tam ešte jedna stará pani, asi šesťdesiatročná, ležala tam, vyzeralo to, že vedľa nej sedel jej syn. Po tom, ako som sa s nimi chvíľu rozprával, povedal som, „Môžeme... Budeme sa modliť.“

183        Povedala, „Zatiahnite ten záves.“

 A povedal som, „V poriadku.“ Povedal som, „Ste veriaca?“

 Povedala, „Som metodistka.“

 Povedal som, „To nie je to, na čo som sa pýtal.“ Povedal som, „Ste veriaca?“

 Povedala, „Som metodistka. My sme metodisti. Skrátka zatiahnite ten záves.“

184        Neurobil som to. Modlil som sa aj tak a modlil som sa za ňu, tak som sa modlil, aby ju Boh spasil. Ale to je to (Vidíte?), nie si Kresťan; ty si metodista. Vidíte? Nie si veriaci; si metodista. Vaše vlastné svedectvo to hovorí. Milosrdenstvo, pre zmilovanie, ako ďaleko môžete odpadnúť od Biblie?

 Veriaci, „A tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“

185        Si Kresťan? „Som metodista.“ To ukazuje, že nie si Kresťan.

 Si Kresťan? „Som z cirkvi Kristovej.“ To ukazuje, že nie si Kresťan.

186        Ty si Kresťanom preto, že si veriaci. A ak si veriaci, Ježiš povedal v 16. kapitole Marka, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí prijali Veľkonočnú Pečať, až do konca sveta.“ Je to tak; ty si veriaci.

187        A ľudia sú nútení; teraz sú nútení. Tá vec prebieha a oni sú nútení buď to prijať, alebo to odmietnuť. A čo robia? Odmietajú to.

188        Ale on to nemohol urobiť tam vtedy vo veku letničných, pretože letniční idú rovno naspäť a organizujú sa, prichádzajú, organizujú sa do tej istej veci, z ktorej boli vytiahnutí. Letnice vychádzajú von. Letnice nie sú organizáciou; letnice sú prežitím, ktoré prichádza ku veriacemu. Ale oni z toho urobili organizáciu a vykonali tú istú vec, kvôli ktorej tak tvrdo bojovali, aby sa z nej dostali von.

189        To isté urobil národ a politika, prišili sem zo slobody náboženstva, zo starej prostitútskej katolíckej náuky, a idú rovno naspäť a skrze slepotu politiky zvolili jedného zo svojich kľúčových ľudí, milionára, stal sa milionárom pomocou whiskey a zberby a svetských nezmyslov, ako sa stal milionárom, a dali ho na trón do Bieleho Domu so systémom katolicizmu za tým. Pričom tam nebol ešte ani šesť mesiacov a potvrdil, že to je pravda...

190        A letničná cirkev vyšla z organizácie a nazvali ich chladnými a formálnymi; a ich ženy, spôsob, ako sa správali; a muži, spôsob, akým konali. A letnice sa zorganizovali a vzali ducha a odišli rovno naspäť do toho. Prečo? Aby mohla zostať ukázaná tá skutočná Cirkev Božia vo svojej moci a svojej sile. Ste nútení tomu veriť. Ste nútení to buď prijať, alebo to odmietnuť. Sláva Bohu. Je to pred vami a nemôžete to zaprieť. Musíte povedať áno alebo nie. Neexistuje spôsob, ako sa tomu vyhnúť. Tak veru.

 Áno, sú nútení. Neexistuje žiadna stredná cesta. Celý svet to musí buď prijať, alebo odmietnuť. A takto je to dnes.

191        No, zistili sme, že po Veľkej noci im Ježiš v Markovi 16 povedal, „Choďte do celého sveta a kážte Evanjelium; tieto znamenia budú nasledovať.“ A človek... Boh potom Svojou mocou tú vec pre nich vyplnil. Iní museli vidieť, že tí ľudia niečo majú. A to trvalo tristošesť rokov po smrti Krista. Čo prišlo potom do cirkvi? Oni boli katolíci (To je úplná pravda.), letniční katolíci. Slovo „katolícka“ znamená „univerzálna.“ Celá cirkev je univerzálna. A oni boli letniční.

192        Čo potom urobili? Išli obracať obchodníkov, obracali ostatných, privádzali ich do vnútra. A mali plány o veľkom spoločenstve.

193        A prvá vec, viete, v Biblii sme zistili v našom vyučovaní, keď sme učili cirkevné veky, že Ježiš im povedal predtým, ako sa to stalo, asi dvesto rokov, že tam bude náuka alebo to prv budú skutky nikolaitov, a potom sa to nakoniec stane náukou. A keď sa to stalo, On povedal, „Nenávidím to.“ A čo urobili letniční? Letniční vyrástli, naškrobená trieda, zorganizovali sa a vytvorili katolícku cirkev, prvú matku organizáciu.

194        Malá menšina bola odstrčená nabok. A odvtedy to takto išlo. Išli takto ďalej 1500 rokov a tá malá menšina to prežila. Amen.

195        Niekto raz hovoril, povedal, „Pomyslite na katolícku cirkev, koľko veľkých bitiek prežila.“ Veľkých bitiek? Samozrejme, so zákonom na svojej strane, s národom na svojej strane, s politikou na svojej strane.

196        Pomyslite na tú malú letničnú skupinu, ktorá nemala nič okrem Ducha Svätého, ale ona to prežila. A rovno tu je dnes ráno žijúci dôkaz, že ona stále žije a ona bude žiť navždy: nie organizácia; letniční veriaci, tí skutoční. Presne tak.

197        No, po Veľkej noci, toto sa udialo, boli nútení učiniť rozhodnutie. Ľudia musia učiniť rozhodnutie; teraz ho musia urobiť. (Preskakujem mnohé z týchto poznámok.) Nie sú tu žiadne stredné cesty.

198        A v týchto posledných dňoch budú satanovi synovia zapečatení. Teraz je čas, o ktorom hovorila Biblia, že všetci, ktorí nemajú Pečať Božiu, príjmu znamenie šelmy. A vieme, že znamenie šelmy je neveriť. Prvýkrát... „Kde by si povedal, že začalo znamenie šelmy?“ V záhrade Eden. Znamenie šelmy a Pečať Božia boli dávané v záhrade Eden. Presne tak. Udialo sa to skrze Veľkú noc, lebo smrť Ábela priviedla Seta. Presne tak.

199        Všimnite si. Kain bol synom satana. Bol synom zvieraťa, ktoré zviedlo Evu. Môžete to nazvať, akokoľvek chcete. On bol synom satana. A čo urobil? Boh na neho umiestnil znamenie a poslal ho preč z Prítomnosti Božej. Je to tak? A on si vzal manželku, nie z dedičstva Božieho, ale vzal si ženu zo zeme Nód, z inej zeme.

200        A čo urobila organizácia? Opustila skutočnú letničnú vieru, keď sa to zorganizovalo, a vzala si manželku z organizácie. Je to presne tak. No, čo urobil? Pozrite sa, ako sa začala správať letničná manželka a čo hovorí a čo robí; sledujte jej konanie. A stojí rovno naspäť a snaží sa teraz odseknúť práve tú Vec, za ktorou prv stála, snaží sa To odseknúť, potlačiť To, pretože To je proti jej vyznaniam. Tak, ako to bolo tam. Ale ona je znova nútená učiniť rozhodnutie. Musí ho urobiť. Musí ho urobiť.

201        Bože, pomôž mne a mojim bratom, ktorí stoja so mnou. Pomôž... Bože, pomôž nám tam stáť statočne. Nezáleží na tom, či to je mučenícka krv, stáť tam. „Musím bojovať, ak musím vládnuť; dodaj mi odvahu, Pane.“

202        Keď vidím Jeho Ducha, ako sa pohybuje medzi ľuďmi a robí tie isté veci, viem, že On je Ten istý zmŕtvychvstalý Ježiš Kristus. Amen. Čo sa mňa týka, tým to je vybavené. Rozumiete? Amen. Tam v Rimanom 4:25, kde sa rozpráva o Abrahámovi. „On bol vydaný pre naše previnenia a znova vstal z mŕtvych pre naše ospravedlnenie.“

203        Efežanom 4:30, Svätý Duch je Božou Veľkonočnou Pečaťou, ktorá nás pečatí na večnosť (Amen.), pečatí na večnosť: Boží Svätý Duch. Ó, ste šťastní? Radujete sa z Veľkej noci? Ste vďační za toto prežitie? Zapečatení, uzavretí vnútri s Bohom na tajnom mieste, uzavretí vnútri s Bohom skrze Jeho Božskú milosť, zapečatení až do dňa nášho vykúpenia. To je skutočná, pravdivá Veľkonočná Pečať.

204        Aký máme čas? Poludnie, päť minút do dvanástej. Veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Veríte všetci? Skloňme na chvíľu naše hlavy.

205        Náš nebeský Otče, nezáleží na tom, čo by som mohol povedať, a človek by mal jednako veriť tomuto Slovu, pretože je tu napísané. Modlím sa, aby ľudia na všetkých miestach prijali teraz Teba ako svoju Veľkonočnú Pečať, Prvotinu vzkriesenia, vediac, že prešli zo smrti do Života; tam, kde raz chodila smrť, teraz Život zaujíma svoje miesto. Modlím sa, aby si dnes ráno tomuto zhromaždeniu ukázal, že si stále Ježišom, že si stále Tým, ktorý činí zázraky a vykonáva veci. A ako viem, a práve som to povedal, ako to bolo potvrdené otcovi Abrahámovi, že ten Anjel zastal Svojím chrbtom ku poslucháčstvu – alebo ku Sáre a povedal to, čo hovorila a myslela... Ó, Bože, videli sme to znovu a znovu. Videli sme potvrdenie, umiestnenie Syna, udelenie Mena. Videli sme, ako sa udiali všetky tieto veci, Pane, a vieme, že sme v čase konca. Toto je Veľká noc. Mnohí stoja, tŕpnu im nohy.

206        A teraz, Otče, všetko, čo by som ja mohol povedať, by neznamenalo nič, po tom, ako si Ty prehovoril, pokiaľ to nie je v zhode s tým, čo si hovoril. A ak som hovoril Tvoje Slovo, potom, Otče, verím, že Ty si Boh, ktorý potvrdí to Slovo. Modlím sa, aby si to udelil. Nech Tvoj Duch, Pane, príde do stredu ľudí a učiní toto pre ľudí potvrdeným.

207        Zatiaľ čo máme naše hlavy sklonené, všade, pravdepodobne tu je choroba; niet vôbec žiadnych pochýb, že je tu medzi ľuďmi choroba. Chcem vedieť, koľkí z vás sú tu z iného mesta, ktorí sú chorí, zodvihnite svoju ruku: z iného mesta. No, sú skrátka všade.

208        V poriadku, môžete zodvihnúť svoju hlavu. Opýtam sa, aby ste mohli vidieť. Všetci, ktorí ste z iného mesta, ktorých nepoznám, ktorí sú z iného mesta a nepoznám vás, zodvihnite svoju ruku, povedzte, „Som chorý.“ Zodvihnite teraz všade svoje ruky, aby som tak mohol získať všeobecnú predstavu.

209        Ak toto On nedodržiava, neexistuje žiadne vzkriesenie. Ak to dodržiava, je to istota vzkriesenia. Ukazuje to, že Veľkonočná Pečať, že On nie je mŕtvy, ale On žije. Potom odsúdiť to by bolo rúhanie proti Svätému Duchu, a to je neodpustiteľné. No, ak príde Duch Svätý do tohto zhromaždenia...

210        Myslel som, že by sme len mohli postaviť ľudí, ale nemôžeme mať modlitebný rad. Pozrite sem, sme tu skrátka napchatí, malé deti všade po oltároch a všade. Nemôžeme mať modlitebný rad.

211        Ale pozrite, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Či On je iba na jednom mieste, alebo je všadeprítomný? On je všade. No, ako by som vás mohol poznať, vás, ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky na znak toho, že vás nepoznám, a vy ste tu neznámymi ľuďmi? Nechcem žiadnych ľudí z modlitebne; uvidím vás neskôr. Rozumiete? Ale len ľudí, aby ste tak videli, že to sú ľudia z iného mesta, ktorých nepoznám. Nech Duch Svätý prehovorí, či to je pravda, alebo nie. Nech hovorí On, potom moje slová budú jedna vec; a ak to je Božie Slovo, Boh dodrží to Slovo.

212 Pamätajte teraz, letniční, skutoční pravdiví Boží veriaci vždy boli v menšine. A oni sú skupinou, na ktorej sa smejú a robia si z nej žarty, a ľudia si nechcú zvoliť tú cestu. A nech Duch Svätý...

213        Chcem sa vás ľudí niečo opýtať. No, vidíte, je Boh živým Bohom? Je prítomný? Potom, ak je, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. No, po tom, čo som hovoril, koľkí tu veria, že to je pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Je tu niekto, kto by chcel povedať, „Nie som Kresťan, brat Branham. Chcel by som byť. Modli sa za mňa.“ Nemôžem tu hore urobiť žiadne oltárne zavolanie, pretože nemôžem. Len zodvihni svoju ruku a povedz, „Modli sa za mňa.“ Je tu niekto v budove? Nech ťa Boh žehná, aj teba, teba, teba. To je dobre. V poriadku. Nech vás Boh žehná, všade naokolo. V poriadku, dobre. V poriadku.

