A tak je tam spoločná pôda, „zem nikoho,“ a oni na tomto mieste bojujú. Nie je to tak, že jeden bojuje tam, ďalší niekde inde, ďalší zase tam; je tam jednoducho bojový front, kde sa stretávajú a skúšajú svoje sily, kde si každá armáda testuje svoju silu proti ďalšej armáde, spoločné miesto stretnutia. Neprehliadnite toto. Keď sa tento veľký boj na zemi rozpočal, muselo tam byť spoločné miesto stretnutia; muselo byť vyvolené miesto, kde by sa boj začal a kde by boj zúril; a to bojové pole sa rozpočalo v ľudskej mysli. Tam sa boj začal. Ľudská myseľ bola vyvolená na miesto boja, kde sa mal začať; a je to z toho dôvodu, že rozhodnutia sa tvoria v mysli, v hlave.
No, oni to nikdy nezačali z nejakej organizácie; nikdy to nezačali z nejakej mechanickej záležitosti; bojové pole sa tam nikdy nerozpočalo; a z toho dôvodu organizácia nikdy nemôže, ona nikdy nemôže činiť skutok Boží, pretože bojové pole, kde sa musíte stretnúť s nepriateľom, to je v mysli. Vy sa musíte rozhodnúť, učiniť voľbu. Čaká vás to.
Chcem, aby toto malé dievča tu, ktoré je tak choré, chcem, aby si bolo isté, že teraz skutočne pozorne počúva. Rozhodnutia sú učinené v mysli, hlave. To je to, kde ťa satan čaká. A rozhodnutia sú, pretože Boh tak stvoril človeka.
1 Ďakujem, brat Orman, nech ťa Pán žehná.
Dobré ráno, priatelia. Som rád, že tu dnes ráno môžem byť, nejako sa mi zdá, že je to tak trochu neočakávané, ale som si istý, že to bude pre toto zhromaždenie. A práve som čítal a... (Ďakujem, sestra.) a zdá sa, že Pán mi dal niečo malé na srdce, aby som to priniesol tomuto zboru, a myslím, že teraz je na to čas.
A tak, keď som prišiel, potom... ani som nevedel, že tu túto nedeľu budeme, ale každopádne som oznámil, že mám posolstvo pre cirkev. A chcem, ak Boh dá, priniesť toto posolstvo ďalšiu nedeľu. A bude to tak trochu zdĺhavé, takže sa odtiaľto nedostaneme skôr ako o pol jednej alebo o jednej, asi o takom čase. Po dlhý čas to bolo na mojom srdci a myslím si, že dlžím verejnosti odpoveď, prečo som toto obdobie nebol aktívny na misijnom poli. Už som o tom kázal asi všade, ale som si istý, že nikde to nebolo tak podané, ako by malo; takže si myslím, že ak Pán dá, tak ďalšiu nedeľu, nechcem sa ponáhľať a chcem predložiť dôvod, prečo to tak je, a pomocou Písma vám oznámiť, čo sa deje. Vidíte? To je to, o čom to je, pretože pravdepodobne pôjdem najbližšie do zahraničia alebo tak nejako. A práve očakávam, ktorou cestou ma On zavolá, aby som išiel.
2 Poslednú... asi tri večery dozadu alebo dva, nejako o polnoci som dostal hovor a bolo to, aby som sa išiel pomodliť za nejakú ženu, ktorá bola v nemocnici. A tak ma zavolali a povedali, aby som sa pomodlil. Práve som zabudol to meno, ktoré mi tam dali... povedali, že to bola priateľka manželky Jamesa Bella, našej sestry tu v tomto zbore, farebnej sestry, ktorá je veľmi oddanou, milou ženou. Ale myslím, že to meno, ktoré mi tam povedali, bolo Shepherdová, tak som vyšiel z postele, kľakol som si a povedal som žene (zobudil ju telefón, ktorý zvonil),a povedal som, „Musíme sa ísť pomodliť za sestru Shepherdovú. Sestra, ktorá volala, to bola priateľka manželky Jamesa Bella.“
3 Tak sme sa za ňu pomodlili, zase išli spať a potom, asi o desiatej alebo jedenástej na druhý deň, som znova dostal hovor; bol to Billy a povedal, že to nebola pani Shepherdová, povedal, že to bola sama pani Bellová, nie priateľka pani Bellovej; bola to sama pani Bellová; a že vraj je v nemocnici a je to s ňou veľmi vážne. A tak som trielil do nemocnice, ale už bola preč. Pán zavolal pani Bellovú domov.
4 Pani Bellová bola spolu s nami vernou návštevníčkou tohto zboru už po dlhé roky. Jej manžel, James, a ja sme pracovali spolu ešte aj s mojím otcom, roky dozadu, jazdili sme na koňoch z Pensylvánie až do Colgates, veľmi dávno, hádam tridsať rokov alebo aj viac. A my máme sestru Bellovú radi; bola skvelou osobou.
5 Viem toľko, že mala akútny stav žlčníka, a jej lekár, ktorý veľmi dobre poznal ten prípad, bol akurát v tom čase mimo mesta a prišiel tam nový lekár, aby sa na ňu pozrel a poradil jej núdzovú operáciu, lenže to už neprežila. A bola... Myslím, že... Ak to dobre chápem, jej bežný lekár by jej nepredpísal operáciu, pretože bola trochu zavalitejšia a jej žlčník bol na tom veľmi zle a mala tam kamene, tak sa mi zdá, alebo niečo také, ale Pán jej bol milostivý. Už predtým mala takéto problémy a Pán sa o ňu mnohokrát postaral, ale nejako sa stalo, že... Jednoducho, aby sme to vyjasnili, povedali by sme to takto: Boh zavolal sestru Bellovú a to bol ten spôsob, akým mala byť vzatá. Vidíte?
6 A nejako som to prepočul, potom som sa o tom dozvedel, že som si myslel, že to bola pani Shepherdová; nepoznal som pani Shepherdovú. Tá pani tú možno dnes ráno je a možno by som ju spoznal, keby som ju videl. Ale bolo povedané, že to bola pani Shepherdová; a či sa to všetko tak muselo stať… Ak by som vedel, že to bola pani Bellová, ktorá bola v tom stave, pravdepodobne by som bol vyšiel von a hneď sa za ňu prihováral; a potom (Vidíte?), snáď Boh nechcel, aby sme to tak urobili. Takže vieme, že všetky tieto veci spolu pôsobia na dobré tým, ktorí milujú Boha. A som si istý, že sestra Bellová milovala nášho Pána; bola dobrou ženou. [Rimanom 8:28]
7 Takže, ona je jednou z nás. Tu nemáme nijaké rozdiely, čo sa týka farieb; rodina Božia nepozná rozdiely vo farbách. Či sme červení, hnedí, čierni alebo žltí, to je jedno, bieli, akíkoľvek sme, sme bratia a sestry v Kristovi; a tak my ju milujeme a bude nám tu v tejto modlitebni chýbať. Ako mne bude chýbať sestra Bellová... to veľké zvučné „amen“ tam vzadu v rohu, a ako som ju viezol domov, ako hovorievala o Pánovi Ježišovi.
A ak som to dobre porozumel (vôbec som o tom nevedel, len pred pár minútami), ale myslím, že jej pohreb má byť tu v tomto zbore, v utorok o jednej, a tak sa mi zdá, že my dvaja tam máme konať túto pohrebnú bohoslužbu.
8 Ale v tomto zhromaždení, všetkým nám tu dnes ráno chýba a tak v úcte k našej sestre Bellovej, postavme sa teraz na chvíľu na svoje nohy a skloňme naše hlavy.
Ty, Bože života, Ty, ktorý dávaš a berieš život, ako raz starý Jób povedal, „Hospodin dal, Hospodin vzal; nech je požehnané Meno Hospodinovo.“ Pred niekoľkými rokmi si medzi nás poslal sestru Bellovú, aby bola našou spoluobčiankou tohto veľkého spoločenstva Božieho. A ďakujeme Ti za každú inšpiráciu, ktorú si jej dal, že ona bola medzi nami, ako rada spievala, rada svedčila a bola tak naplnená Duchom, že vedela kričať a vykrikovať. A nehanbila sa za Evanjelium Ježiša Krista, pre ňu to bola moc Božia na spasenie. A ako sme videli, že jej roky išli hore, a vieme, že prichádza čas, kedy sa všetci budeme musieť zodpovedať. A Ty si ju spomedzi nás dnes ráno zobral, aby bola v Tvojej Prítomnosti, a je to skutočne tak, že keď opustíme toto miesto, sme v Prítomnosti Božej.
9 Ó, Bože, ďakujeme Ti za všetko. Modlíme sa, aby si požehnal jej manžela, môjho priateľa Jamesa, jej syna, jej dcéry, všetkých, ktorí... Vieme o tom, že jej syn práve letí z Nemecka, vracia sa z armády, aby prišiel domov a vzdal poslednú česť, ktorú len môže vzdať na tejto zemi svojej zosnulej matke. Ako sa len srdce toho mladého muža musí dnes ráno chvieť. Modlím sa zaňho, Pane. Nech ho Boh žehná. Požehnaj Jimmyho, ako tam pracuje a všetky tie vyčerpávajúce hodiny, ktoré trávi, aby si zarobil na živobytie pre rodinu. A modlím sa, aby tá veľká rodina nebola oddelená, ale nech je ten rodinný zväzok neprerušený v tej zemi tam na druhej strane.
A nech my, Pane, nech si zatiahneme tú zbroj; a ten pás tesnejšie a nech ideme do boja, aby sme nebojovali o nič menej ako pred týždňom. Modlíme sa, aby si nás zachoval a posilnil nás a pomohol nám, ako ideme ďalej. A nech sa jedného dňa tam všetci opäť zhromaždíme, tam na druhej strane. Lebo o to prosíme v Mene Ježiša. Amen.
10 Takže, nech duša našej zosnulej sestry odpočíva v pokoji. Chcel by som ešte povedať, že jej pohreb sa má kázať tu v nedeľu, vlastne v utorok, a samozrejme každý je vítaný. Zdá sa mi, že tu brat Neville má na starosti prípravy... Máš ich, že? [Brat Branham hovorí s bratom Nevillom. - pozn.prekl.]
11 No, dnes, nejako... Vidíte, nie je nás tu nejako veľa, ak by sa tam niekde našlo sedadlo pre brata a sestru Slaughterových tam vzadu... Dostal som tvoj hovor, sestra Slaughterová, a išiel som sa za teba modliť, za inú sestru Slaughterovú, sestru Jean Slaughterovú, ktorá mala tularémiu. Istotne to bol dosť vážny prípad, ale dôverujeme Bohu, že bude v poriadku.
12 No, chceme prečítať niečo z Písma a dnes ráno by som chcel učiť, žiadne ponáhľanie, pretože odkedy som sa vrátil z Arizony, mám trochu rozboľavené hrdlo.
A tak, ďalšiu nedeľu, nezabudnite... Myslím, že Billy už rozposlal reklamy poštou a mám taký dojem, že to bude trochu dlhé zhromaždenie, takže prídite trochu skôr, ak môžete. Chceme začať rovno o deväť tridsať alebo skôr o desiatej a pamätajte, o jednej alebo tak nejako... možno o dvanásť tridsať alebo nejako tak o jednej, možno tri alebo štyri hodiny.
Mám to skutočne rád, len tak si vziať Písmo (Zoberte si ceruzku a papier.), a tak to predložiť. Ak je nejaká otázka, opýtajte sa to, (vidíte?) a možno sa nám to podarí vysvetliť, budeme robiť, čo sa dá, aby sme pomohli.
13 No, ale najprv prečítajme nejaké miesta Písma. Mám tri miesta v Biblii, ktoré by som chcel prečítať. A prvé z nich je (ak si to chcete poznačiť, ak máte ceruzku), chcem sa dnes ráno odvolávať na niekoľko textov, aby som... alebo lepšie povedané niekoľko miest Písma, na ktoré by som sa chcel odvolávať. Prvé miesto je 1. Petra 5:8-10, potom Efežanom 6:10-17 a Daniel 12:1-14.
14 No, ako využívame čas na čítanie, (v podstate je každý usadený, jedine zopár ich tam vzadu stojí alebo tam na tej strane), ale budem sa snažiť prebrať to čo najrýchlejšie a potom vás už pustiť. A nato sa budeme modliť za chorých. Máme tu dnes ráno jednu mladú dámu, ktorá je veľmi chorá. Dozvedel som sa, že včera bola veľmi chorá. A chcel som, aby to tu dnes ráno počula, predtým, ako sa za ňu pomodlím. A poznám stav tejto mladej pani, je na tom veľmi zle; ale napriek tomu máme veľmi veľkého Nebeského Otca, ktorý viac ako premohol všetku chorobu.
15 A mám malý... (opýtal som sa pani Woodovej, či by to nemohla prečítať, ale ešte sa ohľadom toho trochu zdráha) malý článok, kde bol jeden lekársky doktor istotne prekvapený, kedy bol kritikom Božského uzdravenia a dokonca ani nechcel, aby o tom niekto v jeho kancelárii hovoril, a taktiež jeho zdravotné sestry. A náhodou tam mal pacientku, ktorá bola vo vážnom stave rakoviny, veľká rakovina. Nechcel s tým mať nič spoločné, tak ju poslal ďalej na iné nemocničné oddelenie. Oni sa s tým tiež nechceli zapodievať, tak ju zas poslali naspäť. A tak...
16 Ó, bolo to na jej prsiach a bolo to v hroznom stave; a celá koža z nej bola vyžratá a tá rakovina sa dostala až dolu k prsníkom, až k rebrám. Dúfam, že rozumiete, čo mám na mysli. (Mali sme jedného lekára, môjho priateľa z Nórska, dnes ráno tu s nami sedí.) A on mal celý svoj materiál pripravený, pretože povedal, že vedel, že chcela, aby jej urobil operáciu a odstránil prsník. A bola to dosť krvavá robota, mal tam na to všetky možné veci. Zdravotná sestra pripravila tú pani a priviedla ju do operačnej sály a potom išla naspäť, aby zobrala nástroje, ktoré mali použiť lekár a jeho asistent, aby jej odstránili prsník. A tak tam mali všetko možné, uteráky, a tak ďalej, všetko to tam bolo na nej položené. A tak začali, keď sa začala otáčať...
17 Jej manžel chcel vedieť, či by mohol sedieť na konci miestnosti a modliť sa; bol kazateľom svätosti. A postavil sa tam na jednu stranu... pár krokov od postele a modlil sa. Samozrejme, lekárovi to nebolo veľmi po vôli, viete, vadilo mu, že tam bol. Ale pokiaľ sa nepozeral, tak mu to nevadilo, myslím, že to bolo úplne v poriadku. Išlo o to, aby neomdlel.
18 Takže, ako tam tak sedel a modlil sa, niečo sa v tej sále začalo hýbať; a ten lekár sa obrátil so svojimi nástrojmi, aby začal odstraňovať prsník; premiestňoval si to tam kúsok po kúsku a zistil, že na tom prsníku nebola dokonca ani jazva, ani jedna jediná jazva. Povedal, „Čo sa to hýbe?“ A začal... A tá zdravotná sestra tam vydala svedectvo. Obaja vyšli von a stali sa letničnými, naplnení Svätým Duchom, slúžiaci Pánovi.
19 Ani jazva. Doktor Holbrook sám vydal svedectvo, povedal, „Minútu predtým tam tá žena ležala a bola tam zdravotná sestra a tá veľká rakovina sa vytláčala z jej prsníka; a o minútu nato tam nebola ani jazva, tam, kde sa to pohlo.“ To je jeden z našich špičkových lekárov tu v Amerike. Povedal, že hneď nato sa presvedčil, že... ale predsa bol diakonom v cirkvi. Vidíte?
Vidíte, ľudia si myslia, že cirkev je len niečo také, kde len chodíte a je to... Ó, chodíte tam za tým účelom, aby ste sa naučili ako byť dobrý alebo niečo také. To nie je to, priateľu. Nie. Boh je Bohom; On je dnes tak veľkým, ako vždy bol, a On vždy bude ten istý. A On je... My Ho jednoducho milujeme.
20 Takže, teraz by sme chceli prečítať niečo z 1. Petra z 5. kapitoly, 8. a 10. verš, s tým by som chcel začať.
Buďte triezvi a bdejte, lebo váš protivník, diabol, obchádza ako revúci lev a hľadá, koho by zožral,
ktorému sa postavte na odpor, pevní vo viere, vediac, že vaše bratstvo inde po svete znáša tie isté utrpenia.
Ale Boh každej milosti, ktorý nás povolal do svojej večnej slávy v Kristu Ježišovi, keď ešte málo potrpíte, on sám vás dokoná, upevní, zmocní, položí na pevný základ. [1. Petra 5:8-10]
21 Ako by len Boh mal byť oslávený... No, teraz v knihe Efežanom... Chceli by sme sa teraz obrátiť do knihy Efežanom do šiestej kapitoly a radi by sme prečítali od 10. do 17. verša, tak som si to tu poznačil.
Ostatne, moji bratia, mocnejte v Pánovi a v sile jeho vlády.
Oblečte si celú zbraň Božiu, aby ste mohli obstáť proti taktike a úskočnosti diablovej.
Lebo nie je nám zápasiť s krvou a s telom, ale s kniežatstvami, mocnosťami, so svetovládcami temnosti tohoto veku, s duchovnými mocami zlosti v ponebeských oblastiach.
Preto vezmite na seba celú zbraň Božiu, aby ste mohli odolať v ten zlý deň a vykonajúc všetko stáť.
Tedy stojte majúc svoje bedrá opásané pravdou a súc oblečení v pancier spravedlivosti
a majúc nohy obuté v hotovosti evanjelia pokoja.
A pritom pri všetkom vezmite štít viery, ktorým budete môcť uhasiť všetky ohnivé šípy toho zlého.
A vezmite aj prilbu spasenia i meč Ducha, ktorým je slovo Božie.
[Efežanom 6:10-17]
22 No, a teraz v knihe Daniela by som chcel prečítať trochu viac. Daniel, 12. kapitola, chcel by som začať s prvým veršom a prečítať celkom dlhý úsek, je to štrnásť veršov.
V tom čase povstane Michael, veľké knieža, ktorý stojí nad synmi tvojho ľudu, a bude čas súženia, akého nebolo odkedy len je národom až do toho času. A v tom čase bude vyslobodený tvoj ľud, každý, kto bude nájdený zapísaný v knihe.
A mnohí z tých, ktorí spia v zeme prachu, sa zobudia, a to jedni na večný život a druhí na potupu a na večný hnus.
Ale rozumní sa budú skvieť ako jas oblohy, a tí, ktorí privodia mnohých k spravedlivosti, jako hviezdy na večné veky.
A ty, Danielu, zavri tie slová a zapečať knihu až do času, keď bude mať byť koniec. Mnohí budú zpytovať, a rozmnoží sa vedomosť.
A videl som, ja Daniel, a hľa, dvaja iní stáli, jeden na jednom brehu rieky a druhý na druhom brehu rieky.
A riekol mužovi, oblečenému v ľanovom rúchu, ktorý stál hore nad vodami rieky: Kedy bude koniec tým divným veciam?
Na to som počul hovoriť muža, oblečeného v ľanovom rúchu, ktorý stál nad vodami rieky, a videl som, že pozdvihol svoju pravicu i svoju ľavicu k nebu a prisahal na Živého na veky, že na určený čas určených čias a pol času, a keď ukončia rozmetávať silu svätého ľudu, dokoná sa to všetko. (Tu už asi zakončím.)
[Daniel 12:1-7]
23 Ako text by som chcel vziať (ak sa to vôbec dá nazvať textom) práve z tohto, aby som to priviedol to takéhoto záveru, „Najväčší boj, aký bol kedy bojovaný.“ Toto chcem použiť ako text.
24 Takže, teraz poviem, ako som sa dostal k tomu, aby som si na dnes ráno vybral práve tento text. Práve sme sa vrátili. Pár správcov tohto zboru a ja sme boli v Arizone. A tak sme sa vybrali do Phoenixu, aby sme tam mali zhromaždenie s bratom Sharritom v jeho modlitebni. Ale keď som sa dozvedel, že ten brat bol v meste, kde mal stanové zhromaždenia, potom sa mi veľmi nechcelo mať tam zhromaždenie. Myslel som si, že možno jedno budem mať v nedeľu popoludní, aby to niekomu nenarušilo zhromaždenia; ale zistili sme, že tiež mávali aj popoludňajšie nedeľné zhromaždenia. A trochu som sa obával toho, či tam robiť zhromaždenie, a tak my, bratia, namiesto toho, aby sme tam išli cez deň (vtedy sme išli na poľovačku), išli sme do mesta, pripravili sme sa a potom sme išli na zhromaždenia brata Allena. (Brat A. A. Allen tam mal bohoslužby.) A tak sme išli na tie zhromaždenia a brat Allen tam kázal mocnú kázeň. Prežívali sme veľmi dobrý čas počúvaním brata Allena, ako sme tam počúvali ich spevákov, a tak ďalej, ako tam spievali, kričali a mali chválebné zhromaždenie.
25 A potom, ako sme išli cestou naspäť, skutočne sme mohli vidieť ruku Pánovu. Kdekoľvek sme išli, Pán Ježiš tam bol s nami. A niečo na tom je, keď ste sami, niečo, ako keď ste na púšti. Niečo na tom je, že keď idete sami tou cestou, je tam niečo, čo vás tiahne. A to si myslím, že je dôvod, prečo mám rád tieto ďaleké miesta. Dostanete sa ďaleko od moci nepriateľa.
[Jozua 4:24], [Skutky 11:21]
26 A vždy, keď tu sme, diabol je vždy takmer neškodný, pokiaľ nemá niečo, cez čo by mohol pracovať. On má... Pamätáte si tých diablov, ktorí boli vyhnaní z Legiona? Oni chceli robiť viacej nezbednosti, a tak vstúpili do svíň. Takže diabli vždy musia mať niečo, v čom pracujú, niekoho, cez koho by pracovali. A to je presne ten spôsob, ako to robí aj Boh. On musí mať nás; On závisí na nás, aby cez nás pracoval.
[Marek 5:1-15], [Lukáš 8:26-39]
27 A mnohí prišli so snami, keď sme boli na cestách, a Pán Ježiš nikdy nezlyhal, ale vždy podal výklad korektne a presne tak, ako to malo byť.
A potom k nám bol veľmi dobrý, aby nás uviedol do veci a povedal nám, na čom to bolo, a viete, a byť v tom ponorený; je to jednoducho nádherné. Cez noc si sadnúť okolo ohňa, ďaleké míle a míle od civilizácie, a sledovať tlejúci oheň okolo skalných výčnelkov a... ó, bolo to skvelé.
28 Jeden brat, ktorý tam bol, mal problém so svojou ženou, ktorá tam mala... Pred rokmi zodvihla hlavu niekde na zhromaždení, keď som tam ja kázal, a tak som ich poprosil, aby držali sklonené hlavy. Bol tam zlý duch, ktorý nechcel opustiť tú ženu na pódiu, a ona napriek tomu neúctivo zdvihla hlavu. A ten duch opustil tú ženu na pódiu a vstúpil do nej, ale toto bolo asi štrnásť rokov dozadu. A tá pani bola vo vážnom stave; tak, že dokonca mentálne, robila veci, ktoré by sa vôbec nemali. Napríklad opustila svojho vlastného manžela a išla a vydala sa za iného, zatiaľ čo stále žila so svojím starým manželom; a tvrdila, že ani nevedela, že to urobila.
29 A tak sa to snažili nejako preskúmať a... ako sa to povie, keď máte to... Amnézia? To... Ó, už ani neviem, ako sa to povie. Hádam je to tak, doktor. Ale to nebolo to; bol to duch. A tá pani bola moja milá priateľka, ale od tej chvíle v ten večer ma začala nenávidieť. (Samozrejme, je vám jasné prečo.)
Ale keď jej manžel prišiel a kľakli sme si v tej miestnosti, aby sme sa pomodlili, potom zostúpil Duch Svätý; a to bolo ono. Potom sa zjavil jej manželovi, presne v tú noc a to vo sne. Vrátil sa so snom; on si myslel, že to bolo len žartovanie. Ale keď prišiel, zistil, že práve to bola odpoveď na uzdravenie jeho ženy.
Ako len Duch Svätý konal... Raz sme išli dolu do Tucsonu s bratom Normanom a s nimi a vtedy začal Pán pracovať znova s veľkými, mocnými vecami a ako ich zjavoval. Jeden večer, to, čo ma priviedlo do tohto záveru, je toto, stál som s bratom Woodom a bratom Sothmannom, bolo to asi o desiatej v noci, kedy som sa pozeral na oblohu, a zrazu ma naplnil úžas. Povedal som, „Pozri tam. Ten veľký nebeský zástup,“ povedal som, „všetko pracuje v dokonalej harmónii.“
30 A brat Wood povedal, „Zdá sa, akoby sa tie dve malé hviezdy tak spolu priblížili, že to vyzerá ako svetlo.“
31 Povedal som, „Ale vieš, brat Wood, podľa vedy, v tom voze (Malý voz a Veľký voz), tieto hviezdy sa ani nezdajú, že by boli od seba päť centimetrov; ale oni sú od seba vzdialené viac, ako sme my od nich! A ak by sa chceli dostať sem na zem, hoci aj rýchlosťou tisíce míľ za hodinu, vyžadovalo by to stovky a stovky rokov, aby sa sem dostali.“ A povedal som, „V celom tomto veľkom a rozsiahlom systéme, tvrdia, že sa tam pozerajú cez šošovky a že dokážu vidieť stodvadsať miliónov svetelných rokov, až do takej diaľky, a stále tam sú mesiace a hviezdy. Ale predsa Boh stvoril každú jednu z nich. A postavil sa presne do ich stredu.“
[Genesis 1:16], [Žalm 8:4]
32 A povedal som, „Niekde tam, práve som si na to spomenul, raz v hvezdárni, ten zverokruh, začína sa Pannou, potom tam ide cez Raka a končí sa na poslednom, kde je lev, Leo, Lev. Prvý príchod Kristov skrze pannu; druhý príchod skrze Leva z pokolenia Júdovho.“ A povedal som, „Robil som, čo som mohol, aby som uvidel ten zverokruh, ale aj tak ho nevidím; no jednako, on je tam. Tí, ktorí sú v tom vyučení, to vedia, že to tam je. Jób to videl; človek sa na to kedysi pozeral; jedného dňa to bola Biblia. Ale v celej tej veľkej mase miliónov a miliárd svetelných rokov, Boh sa postavil do stredu toho všetkého a pozrel sa dolu. Je tam Pavol; je tam niekde moja matka, hľadí sem dolu.“
[Genesis 1:16], [Job 9:7], [Žalm 8:4], [Jeremiáš 31:35], [Matúš 2:2], [1. Kor. 15:41]
33 A premýšľal som o poriadku toho nebeského zástupu. Ani jeden z nich nie je na nesprávnom mieste; každý jeden z nich je dokonale vo svojom čase: Božia veľká armáda. Rozmýšľal som nad vojakmi, že čo ak by sa ten mesiac náhodou odchýlil od svojho poriadku, zem by bola opäť prikrytá vodou, a to len za pár minút. Zem by bola presne taká, ako bola, keď sa Boh rozhodol použiť ju, aby nás tu mal. Bola neladná a pustá, bola tam temnota a voda sa rozprestierala po zemi. A keby sa mesiac niekedy pohol, spôsobilo by to presne tú istú vec. Keby sa mesiac len trochu odchýlil zo svojej pozície smerom k zemi, vystúpil by príliv; a keby išiel dole, ono by to len nasledovalo ten príliv. Je to Božia veľká armáda.
[Genesis 1:1-3], [Žalm 8:4], [Žalm 104:9], [Jeremiáš 31:35]
34 A tak som rozmýšľal, že keďže sme tu Božou veľkou armádou... No, išli sme do postele a začal som premýšľať, že vlastne ani jeden z nich sa neodchýlil zo svojho miesta; všetci sedeli na mieste. A ak je tam v nich nejaké hnutie, je to pre nejaký účel a ovplyvní to túto zem. Už teraz vidíme dôsledky toho, ako sa niektoré z nich premiestnili na iné miesta. Má to vplyv, má to dopad na všetko.
35 A vtedy som si pomyslel, že ak je tak pri tom veľkom nebeskom zástupe, ako On musel robiť, čo mohol, aby dal všetko na poriadok, čo potom zmätok pozemského zástupu? Čo ak sa jeden z nich dostane preč zo svojho miesta, ako to rozhodí celú tú vec. Celý program Boží je vyvedený z poriadku, keď sa jeden člen dostane preč zo svojej pozície. Mali by sme sa neustále snažiť udržiavať poriadok Ducha.
[Genesis 2:1]
36 A chcel by som dnes ráno, aby Boh... aby sme to priviedli do skutočného uzdravovacieho zhromaždenia, aby sme si udržali svoju časť, skupinu, ktorú máme zhromaždenú teraz pod touto strechou dnes ráno, v takej harmónii, aby Duch Svätý umiestnil každý úd toho tela, ktorý je tu dnes ráno, do takej harmónie, až tu bude spontánne uzdravenie duše i tela. Ak len budeme držať svoju pozíciu...
37 No, ako som už povedal na začiatku, táto pani, ktorá mala rakovinu, o ktorú sa mal postarať doktor Holbrook, išiel to zobrať... No, Boh, ktorý spôsobil, že ten vznášajúci sa zvuk vstúpil na to nemocničné oddelenie a vzal tú rakovinu preč bez toho, že by tam zostala nejaká jazva, či neviete, že ten istý Boh je aj tu? A to jediné, na čo On čaká, je to, aby dostal Svoju armádu do ich pozície, ako hviezdy – dostať ich do správneho postavenia.
[1. Korinťanom 15:23]
38 No, viete o tom, že sme mali vojny po vojnách a zvesti o vojnách, a ak zem vydrží stáť, budeme mať ešte o niečo viac vojen. Ale uvedomujete si vôbec, že sú v skutočnosti v celom vesmíre len dve moci? Všetky naše rozdiely medzi národmi a rozdiely medzi jeden druhým a všetko toto len vrcholí k dvom mociam. Sú len dve moci a sú len dve kráľovstvá: dve moci a dve kráľovstvá. Všetky tieto ostatné malé veci sú pospájané len s jednou z týchto mocí. A tieto moci sú Božia Moc a satanova moc. To je to, čo je každá vojna, každý nepokoj, všetko, čo sa deje, je to buď riadené Božou Mocou alebo satanovou mocou, pretože to sú len dve moci, ktoré jestvujú. A to je moc Života a moc smrti. Takže sú len tieto dve moci.
[Matúš 24:6], [Marek 13:7], [Židom 2:14]
39 A satan môže len... Jeho moc, ktorú má, je prevrátená moc Božia. Nie je to skutočná moc; je to prevrátenie Božej moci, všetko, čo satan má. Smrť je len prevrátený život; lož nie je nič, len nesprávne povedaná pravda. Vidíte? Cudzoložstvo je zneužitý skutok, spravodlivý akt, ktorý je zneužitý. Vidíte? Všetko, čo satan má, je prevrátené, ale je to moc.
A tak my tu dnes sedíme a bude nás ovládať buď jedna, alebo druhá moc; takže vyžeňme toho zlého. Zaujmime svoju pozíciu ako hviezdy na nebesiach.
[Matúš 24:6], [Židom 2:14]
40 Ako Biblia hovorí, „Bludné hviezdy (v knihe Júdu), penia svoju vlastnú hanbu. A my nechceme byť bludnými hviezdami: 'zaujímalo by ma, či je toto pravda, som zvedavý, či je toto pravda, zaujímalo by ma, či by sa toto stalo, som zvedavý, či to vôbec môže byť'. Nepochybujte! Zostaňte ako tie hviezdy na nebi, ako skutočný vojak, ktorý je vo výkone služby. Stoj tam a ver. Život a smrť.
[Júda 1:13]
41 No, armáda, keď sa skutočná armáda alebo národ snaží pripraviť na boj proti inému národu, najprv by si mali sadnúť a rozmyslieť si, čo je správne a čo nie a že či sú vôbec schopní ísť proti tomu druhému národu alebo nie. Ježiš tak učil. A ak by to ľudia robili, ak by si národy sadli, zastavili sa a zvážili všetky tieto veci, obe strany, už by sme viac nemali žiadne vojny.
No, zisťujeme, že ak to človek nerobí, ak si armádne veliteľstvo národa najprv nesadne, nezváži a nevšimne si, čo je správne a že či sú vôbec ich motívy a ciele korektné a že či majú dostatok sily a moci na to, aby premohli tú ďalšiu armádu; potom majú isté, že prehrajú.
42 To je to, kde generál Custer urobil svoju osudovú chybu. Generál Custer, pokiaľ to dobre rozumiem, mal príkazy od vlády, aby nešiel do zeme Siouxov, pretože tam mali svoj náboženský čas. Bol to čas uctievania; mali tam sviatok. Ale Custer sa opil a myslel si, že to aj tak urobí. Prešiel tou oblasťou, už či to bol rozkaz alebo nie. A potom zastrelili nejakých pár nevinných mužov. Zastrelili ich. Myslím, že niektorých z nich aj dobili. Boli to prieskumníci, ktorí išli hľadať jedlo, aby nakŕmili svojich súkmeňovcov, zatiaľ čo boli v uctievaní. A Custer, ktorý tadiaľ prechádzal, ich videl a myslel si, že boli proti nim, tak týchto prieskumníkov zastrelil. Ale niektorí prieskumníci unikli a vrátili sa naspäť. A čo urobili? Ozbrojili sa a potom prišli, a to bol koniec generála Custera, pretože si prv nesadol a nerozmyslel si to.
Nemal tam čo hľadať. Nemal na to vôbec právo, aby tam bol. Jednako vytlačil tých Indiánov z východného pobrežia až na západné. A mali zmluvu, ale on túto zmluvu porušil. A keď porušil zmluvu, potom prehral boj.
43 A tak armáda, ešte predtým, ako sa pripravuje do boja, najprv si musia vybrať nejakých vojakov. Musia byť oblečení do boja; musia byť trénovaní do boja. A verím, že ten najväčší boj, aký bol kedy bojovaný, je práve teraz pripravený, aby išiel do akcie. Verím, že Boh si vyvolil Svojich vojakov; verím, že ich obliekal, trénoval ich. A bojový front je teraz rozostavený, pripravený začať.
44 Tento prvý veľký boj, ktorý sa kedy bojoval, sa začal v nebi, keď Michael a jeho anjeli bojovali proti Luciferovi a jeho anjelom. Najprv sa ten boj začal v nebi, takže hriech sa nezrodil na zemi; zrodil sa v nebi. A potom bol zvrhnutý z neba, vyhnaný z neba na zem a padol na ľudské bytosti. Potom sa boj anjelov stal ľudským bojom. A satan prišiel, aby zničil Božie stvorenie. Čo Boh stvoril, aby bolo pre neho, on musel (Satan), prísť, aby to zničil. To bol jeho zámer, zničiť to.
Potom sa boj začal na zemi a začal sa v nás a vždy v nás zúril.
[Daniel 10:13], [Zjavenie 12:7]
45 Lenže predtým, ako sa nejaký boj môže zoradiť do šíkov, najprv si musia vybrať miesto stretnutia alebo miesto, kde sa boj má bojovať, určité vybrané miesto. V prvej svetovej vojne sa to nachádzalo v zemi nikoho a boli tam určené miesta, kde bojovali, jednoducho tam muselo byť vybrané miesto.
Ako keď Izrael išiel do vojny s Filištínmi, na každej strane bol kopec, kde sa zhromaždili. A to je to miesto, kde Goliáš prišiel a zavolal na armády Izraela. A tam ho Dávid stretol v údolí, keď prechádzal cez ten malý potok, ktorý tiekol medzi dvoma kopcami, vtedy zodvihol tie kamene. Muselo tam byť vybrané miesto.
[1. Samuelova 17:1-4]
46 A tak je tam spoločná pôda, „zem nikoho,“ a oni na tomto mieste bojujú. Nie je to tak, že jeden bojuje tam, ďalší niekde inde, ďalší zase tam; je tam jednoducho bojový front, kde sa stretávajú a skúšajú svoje sily, kde si každá armáda testuje svoju silu proti ďalšej armáde, spoločné miesto stretnutia.
Neprehliadnite toto. Keď sa tento veľký boj na zemi rozpočal, muselo tam byť spoločné miesto stretnutia; muselo byť vyvolené miesto, kde by sa boj začal a kde by boj zúril; a to bojové pole sa rozpočalo v ľudskej mysli. Tam sa boj začal. Ľudská myseľ bola vyvolená na miesto boja, kde sa mal začať; a je to z toho dôvodu, že rozhodnutia sa tvoria v mysli, v hlave.
No, oni to nikdy nezačali z nejakej organizácie; nikdy to nezačali z nejakej mechanickej záležitosti; bojové pole sa tam nikdy nerozpočalo; a z toho dôvodu organizácia nikdy nemôže, ona nikdy nemôže činiť skutok Boží, pretože bojové pole, kde sa musíte stretnúť s nepriateľom, to je v mysli. Vy sa musíte rozhodnúť, učiniť voľbu. Čaká vás to.
Chcem, aby toto malé dievča tu, ktoré je tak choré, chcem, aby si bolo isté, že teraz skutočne pozorne počúva.
[1. Samuelova 17:1-4]
47 Rozhodnutia sú učinené v mysli, hlave. To je to, kde ťa satan čaká. A rozhodnutia sú, pretože Boh tak stvoril človeka. No, mám... Ak by ste sa pozerali tu na moje poznámky, mám tu nakreslenú takú malú mapu. Mal som to tu nedávno, použil som to tu na tabuli.
Ľudská bytosť je stvorená presne ako zrno pšenice. Je to semeno, ľudská bytosť je semenom. Telesne ste semenom svojho otca a matky a život prichádza od otca a dreň prichádza od matky. Takže dvaja spolu, vajíčko a krv prichádzajú dohromady a v tej krvnej bunke je život a tam sa to začína vyvíjať a začína sa formovať dieťa.
