Ten prvý cirkevný vek bol čo? Nikolaiti mali náuku, vidíte, ten prvý kôň. No dobre. A potom to prvé, čo nasledovalo, ako vieme, že táto náuka Nikolaitov bola uznaná a bola hneď - vošla do akcii. A oni korunovali tohoto muža. Potom tento duch, antikrist, sa stal stelesnený v človeku, vidíte. A neskoršie sme zistili, že on sa tiež stal stelesneným diablom. Ten démon odchádza preč a vchádza tam diabol. A tak isto, ako táto cirkev ... tento druh antikristovej cirkvi robí pokroky, tak isto prechádza Nevesta inakšími vecami - cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým a pohybuje sa rovno ďalej, vidíte. Tak ako oni, len oni vzali svoje prebudenie prv, a cirkev ho berie nakoniec.
Ich prvé tri roky ... Tie ich prvé tri stupne, to prechádzalo cez Dobu Temna. Potom tretie, tri stupne, vychádza von cirkev, od ospravedlnenia, posvätenia, krstu Duchom Svätým, On - stelesnený Boh zamanifestovaný medzi nami.
Tu on vchádza ako antikrist, ako falošný prorok, potom šelma, potom v Dobe Temna. Potom cirkev vychádza v tom Temnom Veku - ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým, stelesnené Slovo, takým spôsobom teraz; a on ide dole. On ide dole; Cirkev ide hore. Je to tak dokonalé, ako to len môže byť. Ó, to je nádherné. Ja to proste milujem.
Toto je ten istý jazdec, ale v ďalšom stupni jeho služby. Ten prvý stupeň - biely kôň, vidíte. On bol len učiteľ, len antikristov učiteľ. On bol proti Slovu Božiemu. Ako môžete byť antikrist? Každý, kto zapiera, že každé Slovo z tohoto je pravda, aby ono bolo učené presne tak isto, je antikrist, pretože oni zapierajú Slovo. A On je Slovo.
Nuž, prvý stupeň - biely kôň. On bol len učiteľ, ale v jeho náuke a jeho povahe bol antikristov duch. To bolo nevinné. To nemohlo nič uškodiť, tak to vyzeralo. Len išiel ďalej ... Tak prichádza Satan. Och, on je chytrý vtáčik.
1Dobrý večer, priatelia. povstaňme na chvíľu ku modlitbe a skloňme svoje hlavy.
Náš nebeský Otče, keď počujeme tú nádhernú pieseň, rozmýšľame, Pane, že Ty si blízko; a prosíme, Pane, aby si nás dnes večer prijal, ako tvoje deti a odpustil nám všetky naše hriechy a prestúpenia a dal nám tvoje požehnania, pretože sme ľudia nachádzajúci sa v potrebách.
A v tejto veľkej hodine, v ktorej teraz žijeme ... A vidíme, že každým rokom je čoraz temnejšie a temnejšie pre svet. A príchod Pánov sa stáva čoraz jasnejší a jasnejší, pri tom, čo sa On zjavuje vo svojom Slove a manifestuje Seba samého. Znovu sme dnes večer prišli, Pane, pokúsiť sa o toto zhromaždenie, a modliť sa ku Tebe, aby si nám otvoril, Pane, túto Tretiu Pečať tejto knihy, ktorá nám má byť oznámená, aby sme mohli vedieť, čo robiť a ako žiť, aby byť lepšími Kresťanmi.
Prosím, Bože, aby si spôsobil, aby si každý, kto tu nie je Kresťanom, dnes večer uvedomil, že oni Ťa potrebujú. Učiň to. A prosím, nebeský Otče, aby každý znovu zrodený Kresťan si uvedomil, že musí žiť v bližšom obecenstve s Tebou, než ako v minulosti, aby sme všetci mohli byť v tom spoločenstve Kresťanskej lásky a viery.
Daj, aby každá chorá osoba v našom strede bola dnes večer uzdravená, Pane. Oni si uvedomujú, že Ťa potrebujú. Prosím, Otče, aby si požehnal všetko, čo je učinené alebo povedané na Tvoju česť a slávu. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
Znovu sme sa dnes večer spolu zhromaždili, znovu kvôli tomuto, v stredu večer tento týždeň, a spoliehame dnes večer na Pána, že vyleje svoje veľké požehnanie na svoje Slovo. A dnes, ako obyčajne som študoval Písmo a snažil som sa myslieť o veciach, ktoré by bolo vhodnejšie povedať, a ako ich povedať, a potom spoliehajúc na Pána, aby mi dal výklad a význam tohoto Slova, ktoré bolo napísané. A som Mu vďačný za to, čo On pre nás urobil v priebehu tohoto týždňa, že sme ... otvárajúc tieto pečate. A ja ...
Možno by bolo dobre, keby sme nedeľu ráno ... Viete, mnoho krát ... Nechceme byť zle zrozumení, ale viete, niekedy to tak dopadne. Tak možno v nedeľu ráno, keby všetci, ktorí majú ohľadne tohoto nejakú otázku vo svojej mysli, keby to napísali a dali to sobotu večer tu na stôl, aby som sa mohol pozrieť, čo to je, a potom v nedeľu ráno sa budem snažiť na to odpovedať, ak Pán dá. Myslím, že by to bolo lepšie, než ako to, čo sme plánovali, pretože niekedy je to zle zrozumené, viete; a takto by to bolo ... bolo by to lepšie, aby som to vyjasnil, viete. Bude to tak, ako to má byť.
Pretože niekedy ... Niekto dnes telefonoval a povedal, že ... zavolal a chcel vedieť, či to bola pravda, že keď bude vytrhnutie, že bude vzatý jen jeden z Jeffersonville a jeden z New Yorku, a ostatní spoza mora. A tak, ja ... Vidíte, to bolo proste zle zrozumené.
3Potom niekto povedal, že sobotu večer, keď nám Pán dá tú poslednú pečať, potom Ježiš tu bude v nedeľu ráno. Tak, to je ... vidíte, vy ne ... To tak nie je. My nevieme. Ak vám niekto povie, že oni vedia, kedy On príde, viete, že oni sa predovšetkým mýlia, pretože to nikto nevie. Ale my chceme žiť dnes tak, ako by to bolo práve teraz.
4A ja sa za chvíľu budem snažiť zmeniť vaše presvedčenie, tak buďte pripravení. Ja verím, že Ježiš príde za menej, ako za tri minúty rovno od teraz - podľa jeho času. Viete ako dlho by to bolo? Okolo tridsať päť rokov. Vidíte, tisíc rokov je u Neho len jeden deň, vidíte. A tak keď počujete ... Ten apoštol tam vtedy povedal: "Ten čas je nablízku." Tuto: "Ten čas je nablízku." Ten apoštol to povedal v Zjavení. Viete ako dlho to bolo? To pre Boha bolo len včera - nie ani dva dni. A vidíte, ak je to tri minúty, menej ako tri minúty, do Jeho príchodu vidíte, to by bolo pre nás okolo tridsať rokov, alebo tak nejako, pozrite sa, čo by boli tri minúty pre Neho. On už povstáva, aby prišiel! Tak, my ...
5Niekedy keď tu čítate On hovorí v termínoch Slova, nie v našich termínoch. Potom ak by som vedel, že On príde zajtra večer, zajtra by som študoval a prosil Ho, aby mi dal posolstvo na štvrtú Pečať, a prišiel by som sem a kázal to tak isto. Vidíte? Ja chcem robiť každý deň to, čo by som robil, keď On príde. A nepoznám žiadne iné lepšie miesto, než ako byť zastihnutý rovno pri svojich povinnostiach - pri plnení si povinností. A tak my to len robíme, až kým On nepríde.
Niekedy, keď len čítame ... Nuž, buďme skutočne pozorní. A keď čítate ... Vezmite tie pásky, počúvajte ich skutočne pozorne, pretože to dostanete na páske, pretože oni tam vzadu nahrávajú tie pásky, a oni sú nahrané skutočne dobre a jasne. A tak to tam budete mať čisto.
Teraz je každý zamilovaný do Krista, dúfam, dnes večer, a každý Ho miluje. Poviem vám, čo niekedy zmätie ľudí - to, že niekto, kto príde dovnútra nepočul prvú časť kázania, viete. Potom oni prídu a počujú vás odvolávať sa na niečo, čo bolo povedané predtým. A potom oni berú to, čo je povedané, a nezobrali tú prvú časť. Potom je to pre nich všetko zmätené. Potom si oni myslia, že niečo bolo povedané inak, ale nebolo.
A tak ak máte nejakú otázku, čomu nerozumiete, napíšte to len na kúsok papieru; položte to tu, kedykoľvek od teraz do soboty večera, a ja sa budem snažiť nedeľu ráno ... Ak je to trochu nejasné, povedzte: "Dobre, som len zvedavý, čo to tu znamená. Nepochopil som to." Viete čo mám na mysli. Potom sa vám budem snažiť na to odpovedať v nedeľu ráno, ak Pán dá.
6Teraz, dnes večer budeme čítať z tohoto požehnaného starého Slova, znovu zo 6. kapitoly, a začneme dnes večer s Treťou Pečaťou. A to je 5. verš, 5. a 6. verš. A zajtra večer skončíme tých štyroch jazdcov: bieleho koňa, a červeného koňa, čierneho koňa a plavého koňa. A chcem povedať toto, že zakaždým, až do dnes rána ...
7Vstal som naozaj zavčasu a išiel som sa modliť prv, ako sa čokoľvek hýbalo a zostal som na modlitbe cez deň. Ale dnes ráno zavčasu Duch Svätý prišiel tam, kde som bol. A práve tak jasno, ako čokoľvek iné, videl som otvorenú túto ďalšiu pečať, celkom presne. Nuž, On ma počúva, ja viem, a som veľmi vďačný. No, pamätajte len, že niečo sa deje, čo dúfam, že ste postrehli. Vidíte? Niečo sa deje. Chcem len raz vyskúšať túto cirkev a vidieť, či skutočne môžu vziať niečo prv, ako sa to skutočne stane. Nuž pamätajte, pamätajte, čo som vám povedal, a nech nám Pán pomôže.
A teraz piaty verš:
A keď otvoril tretiu pečať, počul som tretiu živú bytosť, ktorá vravela: Poď ... vidz! A videl som a hľa, čierny kôň, a ten, ktorý sedel na ňom, mal váhu vo svojej ruke.
A počul som hlas prostred štyroch živých bytostí, ktorý hovoril: Choinix pšenice za denár a tri chonixy jačmeňa za denár, a oleju a vínu neškoď!
8Nuž, predstavme trochu pozadie tohoto na základe tých pečatí, cez ktoré sme prešli, pretože práve tak, ako v cirkevných vekoch, však, snažíme sa predstaviť pozadie, ako sa to prekrýva. Tak sa vlastne tie veky v Písme - jeden sa prekrýva s druhým - práve ako toto - ako vystupovanie po rebríku, alebo ešte lepšie vystupovanie na schod, jeden zabieha do druhého a takto ide naspäť, ako keď idete hore po schodoch.
9Nuž, táto pečať ... to je zapečatená kniha vykúpenia. Rozumie to každý? A táto kniha je zapečatená Siedmymi Pečaťami. To je sedem krát zapečatená kniha, vidíte. Nuž, pamätáte sa, ako sme vám to zobrazili a vzali to z Jeremiáša a zo všetkého. Teraz oni ... keď oni mali ... Oni to takto napísali na kus písma, či skôr papieru - alebo nie papieru, ale to bola koža - a oni to takto zrolovali. No, to ... A potom ten koniec z toho bol takto nechaný. To ukazovalo, čo tam je. Potom ten ďalší zaujímal takú istú pozíciu, zrolovaný takým istým spôsobom - takto zrolovaný. A potom tu na konci je to takto vytrhnuté, a nechaný ďalší. No, to bola tá sedem krát zapečatená kniha.
10Nuž, predtým sme nemali takéto knihy, ako máme teraz. Tie knihy v starých časoch boli zvitky. Oni boli zrolované. Potom keď oni chceli tú tému, alebo čokoľvek ... Keď Biblia bola zrolovaná, ak ste chceli čítať knihu Izaiáša, otočili ste tu do Izaiáša a takto to odvinuli a čítali. A toto je sedem krát zapečatená Kniha Vykúpenia.
11Nuž, zistili sme, že vychádza Baránok, berie tú knihu z ruky toho, ktorý sedel na tróne, a láme tie pečate, a uvoľňuje tie pečate ľuďom. Sedia tam tie štyri živé bytosti, ktoré sme preberali v cirkevných vekoch (tie isté štyri živé bytosti - vidíte ich všetky cez celé Písmo), a to sú oni, ktoré to ohlasovali o týchto pečatiach, že sú zlámané. Nuž ... a vidíme, že to je Kniha Vykúpenia.
12Potom sme išli naspäť a vzali sme Príbuzného Vykupiteľa a zobrali sme Ho, aby sme videli, čo bola Jeho práca. A teraz za všetky tieto roky, Kristus vykonával prácu Príbuzného Vykupiteľa. Teraz všetci, ktorí tomu rozumiete, povedzte: "Amen". On vykonával prácu Príbuzného Vykupiteľa, ale príde čas, že tá vykupiteľská práca bude ukončená. A keď tá vykupiteľská práca je ukončená, potom On opúšťa trón Boží, kde On teraz sedel. Ale to nie je Jeho trón. "Ten kto zvíťazí bude sedieť so mnou na mojom tróne, ako som Ja zvíťazil a sedím na tróne svojho Otca." To nie je Jeho trón. On patrí duchovnému Bohu. Kristus, Baránok, on nepatrí Jemu. On je stelesnený Boh, to je ten istý Boh, ktorý sa stelesnil.
13A teraz On povstáva z toho miesta. Prv sa roznieslo to prehlásenie: "Kto je schopný vziať túto Knihu Vykúpenia?" Pretože celý plán vykúpenia od Adama, všetko, čo Adam stratil ... Do Adama nebolo nič stratené, a po Adamovi bolo všetko na zemi stratené. Všetko stvorenie na zemi bolo stratené, a všetko upadlo s Adamom. Prekročilo tú priepasť, že nikto sa nemohol dostať späť - vôbec žiadnym spôsobom. Človek, keď on zhrešil, on opustil svoju cestu ... on si nenechal žiadnej cesty späť.
14A potom keď bola prednesená táto otázka, Ján zjavovateľ (ten prorok Ján), bol vo videní a videl to. A nebolo žiadneho človeka na nebi, žiadneho človeka na zemi, žiadneho človeka pod zemou, ani nikoho, ktorý by bol aspoň hodný pozrieť sa na tú Knihu, vidíte. Nuž len si to predstavte! Potom predstúpil Baránok, a On vzal tú Knihu. A Jánovi bolo povedané, aby viac neplakal. On povedal: "Ajhľa, zvíťazil Lev z Júdu, a On môže vziať tú Knihu a otvoriť ju!" A tak on sa obrátil, aby videl Leva, a videl Baránka. Ten starší zavolal ... povedal: "Zvíťazil Lev"; ale keď on prišiel a pozrel sa, to bol Baránok, ktorý vychádzal z trónu.
15Nuž, on si to vôbec pred tým nevšimol. Prečo? On tam bol vzadu vo svojej ... vykonávajúc svoju prácu Prostredníka, pretože On krvácal za ľudí, prihovárajúci sa za ľudí, až kým nevošla tá posledná duša, ktorá bola zapísaná v Baránkovej knihe života pred založením sveta. Proste ešte toľko ich tam má byť, a to je to. To je všetko. Tí ostatní nechcú vôbec vojsť. Oni nemajú žiadnu túžbu vojsť.
16A tak potom, keď tá posledná duša vojde, potom čas vykúpenia je skončený. Potom Baránok predstupuje a činí si nárok na svoje práva, na to, čo On vykúpil, a to je celé stvorenie. Zem i všetko patrí Jemu, vidíte. On to vykúpil Svojou vlastnou krvou. A keď On predstupuje, aby vzal tú Knihu, aby ju otvoril, ó, oni boli ...! Ján už viacej neplakal. A on sa pozrel, a tento Baránok bol zabitým Baránkom. On bol ... už bol zabitý, ale znovu ožil.
17A teraz sme zistili, že zabitý baránok je krvavý baránok - krvácajúci po celom tele. On bol zabitý. Potom, čo bol zabitý, On znovu povstal a sedel na tróne - je povedané, takto vzadu na tróne, prihovárajúci sa za všetky tie duše, ktoré mali prísť. A potom, keď tá posledná bola tu a bolo to kompletné, Boh stále držal tú Knihu Vykúpenia, vidíte. Nuž, On teraz robí len prácu Príbuzného. Tak ako Boaz odišiel a Ruth tam len sedela a čakala až kým Boaz ... Chcem povedať, až kým Boaz nevykonal prácu príbuzného vykupiteľa.
18Pamätáte sa, ako som nedávno o tom kázal? Ruth zbierala klasy, a Ruth ... čokoľvek ona robila, a tak ďalej, a tá posledná vec bola, že Ruth čakala (pamätáte sa, ako som to predstavil tu v zhromaždení?), zatiaľ, čo Boaz išiel, aby vykonal prácu príbuzného vykupiteľa. On to urobil. On vyzul svoju topánku a vydal svedectvo a vykúpil Naomi, a skrze to dostal Ruth.
Nuž, tak Ruth len čakala, pretože ona už pracovala. Ona urobila všetky tieto ďalšie veci, ale ona čakala. No, a potom keď ... Cirkev čaká, odpočíva, mnohí z nich (väčšina z nich v prachu zeme), zatiaľ, čo On vykonáva svoju prácu Príbuzného Vykupiteľa. Nuž, svet stále ide do horšieho a hriech sa hromadí, a bolesti a trápenia a smrť a žiale. Bezbožní muži a bezbožné ženy náhle zomierajú. Žerie ich rakovina a všetko možné, keď nemôžu vziať dostatok viery, aby sa tam načiahli a chytili sa Toho.
19Všimnite si teraz. Ale potom, keď všetko bolo skončené, keď Jeho prímluva bola dokonaná, On predstupuje a berie tú Knihu z Jeho ruky. A potom Ján i všetko v nebi, a tie duše pod oltárom začali kričať. Dostaneme sa ku tomu znovu v šiestej Pečati. A ako sa oni radovali a padli na zem (tí starší), a vyliali modlitby svätých! Tie duše pod oltárom zvolali: "Hodný si pretože si nás vykúpil Bohu, a my pôjdeme naspäť na zem, aby žiť ako kráľovia a kňazi." Ó, to bola veľká ...
A Ján povedal, že všetci v nebi, všetci pod zemou a všetci ho počuli, ako chválil za to Boha. Ján tam musel nájsť napísané svoje meno, viete ... a po celý ten čas.
20Potom on povedal: "On je hodný vziať tú Knihu Vykúpenia." Nuž, ona už viacej nepatrí Sudcovi; ona patrí Vykupiteľovi, a On vykonal to dielo vykúpenia.
21A teraz On ide ukázať Cirkvi, čo On urobil. Vidíte? Potom On berie ... Ale tá Kniha je zavretá. Nikto o nej vôbec nič nevedel. Oni vedeli, že to tam bola Kniha Vykúpenia, ale ona má byť zjavená v tých posledných dňoch. Podľa Zjavenia 10, tomu siedmemu anjelovi bude dané o nej posolstvo, pretože je povedané, že v čase trúbenia siedmeho cirkevného veku ... Ten siedmy anjel, keď on trúbi, všetky tajomstvá Božie majú byť zakončené v jeho čase. Potom, keď je to zjavené, ten Anjel, ktorým je Kristus, prichádza dole z neba. Zapamätajte si teraz, tento anjel je na zemi, posol.
22Dole prichádza Kristus - vidíte Ho v 10. kapitole Zjavenia - kladie jednu nohu na zem a druhú na more, a dúha je okolo jeho hlavy, oči a nohy, ako oheň a tak ďalej, pozdvihuje svoju ruku a prisahá na Toho, ktorý žije na veky vekov na tróne, že času viacej nebude.
23A keď On vykonal túto prísahu, sedem hromov prehovorilo svoje hlasy, a ten pisateľ, ktorým bol Ján, keď bol vzatý hore, mal zapísať to, čo videl. On začal písať. On povedal: "Nepíš to, pretože ... Nepíš to. To je ne... " On povedal: "Zapečať to." Čo? "Zapečať to; nepovedz to." Vidíte? To má byť zjavené, ale nie je to ani zapísané v Slove.
24A potom, keď On začína otvárať tieto Pečate, pozorujeme, že oni všetci boli zmätení. Keď On otvoril tú Prvú Pečať, on si myslel: "Teraz, tu On povie: 'A príde to, že Taký a taký zaujme trón a niekto urobí toto, a tento urobí tamto.'" Ale čo to bolo, tu on vyšiel - biely kôň a jazdec na ňom. Nuž, "On vo svojej ruke mal luk, a po nejakom čase mu bola daná koruna," on povedal. To je všetko.
25Potom Baránok sa znovu otočil a odtrhol ďalšiu pečať, a tu vyšiel jazdec na červenom koni. On mal ... bol mu daný meč a on išiel robiť vojnu, a bola mu daná veľká moc, a berie pokoj zo zeme, a ľudia sa navzájom zabíjajú. To bolo niečo, ako ... stále to bola tajomná vec, či nie, keď to On otvoril? A potom pokračuje a hovorí - v tom dni tesne pred tými Siedmymi Hromami, všetky tie tajomstvá tu sú zjavené.
26Hľaďte teraz. Potom sme našli, ako sme to skúmali, že predtým, počas tých vekov sme mali reformátorov. Nie prorokov; reformátorov. Každý úrad nesie svoju vlastnú prácu. Tak ako človek, ktorý pracuje ako telefónny operátor - on nie je celkom elektrotechnik. On na tom zariadení môže vykonávať jednoduchú prácu. Tak ako keď niekto naťahuje el. drôty, no, on samozrejme ... Ak niekto kope jamy na el. stĺpy a nerobil nič pri el. drôtoch, radšej by sa nemal tých drôtov dotýkať. Ale on môže robiť nejakú jednoduchú prácu, alebo niečo také.
27Ale keď tá skutočná vec má byť zjavená v tých posledných dňoch tej poslednej časti cirkvi, to je keď Boh povedal, že On nám pošle podľa Písem, a my sme to hľadali skrz na skrz, že On predpovedal, že duch Eliáša sa vráti v nejakej osobe.
28Nuž, myslím, že to bolo predstavené tak jasne ... a my očakávame na to, aby sa to stalo - aby niekde v tých posledných dňoch povstala tá pomazaná osoba. Nuž, budete počuť množstvo fanatikov a všetko možné, ale to len dokazuje, že ... To je diabol, ktorý sa snaží odviesť vás preč od toho pravého, keď .... Rozumiete? Ale to bude náležite zidentifikované. Vy viete, čím bol Eliáš. Pozorujte to, budete to poznať. Nuž, ten vyvolený to bude poznať, tí druhí nie. Oni to veru nebudú poznať. Ich názor na to bude vzdialený od pravdy na milión míľ.
29Prešli sme cez to všetko a bolo nám ukázané, ako sa oni vo svojom názore minuli Jána, ako sa minuli Eliáša, ako sa minuli Ježiša, ako oni po celý čas nemohli s nimi trafiť do dverí. A oni urobia to isté, pretože Biblia povedala, že to urobia. Tak potom, v tom čase to bude veľmi pokorné. Bude to tak jednoduché. To je to, čo spôsobí, že ľudia odpadnú od toho. Pre nich je to príliš jednoduché. Zisťujeme, že zakaždým, keď sa ľudia stávajú chytrí a vzdelaní a veľa vedia, oni potom ... To je práve ten druh, ktorý prejde popri tom bez povšimnutia.
30Ježiš nikdy nebral taký druh ľudí za svojich učeníkov. On zobral neučených ľudí - rybárov, a nikto nebol spojený s ich cirkvami a všetkým možným. On zobral proste obyčajných ľudí - colníkov, sedliakov, rybárov a tak ďalej, aby vykonávali Jeho dielo, vidíte, pretože oni vedia, že sú ničím. Potom On z nich môže niečo urobiť, vidíte. Zatiaľ, kým sú si oni vedomí, že sú ničím, vtedy Boh môže pracovať. Ale keď si začínajú myslieť, že niečo vedia, potom neviete nič, čo máte vedieť, hovorí Biblia. Nachádzame to.
31A teraz zisťujeme, že potom tieto tajomstvá majú byť zjavené. A prečo títo iní mužovia - Wesley, Luther a títo veľkí reformátori, ktorí priniesli ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, Letničný vek s krstom Ducha Svätého a všetko - prečo oni neporozumeli tieto posolstvá? Prečo ich oni nepochopili? Pretože oni boli reformátori, vidíte.
32Práve ako ... vezmime to z druhej strany. Tam boli ľudia, ktorí prichádzali na scénu, ktorí boli ... mali moc, ako kráľovia ale neboli kráľmi. Vidíte? Musíte si všimnúť Biblický spôsob vyjadrovania sa vo všetkom, vidíte. Nuž, dávajte pozor. Ale ten dôvod, že všetky tieto zatúlané konce tejto tajomnej časti o ospravedlnení, tejto tajomnej časti posvätenia, tajomnej časti krstu Duchom Svätým a prečo ... Čo za ... či jedla Eva nejaké jablko, alebo jedla granátové jablko alebo niečo, vidíte? Čo bolo semeno hada? Je správny krst vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, alebo vo meno Pána Ježiša Krista? - a och, stovky takýchto vecí, ktoré zostali nedotiahnuté do konca, vidíte.
33Potom v tej poslednej hodine tento muž má prísť a zjaviť tieto veci, vidíte, ujať sa týchto miest Písma. To bude náležite zidentifikované. Tak veru. No, to teraz nebude nejaká veľká vec. Vyzerá to, ako tu v Biblii, že to bude niečo veľké.
34O čo väčšie bolo to, keď mal tam prísť Ján a krstiť? Predstavte si to len teraz, tí proroci predtým ... naspäť až po Izaiáša, Malachiáš a všetci z nich hovorili o ňom, kedy on príde. A keď on prišiel - len osamelý, nevzdelaný muž, zarastený po celej tvári, a vlasy mu trčali, ako chlpatej húsenici, a bol zahalený do veľkého kusu ovčej kože. Načisto bez vzdelania - nikdy, ani deň vo svojom živote nechodil do školy, pokiaľ vieme. Tu on prichádza z púšti - nebol ani len pozvaný, aby zastal za kazateľňou, stál tam pri rieke Jordán a začal volať ľudí, aby činili pokánie. Môžete si to predstaviť?
35Biblia hovorila, že v ten deň bude všetko tak veľké, že dokonca všetky vysoké miesta budú znížené a všetky nízke miesta budú vyvýšené (tak veru), a všetky krivé miesta budú vyrovnané. No, môžem si ich tam predstaviť, ako si myslia, že Ján príde, či tento veľký predchodca Kristov, a proste vezme všetku púšť vyhladí ju a znovu do nej prinesie trávu, vidíte.
36Predstavujem si, že oni mali všetko o tom zafixované, tak ako to majú dnes. Ale to bolo tak pokorné, že dokonca apoštolovia sa toho minuli! Oni povedali: "Prečo učení v Písme hovoria ...? Ty ideš teraz tam hore, aby si bol obetovaný. Prečo učení v Písme hovoria, že prv musí prísť Eliáš?"
37On povedal: "On už prišiel a vy ste o tom nevedeli." A Synovi človeka, oni urobia to isté. Ale Ján," On povedal: "vykonal presne to, čo sa počulo o ňom, že vykoná, a oni mu urobili presne to, čo sa čakalo, že urobia." A povedal: "Tak musí byť Syn človeka ... trpieť."
38No, myslím, že ani jedna tretina celej Židovskej rasy vôbec nevedela, že Ježiš Kristus bol na zemi. Oni mohli počuť tam niekde o nejakom fanatikovi, ale oni nevenovali tomu vôbec žiadnu pozornosť - proste išli ďalej. "On prišiel ku svojím vlastným, a jeho vlastní Ho neprijali."
39Nuž, z toho verím, že ani ... Nuž, tam nebolo povedané, že by On prišiel potajomky, ale vytrhnutie bude tajomstvo! Tak, ak to bolo také tajomné, keď On prišiel, o čo viac nepoznané bude vytrhnutie! Oni nebudú vedieť. Oni priamo povedia: "No, myslel som, že sme mali mať vytrhnutie, a čo všetky tieto súdy na zemi!"
On povie: "To sa už stalo, a vy ste to nepoznali."
40To bude tak ... práve ako zlodej v noci. Ako kniha, ktorú som čítal. Viete ... ako sa to nazývalo? Rómeo a Júlia - nazývalo sa to tak? Nejaký ... on nechal ... oni mali rebrík z jednej strany domu (to bolo voľakedy dávno), a prišiel a zobral svoju ... aby ju v noci zobral.
41No, tak sa to stane, a bude to preč. Nie tak, že oni pošlú dole hromadu anjelov s nejakými lopatami a vykopú tie hroby. Biblia hovorí, že budeme premenení skôr, ako stačíte mihnúť okom, proste v okamihu. Všetko to prebehne tak rýchlo.
42Len povedia, že niekto zmizol. No, mohol by som si predstaviť, keby sme dnes mohli prehľadať svet, na zemi sa každý deň stratí päťsto ľudí. Nič sa o nich nevie. Oni proste zmizli. Nuž, nebude ich príliš mnoho, ktorí pôjdu do vytrhnutia.
43No, ja vás nechcem strašiť a nemyslím, že je to tak, ale chcem vám len povedať, čo On povedal. A vy viete sami. "Ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, kde osem duší bolo zachránených vodou ..." Osem duší z celého sveta ... bolo zachránených vodou.
44Dobre, vy hovoríte: "Oh, to sa mi netreba o to pokúšať." To vám ukazuje, že nemáte ten druh viery, ktorú potrebujete. Ak tam má byť len jeden, budem to ja, pretože ja verím v Neho. Tak potrebujete veriť. "To budem ja." Určite. Ja chcem žiť tak tesne s Ním ... Teraz viem, že On ma vezme keď príde. Ja tomu verím. Keby sa všetci toho minuli, ja tam budem, z Jeho milosti, pretože On mi to zasľúbil. A ja viem, že tam budem, pretože On nemôže klamať. A ja viem, že moja duša a život nesie svedectvo, a ja sa snažím žiť denne tak, ako keby On už prichádzal. A tak ja budem ten jeden. Tak sa potrebujete cítiť. Ak ich tam bude osem, ja budem jeden z tých ôsmych. Ak ich tam bude päťsto, budem jedným z tých päťsto. Ja nepoznám tých iných, ale ja budem jeden z tých päťsto. Vidíte?
45Takto potrebuješ na to pamätať. Ak takto na to nepamätáš, niečo s tvojou vierou nie je v poriadku, vidíte. Ty si si potom ešte nie istý, či si spasený. Ty sa to len domnievaš. Nerob to.
No dobre, ešte sme sa nedostali do tejto pečati, či dostali? No dobre. Chcem každý večer ... Neviem, či mi môžete venovať svoj čas - mohli by sme skončiť trochu skorej. Je mnoho ...
46Pri zjavovaní týchto pečatí, pamätajte, to je v skutočnosti len jeden verš. Ten prvý to oznamuje. Ten druhý verš ... Väčšina všetkých komentárov a tak ďalej, to čítanie o tom, sú ... to čítanie ich predstáv. A ja som stále veril, ako takmer všetci z nich, že ten prvý jazdec na koni bola ranná cirkev. Ale keď to Duch Svätý zjavil, to s tým bolo úplne nezhodné. A tak potom, to všetko, bolo proste ukázané, čo to je. A potom sa snažím ...
47Teraz toto je pre mňa veľmi sväté. Preto by som radšej odpovedal na tieto otázky, a nech to každý jasne porozumie - a tiež pri tých páskach, aby to oni teraz porozumeli, vidíte. Snažím sa večer hovoriť za chvíľu, aby som položil podklad, aby dostať ... ľudia sa hrnú a tlačia dovnútra a ... Nemali by ste to robiť, vidíte. Ale keď sa to deje ... To sú ľudia a tu je teplo, a ste roztržití. Ale zachovávate sa veľmi, veľmi milo. Najlepšie, ako som kedy videl správať sa ľudí v tejto modlitebni, to bolo v tomto zhromaždení - a sedia potichu, a matky berú svoje deti do tej miestnosti, keď začínajú plakať, a tak ďalej. Ja to veľmi pekné.
48Ale snažím sa predstaviť to pozadie, až kým nebudem proste cítiť na sebe pomazanie Ducha, aby som hovoril tieto slová - aby som povedal to, čo mi bolo zjavené. A potom, ak som niekde ... Robiac to, ak som tu urobil chybu, skutočne tu pred všetkými ľuďmi, On to na mne napraví. Ja to chcem správne. Netreba brať to, čo si len predstavujete; je niečo pravé, a my chceme to. Chceme, aby nám Boh dal to, čo je správne.
49Tak teraz, zobrali sme týchto jazdcov, ako prichádzajú - prvý kôň. Teraz ... a uvedomujeme si skutočnosť, že to bol antikrist, ktorý tam vyšiel. A potom sme zistili minulý večer, že ten istý, ktorý vyšiel ako antikrist na bielom koni, včera večer sme ho našli s mečom, idúceho a zabíjajúceho ľudí.
50No, to je stále telesné a duchovné. A kvôli cirkvi to chcem zobraziť v príklade, ešte prv, ako vojdeme do otvorenia tejto Pečati - ktorá, čo mi On dáva. Zapísal som si to tu. Mám tu niekoľko miest Písma, sedem alebo osem strán, a ako sa budem odvolávať na to ... Všimnite si. Chcem ukázať predobraz cirkvi a urobiť to tak jasným, že to budete musieť vidieť, rozumiete.
51Nuž, v záhrade Eden bola telesná nevesta. (Pamätáte si minulý večer, na tú telesnú nevestu?) Ona bola Adamovým miláčikom, nie ešte jeho ženou, pretože on ju ešte nepoznal, ako ženu. Práve tak, ako Mária bola Jozefovou ženou, ale on ju ešte nepoznal. Ona bola nájdená tehotná, vidíte. Nuž prv, ako Adam poznal svoju ženu, ona bola len jeho nevesta. No dobre. A zistili sme, že Boh ... Ona upadla v záhrade Eden, pretože sklamala - nedržala sa Božieho Slova.
52Nuž, On vedel, že Satan bude vypustený medzi nich, tak On im dal miesto, za ktorým mohli stáť, opevňujúc ich. No, kto mohol poznať nejaké lepšie miesto, kde by boli opevnení, než Boh, ak sa On snažil postarať o svoje vlastné deti? Ak by som sa ja chcel postarať o môjho malého Jozefa, nuž, brat, všetko ... A ja by som vedel, že jeho život by záležal na tom, nuž ... A ...Bol by som schopný to urobiť, nuž ... Betónová stena hrubá štyridsať stôp by ho ochránila, tak ja by som ju urobil pre istotu na deväťdesiat stôp.
53A keď ja takto môžem rozmýšľať o mojom malom chlapcovi - ktorý, ak by on stratil svoj smrteľný život, ja verím, že dieťa bude spasené - o čo viac myslí Boha na svoje dieťa, ktoré by bolo večne zatratené! Za čo by ho On mal postavil? On ho postavil za Svoje vlastné Slovo. Tak dlho ako ste v tom Slove, ste bezpeční. "Ak vy zostanete v Mne a Moje Slová vo vás, potom si proste, čo len chcete ... " To je to - Slovo.
54Tak Eva sa prechádzala po záhrade a narazila na hada, veľmi uhladený druh osoby, a ona ... A on začal ... Nuž, on bol na tej druhej strane. Boh žije, prebýva, pracuje v pokore. Nikdy nejako inak. Nuž, táto pokorná pani sa tam prechádzala a Satan prišiel ako múdry, rafinovaný, uhladený druh osoby. A on jej chcel predať svoj program. Tak dlho ako ... Nezáležalo na tom koľko sa Satan točil okolo, zatiaľ, kým ona stála za týmto Slovom, bola v poriadku. Tak nech Satan robí čokoľvek chce, vy len stojte v Slove. To ani trochu nevadí. Ak on hovorí: "Aha, ty si chorý."
"Skrze Jeho sinavice som uzdravený."
"No, ty zomrieš."
"On ma znovu vzbudí."
55Vidíte, stojte len v Slove - to je všetko. Sám Kristus hľadal útočište v Slove. "Je napísané ..." Nuž, stojte v Slove. Ale Eva, ona začala takto popúšťať. Ale ona neopustila všetko; ona len vynechala jednu malú frázu. A to bolo to, čo Satan chcel aby urobila. On ju argumentovaním dostal spoza Božieho zasľúbenia. Nikdy sa nesnažte argumentovať nad Slovom Božím. Len mu verte! Tak ona vykročila z tade a prv, ako ju vôbec Adam dostal za ženu ona bola už poškvrnená od Satana! A ona ...
56A všimli ste si? Kristus urobil to isté. Presne to isté! Teraz kvôli vykúpeniu, Boh tam musel byť prvý. Všimli ste si? Mária prv, ako ona prišla ku Jozefovi, dostal sa tam Duch Svätý. Amen. Vidíte? Z tadiaľ prichádza Vykupiteľ.
57 Všimnite si teraz, tá telesná žena upadá a Boh jej urobil cestu, aby bola vykúpená. Hoci ona upadla, On urobil cestu. Nuž to bola prvá nevesta na zemi - upadla prv, ako si ju jej muž zobral za ženu. Ona upadla na argumente ... argumentovaní. Namiesto toho, aby stála v Slove, ona upadla. A upadla do smrti - večného oddelenia. Stiahla so sebou svojho muža a všetko ďalšie, čo bolo na zemi. Ona upadla.
58No. Ale Boh, plný milosti, urobil cestu, aby vykúpil tú ženu. A teraz jej On zasľúbil - povedal jej, že raz v budúcnosti znovu príde ku nej to pravdivé Slovo, bude jej dané poznať to pravdivé Slovo. Nuž zapamätajte si to, pretože On skrze ženu zasľúbil Krista, a Kristus je Slovo.
59Ev, Jána 1: "Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh ... A to Slovo sa stalo telom, a prebývalo medzi nami ..." Boh prebýval s nami v tele. On bol Slovo. Pred slovom je myšlienka a myšlienka musí byť stvorená. No dobre. Tak Božie myšlienky sa stali stvorením, keď to bolo vypovedané skrze slovo. To je vtedy, keď vám to On dáva ako myšlienku, Svoju myšlienku, a je vám to zjavené, potom je to stále myšlienka, až kým to nevypoviete.
60To je ten dôvod ... Mojžiš sa odišiel modliť (ten ohnivý stĺp okolo neho), a On povedal: "Choď zadrž svoju palicu smerom na východ a povedz, zavolaj na muchy." Tam neboli žiadne muchy, ale on odišiel zadržal tam palicu a povedal: "Nech budú muchy." Ešte nebolo vôbec žiadnych múch. On odišiel naspäť. Ale slovo, Božia myšlienka, bola už vypovedaná. To je slovo; teraz sa to muselo stať. Či nechápete teraz to, kde Ježiš povedal: "Ak poviete tomuto vrchu ..."? Nie: "Ak Ja poviem," ale: "Ak vy poviete tomuto vrchu, pohni sa ..."
61A tá prvá vec, myslím - v Mojžišovom čase - veľké, zelené mušiská začali bzučať a zanedlho ich bol päť libier na yard, vidíte. Odkiaľ sa oni vzali? Boh ich stvoril! Či nevidíte ...?
62Boh by mohol zničiť tento svet dnes večer komármi, keby chcel. No, On by mohol nahromadiť komárov až po mesiac. Jediná vec, ktorú by potreboval urobiť, je len povedať: "Nech sa zjavia komáre po mesiac." To by bolo všetko, čo by bolo potrebné do toho. Žiadne chemikálie ani nič. Oni by len narastali a narastali a narastali, vidíte.
63On môže robiť čo chce. On je Boh, Stvoriteľ. Jediná vec, ktorú On musí urobiť, je len vypovedať to. Tak veru. On je Stvoriteľ. Nuž, ak by sme si len mohli uvedomiť, aký je On veľký ... On proste robí, čo chce. On sedí tam a díva sa na ľudí, a títo malí vzdelanci mudrujú a hovoria: "Nie je Boha", a tak ďalej. No, je to znovu práve tak, ako to bolo pri veži Bábeľ.
64No, všimli sme si, že Boh povedal Eve, že po tak dlhom čase: "Slovo sa vráti znovu ku tebe." Nuž, ako ona upadla? Chcem, aby to moja trieda vedela povedať. Z čoho ona vypadla? Z čoho Eva vypadla? Zo Slova. A Boh povedal, že On urobí cestu, aby ju vykúpil naspäť znovu do Slova. No dobre. Po tak dlhom čase bude jej dané poznať Slovo. No dobre. Slovo malo prísť za jedným účelom. Teraz si dobre zapamätajte čo hovorím. Slovo malo prísť ku nej za jedným účelom - to bolo kvôli vykúpeniu. No dobre. Ale až dovtedy, ona mala náhradu, ktorá mala fungovať až kým nenadišiel čas na originálne Slovo. Rozumiete to teraz jasne?
65On jej povedal, že Slovo sa má znovu ku nej vrátiť. Ale dovtedy jej On dal náhradu, dovtedy kým nenadišiel ten čas. Tak On jej dal nejakú obeť, aby robil náhradu za tú krv. Teraz táto krv bola krv býkov a oviec, kozlov a tak ďalej; ale to neodstránilo preč jej hriech, vidíte. To len prikrývalo jej hriech. To ho vôbec neodstránilo preč; to ho prikrylo. Pretože to bola krv zvierat a vo zvieracej krvi je zvierací život. To bola náhrada, až kým sa nestelesnila tá skutočná ... (oblečte si teraz kabáty), ... tá skutočná ľudská krv, akou by boli ľudské bytosti. Boh! Bez sexu, panna - prinieslo to panenské narodenie.
66Nuž, Božie zasľúbené Slovo sa stalo Krvou a stelesnilo sa v osobe Ježiša Krista, Spasiteľa. Krv býkov a kozlov, a tak ďalej ... Ale čakajte teraz. Tu Boh dal zasľúbenie, povediac že to tam bude keď Ono príde. Jej semeno má rozdrviť hadovi hlavu. Nuž, ak by jej semeno prišlo, tak ako z Adama, alebo tak, ako to bolo z hada, a tak ďalej, potom by to naďalej bolo hriešne semeno.
67Preto Ján plakal. Nebolo žiadneho človeka, pretože žiadny človek ... Každý bol po druhej strane tej jamy, priepasti. Ale prichádza čas, že keď táto náhradná krv zvierat bude daná nabok, keď prišla skutočná stelesnená krv - Boh sa stal telom a krvou. Biblia povedala, že On bol. 1. Timoteovi 3: 16, "... veľké je tajomstvo pobožnosti: Boh zjavený v tele ..." To je pravda. Bolo to spôsobené narodením z panny.
68Nuž, tá krv oviec a kozlov prikrývala hriech, ale ho neodstránila, pretože to bola zvieracia krv. Ale to malo byť v poriadku, to mala byť náhrada. A oni si skutočne zvykli na túto náhradu. A tak oni len zotrvávali pri tom. A keď sa to skutočné, zasľúbené Slovo zamanifestovalo v Ježišovi Kristovi, ktorý dokázal, že je Synom toho veľkého Stvoriteľa, Boha, a Sám bol potvrdený, skrze to, že bol živým Božím Slovom ... On dokázal, že ním bol. On mohol Slovom povolať veci do existencie.
69Nieto ľudskej bytosti, ani ničoho na svete, kto by to mohol urobiť. Nie je nikoho na svete, kto môže stvoriť, okrem Boha. Diabol nemôže nič stvoriť. On len prekrúca to, čo bolo stvorené, ale on nemôže nič stvoriť. Hriech je len prevrátená spravodlivosť. Viete, čo mám na mysli? Čo je to klamstvo? To je nesprávne predstavená pravda, vidíte. Čo je to cudzoložstvo? Prevrátený, normálny, legálny akt. Všetko v hriechu ... Hriech je proste prevrátenou pravdou.
Nuž, on nemohol stvoriť; ale keď prišiel Kristus ... dokázal, že On bol Stvoriteľ. Tam bola krv, ktorá bola zasľúbená. Nuž, ak si to chcete prečítať, otvorme si to na chvíľu. Jednako zaberieme dnes ten čas. Činí ma to nervóznym. Zdá sa mi, že každý chce ísť domov, rozumiete. Vezmime teraz Skutky 2 (ďakujem), a budeme len ... Skutky 2, a vyhľadáme, či je to pravda alebo nie, či On bol ... či dokázal, že bol Boh. Skutky 2, poďme teraz tam do 22. verša - Peter hovorí v deň Letníc.
Mužovia Izraeliti, počujte tieto slová: Ježiša Nazarejského, muža, od Boha pred vami presláveného mocami a zázrakmi a znameniami, ktoré skrze neho činil Boh medzi vami, ako aj sami viete.
70"Muž, ktorý bol potvrdený, že to bol Boh medzi vami." Práve skrze tie skutky, ktoré On vykonal, potvrdil, že to bol On. Tu stojí Peter pred Sanhedrinom a hovorím im to. Nikodém vedel to isté. On povedal: "Rabi, my všetci vieme, že Ty si učiteľ, ktorý prichádza od Boha, pretože žiadny človek by nemohol robiť tieto skutky, ak neprichádza od Boha." Oni to vedeli. Ale prečo?
71Hľaďte teraz. Nuž Eve bolo toto zasľúbené. Ale keď tá nevesta ide ďalej a odmietla ... Keď prišlo ku nej to skutočné Slovo ... Tak táto žena to odmietla uznať - táto Hebrejská nevesta, lebo ona bola Božou nevestou. On ju prepustil rozvodom. Je to pravda? Ona bola nevesta Božia.
72Vy hovoríte: "Dobre, oni ešte neboli ani pobraní." To je pravda, ale Jozef chcel prepustiť Máriu prv, ako boli pobraní. On bol s ňou zasnúbený.
73A keď On prišiel, a prišlo to Slovo, ktoré On zasľúbil, kvôli tej svadbe, našiel ju zavinutú v jej náhrade až tak, že ona neprijala to skutočné zasľúbenie, ktoré bolo dané - Slovo, Krista.
74Možno to nerozumiete. Dovoľte, že to ešte raz zopakujem. Chcem, aby ste to porozumeli, vidíte. Jej bolo zasľúbené - tej neveste, Eve, že bude mať vykupiteľa. Vykupiteľom malo byť Slovo. A keď to Slovo prišlo, stalo sa telom, ona to odmietla. Boli jej dané náhrady. Držte to v pamäti "náhrada". Boli jej dané náhrady, aby v nich pokračovala, až kým príde ten Vykupiteľ. A keď ten Vykupiteľ prišiel, ona chcela pokračovať so svojou náhradou a odmietla to pravdivé Slovo. To bola tá Hebrejská nevesta. Tak On urobil s tou druhou Evou, nevestou, matkou všetkých duchovne živých. Vidíte? Eva znamená, matka všetkých ... skutočne, všetkých živých. Eva, matka všetkých živých. Keď On prišiel ku tej Hebrejskej Neveste, ona bola matkou všetkých živých, ale ona to odmietla.
75Prirodzená Eva upadla v Edene, tým že počúvala Satanove argumenty proti Božiemu Slovu. Takto ona upadla. Tak veru. Ona upadla, pretože to urobila. Duchovná Eva - teraz je to cirkev, Kristova nevesta - ona neupadla v Edene, ale v Ríme! Vidíte, na Nicejskom Koncile, keď odmietla ... Tá Letničná cirkev, ktorá zašla do Nicei a počúvala na Rímske argumenty namiesto toho, aby sa držala Slova, ona upadla. A všetko potom zomrelo s ňou, okolo nej.
76Teraz, tak, ako upadla prirodzená Eva, upadla duchovná Eva. Božia nevesta upadla v záhrade; Kristova nevesta upadla v Ríme. Všimnite si. Skrze tie isté argumentácie proti Božiemu Slovu, ona tiež utratila svoje cnostné práva v prospech Satana - ktorého sme našli pri lámaní týchto Pečatí, že to bol Satan, a stále je tam Satan. Biblia povedala, že to je skutočná stolica Satanova.
77A ako Eva utratila svoje cnostné práva a dala ich Satanovi v záhrade Eden, cirkev, nevesta Kristova urobila to isté v Ríme, keď ona utratila Bibliu za ich dogmy a argumentácie.
78Vidíte, ako je to predstavené v tých predobrazoch? Vezmite len tie predobrazy a musíte dostať správny obraz. Ak moje ruky vyzerajú ako ... Keby som sa nikdy nevidel a videl by som prichádzať svoj tieň, vedel by som z toho, ako vyzerám. Vidíte? Ale, to je spôsob ... ak chcete vidieť, čo prichádza, pozrite sa na to čo bolo. Pretože všetky tie staré veci boli tieňom vecí, ktoré majú prísť, povedala Biblia. No dobre.
79Ona utratila svoje cnostné Slovo, Slovo Božie, keď predala Bibliu a postavila tam človeka, ktorý hovorí, že cirkev má práva zmeniť čokoľvek, čo chcú. A oni to urobili. A Nevesta Kristova, tá Letničná nevesta, predala svoju cnosť v Nicei, práve ako Eva predala svoju cnosť Satanovi v záhrade Eden - presne tak. No dobre.
80Boh zasľúbil tejto cirkvi, tejto Letničnej cirkvi, vediac, že to ona urobí, tak ako to zasľúbil Eve ... Boh zasľúbil tej Letničnej cirkvi ... Veríte, že ona predala svoje práva prvorodenstva prv ... svoju cnosť, keď ju tam zanechala? Veríte tomu? Skutočne ona to urobila! Potom čo z nejakého vyznania, keď nie je založené na tejto Biblii?
81Chcem aby našiel niekto v Biblii niečo, čo je nazvané Apoštolským Vyznaním, alebo aspoň jedno slovo o tom. To je Katolícke vyznanie, nie nejaké apoštolské vyznanie. Čítajte Skutky 2: 38. To je apoštolské vyznanie. Nuž. Pomimo všetkého to je to, čo oni používali po celý čas.
82Tak oni predali svoje právo prvorodenstva. Nie len to: Metodisti, Baptisti, Presbyteriáni, Letniční a tiež tí ostatní z nich urobili to isté. Ona sformovala denomináciu. Rím ju doviedol do toho, že to urobila. Ona sformovala denomináciu a na čelo postavila človeka. A Metodisti, Baptisti, Letniční a každý jeden urobili to isté - do čela postavili skupinu ľudí.
83Bez ohľadu na to, čo hovorí Boh, vy to musíte robiť tak, ako to oni povedia. Čo to je? To nie je nič iné, ako duchovná prostitúcia - zlý typ ženy! Tak veru. Vyznania - predkladajú ľuďmi zostavené vyznania. Potom sa ona stala, keď to urobila (teraz to dokážem), ona sa Bohu stala smilnicou. Veríte, že Biblia to hovorí? Tak veru. Jej dcéry urobili to isté.
84Nuž v Zjavení 17, ak si to chcete poznačiť, Ján bol vzatý v Duchu a videl veľkú smilnicu sedieť na ... A my sme to čítali minulý večer. A tam bolo tých sedem vrchov a presne to, čo ona urobila, ona dala svetu svoje špinavé smilstvo. Je to tak? A všetci kráľovia zeme páchali s ňou smilstvo - podvádzajúc, kradnúc, klamúc, platiac za pokánie, a novény všetko možné.
85Zapamätajte si teraz, ona mala dcéry! No, ak sa ona stala telom pod organizovaným systémom, potom ten systém je zlý. A ak Eva, neposlúchajúc Boha, uvrhla všetko, čo bolo pod ňou, do smrti, každá cirkev, ktorá organizuje, uvrhuje všetko, čo je pod ňou, do smrti. Presne tak. Všetko je to mŕtve! To je tu presne podľa Slova.
86Čítajte Zjavenie 17. A Biblia povedala, že On ju spáli ohňom a všetky jej deti s ňou. Je to tak. To znamená, že každý organizovaný systém bude spálený s tou smilnicou. To zneje tvrdo ale ... Viem, že na toto budete počúvať, ja chcem na toto počúvať. A ja ... je to pravda, jednako. Biblia tak povedala, a tak je to pravda.
87Ona sa stala smilnicou. Môžete to čítať v Zjavení, v 17. kapitole. Čo ona urobila? Ona svojmu vlastnému mužovi zostala neverná, páchajúc smilstvá. Vy hovoríte. "No, ..." Nie, to hovorí Biblia. To Slovo je Boh! Ak odnímete jedno ... Chceli by ste, aby vaša žena bozkávala nejakého inému muža? Ak by neurobila nič viac než to, nechceli by ste, aby to robila. Ona by dokázala svoju nevernosť. "Ktokoľvek odníme jedno Slovo z toho, alebo pridá jedno slovo do toho ..." Haleluja!