214        No, máte právo, po takomto posolstve máte právo žiadať vyúčtovanie a povedať, „Brat Branham, kázal si nám niečo, povedal si, že v týchto posledných dňoch, to posledné znamenie bolo, keď sa On preukázal, ukázal, že bol Bohom.“

215        A raz som počul jedného židovského kazateľa, akurát bol... Bol som... Na základe môjho posolstva o obeti červenej jalovice, ten človek prišiel a prijal Krista, odišiel z cirkvi, bol vychovávaný cez líniu rabínov, ktorí boli roky, roky a roky, štyristo alebo päťsto rokov dozadu, všetko rabíni. A ten človek počul moje posolstvo, prekĺzol na zhromaždenie a počul to „červená jalovica,“ a obrátil sa cez to ku Kresťanstvu. A raz sa postavil v cirkvi a povedal, „Každý, kto by neveril, že existujú traja bohovia namiesto Jedného...“ On do toho času veril v jedného Boha. Odpadol, namiesto toho, aby urobil niečo iné. On...

216        Bože, prehovor. No, zodvihol som svoju ruku; nepoznám ich, nepoznám ich. No, ak je On stále Bohom, či nebude robiť tie isté veci? Žena, ktorá sa dotkla Jeho rúcha...

217        Niektoré z vás žien alebo niektoré z vás, ktoré ste tam zodvihli svoju ruku, žena niekde, verím... Kde? Malá pani na konci, zodvihla by si svoju ruku? V poriadku. Ty, v poriadku, som pre teba cudzí? Nepoznám ťa? V poriadku.

218        Len sa pozri, či On je stále tým Najvyšším Kňazom, ktorého sa môžeš dotknúť, lebo súcití s tvojou slabosťou.Nikdy vo svojom živote som ťa nevidel. Si pre mňa cudzia. Nič o tebe neviem. Boh ťa pozná. A ak mi On môže zjaviť skrze Svojho Svätého Ducha, zmŕtvychvstalého Krista, ktorý sem príde a dá mi dočasné vzkriesenie skrze môjho ducha, že môj duch teraz odíde preč a Jeho Duch príde dnu, potom budeš vedieť, či je On živý, alebo nie je. No, nepoznám ťa. To som ja, ja a môj duch; nepoznáme ťa. Ale On ťa pozná. Ale On si chce požičať moje telo, aby dokázal, že On je zmŕtvychvstalý Kristus. Som tak šťastný, že Mu ho môžem požičať, dať Mu ho, čokoľvek, čo z neho chce dostať.

219        Ak mi Boh povie, kvôli čomu tu si, budeš mi veriť? Budeš. Máš kŕčové žily. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Máš toho viac než to: máš pruh. Je to tak. Nie si z tohto mesta. Si z Lima, Ohio. Voláš sa pani Stoddard. Presne tak. Tvoj manžel sedí za tebou. Je to tak. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať, aký je jeho problém? On má problém so svojou chrbticou; trpí kvôli svojej chrbtici. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku, pane. Veríte?

220        Niekto ďalší tu dolu zodvihol svoje ruky, tade dole. Tu, tamtá pani. V poriadku. Nepoznám ťa. Tam vedľa teba sedí tvoj manžel. Tá vec, ktorú chceš, je krst Duchom Svätým. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Je to tak. V poriadku, ver Pánovi; jednoducho vôbec nepochybuj.

221        Videl som niekoho, ako prichádza z diaľky, ale nedokázal by som povedať, kde to bolo. Áno, je to človek, ktorý sedí rovno tu; teraz ho vidím. On je pre mňa taktiež neznámy. Máš žlčníkové problémy, zápal dutín. Nie si odtiaľto. Si z Georgie, z miesta nazvaného ako Hubbermill, Georgia. V poriadku, teraz ver a choď domov a buď zdravý.

222        Veríte z celého svojho srdca? Jeden sedí rovno tu vzadu; to je Svetlo, ktoré stojí nad tou osobou. Modlia sa za milovaného, ktorý má rakovinu, nie je spasený. Verte; majte vieru a nepochybujte.

223        [Brat Branham sa odmlčal. – pozn.prekl.] Len sa dívam. Vidíte... [Brat Branham sa odmlčal. – pozn.prekl.] Aha. Tu To je ponad týmto tu. Tá pani, ktorá má sklonenú hlavu, modlí sa. Má problémy so svojimi nohami a kolenami. Nepoznám ťa, či áno? Sme si cudzí, zodvihni ruku. Choď naspäť do... Tvoj domov je v New Hampshire; to je to, odkiaľ pochádzaš. Ver a Pán ťa uzdraví.

224        Tá pani, ktorá sedí tam vzadu s malým dievčatkom, modlí sa za ňu, s problémami s obličkami, sedí rovno tam vzadu. Ona je tiež z Georgie. Pani Cason, ak veríš z celého svojho srdca? Prijímaš to? V poriadku, potom choď domov, buď zdravá. Nepoznám tú ženu, nikdy v živote som ju nevidel. Ak sme si navzájom cudzí, zamávaj svojou rukou, pani. Je to tak.

225        Rovno tu sedí ďalší, muž. On je tiež z Georgie. Nepoznám ho, nikdy som ho nevidel. Ale videl som ho, ako prichádza z tej „broskyňovej“ krajiny. Presne tak. Má problémy s pečeňou (Je to tak.) a artritídu. Sedí rovno na zadnom sedadle. Veríš z celého svojho srdca, pane? V poriadku, choď naspäť a buď uzdravený.

226        Tam vedľa teba niekto sedí, pani, tam vzadu v najzadnejšom rade. Nie, to nie je kvôli nej. Ona sa modlí za svojho syna. Je to tak. Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať, čo je s tvojím synom, pani? Som pre teba cudzí, ale Boh ťa pozná. Vredy a duševné problémy, a on tu nie je; Dayton, Ohio. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni svoju ruku. Teraz ver.

227        Viete, že On žije? Či On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky? To je minimálne osem alebo desať ľudí, ktorých som nikdy v živote nevidel. A je to pravda? No, nech Boh nebies, Ktorý je prítomný, uzdraví týchto ľudí a nech sú v poriadku. No, to prichádza z Pomazania Svätého Ducha, nie zo mňa. Nech Boh, ktorý môže rozpoznať myšlienky mysle a dokázať Samého Seba, že je Ježišom Kristom, Tým istým včera, dnes i naveky, nech On príde dopredu a uzdraví nemocných. On je Bohom navždy. Veríte tomu? No, koľkí Mu chcú rovno teraz veriť a prijať Ho ako Spasiteľa a Uzdraviteľa a ako Krstiteľa a prichádzajúceho Kráľa? V Mene Ježiša. Ó, haleluja. Čo? Veľkonočná Pečať, neomylná Veľkonočná Pečať.

228        Čo je tá ďalšia vec? Premena tohto tela, aby sme stretli Syna, ktorý prichádza. Budeme premenení v momente, v okamihu. Majte všetky vaše papierové pečate, ktoré chcete; ale skutočnou Veľkonočnou Pečaťou je Svätý Duch v ľudskom srdci. Prijímate Ho? Veríte v Jeho vzkriesenie. Veríte, že On je navždy živý? Veríte, že On je tu? Prijímate Ho teraz ako svojho Spasiteľa, ako svojho Uzdraviteľa, ako svojho Boha, ako svojho prichádzajúceho Kráľa? Verte z celého svojho srdca.

229        Ako tieto vreckovky, modlím sa nad nimi, Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Mnohí ľudia ich pomazávajú. Verím, že z Pavlovho tela brali vreckovky a zástery a oni boli uzdravení. Veríte tomu?

230        No, koľkí ďalší sú tu vnútri nemocní? No, ľudia z modlitebne a z tunajšieho okolitého spoločenstva, ktoré tu je naokolo, zodvihnite teraz svoje ruky, tu z okolia. No, veríte, že On je tu? Veríte, že Duch Svätý je tu? No, počkajte, prečo čakáme na čokoľvek ďalšie? On je tu, tak konajme na základe toho! Charlie, čo myslíš? Amen. Haleluja. Ó, musí sa to stať.

231        Ja nemôžem uzdraviť nikoho. Nemôžem to urobiť. Vo mne nie je nič, čo by mohlo uzdraviť. Ale ak prijmete tohto Ducha, ktorý je teraz na mne, nemôže byť dosť diablov v pekle, ktorí by mohli spôsobiť, aby ste o tom viacej pochybovali, a musíte byť uzdravení. Nie som Uzdravovateľ; On je Uzdravovateľ. Nedokážem vidieť videnia; On je Ten, ktorý hovorí. To je len moje telo, ktoré On používa.

232        No, Ten istý Boh povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria.“ Koľko tu je veriacich? Si si istý, že si veriaci? No, On povedal, „Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria. Ak položia ruky na chorých, uzdravia sa.“ Je to tak? No, položte jeden na druhého svoje ruky a dovoľte mi modliť sa za každého z vás. Ó, Bože. Ó, brat, niečo sa musí stať. Niečo sa práve musí stať.

233        Ó, veľká Veľkonočná Pečať, Ty nie si ľaliou v kvetináči, ale Ľaliou v údolí. Ty, ktorý si raz hovoril cez toho chlapca, vyšiel si vpred pomocou Svojho Slova. Zamanifestoval si, že si Pravdou. Ty si Pravda, Pane. Ty si vzkriesenie. Povedal si, „Ja som vzkriesenie a Život. Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, hoci by bol mŕtvy, jednako bude žiť. Ktokoľvek žije a verí vo Mňa, nikdy nezomrie. Ja som vzkriesenie a Život.“

234        [Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.] Nebude to vypovedané, potom sa budete diviť. Ale zatiaľ čo môžete počuť, poslúchnite.

235        Ó, Bože, ktorý si stvoril nebesia a zem, títo ľudia sa modlia jeden za druhého. Keď si povstal v to Veľkonočné ráno, dokázal si, že si Mesiáš. Ty si dokázal, že si bol Mesiášom predtým, ako si povstal. Dokázal si, že si Ním bol skrze znamenie Mesiáša, skrze Pečať Božiu, ktorá bola v Tebe. Bol si zapečatený s Bohom, aby si nečinil nič okrem toho, čo On povedal. Povedal si, „Vždy činím to, čo sa ľúbi Otcovi.“ To je zachovávanie Jeho Slova. Pretože, aby sme sa ľúbili Bohu, musíme veriť Jeho Slovu a zachovávať Jeho Slovo. A potom, Otče, tak je to dnes, že každý syn Boží, každá dcéra Božia, aby sa ľúbili Bohu, musia zachovávať Božie Slovo. A, Bože, my teraz zachovávame Tvoje Slovo tým, že kladieme jeden na druhého ruky. A modlím sa za toto poslucháčstvo.

236        Potom, ako sme počuli kázané Slovo a videli neznámych ľudí, ako zodvihli ruky, vidíme, že Ten veľký Duch Svätý tam vychádza a hovorí im samotné myšlienky z ich srdca a kým sú, odkiaľ prišli, čo sa deje a všetko ohľadom toho, ako by ľudia ešte mohli pochybovať? Bože, je to veľká odmena pre tých, ktorí dnes ráno stáli naokolo týchto veľkých stien zboru, ktoré tu sú, a bolia ich nohy a matky so svojimi deťmi a otcovia a starí a všetci, očakávajúci, sledujú, dávajú pozor, aby videli jedno znamenie živého Boha... Potom Ho videli, ako sa pohyboval na scéne a dokázal, že On je Jehova, že On je Ježiš, Ten zmŕtvychvstalý, „Žijem navždy a mám kľúče pekla a smrti,“ pretože On zlomil ich pečať. Zlámal pečať smrti. Zlámal pečať hrobky. Zlámal pečať pekla. Zlámal pečať hrobu. A otvoril Pečať ku Stromu Života a pokrstil nás Svojím Svätým Duchom do toho Stromu Života a učinil nás synmi a dcérami Boha a poveril nás, aby sme kládli ruky jeden na druhého, „A tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria; ak položia ruky na chorých, uzdravia sa.“ Otče Bože, musí to byť.

238        Prehlasujem skrze moc Evanjelia, skrze Boha nebies, ktorý ma ustanovil a poslal ma, aby som kázal Evanjelium, skrze Boha, ktorý napísal Slovo, skrze Anjela, ktorý je tu prítomný, aby potvrdil Slovo, hovorím toto kvôli viere, ktorú mám v ľudí, že diabol bude musieť opustiť každú chorú osobu, ktorá tu je, každú postihnutú osobu a moc Božia ich pozdvihne znova do dobrého zdravia a sily ako pamiatku na toto Veľkonočné zhromaždenie. Vyjdi von, satan. Si porazený. Ježiš ťa porazil pred tisícdeväťsto rokmi a si porazený. Vyjdi von z ľudí v Mene Ježiša Krista.