[Numeri 24:13], [Rimanom 7:23-25], [Rimanom 8:6], [Kološanom 1:21], [Jakub 1:8]
48 Takže, akékoľvek semeno má zvonka škrupinu; vnútri je dužina, dreň a vo vnútri tej dužiny je zárodok života. Čiže to je ten spôsob, akým sme aj my stvorení. Sme telo, duša a duch. Vonkajšok, telo, škrupina, ale ten vnútrajšok toho (svedomie, a tak ďalej) je duša a vnútro duše je duch. A duch ovláda všetok zvyšok.
[1. Tesaloničanom 5:23], [Jakub 2:26]
49 No, ak si len sadnete, keď prídete domov a nakreslíte si tri malé kruhy, zistíte, že vonkajšie telo má päť zmyslov, cez ktoré je kontaktované, a to je zrak, chuť, hmat, čuch, sluch; to je päť zmyslov, ktoré ovládajú ľudské telo. Vnútri tela je duša a tá duša je ovládaná predstavami, svedomím, pamäťou, uvažovaním a náklonnosťami; to je to, čo ovláda dušu. Ale duch, ten má len jeden zmysel, duch. Ó, porozumejme to! Duch má len jeden prevládajúci zmysel, ktorý dominuje, je to buď viera alebo pochybnosť. Presne tak. A je na to len jeden spôsob, a to je slobodná morálna voľba. Môžete buď prijať pochybnosť alebo môžete prijať vieru, len jedno jediné, na ktorom chcete potom stavať.
Preto satan začína s tou hlavnou časťou, aby zapríčinil, aby duch človeka pochyboval Božiemu Slovu. Boh začal v hlavnej časti vkladať Svoje Slovo do toho ducha. Tu to máte, to je to, čo to spôsobuje.
[1. Tesaloničanom 5:23], [Jakub 2:26]
50 Ak by práve teraz mohla byť táto cirkev spolu tak zjednotená a zomknutá, že každá osoba by bola v jednej zhode, bez akéhokoľvek tieňa pochybnosti, do piatich minút by v našom strede nebola jediná slabá osoba; nebol by tu nikto, kto by túžil po Duchu Svätom, lebo by Ho každý prijal. Bodaj by sme len mohli napraviť túto jedinú vec.
[Skutky 2:1-2], [Filipanom 2:2]
51 No, to je to, kde sa boj začína, je to priamo vo vašej mysli, že či chcete... No, pamätajte, toto nie je teraz nejaká kresťanská veda, rozum nadovšetko; to nemá... Myseľ prijíma Život, ktorý je Slovo Božie, a to prináša Život. Nerobí to len vaša myšlienka, ale Slovo Božie to priviedlo do kanála vašej mysle. Vidíte? Nie je to myšlienka, ako to robí kresťanská veda, rozum nadovšetko (rozum nad hmotou). Nie. To nie je to. Ale vaša myseľ to akceptuje a uchopí sa toho. Čím je vaša myseľ ovládaná? Vaším duchom; a váš duch zachytáva Slovo Božie, a to je to, čo má v sebe Život. Privádza to do vás Život.
Ó, brat, keď sa to deje, keď Život prichádza dolu do tvojho kanála, Slovo Božie je v tebe prejavené.“ Ak budete prebývať vo Mne a Moje slová budú prebývať vo vás, potom poproste, čo chcete, a stane sa vám.“
[Ján 15:7], [Numeri 24:13], [Rimanom 7:23-25], [Rimanom 8:6], [Kološanom 1:21], [Jakub 1:8]
52 Tak čo to potom robí? Zo stredu srdca, čo je duša, odtiaľ to ide a kŕmi to každý kanál. Lenže problém spočíva v tom, že tu stojíme s veľkým množstvom pochybností a snažíme sa prijať to, čo je tam vonku. Musíte sa na tom zastaviť a prísť do toho kanála s pravdivým Slovom Božím a potom to ide von, samo od seba, automaticky. Ide o to, čo je vnútri. To je to, čo sa počíta, to, čo je vnútri. Satan sa približuje priamo z vnútra.
[Lukáš 6:45], [Matúš 15:19], [Marek 7:21]
53 No, poviete, „Nekradnem; Nepijem; Nerobím tamtie veci.“ Ale to s tým nemá nič spoločné (Vidíte?); to je to, čo je vo vnútri. Bez ohľadu na to, aký si dobrý, aký si morálny, aký si pravdovravný, tieto veci si, samozrejme, vážime, ale Ježiš povedal, „Pokiaľ človek nie je znovuzrodený...“ Vidíte? Čiže tam sa musí vnútri niečo udiať. Ak nie, potom to je len umelá napodobenina, aj keď vo vnútri vášho srdca po tom predsa túžite.
[Ján 3:3]
54 Nemôže to byť umelé; musí to byť skutočné. A je len jeden spôsob, akým sa to môže udiať, a to je slobodná morálna voľba, ktorá príde do vašej duše skrze vaše myšlienky. „Ako človek myslí vo svojom srdci, taký je. Ak poviete tejto hore, 'Premiestni sa' a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť, že to, čo ste povedali, sa stane; budete to mať.“ Rozumiete? Tu to máte. Vidíte? To je to bojové pole.
[Príslovia 23:7], [Matúš 21:21-22], [Matúš 17:20], [Marek 11:22-24]
55 Ak by ste len mohli začať s týmto. Nevieme sa dočkať, aby sme uvideli, ako sa veci dejú; sme takí dychtiví, aby sme urobili niečo pre Boha. Táto pani sa nevie dočkať, rozhodne túži po živote; chce byť v dobrom stave. Sú tu ďalší, tiež chcú byť zdraví. A keď počujeme o tomto prípade ako s tým lekárom, vzkriesenie mŕtvych, veľké mocné veci, ktoré náš Boh učinil, sme takí dychtiví. A to je na tom, že sa snažíme cez tieto zmysly niečoho zmocniť, niečo ako svedomie.
[Lukáš 17:30]
56 Tak veľa ľudí si veľakrát zle vykladá Slovo a kvôli tomuto som bol neporozumený, prečo robím zavolania ku oltáru. Povedal som, „Nie som veľmi za oltárne zavolania,“ nemyslel som to tak, že by ste nemali volať ľudí ku oltáru, ale nech to nie je tak, že niekto vezme druhého za ruku a povie, „Ó, brat John, vieš čo? Už celkom dlho sme susedia; poďme tam hore ku oltáru; skloňme sa tam.“
Čo to robia? Keby som tu mal len tabuľu, ukázal by som, čo robia. Snaží sa pôsobiť na jeho dušu pomocou náklonnosti. To jednoducho nefunguje. To nie je ten správny kanál. Istotne nie. V čom to je? Pamäť, skrze zmysel svojej duše. „Ó, brat John, mal si ohromnú matku; kedysi dávno zomrela,“: pamäť. Vidíte? Nemôžete to tak robiť, musíte sa dostať do línie slobodnej morálnej voľby. Vy, vy sami, nechajte Slovo Božie... Nechoďte tam kvôli tomu, že vaša matka bola dobrou ženou; nechoďte tam kvôli tomu, že ste dobrým susedom; ale prídite, pretože Boh vás volá, aby ste prišli, a príjmite Ho na základe Jeho Slova. Je to Slovo, na čom záleží.
To Slovo, keď sa vám podarí dať všetko z cesty nabok, všetko svedomie, všetky zmysly, a keď len necháte Slovo, aby tam dovnútra vstúpilo, to Slovo vyprodukuje presne to, čo má.
[Ján 6:37, 44]
57 Takže tu, vidíte, čím to je pokryté? Poviete, „No, vieš...“ Poviete, „No, toto svedomie, tieto zmysly, a tak ďalej, s tým nemajú nič do činenia, brat Branham?“ Istotne majú. Ale ak necháte Slovo vstúpiť dovnútra a pokryjete to so svedomím, potom to nemôže rásť; bude to zdeformované slovo. Videli ste niekedy dobré zrno kukurice zasadené v pôde a necháte na to padnúť palicu, bude to rásť krivo. Ktokoľvek alebo čokoľvek tak bude rásť, pretože niečo tomu zabránilo.
[Filipanom 2:5]
58 To je to, čo sa dnes deje s našou letničnou vierou. Nechali sme príliš mnoho vecí, aby tomu zabránili, viera, ktorú sme boli učení, Svätý Duch, ktorý v nás žije. Nechali sme príliš mnoho vecí: hľadeli sme na niekoho iného. A diabol sa ťa vždy snaží nasmerovať na zlyhanie niekoho iného, pričom sa ťa snaží držať bokom od skutočného svedectva, ktoré je pravé. Niekedy ťa nasmeruje na pokrytca, ktorý išiel niečo napodobňovať. On to nedokázal, pretože on len napodobňoval. Ale ak to prišlo z pravého zdroja Slova Božieho, „Nebesia a zem pominú, ale Moje Slovo nemôže pominúť.“ Musí zotrvať. Vidíš to, sestra?
[Matúš 24:35], [Marek 13:31], [Lukáš 21:33], [Matúš 5:18], [Lukáš 16:17]
59 Musí to byť prijaté v mysli; potom sa tomu verí v srdci; potom sa Slovo Božie stáva realitou; potom každý zmysel duše a tela je vyčistený Duchom Svätým. Potom ste zmyslom Božím; ste svedomím Božím; všetko, čo je zbožné, cez vás preteká. Nikde nie je žiadna pochybnosť. Nie je nič, čo by mohlo povstať. Nie je nič, čo by mohlo povstať v pamäti a povedať, „No, raz si pamätám, že pani Jonesová sa snažila dôverovať Bohu. Pani taká a taká, pani Doeová sa usilovala veriť Bohu za uzdravenie a zlyhala.“ Vidíte? Ale ak bol ten kanál vyčistený, ak bol umytý a je zvnútra naplnený Svätým Duchom, to sa vtedy neobjavuje ani v pamäti. Bez ohľadu na to, čo pani Jonesová urobila; si to len ty a Boh spolu, nikto iný, jedine vy dvaja. Tu to máte; tam je váš boj.
[Matúš 15:19], [Lukáš 6:45], [Marek 7:21]
60 Zlikvidujte ho hneď na začiatku; zastavte ho a zabite hneď, ako prichádza. Nie je to o tom, ako dlho budete boj predlžovať; je to o tom, aby ste ho zastavili hneď teraz. Ak prídete, a budete si udržiavať svoje spomienky, svedomie a všetko možné, stále premýšľajúc, „No, náhodou zlyhám. Možno nemám pravdu.“ Vôbec to nerobte. Odhoďte všetko nabok, otvorte svoj kanál a povedzte, „Bože, Tvoje Slovo je večne pravdivé a Ono je pre mňa. Ak celá cirkev zlyhá, ak celý svet zlyhá, ja zlyhať nemôžem, lebo beriem Tvoje Slovo.“
[Lukáš 6.45], [1. Korinťanom 5:7]
61 A tu máme ten boj; a o to ide. Prečo by Všemohúci Boh odstránil rakovinu z pŕs ženy bez akejkoľvek jazvy a nechal by dieťa ležať a zomrieť? Nie veru.
62 Nedávno prišlo malé dievča zo strednej školy. Jej matka ma volala a povedala, „Brat Branham, moje dievča má Hodgkinovu chorobu.“ (To je druh rakoviny, ktorý sa rozrastá na hrče.) A doktori vzali kus z jej hrdla, poslali to a jednoznačne sa ukázalo, že to bola Hodgkinova choroba.
A tak on povedal, „Ďalšia hrča sa môže rozrásť a môže jej natrhnúť srdce; a to keď sa stane, je po nej.“ Povedal, „Ona nemá... Súdiac podľa toho, ako sa to vyvíja, vyzerá to, že jej zostávajú asi len tri mesiace života.“
Potom jej matka povedala, „Čo mám robiť, poslať ju späť do školy?“
Povedal, „Pustite ju, pretože pravdepodobne odíde z ničoho nič. Nechajte ju, ako je, nech si žije normálny život, pokiaľ sa dá, nehovorte jej o tom nič.“
A tak mi tá pani povedala, „Čo mám robiť?“
Povedal som, „Priveď ju sem a daj ju do modlitebného radu.“ A povedal som, „Príď s ňou sem.“ (Mal som pri tom taký zvláštny pocit.)
63 A keď to malé dievča prišlo v to ráno s tými modrými perami z makeup-u, ako to tam v škole mali, a ako tam tak prišla (Ani som nevedel, čo bude zač, pretože mi to povedali len do telefónu.) Chytil som ju za ruku; povedal som, „Dobré ráno, sestra.“ Takto tam stála; bola to jednoducho ona. Za chvíľu som sa pozrel na jej matku a na ňu a obe som ich tam videl, bez Boha, bez Krista. Povedal som, „Ako môžete na tomto základe očakávať uzdravenie? Príjmete Ježiša Krista ako svojho osobného Spasiteľa?“ Povedal som, „Prídete do tejto vody a budete pokrstené na Meno Ježiša Krista na odpustenie svojich hriechov?“
Povedali, „Urobíme to.“ Ó, a viete, čo sa stalo.
Tá žena tu možno dnes ráno sedí. Mnohí z vás ten prípad poznajú. Brat Mike Egan, jeden zo správcov, tu sledoval ten prípad; stalo sa to asi pred štyrmi alebo piatimi rokmi. To mladé dievča zobrali späť k lekárovi; a nenašla sa na nej jediná stopa Hodgkinovej choroby.
[Skutky 2:37-39]
64 Čo sa udialo? Najprv musíte otvoriť ten kanál. Musíte priviesť Vojaka, Ducha Svätého, aby bol umiestnený na tom bojovom fronte, aby vzal Božie Slovo. On je Slovom a On tam stojí; a potom to nič nemôže zastaviť. Nie je nič, čo by mohlo... Každý z ďalších kanálov je prečistený.
Ako starý kotol s komínom, ktorý je zastavený; dáte tam oheň a ono to vyfúkne von. To je to, čo sa deje s mnohými nafúknutými kresťanmi, pretože oni neprečistia svoje kanále; nejdú do úplného vnútra. Musíte to prečistiť: svedomie, spomienky, myšlienky, musíte dať všetko nabok a zvnútra musíte vyjsť von s nefalšovaným Slovom Božím, ktoré je pravdou. Bez ohľadu na to, či dnes tisíce veriacich zomrú po tomto tvojom pravom boku, desať tisíce veriacich zajtra zomrú po tvojom ľavom boku, to so mnou nemá nič spoločné. Ja som jednotlivec; ja som ten, ktorý dôveruje; ja som ten, ktorý tomu verí.
[1. Korinťanom 5:7]
65 A tak vidíme, že ak potom otvoríme svoje kanály, ak môžeme a vidíme, nachádzame jedno a druhé, toto a tamto, tisíce z nich svedčia, ale diabol sa vždy bude snažiť prísť naspäť. Vidíte, ak sa tam čo i len raz dostane, roznesie tvoju armádu na kopytách. Ak si nechávaš svoje zmysly, zrak, chuť, hmat, čuch a sluch, oni sú všetko v poriadku, ale never im, pokiaľ nie sú zhodné so Slovom. Sú v poriadku, ale ak nesúhlasia so Slovom, nikdy na ne nedaj.
No, predstavy, svedomie, spomienky, rozumovanie a náklonnosti, ono to je všetko v poriadku, ak len súhlasia so Slovom. Ale ak sa tvoja náklonnosť nezhoduje so Slovom; zbav sa toho; potom vyfúkneš ten dym.
Vidíte? Ak sa tvoj rozum nezhoduje so Slovom, drž sa od neho. Veru tak. Ak tvoja pamäť, ak tvoje predstavy, ak tvoje svedomie, čokoľvek to je, čo sa s tým nezhoduje, s tým, čo je vo vnútri, zbav sa toho.
[Lukáš 11:24-26] , [Matúš 12:43-45]
66 Čo potom máte? Máte slnečnú sústavu. Haleluja. Boh ustanovil hviezdy na poriadok a povedal, „Zostaňte tu, až dokiaľ vás nezavolám.“ A tam zostali. Nič ich odtiaľ nepohne. Keď môže Boh dostať človeka do Svojich rúk, pokiaľ dokáže vyčistiť všetky svoje zmysly, svedomie, všetko, až dokiaľ nestojí za Bohom v Duchu, potom niet diabla vo svete, ktorý by tam mohol strčiť nejakú pochybnosť. Tak je.
[Skutky 24:16], [1. Korinťanom 10:29], [1. Timoteovi 3.9], [Židom 9:14],
[Židom 10:22-23], [Židom 13:18], [2. Korinťanom 10:5]
67 Ak príde a povie, „Veď sa ani necítiš lepšie,“ tvoje svedomie je tomu mŕtve. „Dymovod” je taký čistý, že kričí, „Haleluja.“ „Vývod” si píska: „Sláva Bohu,“ znie to tak isto a tak čisto a jasno pre Slovo Božie, aby pracovalo, to je moc Božia. Vidíte? To je to hlavné; to je vaše bojové pole. Vaše bojové pole je už na začiatku, hlboko v duši, hlboko v mysli, tam sa to otvára. Myseľ je brána do duše, alebo lepšie povedané, brána do ducha. Vaša myseľ sa otvára a prijíma Ducha alebo odmieta Ducha.
[Židom 9:14]
68 Môžete mať akési malé presvedčenia, malé pocity, cítenia a podobne; ale to s tým nemá nič spoločné. To sú len nejaké senzácie a podobne. Ale keď to prichádza do reality, vaša myseľ sa otvára. Vaša myseľ to buď prijíma alebo to odmieta. To je to, priatelia. Bože, nech to ani jeden z nich neprehliadne. Vidíte? Je to vaša myseľ, ktorá otvára dvere alebo zatvára dvere a počúva vaše svedomie, počúva vaše spomienky, počúva vaše sympatie. Ale keď sa vaša myseľ zatvára pre tieto veci a necháva Boha, Ducha Jeho Slova, aby tam dovnútra vstúpil, vyháňa to všetky ostatné veci preč. Každá pochybnosť je preč; každý strach je preč; každý pocit pochybnosti je preč; každé cítenie je preč. Nestojí tam nič, jedine Slovo Božie, a satan proti Tomu nemôže bojovať. Nie veru! Nemôže proti Tomu bojovať. Takže, vieme, že je to pravda.
[Židom 9:14], [Židom 13:18]
69 A tieto boje zúrili odo dňa záhrady Eden, boj v ľudskej mysli. Satan to všetko rozpočal. Čo urobil, keď sa stretol s Evou? On nezapieral Božie Slovo, len ho trochu „vyleštil”. Niekde tam zastavil nejaké malé kanály. Povedal, „Ale istotne Boh... (Genesis 3:1. Vidíte?) Istotne Boh... Všetky tieto veci, ktoré On zasľúbil...“ On vedel, že Slovo bolo správne, ale tiež vedel, že tam nemohol len tak vtrhnúť a úplne to vyvrátiť, takže on To len trochu prikrášlil.
[Genesis 3:1-21], [Židom 13:18], [2. Korinťanom 10:5]
70 Ako nám mama zvykla dávať lieky, snažila sa dať pomarančový džús do ricínového oleja. Ó, radšej mala zobrať ricínový olej bez pomarančového džúsu. Čokoľvek, čo je pokrytecké... Vidíte? Ona... Kedysi sme sa museli v noci zobudiť a zvykla nám dať petrolej proti zápalu hrtanu. A tak nám tam dala petrolej a na to dala cukor. Vidíte? Trochu pokrytecké, ale aspoň to vypálilo krčné mandle, ktoré išli dole po tom, ako cukor odišiel.
71 Takže tak to je, priatelia. Satan sa s tým snaží byť pokrytecký. Snaží sa ti ukázať niečo lepšie, nejaký ľahší spôsob, rozumnejší plán. Ale niet rozumnejšieho plánu ako ten, ktorý Boh ustanovil na začiatku: Jeho Slovo.
Držte sa toho Slova; uchopte Ho. Nechajte, nech to uchopí vás. Zostaňte na tom. O tom to je.
[Genesis 3:1-5], [Židom 13:18], [2. Korinťanom 10:5]
72 Boj sa rozzúril, keď Eva otvorila svoju myseľ na to, aby si vypočula svoje rozumovanie. To je ten dym, ktorý tam vstúpil; to je ten kanál, cez ktorý to šlo: jej rozumovanie. Ona rozumovala vo svojej duši. Jej oči, na vlastné oči videla hada. Bol nádherný, pekný, jednoducho oveľa lepší ako jej manžel. Bol najchytrejší zo všetkých zvierat poľných. A bol pravdepodobne krajší ako jej manžel; vyzeral ako veľké mužské zviera, ktoré tam stálo. Aký bol veľký a snažil sa jej nahovoriť, aká veľká vec to je. A to prvé, čo urobila, otvorila svoju myseľ. A keď toto urobila, ľudské rozumovanie sa toho hneď chytilo. „Ó, nebolo by to vzrušujúce?“
[Genesis 3:1-7]
73 To je to, čo on dnes robí ženám. Nejaká žena má milého manžela, nájde nejakého veľkého, mužného chlapa; a tento muž sa snaží otvoriť jej uvažovanie. Pamätajte, to je satan; je to diabol. Alebo naopak, muž žene, žena mužovi, tak alebo tak... čo to robí? Účinkuje to v tej moci rozumovania, to svedomie, kde sa niečo začína hýbať, ale vždy dajte Božiemu Slovu prvé miesto.
[Rimanom 1:28], [Rimanom 7:23], [Rimanom 12:2]
74 Človek dokonca ani nemôže prísť do... on vlastne ani nemôže zhrešiť. Haleluja. Tu to je, toto je čerstvé. Človek nemôže zhrešiť, až dokiaľ prv nevyženie Božie Slovo. Nemôže zhrešiť (čiže neveriť), pokiaľ sa prv nezbaví Slova Božieho, Prítomnosti Božej; nemôže zhrešiť.
Eva nemohla zhrešiť, až dokiaľ neodložila nabok Božie Slovo, keď otvorila svoj kanál rozumovania do svojej duše a začala uvažovať. „No, iste, môj manžel mi o týchto veciach nikdy nepovedal, ale verím, že ty... On mi povedal, že by som nemala robiť toto a tamto, ale vieš, ty mi to robíš takým skutočným; takým jasným. Verím, že by to bolo ohromné, pretože ty mi to tak jasne vysvetľuješ.“
Vidíte? Tam bol ten prvý boj. A ten boj mal za následok každú vojnu, každú krv, ktorá bola kedy preliata, to malo príčinu tam v Edene. Ona neverila Božiemu Slovu.
[Genesis 3:1-7]
75 A ak sa len jednému malému kúsku Božieho Slova neverilo, to zapríčinilo všetky tieto problémy, a ako sa potom dostaneme naspäť, ak neveríme Božiemu Slovu? Nedokážete to. Musíte umlčať všetko ostatné, svedomie, spomienky, a povedať... uvažovania a podobne, „zavrhovať uvažovania.“ My o tomto vôbec nerozumujeme, absolútne nie. My jednoducho prijímame Slovo na základe, „Boh tak povedal“; a to vytvára spojenie medzi tebou a Bohom. Každý kanál sa potom medzi tebou a Bohom otvára. Ale tam je ten boj, tá prvá bojová línia.
[Genesis 3.1-7], [Židom 13:18], [2. Korinťanom 10:5]
76 Nepoužívajme pušku kalibru .22. Zožeňme si „atómovú bombu”. Urobme tú prácu ako treba. Získajme Božiu atómovú bombu. „Ale čo to je, brat Branham?“ V-i-e-r-a v Jeho Slovo. To je Božia atómová bomba a to vyháňa nemoc a diablov hneď v tej chvíli. Likviduje ich to, plieni ich to. Ó, jednoducho ich to ničí; ruinuje to všetko, čo je bezbožné. Keď sa tam dostane tá bomba viery so Slovom Božím poza tým, vyháňa to každého diabla, každú nemoc a každú chorobu.
Poviete, „Je to tak, brat Branham? Potom, prečo to na niektorých ide a na niektorých nie?“ Je to kvôli tomu kanálu. Môžete sa pozerať von a vidieť to, ale musíte to mať vnútri a takto sa pozerať. Nie byť vonku a pozerať sa dnu, ale musíte byť vnútri a pozerať sa von. Vidíte?
[2. Korinťanom 10:5]
77 Nemôžete prísť skrze rozumovanie; nemôžete sa tam dostať prostredníctvom týchto vecí; musíte sa dostať priamo do Božieho kanála, priamo do duše. A ako to dokážete? Čo je posledným kanálom? Ono to bude rozumovať a hovoriť, „Zmysly. Ó, cítim to. Áno, je to tu. Ó, hej, cítim to, a tak ďalej. Áno, tieto veci existujú.“
A ďalšia vec, nad ktorou uvažujete, „No, zdá sa, že asi naozaj vie, o čom hovorí. Lekár povedal, že sa z toho nedostanem. To by malo byť...“
Vidíte? A hneď tam ste na omyle. To je diabol, ktorý tam stojí. To je diabol, ktorý do vás strká tieto veci; vôbec tomu neverte. Haleluja. Božie Slovo povedalo, „Ja... Predovšetkým chcem prekvitať v zdraví.“ Tak je. Ako potom tam vonku môžete byť skutočným vojakom? Vidíte? „Chcem, aby ste prekvitali v zdraví.“
[Genesis 3:1-5], [2. Korinťanom 10:5]
78 Hneď tam to je, tie kanály. Ak sa ti len podarí ich otvoriť; nechci len popri nich prejsť. Ak sa tam potom môže satan dostať, prejsť popri všetkom tomto svedomí, a tak ďalej, potom sa mu podarí dostať sa hlboko do duše v mysli. Takže, ak sa mu len podarí priviesť ťa do toho, že... Nikdy to ani len nebudeš mať, dokiaľ ho tam nevpustíš. Musíš ho tam vpustiť; a keď sa tam dolu dostane, potom to má v moci.
A čo potom robí? Začína používať svedomie. Začína používať toto, začína používať tento vonkajšok. Čo to je? Zrak, chuť, hmat, čuch, sluch, predstavy, svedomie, spomienky, rozumovanie, náklonnosti; začína si to všetko používať, všetky tieto malé kanály, ale to len pokiaľ sa dostane ponad tento. Najprv sa musí dostať do vašej mysle a vy to musíte prijať. Môže to...
[2. Korinťanom 10:5]
79 Počúvajte. Môže to proti tebe bojovať, ale nemôže ťa to poraziť, dokiaľ to nepríjmeš. Keď satan prišiel k Eve a povedal, „No, vieš, to ovocie je lahodné,“ a ona sa na chvíľu pozastavila. Ó, a to je to, kde urobila chybu, keď sa na chvíľu pozastavila. Nad ničím sa nepozastavujte. Máte posolstvo. Ježiš žije; Boh je Uzdraviteľom; to je posolstvo. Nad ničím sa nepozastavujte, žiadne rozumovanie, nič.
Ale ona sa na chvíľu pozastavila. A v tej chvíli satan vstúpil do jej mysle. Povedala, „No, znie to rozumne.“ Ó, nerobte to. Jednoducho berte to, čo Boh povedal.
[Genesis 3:1-5], [2. Korinťanom 10:5]
80 Abrahám, čo ak by sa on na chvíľu pozastavil, aby pouvažoval, keď mu Boh povedal, že bude mať dieťa so Sárou, pričom ona mala šesťdesiatpäť a on mal sedemdesiatpäť. A keď on mal sto a ona mala deväťdesiat, on stále vyznával, že Božie Slovo bolo pravdivé; a nazýval tie veci, ktoré neboli, akoby boli. Vidíte? On... Dokonca nádej, bola tam vôbec nejaká nádej? Nemohol použiť ani nádej.
„No,“ poviete, „Mám nádej, že sa z toho dostanem. Dúfam, že budem v poriadku. Dúfam, že obdržím Svätého Ducha. Dúfam, že som kresťanom. Dúfam, že sa mi to podarí.“ Nerobte to. Abrahám na to nikdy nebral ohľad. Amen. Ale on veril v nemožné, stále veril Božiemu Slovu. Viera je poza nádejou. Viera prichádza z hĺbky, zvnútra, viera prichádza odtiaľ. Ako sa dostáva dovnútra? Cez túto myseľ, tieto dvere, tam stojí ten bojový front.
[Rimanom 4:18-22], [2. Korinťanom 10:5]
81 No, keď sa vám podarí zoradiť boj do šíkov... No, diabol dnes ráno sedí priamo na každom srdci. On je na srdci tohoto malého dievčaťa; on spočíva na tvojom srdci; je všade tuto. On hovorí, „Ó, to som už všetko skúšal; už som o tom počul.“ Vyžeňte ho; to je všetko; vyžeňte ho. Čo nám tu Biblia v našom texte povedala? Vyžeňte ho; tak je, vyžeňte ho.
[2. Korinťanom 10:5]
82 Už sme boli trénovaní, mysleli sme si, „Čo sa to deje s nami, kazateľmi?“ Som zvedavý, čo za tréning my vôbec máme. Boží tréning pre tento veľký boj.
Matúš 24 hovorí... a tiež v Danielovi 12 je povedané, že bude čas ťažkostí, aký ešte na zemi nikdy nebol. A my v tom čase žijeme, keď kultúra a vzdelanie a všetky tieto veci pokryli Slovo Božie a dostali sa do uvažovania, a tak ďalej. Boj prebieha teraz. Kto obstojí? Haleluja. Boj je pripravený na štart; je zoradený.
[Daniel 12:1], [Matúš 24:15-16], [Marek 13:14-15]
83 Pozrite sa, akú veľkú opozíciu máme. Kto bude taký, ako Dávid povedal, „Vy tu stojíte a necháte tohoto neobrezaného Filištína vyzývať armády živého Boha. Choďte naňho.“ Amen. Boh chce dnes ráno mužov a ženy, ktorí sa môžu postaviť a povedať, „Vezmem Pána za Jeho Slovo. Amen. Bez ohľadu na to, čo zlyhá, alebo kde sa toto deje, alebo čo tamten urobil; to s tým nemá nič spoločné. Vy, Saulovia, a tak ďalej, ak sa ich vy bojíte, vráťte sa tam, kam patríte, ale Božia armáda sa hýbe napred.“ Amen. Chrabrí muži, muži viery, muži moci, muži porozumenia. Nemusia to byť chytráci; nemusia byť vysokovzdelaní; ale musia mať tie kanály. A Boh berie tieto malé kanály. Ale ona sa na chvíľu pozastavila, aby si to premyslela, hovoriac, „No dobre, takže pozrime sa na to.“
[1. Samuelova 17:36], [Genesis 3:1-5]
84 No, presne ako... Čo ak by táto mladá pani dnes ráno, bezpochyby sa jej doktor snažil nahovoriť, že je už na konci svojej cesty, že sa s tým nič nedá robiť. Ale to je ten doktor, ja ho neodsudzujem. Ten človek je vedec. On vidí, že tá choroba sa zmocnila tela toho dieťaťa. Nedá sa s tým nič. Nemá žiaden liek, ktorým by to mohol zastaviť. Takže tá rakovina sa zmocnila tej ženy. Iste, smrť sa zmocnila toho dieťaťa, ale náš Hlavný Kapitán (Haleluja!) tejto veľkej armády, On je Vzkriesenie a Život; Jeho nič nemôže premôcť. Haleluja.
[Ján 11:25-26]
85 Hlava armády spočíva v jej kapitánoch, v ich inteligencii. Rommel bol hlavou Nemecka, nie Hitler, Rommel. Tak je. Eisenhower, vojenský muž, Patton, títo muži, ktorí boli na fronte, všetko záležalo na tom, aký príkaz oni vydajú.
Vy nasledujte svojho kapitána. Ak on je správnym typom generála, ak je tým správnym typom, ak je štvorhviezdičkový generál, ak je osvedčený a je dokázané, že je dobrý, len ho nasledujte. Hoci sa vám to môže zdať nesprávne, choďte na front; robte, ako vám povie. Haleluja.
86 Máme päť-hviezdičkového Generála, čo je vyhláskované J-e-ž-i-š, čo umiestňuje päť hviezdičiek na V-i-e-r-a. A On nikdy neprehral v boji. Haleluja. Premohol smrť, peklo a hrob. Vyžeňte diablov preč z cesty. On je tým veľkým Hlavným Kapitánom. Takže diabol je kompletne mimo toho.
[Zjavenie 1:18]
87 Najväčší boj, aký kedy zúril, je práve teraz pripravený. Istotne je. Ó, haleluja. Keď na to myslím, keď som stál a sledoval Ho, ako robil veci, ako som Ho videl, ako ich zjavoval, otváral ich a hovoril, „To bude takto a takto,“ tak to je. Ó, pozri sa naspäť tam a povedzte, „Kto je týmto veľkým Kapitánom?“ Ó, nehľadím naspäť a nepozerám, či to je doktor taký a taký. Vidím, čo Kapitán povedal; On je Kapitánom nášho spasenia. Haleluja. Čo je spasenie? Vyslobodenie. Sláva! On je Kapitánom nášho vyslobodenia.
[Židom 5:9], [Židom 2:3, 10], [Skutky 4:12]
88 Veľká hodina útoku je nablízku. Haleluja? Vojaci s blýskajúcim sa brnením, pestrými farbami... Viera a pochybnosť sa práve dnes ráno zoraďujú v tejto modlitebni: pochybnosť na jednej strane, viera na druhej. Vojaci, postavte sa do výkonu služby. Haleluja. Náš Kapitán, Ranná Hviezda, ktorá nás vedie. On sa nikdy nevracia späť; On ani nepozná slovné spojenie „dať sa na ústup“. Nemusí sa dávať na ústup. Amen. Tak je.
Najväčší boj, aký bol kedy bojovaný, ten prebieha práve teraz (Tak veru.) medzi životom a smrťou, medzi nemocou a zdravím, medzi vierou a pochybnosťou (Ó.), medzi slobodou a zajatím. Boj prebieha. Nech svietia vaše oštepy, vojaci, naleštite si brnenie.
[Židom 2:10]
89 Boh práve teraz pripravuje Svojich vojakov. Amen. Boh pomazáva Svoju armádu. Amerika oblieka svojich vojakov do najlepšieho, čo môže, oceľové prilby, brnenie, všetko možné, ozbrojené tanky, v čomkoľvek to idú. Boh oblieka Svoju armádu. Haleluja. Čo za vybavenie to my používame? Meč Ducha, Slovo Božie. Amen. Slovo Božie je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč (Židom 4), ktoré preniká až do špiku kostí, dokonca do drene kosti, je rozpoznávateľom myšlienok mysle, Slovo Božie. Veriť Jeho Slovu, to je ten spôsob, akým Boh vyzbrojuje.
[Židom 4:12], [Efežanom 6:10-18]
90 To je to, čo On dal Eve, aby sa vyzbrojila, ale ona svoje brnenie rozbila. Ako to urobila? Tým, že otvorila svoju myseľ pre rozumovanie. Nerozumujte so Slovom Božím; nemá to žiadne rozumovanie. Je to jednoducho Slovo Božie. Nie je na tom žiadna pochybnosť; nie je v tom žiadne rozumovanie; Je to Božie Slovo; tým je to vybavené. To je to. Tým je to naveky vybavené. Vidíš, čo myslím, drahá? Je to Božie Slovo. Boh to zasľúbil. Boh tak povedal.
[Efežanom 6:10-18], [2. Korinťanom 10:5]
91 Oni tam Abrahámovi hovorili, „Ako vieš, že budeš mať to dieťa?“
„Boh tak povedal.“ Tým je to vybavené.
„Ale prečo ho potom nemáš?“
„Neviem, kedy ho budem mať, ale budem ho mať. Boh tak povedal. A so mnou to ani kúsok nepohne.“ On zachytil...
„Prečo nejdeš naspäť domov, odkiaľ si prišiel?“
„V tejto zemi som pútnikom a cudzincom.“ Amen...
„Boh dáva zasľúbenie; Boh dá dieťa rovno v tejto zemi, kde ma poslal.“
[Genesis 15:.1-6]
92 Haleluja. Boh ťa uzdraví priamo teraz v tejto atmosfére Ducha Svätého, kde ťa On poslal. Amen. Boh ti to dá; ty tomu len ver. Amen. Otvor prieduchy duše a tela, zmysly a svedomie a... Len nechaj Božie Slovo prenikať. Najprv vezmi tú myseľ; to je to bojové pole. Nehovor, „No, ak by som to mohol cítiť... Ak by som mohol pocítiť slávu Božiu, ako padá...“ Ó, to s tým nemá nič spoločné, absolútne nič. Otvorte tú myseľ; to je bojové pole; to je miesto, kde sa boj zoraďuje do šíkov, priamo v tej prednej línii, vo vašej mysli. Otvorte to a povedzte, „Ja... Každá pochybnosť... Ja pochybujem vo svoje pochybnosti.“ Amen. „Teraz pochybujem vo svoje pochybnosti; verím Božiemu Slovu. Už idem na teba, satan.“ Niečo sa udeje. Istotne. Tak veru.
[2. Korinťanom 10:5], [Efežanom 6:10-18]
93 On pomazáva Svojich služobníkov Svojím Duchom; posiela anjelov. Ľudia si z toho niekedy robia žarty: anjeli. Dovoľte mi teraz niekde si na chvíľu otočiť. Otočte si na chvíľu do Židom, Židom 4. kapitola: 4. kapitola a... alebo skôr 1. kapitola Židom a pozrime sa na 14. verš:
Či nie sú všetci svätoslužobnými duchmi, posielanými do služby pre tých, ktorí majú zdediť spasenie?
A ktorému z anjelov povedal kedy: Seď po mojej pravici,... všetci Anjeli Boží...
[Židom 1:13-14]
94 Takže tu sa Biblia vracia a hovorí nám o tom, že Boh posiela Anjelov. Sláva. Kým oni sú? Svätoslužobnými duchmi. Sláva! Svätoslužobnými duchmi poslanými odkiaľ? Z Prítomnosti Božej. Aby urobili čo? Svätoslúžili Jeho Slovom. Amen. Nemáte slúžiť nejakou teológiou nejakej denominačnej skupiny, ale máte slúžiť Jeho Slovom (To je to.), sú to svätoslužobné duchy, ktoré sú poslané.