88Boh chce svoju ženu čistú pre Slovo. Taká ona musí byť, pretože nič, ani jedna jota ani jedna čiarka ani nič nebude odňaté z toho zákonu, z tej knihy, až kým sa to všetko nevyplní. Ježiš povedal: "Oboje nebo i zem pominú, ale moje Slovo nikdy nepominie." Nedávajte tomu žiadny osobný výklad. On chce čistotu, nescudzoloženú ... ani len flirt. Ja by som nechcel, aby moja žena flirtovala s nejakým iným mužom. A keď idete, aby ste poza tým počúvali na nejaký druh argumentácií, počúvate ... vy flirtujete so Satanom. Amen! Nespôsobuje to, že sa cítite nábožne? Boh chce, aby ste zostali nescudzoložení. Stojte rovno tam s tým Slovom. Stojte rovno s ním. No dobre.
89Boh jej zasľúbil, ako to On zasľúbil Eve v záhrade Eden, tu tejto poslednej Eve, ktorá ... Tá Letničná cirkev, počiatok cirkvi, cirkev samotná, je matkou všetkých živých ľudí, pretože tak dlho, ako oni tam chodia ... Ale vidíte, keď oni vzali jej hriechy oni s ňou zomreli.
Tu prichádza nejaký chlapík. On by povedal: "Ja chcem slúžiť Bohu."
Oni hovoria: "Dobre, tu je to, čo máš robiť. Choď tam a čiň pokánie."
"No dobre, ja to urobím. Sláva Bohu." Ide tam a činí pokánie.
"Teraz poď a pripoj sa ku nám."
Tu to máte. To malo to. To hneď s tým zomrel. Tak to učí táto kniha, vidíte. Nie čo ja hovorím; pretože to tak stojí tu. No dobre.
90Nuž, Boh jej zasľúbil, ako to On zasľúbil Eve ... On povedal Eve, že príde čas, že to Slovo znovu ku nej príde. Nuž pamätáte si na to? To, čo ona stratila, to bude obnovené - pretože je len jedna vec, ktorá môže obnoviť, a to je Slovo. Presne tak.
91Ako som povedal: "Strieľate z pušky. Ak netrafíte do cieľa zistite, kde to vybočilo. Musíte ísť naspäť a začať odznovu." A keď idete naspäť, prídete do Nicei. Tam začínate znovu, vidíte. Choďte naspäť, preč z ich organizácií, preč zo všetkých tých cirkví.
92Videli sme tieto Pečate tak dokonale. Vždy som sa divil po celý môj život, prečo som bol tak proti organizovaným systémom. Nie proti tým ľuďom, nie. Tí ľudia sú takí, ako ja, alebo vy, alebo ktokoľvek iný. Ale ten systém, ten denominačný systém. Teraz to tu rovno vidím. Nikdy som to nevedel, až teraz. Je to pravda.
93Boh zasľúbil tej duchovnej Eve, to isté, ako to On zasľúbil tej telesnej Eve, že znovu jej bude prinavrátené Slovo. V tých posledných dňoch On prinavráti do ... prinavráti znovu cirkev do toho originálneho Slova.
94A teraz dávajte dobre pozor. Chcem, aby ste si boli teraz istí. Boh zasľúbil Eve, že príde čas, keď Slovo bude prinavrátené skrze jej semeno. Toto Slovo, ono samé, sa stane semenom. A keď jej oni dávajú náhradu, ona zachovávala tú náhradu. A keď to Slovo prišlo ku nej, čo ona urobila? "Ja to nechcem!" To bolo príliš pokorné. Nevyzeralo to pre ňu dobre. To nebolo dostatočne uhladené.
95"Maštaľ? Och! Takýto muž - ani deň v škole? No, ja to nemôžem prijať. To nie je Mesiáš. Taký človek, ktorý nechá, aby ho iní takto kopali zo všetkých strán a potom ho nazývať Mesiášom? Nechal ich, že mu položili handru na tvár a bili ho po hlave. A On si hovorí prorok? Skutočný prorok by s nimi zatočil."
Oni nepoznali prorokov. Ježiš tak povedal. On povedal: "Ak by ste boli poznali prorokov, boli by ste ma poznali."
96Všimnite si teraz. Ale keď to Slovo prišlo ku nej, presne tak, ako to Boh povedal, že ono príde, ona to mala vyrátané nejakým iným spôsobom. Ja hovorím o neveste - tej Židovskej neveste, Hebrejskej neveste. To bola Eva od začiatku. Potom, keď sa to tu dostavilo ona to nechcela. Ona chcela zostať pri svojej náhrade.
97Teraz Boh zasľúbil duchovnej Eve na Letnice ... Povedal jej ešte predtým, ako sa to stalo (štyristo rokov ešte predtým, ako cirkev upadla), že oni odpadnú a že urobia to, čo urobili. Ale On zasľúbil v týchto posledných dňoch, že On znovu pošle Slovo.
98Ježiš, keď bol na zemi, hovoril o tom istom. On to znovu pošle, a čo je ... čo to nájde? To nájde tú istú vec, ktorú našlo, keď prišlo prvý krát. Skutočne. Oni mali tú istú vec. Oni chceli svoje náhrady. Oni chceli svoje denominácie, oni chceli svoje vyznania, oni chceli žiť tak, ako chceli. A oni chceli ... "No, ja som taký a taký (Dr.). Ja patrím ku takým a takým." Nič na tom nemení, čokoľvek Boh robí a ako veľmi sa On manifestuje. Mohol by kriesiť mŕtvych, mohol by hovoriť tajnosti sŕdc, mohol by robiť všetko, čo Biblia povedal, že On bude robiť. To ani trochu na tom nemení. "Ak sa to nespája s mojou organizáciou, nie je ma nič do toho."
... to isté, čo urobila tá Hebrejská nevesta. Je to tak. Vidíte? Oni počúvali na svoju náhradu a Boh im zasľúbil skutočnosť. A keď tá skutočnosť prišla, oni to nechceli. To bolo príliš pokorné.
99Nuž tá istá vec je dnes. Keď to povstáva na scéne ... Nuž ak Boh povedal v Malachiášovi 4, že On pošle posolstvo v tých posledných dňoch, ktoré prinavráti ... Joel povedal: "Ja prinavrátim všetky tie roky ..." Všetko, čo zjedol Rím a všetko, čo zjedli Metodisti, a všetko, čo zjedli Baptisti, z tej originálnej Letničnej haluzi, Boh povedal: "Ja prinavrátim v tých posledných dňoch." Je to tak.
100A On nám môže poslať takú osobu, ktorá bude ... Boh poslal svoje Slovo jedine ku prorokovi. Nie ku reformátorom; ku prorokom. To nebola hodina ku tomu. Teraz nastáva tá hodina. A preto pozorujeme na to, že to príde. To bude tak pokorné a skromné, a tak ...
Ó! Vy si myslíte, že tí aristokratickí Metodisti, Baptisti a Presbyteriáni, a Letniční to prijmú?
"Čo," ty hovoríš: "Letniční?"
Letniční sú Laodiceania - bohatí a nepotrebujú ničoho. Tam je napísané: "Nevieš, že si biedny." Vy môžete stavať budovy za milióny dolárov, ale stále ste biedny, duchovne biedny.
"Ó," vy hovoríte, "Ja to všetko vidím." Ste slepý!
"No," vy hovoríte, "chvála Bohu, ja som prikrytý." Nahý!
"No, som si istý, že naši chlapci ... My máme semináre." A nevieš o tom!
101No je to celkom naopak. Nuž ak Biblia povedala, že Laodicejská cirkev bude v takom stave ... A nie je na zemi osoba, ktorá by mohla zaprieť, že toto nie je ten posledný vek; pretože Laodicejský cirkevný vek je ten siedmy cirkevný vek, a my sa tu nachádzame! Týchto druhých dva tisíc rokov to zakončuje. Neexistuje už viacej cirkevných vekov.
102To je ten dôvod, že vy bratia Pozdného Dažďa, nemôžete začať ďalšiu organizáciu. Už viacej nebude. Je to tak. To je na konci. Amen! Nebude viacej cirkevných vekov. Všetko je skončené.
103Ale potom, ak Letničné posolstvo bolo posledným posolstvom, ktoré ... Ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, a krst Duchom Svätým, tri posledné posolstvá, tri posledné cirkevné veky, formujú kompletné zrodenie - tak, ako keď žena má porodiť dieťa. Skutočne prvá vec, ktorá sa odohrá je voda; ďalšia vec je krv; ďalšia vec je život.
104Keď Ježiša zabili na kríži, tá látka, ktorá vyšla z Jeho tela, aby dala vznik novému ... aby priniesla to narodenie. Oni prebodli jeho bok, vyšla krv a voda, a "do Tvojich rúk porúčam Svojho Ducha." Čo vyšlo z Jeho tela bola voda, krv, duch. 1 Jána 5: 7 nám o tom hovorí.
105Sú traja, ktorí nesú svedectvo na nebi: Otec, Slovo, ktorým je Kristus a Duch Svätý, a títo traja sú zajedno. Oni nie sú jedno, ale sú zajedno. A sú traja, ktorí nesú svedectvo ... Chcel som povedať, že Oni sú jedno. Pomýlil som sa. A tí traja, ktorí nesú svedectvo na zemi sú voda, krv a duch a oni sú zajedno.
106Vy môžete byť posvätený bez toho, že by ste boli ospravedlnený. A môžete byť ospravedlnení bez toho, že by ste boli posvätení. Môžete byť posvätení bez prijatia Ducha Svätého. Presne tak. Učeníci v Jánovi 17: 17 boli posvätení a bola im daná moc vyháňať démonov, a stále nemali Ducha Svätého. Skutočne. Oni museli ísť do Letníc a čakať až prišiel Duch Svätý. Tam Judáš ukázal svoje farby. Vidíte, ako si ten duch razil svoju cestu cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie? Ale keď to prišlo do konca, on ukázal svoje farby. Je to tak.
107Teraz si všimnite. Nuž, sme tu na konci. A duchovnej Eve, presne tak, ako Hebrejskej Eve bolo zasľúbené ... Tej Hebrejskej neveste bolo zasľúbené Slovo aby ju navrátilo. A tá duchovná nevesta z Letníc, keď ona upadla v Nicei, potom je jej zasľúbené, že v posledných dňoch znovu to Slovo príde. Nuž vy hovoríte ... Ak chcete ďalšie miesto Písma, vezmime tu, Zjavenie 10. Tam stojí: "V tej hodine, v čase toho posledného anjela, siedmeho anjela, siedmeho posla, keď začne trúbiť, tajomstvo Božie bude dokonané." Vidíte, prinavrátenie naspäť do Slova.
108Biblia povedala, že tento posol týchto posledných dní bude ... prinavráti ich naspäť znovu do originálnej viery, späť do viery otcov. Ale myslíte si, že oni to prijmú? Nie veru! V tých posledných dňoch On navráti znovu originálne Slovo, ako povedal v Malachiášovi 4, ktoré ona utratila.
109Nuž, ona utratila to Slovo v Nicei. Eva to utratila v Edene. Eva odmietla svoje na Golgote, a Nicejská skupina to odmieta v posledných dňoch - presne tak isto. Ó! Ale keď to Slovo prišlo v ľudskom tele, ona - Eva, tá Hebrejská cirkev, matka všetkých duchovných, ktorí v tedy žili - ona to odmietla. Ona bola tak mŕtva vo svojich tradíciách a dogmách, že to nerozpoznala. Tak je to s touto. Presne!
110No dobre. Oni Ho nerozpoznali, to živé Slovo manifestujúce sa v tele, podľa Slova, ktoré bolo zasľúbené. To Slovo zasľúbilo, že sa budú diať tieto veci. To zasľúbenie bolo povedané, že tak to bude v týchto posledných dňoch. "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Nuž hľaďte, čo sa stalo v Sodome. "Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Hľaďte, čo sa vtedy stalo, vidíte. Nuž On povedal, že to bude tak isto, a my žijeme v tom dni, kde by mohlo byť ... Myslím, že by som mohol nájsť v Písme šesťsto zasľúbení, ktoré odkazujú na to, vidíte. Nuž ... ale oni to odmietli.
111Ona sa držala svojich tradícií, a náhrady, namiesto toho ... Ona sa držala náhradnej krvi namiesto tej skutočnej krvi. Ježiš, Slovo, keď jej On bol zamanifestovaný ... Pretože sa ona držala týchto tradícií, Ježiš to zamanifestované Slovo, povedal neveste, Hebrejskej neveste: "Pretože sa držíte svojich tradícií, zbavili ste Slovo Božie moci." Ono nemôže mať moc.
112Nuž, to je ten dôvod dnes, že tie prebudenia, ktoré my máme mať ... My máme denominačné prebudenia; my sme nemali skutočné prebudenie. Nie, nie, nie. Nie veru! Nemyslite si, že sme mali prebudenia! Nemali sme. Och, oni získali milióny a milióny a milióny členov do cirkvi - ale nikde nie prebudenie. Nie.
113Nevesta ešte nemala prebudenie. Nebolo tam ešte žiadne prebudenie, žiadna manifestácia Božia, aby rozhýbala nevestu, vidíte? My na to očakávame. Na to bude treba tých sedem neznámych hromov tam ďalej, aby ju znovu prebudil. On to pošle. On to zasľúbil. Dávajte teraz pozor. Nuž, ona bola mŕtva.
114Nuž, ak by cirkvi zabudli svoje vyznania a svoje dogmy, a zobrali len Bibliu, prosili o zasľúbenie, potom by to na nich zjavilo svoju moc. Ale pozrite sa, Ježiš povedal: "Vy so svojimi tradíciami ste spôsobili, že Slovo Božie nemá pri vás moc." No, to je to isté dnes s duchovnou Evou, vidíte. Tá duchovná nevesta dnes, tak-zvaná cirkev, ona berie Slovo Božie; a nechce ho uznávať, a namiesto neho uznáva dogmy. Preto, Slovo pre ňu nemá moc, pretože ona sa snaží vštepiť svoje vyznania so Slovom, a to nechce fungovať.
115Nuž, čo my dnes potrebujeme ... Ja len ďalej čítam toto tu "Hlásateľ Jeho príchodu. Cez celý riadok "Potrebujeme, aby znovu prišiel prorok! Potrebujeme, aby znovu prišiel prorok!" A zdá sa mi, že keď on príde oni nebudú nič o tom vedieť. Je to tak. Vždy to tak bolo. "Potrebujeme ..." Všetko o čom oni hovoria: "Potrebujeme, aby znovu prišiel prorok, ktorý prinesie Slovo Pánovo - nebojácne. Veríme, že Biblia to zasľúbila."
116Nuž ja poznám brata Mooreho - vydavateľa i ostatných. Niekedy jedávam v jeho dome a tak ďalej. A on je hádam ten najfajnejší človek, ktorý chodí v kožených topánkach, jeden z najlepších mužov. Ale pozrite sa, on vie, že my to musíme mať. A sestra Moore, jedna z najfajnejších žien - chudáčik, a oni sú posvätení. A to sú podľa mojej mienky jedny z najlepších novín na misijnom poli, "Hlásateľ Jeho Príchodu". Ale zisťujete, že oni stále vytrubujú "Potrebujeme proroka! Potrebujeme proroka!" Vidíte? Ó! To je to o čom hovoria.
117Potom tu to dnes máme. A ako včera a dnes oznamujú v rádiu, že v Baptistických cirkvách a tak ďalej, že my sa nemáme pripojiť ku Katolíkom, ale máme mať s nimi určité obecenstvo. A hneď tu, vychádza toto posolstvo, hneď tu, aby nám povedalo, aby sme sa držali preč od toho jedu! "Ako môžu ísť dvaja spolu bez toho, aby sa zhodli?"
118Svetlo a tma nemôžu mať spolu obecenstvo. Keď prichádza svetlo, temnosť odchádza. Ono je najmocnejšie. Nemôžete vyhnať svetlo tmou, ale tmu môžete vyhnať svetlom. A On je to svetlo a On je Slovo. No prosím, rovno naopak. Nemôžete spraviť, že by Ono klamalo, alebo robilo niečo zle. To prichádza znovu rovno naspäť na to miesto. Tak veru.
119Tak ako nejaký mládenec, ktorý sa snaží s vami dohadovať. Ak viete kde sa postaviť, viete čomu verí ... To je tak, ako keby ste zobrali zajaca a pustili ho do chlievika, a zapchali by ste každú dieru. Len stojíte pri dvierkach; on musí prísť naspäť. On musí prísť rovno naspäť znovu ku dvierkam, pretože to je jediná cesta skade sa môže dostať von. On tu bude prestrkovať svoju hlavu a skoro si zláme krk, a bude chodiť dookola. Môžete len stáť a pozorovať ho. On príde rovno naspäť. Je to tak. To je jediná cesta, aby vyjsť - zostať s tým Slovom! Môžeš roztrubovať všade dookola svoje vyznanie, všade si len zlámete krk. Ale vy musíte prísť rovno naspäť do tohoto Slova.
120Pozrite sa teraz, oni to nechceli. Oni nechceli Božie Slovo. Pretože ona sa držala svojich tradícií, ona zadržiavala Slovo Božie od ... nemajúce moci. To isté teraz pri duchovnej Eve. Ona nechce ... Ona chce zachovávať svoje tradície a dostáva sa preč zo Slova Božieho. Ona sa znovu drží denominácií a svojich vyznaní, a tradícií svojich starších, namiesto toho, aby prijímala Božie Slovo.
121A keď je ku nej prinesené zasľúbenie Slova v týchto posledných dňoch, ona to neprijme, pretože so svojimi tradíciami ... Ako urobila tá Hebrejská nevesta. Skutočné Slovo - skrze zamanifestovanie, dokázané, potvrdené - ona ho neprijme. Prečo nie? Pretože tam je jej predobraz. Ona to nemôže urobiť! Je to tak. Ona nemôže predbehnúť svoj predobraz, vidíte. A je to predpovedané, že ona to neprijme. Tak ako chcete zabrániť čomukoľvek z toho? Nuž, jediné, čo môžete robiť je byť šťastní, že ste v tom. To je všetko. Byť pripravení na to.
122No dobre, Boh zasľúbil v tých posledných dňoch, že On zamanifestuje a potvrdí pre ňu Svoje Slovo; a jednako to ona neprijme. Všetko, čo jej Boh zasľúbil skrze Svojich sluhov, prorokov ... Boh zasľúbil skrze Ježiša Krista, Boh zasľúbil skrze Joela, Boh zasľúbil skrze Pavla, Boh zasľúbil skrze Malachiáša, Boh zasľúbil skrze Jána zjavovateľa, cez všetkých prorokov, presne čím bude pre ňu to posledné posolstvo.
123 Ak si chcete zapísať tie miesta: (samozrejme vy ich všetci poznáte) Ježiš - Ján 14: 12; a Joel - Joel 2: 38; Pavol - 2 Timoteovi 3; Malachiáš 4. kapitola; a Ján zjavovateľ - Zjavenie 10: 1 - 17.
... presne to, čo sa teraz má stať. A pre cirkev, čo to je? To stelesnené Slovo sa znovu medzi Jeho ľuďmi stalo telom, a oni proste tomu neveria.
124Viete čo Ježiš povedal, keď videl ... keď urobil pred nimi tieto zázraky a dokázal, že On bol Bohom? Dokázal, že to, čo On robil, urobil presne. On im povedal: "Ó Kafarnaum, ktoré si vyvýšené až do neba, keby tie skutky, ktoré sa stali ...keby sa tie mocné skutky stali v Sodome, ktoré sa stali v tebe, stála by až do dnešného dňa." Je to tak.
125V Kafarnaume, On neurobil nič okrem toho, že uzdravil niekoľko ľudí, a povedal im tajomstvá ich sŕdc, a odišiel preč. To je všetko! Vidíte, oni nevedeli, čo sú to mocné skutky. Oni si myslia, že to musí byť nejaký veľký program, kde sa všetci dostavia, sudca prednesie reč, a orchester hrá fanfáry. A chodia tam dobre oblečené ženy, a všetci tí Ph.D a LL.D, vysoké klobúky a naškrobené goliere, a všetko - oni tam všetci musia ísť. To je niečo veľké. Boh povedal: "To je hlúposť."
126On berie nejakého obyčajného, ktorý nevie, čo ... rozdiel medzi, možno, sotva pozná abecedu a urobí niečo, čo posadí tú skutočnú cirkev do ohňa; a tí ostatní z nich hovoria: "banda fanatikov." Boh to nazýva veľkým; a svet to nazýva bláznovstvo. Svet tamto nazýva veľkým; a Boh to tam nazýva bláznovstvo. Vidíte, proste úplne naopak. A tá vec, ktorú Boh zasľúbil, Boh bude robiť a robil. No prosím.
127Nuž, ona stále zostáva taká, ako bola - tá Hebrejská Eva. Ona by to proste neprijala. Mohli by ste kriesiť mŕtvych; mohli by ste vidieť Ducha Božieho. Ježiš prišiel dole, potvrdil Sa, že je Syn Boží. Prv On začal kázať. No, oni si mysleli: "No, nejaký divný chlapík. Jednako, kto to je?"
128A hneď ako viete, ľudia začali hovoriť ... Samozrejme oni hovorili prv, ako prišiel Jeho predchodca (Ján), oni hovorili: "Si ty Mesiáš?"
129On povedal, "Nie, ale On stojí niekde medzi vami." Vidíte? Prečo? On vedel, čo má robiť, keď zazneje jeho posolstvo. On vedel, čo on mal robiť.
130Tak, ako Noe dával pozor na Enocha. Keď Enoch odišiel, Noe povedal: "Lepšie je byť bližšie pri arche. Nadišiel čas." Noe dával pozor na Enocha, vidíte, a Ján dával pozor na ten znak, o ktorom mu Ježiš povedal ... alebo o ktorom mu Boh povedal, aby naň dával pozor. On povedal: "On stojí teraz rovno tu niekde medzi vami. Ja Ho nepoznám, ale budem Ho poznať."
131Stál tam a oni povedali: "Nie si ty ten Mesiáš?" Povedali: "My sme poslaní z hlavného stanu." Povedali: "Starší a všetci nás sem poslali. Ak si ty Mesiáš, prečo neprídeš hore a nedáš sa tam hore poznať? - nie tu dole medzi touto spodinou. Poď tam hore a daj sa poznať."
On povedal: "Ja nie som Mesiáš." Povedal: "Ja som hlas volajúceho na púšti."
To tak preletelo ponad ich hlavy, ako len mohlo. Oni o tom nič nevedeli, a jednako oni všetci očakávali na neho, že príde, ale to by nemohol byť takýto chlapík, ako tento. Ó! To by bolo hrozné!
"Z akej si školy?"
"Zo žiadnej."
"Máš členský preukaz?"
"Čo to je?" On bol pomazaný Boží. On povedal: "Jednu vec, ktorú mám. Sekera je priložená na korene stromu." Nuž. To bolo všetko, čo on mal. On sa vyjadroval ako drevorubač, nie ako nejaký farár - používal slová, ako zmije, sekery, a stromy a tak ďalej. On nehovoril v náboženských termínoch, ale Ježiš tam povedal, že nikdy nebolo proroka, ako on. Nikdy sa nenarodil zo ženy taký človek, ako bol on, až do toho dňa. Tak veru.
132On bol viac ako prorok; on bol posol zmluvy - stojaci rovno medzi dvoma zákonmi, vidíte. Viac ako prorok. A tak potom, stál tam - oni ho nepoznali. Oni mu nerozumeli. On bol nejaký zvláštny človek, oni ho proste nerozpoznali, vidíte.
133Potom, keď potom prišiel Ježiš, a oni Ho skutočne nemali v úmysle prijať, tohoto tesárovho chlapca! Tam nebolo nikoho takého, s očierneným menom nemanželského narodenia, ktoré išlo za Ním. Oni sa ani len nechceli pozrieť na takého človeka.
134Ale pozrite sa, čo urobil Boh. On vzal neučených, biednych, rybárov, drevorubačov, sedliakov, a smilnice, a tých hodnostárov nechal tam sedieť. Prečo? Prečo to On urobil? Prečo On urobil niečo také? Môžete si to predstaviť? Pretože tí ľudia rozpoznali, že On je Slovo.
135Nuž, pozorujme Ho len za chvíľu. Tu je nejaký, starý negramotný rybár. On sa nevie podpísať. Biblia hovorí, že oni boli negramotní a neučení. On vyťahuje svoju rybu a odkladá to, a ide tam dole a díva sa, čo je to tam za hluk. Ale po ceste, hlbšie v srdci on vedel, že Biblia povedala, že Mesiáš ... Všetci Hebreji očakávali Mesiáša, pretože tam sa malo vyplniť Písmo, keď On príde.
136Tam bolo mnoho mesiášov, ktorí povstali a povedali: "Ja som on," a stovky ľudí potiahli za sebou, a zahynuli a tak ďalej. Ale vidíte, to bolo nato, aby odmietli toho skutočného, keď On príde. My sme mali Eliášove plášte a kabáty a všetko možné; ale to je len nato, aby odmietli to skutočné, keď On príde. Je to tak. Ľudia všetkého druhu, ktorí nosili rúcha a plášte, a boli pochovaní vo všetkých možných poklopoch točiacich dookola a všetko možné. To ne ... to len potvrdzuje, ako falošný dolár - ukazuje, že existuje niekde pravý, ak ho môžete nájsť, vidíte.
Tak On prichádza. Nuž títo hodnostári vychádzajú von, a oni boli tak vo svojich náhradách: "Viete," oni povedali: "nuž, ak príde Mesiáš, On samozrejme príde ku Kajfášovi. On príde do našej denominácii. On príde ku farizejom."
Sadúceovia: "To si vy myslíte. On príde ku Sadúceom."
Tam oni boli, vidíte - to isté, čo oni majú dnes. Nuž, ale keď On príde, to bolo divné. On bol ... prišiel, oh, úplne opačne, ako si to oni mysleli. Ale On prišiel podľa Slova; a oni nepoznali Slovo.
137Dovoľte mi povedať, že skutočne ... tak vy budete ... to vsiakne dovnútra. Chcem, aby sme to porozumeli. To je ten problém s vami dnes! Vy nepoznáte Slovo!
Ježiš povedal: "Vy viete rozoznávať tvárnosť oblohy, ale znamenia času neviete rozoznávať."
Oni povedali: "My máme Mojžiša ..."
138Ježiš povedal, "Ak by ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste Mňa." Oni nepoznali Mojžiša, a preto Ho oni nepoznali. Oni poznali len nejaké vyznanie, ktoré si vyliahli.
Nuž, vezmime tohoto starého rybára. On položil svoj kôš, potiahol sa za svoju šedivú bradu a išiel tam: "Verím, že bude vidieť kto to je."
Jeho brat povedal: "Poď len. Poďme tam. To je ten istý muž. To je ten, ktorého sme videli toho dňa. Zostal som s Ním celú noc včera. Poznáš Jána, o ktorom som ti hovoril?"
139"No, on povedal ... a jedného dňa, ako tam stál, on povedal divnú vec. On povedal, 'Viete, On tu teraz práve prichádza!' Oni povedali: 'Ako vieš? On sa pozrel tam hore, stál tam prostý obyčajný človek. On povedal, Vidím Ducha Božieho, ako holubicu zostupujúcu na Neho. Počul som hlas, ktorý hovoril: "Toto je On. Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo prebývať." Potom on išiel rovno do vody a pokrstil Ho a tak ďalej. Nuž tam, on povedal, že Ho pozná."
140"Oh, ja neviem." Povedal Šimon. "Počul som mnoho krát o všetkom takom." A tu on ide; ale dole v jeho srdci bolo predurčené semeno. Ježiš tak povedal. Je to tak. On išiel ku Nemu. Išiel: "No, pôjdem na to zhromaždenie a uvidím."
141On tam prišiel. Ježiš tam stál, prostý obyčajný človek. On išiel. On povedal: "Tvoje meno je Šimon, a tvoj otec sa nazýva Jonáš." To mu vyrazilo dych. Prečo? To malé semeno večného života tam vo vnútri, zostalo dotknuté. Tak veru!
142"Počkaj chvíľu. Ako to? Ty si ma nikdy nevidel, ani môjho otca, pretože on je už roky mŕtvy. Ale Ty tu prichádzaš a hovoríš mi toto? Teraz viem, že Biblia hovorí (Nuž, nechoďme do toho, čo hovoria starší, ale), Biblia povedala, že Mesiáš bude prorok. Tu Ho máme. To je On."
143Jedného dňa On prechádzal cez Samáriu, prechádzal tam so skupinou Židov. On ich nechal. Prišla táto žena nedobrej povesti. Možno pekná pani, viete a ona ako dieťa bola vyhnaná von na ulicu, a ona tam prechádzala. Možno, že o niečom rozmýšľala. Ona tam prišla a položila svoje vedro a začala spúšťať dole, viete, aby nabrala vodu. A počula nejakého muža: "Daj sa mi napiť!" Pozrela sa a tam sedel nejaký Žid, v strednom veku.
144Ona povedala: "Nie si ty Žid?" Nemal by si to robiť. To pre teba nie je zvykom, aby si sa rozprával so mnou. Ja som samaritánka."
On povedal: "Ale keby si ty vedela, kto je ten, kto sa s tebou rozpráva, ty by si si odo mňa pýtala, aby som ti dal napiť."
Ona povedala: "Kde máš vedro? Kde máš povraz?"
"No." On povedal: "tá voda, ktorú ja dávam je život."
"Čo? Ako," ona povedala. "Vy sa všetci chcete modliť v Jeruzaleme. Naši otcovia sa modlili na ..."
145"Och," On povedal, "to je dobre, ale," povedal, "my Židia vieme ku komu sa modlíme ale," povedal, "viete, prichádza čas, keď sa človek nebude modliť ani v Jeruzaleme, ani na tomto vrchu." On povedal, "Oni budú uctievať Boha v Duchu, pretože On je Duch - v Duchu a v Pravde."
No, ona začala dumať, viete.
On povedal: "Choď, vezmi svojho muža a príď sem."
Ona povedala: "Môjho muža? Ja nemám žiadneho muža!"
"Ach," On povedal, "to je pravda. Behala si s piatymi a teraz máš šiesteho." On povedal: "Mala si piatych, vieš. Povedala si pravdu."
146Sledujte to! Čo to bolo? Svetlo narazilo na to semeno, ktoré tam ležalo, ktoré bolo vypovedané cez Boha. Tak veru! To semeno bolo na zemi. Keď Boh odsunul preč vody a slnko na to narazilo, to vzišlo. Je to tak. Všetko, čo tomu bolo treba bolo slnko. Ono potrebovalo svetlo. Tak veru! Potom, keď Duch Svätý v Ňom odsunul nabok jej minulý život a ukázal jej to, to svetlo na to narazilo!
147Ona povedala: "Pane, poznávam, že Ty si prorok." Ona povedala: "My vieme (ja to viem), že keď Mesiáš príde, to je to, čo On bude. A my sme nemali proroka štyristo rokov. My sme nemali opravdivého proroka štyristo rokov." A ona povedala: "Ako ... ty si mi povedal o mojom mužovi a povedal si mi, koľko som ich mala a tak ďalej. Vieš," povedala, "ja tomu nerozumiem." Povedala: "Keď Mesiáš príde, nuž, on bude toto robiť - ale kto si ty?"
148On povedal: "Ja som On." To bolo to. Smilnica! A kňaz sa rozhliadal okolo a povedal: (no, on by sa musel zodpovedať svojmu zhromaždeniu), "Nebav sa s ním. On je posadnutý diablom."
Nuž to je rozdiel. To isté je dnes. To isté je dnes. Tak veru. Ona to vedela, pretože to svetlo to zasiahlo.
149Tí rybári, drevorubači, sedliaci, colníci, smilnice, oni videli v Ňom to, čo hovorili tie jednoduché písma, že On bude robiť; a tí farizeovia to kvôli svojím tradíciám nemohli vidieť. Oni to nemohli vidieť kvôli svojím tradíciám; ale prostitútky, sedliaci, a oni všetci, oni to videli. Oni všetci boli predurčení, keď sa tie pochybnosti odvalili preč, to semeno začalo rásť. Je to tak.
150Čo ona urobila? Ona povedala: "No, som rada, že som stretla Mesiáša." Ó, nie! Ona bežala rovno do mesta. Ona zabudla na vodu. Ona povedala: "Poďte a vidzte muža, ktorý mi povedal všetko, čo som urobila. Či je to nie práve to, čo hovoria Písma, že Mesiáš bude robiť? Či je to nie presne to?" A tí ľudia mohli vidieť to isté, že Ježiš Kristus povedal v ev. Jána 14: 12, že sa to znovu stane.
151On to tiež povedal v Lukášovi, keď On povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho ..." - ako sa Boh zamanifestoval v človeku a povedal kto bol za Ním, a čo Sára urobila (keď sa smiala v stane) a všetky tieto písma z Malachiáša, a tak ďalej predpovedané na tento posledný deň. Židom 4 hovorí, že keď Slovo príde naspäť ... Malachiáš 4 hovorí, že to bude navrátené naspäť skrze nejakého muža; Židom 4 hovorí, že Slovo Božie rozpoznáva myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci, a oni to môžu vidieť fungovať a odchádzajú preč od toho. Ich tradície to skrývajú a zbavujú to moci. No, my sme práve tu. To je všetko.
152Viete, On by dnes mohol robiť toto isté. On by mohol prísť rovno na scénu a robiť tie isté veci, aké robil vtedy, pretože On povedal, že to bude robiť, vidíte. On zasľúbil, že to bude robiť. On zasľúbil, že to bude robiť. A ak On bude robiť tie isté veci ... Ten Laodicejský posol to má robiť. A potom, keď Laodicejská cirkev vidí, že sa to deje, oni urobia presne tak, ako na začiatku urobila Židovská cirkev. Bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi je to potvrdené, oni tomu aj tak neuveria. Och!
153Nuž to hovorí, že sa navrátime do originálneho Slova, a Ono bude zamanifestované, ako bolo zasľúbené, aby znovu obnovilo vieru, znovu originálnu vieru. A ak sa On dal poznať, že On prebýva medzi Svojím ľudom, tým, že činí tieto veci ... On si mohol dokonca nechať urobiť fotografiu, vedecky to dokázal, a oni stále tomu neveria. Bolo to podrobené skúške; nechal, že to mechanické oko fotoaparátu Ho zachytilo, ako tam stojí, ten istý ohnivý stĺp ... To je to isté včera dnes i naveky (Židom 13: 8), aby ukázal, že je to vedecky overené všetkými možnými spôsobmi. Vedecky, v duchovnom kráľovstve, a každým spôsobom to mohlo byť potvrdené, je to potvrdené - a vy viete oni by pravdepodobne urobili to isté. Oni by pravdepodobne kráčali len rovno od toho a urobili to isté, ako urobili tamtí.
Ó, Bože, pomôž nám. Zastavíme sa tu. Bože, pomôž nám to teraz vidieť, je mojou modlitbou, keď teraz prichádzame, pretože ja vás tu nechcem držať príliš dlho. Bože pomôž nám vidieť to. Verím možno, že Duch odpočinie rovno teraz na nás, aby nám pomohol zjaviť - otvoriť túto Pečať.
Čítajme. Pri tom, čo vidíme ten stav, v akom sa cirkev nachádza, vidíme kde to bolo - videli sme, čo oni urobili, videli sme kde to malo prísť - vidíme to tam, a vidíme, čo oni mali urobiť. Oni urobili presne to. Vidíte teraz kde sme? Vidíte to súdenie. Posúďte sami. Ja nemôžem súdiť. Ja som len zodpovedný za prinášanie tohoto Slova. Môžem to podať len tak, ako mi to On dal. Až kým mi to On nedá, ne som schopný to podať. Ani nikto iný to ne je schopný.
A keď otvoril tretiu pečať, počul som tretiu živú bytosť, ktorá vravela: Poď a vidz! A videl som a hľa, čierny kôň a ten, ktorý sedel na ňom, mal váhu vo svojej ruke.
A počul som hlas prostred štyroch živých bytostí, ktorý hovoril: Choinix pšenice za denár a tri choinixi jačmeňa za denár, a oleju a vínu neškoď!
154Nuž, Baránok mal tú Knihu vo svojej ruke, lámajúc tie Pečate. On zlomil tú prvú pečať, druhú pečať a teraz láme tretiu. A pri tom, čo ju On láme, Baránok ju láme - tú tretiu pečať, tá tretia živá bytosť ... Nuž, koľkí z vás vedia, ako vyzerala tá tretia živá bytosť? Vyzerala ako človek. Tá prvá vyzerala, ako lev; ďalšia vyzerala, ako teľa alebo vôl, a tretia vyzerala, ako človek. To bol človek.
A on počul tú živú bytosť, živú bytosť podobnú človeku, ktorá hovorila Jánovi: "Poď a vidz, čo to je, toto tajomstvo, ktoré bolo ukryté." Po všetky tie roky vykúpenia, od založenia sveta, to čo sa stane bolo skryté pod touto Pečaťou. Nuž: "Poď sa pozrieť, čo to je." Tak On to otvára. Hrmí hrom a Baránok otvára tú Pečať.
155Nuž, a Ján išiel aby sa pozrel, čo to bude. Čo on uvidel? On uvidel čierneho koňa, a jeho jazdec mal vo svojej ruke mincier alebo váhy. Nuž, to je to prvé, čo uvidel. Keď to Baránok oznámil, zlomil tú Pečať, potom tá ďalšia živá bytosť ... Vidíte, tieto živé bytosti sa zamieňajú pri oznamovaní: "Poď a vidz."
156 Ján, tam kde on stál, možno takto, podišiel tu. Keď to Baránok otvoril, podišiel tam. Obyčajne udiera hrom, ako sme to videli v prvej pečati. On dával pozor, aby videl, čo sa deje. A on vidí nejakého muža prichádzajúceho prv na bielom koni. On ho pozoroval, ako ide ďalej a ďalej cez ... Ján ho videl až do konca. On ho videl prichádzať, jeho bieleho koňa. On mal vo svojej ruke luk, ten jazdec, ale nemal ku nemu žiadne šípy. Ďalšia vec, ktorú vidíte, on dostáva korunu, cválajúc ďalej vpred.
157Potom sme zistili, že Baránok potom ... tu on znovu prichádza. On otvoril ďalšiu a díva sa. Teraz tu prichádza červený kôň. Tento muž mal vo svojej ruke meč. On cválal rovno ďalej cez Písma, vidíte, s týmto mečom v ruke a mal zabíjať a vziať pokoj zo zeme.
Teraz, Baránok otvára ďalšiu pečať. Ďalšia živá bytosť, podobná človeku, povedala: "Poď a vidz." Nuž, on ide, aby videl, čo to je. A keď prišiel, tu prichádza jazdec na čiernom koni.
158Nuž, minulý večer sme zistili z toho, že ten istý jazdec, ktorý jazdil na bielom koni bol ten istý, ktorý bol na červenom koni. A hlas povedal - z pomedzi tých živých bytostí - zavolal, vidíte. "Poď, aby si videl," čo to bolo. On bol v tejto živej bytosti. A on videl tohoto čierneho koňa. A keď ten hlas z pomedzi tých štyroch bytostí zavolal: "Miera pšenice za denár a tri miery jačmeňa za denár, ale hľaď, aby si neškodil oleju a vínu," vidíte ...
159Tento jazdec - pohovorme si o ňom. Ak si všimnete toho prvého jazdca, kto on bol ... a my sme zistili minulý večer, podľa Písma, že ten druhý jazdec bol presne ten istý muž, len bol na inom koni. Čo sa stalo? On zmenil svoju službu, vidíte. Je to tak. Zistili sme, že to bol antikrist, a on zmenil svoju pozíciu. Zistili sme, že keď on prv bol len bielym koňom, on sa stal náukou. Nuž prebrali sme každého jedného z nich znovu rovno v Písmach, vidíte.
160A teraz sa pozrite, kde sme dnes večer - sme teraz v tom ďalšom cirkevnom veku. Prichádzame teraz do tretieho cirkevného veku. Celkom presne. Tretí cirkevný vek je celkom podobný do tretieho koňa.
161Ten prvý cirkevný vek bol čo? Nikolaiti mali náuku, vidíte, ten prvý kôň. No dobre. A potom to prvé, čo nasledovalo, ako vieme, že táto náuka Nikolaitov bola uznaná a bola hneď - vošla do akcii. A oni korunovali tohoto muža. Potom tento duch, antikrist, sa stal stelesnený v človeku, vidíte. A neskoršie sme zistili, že on sa tiež stal stelesneným diablom. Ten démon odchádza preč a vchádza tam diabol.
162A tak isto, ako táto cirkev ... tento druh antikristovej cirkvi robí pokroky, tak isto prechádza Nevesta inakšími vecami - cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým a pohybuje sa rovno ďalej, vidíte. Tak ako oni, len oni vzali svoje prebudenie prv, a cirkev ho berie nakoniec.
163Ich prvé tri roky ... Tie ich prvé tri stupne, to prechádzalo cez Dobu Temna. Potom tretie, tri stupne, vychádza von cirkev, od ospravedlnenia, posvätenia, krstu Duchom Svätým, On - stelesnený Boh zamanifestovaný medzi nami.
164Tu on vchádza ako antikrist, ako falošný prorok, potom šelma, potom v Dobe Temna. Potom cirkev vychádza v tom Temnom Veku - ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým, stelesnené Slovo, takým spôsobom teraz; a on ide dole. On ide dole; Cirkev ide hore. Je to tak dokonalé, ako to len môže byť. Ó, to je nádherné. Ja to proste milujem.
165Toto je ten istý jazdec, ale v ďalšom stupni jeho služby. Ten prvý stupeň - biely kôň, vidíte. On bol len učiteľ, len antikristov učiteľ. On bol proti Slovu Božiemu. Ako môžete byť antikrist? Každý, kto zapiera, že každé Slovo z tohoto je pravda, aby ono bolo učené presne tak isto, je antikrist, pretože oni zapierajú Slovo. A On je Slovo.
166Nuž, prvý stupeň - biely kôň. On bol len učiteľ, ale v jeho náuke a jeho povahe bol antikristov duch. To bolo nevinné. To nemohlo nič uškodiť, tak to vyzeralo. Len išiel ďalej ... Tak prichádza Satan. Och, on je chytrý vtáčik.
167On povedal Eve: "Nuž, vieš, ty sa obzeráš po múdrosti. Ty nevieš, čo je dobré a čo zlé." Povedal: "Nuž, ak by sa tvoje oči otvorili, ty by si vedela čo ..." A povedal: "To ovocie je veľmi príjemné. Je to dobré. Je to príjemné pre oči. Mala by si to okoštovať. Teraz nevieš či je to dobré, alebo nie, však?
"Nie, neviem, ale Boh povedal, aby sme to nerobili."
"Ale och!"
"Dobre, ja viem, ale Boh povedal, že On by ..."
"On to v skutočnosti neurobí." Nech by to bolo akokoľvek sladké. Pozrite čo to urobilo.
Pozorujte tohoto antikristovho ducha, ako povstáva medzi prvotnou cirkvou, náuka Nikolaitov. "Niko," premôcť laikov, urobiť svätého muža.
"Pozrite, my chceme len obecenstvo. Pozrite, vy ste tu roztrúsení. Nikto nevie, kde kto patrí. Ja myslím, že my všetci by sme mali mať nejakú organizáciu a proste sa líšiť. Ideme rovno ... dajme sa dokopy. Máme urobiť z toho nejaký prístrešok."
168To je to, čím to je. Neexistuje niečo tak, ako Kresťanská cirkev Metodistov. To nie je cirkev; to je prístrešok. Baptisti - to nie je cirkev; to je prístrešok. Je len jedna cirkev, a to je tajomné telo Ježiša Krista, a vy ste do toho narodení (tak veru), skrze predurčenie. To je ono.
169"Všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec prídu ku Mne. Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne bez toho, že by ho povolal Otec, a všetci, ktorých Mi On dáva prídu ku Mne." To je to. Baránok tam sedí, vykonáva prímluvu, až kým nevojde ten posledný. Ten malý zvonec zazvoní a On vyjde a vezme potom svoje dedičstvo, vidíte. A hotovo. Privádza Svoju Cirkev domov. Svojich poddaných; a vrhá Svojich nepriateľov do ohnivého jazera a všetci jeho poddaný tam idú s ním, a to je to. Potom my vykročíme do toho tisícročia.
170To je teraz ten istý jazdec. V tomto prvom štádiu on bol nevinný. A druhý (nuž, ak ste išli trochu vyššie, trochu viac než to), v tomto druhom štádiu Biblia povedala, že mu bola daná koruna. A oni korunovali muža - nadčloveka. Vidíte, korunovali ho. Potom Biblia ho nenazvala pápež. Biblia ho nazvala falošný prorok. Prečo? Áno, samozrejme on musí byť falošný prorok skrze svojho antikristovského ducha, ktorý učil antikristovsky, proti originálnemu Slovu. Pretože ak učil proti originálnemu Slovu, to bol antikrist, a Slovo je Boh.
171Nuž, po tom, nachádzame ho potom korunovaného. Keď on bol korunovaný ... Nuž, on je veľmi nevinný - bezmocný a len bezvýznamný človek. Ale potom na Nicejskom koncile, on bol učinený ... a Konštantín mu dal všetky tie majetky. A čo on potom urobil? Potom on ... Vidíte, Satan mu dal svoj trón a autoritu. Biblia tak povedala, ako sme cez to prešli.
172Nuž, tá ďalšia vec, ktorú zisťujeme, že diabol kontroluje všetku politiku, ktorá kedy bola, alebo kedy bude. Nachádzame to v Matúšovi 4: 11. A teraz zisťujeme, že Satan už vtedy mal politiku, ale on sa snaží dostať cirkev. Tak on tam ide, aby ju zviedol. On získava svojho nadčloveka, uvádza ho do organizácii a korunuje ho, ako vicara (zástupcu) - krista. Kristus pracoval namiesto Boha. Vidíte, tento chlap je vicar namiesto Boha. Presne to isté. Namiesto Boha - čo on má byť, Kristov zástupca.
173Nuž, keď to on urobil, čo on potom urobil? On ... Satan vzal svoju politickú moc (ktorú on už mal pod sebou) a vzal tú náboženskú moc (v ktorej už bol korunovaný) a dal ich dokopy, a potom mu zaobstaral ďalšiu korunu nad peklom. A ... vždy prešli cez, ak zaplatili dosť peňazí, on ich mohol dostať von. Tak on je teraz zástupcom neba, očistca - ako to on chce nazývať. V Biblii taká vec neexistuje, ale on musel niečo urobiť. Biblia hovorí, že on vystúpil z bezodnej priepasti a tak isto sa vracia naspäť. - A vládcom na zemi.
174Nuž, čo mu potom bolo dané? Prv on mal luk, ale nemal žiadny šíp. Ale teraz má vo svojej ruke veľký meč. On teraz niečo môže robiť. Potom on zoskočil zo svojho bieleho koňa. Biely kôň dojazdil. Teraz sedí na čom? Na červenom koni - krv. Krvavo červený kôň. On skutočne jazdí na tom. Och, skutočne. Teraz mu je daná veľká moc a veľký meč, aby zabíjal. Potom on jazdí na svojom krvavo červenom koni.
175Vidíme z Druhej Pečati, ktorá bola zlámaná minulý večer, že on vzal pokoj zo zeme a spôsobil, že zabíjali jeden druhého. A jeho vlastná kronika mučeníkov - martyrológia Rímsko Katolíckej cirkvi ukazuje, že oni usmrtili 68 000 000 protestantov od času sv. Augustína z Hippo až do okolo roku 1580. - "68 000 000"! (Schmuckerova "Veľká Reformácia," ak si to chcete prečítať. Vlastne - "Slávna Reformácia".) 68 000 000 zaznamenaných v kronikách mučeníkov.
176Keď jeden z ich tak zvaných svätých dostal zjavenie, že každý kto nesúhlasí s Rímskou cirkvou má zomrieť ako kacír, to potom celkom zmenilo jeho postoj. Chlapče, on vyšiel, aby prelieval krv. On vyskočil na svojho červeného koňa a jazdil na ňom.
177Teraz nastupuje jeho veľká moc. On bol urobený zástupcom neba a uctievaný, ako Boh, vládca zeme. Zjednotením cirkvi a štátu ho on urobil vládcom na zemi, dajúc mu nad tým korunu. On mohol vymodliť duše z očistca. On tak isto mohol ... On bol celkom ako Boh na zemi, namieste Boha.
178Spolu on mal veľkú moc, aby zabil kohokoľvek, kto nesúhlasil s jeho vládou. Kto povie niečo proti nemu? Cirkev nemôže povedať nič. On je jej hlavou. Štát nemôže povedať nič. On je jeho hlavou. Tak oni zomierali na milióny. Všetky tie malé cirkvi, bratku, boli rozbité a vyzabíjané, boli povraždení, hádzaní levom, a všetko ďalšie, vidíte. Drak, Rím, mu dal svoj trón a autoritu. Biblia tak povedala. Tak on jazdil na svojom typickom červenom koni, cez ľudskú krv, až sa stal červeným koňom.
179Teraz ho Ján vidí na čiernom koni. On ešte niečo zmenil. Teraz to musím povedať, tak ako to prišlo ku mne; a potom ... A keď to prišlo ku mne a nepasuje to s ostatným Písmom, potom to vôbec nedal Boh. Vidíte, Písma musia ... každé jedno. To je len jedna veľká vec, ako toto. Písmo sa musí zhodovať s Písmom. A čokoľvek, čo nie je zhodné s Písmom ... Ak mi tento anjel Pánov povedal niečo, čo by nebolo podľa Písma, neveril by som mu.
180Stál som tam jedného dňa v Chicagu, keď všetky tie stovky kazateľov ... Bol tam niekto na tom zhromaždení? Naozaj, na tom zhromaždení v Chicagu? Povedal som: "Vy teraz všetci hovoríte, že máte ... Vy ste si mysleli, že ma tu chytíte na niečom." Skoro ako teraz v tejto miestnosti. Povedal som: "Čo to je, čo máte proti mne?" Povedal som: "Duch Svätý mi ukázal pred tromi dňami, kde každý jeden z vás bude sedieť, a že nebudeme v tom ... " Spýtajte sa tu Carla, či je to nie pravda. A Hank tam tiež bol i oni všetci. Je to tak. Vy všetci ste tam boli a počuli ste to.
181Povedal som: "Vy ste sa zobrali proti mne ohľadne toho, čo učím. To je ono. Chcem, aby niekto z vás prišiel sem a zobral svoju Bibliu a zastal si tu vedľa mňa a vyvrátil to." To bola najtichšia skupina, akú ste kedy počuli. Povedal som: "Čo sa s vami deje?" Povedal som: "Potom ak viete, že sa tu nemôžete postaviť proti Slovu, tak s tým prestaňte!"
182"Vy doktori teológie a všetkého, a hovoríte ako ... A predstavujete sa ako 'Doktor', 'Doktor', 'Doktor', a ja som ... " Neviem či ... Brat Wood a ja hovoríme "čečako" - green horn. "Ja nemám žiadne vzdelanie, nikdy som nechodil do žiadneho semináru, alebo školy, ale vy vezmite svoju Bibliu a poďte sem a postavte sa vedľa mňa a vyvráťte semeno hada, krst vo meno Ježiša Krista, alebo ktorúkoľvek z týchto vecí, ktoré ja učím."
Nikto nepovedal ani slovo. Vy všetci o tom viete. To bola najtichšia skupina, akú ste kedy videli. Vidíte, oni len kričia, že neviem čo. No tu to je. Ja nie som za tým, aby sa naťahovať s ľuďmi, ale keď ide do toho, že sa vás oni snažia vtiahnuť ... A ja by som nebol išiel, ale Duch Svätý mi povedal, riekol: "Choď tam; Ja budem stáť pri tebe."
183Povedal som im tri, alebo štyri dni pred tým. Vy všetci ste tam boli a počuli pána Carlsona a ich a Tommyho Hicksa a všetkých, ktorí tam sedeli. A ja som išiel tri dni predtým a povedal som: "Budete musieť odvolať to miesto."
184To bol búrlivý večer, mal som zhromaždenie. On povedal: "Choď, zastaň si tam pri tom okne, tam pri tých tretích dverách." A išiel som a postavil som sa tam. Takto som sa pozeral von. On povedal, "Oni pripravili na teba pascu. Požiadajú ťa, aby si hovoril na Kazateľskom Združení veľkého Chicaga." Povedal: "Pripravili na teba pascu ohľadne tvojho učenia Môjho Slova." On povedal: "Teraz oni odvolajú to miesto tam. Oni ho nedostanú. Dostanú miesto, kde je hnedá dekorácia. Povedal: "Takto to vyzerá."
185Zastal som a videl som sa v rohu. Pozrel som sa tam dozadu a videl som všetkých tých ľudí. Videl som všetkých tých kazateľov, ako tam sedeli, kde kto sedel. Rozhliadol som sa po nich po všetkých a On povedal ... "No", pomyslel som si: "Bolo by lepšie, keby som tam potom nešiel, Pane, keď sa to oni chystajú urobiť. Ja nechcem uraziť ich cítenie, alebo urobiť niečo zle."
On povedal: "Choď; Ja budem stáť pri tebe." On tam stál. Je to tak. Nuž vy všetci ... tu sú svedkovia, ktorí sedeli rovno tam a vedia to. Vy ste tu tiež dostali tie pásky. No prosím, vidíte.