THE TRUE EASTER SEAL, 61-0402, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 115 min

1 Early sunrise service, where Brother Neville spoke to us a very outstanding message on--on the Easter service.

And now, I know it's terrible to have to be standing, our--our seating capacity here is very small. And they just asked me if they could open up the back here and put the people in the baptistery. I said, "That's a good place for them." That was a very good place for them. They... So they're going to pull the curtains in a few minutes and have... I think they're just going to stand around the rim. I don't know whether they are or not; I see it's full of water; so they'll pretty near have to stand on a board. But I see they're getting some of it ready now, so they'll probably open it up in a few minutes.

3 Now, Easter is a great day for all of us; we just like Easter so well. And now we're going to try not to keep you too long, 'cause under the condition...

But I'd just like to make an announcement or two, and that is that our--our services begin next Sunday now, to you out-of-town people. They begin at Bloomington, Illinois, at the--the Methodist College grounds there. And they'll go through, Sunday through Sunday. And then there'll be a--a ministerial breakfast. And then I'm to speak to the student body of the--at the college, one morning, and there's to be a breakfast there, I understand.

5 And then the following week, after... That's the twenty-third through the--the last Sunday. Or what is that? [Brother Neville says, "There's a slip on it right over there, brother--Ed.] Oh, yes. Well, it's already give out then; they know about it. ["I announced it."] Yes, sir, that's fine, good. Chicago, now there's been a--so I understand from last night, they can't get the Lane Tech Auditorium, so it'll be an auditorium just about ten minutes drive from the Lane Tech. There'll be another auditorium, as I understand. 'Course they'll probably have some signs there pointing you on to the--where the meeting will be.

Then we go up, British Columbia. And then it--on July the first through the fourth in Miami, Florida.

7 So then it's wondering about a big tent meeting; that--if that comes, I want to really be there to--all of you that can, in Washington, DC, at the capital for a--a meeting. Be my first tent meeting, you know, where the Lord promised me He'd meet me in that little place in the meeting. And that they're planning on that now; they called us and told us, the businessmen there, that they would either get the Convention Hall, where we did speak, or put up a big tent. And as soon as he said, "big tent," something kinda registered, maybe that's where the meeting place will be, at the capitol house. So that's very, very fine. So we'll see about it, and then let you know a little later as the Holy Spirit leads that way.

8 Now, I believe they have some little babies here, that come from out of town that they wanted dedicated to the Lord. Now, this... Many people sprinkle them, and so forth. And that's perfectly all right. I have nothing against that. However, sprinkling is not Scriptural to baby or adult. See? Sprinkling is just a--a--a ecclesiastical form that has been adopted first by the Catholic church, and then handed down through Protestantism. But there's no Scripture for no sprinkling of adult or baby.

And being that we like to stay right with the Scripture, just as close as we can, in the Bible they brought little children to our Lord, and He lifted them, picked them up in His arms, and blessed them, and said, "Suffer little children to come to Me." Now, that's what we are trying to do: follow the commandments of the Lord in that way. And we bring the elders of the Church, and we stand around and dedicate the children to the Lord.

If our pianist will play our song, "Bring them in," all right and those mothers that's got the little ones, will come, stand forward, Brother Neville and some of the elders will stand with me here, if they will; and we'll dedicate these children unto the Lord.

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring them in from the fields of sin;

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring the little ones to Jesus.

9 Now, this is just a form, of mothers dedicating their little ones to the Lord. And this Easter morning, what a wonderful time for a baptism or a dedication, this early season and the resurrection time. Let's sing it again while the rest start.

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring them in from the fields of sin;

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring the little ones to Jesus.

10 Now, friends, I know them's, each one, is the prettiest baby in the world. I know that. I know better than to say anything else about that. That's right. And that's the way you should feel.

They're little treasures that God has given you the responsibility of raising. And I've always said and made this kind of a saying to mothers. We know, written of four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But there's a fifth Gospel, unwritten; that's mother. She gets them before Matthew-Mark-Luke-and-John's teaching gets them. So the responsibilities is placed upon you mothers and you fathers to raise these children to the--for the Kingdom of God. And I'm sure that's your heart's desire.

12 We lift them to God in prayer and dedicate your babies to Christ. The elders and I will come forward to... You just give us the name. And now I know my wife is kind of jealous of me in this job, cause...

Lisa Ann Mitchell. Oh, oh. Lisa Ann Mitchell, a treasure for anyone's arms. Let us bow our heads.

Heavenly Father, as Your servants, we lift this little Lisa Ann Mitchell to Thee, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. We dedicate her and claim her life for the Kingdom of God. May she live and grow and be a wonderful person to the Kingdom of God. We do this for the--because we're commissioned of our Lord. In the Name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen. (God bless you.)

15 H. A., E. J. Junior. E. J. Junior, while he's taking a nap. So let us bow our heads.

Our heavenly Father, we lift to You this little fellow; pray that if Jesus tarries, You'll make a great servant of God out of him. The mother gives him to You. And--and we present him, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, that You'll bless him and the home that he comes from. May he be raised to the glory of God, as we dedicate him to Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you, preacher, and your...?... I'm kind of careful of that job, 'cause I'm always afraid I'll hurt the little fellows.

18 Now, let me get... Look just like this is a little fellow. The name? Deborah Myers. Little Deborah Myers, she's bright-eyed this morning. Let us bow our heads.

Heavenly Father, we bring to You little Deborah Myers; we pray Your blessings upon the child as we dedicate her to the Lord, as the father and mother now presents her, and in commemoration of our Lord Jesus Who blessed the little ones and said, "Suffer them to come unto Me." We give to You little Deborah for a life of service, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

20 Now, which one of these other little fellows? All right, sir. Now, this young fellow: Sarah Ruth, little Sarah Ruth Wheeler. Wheelan--Wheeler.

Our heavenly Father, we bring to You this darling baby that's been given into our hands for dedication. And we stand with bowed heads and hearts to thank You for her, and pray that You'll bless her life to a life of Your service. We give her to You in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you. It's all over now. She looked back, as if, to me, to say, "Anything else?" All right.

23 There's a sweet little girl. Now, what's your name? Mica Ungren. What a sweet little thing this is. How do you do? She's all-sufficient, want to know what's going on up here. Let us bow our heads.

Our heavenly Father, we give You this lovely little child on this Easter morning, bringing the little ones to You. We dedicate her to the Lord Jesus for a life of service. Grant, Lord, that she'll live long unto the coming of the Lord, if it be possible. And make her a service to You, as we dedicate her to her--her to You, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

25 What's his name? Oh, Melynda, little Melynda Ungren. They--they want to see you out this way, Melynda. You're--you're pretty. My. Let us bow our heads.

Father God, we give to You this little lady, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. We dedicate her to You, her life, for a life of service for You, Lord, praying that You'll spare her and make her one of Your handsmaids to serve You and to do that which she has been born to do. We give her to You in dedication, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

27 All these pretty little girls... Let's see now... This, oh, here, this is the one. How do you do? How are you this morning? What's her name now? Jane... Jamie Lynn Daulton.

Our heavenly Father, we bring to You this sweet little girl, and we pray that You'll bless her. And we ask, Lord, that You'll bless the homes of these children. May they be raised up in the admonition of God to a life of service for You. We give to You this little darling, as we dedicate her to God, in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Amen. (Your little baby is...?...)

29 How do you do? Well, now, you can almost hold me, can't you? My, my. What's her name? Teresa Cabert. Look out here, Teresa. Ain't she a pretty little thing? All these are such pretty little babies.

Our heavenly Father, we give to You this darling little girl, that her loved one has presented to us. As we hold the child to You, we give her for a life of service to God. We dedicate her to God's service, in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Amen.

31 God bless you, sister, and bless your little one while we pray. Little blue eyes; and then brown ones. What's her name? Cynthia, little Cynthia. Look out here, Cynthia. Them pretty little eyes.

Our heavenly Father, we give to You this little girl this morning. Let her live long, and let her be Your handsmaid. The loved one places it into my arms for dedication; I bring it before the elders, and place it before God, and dedicate her to God's service, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Amen.

33 Now, this is kind of a small one too. Now, Meda, you ought to be up here to hold this one. I'm always afraid I'll break it. James, James Bliss. He's a mighty wise-looking little fellow, isn't he? That's it.

Our heavenly Father, we give to You little James. May he be like the one his name comes, the James in the Bible, no doubt, who showed wisdom in the counsel of the Lord's service. I pray that You'll bless him, and for a life of service to You. Bless the home that he comes from, and may he be raised in the admonition of God; as we dedicate him to God's service, in the Name of Jesus Christ, God's Son. Amen. I sure love...?...

35 What's this little girl's name? Come up here, honey. Huh? Tammy Brown. Let... Oh, little Tammy Brown. Her mother and father was baptized this morning. Another pretty little girl. Let's bow our heads.

Father, we bring to You this little child. I'd imagine it was something like this when the mothers brought them to You, when You were in Your earthly journey. We dedicate her to You, Lord. As I understand, her father and mother was baptized this morning here in that precious Name of the Lord Jesus. Then her home will be right. I pray that You'll bless her and give her a life of service, as we dedicate her to God for His service, in the Name of Jesus Christ, His Son. Amen.

37 Thank you. Oh, wait, I'm sorry; I didn't see this. How do you do? Well, what a fine man. Can I help...?... you? Fine. What's his name? Danny Johnson, Danny William Johnson. Oh, my, he even looks like a preacher, doesn't he?

Heavenly Father, we bring to You this little boy. Maybe he's too young to know what this is about, but there's a God in heaven Who looks down and knows this thing. We give him to You, Lord, as the mother placed him in our arms. By faith we come in the Name of Jesus Christ, and claim him as a trophy to the grace of God, and dedicate him to God, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. (Bless you, dear.)

39 Did we get, no... Now, what a pretty little girl coming here. That's the prettiest little dress that you have on, and little hat. Atler? Adler, Ellene Gail Adler, what a beautiful little girl.

Our heavenly Father, I hold to You this treasure of the home, a little girl that come into the world. And the loved one brings her forward to be dedicated for service to You, knowing that this evil day that we're living. We claim the child's life as a trophy for God. And we dedicate her to the service of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, God's Son. Amen. (Bless you, honey)

41 Here's a little preacher boy, couple of them. Are they twins? Five and Eight. What's this one's name? Johnny, from Richmond, from Richmond, Virginia. I thought I remembered your face. We had a interview together when the Lord was present. I remember you; I knowed your face, and I couldn't make out who you was. All right. Well, we know he'll come in the right home. His name is John, Johnny.

Our heavenly Father, we bring to You this little boy, Johnny. And we lay our hands upon him, because that is the way You did it. You laid Your hands upon them. And we bless him and claim his life as a trophy of God's grace, and dedicate him to God's service, in the Name of Jesus Christ, God's Son. Amen. (Bless you, little boy.)

43 Lewis, this is Lewis.

Heavenly Father, we bring to You this little boy, Lewis. And the father brings him forward for dedication to the service in the house of God.

As we think of days gone by, when Hannah went down into the temple was praying, and God give her a baby. And she brought the baby back and give him to God. That's what these people do today: bring their little ones in, their little treasures, dedicate them. And--and the--the prophet taken them, Father, and raised the little fellow, and he became a prophet.

Now, we dedicate little Lewis this morning to the service of Almighty God, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. (Bless you, son.)

Sure good to see you down here from Richmond, Virginia, this morning. God bless you.

47 Now, let's see, that it? All right. Oh, it's those little fellows... You don't know, I--we might've dedicated a many little missionary this morning and a preacher; we don't know. That all lays in the hands of the Almighty.

I want to announce that the services tonight here at the Tabernacle; there will be a communion service. And if you've never attended one of our communion services, we also observe feet-washing.

49 Now, there is some handkerchiefs laying here for me to pray over. One belongs to Brother Grimsley, our brother here at the church. I don't know whose these are. We send these out, hundreds and hundreds of them, across the world. And now, we'll... I want to pray for them after I start in praying for the sick.

I want to speak first, just for a while, on the little continuation of Easter message. And now, before we approach God's Word, let's approach Him by prayer.

51 Our Heavenly Father, we are grateful in our hearts this morning for this glorious morning. And above all that, we are grateful for this what it represents, the resurrection and sealed proof of our religion, when Jesus Christ rose from the dead, some two thousand years ago, and presented Hisself back to His church, alive forevermore. After two thousand years, we are so happy to be still enjoying that fellowship with the disciples of a resurrected Christ.

We pray, Lord, that His Presence will be so felt in this building this morning, until every person here that's not saved will accept Him as their Saviour. And those who have not been filled with His Spirit, may this be the day when the Holy Spirit will do the finished work upon them. We ask that He in His great Atonement that healed the sick, may He come so close to the people, that faith will be prominent, Lord, and dominating over unbelief, that'll cause the sick and the afflicted to go away from here healed and well.

52 We would ask, Lord, that You'd bless the one now that's undertaking to explain Thy Word of the resurrection.

God, bless all the ministers everywhere, Your children, Your servants throughout the land, throughout the world.

And come, Lord Jesus, quickly, because we see clouds floating in the air, Lord, and we know that there is a great thing moving up. Gird up Your people. Oh, may they take the sword of the truth, buckle on the armor, pull down the helmet, shod themselves with the Gospel, and, above all things, take that shield of faith and move forward. Grant it, Lord, for war clouds are hanging low. Bless us today now, for we know that soon, as far as we know, we will see Jesus soon. And we pray that we'll be ready to go when that hour comes. May we prepare our hearts, and finish that, settle it once for all, in the morning service today. In Jesus Christ's Name, speak to us through Thy Word. Thy Word is Truth. Amen.