A ako vieme, že tým sú? Biblia povedala, že Slovo Pánovo prišlo k prorokom. Je to tak? Títo anjeli svätoslúžili Jeho Duchom, kázali Slovo skrze Ducha Svätého; a Duch a Slovo prišlo ku prorokom; a proroci mali Slovo Božie. To je ten dôvod, prečo mohli vykonávať zázraky, ktoré vykonávali. Nebol to človek, bol to Duch Boží v človeku, Duch Kristov v človeku. Pretože Slovo Božie...
Čo on urobil? Vyčistili každý kanál. Boh si ho vyvolil a on bol pomazaný Duchom Svätým, a nebol to on. Nevykonal ničoho, až dokiaľ to neuvidel vo videní. Eliáš na hore Karmel povedal, „Všetko toto som vykonal na Tvoje prikázanie. Teraz, Pane, nech sa vie, že Ty si Bohom.“ Ó, sláva Bohu.
[1. Kráľov 18:36], [Židom 1:13-14], [Ámos 3:7]
95 Videl som to už toľkokrát. Keď vidíte Ducha Božieho, ako zasahuje na určité miesto, vtedy sa to miesto dostáva pod pomazanie. Ak by len táto malá skupina tu dnes ráno mohla zobrať túto myseľ, dať z cesty každú pochybnosť... Ako ešte môžete pochybovať, keď vidíte, ako sú mŕtvi vzkriesení, chromí chodia, slepí vidia, hluchí počujú?
[2. Korinťanom 10:5]
96 Anjel Pánov, dokonca Jeho obraz tu visí na stene, v každom ohľade to vedu vyviedlo z miery. Čo On robí? Zostaňte priamo so Slovom. Amen. To porazí každého diabla. Áno, porazí. Čo to je? Svätoslužobné duchy, ktoré sú poslané z Prítomnosti Božej, aby pomazali tých, ktorí kážu Slovo, ktorí zostávajú so Slovom, a On potvrdzuje Slovo so znakmi, ktoré nasledujú, prináša to Ježiša toho istého včera, dnes i naveky. Tu Ho máte.
Ako môžeme ešte pochybovať, keď je On aj vedecky, materiálne aj duchovne, v každom ohľade je osvedčený a je tu dokázaný. Čo sa deje? Je to v našich mysliach. Otvárame svoje mysle na veci a hovoríme, „No, neviem, či by to tak vôbec mohlo byť. Možno, ak sa zajtra budem cítiť lepšie...“ Ó, to s tým nemá nič do činenia.
[Židom 1:13-14], [Židom 13:8], [2. Korinťanom 10:5]
97 Koľkokrát som už povedal, Abrahám mohol povedať Sáre... Ona už prešla cez vek, kedy už mohla byť ženou (ak viete, čo tým myslím), je to jednoducho obdobie života, jej dvadsaťosem dní. Vidíte? Ona mala šesťdesiatpäť rokov; pravdepodobne to už mala pätnásť, dvadsať rokov za sebou. A on jej povedal, možno za nasledujúcich pár dní, „Cítiš sa už nejako inak, drahá?“
„Ani náznakom.“
„To s tým nemá nič spoločné; jednako ideme ďalej. No, ak opäť začneš ako mladá žena, vieme, že cez krv života, potom, vieme, že to potom ochráni to dieťa a všetko bude v poriadku. Ale cítiš sa dnes čo i len trochu inak? Už je to mesiac, čo mi to On zasľúbil. Cítiš sa inak, drahá?“
„Ani trochu, Abrahám. Nie je ani náznak, nič. Som stále taká istá, ako som bola za posledných pár rokov; nie je ani náznak rozdielu.“
„Sláva Bohu, jednako ho budeme mať.“
[Genesis 15:1-6], [Genesis 12:1-8]
98 „Myslíš, Abrahám, že na tom... Pozri, ak ti to On zasľúbil, istotne nám musí dať aj nejaký znak. Istotne by nám dal znak.“ Aha. Haleluja.
Slabá a cudzoložná generácia hľadá znamenia. Tak je. On mal Znak. Čo to bolo? Božie Slovo, To bol ten Znak.
[Matúš 12:39], [Matúš 16:4]
Ako môže Boh uzdraviť toto dieťa? Božie Slovo tak povedalo. Pocit-nepocit, nech sa deje, čo sa deje, Boh tak povedal, a tým to je vybavené.
[Genesis 12:1-8]
99 Abrahám povedal, „Zoberte si všetku batožinu, všetko si pozbierajte; odchádzame z tejto zeme.“
„Kam ideš?“
„Neviem (Amen), ale jednako idem. No prosím.“ Zbalil sa a odišiel. Haleluja. To je skutočné Slovo Božie. Čo On pred ním držal? Zasľúbenie Božie, Slovo Božie. „Budeme to mať.“
[Genesis 12: 1-18]
100 „Vyjdi spomedzi svojho ľudu, Abrahám, oni sú predsa pochybovači a neveriaci a z teba urobia to isté. Vyjdi odtiaľ, oddeľ sa a ži pre Mňa.“ Čo to je? „Nechaj všetko svoje svedomie a zmysly, všetko to nechaj za sebou; otvor svoju myseľ a pamätaj, že som to Ja. Poď a ži so Mnou.“ Amen.
Boh dnes ráno povoláva každé semeno Abrahámovo do toho istého druhu života. Veľký boj teraz prebieha na celom svete. Boh chce, aby sa Jeho deti oddelili od čoho? Zrak, chuť, hmat, čuch, sluch, predstavy, svedomie, spomienky, rozumovanie, náklonnosti, všetko. Otvorte svoju myseľ a nechajte Slovo, aby tam vstúpilo, a pochodujte so Slovom. To je skutočný vojak.
[Genesis 12.1-8], [2. Korinťanom 10:5]
101 To je ten spôsob, akým hviezdy stoja. Slnečná sústava sa nezmenila. Zverokruh, ranná hviezda vychádza vo svojom výkone služby každé ráno, presne tak, ako to bolo na začiatku, keď bola zem stvorená. Ranná hviezda zaujíma svoje miesto. Každá hviezda, malý voz, v čase svojho obdobia je presne tam, kde má byť. Severka stojí pevne a nikdy sa nehýbe. Haleluja. Celá vec sa točí okolo severky, všetko to, pretože je to priamo v strede zeme; to je Kristus. Amen.
[Genesis 1:16]
102 On tam stojí, rozkazuje Svojej armáde ako veľký Kapitán. Ako Mojžiš na hore so zdvihnutými rukami a Izrael bojoval, pretláčali si cestu vpred; a on tam stál so zdvihnutými rukami. Stál tam so zdvihnutými rukami, až dokiaľ slnko nezapadlo; museli držať jeho ruky zdvihnuté. To bol Mojžiš; on bol predobrazom Krista. Aby si bol istý, že má zdvihnuté ruky, Jeho ruky boli priklincované ku krížu. Haleluja. A on sa dnes vyšplhal na hradby slávy so Svojimi krvavými rúchami pred Bohom po pravici Jeho Veličenstva. A každý vojak si k boju prebije svoju cestu vpred. Je mi jedno, čo sa deje, Slovom Božím sa prebije do slobody. Amen.
[Exodus 17:8-16]
103 Ako kura vo vajci, čo ak by sa bálo vykuknúť? Čo ak by sa bálo prepichnúť vajce? Čo ak by sa to malé kurča vo vnútri vajca, malý vták, čo ak by sa bál udrieť do tej vaječnej škrupiny? Čo ak by zvonka počul zvuk, ktorý by povedal, „Neudieraj do tej škrupiny; môžeš sa zraniť“? Ale nátura vo vnútri toho vtáka mu hovorí, „Ďobni do toho. Urob do toho dieru.“
Nech si všetky organizácie hovoria, „Dni zázrakov pominuli. Zraníš sa. Tu už zachádzaš do fanatizmu.“
Ďobni rovno do tej škrupiny, najtvrdšie ako vieš. Haleluja. „Satan, vypadni; už odtiaľ idem preč; Už tu viac ležať nebudem; Ja tu už viac sedieť nebudem; už viac nie som na pôde tohoto starého diabla; dnes ráno si prepodávam svoju cestu. Amen. Ja som orol.“ Amen. Haleluja.
[2. Korinťanom 10:5]
104 S tým starým orlom, ten tvrdý krk, ktorý tam ďobal proti tej škrupine, bez ohľadu na to, ako tvrdá bola tá škrupina, on si presne vyďobal svoju cestu cez to. To prvé, na čo myslí, je, ako roztiahne svoje krídla. Tak to je.
Vyzdob si svoju cestu; tak je. Ako to urobíš? Odstreľujúc to s TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN; nakoniec začína cítiť nejaký čerstvý vzduch. TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, vystrč svoju hlavu von. TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Teraz silno potlačte, vychádzate von. On sa potom nikdy nevracia naspäť do škrupiny. Amen. On je slobodný. Ó. To Slovo, keď sa raz dostane cez všetky tie zmysly, svedomie a podobne, až dokiaľ to tam dolu nezapadne, a tá myseľ sa potom otvára a necháva to (Ó, Bože, buď milostivý), neexistuje nič, čo by to mohlo opäť zviazať. Ste slobodný. Ten, ktorého Syn oslobodil, sa dostal zo škrupiny.
[2. Korinťanom 10:5], [Efežanom 6:10-18], [Ján 8:36]
105 Tvoja denominácia ťa nikdy nemôže zavolať naspäť; diabol už ti nikdy nič viac nemôže urobiť; on na teba syčí a zavýja, ale ty si už na svojej ceste, bežiac plnou rýchlosťou (Ó), bežiac po Kráľovskej diaľnici, pomazaný vojak kríža. Všetky orly s vierou vyhlasujú „Ježiš Svetlo sveta,“ bežia po Kráľovej diaľnici.
[Ján 1:1-19]
106 Iste. Tak veru. Oni sú svätoslužobnými duchmi, ktoré sú poslané z Prítomnosti Božej, aby boli služobníkmi. Aby slúžili čím? Jeho Slovom, nie nejakou teológiou, ale Božím Slovom. Oni sú svätoslužobnými duchmi poslanými od Boha, aby slúžili: slúžiace duchy. Ó! A pamätajte, ak to káže niečo pomimo Slova, potom to neprichádza od Boha, pretože Tvoje Slovo je vždy potvrdené v nebesiach. Vždy v nebesiach, Slovo, Boh sa o To stará a On nikdy nepošle Ducha, ktorý by kázal niečo pomimo Slova.
On nikdy nepošle Ducha s veľkými D.D.D., PhD., s golierom takto vzadu pretočeným a neviem čo všetko, ktorý povie, „No, samozrejme, dni zázrakov pominuli. My to všetci vieme.“ Nie, nie. To neprišlo od Boha; je to v protiklade so Slovom. Amen. On posiela tých, ktorí svätoslúžia Duchom Božím. Amen. (Ó, mal som asi štyri alebo päť ďalších vecí, ale teraz to asi nechám tak, zoberiem to ďalšiu nedeľu. Dobre.)
[Židom 1:13-14]
107 Satan a jeho démoni sú pomazaní. Ak sú tieto anjelské duchy pomazané, aby priniesli Slovo, aby zapríčinili, aby ste verili Slovu… Takže, videli ste niekedy, že by bol niekde prorok, skutočný prorok Boží, ktorý by zapieral Božie Slovo? Nie veru. Čo sa stalo, keď organizácie týchto dní povstali a povedali, „No, vieš, on sa totižto mýli.“ On trval na svojom a jedine na tom. On povedal, „To je pravda.“
[1. Kráľov 22:19-23]
108 Pozrite sa na Micheáša v tom dni, ten malý náboženský fanatik (Vidíte?), syn Jimlu. Bolo tam štyristo pomazaných, ktorí mali byť pomazaní proroci, ktorí tam stáli, všetci dobre živení, odhodlaní, všetci s veľkými titulmi a dobre vzdelaní, vycibrení a školení, ktorí povedali, „Choď, náš oddaný kráľ. Nech je Pán s tebou. To nám patrí; Jozua nám to dal, takže choď tam a zaujmi to. Presne tak. Choď tam a zaujmi to.“
On povedal, „No, Jozu...“ Viete, Jozafat povedal, „Nie je ešte niekde nejaký iný?“ No, oni tam mali štyristo; tak prečo neveriť tým štyristo? On povedal, „Ale istotne, ešte niekde nejakého musíte mať.“
Povedal, „No, ja... Hej, ešte jedného máme. Je ešte jeden, ale, ó, toho neznášam.“
„Dobre, tak to je potom presne ten človek, ktorého by som si rád vypočul.“ Vidíte? Povedal, „Priveďte ho sem. Pozrime sa, čo má on do povedania.“
[1. Kráľov 22:8]
109 A tak tam prišli a povedali mu, „No, počúvaj. Dobre dnes káž svoju kázeň, pretože kážeš ku kráľovi. Kážeš celému kazateľskému združeniu toho a toho (Vidíte?) z Palestíny, celému kazateľskému združeniu. No, pamätajte, tu je to, čo povedali; hovorte to isté; verte to isté.“
Ten malý... Mal tam nesprávneho človeka. Ten človek sa dostal preč od tohto starého rozumovania. On im prečistil tie kanály (Vidíte?), jeho presvedčenie a...
„No, ale vieš, čo urobíš? Ak povieš to isté, predstavím si, že z teba urobia obvodného presbytera; pravdepodobne to tak urobia. Urobia z teba všeobecného dozorcu nad lokálnou štvrťou, všetko toto, a to, len ak sa s nimi zhodneš.“ To by nebol skutočný muž Boží. Ó, jeho kanály boli prečistené, všetky jeho presvedčenia a všetko bolo prečistené; jeho myseľ sa otvorila Slovu Božiemu; a veril jedine Slovu Božiemu. To sú svätoslužobné duchy; to je svätoslužobný Duch. On povedal, „Teraz neviem, čo poviem, ale poviem ti aspoň toto: Budem hovoriť len to, čo mi Boh hovorí, aby som povedal.“ Takže oni v ten večer čakali; a on mal videnie.
[1. Kráľov 22:7-23]
110 Ďalšie ráno, predstavujem si, ako sa Micheáš pozeral do Písiem a hovoril, „No, pozrime sa teraz. To videnie... Takže, všetci tí ľudia... Niekde je tu niečo nesprávne, pretože to je v protiklade k tomu, čo povedal. Ale čo to povedalo? Pozrime sa, čo tam vzadu prorok Eliáš povedal, pretože vieme, že on bol prorokom. Pozrite sa, čo Slovo Pánovo prišlo k Eliášovi, hej a čo on povedal? 'A psy budú lízať tvoju krv, Jezábeľ. Psy ju zožerú, kvôli spravodlivému Achabovi, vlastne spravodlivému Nábotovi.'“ Potom povedal...
Potom, keď to uvidel, on uvidel, že to videnie bolo presne dokonale so Slovom Božím a bolo to pre tohto Achaba.
A on tam priamo prišiel a povedal, „Choď hore, ale videl som, ako Izrael...“ Vidíte, on sa potom nehanbil povedať svoje videnie, pretože to bolo Slovo Pánovo. On vedel, že to možno tak perfektne nevyjadrí. Čo? Ale on otvoril svoje srdce a svoju myseľ ku Slovu Božiemu a Slovo Božie bolo zjavené späť, takže on vedel, že to bolo dokonalé Slovo Božie.
[1. Kráľov 21:19]
111 No, poviete, „Ó, ak by som len mohol byť Micheášom.“ Môžeš byť; aj si. Ty si tiež, drahá. Ty si Micheáš, prorok. Ale čo môžeš urobiť? Otvoriť svoju myseľ. Čo sa vám dnes ráno snažím povedať? Slovo Pánovo. Rozumiete? Otvorte svoju myseľ; vy hovoríte, „No, vieš, verím, že môžem byť uzdravený.“
„No, tak čo to potom je? Je to Slovo Pánovo?“
Istotne, je to Slovo Pánovo. A tento človek tu hovorí, „Dni zázrakov pominuli; už to nemôžete robiť a...“ Zabudnite na to. Dajte Boha na prvé miesto. A tu prichádza Slovo Pánovo a je hovorené a je to tak.
[1. Kráľov 22:15-17]
112 Ale čo satan urobil? Satan mal svojich pomazaných. Takže satan pomazáva svojich služobníkov. Ó, istotne, tak je. On pomazáva svojich sluhov. A s čím ich pomazáva? S neverou. Satan a jeho demóni pomazávajú ľudstvo do nevery v Božie Slovo. A ak si to chcete potvrdiť, obráťte sa do Genesis 3:4.
Pozrime sa tam a vypočujme si to aspoň na chvíľu a zistime, či to nie je jeho prvá taktika. To je to prvé, čo urobil; on nikdy neopúšťa svoje staré taktiky; robí ich celý čas. No, pozrime sa, čo to je. Takže on nie že by sa nezhodoval so Slovom; on len zapríčinil, že to bolo tak trochu zle vyložené, viete, spôsobil, že to znelo tak, ako on chcel, aby to znelo, jednoducho nezobral celé Slovo.
[1. Kráľov 22:15-28]
113 Takže Genesis, mám tu Genesis 3 a 4. Pozrime sa, či to je to, čo to hovorí. Dobre.
A had povedal žene: Istotne nezomriete. [Genesis 3:4]
„Istotne nezomriete.” Vidíte, ako to zacitoval? „Ó, veríme, že dni zázrakov sú len minulosťou. Neveríme, že je niečo také, ako keď ľudia prijímajú Ducha Svätého, ako sa to dialo na Letnice. Ó, nezáleží na tom, akým spôsobom ste pokrstení. V tom nie je rozdiel.“ Vidíte toho diabla? Vidíte jeho taktiky?
„No, ak mi doktor povedal, že sa z toho nedostanem, tým to je vybavené.“
114 Jasné, že nechcem nejako znevažovať doktora, ale doktor pracuje na úrovni vedy. A on iste urobil, čo sa dá, aby zachránil život toho človeka; ale nedá sa už zachrániť, pretože už nie je nič, čo by vedel urobiť; je v koncoch. A ten človek je čestný.
Ale teraz, strom známosti je v poriadku, ale keď pôjdete len potiaľ, ako on ide, potom prestúpte na Strom Života a potom choďte ďalej. Amen. To je to. To pôjde len po určité miesto. Tak je to.
Ale čo sú tie satanove taktiky? Čo tam on povedal? No, sledujte, prvý a druhý verš. Takže, dovoľte mi prečítať prvý verš z tretej kapitoly.
A had bol najchytrejší zo všetkých zvierat poľných, ktoré učinil Hospodin Boh. A povedal žene: Či naozaj riekol Boh: Nebudete jesť z niktorého stromu rajského?
[Genesis 3:1]
115 Počúvajte ho teraz, aký je odporný a ako to Slovo skresľuje. Vidíte? Čo sa snaží urobiť? Dostať sa do jej mysle. Rozumiete? Hovorí s ňou potom, ako Slovo bolo upevnené. Ale nikdy nenechajte satana nič upevňovať. Vidíte? Len držte Slovo Božie upevnené vo svojom srdci. Vidíte? Robte to isté. Takže, sledujte, vy, Micheášovia.
Na to povedala žena hadovi: Z ovocia rajských stromov jeme.
Ale o ovocí stromu, ktorý je prostred („prostred”, vidíte?) raja, riekol Boh: Nebudete jesť z neho ani sa ho nedotknete, aby ste nezomreli!
Rozumiete? Takže, to je Slovo; ona mu ho naspäť cituje. Takže sledujte.
A had povedal žene: Istotne nezomriete. [Genesis 3:2-4]
116 Vidíte jeho taktiky? Vidíte? Čo sa snaží urobiť? Tá prvá ľudská bytosť, on sa tam snaží pomazať tú drahú ženu, Božiu dcéru, neverou v Božie Slovo. To je presne to, čo sa ju snaží donútiť, aby urobila. To je presne to, čo sa snaží urobiť aj tebe, miláčik. To je to, čo sa vás snaží donútiť, každého jedného z vás, aby ste tam vonku robili: pomazať vás. A to jediné, čo musíš urobiť... Takže, slobodnú morálnu voľbu; môžeš to prijať, ako chceš, ale radšej to vykopni.
Ak by sa Eva na tú chvíľu nepozastavila, aby si vypočula... Pri ničom sa nezastavujte. Nezastavujte sa.
[Genesis 3:1-4]
117 Keď Eliáš povedal Geházimu, povedal, „Vezmi moju palicu, choď, polož to na telo toho mŕtveho dieťaťa; a ak ku tebe niekto prehovorí, nič mu nehovor. Čokoľvek sa ťa bude snažiť zastaviť, len choď ďalej.“
Pozrite sa na tú ženu, keď zavolala svojho sluhu. Povedala, „Osedlaj mulicu a choď napred a nezastavuj sa, dokiaľ ti nepoviem.“ To je to. Keď máte posolstvo, choďte ďalej. Amen. Poviete, „Už viac nemôžem chodiť. Ó, som slabší a slabší.“ Len choďte ďalej; nezastavujte sa. Dajte všetko nabok, len sa pretláčajte napred. Brat, máš vo svojej ruke Meč, tak len sekaj a sekaj.
[2. Kráľov 4:24, 29]
118 Raz som išiel na futbalový štadión a išiel som tam kázať a zastavil som sa vo dverách, pozrel som sa hore a tam bolo napísané, „V boji nezáleží na veľkosti psa; ale záleží na veľkosti boja v tom psovi.“ Takže to je to, čo v boji víťazí. Vidíte?
Poviete, „No, ale pozri sa na tamtie veľké cirkvi, oni sú všetky proti tomu.“ Je mi jedno, aké sú veľké; ide o boj v tom psovi, to je to, čo sa počíta. Je to viera, ktorá je v jednotlivcovi. Ak si zbabelec, choď domov. Ale, brat, ak si vojakom, stoj tam; boj prebieha. Správne a nesprávne sa dnes spája. Bojujme.
119 Ako raz Peter Cartwright išiel do mesta, povedal, „Pán mi povedal, aby som sem prišiel a mal tu prebudenecké zhromaždenie.“ Prenajal si staré skladisko, ktoré tam bolo, a začal ho čistiť.
A zašiel tam jeden miestny surovec s pištoľou, ktorú mal zavesenú na boku, a išiel tam... Niekoho sa opýtal, „Čo tam ten chlap robí?“
Povedali, „To je nejaký kazateľ. Povedal, že tam bude mať zhromaždenia.“
„Tak teda,“ povedal, „to tam potom budem musieť zájsť a vyhodiť ho na ulicu, vyhnať ho odtiaľ a bude. Tu nechceme žiadne zhromaždenia.“
120 A tak si tam dolu ide, zastavil vo dverách; a Peter Cartwright mal na sebe svoj kabát, viete, a umýval okná a steny, drobný chlap, viete.
Jeden starý kazateľ sa mu smial za to, že jedával kura rukami (čo dobre viete, že je dnešnou bežnou etiketou).
A tak tam len umýval okná a opravoval veci. A ten veľký tyran tam prišiel, chytil ho za kabát, pištoľ mu visela na boku a povedal, „Čo tu hľadáš?“
„Ó,“ povedal, „umývam okná.“ A tak tie okná ďalej umýval, viete. Mal len jeden zámer: Boh mu povedal, aby tam mal prebudenie. A tak umýval okná hore-dolu...
121 Povedal, „Ale my tu nedovoľujeme prebudenia.“
On povedal, „Ó, ale Pán mi povedal, aby som tu usporiadal prebudenie.“ Vidíte? A tak len pokračoval vo svojej práci. Vidíte, vidíte?
On povedal, „Ale musíš pochopiť jednu vec.“ Povedal, „Toto mesto tu riadim ja.“
Povedal, „Áno?“ a len ďalej umýval okná, viete.
On povedal, „Predtým, ako tu môžeš vôbec mať nejaké prebudenie, to by si mi musel najprv naložiť.“ Povedal, „Naozaj? Hneď to bude.“ A tak si vyzliekol kabát, prišiel k nemu, chytil ho za golier a zrazil ho na zem, vyskočil naňho a povedal, „Ak mám vládnuť, musím bojovať. Dodaj mi viac odvahy, Pane.“ A tak ho tam tĺkol a potom povedal, „Stačilo?“
Povedal, „Hej.“ Postavil sa, potriasol rukami; a v ten večer bol v zbore spasený. Tu to máte. Vidíte?
[Deuteronomium 31:16], [Jozua 1:9], [Žalmy 27:14]
122 Len vezmite Slovo Božie a presekajte sa cez každú pochybnosť. Vidíte to? Istotne, to je to. Keď to je to najbližšie, čo mám urobiť, nech to len urobím. Tak je. To najlepšie, čo viem, že môžem urobiť, je dať preč všetky moje pochybnosti, odrezať ich.
A to ďalšie, čo môžem urobiť, je dať preč všetky moje frustrácie. Ak mi moje zmysly hovoria, „No, je ti zle,“ hneď prvé, čo urobím, je, že tú vec vyhodím. Tak je.
Poviete, „No, oni mi hovoria, že, ó, ... Viete, moje svedomie mi hovorí, brat Branham, že môžem...“ No, pozri sa, ty tú vec môžeš tiež odrezať. Ďalej sa nedostaneš. Urob to najbližšie, čo máš urobiť. Vyzleč si kabát a choď na to. Len choď ďalej. Jeden cieľ: „Zvíťazím.“ Amen. „Nemôžem prehrať. Zvíťazím.“ Amen.
123 Satan pomazáva. Vidíte? Čo je jeho prvou taktikou? Čo bolo prvé miesto, do ktorého sa dostal? Myseľ. Ona sa na chvíľu pozastavila, aby si vypočula, čo povedal.
„Ó, nehovor tak.“ To je to, kde mnoho žien robí svoje chyby a mnoho mužov tiež robí svoje chyby. Tak je. Zastaviť sa na chvíľu, len sa na chvíľu pozastaviť.
[Genesis 3:1-7], [1. Kráľov 22:19-23]
124 Koľkokrát som už videl prípady rozvodov a veci, ktoré predo mňa prichádzali. „No, poviem ti, brat Branham, on takto zapískal [Brat Branham napodobňuje hvízdanie – pozn.prekl.] vieš, a ja som sa zastavila; a pravdupovediac, nemyslela som to tak.“ Ó, tu to máte. „Ó, ona... Sedel som s ňou za stolom; mala tie najkrajšie oči.“ Vidíte. Rozumiete? To je to. Diabol robí presne to isté.
[1. Kráľov 22:19-23], [Genesis 3:1-7]
125 „Ó, doktor mi povedal, že sa to už nepolepší, takže ja...“ Tu to máte. To isté. Vidíte? Najväčší boj, aký bol kedy bojovaný.
„No, oni mi hovoria... Videl som toho a toho, ako tvrdil, že ma Ducha Svätého.“ Hej, pozreli ste sa na nejakého starého pokrytca. A čo potom tí, ktorí Ho skutočne mali? Tak je, diabol vám ukáže na nejakú starú pokryteckú vranu ako nástrahu, ale neukáže vám tú skutočnú holubicu. Tak je. Tú vám neukáže; bude vás na to robiť slepými.
Ó, ale on je tiež bojovníkom. Pamätajte, ale väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete. Takže držte sa Božieho Slova; verte tomu; vy, kapitáni armády. Udržiavaj svoju pevnosť, brat. Tak je, vypĺňaj si svoj výkon služby.
[1. Jána 4:4]
126 Raz tu bolo jedno malé dievča. Tá pani tu možno teraz niekde sedí; volala sa Nellie Sandersová. Bolo to jedno z prvých razov, kedy som videl vyhnaného diabla. (My žijeme... No, ak by som mal presne opísať to miesto, bolo to asi tri bloky odtiaľto za cintorínom.) Takže, ja som sa práve stal kazateľom a kázal som na rohu na stanovom zhromaždení. A to malé dievča bolo jednou z najlepších tanečníc. Chodila tam na strednú školu. A ona a Lee Horn (mnohí z vás tu v meste poznajú Lee Horna, riadi tam kúpalisko), takže oni, ona a Lee Horn boli najlepšími tanečníkmi v krajine. On bol katolíkom; samozrejme, pre nich náboženstvo neznamenalo nič. A tak potom Nellie a on... Ona bola najlepšou tanečnicou a on tiež a trénovali svoje tance, ako to nazývajú, „čierne dno“ a „jitterbug“ a všetky tie veci; a tak oni dvaja boli najlepší v krajine.
127 Jedného dňa sa tam jeden večer dostala na zhromaždenie. A padla dolu pri oltári, malá Nellie; nech Boh požehná jej srdce. A tak ona tam ležala pri oltári; zodvihla hlavu a vykríkla, slzy jej stekali po lícach a povedala, „Billy...“ (Ona ma poznala.) Povedala, „Chcem byť spasená, som na tom tak zle.“
Povedal som, „Nellie, môžeš byť spasená; Ježiš ťa už spasil, dievča. Musíš to len prijať na základe Jeho Slova. A ona tam zostala a kričala a modlila sa a povedala Bohu, že už nikdy viac nebude počúvať na veci toho sveta. A vtedy prišiel do jej duše ten krásny, sladký pokoj. Povstala a kričala a chválila Boha, oslavovala Boha.
128 A okolo šesť alebo osem mesiacov nato išla raz dolu po Spring Street, bolo to večer (Stále bola mladým dievčaťom a bola len tínedžerkou, asi okolo osemnásť.), a prišla ku mne a povedala, „Hope...“ (To bola moja žena, tá, ktorá už odišla.) Ona povedala, „Keby som len vyzerala ako Hope a Irene.“ Povedala, „Vieš, oni sa nikdy nedostali do sveta.“ Povedala, „Svet na tebe zanechá značku.“ Povedala, „Vyzerám tak drsne.“ Povedala, „Prestala som nosiť mejkap a podobne, ale stále mám taký drsný výzor. Dokonca moja tvár,“ povedala, „vyzerám drsne.“ Povedala, „Oni vyzerajú tak nevinne a nežne.“ Povedala, „Keby som sa len toho nikdy nebola nedopustila.“
Povedal som, „Nellie, Krv Ježiša Krista očisťuje od každého hriechu, drahá. Choď napred a ver tomu.“
129 Wayne Bledsoe (mnohí z vás ho tu poznajú, roky rokúce je to môj dobrý priateľ), bol alkoholikom a prišiel tu s bratom Edwardom. A opil sa tam priamo na ulici a tak som ho zobral, lebo policajti by ho vzali. A tak som ho tam priviedol; a bol som kazateľom a býval som so svojou mamou a otcom, kým som sa neoženil. Tak som ho zobral a dal som ho tam do postele; a ja som spal na rozkladacej pohovke. Je veľká banda Branhamovcov, viete (asi desať), a mali sme okolo štyri izby a museli sme ich ešte tak trochu rozdvojiť. Takže ja som mal starú rozkladaciu pohovku, na ktorej som spal, a takto som to natiahol a položil som Wayna do postele so mnou, opitého. Musel som ho odviesť domov a položiť ho tam. A tak som tam ležal a povedal som, „Wayne, nehanbíš sa za seba?“
130 A on, že, „Ó, Billy, nehovor tak so mnou.“ [Brat Branham napodobňuje rozprávanie opilca – pozn.prekl.] Viete? Položil som naňho svoju ruku a povedal som, „Budem sa za teba modliť, Wayne. Nech ťa Boh žehná.“
A to som bol vtedy spasený asi rok. A náhle vonku taxík zabuchol dvere a niekto tvrdo zaklopal na dvere, „Brat Bill. Brat Bill.“ [Brat Branham klope na kazateľňu – pozn.prekl]
Pomyslel som si, „To snáď nie, niekto musí zomierať.“ Skočil som k dverám, hodil som na seba niečo staré, dal som si to na pyžamo, zakryl Wayna a bežal k dverám. Znelo to, akoby to bola žena. Otvoril som dvere a to mladé dievča tam vo dverách stálo a povedalo, „Môžem ďalej?“
Povedal som, „Poď,“ a zapol som svetlá a...
Viete, ona tak kričala a povedala, „Ó, Billy, Billy, je so mnou koniec, koniec.“
131 Povedal som, „Čo sa deje, Nellie? Máš infarkt?“ Povedala, „Nie.“ Povedala, „Brat Bill, išla som dole po Spring Street.“ Povedala, „A, úprimne povedané, brat Bill, úprimne, brat Bill, nemyslela som tým nič zlé; nič zlé.“
Povedal som, „Čo sa deje?“ Pomyslel som si, „A čo s ňou teraz urobím?“ Vidíte? Nevedel som, čo robiť. Bol som len mladým chlapíkom a myslel som si...
Povedala, „Ó, brat Bill,“ povedala, „som úplne v koncoch.“
Povedal som, „Dobre, ale v prvom rade sa utíš, sestra. Všetko mi povedz.“
A povedala, „No,“ povedala, „išla som len dolu ulicou a v Redman's Hall...“ (A zvykli tam mať v nedeľu tanečné večierky.) A povedala, „Mala som nejaké veci; išla som si urobiť šaty.“ Povedala, „Počula som tú hudbu,“ a povedala, „vieš,“ povedala, „na chvíľu som sa pozastavila,“ a povedala, „čím ďalej, tým to bolo silnejšie. A tak som si pomyslela, 'Vieš, nič sa nestane, keď sa tam len na chvíľu pozriem.'“
132 A presne tu urobila chybu, keď sa na chvíľu pozastavila.
Len sa započúvala a povedala, „No, musím si to premyslieť.“ Povedala, „Ó, Pane, vieš, že Ťa aj tak milujem.“ povedala, „Vieš, že Ťa milujem, Pane, ale tak dobre si pamätám tie časy, kedy sme Lee a ja zvykli vyhrávať všetky tie poháre, a tak ďalej.“ Povedala, „Ó, pamätám si, ako ma tá hudba kedysi lákala; ale teraz už nie.“ Ó. Nie veru, nemyslite si, že nie; to je to, čo vás tam privedie. To je presne to, čo on chce. Vidíte?
Koľkí z vás ste niekedy poznali Nellie Sandersovú? Zrejme väčšina z vás hej. Iste. A tak oni povedali... Ona povedala, „Ale vieš čo?“ povedala, „Možno ak sa tam trochu prejdem,“ povedala, „možno niektorým z nich budem môcť svedčiť.“ Vidíte, tam ste priamo na diablovej pôde. Nepribližujte sa k tomu. Stráňte sa každého náznaku zlého.
Ale ona tam vyšla na vrch tých schodov a stala tam pár minút a, samozrejme, tá prvá vec bola, že sa ocitla v rukách nejakého chlapca a už bola na parkete. A keď nakoniec prišla k sebe a plačúc tam stála a stále plakala a povedala, „Ó, teraz som už nadobro stratená.“
[Genesis 3:1-7]
133 Pomyslel som si, „No, veľa o Biblii neviem, ale verím, že Ježiš povedal toto: 'V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať démonov.'“ No... A Wayne trochu vytriezvel a sedel tam a sledoval to. Vidíte? A tak som povedal, „A teraz, diabol, neviem, kto si, ale teraz ti hovorím, že toto je moja sestra a nemáš na nej čo hľadať a držať ju. Ona to nechcela urobiť; len sa na chvíľu pozastavila.“ (Ale to je to, kde urobila chybu.) Povedal som, „Ale teraz z nej vypadneš. Je ti to jasné?“
A verte mi (Boh to na súde bude vedieť), že tie hlavné dvere sa začali otvárať a zatvárať samé od seba: buchot a buchot, priamo v tých dverách, buch, buch, buch. Pomyslel som si... A ona povedala, „Bill, pozri tam, pozri.“
Povedal som, „Hej. Čo to je?“
Povedala, „Neviem.“
[Marek 16:17]
134 Povedal som, „Ani ja.“ A tie dvere búchali a búchali, a tak tam furt búchali. Pomyslel som si, „Čo sa to tam deje? Čo s tým je?“ A opäť som sa pozrel a povedal som, „Opusti ju, satan. V Ježišovom Mene ti hovorím, aby si z nej vyšiel.“ A keď som to povedal, vyzeralo to ako veľký, obrovský netopier, asi takto dlhý, ktorý spoza nej vyšiel, s takto dlhými vlasmi, ktoré takto viseli z jeho krídel a z nôh; a vrčalo to, „Vŕŕŕŕŕŕ,“ a rozbehlo sa to priamo ku mne, rýchlo sa to približovalo. Povedal som, „Ó, Pane Bože, Krv Ježiša Krista ma z týchto vecí ochraňuje.“
A Wayne vyskočil z postele, poobzeral sa; a tam bolo niečo, vyzeralo to ako nejaký veľký tieň, ktorý dookola krúžil, potom takto a išiel poza posteľ. A Wayne vyskočil z postele a utekal do ďalšej izby tak rýchlo, ako len vedel.
135 A tak som zobral Nellie a odviezol som ju domov, potom som sa vrátil a nemohol som... Mama tam išla a popretriasala obliečky na posteliach, a tak ďalej; ale v posteli nič nebolo. Tak čo to bolo? Diabol z nej vyšiel. Čo sa stalo? Na chvíľu sa pozastavila. To je všetko.
Vôbec sa nezastavujte, Boh ponára Svoje Slovo do tvojho srdca, takže len vezmi ten Meč a začni sekať a krájať. Haleluja. „Nemám čas, aby som čakal na niečo iné; prekročil som; nemám čas, aby som sa usádzal.“
136 On povedal, „Keď... Vezmi moju palicu a polož to na to dieťa; a ak ku tebe niekto prehovorí, neodpovedaj mu. Ak diabol povie, 'Hej, počuj, pozri na svoje pocity...' Vôbec s ním nehovorte. Len choďte ďalej.“
Diabol, viete, diabol povie, „Vieš čo? Vieš, taký a taký, keď obdržal Ducha Svätého, pamätáš si to, takmer stratil zdravý rozum.“ Ani s ním nehovorte; len choďte ďalej. Nezaujíma ťa ten a ten; si to ty a Boh. Tak je to. Nechajte si Boha.
[Genesis 3:1-7]
137 On pomazáva Svojich služobníkov. (Musím sa už ponáhľať.) Boh pomazáva svojich služobníkov. Vidíte? (No, musím tu preskočiť niekoľko poznámok, ale chcel by som povedať aspoň toto.) Tu... Teraz počúvaj, mladá pani. Dobre počúvaj.