186Nuž, tu je tajomstvo toho. A teraz ... keď mi to On zjavil dnes včasne ráno pred východom slnka. Potom som išiel rýchlo do Písma a začal som hľadať - vyhľadávať To. Tam to bolo. Tri z nich boli zatiaľ absolútne nadprirodzene zjavené. Nuž tu je to tajomstvo toho čierneho koňa, podľa toho, čo mi bolo zjavené.
187On začal cválať v čase Temných vekov. To je to, čo reprezentuje temný kôň - Temné veky - lebo to bol čas polnoci pre ozajstných veriacich, ktorí zostali. Hľaďte teraz v cirkevnom veku - ten stredný cirkevný vek - ten Temný cirkevný vek. Hľaďte, ako On hovorí: "Máš len malú moc." To bola polnoc pre nich, pre opravdivého veriaceho.
188Hľaďte teraz. Z opravdivej cirkvi bola prakticky vzatá všetka nádej, pretože tento muž kontroloval oboje cirkev i štát. Čo oni budú robiť? Vidíte? Katolicizmus zabral oboje cirkev i štát. A všetci, ktorí nesúhlasili s Katolicizmom boli zabití. To je dôvod, prečo on bol na temnom koni. A pozorujte, čo za temné veci on robil, potom budete vidieť. Ak len ... Ak poznáte svoju históriu, pozorujte to. No, nemusíte ju ani poznať, aby ste toto vedeli.
189Teraz dávajte pozor. Všetka nádej bola preč - to je jeho čierny kôň. Nuž on rozpočal na bielom koni, ľstivosť; potom mu bola daná moc a vzal pokoj - pozabíjal milióny. To je to, čo sa on chystal robiť, ako cválal ďalej; a on to stále robí. Vidíte? Nuž, tu je on na svojom čiernom koni, teraz, idúci ďalej.
190Doba temna - to bol ten čas, zanedlho po tom, čo bola založená cirkev a dostala sa do moci, oni udusili všetko ďalšie a išli cez stovky a stovky a stovky rokov, ako vie každý čitateľ, to boli Temné veky. Koľkí z vás to vedia? Temné veky. To je ten tmavý kôň, predstavujúci ten temný vek.
Nuž, všetka nádej pominula, nezostala vôbec žiadna nádej. Pre tých neveľa veriacich všetko vyzeralo temné. Nuž, preto je to nazvané ... reprezentované tmavým koňom.
191Jeho mincier, alebo jeho váhy v jeho rukách, vidíte, volajúc: "Miera pšenice za denár a tri miery jačmeňa za denár." V skutočnosti to je ... Pšenica a jačmeň sú prirodzené produkty potrebné ku životu. Robí sa z nich chlieb a iné. Ale vidíte, on chcel za to poplatok.
Čo to znamená - že on vyberal poplatok od svojich poddaných za ten druh životnej nádeji, ktorý im on dával, tým že ... on začal práve v tom čase vymáhať od nich, aby platili za modlitbu - poplatky za modlitbu. Oni to stále robia - novény. Pretože, čo on robil? - koristil bohatstvo sveta, váhy vážili mieru pšenici za denár a tri miery jačmeňa za denár.
192Ten jazdec na čiernom koni, (vidíte) on robil ... zdieral svojich poddaných o ich peniaze, keď Biblia predpovedá, že on drží bohatstvo sveta. Ako sme povedali minulý večer o Rusku a všetkom tom - oni proste zobrali všetky peniaze, obrali ľudí o všetko, čo mali. Tak tu to máte.
193Všimnite si. Vidíte odkiaľ pochádza to staré vyberanie peňazí v cirkvi? Dostáva ich z tých vecí, aby vybudovali organizáciu, niečo veľké - milión dolárov tu a ... Vidíte, kto je tomu matkou?
194Ďakujem Ti, Pane. Ó! Ja som tak rád. Tak veru. Áno. To bola Jeho milosť, to je všetko. No dobre, to bol čas polnoci. Rozumiete tomu teraz? A tu on vyberá poplatok za takú životnú ... To je tento jačmeň a produkt - telesný. To nebolo duchovné, nuž. To bol jačmeň - jačmenný chlieb a pšeničný chlieb. On vyberal poplatok za tento druh života, ktorý on dával svojím poddaným - cez kňazov vyberá poplatky za modlitby, aby vymodlili ľudí z očistca. Vyberá poplatky ... Nuž, ja toto beriem z histórie. Vyberá poplatky za, myslím, že sa to nazýva novéna - myslím, že to každý pozná. Novéna - myslím, že to je niečo, čo musíte urobiť, nejaká pokuta. Niekto musí za to vybrať poplatok.
... prinášajúc ku nemu bohatstvo sveta, pre seba samého - do samotnej cirkvi, a on stále ide ďalej. Och, skutočne. Tak veru! - stále ide ďalej.
195Všimnite si, tu je teraz dobrá časť. Všimnite si. "Hľaď aby si neškodil tomuto vínu a oleju." Len trochu z toho zostalo, brat. "Nedotýkaj sa toho." Nuž, olej symbolizuje Ducha, Svätého Ducha.
196Dám vám niekoľko veršov ak chcete, niekoľko miest Písma: v Leviticus 8: 12, kde Áron, prv ako vchádzal do vnútra musel byť pomazaný olejom, viete; a Zachariáš 4: 12, o oleji, ktorý prichádzal, tiekol cez tie trubičky a povedal: "Toto je Môj Duch" - olej. Ďalšia vec je, ak to chcete vidieť v Matúšovi 14 ... 25, tam bola hlúpa panna (25: 3) tá hlúpa panna nemala olej - nemala Ducha. A Matúš 25: 4, tá múdra panna mala vo svojej lampe olej - naplnená Duchom. Duch - olej predstavuje Ducha. Ó sláva! Rozumiete tomu? No dobre.
197Teda olej predstavuje Ducha, a víno predstavuje povzbudenie zo zjavenia. Chlapče, z radosti by som behal po celej sále! Je to divné, že som nezobudil susedov, keď mi to Pán ukázal. Povzbudenie zo zjavenia, vidíte. Olej a víno sú v Biblii spojené spolu, stále. Ja mám konkordanciu a pozeral som sa, a tam je takáto kolónka, kde po celý čas víno a olej idú spolu. Vidíte?
198Keď pravda zasľúbeného Božieho Slova bola pravdivo zjavená Jeho svätým, ktorí sú naplnení olejom, oni všetci zostali povzbudení. Víno je povzbudenie. Sláva, cítim to práve teraz! Povzbudení radosťou a vykrikovaním. A keď sa to deje, to má na nich ten istý efekt, ktorý robí víno na telesnom človeku; pretože keď bolo dané to zjavenie o pravde Božej, a skutočný veriaci naplnený olejom, a to zjavenie je zjavené, to povzbudenie sa stáva tak veľkým, že to spôsobuje, že on sa správa nenormálne. Je to tak. Sláva! Možno, že to je to, čo sa s nimi teraz deje. Je to tak. To spôsobuje, že oni sa správajú neprimerane.
199Nuž, ak chcete ku tomu Písmo, začnite len čítať Skutky 2. Kde oni boli? Oni mali to zasľúbenie, ktoré im bolo dané. Keď všetko to zasľúbenie o Duchu Svätom bolo vyliate na nich, a to bolo podľa Písma a potvrdené ...
Nuž, vidíte ... Čo keby oni boli povedali: "Počkajte teraz. On nám povedal, aby sme tu čakali na našu službu." A po ôsmych dňoch by oni povedali: "No, poviem vám, chlapci ... " Marek by povedal Matúšovi, "Verím, že to už máme, priatelia. Či si to nemyslíte?" Vidíte. "My to už máme. Prečo čakáte na svoju službu? My máme len ísť von a kázať. On nám povedal, aby sme prišli sem a čakali, a toto je už osem dní, čo sme tu."
"Dobre, čakajme ešte jeden."
Prišiel deviaty deň. Potom ide Marek, alebo možno niekto z tých ostatných, Ján, povedal: "Verím, že nemáme už dlhšie čakať. Verím, že to máme, či nie?"
Môžem si predstaviť Šimona - pretože on mal kľúče, viete. "Počkajte minútku, chlapci! Písmo má o tom niečo do povedania! On nám vôbec nepovedal koľko dní máme čakať! On povedal: 'Zostaňte tam až kým ...' Zostaňte tam až kým sa nevyplní Joelove proroctvo; až kým sa nepotvrdí Izaiášove proroctvo. Pretože bľabotajúcimi rtami a inými jazykmi budem hovoriť ku tomuto ľudu, a to je občerstvenie! To je víno, ktoré zostalo vyliate!"
200Čím je víno v Biblii? Občerstvením. Toto je občerstvenie, ktoré prichádza z prítomnosti Pánovej! To musí byť teraz podľa Písma, vidíte.
201Tak, vidíte, víno reprezentuje povzbudenie zo zjavenia. A keď Duch Svätý padá, a oni videli padať na seba oheň Boží, ó, to ich začalo povzbudzovať a hneď, ako viete, oni boli tak povzbudení, že až si ľudia skutočne mysleli, že sú opití, ale oni boli povzbudení zjavením!
202Boh ... To je ono! Božie potvrdené zjavenie sa pre nich stalo jasné, oni boli z toho šťastní. Boh to zasľúbil. Tu im to bolo zjavené a potvrdené! Amen! Tu bol človek, ktorý tam stál a hovoril: "Toto je to; toto je to," a bolo to tam potvrdené tým istým znakom. Povzbudenie skrze zjavenie. A tak, oni to potom skutočne mali.
203Preto Peter mohol tam vystúpiť a povedať: "Počujte, vy mužovia Judskí a vy, ktorí prebývate v Jeruzaleme, počúvajte čo vám hovorím. Vy všetci doktori teológie, počúvate čo vám idem povedať." Ó aké nádherné! Zjavené! Zjavené! Oni zostali tak povzbudení, keď to videli potvrdené. Zjavenie toto stále spôsobuje. Ono to stále robí.
204Keď vidím, že Boh zasľúbil, že v tomto dni urobí určitú vec, keď On zasľúbil zlámať tieto Pečate, v tomto poslednom dni ... A vy nepoznáte tú radosť, tú slávu, keď som Ho videl toto zjavovať. Stál som tam a pozoroval, ako sa to dialo. A viete, že vezmem každú osobu, alebo ju vyzvem, že On nám nikdy nepovedal ani jednu vec, ktorá by sa nebola stala. Potom vidíte tú radosť, ktorá je v mojom srdci, keď vidím Jeho zasľúbenie na tieto posledné dni, ako to On zasľúbil urobiť, a tu to vidím potvrdené a zjavené úplne presne.
Keď ma počujete hovoriť: "Cítim sa vzrušený," to je to, čo sa deje. To povzbudenie je také silné, som proste hotový prestať, viete - povzbudenie zo zjavenia.
205No dobre. Oni sa stali tak povzbudení nad tým zjavením, ktorým oni mali potvrdené to zasľúbenie. Ó! Tam to vychádza navonok, radosť povzbudenia, že až tí ľudia povedali: "Oni sú opití novým vínom," keď im Boh zjavil Svoje zasľúbenie; a nie len to, že to zjavil, ale to aj dokázal. To je to, čo som vždy hovoril: "Človek môže hocičo hovoriť, (on má proste sklon povedať hocičo) ale keď Boh prichádza a potvrdzuje to ..."
206Nuž Biblia povedala: "Ak je medzi vami niekto, kto tvrdí, že je duchovný alebo prorok, ak on hovorí tieto veci a oni sa nestanú, potom si ho nevšímajte. Vôbec sa ho nebojte. Nebojte sa toho človeka. Ale ak to on hovorí a to sa stane ... to som Ja." On povedal: "Ja som v tom. To dokazuje, že to som Ja."
207Potom táto prostá samaritánska žena, keď Písmo povedalo, že tento Mesiáš bude robiť tieto veci, a tu On stál a robil to presne tak, ako to hovorilo Písmo, ona povedala: "To je tam On. Poďte a vidzte muža ... Či to nie je presne tá vec, o ktorej Písmo povedalo, že sa stane?" Vidíte?
208Ona zostala povzbudená skrze zjavenie. Je to pravda? Ona zostala povzbudená skrze zjavenie, keď to bolo potvrdené. Vidíte? Je to tak. Ona vedela, že tam bolo ... "My vieme, že Mesiáš príde, ktorý sa nazýva Kristus. A keď On príde, On bude robiť tieto veci." Ona to uvidela.
209On povedal: "Ja som On." Potom nastalo to povzbudenie, a ona bežala preč a kričala po meste. Ona tam nechala svoje vedro s vodou a odišla tam a povedala tým ľuďom: "Poďte a vidzte."
210Nuž, ak by ste len poznali tie východné tradície, to pre ňu bolo neslušné robiť to. Tak veru! Žena takého typu, nikto by ju nepočúval. Nie veru! Vidíte, ona bola poznačená, keby ona išla takto po ulici a takto sa správala, ľudia na ulici by si ju vôbec nevšímali. Bratku, ona tam mala Slovo Života. Ona bola povzbudená. To bolo niečo, ako snažiť sa uhasiť oheň na horiacom dome za veterného dňa. Och, tam bolo niečo, čo do neho fúkalo. Ona bola pripravená. Nemohli by ste to dostať z nej von. To bol Boží oheň, ktorý v nej horel. Tak veru!
211Ona povedala: "Ak tomu tak neveríte, poďte len tu hľa, kde prebieha to zhromaždenie, a ja vám to ukážem." Tak veru. A tak tí ľudia tam vyšli. A On to už viacej neurobil, ale oni poznali, že tej žene sa niečo prihodilo. Ona bola zmenená, a tak Mu uverili. Tak veru. Oni Mu uverili, pretože viera prichádza z počúvania, počúvania zasľúbenia Božieho, Slova Božieho, a pozorovania toho, ako sa Ono stáva skutočnosťou. Pretože Slovo je semeno, a keď je ono zasiate, ono bude vydávať život. Ono bude produkovať to, o čom ono hovorí. Ak to tak nie je, potom to nie je Božie semeno, alebo ten rozsievač nevedel, ako ho zasiať. On nebol poslaný od Boha, aby sial semeno. On to môže siať na vrch skaly alebo niekde. Tak vidíte, rozsievač seje semeno, Boh sa stará, aby ono spadlo na správne miesto. Ó!
212Potom, čo ono hovorí ku tomuto jazdcovi v čiernom? "Neškoď Môjmu vínu a Môjmu oleju, Nedotýkaj sa toho, Môjho vína a oleja. No mám ho tam len trochu, ale stále ho tam trochu je. Môžeš si ísť ďalej a odmeriavať ten druh života, ktorý ty predkladáš. To je na tebe. Ty tam budeš za to platiť; ale keď sa stretneš s tým vínom a olejom, necháš ho tak." Ó!
213"Ak môžeš ..." Inými slovami, takto: "Ak chytíš niekoho z Môjho malého stádečka, ktorí sú naplnení Mojím olejom a vínom, (vidíte? víno a olej čistého Slova) a budeš ich chcieť zabiť, pretože to je to, čo ty robíš. Nenúť ich hovoriť žiadne "zdravas Mária," ani nič takéto, ani nijaké z tvojich vyznaní. Drž svoje ruky preč od nich. Oni vedia kde idú, pretože oni sú pomazaní Mojím olejom. A tým, že sú pomazaní Mojím olejom, oni majú víno radosti, pretože poznajú Slovo Môjho zasľúbenia. Ja ich znovu vzbudím. Neškoď tomu. Nesnaž sa ich pomiešať, pretože ... drž sa len od nich preč." Nie.
214On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo a uskutočňuje ho. Oni vedeli ... Oni vedeli, že oni znovu povstanú. Ó, ako to mám rád. Oni znovu povstanú. Tu prichádza čierny kôň, jazdiac teraz - Temné veky. Tam vyšiel biely kôň - vidíte čo on robil, dokonale. Tu prichádza červený kôň - vidíme presne čo on robil. Tu prichádza čierny kôň - vidíte toho istého jazdca po celý čas, rovno cez všetky veky.
215Nuž, zistili sme, že on to vážil a bral za to poplatok. Presne. Pšenica, telesná, telesný život. To bolo to z čoho oni žili. Ale symbolizuje Ducha, olej a radosť z vína. "Ten duchovný život - neškoď tomu. Nechaj to tak." Inak: "Rím, nedotýkaj sa toho! To je Moje! To patrí Mne!"
216Nuž, mám tu ďalšiu vec, ktorú chcem, aby ste si všimli. Všimnite si. To nebola ani jedna z tých štyroch živých bytostí, ktorá povedala: "Nedotýkaj sa oleju a vína." Všimli ste si to? Tie štyri živé Bytosti už prehovorili. Ale pozrite sa. Dovoľte mi len prečítať tu z toho kúsok, vidíte. Aha.
... Miera pšenice za denár a tri miery jačmeňa za denár a oleju a vínu neškoď.
(Teraz tu počúvajte)
A počul som hlas prostred štyroch živých bytostí ...
217Čo to bolo? - Baránok! To neboli tie štyri živé bytosti. To povedal Baránok. Prečo! On ide zobrať Svoje Vlastné; to patrí Jemu. Amen. "Nedotýkaj sa toho oleju." Nie veru. To neboli tie štyri bytosti, ale to bol Baránok, ktorý to povedal. Ó! Baránok! Nie ... Toto neoznámili tie štyri živé bytosti. Toto povedal sám Baránok. Keď tie štyri bytosti povedali: "Poď a vidz," a oni išli a takto to videli. On povedal: "Miera pšenice za denár a toľkoto a toľkoto jačmeňa ..." Ale potom Baránok skríkol rovno z pomedzi nich a povedal: "Neškoď vínu a oleju." Je to tak. Ó! Počúvajte to. "Neškoď tomu, chlapče, lebo jedného dňa budeš za to platiť." (Ó! deväť tridsať)
Dobre, podľa môjho najlepšieho zrozumenia, a podľa toho najlepšieho, čo o tom viem, a so všetkým čomu verím vo svojom srdci, to je pravdivý význam týchto troch Pečatí. Chcem poďakovať za to Bohu. A chcem povedať toto, že to je zjavenie, ktoré mi On dal. On mi to dal, to zjavenie tohoto. A ja verím, že žijeme v posledných dňoch.
218Zajtra večer vezmeme toho jazdca na plavom koni. A teraz, ja neviem. Ja neviem. Boh vie, že je to pravda. Ja o tom neviem ani jednu vec. Nie. Prezeral som si svoje staré poznámky, ktoré som mal pred rokmi. Videl som pred chvíľou brata Grahama Snelinga. Možno že odišiel. Ale pamätám sa, keď som to tu kázal predtým, vyhľadal som to, aby som videl, čo som povedal. Raz pred rokmi som prechádzal cez knihu Zjavenia. Vzal som raz všetkých štyroch jazdcov.
219Povedal som: "Biely kôň - to bola bez pochyby prvotná cirkev." Vyčítal som to z knihy Adventistov a od ostatných. Povedal som: "To bola prvotná cirkev, ktorá víťaziac vyšla vpred."
A ďalší bol čierny kôň. Povedal som ... Zabudol som teraz, ako som nazval toho čierneho koňa. Povedal som - alebo vlastne červený kôň. Povedal som: "Tento kôň pravdepodobne znamená, že tam na ceste sú problémy a to bude znamenať mnoho vojen, ktoré budú, alebo niečo také." Povedal som: "Pravdepodobne tam bude mnoho vojen." Povedal som: "To je to, čo to bude znamenať."
220Potom som povedal: "Ten čierny kôň," spovedal som: "to znamená, že možno príde na zem čierny čas, keď všetky hviezdy prestanú svietiť a slnko sa zatmie a mesiac nedá svojho svetla." Povedal som: "To je asi to, čo to znamená."
Povedal som: "Ten plavý kôň znamená, že prichádza mnoho nemocí." Teraz neviem, čo to znamená, ale to bola vtedy moja interpretácia toho, pretože ja som to vzal len najlepšie, ako som len mohol, stojac tu za kazateľňou, ale ... Oh, skoro som tam niečo povedal! Budete vidieť. Len dávajte pozor. Nuž, či nie sme vďační za túto hodinu? Keď vidíme vrcholiť všetky tieto veci, rozmýšľam:
Národy sa rúcajú; Izrael sa budí;
Vypĺňajú sa znamenia, ktoré predpovedali proroci.
Dni pohanov sú zrátané, strachom naplnené;
Vráťte sa roztrúsení do svojho vlastníctva.
Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil; Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu.
Buďte plní Ducha, majte čisté a ozdobené lampy.
Pozrite vaše vykúpenia sa priblížilo. Falošní proroci klamú;
Božiu Pravdu zapierajú; Že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh (Veríte
Ale my kráčame tam kde išli apoštolovia.
Lebo deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;
Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu. Buďte plní Ducha;
Majte čisté a ozdobené lampy.
Pozrite vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo.
(To je ale nádherné! Milujem to - vykúpenie sa priblížilo.)
V čase večera bude svetlo.
Chodník do chvály, ktorý skutočne nájdete.
Vo vodnom krste je teraz svetlo.
Pochovaní vo vzácnom mene Ježiš.
Mladí a starí, vyznajte všetky svoje hriechy.
Duch Svätý skutočne vojde.
To večerné svetlo prišlo.
To je fakt, že Boh a Kristus sú jedno.
On je Slovo! Ó! To je nádherné!
Zanedlho Baránok vezme Svoju Nevestu,
aby stále bola po jeho boku;
Všetci duchovia v nebi sa zhromaždia;
Ó, to bude nádherný pohľad;
Všetci svätí v nepoškvrnených bielych rúchach;
A s Ježišom sa budú naveky hostiť.
Poď a jedz Majster volá Poď a jedz.
Môžeš jesť po celý čas za Ježišovým stolom;
On ktorý nasýtil zástupy, premenil vodu na víno;
Teraz volá hladných, Poď a jedz.
Ó, Poď a jedz, Majster volá, Poď a jedz (kŕm sa Slovom).
Po celý čas môžeš jesť za Ježišovým stolom.
On, ktorý nasýtil zástupy, Premenil vodu na víno.
Teraz volá hladných. Poď a jedz."
Ó! Ste hladní? Blahoslavení sú tí ... Milujete Ho? Ak Ho milujte povedzte: "Milujem Ho." Povstaňme len teraz všetci a zodvihnime svoje ruky a vyjadrime Mu to.
"Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
pretože On prv miloval mňa." No dobre. (A teraz všetci spolu.)
"Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho;
Pretože On prv miloval mňa;
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote."
[Nejaký brat hovorí v inom jazyku. Brat Branham čaká. -- pozn.prekl.] Majte úctu. Máme tu vykladača. brata Higginbothama. Nevie či tu dnes je, alebo nie. Chceme zistiť, čo nám On povedal. Čakajte len chvíľku. Aha, aha ... [Nejaká sestra dáva výklad. -- pozn.prekl.]
Skutočne, chvála Pánovi! Moja viera je pozdvihnutá vyššie ku Bohu. Milujete Ho dnes večer z celého svojho srdca? [Zhromaždenia: "Amen." -- pozn.prekl.] Ó, chváľte Ho a povedzte, "Vďaka Ti Pane Ježišu!" [Zhromaždenie chváli Boha. -- pozn.prekl.]
Ako Ťa chválime z celého svojho srdca, Pane! Chvála Bohu! Chváľte Ho len všetci. Nech je Boh s vami! [Zhromaždenie sa raduje a ďalej chváli Boha. -- pozn.prekl.]
1 Good evening, friends. Let us stand now just a moment for prayer as we bow our heads.
Our heavenly Father, as we hear that--that beautiful hymn, we--we're thinking, Lord, of that--that You're near; and we pray that You'll receive us tonight, Lord, as Your children, forgiving all of our sins and trespasses and giving us of Thy blessings as we are needy people.
And in this great hour that we're now living and we see yearly it gets darker and darker to the world, and the coming of the Lord gets brighter and brighter as He reveals Himself in the--in His Word and in His manifestation. We have come again tonight, Lord, to attempt this meeting and to pray Thee to open to us, Lord, this Third Seal of this Book, that it might be known to us that we would know what to do and how to live and how to be better Christians.
4 I pray, God, that You'll make every unchristian in here tonight realize their need of You. Grant it. And I--I pray, heavenly Father, that every borned again Christian will realize that he must live closer than he has in the past, that we might all be in that unity of Christian love and faith.
Grant that every sick person in our midst will be healed tonight, Lord. They do realize their need of You. And I pray, Father, that You'll bless everything that's done or said to Your honor and glory, in Jesus' Name we ask it. Amen.
6 Again tonight we've assembled together again for this, the--the Wednesday night of the week, and we're trusting the Lord tonight for a--a great outpouring of His blessings upon His Word. And today I have been studying as usual and trying to think of the things that would be more appropriate to say and the--how to say it and then depending on the Lord to give to me the interpretation and meaning of--of this Word that's written. And I am grateful to Him for what He has done for us through the week that we--of the opening of these Seals.
7 And now, perhaps it would be a good thing if Sunday morning, that... You know, many times we don't mean to be misunderstood, but you know, you--it gets that way. And so maybe Sunday morning, if all who has a question in their mind concerning it, would write it out and give it on the desk here Saturday night and so I can see what it is, and then I'll try to answer it for you Sunday morning, the Lord willing.
I think that'd be better than what we were planning, because sometimes it's misunderstood, you know; and so that way I... It'd be better that I would--I would get it straight, you know. It--it would be just what it should be, 'cause sometime I...
8 Someone called today and said that I--that called up and wanted to know if it was true that when the--the rapture taken place, there'd only be one in Jeffersonville and one in New York and the rest of them overseas. So I... See, it was just misunderstood.
And then someone said that Saturday night if the Lord give to us the last Seal, then Jesus would be here Sunday morning. See? So it's a--it's a... You see, you--you don't... That--that isn't so, that you don't... It isn't... We don't know... If anyone tells you that they know when He's coming, you know they're wrong to begin with, because no one knows that. But we want to live today like it was right now.
10 Now, I'm going to try to turn you around for a minute, so be ready. I--I believe Jesus will come within less than three minutes from right now, of His time. You know how long that would be? About thirty-five years. See, a thousand years is only one day with Him. You see? So when you hear... The apostle back here said, "The time is at hand." Over here, "The time is at hand." The apostle said that in Revelations. You know how long that's been? That hasn't--that was just yesterday to God--not even two days yet. And see, if it's three minutes, less than three minutes of His coming (See, that'd be thirty years, about, to us, or something on that order.) and look how--at what three minutes would be to Him. He's already rising up to come. So we...
13 You... Sometimes when you read here He's speaking in the terms of the Word (See?), not in our terms. And then if I knew He was coming tomorrow night, tomorrow night, tomorrow I would study and ask Him to give me the message for the Fourth Seal; I'd come down here preach it just the same. See? I--I want to be doing every day just what I would be doing if He comes. And I don't know no other better place than to be caught right at the post of duty (See?), at the post of duty. So we just keep carrying on till He comes.
Sometimes when we just read... And now, be real careful and when you read--get the tapes, listen to them real close, because you'll get it on the tape, because they been playing them tapes back, and they're really good and plain, so you'll get it clearer there.
15 Now, everybody in love with Christ, I hope, tonight, and everybody loving Him. I'll tell you what sometimes what confuses the people, that someone that come in and didn't get the first part of the service (You see?), then they come in and hear you refer back, hit back something, and then they take that with what's said, and they didn't get the first part; then it's all confusing to them (You see?); then--then they do think that something was said different, but it--but it isn't.
So if you've got a question that you don't understand, just write it on a piece of paper; lay it in any time between now and Saturday night, and I'll try Sunday morning to... If it's a little puzzling... You say, "Well, I wonder just what this meant here; I didn't get it." (You know what I mean.) Then I'll try to answer it for you Sunday morning, the Lord willing.
18 Now, tonight we're going to read from this blessed old Word again in the 6th chapter, and we start tonight with the Third Seal, and that is the 5th verse, the 5th and 6th verse. And tomorrow night we close the four riders: the white horse, and the red horse, black horse, and pale horse. And I want to say this, that each time, even till this morning about... I get up real, real early and go to prayer before things stir and just keep on praying through the day.
20 But this morning early, the Holy Spirit came to where I was, and just as plain as anything, I--I seen this other Seal open up, now, just exactly. Now, now, now, He hears me, I know, and I'm very grateful. Now, you'll just remember that there is something happening that I--I hope you're catching it. See? There--there--there's something happening. I just want to test this church one time and see if they could actually pick up something before it actually taken place. Now, remember, remember what I've told you, and may the Lord help us.
22 Now, in the 5th verse...
And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come... see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that set on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts saying, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; but see thou hurt not the oil and... wine.
23 Now, let's background this just a little bit on the Seals that we have passed, because just like in the church ages, why, we try to give a background to kind of lap it over till you could... That's the way the ages are actually in the Scripture; one laps the other one over, just like that, like climbing a ladder and, or climbing a step, rather, one running down to the other and coming back like that as you go up a step.
24 And now, this seal--the... It's a--the Book of Redemption sealed (Everybody understands that?), and this Book is sealed with Seven Seals; it is a seven sealed Book. See? And now, remember as we pictured it out to you, and took it from Jeremiah and all. Now, they... When they had... They wrote like this on a piece of--of script or paper, rather, or not paper, but it was a hide, and they rolled it up like this. Now, that... And then the end of it was left like that--that denotes what's there. Then the next one takes the same kind of position, rolls up the same way, rolls like that, and then at the end here, it is torn off like that and left another one. Well, that was the seven sealed Book.
26 Now, we never had books like this till lately. The books in the old time were scrolls. They were rolled up. And then when they'd want the subject or anything like we... If the Bible's rolled up, you want to read the Book of Isaiah, you'd turn down here to Isaiah and unroll it like that and read it. And this is a seven sealed Book of Redemption.
And now, we find that the Lamb comes out, takes the Book out of the hand of Him that set upon the throne, and breaks the Seals, and--and loose--and loosens that--looses the Seals to the people. And the four beasts setting there that we took in the church ages, the same four beasts, you see them all the way through the Scripture, and they are the one who does the announcing of these Seals being broke. Now... And we see it is a--a Book of Redemption.
29 And then we went back and got the--the kinsman redeemer and picked him up to see what his work was. And now, for all these years, Christ has been doing the Kinsman Redeemer work. Now, all that understands that, say, "Amen." He has been doing the work of the Kinsman Redeemer, but there will come a time that when the redeeming work will be over, and when the redeeming work is over, then He leaves the throne of God, where He's seated now, but that's not His throne. "He that overcometh shall set with Me in My throne as I have overcome and have set down on My Father's throne." That is not His throne. That belongs to Spirit, God. Christ, the Lamb, it doesn't belong to Him. He is the incarnate God (See?), which is the same God made incarnate.
31 Now, He rises from the seat. First the announcement went forth for... "Who is able to come and--and take this Book of Redemption?" See? For the whole plan of redemption from Adam, all that Adam lost... There was nothing lost until Adam, and after Adam all was lost in the earth. And... Everything on the creation of the earth was lost, and everything fell with Adam, crossed the chasm that no one could get back, no way at all. Man, when he sinned, he left his way; he left no way back for himself.
33 And then the... When this question was asked, John the revelator, the--the prophet John was in the vision and saw it, and there was no man in heaven, no man on earth, no man beneath the earth, or nobody was even worthy to look at the Book. See? Now, just think of that. Then the Lamb comes forward, and He takes the Book. Now, John was asked not to weep any more. He said, "Behold the Lion of Juda has prevailed, and--and He can take the Book and open It." So he turned to look for a Lion, and he saw a Lamb. The elder called, said, "A Lion has prevailed," but when he come and looked, it was a Lamb coming out from the throne.
34 Now, he'd never noticed that before. Why? He had been back there in His--doing His mediatorial work, for He was bleeding for the people, intercessing for the people until the last soul that was put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world come in. There's just going to be so many of them there, and that's it. That's all. The others won't even want to come in; they have no desire to come in.
And so then when that last soul comes in, then the time of redemption is finished. Then the Lamb comes forth to claim His rights to what He has redeemed, and that's all creation. The earth and everything belongs to Him. See? He has redeemed it with His own Blood. And when He come forth to take this Book to open it, why, my, they was... John didn't weep any more. And he looked, and this Lamb was a slain Lamb. It has already been killed, but it was alive again.
35 And now, we found out that a slain lamb is a bloody lamb, bleeding all over. It's been slay. After It'd been slain, It'd raised again and was setting on the throne, say back in behind the throne like this, interceding for all those souls that would come. Then when the last one was here and it was completed, the... God still held the Book of Redemption. See? Now, He's just doing the Kinsman work now; like Boaz went down, and Ruth was just setting there waiting until Boaz... I mean Boaz done the re--kinsman redeeming work.
36 You remember me preaching that not long ago? Ruth gleaning, and Ruth, whatever she did, and on down and the last thing was Ruth waiting (You remember how I typed that in the Church?), while Boaz goes down to do the kinsman redeeming work; he did it. Kicked off his shoe, and made a testimony, and redeemed Naomi and through there got--got Ruth.
Now, so Ruth was just waiting, because she'd already labored. She'd done all of these other things, but she was waiting. And now... And then when the Church is waiting, resting, many of them, most of them in the dust of the earth, while He's doing His Kinsman Redeem work.
37 Now... The world's still going worse, and sin is heaping up and--and sickness and trouble and death and sorrow. The godless men and godless women die right down; cancer eats them up and everything else, when they can't appropriate enough faith to reach out there and take a hold of it. Now, notice, but then after it was all over, after the--His--His interceding was done, He comes forth, takes the Book out of the hand of Him, and then John, and everything in heaven, and begin... The souls under the altar begin screaming (We get that in the Sixth Seal again), and how they rejoiced, and--and the--fell down, the elders, and poured out the prayers of saints. And the souls under the altar cried, "Worthy art You, because You have redeemed us to God, and we're going back to earth to live as kings and priests." Oh, there's a great...
39 And the... John said everybody in heaven, everything beneath the earth, and everything heard him praising God about it. John must've found his name on there, you know... And all that time...
Then he said, "He is worthy to take the Book of Redemption." Now, it doesn't belong back to the Judge any more. It belongs to the Redeemer, and He's done done the work of redemption.
Now, He's going to show the church what He done. See? Then He just takes... But the Book is closed. No one knowed at all. They know it was a Book of Redemption on it there, but it's to be revealed in the last days according to Revelations 10. The seventh angel is going to be given the message of that, because it said that in the time of the sounding of the seventh church age--the seventh angel, when he sounds, all the mysteries of God should be finished up by his sounding. Then after it's revealed, the Angel come down from heaven, which was Christ (Now remember, this angel and is on earth, a messenger). Down comes Christ (You see Him in the 10th chapter of Revelations.), puts one foot upon the land and the other one on the sea, rainbow over His head, eyes and, like--and feet like fire and so forth, raises up His hand and swears by Him that lives forever and ever on the throne, that time shall be no more.
43 And when He takes this oath, seven thunders utter their voices, and the writer... Which when John was taken up, was supposed to write what he saw. He started to write down. He said, "Don't write it, because... Don't write that. It is an un..." He said, "Seal it up." What in? "Seal up; don't say it." See? It's to be revealed, but it's not even written in the Word. And then when He begin to open the Seals, we find out they were all puzzling. See? When He opened the First Seal, he thought, "Now, here He's going to say, 'And it will come that So-and-so will take the throne and certain do this and this will do that.'" But when it was, here he's went a white horse riding, and a rider on it. Well, "He had a bow in his hand, and he was given a crown after while," he said. That's all.
46 Then the Lamb turned back again and pulled another Seal off and here went out a black--a red horse rider. And he had a--given a sword, and he was going to make war and given great power and take peace from the earth and kill one another. That was kind of a--still a mysterious thing, wasn't it when He opened it up? And then goes on and said, in the day just before these seven thunders, all the mysteries here are revealed.
48 Now, look, then we find out as we've been studying that down through the ages we've had reformers, not prophets, reformers. And each office carries its own--its own work. Just like a man that is a telephone operator, he isn't exactly an electrician. He might do a little job at it. And--and like if a man is a lineman, why, he certainly... A man that's a post-hole digger and never did do any line work, he better keep off the line, but he might do a little patch up work or something.
50 But when the real thing is to be revealed at the last day of the last part of the church, is when God has said that He would send to us, according to the Scriptures, and we've searched it through and through, that He predicted that the spirit of Elijah would return in some person.
Now, I think that's been made just as clear, and we--and--and we're looking for that to happen. Somewhere an anointed person in the last days to rise up. Now, you'll hear a lot of fanatics and everything else, but that just--just tries to... It's the devil trying to take away from the real one when he gets here. See? But it'll be properly identified. You know what Elijah was. And watch that, and you'll--you'll know. And then, when he... Now, the elect will know (See?), not the others. They sure won't do it. They'll miss it a million miles. Like...
51 We've been through all that and showed how they missed John, how they missed Elijah, how they missed Jesus, how they missed them all the way along, and they will do the same thing, 'cause the Bible said they would. See? So then, in that time it will be very humble. It will be so simple. That will what will makes people fall away from it. It's too simple for them. We find out that always when people get smart and educated and know a whole lot, then they just--that--that's just the kind that misses it, you know. See?
Jesus never took them kind of people for--be His disciple. He took unlearned people, fishermen, and nobody's connected with their churches and things. He just got ordinary men, tax collectors, and farmers, and fishers, and so forth to do His work (See?), 'cause they--they know they're nothing, then He can make something out of them. See? As long as they keep knowing that they're nothing, then God can work; but when they get to thinking that they know something, then you don't know nothing that you ought to know, the Bible says. So then we--we find that.
54 And now, we find out then that these mysteries are supposed to be revealed. And why didn't these other men, Wesley, Luther, and those great reformers who brought out justification, and sanctification, the Pentecostal age with the baptism of the Holy Spirit and things, why didn't he catch these--these messages? Why didn't they get them? Because they were reformers. See?
Just like, take it on the other side, there was people come in who was--had power as kings but wasn't kings. See, see? You have to notice the Bible terminology of anything. See? Now, watch. But these--the reason that all the stray ends of the mysterious part about justification, the mysterious part of sanctification, the mysterious part of the baptism of the Holy Ghost and why... What kind did... Did Eve eat an apple, or did she eat a pomegranate or something? See? Did... What was the serpent's seed? And--and... Is the baptism in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost, or the Name of the Lord Jesus right? And oh, a hundreds of those things that has been left loose-ended. See?
57 And then in the last hour this fellow is to come on and reveal the thing (See?), take up the Scriptures. It'll be properly identified. Yes, sir. And... Now, it won't be a great big thing now. It looks like here in the Bible it'd be something big.
How much bigger it was when John was supposed to come down there and baptize? Just think now, the prophets back, all the way back to Isaiah, Malachi, and all of them spoke of him, when he would come, and when he did, just a lone, old uneducated fellow with whiskers all over his face, and hair sticking out like a fuzzy worm, and a big old piece of sheepskin draped around him, no education at all, never went to school a day in his life as far as we know. See? Here he come out of the wilderness, not even as much as welcomed into a pulpit, and stood out there on the river of Jordan and begin to call for people to repent. Could you imagine it?
59 The Bible said that everything will be so great in that day even to all the high places will be made low, and all the low places will be brought up (Yes, sir.); and all the rough places will be made plain. Why, I can imagine seeing them out there think--John would come out, or this great forerunner of Christ, and just take all the desert and smooth it out and put it in grass again. See?
Oh, then I imagine they had it all fixed up about like they have today. But it was so humble, even the apostles missed it. They said, "Well, why does the Scripture say... Is the... You're going up there to be offered up now; why does the Scripture say that--that Elias must come first?"
He said, "He's already come, and you didn't know it." And the Son of man, they'll do the same thing; but, "John," He said, "did just what was listed for him to do, and they done to him just what they were supposed to do"; and said, "so must the Son of man be suffered."
Why, there wasn't, I guess, one-third of the whole Jewish race ever knowed that Jesus Christ was on earth. They--they might've heard of some fanatic down along there somewhere, but they didn't pay any attention to it, just going on. "He came to His own, and His own received Him not."
64 Now, there's where I believe even... Now, it didn't say He'd secretly come, but the rapture will be a secret. So if that was so secret when He come, how much more will the rapture be unknown. See? They want to... Directly they'll say, "Well, I thought we were supposed to have a rapture and all this judgment upon the earth."
He said, "It's already taken place, and you didn't know it." See?
It'll be so--just like a thief at the night. Like a--a book I read one time... What is that called? "Romeo and Juliet," is that what it was, or something. He let... They got the ladder up the side the house some way I for... (It's been a long time ago.) And he come, got his--to get her out at nighttime.
67 Now, that's the way that it'll--a--it'll take place, and it'll be gone... Not that they'll have--send down a bunch of Angels down with some spades and dig up the graves. The Bible said we'll be changed before even you could bat your eye, just a twinkle. It'll all be over that quick. Just say, "Somebody disappeared."
Well, I'd imagine if we could search the world over today, there's been five hundred people disappear off the earth each day (See?) they don't know nothing about. They just come up disappearing. Well, there ain't going to be too many go in that rapture.
69 Now, I don't want to scare you, and I--and I--I--I don't think it's that way; but I just want to tell you what He said, and you know it yourself. "As it was in the days of Noah wherein eight souls were saved by water..." Eight souls out of the world be saved by water.
Well, you say, "Oh, my, there is no need of me trying." That shows you haven't got the kind of faith you need. "If there's just going to go, be one, that'll be me (Amen.), 'cause I believe." See? That's the way you want to believe it. "Be me." Sure. I want to live so close to Him that I know He's going to take me when He comes; I believe it. So if there--if everybody else misses it, I'm going to be there by His grace, 'cause He promised me that, and I know that I--I'll be there, 'cause He can't lie, and I know my soul and life bears record, and I try to live daily just like He was coming, so I--I'm--I'm going to be that one. That's the way you want to feel. If there's going to be eight, I'll be one of that eight; going to be five hundred, I'm going to be one of that five hundred. Don't know about the other fellow, but I want to be one of that five hundred. You see? See?
That is the way you want to remember it. See? And if you don't remember it like that, there's something wrong with your faith. See, you're not sure you are saved yet then. You're just guessing at it. Don't do that.
73 All right, we ain't going to get into this Seal, are we? All right, I want each night... I don't know whether you mind me taking up your time. We could get out a little bit earlier. There's not too...
In the revealing of these--of these Seals, remember, it's only really one verse. The first tells the announcing of it. The second verse... Most all commentaries and so forth, the reading of it are--are... The reading of their thoughts, and I have--and I've always believed like nearly all of them does that that first horse rider was the--was the early church. But when the Holy Spirit revealed it, it was absolutely contrary to that. And so then, all it does, it just show what it is. And then I try...
75 Now, to me this is very sacred. That's the reason I'd rather answer these questions, and let's get it everybody knowing straight and on tapes too, that they'll understand now. See? I tried to speak awhile at night on backgrounding to get the people rushing in and pushing in and... You shouldn't do that. See? But when it does, it's human being, and it's hot and in here and you--and you are restless, but you've been very, very nice. The best I've ever seen the people act in the Tabernacle has been this meeting, and just setting quiet, and the mothers taking their babies to the nursery when they start crying and everything, it's been very nice.
78 But I've tried to background it until I just feel the anointing of the Spirit on me to say these words, to say what has been revealed to me. And then if I've somewhere doing that, if I have made a mistake here, surely here before all the people, He will correct it for me. I--I want it--it's--it's... I want it right. There's no need of taking just what you imagine; there's something right, and--and we want that. We want God to give us what's right.
79 So now, we took this--these riders as they come up--the first horse. Now... And we realize that that was the--the antichrist that went forth. And then we find out last night that the same fellow that went forth as antichrist with the white horse, we found him with a sword last night, riding and killing people.
Now, now, it's always the natural and the spiritual, and for the Church sake, I want to type just before we get to the opening of this Seal, which, what He give me. I got it wrote down here. I got several Scriptures here--seven or eight pages of it, and as I refer to it...
Notice. I want to give a type of the church and make it so plain that you'll be bound to see it. See?
83 Now, there was a natural bride in the garden of Eden. (You remember last night?) That natural bride, she was Adam's sweetheart, not yet his wife, 'cause he hadn't knew her yet as a wife. Just like Mary was Joseph's wife, but he never knew her yet. She was found with a child. See? Now, before Adam knew his wife, she was just a bride to him. All right. And we find out that God... She--she fell in the garden of Eden because she failed to hold to God's Word.
86 Now, He knew that Satan would be loosed among them, so He gave them a place to stay behind, fortify them. Well, there... Who could know any better place to be fortified than God if He's trying to take care of His own children? If I wanted to take care of my little Joseph, well, brother, everything--and I knowed his life depended on it, why... and I was able to do it, why, a forty foot concrete reinforced would--would be the thing would do it, that's--I'd make it ninety foot to be sure that...
And if I can think that about my little boy, which if his mortal life would lost, I believe a child would be saved, how much more to God to His child that would be eternally lost. What should He place him behind? He placed him behind His own Word. As long as you're in that Word, you're safe. "If ye abide in Me and My Word's in you, then just ask what you will..." That's it, the Word.
89 So Eve got to strolling in the garden, and she run into the serpent (a very polished-up sort of a fellow), and she... And he begin... Now, he was on the other side. God lives, dwells, works in humility, never any other way. See? Now, the little humble lady walking along there, and Satan come up as a wise, slick, polished sort of a fellow, and he wanted to sell her the program as long as... No matter how much Satan was around, as long as she stayed behind this Word, she was all right. See? So let Satan do whatever he wants to, you just stay with the Word. See? Don't make a bit of difference. If he says, "Why, you're sick."
"By His stripes I'm healed." See?
"Well, you're going to die."
"He will raise me up again (See?); He promised."
91 See? Just stay behind the Word. That's all. Christ retreated to the Word Himself: "It's written..." See? Now, stay behind the Word. But Eve, she begin to kinda let down, but she never let it all down; she only let one little phrase down, and that's what Satan wanted her to do. He got her from behind God's promise by reasoning. Don't never try to reason God's Word; just believe It. See?
So she stepped out from there and before Adam ever got to her for a wife, she was already defiled by Satan. And she...
And... Did you notice? Christ did the same thing. Exactly. Now, for redeeming, God had to be there first. And did you notice Mary? Before she come to Joseph, the Holy Spirit had done got there. Amen. See? That's where the Redeemer come.
95 Now, now, notice, the natural woman fell, and God made a way for her to be redeemed. Although she had fallen, He made a way. Now, that was, the first bride on earth fell before her husband and her were married. She fell by--by the reason of--of reasoning. Instead of staying with the Word she fell, and she fell to death, eternal separation. With her, she took her husband and everything else there was on the earth; she fell.
97 Now, but God full of mercy, made a way to redeem that woman. And now, He promised her, telling her that sometime in the future the true Word would come to her again. The true Word will be made known to her. Now, remember that, 'cause He promised Christ through the woman, and Christ is the Word: Saint John 1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh (See?) and dwelt with us..." God dwelt with us in flesh. He was the Word.
Before a word it's a thought, and a thought has to be created. All right. So God's thoughts become creation when it was spoke by a word. That's when He presents it to--to you as a thought, His thoughts, and it is revealed to you, then it's still a thought until you speak it.
100 That is the reason Moses went out to pray (that Pillar of Fire around him) and He said, "Go, hold your stick towards the east and say, call for fly." There's no flies, but he went and held the stick there and said, "Let there be flies." No flies at all yet. Went on back, but the Word, God's thought has already been spoken. It's a Word, now it's got to happen. See?
102 Now, don't you see where Jesus said? "If you say to this mountain (Not if I say it, but) you say to this mountain, 'Be moved'..." And the first thing, I guess, in Moses time, big old green fly begin to buzz, and after while they were five pounds per yard. See? Where did he come from? He did... God created them. Don't you see?
God can destroy this world tonight with--with gnats if He wants to. Why, He could pile gnats plumb to the moon. The only thing He would do, just say, "Let there be gnats to the moon." That'd be all there would be to it. No chemicals or nothing, they'd just keep on growing, growing, growing on--on. See?
105 He can do what He wants to. He's God, the Creator. The only thing He do is just speak it. That's right. He's the Creator. Now, if we just get to realizing how great He is... See? He just does what He wishes to. He sets up there and looks at people, and these little educators smart mouthing there's no God and everything... Why, it--it's just like it was at Babel again--Babel, rather.
Now, we notice that God told Eve that after so long a time, "The Word is coming back to you." Now, how did she fall? I want my class to say it. What did she fall from? What did Eve fall from? The Word. Is that right? The Word. And God said He'd make a way to redeem her back to the Word again. All right. After so long a time the Word would be known to her. All right, the Word would come for one purpose now.
108 Hold tight now, what I'm saying. The Word would come to her for one purpose; that was for redemption. All right. But until--until then, she had a substitute that would--that would work until the time arrived for the original Word. Now, you--you understand clearly? See?
He told her the Word would come to her again, but until that time He give her a substitute until that time arrived. So He gave her a offering to make, a substitute for that blood. Now, the blood was of bulls and sheep, and goats and things; but it didn't take away her sins. See? It only covered her sin. It didn't take it away at all. It covered it, for it was a animal's blood, and in the animal's blood is animal life. It was a substitute until the real (Now get your coats on)--the real human Blood, as human beings would be, become incarnate: God, without sex, virgin, the virgin birth produced that.
110 Now, God's Word promised became Blood and was incarnated in the Person of Jesus Christ the Saviour. The blood of bulls and goats and so forth... But now wait, here God made the promise, saying it would be there when It come. Her Seed should bruise the serpent's head. Now, if--if her seed, come just like from Adam or like it had been from the serpent and so forth, then it'd still be sinful seed.
That's the reason John wept. There's no man, because no man--everybody was across the other side of the ditch, the chasm. But there's coming a time that when this substitute blood of animal would be done away with when the real incarnate Blood came: God, made flesh and blood. The Bible said He was. I Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: for God was manifested in flesh..." That's right. The virgin birth did this.
113 Now, the blood of sheep and goats covered sin but didn't get rid of it, for it was an animal's blood. But... It was to be all right (was to be a substitute) and they sure got--got used to that substitute. And so they just kept on, and when the real promised Word was made manifest in Jesus Christ, Who proved to be the Son of the great Creator, God, and was vindicated Himself by being the living Word of God... Whew, my... He proved He was. He could speak things into existence.
There ain't a human being or--or nothing in the world could do that. There ain't a thing on earth can create but God. The devil can't create. He's a perverter of what's been created, but he can't create. Sin is only righteousness perverted. You know what I mean? What is a lie? It's the truth misrepresented. See? What is an adultery? The right legal act perverted. Everything in sin... Sin is just a--the Truth perverted.
117 Now, he could not create. But when Christ came proved He was the Creator. There was the Blood that was been promised. Now, if you want to read that, you--let's just turn for a minute. (We going to take our time on this anyhow tonight. I... It makes me nervous. I think everybody wants to go home, you know, and so it's...) Now, let's get Acts 2 (Thank you) and we'll just... Acts 2, and we'll find out whether this is right or not, whether He was proved that He was God. No. Get Acts 2; now let's get here at the 22nd verse, Peter speaking the day of Pentecost.
Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles... wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as you your als--you yourselves also know:
120 A Man that was approved that it was God among you. By the very things He done proved that He was. Here's Peter standing at the Sanhedrin telling them. Nicodemus knowed the same. He said, "Rabbi, we all know that You are a teacher comes from God, 'cause no man could do these things lest He come from God." See? They know it. But why?
122 Now, watch. Now, Eve was promised this, but when that Bride come on down and refused... When the real Word came to her, so the woman refused to recognize the Hebrew bride, for she was the bride of God. He put her away in divorcement. Is that right? She was a bride of God.
You say, "Well, they wasn't never married yet." That's right, but Joseph put Mary away before--was going to put Mary away 'fore they was married. See? He was engaged to her.
And when He come and the Word that He promised come for the wedding, He found her wrapped in her substitutes so bad that she wouldn't take the real promise that had been made, the Word, Christ.
125 Maybe you don't get it. Let me go over it again. I want you to get this. See? She was promised, the bride Eve, to be a redeemer. Her Redeemer would be the Word. And when the Word came, made flesh, she rejected It. She was given substitutes (Now, hold that substitutes), given substitutes to go on until the Redeemer come, and when the Redeemer come she wanted to continue with her substitute and rejected the true Word, and that was the Hebrew bride. So did He by the second Eve bride, the mother of all spiritual living. See? Eve means the mother of all that's spirit--all that's living: Eve, mother of all that's living.
128 Now, and when He came to the Hebrew bride, she was the mother of all that was living, but she rejected it. Natural Eve fell in Eden by listening to Satan's reasoning against God's Word. That's how she fell. All right, sir. She fell because she did that. Spiritual Eve, now that's the Church, Christ's Bride, she fell not in Eden but in Rome. See? At the Nicene Council when she rejected that Pentecostal church that went down to Nicaea and listening to Roman's reasoning instead of holding on to the Word, she fell and everything away from her, died with her, around her.
131 Now, just as natural Eve fell, spiritual Eve fell. God's bride fail--fell in the garden; Christ's bride fell in Rome (See? Notice.) by the same reasoning against God's Word. She also forfeited her rights of virtue to Satan, which we found in the breaking of these Seals that that was Satan and still is Satan there. The Bible said it's the very seat of Satan.