55 Now, to you that would like to read with me in the Scriptures, turn to Luke the 24th chapter. I want to read quite a lengthy portion of It here, the Lord willing, to get a background to what I want to base a few minute's talk on. And now, if you want to, if it's hot, I guess, or whatever, you just make yourself as comfortable as you can, and I'll be just as quick as possible.

56 And we want to say this, that we certainly appreciate your loyalty to come. And when it goes... People tries to say that the Gospel has lost its attraction, and when people come from across the nation to stand in a place where their limbs are hurting for a service of the Lord, it still shows that God's got people, and there's still a longing in their heart to see God. Yet, the Gospel in its simplicity, just as simple as the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is, yet it's the greatest power that's ever struck the earth, is the Gospel of Christ. And the Gospel is not in Word only, but through power and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit. May He grant these things to us as we read now from the 36th verse of the 24th chapter of St. Luke.

And as they... spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and said unto them, Peace be unto you.

But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.

And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?

Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bone, as ye see me have.

And when they had... spoken, He showed them his hands and his feet.

And while they yet believed not for joy... they believed not for joy, and were wondering, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?

And they gave Him a piece of... boiled fish, and... a honeycomb.

And he took it, and did eat it before them.

And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.

And he opened their understanding, that they might understand the Scriptures,

Then said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day:

And that repentance and remission of sin should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And ye are witnesses of these things,

And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until you be... till you be endued with power from on high.

And he led them out as far as... Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them.

And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was departed from them, and carried up into heaven.

And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy:

And were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen.

57 Now, if I should call it for a text, I'd like to take this, "The True Easter Seal."

How I come to think of such a thing, was about a week ago I was on my road down into Georgetown, a little city below New Albany here. And there was boys standing on the street, taking up offerings for Easter seals. And I begin to think about Easter seal. And I thought, "What is an Easter seal? Surely, it means more than what these boys are taking up offerings for, a Easter seal." And I thought, "What do they do with such seals, and with the contribution that's taken from them--or for them?" They are placed, of course, these seals, upon letters and things. And it's a freewill offering for them, and it goes to put people in the hospital that's got tuberculosis, and so forth, and to put them in the hospital at a place of rest, until they are finished.

And I thought, "Surely Easter has something more than that, a seal of Easter. It would mean something more than placing a person in a hospital to keep him comfortable." Which, that is very fine; I have nothing against that. That, God bless them; that's a wonderful thing. But still, seems like it should go just a little further than that, being that Easter meant so much to the Christian church and to our Christian heritage, the seal of the resurrection. And how could a little postage stamp like, take its place? It could not.

So I begin to think on that, "What was the Easter Seal?" And that's how I drew this idea of speaking this morning on Easter Seal.

60 Now, Easter has, and seals, and so forth, is all through the Bible. We find them, they're as old as the Bible is; all the way back into the garden of Eden we find it. And then we find that anything that we find anywhere in the Bible, goes back to Genesis. It all started in Genesis.

And then I was thinking that, what I had in my mind as Easter Seal, then I wondered why that it was so rejected, and how that people would refuse it. Why was it so condemned? And I was thinking then that it's not always condemned, and all people doesn't condemn it.

But God has so made a way, that man is placed into a position to where he's forced to make a decision. Man cannot live on earth without making a decision. God forces the issue to him. He must make some decision. And there's a time when you have to make a decision of schooling, you have to make a decision of who you'll marry. And you have to make decisions of different things.

63 But in the Garden of Eden where they had only two boys, the decision was forced upon man to make a decision. And I think it's done to show his true color, what he is, to show what he is inside of him. Now, we find that the time came, between Cain and Abel that the decision had to be forced, because that the time of worship had come, and each boy had provided a way to make a worship to God.

And if you'll notice, between right and wrong there's just one little breath of difference. And the wrong in the last days has been prophesied that it would be so close to the right, that it would deceive the very elected if it was possible, between right and wrong.

65 Now, in the boys, as they came to their altars, and made worship... Now, I was thinking then of how many altars this morning in churches that beautiful flowers is set upon the altars. And that's all right. I have nothing against that. But that seems to be just about the end of the worship, is to put some flowers on the altar, or--or a pretty church, or fine decorations, or something, and that seems to end it.

And it was somewhat that way with Cain, because he brought in the fruits of the field and made his service to God; and it was rejected, because he did not come the right and precise way that God had ordained him to come. But he had made his offering, and done everything religiously just as his brother, but he was rejected. And because he was rejected on the spiritual side, then it caused a jealousy to rise in him, because he was greedy.

67 That's in man; he can't help being what he is, because he's borned in that condition. Man is represented in heaven as a sinner, by a sinner. I was speaking on that sometime ago, and someone said, "Then that's not just. If I am to be represented by one man's disobedience, then I don't have a chance."

I said, "That's true, because you are borned a sinner, but you are represented. You are condemned to condemnation by representation."

Well, then, that looks very cruel. But turn it on the other side, then we are--we are ordained to Eternal Life by representation. Where one represented us to death, Another represented us unto Eternal Life; so it puts us back again before the--the throne again. Every human being comes right back to the same place to make our choice.

70 But that greed that's always been, right and wrong, wrong trying to overthrow the right: it started in Eden, and it has come down through the ages. It's come down till it's entered into national affairs. It's come down into church affairs. It's come down into home life: greed, trying to rule or ruin, trying to overpower, push out. And we see the thing working everywhere, and it always has, the same thing trying to overrule or overrun.

71 Down through the Old Testament, God, in the days of the prophets, back... I got several of them written down here, that I will not have time to get to. But God in the days of the old prophets, in the midst of everything, like He did in the garden of Eden, when the true Voice of God and the true worship of God was condemned, and sent out and killed, in the garden of Eden, and the Voice of God hushed by the greed and jealousy, it's been that way in the church ever since, trying to hush the true Voice of God.

72 But if you notice, as soon as the voice of Abel was silent in death, God raised up Seth to take his place. Which was nothing but a pre-Easter, a pre-resurrection, or a replacement until resurrection came. That went for a while; down through the Old Testament we find it going. The prophets, God kept His Voice alive with the prophets. They spoke the Word of God, and they stoned them. And as soon as they would stone one and put him away, God would raise up another one. And they'd stone that one and put away, God would raise up another one. He's always kept His witness alive. Down through the ages He's kept His Voice alive before the people, all the way from Eden.

73 And now, we find out, as soon as Cain realized that he had did what he did, well, he went out from the Presence of God, and was sealed away from God by a mark was placed upon him. He went out, the Bible said, from the garden of Eden, from the gates of the garden, east of Eden. He went out sealed, marked, went out from the Presence of God.

What a thing, what a tremendous thing, that Cain, because of jealousy, and because of not willing to be reconciled to God by the same appropriated way that his brother came... God said to Cain, "If you'll worship like Abel, you'll do well."

But Cain as much as said, "Here's what I've put together. This is what I've got; here's what I give. You take this or leave it, either one You want to do; just suit Yourself."

Now, that's kind of the attitude of people all the time in church life, in other life. It--they say, "I go to church. I--I--I help the church; I--I do this. If God can't accept that, that's the best I can do." See? But still it isn't that that God requires. God doesn't require that.

77 God requires a--a provided way. He has provided a way, and He requires you to accept what He has provided. See? He doesn't need our assistance in telling Him what to do and how to do it. He has made the way for us to do, and the things that we should do, and how we should do them, and He doesn't need our ideas in it at all. We are not to come that way. But we find that men are prone to do that, all down through the age.

But God kept His Voice alive with His prophets, and so forth, down through the age as He's come.

78 And we find it today... And we find it in politics. I've got some things set down here about politics, that how that we would find even in this day that where we are, that people has sold their birthrights for politics. And if none of you has ever got the tape that I spoke on in up at Middletown, Ohio, Sunday, a week ago, on Jezebel and Ahab, I wish you would listen to it sometime. And how that the nation, because of greed, and a few extra dollars, and a--a more popular idea amongst the people, they have absolutely sold out Christ just as much as Judas did two thousand years ago for thirty pieces of silver. Oh, it's a tremendous thing to think that the condition that exists amongst this nation and these peoples today... To think that many years ago, they would have never done a thing like that. But today they're so greedy, trying to get more money, trying to get easier times. Now, that is, 'course the unchristian.

79 The Christian doesn't ask for easy things. We are not... There's so much promises today made amongst Christian people; so many ministers promise the people a false thing, "If you'll just come to Christ, all your troubles is settled." I tell you; when you come to Christ they then begin. That's when you put on a uniform, and take a gun, and enter the battlefield. This Christian road is not a flower bed of ease. It is a battle from the very hour you start until you're spirit's set free by death. You are not at no picnic. You're on a battlegrounds. And so we are promised things.

80 And I become sometimes... I hate to say this, but I mean it from my heart, that I become perplexed when I hear so much super-duper faith, super-duper religion. And everything today has become a--a super-duper something. It--it's the super-duper man. And the television has opened the way through spacemans, and so forth, and a bunch of nonsense, super-duper. Oh. And they bring out even into Divine healing today; super-duper healings. Now, God doesn't have no such things as that. They bring people, many times, to the platform, and gifted men, no doubt, but with a misunderstanding of the Gospel, put oil upon them, and pray, and stand there, and shake them until something happens; they get healed. And maybe that person living in sin, and they go back out and find it comes right back on them again. Maybe they was under an excitement at that time. Which the faith of God that they accumulated did heal them. But when they get off amongst unbelievers, it comes back again, it will do that each time.

81 What we need today is Divine healing, is clean-cut decisions for Christ. That's right.

I was reading a letter just recently that was sent me from the Lutheran Association in Germany, where a--a brother had been staying and having a healing service in Germany, with the sponsorship of the Lutheran church, and Pentecostals, and so forth. And this copy of this letter was wrote: "And he said, 'You preach that Divine healing. And all they have to do is you lay your hands on them, and they feel something and get healed.' He said, 'I certainly different with you.' He said, 'Then what about little Deborah Stadsklev when she died up there? A perfect, healthy child one day, and the next few hours she was laying dead. And you all went up there, and you prayed, and you shook her, and you anointed her, and everything, for healing, and there was no life. The baby laid there.' Said, 'Then they telegrammed Brother Branham, and he never said a thing until he got a good clean-cut decision from God, and then come in the Name of the Lord Jesus to say the--the Word.'"

83 Now, that's what we need: get a clean-cut decision from God. That's why we've got to come. That's why we baptize in the Name of Jesus Christ; it's a clean-cut decision from the Word of God. That's the reason we stay with the things we do, because they are God's orders and God's Gospel. And we've got to stay with It just the way It's wrote. Whether agreed, whether you're hated, whether no matter what takes place, that doesn't have one thing to do with it. God wants clean-cut decisions. And how can you do it when you know you're wrong to begin with? You cannot have a clean-cut decision from God. How can you come and ask for Divine healing when you know that your heart's not right with God to serve Him? See, you want to go back out and do the things that's in the world. You'll never get healed like that. See? You must come clean before God and dedicate your life and heart to God, and then God will heal. And it's lasting then, 'cause your faith has been anchored.

84 Now, it's in... We find that greed though, in church, and in politics, and in national affairs. One nation... Look down here in Africa now what's going on. Look, because of greed, look what's happened down there now in Africa; not only there, but all over the world everywhere, because man wants to be somebody. They--this is all they have, is right here on earth, or, they live that way.

If this was all I had, I'd be a miserable person. I'm looking for a City whose Builder and Maker is God. There's where we lay our treasures up, for that purpose.

86 The sons of Cain, or rather sons of Satan... They are sons of Satan because Cain was the son of Satan. And so therefore, the sons of Cain today... And you say, "Are you sure of that, Brother Branham?" Yes, I am. I'm positive of that, for listen.

Jesus, when He was here on earth, He promptly told them religious leaders that, "Ye are of your father the devil." Yet they were pious, and they were religious, and they were scholars, and they had great buildings, and they had great churches, and they had great scholarships, and priesthood, and orders, and so forth, but they failed to recognize Who Christ was. They failed to catch their day.

88 And as they did then, so do they do now, just exactly the same. They fail to realize the day that we're living, and the things that God is doing. Now, we see therefore, would put... If those religious leaders...

Now, here it is. If those religious leaders in that day were called sons of the devil, we know then that the devil in the beginning was the one who inspired Cain to persecute his brother and to kill him. That's the same thing taken place by them same leaders that persecuted Jesus Christ and killed Him. They were forced to a decision just the same as they were forced back there in the garden of Eden. They were forced to make a decision. "Well, what about This?" The sons of Cain, the sons of Satan...

90 You say, "Does that go to nations?"

When Satan took Jesus up to the top of the mountain for temptation, he showed Him all the kingdoms of the world. Now, that was all that was and all that would be, all the kingdoms of all the world. And he said, "These are mine, and I do with them whatever I want to. I can make them fight; I can make them do this or any." And he claimed the kingdoms of the world, so then we can see how greed and selfishness comes into politics. See? We can see then where it is in the church and in the church leaders, where greed and selfishness comes into the church.