Tu vidíme taktiky diabla. A ako to robíme? Viete, mám tu veľa miest Písma o prorokoch, a tak ďalej, kde sa k nim dostal, a rôzni ľudia v Biblii, ktorí robili to isté. Je to vždy tak, jeho taktika je pokúšať sa doviesť ľudí do nevery v Božie Slovo.
[Židom 1:14], [Žalm 104:4], [Židom 1:7]
138 Počúvajte, vojaci kríža. Keď neveríte jednému Slovu Božej napísanej Biblie, ste odzbrojení. Veríš tomu, drahá? Ste odzbrojení; kapitulujete. Vy slabosi, oblečte si plnú zbroj Božiu. Amen. Sme v boji. Čo Boh povedal, je pravda, a každé slovo človeka je lžou. Vidíte?
Ale len čo sa mu podarí doviesť ťa do toho, že budeš počúvať jednu vec, to je jeho taktika, hneď vtedy si odzbrojený. Koľko vecí si vtedy Eva vypočula? Jednu, a hneď vtedy bola odzbrojená.
Čo diabol urobí? Prešmykne sa priamo z jej mysle do jej ducha, a tam bola prevrátená, či je tak? Bola prevrátená, hneď v tom momente, kedy bola odzbrojená, keď neverila Božiemu Slovu. Tak je. Tu vidíme jeho taktiku.
[Genesis 3:1-7]
139 Boží vojaci sú poverení, aby si obliekli plnú zbroj Božiu. Je to pravda? Takže ak si chcete zapísať toto miesto Písma, nachádza sa to v Efežanom 6:10 a 13. Vidíte? Pred chvíľou sme to čítali; to je naším textom. Dobre.
Všimnite si, obliecť si plnú zbroj Božiu, nech... Máte ešte chvíľu času? Vráťme sa aspoň na chvíľu. Pozrime sa na to, čo je to vlastne tá plná zbroj Božia. Dobre. Takže začnime desiatym veršom. Teraz dobre počúvajte. Nájdime tú plnú zbroj Božiu.
Nakoniec, moji bratia... [Efežanom 6:10-13]
140 Takže, viem, že idem... Je presne dvadsať minút po dvanástej, asi tak nejako. Nechcel som dnes učiť tak dlho, ale už nemusím mať ďalšiu príležitosť na ešte jedno posolstvo, aspoň kým nepôjdem na jednu z letných ciest, viete...
141 Viete čo? Viete, prečo toto robím? Poviem vám. Nedávno som mal sen. Neplánoval som to povedať, ale práve to mám v mysli; a rovnako to môžem povedať.
Potom, ako mi Pán dal výklady, snívalo sa mi, že som sa chystal prejsť cez nejakú veľkú rieku kvôli misijnej práci. A ja... Najprv... Bol som tam so svojou ženou... A koľkí z vás kedy poznali Georgea Smitha, „šesť-sekundového“ Smitha, tu v meste? George Smith, jeho syn tu robí niekde na polícii. Chudák George je teraz alkoholikom. Ale bol to jeden z najlepších boxerov. Bol jedným z tých, ktorí mi dali tréning, predtým, ako som vôbec išiel do YMCA (Kresťanské združenie mladých mužov) alebo kdekoľvek inde. Zvykol nás trénovať. A bol rýchly, skutočne rýchly, hoci boxoval len vo velterovej váhe, ktorá mala rozsah okolo 65 kilo, a trénoval ma. Zvykol sa takto postaviť; a dokázal sa päsťou tak rozohnať a udrieť ma do brucha a pritlačiť ku stene (Vidíte?), ale nijako ma to neobťažovalo. On ma jednoducho trénoval, nebolo to nič iné ako tréning.
142 A nedávno v noci sa mi snívalo a videl som „Šesť-sekundového“ Smitha (Pozor, toto nebolo videnie, to bol sen.), a videl som „Šesť-sekundového“ Smitha a išli proti nemu nejakí mladíci a zápasili s ním. A ten starý muž asi okolo, hádam... Ja mám päťdesiat dva; on môže mať okolo päťdesiatosem, šesťdesiat; nenašiel sa medzi tými mladými chlapmi ani jeden, ktorý by ho dostal. On s nimi pekne zatočil a nechal ich ležať na zemi a držal ich rukou. Takže, myslel som si, „To je zvláštne,“ a myslím, že moja žena bola so mnou, a povedal som, „To je zvláštne.“ Povedal som, „Vieš čo, Méda? On bol kedysi mojím trénerom.“
Ona povedala, „Hej, spomínam si, hovoril si mi o tom.“
Povedal som, „Tak veru. Pomocou jeho dobrého tréningu som vyhral pätnásť profesionálnych zápasov a zanechal som to, aby som kázal Evanjelium.“
143 A práve vtedy sa to zmenilo, išiel som prejsť cez vodu. Ale ako som tak išiel, mal som motorový čln. A pozrel som sa a sedeli tam dvaja moji bratia, sedeli tam v kanoe, pripravovali sa, aby išli so mnou. Povedal som, „To takto nemôžete, bratia. Ó, nie. Musím ísť sám.“
A prišiel tam ten lodiar a povedal, „Tu je tvoj čln,“ a bolo tam biele, plastové kanoe.
Povedal som, „Fíha, tak toto nie.“
On povedal, „No, s týmto to môžeš vytiahnuť na päťdesiat míľ za hodinu.“
Povedal som, „Ale ja musím prejsť tamtým miestom.“ Vidíte?
„No,“ povedal, „choď s tamtými chlapmi.“
Povedal som, „Oni nie sú lodníci. Oni o tom veľa nevedia. Sú iba nadšení. S tým sa tam nemôžu vyrútiť; obaja sa tam utopia; nemôžu to tak robiť.“
A on povedal, „Ty si.. môžeš dôverovať…”
Povedal som, „Počúvaj, viem o člnoch viac ako oni a nepokúšal by som sa vyštartovať s takým druhom materiálu.“ Povedal som, „Chce to motorový čln, aby sme tadiaľ prešli.“ Povedal som, „Bude to vyžadovať niečo väčšie.“
144 A videl som, ako sa dookola poobzeral na jedného z tých bratov a povedal, „Si lodník?“
Bratia povedali, „Áno.“ Rozumiete?
Povedal som, „To nie je pravda.“
A ten lodník sa vrátil a povedal, „Poviem ti čo a ako.“ Povedal, „Oni ťa majú radi; veria ti,“ ale povedal, „ak sa budeš snažiť prekročiť to v motorovom člne; oni pôjdu za tebou v tom kanoe; a obaja zomrú.“ Vidíte?
Povedal, „Nemôžu ísť za tebou.“
Povedal som, „Tak čo mám potom robiť?“
A ten lodník na móle povedal, „Choď naspäť.“ Povedal, „V celej tejto krajine je len jeden obchod, jeden jediný obchod. Ale je tam veľa zásob,“ povedal, „a oni tam zostanú. Oni tam zostanú, zatiaľ čo budeš preč,“ ale povedal, „budeš si musieť nakúpiť zásoby.“
A tak som si objednával všetky možné druhy kapúst, kvák, reďkoviek, a tak ďalej, dával som ich tam na kopu; a potom som sa zobudil. Vtedy som nevedel, čo to bolo, ale teraz už viem. Vidíte? My sa zásobujeme, bratia. Toto je život, v ktorom musíte chodiť sami.
145 Leo, ty by si si mohol pamätať ten sen, ktorý si mal, o tej pyramíde, a ako si si myslel, že tam hore vyjdeš, a ja som povedal, „Leo, nikdy sa tam nikto nedostane; Boh tam musí dať človeka. Vyšplhal si sa do každej telesnej sféry, do ktorej si sa mohol.“ Povedal som, „Nemôžeš tam ísť, Leo. (Vidíte?) Choď naspäť dolu a len povedz ľuďom, že to prichádza od Boha. (Vidíte? Rozumiete?) Je to niečo, že vy... Nemôžete byť závislí na...“
Akokoľvek dobrí sú bratia a sestry a môj zbor, a tak ďalej; a akokoľvek dobré sú všetky ďalšie zbory a bratia všade...
146 No, vieš, ja sa nemôžem oddeliť od tamtej cirkvi, ktorá tam je. Niekto povie, „No, prečo tam chodíš s tými ľuďmi, tými trojičiarmi a všetko toto a ostatnými, jednotármi a tí v Ježišovom Mene a všetkými ďalšími. Prečo sa s nimi vôbec miešaš?“ Oni sú moji. Nehľadiac na to, čo vykonali, oni sú moji.
Oni sú mojou kazateľňou.
Keď Izrael vykonal toľko zlého, až Boh Mojžišovi povedal, „Oddeľ sa od nich; s tebou začnem nové pokolenie,“ Ale Mojžiš postavil samého seba do cesty; povedal, „Ale ešte predtým, ako ich vezmeš, vezmi mňa.“
Bez ohľadu na to, čo urobili, oni sú tí, ku ktorým som poslaný. On posiela Svetlo, nie tam, kde už je Svetlo, ale tam, kde je temnota; a tam Svetlo patrí. A vy musíte s ľuďmi vychádzať; musíte za nimi napriek tomu stáť. Máte...
[Exodus 32:10,31]
147 V ich chybnom... Izrael bol na tom tak zle, ako len mohol byť. Boli na tom tak zle, až sa ich Boh vzdal, ale Mojžiš... Vždy som bol zvedavý, ako sa to vôbec stalo, ale to bol Duch Kristov v Mojžišovi. Vidíte. Vidíte, my sme na tom všetci zle. Ale on vždy za všetkými nami stál, keď sme my boli na tom zle.
Bez ohľadu na to, ako sú na tom zle, nedištancujme sa ani neoddeľujme od všetkého. Pokiaľ môžeme získať nejakú dušu, poďme na to „múdri ako had a prostí ako holubica“ (Vidíte?) a snažme sa získať každú dušu, ktorú môžeme.
[Exodus 32:10, 31]
148 No, toto... toto, čo tu dnes ráno hovorím, je zásobovanie Pokrmu, zásobovanie Pokrmu, aby ste mali čo jesť, aby ste mali na čom hodovať. Nechajte si to na páskach; zapnite si to v chládku svojej izby. Možno keď už budem dávno preč, možno si stále budete pamätať, že tieto veci sú pravdivé. Seďte vo svojej izbe a počúvajte. Vidíte? A toto je Pokrm, ktorý sa zásobuje v sklade. Neviem, kam bude nasledovať ďalšia cesta, ale kdekoľvek to je, On vie, kam ma vedie; ja nie. Ja len idem za Ním.
149 Takže, čo je tu povedané? Dobre počúvajte.
Ostatne, moji bratia, mocnejte v Pánovi a v sile jeho vlády. (Mocnejte v sile jeho vlády.)
Oblečte si celú zbraň Božiu, aby ste mohli obstáť proti taktike a úskočnosti diablovej.
Lebo nie je nám zápasiť s krvou a s telom, (t.j. strieľať s guľkami a sekať nožmi... Vidíte, to nie je to.)... ale s kniežatstvami, mocnosťami, so svetovládcami temnosti tohoto veku,... (svetovládcami temnosti)... [Efežanom 6:10-13]
150 Kto vládne na tomto svete? Diabol. Istotne. Čo sú všetky tieto veci, ktoré sa dejú, všetky tieto bezbožné veci, ktoré sa tu okolo nás dejú, celá táto vláda, a tak ďalej? Všetko je to diabol; Biblia tak hovorí. Diabol ovláda Spojené Štáty; diabol ovláda Nemecko; diabol ovláda každý národ vo svete. (Za pár minút sa k tomu dostanem.) A zistíme, či to tak je alebo nie, či každé kráľovstvo, ktoré kedy bolo a kedy bude, až dokiaľ Boh nevybuduje Svoje Kráľovstvo, všetko je to dovtedy ovládané diablom. Nechcem tým povedať, že každý, kto sa tam nachádza, je diabol. Vo vládnych kruhoch sa nachádzajú aj zbožní ľudia.
[Efežanom 6:10-13], [Matúš 4:8-9]
151 Za pár dní tu jeden bude, priamo tu, už som videl jeho fotku s bratom Arganbrightom, tu na tomto mieste. Bol tu diplomatom asi už piatim rôznym prezidentom, brat Rowe, a on je... (On tu bude, myslím, že to vychádza asi na druhý aprílový týždeň. Brat Neville to ešte oznámi.) Je to ohromný človek.
Povedal, že ovláda osem rozličných jazykov (tak sa mi zdá), ale keď obdržal Ducha Svätého, nemal žiaden jazyk, ktorým by mohol hovoriť k Pánovi; a tak Pán mu jeden dal, tak to povedal, aby k Nemu mohol hovoriť s tým jedným jazykom, ktorý mu dal, pričom ho nikdy neprecvičoval. V poriadku.
...s duchovnými mocami zlosti v ponebeských oblastiach.
Preto... (Teraz počúvajte, všetci vojaci, ešte predtým, ako začneme modlitebný rad.)... vezmite na seba celú ...(c-e-l-ú)... celú... (nie len nejakú časť)... celú zbraň Božiu, aby ste mohli odolať v ten zlý deň... (To je deň, v ktorom žijeme.)... a vykonajúc všetko stáť. (Stáť. Amen. Rozumiete tomu? Vidíš, drahá, keď si urobila všetko, čo si mohla, aby si obstála, potom stoj a nehýb sa.)
Tedy stojte majúc svoje bedrá... (Počúvajte teraz toto, čo to tam vlastne je.)... svoje bedrá... (To je tu tá stredná časť. Vidíte?)... opásané pravdou... (Čo je Pravda? Slovo Božie. Tak je. „Tvoje Slovo je Pravda.“ Dobre.)... a súc oblečení v pancier spravedlivosti... (To značí, robte to, čo je správne, čo znamená, že máte v sebe Slovo Božie a robíte to, čo je správne.) … pancier spravedlivosti...
a majúc nohy obuté v hotovosti evanjelia pokoja. (Choďte kdekoľvek, akékoľvek miesto, akýkoľvek čas: nohy obuté v Evanjeliu. Vidíte? A teraz pozrite.)
A pritom pri všetkom... (Ponad to všetko)... vezmite štít viery,... (To je ten, ktorý odráža šípy. Vidíte?)... štít viery, ktorým budete môcť uhasiť všetky ohnivé šípy toho zlého.
A vezmite aj prilbu spasenia... (To je duša, tam je aj tá myseľ... a je duša, ktorá pokrýva myseľ.)... i meč Ducha, ktorým je slovo Božie. [Efežanom 6:12-17]
152 Ale ako si vezmete túto prilbu, čo to robí? Je to ochrana. Z čoho je tá prilba? Mosadz. Mosadz nikdy nemôže byť menená; je tvrdá, tvrdšia ako železo. Mosadzná helma, čo to je? Spasenie, známosť toho, že viete toto: „Že moje uzdravenie prichádza od Boha; moje spasenie prichádza od Boha; môj duch pasuje s Jeho Slovom,“ nie s cirkevnou ideou, ale so Slovom. Amen. Tu to máte. Prikrytý s ochranou. Prilba spasenia, vyslobodenie, vezmite to; a potom pochodujte napred. Ó, viete. To je to, čo máme robiť.
[Efežanom 6:17]
153 Satanova armáda, sledujte to teraz. (Musíme sa poponáhľať, ale chcem ešte dotiahnuť toto.) Satanova armáda prináša choroby. To je to, čo Satan je; on je ničiteľ. Satan... celé kráľovstvo satana je choroba, smrť a smútok, zmätenie a obavy, všetko je to zo satana. Boh je Život, viera, radosť, pokoj, všetko tam je. Vidíte?
[Galaťanom 5:22]
Takže to sú tie dve veľké moci, ktoré teraz prichádzajú čeliť jedna druhej. Ony bojujú; bojujú teraz rovno v tejto budove. Deň čo deň s vami bojujú. Každá sila, satan vždy uteká za tebou, ten veľký, majestátny, kňazský Goliáš, ktorý sa vás snaží vystrašiť na smrť, on je priamo... Ale skrze Boha ste opevnení (Amen.) s Evanjeliom, so Slovom Pravdy okolo tvojich rebier. Sláva. Kazateľu, to je to, čo to je: prilba spasenia, štít viery a Meč, ktorým mávaš vo svojej ruke. „Satan, hneď ti idem naproti. Ty ku mne ideš v mene vedy; ty ku mne ideš v mene kultúry; ty ku mne ideš v mene organizácie; ty ku mne ideš v mene tohto, tohto alebo tamtoho; ale ja k tebe idem v Mene Pána Boha Izraelovho. Idem na teba. Zmizni.“ Dokonca ani sama smrť tam nemôže obstáť. Presekajte si rovno cez to dieru. Tak je.
[Efežanom 6:17], [1. Samuelova 17:45]
154 Satanova armáda prináša choroby a Božia armáda je poverená, aby ich vyháňala. Amen. Tak je. Každý jeden krát, kedy sa satan pokúša niečo na teba uvaliť, Božia armáda ho má vyhodiť. Amen. Vyhodiť, to je presne tá taktika, ktorú Boh používa. Satan používal armádu zničenia, aby neverili Božiemu Slovu, aby si vybudoval lepšie kráľovstvo, ako mal Michael, ale Boh ho vyhnal.
Božia metóda je zavrhnúť diabla, zavrhnúť uvažovania, zavrhnúť povery, zavrhnúť únavu, zavrhnúť choroby, zavrhnúť hriech. Amen. Vy ste ponad tým, vzkriesení v Kristu Ježišovi, posadení v ponebeských miestach a každý diabol je pod vašimi nohami. A ak sa tam niekedy pokúša vystrčiť hlavu, tak potom...
[Marek 16:15-18], [Júda 1:9], [Daniel 10:13, 19], [Zjavenie 12:7-10], [2. Korinťanom 10:5]
155 Viete, vy ste mŕtvi; váš život je ukrytý. Čo je to mŕtvy? Ste mŕtvi pre svoje zmysly; ste mŕtvi pre svoje svedomie (vaša vlastná ľudská vôľa by povedala, „Hej, hádam by som...“), mŕtvi pre svoje rozumovania, mŕtvi pre všetky tieto veci a ste pochovaní v Mene Ježiša Krista a spolu s Ním vzkriesení. A kdekoľvek On je, tam ste aj vy.
Čo sa stalo, keď sa jeden z tých pochybovačov dostal do neba? Boh ho vykopol. A čo On povedal vojakom, ktorí sú vzkriesení v Kristovi? Keď diabol prichádza, vykopnite ho. Vyžeňte ho.
[2. Korinťanom 10:5]
156 Keď Ježiš vytrénoval Svoju armádu a poveril ju, aby išla na konce sveta, „Choďte do celého sveta, kážte Evanjelium každému stvoreniu. Ten, ktorý verí a je pokrstený, bude spasený; ale ten, kto neverí, bude zavrhnutý. A tieto znamenia budú nasledovať veriacich, Mojich vojakov; v Mojom Mene budú vyháňať démonov; budú hovoriť novými jazykmi; vezmú hadov; alebo budú piť smrteľné veci a neuškodí im; ak budú vzkladať ruky na chorých, budú sa mať dobre.“
Napred, kresťanskí vojaci,
pochodujte do vojny,
s krížom Ježišovým,
ktorý ide pred nami...
„Ja som s ním spolu ukrižovaný; ale predsa žijem; no nie som to ja, ktorý žijem, ale je to On, ktorý žije vo mne.“ Slovo ide pred nami, Boh prerezáva cestu Svojím ostrým dvojsečným Mečom...
[Marek 16:15-18], [Galaťanom 2:20], [2. Korinťanom 10:5]
157 Niet divu, že keď Grant zaujal Richmond a tá mladá žena z juhu, ktorá videla, ako Grant prichádza, zasiahla ju inšpirácia a povedala:
Moje oči uvideli slávu príchodu Pánovho;
Kde šliape lis nahromadeného vína svojej prchlivosti.
Uvoľnil svojím hrozným rýchlym mečom verné zablysknutie.
Jeho vojsko pochoduje vpred. Amen.
158 Ako Grant zabral Richmond? Hneď, ako tam prišiel. Amen. Tak obsadil Richmond. Tak Boží vojaci berú hriech, chorobu; hneď, ako to k nim príde. Amen. To je ten spôsob, akým premáhajú svoje pochybnosti, strachy a pod. Keď jeden povstane, hneď ho zotnú, dajú ho preč z cesty. Ó. To je to.
Boh ich vyháňa, presne tak, ako to urobil v nebi. Náš veľký Hlavný Kapitán nám ukázal, ako sa to robí.
[2. Korinťanom 10:5]
159 Roy Roberson, brat Funk, mnohí z vás starých veteránov dobre viete, čo je to skutočný kapitán..
Raz som pracoval v protipožiarnom oddelení v Jeffersonville. Pfauova budova začala horieť a stálo tam Jeffersonvillské protipožiarne oddelenie a ten kapitán tam chodil a povedal, „Tam vystreknite trochu vody“ [Brat Branham napodobňuje zvuk vytryskujúcej vody cez malú hadicu – pozn.prekl.]... a tak to z tej hadice vystrekovalo. A potom tam prichádzajú z Clarksville, „Aj tu vystreknite trochu vody.“ [Brat Branham napodobňuje zvuk vody vytryskujúcej cez malú hadicu – pozn.prekl.] A Pfauova budova zhorela.
160 Nato zavolali Louisville; to už boli vytrénovaní chlapi. Ó, všade naokolo tam zvonili sirény. A tí hlavní kapitáni týchto protipožiarnych oddelení hovorili, „Vystreknite tam trocha vody; aj tam trochu“: netrénovaní chlapi.
Brat, ale hneď, ako sa ten motor zastavil, kto bol na vrchole rebríku? Kapitán. Keď ten rebrík išiel hore, on išiel s ním. Keď to zasiahlo okno (on sa ešte cez to okno nedostal), schmatol sekeru, prehodil ju cez okno a povedal, „Poďte, chlapci.“ A oheň bol za pár minút fuč. Kapitán. Nebol to kapitán, ktorý by hovoril, „Tam vylejte trochu vody; skúste trochu aj tam,“ ale, „Poďte ďalej, chlapci.“ Amen. On viedol cestu; on nám ukázal, ako sa to robí.
Pomyslel som si, „To vytrénované protipožiarne oddelenie, oni mali ten oheň uhasený za pár minút.“ Prečo? Mali tam kapitána, ktorý vedel, čo robí.
161 Brat, hovor si o svojej teológii, koľko chceš, o tvojich ľuďmi vytvorených denomináciách, tvojich organizáciách. Rob si s tým, čo chceš. Ale ja mám Hlavného Kapitána, ktorý mi povedal, ako to urobiť.
Povieš, „No, ale vieš, ja to cítim, viem to pocítiť...“
Ó, nezmysel! Tu je ten spôsob, akým Hlavný Kapitán povedal, ako sa to robí, v Lukášovi v štvrtej kapitole. Nemám čas to čítať; prečítajte si to sami, keď... Lukáš, štvrtá kapitola a začnite prvým veršom. On nikdy nepovedal, „No, poviem vám. Choďte tam, vytvorte tam veľkú organizáciu; zožeňte si presbyterov a diakonov alebo kardinálov a biskupov alebo zožeňte toto a tamto.“ Nikdy to tak nepovedal.
Keď sa s Ním satan stretol, on povedal, „Vidíš, si hladný; obráť tieto kamene na chlieb.“
On povedal, „Je napísané.“ Amen.
On povedal, „Poďme tam hore, choď tam, niečo ti chcem ukázať.“
„Ale je napísané.“
„Urobím toto, ak ty len...“
„Je napísané!“
[Lukáš 4:1-13]
162 Tak Hlavný Kapitán povedal, ako to máme robiť. Ako sa to robí, sestra? Je napísané, „Ak budete vzkladať ruky na chorých, budú sa mať dobre.“ Je napísané, „V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať démonov.“ Amen. Čo to je?
Je napísané. To sú Kapitánove príkazy. Je napísané, „Ktokoľvek počuje Moje slová a verí tomu, ktorý Ma poslal, má Večný Život.“ Je napísané; je napísané; je napísané; to sú tie príkazy; to je vojak; to je tá cesta; to je delostrelectvo, ktoré používame.
[Marek 16:17-18], [Ján 5:24]
163 Čo on urobil? Vykročil priamo až ku Goliášovi. Ukázal nám to. Ako Dávid ukázal svojej armáde, ako sa to robí? Ako Dávid ukázal Izraelovi, ako sa to robí? „Dávid“ znamená „milovaný, Spasiteľ.“ Vidíte? Ako to Dávid urobil? On povedal, „Takto sa to robí: dôverujte Slovu Pánovmu.“
A Goliáš tam prišiel a povedal, „Vieš čo? Napichnem si ťa na koniec tejto kopije a nakŕmim tebou vtáky.“
On povedal, „Ty ku mne ideš ako organizácia; ty ku mne ideš ako moderný vedec; ty ku mne ideš s veľkým štyriapolmetrovým mečom; ideš ku mne s medenou prilbou a s kusom štítu, ktorý by som ja ani nevládal zodvihnúť zo zeme; ideš ku mne ako trénovaný bojovník; ideš ku mne s PhD., a L.L.D. a dvojitým L.D.; ideš ku mne so všetkými týmito vecami; ale ja prichádzam v Mene Pána Boha Izraelovho a dnes ti zotnem hlavu z ramien.“ Amen.
[1. Samuelova 17:4-8, 41-50]
164 Ten malý drobný chlapík, ktorý sa tam proti tomu obrovi vybral, on presne vedel, na čom stál. Izrael sa tam len vzadu triasol, „Ó, chudák malý chlapík.“
Goliáš povedal, „Veď ja ti ukážem, čo urobím,“ a tak tam prichádzal.
On mal V-i-e-r-u (Vidíte?) v J-e-ž-i-š-a, päť skál, päť kameňov. Zobral si jeden malý kameň, s ktorým začne. Takto s tým dookola krútil, Duch Svätý vzal ten kameň pod kontrolu a on vyletel; a Goliáš išiel k zemi. Tak sa to robí.
Tak to Ježiš myslel, keď povedal, „Takže ak vy, bratia, idete na pole, ak chcete vedieť, ako premôcť týchto diablov, ukážem vám, ako na to.“
[1. Samuelova 17:32-50]
165 Satan povedal, „Idem k tebe (Goliáš); ukážem ti, čo dokážem. Si hladný; ak si Synom Božím, vyzývam ťa. Hovoríš, že si Synom Božím; vyzývam ťa. Ak si synom Božím, obráť tieto kamene na chlieb. Jedz, si hladný. A ak si Synom Božím, máš moc, aby si to učinil.“
On povedal, „Ale je napísané, 'Človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe.'“ Ó, tak to ten Hlavný Kapitán urobil.
Vzal Ho na vrchol chrámovej veže; a povedal, „Ak Ním si, zhoď sa dolu,“ povedal, „vieš, ale je tiež napísané...“
On povedal, „Áno.“ povedal, „ale opäť je napísané, 'Nebudeš pokúšať Pána, tvojho Boha.'“ Vidíte, ako sa nazval? Pán, tvoj Boh. Vidíte? Tak je. „Nebudeš pokúšať Pána, tvojho Boha.“ Opäť je tak napísané. Vidíte?
[Matúš 4:4], [1. Samuelova 17:32-50]
166 Ó. Čo On urobil? On ho porazil Slovom Božím. Taktika diabla je taká, aby ťa dostal do nevery v Božie Slovo, a Hlavný Kapitán povedal, aby si vzal Božie Slovo a učinil to. „V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať démonov.“
[1. Samuelova 17:32-50]
167 Ó. Satan, ich hlavný kapitán, tak veru, viete, niektoré z týchto denominácií sa snažia doviesť vás do toho, aby ste verili, že on má rozdvojené kopyto, viete, a rozdvojený chvost a podobne. Takému niečomu neverte. Nie veru. On taký nie je. Nie veru, brat; on je chytrák. Vôbec neverte, že on niečo také má. Robia to, len aby vás vystrašili; ale to nie je diabol. Diabol nemá ani jedno kopyto. Dosť o tom pochybujem. On je len duch; diabol je duch. On nemá rozdvojené kopytá a podobne, ako sa ho snažia vyobraziť. Nie, nie. Ale on je chytrý, brat, je to skutočne múdry človek, vzdelaný do bodky (vždy taký bol) vo svetskej múdrosti. Ó, tak veru. On je nádherný. Zorganizoval svoju armádu so svetskou múdrosťou, brat, nesnaž sa hovoriť svoje slová. Bude lepšie, ak budeš vedieť, o čom hovoríš, keď stretneš jedného z tých ľudí, ktorí hovoria, „Dni zázrakov sú minulosťou.“
[1. Peter 5:8]
168 Takže, on nemá žiadne dvojité kopyto. On vyšiel priamo zo semináru; on je vycibrený, brat; je to skutočne chytrák: PhD., L.L.D., Q.U.S.D., atď. Vidíte? Je tak inteligentný, aký len môže byť. Múdry? Istotne je, had je z nich všetkých najprefíkanejší. Má ulízané vlasy, brat, oblečený bez špinky na kabáte, chytrák, tak múdry a bystrý, aký len môže byť. Tak je. Nebav sa s ním, dokiaľ dobre nevieš, o čom hovoríš.
Tak veru. Ó, ale my poznáme jeho staré taktiky. My vieme, čo sa snaží urobiť: doviesť nás do nevery v Božie Slovo. Ale v žiadnom prípade nemá rozdvojené kopyto. Nie, nie. Nie veru.
Takže, zisťujeme, že ak nemá rozdvojené kopytá, potom musí mať niečo iné. On je podvodník; je plný múdrosti, vzdelania, je zorganizovaný. Brat, on má svoju armádu tak...
[1. Petra 5:8]
169 Pozrite. Raz vo Švajčiarsku (Nejako neviem, kde skončiť, ľudia.) stalo sa to raz vo Švajčiarsku, prichádzala tam nemecká armáda. Vtrhli tam ako votrelci. A pozrite, vyzeralo to ako tehlový múr, každý muž vytrénovaný, každá kopija takto pekne trčala, pomaly tri metre vpredu. A prišli tam, aby napadli tých úbohých Švajčiarov. A čo mali oni? Ich ozbrojením boli len čepele kosákov, palice a kamene. A tak tam stáli; a tí Nemci ich zahnali do kúta. Priamo na vrcholoch tých kopcov sa nachádzali ich domovy. A tá švajčiarska armáda im išla naproti. Oni im nič neurobili. Títo len prišli a obsadili ich zem.
170 Čo také urobilo toto dieťa? Je to ešte dieťa. Satan, to bol on, ktorý by zobral jej život, ak by mohol. Istotne. To je jeho spôsob, predčasne.
Vidíte? Švajčiari neurobili nič. Oni boli dobrými ľuďmi; snažili sa obraňovať svoje domovy, ale stáli tam, aby to obraňovali.
Ale čoskoro sa objavil muž menom Arnold von Winkelried.
Tu prichádzala armáda; všetci tam boli obkľúčení. Povedali si, „Čo sa dá robiť?“ Všade, proste záplava mužov, všetci vytrénovaní. Tak to satan robí. Vytrénovaní, s vytasenými kopijami, každý muž pochoduje, raz-dva, raz-dva, tiahnu ako armáda. A len tak ďalej pochodujú, to bolo vlastne všetko, čo chceli urobiť, len si ich pozbierať, každého jedného, na svoj meč, na kopije, len tak cez nich prejsť. A to by bol koniec švajčiarskej armády; bolo by po všetkom.
171 A na vrchole toho kopca ležali ich domovy a ich milovaní. A ženy by boli znásilnené a ich mladé dcéry a deti zabité, domy spálené, všetko by bolo preč, jedlo, dobytok, všetko by bolo preč. A tu oni stáli. Čo sa stalo?
Inšpirácia zasiahla muža menom Arnold von Winkelried. Ten povedal, „Muži Švajčiarska, dnes zomriem za Švajčiarsko.“ Amen. „Dnes zomriem za Švajčiarsko.“
Oni povedali, „Čo chceš robiť?“
On povedal, „Vy len poďte za mnou a bojujte so všetkým, čo máte.“ Postavil sa tam, odhodil svoju kopiju (mal v ruke len takú malú palicu, asi takto); a zakričal s rukami hore, asi takto, a bežal smerom k nim a vrieskal, „Urobte cestu slobody.“ Bežal, ako mu sily stačili, rovno k tej armáde; a keď sa tam dostal, schmatol viacero kopijí a vrazil si ich do pŕs a zomrel.
172 Ale ešte predtým im povedal, „Tam je jeden malý dom a žena a deti.“ Povedal, „Ja ten malý dom, ktorý som si práve kúpil, opúšťam.“ A povedal, „Ja ich milujem, ale dnes zomriem za Švajčiarsko.“ A povedal, „Položím svoj život, aby som zachránil národ.“ A tak tam bol hrdina, ktorý... A odvtedy nemali žiadnu vojnu; tým sa to zakončilo. To roznieslo tú armádu na kopytách, preukázali tam svoje hrdinstvo, až dokiaľ tá armáda nebola tak zmätená, že Švajčiari na nich začali hádzať kamene a vyhnali ich z tej krajiny; a odvtedy sa nikdy nevrátili. To sa udialo už stovky rokov dozadu. Vidíte? Prečo?
173 To bol veľký skutok, ale, ó, brat, jedného dňa, keď nevedomosť, povery, pochybnosť, zmätenosť a strach zahnali Boží ľud do kúta, bol jeden muž menom Ježiš Kristus, ktorý povedal, „Dnes zomriem za tento ľud.“ Tak je.
Čo On povedal Svojej armáde? „Nasledujte Ma a bojujte so všetkým, čo máte. Ak máte kyjak, bojujte s kyjakom; nebojte sa. Ak máte palicu, bojujte s palicou. Ak máte balvan, bojujte s balvanom, čokoľvek čo máte.“ To hovorí dnes náš Hlavný Kapitán. „Vzal som Slovo Božie a porazil som diabla v Jeho moci.“ Roztrhal ho s tým Slovom na franforce (Amen.)
Takže, čokoľvek máte, ak máte len jedno Slovo, „Hospodin tvoj Boh, ktorý ťa uzdravuje.“ Odseknite ho. Nasledujte...?... (Amen.), nasledujte nášho Kapitána. Tak veru, On ho rozsekol.
[Exodus 15:26], [Žalm 103:3]
174 Satan so svojimi veľkými nádhernými kráľovstvami, krásou a všetkými možnými pokrokovými vecami na nás vôbec nemá. Tak je.
Ale on je stále najchytrejší zo všetkých zvierat poľných. Tak veru. Ježiš povedal, že deti tohto sveta sú múdrejšie ako deti Kráľovstva Božieho.
Takže, tieto veľké konflikty (ideme... Musím už zakončiť), tieto dva veľké konflikty práve teraz prichádzajú dokopy. Práve teraz je hodina, kedy nemoci a podobne zasiahli svet, až je lekárska veda vyvedená z miery, všetko je vyvedené z miery; nie je tam nič... A my práve... A armáda, malá Božia armáda je zahnaná do rohu a tak. Brat, je čas pre druhého Arnolda von Winkelrieda.
175 Je to ten čas; je čas pre ďalšieho muža Božieho, aby sa postavil dopredu; je čas, aby sa zjavil Eliáš. Je čas, aby sa niečo udialo; Božia armáda, zavrite svoju myseľ; nepozastavujte sa ani na chvíľu, aby ste si premysleli, čo vám diabol cez vaše zmysly môže ponúknuť. Ale pamätajte, Božie Slovo nemôže nikdy zlyhať. Tieto dve veľké armády...
Keď nepriateľ prichádza ako potopa, ako sa to deje dnes, čo Boh povedal, že urobí? Duch Boží pozdvihne proti tomu prápor. Si jedným z nich? Tak veru.
[Malachiáš 4:5-6]
176 Sme učení, že v Jakubovi 4:7 (Nemám teraz čas, aby som to čítal.), Jakub 4:7, aby sme odporovali diablovi, a on nielen že odíde, ale on utečie. Odporujte diablovi. Ako odporujeme diablovi? Tak isto, ako nám náš Hlavný Kapitán povedal, ako by sme to mali robiť. Vezmite Slovo Božie; to je ten spôsob, ako odporovať diablovi, cez Slovo Božie. Hlavný Kapitán nám povedal, ako sa to robí. Dobre.
[Jakub 4:7]
177 Takže, teraz, ako zakončujem, chcem povedať toto: ten starý diabol, vy si myslíte, že on je bezočivý; ale myslíte si, že by aj napadol dieťa? On napadne čokoľvek; on napadol Ježiša Krista. Vyšiel na Neho tromi divokými útokmi. Vedeli ste to? Satan neútočí len raz. On vás napadne chorobou, potom sa vráti, opäť ťa napadne a povie, „Dni zázrakov pominuli. Z toho sa nedostaneš; nedá sa s tým nič.“ Viete, že je to tak?
On napadol Ježiša trikrát. Použil na Ježiša tri divoké útoky so svojou neverou v Božie Slovo. Ježiš bol Slovom. Ale on tomu neveril. „Ak si. Ak si.“ A tu prichádza s divokými útokmi, ako to ten nepriateľ niekedy robí. Prichádza a povie, „Ak si Synom Božím, ukáž mi zázrak; ukáž mi niečo.“ Brat, boli tam tri divoké útoky, „Ak si. Ak si.“
[Matúš 4:1-11]
178 Ale čo urobil Ježiš? Ježiš bol Slovom Božím; On bol Slovom a satan napadol Slovo. Sláva. Teraz sa mi, úprimne povedané, veľmi dobre káže. Vidíte? Ježiš bol Slovom. Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo... Ježiš bol Slovom. Čo On urobil? Rozsekal ho na franforce. Ó. (Za chvíľu už končím.) Čo Ježiš urobil? On bol Slovom, takže porazil satanové divoké útoky Slovom. On tam búrlivo vtrhol ako nejaké vojsko alebo niečo také, vyletel na Ježiša, Slovo, ale Ježiš vzal to Slovo a rozsekal ho tým na kusy. Haleluja. Istotne, rozsekal ho na kusy, porazil ho so Slovom.