And as Eve forfeited her--her virtuous rights and give them over to Satan in the garden of Eden, the church, the bride of Christ did the same thing at Rome when they forfeited the Bible for their dogmas and reasoning.
See how it types? You just run those types you're bound to come out right. If my hand looked like... If I've never seen myself and I see my shadow coming, I'll know just about what I look like. See? But, that's the way... If you want to see what is coming, look at what has been. For the all the old things were shadows of things to come, the Bible said. All right. For...
She forfeited her virtuous Word (the Word of God), when she sold the Bible and put a man in there that says that the church has rights to change anything they want to change; and they've done it. And the Bride of Christ, the Pentecostal Bride, sold out her virtue at Nicaea, just as Eve sold her virtue to Satan in the garden of Eden exactly. All right.
134 God has promised this church, this Pentecostal church, knowing she would do it, like He did to Eve... God has promised the Pentecostal church... Do you believe that she sold her birthrights before I--her virtue when she left over there? Do you believe that? She... Sure, she did. Then what good is a creed not based on this Bible?
I want somebody to find what's called the Apostles' Creed or even one word of it in the Bible. That's a Catholic Creed, not an Apostles' Creed. Read Acts 2:38; that's the Apostles' Creed. If got a creed. See, see? Now... That's what they used all the time anyhow. So if you... See?
137 So they sold out their birthright. Not only that: Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterian, Pentecostals and the rest of them has done the same. She formed a denomination, Rome. What made her do that, she formed a denomination and put man at the head of it, and the Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals and everyone's done the same thing: put a group of men at the head of it.
No matter what God says, they--you got to do it the way they say do it. Well, what is it? It's nothing in the world but spiritual prostitution, the wrong type of woman. Yes, sir. Creeds--lying creeds, man-made... Then she became when she did that (Now, I'll prove this.), she became a whore to God. You believe the Bible says that? Yes, sir. Her daughters has done the same.
139 Now, in Revelation 17 (if you want to mark it down), John was taken in the Spirit and saw a great whore setting upon... (And, we read it last night.)... And there was the seven hills and exactly what she done, and she had given the world her filthy fornications. Is that right? And all the kings of the earth committed fornications with her--cheating, stealing, lying, paying for repentance, and novenas, and every other thing.
Well, now remember, she had daughters. Well, if she become a body and under an organizational system, then the whole system's wrong. And if Eve, disobeying God, throwed everything into death that was under her, and every church that organizes throws everything to death under it... That's exactly. The whole thing's gone. That's exactly according to the Word here.
141 Read Revelation 17, and the Bible said that he would burn her with fire and all of her children with her. That's right. That means every organizational system will burn with the whore. Now, that sounds flat but... And I--I know you'll hear from it, and I--I want to hear from it. And I--I... That's right though. The Bible said so, so that makes it right. Yes, sir.
She became a whore. You can read it in Revelations the 17th chapter. She... What did she do? She committed fornication against her own husband. "Well," you say, "no." That's the Bible. The Word is God. And if you take one thing... Would you want your wife kissing some other man? If she didn't do no more than that, you wouldn't want her doing it. She'd prove her untrueness. "Whosoever shall take one word away from it or add one to it..." Hallelujah.
144 Christ wants His wife pure with the Word. The way she must be. Because nothing, not one tot or one jittle or anything (or tittle) will pass from that law, from that Book till it's all fulfilled. Jesus said, "Both heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never pass." Don't put any private interpretation to It. He wants the pure, unadulterated, not even a flirt. I wouldn't want my wife flirting with some other man, and when you go to listening to any kind of reasons beyond that, you're listening--you're flirting with Satan. Amen. Don't it make you feel religious? God wants you to stay unadulterated. Stay right there with that Word. Stay right with It. All right.
147 God promised to her, as He did to Eve in the garden of Eden, to this last Eve here, which the Pentecostal church, the beginning of the church, the church itself is a mother of all of the living people; because as long as they go in there... But you see, when they take up her sins, they die with her.
Here comes a little fellow along; you say, "I--I want to serve God."
They say, "Well, here's what you do. Go down there and repent."
"All right, I'll do it." "Glory to God," go down and repent.
"Now, come join us."
There--there you are. Uh-huh. That got it. That's right. Died right with it. See, see? Now, that's just--that's what this Book is teaching (See?), not what I'm saying, because it says here so. All right.
151 Now, God has promised her as He did Eve. He told Eve there would come a time that there would--the Word would come back to her again. Now, you remember that? What she lost from, it would be restored, 'cause there's only One thing can restore, and that's the Word. It's exactly.
As I said, "Shoot a gun. If you don't hit the target, find where it went off at. You got to come back there and start again." See? And if you go back, you go to Nicaea. That's where you start again. See? Go back away from them organizations, away from all that church... We've been seeing these Seals is perfectly...
I always wondered all my life why I was so against the organizational systems, not the people, no. The people are just like me, or you, or anybody else, but that system, that denominational system... Now, I see it right here. I never knowed it till now. That's right.
155 God promised the spiritual Eve as same as He did the natural Eve that again the Word would be restored to her. In the last days He would restore to, the Church, to the original Word again.
Now, watch real close. I--I want you to be sure now. God promised Eve the time would come when the Word would be restored by her seed. This Word, Itself, would become Seed. And when... You say, Give her a substitute..." And she held that substitute. And when the Word come to her, what did she do? "I don't want it." It was too humble. Didn't look right to her, wasn't polished enough.
"A stable? Oh, my. My. A guy like that, not a day in school? Why, I--I couldn't accept that. That's no Messiah. A guy let guys kick him around like that and then call it 'Messiah,' let them put a rag around his face and hit him on the head, He called Himself a prophet? A real prophet raise up after them..."
They didn't know prophets. Jesus said so. He said, "If you would've known the prophets, you'd knowed Me." That's right. See?
158 Now, notice. But when the Word came to her the way--just exactly the way God said it would come; she had it figured out some other way. I'm talking about the Bride--the Jewish Bride, the Hebrew Bride. That was Eve to begin with. Then when it come out here she didn't want it. She wanted to stay with her substitute.
Now, God promised spiritual Eve at Pentecost, told her even before it happened (four hundred years before the church ever fell), that they would fall away, and they would do what they've done, but He promised in the last days He'd send the Word again.
160 Jesus spoke the same thing when He was on earth. He would send it again, and what is--what will it find? It'll find the same thing that it found when it come first. That's right. They've got the--they want their substitutes; they want their denomination; they want their creed; they want to live just the way they want to and they want... "Well, I am So-and-so. I belong to So-and-so." Don't make any difference what God's a doing, how much He manifests Himself. He could raise the dead; He could tell the secrets of the hearts; He could do everything that the Bible said He would do. And that don't make a bit of difference--"If it ain't connected with my organization, it is--nothing to it."
Same thing that Hebrew bride did. That's right. See? They listened to their substitute, and God promised them the real. And when the real come, they didn't want it; it was too humble.
162 Now, it's the same thing today when--when it rises on the scene. Now God said in Malachi 4 that He would send the message in the last days that would restore... Joel said, "I will restore all the years..." Everything that Rome eat up, and everything that the Methodists eat up, and everything the Baptists eat up off that original Pentecostal branch, God said, "I will restore in the last days." That's right.
And He can send us such a person that will be... The only thing that God ever sent His Word to was a prophet, not to reformers, to prophets. It wasn't the hour for it. Now, it's getting to be the hour, and that's the reason we are watching for it to come. It'll be so humble and gentle and so...
164 Oh, my. You think them aristocratic Methodists, Baptists, and Presbyterian, and Pentecostals will ever receive it?
"Well, you say, "Pentecostals?"
The Pentecostals is the Laodiceans: rich and have need of nothing. It said, "You don't know that you're poor." You might be building millions of dollar buildings, but you're still poor, spiritual poor.
"Oh," you say, "I see it all." You're blind.
"Well," you say, "Bless God, I'm covered." Naked...
"Well, I sure... Well, our boys... We got seminaries, we..." And don't know it...
Now, that is just vice versa. Now, if the Bible said that the Laodicean church would be in that condition, and there's no person on earth could deny that this isn't the last age, because the Laodicean Church Age or the seventh church age, and here we are. The second two thousand years is finishing. There's no more church ages.
That's the reason you Latter Rain brethren couldn't start another organization. There's going to be no more. That's right. It's at the end. Amen. Can't be no more church ages. It's all over.
169 But then, if the Pentecostal message was the last message which justification, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Ghost... The last three messages, the last three church ages forms the complete birth. Just like when a woman is having--going to have her baby. The actual first thing happens is water; the next thing's blood; the next thing's life. When they killed Jesus at the cross, the substance come from His body to make up the new--to make up the--the birth. They stuck His side, blood and water came out, and "Into Thy hands I commend My Spirit." What came from His body was water, blood, spirit. I John 5:7 tells you about that.
172 There are three that bear record in heaven: the Father, the Word (which is Christ), and the Holy Ghost, and these three agree in One. They're not One, but they agree in One. And there are three that bear record... Or they are One, I mean. I'm mistaken. The... And the three that bear record in earth is the water, blood, and spirit, and they agree in one.
You can be sanctified without being justified, and you can be justified without being sanctified. You can be sanctified without receiving the Holy Ghost. It's exactly. The disciples in John 17:17 was sanctified and given power to cast out devils and still didn't have the Holy Ghost. See? Sure. Had to go up to Pentecost and wait till the Holy Ghost come. That's where Judas showed his colors. See how that spirit worked its way through justification and sanctification, but when it come to the end, he showed his color. (See?) That's right.
176 Now, notice, now, and here we are at the end time. And spiritual Eve, just as nat--as Hebrew Eve was promised... The Hebrew bride was promised the Word to return, and the spiritual bride from Pentecost, when she fell at Nicaea, then she's promised in the last days that the Word will come again. Now, you say... Then... If you want another Scripture, take over here, Revelations 10. And said, "In the hour, the time of the--the last angel, the seventh angel, seventh messenger, begins to sound, the mystery of God is finished (See?), the restoration back to the Word. The Bible said that this messenger of the last days would be--restore them back to the original faith again, back to the faith of the fathers. But you think they receive it? No, sir. Last days He would restore the original Word again, as He said in Malachi 4, but--that--that she had forfeited.
Now, she forfeited that Word at Nicaea. Eve forfeited in Eden. Eve rejected hers at Calvary, and Nicaea's group is rejecting it in their last days--just the same. My. But when the Word came in human flesh, she, Eve, the Hebrew church, mother of all spiritual living as then, she rejected it; she was so dead in her traditions and dogmas that she missed it. So is this one. It's exactly.
180 All right. They miss Him, the living Word manifested in the flesh by the Word that is promised. The Word promised to do these things. The promise was made, and it'll be like this in the last days. "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Now, watch what happened at Sodom. "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." See? Watch what happened then. See? Now, He said it'd be the same thing, and we live in that day where that it could be... I guess I could get six hundred promises of them like that out of the Scripture just referring to it. See? Now... But they rejected.
She held to her traditions and substitute instead of the--the... She held to the substitute blood instead of the real Blood. Jesus, the Word said... When He was manifested to her... Because she held to these traditions, Jesus the manifested Word, said to the bride, Hebrew bride, "Because you hold to your traditions, you make the Word of God without any effect to you." It can't be effective.
182 Now, that's what's the reason today that the--the revivals that we're supposed to have... We have denominational revivals; we haven't had a real stirring. No, no, no, no. No, sir. Don't think we got revivals. We haven't. Oh, they've got millions and millions and millions of church members, but not a revival nowhere. No, no.
The--the Bride hasn't had a revival yet. See? There's been no revival there, no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet. See? We're looking for it. It will take those seven unknown thunders back there to wake her up again. He will send it. He promised it. Now, now, watch. Now, she was--she was dead.
184 And now, if the churches would forget their creeds, and forget their dogmas, and just take the Bible, plead the promise, then it would come effective to them. But see, Jesus said, "You with your traditions make the Word of God not effective to you." Well, that's the same thing today with spiritual Eve. See? The spiritual bride of today, so-called the church, she takes the Word of God; and she won't accept It, and she accepts dogmas instead. Therefore, the Word's not effective to her (See?), because she tries to inject her creed with the Word, and it won't work.
185 Now, what we need today... I just keep reading this here "Herald of His Coming." Across the headlines "We need a prophet to return. We need a prophet to return." and I guess when He does return they will know nothing about it, just like I said. That's right. It's always been that way. See? "We need a..." Everything you talk about: "We need a prophet to return who will bring the Word of the Lord, fearless. We believe the Bible promised it."
Now, I know Brother--Brother Moore and them, eat in his house and everything else (the editor); and he's a--finest man that walks in shoe leather, I guess, one of the finest fellows. But just... See, he knows that we've got to have that. And Sister Moore, one of the finest women, little--poor little fellow, and they sacrifice. And that's one of the best papers on the field in my opinion is "The Herald of His Coming." But you find out they keep blasting that "We need a prophet. We need a prophet." See? My. That's what they talk about.
188 And then here we are today, and like yesterday and today announcing on the radio that in the Baptist churches and so forth that we're not to take in with the Catholics, but we're to kind of fellowship with them. See? And right here the message going out right here to stay away from that poison thing. See, see? "How can two walk together 'less they be agreed?"
Light and dark can't fellowship together. When light comes in, dark goes out. See? It can't--the most powerful... You can't put light out with dark, but you can put dark out with light. That's right. And He is the Light, and He is the Word. See? Now, there you are, right straight back. You can't make it lie or do anything wrong. It comes right straight back to this spot again. Yes, sir.
190 Just like some guys start to try to fuss with you, if you know where to stand, know what he believes... It's just like taking a rabbit and turning him loose in a pen and you've got every hole stopped up. Just stand at the gate; he's got to come back. So... See? He has to come right back to the gate again 'cause that's the only way he can get out. He will stick his head through here and almost break his neck, go over there and over there. Just stand and watch him, and he will come right back. See? That's all. That's the only way to do: stay with that Word. Now, just blast all around your creed and just break your neck everywhere, but you got to come right back to this Word. See? That's all of it.
193 Now, see, they--they--they--they don't want it. They don't want God's Word. Because she held to her traditions, she kept the Word of God from being of none effect. The same now on spiritual Eve, she don't want... She wants to keep her traditions and get away from the Word of God. She holds again to the denominations and their creeds and traditions of her elders instead of taking the Word of God.
And when the promise of the Word in the last days is brought to her, she will not receive it, because with her traditions, like the Hebrew bride did, the real Word, though manifested, proven, vindicated, she won't have it. Why won't she? Because there's her type. She can't do it. That's right. She can't beat her type. See? And it's predicted she would do it, so how you going to keep from anything...
Now, the only thing to do is be happy you are in. That's all, be ready for it. All right. God promised in the last days that He would manifest and would vindicate His Word to her and still she wouldn't do it. All that God promised her by His servants, the prophets, God promised through Jesus Christ, God promised through Joel, God promised through Paul, God promised through Malachi, John, God promised through John the revelator, all them prophets, just exactly what the last message would be to her.
197 Now, if you want to write them down, 'course you all know them: Jesus: John 14:12; and Joel: Joel 2:38; Paul: II Timothy 3; Malachi 4th chapter, and John the revelator: Revelations 10:17, 1-17. See? Exactly what would take place now. And to the church, what is it? The incarnate Word made flesh amongst His people again (See?), and they just don't believe it.
198 You know what Jesus said when He seen He--when He done them miracles before them and proved that He was God, proved that--that what He was doing, He was--He had done exactly. He--He said to them, He said, "Oh, you Capernaum, who is exalted into heaven, if the works had been--the mighty works had been done in Sodom that's been done in you, it'd be standing today." That's right.
And in Capernaum, He never done nothing but heal a few people and told them the secrets of their hearts and walked out. Yes. That's all. See, they don't know what mighty works are. They think it has to be a great big program where everybody gets up; and the judge makes a speech; and--and the bands playing, the colors fly, and the--and the well-dressed women and their... and tarrying, and all the Ph.D's, LL.D's, the big tall hats and turned-around collars and everything; they all have to walk in; that's something great. God said, "That's foolish." See?
200 And He brings up a little something that don't know what-- difference between, maybe, abc's hardly and performs something that just sets the real Church afire; and the rest of them says, "A bunch of holy-rollers." God calls that great, and the world calls it foolish. The world calls that great, and God calls that foolish (See?), just vice versa. See? And the thing that God has promised, God will and has done. Here we are.
201 Now, still she remains as she did, the Hebrew Eve. She just wouldn't do it. You could raise up the dead; you could see the Spirit of God. Jesus came down, vindicated Himself to be the Son of God. First He started preaching. Well, they thought, "Well, kinda odd-like fellow. Who is he anyhow?"
Well, the first thing you know, people begin to say... Of course they'd said before when His forerunner come, John--they said, "Are you the Messiah?"
He said, "No, but He's standing among you somewhere." See? Why? He knowed when his message taken place what he was to do. He knowed what he was going to do.
204 Just like Noah kept watching Enoch. When Enoch went, Noah said, "Better get close to the ark. The time is at hand." Noah kept watching Enoch (See?) and John watched for the sign that Jesus told him--or God told him to watch. He said, "He's standing right here now somewhere among you. I don't know Him, but I will know Him."
Standing there and they said, "Aren't you the Messiah?" Said, "We were sent from the headquarters." Said, "The--the elders and all sent us down here. If you are the Messiah, why don't you come up and make yourself known up there, not down here in this bunch of stuff down here. You come up there and make yourself known."
He said, "I'm not the Messiah." He said, "I'm the voice of one crying in the wilderness."
That went far over their heads as it could go. They didn't know nothing about it (See?), and yet they was all looking for him to come; but it couldn't be a guy like that. Oh, my, that would be terrible.
"What school are you from?"
"Have you got your fellowship card?"
209 "What is it?" See? He was anointed of God. He said, "There's one thing I have, the axe is laid to the root of the tree." Now... That's all he--that all he had. He talked in terms of a woodsman, not in the terms of a clergyman--vipers, axes, and trees and so forth. He--he didn't talk in ecclesiastical terms, but Jesus said there never was a prophet like him, never a man born of a woman like him till his day. That's right.
He was more than a prophet; he was the messenger of the covenant: stood right between the--the--the two dispensations coming in (See?), more than a prophet. And so then... Standing there, they didn't know him. They didn't understand him. He was kind of an odd-like sort of fellow, so they just missed him. See?
212 Then when Jesus come then, and surely they wasn't going to accept Him, this carpenter's boy (There wasn't nothing like that) with a black name behind Him of illegitimacy. He... They wouldn't go to see a Fellow like that.
But--but look what God did. He took the unlearned poor fishermen, woodsmen, farmers, and harlots and left the dignitaries set there. Why? What... Why did He do it? Why did He do such a thing? (Could you imagine?), because that them people recognized Him to be the Word.
214 Now, let's just watch them just a minute. Here's an old ignorant fisherman, can't write his name. The Bible said he was ignorant and unlearned. He brings his fish up and sets it down, goes down there and sees what all this noise is about, but way down deep in him he knew that the Bible said that the Messiah... All Hebrews look for the Messiah, because there was to be a Scriptural thing happen when He come.
215 There'd been a lot of messiahs raise up and said, "I'm He," and led them off by the hundreds, and--and perished and everything; but see, that was to throw off the real One when He comes. We've had Elijah's mantles and coats and every other thing, but that--that's--that's just to throw off the real thing when He does come. See? That's right. All kinds of people that's wore the robes and the garments and been buried in all kinds of hoods turned around and everything else... That don't... That just only vindicates. Like a bogus dollar shows there's a good one somewhere if you can just find it. See? So here He come.
Now, these dignitaries come out, and they was so on their substitutes, "Why," they said, "now, if the Messiah comes, He will certainly come to Caiaphas. He will come to our denomination. He will come to the Pharisees."
The Sadducees: "That's what you think; He will come to the Sadducees."
218 There they was (See?), the same thing they have today. See? Now, but when He come, it was strange. He would come, oh, very contrary to what they thought, but He come according to the Word, and they didn't know the Word.
Let me say that real, so you'll--it'll sink way down. I want us to get it: That's what is the matter with you today. See? You don't know the Word.
Jesus said, "You can discern the face of the skies, but the signs of time you can't discern."
Said, "We have Moses..."
Jesus said, "If you'd knowed Moses, you'd knowed Me." That's right. See? Didn't know Moses, and therefore they didn't know. They just knowed creed that they'd hatched out.
222 Now, let's take this old fisherman. Sets his basket down, pushed his gray beard down, walks down, "I believe I'll see who it is."
His brother said, "Come on. Let's go down here. That's that same guy; the guy they said the other day. I stayed all night with Him last night. You know John and I was talking about?"
"Yeah, that wild man down there? Yeah, I heard about him."
Well, a--a--old Simon, you know, said, "I heard about him down there. Yeah, been down there--two or three months ago down there, yep."
"Well, he said... And one day he was standing there and he said an odd thing. He said, 'You know, here He comes right now.' They said, 'How do you know?' He looked over there, and there was an ordinary Fellow standing there. He said, 'I see the Spirit of God like a dove coming down on Him. I hear a voice saying, "This is Him. This is My beloved Son in Whom I am pleased to dwell in.' Then he walked right in the water and baptized Him and so forth. Well there, he said he knew Him."
"Oh, I don't know," Simon said. "I've heard all of that lots of times." But here he comes up; but down in his heart was a predestinated seed. Jesus said so. That's right. He walks up to Him. Walks up and said, "I'll go down to the meeting and see."
227 Walks up there, Jesus standing there, just an ordinary little Fellow. Walked up--and said, "Why, your name is Simon, and your father's name was Jonas." That deflated him. Why? That little Eternal Life seed struck in there. Yes, sir.
Said, "Wait a minute. How's that? You never did see me, neither did you know my dad 'cause he'd been dead for years, but here you come tell me that. Now, I know that the Bible says..." (Now, that's not go back to what the elders says.) but "the Bible said that the Messiah would be a prophet. There He is. That's Him."
229 One day He passed through Samaria going down through there with a bunch of Jews. He left them. And this little ill-famed woman come out, maybe a pretty little lady, you know; and she'd been turned out on the street as a kid, and she was going through there. Maybe she was thinking about something. She walked up there, and set the bucket down, and she started to let the windle down, you know, get the water, and she heard a Man say, "Bring Me a drink."
She looked around and there set kind of a middle-aged Jew. She said, "Say, aren't you a Jew? You shouldn't do that. It's not customary for you to talk to me. I'm a Samaritan."
He said, "But if you knowed Who you're talking to, you'd bring--you'd ask Me to give you a drink."
She said, "Where's your bucket? Where's your string?"
"Well," He said, "the water that I give is Life."
"The what? (See?) Why," she said, "why, you all want to worship in Jerusalem. And our fathers worshipped in..."
"Oh," He said, "that's right," but said, "we Jews know what we worship," but said, "you know, the time is coming when--when men will not worship in Jerusalem or in this mountain." He said, "They're going to worship God in the Spirit, because He is a Spirit; He's Spirit and Truth."
Well, she begin to study, you know.
He said, "Go, get your husband, and come here."
She said, "My husband? I haven't got any husband."
Oh, He said, "That's the truth." Said--said, "You've been running around with five and got the sixth one now." And said, "You--you've had five. And--and you--you know, you--you told the truth."
236 Watch. What was it? That Light struck that seed that had been laying there that was spoke by God. Yes, sir. The seed was on the earth. When God moved the water away and the sun hit it, it come up. That's right. See? That's all it needed was sun. It needed light. Yes, sir.
And then when the Holy Spirit in Him moved away her past life and showed it to her, that Light struck it; she said, "Sir, I perceive You're a prophet." She said, "That's how... We know--I know it, that when Messiah comes, that's what He's going to be, and we ain't had a prophet for hundreds of years. We have never had a true prophet for hundreds of years." And she said, "How... You tell me about my husband and told me how many I've had and so forth... Why," said, "I don't understand this," said, "when Messiah cometh, well, He's going to do that, but Who are you?"
He said, "I'm He." That was it: A harlot.
239 And the priest looked around and said... Well, they'd have to answer to their congregation, said, "Don't fool with that fellow. He's--he's possessed of a devil."
Now, that's the difference. That's the same thing today (See?), same thing today. Hits just exactly. Yep, yes, sir. She--she knew it because the Light struck it.
They... Them fishermen, woodsmen, farmers, tax-collectors, harlots, they seen in Him what the simple Scriptures said He would do, and the Pharisees couldn't see because of their tradition. Amen. They couldn't see because their traditions; but the prostitute, the farmers, and all them, they saw it. All that was predestinated, when the doubts rolled away, the seed went to growing. That's right.
241 What did she do? She said, "Well, I'm glad I met the Messiah." Oh, no, brother. Right into the city she went. She forgot about the water. She said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things that I've done. Isn't this the very thing that the Scripture said Messiah's going to do? Isn't this exactly that?" And the people could see that same thing that Jesus Christ said in Saint John 14:12, it would happen again.
He said it also in Luke when He said, "As it was in the days of Noah..." how God manifest Himself in a Man and told who was behind Him, and what Sarah did (laughing in the tent), and all these Scriptures of Malachi and so forth predicted in the last day. Hebrews 4 said when the Word comes back... Malachi 4 said it would return back by a man; the--Hebrews 4 said the Word of God discerns the thoughts that's in the heart, and they can see it done and walk right away from it. Their traditions hide it and makes it none effect. Well, we're just here. That's all.
244 You know, He could do this same thing today. He'd come right on the scene and produce the same things He did then as He said He would. See? He promised to do it. He promised to do it. And if He would do the same things... The Laodicea messenger is supposed to do it; and then if the Laodicea church sees it done, they'll do just exactly like the Hebrew church did at the beginning. See? No matter how well vindicated it is, all--they do it anyhow. Oh, my.
Now, It said that it would--we would return to the original Word and be made manifested as promised to restore again the faith, original faith again. And if He made Hisself known that He was dwelling amongst His people by doing these things... He could even have His picture taken, scientifically prove it, and still they don't believe it...?... Let the mechanical eye of the camera catch Him standing there, that same Pillar of Fire, same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) to show that it's--it's scientific in every other way, scientifically, in the spiritual realms, and every way it could be vindicated, it's been vindicated and you know they'd probably do the same thing. They'd probably just walk right away and do the same thing that they did.
248 Oh, God, help us. Oh, my. Now, we'll just stop here. God, help us to see now, my prayer, as we come now, 'cause I don't want to keep you too late. God help us to see. I believe, maybe the Spirit upon us to be right now that He'd help us to reveal, open up this Seal.
Let's read as we see the state the church is in. We see where it has been, seen what they did, seen where it was supposed to come, see it there, and see what they was supposed to do. They did just that. Now, you see where we are at? You do the judging. I can't judge. I'm just responsible for bringing this Word. Just as It's give to me, I can give It. Until it's give to me, I can't give It. No one else can.
And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that set on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
And I heard the voice in the midst of the four beasts saying, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; but see thou hurt not the oil and... wine.
250 Now, the Lamb's got the Book in His hand breaking the Seal. Broke the first one, second one, and now, He breaks the third one. And as He breaks it, the Lamb breaks it, the Third Seal, the third beast... Now, how many knows what the third beast looked like? Looked like a man. The first one looked like a lion; the other one looked like a calf or an ox, and the third one looked like a man, as a man.
And he heard the--the living creature that--the beast, living creature like a man said to John, "Come, see what it is, this mystery that's been hid." All down through the years of redemption, since the foundation of the world, It's been hid under this Seal, what's going to happen. Now, come, look what it is." And so he opens it up; a thunder blasts; and the Lamb opens the Seals.
253 Now, and John walked up to see what it would be. What did he see? He seen a black horse, and his rider had a balance or scales in his hand. Now, that's the first thing he saw. When the Lamb announced it, broke the Seal, then the other beast... See, them beasts are taking turn about, announcing, "Come, see."
And John, where he was standing, maybe like this, he walks over here when the Lamb opened it, walked over, usually the thunder strikes as we seen in the First Seal. And he watches to see what takes place, and he sees a man coming first on a white horse; he watches him ride down and on down through; John sees him plumb to the end. He sees him come down, his white horse, got a bow in his hand, and the--the rider has; and he has no arrows with it. And the next thing he sees, he gets a crown, rides right on through.
255 Then we find out and then the Lamb, here it comes again. He opens another and looks. Now, here comes a red horse. And this man has a sword in his hand. He rides right on down through the Scriptures (See?) with a sword in his hand and was to kill and take peace from the earth.
Now, the Lamb opens another Seal. Another one of the living creatures like a man said, "Come, see." Now, he walks up to see what this is. And when he does, there comes a rider on a black horse.
257 Now, last night we found out that the same rider that rode the white horse was the same one on the red one. And the voice said--in the midst of the beast called out (You see?) to come to see what it was; he was in this living creature. And he saw this black horse, and when the voice in the midst of the four beasts called out, "A measure of wheat for a penny, and--and three measures of barley for a penny, but see that thou hurt not the--the oil and the wine." See?
259 This rider, let's discuss him. If you'll notice the first rider, who he was, and we found out last night, Scripturally, that the second rider was exactly the same man, only he was on another horse. What happened? He changed his ministry. See? That's right. We found out he was an antichrist, and he'd changed his position. We found out that when he first just was a white horse, he become a doctrine. Now, we're taking every one of these right back in the Scriptures. See?
261 Now, watch where we're at tonight, that other church age now. See? We're come down to the third church age now. See? Just exactly on the third church age is just exactly like the third horse. See?
Now, the first church age what it was? The Nicolaitane's had a doctrine (See?) just the first one. All right. And then the first thing we know this Nicolaitane doctrine, it become sanctioned and was right, went into action. And they crowned this fellow. Then this spirit, antichrist, become incarnate in a man. See? And we find out later on he becomes an incarnate devil too. The demon goes away, and the devil comes in.
263 And just as that church is--that kinda antichrist church progresses, so has the Bride come along with different things; through justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, just moving right on (See?), just like that. Only they taken their revival first, and the Church is taking it the last.
Their first three years--first three stages of them that went to the dark age, then the third three stages comes the Church out from justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost again, incarnate God made manifest among us.
264 Here he comes in as the antichrist, as the false prophet, then the beast, then in dark age. And the Church comes out of that dark age, justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, incarnate Word, the way now. Uh-huh. And he goes down. he does... He goes down; the Church goes up. See? It's just as perfect as it can be. Oh, it's beautiful. I just love it.
This rider is the same one but another stage of his ministry. The first stage, a white horse (See?), he was just a teacher, just an antichrist teacher; he was against the Word of God. And now, how can you be an antichrist? Anybody that denies that every Word of this--isn't true and to be taught just the same, is an antichrist, 'cause they deny the--the--the--the--the Word, and He is the Word.
267 Now, first stage, white horse, he was just a teacher, but an antichrist spirit in its doctrine and its quality. It was innocent. It couldn't hurt nothing, seemed like, just going on... That's the way Satan comes in. Oh, he's a slick bird.
He told Eve, said, "Now, you know, you're looking for wisdom. You don't know what's right and wrong." Said, "Now, if your eyes were opened, you would know what," and said, "the fruit is very pleasant. It's good. It--it's--it's pleasant to the eye. You should take it now. Now, you don't know whether it is or not, do you?"
"No, I don't, but God said not to do it..."
"But oh, he... Well, I know, but..."
"God said He--we'd die..."
He said, "Surely He won't do that." See? Just sweet as it could be. Look what it did.
Watch this antichrist spirit rise up amongst the early church--a doctrine of Nicolaitanes. "Nico," "conquer the laity," make a holy man. See? Oh, it's just is in...
"Why, we just want fellowship. Why, you're scattered out here; nobody knows where nobody's at. I think we all ought to have an organization and just be different. (See?) We go right--put ourselves together. We ought to make a lodge out of it."
271 That's what it is. There is no such thing as the Christian church of Methodists; that's not a church; that's a lodge. Baptists, that's not a church; it's a lodge. There's only one Church, and that's the mystical Body of Jesus Christ, and you're borned into that (That's right.) by predestination. That's right.
"All the Father has give Me will come. No man can come 'less the Father calls him, and all He's give Me will come to Me," So that's--that's it. He just... The Lamb sets there making--making intercession till the last one comes in. The little bell rings and He walks out and takes His possession then (You see?), so, brings His Church home, His subjects, and casts His enemy into the lake of fire and all of his subjects go in there with him, and that's it. Then we walk out in the Millennium.
273 Same rider now... This first stage, he was innocent; and second (Now, if you went a little bit higher, a little more than that, in the second stage the Bible said he'd be given a crown, and they crowned a man, a superman. See?), crowned him. And then the Bible didn't call him a pope. The Bible called him a false prophet. Why? Yeah. Of course he must be a false prophet by his antichrist spirit that taught antichrist against the original Word. 'Cause if you taught against the original Word, it was antichrist, it was--and the Word is God (See?), Christ. All right.
274 Now, after that, we find him then crowned. When he got crowned... Now, he's a very innocent, helpless; he's just a little fellow. But then in the Nicene Council, he was made... And Constantine give him all the property. And then what did he do? Then he... See, Satan give him his throne and authority. The Bible said so as we have went through it.
Now, the next thing we find out that the devil controls all politics that ever has been or ever will be. We find that in Matthew 4:11. And now, we find out then that Satan already had politics, but he's trying to get the church. So he goes down to deceive it. He gets his superman, works him into an organization and crowns him vicar (See?) of Christ. Christ acted instead of God. See this guy's a vicar instead of God. See? Just the same: instead of God, what he's supposed to be, a vicar under Christ.
277 Now, now, when he did that, then what did he do then? He... Satan took his political power (which he was already over) and took the religious power (which he had already been crowned) and put them together, and then he made him another crown over hell. And then when they had passed on, if they pay enough money, he'd get them out. See? So now he's--he's vicar over heaven, over purgatory, as he wants to call it. No such thing in the Bible (See?), but he had to make something. The Bible said he come out of the bottomless pit and returns back the same way, and on earth, a ruler...
279 Now, what was he given then? First he had a bow, but he didn't have any arrows. But now he's got a mighty sword in his hand. He can do something now. Then he jumps off his white horse; the white horse rides on out. Now he straddles what? A red horse, blood, blood red horse. He really rides that one. Oh, sure. Now, he's given great power and a great sword to kill; then he rides his blood red horse.
We see from the Second Seal that was broke last night, he taken peace from the earth and did kill one another. And his own martyrology of the Roman Catholic church shows that they put sixty-eight million Protestants to death from the time of Saint Hippo of--after Saint Augustine of Hippo until 1580 something: sixty-eight million. (Schmucker's "Great Reform," if you want to read it--"Glorious Reform," it was. See?) Now, sixty-eight million recorded on the martyrology...
280 When one of their so-called saints got the revelation that anybody that disagreed with the Roman church should die as a heretic... That just set them around then. Boy, he went to spilling the blood. He--he jumped on his white horse--on his red horse, and he went to riding.
Oh, now, his great power comes; he was made vicar of heaven and worshipped as God, ruler of the earth. By uniting the church and state together made him ruler on earth, give him a crown over that. He could pray the souls out of purgatory. He could also inter... He was just like God on earth: instead of God.
281 Together he had great power to kill whomever did not agree with his command. Who's going to say anything to him? The church can't say nothing; he's head of it. State can't say nothing; he's head of it. So they died by the millions. All them little churches, brother, was busted up, and killed, and murdered, and fed to lions and everything else. See? The dragon, Rome, give him his seat and authority. The Bible said so. See? So he rode his typed red horse through human blood till it become a red horse.
Now, John sees him on a black horse. He changed something else. Now, I have to--to say this just the way it comes to me; and then... And if it come to me and didn't compare with the rest of the Scriptures, then God never give it. See, the Scriptures has to every one; it's just one great big--big thing, like that. Scripture has to agree with Scripture, and anything contrary to the Scripture... If that Angel of the Lord told me anything that wasn't Scriptural, I wouldn't believe Him.
284 I said there in Chicago the other day with all them hundreds of ministers... Was anybody there at that meeting? Sure. That meeting in Chicago, I said, "Now, you all talk about you got... You thought you was twisting me in here in something." About like that's in this room now. I said, "What is it you got it against me?" I said, "The Holy Spirit showed me three nights ago where every one of you'd be, and we wouldn't be in that..." Ask Carl, here, if it isn't right; and there was Hank and all of them. That's right. You all was there to hear it.
I said, "Now, you got it against me on my teaching. That's what's the matter. Now, I want one of you to come here and get your Bible and stand by me and disprove it." It was the quietest bunch you ever heard. I said, "What's the matter with you?" I said, "Then if you know you can't stand up against the Word, then get off of my back."
286 "You doctors of divinity and everything and talking how... And introducing yourself as 'Doctor,' 'Doctor,' 'Doctor,' and I'm a..." I don't know whether... Brother Wood and I say "cheechaker," or "greenhorn." "I have no education, never come through any seminary or school, but you get your Bible and come here and stand by my side, disprove the serpent's seed, the baptism in Jesus' Name, or any of those things that I teach."
Nobody said a word. And you all know that. That was the quietest bunch you ever seen.
See, they just crow like I don't know what. Now, now, here it is. I don't believe in fussing with people, but when it comes to a spot where they try to drag you into it... And I wouldn't have went, but the Holy Spirit told me, said, "Go on over there; I'll stand by you."
288 Told them three or four days behind--before time. You all was there and heard Mr. Carlson and them and--and Tommy Hicks--and all of them set there. And I went three days before, and I said, "You're going to have to cancel that place."
It was a stormy night; I was having a meeting. He said, "Go, stand by that window at that third little door there. And I went there and stood right in there. I looked out like that. He said, "They've got a trap set for you. They're going to ask you to speak at that Ministerial Association of the Greater Chicago." Said, "They got a trap set for you on your teaching of My Word." He said, "Now, they're going to cancel off that place there. They ain't going to get it, and they're going to get to a place where it's brown." Said, "Here it looks."
291 I stopped, and I seen myself in a corner, looked back there and seen, I seen all them people. I seen all them ministers set there, the way they was. I looked them all over, and He said... "Well," I thought, "I'd better not go over there then, Lord, if they're going to do that. I don't want to hurt their feelings or do anything wrong."
He said, "Go; I'll stand by you." He did. That's right. Now, you all... Here's witnesses right here were setting right there and know it. That's right. Well, you got the tapes here also. But there you are. You see?
294 Now, now, here is the mystery of this. And now, It... When it revealed to me early this morning 'fore daylight, then I went quickly to the Scripture and begin to look--search it up. Here it was. Three of them so far has been absolutely supernaturally revealed. That's right. Now, here is the mystery of the black horse according to what it was revealed to me. See?
He has started riding him in the time of the dark ages. That's what the dark horse represented: the dark ages, for it was a time of midnight to the true believers that was left. Watch now in that church age, that middle church age, the dark church age. Watch how he says, "You just have a little strength." It was a midnight to them for the true believer.
295 Now, watch. Practically all hope had been taken from the true church for this fellow controlled both church and state. What are they going to do? See? Catholicism had taken over both church and state, and all didn't agree with Catholicism was killed. That's the reason he was on a dark horse. And watch what a dark thing he done (See?), then you can see. And you just... If you know your history, watch it. And you... Well, you won't have to even know it to know this.
Now, watch. All hope was gone; that's his black horse. Now, he rode in on his white horse, cunning; then he was give power, he took peace, slaughtered the millions. That's what he was going to do as he rode on through; and he still does it. See? Now, here he is on his black horse now, coming forth, dark age, that was that time, just about the time after the church got set up and got in power, they smothered out everything else and went through about hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years is what every reader knows that was the dark ages. How many knows that? Sure, the dark ages. There's your dark horse, representing that dark age.
298 Now, all hope's gone, no hope at all; everything looked dark for the little believers. Now, that's the reason it's called--represented a dark horse.
His balances or his scales in his hand (You see?), calling out "A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny." See? Actually that is... Wheat and barley is natural staff of life. That's what bread and stuff's made from. But you see, he was charging for this.
What it means, that he was charging his subjects for the kind of the hope of life that he was sending out to them by making... he started in that very time of making them pay for prayer, charging for prayer. They still do it--novenas. "Cause, what was he doing? Capturing the wealth of the world, the scale weighing out a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny.
The rider on a black horse (See?) he was making--stripping his subjects of their money, when the Bible predicts that he holds about the wealth of the world. As we said last night about Russia and all that, they just take all the money and just stripped the people for everything they've got, everything. So there you are.
300 Now, notice. Do you see where that old money taken in church comes from? Get away from that stuff. To build an organization, a big something--a million dollar here and... You see what the mother of it is?
Thank you, Lord. Oh, my. I'm so glad. Yes, sir. All right, it's been His grace; that's all. All right, it's a midnight time. Do you understand that now? And here he is charging for the kind of life, that's this barley and stuff, natural. It wasn't spiritual, now; it was barley. See? So... And barley bread and wheat bread... He was charging for that kind of a life that he was giving to his subjects, charging for prayer by the priest to pray people out of purgatory. Charging... (Now, I'm taking this right out of history). Charging for, I guess, it's novena, I guess everybody knows what. Novena, I guess that's something you have to do, you know, some penance. Somebody have to charge for that. Bringing the wealth of the world to him, into hisself, into the church itself, and he's still riding. Oh, sure he is. Yes, sir, still riding.
303 Notice... Here's the good part now. Notice, "See that thou hurt not this wine and oil." Just a little bit of it left, brother. "Don't you touch that." Now, oil is--symbolizes the Spirit, the Holy Spirit.
I'll give you a few verses if you want to, a few Scriptures in Leviticus 8:12, where Aaron, before he went in had to be anointed with oil, you know; and--and Zechariah 4:12, of oil coming, pouring through the pipes and said, "This is My Spirit," oil. Another thing, if you want to see Matthew 14:25, there was a foolish virgin (25:3) the foolish virgin had no oil, no Spirit. And Matthew 25:4, the wise virgin had oil in her lamps, Spirit-filled. Spirit... Oil typifies the Spirit. Oh, glory. You get it? All right.
306 Now, oil typifies Spirit, and wine symbolizes stimulation of revelation. Boy, I like to run all over the place. It's a wonder I didn't wake up the neighborhood when the Lord showed me that. Stimulation of revelation... See? Oil and wine in the Bible is associated together always. I got the concordance and looked, and there's a string of them that like--like that, where wine and oil goes together all the time. See?
308 When the truth of a promised Word of God has been truly revealed to His saints that's filled with oil, they all get stimulated. Wine is a stimulation. Glory, I feel it right now, stimulated with joy, shouts. And when it does, it has the same effect upon them that--that wine does upon a natural man; because when the revelation has been given of a truth of God, and the true believer filled with oil, and the revelation is revealed, the stimulation becomes so great that it makes him behave hisself unnormally. That's right. Glory. Maybe that's what's the matter with them now. That's right. It makes them behave theirself unseemingly.
309 Now, if you want Scripture for this, just start reading Acts 2. What'd they have? They had the promise that had been given them. When all of the promise of the Holy Spirit was poured out on them, and was--it was Scripturally a-vindicated...
Now, see the... What if they'd said, "Now, wait. He told us to wait up here for our ministry." And after eight days, they said, "Well, I tell you, boys..." Mark said to Matthew, "I--I believe we've already got it, fellows. Don't you think so?" See, "We already got it. Why are we waiting on our ministry? Now, we ought to just go on out preaching. He told us to come up here and wait, and this is eight days we been here."
"Well, let's wait another one."
Nine days come. Then Mark comes around or--or--or maybe one of the rest of them, John, said, "I--I--I believe we oughtn't to wait any longer. I believe we've already got it, don't you?"
312 And I can see Simon, 'cause he had the keys, you know. "Now, wait a minute, boys. The Scripture's got something to say about this. He never told us just how many days to wait. He said, 'You stay there until... You stay there until Joel's prophecy comes to pass, until Isaiah's prophecy is a-vindicated. For with stammering lips and with other tongues will I speak to this people,' and this is the refreshment. This is the wine that's poured out."
What is wine in the Bible? Refreshment. This is the refreshment that comes from the Presence of the Lord. It's--it's got to be Scriptural now. See?
So, you see, wine represents stimulation of revelation, and when the Holy Ghost fell, and they seen the fire of God fall upon them, my, that begin to stimulate them, and the first thing you know, they got so stimulated till the people actually thought they were drunk, but they were stimulated by the revelation.
314 By God's... Here it is. God's vindicated revelation made plain to them, they was happy about it. God promised it. Here it was revealed to them and vindicated to them. Amen. Here was a man standing there saying, "This is that; this is it," and there it was being a-vindicated by the same signs...?... There's--there's stimulation by revelation (See?), and now, they really had it then.
That's the reason Peter could get out there and say, "Why, you men of Judaea, and you that dwell in Jerusalem, listen to me. All you doctors of divinity, listen to what I'm going to tell you." Oh, how wonderful. Revealed, revealed, they become so stimulated when they seen it vindicated. That just always does that; it always does.
317 When I see that God promised to do a certain thing in this day, when He promised to break off these Seals in this last day, and you don't know the joy, the glory, when I seen Him reveal this, stand there and watch it happen, and know that I'll take any person or charge, He never did say one thing to us but what happened that way. And then to see the joy that's in my heart when I see His promise for this last days as He promised to do it, and here I see it vindicated and made perfectly right.
318 Now, I'm just... You hear me say, "I feel religious," that's what's the matter. The stimulation is so bad, I--I just--just about ready to go to cutting up, you know, stimulation from revelation.
All right. They become so stimulated over the--the revelation that they vindicated (all right) the promise. Oh, my. There broke out the joy of stimulation till the people said, "They're drunk on new wine," when God revealed His promise to them; and not only did He reveal it, but He proved it. That's what I've always said: "A man can say anything (Yeah, he could just apt to say anything.) but when God comes around and vindicates that..."
320 Now, the Bible said, "If there be one among you who claims to be spiritual or a prophet, and if he says these things and it don't come to pass, then don't pay no attention to him. Don't fear him at all. Don't fear that man; but if he says it and it comes to pass, that's Me," He said, "I--I'm in that. That proves why it's Me." Then that little Samaritan woman, when the Scripture said that this Messiah would do these things, and here He stood and did it just exactly what the Scripture said, she said, "There He is. Come, see a Man. Isn't this exactly the thing that the Scripture said would happen?" See?
322 She got stimulated by revelation. Is that right? She becomes a stimulated by revelation when it was vindicated. See? That's right. She knowed that there was... "We know that Messiah is a-coming Who's called the Christ, and when He comes, He will do these things." She seen it.
And He said, "I'm He." Then the stimulation started, and away she went, shouting and down through the city. She left her old water pot and went down there and said to the men, "Come, see."
324 Now, if you only knowed the eastern traditions, that's wrong for her to do that. Yes, sir. A woman of that type, nobody'd listen to her. No, sir. See, she had the mark and when she--if she would go down the street like that and act like that, the man of the street pay no attention to her. But, brother, she had a Word of Life there. She was stimulated. You...?... It was like trying to put a house out on fire on a windy day. Oh, there was something fanning it. She was--she was ready. Yeah, you couldn't put that out. That was God's fire burning. Yes, sir.
326 She said, "If you don't believe it's so, you just come over here where the meeting's going on, and I'll show it to you." Yes, sir. And so the men went out there. And He didn't do it one more time, but they knowed something had happened to that woman. She was changed, so they believed Him. Yes, sir. They believed on Him. 'Cause "faith cometh by hearing, hearing the promise of God," the Word of God, and watch It being made real. Because it's a seed, and when it's sowed, it will take life. It'll produce just what it's talking about. If it doesn't, then it isn't God's seed, or the sower didn't know how to sow it. He wasn't sent of God to sow seed. He might be sowing them on top of a rock or something. (See?) So you--so you... See, the sower sowing the seed, God takes care of it; it falls in the right place. Oh, my.
328 Then what does It say to this rider in black? "Don't you hurt My wine and My oil. Don't you touch it, My wine and oil. Now, I've got just a little bit of it down there, but there's still a little bit there. Yes, sir. Now, you can go on through and measure out all that kind of life that you're putting out; that's up to you. You're going to pay for it down there; but when you come across that wine and oil, you leave it alone." Oh, my.
If you can--if you... In other words, like this: "If you catch some of My little flock that's filled with My oil and wine (See?) wine and oil of the pure Word (See?) and you're going to kill them, 'cause you--you're doing that, that's what you're doing, don't you force them to say any "hail Marys," or do anything like that or some of your creeds. You keep your hands off them, they know where they're going. For they are anointed with My oil, and by being anointed with My oil, they have the wine of joy, 'cause they know My Word of promise, 'I'm going to raise them up again.' Don't hurt that. Don't go trying to messing them up, just 'cause... just keep away from them." No.
330 All... He vindicates His Word and brings it in. They knowed... They knew they'd rise again. Oh, how I like that. Whew. They'll rise again. Here comes the black horse, riding now--dark ages. There went the white horse; we seen what he done, perfectly. Here comes the red horse; we see exactly what he done. Here comes the black horse; you see the same rider all the time, what he's doing, right down through the ages.
Now, we find out he measured it out and charged for it. Exactly. Wheat, natural, natural life--what they was living on--but symbolizing Spirit, oil, and joy of the wine. That spiritual life--don't hurt that. Leave it alone. And otherwise: "Rome, don't you touch it. It's Mine. That belongs to Me."
334 Now, I've got another thing here I want you to notice. Notice. It was not one of the four beasts that said, "Don't touch the oil and the wine." Did you notice that? The four beasts had been talking. But watch. Let me just read out here just a little bit, see: Now, "A measure of penny for a--for a--wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see that thou hurt not the wine and oil."
Now, look here, "And I--and I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts..." What was it? The Lamb. Amen. It wasn't the four beasts. The Lamb said it. Why. He's going to take His own; that belongs to Him. He's redeemed it. See? Amen. "Don't you touch that oil." No, sir. Not the four beasts, but the Lamb was the One that said it. Now, oh, my. The Lamb, not the four beasts didn't announce this.
The Lamb said Itself: When the four beasts said, "Come and see," and they went, and they seen it like that, and He said, "A measure of wheat for a penny, and a four...?... so much like this and so much barley..." But then the Lamb cried out right among them, and said, "But don't hurt the wine and oil." Uh-huh. That's right. Oh, my. "Listen to it. Don't you hurt it, boy, or you are going to pay for it someday." (Oh, my, nine-thirty.)
339 Well, to the best of my understanding and the--the best that I know of, and with all that I believe in my heart, that's the true meaning of those three Seals. I want to thank God for it. I'll say this, that it's the revelation that He give me. He gave that to me, the revelation of it. And I do believe that we're living in the last days.
Tomorrow night we're take that pale horse rider. And now, I don't know; I do not know--God knows that's true--I do not know one thing about it. No. I looked up my old context that I had years ago... (I seen Brother Graham Snelling awhile ago. I... He might've went out), but I remember when I was preaching here before, I looked up to see what I said... Years ago one day I was going through Book of Revelation, I took all four horse riders at one time.
342 I said, "A white horse--that was the early church, no doubt." I read that out of the book of the Adventists and the rest of them. I said, "That was the early church that went forth, conquering."
And the next was the black horse. I said... I forget now what I called that black horse. I said--or the red horse, rather. I said, "That horse was probably meaning that--that trouble's on the road, and it going to mean a lot of wars going to hang up, or something like that." I said, "Probably it'd be a lot of war." I said, "That's what that'd be."
344 And then I said, "The--the pale hor...Or the--the black horse, I said, that--that means that--that maybe there'll come a black time on earth when all the stars will--will quit shining, the sun will go down and moon won't give its light." I said, "That's probably what that means."
I said, "The pale horse, it means a lot of sickness is coming on." Now, I don't know what it means, but that's--that was my interpretation of it then, 'cause I just took it the best I could standing here in the pulpit, but... Oh, I almost said something there on a... Oh, you'll--you'll see. Just watch. See?
Now...?... now, listen. Oh, aren't we happy for this hour that's...?... When we see all this thing heading up, I think:
Nations are breaking,
Israel's awakening,
The signs that the prophets foretold.
The Gentile days numbered,
With horrors encumbered,
Return, O dispersed to your own.
The day of redemption is near.
Men's hearts are failing for fear.
Be filled with the Spirit,
Your lamps trimmed and clear.
Look up, your redemption is near (Oh, my),
False prophets are lying;
God's Truth they're denying,
That Jesus the Christ is our God, (That's...?... Do you believe it?)
But we'll walk where the apostles have trod.
For the day of redemption is near,
Men's hearts are failing for fear.
Be filled with the Spirit,
Have your lamps trimmed and clear.
Look up your redemption is near.
348 Isn't that wonderful? I love that--redemption is near. And...
It shall be light in the evening time.
The path to glory you will surely find.
In the water way is the light today;
Buried in the precious Name of Jesus.
Young and old, repent of all your sins.
The Holy Ghost will surely enter in.
The evening light has come.
It is a fact that God and Christ are One.
348a He's the Word. Oh, my. Wonderful.
Soon the Lamb will take His Bride
To be ever at His side,
All the host of heaven will assembled be;
O, it will be a glorious sight,
All the saints in spotless white;
And with Jesus they shall feast eternally.
"Come and dine," the Master calleth,
"Come and dine";
You may feast at Jesus' table all the time;
He who fed the multitude,
Turned the water into wine,
To the hungry calleth now, "Come and dine."