91 Now, watch that same old greed that started in the garden of Eden, that put a bad seal on one and the right Seal on the other, come right down into the times of our Lord Jesus. When He was here on earth, He was given a trial by what was called justice, a courts of justice. What an unjust mockery that was. There wasn't one thing that they could find against Him. That was the political side. They couldn't find nothing against Him. Even so much as Pilate, himself, said, "I find no fault in Him."

92 And then comes the church. They're forced now to make a decision. After the political world had set Him free, to cooperate with that same spirit that was in the church, that was in politics; to show that if Satan lost his battle here, he still had something in reserve, he could fall right back to the church. And they crucified Him, because they were forced to make a decision. And they said, "Give us Barabbas instead of Jesus." See how they did it?

93 It's right before our eyes today, the same thing, and has been and always will be: forced to make a decision.

Now, when they forced the decision, Pilate knew in his heart that when he released them to--released Jesus to the church, that he knew the church was one delivered Him to be crucified; and if he loosed Him back to the church, the church would crucify Him. So Pilate isn't excused. He got water and tried to wash the Blood of Christ off his hands, but he cannot do it.

95 Ever since that time, up here in Sweden, or Switzerland, rather, where Pilate met his end years later, lost his mind, went insane, plunged himself to death in a hole of water... There's a legend that says at three o'clock in the afternoon, that blue water comes up from the bottom of that pool. People gather there from all over the world to watch it. At three o'clock, that blue, indigo-looking water comes up from the bottom of somewhere, and shakes on top of the water and goes back down to show that no water can wash the Blood of Jesus Christ off of any man's hands. He's guilty.

And every man that Christ has ever placed on your hands, there's nothing that can wash it off of there. There's only one thing to do, is accept It, believe It.

97 Sons of Satan, sons of Cain, persecute the sons of God, put them to death. That's what they did to Abel. That's what they did to Jesus. That's what they done to the prophets. That's what's in them to do again, and they will do it as soon as the road is made open for them to do it.

Remember, we have kind of meddled around and fooled around, and got people off of the track of the Gospel and of history, of what is to take place. And here we are faced with it again, right here in our nation, and there's nothing we can do about it. But you say then, "Brother Branham, what's your reason of speaking against it?" No more than I could stop sin; I can put my voice against it. And that's exactly what I'm doing now against sin, and against the wrong thing. We have done wrong, and we're going to reap what we've sowed, exactly.

99 Since Middletown, they had a--a hearing, brought a priest, a Baptist preacher, and a Presbyterian preacher together, consult about this school funds. And the priest agreed that the Protestants paid taxes the same as the--the Catholic, and--and that the funds should be given to both sides, and said, "What we ought to do is make one school, a Catholic school." Oh, sure, get those children when they're little. Oh, oh, what a thing.

100 And how has people set there, and brought this thing in just because of politics. How, I don't understand it. But here we are, right here on this Easter morning. And the very thing, the very reason we've come to this country, become Americans, was for freedom of religion against that Jezebel system, and we turn right back around and elect it on the platform up there in the White House, the very thing that we've come here to be freed from. Oh, it's a--it's a tremendous condition that we're living in now, you know that: the church spiritual, because it sold out.

101 They put Him to death, killed Him just like they did faithful Abel. Why did Abel kill--was killed? Because in his heart he had the revelation of God's acceptance of what it took to redeem man from sin. That's the very reason they put Jesus to death, because in Him was the revelation of what it taken for God to cure sin. That's the very reason today that they're against the real Church of the living God, because It preaches the cure for sin, the things that makes people live different, act different.

102 And when you bring it right down into the--the church that we're living in today, into our Pentecostal groups, they have went right straight back, and doing the same thing that they were freed from doing. Goes to show there's something wrong somewhere. A sin cure. It's come in very easy; it slipped in like just, well, just like under disguisement of true Pentecostal religion. But if it doesn't produce that kind of an article, if it doesn't produce that kind of goods, there's something wrong with it somewhere.

How can a pumpkin produce watermelons? It can't do it. How can a grapevine produce peaches? It doesn't do it. If it's producing peaches, there's peach tree life in a grapevine.

And that's what we know today. If the church, no matter how much it professes to be the church of the living God, if it isn't producing God by old-time salvation, bringing the people back to a--a real salvation of God (and it shows among them God lives among them), then it's the wrong thing, it's--it's not--it's not producing the Life that Christ said it would.

105 Christ died at Calvary. How that He went up to that cross... I was reading a little book here not long ago, that on to some kind of a--a research, and in this research I found something most startling. I set down, and I laid the book down, and raised up my hands and praised God, got up and walked around a little bit, and set down and read it again. I thought, "Oh, is that so, that on this same hill where Jesus was crucified, Adam died and was buried on the same hill that Jesus died on, and was buried on the same hill where Adam died; he died on Golgotha, and was buried on Golgotha?" And I thought, "What appropriate, whether it was right or wrong."

106 Let's say it was right. Then the first Adam died and was buried, and there yet in the dust, because he represented the world and the people to sin. But the Second Adam, being the God of heaven, when He died on Golgotha, there wasn't enough earth to hold Him there, He rose on the third day and is alive forever-more. But the sin problem was settled. God settled the sin problem there at Calvary; that's where the debt was paid. When this Adam, Second Adam died, He paid the debt of sin for the human race.

And the world put Him in a tomb, and sealed Him up in that tomb.

108 And they would do the same today. They are trying to do the same today. I don't want you to miss this. The world is trying (and will get worse all the time) to seal Christ back in the tomb again. They're trying to make Him a historical God, One that walked in days, and give power to disciples to heal the sick, and to cast out devils.

But what did they do? As soon as they thought they had got rid of Him, just like Cain did when he thought he got rid of Abel, they sealed Him in a tomb, and put Him in there.

110 And today they're trying to keep Christ in a tomb. But, oh, what an Easter morning done. An Easter morning ruined all of their theology. And when a Easter morning came for a people, a Church here, nineteen hundred years later, and it ruined their theology. He's not dead; He's alive forevermore. They cannot keep Him in no tomb. You can put Him in a Methodist tomb, or a Baptist tomb, or a Presbyterian tomb, or whatever you want to. But He--He raised out of that tomb and is alive today. I had a Baptist tomb, and you might've had a Methodist tomb, but one day Jesus rose from there, from a historical God to a living, present God, alive forevermore.

111 Something taken place on that Easter morning. It was a Seal, a satisfied Seal. When they took Him and put Him in the tomb, and put a Roman seal up on top of it... But when that hour arose, when that hour come. He stayed there for a while; it's true. He stayed there for those three days and nights. But on that set time which the Scripture said (Hallelujah.), on the time when He said, "Destroy this body, and on the third day I'll rise it up," Then there's nothing can stop that Scripture; It's got to come to pass. And that seal was broken, and He rose up, the same Jesus, alive again forevermore.

112 And for some nineteen hundred years, or maybe I'll say fourteen or fifteen hundred years, the churches has had Him sealed away. But He said, "It shall come to pass in the last days, saith God..." There's nothing going to stop it. It'll... "There will be Light in the evening time. The works that I do, shall you also. It shall be Light in the evening time." I don't care how many seals you try to put over it, God will break every seal. He broke the seal of the tomb. He broke the seal of hell. He broke the seal of death. He broke the seal of the grave, and arose forevermore, triumph over the grave, death, hell, tombs, and every man-made thing there was to show that He was God and cannot be sealed away from the people any more. God, forevermore... Nothing can hold Him; the grave couldn't be dug deep enough; hell couldn't be hot enough. Oh, nothing could hold Him. He broke every seal with that great Christmas Seal, or, not Christmas Seal, but Easter Seal that He was sealed with. And He said, "The same Seal that I wear, you shall wear also, for the... And this Seal that I wear, it shall do the same things when you're sealed. For he that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also; even greater than this shall he do, for I go unto the Father."

How you going to keep it down? What are you going to... What can people do about it? You might... You are forced to a decision, to make your decision what to do about it. That's exactly right.

114 Now, we find that He, no seal could hold Him, He come forth. God broke the seal, the seal of the tomb, broke the seal of death, broke the seal of hell, broke the seal of the grave, and came forth triumph. What did it? That great Seal that was on the inside of Him. They could destroy the body, but they could never destroy that Seal. []... Destroyed one prophet, there raised up another. They kept destroying. But God give them something then that they cannot destroy, It's the supernatural Spirit; It's the Holy Ghost Itself, and It's infallible and It's imperishable. It cannot be destroyed. It'll live on and on and on. And because He lives, we live with Him, because we're sealed into the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ. No way, no way to ever be destroyed, cannot perish, but has Eternal Life. Amen. God's great ripping of them seals...

115 He also broke another seal I want to speak of here found over in Exodus. But I won't have time to get to the Scriptures, but He... Found it over in Exodus... When man had sinned and separated himself from the Presence of God, and he came to worship God, there was a veil that hung between the holy and the holiest of holies. Inside the holiest of holies was the Shekinah Glory. They were not permitted to go in there. They were not permitted even a look of it. And a man going in there, had to be anointed once a year, dressed right, blood on him, blood in his hand, blood in a charger, to sprinkle the mercy seat. The Shekinah Glory was so great until he lost his rod in there one year, come out without (find; leave) bringing his rod. And when he went back, the thing had already come to life, and was budded, and blossoms was all over it, because it was laying in the Presence of the Shekinah Glory. But there was a veil that hung between There, because there was sin upon the people.

116 But, oh, brother, when it was sprinkled that day with the Blood of Jesus Christ, a Spirit of God rent the seal from the top to the bottom, and brought man back. Not only kept him away from the Presence of God, but He brought him back into the Shekinah Glory, into the Presence of God; that he--his is dead life.

Jesus said, "If they did this in a green Tree, what will they do in a dry?" And if they did that to Him, being the green Tree with Life, what will it be to the old dead formal tree that has no Life (See?), now when the wrath of God is poured out? How can an old dead formal tree stand it, when the green Tree, it even perished the green Tree, and sent It to hell? The wrath of God poured out for disobedience of sin, sent the green Tree to hell, what will it do in a dry tree when it strikes it? "If the righteous will be scarcely saved, where will the sinner and ungodly appear?" That person that rejects the Way, that person that knows better, that person that's been revealed to him, and he still refuses to walk in God's Way, what will happen to that person? What's it going to be?

Yes, He broke the seal that kept us from the Shekinah Glory, because sin was finished.

119 Now. And now, the seal is a sign of a finished work. And we know that a seal, like you're going to seal a box car, well, they put all the work in it, and store everything up, and then it's sealed till its destination. Any seal is a finished work. When you write a document, then it's sealed at the end. Never sealed until it's finished.

Now, the blood of goats and heifers, and so forth, would not take away sin. But when this was finished at Calvary, it took away sin.

121 Now, watch. At the garden of Eden to keep people from getting back to that Tree, God set an Angel there as a seal, with a sword turning all ways to guard that Tree. And when he made his worship, and he came down... Now remember, Who was at that Tree? Who was that Tree? It was Jesus.

The tree of death was your mother; she brought you here in natural life. Christ is the birth through spiritual Life. All that live by the woman, die; all that's borned of the Man, lives. All that comes by the woman is natural; all comes from the Man is spiritual, not the man here, the Man Christ Jesus.

123 And watch the Tree, guarded; it could not get back, because there's no offering appropriated to take sin away. So therefore, when they come to worship, the Shekinah Glory was behind the veil, sealed off from them. It was sealed off from them from the garden of Eden.

But when the day of Pentecost came, brother, when Jesus died there at Calvary and finished the work, He didn't seal man out; He sealed man inside with Himself. And now we're sealed up and shut up in the Presence of the Shekinah Glory. Not only are we sealed in, but we're sealed in eternally. Amen. Oh, I like that: sealed inside now. That's your real Easter Seal, "For by one Spirit we are all sealed into one Body."

You say, "Is the Holy Ghost a Seal?"

Ephesians 4:30 said, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you're sealed until the day of your redemption." That's the genuine, true Easter Seal. Shows that sin has been paid for, for you, and God has accepted you, and you're sealed into Christ by the Holy Ghost. Sin is finished. The Eternal Seal has been finished.

126 Now, we are resurrected today. Why can we have such a time over the things of God? Because we're resurrected. "Those who He foreknew, He called; those who He called, He justified; those who He justified, He has glorified." Then we are now resurrected. We are resurrected from the inside out, not from the outside in. Oh, do you notice, not sealed out this way, but sealed in. Oh, my, if the church could just see it. See, we're not sealed out; we're sealed in. Them days, when sin was--was abomination before God, and there was no appropriation to take it away, we were sealed away from it. Now, when that ripped in two, and that seal was broke by a sin-offering being made from us, now we're baptized inside and sealed inside. We are resurrected. We are now resurrected, already resurrected. How do you know? The Bible said so. Amen. We are now resurrected. We are now raised with Him in spiritual resurrection. What does the word "quickened" mean? "Quickened" means "resurrection." That's right. We're already resurrected right now, setting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, enjoying the Easter Seal. Amen. That's God's true Easter Seal. How are we? By one Spirit baptized into the Body, and sealed eternally. We are now raised spiritually. What did we raise from? From a life of sin; we were once sinners and loved the things of the world.