[Ján 1:14], [Matúš 4:1-11]
179 Vidíte jeho útok? Sledujte. Počúvajte pozorne, ako zakončíme. Čo je jeho útok? Nevera v Božie Slovo; to je jeho útok. Môžete v tom vidieť najväčší boj, aký bol kedy bojovaný? Existujú len dve moci: Satan a Boh. A aká je satanova zbraň proti vám? Je to snaha dostať vás do nevery vo svoju Zbraň. On vás odzbrojuje. Počúvajte teraz naozaj pozorne, počúvajte.
Ak vás môže dostať do nevery, vaša Zbraň je rovnocenná s tou jeho; ak vás dostane do toho, že neveríte tomu, že vaša Zbraň je dostatočne silná, on vás odzbrojil. Ó, brat Neville, dúfam, že to nikdy neopustíme [Brat Neville hovorí, „Dúfam, že nie, a modlím sa za to” - pozn.prekl.] Pozrite sa. On vás odzbrojuje, keď vás dostane do toho, že neveríte tej Zbrani. Keď To zložíte dole, to ukončuje váš boj; je po vás. Držte tú Zbraň; neskladajte To dole. Vidíme jeho neveru. Nech… Chcem teraz na chvíľu povedať ešte jednu vec.
[Matúš 4:1-11]
180 V Rusku... Chcem toto povedať pre prospech vyslúžilcov a vás, biblických študentov. Načo stále robíte zbytočný hurhaj ohľadom Ruska? Nikdy ma nepočujete hovoriť, aby sme vybudovali bombový úkryt, že? Prečo sa hádate ohľadom Ruska? Rusko nie je nič; nevyhraje žiadne vojny; vôbec neopanuje svet; Komunizmus si žiaden svet nepodrobí. Čo sa to s ľuďmi deje? Môže Božie Slovo zlyhať?
Počúvajte, toto je teraz na páske. Toto hovorím celému svetu, kdekoľvek tieto pásky pôjdu. A vy, ľudia, ktorí ste tu, nech sa stane, čo sa stane, tomuto verte. Rusko, komunizmus nedobyje nič. Božie Slovo nemôže zlyhať. Romanizmus dobyje svet.
[Matúš 24:35], [Marek 13:31], [Lukáš 21:33], [Matúš 5:18], [Lukáš 16:17]
181 Zoberme si napríklad Danielove videnie; to je Slovo Božie. „Ty, Daniel... Ty, Kráľ Nabuchodonozor, si hlavou zo zlata: Babylon. Ďalšie kráľovstvo si ťa podmaní, čo je striebro (Rozumiete?), čo je Médo-perzské.“ Ďalšie bolo grécke, Alexander Veľký; a ďalšie bolo Rím. Ale o komunizme nebolo nič povedané. Rím opanuje svet.
Ježiš Kristus sa narodil v rímskom kráľovstve a bol prenasledovaný, po prvýkrát tu prišiel do rímskeho kráľovstva. A vo Svojom druhom príchode, Jeho posolstvo je prenasledované rímskymi denomináciami, ktorá je matkou toho všetkého. A keď sa On navráti, príde naspäť, aby vyhladil to Rímske kráľovstvo, na čo Židia vždy očakávali, že On urobí, keď príde a vyhladí Rímske kráľovstvo. Katolícka hierarchia so všetkými denomináciami vo svete sa práve teraz dávajú dokopy ako organizácia, konfederácia cirkví, ktoré sa spolu organizujú. Nie je to Rusko, je to Rím. TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.
[Daniel 2:36-45], [Zjavenie 17:1-14]
182 Ukážte mi jedno miesto Písma, kde bude komunizmus alebo čokoľvek iné pomimo Ríma panovať. Podmanili si Médo-Peržania Nabuchodonozora? Istotne. Podmanili si ho Gréci? Hej. Vyhnali ich odtiaľ Rimania? Prelomilo sa to do otomanských síl, ako to máme teraz? Mali „Eisenhowera,“ čo znamená „železo,“ „Chruščova,“ čo znamená „hlina,“ mali zhromaždenie priamo tam a Chruščov si vyzul topánku, aby to dal jasnejšie najavo, ukázal, že je to otvorené; takto s tým trieskal na stôl [Brat Branham napodobňuje udieranie na kazateľňu – pozn.prekl.], aby to ukázal ľuďom? Tak čo sa potom dnes deje s ľuďmi?
183 Kam sa dostala viera? Prečo neveríte, že Slovo Božie je Pravda? A to hovorí, že...?... Čo sa dnes deje s kazateľmi? Komunizmus... Každý kazateľ sa snaží bojovať proti komunizmu. Komunizmus je nič, diabol vám s tým máva rovno pred nosom a vy o tom nič neviete. Je to Katolicizmus, denominacionalizmus a Rím je matkou denominácií. Biblia hovorí, že ona bola prostitútkou a jej dcéry boli smilnice naproti Bohu, proti Jeho Slovu. Vojaci, vezmite Slovo;...?... zostaňte so Slovom.
Ja jedného dňa zahyniem, ale Slovo nezahynie. A vy, mladí, ak sa to nestane v mojej generácii, vy to uvidíte. To je to.
[Lukáš 18:8], [Zjavenie 17:1-14]
184 Počúvali ste dnes ráno správy? Pán Kennedy sa ide stretnúť s pápežom, a čo pápež povedal? Vidíte? Všetky svetové náboženstvá... Ó. Možno sa k niečomu z toho dostaneme ďalšiu nedeľu.
185 Vidíte? Nerobte si z Ruska ťažkú hlavu. Rusko je len jedným malým kameňom na brehu. Nerobte si starosti z komunizmu; sledujte katolicizmus, keď zjednocuje všetky cirkvi. V Písme nie je napísané nič, že by mal komunizmus panovať svetu. A ja idem podľa Slova, bez ohľadu na to, čo hovorí niečo iné; to, čomu ja verím, je Slovo.
Je to katolicizmus, ktorý obsadzuje svet, katolicizmus je matkou organizácie. Nikdy neexistovala organizácia, dokiaľ neprišiel Rím, a každá jedna vyšla odtiaľ, Biblia tak hovorí. Ona bola matkou smilníc.
(Mohol by som na tom zostať ešte pol dňa, ale asi musíme ísť ďalej.)
[Zjavenie 17:1-14]
186 Keď nás nepriateľ napáda, potom... „Ó, poviem vám, mali by ste prísť a pripojiť sa k našej...“ Čo urobíte? Ustúpite? Dohodnete sa na kompromise? Nie, skutočný vojak nie. Nie veru. Čo potom urobíme? Myseľ, nech tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi... Je to to, čo Biblia hovorí? Tá myseľ, ktorá bola v Kristovi, nech je tá aj vo vás. Čo za myseľ potom máme? Zostaňte na Slove. Tak je. Zostaňte na Slove, Otcovom Slove, a porazíte nepriateľa každý jeden krát.
[Efežanom 6:17]
187 Takže keď vás napáda nepriateľ a snaží sa vám povedať, aby ste išli robiť toto a robiť tamto, čo potom urobíte? Zostaňte na Slove. Tak je. Čo potom máte robiť? Vezmite Slovo. Čo je Slovo? Biblia tu povedala, práve sme to čítali. Lebo Duch Boží je Slovom. Vidíte? Pozrite sa tu. „Vezmite prilbu spasenia a Meč, Meč Ducha a.... Meč Ducha.“ Čo je Duch, ktorý prichádza cez vašu myseľ a vstupuje do vás; a Meč Ducha je Slovo Božie. S čím potom ten Duch bojuje? S kým Duch Svätý spolu bojuje? So senzáciami? S pocitmi? So Slovom. Sláva. Sláva.
S čím On bojuje? Uzdravujúce Slovo. Slovo. Povedzme to, Slovo. Slovo. [Zhromaždenie späť odpovedá, „Slovo“ – pozn.prekl.] Slovo Božie je to, s čím Duch bojuje.
Duch Boží prišiel rovno k diablovi a povedal, „Je napísané.“ Amen. „Je napísané.“ A diabol sa potom vzdáva.
[Matúš 4:1-11], [Efežanom 6:10-17]
188 Čo máme urobiť? Vziať Meč, ktorým je Slovo Božie, potiahnuť to čím? Rukou viery, silnou rukou viery, dvojsečný Meč. Biblia povedala v Židom 4, to je dvojsečný Meč, ktorý seká to, čo ide dnu, i to, čo ide von.
Brat, čo on robí? Vezmite Slovo... Vezmite Ducha, nechajte Ducha, aby prišiel do vášho srdca, otvorte svoju myseľ, povedzte, „Tvoje Slovo je Pravda.“ (Toto urob, sestra.) „Tvoje Slovo je Pravda. Pane, už viac nebudem hľadieť na to, ako sa cítim, alebo čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí; zastavujem sa a prefukujem každý jeden z mojich kanálov. Všetky moje znepokojenia a pochybnosti a nevery, ktoré som kedy mal; každý pocit, ktorý som kedy mal; každá choroba, ktorú som kedy mal; čokoľvek iné, čo som kedy mal; všetko to vyfukujem; všetko to obchádzam a prichádzam priamo do Ducha.“
[Židom 4:12], [Efežanom 6:10-17]
189 „Ó, Pane, zostúp; Ty si povedal, že si mi dal slobodnú morálnu voľbu.“
„Dal, môj synu.“
„V poriadku, otváram svoje srdce a myseľ. Príď, Pane Ježišu“; a vezmi vieru, Meč Ducha, TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Zakrič, Haleluja. Amen. A to zotne každého jedného nepriateľa rovno pred tebou. Amen. Tu to máte. Zdolá to každého nepriateľa. Ak ti nejaký desivý duch spôsobuje pocity, potom všetko... Vyhoď tú vec so Slovom Pánovým. Naša sila je, naša radosť Pánova je našou silou. Choďte odo mňa preč. Dajte mu výprask a zdolajte ho so Slovom.
[2. Korinťanom 10:5], [Efežanom 6:10-13]
190 Či to je démon; či to je nepriateľ; či to je nemoc; či to je choroba; čokoľvek to je; vezmite Slovo a Slovom si to pritiahnite: a ak tomu dáte výprask po prvýkrát a nezdá sa, že by sa to hýbalo, opäť tomu dajte výprask a znova a znova. A udierajte to, až dokiaľ si nevyrežete dieru ako malé kura, ktoré vykúka von, alebo orol, lepšie povedané, čím ste. Vykuknite cez starú škrupinu nemoci, prerežte si cestu von a povedzte, „Haleluja, kde je ďalšia?“ Amen. To je boj; to je vojak. To je vojak kríža. Tak veru.
[Efežanom 6:10-13]
191 Zrazte na zem každého nepriateľa. Prečo? Prečo? My sme predurčeným kráľovským semenom Abraháma... Keď Abrahám zaprel čokoľvek, čo bolo proti Slovu Božiemu, on si presekal cestu cez každú prekážku, ktorá sa pred ním objavila. Ľudia povedali, „Tvoja manželka je príliš stará.“ On tú vec odsekol.
Diabol povedal, „To nedokážeš, to sa ti nepodarí.“
Abrahám to vyťal z cesty. On tomu dal výprask a opäť do toho udrel, až dokiaľ si nepresekal cestu. „Kam ďalej, Pane?“
„Presťahujte si svoj stan tam.“ A on išiel a vybudoval tam oltár.
Choďte tam a satan príde a povie, „Vieš, poviem ti, toto nie je to správne miesto.“
„Ale ja zostanem rovno tu; choď preč z mojej pôdy.“ Tak to povedal. Haleluja.
Lot povedal, „Mal by si ísť radšej tam k nám; dobre sa tam bavíme. Všetci tam máme organizácie. Moja žena je hlavou literárnej spoločnosti v našom meste a všeličím ešte. Poviem ti, mal by si tam k nám prísť.“
[Efežanom 6:10-13]
192 Sára povedala, „Abrahám...“
„Ticho, Sára. (Haleluja.) Zostaň tam. Tam ma Boh umiestnil; rovno tu, kde stojím. Tu ma Boh umiestnil.“
Všetci chváľte moc Ježišovho Mena!
Nech sa anjeli klaňajú;
prineste ten kráľovský diadém,
Sám Kristus, základ, skala je;
a iné sypkým pieskom sú;
a iné sypkým pieskom sú.
Dokonca aj sama smrť, všetko ostatné je sypkým pieskom. „Na Kristovi, pevnej skale stojím...“ Kráľovské semeno Abraháma, kráľovské semeno.
193 Ó, najvyberanejší anglický člen armády je príslušník kráľovskej rodiny, kráľovská krv, presne tak. A kráľovské semeno Kristovo je cirkev naplnená Duchom Svätým, naplnená Svätým Duchom. Čo? Kráľovské semeno zasľúbenia, nie senzácie, ale skrze zasľúbenie Božie. Oni stoja skrze Slovo Božie a presekávajú si svoju cestu, kričiac, „Haleluja.“
Dokonca smrť príde a povie, „Už to na teba lezie.“
Vy poviete, „Choď preč, Jordán, prechádzam.“ Presekajte si svoju cestu do zasľúbenej zeme. Amen.
[Efežanom 6:10-13], [2. Korinťanom 10:5]
194 Čo sa deje? Keď sa boj skončí (Už naozaj končím, istotne som už povedal dosť), keď je boj preč, potom svätí pochodujú domov... Chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Čo sa stalo s Hitlerom, keď prišiel do Francúzska? Ó, oni povedali, že by ste ani nemohli vidieť oblohu kvôli všetkým tým lietadlám. Tí Nemci pochodovali v husacom kroku [Vojenský pochod, pri ktorom sa nohy neohýbajú v kolenách - pozn.prekl.], len prechádzali popri ňom a oslavovali víťazstvo.
Keď Stalin prišiel do Ruska, bol míle pozadu, tanky išli tesne za sebou a úplne zbombardovali Berlín, až dokiaľ tam z toho nič nezostalo. To bolo všetko. A keď išli a títo Nemci, alebo skôr títo ruskí vojaci, oslavovali, venovali sa tomu, viete, bolo to dosť smiešne. Raz som to videl na obrázku v Londýne, ako prišli (skutočný obraz veci, ktorá sa stala) ako prišli a oslavovali. Ó. Keď sme počuli, že vojna sa skončila, kričali sme, pískali sme a hvízdali.
Keď sa vracali hrdinovia; stretli sme sa s nimi; kričali a vrieskali.
[Efežanom 6:10-13]
195 Mal som raz bratranca, bol tu, povedal to, keď sa sem vrátil, všetci tí starí veteráni boli takí zjazvení, že sa nemohli pohnúť z postele; a tak ich len prekotúľali na vrchol lode, keď sa vrátili, aby videli Sochu Slobody, ako tam stála. Povedal, „Tí významní veľkí muži tam stáli a jednoducho len kričali a padali na zem, keď videli tú Sochu Slobody.“ Boli predtým štyri roky preč a bojovali, boli vo vojnovej traume a neviem čo ešte, ale vedeli, že ich manželka, ich miláčik a matka a otec a deti a všetci ich milovaní boli rovno za tou Sochou Slobody; to predstavovalo to, za čo bojovali. Ó, oni hvízdali a New York začal kričať, keď ich hrdinovia pochodovali vpred. A pritom to všetko bude len nepatrná vec.
196 Raz, keď Cézar po tom veľkom boji povedal, „Chcem, aby môj najslávnejší vojak na tejto veľkej oslave triumfu nad naším nepriateľom jazdil po mojom boku.“ A všetcí tí dôstojníci mali na sebe chocholce a štíty sa im leskli a tak tam pochodovali (viete, ako to mohlo byť), boli to skutoční vojaci. A po chvíli tam prišiel jeden chlapík a, ó, on sa len pozrel hore a chcel ísť ďalej. Cézar povedal, „Počkaj chvíľu; počkaj chvíľu. Ty (dokonca ani nebol oblečený ako dôstojník),“ povedal, „poď sem.“ Povedal, „Odkiaľ máš tie jazvy?“
Povedal, „Z bojového poľa.“
Povedal, „Vylez sem hore; ty si chlap, ktorého chcem mať tu vedľa seba.“ Prečo? On ukázal, že bol v boji.
Ó, Bože, buď milostivý k človeku, ktorý si poreže ruku na plechovke zo sardiniek a dostane za to čestné uznanie. Chcem mať jazvy po boji. Pavol povedal, „Nesiem na svojom tele značky Ježiša Krista.“ Preto chcem byť na bojovom poli.
[Galaťanom 6:17]
197 Jedného dňa, keď príde náš veľký Hlavný Kapitán, ktorý nás ozbrojil, ktorý nám dáva zbroj Božiu, Ducha Svätého, dáva nám Svoje Slovo, aby sme s ním bojovali a stáli tam; keď náš veľký Hlavný Kapitán príde a bude jazdiť na koni, chcem vystúpiť na voz a ísť s Ním domov; vy nie? Potom, keď vezmem svoju drahú ženu za ruku, poobzerám sa dookola a uvidím svojich bratov a ich ženy a ich deti; keď budeme kráčať cez tie raje Božie a anjeli budú napĺňať povetrie piesňami; budeme hovoriť o tom oslavovaní.
A keď sa boj skončí, obdržíme korunu. Ó. Ó, vojaci kríža, dnes ráno, upevnite si to rameno viery a zmocnite sa tejto Zbrane.
Tak čo, sestra? Si pripravená? Vytiahni tú Zbraň a povedz, „Je mi jedno, čo mi diabol povedal, koľko ktokoľvek iný povedal, ja dnes ráno verím. Verím.“
[Efežanom 6:10-13], [2. Korinťanom 10:5]
198 Ako som jedného dňa hovoril, myslím, že pred pár týždňami, jeden človek mal sen. Snívalo sa mu, že diabol bol čosi drobné, čo ku nemu bežalo, a on povedal, „Bu!“ A on odskočil a diabol sa zväčšil. „Bu!,“ a on odskočil a diabol sa stále zväčšoval. Nakoniec bol ten diabol veľký ako on a šiel ho poraziť. On vedel, že s niečím proti nemu musí bojovať, a tak sa rozhliadol; nemohol nájsť nič, s čím by ho mohol poraziť; len zobral Bibliu a diabol povedal, „Bu!“
On spravil, „Bu!,“ späť na neho a diabol sa zmenšoval a zmenšoval a zmenšoval, až ho nakoniec Slovom ubil na smrť.
[Efežanom 6:10-13]
199 Ty si vojakom, či nie, sestra? Vezmi Slovo a povedz, „Je napísané.“ (Amen.) Ja nezomriem; ja budem žiť. Budem sedieť rovno v tejto modlitebni a s ostatnými chváliť Boha za Jeho dobrotu.“ Či tomu veríte, svätí? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Amen. Skloňme naše hlavy.
[Lukáš 4:1-14]
200 Ó, Pane Bože, Stvoriteľ neba a zeme, nech sa dnes vie, že Ty si stále Bohom. Bez ohľadu na to, ako dlho by som kázal, koľko vecí by som povedal, Pane, Tvoje Slovo to vybavuje.
Tieto vreckovky tu teraz ležia, predstavujú chorých ľudí. Modlím sa, Nebeský Otče, aby Tvoje požehnania a moc spočinuli na každej jednej z nich, ako na nich vzkladám svoje ruky. Bože, v Mene Ježiša Krista, modlím sa, aby si pomazal tieto vreckovky Svojou svätou Prítomnosťou; lebo je to napísané v Slove; nie je to nič proti Slovu, ale je to povedané v Slove, že z Pavlovho tela vzali vreckovky a zástery; nečistí duchovia opúšťali ľudí, ktorí boli uzdravení z mnohých neduhov.
My síce nie sme svätým Pavlom, ale Ty si stále Bohom a si stále tým istým Duchom Svätým. Ja vzkladám svoje ruky na tieto vreckovky v Mene Pána Ježiša a prosím Ťa, aby si požehnal a uzdravil každého jedného z nich.
[Skutky 19:12]
201 A, Bože, ona tu teraz leží v posteli, po celý čas tu ležala, je to ešte len dieťa, nádherné mladé dievča... Ona nemôže žiť, Pane. Satan jej urobil zle a jej milovaní lekári tejto zeme sa bezpochyby usilovne snažili, aby to dieťa zachránili; ale oni to nedokážu. Sú v koncoch, nevedia si rady; nepoznajú nič iné, čo by mohli robiť. Ale, Pane, som tak rád, že je ešte ďalšia kapitola, ktorá je napísaná. Môžeme obrátiť ďalšiu stranu a na tejto strane vidíme Veľkého Lekára, ako prichádza. Voláme Ho dnes ráno a prosíme Ho o radu.
202 Veď, Pane, či nie je v Tvojom Slove napísané, že „tieto znaky budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria“? Pane, ak ja nie som veriaci, urob ma ním teraz. Ak toto mladé dievča nie je veriacou, urob ju ňou teraz. „Tieto znaky budú nasledovať tých, ktorí veria: ak budú klásť ruky na chorých, budú sa mať dobre.“ A taktiež je napísané, „V Mojom Mene budú vyháňať démonov.“ Pane, toto sú Tvoje slová; je to Tvoje; je to Tvoje Slovo.
A teraz, ako Tvoj služobník, ako si Ty povedal, „Ak sa dvaja alebo traja spolu zhromaždia, Ja budem v ich strede; a ak sa na niečom zhodnete, čo sa týka jednej veci, a budete prosiť, tak to obdržíte.“
[Marek 16:17], [Matúš 18:20]
203 Bože, toto dieťa je dnes ráno pravdepodobne najviac chorou osobou v tejto budove, pretože bez Teba nemôže veľmi dlho žiť a je tu z nich najviac chorá. Takže my všetci... Všetci sa zhodujeme, každý jeden vojak, ako tu tak stojíme, v tejto skupine stojí kráľovské semeno Abraháma. Teraz pochodujeme proti satanovi. Ty sa priprav na odchod, satan, pretože naša zbroj sa leskne a farby žiaria, muži a ženy držia meče a teraz proti tebe pochodujeme za toto mladé dievča. Vyjdi z nej, satan. Opusti to dieťa. Ako armáda živého Boha, staviame sa ti na odpor. Opusti ju v Mene Ježiša Krista. Vzkladám na ňu ruky.
204 A teraz, satan, ktorý si zviazal toto dieťa; ty si vykonal všetko toto zlé. Ja viem, že ľudská bytosť na teba nemá, ale má na teba môj Pán, takže prichádzam v Jeho Mene. Opusti ju, ty, duch toho zlého. Ty, démon choroby, opusti to dieťa a nech od tohoto dňa ide domov slobodná. Hovorím to v Mene Ježiša Krista.
A teraz, Pane Bože, Ty, ktorý si vzkriesil mŕtvych a dokázal si, že si Bohom, pozdvihni túto mladú ženu opäť do jej zdravia a sily, aby tu teraz stála v tejto budove. Diabol z nej odišiel. Ty ju dáš do poriadku. Nech žije na slávu a česť Božiu. Už to bolo vypovedané a teraz nech sa tak stane.
205 Sú tu ešte nejakí ďalší, ktorí by chceli pozdvihnúť svoje ruky a povedať, „Chcem, aby si sa za mňa modlil. Som chorý; potrebujem Boha.“ Neviem, koľko času nám ešte zostalo. Máme dosť času na to, aby sme tu nechali ľudí okolo prechádzať. Cítim to, ako dnes ráno víťazím. Chcem, aby si sem prišiel, Billy, a len vzal, možno len zobral túto jednu časť na tejto strane. Nech len príde táto prvá časť, potom tá zadná, až tam po tú uličku. Takže potom ich tak vezmeme a nebudú...
A teraz chcem, aby brat Neville a nejakí z vás, bratov, kazateľov, aby sa postavili rovno sem, aby sme ich mohli zobrať až tam od tej uličky. V poriadku.
206 Dobre. Takže, ja... Koľkí z vás majú oblečenú zbroj? Bude to teraz iné; choď domov a buď v poriadku. Amen. Ó. [Zhromaždenie sa hlasno raduje - pozn.prekl.]
Ó, vy, vojaci, vytaste Meč, vytaste Meč, vojaci kríža. Pochodujte a pochodujte…
Sám Kristus základ, Skala je;
a iné sypkým pieskom sú.
207 Dobre. Takže poďte takto sem, tu na túto stranu pódia. Každý teraz v modlitbe, zatiaľ čo idú tadeto okolo. V Mene Ježiša Krista uzdrav... Amen. Haleluja. Vytaste teraz svoj Meč (Vidíte?), choďte ďalej, len kričte. [Ľudia prechádzajú cez modlitebný rad. - pozn.prekl.]
Napred, kresťanskí vojaci,
pochodujúci do vojny
s krížom Ježišovým,
ktorý ide pred nami!
Vzdaj sa, satan. Čo sa deje, vojaci? Či si nemyslíte, že môžeme víťaziť? My sme už zvíťazili. Sme viac ako víťazmi v Kristu Ježišovi. Každý diabol je vyhnaný, všetko je preč.
208 [Brat Branham pokračuje v modlení sa za chorých – pozn.prekl.]
Uzdrav môjho brata... Pane. Modlím sa, aby si uzdravil...?...
Uzdrav môjho brata...?... v Mene Ježiša...?...
V Mene Ježiša Krista...?...
Ó, Pane Bože, Stvoriteľu neba i zeme, ó, Bože, Ty vieš, čo je v jej srdci. Ty vieš všetko...?... Modlím sa za jej...?... V Ježišovi Kristovi ja...?...
V Mene Ježiša Krista ťa pomazávam...?... a modlím sa, aby...?...
V Mene Ježiša Krista ja...?...
Nech je Boh s mojou sestrou, Pane. Vieme, že roky sa začínajú končiť...?... nič, len ten veľký Duch Svätý. A teraz v Mene Ježiša Krista...?...
V Mene Ježiša Krista požehnaj...?... ťažké boje...?... vedomí a vieme, čo Ty robíš, Bože, priveď...?... vlej do nej dnes ráno...?...
Požehnaj teraz tohoto malého chlapca...?... otec a syn, a modlím sa, aby si...?...
Bože, žehnaj môjho brata...?... v jeho...?... V Mene nášho Pána Ježiša...?...
V Mene Ježiša Krista uzdrav našu sestru.
V Mene Ježiša Krista uzdrav našu sestru.
V Mene Ježiša Krista uzdrav našu sestru.
V Mene Ježiša Krista uzdrav...?...
V Mene Ježiša Krista uzdrav našu sestru.
V Mene Ježiša Krista uzdrav našu sestru.
V Mene Ježiša Krista uzdrav...?...
V Mene Ježiša Krista uzdrav môjho brata.
V Mene Ježiša Krista uzdrav moju sestru.
V Mene Ježiša Krista uzdrav moju sestru.
V Mene Ježiša Krista...?...
V Mene Ježiša Krista, uzdrav ju.
209 [Modlitebný rad pokračuje a slová nie sú vždy rozoznateľné – pozn.prekl.]... ktorí vedia, že...?... každú ťažkosť. Modlím sa, Bože, aby Tvoj...?... nad nimi...?... vytasiť ten meč...?... a ísť napred...?...
[Nie všetky slová sú rozpoznateľné – pozn.prekl.]
Ó, Otče, Bože, modlím sa, aby si uzdravil nášho brata a dal ho do poriadku v Mene Ježiša Krista...?...
Bože, modlím sa, aby si uzdravil našu sestru...?... v Mene Ježiša...?...
Otče Bože, modlím sa v Ježišovom Mene, aby si uzdravil nášho brata...?...
[Nie všetky slová sú rozpoznateľné – pozn.prekl.]
Ó, Bože, požehnaj ho, Pane, v Ježišovom...?... Meno Golgota...?... aby si to udelil...?... v Mene Ježiša...?...
Nebeský Otče, modlím sa za môjho brata. Ó, Bože, modlím sa...?... Bože, nech on...?... vojak kríža, ktorý dnes ráno vytasí svoj meč a ...?... o to v Ježišovom Mene.
Bože...?... modlím sa, aby si uzdravil...?... Udeľ to...?...
Bože, požehnaj brata...?... modlím sa, aby si ho uzdravil, Pane v Ježišovom Mene...?...
Náš nebeský Otče, len...?... ona...?... pracovala a rozprávala sa s...?... bude veriť. Bože, modlím sa, aby si ju uzdravil v Mene...?... veľká armáda Božia sa hýbe napred s vytaseným mečom...?... Pane. Jej mladé srdce...?... tu a myšlienky v tej rakovinovej posteli, kde...?.... možno zomiera na rakovinu a lekár to už vzdal...?... ale dnes ráno je tu mladý vojak...?... Posilni ho, Pane...?... v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.
210 Chcem, aby sa tá mladá pani... Niečo sa tu deje, s týmto mladým kazateľom. Poď sem hore. Tento človek bol len nedávno prepustený z nemocnice a zomiera, rakovina ho úplne zožrala, bolo to už asi pred rokom, dvoma, bola to prostata. Lekári mu odhadli život len na pár dní. Ale jedno ráno, skoro sme tam vyrazili, pomodlili sme sa za neho, takisto ako s vami tu teraz, a nemohli po tom už nájsť ani stopu...?... viac práce, ako kedy predtým mal. On a jeho mladá žena boli na misijnom poli Evanjelia zrejme predtým, ako som sa vôbec narodil. [Brat Kidd hovorí, „Päťdesiatpäť rokov“ – pozn.prekl.] Počujete ho...?... Päťdesiatpäť rokov. Predtým, ako som ja vôbec prišiel na svet, oni kázali Evanjelium a tu on je, je uzdravený vo veku asi sedemdesiat alebo osemdesiat rokov. [Brat Kidd opäť hovorí k bratovi Branhamovi – pozn.prekl.] Dvojtýždňové prebudenie, mal tam dvojtýždňové prebudenie a kázal každý večer. Mal osemdesiatjeden rokov, bol uzdravený z rakoviny...?...
211 Dobre, sestra, takže teraz je tvoj čas. Či veríš? („Napred, kresťanskí vojaci“) Dobre, sestra, ty a každý jeden z vás, čo ideme vykonať? TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. Či sa tu budeme len ponevierať? Satan, prehral si. Teraz my víťazíme. My pochodujeme do zasľúbenej zeme. Čo to je? Čo je tá hora pred Zorobábelom? Kým ona je? Stane sa rovinou. Prečo? S dvojsečným Mečom ju presekáme až po zem. Tak je. V poriadku.
Napred, kresťanskí vojaci,
pochodujúci do vojny,
s krížom Ježišovým,
ktorý ide pred nami!
Ó, Kristus, kráľovský Majster,
ktorý nás vedie proti nepriateľovi; (so Svojím Slovom)
Napred do boja,
vidíte, Jeho prápor visí!
Napred, kresťanskí vojaci,
pochodujúci do vojny,
s krížom Ježišovým,
ktorý ide pred nami!
212 Haleluja. Čo oni urobili? Prvá vec, ktorý urobili, keď išli do boja proti Izraelovi, čo bolo prvé? Speváci išli prví. Čo potom nasledovalo? Archa, potom boj. Tak je. Už tomu veríte? Spievame, „Napred, kresťanskí vojaci“; vytrhávame von každú pochybnosť. Povstanúc teraz na svoje nohy, pochodujeme do boja. Postavme sa teraz, každý jeden.
Napred, kresťanskí vojaci,
pochodujúci do vojny,
s krížom Ježišovým,
ktorý ide pred nami!
Kristus, kráľovský Majster,
ktorý nás vedie proti nepriateľovi.
(Ako ho porazíme? So Slovom.)
Napred do boja!
Vidíte, Jeho prápor visí!
Napred, kresťanskí vojaci,
pochodujúci do vojny,
s krížom Ježišovým,
ktorý ide pred nami!
Nie sme rozdelení;
všetci sme jedným telom;
jedno v nádeji a náuke,
jedno v láske...
213 Všetci, ktorí veria Bohu, nech povedia, „Amen.“ [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Amen.“ - pozn.prekl.] Haleluja. Či tomu veríte? Sme víťazmi. Kde je nepriateľ? Pod našimi nohami. Čo sme dnes? Vzkriesení v Kristovi. Teraz je to preč, sestra. Či tomu veríš? Teraz môžeš ísť domov. Cítiš sa dobre? Hovorí, že teraz je už na tom lepšie; všetko je v poriadku. Koľkí sa tu cítia dobre?
A keď zakričali, múry padli a oni to tam obsadili (Amen.); zaujali to mesto. Amen. Amen. Či Mu veríte?
214 Takže nezabudnite dnes večer na zhromaždenie. Brat Neville tu dnes večer bude a prinesie svoje posolstvo a ja prídem ďalšiu nedeľu, ak Pán dá, tak tu budem. Takže teraz poďme, ako budeme odchádzať a opúšťať túto budovu, choďme a spievajme „Napred, kresťanskí vojaci“ a od dnešného dňa už nikdy ten Meč nestrkajte naspäť do pošvy. Vytaste ho; zdolávajme. „A išli víťaziac, aby zvíťazili.” Dobre. Znova tú prvú slohu.
Napred, kresťanskí vojaci,
pochodujúci do vojny,
s krížom Ježišovým,
ktorý ide pred nami!
Kristus, ten kráľovský Majster, (Chvála Pánovi!)
1 Thank you, Brother Orman. The Lord bless you.
2Morning, friends. Happy to be here again this morning, and kind of a little unexpected, I guess, to myself, and I'm sure it would be to the congregation. And I just was reading and... Thank you, sister. And the Lord just seemed to put a little something on my heart, to bring to the Church, and I thought it was time to do it. And now this...
3When I arrived, and then not knowing
we'd be here this Sunday, I've announced that I have a--a Message for the Church.
And I want to, if God willing, bring this Message next Sunday. And there'll be quite
a lengthy time, so, it probably will not get out before twelve-thirty, one o'clock,
maybe, if at that time. It's been on my heart for a long time, and I think I owe
the public an answer why that I haven't been active out in the field. I've preached
all around it, but I'm sure it hasn't never just come right out to where it should
be. So I think, the Lord willing, next Sunday, I just want to take my time and just
lay out, reason and why, and let you know, Scripturally, what's going on, see, just
why it's all about. Because, I'll probably be going overseas or somewhere right
away. I'm waiting now to see which way He will call me to go. Last...
4 About three nights ago,
or two nights, I had a phone call near midnight; and it was to pray for some woman
that was in the hospital. And they called me, and said, "Pray." And I forget the
name that they gave me, that... Said it was a friend to Mrs. James Bell, our sister
here at the church, a colored sister, very loyal, fine woman. I believe the name
was Shepherd, was give me. So I got out of the bed and knelt down, and--and told
my wife. The phone ringing, woke her up. And I said, "We must pray for Mrs. Shepherd,
a sister that's called, that's a friend to Mrs. James Bell." So we prayed for her,
got back in the bed.
5 And then along about ten
or eleven o'clock, the next day, I got a call again. It was Billy. And he said,
it wasn't Mrs. Shepherd, said it was Mrs. Bell, herself, not Mrs. Bell's friend.
"It was Mrs. Bell, and she's in the hospital, very seriously." And rushing out to
the hospital, but she was gone. The Lord had called Mrs. Bell, Home.
6 Mrs. Bell has been a faithful
gatherer with us here at the church, for years. Her husband, James, and I, worked
together, with my father, many years ago, out, running... We run these spurs in,
from the Pennsylvania, into Colgate's here, many years ago, I guess thirty years
ago, or more. And we love Sister Bell. She was a grand person.
7 And I understand she had
a acute attack of gallbladder condition, and they... Her physician, that knew the
case real well, was out of town at the time. And a new physician came to look at
her, and--and advised emergency operation, and she never survived it. And--and she
was... I think her... Way I understand it, that her regular physician wouldn't have
prescribed the--the operation, because she was heavy-set and her gallbladder was
bad. And she had stones, I think, or something in it, and--and the Lord had been
merciful. She had had those attacks before and the Lord had taken care of those,
many times. But just happened to be that... Well, if we bring it to a full measure,
we'd say this: God had called for Sister Bell, and that's the way it had to be taken,
you see.
8 And how that even missed,
brought it around to me, that I thought it was Mrs.... a Miss Shepherd. I didn't
know Miss Shepherd. The lady may be here, this morning, and I may know her if I
look at her face. But, it was said it was a Mrs. Shepherd. And whether it was all
done like that, so that if it... If I know it had been Mrs. Bell had been in that
shape, I'd probably went out there and been interceding for her right away. And
then, see, that, God didn't want us to do that, perhaps. So, "We know that all these
things work together for good to them that love God."
9 And I'm sure that Sister Bell loved our Lord. She was a good woman. Now, she's one of us. In here, we don't have any lines of color. The family of God doesn't draw lines of color. Whether we're red, brown, black, or yellow, doesn't matter, white. Whatever it is, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. And so we--we love her. And we'll miss her, the tabernacle. How will I miss, Sister Bell's, them great, big, coarse "amens" back there in the corner. And taking her up home, she'd talk about the Lord Jesus.
10And if I understand it right, never
knew it till just a few moments ago, but I think her funeral is to be held right
here in the church. [Brother Neville says, "That's right."--Ed.] This coming Tuesday
at ["One o'clock."] one o'clock. And I think you and I are to officiate ["That's
right."] in this funeral service.
11 But, just in a congregation, that we're one weaker this morning. In respect of our Sister Bell, let's just stand to our feet just a moment, as we bow our heads.
12God of life, Who gives and takes life;
as Job of old said, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the Name
of the Lord." Some years ago, You sent Sister Bell among us, to be a fellow citizen
with us, of the great commonwealth of God. And we thank You for every inspiration
that she was before us, how that she loved to sing and to testify, and would be
so filled with the Spirit till she could scream out and shout. And she wasn't ashamed
of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for, to her, It was the Power of God unto salvation.
Seeing her years number up, and the time comes when we must all answer. And Thou
hast taken her from us, this morning, to be in Thy Presence. For, it's truly that,
when we leave here, we are in the Presence of God.
13 O God, we thank You for all. We pray that You'll bless her husband, my friend, James; her son, her daughters, all those. We understand that her boy is flying from Germany, out of the armed forces, to come home, to pay the last respects he can, on earth, to his departed mother. How that young man's heart must be throbbing this morning. I pray for him, Lord. God, bless him. Bless Jimmy, and how he's... See him work out there, and tiring hours, to make a living for his family. I pray that the great family will not be separated, but the family wheel will be unbroken in that Land on the other side.