Oh, "Come and dine," the Master calleth,
"Come and dine"; (dine on the Word)
You may feast at Jesus' table all the time;
He who fed the multitude,
Turned the water into wine,
To the hungry calleth now, "Come and dine."
349 Oh, my. Are you hungry? Blessed are they... Glory be to God. Do you love Him? Let's sing, "I Love Him." Let's all just stand now and raise up our hands and express ourself to Him. "I love Him, I love Him, because He first loved me." All right. All together now.
I love Him,
I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
351 [Tongues goes forth--Ed.] Just real reverent. We have an interpreter here, Brother Higginbotham. I don't know if he's here tonight or not. No... Find out what He said to us. Just wait a minute. Here... [The interpretation is given--Ed.] You can hear her. Praise the Lord. My faith is li--lifted up high in God. Do you--you love Him tonight with all your heart? Oh, praise Him, and say, "Thank You, Lord, thank You. How we give You praise with all of our heart, Lord. Glory to God. Just give Him praise, all ye people, God's people.
1Dobrý večer, priatelia. povstaňme na chvíľu ku modlitbe a skloňme svoje hlavy.
Náš nebeský Otče, keď počujeme tú nádhernú pieseň, rozmýšľame, Pane, že Ty si blízko; a prosíme, Pane, aby si nás dnes večer prijal, ako tvoje deti a odpustil nám všetky naše hriechy a prestúpenia a dal nám tvoje požehnania, pretože sme ľudia nachádzajúci sa v potrebách.
A v tejto veľkej hodine, v ktorej teraz žijeme ... A vidíme, že každým rokom je čoraz temnejšie a temnejšie pre svet. A príchod Pánov sa stáva čoraz jasnejší a jasnejší, pri tom, čo sa On zjavuje vo svojom Slove a manifestuje Seba samého. Znovu sme dnes večer prišli, Pane, pokúsiť sa o toto zhromaždenie, a modliť sa ku Tebe, aby si nám otvoril, Pane, túto Tretiu Pečať tejto knihy, ktorá nám má byť oznámená, aby sme mohli vedieť, čo robiť a ako žiť, aby byť lepšími Kresťanmi.
Prosím, Bože, aby si spôsobil, aby si každý, kto tu nie je Kresťanom, dnes večer uvedomil, že oni Ťa potrebujú. Učiň to. A prosím, nebeský Otče, aby každý znovu zrodený Kresťan si uvedomil, že musí žiť v bližšom obecenstve s Tebou, než ako v minulosti, aby sme všetci mohli byť v tom spoločenstve Kresťanskej lásky a viery.
Daj, aby každá chorá osoba v našom strede bola dnes večer uzdravená, Pane. Oni si uvedomujú, že Ťa potrebujú. Prosím, Otče, aby si požehnal všetko, čo je učinené alebo povedané na Tvoju česť a slávu. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.
Znovu sme sa dnes večer spolu zhromaždili, znovu kvôli tomuto, v stredu večer tento týždeň, a spoliehame dnes večer na Pána, že vyleje svoje veľké požehnanie na svoje Slovo. A dnes, ako obyčajne som študoval Písmo a snažil som sa myslieť o veciach, ktoré by bolo vhodnejšie povedať, a ako ich povedať, a potom spoliehajúc na Pána, aby mi dal výklad a význam tohoto Slova, ktoré bolo napísané. A som Mu vďačný za to, čo On pre nás urobil v priebehu tohoto týždňa, že sme ... otvárajúc tieto pečate. A ja ...
Možno by bolo dobre, keby sme nedeľu ráno ... Viete, mnoho krát ... Nechceme byť zle zrozumení, ale viete, niekedy to tak dopadne. Tak možno v nedeľu ráno, keby všetci, ktorí majú ohľadne tohoto nejakú otázku vo svojej mysli, keby to napísali a dali to sobotu večer tu na stôl, aby som sa mohol pozrieť, čo to je, a potom v nedeľu ráno sa budem snažiť na to odpovedať, ak Pán dá. Myslím, že by to bolo lepšie, než ako to, čo sme plánovali, pretože niekedy je to zle zrozumené, viete; a takto by to bolo ... bolo by to lepšie, aby som to vyjasnil, viete. Bude to tak, ako to má byť.
Pretože niekedy ... Niekto dnes telefonoval a povedal, že ... zavolal a chcel vedieť, či to bola pravda, že keď bude vytrhnutie, že bude vzatý jen jeden z Jeffersonville a jeden z New Yorku, a ostatní spoza mora. A tak, ja ... Vidíte, to bolo proste zle zrozumené.
3Potom niekto povedal, že sobotu večer, keď nám Pán dá tú poslednú pečať, potom Ježiš tu bude v nedeľu ráno. Tak, to je ... vidíte, vy ne ... To tak nie je. My nevieme. Ak vám niekto povie, že oni vedia, kedy On príde, viete, že oni sa predovšetkým mýlia, pretože to nikto nevie. Ale my chceme žiť dnes tak, ako by to bolo práve teraz.
4A ja sa za chvíľu budem snažiť zmeniť vaše presvedčenie, tak buďte pripravení. Ja verím, že Ježiš príde za menej, ako za tri minúty rovno od teraz - podľa jeho času. Viete ako dlho by to bolo? Okolo tridsať päť rokov. Vidíte, tisíc rokov je u Neho len jeden deň, vidíte. A tak keď počujete ... Ten apoštol tam vtedy povedal: "Ten čas je nablízku." Tuto: "Ten čas je nablízku." Ten apoštol to povedal v Zjavení. Viete ako dlho to bolo? To pre Boha bolo len včera - nie ani dva dni. A vidíte, ak je to tri minúty, menej ako tri minúty, do Jeho príchodu vidíte, to by bolo pre nás okolo tridsať rokov, alebo tak nejako, pozrite sa, čo by boli tri minúty pre Neho. On už povstáva, aby prišiel! Tak, my ...
5Niekedy keď tu čítate On hovorí v termínoch Slova, nie v našich termínoch. Potom ak by som vedel, že On príde zajtra večer, zajtra by som študoval a prosil Ho, aby mi dal posolstvo na štvrtú Pečať, a prišiel by som sem a kázal to tak isto. Vidíte? Ja chcem robiť každý deň to, čo by som robil, keď On príde. A nepoznám žiadne iné lepšie miesto, než ako byť zastihnutý rovno pri svojich povinnostiach - pri plnení si povinností. A tak my to len robíme, až kým On nepríde.
Niekedy, keď len čítame ... Nuž, buďme skutočne pozorní. A keď čítate ... Vezmite tie pásky, počúvajte ich skutočne pozorne, pretože to dostanete na páske, pretože oni tam vzadu nahrávajú tie pásky, a oni sú nahrané skutočne dobre a jasne. A tak to tam budete mať čisto.
Teraz je každý zamilovaný do Krista, dúfam, dnes večer, a každý Ho miluje. Poviem vám, čo niekedy zmätie ľudí - to, že niekto, kto príde dovnútra nepočul prvú časť kázania, viete. Potom oni prídu a počujú vás odvolávať sa na niečo, čo bolo povedané predtým. A potom oni berú to, čo je povedané, a nezobrali tú prvú časť. Potom je to pre nich všetko zmätené. Potom si oni myslia, že niečo bolo povedané inak, ale nebolo.
A tak ak máte nejakú otázku, čomu nerozumiete, napíšte to len na kúsok papieru; položte to tu, kedykoľvek od teraz do soboty večera, a ja sa budem snažiť nedeľu ráno ... Ak je to trochu nejasné, povedzte: "Dobre, som len zvedavý, čo to tu znamená. Nepochopil som to." Viete čo mám na mysli. Potom sa vám budem snažiť na to odpovedať v nedeľu ráno, ak Pán dá.
6Teraz, dnes večer budeme čítať z tohoto požehnaného starého Slova, znovu zo 6. kapitoly, a začneme dnes večer s Treťou Pečaťou. A to je 5. verš, 5. a 6. verš. A zajtra večer skončíme tých štyroch jazdcov: bieleho koňa, a červeného koňa, čierneho koňa a plavého koňa. A chcem povedať toto, že zakaždým, až do dnes rána ...
7Vstal som naozaj zavčasu a išiel som sa modliť prv, ako sa čokoľvek hýbalo a zostal som na modlitbe cez deň. Ale dnes ráno zavčasu Duch Svätý prišiel tam, kde som bol. A práve tak jasno, ako čokoľvek iné, videl som otvorenú túto ďalšiu pečať, celkom presne. Nuž, On ma počúva, ja viem, a som veľmi vďačný. No, pamätajte len, že niečo sa deje, čo dúfam, že ste postrehli. Vidíte? Niečo sa deje. Chcem len raz vyskúšať túto cirkev a vidieť, či skutočne môžu vziať niečo prv, ako sa to skutočne stane. Nuž pamätajte, pamätajte, čo som vám povedal, a nech nám Pán pomôže.
A teraz piaty verš:
A keď otvoril tretiu pečať, počul som tretiu živú bytosť, ktorá vravela: Poď ... vidz! A videl som a hľa, čierny kôň, a ten, ktorý sedel na ňom, mal váhu vo svojej ruke.
A počul som hlas prostred štyroch živých bytostí, ktorý hovoril: Choinix pšenice za denár a tri chonixy jačmeňa za denár, a oleju a vínu neškoď!
8Nuž, predstavme trochu pozadie tohoto na základe tých pečatí, cez ktoré sme prešli, pretože práve tak, ako v cirkevných vekoch, však, snažíme sa predstaviť pozadie, ako sa to prekrýva. Tak sa vlastne tie veky v Písme - jeden sa prekrýva s druhým - práve ako toto - ako vystupovanie po rebríku, alebo ešte lepšie vystupovanie na schod, jeden zabieha do druhého a takto ide naspäť, ako keď idete hore po schodoch.
9Nuž, táto pečať ... to je zapečatená kniha vykúpenia. Rozumie to každý? A táto kniha je zapečatená Siedmymi Pečaťami. To je sedem krát zapečatená kniha, vidíte. Nuž, pamätáte sa, ako sme vám to zobrazili a vzali to z Jeremiáša a zo všetkého. Teraz oni ... keď oni mali ... Oni to takto napísali na kus písma, či skôr papieru - alebo nie papieru, ale to bola koža - a oni to takto zrolovali. No, to ... A potom ten koniec z toho bol takto nechaný. To ukazovalo, čo tam je. Potom ten ďalší zaujímal takú istú pozíciu, zrolovaný takým istým spôsobom - takto zrolovaný. A potom tu na konci je to takto vytrhnuté, a nechaný ďalší. No, to bola tá sedem krát zapečatená kniha.
10Nuž, predtým sme nemali takéto knihy, ako máme teraz. Tie knihy v starých časoch boli zvitky. Oni boli zrolované. Potom keď oni chceli tú tému, alebo čokoľvek ... Keď Biblia bola zrolovaná, ak ste chceli čítať knihu Izaiáša, otočili ste tu do Izaiáša a takto to odvinuli a čítali. A toto je sedem krát zapečatená Kniha Vykúpenia.
11Nuž, zistili sme, že vychádza Baránok, berie tú knihu z ruky toho, ktorý sedel na tróne, a láme tie pečate, a uvoľňuje tie pečate ľuďom. Sedia tam tie štyri živé bytosti, ktoré sme preberali v cirkevných vekoch (tie isté štyri živé bytosti - vidíte ich všetky cez celé Písmo), a to sú oni, ktoré to ohlasovali o týchto pečatiach, že sú zlámané. Nuž ... a vidíme, že to je Kniha Vykúpenia.
12Potom sme išli naspäť a vzali sme Príbuzného Vykupiteľa a zobrali sme Ho, aby sme videli, čo bola Jeho práca. A teraz za všetky tieto roky, Kristus vykonával prácu Príbuzného Vykupiteľa. Teraz všetci, ktorí tomu rozumiete, povedzte: "Amen". On vykonával prácu Príbuzného Vykupiteľa, ale príde čas, že tá vykupiteľská práca bude ukončená. A keď tá vykupiteľská práca je ukončená, potom On opúšťa trón Boží, kde On teraz sedel. Ale to nie je Jeho trón. "Ten kto zvíťazí bude sedieť so mnou na mojom tróne, ako som Ja zvíťazil a sedím na tróne svojho Otca." To nie je Jeho trón. On patrí duchovnému Bohu. Kristus, Baránok, on nepatrí Jemu. On je stelesnený Boh, to je ten istý Boh, ktorý sa stelesnil.
13A teraz On povstáva z toho miesta. Prv sa roznieslo to prehlásenie: "Kto je schopný vziať túto Knihu Vykúpenia?" Pretože celý plán vykúpenia od Adama, všetko, čo Adam stratil ... Do Adama nebolo nič stratené, a po Adamovi bolo všetko na zemi stratené. Všetko stvorenie na zemi bolo stratené, a všetko upadlo s Adamom. Prekročilo tú priepasť, že nikto sa nemohol dostať späť - vôbec žiadnym spôsobom. Človek, keď on zhrešil, on opustil svoju cestu ... on si nenechal žiadnej cesty späť.
14A potom keď bola prednesená táto otázka, Ján zjavovateľ (ten prorok Ján), bol vo videní a videl to. A nebolo žiadneho človeka na nebi, žiadneho človeka na zemi, žiadneho človeka pod zemou, ani nikoho, ktorý by bol aspoň hodný pozrieť sa na tú Knihu, vidíte. Nuž len si to predstavte! Potom predstúpil Baránok, a On vzal tú Knihu. A Jánovi bolo povedané, aby viac neplakal. On povedal: "Ajhľa, zvíťazil Lev z Júdu, a On môže vziať tú Knihu a otvoriť ju!" A tak on sa obrátil, aby videl Leva, a videl Baránka. Ten starší zavolal ... povedal: "Zvíťazil Lev"; ale keď on prišiel a pozrel sa, to bol Baránok, ktorý vychádzal z trónu.
15Nuž, on si to vôbec pred tým nevšimol. Prečo? On tam bol vzadu vo svojej ... vykonávajúc svoju prácu Prostredníka, pretože On krvácal za ľudí, prihovárajúci sa za ľudí, až kým nevošla tá posledná duša, ktorá bola zapísaná v Baránkovej knihe života pred založením sveta. Proste ešte toľko ich tam má byť, a to je to. To je všetko. Tí ostatní nechcú vôbec vojsť. Oni nemajú žiadnu túžbu vojsť.
16A tak potom, keď tá posledná duša vojde, potom čas vykúpenia je skončený. Potom Baránok predstupuje a činí si nárok na svoje práva, na to, čo On vykúpil, a to je celé stvorenie. Zem i všetko patrí Jemu, vidíte. On to vykúpil Svojou vlastnou krvou. A keď On predstupuje, aby vzal tú Knihu, aby ju otvoril, ó, oni boli ...! Ján už viacej neplakal. A on sa pozrel, a tento Baránok bol zabitým Baránkom. On bol ... už bol zabitý, ale znovu ožil.
17A teraz sme zistili, že zabitý baránok je krvavý baránok - krvácajúci po celom tele. On bol zabitý. Potom, čo bol zabitý, On znovu povstal a sedel na tróne - je povedané, takto vzadu na tróne, prihovárajúci sa za všetky tie duše, ktoré mali prísť. A potom, keď tá posledná bola tu a bolo to kompletné, Boh stále držal tú Knihu Vykúpenia, vidíte. Nuž, On teraz robí len prácu Príbuzného. Tak ako Boaz odišiel a Ruth tam len sedela a čakala až kým Boaz ... Chcem povedať, až kým Boaz nevykonal prácu príbuzného vykupiteľa.
18Pamätáte sa, ako som nedávno o tom kázal? Ruth zbierala klasy, a Ruth ... čokoľvek ona robila, a tak ďalej, a tá posledná vec bola, že Ruth čakala (pamätáte sa, ako som to predstavil tu v zhromaždení?), zatiaľ, čo Boaz išiel, aby vykonal prácu príbuzného vykupiteľa. On to urobil. On vyzul svoju topánku a vydal svedectvo a vykúpil Naomi, a skrze to dostal Ruth.
Nuž, tak Ruth len čakala, pretože ona už pracovala. Ona urobila všetky tieto ďalšie veci, ale ona čakala. No, a potom keď ... Cirkev čaká, odpočíva, mnohí z nich (väčšina z nich v prachu zeme), zatiaľ, čo On vykonáva svoju prácu Príbuzného Vykupiteľa. Nuž, svet stále ide do horšieho a hriech sa hromadí, a bolesti a trápenia a smrť a žiale. Bezbožní muži a bezbožné ženy náhle zomierajú. Žerie ich rakovina a všetko možné, keď nemôžu vziať dostatok viery, aby sa tam načiahli a chytili sa Toho.
19Všimnite si teraz. Ale potom, keď všetko bolo skončené, keď Jeho prímluva bola dokonaná, On predstupuje a berie tú Knihu z Jeho ruky. A potom Ján i všetko v nebi, a tie duše pod oltárom začali kričať. Dostaneme sa ku tomu znovu v šiestej Pečati. A ako sa oni radovali a padli na zem (tí starší), a vyliali modlitby svätých! Tie duše pod oltárom zvolali: "Hodný si pretože si nás vykúpil Bohu, a my pôjdeme naspäť na zem, aby žiť ako kráľovia a kňazi." Ó, to bola veľká ...
A Ján povedal, že všetci v nebi, všetci pod zemou a všetci ho počuli, ako chválil za to Boha. Ján tam musel nájsť napísané svoje meno, viete ... a po celý ten čas.
20Potom on povedal: "On je hodný vziať tú Knihu Vykúpenia." Nuž, ona už viacej nepatrí Sudcovi; ona patrí Vykupiteľovi, a On vykonal to dielo vykúpenia.
21A teraz On ide ukázať Cirkvi, čo On urobil. Vidíte? Potom On berie ... Ale tá Kniha je zavretá. Nikto o nej vôbec nič nevedel. Oni vedeli, že to tam bola Kniha Vykúpenia, ale ona má byť zjavená v tých posledných dňoch. Podľa Zjavenia 10, tomu siedmemu anjelovi bude dané o nej posolstvo, pretože je povedané, že v čase trúbenia siedmeho cirkevného veku ... Ten siedmy anjel, keď on trúbi, všetky tajomstvá Božie majú byť zakončené v jeho čase. Potom, keď je to zjavené, ten Anjel, ktorým je Kristus, prichádza dole z neba. Zapamätajte si teraz, tento anjel je na zemi, posol.
22Dole prichádza Kristus - vidíte Ho v 10. kapitole Zjavenia - kladie jednu nohu na zem a druhú na more, a dúha je okolo jeho hlavy, oči a nohy, ako oheň a tak ďalej, pozdvihuje svoju ruku a prisahá na Toho, ktorý žije na veky vekov na tróne, že času viacej nebude.
23A keď On vykonal túto prísahu, sedem hromov prehovorilo svoje hlasy, a ten pisateľ, ktorým bol Ján, keď bol vzatý hore, mal zapísať to, čo videl. On začal písať. On povedal: "Nepíš to, pretože ... Nepíš to. To je ne... " On povedal: "Zapečať to." Čo? "Zapečať to; nepovedz to." Vidíte? To má byť zjavené, ale nie je to ani zapísané v Slove.
24A potom, keď On začína otvárať tieto Pečate, pozorujeme, že oni všetci boli zmätení. Keď On otvoril tú Prvú Pečať, on si myslel: "Teraz, tu On povie: 'A príde to, že Taký a taký zaujme trón a niekto urobí toto, a tento urobí tamto.'" Ale čo to bolo, tu on vyšiel - biely kôň a jazdec na ňom. Nuž, "On vo svojej ruke mal luk, a po nejakom čase mu bola daná koruna," on povedal. To je všetko.
25Potom Baránok sa znovu otočil a odtrhol ďalšiu pečať, a tu vyšiel jazdec na červenom koni. On mal ... bol mu daný meč a on išiel robiť vojnu, a bola mu daná veľká moc, a berie pokoj zo zeme, a ľudia sa navzájom zabíjajú. To bolo niečo, ako ... stále to bola tajomná vec, či nie, keď to On otvoril? A potom pokračuje a hovorí - v tom dni tesne pred tými Siedmymi Hromami, všetky tie tajomstvá tu sú zjavené.
26Hľaďte teraz. Potom sme našli, ako sme to skúmali, že predtým, počas tých vekov sme mali reformátorov. Nie prorokov; reformátorov. Každý úrad nesie svoju vlastnú prácu. Tak ako človek, ktorý pracuje ako telefónny operátor - on nie je celkom elektrotechnik. On na tom zariadení môže vykonávať jednoduchú prácu. Tak ako keď niekto naťahuje el. drôty, no, on samozrejme ... Ak niekto kope jamy na el. stĺpy a nerobil nič pri el. drôtoch, radšej by sa nemal tých drôtov dotýkať. Ale on môže robiť nejakú jednoduchú prácu, alebo niečo také.
27Ale keď tá skutočná vec má byť zjavená v tých posledných dňoch tej poslednej časti cirkvi, to je keď Boh povedal, že On nám pošle podľa Písem, a my sme to hľadali skrz na skrz, že On predpovedal, že duch Eliáša sa vráti v nejakej osobe.
28Nuž, myslím, že to bolo predstavené tak jasne ... a my očakávame na to, aby sa to stalo - aby niekde v tých posledných dňoch povstala tá pomazaná osoba. Nuž, budete počuť množstvo fanatikov a všetko možné, ale to len dokazuje, že ... To je diabol, ktorý sa snaží odviesť vás preč od toho pravého, keď .... Rozumiete? Ale to bude náležite zidentifikované. Vy viete, čím bol Eliáš. Pozorujte to, budete to poznať. Nuž, ten vyvolený to bude poznať, tí druhí nie. Oni to veru nebudú poznať. Ich názor na to bude vzdialený od pravdy na milión míľ.
29Prešli sme cez to všetko a bolo nám ukázané, ako sa oni vo svojom názore minuli Jána, ako sa minuli Eliáša, ako sa minuli Ježiša, ako oni po celý čas nemohli s nimi trafiť do dverí. A oni urobia to isté, pretože Biblia povedala, že to urobia. Tak potom, v tom čase to bude veľmi pokorné. Bude to tak jednoduché. To je to, čo spôsobí, že ľudia odpadnú od toho. Pre nich je to príliš jednoduché. Zisťujeme, že zakaždým, keď sa ľudia stávajú chytrí a vzdelaní a veľa vedia, oni potom ... To je práve ten druh, ktorý prejde popri tom bez povšimnutia.
30Ježiš nikdy nebral taký druh ľudí za svojich učeníkov. On zobral neučených ľudí - rybárov, a nikto nebol spojený s ich cirkvami a všetkým možným. On zobral proste obyčajných ľudí - colníkov, sedliakov, rybárov a tak ďalej, aby vykonávali Jeho dielo, vidíte, pretože oni vedia, že sú ničím. Potom On z nich môže niečo urobiť, vidíte. Zatiaľ, kým sú si oni vedomí, že sú ničím, vtedy Boh môže pracovať. Ale keď si začínajú myslieť, že niečo vedia, potom neviete nič, čo máte vedieť, hovorí Biblia. Nachádzame to.
31A teraz zisťujeme, že potom tieto tajomstvá majú byť zjavené. A prečo títo iní mužovia - Wesley, Luther a títo veľkí reformátori, ktorí priniesli ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, Letničný vek s krstom Ducha Svätého a všetko - prečo oni neporozumeli tieto posolstvá? Prečo ich oni nepochopili? Pretože oni boli reformátori, vidíte.
32Práve ako ... vezmime to z druhej strany. Tam boli ľudia, ktorí prichádzali na scénu, ktorí boli ... mali moc, ako kráľovia ale neboli kráľmi. Vidíte? Musíte si všimnúť Biblický spôsob vyjadrovania sa vo všetkom, vidíte. Nuž, dávajte pozor. Ale ten dôvod, že všetky tieto zatúlané konce tejto tajomnej časti o ospravedlnení, tejto tajomnej časti posvätenia, tajomnej časti krstu Duchom Svätým a prečo ... Čo za ... či jedla Eva nejaké jablko, alebo jedla granátové jablko alebo niečo, vidíte? Čo bolo semeno hada? Je správny krst vo meno Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého, alebo vo meno Pána Ježiša Krista? - a och, stovky takýchto vecí, ktoré zostali nedotiahnuté do konca, vidíte.
33Potom v tej poslednej hodine tento muž má prísť a zjaviť tieto veci, vidíte, ujať sa týchto miest Písma. To bude náležite zidentifikované. Tak veru. No, to teraz nebude nejaká veľká vec. Vyzerá to, ako tu v Biblii, že to bude niečo veľké.
34O čo väčšie bolo to, keď mal tam prísť Ján a krstiť? Predstavte si to len teraz, tí proroci predtým ... naspäť až po Izaiáša, Malachiáš a všetci z nich hovorili o ňom, kedy on príde. A keď on prišiel - len osamelý, nevzdelaný muž, zarastený po celej tvári, a vlasy mu trčali, ako chlpatej húsenici, a bol zahalený do veľkého kusu ovčej kože. Načisto bez vzdelania - nikdy, ani deň vo svojom živote nechodil do školy, pokiaľ vieme. Tu on prichádza z púšti - nebol ani len pozvaný, aby zastal za kazateľňou, stál tam pri rieke Jordán a začal volať ľudí, aby činili pokánie. Môžete si to predstaviť?
35Biblia hovorila, že v ten deň bude všetko tak veľké, že dokonca všetky vysoké miesta budú znížené a všetky nízke miesta budú vyvýšené (tak veru), a všetky krivé miesta budú vyrovnané. No, môžem si ich tam predstaviť, ako si myslia, že Ján príde, či tento veľký predchodca Kristov, a proste vezme všetku púšť vyhladí ju a znovu do nej prinesie trávu, vidíte.
36Predstavujem si, že oni mali všetko o tom zafixované, tak ako to majú dnes. Ale to bolo tak pokorné, že dokonca apoštolovia sa toho minuli! Oni povedali: "Prečo učení v Písme hovoria ...? Ty ideš teraz tam hore, aby si bol obetovaný. Prečo učení v Písme hovoria, že prv musí prísť Eliáš?"
37On povedal: "On už prišiel a vy ste o tom nevedeli." A Synovi človeka, oni urobia to isté. Ale Ján," On povedal: "vykonal presne to, čo sa počulo o ňom, že vykoná, a oni mu urobili presne to, čo sa čakalo, že urobia." A povedal: "Tak musí byť Syn človeka ... trpieť."
38No, myslím, že ani jedna tretina celej Židovskej rasy vôbec nevedela, že Ježiš Kristus bol na zemi. Oni mohli počuť tam niekde o nejakom fanatikovi, ale oni nevenovali tomu vôbec žiadnu pozornosť - proste išli ďalej. "On prišiel ku svojím vlastným, a jeho vlastní Ho neprijali."
39Nuž, z toho verím, že ani ... Nuž, tam nebolo povedané, že by On prišiel potajomky, ale vytrhnutie bude tajomstvo! Tak, ak to bolo také tajomné, keď On prišiel, o čo viac nepoznané bude vytrhnutie! Oni nebudú vedieť. Oni priamo povedia: "No, myslel som, že sme mali mať vytrhnutie, a čo všetky tieto súdy na zemi!"
On povie: "To sa už stalo, a vy ste to nepoznali."
40To bude tak ... práve ako zlodej v noci. Ako kniha, ktorú som čítal. Viete ... ako sa to nazývalo? Rómeo a Júlia - nazývalo sa to tak? Nejaký ... on nechal ... oni mali rebrík z jednej strany domu (to bolo voľakedy dávno), a prišiel a zobral svoju ... aby ju v noci zobral.
41No, tak sa to stane, a bude to preč. Nie tak, že oni pošlú dole hromadu anjelov s nejakými lopatami a vykopú tie hroby. Biblia hovorí, že budeme premenení skôr, ako stačíte mihnúť okom, proste v okamihu. Všetko to prebehne tak rýchlo.
42Len povedia, že niekto zmizol. No, mohol by som si predstaviť, keby sme dnes mohli prehľadať svet, na zemi sa každý deň stratí päťsto ľudí. Nič sa o nich nevie. Oni proste zmizli. Nuž, nebude ich príliš mnoho, ktorí pôjdu do vytrhnutia.
43No, ja vás nechcem strašiť a nemyslím, že je to tak, ale chcem vám len povedať, čo On povedal. A vy viete sami. "Ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, kde osem duší bolo zachránených vodou ..." Osem duší z celého sveta ... bolo zachránených vodou.
44Dobre, vy hovoríte: "Oh, to sa mi netreba o to pokúšať." To vám ukazuje, že nemáte ten druh viery, ktorú potrebujete. Ak tam má byť len jeden, budem to ja, pretože ja verím v Neho. Tak potrebujete veriť. "To budem ja." Určite. Ja chcem žiť tak tesne s Ním ... Teraz viem, že On ma vezme keď príde. Ja tomu verím. Keby sa všetci toho minuli, ja tam budem, z Jeho milosti, pretože On mi to zasľúbil. A ja viem, že tam budem, pretože On nemôže klamať. A ja viem, že moja duša a život nesie svedectvo, a ja sa snažím žiť denne tak, ako keby On už prichádzal. A tak ja budem ten jeden. Tak sa potrebujete cítiť. Ak ich tam bude osem, ja budem jeden z tých ôsmych. Ak ich tam bude päťsto, budem jedným z tých päťsto. Ja nepoznám tých iných, ale ja budem jeden z tých päťsto. Vidíte?
45Takto potrebuješ na to pamätať. Ak takto na to nepamätáš, niečo s tvojou vierou nie je v poriadku, vidíte. Ty si si potom ešte nie istý, či si spasený. Ty sa to len domnievaš. Nerob to.
No dobre, ešte sme sa nedostali do tejto pečati, či dostali? No dobre. Chcem každý večer ... Neviem, či mi môžete venovať svoj čas - mohli by sme skončiť trochu skorej. Je mnoho ...
46Pri zjavovaní týchto pečatí, pamätajte, to je v skutočnosti len jeden verš. Ten prvý to oznamuje. Ten druhý verš ... Väčšina všetkých komentárov a tak ďalej, to čítanie o tom, sú ... to čítanie ich predstáv. A ja som stále veril, ako takmer všetci z nich, že ten prvý jazdec na koni bola ranná cirkev. Ale keď to Duch Svätý zjavil, to s tým bolo úplne nezhodné. A tak potom, to všetko, bolo proste ukázané, čo to je. A potom sa snažím ...
47Teraz toto je pre mňa veľmi sväté. Preto by som radšej odpovedal na tieto otázky, a nech to každý jasne porozumie - a tiež pri tých páskach, aby to oni teraz porozumeli, vidíte. Snažím sa večer hovoriť za chvíľu, aby som položil podklad, aby dostať ... ľudia sa hrnú a tlačia dovnútra a ... Nemali by ste to robiť, vidíte. Ale keď sa to deje ... To sú ľudia a tu je teplo, a ste roztržití. Ale zachovávate sa veľmi, veľmi milo. Najlepšie, ako som kedy videl správať sa ľudí v tejto modlitebni, to bolo v tomto zhromaždení - a sedia potichu, a matky berú svoje deti do tej miestnosti, keď začínajú plakať, a tak ďalej. Ja to veľmi pekné.
48Ale snažím sa predstaviť to pozadie, až kým nebudem proste cítiť na sebe pomazanie Ducha, aby som hovoril tieto slová - aby som povedal to, čo mi bolo zjavené. A potom, ak som niekde ... Robiac to, ak som tu urobil chybu, skutočne tu pred všetkými ľuďmi, On to na mne napraví. Ja to chcem správne. Netreba brať to, čo si len predstavujete; je niečo pravé, a my chceme to. Chceme, aby nám Boh dal to, čo je správne.
49Tak teraz, zobrali sme týchto jazdcov, ako prichádzajú - prvý kôň. Teraz ... a uvedomujeme si skutočnosť, že to bol antikrist, ktorý tam vyšiel. A potom sme zistili minulý večer, že ten istý, ktorý vyšiel ako antikrist na bielom koni, včera večer sme ho našli s mečom, idúceho a zabíjajúceho ľudí.
50No, to je stále telesné a duchovné. A kvôli cirkvi to chcem zobraziť v príklade, ešte prv, ako vojdeme do otvorenia tejto Pečati - ktorá, čo mi On dáva. Zapísal som si to tu. Mám tu niekoľko miest Písma, sedem alebo osem strán, a ako sa budem odvolávať na to ... Všimnite si. Chcem ukázať predobraz cirkvi a urobiť to tak jasným, že to budete musieť vidieť, rozumiete.
51Nuž, v záhrade Eden bola telesná nevesta. (Pamätáte si minulý večer, na tú telesnú nevestu?) Ona bola Adamovým miláčikom, nie ešte jeho ženou, pretože on ju ešte nepoznal, ako ženu. Práve tak, ako Mária bola Jozefovou ženou, ale on ju ešte nepoznal. Ona bola nájdená tehotná, vidíte. Nuž prv, ako Adam poznal svoju ženu, ona bola len jeho nevesta. No dobre. A zistili sme, že Boh ... Ona upadla v záhrade Eden, pretože sklamala - nedržala sa Božieho Slova.
52Nuž, On vedel, že Satan bude vypustený medzi nich, tak On im dal miesto, za ktorým mohli stáť, opevňujúc ich. No, kto mohol poznať nejaké lepšie miesto, kde by boli opevnení, než Boh, ak sa On snažil postarať o svoje vlastné deti? Ak by som sa ja chcel postarať o môjho malého Jozefa, nuž, brat, všetko ... A ja by som vedel, že jeho život by záležal na tom, nuž ... A ...Bol by som schopný to urobiť, nuž ... Betónová stena hrubá štyridsať stôp by ho ochránila, tak ja by som ju urobil pre istotu na deväťdesiat stôp.
53A keď ja takto môžem rozmýšľať o mojom malom chlapcovi - ktorý, ak by on stratil svoj smrteľný život, ja verím, že dieťa bude spasené - o čo viac myslí Boha na svoje dieťa, ktoré by bolo večne zatratené! Za čo by ho On mal postavil? On ho postavil za Svoje vlastné Slovo. Tak dlho ako ste v tom Slove, ste bezpeční. "Ak vy zostanete v Mne a Moje Slová vo vás, potom si proste, čo len chcete ... " To je to - Slovo.
54Tak Eva sa prechádzala po záhrade a narazila na hada, veľmi uhladený druh osoby, a ona ... A on začal ... Nuž, on bol na tej druhej strane. Boh žije, prebýva, pracuje v pokore. Nikdy nejako inak. Nuž, táto pokorná pani sa tam prechádzala a Satan prišiel ako múdry, rafinovaný, uhladený druh osoby. A on jej chcel predať svoj program. Tak dlho ako ... Nezáležalo na tom koľko sa Satan točil okolo, zatiaľ, kým ona stála za týmto Slovom, bola v poriadku. Tak nech Satan robí čokoľvek chce, vy len stojte v Slove. To ani trochu nevadí. Ak on hovorí: "Aha, ty si chorý."
"Skrze Jeho sinavice som uzdravený."
"No, ty zomrieš."
"On ma znovu vzbudí."
55Vidíte, stojte len v Slove - to je všetko. Sám Kristus hľadal útočište v Slove. "Je napísané ..." Nuž, stojte v Slove. Ale Eva, ona začala takto popúšťať. Ale ona neopustila všetko; ona len vynechala jednu malú frázu. A to bolo to, čo Satan chcel aby urobila. On ju argumentovaním dostal spoza Božieho zasľúbenia. Nikdy sa nesnažte argumentovať nad Slovom Božím. Len mu verte! Tak ona vykročila z tade a prv, ako ju vôbec Adam dostal za ženu ona bola už poškvrnená od Satana! A ona ...
56A všimli ste si? Kristus urobil to isté. Presne to isté! Teraz kvôli vykúpeniu, Boh tam musel byť prvý. Všimli ste si? Mária prv, ako ona prišla ku Jozefovi, dostal sa tam Duch Svätý. Amen. Vidíte? Z tadiaľ prichádza Vykupiteľ.
57 Všimnite si teraz, tá telesná žena upadá a Boh jej urobil cestu, aby bola vykúpená. Hoci ona upadla, On urobil cestu. Nuž to bola prvá nevesta na zemi - upadla prv, ako si ju jej muž zobral za ženu. Ona upadla na argumente ... argumentovaní. Namiesto toho, aby stála v Slove, ona upadla. A upadla do smrti - večného oddelenia. Stiahla so sebou svojho muža a všetko ďalšie, čo bolo na zemi. Ona upadla.
58No. Ale Boh, plný milosti, urobil cestu, aby vykúpil tú ženu. A teraz jej On zasľúbil - povedal jej, že raz v budúcnosti znovu príde ku nej to pravdivé Slovo, bude jej dané poznať to pravdivé Slovo. Nuž zapamätajte si to, pretože On skrze ženu zasľúbil Krista, a Kristus je Slovo.
59Ev, Jána 1: "Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh ... A to Slovo sa stalo telom, a prebývalo medzi nami ..." Boh prebýval s nami v tele. On bol Slovo. Pred slovom je myšlienka a myšlienka musí byť stvorená. No dobre. Tak Božie myšlienky sa stali stvorením, keď to bolo vypovedané skrze slovo. To je vtedy, keď vám to On dáva ako myšlienku, Svoju myšlienku, a je vám to zjavené, potom je to stále myšlienka, až kým to nevypoviete.
60To je ten dôvod ... Mojžiš sa odišiel modliť (ten ohnivý stĺp okolo neho), a On povedal: "Choď zadrž svoju palicu smerom na východ a povedz, zavolaj na muchy." Tam neboli žiadne muchy, ale on odišiel zadržal tam palicu a povedal: "Nech budú muchy." Ešte nebolo vôbec žiadnych múch. On odišiel naspäť. Ale slovo, Božia myšlienka, bola už vypovedaná. To je slovo; teraz sa to muselo stať. Či nechápete teraz to, kde Ježiš povedal: "Ak poviete tomuto vrchu ..."? Nie: "Ak Ja poviem," ale: "Ak vy poviete tomuto vrchu, pohni sa ..."
61A tá prvá vec, myslím - v Mojžišovom čase - veľké, zelené mušiská začali bzučať a zanedlho ich bol päť libier na yard, vidíte. Odkiaľ sa oni vzali? Boh ich stvoril! Či nevidíte ...?
62Boh by mohol zničiť tento svet dnes večer komármi, keby chcel. No, On by mohol nahromadiť komárov až po mesiac. Jediná vec, ktorú by potreboval urobiť, je len povedať: "Nech sa zjavia komáre po mesiac." To by bolo všetko, čo by bolo potrebné do toho. Žiadne chemikálie ani nič. Oni by len narastali a narastali a narastali, vidíte.
63On môže robiť čo chce. On je Boh, Stvoriteľ. Jediná vec, ktorú On musí urobiť, je len vypovedať to. Tak veru. On je Stvoriteľ. Nuž, ak by sme si len mohli uvedomiť, aký je On veľký ... On proste robí, čo chce. On sedí tam a díva sa na ľudí, a títo malí vzdelanci mudrujú a hovoria: "Nie je Boha", a tak ďalej. No, je to znovu práve tak, ako to bolo pri veži Bábeľ.
64No, všimli sme si, že Boh povedal Eve, že po tak dlhom čase: "Slovo sa vráti znovu ku tebe." Nuž, ako ona upadla? Chcem, aby to moja trieda vedela povedať. Z čoho ona vypadla? Z čoho Eva vypadla? Zo Slova. A Boh povedal, že On urobí cestu, aby ju vykúpil naspäť znovu do Slova. No dobre. Po tak dlhom čase bude jej dané poznať Slovo. No dobre. Slovo malo prísť za jedným účelom. Teraz si dobre zapamätajte čo hovorím. Slovo malo prísť ku nej za jedným účelom - to bolo kvôli vykúpeniu. No dobre. Ale až dovtedy, ona mala náhradu, ktorá mala fungovať až kým nenadišiel čas na originálne Slovo. Rozumiete to teraz jasne?
65On jej povedal, že Slovo sa má znovu ku nej vrátiť. Ale dovtedy jej On dal náhradu, dovtedy kým nenadišiel ten čas. Tak On jej dal nejakú obeť, aby robil náhradu za tú krv. Teraz táto krv bola krv býkov a oviec, kozlov a tak ďalej; ale to neodstránilo preč jej hriech, vidíte. To len prikrývalo jej hriech. To ho vôbec neodstránilo preč; to ho prikrylo. Pretože to bola krv zvierat a vo zvieracej krvi je zvierací život. To bola náhrada, až kým sa nestelesnila tá skutočná ... (oblečte si teraz kabáty), ... tá skutočná ľudská krv, akou by boli ľudské bytosti. Boh! Bez sexu, panna - prinieslo to panenské narodenie.
66Nuž, Božie zasľúbené Slovo sa stalo Krvou a stelesnilo sa v osobe Ježiša Krista, Spasiteľa. Krv býkov a kozlov, a tak ďalej ... Ale čakajte teraz. Tu Boh dal zasľúbenie, povediac že to tam bude keď Ono príde. Jej semeno má rozdrviť hadovi hlavu. Nuž, ak by jej semeno prišlo, tak ako z Adama, alebo tak, ako to bolo z hada, a tak ďalej, potom by to naďalej bolo hriešne semeno.
67Preto Ján plakal. Nebolo žiadneho človeka, pretože žiadny človek ... Každý bol po druhej strane tej jamy, priepasti. Ale prichádza čas, že keď táto náhradná krv zvierat bude daná nabok, keď prišla skutočná stelesnená krv - Boh sa stal telom a krvou. Biblia povedala, že On bol. 1. Timoteovi 3: 16, "... veľké je tajomstvo pobožnosti: Boh zjavený v tele ..." To je pravda. Bolo to spôsobené narodením z panny.
68Nuž, tá krv oviec a kozlov prikrývala hriech, ale ho neodstránila, pretože to bola zvieracia krv. Ale to malo byť v poriadku, to mala byť náhrada. A oni si skutočne zvykli na túto náhradu. A tak oni len zotrvávali pri tom. A keď sa to skutočné, zasľúbené Slovo zamanifestovalo v Ježišovi Kristovi, ktorý dokázal, že je Synom toho veľkého Stvoriteľa, Boha, a Sám bol potvrdený, skrze to, že bol živým Božím Slovom ... On dokázal, že ním bol. On mohol Slovom povolať veci do existencie.
69Nieto ľudskej bytosti, ani ničoho na svete, kto by to mohol urobiť. Nie je nikoho na svete, kto môže stvoriť, okrem Boha. Diabol nemôže nič stvoriť. On len prekrúca to, čo bolo stvorené, ale on nemôže nič stvoriť. Hriech je len prevrátená spravodlivosť. Viete, čo mám na mysli? Čo je to klamstvo? To je nesprávne predstavená pravda, vidíte. Čo je to cudzoložstvo? Prevrátený, normálny, legálny akt. Všetko v hriechu ... Hriech je proste prevrátenou pravdou.
Nuž, on nemohol stvoriť; ale keď prišiel Kristus ... dokázal, že On bol Stvoriteľ. Tam bola krv, ktorá bola zasľúbená. Nuž, ak si to chcete prečítať, otvorme si to na chvíľu. Jednako zaberieme dnes ten čas. Činí ma to nervóznym. Zdá sa mi, že každý chce ísť domov, rozumiete. Vezmime teraz Skutky 2 (ďakujem), a budeme len ... Skutky 2, a vyhľadáme, či je to pravda alebo nie, či On bol ... či dokázal, že bol Boh. Skutky 2, poďme teraz tam do 22. verša - Peter hovorí v deň Letníc.
Mužovia Izraeliti, počujte tieto slová: Ježiša Nazarejského, muža, od Boha pred vami presláveného mocami a zázrakmi a znameniami, ktoré skrze neho činil Boh medzi vami, ako aj sami viete.
70"Muž, ktorý bol potvrdený, že to bol Boh medzi vami." Práve skrze tie skutky, ktoré On vykonal, potvrdil, že to bol On. Tu stojí Peter pred Sanhedrinom a hovorím im to. Nikodém vedel to isté. On povedal: "Rabi, my všetci vieme, že Ty si učiteľ, ktorý prichádza od Boha, pretože žiadny človek by nemohol robiť tieto skutky, ak neprichádza od Boha." Oni to vedeli. Ale prečo?
71Hľaďte teraz. Nuž Eve bolo toto zasľúbené. Ale keď tá nevesta ide ďalej a odmietla ... Keď prišlo ku nej to skutočné Slovo ... Tak táto žena to odmietla uznať - táto Hebrejská nevesta, lebo ona bola Božou nevestou. On ju prepustil rozvodom. Je to pravda? Ona bola nevesta Božia.
72Vy hovoríte: "Dobre, oni ešte neboli ani pobraní." To je pravda, ale Jozef chcel prepustiť Máriu prv, ako boli pobraní. On bol s ňou zasnúbený.
73A keď On prišiel, a prišlo to Slovo, ktoré On zasľúbil, kvôli tej svadbe, našiel ju zavinutú v jej náhrade až tak, že ona neprijala to skutočné zasľúbenie, ktoré bolo dané - Slovo, Krista.
74Možno to nerozumiete. Dovoľte, že to ešte raz zopakujem. Chcem, aby ste to porozumeli, vidíte. Jej bolo zasľúbené - tej neveste, Eve, že bude mať vykupiteľa. Vykupiteľom malo byť Slovo. A keď to Slovo prišlo, stalo sa telom, ona to odmietla. Boli jej dané náhrady. Držte to v pamäti "náhrada". Boli jej dané náhrady, aby v nich pokračovala, až kým príde ten Vykupiteľ. A keď ten Vykupiteľ prišiel, ona chcela pokračovať so svojou náhradou a odmietla to pravdivé Slovo. To bola tá Hebrejská nevesta. Tak On urobil s tou druhou Evou, nevestou, matkou všetkých duchovne živých. Vidíte? Eva znamená, matka všetkých ... skutočne, všetkých živých. Eva, matka všetkých živých. Keď On prišiel ku tej Hebrejskej Neveste, ona bola matkou všetkých živých, ale ona to odmietla.
75Prirodzená Eva upadla v Edene, tým že počúvala Satanove argumenty proti Božiemu Slovu. Takto ona upadla. Tak veru. Ona upadla, pretože to urobila. Duchovná Eva - teraz je to cirkev, Kristova nevesta - ona neupadla v Edene, ale v Ríme! Vidíte, na Nicejskom Koncile, keď odmietla ... Tá Letničná cirkev, ktorá zašla do Nicei a počúvala na Rímske argumenty namiesto toho, aby sa držala Slova, ona upadla. A všetko potom zomrelo s ňou, okolo nej.
76Teraz, tak, ako upadla prirodzená Eva, upadla duchovná Eva. Božia nevesta upadla v záhrade; Kristova nevesta upadla v Ríme. Všimnite si. Skrze tie isté argumentácie proti Božiemu Slovu, ona tiež utratila svoje cnostné práva v prospech Satana - ktorého sme našli pri lámaní týchto Pečatí, že to bol Satan, a stále je tam Satan. Biblia povedala, že to je skutočná stolica Satanova.
77A ako Eva utratila svoje cnostné práva a dala ich Satanovi v záhrade Eden, cirkev, nevesta Kristova urobila to isté v Ríme, keď ona utratila Bibliu za ich dogmy a argumentácie.
78Vidíte, ako je to predstavené v tých predobrazoch? Vezmite len tie predobrazy a musíte dostať správny obraz. Ak moje ruky vyzerajú ako ... Keby som sa nikdy nevidel a videl by som prichádzať svoj tieň, vedel by som z toho, ako vyzerám. Vidíte? Ale, to je spôsob ... ak chcete vidieť, čo prichádza, pozrite sa na to čo bolo. Pretože všetky tie staré veci boli tieňom vecí, ktoré majú prísť, povedala Biblia. No dobre.
79Ona utratila svoje cnostné Slovo, Slovo Božie, keď predala Bibliu a postavila tam človeka, ktorý hovorí, že cirkev má práva zmeniť čokoľvek, čo chcú. A oni to urobili. A Nevesta Kristova, tá Letničná nevesta, predala svoju cnosť v Nicei, práve ako Eva predala svoju cnosť Satanovi v záhrade Eden - presne tak. No dobre.
80Boh zasľúbil tejto cirkvi, tejto Letničnej cirkvi, vediac, že to ona urobí, tak ako to zasľúbil Eve ... Boh zasľúbil tej Letničnej cirkvi ... Veríte, že ona predala svoje práva prvorodenstva prv ... svoju cnosť, keď ju tam zanechala? Veríte tomu? Skutočne ona to urobila! Potom čo z nejakého vyznania, keď nie je založené na tejto Biblii?
81Chcem aby našiel niekto v Biblii niečo, čo je nazvané Apoštolským Vyznaním, alebo aspoň jedno slovo o tom. To je Katolícke vyznanie, nie nejaké apoštolské vyznanie. Čítajte Skutky 2: 38. To je apoštolské vyznanie. Nuž. Pomimo všetkého to je to, čo oni používali po celý čas.
82Tak oni predali svoje právo prvorodenstva. Nie len to: Metodisti, Baptisti, Presbyteriáni, Letniční a tiež tí ostatní z nich urobili to isté. Ona sformovala denomináciu. Rím ju doviedol do toho, že to urobila. Ona sformovala denomináciu a na čelo postavila človeka. A Metodisti, Baptisti, Letniční a každý jeden urobili to isté - do čela postavili skupinu ľudí.
83Bez ohľadu na to, čo hovorí Boh, vy to musíte robiť tak, ako to oni povedia. Čo to je? To nie je nič iné, ako duchovná prostitúcia - zlý typ ženy! Tak veru. Vyznania - predkladajú ľuďmi zostavené vyznania. Potom sa ona stala, keď to urobila (teraz to dokážem), ona sa Bohu stala smilnicou. Veríte, že Biblia to hovorí? Tak veru. Jej dcéry urobili to isté.
84Nuž v Zjavení 17, ak si to chcete poznačiť, Ján bol vzatý v Duchu a videl veľkú smilnicu sedieť na ... A my sme to čítali minulý večer. A tam bolo tých sedem vrchov a presne to, čo ona urobila, ona dala svetu svoje špinavé smilstvo. Je to tak? A všetci kráľovia zeme páchali s ňou smilstvo - podvádzajúc, kradnúc, klamúc, platiac za pokánie, a novény všetko možné.
85Zapamätajte si teraz, ona mala dcéry! No, ak sa ona stala telom pod organizovaným systémom, potom ten systém je zlý. A ak Eva, neposlúchajúc Boha, uvrhla všetko, čo bolo pod ňou, do smrti, každá cirkev, ktorá organizuje, uvrhuje všetko, čo je pod ňou, do smrti. Presne tak. Všetko je to mŕtve! To je tu presne podľa Slova.
86Čítajte Zjavenie 17. A Biblia povedala, že On ju spáli ohňom a všetky jej deti s ňou. Je to tak. To znamená, že každý organizovaný systém bude spálený s tou smilnicou. To zneje tvrdo ale ... Viem, že na toto budete počúvať, ja chcem na toto počúvať. A ja ... je to pravda, jednako. Biblia tak povedala, a tak je to pravda.
87Ona sa stala smilnicou. Môžete to čítať v Zjavení, v 17. kapitole. Čo ona urobila? Ona svojmu vlastnému mužovi zostala neverná, páchajúc smilstvá. Vy hovoríte. "No, ..." Nie, to hovorí Biblia. To Slovo je Boh! Ak odnímete jedno ... Chceli by ste, aby vaša žena bozkávala nejakého inému muža? Ak by neurobila nič viac než to, nechceli by ste, aby to robila. Ona by dokázala svoju nevernosť. "Ktokoľvek odníme jedno Slovo z toho, alebo pridá jedno slovo do toho ..." Haleluja!
88Boh chce svoju ženu čistú pre Slovo. Taká ona musí byť, pretože nič, ani jedna jota ani jedna čiarka ani nič nebude odňaté z toho zákonu, z tej knihy, až kým sa to všetko nevyplní. Ježiš povedal: "Oboje nebo i zem pominú, ale moje Slovo nikdy nepominie." Nedávajte tomu žiadny osobný výklad. On chce čistotu, nescudzoloženú ... ani len flirt. Ja by som nechcel, aby moja žena flirtovala s nejakým iným mužom. A keď idete, aby ste poza tým počúvali na nejaký druh argumentácií, počúvate ... vy flirtujete so Satanom. Amen! Nespôsobuje to, že sa cítite nábožne? Boh chce, aby ste zostali nescudzoložení. Stojte rovno tam s tým Slovom. Stojte rovno s ním. No dobre.
89Boh jej zasľúbil, ako to On zasľúbil Eve v záhrade Eden, tu tejto poslednej Eve, ktorá ... Tá Letničná cirkev, počiatok cirkvi, cirkev samotná, je matkou všetkých živých ľudí, pretože tak dlho, ako oni tam chodia ... Ale vidíte, keď oni vzali jej hriechy oni s ňou zomreli.
Tu prichádza nejaký chlapík. On by povedal: "Ja chcem slúžiť Bohu."
Oni hovoria: "Dobre, tu je to, čo máš robiť. Choď tam a čiň pokánie."