127 Now, there's many people say that they have been raised, but their life proves different. Your life proves what you are. "By their fruits you shall know them," Jesus said. That's the reason we never could go upon making a man speak in tongues and say he's got the Holy Ghost. We don't believe that. There's no Scripture for that. No, sir. Men speak with tongues and go on out and live like the world. And women speak in tongues and bob off their hair, wear makeup. Huh. You couldn't say that was the Holy Ghost. Surely not, certainly not, certainly not. A man smoke cigars, and go out here and live with the next man's wife, run around, carry on, say that's the Holy Ghost? No, no, "By their fruits you shall know them. A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruits, neither does a good tree bring forth corrupt fruits."

128 We are sealed by the Holy Ghost, God's true Easter Seal. We are sealed into the Body of Christ, eternally sealed, not a seal for a space of time, but for eternity. And now that person that's received that, is raised from the dead, from a life of sin. What is it? His Spirit has been raised; his--his ambitions are raised; his life has been raised; he is a new creature. And he comes together with fellow citizens, like we are this morning to pray for one another, and to help one another, to encourage one another, and to set and gather in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, sealed by the Holy Ghost. "For ye are dead, and your life is hid in Christ through God, sealed by the Holy Ghost," Scripture said. That's the Scripture. Now, you see we're sealed by the Easter Seal, the Easter Seal of resurrection, which confirmed that His life and what He had said was true.

Now, we find out it's a complete work; it's a finished product. God's resurrection is a finished product. The Holy Ghost is God's Seal of a finished product.

129 Now, we come to Christ. First thing we do, we get justified by believing on Him. When we do that, then we realize that we've done wrong; we ask God to sanctify us; that's cleanse us from our life of sin: Martin Luther's justification, his message. Then come Wesley with sanctification. And then when it's all complete, and His church is completed, what's the next thing? A finished work. A finished work is the Seal, that the church has been completed.

130 Like in the pyramid. Notice on a dollar bill. I've referred to this. I don't know whether I ever did here at the Tabernacle or not. You notice on a dollar bill, it's called "the great seal." Now, how could you say that the United States could recognize that over in Egypt they have the great seal, and here's the seal of the United States on the other side: a eagle? Why would they be forced to make that a great seal, the great seal? Because, if you notice, right behind, up above the pyramid there's a little block, and that little block is the headstone, and that headstone was never put on the pyramid. It's an open top, if you've ever been there. By the grace of God, I have. So there's no--there's no top on the pyramid. What is it? Enoch built it before the flood. It was a--a memorial; that's the reason it never destroyed during the time of the flood. There's nothing destroyed it, because it is a memorial.

131 Now, if you notice, way down at the bottom it's wide; then it shapes up a little more in the minority, and then a little more, and then it goes to the headstone. That's the Lutheran age, justification in the church; sanctification; then the baptism of the Holy Ghost. But as it shapes towards the top, it continues from Lutheran age, to Wesley age, into Pentecostal age. But after it leaves the Pentecostal age, it still shapes up until it has to get to such a place till all those stones are so honed till a razor blade...

132 They weigh tons and tons up there. How they ever got them up, that's still a mystery to man. But they take this razor blade, and can run along, and it's so honed out so perfect until you can't even put a razor blade where mortar should be. That's how perfect the stones are put together. And now when this headstone, which the stones dovetail in like this, kind of set in, in a way of angles so that the headstone will come in a point, and set right down into it... It won't need any mortar; it'll set perfect.

Now, that's what God is doing to His Church. He's honing off the people, and making it in such a perfect way, that when the Headstone, Christ, comes, it fits the building together, and then a resurrection of the whole thing, the church is gone up. The Headstone...

134 Now, we are sitting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Now, we realize that Jesus, the body of Jesus, was caught up from the resurrection. Now, we know that the Bible speaks of three heavens. We know it first heaven, second heaven, and third heaven; I believe it was Paul that was caught away into the third heaven and seen things that wasn't expedient for him to speak of them. Now, the first heaven is called, in the Scripture, like the clouds; in other words, down below, here on the earthly seal. Now, when that atmosphere from up in above the clouds becomes down into the church, that's a heavenly place. Then the second heavens is considered the solar system. And the third heavens goes beyond that.

135 Now, we just happen to think, just watch this a minute. Now, Einstein proved by scientific, that if two objects was coming to each other, like two cars coming down across the road, and if were coming fast enough (now they'd really have to be going fast, like a billion miles per second) but they could pass right through one another and never disturb a thing. The speed would do it. Pass them right through one another without disturbing anything.

136 Now, now, if you'll notice... I was standing here not long ago at Mount Palomar, California, and I was noticing there that telescope that can see a hundred and twenty million years of light space. Now think, a hundred and twenty million years of light space, how many miles that would be to be broke down. See?

But yet heaven is so many billions and billions and billions of--of light years beyond that, till it's not even thought of. How would we get there? It's the travel; it'll be with like the mind; it's so fast. It'll be faster... If you could think of heaven, that's how quick you'd be there. Jesus, after He was resurrected, came right through the walls, right through the doors, and stood, and eat boiled fish and honeycomb. Hallelujah. Speed. No sooner than life has gone out of this body we're in the Presence of God yonder. We only know as feet and inches, and yards and miles, and so forth; we're in this earthbound system. But when we leave here, brother, oh, my, what a time.

138 Speaking the other night on the--Abraham and his Seed after him, how that God showed through Abraham, how He justified Abraham, the 12th chapter of Genesis. And on the--this on down, 16th chapter, how He confirmed the covenant through sanctification. On the 17th chapter, let him nurse from His breast, draw in the Holy Spirit. And then He confirmed, or placed him (like you've heard me preach the sermon of "Hear Ye Him"), took Abraham out and changed his name from Abram to Abraham, give him part of His Name, Elohim, h-a-m. Then we find out, that after that, He appeared to Abraham.

139 Now, to his Seed, watch how He's done the Seed the same way. The Seed of Abraham come through justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost; manifestation of His Name, revealing of Who He is (that revelation of Who? Jesus Christ), baptism in His Name, and so forth like that, that revelation, dividing His Name with His church, called them out. Then what did He do? In that same church that He called His Name, Jesus' Name, what did He do? He appeared in the same form that He did to Abraham, being able to discern spirits behind Him. See? Appeared in that same Name, in that same thing, in the same form. We're just at the end of the road.

140 Now notice what taken place. When He did that, that was the last sign that He give the church before the change come to the church, to Abraham and Sarah. Now, when the Angel told the mystery, the woman (the Church, which represented), she could hardly believe it, she just laughed within herself. See, she was a hundred years old; it failed to be with her and Abraham as husband and wife. You understand what I mean, family relationships, probably twenty years before... Why, they was dead in that manner. Sarah... Abraham as good as dead, Sarah's womb as good as dead, but what happened? What taken place? She said, "How could I, being as old as I am, and my lord, we haven't... ceased that way... We been that--ceased from that way for many, many years. It's impossible for him. It's impossible for me. How can I do it?" And she laughed in herself.

And the Angel said, "Why did she laugh? Why did she think within her heart? Why did she say this?" Now watch, that was the last sign before something happened to Sarah and Abraham.

142 Now, I preached here one time, and told you that God turned them back to a young man and woman. To prove it, she went down; they took a little trip and went down to--to Gerar, and Abimelech, that Philistine king, fell in love with Sarah and wanted to marry her 'cause she was a young woman again, beautiful. And notice, He had to do something; He had to change her. He didn't just put her back to a young man and woman, him and her; He didn't do that; because if they would, the same thing would existed. See, they'd come... 'Cause he married her when she was about sixteen, and he was just a young man, and they lived all their life with no children. If He just set them back, well, they'd just done the same thing again. But He had to do something different; He had to change them so that they could have this promised son, the promised son they was going to receive. But He had to change their whole system, and turn them back young and change them to receive the son.

143 The same thing He's going to do next, after that... And remember, after that sign was manifested fully to Abraham and his group, then the next thing come was that change. See? Now, we done seen everything through justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, placing of the son, and the signs and wonders of Him, being in His Presence to discern the thoughts of the heart, and so forth, as He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." We see that taking place right now. What was the next thing? The change of the body. Now, show that this--we are looking for an expected Son. Glory. Is that right? We cannot meet Him in these bodies. If we are changed back to young men and women, still we can't meet Him, because we have to meet Him in the air. There has to be something done besides change us back to young men and women; we've got to be changed and caught up in the air to meet Him. And the next thing coming is the rapture of the church, and the change of the body of the sleeping saints to meet the Lord Jesus in the air.

144 Oh, the memorial of Easter, those that are sealed away by the Holy Spirit? Now, at Eden gate, man was sealed away from God, at Pentecost he was eternally sealed into God. He goes in or out no more; he's there for good. Look. One Spirit, "We're baptized into one body by the Holy Ghost." Is that right? Then we are sealed until how long? To the day of your redemption. He no more goes out for the things of the world. "For ye are dead, and your life is hid in God through Christ, sealed in by the Holy Ghost." Oh, what a beautiful Scripture: sealed into Christ by the Holy Ghost.

145 Then when Jesus raised from the dead man was again forced to make their decision, "Did He rise or did not He raise?" And what did they do? They did the same thing they did at that mock trial, politics and church together; for the political and the religious got together the same as they did then.

Just the same as they're going to do in the future, and doing it right now, politics and religion! Ahab was a pretty good guy, but Jezebel, he was married to her. I don't say that President Kennedy isn't a good man, but he's married to that Jezebel system. It wasn't Ahab that did it; it was Jezebel behind the throne, that controlled it. It's that Jezebel system that's going to do the damage here. He has to do, 'cause he's married to her. He has to receive it; he has to do it; he's married to her. Oh, my. Peoples, can't you see what the Scripture's doing? Can't you see where we're standing here in the last days?

147 Now, notice man after the resurrection. You see that mock trial, turned it over to the church, knowing what the church would do. And what did it happen when these soldiers was scared and run away? The church hired these soldiers, and was given money to go say that His disciples came by night and took Him away.

Then I want to ask you. If the disciples came by night and took Him away, why didn't they take the robe that was on Him? If they were thieves and stealing, why didn't they take the robe too? But the linen was laying right there, with the napkin over His face, the linen laying where it was over His body. He just moved right through it all, and went up to the resurrection. Not a thing was disturbed; just the way He was laid, He was laying the same way, but He had went out from the linen. Amen.

149 See, but a mock trial again, a--a--a false accusation... Because why? They were forced; they were forced to make a decision. Man had to make a decision. The Church had to say, "He's raised from the dead," or, "He has not raised from the dead." Amen.

Oh, let's get our hearing on now, put your spiritual hearing aid in. Notice, it's come to that same thing. Men are trying to follow, like our meetings, and saying... I've heard even churches, the Church of Christ, so-called, said, "I'll give a thousand dollars for any man that can show one evidence of a resurrect--or a person that's been healed." I took doctors to them, and they wouldn't even believe it. Why? They're forced to make a decision. They have sealed themselves outside with Cain, with the religious cults. The true little Church of God's in the minority would always moved that way, but she'll... How did She suffer that fifteen hundred years of dark ages?

151 They say, "The Roman church..." Sure, the Roman church was first the Pentecostal church, the Catholic church was. It begin at Pentecost, but then it wanted to organize.

And if this Pentecostal church would stand for another two thousand years, they'd be worse than the Catholic is now. They're getting so far away from everything. I was questioned the other day, "Are you going to preach if you come to this place on women wearing makeup, they shouldn't wear shorts, shouldn't wear these things?"

I said, "Don't ask me then. No, sir. Don't ask me to come."

"Are you going to preach it?" They even said, "What business is that of yours?"

I said, "It's the Lord's business, and I'm about His business." That's exactly right. Exactly. So I said just...

"What do you do that for? Ain't there other things today?"

I said, "Yeah, but let them do that, and then we'll talk on other things. You see? See? See, let--let--let's get the foundation laid."

156 That's what's the matter. You're trying to jump up on top of the ladder, when you ought to be on the bottom yet. See? Get started down here; clean up and get started right, and then we could build upon that. Otherwise, you cannot build, because any foundation that's not built upon the principles of Christ will fall. And the Bible, It said, "It's an abomination for a woman to wear a garment pertains to a man." It hasn't changed one bit, since God hasn't changed. He's eternal, and His thoughts yesterday is the same as they are today, and will be forever. His Spirit is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His works is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His redemption is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. There's no way of getting around it. Now, the proof of the pudding is the eating thereof. We know that. Is it right? God said it was.

157 Man was forced to make a decision. What was they forced first in the days of Christ? What was they forced to do? They were forced, first, to accept Him. He showed them His sign, His Seal; He was the Messiah. How did He show it? By just exactly what the Bible said He would do. He was a Prophet, and He discerned the thoughts in their mind. And they said, "He's a devil, Beelzebub." They were forced to make a decision. They could not hold it any longer.

And neither can the Pentecostal church, or the Baptist, or Presbyterians. The Holy Ghost has... Christ has arisen, and He's in the church. And they say, "This man baptizes in the Name of Jesus. He believes you don't have to speak with tongues for the Holy Ghost, and things like that, that that's not the initial evidence. He believes in women, our women all wearing their hair like that. I think it has nothing to do with it." Then why is God vindicating that this is the truth? Find out where it's at.