14May we, Lord, now tighten up the armor
and the girder, a little tighter, and go out into the battle now, to fight with
one less than we had a week ago. We pray that You'll sustain us and strengthen us,
and help us as we carry on, and some day may we all gather together again at the
other side. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
15 Now may the soul of our
departed sister rest in peace. I would like to say that her--her funeral is to be
preached here Sunday, or Tuesday, and we would... Anybody is welcome to come that
will come. I guess Brother Neville here has the arrangements. [Brother Neville affirms--Ed.]
And you had them. Now, today, I just...
16 See, there's not too many.
If there could be a seat somewhere brought for Brother and Sister Slaughter back
there. I got your call, Sister Slaughter, and went to pray for your... the other
Sister Slaughter, Sister Jean Slaughter with that rabbit fever, tularemia. She sure
has a bad case of it, but we're trusting God that she'll be all right.
17 Now we want to read some Scripture. And I just want to teach this morning, taking my time, 'cause since I've come back from out, Arizona, well, my throat's just a little raw.
18And now, next Sunday, don't forget,
and I think Billy's already mailed out the--the advertisements. And it'll be quite
a lengthy service, we believe, so come early as you can. We want to start, right
about nine-thirty, or I mean, ten o'clock. And may be, remember, about one or one-...
maybe, or twelve-thirty, one o'clock, something like that, three or four hours,
or more, I'd like to take, and just take the Scriptures. Bring your pencil and paper,
and just lay it out. There's any question, you ask--ask it, you see, and maybe we
can explain it, do what we can to help.
19 Now let's read some Scriptures,
first, now. I have three places in the Bible, that I would like to read. And first
one of them, if you'd like to mark it down, and if you got a pencil. I want to refer,
this morning, to several texts that I would... or several Scriptures, rather, that
I would like to refer to. The first will be First Peter 5:8-10, Ephesians 6:10-17,
and Daniel 12:1-14. Now, in reading, taking our time.
20 And everybody practically is seated. So, a few standing yet, in the back and on the side. But we are going to try to get through as quick as possible and let you out, then we're going to pray for the sick.
21Got a little lady laying here this
morning, that's very sick. I understand that she was very sick, yesterday. And I--I
just wanted her to hear, this morning, first, before I prayed for her. And I know
the conditions of the little lady. And she's very sick, but we got a very great
Heavenly Father Who has more than conquered all sickness. And I got a--a little...
22 I asked Mrs. Woods if she
would read it, but she--she was a little reluctant of--of doing so. An article,
where a medical doctor was certainly surprised. When, he was a critic on Divine
healing and wouldn't even let anybody talk about it in his office; and his nurse,
also. So, it happened to be, got a patient that was a cancer case, a big cancer.
He wanted nothing to do with that, so he sent her over to another clinic. They wanted
nothing to do with it over there, so they sent her back. So they... Oh, it was on
the breast, and it was in a terrible condition. And all the skin had been eaten
off. And the cancer, it went down into the breast, into the ribs. I guess you understand
what I mean.
23 They got our little doctor friend from Norway setting with us this morning.
24And he got all of his material ready,
for said he knowed that--that she wanted him to operate and remove the breast. And
it was a very bloody job. And--and he got all of his packs, everything. The nurse
got the lady ready and brought her into the operating room, and then she went back
to get the instruments, too, that would have to be used by the doctor and his assistant,
to take the breast off. And so they had the towels and things laying over her. And
so they started...
25 When he started to turn
around, her husband wanted to know if he could set in the end of the room and pray.
He was a holiness preacher. And he sat there by side of the foot of the bed, and
praying. Course, the doctor wasn't too well satisfied with that, you know, him being
in there. But as long as he wouldn't look, and it wouldn't hurt him, why, "I guess
it was all right; wouldn't--wouldn't faint."
26 So while sitting, praying,
there come a fluttering in the room. And the doctor turns to go, too, with his instrument,
to start to remove the breast. He moved pack after pack. There wasn't even a scar
on the breast; not even a scar. He said, "Does--does it... Does it move?" And he
started... And the nurse gave her testimony. Both of them has went out and has become
pentecostal, filled with the Holy Ghost, serving the Lord. Not even a scar!
27 The Doctor Holbrook testified, himself, said, "One minute before there, there was the--the woman laying there, and the nurse, and the great big cancer all pushed out on her breast. And one minute later, there wasn't even a scar where it had been moved." That's one of our fine medical doctors here in America. He said he was convinced right then. And he, yet, he was a deacon in a church. See?
28See, the people just think church is
something you just go to, and it's, "Oh, you go there to learn to be good, or something
like that." That isn't it, friend. No. God is God. He's just as great today as He
was, ever was. And He always will be the same. And He's a... We just love Him.
29 Now, we want to read now from First Peter, the 5th chapter, the 8th and 10th verse, to start with.
Be sober,... vigilant; because your adversary the devil,... a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
Whom resist stedfastly in... faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.
But the God of all grace, who has called us unto his eternal glory by Jesus Christ,
after that you have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strength, and
settle you.
30 How God be praised! Now in the Book of Ephesians. We'd like to turn here to the Book of Ephesians, the 6th chapter, and would like to read the 10th to the 17th verse, I have marked out.
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of the world--of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto yourself the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand in the evil day,... having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth,... having on the breastplate of righteousness;
And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Above all things,... the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word
of God:
31 Now over in the Book of Daniel, I would like to read some more. Now, Daniel the 12th chapter. I want to begin at the 1st, and read quite a--a lengthy part of this, fourteen verses.
And at that time... Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be... time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even unto that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, and some to everlasting life,... some to shame and everlasting contemptment.
And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn away--turn away many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
But thou, O Daniel, shut up the--shut up the... book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
And I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two,... one on this side of the bank of the river, and one on the... that side of the bank of the river.
And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these were... wonders?
And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river,
when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that
live for ever that it shall be for a time, time, and an half; and when he has accomplished
to scatter the power of the holy people,... these things shall be finished.
32 I believe I'll stop right
there. I want to take a text, if it would be called a text out of there, from that,
to draw this conclusion of: The Greatest Battle Ever Fought. That's what I want
to use for a text.
33 Now, how I come to get a hold of this for a text for this morning. We have just come back; couple of the trustees, here at the church, and myself, was out in Arizona. And we went out, really, to have a meeting at Phoenix, with Brother Sharrit, at his tabernacle. But when I found out that a--a brother was in town, having services in a tent, well, then I felt a little reluctant about holding a meeting. I thought maybe I would have it on the Sunday afternoon, so that no one would be bothered in their churches. But, find out, that he had Sunday afternoon services, also. And I was a--a little bit worried about having a service.
34And so we brethren, instead of going
on through the day, as we were out hunting, we went into the city, on and got ready,
and went to the Brother Allen's services. Brother A. A. Allen was having services.
So we went to the services, and Brother Allen preached a mighty sermon. We had a--a
time, a good time, listening to Brother Allen, hearing the--the singers, and so
forth, how they sang, and shouted, and had a great service.
35 Then we seen, all along
the road, the hand of the Lord. Wherever we went, the Lord Jesus would meet with
us. And there's something about being out to yourself, out in the deserts. There's
something about it, that if you're ever alone that way, there's something that draws
you. That's, I guess, is one reason I like those out-away places. You get away from
the power of the enemy, so much as we have here.
36 A devil is almost harmless unless he can have something to work in, he's got. You remember those devils that were cast out of Legion, they had? They want to do more mischievousness, so they wanted to go in the hogs. So, devils must have something to work in, somebody to work through.
37And that's the way God does, too. He
has to have us. He's depending on us, to work through us.
38 And many came while we were on the trip, with dreams. And the Lord Jesus never failed but give the interpretation correctly, and just be that, just exactly that way.
39And then He was good to us, to lead
us to the game and tell us where it was at. And, you know, just to be around like
that, it's just wonderful. Set around, the night, by the campfire, away from everybody,
for miles and miles and miles, and watch the--the flickering campfire around the
rocky rims. And, oh, it was tremendous!
40 One brother there, who
had been having trouble with his wife, that had... Years ago, she raised her head
in a meeting, where that I was having service. And I had asked them to keep their
head down; had an evil spirit that wouldn't leave a--a woman, on the platform. And
the lady, just irreverent, raised her head anyhow. And the spirit left the woman,
on the platform, and went to her. And this is around fourteen years, and the lady
has been in serious condition; so much, even mentally, till she just does things
that's not even right. For instance, left her own husband, went and married another
man while she was living with her husband; claimed she didn't know she done it.
And so they--they tried to examine her for this. What is it you call that, when
you... Amnesia? It... My, ever what that name is. I guess that's right, doctor.
But it wasn't that. It was a spirit. And her... And the lady was a fine friend of
mine. But from that night, on, she deliberately hated me. Course, you can see why
it was.
41 But then when her husband came, and we knelt in the room to pray, then the Holy Spirit came down. That was it. Then He appeared to her husband that night, in a dream. He came back with a dream, he thought it was jokey. Come to find out, it was the very answer to his wife's healing. How that the Holy Spirit did deal!
42On down into Tucson, with Brother Norman and them, and there the Lord begin to work again with great, powerful things and revealing things.
43One night, what drew me to this conclusion
here, I was standing with Brother Wood and Brother Sothmann. And we were... It was
about ten o'clock at night, and I was looking up towards the sky, and a great awe
came over me. And I said, "Just look! All that great, heavenly host!" And I said,
"Everything is perfectly in harmony."
44 And Brother Wood said,
"Looking at two little stars so close together, that, it made it look like a light."
45 I said, "But, you know,
Brother Wood, according to science, in that Dipper, the Little Dipper, the Big Dipper,
those stars don't look over about two inches apart; and they are farther away from
each other than we are from them. And if they would start to this earth, it would
take, at thousands of miles an hour, it would take hundreds and hundreds of years
for them to reach the earth." And I said, "In all this great, vast system here,
and yet they tell us that they look through glasses, can see a hundred and twenty
million years of light time, way out in there; and there's still moons and stars.
And--and, yet, God made every one of them. And He sets in the midst of them."
46 I said, "Somewhere in there,
I had pointed out to me, one time in an observatory, the zodiac; beginning with
the virgin, coming over through the cancer age, and on down until the last was the
lion, Leo the lion. The first coming of Christ, by the virgin; the second coming,
by the Lion of the tribe of Juda." And I said, "I've tried my best to see that zodiac,
and I can't see it. But, yet, it's there. Those who are trained, know it's there.
Job saw it. Men used to look at it. It was a Bible, at one day. But in that whole
great mass of millions and billions of--of light years, God sits in the midst of
all of it, and He looks down. Paul is in there. My mother is in there, somewhere,
looking down."
47 And I thought of the order
of that heavenly host, not one of them is out of place. Every one keeps its time,
perfectly. God's great army! I thought of the soldiers; how that if that moon would
happen to get out of order, the earth would be covered again with water, just in
a few minutes. The earth would be just like it was when God decided to use it, for
to have us here on it. "It was without form, and void, and darkness, and water was
upon the breadth of the earth." And if that moon would ever move, it would do the
same thing again. When the moon rocks a little bit away from the earth, the tides
come up. When it goes down, just follows the tides. It's God's great army. And when
I thought about the... that being God's great army there.
48 Now, we went to bed. And
then I begin to think that not one of those get out of their place. They all set
in place. And if there's a moving, anywhere, of them, it's for a cause, and will
affect this earth. We just see the results of it now, from some of them moving into
their other spots. It's effective. It affects everything.
49 And I thought, then, if
that great heavenly host, like that, has to keep its place, to make everything in
order, what about the disorder of the earthly host? How, when one gets out of order,
how it throws the whole thing out of cater! The whole program of God is upset when
one member gets out of order. We should continually to strive to keep the order
of the Spirit.
50 And I would, to God, this
morning, that we would bring this to a real healing service, that we could keep
this part... group that we have gathered under the roof this morning, in such a
harmony, that the Holy Spirit would place every member of the Body, that's here
this morning, in such harmony, till there would be such a spontaneous healing of
soul and body, if we'll just hold our positions.
51 Now, as I said at the beginning,
this lady who had the cancer that Doctor Holbrook take... was going to take off.
Now, the God that caused the fluttering noise to come into that clinic, and took
that cancer without even leaving a scar, don't you know that same God is here? [Congregation
says, "Amen."--Ed.] And the only thing that He is waiting for, is for His--His army
to get their position, like the stars, get the position.
52 Now, do you know, we've
had wars after wars, and rumors of wars? And if the earth stands, we'll have plenty
more wars. But do you realize that there is really only two powers in all the universe?
Of all of our differences between nations, and differences between each other, and
everything, it all mounts up to two powers. There's only two powers, and there's
only two kingdoms; two powers, and two kingdoms. All the rest, the little minor
things, are connected with either one of those powers. And those powers is God's
power and Satan's power. That's what... Every war, every disorder, everything that
comes along, it's either controlled by God's power or Satan's power, 'cause that's
the only two powers there is. And that is the power of life and the power of death.
Now, that's the only two powers.
53 And Satan can only... His power, he's got, is the perverted power of God. It isn't no real power. It's a perversion of God's power, everything that Satan has. Death is only a perverted life. A lie is only the truth mistold. See? Adultery is a--a act misused, a righteous act misused. See? Everything that Satan has got is something that was perverted, but it's a power.
54And we are, today, setting here, and
one or the other power is going to control us. So let's cast out the evil one. Let's
take our position like the stars of the heavens.
55 As the Bible speaks, "Wandering
stars," over in the Book of Jude, "foaming out their own shame." And we don't want
to be wandering stars; wonder if this is right, wonder if that's right, wonder if
it will happen, wonder how it could be. Don't wander. Stay like those stars of the
heaven, as a real soldier at his post of duty. Stand there, believing! Life and
56 Now, an army, when really an army, a nation makes ready to go against another nation, it should first set down and figure what's right and wrong, and whether they're able to go against the next nation or not. Jesus taught that. And if people would do that, if the nations would--would sit down, and stop and think those things, both sides, we would have no more war.
57Now, we find out, if a man doesn't
do that, if the military heads of the nation doesn't sit down, first, and figure
and see that they are right, and their motives and objectives right, and if they
have enough strength and power to overcome the next army, then they're sure to lose.
58 That's where General Custer made his fatal mistake. General Custer, as I understand, had orders from the government, not to go into the land of the Sioux, because it was a religious time for them. It was a time of worship. They were having a feast. But Custer got drunk, and he thought that he would just do it anyhow. He would cross, whether it was orders or not orders. And then they actually shot some innocent men, shot at them. I think they hit some of them. It was scouts, out, hunting for food, to feed their--their people while they were in worship. And Custer, crossing, seen them, and thought they were after their side, and so they shot into these scouts. And these scouts escaped, got back. What did they do? They armed themselves, and here they come. And that was the end of General Custer, because he didn't sit down and think, first.
59He had no business there. He had no
right to be there. He had pushed the Indians from the East Coast, all the way across
the West, anyhow. And they had a treaty, but he broke the treaty. And when he broke
the treaty, then he lost the battle.
60 And so an army, first, in getting ready for a battle, first there's got to be a select, some soldiers. They've got to be dressed for fighting. They've got to be trained for fighting.
61And I believe that the greatest battle
that was ever fought, is now ready to go in action. I believe that God has been
selecting His soldiers. I believe He's been dressing them, training them. And the
battle front is now set, getting ready to start.
62 This great, first battle that was ever fought, begin in Heaven, when Michael and His Angels fought against Lucifer and his angels. It first started, the first battle was in Heaven. So, sin did not originate on earth, it originated in Heaven.
63And then it was thrown down from Heaven,
cast out of Heaven, to the earth, and fell on human beings. Then the battle, from
angels, become human battles. And Satan come to destroy God's creation, what God
had created to be for Hisself. He had, Satan, come to destroy this. That's what
his purpose was, was to destroy it. Then the battle begin here on earth, and begin
in us, and has been raging ever since.
64 Now, before any battle can be put in array, they first have to choose a meeting ground, or a place where the battle is to be fought, a selected place.
65In the First World War, it was so placed, a no-man's-land and places where they fought. And they've got to be a place selected.
66Like when Israel went to war with the
Philistines, there was a--a--a hill on each side where they gathered. And that's
where Goliath come out and called to the armies of Israel. That's where David met
him, in the valley, when he passed over the little creek that run between the two
hills, he picked up the rocks.
67 There has to be a place selected. And in this, there's a--a mutual ground, no-man's-land, and they fight here at this place. They just don't, one fight over here, and one down here, and one run over here. There's a battle front where they meet and test their powers, where each army tests its strength against the other army, a mutual meeting place. Now, don't (get) miss this.
68When this great battle started on earth, there had to be a mutual meeting place. There had to be a place selected for the battle to begin, and for the battle to rage. And that battlegrounds begin in the human mind. There is where the battle starts. The human mind was chosen for the place of the battle, where it was begin, and that is because that decisions are made from the mind, the head. Now, they never started it from some organization. They never started it from some mechanical affair. The grounds never started there. Therefore, that organization can never, never do the work of God, because the battlegrounds, where you've got to meet your enemy, is in the mind. You've got to make your choice. It meets you.
69I want this little girl here, that's
very sick, to be sure to listen now to this, real closely.
70 Decisions are made in the
mind, the head. There is where Satan meets you, and the decisions are, because that
God made a man that way.
71 Now, I have (if you was
looking on my note here) a little map drawed out. I had it here not long ago, on...
used on the board. The human being is made up just like a grain of wheat. It's a
seed. And the human being is a seed. Physically, you're the seed of your father
and mother; and the life come from the father, the pulp come from the mother. So,
the two, together, the egg and the--the blood, comes together. And in the blood
cell is life. And in there it begins, develop, making the--the child. Now, any seed
has a shell on the outside; the inside is pulp; and inside of the pulp is the germ
of life. Well, that's the way we're made. We are body, soul, and spirit. The outside,
the body, the shell; the inside of that, the conscience and so forth, is the soul;
and the inside the soul, is a spirit. And the spirit governs all the other.
72 Now, if you'll sit down when you get home, and draw three little rings. You'll find out that the outside body has five senses it's contacted by, and that is see, taste, feel, smell, hear. That's the five senses that control the human body.
73Inside of the body is a soul, and that soul is controlled by imaginations, conscience, memory, reasons, and affections. That's the thing that controls the soul.
74But, the spirit is, only has one sense.
The spirit... Oh, let's get it. The spirit has one sense, and that sense is, either
dominates it, is faith or doubt. That's exactly. And there's only one avenue to
it, that's free moral agency. You can accept doubt or you can accept faith, either
one you want to work on. Therefore, Satan begin at the principal part, to cause
the spirit of man to doubt God's Word. God begin at the principal part, to lay His
Word in that spirit. There you are. That's what does it.
75 If this church, right now
could be put together, and knitted together with such that every person would be
in one accord, with not one shadow of doubt anywhere, there would not be a feeble
person in our midst, in another five minutes. There would not be nobody here desiring
the Holy Ghost but what would receive It, if you could just get that certain thing
fixed. Now, there is where the battle begins, right in your mind, whether you will.
76 Now remember, it's not Christian Science, now, mind over matter. That hasn't... The mind accepts the Life, which is the Word of God, and there brings the Life. Just your thought doesn't do it. But, the Word of God, brought in the channel of your thought. See? It's not the thought, as Christian Science make it, mind over matter. No. That isn't it.
77But, your mind accepts It. It grasps
It. What is your mind controlled by? Your spirit. And your spirit catches the Word
of God, and that's the thing that's got Life in It. It brings Life into you. Oh,
brother! When that takes place, when Life comes down that channel, into you, the
Word of God is manifested in you. "If ye abide in Me, and My Words abide in you,
then ask what you will and it'll be done for you."
78 Then what does that do? From the middle of the heart, which is the soul, from there goes forth, feeding every channel. The trouble of it is, we're standing in here with a lot of doubt, trying to accept what's out there. You've got to stop that; and come down that channel with the true Word of God, and then it goes out, itself, automatically. It's what's on the inside. That's the thing that counts, is the inside.
Satan's approach is from the inside.
79 Now, you say, "I don't
steal. I don't drink. I don't do these things." That has nothing to do with it.
80 See, it's the inside. No matter how good you are, how moral you are, how truthful you are, those things are respected. But Jesus said, "Except a man be born again." See? There's got to be something happen inside. If you don't, that's artificial put-on, for down in your heart you desire to do it anyhow. It can't be artificial. It's got to be real.
81And there's only one avenue that that
can come down, and that's by the way of free moral agency, come into the soul, by
your thoughts. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." "If you say to this mountain,
'Move,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you have said will
come to pass, you can have what you said." You get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
There you are. See? There's the battlegrounds. If you'd only get that started, first.
82 We're so anxious to see
things done. We're so anxious to do something for God. This little lady is no...
anxious, no doubt, anxious to live. She wants to be well. Others are here, wants
to be well. And when we hear about that case, like the doctor, the resurrection
of the dead, the great mighty things that our God has did, then we're anxious. And
the thing of it is, we try to reach through these senses, to grab a hold of something
here, like conscience.
83 So many people, lots of times, has misconstrued the Word. And I've been misunderstood by this, by making altar calls. I said, "I wasn't much on an altar call," not meaning that you shouldn't make an altar call.
84But somebody get somebody by the arm, say, "Oh, Brother John, you know what? Me and you been neighbors all this time. Come up here at the altar, get down." What's he doing? Wish I had a blackboard here, I could show you what he's doing. He is trying to work through his soul, on affections. That don't work. That's not the avenue. Certainly, it isn't.
85Maybe he's working in (the what?) a memory, through the sense of his soul. "Oh, Brother John, you had a wonderful mother. She died a long time ago." A memory! See? You can't do that.
86It's got to come down the line of free
moral agency. You, yourself, let the Word of God... You don't come because your
mother was a good woman. You don't come because you're a good neighbor. You come
because that God calls you to come, and you accept Him on the basis of His Word.
That Word is what means everything. That Word! If you can get everything out of
the way, all conscience, all senses, and just let the Word come in, that Word will
produce just exactly.
87 Here, see what It's covered over with? You say, "Well, now," you say, "well, these, conscience and senses, and so forth, don't have anything to do with it, Brother Branham?" Certainly, it does. But if you let the Word come in, and cover It over with conscience, then It can't grow; it'll be a deformed word.
88Did you ever see a good grain of corn
planted in the ground, and let a stick fall over it? It'll grow crooked. Any vine,
anything that grows up, will, because something has hindered it.
89 Well, that's what's the matter with our pentecostal Faith today. We've let too many things hinder It, the Faith that we been taught, the Holy Spirit that's been living in us. We've let too many things, looking at somebody else.
90And the Devil is always trying to point you to somebody's failure, but he tries to keep you away from the real testimony that's genuine. He'll point you to a hypocrite, some time, who went out impersonating something. He didn't do it, because he was impersonating. But if it come from the true source of the Word of God, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word cannot pass away," It's got to stay there.
You see it, sis?
91 It must be accepted in the mind, then It's believed with the heart. Then the Word of God becomes a reality, then every senses of soul and body is just scoured out with the Holy Spirit. Then your sense of God, your conscience of God, everything that's godly, flows through you. There's not a doubt anywhere. There's nothing can rise up.
92There's nothing can come up in the memory, and say, "Well, I remember Miss Jones tried to trust God, and Miss So-and-so. Miss Doe tried to trust God for healing, one time, and she failed." See?
93But if that channel has been cleared
out and been purged, and been filled on the inside with the Holy Spirit, that don't
even come in memory, no matter about Miss Jones and what she did. It's you and God,
together, and nobody else but you two. There you are. There's your battle. Kill
him at the beginning. Stop him dead in his track. It ain't how long you can make
the war linger. It's, stop it right now!
94 If you'll come, and you'll keep them memories and conscience, and everything, thinking about, "Well, I might fail. It might not be right." Don't you do that, at all.
95You throw aside everything, and open
up the channel, and say, "God, Your Word is Eternally true, and It's for me. If
the whole church fails, if the whole world fails, yet I can't fail, because I'm
taking Your Word." There's the battle. That's the thing.
96 Why would Almighty God
remove a cancer from a woman's breast, without a scar, and let a child lay and die?
No, sir.
97 A little girl come here, not long ago, from the high school. Her mother called me up, said, "Brother Branham, my girl has got Hodgkin's disease." That's cancer, forms in lumps. And the doctors took a piece from a break on her throat, sent it away, and it was perfectly Hodgkin's disease.
98So he said, "The next one breaks, may break over her heart. When it does, she's gone." Said, "She hasn't got... The way they're breaking, she's got, anywhere, about three months, to live."
99The mother said, "What shall I do? Send her back to school?"
100Said, "Let her go, because she'll go probably suddenly." And said, "Just let her go and live a normal life, as she can. Don't tell her nothing about it."
So the lady said to me, "What must I do?"
101I said, "Bring here up and put her
in the prayer line." And I said, "You come with her." I felt a little funny feeling.
102 And when the little girl come by, that morning, with blue-looking lips, from make-up, and as the school has them. And--and the little thing come by. I didn't know who she'd be; was going to call me on the phone. I took a hold of her hand. I said, "Good morning, sister." There she was. That was her. Just in a few moments, looked down to her mother and seen both of them without God, without Christ. I said, "How can you expect healing on these grounds? Will you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour?" I said, "Will you come to this pool here and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins?"
They said, "We will do that."
103Oh, you know what happened. The woman
may be setting here this morning. Many of you know the case. Brother Mike Egan,
one of the trustees here, watched the case. That's been about four or five years
ago. The little girl was took back to the doctor, not even one trace of Hodgkin's
disease was found in her.
104 What was the matter? You had to open the channel, first. You've got to get the Soldier, the Holy Spirit, placed at the battlefront, that takes God's Word. He is the Word. And He stands there, there's nothing going to stop It then. There's nothing. Every one of the other channels is cleared out. Just like an old boiler with the flue stopped up; you put a fire in, it'll blow your thing up. That's what's the matter with so many blowed-up Christians, is because that they don't clean the channels out, they don't go down to the inside. You've got to clean it, conscience, memory, thoughts, laying aside everything, and coming from the inside out, with that unadulterated Word of God, that It's the Truth.
105No matter if ten thousand died on
this side, today, trusting; ten thousand died on that side, tomorrow, trusting;
that has nothing to do with me. I'm the individual. I'm the one that's trusting.
I'm the one that believes it. And we see back yonder, if we wanted to open up our
channels then, if we can, and see. We find this one and that one, and this one and
that one, thousands of them, testifying.
106 But the Devil will try to come right back. See, if he can get in there, at all, he's got your army routed right then.
107If you've got your senses, see, taste,
feel, smell, and hear, they're all right, but don't trust them unless they agree
with the Word. They're all right, but, if they disagree with the Word, don't you
listen to them. Now, imaginations, conscience, memories, reasons, and affections,
they're all right if they agree with the Word. But if your affection doesn't agree
with the Word, get rid of it. You'd blow a flue, right quick. See? If your reason
disagrees with the Word, get away from it. That's right. The engine... If your memory,
if your imaginations, if your conscience, anything, disagrees with That what's on
the inside, get rid of it.
108 What you got then? You've got a solar system. Hallelujah! It's, God set the stars in order and said, "Hang there till I call you!" They stay there. Nothing's going to move them. When God can get a man in His hands, till he can get senses, conscience, everything cleaned out, until it stands with God behind it, in the spirit; there's not a devil in the world can poke a doubt in there. That's right.
He come around and say, "You don't feel any better."
109 Your conscience is even gone, to that. The flue is so clear, it shouts, "Hallelujah!" The outlet blows a whistle, "Glory to God!" It shines out, certainly, just as clean and clear, for the Word of God to work through, the Power of God. See? That's the main thing.
110There's your battleground. Your battleground is back here at the beginning, back here in the soul, back in your mind that opens. The--the mind is the gate to the soul, the gate to the spirit, rather. Your mind opens up and accepts the spirit, or it rejects the spirit. You can have little consciences, and little feelings, and little sensations, all these things. That has nothing to do with it. That's just little sensations and things. But when it comes to reality, your mind opens it up. Your mind either accepts it or rejects it. That's it, friends.
God, let none of them miss it.
111 See, it's your mind that
opens up the door; or closes the door, and listens to your conscience, listens to
your memory, listens to your affections. But when your mind closes itself to these
things, and let God, the Spirit of His Word, come in, It blows the rest of the stuff
out. Every doubt is gone. Every fear is gone. Every sensation of doubt is gone.
Every feeling is gone. There's nothing standing there but the Word of God, and Satan
cannot battle against That. No, sir. He cannot battle against It. Now, we know that's
112 These battles has raged
since the day of the garden of Eden, the battle in the human mind. Satan started
it. What did he do when he met Eve? He didn't deny God's Word, but he whitewashed
It. He stopped up some little channels here somewhere. He said, "But surely God..."
Genesis 3:1. See? "Surely, God, all these things that He--He--He promised..." He
knowed the Word was right. But he knowed he couldn't just come right out and blast
It out, blare like that, but he--he--he sugar-coated It.
113 Like mama used to get
us to take medicine, and she'd try to put orange juice in castor oil. My, just rather
take the castor oil without the orange juice! Anything that's hypocritical! See?
She... We used to have to get up at nighttime, and she'd give us coal oil, for croup.
And she'd put coal oil, and put sugar on it; see, kind of hypocritical. But it'd
just burn your tonsils out, nearly, going down, after the sugar left.
114 Well, that's the way it
is, friend. Satan tries to--to be hypocritical about it. He tries to show you something
better, a easier way, a more sensible plan. But there is no more sensible plan than
that God laid down at the beginning, His Word. Hold that Word. Get a grip on It.
Let It get a grip on you. Stay there with It. That's the--that's the thing.
115 The battle raged when Eve opened up her mind, to listen to her reasoning. That's the flue it come in. That's the--the channel it run down, her reasoning. She, in her soul, she reasoned.
116Her eyes was sight. She saw the serpent. He was beautiful, handsome, far better than her own husband. He was the most subtle of all the beast of the field, and he was probably a fairer man than her husband. He looked like a great masculine beast standing there. How great he was! And he was trying to tell her what a great thing it was.
117And first thing she did, she opened
up her mind. And when she did, human reasonings caught it. "Why, wouldn't that be
a thrill?"
118 That's the thing he does
to a woman today. Some woman with a lovely little husband, finds some great, big,
masculine man. This man will try to opening up the reasons. Remember, that's Satan.
That's the Devil. Or, vice versa, man to woman, woman to man, either way. What does
he do? Work in that reasoning power, the conscience or something, begins to move
119 But give God's Word the first place. A man can't even come to... He can't sin... Hallelujah! Here it is. This is coming, fresh. A man cannot sin until first he casts aside God's Word. He can't even sin, that's, disbelieve. Until first he gets rid of the Word of God, the Presence of God, he cannot sin.
120Eve could not sin until she laid aside
God's Word, opening up her channel of reasons through her soul, and begin to reason.
"Why, certainly. My husband has never told me these things, but I believe that you...
He told me I shouldn't do this, but, you know, you make it so real and so plain.
I--I believe it would be wonderful, because you're making it so plain to me." See,
there was the first battle. And, through that battle, has caused every other war.
And every bloodshed that ever come, was caused right there at Eden. She disbelieved
God's Word.
121 And if one little iota of God's Word was disbelieved, caused all this trouble, how we going to get back, disbelieving the Word? You can't do it. Got to shut off all these other things, conscience, memories, and say... reasonings, and all these other things. "Casting down reasonings." We don't reason about it, at all, nothing at all.
122We just accept the Word upon the basis,
"God said so," and sets a stream between you and God. Every channel comes open between
you and God, then.
123 There's the battle, the very first, front line. Let's not use a twenty-two rifle; let's get a--an atomic bomb. Let's do the job right. Let's get God's atomic bomb. "What is it, Brother Branham?" F-a-i-t-h in His Word. That's God's atomic bomb. It blows sickness and devils, right and left. It--it annihilates them. Discriminates... Oh, it's... It just destroys. It disintegrates everything that's ungodly. When that bomb of faith drops in there, with the Word of God behind it, it blows every devil, every sickness, every disease.
124You say, "Is that right, Brother Branham?
Then why does it, on some, and not on others?"
125 It's because of the channel. You can look out and see it. But you've got to have it in here, looking this a way. Not out there, looking in; you got to be in, looking out. See? You can't come through reason. You can't come through these other things. You've got to come right down God's channel of it, right into the soul. And how do you do it? What's the last channel?
126It'll reas-... right on down. You say, senses, "Oh, I--I can feel it. Yeah, there it is. Uh-huh. Oh, I--I might smell it, or so forth. These things are there. Yeah." Next thing, you reason, "Well, it looks like he ought to know what he's talking about. The doctor says I can't get well. That ought to be." You see, right there you're--you're wrong. That's the Devil standing there. That's the Devil poking these things into you. Don't you believe it.
127Hallelujah! God's Word said I'd...
"Above all things, I would that you prosper in health." That's right. How can you
be a real soldier out there? See, "I want you to prosper in health."
128 There it is, right there, those channels. You just get them, open up. Don't just bypass them.
129Then if Satan can get through there,
get by these conscience and all these other things, then he gets right down here
to the end of the soul, in the mind. Now, if he can just get you... You'll never--you'll
never look at one of them until first you have to let him in here. You have to let
him in. Then when he gets in, he's got control. Then what does he do? He begins
to use the conscience. He begins to use this, begin to use this outlet. What is
it? See, taste, feel, smell, hear; imaginations, conscience, memory, reasons, affections.
He begin to use all those different little channels, as long as he could get in,
above this one here. He's got to come in your mind, first, and you have to accept
it. It can... Listen. It can batter against you, but it can't get to you until you
accept it.
130 When Satan walked up to Eve, and said, "You know, the fruit is pleasant." She stopped for a moment. Oh, that's when she made a mistake, when she stopped for a moment.
131Don't stop for nothing. You've got the Message. Jesus lives. God is a healer. That's the Message. Don't stop for nothing, no reasonings, no nothing else.
132But she stopped for a moment. That's
when Satan walked right into that mind. Said, "Well, it sounds reasonable." Oh,
don't do that. Just take what God said.
133 Abraham, what if he would have stopped for reasoning, when He told him he was going to have a baby by Sarah, and she was sixty-five and him seventy-five? And when he was a hundred, and she was--and she was ninety; he, still, he--he--he confessed that God's Word was true. And he called those things, which were not, as though they were. See? He... Even hope, was there any hope? He didn't even use hope.
134"Well," you say, "I hope I can get all right. I hope I'll be well. I hope I get the Holy Ghost. I hope I'm a Christian. I hope I do this." You don't want that.
135Abraham never even looked at that. Amen. "Against hope, he still believed God's Word." Faith is beyond hope. Faith comes from back here, in the inside. Faith comes from here.
136How does he get in? Through this mind,
this--this door, the battle front standing there.
137 Now, when you get the battle set in array. Now, the Devil is sitting right to every heart, this morning. He's sitting, this little girl's heart. He's sitting at your hearts. He's sitting all around there. He's saying, "Oh, I seen you try before. I've heard that before."
138Cast him out. That's all. Cast him
out. What did the Bible say here, our text? "Casting him out." That's right. "Casting
him out." We been trained.
139 I think, "What's the matter with us preachers?" I wonder what kind of a training we've had.
140God is training for this great battle.
Matthew 24 said there, and also Daniel 12, said, "There would be a time of trouble,
such as never like on the earth before." And we're living in that time, when culture,
and education, and things, has smothered over the Word of God, and got into reasonings
and so forth. The battle is now. Who will stand? Hallelujah! The battle is ready
to go in. She's array now. Look what a great opposition we got yonder.
141 Who will be like David? Said, "You stand and let that uncircumcised Philistine defy the armies of the living God? I'll go fight him." Amen. God wants men and women this morning who can raise up and say, "I'll take the Lord at His Word." Amen. No matter what fail, where this and that, and what that one did. That has nothing to do with it. You Sauls, and so forth, if you're afraid of him, get back where you belong. But, God's army is moving forward, amen; men of valor, men of--of--of faith, men of power, men of understanding. They don't have to be smart. They don't have to be educated. They have to be channels. God takes those little channels.
142She stopped for a moment, to reason,
saying, "Well, now, let's see." Well, just like, what if...
143 This little lady, this morning, no doubt that the doctor has told her, she's just about at the end of the road, "There's nothing could be done." Well, now, that's that doctor. I don't condemn him. That man is a scientific man. He sees that the disease has conquered the child's body. It's beyond anything. He hasn't got a medicine that will stop it.
144So will that cancer conquered that
woman; sure, death had conquered that baby; but our Chief Captain, hallelujah, of
this great army, He is the resurrection and Life. Nothing can conquer Him. Hallelujah!
145 The brains of the army
lays in its captains, the intelligence. Rommel, in Germany, was the brains of Germany;
not Hitler. Rommel! That's right. Eisenhower! Military men! Patton! Those men who
were at the front, it depend on which way they gave the order. You follow your captain,
if he's a right kind of a general. If he's a right kind, if he's a four-star general,
if he's proved, if he's been proven to be right, follow him. Though it may seem
wrong, to you, go on to the front. Do as he told you.
146 Hallelujah! We got a five-star
General, spelled J-e-s-u-s, placing five stars on us, f-a-i-t-h. He's never lost
a battle. Hallelujah! He conquered death, hell, and the grave. Get the devils out
of the way. He's the great Chief Captain. So, the Devil isn't even in the picture.
147 The greatest battle was ever raged, is setting right ready now. Certainly, it is. Oh! Hallelujah!
148When I think of it! When I stood and
watch Him do things, see Him reveal things, open up things, say, "It'll be this
way and that way," there it is! Oh, look back here, and say, "Who is this great
Captain?" Oh, I don't look back and see if it's Doctor So-and-so. I see what the
Captain said. "He's the Captain of our salvation." Hallelujah! What is salvation?
Deliverance! Glory! "He's the Captain of our deliverance."
149 The great hour of charge is at hand. Hallelujah! Soldier, with armors gleaming, colors streaming! Faith and doubt is setting yourself in array, in this tabernacle, this morning; doubt on one side, faith on the other. Soldiers, stand at your post of duty. Hallelujah! Our Captain, the Morning Star, leads on. He never goes back. He (never) don't know the word retreat. He don't have to retreat. Amen. Certainly.