"No dobre, ja to urobím. Sláva Bohu." Ide tam a činí pokánie.
"Teraz poď a pripoj sa ku nám."
Tu to máte. To malo to. To hneď s tým zomrel. Tak to učí táto kniha, vidíte. Nie čo ja hovorím; pretože to tak stojí tu. No dobre.
90Nuž, Boh jej zasľúbil, ako to On zasľúbil Eve ... On povedal Eve, že príde čas, že to Slovo znovu ku nej príde. Nuž pamätáte si na to? To, čo ona stratila, to bude obnovené - pretože je len jedna vec, ktorá môže obnoviť, a to je Slovo. Presne tak.
91Ako som povedal: "Strieľate z pušky. Ak netrafíte do cieľa zistite, kde to vybočilo. Musíte ísť naspäť a začať odznovu." A keď idete naspäť, prídete do Nicei. Tam začínate znovu, vidíte. Choďte naspäť, preč z ich organizácií, preč zo všetkých tých cirkví.
92Videli sme tieto Pečate tak dokonale. Vždy som sa divil po celý môj život, prečo som bol tak proti organizovaným systémom. Nie proti tým ľuďom, nie. Tí ľudia sú takí, ako ja, alebo vy, alebo ktokoľvek iný. Ale ten systém, ten denominačný systém. Teraz to tu rovno vidím. Nikdy som to nevedel, až teraz. Je to pravda.
93Boh zasľúbil tej duchovnej Eve, to isté, ako to On zasľúbil tej telesnej Eve, že znovu jej bude prinavrátené Slovo. V tých posledných dňoch On prinavráti do ... prinavráti znovu cirkev do toho originálneho Slova.
94A teraz dávajte dobre pozor. Chcem, aby ste si boli teraz istí. Boh zasľúbil Eve, že príde čas, keď Slovo bude prinavrátené skrze jej semeno. Toto Slovo, ono samé, sa stane semenom. A keď jej oni dávajú náhradu, ona zachovávala tú náhradu. A keď to Slovo prišlo ku nej, čo ona urobila? "Ja to nechcem!" To bolo príliš pokorné. Nevyzeralo to pre ňu dobre. To nebolo dostatočne uhladené.
95"Maštaľ? Och! Takýto muž - ani deň v škole? No, ja to nemôžem prijať. To nie je Mesiáš. Taký človek, ktorý nechá, aby ho iní takto kopali zo všetkých strán a potom ho nazývať Mesiášom? Nechal ich, že mu položili handru na tvár a bili ho po hlave. A On si hovorí prorok? Skutočný prorok by s nimi zatočil."
Oni nepoznali prorokov. Ježiš tak povedal. On povedal: "Ak by ste boli poznali prorokov, boli by ste ma poznali."
96Všimnite si teraz. Ale keď to Slovo prišlo ku nej, presne tak, ako to Boh povedal, že ono príde, ona to mala vyrátané nejakým iným spôsobom. Ja hovorím o neveste - tej Židovskej neveste, Hebrejskej neveste. To bola Eva od začiatku. Potom, keď sa to tu dostavilo ona to nechcela. Ona chcela zostať pri svojej náhrade.
97Teraz Boh zasľúbil duchovnej Eve na Letnice ... Povedal jej ešte predtým, ako sa to stalo (štyristo rokov ešte predtým, ako cirkev upadla), že oni odpadnú a že urobia to, čo urobili. Ale On zasľúbil v týchto posledných dňoch, že On znovu pošle Slovo.
98Ježiš, keď bol na zemi, hovoril o tom istom. On to znovu pošle, a čo je ... čo to nájde? To nájde tú istú vec, ktorú našlo, keď prišlo prvý krát. Skutočne. Oni mali tú istú vec. Oni chceli svoje náhrady. Oni chceli svoje denominácie, oni chceli svoje vyznania, oni chceli žiť tak, ako chceli. A oni chceli ... "No, ja som taký a taký (Dr.). Ja patrím ku takým a takým." Nič na tom nemení, čokoľvek Boh robí a ako veľmi sa On manifestuje. Mohol by kriesiť mŕtvych, mohol by hovoriť tajnosti sŕdc, mohol by robiť všetko, čo Biblia povedal, že On bude robiť. To ani trochu na tom nemení. "Ak sa to nespája s mojou organizáciou, nie je ma nič do toho."
... to isté, čo urobila tá Hebrejská nevesta. Je to tak. Vidíte? Oni počúvali na svoju náhradu a Boh im zasľúbil skutočnosť. A keď tá skutočnosť prišla, oni to nechceli. To bolo príliš pokorné.
99Nuž tá istá vec je dnes. Keď to povstáva na scéne ... Nuž ak Boh povedal v Malachiášovi 4, že On pošle posolstvo v tých posledných dňoch, ktoré prinavráti ... Joel povedal: "Ja prinavrátim všetky tie roky ..." Všetko, čo zjedol Rím a všetko, čo zjedli Metodisti, a všetko, čo zjedli Baptisti, z tej originálnej Letničnej haluzi, Boh povedal: "Ja prinavrátim v tých posledných dňoch." Je to tak.
100A On nám môže poslať takú osobu, ktorá bude ... Boh poslal svoje Slovo jedine ku prorokovi. Nie ku reformátorom; ku prorokom. To nebola hodina ku tomu. Teraz nastáva tá hodina. A preto pozorujeme na to, že to príde. To bude tak pokorné a skromné, a tak ...
Ó! Vy si myslíte, že tí aristokratickí Metodisti, Baptisti a Presbyteriáni, a Letniční to prijmú?
"Čo," ty hovoríš: "Letniční?"
Letniční sú Laodiceania - bohatí a nepotrebujú ničoho. Tam je napísané: "Nevieš, že si biedny." Vy môžete stavať budovy za milióny dolárov, ale stále ste biedny, duchovne biedny.
"Ó," vy hovoríte, "Ja to všetko vidím." Ste slepý!
"No," vy hovoríte, "chvála Bohu, ja som prikrytý." Nahý!
"No, som si istý, že naši chlapci ... My máme semináre." A nevieš o tom!
101No je to celkom naopak. Nuž ak Biblia povedala, že Laodicejská cirkev bude v takom stave ... A nie je na zemi osoba, ktorá by mohla zaprieť, že toto nie je ten posledný vek; pretože Laodicejský cirkevný vek je ten siedmy cirkevný vek, a my sa tu nachádzame! Týchto druhých dva tisíc rokov to zakončuje. Neexistuje už viacej cirkevných vekov.
102To je ten dôvod, že vy bratia Pozdného Dažďa, nemôžete začať ďalšiu organizáciu. Už viacej nebude. Je to tak. To je na konci. Amen! Nebude viacej cirkevných vekov. Všetko je skončené.
103Ale potom, ak Letničné posolstvo bolo posledným posolstvom, ktoré ... Ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, a krst Duchom Svätým, tri posledné posolstvá, tri posledné cirkevné veky, formujú kompletné zrodenie - tak, ako keď žena má porodiť dieťa. Skutočne prvá vec, ktorá sa odohrá je voda; ďalšia vec je krv; ďalšia vec je život.
104Keď Ježiša zabili na kríži, tá látka, ktorá vyšla z Jeho tela, aby dala vznik novému ... aby priniesla to narodenie. Oni prebodli jeho bok, vyšla krv a voda, a "do Tvojich rúk porúčam Svojho Ducha." Čo vyšlo z Jeho tela bola voda, krv, duch. 1 Jána 5: 7 nám o tom hovorí.
105Sú traja, ktorí nesú svedectvo na nebi: Otec, Slovo, ktorým je Kristus a Duch Svätý, a títo traja sú zajedno. Oni nie sú jedno, ale sú zajedno. A sú traja, ktorí nesú svedectvo ... Chcel som povedať, že Oni sú jedno. Pomýlil som sa. A tí traja, ktorí nesú svedectvo na zemi sú voda, krv a duch a oni sú zajedno.
106Vy môžete byť posvätený bez toho, že by ste boli ospravedlnený. A môžete byť ospravedlnení bez toho, že by ste boli posvätení. Môžete byť posvätení bez prijatia Ducha Svätého. Presne tak. Učeníci v Jánovi 17: 17 boli posvätení a bola im daná moc vyháňať démonov, a stále nemali Ducha Svätého. Skutočne. Oni museli ísť do Letníc a čakať až prišiel Duch Svätý. Tam Judáš ukázal svoje farby. Vidíte, ako si ten duch razil svoju cestu cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie? Ale keď to prišlo do konca, on ukázal svoje farby. Je to tak.
107Teraz si všimnite. Nuž, sme tu na konci. A duchovnej Eve, presne tak, ako Hebrejskej Eve bolo zasľúbené ... Tej Hebrejskej neveste bolo zasľúbené Slovo aby ju navrátilo. A tá duchovná nevesta z Letníc, keď ona upadla v Nicei, potom je jej zasľúbené, že v posledných dňoch znovu to Slovo príde. Nuž vy hovoríte ... Ak chcete ďalšie miesto Písma, vezmime tu, Zjavenie 10. Tam stojí: "V tej hodine, v čase toho posledného anjela, siedmeho anjela, siedmeho posla, keď začne trúbiť, tajomstvo Božie bude dokonané." Vidíte, prinavrátenie naspäť do Slova.
108Biblia povedala, že tento posol týchto posledných dní bude ... prinavráti ich naspäť znovu do originálnej viery, späť do viery otcov. Ale myslíte si, že oni to prijmú? Nie veru! V tých posledných dňoch On navráti znovu originálne Slovo, ako povedal v Malachiášovi 4, ktoré ona utratila.
109Nuž, ona utratila to Slovo v Nicei. Eva to utratila v Edene. Eva odmietla svoje na Golgote, a Nicejská skupina to odmieta v posledných dňoch - presne tak isto. Ó! Ale keď to Slovo prišlo v ľudskom tele, ona - Eva, tá Hebrejská cirkev, matka všetkých duchovných, ktorí v tedy žili - ona to odmietla. Ona bola tak mŕtva vo svojich tradíciách a dogmách, že to nerozpoznala. Tak je to s touto. Presne!
110No dobre. Oni Ho nerozpoznali, to živé Slovo manifestujúce sa v tele, podľa Slova, ktoré bolo zasľúbené. To Slovo zasľúbilo, že sa budú diať tieto veci. To zasľúbenie bolo povedané, že tak to bude v týchto posledných dňoch. "Ako bolo vo dňoch Sodomy, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Nuž hľaďte, čo sa stalo v Sodome. "Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Hľaďte, čo sa vtedy stalo, vidíte. Nuž On povedal, že to bude tak isto, a my žijeme v tom dni, kde by mohlo byť ... Myslím, že by som mohol nájsť v Písme šesťsto zasľúbení, ktoré odkazujú na to, vidíte. Nuž ... ale oni to odmietli.
111Ona sa držala svojich tradícií, a náhrady, namiesto toho ... Ona sa držala náhradnej krvi namiesto tej skutočnej krvi. Ježiš, Slovo, keď jej On bol zamanifestovaný ... Pretože sa ona držala týchto tradícií, Ježiš to zamanifestované Slovo, povedal neveste, Hebrejskej neveste: "Pretože sa držíte svojich tradícií, zbavili ste Slovo Božie moci." Ono nemôže mať moc.
112Nuž, to je ten dôvod dnes, že tie prebudenia, ktoré my máme mať ... My máme denominačné prebudenia; my sme nemali skutočné prebudenie. Nie, nie, nie. Nie veru! Nemyslite si, že sme mali prebudenia! Nemali sme. Och, oni získali milióny a milióny a milióny členov do cirkvi - ale nikde nie prebudenie. Nie.
113Nevesta ešte nemala prebudenie. Nebolo tam ešte žiadne prebudenie, žiadna manifestácia Božia, aby rozhýbala nevestu, vidíte? My na to očakávame. Na to bude treba tých sedem neznámych hromov tam ďalej, aby ju znovu prebudil. On to pošle. On to zasľúbil. Dávajte teraz pozor. Nuž, ona bola mŕtva.
114Nuž, ak by cirkvi zabudli svoje vyznania a svoje dogmy, a zobrali len Bibliu, prosili o zasľúbenie, potom by to na nich zjavilo svoju moc. Ale pozrite sa, Ježiš povedal: "Vy so svojimi tradíciami ste spôsobili, že Slovo Božie nemá pri vás moc." No, to je to isté dnes s duchovnou Evou, vidíte. Tá duchovná nevesta dnes, tak-zvaná cirkev, ona berie Slovo Božie; a nechce ho uznávať, a namiesto neho uznáva dogmy. Preto, Slovo pre ňu nemá moc, pretože ona sa snaží vštepiť svoje vyznania so Slovom, a to nechce fungovať.
115Nuž, čo my dnes potrebujeme ... Ja len ďalej čítam toto tu "Hlásateľ Jeho príchodu. Cez celý riadok "Potrebujeme, aby znovu prišiel prorok! Potrebujeme, aby znovu prišiel prorok!" A zdá sa mi, že keď on príde oni nebudú nič o tom vedieť. Je to tak. Vždy to tak bolo. "Potrebujeme ..." Všetko o čom oni hovoria: "Potrebujeme, aby znovu prišiel prorok, ktorý prinesie Slovo Pánovo - nebojácne. Veríme, že Biblia to zasľúbila."
116Nuž ja poznám brata Mooreho - vydavateľa i ostatných. Niekedy jedávam v jeho dome a tak ďalej. A on je hádam ten najfajnejší človek, ktorý chodí v kožených topánkach, jeden z najlepších mužov. Ale pozrite sa, on vie, že my to musíme mať. A sestra Moore, jedna z najfajnejších žien - chudáčik, a oni sú posvätení. A to sú podľa mojej mienky jedny z najlepších novín na misijnom poli, "Hlásateľ Jeho Príchodu". Ale zisťujete, že oni stále vytrubujú "Potrebujeme proroka! Potrebujeme proroka!" Vidíte? Ó! To je to o čom hovoria.
117Potom tu to dnes máme. A ako včera a dnes oznamujú v rádiu, že v Baptistických cirkvách a tak ďalej, že my sa nemáme pripojiť ku Katolíkom, ale máme mať s nimi určité obecenstvo. A hneď tu, vychádza toto posolstvo, hneď tu, aby nám povedalo, aby sme sa držali preč od toho jedu! "Ako môžu ísť dvaja spolu bez toho, aby sa zhodli?"
118Svetlo a tma nemôžu mať spolu obecenstvo. Keď prichádza svetlo, temnosť odchádza. Ono je najmocnejšie. Nemôžete vyhnať svetlo tmou, ale tmu môžete vyhnať svetlom. A On je to svetlo a On je Slovo. No prosím, rovno naopak. Nemôžete spraviť, že by Ono klamalo, alebo robilo niečo zle. To prichádza znovu rovno naspäť na to miesto. Tak veru.
119Tak ako nejaký mládenec, ktorý sa snaží s vami dohadovať. Ak viete kde sa postaviť, viete čomu verí ... To je tak, ako keby ste zobrali zajaca a pustili ho do chlievika, a zapchali by ste každú dieru. Len stojíte pri dvierkach; on musí prísť naspäť. On musí prísť rovno naspäť znovu ku dvierkam, pretože to je jediná cesta skade sa môže dostať von. On tu bude prestrkovať svoju hlavu a skoro si zláme krk, a bude chodiť dookola. Môžete len stáť a pozorovať ho. On príde rovno naspäť. Je to tak. To je jediná cesta, aby vyjsť - zostať s tým Slovom! Môžeš roztrubovať všade dookola svoje vyznanie, všade si len zlámete krk. Ale vy musíte prísť rovno naspäť do tohoto Slova.
120Pozrite sa teraz, oni to nechceli. Oni nechceli Božie Slovo. Pretože ona sa držala svojich tradícií, ona zadržiavala Slovo Božie od ... nemajúce moci. To isté teraz pri duchovnej Eve. Ona nechce ... Ona chce zachovávať svoje tradície a dostáva sa preč zo Slova Božieho. Ona sa znovu drží denominácií a svojich vyznaní, a tradícií svojich starších, namiesto toho, aby prijímala Božie Slovo.
121A keď je ku nej prinesené zasľúbenie Slova v týchto posledných dňoch, ona to neprijme, pretože so svojimi tradíciami ... Ako urobila tá Hebrejská nevesta. Skutočné Slovo - skrze zamanifestovanie, dokázané, potvrdené - ona ho neprijme. Prečo nie? Pretože tam je jej predobraz. Ona to nemôže urobiť! Je to tak. Ona nemôže predbehnúť svoj predobraz, vidíte. A je to predpovedané, že ona to neprijme. Tak ako chcete zabrániť čomukoľvek z toho? Nuž, jediné, čo môžete robiť je byť šťastní, že ste v tom. To je všetko. Byť pripravení na to.
122No dobre, Boh zasľúbil v tých posledných dňoch, že On zamanifestuje a potvrdí pre ňu Svoje Slovo; a jednako to ona neprijme. Všetko, čo jej Boh zasľúbil skrze Svojich sluhov, prorokov ... Boh zasľúbil skrze Ježiša Krista, Boh zasľúbil skrze Joela, Boh zasľúbil skrze Pavla, Boh zasľúbil skrze Malachiáša, Boh zasľúbil skrze Jána zjavovateľa, cez všetkých prorokov, presne čím bude pre ňu to posledné posolstvo.
123 Ak si chcete zapísať tie miesta: (samozrejme vy ich všetci poznáte) Ježiš - Ján 14: 12; a Joel - Joel 2: 38; Pavol - 2 Timoteovi 3; Malachiáš 4. kapitola; a Ján zjavovateľ - Zjavenie 10: 1 - 17.
... presne to, čo sa teraz má stať. A pre cirkev, čo to je? To stelesnené Slovo sa znovu medzi Jeho ľuďmi stalo telom, a oni proste tomu neveria.
124Viete čo Ježiš povedal, keď videl ... keď urobil pred nimi tieto zázraky a dokázal, že On bol Bohom? Dokázal, že to, čo On robil, urobil presne. On im povedal: "Ó Kafarnaum, ktoré si vyvýšené až do neba, keby tie skutky, ktoré sa stali ...keby sa tie mocné skutky stali v Sodome, ktoré sa stali v tebe, stála by až do dnešného dňa." Je to tak.
125V Kafarnaume, On neurobil nič okrem toho, že uzdravil niekoľko ľudí, a povedal im tajomstvá ich sŕdc, a odišiel preč. To je všetko! Vidíte, oni nevedeli, čo sú to mocné skutky. Oni si myslia, že to musí byť nejaký veľký program, kde sa všetci dostavia, sudca prednesie reč, a orchester hrá fanfáry. A chodia tam dobre oblečené ženy, a všetci tí Ph.D a LL.D, vysoké klobúky a naškrobené goliere, a všetko - oni tam všetci musia ísť. To je niečo veľké. Boh povedal: "To je hlúposť."
126On berie nejakého obyčajného, ktorý nevie, čo ... rozdiel medzi, možno, sotva pozná abecedu a urobí niečo, čo posadí tú skutočnú cirkev do ohňa; a tí ostatní z nich hovoria: "banda fanatikov." Boh to nazýva veľkým; a svet to nazýva bláznovstvo. Svet tamto nazýva veľkým; a Boh to tam nazýva bláznovstvo. Vidíte, proste úplne naopak. A tá vec, ktorú Boh zasľúbil, Boh bude robiť a robil. No prosím.
127Nuž, ona stále zostáva taká, ako bola - tá Hebrejská Eva. Ona by to proste neprijala. Mohli by ste kriesiť mŕtvych; mohli by ste vidieť Ducha Božieho. Ježiš prišiel dole, potvrdil Sa, že je Syn Boží. Prv On začal kázať. No, oni si mysleli: "No, nejaký divný chlapík. Jednako, kto to je?"
128A hneď ako viete, ľudia začali hovoriť ... Samozrejme oni hovorili prv, ako prišiel Jeho predchodca (Ján), oni hovorili: "Si ty Mesiáš?"
129On povedal, "Nie, ale On stojí niekde medzi vami." Vidíte? Prečo? On vedel, čo má robiť, keď zazneje jeho posolstvo. On vedel, čo on mal robiť.
130Tak, ako Noe dával pozor na Enocha. Keď Enoch odišiel, Noe povedal: "Lepšie je byť bližšie pri arche. Nadišiel čas." Noe dával pozor na Enocha, vidíte, a Ján dával pozor na ten znak, o ktorom mu Ježiš povedal ... alebo o ktorom mu Boh povedal, aby naň dával pozor. On povedal: "On stojí teraz rovno tu niekde medzi vami. Ja Ho nepoznám, ale budem Ho poznať."
131Stál tam a oni povedali: "Nie si ty ten Mesiáš?" Povedali: "My sme poslaní z hlavného stanu." Povedali: "Starší a všetci nás sem poslali. Ak si ty Mesiáš, prečo neprídeš hore a nedáš sa tam hore poznať? - nie tu dole medzi touto spodinou. Poď tam hore a daj sa poznať."
On povedal: "Ja nie som Mesiáš." Povedal: "Ja som hlas volajúceho na púšti."
To tak preletelo ponad ich hlavy, ako len mohlo. Oni o tom nič nevedeli, a jednako oni všetci očakávali na neho, že príde, ale to by nemohol byť takýto chlapík, ako tento. Ó! To by bolo hrozné!
"Z akej si školy?"
"Zo žiadnej."
"Máš členský preukaz?"
"Čo to je?" On bol pomazaný Boží. On povedal: "Jednu vec, ktorú mám. Sekera je priložená na korene stromu." Nuž. To bolo všetko, čo on mal. On sa vyjadroval ako drevorubač, nie ako nejaký farár - používal slová, ako zmije, sekery, a stromy a tak ďalej. On nehovoril v náboženských termínoch, ale Ježiš tam povedal, že nikdy nebolo proroka, ako on. Nikdy sa nenarodil zo ženy taký človek, ako bol on, až do toho dňa. Tak veru.
132On bol viac ako prorok; on bol posol zmluvy - stojaci rovno medzi dvoma zákonmi, vidíte. Viac ako prorok. A tak potom, stál tam - oni ho nepoznali. Oni mu nerozumeli. On bol nejaký zvláštny človek, oni ho proste nerozpoznali, vidíte.
133Potom, keď potom prišiel Ježiš, a oni Ho skutočne nemali v úmysle prijať, tohoto tesárovho chlapca! Tam nebolo nikoho takého, s očierneným menom nemanželského narodenia, ktoré išlo za Ním. Oni sa ani len nechceli pozrieť na takého človeka.
134Ale pozrite sa, čo urobil Boh. On vzal neučených, biednych, rybárov, drevorubačov, sedliakov, a smilnice, a tých hodnostárov nechal tam sedieť. Prečo? Prečo to On urobil? Prečo On urobil niečo také? Môžete si to predstaviť? Pretože tí ľudia rozpoznali, že On je Slovo.
135Nuž, pozorujme Ho len za chvíľu. Tu je nejaký, starý negramotný rybár. On sa nevie podpísať. Biblia hovorí, že oni boli negramotní a neučení. On vyťahuje svoju rybu a odkladá to, a ide tam dole a díva sa, čo je to tam za hluk. Ale po ceste, hlbšie v srdci on vedel, že Biblia povedala, že Mesiáš ... Všetci Hebreji očakávali Mesiáša, pretože tam sa malo vyplniť Písmo, keď On príde.
136Tam bolo mnoho mesiášov, ktorí povstali a povedali: "Ja som on," a stovky ľudí potiahli za sebou, a zahynuli a tak ďalej. Ale vidíte, to bolo nato, aby odmietli toho skutočného, keď On príde. My sme mali Eliášove plášte a kabáty a všetko možné; ale to je len nato, aby odmietli to skutočné, keď On príde. Je to tak. Ľudia všetkého druhu, ktorí nosili rúcha a plášte, a boli pochovaní vo všetkých možných poklopoch točiacich dookola a všetko možné. To ne ... to len potvrdzuje, ako falošný dolár - ukazuje, že existuje niekde pravý, ak ho môžete nájsť, vidíte.
Tak On prichádza. Nuž títo hodnostári vychádzajú von, a oni boli tak vo svojich náhradách: "Viete," oni povedali: "nuž, ak príde Mesiáš, On samozrejme príde ku Kajfášovi. On príde do našej denominácii. On príde ku farizejom."
Sadúceovia: "To si vy myslíte. On príde ku Sadúceom."
Tam oni boli, vidíte - to isté, čo oni majú dnes. Nuž, ale keď On príde, to bolo divné. On bol ... prišiel, oh, úplne opačne, ako si to oni mysleli. Ale On prišiel podľa Slova; a oni nepoznali Slovo.
137Dovoľte mi povedať, že skutočne ... tak vy budete ... to vsiakne dovnútra. Chcem, aby sme to porozumeli. To je ten problém s vami dnes! Vy nepoznáte Slovo!
Ježiš povedal: "Vy viete rozoznávať tvárnosť oblohy, ale znamenia času neviete rozoznávať."
Oni povedali: "My máme Mojžiša ..."
138Ježiš povedal, "Ak by ste poznali Mojžiša, poznali by ste Mňa." Oni nepoznali Mojžiša, a preto Ho oni nepoznali. Oni poznali len nejaké vyznanie, ktoré si vyliahli.
Nuž, vezmime tohoto starého rybára. On položil svoj kôš, potiahol sa za svoju šedivú bradu a išiel tam: "Verím, že bude vidieť kto to je."
Jeho brat povedal: "Poď len. Poďme tam. To je ten istý muž. To je ten, ktorého sme videli toho dňa. Zostal som s Ním celú noc včera. Poznáš Jána, o ktorom som ti hovoril?"
139"No, on povedal ... a jedného dňa, ako tam stál, on povedal divnú vec. On povedal, 'Viete, On tu teraz práve prichádza!' Oni povedali: 'Ako vieš? On sa pozrel tam hore, stál tam prostý obyčajný človek. On povedal, Vidím Ducha Božieho, ako holubicu zostupujúcu na Neho. Počul som hlas, ktorý hovoril: "Toto je On. Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo prebývať." Potom on išiel rovno do vody a pokrstil Ho a tak ďalej. Nuž tam, on povedal, že Ho pozná."
140"Oh, ja neviem." Povedal Šimon. "Počul som mnoho krát o všetkom takom." A tu on ide; ale dole v jeho srdci bolo predurčené semeno. Ježiš tak povedal. Je to tak. On išiel ku Nemu. Išiel: "No, pôjdem na to zhromaždenie a uvidím."
141On tam prišiel. Ježiš tam stál, prostý obyčajný človek. On išiel. On povedal: "Tvoje meno je Šimon, a tvoj otec sa nazýva Jonáš." To mu vyrazilo dych. Prečo? To malé semeno večného života tam vo vnútri, zostalo dotknuté. Tak veru!
142"Počkaj chvíľu. Ako to? Ty si ma nikdy nevidel, ani môjho otca, pretože on je už roky mŕtvy. Ale Ty tu prichádzaš a hovoríš mi toto? Teraz viem, že Biblia hovorí (Nuž, nechoďme do toho, čo hovoria starší, ale), Biblia povedala, že Mesiáš bude prorok. Tu Ho máme. To je On."
143Jedného dňa On prechádzal cez Samáriu, prechádzal tam so skupinou Židov. On ich nechal. Prišla táto žena nedobrej povesti. Možno pekná pani, viete a ona ako dieťa bola vyhnaná von na ulicu, a ona tam prechádzala. Možno, že o niečom rozmýšľala. Ona tam prišla a položila svoje vedro a začala spúšťať dole, viete, aby nabrala vodu. A počula nejakého muža: "Daj sa mi napiť!" Pozrela sa a tam sedel nejaký Žid, v strednom veku.
144Ona povedala: "Nie si ty Žid?" Nemal by si to robiť. To pre teba nie je zvykom, aby si sa rozprával so mnou. Ja som samaritánka."
On povedal: "Ale keby si ty vedela, kto je ten, kto sa s tebou rozpráva, ty by si si odo mňa pýtala, aby som ti dal napiť."
Ona povedala: "Kde máš vedro? Kde máš povraz?"
"No." On povedal: "tá voda, ktorú ja dávam je život."
"Čo? Ako," ona povedala. "Vy sa všetci chcete modliť v Jeruzaleme. Naši otcovia sa modlili na ..."
145"Och," On povedal, "to je dobre, ale," povedal, "my Židia vieme ku komu sa modlíme ale," povedal, "viete, prichádza čas, keď sa človek nebude modliť ani v Jeruzaleme, ani na tomto vrchu." On povedal, "Oni budú uctievať Boha v Duchu, pretože On je Duch - v Duchu a v Pravde."
No, ona začala dumať, viete.
On povedal: "Choď, vezmi svojho muža a príď sem."
Ona povedala: "Môjho muža? Ja nemám žiadneho muža!"
"Ach," On povedal, "to je pravda. Behala si s piatymi a teraz máš šiesteho." On povedal: "Mala si piatych, vieš. Povedala si pravdu."
146Sledujte to! Čo to bolo? Svetlo narazilo na to semeno, ktoré tam ležalo, ktoré bolo vypovedané cez Boha. Tak veru! To semeno bolo na zemi. Keď Boh odsunul preč vody a slnko na to narazilo, to vzišlo. Je to tak. Všetko, čo tomu bolo treba bolo slnko. Ono potrebovalo svetlo. Tak veru! Potom, keď Duch Svätý v Ňom odsunul nabok jej minulý život a ukázal jej to, to svetlo na to narazilo!
147Ona povedala: "Pane, poznávam, že Ty si prorok." Ona povedala: "My vieme (ja to viem), že keď Mesiáš príde, to je to, čo On bude. A my sme nemali proroka štyristo rokov. My sme nemali opravdivého proroka štyristo rokov." A ona povedala: "Ako ... ty si mi povedal o mojom mužovi a povedal si mi, koľko som ich mala a tak ďalej. Vieš," povedala, "ja tomu nerozumiem." Povedala: "Keď Mesiáš príde, nuž, on bude toto robiť - ale kto si ty?"
148On povedal: "Ja som On." To bolo to. Smilnica! A kňaz sa rozhliadal okolo a povedal: (no, on by sa musel zodpovedať svojmu zhromaždeniu), "Nebav sa s ním. On je posadnutý diablom."
Nuž to je rozdiel. To isté je dnes. To isté je dnes. Tak veru. Ona to vedela, pretože to svetlo to zasiahlo.
149Tí rybári, drevorubači, sedliaci, colníci, smilnice, oni videli v Ňom to, čo hovorili tie jednoduché písma, že On bude robiť; a tí farizeovia to kvôli svojím tradíciám nemohli vidieť. Oni to nemohli vidieť kvôli svojím tradíciám; ale prostitútky, sedliaci, a oni všetci, oni to videli. Oni všetci boli predurčení, keď sa tie pochybnosti odvalili preč, to semeno začalo rásť. Je to tak.
150Čo ona urobila? Ona povedala: "No, som rada, že som stretla Mesiáša." Ó, nie! Ona bežala rovno do mesta. Ona zabudla na vodu. Ona povedala: "Poďte a vidzte muža, ktorý mi povedal všetko, čo som urobila. Či je to nie práve to, čo hovoria Písma, že Mesiáš bude robiť? Či je to nie presne to?" A tí ľudia mohli vidieť to isté, že Ježiš Kristus povedal v ev. Jána 14: 12, že sa to znovu stane.
151On to tiež povedal v Lukášovi, keď On povedal: "Ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho ..." - ako sa Boh zamanifestoval v človeku a povedal kto bol za Ním, a čo Sára urobila (keď sa smiala v stane) a všetky tieto písma z Malachiáša, a tak ďalej predpovedané na tento posledný deň. Židom 4 hovorí, že keď Slovo príde naspäť ... Malachiáš 4 hovorí, že to bude navrátené naspäť skrze nejakého muža; Židom 4 hovorí, že Slovo Božie rozpoznáva myšlienky, ktoré sú v srdci, a oni to môžu vidieť fungovať a odchádzajú preč od toho. Ich tradície to skrývajú a zbavujú to moci. No, my sme práve tu. To je všetko.
152Viete, On by dnes mohol robiť toto isté. On by mohol prísť rovno na scénu a robiť tie isté veci, aké robil vtedy, pretože On povedal, že to bude robiť, vidíte. On zasľúbil, že to bude robiť. On zasľúbil, že to bude robiť. A ak On bude robiť tie isté veci ... Ten Laodicejský posol to má robiť. A potom, keď Laodicejská cirkev vidí, že sa to deje, oni urobia presne tak, ako na začiatku urobila Židovská cirkev. Bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi je to potvrdené, oni tomu aj tak neuveria. Och!
153Nuž to hovorí, že sa navrátime do originálneho Slova, a Ono bude zamanifestované, ako bolo zasľúbené, aby znovu obnovilo vieru, znovu originálnu vieru. A ak sa On dal poznať, že On prebýva medzi Svojím ľudom, tým, že činí tieto veci ... On si mohol dokonca nechať urobiť fotografiu, vedecky to dokázal, a oni stále tomu neveria. Bolo to podrobené skúške; nechal, že to mechanické oko fotoaparátu Ho zachytilo, ako tam stojí, ten istý ohnivý stĺp ... To je to isté včera dnes i naveky (Židom 13: 8), aby ukázal, že je to vedecky overené všetkými možnými spôsobmi. Vedecky, v duchovnom kráľovstve, a každým spôsobom to mohlo byť potvrdené, je to potvrdené - a vy viete oni by pravdepodobne urobili to isté. Oni by pravdepodobne kráčali len rovno od toho a urobili to isté, ako urobili tamtí.
Ó, Bože, pomôž nám. Zastavíme sa tu. Bože, pomôž nám to teraz vidieť, je mojou modlitbou, keď teraz prichádzame, pretože ja vás tu nechcem držať príliš dlho. Bože pomôž nám vidieť to. Verím možno, že Duch odpočinie rovno teraz na nás, aby nám pomohol zjaviť - otvoriť túto Pečať.
Čítajme. Pri tom, čo vidíme ten stav, v akom sa cirkev nachádza, vidíme kde to bolo - videli sme, čo oni urobili, videli sme kde to malo prísť - vidíme to tam, a vidíme, čo oni mali urobiť. Oni urobili presne to. Vidíte teraz kde sme? Vidíte to súdenie. Posúďte sami. Ja nemôžem súdiť. Ja som len zodpovedný za prinášanie tohoto Slova. Môžem to podať len tak, ako mi to On dal. Až kým mi to On nedá, ne som schopný to podať. Ani nikto iný to ne je schopný.
A keď otvoril tretiu pečať, počul som tretiu živú bytosť, ktorá vravela: Poď a vidz! A videl som a hľa, čierny kôň a ten, ktorý sedel na ňom, mal váhu vo svojej ruke.
A počul som hlas prostred štyroch živých bytostí, ktorý hovoril: Choinix pšenice za denár a tri choinixi jačmeňa za denár, a oleju a vínu neškoď!
154Nuž, Baránok mal tú Knihu vo svojej ruke, lámajúc tie Pečate. On zlomil tú prvú pečať, druhú pečať a teraz láme tretiu. A pri tom, čo ju On láme, Baránok ju láme - tú tretiu pečať, tá tretia živá bytosť ... Nuž, koľkí z vás vedia, ako vyzerala tá tretia živá bytosť? Vyzerala ako človek. Tá prvá vyzerala, ako lev; ďalšia vyzerala, ako teľa alebo vôl, a tretia vyzerala, ako človek. To bol človek.
A on počul tú živú bytosť, živú bytosť podobnú človeku, ktorá hovorila Jánovi: "Poď a vidz, čo to je, toto tajomstvo, ktoré bolo ukryté." Po všetky tie roky vykúpenia, od založenia sveta, to čo sa stane bolo skryté pod touto Pečaťou. Nuž: "Poď sa pozrieť, čo to je." Tak On to otvára. Hrmí hrom a Baránok otvára tú Pečať.
155Nuž, a Ján išiel aby sa pozrel, čo to bude. Čo on uvidel? On uvidel čierneho koňa, a jeho jazdec mal vo svojej ruke mincier alebo váhy. Nuž, to je to prvé, čo uvidel. Keď to Baránok oznámil, zlomil tú Pečať, potom tá ďalšia živá bytosť ... Vidíte, tieto živé bytosti sa zamieňajú pri oznamovaní: "Poď a vidz."
156 Ján, tam kde on stál, možno takto, podišiel tu. Keď to Baránok otvoril, podišiel tam. Obyčajne udiera hrom, ako sme to videli v prvej pečati. On dával pozor, aby videl, čo sa deje. A on vidí nejakého muža prichádzajúceho prv na bielom koni. On ho pozoroval, ako ide ďalej a ďalej cez ... Ján ho videl až do konca. On ho videl prichádzať, jeho bieleho koňa. On mal vo svojej ruke luk, ten jazdec, ale nemal ku nemu žiadne šípy. Ďalšia vec, ktorú vidíte, on dostáva korunu, cválajúc ďalej vpred.
157Potom sme zistili, že Baránok potom ... tu on znovu prichádza. On otvoril ďalšiu a díva sa. Teraz tu prichádza červený kôň. Tento muž mal vo svojej ruke meč. On cválal rovno ďalej cez Písma, vidíte, s týmto mečom v ruke a mal zabíjať a vziať pokoj zo zeme.
Teraz, Baránok otvára ďalšiu pečať. Ďalšia živá bytosť, podobná človeku, povedala: "Poď a vidz." Nuž, on ide, aby videl, čo to je. A keď prišiel, tu prichádza jazdec na čiernom koni.
158Nuž, minulý večer sme zistili z toho, že ten istý jazdec, ktorý jazdil na bielom koni bol ten istý, ktorý bol na červenom koni. A hlas povedal - z pomedzi tých živých bytostí - zavolal, vidíte. "Poď, aby si videl," čo to bolo. On bol v tejto živej bytosti. A on videl tohoto čierneho koňa. A keď ten hlas z pomedzi tých štyroch bytostí zavolal: "Miera pšenice za denár a tri miery jačmeňa za denár, ale hľaď, aby si neškodil oleju a vínu," vidíte ...
159Tento jazdec - pohovorme si o ňom. Ak si všimnete toho prvého jazdca, kto on bol ... a my sme zistili minulý večer, podľa Písma, že ten druhý jazdec bol presne ten istý muž, len bol na inom koni. Čo sa stalo? On zmenil svoju službu, vidíte. Je to tak. Zistili sme, že to bol antikrist, a on zmenil svoju pozíciu. Zistili sme, že keď on prv bol len bielym koňom, on sa stal náukou. Nuž prebrali sme každého jedného z nich znovu rovno v Písmach, vidíte.
160A teraz sa pozrite, kde sme dnes večer - sme teraz v tom ďalšom cirkevnom veku. Prichádzame teraz do tretieho cirkevného veku. Celkom presne. Tretí cirkevný vek je celkom podobný do tretieho koňa.
161Ten prvý cirkevný vek bol čo? Nikolaiti mali náuku, vidíte, ten prvý kôň. No dobre. A potom to prvé, čo nasledovalo, ako vieme, že táto náuka Nikolaitov bola uznaná a bola hneď - vošla do akcii. A oni korunovali tohoto muža. Potom tento duch, antikrist, sa stal stelesnený v človeku, vidíte. A neskoršie sme zistili, že on sa tiež stal stelesneným diablom. Ten démon odchádza preč a vchádza tam diabol.
162A tak isto, ako táto cirkev ... tento druh antikristovej cirkvi robí pokroky, tak isto prechádza Nevesta inakšími vecami - cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým a pohybuje sa rovno ďalej, vidíte. Tak ako oni, len oni vzali svoje prebudenie prv, a cirkev ho berie nakoniec.
163Ich prvé tri roky ... Tie ich prvé tri stupne, to prechádzalo cez Dobu Temna. Potom tretie, tri stupne, vychádza von cirkev, od ospravedlnenia, posvätenia, krstu Duchom Svätým, On - stelesnený Boh zamanifestovaný medzi nami.
164Tu on vchádza ako antikrist, ako falošný prorok, potom šelma, potom v Dobe Temna. Potom cirkev vychádza v tom Temnom Veku - ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým, stelesnené Slovo, takým spôsobom teraz; a on ide dole. On ide dole; Cirkev ide hore. Je to tak dokonalé, ako to len môže byť. Ó, to je nádherné. Ja to proste milujem.
165Toto je ten istý jazdec, ale v ďalšom stupni jeho služby. Ten prvý stupeň - biely kôň, vidíte. On bol len učiteľ, len antikristov učiteľ. On bol proti Slovu Božiemu. Ako môžete byť antikrist? Každý, kto zapiera, že každé Slovo z tohoto je pravda, aby ono bolo učené presne tak isto, je antikrist, pretože oni zapierajú Slovo. A On je Slovo.
166Nuž, prvý stupeň - biely kôň. On bol len učiteľ, ale v jeho náuke a jeho povahe bol antikristov duch. To bolo nevinné. To nemohlo nič uškodiť, tak to vyzeralo. Len išiel ďalej ... Tak prichádza Satan. Och, on je chytrý vtáčik.
167On povedal Eve: "Nuž, vieš, ty sa obzeráš po múdrosti. Ty nevieš, čo je dobré a čo zlé." Povedal: "Nuž, ak by sa tvoje oči otvorili, ty by si vedela čo ..." A povedal: "To ovocie je veľmi príjemné. Je to dobré. Je to príjemné pre oči. Mala by si to okoštovať. Teraz nevieš či je to dobré, alebo nie, však?
"Nie, neviem, ale Boh povedal, aby sme to nerobili."
"Ale och!"
"Dobre, ja viem, ale Boh povedal, že On by ..."
"On to v skutočnosti neurobí." Nech by to bolo akokoľvek sladké. Pozrite čo to urobilo.
Pozorujte tohoto antikristovho ducha, ako povstáva medzi prvotnou cirkvou, náuka Nikolaitov. "Niko," premôcť laikov, urobiť svätého muža.
"Pozrite, my chceme len obecenstvo. Pozrite, vy ste tu roztrúsení. Nikto nevie, kde kto patrí. Ja myslím, že my všetci by sme mali mať nejakú organizáciu a proste sa líšiť. Ideme rovno ... dajme sa dokopy. Máme urobiť z toho nejaký prístrešok."
168To je to, čím to je. Neexistuje niečo tak, ako Kresťanská cirkev Metodistov. To nie je cirkev; to je prístrešok. Baptisti - to nie je cirkev; to je prístrešok. Je len jedna cirkev, a to je tajomné telo Ježiša Krista, a vy ste do toho narodení (tak veru), skrze predurčenie. To je ono.
169"Všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec prídu ku Mne. Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne bez toho, že by ho povolal Otec, a všetci, ktorých Mi On dáva prídu ku Mne." To je to. Baránok tam sedí, vykonáva prímluvu, až kým nevojde ten posledný. Ten malý zvonec zazvoní a On vyjde a vezme potom svoje dedičstvo, vidíte. A hotovo. Privádza Svoju Cirkev domov. Svojich poddaných; a vrhá Svojich nepriateľov do ohnivého jazera a všetci jeho poddaný tam idú s ním, a to je to. Potom my vykročíme do toho tisícročia.
170To je teraz ten istý jazdec. V tomto prvom štádiu on bol nevinný. A druhý (nuž, ak ste išli trochu vyššie, trochu viac než to), v tomto druhom štádiu Biblia povedala, že mu bola daná koruna. A oni korunovali muža - nadčloveka. Vidíte, korunovali ho. Potom Biblia ho nenazvala pápež. Biblia ho nazvala falošný prorok. Prečo? Áno, samozrejme on musí byť falošný prorok skrze svojho antikristovského ducha, ktorý učil antikristovsky, proti originálnemu Slovu. Pretože ak učil proti originálnemu Slovu, to bol antikrist, a Slovo je Boh.
171Nuž, po tom, nachádzame ho potom korunovaného. Keď on bol korunovaný ... Nuž, on je veľmi nevinný - bezmocný a len bezvýznamný človek. Ale potom na Nicejskom koncile, on bol učinený ... a Konštantín mu dal všetky tie majetky. A čo on potom urobil? Potom on ... Vidíte, Satan mu dal svoj trón a autoritu. Biblia tak povedala, ako sme cez to prešli.
172Nuž, tá ďalšia vec, ktorú zisťujeme, že diabol kontroluje všetku politiku, ktorá kedy bola, alebo kedy bude. Nachádzame to v Matúšovi 4: 11. A teraz zisťujeme, že Satan už vtedy mal politiku, ale on sa snaží dostať cirkev. Tak on tam ide, aby ju zviedol. On získava svojho nadčloveka, uvádza ho do organizácii a korunuje ho, ako vicara (zástupcu) - krista. Kristus pracoval namiesto Boha. Vidíte, tento chlap je vicar namiesto Boha. Presne to isté. Namiesto Boha - čo on má byť, Kristov zástupca.
173Nuž, keď to on urobil, čo on potom urobil? On ... Satan vzal svoju politickú moc (ktorú on už mal pod sebou) a vzal tú náboženskú moc (v ktorej už bol korunovaný) a dal ich dokopy, a potom mu zaobstaral ďalšiu korunu nad peklom. A ... vždy prešli cez, ak zaplatili dosť peňazí, on ich mohol dostať von. Tak on je teraz zástupcom neba, očistca - ako to on chce nazývať. V Biblii taká vec neexistuje, ale on musel niečo urobiť. Biblia hovorí, že on vystúpil z bezodnej priepasti a tak isto sa vracia naspäť. - A vládcom na zemi.
174Nuž, čo mu potom bolo dané? Prv on mal luk, ale nemal žiadny šíp. Ale teraz má vo svojej ruke veľký meč. On teraz niečo môže robiť. Potom on zoskočil zo svojho bieleho koňa. Biely kôň dojazdil. Teraz sedí na čom? Na červenom koni - krv. Krvavo červený kôň. On skutočne jazdí na tom. Och, skutočne. Teraz mu je daná veľká moc a veľký meč, aby zabíjal. Potom on jazdí na svojom krvavo červenom koni.
175Vidíme z Druhej Pečati, ktorá bola zlámaná minulý večer, že on vzal pokoj zo zeme a spôsobil, že zabíjali jeden druhého. A jeho vlastná kronika mučeníkov - martyrológia Rímsko Katolíckej cirkvi ukazuje, že oni usmrtili 68 000 000 protestantov od času sv. Augustína z Hippo až do okolo roku 1580. - "68 000 000"! (Schmuckerova "Veľká Reformácia," ak si to chcete prečítať. Vlastne - "Slávna Reformácia".) 68 000 000 zaznamenaných v kronikách mučeníkov.
176Keď jeden z ich tak zvaných svätých dostal zjavenie, že každý kto nesúhlasí s Rímskou cirkvou má zomrieť ako kacír, to potom celkom zmenilo jeho postoj. Chlapče, on vyšiel, aby prelieval krv. On vyskočil na svojho červeného koňa a jazdil na ňom.
177Teraz nastupuje jeho veľká moc. On bol urobený zástupcom neba a uctievaný, ako Boh, vládca zeme. Zjednotením cirkvi a štátu ho on urobil vládcom na zemi, dajúc mu nad tým korunu. On mohol vymodliť duše z očistca. On tak isto mohol ... On bol celkom ako Boh na zemi, namieste Boha.
178Spolu on mal veľkú moc, aby zabil kohokoľvek, kto nesúhlasil s jeho vládou. Kto povie niečo proti nemu? Cirkev nemôže povedať nič. On je jej hlavou. Štát nemôže povedať nič. On je jeho hlavou. Tak oni zomierali na milióny. Všetky tie malé cirkvi, bratku, boli rozbité a vyzabíjané, boli povraždení, hádzaní levom, a všetko ďalšie, vidíte. Drak, Rím, mu dal svoj trón a autoritu. Biblia tak povedala. Tak on jazdil na svojom typickom červenom koni, cez ľudskú krv, až sa stal červeným koňom.
179Teraz ho Ján vidí na čiernom koni. On ešte niečo zmenil. Teraz to musím povedať, tak ako to prišlo ku mne; a potom ... A keď to prišlo ku mne a nepasuje to s ostatným Písmom, potom to vôbec nedal Boh. Vidíte, Písma musia ... každé jedno. To je len jedna veľká vec, ako toto. Písmo sa musí zhodovať s Písmom. A čokoľvek, čo nie je zhodné s Písmom ... Ak mi tento anjel Pánov povedal niečo, čo by nebolo podľa Písma, neveril by som mu.
180Stál som tam jedného dňa v Chicagu, keď všetky tie stovky kazateľov ... Bol tam niekto na tom zhromaždení? Naozaj, na tom zhromaždení v Chicagu? Povedal som: "Vy teraz všetci hovoríte, že máte ... Vy ste si mysleli, že ma tu chytíte na niečom." Skoro ako teraz v tejto miestnosti. Povedal som: "Čo to je, čo máte proti mne?" Povedal som: "Duch Svätý mi ukázal pred tromi dňami, kde každý jeden z vás bude sedieť, a že nebudeme v tom ... " Spýtajte sa tu Carla, či je to nie pravda. A Hank tam tiež bol i oni všetci. Je to tak. Vy všetci ste tam boli a počuli ste to.
181Povedal som: "Vy ste sa zobrali proti mne ohľadne toho, čo učím. To je ono. Chcem, aby niekto z vás prišiel sem a zobral svoju Bibliu a zastal si tu vedľa mňa a vyvrátil to." To bola najtichšia skupina, akú ste kedy počuli. Povedal som: "Čo sa s vami deje?" Povedal som: "Potom ak viete, že sa tu nemôžete postaviť proti Slovu, tak s tým prestaňte!"
182"Vy doktori teológie a všetkého, a hovoríte ako ... A predstavujete sa ako 'Doktor', 'Doktor', 'Doktor', a ja som ... " Neviem či ... Brat Wood a ja hovoríme "čečako" - green horn. "Ja nemám žiadne vzdelanie, nikdy som nechodil do žiadneho semináru, alebo školy, ale vy vezmite svoju Bibliu a poďte sem a postavte sa vedľa mňa a vyvráťte semeno hada, krst vo meno Ježiša Krista, alebo ktorúkoľvek z týchto vecí, ktoré ja učím."
Nikto nepovedal ani slovo. Vy všetci o tom viete. To bola najtichšia skupina, akú ste kedy videli. Vidíte, oni len kričia, že neviem čo. No tu to je. Ja nie som za tým, aby sa naťahovať s ľuďmi, ale keď ide do toho, že sa vás oni snažia vtiahnuť ... A ja by som nebol išiel, ale Duch Svätý mi povedal, riekol: "Choď tam; Ja budem stáť pri tebe."
183Povedal som im tri, alebo štyri dni pred tým. Vy všetci ste tam boli a počuli pána Carlsona a ich a Tommyho Hicksa a všetkých, ktorí tam sedeli. A ja som išiel tri dni predtým a povedal som: "Budete musieť odvolať to miesto."
184To bol búrlivý večer, mal som zhromaždenie. On povedal: "Choď, zastaň si tam pri tom okne, tam pri tých tretích dverách." A išiel som a postavil som sa tam. Takto som sa pozeral von. On povedal, "Oni pripravili na teba pascu. Požiadajú ťa, aby si hovoril na Kazateľskom Združení veľkého Chicaga." Povedal: "Pripravili na teba pascu ohľadne tvojho učenia Môjho Slova." On povedal: "Teraz oni odvolajú to miesto tam. Oni ho nedostanú. Dostanú miesto, kde je hnedá dekorácia. Povedal: "Takto to vyzerá."
185Zastal som a videl som sa v rohu. Pozrel som sa tam dozadu a videl som všetkých tých ľudí. Videl som všetkých tých kazateľov, ako tam sedeli, kde kto sedel. Rozhliadol som sa po nich po všetkých a On povedal ... "No", pomyslel som si: "Bolo by lepšie, keby som tam potom nešiel, Pane, keď sa to oni chystajú urobiť. Ja nechcem uraziť ich cítenie, alebo urobiť niečo zle."
On povedal: "Choď; Ja budem stáť pri tebe." On tam stál. Je to tak. Nuž vy všetci ... tu sú svedkovia, ktorí sedeli rovno tam a vedia to. Vy ste tu tiež dostali tie pásky. No prosím, vidíte.
186Nuž, tu je tajomstvo toho. A teraz ... keď mi to On zjavil dnes včasne ráno pred východom slnka. Potom som išiel rýchlo do Písma a začal som hľadať - vyhľadávať To. Tam to bolo. Tri z nich boli zatiaľ absolútne nadprirodzene zjavené. Nuž tu je to tajomstvo toho čierneho koňa, podľa toho, čo mi bolo zjavené.
187On začal cválať v čase Temných vekov. To je to, čo reprezentuje temný kôň - Temné veky - lebo to bol čas polnoci pre ozajstných veriacich, ktorí zostali. Hľaďte teraz v cirkevnom veku - ten stredný cirkevný vek - ten Temný cirkevný vek. Hľaďte, ako On hovorí: "Máš len malú moc." To bola polnoc pre nich, pre opravdivého veriaceho.
188Hľaďte teraz. Z opravdivej cirkvi bola prakticky vzatá všetka nádej, pretože tento muž kontroloval oboje cirkev i štát. Čo oni budú robiť? Vidíte? Katolicizmus zabral oboje cirkev i štát. A všetci, ktorí nesúhlasili s Katolicizmom boli zabití. To je dôvod, prečo on bol na temnom koni. A pozorujte, čo za temné veci on robil, potom budete vidieť. Ak len ... Ak poznáte svoju históriu, pozorujte to. No, nemusíte ju ani poznať, aby ste toto vedeli.