159 They refused His Messiahship when He showed them He was the Messiah. They were forced to say something.

And so are they today, turning it down, and won't sponsor it, and washing their hands from it. The decision is forced upon them. There's no middle road. We're at the end time. Man's forced to receive it or reject it. You've got to accept it or turn it away. It's forced upon America. It's forced on the Branham Tabernacle. It's forced on the Pentecostals, on the Methodists. It's forced everywhere. You have to take it or leave it. God has confirmed His Word, showing His signs, backing His ministry, showing exactly what He is, by proving that He's God. Jesus said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me." That's right. "But if I do the works of the Father, then you believe the works." There you are. See, they can't, they--they--they can't find nothing in That, because That's true. Then why don't they receive it? It's because of denomination. They can't receive it, so they're forced now to make a showdown.

161 And in Ohio just a few days ago, the same churches that sponsored me a year ago; because I attacked it, and showed that it was wrong, there wasn't one of them, but one church, Brother Sullivan, would cooperate. I said, "I still had the same hand; I still have the same feet; I still have the same message; I'm still Brother Branham. What's the matter with me?" It's not me. The Holy Spirit still speaks; the Holy Spirit still does the same works; He still shows it. But you're forced. That's right. They're forced. And the great Holy Spirit falling right in their midst, and speaking the Words, and saying the things that He said then. Then still they...

162 Look here in California the other day. I think I can find it here; here it is. I was at Clifton's Cafeteria, the breakfast. And there a Baptist brother... After I got through just tearing the churches to pieces, telling them how they were doing evil, and the things they were doing, rejecting God. This Baptist brother come up here to put his arms around me to pray. And when he did, he started speaking like in tongues. When he... Now, he's a Baptist, knowed nothing about it. When he got through, he said...

And a woman standing back there from Louisiana, a Frenchman, said, "That wasn't an unknown tongue; that was French." And here sat another woman from Switzerland, Lausanne, which speaks French (I've been there.), she said that she interpreted it right. Here come a young man walking down through there (I never seen him; nobody had ever seen him.); he was the French interpreter for the U.N., said, "Exactly, it's right," said...

164 And this man says, and you know, this man; I'll call his name just in a minute. His name was Henry. I'll get his last name just in a moment; I think it's wrote on here. I don't know. It's in the Business Men's Voice, if it isn't. But he... Oh, yes, "By Danny Henry." Now, that is... I can't think of that movie star. [Someone says, "Marilyn Monroe?"--Ed.] No, it isn't Marilyn. Meda... Jane Russell, Jane Russell's cousin. And he came up and put his arms around me to comment me, and here's the words he said. He said, "That sermon could be put into the Book of Revelations." Said, "It's right." He said, "I want to pray for you, Brother Branham." He throwed his arms around me, begin to speaking in French, and didn't know nothing about it.

165 And here was the interpretation, he's got it wrote down as the document come in form, and so forth. It said, "I, Victor D-e-D-o-w-x," French name, "am a Frenchman," and so-forth, "and was there when--when Danny (what-you-call-it)--Danny Henry, gave this in message over Brother Branham, on February the eleventh, 1961." He lives at "809 North King's Road, Los Angeles 64." Listen at the-listen at the reading.

Because thou has chosen the narrow path... (Now, see, I get that all right. There's part of it I don't.) Because thou has chosen the narrow path, the harder way; thou has walked of thy own choosing.

166 I can get that all right. See? See, you choose it yourself. Moses made his own choice; he didn't have to do it. Neither did I have to take this path. I could have big buildings out yonder like some of them's got. I could be all across on television. But who would sponsor me on--on tearing the very foundation? But one thing, I don't have to bow down to nobody's feet but the Lord Jesus Christ. That's right. Yes. I preach what the Bible says. I don't have to compromise with their organizations, 'cause I don't belong to them. I made the choice. Just like He said up there, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you." And He give Moses two signs of confirmation to prove. And Moses made his own choice. See, Moses made his own choice. So that's easy to understand that (See?), "Thou has chose a..."

Because thou has chosen the narrow path, the harder way, thou has walked of your own choosing.

167 Now, here, now this man, now watch how it's wrote, you can see it's wrote in--in foreign words.

Thou has picked the correct and precise decision and it is My way. (Bless God. "It's My way," He said.)

Because of this momentous decision, a huge portion of heaven waits thee. (He had never heard about the vision, you see, that just... You remember the vision.)... huge portion of heaven waits thee. What a glorious decision thou has made. (See?)

This in itself... (Now, here's... From here on, I don't understand.) This in itself is that... (big parentheses around it)... which will give and make come to pass their tremendous victory in the Love Divine.

I don't know what that means, "this will make come to pass." Perhaps in the little tent one of these days, setting back yonder He'll make it known.

170 Why? Not because we had to do it, not because that--that it--it--it's just a easy way... You can be popular; you'd have everybody patting you on the back, money flowing in from everywhere for a radio or televisions, and so forth. They said they would take it and televise it. I don't believe in taking God's things and putting them out on such vulgarity stuff of the world. I don't believe in all this whooping up and making something that isn't. I believe in just letting it alone, way God... He's God, let Him do with it what He wants to. We're servants, just serve the Lord, just do as God said.

171 Man, in the midst of all of it though, is forced to make a decision. They were forced to make a decision when Christ was here on earth, because He proved to them He was the Messiah. Is that right? And they were forced, and what did they call Him? Beelzebub, a fortuneteller. Then His--by His sign, Seal, at Easter, God proved it, that He raised Him up from the dead. After all these other things, He raised Him from the dead.

Now, the church that claims to have the Holy Ghost, God's proof of it, that you've passed from death unto Life, because the old things has passed away, and things have become new to you. That's God's proof of the resurrection. You're not like you used to be; you're changed. Where you used to doubt God's Word; every Word God's Word speaks, you say, "Amen." See, there's something happened to you. That's just the first form of the resurrection, the Spirit on the inside.

173 Now, Pentecost... After Pentecost, when these people received the Holy Ghost, man was forced again to make a decision, "Is that of God or isn't it of God?" And what did they say? "They are heretics. That's crazy. They're in delusion." Even Agrippa told Paul, "You're mad." "Mad" means "crazy."

And what did Paul say? "In the way that's called heresy, that's the way I worship God." He had the Easter Seal. He had been there when something happened. I'm glad to join hands with him this morning in heart, and say, "Paul..." Why? We'd have to preach the same Word. Paul commanded them to be baptized over in Jesus' Name, after they'd been baptized other words. He said, "If an angel from heaven said anything else, let him be accursed." He preached Divine Healing. He preached the power of the resurrection. He preached Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Visions, and powers, and manifestations of the Spirit followed him.

175 You'll have to have the same Message, the same thing, not a theology, not some church doings, but the power of God, Pentecost, and the same Seal. The Seal of the Holy Ghost, God's true Easter Seal is a man's credentials. Right. It's your birthrights. It's a credential that you have passed from death unto Life, and God is working through you the same way He did the Lord Jesus, because it's your credential. "These signs shall follow them that believe. Go ye into all the world," after Easter, after the Pentecost, after the Seal of Easter was given, of the resurrection. What was it? The Life that was in Christ that was raised up, has come and quickened His Church, and lives in the Church to do the same signs.

176 I hope it don't go over your head. I hope I'm not keeping you so long that you--you won't--won't get the joy of what I mean. See? I know it's hard, you people standing. Please, just--just a few minutes; try if you can. See, I want you to get this point, friend. I want you to see what's in my heart, what's been here thirty-one years, since I laid that little cornerstone yonder on the corner. See, there's the truth; I've tried to stand for it. There's been all kinds of things went out from it; that's true; but it's always been that way.

177 I was reading it on Martin Luther, said, "It was a hard thing to believe that he could protest the Catholic church and get by with it. That was a great thing. But the greatest thing, that how he could hold his head level above an the fanaticism that followed his revival, that's just stay true in the Bible." Say what God says and say nothing else; just stay right with it; walk in the straight, precise decision of God. Instead... If God decides it to be this way, let's stay right with it. That's His decision. Amen. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

178 The--the Seal of Pentecost is the believer's credentials that he's passed from death unto Life, because he has received the Pentecostal blessing, God's Easter Seal to His Son. He sealed His first Son with the Holy Ghost. Is that right? True. And He sealed all of His other sons with the Holy Ghost.

179 Now, we find out here that in sealing this now at this time, as the end time is drawing near... There's a place here I ought to hit, about the sons--Cain's sons out there now, have been forced to a place that they've got to make a decision. See, it's hard for them to do, because, if they do, they have to give up their denominational rights. See? So did the Pharisees. You know, the Pharisees made a decision on Jesus, when He proved He was the Messiah. And when the Holy Ghost has proved this way that's called heresy, has proved that it is the Holy Ghost, man's got to make a decision. They can't stand still.

180 Here the other night I was out, praying for a sick lady out in the hospital. And when I went down, I heard somebody holler, "Billy." And I looked around. It was one of our brethren here; he comes here, Roy Slaughter. He was standing down the hall from me a little ways, and he said, "My brother's wife is sick. Will you go in and pray for her, Billy?"

And I said, "Sure."

Went in there. And there was another aged lady, about sixty years old, laying there, looked like her son setting aside. After I talked to them a little while, I said, "Can we... We're going to have a word of prayer."

She said, "Pull that curtain."

And I said, "All right." I said, "Are you a believer?"

She said, "I'm a Methodist."

I said, "That's not what I asked you." I said, "Are you a believer?"

She said, "I'm a Methodist. We're Methodists. Just pull that curtain."

I didn't do it. I prayed, anyhow, and prayed for her, so I prayed God will save her. But that's it (See?), you're not a Christian; you're a Methodist. See? You're--you're not a believer; you're a Methodist. Your own testimony tells it. Mercy, goodness, how far can you fall from the Bible?

Believers, "And these signs shall follow them that believe."

185 Are you a Christian? "I'm a Methodist." That shows you're not a Christian.

Are you a Christian? "I'm a Church of Christ." That shows you're not a Christian.

You're a Christian because you're a believer. And if you are a believer, Jesus said in Mark, 16th chapter, "These signs shall follow them that receive the Easter Seal, to the end of the world." That's right; you are a believer.

187 And the people are forced; they're forced now. The thing's operating, and they're forced to either receive it or condemn it. And what are they doing? Condemning it.

But he couldn't do it back there at the age of Pentecost, because Pentecost is going right back and organize, coming, organizing themselves into the same thing that they just pulled out of. Pentecost come out. Pentecost is not an organization; Pentecost is an experience that comes to a believer. But they made an organization out of it, and has done the same thing that they fought so hard to get out of.

189 The same thing the nation and politics did, come over here from freedom of religion, from the old prostitute Catholic doctrine, and come right back, and by blindness of politics, elected one of their key men, a millionaire, made a millionaire by whiskey and raff, and stuff of the world, how he become a millionaire, and put him on the White House throne, with the system of Catholicism behind it. Which he ain't been in there six months yet, and proving that it's right...

190 And the Pentecostal church come out of the organization, and called them cold and formal; and their women, the way they did; and the man, the way they did. And Pentecost organized, and took the spirit, and went right back into it. Why? So that the real Church of God could be showed in Her power and in Her might. You're forced to believe it. You're forced to accept it or deny it. Glory to God. It's before you, and you can't deny it. You've got to say yes or no. There's no way of getting out of it. Yes, sir.

Yes, they're forced. There's no middle ground. The whole world has to receive it or deny it. And that's the way it stands today.

191 Now, we find out that after Easter, Jesus, in Mark 16 told them, "Go in all the world and preach the Gospel; these signs would follow." And man... God then forced the issue to those people. They had to see them people had something. And that lasted for three hundred and six years after the death of Christ. Then what come into the church? They were catholics (It's exactly right.) Pentecostal catholic. The word "catholic" means "universal." The whole church is universal. And they were Pentecostal.

Then what'd they do? They went to getting in the businessman, converting the others, bringing them in. And they had the big society ideas.

And first thing, you know, in the Bible, we found out in our teaching when we taught the church ages, that Jesus told him before it happened, about two hundred years, that there'd be a doctrine, or first it would be a deeds of the Nicolaitanes, and then finally become a doctrine. And then, when it did that, He said, "I hate it." And what did the Pentecostal do? The Pentecostal up-and-ups, starchy class, organized and made the Catholic church, the first mother organization.

The little minority was forced off to one side. And it's been that way ever since. They come down fifteen hundred years, and that little minority survived it. Amen.

195 Somebody said the other day; he said, "Think of the Catholic church, how many great battles she's survived." Great battles? Sure, with--with the law on her side, with the nation on her side, with politics on her side. Think about that little Pentecostal that had nothing but the Holy Ghost, but she survived it. And right here this morning is a living evidence that she still lives, and she'll forever live: not the organization; the Pentecostal believers, the real ones. That's right.

Now, after the Easter, this was done, forced to make a decision. Men must make a decision; they must make it now. (I'm passing a lot of these comments.) There's no middles of ground.