150The greatest battle ever fought, she
is going on right in here now, yes, sir, between life and death, between sickness
and health, between faith and doubt, oh, my, between liberty and bondage. The battle
is on! Shine your spears, soldiers. Polish up the armor. God is getting His soldiers
ready. Amen. God anoints His army.
151 America dresses their soldiers in the best that they can have to dress with, steel helmets, and armors, and whatever they got, armored tanks, whatever they go in.
152God dresses His army. Hallelujah!
What kind of equipment do we use? The Spirit of the Sword, the Word of God! Amen!
"The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword," Hebrews 4, "piercing even to
the asunder the bone, even the--the marrow of the bone, even a Discerner of the
thoughts of the mind." The Word of God! To believe His Word, and that's the way
God armors.
153 That's what He give Eve to arm herself with. And she broke her armor down. How'd she do it? By opening up her mind to reason. You don't reason with God's Word. It has no reason. You... It's just God's Word. There's no--there's no doubt about It. There's no reasoning to It. It's God's Word. That settles it. That's got it. That settles it forever.
154See what I mean, honey? [The sick
sister says, "Amen."--Ed.] It's God's Word. God promised it. God said so.
155 They said to Abraham, "How you know you're going to have that baby?"
"God said so." That settled it.
"Well, why ain't you got it?"
156"I don't know when I'm going to get it, but I'm going to get it. God said so. That won't stop me a bit." He call-...
157"Why don't you go on back to your home, where you come from?"
158"I'm to be a pilgrim and a stranger
in this land." Amen!...?... "God give the promise. God will give the baby right
in this land where He sent me." Hallelujah!
159 God will heal you right in this atmosphere of the Holy Ghost, where He sent you. God will give it to you. Just believe it. Amen. Open up them flues of the soul and body, senses, and conscience, and just let God's Words penetrate first, take that mind. There is the battleground.
160Not say, "Well, if I could feel it, if I'd feel the glory of God falling! Oh!" That has nothing to do with it; not a thing.
161Open up that mind. That's the battleground.
There is where the battle sets in array, right here in the front line, your mind.
Open it up, and say, "I... Every doubt, I doubt my doubts." Amen. "I'm doubting
my doubts now. I'm believing God's Word. Here I come, Satan." Something is going
to take place. Sure, it will. Yes, sir.
162 He anoints His servants with His Spirit. He sends them angels. People makes fun of that, sometimes, "angels." Let me--let me just turn to something here with you, just a minute. Let's turn over here to Hebrews, just a minute. Hebrews the 4th chapter, 4th chapter, and let's... I mean, the 1st chapter of Hebrews, and let's turn to the 14th verse.
Are not all these ministering spirits, sent from... sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?
... which one of the angels did he say... Sit thou on my right hand...?
... all the angels of God...
163 Now, here the Bible comes right back and tells us here, that God sends forth angels. Glory! What are they? "Ministering spirits." Glory! Ministering spirits, sent (where?) from the Presence of God. What to do? Minister His Word. Amen! They're not to minister some theology of some denominational group, but to minister His Word. That's it. "Ministering spirits, sent forth."
164How do we know they are? The Bible
said, that, "The Word of the Lord came to the prophets." Is that right? These angels
minister His Word, through His Spirit; minister the Word, through the Holy Spirit.
And the Spirit and the Word came to the prophets, and the prophets had the Word
of God. That's the reason they could do the miracles that they did. It wasn't the
man; it was the Spirit of God in the man. The Spirit of Christ in the man, for the
Word of God. What had he done? Cleaned out every channel. God had chose him, and
he was anointed with the Holy Ghost. And it wasn't him. He never did anything till
he saw it in a vision. Elijah said, on Mount Carmel, "All this I've done at Your
command. Now, Lord, let it be known that Thou art God." Oh, glory to God!
165 I've seen it so many times,
when you see the Spirit of God strike a place, and that place get under the anointing!
If this little group in here this morning, just could just take this mind here,
get every doubt out of the way! How can you doubt any more, when you see the dead--the
dead raised up, the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear?
166 The Angel of the Lord, even His picture hanging here on the wall, has got science stumped, everywhere. What does He do? Stay right with the Word. Amen! It cuts every devil. Yes, It does. What is It? "The ministering spirits, sent from the Presence of God," to anoint the speakers of the Word, that stays with the Word. And He confirms the Word with signs following, brings Jesus the same yesterday, today, and forever. There He is.
167How could we doubt, when He's both scientifically, materially, spiritually, every way that can be proved, He's proved here?
168What's the matter? It's in our minds.
We open our minds to the thing, say, "Well, now, I don't know whether it could be
or not. Maybe, if I feel better tomorrow." Oh, that don't have one thing to do with
169 As I've often said, Abraham might have said to Sarah... She was a past the age of--of being a woman. You know what I mean; its time of life, her twenty-eight days. See, she was sixty-five years old. She was probably past it, for fifteen, twenty years. And he said to her, maybe, the next few days, said, "You feel any different, dear?"
"Not a bit of different."
170"That don't have one thing to do with it. We're going right on, anyhow. Well, now, if you start back as a--a young woman again, we know, through that blood of life, well, then, we find out there that it's going to cushion the baby, and everything will be all right. Now, you feel any different today? It's been a month since He promised me. You feel any different, dear?"
171"Not a bit, Abraham. There's not a sign of nothing. I--I'm still just like I--I have been now for the last few years. There's not a bit of difference."
"Glory to God! We're going to have it, anyhow."
172 "Do you mean, Abraham, upon... Look, if He promised you, surely He would give us a sign this way. Surely He would give us a sign." Huh! Hallelujah!
173"A weak and adulterous generation seeks after signs." That's right. He had a sign. What was it? God's Word. That was the sign.
174How could God heal this child? God's
Word said so; if I feel a sensation, or no sensation. If I... No matter what happens,
God said so. That settles it.
175 Abraham said, "Get your bonnets and everything together, we're taking off to the land."
"Where you going?"
176"I don't know." Amen. "But, we're
going, anyhow. Here we go!" Packed up and going. Hallelujah! That's the real Word
of God. What was the hold in front of him? The promise of God, the Word of God.
"We're going to have it."
177 "Come out from amongst your people, Abraham. They're, the thing of it is, they're doubters and unbelievers. They'll have you in the same fix. Come on out. Separate yourself, and live for Me." What is it? "Leave all your conscience and senses behind you, like that. Open up your mind, and remember, it's Me. Come, live with Me." Amen.
178God is calling every Seed of Abraham,
this morning, to that same kind of a life. Great battle is on, now, worldwide. God
wants His children separating themself from what? See, taste, feel, smell, hear;
imaginations, conscience, memories, reason, affections; everything. Open up their
mind and let the Word come in, and march with the Word. That's a real soldier.
179 That's the way the stars
stand. The solar system hasn't changed; the zodiac. The morning star rises on its
post of duty, every morning, just exactly the way it did when the earth was created.
The evening star takes its place; every star. The Little Dipper, and right at the
time of season, is just exactly where it's supposed to be. The North Star stands
steady and never moves. Hallelujah! The whole thing revolves around the North Star,
all the rest of them, because it's right in the center of the earth.
180 That's Christ. Amen. He stands there, command His army like a great Captain.
181Like Moses on the mountain with his hands up, and Israel was fighting, cutting their way through, and he stood with his hands up. He stood with his hands up until the sun went down. They had to hold his hands up. That was Moses.
182He was a type of Christ. To be sure
that His hands stayed up, His hands was nailed up on the cross. Hallelujah! And
He climbed the ramparts of Glory, today, with His Bloody garments before God, at
the right hand of His Majesty There. And the battle, to every soldier, will cut
his way through. I don't care what takes place; with the Word of God, he'll cut
hisself to freedom. Amen.
183 Like a chicken in a egg, what if he's afraid to peep? What if he's afraid to pip the egg? What if the little chicken inside the egg, a little bird, was afraid to hit the eggshell? What if he would have heard a sound on the outside, say, "Don't hit that shell, might hurt yourself"? But nature itself, in the bird, tells him, "Peck it! Knock a hole in it."
184Let all the old organizations say, "Days of miracles are passed. You're going to hurt yourself. You're going into fanaticism."
185Peck right against the shell, just
as hard as you can. Hallelujah! "Satan, get away! I'm coming out of here." That's
it. "I'm not laying here, anymore. I'm not setting here, anymore. I'm not on this
old Devil's ground no more. I'm pipping my way out, this morning. Amen. I'm an eagle."
Amen! Hallelujah!
186 But that little old eagle, that triphammer neck back there, pecking against that shell. No matter how hard the shell was, it pecked right on through it. First thing you know, then, he could flop his wings a little. He was all right.
187Peck your way out. That's right. How you do it? Blasting it with, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. THUS SAITH THE LORD. THUS SAITH THE LORD." Finally, you begin to smell some fresh air. "THUS SAITH THE LORD." Got your head on the outside. "THUS SAITH THE LORD." Push hard now, you're coming out!
188He never goes back to the shell again.
Amen. He's free. Oh, my! That Word once gets set down, through all those senses
and consciences and things, to get settled down here, and that mind opens up and
lets It. O God, have mercy! There's never nothing to bondage it again. You're free.
He who the Son has made free is out of the shell. Your denomination can never call
you back. The Devil could never do anything more to you. He can hiss and howl, then.
189 But you're on the Highway,
running at high speed, oh, my, running up the King's Highway, anointed soldier of
the cross. And it's all you eagles, with faith, proclaim Jesus, the Light of the
world, run up the King's Highway. Sure. Yes, sir!
190 These are "ministering spirits," sent from the Presence of God, to be ministers, to minister (what?) His Word; not some theology, but God's Word. They are ministering spirits, sent forth from God, to minister. Ministering spirits! Oh! And, remember, if it ministers something besides the Word, it didn't come from God. Cause, "Thy Word is always confirmed in Heaven." Always, in Heaven, the Word, God watches over It. And He'll never send a spirit to minister something besides the Word.
191He'll never send a spirit with a great big D.D.D., Ph.D., and his collar turned around in the back, everything like that, say, "Well, of course, the days of miracles is passed. We all know that." No, no. That didn't come from God. It's contrary to the Word. Amen.
192He sends the ones that ministers the Spirit of the Word. Amen.
193Oh, I had about four or five more things, but I'll let it go at this time, pick it up next Sunday. All right.
Satan and his demons are anointed.
194 If these angel spirits
are anointed to bring you the Word, to cause you to believe the Word, now could
you see where you ever hear a prophet, a real prophet of God, denying God's Word?
[Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] No, sir. What happened when the organizations of
their day raised up and said, "Now, he's wrong"? He stood by himself, and stood
alone. He said, "It's right."
195 Look at Micaiah down there that day, the little holy-roller, see, son of Imlah. There was four hundred anointed, supposed to be, anointed prophets standing up there, all well fed, and fixed, and great big degrees, and highly educated and polished scholars. Said, "Go up, our loyal king. The Lord be with you. That belongs to us. Joshua give it to us. So you go up and take it. That's exactly right. You go up and take it. What..." He said, "Well, Josh-..."
196You know, Jehoshaphat said, "Isn't there another one, somewhere?" Well, they had four hundred. Why not believe the four hundred? He said, "But, surely you got another one, somewhere."
197Said, "I--I... Well, we have got one. There is another one, but, oh, I hate him." Huh! See?
198"There--there, that's the guy I'd
like to listen to, see." Said, "Bring him up. Let's see what he's going to say."
199 And so they went and told him, said, "Now, listen. You set your sermon just right, this morning, 'cause you're preaching to king. You're preaching to the... all the--the ministerial association of so-and-so, you see, of Palestine. The whole ministerial association, now, you remember, here is what they said. You say the same thing. You believe the same thing." That little...
200He--he had the wrong man there. That man done got away from this old reasoning. He done cleaned the flues out, see, his conscience.
201"And, well, why, you know what they'll do? If you'll say the same thing, I imagine they'll make you district presbyter. They probably will. They'll--they'll make you general overseer of the local district here, if you'll--you'll just agree with them." That wasn't a real man of God.
202Why, his flues had been cleaned out, all of his conscience and everything clear. His mind had opened up to the Word of God. And the Word of God, only, would he believe. That's ministering spirits. That's a ministering spirit.
203He said, "I don't know what to say now. But, I'll tell you this one thing, I'll only say what God tells me to say."
So they waited that night. He had a vision.
204 The next morning, I could imagine Micaiah looking through the Scriptures and say, "Now, let's see now. Does that vision... Now, all them men, there's something wrong here somewhere, 'cause It's contrary to what they said. Well, what'd It say? Let's see what Elijah said back here, the prophet, 'cause we know he was a prophet. See what... The Word of the Lord came to Elijah. Yeah. And what did It say? 'And the dogs shall lick your blood. Jezebel, the dogs will eat her. And 'cause of righteous Ahab... a righteous Naboth.'" He said then... When he seen that, he seen that his vision was just straight with the Word of God, then, that old Ahab had it coming to him.
205Walked right out there, said, "Go
on up, but I seen Israel..." See, he wasn't ashamed to tell his vision then, 'cause
it was the Word of the Lord. He knowed he could take that thing just perfectly.
What? He had opened his heart, his mind, to the Word of God, and the Word of God
had been revealed back, so he knowed that was perfectly the Word of God.
206 Now, you say, "Oh, if I could only be a Micaiah!" You can be. You are. You are, too, honey. [Brother Branham again speaks to the sick sister--Ed.] You're a Micaiah, the prophet. What can you do? Open your mind. What am I trying to tell you this morning? The Word of the Lord. See? Open your mind, say, "Now, you know, I do believe I can be healed." Well, what is It, then? Is It the Word of the Lord? Sure, It's the Word of the Lord.
207And this guy here says, "The days of miracles is passed. You can't do this. And you..." Forget about it. Put God first.
208Here comes the Word the Lord, and
he spoke It, and It was so.
209 Now, what did Satan do? Satan had the others anointed. Now, Satan anoints his servants. Oh, sure. Uh-huh. Sure. He anoints his servants. What does he anoint them with? With unbelief. Satan and his demons anoints humanity to disbelieve God's Word.
210Now, if you want to confirm that, you turn to Genesis 3:4. Let's just turn back there and listen to this, just a minute, and see if that ain't his first tactic. That's the first thing he did. He never leaves his same tactics. He does it all the time. Now, just see if that--that's what it is. Now, he didn't disagree with the Word. He just caused her to kind of misconstrue It a little, you know, just kind of make It sound like the way he wanted It to sound, don't take the whole Word. Now, Genesis, I got here, Genesis 3:4. Let's see if that's what that said now. All right.
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
211 "Not surely die." See
how he quoted it around? "Oh, we believe the days of miracles is passed. We don't
believe there is such a thing as people receiving the Holy Ghost like they did on
Pentecost. Oh, any way you're baptized, it doesn't make any difference." See the
Devil? See his tactics? "Well, if the doctor told you you can't get well, that settles
212 Now, not discrediting, disbelieving the doctor. The doctor is working on the line of scientific. And the doctor has done everything he can, to save the person's life. And it can't be saved, because there's nothing else he knows to do. He's at the end of his wits. The man is honest. But, now, the tree of knowledge is all right, but when you go as far as it'll go, then step off on the Tree of Life and just keep on going. Amen. That's it. It'll just work so far. Yeah.
213Now, what does Satan's tactic now? What did he say here? Now watch the 1 and the--the 2nd verse. Now let--let me read the 1st verse here, to 3.
Now the serpent was the most subtil than all, any beast of the field which the
LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, has God said, Ye shall not eat...
every tree of the garden?
214 Listen at him now, just how nasty he gets, and how he--how he whitewashes that Word. See? He's... What's he trying to do? Get into her mind. See? He's talking to her, after the Word was already fortified there.
215Now, don't you let Satan fortify nothing. See? You keep God's Word fortified in your heart. See? You do the same. Now watch, you Micaiahs.
... the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: but the...
But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst (middle, see) of the garden, God... said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest ye die.
216See, now, that's the Word. She's quoting It back to him. Now watch.
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
217 See his tactic? See? What's he trying to do? That first human being, he's trying to anoint that precious woman there, God's daughter, with an unbelief in God's Word. That's exactly what he's trying to get her to do.
218That's what he try to get you to do,
honey. [Brother Branham again speaks to the sick sister--Ed.] That's what he try
to get each one of you to do, out there, anoint you. And the only thing you have
to do now... You're a free moral agent. Now you can accept it if you want to. But
kick it out. If Eve hadn't have stopped that moment, to listen! Don't stop for nothing.
Don't stop.
219 When--when Elijah told Gehazi, said, "Take my staff, go lay it on the dead baby. And if any man even speaks to you, don't speak back. If any tries to stop you, just keep going."
220Look at the woman when she called her servant. She said, "Saddle a mule and go forward, and don't you even stop till I bid you." That's it.
221When you got the Message, keep going.
Amen. Say, "I can't walk up again. No, I'm getting weak." Just keep on going. Don't
stop. Laying everything aside, just keep cutting through. Brother, you got the Sword
in your hand, just keep chopping.
222 I went into a football stadium, one time, and was going to preach. And I stopped at the door and looked up, up there. It said, "It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog." So that's what wins the battle. See?
223You say, "Well, look. Look at all the great churches are against This."
224I don't care what size they are. It's
the fight that's in the dog, that's what counts. It's the faith that's in the individual.
If you're a coward, get back to your cuddle hole. But, brother, if you're a soldier,
stand out there. There's a battle on. Right and wrong is engaged. Let's fight.
225 Like Peter Cartwright, went into a city, said, "Lord told me to--to come in here and have a revival." He rent an old storeroom, got in there and begin to clean it up.
226And the big bully of the town, the pistol hanging on his side, walked down. Got doors... Some of them, said, "What's that guy doing down there?"
227Said, "He's a preacher. He's going to have a meeting, he said."
228"Well," he said, "guess I'll just
have to go down and throw him out in the street, and run him out of here. That's
all. We don't want no meetings around our place."
229 So he goes down there, stomped the door. And Peter Cartwright had his coat on, you know, and he was just washing the windows and walls down. A little bitty fellow, you know.
230The old preacher laughed at him, you know, for eating chicken with his hands; which is etiquette today, you know.
231So he was just washing the windows and fixing around. The big bully walked over, pulled his coat back, pistol hanging on his side, said, "What are you doing?"
232"Oh," he said, "I'm washing windows." And just kept on washing the window, you know. He had one purpose. God told him to hold a revival. Washing the windows, on down.
He said, "We don't allow revivals around here."
233 He said, "Oh, but the Lord told me to--to hold this revival." See? He just kept on, out at his work. See? See?
234"Well," he said, "there's one thing you--you have to understand." He said, "I run this town around here."
235He said, "Oh, you do?" And just kept on washing the windows, you know.
236He said, "Before you have a revival, you have to whip me first."
He said, "Oh, I do? Well, I'll just do that next then."
237He just took off his coat. Walked over there, and reached by the collar, and knocked him down on the floor, and jumped up on top of him. Said, "I must fight, if I should reign. Increase my courage, Lord." Pound the tar out of him.
Said, "You got enough?"
238He said, "Yes." He got up and shook
his hand. He got saved that night, in church.
239 There you are. See? It's, take the Word of God and cut your way through every doubt. See it? Sure, that's it. That's the next job, let's get it done. Right. Next thing I'm to do is get away from my doubts, cut it down. That's my next job, is get all my flusterations away. If my senses tell me, "Well, you feel bad," the next thing to do is cut that thing away. That's right.
240You say, "Well, you... They tell me
that... You know, my conscience tell me, Brother Branham, that I..." Well, you might
as well cut that thing away. You ain't going to get no farther than that. Just get
your next job done. Take off your coat and bare right into it. Just keep on going.
One objective, "I'm going to win." Amen. "I can't lose. I'm going to win." Amen.
241 Satan anoints. See? What's his first tactic? What was his first place to get? The mind. She stopped for a moment, to listen to what he said. "Oh, you don't say so?"
242That's where a many little female
has made her mistake, and a many a little male made his mistake; right, stopped
for a moment, just stopped for a moment. How many times have I seen divorce cases
and things come up, on that.
243 "Well, I tell you, Brother Branham, he whistled like the 'wheet-whew', you know, and I stopped, and, honest, I--I didn't mean to." Uh-huh. There you are.
244"Oh, she, I was setting across the
table from her. She--she had the prettiest eyes!" See? Uh-huh. See it? That's it.
245 The Devil does the same thing. "Oh, the doctor told me I couldn't get well, so I..." There you are, same thing, see, the greatest battle that ever was fought.
246"Well, they tell me. I seen So-and-so claim to have the Holy Ghost." Yeah, you looked at some old hypocrite. How about them that really had It? Uh-huh. Yeah. The Devil will point you to some old crow bait, but he won't show you the real dove. Uh-huh. That's right. He won't show you that, and he'll keep that blinded from you.
247Oh, he's a warrior, too, remember.
But great is our... "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world."
But hold to God's Word; believe It, you captains of the army here. Hold your fort,
brother. That's right, hold your post of duty.
248 So, I had a little girl here, one time. The lady may be setting here now. Her name was Nellie Sanders. One of the first times I ever seen a devil cast out. We lived, now, if I can just get the place; and be just about three blocks up here, beyond the graveyard. And I had just become a preacher, and I was preaching right here on this corner, with a tent meeting.
249And that little girl was one of the
best dancers. She went to high school down here, and her and Lee Horn. And many
of you here in town know Lee Horn down here, runs the pool room. And so they, her
and Lee Horn, was the best dancers there was in the country. He's Catholic, himself.
Course, religion didn't mean nothing to them, so then... Nellie and them. So, she
was a great dancer, and he was, too. And they had this here dance called the "black
bottom," and "jitterbugs," and all them things. And she was the... Them two was
the best in the country.
250 One day, she staggered in up here, one night, to the meeting. There she fell down, at the altar, little Nellie. Bless her heart. She laid there at the altar. She raised up her hand. And she cried, and the tears running down her cheeks. She said, "Billy..." She knew me. She said, "I want to be saved, so bad."
251And I said, "Nellie, you can be saved. Jesus already saved you, girl. You have to accept it now upon the basis of His Word."
252And she stayed there. And she cried,
and she prayed, and she told God she would never listen to the things of the world
again. All at once, a lovely sweet peace come over her soul. She raised up from
there, shouting and praising God, glorifying God.
253 And about six or eight months after that, she was coming down Spring Street, one night.
254Now, just a young girl, she was just in her teenage, about eighteen years old. And she come to me, and she said, "Hope..." That was my wife, the one that's gone on. She said, "I wish I looked like Hope and Irene." She said, "You know, they never did get out in the world." Said, "The world puts a mark on you." Said, "I got a rough look." Said, "Now, I quit wearing make-up and stuff, but I look so rough. Even my cast, in my face," she said, "I look rough." She said, "They look so innocent and tender." Said, "I wish I'd have never done that."
255I said, "Nellie, the Blood of Jesus
Christ cleanses from all sin, honey. Go on, believe it."
256 Wayne Bledsoe, many of you know him here, a bosom friend of mine, and years and years. He was a drinker. And he come up here with my brother, Edward. And he got drunk down here in the street, and I picked him up, 'cause cops was going to get him. And I brought him up here. And I was a preacher and lived up here, my mama and papa's, way 'fore I was married. And I took him, put him in the bed in there. I sleep, slept on a duofold. There was a big bunch of Branham's, you know, ten of us. And so we had about four rooms, and we had to kind of double up, a little. So, I had an old duofold I slept on. I pulled it out like this, and--and put Wayne to bed with me. Drunk, had to pack him in the house and lay him down.
257And I was laying there. I said, "Wayne,
aren't you ashamed of yourself, like that?"
258 And he said, "Uh, Billy, don't talk to me like that." And then I put my hand over. I said, "I'm going to pray for you, Wayne. God bless you." And I had been saved about, oh, I guess about, maybe a year.
259And so then, all at once, a--a cab, slammed the door outside, and somebody knocking real hard. "Brother Bill! Brother Bill!" [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.]
260Thought, "My, goodness, somebody must be dying." I jumped up, the door; grabbed my old thing there, throwed around my pajamas, like this; and covered Wayne up. Run to the door.
261It sounded like a woman. I opened the door, and this young girl standing at the door. She said, "Oh, can I come in?"
I said, "Come in." And I turn the lights on.
262And now she was just crying like that,
and she said, "Oh, Brother Billy, I'm--I'm--I'm gone! I'm gone!"
263 I said, "What's the matter, Nellie? You got a--got a heart attack?"
264She said, "No." She said, "Brother Bill, I was coming down Spring." She said, "Honest, Brother Bill! Honest, Brother Bill, I didn't mean no harm. I didn't mean no harm."
265I said, "What's the matter?" I thought, "What am I going to do with her now?" I didn't know what to do. I, just a young fellow. And I...
266Said, "Oh, Brother Bill," said, "I'm just--I'm just--I'm just all to pieces."
I said, "Now, quieten down, sis. Tell me all about it."
267And she said, "Well," she said, "I
was coming down the street, and the Redman's Hall..." And they used to have Saturday
night dances there. And she said, "I had some stuff, that I was going home to make
me a dress." And she said, "I heard that music." And she said, "You know," said,
"I stopped just a minute." And said, "It kept getting better. So I thought, 'You
know, it won't hurt if I stand right here.'"
268 That's where she made her mistake, stopped for a moment. She just listened.
269Said, "Well, I'm going to think." Said, "O Lord, You know I love You, though." Said, "You know I love You, Lord. But I can sure remember the time when Lee and I used to win all the--the cups, and so forth." Said, "My, I remember that old music used to attract me. It don't now."
270Uh-oh, uh-oh! You just think it don't. It's already got you, right there. That's just as good as he wants, right there. See?
271How many ever knowed Nellie Sanders? Well, I guess a whole lot of you. Yeah. Sure. So they--they was--they was...
272Said, she said, "Well, you know what?" Said, "Maybe if I walk up on the steps up there," said, "maybe I'll be able to testify to some of them."
273Oh! See, you're right on the Devil's ground. Stay out of it. "Shun the very appearance of evil."
274But she walked up, the top of the steps, and stood there a few minutes. And first thing you know, she was in some boy's arms, out on the floor.
275Then she come to herself. And she
was standing there, crying and going on, said, "Oh, I'm lost now, for good."
276 I thought, "Well, I don't know too much about the Bible, but I believe Jesus said this, 'In My Name they shall cast out devils.'" I...
277And Wayne had done sobered up, a little bit, and was setting there, watching. See? So I said, "Now, devil, I don't know who you are, but I'm telling you now, this is my sister, and you ain't got no business with holding her. She didn't mean to do that. She just stopped for a minute." That's where she made her mistake, though. I said, "But you're going to have to come out of her. You hear me?"
278And so help me, God, at the Judgment Bar, know. That screen door begin to opening and shutting, by itself. "Plumpity, plumpity," there at the door. "Pump, ka-plump, ka-plump." I thought.
And she said, "Bill, look at there. Look at there."
And I said, "Yeah. What is that?"
She said, "I don't know."
I said, "Neither do I."
279 And the door went "pumpity-pump, ti-pump," shutting like that. I thought, "What's the matter here? What's the matter?"
280I looked again, like that. And I said, "Leave her, Satan! In Jesus' Name, come out of her!"
281When I said that, it looked like a great big bat, about this long, rose up from behind her, with long hair hanging down out of its wings and off of its feet, like that. Was going, "Oooooh." Started right towards me, just as hard as it come.
282I said, "O Lord God, the Blood of Jesus Christ protect me from that."
283And Wayne jumped up in the bed, looked.
And here it was, like a big shadow, circled around, and went over and went down
behind the bed. Out of the bed went Wayne, in the next room, as hard as he could.
So we...
284 I got Nellie and took her home. And come back, and I couldn't...
285Mom went in there and shook the sheets and everything. There wasn't nothing in that bed. What was it? A devil went out of her. What happened? She stopped for a moment. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit two times--Ed.] That's all.
286Don't stop, at all. When God sinks His Word in your heart, just take that Sword and start chopping and cutting. Hallelujah!
287"I ain't got time to wait for nothing
else. Just crossed over, I haven't got time to even settle down."
288 He said, "Well, and take my staff and lay it on the baby. And if anybody speaks to you, don't even speak to them."
289If the Devil says, "Hey, you know what you're feeling?" Don't even speak to him. Just keep going.
290The Devil, you know, the Devil say,
"But you know what? You know, So-and-so, when they got the Holy Ghost, you remember
they--they almost lost their mind." Don't even speak to him. Just keep on going.
You don't know about So-and-so.
291 It's you and God. That's right. Keep God. He anoints His servants. I got to hurry. God anoints His servants. See?
292Now I got to bypass a few notes here, but I'd like to say this. Here, listen now, close.
293Little lady, listen close now. [Brother Branham again speaks to the sick sister--Ed.]
294Here we see the tactics of the Devil.
How do we do? Now, I've got a lot of Scriptures here, of prophets and things, where
he come to them, and different peoples through the Bible, and done the same thing.
It's always his tactic, is to try to get the people to disbelieve God's Word. Listen,
you soldiers of the cross. When you disbelieve one Word of God's written Bible,
you're disarmed.
295 Believe that, honey? [Brother Branham again speaks to the sick sister--Ed.]
296You're disarmed. You surrender, you jellyfish. Put on the full armor of God. Amen. We're in a battle. What God said is true. "Every man's word is a lie." See? But as soon as you... gets you to listen to one thing, that's his tactic, you're disarmed.
297How many things did Eve have to listen
to? One. She was disarmed right then. What did the Devil do? Swept right in through
her mind, into her spirit, and there she was perverted. Is that right? She was perverted
the very minute that she was disarmed, when she disbelieved God's Word. All right.
Here we see his tactics.
298 God's soldiers are commanded
to "Put on the full armor of God." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Now, if you want to write that Scripture down, it's found in Ephesians 6:10 and
13. See? We read it a while ago. It's our text. All right. Notice. "Put on the full
armor of God." Let's... Have you got a few minutes time? ["Amen."] Let's go back
here just a minute. Let's just see what the full armor of God is. All right. Let's
begin at the 10th verse. Now, listen close now. Let's find the full armor of God.
"Finally, my brethren..." Now, I know I'm going... I'm...
299 It's twenty minutes, right
now, to twelve, just about. I--I don't... I didn't want to teach you too long, today,
but I--I may not have but just about one more Message till I take some of my trips
for the summer, you see.
300 And you know what? You know why I'm doing this? I'll tell you. The other day I had a dream. I wasn't going to tell it, but it's just on my mind. I might as well do it, after the Lord has give me interpretations.
301I dreamed that I was fixing to cross a great river, for mission work. And now, first, I was up there with my wife...
302And how many ever knowed George Smith,
six-second Smith, here in town? George Smith, his boy is on the police force here.
He, poor George, is an alcoholic now. But he was one of the best fighters. He was
the one give me my training, 'fore even went to the Y.M.C.A. and anywhere. He used
to train us. And he was fast, real fast. He was only a welterweight, for hundred-forty-five
pound. And he trained me. And used to stand up there, and he could take his fist,
like that, and hit me right in the stomach, raise me up against the wall, see, but,
and it wouldn't bother me. He just had me trained, there wasn't nothing but just
303 And then I--I dreamed, the other night, that I seen six-second Smith. Now, it wasn't a vision. It was a dream. And I seen six-second Smith, a young fellows coming against him, in wrestling. And he, that old man, about, oh, I guess... I'm fifty-two. He's about fifty-eight, sixty. There wasn't any of them young guys could touch him, in any way. He just tie them in a knot, like that, just lay them on the floor and hold them with his hand.
304I thought, "That's strange." I thought my wife was with me, and I said, "That's strange." I said, "You know what, Meda? He used to be my trainer."
She said, "I--I remember that, you telling me about it."
305I said, "Yes, sir. With his good training,
I won fifteen professional fights, and quit the--the business; preach the Gospel.
306 Just then it changed, and I was starting across a--a water. But when I was going, I was going by a power boat. I looked over, and there set two of my brethren setting there, in a canoe, getting ready to go with me. I said, "You can't do that, brethren. Huh-uh. I must go alone."
307And the boatman come up, and he said, "Here's you a boat," a real white plastic canoe.
I said, "Naw. Huh-uh. Not that."
308He said, "Well, you can run up this way with it, fifty miles an hour."
I said, "But I got to cross that way." See?
"Well," he said, "get with them guys."
309I said, "They're not boatmen. They don't know enough about that. They're enthused. They can't shoot that. They'll both drown out there. They just can't do it."
And he said, "Are you... can you trust..."
310I said, "Listen, I--I know more about
boats than they do, and I wouldn't try to shoot it with that, just that kind of
material." I said, "It's got to take a power boat to cross that." I said, "It'll
take something greater than that."
311 And I see him look around, to one of the brethren, and said, "Are you a boatman?"
The brethren said, "Yes." See?
I said, "That's wrong."
312And the boatman come back. He said, "Tell you what you do." Said, "They love you. They believe you. But," said, "if you try to cross in the power boat, they'll try to follow you in that canoe. They'll both die, see." Said, "They can't follow you."
And I said, "Well, what must I do?"
313And this boatman at the dock, he said, "You go back up there." Said, "There's only one little storehouse in all this country, one little storehouse. And just lay in plenty of supply," said, "and they'll stay here. They'll--they'll stay here while you are--while you are gone. But," said, "you'll have to lay in supplies."
314And I was just ordering all kinds of cabbages, and turnips, and radishes, and things, pile them in there like that. Then I woke up.
315I didn't know what it was, but I do
now. See, we're laying in the supplies, brethren. This is a life that you have to
walk alone.
316 Leo, you remember the dream you had that time when you first come here? [Brother Leo Mercier says "Amen."--Ed.] About the pyramid, and you thought you'd come up in there. I said, "Leo, no man gets up here. God has to put a man up here. You climbed every physical realm that could be climbed." I said, "You can't come here, Leo. See? Go back down. Just tell the people that it comes from God." See? See?
317It's something that you--you can't
depend upon, as good as brethren and sisters, and my church and everything, and
good as other churches are, and brethren, everywhere.
318 Now, I cannot keep away from the church out there. Somebody says, "Well, why do you go out with them people, them trinitarians, all this, that, and the other, and the oneness, and Jesus Name, and all these other things there? Why you mix up with them for, at all?" They are mine. No matter what they've done, they're mine. They're my pulpit.
319When Israel had done so evil, until God even told Moses, said, "Separate yourself. I'll start a new--new tribe with you."
320Moses throwed hisself in the way, said, "Before You take them, take me."
321No matter what they had done, that's
who I'm sent to. He sends a Light, not to shine where there's Light. Where there's
darkness, that's where Light belongs. And you've got to get with the people. You've
got to stand with them, regardless, you got to, in their wrong.
322 Israel was wrong as wrong could be. They were so wrong till God give them up. But, Moses, I've always wondered how that ever come, but the Spirit of Christ in Moses. See?
323See, we're all wrong. He stood for all of us when we was in our wrong.
324No matter how wrong they are, let's
not disfellowship or disassociate ourselves with anything. As long as we can win
a soul, let's go in with "wise as serpent, as harmless as dove," see, and try to
win every soul that we can.
325 Now, this is what I'm
saying this morning, is storing Food. Storing Food, so that you'll have something
to eat, so that you'll have something to feast upon. Get It on your tapes. Set in
the cool of the room. Maybe, when I'm a long ways away, you'll still remember these
things are true. Set in your room and listen. See? And this is Food, storing in,
in the storehouse. I don't know where the trip is. But, wherever it is, He knows
where He's leading; I don't. I just follow.
326 Now, what did he say here now? Listen closely.
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
... be strong... in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,...
Shooting bullets and cut with knives, see, that's not it.
... but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of... darkness
of this world,...
327 "The rulers of darkness." Who rules the world? The Devil. Certainly. Who is all these things going on, all these ungodly things going on, around through here, and these governments, and so forth? It's all the Devil. The Bible said so. The Devil controls in United States. The Devil controled Germany. The Devil controls every nation in the world. I'm coming to it, just in a few minutes, and we'll find out whether he does, or not. Whether... Every kingdom ever was and ever will be, until God sets up His kingdom, is controlled by the Devil.
328I don't mean everybody in it is the
Devil, now. There's godly men in--in government offices.
329 There's going to be one here in a few nights, right here, to show a picture here with Brother Arganbright, here at the place. He's been the diplomat to about five different presidents, Brother Rowe. And he's a... He'll be here, I think it's about second week in April. Brother Neville will announce it. And he's a wonderful man.
330He said he could speak in eight different languages, I believe. But when he received the Holy Ghost, he didn't have no language he could talk to the Lord, so the Lord just give him one, he said, so he talk to Him with that one. Give him a new one, that he never had practice on. All right.
... spiritual wickedness in high places.
331Now listen, all ye soldiers now, just before we start the prayer line.
... take unto your... unto you the (w-h-o-l-e) whole (not just part of it)... the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,...
That's the day we're living in.
... and having done all, to stand.
332Amen. Get that? See, honey? [Brother Branham again speaks to the sick sister--Ed.] When you've done all you can do, to stand, then stand. Don't move.
Stand therefore, having your loins...
333Listen at this. Listen here, what this is. "Your loins." That's your middle part, here, see.
... girded about with truth,...
334What is the Truth? The Word of God. That's right. "Thy Word is Truth." All right.
... and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
335That is, "Do what's right." Got the Word of God in you, doing what's right. "The breastplate of righteousness."
And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
336Go anywhere, any place, any time, feet shod with the Gospel. See? And look:
Above all, above all of it, take the shield of faith,...
337That's the one that knocks off the darts, see, "The shield of faith."
... wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
And take the helmet of salvation,...
338That's the soul... The mind--the mind, in here, the head; covers over the head.
... and the--and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
339 How you going to let this
helmet, what's it does? It's a protection. What is a helmet made out of? Brass.
Brass can't even be tempered; hard, harder than iron. A brass headpiece, (the what?)
the salvation, knowledge of knowing this, "And my healing comes from God. My salvation
comes from God. My experience matches His Word, not the churches idea, the Word!"
Amen. There you are. Covered over, with a protection, the helmet of salvation, deliverance.
Take that, then go marching forward. Oh, now, now that's what we're supposed to
do. Satan's army...