189Teraz dávajte pozor. Všetka nádej bola preč - to je jeho čierny kôň. Nuž on rozpočal na bielom koni, ľstivosť; potom mu bola daná moc a vzal pokoj - pozabíjal milióny. To je to, čo sa on chystal robiť, ako cválal ďalej; a on to stále robí. Vidíte? Nuž, tu je on na svojom čiernom koni, teraz, idúci ďalej.
190Doba temna - to bol ten čas, zanedlho po tom, čo bola založená cirkev a dostala sa do moci, oni udusili všetko ďalšie a išli cez stovky a stovky a stovky rokov, ako vie každý čitateľ, to boli Temné veky. Koľkí z vás to vedia? Temné veky. To je ten tmavý kôň, predstavujúci ten temný vek.
Nuž, všetka nádej pominula, nezostala vôbec žiadna nádej. Pre tých neveľa veriacich všetko vyzeralo temné. Nuž, preto je to nazvané ... reprezentované tmavým koňom.
191Jeho mincier, alebo jeho váhy v jeho rukách, vidíte, volajúc: "Miera pšenice za denár a tri miery jačmeňa za denár." V skutočnosti to je ... Pšenica a jačmeň sú prirodzené produkty potrebné ku životu. Robí sa z nich chlieb a iné. Ale vidíte, on chcel za to poplatok.
Čo to znamená - že on vyberal poplatok od svojich poddaných za ten druh životnej nádeji, ktorý im on dával, tým že ... on začal práve v tom čase vymáhať od nich, aby platili za modlitbu - poplatky za modlitbu. Oni to stále robia - novény. Pretože, čo on robil? - koristil bohatstvo sveta, váhy vážili mieru pšenici za denár a tri miery jačmeňa za denár.
192Ten jazdec na čiernom koni, (vidíte) on robil ... zdieral svojich poddaných o ich peniaze, keď Biblia predpovedá, že on drží bohatstvo sveta. Ako sme povedali minulý večer o Rusku a všetkom tom - oni proste zobrali všetky peniaze, obrali ľudí o všetko, čo mali. Tak tu to máte.
193Všimnite si. Vidíte odkiaľ pochádza to staré vyberanie peňazí v cirkvi? Dostáva ich z tých vecí, aby vybudovali organizáciu, niečo veľké - milión dolárov tu a ... Vidíte, kto je tomu matkou?
194Ďakujem Ti, Pane. Ó! Ja som tak rád. Tak veru. Áno. To bola Jeho milosť, to je všetko. No dobre, to bol čas polnoci. Rozumiete tomu teraz? A tu on vyberá poplatok za takú životnú ... To je tento jačmeň a produkt - telesný. To nebolo duchovné, nuž. To bol jačmeň - jačmenný chlieb a pšeničný chlieb. On vyberal poplatok za tento druh života, ktorý on dával svojím poddaným - cez kňazov vyberá poplatky za modlitby, aby vymodlili ľudí z očistca. Vyberá poplatky ... Nuž, ja toto beriem z histórie. Vyberá poplatky za, myslím, že sa to nazýva novéna - myslím, že to každý pozná. Novéna - myslím, že to je niečo, čo musíte urobiť, nejaká pokuta. Niekto musí za to vybrať poplatok.
... prinášajúc ku nemu bohatstvo sveta, pre seba samého - do samotnej cirkvi, a on stále ide ďalej. Och, skutočne. Tak veru! - stále ide ďalej.
195Všimnite si, tu je teraz dobrá časť. Všimnite si. "Hľaď aby si neškodil tomuto vínu a oleju." Len trochu z toho zostalo, brat. "Nedotýkaj sa toho." Nuž, olej symbolizuje Ducha, Svätého Ducha.
196Dám vám niekoľko veršov ak chcete, niekoľko miest Písma: v Leviticus 8: 12, kde Áron, prv ako vchádzal do vnútra musel byť pomazaný olejom, viete; a Zachariáš 4: 12, o oleji, ktorý prichádzal, tiekol cez tie trubičky a povedal: "Toto je Môj Duch" - olej. Ďalšia vec je, ak to chcete vidieť v Matúšovi 14 ... 25, tam bola hlúpa panna (25: 3) tá hlúpa panna nemala olej - nemala Ducha. A Matúš 25: 4, tá múdra panna mala vo svojej lampe olej - naplnená Duchom. Duch - olej predstavuje Ducha. Ó sláva! Rozumiete tomu? No dobre.
197Teda olej predstavuje Ducha, a víno predstavuje povzbudenie zo zjavenia. Chlapče, z radosti by som behal po celej sále! Je to divné, že som nezobudil susedov, keď mi to Pán ukázal. Povzbudenie zo zjavenia, vidíte. Olej a víno sú v Biblii spojené spolu, stále. Ja mám konkordanciu a pozeral som sa, a tam je takáto kolónka, kde po celý čas víno a olej idú spolu. Vidíte?
198Keď pravda zasľúbeného Božieho Slova bola pravdivo zjavená Jeho svätým, ktorí sú naplnení olejom, oni všetci zostali povzbudení. Víno je povzbudenie. Sláva, cítim to práve teraz! Povzbudení radosťou a vykrikovaním. A keď sa to deje, to má na nich ten istý efekt, ktorý robí víno na telesnom človeku; pretože keď bolo dané to zjavenie o pravde Božej, a skutočný veriaci naplnený olejom, a to zjavenie je zjavené, to povzbudenie sa stáva tak veľkým, že to spôsobuje, že on sa správa nenormálne. Je to tak. Sláva! Možno, že to je to, čo sa s nimi teraz deje. Je to tak. To spôsobuje, že oni sa správajú neprimerane.
199Nuž, ak chcete ku tomu Písmo, začnite len čítať Skutky 2. Kde oni boli? Oni mali to zasľúbenie, ktoré im bolo dané. Keď všetko to zasľúbenie o Duchu Svätom bolo vyliate na nich, a to bolo podľa Písma a potvrdené ...
Nuž, vidíte ... Čo keby oni boli povedali: "Počkajte teraz. On nám povedal, aby sme tu čakali na našu službu." A po ôsmych dňoch by oni povedali: "No, poviem vám, chlapci ... " Marek by povedal Matúšovi, "Verím, že to už máme, priatelia. Či si to nemyslíte?" Vidíte. "My to už máme. Prečo čakáte na svoju službu? My máme len ísť von a kázať. On nám povedal, aby sme prišli sem a čakali, a toto je už osem dní, čo sme tu."
"Dobre, čakajme ešte jeden."
Prišiel deviaty deň. Potom ide Marek, alebo možno niekto z tých ostatných, Ján, povedal: "Verím, že nemáme už dlhšie čakať. Verím, že to máme, či nie?"
Môžem si predstaviť Šimona - pretože on mal kľúče, viete. "Počkajte minútku, chlapci! Písmo má o tom niečo do povedania! On nám vôbec nepovedal koľko dní máme čakať! On povedal: 'Zostaňte tam až kým ...' Zostaňte tam až kým sa nevyplní Joelove proroctvo; až kým sa nepotvrdí Izaiášove proroctvo. Pretože bľabotajúcimi rtami a inými jazykmi budem hovoriť ku tomuto ľudu, a to je občerstvenie! To je víno, ktoré zostalo vyliate!"
200Čím je víno v Biblii? Občerstvením. Toto je občerstvenie, ktoré prichádza z prítomnosti Pánovej! To musí byť teraz podľa Písma, vidíte.
201Tak, vidíte, víno reprezentuje povzbudenie zo zjavenia. A keď Duch Svätý padá, a oni videli padať na seba oheň Boží, ó, to ich začalo povzbudzovať a hneď, ako viete, oni boli tak povzbudení, že až si ľudia skutočne mysleli, že sú opití, ale oni boli povzbudení zjavením!
202Boh ... To je ono! Božie potvrdené zjavenie sa pre nich stalo jasné, oni boli z toho šťastní. Boh to zasľúbil. Tu im to bolo zjavené a potvrdené! Amen! Tu bol človek, ktorý tam stál a hovoril: "Toto je to; toto je to," a bolo to tam potvrdené tým istým znakom. Povzbudenie skrze zjavenie. A tak, oni to potom skutočne mali.
203Preto Peter mohol tam vystúpiť a povedať: "Počujte, vy mužovia Judskí a vy, ktorí prebývate v Jeruzaleme, počúvajte čo vám hovorím. Vy všetci doktori teológie, počúvate čo vám idem povedať." Ó aké nádherné! Zjavené! Zjavené! Oni zostali tak povzbudení, keď to videli potvrdené. Zjavenie toto stále spôsobuje. Ono to stále robí.
204Keď vidím, že Boh zasľúbil, že v tomto dni urobí určitú vec, keď On zasľúbil zlámať tieto Pečate, v tomto poslednom dni ... A vy nepoznáte tú radosť, tú slávu, keď som Ho videl toto zjavovať. Stál som tam a pozoroval, ako sa to dialo. A viete, že vezmem každú osobu, alebo ju vyzvem, že On nám nikdy nepovedal ani jednu vec, ktorá by sa nebola stala. Potom vidíte tú radosť, ktorá je v mojom srdci, keď vidím Jeho zasľúbenie na tieto posledné dni, ako to On zasľúbil urobiť, a tu to vidím potvrdené a zjavené úplne presne.
Keď ma počujete hovoriť: "Cítim sa vzrušený," to je to, čo sa deje. To povzbudenie je také silné, som proste hotový prestať, viete - povzbudenie zo zjavenia.
205No dobre. Oni sa stali tak povzbudení nad tým zjavením, ktorým oni mali potvrdené to zasľúbenie. Ó! Tam to vychádza navonok, radosť povzbudenia, že až tí ľudia povedali: "Oni sú opití novým vínom," keď im Boh zjavil Svoje zasľúbenie; a nie len to, že to zjavil, ale to aj dokázal. To je to, čo som vždy hovoril: "Človek môže hocičo hovoriť, (on má proste sklon povedať hocičo) ale keď Boh prichádza a potvrdzuje to ..."
206Nuž Biblia povedala: "Ak je medzi vami niekto, kto tvrdí, že je duchovný alebo prorok, ak on hovorí tieto veci a oni sa nestanú, potom si ho nevšímajte. Vôbec sa ho nebojte. Nebojte sa toho človeka. Ale ak to on hovorí a to sa stane ... to som Ja." On povedal: "Ja som v tom. To dokazuje, že to som Ja."
207Potom táto prostá samaritánska žena, keď Písmo povedalo, že tento Mesiáš bude robiť tieto veci, a tu On stál a robil to presne tak, ako to hovorilo Písmo, ona povedala: "To je tam On. Poďte a vidzte muža ... Či to nie je presne tá vec, o ktorej Písmo povedalo, že sa stane?" Vidíte?
208Ona zostala povzbudená skrze zjavenie. Je to pravda? Ona zostala povzbudená skrze zjavenie, keď to bolo potvrdené. Vidíte? Je to tak. Ona vedela, že tam bolo ... "My vieme, že Mesiáš príde, ktorý sa nazýva Kristus. A keď On príde, On bude robiť tieto veci." Ona to uvidela.
209On povedal: "Ja som On." Potom nastalo to povzbudenie, a ona bežala preč a kričala po meste. Ona tam nechala svoje vedro s vodou a odišla tam a povedala tým ľuďom: "Poďte a vidzte."
210Nuž, ak by ste len poznali tie východné tradície, to pre ňu bolo neslušné robiť to. Tak veru! Žena takého typu, nikto by ju nepočúval. Nie veru! Vidíte, ona bola poznačená, keby ona išla takto po ulici a takto sa správala, ľudia na ulici by si ju vôbec nevšímali. Bratku, ona tam mala Slovo Života. Ona bola povzbudená. To bolo niečo, ako snažiť sa uhasiť oheň na horiacom dome za veterného dňa. Och, tam bolo niečo, čo do neho fúkalo. Ona bola pripravená. Nemohli by ste to dostať z nej von. To bol Boží oheň, ktorý v nej horel. Tak veru!
211Ona povedala: "Ak tomu tak neveríte, poďte len tu hľa, kde prebieha to zhromaždenie, a ja vám to ukážem." Tak veru. A tak tí ľudia tam vyšli. A On to už viacej neurobil, ale oni poznali, že tej žene sa niečo prihodilo. Ona bola zmenená, a tak Mu uverili. Tak veru. Oni Mu uverili, pretože viera prichádza z počúvania, počúvania zasľúbenia Božieho, Slova Božieho, a pozorovania toho, ako sa Ono stáva skutočnosťou. Pretože Slovo je semeno, a keď je ono zasiate, ono bude vydávať život. Ono bude produkovať to, o čom ono hovorí. Ak to tak nie je, potom to nie je Božie semeno, alebo ten rozsievač nevedel, ako ho zasiať. On nebol poslaný od Boha, aby sial semeno. On to môže siať na vrch skaly alebo niekde. Tak vidíte, rozsievač seje semeno, Boh sa stará, aby ono spadlo na správne miesto. Ó!
212Potom, čo ono hovorí ku tomuto jazdcovi v čiernom? "Neškoď Môjmu vínu a Môjmu oleju, Nedotýkaj sa toho, Môjho vína a oleja. No mám ho tam len trochu, ale stále ho tam trochu je. Môžeš si ísť ďalej a odmeriavať ten druh života, ktorý ty predkladáš. To je na tebe. Ty tam budeš za to platiť; ale keď sa stretneš s tým vínom a olejom, necháš ho tak." Ó!
213"Ak môžeš ..." Inými slovami, takto: "Ak chytíš niekoho z Môjho malého stádečka, ktorí sú naplnení Mojím olejom a vínom, (vidíte? víno a olej čistého Slova) a budeš ich chcieť zabiť, pretože to je to, čo ty robíš. Nenúť ich hovoriť žiadne "zdravas Mária," ani nič takéto, ani nijaké z tvojich vyznaní. Drž svoje ruky preč od nich. Oni vedia kde idú, pretože oni sú pomazaní Mojím olejom. A tým, že sú pomazaní Mojím olejom, oni majú víno radosti, pretože poznajú Slovo Môjho zasľúbenia. Ja ich znovu vzbudím. Neškoď tomu. Nesnaž sa ich pomiešať, pretože ... drž sa len od nich preč." Nie.
214On potvrdzuje Svoje Slovo a uskutočňuje ho. Oni vedeli ... Oni vedeli, že oni znovu povstanú. Ó, ako to mám rád. Oni znovu povstanú. Tu prichádza čierny kôň, jazdiac teraz - Temné veky. Tam vyšiel biely kôň - vidíte čo on robil, dokonale. Tu prichádza červený kôň - vidíme presne čo on robil. Tu prichádza čierny kôň - vidíte toho istého jazdca po celý čas, rovno cez všetky veky.
215Nuž, zistili sme, že on to vážil a bral za to poplatok. Presne. Pšenica, telesná, telesný život. To bolo to z čoho oni žili. Ale symbolizuje Ducha, olej a radosť z vína. "Ten duchovný život - neškoď tomu. Nechaj to tak." Inak: "Rím, nedotýkaj sa toho! To je Moje! To patrí Mne!"
216Nuž, mám tu ďalšiu vec, ktorú chcem, aby ste si všimli. Všimnite si. To nebola ani jedna z tých štyroch živých bytostí, ktorá povedala: "Nedotýkaj sa oleju a vína." Všimli ste si to? Tie štyri živé Bytosti už prehovorili. Ale pozrite sa. Dovoľte mi len prečítať tu z toho kúsok, vidíte. Aha.
... Miera pšenice za denár a tri miery jačmeňa za denár a oleju a vínu neškoď.
(Teraz tu počúvajte)
A počul som hlas prostred štyroch živých bytostí ...
217Čo to bolo? - Baránok! To neboli tie štyri živé bytosti. To povedal Baránok. Prečo! On ide zobrať Svoje Vlastné; to patrí Jemu. Amen. "Nedotýkaj sa toho oleju." Nie veru. To neboli tie štyri bytosti, ale to bol Baránok, ktorý to povedal. Ó! Baránok! Nie ... Toto neoznámili tie štyri živé bytosti. Toto povedal sám Baránok. Keď tie štyri bytosti povedali: "Poď a vidz," a oni išli a takto to videli. On povedal: "Miera pšenice za denár a toľkoto a toľkoto jačmeňa ..." Ale potom Baránok skríkol rovno z pomedzi nich a povedal: "Neškoď vínu a oleju." Je to tak. Ó! Počúvajte to. "Neškoď tomu, chlapče, lebo jedného dňa budeš za to platiť." (Ó! deväť tridsať)
Dobre, podľa môjho najlepšieho zrozumenia, a podľa toho najlepšieho, čo o tom viem, a so všetkým čomu verím vo svojom srdci, to je pravdivý význam týchto troch Pečatí. Chcem poďakovať za to Bohu. A chcem povedať toto, že to je zjavenie, ktoré mi On dal. On mi to dal, to zjavenie tohoto. A ja verím, že žijeme v posledných dňoch.
218Zajtra večer vezmeme toho jazdca na plavom koni. A teraz, ja neviem. Ja neviem. Boh vie, že je to pravda. Ja o tom neviem ani jednu vec. Nie. Prezeral som si svoje staré poznámky, ktoré som mal pred rokmi. Videl som pred chvíľou brata Grahama Snelinga. Možno že odišiel. Ale pamätám sa, keď som to tu kázal predtým, vyhľadal som to, aby som videl, čo som povedal. Raz pred rokmi som prechádzal cez knihu Zjavenia. Vzal som raz všetkých štyroch jazdcov.
219Povedal som: "Biely kôň - to bola bez pochyby prvotná cirkev." Vyčítal som to z knihy Adventistov a od ostatných. Povedal som: "To bola prvotná cirkev, ktorá víťaziac vyšla vpred."
A ďalší bol čierny kôň. Povedal som ... Zabudol som teraz, ako som nazval toho čierneho koňa. Povedal som - alebo vlastne červený kôň. Povedal som: "Tento kôň pravdepodobne znamená, že tam na ceste sú problémy a to bude znamenať mnoho vojen, ktoré budú, alebo niečo také." Povedal som: "Pravdepodobne tam bude mnoho vojen." Povedal som: "To je to, čo to bude znamenať."
220Potom som povedal: "Ten čierny kôň," spovedal som: "to znamená, že možno príde na zem čierny čas, keď všetky hviezdy prestanú svietiť a slnko sa zatmie a mesiac nedá svojho svetla." Povedal som: "To je asi to, čo to znamená."
Povedal som: "Ten plavý kôň znamená, že prichádza mnoho nemocí." Teraz neviem, čo to znamená, ale to bola vtedy moja interpretácia toho, pretože ja som to vzal len najlepšie, ako som len mohol, stojac tu za kazateľňou, ale ... Oh, skoro som tam niečo povedal! Budete vidieť. Len dávajte pozor. Nuž, či nie sme vďační za túto hodinu? Keď vidíme vrcholiť všetky tieto veci, rozmýšľam:
Národy sa rúcajú; Izrael sa budí;
Vypĺňajú sa znamenia, ktoré predpovedali proroci.
Dni pohanov sú zrátané, strachom naplnené;
Vráťte sa roztrúsení do svojho vlastníctva.
Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil; Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu.
Buďte plní Ducha, majte čisté a ozdobené lampy.
Pozrite vaše vykúpenia sa priblížilo. Falošní proroci klamú;
Božiu Pravdu zapierajú; Že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh (Veríte
Ale my kráčame tam kde išli apoštolovia.
Lebo deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;
Ľudské srdcia zlyhávajú od strachu. Buďte plní Ducha;
Majte čisté a ozdobené lampy.
Pozrite vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo.
(To je ale nádherné! Milujem to - vykúpenie sa priblížilo.)
V čase večera bude svetlo.
Chodník do chvály, ktorý skutočne nájdete.
Vo vodnom krste je teraz svetlo.
Pochovaní vo vzácnom mene Ježiš.
Mladí a starí, vyznajte všetky svoje hriechy.
Duch Svätý skutočne vojde.
To večerné svetlo prišlo.
To je fakt, že Boh a Kristus sú jedno.
On je Slovo! Ó! To je nádherné!
Zanedlho Baránok vezme Svoju Nevestu,
aby stále bola po jeho boku;
Všetci duchovia v nebi sa zhromaždia;
Ó, to bude nádherný pohľad;
Všetci svätí v nepoškvrnených bielych rúchach;
A s Ježišom sa budú naveky hostiť.
Poď a jedz Majster volá Poď a jedz.
Môžeš jesť po celý čas za Ježišovým stolom;
On ktorý nasýtil zástupy, premenil vodu na víno;
Teraz volá hladných, Poď a jedz.
Ó, Poď a jedz, Majster volá, Poď a jedz (kŕm sa Slovom).
Po celý čas môžeš jesť za Ježišovým stolom.
On, ktorý nasýtil zástupy, Premenil vodu na víno.
Teraz volá hladných. Poď a jedz."
Ó! Ste hladní? Blahoslavení sú tí ... Milujete Ho? Ak Ho milujte povedzte: "Milujem Ho." Povstaňme len teraz všetci a zodvihnime svoje ruky a vyjadrime Mu to.
"Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,
pretože On prv miloval mňa." No dobre. (A teraz všetci spolu.)
"Milujem Ho, Milujem Ho;
Pretože On prv miloval mňa;
A vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote."
[Nejaký brat hovorí v inom jazyku. Brat Branham čaká. -- pozn.prekl.] Majte úctu. Máme tu vykladača. brata Higginbothama. Nevie či tu dnes je, alebo nie. Chceme zistiť, čo nám On povedal. Čakajte len chvíľku. Aha, aha ... [Nejaká sestra dáva výklad. -- pozn.prekl.]
Skutočne, chvála Pánovi! Moja viera je pozdvihnutá vyššie ku Bohu. Milujete Ho dnes večer z celého svojho srdca? [Zhromaždenia: "Amen." -- pozn.prekl.] Ó, chváľte Ho a povedzte, "Vďaka Ti Pane Ježišu!" [Zhromaždenie chváli Boha. -- pozn.prekl.]
Ako Ťa chválime z celého svojho srdca, Pane! Chvála Bohu! Chváľte Ho len všetci. Nech je Boh s vami! [Zhromaždenie sa raduje a ďalej chváli Boha. -- pozn.prekl.]
1 Good evening, friends. Let us stand now just a moment for prayer as we bow our heads.
Our heavenly Father, as we hear that--that beautiful hymn, we--we're thinking, Lord, of that--that You're near; and we pray that You'll receive us tonight, Lord, as Your children, forgiving all of our sins and trespasses and giving us of Thy blessings as we are needy people.
And in this great hour that we're now living and we see yearly it gets darker and darker to the world, and the coming of the Lord gets brighter and brighter as He reveals Himself in the--in His Word and in His manifestation. We have come again tonight, Lord, to attempt this meeting and to pray Thee to open to us, Lord, this Third Seal of this Book, that it might be known to us that we would know what to do and how to live and how to be better Christians.
4 I pray, God, that You'll make every unchristian in here tonight realize their need of You. Grant it. And I--I pray, heavenly Father, that every borned again Christian will realize that he must live closer than he has in the past, that we might all be in that unity of Christian love and faith.
Grant that every sick person in our midst will be healed tonight, Lord. They do realize their need of You. And I pray, Father, that You'll bless everything that's done or said to Your honor and glory, in Jesus' Name we ask it. Amen.
6 Again tonight we've assembled together again for this, the--the Wednesday night of the week, and we're trusting the Lord tonight for a--a great outpouring of His blessings upon His Word. And today I have been studying as usual and trying to think of the things that would be more appropriate to say and the--how to say it and then depending on the Lord to give to me the interpretation and meaning of--of this Word that's written. And I am grateful to Him for what He has done for us through the week that we--of the opening of these Seals.
7 And now, perhaps it would be a good thing if Sunday morning, that... You know, many times we don't mean to be misunderstood, but you know, you--it gets that way. And so maybe Sunday morning, if all who has a question in their mind concerning it, would write it out and give it on the desk here Saturday night and so I can see what it is, and then I'll try to answer it for you Sunday morning, the Lord willing.
I think that'd be better than what we were planning, because sometimes it's misunderstood, you know; and so that way I... It'd be better that I would--I would get it straight, you know. It--it would be just what it should be, 'cause sometime I...
8 Someone called today and said that I--that called up and wanted to know if it was true that when the--the rapture taken place, there'd only be one in Jeffersonville and one in New York and the rest of them overseas. So I... See, it was just misunderstood.
And then someone said that Saturday night if the Lord give to us the last Seal, then Jesus would be here Sunday morning. See? So it's a--it's a... You see, you--you don't... That--that isn't so, that you don't... It isn't... We don't know... If anyone tells you that they know when He's coming, you know they're wrong to begin with, because no one knows that. But we want to live today like it was right now.
10 Now, I'm going to try to turn you around for a minute, so be ready. I--I believe Jesus will come within less than three minutes from right now, of His time. You know how long that would be? About thirty-five years. See, a thousand years is only one day with Him. You see? So when you hear... The apostle back here said, "The time is at hand." Over here, "The time is at hand." The apostle said that in Revelations. You know how long that's been? That hasn't--that was just yesterday to God--not even two days yet. And see, if it's three minutes, less than three minutes of His coming (See, that'd be thirty years, about, to us, or something on that order.) and look how--at what three minutes would be to Him. He's already rising up to come. So we...
13 You... Sometimes when you read here He's speaking in the terms of the Word (See?), not in our terms. And then if I knew He was coming tomorrow night, tomorrow night, tomorrow I would study and ask Him to give me the message for the Fourth Seal; I'd come down here preach it just the same. See? I--I want to be doing every day just what I would be doing if He comes. And I don't know no other better place than to be caught right at the post of duty (See?), at the post of duty. So we just keep carrying on till He comes.
Sometimes when we just read... And now, be real careful and when you read--get the tapes, listen to them real close, because you'll get it on the tape, because they been playing them tapes back, and they're really good and plain, so you'll get it clearer there.
15 Now, everybody in love with Christ, I hope, tonight, and everybody loving Him. I'll tell you what sometimes what confuses the people, that someone that come in and didn't get the first part of the service (You see?), then they come in and hear you refer back, hit back something, and then they take that with what's said, and they didn't get the first part; then it's all confusing to them (You see?); then--then they do think that something was said different, but it--but it isn't.
So if you've got a question that you don't understand, just write it on a piece of paper; lay it in any time between now and Saturday night, and I'll try Sunday morning to... If it's a little puzzling... You say, "Well, I wonder just what this meant here; I didn't get it." (You know what I mean.) Then I'll try to answer it for you Sunday morning, the Lord willing.
18 Now, tonight we're going to read from this blessed old Word again in the 6th chapter, and we start tonight with the Third Seal, and that is the 5th verse, the 5th and 6th verse. And tomorrow night we close the four riders: the white horse, and the red horse, black horse, and pale horse. And I want to say this, that each time, even till this morning about... I get up real, real early and go to prayer before things stir and just keep on praying through the day.
20 But this morning early, the Holy Spirit came to where I was, and just as plain as anything, I--I seen this other Seal open up, now, just exactly. Now, now, now, He hears me, I know, and I'm very grateful. Now, you'll just remember that there is something happening that I--I hope you're catching it. See? There--there--there's something happening. I just want to test this church one time and see if they could actually pick up something before it actually taken place. Now, remember, remember what I've told you, and may the Lord help us.
22 Now, in the 5th verse...
And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come... see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that set on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts saying, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; but see thou hurt not the oil and... wine.
23 Now, let's background this just a little bit on the Seals that we have passed, because just like in the church ages, why, we try to give a background to kind of lap it over till you could... That's the way the ages are actually in the Scripture; one laps the other one over, just like that, like climbing a ladder and, or climbing a step, rather, one running down to the other and coming back like that as you go up a step.
24 And now, this seal--the... It's a--the Book of Redemption sealed (Everybody understands that?), and this Book is sealed with Seven Seals; it is a seven sealed Book. See? And now, remember as we pictured it out to you, and took it from Jeremiah and all. Now, they... When they had... They wrote like this on a piece of--of script or paper, rather, or not paper, but it was a hide, and they rolled it up like this. Now, that... And then the end of it was left like that--that denotes what's there. Then the next one takes the same kind of position, rolls up the same way, rolls like that, and then at the end here, it is torn off like that and left another one. Well, that was the seven sealed Book.
26 Now, we never had books like this till lately. The books in the old time were scrolls. They were rolled up. And then when they'd want the subject or anything like we... If the Bible's rolled up, you want to read the Book of Isaiah, you'd turn down here to Isaiah and unroll it like that and read it. And this is a seven sealed Book of Redemption.
And now, we find that the Lamb comes out, takes the Book out of the hand of Him that set upon the throne, and breaks the Seals, and--and loose--and loosens that--looses the Seals to the people. And the four beasts setting there that we took in the church ages, the same four beasts, you see them all the way through the Scripture, and they are the one who does the announcing of these Seals being broke. Now... And we see it is a--a Book of Redemption.
29 And then we went back and got the--the kinsman redeemer and picked him up to see what his work was. And now, for all these years, Christ has been doing the Kinsman Redeemer work. Now, all that understands that, say, "Amen." He has been doing the work of the Kinsman Redeemer, but there will come a time that when the redeeming work will be over, and when the redeeming work is over, then He leaves the throne of God, where He's seated now, but that's not His throne. "He that overcometh shall set with Me in My throne as I have overcome and have set down on My Father's throne." That is not His throne. That belongs to Spirit, God. Christ, the Lamb, it doesn't belong to Him. He is the incarnate God (See?), which is the same God made incarnate.
31 Now, He rises from the seat. First the announcement went forth for... "Who is able to come and--and take this Book of Redemption?" See? For the whole plan of redemption from Adam, all that Adam lost... There was nothing lost until Adam, and after Adam all was lost in the earth. And... Everything on the creation of the earth was lost, and everything fell with Adam, crossed the chasm that no one could get back, no way at all. Man, when he sinned, he left his way; he left no way back for himself.
33 And then the... When this question was asked, John the revelator, the--the prophet John was in the vision and saw it, and there was no man in heaven, no man on earth, no man beneath the earth, or nobody was even worthy to look at the Book. See? Now, just think of that. Then the Lamb comes forward, and He takes the Book. Now, John was asked not to weep any more. He said, "Behold the Lion of Juda has prevailed, and--and He can take the Book and open It." So he turned to look for a Lion, and he saw a Lamb. The elder called, said, "A Lion has prevailed," but when he come and looked, it was a Lamb coming out from the throne.
34 Now, he'd never noticed that before. Why? He had been back there in His--doing His mediatorial work, for He was bleeding for the people, intercessing for the people until the last soul that was put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world come in. There's just going to be so many of them there, and that's it. That's all. The others won't even want to come in; they have no desire to come in.
And so then when that last soul comes in, then the time of redemption is finished. Then the Lamb comes forth to claim His rights to what He has redeemed, and that's all creation. The earth and everything belongs to Him. See? He has redeemed it with His own Blood. And when He come forth to take this Book to open it, why, my, they was... John didn't weep any more. And he looked, and this Lamb was a slain Lamb. It has already been killed, but it was alive again.
35 And now, we found out that a slain lamb is a bloody lamb, bleeding all over. It's been slay. After It'd been slain, It'd raised again and was setting on the throne, say back in behind the throne like this, interceding for all those souls that would come. Then when the last one was here and it was completed, the... God still held the Book of Redemption. See? Now, He's just doing the Kinsman work now; like Boaz went down, and Ruth was just setting there waiting until Boaz... I mean Boaz done the re--kinsman redeeming work.
36 You remember me preaching that not long ago? Ruth gleaning, and Ruth, whatever she did, and on down and the last thing was Ruth waiting (You remember how I typed that in the Church?), while Boaz goes down to do the kinsman redeeming work; he did it. Kicked off his shoe, and made a testimony, and redeemed Naomi and through there got--got Ruth.
Now, so Ruth was just waiting, because she'd already labored. She'd done all of these other things, but she was waiting. And now... And then when the Church is waiting, resting, many of them, most of them in the dust of the earth, while He's doing His Kinsman Redeem work.
37 Now... The world's still going worse, and sin is heaping up and--and sickness and trouble and death and sorrow. The godless men and godless women die right down; cancer eats them up and everything else, when they can't appropriate enough faith to reach out there and take a hold of it. Now, notice, but then after it was all over, after the--His--His interceding was done, He comes forth, takes the Book out of the hand of Him, and then John, and everything in heaven, and begin... The souls under the altar begin screaming (We get that in the Sixth Seal again), and how they rejoiced, and--and the--fell down, the elders, and poured out the prayers of saints. And the souls under the altar cried, "Worthy art You, because You have redeemed us to God, and we're going back to earth to live as kings and priests." Oh, there's a great...
39 And the... John said everybody in heaven, everything beneath the earth, and everything heard him praising God about it. John must've found his name on there, you know... And all that time...
Then he said, "He is worthy to take the Book of Redemption." Now, it doesn't belong back to the Judge any more. It belongs to the Redeemer, and He's done done the work of redemption.
Now, He's going to show the church what He done. See? Then He just takes... But the Book is closed. No one knowed at all. They know it was a Book of Redemption on it there, but it's to be revealed in the last days according to Revelations 10. The seventh angel is going to be given the message of that, because it said that in the time of the sounding of the seventh church age--the seventh angel, when he sounds, all the mysteries of God should be finished up by his sounding. Then after it's revealed, the Angel come down from heaven, which was Christ (Now remember, this angel and is on earth, a messenger). Down comes Christ (You see Him in the 10th chapter of Revelations.), puts one foot upon the land and the other one on the sea, rainbow over His head, eyes and, like--and feet like fire and so forth, raises up His hand and swears by Him that lives forever and ever on the throne, that time shall be no more.
43 And when He takes this oath, seven thunders utter their voices, and the writer... Which when John was taken up, was supposed to write what he saw. He started to write down. He said, "Don't write it, because... Don't write that. It is an un..." He said, "Seal it up." What in? "Seal up; don't say it." See? It's to be revealed, but it's not even written in the Word. And then when He begin to open the Seals, we find out they were all puzzling. See? When He opened the First Seal, he thought, "Now, here He's going to say, 'And it will come that So-and-so will take the throne and certain do this and this will do that.'" But when it was, here he's went a white horse riding, and a rider on it. Well, "He had a bow in his hand, and he was given a crown after while," he said. That's all.
46 Then the Lamb turned back again and pulled another Seal off and here went out a black--a red horse rider. And he had a--given a sword, and he was going to make war and given great power and take peace from the earth and kill one another. That was kind of a--still a mysterious thing, wasn't it when He opened it up? And then goes on and said, in the day just before these seven thunders, all the mysteries here are revealed.
48 Now, look, then we find out as we've been studying that down through the ages we've had reformers, not prophets, reformers. And each office carries its own--its own work. Just like a man that is a telephone operator, he isn't exactly an electrician. He might do a little job at it. And--and like if a man is a lineman, why, he certainly... A man that's a post-hole digger and never did do any line work, he better keep off the line, but he might do a little patch up work or something.
50 But when the real thing is to be revealed at the last day of the last part of the church, is when God has said that He would send to us, according to the Scriptures, and we've searched it through and through, that He predicted that the spirit of Elijah would return in some person.
Now, I think that's been made just as clear, and we--and--and we're looking for that to happen. Somewhere an anointed person in the last days to rise up. Now, you'll hear a lot of fanatics and everything else, but that just--just tries to... It's the devil trying to take away from the real one when he gets here. See? But it'll be properly identified. You know what Elijah was. And watch that, and you'll--you'll know. And then, when he... Now, the elect will know (See?), not the others. They sure won't do it. They'll miss it a million miles. Like...
51 We've been through all that and showed how they missed John, how they missed Elijah, how they missed Jesus, how they missed them all the way along, and they will do the same thing, 'cause the Bible said they would. See? So then, in that time it will be very humble. It will be so simple. That will what will makes people fall away from it. It's too simple for them. We find out that always when people get smart and educated and know a whole lot, then they just--that--that's just the kind that misses it, you know. See?
Jesus never took them kind of people for--be His disciple. He took unlearned people, fishermen, and nobody's connected with their churches and things. He just got ordinary men, tax collectors, and farmers, and fishers, and so forth to do His work (See?), 'cause they--they know they're nothing, then He can make something out of them. See? As long as they keep knowing that they're nothing, then God can work; but when they get to thinking that they know something, then you don't know nothing that you ought to know, the Bible says. So then we--we find that.
54 And now, we find out then that these mysteries are supposed to be revealed. And why didn't these other men, Wesley, Luther, and those great reformers who brought out justification, and sanctification, the Pentecostal age with the baptism of the Holy Spirit and things, why didn't he catch these--these messages? Why didn't they get them? Because they were reformers. See?
Just like, take it on the other side, there was people come in who was--had power as kings but wasn't kings. See, see? You have to notice the Bible terminology of anything. See? Now, watch. But these--the reason that all the stray ends of the mysterious part about justification, the mysterious part of sanctification, the mysterious part of the baptism of the Holy Ghost and why... What kind did... Did Eve eat an apple, or did she eat a pomegranate or something? See? Did... What was the serpent's seed? And--and... Is the baptism in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost, or the Name of the Lord Jesus right? And oh, a hundreds of those things that has been left loose-ended. See?
57 And then in the last hour this fellow is to come on and reveal the thing (See?), take up the Scriptures. It'll be properly identified. Yes, sir. And... Now, it won't be a great big thing now. It looks like here in the Bible it'd be something big.
How much bigger it was when John was supposed to come down there and baptize? Just think now, the prophets back, all the way back to Isaiah, Malachi, and all of them spoke of him, when he would come, and when he did, just a lone, old uneducated fellow with whiskers all over his face, and hair sticking out like a fuzzy worm, and a big old piece of sheepskin draped around him, no education at all, never went to school a day in his life as far as we know. See? Here he come out of the wilderness, not even as much as welcomed into a pulpit, and stood out there on the river of Jordan and begin to call for people to repent. Could you imagine it?
59 The Bible said that everything will be so great in that day even to all the high places will be made low, and all the low places will be brought up (Yes, sir.); and all the rough places will be made plain. Why, I can imagine seeing them out there think--John would come out, or this great forerunner of Christ, and just take all the desert and smooth it out and put it in grass again. See?
Oh, then I imagine they had it all fixed up about like they have today. But it was so humble, even the apostles missed it. They said, "Well, why does the Scripture say... Is the... You're going up there to be offered up now; why does the Scripture say that--that Elias must come first?"
He said, "He's already come, and you didn't know it." And the Son of man, they'll do the same thing; but, "John," He said, "did just what was listed for him to do, and they done to him just what they were supposed to do"; and said, "so must the Son of man be suffered."
Why, there wasn't, I guess, one-third of the whole Jewish race ever knowed that Jesus Christ was on earth. They--they might've heard of some fanatic down along there somewhere, but they didn't pay any attention to it, just going on. "He came to His own, and His own received Him not."
64 Now, there's where I believe even... Now, it didn't say He'd secretly come, but the rapture will be a secret. So if that was so secret when He come, how much more will the rapture be unknown. See? They want to... Directly they'll say, "Well, I thought we were supposed to have a rapture and all this judgment upon the earth."
He said, "It's already taken place, and you didn't know it." See?
It'll be so--just like a thief at the night. Like a--a book I read one time... What is that called? "Romeo and Juliet," is that what it was, or something. He let... They got the ladder up the side the house some way I for... (It's been a long time ago.) And he come, got his--to get her out at nighttime.
67 Now, that's the way that it'll--a--it'll take place, and it'll be gone... Not that they'll have--send down a bunch of Angels down with some spades and dig up the graves. The Bible said we'll be changed before even you could bat your eye, just a twinkle. It'll all be over that quick. Just say, "Somebody disappeared."
Well, I'd imagine if we could search the world over today, there's been five hundred people disappear off the earth each day (See?) they don't know nothing about. They just come up disappearing. Well, there ain't going to be too many go in that rapture.
69 Now, I don't want to scare you, and I--and I--I--I don't think it's that way; but I just want to tell you what He said, and you know it yourself. "As it was in the days of Noah wherein eight souls were saved by water..." Eight souls out of the world be saved by water.
Well, you say, "Oh, my, there is no need of me trying." That shows you haven't got the kind of faith you need. "If there's just going to go, be one, that'll be me (Amen.), 'cause I believe." See? That's the way you want to believe it. "Be me." Sure. I want to live so close to Him that I know He's going to take me when He comes; I believe it. So if there--if everybody else misses it, I'm going to be there by His grace, 'cause He promised me that, and I know that I--I'll be there, 'cause He can't lie, and I know my soul and life bears record, and I try to live daily just like He was coming, so I--I'm--I'm going to be that one. That's the way you want to feel. If there's going to be eight, I'll be one of that eight; going to be five hundred, I'm going to be one of that five hundred. Don't know about the other fellow, but I want to be one of that five hundred. You see? See?
That is the way you want to remember it. See? And if you don't remember it like that, there's something wrong with your faith. See, you're not sure you are saved yet then. You're just guessing at it. Don't do that.
73 All right, we ain't going to get into this Seal, are we? All right, I want each night... I don't know whether you mind me taking up your time. We could get out a little bit earlier. There's not too...
In the revealing of these--of these Seals, remember, it's only really one verse. The first tells the announcing of it. The second verse... Most all commentaries and so forth, the reading of it are--are... The reading of their thoughts, and I have--and I've always believed like nearly all of them does that that first horse rider was the--was the early church. But when the Holy Spirit revealed it, it was absolutely contrary to that. And so then, all it does, it just show what it is. And then I try...
75 Now, to me this is very sacred. That's the reason I'd rather answer these questions, and let's get it everybody knowing straight and on tapes too, that they'll understand now. See? I tried to speak awhile at night on backgrounding to get the people rushing in and pushing in and... You shouldn't do that. See? But when it does, it's human being, and it's hot and in here and you--and you are restless, but you've been very, very nice. The best I've ever seen the people act in the Tabernacle has been this meeting, and just setting quiet, and the mothers taking their babies to the nursery when they start crying and everything, it's been very nice.
78 But I've tried to background it until I just feel the anointing of the Spirit on me to say these words, to say what has been revealed to me. And then if I've somewhere doing that, if I have made a mistake here, surely here before all the people, He will correct it for me. I--I want it--it's--it's... I want it right. There's no need of taking just what you imagine; there's something right, and--and we want that. We want God to give us what's right.
79 So now, we took this--these riders as they come up--the first horse. Now... And we realize that that was the--the antichrist that went forth. And then we find out last night that the same fellow that went forth as antichrist with the white horse, we found him with a sword last night, riding and killing people.
Now, now, it's always the natural and the spiritual, and for the Church sake, I want to type just before we get to the opening of this Seal, which, what He give me. I got it wrote down here. I got several Scriptures here--seven or eight pages of it, and as I refer to it...
Notice. I want to give a type of the church and make it so plain that you'll be bound to see it. See?
83 Now, there was a natural bride in the garden of Eden. (You remember last night?) That natural bride, she was Adam's sweetheart, not yet his wife, 'cause he hadn't knew her yet as a wife. Just like Mary was Joseph's wife, but he never knew her yet. She was found with a child. See? Now, before Adam knew his wife, she was just a bride to him. All right. And we find out that God... She--she fell in the garden of Eden because she failed to hold to God's Word.
86 Now, He knew that Satan would be loosed among them, so He gave them a place to stay behind, fortify them. Well, there... Who could know any better place to be fortified than God if He's trying to take care of His own children? If I wanted to take care of my little Joseph, well, brother, everything--and I knowed his life depended on it, why... and I was able to do it, why, a forty foot concrete reinforced would--would be the thing would do it, that's--I'd make it ninety foot to be sure that...
And if I can think that about my little boy, which if his mortal life would lost, I believe a child would be saved, how much more to God to His child that would be eternally lost. What should He place him behind? He placed him behind His own Word. As long as you're in that Word, you're safe. "If ye abide in Me and My Word's in you, then just ask what you will..." That's it, the Word.
89 So Eve got to strolling in the garden, and she run into the serpent (a very polished-up sort of a fellow), and she... And he begin... Now, he was on the other side. God lives, dwells, works in humility, never any other way. See? Now, the little humble lady walking along there, and Satan come up as a wise, slick, polished sort of a fellow, and he wanted to sell her the program as long as... No matter how much Satan was around, as long as she stayed behind this Word, she was all right. See? So let Satan do whatever he wants to, you just stay with the Word. See? Don't make a bit of difference. If he says, "Why, you're sick."
"By His stripes I'm healed." See?
"Well, you're going to die."
"He will raise me up again (See?); He promised."
91 See? Just stay behind the Word. That's all. Christ retreated to the Word Himself: "It's written..." See? Now, stay behind the Word. But Eve, she begin to kinda let down, but she never let it all down; she only let one little phrase down, and that's what Satan wanted her to do. He got her from behind God's promise by reasoning. Don't never try to reason God's Word; just believe It. See?
So she stepped out from there and before Adam ever got to her for a wife, she was already defiled by Satan. And she...
And... Did you notice? Christ did the same thing. Exactly. Now, for redeeming, God had to be there first. And did you notice Mary? Before she come to Joseph, the Holy Spirit had done got there. Amen. See? That's where the Redeemer come.
95 Now, now, notice, the natural woman fell, and God made a way for her to be redeemed. Although she had fallen, He made a way. Now, that was, the first bride on earth fell before her husband and her were married. She fell by--by the reason of--of reasoning. Instead of staying with the Word she fell, and she fell to death, eternal separation. With her, she took her husband and everything else there was on the earth; she fell.
97 Now, but God full of mercy, made a way to redeem that woman. And now, He promised her, telling her that sometime in the future the true Word would come to her again. The true Word will be made known to her. Now, remember that, 'cause He promised Christ through the woman, and Christ is the Word: Saint John 1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh (See?) and dwelt with us..." God dwelt with us in flesh. He was the Word.
Before a word it's a thought, and a thought has to be created. All right. So God's thoughts become creation when it was spoke by a word. That's when He presents it to--to you as a thought, His thoughts, and it is revealed to you, then it's still a thought until you speak it.
100 That is the reason Moses went out to pray (that Pillar of Fire around him) and He said, "Go, hold your stick towards the east and say, call for fly." There's no flies, but he went and held the stick there and said, "Let there be flies." No flies at all yet. Went on back, but the Word, God's thought has already been spoken. It's a Word, now it's got to happen. See?
102 Now, don't you see where Jesus said? "If you say to this mountain (Not if I say it, but) you say to this mountain, 'Be moved'..." And the first thing, I guess, in Moses time, big old green fly begin to buzz, and after while they were five pounds per yard. See? Where did he come from? He did... God created them. Don't you see?
God can destroy this world tonight with--with gnats if He wants to. Why, He could pile gnats plumb to the moon. The only thing He would do, just say, "Let there be gnats to the moon." That'd be all there would be to it. No chemicals or nothing, they'd just keep on growing, growing, growing on--on. See?
105 He can do what He wants to. He's God, the Creator. The only thing He do is just speak it. That's right. He's the Creator. Now, if we just get to realizing how great He is... See? He just does what He wishes to. He sets up there and looks at people, and these little educators smart mouthing there's no God and everything... Why, it--it's just like it was at Babel again--Babel, rather.
Now, we notice that God told Eve that after so long a time, "The Word is coming back to you." Now, how did she fall? I want my class to say it. What did she fall from? What did Eve fall from? The Word. Is that right? The Word. And God said He'd make a way to redeem her back to the Word again. All right. After so long a time the Word would be known to her. All right, the Word would come for one purpose now.
108 Hold tight now, what I'm saying. The Word would come to her for one purpose; that was for redemption. All right. But until--until then, she had a substitute that would--that would work until the time arrived for the original Word. Now, you--you understand clearly? See?
He told her the Word would come to her again, but until that time He give her a substitute until that time arrived. So He gave her a offering to make, a substitute for that blood. Now, the blood was of bulls and sheep, and goats and things; but it didn't take away her sins. See? It only covered her sin. It didn't take it away at all. It covered it, for it was a animal's blood, and in the animal's blood is animal life. It was a substitute until the real (Now get your coats on)--the real human Blood, as human beings would be, become incarnate: God, without sex, virgin, the virgin birth produced that.
110 Now, God's Word promised became Blood and was incarnated in the Person of Jesus Christ the Saviour. The blood of bulls and goats and so forth... But now wait, here God made the promise, saying it would be there when It come. Her Seed should bruise the serpent's head. Now, if--if her seed, come just like from Adam or like it had been from the serpent and so forth, then it'd still be sinful seed.
That's the reason John wept. There's no man, because no man--everybody was across the other side of the ditch, the chasm. But there's coming a time that when this substitute blood of animal would be done away with when the real incarnate Blood came: God, made flesh and blood. The Bible said He was. I Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: for God was manifested in flesh..." That's right. The virgin birth did this.
113 Now, the blood of sheep and goats covered sin but didn't get rid of it, for it was an animal's blood. But... It was to be all right (was to be a substitute) and they sure got--got used to that substitute. And so they just kept on, and when the real promised Word was made manifest in Jesus Christ, Who proved to be the Son of the great Creator, God, and was vindicated Himself by being the living Word of God... Whew, my... He proved He was. He could speak things into existence.
There ain't a human being or--or nothing in the world could do that. There ain't a thing on earth can create but God. The devil can't create. He's a perverter of what's been created, but he can't create. Sin is only righteousness perverted. You know what I mean? What is a lie? It's the truth misrepresented. See? What is an adultery? The right legal act perverted. Everything in sin... Sin is just a--the Truth perverted.
117 Now, he could not create. But when Christ came proved He was the Creator. There was the Blood that was been promised. Now, if you want to read that, you--let's just turn for a minute. (We going to take our time on this anyhow tonight. I... It makes me nervous. I think everybody wants to go home, you know, and so it's...) Now, let's get Acts 2 (Thank you) and we'll just... Acts 2, and we'll find out whether this is right or not, whether He was proved that He was God. No. Get Acts 2; now let's get here at the 22nd verse, Peter speaking the day of Pentecost.
Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles... wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as you your als--you yourselves also know:
120 A Man that was approved that it was God among you. By the very things He done proved that He was. Here's Peter standing at the Sanhedrin telling them. Nicodemus knowed the same. He said, "Rabbi, we all know that You are a teacher comes from God, 'cause no man could do these things lest He come from God." See? They know it. But why?
122 Now, watch. Now, Eve was promised this, but when that Bride come on down and refused... When the real Word came to her, so the woman refused to recognize the Hebrew bride, for she was the bride of God. He put her away in divorcement. Is that right? She was a bride of God.
You say, "Well, they wasn't never married yet." That's right, but Joseph put Mary away before--was going to put Mary away 'fore they was married. See? He was engaged to her.
And when He come and the Word that He promised come for the wedding, He found her wrapped in her substitutes so bad that she wouldn't take the real promise that had been made, the Word, Christ.
125 Maybe you don't get it. Let me go over it again. I want you to get this. See? She was promised, the bride Eve, to be a redeemer. Her Redeemer would be the Word. And when the Word came, made flesh, she rejected It. She was given substitutes (Now, hold that substitutes), given substitutes to go on until the Redeemer come, and when the Redeemer come she wanted to continue with her substitute and rejected the true Word, and that was the Hebrew bride. So did He by the second Eve bride, the mother of all spiritual living. See? Eve means the mother of all that's spirit--all that's living: Eve, mother of all that's living.
128 Now, and when He came to the Hebrew bride, she was the mother of all that was living, but she rejected it. Natural Eve fell in Eden by listening to Satan's reasoning against God's Word. That's how she fell. All right, sir. She fell because she did that. Spiritual Eve, now that's the Church, Christ's Bride, she fell not in Eden but in Rome. See? At the Nicene Council when she rejected that Pentecostal church that went down to Nicaea and listening to Roman's reasoning instead of holding on to the Word, she fell and everything away from her, died with her, around her.
131 Now, just as natural Eve fell, spiritual Eve fell. God's bride fail--fell in the garden; Christ's bride fell in Rome (See? Notice.) by the same reasoning against God's Word. She also forfeited her rights of virtue to Satan, which we found in the breaking of these Seals that that was Satan and still is Satan there. The Bible said it's the very seat of Satan.
And as Eve forfeited her--her virtuous rights and give them over to Satan in the garden of Eden, the church, the bride of Christ did the same thing at Rome when they forfeited the Bible for their dogmas and reasoning.
See how it types? You just run those types you're bound to come out right. If my hand looked like... If I've never seen myself and I see my shadow coming, I'll know just about what I look like. See? But, that's the way... If you want to see what is coming, look at what has been. For the all the old things were shadows of things to come, the Bible said. All right. For...
She forfeited her virtuous Word (the Word of God), when she sold the Bible and put a man in there that says that the church has rights to change anything they want to change; and they've done it. And the Bride of Christ, the Pentecostal Bride, sold out her virtue at Nicaea, just as Eve sold her virtue to Satan in the garden of Eden exactly. All right.
134 God has promised this church, this Pentecostal church, knowing she would do it, like He did to Eve... God has promised the Pentecostal church... Do you believe that she sold her birthrights before I--her virtue when she left over there? Do you believe that? She... Sure, she did. Then what good is a creed not based on this Bible?