198 And Satan's sons will be sealed in this last days. There's a time now, that the Bible spoke of, that all that did not have the Seal of God took the mark of the beast. And we know that the mark of the beast is disbelief. The first time... "Where'd you say the mark of the beast begin?" In the garden of Eden. Mark of the beast and the Seal of God was performed in the garden of Eden. Exactly. It's performed through Easter, for the death of Abel brought forth Seth. That's right.

Notice. Cain was the son of Satan. He was the son of the beast which beguiled Eve. You can call it whatever you want to. He was the son of Satan. And what did he do? God put a mark on him and sent him out from the Presence of God. Is that right? And he got him a wife, not out of the heritage of God, but got him a wife from the land of Nod, another land.

200 And what did the organization do? It left the true Pentecostal belief when it organized and got a wife out of the organization. That's exactly right. Now, what's he done? Look how--look how the Pentecostal wife's begin to do, and what she's saying and what she's doing; look at her action. And standing right back around, and trying to cut down now, the very Thing that she stood for at first, she's trying to cut it down, smother it out, 'cause it's against her creeds. Like it was there. But she's forced again to make a decision. She's got to make it. She's got to make it.

God, help me and my brethren who will stand with me. Help the... God, help us to stand there gallantly. No matter if it's martyr's blood, stand there. "I must fight, if I must reign; increase my courage, Lord."

202 When I see His Holy Spirit moving amongst the people and doing the same things, I know He's that same resurrected Jesus Christ. Amen. That settles it, as far as I'm concerned. See? Amen. Over in Romans 4:25, being talking of Abraham. "He was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification."

Ephesians 4:30, the Holy Ghost is God's Easter Seal that seals us for eternity (Amen.), seals us for eternity: God's Holy Spirit. Oh, are--are you glad? Are you glad for Easter? Are you glad for this experience? Sealed, shut in with God in a secret place, shut in with God by His Divine grace, sealed till the day of our redemption. That's the real, true Easter Seal.

What time have we got? Noon, five minutes till twelve. Are you believing? [Congregation says, "Amen"--Ed.] All of you believe? Let's just bow our heads a moment.

205 Our heavenly Father, no matter what I would say, and yet man should believe this Word because it is written here. I pray that men everywhere will receive You now as their Easter Seal, the Firstfruits of the resurrection, knowing that they passed from death unto Life; where death once trod, now Life takes its place. I pray that You'll show to this congregation this morning, that You're still Jesus, that You still are the One Who does the miracles and performs the thing. And knowing, and I just said, as it was confirmed to father Abraham, that that Angel stood with His back to the audience--or to Sarah, and told what she was saying and thinking... O God, we've seen it time after time. We've seen the confirmation, the placing of the Son, the giving of the Name. We've seen all these things take place, Lord, and we know we're at the end time. This is an Easter. Many are standing, legs are cramping.

And now, Father, all I could say would not mean one thing after You have spoken, unless it's in according with what You speak. And if I have spoke Your Word, then, Father, I believe that You are God that will confirm that Word. I pray that You'll grant it. Let Thy Spirit, Lord, come into the midst of the people, and make this confirmed to the people.

207 As we have our heads bowed, everywhere, there perhaps is sickness in here; there's no doubt at all in here but what there's sickness in amongst the people. I want to know how many in here that's out-of-town, that's sick, raise your hand: out-of-town. Well, they're just everywhere.

All right, you may raise your head. I'm going to ask that so you can see. All that's out-of-town, that I don't know, that's out-of-town and I don't know you, raise your hand, say, "I'm sick." Raise your hands everywhere now, so I can just get a general idea. []

209 If He don't keep this, there's no resurrection. If He does keep it, it's assurance of the resurrection. It shows that the Easter Seal, that He is not dead, but He's a-living. Then to condemn that, would be blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, and it's unforgivable. Now, if the Holy Spirit will come into this meeting...

I was--thought maybe we'd just raise the people up, but we can't have a prayer line. Look here, just jammed in here, the little kiddies all over the altars and everywhere. We can't have a prayer line.

But, look, I want to ask you something. Is He just at one place, or is He omnipresent? He's everywhere. Now, how could I know you, that you that raised your hands that I do not know you, and you're strangers here? I don't want any of the Tabernacle people; I'll see you later. See? But just the people, so that you'll see it's out-of-town people that I don't know. Let the Holy Spirit speak whether it's right or not. Let Him do the talking, then my words will be one thing; and if it's God's Word, God will keep that Word.

212 Now remember, Pentecostal, the real true believers of God, has always been in the minority. And they're a bunch that's laughed at and made fun of, and people are not willing to take that way. And may the Holy Spirit...

I want to ask you people something. Now, see, is God a living God? Is He present? Then if He is, I want to ask you something. Now, after I've spoken, how many in here that's--believes that that's the truth? [Congregation says, "Amen"--Ed.] Is there any in here would like to say, "I am not a Christian, Brother Branham. I would like to be. Pray for me." I can't call no altar up here, because I--I can't. Just raise up your hand, say, "Pray for me." Is there any in the building? God bless you, you, you, you. That's fine. All right. God bless you, around, everywhere. All right, good. All right.

214 Now, you have a right, after a message like this, you have a right to call my hand, and say, "Brother Branham, you've preached to us something, that in these last days you said'the last sign was when He performed, showed that He was God."

And I heard a Jewish preacher the other day, had just been... I was... By my message on the--on the red heifer offering, the man come and received Christ, come out from a church, had been raised through a line of rabbis for years and years and years, for--for four or five hundred years, way back, all rabbis. And the man heard my message, slipped into a meeting and heard that "red heifer," and was converted by it to Christianity. And stood in a church the other day, and say, "Anybody that wouldn't believe that there was three Gods instead of One..." He had been believing in one God till that time. He backslid, instead of doing anything else. He... []

216 God, speak. Now, I raised my hand; I don't know them, don't know them. Now, if He's still God, won't He do the same thing? The woman that touched His garment...

Some of you women, or some of you there that had raised your hand, a woman somewhere, I believe... Where? The little lady on the end, would you raise your hand? All right. You, all right, I'm a stranger to you? I don't know you? All right.

You just see if He's still the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of your infirmity. I never seen you in my life. You're a stranger to me. I know nothing about you. God does know you. And if He can reveal to me by His Holy Spirit, the resurrected Christ Who come here, and give me a temporarily resurrection by my spirit, that my spirit goes away now and His Spirit comes in, then to let you know whether He's alive or not. Now, I don't know you. That's me, me and my spirit; we don't know you. But He knows you. But He wants to borrow my body to prove that He's the resurrected Christ. I'm so happy to loan it to Him, give it to Him, anything He can get out of it.

219 If God will tell me what you're here for, will you believe me? You will. You have varicose veins. If that's right, raise up your hand. You got more than that: got a hernia. That's right. You're not from this town. You're from Lima, Ohio. Your name is Mrs. Stoddard. That's right. Your husband's setting behind you. That's right. You believe God can tell me what's his trouble? He's got trouble with His back; he's suffering with his back. If that's right, raise up your hand, sir. Do you believe?

220 Somebody else down here raised up their hands, down along through here. Here, that lady there. All right. I don't know you. That's your husband setting next to you there. The thing you're wanting is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. If that's right, raise up your hand. That's right. All right, believe on the Lord; just don't doubt at all.

Seen somebody coming from a distance, but I couldn't tell just where it was at. Yeah, it's the man setting right here; I see him now. He's a stranger to me also. You got gallbladder trouble, sinus trouble. You're not from here. You're from Georgia, a place called like Hubbermill, Georgia. All right, believe now, and go back home and be healed.

222 You believe with all your heart? There's one setting right back here behind; that Light's standing over the person. They're praying for a loved one who's got cancer, not saved. Believe; have faith, and don't doubt.

[Brother Branham pauses--Ed.] I'm just watching. See... [Brother Branham pauses] Uh-huh. Here it is over here. The lady that's got her head down, praying. She got trouble with her feet and her knees. I don't know you, do I? We're strangers, raise up your hand. You go back to... Your home's in New Hampshire; that's where you come from. Believe, and the Lord will make you well.

224 A lady setting back there with the little girl, praying for her, with kidney trouble, setting right back there. She's from Georgia also. Mrs. Cason, if you believe with all your heart? You accept it? All right, then go home, be made well. I don't know the woman, never seen her in my life. If we're strangers to one another, wave your hand, lady. That's right.

Here's another setting right back here, a man. He's from Georgia too. Don't know him, never seen him. But I seen him come up from that peach country. Right. He's got a liver trouble (That's right.) and arthritis. He's setting right on the back seat. You believe with all your heart, sir? All right, go back and be healed.

There's someone setting next to you, a lady, way back in the very back row. No, it's not for her. She's praying for her son. That's right. You believe that God can tell me what's the matter with your son, lady? I'm a stranger to you, but God knows you. Ulcers, and a mental trouble, and he's not here; Dayton, Ohio. If that's right, raise up your hand. Now, believe.

227 Do you know He lives? Is He the same Jesus yesterday, today, and forever? There's at least eight or ten people I never seen in my life. And is it true? Now, may the God of heaven, Who's present, heal and make well these. Well, it comes from the anointing of the Holy Spirit, not me. May the God that can discern the thoughts of the mind, and prove Himself to be Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, let Him come forward and heal the sick. He's God forevermore. Do you believe that? Now, how many wants to believe Him right now, and accept Him as Saviour, and Healer, and as a Baptizer, and a coming King? In the Name of Jesus. Oh, hallelujah. What? The Easter Seal, the infallible Easter Seal.

228 What's the next thing? The transformation of this body to meet the Son that's coming. We'll be changed in a moment, in a twinkle of an eye. Have all your paper seals you want to; but the real Seal of Easter is the Holy Ghost in the human heart. Do you accept it? Do you believe in His resurrection? Do you believe He's alive forevermore? You believe that He's here? Do you now accept Him as your Saviour, as your Healer, as your God, as your coming King? Believe with all your heart.

229 As these handkerchiefs, praying over them, God, in the Name of Jesus Christ. A lot of people anoint them. I believe they took from the body of Paul handkerchiefs and aprons, and they were healed. You believe that?

Now, how many more is in here, sick? Now, the Tabernacle people, and around this community here, that's around here, now you raise your hands, from around here. Now, do you believe that He's here? Do you believe the Holy Spirit's here? Now, wait, why do we wait for anything else? He's here, so let's act upon it! Charlie, what do you think? Amen. Hallelujah. Oh, it's got to happen.

231 I cannot heal anyone. I cannot do it. There's nothing in me to heal with. But if you'll accept this Spirit that's on me now, there couldn't be enough devils in hell make you doubt it any more, and you've got to be healed. I'm not the Healer; He's the Healer. I can't see visions; He's the One Who speaks. It's just my body He's using.

Now, that same God said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." How many believers is here? Are you sure you're a believer? Well, He said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." Is that right? Now, put your hands on one another, and let me pray for every one of you. O God. Oh, brother, something's got to take place. Something's just got to happen.

233 O great Easter Seal, You're not the lily in the pot, but the Lily in the Valley. You Who stoke--spoke through that boy the other day, You have come forth by Your Word. You made manifest that You're Truth. You are Truth, Lord. You are the Resurrection. You said, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, shall never die. I am the Resurrection and Life."


[] It'll not be spoken, then you'll wonder. But while you can hear, obey.

O God, Who created the heavens and earth, these people are praying for one another. When You rose on Easter morning, You proved that You was Messiah. You proved that You was Messiah, before You rose. You proved that You was, by the sign of the Messiah, the Seal of God that was in You. You were Sealed away with God to do nothing but what He said. You had said, "I do always that which pleases the Father." That's keep His Word. For to please God, we must believe His Word and keep His Word. And then, Father, so is it today, that every son or--of God, every daughter of God, in order to please God, must keep God's Word. And, God, we're keeping Your Word now by laying hands on one another. And I'm praying for this audience.

236 After we have heard the Word preached, and seen the strangers raise their hands, see the great Holy Spirit go out there and tell them the very thoughts from their heart, and who they are, where they come from, what's happening, and all about, how could people doubt any more? God, that's a great reward for these who's stood this morning around this great church walls here, and their limbs aching, and little mothers with their babies, and dads, and aged, and all, waiting, watching, watching to see one sign of the living God... Then see Him move in on the scene, and prove that He's Jehovah, that He's Jesus, the resurrected One, "I'm alive forevermore, and have the keys of death and hell," because He broke the seal off of it. He broke the seal of death. He broke the seal of the tomb. He broke the seal of hell. He broke the seal of the grave. And He opened the seal to the Tree of Life, and baptized us by His Holy Spirit into that Tree of Life, and made us sons and daughters of God, and commissioned us to lay hands on one another, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; if they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." Father, God, it has to be.

238 I pronounce by the power of the Gospel, by the God of heaven Who ordained me and sent me to preach the Gospel, by the God Who wrote the Word, by the Angel Who's present to confirm the Word, I say this because of the faith that I have in the people, that the devil will have to leave every sick person in here, every afflicted person, and the power of God shall raise them up to good health and strength again, as a memorial of this Easter service. Come out, Satan. You are defeated. Jesus conquered you nineteen hundred years ago, and you are defeated. Come out of the people, in the Name of Jesus Christ.