340 Now watch, now, we... I just got to hurry, but I--I got to get this in.
341Satan's army brings diseases. That's what Satan is, he's a destroyer. Satan, the whole kingdom of Satan, is sickness, death, and sorrow, and flusterations, and worry, all on Satan.
God is Life, faith, joy, peace, over here. See?
342Now, that's the two great forces that's coming together right now. They're battling. They're battling right here in the building right now. They battle, day by day, with you, every force.
343Satan, following you along, that great, big, kingly, priestly Goliath trying to scare the liver out of you. He's right, but God...
344You're fortified, amen, with the Gospel,
with the Word of Truth around your loin. Glory! Preacher, that's what it is. Helmet
of salvation; the shield of faith; and the Sword, waving It in your hand! "Satan,
I'm coming to meet you. You meet me in the name of science. You meet me in the name
of--of culture. You meet me in the name of organization. You meet me in the name
of this, that, or the other. But I meet you in the Name of the Lord God of Israel.
I'm coming after you. Give away!" Even death itself can't stand there. Chop a hole
right through it. That's right.
345 Satan's army brings diseases, and God's army is commissioned to cast them out. Amen. There you are. Every time Satan throws any on, onto you, God's army is to cast him out. Amen. Cast out!
346That's the very technique that God used. Satan used the army of destruction, to disbelieve God's Word, and set him up a better kingdom than Michael had, and God cast him out.
347God's method, is, cast out the evil.
Cast down reasoning. Cast down superstition. Cast down worry. Cast down diseases.
Cast down sin. Amen. You're above it, resurrected in Christ Jesus, setting in Heavenly
places, with every devil under your foot. If he starts to stick his head in there,
348 You know, you are dead.
Your life is hid. What is dead? You're dead to your senses. You are dead to your
conscience. Your own human will would say, "Yes, I guess I..." Dead to your reasoning.
Dead to all those things. And you are buried in the Name of Jesus Christ; and raised
with Him. And wherever He is, there you are also.
349 What happened when them, one of them doubters, got in Heaven? God kicked him out. And what did He say to the soldiers that's raised in Christ? "When a devil comes along, kick him out. Cast him out." When Jesus trained His army, and commissioned them to the ends of the world, "Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow the believers, My soldiers. In My Name they shall cast out devils; speak with new tongues; take up serpents, or drink deadly things, it wouldn't harm them; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."
Onward, Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
350"I'm crucified with Him, nevertheless
I live; not me that live, but He that liveth in me." The Word going on, before,
God cutting away, with His sharp two-edged Sword.
351 Then, no wonder, when Grant took Richmond, and that little southern woman seen Grant coming in, the inspiration struck her. And she said:
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is tramping out the vintage where the grapes with wrath are stored;
He's loosed the fateful lightning with His terrible swift sword;
His troops are marching on.
352 Amen. How did Grant take Richmond? Just as he come to it. Amen. That's how he took Richmond.
353That's how God's soldiers take sin,
sickness; just as they come to it. Amen. That's the way they overcome their doubts,
and fears, and things. When one rises, they chop him down. "Move out of the way!"
Oh, my! That's it. God cast them out, like He did in Heaven. Our great Chief Captain
showed us how it was done. Amen.
354 Roy Roberson and Brother Funk, many of you old veterans here, you know what a real captain is.
355One time I... this little Jeffersonville
fire department down here. Pfau's place caught on fire. And here was Jeffersonville
fire department standing down there, and the captain walking around, said, "Spurt
a little water up here." "Sp-sp-sp-sp," like a little hose out here. Here come the
Clarksville up, "Spurt a little water over here." "Sp-sp-sp." Pfau's building burnt
356 They called Louisville. Here come trained men. Oh, how them sirens rang across there!
357And here is a chief captains along here, of these fire department, say, "Spurt a little water up here. Spurt a little water down here." Untrained men.
358Brother, as soon as that engine stopped, who was at the head of the ladder? The captain. When that ladder went up, he went with it. When he struck the window, he hadn't got to the window yet. He grabbed his ax and throwed it through the window, and said, "Come on, boys." And the fire was out, in a few minutes. A captain!
359It's not a captain, say, "Spurt a little water here. Try a little bit here."
360But, "Come on, boys!" Amen. He led the way. He showed us how it's done.
361I thought, "That well-trained fire
department, they had that fire out in a few minutes." Why? They had a captain there
that knowed what he was doing.
362 Brother, talk about all your theology you want to. Your man-made denominations, your organizations, play with it.
I got a Chief Captain that told me how to do it.
Say, "Well, if I can smell it, feel it." Oh, nonsense!
363Here is the way the Chief Captain said it's done, in Luke the 4th chapter. I ain't got time to read it. Read it, yourself. All right. Luke the 4th chapter, begin at the 1st verse.
364He never said, "Now I'll tell you. You go over here and you make a great organization. You get presbyters, and deacons, and, or get cardinals, and bishops, and you get this." He never said that.
365When Satan met Him, he said, "Now You're hungry. Turn these stones into bread."
He said, "It's written..."
366He said, "Up here, we'll take You up here and show You something."
"But it's written..."
"I'll do this, if You do it."
"It's written..."
367 That's how the Chief Captain
said it was done. How is it done, sister? "It's written, 'If they lay hands on the
sick, they shall recover.'" "It's written, 'In My Name they shall cast out devils.'"
Amen. What is it? "It's written!" That's the Captain's orders. "It is written, 'Whosoever
heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life.' It's written!
It's written! It's written!" That's the--that's the orders. That's the soldier.
That's the way. That's the artillery we move up.
368 What did he do? He walked right up there, to a Goliath. He showed a... How did David show a army how it was done? How did a David show Israel how it was done? David means "beloved, saviour." See? How did David do it? He said, "Here's the way it's done. Trust in the Word of the Lord."
369And Goliath come out there, said, "You know what? I'll pick you up on the end of this spear, and I'll feed you to the birds."
370He said, "You meet me as an organization. You meet me as a modern scientist. You meet me with your great big fourteen-foot sword. You meet me with a helmet of brass, and with a piece of shield that I couldn't even lift off the ground. You meet me as a trained warrior. You meet me with Ph.D, and L.L.D. and double L.D. You meet me in all these things. But I come in the Name of the Lord God of Israel, and today I'll cut your head from your shoulders." Amen. That little bitty wart coming out there against that giant, but he knowed where he was standing.
Israel, just shaking back there, "Oh, poor little fellow."
Goliath said, "I'll show you who I'll do." And here he come.
371 He had f-a-i-t-h, see, i-n J-e-s-u-s, five rocks, five stones. One little stone in there, to start it off with. Whirling it around like that, the Holy Ghost got a hold of the rock, and away it went. Goliath went to the ground. That's the way it's done.
372That's the way Jesus said, what He
said. "Now, if you brethren that's going out on the field, if you want to know how
to conquer these devils, I'll show you how it's done."
373 Satan said, "I'll meet you." Goliath, "I'll show You what I can do. You're hungry. If You are the Son of God, I'll challenge You. You say You're the Son of God. I'll challenge You. If You're the Son of God, turn these stones into bread. Eat; You're hungry. And if You are the Son of God, You have power to do it."
374He said, "But it's written, now, 'Man shall not live by bread alone.'" Oh, that's the way the Chief Captain did it.
Took Him up on top of the pinnacle of the temple. He said, "If You cast Yourself down," said, "You know it's also written..."
375Said, "Yeah." Said, "It's written,
again, 'Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God.'" See what He called Himself? "The
Lord thy God." Uh-huh. "'Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God,' it's written, again,
like that." See? Oh, my!
376 What did He do? He defeated
him, with the Word of God. The tactic of the Devil is to get you to disbelieve God's
Word. And the Chief Captain said, "Take God's Word and do It. In My Name they shall
cast out devils."
377 Oh, Satan, their chief
captain, oh, yeah, you know, some of these denominations try to get you believe
he's got a forked hoof, you know, and a split tail, and all that stuff. Don't you
believe it. He ain't that way. No, sir, brother. He's a slicker. Don't you believe
he's got that. They just do that to scare you away. That's not the Devil. The Devil
don't have a hoof, to begin with; I doubt it very much. He just is a spirit. The
Devil is a spirit. He don't have forked hoofs and things, like you try to picture
him. No, no.
378 But, he's wise. Brother, he's a real wise man, educated to the spot, always has been, in worldly wisdom. Oh, yeah. He's beautiful. Organized his army with worldly wisdom, till, brother, don't you try to--try to speak your words. You better know what you're talking about when you meet one of these guys, saying, "The days of miracles is passed." No, he ain't got--he ain't got a split hoof. He's, oh, he's--he's--he's right out of the seminary. He's polished, brother. I mean, he's smart, Ph.D., L.L.D., Q.U.S.T., and all the rest of it. See? All in there, he's just as smart as he can be. Wise, sure, he is a serpent, sneakingest of all of them. Hair slicked down, brother, and, I mean, dressed, and not a wrinkle in the coat. Smart, just as wise and shrewd as he can be. That's right.
379Don't you fool with him unless you know what you're talking about. That's right. Oh, but we know his old--his old tactics. We know what he's trying to do: get us to disbelieve God's Word.
380And he hasn't got forked hoofs. No,
no, no. Now, we find out that if he hasn't got forked hoofs, then he must be something
else. He's a slicker. He's wisdom, educated, organized. Brother, he's got his army
381 Look, one time, over in
Switzerland. I just can't find a place to stop, folks. There's a--a... Over in Switzerland,
there come this German army, mar-... with the aliens coming in. Why, it looked like
a brick wall; every man trained, every spear setting out like this, eight or ten
feet in front. And they come up to poor little Swiss up there, what'd they have?
They were armed with the--with the blades out of their sickles, sticks and rocks,
and there they stood. They'd backed them up. Right across the hill was their homes.
Here the Swiss army went out to meet them. They hadn't done nothing to them. They
just come in and take their land.
382 What in the world has this child done, just a kid? Satan, that's who it is, would take her life if he could. Certainly. There he is; prematurely. See?
383The Swiss hadn't done anything. They were good people. They were trying to defend their homes, but they stood out there to defend. After while, there was one by the name of Arnold von Winkelried. Here come this army. They was all surrounded. Said, "What can we do?"
384Everywhere, just oceans of men, well-trained.
That's the way Satan does it. Well-trained, his spear pointing right out, each man
in step; one, two; one, two; just pulling in on this little army. Just--just keep
walking, that's all they had to do, and just pick them, every one, on the swords.
The spears go right on through them. That would have ended the Swiss army. That
would have been all. Right over the hill was their homes and loved ones. Their women
would have been ravished and raped, and their young daughters, and children killed,
and homes burnt, and everything, food taken, cattle and stuff, gone. There they
385 What happened? Inspiration struck one by the name of Arnold von Winkelried. He said, "Men of Switzerland, this day I die for Switzerland." Amen. "This day I die for Switzerland."
They said, "What will you do?"
386He said, "You just follow me and fight
with all you got." He stood up there; throwed down his spear, a little stick he
had in his hand, like that. And screamed out, with his hands up, like that, and
run towards that, hollering, "Make a way for liberty!" Run as hard as he could go,
right to the army. And, when he did, he grabbed every one of the spears that he
could, and throwed them right into his breast like that, and died.
387 He told them, 'fore he left. Said, "There's a little home over yonder, a wife and some babies, that I'm leaving, a little home that I've just bought." And said, "I--I love them, but, today, I die for Switzerland. He give my..." He said, "I give my life to save the nation." And that was a hero. They haven't had a war since. That, that ended it.
388It routed that army, with that heroism
so displayed, till there wasn't... The--the army was so confused. The Swiss rolled
rocks on them, and run them out of the country; and never been back since. That's
been hundreds of years ago. See? Why? That was a great deed.
389 But, oh, brother, one day, when the ignorance, superstitions, doubt, flusterations, and fears, had God's people backed into the corner. There was One named Jesus Christ, "This day I die for the people." That's right.
390What did he say to his army? "Follow me and fight with everything you got. If you got a club, fight with a club. Don't be afraid. You got a stick, fight with a stick. You got a rock, fight with a rock, whatever you got."
391That's what our Chief Captain says
today. "I took the Word of God, and I defeated the Devil and his power." He chopped
him to ribbons, amen, with that Word. Now, whatever you've got, if you just got
one Word, "The Lord thy God that healeth thee," chop him. Follow. Amen. Follow our
Captain. Yes, sir. He chopped him up.
392 Satan, with his big, beautiful kingdoms, and more beauty, and everything, all up-to-date. Don't have nothing to do with us. That's right. He's still the most subtle of all the beasts of the field. Yes, sir. Jesus said that the children of this world were wiser than the children of the Kingdom of God.
393Now, these two great conflicts. We're
going... I got... have to close. These two great conflicts are coming together right
now. Right now is the hour when sickness and things has struck the world, till medical
science is stumped, and everything is stumped. There's nothing, and--and we'll just...
And the army, the little army of God, is being backed into the corner and everything.
Brother, it's time for another Arnold von Winkelried. It's time, time for another
man of God to stand forth. It's time for an Elijah to appear. It's time for something
to take place.
394 God's army, close up your mind. Don't stop for a minute, to think of anything the Devil has got to offer you through your senses. But remember, God's Word can never fail.
395These two great armies! When the enemy
comes in like a flood, as is coming today, what did God say He'd do? "The Spirit
of God would raise up a standard against it." Are you one of them? Yes, sir.
396 We are taught in James
4:7... I don't have time to read it. James 4:7, to, "Resist the Devil, and," he
just won't walk away, but, "he'll flee." "Resist the Devil." How do you resist the
Devil? The same way our Chief Captain told us to do it. Take the Word of God. That's
how you resist the Devil, is by the Word of God. The Chief Captain told us just
how it was done. All right.
397 Now, in closing, I want to say this. That old Devil, now, you think he's brazen. You think he'll attack a child? He'll attack anything. He attacked Jesus Christ. He come at Him, with three wild attacks. Did you know that? Satan didn't just only attack once. He'll attack you with a disease, then here he'll come back and attack you, tell you, "Days of miracles is past. You didn't get healed. There's nothing to It." You know that's right?
398He attacked Jesus three times. Three
wild attacks, he run in on Jesus, with his unbelief in God's Word. Jesus was the
Word. Sure, he didn't believe it. "If Thou be... If Thou be..." Here he come, wild
attacks, like sometimes the enemy today. Here they come, said, "If Thou be the Son
of God, show me a miracle. Let me see it done." Brother, three wild attacks he flew
in, "If Thou... If Thou be..."
399 Now, what did Jesus? Jesus
was the Word of God. He was the Word. He attacked the Word. Glory! I--I'm just getting...
just feeling good, to preach now, honest I am. That's right. Jesus is the Word.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
And the Word dwelled, made flesh, and dwelled..." Jesus was the Word. What did He
do? He cut him to ribbons. Oh, my! I'm going to quit. What did Jesus do? He was
the Word. So, with the Word, He cut Satan on his wild attack. He flew in there like
a bunch of para-, storm-troopers, or something another like that, flew in on Jesus,
the Word, like that. And Jesus took that Word, and sliced him to pieces. Hallelujah!
Sure, sliced him to pieces, defeated him with the Word.
400 See his attack? Watch, listen close, this closing. His attack is what? Disbelieve God's Word, that's his attack. There, can you see the greatest battle was ever fought? There's only two forces; Satan and God. And what is Satan's weapon against you? Is to try to get you to disbelieve your Weapon. He disarms you. Let's--let's listen real quiet now. Listen. If he can get you to disbelieve your Weapon is equivalent, if he gets you to believe that your Weapon is not strong enough, he has disarmed you.
401Oh, Brother Neville, I hope we never leave that. [Brother Neville says, "I hope and pray not."--Ed.]
402Look. He's disarmed you when he gets you to disbelieve that Weapon. When you lay That down, that finishes your fight. You're done. Hold that Weapon. Don't you lay It down. We see his unbelief. Let...
One more thing I want to say now, in a minute.
403 Russia. I want to say this for the benefit of the veterans, and so forth, here, and you Bible students. What you fussing and hollering about Russia? Huh! You don't hear me telling you to build a bomb shelter, do you? What you fussing about Russia? Russia ain't nothing. They ain't going to win no wars. They ain't going to conquer no world. Communism isn't going to conquer no world. What's the matter with people? Can God's Word fail?
404Listen, this on tape now. To the world, I speak, or wherever these tapes may go. And to you people here, no matter whatever happens to me, you believe this.
405Russia, communism, isn't conquering
nothing. God's Word can't fail. Romanism is going to conquer the world.
406 Let's take Daniel's vision. That's the Word of God. "Thou, O Daniel..." "Thou, O King Nebuchadnezzar, is this head of gold," Babylon. "Another kingdom will succeed thee, which is silver," see, which was Medes-o-Persia. Another one was Greece, Alexander the Great. Next, come in, Rome. And there wasn't nothing said about a communism. Rome conquered the world.
407Jesus Christ was born in the Roman kingdom, and persecuted, His first time come here, by the Roman kingdom. And on His second Advent, Coming now, His Message is persecuted by the Roman denominations, which is the mother of all of them. And when He returns, He'll come back to wipe out that Roman kingdom, that the Jews has always looked for Him to come and wipe out the Roman kingdom.
408The Catholic hierarchy with all the
denominations in the world, right now coming together as an organization, the confederation
of churches organizing themselves together. It isn't Russia. It's Rome. THUS SAITH
THE LORD. Yeah. Show me a Scripture where communism, or anything else besides Rome,
will rule.
409 Did the Medes-o-Persia succeed Nebuchadnezzar? Sure. Did Greece succeed them? Yeah. Did Rome take them over, from there? Did it break up into ten Ottoman powers just like we got now? Did...
410Eisenhower, which means "iron." Khrushchev
means "clay." Did they have their meeting right here? And Khrushchev took off his
shoe. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] To make it a plain, open thing,
beat on the desk, like that, to show the people. [Brother Branham knocks on the
411 Well, what's the matter with the people today? Where is faith got to? Why, don't you believe the Word of God is the Truth? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And that thing is not in Here. What's the matter with the preachers today? "Communism!" Every preacher is out here trying to fight communism. Communism, nothing!
412The thing, the Devil is weaving it right under your nose, and don't know it; it's Romanism, denominationalism. And Rome is the mother of denominations. The Bible said, "She was a whore, and her daughters were harlots," against God, against His Word.
413Soldiers, pick up the Word. Angels
of mercy, stay with that Word. I'll perish one day, but this Word can't perish.
And you younger people, if it don't happen in my generation, you'll see. There's
the thing.
414 Did you hear the news
this morning? Mrs. Kennedy going, seeing the pope, and what the pope said. See,
all the religions of the world! Oh! Well, maybe we get a little more of that, next
415 See, don't worry about Russia. Russia is a small pebble on the beach. Don't you worry about communism. You watch Romanism when it's uniting with the churches. There's nothing written in the Scripture about communism ruling the world.
416And I go by the Word, regardless of
what anything else goes. It's the Word I believe. It's Romanism that takes the world.
And Romanism is the mother of organization. There never was an organization till
Rome, and every one of them come out of it. And the Bible said so, "She was the
mother of harlots." I could stay a half a day on it, again, but I guess I might
as well move on.
417 When the enemy attacks us, then, "Oh, I tell you, you ought to come join our..." What are you going to do, back down, compromise? Not a real soldier, won't. No, sir.
418What do we do then? The mind, "Let
the mind that was in Christ..." That what the Bible said? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
"The mind that was in Christ, be with you." What kind of a mind did He have? Stay
with the Word. That's right. Stay with Word, the Father's Word, and defeated the
enemy every time. Now when the enemy attacks and try to say you got to do this and
do that, what you going to do? Stay with the Word. That's right.
419 What you want to do then? Take the Word. What is the Word? The Bible said here. We just read it. For the Spirit, and of God, is the Word. See? Look here. "And take the helmet of salvation, and the Sword, the Sword of the Spirit." The Sword of the Spirit! What? The Spirit that comes in through your mind and enters into you, and the Sword of that Spirit is the Word of God.
420What does that Spirit fight with? What does the Holy Spirit fight with, sensations, feelings? [Congregation says, "The Word."--Ed.] The Word; heart! Whew! Glory! What does It fight with, feeling? Word! Word! Let's say it, Word! ["Word!"] Word! ["Word!"] Word of God is what the Spirit fights with.
421The Spirit of God walks right up to
the Devil, and said, "It is written!" Amen! "It is written!" And the Devil gives
422 What do we do? Take the Sword, which is the Word of God, pull It with (what?) a hand of faith, strong hand of faith, the two-edged Sword. The Bible said, in Hebrews 4, "It's--It's a two-edged Sword," cuts both coming and going.
423Brother, what does he do? Take the Word. Take the Spirit, let the Spirit come into your heart. Open up your mind, say, "Thy Word is true." Now, you do this, sister. [Brother Branham again speaks to the sick sister--Ed.] "Thy Word is true."
424"Lord, I ain't going to pay any attention how I feel, what anybody, self says. I'm stopping up, I'm blowing out every one of my avenues, all the flusterations, and doubts, and unbeliefs that I've ever had. Every feeling I ever had, all the sickness I ever had, everything else I ever had, I'm blowing them all out. I'm bypassing all that. I'm coming right straight to my spirit. O Lord, come down. You said You made me a free moral agent."
"You are, My son."
425 "All right, I open up my heart and my mind. Come in, Lord Jesus."
426And grab the Faith, that Sword of the Spirit, THUS SAITH THE LORD. Scream, "Hallelujah!" Amen. Then cut down every enemy in front of you. Amen. There it is. Cut every enemy. If a--a old spooky spirit making you feel all... Cut that thing away, with the Word of the Lord.
But our strength, is, "The joy of the Lord is my strength."
427 "Get away from me." Whack!
You cut him with the Word. Whether it be demon, whether it be enemy, whether it
be sickness, whether it be disease, whatever it is, take that Word and pull It with
the Sword. And if you whack it the first time, it don't seem to move, whack it again,
and whack it again, and whack it again. And whack it until you chipped a hole through,
like a little chicken pipping itself out; or an eagle, what you are. Pip yourself
right on through that old shell of sickness. Cut your way out, and say, "Hallelujah!
Where's the next one?" Amen. That's the battle. That's a soldier. That's the soldier
of the cross. Yes, sir. Knock every enemy out.
428 Why? Why? We, a predestinated, royal Seed of Abraham. When Abraham denied everything that was against God's Word, he chopped his way right through every obstacle that come in front of him. They said, "Your wife is too old." He just chopped the thing out of the way. The Devil said, "You can't do this. You can't do that." Abraham chopped it out of the way. He whacked at it, and whacked at it, until it cut itself through.
"Where next, Lord?"
429"Move your tent up here." He went up and built Him an altar up there.
430Got up there, and Satan come, said, "Now, I'll tell you, this is not the right place."
"I'll stay right here. Get off of my grounds." He said, "Hallelujah!"
431Lot said, "You better come on down here. We're having a good time down here. We all got our organization down here. Why, my wife is the head of the literary society and everything else, in the city. I tell you, you ought to come down here."
Sarah said, "Abraham..."
432 "Shut up, Sarah." Hallelujah! "Stand right here. This is where God placed me. Right here is where I stand."
433Here is where God placed me.
All hail the power of Jesus' Name!
Let Angels' prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other grounds is sinking sand,
All other grounds is sinking sand.
434Even death itself, everything else,
is sinking sand. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand.
435 "The royal Seed of Abraham." The royal Seed! Why, England's most selected army is the royalty of England, royal blood, everything. And the royal Seed of Christ is the Holy Ghost-filled Church, filled with the Holy Ghost. What? Royal Seed, by the promise, not by sensations. But, by the promise of God, they stand by the Word of God, and chop their way though, screaming, "Hallelujah!"
Even death comes and says, "He's coming up your sleeve."
436Say, "Give away, Jordan. I'm crossing
over." Cut your way right on through, to the promised Land. Amen.
437 What happens when the battle is all over? I'm closing now, sure enough. When the battle is all over, and the saints come marching Home, I want to ask you something, what happened?
438What happened when Hitler went into France? Why, they said you couldn't even see the skies, for a while, the planes. The German's goose-step. [Brother Branham goose-steps on the platform two times--Ed.] See, they was standing, passing by, celebrating a victory.
439When Stalin came to Russia, for miles
behind, each tank just a little behind the other, just bombarded Berlin till there
wasn't nothing left of it. That's all. And when they went, and these German... These
Russian soldiers celebrating, they went in with that, you know, that little funny
thing they do. I seen it on a picture, one time in London, how they come in, the
actual picture of the thing where, what happened, coming in, celebrating. Oh, my!
440 When we heard that the
war was over, we screamed, we blowed whistles. When the hero's come back, we met
them up there. They screamed. They hollered. I had a cousin was in there, said,
when he come back, all the old... The veterans that had been scarred up so bad,
they couldn't get out of the bed, so they just rolled them up on top the ship when
they come in, to see the Statue of Liberty standing up. Said, "Them great big man
standing there, they just cry, and fall right over like that, when they seen that
Statue of Liberty." Been away from home for four years, fighting, battle-shocked,
and everything else. But they knowed that wife, and sweetheart, and mother, and
dad, and children, and all that they loved, was right behind that Statue of Liberty.
It represented what they had been fighting for. Oh, the whistles blowed, and New
York went into a scream, that's all, when their heroes come marching in. That'll
be a minor thing.
441 One time when Caesar, after a great battle, he said, "I want my most famous warrior to ride by me in this great celebration of triumph over our enemy." And every one of the officers trimmed their plumes and shined their shields, and marched by, you know, like that, as--as real soldiers like that. After a while, a little, old fellow come by, cut. My! He just kind of looked up, and started on, like that. Caesar said, "Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You," not even dressed like a--an officer, said, "come here." Said, "Where'd you get them scars at?"
He said, "Out on the battlefield."
442Said, "Climb up here. You're the guy I want to set by me." Why? He showed that he had been in battle.
443O God, have mercy on a man that can
cut his hand on a sardine can and get a citation. I want to be battle-scarred. As
Paul said, "I bear in my body the marks of Jesus Christ." That's why I want to battle
on the field.
444 Someday, when our great Chief Captain shall come, Who armored us, Who give us the armor of God, the Holy Ghost, give us His Word to fight with, stand out there; when our great Chief Captain comes riding in, I want to step up on the chariot and ride up Home with Him. Don't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then when I take my little old wife by the arm, look around here and see my brethren and their wives, and their children, when we start walking down through those paradises of God, and the Angels filling the air with anthems, above like that, talk about a celebration!
445And when the battle is over, we shall wear the crown. Oh, my! Oh, soldiers of the cross, this morning, pull that arm of faith out here, and get a hold of this Weapon.
446What about it, sister, are you ready?
[Brother Branham again speaks to the sick sister--Ed.] Pull that Weapon out, say,
"God, I don't care what--what the Devil has said to me, how much anybody else has
said. This morning, I'm believing." [The sister says, "I believe, too."] "I'm believing."
447 As I said the other day,
a little... I believe a few Sunday's ago, there was a man had a dream. He dreamed
that the Devil was a little bitty old thing, run up to him. He said, "Boo!" And
he jumped back, and the Devil got bigger. "Boo!" And he jumped back, and the Devil
got bigger. Finally, the Devil got as big as he was, was going to overcome him.
He knowed he had to fight him with something, so he looked around. He couldn't find
nothing to fight him with. He just picked up the Bible. And the Devil said, "Boo!"
He said, "Boo!" right back at him, and the Devil got littler, and littler, and littler.
And, finally, he beat him to death with the Word.
448 You're a soldier, ain't you, sis? [Brother Branham again speaks to the sick sister--Ed.] Take that Word and say, "It's written." Amen. "I'm not going to die. I'm going to live. I'll set right in this tabernacle and praise God for His goodness, with the rest of them."
449You believe that, saints? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen.
Let's bow our head.
450 O Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, let it be known today that Thou art still God. No matter how much I would preach, how many things I'd say, Lord, a Word from You settles it.
451These handkerchiefs are laying here,
representing sick people. I pray, Heavenly Father, that Your blessings and power
will rest upon each of them, as I lay my hands upon them. God, in Jesus Christ's
Name, I pray that You'll anoint these handkerchiefs with Your holy Presence, for
it's written in the Word. It's nothing against the Word. But it said in the Word,
that, "They taken from the body of Paul, handkerchiefs and aprons. Unclean spirits
went out of the people, and they were healed of different diseases." Now, we're
not Saint Paul, but You're still God, and You're still the same Holy Spirit. I lay
my hands upon these handkerchiefs, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and ask that You
bless and heal each one of them.
452 And, God, laying over
here in a bed, that's been laying here, nothing but a child, just a beautiful little
girl. She can't live, Lord. Satan has done evil to her. And the beloved physicians
of this earth has tried hard, no doubt, to save the child. They just can't do it.
They're at the end of their wit. They don't know nothing else to do. But, Lord,
I'm so glad that there's another chapter written. We can turn another page, and
in this page we see the Great Physician come in. We're calling Him for counsel this
453 Now, Lord, is not it written here in Your Word, that, "These signs shall follow them that believe"? Lord, if I'm not a believer, make me one now. If this little girl is not a believer, make her one now. "These signs shall follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." It's also written, "In My Name they shall cast out devils." Lord, them--them is Your Words. It's Yours. It's Your Word. And now as Your servant...
454As You said, "If there will be two
or three of you meet together, I'll be in your midst; and if you'll agree, as touching
one thing, and ask, you shall receive it."
455 God, this child is probably the most sickest person in the building this morning, because she can't live without You, very much longer, and she's the most sickest. So, we're all, we're agreeing, as every soldier standing here. And in this group stands the royal Seed of Abraham.
456We're marching in on Satan now. And
might as well get ready to go, Satan, 'cause our armors are gleaming, the colors
are streaming; men and women holding Swords, marching forward now upon you, for
this little girl. Come out of her, Satan. Leave that child. As the army of the living
God, we defy you. Leave her, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
457 I go to lay hands upon her. And, Satan, you have bound this child, you have done this evil. I know that you're more than a match for a human being, but you're not a match for my Lord, so I come in His Name. Leave her, thou spirit of the Devil. Thou demon of sickness, come out of this child, and may she go free, from this day on. I pronounce this, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
458Now, Lord God, You Who raised the dead and proved that You were God, raise this young woman to her health and strength again, that she'll stand in this building here. The Devil is gone from her!...?... going to make her well. May she live to the glory and honor of God.
It--It has been spoken, now let it be done.
459 Is there others in here that want to raise your hands and say, "I want to be prayed for. I'm sick. I need God"? I don't know how much time we got. We got enough time to let them people pass by here. I just feel real comforting this morning now. Yeah. Yeah. I want you to come down here, Billy, and just take maybe this one section right here, on this side over here, alone. Just let this section come first, then we take the back section after that, just up to that aisle there. Then we'll just take them like that, then they won't...
460And now I want Brother Neville and
some of my ministering brothers to stand over here by me, right here, so you can
take them right down the aisle again. All right. All right. Now I...
461 How many of you has got your armor on? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
462[Brother Branham turns from the pulpit and speaks to the sister he had just prayed for--Ed.] Going to be different now. Go home, be all right now, get well.
463Amen. Oh, my! All you soldiers, pull the Sword. Pull the Sword, soldiers of the cross, marching on, marching on.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand.
All other grounds is sinking sand.
464 All right, come right along, right down on the side here. Everybody in prayer now, as they pass by.
In the Name of Jesus, heal this woman. Amen.
Pull your Sword now. Keep right to your seat, shouting.
465[Brother Branham and the ministers pray for the sick, away from the microphone, for forty-five seconds--Ed.]
Onward, Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
466 "Give away, Satan!" What's the matter, soldiers? Don't you think we can conquer? [Congregation rejoices and says, "Amen."--Ed.] He's already conquered. We are more than victors in Christ Jesus. Every devil cast out, everything else. Amen.
Come here, my brethren!...?...
I pray that you will heal!...?...
Heal my brother, Doc; heal him, Father, in Jesus' Name.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this lady. Come...?...
467Now, he took... I had to ask brothers in the back. Everywhere, the Lord...?...
468O Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth! O God, You know what's in her heart. You know all about it. I pray for both mother and daddy. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I commit...?...
In the Name of Jesus Christ, I...?...
In the Name of Jesus Christ, I...?...
469God, be with my sister. We know, years begin to creep in and cause death to want to take hold of the woman's body. Now, in the Name of Jesus...?...
470In the Name of Jesus Christ, bless this little girl, Lord. Our battles at school there, I know what she goes through. I pray You'll bless. May she pull that Sword, this morning, and walk forward!...?... That's This Book, for it, Lord. Calling Thy Name, this morning, I pray that You'll go with...?...
471God, bless my brother, granting him his request. In the Name of our Lord Jesus, I spoke it!...?...
In the Name of Jesus Christ, we offer this prayer.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, we offer this prayer.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, we offer this prayer.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, we...?...
In the Name of Jesus Christ, we offer this prayer.
In Jesus Christ's Name...?...
In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...
In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my brother.
In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...
In the Name of Jesus Christ!
In the Name of Jesus Christ!
In the Name of Jesus Christ!
In the Name of Jesus Christ!
In the Name of Jesus Christ!
472[Someone says, "Father died."--Ed.] God, help her, in Jesus' Name.
God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, we...?...
God, in the Name of Jesus!
In the Name of Jesus Christ...?...
In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my brother.
In Jesus' Name...?...
You understand now?
O God, may this go away from...?...
473In the Name of Jesus Christ, we pray!...?...
Grant sister...?...
474 O God, knowing that precious little mother, going through all this trouble, I pray, God, that You'll...?... upon her.
Pull that Sword, Ed, and go forward, in the Name of Jesus.
475O God, heal the woman. Grant his request. May he take that Sword before him, in the time of difficulty.
O God...?... this morning. I pray that You'll...?...
476Father, God, I pray that You'll heal our brother and make him well. And in the Name of Jesus Christ...?...
477God, I pray that You'd heal our sister, make her well, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
478Father, God, I pray that You would--would heal our brother.
Heal our sister, Lord!...?...
Father, in Jesus Name, heal this, our sister, Father.
479Father,...?... we pray in Jesus' Name. God, heal this woman.
O God, I pray that You...?...
480O God, bless him, Father!...?... How we love those old fellows, Lord. And I pray that You'll grant his request!...?...
481Our Heavenly Father, I pray that my brother...?... O God,...?... him, O God...?... soldier of the cross. And he will pull that Sword, this morning, and march forward.
God, we...?... Grant this, O Lord, his request.
482God, bless brother...?... I pray that You will heal him, Lord!...?... Give him the desire of his heart, in Jesus Christ's Name.
483O Heavenly Father, this little minister
of the Gospel, his throat...?... Where she has washed in pots...?... God, I pray
that You will...?... And while the great army of God is moving forward now, with
Swords raised, give her the victory, Lord. Her little husband here, Lord, who was
brought from that cancerous bed where he was laying, dying with a cancer, and the
doctors giving him up, as he went. And here he is, this morning, a little soldier
of the cross. Strengthen him, Lord, for Your service, we pray, in Jesus' Name.
484 I want that little lady...
There is something another with this little preacher here. Come up, Brother Kidd.
This man was sent home from the hospital, just recently, dying, eaten up with cancer.
[Sister Kidd says, "A year ago."--Ed.] A year ago. ["Two."] Two year ago, with prostrate.
His doctor just give him a few days to live. And one morning, we went up there,
real early, offered prayer for him, the same one just like for you, and they can't
even find a trace of it. [Congregation rejoices.] He was healed. Amen. He--he...
[Sister Kidd says, "Had to admit it."] He's got more weight now than he's ever had.
Him and his little wife has been in the fields of the Gospel, maybe before I was
born. He's here now... [Brother Kidd says, "Fifty-five years."] Fifty-five years.
Before I even come on the earth, they were preaching the Gospel. And here he is,
healed, at a age of about seventy-five or... ["Eighty-one."] Eighty-one. [Brother
Kidd says, "We'd have a revival, a two weeks meeting, preach every night."] Two
weeks revival, just held two weeks revival, and preached every night. Eighty-one
years old, healed, with cancer, when he was old.
485 All right, sister, it's your time now. You believe? [Congregation rejoices and says, "Amen."--Ed.] Onward, Christian Soldiers. All right, sister. You, to every one of you, what are we going to do? THUS SAITH THE LORD. What do we do, hang around here?
486Satan, you lost. We're coming over now. We're marching on over into the promised Land. What's that? "What is this mountain, before Zerubbabel? Who is this, stands before there? You'll become a plain." Why? With a two-edged Sword, we'll chop her to the ground. That's right. All right.
Onward, Christian soldier!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before;
Christ, the royal Master,
Leads against the foe; (with His Word)
Forward into battle,
See, His banners go!
Onward, Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
487 Hallelujah! What did they do? The first thing went forth, in battle, for Israel, what was the first thing? The singers went forth, first. What followed? The Ark. Then the battle. All right. Do you believe it now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We're singing Onward, Christian Soldiers. We're pulling it away, every doubt. Rising to our feet now, we march to battle.
Let's stand now, everybody.
Onward, Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before;
Christ, the royal Master,
Leads against the foe;
How do we defeat him? With the Word.
Forward into battle,
See, His banner go!
Onward, Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
We are not divided,
All one body we;
One in hope and doctrine,
One in charity.
488 All that believes now, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Hallelujah! You believe that? ["Amen!"] We are conquerors. Where is every enemy? Under our feet. What are we today? Risen in Christ!
489Now, it's over, sis. [Brother Branham again speaks to the sister, who had been sick--Ed.] You believe that? Go home now. You feel all right? She says she feels all right now. Everything is all right.
490How many out there feel all right?
[Congregation rejoices loudly and says, "Amen."--Ed.] And when they shouted, the
wall fell down, amen, and they took it. Amen. They took the city. Amen! Amen! You
believe Him? ["Amen."]
491 Now, don't forget tonight's service. Brother Neville will be here tonight, and bringing us a good message. And Sunday, next Sunday, the Lord willing, be here.
492Now let's go, as we move. And now, out from the building, let's go, singing, Onward, Christian Soldiers. And from this day, henceforth, don't never put that Sword in the sheath anymore. Pull it out. Let's conquer. "They went forth, conquering, and to conquer." All right, again, on that first verse.
Onward, Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.