I want somebody to find what's called the Apostles' Creed or even one word of it in the Bible. That's a Catholic Creed, not an Apostles' Creed. Read Acts 2:38; that's the Apostles' Creed. If got a creed. See, see? Now... That's what they used all the time anyhow. So if you... See?
137 So they sold out their birthright. Not only that: Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterian, Pentecostals and the rest of them has done the same. She formed a denomination, Rome. What made her do that, she formed a denomination and put man at the head of it, and the Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals and everyone's done the same thing: put a group of men at the head of it.
No matter what God says, they--you got to do it the way they say do it. Well, what is it? It's nothing in the world but spiritual prostitution, the wrong type of woman. Yes, sir. Creeds--lying creeds, man-made... Then she became when she did that (Now, I'll prove this.), she became a whore to God. You believe the Bible says that? Yes, sir. Her daughters has done the same.
139 Now, in Revelation 17 (if you want to mark it down), John was taken in the Spirit and saw a great whore setting upon... (And, we read it last night.)... And there was the seven hills and exactly what she done, and she had given the world her filthy fornications. Is that right? And all the kings of the earth committed fornications with her--cheating, stealing, lying, paying for repentance, and novenas, and every other thing.
Well, now remember, she had daughters. Well, if she become a body and under an organizational system, then the whole system's wrong. And if Eve, disobeying God, throwed everything into death that was under her, and every church that organizes throws everything to death under it... That's exactly. The whole thing's gone. That's exactly according to the Word here.
141 Read Revelation 17, and the Bible said that he would burn her with fire and all of her children with her. That's right. That means every organizational system will burn with the whore. Now, that sounds flat but... And I--I know you'll hear from it, and I--I want to hear from it. And I--I... That's right though. The Bible said so, so that makes it right. Yes, sir.
She became a whore. You can read it in Revelations the 17th chapter. She... What did she do? She committed fornication against her own husband. "Well," you say, "no." That's the Bible. The Word is God. And if you take one thing... Would you want your wife kissing some other man? If she didn't do no more than that, you wouldn't want her doing it. She'd prove her untrueness. "Whosoever shall take one word away from it or add one to it..." Hallelujah.
144 Christ wants His wife pure with the Word. The way she must be. Because nothing, not one tot or one jittle or anything (or tittle) will pass from that law, from that Book till it's all fulfilled. Jesus said, "Both heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never pass." Don't put any private interpretation to It. He wants the pure, unadulterated, not even a flirt. I wouldn't want my wife flirting with some other man, and when you go to listening to any kind of reasons beyond that, you're listening--you're flirting with Satan. Amen. Don't it make you feel religious? God wants you to stay unadulterated. Stay right there with that Word. Stay right with It. All right.
147 God promised to her, as He did to Eve in the garden of Eden, to this last Eve here, which the Pentecostal church, the beginning of the church, the church itself is a mother of all of the living people; because as long as they go in there... But you see, when they take up her sins, they die with her.
Here comes a little fellow along; you say, "I--I want to serve God."
They say, "Well, here's what you do. Go down there and repent."
"All right, I'll do it." "Glory to God," go down and repent.
"Now, come join us."
There--there you are. Uh-huh. That got it. That's right. Died right with it. See, see? Now, that's just--that's what this Book is teaching (See?), not what I'm saying, because it says here so. All right.
151 Now, God has promised her as He did Eve. He told Eve there would come a time that there would--the Word would come back to her again. Now, you remember that? What she lost from, it would be restored, 'cause there's only One thing can restore, and that's the Word. It's exactly.
As I said, "Shoot a gun. If you don't hit the target, find where it went off at. You got to come back there and start again." See? And if you go back, you go to Nicaea. That's where you start again. See? Go back away from them organizations, away from all that church... We've been seeing these Seals is perfectly...
I always wondered all my life why I was so against the organizational systems, not the people, no. The people are just like me, or you, or anybody else, but that system, that denominational system... Now, I see it right here. I never knowed it till now. That's right.
155 God promised the spiritual Eve as same as He did the natural Eve that again the Word would be restored to her. In the last days He would restore to, the Church, to the original Word again.
Now, watch real close. I--I want you to be sure now. God promised Eve the time would come when the Word would be restored by her seed. This Word, Itself, would become Seed. And when... You say, Give her a substitute..." And she held that substitute. And when the Word come to her, what did she do? "I don't want it." It was too humble. Didn't look right to her, wasn't polished enough.
"A stable? Oh, my. My. A guy like that, not a day in school? Why, I--I couldn't accept that. That's no Messiah. A guy let guys kick him around like that and then call it 'Messiah,' let them put a rag around his face and hit him on the head, He called Himself a prophet? A real prophet raise up after them..."
They didn't know prophets. Jesus said so. He said, "If you would've known the prophets, you'd knowed Me." That's right. See?
158 Now, notice. But when the Word came to her the way--just exactly the way God said it would come; she had it figured out some other way. I'm talking about the Bride--the Jewish Bride, the Hebrew Bride. That was Eve to begin with. Then when it come out here she didn't want it. She wanted to stay with her substitute.
Now, God promised spiritual Eve at Pentecost, told her even before it happened (four hundred years before the church ever fell), that they would fall away, and they would do what they've done, but He promised in the last days He'd send the Word again.
160 Jesus spoke the same thing when He was on earth. He would send it again, and what is--what will it find? It'll find the same thing that it found when it come first. That's right. They've got the--they want their substitutes; they want their denomination; they want their creed; they want to live just the way they want to and they want... "Well, I am So-and-so. I belong to So-and-so." Don't make any difference what God's a doing, how much He manifests Himself. He could raise the dead; He could tell the secrets of the hearts; He could do everything that the Bible said He would do. And that don't make a bit of difference--"If it ain't connected with my organization, it is--nothing to it."
Same thing that Hebrew bride did. That's right. See? They listened to their substitute, and God promised them the real. And when the real come, they didn't want it; it was too humble.
162 Now, it's the same thing today when--when it rises on the scene. Now God said in Malachi 4 that He would send the message in the last days that would restore... Joel said, "I will restore all the years..." Everything that Rome eat up, and everything that the Methodists eat up, and everything the Baptists eat up off that original Pentecostal branch, God said, "I will restore in the last days." That's right.
And He can send us such a person that will be... The only thing that God ever sent His Word to was a prophet, not to reformers, to prophets. It wasn't the hour for it. Now, it's getting to be the hour, and that's the reason we are watching for it to come. It'll be so humble and gentle and so...
164 Oh, my. You think them aristocratic Methodists, Baptists, and Presbyterian, and Pentecostals will ever receive it?
"Well, you say, "Pentecostals?"
The Pentecostals is the Laodiceans: rich and have need of nothing. It said, "You don't know that you're poor." You might be building millions of dollar buildings, but you're still poor, spiritual poor.
"Oh," you say, "I see it all." You're blind.
"Well," you say, "Bless God, I'm covered." Naked...
"Well, I sure... Well, our boys... We got seminaries, we..." And don't know it...
Now, that is just vice versa. Now, if the Bible said that the Laodicean church would be in that condition, and there's no person on earth could deny that this isn't the last age, because the Laodicean Church Age or the seventh church age, and here we are. The second two thousand years is finishing. There's no more church ages.
That's the reason you Latter Rain brethren couldn't start another organization. There's going to be no more. That's right. It's at the end. Amen. Can't be no more church ages. It's all over.
169 But then, if the Pentecostal message was the last message which justification, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Ghost... The last three messages, the last three church ages forms the complete birth. Just like when a woman is having--going to have her baby. The actual first thing happens is water; the next thing's blood; the next thing's life. When they killed Jesus at the cross, the substance come from His body to make up the new--to make up the--the birth. They stuck His side, blood and water came out, and "Into Thy hands I commend My Spirit." What came from His body was water, blood, spirit. I John 5:7 tells you about that.
172 There are three that bear record in heaven: the Father, the Word (which is Christ), and the Holy Ghost, and these three agree in One. They're not One, but they agree in One. And there are three that bear record... Or they are One, I mean. I'm mistaken. The... And the three that bear record in earth is the water, blood, and spirit, and they agree in one.
You can be sanctified without being justified, and you can be justified without being sanctified. You can be sanctified without receiving the Holy Ghost. It's exactly. The disciples in John 17:17 was sanctified and given power to cast out devils and still didn't have the Holy Ghost. See? Sure. Had to go up to Pentecost and wait till the Holy Ghost come. That's where Judas showed his colors. See how that spirit worked its way through justification and sanctification, but when it come to the end, he showed his color. (See?) That's right.
176 Now, notice, now, and here we are at the end time. And spiritual Eve, just as nat--as Hebrew Eve was promised... The Hebrew bride was promised the Word to return, and the spiritual bride from Pentecost, when she fell at Nicaea, then she's promised in the last days that the Word will come again. Now, you say... Then... If you want another Scripture, take over here, Revelations 10. And said, "In the hour, the time of the--the last angel, the seventh angel, seventh messenger, begins to sound, the mystery of God is finished (See?), the restoration back to the Word. The Bible said that this messenger of the last days would be--restore them back to the original faith again, back to the faith of the fathers. But you think they receive it? No, sir. Last days He would restore the original Word again, as He said in Malachi 4, but--that--that she had forfeited.
Now, she forfeited that Word at Nicaea. Eve forfeited in Eden. Eve rejected hers at Calvary, and Nicaea's group is rejecting it in their last days--just the same. My. But when the Word came in human flesh, she, Eve, the Hebrew church, mother of all spiritual living as then, she rejected it; she was so dead in her traditions and dogmas that she missed it. So is this one. It's exactly.
180 All right. They miss Him, the living Word manifested in the flesh by the Word that is promised. The Word promised to do these things. The promise was made, and it'll be like this in the last days. "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Now, watch what happened at Sodom. "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." See? Watch what happened then. See? Now, He said it'd be the same thing, and we live in that day where that it could be... I guess I could get six hundred promises of them like that out of the Scripture just referring to it. See? Now... But they rejected.
She held to her traditions and substitute instead of the--the... She held to the substitute blood instead of the real Blood. Jesus, the Word said... When He was manifested to her... Because she held to these traditions, Jesus the manifested Word, said to the bride, Hebrew bride, "Because you hold to your traditions, you make the Word of God without any effect to you." It can't be effective.
182 Now, that's what's the reason today that the--the revivals that we're supposed to have... We have denominational revivals; we haven't had a real stirring. No, no, no, no. No, sir. Don't think we got revivals. We haven't. Oh, they've got millions and millions and millions of church members, but not a revival nowhere. No, no.
The--the Bride hasn't had a revival yet. See? There's been no revival there, no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet. See? We're looking for it. It will take those seven unknown thunders back there to wake her up again. He will send it. He promised it. Now, now, watch. Now, she was--she was dead.
184 And now, if the churches would forget their creeds, and forget their dogmas, and just take the Bible, plead the promise, then it would come effective to them. But see, Jesus said, "You with your traditions make the Word of God not effective to you." Well, that's the same thing today with spiritual Eve. See? The spiritual bride of today, so-called the church, she takes the Word of God; and she won't accept It, and she accepts dogmas instead. Therefore, the Word's not effective to her (See?), because she tries to inject her creed with the Word, and it won't work.
185 Now, what we need today... I just keep reading this here "Herald of His Coming." Across the headlines "We need a prophet to return. We need a prophet to return." and I guess when He does return they will know nothing about it, just like I said. That's right. It's always been that way. See? "We need a..." Everything you talk about: "We need a prophet to return who will bring the Word of the Lord, fearless. We believe the Bible promised it."
Now, I know Brother--Brother Moore and them, eat in his house and everything else (the editor); and he's a--finest man that walks in shoe leather, I guess, one of the finest fellows. But just... See, he knows that we've got to have that. And Sister Moore, one of the finest women, little--poor little fellow, and they sacrifice. And that's one of the best papers on the field in my opinion is "The Herald of His Coming." But you find out they keep blasting that "We need a prophet. We need a prophet." See? My. That's what they talk about.
188 And then here we are today, and like yesterday and today announcing on the radio that in the Baptist churches and so forth that we're not to take in with the Catholics, but we're to kind of fellowship with them. See? And right here the message going out right here to stay away from that poison thing. See, see? "How can two walk together 'less they be agreed?"
Light and dark can't fellowship together. When light comes in, dark goes out. See? It can't--the most powerful... You can't put light out with dark, but you can put dark out with light. That's right. And He is the Light, and He is the Word. See? Now, there you are, right straight back. You can't make it lie or do anything wrong. It comes right straight back to this spot again. Yes, sir.
190 Just like some guys start to try to fuss with you, if you know where to stand, know what he believes... It's just like taking a rabbit and turning him loose in a pen and you've got every hole stopped up. Just stand at the gate; he's got to come back. So... See? He has to come right back to the gate again 'cause that's the only way he can get out. He will stick his head through here and almost break his neck, go over there and over there. Just stand and watch him, and he will come right back. See? That's all. That's the only way to do: stay with that Word. Now, just blast all around your creed and just break your neck everywhere, but you got to come right back to this Word. See? That's all of it.
193 Now, see, they--they--they--they don't want it. They don't want God's Word. Because she held to her traditions, she kept the Word of God from being of none effect. The same now on spiritual Eve, she don't want... She wants to keep her traditions and get away from the Word of God. She holds again to the denominations and their creeds and traditions of her elders instead of taking the Word of God.
And when the promise of the Word in the last days is brought to her, she will not receive it, because with her traditions, like the Hebrew bride did, the real Word, though manifested, proven, vindicated, she won't have it. Why won't she? Because there's her type. She can't do it. That's right. She can't beat her type. See? And it's predicted she would do it, so how you going to keep from anything...
Now, the only thing to do is be happy you are in. That's all, be ready for it. All right. God promised in the last days that He would manifest and would vindicate His Word to her and still she wouldn't do it. All that God promised her by His servants, the prophets, God promised through Jesus Christ, God promised through Joel, God promised through Paul, God promised through Malachi, John, God promised through John the revelator, all them prophets, just exactly what the last message would be to her.
197 Now, if you want to write them down, 'course you all know them: Jesus: John 14:12; and Joel: Joel 2:38; Paul: II Timothy 3; Malachi 4th chapter, and John the revelator: Revelations 10:17, 1-17. See? Exactly what would take place now. And to the church, what is it? The incarnate Word made flesh amongst His people again (See?), and they just don't believe it.
198 You know what Jesus said when He seen He--when He done them miracles before them and proved that He was God, proved that--that what He was doing, He was--He had done exactly. He--He said to them, He said, "Oh, you Capernaum, who is exalted into heaven, if the works had been--the mighty works had been done in Sodom that's been done in you, it'd be standing today." That's right.
And in Capernaum, He never done nothing but heal a few people and told them the secrets of their hearts and walked out. Yes. That's all. See, they don't know what mighty works are. They think it has to be a great big program where everybody gets up; and the judge makes a speech; and--and the bands playing, the colors fly, and the--and the well-dressed women and their... and tarrying, and all the Ph.D's, LL.D's, the big tall hats and turned-around collars and everything; they all have to walk in; that's something great. God said, "That's foolish." See?
200 And He brings up a little something that don't know what-- difference between, maybe, abc's hardly and performs something that just sets the real Church afire; and the rest of them says, "A bunch of holy-rollers." God calls that great, and the world calls it foolish. The world calls that great, and God calls that foolish (See?), just vice versa. See? And the thing that God has promised, God will and has done. Here we are.
201 Now, still she remains as she did, the Hebrew Eve. She just wouldn't do it. You could raise up the dead; you could see the Spirit of God. Jesus came down, vindicated Himself to be the Son of God. First He started preaching. Well, they thought, "Well, kinda odd-like fellow. Who is he anyhow?"
Well, the first thing you know, people begin to say... Of course they'd said before when His forerunner come, John--they said, "Are you the Messiah?"
He said, "No, but He's standing among you somewhere." See? Why? He knowed when his message taken place what he was to do. He knowed what he was going to do.
204 Just like Noah kept watching Enoch. When Enoch went, Noah said, "Better get close to the ark. The time is at hand." Noah kept watching Enoch (See?) and John watched for the sign that Jesus told him--or God told him to watch. He said, "He's standing right here now somewhere among you. I don't know Him, but I will know Him."
Standing there and they said, "Aren't you the Messiah?" Said, "We were sent from the headquarters." Said, "The--the elders and all sent us down here. If you are the Messiah, why don't you come up and make yourself known up there, not down here in this bunch of stuff down here. You come up there and make yourself known."
He said, "I'm not the Messiah." He said, "I'm the voice of one crying in the wilderness."
That went far over their heads as it could go. They didn't know nothing about it (See?), and yet they was all looking for him to come; but it couldn't be a guy like that. Oh, my, that would be terrible.
"What school are you from?"
"Have you got your fellowship card?"
209 "What is it?" See? He was anointed of God. He said, "There's one thing I have, the axe is laid to the root of the tree." Now... That's all he--that all he had. He talked in terms of a woodsman, not in the terms of a clergyman--vipers, axes, and trees and so forth. He--he didn't talk in ecclesiastical terms, but Jesus said there never was a prophet like him, never a man born of a woman like him till his day. That's right.
He was more than a prophet; he was the messenger of the covenant: stood right between the--the--the two dispensations coming in (See?), more than a prophet. And so then... Standing there, they didn't know him. They didn't understand him. He was kind of an odd-like sort of fellow, so they just missed him. See?
212 Then when Jesus come then, and surely they wasn't going to accept Him, this carpenter's boy (There wasn't nothing like that) with a black name behind Him of illegitimacy. He... They wouldn't go to see a Fellow like that.
But--but look what God did. He took the unlearned poor fishermen, woodsmen, farmers, and harlots and left the dignitaries set there. Why? What... Why did He do it? Why did He do such a thing? (Could you imagine?), because that them people recognized Him to be the Word.
214 Now, let's just watch them just a minute. Here's an old ignorant fisherman, can't write his name. The Bible said he was ignorant and unlearned. He brings his fish up and sets it down, goes down there and sees what all this noise is about, but way down deep in him he knew that the Bible said that the Messiah... All Hebrews look for the Messiah, because there was to be a Scriptural thing happen when He come.
215 There'd been a lot of messiahs raise up and said, "I'm He," and led them off by the hundreds, and--and perished and everything; but see, that was to throw off the real One when He comes. We've had Elijah's mantles and coats and every other thing, but that--that's--that's just to throw off the real thing when He does come. See? That's right. All kinds of people that's wore the robes and the garments and been buried in all kinds of hoods turned around and everything else... That don't... That just only vindicates. Like a bogus dollar shows there's a good one somewhere if you can just find it. See? So here He come.
Now, these dignitaries come out, and they was so on their substitutes, "Why," they said, "now, if the Messiah comes, He will certainly come to Caiaphas. He will come to our denomination. He will come to the Pharisees."
The Sadducees: "That's what you think; He will come to the Sadducees."
218 There they was (See?), the same thing they have today. See? Now, but when He come, it was strange. He would come, oh, very contrary to what they thought, but He come according to the Word, and they didn't know the Word.
Let me say that real, so you'll--it'll sink way down. I want us to get it: That's what is the matter with you today. See? You don't know the Word.
Jesus said, "You can discern the face of the skies, but the signs of time you can't discern."
Said, "We have Moses..."
Jesus said, "If you'd knowed Moses, you'd knowed Me." That's right. See? Didn't know Moses, and therefore they didn't know. They just knowed creed that they'd hatched out.
222 Now, let's take this old fisherman. Sets his basket down, pushed his gray beard down, walks down, "I believe I'll see who it is."
His brother said, "Come on. Let's go down here. That's that same guy; the guy they said the other day. I stayed all night with Him last night. You know John and I was talking about?"
"Yeah, that wild man down there? Yeah, I heard about him."
Well, a--a--old Simon, you know, said, "I heard about him down there. Yeah, been down there--two or three months ago down there, yep."
"Well, he said... And one day he was standing there and he said an odd thing. He said, 'You know, here He comes right now.' They said, 'How do you know?' He looked over there, and there was an ordinary Fellow standing there. He said, 'I see the Spirit of God like a dove coming down on Him. I hear a voice saying, "This is Him. This is My beloved Son in Whom I am pleased to dwell in.' Then he walked right in the water and baptized Him and so forth. Well there, he said he knew Him."
"Oh, I don't know," Simon said. "I've heard all of that lots of times." But here he comes up; but down in his heart was a predestinated seed. Jesus said so. That's right. He walks up to Him. Walks up and said, "I'll go down to the meeting and see."
227 Walks up there, Jesus standing there, just an ordinary little Fellow. Walked up--and said, "Why, your name is Simon, and your father's name was Jonas." That deflated him. Why? That little Eternal Life seed struck in there. Yes, sir.
Said, "Wait a minute. How's that? You never did see me, neither did you know my dad 'cause he'd been dead for years, but here you come tell me that. Now, I know that the Bible says..." (Now, that's not go back to what the elders says.) but "the Bible said that the Messiah would be a prophet. There He is. That's Him."
229 One day He passed through Samaria going down through there with a bunch of Jews. He left them. And this little ill-famed woman come out, maybe a pretty little lady, you know; and she'd been turned out on the street as a kid, and she was going through there. Maybe she was thinking about something. She walked up there, and set the bucket down, and she started to let the windle down, you know, get the water, and she heard a Man say, "Bring Me a drink."
She looked around and there set kind of a middle-aged Jew. She said, "Say, aren't you a Jew? You shouldn't do that. It's not customary for you to talk to me. I'm a Samaritan."
He said, "But if you knowed Who you're talking to, you'd bring--you'd ask Me to give you a drink."
She said, "Where's your bucket? Where's your string?"
"Well," He said, "the water that I give is Life."
"The what? (See?) Why," she said, "why, you all want to worship in Jerusalem. And our fathers worshipped in..."
"Oh," He said, "that's right," but said, "we Jews know what we worship," but said, "you know, the time is coming when--when men will not worship in Jerusalem or in this mountain." He said, "They're going to worship God in the Spirit, because He is a Spirit; He's Spirit and Truth."
Well, she begin to study, you know.
He said, "Go, get your husband, and come here."
She said, "My husband? I haven't got any husband."
Oh, He said, "That's the truth." Said--said, "You've been running around with five and got the sixth one now." And said, "You--you've had five. And--and you--you know, you--you told the truth."
236 Watch. What was it? That Light struck that seed that had been laying there that was spoke by God. Yes, sir. The seed was on the earth. When God moved the water away and the sun hit it, it come up. That's right. See? That's all it needed was sun. It needed light. Yes, sir.
And then when the Holy Spirit in Him moved away her past life and showed it to her, that Light struck it; she said, "Sir, I perceive You're a prophet." She said, "That's how... We know--I know it, that when Messiah comes, that's what He's going to be, and we ain't had a prophet for hundreds of years. We have never had a true prophet for hundreds of years." And she said, "How... You tell me about my husband and told me how many I've had and so forth... Why," said, "I don't understand this," said, "when Messiah cometh, well, He's going to do that, but Who are you?"
He said, "I'm He." That was it: A harlot.
239 And the priest looked around and said... Well, they'd have to answer to their congregation, said, "Don't fool with that fellow. He's--he's possessed of a devil."
Now, that's the difference. That's the same thing today (See?), same thing today. Hits just exactly. Yep, yes, sir. She--she knew it because the Light struck it.
They... Them fishermen, woodsmen, farmers, tax-collectors, harlots, they seen in Him what the simple Scriptures said He would do, and the Pharisees couldn't see because of their tradition. Amen. They couldn't see because their traditions; but the prostitute, the farmers, and all them, they saw it. All that was predestinated, when the doubts rolled away, the seed went to growing. That's right.
241 What did she do? She said, "Well, I'm glad I met the Messiah." Oh, no, brother. Right into the city she went. She forgot about the water. She said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things that I've done. Isn't this the very thing that the Scripture said Messiah's going to do? Isn't this exactly that?" And the people could see that same thing that Jesus Christ said in Saint John 14:12, it would happen again.
He said it also in Luke when He said, "As it was in the days of Noah..." how God manifest Himself in a Man and told who was behind Him, and what Sarah did (laughing in the tent), and all these Scriptures of Malachi and so forth predicted in the last day. Hebrews 4 said when the Word comes back... Malachi 4 said it would return back by a man; the--Hebrews 4 said the Word of God discerns the thoughts that's in the heart, and they can see it done and walk right away from it. Their traditions hide it and makes it none effect. Well, we're just here. That's all.
244 You know, He could do this same thing today. He'd come right on the scene and produce the same things He did then as He said He would. See? He promised to do it. He promised to do it. And if He would do the same things... The Laodicea messenger is supposed to do it; and then if the Laodicea church sees it done, they'll do just exactly like the Hebrew church did at the beginning. See? No matter how well vindicated it is, all--they do it anyhow. Oh, my.
Now, It said that it would--we would return to the original Word and be made manifested as promised to restore again the faith, original faith again. And if He made Hisself known that He was dwelling amongst His people by doing these things... He could even have His picture taken, scientifically prove it, and still they don't believe it...?... Let the mechanical eye of the camera catch Him standing there, that same Pillar of Fire, same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) to show that it's--it's scientific in every other way, scientifically, in the spiritual realms, and every way it could be vindicated, it's been vindicated and you know they'd probably do the same thing. They'd probably just walk right away and do the same thing that they did.
248 Oh, God, help us. Oh, my. Now, we'll just stop here. God, help us to see now, my prayer, as we come now, 'cause I don't want to keep you too late. God help us to see. I believe, maybe the Spirit upon us to be right now that He'd help us to reveal, open up this Seal.
Let's read as we see the state the church is in. We see where it has been, seen what they did, seen where it was supposed to come, see it there, and see what they was supposed to do. They did just that. Now, you see where we are at? You do the judging. I can't judge. I'm just responsible for bringing this Word. Just as It's give to me, I can give It. Until it's give to me, I can't give It. No one else can.
And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that set on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
And I heard the voice in the midst of the four beasts saying, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; but see thou hurt not the oil and... wine.
250 Now, the Lamb's got the Book in His hand breaking the Seal. Broke the first one, second one, and now, He breaks the third one. And as He breaks it, the Lamb breaks it, the Third Seal, the third beast... Now, how many knows what the third beast looked like? Looked like a man. The first one looked like a lion; the other one looked like a calf or an ox, and the third one looked like a man, as a man.
And he heard the--the living creature that--the beast, living creature like a man said to John, "Come, see what it is, this mystery that's been hid." All down through the years of redemption, since the foundation of the world, It's been hid under this Seal, what's going to happen. Now, come, look what it is." And so he opens it up; a thunder blasts; and the Lamb opens the Seals.
253 Now, and John walked up to see what it would be. What did he see? He seen a black horse, and his rider had a balance or scales in his hand. Now, that's the first thing he saw. When the Lamb announced it, broke the Seal, then the other beast... See, them beasts are taking turn about, announcing, "Come, see."
And John, where he was standing, maybe like this, he walks over here when the Lamb opened it, walked over, usually the thunder strikes as we seen in the First Seal. And he watches to see what takes place, and he sees a man coming first on a white horse; he watches him ride down and on down through; John sees him plumb to the end. He sees him come down, his white horse, got a bow in his hand, and the--the rider has; and he has no arrows with it. And the next thing he sees, he gets a crown, rides right on through.
255 Then we find out and then the Lamb, here it comes again. He opens another and looks. Now, here comes a red horse. And this man has a sword in his hand. He rides right on down through the Scriptures (See?) with a sword in his hand and was to kill and take peace from the earth.
Now, the Lamb opens another Seal. Another one of the living creatures like a man said, "Come, see." Now, he walks up to see what this is. And when he does, there comes a rider on a black horse.
257 Now, last night we found out that the same rider that rode the white horse was the same one on the red one. And the voice said--in the midst of the beast called out (You see?) to come to see what it was; he was in this living creature. And he saw this black horse, and when the voice in the midst of the four beasts called out, "A measure of wheat for a penny, and--and three measures of barley for a penny, but see that thou hurt not the--the oil and the wine." See?
259 This rider, let's discuss him. If you'll notice the first rider, who he was, and we found out last night, Scripturally, that the second rider was exactly the same man, only he was on another horse. What happened? He changed his ministry. See? That's right. We found out he was an antichrist, and he'd changed his position. We found out that when he first just was a white horse, he become a doctrine. Now, we're taking every one of these right back in the Scriptures. See?
261 Now, watch where we're at tonight, that other church age now. See? We're come down to the third church age now. See? Just exactly on the third church age is just exactly like the third horse. See?
Now, the first church age what it was? The Nicolaitane's had a doctrine (See?) just the first one. All right. And then the first thing we know this Nicolaitane doctrine, it become sanctioned and was right, went into action. And they crowned this fellow. Then this spirit, antichrist, become incarnate in a man. See? And we find out later on he becomes an incarnate devil too. The demon goes away, and the devil comes in.
263 And just as that church is--that kinda antichrist church progresses, so has the Bride come along with different things; through justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, just moving right on (See?), just like that. Only they taken their revival first, and the Church is taking it the last.
Their first three years--first three stages of them that went to the dark age, then the third three stages comes the Church out from justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost again, incarnate God made manifest among us.
264 Here he comes in as the antichrist, as the false prophet, then the beast, then in dark age. And the Church comes out of that dark age, justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, incarnate Word, the way now. Uh-huh. And he goes down. he does... He goes down; the Church goes up. See? It's just as perfect as it can be. Oh, it's beautiful. I just love it.
This rider is the same one but another stage of his ministry. The first stage, a white horse (See?), he was just a teacher, just an antichrist teacher; he was against the Word of God. And now, how can you be an antichrist? Anybody that denies that every Word of this--isn't true and to be taught just the same, is an antichrist, 'cause they deny the--the--the--the--the Word, and He is the Word.
267 Now, first stage, white horse, he was just a teacher, but an antichrist spirit in its doctrine and its quality. It was innocent. It couldn't hurt nothing, seemed like, just going on... That's the way Satan comes in. Oh, he's a slick bird.
He told Eve, said, "Now, you know, you're looking for wisdom. You don't know what's right and wrong." Said, "Now, if your eyes were opened, you would know what," and said, "the fruit is very pleasant. It's good. It--it's--it's pleasant to the eye. You should take it now. Now, you don't know whether it is or not, do you?"
"No, I don't, but God said not to do it..."
"But oh, he... Well, I know, but..."
"God said He--we'd die..."
He said, "Surely He won't do that." See? Just sweet as it could be. Look what it did.
Watch this antichrist spirit rise up amongst the early church--a doctrine of Nicolaitanes. "Nico," "conquer the laity," make a holy man. See? Oh, it's just is in...
"Why, we just want fellowship. Why, you're scattered out here; nobody knows where nobody's at. I think we all ought to have an organization and just be different. (See?) We go right--put ourselves together. We ought to make a lodge out of it."
271 That's what it is. There is no such thing as the Christian church of Methodists; that's not a church; that's a lodge. Baptists, that's not a church; it's a lodge. There's only one Church, and that's the mystical Body of Jesus Christ, and you're borned into that (That's right.) by predestination. That's right.
"All the Father has give Me will come. No man can come 'less the Father calls him, and all He's give Me will come to Me," So that's--that's it. He just... The Lamb sets there making--making intercession till the last one comes in. The little bell rings and He walks out and takes His possession then (You see?), so, brings His Church home, His subjects, and casts His enemy into the lake of fire and all of his subjects go in there with him, and that's it. Then we walk out in the Millennium.
273 Same rider now... This first stage, he was innocent; and second (Now, if you went a little bit higher, a little more than that, in the second stage the Bible said he'd be given a crown, and they crowned a man, a superman. See?), crowned him. And then the Bible didn't call him a pope. The Bible called him a false prophet. Why? Yeah. Of course he must be a false prophet by his antichrist spirit that taught antichrist against the original Word. 'Cause if you taught against the original Word, it was antichrist, it was--and the Word is God (See?), Christ. All right.
274 Now, after that, we find him then crowned. When he got crowned... Now, he's a very innocent, helpless; he's just a little fellow. But then in the Nicene Council, he was made... And Constantine give him all the property. And then what did he do? Then he... See, Satan give him his throne and authority. The Bible said so as we have went through it.
Now, the next thing we find out that the devil controls all politics that ever has been or ever will be. We find that in Matthew 4:11. And now, we find out then that Satan already had politics, but he's trying to get the church. So he goes down to deceive it. He gets his superman, works him into an organization and crowns him vicar (See?) of Christ. Christ acted instead of God. See this guy's a vicar instead of God. See? Just the same: instead of God, what he's supposed to be, a vicar under Christ.
277 Now, now, when he did that, then what did he do then? He... Satan took his political power (which he was already over) and took the religious power (which he had already been crowned) and put them together, and then he made him another crown over hell. And then when they had passed on, if they pay enough money, he'd get them out. See? So now he's--he's vicar over heaven, over purgatory, as he wants to call it. No such thing in the Bible (See?), but he had to make something. The Bible said he come out of the bottomless pit and returns back the same way, and on earth, a ruler...
279 Now, what was he given then? First he had a bow, but he didn't have any arrows. But now he's got a mighty sword in his hand. He can do something now. Then he jumps off his white horse; the white horse rides on out. Now he straddles what? A red horse, blood, blood red horse. He really rides that one. Oh, sure. Now, he's given great power and a great sword to kill; then he rides his blood red horse.
We see from the Second Seal that was broke last night, he taken peace from the earth and did kill one another. And his own martyrology of the Roman Catholic church shows that they put sixty-eight million Protestants to death from the time of Saint Hippo of--after Saint Augustine of Hippo until 1580 something: sixty-eight million. (Schmucker's "Great Reform," if you want to read it--"Glorious Reform," it was. See?) Now, sixty-eight million recorded on the martyrology...
280 When one of their so-called saints got the revelation that anybody that disagreed with the Roman church should die as a heretic... That just set them around then. Boy, he went to spilling the blood. He--he jumped on his white horse--on his red horse, and he went to riding.
Oh, now, his great power comes; he was made vicar of heaven and worshipped as God, ruler of the earth. By uniting the church and state together made him ruler on earth, give him a crown over that. He could pray the souls out of purgatory. He could also inter... He was just like God on earth: instead of God.
281 Together he had great power to kill whomever did not agree with his command. Who's going to say anything to him? The church can't say nothing; he's head of it. State can't say nothing; he's head of it. So they died by the millions. All them little churches, brother, was busted up, and killed, and murdered, and fed to lions and everything else. See? The dragon, Rome, give him his seat and authority. The Bible said so. See? So he rode his typed red horse through human blood till it become a red horse.
Now, John sees him on a black horse. He changed something else. Now, I have to--to say this just the way it comes to me; and then... And if it come to me and didn't compare with the rest of the Scriptures, then God never give it. See, the Scriptures has to every one; it's just one great big--big thing, like that. Scripture has to agree with Scripture, and anything contrary to the Scripture... If that Angel of the Lord told me anything that wasn't Scriptural, I wouldn't believe Him.
284 I said there in Chicago the other day with all them hundreds of ministers... Was anybody there at that meeting? Sure. That meeting in Chicago, I said, "Now, you all talk about you got... You thought you was twisting me in here in something." About like that's in this room now. I said, "What is it you got it against me?" I said, "The Holy Spirit showed me three nights ago where every one of you'd be, and we wouldn't be in that..." Ask Carl, here, if it isn't right; and there was Hank and all of them. That's right. You all was there to hear it.
I said, "Now, you got it against me on my teaching. That's what's the matter. Now, I want one of you to come here and get your Bible and stand by me and disprove it." It was the quietest bunch you ever heard. I said, "What's the matter with you?" I said, "Then if you know you can't stand up against the Word, then get off of my back."
286 "You doctors of divinity and everything and talking how... And introducing yourself as 'Doctor,' 'Doctor,' 'Doctor,' and I'm a..." I don't know whether... Brother Wood and I say "cheechaker," or "greenhorn." "I have no education, never come through any seminary or school, but you get your Bible and come here and stand by my side, disprove the serpent's seed, the baptism in Jesus' Name, or any of those things that I teach."
Nobody said a word. And you all know that. That was the quietest bunch you ever seen.
See, they just crow like I don't know what. Now, now, here it is. I don't believe in fussing with people, but when it comes to a spot where they try to drag you into it... And I wouldn't have went, but the Holy Spirit told me, said, "Go on over there; I'll stand by you."
288 Told them three or four days behind--before time. You all was there and heard Mr. Carlson and them and--and Tommy Hicks--and all of them set there. And I went three days before, and I said, "You're going to have to cancel that place."
It was a stormy night; I was having a meeting. He said, "Go, stand by that window at that third little door there. And I went there and stood right in there. I looked out like that. He said, "They've got a trap set for you. They're going to ask you to speak at that Ministerial Association of the Greater Chicago." Said, "They got a trap set for you on your teaching of My Word." He said, "Now, they're going to cancel off that place there. They ain't going to get it, and they're going to get to a place where it's brown." Said, "Here it looks."
291 I stopped, and I seen myself in a corner, looked back there and seen, I seen all them people. I seen all them ministers set there, the way they was. I looked them all over, and He said... "Well," I thought, "I'd better not go over there then, Lord, if they're going to do that. I don't want to hurt their feelings or do anything wrong."
He said, "Go; I'll stand by you." He did. That's right. Now, you all... Here's witnesses right here were setting right there and know it. That's right. Well, you got the tapes here also. But there you are. You see?
294 Now, now, here is the mystery of this. And now, It... When it revealed to me early this morning 'fore daylight, then I went quickly to the Scripture and begin to look--search it up. Here it was. Three of them so far has been absolutely supernaturally revealed. That's right. Now, here is the mystery of the black horse according to what it was revealed to me. See?
He has started riding him in the time of the dark ages. That's what the dark horse represented: the dark ages, for it was a time of midnight to the true believers that was left. Watch now in that church age, that middle church age, the dark church age. Watch how he says, "You just have a little strength." It was a midnight to them for the true believer.
295 Now, watch. Practically all hope had been taken from the true church for this fellow controlled both church and state. What are they going to do? See? Catholicism had taken over both church and state, and all didn't agree with Catholicism was killed. That's the reason he was on a dark horse. And watch what a dark thing he done (See?), then you can see. And you just... If you know your history, watch it. And you... Well, you won't have to even know it to know this.
Now, watch. All hope was gone; that's his black horse. Now, he rode in on his white horse, cunning; then he was give power, he took peace, slaughtered the millions. That's what he was going to do as he rode on through; and he still does it. See? Now, here he is on his black horse now, coming forth, dark age, that was that time, just about the time after the church got set up and got in power, they smothered out everything else and went through about hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years is what every reader knows that was the dark ages. How many knows that? Sure, the dark ages. There's your dark horse, representing that dark age.
298 Now, all hope's gone, no hope at all; everything looked dark for the little believers. Now, that's the reason it's called--represented a dark horse.
His balances or his scales in his hand (You see?), calling out "A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny." See? Actually that is... Wheat and barley is natural staff of life. That's what bread and stuff's made from. But you see, he was charging for this.
What it means, that he was charging his subjects for the kind of the hope of life that he was sending out to them by making... he started in that very time of making them pay for prayer, charging for prayer. They still do it--novenas. "Cause, what was he doing? Capturing the wealth of the world, the scale weighing out a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny.
The rider on a black horse (See?) he was making--stripping his subjects of their money, when the Bible predicts that he holds about the wealth of the world. As we said last night about Russia and all that, they just take all the money and just stripped the people for everything they've got, everything. So there you are.
300 Now, notice. Do you see where that old money taken in church comes from? Get away from that stuff. To build an organization, a big something--a million dollar here and... You see what the mother of it is?
Thank you, Lord. Oh, my. I'm so glad. Yes, sir. All right, it's been His grace; that's all. All right, it's a midnight time. Do you understand that now? And here he is charging for the kind of life, that's this barley and stuff, natural. It wasn't spiritual, now; it was barley. See? So... And barley bread and wheat bread... He was charging for that kind of a life that he was giving to his subjects, charging for prayer by the priest to pray people out of purgatory. Charging... (Now, I'm taking this right out of history). Charging for, I guess, it's novena, I guess everybody knows what. Novena, I guess that's something you have to do, you know, some penance. Somebody have to charge for that. Bringing the wealth of the world to him, into hisself, into the church itself, and he's still riding. Oh, sure he is. Yes, sir, still riding.
303 Notice... Here's the good part now. Notice, "See that thou hurt not this wine and oil." Just a little bit of it left, brother. "Don't you touch that." Now, oil is--symbolizes the Spirit, the Holy Spirit.
I'll give you a few verses if you want to, a few Scriptures in Leviticus 8:12, where Aaron, before he went in had to be anointed with oil, you know; and--and Zechariah 4:12, of oil coming, pouring through the pipes and said, "This is My Spirit," oil. Another thing, if you want to see Matthew 14:25, there was a foolish virgin (25:3) the foolish virgin had no oil, no Spirit. And Matthew 25:4, the wise virgin had oil in her lamps, Spirit-filled. Spirit... Oil typifies the Spirit. Oh, glory. You get it? All right.
306 Now, oil typifies Spirit, and wine symbolizes stimulation of revelation. Boy, I like to run all over the place. It's a wonder I didn't wake up the neighborhood when the Lord showed me that. Stimulation of revelation... See? Oil and wine in the Bible is associated together always. I got the concordance and looked, and there's a string of them that like--like that, where wine and oil goes together all the time. See?
308 When the truth of a promised Word of God has been truly revealed to His saints that's filled with oil, they all get stimulated. Wine is a stimulation. Glory, I feel it right now, stimulated with joy, shouts. And when it does, it has the same effect upon them that--that wine does upon a natural man; because when the revelation has been given of a truth of God, and the true believer filled with oil, and the revelation is revealed, the stimulation becomes so great that it makes him behave hisself unnormally. That's right. Glory. Maybe that's what's the matter with them now. That's right. It makes them behave theirself unseemingly.
309 Now, if you want Scripture for this, just start reading Acts 2. What'd they have? They had the promise that had been given them. When all of the promise of the Holy Spirit was poured out on them, and was--it was Scripturally a-vindicated...
Now, see the... What if they'd said, "Now, wait. He told us to wait up here for our ministry." And after eight days, they said, "Well, I tell you, boys..." Mark said to Matthew, "I--I believe we've already got it, fellows. Don't you think so?" See, "We already got it. Why are we waiting on our ministry? Now, we ought to just go on out preaching. He told us to come up here and wait, and this is eight days we been here."
"Well, let's wait another one."
Nine days come. Then Mark comes around or--or--or maybe one of the rest of them, John, said, "I--I--I believe we oughtn't to wait any longer. I believe we've already got it, don't you?"
312 And I can see Simon, 'cause he had the keys, you know. "Now, wait a minute, boys. The Scripture's got something to say about this. He never told us just how many days to wait. He said, 'You stay there until... You stay there until Joel's prophecy comes to pass, until Isaiah's prophecy is a-vindicated. For with stammering lips and with other tongues will I speak to this people,' and this is the refreshment. This is the wine that's poured out."
What is wine in the Bible? Refreshment. This is the refreshment that comes from the Presence of the Lord. It's--it's got to be Scriptural now. See?
So, you see, wine represents stimulation of revelation, and when the Holy Ghost fell, and they seen the fire of God fall upon them, my, that begin to stimulate them, and the first thing you know, they got so stimulated till the people actually thought they were drunk, but they were stimulated by the revelation.
314 By God's... Here it is. God's vindicated revelation made plain to them, they was happy about it. God promised it. Here it was revealed to them and vindicated to them. Amen. Here was a man standing there saying, "This is that; this is it," and there it was being a-vindicated by the same signs...?... There's--there's stimulation by revelation (See?), and now, they really had it then.
That's the reason Peter could get out there and say, "Why, you men of Judaea, and you that dwell in Jerusalem, listen to me. All you doctors of divinity, listen to what I'm going to tell you." Oh, how wonderful. Revealed, revealed, they become so stimulated when they seen it vindicated. That just always does that; it always does.
317 When I see that God promised to do a certain thing in this day, when He promised to break off these Seals in this last day, and you don't know the joy, the glory, when I seen Him reveal this, stand there and watch it happen, and know that I'll take any person or charge, He never did say one thing to us but what happened that way. And then to see the joy that's in my heart when I see His promise for this last days as He promised to do it, and here I see it vindicated and made perfectly right.
318 Now, I'm just... You hear me say, "I feel religious," that's what's the matter. The stimulation is so bad, I--I just--just about ready to go to cutting up, you know, stimulation from revelation.
All right. They become so stimulated over the--the revelation that they vindicated (all right) the promise. Oh, my. There broke out the joy of stimulation till the people said, "They're drunk on new wine," when God revealed His promise to them; and not only did He reveal it, but He proved it. That's what I've always said: "A man can say anything (Yeah, he could just apt to say anything.) but when God comes around and vindicates that..."
320 Now, the Bible said, "If there be one among you who claims to be spiritual or a prophet, and if he says these things and it don't come to pass, then don't pay no attention to him. Don't fear him at all. Don't fear that man; but if he says it and it comes to pass, that's Me," He said, "I--I'm in that. That proves why it's Me." Then that little Samaritan woman, when the Scripture said that this Messiah would do these things, and here He stood and did it just exactly what the Scripture said, she said, "There He is. Come, see a Man. Isn't this exactly the thing that the Scripture said would happen?" See?
322 She got stimulated by revelation. Is that right? She becomes a stimulated by revelation when it was vindicated. See? That's right. She knowed that there was... "We know that Messiah is a-coming Who's called the Christ, and when He comes, He will do these things." She seen it.
And He said, "I'm He." Then the stimulation started, and away she went, shouting and down through the city. She left her old water pot and went down there and said to the men, "Come, see."
324 Now, if you only knowed the eastern traditions, that's wrong for her to do that. Yes, sir. A woman of that type, nobody'd listen to her. No, sir. See, she had the mark and when she--if she would go down the street like that and act like that, the man of the street pay no attention to her. But, brother, she had a Word of Life there. She was stimulated. You...?... It was like trying to put a house out on fire on a windy day. Oh, there was something fanning it. She was--she was ready. Yeah, you couldn't put that out. That was God's fire burning. Yes, sir.
326 She said, "If you don't believe it's so, you just come over here where the meeting's going on, and I'll show it to you." Yes, sir. And so the men went out there. And He didn't do it one more time, but they knowed something had happened to that woman. She was changed, so they believed Him. Yes, sir. They believed on Him. 'Cause "faith cometh by hearing, hearing the promise of God," the Word of God, and watch It being made real. Because it's a seed, and when it's sowed, it will take life. It'll produce just what it's talking about. If it doesn't, then it isn't God's seed, or the sower didn't know how to sow it. He wasn't sent of God to sow seed. He might be sowing them on top of a rock or something. (See?) So you--so you... See, the sower sowing the seed, God takes care of it; it falls in the right place. Oh, my.
328 Then what does It say to this rider in black? "Don't you hurt My wine and My oil. Don't you touch it, My wine and oil. Now, I've got just a little bit of it down there, but there's still a little bit there. Yes, sir. Now, you can go on through and measure out all that kind of life that you're putting out; that's up to you. You're going to pay for it down there; but when you come across that wine and oil, you leave it alone." Oh, my.
If you can--if you... In other words, like this: "If you catch some of My little flock that's filled with My oil and wine (See?) wine and oil of the pure Word (See?) and you're going to kill them, 'cause you--you're doing that, that's what you're doing, don't you force them to say any "hail Marys," or do anything like that or some of your creeds. You keep your hands off them, they know where they're going. For they are anointed with My oil, and by being anointed with My oil, they have the wine of joy, 'cause they know My Word of promise, 'I'm going to raise them up again.' Don't hurt that. Don't go trying to messing them up, just 'cause... just keep away from them." No.
330 All... He vindicates His Word and brings it in. They knowed... They knew they'd rise again. Oh, how I like that. Whew. They'll rise again. Here comes the black horse, riding now--dark ages. There went the white horse; we seen what he done, perfectly. Here comes the red horse; we see exactly what he done. Here comes the black horse; you see the same rider all the time, what he's doing, right down through the ages.
Now, we find out he measured it out and charged for it. Exactly. Wheat, natural, natural life--what they was living on--but symbolizing Spirit, oil, and joy of the wine. That spiritual life--don't hurt that. Leave it alone. And otherwise: "Rome, don't you touch it. It's Mine. That belongs to Me."
334 Now, I've got another thing here I want you to notice. Notice. It was not one of the four beasts that said, "Don't touch the oil and the wine." Did you notice that? The four beasts had been talking. But watch. Let me just read out here just a little bit, see: Now, "A measure of penny for a--for a--wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see that thou hurt not the wine and oil."
Now, look here, "And I--and I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts..." What was it? The Lamb. Amen. It wasn't the four beasts. The Lamb said it. Why. He's going to take His own; that belongs to Him. He's redeemed it. See? Amen. "Don't you touch that oil." No, sir. Not the four beasts, but the Lamb was the One that said it. Now, oh, my. The Lamb, not the four beasts didn't announce this.
The Lamb said Itself: When the four beasts said, "Come and see," and they went, and they seen it like that, and He said, "A measure of wheat for a penny, and a four...?... so much like this and so much barley..." But then the Lamb cried out right among them, and said, "But don't hurt the wine and oil." Uh-huh. That's right. Oh, my. "Listen to it. Don't you hurt it, boy, or you are going to pay for it someday." (Oh, my, nine-thirty.)
339 Well, to the best of my understanding and the--the best that I know of, and with all that I believe in my heart, that's the true meaning of those three Seals. I want to thank God for it. I'll say this, that it's the revelation that He give me. He gave that to me, the revelation of it. And I do believe that we're living in the last days.
Tomorrow night we're take that pale horse rider. And now, I don't know; I do not know--God knows that's true--I do not know one thing about it. No. I looked up my old context that I had years ago... (I seen Brother Graham Snelling awhile ago. I... He might've went out), but I remember when I was preaching here before, I looked up to see what I said... Years ago one day I was going through Book of Revelation, I took all four horse riders at one time.
342 I said, "A white horse--that was the early church, no doubt." I read that out of the book of the Adventists and the rest of them. I said, "That was the early church that went forth, conquering."
And the next was the black horse. I said... I forget now what I called that black horse. I said--or the red horse, rather. I said, "That horse was probably meaning that--that trouble's on the road, and it going to mean a lot of wars going to hang up, or something like that." I said, "Probably it'd be a lot of war." I said, "That's what that'd be."
344 And then I said, "The--the pale hor...Or the--the black horse, I said, that--that means that--that maybe there'll come a black time on earth when all the stars will--will quit shining, the sun will go down and moon won't give its light." I said, "That's probably what that means."
I said, "The pale horse, it means a lot of sickness is coming on." Now, I don't know what it means, but that's--that was my interpretation of it then, 'cause I just took it the best I could standing here in the pulpit, but... Oh, I almost said something there on a... Oh, you'll--you'll see. Just watch. See?
Now...?... now, listen. Oh, aren't we happy for this hour that's...?... When we see all this thing heading up, I think:
Nations are breaking,
Israel's awakening,
The signs that the prophets foretold.
The Gentile days numbered,
With horrors encumbered,
Return, O dispersed to your own.
The day of redemption is near.
Men's hearts are failing for fear.
Be filled with the Spirit,
Your lamps trimmed and clear.
Look up, your redemption is near (Oh, my),
False prophets are lying;
God's Truth they're denying,
That Jesus the Christ is our God, (That's...?... Do you believe it?)
But we'll walk where the apostles have trod.
For the day of redemption is near,
Men's hearts are failing for fear.
Be filled with the Spirit,
Have your lamps trimmed and clear.
Look up your redemption is near.
348 Isn't that wonderful? I love that--redemption is near. And...
It shall be light in the evening time.
The path to glory you will surely find.
In the water way is the light today;
Buried in the precious Name of Jesus.
Young and old, repent of all your sins.
The Holy Ghost will surely enter in.
The evening light has come.
It is a fact that God and Christ are One.
348a He's the Word. Oh, my. Wonderful.
Soon the Lamb will take His Bride
To be ever at His side,
All the host of heaven will assembled be;
O, it will be a glorious sight,
All the saints in spotless white;
And with Jesus they shall feast eternally.
"Come and dine," the Master calleth,
"Come and dine";
You may feast at Jesus' table all the time;
He who fed the multitude,
Turned the water into wine,
To the hungry calleth now, "Come and dine."
Oh, "Come and dine," the Master calleth,
"Come and dine"; (dine on the Word)
You may feast at Jesus' table all the time;
He who fed the multitude,
Turned the water into wine,
To the hungry calleth now, "Come and dine."
349 Oh, my. Are you hungry? Blessed are they... Glory be to God. Do you love Him? Let's sing, "I Love Him." Let's all just stand now and raise up our hands and express ourself to Him. "I love Him, I love Him, because He first loved me." All right. All together now.
I love Him,
I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
351 [Tongues goes forth--Ed.] Just real reverent. We have an interpreter here, Brother Higginbotham. I don't know if he's here tonight or not. No... Find out what He said to us. Just wait a minute. Here... [The interpretation is given--Ed.] You can hear her. Praise the Lord. My faith is li--lifted up high in God. Do you--you love Him tonight with all your heart? Oh, praise Him, and say, "Thank You, Lord, thank You. How we give You praise with all of our heart, Lord. Glory to God. Just give Him praise, all ye people, God's people.